In the middle of The Hole I emailed a friend of mine to summarize it Not sure if the film would break down into a series of submissive gestures I felt a little uneasy recommending it but then I saw the ending Its perfect Ive been living in Korea for 6 months and this film could just as easily summarize the strange ennui and frustration of any Asian metropolis as it takes on Taiwin here It uses the myth of Hong Kong musicals the same way Godard or Hartley use Western musicals but takes it to an extreme its gritty world and occasionally Kafkaesquire logic make it all the better I really feel like The Holes closest comparison is Hal Hartleys Surviving Desire but have a kinda bleak edge to what are ultimately hopefully and strangely metaphorical films Anyway this is what I wrote to Esther Hope you like The Hole toobr br Heybr br watching a move called the hole Taiwanese I think seems a bit to weird for china unless its hong Kong its worth seeing so far its about a guy and a girl in an apartment complex the guys ceiling caves in and the girl starts to get annoyed and well its kinda a weird metaphor for the simultaneous pleasure degregation and pain of a rather intense crush theres also a kinda zombievirussubplot too and a lot of weird little scenes where the girl acts out her desires through rather innocent and kinda fun 50s doowop sequences worth a look
Poor Shirley MacLaine tries hard to lend some gravitas to this mawkish gaginducing feelgood movie but shes trampled by the runaway sentimentality of a film thats not the least bit grounded in realitybr br This was directed by Curtis Hanson Did he have a lobotomy since we last heard from him Hanson can do effective drama sprinkled with comedy as evidenced by Wonder Boys So I dont know what happened to him here This is the kind of movie that doesnt want to accept that life is messy and fussy and that neat tidy endings however implausible they might be might make for a nice closing shot but come across as utterly phony if the people watching the film have been through anything remotely like what the characters in the film go throughbr br My wife and I made a game of calling out the plot points before they occurred eg the old mans going to teach her to read and then drop dead Bingo This is one of those movies where the characters give little speeches summarizing their emotional problems making you wonder why they still have emotional problems if theyre that aware of whats causing them Toni Collette a fine actress by the way and one of my favorites if not given a lot to work with here gives a speech early on about why she buys so many shoes and never wears them spelling out in flashing neon the films awkward connecting motif At that moment I knew what I was in for and the film was a downward spiral from therebr br Grade C
If you are a fan of slapstick that has terrible writing awful acting and cliche after cliche this one is for youbr br There is far too much to list for the reasons why this movie sucks In a brief synopsis people with a combined iq of 100 journey to New Mexico on a race for 200 million dollars And yes they are all apparently super heroes as they can do many things such as jump onto trains that are traveling 80 mph survive numerous car crashes and endless instances of outright cartoonish roadrunner and coyote anticsbr br If you are a teen or dont want to think for a movie this one is for you Not one actor outside of Lovitz is believeable at all Lovitz saves the movie from a 1 with the Hitler bitbr br 210 save yourself the 2 hours of pain and 4
Spoilers ahead My late childhood had two cinematographic icons Star Wars and this film by Czech genius Karel Zeman A Jules Verne encyclopedia where XIX century illustrations come to life in exquisite black and white photography combined with stop motion and conventional animation Vernes spirit of adventure is fully present throughout the film as well as a very modern questioning on the moral limits of power and advanced technology In fact it brings atomic energy into Vernes universe in a very elliptic and elegant way Also elliptic and elegant is the demise of the villain with a probably nuclear explosion sending his hat flying over the sea The resolution of the film is symbolic and very satisfactory something very rare today when a lot of films dont seem to know how to end themselvesbr br I was fortunate to catch this gem in reruns on local TV in the late 70s it enhanced my enjoyment of Vernes fiction and of cinemabr br 10 out of 10 for Karel Zeman underappreciated master of imagination
This is a superb game for the N64 with superb graphics and a great oneplayer storyline and even better multiplayer game best played with 4 peoplebr br The many levels and options for weapons mean that this is one of the best games around for years
Apparently I am swimming against the tide of the glowing comments on this film I have not seen it since I was 4 or 5 years old but there is one thing I remember distinctlybr br The Bunyip was TERRIFYING Nightmare inducing terrifying With the creepy music and the little girl and kangaroo runninghopping away for their livesbr br As a kid I also remember the animated Hobbit no worries Watership down Didnt blink an eye Dot and the Kangaroo It still haunts my dreams And I have several friends the same age who also think it was massively creepy Maybe we can get a group rate on therapybr br In short one freaky film for its time
The bipolarity of this movie is maddening One moment its making fun of Latin Americans American tourists and banana republics in general the other it wants to be touching with burned villages and orphans Even the serious revolutionary hero becomes a parody of a revolutionary at one point But the comedy parts arent even funny because its so obviously stolen from Star Wars Yes Star Wars the hero is basically a rogue with a heart of gold Add to this stereotypical sounds effects Latin Americans who speak English with one another and a villain that just disappears from the story And whats the point Its basically revolution propaganda with no resolution and no planning because there is just no way these people can lead a country The US government are bad guys but wholl make money producing this Not some poor farmer thats for sure
What a sad surprisebr br Being a diehard fan of the original series starring Don Adams I was really looking forward to this Poor fool me This is sillier and more brain dead than a monkeys bottombr br To say it was bad would be a severe understatement It iswas the worst movie well first 30 minutes of one I have seen for a long time I couldnt stand more than the first half hour preferring to watch my hard drive defragmentbr br I can tolerate bad bad is OK sometimes even cute BUT up with contrived Hollywood crap and this has to be the worst in many years I will not put This movie is a gross insult to the collective intelligence of humanity My five yearold daughter could have written better and she is not even dislexic Im really tempted to try watching the rest of it but Im afraid I have better things to do like making pizza dough and watching it risebr br What a sad disappointment No Im buggered off What a swindle As Mel Brookes once said Piece of shirt
A clever overall storylocation for a story Action is respectable The children are annoying and their motivation is unclear The leading villain was a nice change but could have been better I Love You was more overplayed than you complete me but at least Van Damme got a chance to show a little tenderness One of Van Dammes better movies
Steve Carell once again stars in a light romantic movie about choices family and pressure By judging on the plot and cover art of the movie I was expecting a flatout comedy lots of laughs and unrealistic elements but I guess I was wrong Sure the movie had some comedy but it felt much more of a light Drama to me and Steve Carell once again gave a great performance The movie itself really tackles true observations and that was a strong element I found But the ending felt a little bit rushed and predictable Throughout the cinematography was great the acting was great and the message it delivered was obvious but yet still very important Though it came down to old flat and predictable ending Id reckon if different choices were made at the end of the movie perhaps for the bad even this movie would get better publicity Still a fun movie
This has to be the worst movie I have seen Madsen fans dont be drawn into this like I was He is only in it for a maximum of five minutes This movie is so bad that the only reason why you would watch it is if all the rest of the movies on earth as well as tv had been destroyed
Unfortunately for Sarah Silverman this show doesnt compliment her at allThe character isnt even remotely likable and its not a situation where you think oh shes such i btch i love her just shes such a btchThis character is just a plain old self righteous mean btchSarah seems to struggle to have to carry this show because shes the only semi funny one in itThe mood the dialogue its all so damn boring and dry its like listening to your grandpa go on and on about the marbles he collected as a kidbr br The Sarah Silverman Program is so unbelievably boring that i was thinking of changing the channel to watch old repeats of Married With children something that is funny because the characters are so immoral and rudeIm sorry but i dont find a show packed with dry humour and corny off the wall story lines about some angry bitter losers angry bitter life with her annoying as hell sister and gay friends who sound like Keanu Reeves with a cold anywhere close to funnyI cant stand this show even though generally i find Sarah Silverman to be that I love her cause shes such a btch character like in School Of Rock and most of her stand upI think this show is boring with characters who think being mean and saying and doing things for shock value eg the constant pube diarrhea and hit in general for laughsThe Sarah Silverman program attempts to be funny and fails it either needs a laugh track or better writersSomeone compared it to South Park but its not even closeIve expressed my opinions on The Sarah Silverman Program and wont become an annoying troll meaning you wont see me being a btch and constantly posting stuff like This show sucks and Why isnt this cancelled yetI dont like The Sarah Silverman Program if you do enjoy
Terrible movie Just terrible The start of this movie is like something out of a bad women in prison movie Then it moves on to being a Bmovie version of Aliens Bmovie in this case meaning the addition of gratuitous sexscenes and women in lingerie Oh and a lot of the footage is the exact same as used in two other movies by the same company including the women in prison schtick The only thing saving this movie from a 110 is that I have actually seen worse movies Not many and not much but worse
There is one really good scene in Faat Kine The title character gets in an argument with another woman and after being threatened Faat Kine sprays her in the face The scene works because the act is so unexpected bizarre and rather funny at the same time In that one instance writerdirector Ousmane Sembene gives the audience a character that is easy to root for an interesting film character that could be worth watching for two hours In the scene he presents a brave woman who is bold in her actions For the rest of the movie the only other thing he seems to present is conflicting tones br br The tone is all over the place Its true not all movies have to clearly fit within a specific genre but I dont think Faat Kine fits into any genre Supposedly its a drama though there are moments of such broad comedy the aforementioned spraying in the face that it cannot be taken seriously On the other hand the film is certainly not a comedy with the abundant amount of serious topics Sembene has crammed into the picture There is a way to successfully mix comedy and drama together Unfortunately Semebene doesnt find that balance Instead one scene after another just drift into each other without much rhyme or reason leaving two different tones hanging in the wind br br Faat Kine also has the problem of running two hours long with an extremely drawn out finale The film ends with a big party where all the characters conflicts are resolved only they arent resolved quickly The scene lasts longer than any other scene going on for probably twenty minutes Because the rest of the scenes up until this point have been meandering the finale is particularly hard to endure with repetition beginning early on in the scene making for a frustrating viewing experiencebr br Perhaps I am being too hard on Faat Kine I am not the right audience for it I felt nothing towards the characters and had no connection to any part of the story There are people who will probably find something meaningful in the story and see strong characters However I was unable to do so and thus cannot recommend it
OK OK I must say I was impressed Its hard to say what Im more impressed with my ability to choose the right romantic comedy to watch so that I dont gouge my eyes out or the movie itself Either way Hitch was pretty darn good Hey it was good enough for me to watch twice Will Smith was funny and good Kevin James was just hilarious and absolutely essential for the movie As much as this movie centered around Hitch Will Smith without Kevin James its just not the samebr br The story is Hitch is a match maker that helps the guy woo the girl His job is to create the chance for the girl to notice the guy when she otherwise wouldnt After the encounter the rest is all up to the guy to make or break the relationship He works on referral only and stays largely unnoticed during the process Albert Kevin James is Hitchs project this time around and Albert has eyes on Allegra Cole Amber Valleta a Paris Hilton type figure While that plot unfolds Hitch himself has eyes on Sara Eva Mendes a sharp independent fanged gossip columnist that wants nothing to do with a relationshipbr br The two stories make for some funny moments and they tie together for a bit of a quagmire Of course no love story is complete without the obligatory miscommunication misunderstanding or mishap to send the guy chasing after the girl Fortunately they make it brief and unsappy Hitch was a fun and funny movie that flowed very well and rolled along without a hitch
Im not tired to say this is one of the best political thrillers ever made The story takes place in a fictional state but obviously it deals with the murder of Kennedy A truthful and honest district attorney played by Yves Montand does not believe that the murder was planned and executed by the single man Daslow Oswald and though all other officials want to close the case he continuous to investigate with his teambr br The screenplay is written tight and fast and holds the tension till the end Just the part dealing with the Milgram experiment about authorities is though not uninteresting a bit out of place The ending sequence explaining who Icarus really is partly shot in slow motion and intensified by a Morricone soundtrack is the most powerful sequence I have ever seen in a movie
An okay film with a fine leading lady but a terrible leading man Stephan Jenkins who plays the husband is a truly bad actor Joyce Hyser on the other hand is the movies saving grace Shes the best actor of the bunchbr br NOTE the first comment by the fellow who heaped praise upon the movie and according to his IMDBcom account has only written ONE review and guess for what movie is obviously a plant While the movie is nicely shot its by no means subtle or great or whatever other hypobolic descriptions the reviewer usedbr br Art of Revenge is a fair movie but its a big tease It offers up all manner of sexual situations but never goes through with it Like watching a Skin Flick on Cinemax but with all the naughty bits edited outbr br The film as a whole is a bit unfocused and the ending and much of the third act is really a big mess Theres a twist ending of course since every movie nowadays finds it necessary to have a twist endingbr br A 4 out of 10br br
