Mind Out of Matter. Yet. But this complaint could well be addressed not by the process that happens when performers live with a new piece for a while. On the surface, you couldn’t have wanted for anything better from the modern music ensemble Alarm Will Sound. But keep in mind that most if not all first performances involve a certain amount of cognitive struggle even when the notes are in the right places. And certainly, most premieres don’t rock out the way I think Mind Out of Matter wants to in any number of spots. So the jury, for me, is still out on this piece. But the question is not if the piece is important or substantial – it is, unquestionably – but how much it stands towritten during his Leipzig period were under a veil of disillusionment with the people he had to deal with and the forces he was given to work with. In BWV 101, written for Bach’s second cantata cycle in Leipzig that Gardiner describes as the composer surpassing himself, great wind writing is everywhere, like a Brandenburg Concerto with voices, not just in the obbligatos but in the deft use of wind choirs within the orchestra. In a group as small as 4X4’s, one hears every addition and subtraction of instruments, along with their expressive impact and technical ingenuity. BWV 146 is even more ambitious, The opening Sinfonia is also the first movement of Bach’s Harpsichord Concerto in d minor – the solo role transferring well to organ, especially as played
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the time. I needed to leave for the theater district – with a stack of recordings that weren’t just desirable but deeply interesting. Gramex gave me the loveliest afternoon of my week. “Send us your enemies!” said Hewland as I went out the door. No doubt because he could handle them. Probably in his sleep. ]]> Shostakovich, Yuja Wang, Cultural Drift and Cher, 11 Aug 2014 05:49:50 +0000 drift has been of particular concern with Dmitri Shostakovich. The world was still very much digesting his extensive output encompassing 147 opus numbers – like those acres of string quartets written near the end of his fraught life – when biographies began appearing, revealing that covert meaning was often more prominent than overt. Subtext […]]]> Cultural drift has been of particular concern with Dmitridraw a blank, like irrelevant scenic decoration. Perhaps without realizing it, Lincoln Center Festival (which presented beautifully-prepared Houston Grand Opera incarnation of the production) filled in the many cracks two days before the opening with a panel of concentration camp survivors, chief among them Zofia Posmysz, now 90-something, who authored the story on which the opera was based. She not only survived Auschwitz but spent three weeks traveling on foot back home to Cracow. The story’s genesis came after the war: She was in Paris on business and heard a voice that had probably haunted her in her nightmares: The German-language voice of her Auschwitz overseer, who had singled her own for a bit of favoritism that turned into occasions for close-proximity psychological warfare. Posmysz was frozen: Should she call
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listen, akin to the awkward mixes of early Beatles albums in which the vocals are trapped in one channel and instruments in the other.The logical solution is to make a final mix in mono and I believe that was Hudson’s intention while recording it. 2) Any compilation of this material would have been used for industry insiders and played mainly in corporate offices, professional locations with no concern for stereophonic setups. 3) In 1967, mono was the standard anyways; it would take a couple more years for stereo to become the predominant format But how would have these mono mixes have been prepared in 1967?Luckily we have fairly decent audio samples of “Million Dollar Bash” and “Yea! Heavy and a Bottle of Bread” sourced from John Peel’s copy of the original acetate.Using those mixes as a guideline, we can take thewere successfully rescued after 69 days trapped underground. 2011 The word pragmatic was looked up on Merriam-Webster's website an unprecedented number of times in 2011. Although the popularity of the word wasn't linked to any specific event, it received the greatest amount of interest in the latter half of the year, as the United States Congress introduced the Budget Control Act, and its Supercommittee began to craft deficit-reduction plans. Ambivalence was also a popular word throughout the year; John Moore, President of Merriam-Webster, remarked: "We think it reflects the public attitude toward a wide range of issues, including the economy, the ongoing debates in Washington, the presidential election, and most recently the race for the Republican Party nomination." The term vitriol was used frequently in the wake of the January
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Speed of 168.8 Mbps. Now important to Remember, one will rarely see these speed during Normal speed. Most people can get New technology Network Coverage Like 4G Network but this are Limited availability. 4G Rearly or Few people see notification 4G network in Bar, Who say lucky has Access the Greatest Mobile Network! 4G !. The 4G network in the world in 2009 form online in Stockholm, other country joined but slowly for these network coverage. In UK occured in 2014 but US is the largest cities Now have the Network. In 4G use (LTE) Long Term Evolution. LTE has High speed, Specially Next Generation LTE-A Static to rollout. WiMAX Network not supported system like 2G and 3G. LTE has Draws less battery power on a mobile. Now 4G is able to go Maximum speed as 1 Gigabits per seconds and theseway of library management. It seems like you'll be able to play any track you want from Napster's library on either plan, you just won't be able to build out your collection without shelling out more money. It feels like the $4.99 IHeartRadio Plus plan is best viewed as a competitor to Pandora Plus -- both plans cost the same and give users unlimited skips, but they're not meant for curating and collecting music the way Spotify and Apple Music are. For all of that, you'll need to shell out for the fully $9.99 IHeartRadio All Access option. If you're an FM radio junky, have been using the IHeartRadio app and don't have a music subscription service, these new plans might be worth considering rather than the other options out
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "OpenWebText2" ] }
levels as a fetus. However, researchers think high concentrations of heavy metals in a woman's body that apparently does not harm the woman herself can have negative developmental complications for her fetus or the child she's nursing \[[@CR1]\]. Meanwhile, researchers think measuring the levels of heavy metals in breast milk is quite important, because it not only shows exposure levels and contamination with these metals in the mother, but is also an indicator about how much heavy metals the infant was exposed to before birth \[[@CR1]\]. Pb and Cd are two toxic heavy metals that have been reported to have negative nephrotoxic, hematotoxic, and neurotoxic effects. Lead has been used for thousands of years around the world from ancient civilizations and for many purposes. Researchers have related elevated bloodsignificant difference; may be due to the low sample size that was only 27 mothers \[[@CR15]\]. In our study, Pb or Cd levels were not related to baby's weight, height or head circumference either. In this study, women who had a vaginal delivery were more contaminated with Cd than women who had a Cesarean section. We did not find anything about this association in the literature. It is likely that this association is due to the fact that in Iran women from a higher socioeconomic class who live in less polluted areas are more willing to have a Cesarean section instead of a vaginal delivery. Several studies have reported results on the relation between Cd and Pb in breast milk and diet. In Austria frequent cereal consumption was related to
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
Introduction On February 18, the Marcellus Shale Coalition, an industry group, announced that natural gas production from hydraulic fracturing in Pennsylvania had broken another record, exceeding 4 trillion cubic feet in 2014. “That number – nearly 1 trillion cubic feet more than 2013 – represents more than a quarter of the nation’s total natural gas production,” the coalition said, adding that more than 243,000 Pennsylvanians were “working across the industry.” Today, a scientific journal devotes an entire issue to a gloomier topic: the public health impacts of all that fracking. It’s a subject the Center for Public Integrity and InsideClimate News explored in great detail in their joint 2014 project, “Big Oil, Bad Air.” The 20-month investigation, which included a 15-minute online documentary by The Weather Channel, described toxic airas I imagined all the possibilities of my fantasy coming true. You know, I was wondering since Im getting the whole package... if the receptionist could help? Amber told me the receptionist was also conveniently a trained masseuse, specializing in the lower region. As Amber worked my neck, the receptionist began rubbing my hard cock over the towel. It wasnt long before it was removed and her hands gropped my bare dick. Amber came and spat all over my cock head, the receptionist scooped it up and used it to lather my dick. Both of them were so eager to massage my dick, working their fingers and palms so expertly. Amber reached behind her and grabbed oil. She doused my crotch in oil and proceeded to help the
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\usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathrm{A}}_{\mathrm{g}}^1\,{\mathrm{and}}\,{\mathrm{A}}_{\mathrm{g}}^2$$\end{document}$ mode, respectively^[@CR39]^. For the BP/C~60~ mixture, its Raman spectrum shows a superposition of signals of BP and C~60~ moieties without any shifts, indicating no strong intermolecular interactions between BP and C~60~ moieties. Instead, the Raman spectrum of the BP-C~60~ hybrid is apparently different from that of BP/C~60~-mixture in terms of the absence of the signal at 495 cm^−1^ ($\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} (Rigaku, Japan) microscope operating at a voltage of 200 kV. The scanning transmission electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray (STEM-EDX) mapping images were obtained on a JEOL-2100F (Rigaku, Japan) microscope operating at a voltage of 200 kV. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was conducted on a Thermo-VV ESCALAB 250 (Thermo-VV Scientific) machine. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements were carried out on a XE7 scanning probe microscope (Park, Korea). XRD patterns were obtained from a Smart Lab 9 kW X-ray diffraction instrument (Rigaku, Japan). Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) analysis was carried out on a Q600 SDT instrument (TA, USA) under N~2~ atmosphere. UV-vis-NIR diffuse reflection spectroscopy (DRS) was performed on a 3700 UV-vis spectrometer (Shimadzu, Japan). The Carbon *K*-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and phosphorus *L*~2,3~-edge XAS were collected with a 0.1 eV energy resolution at
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
synthesized the BP-C~60~ samples, conducted characterizations and photoelectrochemical measurements. T.Z. prepared the bulk BP samples. D.J. and Z.S. helped with photocatalytic measurements. H.D., H.C.J., and W.Y. carried out XAS studies. M.Z., R.G., Y.L., and M.C. helped with the material synthesis and characterizations. H.X.J., P.D., S.W., Y.L., and S.Y. co-wrote the paper, and all the authors commented on it. All data supporting the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author on request. Competing interests {#FPar1} =================== The authors declare no competing interests. Homework Help: Uniform ladder sliding on smooth surface 1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data A uniform ladder of length L and mass M has one end on a smooth horizontal floor and teh other end against a smooth vertical wall. The ladder is initially at rest in a vertical plane perpendicular to the wall and makes an angle [itex]\theta[/itex]0 with the horizontal. (a) Write down the Lagrangian and derive the equations of motion. (b) Prove the ladder leaves the wall when its upper end (call it y') has fallen to a height of [itex]\frac{2}{3}Lsin\theta[/itex]0. 3. The attempt at a solution I think I can just look at U on the center of mass, located at L/2. Right now I'm using y'/2, where y' depends on [itex]\theta[/itex], which is a function of time.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "Pile-CC" ] }
First lady Michelle Obama made herself the object of ridicule for reinforcing with concrete and steel the massive garden she’s had constructed at the White House. Obama on Wednesday unveiled a bigger version of the garden she established on the White House grounds. Workers used concrete, stone, and steel to make the garden a more permanent feature on the South Lawn, according to Politico. The Burpee Foundation and the Atlee Burpee Co., a leading seed and garden supply company, contributed $2.5 million to help maintain and preserve the garden. “We’ll have a small garden … We’re focused on creating jobs for the American people.” More from LifeZette TV MORE NEWS: Biden Tells Republicans Don’t Confirm President’s SCOTUS Nomination “I take great pride in knowing that this little garden will live on as athey want to. “How many of you think this is about healthy eating, and how many of you think this is about the Obama legacy?” Ingraham asked. “The Obamas will be remembered at the White House in concrete and steel,” she said. “If I’m Donald Trump, I do bulldoze it. I say, ‘We’re gonna have our flower garden. We’ll have a small garden. We’re not going to take the people’s lawn and add another cost to the federal maintenance. We’re not gonna take money from a seed company. That’s not what we’re gonna to do. We’re focused on creating jobs for the American people.'”
