A brilliant portrait of a traitor Victor McLaglen in Oscar winning performance who is hounded by his own conscience McLaglen plays an IRA rouge who betrays his leader to collect a reward during Irelands Sinn Fein Rebellion The scenes showing fights and mob actions are very realistic focusing on the desperation within individuals The lack of hope for a better future seems to be a fate worse than deathbr br Director John Ford superbly creates an murky and tense atmosphere enhanced by the foggy and grimy depiction of the Irish landscape Max Steiners dramatic music score adds to the cinematic delight Oscar Winner also for Best Screenplay nominated for Best Picture This is one of Hollywoods Classic
I will always have a soft spot for this Disney flick another of their part live actionpart animation entries that sought to recreate the success of Mary Poppins and never quite made it When I was in grade school every once in a while we would have a movie day where the whole school would crowd into the cafeteria and a movie would be projected the oldfashioned way multiple reels and all At the time it seemed like a momentous occasion whenever this day arrived and Bedknobs and Broomsticks is one of the movies I can remember seeing this waybr br And from what I remember its quite charming Angela Lansbury never put her name to anything that wasnt at least competent and shes winning here as a witch with a magic bed boy that could be misconstrued couldnt it who can take her and a couple of young kids on magic adventures to faroff places Come on what kid wouldnt want a bed like that br br Grade A
What would it be like to be accused of being a subversive This is what this film explores through the eyes of 2 characters one being the accused subversive the other being the interrogator It is a frightening journey from the beginning to the end This film is not for everybody and if you do not understand political governments thoroughly you will never get the point of this film as proved by 90 of the reviews here
his costume drama is ill cast and without charmbr br George Sanders was a superb character actor But he is thoroughly implausible here as the lead an Eighteenth Century rogue known for his philosophy and great good looks His costar is of all people Akim Tamiroff Some Frenchman Then theres Signe Hasso in a dark wig as the virginal daughter of a wealthy family Carole Landis fares best The movie opens with her in silhouette She is a soubrette and a naughty girl at that She disappears for a while but turns up in an improbably situation But shes good She was always an appealing actress Here she is cast closest to her usual type of rolebr br Its meant to be a little naughty kind of oohlala It ought to have had a light touch but its a leaden affair from start to finish
I just saw this at SIFF and I absolutely loved it There were parts where I laughed so hard I couldnt catch my breath The script and direction by Glenn McQuaid are fantastic I cant wait to see more from this talented young man The performances make the movie Larry Fessenden and Dominic Monaghan are just delightful as the graverobber Willy and his apprentice Arthur Ron Perlman turns in a fantastic performance as usual as a lessthansympathetic jailhouse priest Bonus Angus Scrimm as an unscrupulous doctor As always he balances menace and humor perfectlybr br This is a style of horror comedy that really hasnt been seen since Vincent Price did Comedy of Terrors The Raven and Theater of Blood The movie is genuinely scary in places then itll suddenly flip back into hilarious mode keeping you totally off balance Some parts are scary and funny at the same timebr br I can only afford to see three movies at SIFF this year but even if the other two are awful I Sell The Dead was worth the price of all three Im going to be looking for more movies from Larry Fessendens Glass Eye Pix Hes giving the horror genre a muchneeded kick in the butt
I just wanted to say that I was very disappointed after seeing this movie I was expecting a Biblical story visualized with great special fx etc but during the film I found out that this was an absolute disaster it wasnt biblical at all only the boat and the animals were similar to the story if you want a visual translation of the Bible version of Noah then DONT go watch this movie
This movie is very similar to Death Warrant with JeanClaude Van Damme and also has some similarities to Island of Fire with Jackie Chan and I also heard that there is some other very similar action movies but this film has a much better action than Death Warrant or even Island of Fire thats right the Jackie Chans movie Rarely American action movies has such a great action sequences though there was many negative reviews on this film it easily beats most of the action movies of that time who were more successful There were many martial arts scenes David Bradley was fast as Bruce Lee in this film and what else was good that fighting scenes were much longer than in most of the American martial arts movies The shootout scenes were similar with John Woos movies maybe not that good but still very exiting There was also many impressive explosions and one great chase scene Ive seen some other David Bradleys movies but this one yet is the best in terms of action OK this movie has some cheesy moments but which movie hasnt The acting was decent Charles Napier was incredible and his character was real tough Adam Clark who played Squid and Yuji Okumoto who played the main bad guy were also very good Other actors acted pretty well too though the acting isnt important in this type of movies If you are action movies fan I mean the real action movies fan who really can appreciate the good action than you must see this film
Following the disasterous Revolution this film was pretty much the final nail in the coffin of Goldcrest and thus the British Film Industry The film is absolute pants its full of music from the attempted mid80s jazz revival and based on a book author that was briefly popular at that time and has deservedly sank back into obscurity Temple searched for ages trying to find Suzette and came up with 8th Wonders Patsy Kensett another person who was briefly popular at the time By the time the film came out of post production the Jazz revival was over as was Kensetts career and the film met a totally uncaring film publicbr br Mediocre would be an overstatement for some of the worstcampestcheesiest acting to ever grace the British silver screen watching it almost 20 years on and the film is truely cringeworthy
I try to be diverse in my movie watching I can get into Pride and Prejudice as easily as I get into Disappearing Acts Love Jones is my all time favorite it is the standard by which I judge any Modern Urban Romantic Comedy Shot very well the shot of Nia and Darius riding up Lakeshore Drive on the Motorcycle is one of Classic 3 second movie shots of all time Of course no one will ever remember it When it came out I though it would be a new paradigm for Modern Urban Filmmaking good actors no guns and so forth The movie industry has disappointed me to a certain degree you will have your occasional Drumline or Roll Bounce or Tyler Perrys Why Did I get Married So whenever I need to see my people presented on screen in a very professional and stylish way I pop in Love Jones There is no Best Movie ever made to many people and opinions for that But it is my personal best My favorite line from Love Jones Baby I just wanna come up and talk
This Alec Guinness starrer is a very good fun political satire of corporate industry and a light eccentric character study as wellbr br The pacing is a bit slow for a comedy and none of it is really rollingonthefloor type funny except perhaps the sound effects for the experiments But it does have its amusing moments and it is very deft in its execution The big explosions segment is probably the most farcical elementbr br The union procedures are quite droll very reminiscent of IM ALL RIGHT JACK especially the feminine socialist with a light romantic crush on Guinness character The political machinations actually carry the story Ernest Thesigner is very notable as a heavybr br I dont think this one works quite as well as THE LADYKILLERS or KIND HEARTS AND CORONETS but even light Ealing comedy is better than nothing
CORRIDORS OF BLOOD br br Aspect ratio 1661br br Sound format Monobr br Black and whitebr br London 1840 Whilst attempting to formulate an anaesthetic solution a dedicated surgeon Boris Karloff becomes addicted to narcotics and is blackmailed by local bodysnatchersbr br Riding the coattails of a Gothic revival occasioned by the recent success of Hammers THE CURSE OF FRANKENSTEIN 1957 Robert Days CORRIDORS OF BLOOD is an odd mixture of historical drama and Grand Guignol theatrics Producer Richard Gordon lured Karloff away from Hollywood where his movie career had become stalled in a Bmovie rut VOODOO ISLAND FRANKENSTEIN 1970 etc for a couple of lurid shockers in which good men are thwarted by circumstances beyond their control In GRIP OF THE STRANGLER 1958 he played a novelist who stumbles onto a horrific secret whilst researching a series of murders from recent history while in CORRIDORS OF BLOOD hes a drugaddicted surgeon who falls prey to a gang of criminals masterminded by East End pub landlord Francis de Wolff Less a horror film than a melodrama with ghoulish trimmings the movie hedges its commercial bets by including a number of gory thrills a leg sliced open a face destroyed by acid etc but the narrative is motivated chiefly by Karloffs altruistic pursuit of an anaesthetic formula that will alleviate the terrible suffering of patients during surgerybr br Produced under the title The Doctor from Seven Dials the finished movie went unreleased until 1962 due to indifference by distributors MGM by which time costar Christopher Lee had earned a prominent screen credit despite playing a small but significant role as Resurrection Joe a sinister Cockney thug who murders carefully selected patrons of de Wolffs squalid pub and sells the remains to local doctors Lee filmed this glorified cameo before THE CURSE OF FRANKENSTEIN catapulted him to international stardom which accounts for his limited screen time though his intense performance is one of the films highlights Adrienne Corri VAMPIRE CIRCUS distinguishes herself as de Wolffs partner in crime and theres a feast of familiar faces in supporting roles including Francis Matthews DRACULA PRINCE OF DARKNESS Betta St John THE CITY OF THE DEAD Finlay Currie and Nigel Green Superb art direction by Anthony Masters and cinematography Geoffrey Faithful
So Madonna isnt Meryl Streep Still this is one of her first films and a comedy at that Give her a break Sure the movie is mediocre at best and pales in comparison to its earlier counterpart w Katherine Hepburn Bringing Up Baby For what it is thougha piece of fluff its quite a bit of fun to watch Ive yet to hear anyone that slams Madonnas acting skills back it up w evidence or even adjectives other than awful bad or other such vague descriptive words If you wanna see bad acting or justify the argument that singers should stick to singing how about Whitney Houston Shes had the most undeserved commercial success of any actress in history and couldnt act her way out of a hatbox The American public obviously cannot discern the difference between a credible performance in a movie and star power I think Madonna has always been at least credible in her movies Get real people Madonnabashing is so 90s
I loved Flash Gordon as a child and watching the series again on DVD brings back such fond memories Each 15minute episode features the adventures of our hero Flash the lovely Dale Arden and intrepid Dr Zarkov on the planet Mongo with Flash escaping death at every turn The Shark Men nearly drown him he faces the Fire Monster in the Tunnel of Terror and hes in mortal peril in the Static Room br br The characters are still fun Buster Crabbe is every bit the blonde dreamboat hero and Jean Rogers is a delicate and beautiful Dale Arden Princess Aura still plots to steal Flash for herself King Vultan of the Hawk Men still has his booming laugh and angel wings and Ming the Merciless Emperor of the Universe is still giving everyone the evil eye and the creepsbr br This serial probably wouldnt interest children today with its hokey effects oh that spaceship but its a fun bit of nostalgia for those who liked it the first time around The actors play it straight and dont play down to kids I appreciate that young viewers were expected to read the chapter synopses which had pretty big words in thembr br Im glad this came out on DVD Its a lot of fun to revisit this classic scifi serial
This is a great story of family loyalty which thankfully doesnt resort to the usual tricks or at least the ones Im used to seeing in American and European films of supersentimentality or high dramatic tensionbr br Its very watchable and very lovable It has some beautiful cinematography but doesnt rely on that alone to entertain
Richard Attenborough who already given us magnific films as A Chorus Line and Gandhi once more surprise us making a beautiful hymn to the Nature Indeed the vast and in that time unexplored territory of Canada helps to compose the stunning beauty of the landscapes picked up by the motion picture camera If the movie is really based on a true story once more becomes evidente that men of vision are in truth men that lives beyond their time with a historical perspective that only the Time will give them reason The cinematography is magnificient such as the cast lead by Pierce Brosnan whose performance is due to Attenboroughs master hands A pleasing surprise is the appearance of Annie Galipeau in the role of Archies beloved Movie that must appears in a list of those who really loves the Nature
MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS This movie was the worst movie ever I couldnt even watch it all it was so bad This film is actually worse than scarecrow slayer which is saying a whole lot This was worse than terror toons which at least terror toons was funny at times Not even the gore in the film was good The shootings were fake and the acting was worse Please do yourself a favor and skip this one If you see it at the rental store then run the other way There is nothing good about this film at all If you want to see a good scarecrow movie then watch Night of the scarecrow or pumpkin head If you want to see an OK new cheesy movie then watch Scarecrow I rate this movie a 02 out of 10 Thats how horrible this film really is THE WORST MOVIE EVER
Id like to start off by saying that I am NOT an anime fan with a few notable exceptions and I generally have a low opinion of socalled otakus as they are so in love with their particular brand of cartooning that they label every movie starring spikyhaired bigeyed characters as a work of art without even considering other more vital factors such as the plot And no anime movie better represents this division between otakus and people with actual taste than this elegant piece of trash Fatal Fury the Motion Picturebr br As seen through the glassy witless eyes of an otaku theres little to find fault with in Fatal Fury theres plenty of quirky Japanesey humor oneonone duels some dramatic moments and everything is beautifully drawn But everyone else will be turned off by the cliched predictable plot with cliched predictable characters culminating in a cliched predictable ending The love scenes are hilariously overblown the scene in which Sulia heals Terry is obviously intended to be a tender moment but its virtually impossible to not be thrown into spirals of giddy laughter by the sheer ludicrousness of it And of course Fatal Fury is not without the obligatory cartoon TA this is supplied gratuitously by the hugebreasted Mai Shiranui And since Fatal Fury IS based off the video game series of the same name oh boy were treated to numerous pointless cameo appearances by popular characters with little or no relevance to the plot whatsoever they go through all the trouble of introducing Kim early on only for him to disappear from the movie totally after that point This mess of a movie reaches its climax with the unintentionally farcical final battle in which all the main characters engage the allpowerful main villain in oneonone combat in turn Thats some thing thats always amused me even when battles in animes ARENT taking place in a tournament they always happen as if they were regardless of the fact that it makes no sense whatsoeverbr br Otakus always rave about how anime movies should be treated as MOVIES as opposed to merely cartoons and a disturbing portion of those same people love Fatal Fury So would Fatal Fury have been good if it wasnt an anime The answer is an emphatic no all of this movies charm what little of it there is resides in the actual drawings Had Fatal Fury not been an anime it would have been worthy of an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 if the show was still on the air Thats the key this is nothing more than a laughably bad Bmovie in the guise of an anime epic If youre a fan of movies so bad that theyre actually entertaining consider renting Fatal Fury or catch it on the SciFi channel as it is definitely one of those If youre an otaku please WAKE UP and realize that a good 90 of the stuff youre watching is garbage As for everyone else buy a Dreamcast and Fatal Fury Mark of the Wolves but dont even consider seeing this movie