I cant believe it I thought this is a good sequel when Jim carry in the film has a baby but instead its a film with crappy actors stupid plot and stupid scenes This should be in crappest films of sht in earth Thank god the same director did not make this because this is so stupid with some cartoonish parts like the fart was not funny not the pee and not the dancing I laughed at this because of how stupid the person made this like homer Simpson making a movie about a doughnut I wish someone makes a remake of son of the mask with a plot like this The mask guy Jim carry and his wife have a son which is a normal baby When the baby finds another mask he became the mask too and the mask guy tries to get his mask back This is very crap so ill give it a 1 out of 10 Fuking sht
This movie was just down right bad I love war movies and can normally come away from most movies and find something that I likedbut this was not one of them This movie lacked substance and intensityOK I get it the Finns put up one hell of a fight and thats great but the story is poorly told You dont have any real connection with any of the characters and theres no real story line to follow You just go from one random scene to another nothing flows to form the story that is trying to be conveyed If you want a war movie that will keep you riveted and amazingly enough without battles scenes then I would suggest Downfall WWII German film Or if you prefer a great story line and a lot of action then I would suggest Brotherhood of War Korean warKorean film These two movies will not let you down as Winter War will
Downhill Racer is essentially a movie to see only for the terrific skiing sequences Although there is a story here Robert Redfords character a skier trying to make the US Olympic team is so bland and unsympathetic that you wonder why to care about him at all Gene Hackman in an early performance adds nicely but this is a film that could be watched with the sound off and it wouldnt make much of a difference
Wallace and Gromit are the main characters in some of the best cartoons ever crafted The excellent mix of visual humor and claymation makes A Grand Day Out The Wrong Trousers and also A Close Shave some of the best animated footage ever put on television Winning several Oscars and also countless other awards Nick Park became quite the popular man in the UK yet his impact on the United States has not been big After the third Wallace and Gromit short there was all this speculation about a fulllength Wallace and Gromit movie yet for years nothing had happened Then in 2000 instead of a fulllength Wallace and Gromit film we get another brilliant claymation film from Nick Park which was Chicken Run which almost got nominated for best picture in the Academy Awards Perhaps it was the success of this film that ultimately drove Park to finally work on a Wallace and Gromit projectbr br 5 years later these kinds of films do take long you know and a lot of anticipation Wallace and Gromit finally hits the big screen Despite the rather weak trailers and marketing campaign this movie delivers in so many ways This film will be a delight for both kids and parents With tons of adult humor hidden beneath the brilliant animation Wallace and Gromit Curse of the WereRabbit is one of the few films that perfectly manages to equally appeal to both kids and adults This rather difficult technique is one that only Pixar has already perfected and DreamWorks has had a lot of trouble doing lately Despite the DreamWorks logo slapped onto the poster this film is mainly from the very creative staff of Aardman Animationsbr br Wallace and Gromit are first seen running a business that protects the townspeoples crops from being ruined by rabbits which apparently had been running around wild and in great numbers lately Their business has gotten them plenty of respect from the others living in the town because a gigantic vegetable contest was rapidly approaching and the crops needed protection Complications arise when Wallace attempts to manipulate the rabbits into not liking vegetables and then a great eating machine is unleashed on the area It is up to Wallace and Gromit to find the gigantic animal and stop it from eating away through gardens and also their approval from the townspeople To add to that Wallace wants to impress Lady Tottington which also captured the attention of a snobby suitor by the name of Victor Simple plot yes but there is more than meets the eye be prepared for a few fun surprises along the way kind of like in the other Wallace and Gromit cartoonsbr br In animated films with little dialogue it is the animation that has to set the pacing and the mood of the film Despite requiring 5 years to produce only 85 minutes of footage the payoff is fantastic There is a massive amount of detail that requires more than one viewing to truly notice Even more incredible than the detailed and nearly flawless animation is the truly unspeakable amount of visual humor put into the film Whether it is a creatively placed shot or normal labels put into the funniest position possible or it is the ohsoadorable rabbits that is constantly shown in the film most Curse of the WereRabbits humor comes strictly from just watching the movie itself and catching all the references before it is too late Just picture the movie Madagascar except funnier much fewer pop culture references and better animationbr br Casting was great even though in a film with not much dialogue it was not that important Peter Sallis yet again does a wonderful job as Wallace even though in this movie there was no standout quote that can be used anytime The Wrong Trousers Its the wrong trousers Gromit and theyve gone wrong Ralph Fiennes does a superb job as the lead villain Victor and also Helena Bonham Carter known as the crazy female lead in the cult hit Fight Club lends her lovely voice as she plays Wallaces love interest Even though nothing could top the final chase in The Wrong Trousers Curse of the WareRabbit did have plenty of action scenes including one fantastically done chase scene between Gromit and Victors evil dog Last but not least the rabbits really steal the show at some moments Whether it is their cute expressions their funny movements or their howling the rabbits in the film even take some of the glory from the main stars The funniest rabbit in the movie is the cursed rabbit himself to the very end of the movie he had the audience rolling in laughterbr br Bottom Line Despite not being as memorable as The Wrong Trousers this film is just as good and entertaining as Chicken Run Unlike almost every movie to come out this year the movie does not drag at all clocking in at a short 85 minutes yet containing so much joy and fun it will leave everyone watching it asking for more There is very little wrong with the film it was a pure delight to watch This film is a total contrast of the decent yet vulgar uncut raw movies that have made a surprising amount of money earlier this year 40YearOld Virgin Wedding Crashers and Sin City and for families and those who want harmless entertainment that is a good thing Highly recommend this is the top animated movie to come out this year and among the best we have seen this decade Wallace and Gromit Curse of the WereRabbit totally harmless fun from second 1 to second 5100
You can call this one a flop and thats a very big one too Quality isnt associated with the words National Lampoon but at least the Vacation and Animal House entries were fun but this offering has got to be their most inane feature to date that Ive watched Ugh The three piece story crazily attempts to parody the clichs and stereotypes that flooded Hollywood genre films which turns out to be completely unfunny and boorish drossbr br Growing Yourself Jason a corporate lawyer decides to quit his job and split up with his wife so they both can grow and do what they always wanted to do Thats life as Jason sees it and he takes over looking after the children but his decision to follow this path might not be the right onebr br Talk about leaden boring and stiff There only real interest is the small performance of the lovely Diane Lane The satirical element here seems to be pointing out something than actually just delivering it The silly humour is strained flat and particularly senseless Peter Riegerts keeps it very deadpan in the lead role and Teresa Ganzel bubbles along in her rolebr br Success Wanters After just finishing collage Dominique Corsair gets a job as a stripper and is rape with some butter by the Dairy Company Presidents For payback she becomes interested in the margarine industry and virtually works her way to the very topbr br Probably the best one of the three but the competition wasnt too great The gags seem to want go more subtle with its sexual and power orientated tone but still they do feel more tacky and forced The idea had something promising and inventive to build on but the languid pacing begins to wear thin by the end and disastrous dialogue dont do it any favours at all The humour tries but more often doesnt come off despite the hunger The seductively Ann Dusenberry is pretty cold and manipulative throughout well after the painful ordeal and likes to gracefully bare it all quite a bit Even the skimpy stripper outfit seems to get full workout for the opening half of the story Popping up in amusing minor cameos ranged from Dick Millar Mary Woronov Olympia Dukakis Fred Willard Robert Culp and a favourite turn by Joe Spinellbr br Municipalians A serial killer who leaves copies of his drivers licence behind after each murder is being tracked down by an enthusiastically naive rookie cop and his old grizzled partner However the young cop learns that being tough is the only way to go when the pair encounter one situation after anotherbr br Stupid Oh yeah Sure if youre going to spoof something extremely overthetop make sure laughter will stream off it Obviously they forgot that Even at its 30 minutes running boy does it drag Robby Bensons gratingly mock performance got rather overbearing with a wearied Richard Widmark doing very little as his partner Christopher Lloyd underplays the role of serial killer but his creepily wry and sympathetic performance works well and pretty much shows up the other leads Elisha Cook Jr Rhea Perlman and Harry Reems appear When the jokes come they truly feel out of sync and get rather stale with its repetitiveness of making fun of these cop clichsbr br In all the idiotic material laced with its skits comes across as disposable and the unbearable script is basically inept and witless Only one or two few gags make it out each segment but really theres too many cheap stinkers or plain misses which stick in your head This is because it virtually becomes what its trying to poke fun at and this basically shows in each story It loses sight The performances range from hot to cold but who cant deny the embarrassment thats felt on most of their faces Director Bob Giraldis first taste is a vapid one for Growing Yourself but Success Wanters showed some minor flourishes of mild effectiveness Henry Jaglom does a labouredly jaded job on Municipalians Rick Meyerowitzs vividly crass drawings that opens the film are neatly devised and go on to set the style and moodbr br This lowbrow comedy flunks it by overplaying it with the main interested being derived by the familiar cameos But really is it worth going through this putridly lame and restless getup just to spot them Well thats up to you
i just happened to stumble on this film channel surfing my first reaction was oh god not again its so hip to play a retard these days it has become pretentious and frankly despicable for some reason though i stayed and watched it til the end maybe it was my faith in the actors hoping theyd give me something to cheer aboutbr br and surely ken and helena can act also the movie progresses into something better towards the end and actually does make a pointbr br helena bonham carter also surprised me with her character jane has a mean side that she uses to keep distance and repel pity then again she has a soft side thats just looking for love the only thing that surprised me even more was branaghs characterthis was a triumph of acting the movie itself is nothing uniquebr br see if you are an acting studentif youre looking for pure entertainment you can skip this one its sean penn serious oh my that was a bit harsh it does feature a couple jokesnot for escapists though
I was looking forward to seeing Bruce Willis in this especially since I remember being mesmerised by the original when I was youngbr br This movie is a perfect example of how movie companies can take a very good story and dumb it down until its just another formula ridden hype of the fabled American law enforcement systemarmy VS the Russians no sorry the cold war is over make that WITH the Russians VS the TERRORISTS similar to probably 50 other moviesbr br Furthermore it treats its audience like a bunch of idiots The choice of weapon is well plain ridiculous are we seriously expected to believe that the worlds most feared and experienced hit manterrorist would select that for an assasinationbr br The whole point of the original story was the tense dual of intellects between the ordinary detective who is given the responsibility and the professional who crafts a ruthless but elegant plan to reach his target and then get away None of that survived All we have is the tired old American CIAFBIarmy vs the evil terrorist plot weve all seen 1000 times beforebr br But of course the movie companys MBAs realised that a new intellectual angle here would lose them revenue from the short attention span gang so the answer is Bruce Willis BIG explosions and a crippled plot They assume the American audience wont be able to relate to a threat to a foreign statesperson where is France on the map afterall so it has be an Americanbr br Another example of a movie defiled by the boardroom
Going into Teaching Mrs Tingle all I wanted was a fun enjoyable teen comedy that would entertain me for its running time Despite a rather good first half hour the film quickly subsides into a dull clichd mess thats about as entertaining as pulling out your eyelashes with pliers Rusty pliers at that Scream writer Kevin Williamson wrote and directed this movie and proved that Scream may well have been a fluke Most of the elements of this movie have been seen a million times already in other films and while it was OK for him to steal elements from other movies in Scream due to the fact that its meant as a slasher tribute here it just looks like hes completely ran out of ideas The plot follows the cleverest girl in school played by Katie Holmes After being caught cheating along with two of her friends the three decide to take the teacher that caught them hostage in her own home However this isnt just any teacher its Mrs Tingle the meanest bitch in school She isnt taking being tied to the bed lying down either as she begins to play mind games to turn her captors against each otherbr br The plot is very similar to the 1997 flick Suicide Kings and a whole host of earlier films Its actually not a bad idea for a movie and if Williamson could have populated the film with interesting characters it could have worked really well The character of Mrs Tingle is the most interesting in the movie but shes massively one dimensional and like all the other characters in the film is merely a caricature The acting is largely diabolical with the exception of Helen Mirren in the title role Shes suitably evil in the role and while she doesnt have a lot to get her teeth into she clearly enjoys herself playing the central figure The teenage cast isnt worth mentioning with only Katie Holmes standing out and thats only really because of her star profile not her acting talents Williamson has draped nearly every scene in dull soft rock music which would be really annoying if the film wasnt absolutely terrible anyway Honestly this movie does have a few moments that are rather good but basically if you want to see a good example of the teen comedy this isnt the movie that you want to see