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slowing-down processes are involved the “channeling" and “blocking" dips should be identical, when compared for the same particles, energies, crystals and crystal directions. Channeled ions loose their energy to electrons. They penetrate distances much larger than the characteristic separation of atoms along the channels, thus they interact with hundreds or thousands of lattice atoms. For energies in the keV range and above, channeled ions penetrate distances of at least several 10’s of nm (see Appendix A, where we use the Lindhard-Scharff [@Lindhard-Scharff; @Dearnaley:1973] model of electronic energy loss to calculate the penetration length of ions). These are distances much longer than the separation of atoms along the channels, which are similar to the lattice constant, i.e. approximately 0.5 nm for Si and Ge (see Appendix B). The potential importance of thethe first ones) in terms of a succession of individual interactions, each with one of the atoms in the crystal. Crystal imperfections and lattice vibrations are thus easily and correctly taken into account. In “continuum models”, reasonable approximations are made which allow to replace the discrete series of binary collisions with atoms by a continuous interaction between a projectile and uniformly charged strings or planes. These models allow to replace the numerical calculations by an analytic description of channeling, and provide good quantitative predictions of the behavior of projectiles in the crystal in terms of simple physical quantities. This is the approach we use here. The analytical description of channeling phenomena was initially developed mostly by J. Lindhard [@Lindhard:1965] and collaborators for ions of energy MeV and higher, and its
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between. The continuum model says that the net deflection due to the succession of impulses from the peaks is identical to the deflection due to a force $-U'$. This is only so if the ion never approaches so closely any individual atom that it suffers a large-angle collision. Lindhard proved that for a string of atoms this is so only if $$U''(r) < \frac{8}{d^2} E , \label{U''}$$ where the double prime denotes the second derivative with respect to $r$. Replacing the inequality in Eq. \[U”\] by an equality defines an energy dependent critical distance $r_c$ such that $r > r_c$ for the continuum model to be valid. Morgan and Van Vliet [@Morgan-VanVliet] also derived a condition for axial channels, similar to Eq. \[U”\] but with the factor 8 replaced byabout this below). The transverse energy --------------------- Lindhard proved that for channeled particles the longitudinal component $v \cos\phi$ of the velocity, i.e. the component along the direction of the row or plane of the velocity, may be treated as constant (if energy loss processes are neglected). Then, in the continuum model, the trajectory of the ions can be completely described in terms of the transverse direction, perpendicular to the row or plane considered. For small angle $\phi$ between the ion’s trajectory and the atomic row (or plane) in the direction perpendicular to the row (or plane), the so called “transverse energy" $$E_{\perp} = E \sin^2\phi + U\simeq E \phi^2 + U \label{E-perp}$$ is conserved. In Eq. \[E-perp\] relativistic corrections are neglected. Let $r_i$ be the initial position at which the WIMP nucleus collision
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at the moment of collision is very small, and the recoiling ion conserves its momentum and direction of motion until it gets very near the nearest neighbor, a distance $d$ away along the string. At this moment, it is at a distance $$r^* \equiv r_i + d \tan{\phi_i} \label{r*definition}$$ from its nearest neighbor. Therefore, as we did in Ref. [@BGG-I], we will make the approximation of defining the potential entering into Eq. \[E-perp-HP\] at this position $r^*$. Minimum distances of approach and critical channeling angles ------------------------------------------------------------ The conservation of the transverse energy provides a definition of the minimum distance of approach to the string, $r_{\rm min}$ (or to the plane of atoms $x_{\rm min}$), at which the trajectory of the ion makes a zero angle with the string (or plane), and also ofnot small with respect to the radius of the channel $d_{\rm ach}/2$, and thus to compute the actual minimum energy for channeling, we would need to consider the effect of more than one row or plane (as done in Refs. [@Rozhkov] and [@Hobler]), thus our results are approximate in this case. For planar channeling we will follow the procedure of defining a “fictitious row" introduced by Morgan and Van Vliet [@Morgan-VanVliet; @Hobler]. They reduced the problem of scattering from a plane of atoms to the scattering of an equivalent row of atoms contained in a strip of width 2$R$ ($R$ is defined below) centered on the projection of the ion path onto the plane of atoms, and took the average area per atom in the plane, $1/N d_{pch}$ to be 2$R$
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modification of the critical distances found originally by Morgan and Van Vliet [@Morgan-VanVliet] and later by Hobler [@Hobler] to provide good agreement with simulations and data. For axial channels it consists of taking the temperature corrected critical distance $r_c(T)$ to be, $$r_c(T)= \sqrt{r^2_c(E) + [c_1 u_1(T)]^2}, \label{rcofT}$$ where the dimensionless factor $c_1$ in different references is a number between 1 and 2 (see e.g. Eq. 2.32 of Ref. [@VanVliet] and Eq. 4.13 of the 1971 Ref. [@Morgan-VanVliet]). For planar channels the situation is more complicated, because some references give a linear and others a quadratic relation between $x_c(T)$ and $u_1$. Following Hobler [@Hobler] we use an equation similar to that for axial channels, namely $$x_c(T)= \sqrt{x^2_c(E) + [c_2 u_1(T)]^2}, \label{xcofT}$$ where again $c_2$ is a number between 1 and 2 (for example Barret [@Barrett:1971] finds $c_2 =on the angle their initial trajectory makes with rows or planes, but also on their initial position. The nuclei recoiling after an interaction with a WIMP start initially from lattice sites (or very close to them), thus blocking effects are important. In fact, as argued originally by Lindhard [@Lindhard:1965], in a perfect lattice and in the absence of energy-loss processes the probability of a particle starting from a lattice site to be channeled would be zero. This is what Lindhard called the [*“Rule of Reversibility."*]{} However, any departure of the actual lattice from a perfect lattice, for example due to vibrations of the atoms in the lattice, violates the conditions of this argument and allows for some of the recoiling lattice nuclei to be channeled. Lattice vibrations are more
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important at hight temperatures and they have two opposite effects on channeling fractions: the probability of finding the atom which collides with a dark matter particle further out of its equilibrium position increases with increasing temperature thus channeling fractions increase, but the range of angles the trajectory of the propagating ion must make with the direction of the channel decreases with increasing temperature, which decreases the channeling fraction. We now estimate the channeling fraction using the formalism presented so far. Channeling fraction for each channel ------------------------------------ As in Ref. [@BGG-I] we use a Gaussian function for the probability distribution $g(r)$ for the perpendicular distance $r$ to the row at which the atom that collides with a WIMP is located at the moment of the collision due to thermal vibrations in the crystal $$g(r)=\frac{r}{u_1^2}\exp{(-r^2/2u_1^2)}. \label{gofr}$$< U(r_c(E)), \label{ChanCond-CA}$$ that implies the equality for the minimum initial distance $r_{i,\rm min}$, $$U(r_{i,\rm min}+ d \tan\phi) = U(r_c(E))-E \sin^2\phi,$$ in Ref. [@BGG-I] we derived the following analytic expression for $r_{i,\rm min}$ from Lindhard’s approximation to the potential: $$r_{i,\rm min} (E, \phi) = \frac{C a}{\sqrt{\left( 1+\frac{C^2a^2}{r_{c}^2} \right) \, \exp\!\left(-{2 \sin^2\phi}/{\psi_1^2} \right) -1}} - d \tan\phi, \label{rimin}$$ where $C$ is a constant, which was found experimentally to be $C\simeq\sqrt{3}$ [@Lindhard:1965]. We use here this equation because it is not possible to find a similar analytic expression using Molière’s approximation to the potential (although following Hobler we use Molière’s approximation to obtain the critical distances and angles). $r_{i,\rm min}$ is a function of the temperature too, through $r_{c}(T)$. Notice that a small change in the critical distance $r_c(T)$ and thus in $r_{i,\rm min}$ is
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channeling fraction smaller. However, there is a second temperature effect which makes the channeling fractions larger as the temperature increases: the vibrations of the atom which collides with the dark matter particle. Thus, the channeling fraction of recoiling ions is strongly temperature dependent. Depending on which of the two competing effects is dominant, the channeling fraction may either increase or decrease as the temperature increases. Increasing the temperature of a crystal usually increases the fraction of channeled recoiling ions (see Figs. \[FracSiG-DiffT-rigid\] and \[FracSiG-DiffT-c1\]), but when the values of $c_1$ and $c_2$ are large (i.e. close to 2) so the critical distances increase rapidly with the temperature, the opposite may happen (see Fig. \[FracSiG-DiffT-c2\]). The vibrations of the atom colliding with the dark matter particle are essential to have a non-zeromin}}$ among the overlapping channels. We find that the two methods give practically indistinguishable results for Si and Ge (as we did in Ref. [@BGG-I] for NaI), as clearly shown in Fig. \[FracSiGe-Max\] for some particular examples. Thus, the method we use is adequate for our purpose of providing upper bounds to the channeling fractions. Fig. \[OneChannel-SiGe\] shows the channeling fractions of Si ions propagating in a Si crystal and Ge ions propagating in a Ge crystal for individual channels with $c_1=c_2=1$ and T$=293$ K. The black and green (or gray) lines correspond to single axial and planar channels respectively. Fig. \[OneChannel-SiGe\] shows that at low $E$ channeling is dominated by axial channels which do not overlap, so treating them as independent is strictly correct. However, at the transition energy of 1
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R. J. Creswick, S. Nussinov and F. T. Avignone, arXiv:1007.0214v2 \[astro-ph.IM\]. Z. Ahmed [*et al.*]{} (CDMS Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. [**102**]{}, 011301 (2009); Z. Ahmed [*et al.*]{} (CDMS Collaboration), arXiv:0912.3592v1 \[astro-ph.CO\]. C. E. Aalseth [*et al.*]{} (CoGeNT Collaboration), arXiv:1002.4703v2 \[astro-ph.CO\]. E. Armengaud (for the Edelweiss Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B [**687**]{}, 294 (2010) \[arXiv:0912.0805v1 \[astro-ph.CO\]\]. M. Deniz [*et al.*]{} (TEXONO Collaboration), Phys. Rev. D [**82**]{}, 033004 (2010) \[arXiv:1006.1947 \[hep-ph\]\]. H. Kraus [*et al.*]{}, Nucl. Phys. B - Proceedings Supplements. [**173**]{} 168-171 (2007) H.V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A [**17**]{} 3421-3431 (2002). C. E. Aalseth [*et al.*]{}, Phys. Rev. D [**65**]{}, 092007 (2002) \[arXiv:hep-ex/0202026\]. N. Bozorgnia, G. B. Gelmini and P. Gondolo, arXiv:1006.3110 \[astro-ph.CO\]. D. S. Gemmell, Rev. Mod. Phys.  [**46**]{} 129 (1974). J. U. Andersen, Kongel. Dan. Vidensk. Selsk., Mat.-Fys. Medd.  [**36**]{} No. 7 (1967). D. V. Morgan and D. Van Vliet, Can. J. Phys. [**46**]{}, 503 (1963); D. V. Morgan and D. Van Vliet, Radiat. Effects and Defectsthe active drug ingredient and its products. These degradation studies are employed for monitoring the drug stability which provides evidence that in what manner drug quality varies with passage of time by the consequence of different environmental factor including temperature, light, humidity, etc. and effect of stomach and intestine pH. Various strategies and principles are provided by International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) and the FDA for conducting forced degradation studies \[[@B8]-[@B10]\]. Different analytical techniques such as gas chromatography--mass spectrometry (GC-MS), high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS), high throughput ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-ESI -MS/MS) have been described for the analysis of stanozolol in variety of biological samples \[[@B11]-[@B14]\]. However, there is no report for the development of stability-indicating TLC-densitometric method for the quantification of stanozolol in
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against respective standard levels showed a linear model of standard calibration curves Additional file [1](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}: Figure S1). Method validation ----------------- The repeatability and reproducibility were showed in terms of percentage relative standard deviation (R.S.D. %) between two analyses and was found to be \< 2% (Table [2](#T2){ref-type="table"}). Similarly, intra- and inter-day variation of stanozolol at three different concentration levels 300, 500 and 700 ng/spot was found to be \< 2% in all the cases (Table [2](#T2){ref-type="table"}). ###### Precision and accuracy for quality control standard of stanazolol   **Analyst 1** **Analyst 2** a way of predicting – and preventing – which children will go on to have low intelligence, according to the findings of a study researchers at Cardiff University presented on Monday. They… Research published in JAMA Pediatrics this week shows a causal relationship between breastfeeding and higher IQ by the time a child is seven years old. Put simply, longer breastfeeding appears to make…
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "Pile-CC" ] }
publications and some foreign journalists, by infiltrating the camp, managed to conduct interviews with the commanders of the FSA. That even deputies are denied entry into a camp where former Syrian army officers, who are now civilians, were said to be living with their families proves that the claims are correct,” it was noted in the motion. The CHP also maintained that the fact that foreigners in military uniform were freely wandering around in Hatay, that stories of these people were published in the foreign press and that the border gates between Turkey and Syria were left uncontrolled were proof enough that Turkey was clearly supporting an armed struggle in Syria. Liberated areas formed by armed groups within Syria disrupt the integrity of the Syrian territory while at theworld. “By engaging with men where they are, and understanding what works best, we’re helping make change happen sooner, before it’s too late.” To date, Movember has funded more than 1,200 global programmes in the areas of prostate and testicular cancer, and suicide prevention.
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of the test videos showed the NutriBullet exploding after two minutes of blending. The second video showed the unit blending water for more than 10 minutes before it exploded. The third video showed the device blowing up after an unknown amount of time. “Those tests show without any doubt that these machines explode,” Treyzon said. “It doesn’t matter the timeframe,” Rochen said. “It should never happen.” Michael Mori, one of Rochen’s clients who is suing NutriBullet, said he suffered “lacerations all over his hand” after his device exploded in December. “I was blending for about 20 seconds and then it started spinning faster than usual so I went to go check on it, and when I moved my hand to go check on it, it exploded and gave me lacerations all overkids that are playing pretty good up there. You'd like to find five guys that are good enough to play every single game, that can communicate with each other on a consistent basis and know exactly what the guy next to them is going to do." Molk pointed to familiarity among the offensive line as one of its greatest strengths. They know how each other plays, how each other works and how to collectively work together. "We've got a lot of experience there [on the lines]," said Molk. "They are two areas that our going to be anchors for our team. I have no issue with that. Put more pressure on us; put everything you want. If the offensive line was the only thing judged to win a game, put
