24 values
1 value
The intervention consisted in the use of the Escola do Cérebro, using tablets in the classroom, daily for a period of five weeks.
1 The the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 2 det 2:det Discourse=contingency-condition:58->52:3|Entity=(154-event-giv:act-cf1*-2-coref 2 intervention intervention NOUN NN Number=Sing 3 nsubj 3:nsubj Entity=154) 3 consisted consist VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 4 in in ADP IN _ 6 case 6:case _ 5 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 6 det 6:det Entity=(160-event-new-cf5-2,6,7-sgl 6 use use NOUN NN Number=Sing 3 obl 3:obl:in _ 7 of of ADP IN _ 9 case 9:case _ 8 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 9 det 9:det Entity=(136-abstract-giv:inact-cf2-2,3,4-coref 9 Escola Escola PROPN NNP Number=Sing 6 nmod 6:nmod:of _ 10 do do PROPN NNP Number=Sing 9 compound 9:compound _ 11 Cérebro Cérebro PROPN NNP Number=Sing 10 compound 10:compound Entity=136)|SpaceAfter=No 12 , , PUNCT , _ 13 punct 13:punct _ 13 using use VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 6 acl 6:acl Discourse=mode-means:59->58:0 14 tablets tablet NOUN NNS Number=Plur 13 obj 13:obj Entity=(161-object-new-cf4-1-sgl) 15 in in ADP IN _ 17 case 17:case _ 16 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 17 det 17:det Entity=(112-place-giv:inact-cf3-2-coref 17 classroom classroom NOUN NN Number=Sing 13 obl 13:obl:in Entity=112)|SpaceAfter=No 18 , , PUNCT , _ 19 punct 19:punct _ 19 daily daily ADV RB Degree=Pos 13 advmod 13:advmod _ 20 for for ADP IN _ 22 case 22:case _ 21 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 22 det 22:det Entity=(162-time-new-cf6-2-sgl 22 period period NOUN NN Number=Sing 13 obl 13:obl:for _ 23 of of ADP IN _ 25 case 25:case _ 24 five five NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 25 nummod 25:nummod _ 25 weeks week NOUN NNS Number=Plur 22 nmod 22:nmod:of Entity=162)160)|SpaceAfter=No 26 . . PUNCT . _ 3 punct 3:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
The sample consisted of 71 students of the Application School of Basic Education, Federal University of Santa Catarina, aged 7 and 9 years old (M = 7.64 ± 1.12), which were divided into two groups: participant and control.
1 The the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 2 det 2:det Discourse=elaboration-additional:60->58:1|Entity=(163-person-new-cf1-2-coref 2 sample sample NOUN NN Number=Sing 3 nsubj 3:nsubj Entity=163) 3 consisted consist VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 4 of of ADP IN _ 6 case 6:case _ 5 71 71 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 6 nummod 6:nummod Entity=(163-person-giv:act-cf1-2,5,8,9,11,12,14,15-coref 6 students student NOUN NNS Number=Plur 3 obl 3:obl:of|37:nsubj:pass _ 7 of of ADP IN _ 10 case 10:case _ 8 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 10 det 10:det Entity=(164-organization-new-cf6-2,3,5,6,8,9,11,12-sgl 9 Application Application PROPN NNP Number=Sing 10 compound 10:compound _ 10 School School PROPN NNP Number=Sing 6 nmod 6:nmod:of _ 11 of of ADP IN _ 13 case 13:case _ 12 Basic Basic PROPN NNP Number=Sing 13 compound 13:compound _ 13 Education Education PROPN NNP Number=Sing 10 nmod 10:nmod:of SpaceAfter=No 14 , , PUNCT , _ 16 punct 16:punct _ 15 Federal Federal PROPN NNP Number=Sing 16 compound 16:compound Entity=(8-organization-giv:inact-cf4-1,2,4,5-coref-Federal_University_of_Santa_Catarina 16 University University PROPN NNP Number=Sing 10 appos 10:appos _ 17 of of ADP IN _ 19 case 19:case _ 18 Santa Santa PROPN NNP Number=Sing 19 compound 19:compound Entity=(9-place-giv:inact-cf5-1,2-coref-Santa_Catarina_%28state%29 19 Catarina Catarina PROPN NNP Number=Sing 16 nmod 16:nmod:of Entity=9)8)164)|SpaceAfter=No 20 , , PUNCT , _ 21 punct 21:punct _ 21 aged aged ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 6 acl 6:acl Discourse=elaboration-attribute:61->60:0 22 7 7 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 25 nummod 25:nummod _ 23 and and CCONJ CC _ 24 cc 24:cc _ 24 9 9 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 22 conj 22:conj:and|25:nummod _ 25 years year NOUN NNS Number=Plur 26 obl:tmod 26:obl:tmod _ 26 old old ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 21 xcomp 21:xcomp _ 27 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 29 punct 29:punct Discourse=elaboration-additional:62->61:0|SpaceAfter=No 28 M M NOUN NN Number=Sing 29 nsubj 29:nsubj|32:nsubj:xsubj Entity=(165-abstract-new-cf3-1-coref) 29 = = SYM SYM _ 26 parataxis 26:parataxis _ 30 7.64 7.64 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Frac 29 xcomp 29:xcomp Entity=(165-abstract-giv:act-cf3-1,3-coref 31 ± ± CCONJ CC _ 32 cc 32:cc _ 32 1.12 1.12 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Frac 30 conj 29:xcomp|30:conj:plus_minus Entity=165)|SpaceAfter=No 33 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 29 punct 29:punct SpaceAfter=No 34 , , PUNCT , _ 37 punct 37:punct _ 35 which which PRON WDT PronType=Rel 37 nsubj:pass 6:ref Discourse=elaboration-attribute:63->60:1 36 were be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 37 aux:pass 37:aux:pass _ 37 divided divide VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 6 acl:relcl 6:acl:relcl _ 38 into into ADP IN _ 40 case 40:case _ 39 two two NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 40 nummod 40:nummod Entity=(166-person-new-cf2-2-coref 40 groups group NOUN NNS Number=Plur 37 obl 37:obl:into Entity=166)|SpaceAfter=No 41 : : PUNCT : _ 42 punct 42:punct _ 42 participant participant NOUN NN Number=Sing 40 appos 40:appos Discourse=elaboration-additional:64->63:0|Entity=(166-person-giv:act-cf2-1,3-appos(167-person-new-cf7-1-coref) 43 and and CCONJ CC _ 44 cc 44:cc _ 44 control control NOUN NN Number=Sing 42 conj 40:appos|42:conj:and Entity=(168-person-new-cf8-1-coref)166)163)|SpaceAfter=No 45 . . PUNCT . _ 3 punct 3:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
The first (n = 31) participated in the intervention, the control group (n = 40) was only evaluated using the test before and after the same time interval of interventions.
1 The the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 2 det 2:det Discourse=elaboration-additional:65->60:2|Entity=(167-person-giv:act-cf2-2-coref 2 first first ADJ JJ Degree=Pos|NumType=Ord 8 nsubj 8:nsubj Entity=167) 3 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 5 punct 5:punct Discourse=elaboration-additional:66->65:0|SpaceAfter=No 4 n n NOUN NN Number=Sing 5 nsubj 5:nsubj Entity=(169-abstract-new-cf3-1-coref) 5 = = SYM SYM _ 2 parataxis 2:parataxis _ 6 31 31 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 5 xcomp 5:xcomp Entity=(169-abstract-giv:act-cf3-1-coref)|SpaceAfter=No 7 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 5 punct 5:punct _ 8 participated participate VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root Discourse=same-unit_m:67->65:1 9 in in ADP IN _ 11 case 11:case _ 10 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 11 det 11:det Entity=(154-event-giv:inact-cf6-2-coref 11 intervention intervention NOUN NN Number=Sing 8 obl 8:obl:in Entity=154)|SpaceAfter=No 12 , , PUNCT , _ 23 punct 23:punct _ 13 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 15 det 15:det Discourse=adversative-contrast_m:68->65:2|Entity=(168-person-giv:act-cf1*-3-coref 14 control control NOUN NN Number=Sing 15 compound 15:compound _ 15 group group NOUN NN Number=Sing 23 nsubj:pass 23:nsubj:pass Entity=168) 16 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 18 punct 18:punct Discourse=elaboration-additional:69->68:0|SpaceAfter=No 17 n n NOUN NN Number=Sing 18 nsubj 18:nsubj Entity=(170-abstract-new-cf4-1-coref) 18 = = SYM SYM _ 15 parataxis 15:parataxis _ 19 40 40 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 18 xcomp 18:xcomp Entity=(170-abstract-giv:act-cf4-1-coref)|SpaceAfter=No 20 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 18 punct 18:punct _ 21 was be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 23 aux:pass 23:aux:pass Discourse=same-unit_m:70->68:1 22 only only ADV RB _ 23 advmod 23:advmod _ 23 evaluated evaluate VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 8 parataxis 8:parataxis _ 24 using use VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 23 advcl 23:advcl Discourse=mode-means:71->68:2 25 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 26 det 26:det Entity=(155-abstract-giv:inact-cf5-2-coref 26 test test NOUN NN Number=Sing 24 obj 24:obj Entity=155) 27 before before ADP IN _ 33 case 33:case _ 28 and and CCONJ CC _ 29 cc 29:cc _ 29 after after ADP IN _ 27 conj 27:conj:and|33:case _ 30 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 33 det 33:det Entity=(171-time-new-cf8-4-sgl 31 same same ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 33 amod 33:amod _ 32 time time NOUN NN Number=Sing 33 compound 33:compound _ 33 interval interval NOUN NN Number=Sing 23 obl 23:obl:before _ 34 of of ADP IN _ 35 case 35:case _ 35 interventions intervention NOUN NNS Number=Plur 33 nmod 33:nmod:of Entity=(147-event-giv:inact-cf7-1-coref)171)|SpaceAfter=No 36 . . PUNCT . _ 8 punct 8:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
The Escola do Cérebro is a platform that integrates seven digital games into a database.
1 The the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 2 det 2:det Discourse=elaboration-additional:72->58:2|Entity=(136-abstract-giv:inact-cf1-2,3,4-coref 2 Escola Escola PROPN NNP Number=Sing 7 nsubj 7:nsubj _ 3 do do PROPN NNP Number=Sing 2 compound 2:compound _ 4 Cérebro Cérebro PROPN NNP Number=Sing 3 compound 3:compound Entity=136) 5 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 7 cop 7:cop _ 6 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 7 det 7:det Entity=(136-abstract-giv:act-cf1-2-pred 7 platform platform NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 root 0:root|9:nsubj _ 8 that that PRON WDT PronType=Rel 9 nsubj 7:ref Discourse=elaboration-attribute:73->72:0 9 integrates integrate VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 7 acl:relcl 7:acl:relcl _ 10 seven seven NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 12 nummod 12:nummod Entity=(172-abstract-new-cf3-3-coref 11 digital digital ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 12 amod 12:amod _ 12 games game NOUN NNS Number=Plur 9 obj 9:obj Entity=172) 13 into into ADP IN _ 15 case 15:case _ 14 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 15 det 15:det Entity=(135-abstract-giv:inact-cf2-2-coref 15 database database NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 obl 9:obl:into Entity=135)136)|SpaceAfter=No 16 . . PUNCT . _ 7 punct 7:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
The application allows visualization of the player's performance and offers the possibility of monitoring by teachers.
1 The the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 2 det 2:det Discourse=elaboration-additional:74->72:1|Entity=(136-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-2-coref 2 application application NOUN NN Number=Sing 3 nsubj 3:nsubj|11:nsubj Entity=136) 3 allows allow VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 4 visualization visualization NOUN NN Number=Sing 3 obj 3:obj Entity=(173-event-acc:com-cf2-1-sgl 5 of of ADP IN _ 9 case 9:case _ 6 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 7 det 7:det Bridge=172<175|Entity=(174-abstract-new-cf5-4-sgl(175-person-acc:inf-cf3-2-sgl 7-8 player's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 player player NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 nmod:poss 9:nmod:poss _ 8 's 's PART POS _ 7 case 7:case Entity=175) 9 performance performance NOUN NN Number=Sing 4 nmod 4:nmod:of Entity=174)173) 10 and and CCONJ CC _ 11 cc 11:cc Discourse=joint-list_m:75->74:0 11 offers offer VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 3 conj 3:conj:and _ 12 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 13 det 13:det Entity=(176-abstract-new-cf4-2-sgl 13 possibility possibility NOUN NN Number=Sing 11 obj 11:obj _ 14 of of SCONJ IN _ 15 mark 15:mark Discourse=elaboration-attribute:76->75:0 15 monitoring monitor VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 13 acl 13:acl:of Entity=(177-event-new-cf7-1-sgl 16 by by ADP IN _ 17 case 17:case _ 17 teachers teacher NOUN NNS Number=Plur 15 obl 15:obl:by Entity=(178-person-new-cf6-1-coref)177)176)|SpaceAfter=No 18 . . PUNCT . _ 3 punct 3:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Students have their scores measured by four variables: time, speed, stability and accuracy.
1 Students student NOUN NNS Number=Plur 2 nsubj 2:nsubj Discourse=elaboration-additional:77->74:1|Entity=(163-person-giv:inact-cf1-1-coref) 2 have have VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 3 their their PRON PRP$ Case=Gen|Number=Plur|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 4 nmod:poss 4:nmod:poss Entity=(179-abstract-new-cf4-2-sgl(163-person-giv:act-cf1-1-ana) 4 scores score NOUN NNS Number=Plur 2 obj 2:obj|5:nsubj:pass:xsubj Entity=179) 5 measured measure VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 2 xcomp 2:xcomp _ 6 by by ADP IN _ 8 case 8:case _ 7 four four NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 8 nummod 8:nummod Entity=(180-abstract-new-cf2-2-coref 8 variables variable NOUN NNS Number=Plur 5 obl:agent 5:obl:agent Entity=180)|SpaceAfter=No 9 : : PUNCT : _ 10 punct 10:punct _ 10 time time NOUN NN Number=Sing 8 appos 8:appos Discourse=elaboration-additional:78->77:0|Entity=(180-abstract-giv:act-cf2-1,3,5,7-appos(181-time-new-cf5-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 11 , , PUNCT , _ 12 punct 12:punct _ 12 speed speed NOUN NN Number=Sing 10 conj 8:appos|10:conj:and Entity=(159-abstract-giv:inact-cf3-1-coref)|SpaceAfter=No 13 , , PUNCT , _ 14 punct 14:punct _ 14 stability stability NOUN NN Number=Sing 10 conj 8:appos|10:conj:and Entity=(182-abstract-new-cf6-1-sgl) 15 and and CCONJ CC _ 16 cc 16:cc _ 16 accuracy accuracy NOUN NN Number=Sing 10 conj 8:appos|10:conj:and Entity=(183-abstract-new-cf7-1-sgl)180)|SpaceAfter=No 17 . . PUNCT . _ 2 punct 2:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
A statistical analysis was performed based on the application of the paired t-test on the difference of the overall score obtained in the test before and after the intervention in the two groups.
1 A a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 3 det 3:det Discourse=context-background:79->82:4|Entity=(184-abstract-new-cf4-3-sgl 2 statistical statistical ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 3 amod 3:amod _ 3 analysis analysis NOUN NN Number=Sing 5 nsubj:pass 5:nsubj:pass Entity=184) 4 was be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 5 aux:pass 5:aux:pass _ 5 performed perform VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 root 0:root _ 6 based base VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 5 advcl 5:advcl Discourse=elaboration-additional:80->79:0 7 on on ADP IN _ 9 case 9:case _ 8 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 9 det 9:det Entity=(185-abstract-new-cf5-2-sgl 9 application application NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 obl 6:obl:on _ 10 of of ADP IN _ 15 case 15:case _ 11 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 15 det 15:det Entity=(186-abstract-new-cf6-8-sgl 12 paired pair VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 15 amod 15:amod _ 13 t t NOUN NN Number=Sing 15 compound 15:compound SpaceAfter=No|XML=<w> 14 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 13 punct 13:punct SpaceAfter=No 15 test test NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 nmod 9:nmod:of XML=</w> 16 on on ADP IN _ 18 case 18:case _ 17 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 18 det 18:det Entity=(187-abstract-new-cf7-2-sgl 18 difference difference NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 nmod 9:nmod:on _ 19 of of ADP IN _ 22 case 22:case _ 20 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 22 det 22:det Entity=(188-abstract-new-cf8-3-sgl 21 overall overall ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 22 amod 22:amod _ 22 score score NOUN NN Number=Sing 18 nmod 18:nmod:of _ 23 obtained obtain VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 22 acl 22:acl Discourse=elaboration-attribute:81->80:0 24 in in ADP IN _ 26 case 26:case _ 25 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 26 det 26:det Entity=(155-abstract-giv:inact-cf2-2-coref 26 test test NOUN NN Number=Sing 23 obl 23:obl:in Entity=155) 27 before before ADP IN _ 31 case 31:case _ 28 and and CCONJ CC _ 29 cc 29:cc _ 29 after after ADP IN _ 27 conj 27:conj:and|31:case _ 30 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 31 det 31:det Entity=(154-event-giv:inact-cf3-2-coref 31 intervention intervention NOUN NN Number=Sing 23 obl 23:obl:before Entity=154) 32 in in ADP IN _ 35 case 35:case _ 33 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 35 det 35:det Entity=(166-person-giv:inact-cf1-3-coref 34 two two NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 35 nummod 35:nummod _ 35 groups group NOUN NNS Number=Plur 23 obl 23:obl:in Entity=166)188)187)186)185)|SpaceAfter=No 36 . . PUNCT . _ 5 punct 5:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
The difference in the results obtained from the application of D2 Test of attention before and after was statistically significant (p < 0.05), the participant group had mean and standard deviation 60.23 (64.75) respectively, while the control group was 20.00 (42.65).
1 The the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 2 det 2:det Discourse=explanation-evidence:82->102:3|Entity=(189-abstract-new-cf8-2-coref 2 difference difference NOUN NN Number=Sing 20 nsubj 20:nsubj _ 3 in in ADP IN _ 5 case 5:case _ 4 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 5 det 5:det Entity=(190-abstract-new-cf9-2-sgl 5 results result NOUN NNS Number=Plur 2 nmod 2:nmod:in _ 6 obtained obtain VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 5 acl 5:acl Discourse=elaboration-attribute:83->82:0 7 from from ADP IN _ 9 case 9:case _ 8 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 9 det 9:det Entity=(191-abstract-new-cf10-2-sgl 9 application application NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 obl 6:obl:from _ 10 of of ADP IN _ 12 case 12:case _ 11 D2 D2 NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 compound 12:compound Entity=(155-abstract-giv:act-cf2*-2-coref 12 Test test NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 nmod 9:nmod:of _ 13 of of ADP IN _ 14 case 14:case _ 14 attention attention NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 nmod 12:nmod:of Entity=(5-abstract-giv:inact-cf7-1-coref)155) 15 before before ADP IN _ 9 nmod 9:nmod _ 16 and and CCONJ CC _ 17 cc 17:cc _ 17 after after ADP IN _ 15 conj 9:nmod|15:conj:and Entity=191)190)189) 18 was be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 20 cop 20:cop Discourse=same-unit_m:84->82:1 19 statistically statistically ADV RB Degree=Pos 20 advmod 20:advmod _ 20 significant significant ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 root 0:root _ 21 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 23 punct 23:punct Discourse=elaboration-additional:85->82:2|SpaceAfter=No 22 p p NOUN NN Number=Sing 23 nsubj 23:nsubj Entity=(192-abstract-new-cf3-1-coref) 23 < < SYM SYM _ 20 parataxis 20:parataxis _ 24 0.05 0.05 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Frac 23 obl:npmod 23:obl:npmod Entity=(192-abstract-giv:act-cf3-1-coref)|SpaceAfter=No 25 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 23 punct 23:punct SpaceAfter=No 26 , , PUNCT , _ 30 punct 30:punct _ 27 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 29 det 29:det Discourse=elaboration-additional:86->82:3|Entity=(167-person-giv:inact-cf5-3-coref 28 participant participant NOUN NN Number=Sing 29 compound 29:compound _ 29 group group NOUN NN Number=Sing 30 nsubj 30:nsubj Entity=167) 30 had have VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 20 parataxis 20:parataxis _ 31 mean mean NOUN NN Number=Sing 35 nsubj 35:nsubj Entity=(193-abstract-new-cf1-1-coref) 32 and and CCONJ CC _ 34 cc 34:cc _ 33 standard standard ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 34 amod 34:amod Entity=(194-abstract-new-cf4-2-coref 34 deviation deviation NOUN NN Number=Sing 31 conj 31:conj:and|35:nsubj Entity=194) 35 60.23 60.23 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Frac 30 ccomp 30:ccomp Entity=(193-abstract-giv:act-cf1-1-coref) 36 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 37 punct 37:punct SpaceAfter=No 37 64.75 64.75 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Frac 35 conj 30:ccomp|35:conj Entity=(194-abstract-giv:act-cf4-1-coref)|SpaceAfter=No 38 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 37 punct 37:punct _ 39 respectively respectively ADV RB Degree=Pos 35 advmod 35:advmod SpaceAfter=No 40 , , PUNCT , _ 46 punct 46:punct _ 41 while while SCONJ IN _ 46 mark 46:mark Discourse=adversative-contrast_m:87->86:0 42 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 44 det 44:det Entity=(168-person-giv:inact-cf6-3-coref 43 control control NOUN NN Number=Sing 44 compound 44:compound _ 44 group group NOUN NN Number=Sing 46 nsubj 46:nsubj Entity=168) 45 was be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 46 cop 46:cop _ 46 20.00 20.00 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Frac 30 advcl 30:advcl:while Entity=(195-abstract-new-cf11-1-sgl) 47 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 48 punct 48:punct SpaceAfter=No 48 42.65 42.65 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Frac 46 conj 30:advcl:while|46:conj Entity=(196-abstract-new-cf12-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 49 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 48 punct 48:punct SpaceAfter=No 50 . . PUNCT . _ 20 punct 20:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
The result indicates significant improvement in the performance of the sustained attention in the test, as well as a high dispersion, which reveals a variation in relation to the performance.
1 The the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 2 det 2:det Discourse=evaluation-comment:88->82:5|Entity=(189-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-2-coref 2 result result NOUN NN Number=Sing 3 nsubj 3:nsubj Entity=189) 3 indicates indicate VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 4 significant significant ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 5 amod 5:amod Entity=(197-event-new-cf5-2-coref 5 improvement improvement NOUN NN Number=Sing 3 obj 3:obj _ 6 in in ADP IN _ 8 case 8:case _ 7 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 8 det 8:det Entity=(198-event-new-cf3-2-coref 8 performance performance NOUN NN Number=Sing 5 nmod 5:nmod:in _ 9 of of ADP IN _ 12 case 12:case _ 10 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 12 det 12:det Bridge=156<199|Entity=(199-abstract-acc:inf-cf4-3-coref 11 sustained sustained ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 12 amod 12:amod _ 12 attention attention NOUN NN Number=Sing 8 nmod 8:nmod:of Entity=199) 13 in in ADP IN _ 15 case 15:case _ 14 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 15 det 15:det Entity=(155-abstract-giv:act-cf2-2-coref 15 test test NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 nmod 12:nmod:in Entity=155)198)197)|SpaceAfter=No 16 , , PUNCT , _ 22 punct 22:punct _ 17 as as ADV RB _ 22 cc 22:cc _ 18 well well ADV RB Degree=Pos 17 fixed 17:fixed _ 19 as as ADP IN _ 17 fixed 17:fixed _ 20 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 22 det 22:det Entity=(200-abstract-new-cf7-3-sgl 21 high high ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 22 amod 22:amod _ 22 dispersion dispersion NOUN NN Number=Sing 5 conj 3:obj|5:conj:as_well_as|25:nsubj SpaceAfter=No 23 , , PUNCT , _ 25 punct 25:punct _ 24 which which PRON WDT PronType=Rel 25 nsubj 22:ref Discourse=elaboration-attribute:89->88:0 25 reveals reveal VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 22 acl:relcl 22:acl:relcl _ 26 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 27 det 27:det Entity=(201-abstract-new-cf6-2-sgl 27 variation variation NOUN NN Number=Sing 25 obj 25:obj _ 28 in in ADP IN _ 29 case 29:case _ 29 relation relation NOUN NN Number=Sing 27 nmod 27:nmod:in _ 30 to to ADP IN _ 32 case 32:case _ 31 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 32 det 32:det Entity=(198-event-giv:act-cf3-2-coref 32 performance performance NOUN NN Number=Sing 29 nmod 29:nmod:to Entity=198)201)200)|SpaceAfter=No 33 . . PUNCT . _ 3 punct 3:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
In addition, students participating in the interview reported a preference for games that involve problem solving, recognize the need to plan actions in relation to their importance for the game and for daily activities, and realize improvements in the ability to sustain attention.
1 In in ADP IN _ 2 case 2:case Discourse=joint-list_m:90->82:6 2 addition addition NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 obl 9:obl:in SpaceAfter=No 3 , , PUNCT , _ 2 punct 2:punct _ 4 students student NOUN NNS Number=Plur 9 nsubj 9:nsubj Entity=(163-person-giv:inact-cf2-1-coref 5 participating participate VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 4 acl 4:acl Discourse=elaboration-attribute:91->90:0 6 in in ADP IN _ 8 case 8:case _ 7 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 8 det 8:det Entity=(202-event-new-cf10-2-sgl 8 interview interview NOUN NN Number=Sing 5 obl 5:obl:in Entity=202)163) 9 reported report VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root Discourse=same-unit_m:92->90:1 10 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 11 det 11:det Entity=(203-abstract-new-cf7-2-sgl 11 preference preference NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 obj 9:obj _ 12 for for ADP IN _ 13 case 13:case _ 13 games game NOUN NNS Number=Plur 11 nmod 11:nmod:for|15:nsubj Entity=(204-abstract-new-cf11-1-coref 14 that that PRON WDT PronType=Rel 15 nsubj 13:ref Discourse=elaboration-attribute:93->92:0 15 involve involve VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 13 acl:relcl 13:acl:relcl _ 16 problem problem NOUN NN Number=Sing 17 compound 17:compound Entity=(205-event-new-cf8-2-sgl 17 solving solving NOUN NN Number=Sing 15 obj 15:obj Entity=205)|SpaceAfter=No 18 , , PUNCT , _ 19 punct 19:punct _ 19 recognize recognize VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 15 conj 13:acl:relcl|15:conj:and Discourse=joint-list_m:94->93:0 20 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 21 det 21:det Entity=(206-abstract-new-cf6-2-sgl 21 need need NOUN NN Number=Sing 19 obj 19:obj Entity=206) 22 to to PART TO _ 23 mark 23:mark Discourse=adversative-antithesis:95->94:0 23 plan plan VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 21 acl 21:acl:to _ 24 actions action NOUN NNS Number=Plur 23 obj 23:obj Entity=(207-abstract-new-cf1-1-coref) 25 in in ADP IN _ 26 case 26:case _ 26 relation relation NOUN NN Number=Sing 23 obl 23:obl:in _ 27 to to ADP IN _ 29 case 29:case _ 28 their their PRON PRP$ Case=Gen|Number=Plur|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 29 nmod:poss 29:nmod:poss Entity=(208-abstract-new-cf12-2-sgl(207-abstract-giv:act-cf1-1-ana) 29 importance importance NOUN NN Number=Sing 26 nmod 26:nmod:to _ 30 for for ADP IN _ 32 case 32:case _ 31 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 32 det 32:det Bridge=204<209|Entity=(209-abstract-acc:inf-cf5-2-sgl 32 game game NOUN NN Number=Sing 29 nmod 29:nmod:for Entity=209) 33 and and CCONJ CC _ 36 cc 36:cc _ 34 for for ADP IN _ 36 case 36:case _ 35 daily daily ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 36 amod 36:amod Entity=(210-event-new-cf13-2-coref 36 activities activity NOUN NNS Number=Plur 32 conj 29:nmod:for|32:conj:and Entity=210)208)|SpaceAfter=No 37 , , PUNCT , _ 39 punct 39:punct _ 38 and and CCONJ CC _ 39 cc 39:cc Discourse=joint-list_m:96->93:0 39 realize realize VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 15 conj 13:acl:relcl|15:conj:and _ 40 improvements improvement NOUN NNS Number=Plur 39 obj 39:obj Entity=(211-abstract-new-cf9-1-sgl 41 in in ADP IN _ 43 case 43:case _ 42 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 43 det 43:det Entity=(85-abstract-giv:inact-cf4-2-coref 43 ability ability NOUN NN Number=Sing 40 nmod 40:nmod:in _ 44 to to PART TO _ 45 mark 45:mark Discourse=purpose-attribute:97->96:0 45 sustain sustain VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 43 acl 43:acl:to _ 46 attention attention NOUN NN Number=Sing 45 obj 45:obj Entity=(5-abstract-giv:inact-cf3-1-coref)85)211)204)203)|SpaceAfter=No 47 . . PUNCT . _ 9 punct 9:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
The teachers observed changes after the intervention, emphasizing the greater persistence and involvement in school activities, and in some students, improvement in the ability to sustain attention.