at least during its first half If it had started out with the three buddies in the navy and concentrated on the naval action scenes it would have been a much better and tighter film The second half of the film is worth it especially for the action sequences and close up shots of early 20th century ships but its like a dull toothache getting there Also dont watch this film just because Ginger Rogers is in it She has an important role but its a small onebr br The film starts out showing three New York City buddies working the tourist trade and also in goodnatured competition for the hand of Sally Ginger Rogers a singing candy salesgirl along the avenue World War I breaks out the three buddies seem completely indifferent to the struggle yet enlist in the navy anyways The one of the three with the least industry as a civilian Bill Boyd as Baltimore winds up the commanding officer to the other two Robert Armstrong as Dutch and James Gleason as Skeets To make matters more complex Sally has fallen in love with one of the three but doesnt have the chance to tell him before the three sail off to warbr br The film is a little more interesting on board ship mainly because of the close shots we have of the ship itself and also because the chemistry among the three buddies is believable However James Gleason at age 49 looks a bit long in the tooth to be a swabby especially when the sign at the enlistment office said you had to be between 17 and 35 to be eligiblebr br One real obvious flaw in the film that made me believe that everything outside the naval scenes was slapped together with minimum care is the costume design or I should say the lack of it In the scenes in New York just prior to WWI we have everyone dressed in the fashions of 1931 and everyone driving the cars of 1931 no effort was taken to bring this film into periodbr br In conclusion if you watch the few scenes with Ginger Rogers in them and the last 45 minutes involving the naval suicide mission youve seen everything here worth seeing The rest is padding
This movie is one of those WOW movies Not because its the greatest movie of all time but because it surprised me Not only was it a TV movie but it was on Elvis I can safely say as many impersonators as there are there was only one Elvis but I can also safely say that Kurt Russel came extremely close to being the real thing It was one of the greatest impersonations that I have ever seen He had me believing that it was really him I learned a lot about Elvis life from watching this movie And dont led the television part of it let you strayits actually a really fantastic film And Kurt Russel couldve been Elvis twin
The large bell in a bar intermittently rings for last orders and the inevitable rush to queue forms at the counter do we want what we need only when its too late Or is the irony of the opening scenes wailing Cassandra a more resonant reflection of our perceptions on individual existence Theres an endless fascination about where writerdirector Roy Andersson wants to take us in his fourth feature You The Living With fifty or so semirelated vignettes strung together by a penchant for tragicomic hyperreality its wistful interpretations and symbolic instances of life that bind us all in this great big cosmic Sisyphean struggle The sheer simplicity of these vignettes act to dramatise the tenuity and immense preciousness of being apart of the symbiotic relationships we have with one another Andersson might whittle down the complexity of the human condition through harsh and fast cynicism more than he should but he also reminds us of the inherent reassuring glory of waking up each morning to a new tomorrow when were all aware of our own distinct forms of arrested development
Although this film looks like a Crime Thriller Noir the plot is actually a bit simplistic and with very few surprise twists or turns at all and those that do appear are not exactly shockersbr br However if you slip out of intense action thriller mode and into mindless entertainment then this is really quite a fun movie with several hilarious moments Most of these can be attributed to the witty dialogue between Alan Rickman and Emma Thompsons characters but that said Sadie said it all in her hilarious opening greeting to Friedman and it left very little else for anything else to develop between these two characters I didnt find these esteemed british actors version of the southern accents that bad Ok Thompson sounded like she was rolling marbles in her mouth as she tried to spoke southern but Rickman was surprisingly rather good with very few minor lapses into his customary english accent if you want to critique accents lets discuss that of Coco she only spoke southern periodicallybr br
My observations Postwar hilarity Tom Drake and Grandpa from Meet Me in St Louis two years later the year I was born Donna Reed charming and pretty Margaret Hamilton good as always smaller part than in Wizard of Oz Spring Byington way prettier also with the prerequisite perky small nose lacked by Hamilton Tent scene at end with former boy next door was hilarious As a two year veteran of Army tents he looked pretty youthful and inexperienced when I looked into his eyesbr br I used to work in a department store and it was just as elegant as this one Sadly it has disappeared and faded into obscurity We were famous for those great show windows that were used to lure passersby into the store to get them to buy all of that wonderful merchandisebr br 1010
As I said the book was pretty good and this might have been a good movie if Melissa Gilbert hadnt been so horrible and unbelievable in the lead roll What kind of accent was that suppose to be anyway It sounded the same as her horrible Russian accent in another movie that I have seen her in Every time she opened her mouth I cringed It took 3 tries before I was able to watch the entire movie Brad Johnson was good as the other lead br br I really liked the beach location scenes They added some much needed brightness to take your mind off of Melissa Gilberts depressing portrayal I think they could have used San Francisco views more to their advantage though It looked like the night scenes were actually SF but I could be wrong I dont recall the character in the book being this depressing br br Please keep Melissa Gilbert out of any future movies that require an accent
i watched this movie 10 years ago and have watched it on video an average of once a year since its the type of movie thats timeless because the themes are universal yet the stories and conversation are so personal its also one of the very few movies that capture you from frame one til the credits roll despite the fact that there are really just two very involving characters this owes a lot to the engaging acting by hawke and delpy who make us believe that they are actually jesse and celine this is also the first movie i saw that mentioned reality TV and now the phenomenon is rampant i love the way this movie just envelops the audience in its space and makes you think however jaded you may be that you are one of those characters it also made me want to ride the train around Europe i have not met anyone who has not been able to relate to this movie maybe that speaks about myself my friends or just the sheer genius of this movie
I got hold of this film on DVD with the title Evil Never Sleeps it gives front cover billing to Carrie Ann Moss but she plays such a minor character that I didnt really notice her in the filmbr br Im afraid that I consider this one of the worst purchases I have ever made The dialogue was stilted and the delivery wooden I found the acting to be disconnected from the plot Grahams performance to me was of someone whos wondering whether shes left the gas on at homebr br All in all both my wife and I found this film painful to watch and it is not a valuable addition to my collection watch it at your peril but spending 90 minutes having your fingernails pulled out would probably be a better way to spend your time
Im not a fan of scratching but I really dug this movie It gave me a real insight into a world I never had a clue existed and what else is a documentary for Funny clever hip just like Prays previous film Hype about the grunge music scene
Im glad that I saw this film after MrSandler became famousbr br It is badbadbadbad There is no plot Its like watching a painfully dull home moviebr br I really enjoy his other filmsbut if youre a fan like mestay away from this one It may change your thoughts on Adam You may never recover from the horror that is this filmIve had a better time watching old folks play scrabble in a home
If youre familiar with the work of auteur Johnny To and his band of filmmaking cronies over at Milky Way you know what to expect with this latest production All the familiar elements are in place the strong camaraderie between two characters usually a cop and a baddie the coincidences and chances that turn on a dime and pay off handsomely in the end and the humor that arises even in the most dire of situationsbr br Andy Lau plays a man who has 72 hours to live and decides to rob an insurance company Lau ChingWan also brilliant in other Milky Way films like Longest Nite A Hero Never Dies and Where A Good Man Goes portrays a hostage negotiatorcop who is on the robbers tail even as the robber sets up a series of tricks and clues that he must follow in order to get his manbr br Funny poignant and cool while being subtle Running is actually one of the most entertaining Milky Way films to date Dont miss the performances by the two leads esp Andy Lau usually considered an average actor who has rarely been this natural and fun to watch This film is one to go out of your way to see
In this satire of the commercialization and lightheartedness of war John Cusack plays Brand Hauser an assassin sent to to Turaqistan to take out Omar Sharif who is doing some oil business that will spell trouble for the former Vice President of the USs own company In addition to this Hauser must juggle his fake position as a trade show producer a wedding for pop princess Yonica Hillary Duff and a nosy Liberal journalist Natalie Marisa Tomeibr br Assessing the technical aspects br br The acting by the main charactersat least was good as was to be expected Some of John Cusacks dialogue was quite obviously not written for him as he often seemed uncomfortable saying it maybe unrealistic is more accurate Joan put forth a great and often hilarious performance Marisa Tomei while Ive never been a big fan of hers was more than suitable for the role and worked well Hillary Duff however was pretty terrible They needed an attractive Middle Eastern or Russian or whatever that accent was supposed to be popstar Unfortunately they went 0 for 3 with herbr br Like I said above the writing seemed a little stiff and mismatched at points especially John Cusacks dialogue Not much of it mind but some The story also got a bit ludicrous at points which is fine for a satire to a point but it took it to a whole new level here Luckily the Cusacks and Tomei keep a relatively cool calm demeanor throughout and that makes a nice even mix of the craziness of the film and the levelheadedness of the actorsbr br Joshua Seftel who previously had a drought of real credits to his name did a fine job with a rather widespectrum film He handled the small 10 million budget very well stretching it to make it appear to be much more Seftel also managed to nicely blend the humour of the story with the painful and hardtowatch parts of the real war including slaughter of civilians etcbr br As far as the general satire goes its exaggerated look on the commercializing of war is very well done especially the Golden Palace Poker ads on the US tanks At points it becomes a little too much but in the end it still accurate portrays what its going for an a young Mel Brookstype of stylebr br Overall the film is very well made for the meager budget and its definitely worthy of a look It wont go down as one of the great satires of cinema but its certainly not the worstbr br 710
My God this is funny stuff Yes its puerile in the extreme but also rather witty Heres the page with all the wines on it Its a little early for us Im afraid Well what are you doing up then and the fight sequences are second to none Despite what you may have heard the laughs do keep coming and at a surprisingly generous rate The sheer comic abilities of Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson help keep it riotously funny wringing every drop of comedy from the script I can only compare it to Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas you either find that film hysterical throughout or not at all the same applies here Its probably the funniest British film since Withnail and I but to say its an acquired taste is something of a gross sic understatement
Discovering something the journey is so much more fun so much more surreal and so much more emotionally galvanizing than when you finally arrive at the destination Falling in love is perhaps one of the most opulent feelings in the world You feel energized invigorated and alive You simply want to be around that person every second of the day and the very sound of their voice gets you excited and sometimes aroused Love and all the physical and emotional side effects that comes with it is pure bliss Where it goes from here is anyones guess but when you first begin your journey together nothing can compare to itbr br Diane Lane and Richard Gere play Adrienne Willis and Dr Paul Flanner two emotionally scarred middle aged individuals In this film they are about to embark on that mystical journey together where love and the discovery of the emotions along the way will help save thembr br Lane is dealing with the typical jerk of an exhusband who still loves her but in her eyes only because the woman he cheated with no longer wants him As hurt as she was by him as much as she really dislikes him there is a part of her that is actually considering taking him back Why you might ask Because in life and love sometimes comfort supersedes intelligence Yes this man cheated on her but she has kids with him she built a life with him and there is obviously still a connection with himbr br Richard Gere plays a recently divorced husband and estranged father He also just lost a patient as she reacted negatively to the anesthetic He is now being sued by her family and he is guilt ridden but hardened about the issue This is what brings him to Rodanthe in the first place Although his lawyer told him not to he felt compelled to visit the womans husband in Rodanthe He stays at the Inn that Adrienne is taking care of Soon they find comfort in each others arms and discover that they too can have a second chance in lifebr br By now this sounds like a simple idea for a film and although it might be something youve seen or read about before Gere and Lane simply own the film Diane Lane lights the screen up with her smile Her eyes twinkle in the dark and the life she brings to the character is one worth watching Geres character is a little different He is more hardened and bitter It takes Adriennes pain and her passion to bring him out of his shell He blames quietly himself for his strained relationship with his son and her secretly blames himself for the death of the patient On the outside he tells anyone who will listen that it is not his fault and that she was a 1 in 50000 casualty But deep down it eats away at him They find each other at a time when both need someone to listenbr br Gere and Lane have been in film together before but this is the first time they play lovers They were married in Unfaithful but here they play lovers finding each other when the people in their lives have abandoned them They have a spark and a real chemistry I would love to see more films with them together In fact Id love to see more films with Diane Lane but thats a story for another timebr br Nights in Rodanthe is a very passionate and romantic film about two lost souls who save each other They both become better people they both become stronger people I enjoyed it immensely and would recommend it to anyone not just couples This is a film about redemption absolution and second chancesbr br It will also ask you to bring some hankiesbr br 810
