Depression_Severity_Dataset / Reddit_depression_dataset_val.json
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"text": "<url> Story's in the link if interested. All I will say here - thanks for reading and considering, and if there's anything I can do to make this more comfortable on you (answer questions, try to clear up any confusion, etc), I'll do the best I can. One thing I will say, also: I know for the food issue that the food pantry/bank subreddits exist, and will try them if I have to. It's just that I'm trying to put that off for a little if I can.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I'm livid....this only proves to me that you can't trust ANYONE not even your friggin therapist. She exploited me...pushing me to do this program wasn't to help me but she did it for herself to try to get a raise, promotion or something. What should I do? I wrote an email to the administrator but I feel like I need to do more....I want the other participants of this program to be notified IMMEDIATELY that their sessions where they talk about very difficult/painful things, things that they don't like talking about, are being used for training purposes and God knows what else. Update: That asshole “therapist” was in fact promoted after pushing people to do this dumb and unethical program...People that play dirty and use people get ahead.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I didn’t realize before my brother had kids just how high pitch they can get. I don’t have kids nor do I want them. I’m expected to be around them 24/7 and when they’re all losing their shit, all I want to do is crawl into a hole and hide away. I’m constantly on edge because I’m constantly being startled or scared, there’s a lot of yelling and screaming and crying, and it’s only the end of day 3 of a two week vacation. Sorry for the long post, I don’t have anyone to talk to about this until January when I see my therapist next.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "Ask a local representative for help? What are some steps I can take that I haven't yet? I'm scared, and so .... almost annoyed of dealing with this, he was served a protective order way back in October 2017. has he repeatedly had so much success with the police? It honestly baffles me, which is why I wonder whether he's paying them off (he told me he'd done this while we were together, although that could've been a fear tactic).",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "Hi everybody, I'm a 22 year old male who has had extreme depression and anxiety issues since I was 12 years old. I was also a competitive swimmer growing up and these issues started flaring up when I was moved into an age group with a very strict and demanding groups. 1.5 hour swimming sessions (4k yards) 6 days a week with a 30 minute dryland practice everyday or every other day, I believe. I had swam maybe one meet before getting placed into this group and was completely overwhelmed.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "He didn't remember, and didn't care that they weren't in the file any longer. He said he had 400 cases on his docket and couldn't remember something so trivial. He didn't care to look at my phone or email, because bond didn't matter when the case wasn't going to win. I started to feel like I was detaching and becoming defensive. The Prosecutor was aggressive, dismissive, and belittling.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Its hard knowing that everyone around you doesn't have these issues, It's hard that it takes an extreme amount of work just to make a normal day in life go by smoothly(which it almost never does) At first I felt like I had a grasps on this whole PTSD thing because it made sense when I first got diagnosed but the longer it's been the harder this is to deal with. Do you know what it's like to constantly feel uncomfortable in your own skin but you can never turn it off? this is the answer I give when people ask me what's wrong, because there's always more than one thing going on at the same time. I find myself drinking more than i'd like to admit,I never drank before this, anything to take the edge off. I feel like I'm having to teach myself everything all over again, I don't even know how to formulate that into words.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "I had a moment earlier when I was setting up for the night that I kinda, realized that life hasn't quite gone to plan, huh? [Handy dandy storage box! Nobody questions someone carrying an awkwardly large <url> Anyway, my bedroll is one of the only real constants in my life at the moment, and I kinda wanted to share it. I'd imagine that for others who are in less than ideal situations that your bedroll, or whatever sleeping arrangement you have is in some way special to you--anyone else wanna share what bed looks like for you tonight?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I see her as a distressed and confused, hurting person. In part, this was out of my hands. They filed on my behalf. But the guilt of all this will do to her is hard to deal with. I'll keep breathing and moving forward.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "My PTSD was starting to flare up (due to potentially having to go back into the traumatizing situation) and I asked for assistance finding low cost therapy for that in my city and I was given an address to go to for that, as well as a program name for my physical disability. I went to the place about the therapy immediately, I also asked about the program which they had never heard of. I googled it and it says that that specific program is for a very different demographic living in group homes. I was confused but accidents happen with names changing all the time in government programs and such. When I went to my follow up appointment with the social work place, the front desk lady said I didn't have an appointment.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "We had begun to get more sexual, having to say hey let's not do anything this date instead of just doing something when it naturally happens and when we want it to. The reason why I told you about February is that I'm having that same feeling about being with someone else, only this time it's directed towards a particular girl. I've known this girl since 7th grade, I met my girlfriend in 9th grade when she moved here. I asked her out before my girlfriend and got lowkey denied, but she was too nice to tell me straight up no. I've changed significantly since then, however, and she's been subtly flirting with me for about a month.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "So i was run off the road and needed to repair my car. Took it in and it ended up costing me $600 AU. im just asking for help any amount of money is appreciated. Ive payed $200 off myself but i have until friday to pay this off. I will pay anyone back the money they can loan with an agreed apon amount depending on what you guys are willing to loan.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I also have no family. I was abused for my disabilities as a child, including murder attempts, so I cannot turn to my family for help. I have friends helping me with food and transportation because I am poor and disability aid is barely enough to eat a meal a day. I have food stamps that work for about a week or week and a half of groceries so that's already really helpful. I live in a small, worn down appartement with no heating and thays why I am so cold.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Sorry this going to be super long, I have a lot to say... Tl;dr... see title. It was constant up and down; one minute we were happy and he was being more affectionate than he has in years, the next he's screaming at me and calling me a whore. I get it, I broke him. I feel so disgusted and ashamed with myself but I truly want to spend my life with no one else.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "Im studying at a university abroad And I have failed or got a really bad grade my first semester subjects due to starting a month late and searching for accommodation for atleast 2 weeks or I would have stayed on the streets. I have been doing my absolute best to pass but the subject were very difficult on my own....I have tried studying and watching old lectures and everything but the syllabus was too long in several cases ( mathematics was much more difficult and longer than abitur according to our professor) and exams were just too hard for me in my situation so I failed. The thing is she linked this with studying with my friends which I only recently started doing it because they were very helpful and my progress increased significantly. She now commands me to just cut all relations with any friends that I have made whom for the first time in my life are ones who i looked forward to seeing them the next day because I enjoy there company.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "? What if I am at a friends party and a man whispers in my ear that he likes to stare at me so he can touch himself later....but he is dating my friend and he knows I don’t want to upset her?? ? What if I am in the car with a man and some lady cuts him off and he gets road rage and says he wants to “drag her out of the car by her hair and cut her nipples off” but then later says he “obviously didn’t mean it”?? ?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I get anxious because I am worried about bad things that I think may happen in my life. Im worried about losing my job, my girlfriend might leave me for someone more funny, with a better job, that is more self confident etc. You think these things because you perceive yourself to have no value. I get so preoccupied with these worries and it constantly undermines my self esteem that it applies to other areas in your life, even everyday interactions, going to the store, these can be extremely stressful events. You're so unconfident in yourself that you have a million thoughts a second and constantly second guess yourself.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "About a year and a half ago, we reconnected at a mutual friends wedding. It seemed like we really hit it off! Talking to her felt incredibly natural, and it seemed like we had a great back-and-forth rapport the entire time! As the wedding reception wore on, more than one person who knew the two of us from 8th grade said I should ask her to dance again, just like in the old days! Needless to say, I jumped at the opportunity and asked her to dance at the first slow song.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Why can’t I? I’d also add my dad was a bush pilot and I work in the travel industry so I know how safe it is. Why can’t I get over it? **Edit** I’ve rebooked my flight for this morning. I just have to do this.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I can't ask my family because they don't have the kind of money to help me. If anyone can help me even just a little bit, I would be ridiculously grateful. I just can't even express what this has done to us. Yes, the bills are paid, but now we're so anxious that we barely leave the house due to panic attacks. I've done things like ubereats but $15 here and there isn't even making a dent in what I need.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "If so, what methods have been most helpful? What changes in your relationship with your body have you noticed that have made the biggest difference? Has this method of therapy made it easier to keep triggers at bay or at least more manageable? Have there been any negative experiences with somatic therapy and if so what has been the most challenging part of it? Thank you for taking the time to read this post, I look forward to reading your responses.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I want to talk about this because I have no support group, and my wife can't handle much more. My uncle lives very close to me in NH. I want to get a news station to take my story but they say it was to long ago. I will be posting more under the title <username> My hope is you will read this comment, and maybe it's happened to you.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I always sound like I’m about to cry. I get really hot and sweaty, my hearing starts to go. I had to stop in a presentation one time last semester to say “I’m sorry if I have pretty bad anxiety so if it looks like I’m about to pass out, please catch me” which was to keep it light and the class did laugh, but it was also a legitimate concern. Does anyone else experience this? Is this what social anxiety is?",
"label": "mild"
"text": "I'm sure that there are many people worse off than me in this kind of situation but I just can't stand this feeling anymore. I just want someone to choose me for once, instead of just being stuck with me. Unfortunately, I have no idea how this could happen. --- TL;DR I don't want to feel lonely anymore but I have no idea how to fix myself.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "When I was living with people I would stand behind the door and wait for it to be quiet before I step out of my room. It makes me so anxious to have to talk to people. It didn’t help that one of them would play loud music all day so I would put in my headphones and go to sleep until he has stopped. I was so anxious and depressed that semester, it really affected my grades. Anyway, today was my first time seeing someone for help about my anxiety and I did not know what to expect at all.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "I refuse to hurt them like that. But I won’t give up, either. Literally all I want is to have them back half the time, so I can go to the beach with them, and to be licked to death, and not have enough room in my bed. I don't dream of cars, or millions of dollars, or girls. I dream of seeing them again.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I moved out of our family home and in with my boyfriend nearly 2 years ago. Since then we’d speak a bit over text, mainly for each others birthdays. Last time we spoke via text was about three months ago. I asked Eva if she wanted tickets to a concert for a band that we both really like and had seen in concert together before. She said yeah, but was less than enthusiastic when I gave her the ticket a week later when I went to visit.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I’m 20, and I feel like I missing out on the “real adult life”. I live with my parents I can’t decide what to eat, I can’t have my alone time without being anxious. I got no friends and no real job where I earn enough money to live on my own. I also don’t feel adult’y enough to take 100% care of myself. I getting panic attacks now today that I’m missing out on life, mostly it’s NSFW things that triggering this.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "Okay this is driving totally insane and I can't function normally because of it, I have had intrusive thoughts basically for as long as I can remember, though now they are pushing me closer and closer to insanity. I am only focusing on one disturbing thought now which I really only need serious and helpful answers for. To start off, I remember it being the start off 2015 and I was sleeping over at my best friends house who we will call \"J\". Now J and I would always stay up all night when having sleepovers, and this certain night I managed to pull through to 6:30 am 30 minutes after J had fallen asleep, though when I woke up I was in his sisters bed. Now since then up until now, I just assumed that I was literally half asleep and that I was just looking for anywhere comfortable to sleep that wasn't taken in my literally half asleep state of mind (both his sisters had stayed up all night in the living room I've believed up until this moment, also something to keep in mind is that both of us were to young to be consuming alcohol and I have no memory of myself entering their room.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "### Unforeseen Consequences and Social Blind Spots I did think of [my abuser's first name] as a stranger. I was a naive, 14-year-old kid that saw him as a potential new friend. Only in recent years have I realised how he coerced me into trusting him enough so I would visit him. I’m certainly not proud of making myself vulnerable in this way, but why am I even considering how I might have contributed to my own sexual abuse?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "* Almost impossible to remember something happened in past on conversation. * Hard to remember names of people or what happened in film and names from there. * Can’t recall nothing from my childhood… there is only some common memories. * I literally have worse memory than my grandmother - she can remember thing when she was small I can’t. **Closing both eyes tightly [like <url> causing feeling like: shaking, vibration, electricity behind eyes.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "He admitted to me that night that yes, she needs mental assistance. But after spending the morning with her, he thinks that it's better to have me in the house at all. This situation was over the top and heartbreaking that my parents would rather not work with a therapist (i've even suggest family therapy) and just decide to ban me from the house. I understand that isolating myself from them is the best option and I know it will be hard. But I do love my family, and I would rather not have to make this decision.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I've been looking around this sub for a while without posting. I'd like to do my part to help. Although there's a significant number of requesters who are just lazy and exaggerate their bad situations, there's a few people who actually would benefit from a bit of extra money every month. I recently spoke with a poster who claimed they had all the free time in the world and couldn't work, after I sent them $80 for a bill and a meal, they claimed they were always really busy and couldn't ever talk. **Criteria:**",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Am I a bad person for stealing food when I need to? I have a job but sometimes I'm broke for a couple days in between checks, I hate having to steal... I hate the anxiety and constant worry for the next 2 days that \"they're building a case on me and they're gonna crack me randomly at work or something\".. I was just starving... Today I had to steal some noodles and potato salad from 2 different stores as I was walking out of both I was watched by a worker... I feel like scum...",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "For the rest of the 7 years, I’ve received different forms of violent punishments. I don’t want to get into it but they involved sharp objects, attempts to drown me, paddling, etc. I was generally OK growing up, didn’t think about the abuse a lot, but friends started noticing strange behaviors and phobias that I cannot hide. Now at 30 years old I went to a therapist. I found out that my behaviors are probably caused by suppressing my memories and not finding proper closure from the incident because it’s as if I’m still taking the blame for an abuse that was done to me.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "What should i say? **tl;dr friend is struggling with alcoholism and bulimia. She's back in town and wants to hang out and eat and drink. How do I tell her that I will no longer participate in these activities with Her? **",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "If you would like to donate, please go to: <url> My fundraising goal is high and I am struggling to reach it, so donations would be very much appreciated. You can also see what I have done so far to collect money if you click the link. Any donations are welcome, no matter how big or small. It would also be greatly appreciated if you could share this.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "My primary concern is to get her the surgery and treatment she needs to save her life. To that end, I've set up a fundraising campaign here: <url> Every little bit helps! I know it's a long shot to reach the goal, but every dollar you can spare goes a long way to help, even if the goal isn't reached. I would be so grateful for any and all assistance, even if it's just to share this story/fundraising with your family and friends.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "None of them are attending college. As I spend my time in the library studying or working on essays, they have started disliking me. They ignore me and are mean. I call them or try to meet up when I’m free but they never respond. **",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I was home for winter break, and I didn't see him at all during that time. My issue revolves around me feeling insanely guilty anytime I'm out with him, anytime he buys me things, etc. It's like, I hear my mother's voice in my head and she's yelling at me for making bad choices, telling me I shouldn't be wasting my time with a loser like him, that I'm a lowlife, etc etc. To clarify, I'm a goodie-two-shoes. I never did anything \"bad\" until I was in my early teens.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Now like I said, I am working hard to try and get a better job while balancing school (the good grades I've gotten in the past year and a half seem to be only things I have going for me right now. That and martial arts) and at the same time, I'm considering asking for another shift at my current job as an absolute last resort. But this anger and feeling like a loser is really something I need help dealing with. Tl;dr: My car died once and for all a few months back and my job sucks. And even though I'm working hard to improve the situation, I feel angry and I feel a like a loser.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "However, my mind is set on the possibility of diabetes or MS as an explanation for my symptoms. My depersonalization has come back strong and I've felt very tired recently and I don't know what is symptoms are causing/caused by other ones. I've been anxious this whole semester to a high degree but I've never felt symptoms like these before. Someone help? EDIT: For reference, I'm 5'9\", 173 lbs",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I know there are no guarantees, but what medicine has worked for you? I really just want to feel better. They’ve had me on Lexapro for the past 4 or so years but I think it’s lost it’s efficiency. All it does is keep me awake at night. I tried Celexa when I was about 15 or 16, but I was young and dumb and didn’t take it when I was supposed to, so I guess I never really found out if it worked.