1 The the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 2 det 2:det Discourse=joint-list_m:98->82:6|Entity=(178-person-giv:inact-cf4-2-coref 2 teachers teacher NOUN NNS Number=Plur 3 nsubj 3:nsubj Entity=178) 3 observed observe VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 4 changes change NOUN NNS Number=Plur 3 obj 3:obj Entity=(212-abstract-new-cf8-1-sgl) 5 after after ADP IN _ 7 case 7:case _ 6 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 7 det 7:det Entity=(154-event-giv:inact-cf5-2-coref 7 intervention intervention NOUN NN Number=Sing 3 obl 3:obl:after Entity=154)|SpaceAfter=No 8 , , PUNCT , _ 9 punct 9:punct _ 9 emphasizing emphasize VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 3 advcl 3:advcl Discourse=elaboration-additional:99->98:0 10 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 12 det 12:det Entity=(213-abstract-new-cf7-3,5-sgl 11 greater great ADJ JJR Degree=Cmp 12 amod 12:amod _ 12 persistence persistence NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 obj 9:obj _ 13 and and CCONJ CC _ 14 cc 14:cc _ 14 involvement involvement NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 conj 9:obj|12:conj:and Entity=(214-abstract-new-cf9-1-sgl 15 in in ADP IN _ 17 case 17:case _ 16 school school NOUN NN Number=Sing 17 compound 17:compound Entity=(210-event-giv:act-cf3-2-coref 17 activities activity NOUN NNS Number=Plur 14 nmod 14:nmod:in Entity=210)214)213)|SpaceAfter=No 18 , , PUNCT , _ 19 punct 19:punct _ 19 and and CCONJ CC _ 24 cc 24:cc _ 20 in in ADP IN _ 22 case 22:case _ 21 some some DET DT PronType=Ind 22 det 22:det Bridge=163<215|Entity=(215-person-acc:inf-cf6-2-sgl 22 students student NOUN NNS Number=Plur 24 nmod 24:nmod:in Entity=215)|SpaceAfter=No 23 , , PUNCT , _ 22 punct 22:punct _ 24 improvement improvement NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 conj 9:obj|12:conj:and Entity=(216-abstract-new-cf10-1-sgl 25 in in ADP IN _ 27 case 27:case _ 26 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 27 det 27:det Entity=(85-abstract-giv:act-cf2-2-coref 27 ability ability NOUN NN Number=Sing 24 nmod 24:nmod:in _ 28 to to PART TO _ 29 mark 29:mark Discourse=purpose-attribute:100->99:0 29 sustain sustain VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 27 acl 27:acl:to _ 30 attention attention NOUN NN Number=Sing 29 obj 29:obj Entity=(5-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-1-coref)85)216)|SpaceAfter=No 31 . . PUNCT . _ 3 punct 3:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
From this, we conclude that an intervention based on cognitive digital games offers contributions to the learning process and improvement of sustained attention.
1 From from ADP IN _ 2 case 2:case Discourse=attribution-positive:101->102:2 2 this this PRON DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 5 obl 5:obl:from SpaceAfter=No 3 , , PUNCT , _ 2 punct 2:punct _ 4 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 5 nsubj 5:nsubj Entity=(131-person-giv:inact-cf2-1-ana) 5 conclude conclude VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 6 that that SCONJ IN _ 14 mark 14:mark Discourse=joint-other_m:102->52:6 7 an a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 8 det 8:det Entity=(154-event-giv:act-cf1*-2-coref 8 intervention intervention NOUN NN Number=Sing 14 nsubj 14:nsubj _ 9 based base VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 8 acl 8:acl Discourse=elaboration-attribute:103->102:0 10 on on ADP IN _ 13 case 13:case _ 11 cognitive cognitive ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 13 amod 13:amod Entity=(2-abstract-giv:inact-cf4-3-coref 12 digital digital ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 13 amod 13:amod _ 13 games game NOUN NNS Number=Plur 9 obl 9:obl:on Entity=2)154) 14 offers offer VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 5 ccomp 5:ccomp Discourse=same-unit_m:104->102:1 15 contributions contribution NOUN NNS Number=Plur 14 obj 14:obj Entity=(217-abstract-new-cf7-5-sgl 16 to to ADP IN _ 19 case 19:case _ 17 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 19 det 19:det Entity=(24-abstract-giv:inact-cf3-3-coref 18 learning learning NOUN NN Number=Sing 19 compound 19:compound _ 19 process process NOUN NN Number=Sing 14 obl 14:obl:to Entity=24)217) 20 and and CCONJ CC _ 21 cc 21:cc _ 21 improvement improvement NOUN NN Number=Sing 19 conj 14:obl:to|19:conj:and Entity=(197-event-giv:inact-cf5-1-coref 22 of of ADP IN _ 24 case 24:case _ 23 sustained sustained ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 24 amod 24:amod Entity=(199-abstract-giv:inact-cf6-2-coref 24 attention attention NOUN NN Number=Sing 21 nmod 21:nmod:of Entity=199)197)|SpaceAfter=No 25 . . PUNCT . _ 5 punct 5:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
1 Introduction introduction NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 root 0:root Discourse=organization-heading:1->23:7|Entity=(1-abstract-new-cf1-1-sgl)
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
A fundamental tenet of linguistic science is that the sound of a word has a purely arbitrary connection to the word's meaning [1], [2].
1 A a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 3 det 3:det Discourse=adversative-concession:2->20:0|Entity=(2-abstract-new-cf2-3-coref 2 fundamental fundamental ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 3 amod 3:amod _ 3 tenet tenet NOUN NN Number=Sing 14 nsubj:outer 14:nsubj:outer _ 4 of of ADP IN _ 6 case 6:case _ 5 linguistic linguistic ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 6 amod 6:amod Entity=(3-abstract-new-cf6-2-sgl 6 science science NOUN NN Number=Sing 3 nmod 3:nmod:of Entity=3)2) 7 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 14 cop 14:cop _ 8 that that SCONJ IN _ 14 mark 14:mark _ 9 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 10 det 10:det Entity=(2-abstract-giv:act-cf2-6-coref(4-abstract-new-cf3-2-sgl 10 sound sound NOUN NN Number=Sing 14 nsubj 14:nsubj _ 11 of of ADP IN _ 13 case 13:case _ 12 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 13 det 13:det Entity=(5-abstract-new-cf1-2-coref 13 word word NOUN NN Number=Sing 10 nmod 10:nmod:of Entity=5)4) 14 has have VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 15 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 18 det 18:det Entity=(6-abstract-new-cf4-4-sgl 16 purely purely ADV RB Degree=Pos 17 advmod 17:advmod _ 17 arbitrary arbitrary ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 18 amod 18:amod _ 18 connection connection NOUN NN Number=Sing 14 obj 14:obj _ 19 to to ADP IN _ 23 case 23:case _ 20 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 21 det 21:det Entity=(7-abstract-new-cf5-4-sgl(5-abstract-giv:act-cf1-2-coref 21-22 word's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 21 word word NOUN NN Number=Sing 23 nmod:poss 23:nmod:poss _ 22 's 's PART POS _ 21 case 21:case Entity=5) 23 meaning meaning NOUN NN Number=Sing 18 nmod 18:nmod:to Entity=7)6)2) 24 [ [ PUNCT -LRB- _ 25 punct 25:punct Discourse=explanation-evidence:3->2:0|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<ref> 25 1 1 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 14 dep 14:dep Entity=(8-abstract-new-cf7-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 26 ] ] PUNCT -RRB- _ 25 punct 25:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=</ref> 27 , , PUNCT , _ 29 punct 29:punct _ 28 [ [ PUNCT -LRB- _ 29 punct 29:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=<ref> 29 2 2 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 14 dep 14:dep Entity=(9-abstract-new-cf8-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 30 ] ] PUNCT -RRB- _ 29 punct 29:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=</ref> 31 . . PUNCT . _ 14 punct 14:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Thus, the sound of the word dog in English is connected to the concept ‘dog’ by historical accident and not by any natural connection; roughly the same concept is just as well denoted in French by chien, in German by hund, and in Japanese by inu.
1 Thus thus ADV RB _ 12 advmod 12:advmod Discourse=causal-result:4->2:1|SpaceAfter=No 2 , , PUNCT , _ 1 punct 1:punct _ 3 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 4 det 4:det Entity=(10-abstract-new-cf2-2-sgl 4 sound sound NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 nsubj:pass 12:nsubj:pass _ 5 of of ADP IN _ 7 case 7:case _ 6 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 7 det 7:det Entity=(11-abstract-new-cf3-5-coref 7 word word NOUN NN Number=Sing 4 nmod 4:nmod:of _ 8 dog dog NOUN NN Number=Sing 7 appos 7:appos XML=<hi rend:::"italic"></hi> 9 in in ADP IN _ 10 case 10:case _ 10 English English PROPN NNP Number=Sing 4 nmod 4:nmod:in Entity=(12-abstract-new-cf4-1-coref-English_language)11)10) 11 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 12 aux:pass 12:aux:pass _ 12 connected connect VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 root 0:root _ 13 to to ADP IN _ 15 case 15:case _ 14 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 15 det 15:det Entity=(13-abstract-new-cf1-2-coref 15 concept concept NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 obl 12:obl:to Entity=13) 16 ‘ ' PUNCT `` _ 17 punct 17:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=<q> 17 dog dog NOUN NN Number=Sing 15 appos 15:appos Entity=(13-abstract-giv:act-cf1-1-appos)|SpaceAfter=No 18 ’ ' PUNCT '' _ 21 punct 21:punct XML=</q> 19 by by ADP IN _ 21 case 21:case _ 20 historical historical ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 21 amod 21:amod Entity=(14-event-new-cf8-2-sgl 21 accident accident NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 obl:agent 12:obl:agent Entity=14) 22 and and CCONJ CC _ 27 cc 27:cc _ 23 not not PART RB Polarity=Neg 27 advmod 27:advmod _ 24 by by ADP IN _ 27 case 27:case _ 25 any any DET DT PronType=Ind 27 det 27:det Entity=(15-abstract-new-cf9-3-sgl 26 natural natural ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 27 amod 27:amod _ 27 connection connection NOUN NN Number=Sing 21 conj 12:obl:agent|21:conj:and Entity=15)|SpaceAfter=No 28 ; ; PUNCT : _ 37 punct 37:punct _ 29 roughly roughly ADV RB Degree=Pos 32 advmod 32:advmod Discourse=elaboration-additional:5->4:0 30 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 32 det 32:det Entity=(13-abstract-giv:act-cf1-3-coref 31 same same ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 32 amod 32:amod _ 32 concept concept NOUN NN Number=Sing 37 nsubj:pass 37:nsubj:pass Entity=13) 33 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 37 aux:pass 37:aux:pass _ 34 just just ADV RB _ 35 advmod 35:advmod _ 35 as as ADV RB _ 36 advmod 36:advmod _ 36 well well ADV RB Degree=Pos 37 advmod 37:advmod _ 37 denoted denote VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 12 parataxis 12:parataxis _ 38 in in ADP IN _ 39 case 39:case _ 39 French French PROPN NNP Number=Sing 37 obl 37:obl:in Entity=(16-abstract-new-cf5-1-sgl-French_language) 40 by by ADP IN _ 41 case 41:case _ 41 chien Chien X FW _ 37 obl:agent 37:obl:agent Entity=(17-abstract-new-cf10-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<hi rend:::"italic"></hi> 42 , , PUNCT , _ 44 punct 44:punct _ 42.1 denoted denote VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass _ _ 37:conj CopyOf=37 43 in in ADP IN _ 44 case 44:case Discourse=adversative-contrast_m:6->5:0 44 German German PROPN NNP Number=Sing 37 conj 42.1:obl:in Entity=(18-abstract-new-cf6-1-sgl-German_language) 45 by by ADP IN _ 46 case 46:case _ 46 hund hund X FW _ 44 orphan 42.1:obl:by Entity=(19-abstract-new-cf11-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<hi rend:::"italic"></hi> 47 , , PUNCT , _ 50 punct 50:punct _ 48 and and CCONJ CC _ 50 cc 50:cc Discourse=adversative-contrast_m:7->5:0 48.1 denoted denote VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass _ _ 37:conj CopyOf=37 49 in in ADP IN _ 50 case 50:case _ 50 Japanese Japanese PROPN NNP Number=Sing 37 conj 48.1:obl:in Entity=(20-abstract-new-cf7-1-sgl-Japanese_language) 51 by by ADP IN _ 52 case 52:case _ 52 inu inu X FW _ 50 orphan 48.1:obl:by Entity=(21-abstract-new-cf12-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<hi rend:::"italic"></hi> 53 . . PUNCT . _ 12 punct 12:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
But it is not that a word can have just any vocal sound.
1 But but CCONJ CC _ 9 cc 9:cc Discourse=adversative-contrast_m:8->2:2 2 it it PRON PRP Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 9 nsubj:outer 9:nsubj:outer Entity=(22-abstract-new-cf2-1-cata) 3 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 9 cop 9:cop _ 4 not not PART RB Polarity=Neg 9 advmod 9:advmod _ 5 that that SCONJ IN _ 9 mark 9:mark _ 6 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 7 det 7:det Entity=(22-abstract-acc:com-cf2-4-coref(5-abstract-giv:inact-cf1-2-coref 7 word word NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 nsubj 9:nsubj Entity=5) 8 can can AUX MD Number=Sing|Person=3|VerbForm=Fin 9 aux 9:aux _ 9 have have VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 root 0:root _ 10 just just ADV RB _ 13 advmod 13:advmod Entity=(23-abstract-new-cf3-4-sgl 11 any any DET DT PronType=Ind 13 det 13:det _ 12 vocal vocal ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 13 amod 13:amod _ 13 sound sound NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 obj 9:obj Entity=23)22)|SpaceAfter=No 14 . . PUNCT . _ 9 punct 9:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
While the possibility space for sound systems of the world's language is enormous, any given language makes use of only a restricted portion of the possible sounds [3], [4].
1 While while SCONJ IN _ 14 mark 14:mark Discourse=adversative-concession:9->10:0 2 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 4 det 4:det Entity=(24-abstract-new-cf4-3-sgl 3 possibility possibility NOUN NN Number=Sing 4 compound 4:compound _ 4 space space NOUN NN Number=Sing 14 nsubj 14:nsubj _ 5 for for ADP IN _ 7 case 7:case _ 6 sound sound NOUN NN Number=Sing 7 compound 7:compound Entity=(25-abstract-new-cf6-2-coref(26-abstract-new-cf11-1-coref) 7 systems system NOUN NNS Number=Plur 4 nmod 4:nmod:for _ 8 of of ADP IN _ 12 case 12:case _ 9 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 10 det 10:det Entity=(27-abstract-new-cf5-4-coref(28-place-acc:com-cf2-2-coref 10-11 world's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 world world NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 nmod:poss 12:nmod:poss _ 11 's 's PART POS _ 10 case 10:case Entity=28) 12 language language NOUN NN Number=Sing|Typo=Yes 7 nmod 7:nmod:of CorrectForm=languages|Entity=27)25)24)|XML=<sic ana:::"languages"></sic> 13 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 14 cop 14:cop _ 14 enormous enormous ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 19 advcl 19:advcl:while SpaceAfter=No 15 , , PUNCT , _ 14 punct 14:punct _ 16 any any DET DT PronType=Ind 18 det 18:det Bridge=27<30|Discourse=elaboration-additional:10->8:0|Entity=(29-abstract-new-cf8-4-coref(30-abstract-acc:inf-cf1-3-sgl 17 given given ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 18 amod 18:amod _ 18 language language NOUN NN Number=Sing 19 nsubj 19:nsubj Entity=30) 19 makes make VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 20 use use NOUN NN Number=Sing 19 obj 19:obj _ 21 of of ADP IN _ 25 case 25:case _ 22 only only ADV RB _ 25 advmod 25:advmod Entity=(31-abstract-new-cf7-4-sgl 23 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 25 det 25:det _ 24 restricted restricted ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 25 amod 25:amod _ 25 portion portion NOUN NN Number=Sing 20 nmod 20:nmod:of _ 26 of of ADP IN _ 29 case 29:case _ 27 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 29 det 29:det Entity=(32-abstract-acc:com-cf3-3-sgl 28 possible possible ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 29 amod 29:amod _ 29 sounds sound NOUN NNS Number=Plur 25 nmod 25:nmod:of Entity=32)31)29) 30 [ [ PUNCT -LRB- _ 31 punct 31:punct Discourse=explanation-evidence:11->10:1|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<ref> 31 3 3 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 19 dep 19:dep Entity=(33-abstract-new-cf9-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 32 ] ] PUNCT -RRB- _ 31 punct 31:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=</ref> 33 , , PUNCT , _ 35 punct 35:punct _ 34 [ [ PUNCT -LRB- _ 35 punct 35:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=<ref> 35 4 4 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 19 dep 19:dep Entity=(34-abstract-new-cf10-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 36 ] ] PUNCT -RRB- _ 35 punct 35:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=</ref> 37 . . PUNCT . _ 19 punct 19:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
It follows from these two basic principles – the ‘arbitrariness of the sign’, and the ‘selectiveness of particular sound systems’ – that the words that exist in the world's languages should sound quite different from each other, and that the likelihood that there are universal words is extremely small.
1 It it PRON PRP Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 2 expl 2:expl Discourse=explanation-justify:12->14:3|Entity=(35-abstract-new-cf5-1-cata) 2 follows follow VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 3 from from ADP IN _ 7 case 7:case _ 4 these this DET DT Number=Plur|PronType=Dem 7 det 7:det Entity=(36-abstract-acc:aggr-cf1-4-coref|SplitAnte=2<36,29<36 5 two two NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 7 nummod 7:nummod _ 6 basic basic ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 7 amod 7:amod _ 7 principles principle NOUN NNS Number=Plur 2 obl 2:obl:from Entity=36) 8 – - PUNCT : _ 9 punct 9:punct Discourse=elaboration-additional:13->12:0 9 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 11 det 11:det Entity=(36-abstract-giv:act-cf1-7-appos 10 ‘ ' PUNCT `` _ 9 punct 9:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=<q> 11 arbitrariness arbitrariness NOUN NN Number=Sing 7 appos 7:appos _ 12 of of ADP IN _ 14 case 14:case _ 13 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 14 det 14:det Entity=(37-abstract-acc:com-cf6-2-sgl 14 sign sign NOUN NN Number=Sing 11 nmod 11:nmod:of Entity=37)|SpaceAfter=No 15 ’ ' PUNCT '' _ 11 punct 11:punct Entity=36)|SpaceAfter=No|XML=</q> 16 , , PUNCT , _ 17 punct 17:punct _ 17 and and CCONJ CC _ 20 cc 20:cc _ 18 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 20 det 20:det Entity=(36-abstract-giv:act-cf1-8-coref 19 ‘ ' PUNCT `` _ 18 punct 18:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=<q> 20 selectiveness selectiveness NOUN NN Number=Sing 11 conj 7:appos|11:conj:and _ 21 of of ADP IN _ 24 case 24:case _ 22 particular particular ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 24 amod 24:amod Bridge=25<38|Entity=(38-abstract-acc:inf-cf7-3-sgl 23 sound sound NOUN NN Number=Sing 24 compound 24:compound Entity=(26-abstract-giv:act-cf4-1-coref) 24 systems system NOUN NNS Number=Plur 20 nmod 20:nmod:of Entity=38)|SpaceAfter=No 25 ’ ' PUNCT '' _ 2 punct 2:punct Entity=36)|XML=</q> 26 – - PUNCT : _ 38 punct 38:punct _ 27 that that SCONJ IN _ 38 mark 38:mark Discourse=explanation-justify:14->10:2|Entity=(35-abstract-acc:com-cf5-12,30-disc 28 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 29 det 29:det Entity=(39-abstract-new-cf8-2-sgl 29 words word NOUN NNS Number=Plur 38 nsubj 31:nsubj|38:nsubj|40:nsubj:xsubj _ 30 that that PRON WDT PronType=Rel 31 nsubj 29:ref Discourse=elaboration-attribute:15->14:0 31 exist exist VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 29 acl:relcl 29:acl:relcl _ 32 in in ADP IN _ 36 case 36:case _ 33 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 34 det 34:det Entity=(27-abstract-giv:act-cf2*-4-coref(28-place-giv:act-cf3-2-coref 34-35 world's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 34 world world NOUN NN Number=Sing 36 nmod:poss 36:nmod:poss _ 35 's 's PART POS _ 34 case 34:case Entity=28) 36 languages language NOUN NNS Number=Plur 31 obl 31:obl:in Entity=27)39) 37 should should AUX MD Number=Plur|Person=3|VerbForm=Fin 38 aux 38:aux Discourse=same-unit_m:16->14:1 38 sound sound VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 2 csubj 2:csubj _ 39 quite quite ADV RB _ 40 advmod 40:advmod _ 40 different different ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 38 xcomp 38:xcomp _ 41 from from ADP IN _ 42 case 42:case _ 42 each each DET DT PronType=Rcp 40 obl 40:obl:from _ 43 other other ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 42 fixed 42:fixed SpaceAfter=No 44 , , PUNCT , _ 56 punct 56:punct _ 45 and and CCONJ CC _ 56 cc 56:cc Discourse=joint-list_m:17->14:2 46 that that SCONJ IN _ 56 mark 56:mark _ 47 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 48 det 48:det Entity=(40-abstract-new-cf9-2-sgl 48 likelihood likelihood NOUN NN Number=Sing 56 nsubj 56:nsubj _ 49 that that SCONJ IN _ 51 mark 51:mark Discourse=elaboration-attribute:18->17:0 50 there there PRON EX PronType=Dem 51 expl 51:expl _ 51 are be VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 48 acl 48:acl:that _ 52 universal universal ADJ JJ Degree=Pos|Polarity=Neg 53 amod 53:amod Entity=(41-abstract-new-cf10-2-sgl 53 words word NOUN NNS Number=Plur 51 nsubj 51:nsubj Entity=41)40) 54 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 56 cop 56:cop Discourse=same-unit_m:19->17:1 55 extremely extremely ADV RB Degree=Pos 56 advmod 56:advmod _ 56 small small ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 38 conj 2:csubj|38:conj:and Entity=35)|SpaceAfter=No 57 . . PUNCT . _ 2 punct 2:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
But in this study we present a striking exception to this otherwise robust rule.
1 But but CCONJ CC _ 6 cc 6:cc Discourse=context-background:20->23:6 2 in in ADP IN _ 4 case 4:case _ 3 this this DET DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 4 det 4:det Entity=(42-abstract-acc:com-cf3-2-coref 4 study study NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 obl 6:obl:in Entity=42) 5 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 6 nsubj 6:nsubj Entity=(43-person-acc:com-cf2-1-ana) 6 present present VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 7 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 9 det 9:det Entity=(44-abstract-new-cf4-3-sgl 8 striking striking ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 9 amod 9:amod _ 9 exception exception NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 obj 6:obj _ 10 to to ADP IN _ 14 case 14:case _ 11 this this DET DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 14 det 14:det Entity=(35-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-4-coref 12 otherwise otherwise ADV RB Degree=Pos 13 advmod 13:advmod _ 13 robust robust ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 14 amod 14:amod _ 14 rule rule NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 nmod 9:nmod:to Entity=35)44)|SpaceAfter=No 15 . . PUNCT . _ 6 punct 6:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
From a systematic comparison of 10 spoken languages from 5 continents we find evidence suggesting that a word like ‘Huh?’ – used as a ‘repair initiator’ when, for example, one has not clearly heard what someone just said [5], [6] – is a universal word.
1 From from ADP IN _ 4 case 4:case Discourse=explanation-evidence:21->23:5 2 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 4 det 4:det Entity=(45-abstract-new-cf6-3-sgl 3 systematic systematic ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 4 amod 4:amod _ 4 comparison comparison NOUN NN Number=Sing 13 obl 13:obl:from _ 5 of of ADP IN _ 8 case 8:case _ 6 10 10 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 8 nummod 8:nummod Entity=(46-abstract-new-cf7-3-coref 7 spoken speak VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 8 amod 8:amod _ 8 languages language NOUN NNS Number=Plur 4 nmod 4:nmod:of _ 9 from from ADP IN _ 11 case 11:case _ 10 5 5 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 11 nummod 11:nummod Entity=(47-place-new-cf8-2-coref 11 continents continent NOUN NNS Number=Plur 8 nmod 8:nmod:from Entity=47)46)45) 12 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 13 nsubj 13:nsubj Entity=(43-person-giv:act-cf1*-1-ana) 13 find find VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 14 evidence evidence NOUN NN Number=Sing 13 obj 13:obj Entity=(48-abstract-new-cf5-1-sgl 15 suggesting suggest VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 14 acl 14:acl Discourse=attribution-positive:22->23:2 16 that that SCONJ IN _ 57 mark 57:mark Discourse=ROOT:23:0 17 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 18 det 18:det Entity=(49-abstract-new-cf2-2-coref 18 word word NOUN NN Number=Sing 57 nsubj 57:nsubj _ 19 like like ADP IN _ 21 case 21:case _ 20 ‘ ' PUNCT `` _ 19 punct 19:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=<q> 21 Huh huh INTJ UH _ 18 nmod 18:nmod:like Entity=(50-abstract-new-cf10-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 22 ? ? PUNCT NNP Number=Sing 18 punct 18:punct SpaceAfter=No 23 ’ ' PUNCT '' _ 18 punct 18:punct XML=</q> 24 – - PUNCT : _ 25 punct 25:punct Discourse=elaboration-attribute:24->23:0 25 used use VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 18 acl 18:acl _ 26 as as ADP IN _ 30 case 30:case _ 27 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 30 det 30:det _ 28 ‘ ' PUNCT `` _ 27 punct 27:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=<q> 29 repair repair NOUN NN Number=Sing 30 compound 30:compound Entity=(51-abstract-new-cf9-2-sgl(52-abstract-new-cf13-1-coref) 30 initiator initiator NOUN NN Number=Sing 25 obl 25:obl:as Entity=51)|SpaceAfter=No 31 ’ ' PUNCT '' _ 32 punct 32:punct XML=</q> 32 when when ADV WRB PronType=Int 41 advmod 41:advmod Discourse=attribution-negative:25->26:0|SpaceAfter=No 33 , , PUNCT , _ 32 punct 32:punct _ 34 for for ADP IN _ 35 case 35:case _ 35 example example NOUN NN Number=Sing 41 obl 41:obl:for SpaceAfter=No 36 , , PUNCT , _ 35 punct 35:punct _ 37 one one PRON PRP Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 41 nsubj 41:nsubj Entity=(53-person-new-cf3-1-sgl) 38 has have AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 41 aux 41:aux _ 39 not not PART RB Polarity=Neg 41 advmod 41:advmod _ 40 clearly clearly ADV RB Degree=Pos 41 advmod 41:advmod _ 41 heard hear VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 25 advcl 25:advcl:when _ 42 what what PRON WP PronType=Rel 41 obj 41:obj Discourse=context-circumstance:26->24:0 43 someone someone PRON NN Number=Sing|PronType=Ind 45 nsubj 45:nsubj Entity=(54-person-new-cf4-1-sgl) 44 just just ADV RB _ 45 advmod 45:advmod _ 45 said say VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 42 acl:relcl 42:acl:relcl _ 46 [ [ PUNCT -LRB- _ 47 punct 47:punct Discourse=explanation-evidence:27->24:1|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<ref> 47 5 5 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 25 dep 25:dep Entity=(55-abstract-new-cf11-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 48 ] ] PUNCT -RRB- _ 47 punct 47:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=</ref> 49 , , PUNCT , _ 51 punct 51:punct _ 50 [ [ PUNCT -LRB- _ 51 punct 51:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=<ref> 51 6 6 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 25 dep 25:dep Entity=(56-abstract-new-cf12-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 52 ] ] PUNCT -RRB- _ 51 punct 51:punct Entity=49)|XML=</ref> 53 – - PUNCT : _ 18 punct 18:punct _ 54 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 57 cop 57:cop Discourse=same-unit_m:28->23:1 55 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 57 det 57:det Entity=(49-abstract-giv:act-cf2-3-coref 56 universal universal ADJ JJ Degree=Pos|Polarity=Neg 57 amod 57:amod _ 57 word word NOUN NN Number=Sing 15 ccomp 15:ccomp Entity=49)48)|SpaceAfter=No 58 . . PUNCT . _ 13 punct 13:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
There are two distinct claims being made here: 1. that Huh? is universal, and 2. that Huh? is a word.
1 There there PRON EX PronType=Dem 2 expl 2:expl Discourse=organization-preparation:29->31:1 2 are be VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 3 two two NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 5 nummod 5:nummod Entity=(57-abstract-new-cf4-3-coref 4 distinct distinct ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 5 amod 5:amod _ 5 claims claim NOUN NNS Number=Plur 2 nsubj 2:nsubj _ 6 being be AUX VBG VerbForm=Ger 7 aux:pass 7:aux:pass Discourse=elaboration-attribute:30->29:0 7 made make VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 5 acl 5:acl _ 8 here here ADV RB PronType=Dem 7 advmod 7:advmod Entity=57)|SpaceAfter=No 9 : : PUNCT : _ 10 punct 10:punct _ 10 1. 1. NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 15 dep 15:dep Discourse=elaboration-additional:31->23:3 11 that that SCONJ IN _ 15 mark 15:mark _ 12 Huh huh INTJ UH _ 15 nsubj 15:nsubj Bridge=57<58|Entity=(58-abstract-acc:inf-cf3-4-disc(49-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-1-coref|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<hi rend:::"italic"> 13 ? ? PUNCT . _ 12 punct 12:punct Entity=49)|XML=</hi> 14 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 15 cop 15:cop _ 15 universal universal ADJ JJ Degree=Pos|Polarity=Neg 5 appos 5:appos Entity=58)|SpaceAfter=No 16 , , PUNCT , _ 17 punct 17:punct _ 17 and and CCONJ CC _ 24 cc 24:cc Discourse=joint-list_m:32->31:0 18 2. 2. NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 24 dep 24:dep _ 19 that that SCONJ IN _ 24 mark 24:mark _ 20 Huh huh INTJ UH _ 24 nsubj 24:nsubj Bridge=57<59|Entity=(59-abstract-acc:inf-cf2-5-disc(49-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-1-coref|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<hi rend:::"italic"> 21 ? ? PUNCT . _ 20 punct 20:punct Entity=49)|XML=</hi> 22 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 24 cop 24:cop _ 23 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 24 det 24:det Entity=(49-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-2-coref 24 word word NOUN NN Number=Sing 15 conj 5:appos|15:conj:and Entity=49)59)|SpaceAfter=No 25 . . PUNCT . _ 2 punct 2:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
In support of the first claim, we show that the similarities in form and function of an interjection with the specific function of repair initiation are very much greater across languages than chance coincidence would admit.