I see alot of movies at the cinema 103 so far this year and I have to say that this is by far and away the best film I have seen this year even though it was released back in 1954br br I sat in awe and watched this work of genius and felt quite ashamed that I had never even heard of it before my local art house cinema decided to show it for a week on what looked like a new print br br The best part of the whole movie has to be the 28 minute break in where there is no speech and no music merely the sound of the men carrying out the heist Pure quality br br Although really dark in places it is lightened with the dry humourbr br Not many films score 10 out of 10 but this does and also gets a gold star for effort br br If you ever get a chance to see this movie please do not hesitate its a classic br br
The war in the Eastas the Germans referred to the WW2 SovietNazi conflict was a war of annihilation on the part of the Germany 90 of the German army were in the Soviet Union fighting Their ultimate aim was to wipe out the so called sub human Untermensch Russian population and colonize the mainly empty country with German settlers after they had wonbr br Read Hitlers Willing Executionersbr br Here we have the German army presented as innocent victims and not as Nazi mass murderers When are modern German film makers going to be honest and face up to the pastbr br Better see the Russian film Come and See instead
In Mississippi the former blues man Lazarus Samuel L Jackson is in crisis missing his wife that has just left him He finds the town slut and nymphomaniac Rae Chritina Ricci dumped on the road nearby his little farm drugged beaten and almost dead Lazarus brings her home giving medicine and nursing and nourishing her like a father keeping her chained to control her heat When her boyfriend Ronnie Justin Timberlake is discharged from the army due to his anxiety issue he misunderstands the relationship of Lazarus and Rae and tries to kill himbr br Black Snake Moan is a weird tale of faith hope love and blues The gifted Christina Ricci has an impressive performance in the role of a young tramp abused since her childhood by her father and having had sex with the whole town where she lives It is amazing the versatility of this actress and probably this is the most mature work that I have seen Christina Ricci perform Samuel L Jackson has also a fantastic performance in the role of Lazarus The soundtrack is one of the most beautiful I have ever heard in a movie with wonderful blues My vote is eightbr br Title Brazil Entre o Cu e o Inferno Between the Heaven and the Hell
Destroy All Planets winds up settling for destroy all Tokyo by films end as a space monster resembling a giant squid falls to the reptilian furnace known as Gamera Actually Gamera is saving Earth right from the get go knocking out Varian Space Ship 1 even before the first set of film credits roll The scene switches to a Japanese scout camp where we meet a pair of meddlesome young heroes Jim and Masao who take part in Gameras exploits after being kidnapped by the aliens and beamed aboard their ship in an electrified bubble shieldbr br Its pretty startling to see the boys convince a scientist to let them operate a newly invented submarine that might be defective Previously boy genius Masao had wired the unit to run in reverse direction of its controls but Dr Dobie didnt think about checking that out as a possibility At least that prepared the boys for interfering with the alien space ships controls by playing switcheroo with a bunch of triangular blocksbr br When boss alien Viras says Activate the Videotron hang on to your seats for rehashed footage from earlier Gamera movies where he battles Barugon and Gyaos These take up quite a bit of screen time but are no match for the fast forward button if you want to get on with it For the longest time Viras addressed an invisible crew and when they finally appeared they were Orientals who could fly imagine thatbr br Seeing as how these movies were made for a juvenile audience its surprising to see how gruesome some of the scenes are Gamera drawing blood comes to mind and how about the pair of space crew members being decapitated When squid tentacles started emerging from the headless bodies I made a connection to the Alien films having the individual units merge to form the giant Viras was a neat devicebr br I guess the appeal for young kids might reside in identifying with the two young heroes who make friends with a giant monster move around pretty freely on an alien space ship and get to have whatever they want with the help of alien telepathy technology Seeing as how the movie was presumably made by adults it could have been a simple case of wish fulfillment
First of all let me underline that Im not a great fan of political correctness In fact I like satire or dark humor even if it makes jokes out of minorities The reason why Im pretty sure that this racist piece of work is not worth a look is that it doesnt make fun of minorities to demonstrate their condition of living their social circumstances or the way they are treated by society Moreover it uses every stupid stereotype and prejudice to strengthen xenophobic feelings and reservations Its really a pity but not a surprise that the other comments didnt get that point cause we all had a cheap laugh Congratulations
A movie of outstanding brilliance and a poignant and unusual love story the Luzhin Defence charts the intense attraction between an eccentric genius and a woman of beauty depth and characterbr br It gives John Turturro what is probably his finest role to date thank goodness they didnt give it to Ralph Fiennes who would have murdered it Similarly Emily Watson shows the wealth of her experience from her outstanding background on the stage To reach the tortured chess master Turturro her character has to display intelligence as well as a womans love Watson does not portray beautypageant sexuality but she brings to her parts a selfawareness that is alluringbr br In a chance meeting between Natalia Watson and Luzhin she casually stops him from losing a chess piece that has fallen through a hole in his clothing a specially crafted piece that we realize later in the film has come to symbolize his hopes and aspirations Later as their love affair develops she subtly likens dancing to chess Luzhin has learnt to dance but never with a partner she encourages him to lead her with bold brilliant moves and in doing so enables him to relax sufficiently to later play at his best and also realize himself as her loverbr br This is a story of a woman who inspires a man to his greatest achievement and in so doing finds her own deepest fulfillment emotionally and intellectually Or so we are led to believe certainly within the time frame Natalia is something of a liberated woman rather than someone who grooms herself to be a stereotypical wife and motherbr br The Italian sets are stunning The complexity of the characters and the skill with which the dialogue unfolds them is a delight to the intelligent moviegoer yet the film is accessible enough to make it a popular mainstream hit and most deservedly so Chess is merely the photogenic backdrop for developing an emotional and emotive movie although the game is treated with enough respect to almost convince a chessplayer that the characters existed Although a tragedy of remarkable heights by a classic author the final denouement is nevertheless surprisingly uplifting
So Americans make tv series based on movies whilst us Brits make films based on tv showsIt should never work but on this occasion it does because of a sublime meeting of character and actor Cliches are sometimes justly so and Leonard Rossiter was BORN to play RigsbyThis is one of the great comic creations kind of how Norman Bates would have turned out if hed been melancholic instead if murderous
After reading the other reviews for this film I am of the opinion that the high markers are probably paid studio lackeys as the film I saw was absolutely dire with wooden acting lacklustre scripting and plodding predictable directing one of the few plus points has to be the stunning scenery as this film features some stunning backdrops with great sweeping vistas and dramatic skies and wide open prairies sadly when the most memorable thing in a film is the part featured behind the actors this has to be a warning sign as to the quality of the movie all in all a thoroughly uninspiring addition to the western genre which even at the very reasonable price it can be obtained on DVD is best to avoid
BABY FACE is one of the better of the forgotten films before the code It was shown last night after the 1931 version of WATERLOO BRIDGE on the TURNER CLASSIC NETWORK so I was able to watch the film as it is now with four plus minutes of it restored br br Stanwyck is living in East St Louis where she may have known the drunken parents of Myra Mae Clarke in WATERLOO BRIDGE Her father is Robert Barrett She has lived with him since the death of her mother and in the restored dialog he has been pimping her since she was 14 years old Now she is resident waitress and parttime whore in his speakeasy her closest friend being Chico Theresa Harris the AfricanAmerican servant who Barrett keeps bullying It is one of the two good points of Stanwycks personality that she keeps standing up to her father about Harris threatening to leave if Harris is fired and since it is the grubby workers like Nat Pendleton who enjoy seeing Stanwyck serve them rather than the flavor of the hooch he serves that brings them in Barrett has to obey herbr br The one guy who comes to the speakeasy regularly whom Stanwyck likes is the shoemaker and intellectual Adolf Cragg Alphonse Ethier who sees great potential in the spirited girl if she will just leave her forsaken home He is also pushing the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzche and the idea of the will to power More about this laterbr br After she knocks out the local political bigwig Arthur Hohl and has an argument with Barrett about this a still explosion kills Barrett and enables Stanwyck to leave her home town She and Harris head to New York City managing to get free transport by a railroad freight car by sleeping with a brakeman James Murray They reach New York and after walking about they see the Gotham Trust Company established 1873 and the friendly guard tells her where the personnel office isbr br We slowly watch Stanwyck ascend the corporate ladder to the top similar but sleazier than Robert Morse dared in HOW TO SUCCEED IN BUSINESS WITHOUT REALLY TRYING But Morse was a man in a man dominated company Stanwyck knows her sexual allure is her weapon She goes through John Wayne Douglas Dumbrille a section of the film that I always felt was the most shocking curiously enough when I watched it Douglas Wood Henry Kolker and finally George Brent Each ends up falling for her and either being pushed aside when no longer useful or destroyed by her Brent the new President of the Bank his grandfather founded eventually marries her and the crisis of the film is when the banks economic situation is shaken especially after Brent buys her a fortune in jewels and gives her valuable bonds Brent is indicted Will she stick up for him br br SPOILER COMING UP br br The one thing about these films that is not admitted is that the theatrical and moral conventions of the time still dictated endings The original ending had Stanwyck boarding a ship for Europe abandoning Brent to his fate but realizing she cant do it to him returning to their apartment house and finding hes shot himself She is riding with him to the hospital as it ends Now before the rediscovered footage was found the film ended with them apparently giving up all their money to the bank to save it and retiring back to East St Louis to live happily if poorbr br Neither of these are good endings Stanwyck should continue on her destructive course with Brent the last of her victims But even without the Breen office the script writers one is Darryl Zanuck by the way saw fit to have her find a moral center She has none at least none for powerful men whom she hates I dont think that a depression audience would have tolerated that type of conclusionbr br There are other problems due to the changing styles of public opinion and changes in society It was a mans world in the corporate world in 1933 so Stanwyck has her work cut out for her Wood when she is going to be fired for an indiscretion with him admits that he did not want her to work br br But in 2006 Stanwyck would have been finding woman all over the place In the film there are nasty catty remarks obviously some based on jealousy towards Stanwyck from other secretaries and female employees at her rapid rise In 2006 shed be frequently confronting women superiors and she would find them cutting her off at the legs very quickly Of course if she finds one or two are lesbians she might try that road but it is doubtful And she also never seems to meet any men who are gay They do have gay male executives in business who wouldnt give a damn about her legs or breastsbr br Then there is her mentor Mr Cragg Cragg is remade in the bowdlerized version into trying to make her seek a moral center In reality he pushes Nieztsche but the way in a broader sense the Nazis pushed Nieztsche find your way to power and push it While Nieztsche did stress power sometimes it wasnt the beall and endall of his theories Otherwise nobody would read him today in college courses Cragg is obviously selfeducated but only halfeducated In short if somebody who thoroughly studied Nieztsche confronted Cragg hed make him look like a halfeducated fool And this is Stanwycks mentor A good film and for its day worth a 10but seriously flawed
Anyone witness to our justice system or lack thereof will find this film truly satisfying There werent too many shades of gray with regard to characters or plot Virtually every character in this film epitomized what is best and worst about our society The popularity of this film is probably due to the fact that most of us at one time or another have had to deal with scumbags along with the nambypamby lilylivered meleemouthed bureaucrats that empower them in the name of political correctness br br The performances across the board were compelling I sympathized with the rape victim while at the same found it gratifying to see her wipe the smug vicious arrogance off the faces of her former attackers In particular I found the dyke one of the ugliest characters in all of the films Ive seen so it was nice to see her former victim shut her mouth for good The lead rapist and psychopath was equally ugly so it was only fitting that Dirty Harry himself offed him in a loud grotesque fashion in the end This was the only sequel in the dirty Harry saga that equaled the first