Robert Florey and James Wong Howe gave this a frightening Expressionistic look Scenes are shot at weird angles especially scenes involving figurative and literal ladykiller Zachary Scott His sociopathic behavior presages another superb mediumbudget movie The Stepfather by more than two decadesbr br The entire cast is excellent though though no fault of her own its hard to think of Joyce Compton as anyone but the singer in The Awful Truth Scott Bennett Emerson DeCamp especially and though playing an older woman looking gorgeous they couldnt have been toppedbr br Setting a creepy lodgerinthehouseof women story against a background of psychiatrists is a risky trick that pays off beautifully Nothing corny at allbeautifully Nothing corny at allbr br The resolution is a little pat unfortunately Not Emersons getting together with Bennett That makes sense But Scott is dispatched too quickly I seem him more as a Mr Ripley character who could have escaped everything the botulism the murder rap the jealous sisters and disappeared into the great world beyond this story That would not have impeded the essentially happy ending of the secretary and her boss finally getting together
At the beginning of this film which I found myself watching on IFC in the wee hours of the morning I was filled with a sense of claustrophobia and general discomfort The feeling of being trapped with no way to escape was so powerful that I didnt know if I wanted to continue watchingalthough it didnt really seem to me that I had much of a choice so compelling was the situationbr br Gradually though that feeling of discomfort waned although it never really disappeared entirely and I felt drawn into Tessa Bobbys predicaments and really just hoping against hope that they might get back togetherbr br Really just a moving powerful story fit snugly into a tiny package I had no idea that Sarah Polley had anything to do with it until perusing her trivia so now I love it even morebr br I definitely recommend it If your lucky enough to catch it on the Independent Film Channel sometime or wily enough to figure out some other way to view it
The humor in Whos Your Daddy is such poor taste that I actually closed my eyes in certain scenes Close ups of semen are not funny Nobody thinks they are People get nervous when they see something so gross and to hide their nervousness they laugh Watching Whos Your Daddy gave me a disgusting nervous feeling
I was expecting a documentary that focused on the tobacco industry in North Carolina Instead I watched a man who rues the fact that his great grandfather lost his tobacco empire to the Duke family And this went on and on If Mr McElwees family had prevailed over the Dukes I doubt that Mr McElwee would have any problems with the death toll caused by tobaccorelated diseases I grew up near the area where Mr McElwees family began it tobacco business I expected more than McEwees continual focus on his family I learned very little about the history of tobacco in the NC economy and the ramifications to the states economy by tighter regulation of tobacco The countless references to the movie Bright Leaves are out of place So what if Gary Cooper played Mr McElwees great grandfather Does the viewer gain any understanding of the role of tobacco in the North Carolina economy by the showing of old film clips of a fictionalized film I didnt
Ken Harrison a young sculptor in his early thirties is seriously injured in a road accident End of storybr br End of story that is in the sense of end of any physical action Not in the sense of end of the film Kens life is saved but he is paralysed from the neck down When he discovers that he is unlikely ever to regain the use of his limbs he decides that he wants to die and asks the doctors to end the medical treatment which is keeping him alive The rest of the film is essentially one long debate about the rights and wrongs of euthanasia and the right to diebr br Kens main antagonist in this debate is his doctor Michael Emerson Although the case against euthanasia is often presented in religious terms here it is presented in purely secular ones If Dr Emerson has any deep religious convictions these are never expressed in the film He believes passionately however that death is an enemy against which it is his duty as a doctor to fight to allow a patient effectively to take his own life would represent a surrender to that enemy and a dereliction of that duty Ken therefore finds himself in a Catch22 situation He must be able to show that he is sane and rational enough to make the decision to end his life Emerson however considers that a wish to die is in itself evidence of insanity and irrationality Kens dilemma can only be solved by hiring a lawyer to sue the hospitalbr br Richard Dreyfuss as Ken and John Cassavetes as Dr Emerson put across their respective points of view skilfully and with sincerity but this cannot hide the fact that Whose Life is it Anyway simply does not work as a film At one time filmed versions of stage plays were done in a similar way to theatrical productions but by the seventies and eighties this was often seen as unsatisfactory because of the differences between the two media When plays were filmed therefore the general tendency was to open them up by filming on location as well as on studio sets by taking liberties with the playwrights text often making significant changes to the plot and even introducing extra charactersbr br I have never seen Brian Clarkes play but I suspect that this is a story that would work better in the theatre than in the cinema There is very little physical action most of the action consists of lengthy discussions around a hospital bed in which the main character lies paralysed Such a plot does not lend itself to the opening up device at all and the resulting film is very static dominated by talk at the expense of action Although it is well written and there is some good acting I am surprised that a film was ever made of such an uncinematic subject 410
If you can believe it another group of teens return to another lakeside cabin three years after another one of those fatal accidents claimed one of their number Low and behold a psycho wearing a patterned hockey mask a cheap papery one at that turns up to waste them one by one This mechanical Friday the 13th knock off gained slight notoriety as one of the first digitallyshot features but thats where the interesting facts end and all that remains is a predictable amateur production with subpar performances and a recurring boommic intrusion A lastsecond twist does little to lift the spirits and Memorial Day is something best tossed in a lake and forgotten about One for insane slasher collectors only
A woman Sylvia Kristel seduces a 15 year old boy Eric Brown They have sexbut its all tied into some stupid plot or somethingbr br Easily one of the most disturbing sex comedies ever Does anyone realize this movie is making light of child molestation I suppose its OK cause its a teenage boyif we had one with a man seducing a teenage girl there would rightfully be outrage Sorry but having it done to a boy doesnt excuse it Its still sick I realize Brown was of age he was actually 18 when this was made but he LOOKS 15 I just find it disturbing that some people find this OKbr br Plot aside the acting sucks Kristel is beautifulbut cant act Brown is easily one of the worst child actors Ive ever seen and the constant nudity gets boring and isnt even remotely eroticbr br I saw this drivel at a theatre back in 1981 I was 19 and with my 14 year old cousin who could easily pass for 18 HE wanted to see itI didnt but I decideD what the heck We got in and I actually bought tickets for three teenage boys who were obviously underage My cousin thought is was boring and the three other kids left halfway through Let me make this clearthree TEENAGE BOYS left a movie with tons of female nudity That should give you an idea of how bad this is Im surprised this was ever released A 1 all the way
Barney is just awful As many of the other reviews on this show say Im not one to disagree with them I wont Because I hate this show just as much as they do They use kids that look like theyre in sixth grade cheesy plots horrid dialog and really crappy special effects Not to mention that big purple dinosaur himself He makes every other kid show look like award winners Sesame Street has won awards that I know aboutbr br Please just watch Sesame Street Thomas the Tank Engine or even the Teletubbies Avoid both this and its movie which I also reviewed They are both extremely crappy and are inappropriate to anyone even little babies
br br Artisticly shot actors portray exactly their role You get a real feeling watching Lucienne ascend from poverty to the most beautiful girl around A sense of tragedy to triumph to tragedy again All in all I have seen this film at least 10 times And can VERY well say that Prix De Beute the Beauty Prize Miss Europe is a MAJOR favorite in my silent film collection The expressiveness of Louise Brooks is perfect and I recommend this film to ANYONE who appreciates artistic beauty coupled with a tragic story line
What a shame that a really competent director like Andre de Toth who specialized in slippery shifting alliances didnt get hold of this concept first He could have helped bring out the real potential especially with the interesting character played by William Bishop As the movie stands its pretty much of a mess as asserted by reviewer Chipe The main problems are with the direction cheap budget and poor script The strength lies in an excellent cast and an interesting general concept characters pulled in different directions by conflicting forces What was needed was someone with vision enough to pull together the positive elements by reworking the script into some kind of coherent whole instead of the sprawling awkward mess that it is try to figure out the motivations and interplay if you can Also a bigger budget could have matched up contrasting location and studio shots and gotten the locations out of the alltooobvious LA outskirts The real shame lies in a waste of an excellent cast Hayden Taylor before his teeth were capped Dehner Reeves along with James Millican and William Bishop shortly before their untimely deaths Few films illustrate the importance of an auteurwithvision more than this lowly obscure Western which in the right hands could have been so much more
I saw this show about 34 years ago It was dam Funny When i first time i saw it was playing on ETVEstonian Television And i started to like it Too bad that that show is on bad time for me Hyde is like a cool guy who likes to sing Frank Sinatra And he comes on stupid ideas He got these glasses which h are brown I like it And theres FeZ The group Pervert We all know what he does when his alone He wants to get laid badly He even had it with his boss in one episodeHis from India And there is Michael The stupidest guy on whole group probably stupidest in town and his a cop He is so stupid that i remember follows Hyde says Did u called cops No Michael comes in and says Does anyone know how to turn off siren He is a town playboy Then comes Jackie who is former girlfriend of Michael and then shes Hydes girlfriend Then is Eric Whos son of grumpy war veteran and son of Kitty the housewife His one big pussy But he loves Donna his girlfriend with who they plan for theyre marriage Donna is one hot girl Hmm what i forget ah Hyde lives in a basement
Ulli Lommels 1980 film The Boogey Man is no classic but its an above average low budget chiller thats worth a look The sequel 1983s Boogey Man II is ultimately a waste of time but at the very least its an entertaining one if not taken the least bit seriously Now II left the door open for another sequel and I for one wouldnt have minded seeing at least one more One day while I was browsing though the videos at a store in the mall I came across a film entitled Return of the Boogey Man When I found out it was a sequel to the earlier films I was happy to shell out a few bucks for itI should have known better Though the opening title is Boogey Man 3 this is no sequel to those two far superior films I named above Well not totally anywaybr br Pros Ha Thats a laugh Is there anything good about this hunk of cow dung Lets seeit has footage from The Boogey Man and umits mercifully short Yeah thats about itbr br Cons Where to start Decisions decisions First of all this movie is a total bore It goes from one scene to the next without anything remotely interesting or scary happening The acting is stiff at best The actors are most likely friends of the director who had no acting experience whatsoever before and probably none since The plot is nonexistent and script shoddily written The direction is just plain awful The director tries to make the film look all artsy fartsy by making the camera move around lights flicker and with filters but it adds nothing The music is dull and hard to hear in parts Ties to the original are botched Suzanna Loves character was named Lacey not Natalie And the events depicted in the beginning of the original did not take place in 1978 Also if this has a 3 in the title why is there no mention of what happened in II Finally this adds nothing new or interesting to either the series or the genrebr br Final thoughts The people behind this waste of time and money should be ashamed of themselves Its one thing if that had been an original film that was the directors first and sucked But instead its supposed to be a sequel to film that is no masterpiece but is damn sure far more interesting and entertaining than this If there ever is another sequel which I doubt it then it needs to forget this one ever happened and be handled either by Lommel himself or someone who has at least some idea of how to make a decent horror filmbr br My rating 15
This is complete and absolute garbage a fine example of what a BAD movie is like this cant be appealing to anyone not even bmovie fans Do not I repeat DO NOT waste precious time of your life on this piece of trash Bad acting bad directing horrible but I mean really horrible script and complete lack of an idea as to what entertainment of any form is I bought the DVD for 3 dollars I swear I could almost pay someone to take it Burning it would not be enough for what this movie did to me I like bmovies the killer toys the weird lagoon monsters but this is nowhere near You know those movies that are so bad they are funny Not even Just plain old pathetic