1 In in ADP IN _ 2 case 2:case Discourse=explanation-evidence:33->31:2 2 support support NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 obl 9:obl:in _ 3 of of ADP IN _ 6 case 6:case _ 4 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 6 det 6:det Entity=(58-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-3-coref 5 first first ADJ JJ Degree=Pos|NumType=Ord 6 amod 6:amod _ 6 claim claim NOUN NN Number=Sing 2 nmod 2:nmod:of Entity=58)|SpaceAfter=No 7 , , PUNCT , _ 2 punct 2:punct _ 8 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 9 nsubj 9:nsubj Discourse=attribution-positive:34->35:1|Entity=(43-person-giv:inact-cf2-1-ana) 9 show show VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 10 that that SCONJ IN _ 30 mark 30:mark Discourse=same-unit_m:35->33:0 11 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 12 det 12:det Entity=(60-abstract-new-cf5-2-sgl 12 similarities similarity NOUN NNS Number=Plur 30 nsubj 30:nsubj _ 13 in in ADP IN _ 14 case 14:case _ 14 form form NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 nmod 12:nmod:in Entity=(61-abstract-new-cf8-1-coref) 15 and and CCONJ CC _ 16 cc 16:cc _ 16 function function NOUN NN Number=Sing 14 conj 12:nmod:in|14:conj:and Entity=(62-abstract-new-cf9-1-sgl) 17 of of ADP IN _ 19 case 19:case _ 18 an a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 19 det 19:det Entity=(63-abstract-new-cf10-2-coref 19 interjection interjection NOUN NN Number=Sing 14 nmod 14:nmod:of Entity=63) 20 with with ADP IN _ 23 case 23:case _ 21 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 23 det 23:det Entity=(64-abstract-new-cf7-3-sgl 22 specific specific ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 23 amod 23:amod _ 23 function function NOUN NN Number=Sing 19 nmod 19:nmod:with _ 24 of of ADP IN _ 26 case 26:case _ 25 repair repair NOUN NN Number=Sing 26 compound 26:compound Entity=(65-abstract-new-cf11-2-sgl(52-abstract-giv:inact-cf4-1-coref) 26 initiation initiation NOUN NN Number=Sing 23 nmod 23:nmod:of Entity=65)64)60) 27 are be AUX VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 30 cop 30:cop _ 28 very very ADV RB _ 29 advmod 29:advmod _ 29 much much ADV RB Degree=Pos 30 advmod 30:advmod _ 30 greater great ADJ JJR Degree=Cmp 9 ccomp 9:ccomp _ 31 across across ADP IN _ 32 case 32:case _ 32 languages language NOUN NNS Number=Plur 30 obl 30:obl:across Entity=(27-abstract-giv:inact-cf3-1-coref) 33 than than SCONJ IN _ 37 mark 37:mark Discourse=adversative-antithesis:36->35:0 34 chance chance NOUN NN Number=Sing 35 compound 35:compound Entity=(66-abstract-new-cf6-2-sgl 35 coincidence coincidence NOUN NN Number=Sing 37 nsubj 37:nsubj Entity=66) 36 would would AUX MD Number=Sing|Person=3|VerbForm=Fin 37 aux 37:aux _ 37 admit admit VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 30 advcl 30:advcl:than SpaceAfter=No 38 . . PUNCT . _ 9 punct 9:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
In fact the variation in form in unrelated languages across the globe is about the same as the variation we find in the way any regular word (e.g., dog) is pronounced across dialects of English.
1 In in ADP IN _ 2 case 2:case Discourse=explanation-evidence:37->33:1 2 fact fact NOUN NN Number=Sing 16 obl 16:obl:in _ 3 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 4 det 4:det Entity=(67-abstract-new-cf6-2-sgl 4 variation variation NOUN NN Number=Sing 16 nsubj 16:nsubj _ 5 in in ADP IN _ 6 case 6:case _ 6 form form NOUN NN Number=Sing 4 nmod 4:nmod:in Entity=(61-abstract-giv:act-cf2-1-coref) 7 in in ADP IN _ 9 case 9:case _ 8 unrelated unrelated ADJ JJ Degree=Pos|Polarity=Neg 9 amod 9:amod Entity=(68-abstract-new-cf10-2-coref 9 languages language NOUN NNS Number=Plur 4 nmod 4:nmod:in Entity=68) 10 across across ADP IN _ 12 case 12:case _ 11 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 12 det 12:det Entity=(28-place-giv:inact-cf3-2-coref 12 globe globe NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 nmod 9:nmod:across Entity=28)67) 13 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 16 cop 16:cop _ 14 about about ADV RB _ 16 advmod 16:advmod _ 15 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 16 det 16:det _ 16 same same ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 root 0:root _ 17 as as ADP IN _ 19 case 19:case _ 18 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 19 det 19:det Entity=(69-abstract-new-cf8-2-sgl 19 variation variation NOUN NN Number=Sing 16 obl 16:obl:as _ 20 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 21 nsubj 21:nsubj Discourse=elaboration-attribute:38->37:0|Entity=(43-person-giv:act-cf1*-1-ana) 21 find find VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 19 acl:relcl 19:acl:relcl _ 22 in in ADP IN _ 24 case 24:case _ 23 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 24 det 24:det Entity=(70-abstract-new-cf9-2-sgl 24 way way NOUN NN Number=Sing 21 obl 21:obl:in _ 25 any any DET DT PronType=Ind 27 det 27:det Discourse=elaboration-additional:39->38:0|Entity=(71-abstract-new-cf7-3-sgl 26 regular regular ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 27 amod 27:amod _ 27 word word NOUN NN Number=Sing 34 nsubj:pass 34:nsubj:pass Entity=71) 28 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 31 punct 31:punct Discourse=elaboration-additional:40->39:0|SpaceAfter=No 29 e.g. e.g. ADV FW Abbr=Yes 31 advmod 31:advmod SpaceAfter=No 30 , , PUNCT , _ 29 punct 29:punct _ 31 dog dog NOUN NN Number=Sing 27 parataxis 27:parataxis Entity=(11-abstract-giv:inact-cf5-1-coref)|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<hi rend:::"italic"></hi> 32 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 31 punct 31:punct _ 33 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 34 aux:pass 34:aux:pass Discourse=same-unit_m:41->39:1 34 pronounced pronounce VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 24 acl:relcl 24:acl:relcl _ 35 across across ADP IN _ 36 case 36:case _ 36 dialects dialect NOUN NNS Number=Plur 34 obl 34:obl:across Entity=(72-abstract-new-cf11-1-sgl 37 of of ADP IN _ 38 case 38:case _ 38 English English PROPN NNP Number=Sing 36 nmod 36:nmod:of Entity=(12-abstract-giv:inact-cf4-1-coref-English_language)72)70)69)|SpaceAfter=No 39 . . PUNCT . _ 16 punct 16:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
In support of the second claim, we show that Huh? meets the criteria of a word in the sense of being a conventional lexical sign which must be learnt.
1 In in ADP IN _ 2 case 2:case Discourse=joint-other_m:42->33:2 2 support support NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 obl 9:obl:in _ 3 of of ADP IN _ 6 case 6:case _ 4 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 6 det 6:det Entity=(59-abstract-giv:inact-cf3-3-coref 5 second second ADJ JJ Degree=Pos|NumType=Ord 6 amod 6:amod _ 6 claim claim NOUN NN Number=Sing 2 nmod 2:nmod:of Entity=59)|SpaceAfter=No 7 , , PUNCT , _ 2 punct 2:punct _ 8 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 9 nsubj 9:nsubj Discourse=attribution-positive:43->44:2|Entity=(43-person-giv:act-cf1*-1-ana) 9 show show VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 10 that that SCONJ IN _ 13 mark 13:mark Discourse=same-unit_m:44->42:0 11 Huh huh INTJ UH _ 13 nsubj 13:nsubj Entity=(49-abstract-giv:inact-cf2-1-coref|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<hi rend:::"italic"> 12 ? ? PUNCT . _ 11 punct 11:punct Entity=49)|XML=</hi> 13 meets meet VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 9 ccomp 9:ccomp _ 14 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 15 det 15:det Entity=(73-abstract-new-cf4-2-sgl 15 criteria criterion NOUN NNS Number=Plur 13 obj 13:obj _ 16 of of ADP IN _ 18 case 18:case _ 17 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 18 det 18:det Entity=(74-abstract-new-cf6-2-sgl 18 word word NOUN NN Number=Sing 15 nmod 15:nmod:of Entity=74)73) 19 in in ADP IN _ 21 case 21:case _ 20 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 21 det 21:det Entity=(75-abstract-new-cf5-2-sgl 21 sense sense NOUN NN Number=Sing 15 nmod 15:nmod:in _ 22 of of SCONJ IN _ 27 mark 27:mark Discourse=elaboration-attribute:45->44:0 23 being be AUX VBG VerbForm=Ger 27 cop 27:cop _ 24 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 27 det 27:det Entity=(76-abstract-new-cf7-4-sgl 25 conventional conventional ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 27 amod 27:amod _ 26 lexical lexical ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 27 amod 27:amod _ 27 sign sign NOUN NN Number=Sing 21 acl 21:acl:of|31:nsubj:pass _ 28 which which PRON WDT PronType=Rel 31 nsubj:pass 27:ref Discourse=evaluation-comment:46->44:1 29 must must AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 31 aux 31:aux _ 30 be be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 31 aux:pass 31:aux:pass _ 31 learnt learn VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 27 acl:relcl 27:acl:relcl Entity=76)75)|SpaceAfter=No 32 . . PUNCT . _ 9 punct 9:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Thus, in contrast to what has been presumed for interjections in general [7], [8] and for huh? in particular [9], [10], we find that this item is linguistic in nature rather than being a mere grunt or non-lexical sound.
1 Thus thus ADV RB _ 36 advmod 36:advmod Discourse=adversative-antithesis:47->52:2|SpaceAfter=No 2 , , PUNCT , _ 1 punct 1:punct _ 3 in in ADP IN _ 4 case 4:case _ 4 contrast contrast NOUN NN Number=Sing 36 obl 36:obl:in _ 5 to to ADP IN _ 6 case 6:case _ 6 what what PRON WP PronType=Rel 4 nmod 4:nmod:to _ 7 has have AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 9 aux 9:aux _ 8 been be AUX VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 9 aux:pass 9:aux:pass _ 9 presumed presume VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 6 acl:relcl 6:acl:relcl _ 10 for for ADP IN _ 11 case 11:case _ 11 interjections interjection NOUN NNS Number=Plur 9 obl 9:obl:for Entity=(63-abstract-giv:inact-cf3-1-coref) 12 in in ADP IN _ 13 case 13:case _ 13 general general NOUN NN Number=Sing 11 nmod 11:nmod:in _ 14 [ [ PUNCT -LRB- _ 15 punct 15:punct Discourse=explanation-evidence:48->47:0|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<ref> 15 7 7 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 9 dep 9:dep Entity=(77-abstract-new-cf6-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 16 ] ] PUNCT -RRB- _ 15 punct 15:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=</ref> 17 , , PUNCT , _ 15 punct 15:punct _ 18 [ [ PUNCT -LRB- _ 19 punct 19:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=<ref> 19 8 8 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 9 dep 9:dep Entity=(78-abstract-new-cf7-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 20 ] ] PUNCT -RRB- _ 19 punct 19:punct XML=</ref> 21 and and CCONJ CC _ 23 cc 23:cc Discourse=same-unit_m:49->47:1 22 for for ADP IN _ 23 case 23:case _ 23 huh huh INTJ UH _ 11 conj 9:obl:for|11:conj:and Entity=(49-abstract-giv:act-cf2-1-coref|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<hi rend:::"italic"></hi> 24 ? ? PUNCT . _ 23 punct 23:punct Entity=49) 25 in in ADP IN _ 26 case 26:case _ 26 particular particular ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 23 nmod 23:nmod:in _ 27 [ [ PUNCT -LRB- _ 28 punct 28:punct Discourse=explanation-evidence:50->49:0|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<ref> 28 9 9 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 23 dep 23:dep Entity=(79-abstract-new-cf8-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 29 ] ] PUNCT -RRB- _ 28 punct 28:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=</ref> 30 , , PUNCT , _ 32 punct 32:punct _ 31 [ [ PUNCT -LRB- _ 32 punct 32:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=<ref> 32 10 10 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 23 dep 23:dep Entity=(80-abstract-new-cf9-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 33 ] ] PUNCT -RRB- _ 32 punct 32:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=</ref> 34 , , PUNCT , _ 4 punct 4:punct _ 35 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 36 nsubj 36:nsubj Discourse=attribution-positive:51->52:1|Entity=(43-person-giv:act-cf1*-1-ana) 36 find find VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 37 that that SCONJ IN _ 41 mark 41:mark Discourse=explanation-justify:52->42:1 38 this this DET DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 39 det 39:det Entity=(49-abstract-giv:act-cf2-2-coref 39 item item NOUN NN Number=Sing 41 nsubj 41:nsubj|49:nsubj Entity=49) 40 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 41 cop 41:cop _ 41 linguistic linguistic ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 36 ccomp 36:ccomp _ 42 in in ADP IN _ 43 case 43:case _ 43 nature nature NOUN NN Number=Sing 41 obl 41:obl:in _ 44 rather rather ADV RB _ 49 cc 49:cc Discourse=adversative-antithesis:53->52:0 45 than than ADP IN _ 44 fixed 44:fixed _ 46 being be AUX VBG VerbForm=Ger 49 cop 49:cop _ 47 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 49 det 49:det Entity=(81-abstract-new-cf4-3-sgl 48 mere mere ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 49 amod 49:amod _ 49 grunt grunt NOUN NN Number=Sing 41 conj 36:ccomp|41:conj:rather_than Entity=81) 50 or or CCONJ CC _ 52 cc 52:cc _ 51 non-lexical non-lexical ADJ JJ Degree=Pos|Polarity=Neg 52 amod 52:amod Entity=(82-abstract-new-cf5-2-sgl 52 sound sound NOUN NN Number=Sing 49 conj 41:conj|49:conj:or Entity=82)|SpaceAfter=No 53 . . PUNCT . _ 36 punct 36:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
We show that the form is locally calibrated in ways that show it fitting within different language systems.
1 We we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 2 nsubj 2:nsubj Discourse=attribution-positive:54->55:1|Entity=(43-person-giv:act-cf1*-1-ana) 2 show show VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 3 that that SCONJ IN _ 8 mark 8:mark Discourse=explanation-justify:55->52:3 4 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 5 det 5:det Bridge=49<83|Entity=(83-abstract-acc:inf-cf2-2-coref 5 form form NOUN NN Number=Sing 8 nsubj:pass 8:nsubj:pass Entity=83) 6 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 8 aux:pass 8:aux:pass _ 7 locally locally ADV RB Degree=Pos 8 advmod 8:advmod _ 8 calibrated calibrate VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 2 ccomp 2:ccomp _ 9 in in ADP IN _ 10 case 10:case _ 10 ways way NOUN NNS Number=Plur 8 obl 8:obl:in|12:nsubj Entity=(84-abstract-new-cf3-1-sgl 11 that that PRON WDT PronType=Rel 12 nsubj 10:ref Discourse=attribution-positive:56->57:0 12 show show VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 10 acl:relcl 10:acl:relcl _ 13 it it PRON PRP Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 12 obj 12:obj|14:nsubj:xsubj Discourse=elaboration-additional:57->55:0|Entity=(83-abstract-giv:act-cf2-1-ana) 14 fitting fitting ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 12 xcomp 12:xcomp _ 15 within within ADP IN _ 18 case 18:case _ 16 different different ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 18 amod 18:amod Entity=(85-abstract-new-cf4-3-sgl 17 language language NOUN NN Number=Sing 18 compound 18:compound _ 18 systems system NOUN NNS Number=Plur 14 obl 14:obl:within Entity=85)84)|SpaceAfter=No 19 . . PUNCT . _ 2 punct 2:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Huh? may be a non-prototypical word, but it is a word.
1 Huh huh INTJ UH _ 7 nsubj 7:nsubj Discourse=adversative-concession:58->59:0|Entity=(49-abstract-giv:inact-cf1-1-coref|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<hi rend:::"italic"></hi> 2 ? ? PUNCT . _ 1 punct 1:punct Entity=49) 3 may may AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 7 aux 7:aux _ 4 be be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 7 cop 7:cop _ 5 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 7 det 7:det Entity=(49-abstract-giv:act-cf1-3-pred 6 non-prototypical non-prototypical ADJ JJ Degree=Pos|Polarity=Neg 7 amod 7:amod _ 7 word word NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 root 0:root Entity=49)|SpaceAfter=No 8 , , PUNCT , _ 13 punct 13:punct _ 9 but but CCONJ CC _ 13 cc 13:cc Discourse=restatement-partial:59->52:4 10 it it PRON PRP Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 13 nsubj 13:nsubj Entity=(49-abstract-giv:act-cf1-1-ana) 11 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 13 cop 13:cop _ 12 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 13 det 13:det Entity=(49-abstract-giv:act-cf1-2-pred 13 word word NOUN NN Number=Sing 7 conj 7:conj:but Entity=49)|SpaceAfter=No 14 . . PUNCT . _ 7 punct 7:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Finally, we address the question of why all languages should have such a word and why its form should be so similar across languages.
1 Finally finally ADV RB Degree=Pos 4 advmod 4:advmod Discourse=topic-solutionhood:60->64:4|SpaceAfter=No 2 , , PUNCT , _ 1 punct 1:punct _ 3 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 4 nsubj 4:nsubj Entity=(43-person-giv:inact-cf3-1-ana) 4 address address VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 5 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 6 det 6:det Entity=(86-abstract-new-cf5-2-sgl 6 question question NOUN NN Number=Sing 4 obj 4:obj _ 7 of of SCONJ IN _ 12 mark 12:mark Discourse=elaboration-attribute:61->60:0 8 why why ADV WRB PronType=Int 12 advmod 12:advmod _ 9 all all DET DT PronType=Tot 10 det 10:det Entity=(27-abstract-giv:inact-cf2-2-coref 10 languages language NOUN NNS Number=Plur 12 nsubj 12:nsubj Entity=27) 11 should should AUX MD Number=Plur|Person=3|VerbForm=Fin 12 aux 12:aux _ 12 have have VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 6 acl 6:acl:of_why _ 13 such such DET PDT PronType=Dem 15 det:predet 15:det:predet Entity=(87-abstract-acc:com-cf1-3-coref 14 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 15 det 15:det _ 15 word word NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 obj 12:obj Entity=87) 16 and and CCONJ CC _ 23 cc 23:cc Discourse=joint-list_m:62->61:0 17 why why ADV WRB PronType=Int 23 advmod 23:advmod _ 18 its its PRON PRP$ Case=Gen|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 19 nmod:poss 19:nmod:poss Entity=(83-abstract-giv:inact-cf4-2-coref(87-abstract-giv:act-cf1-1-ana) 19 form form NOUN NN Number=Sing 23 nsubj 23:nsubj Entity=83) 20 should should AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 23 aux 23:aux _ 21 be be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 23 cop 23:cop _ 22 so so ADV RB _ 23 advmod 23:advmod _ 23 similar similar ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 12 conj 6:acl:of_why|12:conj:and _ 24 across across ADP IN _ 25 case 25:case _ 25 languages language NOUN NNS Number=Plur 23 obl 23:obl:across Entity=(27-abstract-giv:act-cf2-1-coref)86)|SpaceAfter=No 26 . . PUNCT . _ 4 punct 4:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
We observe that this item fulfils a crucial need shared by all languages – the efficient signalling of problems of hearing and understanding – and we propose that its form is constrained by selective pressures in a conversational environment that is essentially the same in all languages.
1 We we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 2 nsubj 2:nsubj Discourse=attribution-positive:63->64:2|Entity=(43-person-giv:act-cf1*-1-ana) 2 observe observe VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 3 that that SCONJ IN _ 6 mark 6:mark Discourse=joint-sequence_m:64->31:3 4 this this DET DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 5 det 5:det Entity=(49-abstract-giv:inact-cf6-2-coref 5 item item NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 nsubj 6:nsubj Entity=49) 6 fulfils fulfil VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 2 ccomp 2:ccomp _ 7 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 9 det 9:det Entity=(88-abstract-new-cf5-3-coref 8 crucial crucial ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 9 amod 9:amod _ 9 need need NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 obj 6:obj _ 10 shared share VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 9 acl 9:acl Discourse=elaboration-attribute:65->64:0 11 by by ADP IN _ 13 case 13:case _ 12 all all DET DT PronType=Tot 13 det 13:det Entity=(27-abstract-giv:act-cf4-2-coref 13 languages language NOUN NNS Number=Plur 10 obl:agent 10:obl:agent Entity=27)88) 14 – - PUNCT : _ 17 punct 17:punct Discourse=elaboration-additional:66->64:1 15 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 17 det 17:det Entity=(88-abstract-giv:act-cf5-3-appos 16 efficient efficient ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 17 amod 17:amod _ 17 signalling signalling NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 appos 9:appos _ 18 of of ADP IN _ 19 case 19:case _ 19 problems problem NOUN NNS Number=Plur 17 nmod 17:nmod:of Entity=(89-abstract-new-cf7-1-sgl 20 of of ADP IN _ 21 case 21:case Discourse=elaboration-additional:67->66:0 21 hearing hearing NOUN NN Number=Sing 19 nmod 19:nmod:of Entity=(90-abstract-new-cf8-1-sgl) 22 and and CCONJ CC _ 23 cc 23:cc Discourse=joint-list_m:68->67:0 23 understanding understanding NOUN NN Number=Sing 21 conj 19:nmod:of|21:conj:and Entity=(91-abstract-new-cf9-1-sgl)89)88) 24 – - PUNCT : _ 27 punct 27:punct _ 25 and and CCONJ CC _ 27 cc 27:cc Discourse=attribution-positive:69->70:2 26 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 27 nsubj 27:nsubj Entity=(43-person-giv:act-cf1*-1-ana) 27 propose propose VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 2 conj 2:conj:and _ 28 that that SCONJ IN _ 32 mark 32:mark Discourse=joint-list_m:70->64:3 29 its its PRON PRP$ Case=Gen|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 30 nmod:poss 30:nmod:poss Entity=(83-abstract-giv:act-cf3-2-coref(87-abstract-giv:act-cf2-1-ana) 30 form form NOUN NN Number=Sing 32 nsubj:pass 32:nsubj:pass Entity=83) 31 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 32 aux:pass 32:aux:pass _ 32 constrained constrain VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 27 ccomp 27:ccomp _ 33 by by ADP IN _ 35 case 35:case _ 34 selective selective ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 35 amod 35:amod Entity=(92-abstract-new-cf10-2-sgl 35 pressures pressure NOUN NNS Number=Plur 32 obl:agent 32:obl:agent Entity=92) 36 in in ADP IN _ 39 case 39:case _ 37 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 39 det 39:det Entity=(93-abstract-new-cf11-3-coref 38 conversational conversational ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 39 amod 39:amod _ 39 environment environment NOUN NN Number=Sing 35 nmod 35:nmod:in|44:nsubj _ 40 that that PRON WDT PronType=Rel 44 nsubj 39:ref Discourse=elaboration-attribute:71->70:0 41 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 44 cop 44:cop _ 42 essentially essentially ADV RB Degree=Pos 44 advmod 44:advmod _ 43 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 44 det 44:det _ 44 same same ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 39 acl:relcl 39:acl:relcl _ 45 in in ADP IN _ 47 case 47:case _ 46 all all DET DT PronType=Tot 47 det 47:det Entity=(27-abstract-giv:act-cf4-2-coref 47 languages language NOUN NNS Number=Plur 44 obl 44:obl:in Entity=27)93)|SpaceAfter=No 48 . . PUNCT . _ 2 punct 2:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Consider a case from English [10]:
1 Consider consider VERB VB Mood=Imp|Person=2|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root Discourse=organization-preparation:72->77:6 2 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 3 det 3:det Entity=(94-abstract-new-cf2-2-coref 3 case case NOUN NN Number=Sing 1 obj 1:obj _ 4 from from ADP IN _ 5 case 5:case _ 5 English English PROPN NNP Number=Sing 3 nmod 3:nmod:from Entity=(12-abstract-giv:inact-cf1-1-coref-English_language)94) 6 [ [ PUNCT -LRB- _ 7 punct 7:punct Discourse=explanation-evidence:73->72:0|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<ref> 7 10 10 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 1 dep 1:dep Entity=(95-abstract-new-cf3-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 8 ] ] PUNCT -RRB- _ 7 punct 7:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=</ref> 9 : : PUNCT : _ 1 punct 1:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Extract 1 American English [NB, 1:1:19]
1 Extract Extract PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 root 0:root Discourse=context-background:74->77:3|Entity=(94-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-1-coref|XML=<hi rend:::"bold"> 2 1 1 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 1 dep 1:dep Entity=94)|XML=</hi> 3 American American ADJ NNP Degree=Pos|Number=Sing 4 amod 4:amod Entity=(96-abstract-new-cf2-1,2-sgl-American_English 4 English English PROPN NNP Number=Sing 1 parataxis 1:parataxis Entity=96) 5 [ [ PUNCT -LRB- _ 6 punct 6:punct Discourse=restatement-partial:75->74:0|SpaceAfter=No 6 NB NB PROPN NNP Abbr=Yes|Number=Sing 4 dep 4:dep SpaceAfter=No 7 , , PUNCT , _ 8 punct 8:punct _ 8 1:1:19 1:1:19 NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 6 dep 6:dep SpaceAfter=No 9 ] ] PUNCT -RRB- _ 6 punct 6:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
After speaker G makes a statement, speaker E utters the interjection huh?.
1 After after SCONJ IN _ 4 mark 4:mark Discourse=context-circumstance:76->77:0 2 speaker speaker NOUN NN Number=Sing 4 nsubj 4:nsubj Entity=(97-person-new-cf2-1,2-coref 3 G G PROPN NNP Number=Sing 2 flat 2:flat Entity=97) 4 makes make VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 10 advcl 10:advcl:after _ 5 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 6 det 6:det Entity=(98-abstract-new-cf4-2-coref 6 statement statement NOUN NN Number=Sing 4 obj 4:obj Entity=98)|SpaceAfter=No 7 , , PUNCT , _ 4 punct 4:punct _ 8 speaker speaker NOUN NN Number=Sing 10 nsubj 10:nsubj Discourse=elaboration-additional:77->70:1|Entity=(99-person-new-cf3-1,2-sgl 9 E E PROPN NNP Number=Sing 8 flat 8:flat Entity=99) 10 utters utter VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 11 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 12 det 12:det Entity=(49-abstract-giv:inact-cf1-2-coref 12 interjection interjection NOUN NN Number=Sing 10 obj 10:obj _ 13 huh huh INTJ UH _ 12 appos 12:appos SpaceAfter=No|XML=<hi rend:::"italic"></hi> 14 ? ? PUNCT . _ 10 punct 10:punct Entity=49)|SpaceAfter=No 15 . . PUNCT . _ 10 punct 10:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
This is followed by a repetition of the original statement by G.
1 This this PRON DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 3 nsubj:pass 3:nsubj:pass Discourse=joint-sequence_m:78->77:1|Entity=(49-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-1-ana) 2 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 3 aux:pass 3:aux:pass _ 3 followed follow VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 root 0:root _ 4 by by ADP IN _ 6 case 6:case _ 5 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 6 det 6:det Entity=(100-event-new-cf4-2-sgl 6 repetition repetition NOUN NN Number=Sing 3 obl:agent 3:obl:agent _ 7 of of ADP IN _ 10 case 10:case _ 8 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 10 det 10:det Entity=(98-abstract-giv:act-cf2-3-coref 9 original original ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 10 amod 10:amod _ 10 statement statement NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 nmod 6:nmod:of Entity=98) 11 by by ADP IN _ 12 case 12:case _ 12 G G PROPN NNP Number=Sing 6 nmod 6:nmod:by Entity=(97-person-giv:act-cf3-1-coref)100)|SpaceAfter=No 13 . . PUNCT . _ 3 punct 3:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
The technical term for this type of sequence is “open other-initiated repair”:
1 The the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 3 det 3:det Discourse=elaboration-additional:79->77:2|Entity=(101-abstract-new-cf1-3-coref 2 technical technical ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 3 amod 3:amod _ 3 term term NOUN NN Number=Sing 15 nsubj 15:nsubj _ 4 for for ADP IN _ 6 case 6:case _ 5 this this DET DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 6 det 6:det Entity=(102-abstract-new-cf2-2-sgl 6 type type NOUN NN Number=Sing 3 nmod 3:nmod:for _ 7 of of ADP IN _ 8 case 8:case _ 8 sequence sequence NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 nmod 6:nmod:of Entity=102)101) 9 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 15 cop 15:cop _ 10 “ '' PUNCT `` _ 15 punct 15:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=<q> 11 open open ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 15 amod 15:amod Entity=(101-abstract-giv:act-cf1-5-pred 12 other other ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 14 compound 14:compound SpaceAfter=No|XML=<w> 13 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 12 punct 12:punct SpaceAfter=No 14 initiated initiate VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 15 amod 15:amod XML=</w> 15 repair repair NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 root 0:root Entity=101)|SpaceAfter=No 16 ” '' PUNCT '' _ 15 punct 15:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=</q> 17 : : PUNCT : _ 15 punct 15:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
repair is initiated not by the speaker of the first turn but by the other participant (“other-initiated”), and the repair initiator signals that there is a problem, but it leaves open what the problem is (“open”) [11].