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "Pile-CC" ] }
have a much better idea about how good or bad they'll be this year after I see how they adapt to the new schemes on offense and defense. It's gonna be interesting. Didn't even get a full 4 quarters, score didn't look bad for UM. Did they look worse in game? First two drives WMU was owning them and then it seemed like Mattison dialed up some blitz packages that were really affective and WMU couldn't counter. D still lacks depth and talent but it seems like Mattison gets everything out of his players and he didn't wait until halftime to make adjustments and it paid off, so that end of the coaching is light years ahead of the previous coordinator. Offensively I thought it was pretty vanilla with UofMsnew corporate structure where the financiers are still in charge, but instead of expectations for corporations to offer real benefits, career progression, R&D budgets, and training of entry level people, we have the perfect excuse to avoid all of that - "we're a startup, and we just can't afford it." I'm not sure it's as healthy as it sounds when you just romanticize entrepeneurship for it's own sake, especially when they make no qualms that taking investor money is part of the goal. ~~~ untog _we have the perfect excuse to avoid all of that - "we're a startup, and we just can't afford it."_ And if you're a qualified tech worker, you can say "no thank you" and go to a company that does provide all those things. Startups are not the only employer. ~~~ ditonal Yes! Which is what I've done. But
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "HackerNews" ] }
helped.) I will note that some of them do have some programs for this already as well, Zuckerberg gave a lot to Newark and others have some programs. ------ codeonfire Ugg, this is hard to read. Politics and startups don't mix. I know I can't really make any logical argument about it's negative qualities without being downvoted. I'll just say hopefully some people get a trip to DC to meet the prez. ------ notnickwolf This is a good use of influence, hopefully it's not only for a bulletin point. ~~~ newobj An all points bulletin point? Large firms may have to borrow 25% of their financing requirements from the bond market, A-rated bonds may gain investment grade status Last Published: Fri, Feb 02 2018. 05 51 PM IST The Union Budget 2018 proposal is seen as part of continuing efforts by the government and regulators Sebi and RBI to limit the exposure of banks to companies and develop the corporate bond market. Photo: Mint Mumbai: Large companies may have to compulsorily borrow a fourth of their financing requirements from the bond market and long-term investors may be encouraged to buy A-rated bonds, as part of continuing efforts by the government and regulators to limit the exposure of banks to companies and develop the corporate bond market. Debt market experts said the move is in line with a similar
{ "pile_set_name": [ "HackerNews", "Pile-CC" ] }
or simply cannot. Unfortunately once gone, it has become impossible to trace him or his guarantor and his insurance company remains distant and secretive. Your many reminders reciprocate no answer. The expatriate, after several months or years he/she is gone home leaving behind outstanding bills. His home address is no longer valid. This looks like a dead-end. The medical tourist, is a patient that travels with the plan to benefit from esthetic or medical surgery. What ever the reasons behind such choice, the patient has received the treatment and is now long gone home. Just like in the two previous cases – you have lost trace of the person. International Financial Debt Banks and Credit institutions are also experiencing difficulties with their clients. While only a few months ago, these were payingpractice resulted in a marked reduction of severe chronic pain with significant improvements of functionality and quality of life. On the basis of these results and the favourable safety profile, tapentadol PR can thus be considered an alternative to classical opioids in the treatment of severe chronic pain.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
does not provide adequate resolution to resolve sub-cellular details and diagnose early stage cancers. Although other technologies for characterizing skin lesions, especially burns, have been previously tested (e.g. laser Doppler imaging, terahertz imaging, multispectral imaging, or even RCM and OCT independently), none of these technologies typically provides a substantially complete picture of tissue morphology and functionality. It is desirable for an imaging system to provide reliable and/or real-time data about tissue integrity. It is also desirable for an imaging system to provide viability status of biological tissue. It is also desirable for an imaging system to enable clinicians to efficiently and/or reliably assess epithelial lesions. It is also desirable for an imaging system to enable clinicians to efficiently and/or reliably monitor therapy outcomes. if (!b) return true; } } } } return false; } private static boolean isTestMethod(JSFunction function) { Module moduleForPsiElement = ModuleUtilCore.findModuleForPsiElement(function); FlexUnitSupport flexUnitSupport = FlexUnitSupport.getSupport(moduleForPsiElement); if (flexUnitSupport != null && flexUnitSupport.isTestMethod(function)) return true; return false; } @Override public boolean isImplicitRead(@NotNull PsiElement element) { return false; } @Override public boolean isImplicitWrite(@NotNull PsiElement element) { return false; } // for "Can't be static" extension @Override public boolean value(PsiElement psiNamedElement) {
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "Github" ] }
range of tournaments. There isn’t any Old School tournament held in Amsterdam and none of these tournaments mentioned above are 100% pure Swedish. While we support any kind of Old School Magic, we have decided to focus the Raging Bull Series on the original format of Old School, including its reprint policy. Old School Magic is enjoyed in many ways and we encourage you for this tournament to “play with what you got”.is no cause for alarm," he said at a televised news conference. The plane, identified by the Federal Aviation Administration as a single-engine Piper Cherokee, took off from the airport in nearby Georgetown and was flying under rules that did not require the pilot to maintain contact with air controllers. A Piper aircraft was registered to Joseph Stack under a Lincoln, California address, according to the FAA's registry. In the note, Joe Stack said he had moved to Austin from California. The building housed IRS offices with about 190 employees, including the criminal investigation division as well as auditors and tax collectors, according to agency officials. It sits across the street from an FBI office. In Washington, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said the incident did not appear to be linked to
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "Pile-CC" ] }
''' parser for the bibtex lexer expected tokens: PREAMBLE - @preamble marker STRING - @string marker ENTRY_START - @ marker when starting an entry ENTRY_TYPE - the entry type IDENTIFIER - a non-quoted non-numeric value NUMBER - a numeric-only value KEY - the key in a "key = value" pair VALUE self._tokens_len = -1 self._mark_locations = [] def parse(self, s): self.tokens = self.lexer.tokenize(s) self._current_token = 0 self._tokens_len = len(self.tokens) self._mark_locations = [] if self._tokens_len < 0: raise SyntaxError('could not find any entries') self.database = database = Database() while True: try:
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
self._rewind() try: self._advance() except IndexError: self.unexpected_token('entry_end') if self.token_type != 'ENTRY_END': self.unexpected_token('entry_end') return node def string(self): node = StringNode() try: self._advance() except IndexError: try: self._advance() except IndexError: self.unexpected_token('entry_type') if self.token_type != 'ENTRY_TYPE': self.unexpected_token('entry_type') node = EntryNode() node.entry_type = self.token_value node.key = self.entry_key() node.fields = self.key_values() try: self._advance()
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
self._rewind() return False if self.token_type != '#': self._rewind() return False try: rhs = self.field_value() except SyntaxError: self._rewind() return False self._unmark() node = ConcatenationNode() node.lhs = lhs node.rhs = rhs return node def value(self): try: self._advance() except IndexError: self.unexpected_token('quoted_string, value, identifier, or number') token_type = self.token_type if token_type == 'QUOTED_STRING': node = QuotedLiteralNode() elif token_type == 'VALUE':
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
It even created competing products, like the ABC iPad app, which was available well before Hulu’s own subscription app launched on the tablet. Management at News Corp. seems less interested in the incremental ad dollars it gets from Hulu, and more interested in maximizing retrans dollars it sees from pay TV operators. In short, there are too many cooks in the kitchen and too many disparate interests at play for Hulu to be run efficiently. This has caused tension between its management, led by CEO Jason Kilar, and its content partners and stakeholders. Furthermore, though it’s expected to pull in close to $500 million in revenues this year, there’s a question about its long-term viability and ability to invest in content licensing. There’s competition coming from Netflix, Amazon and Google’s YouTube,that A.C. told her that A.C. saw “warm ice cream come out of [appellant’s] pee pee.”  She further testified that A.C. did not have any physical injuries.  Deitric stated that she believed A.C. when A.C. told her that appellant touched her and that “it hurt” because Deitric did not think that A.C. would know that. A.C. testified that appellant had touched one of her “parts.”  She stated that she had her clothes on and that appellant touched her underneath her clothes.  A.C. said that appellant’s hand went up her leg and that he touched her genitals with his hands.  A.C. further testified that appellant touched the “inside part” of her “private” with his finger and that he moved his finger a little bit.  A.C. testified that appellant only touched
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "FreeLaw" ] }
Q: NSMenu inside custom NSView class for NSStatusItem not appearing at bottom of status bar I created a custom view class because I wanted to have a status item you could drag items to. Here's the definition of the view: @interface DragStatusView : NSImageView <NSMenuDelegate>{ BOOL highlight; } @end In my ApplicationDelegate.m I instantiate a NSStatusItem, and an instance of my DragStatusView. I set the image on the DragStatusView, and also set its menu to an instance of NSMenu containing a few NSMenuItems. - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)notification { // Install icon into the menu bar statusItem = [[[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar] statusItemWithLength:NSSquareStatusItemLength] retain]; NSImage *statusImage = [NSImage imageNamed:@"Status"]; [statusItem setImage:statusImage]; [menuItem setTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Special Status", @"imgur menu item text")]; CGFloat itemHeight= [[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar] thickness]; NSRect itemRect = NSMakeRect(0.0, 0.0, NSSquareStatusItemLength, itemHeight); DragStatusView* dragView = [[DragStatusView alloc] initWithFrame:itemRect]; [dragView retain]; [dragView setImage:statusImage]; [dragView setMenu:menu]; [statusItem setHighlightMode:YES]; [statusItem setView:dragView]; } Here is the method in the DragStatusView controller that triggers the menu to pop up: - (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)event { [[[NSApp delegate] statusItem] popUpStatusItemMenu:[self menu]]; // or another method that returns a menu } This mostly works, however the menu appears too high when you click on the status item. How it looks before clicking:,quS3c#1 How it looks after clicking:,quS3c#0 (the menu appears at the top of the screen -- ahh!) How can I make the menu appear at the bottom of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "StackExchange" ] }
Role of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for the Management of Oligometastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma. Kidney cancer has been increasing 1.7% annually. Renal cell carcinoma is the most common kidney cancer and it can metastasize. Our aim was to analyze patients treated with stereotactic body radiation therapy of renal cell carcinoma metastases. A total of 58 patients (73 lesions) were treated from 2004 to 2016. Patients were candidates for analysis if a maximum of 3 metastases were diagnosed and the primary tumor was resected. Toxicity was classified according to Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 3. All patients had renal cell carcinoma, in particular the clear cell type in 82.7%. A total of 39 metastases (53.4%) were located in the lungs and 19 (26%) were in the lymph nodes.Less common were metastases to bone (9.5% of cases), the liver (4.1%) and the adrenal gland (6.8%). Median followup was 16.1 months (range 3.5 to 157.1). The local control rate at 12 and 18 months was 90.2% and 90.2%, respectively. The progression-free survival rate at 12 and 18 months was 46.2% (95% CI 32.2-59) and 35% (95% CI 21.4-48.9), respectively. On univariate and multivariable analyses metachronous and single metastases predicted better progression-free survival. Systemic therapy before stereotactic body radiation therapy predicted improved local control in clear cell cases. Stereotactic body radiation therapy can be considered a safe approach and it provides effective local control of oligometastatic renal cell carcinoma. However, future prospective studies are necessary to evaluate the impact on survival and quality of life.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Abstracts", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
we are focused on ensuring an effective solution. Our goal is to provide world-class legal services at a competitive price in the region where we live and work. Our team can face the challenge and knows how to meet even the most demanding of requirements, to the utmost satisfaction of our clients and without compromise. On 5 February 2016, the Czech Bar Association was authorized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic to deal with alternative consumer dispute resolutions in the field of disputes between a lawyer and a consumer arising from legal service agreements (under Act no. 634/1992 Sb., on consumer protection, as amended). The website of the designated body is added pressure on him to back the GOP candidate, Cruz tried to justify his decision to the Texas crowd. He argued he was being faithful to the party’s choice and his conservative principles, even though he had previously made it clear he saw the two as incompatible. That meant conveying that even though he still feels Trump is an imperfect candidate, he would at least be a better defender of the US constitution and conservative values than Clinton. This delicate task – supporting Trump without praising him – required a verbal tightrope act, and Cruz often wobbled. Whatever path I went down … there was no option that wouldn’t result in people being deeply, deeply unhappy Ted Cruz During a question and answer session, a Muslim woman asked what she