On the surface this is an aboveaverage postwar romantic comedy Beneath the veneer it is MGM character actor stuntcasting at its funniestbr br The leads are straightforward but all the secondaries are cast much against type Margaret Hamilton aka Wicked Witch of the West Edward Everett Horton professional obsessivecompulsive fussbudget and Sig Ruman the Marx Brothers nemesis in _Night In Casablanca_ and the alwayswonderful _Night At The Opera_ playing a wellintentioned gang trying to bring the two leads together instead of driving them apart as their usual characters would dobr br It also pokes fun at many romanticcomedy conventions which is another indication that this could be not so much a straight romantic comedy as it is a wry sendup of the many postwar romantic comedies their 2dimensional stock charactersbr br Ive seen it only once with interruptions so I cant be positive but this movie may be one of those that worked better in the context of the time at which it was made but is less successful now that viewers see these secondary characters through a completely different lens Im assuming this is the case when I give it 9 stars I thought it was hysterical
I finally got hold of the excellent Sazuma DVD of this film which is loaded with interesting extras I have read quite a lot about it and I unfortunately missed it at the Stockholm Film Festival It doesnt quite deliver as I thought it would but it is still worth watching if you like strange and unique movies I much rather watch this again than any of the recent socalled horror films vomited out of Hollywood these days What detracts from the experience for me is certain music cues which sound dated and rely too much on cheap synth sounds For me all these tonalharmonic elements of the score could have been lifted out and replaced by David Kristians excellent sound design But that is just my opinion Otherwise this is a daring angry picture with welcome meditative and poetic parts like the fading of the photograph sequence which is beautiful I look forward to seeing Ascension and I applaud Mitch and Karim for their efforts in producing nonmainstream cinema They are a great inspiration as I soon embark on my own short film production
The Internet is a wondrous thing is it not I am watching a taped episode of one of my all time favorite documentaries VietnamThe Ten Thousand Day War from my DVR in Florida USA to my laptop in Kuwait Im writing a review about this series and have just read another review from someone who actually lives in Vietnam Amazing I would like to just say that for Minh Nguyen to make the statement that America brought the war to Vietnam is one sided I know America was the main player in the west but it takes two sides to wage war The Soviets and the Chinese were major arms providers to the North so why Mr Nguyen doesnt mention them as partially to blame is showing an ignorance well I think we all know why he doesnt mention them either ignorance from being raised in a communist system and its political dogma or because he to scared to say the truth for fear of being arrested Also Mr Nguyen I guess the parts about the North being the main aggressor it whole war were not shown in your country so to blame America again shows ignorance Regardless its interesting to read a review from Vietnam of course that could be made up as well but Ill take that as real at least the communist east is somewhat open As far as the mini series why do I love it It doesnt focus on the American involvement solely This was a war that started 15 years before America got involved and the series covers every facet of the history so thats a real plus The footage used is first rate all the Vietnam War programs you see made now will use the same footage so you are not missing anything by watching this older series The date this series was made is another plus It has all the major players being interviewed which you cant do now because they are dead from old age its a major historical reference Third Richard Basehart adds a very distinctive narrative voice his voice sounds as distinguished as James Earl Jones voice would and I think thats very steep praise I dont think you could find a better war documentary ever made its like taking the relatively modern technology of 1980 and transplanting it to the year 1950 and interviewing all the generals and politicians on both sides of world war two it does that for the Vietnam Warbr br OK I do see some bias its subtle a 1970s80s style subtle bias kind of like NPR All Things Considered bias where it all seems so straight forward but when you blink you end up shaking your head In this shows case the later episodes dont throw a whole lot of light on the role of the media and propaganda in general all useful tools to influence the outcome of a war DONT YOU THINK br br From an OIF War Veteran going through the same thing 30 years later
I had first watched this several years ago on a nowdefunct Sicilian TV channel amazingly the film emerged as a heftilypriced DVD from Criterion not being sure what I had made of it initially despite having attained cult status over the years the achievement proper is clearly viewed with modesty even by genre buffs I opted not to make the purchase as I did with the similar and to me unfamiliar FIEND WITHOUT A FACE 1958 Recently however I managed to acquire THE BLOB via a copy of the Spanish DVD which interestingly ported over the two Audio Commentary tracks from the Criterion Special Edition…but regrettably I could not switch off the Spanish subtitles during playback of the main feature Anyway looking at the film anew I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it despite many a narrative flaw which I will get to later as a pure example of Bmovie schlockiness atypically shot in pleasant color and a timecapsule illustrating late 1950s social attitudes The male lead was an early role for Steven McQueen and though the actor may have subsequently looked at it with disdain his sole contribution to the genre proves fairly engaging not averse to juvenile kicks but still essentially a decent and more importantly altruistic kid The special effects depicting the slimy and expanding creature are not too bad of its kind and period the film itself rises to a good climax beginning with the monsters invasion of a cinema showing DAUGHTER OF HORROR as I mentioned recently in that films review but being curiously screened flipped and which sequence incidentally would be featured at the opening of a satirical Italian program actually called Blob As to the admittedly minor quibbles I have with the film the monster is not shown traveling it just turns up at a variety of places never being seen by anyone there is a baffling overemphasis tantamount to padding on the kids scrapes with Police it is silly to have the town doctor shoot at The Blob as if fluid whatever its proportion can be destroyed by bullets equally nonsensical is having the teenagers alert the townsfolk of the danger by making doortodoor visits especially when considering that at that stage only McQueen had actually seen the monster in action An inferior sequel emerged in 1972 called BEWARE THE BLOB the original was then remade in 1988 I watched this not too long ago but it seems not to have made a lasting impression on me though I know Micheal Elliott loves it For the record I will be following this viewing with two more collaborations between director Yeaworth and producer Jack H Harris namely 4D MAN 1959 and DINOSAURUS 1960
The subject this latest admanturnedmovieman tries to tackle in his debut adventure is quite an ageold topic of discussion by almost any cultural standard timeless romance pun intendedbr br However the exploration and exploitation for Desi auds falls woefully short as the usual inclinations to pepper spice and sugar up the usual masala mix of bg score dialog dance drama etc creates a nicelooking package with not much insidebr br In the first 40 minutes of the movie the kitchen scene has been repeated at least 89 times Further repeats follow thruout the movie after all the lead characters a cook But therein lies les problemos no story Hah no wonder Someone forgot to write a scriptbr br Amitabh puts in a Cheeni Jyada more amount of overacting Really when is this guy ever gonna stop How many 60somethings prance around like that even when teased by a nubile 30something Timeless mind yes but surely what about the notsoageless bod And sole Sorry soul Reasonably good acting by Paresh Rawal who has the only sensible role in the film The director lacks any sense of realism getting all caught up in his newfangled discovery of a hot new idea Nowhere are we presented with any reallife problems or issues such a pair might face other than actually getting married which is only the initial obstacle The subplot of a little kid with cancer the bachelor boys first love goes nowhere and whatever little bit of poignancy this otherwise insipid presentation would have evoked is quickly killed off along with the girls characterbr br Anyway nice try but not quite there yet
What if Marylin Monroe Albert Einstein Joe Dimaggio and Senator McCarthy were to come together in a mindbending evening of relativitybr br This delightful roman clef never uses the actual names of the characters it so thinly veils and scathingly exposes not only for the individuals they must have been but also for what they came to represent over time If you are confused by allegory or if you like your movies served up predigested and mushy you wont like this film It is a demanding opus that rewards on many levels the viewer with the intelligence to appreciate it br br Dropping for the time being the rigorous avoidance of using the real names of the characters we see Einstein about to deliver a pacifist speech to a United Nations hellbent for nukes being visited by Marylin Monroe after filming the notorious Seven Year Itch scene that some say led to the end of her marriage with Joe Dimaggio They have a lovely interplay in which Einstein stumbles with suitable professorial clumsiness around the innocence of perhaps the greatest sex symbol of modern times br br Enter Senator McCarthy who thinks Einstein is a Red He is determined to extract Einsteins assurance that he will support the activities of the House Unamerican Activities Committee while delivering the ultimate weapon in the name of peace Add Joe a surprisingly fragile and vulnerable person perhaps not perfectly cast as Gary Busey who hates Marylins exhibitionism and believes Einstein has become her lover even though Marylin only wants to show Einstein that she understands the Special Theory of Relativity br br But theres more br br Just like each of us these characters have their deepest fears which they reveal one by one in haunting flashbacks It is these weaknesses ultimately that lend humanity to figures we cannot help but see almost exclusively in the abstract today Finally we see the shocking terror of Einsteins vision and the statement of the movie becomes clear It is a powerful and memorable momentbr br Insignificance is one of my top five movies of all time It is utterly amazing
Every new fall lineup show deserves at least my 3 strikes and youre out policy I give a comedy 3 chances to make me laugh that is 3 complete episodes After Episode 1 I actually said to the TVCancelled tomorrow It was that bad I have now watched the first 4 episodes of Cavemen and have yet to manage even a smirk Not a titter a guffaw a chortle as a matter of fact no facial movement at all I will continue to punish myself by watching every future episode because I am convinced that I am clearly missing something in this show Im simply not getting it but I believe that a comedy on a major TV network in primetime just HAS to be funny but there are no laughs from me YET Theres just no way that ABC would put on the least funniest comedy of all time at 800 pm I KNOW there has got to be an inside joke that just isnt jiving with my brain Ive read each of the previous comments I get the social aspect of it but WHERE ARE THE JOKES I shall continue suffering for at least 30 minutes a week until I have a lightbulb moment and smack myself in the head shouting Eureka
I just have to comment on this movie because I gave it a 4 rating and in my opinion thats pretty high for a softporn smut movie The actual plot is kind of hokey who would expect otherwise but Hafron is so incredibly funny and he delivers everything in a cyborgish voice so its easy for him Whoever wrote the script had some wit definitely I must have laughed out loud ten times and thats not a reason anyone would pick up this movie The only softporn movie Ive seen which had any merit other than beautiful women and believe me Emmanuelle is drop dead gorgeousjust look at the coverbr br Any movie that can entertain me considering how poor the plot was and how bad the acting is also considering the movie wasnt made to artistically entertain so to speak it gets at least a four in my book I mean who wouldnt watch this before Stop Or My Mom Will Shoot
Coming from the druggie generation I thought this movie was hilarious It definitely brought Jekyll Hyde uptodate so to speak My husband and I laughed all the way through it Would love to have the movie in my collection I told my two teenagers about the movie and they would love to see it They arent into drugs but they know enough about them to understand the comedy in the movie Its been so long since Ive seen it I cant remember but a few things I would have to say the funniest part was when Dr Jekyll dozed off on his lab table and inhaled the straw while snoring then snorted up the powdered drug he had invented Funniest thing Id ever seen in a movie
TOM HULCE turns in yet another Oscarworthy performance as Dominick Luciano the braindamaged garbage man whos helping put his brother Ray Liotta as Eugene through medical schoolbr br This is a mustsee for all movie lovers and all lovers of life and peoplebr br From the small studder to the eratic dancing to the repeated words Oh Jeez whenever Nicky is in a bind the belieavablitly of Toms performance is so excellent that you will have to concentrate to remember that its an actor on screen
Almost no cinema experience can beat a good thriller with a sense of humor Geena Davis is a schoolteacher housewife who suffers from amnesia Shee even on the PTA But then an auto accident awakens the woman she used to be and its HOT Samuel L Jackson is hilarious as the low rent private eye who tries to help Davis find her past only to find out hes in way over his head Davis has some hilarious lines too and the interaction between her and Jackson works surprisingly wellbr br Look for Brian Cox the original Hannibal Lechter and David Moorse finally managing to shed his St Elsewhere TV image The film is directed by Davis husband who almost seems to have built the whole film around her but it worksbr br I pull out this DVD and rewatch it often I still love the makeup scene Is Geena hot or what
Corbin Bernsen gives a terrifically intense and riveting performance as Dr Alan Feinstone a wealthy and successful Beverly Hills dentist whos obsessed with perfection When he discovers that his lovely blonde babe trophy wife has been cheating on him and the IRS start hounding him about tax problems Feinstone cracks under the pressure and goes violently around the bend Director Brian Yuzna working from a suitably dark witty and demented script by Stuart Gordon Dennis Paoli and Charles Finch exposes the seething neurosis and psychosis bubbling underneath the squeaky clean wellmanicured surface of respectable affluent rich America with deliciously malicious glee Moreover Yuzna further spices up the grisly goings on with a wickedly twisted sense of pitch black gallows humor Bernsen positively shines as Dr Feinstone he expertly projects a truly unnerving underlying creepiness thats right beneath Feinstones deceptively calm and assured veneer The supporting cast are likewise excellent Linda Hoffman as Feinstones bitchy unfaithful wife Brooke Earl Boen as smarmy meddlesome IRS agent Marvin Goldblum Molly Hagan as feisty assistant Jessica Patty Toy as perky assistant Karen Jan Hoag as jolly office manager Candy Virginya Keehne as sweet gawky teenager Sarah Ken Foree as thorough nononsense Detective Gibbs Tony Noakes as Gibbs equally shrewd partner Detective Sunshine Michael Stadvec as womanizing stud muffin pool cleaner Matt and Mark Ruffalo as on the make sleazeball Steve Landers The firstrate makeup fx are every bit as gory gross and upsetting as they ought to be The polished cinematography by Levie Isaaks boasts lots of great crazy tilted camera angles and a few tasty zoomin closeups Alan Howarths spirited shuddery score also hits the fleshcrawling spot An enjoyably warped treat