1 repair repair NOUN NN Number=Sing 3 nsubj:pass 3:nsubj:pass Discourse=adversative-antithesis:80->81:1|Entity=(52-abstract-giv:inact-cf4-1-coref) 2 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 3 aux:pass 3:aux:pass _ 3 initiated initiate VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 root 0:root _ 4 not not PART RB Polarity=Neg 7 advmod 7:advmod _ 5 by by ADP IN _ 7 case 7:case _ 6 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 7 det 7:det Entity=(103-person-new-cf5-2-coref 7 speaker speaker NOUN NN Number=Sing 3 obl:agent 3:obl:agent _ 8 of of ADP IN _ 11 case 11:case _ 9 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 11 det 11:det Entity=(104-event-new-cf6-3-coref 10 first first ADJ JJ Degree=Pos|NumType=Ord 11 amod 11:amod _ 11 turn turn NOUN NN Number=Sing 7 nmod 7:nmod:of Entity=104)103) 12 but but CCONJ CC _ 16 cc 16:cc Discourse=elaboration-additional:81->79:0 13 by by ADP IN _ 16 case 16:case _ 14 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 16 det 16:det Bridge=103<105|Entity=(105-person-acc:inf-cf2-3-coref 15 other other ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 16 amod 16:amod _ 16 participant participant NOUN NN Number=Sing 7 conj 3:obl:agent|7:conj:but Entity=105) 17 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 21 punct 21:punct Discourse=restatement-partial:82->81:0|SpaceAfter=No 18 “ '' PUNCT `` _ 21 punct 21:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=<q> 19 other other ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 21 compound 21:compound SpaceAfter=No|XML=<w> 20 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 19 punct 19:punct SpaceAfter=No 21 initiated initiate VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 16 parataxis 16:parataxis SpaceAfter=No|XML=</w> 22 ” '' PUNCT '' _ 21 punct 21:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=</q> 23 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 21 punct 21:punct SpaceAfter=No 24 , , PUNCT , _ 29 punct 29:punct _ 25 and and CCONJ CC _ 29 cc 29:cc Discourse=attribution-positive:83->84:0 26 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 29 det 29:det Entity=(106-abstract-new-cf1-4-disc(105-person-giv:act-cf2-3-coref 27 repair repair NOUN NN Number=Sing 28 compound 28:compound Entity=(52-abstract-giv:act-cf4-1-coref) 28 initiator initiator NOUN NN Number=Sing 29 nsubj 29:nsubj Entity=105) 29 signals signal VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 3 conj 3:conj:and _ 30 that that SCONJ IN _ 32 mark 32:mark Discourse=joint-list_m:84->81:2 31 there there PRON EX PronType=Dem 32 expl 32:expl _ 32 is be VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 29 ccomp 29:ccomp _ 33 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 34 det 34:det Entity=(107-abstract-new-cf3-2-coref 34 problem problem NOUN NN Number=Sing 32 nsubj 32:nsubj Entity=107)106)|SpaceAfter=No 35 , , PUNCT , _ 38 punct 38:punct _ 36 but but CCONJ CC _ 38 cc 38:cc Discourse=adversative-concession:85->84:1 37 it it PRON PRP Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 38 nsubj 38:nsubj Entity=(106-abstract-giv:act-cf1-1-coref) 38 leaves leave VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 3 conj 3:conj:but _ 39 open open ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 38 xcomp 38:xcomp _ 40 what what PRON WP PronType=Int 38 ccomp 38:ccomp|39:csubj:xsubj _ 41 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 42 det 42:det Entity=(107-abstract-giv:act-cf3-2-coref 42 problem problem NOUN NN Number=Sing 40 nsubj 40:nsubj Entity=107) 43 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 40 cop 40:cop _ 44 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 46 punct 46:punct Discourse=restatement-partial:86->85:0|SpaceAfter=No 45 “ '' PUNCT `` _ 46 punct 46:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=<q> 46 open open ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 38 parataxis 38:parataxis SpaceAfter=No 47 ” '' PUNCT '' _ 46 punct 46:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=</q> 48 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 46 punct 46:punct _ 49 [ [ PUNCT -LRB- _ 50 punct 50:punct Discourse=explanation-evidence:87->79:1|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<ref> 50 11 11 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 3 dep 3:dep Entity=(108-abstract-new-cf7-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 51 ] ] PUNCT -RRB- _ 50 punct 50:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=</ref> 52 . . PUNCT . _ 3 punct 3:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
The actual repair operation in response to this interjection is usually simply repetition, sometimes with slight modification.
1 The the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 4 det 4:det Discourse=elaboration-additional:88->79:2|Entity=(109-event-new-cf3-4-sgl 2 actual actual ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 4 amod 4:amod _ 3 repair repair NOUN NN Number=Sing 4 compound 4:compound Entity=(52-abstract-giv:act-cf2-1-coref) 4 operation operation NOUN NN Number=Sing 13 nsubj 13:nsubj Entity=109) 5 in in ADP IN _ 6 case 6:case _ 6 response response NOUN NN Number=Sing 4 nmod 4:nmod:in _ 7 to to ADP IN _ 9 case 9:case _ 8 this this DET DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 9 det 9:det Entity=(106-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-2-coref 9 interjection interjection NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 nmod 6:nmod:to Entity=106) 10 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 13 cop 13:cop _ 11 usually usually ADV RB Degree=Pos 13 advmod 13:advmod _ 12 simply simply ADV RB Degree=Pos 13 advmod 13:advmod _ 13 repetition repetition NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 root 0:root Entity=(110-event-new-cf4-1-coref)|SpaceAfter=No 14 , , PUNCT , _ 18 punct 18:punct _ 15 sometimes sometimes ADV RB _ 18 advmod 18:advmod _ 16 with with ADP IN _ 18 case 18:case _ 17 slight slight ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 18 amod 18:amod Entity=(111-event-new-cf5-2-sgl 18 modification modification NOUN NN Number=Sing 13 nmod 13:nmod:with Entity=111)|SpaceAfter=No 19 . . PUNCT . _ 13 punct 13:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Extracts 2 and 3 show structurally identical sequences in two other languages: Siwu, a Kwa language spoken in Ghana, and Lao, a Tai-Kadai language spoken in Laos.
1 Extracts Extract PROPN NNPS Number=Plur 5 nsubj 5:nsubj Discourse=joint-other_m:89->77:4|Entity=(112-abstract-new-cf3-1-coref 2 2 2 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 1 dep 1:dep Entity=112) 3 and and CCONJ CC _ 4 cc 4:cc _ 4 3 3 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 2 conj 1:dep|2:conj:and Entity=(113-abstract-new-cf8-1-coref) 5 show show VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 6 structurally structurally ADV RB Degree=Pos 7 advmod 7:advmod Entity=(114-abstract-new-cf4-3-sgl 7 identical identical ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 8 amod 8:amod _ 8 sequences sequence NOUN NNS Number=Plur 5 obj 5:obj Entity=114) 9 in in ADP IN _ 12 case 12:case _ 10 two two NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 12 nummod 12:nummod Entity=(115-abstract-new-cf7-3-coref 11 other other ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 12 amod 12:amod _ 12 languages language NOUN NNS Number=Plur 8 nmod 8:nmod:in Entity=115)|SpaceAfter=No 13 : : PUNCT : _ 14 punct 14:punct _ 14 Siwu Siwu PROPN NNP Number=Sing 12 appos 12:appos Bridge=115<116|Discourse=elaboration-additional:90->89:0|Entity=(116-abstract-acc:inf-cf1-1-coref-Siwu_language)|SpaceAfter=No 15 , , PUNCT , _ 18 punct 18:punct _ 16 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 18 det 18:det Entity=(116-abstract-giv:act-cf1-3-appos-Siwu_language 17 Kwa Kwa PROPN NNP Number=Sing 18 compound 18:compound _ 18 language language NOUN NN Number=Sing 14 appos 14:appos _ 19 spoken speak VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 18 acl 18:acl Discourse=elaboration-attribute:91->90:0 20 in in ADP IN _ 21 case 21:case _ 21 Ghana Ghana PROPN NNP Number=Sing 19 obl 19:obl:in Entity=(117-place-new-cf5-1-coref-Ghana)116)|SpaceAfter=No 22 , , PUNCT , _ 24 punct 24:punct _ 23 and and CCONJ CC _ 24 cc 24:cc Discourse=same-unit_m:92->90:1 24 Lao Lao PROPN NNP Number=Sing 14 conj 12:appos|14:conj:and Bridge=115<118|Entity=(118-abstract-acc:inf-cf2-1-coref-Lao_language)|SpaceAfter=No 25 , , PUNCT , _ 26 punct 26:punct _ 26 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 30 det 30:det Entity=(118-abstract-giv:act-cf2-4,5-appos-Lao_language 27 Tai Tai PROPN NNP Number=Sing 30 compound 30:compound SpaceAfter=No|XML=<w> 28 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 29 punct 29:punct SpaceAfter=No 29 Kadai Kadai PROPN NNP Number=Sing 27 flat 27:flat XML=</w> 30 language language NOUN NN Number=Sing 24 appos 24:appos _ 31 spoken speak VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 30 acl 30:acl Discourse=elaboration-attribute:93->92:0 32 in in ADP IN _ 33 case 33:case _ 33 Laos Laos PROPN NNP Number=Sing 31 obl 31:obl:in Entity=(119-place-new-cf6-1-coref-Laos)118)|SpaceAfter=No 34 . . PUNCT . _ 5 punct 5:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Extract 2 Siwu (Ghana) [Maize1_1017013]
1 Extract Extract PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 root 0:root Discourse=context-background:94->89:1|Entity=(112-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-1-coref|XML=<hi rend:::"bold"> 2 2 2 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 1 dep 1:dep Entity=112)|XML=</hi> 3 Siwu Siwu PROPN NNP Number=Sing 1 parataxis 1:parataxis Entity=(116-abstract-giv:act-cf2-1-coref-Siwu_language) 4 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 5 punct 5:punct Discourse=elaboration-additional:95->94:0|SpaceAfter=No 5 Ghana Ghana PROPN NNP Number=Sing 3 parataxis 3:parataxis Entity=(117-place-giv:act-cf3-1-coref-Ghana)|SpaceAfter=No 6 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 5 punct 5:punct _ 7 [ [ PUNCT -LRB- _ 8 punct 8:punct Discourse=elaboration-additional:96->94:1|SpaceAfter=No 8 Maize1_1017013 Maize1_1017013 SYM SYM _ 1 dep 1:dep SpaceAfter=No 9 ] ] PUNCT -RRB- _ 8 punct 8:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Extract 3 Lao (Laos) [CONV_050815c_03.10]
1 Extract Extract PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 root 0:root Discourse=joint-list_m:97->94:2|Entity=(113-abstract-giv:inact-cf1-1-coref|XML=<hi rend:::"bold"> 2 3 3 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 1 dep 1:dep Entity=113)|XML=</hi> 3 Lao Lao PROPN NNP Number=Sing 1 parataxis 1:parataxis Entity=(118-abstract-giv:inact-cf2-1-coref-Lao_language) 4 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 5 punct 5:punct Discourse=elaboration-additional:98->97:0|SpaceAfter=No 5 Laos Laos PROPN NNP Number=Sing 3 parataxis 3:parataxis Entity=(119-place-giv:inact-cf3-1-coref-Laos)|SpaceAfter=No 6 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 5 punct 5:punct _ 7 [ [ PUNCT -LRB- _ 8 punct 8:punct Discourse=elaboration-additional:99->97:1|SpaceAfter=No 8 CONV_050815c_03.10 CONV_050815c_03.10 SYM SYM _ 1 dep 1:dep SpaceAfter=No 9 ] ] PUNCT -RRB- _ 8 punct 8:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
These examples show that it is possible to identify the same conversational structure in unrelated languages.
1 These this DET DT Number=Plur|PronType=Dem 2 det 2:det Discourse=attribution-positive:100->101:0|Entity=(120-abstract-acc:aggr-cf2-2-coref|SplitAnte=94<120,112<120,113<120 2 examples example NOUN NNS Number=Plur 3 nsubj 3:nsubj Entity=120) 3 show show VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 4 that that SCONJ IN _ 7 mark 7:mark Discourse=elaboration-additional:101->77:5 5 it it PRON PRP Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 7 expl 7:expl Entity=(121-abstract-new-cf3-1-cata) 6 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 7 cop 7:cop _ 7 possible possible ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 3 ccomp 3:ccomp _ 8 to to PART TO _ 9 mark 9:mark Entity=(121-abstract-acc:com-cf3-2-coref 9 identify identify VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 7 csubj 7:csubj _ 10 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 13 det 13:det Entity=(122-abstract-new-cf4-4-sgl 11 same same ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 13 amod 13:amod _ 12 conversational conversational ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 13 amod 13:amod _ 13 structure structure NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 obj 9:obj Entity=122) 14 in in ADP IN _ 16 case 16:case _ 15 unrelated unrelated ADJ JJ Degree=Pos|Polarity=Neg 16 amod 16:amod Entity=(68-abstract-giv:inact-cf1-2-coref 16 languages language NOUN NNS Number=Plur 9 obl 9:obl:in Entity=68)121)|SpaceAfter=No 17 . . PUNCT . _ 3 punct 3:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Essentially, this method gives us a natural control over conversational data, making possible systematic comparison across languages [12], [13].
1 Essentially essentially ADV RB Degree=Pos 5 advmod 5:advmod Discourse=restatement-partial:102->101:1|SpaceAfter=No 2 , , PUNCT , _ 1 punct 1:punct _ 3 this this DET DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 4 det 4:det Entity=(123-abstract-acc:com-cf3-2-sgl 4 method method NOUN NN Number=Sing 5 nsubj 5:nsubj Entity=123) 5 gives give VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 6 us we PRON PRP Case=Acc|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 5 iobj 5:iobj Entity=(43-person-giv:inact-cf2-1-ana) 7 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 9 det 9:det Entity=(124-abstract-new-cf4-3-sgl 8 natural natural ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 9 amod 9:amod XML=<hi rend:::"italic"> 9 control control NOUN NN Number=Sing 5 obj 5:obj XML=</hi> 10 over over ADP IN _ 12 case 12:case _ 11 conversational conversational ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 12 amod 12:amod Entity=(125-abstract-new-cf6-2-sgl 12 data datum NOUN NNS Number=Plur 9 nmod 9:nmod:over Entity=125)124)|SpaceAfter=No 13 , , PUNCT , _ 14 punct 14:punct _ 14 making make VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 5 advcl 5:advcl Discourse=elaboration-additional:103->102:0 15 possible possible ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 14 xcomp 14:xcomp _ 16 systematic systematic ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 17 amod 17:amod Entity=(126-abstract-new-cf5-2-sgl 17 comparison comparison NOUN NN Number=Sing 14 obj 14:obj|15:nsubj:xsubj _ 18 across across ADP IN _ 19 case 19:case _ 19 languages language NOUN NNS Number=Plur 17 nmod 17:nmod:across Entity=(68-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-1-coref)126) 20 [ [ PUNCT -LRB- _ 21 punct 21:punct Discourse=explanation-evidence:104->102:1|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<ref> 21 12 12 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 5 dep 5:dep Entity=(127-abstract-new-cf7-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 22 ] ] PUNCT -RRB- _ 21 punct 21:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=</ref> 23 , , PUNCT , _ 25 punct 25:punct _ 24 [ [ PUNCT -LRB- _ 25 punct 25:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=<ref> 25 13 13 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 5 dep 5:dep Entity=(128-abstract-new-cf8-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 26 ] ] PUNCT -RRB- _ 25 punct 25:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=</ref> 27 . . PUNCT . _ 5 punct 5:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Sequences of other-initiated repair have been identified in every spoken language investigated so far [14], [15], and as the examples show, the interjection in the pivotal turn can be remarkably similar.
1 Sequences sequence NOUN NNS Number=Plur 9 nsubj:pass 9:nsubj:pass Discourse=elaboration-additional:105->101:2|Entity=(129-abstract-new-cf7-9,40-disc(130-abstract-new-cf5-1-sgl 2 of of ADP IN _ 6 case 6:case _ 3 other other ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 5 compound 5:compound Entity=(52-abstract-giv:inact-cf3-4-coref|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<w> 4 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 3 punct 3:punct SpaceAfter=No 5 initiated initiate VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 6 amod 6:amod XML=</w> 6 repair repair NOUN NN Number=Sing 1 nmod 1:nmod:of Entity=52)130) 7 have have AUX VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 9 aux 9:aux _ 8 been be AUX VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 9 aux:pass 9:aux:pass _ 9 identified identify VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 root 0:root _ 10 in in ADP IN _ 13 case 13:case _ 11 every every DET DT PronType=Tot 13 det 13:det Entity=(131-abstract-new-cf6-3-sgl 12 spoken speak VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 13 amod 13:amod _ 13 language language NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 obl 9:obl:in _ 14 investigated investigate VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 13 acl 13:acl _ 15 so so ADV RB _ 16 advmod 16:advmod _ 16 far far ADV RB Degree=Pos 14 advmod 14:advmod Entity=131) 17 [ [ PUNCT -LRB- _ 18 punct 18:punct Discourse=explanation-evidence:106->105:0|SpaceAfter=No 18 14 14 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 9 dep 9:dep Entity=(132-abstract-new-cf8-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 19 ] ] PUNCT -RRB- _ 18 punct 18:punct SpaceAfter=No 20 , , PUNCT , _ 22 punct 22:punct _ 21 [ [ PUNCT -LRB- _ 22 punct 22:punct SpaceAfter=No 22 15 15 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 9 dep 9:dep Entity=(133-abstract-new-cf9-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 23 ] ] PUNCT -RRB- _ 22 punct 22:punct SpaceAfter=No 24 , , PUNCT , _ 25 punct 25:punct _ 25 and and CCONJ CC _ 40 cc 40:cc Discourse=joint-list_m:107->105:1 26 as as SCONJ IN _ 29 mark 29:mark Discourse=explanation-evidence:108->109:0 27 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 28 det 28:det Entity=(120-abstract-giv:inact-cf1-2-coref 28 examples example NOUN NNS Number=Plur 29 nsubj 29:nsubj Entity=120) 29 show show VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 40 advcl 40:advcl:as SpaceAfter=No 30 , , PUNCT , _ 29 punct 29:punct _ 31 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 32 det 32:det Discourse=same-unit_m:109->107:0|Entity=(106-abstract-giv:inact-cf2-2-coref 32 interjection interjection NOUN NN Number=Sing 40 nsubj 40:nsubj _ 33 in in ADP IN _ 36 case 36:case _ 34 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 36 det 36:det Entity=(134-event-acc:com-cf4-3-sgl 35 pivotal pivotal ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 36 amod 36:amod _ 36 turn turn NOUN NN Number=Sing 32 nmod 32:nmod:in Entity=134)106) 37 can can AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 40 aux 40:aux _ 38 be be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 40 cop 40:cop _ 39 remarkably remarkably ADV RB Degree=Pos 40 advmod 40:advmod _ 40 similar similar ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 9 conj 9:conj:and Entity=129)|SpaceAfter=No 41 . . PUNCT . _ 9 punct 9:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
This leads to the question driving our study:
1 This this PRON DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 2 nsubj 2:nsubj Discourse=organization-preparation:110->112:0|Entity=(129-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-1-coref) 2 leads lead VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 3 to to ADP IN _ 5 case 5:case _ 4 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 5 det 5:det Entity=(135-abstract-new-cf4-2-coref 5 question question NOUN NN Number=Sing 2 obl 2:obl:to _ 6 driving drive VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 5 acl 5:acl Discourse=elaboration-attribute:111->110:0 7 our our PRON PRP$ Case=Gen|Number=Plur|Person=1|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 8 nmod:poss 8:nmod:poss Entity=(42-abstract-giv:inact-cf3-2-coref(43-person-giv:inact-cf2-1-ana) 8 study study NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 obj 6:obj Entity=42)135)|SpaceAfter=No 9 : : PUNCT : _ 2 punct 2:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
is huh? in this context a universal word?
1 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 9 cop 9:cop Discourse=topic-solutionhood:112->121:5|Entity=(135-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-9-pred 2 huh huh INTJ UH _ 9 nsubj 9:nsubj Entity=(49-abstract-giv:inact-cf2-1-coref)|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<hi rend:::"italic"></hi> 3 ? ? PUNCT . _ 2 punct 2:punct _ 4 in in ADP IN _ 6 case 6:case _ 5 this this DET DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 6 det 6:det Entity=(136-abstract-acc:com-cf3-2-sgl 6 context context NOUN NN Number=Sing 2 nmod 2:nmod:in Entity=136) 7 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 9 det 9:det Entity=(137-abstract-new-cf4-3-sgl 8 universal universal ADJ JJ Degree=Pos|Polarity=Neg 9 amod 9:amod _ 9 word word NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 root 0:root Entity=137)|SpaceAfter=No 10 ? ? PUNCT . _ 9 punct 9:punct Entity=135)
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
By compiling data from published literature we found that in thirty-one languages around the world, the interjection for other-initiated repair appears to be strongly similar (Figure 1).
1 By by SCONJ IN _ 2 mark 2:mark Discourse=mode-means:113->115:1 2 compiling compile VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 8 advcl 8:advcl:by _ 3 data datum NOUN NNS Number=Plur 2 obj 2:obj Entity=(138-abstract-new-cf5-1-coref) 4 from from ADP IN _ 6 case 6:case _ 5 published publish VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 6 amod 6:amod Entity=(139-abstract-new-cf7-2-coref 6 literature literature NOUN NN Number=Sing 3 nmod 3:nmod:from Entity=139) 7 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 8 nsubj 8:nsubj Discourse=attribution-positive:114->115:0|Entity=(43-person-giv:inact-cf1-1-ana) 8 found find VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 9 that that SCONJ IN _ 26 mark 26:mark Discourse=context-background:115->121:4 10 in in ADP IN _ 14 case 14:case _ 11 thirty thirty NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 14 nummod 14:nummod Entity=(140-abstract-new-cf8-4-sgl|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<w> 12 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 13 punct 13:punct SpaceAfter=No 13 one one NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 11 compound 11:compound XML=</w> 14 languages language NOUN NNS Number=Plur 26 obl 26:obl:in _ 15 around around ADP IN _ 17 case 17:case _ 16 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 17 det 17:det Entity=(28-place-giv:inact-cf2-2-coref 17 world world NOUN NN Number=Sing 14 nmod 14:nmod:around Entity=28)140)|SpaceAfter=No 18 , , PUNCT , _ 14 punct 14:punct _ 19 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 20 det 20:det Entity=(141-abstract-new-cf4-2-sgl 20 interjection interjection NOUN NN Number=Sing 26 nsubj 26:nsubj|30:nsubj:xsubj _ 21 for for ADP IN _ 25 case 25:case _ 22 other other ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 24 compound 24:compound Entity=(52-abstract-giv:inact-cf3-4-coref|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<w> 23 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 22 punct 22:punct SpaceAfter=No 24 initiated initiate VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 25 amod 25:amod XML=</w> 25 repair repair NOUN NN Number=Sing 20 nmod 20:nmod:for Entity=52)141) 26 appears appear VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 8 ccomp 8:ccomp _ 27 to to PART TO _ 30 mark 30:mark _ 28 be be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 30 cop 30:cop _ 29 strongly strongly ADV RB Degree=Pos 30 advmod 30:advmod _ 30 similar similar ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 26 xcomp 26:xcomp _ 31 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 32 punct 32:punct Discourse=explanation-evidence:116->115:2|SpaceAfter=No 32 Figure Figure PROPN NNP Number=Sing 8 dep 8:dep Entity=(142-abstract-new-cf6-1-coref|XML=<ref> 33 1 1 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 32 dep 32:dep Entity=142)|SpaceAfter=No|XML=</ref> 34 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 32 punct 32:punct SpaceAfter=No 35 . . PUNCT . _ 8 punct 8:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
However, written sources are rarely explicit about the precise form, meaning, and use of interjections.
1 However however ADV RB _ 7 advmod 7:advmod Discourse=adversative-contrast_m:117->115:3|SpaceAfter=No 2 , , PUNCT , _ 1 punct 1:punct _ 3 written written ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 4 amod 4:amod Entity=(139-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-2-coref 4 sources source NOUN NNS Number=Plur 7 nsubj 7:nsubj Entity=139) 5 are be AUX VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 7 cop 7:cop _ 6 rarely rarely ADV RB Degree=Pos 7 advmod 7:advmod _ 7 explicit explicit ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 root 0:root _ 8 about about ADP IN _ 11 case 11:case _ 9 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 11 det 11:det Entity=(143-abstract-new-cf2-3,5,8-sgl 10 precise precise ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 11 amod 11:amod _ 11 form form NOUN NN Number=Sing 7 obl 7:obl:about SpaceAfter=No 12 , , PUNCT , _ 13 punct 13:punct _ 13 meaning meaning NOUN NN Number=Sing 11 conj 7:obl:about|11:conj:and SpaceAfter=No 14 , , PUNCT , _ 16 punct 16:punct _ 15 and and CCONJ CC _ 16 cc 16:cc _ 16 use use NOUN NN Number=Sing 11 conj 7:obl:about|11:conj:and _ 17 of of ADP IN _ 18 case 18:case _ 18 interjections interjection NOUN NNS Number=Plur 11 nmod 11:nmod:of Entity=(144-abstract-new-cf3-1-sgl)143)|SpaceAfter=No 19 . . PUNCT . _ 7 punct 7:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
The most reliable way to study a conversational interjection is by examining cases of actual use.
1 The the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 4 det 4:det Discourse=explanation-justify:118->121:3|Entity=(145-abstract-new-cf1-4-sgl 2 most most ADV RBS Degree=Sup 3 advmod 3:advmod _ 3 reliable reliable ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 4 amod 4:amod _ 4 way way NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 nsubj:outer 12:nsubj:outer _ 5 to to PART TO _ 6 mark 6:mark Discourse=purpose-attribute:119->118:0 6 study study VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 4 acl 4:acl:to _ 7 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 9 det 9:det Entity=(146-abstract-new-cf2-3-sgl 8 conversational conversational ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 9 amod 9:amod _ 9 interjection interjection NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 obj 6:obj Entity=146)145) 10 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 12 cop 12:cop Discourse=same-unit_m:120->118:1 11 by by SCONJ IN _ 12 mark 12:mark _ 12 examining examine VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 0 root 0:root _ 13 cases case NOUN NNS Number=Plur 12 obj 12:obj Entity=(147-event-new-cf3-1-sgl 14 of of ADP IN _ 16 case 16:case _ 15 actual actual ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 16 amod 16:amod Entity=(148-event-new-cf4-2-sgl 16 use use NOUN NN Number=Sing 13 nmod 13:nmod:of Entity=148)147)|SpaceAfter=No 17 . . PUNCT . _ 12 punct 12:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Therefore we collected data from recordings of naturally occurring informal conversations in a sample of 10 languages from 5 continents, varying fundamentally in terms of phonology, word structure, and grammar (languages 1–10 in Figure 1).