Richard Chamberlain is David Burton a tax lawyer living in Sydney Australia who is drawn into a murder trial defending five Aboriginal men accused of murdering a fellow native in Peter Weirs apocalyptic 1977 thriller The Last Wave Taking up where Picnic at Hanging Rock left off the film goes deeper into exploring the unknown and in the process shows the gulf between two cultures who live side by side but lack understanding of each others culture and traditions Weir shows how white society considers the native beliefs to be primitive superstitions and believes that since they are living in the cities and have been domesticated their tribal laws and culture no longer apply br br From the start Burton is drawn deeper and deeper into a strange web of visions and symbols where the line between real time and dream time evaporates Water plays an important symbolic role in the film from the opening sequence in which a sudden thunder and hailstorm interrupts a peaceful school recess to Burtons discovery that his bathtub is overflowing and water is pouring down his steps As violent and unusual weather continue with episodes of black rain and mud falling from the sky the contrast between the facile scientific explanations of the phenomenon and the intuitive understanding of the natives is made clear Burton and his wife Annie Olivia Hamnet study books about the Aborigines and learn about the role of dreams in the tribal traditions When he invites one of his clients Chris Lee David Gulpilil to his home for dinner he is disturbed to find that he is the subject of an inquiry by Chris and his friend Charlie Nadjiwarra Amagula an enigmatic Aborigine sorcerer involved with the defendants As Burtons investigation continues his clients make his work difficult by refusing to disclose the true events surrounding the murderbr br After Chris starts to appear in his dreams Burton is convinced that the Aborigine was killed in a tribal ritual because he saw too much though Chris refuses to acknowledge this in court Burton becoming more and more troubled by a mystery he cannot unravel says to his stepfather priest Why didnt you tell me there were mysteries This is a legitimate question but according to the reverend the Church answers all mysteries Burton knows now that he must discover the truth for himself and enters the tribal underground caves Though we do not know for certain what is real and what is a dream he comes face to face with his deepest fears in a haunting climax that will leave you pondering its meaning into the wee hours of the morningbr br In this period of history in which native Hopi and Mayan prophecies predict the end of history and the purification of man leading to the Fifth World The Last Wave though 25 years old is still timely The Aborigines are portrayed as a vibrant culture not one completely subjugated by the white man yet I am troubled by the gnawing feeling that we are looking in but not quite seeing Weir has opened our eyes to the mystery that lies beyond our consensual view of reality but he perpetuates the doomorientation that sees possibility only in terms of fear showing nature as a dark and uncontrollable power without a hint of the spiritual beauty that lives on both sides of time
I managed to obtain an original BBC broadcast of this film on video and loved it so much I had to try and locate the original video in its original box thanks go to Ebaybr br Deleted on any format since 1990 this exceptional wildlife film is finely constructed and well acted Directed by Stewart Raffil MAC Me the scenes of leaping Tigers running through the Alaskan wilderness is nothing short of stunning and its timeless tale of a trapper trying to survive on his own in the frozen wastes with two young tiger cubs is moving on each viewingbr br Why no major company has picked up this movie to distribute on DVD is a big wonder but makes it that extra special to know its also hard to locatebr br If you find this film by chance or eventually track it down to add to your collection make sure never to let it vanish out of your grasp Films of this calibre as shown dont come oftenbr br A true masterpiece in every sense of the word and highly worthy of its praised comments WHEN THE NORTH WIND BLOWS will sink deep into your heart as soon as you see it
Watching this movie is like eating a banquet of nothing but meringue It initially looks great but ultimately provides NO satisfactionnonebr br The plot is a muddled mess about a toy factory and the forces of evil So how is it possible that with this basic plot AND Robin Williams that the movie still turns out so badly Its because the picture is all appearance with no substance whatsoevermuch like the terrible Popeye picture Williams did at the beginning of his film career The film must have cost a fortune but perhaps there wasnt enough money left over to hire writers who had graduated grade schoolbr br The film is one unfunny joke that goes on and on and on and on I really am unsure why it was made in the first placeit certainly wasnt made to provide any sort of entertainment
I looked at this movie with my child eyes and I wasnt disappointed The story is wellknown some abandoned orphan has to be brought to his parents by an improbable trio mamooth sabertooth tiger and a lazy animal And I dont want to forget to mention the incredible small fury animal with his hazenut This one really made me laugh a lot during the whole picturebr br Briefly it works it is funny and it is a mustsee with your children theyll like it
Yeah theres a sleeper watching Sleeper Cell and it was me After reading comparisons to 24 like on the cover of the DVD I expected a fastpaced action romp But nope this series just putts along In my groggy halfawake state I would think Hes gonna and poof it would happen Guess that van is gonna roll off the and there she goesbr br And so onbr br And why would Darwyn in extradeep cover pursue a babe Could it be perhaps to provide a little TA Hey that works for me hence four stars rather than threebr br This show is no 24 Ive watched 24 Sleeper Cell youre no 24
1979s Tourist Trap is a clever unique B thriller that stands out as one of the best of its kindbr br Travellers stop at a lonely wax museum where the owners mannequins are a little too lifelike for comfortbr br While the film has hints of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Tourist Trap is mainly a creepy psychological thriller worthy of The Twilight Zone Director David Schmoeller gives this movie an atmosphere of darkness and mystery that reaches nightmarish proportions Also Schmoelloer adds the occasional touch of comic relief to the bizarre happeningsbr br Venteran actor Chuck Connors is the best of the films decent cast Pino Donaggios music score is excellent having both lyrical and solemn themes that are perfect to the movie A number of the films sequences are quite memorablebr br For horror and thriller fans alike Tourist Trap is an unforgettable mustsee filmbr br 12 out of
I always loved this film The musicstory and the action I especially love the opening and closing of the film The music stayed with me throughout the years The WWI plane battles were great and the comedy is typical Blake Edwards Slaptick is his forte after all Julies singing is amazing and keeps me glued to the screen The sets and the scenes are wonderful The characters are appealing I loved the scene with the wounded soldiers and Julies singing to them I wish she sang to me in Vietnam I also enjoyed the old cars from the period and the WWI musicI was glad when the DVD arrived Now I can whistle in the dark watching it again and again
This movie has a few good performances going for it and thats all it has going for it The leads especially Pauley Perrette are appealing Although some of the bit players seem to be acting from a teleprompter The material that is the problem I feel as though the screenwriterdirector watched the entire run of Felicity in one sitting then sat down to write a script without catching any sleep It really did remind me of Felicity a thoughtful young woman finding herself finding love with a shakethemupand seewhathappens approach to the characters and their relationships Except that while I usually enjoyed watching Felicity this movie left me cold The writing is just awful Its amazing that the cast could come off as well as they did as the dialogue is dull at best At its worst it becomes trite stilted and amateurish There is nothing original here with plot elements recycled from gimmicks that werent so brilliant to begin with Angels and fortune tellers Come on For the first half of the movie I rooted for the actors and hoped to be rewarded for my patience By the second half I just wished for it to end already My sympathies to the cast who deserved a better vehicle for their talents
Raising Victor Vargas is one of those light family movies that you can watch and do the NY Times crossword puzzle at the same time And if you want to go to the kitchen for a taco and a Corona you dont have to Pause the DVD Just let it roll cause you wont be missing anything really important No twists turns or tension Its not really an ethnic movie its a movie about a poor struggling immigrant family that happens to be Latino They could have been any ethnic group It made very little difference Ive seen it all a zillion times before Just plug in a Jewish family an Italian family a Black family or an Irish family Just the accents and names were different If the Vargas family was named Bush or Clinton and were Presbyterians the movie would have been a total snooze br br Its funny that the critics here couldnt get the locale straight Some said it was Spanish Harlem Some the Bronx and another Brooklyn As a lifelong New Yorker I vote for the Lower East Side And it seemed that the family never met up with anyone except other Latinos They lived in an insulatedisolated little enclave Some interaction with nonLatinos might have created some excitement interest or tension Remember West Side Storybr br And now for the oftcriticized cinematography I dont know if it was my TV or what but all the indoor shots looked very ORANGE to me The apt the furniture and the faces were all ORANGE What was that supposed to mean And the apt did look pretty cramped to me Somebody here mentioned that the old aptstenements had very big rooms Well maybe 50 years ago What landlords have done is to break up one big apt into 2 or 3 very small ones and squeeze as many immigrants as they can into them br br And another annoying thing This is the second family movie Ive seen and criticized this week that featured a teenage boy jerking off Is this private sex act necessary for us to watch Please spare me Whats up with these directors br br So Victor Vargas is a pleasant little movie It was nice for a change to see young Latino actors given a break and a chance to show their talents which they did But the writers let them down giving them a flat unspectacular script to work with Enjoy the show but keep your fingers near the fast forward button
Awful Star Wars knockoff with a slightly more comic tinge Robert Urich stars as the leader of a group of ice pirates who steal ice because water is the most valuable substance in the universe now how all the poor people stay alive is a mystery He hooks up with Mary Crosby Bings daughter around 25 and a total cutie a princess looking for her missing father Also in the cast are an embarrassedlooking Anjelica Huston in some hilarious scifi getups and a pudgy shortish Ron Perlman whom I thought was seven feet tall from his other roles And John Carradine who looks days from death and Hollywood Squares funnyman relative term Bruce Vilanch If you ever wanted to see Bruce Vilanch get decapitated heres your film But then again even thats not worth seeing as it doesnt shut him up at all think he might have been a robot but I nodded off a couple of times
This movie has made me upset When I think of Cat in the hat Im thinking of cat in the hat books You know the one from a few years back that parents read to thier children Well I though that this movie would be a lot like that But much to my suprise was nothing like the books Insted it is more like young adult humor movie In one part cat is talking to a gardening tool hoe cat talks to it like it is his hoe agin adult humor the naming of his car I all so though was a little untastful for a kids movie under the rating youll find mild cude humor and some doubleentendres I think in short this means adult humor I wish I could return this movie walmart said they wouldnt because the movie has been opened If you are thinking about buying this I suggest that maybe rent before you buy
Hunt for Justice is about the setup of Slobadon Milosevic for his trial in the Hague While it was a little too clinical in presentation the subject matter could have gotten very depressing very quickly A Canadian Judge Louise Arbour becomes the Chief War Crimes Prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for the UN in Yugoslavia She battles everyone to pull out the evidence that sent Milosevic to trial Not a bad docudrama with class A directing and production work The evidence was disturbing by the shear discussion of the facts happily they didnt go into too much detail and no real pictures of the tortured
Committed doom and gloomer Peter Watkins goes slummin across the pond to take on the American justice system circa 1971 with this priceless piece of zeitgeist paranoia that leans so far left it falls over constantly Watkins is pure tourist as he assembles this our gang tragedy with clich freaks hippies and black revolutionaries pitted against trigger happy cops and military and a kangaroo court tribunal made up of disapproving calcified adults making poor fashion statements Talk about a revolutionbr br In Punishment Park we have radical youth versus corrupt system as dissenters convicted of crimes are given the choice of imprisonment or a three day trek across Punishment Park Death Valley and freedom Of course the law enforcement officials monitoring their journey arent about to play fair and combined with the stifling heat the fate of our protagonists looks sealedbr br Punishment Park has elements of Kafka in setting as well as theme Trials are held under a large canvas tent where shackled prisoners shout defiance at a hardcore love it or leave it group of inquisitors such as members of Silent Majority for a Peaceful America who snarl back Neither group spends much time listening to the other and the proceedings sometime takes on a teen parent battle over the keys to the car look Mostly its just one side saying whats wrong with America the other saying whats right with no one offering solutions for change Meanwhile the Punishment Park martyrs stumble endlessly about the dessert while cops with guns act like twelve year olds It kind of has the look and feel of some of my 70s college film making class when we were younger and knew more then than we do nowbr br Peter Watkins has always been on the side of the underdog and the common man against what he perceives as a corrupt powerful few Culledon was a strong indictment of military atrocity in 18th century Scotland that still resonates War Game is a raw sobering look at nuclear aftermath that should be required viewing for all Punishment Park has its value as well but for other than intended reason Watkins vision today is a textbook example of the left in full tilt counter culture 70s paranoia and given the times Vietnam Kent State The Chicago 7 such strident hysteria seemed not that great a distance from the truth But 35 years later the fever has subsided and Punishment Park with its unrestrained narrow viewpoint is a pretty silly ride
One type of western I greatly enjoy is when the apparently weak which is reluctant to fight and answer the challenge of the strong finally decides there is no other way There is a great moment in this film when John Parrish Glenn Ford goes into the saloon and decides to stand up to the gunfighter Wade Matlock It is the type of scene that makes the audience applaud In my opinion The Violent Men is a great western I would rank it among the best It makes great use of the wide screen a spectacular scenery of the mountains The women have a crucial part Caroline May Winn is engaged to Parrish but you feel that she is only using him as a means of getting out of there and moving east She wants him to sell the ranch no matter what price Martha Barbara Stanwick is tired of helping her crippled husband Lee Edward G Robinson but she will do anything to have an always bigger ranch and more power Meanwhile she is betraying her husband with his brother Brian Keith Her daughter Judith Diane Foster is seeing all that happens but feeling impotent to react because she does not want to hurt her father Parrish unites all the small farmers and uses the strategy he learned in the army to go against the Anchor ranch Like he had warned Lee Dont make me fight because you wont like my way of fighting