br br Im sure things didnt exactly go the same way in the real life of Homer Hickam as they did in the film adaptation of his book Rocket Boys but the movie October Sky an anagram of the books title is good enough to stand alone I have not read Hickams memoirs but I am still able to enjoy and understand their film adaptation The film directed by Joe Johnston and written by Lewis Colick records the story of teenager Homer Hickam Jake Gyllenhaal beginning in October of 1957 It opens with the sound of a radio broadcast bringing news of the Russian satellite Sputnik the first artificial satellite in orbit We see a images of a bluegray town and its people mostly miners working for the Olga Coal Company One of the miners listens to the news on a handheld radio as he enters the elevator shaft but the signal is lost as he disappears into the darkness losing sight of the starry sky above him A melancholy violin tune fades with this image We then get a jolt of Elvis on a car radio as words on the screen inform us of the setting October 5 1957 Coalwood West Virginia Homer and his buddies Roy Lee Cook William Lee Scott and Sherman ODell Chad Lindberg are talking about football tryouts Football scholarships are the only way out of the town and working in the mines for these boys Why are the jocks the only ones who get to go to college questions Homer Roy Lee replies Theyre also the only ones who get the girls Homer doesnt make it in football like his older brother so he is destined for the mines and to follow in his fathers footsteps as mine foreman Until he sees the dot of light streaking across the October sky Then he wants to build a rocket I want to go into space says Homer After a disastrous attempt involving a primitive rocket and his mothers Natalie Canerday fence Homer enlists the help of the nerdy Quentin Wilson Chris Owen Quentin asks Homer What do you want to know about rockets Homer quickly anwers Everything His science teacher at Big Creek High School Miss Frieda Riley Laura Dern greatly supports Homer and the four boys work on building rockets in Homers basement His father however whose life is the mine does not support him John Hickam Chris Cooper believes that Homer shouldnt waste his time on the rockets that the coal mines are all that matter The coal from the mines is used to make steel and without steel the country would be nothing The difficult relationship between Homer and his dad is one of the most poignant relationships I have ever seen in a film Miss Riley introduces Homer to the idea of entering the local science fair with a chance to go the nationals and win a college scholarship You cant just dream your way out of Coalwood she tells Homer Homer and his friends act upon their dreams by working constantly on the rockets improving the models with each attempt Despite the many attempts the boys do not lose their determination What are the chances of us winning that science fair ODell asks Homer in one of their more despairing moments A million to one answers Homer That good ODell replies Well why didnt you say so The music composed by Mark Isham conveys sadness and hope at the same time especially sad at a point when Homer descends into the mine shaft and loses sight of the sky and his dreams of getting out of Coalwood Rollicking 1950s rock and roll including songs by The Coasters and Buddy Holly occasionally pushes the instrumental pieces aside to create a lighthearted mood that contrasts the teenagers lives with the lives of the miners The film photographed by Fred Murphy also uses colors to set moods and symbolize The town of Coalwood actually filmed in Tennessee is washed with blues grays and browns Its as if the grime from the coal sticks to everything faces clothes houses and roads When a couple in a gleaming red convertible stops to ask for directions from the boys it is obvious that they are from the world outside of Coalwood and the Olga Coal Company The book on guided missile design that Miss Riley gives Homer is red The red stands out enough against the bluegray world of Coalwood to symbolize getting out but it is still subtle The reds are fleeting hints of a world that Homer only dreams of Jake Gyllenhaal expresses such zeal hope and pertinacity as Homer Hickam that it is hard to believe he isnt the real Homer we see in actual footage at the end of the film Chris Cooper is also extraordinarily believable as Homers stubborn father who doesnt recognize or just doesnt want to admit that the mine is not producing enough to keep the town alive Homer and everyone who encourages him in his rocketbuilding is aware that the town is dying With the community disintegrating the only way they stay together is by gathering for the rocket boys demonstrations Again Im sure things didnt happen exactly as the movie portrayed them but what would a movie be without a bit of idealism October Sky has just enough of that to make it a great motion picture and enough rawness to keep it real
Why is this film so bad Well if being so stupidly annoying and unfunny is a reason then this film is it The character of Corky Romano is unlikable at best and downright infuriating at worst The gags are predictable but that isnt what makes it bad They are the lame sort of predictable jokes that your unfunny friend would saybr br Corky Romano is about a mild mannered vet that tries to do right but is so clumsy His quiet life is thrown for a loop when the family that once spurned him now needs him to infiltrate the FBI to destroy any trace of the familys crime history However it isnt that easy for Corky because the FBI believes him to be a super agent and pegs him with the duty of spying on his very own family Mishaps and mayhem ensue but it really doesnt feel like any comic hijixn are there Corky ends up in love with his beautiful FBI partner and has to set the record straight with both the FBI and his family if he is to settle down to the quiet life againbr br I think what makes this film irritating is both the lead actor and the supposed jokes Chris Kattan reveals his alarming limitations as and actor here as his one note slapstick routine falls flat about 10 minutes into the film It is okay to have a full movie based solely off of dumb slap stick humor Will Ferrel Kattans SNL partner seems to have made a full career out of it The only difference between Kattan and Ferrel is that Ferrel knows when to tone it down and rely on other ways of telling a joke There is absolutely no diversity in Kattans routine Its hard to hear the same joke twice but for a whole movie that is just pure torturebr br The other problem with the movie was the lack of truly original and FUNNY jokes The gay mafia brother the awkward guy schtick and plenty of other forgettable jokes appear none as funny as the first time you barely laughed at it It seems as if the screenwriters had more of a fun time writing this than any one had watching it Even with a cast that has some comedic talent Chris Penn Peter Falk the jokes that commence are tired There is no chemistry too This film was obviously one for the pocketbooks for the actors No body seemed to care about it or even try Sad thing is no body told Chris Kattan that
This is a treat for fans of Zgrade movies Here you will find writing and acting bad enough to rival anything Ed Wood ever produced Veteran bad movie actor Cameron Mitchell is a former makeup man from Paragon Studios who after a nasty acidintheface incident at a social gathering becomes an embittered Mad Scientist tm with a rubber scar on his face who takes revenge by kidnapping Paragon actors and turning them into living statues in his Secret Laboratory tm handily located in the local wax museum Or are they zombies who do his bidding Hes not sure br br Happily many of your favourite movie clichs are here Check out the villains lab Are those mysterious steaming vats of liquid Test tubes of coloured water with no explained purpose Yay And what ho do we see spare arms and legs arranged kinda casuallike on a wooden rack You betcha Marvel at the bumbling detectives acting with straight out of Plan Nine Now enjoy a stupidly tame car chase and hear more dizzy bimbo screaming than you could possibly want Raise an eyebrow at the screwy plot line made even more opaque by the totally meaningless ending that seems to have no connection to the rest of the movie br br Cheesy trash and much fun for the bad movie connoisseur
One of the major aspects of Malenkaya Vera called Little Vera in English is that it was the first movie from the Soviet Union that featured a sex scene albeit a short one The title is important Vera is the Russian word for faith identifying that punk Vera Natalya Negoda has little faith in the Soviet system And as the movie shows theres not much faith to be had in it The opening scene shows the bleak industrial town of Zhdanov nearly a hell on earth When Veras lover Sergei Andrey Sokolov moves in with her family it leads to some unexpected eventsbr br Like in many Russian movies peoples names describe their characters For example theres Viktor remember that victor means winner All in all this is a good look at the Soviet Union while it was collapsing and we can see why it was collapsing Really good
This was one of the funniest and greatest sitcom to hit national television Its unfortunate that the show is not placed amongst great sitcoms where it truly belongs The actors did a superb job and seasons one thru six were the show at its peak point Although season seven was not as great when compared to the previous six it was still funny Season 8 was the real problem kicked in Without Topher grace or Ashton Kutcher the show simply fell apart Not too say the other actors werent great if any of 2 main characters had left such as Danny Masterson Wilder Valderamma Kurtwood Smith Debra Jo Rupp Mila Kunis and Laura Prepon Don Starks and tommy Chong are great too left the show it would have the same affect And the inclusion of Randy Josh Meyers didnt help either because he was not well received by the shows fans I believe if the show ended a year ago it would have certainly gone down in history as one of the sitcom greats Season 8 was a little dull but the finale was excellent I am going to miss the show i just hope i wake up one day to find out the show is back as That 80s show with the same cast because i am going to miss the hell out of it
SPOILERS BEWARE Flashdance is a fair movie in my opinion Some things do confuse me about it eg Jeanie asks Alex how long it took for her to get so good at dancing Alex replies About 25 years isnt Alex supposed to be 18 and some things do fascinate me about it I LOVED the spins Overall though it intrigued me When this movie was made I wasnt even born I didnt really experience the eighties I was born in 85 and I have to wonder sometimes Alex would just run in place a bit or throw herself all over not really dancing just banging in to things tossing her head back and waving her armswas this considered dancing back then If it was Im not sure I couldve standed it The spins the flip the fluid movements were great but some of itmy neighbors toddler couldve done better Also if Alex is a welder during the day wouldnt she be tired after a hard days work When she doesnt go to work for nearly a week wouldnt she be laid off Living in a warehouseI can almost see it but not quite It doesnt seem right that shes a welder owns a warehouse house AND is trying to get into ballet None of it really makes sense I shouldnt be too judgemental considering my own background but please Maybe Jennifer Beals is too feminine for me to see her as a welder I dont know But either way they couldve picked a better actress The actors were fine I even liked the romance You make your own decision But mine isrent it once dont see it againit isnt worth it
Seen this one in a Sneak Preview yesterday and must say it was terrible After the credits I thought Hey with this cast itll probably be pretty good Didnt at all turn out that way br br Lame predictable groaners terribly simply drawn characters maybe except a little Ms Laras and an ending one could foresee 10 minutes into the movie And worst of all it misused a delicate theme handicapped persons for low level and mostly tasteless jokes without ever touching anything but the surface of the issue The handicapped person the film sympathises with the most is the one who is just faking it What kind of message is that And the film doesnt have a thought through ending at all it basically comes down to I love you doesnt matter that you acted like a prickbr br To sum it up Great cast that must have been terribly bored to sign up for a terrible flick
Believe me I wanted this series to work but the early departure of Kevin Kilner dealt a near death blow after season one Robert Leeshock just wasnt right for the part and Jane Heitmeyer did an admirable job as lead but the series just got too messy and confused at that point I dont know what happened in Season Five what a mess Sometimes its time to drop the red cape and just stick the sword in the bull if you know what I mean The only consistent thread holding the series together were the amazing performances of Leni Parker and Anita LaSelva as the two Taelons in quiet idealogical conflict If not for their talents and wellwritten dialogue they would have been two weird bald manchicks in a Bmovie seriesbr br If only this series could have ended at season 4 and picked up later by SyFy
Man were do I starteverything about this Cartoon from the Episodesto the StoriesScript an Animation is to me the StupidestDummest and Most Annoying Cartoon that Walt Disney Television Animation ever CREATED and MADE Im so glad that Both Toon Disney 2006 and Disney Channel to Stop Airing it in the US as Of This May 2008br br Believe me its A wise choice to skip this out cast and black cloud of A cartoonif you watch it dont say I did not alert an warn youbr br Your in for A Boring and Down right Dull and Confusing TimeI wish and pray I never even saw 1 Episode of this Cartoon Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command If I could I would have the Part of my Brain removed that Remembers watching ityes it is and was that Bad
I didnt personally know Karen Carpenter nor Richard for that matter so I must go by how the movie portrayed her I think a better person to ask about its accuracy would be her brother Richard However from what I did see and learn of Karen I felt her pain share her sadness and she was a very special person to me growing up I know that I wasnt born until 1965 so I didnt get to know her as much as some of you older fans but I definitely grew up listening to her music and I have fond memories of her music I remember the song about the Radio every sha la la la every whoaso fine etc and I remember Weve only just begun As a matter of fact I memorized many many of her songs and some people quite a few tell me that my voice sounds almost identical to her I am not joking on this I also used to be anorexic during high school and part of college 19781987 to be exact and weighed anywhere from 82 pounds to eventually 120 pounds in 1987 I developed some pretty serious health problems from that which helped me to identify with the actress portraying Karen in the movie The mother Agnes was very MUCH like my mother in many ways and I could also feel the pain that Karen must have experienced For my mother was often unfeeling critical and disapproving as Agnes was if this was true to accuracy The movie was helpful in identifying and getting to know Karen on a more personal note by not just hearing her music but by seeing what she was going through It is quite difficult to portray a persons entire life in 23 hours and recount every single detail perfectly so I would have to say that there is probably no biography that is that accurate I will give this story an 8 though I wish I did know Karen personally I would have DIED to meet her I would have loved to have shook her hand given her a hug or talked to her I feel her warmth and love every time I hear one of her songs and she is greatly missed