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "OpenWebText2" ] }
course, your mileage may vary. We decided to stick with standard air-cooling for all of our tests; water or phase-change/hybrid solutions would likely yield even better results. I’ve long believed that the bulk of overclockers aren’t pushing $1,000 CPUs as far as they can go. It’s really the guys and gals buying the $180 CPUs who are trying to get as much bang for the buck as possible. Overclocking Results for Intel and AMD CPUs CPU Core Stock Speed Overclock Price Pentium E2160 Allendale 1.80GHz 87% $74 Core 2 Duo E6300 Conroe 1.86GHz 55% $163 Core 2 Duo E4500 Allendale 2.20GHz 50% $113 Core 2 Quad Q6700 Kentsfield 2.66GHz 29% $530 Athlon 64 X2 4200+ Brisbane 2.2GHz 24% $78 Athlon 64 X2 BE-2350+ Brisbane 2.1GHz 24% $96 Athlon 64 X2 6000+ Windsor 3GHz 9% $167 Athlon 64 X2 6400+ Windsor 3.2GHz 7% $220 Performed on an eVGA 680i SLI motherboard, 2GB Corsair Dominator 8500 RAM, a PC Power and Cooling 1KW PSU, and standad air cooling.Gender differences in hepatitis C antibody prevalence and risk behaviours amongst people who inject drugs in Australia 1998-2008. Global prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is estimated to be around 3% with approximately 170 million people affected. In Australia, and in many other resource rich countries, injecting drug use is the single most important risk factor for acquiring HCV, with around a third of diagnoses occurring in women. This study aims to assess gender differences in hepatitis C antibody prevalence and associated risk behaviours amongst a large sample of PWID in Australia. During a one to two week period in October, PWID attending selected NSP sites are invited to participate in the Australian NSP Survey. Between 1998 and 2008, approximately 16,000 individuals completed a self-administered questionnaire and provided a
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
memory location I at (Vx, Vy), set VF equal to collision. case 0xD000: this.v[0xF] = 0; var height = opcode & 0x000F; var registerX = this.v[x]; var registerY = this.v[y]; var x, y, spr; // Read registers V0 through Vx from memory starting at location I. case 0x0065: for (var i = 0; i <= x; i++) { this.v[i] = this.memory[this.i + i];
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
of Spanish and French films also played its part. The higher number of visitors led to an increase in total revenue of 4.9%. The increase in revenue was lower than that of the visitors due to a slightly lower revenue per visitor, the larger share of France and Spain in the total number of visitors and the decrease in revenue from screen advertising and advertising agency Brightfish, partly offset by the strong increase in revenue from film distribution. Current EBITDA increased by 2.6% as a consequence of the higher visitor numbers, partly offset by the higher overhead, mainly due to consultancy costs related to expansion projects. Current profit was 1.1% lower due to higher income tax expenses, partly offset by lower interest charges. Excluding the expansion-related expenses current profittruth, nothing but a huge money laundering operation, as no real science is conducted and vapid alarmist reports the only product generated. For some reason, I'm suddenly in the mood for an Al Gore poem and the sickening sycophantic reaction of CBS' Harry Smith. Incidentally, this vomit-inducing, blasphemous, left-wing, commie-pinko, love fest took place as Climategate was bursting on the scene in 2009:
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
If you are looking to feed and challenge your faith, visit's Spiritual Life Channel at: ----------- N E I L A N D E R S O N D A I L Y D E V O T I O N A L from Freedom in Christ Ministries November 24 THE BELT OF TRUTH Having girded your loins with truth (Ephesians 6:14). The first piece of armor for the Christian warrior is the belt of truth. Jesus said, "I am . . . the truth" (John 14:6). And because Christ is in you, the truth is in you. However, continuing to choose truth is not always easy. Since Satan's primary weapon is the lie, your belt of truth (which holdsQ: How do I refresh @html.Action from a controller I have a page that on the left hand side is a menu list of assets, that when you click on an asset then a form appears on the right hand side to edit that asset. I need to be able to refresh the list of assets after an edit of an asset so that any changes in the name appear on the menu list as well. Here is my page </head> <body> <div id="leftHandMenu"> <h2>assets</h2> @Ajax.ActionLink("Create Asset", "CreateAsset", new AjaxOptions() { UpdateTargetId = "FormContainer", InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace }) @Html.Action("Assets")
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Enron Emails", "StackExchange" ] }
</fieldset> } and here is my Controller [ChildActionOnly] public PartialViewResult Assets() { var assets = _assetRepo.GetAll(); return PartialView(assets); } public PartialViewResult EditAsset(Guid id) { SetUpViewDataForComboBoxes(); var asset = _assetRepo.Get(id); return asset == null ? PartialView("NotFound") : PartialView("EditAsset", asset); } [HttpPost] public PartialViewResult EditAsset(Asset asset) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _assetRepo.Update(asset); return PartialView("EditAssetSuccess"); } SetUpViewDataForComboBoxes(); return PartialView("EditAsset", asset); } I would like to be able to refreshcode become like this </head> <body> <div id="leftHandMenu"> <h2>assets</h2> @Ajax.ActionLink("Create Asset", "CreateAsset", new AjaxOptions() { UpdateTargetId = "FormContainer", InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace }) <div id="ListOfAssestDiv"> @Html.Action("Assets") </div> </div> <div id="FormContainer"> </div> </body> </html> Please let me know if you have any query.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "StackExchange" ] }
to January 2011. In early 2008, Dunbar ran for the Republican nomination for the United States House of Representatives to represent , the district formerly held by Tom DeLay. She eventually withdrew and endorsed Shelley Sekula-Gibbs, who briefly held the seat, now represented by Pete Olson. Dunbar was publicly criticized in 2008 for a column she wrote for Christian Worldview Network, in which she claimed that then Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama was plotting with terrorists to attack the U.S. within his first 6 months in office. In November 2017, Dunbar announced she would run for Congress in Virginia's 6th congressional district in 2018 for the seat being vacated by the retiring incumbent Bob Goodlatte. She was endorsed by Congressman Ron Paul. Ultimately she lost the 2018 GOP primary election-0.1 a Which is the nearest to 147? (a) 88 (b) 1/3 (c) 2 (d) 5 (e) 4 a What is the closest to -4117 in 0.072, 0.1, 1/5, 2? 0.072 What is the closest to 0.2 in 2, -3/2, 2/701, -2/9, -1/2? 2/701 What is the closest to 1/4 in -1018, -3, -18, -14/11? -14/11 Which is the nearest to -1/3? (a) 29 (b) -5 (c) 14 (d) 1/110 (e) 5 d What is the nearest to -2 in 40/3, -1/21, -3, -2, 1? -2 What is the closest to 0 in -115, -326, -4, -1, 0.4? 0.4 Which is the nearest to 1? (a) -1/329 (b) -0.3 (c) 0.2 (d) -0.1 (e) 12 c Which is the nearest to -2/5? (a) 353 (b) -10 (c) -7
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "DM Mathematics" ] }
in 1.301, 1/4, -4, 0, -1? -4 What is the nearest to 29/2 in 1.43, 3/4, 0.2, 66, -0.1? 1.43 Which is the nearest to 0? (a) 2 (b) -27/65 (c) 1/3 c Which is the nearest to -112? (a) -1/2 (b) 171 (c) -0.2 (d) 1/4 a What is the closest to -9022 in 2/9, -3/2, -3/5, 970? -3/2 Which is the closest to 0.1? (a) -1/6 (b) -2.201 (c) 5 (d) 0 (e) -65/6 d What is the nearest to -64 in -2/15, 1, 5/3, -2/11, 55, -0.3? -0.3 Which is the nearest to -2/7? (a) 1.2 (b) 291 (c) -125 (d) 5 a Which is the nearest to -0.045? (a) -30844 (b) 1 (c) -2/19 c What is the nearest to 10 in 116/5,**Citation:** Khorami Markani A, Yaghmaei F, Khodayari Fard M. Relationship between oncology nurses' spiritual wellbeing with their attitudes towards spiritual care providing based on Neuman system model: evidences from IRAN. J Car Sci 2018; 7 (2): 113-8. doi:10.15171/jcs.2018.018 Introduction {#s1} ============ Spirituality can be considered as the basis of human being and it forms his/her journey of life.^[@R1]^ The human spiritual beliefs and practices are related to all aspects of health and disease, direct their life daily habits and are the source of support and improvement.^[@R2]^ The spiritual domain of human being is one of the holistic approach aspects and is of special importance, very much like their bio-psycho-social components.^[@R3],[@R4]^ According to research evidence, paying attention to the spiritual aspect of caring can cause considerable differences on bio-psycho-social outcomes of a disease
{ "pile_set_name": [ "DM Mathematics", "PubMed Central" ] }
satisfied with their own economic status and 67.7% of them belonged to middle classes. Moreover 50% of nurses had good physical health status, 42.3% good psychological health status, 60% good social health status and 50% of them had good spiritual health status. Meanwhile, most of the participants (78.5%) reported that they had done spiritual care and 46.2% of them had occasionally provided spiritual care. 94.6% of the nurses had not passed any educational courses about spiritual care and 63.8% of them stated that doing scientific and rational spiritual care calls for taking up the related academic education. ‏ According to the results of model testing, out of the four nurses' antecedents' predictor variables, such as age, nursing work history, oncology nursing work history and spiritual wellbeing, only nurses' ageand general nurse' history had a more direct and a little indirect relation mediated by their spiritual wellbeing with nurses' attitudes to spiritual care. This relation was not significant statistically about nurses' oncology background. However, the study model and its concepts had good spiritual care relating factors, but we declare that it is not a comprehensive and complete model in assessing the related factors to oncology nurses' attitudes. Therefore, it is necessary that the other oncology nurses' related variables must be identified such as religious dependency, formal job education, continuous education background and academic learning about spirituality and spiritual wellbeing. Finally, nurse researchers need to examine the spiritual dimension of oncology nurses and the way that this influences attitudes toward spiritual caregiving in cancer wards. Acknowledgments {#s6} =============== The authors wish
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
Sono-synthesis of biodiesel from soybean oil by KF/γ-Al₂O₃ as a nano-solid-base catalyst. In this work, biodiesel has successfully prepared via ultrasonic method in a short time and low temperature by nano-solid-base catalyst (KF/γ-Al₂O₃). The catalyst was obtained by calcination of a mixture of KF and γ-Al₂O₃ m(KF)/m(γ-Al₂O₃) at 500 °C for 3 h. Nano-solid-base catalyst was characterized with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), thermal gravimetry (TG) and the Hammett indicator methods. The TEM image depicted nanoparticles and uniform dispersion of active phase over alumina. The XRD analysis confirmed the formation of potassium aluminum fluoride (K₃AlF₆) and potassium oxide, active catalyst for transesterification. The transesterification of soybean oil with methanol was performed by using both low frequency ultrasonic reactor (20kHz) and mechanical stirring in the presence of KF/γ-Al₂O₃. The influence of various parameters such as ultrasonic power, oil/methanol molar ratio, catalyst concentration, time, and temperature were studied on the biodiesel formation. The maximum yield (95%) was achieved by applying 45 W acoustic power, molar ratio of alcohol to oil at 12:1, catalyst concentration of 2.0 wt%, 40 min sonication, and temperature of 50 °C. The transesterification was performed in 360 min using mechanical stirring with 76% yield. The results confirm that ultrasound significantly accelerates the transesterification reaction in comparison with the mechanical stirring.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Abstracts", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
who volunteered to host a node when the project publicly launches. All were passionate about helping reduce a perceived lack of connectivity in their neighborhood. I asked, but is there a real need for better “last mile” connectivity in Oakland? Does local poverty really translate into a lack of connectivity, and is that a problem? To all three questions the answer was yes. While the city of Oakland has done work to offer free wireless at city buildings and libraries, connecting households has remained off their agenda. While anyone in Oakland could connect to the internet, money remains a barrier. Free Press found that while 80% of the Bay Area had broadband, neighborhoods in Oakland and Richmond are below the state and national average. The United States Census BureauAudio from this story Share California State Attorney General Xavier Becerra responds to reporters' questions on Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2017, in downtown Los Angeles. Becerra met with local immigrant advocates to discuss next steps in the defense of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, known as DACA. The Trump administration announced last week that it will end the program in March. Leslie Berestein Rojas/KPCC California State Attorney General Xavier Becerra met with immigrant advocates Tuesday in downtown Los Angeles, discussing next steps in the defense of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, known as DACA. The Trump administration last week rescinded the program, which lets roughly 800,000 young unauthorized immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as children live and work here legally. More than 200,000 live in California. Becerra filed suit
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "Pile-CC" ] }
had a few words for DACA opponents who’ve dismissed the California lawsuit as grandstanding ahead of his election. Becerra, who was appointed earlier this year, is seeking election next year to a full term as attorney general. “I am running for re-election [sic]," he said." I am also working as the attorney general for the state of California. I do what I need to do, what I believe is right.” Becerra, a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives, addressed questions about why Congress has so far failed to act on versions of legislation known as the Dream Act, the proposal debated for years would create a path to permanent legal status for young, unauthorized immigrants brought to the U.S. as minors. “If you go back to 2010, Democrats didinto the Transpacific Partnership, be present in Asia. Hit them on intellectual property theft. Hit China on currency manipulation. Hit them about steel dumping. China is winning and we’re losing with this tariff. You’re letting China off the hook. You’re punishing the American consumer and our allies. You are making a huge mistake here. Go after China not the rest of the world.” Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "OpenWebText2" ] }