What Alice Found is the greatest movie that nobodys ever heard of I underestimated it when I heard of it and I though that it would all sex no plot and just really stupid but in reality it was really good They say all indie movies suck but this one and Napoleon Dynamite didnt suck I asked my friend whod seen it before I did and she said that Alice has all these threeways and you see all this nudity but no there is no threeway that I remember and little nudity The movie did have a point and it taught me never trust hitchhikers I liked that in the end they got Alice a little dolphin In the end on her way to Flordia I totally suggest seeing this movie
This one is considered a key PreCode film from the director who later made the musical biopic THE JOLSON STORY 1946 but also the paranoid scifi INVASION USA 1952 and features one of Barbara Stanwycks best early rolesbr br Shes supported by a fine cast which includes popular actors and valued character performers of the day George Brent Douglass Dumbrille Edward van Sloan Nat Pendleton and John Wayne at one point addressing Stanwyck with the titular nickname derived from a popular song which is heard constantly throughout in the former category and in the latter Robert Barrat as Stanwycks father Donald Cook as her most tragic conquest Alphonse Ethier as her elderly mentor more on this later Arthur Hohl as a lecherous politician and Henry Kolker as Cooks boss and fatherinlaw whom Stanwyck also seduces Curiously scenes in which Walter Brennan appeared were subsequently deleted at his own request when the film ran into trouble with the censorsbr br Abetted by crackling ie typically hardboiled dialogue and realistic Anton Grot sets the narrative contains unexpected overtones of Nietzschean philosophy fed to our smalltown heroine by the intellectual Ethier Stanwyck complains to him early on that shes no ball of fire which of course contradicts her later comedy directed by Howard Hawks and costarring Gary Cooper of that name Under Ethiers auspices she quickly blooms into an essentially heartless character determined that nothing shall stand in her path to success the symbolic depiction of her rise in stature at the New York firm shes eventually employed with is reminiscent of a similarly sardonic one relating to an ambitious statesmans lust for power in Sergei Eisensteins October 1927 Sociologically its also interesting that Stanwyck is constantly seen sticking her neck out for her black maidcompanionbr br The first twothirds of the film are simply terrific at first I found the latter stages somewhat disappointing because I was expecting to see Stanwyck get her comeuppance by falling for the belatedlyintroduced George Brent character while he ignores her…but just like the others hes soon under her spell On second viewing however this aspect felt less jarring as its evident that Stanwyck has been affected by the two deaths her selfish behavior has caused and that her tenure in Paris has softened her even if she tries to cling to her hardearned wealth for as long as its possiblebr br Released on DVD by Warners as part of their FORBIDDEN Hollywood VOLUME 1 COLLECTION the film is presented in two strikingly different edits a recently unearthed PreRelease version and the tamer Theatrical Release print Among the considerable footage cut from the latter is dialogue pertaining to Stanwycks life as a tramp from the age of 14 though its heard in the accompanying trailer while many other scenes have been shortened ie censored for content the violent fisticuff which develops between Stanwyck and Hohl after she resists his advances the seduction at the railroad car the scene in which Dumbrille is surprised with Stanwyck by Cook the shooting followed by a suicide only shots are heard in the shorter version Stanwyck thinking about her conquests while the phonograph is playing again only Brent appears in the version released to theaters etc Tha latter then utilizes alternate takes for some scenes and includes an establishing shot of the city which is missing from the longer version however we also get an obviously tackedon happy ending the PreRelease version concludes abruptly on a very effective openended note and an equally unconvincing cautionary letter sent by Ethier to Stanwyck in New York which basically has the function of substituting all references to Nietzsche
This early film has its flaws a predictable plot and some overlong scenes of dubious relevance but it already clearly demonstrates Hitchcocks mastery of editing and the use of powerful images Its also among the most expressionist of his films stylistically note for examples the weird distortions he uses during the party sequence and the frequent echoes of both title and plot in the imagerybr br Its core though remains the final match which is still among the more exciting examples of cinematic boxing Even though you know that the hero has to win it becomes quite believable that he will lose and the movement of his wife from the champions corner to his motivating the final plot payoff is very well entwined with the progress of the match The inserts of the stopwatch do exactly what they should you can almost hear the ticking even though this is a silent film the visuals often have a surprisingly auditory feel to them The pacing becomes astonishingly rapid and the viewer gets sucked into the excitement and brutality of both the match and the sexual jealousy which underlies itbr br The only DVD release with which I am familiar is that of Laserlight a public domain company As with each Hitchcock silent theyve released theyve attached various musical selections mostly orchestral to the action The sound editing is frequently sloppy and the sound quality varies widely but some genuine care seems to have gone into most of the actual choices and the music accompanying the final match works extremely well it is unlikely that this sequence will ever be better accompanied than it is herebr br This is a much more impressive film than its present obscurity would suggest It deserves an honorable place in both the Hitchcock canon and the slender list of worthwhile boxing films
I saw this movie being a Jane Austen addicted and always feeling doubtful about cinematographic rendering of the complexity of her novels well this transposition is simply accurate intelligent delicate careful tactful respectful intense in a word perfectbr br Emma is one of Austens most delightful and funny novels thanks to overall irony pervading situations and characters The movie respected this subtle irony not disregarding the comic element Miss Bates above all What engaged me in the novel and the movie renders it clearly is the deep knowledge of human life shown by the English novelist and the modern look with which women men and their relation are handled and it is astounding if we think how a woman novelist of the 18th century who lived almost a secluded life could grasp such depth and truth about life as she did that most and still fascinates me We can feel this modernity throughout the movie just replace costumes and use a more current language but the situations the feelings the ideas would be extremely modern I think of the morbid interest in other peoples lives or that insinuating envy which now as ever rule womens relations and still the difficulty in revealing and giving expression to ones feelings especially love every situation gets a universal and outoftime value br br The cast is really talented and offer very good and extremely brilliant performances a young Gwyneth Paltrow is particularly suitable for this role nowadays she would be probably too mature for it Toni Colette is simply great And how I envied them for the wonderful dresses they could wear And then the breathtaking English countryside where every situation gets such a magic and dreamlike dimension a really enjoyable and deserving movie
This is the worst movie Ive ever seen and it takes the price of the rotten movie of 2007 which is made by me anyway this movie misses every single ingredients of a good movie I mean come on the actors had a bad performance the story is just crap Im really really disappointed they could have done better stuff than this piece of junk Ive just wasted my time and my money on this movie I wish that the production company could give back my money Anyhow Id high expectations on this movie and Ive got disappointed I dont recommend anybody to watch this so if u wanna waste ur money on something do it on some thing else than this piece of junk
Yeah sure the movie its visuals already did looked horrible and not very promising but the premise and the cast looked good so I still sort of expected to be entertained by this movie This however unfortunately wasnt the case The premise is good but the story is filled with improbabilities and is logically flawedbr br This movie is potential flushed down the toilet The main plot is interesting and somewhat original Its good enough to make a good adventurous movie out of would you think This movie however fails to entertain and I think that that is this movie biggest flaw Perhaps it takes itself too serious and a little bit more humor certainly wouldnt had done the movie any harm Instead it now is nothing more than a lame and cheap looking movie filled with the one unlikely event after the other that also steals a bit too much from other more successful movies Mainely Jurassic Park obviouslybr br The characters also dont help to make the movie any more compelling or at least interesting to watch I still think that Edward Burns did a fairly decent job as the heroic main lead The rest of the characters however really get muddled in into the movie and they get very little interesting to do The movie rather relies on its visual which are extremely poor Catherine McCormack also plays a very irritating character Basically all her character does is complain and talk about how right she was and the rest oh so wrong Her character just isnt a likable one And the rest of the characterswell I already have forgotten their names I think that that is saying enough about them It certainly is true though that Ben Kingsleys performance alone makes this movie worth watching He is really excellent in his sort of villainous businessman role but from the moment when he disappears out of the movie the movie really goes downhill rapidlybr br Visually the movie is extremely poor It has some dreadful looking CGI effects and they couldnt even get the more simple bluescreen effects look convincing in the movie The sets are also awful and cheap looking like they can fall over and break down every momentbr br The movie never gets tense exciting or adventurous since the story is brought in the least interesting and engaging way possible Its a very distant movie with distant characters that fails to impress There are plenty of action sequences but all of them are so ridicules looking and far from believable that they never get tense or good enoughbr br So basically this movie is lacking in everything that is needed to make a genre movie like this one a good and successful one Its sad to see how low director Peter Hyams has sunk to the last couple of years after making some good movies in the 70s and 80sbr br 410
This is the first of these 8 Films To Die For collection that Ive seen and its certainly not made me want to see any of the restalthough Ive heard at least a couple of them are decent I dont know this wasnt terrible but it didnt really do much for me Your basic dysfunctional cannibal family in suburbia kind of thing mom dad died the family sold the farm moved to San Francisco where they continued to bring home stray food sources whenever possible The best part of this was the creepy Goth sister who of course invites a friend over from school that never leaves Anyway of course we have a butcher shop in the basement and so on and so on This family is sort of like the whitebread version of the Sawyer Clan theyre nasty they do bad things but they aint go no soul I see a lot of reviews from people that liked this and I guess I dont know what I missed but I found it to be very mediocre I wouldnt recommend it to anyone really 4 out of 10
Yes in this movie you are treated to multiple little snowmen on the attack in apparently a very warm climate so yes this movie is definitely not to be taken seriously It is in fact a much worse movie than the original as at least with that one the whole production looked like it cost more than a couple of bucks and a video camera to make It has its funny moments but really playing off the cheapness of your movie and making that be your intended laughs is kind of weak film making if you ask me You can not come up with a good story your effects are going to really be bad hey let us just make the movie look as bad as possible with horrible one liners and we have our movie The first one at least had a somewhat credible story as the snowman in that one attacked during the winter and not what amounts to a resort It also had better effects too this one is just a step or two ahead of Hobgoblins as far as the monsters are concerned and you really want to be more than a step a two above a bunch of hand puppets Still it makes up for all of this with a super ending that depicts a great sea vessel being taken out by the mighty frost Actually I am just kidding but really it was the funniest part of the movie
A brilliant horror film Utterly gruesome and very scary too The Thing is a remake from John Carpenter but please do not let that put you off this film It is simply brilliant The start of the film has the aliens spacecraft hurtling towards the Earth centuries before mankind walked the planet with an explosion that unleashes the films title in amazing shining white and blue stating THE THING One of the best opening credits for a horror film everbr br The cast of actors who play the twelve man science team are a joy to behold and the locations for the setting of their Station in Antartica is visually impressive on DVD widescreen It must have been great in the cinema I regret not seeing this on the big screenbr br Kurt Russell is excellent as Macready the helicopter pilot who reluctantly becomes the leader of the men trying to combat a lethal shape changing monstrosity that has infiltrated their base All the actors in this are really good and create terrific scenes of paranoia and tension as to who the thing has infected My favourite scene in the whole film has to be when Macready tests everyone thats still alive for infection it is tense scary and finally spectacular I love it because its funny as wellbr br Special mention must go to Rob Bottin for his truly amazing make up effects and shape changing designs of the alien itself If he didnt get an Oscar for best visual effects at the time then he damn well should have This is also debatable as to whether this is John Carpenters greatest filmits certainly a gruesome masterpiecebr br Wait for a cold winter night Get some Budweiser from the fridge Sit down and watch The Thing a horror masterpiece of flame throwing heroes fighting shape changing towers of gore and slimebr br Utterly brilliantbr br Ten Out Of Ten
I bought this on VHS as Terror Hospital and when I got home I checked IMDb and was like OMG its the legendary Nurse Sherri So heres another one from Al Adamson who had clearly learned some minuscule amount about filmmaking since the Blood of Draculas Castle days Where that earlier effort is a more or less totally sclerotic lump this one mixes it up a little adding a definite element of variety and surprise amid the incompetence Sure half of the movie is a blind postop football player shooting the breeze with his stacked nurse but at any moment we might be cutting away to the cackling disembodied head of the satanist mastermind or Nurse Sherri running a farmer through with a pitchfork or a wee bit of abstract studentfilm quick cutting to go with the pulsingblob effects in the possession scene or the most gratuitously halfhearted topless bit ever or god knows what else I forget to be honest As dumbass pieces of sht go this one runs toward the high end Congrats Al