terribly underrated with matt dillon and tom skerritt good backdrop for solid story and some memorable lines well acted and well cast tommy lee jones and bruce dern make you hate them with passion
Tony Arzenta a Sicilian hitman or professional killer decides to leave the business and his former employers do not agreeIn terms of content this highly enjoyable action movie doesnt have one in terms of sheer amusement it is funit is very melodramatic violent quite brutal the car chases are notable Arzenta is an unpretentious yet very likable filmmuch better than the current Hollywoodian trash that gets the same label It comes from Delons rather short flirting with the Italian B cinema of the 70s It carefully uses Delons tough guy persona belonging to the gallery of badass thugs that he made in his youth br br I enjoyed very much the fact that Delon made this film that he had a role in a good Eurocrime flickbr br The score is very fine with a good introductory songmaking felt that gusto that the Italians had for the film considered as a synthetic workwhere the musical art has an important partbr br In Tony Arzenta Big Guns No Way Out the very appealing Erika Blanc 31 years in 73 appears as an unnamed hookerMeanwhile Arzentas girlfriend Sandrais played by Carla Gravina a starlet that practically left the movies after 75br br Arzenta is interestingly filmedan ambitious visual conception some Expressionistic peculiar angles The movie was directed by the prolific Duccio Tessarithe one who made also Zorro the Delon comedyNeedless to mention that these two filmsTony Arzenta 1973 and Zorro are very unlikeThe first one is a bloody melodramatic violent action moviethe second is a lighthearted comedymore kindred to a spoofthough remarkably coherent and skilfully madeDuccio Tessari directed films like Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 1966Sons of Satan The Bloodstained Butterfly Viva La Muerte Tua Tough Guys 1974Safari Express 1976 etc
I broke my own rule buying this movie from the 588 bin at Walmart Basically if a movie has a big star in it and youve never heard of it before its usually for a reason Well in the case of this movie the reason is because it SUCKED They plaster Sandra Bullocks photo and name all over the cover of the DVD as bait and it reeled this little fishie right on in I was thinking of donating the disc to charity or giving it to the library but I dont think I would want to subject anyone else in the world to this movie Worst lines What do you mean army buddies What do you mean your dad
This movie can be labeled as a study case Its not just the fact that it denotes an unhealthy and nonartistic lust for anything that might be termed as cacoimagery The author lives with the impression that his sanctimonious revolt against some generic and childishly termed social ills Moldavia is the most pauper region of Europe I dont believe one iota in the birds flu Romanian people steal because they are poor Europeans steal because they are thieves are more or less close to a responsible moral and artistic attitude but he is sorely offtarget br br What Daneliuc doesnt know is that its not enough to pose as a righteous person you also need a modicum of professionalism talent and intelligence to transpose this stance into an artistic product Fatefully The Foreign Legion shows as much acumen as a family video with Uncle Gogu drunkenly wetting himself in front of the guests The script is chaotic and incoherent randomly bustling together sundry halfsubjects in an illiterate attempt to suggest some kind of a story The direction is pathetically dilettante the socalled director is unable to build up at least a mediocre miseenscene his shots are annoyingly awkward and any sense of storytelling shines by total absence Of course any comment is forced to stop at this level it would be ridiculous to mention concepts as cinematographic language means of expression or style The acting is positively Cntarea Romniei Romanias Chant level with the exception of paradoxically the soccer goalkeeper Necula Raducanu who is very natural and Nicodim Ungureanu Oana Piecnita seems to have a genuine freshness but she is compromised by the amateurish directions given by Daneliucbr br The most serious side of this offense to decent cinema is the fact that the production received a hefty financing from the national budget via CNC the National Cinematography Council The fact that longtimedead old dinosaurs like Daneliuc are still thirsty for the government udder is understandable in a marketdriven economy they would be instantly eliminated through natural selection But the corruption of the socalled jury that squanders the countrys money on such ridiculously scabrous nonart noncinema and nonculture belongs to the criminal field
If you go into the Twins Effect looking for a pure Hong Kong movie experience you will be disappointed This is not to say it is bad but it is NOT a traditional Hong Kong action movie running in a similar vein to Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle Its resolutely silly and juvenile so if you want a good bit of serious Hong Kong action look to a John Woo or Yuen Woo Ping movie This movies got a lot of flak for its silliness and I thought the first thing I should do would be to explain what youre getting into as its disappointed a lot of puristsbr br For the nonpurists and those with more forgiving tastes though Twins Effect is a delightfully silly kungfu comedy I liked it a lot for a variety of reasons not least its wonderful female leads who spark off each other in a thoroughly entertaining comedy double act I believe this is the first movie of its type theyve been in but they hop kick and fly about like seasoned prosbr br The patently ridiculous plot is handled with a great deal of care and attention and the movie is quite knowingly written making a lot of the movie laugh out loud The comedy really is the most prominent thing here and its a subtle gentle comedy as reliant on words as inanimate objects going flying a la Stephen Chow It has to be said the slapstick is immense fun too The sequence with the discodancing vampires is a total classicbr br The action is a blend of two genres really It falls between the period drama wireandsword fighting which comes in more toward the end and the comedy fighting style of Jackie Chan coming out with a blend that though a little derivative at times is always exciting to watch and occasionally throws up some genuinely innovative encountersbr br All this is great and the movie is tremendous fun all the way through Despite this it does have a few sticking points For instance Twins Effect is in many ways much more westernised than kungfu fans are perhaps used to the inevitable comparison to the Blade series is definitely sound as an example though Twins Effect is honestly much better than Blade ever managed especially for fighting action Personally it was also a bit of a shame to see the excellent Anthony Wong the hissable villain from John Woos classic Hard Boiled so underused but the younger audience this is aimed at are unlikely to notice this or indeed know about Hard Boiled or his other movies so this is only really a personal gripebr br If you watch this with an open mind youll probably enjoy it greatly like I did but you must be firmly aware it is a COMEDY not a balls to the wall kungfu movie Keep that in mind and youll be fine
Walking home after the film I was humming the familiar waltz music that Natalia and Alexandre were dancing to Ive heard that before where Ah from Kubricks Eyes Wide Shut track 2 got it just as I arrived at the door Its Waltz No 2 from Jazz Suite No 2 composed by Dimitri Shostakovich performed here by The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Yes I went and picked up the soundtrack from Towers What a treat The film score by Alexandre Desplat was fulfilling there are fifteen tracks besides two tracks of the delightful waltz Its not often these days we get a soundtrack entirely dedicated to a comprehensive film score Reminds me of favorite scores by Maurice Jarre Ennio Morricone beginning notes of track 6 have traces of Nuovo cinema Paradiso Georges Delerue and John Barry There are subtle nuances of strains and notes from the strings celeste piano and harp br br Emily Watson and John Turturro delivered a credibly consuming paired performance The love story their intimate connection is very much between Alexandre and Natalia his childlike yet tormenting inner world and her generous and bold understanding of him a relationship alone to them both Director Marleen Gorris of Antonias Line 1996 Academy Awards Best Foreign Language Film from the Netherlands gave us a quietly sensitive film not without its unsettling human conflicts intrigues obsessions family strives lovingness and respect The frontend subject is the mindgame and mathematical logic of chess Beneath it can be a mild tearjerker of a drama set in the late 1920s Cinematography captures the serene beauty of Lake Como in northern Italy near the Swiss borderbr br I highly recommend the soundtrack if you dont feel like going to the movies Alexandre Desplats lyrical film score of The Luzhin Defence is complete
This hugely entertaining short is considered one of the best shorts ever and I certainly wont argue with that Even in a country where topnotch animated shorts are created with regularity this film still manages to stand out If you ever get the chance to view this film please do so Its only ten minutes long and yet it contains a man who is obsessed with saws a woman who vacuums the bathtub and a nuclear war What more could you want in a film
My family two 40somethings an 8 year old and my 71 yr old mother saw this at a sneak preview on April 29th We all enjoyed the movie very much The story was a good one and knowing it was based on reallife events made it that much more enjoyable Luke Wilson was a hoot pun intended to watch as was Tim Blake Nelson And seeing Neil Flynn play something other than the mean janitor from Scrubs was nice The kids in movie did well and Im sure they will all appeal to a certain demographic on the heartthrob level The visuals were just lovely and the Jimmy Buffet music added to the Florida feel OK maybe the story was a little too neat and well packaged for some adults but hey who cares I cant compare it to the book I honestly hadnt heard of it until the movie came out br br It was just a NICE movie and it had a good message Plain and simple
Looking through the other comments Im amazed that there arent any warnings to potential viewers of what they have to look forward to when renting this garbage First off I rented this thing with the understanding that it was a competently rendered Indiana Jones knockoff What I got was one of the most offensive movies I can remember trying to sit through made all the more shocking by the movies comparatively high production valuesbr br I dont think this is a spoiler but if it is be warnedbr br If your idea of entertainment is watching Bimbo getting raped from behind by Fearsome Tribal Chief while she is staring into the dead eyes of her significant others severed head by all means rent this flick If not Id advise you to look elsewhere for entertainmentbr br Come to think of it that scene so succinctly sums up the movie that theres nothing else I really need to say about it
This is a truly remarkable piece of cinematic achievement From the very start I was utterly hooked into the true story when Lt Viktor Burakov Stephan Rea weeps while performing the autopsies on the remains of the childrens bodies This then is the compelling story of Andrei Chikatilo wonderfully played by Jeffrey DeMunn The Green Mile In fact he plays it so well and so sympathetically that the viewer almost starts to pity him until we remember what he is The psychiatrist Dr Alexandr Bukhanovsky wonderfully played by Max Von Sydow was utterly believable in every detail and the point he makes when talking about paranoia in the Soviet Union is made all too apparent by the behaviour of the local Communist Commissar Bondarchuk played by Joss Ackland For me though the outstanding performance was from Donald Sutherland proving once again what a superb character actor he really is I was almost in tears when he told Burakov how the FBI had so closely followed and admired his work This film puts Silence of the Lambs into the shade from the atmospheric and bleak Soviet landscape to the superlative performances by everyone involved br br I rate this film 1010
The second not animated movie about the only people still refusing to surrender to the Roman Empire is even more hilarious than the first film Asterix Obelix contre Ceasarbr br Where the first movie got all the laughs because all cartooncharacters were so perfectly brought to life without losing their cartoonesque identity this sequel which is a separate story as are all the comicbooks is even better Sure all the ingredients that you find in the first movie and in the comicbooks are present again Obelix is still dying to taste the magic potion that gives his other tribe members such enormous powers Caesar and the rest of the Roman Empire are still enemy number 1 but some new refreshing elements have been brought to the stage as wellbr br Not only is setting very idyllic biggest part plays of course in Egypt but rather than repeating movie number one some extras have been added by making all kinds of references to other movies Bruce Lee etc This is all not very new but the unexpected combination of the known story from the comicbook with almost the same title as the movie and references to stuff that has got absolutely nothing to do with Asterix Obelix really worksbr br In that way the movie builds further on a tradition by comicwriters Goscinny and Uderzo who didnt hesitate to bring Laurel and Hardy on the stage and even dedicate an entire story to Kirk Douglasbr br If all of this doesnt convince you to watch this movie Im sure Monica Bellucci playing Cleopatra will
Okay okay I must admit I do somewhat like Peter Liapis and Ill admit this is not the best Ghoulies sequel I mean yeah it had its flaws such as NO GHOULIES themselves But the two Ghoulies that come to earth were really funny I guess they were called Dark and Lite I enjoyed the plot of the movie And even at the end of the movie both Ghoulies implied that there would be a sequel Still waiting lol Peter Liapis reprised his role as Jonathan Graves this time playing a detective how cute Ghoulies IV may not be scary or suspenseful but it is definitely funny I thought I would comment on this movie and just say its not that bad It is worth watching even though the Ghoulies arent in it
Angels in the Outfield was originally a 1951 movie from the Ted Turner library Disney remade it in 1994 this time using the California Angels now the Los Angeles Angels as the team Disney used to own this and the Anaheim Mighty Ducks Hockey Team also good use of the words huhbr br This movie was about a couple of orphaned children who wanted a family A man promised the boys a family only if the Angels won the pennant So he called upon God one night about this The boy who prayed could see the help coming on the way and ONLY that boy for instance when the first angel had come down a player hit a ball so hard not only did the bat break so did the ball For much of the postAll Star season of 1994 the Angels were at the top of the AL West of which my home team the Rangers is one and it still is However they lost a game because the boy was at court instead of the White SoxAngels game there was no Central Division in Baseball back then hence Chicago being in the West and no angels were there to help Thus a new rule was created no angels can help in championship games But wait In the final championship game the Angels won It was a miracle indeedbr br What I liked about this film This is a good movie I mean I prayed every night for the last few years asking for help with school and stuff look at me now My work was good So for one this shows that if you believe God can send His angels down to help you with any troubles that you may have in life And second this is a family baseball movie which is always exciting This is an old Disney movie too Ive seen this just recently on the New Disney Channel blechbr br Angels in the Outfield will change your life forever once youve seen itbr br 1010