Is New York Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. a victim of extortion or is he legally responsible for a vicious attack on a Hollywood event organizer named Ishmael Temple that left Temple with chipped front teeth, a busted lip, facial cuts, a scarred ear and a possible traumatic brain injury? Two dueling lawsuits in Los Angeles Superior Court are poised to answer this question. On April 12, Temple sued Beckham and Beckham’s associates for negligence, assault, battery, defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress and other claims. On July 27, Beckham sued Temple, along with his attorney, Emmanuel Nsahlai, for civil extortion. Tension and violence in a Beverly Hills house As Temple (through Nsahlai) retells the facts in his complaint, he and Beckham had been good friends for roughly five years.from that weekend carried over to the following weekend and culminated in a violent encounter. During the Jan. 6-7 weekend, Temple was a guest of Beckham in a Beverly Hills house. Beckham didn’t own this house, which is reportedly owned by a person named Parveen Haque Sikder. Although Beckham’s relationship to the house isn’t certain, he appears to have resided in it during the time in question. This is a relevant point should a court consider whether Beckham was legally responsible for the safety of persons on the premises. Prior to leaving the house, Temple claims that one of Beckham’s security personnel, a man named Charles Puryear, “verbally assaulted [Temple] as he sought to retrieve his phone he forgot at Beckham’s residence.” Temple contends that Puryear and Talon Thomas—another member
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
Financial Harm? Where it goes from here Despite their acrimonious relationship, Temple, Beckham and their respective attorneys will almost certainly engage in continued settlement talks in hopes of avoiding further litigation. It stands to reason that companies with whom Beckham has signed endorsement deals would prefer he resolve the matter before a trial. Last year, Nike signed Beckham to a 5-year endorsement deal worth $29 million—a deal described as “the most lucrative shoe deal in NFL history.” Nike probably wants Beckham, who missed most of the 2017 season with an ankle injury, to find common ground with Temple. Along those lines, Nike would like Beckham to resume his place as one of the three or four best wide receivers in football and to avoid off-field controversies. But how does Beckham feel?Heyyyyyyy ! Finally a new update hahah I hope is everything okay with you all I've been going to the gym, and working a lot! But now I need to have some fun, and JUSTICE comes to portugal next month, I'm so excited! Oh, my chest piece is done, PICSSS:
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "Pile-CC" ] }
$sFilterSql = " AND " . $sTableRequests . ".`status` = " . $this->_sFilter1Value; } } $this->_aOptions['source'] .= $this->_oModule->_oDb->prepareAsString($sFilterSql); return parent::_getDataSql($sFilter, $sOrderField, $sOrderDir, $iStart, $iPerPage); } protected function _getDataSqlOrderClause ($sOrderByFilter, $sOrderField, $sOrderDir, $bFieldsOnly = false) { return " ORDER BY `status` ASC, `date` DESC"; } public function performActionAdd() { echoJson($aRes); } else { $sContent = BxTemplStudioFunctions::getInstance()->popupBox('_bx_invites_form_invite', _t('_bx_invites_form_invite'), $this->_oModule->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('popup_invite.html', array( 'form_id' => $oForm->id, 'form' => $oForm->getCode(true), 'object' => $this->_sObject, 'action' => $sAction )));
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echoJson(array('msg' => $mixedAllowed)); exit; } $iAffected = 0; $aIds = bx_get('ids'); if(!$aIds || !is_array($aIds)) { echoJson(array()); exit; } $sText = _t('_bx_invites_msg_invitation'); $aIdsAffected = array (); foreach($aIds as $iId) { the core of videos, photos, and call to action buttons. This article has your audience in ways that traditional ads just can't do. By dividing 80 by 40, we establish that anyone home customization in order to match your company branding. A media plan sets out a systematic process that synchronizes all email copy link We've seen a lot of change in the media business over the last 10 years. Practical Ideas On Vital Criteria Of How Is Media Buying Changing Listen to our other episodes of Wantt It Takes: We give brands, agencies, and media he really gets the business. There should be an optimal level of response from be very unlikely to get to the purchasing step. Your mobile ads should be specifically designed for the small screen,
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contained in the printed sound tracks corresponds. The "folded" printed sound track is transduced with an optical scanner adapted to be manually moved along the sound track in the manual scanning direction, the scanner including mechanical and optical means which automatically scan the track in a direction transverse the manual scanning direction, namely, along the length direction of the sound track segments. The segments are scanned longitudinally at a rate to obtain a signal of desired amplitude and pitch, which rate is not significantly dependent on the manual scanning rate, so the frequencies of individual sound elements are relatively insensitive to changes in the manual scanning rate. The patented scanning apparatus includes a housing having a smooth bottom surface adapted to rest on the paper over the sound track, theQ: Why this equality must holds for minimal surfaces? When minimizing a surface area with respect to a fixed volume $V$, I found in some notes that the parametrization $X: U \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}^3$ must satisfy the equality $\iint_U (2H - \lambda) \langle \varphi, N \rangle du dv = 0$ for all variations $\varphi$, where $N$ is the normal, $\lambda$ is some constant and $H$ is the mean curvature. I know that it's related to some constraint, so there's the Lagrange multiplier $\lambda$, however I didn't understand this well. Thanks in advance. A: it's related to some constraint This is correct: the constraint is that the surface must enclose volume $V$. The test function $\varphi$ describes a variation of the surface: we compare the original parametrization $X:U\to\mathbb R^3$ again the perturbed $X+\epsilon\varphi $. We
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person would…Also, have you not checked out the fact that if you want to advertise out there, you can find your own ‘twin’ in the world? Plenty of people have similar facial features, even people with similar or identical names. Plus, have you even talked to these people who you all want to say faked their deaths? No, you haven’t. And you discredit what they do in life, and discredit and dishonor the astronauts who died. Yeah, people are greedy, and selfish and there is corruption where there is power with little to no accountability, but you don’t need to create conspiracies. Reality is harsh enough. Go look at the tobacco industry and how they’re shoving cigs down kids’ throats in other countries, then suing any poor countrythat tries to be rid of them, for more than the country is worth. Go check out people like Donald Trump who have Narcissistic Personality Disorder and that means zero conscience, yet con so many people with their incessant need for power and attention. Go check out how the churches are stealing billions of your tax dollars to play make believe and brainwash people in masses just to keep feeding their myths and pockets all by hijacking your morals and not allowing you to question them. There are plenty of REAL greed and corruption and horrors in this world. Leave the dead alone, and go deal with reality. The world is a big place, of course there are people with same names and look (barely) alike. The worst example
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
is the pictures of Christa Mcauliffe, the dimples and overall facial structure are very different, it’s not her. Furthermore, why would the government or whoever it is that is behind this conspiracy allow them to actually use similar names, all whilst having high profile jobs within this country.. Seriously, you talk like this nonsense is a common fact, it couldnt be further from the truth, you’re nuts. Considerable evidence has been presented linking Judith Resnik who was killed in January, 1986 in the explosion of NASA’s shuttle, Challenger, with Attorney Judith Resnik who is a professor at Yale University’s College of Law. There is ample pre-college background online for NASA-Judith, including a worshiping father, Marvin, and her high-school years near home in Akron, Ohio. The narrative is that she went onto study electrical engineering at Carnegie-Mellon and then earned a PhD in EE from The University of Maryland before joining NASA and dying in the Challenger’s explosion. There is less background online for Attorney Resnik. She emerges as a brilliant Bryn Mawr student at age 18 who graduated in 1972 and then graduated from law school at New York University in 1975. Attorney Resnik’s resume has her leaving, in 1980, a position at Yale to teach at the University of Southern California in downtown Los Angeles. She remained in that area until returning east to Yale in 1997. If that time-line for Attorney Resnik is accurate, it puts her in Los Angeles at the time of the Challenger’s explosion in January 1986. She remained in California for more than ten years. Following Challenger’s
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
have absolutely no idea how to read the Bible. Your theory MUST be able to explain why the equatorial plains around the earth are warmer than other plains…which fit the globe model but NOT a flat earth. Your model MUST also explain how one side of the flat earth is day while the other side is night…which would be impossible for a flat earth scenario. And there are many more problems with such a ridiculous theory… Even IF (and that is a big “IF”) your conspiracy theory about dead astronauts really being alive was true – IT has absolutely NOTHING to do with a flat earth model. If you were a lawyer you would lose every case presenting things as you do. Not trying to be mean or anything, justflat world theory. Neil deGrasse Tyson, the leading astrophysicist in America and honored with awards from both NASA and the National Academy of Sciences, would disagree with you. He said the earth is an oblate spheroid, kind of chubby, and pear-shaped. He even demonstrated the shape with his hands. Are you saying he is wrong? “Why is the earth round? because gravity pulls from the middle, and does not pull “harder” on one side than it does another, it pulls equally, towards the center.” This wasn’t an actual “Mandela Effect” claim; but sort of on a similar theme. I started getting hooked into the “Mandela Effect” videos; but they all seemed sort of . . nothing after all. I’m 70 yrs. old; and one guy vowed & declared that the ME had CHANGED
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
This website is an information resource for anyone interested in Baclofen Treatment for Alcoholism: health professionals, people with alcohol problems and their family and friends. Come and browse through the information, use the resources, ask a question, post on our blog and give us feedback. Here’s a link to our resources.on the SAR study. The PI will find out the common pharmacophore of paclitaxel, epothilones, and discodermoride based on the information obtained in the specific aim (2.1.), SAR study, and molecular modeling. Once the common pharmacophore is defined, the PI will design the third generation taxoid antitumor agents that may not have taxane structure anymore. (2.3.) Studies on the photoaffinity labeling with, the metabolism of and macrophage activation by taxoids. The PI will perform photoaffinity labeling of microtubules and P-glycoprotein as well as the metabolic study of taxoids by P-450s using strategically fluorinated taxoids that can block specific oxidation sites. The PI will also look at the ability of taxoids to activate macrophages producing NO and/or TNFalpha. (3) Development of new MDR reversal agents from baccatins. Drug resistance
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the conviction or punishment. Chapman v. California, 386 U.S. 18, 24, 87 S.Ct. 824, 17 L.Ed.2d 705 (1967); Rule 44.2(a). If there is a reasonable likelihood that the error materially affected the jury's deliberations, the error was not harmless. Jones v. State, 119 S.W.3d 766, 777 (Tex.Crim.App.2003). We must "calculate, as nearly as possible, the probable impact of the error on the jury in light of the other evidence." Neal, 256 S.W.3d at 284. We must consider any factor revealed by the record that may shed light on the probable impact of the trial court's error on the minds of average jurors. Clay v. State, 240 S.W.3d 895, 904 (Tex.Crim.App.2007). The Court of Criminal Appeals has declared the following factors to be relevant in determining whether Crawford error isto the conviction. In reaching that decision, the reviewing court may also consider, in addition to the factors listed above, inter alia, the source and nature of the error, to what extent, if any, it was emphasized by the State, and how weighty the jury may have found the erroneously admitted evidence to be compared to the balance of the evidence with respect to the element or defensive issue to which it is relevant. With these considerations in mind, the reviewing court must ask itself whether there is a reasonable possibility that the Crawford error moved the jury from a state of non-persuasion to one of persuasion on a particular issue. Ultimately, after considering these various factors, the reviewing court must be able to declare *90 itself satisfied,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
sole issue on remand is overruled. The judgment of the trial court is affirmed. NOTES [1] Langham v. State, 269 S.W.3d 108 (Tex. App.-Eastland 2008), rev'd, 305 S.W.3d 568 (Tex.Crim.App.2010). lawyer named Gustave de Beaumont. Did you know? During his travels in the United States, one of the first things that surprised Alexis de Tocqueville about American culture was how early everyone seemed to eat breakfast. In 1830 Louis-Philippe, the “bourgeois monarch,” took the French throne, and Tocqueville’s career ambitions were temporarily blocked. Unable to advance, he and Beaumont secured permission to carry out a study of the American penal system, and in April 1831 they set sail for Rhode Island. Alexis de Tocqueville: American Travels From Sing-Sing Prison to the Michigan woods, from New Orleans to the White House, Tocqueville and Beaumont traveled for nine months by steamboat, by stagecoach, on horseback and in canoes, visiting America’s penitentiaries and quite a bit in between. In Pennsylvania, Tocqueville spent a week interviewing
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "OpenWebText2" ] }
Rehoboth Beach Commissioners Pass Smoking Ban The Rehoboth Beach City Commissioners are shown during their Monday morning meeting. (Photo: WBOC) REHOBOTH BEACH, Del.- The Rehoboth Beach City Commissioners on Monday voted into law an ordinance that will ban smoking in many public areas. The ban includes the beach, boardwalk, access ways, bandstand and parks. Furthermore, the ban would be all year-long after implementation gets under way May 15. There would also be designated smoking areas. City Commissioner Stan Mills, who proposed the ordinance, told WBOC last month that the city has been talking about banning smoking in public since 2011. "When we first took this topic up in 2011 we had a lot of discussion about it, especially about the rationale," he explained. "But we did leave out the beach and boardwalk. Three yearsText Size: A- A+ Mumbai: Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) chief Sharad Pawar will Sunday launch his mission to lead the powerful Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC), currently led by ally Shiv Sena, two years before it goes to the polls. The NCP’s ‘Mission BMC 2022’ will be flagged off at the party convention in Mumbai, and it has put up banners across the Maharashtra capital announcing as much. Although Pawar will try to reach an understanding with his allies in Maharashtra’s ruling Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) — the Shiv Sena and the Congress — sources said the NCP is also readying itself to contest the civic body’s 227 seats alone. The NCP currently has nine seats in the BMC, India’s richest civic corporation, while the Shiv Sena has 90 and the Congress, 31.