This movie is a blatant attempt by the left in Hollywood to portray Reagans administration as incompetent and bungling Some mistakes may have been made at the time of the crisis but Im sure not to the extent portrayed in this lame movie My first reaction was that this movie had to have been directed by Oliver Stone but I was wrong this time There are apparently many others
The Academy Award winning Kramer vs Kramer follows a snazzy businessman Ted Kramer Dustin Hoffman and his divorce with his bored wife Meryl Streep One day Teds wife leaves him and their child in search for a better life forcing Ted to become closer to his son Justin Henry The two bond and become very close but only after some friction and just as everything is going perfect Teds wife comes back to town and wants sole custody of their son Ted then goes on a mission not to let his son get taken away from him and fights his wife in court Dustin Hoffman gives a tremendous performance along with Meryl Streep and young Justin Henry is impressive Its a sad emotional rollercoaster of a movie but its a very wellmade and inspiring film The film took the Oscar for Best Picture at the 1979 Academy Awards along with Best Actor for Hoffman and Best Supporting Actress for Streep If you dont mind a tearjerker Kramer vs Kramer is a great film to watch Grade B
My tolerance for shlocky direction was overwhelmed by some of the choices in this couldbereallygood timewasterbr br When the romantic intervals were of a nature to take me out of the story and into Howandwhydidthemoviemakerdothat mode you got to figure something is missing in there restraint and tastefulness I thinkbr br Brian Brown is a capable empathetic actor usually I think he didnt like the project or the people and it shows I dont remember anything the other guy did Cant even picture his facebr br On the other hand it doesnt have to be any good to be entertaining some of the vignettes and twists are fun and even ingeniousbr br I watched this movie 200 purchase at the vid rental place against the advice of the screenwriter I understand he was tempted to remove his name from the credits Matter of pride I bet
Its so rare to find a film that provides a plot that cant be figured out at every turn Surprises throughout delighting throughoutbr br A couple of things I could not quite understand though is that here you have the lead female character who plays the good girl hard worker and yet in the end she ends up being an antisocial risk taker That was not enough to make me not like it though but it did give me pausebr br The other thing I could not get was the old man who was being hauled away by the police at the very end of the film I never did get who he was or what his issues were If anyone has any ideas Id like to hear what they might bebr br The film was exciting and fun throughout and always left me guessing Very much worth seeing
Extreme Makeover Home Edition is yet another feelgoody socalled heart warming and outforratings show that ABC has had the time to put togetherbr br I understand the troubles that these families go through For that I am sorry But wouldnt you think that putting four widescreen plasma televisions three flatscreen desktop computers an inground pool taking up half of a backyard and closets full of expensive designer clothing is a BIT too excessive for ANY family Sure these families have been through a lot Sure they deserve nicer things that what they had previously hadbr br But honestly the things that Ty Pennington and his crew put into these houses are enough to suit an entire neighborhoodbr br Another thing that really irks me about this show is how Ty and his crew always have something good to say about every little thing that relates to the family or the familys condition Telling a wheelchairbound person that he or she is so strong or very brave really does get old after a while That may sound rude but believe me watch this show and youll see what I meanbr br All in all this show is overrated If you want to watch it go ahead This comment is just a headsup for what youd be watching
This was one of the highlights of STTNGs semiforgettable second season before they grew up or grew into their own in the third season and beyond This was not only a showcase for upandcomers like Bill Campbell and Teri Hatcher but was also the continuation of Datas search for his humanity this time through the concept of comedy Still one of my favorite episodesbr br On a sidenote Im still disappointed that there is no credit for the actress with whose character Okona was about to have a trystafter Teri Hatchers character before being rudely interrupted by Lt Worf I remember watching this episode firstrun at my friends comic shop back in the day and we all thought she wouldve been a perfect Jean GreyMarvel Girlbr br It would be nice to know who this pretty lady actually is
Told in flashback the film opens in 1989 with Charlie being given award for his role in the defeat of Communism I must admit my heart sank as at the thought of have to endure yet another earnest somewhat boring and overlong life story How wrong was I because that short scene is as close as the film ever gets to boringbr br The film is full of entertaining amusing set ups and cracking dialogue in some of the most unexpected places The next scene after the Awards ceremony is Charlie in a HotTub with some naked women and a guy trying to get him to invest in a TV programme Another rather amusing scene is about 3 quarters into the film comprises Charlie a group of his rather sexy Secretaries Phillip Seymour Hoffmans CIA Man and a bottle of Whisky As to dialogue what about this for a line The Senator says He can teach us to type but cant teach us to grow Tits OK Schoolboyish I know but the film is laced with great linesbr br As to performances well Phillip Seymour Hoffman as usual steals every scene hes in Hanks is OK but surprisingly to me anyway was Julia Roberts who is very good in the role of a rather eccentric Texas Oil Millionairessbr br Charlie Wilsons War is one of the best non Musician Biopics in a long while as well as being that rare thing a film that entertains amuses as well as informs all in equal measure
I love Movies that take you into them A movie that actually leaves you feeling weak when its over and this kind of movie is rarebr br Damian is so talented and versatile in so many ways of writing and portraying different Characters on screen This movie has a cutting edge to it A main stream cast for such a low budget Why is it that a Man with this much talent and Charisma not to Mention sex appeal in ways beyond most other actors can do this with so little money to work with These Actors really believe in his script and Raw talent as a Director writer and Actor I am so pleased to know such a modern day genius is out there letting is passion for Art drive him and taking us as an audience with him Damian I have heard of you through so many different circles and do not let the Jealous people of this world get to you Martin gets this Fellini got it and you will always get it The fire and passion in you is what we love to watch on Screen Thankyou for being different and having the guts to write like you do You are a one of a kind Director do not listen to the empty vessels
OK Who ever invented this film hates humanity and wants to see them all slit their throats This film was absolute and utter filth What the heck was up with the weird old bags eyes Seriously was she on some sort of horrible drug and then she like just thought she could control people She was running around with her freaking evil eye and it was like what Do I have a booger hanging out of my nose What are you staring at Are you like the sea witch or something All and all though I thought the graphics were top notch old chap For that alone I would give it a ten But just cover your ears when you are watching it The pure and complete evil that comes from that film will make your ears bleed and your eyelids fall off Who knows You might even get a knot in your small intestine You better watch out fools
I just watched the DVD version of BORN BAD and found it to be tense gritty and near the end too graphic for the faint of heart Justin Walker Clueless and Corey Feldman turn in superior performances For a low budget film this picture delivers The depth of character and clever dialogue are two things not usually seen in a Roger Corman picture Check it out on DVD
I opted to see the film at the recent Dubai Film Festival because it had been selected to the Cannes film festivals prestigious Competition section I was surprised that Cannes could be so off the mark in judging qualitybr br The film some reviewers have noted does not have too much of gunfirebut the inherent violence is repulsive Imagine killing your enemycompetitor in front of your young sonor forcing someone to eat a porcelain spoon to prove loyalty There are some hints of the contrasting Corleone sons in Copollas Godfather that seem to resurface here in this ChineseHong Kong film but the quality of the two are as distinctly different as chalk and cheesebr br This film is only recommended for violence junkiesthere is no great cinema here At best it might be considered to be better than the usual Run Run Shaw production for production values
So I had heard from a few people that this film had brought them to tears in the theater As I watched it for the first time I was expecting another romantic tearjerking Barbra Streisand film Something like The Way We Were I was certainly wrong The chemistry between the two main characters Esther Hoffman and her John Howard was nonexistent making it impossible to get attached to the characters There wasnt anything romantic about it Streisands character fell for an alcoholic drug addict who couldnt sing a single note without making me want to hit the fastforward button At one point her character finds her husband in bed with another woman and she forgives him about five minutes later Theres nothing romantic about a deadbeat rock star and a woman who cant seem to realize it until he actually dies Parts of the movie seemed to drag on and on and I kept asking myself when it was going to endbr br The death of John Howard was completely predictable There was totally obvious foreshadowing of his reckless behavior early on in the movie and when he died I felt no emotion whatsoever It wasnt a tragic accident it was him basically being an idiot Not to mention throughout the movie I was distracted by his hideous beardbr br The only parts of this movie worth seeing are the Streisand songs The ending of the movie when she sings With One More Look At YouWatch Closely Now was my reason for giving this film a whopping 310 Those 7 minutes were the only part of the movie I actually felt an emotion other than irritation and anger
I like this movie I may be biased because I love dolphins However my 3 and 4 yr old will sit and watch the whole movie Its not Oscar material but definitely entertaining The dolphin cinematography is well done with a beautiful backdrop of ocean scenery and sunsets My favorite scene is when Flipper flips the pop can out of the water striking Sandy in the head Its an endearing funny moment that makes me laugh every time On the other hand the villainous banterings of the bully boatman forget his name are a little hard to take And the shark scene is far from reality Question do dolphins really make that much noise Or is there some serious dubbing happening here Bottom line my kids like it and it keeps recycling through our VCR
A team of tough rogue New York cops led by the rugged hardnosed Buddy Manucci superbly played by the always excellent Roy Scheider go after a group of nasty mobsters involved in a kidnapping ring after one of their number gets killed by them Director Philip DAntoni the producer of Bullet and The French Connection ably creates a potent gritty starkly amoral nononsense tone maintains a steady pace throughout and stages the action scenes with considerable riproaring vigor Don Ellis rousing string score further pumps up the rawnrattling intensity while the scrappy Big Apple locations and Urs Furrers rough grainy cinematography both greatly enhance the overall grungy realism Moreover the fine line distinguishing cops from criminals gets chillingly blurred in this picture the titular squad use harsh brutish and morally dubious strongarm tactics as a means to an end for enforcing the law and theres certainly no code of honor amongst the thugs and thieves who populate the seedy urban underbelly thats vividly depicted in this movie Nice supporting performances by Tony Lo Bianco as wormy sniveling snitch Vito Lucia the Undertaker Richard Lynch as vicious psychotic hoodlum Moon Bill Hickman as Moons equally coldblooded partner Bo Jerry Leon as funky flatfoot Mingo and Joe Spinell as a parking garage attendant An extremely wild and exciting protracted heartinyourthroat mondo destructo car chase qualifies as a definite highlight The climactic shootout likewise delivers the stirring goods A real bangup little winner
The movie Everything is Illuminated comes from firsttime writerdirector Liev Schreiber adapting Jonathan Safran Foers first novel The book was ambitious and sprawling its magicalrealist elements and vivid use of language seemingly impossible to represent on screen The movie wisely attempts less While the end result is not as wildly original as the novel its still an accomplished movie about a strange Eastern European road trip or as one of the characters would have it a very rigid searchbr br That character is Alex Eugene Hutz a young Ukrainian man who loves American pop culture but cant seem to get the English language straight Nevertheless his grandfather Russian actor Boris Leskin who runs a tour company catering to American Jews convinces him to serve as a translator for Jonathan Elijah Wood Jonathan is investigating his family history and specifically trying to find the woman who saved his grandfather from the Nazis More than one family secret gets revealed during their questbr br The movies Jonathan not to be confused with the author of the novel is a semi kleptomaniacal weirdo who steals his own grandmothers dentures to add to his collection of family things Woods quiet wideeyed earnest manner works very well in this role Hutz makes an impressive debut as the looselimbed easygoing Alex His malapropisms are hilarious but he is also able to pull off the characters growing selfawareness The dog Mikki is very funny as the demented Sammy Davis Jr Jr and one of the few movie dogs Ive ever seen that isnt cloyingly cute and precociousbr br Everything is Illuminated eventually puts the Holocaust on a human scale asking us to remember it not as a general event but as millions of specific small tragedies Reminiscent of a European movie it also ponders the effect of past events on presentday young people like Jonathan and Alex With its original perspective strong performances and some very striking visuals Everything is Illuminated is great work for a firsttimer and hopefully Schreiber will continue to direct movies