Wimpy stuffed shirt Armand Louque blandly played by veteran character actor Dean Jagger in a rare lead role joins a group of researchers who want to find and destroy the secret technique of creating zombies Armand falls for the lovely Claire Duval fetching blonde Dorothy Stone who uses the meek sap to get Armands colleague Clifford Grayson the hopelessly wooden Robert Noland to marry her Furious over being used and spurned by Claire Armand uses his knowledge of voodoo to get revenge Sound exciting Well it sure aint For starters Victor Halperins static nondirection lets the meandering and uneventful talkridden story plod along at an excruciatingly slow pace Worse yet Halperin crucially fails to bring any tension atmosphere and momentum to the hideously tedious proceedings The mostly blah acting from a largely insipid cast doesnt help matters any only George Cleveland as the hearty General Duval and E Alyn Warren as the irascible Dr Trevissant manage to enliven things a bit with their welcome and refreshing hammy histrionics The drippy stock film library score the painfully obvious stagebound sets and the crude cinematography are pretty lousy and unimpressive as well In fact this feeble excuse for a fright feature is so crummy that not even the uncredited starkly staring eyes of the great Bela Lugosi can alleviate the brainnumbing boredom A dismally dull dud
Years ago a movie going friend and I went to see a horror film that we thought would be good because it starred John Cassavetes For the uninitiated John Cassavettes was an actor screen writer and director married to actress Gena Rowlands nominated for Oscars three times who wrote and directed a variety of good lowbudget films using his income as an actor to keep himself afloat Up until seeing The Incubus we did not understand that John Cassavetes income was made from any movie that was offered to him Had we known what the film was about before seeing it we may have avoided altogether But we did not walk out At the time my friend and I jokingly indicated it was the worst movie ever made Now frankly this is not true I have seen many poorly made films on Friday nights on Cinemax did I just say that out loud that are far worse than The Incubus Almost any movie starring Brian Bosworth is by definition a worse movie than The Incubus Certainly Santa Claus Conquers the Martians is a worse movie than The Incubus However I have since consistently used The Incubus as a threshold below which I do not want to fall When talking to this friend about a movie I may have seen I will always remark that it was better or worse than The Incubusbr br httpthevillagevideotblogspotcom
Dominion Tank Police is without a shell of a doubt one of the most amazing shows ever produced but not just in the field of animation While the first part Acts 1 and 2 mostly consists of action and fun the second part is more serious and one should not treat the second part in the exact same way as first part The subtleties are truly out of this world and the characterization is beyond brilliant You must have an extra degree of intelligence to appreciate the intricacies of the second Part Acts3 and 4 I do have some complaints though In the first part the Tank Bonaparte quite literally jumps over a tank shell and it did not make any sense at all One might also question the plausibility of Bonaparte jumping on the wing of Helicopter Gunship even though it was cool Buaku rules
Now the television schedules in England at least are crammed with home improvement bargainhunting househunting and cookery shows in the afternoons the chances of any of the terrestrial broadcasters digging out a complete obscurity like this to occupy a couple of hours of screen time on a slow afternoon are slender to say the least But back in the eighties the BBC did just that and guess what I watched it And its a testament to the overwhelming weirdness of this HungarianAmerican coproduction that I can still remember large chunks of it over twenty years later To begin with the eponymous hero appears briefly during the opening titles only to vanish again for at least half an hour Imagine AN American TAIL reedited so Feivel is nowhere to be seen and youll appreciate how confusing this is Theres a supremely bizarre bit of animation where one of the characters gets his elaborately waxed moustache tweaked and stretched complete with a boingy sound effect that causes him to go bosseyed Probably hilarious if youre stoned but to a child quite disturbing Speaking of which the infamous hippo cull scene is represented in an abstract manner clouds in vague hippo shapes are struck by lightning but its still pretty unpleasant In fact this film is pretty cold and uninvolving throughout a sad state of affairs hardly helped by the strangelooking production design all muddy colours wobbly lines bloated forms and that uniquely European bleakness reminiscent of Jan Svankmajer only not as compelling Then to cap it all we get songs by the Osmonds This isnt so much an awful film as a deeply misguided one not so much phantasmagorical as a rather bad trip
Wow this is very unusual in one regard usually the first movie in a long string of sequels is the best of the bunch People are surprised when a sequel is actually better With Tarzan I thought this movie was the worst of the bunch or at least the first six which comprise my Tarzan Collection DVD package I will gladly watch the sequels multiple times but I am through sitting through this turkey thanks to several charactersbr br Well lets start with the good news firstbr br THE GOOD Plenty of action with a lot of wild animals on display even if they are just stock footage You see lion attacks crocodiles hippos panthers you name it and you see several of the different tribes of all kinds including pygmies called dwarfs in the movie Since this movie was made almost 75 years ago I cant knock any of the realism because they didnt have it in the movies that long ago They do the best they can so you put up with actors talking in front of fake backgrounds However Weissmuller did a lot of action scenes and was in great shape He and OSullivan make a wellbuilt handsome couple if there ever was one in those Golden Years of cinemabr br The film has historical value with so many sequels in that it shows how Tarzan acquired Jane and his beginnings of learning the English languagebr br The BAD From the moment Jane Parker is taken by Tarzan almost every scene with her is Maureen OSullivan in hysterics shrieking and screaming scene after scene Its enough to give you a headache and it ruins the film Thankfully she calmed down in the sequels but not in this movie The movie also does no favors for The Great White Hunter image as C Aubrey Smith playing Janes father and Neil Hamilton as Harry Holt the safari guide shoot at every animal within sight whether the beasts is threatening or not These people are kill happy particularly Smith On another note its too bad there isnt anything in here explaining how Tarzan got to be in the jungle in the first place There is no history of him in here or footage of his growing up Hes just there when Jane and the group get to a certain point in Africa
Emilio Miraglios The Red Queen Kills Seven Times 1972 is just about the most perfect example of a giallo that I have ever seen mixing all the requisite elements into one sinister stew indeed First of all and of paramount importance for me it has a complex twisty plot that ultimately makes perfect sense and the killer here does not come completely out of left field at the end The story concerning a series of gruesome murders you already know how many from the films title right that takes place in seeming fulfillment of an ancient prophecy concerning two sisters is an involving one and the murderer a redcloaked figure with the insane laugh of a madwoman is both frightening and memorable Every great giallo requires some lovely lead actresses and here we have quite an assortment headed by the ridiculously beautiful Barbara Bouchet as one of the two sisters and in one of her earlier roles Sybil Danning as a lustful tramp at Barbaras fashion house Another necessary ingredient of a superior giallo is a catchy hummable score and Bruno Nicolai provides one for this film that should stay with you for days Gorgeous scenery Check again Filmed largely in Wurzburg Germany the picture is a treat for the eye indeed OK OK but what about those murders After all isnt that what gialli are all about Well Im pleased to report that most viewers should be well satisfied with the various knifings shootings impalements and other carnage that this film tastefully dishes outnot to mention the crypts freaky dream sequence rats and bats and LOTS of em too the drug references a rape scene the obligatory red herrings and in the person of Ugo Pagliai a hunky leading man for the female viewers As I said a perfect giallo And even better this DVD is from the fine folks at No Shame and you know what that means a gorgeous print and loads of extras to boot Thanks guys
As most of you Ive watch a lot of great movies In between those we often either voluntarily or mistakenly also find those movies that are so pointless that we think of reasons as to why anyone would make it This is exactly what I can say for Dead mans bountybr br The very least I can do is try to warn some of you If you enjoy being entertained by a motion picture because of the story acting and intensity than you might want to chose something else Now its not all badIn fact if all you want is creative film editing and unique angles along with original music ambient than you might think its OK As someone that values movie plots acting and being entertained by a film the truth is I thought this movie was so terrible beyond words I could easily find a spot for it on my list of worst movies seen in a while br br As for having Val Kilmer in this the truth is he was casted probably as a favor to the director As a fan of some of Kilmers films I cant understand what his motive for this was The movie seems part western part romanceIn the end Im sure most of you can agree with me that it simply is a rude waste of our time In case you havent seen this movie my recommendation would be to avoid it completely
My friends and I rented that movie last night and we had one of the greatest laughs in awhile The movie is not supposed to be funny at all but it is just so ridiculous and it lacks any realism whatsoever First Phillippe I forget what his character is called and I dont really care uses his regular employee ID to go through all the topsecurity terminals Not only is that pathetic but it gets topped when his enormous efforts culminate in his finding the soscary Legoroom which hosts the super computers This is plain funny The tense mood that we are supposed to experience is completely spoilt by the childish looking room The ending like all else is very very very cheesy especially when the bad guys lawyer shows up right on time Anyway this movie is a good laugh If you need something to make fun of definitely see it
This is the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life The plot and message are horrible There are too many mistakes in this movie that its impossible to keep up I dont even understand how this movie can get any nomination let alone 2 Heres why 1 Sam Lee portrays a angryirrational detective which was caused by the disappointment from his dad Pros Hes angry alright Cons When it comes to the explanation scene he cannot convey the sadnessdisappointment he has in his father The crying scene was too fake and it seems like he is literally squeezing out tears from the corner of his eyesbr br 2 To connect the movie to the title there were barking or dog wimping sounds during the fight scenes and rape scene which is totally irrelevant and confusing to the viewer I understand that its supposed to be a metaphor or what not but its just sooo dumb 3 WHY THE HECK DID THE COPS NOT SHOOT THE KILLER What the heck is wrong with this movie When the killer started stabbing an officer SHOOT him Hes already dead What the heck There were lots of opportunity that the killer could be killed but I do not know why he wasnt 4 During the scene where the girl had her foot hurt In the scene it was very clear that the LEFT foot of the girls was hurt so how the heck in the next scene that shes lending all her weight on her left foot And this is the actress nominated as the best new performer WTF 5 The sounds in the movie are off syncbr br 6 I am guessing that this movie is trying to bring awareness of the brutality and violence among children in South East Asia so why does the bad guy wins and then the cop was joining the fight 7 This movie is just too violent without a purpose Cops are beating CI to a pulp and then if they cooperate they give them marijuana and coke This is overall the worst movie I truly feel that the person who wrote this movie is a sadist and sick person I have never seen a more disgusting movie in my whole entire life WORST MOVIE EVER
Sidney Young Pegg moves from England to New York to work for the popular magazine Sharpes in a hope to live his dream lifestyle but struggles to make a lasting impressionbr br Based on Toby Youngs book about survival in American business this comedy drama received mixed views from critiques Labelled as inconsistently funny but with charm by the actors how to lose friends seemed as a run of the mill fish out of the pond make fun at another culture comedy but it isntbr br This 2008 picture works on account of its actors and the simple yet sharp story We start off in the past then in the present and are working our way forwards to see how Young made his mark at one of Americas top magazinesbr br Pegg Hot Fuzz is too likable for words Whether its hitting zombies with a cricket bat or showing his sidekick the nature of the law the English actor brings a charm and light heartedness to every scene Here when the scripting is good but far from his own standards he brings a great deal of energy to the picture and he alone is worth watching for His antics with Babe 3 are unforgivable simply breathtaking stuff as is his over exuberant dancing but he pulls it off splendidlybr br Bridges and Anderson do well at portraying the stereotypical magazine bosses where Dunst fits in nicely to the confused love interest Megan Fox who stole Transformers reminds everyone she can act here with a funny hyperbole of a stereotype film star The fact that her character Sophie Myles is starring in a picture about Mother Teresa is as laughable as her characters antics in the pool To emphasize the point there is a dog and Pegg rounds that off in true Brit style comedy with a great little twistbr br Though a British film there is an adaptation of American lifestyle for Young as he tries to fit in and we can see the different approaches to story telling Young wants the down right dirty contrasted with the American professionalism The inclusion of modern day tabloid stars will soon make this film dated but the concept of exploitation of film stars gives this edgebr br Weides first picture is not perfect There are lapses in concentration as the plot becomes too soapy with an awkward obvious twist and there are too many characters to be necessary The physical comedy can also be overdone As a side note the bloopers on the DVD are some of the finest you will ever see which are almost half an hour longbr br This comedy drama has Simon Pegg on shining form again and with the collective approach to story telling and sharp comedy it is worth watching