1 Therefore therefore ADV RB Degree=Pos 3 advmod 3:advmod Discourse=elaboration-additional:121->23:4 2 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 3 nsubj 3:nsubj Entity=(43-person-giv:inact-cf2-1-ana) 3 collected collect VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 4 data datum NOUN NNS Number=Plur 3 obj 3:obj Entity=(138-abstract-giv:inact-cf3-1-coref) 5 from from ADP IN _ 6 case 6:case _ 6 recordings recording NOUN NNS Number=Plur 4 nmod 4:nmod:from Entity=(149-abstract-new-cf6-1-sgl 7 of of ADP IN _ 11 case 11:case _ 8 naturally naturally ADV RB Degree=Pos 9 advmod 9:advmod Entity=(150-event-new-cf7-4-sgl 9 occurring occur VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 11 amod 11:amod _ 10 informal informal ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 11 amod 11:amod _ 11 conversations conversation NOUN NNS Number=Plur 6 nmod 6:nmod:of _ 12 in in ADP IN _ 14 case 14:case _ 13 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 14 det 14:det Entity=(151-abstract-new-cf8-2-sgl 14 sample sample NOUN NN Number=Sing 11 nmod 11:nmod:in _ 15 of of ADP IN _ 17 case 17:case _ 16 10 10 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 17 nummod 17:nummod Entity=(46-abstract-giv:inact-cf1-2-coref 17 languages language NOUN NNS Number=Plur 14 nmod 14:nmod:of _ 18 from from ADP IN _ 20 case 20:case _ 19 5 5 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 20 nummod 20:nummod Entity=(47-place-giv:inact-cf5-2-coref 20 continents continent NOUN NNS Number=Plur 17 nmod 17:nmod:from Entity=47)|SpaceAfter=No 21 , , PUNCT , _ 22 punct 22:punct _ 22 varying vary VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 17 acl 17:acl Discourse=elaboration-attribute:122->121:0 23 fundamentally fundamentally ADV RB Degree=Pos 22 advmod 22:advmod _ 24 in in ADP IN _ 25 case 25:case _ 25 terms term NOUN NNS Number=Plur 22 obl 22:obl:in _ 26 of of ADP IN _ 27 case 27:case _ 27 phonology phonology NOUN NN Number=Sing 25 nmod 25:nmod:of Entity=(152-abstract-new-cf9-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 28 , , PUNCT , _ 30 punct 30:punct _ 29 word word NOUN NN Number=Sing 30 compound 30:compound Entity=(153-abstract-new-cf10-2-sgl(154-abstract-new-cf12-1-sgl) 30 structure structure NOUN NN Number=Sing 27 conj 25:nmod:of|27:conj:and Entity=153)|SpaceAfter=No 31 , , PUNCT , _ 33 punct 33:punct _ 32 and and CCONJ CC _ 33 cc 33:cc _ 33 grammar grammar NOUN NN Number=Sing 27 conj 25:nmod:of|27:conj:and Entity=(155-abstract-new-cf11-1-sgl)46)151)150)149) 34 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 35 punct 35:punct Discourse=explanation-evidence:123->121:1|SpaceAfter=No 35 languages language NOUN NNS Number=Plur 17 appos 17:appos Entity=(46-abstract-giv:act-cf1-1-appos 36 1 1 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 35 dep 35:dep SpaceAfter=No|XML=<w> 37 – - SYM SYM _ 38 case 38:case SpaceAfter=No 38 10 10 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 36 nmod 36:nmod:to Entity=46)|XML=</w> 39 in in ADP IN _ 40 case 40:case _ 40 Figure Figure PROPN NNP Number=Sing 35 nmod 35:nmod:in Entity=(142-abstract-giv:inact-cf4-1-coref|XML=<ref> 41 1 1 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 40 dep 40:dep Entity=142)|SpaceAfter=No|XML=</ref> 42 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 35 punct 35:punct SpaceAfter=No 43 . . PUNCT . _ 3 punct 3:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
For optimal comparability, we studied the exact same conversational environment across languages: that of other-initiated repair (OIR), in which one participant produces a turn at talk, the other then signals some trouble with this turn, and finally the first produces a next turn which aims to solve the trouble, usually by means of repetition and/or modification.
1 For for ADP IN _ 3 case 3:case Discourse=elaboration-additional:124->121:2 2 optimal optimal ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 3 amod 3:amod Entity=(156-abstract-new-cf11-2-sgl 3 comparability comparability NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 obl 6:obl:for Entity=156)|SpaceAfter=No 4 , , PUNCT , _ 3 punct 3:punct _ 5 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 6 nsubj 6:nsubj Entity=(43-person-giv:act-cf1*-1-ana) 6 studied study VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 7 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 11 det 11:det Entity=(93-abstract-giv:inact-cf7-5-coref 8 exact exact ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 11 amod 11:amod _ 9 same same ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 11 amod 11:amod _ 10 conversational conversational ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 11 amod 11:amod _ 11 environment environment NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 obj 6:obj _ 12 across across ADP IN _ 13 case 13:case _ 13 languages language NOUN NNS Number=Plur 11 nmod 11:nmod:across Entity=(46-abstract-giv:act-cf6-1-coref)93)|SpaceAfter=No 14 : : PUNCT : _ 15 punct 15:punct _ 15 that that PRON DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 11 appos 11:appos Discourse=elaboration-additional:125->124:0 16 of of ADP IN _ 20 case 20:case _ 17 other other ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 19 compound 19:compound Entity=(52-abstract-giv:inact-cf5-4-coref|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<w> 18 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 17 punct 17:punct SpaceAfter=No 19 initiated initiate VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 20 amod 20:amod XML=</w> 20 repair repair NOUN NN Number=Sing 15 nmod 15:nmod:of|29:obl:in _ 21 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 22 punct 22:punct Discourse=restatement-partial:126->125:0|SpaceAfter=No 22 OIR OIR PROPN NNP Abbr=Yes|Number=Sing 20 appos 20:appos Entity=(52-abstract-giv:act-cf5-1-appos)|SpaceAfter=No 23 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 22 punct 22:punct SpaceAfter=No 24 , , PUNCT , _ 29 punct 29:punct _ 25 in in ADP IN _ 26 case 26:case Discourse=elaboration-attribute:127->125:1 26 which which PRON WDT PronType=Rel 29 obl 20:ref _ 27 one one NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 28 nummod 28:nummod Entity=(103-person-giv:inact-cf2-2-coref 28 participant participant NOUN NN Number=Sing 29 nsubj 29:nsubj|38:nsubj Entity=103) 29 produces produce VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 20 acl:relcl 20:acl:relcl _ 30 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 31 det 31:det Entity=(104-event-giv:inact-cf4-4-coref 31 turn turn NOUN NN Number=Sing 29 obj 29:obj _ 32 at at ADP IN _ 33 case 33:case _ 33 talk talk NOUN NN Number=Sing 29 obl 29:obl:at Entity=(157-event-new-cf12-1-sgl)104)|SpaceAfter=No 34 , , PUNCT , _ 38 punct 38:punct _ 35 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 38 det 38:det Discourse=joint-sequence_m:128->127:0|Entity=(105-person-giv:inact-cf9-2-coref 36 other other ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 38 amod 38:amod Entity=105) 37 then then ADV RB PronType=Dem 38 advmod 38:advmod _ 38 signals signal VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 29 conj 20:acl:relcl|29:conj:and _ 39 some some DET DT PronType=Ind 40 det 40:det Entity=(158-abstract-new-cf3-2-coref 40 trouble trouble NOUN NN Number=Sing 38 obj 38:obj _ 41 with with ADP IN _ 43 case 43:case _ 42 this this DET DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 43 det 43:det Entity=(104-event-giv:act-cf4-2-coref 43 turn turn NOUN NN Number=Sing 40 nmod 40:nmod:with Entity=104)158)|SpaceAfter=No 44 , , PUNCT , _ 49 punct 49:punct _ 45 and and CCONJ CC _ 49 cc 49:cc Discourse=joint-sequence_m:129->127:0 46 finally finally ADV RB Degree=Pos 49 advmod 49:advmod _ 47 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 48 det 48:det Entity=(103-person-giv:act-cf2-2-coref 48 first first ADJ JJ Degree=Pos|NumType=Ord 49 nsubj 49:nsubj Entity=103) 49 produces produce VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 29 conj 20:acl:relcl|29:conj:and _ 50 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 52 det 52:det Entity=(159-event-new-cf10-3-sgl 51 next next ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 52 amod 52:amod _ 52 turn turn NOUN NN Number=Sing 49 obj 49:obj|54:nsubj _ 53 which which PRON WDT PronType=Rel 54 nsubj 52:ref Discourse=purpose-attribute:130->129:0 54 aims aim VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 52 acl:relcl 52:acl:relcl _ 55 to to PART TO _ 56 mark 56:mark _ 56 solve solve VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 54 xcomp 54:xcomp _ 57 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 58 det 58:det Entity=(158-abstract-giv:act-cf3-2-coref 58 trouble trouble NOUN NN Number=Sing 56 obj 56:obj Entity=158)|SpaceAfter=No 59 , , PUNCT , _ 62 punct 62:punct _ 60 usually usually ADV RB Degree=Pos 62 advmod 62:advmod _ 61 by by ADP IN _ 62 case 62:case _ 62 means means NOUN NNS Number=Plur 56 obl 56:obl:by _ 63 of of ADP IN _ 64 case 64:case _ 64 repetition repetition NOUN NN Number=Sing 62 nmod 62:nmod:of Entity=(110-event-giv:inact-cf8-1-coref) 65 and and CCONJ CC _ 68 cc 68:cc SpaceAfter=No|XML=<w> 66 / / SYM SYM _ 67 cc 67:cc SpaceAfter=No 67 or or CCONJ CC _ 65 conj 65:conj:slash|68:cc XML=</w> 68 modification modification NOUN NN Number=Sing 64 conj 62:nmod:of|64:conj:and Entity=(160-event-new-cf13-1-sgl)159)52)|SpaceAfter=No 69 . . PUNCT . _ 6 punct 6:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
In some languages the interjection, or an item similar to it, was also found in other sequential environments, for instance to mark surprise or to pursue a response.
1 In in ADP IN _ 3 case 3:case Discourse=context-background:131->137:2 2 some some DET DT PronType=Ind 3 det 3:det Entity=(161-abstract-new-cf4-2-sgl 3 languages language NOUN NNS Number=Plur 16 obl 16:obl:in Entity=161) 4 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 5 det 5:det Entity=(106-abstract-giv:inact-cf1-2-coref 5 interjection interjection NOUN NN Number=Sing 16 nsubj:pass 16:nsubj:pass Entity=106)|SpaceAfter=No 6 , , PUNCT , _ 9 punct 9:punct _ 7 or or CCONJ CC _ 9 cc 9:cc _ 8 an a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 9 det 9:det Entity=(162-abstract-new-cf5-2-sgl 9 item item NOUN NN Number=Sing 5 conj 5:conj:or|16:nsubj:pass _ 10 similar similar ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 9 amod 9:amod _ 11 to to ADP IN _ 12 case 12:case _ 12 it it PRON PRP Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 10 obl 10:obl:to Entity=(106-abstract-giv:act-cf1-1-ana)162)|SpaceAfter=No 13 , , PUNCT , _ 5 punct 5:punct _ 14 was be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 16 aux:pass 16:aux:pass _ 15 also also ADV RB _ 16 advmod 16:advmod _ 16 found find VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 root 0:root _ 17 in in ADP IN _ 20 case 20:case _ 18 other other ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 20 amod 20:amod Entity=(163-abstract-new-cf6-3-sgl 19 sequential sequential ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 20 amod 20:amod _ 20 environments environment NOUN NNS Number=Plur 16 obl 16:obl:in Entity=163)|SpaceAfter=No 21 , , PUNCT , _ 25 punct 25:punct _ 22 for for ADP IN _ 23 case 23:case Discourse=purpose-goal:132->131:0 23 instance instance NOUN NN Number=Sing 25 obl 25:obl:for _ 24 to to PART TO _ 25 mark 25:mark _ 25 mark mark VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 16 advcl 16:advcl:to _ 26 surprise surprise NOUN NN Number=Sing 25 obj 25:obj Entity=(164-abstract-new-cf2-1-coref) 27 or or CCONJ CC _ 29 cc 29:cc Discourse=joint-disjunction_m:133->132:0 28 to to PART TO _ 29 mark 29:mark _ 29 pursue pursue VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 25 conj 16:advcl:to|25:conj:or _ 30 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 31 det 31:det Entity=(165-event-new-cf3-2-coref 31 response response NOUN NN Number=Sing 29 obj 29:obj Entity=165)|SpaceAfter=No 32 . . PUNCT . _ 16 punct 16:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Such alternative (and probably derived) uses provide insight in possible paths of semantic change, but we exclude them here to make sure we are comparing like with like.
1 Such such ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 8 amod 8:amod Discourse=adversative-concession:134->137:1|Entity=(166-abstract-acc:aggr-cf2-8-coref|SplitAnte=164<166,165<166 2 alternative alternative ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 8 amod 8:amod _ 3 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 6 punct 6:punct Discourse=elaboration-additional:135->134:0|SpaceAfter=No 4 and and CCONJ CC _ 6 cc 6:cc _ 5 probably probably ADV RB Degree=Pos 6 advmod 6:advmod _ 6 derived derive VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 2 conj 2:conj:and|8:amod SpaceAfter=No 7 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 6 punct 6:punct _ 8 uses use NOUN NNS Number=Plur 9 nsubj 9:nsubj Discourse=same-unit_m:136->134:1|Entity=166) 9 provide provide VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 10 insight insight NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 obj 9:obj Entity=(167-abstract-new-cf3-1-sgl 11 in in ADP IN _ 13 case 13:case _ 12 possible possible ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 13 amod 13:amod Entity=(168-abstract-new-cf4-2-sgl 13 paths path NOUN NNS Number=Plur 10 nmod 10:nmod:in _ 14 of of ADP IN _ 16 case 16:case _ 15 semantic semantic ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 16 amod 16:amod Entity=(169-abstract-new-cf5-2-sgl 16 change change NOUN NN Number=Sing 13 nmod 13:nmod:of Entity=169)168)167)|SpaceAfter=No 17 , , PUNCT , _ 20 punct 20:punct _ 18 but but CCONJ CC _ 20 cc 20:cc Discourse=elaboration-additional:137->124:1 19 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 20 nsubj 20:nsubj Entity=(43-person-giv:inact-cf1-1-ana) 20 exclude exclude VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 9 conj 9:conj:but _ 21 them they PRON PRP Case=Acc|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs 20 obj 20:obj Entity=(166-abstract-giv:act-cf2-1-ana) 22 here here ADV RB PronType=Dem 20 advmod 20:advmod _ 23 to to PART TO _ 24 mark 24:mark Discourse=attribution-positive:138->139:0 24 make make VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 20 advcl 20:advcl:to _ 25 sure sure ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 24 xcomp 24:xcomp _ 26 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 28 nsubj 28:nsubj Discourse=purpose-goal:139->137:0|Entity=(43-person-giv:act-cf1-1-ana) 27 are be AUX VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 28 aux 28:aux _ 28 comparing compare VERB VBG Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part 25 ccomp 25:ccomp _ 29 like like ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 28 obj 28:obj _ 30 with with ADP IN _ 31 case 31:case _ 31 like like ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 28 obl 28:obl:with SpaceAfter=No 32 . . PUNCT . _ 9 punct 9:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
4. Discussion.
1 4. 4. X LS _ 2 dep 2:dep Discourse=organization-heading:1->20:4 2 Discussion discussion NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 root 0:root Entity=(1-abstract-new-cf1-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 3 . . PUNCT . _ 2 punct 2:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
We hypothesized that the children, who were over the age of six at the time of collection, would have adult-like SI interpretations.
1 We we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 2 nsubj 2:nsubj Discourse=attribution-positive:2->3:2|Entity=(2-person-acc:com-cf1-1-ana) 2 hypothesized hypothesize VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 3 that that SCONJ IN _ 21 mark 21:mark Discourse=context-background:3->20:2 4 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 5 det 5:det Entity=(3-person-acc:com-cf2-2-coref 5 children child NOUN NNS Number=Plur 21 nsubj 11:nsubj|21:nsubj SpaceAfter=No 6 , , PUNCT , _ 11 punct 11:punct _ 7 who who PRON WP PronType=Rel 11 nsubj 5:ref Discourse=elaboration-attribute:4->3:0 8 were be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 11 cop 11:cop _ 9 over over ADP IN _ 11 case 11:case _ 10 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 11 det 11:det Entity=(4-abstract-new-cf4-2-sgl 11 age age NOUN NN Number=Sing 5 acl:relcl 5:acl:relcl _ 12 of of ADP IN _ 13 case 13:case _ 13 six six NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 11 nmod 11:nmod:of Entity=(5-time-new-cf7-1-sgl)4) 14 at at ADP IN _ 16 case 16:case _ 15 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 16 det 16:det Entity=(6-time-new-cf5-2-sgl 16 time time NOUN NN Number=Sing 11 obl 11:obl:at _ 17 of of ADP IN _ 18 case 18:case _ 18 collection collection NOUN NN Number=Sing 16 nmod 16:nmod:of Entity=(7-event-new-cf6-1-sgl)6)3)|SpaceAfter=No 19 , , PUNCT , _ 5 punct 5:punct _ 20 would would AUX MD Number=Plur|Person=3|VerbForm=Fin 21 aux 21:aux Discourse=same-unit_m:5->3:1 21 have have VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 2 ccomp 2:ccomp _ 22 adult adult NOUN NN Number=Sing 24 compound 24:compound Entity=(8-abstract-new-cf3-5-coref|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<w> 23 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 22 punct 22:punct SpaceAfter=No 24 like like ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 26 amod 26:amod XML=</w> 25 SI SI NOUN NN Number=Sing 26 compound 26:compound Entity=(9-abstract-new-cf8-1-coref) 26 interpretations interpretation NOUN NNS Number=Plur 21 obj 21:obj Entity=8)|SpaceAfter=No 27 . . PUNCT . _ 2 punct 2:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
We expected that the use of a training session and then the format of the question would guide participants towards evaluating pragmatic felicity over providing truth value judgments, and would result in adult-like interpretations.
1 We we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 2 nsubj 2:nsubj Discourse=attribution-positive:6->7:2|Entity=(2-person-giv:act-cf1*-1-ana) 2 expected expect VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 3 that that SCONJ IN _ 18 mark 18:mark Discourse=elaboration-additional:7->3:3 4 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 5 det 5:det Entity=(10-event-new-cf3-2-sgl 5 use use NOUN NN Number=Sing 18 nsubj 18:nsubj|32:nsubj _ 6 of of ADP IN _ 9 case 9:case _ 7 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 9 det 9:det Entity=(11-event-new-cf9-3-sgl 8 training training NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 compound 9:compound Entity=(12-event-new-cf10-1-sgl) 9 session session NOUN NN Number=Sing 5 nmod 5:nmod:of Entity=11)10) 10 and and CCONJ CC _ 13 cc 13:cc _ 11 then then ADV RB PronType=Dem 13 advmod 13:advmod _ 12 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 13 det 13:det Entity=(13-abstract-new-cf7-2-sgl 13 format format NOUN NN Number=Sing 5 conj 5:conj:and|18:nsubj _ 14 of of ADP IN _ 16 case 16:case _ 15 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 16 det 16:det Entity=(14-abstract-new-cf8-2-sgl 16 question question NOUN NN Number=Sing 13 nmod 13:nmod:of Entity=14)13) 17 would would AUX MD Number=Sing|Person=3|VerbForm=Fin 18 aux 18:aux _ 18 guide guide VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 2 ccomp 2:ccomp _ 19 participants participant NOUN NNS Number=Plur 18 obj 18:obj Entity=(15-person-new-cf4-1-sgl) 20 towards towards SCONJ IN _ 21 mark 21:mark _ 21 evaluating evaluate VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 18 advcl 18:advcl:towards _ 22 pragmatic pragmatic ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 23 amod 23:amod Entity=(16-abstract-new-cf5-2-coref 23 felicity felicity NOUN NN Number=Sing 21 obj 21:obj Entity=16) 24 over over SCONJ IN _ 25 mark 25:mark Discourse=adversative-antithesis:8->7:0 25 providing provide VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 21 advcl 21:advcl:over _ 26 truth truth NOUN NN Number=Sing 27 compound 27:compound Entity=(17-abstract-new-cf6-3-coref 27 value value NOUN NN Number=Sing 28 compound 28:compound _ 28 judgments judgment NOUN NNS Number=Plur 25 obj 25:obj Entity=17)|SpaceAfter=No 29 , , PUNCT , _ 32 punct 32:punct _ 30 and and CCONJ CC _ 32 cc 32:cc Discourse=causal-result:9->7:1 31 would would AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 32 aux 32:aux _ 32 result result VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 18 conj 2:ccomp|18:conj:and _ 33 in in ADP IN _ 37 case 37:case _ 34 adult adult NOUN NN Number=Sing 36 compound 36:compound Entity=(8-abstract-giv:act-cf2-4-coref|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<w> 35 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 34 punct 34:punct SpaceAfter=No 36 like like ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 37 amod 37:amod XML=</w> 37 interpretations interpretation NOUN NNS Number=Plur 32 obl 32:obl:in Entity=8)|SpaceAfter=No 38 . . PUNCT . _ 2 punct 2:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Further, we posited that if our initial hypothesis was not supported, and in fact there was some non-adult-like performance, that there would be significant variability among the conditions, with cardinal numbers having the highest performance and some the weakest.
1 Further far ADV RBR Degree=Cmp 4 advmod 4:advmod Discourse=attribution-positive:10->11:1|SpaceAfter=No 2 , , PUNCT , _ 1 punct 1:punct _ 3 we we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 4 nsubj 4:nsubj Entity=(2-person-giv:act-cf1*-1-ana) 4 posited posit VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 5 that that SCONJ IN _ 30 mark 30:mark Discourse=joint-list_m:11->3:4 6 if if SCONJ IN _ 12 mark 12:mark Discourse=contingency-condition:12->14:1 7 our our PRON PRP$ Case=Gen|Number=Plur|Person=1|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 9 nmod:poss 9:nmod:poss Entity=(18-abstract-new-cf2-3-sgl(2-person-giv:act-cf1*-1-ana) 8 initial initial ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 9 amod 9:amod _ 9 hypothesis hypothesis NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 nsubj:pass 12:nsubj:pass Entity=18) 10 was be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 12 aux:pass 12:aux:pass _ 11 not not PART RB Polarity=Neg 12 advmod 12:advmod _ 12 supported support VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 30 advcl 30:advcl:if SpaceAfter=No 13 , , PUNCT , _ 18 punct 18:punct _ 14 and and CCONJ CC _ 18 cc 18:cc Discourse=restatement-repetition_m:13->12:0 15 in in ADP IN _ 16 case 16:case _ 16 fact fact NOUN NN Number=Sing 18 obl 18:obl:in _ 17 there there PRON EX PronType=Dem 18 expl 18:expl _ 18 was be VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 12 conj 12:conj:and|30:advcl:if _ 19 some some DET DT PronType=Ind 25 det 25:det Entity=(19-abstract-new-cf3-7-sgl 20 non non ADV RB Degree=Pos 22 advmod 22:advmod SpaceAfter=No|XML=<w> 21 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 20 punct 20:punct SpaceAfter=No 22 adult adult NOUN NN Number=Sing 24 compound 24:compound SpaceAfter=No 23 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 22 punct 22:punct SpaceAfter=No 24 like like ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 25 amod 25:amod XML=</w> 25 performance performance NOUN NN Number=Sing 18 nsubj 18:nsubj Entity=19)|SpaceAfter=No 26 , , PUNCT , _ 12 punct 12:punct _ 27 that that SCONJ IN _ 30 mark 30:mark Discourse=same-unit_m:14->11:0 28 there there PRON EX PronType=Dem 30 expl 30:expl _ 29 would would AUX MD Number=Sing|Person=3|VerbForm=Fin 30 aux 30:aux _ 30 be be VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 4 ccomp 4:ccomp _ 31 significant significant ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 32 amod 32:amod Entity=(20-abstract-new-cf4-2-sgl 32 variability variability NOUN NN Number=Sing 30 nsubj 30:nsubj _ 33 among among ADP IN _ 35 case 35:case _ 34 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 35 det 35:det Entity=(21-abstract-new-cf8-2-sgl 35 conditions condition NOUN NNS Number=Plur 32 nmod 32:nmod:among Entity=21)20)|SpaceAfter=No 36 , , PUNCT , _ 40 punct 40:punct _ 37 with with SCONJ IN _ 40 mark 40:mark Discourse=elaboration-attribute:15->14:0 38 cardinal cardinal ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 39 amod 39:amod Entity=(22-abstract-new-cf5-2-coref 39 numbers number NOUN NNS Number=Plur 40 nsubj 40:nsubj Entity=22) 40 having have VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 32 acl 32:acl:with _ 41 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 43 det 43:det Entity=(23-abstract-new-cf7-3-sgl 42 highest high ADJ JJS Degree=Sup 43 amod 43:amod _ 43 performance performance NOUN NN Number=Sing 40 obj 40:obj Entity=23) 44 and and CCONJ CC _ 47 cc 47:cc Discourse=adversative-contrast_m:16->15:0 45 some some NOUN NN Number=Sing 47 nsubj 47:nsubj Entity=(24-abstract-new-cf6-1-coref) 46 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 47 det 47:det Entity=(25-abstract-new-cf9-2-sgl 47 weakest weak ADJ JJS Degree=Sup 43 conj 40:obj|43:conj:and Entity=25)|SpaceAfter=No 48 . . PUNCT . _ 4 punct 4:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
On the surface, it does seem as if there is variability and perhaps a larger sample size or more items could lead to a significant finding (see limitations below), but at least for this study, the only significant finding was the difference between cardinal numbers and some.
1 On on ADP IN _ 3 case 3:case Discourse=adversative-concession:17->20:0 2 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 3 det 3:det Entity=(26-abstract-new-cf8-2-sgl 3 surface surface NOUN NN Number=Sing 7 obl 7:obl:on Entity=26)|SpaceAfter=No 4 , , PUNCT , _ 3 punct 3:punct _ 5 it it PRON PRP Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 7 expl 7:expl _ 6 does do AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 7 aux 7:aux _ 7 seem seem VERB VB Mood=Imp|Person=2|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 8 as as SCONJ IN _ 11 mark 11:mark _ 9 if if ADP IN _ 8 fixed 8:fixed _ 10 there there PRON EX PronType=Dem 11 expl 11:expl _ 11 is be VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 7 advcl 7:advcl:as_if _ 12 variability variability NOUN NN Number=Sing 11 nsubj 11:nsubj Entity=(27-abstract-new-cf5-1-sgl) 13 and and CCONJ CC _ 23 cc 23:cc Discourse=joint-list_m:18->17:0 14 perhaps perhaps ADV RB Degree=Pos 23 advmod 23:advmod _ 15 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 18 det 18:det Entity=(28-abstract-new-cf6-4-sgl 16 larger large ADJ JJR Degree=Cmp 18 amod 18:amod _ 17 sample sample NOUN NN Number=Sing 18 compound 18:compound Entity=(29-abstract-new-cf11-1-sgl) 18 size size NOUN NN Number=Sing 23 nsubj 23:nsubj Entity=28) 19 or or CCONJ CC _ 21 cc 21:cc _ 20 more more ADJ JJR Degree=Cmp 21 amod 21:amod Entity=(30-abstract-new-cf9-2-coref 21 items item NOUN NNS Number=Plur 18 conj 18:conj:or|23:nsubj Entity=30) 22 could could AUX MD Number=Sing|Person=3|VerbForm=Fin 23 aux 23:aux _ 23 lead lead VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 11 conj 7:advcl:as_if|11:conj:and _ 24 to to ADP IN _ 27 case 27:case _ 25 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 27 det 27:det Entity=(31-abstract-new-cf10-3-sgl 26 significant significant ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 27 amod 27:amod _ 27 finding finding NOUN NN Number=Sing 23 obl 23:obl:to Entity=31) 28 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 29 punct 29:punct Discourse=adversative-concession:19->18:0|SpaceAfter=No 29 see see VERB VB Mood=Imp|Person=2|VerbForm=Fin 23 parataxis 23:parataxis _ 30 limitations limitation NOUN NNS Number=Plur 29 obj 29:obj Entity=(32-abstract-new-cf7-1-coref) 31 below below ADV RB Degree=Pos 29 advmod 29:advmod SpaceAfter=No 32 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 29 punct 29:punct SpaceAfter=No 33 , , PUNCT , _ 34 punct 34:punct _ 34 but but CCONJ CC _ 47 cc 47:cc Discourse=ROOT:20:0 35 at at ADV IN _ 39 advmod 39:advmod _ 36 least least ADJ JJS Degree=Sup 35 fixed 35:fixed _ 37 for for ADP IN _ 39 case 39:case _ 38 this this DET DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 39 det 39:det Entity=(33-abstract-acc:com-cf4-2-coref 39 study study NOUN NN Number=Sing 47 nmod 47:nmod:for Entity=33)|SpaceAfter=No 40 , , PUNCT , _ 39 punct 39:punct _ 41 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 44 det 44:det Bridge=33<34|Entity=(34-abstract-acc:inf-cf1-4-coref 42 only only ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 44 amod 44:amod _ 43 significant significant ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 44 amod 44:amod _ 44 finding finding NOUN NN Number=Sing 47 nsubj 47:nsubj Entity=34) 45 was be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 47 cop 47:cop _ 46 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 47 det 47:det Entity=(34-abstract-giv:act-cf1-2-coref 47 difference difference NOUN NN Number=Sing 7 conj 7:conj:but _ 48 between between ADP IN _ 50 case 50:case _ 49 cardinal cardinal ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 50 amod 50:amod Entity=(22-abstract-giv:act-cf2*-2-coref 50 numbers number NOUN NNS Number=Plur 47 nmod 47:nmod:between Entity=22) 51 and and CCONJ CC _ 52 cc 52:cc _ 52 some some DET DT PronType=Ind 50 conj 47:nmod:between|50:conj:and Entity=(24-abstract-giv:act-cf3-1-ana)34)|SpaceAfter=No 53 . . PUNCT . _ 7 punct 7:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Significant differences were not observed between all and cardinal numbers or all and some.