i was having a horrid day but this movie grabbed me and i couldnt put it down until the end and i had forgotten about my horrid day and the ending by the way where is the sequelbr br the budget is obviously extremely low but look what they did with it it reminds me of a play they are basically working with a tent a escape pod a few guns uniforms camping gear and a scanner thing that is it for props Maybe this is even a good thing forcing the acting and writing to have to step up and take their rightful place in film as the centers of the work instead of as afterthoughts used to have an excuse to make CGI fights starwarsbr br The cgi is fine It is not exactly seamless but imho it still works why because there isnt too much of it and what there is is not taking over with an army of effects house people trying to cram everything they can into the shot it prompts the imagination its some relatively simple stuff with decent composition especially the heavy freighter shot there is one long shot that must be at least ten secondsthat tracks the entire length of the ship it must be a record for sci fi battle sequence film making in the past 10 years to have an action sequence that lasts longer than 075 seconds and some relation to the story it might look old or not state of the art but it doesnt look stupid and it doesnt take away from the storybr br The acting is good except the characters die too fast to get to know them The captain was great but a few of his scenes could have used another take I also got confused with his character losing his cool and stomping on a corpse I like to think captains are calm cool and in control what was going on in that scene did the other crew worry about him losing it at that moment did he feel himself losing control br br Now as for the plot mostly it is good why Because it doesnt try to explain itself It just happens Its called the planet its a mystery get it Nobody knows why there is a statue and they dont find out either The mysterious cult The weird scientist with the tattoo What do you expect to find out in less than 90 minutes This isnt War and Peace And thank god its not star warstrek either No midichlorians no 5 minutes of expository boring dialog that has no purpose in the story The characters are stranded and are only able to figure out a few basic things it is not a star trek episode where they find out its leonardo davinci or a child like space wanderer It is mysterious and i liked that I dont know why maybe I can identify with these guys more since they dont know whats happening and i dont either they dont talk a lot of space gibberish or have magic boxes telling them what is happening br br In fact I would argue that one of the weakest moments is when the traitor turns on the crew and tries to explain the reason for the planet the cult etc This coincidentally has some of the weakest dialog imho in the whole movie and it interrupts the flow and some of the characters look unnatural in that scene br br OK sometimes I felt it was a little too mysterious though Like why did the guy get fried through his eyes with lightning That was odd Just weird The hamlet ending again I would have liked to have known some of these characters better And would it have been so hard to have a 30 second rescue scene at the end This is not a serial show it was a film and we like closure in films even if they can have a sequel Imagine Hamlet with no flights of angels sing thee to thy restbr br Anyways What can I say This was well worth the dollar I payed at the red box machine at the supermarket It was also imho a better piece of storytelling than starwars parts 1 2 or 3 Like I said it sucked me in wanting to know what was happening and I couldnt stop watching until the end
I was a guest at the Sept 30th screening of Eddie Monroe and was pleasantly surprised with the story the great acting and the talented directing I found it hard to believe that all this talent can be found in an independent film Powerful performances by Vario Uncle Benny Sara Jessica Tsunis and Morris Eddie Monroe The supporting cast was chock full of colorful and amusing characters This film reminds me of one of those movies that you will look back on in 20 years and discover that it launched many actors into stardom Much like The Outsiders where Tom Cruise Emilio Estavez Patrick Swazey Ralph Macchio and others can be found Look out Hollywood there are new stars out on the horizon and they can be discovered in a little Long Island independent film called Eddie Monroe Great job
Like the great classic Bugs Bunny cartoons this movie has humor at different levels I just introduced this to my 10 year old daughter and 11 year old son Both enjoyed the movie busting out laughing quite a few times and my daughter is not much of a scifi fan The movie kept me laughing despite having seen a few times the adultlevel humor that is humor that adults will get simply because of greater life experiences no baudy or Rrated stuff to be found here keeps the movie equally enjoyable for adults For example of the adult level humor the Martian voices are based on characters of different moviesactors The Martian pilot Blaznee has the voice and mannerisms of Jack Nicholson the scientist that of Peter Sellers Dr Strangelove The special effects are surprisingly good for this film The lack of top 10 actors actually works in the movies favor and the actorsactresses play their part well in fact I would say the producers picked out actors and their skills for the roles needs over boxoffice draw power an excellent example is Wayne Alexanders Vern character I had to write this review the kids are playing this for the 3rd time in 4 days over dinner right now Good for a rainy day or a late night weekend theresnothingonandImbored movie
I saw this film for the first time not too long on TCMs Essentials series The eye of the beholder clich was never more apropos This beholder saw little of value in this one I was puzzled by the infinite attraction that Lucy Lauren Bacall possessed Granted Ms Bacall was a beautiful woman but in this film her character comes off more mousy than attractive I would think men like Mitch Wayne and Kyle Hadley would more likely ignore Lucy than fall into an instant infatuation with her In Bacalls defense this film was made at the time of Humphrey Bogarts last illness and the weight of his deteriorating health may have affected her performance Of course part of this mousiness on the part of Lucy was to contrast her to slutty Marylee played to the hilt and beyond by Dorothy Malone The scene where she engages in a wildly sensual dance while her father wearily climbs the stairs to a fatal heart attack is far and away the best scene in the film Malones performance outshines the rest although Jasper Hadleys weariness at the disappointing behavior of his two children is brilliantly portrayed by Robert Keith Generally though I would have to say that Im just not much of a fan of melodrama The cartoonish behavior of the characters just makes for a story too implausible for my tastes
Tex Averys tenure as director of cartoons for MGM was in the 1940s and 50s was one of the brightest moments in cartoon history His cartoons were exceptionally inventive and surreal with MANY weird touches that were later celebrated in the movie THE MASK Eyes popping out when a guy sees a girl impossible stunts and nonstop action were the trademarks of these filmsbr br This is one of several Droopy cartoons that Avery was responsible for and its among his best Droopy is a Mountie and he is determined to get his manthough in this case its a wolf who has escaped from prison Throughout the film despite many insane stunts Droopy keeps up with this crook until eventually the wolf gives up because Droopy is seemingly everywhere Full of funny gags and loaded with laughs this is a great cartoon
I first saw this movie in the night program of one of my favourite TV channels I was hooked from the very first minute Nothing is as it first seems lots of suspense great acting from Mr van Dien and I did not mind the heat in it one bit and best of all You are in for a surprise ending
its embarrassing I had like 3 minutes on my way to a job to stop at the video store and it was 2 for 1 night and I was really intrigued by the half nekkid pic of the star br br I guess this film shows what the new york film school and sir daddys fortune judging by the bio of this clown in the lead can do for you and you and you cause thats about what we have here and in addition a photoshopped pic of the lead actor with someone elses body in a still image that doesnt happen anywhere in the movie its weird cause in so many ways it had money thrown at it obviously low budget money buckets but from the outset when all the extras are laughing in their scene of terror it doesnt bode well would have maybe had some charm if it had been done for 2 cents in short order I skipped scenes and fast forwarded to see the image on the box that was all I really cared about strange why dont I just rent a porno or something but wow there is bad acting thats funny I guess and bad acting thats just bad robert englund is pretty pathetic in this along with everyone else it does make you appreciate the more not so straight to video horror thats out there blah most of which I wouldnt bother with shoulda watched uh hellraiser 3 if I wanted to see an 8 pack I would imagine horny old gay guys with 2 minutes in the video store are going to be the principle renters of this and they ought to start a class action suit
I have a 19month old and got really tired of watching Care Bears all the time Rooney is a great dancer who cares if he is gay This guy must have been a cheerleader or somethingbr br Beats Barney cant get the songs out of my headmuststop singingDoodlebops songsNOWbr br Must have 10 lines of text so I must continuewhat about when the say all the Canadian stuff like OOOUT Aboooot Whacky CanadiansJazmine is rhyming too much she must be Dutchbr br Knock knock whos there Dee Dee super Hottiebr br Bus driver Bob cannot dance take lessons from Rooney
i went into this hoping it would be the thought provoking little gem people have reviewed this as i love indy films and expected to dig this too knowing what a hot button this topics is i expected to be really entertained maybe even see an outsiders perspectivebr br all i can say is wowif your into self torture or mutilation then maybe youll like this personally i dont like the idea of being peed on or cutting myself so i thought it was garbage bad script bad acting bad story bad directing bad editingi could go on i have no clue why a reviewer claimed he or she was making a political point by giving this movie a 10 thats misleading and ignorant voting for a movie on IMDb isnt setting a precedent it just lets other people think that a garbage bomb like this is OK to watch as long as its controversial this film is not it tries VERY HARD to be but fails br br you know the movie is bad when 15 minutes into it your praying that all main characters die horrifically unfortunately they do die but not in the painful manners that would have given the viewer some justice or vindication for having watched the 2 hours of crap they just endured br br do yourself a favor just dont even bother i got this movie in a bargain bin at my local video store for 50 and feel ripped off
Geoffrey Wright the director of Romper Stomper transplants Shakespeares Macbeth in the contemporary criminal underworld of Melbourne Australia The result is a semiawful piece of cinema Sam Worthington is Macbeth and walks around looking very selfconscious and bored Victoria Hill who wrote the script with Wright is Lady Macbeth and shes neither awful nor good Lachy Hulme who plays McDuff is the only actor in the cast who exudes any kind of authority The rest including Gary Sweet are wasted and misdirected Shot on HD by the late Will Gibson the movies visuals lack character Everything is too clean and too deliberately lit Wrights direction is uninspired in the extreme and the action sequences are confusing and inept Marketed erroneously as the most violent Australia movie ever the film is violent at times and reasonably bloody but it fails to deliver a single impactful moment Slow moving and terribly pretentious this umpteenth silver screen version of the classic play is the personification of wrongheaded
This movie is not only about feelings and human emotions it is also about everything that could be but its not Poetry in movies can be awfully boring and annoying but this movie is delightful to be watched Not to mention the amazing Irne Jacob a great actress in France one of the best actually When the movie ends you can only feel sorry After all when something is truly great we want more Well for another great movie by K Kieslowsky with Irne Jacob we can always watch La double vie de Veronique
From the start this film was awful Why was it that bad If it isnt the naked women not only in need of a decent plastic surgeon but also the expertise of a dentist followed by a free hand out of Colgate whitening Then its the crazy old guy at the gas station who isnt so much crazy but more Im not sure how to act a great deal so I will stare straight ahead and look as stupid as I can while pretending to shout in robotic tones about something in the woods Then back to these naked nymphs in need of a cure for gingivitis apparently without touching youand this is according to the opening scene they can cause a nasty looking red rash on your neck which I assumed to be a chunk of flesh missing but just looks as though it could do with some TCP to clear it right up Then you have Sophie Holland who plays Ally I have never seen such baaaaaad acting she is more of a me me me if Im not having fun noone else is and I dont wanna do this so I wont and Im the meanest cow on the planet Im sarcastic petty and if I dont get things my way I will sulk kind of person reminds me more of a 6 yr old girls attitude I dont think its even worth mentioning the dire camera angles that remind me of Blair Witch or how lowbudget the film actually was that when Judd was hacking at the locked door it was in fact open before he reached to unlock it from the other side This film is completely laughable If it were a spoof then it would have been successfulonly just though but as a horror film is was just plain wrong I cant even being to describe everything that went tts up in this movie I would run out of room Although it was funny to watch Andrew drip raspberry juice in his ear every time he opened his mouth while Tom Savinis character was completely blind to the two hiding under the table directly in his line of vision It was even funnier when these two thought they could escape on a god damn tractor which as we all know is thee number one hated vehicle to get stuck behind since its so god damn slow So is it any wonder they dont get away with it And how many people do you know that can slice open their wrist and then run around for hours as if nothing ever happened No pain no weakening from blood loss nothing But the silliest part is when all of a sudden and i mean that literally its one YEAR later and Molly is still wandering the woods after having escaped the nymphs and then lo and behold Shaun Hutson picks her upof course not without a line to promote his books altho admittedly he is one of my fav authors but suddenly and with absolutely no hint of an xplanation as to how and why shes evil herself and lures Hutson to his death then we cut to the crazy dude from the beginning suddenly wandering round the woods with a petrol can even after his dazzling performance on why noone should ever venture there for whatever reasoncue the nymphs stupidly slappin each other around a bit for fun while Crazy pours petrol everywhereand here endeth the filmfinally My conclusionif you hadnt already guessed by nowabsolute rubbish There was no proper thought went into it at all whoever was aiming the camera needed firingand come to think of it so did 99 of the cast If the right director actors and budget got behind this it could have been decent But once again lowbudget English horror films but the rest of the genre the country and the English filmmaking industry to shame And Im English so Im allowed to say that In fact the only decent and exciting part of the movie is in the first 1520 mins when we watch it turn from night to day over a field type area All I kept thinking throughout this was Jesus Christ in heaven why oh why did you allow someone to make this its absolute cows testicles But I cant turn a film off after Ive started watching it unfortunately I had to watch From Dusk Til Dawn afterwards just to remind myself that Tom Savini does have it in him to act well If there was an option for 010 then believe me I woulda chose that cuz this film isnt even worth the one point I did give it br br But this is just my opinion watch it and decide for yourself