Crossfire is ostensibly a murder mystery but what distinguishes it from other similar movies of the period is the killers motive which is antiSemitism The story highlights examples of the kind of ignorance which fuels bigotry and contains references to a hillbilly and an Irish immigrant who also suffered maltreatment because of their ethnicitybr br The movies plot is based on Richard Brooks novel called The Brick Foxhole which is about a hate crime where the victim was gay Its ironic that this story about a form of intolerance should be met with intolerance by the censors who stipulated that for the screen version the type of bigotry involved should be changed to antiSemitism Another irony is the behaviour of a soldier who seems fiercely proud of having served in a war against the Nazis and yet embraces their hatred of Jews The director and producer of this movie also suffered another type of intolerance when they were blacklisted after being called to appear before the House UnAmerican Activities Committee All these points just seem to underline the deeply entrenched and intractable nature of the whole problem of bigotry as depicted in this moviebr br When Police Captain Finlay Robert Young investigates the murder of Joseph Samuels Sam Levene he discovers that on the night when he was killed Samuels had been socialising with a group of soldiers and one of these Corporal Arthur Mitch Mitchell George Cooper is quickly identified as the prime suspect Further information is also gathered from Montgomery Robert Ryan who is another of the soldiers who was present that night and Sergeant Keeley Robert Mitchum whos a friend of Mitchell Keeley with the help of some other soldiers then searches for Mitchell and when he finds him hears his account of what he did on the night of the murder including his meeting with a dance hall hostess called Ginny Tremaine Gloria Grahamebr br Keeley helps Michell to avoid being arrested and tries to identify the murderer Ginny Tremaine is questioned but her information is insufficient to prove Mitchells innocence but Finlays investigations lead him to recognise the motive for the crime and subsequently he sets up an elaborate trap which leads the real culprit into exposing his own guiltbr br Crossfire is a movie with a message and the identity of the murderer is revealed at a very early stage in the story The message is conveyed in a way which was no doubt appropriate for the period in which it was made but by todays standards seems rather heavy handed The cinematography by J Roy Hunt is just wonderful with low key lighting and creative use of numerous strategically placed table lamps combining to evoke a look which is perfectly compatible with the drama being played out on screenbr br Despite it being a low budget production Crossfire was a great box office success and benefited from having an absorbing and very relevant story with a marvellous cast two of whom were nominated for Academy Awards for Best Supporting Actor Robert Ryan and Best Supporting Actress Gloria Grahame The additional nominations for Edward Dmytryk Best Director producer Adrian Scott Best Picture and John Paxton Best Writing Adapted Screenplay are just further evidence of the positive recognition which this movie justifiably received
Caught this on IFC yesterday and cant believe the positive reviews Am I the only one who thought these ladies were anything but Kate tells Jed she could get fired because shes supposed to be a pillar of the community but puts out for him Then they suddenly decide theyre in love And shes SO devastated over his death she doesnt go to his funeral much less tell his family the good news By the way how did an American get to be the headmistress of a very proper British school Janine should have been kicked off the force for her inexcusable abuse of power but nothing happens And she winds up boffing a con she brought in for questioning And the less said about Molly the betterbr br As for the guilt Janine and Molly feel over Jed please Its the punks own damn fault he got turned into roadkill Wheres the guilt over poor Gerald who gets puked on If only I could do the same to the bozos behind this movie
I thought that it was a great film for kids ages 612 A little sappy but the story is uplifting an fresh It proves that the dreams of an adolescent can truly come true I think that its a great story for any kid who is feelings down or feels as if there trying to juggle too many things among them Very cute film Bravo
After watching the trailer I was surprised this movie never made it into theaters so I ordered the BluRay I had a great time watching it and have to say that this movie is better than some major animation movies out there Of course it has its flaws but I can still really recommend it The animation is well done very entertaining and unique and the story kept me watching it all the way to the end Some of the backdrops are just dropdead gorgeous and you can see the French talent behind it I thought that Forest Whitakers performance feels a bit lifeless but that is how the character LianChu is depicted in this movie So overall thumbs up I liked it a lot and I hope it is successful enough for all the studios involved to continue making great movies like this I would recommend to give it a chance and be surprised how great a movie can be with such a small budget Hektor alone is worth watching the movie since some of his moments are Stitchlike hilarious
I remember this movie Quite intense for an 11 year old Good editing I felt terrible for the St Bernard Id watch it again if it were rebroadcast but the signal is passing Pluto as I write this Robert Culp A highlight of his career I am just glad I didnt live in THAT neighborhood Oh those 70s What a decade If they remade it I bet it would be very violent and bloody So what are they waiting for An excellent movie for prepubescent suburban boys It was very intense I think it was filmed in Los Angeles Certainly not made in Lodi NJ The shot with the St Bernard was the best and obviously the most haunting image from the filmand then they left the carcass on the stoop Rotten kids
league of gentleman has been the most disturbing British sitcom to be on tv and how can a funny movie be so bad ratedthey just have no taste this film will make you want to watch over and over again and still find it funnybr br it is surprising that it has done bad but it is British the cinema do crap most of the time but this time it in my words a boost with comedy with a giraffe spunks over Ladys this is a top British comedy and better than dodgeball so by this and it wont prove you wrong as i dont really laugh through films but this film was amazing through comedy with the best characters but i was a bit disappointed of how much Edward and Tabbs were in there for back to typing buy this film and it wont disappoint you
This could have been a good TVmovie but the flashbacks do not make it easier to understand the movie As they give the viewer informations on the way will the movie proceeds i found myself wondering why she never said or mentioned that in the beginning Then the whole trail would probably not have been necessarybr br When the movie ends you understand why she shot and of course she is not guilty Too bad that the producerdirector used the flashbacks this way but on the other had the movie would not have been worth while at allbr br Nice movie for a rainy day big bag of chips to kill the evening
This is breezy highly entertaining drama with an excellent cast Garfield is fine as a boxer hiding from the police with that motley crew the Dead End Kids Most notable of these is the beautiful Billy Halop who has some very moving moments Gloria Dickson who in real life died very young in a house fire is strong and very attractive as Halops sister and in the early scenes Ann Sheridan on the brink of stardom is a knockout May Robson is very funny as a crusty old granny but Claude Rains proves here that even a great actor can flounder if miscast whoever thought of casting him as a tough New York copbr br Busby Berkeley proves here that he was a fine director with or without musical numbers The film moves at a terrific pace and the water tower sequence is very suspenseful and well photographed The ending is contrived and the plot nothing startling or original but I still found this a highly enjoyable experience
Chaplin stars in a dual role as a jewish barber who with amnesia is mistaken for the dictator Adenoid Hynkel ie Hitler A movie made in 1940 when the war was in its dark days and was in no way won by the alliesit was banned in Germany by Hitler and was a risk in a way for Chaplin because if the war was lost he surely wouldve been sent away to be reeducatedbr br A funny satire with the classic scene of Hitler tossing around a giant balloon of the worldgood fun but with a messagea little preachy in the end This was the last movie with Chaplins trademark little mustache on a scale of one to ten9
This movie has all the qualities to be good Stan singing dancing falling is very funny I think he handled his character in the best way possible its a parody and very well done maybe times can change theres another audience but if you want to laugh come on see it
I saw El Mar yesterday and thought it to be a great movie It starts with a childhood episode in the life of the 3 main characters Ramallo Manuel Tur and Francisca After that we jump about 10 years to an hospital where the 3 friends meet againbr br Religion sickness love violence and sexuality rage throughout the movie creating and intense and tensionfilled moviebr br I see people complaining about the film being too gory and i think they missed the point of the story Its a violent intense and sad story People are expected to suffer To cry To get hurt To bleed And i think that what the film shows isnt done for pure shockvalue or presented in a distasteful way I know that some people like their films clean even those with violence in it But sometimes a movie needs to make you feel unconfortable to work This is one of those movies And a great movie it isbr br The only fault i found was that there were 3 or 4 moments were some plot details werent 100 clear and only after thinking about them at the end of the movie it all made sense But it wasnt anything of much importance to the overall story so i still give this movie a 9
I was previously unaware that in the early 1990s Devry University or was it ITT Tech added Film to its wonderful repertoire of technical degree programs Well this movie must have been the product of the class valedictorian My friend and I rented the original 1980 Boogeyman on my Netflix and this movie was on the flip side of the DVD Do not waste your time with this movie Awful awful awful br br The filmmaker adds 2 main characters a woman and her therapist The woman has been having dreams about the Boogeyman and his victims from the first film Over 50 of this film is stock from the original movie The rest of the movie is the main character having the bad dreams while her therapist drones on a the narrator These scenes are shot through a filter so thick the characters glow They would make Angela Lansbury look 25 years old So to recap awful Dont watch this movie
Here is proof of why Mary Pickford was `Americas Sweetheart In this rather complex drama Mary plays the young daughter of a squatter that dare to dream of a relationship with the son of one of the `hilltoppers The scenes where they steal a kiss and otherwise fall in love are simply delightful She is even willing to take a bath That Mary could pull this role off at the age of 30 is simply amazing and somewhat due to her diminutive stature 5br br Tess must face numerous physical and emotional challenges She does so with spunk not seen in many heroines of the time Tess packs a wallop and is not shy about fighting with anyone Why she agrees to help the `hilltopper daughter is beyond me but she sacrifices her own happiness in order to keep a deep secret Pickfords close ups are wonderfulbr br Danishborn Jean Hersholt is simply wonderful as the villain The scene in which he manhandles a small baby is enough to make you throw vegetables or whatever at the movie screen If Forrest Robinson who plays Daddy Skinner had worn a beard he would have been a match for the model used in those World War I recruiting posters of Uncle Sam Wants Youbr br Although the story is somewhat predictable and slow in the beginning it is worth the investment in your time to see the piece or pure `Americana The film highlights choices available to us all involving making someone else happy and what it is to be a real Christian Recommended
The only reason I dont give this movie fewer than 3 stars is because it isnt quite on par with a movie like Manos The Hands of Fate This movies greatest crime is the fact that it is headmeltingly boring terribly unforgivably British The premise of this movie sounds potentially promising the whole teleporting concept but the direction they went with it was completely uninteresting It was more a movie about research funding and bowties than projecting lasers The actors were wooden unemotional and aloof As was the love affair between the two scientists which was anything but intriguing I never was able to tell what the attraction was between them as the chemistry was nonexistent Nor did I really understand why the meltyfaced main guy decided to slaughter everyone he met At least now I know that I should always give someone a fair hearing before I cut off their research grants else they go rampaging about killing wantonly with goofy hand gestures
As a girl Hinako moved away from her small village to Tokyo leaving behind her two best friends Fumiya and Sayori She returns as a young woman surprised to find that Sayori died when she was a teenager She reunites with Fumiya and they are horrified to learn that Sayori is mysteriously being resurrected via the island of Shikoku Oh boy I rented this because I like Asian horror and I think Chiaki Kuriyama a nifty actress Unfortunately if I had to describe Shikoku in one word it would be fruity This movie is silly boring poorly filmed unimaginative and most of all unscary Kuriyama has minimal screen time as the resurrected Sayori and her character is given little to work with
Steven Vasquez directed and cowrote with James Townsend the star this strange little drama cum horror flick with evidently very good ideas and intentions make a gay film that takes a different storyline than the usual fare and make a drama that wants to be judged on its merits as a thriller So why doesnt it work For starters the film loses direction from the opening frame and wanders rather aimlessly throughout the film dead set on making a suspense thriller but getting sidetracked into satisfying an audience who wants to see nude encounters Not that that is a bad thing it can certainly enhance some films that have been Hollywood successes The film also tries to talk about coming out experiences in young men and women relationships disturbed parenting the club scene with all the wild antics that accompany such events and murder It is all a bit much to cram into a 96minute filmbr br Devon James Townsend by all appearances is a successful kid with a kind girlfriend Jenna Sarah Kelly but he has an eye for boys and visits a bar where he meets Brian Alex Wilson who has been down the same path and can offer Devon assistance on every level They bond Devon comes out and the mysteries begin boys are missing in the neighborhood Devons stepfather psychologist Dr Kirk Tyler Dan Swett is not at all what he appears to be and despite Devons consoling mother Donna Sonja Fisher Devon is cast into the streets because of his new relationship It seems Dr Tyler is in a dark business with hunky Detective Cunningham Earl McDougle who apparently is investigating the missing boys Devon gathers his resources from his understanding girlfriend Jenna and her cronies and together the group unveils the dark doings of Dr Tyler and his detective sidekick And through it all Donna radiates warmth and understanding as the perfect mother of a gay boy etcbr br Some of the actors are pleasing to the eye and there is very little the eye doesnt examine frequently but the degree of acting is at an all time low The only thing that makes us forgive that and in some cases it is just too poor to forgive is the feeling of commitment on the part of everyone involved Yes this is a low budget movie and yes the director needs time to learn his trade But in the end there is something to be said for the involved people to try to take a gay film to a different level Maybe their next one will be more polished Grady Harp