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The BJP, which was part of the ruling alliance until the Shiv Sena split ranks to join the MVA in 2019, now sits in opposition with 82 corporators. Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi’s All India Majlis-e-Iteehad-ul-Muslimeen (AIMIM) has two seats, the Samajwadi Party (SP) has six and Raj Thackeray’s Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS), one. The remaining six are held by independents. The BMC polls, the next big political event in Maharashtra, will also be a major test for the MVA government. With Mumbai undergoing a major transformation due to various infrastructure and development projects, the party that rules the BMC will have an even more powerful hold on the city than they have been known to have so far. The NCP had a pre-poll alliance with the Congress in the 2017properties as determined from real-time measurements taken through the use of a laminar flow rheology loop. Such measurements can also be used for predicting friction pressure loss and bottom hole treating pressures that are likely to occur when the blended fluid is pumped downhole during the fracturing process. Such control and prediction abilities enhance the chances of obtaining a good result from the fracturing job under way, and the information obtained therefrom is helpful in designing other blends for subsequent jobs. One technique for obtaining such control and prediction abilities is based upon the shear rate versus shear stress relationship applicable to the particular base gel being used. This relationship can be determined by monitoring differential pressures along various lengths and diameters of the flowing base gel. Measurements of
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and therefore, the ecomorphology paradigm predicts that natural selection does not act on the morphological traits directly, but rather on their function (Garland Jr & Losos, [1994](#ece36218-bib-0026){ref-type="ref"}; Kluge, [1983](#ece36218-bib-0036){ref-type="ref"}). Functional morphological units often consist of complex multitrait structures, and there are multiple ways for a functionally complex organ to evolve and be optimized for particular outcomes, which can be conceptualized with many‐to‐one mapping (Alfaro, Bolnick, & Wainwright, [2005](#ece36218-bib-0001){ref-type="ref"}; Wainwright, [2007](#ece36218-bib-0098){ref-type="ref"}). However, if complex traits are analyzed as single traits, results can be misleading or difficult to interpret, so evolutionary morphology studies should address the evolution of functional outcomes directly (Garland Jr & Losos, [1994](#ece36218-bib-0026){ref-type="ref"}; Hagey et al., [2017](#ece36218-bib-0027){ref-type="ref"}; Russell & Gamble, [2019](#ece36218-bib-0077){ref-type="ref"}; Tiatragul, Murali, & Stroud, [2017](#ece36218-bib-0092){ref-type="ref"}). The integument, which is the outermost layer of an organism, is apressures promote the evolution of this functional adaptation. Our study aimed to analyze the evolution of hydrophobicity, specifically hydrophobic surface characteristics, using geckos (Gekkota) as a model system. Geckos are an ideal model in that they are a successful, species‐rich clade with a worldwide distribution (Meiri, [2020](#ece36218-bib-0052){ref-type="ref"}; Uetz & Jirí Hošek, [2019](#ece36218-bib-0093){ref-type="ref"}), and their skin surfaces are hydrophobic because of small microstructures (spinules) covering the outermost layer of the epidermis (Hiller, [2009](#ece36218-bib-0029){ref-type="ref"}; Ruibal, [1968](#ece36218-bib-0072){ref-type="ref"}). Recent studies have demonstrated that these microstructures are not only hydrophobic and lead to self‐cleaning, but spinules are also bactericidal, making them a good example of multifunctional morphological traits (Watson, Cribb, et al., [2015](#ece36218-bib-0099){ref-type="ref"}; Watson, Green, et al., [2015](#ece36218-bib-0100){ref-type="ref"}). This bactericidal quality occurs because larger bacteria are pierced by the spinules and smaller bacteria get
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
damaged by stretching and tearing between spinules (Li et al., [2016](#ece36218-bib-0042){ref-type="ref"}; Watson, Cribb, et al., [2015](#ece36218-bib-0099){ref-type="ref"}). If hydrophobicity has evolved to promote self‐cleaning and bactericidal functions in geckos, we expect that terrestrial species would be better adapted for self‐cleaning and possess better bactericidal skin properties than species using other habitats, as dust, dirt, debris, and bacteria tend to accumulate on the ground (McCabe, Reader, & Nunn, [2015](#ece36218-bib-0050){ref-type="ref"}; Nunn, Gittleman, & Antonovics, [2000](#ece36218-bib-0060){ref-type="ref"}; Ungar, Teaford, Glander, & Pastor, [1995](#ece36218-bib-0094){ref-type="ref"}). Conversely, as microbial growth rates are rapid in humid rainforest habitats, compared with more arid environments, and as high humidity enhances soiling because water facilitates the spread of dirt particles, hydrophobic and bactericidal skin properties may also be more prominent in species from habitats with a higher average humidity (Arnold, [2002](#ece36218-bib-0002){ref-type="ref"};and terrestrial species, overlapping with both. Saxicoline species live on rock walls and in crevices between boulders, which can range from a few centimeters to many meters above the ground, and thus, species can be nearly terrestrial to almost never terrestrial, with their hydrophobicity likely varying in relation to their habitat requirements. Although variation in hydrophobicity was highest within saxicoline species, both arboreal and terrestrial species also varied considerably in their measured ACA. This variation could be correlated with differences in the rate of exposure to particle contamination within different microhabitats of the same category. For example, some tree species (e.g., paperbarks *Melaleuca*spp.) tend to be more granular and flaky than some others (e.g., ironbarks *Eucalyptus* spp.), which may increase exposure to bark debris. Similarly, different soil types
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
Scientific Research No. C25337 (Department of Environment and Water, South Australia, Australia). All work was carried out under the James Cook University Animal Ethics Approval A997. We would like to thank Ian Brennan for providing the phylogeny and Mathew Vickers for helping in fieldwork. We would like to thank Conrad Hoskin for advice on the phylogenetic placement of *Phyllurus nepthys*, and two anonymous reviewers for helping us greatly to improve the manuscript. DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT {#ece36218-sec-0019} =========================== A summary of the measurements (mean and *SD* of the ACA values for each species) is given in the manuscript. Detailed measurements for each specimen are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request and were stored at Dryad under <>. Q: how a method with string as its parameter in C# This below code compiles and works out as intended. class MyClass1 { public void test() { string one = "testString1"; Console.WriteLine("MyClass1: " + one); new MyClass2().test(one); Console.WriteLine(one); //again testString1 is printed. } } class MyClass2 { public void test(string two) {
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public void test(StringBuilder two) { Console.WriteLine("Test method"); Console.WriteLine(two); two.Append("pilot"); Console.WriteLine(two); } } * Unless the method specifies a different mode of parameter passing, e.g. out or ref. 608 F.Supp. 85 (1984) MICHIGAN STATE EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, a non-profit Michigan corporation; and Sheila Strunk and Shirley Kindt, on behalf of themselves and all other Michigan State Employees Association Members similarly situated, Plaintiffs, v. Duane MARLAN, Michigan Civil Service Employee Benefits Director, the Michigan Department of Civil Service, and the Michigan Civil Service Commission, Defendants. No. G83-1507 CA5. United States District Court, W.D. Michigan, S.D. November 28, 1984. *86 Fraser, Trebilcock, Davis & Foster by Michael E. Cavanaugh, Lansing, Mich., for plaintiffs. Frank J. Kelley, Atty. Gen. by Robert S. Welliver, Lansing, Mich., for defendants. OPINION RE MOTION TO DISMISS HILLMAN, District Judge. This is a class action filed on behalf of the Michigan State Employees Association (MSEA) and its members challenging the interpretation of certain Internal Revenue Code (IRC) provisions and Treasury regulations by defendants, Michigan Department of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "FreeLaw" ] }
fact is a suit against a State. It is clear, of course, that in the absence of consent a suit in which the State or one of its agencies or departments is named as the defendant is proscribed by the Eleventh Amendment. See, e.g., Florida Department of Health v. Florida Nursing Home Assn., 450 U.S. 147, 101 S.Ct. 1032, 67 L.Ed.2d 132 (1981) (per curiam); Alabama v. Pugh, 438 U.S. 781, 98 S.Ct. 3057, 57 L.Ed.2d 1114 (1978) (per curiam). This jurisdictional bar applies regardless of the nature of the relief sought. See, e.g., Missouri v. Fiske, 290 U.S. 18, 27, 54 S.Ct. 18, 21, 78 L.Ed. 145 (1933) (`Expressly applying to suits in equity as well as at law, the Amendment necessarily embraces demands for the enforcement42 U.S.C. § 1983 because (a) the State, its agency and officials are not "persons" within the meaning of that statute, and (b) plaintiffs have neither challenged the constitutionality of a state official's actions nor articulated a federally protected right. For the reasons stated below, I find that plaintiffs have failed, in Count II, to state a claim upon which relief can be granted under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. I further find that plaintiffs have failed, in Count I, to state a claim upon which relief can be granted under 26 U.S.C. § 105. I recently ruled that the Michigan Public Service Commission is an arm of the State protected by the eleventh amendment and is not a "person" for purposes of section 1983. ANR Pipeline Co. v. Michigan
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of other * contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific written permission. * 4. This software, including modifications and/or derivative works of this * software, must execute solely and exclusively on microcontroller or * microprocessor devices manufactured by or for STMicroelectronics. * 5. Redistribution and use of this software other than as permitted under * this license is void andWe have great news from the US as the FDA has authorized a 2 MINUTES test to detect the Coronavirus. This is absolutely fantastic as the timing in detecting infected people is essential to prevent or stop hot spots. The test has been developed by Bodysphere Inc that is based in Los Angeles. The CEO Charlton Lu commented: “When we realized we had the ability to step up and fight this pandemic at a critical point, we focused all our resources on bringing the rapid test kits, masks and other critical supplies to the front lines as soon as possible. Thankfully when our perpetual quest for improving health put us in a position to deliver this lifesaving product – it became quite clear what we had to do.” The test
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a second opening portion formed therein, the conduit separable on a portion between the one end and the other end. According to yet another aspect of the present invention, there is provided an endoscope system comprising: an insertion section having a proximal end portion and a distal end portion, and being insertable into a body cavity; an operation section arranged on a proximal end portion side of the insertion section; a universal cord extending from the operation section, and having a distal end portion; a connector provided on the distal end portion of the universal cord; a conduit inserted into the insertion section, the operation section and the universal cord, and having one end arranged on the distal end portion of the insertion section and having a first openingthought of in a new IP or a new game that's focused on great experiences using VR tech." In other PS4 news, it was recently revealed that Hideo Kojima's new studio, Kojima Productions, will be bringing its first game to PlayStation 4 as a timed exclusive. [Source: 4Gamer, Fortune, DualShockers]
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— who are also keeping their options open for the 2020 presidential race — such Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Cory Booker of New Jersey, Kamala Harris of California, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, and Jeff Merkley of Oregon. ... Some Democrats including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, however, are urging caution in the rush to embrace single payer. “Right now I’m protecting the Affordable Care Act,” Pelosi told the Washington Post on Tuesday. “None of these things, whether it’s Bernie’s or others can really prevail unless we protect the Affordable Care Act.” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will introduce his Medicare for All bill on the Senate floor on Wednesday, a plan that he has said will cost the U.S. $6 trillion less thandying, losing their homes. Gas prices are way up in the Houston area. The many oil field workers I spoke to in various airports said the supply is stable, so the oil companies are just jacking us around. Shock Doctrine. @on the cusp on the minds of the greedy f*ks that see this as an opportunity to turn rags to riches from Kenya and Tanzania. My plane flew out from Frankfurt 3 1/2 hours, returned due to loss of oil from one of the 4 engines. Glad I didn't have to test the vest. I tried tv CNN Europe this morning. Discussions about our hurricanes. All about insurance company money on hand, not a word about people dying, losing their homes. Gas prices are way up in the Houston area. The many oil field workers
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
and District councillors to support Option 5A in the belief that not much of value would be destroyed. Those attending the demonstration and walking in the sunlight across peaceful fields thought otherwise. I heard people gasp in barely suppressed astonishment as they walked past a 7 metre high scaffold and pictured an embankment of that height carrying a dual carriageway with cars and lorries speeding along noisily. When the march stopped in the centre of Binsted Park they were told in more detail by several speakers involved in documenting the rich biodiversity of the area of what would be lost should this route go ahead. Dr Dawn Scott, above, resident of neighbouring Walberton and a mammalian biologist who appears on BBC Springwatch, explained how her researches in Binsted on thewhose farm would be made unviable by Option 5A, spoke to BBC and ITV about his family's involvement in this landscape for generations. Kia Trainor, below, spokesperson for CPRE Sussex, also spoke to radio and television about the damage that Option 5A would do to the countryside. Young and old gave their support to the demonstration. Binsted Park, where the speeches were given under an ancient, giant oak tree, is in the path of Option 5A. Its destruction is hidden by Highways England’s consultation materials because they misuse its name for other places, show part of its surrounding woodland as white space on maps, and wrongly state in a table it is ‘outside’ the scheme area. Below: children play in Binsted Park on the route of Option 5A during the demonstration. The scaffolding
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came to restore you and the rest of his creation to the goodness and perfection in which he originally created it. If the beginning of John’s Gospel seems to be an echo of the beginning of Genesis, there’s a reason for it. Genesis recounts the beginning of all creation; John recounts the beginning of the restoration of all creation. The Word through whom all things were created has come in the flesh, come personally, to begin the restoration of what he created. This Jesus, this long-promised Christ, the Word made flesh – he has come to defeat and ultimately cast out sin, death, and the devil so that the darkness is removed and only the light remains. And you are God’s creations whom this Word came to save, andhe has the power to create and to bring into being. As John says, “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God” (John 1:12-13). Notice here who is making children of God. It is not due to blood, such as physical descent. It is not due to the will of the flesh or the will of man; we cannot make ourselves children of God. Instead, it is God who rebirths us as His children through this Word who became flesh. The Word acts and does and creates. And he does this for you,
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of Christ. Yet, this world is not yet completely restored. Everything is not yet healed and made perfect. We have the firstfruits of Christ’s restoration as the Church, but yet still struggle with sin, still decay, still face death, still are assaulted by evil. And things are much worse outside the Church. Even on Christmas morning, sin and death and evil still stalks the land, just as Jesus himself eventually had to be taken to Egypt for protection from king Herod. And yet, sin and death and evil are already defeated. Jesus won the victory on his cross and empty tomb, so these enemies of God’s good creation truly are losers. They’re fighting a losing battle, saddled with a loss they cannot overcome, because Jesus has already overcome them. Andbe returning to work =) 1 comment: Ainslie Walker Photography I started this blog while John and I were living in Asia. We were teaching English and experiencing a different culture. We had the time of our lives seeing that part of the world, traveling and living life to the fullest...all the while sharing and creating memories of a lifetime together. The blog was a way to keep our loved ones at "home" up to date on our life and experiences. After we came back to Canada, I realized how much I enjoyed blogging and kept it going! We got married in the fall of 2008 and had our first baby on Christmas Day 2010. We had a beautiful baby boy who we named, Forrest! A couple days after Forrest turned 1
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year old, we found out we were expecting baby # 2. On September 1st 2012, I gave birth to another beautiful baby - a girl we named Lilah. Life is very busy but a lot of fun in our house these days! We are absolutely loving growing our little family and experiencing an incredible amount of love!t be k(-2). Let g = -9 - t. Does 21 divide (-117)/g - (-5)/(-20)? False Suppose 3*b = -j + 14 - 2, -3 = -j. Suppose -4*c + b*c + 61 = 0. Let i = c + -29. Is 11 a factor of i? False Let q = 4 - 0. Let v(a) = a**3 - 4*a**2 + 4*a. Let n be v(3). Let g = n + q. Is g a multiple of 3? False Let c(i) = 8*i**2 - 3*i + 1. Does 8 divide c(3)? True Let n = 30 - 21. Does 2 divide n? False Suppose 4*b - 62 = -6. Suppose -4*l + 106 + b = 0. Suppose r - l = -4*r. Does 2 divide r? True Let p be ((-160)/(-25))/(4/10). Let t(o) = -6*o**3 - o**2 + o.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "DM Mathematics" ] }
Does 4 divide h? True Let i(u) = -u**3 + 6*u**2 + 2*u - 6. Let n be i(5). Let q = n - 1. Does 10 divide q? False Suppose 0 = g - 0*g - 5*n - 54, 4*g + n - 279 = 0. Suppose 2*m + 3*m - g = -2*i, -2*i - 35 = -3*m. Does 13 divide m? True Let u(x) = -x**3 - 3*x**2 + 5*x - 5. Let p(s) = -4*s**2 - 1. Let f be p(1). Is 13 a factor of u(f)? False Suppose -z - 6*q + 45 = -q, 0 = q. Let i(r) = -74*r. Let o be i(-1). Let u = o - z. Does 13 divide u? False Is 24 a factor of (-5590)/(-117) - 2/(-9)? True Let h(w) = w + 2. Let r(c) =She was milk warming lovely and spent. She would endure your children, your share of mistakes, your passing phase, and forgive you your nine skills. Her womanhood extinguishes with peevish forever losing itself in the rancid, spoiled cream on top of the milk. Her stomach loose…like dead flesh. Belongs. Won’t last.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "DM Mathematics", "Pile-CC" ] }
Toys R Us CEO David Brandon wrote in a memo to customers last month. "The actions we are taking are necessary to give us the best chance to emerge from our bankruptcy proceedings as a more viable and competitive company." Here's the original list of 182 stores that Toys R Us said it was planning to close.a video in which the Israeli leader announced: "I have huge news today -- we're adding another 2,200 units to Har Homa." The contentious Har Homa community was first built in 1997, under a previous Netanyahu government. The initial settlement construction in the area known as Jabal Abu Ghneim to the Palestinians sparked violent protests. The prime minister boasted Thursday that he had approved the initial build "despite objections from the entire world" and estimated that Har Homa's population would grow from 40,000 to 50,000 when the new units were completed. Netanyahu also announced approval for a new settlement with several thousands homes in Givat Hamatos, next to the mainly Palestinian east Jerusalem neighbourhood of Beit Safafa. That development will include 3,000 homes for Jewish residents and 1,000 "for the Arab residents of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
Q: Is this K+4P vs KB+P endgame drawn? Is that position always a draw? I've tried to play it few times and I always end with lone bishop or a stalemate 8/3k3/p7/2Pb4/PP6/2KP4/8/8 w KQkq - 0 1 A: You cannot get a definitive answer, but in all likelihood, 99.99% it is a draw no matter who is to move (I am the type of person, who never says I am positive unless there is 100% proof, and that is impossible here, however likely). The overwhelming factor in this position is that the black bishop does not control the a1 square, so even if white had no pawns, it would be a draw. It is clear that white can also never break the blockade either if black just plants his king on c6. It wouldand we made difficulty at school! I was being taken to court, at the time, I didn’t even realise how serious that was until recently when I found letters to my mother from the education services! They were taking her to court cos I’d missed school, and they were about to put me in a special school, right up until my sixteenth birthday, which was when Outside View, the first single, was released. “They had plans to more or less kidnap me, and take me off to this special school, I’d broken the law by missing school, but that wasn’t the real reason… I won’t go into that! Lots of other reasons (the headmaster) wanted me thrown out of the school, there was a little bit of that, a
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "Pile-CC" ] }
hailed by their fans as their best yet, the Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds story continues to unfold and grow. The impetus for the added recording came from the recent reintroduction to The Saints of Barrington Francis, who played in the band from 1979 to 1989. “There’s magic that happens when Barrington, Peter [Wilkinson, the drummer] and I get together,” says Chris. “In this technological world where everything is nine million tracks on computer it’s very important to retain the immediacy of rock’n’roll, to keep that earthy, organic, primitive side. If you can type, you can type an album these days, but there’s something that happens when you rely on people playing together.” The Saints have reached a huge new audience thanks to Bruce Springsteen, who covered their ‘Justa number of Demon’s illustrious catalogue artists plus exciting new third party projects with What Records. The releases are as follows: Artist: Foghat Title: ‘Fool For The City’ Cat No: DEMREC08 Quantity: Strictly limited to 500 copies Info: Reissued for the first time since it’s astounding initial release which earned a double platinum certification for over two million copies sold. The breakthrough album is a rock classic which features the huge "Slow Ride" amongst a killer batch of often criminally overlooked classics. Artist: Sugar Title: ‘Beaster’ Cat No: EDLP1002 Quantity: Strictly limited to 500 copies Info: Recorded at the same sessions that produced their classic debut Cooper Blue, this sophomore collection was very much the dark flipside to the album’s widescreen powerpop. Retaining his gift for great hooks, Beaster saw frontman and songwriter Bob Mould screaming confessional and
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
> The problem is *not* the networking initialisation (I wish> people were *reading* my e-mails). The basic networking is initialised> early enough. The various networking stacks could be initialised> earlier, but I don't depend on them. Note that there might be a reason> to initialise networking after the file system, so to do that we might> need to insert a level between fs_initcall() and device_initcall(). If you insert enough levels, you are in another form of madness. There should be a way of saying "This must be initialized after this, andbefore that" (the "before that" might perhaps be taken care of by the"that" itself). Spiced with a few "barriers": "Networking inited", etc.>From there the build system should figure it out by itself. tsort(1) on anappropiate bunch of descriptive one-liners (extractedQ: Referencing other workbook works for most but gets "subscript out of range" error for two machines I have a file which is used by 70 people (identical file, each team has their own copy for their geographical zone). This file works for 68 of the people. When the two that don't work log on a different machine it works. I can't see any difference in settings. "ignore other applications.." is unticked and the other file opens in the same instance of Excel. Below is an extract of the code. The file opens ok, but when it gets to the line With Workbooks("Master").... it gets a "subscript out of range" error. I've tried doing it without using a "With" statement but that didn't help. I can step through all the rest of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "StackExchange" ] }
the patterning layer may repeated one or more times, to pattern the patterning layer before patterning the ultimate material layer in which the sub-40 nm features are formed. Nonetheless, despite these advances, current lithographic techniques will be insufficient to meet the reduced dimensions called for in future semiconductor technologies. Modern photolithography depends upon the concept of a sacrificial “photo” exposed resist, wherein areas of the resist that are exposed to light behave differently than those which do not. Because these techniques rely on electromagnetic radiation, diffraction limits the smallest feature size that can be imaged or resolved. Additionally, even if the feature size may be imaged, the energy entering the photoresist may also be scattered therein, leading to irregular exposure of the resist across the depth of the resist.~\mbox{say}.$$ The time-dependent behaviour of $q$ is supported by recent observations of SNe Ia (Riess et al., 1998; Perlmutter et al., 1998, 1999; Tonry et al., 2003; Clocchiatti et al., 2006) and CMB anisotropies (Bennett et al., 2003; de Bernardis et al., 2000; Hanany et al., 2000). These observations clearly indicate an accelerating expansionary universe at present which was decelerating in past. In their preliminary analysis, it was found that the SNe data favour recent acceleration ($z < 0.5$) and past deceleration ($z > 0.5$). Recently, the High-Z Supernova Search (HZSNS) team have prevailed transition redshift $z_{t} = 0.46 \pm 0.13$ at ($1\; \sigma$) c.1. (Riess et al., 2004) which has been further amended to $z_{t} = 0.43 \pm 0.07$ at ($1\; \sigma$) c.1. (Riess et al., 2007).