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "My therapist asks me point blank what I want to talk about, so I talk about the things that were bothering me in the last two weeks. I asked him for suggestions or tips regarding the trich, he did not really give me any advice and instead read off a document to me for an hour and just printed it off at the end of the apt and gave it to me anyways. And yes the information is beneficial, but I can find all the same stuff on this sub's side bar. I'm slowly becoming more and more frustrated. I want to be open for help, I mean this was a huge step for me to even schedule an appointment much less continue going for a month or so.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "There aren't a lot of people in my life I can talk to. I did have a therapist who I clicked with really well, but I had to stop seeing him when my work comp case closed. I just started seeing a new one but haven't gotten to the point where I really feel I can rely on her yet, as I've only seen her a couple of times. The crisis lines have been very unhelpful. I just need some support.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "When we returned a year ago, we had some very rough boundary issues (trying to forward face in their car, feeding baby junk, criticizing our parenting choices, etc.) with them. MIL has \"anxiety and depression\" and cannot address the issues she causes so FIL addresses them for her. It's the worst case of coddling I've ever seen. She does not see a mental health professional (because narcissist) and blames everyone else for any wrong she may do, which of course she does no wrong.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I gathered my composure, went back and sulked until I was asked if I could put something in my eye sight to block it out. I got a little excited, found a huge box and was able to move on with my day.. until about 3 when the owner came over, moved it, and then asked me if I was keeping it for anything. I mentioned I was blocking the signs, she asked why and I said, well, I feel they are kind of negative... And then she told me \"They aren't negative, they are funny, and since you don't think so you should think on if you even want to work here\", walks away and proceeds to tell my boss it isn't working out with me........ all because I expressed that I felt the signs were negative. Stupid me for thinking dozens and dozens of instant in your face surprise red circles could ever equate to negativity. I guess I have a new trigger.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "(I haven’t had to go in and get him for any reason since he started!) On top of all that, I now have a boyfriend who is a real partner in life things. He helps out with childcare when he can, he splits household chores, and we split some bills. I’ve never had this kind of support before and it feels amazing, if not a little strange since it’s a new experience for me. My marriage was certainly not a partnership like this.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Therefore, it should probably come as no surprise that I sprung the question of \"What exactly are we doing here?\". Well, that backfired, as he alluded to the fact he was too freshly out of a long term relationship and didn't want to commit yet (Jason had been single for more than a year and it was a 3 year relationship). I bit my tongue until it bled and told him that was okay because we had more friends in common by that point, despite saying I needed some direct space for a few weeks or more. Unfortunately, what followed could have not been more violent. Not the type of physical violence, but emotional tension and turmoil fueled by running into each other at social settings and by alcohol.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I've been through sooo much for so long. I've worked so hard to overcome my addictions and have been sober since March 19, 2012, I finally quit porn a little over 2 years ago, right before I got together with a woman who became my wife. She's sober too. I'm a junior in college majoring in Psychology with a concentration in Addictive Studies. I lost 40 lbs.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "Cut to yesterday... My parents booked me in for an emergency appointment with the DR because my anxiety and depression is so bad I cannot function day to day and spend most of my time stuck in bed panicking. I was prescribed 2mg Valium to go alongside my anti-depressants. I took one and within 15 minutes I went from SEVERE anxiety to COMPLETE calmness Well... here comes the paranoia associated with my bad cannabis trip years ago... I FREAKED.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "But Someone asked me if I needed a shirt and gave me one. I asked to call my mom but she couldn't understand what I was saying so he told her. The ambulance showed up and I told the cops that my boyfriend beat me but I wasn't giving any more information. The ambulance lady told me that if I refused to go with her she would take me against my will because I was exhibiting signs of head trauma. I went.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Ok, I don't normally post much and wasn't sure where exactly to post this. I am also not trying to brag or stroke my ego. I have an honest question. So, here is what happened. My youngest son (10) and I where pulling out of a store when we saw an older man standing on the roadside holding a sign.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I know this goes a bit beyond /r/relationships, but I'm also asking for advice on how to deal with this as far as our relationship is concerned. What do I do? --- **tl;dr**: Girlfriend's violent, crazy ex-fiance is out of jail after beating up his grandparents, and I don't feel safe. What do I do?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I'm sorry if I didn't post this in the right place and such, it'd be really comforting if someone had this as well and told me about it. edit: another way to describe it may be a million thoughts at once. it's really irritable. It's not like I'm thinking \"what if\" as I have seen many people describe, it's just random things, imagine 100 TV channels playing at once and you know what none of them are about or to do with you. It's also very sudden, like an attack.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "It's always been something I have feared but it's got so much worse since developing anxiety. I think it stems down to the fact I had a tooth removed when I was only 5. Doesn't sound like a big deal but my mum didn't tell me I had to have it removed till the actual day. She just woke me up and got me in the car and told me we were going to the hospital (the children's dentist was at the hospital) so they could put me asleep and remove my tooth. Obviously at 5 that seemed pretty scary, didn't help that I had to wait 3 hours when I got there.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "**Tl;dr: Thinking my 2 friends who broke-up are soulmates but may be both heading for a second-best option. ** Very long post, please read only if you are interested in complicated realtionships and take it maybe as a short novel. I have 2 friends who got together when 19, they were inseparable, instant soulmates, I know they imagined their whole life together almost immediately, never even thinking they can break-up. For 10 years, they were the best couple I know, not fighting, respecting each other greatly and having a \"higher\" connection.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I have the scars, medical records, injuries, memories, and nightmares. I know it's caused me to suffer from CPTSD. But has it caused me to lose my mind? I can't remember agreeing to dismiss. I don't understand the response email, and I refuse to assign meaning by reading into her response.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "My girlfriend and I met through a messaging app. We come from the same country and speak the same language, so there is a sense of familiarity and closeness right from the start. However, as we grow closer, I'm starting to feel like she does not value our relationship as much as I do. I always put her above all else. I always try to find ways to accommodate her busy schedule.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Today it all came to a head when no amount of uppers or downers was leveling me out. I had a meeting to run at 1. I had lunch with a customer at 12. I had a calls all morning...and you know what? I couldn't do it.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "for at least a month i was waking up from 4 hours of sleep to panic attacks. the only thing that calmed it was over the counter sleeping pills.I noticed it help my hypervigilence, i was no longer jumping and getting adrenaline rushes from every little sound. but i forget to take the sleeping pills from time to time like tonight. I slept 2 hours then woke up, no anxiety or panic attacks this time but unable to fall asleep and with much on my mind. I don't want this to affect my work but it has been.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I should most likely be going to college in September. Likely I would qualify for and receive student loans then, and head to the dorms. But in the time being I don't know what to do, this amount of stuff I can't bring with me and I can't imagine giving away either. Any advice? Considering going to churches to ask for help with temporary storage though I'm an atheist.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "When we are at work we joke around but we all do that. I feel so ashamed. I want to hear your opinion on the fact am i to blame? Was it my fault because something like this happened? **tl;dr**: Something delicate happened between me and my collegue",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I’d appreciate any and all tips or suggestions about how I can best support her. My heart hurts knowing we won’t be dating anyone soon, but I love her so much I want to give her time and space to heal. In the meantime, I’ll work on being the best version of myself. TL:DR My girlfriend and I broke up due to a job that puts us 5 hours away.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I just never had proper doctors who could diagnose me. There's a very long story there. I suffer from PTSD because I have been abused my entire life. I was physically abused by my teacher when I was 8 years old. My mother physically, mentally and emotionally abused me, up until I left her house at 16.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "When I asked her how it happened, she said her brother had accidentally elbowed her in the face when they were 'rough-housing'. There was something about the way she said it that seemed a bit off to me - like she had been practising her excuse (or maybe that was in my head). Whatever the case it struck me as maybe a little weird that a couple of 20-something siblings would be play-fighting with each other like 10 year olds. This morning, after an absence of several days, she arrived at the office with a broken wrist. Her arm is in a cast and she has metal rods holding the broken bones in place.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I then confronted my parents and finally the walls came tumbling down. It wasn't the first time I asked them about it, I did so on at least 3 different occasions throughout my twenties. Well after 2 weeks I got written confirmation, when my parents handed me a note from 1986, where they wrote down, what I told them, when I talked about it afterwards again and again. I addition to this, the memories came back from when I was about 12-15, when my parents used to lock me up in my room and bathroom and made me learn my latin vocabularies on my knees, only being allowed to eat, when I was finnished. That was something I kinda always knew happened, but I thought it was just on a few occasions and well - I was such a rascal, how else could they have handled me?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I described my symptoms to friends and they would say its normal, or that they have thoughts of their own and that it's all in my head. But I knew this wasn't normal, I'm an optimistic person and I'm not afraid of people, I actually like socializing and meeting people, but my anxiety gets in the way and my fear of judgment.. but even I knew that I wasn't nervous, but my body was reacting in a way... idk how to describe it. I just wished that I could go for drinks with my girls and when guys came over, I wouldnt over analyze and get nervous... and start twitching because of all the rush of blood to my face... I dealt with this for years, and was going to just live like this... but then I went to a bar to meet up with my girlfriends but arrived late. Once in the bar I saw a group of guys sitting with them.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "Sometimes I feel like I’m the third wheel in their relationship. And this doesn’t even include what they may do when I’m not around! Also, whenever roommate will talk about boys or finding a boyfriend, I notice husband will quickly try to shut that idea down fast, and say he knows roommate isn’t attracted to said guy or doesn’t want/need a boyfriend. There’s definitely an emotional dependency there. I know my husband has explained to me over and over how much he helps her and how important he is in her life.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I spent the next few years being extremely reckless and impulsive. My home life was never easy I had an odd relationship with most of my relatives except my mom who was probably the only reason why I am even stable to this day. My brother was always seen as the golden child and me as the problem child so I was constantly shamed by extended family for being so impulsive and reckless which we all know is common signs of PTSD in adolescents. I think my mom was ashamed of my initial assault and though I was able to get help I was never allowed to tell anyone about it and a lot of my extended family I didn't even tell until the last couple of years so this has left a strange dynamic for me of not knowing how I feel about telling people my story but also desperately wanting to share it. In 2011 I finally met my husband who is the only reason I'm even doing as successful as I am today.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I have been seeing mia for about 3-4 months Last night we were together drinking at a little get together before going to the club about 7-8 people in a small group, everyone knows each other pretty well. Mia was drunk and being quite obnoxious which can be fun just as much as it can be bad? She started talking about how her girl friends all get nice things from their boyfriends, a $500 hair job, presents/gifts whatever Made me feel a bit uncomfortable because it was clearly something targeted at me and she was saying this in front of everyone",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "It’s almost a 50/50 mindset, because on one hand she wouldn’t ever wish to be thought of or treated in a horrid way, I have corrected it best I can, and she is the kind of person to forgive and forget. It’s hard. It’s real hard to decide what to do. So that’s why I’m here today people of Reddit. I realize this isn’t the most pressing, serious, or dramatic post on here, but I stick my hand out in the hopes you can give me some guidance, some past experience, wisdom, or advice on what I can do or try so that the “here and now” are in question, and not “then and there”, so that my confession can go along without regret.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "I'm so used to being forced to submit to him that I no longer have a voice. He heavily favors my sister over me and would buy her anything she wanted in a heartbeat. An example would be at Darvin furniture one time. He takes me and my sister there and tells her to pick out a desk. I look at a $100 discount desk and he says we don't have enough money.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I think now she feels some of responsibility to help those in need and she gets a lot of gratification from these people who are very thankful to her. On occasion when we go out, we have been approached by these people and I can tell they are very grateful to her. We were at Starbucks while she's studying and the husband/wife she helped offered to buy her coffee, etc ... Lastly, her other dream is to get a house in this very rich neighborhood with houses that cost $2M at the very least. Anyways, enough with the bad, now the good things about her. She is a very loving person which is proven by the fact that everyone loves her at work.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I only realized this was a stupid idea in my freshman year of college when I started having flashbacks. I tried once more to do therapy and almost failed out of school. Again I buried it all to be dealt with at a more convenient time. I have now been working in a job that don't mind for the last year and 3 months. I found that November and December were a struggle and because of that I planned to address my stuff by going to therapy starting in 2019.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I've never done this before but we always stay at my house, so maybe the odds are just greater here? After she told me about it in the morning I feel like pure shit. She said my eyes were open and I don't know if she believes it was accidental... How can I manage this situation? That's all I really need to know, I don't know what to do.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "Hi PTSD forums, Selective mutism has been something i have been afflicted with for 7 years since middle school. It was only in senior year of high school that I began speaking again thanks to the help of a few friends whom i no longer am in contact with and also my football coach/teacher. Now in college however I dread presentations. Often, I would lock down and say one or two sentences and after that say \"i'm done, ill hand it off to my group member\" or I would splurge out incoherent sentences that have no purpose or thought behind them during presentations and people would have a confused look on their faces.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "The only way to really settle disputes is to listen carefully to what is being said. If you are only paying attention in order to retaliate, then you aren't really listening at all. *How:* Truly listening to someone will help diffuse their anger and allow you to really understand the problem. **(4)** **Ask Questions**",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Well, 18 years of being in and out of hospitals, treatment and addiction finally caught up to me. This is my first time homeless and it's scary but I'm grateful for the bright light that I've started to see. I don't abuse alcohol or drugs, but I'm no different than someone who does...I have other mental health issues that I feel nobody really can understand. It has essentially rendered me a useless piece of shit. I was engaging in unhealthy behaviors up to 10 hours a day, if not more.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "If they weren't done he would get angry at her. After that he would borrow money from her while he was making a lot of money. Instead of paying her back, he would spend both his income and her money on things he wanted. The next thing was that he would say things like \"I'll do this for you but you'll owe me a blow job later.\" While that worried me the next sign really made me concerned.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I tried to break up with him at the end of the semester the day he was supposed to leave but he intentionally missed his flight to stay talking to me and talk me into staying with him. I don't know what to do. Mostly, I am scared that I will deal some kind of huge blow to his mental health and am just very scared of the repurcussions. I have friends apart from him I feel like I can fall back on, but I feel like a monster for confirming his fear of abandonment. I also feel conflicted because he is incredibly kind and generous and affectionate",
"label": "severe"