Possible Spoiler Adam Sandler is usually typecast in Comedybut in Reigngives a deeply moving performanceWhile there are people who showed Courage facing post September 112001Sandler plays Finemana widower who is lonely and lost in his own worldJohnsonCheadlea practicing dentistencounters his old College buddySandlerand wants to catch up on Old timesWe seeas in Rain ManDustin HoffmanFineman also gets emotional and withdrawn in stressful situationsOldies musicappears to be a comfort and Psychological crutch for him to lean onbr br Johnson looks forin Finemanthat certain pleasure and ease missing in his FamilyHe also feels unhappy and unsatisfied in his JobIn the same instanceHe also wants to make sure his friend does not fall through the social cracksI came away from this moviewith a different outlook and more sympathetic Compassion for grieving families
This brings back so many childhood memories Im not old Im 19 Its brill The trains the old house the fallen runner the really scary landslide well it is when youre 6 the drama if the children can stop the train or will it crash This is a childrens film without a doubt but it offers great harmless no bloodgutsguns etc for children And its got Bernard Cribbins in it whos cool 810
Sammo Hungs 1989 film Pedicab Driver is considered by many to be his masterpiece I have to agree to some extent as the film in its greatest parts really gets as incredible and fantastic as any Hong Kong film ever has It is a combination of pretty good and well written drama interesting and sympathetic and also nonsympathetic characters some genuinely funny humor and truly overthetop hyper kung fu that is guaranteed to make many jaws drop when someone not familiar with Hong Kong cinema watches the film as well as it does to the experienced enthusiasts of the unique industrybr br Sammo and Max Mok Siu Chung play two pedicab drivers who live in Hong Kong in the middle part of the last century I think They drive their cabs and are also desperate for love Sammo is interested in local baker girl Ping Nina Li Chi while Max one day meets a mysterious and beautiful Fennie Yuen KitYing he falls madly in love with Many other characters get introduced too and they remain pretty clear all the time if the viewer really concentrates on the film and its plot so I cannot say the film is confusing as it could be much worse especially in Hong Kong Soon we get to know for instance that a ruthless gangster family is terrorizing the neighborhood and of course their violent acts affect our protagonists too and so the premise for some of the most incredibly choreographed kung fu fight sequences has been created As well as some nice dramabr br The film has a great cast The leads are all very good and restrained not as painfully awful overacting and humor as in Sammos otherwise great Eastern Condors 1987 for example and they are also thanks to the carefully written screenplay pretty likable and easy to identify with The cast includes many familiar HK cinema faces and directors in small roles like Corey Yuen Kwai the legendary action director and director of films like Saviour of the Soul 1 and 2 Ninja in the Dragons Den and Fong Sai Yuk 1 and 2 the masterful composer Lowell Lo KoonTing John Woos The Killer and Ringo Lams School on Fire and Prison on Fire among many others Pedicab Driver included the Shaw veteran Liu Chia Liang whom with Sammo has a furious fight with sticks Alfred Cheung KinTing the director of dark HK noir classic On the Run from 1988 the late great Lam Ching Ying best known for his friendly face in various HK vampire horrorkung fucomedies to name just a few In fact the cast in Pedicab Driver is one of the most interesting Ive seen in any other HK productionbr br The film has some interesting peaceful moments most notably about the love affair between Max Mok and Fennie Yuen and one crisis they confront thanks to Lowell Los character They really could have done this a completely serious piece if they had wanted as the discussions about human values and meaning of love no matter whats your past or what youve done for living get so serious and genuinely effective at the middle part that the film immediately gets much more noteworthy than our average kung fu spectacle actioner Also the other characters efforts to cure things is very touching and tells delightfully much about right human relations and friendship and of course love Still I think what Fennie says to Max about the future bad cooking is very unnecessary and tones the potential of the whole segment and its themes down pretty effectively unfortunatelybr br But then we get to the thing the film makers were interested the most in Which is the action the outrageous and overthetop action The fight scenes include traditional kung fu some sticks meat cleavers and the like and theyre used here as hysterically as in the most mind blowing kung fu scene Ive seen in any film ever Jackie Chans Drunken Master II 1994 they really are that great There are wires and theyre used very cleverly and people literally fly to the opposite corner of the room when they get kicked or punched Simply amazing and again something ONLY Hong Kong cinema can deliver Also the dangerous stunts make the viewer hold hisher breath as the film has one fast car vs pedicab chase sequence and various dangerous looking jumps and twisting bodies flying through the air and crushing with force to the hard destination Still the film makers seem not to accept the violence of the film as Sammo is like the late Bruce Lee willing to give himself up after the final murderous mayhem at the gangster villa and I think this kind of morale no matter how obvious or shallow it may be is a good thing even in a harmless film like this as cinema is meant to be much more than just brainless entertainmentbr br The film has also some very witty bits of humor that Im not sure everyone in Hollywood or America for example would understand or like at all The hilarious Star Wars gag at the beginning is definitely among these and it literally forced me to laugh when I realized what I was seeing Also some funny scenes are created out of Sammos passion for Ping Still the greatest amazementfilled laugh came during the scenes depicted in the former pharagraph as the imagery of big and tall men flying with great force over the screen to the walls or furniture is simply INSANE and so breathtaking I just cannot hide my feelings and thoughts about these Eastern film makers when I witness something like this and this is nothing but positive and appreciating reaction of coursebr br Pedicab Driver is among the most incredible Hong Kong action films that I have ever seen and easily among Sammos greatest achievements If the few minor flaws were not there this could rate even brighter and higher 810
In Lassie Come Home National Velvet and The Courage of Lassie Elizabeth Taylor was eleven years old … Nevertheless her charm and beauty were extraordinary and what she lacked in talent and experience was well hidden in a fine production that was nominated for five Academy Awards… br br As horsetrainer or dogowner as spurned wife or mistress Liz is a female who is absorbed in the giving and receiving of love devotion to the object of passion is the center of her life… Little Liz lavishes love on horses and dogs with remarkable intensity… Ecstatic a dreamer with a turbulent emotional life persistent the young Liz dedicates herself to the prizewinning horse the way she later devotes herself to men…br br Anticipating her later images of young sex goddess Liz as Velvet is both saintly and mature… Howard Barnes in the New York Herald Tribune called her a child who lights up with the integrity of a great passion br br Directed by Clarence Brown with loving attention to detail the movie that made her a star is a big bestseller from another era set in Sussex England where Velvet Brown a butchers daughter teams with a vagabond teenager named Mi Taylo Mickey Rooney to train for competition a horse shes won in a raffle… br br From the coastal plains with its beaches to the rolling hills thatched cottages and miles of country walks National Velvet is the product of a bygone era in moviemaking… br br Following closely the structure of the popular Enid Bagnold novel the movie is part horse story part family portrait scenes of training and riding are balanced by cozy family scenes vignettes about young love and sermons from Mom on the virtues of courage and endurance…br br The Browns are a noble version of Hollywood rustic… Dedicated to a sober work ethic they live quiet exemplary lives… Mrs Brown Anne Revere is the very spirit of plainfolk wisdom the spokeswoman for common sense and fair play she knows well enough not to silence the semihysterical energy of her horsecrazy daughter and she lets the girl have her dream…br br Anne Revere won an Oscar as Velvets mother as did editor Robert J Kern…
One night barkeeper Randy Matt Dillon rescues Jewel Liv Tyler from her jealous boyfriend Utah Andrew Dice Clay He takes Jewel to his home But Utah comes back and wants Randy to open the safe at Mc Cools Suddenly a shot Utahs dead Then Ill better stop here to tell the plot Thats like to explain the story of Wild things What I found so interesting was the fact that the plot written by Stan Seidel his first and his last work he died in July last year was told from 3 perspectives the 3 men that fall for Jewel Everybody of them sees her from different eyes like John Goodman as the detective who tenderly falls in love with her because of being remembered of his dead wifebr br No wonder that the guys fall for her Liv Tyler shes a real jewel She made the big screen shining She played her role as if she was in a 40s noir thriller Sweet but in the same time she was the cool vamp who walks over dead bodys and uses the men for her needs And of course Michael Douglas How could I forget him Mr Burmeister the Bingoplaying killer he was quite coolbr br But in the last 10 minutes there was a little bit too much slapstick for my taste it weakened the atmosphere That part began when Paul Reiser as Randys cousin Carl putted on his leather dress for Jewel The YMCAsong didnt fit so much here but altogether One night at Mc Cools is a pretty COOL filmnoir parodybr br
First off I had my doubts just looking at the DVD box and reading it saying that it was about of bunch of teens gathering at a lake where they will find do or something Any movie that has a premise like this has failed miserably even as a slasher movie except for the first Friday the 13thbr br I wanted to get up and stop watching the movie at least 10 times but I just kept thinking that it had to get a little better It didnt Usually I think every movie has something that you can take from it This has nothingbr br Do yourself a favor and find something constructive to do for 80 minutes Like give yourself papercuts or eat dirt
Sinnui yauman is without a doubt one of the best ghost stories ever made into film Written by Songling Pu and directed by SiuTung Ching A Chinese Ghost Story has it all Ling Choi Sin played by Leslie Cheung is a young man down on his luck who goes in search of a monastery for lodging deep in the woods a place the villagers seem very afraid to go near The trek alone is perilous with wolves and a crazy taoist monk lives at the templebr br Ling Choi Sin meets Tsing a beautiful and mysterious young girl who also lives nearby in a deserted temple She is forced to seduce men for her evil mistress but when she meets innocent Ling Choi Sin they fall in lovebr br Ling Choi Sin is sort of a bumbling fool but his heart is in the right place while Tsing tries to protect him from the other spirits in the woods he tries to protect her from the monk who is trying to kill the spirits in the woods Theres great martial arts even a monk that breaks out into drunken song as he performs ritual taoist sword forms The movie does a lot of traditional old martial art films acrobatics with magic and flying through the air leaping from tree to tree with elegant long gowns and scarves but the movie genuinely flows and everything is effectivebr br Tsing is to be married to a evil tree monster which cant be good and we feel her plight in her home where we meet her sisters and stepmother who is truly not nicebr br In the end they must fight a tree witch with a deadly tongue and go with Yin deep into the heart of hell to fight a thousand year old evil to save their souls and bring Lings ashes back to her home for a proper burial so she may have a chance at reincarnationbr br A beautiful story that truly pays attention to details One is touched in many ways by this movie youll laugh cry and just have fun with the great martial arts and cinematography And though at the end Yin and Ling Choi Sin ride off into the morning sun under a enchanting rainbow we never know if Tsing was afforded a reincarnation but we do know her
On his recent maligned realityshow Mr Shore conceded his filmic oeuvre is best enjoyed stoned No he must have said best watched While a healthy toke might see you through the end credits there is little pleasure to be found save some sporadic chuckling at the picture not with it Titular hyphenate absence is the least grievance Other hyphenate wholesome TiffaniAmber Thiessen I dare you to rub out that Saved by the Bell patina of purity is miscast as a rural vamp shes too round of face for treachery Mr Shore himself occasionally displays the odd talent for mimicry I thought I recognized a Jimmy Stewart in there however it is never aptly used The trite fishoutofwater formula has yet to be rendered with less grace Our hero Crawl has precious little wit to account for expeditiously charming his agrarian antagonists Ultimately I had to announce its been ascertained THE WORST MOVIE EVER PS As another fish Adam Sandler fared better with Mr Deeds It may take a Shore to appreciate a Sandler
This movie deserved a working over on Mystery Science Theater Even though it has nothing whatever to do with King Solomon its worth a watch because it is an unintentional laughriot Really Its worse than Destroy All Monsters Be sure to check out the following the cheesy medallion looks like the Shriners have been here the obviously polyester Norfolk jacket on Allan Quatermain David MaCallums badly done stutter which does draw attention away from his even worse acting the incredibly bad process work on all the monsters the monsters themselves the hand puppet which menaces the little girl the giant snake that menaces Macallum while he sinks in oatmeal the redlighted eyes on the motorized crabs the amazingly hilarious boat oh brother which appears to be made of plywood mounted on an old sand dredge and looks like a leftover from a JrSr prom Voyage into the Future with the class of 71 the Phoenician city where they wear Roman Imperial armor but which inexplicably has Egyptian hieroglyphic inscriptions the Phoenicians invented the alphabetcome onand worst of all Macallum and Ekland with her fright wig playing smoochyface oh the horror The best parts are that the intrepid explorers manage to lose the comic Frenchman and the African guy Snuffleupagus or whatever evidently chose to die heroically rather than be in any more scenes