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "ArXiv" ] }
The Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) (Astier et al., 2006), as well as the one recently compiled by Davis et al. (2007), yields $z_{t} \sim 0.6 (1 \; \sigma)$ in better agreement with the flat $\Lambda$CDM model ($z_{t} = (2\Omega_{\Lambda}/\Omega_{m})^{\frac{1}{3}} - 1 \sim 0.66$). Thus, the DP which by definition is the rate with which the universe decelerates, must show signature flipping (see the Refs. Riess et al., 2001; Padmanabhan and Roychowdhury 2003; Amendola 2003) between positive and negative values. Following Pradhan and Otarod (2006), Akarsu and Dereli (2012), Pradhan et al. (2012), Chawla et al. (2012), Chawla and Mishra (2013), Mishra et al. (2013), Pradhan et al. (2013), Pradhan (2013), Amirhashchi et al. (2013), we have discussed the model of the universe with variable DP.\ ![The plot of $\Omega^{m}$,Universal Pictures Home Entertainment has now officially announced and detailed Eli Roth’s ‘The Green Inferno’ which is set to arrive early on Digital HD December 22, with the Blu-ray (apparently featuring a Director’s Cut if the artwork is any indication) and DVD arriving on January 2, 2016. Hit the jump to check out the full announcement including disc specs, special features listings and more. FROM THE MIND-BLOWING IMAGINATION OF THE WRITER AND DIRECTOR WHO BROUGHT YOU HOSTEL AND CABIN FEVER THE GREEN INFERNO AVAILABLE ON DIGITAL HD DECEMBER 22, 2015AND COMING TO BLU-RAY™ AND DVD ON JANUARY 5, 2016 FROM UNIVERSAL PICTURES HOME ENTERTAINMENT “THE GREEN INTERNO IS LIKE A GLORIOUS THROWBACK TO THE DRIVE-IN MOVIES OF MY YOUTH: BLOODY, GRIPPING, HARD TO WATCH, BUT YOU CAN’T LOOK AWAY”– Stephen King, @StephenKing Universal City,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "Pile-CC" ] }
means complex conjugation). If $f(X)=U'(X)$ is antisymmetric after some appropriate argument shift $f(X+{\cal {X}})=-f(-X+{\cal {X}})$ we call $f(X)$ possessing ${\hat f}_a$ symmetry. If $E(t)$ is symmetric after some appropriate argument shift $E(t+\tau)=E(-t+\tau)$ we call $E(t)$ possessing ${\hat E}_{s}$ symmetry. If $E(t)$ changes sign after a fixed argument shift (which trivially can be only equal to any odd multiple of $T/2$) $E(t)=-E(t+T/2)$, resulting in $E_{2k}=0$, we call $E(t)$ possessing ${\hat E}_{sh}$ symmetry. Now we can define the two relevant symmetry cases of (\[1\]) called ${\hat S}_a$ and ${\hat S}_b$ below. If functions $f(X)$ and $E(t)$ possess ${\hat f}_a$ and ${\hat E}_{sh}$ symmetries respectively, then (\[1\]) is invariant under symmetry ${\hat S}_a$: $X \rightarrow (-X + 2\cal {X})$, $t \rightarrow t+T/2$. If function $E(t)$ possesses ${\hat E}_s$ symmetry, (\[1\]) is invariant1992). A. A. Abrikosov, , (Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1988). F. G. Bass and A. Bulgakov, . (Nova Science Publ. New York, 1997). Note that (\[1\]) can be adequately described by three differential equations of first order $\dot{X}=P,~ \dot{P} = -\gamma P - f(X) - E(\theta),~ \dot{\theta} = 1$. Thus the phase space dimension is three. O. Yevtushenko, S. Flach, and K. Richter, , 1999. I. Goychuk and P. Hänggi, , 503 (1998). This equation has been also considered in P. Jung, J. G. Kissner and P. Hänggi, , 3436 (1996). U. Feudel, C. Grebogi, B. R. Hunt, and J. A. Yorke, , 71 (1996). S. Flach and C. R. Willis, , 181 (1998). K. N. Alekseev, E. H. Cannon, J. C. McKinney, F. V. Kusmartsev, and D. K. Campbell, , 2669 (1998). R. Bartussek, P. Hänggi and J. G. Kissner, , 459 (1994). I. Zapata, J. Luczka, F. Sols, and P. Hänggi, , 829 (1998). J. Luczka, R. Bartussek, and P. Hänggi, , 431 (1995). M. I. Dykman, H. Rabitz, V. N.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
what should I try to fix it? Thanks! A: In your code you are registering the summing function only on the existing input fields, any fields added afterwards won't trigger the calculation and also won't be taken into account when summing. You could use event delegation instead: <script type="text/javascript"> // Sum $(function (){ $('#myForm').live("keyup", "input[name^=reds]", function() { var sum = $('input[name^=reds]').sum(); $('#totalSumReds').val(sum); }); $('#myForm').live("keyup", "input[name^=blues]", function() { var sum = $('input[name^=blues]').sum(); <span class="badge badge-primary"> <th:block th:if="${ssr.valid}"> 状态:<i class="fa fa-check-circle" aria-hidden="true">&nbsp; </i> </th:block>
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "Github" ] }
chart, the latest Bleach anime -- also distributed by Toho -- debuted in third spot, while Bushi no Kakeibo (Abacus and Sword) a family samurai drama from Asmik Ace and Shochiku, jumped up to fourth. SP The Movie Yabohen, a police drama from Toho, dropped down from second to fifth after six weeks in theaters. b_ = i == e_ ? e_ : std::next(i); return result; } Range split_step(Range delimiter) { auto i = find(delimiter); Range result(b_, i == std::string::npos ? size() : i); b_ = result.end() == e_ ? e_ : std::next(result.end(), delimiter.size()); return result; } /** * Convenience method that calls `split_step()` and passes the result to a * functor, returning whatever the functor does. Any additional arguments * `args` passed to this function are perfectly forwarded to the functor. * * Say you have a functor with this signature: * * Foo fn(Range r) {
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "Github" ] }
or interconversions, however, the fractional conversion of P to DOC among apparently normal persons varied widely 0.011 +/- 0.003 (mean +/- SEM, n = 40, range = 0.001 to 0.030). In women pregnant with a normal living fetus, the product of the production rate of P and the fractional conversion of P to DOC is sufficient to account for the majority of DOC produced in the mother. There may be a second source of DOC, i.e. the transfer of DOC from the fetal to the maternal compartment in a manner that involves (a) direct transfer of DOC by way of trophoblast and (b) by desulfurylation of DOC-SO4 from fetal umbilical arterial plasma in trophoblast and thence transfer of DOC liberated in trophoblast to the maternal compartment. Presently, itIt expanded with each passing year. Blog rock had emerged and New York’s signature sound was muddled. Technology improved, Brooklyn became the new Manhattan, and indie rock began to settle within the mainstream. As circumstances shifted, so did the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Show Your Bones was the sensitive and melodic follow-up to Fever To Tell’s softer moments. The next year they somewhat returned to their sexually-charged art-punk beginnings with the Is Is EP. In 2009 they leaned back into the softness with electronic ambitions on their third full-length, It’s Blitz! The critically-regarded work completed the band’s transition into alt-pop territory. Here we meet Karen O the popstar, a role she pulls off remarkably well. But not only that, she sounded happy for the first time, even behind her
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Abstracts", "OpenWebText2" ] }
$\mathbb{R}$ is the identity? I find that hard to believe, at least given Choice", but now, all I can say is "D'oh!") A: For any field $K$ of characteristic $p>0$ there is a homomorphism $\phi:K\to K$ given by $\phi(a)=a^p$. This need not be surjective, for example when $K$ is the field $(\mathbb{Z}/p)(t)$ of rational functions over $\mathbb{Z}/p$. } }, 5000); callback.callBackMethod(); } public void printList(){ System.out.println(Worker.names); } } class Boss implements CallableInterface { Worker w1 = new Worker(); public Boss(String carName) { w1.addToList(carName, this); } public void callBackMethod() { w1.printList(); } } public class IntroCallbacks { public static void main(String[] args) {
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "StackExchange" ] }
#X-Generator: # An example ZAP extension which adds a top level menu item. # # This file defines the default (English) variants of all of the internationalised messages ext.topmenu.desc=Example extension which provides a top level menu\: an example menu ext.topmenu.msg.example=topmenu\: An example message Current camera systems configured to provide wireless functionality can often be limited in terms of connectivity, scalability, adaptability to new emerging technologies, ease of use, convenience, and overall functionality provided to a user. What is needed is a cost effective device system and method which may make use of an interface device such as a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) which may already be owned by a photographer to provide substantial user functionality, interface options, and connectivity. Embodiments in accordance with the current disclosure may provide an interface that may be used together with a camera and/or additional wireless communication devices to operate, control, monitor, or otherwise interact with various photographic devices. Embodiments disclosed herein may provide a device, system, and method that may allow a user to couple a
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
variables in your shell startup script: export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/include:/usr/pkg/include export LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/pkg/lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/pkg/lib:/usr/local/lib To compile LLVM and Pure, you'll need updated versions of the following packages: gmake, perl5, flex, bison, readline, gmp, and gsl (Git will be needed, too, if you plan to use the latest sources from the repository). The rest of the compilation process is as described in the INSTALL file, except that you have to use gmake instead of make . Thus: $ ./configure $ gmake # gmake install Remember you must be a root user to install. Also, NetBSD folks recommend not putting stuff in, so instead put export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/pkg/lib:/usr/local/lib in your shell startup script, as shown above. Most addons are compiled in the same way, minus the configure step: $ gmake # gmake install Using Pure Deep recursion makes the interpreter segfault. AsSo, I thought I would just have to wait six seconds, but that's certainly not been the case. A: When I try this (find the essential parts of the code below), the detach() is eventually being called. I run this with Jetty, and I did not touch its default. It tooks some ~45 minutes after closing the Browser, when I saw "Detach called" logged on console. So yes, the time is lengthy. The reason is that the last UI is cleaned up only after HttpSession is expired (which depends on application container etc. settings). If you want to do forced clean up quicker, you need to use @Push @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class DemoUI extends UI { @WebServlet(value = "/*", asyncSupported = true) @VaadinServletConfiguration(productionMode = false, ui =
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "StackExchange" ] }
are currently negotiating an update to the bloc’s renewable rules, with MEPs calling for a 35 per cent renewables target, while the EU executive and national capitals favour the current target. Portugal’s renewable energy target, meanwhile, is not all that much higher. According to the IEA, it has a 2020 target of just 31 per cent; 59.6 per cent to come through renewable electricity demand, 35.9 per cent from heating and cooling, and 11.3 per cent from the transport sector. else if (playerFacing == EnumFacing.NORTH) playerFacing = EnumFacing.WEST; } // System.out.println("PlayerYaw = " + playerYaw + " Yaw = " + facing + " Meta = " + meta); EntityMinecart bore = new EntityTunnelBore(world, (float) pos.getX() + 0.5F, (float) pos.getY(), (float) pos.getZ() + 0.5F, playerFacing);
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "Github" ] }
Immerse Virtual Reality Headset lets you see through the looking glass While the Google Glass experiment more or less failed, not taking off in a big way among the masses, does this mean that the virtual reality or augmented reality market is no longer a viable one for the masses? On the contrary – there is still money to be made in this particular segment, and here we are with the £29.99 Immerse Virtual Reality Headset. The Immerse Virtual Reality Headset intends to be a highly affordable gateway for the masses to enjoy a high-quality foray into the world of Virtual Reality (VR), where you can transform your smartphone in double quick time into a fully-featured VR headset. Not only that, your head and ears will thank you for itbe: CompanyAlias: AliasId - int - Primary Key - some generated id Alias - varchar(100) - the name of the alias CompanyID - int - Foreign Key - references the original table of companies (in case you don't have one, I believe you should create one table with all unique companies and any other details that you might get) any other column you'd like to have (description, creator..etc) A query that will bring all the transactions for the main company of a given alias could look like: declare @alias varchar(100); set @alias = 'MicroS'; Select t.TransactionId, t.Alias, c.Company from Transaction t join CompanyAlias ca on ca.Alias = t.Alias join Company c on c.CompanyId = ca.CompanyId where t.Alias in ( Select ca.Alias from CompanyAlias ca where ca.CompanyId = (
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "StackExchange" ] }
-f + 29 = -5*n. Calculate the highest common factor of f and 40. 8 Suppose 37*q = 24*q + 10660. What is the greatest common divisor of q and 10? 10 Let c(m) = 96*m + 560. Let q be c(0). What is the highest common factor of 16 and q? 16 Let w = 9 + -8. Suppose -w = -5*a + 9. Suppose 0 = -a*z + 3*z - 10. What is the greatest common factor of z and 40? 10 Let n = -368 + 518. Calculate the greatest common divisor of n and 6. 6 Let b be (-4)/14 + (-1118)/(-91). Suppose -4*p - b = -5*p. What is the highest common divisor of p and 96? 12 Let k = 13 + -4. Calculate the greatest common factor of k and 129. 3 Suppose -90*z +of a and 1424? 16 Suppose -1 = 4*o - 9. Suppose 5*y - 45 = -5*h, -y + o = -h + 7. Suppose 2*u + u - 3 = 0. Calculate the greatest common divisor of h and u. 1 Let x(q) = q**2 - 4*q - 4. Let z(t) = t**2 - 7*t + 9. Let a be z(5). Let m be x(a). Calculate the highest common divisor of m and 9. 1 Let d(x) = -2*x**3 - 11*x**2 + 6*x + 14. Let v be d(-6). Suppose 8 - 60 = -k. Let l = k - 10. What is the highest common factor of v and l? 14 Suppose -4*k + 40 = -0*x - x, 2*x = -2*k + 30. Let u be 570/18 - 3/(-9). Let q = u
{ "pile_set_name": [ "DM Mathematics", "DM Mathematics" ] }
College Skills: Self-Awareness “Whereas the average individuals often have not the slightest idea of what they are, of what they want, of what their own opinions are, self-actualizing individuals have superior awareness of their own impulses, desires, opinions, and subjective reactions in general.” -Abraham Maslow College students nowadays have very active lifestyles. Some hold a few jobs while trying to deal with school work, family and friends, and trying to figure out their future. All of which can distract college students from their classes. Being aware of your goals, strengths and weaknesses, and social interactions can be a guide to being successful in not only college, but also in life. By definition, self-awareness is basically having the knowledge of oneself. In having more knowledge about oneself, the more success you willand figure out the ones that will encourage you to move forward towards your goal and the ones that could ultimately hold you back. For example, the people who can distract you from schoolwork or prevent you from getting to work on time might be the people that you need to lessen your time being with. Not only will you need to be willing to change your social life, you might also need to learn how to speak with business executives. Being able to change the way you interact with people will be hard. It’s difficult to break a habit such as saying “Yo!” or “Whaddup?” but its going to be a change that will be worth it, if you can create better connections by being able to
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
communicate with people who have the ability to recommend or better yet, offer you a job. Self-awareness is something that everyone in college should get an idea of because it can give you the chance to acknowledge your goals, your strengths and weaknesses, and it can help you with changing the way you interact with people. It also gives you the chance to really sit down and make sure that the people you want in your life are the ones that are helping you to move forward. Being more aware of yourself can never do you any harm, so try it. Take some time to really think about your future because the people who don’t at least try it, can be lost. These people, the ones who haven’t startedkeep Utley’s name alive and well for the glorious honor of breaking a guy’s leg with an illegal play. How about naming it the “Ruben Tejada Rule, Marco Scutaro, Buster Posey, Ray Fosse or the Willie Randolph Rule for the injured player instead of naming it for the guy who intentionally and maliciously attacked and injured a fellow ballplayer who was just trying to do his job? The rule’s always been there. The only thing that’s changed is the instant replay part and a penalty that the runner and hitter are both out. Here’s an idea! Let’s leave the penalty in and add another …. like, automatically throwing the perpetrator out of the game. Twice, and he’s out for the rest of the season. Back in 2006, the Supreme Court
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
of California ruled that baseball players in California assume the risk of being hit by baseballs, evenif the balls were intentionally thrown so as to cause injury.The powers-that-be over at Major League Baseball must not have heard about this one, or we’d have to wait for another broken leg or two to get some action. I’ve got this thing about umpires. My dream is to write a really great comprehensive book about past and present umpires, their challenges and what they mean to the game. So last night’s NLCS game between the Cards and Giants gave me some new fodder. Here’s my thoughts on that Matt Holliday attack on Marco Scutaro at 2nd Base in the 1st inning and subsequent play: 1. THIS WAS NOT A SLIDE. All the commentarypitches and the unnecessary violence at the plate and elsewhere, the players would get the message and it would stop. The question is, will they? The answer is, probably not. They’d have to move a tad out of their comfort zone and who the heck wants to do that?” Note: I wrote this originally with an inference that Halliday was “out” before he made his “slide”. In reality, the tag on the base had been made, but the umpire had not yet called the play and we all know you’re not out until you’re called out. I’ve since deleted the reference. "The best possible thing in baseball is winning the World Series. The second best thing is losing the World Series." - Tommy Lasorda "You teach me baseball and I’ll teach
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
find peace with his three daughters—including the eldest, a masculine lesbian—before his death. Not so happy about her arrival is her partner in the business, the beautiful, enigmatic Arianna Creeling, who wants to buy out Kylie and gives her a decidedly chilly reception in sunny California. A Novel , by Miranda July. The New York Times Company. For example, a chain letter scam in May affected , users. Both of the guys Content of fat time girls fat pussy. Straight Guy Mike Auditions for Porn Mike is a horny guy who has been wanting to fuck on film for years, but we're the first legitimate company he's found. On November 10, , Tumblr introduced an integrated instant messaging function, allowing users to chat between other Tumblr users. In , theresistance to new experiences, according to Pettigrew, an expert on racism and intergroup relations whose scholarship has led the field of social psychology for more than five decades. “Authoritarianism is typically triggered by threat and fear, and authoritarians tend to view the world as a very dangerous and threatening place,” writes Pettigrew, adding that it typically begins early in life as an aspect of personality and leads to some form of right-wing political ideology. Social dominance orientation is marked by a preference for social hierarchy and domination over lower-status groups. People who exhibit this preference tend to be driven, disagreeable, and relatively uncaring seekers of power. They describe themselves as motivated by self-interest and self-indulgence. While polling of voters by political parties and news organizations focuses on which candidates are in
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); } public void toInputScreen(View view){ Button addButton = (Button)findViewById(; addButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { Intent intent1 = new Intent(MainActivity.this, InputPage.class); startActivity(intent1); Virginia Tech will again be without starting whip linebacker Alonzo Tweedy on Thursday night at Georgia Tech as he continues to recover from a high-ankle sprain, the team announced in its weekly injury report. The good news, however, is that starting place kicker Cody Journell has been listed as probable after missing the Hokies’ 14-10 victory at Duke with a quad injury last week. Journell is 10 of 13 on field goals this year with a long of 41 yards. With Journell out of the lineup against the Blue Devils, Murray State transfer Tyler Weiss missed his lone field goal attempt of the game from 29 yards out. Coach Frank Beamer said earlier this week if Journell can’t play at Georgia Tech, Weiss would be the Hokies’ kicker on short
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "Pile-CC" ] }
served as one of the area's first station agents for the Northern Pacific Railroad, operated the town's first general store, and was one of its first postmasters. He later served in the North Dakota House of Representatives. Geography Great Bend is located at (46.153413, -96.803000). According to the United States Census Bureau, it has a total area of , all of it land. Demographics 2010 census As of the census of 2010, there were 60 people, 29 households, and 17 families residing in the city. The population density was . There were 38 housing units at an average density of . The racial makeup of the city was 100.0% White. There were 29 households of which 17.2% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 51.7% were married couples living together,Examples Functional Programming: ML-Style Parse Tree Evaluation. Have an example you want to add? Consider contributing to the cookbook. Previews & Demos Open Source Armory gets automated light-map baking. App & Game Releases Add a new app release that uses Haxe. Some Library Releases Kha’s HashLink backend gets revived, pull request. People & Projects to support Current Proposals & Discussions Core Changes 20 commits have been made to Haxe compiler in the last week. [HashLink] Initial Thread support pull request. Add support for toString metadata pull request and example. You can get started using the latest features by downloading a nightly build of Haxe. Take it easy everyone and have a good week!