1 Significant significant ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 2 amod 2:amod Discourse=adversative-contrast_m:21->20:1|Entity=(35-abstract-new-cf4-2-sgl 2 differences difference NOUN NNS Number=Plur 5 nsubj:pass 5:nsubj:pass Entity=35) 3 were be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 5 aux:pass 5:aux:pass _ 4 not not PART RB Polarity=Neg 5 advmod 5:advmod _ 5 observed observe VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 root 0:root _ 6 between between ADP IN _ 7 case 7:case _ 7 all all DET DT PronType=Tot 5 obl 5:obl:between Entity=(36-abstract-new-cf3-1-cata) 8 and and CCONJ CC _ 10 cc 10:cc _ 9 cardinal cardinal ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 10 amod 10:amod Entity=(22-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-2-coref 10 numbers number NOUN NNS Number=Plur 7 conj 5:obl:between|7:conj:and Entity=22) 11 or or CCONJ CC _ 12 cc 12:cc _ 12 all all DET DT PronType=Tot 7 conj 5:obl:between|7:conj:or Entity=(36-abstract-acc:com-cf3-1-coref) 13 and and CCONJ CC _ 14 cc 14:cc _ 14 some some DET DT PronType=Ind 12 conj 7:conj|12:conj:and Entity=(24-abstract-giv:act-cf2-1-ana)|SpaceAfter=No 15 . . PUNCT . _ 5 punct 5:punct _
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1 4.1. 4.1. X LS _ 2 dep 2:dep Discourse=organization-heading:22->26:3 2 LIMITATIONS limitation NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 root 0:root Entity=(32-abstract-giv:inact-cf1-1-coref) 3 AND and CCONJ CC _ 5 cc 5:cc _ 4 FUTURE future ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 5 amod 5:amod Entity=(37-abstract-new-cf2-2-sgl 5 DIRECTIONS direction NOUN NNS Number=Plur 2 conj 2:conj:and Entity=37)|SpaceAfter=No 6 . . PUNCT . _ 2 punct 2:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
This study is limited in its power and generalizability.
1 This this DET DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 2 det 2:det Discourse=adversative-concession:23->26:2|Entity=(33-abstract-giv:inact-cf1-2-coref 2 study study NOUN NN Number=Sing 4 nsubj:pass 4:nsubj:pass Entity=33) 3 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 4 aux:pass 4:aux:pass _ 4 limited limit VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 root 0:root _ 5 in in ADP IN _ 7 case 7:case _ 6 its its PRON PRP$ Case=Gen|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 7 nmod:poss 7:nmod:poss Entity=(38-abstract-new-cf2-2,4-sgl(33-abstract-giv:act-cf1-1-ana) 7 power power NOUN NN Number=Sing 4 obl 4:obl:in _ 8 and and CCONJ CC _ 9 cc 9:cc _ 9 generalizability generalizability NOUN NN Number=Sing 7 conj 4:obl:in|7:conj:and Entity=38)|SpaceAfter=No 10 . . PUNCT . _ 4 punct 4:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
It serves as a reminder of the work that needs to be completed for the cross-linguistic study of SI in particular and acquisition more generally.
1 It it PRON PRP Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 2 nsubj 2:nsubj Discourse=evaluation-comment:24->23:0|Entity=(33-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-1-ana) 2 serves serve VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 3 as as ADP IN _ 5 case 5:case _ 4 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 5 det 5:det Entity=(39-abstract-new-cf5-2-sgl 5 reminder reminder NOUN NN Number=Sing 2 obl 2:obl:as _ 6 of of ADP IN _ 8 case 8:case _ 7 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 8 det 8:det Entity=(40-abstract-new-cf3-2-sgl 8 work work NOUN NN Number=Sing 5 nmod 5:nmod:of|10:nsubj _ 9 that that PRON WDT PronType=Rel 10 nsubj 8:ref Discourse=elaboration-attribute:25->24:0 10 needs need VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 8 acl:relcl 8:acl:relcl _ 11 to to PART TO _ 13 mark 13:mark _ 12 be be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 13 aux:pass 13:aux:pass _ 13 completed complete VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 10 xcomp 10:xcomp _ 14 for for ADP IN _ 17 case 17:case _ 15 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 17 det 17:det Entity=(41-abstract-new-cf4-3-sgl 16 cross-linguistic cross-linguistic ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 17 amod 17:amod _ 17 study study NOUN NN Number=Sing 10 obl 10:obl:for _ 18 of of ADP IN _ 19 case 19:case _ 19 SI SI NOUN NN Number=Sing 17 nmod 17:nmod:of Entity=(9-abstract-giv:inact-cf2-1-coref)41) 20 in in ADP IN _ 21 case 21:case _ 21 particular particular ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 19 nmod 19:nmod:in _ 22 and and CCONJ CC _ 23 cc 23:cc _ 23 acquisition acquisition NOUN NN Number=Sing 19 conj 17:nmod:of|19:conj:and Entity=(42-abstract-new-cf6-1-coref) 24 more more ADV RBR Degree=Cmp 25 advmod 25:advmod _ 25 generally generally ADV RB Degree=Pos 23 advmod 23:advmod Entity=40)39)|SpaceAfter=No 26 . . PUNCT . _ 2 punct 2:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Bantu languages are not included in studies of acquisition often enough despite the numerous languages in this linguistic grouping and the millions of people using them.
1 Bantu Bantu ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 2 amod 2:amod Discourse=joint-other_m:26->20:3|Entity=(43-abstract-new-cf1-2-coref 2 languages language NOUN NNS Number=Plur 5 nsubj:pass 5:nsubj:pass Entity=43) 3 are be AUX VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 5 aux:pass 5:aux:pass _ 4 not not PART RB Polarity=Neg 5 advmod 5:advmod _ 5 included include VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 root 0:root _ 6 in in ADP IN _ 7 case 7:case _ 7 studies study NOUN NNS Number=Plur 5 obl 5:obl:in Entity=(44-abstract-new-cf6-1-coref 8 of of ADP IN _ 9 case 9:case _ 9 acquisition acquisition NOUN NN Number=Sing 7 nmod 7:nmod:of Entity=(42-abstract-giv:act-cf2*-1-coref)44) 10 often often ADV RB Degree=Pos 5 advmod 5:advmod _ 11 enough enough ADV RB Degree=Pos 10 advmod 10:advmod _ 12 despite despite ADP IN _ 15 case 15:case Discourse=explanation-justify:27->26:0 13 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 15 det 15:det Entity=(45-abstract-new-cf5-3-sgl 14 numerous numerous ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 15 amod 15:amod _ 15 languages language NOUN NNS Number=Plur 5 obl 5:obl:despite _ 16 in in ADP IN _ 19 case 19:case _ 17 this this DET DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 19 det 19:det Bridge=43<46|Entity=(46-abstract-acc:inf-cf3-3-sgl 18 linguistic linguistic ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 19 amod 19:amod _ 19 grouping grouping NOUN NN Number=Sing 15 nmod 15:nmod:in Entity=46)45) 20 and and CCONJ CC _ 22 cc 22:cc _ 21 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 22 det 22:det Entity=(47-person-new-cf4-2-sgl 22 millions million NOUN NNS Number=Plur 15 conj 5:obl:despite|15:conj:and _ 23 of of ADP IN _ 24 case 24:case _ 24 people person NOUN NNS Number=Plur 22 nmod 22:nmod:of _ 25 using use VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 24 acl 24:acl Discourse=elaboration-attribute:28->27:0 26 them they PRON PRP Case=Acc|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs 25 obj 25:obj Entity=(43-abstract-giv:act-cf1-1-ana)47)|SpaceAfter=No 27 . . PUNCT . _ 5 punct 5:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Future studies need to include more participants and more items to increase power.
1 Future future ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 2 amod 2:amod Discourse=joint-list_m:29->26:1|Entity=(48-abstract-new-cf2-2-coref 2 studies study NOUN NNS Number=Plur 3 nsubj 3:nsubj|5:nsubj:xsubj Entity=48) 3 need need VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 4 to to PART TO _ 5 mark 5:mark _ 5 include include VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 3 xcomp 3:xcomp _ 6 more more ADJ JJR Degree=Cmp 7 amod 7:amod Entity=(49-person-new-cf3-2-sgl 7 participants participant NOUN NNS Number=Plur 5 obj 5:obj Entity=49) 8 and and CCONJ CC _ 10 cc 10:cc _ 9 more more ADJ JJR Degree=Cmp 10 amod 10:amod Entity=(30-abstract-giv:inact-cf1-2-coref 10 items item NOUN NNS Number=Plur 7 conj 5:obj|7:conj:and Entity=30) 11 to to PART TO _ 12 mark 12:mark Discourse=purpose-goal:30->29:0 12 increase increase VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 3 advcl 3:advcl:to _ 13 power power NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 obj 12:obj Entity=(50-abstract-new-cf4-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 14 . . PUNCT . _ 3 punct 3:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Future studies should also include a larger age range of children to document the age at which adult-like performance emerges.
1 Future future ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 2 amod 2:amod Discourse=joint-list_m:31->29:1|Entity=(48-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-2-coref 2 studies study NOUN NNS Number=Plur 5 nsubj 5:nsubj Entity=48) 3 should should AUX MD Number=Plur|Person=3|VerbForm=Fin 5 aux 5:aux _ 4 also also ADV RB _ 5 advmod 5:advmod _ 5 include include VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 root 0:root _ 6 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 9 det 9:det Entity=(51-abstract-new-cf4-4-sgl 7 larger large ADJ JJR Degree=Cmp 9 amod 9:amod _ 8 age age NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 compound 9:compound Entity=(52-abstract-new-cf6-1-sgl) 9 range range NOUN NN Number=Sing 5 obj 5:obj _ 10 of of ADP IN _ 11 case 11:case _ 11 children child NOUN NNS Number=Plur 9 nmod 9:nmod:of Entity=(53-person-new-cf5-1-sgl)51) 12 to to PART TO _ 13 mark 13:mark Discourse=purpose-goal:32->31:0 13 document document VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 5 advcl 5:advcl:to _ 14 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 15 det 15:det Entity=(54-abstract-new-cf3-2-sgl 15 age age NOUN NN Number=Sing 13 obj 13:obj|22:obl:at _ 16 at at ADP IN _ 17 case 17:case Discourse=elaboration-attribute:33->32:0 17 which which PRON WDT PronType=Rel 22 obl 15:ref _ 18 adult adult NOUN NN Number=Sing 20 compound 20:compound Entity=(55-abstract-new-cf2-4-sgl|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<w> 19 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 18 punct 18:punct SpaceAfter=No 20 like like ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 21 amod 21:amod XML=</w> 21 performance performance NOUN NN Number=Sing 22 nsubj 22:nsubj Entity=55) 22 emerges emerge VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 15 acl:relcl 15:acl:relcl Entity=54)|SpaceAfter=No 23 . . PUNCT . _ 5 punct 5:punct _
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Related cross-cultural studies have resulted in insufficient statistical power, but interesting trends (e.g., Nedwick, 2014).
1 Related related ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 3 amod 3:amod Discourse=explanation-justify:34->37:0|Entity=(56-abstract-new-cf1-3-sgl 2 cross-cultural cross-cultural ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 3 amod 3:amod _ 3 studies study NOUN NNS Number=Plur 5 nsubj 5:nsubj Entity=56) 4 have have AUX VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 5 aux 5:aux _ 5 resulted result VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 0 root 0:root _ 6 in in ADP IN _ 9 case 9:case _ 7 insufficient insufficient ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 9 amod 9:amod Entity=(57-abstract-new-cf4-3-sgl 8 statistical statistical ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 9 amod 9:amod _ 9 power power NOUN NN Number=Sing 5 obl 5:obl:in Entity=57)|SpaceAfter=No 10 , , PUNCT , _ 13 punct 13:punct _ 11 but but CCONJ CC _ 13 cc 13:cc Discourse=adversative-contrast_m:35->34:0 12 interesting interesting ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 13 amod 13:amod Entity=(58-abstract-new-cf5-2-sgl 13 trends trend NOUN NNS Number=Plur 9 conj 5:obl:in|9:conj:but Entity=58) 14 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 17 punct 17:punct Discourse=explanation-evidence:36->35:0|SpaceAfter=No 15 e.g. e.g. ADV FW Abbr=Yes 17 advmod 17:advmod SpaceAfter=No 16 , , PUNCT , _ 15 punct 15:punct _ 17 Nedwick Nedwick PROPN NNP Number=Sing 5 dep 5:dep Entity=(59-abstract-new-cf3-1-sgl(60-person-new-cf2-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 18 , , PUNCT , _ 19 punct 19:punct _ 19 2014 2014 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 17 nmod:tmod 17:nmod:tmod Entity=(61-time-new-cf6-1-sgl)59)|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<date when:::"2014"></date> 20 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 17 punct 17:punct SpaceAfter=No 21 . . PUNCT . _ 5 punct 5:punct _
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Follow-up studies with increased stimuli and participants are needed.
1 Follow follow NOUN NN Number=Sing 4 compound 4:compound Discourse=joint-list_m:37->26:1|Entity=(62-abstract-new-cf1-4-sgl|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<w> 2 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 3 punct 3:punct SpaceAfter=No 3 up up ADP RP _ 1 compound:prt 1:compound:prt XML=</w> 4 studies study NOUN NNS Number=Plur 11 nsubj:pass 11:nsubj:pass _ 5 with with ADP IN _ 7 case 7:case _ 6 increased increase VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 7 amod 7:amod Entity=(63-abstract-new-cf3-2-sgl 7 stimuli stimulus NOUN NNS Number=Plur 4 nmod 4:nmod:with Entity=63) 8 and and CCONJ CC _ 9 cc 9:cc _ 9 participants participant NOUN NNS Number=Plur 7 conj 4:nmod:with|7:conj:and Entity=(64-person-new-cf2-1-sgl)62) 10 are be AUX VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 11 aux:pass 11:aux:pass _ 11 needed need VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 root 0:root SpaceAfter=No 12 . . PUNCT . _ 11 punct 11:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
In a future study, it is also important to consider if additional training in the difference between reporting on felicity and truth value judgments would impact results, or if more naturalistic experimental conditions (e.g., demonstrating actions using real objects instead of two-dimensional depictions) would be beneficial.
1 In in ADP IN _ 4 case 4:case Discourse=attribution-positive:38->39:3 2 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 4 det 4:det Entity=(65-abstract-new-cf10-3-sgl 3 future future ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 4 amod 4:amod _ 4 study study NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 obl 9:obl:in Entity=65)|SpaceAfter=No 5 , , PUNCT , _ 4 punct 4:punct _ 6 it it PRON PRP Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 9 expl 9:expl Entity=(66-abstract-new-cf3-1-cata) 7 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 9 cop 9:cop _ 8 also also ADV RB _ 9 advmod 9:advmod _ 9 important important ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 root 0:root _ 10 to to PART TO _ 11 mark 11:mark Entity=(66-abstract-acc:com-cf3-2-coref 11 consider consider VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 9 csubj 9:csubj _ 12 if if SCONJ IN _ 27 mark 27:mark Discourse=joint-list_m:39->26:1 13 additional additional ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 14 amod 14:amod Entity=(67-event-new-cf4-2-sgl 14 training training NOUN NN Number=Sing 27 nsubj 27:nsubj _ 15 in in ADP IN _ 17 case 17:case _ 16 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 17 det 17:det Entity=(68-abstract-new-cf9-2-sgl 17 difference difference NOUN NN Number=Sing 14 nmod 14:nmod:in _ 18 between between SCONJ IN _ 19 mark 19:mark Discourse=elaboration-attribute:40->39:0 19 reporting report VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 17 acl 17:acl:between Entity=(69-event-new-cf12-1-sgl 20 on on ADP IN _ 21 case 21:case _ 21 felicity felicity NOUN NN Number=Sing 19 obl 19:obl:on Entity=(16-abstract-giv:inact-cf1-1-coref)69) 22 and and CCONJ CC _ 25 cc 25:cc _ 23 truth truth NOUN NN Number=Sing 24 compound 24:compound Entity=(17-abstract-giv:inact-cf2-3-coref 24 value value NOUN NN Number=Sing 25 compound 25:compound _ 25 judgments judgment NOUN NNS Number=Plur 21 conj 19:obl:on|21:conj:and Entity=17)68)67) 26 would would AUX MD Number=Sing|Person=3|VerbForm=Fin 27 aux 27:aux Discourse=same-unit_m:41->39:1 27 impact impact VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 11 advcl 11:advcl:if _ 28 results result NOUN NNS Number=Plur 27 obj 27:obj Entity=(70-abstract-new-cf6-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 29 , , PUNCT , _ 30 punct 30:punct _ 30 or or CCONJ CC _ 53 cc 53:cc Discourse=joint-disjunction_m:42->39:2 31 if if SCONJ IN _ 53 mark 53:mark _ 32 more more ADV RBR Degree=Cmp 33 advmod 33:advmod Entity=(71-abstract-new-cf5-4-sgl 33 naturalistic naturalistic ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 35 amod 35:amod _ 34 experimental experimental ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 35 amod 35:amod _ 35 conditions condition NOUN NNS Number=Plur 53 nsubj 53:nsubj Entity=71) 36 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 39 punct 39:punct Discourse=elaboration-additional:43->42:0|SpaceAfter=No 37 e.g. e.g. X FW Abbr=Yes 39 dep 39:dep SpaceAfter=No 38 , , PUNCT , _ 37 punct 37:punct _ 39 demonstrating demonstrate VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 35 appos 35:appos _ 40 actions action NOUN NNS Number=Plur 39 obj 39:obj Entity=(72-abstract-new-cf7-1-sgl) 41 using use VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 40 acl 40:acl Discourse=mode-means:44->43:0 42 real real ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 43 amod 43:amod Entity=(73-object-new-cf8-2-sgl 43 objects object NOUN NNS Number=Plur 41 obj 41:obj Entity=73) 44 instead instead ADV RB _ 49 case 49:case _ 45 of of ADP IN _ 44 fixed 44:fixed _ 46 two two NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 48 nummod 48:nummod Entity=(74-object-new-cf11-4-sgl|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<w> 47 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 46 punct 46:punct SpaceAfter=No 48 dimensional dimensional ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 49 amod 49:amod XML=</w> 49 depictions depiction NOUN NNS Number=Plur 39 obl 39:obl:instead_of Entity=74)|SpaceAfter=No 50 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 39 punct 39:punct _ 51 would would AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 53 aux 53:aux Discourse=same-unit_m:45->43:1 52 be be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 53 cop 53:cop _ 53 beneficial beneficial ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 27 conj 11:advcl:if|27:conj:or Entity=66)|SpaceAfter=No 54 . . PUNCT . _ 9 punct 9:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Previous studies in this region of sub-Saharan Africa have found evidence of cultural differences in testing behavior (Hein, Reich, Marks, Thuma, & Grigorenko, 2016).
1 Previous previous ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 2 amod 2:amod Discourse=context-background:46->48:2|Entity=(75-abstract-new-cf1-2-sgl 2 studies study NOUN NNS Number=Plur 10 nsubj 10:nsubj _ 3 in in ADP IN _ 5 case 5:case _ 4 this this DET DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 5 det 5:det Entity=(76-place-new-cf3-2-sgl 5 region region NOUN NN Number=Sing 2 nmod 2:nmod:in _ 6 of of ADP IN _ 8 case 8:case _ 7 sub-Saharan sub-Saharan ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 8 amod 8:amod Entity=(77-place-new-cf9-2-sgl-Sub%2DSaharan_Africa 8 Africa Africa PROPN NNP Number=Sing 5 nmod 5:nmod:of Entity=77)76)75) 9 have have AUX VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 10 aux 10:aux _ 10 found find VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 0 root 0:root _ 11 evidence evidence NOUN NN Number=Sing 10 obj 10:obj Entity=(78-abstract-new-cf2-1-sgl 12 of of ADP IN _ 14 case 14:case _ 13 cultural cultural ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 14 amod 14:amod Entity=(79-abstract-new-cf11-2-coref 14 differences difference NOUN NNS Number=Plur 11 nmod 11:nmod:of _ 15 in in ADP IN _ 17 case 17:case _ 16 testing testing NOUN NN Number=Sing 17 compound 17:compound Entity=(80-event-new-cf12-2-sgl 17 behavior behavior NOUN NN Number=Sing 14 nmod 14:nmod:in Entity=80)79)78) 18 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 19 punct 19:punct Discourse=explanation-evidence:47->46:0|SpaceAfter=No 19 Hein Hein PROPN NNP Number=Sing 10 dep 10:dep Entity=(81-abstract-new-cf10-1,3,5,7,10-coref(82-person-new-cf4-1-coref)|SpaceAfter=No 20 , , PUNCT , _ 21 punct 21:punct _ 21 Reich Reich PROPN NNP Number=Sing 19 conj 10:dep|19:conj:and Entity=(83-person-new-cf5-8-coref|SpaceAfter=No 22 , , PUNCT , _ 23 punct 23:punct _ 23 Marks Marks PROPN NNP Number=Sing 19 conj 10:dep|19:conj:and Entity=(84-person-new-cf6-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 24 , , PUNCT , _ 25 punct 25:punct _ 25 Thuma Thuma PROPN NNP Number=Sing 19 conj 10:dep|19:conj:and Entity=(85-person-new-cf7-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 26 , , PUNCT , _ 28 punct 28:punct _ 27 & & CCONJ CC _ 28 cc 28:cc _ 28 Grigorenko Grigorenko PROPN NNP Number=Sing 19 conj 10:dep|19:conj:and Entity=(86-person-new-cf8-1-sgl)83)|SpaceAfter=No 29 , , PUNCT , _ 30 punct 30:punct _ 30 2016 2016 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 19 nmod:tmod 19:nmod:tmod Entity=(87-time-new-cf13-1-sgl)81)|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<date when:::"2016"></date> 31 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 19 punct 19:punct SpaceAfter=No 32 . . PUNCT . _ 10 punct 10:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
The current study is too small to make strong conclusions with regard to cultural differences and experimental methods;
1 The the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 3 det 3:det Discourse=joint-list_m:48->26:1|Entity=(33-abstract-giv:inact-cf2-3-coref 2 current current ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 3 amod 3:amod _ 3 study study NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 nsubj 6:nsubj Entity=33) 4 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 6 cop 6:cop _ 5 too too ADV RB Degree=Pos 6 advmod 6:advmod _ 6 small small ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 root 0:root _ 7 to to PART TO _ 8 mark 8:mark Discourse=purpose-goal:49->48:0 8 make make VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 6 advcl 6:advcl:to _ 9 strong strong ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 10 amod 10:amod Entity=(88-abstract-new-cf3-2-sgl 10 conclusions conclusion NOUN NNS Number=Plur 8 obj 8:obj _ 11 with with ADP IN _ 12 case 12:case _ 12 regard regard NOUN NN Number=Sing 10 nmod 10:nmod:with _ 13 to to ADP IN _ 15 case 15:case _ 14 cultural cultural ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 15 amod 15:amod Entity=(79-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-2-coref 15 differences difference NOUN NNS Number=Plur 12 nmod 12:nmod:to Entity=79) 16 and and CCONJ CC _ 18 cc 18:cc _ 17 experimental experimental ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 18 amod 18:amod Entity=(89-abstract-new-cf4-2-sgl 18 methods method NOUN NNS Number=Plur 15 conj 12:nmod:to|15:conj:and Entity=89)88)|SpaceAfter=No 19 ; ; PUNCT : _ 6 punct 6:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
however, in the study by Hein and colleagues it was found that children responded more or less frequently based on factors such as stimuli type.
1 however however ADV RB _ 12 advmod 12:advmod Discourse=attribution-positive:50->51:1|SpaceAfter=No 2 , , PUNCT , _ 1 punct 1:punct _ 3 in in ADP IN _ 5 case 5:case _ 4 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 5 det 5:det Entity=(81-abstract-giv:inact-cf1-2-coref 5 study study NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 obl 12:obl:in _ 6 by by ADP IN _ 7 case 7:case _ 7 Hein Hein PROPN NNP Number=Sing 5 nmod 5:nmod:by Entity=(82-person-giv:inact-cf2-1-coref) 8 and and CCONJ CC _ 9 cc 9:cc _ 9 colleagues colleague NOUN NNS Number=Plur 7 conj 5:nmod:by|7:conj:and Entity=(83-person-giv:inact-cf3-1-coref)81) 10 it it PRON PRP Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 12 nsubj:pass 12:nsubj:pass Entity=(90-event-new-cf4-1-cata) 11 was be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 12 aux:pass 12:aux:pass _ 12 found find VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 root 0:root _ 13 that that SCONJ IN _ 15 mark 15:mark Discourse=adversative-contrast_m:51->48:1 14 children child NOUN NNS Number=Plur 15 nsubj 15:nsubj Entity=(90-event-acc:com-cf4-2-coref(91-person-new-cf5-1-sgl) 15 responded respond VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 12 ccomp 12:ccomp _ 16 more more ADV RBR Degree=Cmp 19 advmod 19:advmod _ 17 or or CCONJ CC _ 18 cc 18:cc _ 18 less less ADV RBR Degree=Cmp 16 conj 16:conj:or|19:advmod _ 19 frequently frequently ADV RB Degree=Pos 15 advmod 15:advmod _ 20 based base VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 15 advcl 15:advcl Discourse=contingency-condition:52->51:0 21 on on ADP IN _ 22 case 22:case _ 22 factors factor NOUN NNS Number=Plur 20 obl 20:obl:on Entity=(92-abstract-new-cf6-1-sgl 23 such such ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 26 case 26:case _ 24 as as ADP IN _ 23 fixed 23:fixed _ 25 stimuli stimulus NOUN NNS Number=Plur 26 compound 26:compound Entity=(93-abstract-new-cf7-2-sgl(94-abstract-new-cf8-1-sgl) 26 type type NOUN NN Number=Sing 22 nmod 22:nmod:such_as Entity=93)92)90)|SpaceAfter=No 27 . . PUNCT . _ 12 punct 12:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
In the current study, the responses from two children were not included because they responded the same way to every item through the training and all test items.
1 In in ADP IN _ 4 case 4:case Discourse=joint-list_m:53->26:1 2 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 4 det 4:det Entity=(33-abstract-giv:inact-cf2-3-coref 3 current current ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 4 amod 4:amod _ 4 study study NOUN NN Number=Sing 13 obl 13:obl:in Entity=33)|SpaceAfter=No 5 , , PUNCT , _ 4 punct 4:punct _ 6 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 7 det 7:det Entity=(95-abstract-new-cf3-2-sgl 7 responses response NOUN NNS Number=Plur 13 nsubj:pass 13:nsubj:pass _ 8 from from ADP IN _ 10 case 10:case _ 9 two two NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 10 nummod 10:nummod Entity=(96-person-new-cf1-2-coref 10 children child NOUN NNS Number=Plur 7 nmod 7:nmod:from Entity=96)95) 11 were be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 13 aux:pass 13:aux:pass _ 12 not not PART RB Polarity=Neg 13 advmod 13:advmod _ 13 included include VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 root 0:root _ 14 because because SCONJ IN _ 16 mark 16:mark Discourse=causal-cause:54->53:0 15 they they PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs 16 nsubj 16:nsubj Entity=(96-person-giv:act-cf1-1-ana) 16 responded respond VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 13 advcl 13:advcl:because _ 17 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 19 det 19:det Entity=(97-abstract-new-cf4-3-sgl 18 same same ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 19 amod 19:amod _ 19 way way NOUN NN Number=Sing 16 obj 16:obj Entity=97) 20 to to ADP IN _ 22 case 22:case _ 21 every every DET DT PronType=Tot 22 det 22:det Entity=(98-abstract-new-cf5-2-coref 22 item item NOUN NN Number=Sing 16 obl 16:obl:to Entity=98) 23 through through ADP IN _ 25 case 25:case _ 24 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 25 det 25:det Entity=(99-event-new-cf6-2-sgl 25 training training NOUN NN Number=Sing 16 obl 16:obl:through Entity=99) 26 and and CCONJ CC _ 29 cc 29:cc _ 27 all all DET DT PronType=Tot 29 det 29:det Entity=(100-abstract-new-cf7-3-coref 28 test test NOUN NN Number=Sing 29 compound 29:compound _ 29 items item NOUN NNS Number=Plur 25 conj 16:obl:through|25:conj:and Entity=100)|SpaceAfter=No 30 . . PUNCT . _ 13 punct 13:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
More specifically, they answered “yes” that the puppet described the pictures well.
1 More more ADV RBR Degree=Cmp 2 advmod 2:advmod Discourse=attribution-positive:55->56:0 2 specifically specifically ADV RB Degree=Pos 5 advmod 5:advmod SpaceAfter=No 3 , , PUNCT , _ 2 punct 2:punct _ 4 they they PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs 5 nsubj 5:nsubj Entity=(96-person-giv:act-cf1*-1-ana) 5 answered answer VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 6 “ '' PUNCT `` _ 7 punct 7:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=<q> 7 yes yes INTJ UH _ 5 ccomp 5:ccomp Entity=(101-abstract-new-cf4-1-coref)|SpaceAfter=No 8 ” '' PUNCT '' _ 7 punct 7:punct XML=</q> 9 that that SCONJ IN _ 12 mark 12:mark Discourse=elaboration-additional:56->53:1 10 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 11 det 11:det Entity=(102-object-new-cf2-2-coref 11 puppet puppet NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 nsubj 12:nsubj Entity=102) 12 described describe VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 7 parataxis 7:parataxis _ 13 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 14 det 14:det Entity=(103-object-new-cf3-2-sgl 14 pictures picture NOUN NNS Number=Plur 12 obj 12:obj Entity=103) 15 well well ADV RB Degree=Pos 12 advmod 12:advmod SpaceAfter=No 16 . . PUNCT . _ 5 punct 5:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
It is possible that these two children understood the task and really did believe that the puppet did not produce any poor descriptions, and in this regard, are not yet adult-like in their SI interpretations.
1 It it PRON PRP Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 3 expl 3:expl Discourse=adversative-concession:57->53:2|Entity=(104-event-new-cf4-1-cata) 2 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 3 cop 3:cop _ 3 possible possible ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 root 0:root _ 4 that that SCONJ IN _ 8 mark 8:mark _ 5 these this DET DT Number=Plur|PronType=Dem 7 det 7:det Entity=(104-event-acc:com-cf4-4,10-disc(96-person-giv:act-cf1*-3-coref 6 two two NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 7 nummod 7:nummod _ 7 children child NOUN NNS Number=Plur 8 nsubj 8:nsubj|14:nsubj Entity=96) 8 understood understand VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 3 csubj 3:csubj _ 9 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 10 det 10:det Entity=(105-abstract-new-cf5-2-coref 10 task task NOUN NN Number=Sing 8 obj 8:obj Entity=105) 11 and and CCONJ CC _ 14 cc 14:cc Discourse=attribution-positive:58->59:0 12 really really ADV RB Degree=Pos 14 advmod 14:advmod _ 13 did do AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 14 aux 14:aux _ 14 believe believe VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 8 conj 3:csubj|8:conj:and _ 15 that that SCONJ IN _ 20 mark 20:mark Discourse=joint-list_m:59->57:0 16 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 17 det 17:det Entity=(102-object-giv:act-cf2-2-coref 17 puppet puppet NOUN NN Number=Sing 20 nsubj 20:nsubj Entity=102) 18 did do AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 20 aux 20:aux _ 19 not not PART RB Polarity=Neg 20 advmod 20:advmod _ 20 produce produce VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 14 ccomp 14:ccomp _ 21 any any DET DT PronType=Ind 23 det 23:det Entity=(106-abstract-new-cf6-3-sgl 22 poor poor ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 23 amod 23:amod _ 23 descriptions description NOUN NNS Number=Plur 20 obj 20:obj Entity=106)104)|SpaceAfter=No 24 , , PUNCT , _ 25 punct 25:punct _ 25 and and CCONJ CC _ 35 cc 35:cc Discourse=causal-result:60->57:1 26 in in ADP IN _ 28 case 28:case _ 27 this this DET DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 28 det 28:det _ 28 regard regard NOUN NN Number=Sing 35 obl 35:obl:in SpaceAfter=No 29 , , PUNCT , _ 28 punct 28:punct _ 30 are be AUX VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 35 cop 35:cop _ 31 not not PART RB Polarity=Neg 35 advmod 35:advmod _ 32 yet yet ADV RB _ 35 advmod 35:advmod _ 33 adult adult NOUN NN Number=Sing 35 compound 35:compound SpaceAfter=No|XML=<w> 34 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 33 punct 33:punct SpaceAfter=No 35 like like ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 8 conj 3:csubj|8:conj:and XML=</w> 36 in in ADP IN _ 39 case 39:case _ 37 their their PRON PRP$ Case=Gen|Number=Plur|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 39 nmod:poss 39:nmod:poss Entity=(107-abstract-new-cf7-3-sgl(96-person-giv:act-cf1*-1-ana) 38 SI SI NOUN NN Number=Sing 39 compound 39:compound Entity=(9-abstract-giv:inact-cf3-1-coref) 39 interpretations interpretation NOUN NNS Number=Plur 35 obl 35:obl:in Entity=107)|SpaceAfter=No 40 . . PUNCT . _ 3 punct 3:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
This is unlikely as they said that even the first training item was said well.
1 This this PRON DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 3 nsubj 3:nsubj Discourse=evaluation-comment:61->57:2|Entity=(104-event-giv:act-cf2-1-coref) 2 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 3 cop 3:cop _ 3 unlikely unlikely ADJ JJ Degree=Pos|Polarity=Neg 0 root 0:root _ 4 as as SCONJ IN _ 6 mark 6:mark Discourse=attribution-positive:62->63:0 5 they they PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs 6 nsubj 6:nsubj Entity=(96-person-giv:act-cf1*-1-ana) 6 said say VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 3 advcl 3:advcl:as _ 7 that that SCONJ IN _ 14 mark 14:mark Discourse=explanation-evidence:63->61:0 8 even even ADV RB _ 14 advmod 14:advmod _ 9 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 12 det 12:det Bridge=98<108|Entity=(108-abstract-acc:inf-cf3-4-sgl 10 first first ADJ JJ Degree=Pos|NumType=Ord 12 amod 12:amod _ 11 training training NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 compound 12:compound _ 12 item item NOUN NN Number=Sing 14 nsubj:pass 14:nsubj:pass Entity=108) 13 was be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 14 aux:pass 14:aux:pass _ 14 said say VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 6 ccomp 6:ccomp _ 15 well well ADV RB Degree=Pos 14 advmod 14:advmod SpaceAfter=No 16 . . PUNCT . _ 3 punct 3:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
It is also possible though that these two children were attempting to please the data collectors, or be polite, and that “yes” was in some ways a default answer to be provided when having to respond verbally in a test context.
1 It it PRON PRP Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 4 expl 4:expl Discourse=joint-disjunction_m:64->57:3|Entity=(109-event-new-cf3-1-cata) 2 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 4 cop 4:cop _ 3 also also ADV RB _ 4 advmod 4:advmod _ 4 possible possible ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 root 0:root _ 5 though though ADV RB Degree=Pos 4 advmod 4:advmod _ 6 that that SCONJ IN _ 11 mark 11:mark _ 7 these this DET DT Number=Plur|PronType=Dem 9 det 9:det Entity=(109-event-acc:com-cf3-5,27-coref(96-person-giv:act-cf1*-3-coref 8 two two NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 9 nummod 9:nummod _ 9 children child NOUN NNS Number=Plur 11 nsubj 11:nsubj|13:nsubj:xsubj|20:nsubj:xsubj Entity=96) 10 were be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 11 aux 11:aux _ 11 attempting attempt VERB VBG Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part 4 csubj 4:csubj _ 12 to to PART TO _ 13 mark 13:mark _ 13 please please VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 11 xcomp 11:xcomp _ 14 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 16 det 16:det Entity=(110-person-new-cf4-3-sgl 15 data datum NOUN NNS Number=Plur 16 compound 16:compound _ 16 collectors collector NOUN NNS Number=Plur 13 obj 13:obj Entity=110)|SpaceAfter=No 17 , , PUNCT , _ 20 punct 20:punct _ 18 or or CCONJ CC _ 20 cc 20:cc _ 19 be be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 20 cop 20:cop _ 20 polite polite ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 13 conj 11:xcomp|13:conj:or SpaceAfter=No 21 , , PUNCT , _ 33 punct 33:punct _ 22 and and CCONJ CC _ 33 cc 33:cc Discourse=joint-list_m:65->64:0 23 that that SCONJ IN _ 33 mark 33:mark _ 24 “ '' PUNCT `` _ 25 punct 25:punct SpaceAfter=No|XML=<q> 25 yes yes INTJ UH _ 33 nsubj 33:nsubj Entity=(101-abstract-giv:inact-cf2-1-coref)|SpaceAfter=No 26 ” '' PUNCT '' _ 25 punct 25:punct XML=</q> 27 was be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 33 cop 33:cop _ 28 in in ADP IN _ 30 case 30:case _ 29 some some DET DT PronType=Ind 30 det 30:det _ 30 ways way NOUN NNS Number=Plur 33 obl 33:obl:in _ 31 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 33 det 33:det Entity=(111-abstract-new-cf5-3-sgl 32 default default NOUN NN Number=Sing 33 compound 33:compound _ 33 answer answer NOUN NN Number=Sing 11 conj 4:csubj|11:conj:and _ 34 to to PART TO _ 36 mark 36:mark Discourse=purpose-attribute:66->65:0 35 be be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 36 aux:pass 36:aux:pass _ 36 provided provide VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 33 acl 33:acl:to _ 37 when when ADV WRB PronType=Int 38 advmod 38:advmod Discourse=context-circumstance:67->65:1 38 having have VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 36 advcl 36:advcl:when _ 39 to to PART TO _ 40 mark 40:mark _ 40 respond respond VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 38 xcomp 38:xcomp _ 41 verbally verbally ADV RB Degree=Pos 40 advmod 40:advmod _ 42 in in ADP IN _ 45 case 45:case _ 43 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 45 det 45:det Entity=(112-abstract-new-cf6-3-sgl 44 test test NOUN NN Number=Sing 45 compound 45:compound Entity=(113-event-new-cf7-1-sgl) 45 context context NOUN NN Number=Sing 40 obl 40:obl:in Entity=112)111)109)|SpaceAfter=No 46 . . PUNCT . _ 4 punct 4:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Additional training with the methodology could improve outcomes.
1 Additional additional ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 2 amod 2:amod Discourse=organization-preparation:68->72:2|Entity=(114-event-new-cf1-2-sgl 2 training training NOUN NN Number=Sing 7 nsubj 7:nsubj _ 3 with with ADP IN _ 5 case 5:case _ 4 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 5 det 5:det Entity=(115-abstract-new-cf3-2-sgl 5 methodology methodology NOUN NN Number=Sing 2 nmod 2:nmod:with Entity=115)114) 6 could could AUX MD Number=Sing|Person=3|VerbForm=Fin 7 aux 7:aux _ 7 improve improve VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 root 0:root _ 8 outcomes outcome NOUN NNS Number=Plur 7 obj 7:obj Entity=(116-abstract-new-cf2-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 9 . . PUNCT . _ 7 punct 7:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
The puppets used were picked specifically for this task with careful attention to their appearance.
1 The the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 2 det 2:det Discourse=adversative-antithesis:69->72:1|Entity=(117-object-new-cf1-2-coref 2 puppets puppet NOUN NNS Number=Plur 5 nsubj:pass 5:nsubj:pass Entity=117) 3 used use VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 2 acl 2:acl Discourse=elaboration-attribute:70->69:0 4 were be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 5 aux:pass 5:aux:pass Discourse=same-unit_m:71->69:1 5 picked pick VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 root 0:root _ 6 specifically specifically ADV RB Degree=Pos 5 advmod 5:advmod _ 7 for for ADP IN _ 9 case 9:case _ 8 this this DET DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 9 det 9:det Entity=(105-abstract-giv:inact-cf2-2-coref 9 task task NOUN NN Number=Sing 5 obl 5:obl:for Entity=105) 10 with with ADP IN _ 12 case 12:case _ 11 careful careful ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 12 amod 12:amod Entity=(118-abstract-new-cf3-2-sgl 12 attention attention NOUN NN Number=Sing 9 nmod 9:nmod:with _ 13 to to ADP IN _ 15 case 15:case _ 14 their their PRON PRP$ Case=Gen|Number=Plur|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 15 nmod:poss 15:nmod:poss Entity=(119-abstract-new-cf4-2-sgl(117-object-giv:act-cf1-1-ana) 15 appearance appearance NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 nmod 12:nmod:to Entity=119)118)|SpaceAfter=No 16 . . PUNCT . _ 5 punct 5:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Upon arrival at the school, however, it became clear that the children were not accustomed to playing with puppets and that the data collection would be a novel experience for them.
1 Upon upon ADP IN _ 2 case 2:case Discourse=adversative-concession:72->64:1 2 arrival arrival NOUN NN Number=Sing 10 obl 10:obl:upon Entity=(120-event-new-cf6-1-sgl 3 at at ADP IN _ 5 case 5:case _ 4 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 5 det 5:det Entity=(121-organization-new-cf5-2-sgl 5 school school NOUN NN Number=Sing 2 nmod 2:nmod:at Entity=121)120)|SpaceAfter=No 6 , , PUNCT , _ 2 punct 2:punct _ 7 however however ADV RB _ 10 advmod 10:advmod SpaceAfter=No 8 , , PUNCT , _ 7 punct 7:punct _ 9 it it PRON PRP Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 10 expl 10:expl Entity=(122-event-new-cf4-1-cata) 10 became become VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 11 clear clear ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 10 xcomp 10:xcomp _ 12 that that SCONJ IN _ 17 mark 17:mark _ 13 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 14 det 14:det Entity=(122-event-acc:com-cf4-5,19-coref(3-person-giv:inact-cf1-2-coref 14 children child NOUN NNS Number=Plur 17 nsubj:pass 17:nsubj:pass Entity=3) 15 were be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 17 aux:pass 17:aux:pass _ 16 not not PART RB Polarity=Neg 17 advmod 17:advmod _ 17 accustomed accustom VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 10 csubj 10:csubj|11:csubj:xsubj _ 18 to to SCONJ IN _ 19 mark 19:mark _ 19 playing play VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 17 advcl 17:advcl:to _ 20 with with ADP IN _ 21 case 21:case _ 21 puppets puppet NOUN NNS Number=Plur 19 obl 19:obl:with Entity=(117-object-giv:act-cf2*-1-coref) 22 and and CCONJ CC _ 31 cc 31:cc Discourse=joint-list_m:73->72:0 23 that that SCONJ IN _ 31 mark 31:mark _ 24 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 26 det 26:det Entity=(123-abstract-new-cf3-3-coref 25 data datum NOUN NNS Number=Plur 26 compound 26:compound _ 26 collection collection NOUN NN Number=Sing 31 nsubj 31:nsubj Entity=123) 27 would would AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 31 aux 31:aux _ 28 be be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 31 cop 31:cop _ 29 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 31 det 31:det Entity=(123-abstract-giv:act-cf3-3-coref 30 novel novel ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 31 amod 31:amod _ 31 experience experience NOUN NN Number=Sing 17 conj 10:csubj|11:csubj:xsubj|17:conj:and Entity=123) 32 for for ADP IN _ 33 case 33:case _ 33 them they PRON PRP Case=Acc|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs 31 nmod 31:nmod:for Entity=(3-person-giv:act-cf1-1-ana)122)|SpaceAfter=No 34 . . PUNCT . _ 10 punct 10:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Further exploration with greater cardinal number ranges could also prove interesting.
1 Further further ADJ JJR Degree=Cmp 2 amod 2:amod Discourse=organization-preparation:74->82:2|Entity=(124-event-new-cf2-2-sgl 2 exploration exploration NOUN NN Number=Sing 10 nsubj 10:nsubj|11:nsubj:xsubj _ 3 with with ADP IN _ 7 case 7:case _ 4 greater great ADJ JJR Degree=Cmp 7 amod 7:amod Entity=(125-abstract-new-cf3-4-sgl 5 cardinal cardinal ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 6 amod 6:amod Entity=(22-abstract-giv:inact-cf1-2-coref 6 number number NOUN NN Number=Sing 7 compound 7:compound Entity=22) 7 ranges range NOUN NNS Number=Plur 2 nmod 2:nmod:with Entity=125)124) 8 could could AUX MD Number=Sing|Person=3|VerbForm=Fin 10 aux 10:aux _ 9 also also ADV RB _ 10 advmod 10:advmod _ 10 prove prove VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 root 0:root _ 11 interesting interesting ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 10 xcomp 10:xcomp SpaceAfter=No 12 . . PUNCT . _ 10 punct 10:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Numbers through five in the participating communities are most often expressed with native Chitonga words while numbers greater than five are typically indicated using English borrowings.
1 Numbers number NOUN NNS Number=Plur 11 nsubj:pass 11:nsubj:pass Discourse=context-background:75->82:1|Entity=(126-abstract-new-cf1-1-coref 2 through through ADP IN _ 3 case 3:case _ 3 five five NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 1 nmod 1:nmod:through Entity=(127-abstract-new-cf2-1-coref) 4 in in ADP IN _ 7 case 7:case _ 5 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 7 det 7:det Entity=(128-organization-new-cf4-3-sgl 6 participating participate VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 7 amod 7:amod _ 7 communities community NOUN NNS Number=Plur 1 nmod 1:nmod:in Entity=128)126) 8 are be AUX VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 11 aux:pass 11:aux:pass _ 9 most most ADV RBS Degree=Sup 10 advmod 10:advmod _ 10 often often ADV RB Degree=Pos 11 advmod 11:advmod _ 11 expressed express VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 root 0:root _ 12 with with ADP IN _ 15 case 15:case _ 13 native native ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 14 amod 14:amod Entity=(129-abstract-new-cf5-3-sgl 14 Chitonga Chitonga PROPN NNP Number=Sing 15 compound 15:compound Entity=(130-abstract-new-cf6-1-coref-Tonga_language_%28Zambia_and_Zimbabwe%29) 15 words word NOUN NNS Number=Plur 11 obl 11:obl:with Entity=129) 16 while while SCONJ IN _ 23 mark 23:mark Discourse=adversative-contrast_m:76->75:0 17 numbers number NOUN NNS Number=Plur 23 nsubj:pass 23:nsubj:pass|24:nsubj:xsubj Entity=(126-abstract-giv:act-cf1-1-coref 18 greater great ADJ JJR Degree=Cmp 17 amod 17:amod _ 19 than than ADP IN _ 20 case 20:case _ 20 five five NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 18 obl 18:obl:than Entity=(127-abstract-giv:act-cf2-1-coref)126) 21 are be AUX VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 23 aux:pass 23:aux:pass _ 22 typically typically ADV RB Degree=Pos 23 advmod 23:advmod _ 23 indicated indicate VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 11 advcl 11:advcl:while _ 24 using use VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 23 xcomp 23:xcomp Discourse=mode-means:77->76:0 25 English English ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 26 amod 26:amod Entity=(131-abstract-new-cf3-2-sgl 26 borrowings borrowing NOUN NNS Number=Plur 24 obj 24:obj Entity=131)|SpaceAfter=No 27 . . PUNCT . _ 11 punct 11:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
The cardinal numbers included in this study were only one through five in order to avoid additional item variability, but larger numbers should be included in future research.
1 The the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 3 det 3:det Discourse=adversative-concession:78->82:0|Entity=(132-abstract-new-cf1-3-coref 2 cardinal cardinal ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 3 amod 3:amod _ 3 numbers number NOUN NNS Number=Plur 10 nsubj 10:nsubj _ 4 included include VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 3 acl 3:acl Discourse=elaboration-attribute:79->78:0 5 in in ADP IN _ 7 case 7:case _ 6 this this DET DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 7 det 7:det Entity=(33-abstract-giv:inact-cf3-2-coref 7 study study NOUN NN Number=Sing 4 obl 4:obl:in Entity=33)132) 8 were be AUX VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 10 cop 10:cop Discourse=same-unit_m:80->78:1 9 only only ADV RB _ 10 advmod 10:advmod Entity=(132-abstract-giv:act-cf1-2-coref 10 one one NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 0 root 0:root Entity=(133-abstract-new-cf7-1-sgl) 11 through through ADP IN _ 12 case 12:case _ 12 five five NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 10 nmod 10:nmod:through Entity=(127-abstract-giv:act-cf2*-1-coref)132) 13 in in SCONJ IN _ 16 mark 16:mark Discourse=purpose-goal:81->78:2 14 order order NOUN NN Number=Sing 13 fixed 13:fixed _ 15 to to PART TO _ 16 mark 16:mark _ 16 avoid avoid VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 10 advcl 10:advcl:in_order_to _ 17 additional additional ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 19 amod 19:amod Entity=(134-abstract-new-cf5-3-sgl 18 item item NOUN NN Number=Sing 19 compound 19:compound _ 19 variability variability NOUN NN Number=Sing 16 obj 16:obj Entity=134)|SpaceAfter=No 20 , , PUNCT , _ 26 punct 26:punct _ 21 but but CCONJ CC _ 26 cc 26:cc Discourse=joint-list_m:82->26:1 22 larger large ADJ JJR Degree=Cmp 23 amod 23:amod Entity=(135-abstract-new-cf4-2-sgl 23 numbers number NOUN NNS Number=Plur 26 nsubj:pass 26:nsubj:pass Entity=135) 24 should should AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 26 aux 26:aux _ 25 be be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 26 aux:pass 26:aux:pass _ 26 included include VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 10 conj 10:conj:but _ 27 in in ADP IN _ 29 case 29:case _ 28 future future ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 29 amod 29:amod Entity=(136-abstract-new-cf6-2-sgl 29 research research NOUN NN Number=Sing 26 obl 26:obl:in Entity=136)|SpaceAfter=No 30 . . PUNCT . _ 10 punct 10:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
5. Conclusion.
1 5. 5. X LS _ 2 dep 2:dep Discourse=organization-heading:83->85:3 2 Conclusion conclusion NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 root 0:root Entity=(137-abstract-new-cf1-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 3 . . PUNCT . _ 2 punct 2:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Albeit limited, these results provide valuable insight into SI interpretation by Chitonga-speaking children and demonstrate that pragmatic inference acquisition likely follows the order identified in previous research, but appears to be completed at a later age in this language.
1 Albeit albeit SCONJ IN _ 2 mark 2:mark Discourse=adversative-concession:84->85:1 2 limited limit VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 6 advcl 6:advcl:albeit SpaceAfter=No 3 , , PUNCT , _ 2 punct 2:punct _ 4 these this DET DT Number=Plur|PronType=Dem 5 det 5:det Discourse=joint-other_m:85->20:5|Entity=(138-abstract-acc:com-cf5-2-sgl 5 results result NOUN NNS Number=Plur 6 nsubj 6:nsubj|18:nsubj Entity=138) 6 provide provide VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 7 valuable valuable ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 8 amod 8:amod _ 8 insight insight NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 obj 6:obj Entity=(139-abstract-new-cf8-1-sgl 9 into into ADP IN _ 11 case 11:case _ 10 SI SI NOUN NN Number=Sing 11 compound 11:compound Entity=(140-abstract-new-cf9-2-sgl(9-abstract-giv:inact-cf4-1-coref) 11 interpretation interpretation NOUN NN Number=Sing 8 nmod 8:nmod:into _ 12 by by ADP IN _ 16 case 16:case _ 13 Chitonga Chitonga PROPN NNP Number=Sing 15 compound 15:compound Entity=(3-person-giv:inact-cf2-4-coref(130-abstract-giv:inact-cf1-1-coref-Tonga_language_%28Zambia_and_Zimbabwe%29)|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<w> 14 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 13 punct 13:punct SpaceAfter=No 15 speaking speak VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 16 amod 16:amod XML=</w> 16 children child NOUN NNS Number=Plur 11 nmod 11:nmod:by Entity=3)140)139) 17 and and CCONJ CC _ 18 cc 18:cc Discourse=attribution-positive:86->87:2 18 demonstrate demonstrate VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 6 conj 6:conj:and _ 19 that that SCONJ IN _ 24 mark 24:mark Discourse=joint-list_m:87->85:0 20 pragmatic pragmatic ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 21 amod 21:amod Entity=(141-abstract-new-cf6-3-sgl 21 inference inference NOUN NN Number=Sing 22 compound 22:compound _ 22 acquisition acquisition NOUN NN Number=Sing 24 nsubj 24:nsubj|33:nsubj|36:nsubj:pass:xsubj Entity=141) 23 likely likely ADV RB Degree=Pos 24 advmod 24:advmod _ 24 follows follow VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 18 ccomp 18:ccomp _ 25 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 26 det 26:det Entity=(142-abstract-new-cf7-2-sgl 26 order order NOUN NN Number=Sing 24 obj 24:obj _ 27 identified identify VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 26 acl 26:acl Discourse=elaboration-attribute:88->87:0 28 in in ADP IN _ 30 case 30:case _ 29 previous previous ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 30 amod 30:amod Entity=(44-abstract-giv:inact-cf3-2-coref 30 research research NOUN NN Number=Sing 27 obl 27:obl:in Entity=44)142)|SpaceAfter=No 31 , , PUNCT , _ 33 punct 33:punct _ 32 but but CCONJ CC _ 33 cc 33:cc Discourse=adversative-concession:89->87:1 33 appears appear VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 24 conj 18:ccomp|24:conj:but _ 34 to to PART TO _ 36 mark 36:mark _ 35 be be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 36 aux:pass 36:aux:pass _ 36 completed complete VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 33 xcomp 33:xcomp _ 37 at at ADP IN _ 40 case 40:case _ 38 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 40 det 40:det Entity=(143-abstract-new-cf10-3-sgl 39 later late ADJ JJR Degree=Cmp 40 amod 40:amod _ 40 age age NOUN NN Number=Sing 36 obl 36:obl:at Entity=143) 41 in in ADP IN _ 43 case 43:case _ 42 this this DET DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 43 det 43:det Entity=(130-abstract-giv:act-cf1-2-coref-Tonga_language_%28Zambia_and_Zimbabwe%29 43 language language NOUN NN Number=Sing 36 obl 36:obl:in Entity=130)|SpaceAfter=No 44 . . PUNCT . _ 6 punct 6:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
This interesting combination of findings – expected hierarchy of difficulty, but differing age of acquisition – is an important addition to our growing cross-linguistic knowledge of SI and could be the result of language-specific differences in the use of SI lexical items or methodological differences.
1 This this DET DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 3 det 3:det Discourse=evaluation-comment:90->85:2|Entity=(144-abstract-new-cf1-3-coref 2 interesting interesting ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 3 amod 3:amod _ 3 combination combination NOUN NN Number=Sing 21 nsubj 21:nsubj|33:nsubj _ 4 of of ADP IN _ 5 case 5:case _ 5 findings finding NOUN NNS Number=Plur 3 nmod 3:nmod:of Entity=144) 6 – - PUNCT : _ 8 punct 8:punct Discourse=restatement-partial:91->90:0 7 expected expect VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 8 amod 8:amod Entity=(144-abstract-giv:act-cf1-2,8-appos 8 hierarchy hierarchy NOUN NN Number=Sing 3 appos 3:appos _ 9 of of ADP IN _ 10 case 10:case _ 10 difficulty difficulty NOUN NN Number=Sing 8 nmod 8:nmod:of Entity=(145-abstract-new-cf7-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 11 , , PUNCT , _ 14 punct 14:punct _ 12 but but CCONJ CC _ 14 cc 14:cc _ 13 differing differ VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 14 amod 14:amod _ 14 age age NOUN NN Number=Sing 8 conj 3:appos|8:conj:but Entity=(146-abstract-new-cf8-1-sgl 15 of of ADP IN _ 16 case 16:case _ 16 acquisition acquisition NOUN NN Number=Sing 14 nmod 14:nmod:of Entity=(147-event-new-cf9-1-sgl)146)144) 17 – - PUNCT : _ 3 punct 3:punct _ 18 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 21 cop 21:cop Discourse=same-unit_m:92->90:1 19 an a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 21 det 21:det Entity=(144-abstract-giv:act-cf1-3-pred 20 important important ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 21 amod 21:amod _ 21 addition addition NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 root 0:root _ 22 to to ADP IN _ 26 case 26:case _ 23 our our PRON PRP$ Case=Gen|Number=Plur|Person=1|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 26 nmod:poss 26:nmod:poss Entity=(148-abstract-new-cf10-4-sgl(149-person-acc:com-cf4-1-sgl) 24 growing grow VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 26 amod 26:amod _ 25 cross-linguistic cross-linguistic ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 26 amod 26:amod _ 26 knowledge knowledge NOUN NN Number=Sing 21 nmod 21:nmod:to _ 27 of of ADP IN _ 28 case 28:case _ 28 SI SI NOUN NN Number=Sing 26 nmod 26:nmod:of Entity=(9-abstract-giv:act-cf2*-1-coref)148)144) 29 and and CCONJ CC _ 33 cc 33:cc Discourse=joint-list_m:93->90:2 30 could could AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 33 aux 33:aux _ 31 be be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 33 cop 33:cop _ 32 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 33 det 33:det Entity=(150-abstract-new-cf5-2-sgl 33 result result NOUN NN Number=Sing 21 conj 21:conj:and _ 34 of of ADP IN _ 38 case 38:case _ 35 language language NOUN NN Number=Sing 37 compound 37:compound Entity=(151-abstract-new-cf11-4-sgl|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<w> 36 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 35 punct 35:punct SpaceAfter=No 37 specific specific ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 38 amod 38:amod XML=</w> 38 differences difference NOUN NNS Number=Plur 33 nmod 33:nmod:of _ 39 in in ADP IN _ 41 case 41:case _ 40 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 41 det 41:det Entity=(152-event-new-cf6-2-sgl 41 use use NOUN NN Number=Sing 38 nmod 38:nmod:in _ 42 of of ADP IN _ 45 case 45:case _ 43 SI SI NOUN NN Number=Sing 44 compound 44:compound Entity=(100-abstract-giv:inact-cf3-3-coref(153-abstract-new-cf13-1-sgl) 44 lexical lexical ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 45 amod 45:amod _ 45 items item NOUN NNS Number=Plur 41 nmod 41:nmod:of Entity=100)152)151) 46 or or CCONJ CC _ 48 cc 48:cc _ 47 methodological methodological ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 48 amod 48:amod Entity=(154-abstract-new-cf12-2-sgl 48 differences difference NOUN NNS Number=Plur 38 conj 33:nmod:of|38:conj:or Entity=154)150)|SpaceAfter=No 49 . . PUNCT . _ 21 punct 21:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Utilization of busted CFL in developing cheap and efficient segmented compact LED bulbs
1 Utilization utilization NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 root 0:root Discourse=organization-heading:1->19:6|Entity=(1-abstract-new-cf2-1-sgl 2 of of ADP IN _ 4 case 4:case _ 3 busted bust VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 4 amod 4:amod Entity=(2-object-new-cf3-2-coref 4 CFL CFL NOUN NN Number=Sing 1 nmod 1:nmod:of Entity=2) 5 in in SCONJ IN _ 6 mark 6:mark Discourse=elaboration-attribute:2->1:0 6 developing develop VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 1 acl 1:acl:in _ 7 cheap cheap ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 13 amod 13:amod Entity=(3-object-new-cf1-7-sgl 8 and and CCONJ CC _ 9 cc 9:cc _ 9 efficient efficient ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 7 conj 7:conj:and|13:amod _ 10 segmented segment VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 13 amod 13:amod _ 11 compact compact ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 13 amod 13:amod _ 12 LED LED NOUN NN Number=Sing 13 compound 13:compound Entity=(4-object-new-cf4-1-sgl) 13 bulbs bulb NOUN NNS Number=Plur 6 obj 6:obj Entity=3)1)
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
N S Andres and R T Ponce
1 N N PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 root 0:root Discourse=attribution-positive:3->19:4|Entity=(5-person-new-cf1-1,2,3,5,6,7-coref(6-person-new-cf2-1,2,3-sgl|XML=<hi rend:::"bold"> 2 S S PROPN NNP Number=Sing 1 flat 1:flat _ 3 Andres Andres PROPN NNP Number=Sing 1 flat 1:flat Entity=6) 4 and and CCONJ CC _ 5 cc 5:cc _ 5 R R PROPN NNP Number=Sing 1 conj 1:conj:and Entity=(7-person-new-cf3-1,2,3-sgl 6 T T PROPN NNP Number=Sing 5 flat 5:flat _ 7 Ponce Ponce PROPN NNP Number=Sing 5 flat 5:flat Entity=7)5)|XML=</hi>
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Electrical Engineering Department, Bataan Peninsula State University, 2100, Balanga City Bataan, Philippines
1 Electrical Electrical ADJ NNP Degree=Pos|Number=Sing 2 amod 2:amod Discourse=elaboration-additional:4->3:0|Entity=(8-organization-new-cf2-1,2,3-sgl(9-abstract-new-cf7-1,2-sgl-Electrical_engineering 2 Engineering Engineering PROPN NNP Number=Sing 3 compound 3:compound Entity=9) 3 Department Department PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 root 0:root Entity=8)|SpaceAfter=No 4 , , PUNCT , _ 8 punct 8:punct _ 5 Bataan Bataan PROPN NNP Number=Sing 6 compound 6:compound Entity=(10-organization-new-cf3-1,2,3,4-sgl-Bataan_Peninsula_State_University(11-place-new-cf1-1,2-coref-Bataan 6 Peninsula Peninsula PROPN NNP Number=Sing 8 compound 8:compound Entity=11) 7 State State PROPN NNP Number=Sing 8 compound 8:compound _ 8 University University PROPN NNP Number=Sing 3 list 3:list Entity=10)|SpaceAfter=No 9 , , PUNCT , _ 10 punct 10:punct _ 10 2100 2100 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 13 nummod 13:nummod Entity=(12-place-new-cf4-3,5,7-sgl|SpaceAfter=No 11 , , PUNCT , _ 10 punct 10:punct _ 12 Balanga Balanga PROPN NNP Number=Sing 13 compound 13:compound Entity=(13-place-new-cf5-1,3,5-sgl-Balanga%2C_Bataan 13 City City PROPN NNP Number=Sing 3 appos 3:appos _ 14 Bataan Bataan PROPN NNP Number=Sing 3 list 3:list Entity=(11-place-giv:act-cf1-1-coref-Bataan)|SpaceAfter=No 15 , , PUNCT , _ 14 punct 14:punct _ 16 Philippines Philippines PROPN NNPS Number=Plur 13 appos 13:appos Entity=(14-place-new-cf6-1-coref-Philippines)13)12)
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
1 Abstract abstract NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 root 0:root Discourse=organization-preparation:5->19:3|Entity=(15-abstract-new-cf1-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<hi rend:::"bold"> 2 . . PUNCT . _ 1 punct 1:punct XML=</hi>
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Today’s generation will not survive a day without the help of lighting.
1-2 Today’s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 Today today NOUN NN Number=Sing 3 nmod:poss 3:nmod:poss Discourse=context-background:6->16:2|Entity=(16-person-new-cf1-3-sgl(17-time-new-cf3-1-coref 2 ’s 's PART POS _ 1 case 1:case Entity=17) 3 generation generation NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 nsubj 6:nsubj Entity=16) 4 will will AUX MD Number=Sing|Person=3|VerbForm=Fin 6 aux 6:aux _ 5 not not PART RB Polarity=Neg 6 advmod 6:advmod _ 6 survive survive VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 root 0:root _ 7 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 8 det 8:det Entity=(18-time-new-cf4-2-sgl 8 day day NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 obl:tmod 6:obl:tmod Entity=18) 9 without without ADP IN _ 11 case 11:case Discourse=context-circumstance:7->6:0 10 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 11 det 11:det Entity=(19-abstract-new-cf2-2-sgl 11 help help NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 obl 6:obl:without _ 12 of of ADP IN _ 13 case 13:case _ 13 lighting lighting NOUN NN Number=Sing 11 nmod 11:nmod:of Entity=(20-abstract-new-cf5-1-coref-Lighting)19)|SpaceAfter=No 14 . . PUNCT . _ 6 punct 6:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
In fact, someone’s productivity, particularly at night, depends on the presence of a good lighting and it seems that it is a daily necessity.
1 In in ADP IN _ 2 case 2:case Discourse=explanation-justify:8->9:0 2 fact fact NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 obl 12:obl:in SpaceAfter=No 3 , , PUNCT , _ 2 punct 2:punct _ 4-5 someone’s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 someone someone PRON NN Number=Sing|PronType=Ind 6 nmod:poss 6:nmod:poss Entity=(21-abstract-new-cf3-3-sgl(22-person-new-cf5-1-sgl 5 ’s 's PART POS _ 4 case 4:case Entity=22) 6 productivity productivity NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 nsubj 12:nsubj|22:nsubj Entity=21)|SpaceAfter=No 7 , , PUNCT , _ 6 punct 6:punct _ 8 particularly particularly ADV RB Degree=Pos 10 advmod 10:advmod _ 9 at at ADP IN _ 10 case 10:case _ 10 night night NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 obl 12:obl:at Entity=(23-time-new-cf6-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 11 , , PUNCT , _ 10 punct 10:punct _ 12 depends depend VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 13 on on ADP IN _ 15 case 15:case _ 14 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 15 det 15:det Entity=(24-abstract-new-cf4-2-sgl 15 presence presence NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 obl 12:obl:on _ 16 of of ADP IN _ 19 case 19:case _ 17 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 19 det 19:det Entity=(25-abstract-new-cf1-3-coref 18 good good ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 19 amod 19:amod _ 19 lighting lighting NOUN NN Number=Sing 15 nmod 15:nmod:of Entity=25)24) 20 and and CCONJ CC _ 22 cc 22:cc Discourse=elaboration-additional:9->6:1 21 it it PRON PRP Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 22 expl 22:expl Entity=(26-abstract-new-cf2-1-cata) 22 seems seem VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 12 conj 12:conj:and _ 23 that that SCONJ IN _ 28 mark 28:mark Entity=(26-abstract-acc:com-cf2-6-coref 24 it it PRON PRP Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 28 nsubj 28:nsubj Entity=(25-abstract-giv:act-cf1-1-ana) 25 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 28 cop 28:cop _ 26 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 28 det 28:det Entity=(25-abstract-giv:act-cf1-3-coref 27 daily daily ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 28 amod 28:amod _ 28 necessity necessity NOUN NN Number=Sing 22 ccomp 22:ccomp Entity=25)26)|SpaceAfter=No 29 . . PUNCT . _ 12 punct 12:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Lighting takes a large part on the consumption of household electrical energy particularly in the Philippines.
1 Lighting lighting NOUN NN Number=Sing 2 nsubj 2:nsubj Discourse=explanation-evidence:10->6:2|Entity=(20-abstract-giv:inact-cf1-1-coref-Lighting) 2 takes take VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 3 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 5 det 5:det Entity=(27-abstract-new-cf3-3-sgl 4 large large ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 5 amod 5:amod _ 5 part part NOUN NN Number=Sing 2 obj 2:obj _ 6 on on ADP IN Typo=Yes 8 case 8:case CorrectForm=in|XML=<sic ana:::"in"></sic> 7 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 8 det 8:det Entity=(28-event-new-cf4-2-sgl 8 consumption consumption NOUN NN Number=Sing 5 nmod 5:nmod:on _ 9 of of ADP IN _ 12 case 12:case _ 10 household household NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 compound 12:compound Entity=(29-abstract-new-cf5-3-coref(30-place-new-cf6-1-coref) 11 electrical electrical ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 12 amod 12:amod _ 12 energy energy NOUN NN Number=Sing 8 nmod 8:nmod:of Entity=29)28)27) 13 particularly particularly ADV RB Degree=Pos 16 advmod 16:advmod _ 14 in in ADP IN _ 16 case 16:case _ 15 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 16 det 16:det Entity=(14-place-giv:inact-cf2-2-coref-Philippines 16 Philippines Philippines PROPN NNPS Number=Plur 2 obl 2:obl:in Entity=14)|SpaceAfter=No 17 . . PUNCT . _ 2 punct 2:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
There are different type of lighting bulbs used at home can affect the overall lighting consumption.
1 There there PRON EX PronType=Dem 2 expl 2:expl Discourse=context-background:11->14:1 2 are be VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 3 different different ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 4 amod 4:amod Entity=(31-abstract-new-cf3-2-sgl 4 type type NOUN NN Number=Sing|Typo=Yes 2 nsubj 2:nsubj CorrectForm=types|XML=<sic ana:::"types"></sic> 5 of of ADP IN _ 7 case 7:case _ 6 lighting lighting NOUN NN Number=Sing 7 compound 7:compound Entity=(32-object-new-cf5-2-sgl 7 bulbs bulb NOUN NNS Number=Plur 4 nmod 4:nmod:of _ 8 used use VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 7 acl 7:acl Discourse=elaboration-attribute:12->11:0 9 at at ADP IN _ 10 case 10:case _ 10 home home NOUN NN Number=Sing 8 obl 8:obl:at Entity=(30-place-giv:act-cf1*-1-coref)32)31) 11 can can AUX MD Typo=Yes|VerbForm=Fin 12 aux 12:aux CorrectForm=which can|Discourse=elaboration-attribute:13->11:1|XML=<sic ana:::"which can"></sic> 12 affect affect VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 7 acl:relcl 7:acl:relcl _ 13 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 16 det 16:det Entity=(33-event-new-cf4-4-sgl 14 overall overall ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 16 amod 16:amod _ 15 lighting lighting NOUN NN Number=Sing 16 compound 16:compound Entity=(20-abstract-giv:act-cf2-1-coref-Lighting) 16 consumption consumption NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 obj 12:obj Entity=33)|SpaceAfter=No 17 . . PUNCT . _ 2 punct 2:punct _
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Nowadays, most commonly and widely used bulb in the household is the Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL).
1 Nowadays nowadays ADV RB Degree=Pos 16 advmod 16:advmod Discourse=joint-other_m:14->6:3|SpaceAfter=No 2 , , PUNCT , _ 1 punct 1:punct _ 3 most most ADV RBS Degree=Sup|Typo=Yes 4 advmod 4:advmod CorrectForm=the most|Entity=(34-object-new-cf2-6-coref|XML=<sic ana:::"the most"></sic> 4 commonly commonly ADV RB Degree=Pos 7 advmod 7:advmod _ 5 and and CCONJ CC _ 6 cc 6:cc _ 6 widely widely ADV RB Degree=Pos 4 conj 4:conj:and|7:advmod _ 7 used use VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 8 amod 8:amod _ 8 bulb bulb NOUN NN Number=Sing 16 nsubj 16:nsubj _ 9 in in ADP IN _ 11 case 11:case _ 10 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 11 det 11:det Entity=(30-place-giv:act-cf1*-2-coref 11 household household NOUN NN Number=Sing 8 nmod 8:nmod:in Entity=30)34) 12 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 16 cop 16:cop _ 13 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 16 det 16:det Entity=(34-object-giv:act-cf2-4-coref 14 Compact compact ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 16 amod 16:amod _ 15 Fluorescent fluorescent ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 16 amod 16:amod _ 16 Light light NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 root 0:root Entity=34) 17 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 18 punct 18:punct Discourse=restatement-partial:15->14:0|SpaceAfter=No 18 CFL CFL NOUN NN Number=Sing 16 appos 16:appos Entity=(34-object-giv:act-cf2-1-appos)|SpaceAfter=No 19 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 18 punct 18:punct SpaceAfter=No 20 . . PUNCT . _ 16 punct 16:punct _
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
However, the main problem of CFL is the mercury they contain.
1 However however ADV RB _ 10 advmod 10:advmod Discourse=topic-solutionhood:16->19:2|SpaceAfter=No 2 , , PUNCT , _ 1 punct 1:punct _ 3 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 5 det 5:det Entity=(35-substance-new-cf2-3-coref 4 main main ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 5 amod 5:amod _ 5 problem problem NOUN NN Number=Sing 10 nsubj 10:nsubj _ 6 of of ADP IN _ 7 case 7:case _ 7 CFL CFL NOUN NN Number=Sing 5 nmod 5:nmod:of Entity=(34-object-giv:act-cf1*-1-coref)35) 8 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 10 cop 10:cop _ 9 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 10 det 10:det Entity=(35-substance-giv:act-cf2-2-coref 10 mercury mercury NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 root 0:root _ 11 they they PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs 12 nsubj 12:nsubj Discourse=elaboration-attribute:17->16:0|Entity=(34-object-giv:act-cf1*-1-ana) 12 contain contain VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 10 acl:relcl 10:acl:relcl Entity=35)|SpaceAfter=No 13 . . PUNCT . _ 10 punct 10:punct _
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In addition to this is the harmful effect of mercury such as Emission of UV Radiation.
1 In in ADP IN _ 2 case 2:case Discourse=joint-list_m:18->16:1 2 addition addition NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 root 0:root _ 3 to to ADP IN _ 4 case 4:case _ 4 this this PRON DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 2 nmod 2:nmod:to Entity=(35-substance-giv:act-cf1*-1-ana) 5 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 2 cop 2:cop _ 6 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 8 det 8:det Entity=(36-abstract-new-cf2-3-coref 7 harmful harmful ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 8 amod 8:amod _ 8 effect effect NOUN NN Number=Sing 2 nsubj 2:nsubj _ 9 of of ADP IN _ 10 case 10:case _ 10 mercury mercury NOUN NN Number=Sing 8 nmod 8:nmod:of Entity=(35-substance-giv:act-cf1*-1-coref) 11 such such ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 13 case 13:case _ 12 as as ADP IN _ 11 fixed 11:fixed _ 13 Emission emission NOUN NN Number=Sing 8 nmod 8:nmod:such_as Entity=(37-event-new-cf3-1-sgl 14 of of ADP IN _ 16 case 16:case _ 15 UV UV NOUN NN Number=Sing 16 compound 16:compound Entity=(38-abstract-new-cf4-2-coref 16 Radiation radiation NOUN NN Number=Sing 13 nmod 13:nmod:of Entity=38)37)36)|SpaceAfter=No 17 . . PUNCT . _ 2 punct 2:punct _
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In response to the said problem, this project study gives solution to the problem of the society concerning environment, health and safety as well energy conservation, by developing a segmented compact light-emitting diode (SCLED) bulb from busted CFL that are efficient, economical, and does not contain toxic chemicals.
1 In in ADP IN _ 2 case 2:case Discourse=ROOT:19:0 2 response response NOUN NN Number=Sing 11 obl 11:obl:in _ 3 to to ADP IN _ 6 case 6:case _ 4 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 6 det 6:det Entity=(35-substance-giv:act-cf1*-3-coref 5 said said ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 6 amod 6:amod _ 6 problem problem NOUN NN Number=Sing 2 nmod 2:nmod:to Entity=35)|SpaceAfter=No 7 , , PUNCT , _ 2 punct 2:punct _ 8 this this DET DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 10 det 10:det Entity=(39-abstract-acc:com-cf4-3-coref 9 project project NOUN NN Number=Sing 10 compound 10:compound _ 10 study study NOUN NN Number=Sing 11 nsubj 11:nsubj Entity=39) 11 gives give VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 12 solution solution NOUN NN Number=Sing|Typo=Yes 11 obj 11:obj CorrectForm=a solution|Entity=(40-abstract-new-cf5-1-sgl|XML=<sic ana:::"a solution"></sic> 13 to to ADP IN _ 15 case 15:case _ 14 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 15 det 15:det Entity=(41-abstract-new-cf8-2-sgl 15 problem problem NOUN NN Number=Sing 12 nmod 12:nmod:to _ 16 of of ADP IN _ 18 case 18:case _ 17 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 18 det 18:det Entity=(42-abstract-new-cf9-2-sgl 18 society society NOUN NN Number=Sing 15 nmod 15:nmod:of Entity=42) 19 concerning concern VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 15 acl 15:acl Discourse=elaboration-attribute:20->19:0 20 environment environment NOUN NN Number=Sing 19 obj 19:obj Entity=(43-abstract-new-cf6-1-coref)|SpaceAfter=No 21 , , PUNCT , _ 22 punct 22:punct _ 22 health health NOUN NN Number=Sing 20 conj 19:obj|20:conj:and Entity=(44-abstract-new-cf10-1-sgl) 23 and and CCONJ CC _ 24 cc 24:cc _ 24 safety safety NOUN NN Number=Sing 20 conj 19:obj|20:conj:and Entity=(45-abstract-new-cf11-1-sgl) 25 as as ADV RB _ 28 cc 28:cc _ 26 well well ADV RB Degree=Pos|Typo=Yes 25 fixed 25:fixed CorrectForm=well as|XML=<sic ana:::"well as"></sic> 27 energy energy NOUN NN Number=Sing 28 compound 28:compound Entity=(46-abstract-new-cf12-2-sgl 28 conservation conservation NOUN NN Number=Sing 20 conj 19:obj|20:conj:as_well_as Entity=46)41)40)|SpaceAfter=No 29 , , PUNCT , _ 31 punct 31:punct _ 30 by by SCONJ IN _ 31 mark 31:mark Discourse=mode-means:21->19:1 31 developing develop VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 11 advcl 11:advcl:by _ 32 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 42 det 42:det Entity=(47-object-new-cf13-14-sgl 33 segmented segment VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 38 amod 38:amod Entity=(48-object-new-cf2-6-coref 34 compact compact ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 38 amod 38:amod _ 35 light light NOUN NN Number=Sing 37 compound 37:compound SpaceAfter=No|XML=<w> 36 - - PUNCT HYPH _ 35 punct 35:punct SpaceAfter=No 37 emitting emit VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 38 amod 38:amod XML=</w> 38 diode diode NOUN NN Number=Sing 42 compound 42:compound Entity=48) 39 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 40 punct 40:punct Discourse=restatement-partial:22->21:0|SpaceAfter=No 40 SCLED SCLED NOUN NN Number=Sing 38 appos 38:appos Entity=(48-object-giv:act-cf2-1-appos)|SpaceAfter=No 41 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 40 punct 40:punct _ 42 bulb bulb NOUN NN Number=Sing 31 obj 31:obj|48:nsubj Discourse=same-unit_m:23->21:1 43 from from ADP IN _ 45 case 45:case _ 44 busted bust VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 45 amod 45:amod Entity=(2-object-giv:inact-cf3-2-coref 45 CFL CFL NOUN NN Number=Sing 31 obl 31:obl:from Entity=2) 46 that that PRON WDT PronType=Rel 48 nsubj 42:ref Discourse=elaboration-attribute:24->23:0 47 are be AUX VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|Typo=Yes|VerbForm=Fin 48 cop 48:cop CorrectForm=is|XML=<sic ana:::"is"></sic> 48 efficient efficient ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 42 acl:relcl 42:acl:relcl SpaceAfter=No 49 , , PUNCT , _ 50 punct 50:punct _ 50 economical economical ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 48 conj 42:acl:relcl|48:conj:and SpaceAfter=No 51 , , PUNCT , _ 55 punct 55:punct _ 52 and and CCONJ CC _ 55 cc 55:cc Discourse=joint-list_m:25->24:0 53 does do AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 55 aux 55:aux _ 54 not not PART RB Polarity=Neg 55 advmod 55:advmod _ 55 contain contain VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 48 conj 42:acl:relcl|48:conj:and _ 56 toxic toxic ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 57 amod 57:amod Entity=(49-substance-new-cf7-2-sgl 57 chemicals chemical NOUN NNS Number=Plur 55 obj 55:obj Entity=49)47)|SpaceAfter=No 58 . . PUNCT . _ 11 punct 11:punct _
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1. Introduction
1 1. 1. X LS _ 2 dep 2:dep Discourse=organization-heading:26->52:4 2 Introduction introduction NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 root 0:root Entity=(50-abstract-new-cf1-1-sgl)
Annotate syntax and morphology of the text in CONLLU format
Based on the results of the 2011 Household Energy Consumption Survey (HECS), electricity remains as the most common source of energy used by households particularly in the Philippines.
1 Based base VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 17 advcl 17:advcl Discourse=explanation-evidence:27->29:4 2 on on ADP IN _ 4 case 4:case _ 3 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 4 det 4:det Entity=(51-abstract-new-cf6-2,6,7,8-sgl 4 results result NOUN NNS Number=Plur 1 obl 1:obl:on _ 5 of of ADP IN _ 11 case 11:case _ 6 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 11 det 11:det Entity=(52-abstract-new-cf2-3,4,5,6-coref 7 2011 2011 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 11 compound 11:compound Entity=(53-time-new-cf10-1-sgl)|XML=<date when:::"2011"></date> 8 Household Household PROPN NNP Number=Sing 10 compound 10:compound Entity=(54-abstract-new-cf8-1,2,3-sgl-Domestic_energy_consumption(30-place-giv:inact-cf5-1-coref) 9 Energy Energy PROPN NNP Number=Sing 10 compound 10:compound Entity=(55-abstract-new-cf9-1-sgl-Energy) 10 Consumption Consumption PROPN NNP Number=Sing 11 compound 11:compound Entity=54) 11 Survey Survey PROPN NNP Number=Sing 4 nmod 4:nmod:of Entity=52)51) 12 ( ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 13 punct 13:punct Discourse=restatement-partial:28->27:0|SpaceAfter=No 13 HECS HECS PROPN NNP Abbr=Yes|Number=Sing 11 appos 11:appos Entity=(52-abstract-giv:act-cf2-1-appos)|SpaceAfter=No 14 ) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 13 punct 13:punct SpaceAfter=No 15 , , PUNCT , _ 1 punct 1:punct _ 16 electricity electricity NOUN NN Number=Sing 17 nsubj 17:nsubj Discourse=context-background:29->52:2|Entity=(56-abstract-new-cf1-1-coref) 17 remains remain VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 18 as as ADP IN _ 22 case 22:case _ 19 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 22 det 22:det Entity=(56-abstract-giv:act-cf1-4-coref 20 most most ADV RBS Degree=Sup 21 advmod 21:advmod _ 21 common common ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 22 amod 22:amod _ 22 source source NOUN NN Number=Sing 17 obl 17:obl:as _ 23 of of ADP IN _ 24 case 24:case _ 24 energy energy NOUN NN Number=Sing 22 nmod 22:nmod:of Entity=(29-abstract-giv:inact-cf4-2-disc 25 used use VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 22 acl 22:acl Discourse=elaboration-attribute:30->29:0 26 by by ADP IN _ 27 case 27:case _ 27 households household NOUN NNS Number=Plur 25 obl:agent 25:obl:agent Entity=(57-person-new-cf7-5-sgl 28 particularly particularly ADV RB Degree=Pos 31 advmod 31:advmod _ 29 in in ADP IN _ 31 case 31:case _ 30 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 31 det 31:det Entity=(14-place-giv:inact-cf3-2-coref-Philippines 31 Philippines Philippines PROPN NNPS Number=Plur 25 obl 25:obl:in Entity=14)57)29)56)|SpaceAfter=No 32 . . PUNCT . _ 17 punct 17:punct _
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About 87 percent of 21.0 million households used electricity from March to August 2011.
1 About about ADV RB _ 2 advmod 2:advmod Discourse=elaboration-additional:31->29:1|Entity=(58-place-new-cf2-3-sgl 2 87 87 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 3 nummod 3:nummod _ 3 percent percent NOUN NN Number=Sing 8 nsubj 8:nsubj _ 4 of of ADP IN _ 7 case 7:case _ 5 21.0 21.0 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Frac 6 compound 6:compound Entity=(59-person-new-cf5-3-sgl 6 million million NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 7 nummod 7:nummod _ 7 households household NOUN NNS Number=Plur 3 nmod 3:nmod:of Entity=59)58) 8 used use VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 root 0:root _ 9 electricity electricity NOUN NN Number=Sing 8 obj 8:obj Entity=(56-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-1-coref) 10 from from ADP IN _ 11 case 11:case _ 11 March March PROPN NNP Number=Sing 8 obl 8:obl:from Entity=(60-time-new-cf3-3-sgl|XML=<date when:::"2011-03"></date> 12 to to ADP IN _ 13 case 13:case _ 13 August August PROPN NNP Number=Sing 8 obl 8:obl:to Entity=(61-time-new-cf4-1-sgl|XML=<date when:::"2011-08"> 14 2011 2011 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 13 nmod:tmod 13:nmod:tmod Entity=(62-time-new-cf6-1-sgl)61)60)|SpaceAfter=No|XML=</date> 15 . . PUNCT . _ 8 punct 8:punct _
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As of 2016, the demand for electricity in the residential is leading among the different sectors.
1 As as ADP IN _ 3 case 3:case Discourse=joint-list_m:32->31:0 2 of of ADP IN _ 1 fixed 1:fixed _ 3 2016 2016 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 13 obl 13:obl:as_of Entity=(63-time-new-cf4-1-coref)|SpaceAfter=No|XML=<date when:::"2016"></date> 4 , , PUNCT , _ 3 punct 3:punct _ 5 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 6 det 6:det Entity=(64-abstract-new-cf2-2-coref 6 demand demand NOUN NN Number=Sing 13 nsubj 13:nsubj _ 7 for for ADP IN _ 8 case 8:case _ 8 electricity electricity NOUN NN Number=Sing 6 nmod 6:nmod:for Entity=(56-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-1-coref) 9 in in ADP IN _ 11 case 11:case _ 10 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 11 det 11:det Entity=(65-abstract-new-cf5-2-coref 11 residential residential ADJ JJ Degree=Pos|Typo=Yes 6 nmod 6:nmod:in CorrectForm=residential sector|Entity=65)64)|XML=<sic ana:::"residential sector"></sic> 12 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 13 aux 13:aux _ 13 leading lead VERB VBG Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part 0 root 0:root _ 14 among among ADP IN _ 17 case 17:case _ 15 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 17 det 17:det Entity=(66-abstract-new-cf3-3-sgl 16 different different ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 17 amod 17:amod _ 17 sectors sector NOUN NNS Number=Plur 13 obl 13:obl:among Entity=66)|SpaceAfter=No 18 . . PUNCT . _ 13 punct 13:punct _
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It is often grouped depending on its uses that are distributed for heating and cooling, lighting, operating appliances etc [1]
1 It it PRON PRP Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 4 nsubj:pass 4:nsubj:pass Discourse=context-background:33->29:2|Entity=(64-abstract-giv:act-cf1*-1-ana) 2 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 4 aux:pass 4:aux:pass _ 3 often often ADV RB Degree=Pos 4 advmod 4:advmod _ 4 grouped group VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 root 0:root _ 5 depending depend VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 8 case 8:case Discourse=mode-manner:34->33:0 6 on on ADP IN _ 5 fixed 5:fixed _ 7 its its PRON PRP$ Case=Gen|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 8 nmod:poss 8:nmod:poss Entity=(67-event-new-cf4-2-sgl(56-abstract-giv:act-cf2-1-ana) 8 uses use NOUN NNS Number=Plur 4 obl 4:obl:depending_on|11:nsubj:pass _ 9 that that PRON WDT PronType=Rel 11 nsubj:pass 8:ref Discourse=elaboration-attribute:35->34:0 10 are be AUX VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 11 aux:pass 11:aux:pass _ 11 distributed distribute VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 8 acl:relcl 8:acl:relcl _ 12 for for SCONJ IN _ 13 mark 13:mark _ 13 heating heat VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 11 advcl 11:advcl:for _ 14 and and CCONJ CC _ 15 cc 15:cc _ 15 cooling cool VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 13 conj 11:advcl:for|13:conj:and SpaceAfter=No 16 , , PUNCT , _ 17 punct 17:punct _ 17 lighting light VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 13 conj 11:advcl:for|13:conj SpaceAfter=No 18 , , PUNCT , _ 19 punct 19:punct _ 19 operating operate VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 13 conj 11:advcl:for|13:conj _ 20 appliances appliance NOUN NNS Number=Plur 19 obj 19:obj Entity=(68-object-new-cf3-1-sgl) 21 etc etc. NOUN FW Typo=Yes 13 conj 11:advcl:for|13:conj CorrectForm=etc.|Entity=67)|XML=<sic ana:::"etc."></sic> 22 [ [ PUNCT -LRB- _ 23 punct 23:punct Discourse=explanation-evidence:36->33:1|SpaceAfter=No 23 1 1 NUM CD NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card 4 dep 4:dep Entity=(69-abstract-new-cf5-1-sgl)|SpaceAfter=No 24 ] ] PUNCT -RRB- _ 23 punct 23:punct _
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