"text": "Am I sick? The dreams got worse. My mother felating me and soaping me in the bath. I also dreamt about terrible things happening to my newborn daughter, kidnappings, terrible accidents and finally the last straw: Me inapproapriately touching her in the bath and her felating me. That is my nightmare image burned into my mind.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "My sister told me yesterday that my dad violently abused her as a child. She also said that my dad was about to punch me in me the face when I was 10 years old (and she was 14) and she rescued me. My mum, stood by and did nothing, for some reason. I don't remember. My sister was an angry kid and she said her experiences sent her into a depression for about ten years.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "If you have some free time please go to the following Instagram post, find my comment under the username <username>, and give it all the likes. They will choose two winners, one based on likes, another on creativity. If you have the extra time this would make my birthday and will help me to pursue my freelance video work full time. <url> Thanks internet people!",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "And after every episode with them he treats me like shit for a couple hours at work I assume wondering if I know about his behaviour and if I’ll say anything. I completely ignore it and refuse to let it invade our work environment. It’s my world, and my people, and I’m his superior. He’s not going to win a power struggle, so I don’t even have to worry about it. Other days we get along fine from 9-5.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "One night, early, early into this, we were kind of flirting. He suggested we shower together. I was scared. Uncomfortable. Not sure.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "So I pursued him, invited him to come out drinking with our friend group a couple times and slept with him early on. We continued sleeping with each other and I guess fell into a FWB situation (though he wanted us to be exclusive and we were). In the beginning it was mostly us going out to bars and me coming to his house to have sex. We got on really well and it wasn't just a sex thing, but it seemed like it wasn't going to turn into a relationship and I was fine with that. Mostly because he didn't seem really concerned with it.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I don’t have anything to ask atm or anything that anyone else need to know, but i cant go to someone when I’m not coping or in a state, I feel like it’s something I have to ride out on my own, that I can’t tell anyone about. I hate going throw this on my own, not that my family don’t try to support me, I just don’t want to see mum cry again because I’m broken and she’s tryed every thing she can but nothing helps. Iv had more 5 therapist and seen at least that again in one off meeting, but I can’t engage and have developed a vague phobia towards them, I used to hide in the house when I knew I had an appointment and only come out if I was promised I didn’t have to go. So It’s been largely untreated, not throw lack of trying. I can’t see my condition changing.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "Now they didn't know about HF autism then but the signs were there. Bullied in school and at home, I just shut down at about age 10. Went to school ,went home , didn't talk to anybody. The schools noticed. Parents were duly notified but nothing was done.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "My mother is a narcissist. A few months ago I pulled up my credit report and discovered that my mother had stolen my identity in 2015– but had just paid off the balance. I asked her about it and she admitted it without apologizing. A few weeks ago I was thinking about what I owe in student loans, and it wasn’t adding up. I asked her if she ever pulled out extra money for herself, and she snapped.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "No idea where to ask this on reddit. I've been having an unresolved noise problem (no help anywhere i looked) for a cool year now, meaning i havent slept in peace for a year. over the summer, i believe i developed tinnitus as a result of wearing headphones to bed and putting pressure on my ears, possibly also through earplugs and earphones as well. now i'm realizing the concession that i'm too poor to live alone off subsidized housing isnt nearly good enough. and i do need to move for many reasons.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "We have tried all section 8 facilities in the north texas area and all have told us theres a 7-10 year waiting list. I understand theres vouchers and low income housing programs too, but was also informed these low income houses still require proof of an income to be sure that the tenant can pay rent and CS doesnt count as that income. I’m looking for any loopholes in the system or any programs in place that could help with this, if anyone has any information or insight that would be truly appreciated. Thanks Reddit! !",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "This was a “nice thought”, and even though I had been told my mother to never leave a drink at the bar, it didn’t cross my mind that there might be something put in this drink or that I was being pushed to be more intoxicated. After I started sipping on that drink, I felt all the alcohol hit me and felt drunk. He said I’ve ordered an uber for us, which I thought I was being dropped back at home; I don’t actually remember the ride home in the Uber. We pulled up at his apartment complex, and he said come inside I know you’re hungry I have pizza. I thought eating pizza would be a good idea after the alcohol, so I followed him inside.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Yet my job requires me to always be reachable and the staff under me always ask me to help them, but I can't even help myself. I'm torn between wanting to be alone, wanting to reach out for help, talking to people just so I can yell and push them away. I don't know what to do. That's a lie, I think I do but I don't want to. Any effort is exhausting and I can't bring myself to fix it.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "It got to the point that my friend would start going off on me, calling me names, and telling me what a terrible person I was. It was honestly getting too much to deal with. For awhile, I had to block her. I had to remove her from my life. I couldn't deal with the stress and I couldn't be the person they could go to when I was starting to become so mentally drained from the stress of her relationship situation.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Hello lovely people! I'm looking for anyone who is interested in taking a 10 minute survey, with the chance to win a £100 (or equivalent) Amazon voucher. You need to be over 18, speak English as a first language, and be able to listen to some audio files and select matching pictures. I've been told it's fun to do! Anyone who enters will be really helping me as I try to progress my research into language and meaning.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Hey guys, how are you? So, I've been diagnosed with anxiety disorder for 6 years now, though I know I've had it for more than ten years, I just didn't know it was an anxiety issue. I'm a 30 years old straight dude who started struggling with anxiety when I started to think I was gay (now I know this thing is called HOCD, but at the time I even came out as bisexual to my mother). After I went to therapy hoping to accept my sexuality, I discovered my problem wasn't self acceptance but an anxiety disorder, so that made sense, because I came out as bisexual even though I don't feel attracted to men. I thought I was burying my desires or something like that.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I keep getting sudden, very short panic attacks. Or anxiety attacks. I'm not sure if I feel fear, I don't even know what the feeling is because I forget everything short term afterwards. They last a presumably short amount time and is the worst feeling imaginable to me. Some random thought I can never remember triggers it (it's definitely something that repeats though, it's a familiar feeling afterwards).",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I have been abused mentally and physically by my step-father when being only 7 and it didn't stop until 12 when I moved to Britain and lived there to this day (17 yr now). Everyday I was told how worthless I was and was getting beat regularly. However I coped with it. At the start when I came to England, I was crying all the time, when I was called stupid, and idiot or was hit by a friend (A kind of a friendly abuse, you know when you just want to annoy your friends). Everyone thought I was just a crybaby, not knowing of my past.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "My wife is a school teacher who works in an inner city school with kids that literally shake in the morning because their parents don't A: feed them dinner B: get them to school early enough for the free breakfast. So we have been buying them little food care packages to take home, which is a little pricy and I feel like our dollars can go further... I am looking for any recommendations on ways to get the food cheaper.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I’ve started unearthing old albums; I’ve gone back to practising the drums regularly; I’ve been watching more movies and reading more books. Weirdly enough, I feel more in touch with the world. And what now? Will I continue along the road of abstinence? I don’t see any reason to jump off the wagon at this stage.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "He knows that I'm still on the fence about pot and, without me even asking, promised me that he would not do it. But, last March while he was gone, he got extremely drunk and ended up smoking. He got extremely sick and ended up vomiting and passing out on the bathroom floor of their bus, and called me the next day and told me everything. This was extremely difficult for me to process. I couldn't really understand how something that he swore off doing he just... ended up doing.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I don't know what to do anymore. She doesn't want help, but I am feeling hopeless with her, and I'm afraid it's going to take a toll on our relationship. I have my own mental health issues that I am actively dealing with and I just wish she could see that her issues are affecting people other than herself. --- **tl;dr**: My mother has unaddressed mental health issues, how do I get her to take it seriously and seek professional help?",
"label": "mild"
"text": " am a married 26 yo father of one. About two years ago I left my job to start a business with a childhood friend of mine and his brother. It ended horribly with them taking out the funds for the company from a joint account and leaving me penniless. As a result I moved with my family into my mother's home to get back on my feet. My relationship with her has never been good but it was the only option at the time so I ground my teeth and did the best to make it work.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "If she were honest or apologetic, I could try to understand. But is that naive? I’m just confused. I’ve tried to give it time, but I understand less and less. I signed up for Facebook over the weekend, and Corrine was in my suggested people to add.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "He apologizes if I point it out later, but the first instinct is always to blame me. And often the thing he's blaming me for is exaggerated, and made to look like a routine flaw in me, even if it's a once off thing. He doesn't hesitate to show his bad mood/displeasure (which applies to how he is around most people not just me, but I think it's worse when it's about me). He doesn't hide it at all even if we're around other people, so I have to be particularly cautious not to piss him off or bring up anything that could upset him in public. When he's upset/displeased in private, he withdraws and it's up to me to grovel and convince him to talk to me again.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I want to sit down and have a talk with my GF, but I don't want to roll in unprepared. Should I even be attempting to have this talk? If so, are there any books or reading materials I can go over to help back my case up? --- **tl;dr**: Looking for ways to talk to my GF about her daughters spoiled behavior.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "It started again, but worse. I'd bring up the conversation we had and he'd ask how dare I call him names. How dare I, he said. So, on September 7th, I decided that I had enough. I cut him out of my life.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "They have two children together, Anna and a planned child, Grace. My uncle has 5 other children with 3 other women. Grace is two years old, and I used to watch both Grace and Anna. When Grace was born, my family was careful to give Anna more attention. Anna is extremely, extremely obsessed with her little sister.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I don't know whether to confront him or to move on, or is it just like that saying \"Friends are like walls. Sometimes you lean on them, and sometimes it's enough just to know they are there.\" --- **tl;dr**: Friend is becoming more distant, flaking, and avoiding contact. Yet at the same time comes to me for advice and to talk.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I can get from feeling super bad (aka anxiety) to feeling super good with just one single thought (they're, most of the times, exaggerated). And then, with another thought I can get from feeling super good to feeling super bad. This is a matter of just seconds and these switchs can last for hours, stop and then come back again. When I get the bad feelings it's just awful and the only way I can cope with them is thinking of a way of killing myself. Then, when I get the good ones, I completely forget about the sensation the bad ones gave me and I see the bright side.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "If you are triggered stop reading but the word is schizophrenia. Just thinking about it freaks me out atm. I keep thinking I will go crazy.... I imagine myself in a mental hospital having panic attacks 24/7 a hellish torture... oh god.... This is because I've always has extreme fear of afterlife and existence, its just so bizarre I've explored every single freaking theory/religion/whatever thats how much I was obsessed with it before.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "Like the title says, I’m rapidly losing motivation. I recently switched collages to be closer to home, so I could be closer to family. And my depressive spirals are coming more often, mainly because of the lack of work I do. I always end up doing things at the last damn minute. My freshman year I tried my best, almost.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "You’re swimming smoothly with the current, the temperature isn’t too cold, and the water is calm and clear blue. So why can you only ever see it as being murky? Sometimes, you find yourself swimming higher and higher, until your fingers skim the interface between the water and the air above. You can see the rays of sunlight above piercing through the surface, refracting and scattering as it hits the water. You approach the surface slowly but surely, excited because you feel like you can finally exit into this warm, golden place, and leave the water behind.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I was very excited to go back to live in the street but that meant, abandoning my girlfriend. Wich, I had fallen in love with, deeply in love. She was a University graduate, came from an outstanding family, she learned to play the piano and dance Ballet at a very young age. You see the type. But nonetheless she liked me, and I liked her.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I get it; my one friend has personal reasons for being against medication, the other one has a bad personal experience, and my boyfriend had a small midwestern town upbringing that allowed no room for mental weakness so he has a hard time understanding. I guess I just...I don’t know. I felt empowered to do this going into the appointment and even during it. I felt like people were on board with me seeking treatment if that’s what I felt was right. And now that it’s a just seems like people have turned their backs and no longer are okay with it.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "So to the point, I’m almost 30 and I’m starting to think maybe I *am* this anxious person who says stupid things and gives off the ‘Don’t mess with me’ vibe I apparently give off when I’m anxious. I’m painfully awkward. I unintentionally say really rude things and I don’t even realize it until way later. I’m socially inept and it’s frustrating that all this work I’ve continually been doing for my mental health has been for nothing. I feel like I should just succumb to accepting that the good times are few and far between and this person I am when I’m unstable mentally is just who I am.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "We are 100% no contact, and have decided we won't talk to each other for at least a few months, or until we're ready to talk and maybe try to be friends. He says he still cares deeply for me and loves me, but this is for the best. I wish it was easier to get over, but it isn't. What advice do y'all have? Thanks!",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I still wake up from nightmares about beating Adams head through a wall. Its the last thing i think about before i fall asleep and the first thing i think about when i wake up. I just want to stop thinking about it but nothing seems to work. I feel like I’m a prisoner to my own brain. Literally any advice or personal experience is welcome.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "My other brother is quite religious / catholic - not sure how this will impact how he reacts when he finds out. Also, my husband now finds it very very hard to be around my brother when my mom and him and his gf get together for family occasions. I don't find it totally difficult, because he's always been in my life and I've gotten so used to just burying it and forgetting about the abuse. But my husband, understandably, has a different perspective. He tries to stay \"strong\" and act as \"normal\" as possible when we get together so that no one thinks anything is \"wrong\" or asks / puts us on the spot.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "So let’s say I like person b [16F] and recently went on a date with her. Person b [16F] tells me that my best friend is telling his girlfriend (who is person b’s best friend) everything that me, person c[16M] (our best friend as well), and other boyfriend discuss as a group of really tight friends. And I mean everything. Person b doesn’t want me to say anything, but should I confront other boyfriend, tell friend c, or just shrug it off? **TL;DR** Us three guys have been friends for three years now and met these girls about 6 months ago; what should I do?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "With all of this garbage happening to me, I find it hard to keep my chin up and to not be negative. By anticipating the worst and vocalizing it, I feel as though I have a better chance of avoiding the worst, because I'm still suffering (making myself unlikable or making a fool of myself). Additionally, if the situation turns out better than expected, I will be pleasantly surprised, and not let down when something goes wrong. Because of this, my relationship with my family is horrible as well. I don't want to lose one of my few friends over this, but I have no idea how to change or if such a thing is even possible.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "I had a panic attack and broke down crying in front of my mom. She scheduled me an appointment for therapy and I just feel like bleh. I dont care about getting better right now. My whole body is in shock from that panic attack and I just feel like death. I honestly doubt I will get better",
"label": "severe"
"text": "He also went to jail when I was in pre school. Last year, my real mom sent me a letter. I had never talked to her. She randomly sent me an easter letter and I saw it and felt weird. I almost started crying but I didnt know why.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "Everything sets me off and I'm almost having a panic attack. I'm going to my dads soon and that also makes me anxious because I'm afraid that I'm not in the mental state to go there and I want to stay at my moms but he really isn't happy when I do that. Anyway when she complains or is feeling bad I comfort her and I've never raised my voice at her even when frustrated. When she thinks I disagree with her she raises her voice, I have to talk about what she wants to in general right now because she gets impatient easily. I feel like vomiting because she also has so many redeeming factors but I don't want to lose her as a friend.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "I’m not living a lavish lifestyle or rolling around in money. I explained to her that if we divided rent based on income percentage she would actually be paying more per month. All this on top of the fact that she turned down a free car. It feels really unfair because I think she blames me for moving us to a “more expensive” location for my new job. So in her mind she shouldn’t have to pay anything more than the dirt-cheap rent I was charging her to live with me at my house.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "We were hoping to call when he leaves for work today-he’s leaving in about 15 minutes. I’m really scared and I think he’ll continue to come after us even after he goes to jail so we’re probably going to have to get a restraining order. Considering we’re a financially unstable family this is going to majorly impact the way we live. We live in a two bedroom apartment so we’re probably going to have to move to a studio or anything else that’s cheaper. My brother leaves in 2 days because he has to go back to college and we need to take action when he’s here because me and my mom can’t really go against my dad (physically).",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "**We strongly emphasize that some of the images included are extremely graphic suicide-related images. Some people may feel that these images are very disturbing and may find them to be triggering. ** 2. All information collected will be kept anonymous.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Throwaway because I don't want this tied to my main account. For some background, 30 yo male diagnosed with GAD, depression and PTSD. Otherwise healthy, but recently my anxiety has been getting worse and showing itself in the most fucking frustrating way. I'm about a year and a half out of an extremely toxic and abusive relationship. I don't want to go into the details at this point but that relationship shattered my trust in people and, frankly, myself.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "There is a time difference and he's busy! don't worry about it winteryokohama\" but there is also crazy brain that is thinking, \"This is him trying to never talk to me again and end things.\" I am driving myself crazy and I'm sick of it. I am NOT spamming him with texts, i am giving him space, and trying to let him enjoy his trip! What are your thoughts reddit?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "My job is very difficult to get, I know multiple people who drive two hours each way because it is the best job around (midwest). It isn't one I can just give up but every time he gets close I start to panic and I can't breathe. My anxiety is through the roof. The worst part is he tries to hit on me and it honestly makes me sick. Add in that I'm pregnant and my hormones are through the roof, I just don't know what to do any advice?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Switching my major to something I’d actually enjoy would add in years to my education and everyone would be like “wtf you need to just commit and finish it because of the money you’ve paid and time etc” because it’s not like I’m 22 anymore or whatever. But I dream of a career involved in science, something morbid or outdoors. I feel like I’m too old to be indecisive. I want to start a family in the next couple f years but if I switch up this career stuff that’ll just push it back and I am almost 30 after all! :/",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Today i came home from and the girls were up and had the Halloween candy all over the room. Their dad was sleeping alongside them. After a couple minutes of \"bitching\", he says to my oldest, tell your mom to shut up. And so she does. So i get on top of him and i say, don't you ever do that again.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "The judge had to postpone the court date. As of this morning janes mother appeared at the house and gave jane the NEW lease showing that jane is no longer on the lease and wants her out. She left almost immediately, to avoid the police that were called right away. And now she does not know what to do .... I wish I can help but I dont know either.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "OK, so as the title says my sister has been trying to set me up with her friend for a couple of months now. Up til recently I refused to even entertain the idea because she is slightly over a full decade younger than me. My sister thinks I'm being stupid letting the age difference make my mind up for me, to the point where we had a huge fight at Christmas about it but I refused to budge. Recently however she's been bringing her friend around a lot (me, my sister, and her husband all get along really well so we hang out at least 2 or 3 weekends a month usually) and as I get to know this girl I am realizing why my sister has been so adamant about it. It's almost eerie how much we have in common.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I need help talking about this: you can still be a good person even if you mess up sometimes. As long as you try, it'll be ok. I'm so afraid of people leaving me because I made them sad, I was mean, or I annoy them, anything, and they'll hold it against me even if I try to improve and make concentrated efforts to change. It's crippling. It's a catastrophic thought.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "Sister kicked off because she wanted to come to. It was a couple type thing and all of us were bringing a SO or a friend (if one of us didn’t have a partner) even if it wasn’t, I would have just wanted it to be Harry. As I don’t want his sister clinging on to us every single time. Harry asked me if she could come too because “it so unfair that you are isolating her like this.” I stood my ground and said that please can he just come. He said no.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Hold on, this is going to be a long one folks. I met Alex at work about a year ago. We collaborated on few projects being in similar roles but never worked directly on the same team. When I first met him, I wasn't romantically interested in him. I was in a relationship and I knew the age difference and it was just not something that would be on my radar.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I dont know what im trying to do by writing this, maybe just to vent, or get advice.. i dont really know.. but here we go. I was in an abusive relationship for 6 years. Everything was great at first. He was a bad boy, but i saw so much more than what he did. I loved him with everything i had and i was ALWAYS there for him.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "The idea of what ISPs can do once the lack rules are truly active have made me feel sick to my stomach. I can't sleep and it is affecting my school life. I can't afford to pay ransom to the Corporate Fascist Thugs who wish to cableize the internet and I can't stand the idea of the internet becoming like that of China and North Korea. We are still fighting, but I'm still paranoid and every day that gets closer to April 23rd makes me feel more infuriated and panicky. I feel under attack and very life about to be destroyed.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "Apparently with this new technology, my entire phone shuts down for 5 minutes after making an emergency call. I'm waiting to tell work about what happened, that I can't come in. I'm going to the hospital with her. I don't care if they're mad or if I get fired. I just feel so shaken and scared still.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "But it hit close to home when my own parents have pressured me over the years to reconcile with my brother, angrily demanding how I'd handle their funerals, whether I'd insist on not going (I wouldn't. My brother was best man for our other brother's wedding, which I attended but declined being a bridesmaid, and kept a careful distance. Then I went home, drank an entire bottle of wine and cried while my husband comforted me). 2. I never would have known about my cousin's son if I hadn't been able to make the funeral yesterday.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "I love her too, but I am super paranoid about the whole deal. Current situation: We both confessed that we love each other, but I won’t be going back to my home country for another 6 months. Because of my past toxic relationship I fear things will change between us, we’ll get into fights/have trust issues etc. Problem: Should I get into a LDR with her, or we should continue being best friends( which would be hard because she has already very clearly confessed she loves me) problems are: 1.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I am afraid that she will sell the house because of this and I'm not sure what the future holds for my family. Because I made some very bad decisions in the past, my credit is horrible. I have tried to get a loan and it's just not happening. I have no car (no money to get a car, let alone make payments) and payday loans are not offered in AZ. Every online loan option, although bad, seems like a better fate than losing my home of 12 years.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "You don’t play unless you know how to play. &nbsp; Weaponizing mental health and addictions appears to be par for the course in North American media. The recent election of Doug Ford to leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario has seen a great wave of weaponized addiction posts. His brother who was famously addicted to cocaine, and Doug who used to deal drugs are lampooned by media who in the next breath (I kid you not) say things like, “Addicts are people too” and “Addiction doesn’t lessen somebody’s humanity”.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "She told me she had one more person to interview and that she would get back to me by Monday. I shook her hand and rushed out the store to another place and went to their restroom. I ruined my hair, I popped a little of my collar and unbuttoned some of my dress shirts. I added some water stains and even took advantage of a partially full cup of soda in one of the stalls. I spilled it on the rims of my shirt but not entirely.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I man the front desk and my title is HR Customer Service Representative. About 50% of my job is spent onboarding new hires. Maybe 10% is clerical/paperwork. The rest is dealing with people who walk in and need help with benefits, retirement, etc. Although I am required to know the basics of our benefits plans and how the retirement and pension benefits work, many employees have questions beyond my knowledge base.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Kinda. But now it’s just weird. He buys us matching clothes, tries to get us to do the same shit, constantly insists that we’re so similar, etc. They try to hold my hands when we go out, and when I told my dad I needed her to stop being so touchy with me, he guilt tripped the fuck out of me. I’m 19 in a few days, I need to get out of here, but I feel so fucking guilty.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "I need to borrow $60, I was in the hospital earlier this week and missed a shift so I'm going to be short my next check, and I'm already down to only $20. I can pay back $85 by december 14th &#x200B; I've paid back $100 in here before, and I've also posted to /r/borrow already. If you can help I'd really appreciate it, I can provide documentation of being in the hospital and my job",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I can't even talk about the day she left me because it was so traumatic. I can't even admit it to myself. It was awful beyond words and I can't tell anyone. How can I see a therapist if I'm afraid I'm going to lose my shit just opening up about that one day? I feel like it would ruin any progress I've made...I'm afraid I'm going to be hiding forever.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "I am quite introverted and the broken friendship I had with my previous roommate made me feel very anxious, so I moved into an apartment on my own. I love living alone, but when I have severe anxiety attacks it becomes lonely and almost unbearable. I sometimes think so much that it feels like I am going crazy. I have terrifying thoughts and I make up scenarios in which I have some terrible condition, or I am dying. My parents know that I have anxiety, but never took it too seriously.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "SIL and BIL are seeing s couples therapist as well as individual therapists. SIL is adamant that she wants my wife and I to participate in group therapy with both of them and that my BIL wants to set the record straight and feels awkward around our family. He hasn't personally apologized for his actions and states that my SIL fell and hit her head on dumbbells in their apt. I do not believe him. He has only apologized that we had to deal with the entire mess.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "But unfortunately it's so easy to lie. I really want to ask people who are on this subreddit, has this ever happened to you personally? Is it possible that someone actually catches feelings through the internet? Every comment would be truly appreciated. P.S: I'm sure he isn't a catfish, I wanted to share as little information as possible but if you really want to know you can PM me.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "After talking with my psych she made me realize that anxiety has been the route of my negative feelings and it was likely anxiety causing depression. Despite this, however, she never seemed to understand just how severe my symptoms were. I would try to stay calm and describe how i felt to the best of my ability, however it wasn't until she saw me have an anxiety attack over asking her a \\_very\\_ simple question that she finally understood the severity. She said I seemed to downplay how I felt, so I took this into account for future reference. Eventually I move on to starting antidepressants, citalopram to start off.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "I’m asking yall how can I live life properly? Immediately after I threw up in year 2, I never feared it happening again. I admit when this happened I was in tears, and same in year 3- I was crying next to my mum by the toilet but it was over quick and again- I was eating chocolate again the day after. But now, nausea? Stop eating for the day.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "She wont call the cops because her counselor confirmed they would take away her kids (her mother took all but one from her now). What the hell can i do? Edit: she said now I can't tell anyone... I'd let her hate me if it meant getting her safe, but I have no idea what this could do to the kids. Very confused.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "What can I do to make this more manageable for the reader and helpful for him to actually want to hire me? Thanks! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear [Store Manager 3], This is [Synchro_Shoukan], I came in yesterday and spoke to you about transferring from [Store Number] to your store.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I'm a bit jumpy as well as a bit of an animated person. Often I'll jump or exclaim something (even out of excitement) and it will activate my boyfriend's startle response. He will become extremely anxious and at times very angry. I am unsure on how to help him, because he said my current ways of addressing it are not adequate. When I asked him how I could be better at helping him through it, he became even more upset stating that he always tells me what to do and I need to figure this out on my own.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Do some sort of entertainment such as playing music or the like(busking). 5. Other? Side Question: Any advice for being able to properly discern legitimate homeless people and \"fake\" homeless? Thanks for your time and I hope your situation improves.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Who do I talk to at this point, the Command Equal Opportunity Officer (e-7) who basically says she will look into it but doesn't seem concerned. There is a stigma about asking for help in the Navy and it needs to change. Basically, if you take any meds you get treated like a black sheep. If you go to medical and they give you meds, you get removed from your duties and everyone else carries your load while you are forced to stand around them not allowed to do anything. If you do get out of the navy because you spoke out about being depressed, anxious, or having symptoms of PTSD then you would be seperated from the Navy and sent home.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "I went to the ER recently because it reached 100 bpm and wouldn’t go down but in retrospect it’s because I was reinforcing my anxiety by numbers high, it won’t go down, oh shit number’s higher and it won’t go down. Repeat. I turned off heart rate tracking and fitness tracking. It’s a shame because I feel it’s turning off a valuable part of the device but quantifiable health data has become one of my triggers. If x to x+5 is a healthy range I freak at x+6 etc.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I ask out of hope that someone will understand the situation. Its temporary but greatly needed right now/ Thanks guys ! 85301 <url> prime pantry- <url>",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Ever since my ex and I broke up last year, I’ve been cooped up at home because I couldn’t find the courage or motivation to go out. We had been going out for 3 years when we decided to break it off. I started to work from home and further withdrew into myself… I rarely went out, even to see friends and do my chores, like buy groceries. Today, I decided I was sick of the way I’ve been living my life lately and want to make some serious changes. I chatted up my friends and organized a Ukraine ski trip with them next month.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "i never really knew people gave a shit about me, and it really meant a lot to me; it still does. but if so many people are here for me, and things are going to be okay, why am i still afraid of them? why do i still have a pit in my stomach and why are these thoughts still clawing at the sides of my skull? why am i crying right now? i don't understand it, i don't understand my own brain and i feel like an ungrateful prick for still being shaken up so badly.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "It took some time. And took me running down the street with our 3 year old son in my arms with him chasing me for me to finally get away. Understand that what i have wrote here is literally just the tip of the iceberg.. i could write about it all, but i would need to write a book. I dont think i would ever run out of things to write about. I have seen 1 doctor since leaving him and he said i have PTSD... i dont like talking about it so i never went back.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I made a wishlist, and it has some ramen on it. If anyone could help out it would be so much appreciated. Thank you! My zip code is 35020. Link to amazon wish list: <url>",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "* The survey usually only takes about 5 minutes (or less) to complete - but you can take as long as you like! * Please note that this survey is best viewed via a computer screen, rather than on a mobile phone. Interested? Here's the link: <url>",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "And they all make it sound like I will have infinity free time and money to go exploring all over where I'm going, like I'm going on a damn vacation. I'll still be spending all my free time job hunting. If they want me to come right back to a shithole that doesn't want to hire me because I'm supposedly overqualified just by existing (I keep getting rejections telling me I'm overqualified except for the one that asked me to fill out yet another application despite me handing them one two weeks ago), maybe they can pay my way and then they can pay for all the months that I don't have income. I have come back here too many times already to nothing, and they seem to think I'm just hanging around having fun living in my car. Unbelievable.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "This is one if the most perplexing symptoms I get when I'm in high anxiety or panic mode. It's the only time I can think of as yawning as being stressful. I have a lot of fatigue anxiety. The more anxious I get, the more fatigued, which makes me anxious. I've almost fallen asleep after calming down and then I have a big yawn and that just restarts it.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "He's an awesome friend who has always been there for me when I had been struggling with depression, giving me great advice, and this put him over the top with this generosity. Between you guys, the three or four family members I have left that I can talk to without shaking with rage, and my friend in Indiana, I have actually cried tears of joy. Seeing people come through when I'm miserable and at rock bottom, I realize I'm not really at rock bottom when there's a hand to help me up. Thank you so much, again. I love you all ❤",
"label": "mild"
"text": "Holy crap, this is long. Migraine ramble. Thanks to any who have read all of this. I can give verification of my claims to anyone who needs it. (EDITED TO ADD: wishlist link above.)",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I am starting a full time job over the summer and will be financially set starting in June. May is going to be very hard for me. My rent is 785, I have other bills as well as purchasing groceries. I can pay rent but will be without any money for 2 weeks after that I will be unable to buy food or pay my electric bill. If anyone could help I would be eternally grateful...i feel so bad asking for anything but I just don't know what to do....",
"label": "severe"
"text": "As mentioned above, my girlfriends gets pissed off when I act uninterested in her friends and starts accusing me of hating them, which is ridiculous because I hardly even know them, and she gets really upset and stops talking to me for awhile. I'm starting to think that it's gonna end up being a choice between me or her friends and so far, I'm losing. TL;DR: My girlfriend's friends are annoying as fuck and I'm not very fond of them. I don't ever say anything negative about them, yet my girlfriend still gets pissed off if I don't praise them. All our arguments are about them.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I had no problem with that, but was kind of surprised that this was the first time I was hearing his cousin's name that he missed so dearly he spent 600 dollars on a plane ticket to go visit. I did not think much of it, but noticed that over the course of a couple weeks, he was constantly getting snapchats from Jessica, but was reluctant to open them in front of me. That was another thing that surprised me because he always would open things in front of me, and never had a problem with me on his phone. If he did open a snapchat from Jessica, he kind of pulled his phone closer to him so I couldn't see his screen. I noticed his phone background one day, and saw that it was a happy birthday card with a picture drawn on it, signed from Jessica.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "He became depressed and gained a lot of weight, which makes him even more insecure about his looks. He also dropped out of university but now has come back to finish his degree. About me, I’m 21 years old, already graduated from college and now working a part time job but my goal is to become a flight attendant. I’m 162cm tall and weight 49kg, so I think it’s safe to say that I look fit. I also have a good looking face, I’m quite popular at my workplace among my coworkers and customers.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "When you go to bmv/dmv they require a physical as well as mailing address when getting ID or drivers license. For the physical address you can use something descriptive such as \"street name \" mile marker 3 or under bridge at Dawson/Racine. Where ever you \"live\". I never knew this until recently and now I try to tell every houseless person I meet just in case. They might look at you weird in the office when you tell them your address but oh well!",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Then he didn't talk to me for day and after that suddenly he pretends like nothing ever happened. He also tries to tell me that I remember things wrong in these fights, and that I am the one who always starts them. Last night this happened again, until he said some things that I don't feel are possible to take back, like telling me I am a loser and all of my friends hate me because I'm an a#$hole, and that he regretted bringing me up. I feel that crossed a line, due to the fact that this argument started because he told me when I was barbecuing sausages not to put the lid down, even though that's the way I always do it. He then proceeds to tell me my memories of cooking sausages have never happened, and then starts the fight/argument.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "The few days following this I was a wreck, an absolute mess. Crying at work, shaking, anxious, sweating, and couldn't eat. Through the week I wound up losing nearly 6lbs and have been everything from manic depressed to furious, to scared out of my wits to utterly confused aaand all the way back around again. The other night I told him I needed an answer. WHAT are we doing?",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "Usually after each session I get a headache also. I can't tell if i'm becoming worse, because I did EMDR on my bad drug experiences and feel great now. The rest of what i'm dealing with is early childhood trauma, which was prolonged so i'm thinking EMDR is just bringing out these feelings and making my body become very unhappy since im reprogramming it to not constantly be hyper aware and anxious. Ive had a few hospital visits because after some sessions i turn into a hypochondriac because the physical responses are so odd. One session made the left side of my face numb.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I've had anxiety for a few years (I'm seventeen) and only got diagnosed properly like 7 months ago alongside depression. Over the past few months I've developed a stutter and I've been unable to form proper sentences which has given me a fear of talking to friends and even just talking in general. I'm not the smartest person in my family and have got the lowest grades but I've always been excellent with my literacy but when I'm talking to either my family or friends, the words just can't come out. I've recently had something happen to nw where I was used for comedy & told to \"try electro shock therapy\" to help my mental illnesses by some guy pretending to be there for me. This is only really related because this has made me really antisocial and I can't trust people anymore.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I felt the tension and the seriousness. Usually during lockdown drills things aren't too serious because we're high schoolers. We mess around because we know nothing is wrong. But this drill was different. We knew we were all okay, that everyone was safe, but the atmosphere was completely different.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Perhaps it is weird to process something after such a long time, but not really. I always felt strong at how I managed to leave, but I never had any closure. I got out of the relationship and pretended nothing ever happened. Just wanted to share I had an eye-opening experience tonight and I feel at peace about everything that happened now because I have deep down, stopped blaming myself. Looking back at every experience I had with him, the mental torture I went through, I cannot believe what I dealt with, but now finally feel ok.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Any advice is welcome. I'll be checking in and replying to comments as much as I can but I have to be discreet so I may not be able to answer for a while. Thank you in advanced. Tldr: I was ready to move out then my car broke down and he is now fixing it. He doesn't know I'm leaving as soon as he's done and I feel terrible about it because he's actually being nice for a change and is trying to stay sober.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I was talking to my mom this morning and she said that about my sister. Her trauma was worse than mine but she didn't develop PTSD. (My mom has no idea I even had a traumatic event) I told her it's not that easy, and she said it just needs to be done. Now I am scared.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Recovery feels familiar, so it's less scary, but I'm also so much more tired of it all. I want to move on. I had been able to move on! I got so much stronger! And now I'm back here, a delicate PTSD flower.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "She loves being drowned in kisses and whisked off to bed like a princess. No all she can manage is side hugs. This is also taking a toll on me (not being able to fall asleep/wake up next to the woman of my dreams is crushing) but I'm trying with all of my heart to be sympathetic. To get to my question: does ANYBODY have any advice to help her get through this? Anything I can do or say to help her feel comfortable again?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "“Hey you can’t lay down like that man.” I could tell you what I wanted to say to the oversized Krillin looking mother… *inhale* but that was because I was tired. I sat down to kill time before the shelters in the morn began to open. I decided to make base in Atlanta, because I knew leaving any further North would make it hard to return to Savannah with the ticket that I had. I was bound to Georgia, until court day.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "When I grew up, my parents were always working and were never home, didn't express interest in spending time with their children. I was alone all the time and it made me depressed. I wasn't able to make many friends because my parents never drove me to see people. I did parental duties for my siblings. I made my sister meals when she was 7 years old losing weight because my parents never cooked for her.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "You try harder to focus on the screen when another turns on. The screen is large enough that you can clearly make out that it is most definitely a memory. The more you focus, the more screens turn on all showing the same memory. The last screen is so clear, the picture so perfect that it's almost like you are there. As you watch, you realize that you aren't watching anymore- you are in the memory again.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "A few years ago I witnessed an accident at this time of year and I am beginning to remember it again. At night I hear the sound and burst into tears and calm down until I hear it again and start crying. I didn’t know the person involved but I was one of the closest to it when it happened but I’m beginning to sort of enjoy the release from crying and fantasize about telling people about it. I feel guilty for this indulgence and feel like maybe I am just looking for attention. I have always had bad anxiety and mild depression so is it just that?",
"label": "mild"
"text": "I've been reading through this sub today and thought I'd offer some help. -if you're from a different country, skip to the bottom for info on how to give me a hand to help others I consider my story an interesting one but I'll keep the story short. Most supermarkets in the UK offer a price match scheme. The commonly used one now is Asda's 'Price guarantee'.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "He goes in the bedroom and we only have one car so he has to take me to work. He is just sitting on the bed and I have to be at work in literally 16 minutes (I live close to my work). I said come on you're going to make me late and he said well find the fucking car keys. So I started looking then he found them. Then honestly he was just going on and on and yelling at me and I tuned out what he was saying so I don't even remember.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Child protective services were called and I was interviewed. I told them nothing of the sexual abuse, only the physical and emotional, as well as his constant threats to \"break your arm in that goddamn door if you don't sit fucking still\" I was removed from my home in two days and placed in a foster home until my biological father could drive up and take me to what was supposed to be my real home. On my mothers side of the family I have an aunty and my nene along with various cousins. My father kept me separated from them for two years, finally relenting when I cried and begged to see them.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "Yesterday afternoon, two black males attacked me from behind, took my phone, and shoved me to the ground. The police came and did all the investigation he could and I came to my hotel I'm currently staying at (I'm traveling right now-yes female solo travel can be dangerous lol), slightly scraped and shaken but no major injuries. The police weren't hopeful that they will get to find my phone with all of my not-backed up travel photos but at least I survived the day and I can get a new phone! Money doesn't concern me, I'm just really bugged that I won't have all of my photos from two-week travel. The thing is, I was scrolling through youtube to find phone reviews (so that I can get a new one and not regret it lol) and clicked on a video with a black male person showed up.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Every time I tell him to leave he threatens to harm my pets or take them and release them to the wild (I have ferrets.... they CANNOT survive in the wild where I live) or he goes into rants about how useless I am and how I couldn't survive without him and somehow he worms his way back in for fear he might be right. TLDR; need him out. He threatens animals. **REALLY** don't wanna involve police. What do I do?",
"label": "severe"
"text": "I know this will prob get doe vote to oblivion but every time i see this phrase it just feels so negative. Anxiety can be cured, you can feel normal again and you could even say that managing it is a cure anyway. People without anxiety manage fear and anxiety on a day to day basis it's just it comes naturally to them without even noticing, that's the point we need to get ourselves back to in order to be cured. I'm guessing I'm not the only one that feels de-motivated when they see this phrase so maybe use it less on here guys?",
"label": "mild"
"text": "I asked for nothing but a declaration (a document detailing finances) from the divorce. He stole from me. I asked for nothing but restitution. He fought, forced me to hire a lawyer (more money), dragged out the case, and led to have alimony imposed upon if he failed to make restitution. He still failed to even honestly attempt to make restitution.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "We went from completely being strangers to being absolutely the best of friends. And im talking about a person who says the same things at the same time, perfectly understands your point, same faith, same songs you listen to, just so much coincidence happening during those 8 months that made me believe in fate, destiny - whatever you call it. And im 28, i've had 2 exes. Both long term. Ive never been single since I was 17.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I need to see that list. I can not make a decision based on evidence I can not see. Please include that list as evidence. I very much want to see it. **",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Basically he makes too much money for help has no other family or friends to help I can barely help myself let alone my dad and his two dogs...but he has literally no where to go and he's gonna be homeless by the time he gets put of his house which he is being evicted from. His credit is too low to get a place and now with this eviction it will be harder. Also he lives on a fixed income which isn't to bad but it's still not gonna be enough to move in a month considering his credit history. I don't want my dad to be homeless....what can he do? Sorry if this doesn't apply to this group...idk what else to do...",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I guess 15 years later and I haven't put being bullied in high school behind me. Probably doesnt help that I'm unsecured about my body and feel that everyone is judging me because I'm a personal trainer lol... *sigh* . i look fine, just not up to par with more serious gym dwellers. And work performance? Well personal training is a sales gig.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Its like that, if you want or not.“ ME: I have no problem, if it takes longer. But you asked my friend for help and let him wait for one hour and then you haven’t prepared anything. Thats not what you asked for. Instead of 3 hours, he helped you for 10 hours till 5am...",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "And here I am, several years later. But I hadn't expected to still be alive by now. So planning anything for more than a few hours in the future feels stupid and pointless. Self-harm and suicide seem like pretty decent options most days. As a compromise, I sleep, because being unconscious gives me a chance to not be in this world for a little while.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "These things seem dumb and I swear to God I didn't think they'd work, but a therapist I had told me about them and they actually do work. To stop a feeling of rage: Stand straight with your feet apart. Raise your arms as high as you can above your head, and put your hands together (like people do when they're praying). Stretch as high as you can. Jump and land on the floor, bringing your hands down between your legs, and hold that position for a few seconds.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "My sickness couldn't be diagnosed at the time w/o insurance. I was too ill to remain in NYC so had to move home. Fast forward to Jan 2014, living with my father in Ohio-I woke up paralyzed from the waist down on the left hand side of my body (lasted almost two months). Finally got the testing I needed: diagnosis MS. I also have Fibromyalgia, OA in my knees, central sleep apnea, MDD, and other various health issues.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "&#x200B; **Heyyyyyy. ** So Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm a young lady who suffers from Complex PTSD and just want to reach out to be part of a community to get some help while also helping others. Supporting other PTSD victims is something that has helped me heal.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "She would be coming to the states for the first time in over 10 years on Dec. 30. I was ecstatic to finally meet my MIL. We've chatted on several occasions and she is truly a great person. Rob was excited too so he wanted to make her trip memorable. He decided he wanted to get a family portrait painted for her as a late Christmas gift.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I figured hey in this world of the internet there is bound to be a video clip of it! But no, it seems like there is no way at all to see it unless you live in the UK. Very frustrating, my grandmother is very old and has been very excited about this, and I just want to bring her some joy. If anyone can somehow find the video link, I’m missing it somehow, I would be so very grateful. I know it’s called “the royal rebel” and it aired on BBCtwo in the UK.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I mean that type of behavior is just weird, I don't understand how someone can still hang out with their friends every day almost like theyre in high school. His job is kind of low demand (bartender and has an internship at an office) so i guess he just has a lot of free time... but still. What am I supposed to think? --- **tl;dr**: Boyfriend hangs out with his friends constantly and im worried this is a sign of immaturity.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Over the past couple of years I've been getting increasingly afraid of road trips. I've been terrified of dying in car accidents. I don't know entirely knowing where this fear is coming from. I was in a super minor fender bender as a teenager but that was it. In college, I lived in a city with insane traffic and regular accidents but I never experienced an accident myself.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "Now I know everyone is going to maybe think it's from the suboxone but it or at least used to be one of the things that helped my anxiety. If I admitted myself I am afraid they'd admit me and make me go cold turkey. I am unemployed and looking for employment. I live with my grandparents. I'm a 28 year old male.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "When we returned we discovered that one of our beloved pets' health had taken a turn for the worse and we had to them euthanized, so that was a setback. We still have not been able to pay rent for May. Our landlords are trying to work with us but I believe they are becoming impatient, also since the 5th there is an additional $5 owed for every day that it is late so the amount is growing. We are also still very behind in our utility bills. I was able to negotiate something with the company that I finance my car through so that it would be easier to make the payments but could still use some help paying my insurance this month before it is cancelled again (It was cancelled briefly in April but I was able to get it reinstated).",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Little over 3 hours ago, my dad had attacked me. I'm not sure who to go to for advice, hoping someone can share any here. Thank you. Here's the full story Preceding physical contact, me and my dad were having a verbal argument.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "For the innocence you wish you could convince me to see in you. For me. I have said everything that I wanted to. I ask of you to not come home and start a dialogue with questions, but rather with answers. I will not be responding via text.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "My wife suffers from chronic migraines, of which, she is allergic to most of the medications they have out there for this. Our options for relief comes in the form of Methadone that is the only thing that helps, I know what a lot of you are thinking and no we do not do drugs or anything that the stigma of methadone has with it. I paid for her meds no problem for a while while she was filing for disability which many of you know is a very lengthy process. While I was working there I heard rumors that there was a commission system set up for vip hosts that includes giving the surcharges of the bottle sales to the vip host. I asked each manager and none of them could say one way or the other (strange right?).",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "At times, he would get stalker-ish, and she would remove him from her contacts. This would infuriate him, and he would create an alternate character to threaten her, saying how he is going to find her, kill her, and tell me about their relationship. Being scared, my wife would add him back, pretend to be friends, only to repeat this cycle over several times over the next few years. Yes, they somehow remained \"friends\" for years after this affair. The next stab came when I was sent to an Air Force base for a 3 month training for my job.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Edit: She has seen a therapist that diagnosed her with PTSD based on a fear of tornadoes (that she has never been directly affected by other than her parent, father, having them go into a basement as one was nearby). I believe this to be a slight misdiagnosis and the focus of the treatment to be incorrect. I'm looking for support from others that have had similar experiences and perhaps know a bit more about the differences between PD, PTSD, and CPTSD. Going to attempt to summarize the background info with bullet points. -Together for 5 years, married for 1.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "406.449.9670 NEW MEXICO: all counties. 505.298.7206 x200 NEW YORK: Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York (Manhattan), Queens, Richmond, Suffolk counties ONLY. 212.598.9000",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "i quickly think to check them all out in seperate windows, and i confirm again that all of the profiles had been made very recently within the past month even up to the day of adding me. it's becoming really annoying having these profiles add me, and it's just weird that they're obviousy fake but why so specifically pose as a certain kind of person and add another? stuff about me: im a lesbian so don't date older men, and i've never really hung out with anyone older than 40 so i know i can't actually know these people. and if its some weird joke; i have no daddy issues, my dad is still around and its not really a funny joke its just weird. i also note that one of the profiles, which has since disappeared, was really REALLY creepy.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Our study involves an online survey (approx. 45 mins), which may be accessed at the following link(s) along with more details on our project: FOR PC/LAPTOP USERS: <url> FOR MOBILE USERS: <url> If you are any age above 18, we would like to hear from you even if you are not currently using cannabis, or have not ever tried it in your life.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I did a few times but it always just blew up in us breaking up and then me being miserable for awhile. I just don't know if I should bother anymore and commit to the fact that I'm alone and will probably be for the rest of my life. Both my brothers are married, most of my family members have partners apart from me so I sort of feel like the odd one out there. I'm sort of just unsure of what to do next. ---",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "It certainly seemed like we were both really feeling it, and ended up sleeping together after the second date (realize this is a little soon). After the first few dates we decided to host a party together around the holidays and for some reason after this her interest level dropped severely. Told me it was moving too quickly and she was scared that it was headed toward something she wasn't ready for. I backed off after this, eventually called her a few weeks later (because communication between us had severely slowed down). I attempted to end what we were doing because i could feel she wasn't interested anymore.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I feel like I will never trust my own judgement again. 3) I fucking HATE being this person. I hate being a victim. I would never judge anyone else in my situation, but I can’t stand having to see myself as someone who was abused. My grandfather abused my grandmother her whole marriage and I always felt like, because of that, I would always be on the lookout.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "Best to work backwards. The first time I went in to an actual psychological professional to get them to weigh in on my condition was due to a flashback - The only one I've ever had and frankly pretty easy to deal with, which sets the tone for me. As far as the disorder goes, I got off pretty easy. Conversation to do with specific details of child abuse caused me to tap into a repressed memory of childhood abuse which I won't go into too much detail on in a public thread, though if anyone is interested in the context, I don't mind sharing over messaging. It was like when one imagines things under their own control - Conjuring images and sounds at will while still experiencing reality, but it wasn't under my control.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I feel like I can be that person for my girlfriend since I love her but I don't think I want to sacrifice my happiness for that. I just want to have a simple life and find someone who will have time for me. I didn't grow up in a loving family like her. It's not always about money. I grew up comfortably but there is not much love in the family I grew up in so money isn't important to me.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I don’t believe my list is long and I tried to find the cheapest items. I have high hopes I’ll be employed by the middle of July. I’m ready to pay it forward. Don’t want to be in this situation ever again. I’ve attached the link.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Since I was fifteen my stepdad, when he returns home from work, drunk. Always ask me to massage his naked back by stepping on it almost every night. Even if it's midnight, he'll make my mom wake me up, even tho I don't want to. But I'll comply because I was afraid to refuse as he could get quite angry if I do so. I don't know what's going on inside my mom's head at that time, but I just assume that she's too powerless, too afraid of my stepdad.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I blame myself. Almost all the time. Especially when I feel bad, I see the uncomfortable feelings as wrong in the first place, and that it's my fault that I feel bad. This makes me feel worse. When I feel worse because I hate myself, I hate myself for hating myself for feeling bad.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "At the moment my prediction is to spend the year attending classes, applying for scholarships, and working during the day before couch hopping with a few friends for a month or 2 and spending the rest of the time staying in hostels when I can or sleeping on the streets when I can't before hopefully getting into college where I'll have a reliable bed. TL;DR: Working on boosting my resume, making friends that I can couch hop with for some time, and getting a paying job. Thanks for your time! Edit: Holy shit, thanks for the gold! I have no clue why you'd go and do somethin like that, but I appreciate it nonetheless!",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and I am a domestic violence survivor who is still struggling, even after over four years. Lately I have been feeling very angry. Angry that my abusive ex received no real consequences for his actions. This man abused me in all manners: physically, sexually, emotionally, verbally, financially, etc. I was granted a restraining order against him (and it was renewed a year later) but I was unable to press criminal charges against him because I didn’t have enough evidence to have a case.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "Hey guys. This post is primarily obsession and compulsion orientated. I did want to post in the OCD sr but it’s pretty quiet in there. I’m a 19 year old male from the UK and in terms of my anxiety, this has truly been the worst year of my life. My most common obsession theme throughout my life has been to do with my health but for the last two years I have been dominated by intrusive thoughts about being a homosexual when I’m not and being a pedophile.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "He knows I can't work because of my anxiety problems and he knows I rely on him. He's told me before no one else will take care of me like he does, no one else will put up with me. I'm scared to go back because I don't want to get back together with him and I know if he wants to we will. The reason I went to my grandma's house is because a couple days before I left he got drunk. He started saying horrible things to me.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Does anyone else experience parts of their PTSD this way? &#x200B; Is this truly avoidance or is this dissociation? I tried to do some digging and pin down what I am experiencing so I can communicate with my husband more effectively but it isn't something that seems to fit nicely into a box and so it has been confusing. Thank you.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "This has only started in the last few days. My mood has been worse because it’s so fucking hot in the uk and I feel sticky and gross 24/7 unless I’m in the shower. Maybe dehydration is the reason behind my depressed anxious feeling? I really thought the meds were helping me before this so I don’t want to give up on them....but I don’t know what to expect right now. Sorry for going on too much, advice would be amazing right now.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "So I found a counselor who I like and I've been to the first session where she got my background and overview of my problems I guess. Then, we went right in and she had me working on coping strategies etc. and she said in the future what things we will work on. So my question is: I didn't really say everything that I've had trouble with and how much it really affects me. Like she knows most of it, but between my parent being in the room part of the time and the nervousness of being there, I realized I didn't say everything.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "We've been getting along very well, and our previous repeated complaints on both sides of ceased because of this. But as time has gone on my feelings have changed in regards to me thinking I can accept this and work through it with her. I know I love her, and I don't really know how to explain my emotions here, but I no longer feel like \"her husband\", and I don't feel like she's \"my wife\", it's more like we're partners or room mates or something. I feel a vital part of our marriage (loyalty, and trust) is gone and it can't come back. In the end, I can't shake the thoughts of leaving and restarting my life.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "At the very least, I need help keeping the RV running so that I can get food at least, keep going to the doctor to see if I can get well enough to work again. And if i end up filing for bankruptcy and lose my home (as might happen in the next month or two, to be honest), I'll need it to sleep in. So if anyone to help out even a little bit with this $575, I could really use it. Thank you! Update:",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "So I got freaked out and cancelled again. Now I’m worried they’ll find out about it later and send me to collections to damage my credit and ruin my life without me ever knowing. I hope this sounds crazy to everyone else as well because it’s eating me alive. Nothing helps at this point, not even medication. Why do I always do this?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Both me and him want to keep in contact and still do things together as friends but i find it extremely hard. Also i know there is a big age gap, i am 23 and he is 39 but i have connected with him in ways i never connected with anyone else, and both my previous relationships of 3 and 1 year was with guys that were 11 and 13 years older than me, i just like older men and i am more comfortable with them. Could all this feelings be wrong? Could it be because i have no one here and i found comfort with him to be the reason i developed feelings for him? I am not sure and i want your help!",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Sorry this is so long! Thanks in advance if you manage to read it :) My best friend Grace and I met when we were 10 and became best friends almost immediately. She was always the \"leader\" in our friendship ever since we were young. I didn't mind it, I actually kind of liked it since I was a very shy kid who had no confidence anyway.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I have suffered for years through an abusive relationship with my husband. Drunk driving, attempting to detain me in one place so he could continue to yell at me, child endangerment, stalking, physical and sexual abuse, cheated on me multiple times, (including one instance I am sure was actually rape). I kicked him out months ago and filed for divorce as soon as I was able after that. Now I have a court date for the restraining order for me and my son, which I finally gathered up the courage (and the witness testimony) to file. I know that everything I've said is true, and I'm confident that my evidence is strong.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I phoned my actual therapist, but mostly I sat alone and chained smoked, if someone talked to me I tried to be nice and polite, and I simply reminded myself that all the evidence showed this would be possible in September, that only by acting out could I fuck it up. So I left well, pretending hopefulness I did not feel, with everyone's well wishes. Now I return tomorrow. Disability is paying for my ride, I am taking the train for the first time. It was really a wonderful place.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "The reason being is just to protect you awesome folks. I know most of the people who request monies are truly in need but there are always a few who take advantage of the generosity of others. So please, let’s just stick to food and hygiene items only, guys. Again, those who help out here are some of the kindest, most generous Redditors there are. Glinda~",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years, he's in college and he wants to work to have extra spending money, his friend who works at a restaurant said that he'd help him get a job there. The staff at this restaurant are at least 90% female and I'm not really okay with this, I don't know what to say to him about it so I haven't mentioned the thing about other girls, but I have expressed that I would rather he not get a job. My family is from Chile and my father had an investors Visa and that is how we got to the US, my parents are very well off and I have told my boyfriend that I'd be completely fine with financially supporting him at least even just while he's in school, and he said he still wants a job \"for the social aspect as well\". Which kinda seemed odd to me, why would he want job for the social aspect even if he doesn't need the money? When the job is at a place that is over 90% female?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "So I've been dating my current girlfriend for 6 months now. Everything has been great. We get along great, haven't had any fights, sex is still amazing, all that. I've owned a condominium for 7 years, and its a decent sized 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath. Well, her lease runs out at the end of July, and I'm toying with the idea of inviting her to move in with me.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I have no problem with a few years either way, hell the last girl I dated was 6 years younger, but this is an entire decade. That's a lot. But other than the number itself I don't know if I should care this much or not. She's pretty mature for her age and I'm admitedly a bit of a late bloomer so we are in roughly the same stage of life so that's not an issue like in a lot of age differential cases. But I just can't help shake the thought of how weird it seems to me.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I was in a relationship, so I didn't really let it go anywhere, but hell, it was a new experience for me, and I liked being liked. Fast forward half a year to my breakup. She had moved to a different job, but we bumped into each other in Wal-Mart, if all places. We hit it off, and it wasn't long before a date turned into two, then more. I moved in with her, but maintained a separate apartment for a few months at her request (her family was very judgemental about 'living in sin').",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Hey everyone. I need a place to vent and place my feelings because I don't know what to do anymore. This evening while playing a boardgame with my BF and some friends, I found out my BF lied big time. Short: last year we decided that I would join him this year on his skiing trip with his friends (his idea). This wasn't possible in the end (or so he told me) because his friends didn't want to rent a cabin but go on a cheap student skiing trip.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "Now the past week, anxiety has hit harder than it's ever hit before. I'm checking snapchat scores, social media activitiy, last active etc which i know is already grounds for unhealthy relationships. The problem is when we were together, and whilst we were texting chat its absolutely perfect until the past week. The texts are shorter, my messages are being ignored (she's online but not reading my message) for hours on end, there's no good night / good morning message, it's all very limited and short. I've tried to challenge her on it as a means of settling my anxiety but this was met with a touch of hostility, in that 'yes everything is fine, i don't need to be in constant communication with you,' but I'm just so concerned that she's pulling away or losing interest and its all falling out of my hands.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I don't need that. This sucks but is far from hopeless. I can do this with some help. The next bad thing came just two days out of the hospital. The lady who was letting me stay on her couch doesn't come home.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I started talking to a girl, 'J', on Tinder about a month ago. She's funny, attractive and quick-witted, however she was apprehensive to meet up for a drink to get to know each other in person straight away. We are both from the same town (we matched over Christmas) however she lives an hour and a half away in a much larger city. She first claimed that she could not afford to travel to see me even when she was back in my town (she also refused to let me pay for anything involving her, including travel to her city to meet her), however said last week that she did not want to meet me until she knew that I was genuine about her, and wanted to talk on the phone every evening for a week. If I did this, then she would meet me on the day afterwards.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I need information. As emotional as I am right now, I know I'm not thinking straight and am probably missing something as I research on my own. Any advice, any info, any resource, or organizations that I can apply to to help pay for this is greatly appreciated. I'm in Kansas if that helps... Thank you.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "I also get really painful cramps/periods every month. I do not share this with the people I work with because I do not want to \"complain\" nor do I think it is any of their business! Today, I asked to leave at lunch time, because I was in a lot of pain, I had terrible cramps, and actually bled through my pants! Embarrassing! The secretary told me it was no problem.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I really don't know what's wrong with me lately. It seems like every day I'm having some kind of meltdown and I don't know how to get back to normal. The other night I had a massive flashback, no idea what triggered it. It came out of nowhere. And for about two weeks now I feel constantly on the verge of an anxiety attack.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "I will be homeless in June and need a place to sleep safely or else I will suffer more severe mental distress, becoming unable to think properly. I went to a shelter organization and the CEO told me they have waaaaaay more homeless than beds (like 50000 homeless and 11000 beds or something like that). While I was there a lady came in to complain about a rape. I involuntarily cry in noisy, busy, crowded environments and become unable to function. How can I help myself best in the leading months?",
"label": "mild"
"text": "- Constantly forgets where she put her cell phone (even though she keeps it in the same designated spot) - She was the money-person in my family. Knew everyone's bank account numbers, credit card due dates, utility bills, etc. Recently handed the task of money management to my dad because she was forgetting to pay bills. - On her way to the grocery store, forgot where she was driving to; ended up at my dad's work instead",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "She Actually gave me 2 months to find a place to live before she was gonna kick me out but i couldn't find any and Friday is the last day of those 2 months. I don't have a car, or any friends that'll let me stay with them. In total , i have about 600 bucks . Maybe i could use that money to gtfo of Minnesota. Maybe i could buy a gun and shoot myself idk .",
"label": "severe"
"text": "When I have a thought and that thought makes me feel good, it is because that thought is true, that thought is in alignment with my true nature, according to my higher self\\infinite intelligence that thought is correct, it is the right way for me “define” myself and to go in life. When someone says to you “You are beautiful”, “I love you”, “I enjoy being around you”, … That makes you feel good, because those thoughts are TRUE, those thoughts are showing you who you are, you are loved, you are beautiful, you are and incredible person to be around with. (In my case, I feel in heaven when someone says to me “You make me feel amazing” 🙂 ) The same goes with your on thoughts and perspectives (that’s what you attract every time btw), when you define yourself/think of yourself in a way that makes you feel good, like “I feel worthy”, “I love myself”, “I love being me”, “I truly like my new shirt”, “I’m having so much fun”, “I’m at peace and relaxed”, you are going in the right way, the right direction, forward and aligned with your dreams and passions. From feeling fine to feeling ecstasy and Infinite Love, it is true for you, those thoughts and perspectives are the ones that will serve you in amazing ways and that will bring you the tremendous benefits for you and for your life, keep choosing them, believe in them, bathe yourself in them.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Hey. I have PTSD from something totally different than my topic. I've been going to therapy for it, and it has been doing wonders for my triggers! I haven't felt this healthy in years. But, as therapy often does, it brought up some stuff I thought I had handled but turned out to be bigger than I thought.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "It's like Everyone else is allowed to be frustrated but me. So I use a lot of my UPT (unpaid time off; it's the ONLY time off we get, no vacation or anything) for my sister - her wedding (a whole fucking week), her kids' birthdays that she insists I be at, and things like their baptisms. And I know I use a lot of my hours on them, but overlook it because I love them and know they want to see me. But I only have 6 hours left, and each shift is 4 hours. I might have to use 4 of those today because the front of my house is flooded (there's a car stuck there and an officer blocking off people from entering), because I emailed HR and even sent in a picture but this company just doesn't give a fuck and probably won't cancel.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Because I have! And it literally makes me feel 10k x crazier than I already feel as it is. She left me alone, meds unfilled, and then told all her colleagues I was trying to scam ADHD medication off of her, so now none of them want to take my case either. Backstory, I’ve been seeing this doctor for 3 years almost now and at first I let her know my commitment issues with mental health, and having people just leave me stranded or pass me to new doctors every week and it made me bail the first few times I’ve tried to get my brain right. So we have appointments every 3-6 ish months depending on medication change.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "My current bf does not care about guy friends and trusts me to not put myself in a precarious position. When does this feeling of guilt go away? I cant spend the rest of my life working and spending time at home away from other people. The level of anxiety is near panic attack and occasionally leads to one to the point where I dont eat and barely sleep for days. TL;DR: feeling guilty over nothing from being conditioned in a previously abusive relationship.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "We had plans to move in together, a fancy $1,800/month home that she would contribute $400 or so. We spoke of children, marriage, all sorts of stuff. It's not that I thought she owed me anything for me doing these things. It's just that I felt like I did so incredibly much and it kills me that I look back and know that over a 5 month period, we only had intimate contact less than 15 times, that we never made out, outside sex (and I initiated and was rejected many, many times). Every time I brought up my frustrations regarding my unmet romantic needs, she took it as gaslighting and used it as fuel to further drive the reason why she wasn't comfortable with intimate contact.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Writing is one of my methods, and I wrote this and I would really appreciate feedback or any insight on why I am not being able to withhold myself today. “I’m writing this, because I am experiencing and attempting to avoid a full blown panic attack. I am stronger then my negative thoughts, and I do have the power to control them. Writing about it makes it seem less real, and it isn’t. My dream keeps playing in my head like a record and each time i get a glimpse of the record I avoid it.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "You are being invited to participate in a research study for Heather Cornett’s dissertation at Texas Woman’s University. The purpose of the current study is to examine the role of self-advocacy in those with a severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI) and how it relates to self-stigma and life satisfaction. The research is intended to supply the researcher with information about strategies that could improve life satisfaction in individuals diagnosed with an SPMI. Completion time for the survey is approximately 15-25 minutes. Participants are only allowed to participate once in the current study.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "Spring 2102 I began to see a man that I worked with and that only made my roommate jealous and angry. I went to a pdoc (who was basically a pharmaceutical dispensary and appointments only lasted 15 minutes) who diagnosed me with ADHD, generalized anxiety disorder and caffeine dependency. My ex-roommate(who had PTSD from fighting in Iraq and BPD) became jealous that I was hanging out with and spending all my time with a man that was not him, he began to hide my prescription anxiety and sleep medication so I would have to spend more time at my apartment and with him. Late summer 2012 I was able to catch him doing a series of illegal things, had him arrested for petty theft and evicted him from the apartment. I spent a couple months more in the apartment and ultimately ended up moving in with the man I had begun to see (he and I have now been together almost 5 years).",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Now my dad is doing his best to cope while trying to care for my niece who is special needs. He has noone out in Mississippi with him. I need to go out there for a month and help him sort through all of moms things since she left behind a huge mess for him to deal with. He is finding out that she was paying for accidental life insurance and there was no actual life insurance policy put into place. The bills have been stacking the past few months and he just needs a break.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "My wrists start to itch. My bruises from rock climbing and martial arts remind me of other, past bruises. Nightmares. I had such a fucking nightmare last night. Nightmare on top of nightmare.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "In some ways, I can handle it more than the average person who hasn't gone though such a trauma. Sometimes it's hard to remember that, though, when you're breaking down over some otherwise harmless feedback. I'm tired of people misunderstanding. I'm tired of feeling weak and broken. I'm just tired.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "Your responses to the survey items will be anonymous and kept confidential. Clicking the “SURVEY” link below will take you to a page asking you to read through a consent form explaining the purpose of this research, the content of the survey, the type of questions you will be asked, the amount of time it may take to complete the survey, and the risks and benefits of your participation. At the end of the form you can click “AGREE” to consent to the use of the answers you provide and to begin completing the survey. Thank you for your time and interest. <url>",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I've been trying the online dating thing recently and met a very nice guy. We've been on 3 dates so far and he's great! Funny, nice, understanding. Unfortunately I don't really feel a spark. I thought going on more than 1 date would let me see him as more than a friend but I have no desire to even kiss him even though I enjoy hanging out with him.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "For a while now, I have been getting very little sleep. Maybe an hour or two at the most every night. I’m exhausted throughout the day despite being at work surrounded by very enthusiastic people 6 days a week. Yet when i get home and I’m alone, I can’t sleep even though i am so tired. My worries and my stress is constantly nagging me.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "no one can diagnose me with PTSD because it is not! i don''t know if this is a OCD thing? if i have a multitude of things on my mind or other milder worries i seem to be fine but when my brain is quiet and worry-less it seems i involuntary remind myself of the ''dissociative flashback'' which starts a cycle of psychological drowning and feelings of detachment as well as depressive feelings. this is all because of one thing in the past, my life would be 100x better if this was gone heck i would DO anything to get rid of this forever! meds have helped it occur less frequently but it is still the same severity.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I wanted to go to this art school in an expensive city only because this place is wayyyyyyy cheaper then most art schools and it has all the majors I'm interested in, which I could use for like storyboards for movies and what not. They have really nice dorms and if I could just get the funding for school I could do that, but I have really bad mental illness and I need my cat, he checks to make sure I'm breathing at night and comforts me during panic attacks. Which means I'd need an apartment, and a job. I'm not against working my ass off, I'm just getting down right now, no responses to applications can do that. I'm in a state that doesn't even have a real art school.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "Any help is greatly appreciated, I'll be sure to pay it forward when i'm back on my feet. Thank you. Edit: removed bitcoin address, missed that in the rules. Sorry! Edit2: thank you so much",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "That being said, I feel like every idea I have to contribute gets shot down. It doesn't help that I'm not the best at communicating ideas. I feel like I'm at a dead end and am not being considered to move up because of it. It's gotten me so anxious that I don't know what to do except look for other opportunities. I feel like he's just pretending to appreciate what I do.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I forgot about it until I noticed one day that I saw a co workers name written on a receipt that was for a room sale (we stapled the receipt of the room sale on the back of the vip room tracking sheet to keep up with sales) I asked the manager what that was about. He told me that that is how the bookkeepers keep track of who sold which room so they will get credit and the surcharges of the sale. So I explained to him I was never told of this and explained that in my six month tenure I had never received anything. He then told me he would help me go through each sale with me to make sure I get the amount I was supposed to get. I was fired a week after that conversation because an entertainer tipped me 80 bucks when I made her 3500 I never complained or anything about it, but they fired me for not splitting that 80 bucks with everyone.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I regret signing up for class especially this math class. I feel so pathetic I may drop out again. im so anxious in class, it is so long about 6 hours since it supposed to be help special type of class to pass a placement test since I failed that. I halfway made it to my second week. I cant take it anymore.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I have therapy sessions scheduled but at the moment, I'm currently looking for some advice and insights. The only time I feel 'comfortable in my own skin' is when I'm drunk and or stoned. I, in the past have been ridiculed for an effeminate walk, been erroneously suspected of being gay and I have an effate look. Perhaps this facial look is a projection of my despair and a subconscious psychosomatic cry for help. I'm in my late twenties and have yet to accomplish anything of significance.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "She angrily threw the blanket I wanted on my side of the bed and I told her that I didn't want to sleep in bed any more, so I was going to sleep on the couch. She knows that the doctors said not to do that, but she didn't seem to care, which to me is more evidence that she doesn't care that much about my health. As I was gathering up my things to leave the room, I got more heated and called her a bitch for caring less about me than the inanimate objects we own. She got up and literally pushed me. I'm not very big, and while I pushed back for a while, she eventually pushed me out of the room and slammed the door.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "But he doesn't ask, either. When I do open up, all I can think is \"He's probably bored and wishing I'll stop talking.\" or \"He hasn't contributed to this conversation once, why don't I just talk to a wall?\" I know he cares, he really does. He has voiced his frustration that he can't relate and that I struggle.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "This made me feel somewhat uncomfortable, but I laughed it off and tried to go along with it, and trust him and take it as an innocent compliment. He asked if I wanted to smoke some weed with him, and I knew already from past experience that I tend to have very bad reactions to it. He told me that if I freak out then he wouldn’t let anything bad happen to me. I was having a pretty good day, so I smoked some weed with him. It was actually okay being high.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I wonder what I would be like if I had gotten help earlier on. **Here's where I could use some input: I don't consider myself mentally ill. I hate the word. If someone asked me if I was, I'd deny it but I know I have PTSD and I guess that does make me ill by definition. Will I be considered mentally ill forever?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I've been assured this last repair will fix everything, however it won't be out of the shop until late next week. I'm $200 short on rent. I have money from a TSP coming to me, however I just sent in the paperwork today, and it usually takes about 2 weeks for the money to get to me (especially with the holiday). I will be able to repay this $200 in about 2 weeks, and have no problem paying interest. I live in Philadelphia, PA.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "They told me I wouldn’t be allowed back to my house until my court date in a MONTH. And even that is certain. Well I found a friend that I can stay with for another 2 days but after that I’m unsure of what to do. I’m currently unemployed don’t even have a license, there’s literally no one I can stay with my parents are refusing to talk to me. I’m genuinely not sure what to do with myself but I’m scared and feel so alone.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Child Sexual Abuse is a huge problem which needs ending. Children never build a true sense of self and emotions if someone takes it away from them. I don't want to be seen as a victim. I just want people to know I understand them and hope this will make them happier. Thank you for reading and have a good day",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Just recently started a job at subway, and during work I always feel immense pressure on me i start sweating constantly. I never thought I had a fear of human interaction but now I don’t know. I get extremely anxious knowing I’m going to have to work the next day. I am losing so much sleep, even now when I’m writing this, I haven’t touched my phone in a few hours but my mind wouldn’t stop rambling, making me feel horrible. It’s 1:33 am and I still can’t sleep.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I make a good living and only want to get on with life. Plus I know filing a claim at the VA is humiliating and I don’t want to go though what others I fear have. Thanks for listening. I posted this as there was a guy on the foxnews site dogging people with fake PTSD because his son served in combat and is fine. Mike",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "As is usually the case with the stories I read here, I've hit the bottom. I'm at the very last point before pitching a tent in a field, and begging at the street corner for pennies. A lot has happened in the last month, so I'll try to pare it down to make sense and then get to the numbers drama. When I say a lot, I mean we have been homeless since Feb 17th and making it work. There's me (27), my wife (23), and our son (10m).",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I don't use accommodations at school, so being able to finally hit that goal feels amazing, it feels as if a part of me is finally back, and that all my hard work, sweat, tears, and angry words are getting me somewhere. Two years isn't much, and I know many of you struggle even more than I do, but if you take nothing else from this remember this: You've already made it through the hardest day of your life, you're sitting there reading this having lived past that day, and that's no small feat. In some ways you may feel weaker now, but considering that you've lived through your darkest day already, are you sure you're not just stronger in an unfamiliar way? Sure maybe amother day will creep up and it'll feel like someone hit the reset button on your world again.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "He did not say much about it. I have Morgie's cell phone number. We aren't very close because I don't see her around much. I've only met her a couple of times before. Should I text her or call her and ask what happened that night?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "However, because the other couple’s share comes out to just under what they owe me, my fiancé and I had planned to keep their share and forgive the rest of their debt. I tried to deposit the check, but since it has all four of our names on it, I was told all four of us have to be present. So I had to get in contact with them. Obviously they weren’t happy that I wanted to keep their share. The way they see it, because they paid the deposit in the first place, the money is theirs.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "We are making a one hour documentary for BBC One Children in Need on what it’s like to be young and homeless in the UK. Part presented by Stacey Dooley, we hope that a film centered on young people’s experiences will not only shed light on this often hidden population but also raise awareness around the need for greater support and understanding. Whether you’re sofa surfing, in a hostel or having to consider sleeping rough, we’d like to hear from you. All contact will be confidential and doesn’t mean you have to take part, we’d just like to hear about your experiences.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Because not really. I would have survived, I always have before, I have gone three and four days without eating a single thing on dozens of occasions in the last fifteen years, and I will be fine. The guy is wonderful, and has helped me a great deal. But it felt like an intentional attempt to act like I am a burdensome charity case. I just don't know.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "First post here, using a throwaway because for some reason I just don't want my regular reddit account attached, despite being fairly open about the fact I was raped. But I digress. In February of this year, I was raped by my (now ex) boyfriend, who also happened to be the only person I've ever had sex with. I was diagnosed with PTSD in September. The rape has flipped my life entirely upside down, and there isn't an hour that goes by where my mind doesn't screw me over with either thoughts of the rape itself or simply just HIM.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I'm a senior and I'm starting to go through the college application process and I just feel so overwhelmed. I haven't even finished my college list, started ny essays or supplemental or filed my FAFSA. Not to mention I'm doing EA so I have a sooner deadline. I haven't visited any colleges and me ecs are so bad. God I just want this to be over with.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "-What are you gonna do with that strange looking super shiny thing over there? -That's not really going anywhere *near* me, **is** it??? ? -Wish I could go on my phone right now and play a silly game to distract myself but I've just got to sit here while Dr. fiddles around in my mouth. -I love the way the drill makes a sound like kittens.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "&nbsp; This piece of art I’ve used is a perfect example of how having solid boundaries can help me weather any storm. I know I’m going to get kicked, I know I’m going to be in pain but I also see the beauty in between the clouds. This is a painting I did freezing in the hail and storm on the rocks of Alloutte Lake. The waves crashed, the mist covered the mountains but every now and then brilliant colour would flash.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Every once in a while I get the concept of death stuck in my mind. Thinking I’m not going to be here anymore, thinking my parents won’t be here, thinking what’s going to happen after I die. Just thinking about how we all are mortal. That gives me such bad anxiety I disassociate and I try to go back to normal, I can’t. I’m in that state right now and I really don’t know what to do.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "Does anyone have any experience getting a support animal? Ever since my sister's cat purred on me when I was having a panic attack, I've been thinking a cat could be good for me. But how do I find a cat that already is or can be trained to detect when I'm anxious or depressed or having ptsd flashbacks and come cuddle with me and purr and make me feel better. Can I get one that's already trained or how would we train one? We prefer to rescue animals instead of buying from breeders, but how do we train?",
"label": "mild"
"text": "I've mostly come to terms with it but every time i see his name or face or his girlfriend's it comes back. My question is, when the justice system fails, how do you deal with living near a child molester when you can't just pick up and leave? The only thing that prevents me from making sure he dissapears is the risk of getting caught and how that would hurt my family even more. It's just so hard seeing him walking around free after what he did and what i have no doubt he will do again. How do I deal with this when I am already prone to depression?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Sometimes, when I finally got out of bed and stood up, I felt like \"Ugh, *finally*\". Still, it did not happen every morning, and even when it did, I still felt rested from the long sleep, so I thought no more of it. Also, they were never nightmares. Sadly, my body got habituated to the sleep-component of Mirtazapine after about five months, and my old warped sleep cycle slowly creeped back into my life. The only benefit left in the medicine was the mild mental cushioning it provided, but at the same time I started to suspect that what I needed wasn't cushioning but to make new constructive life decisions, that only I could make.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "Is it also possible that since I was so young, my mind distorted and hid these memories to make them less painful? I don't know what brought them back. I'm not in therapy nor have I been actively seeking any type of \"breakthrough\". I was sexually assaulted when I was 14 by a close friend's boyfriend, and the memories didn't come back then. What I feel right now, is mirroring how I felt then but honestly it might be worse.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Hey everyone! I'm doing an article for a Mental Health Blog and I really want to write about people's stories on the importance on opening up/going to seek help from a professional. I would love to hear your experiences, why you went/started opening up, what you have learned, and how it has impacted your life! Of course everything you write will be anonymous on my post (I can even give you a pseudo name if you would like, just let me know)! Feel free to comment down below or message me if you want to be more private, thanks!",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I just got a new job and I won't get paid until the 18th. I've only been unemployed for a week now, the company I worked for closed and after bills I have no money. I was already trying to get on my feet from being let go from my long-term job in October. If you could help me I will contribute to this sub when I can, pay you back, reciprocate in any way that I can. I don't have family that I can ask for help (both parents are deceased, no siblings, not close with Aunts and Uncles).",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "When people Don't understand and tell you how to be / when you evade all answers and feel like a monstrosity / Shut the blinds / the outside world / hide away / worry about the morning / upcoming day Night arrives / should be fine am I right / turns into a turbulent anxiety night / shake my head / am I the only one who feels this way / Take my meds / daily occurrence of will this ever end / hate this paranoia of internal mindset / Get told it will get better / how to be / change myself for you to try and frankly that's never the good answer",
"label": "severe"
"text": "Sure it was almost 3 years ago (in July) two months into my first job out of university. I got bit in the leg and continued on like it was nothing. I only fell apart October 2016. I must have been living in survival mode until I got the call that the man who saved my life was getting recognized with a bravery award. Hearing those words, I literally felt my chest rip open and haven't been able to close the wound since.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I'm taking care of her but I have no idea what to do with myself. **TL;DR: My wife told her co-worker that she and I were in an open relationship and started hooking up with him. She said it's because I have too high a libido, because our relationship lost it's newness, and because I don't do a fair share of housework. I'm not sure if we can work it out or if I should just leave. **",
"label": "severe"
"text": "So today was me and my ex's son's birthday, she left me about 3 months ago. We talked here and there but we'd get frustrated towards each other, anyways long story short. I wasn't doing much with her at the end of our relationship, I was just so tired of it all, I was depressed and at the time dealing with PTSD which I had no knowledge I had. I cut all contact with her two weeks ago, going through my mother for my son. Today we finally hung out together to shop for his birthday, we had fun, we laughed, we giggled, we just had an overall good time which we didn't for the longest of time even when together.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "I'm not sure if he was lying to me, she never found out the truth, she s lying, I have no idea. I really appreciate everyone's advice. I then mentioned I was under the impression from my parents that we weren't actually related but that I was happy to talk to her and that I didn't actually know. She opened that message and never responded so I guess we'll see what happens. Probably last edit: she said she has gotten a DNA test with him in the last and it says 99% he is her father.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I'm upset, and the fact that I don't know whether I should be upset is making me more upset. I realize there's something crazy privileged about the whole thing (parents want me to spend more money? i should xpost to r/firstworldproblems!) If this really is an absurd thing to worry about, sorry for making you read through this thesis but please do let me know because I'm just really confused and sad. TL;DR: Mom accuses me of not valuing the benefit of earning money because I don't like to spend it, though getting a good job is pretty much all i've been focusing on.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "I worry that if I sit around too often, I will develop blood clots and die. Anything to do with death really. On top of that, I have been developing intrusive thoughts. But the worst part is that last week I was laying in bed and randomly became afraid that I was going to lose my sense of reality and start hallucinating. I have never hallucinated in my life (unless you count the 2 times that I tried psychedelics) and have never had this fear before but it scared the shit out of me.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I am aftraid to phone her ever because I worry she will be grumpy, and she usually only phones when she needs to get advice or something like that. I think I want to not see her in the future, but I don't know if I am overreacting? I also don't want to cause drama in the family, which is very stressful to me. If I could get some advice that would be very helpful, thank you. Tldr: should I stay in contact with my sister who still talks to our dad?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "It seems like you only ever see people try to complicate mental health, so I woke up this morning and decided that I could try to take one step to start simplifying it/making it more human/honest. Don't hesitate to reach out and message me if you think any of this speaks to you. Feel free to share this guide/brain regimen to somebody you think may benefit from it. It's time to stop talking about ending the mental health stigma and actually start talking about these things more like it's a dentist visit.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "But I noticed recently, that my sleeping problems might have a reason. I first thought it‘s just something physical, the lack of iron in my blood or something.. never thought it would be something this deep. This post isn‘t especially for discussions, I just really wanted to post my story. Of course you can comment, I would love to discuss some stuff with you guys. Thank you for reading.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I'm going to be spending only on essentials. I need some advice though. This is new territory to me. You guys got any tips for me? Oh yes and I have a gym membership, so I'll be showering there now.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I was having a mild form of attack during the appointment too, but I don't think the hot flash was there. Does anyone else experience this? Thanks everyone! EDIT: I forgot to mention I'm doing nofap, but only today have I started doing it right, since until now I've still been edging which is bad. This might temporarily unbalance your hormones, so maybe it's contributing.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "It's really fucking hard, but so far it has absolutely been worth it. I'm putting a lot more time and effort into improving myself. I've been much more productive. I'm doing things I used to love again. Things that used to seem a distant dream or completely unachievable now feel like they might be things I can tackle - if not now, then *someday*.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "The sensation lasted hours. It seemed like a circulation problem, and I panicked and of course ended up in the ER again. This time a doctor came to see me immediately. He wanted to talk about my anxiety. He said he could run some more tests, but he didn't think it would help.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "They work together and I found out from a mutual friend that they're on a project together and I'm having difficulty handling it. ​ I am seeing a therapist. I am practicing self help. But this sort of thing is affecting me immensely.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "My mom has a degenerative neurological disease, and can barely walk, bathe, or feed herself anymore. Her most problematic symptom is a movement disorder, but she also has declining mental capacity (but not much confusion/forgetfulness). She either needs to receive in home care or be moved to an assisted living facility as soon as possible. My brother and I made an appointment to have her assessed by the regional health authority at the end of the month. She moved back to her hometown a few years ago, and my brother and I can’t take time off work or afford travel, so we can’t be there.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "And I found as I got older, I always turned to women for support. My first marriage didn't work out, but I tried. And my second has been beautiful, we've been together for nearly 18 years, married for 16. We still have a lot of fun and while she doesn't understand what we went through first hand, she's perfectly supported me and we've built a good life together. My mum never had another relationship.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Me and my Dad aren't on speaking terms, however we do live in the same house. Mainly because I'm not financially able to leave and live on my own. I do plan on leaving, but until I make enough money to do so I'm stuck here. I want to share what has led to this point, because to be honest I feel like I'm pathetic, weak in incapable of accomplishing anything. Everything I do to move forwards seems to be halted and I feel like I'm being pushed back.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "anyways, i'm just here for a few reason. one is to explain why i'm considering this, which i already have done. two is to get \"beginners guide\" to first get by on my own until I meet people and possibly gain more tips along the way. and three, i'm open to people trying to change my mind about this as well, but i doubt that'll be easy for you to do. anyways, thanks in advance.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I have tried every basic medicine like Prozac, Zoloft, etc. right now I take 15 of Buspar twice a day, Effexor 150 once, and 30 of Vyanse twice a day. I can’t get out of bed or do anything without Vyvanse even though it lasts maybe 5 hours. Ican sorta tell a difference from the Effexor, like I don’t feel as emotional. But I still experience severe anxiety almost every day and it does nothing to help my panic attacks.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I feel like im receiving mixed signals from her as we usually talk for most of the day either thru texting or at work. (she chooses to sit by me everyday) --- **tl;dr**: How do I take things slow and not become clingy after not dating for a really long time? I really enjoyed getting to know her but I feel like im falling way too fast for this girl and Im not sure she feels the same way I do.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I'm having a rough time right now and going through some things where my anxiety and depression keep dragging me down. My roommates have not really experienced someone with anxiety before really. At least not someone who gets attacks. During the recovery of one of my episodes, I came up with this writing in the notes of my iPhone. So here it is.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Hi, I've posted it a lot on this sub, constantly and I figured, why don't I just submit a post with these steps. . This is how I deal with panic attacks/anxious, intrusive thoughts. I hope that I am able to help you the way they have helped me.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I’m so tired of people evaluating me visually and telling me “I look fine” when 3 TBIs and complex PTSD are, by nature, invisible. I feel so alone in this, and judged because my resilience activities, running and lifting, make me appear perfectly normal. I’m desperate to overcome these issues, especially given my profession and the need to operate in crowded conditions. Army docs dismiss my problems because I look capable and am a high-achiever despite it all, even questioning whether the incident resulting in my PH “actually happened”. I need someone to believe me.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Make sure to take the bus when it comes to WalMart the last time, about 7pm. 6) There is a Chick-Fil-\"A\" next to Walmart where you can get hot food. You can buy Top Rommin at WalMart which sells for 10 cents per cup (yes...really) and you can use hot water to put in it, and it is ready to eat. 7) How do you get \"out\" of that situation? I don't know.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "He’s claiming I beat him in that fight. I had to go to court and be treated like I was the abuser and the whole time he sat there next to me. A protection order was written and I nor my daughter can go home. I have a 30 day to vacate of face eviction from my landlord and I lost my job over all of this. My pre trial is next month and my lawyer seems like he has no idea about my case.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I’ve put my family through it too many times and it’s putting a strain on my relationship. I’m not who I used to be. And because of that I’m afraid people are going to leave me. My partner especially. He’s seen me go through this before and I’m afraid he’s going to give up on me.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "If the homeless who choose this life are happy or do it for fun, please let them be. & what harm to the rest ? Would it be such a bad thing if anyone could choose to live happily freely without care without social constraints constrictions impositions restrictions that the greedy powerful adults impose on the rest Pray look at our adults mess the environmental & other species demise &degradation of this world. humans have created in the busy-ness of work in the aftermath of technologies the debris providing us with more & more useless commodities Why not allow a few homeless dwellers to remind us of the simplicity the less is more in living life. Let the homeless who choose be as free as the birds without worry for the morrow or live carefree as the little children, said the jewish guy who supposedly died on the cross",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "She's talked about a restraining order, but I don't know what Amanda needs to do that or what's involved. Amanda is planning on living with us for a month or so before finding a new job and apartment nearby. I think she should stay longer for safety's sake, but that's up to her. Thanks for any input. We just want to help her; I don't want to forget anything that should be obvious.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Now I'm terrified of starting this new job because even if it's better than my old one, I'm scared I'll lose all the progress I've made. When I'm overwhelmed I tend to just sleep and everything else falls to the wayside. I feel like I can't stay with part time work because all my friends and family expect me to get back to full time work ASAP, and feel like I'm not moving forward in my career otherwise. Everyone keeps telling me to just give it a chance, it'll all work out, but I'm not sure what to do/think. Advice on what to do about work and how to calm down enough to sleep tonight and how best to manage everything going forward?",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I have very strong urges to hurt myself. I've been self-harming for over six years. Sometimes I think that all I need is a good deep cut. Other times, I honestly feel like ending my life. I can't handle this constant state of hypervigilance and all the intrusive memories.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I feel like I'm at the end of my rope here. I bawl every night because I don't want to feel this never ending pain anymore. I can't live with what happen to me. I can't live with the fact that since I didn't go to police that he is preying on another girl like me. I have so many social problems I dont have friends anymore.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I went to therapy today, after my therapist returned from her three week vacation. She is great, but I had an experience that I am not sure about. At one point we were discussing my relationship with my worker. From what she said after, she is worried I do not trust him, and is worried that I therefore do not trust her. But how she phrased this thought was with the question \"are you trustworthy\".",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I know no break up is fun, but you know what I mean. Without going into too much detail: she was unhappy, cheated on me, broke up with me, started dating other guy. We also live together. It's been three weeks and the stress had caused my stomach to twist into knots I cannot untie... Not really sure where else got with this. I just want to stop feeling like this.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "Hi everyone, I'm giving writing a go to try and cope with my PTSD. I was recommended to start a blog on an app called Vocal, you get paid per 1000 views, but that doesn't really matter to me, it'd be a cool bonus though. This blog is for people who need someone to relate to, so maybe they don't feel alone anymore or that they feel as if someone can understand them. I've only started today but any support would be so appreciated, a blog is the only way of helping myself and helping others at the same time, I have one post up at the moment but I'm going to write as many as I can.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "They love you and are very loyal to you. They also have individual personalities. Alaska is a funny bunny who stomps her hind legs if she doesn't get her own way (she always wants treats but she can't always have it) but my friends rabbit is a sleepy type one who will jump on your bed, try to steal your food and won't stop eating it's own food. People may quickly think \"drugs\" but just try and quickly think \"animals\" unless you are dangerous when you have your episodes or become angry after them. Just think that all of that drug money some people spend could go on raising and giving a loving home to an animal who will heal him/her.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Hi, I'm 14F and because of health issues I missed a lot of school and eventually started homeschooling this year I didn't have any friends at public schools and I just sit in the house all day now. I can't join a sports team because of formerly mentioned health issues and I live in a town where a car is a necessity so it's not like I can walk anywhere but I'd like to make friends or just get out of my house for the first time in months and socialize face to face any ideas as to what I can do. TL;DR: I'm homeschooled lonely and can't join a sports team how do I make friends.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Well Reddit, I don't even know where to begin... I guess I will start at the start of my relationship with my now wife and mother of my beautiful little girl. Our relationship came on suddenly and the surprise that is my daughter came on extremely surprisingly to me. I was already 36 years old and had been in several long term serious relationships that for one reason or another ended prior to marriage and I had long since just assumed I was incapable of fathering a child. I was years past all the stages of grief on the subject.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "He told me to never talk to him again and that he found someone else. I was so hurt and depressed. I've tried to talk to him and ask him what I've done to make him feel this way and he just continued to curse me and belittle me. He then ignored me and posted pictures of him and a girl all over his Instagram which he knew that I would see. I wanted to make him jealous too so I posted pictures of me and my friend on Instagram with heart emojis.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I'm 21, and have been on Lexapro for about 2 years. Was diagnosed with GAD the same time I was put on medication. Just graduated this past May from college (I had the worst anxiety of my whole life during my last semester), and I have been doing well since graduation. I started working the graveyard shift a month ago at a non-profit, and the anxiety hit me like a big wave about a week ago. Just all of a sudden, out of nowhere.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I know this is most likely just my stupid brain doing the fucking Cirque du Soleil, but I won't deny the idea did occur to me. Given all this, what do you think I should do? If she’s willing to cheat on him with his cousin (whom he also calls his brother) then I doubt she has any qualms about fucking some stranger. I’m really just…lost. I feel like my mind is in kind of a fog.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I saw a shadow figure standing in my bedroom door... so I'm camped out in my mom's room. I have bipolar I as well, so it's likely that's the cause of the hallucinations. &#x200B; I can't take this. I've had several anxiety attacks in the last few weeks; twice, I was sent home from work about half an hour early.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I am absolutely terrified that the repairs are going to eat up my savings/any credit card wiggle room I’ve created. Based on what came on and how my car drove (it was pretty much fine with no weird noises, movements or anything strange), I’d say it’s unlikely but I am very, very scared. I’ve worked very hard to hold onto my money and make sure I had cushions in place in case of emergencies like this. Please, if anyone has any advice for how to keep myself calm and not panic until Monday, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "She doesn't pay for my tuition yet constantly puts me down by calling me dumb. Anyone have any tips on how to survive the next week? So far I've been playing super loud music in my headphones whenever she tries to come up and say something to me but I'm looking for options that are less likely to end up in my going deaf haha. Any tips for how I can quickly forge a future without her in my life would be helpful too. I'm in my third year of college and am hoping to have a job after I graduate but at the moment I feel so chained down to her.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "But now it seems like contact is gonna be forced on me. About two weeks after the breakup, she reached out to tell me she'd gotten an interview at my company. We both work in a pretty specific industry and there was always some overlap with our jobs. Apparently, my company wants to put her company out of business. Recruiters have poached a few folks from her work and I guess she was next on the list.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I endured months and months of all types of abuse, the final time was when he grabbed an iron gym equipment that you attach to the wall and threatened to hit my pregant stomach with it. After all of this, after denying my child, saying he wasnt the father, after taking everything he had from me, i missed an important detail: A witness stood quiet. To this day, I think heavily of this, and I fear that karma will get them both (heavens forbid) through the child. Please.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Hi! I live in an apartment block. There are 6 door entrances within a 5 meter proximity, so we can hear our neighbours slightly if they're very loud. I live next to an asian women I've never seen before. I don't know if she lives alone.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I’m in Florida, can’t find concrete laws that apartment companies will let me off lease because of abuse. As in me getting my name off lease and him staying here. My fiancé is mentally and emotionally abusive. We have had some physical altercations, like him pushing me down, poking me hard in the chest, him ripping off his shirt and than hitting me with it. He’s also broken a few pairs of glasses, a remote control, smashed the hell out of his iPhone, and threw a chair across the room almost hitting his dog.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I am still rather lacking in social skills. Writing this is gradually helping me calm down. Does anybody else feel this way too? Several years ago I just gave up on life, not in the way suicidal people do, but, I just stopped putting in any effort to achieve any goals or plans since it wasn’t working, I stopped standing up for myself or resisting other people, I stopped doing anything that was hard or required effort or that caused me emotional pain, that triggered panic attacks. Not because I wanted to die but because I wanted to live, to live a life free of those burdens.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "It would seem getting this out there would be a huge turn off for her (it certainly is for me) so why is she acting that way? Again, I don't tell her this but it's almost as if she's trying to account for infidelity, except she wasn't...she was abused. I'm just trying to solve this in my head. My emotions are a wreck. I'll definetely reach out to a therapist soon but could use help in the meantime.",
"label": "minimum"