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "OpenWebText2" ] }
warn "Could not query maximum file descriptor limit: $MAX_FD_LIMIT" fi fi # For Darwin, add options to specify how the application appears in the dock if $darwin; then GRADLE_OPTS="$GRADLE_OPTS \"-Xdock:name=$APP_NAME\" \"-Xdock:icon=$APP_HOME/media/gradle.icns\"" fi # For Cygwin, switch paths to Windows format before running java if $cygwin ; then APP_HOME=`cygpath --path --mixed "$APP_HOME"` CLASSPATH=`cygpath --path --mixed "$CLASSPATH"` # We build the pattern for arguments to be converted via cygpath ROOTDIRSRAW=`find -L / -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d 2>/dev/null` SEP="" for dir in $ROOTDIRSRAW ; do ROOTDIRS="$ROOTDIRS$SEP$dir" SEP="|" done OURCYGPATTERN="(^($ROOTDIRS))" "$args7" "$args8" ;; esac fi # Split up the JVM_OPTS And GRADLE_OPTS values into an array, following the shell quoting and substitution rules function splitJvmOpts() { JVM_OPTS=("$@") } eval splitJvmOpts $DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS $JAVA_OPTS $GRADLE_OPTS JVM_OPTS[${#JVM_OPTS[*]}]="-Dorg.gradle.appname=$APP_BASE_NAME" exec "$JAVACMD" "${JVM_OPTS[@]}" -classpath "$CLASSPATH" org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain "$@"
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
approach does not allow it to be trained on the entire datasets as we do with other methods (Table \[table:timing\]). Similarly, the tree depth of FastHash was set to 2 due to its longer test time (Table \[table:timing\]). FastHash was not trained on that dataset due to its large memory requirements. GPH and KSH were used on pairwise similarities on the NUS-WIDE dataset while SDH and CCA-ITQ were trained on label information on that dataset. The $\ell_2$ loss version of SDH was employed in our experiments since there exist no predefined classes for the NUS-WIDE dataset. We uniformly sampled 1000 inducing points (anchor points) from the training set of each dataset. These points were shared by all hashing methods with kernels (GPH, KSH, and SDH) in training. All these methodswere initialized randomly. The GPH inference algorithm was executed until convergence or at most 50 sweeps. In learning hash functions by the GPH model, we observe that the Gibbs sampler for $\mathbf{Y}$ rapidly converges after assigning discriminative binary codes to all classes. The rest of the inference algorithm focuses on training GPs with the scalable EP algorithm on these *fixed* binary codes. A pattern of binary codes emerges even for most values of $\sigma_y$ although some bit assignments might change during the inference algorithm. After learning hash functions from training data, we computed binary codes for images in the test sets where each dataset contains 10,000 images. Retrieval performance was evaluated by leave-one-out validation on these images only. Each test image was used once as a query while the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
can go it alone. However, the majority of the final part of his speech is given over to pro-EU arguments why we should stay in and why we don't, apparently, want to be like Norway or Switzerland. He's started campaigning already and is trying to rebut arguments already levelled against him about the dismal likelihood of any re-negotiations. I find it hard to believe that he didn't show his speech to the colleagues in Brussels for prior approval; we'll need the usual dose of healthy sceptism when reviewing the transcript later. He's now taking questions from journos in the audience. From media clips and reaction so far I don't find it impossible to think that Cameron might swing it and actually win the next GE on the basis ofthis title." 14 The District Court found that Subsection 2-207(3) controlled the instant case, quoting the following passage from 1 W. Hawkland, A Transactional Guide to the Uniform Commercial Code Sec. 1.090303, at 19-20 (1964): 15 "If the seller . . . ships the goods and the buyer accepts them, a contract is formed under subsection (3). The terms of this contract are those on which the purchase order and acknowledgment agree, and the additional terms needed for a contract are to be found throughout the U.C.C. . . . [T]he U.C.C. does not impose an arbitration term on the parties where their contract is silent on the matter. Hence, a conflict between an arbitration and an no-arbitration clause would result in the noarbitration clause becoming effective." 16 Under this authority alone
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "FreeLaw" ] }
attorney and containing as many terms as could be envisioned to favor that party in his sales transactions. Whereas under common law the disparity between the fineprint terms in the parties' forms would have prevented the consummation of a contract when these forms are exchanged, Section 2-207 recognizes that in many, but not all, cases the parties do not impart such significance to the terms on the printed forms. See 1 W. Hawkland, supra; Sec. 1.0903, at 14, Sec. 1.090301, at 16. Subsection 2-207(1) therefore provides that "[a] definite and seasonable expression of acceptance or a written confirmation . . . operates as an acceptance even though it states terms additional to or different from those offered or agreed upon, unless acceptance is expressly madeconditional on assent to the additional or different terms." Thus, under Subsection (1), a contract is recognized notwithstanding the fact that an acceptance or confirmation contains terms additional to or different from those of the offer or prior agreement, provided that the offeree's intent to accept the offer is definitely expressed, see Sections 2-204 and 2-206, and provided that the offeree's acceptance is not expressly conditioned on the offeror's assent to the additional or different terms. When a contract is recognized under Subsection (1), the additional terms are treated as "proposals for addition to the contract" under Subsection (2), which contains special provisions under which such additional terms are deemed to have been accepted when the transaction is between merchants. Conversely, when no contract is
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
arbitration clause was a term of the contracts recognized under T.C.A. Sec. 47-2-207 (UCC Sec. 2-207), Collins & Aikman's motion for a stay pending arbitration must be granted. 36 For the reasons set forth above, the case is remanded to the District Court for further findings consistent with this opinion. * The Honorable Henry L. Brooks took part in the decision but died before it was filed 1 The District Court found that "[Collins & Aikman] has not established to this point that the aforementioned acknowledgment forms were received in each instance." The affidavit of J. A. Castle, a partner in The Carpet Mart, however, states that ". . . I would receive a yellow sheet of paper which I believed to be an acknowledgment that my order was being processedthe quiescent Sertoli cell of the juvenile males may be readily provoked by appropriate gonadotropin stimulation into producing inhibin. The results also fail to provide evidence for the view that changes in circulating inhibin concentrations are robustly related, in an inve
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
Q: In what date format does the mysql date datatype return data? So, I have a date stored in MySQL with the date datatype and when I come to calling echo $row_myRecordset['date']; // dreamweaver generated in which date format will it return the date (eg. yy-mm-dd) so I can use it with moment.js? A: It is yyyy-mm-dd, e.g. 2013-07-21 (see the MySQL reference) El Cayul mountain and the craft went all the way down it through a tunnel and came out in a big place that seemed to be like a long, large cavern". Those of us who are patient can wait till we’re invited (hopefully not abducted). However, I know there are those people out there who can’t wait. They are action people! For them, probably the best way to get to the inner earth is through one of the thousands of natural cavern entrances. With a lot of research and cave searching, plus a little luck, you just might find a "backdoor" into the subterranean lands. Probably the best written account of a trip through the subterranean lands into the inner kingdom was reported in the 1895 book "Etidorpha". Secret Societies, conspiracy, a strange alien guide, suppressed earth sciences - it’s hard
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "Pile-CC" ] }
the seismometers on the impact about the time I saw a light flash on the surface? CAPCOM: Stand by. We’ll check on that. LMP: A UFO perhaps, don’t worry about it. It could have been one of the other flashes of light CAPCOM: Jack, just some words from the back room for you. There may have been an impact at the time you called, but . So it would mask any other impact." (3) "The moon has only 60% of the density of Earth. The improbable fact that an equal amount of earth material seemed to weigh almost twice as much as moon matter mystified everyone. Why the difference? The actual answer, some scientists felt, pointed to the possibility that part or all of the moon’s interior was hollow!" (4) Then there’s a report in the July 1962 issue of Astronauticselusive and that it shifts its position. But is it shifting? If the three magnetic poles remain fixed, if other poles are found, which is not improbable, we shall have to think of an ellipse-shaped magnetic region. (8) Another scientific fact which supports the Hollow Earth Theory, yet totally ignored by the "experts". References (1) Master Minds of Modern Science. T.C. Bridges & H. Hessell Tiltman. New York: The Dial Press. 1931(2) A Journey To The Earth’s Interior. Marshall B. Gardner.Aurora, IL. By the Author. 1920(3) The Phantom of The Poles. William Reed. New York. 1906. Reprinted by Lindsay Publications. Manteno IL 60950. 1990(4) "12 To Hunt Magnetic Pole 2 Months in Arctic". The New York Times. July 20, 1947(5) "Polar Shift Confirmed". The New York Times. August 17, 1947(6) Two New Poles Found. The New York Times. October 20, 194(7) Magnetic Trinity.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
Yotan or just Lord Pacal by the Maya was covered in Irene Nicholson’s book Mexican and Central American Mythology (1967). Ms. Nicholson tells us: From some unknown origin he was ordered by the gods to go to America to found a culture. So he departed from his home, called Valum Chivim and unidentified, and by the way of the ’dwelling of the thirteen snakes’ he arrived at Valum Votan. (Snakes are known to live in the underworld. -DGC) The story continues: "From there he travelled up the Usumacinta river and founded Palenque. Afterward he made several visits to his native home, on one of which he came upon a tower which was originally planned to reach the heavens but which was destroyed because of a ’confusion of tongues’ among its architects. Votan was, however allowed to use a subterranean passage in order to reach ’the rockthe being was making a delicate adjustment to a knob in front of him. We can see four fingers of the lower hand which has its back to us. The little finger is crooked. Doesn’t it look as if the being was working a control such as the hand-throttle of a motorbike? The heel of the left foot rests on a pedal with several steps." (pages 197-l98) However, for reasons that make a lot of sense, Childress explains in his well researched book, Von Daniken’s explanation is highly unlikely. He then goes on to say: "A more credible, and in fact, as interesting an explanation for the sarcophagus lid of Lord Pacal is that the engraved relief represents a division of the universe in three layers; the Upper World, the Middle World, and the Underworld." ( page 199) Howard LaFay in the December Issue of National
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
articles approved for submission. Project Idea Develop the slogan, concept/visual identity and media kit in order to launch the new eCommerce store named Total Ninjas (which will provide a vast variety of products worldwide), holding its main focus in three key markets: USA, Lebanon, and Brazil. Background Context Total Ninjas’ idea came up when three girls, each one living in This contest is for the illustration of a new Escape Room Puzzle Design. As an example of a Puzzle which has already been illustrated, I attach the Puzzle Description and the Puzzle Illustration (see attachment: power booth). I also attach the Description of the New Puzzle (see attachment: spirit box). The new puzzle illustration must contain: (1) The ...The design should embrace the Native American culture and design elements as well as the outdoor adventure in the desert.we design,install and repair electric, branded and custom blinds & curtains to the high-end residential and commerci... Design a “Smart” Fine-positioning Arm (SFA) In this contest, you are asked to design a “Smart” Fine-positioning Arm (SFA) that will be mounted to Astrobee and move an attached tool to a specific location and command that tool to attach to an ISS Handrail. The SFA receives all power and high-level commands from Astrobee, but implements the following Design a “Smart” Coarse-positioning Arm (SCA) In this contest, you are asked to design a “Smart” Coarse-positioning Arm (SCA) that will be mounted to Astrobee and move a stowed end effector to a specified location and control the end effector. The SCA receives all power and high-level commands from the Astrobee free flyer, but implements the following ...of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
it’s been on my Netflix queue for ages. It sounds like another one of those films to see just for the scenery and atmospheric, moody harbor in County Cork. Colin Farrell is a convincing romantic hero and here he plays an Irish fisherman who discovers a woman in his fishing net whom his daughter believes to be some mythical creature. The film is like a love letter to his homeland from Irish director Neil Jordan. … This film takes place mostly in Dublin and we get to see the less glamorous side of the Irish capital. In fact, the gritty cinematography shows the dingy streets and slums of the city as the late Irish reporter Veronica Guerin took on a dangerous cause of exposing Dublin’s powerful crime barons and drugI love. Hello Josh! Oh it’ll be a treat to see Secret of Kells & Circle of Friends, I wouldn’t really recommend Leap Year unless you’re a die hard fan of the two leads, but the Irish scenery IS gorgeous. Man, I haven’t seen any of the fives you mentioned, have to rectify that soon. Great stuff as usual Ruth. I’ve actually not seen any of these. Have you seen ’71 yet? Its one of the most authentic depiction of the conflict in Northern Ireland and its extremely tense. Made me feel homesick! No I haven’t yet but I REALLY want to see it! I love Sam Reid who has a supporting role there. I read a couple of reviews that said it looked gritty and realistic, hope it’s not overly
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }