Depression_Severity_Dataset / Reddit_depression_dataset_test.json
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"text": "i don’t bother with people and frequently ghost them or cancel plans last minute whereas before i was a very loving and sociable person. i generally don’t trust anybody, and i fret that people i am very close to are secretly horrid and manipulative and going to stab me in the back. so basically, my reactions to the world have regressed back to as if i were still there and interacting with those people. all this began to develop months after i left that bad situation. for ages i was normal.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I've always hated nail files. Somehow that's a part of this. God. I'm confused by it all. It's a feeling to recall it that I've carried my whole life but never understood like a cloud.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "The current study explores the experience of young adults aged 18 - 40 years who have previously been in foster care or had involvement with the Department of Child Safety/Protection and remained with their biological family. If you have a spare 10 - 25 minutes and are willing to participate it would be greatly appreciated. Please click on the link below for more information around how the process works and how your confidentiality will be protected. Thank you kindly for your assistance, as your experience will be valuable in guiding research and clinical interventions for those in the foster care system. <url>",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "It’s only happened 3/4 times recently but I’ve been putting off having sex and I’m constantly worried that my girlfriend doesn’t think I’m into her or that I’m losing interest, and so on. I’ve only just mentioned to her that I might be struggling with some form of anxiety. It’s a vicious circle at the moment. It’s almost as if I can’t relax and if I have nothing to worry about I create something to worry about. What do you guys think?",
"label": "mild"
"text": "&#x200B; Here are the skills you don't realize you have, that you can use to succeed tomorrow. &#x200B; Now, maybe you already know that you have certain skills that not many people have, but you view them as negative? Because it's what happened to you in the past that made you learn certain behaviours and adapt a certain way of thinking?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "B wanted her to come with him to Chile, a place she has always wanted to go, and spend a week or two exploring together. In her writing, she seemed genuinely conflicted. The next day, B tried to kiss her, but she said \"that she couldn't\". B said he was falling for her. He really wanted her to go with her to Chile.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I had poked fun at him for looking at /r/hentai or whatever a week or so ago, and I know I was pushing it too far, but I just thought it was amusing. I didn't think any less of him, and I told him that. I can understand him being embarrassed though. Anyway, last night I had been joking about looking at his browser history after seeing a recently viewed tab for porn. I figured it wasn't a big deal, since we both know each other's kinks and don't hide anything from each other (there's nothing worth hiding on either end).",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I hadn't realized until a year ago, but this gave me ptsd and shaped the way I interact with men and boys. Now I'm dating a boy who is very sweet, very understanding and such, but I often find myself thinking about ending it because his behavior feels too \"man-ish\" to me, and it makes me uncomfortable and scares me. It puts me in a very irritated state - a response to feeling threatened by men in my case - and often starts \"discourse\" between us. Luckily he is very understanding and we talked about it a lot, but whenever he asks me what he's doing that makes me uncomfortable, I can't answer, I can't put it into words, which means he can't change his behavior perfectly and that the cycle will start over again. I'm fighting as hard as I can against the effects of my ptsd on my relationship, as it is very important to me to make it work, but I know when we end it, it will be partly caused by it.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "My Daughter was recently in a domestic violence dispute. The other party was arrested and there was a gun involved. They are both under 21. The sentencing will be soon and the court said he is getting probation and at the time of sentencing the no contact order will be lifted. She has not attempted to move on and is waiting for the order to be lifted in order to reunite with him.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I do not want to hurt anybody. The therapist says it is self punishment, that I want these people to tell me what a piece of shit I am to verify what I already believe. But I never ever think of it like that at the time. I feel better if they are kind, and ambivalent or a tiny bit worse if they are cold and clinical. If it is unconscious, well I am getting sick of that idea.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "I never did, but I pretend that I did, and I'm still in contact with her. Nobody would ever guess that I endured what I did. I'm in a competitive medical sciences program and thriving. I've had a wonderful boyfriend who supports and loves me unconditionally, and he knows everything that has happened to me. His mother is great, I love her, and I have aunts that I latched on to for maternal support.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "It is completely anonymous, and you can choose to opt out at any time. At the end of the survey, please select “Fitzgerald Wilkins” when prompted for the name of the student who gave you this survey. If you know anyone else who might be interested in taking this survey, we ask that you please pass it on to them as well. Thank you for your time. <url>",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I don't know, she's forgiving and all, but it's like, everyone has a limit and I would understand if she did break up with me. I just wish I could tell her right now. That would be impulsive and come out of the same energy as seeing a prostitute bc I'm lonely. I just want to get the anxiety over with. Looking for support and understanding before advice, but not opposed to advice if understanding is given.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Sorry for such a jumbled mess of a post. Edit: I realize I never expanded on the dissociation or depression. Because of my dissociation, while he was being abusive he would often say things like, \"You're just remembering wrong. (gaslighting/rewriting history)\" \"You have bad memory. That never happened.\"",
"label": "severe"
"text": "Am I wrong to be pissed about this? Was he really just being nice to her or is he just biding his time until they live closer? --- **tl;dr**: My boyfriend said \"you never know what the future holds\" when talking to a former fling. He says he was just being nice.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I made a mistake as a result of being shaken up. Now she has complained to my boss but has falsely amplified my one mistake into me being absolutely negligent and incompetent. I found out about this 8 hours ago, had another flashback/panic attack, and my heart is still pounding. I've convinced myself I'm going to get fired. I know I need to go back to counseling.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Update: I’ve just got a response from my dad. His english is not the best, but he said, “I love you, and I know, you will think is a script love and is only letters but we both love you, time will create and demonstrate the my love was pure with a lot a mistakes as you see it and probably my eyes was block on times god night we love you\". I responded with, “Time means nothing if you don’t do anything with it. The fact that you are waiting for an intangible thing like time to prove your intentions is fantasy.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "* Sleeping bag. * Solar-powered Lamps. * A raincoat. * Non-perishable food/MREs/trailmix. Anything else I should invest in?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Ok so firstly I should say she hasn't been formally diagnosed but it's at this point a logical conclusion that she's suffering some kind of ptsd from a rape that she endured a couple years back. It was before I knew her and when we met she seemed to be pretty stable. Although I know now that's not the case. I do not blame her at all for this behaviour but I really need help understanding her before I get hurt worse than I already have. Going forward keep in mind 2 things:",
"label": "mild"
"text": "The fact I let it get so out of hand is embarrassing. I receive no unemployment benefits, have no money and my self worth is in the dumps. I am ok on food for now and a somewhat stable location. I'd be over the moon if any number of individuals would grant me the essentials within my amazon wish-list that I am sharing in my post, it'd lift my spirits, bolster my self-esteem and will to move forward and I wouldn't repel people. What I haven't listed I don't need.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "They threw me up against the wall, patted me down and told me to sit down outside. The first agent ran in making quick tactical turns around the corners and in the rooms with his gun out. I asked one of the cops what was going on a few times before the words \"Child Pornography\" dropped out of his mouth like a fucking anvil in my gut. I didn't say anything, I could not comprehend that it was really happening. I've been through some shit in my life but I've never experienced the level of total bewilderment and unreality that I did when I realized the FBIs Crimes Against Children unit was raiding me for kiddie porn.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I tried multiple times to get him to join in on the fun but my attempts unintentionally put him on the spot and had the reverse effect. Truthfully, I got distracted after a while trying to get lucky. I feel guilty because I don't know how to help him in those situations. What if anything can I do to help him come out of his shell? Should I just let him be?",
"label": "severe"
"text": "I'm using a throwaway for obvious reasons, however I could ready use the advice of others right now as I don't know what to do. I met this wonderful girl in November, and everything was going great, she was special enough that I let her meet my friends and family, and I met her siblings and mother as well. She had told me that she had this friend [M21] that she met online. They have never met in person, but she said it was all strictly friendship and nothing else. She mentioned how she helped him get through suicide and that he was a really good person.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "I have therapy, I'm on medication. It's so hard to just get through a week without thinking of him and now I can't stop picturing his stupid face. I want to crawl into a hole and just cry and scream. It sucks even more because I won't be able to see my therapist this week because of the 4th of July holiday. I'm so shaken up over this.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "there are guards you have to ask for everythig and the other people who live there - while most are \"ok\" some either look like trouble or actually give trouble. . In theory I would have moved to the capital and taken up fitness instructor course and applied for an education. only my GPA is bad even though I took higher level classes than requirred. so I need to fix my study habits and I need to either sue my dad or find closure with him and cut him out of my life.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "But here i am, hours later, having a panic attack and wishing i could crawl out of my skin. It's really triggering a sense memory i have, so instead of remembering the event, it feels like it's happening right now. It is the most devastating ending to this day that could have possibly happened. I was feeling so brave lately. Does anyone else get sense memories?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "They’re out of town. I live in a pretty safe neighborhood, so I left the door unlocked for 30 minutes while I went on a run earlier. I always do that. Now I’m wishing I didn’t. Called two of my friends, but it’s late and they’re asleep.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I recently posted here trying to find help to afford my rent after having to pay for my transmission to be fixed. It depleted the little I finally was able to save. I was able to afford the rent too but it caused an overdraft of about $100. I'm asking for $175, this will cover the overdraft and negative balance and give me enough to buy groceries for the next week (this will include a bag of dog food.) I can send a picture of the receipt of what the money is spent on.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "He causes emotional pain to me every day but I cannot get myself to leave him. He physically abuses me sometimes but it rarely leaves a mark or bruise. I feel like even if he cheats on me (again) I still won’t want to leave him. The only way I think I will leave him forever is if I end up hating him. And the only way I will hate him is if he caused physical harm that I cannot lie my way out of like I have in the past.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "I’m trying to make up for it by doing digital drawings of people’s pets. I’m pretty good at them and it’s very fun to do but I can’t do them fast enough to keep up with the bills. I tried to pick up shifts at the hospital(primary job), but all 8 shifts have been closed due to low census. I’m still several hundred short for rent and I don’t know what else to do. Everything is due Sunday July 1st.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "So I guess I'll jump right in. I have PTSD, and have for about 15 years with varying degrees of symptom severity after a sexual assault. Right now my symptoms are pretty well controlled and I am in regular therapy. Largely I am only dealing with nightmares and a heightened startle response and doing really well overall. In the last year I started dating an amazing man.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I'm a senior who needs a small amount $60) to pay on my agreement with DWP and would like to ask for some help. (Southern California) I can give the account number. I also need $33 to renew my license (expired Dec. 8) so I can apply for utility assistance. They have strict rules and won't take an expired license. If anyone can help I would be overjoyed.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Only self-diagnosed as OCD until my eventual downfall. A series of events in late 2016 led me into an intense, insidious cycle of anxious rumination and fear. DPDR arose from this maelstrom of angst, something who's existence I was completely unaware of, particularly as to being related to anxiety. My perceptual world changed, my reality became crisp, shiny, radiant yet also incredibly surreal. And there I was, thrust into the middle of a world so overwhelmingly vivid that I yet felt so overwhelmingly absent from.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "I'm currently between jobs and looking to make money in any way I can, so I was wondering if anyone would be interested in buying a cross stitch commission from me. I can do any type of pattern or design, in various sizes. Here are some examples of things I've made: <url> I would really appreciate any help I can get! Times are rough and my mental health is not great right now, so it would be nice to have something to work on that would also help me pay my bills and medical expenses!",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Maybe 2-3 crazy fights but nothing major. Joe came back, frankly Joe spent ~ a year asking me to go out with him and my gut did not agree, it just felt off, now don’t get me wrong I have loved Joe since I was 17 but I just felt like this wouldn’t be right. I asked Joe for a year, I studied far away, and it was my last year at uni, I asked Joe to give me that year. But Joe said Nah. Joe gave the whole I have changed speech which every girl has probably heard a gazillion times in her life, but still thinks its novel.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "But yeah, I was afraid and dumb and feeling vulnerable when I wrote it. So thanks to you guys for calming me, and sharing your own stories (really helped alot). tldr : I was sooper stoopid, but me and my dad are still cool. But thank you to everyone who calmed me down on here when I posted. It meant alot.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I'm too insecure not to make it into some sarcastic joke like, \"bet you actually can't wait to get rid of me,\" blah blah. Late August, I'm days from leaving and he's desperate for my time, looking to meet me after work everyday and have me stay over. I'm unsure of what to make of all it which in retrospect is so stupid on my part. I just can't stop denying things to myself. Anyway, two nights before I'm leaving, he mentions how we've never defined what our relationship is.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "So my brothers wedding is soon. Like very very soon. My fiance recently lost their job and we had to move and then a bunch of medical drama happened. I told him I would do everything I could to get there, I am honestly not sure if I want to go to prove I can, just because I care for my brother or because I am not being smart and compassionate enough to say no to myself. But there I was dead set on going, despite the obvious problems and the advice from the majority of the people everywhere I go that I should not go.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I think this is a good conversation to have in person, but I likely won't see him for months. Would it be tacky/wildly unromantic to do this over text/email? Additionally, I don't want to ruin things between us or make things weird, and I'm not sure how to broach the subject. How do I not screw this up? ---",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "any way. I'll do the procedure. I always do. cheers if you read this. I'm just saying my frustrations out into the void.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "But if I want to be successful at networking and forming close friendships/relationships, I need to get rid of this phobia somehow. In some ways, my fear is interfering with not just my social life, but my academics as well. I earn high grades but if I want to snatch opportunities outside of the classroom, I need to suck it up and try to tolerate group work with my classmates more. I opened up to a therapist about this, but before we could actually discuss ways on how to combat the problem, she ended up leaving. How does one go about becoming more comfortable around men?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I'm an adult with a mental illness, went through a messy breakup with an unhealthy ex that I thought was the one and was in a codependant relationship with, I felt like I was letting him use my body by the end of it. I have ended up basically non functioning, isolated, living on couch eating take away once a day for the last 10 months. Started staying at my parents intermittently in November, having a rough time processing stuff with my ex. Cue four days of remembering incidents of inappropriate sexual touching from my father when I was a child. Non stop.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "She was meeting her boyfriend (the one before my dad) because he was getting out of prison. Leaving my dad. So since my mom left you are probably thinking that the abuse stopped there huh? Unfortunately no. It was my dad's turn to use me as a punching bag.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Edit 2: in the wonderful world of good news, the user /u/sexistentialpanic contacted me and wanted to donate two boxes! Thanks to their generosity, we should be able to fulfill 50% or those who poster a request! It was a hard decision, but ultimately we went with users that have extensive Reddit histories, who haven't received other assistance, and whose need was clearly established through their posting history. I'll be sending beauty boxes to: /u/_agent_perk",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Was looking at therapies for my gf and this stood out. Love any feedback from anyone who has used this. She's going to start Monday at 5 mg and go up from there. Here's a collection of studies on both prevention, various effects, and treatment benefits noted using hydrocortisone in people with PTSD or at high risk of it.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "16 years ago when I was 6 9/11 happened. That's the day everything changed for me. My mom was a first responder she was a social worker in the city and volunteered with the Red Cross the next day. She spent 4 months at ground zero. Some of my earliest memories are of the towers falling.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "He also talked very condescendingly to me and the other female servers, as well as being a total arse in general. I wanted to say something SO badly, but by the time I worked up the courage, he took her arm and led her to their car. Also, I didn't want to make things worse for her by sticking up for her in public. I wrote down their license plate number and car model, but I did not get the chance to see the name on the card he paid with. I really want to reach out to this woman.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "The chapter we shared together may have ended but the story itself will never change. So here's to you, Babu. Thank you for teaching me so much, for the irreplaceable memories, and for being such an important part of my life. --- **tl;dr**: I love my current partner, but I think I'll love my first love forever.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Does he actually like me, or am I going to end up just hanging out with this guy? He hasn't made a move yet, so I'm inclined to think the latter. Any idea how to stop getting myself in these situations? --- **tl;dr**: I end up in confusing friendships with men that blur the lines between \"relationship\" and \"friendship.\"",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "As I'm sitting there patiently, I can hear the receptionist and her friend chatting about all sorts of things, fixing their hair, laughing. Finally I called my fiancé to tell him what was going on - I think I've been \"forgotten\" (the waiting room is off to the side out of view of the reception area). I was feeling very anxious to confront her and ask if she had forgotten about me because I did not want to get in a scuttle as I remember her temper from my last visit. As my fiance is on the phone helping me build up the courage to talk to her, the doctor walks out to the reception area visible to me, coat on, laptop in hand, ready to call it a night. I see him point to me and ask his wife what I'm waiting on.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "So about a year and a half ago my best friend was apart of a somewhat controversial car accident in which he ended up getting convicted with a felony even though all the evidence pointed that he was not in the wrong. This was a tough thing for him and his family to go through both financially and emotionally. The case was finally settled about a month ago and things seemed to be looking up. 2 nights ago his younger brother ended up taking his own life. This was completely devastating news to everyone that new him.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "He went on rant (not aggressive) about how he worked all 50 something year's for the stuff he has and how everyone want to just thrown it away. And at that point I feeling like a gave up (it being 6 yrs to this day since I've graduated High school and grasped an idea). I currently want nothing from him. I still love my father and would do for him as he is still my dad but I don't trust him at all!! I did not mention the fact that he'll go through the garbage to see what me and my mother thrown out.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "/r/MadOver30 is a sub for general discussion of mental health issues, specifically for the over 30's age group. &#x200B; &#x200B; &#x200B; The group was started because a number of people at /r/mentalhealth expressed an interest in having a place to talk about mental illness with people who share a commonality of being in a more mature in years.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I’m an army reserve officer who has 6.5 years of service. I have a VA disability rating of 40% due to PTSD/Anxiety/depression and ringing in my ears from a tour in Afghanistan. I recently applied to go into the IRR and was turned down. I have been told that I’m not deployable due to my mental health, but I don’t think this was at all mentioned in my IRR packet. just moved for a job in DC and my old unit is now too far to travel to.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Update - Thanks all, I have calmed down a bit now. Will sleep on it and hopefully tackle with a clearer head tomorrow. --- **tl;dr**: Found out from stranger on Facebook my partner is most likely going to leave me, feel betrayed she posted it on a public forum like Facebook. Right now feeling useless, am introverted and quiet by nature so I don’t have much of a support network.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "If I could, I'd put security cameras all over his house so I can watch whatever he does and says. I don't even like him. I hate him, in fact- I've spent hours fantasizing about ways to kill him. When I was in high school, I picked routes that passed him and hung out in places he walked by. Does anybody know why I feel this way, or have any research on this type of behavior?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I have been always told that I was a burden, a waste of space and that I was a fuck up even tho I'm the only one in my family 2 get any qualifications nevermind getting into uni. I'll most likely end up homeless as I can't even work as I have little work experience and I try part time jobs just 2 end up having a panic attack early on which got me fired each time. My friends are all at uni doing well 2 which makes me feel worse while I'm at home being a sack of shit who stays indoors all day with no social interaction other than my parents berating me about life. I don't even know what 2 do and it's killing me. My friends constantly remark about me being a mess.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "I'm in my last year of my secondary school and we just had our mocks but that doesn't mean you can ease off the gas. I'm constantly rushing about trying to complete coursework by Christmas trying to revise feeling like I'm not putting enough effort in. my room is a tip and every time I try to fully clean it, it's completely wrecked a week later, I eat all my meals whilst revising (in my room) and the only social contact I have is at school I feel like I'm going crazy time is just passing me by and I'm not catching up i'm crying all the time and my health is just gone I'm getting cold after cold and fever after fever. I have no motivation to do anything I only revise because its all I can do. no amount of baths or trying to tidy my room helps what do I do?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "4)/5) Couldn't count it. He loses sleep because he games until 2-3 AM regularly. I think 4 hours might be a low-end estimate, but I don't want to say he games EVERY day. He doesn't go out with \"real life\" friends, except if I invite him out with my friends. Numerically - yes, we spend time together, but about 12 of those hours are spent sleeping.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "We would be grateful for any help that would help us guarantee we are able to take care of them. Any help would be a blessing. <url> &#x200B; <url> \\- Pictures of Ben and his brother Sam",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Lately I have started having some unusual episodes. \\### Introduction I have never had flashbacks as far as I know, but I was always upset every time somebody unexpectedly grabbed me, or worse, inflicted me some pain, even if accidentally. If I saw that coming, than OK, but if not, I was instantly teleported to a very bad place, emotionally. I was not experiencing something I could call flashbacks, but there sure were very dark, painful and overwhelming feelings.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I wanted to chalk it up to finances, but our finances weren’t nearly as bad as they had been, so I started thinking that maybe something else was going on. When I finally got the job that I’ve been working towards my entire life, and you got your settlement and the opportunity to do the things you had been talking about doing for your entire life, I began experiencing this odd feeling called “confidence.” Not just having confidence, but being confident. Our situation was finally improving, but our relationship continued to deteriorate. You attempted to exert a level of control over me I had yet to experience (which is saying something). But this time, I resisted.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I’ve truly been inspired to be more generous with complements and lifting others up. I’ll never know what affect it may have on someone! 💕 it could make their day. Also, it gets me outside of my own head. Just wanted to share my positive experience and possibly inspire someone to share kind words throughout the day.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "i realized i was already 20k in student loan debt and i was not going to waste all that debt on a school that is considered \"lame\". some of the best friends i have ever had were at the school, but i traded them for a lifestyle of drugs, sex and redundancy. This new school was considered a party school, one of the best in the country. Due to my good academic standing at my last university i was able to transfer here. but upon first getting their i had already become homesick and depressed.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "I am writing a novel, based on my experience in an abusive relationship with my ex boyfriend. However, its not a precise retelling, partially for my safety, but also because I want to tell not just my story but others' stories as well. Part of what makes good writing is having small specific details and the little stories that make up the novel as a whole. This is why I was hoping that, if you are interested, you could send me stories of your experiences in an abusive relationship - whatever detail you choose to send, it doesn't have to be anything \"epic\" and \"grand,\" it could be the smallest segment that you hold significance to. If you have any questions about what I'm looking for, let me know - though I'm really looking for anything!",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "You would try to understand (not to be confused with accept) their perspective and make a deal that will satisfy them and you. In the same way you would negotiate with your client. What would you like to get out of this deal? What would it take for them to give it to you? Can you give them less then what they want, but make it seem like it's actually more?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I have reduced my drinking a ton since i started it and by the second week I could already feel a major improvement in my anxiety and mental clarity, but it may have been largely due to my reduction in alcohol. In the past three days I have felt myself beginning to spiral and today I am feeling very very dark, very disconnected. I am such a low dosage I am wondering if maybe it's just not working and what I thought was it working was actually just reducing the alcohol intake? Because now all I want to do is crawl into bed.. or drink.. fantasizing about self harm. I also feel like I'm just obsessed with feeling bad and I am doing this to myself.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "I was at my first party with her and I got really drunk and when im drunk i like making out with all my girl friends, not long kisses but with tongue. My boyfriend is fine with this because its girls but I eventually kissed her and it was so nice, not like any other friend. We ended up in bed making out for approximately 2 hours. We became even closer than before and we had sleepovers every friday, just her and me. We would get drunk alone together every time and then kiss more and also go a bit further for hours.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I am so sleepy and want to sleep so bad but the second I lay down it gets worse. My chest and stomach actually tighten up with anxiety and *all* I can do is think about Pippa. Now, what I did was irresponsible and I *should* feel bad about it. But this level of anxiety about something that happened 6-7 years ago that I can't do anything about now is insane. I tried talking to my family about it, but they even disagree on the basic premise that Pippa was even neglected.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "My wife got in a very bad car accident a year ago and is lucky to be alive today. She is unable to work so it is just me working. Which is fine because we have an autistic daughter who is beautiful, full of joy, and a handful. However finances are always tight. I mturk after work and do various surveys to make more.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Hey guys, Been married for about a little over a year. I had an inkling before we got married that the wife was an anxious person but it was only after we got married I realised it was much more. She has weekly breakdowns over minor occurrences at work and comes home cursing and screaming about what goes on. (Not at me, but that repeated venting does have its toll on me as well mentally.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Since then I´ve met some \"wrong ones\"- I mean guys who lied to me, for example this guy who was trying to convince me that he loves me and wants only me and I found out that he´s been dating a girl since 2014 and that they´re expecting a baby. So yeah after these few \"mistakes\", I started having trust issues. I just couldn´t trust guys, every time I met someone I couldn´t trust him and couldn´t stop expecting something bad coming. In December last year the best thing in my life happened to me. I´ve met a guy, and he´s #EverythingGoals.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "*Mindfulness Meditation:* Hopefully you know about this by now:), but there are specific mindfulness meditations that allow you to develop certain parts of your brain. If you want to be happier, there are meditations for that. More concentrated, there are meditations for that. You can choose how to improve yourself and that’s **backed by fucking science. ** Like building a muscle, these changes take a lot of repetitions, but you do start seeing progress in as little as a few weeks if you are dedicated.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I am the caseworker of about 300+ homeless men in my city. This number fluctuates, and I help them with anything and everything. If our shelter doesn't offer it, I usually know where to send them or find out for them. I am here to offer a few basic tips just to help anyone out. You are more than welcome to message me about any questions you have.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I had been raped by two different people as a kid. Between ages 5 to 8 I was raped by someone who's name I wont even call out, and when I was eleven I was raped by this odd couple (the guy raped me, the woman just was present while it was happening). I don't know if it's that or that every time I have had a crush on someone, that someone always fall for one of my best friends, but I really feel like I wont be able to have sex unless I am extremely drunk. It's not really about losing my virginity anymore, because it has already been stolen, but it's about not freaking out. How did you guys do it?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I've been suffering from anxiety and ptsd since I was 13, actively working towards recovery for the past three years. It's been up and down, of course, but overall I've made really encouraging progress. For the past six months I've been dating a really sweet guy, someone I think is worthy of my trust and good for me. We're both interested in being together long-term. This is the first healthy relationship I've ever been in, and I've been working really hard not to let past experiences and my own issues negatively affect our partnership.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "There is a waitlist to be called when they become available. I do not want to start training an adult dog from the shelter to become a service dog. I think there is too much room for error if I'm not the one who socialized the dog from the beginning. Any advice or notes from those who have them would be great. Thanks.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "idk why I'm doing this. I guess I just am. Maybe it will help someone else. IDK... <url>",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "An app made sense for this, since so many people have a phone. But sometimes a solution can raise more problems! If we had an app that says \"domestic violence escape plan,\" and if the abuser checks the user's phone, that's even worse than a paper form. So here's the solution we came up with: the app is ostensibly a \"quote of the day\" app, just like so many others. You open it up and it just looks like any other, with inspirational quotes (carefully chosen to be relevant without appearing relevant, by the way).",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I typically would not care in the slightest about things like that but I feel as if since my good friends basically turned their backs on me that I am at a loss? If my good friends did before does that mean everyone else will too? **TLDR: GF and I broke up. She is trying to turn people against me. What can I do?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I remember what it felt like to not be anxious one on medicine. none of the other ones I've been put on take any of the edge off. I can't even play xbox live without holding my breath because I get anxious that people can hear me breathe. I mute my mic to give my lungs a reprieve and then go back to holding it. thanks for reading my little rant.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I had done research on termination of parental rights but everything from the state said that the state had to be the petitioner in cases like that so I just assumed it was that way in other courts. So I ended up petitioning to terminate his rights today and included a statement from my ex’s other sons mother. But now I am afraid. I don’t want him to get this paperwork and end up blowing a fuse and hurting me or my son. I’m staying with my parents and he knows where the house is.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I know I am still young and there is so much more coming in life but sometimes, I just feel this is not where I want to be and I sometimes get sad that I am not doing the things I want to be doing. I really want to travel and it really is hard to find people to go with. I would love to go solo but I am sometimes fearful of asking my parents because I don't want them to convince me otherwise/tell me no. I have this huge wanderlust and I want to see the world and constantly learn. I did apply to a grad program with many global opportunities to fulfill the dream of mine and I am excited as well.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "We've been living in my grandmother's house since loosing the apt. All of our possessions, as well as all of my grandmother's possessions were in the home at the time of the fire. The property was supposed to be sold on December 29th, but when my cousin who was also living on the property unexpectedly passed away on December 24th, the buyers backed out. Due to these circumstances, our home insurance had lapsed, so at the moment we have no resources to work with, except for the generosity of others. It's a massive tragedy for our family, because we didn't have any funds available for Christmas either, and between family, and friends, we were able to have a great holiday, but now all of those gifts are gone as well.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I am just sick of this being my daily life. Between the derealization and the hypervigilance and paranoia even on good days I still don't feel like a person - and that's not even touching the flashbacks and nightmares. I don't know what to do anymore. I can't find a shrink who I trust or who seems equipped to help with the particular symptoms I have, and that seems like my only option. What do I do?",
"label": "severe"
"text": "I feel like one of my worst symptoms is nightmares. Not because they are overly terrifying, I don't wake up covered in sweat or out of breath. I just wake up feeling mentally and to a lesser degree physically exhausted. It just ruins my mood for the day and feels so hard to snap out of. I mostly just dream of killing my family and friends, or other random people, or people killing me or people dying.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "He doesn't let me have any friends i have one from highschool and he's been trying to get me to stop talking to her. saying she just has bad intentions and isnt a true friend but i know diff shes a good person. She recently asked me to start going to the gym with her and i said yes at first, but i told my husband and he flipped. Then he goes you dont need to and all this other stuff but right befour i told him he grabs my fat and says jiggle jiggle...Which just tells me.. you need to lose some weight which i do, I know ive gained alot since having our son...Or yesterday i was craving chips and i told him i was going to the store to get some things and he says.. No! go run around the house.. and continues on what hes doing.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I'm fine, or so I thought. All my issues with anger, alcohol abuse, frequent bouts of depression, difficulties focusing or concentrating at work, I attributed to my bipolar disorder, and that was all I worked on. I've tried so many different types of medications and combinations thereof, more than 10 for sure, and even underwent electro-convulsive therapy, but nothing helped. It was not until this past summer that I thought to try therapy, something I had actively avoided. I didn't think that talking about anything would affect my bipolar disorder, and I **really** didn't want to talk about my trauma.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I've never been medically diagnosed with anxiety, and I know that I would need to see a professional to officially determine if I really had anxiety, but sometimes I relate to symptoms of anxiety I see online and wonder if I should be concerned. Some things that have led me to think I may have anxiety: I've been performing on stages for all of my life, but I still find my heart racing and knees weak every time I'm on stage. One time, I messed up a performance, and when I saw my peers the next day, I had to remove myself from the situation and go to a place where I could be alone. I don't mind public speaking though.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "Suddenly she snaps and goes \"I fucking hate my brother, he is the biggest piece of shit ever, I couldn't care less about him\" and just started going off. Now, I know her brother can be pretty psychotic and from what shes told me he clearly has anger issues and the rest of her family keeps ignoring it, sometimes even enabling it. So 2 minutes into her exploding, she starts crying because apparently her brother told their dad something and the dad called her and said he doesn't trust her anymore or whatever. She was very upset about the dad thing because she's very close with her dad and she's her dads favorite child (he told me that himself when I spoke with him). I didn't want to pry too much because I felt like it isn't exactly my business of their internal family issues, but my girlfriend screenshot the text messages her brother sent her and I just could not comprehend how a human being, especially a sibling, can say that to someone.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I'm sure as other survivors many of you are overcoming some of the same problems as well, and may have already had some of these realizations (of what makes you YOU) or are in search of them on your journey to becoming whole. It is crazy how DEEP these emotional scars and wounds are, that I literally cried way harder in this session, than in even processing waking up in a hospital bald! In this memory, I had post-partum depression right after my son was born and was living with Nmom and my Edad when they were still married 8 years ago. (I'm so grateful that they are no longer married. He is such an excellent parent/person NOW that he doesn't care about \"undermining her\".)",
"label": "mild"
"text": "The vehicle then hit a tree and went into the river. He was able to get out the vehicle but the rapids of the river were too strong and he couldn't save his girlfriend and his son. He then had to find a house or someone with a phone to call 911. Once rescue came, they also couldn't save his girlfriend and son due to the water being too high and dangerous. And all occupants passed away in that accident.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I’d like to be married before we are pregnant. I’m not willing to compromise on that. Anyone been in a similar situation? Advice on how to proceed? ---",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I cant take video of him due to the lights aimed in the wrong direction and the thick trees and bushes, theres a security cam but i DOUBT its aimed at that back area of the parking lot. Its amazing how many trips down a major road he can make without a cop asking why hes wheeling a friggin COUCH down the road at 4am. And i dont want to start hitting him with the blunt side of my axe, due to my situation im not real strong, and since i grew up in this area, i wasn't \"street trained\" like what people might call a \"thug\". So, any suggestions on how i can get rid of this guy but also not have to the area myself at least for a little while, till i can get my bike fixed, i use this library for my work on my laptop, so i kinda want to remain close. Thanks,",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I just don’t feel like living in that situation is worth me even trying to help them keep the house. After talking to a few close people, I have decided that I can’t sit around waiting for my rent to inevitably go up again, and that staying there means I can’t continue with school. But I’m having issues coming to terms with the fact that bf won’t come with me. He says he doesn’t want to abandon his mom, and that he has to help them any way he can (like now giving up 50% of his income). If he leaves, his mother and sister will not speak to him, and will blame me for taking away their brother/son.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "But recently I went on a car journey with my friends and 5 minutes before we got to the destination I started panicking because I thought I needed a wee and took a valium (completely embarrassed myself in-front of my friends). once we got to the destination I was actually fine and didn't really need one that bad. Since then it keeps happening, like I was on the train and 1 stop before my destination I got off and walked because I started panicking. then today really got to me because I needed to get a bus that goes through a tunnel to go to the pub that takes 10 mins and I physically couldn't get on the bus because of this fear. I'm so annoyed at myself that this is starting to control my life.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I need help. My partner's house is a mess. That is an understatement, he has over 60 empty beverage containers on his coffee table, he has over 30 fruit flies flying around, and the odour is disgusting. I don't know what to do, it's getting harder and harder for me to go over there. It worries me because I am a clean person, everything has it's spot.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "Those are all the ones I can coherently explain. I've also felt extremely lonely and I've been craving touch more than I did before I was with him. Watching movies, playing games, hanging out with friends etc all distract me for a while but when I stop all the bad feelings just come at once. Not only sadness/loneliness, but I also feel hate and rage. Does anyone have any way to help me move on?",
"label": "mild"
"text": "Now I want to drink till I'm drunk again and my head sounds as though there is yelling when I'm the only one home. times. At least I have a drs appointment coming up soon so I can bring it up. Still. These moments suck.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "They have lives outside the group and are often coming from far away to go to this group. Should I try and be friends with them? I feel like they're not going to want to hang out with a dorky 23 year old, and I have no idea what we'd even do anyway. I also tried Bumble BFF to make friends but found the constant swiping and texting to be really boring and depressing. There's only so much bland small talk a person can make.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "I’m trying to get into Freelance writing, but these libraries want physical original ID’s, so I’m doing everything by phone, which is now also hard to do… because of charger thieves. Ugh. Times like these generate negative attitudes towards the world, and myself. The fact that noone has the time and patience for me just makes me wonder if I’m a piece of shit. No.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "and we are still trying to recover financially! Any and all help is appreciated! Here is the link to their Amazon wishlist <url> . We live in the Tx Hill Country. Thanks again!",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I lost a child because of this man and i went back for round 2? Am I nuts? Why am I so surprised i've come out looking like i've just had 10 round with Tyson? Advice please - anyone gone through a similar experience? What did you do?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I read somewhere that feeling like you can't swallow is a symptom of anxiety. It usually only happens when I take pills, but lately it's expanded to nearly everything I eat or drink. It helps if I'm moving or fidgeting with something, but my family has started noticing. It makes me avoid eating with others when I can, or just eating super slow. It's become a fear of choking or asphyxiating now.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "How do I stop this without getting myself blacked balled or dealing with this harassment. TL;DR I broke up with my ex who cheated. I've been getting harassed by ex-girlfriends sister at my job. She holds a lot of weight in the company and her behavior has escalated. How do I stop this without getting myself blacked balled or dealing with this harassment.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "7. This study will include only participants who are 18 years and older. Please send us a private message if you are interested in participating. Once you contact us, we will send you a link to the screening questionnaire to see if you qualify and to tell you more about the study. Please note: If you participated in this study at any point in 2016 through Vanderbilt University, unfortunately you are not eligible to participate again.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "He refused to look me in the face and acknowledge what he had done. Several days later, his sister calls me, feigning friendship, asking if I would like to get the cat I had been forced to adopt while living there. When I got home, a multiple hour drive each way, I noticed the cat behaving strangely. This cat was at this point, less than a year after my leaving, almost entirely feral, and infested with a ridiculous number of fleas. I posted on a local forum for my town about ways to help repair this cat’s now-aggressive nature.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "and money will be tight. I sometimes augment my income with Mturk, but additional advice on how to make a little extra cash would be appreciated (would have to be one time gigs though due to the nature of my disability, I can't hold down a long term job. Stuff like plasma donation, opinion surveys, medical studies, etc.) Any kind of life hacks, government assistance, etc. that I do not know about would be appreciated.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Just to explain better too, but you may know, a lot of Catholic Schools have an appending Catholic Church. Usually all on the same campus area. They are often linked structurally. At least where I grew up. So I could not think of the School without associating it to the church.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "<url> Resume: <url> Thank you! !",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I saved picture after picture of him, had tweet and Instagram notifications on, tracked where his live band was, even looked up his house on Zillow once. I know I sound like a total stalker but I was just really obsessed and I regret everything I did now that I'm older and wiser. Anyway, when I was 16 I started writing fanfiction about him based on the very imaginative music videos he had starred in for his songs. It wasn't about him specifically, but rather alternate universe versions of him. I ended up doing this very bizarre thing where I romantically paired up two alternate reality versions of himself (long story, but basically I crave the gay).",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "So, I used tap water in a neti pot. My cold seemed to get worse right after. I googled, “Can a neti pot make a cold worse?” Suddenly, information appears that if you use tap water in a neti pot you can get that brain eating amoeba, Naegleria fowleri... (the same one that kills kids who swim in fresh water). I guess two people in Louisiana died from it via tap water\\neti pots a few years back.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I don't want a situation to come where she calls the police lying saying I hit her (anytime a domestic incident happens, it's automatically the guy's fault) She's called the police falsely on my dad twice, so I wouldn't put it passed her. So I'm writing this in the parking lot of my college afraid to go home. Awesome",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Hey there r/assistance, Not sure if this is the right place to post this.. but here goes =) I'm currently a student intern at Sandia National Labs and working on a survey to help improve our marketing outreach efforts at the many schools we recruit at around the country. We're looking for current undergrad/grad STEM students so if you're a STEM student or know STEM students, I would greatly appreciate if you can help take or pass along this short survey. As a thank you, everyone who helps take the survey will be entered in to a drawing for chance to win one of three $50 Amazon gcs.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Some day it’s gonna piss them off and she’ll get killed. She lets people go ahead of her in line if she has more items than them. She lets people out of junctions even if she’s running late to places. Ends up holding doors open for tons of people and can get stuck there for almost a minute. Gave up her seat on a bus once when she knows I have a bad back and like to sit down.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Before it happened I had been good friends with him and I admired him a lot as a child. I don't want to ruin his life, and whenever I meet him I act normal and happy. When I talk about him I smile and act normal. Sometimes I feel like I can forgive him for what happened, but sometimes I have nightmares and I feel dirty. I think of what happened a lot.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I am not, except the one that exists in my mind. We, our nation, are at a very precarious point in our history. All generations have said that, I am sure. But we surely can't feel comfortable when million dollar high rises go up around homeless encampments. Anyway, that is my rant/prayer/I don't know what.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I didn't know what to do. I wanted to curse him, hit him, just. I was so angry. When he came to me and my sister's home, he wanted to talk about things with me. I simply told him that I'm not his wife so he doesn't owe me any explanation and that he should just leave.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "It is thus counterproductive to do so, when I could just go to work. I am trying to get a better job. Trust me, I am *trying. * The issue is that I have a huge gap in my employment history where I was more or less spending every single day giving my grandmother 3 insulin shots a day, cooking 2 meals for her, cleaning her apartment and running her to and from doctor's appointments and to the hospital. That was a full time job in and of itself.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "That will never go away. I’ll be right with you cause family comes first and I don’t want Mum and Dad to feel in the middle of it all anymore. Its going to take time. I again left it a few hours, but I felt incredibly annoyed by her reply, which I felt was very dismissive of her own actions. I decided to cut her out.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I used to be a very touchy feely person pre trauma, hell I'd have stood out in a big city with a sign for free hugs, I *wanted* to. I'd touch a leg for sympathy, throw an arm around shoulders for comradeship. My family was never like that growing up. Until recent years, I rarely got hugs from parents or my brother and when we'd brush legs while sitting, it'd be an awkward \"oh sorry\" and a shuffle to separate. The latter is still true but I make it a joke.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I remember thinking “What the hell is he doing ?!”. This guy was so tall, so much heavier than me… He grabbed me, was on top of me, told me to “shut my fucking mouth right now”. I tried so hard to move, but I couldn’t… I remember him spitting on his dick, and then he penetrated me, his hand over my mouth. It was so violent, so painful. I can still feel the sweat on his cheek...",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "WARNING GRAPHIC! <url> That same day my accident and hospitalization insurance claim was denied because that insurance product was canceled in March, by my husband, who claimed we were already divorced. He did this in March, April and May all following court dates or arrests. It will be fixed, but like the rest of the insurance cancellations, it’s going to take a few weeks.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "For a while now I honestly feel like my brain just broke. I am so embarrassed. I used to be really quick at replying to stuff, really good at video games (I would play competitively!! ), The world was easy to navigate... Now it feels like someone beat me with a rock in the head and I never recovered from the concussion. Everything seems so... Fast.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "Until just a bit before I decide to move to that other city I've been thinking about moving to, I guess. Actually, I was told that it's cleared by cops every month, and I remember a flashlight being shined on me last month when I was too stoned to completely wake up (at least not so slowly) or to see whether it was a cop. Maybe it's the right kind of cop and I look the the kind of person they don't feel any need to bother for being here. This is more of an /r/randomthoughts post for me, but I'm putting it here because it's relevant.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I plan on parking my truck there and hanging out until I have to work and get supplies. I rarely see cops on the highway where the old road starts nor have I heard about cops going into the area. As for thieves or strangers, I have a rifle and once I have a tent I'll use it as binoculars to see anyone coming. Obviously if I'm in my truck I'll just drive away. Can't think of anything else to worry about.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "That was about 7 hours ago. Normally, I do not get much effect from tea because I only ever drink half a cup as I don't like it that much. However, I have been feeling jittery all day and my heart periodically feels as though it is racing. I have that adrenalized and uneasy feeling that I always get with caffeine. It wasn't really bothering me because I knew it was probably from the caffeine.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "she then tells me i’m self centered and i’m a fuck up and i’m fucking my sister up. And once everything has been said 10 mins later she acts like she did none of it. she asks me if i want tea and to watch tv with her. this all probably sounds so confusing but it’s mentally making me lose it. i cant do this anymore, i can’t balance school and my personal issues and family issues and her altogether.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I'm so stressed at the moment, I pretty much had a breakdown in college from all the work I need to do and the deadline is next week. I have 4 different projects in on the same day at the same time and I'm doing the best I can to manage my time but it's nothing simple like typing up an assignment. It's programming work, and as much as I do enjoy programming, having to create 4 different projects with 3 different languages is causing me to panic and stress out on getting things done. I've spoken to student support and a couple of tutors but I can't switch my mind off how many deadlines I have and the worst part is that I can't do 3 of them at home. I can only do them during college hours.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I decided to park behind it to see what their business was. They called 911 on me. I saw the copper stoppers coming and decided to pull in to my driveway, unload my kids and go inside while they dealt with the strange people. Well, the were there to deal with me! And one was walking up to question me while the other followed my children into my house!",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "He doesnt seem bothered about calling me or meeting me unless I initiate. We dont talk for very long as he still lives with his parents and is apparently always \"busy\" helping his mum. Im mostly available, as I work part time as Im a student but I live in a rented shared flat. We seldom talk about the future. I want to talk about the future, I planned to work abroad this year as I graduate soon but stopped those plans after meeting him as he is only in college and will take another 3 years until he finishes education.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "The link to my gofundme campaign is: <url> I included a video on my Gofundme which explains my whole situation. I thought that recording it will be better than writing it down. Thank you God bless",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "His best chance is to seek treatment abroad, in a specialised sarcoma clinic. He is a young, resilient man with huge support from his family and friends. Sean is a fighter and he just needs an opportunity to beat this cancer. We cannot accept there is no hope for Sean and wish to exhaust all options. Please help Sean to get the best shot he’s got to fight the sarcoma and get back to living life to his full potential.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "That's the thing that really bothers me, not so much the act of sending one text, but sending one text doesn't make me feel done, it carries the weight of every other text I'll have to send. When I see someone's name come up on my caller ID I almost always get this flare of panic, and then just ignore it, even though I actually like chatting with my friends on the phone. It hardly ever even occurs to me to actually answer it (except family because they're equally uncommunicative so it's probably really important). Not an excuse, but I think I learned all of this -- especially my refusal to answer the phone -- from my parents, my mom more than my dad. They've don't stay in touch with people they aren't living in close proximity to, and they're pretty terrible at communicating consistently with us as well.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I’ve had a some fucked shit happen to me. I'm not going into detail because I'm not looking for sympathy. Today is the last day I have to pay or quit. I don’t have anyone to help and I’ve exhausted all my other options applying for loans, pawning things, etc. I need to somehow come up with 1,490.46 by 6 pm.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I have had two or three or more reoccurring dreams of me cheating on my boyfriend.. and they are so real that I actually feel awful when I wake up or like it actually happened. I've been spooked when I've woken up because it's actually felt like he left and it happened.. can someone shed some light on what this means? my boyfriend is 18 and I am 19 I am female he is male. we have been in a relationship for around 6/7 months. Recently me and my boyfriend had been going through a tough stage and I've been carrying a huge amount of guilt and I've been feeling like I'm not a good person at all...",
"label": "severe"
"text": "We kept in touch the entire time (and he'd always seem to want me desperately, even telling me things like \"I can't wait to see you as soon as I'm back\"). But when he got back, he didn't see me right away. And despite my asking him a couple of times (like, two or three), we didn't see each other for nearly two months. Eventually, I literally said \"So are we ever going to see each other again or is this just over?\" He responded by immediately asking me on a date for that week, at a nice French restaurant near his place.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I'm volunteering at a local food bank and a large number of our clients are probably homeless. We have some social workers who try to help them get housing and have had some success. But until then, I'm considering stocking a stash of supplies at the food bank that aren't food, but could be particularly useful for people before they can get into housing. The idea isn't to provide kits instead of housing, but to stock items that might be occasionally useful. Most people are resourceful and provide for themselves, but occasionally may be short an item or two that could make a significant difference if it were immediately available.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "etc. - Bob's father is always begging to let my daughter sleep in his bed. He takes opioids to sleep and once nearly died because his stove spilled smoke into the room and he didn't wake up. Bob sees no problem with allowing this. - Bob has been visiting prositutes since he left and doesn't use protection.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I'm trying to keep my mouth shut, but shit is so goddamn annoying. Oh, and my both of their first languages are not English. While I speak only English. I criticize my father by telling him he speaks like Donald Trump. I'm gonna donate plasma tomorrow, because I'm broke.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Another update: I received two messages from random women yesterday. It turns out my boyfriend/abuser has been cheating on me, which is not surprising at this point. One of them, he went to get us food while I was home with my son, he paid for this woman's family's meal and got her number, and has been asking her out for drinks every couple days. She sent me screen shots of their conversations and he said, \"The ring I gave her is simply a gift to the woman carrying my child. We have had a rocky relationship and I can not see us as anything more than co-parenting\", then said, \"I don't work well with crazy\".",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "We were raised in the Bible belt and she believed every word they told her about it being normal. I tried so hard to explain it to her over the years. She never understood. Even now she barely talks to me because I'm the 'outcast' for standing against what my family has done. We were so close when were younger because it's all we had.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "She wants to live off these 400.00 and cut back on everything there is, even her own only connection back to her family if needed. My plan was, to get back to our parents for a while, until we both earn a bit better or find a cheaper place. But unfortunately, for her this is no option. She is afraid she can't go home, as she already once switched jobs and is afraid her mother won't accept her at home again. She blocks every attempt of mine to bring up the possibility of going back.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "She does dissociate and is on all kinds of psychiatric meds. One day she loves me the next day she hates me. I really don't know what to do, I moved down south to be with her and so I have no friends or family here. She suffers from agoraphobia so we never leave the house. Its also her place so Im scarred she is going to kick me out, she has used that against me in the past, it makes me feel very vunrable and scared.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I can’t have fun anymore. I can’t enjoy life anymore. I don’t know what to do. This is hopeless. I had to come home from work because I can’t stop crying.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "It's unfortunate we can't crosspost links from other subs like r/psychology to r/ptsd because sometimes a useful article comes along that might really help. TL;DR - This study suggests, for whatever reason, some people who experience trauma learn to associate signifiers of the event with less invasive memories which helps them be less affected by it. And that it could potentially be applied in CBT therapy. It doesn't say how as of yet. Disclaimer: I have not read [the <url> itself, just the article.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I will, personally, be testifying as a witness in this case Justine's custody was taken away after a suicide attempt while battling postpartum depression. Her son and his father were home at the time of the incident. Following this Atticus was put solely in the custody of his father.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Monetary campaign contributions would be grand, however that is not why I came to r/assistance hat in hand today. What I need is help getting the word out. I need you to share my campaign on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pintrest, Tumblr and whatever other social media outlet you may use. Because the only way I can be successful at what I'm doing is to spread the message as far and wide as possible. TL;DR: I'm broke and live in a camper so I started a GoFundMe campaign because I need help to properly start up my business and I need you to share my campaign with all of your social networks.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Both him and my mom left pornographic magazines laying on their bedroom floor ( we were in the process of moving and I saw them and was grossed out. Then they joked around about how I reacted and that they were my biological dads magazines and i should get mad at him for it. ( No older than 14) My stepdad told my mom (this is what she says) that I wanted a massage, i was sleeping on the couch and my mom for whatever reason got freaked out and ran out of the room naked to see what was going on. And she says that he saw her and stopped walking towards me (13) my mom did ask me if anything happened on the way to school",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "She tells me and her friends constantly about how this girl gives her butterflies, feelings of love, and worries out loud if she's gay/bi. Her boyfriend knows about this, since she talks to anyone she can about her life. He's a huge pushover though and doesn't seem to care allows her to continue texting and stalking this girl's social media profile. I'm okay with my sister exploring her sexuality, but I'm upset she's doing this to someone who takes care of everything for her. But he's okay with it, so is it any of my business?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Hey I was wondering if anyone between the ages of 15-18 (I just find it easier to talk to people around my age, I'm 17) would want to join my Reddit chat group for people who are introverted or suck at socializing like me (don't worry if you just want to listen that's fine too) Some things I like Soccer Tv/movies Music",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "As a native San Francisco we have lots of homelessness. I got a few question. I understand that life is hard on some people and I try to give the sympathy for the misfortunes of others. But with the rampant drug abuse and crime within the homeless community I find it hard to sympathize with them. I've been thinking, is there a line within this culture?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "But sometimes I feel bad that he has to see me freak out, or the flashbacks. When I black out. I feel bad. That's why I'm gonna do it. i'm gonna get better.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "All things considered it didn't stand out aside from being the first time I got involved. I could give a description of how it went down, but I'm not going to for privacy reasons. Most of the times I wouldn't be able to do that any more than the average person can tell you what they had for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks at any given day years ago. It all gets mixed up in my head. I usually react badly to anniversaries of incidents that involve being blamed for someone dying.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I paid off some of my credit card debt a couple days ago, but my company also charged me on their automatic pay system. I barely had enough this paycheck to cover just the single payment; when this extra payment processes it's going to cost me an overdraft fee. I am in no position to let that happen and so I need money to cover for it, as well as cover for my student loan payment which also hasn't processed yet. I need somewhere around $50 to completely clear me out of any sort of financial trouble. I can use Paypal or Google Wallet, whichever works best.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I needed to run some errands, but it was a Saturday afternoon when stores were usually too busy for me, but I felt so great I decided to try it. I went into a busy store and actually waited in line to pay infont of a very obnoxious couple who didn't understAnd personal space. I was totally fine. I couldn't believe it. In other situations i'd have to avoid the store all together or walk around the store until the line went down or I'd get dizzy and start freaking out, get to the point of feeling like I'm going to pass out.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I don't post that much so sorry about the formatting! As a preface my mum has always been protective of me. But the main drama started on boxing day (26th December). She misunderstood me and thought I wasn't going to see her before I moved back to University so she locked herself in her room and began to cry. She even told me to pack up my stuff and move to my boyfriend's.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I have watched her try to navigate getting services while working and trying to keep her car in working order. It is no easy feat. I know you probably see a lot of GoFundMes for people who need help. Sofia is one of those people. Please, please consider helping her, even if it is just $1.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Every cent right now is going towards making sure I don't end up homeless (I've gotten forbearance on my car payment for the moment) and it's looking grim. **[I feel embarrassed asking for help, but here is my Amazon <url> I couldn't figure out how to share my Walmart list... If anyone knows how, please let me know. Also, if you know of cheaper/better items I could add, please let me know.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "(I suffer from Major Depression/Anxiety/Fibromyalgia and I wrote this as an example of what I feel on an average day so that people who don't have mental illness can understand) Hollowed out doesn't quite cover the feeling. Because inside this shell are millions of raw nerve endings feeling everything that brushes by. Everything is so raw. Between the mental and physical pain it's incredibly hard to stay grounded.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "I'm so grateful to this sub- it was really amazing to see that I wasn't alone in this. Reading other's struggles and accomplishments inspired me beyond belief. So I hope that if you're reading this you can find your own inspiration. Thank you for listening to me babble. I wish you all luck on your journey :)",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "But she then came out of the bathroom a second time and attached me saying she was going to fucking kill me and started choking me. I did push her back against bathroom door just to restrain her. Not to hit her Just to try to figure out what was going on. It was the 3rd time i was attacked in 24 hours. I was scared.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I'm not polyamorous at all and he never mentioned being bisexual to me. I didn't know what to say. I kinda went into blank smile mode while inside I was getting sick with jealousy. He never asked if this was okay for him to do this. So I considered it cheating.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "3. Not wanting it to happen So.... Just drunk? ... Or dissociation? Is there a way to tell?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I'm starting to really believe that my brain is the problem here and not trauma. Everyone just thinks I'm a dramatic slut anyway, so does it even matter? Like maybe they are right? I feel like I'm too embarrassed to even go back to my psych now. Today I seriously looked like a total basket case.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "bah. Anyway, couple months down the line, I met her family, loved them, they loved me (they're first impression of me was, get this, me clogging they're toileting and it overflowing with me yelling SOS through the bathroom door.. it was awesome lol). L and I continued to grow even closer as my now senior year progressed (her junior). Then March happened. L started to act wierd.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Then i start getting jaw aches and collarbone pain or back pain and I have been to A+E several times and every time I am healthy bar one time i had a chest wall muscle inflammation. Then of course these pains panic me and the cycle goes on for hours. I just want to know why this happens and if I can help it but doctors dont listen to me just say \"well we can up your doseage or put you back on those pills that knocked you out but ruined your functioning life\" Does anyone else get similar things? And how do you deal with doctors that just dont care.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I doubt and second guess myself a lot. I hesitate and fear picking up the phone. Fear coming off as too aggressive or too pushy or not sending the right person and Err On the side of not being aggressive enough. I’m afraid to take control as I fear ruining relationships etc. Last year i still did surprisingly well despite all this and even earned a rookie of the year title and won a trip.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I always have to touch my face and trace my fingers along my body because it's so odd to know that I am real. That I am alive. I often now sit and think about what I am made of. How behind my skin is a complex make up of organs that keep my unique body and overly aware mind alive. I think how inside my skull is an organ that is thoroughly condensed and holds vast amounts of knowledge.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I literally have never been sick so much. Normally if I get sick at all it’s when allergy season comes, so like once a year. My hair is definitely falling out way more than it normally does. Has this happened to anyone? I know it’s almost over.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "And it's like that all the time when similar experiences occur. Now this probably has connections to the social anxiety and depression I suffer from (heck I'm feeling anxious rn as I type this) but it's so weird. I mean I guess it kinda makes sense if I'm so insecure, right? Does anyone else suffer from similar forms of anxiety or sort of related? Interested to know.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "Hi, I am legally blind. I was homeless from 2007 to 2013 and traveled around the country. That's why I chose the screen name that I did. In 2013 I was able to rent a room in Boston, MA. I lived there from 2013 to about a week ago.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "She desperately needs to see an oncologist or something about these tumors she's developed. It's breaking my heart seeing her like this. Other family members, all of whom are in Canada agree that going back to Canada (we moved to Texas in 95) would be good but her excuse is that there's no jobs. Also her not having a passport (it use to only be a green card required to travel across the border to Canada) is probably deterring that option. Thank you Reddit.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "I sometimes call it \"fight mode\". Extensive martial arts background has turned negative adrenalized states from inward, depressive vulnerability to external, physical reactivity. I describe it as feeling like I'm in a fight (physiologically) though I am sitting still or trying to sleep. Loss of fine motor skills, hypervigilance, scanning all surroundings and people as if they are about to hit me and I have to hit back. I could be stretching, but I feel like this \"fight\" response as opposed to my old \"flight\" or \"freeze\" response has effected even the emotional aspects of my attacks.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "My main obstacle now is getting said training. Everything is in the city and it's so loud and bright there. I have enough blankets for now. And I'll give my kitty to the humane society before conditions are cruel. I'm not a monster, I'm just not quite ready to give her up yet.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I have been thinking about it and I think that all anxiety seems to boil down to either fear of what other people think of you or fear of death. I am curious if this is just me? Sometimes simplifying it makes it easier for me to deal with, at least during less intense moments where I still have control of my mind. I realize a fear of death is a bit unbeatable, but some how that seems to give me a bit of peace. The one that I have a hell of a time with is fear of what other people thinking.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I don't live in the country anymore. She thinks no one will help her and has a hard time trusting people. She doesn't want to go to a shelter. I at least gave her the number for a bilingual support person from the ywca. My mom also wants my dad to pay for my graduate school degree.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I am looking for people who are interested in being in the project. Please reach out to me if you are interested! Please do not take my photos for use without my permission however. If you need help, please call 1-800-273-8255 for the Suicide Hotline, or 911 for emergencies. To view this project, you can view it at my website at <url> \\- I wanted to showcase the photos in the thread, but I cannot share photos in this thread.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "It helps with the physical symptoms, such as palpatations and elevated heart rate. However I still have attacks that force me to lay down alone for 30 minutes or more, sometimes hours. I have random pains all the time, my arm, leg, chest, stomach, headaches, etc. Constant health anxiety too, I get one mild headache and think I have meningitis or a brain tumor, etc. Well I had a checkup with him today and asked him about medicine I could use PRN.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I knew she wasn't scamming as she was telling me this and it was definitely real when her membership card name matched her credit card (in case anyone things she was begging for pity). She told me the police only helped 2/7 times, because her husband and the police are in some sort of brotherhood so they won't do anything. As she was leaving she told me \"now I have to go back there again\" as she was sobbing. I didnt know what to say or what I could do to help. Everyone I've talked with as told me I should've gotten her phone number because looking her phone number up through our receipts and membership files is an invasion of privacy.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Even if people experience mental health differently, this reeks of toxic character. He is convinced he needs to stick around, avoid change, see this through, that eventually she’ll “go back to how she was before” (whatever that means) and that he’ll keep trying to make it work. The typical “I can fix this” response that colours victims of abusive partners - and having been one, it is especially demoralizing to see him having to go through this for the sake of avoiding both change and a failed marriage. What can I do to help him, besides support him emotionally, and eventually have him realize for himself that this is not normal? tl;dr: my [25F] partner [30M] is being abused by his wife [28F], but is convinced to keep trying to make it work despite the situation detrimentally affecting his own mental health.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Summary: - Have been working at a factory job for 1 month, hoping it would be a career change. Pretty physical job, push/pulling things that are up to 150lb quite often during my day. - Came into this job while recovering from a bulging disc in my lower back (L5/S1) - A medical certificate was provided to my employer advising that I have a back injury going into this job.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I didn't even realize I was doing it until I felt the coldness on the skin of my temple. I thought I would feel fear but all I felt was relief and how easy it would have been to end my overthinking, torturing anxiety brain. I was diagnosed with GAD and depression officially at 12. I have severe insomnia and crippling anxiety constantly which leaves me to overwhelming dark depression. I think about everything I've said and done and it feels like fight of flight all the time.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "Nevermind, turning it up loud. Drown everything else out. Bump. Bump. Bump.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "They looked nothing like my growths. She told me I was misdiagnosed. I didn't have an std. I had sebaceous epidermal cysts. Had I never had awful sex, then I would have never thought the growths on my scrotum were stds.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "While sitting on my normally-quiet front porch today, one of my unbelievably extroverted neighbors was carrying on the loudest conversation I've ever heard on a quiet street. Her conversation partners used a normal volume - she was the only one yelling words at the top of her lungs. I wanted to snap her clueless little head off. Or at the very least, tell her to shut the f$*( up. Grumpy?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "At 26... it was a roller coaster ride. It was great at the start... then I caught him with someone else at a party. I broke up there and then, realised I couldn't let go... we got back together, we broke up, he became abusive... it went downhill from there. I just couldn't let go of him. I kept hoping it would work out... it never did.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Fuck you for getting money through your job while doing literally nothing to help your patients. Fuck you for being an absolutely useless bigot. This town is small and i will suggest everyone I know to never, ever go to your damn fucking clinic you dick. &#x200B; Time to get a new doctor and see if I can finally get someone to listen.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Best friend knows I have anxiety and I am always asking her if she's mad at me. Well, yesterday she asked if I wanted to go to the beach next weekend, I said yes, and then today I told her I couldn't because I was supposed to watch my sister's kids. She wants to know why I don't take them with us. It's a two hour drive, and I really just don't want to go. But then she says that I always say no when she asks me to go somewhere with her.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Sure enough she always sends us home. Every Wednesday I feel intense dread. I'm afraid to go into work the next day. A few of u may remember but just about a week ago I contemplated suicide. I always have anxiety and sadness.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "WARNING: Messy post, I'm really all over the place, sorry guys. I have a lot on my mind. Hope you can make the best of this text. Also sorry for any spelling errors, english isn't one of my talents. Me and my boyfriend has been dating for over a year now.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "She requested to go to the bathroom right away, and we helped her with that. The husband/driver was out loading all our parts when she finally came out of the bathroom. We asked her what is wrong. She said, \"He grabbed me by the neck and hurt me. I don't think I can go back with him.\"",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Apparently it doesn't work that way. I don't drink or do drugs anymore (which didn't help keep me safe at all btw) so there is nothing to blur it out. I just have to live with all the horror and memories and I hate it. Tl;dr I hate myself and the life I led. I'm ashamed I didn't figure out that things could be different sooner.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "I haven’t said anything to him yet because I’m not sure how someone would take hearing that their partner has such fluctuations of feelings towards them (especially since he told me he loves me and is somewhat clingy). Nonetheless, I know a conversation will need to be had but I want to get my feelings in order first. What would y’all recommend, Reddit? TL;DR I have “hot and warm” feelings towards my boyfriend. Can’t figure out why.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Nothing was bothering them. Nobody was being a bully at school. Their grades started to slip. I was asking the right questions but they kept saying nothing was going on. Fast forward six months.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "She says she's sorry and that she would never have taken it to a physical place, and completely rejected the first co-workers request to take it further. However she continued to talk to him and also continued to talk and flirt with the second co-worker, when she knew he had romantic feelings. She says she's sorry and has an addiction to being desired. I told her it's not fair to me or the men she's leading on. She agrees and is trying to convince me to stay with her.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I couldn't speak but finally managed to say, \"Bag, get my bag.\" He was able to help me with my pills and touch me and talk to me enough that I came back. Now boyfriend is back to bed, and I'm assuming I'll be up for the rest of the night. I don't know what to do with this. This is scary stuff.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "My girlfriend - let's call her Moon, has been best mates with \"Toe\" for about two years now. They met at uni where they are now third years. I've always found toe to be a little abrasive and judgemental, but we got along pleasantly enough for the first few months of my relationship with moon. I've now been dating moon for ten months, and for he last seven, toe has been nasty to me face-to-face ( but only when we are alone) - if she sees me in passing for exsample. Otherwise she just completely ignores my existence.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "She also wasn’t wearing her ring. She was also extremely upset when I grabbed her phone, which is locked with a password I don’t know, to hand it to her. Well on Monday we barely spoke during the day, and she was very quiet at dinner. Dreading what might come but knowing I had to ask I asked her if everything was ok. She said no, that she couldn’t marry me, couldn’t have kids as she would be a bad mother, and couldn’t see us being together anymore.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I don't want to lose the girl of my dreams. --- **tl;dr**: Amazing relationship > Weed addiction ruined relationship. Can/How I make her fall in love with me again? Any other opinions?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Hello all, I'm a new submitter to this channel. I went here a few nights ago and honestly it's been helping me cope with my current situation by reading what others are going through. One of the things I noticed is that a lot of responses are brutally honest -- and I am here for just that while still accepting that I'm a hopeless romantic who sees the value in \"If you really want it don't give up\". Let's get started -",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Some times it feels like my dreams will never go away. I have regular dreams about my ex. Usually a few dreams every week. Sometimes the dreams quiet down and some times they occur every night. He was abusive to the point where he tried to kill me while I was laying in bed one night, and he was very physically abuse every other day.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I can't even use the restroom because then I think about how if I were in the restroom when a shooter entered, the shooter could easily get me and the classrooms would be locked and I'd be locked out. I was late for one of my classes because I was afraid to leave my classroom. Does anyone else feel the same way? It's like I can't function normally anymore, school is such a scary place to be all of a sudden when it used to be a place I felt safe and comfortable, even though we had an open campus. Ugh.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "EVENT 1: &#x200B; My life was in a wretched state, and I concluded that I have to find god with absolute certainty. I immediately perceived a being of infinite bliss within my mind that was alien to me. I confessed my 'sins' to this entity and repented of my behaviour.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "This is my first post here, and I wanted to contribute something that has helped me with dealing with my anxiety recently. Maybe it will help you, too. [Success and Failure Don't Change Who You <url> In short, a success or failure does not define who YOU are. You are still the same person that you were before you were faced with whatever adversity came your way, and win or lose, you are that same person in the end.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "He gave me a pill to “stay awake,” claiming it was a caffeine pill. It didn’t seem to work. We started having sex, and right off the bat I could tell this was weird. He was completely quiet, wearing all of his clothes. He touched my labia (I have an innie vagina) and was like “What the fuck is this...”",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "He turns it on first thing in the morning and turns it on the moment he gets home from work at night to play until midnight or later. Any free moment he has is spent playing this game. I'm a stay at home mom so I really look forward to talking to him, he's usually the only adult I talk to face to face during the week. Plus I love talking with him and spending time with him anyways, that's why I married him! Back when this all started, I told him that I needed him to spend more time with his kids and I.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I’ve been reading through the raised by narcissists subreddit that some of you linked to, and a lot of it matches with my experience growing up. The situation may be more severe then I had originally thought. For now, I’m just going to keep saving up money for the future, taking precautions and doing things to protect my own mental health. I am seeing a therapist for my anxiety, and the next time I have a session I’m going to bring get up everything I talked about here and maybe get some help in dealing with it. Again, thanks to everyone who took time out of their day to give me advice when I was struggling, I really appreciate it.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I used to be kinda smart so I graduated high school with about a semester of college credits so i have that. I also used to be pretty tech savy and used to help my family with their computer/phone issues (nothing major though, virus removal, printer setup, etc). I was thinking about pursing an AS in BA at Broward College or a computer program at Sheridan Technical College such as these <url> Someone on this website once recommended i look into coding, but i have no idea where to start or how to make a career out of it. What do you think i should do? What do you think my first steps to turning my life around should be?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I'm fat, unattractive, unmotivated, and best of all six figures in student loan debt and not even graduated yet! I'll never be able to afford living on my own so there goes the last little bit of hope for dating, though relationships don't seem great to me anyway. I've fucked up my future lol. I have constant stomach pains and stiff pains everywhere from all the anxiety I feel on 24/7 basis. Also my health is declining as well, so that's fun.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "Hi, just wondering if anyone can relate to this. Sorry I made this long. I tend to have little or no anxiety in social situations... when they are currently happening. It's *after* the event/conversation has passed that I began to analyze the things I said/did and the reactions of other people. I don't have this problem too badly with strangers or people I see regularly and am used to.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I will go homeless soon for reasons i can't stop, i roughly have 1000$ in cash and around 1000$ in possessions such as my PC, second PC, headphones etc etc etc. What should be the first thing i do aside from finding a job? I get the idea of going to a 24 Hr gym and renting a storage unit if i want to store belongings, aside from that is there anything you guys can recommend? &#x200B; edit: Thank you for all your help, it has given me an idea of what i have to do.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "The list I will probably choose from right now is Santa Monica, Orange, Costa Mesa, Santa Ana, or Long Beach. I've lived in the city for a bit before and I like the more inner-city of LA but I think I need a change so I'm looking for a more coastal area to find a minimum wage job, settle in, and potentially seek housing in eventually. Don't have much interest in SD, nor in going up north to San Fran. Hoping to get some input from you guys and it is very much appreciated.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I suffer from depression and anxiety, I didn't have the courage to tell him no.. Although he never hit me, I was never allowed my own bank card, I wasn't allowed my car keys... He yelled and cursed at not only myself but my young children too.. One day last week, he told my legally blind son to open his fucking eyes when he couldn't find his snow pants.... That did it for me, he was gone.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "He seems hesitant to leave his friends and says he watches out for them. And he's not ready to quit drinking. Which is totally honest and fine. How can I be a help to him? As far as getting him some things he needs and any advice on what to say to him.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "So I texted her a message saying “7:45” , I sent it with the quotations to let her know that she’s late and I’m starving. So F2 responds to me through her phone, by voice message. She gave me a very sassy attitude telling me to “remove the pipe from my ass and eat a snack”. I had already needed to eat a snack since they made me wait a half an hour, I don’t think that her response was warranted for what I said. I get what I said was a little petty but I don’t think I deserved that attitude.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I don't know how to mention this to my SO without seeming like Mulder. EDIT. Clearly what i need to do is just talk to her about it. I have a couple of examples in mind that will drive the point home. Mainly the first night i was introduced to everyone and a house warming we went to.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "One of my flatmates has started distancing herself from me and I don't know what to do. I've never experienced this before as I've never really had a friendship this close with someone before. We used to see each other multiple times a day, when we were both in the flat we used to spend loads of time in each other's rooms just chilling and chatting. But recently she's been spending more time with other people rather than me. Before today I don't think I saw her for about a week which is crazy considering how close we were and that we live under the same roof.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "So what I am asking is someone or somebody's to help me with the rest of the repair cost. The repair is 575 dollars, I have about 200 of that currently, I need to get this done soon before I am stuck on the side of the road with a broken down vehicle and spending unnecessary money on Ubers or Lyft. I'm willing to pay back monthly with acceptable interest until it's paid in full. I get paid bi-weekly at my full time job. Thanks in advance!",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Rubbing with shoulders with people and socializing too frequently may also be source of stress as the soul and body needs to re-energize it frequently. This is similar to the phoenix rising from the ashes to become a stronger self- a dramatic example which, yet all too relevant. **Leave your Comfort Zone** The familiar can also be a cause of stress ass the more used to you is to familiarity the more stress any unknown element will give you. It’s best to change ones surroundings and indulge in new activities to push yourself to your limit.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "First I'd like to say thank you for taking time to read and consider my post. Funds would go to gas, medications, rent, etc., currently we are a little short on rent. I am in the Seattle, Washington area. I have suffered from chronic migraines for about 15 years now. I have also suffered from Occipital Neuralgia (which is Trigeminal Neuralgia's ugly sibling) for some time and just diagnosed as of the last two years now.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I went to hang with friends for a movie night and it was wonderful. But damn, I felt really inferior. My friends are branching off and doing amazing things, and I feel I’m in the corner just trying to make it through the day, constantly dealing with chronic pain, low immunity, and PTSD. I’ve been doing a lot of therapy work around traumas I have experienced as a child, and that’s been good but also really hard. I’m just having a rough time tonight.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "First things first, this may contain triggers for several different types of abuse. If this is no the right place for this post, by all means get rid of it, last thing I want to do is cause trouble for others. I'll refer to my wife as M Some background: My wife's parents immigrated from the Soviet Union in the 80s with her brother, wife was born in the early 90s. Obviously life followed a different set of rules in the USSR, and that's bound to be a difficult thing to adjust to.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I’m so concerned as we head into warmer months. I know I need to leave the area and that’s on my agenda, I just can’t do that before summer comes and goes. I am currently trying to come up with ways to manage my day to day life. Working from home, not venturing outside as much as possible. But even the ride from home to office is enough to send me into a spin for about an hour.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "No we do not have sex everyday, yes we both work, no its not a problem of the change. I should have said \"I'm usually successful 1 out of 4 times I attempt to initiate.\" I just want to make sure that I am still crossing my i's and dotting my t's on my end or if I should ask her if there's any improvements I could make. --- **tl;dr**: Do most relationships die down in the bedroom after a while?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I see him in person 1 - 3 times per week, almost always at restaurants. If it matters, we've never been to each others apartment. It is in his lease that he can't have guests over (???). I've invited him to mine but it hasn't worked out. I have some abandonment issues from friends pretending they like me but actually secretly disliking me, so I have anxiety that he doesn't actually like me.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Hi All, I’m a visitor to this sub. I’ve read the sub rules, but please let me know if i’m overstepping. This is YOUR sub. I’m a registered nurse (RN) and I’m interested in becoming a SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner).",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "So I am okay at making short-term acquaintances, but can't seem to make friends beyond professional relationships, polite greetings, small-talk, etc. I'm sure it's because I have no practice at making friends and the history of relationships I have had feel laced with feelings of betrayal - so maybe I'm self-sabotaging a little bit. But gosh, I would like someone to talk to about day to day life, hopes, worries, goals, etc. Also, I have an eleven year old son for whom I would like to model some more healthy platonic relationships. I work in a field that requires little one-on-one contact, rely on walking/public transportation, and have a busy schedule with kids activities, work, community meetings, so those factors make it extra hard.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "\"Fuck you bitch, I can make your life hell and get you kicked out of here. I manage this place when the owner is not around\" Needless to say that is all a lie from him, He is here from DSS/Social Services just like I am. What I am worried about is my safety and security. This guy is obviously mentally ill and a drug addict and alchie, and now I am really concerned that he will do something to me because I stood up to him and his nonsense bullshit.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I need help. I need sound advice on how I can overcome this situation. I need brutal honesty. Merci ! Please excuse my grammatical errors",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I'd wake up in the middle of the night to him feeling my ass and masturbating. I was scared, and didn't know what to do so I just pretended not to notice. I can't even remember how long this must have went on, but soon enough I had decided to put my pillow on the other side of the mattress, because he'd touch me when I sleep on my side. I thought putting my pillow on the other side of the bed will help because as I fall asleep and turn on my left side my back will be towards the wall, and he won't be able to reach. I even remember him asking me the next day why I'd decided to move my pillow to the other side of the mattress.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "He's not seeing a therapist or psych regularly, which we agreed that he needed to be doing if he was going off his meds. I'm just at this weird point with myself where I'm holding back this resentment and anger at him for not taking care of himself, even after I've explained to him how much it stresses me out and hurts me when he is not consistent with his self care and/or medication. Though things are as normal as they can be right now, I find myself getting angry when he asks me to promise to do specific things for him, like do my laundry (I'm a bit of a mess), because it just reminds me of how he wouldn't keep that promise yet he expects me to do things for him (even though they are rational requests I should take care of anyway). Well it still ended up being long, my apologies! What should I even do from here?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Sorry for the ramble, I would like to know if there is any way to contact them? I have my chemistry teachers phone number but I'm not sure if I should go for it. TL;DR too nervous to talk to school counsellor, only counsellor I know is a Chem teacher but it'll be weird to see him in classes. Parents ignorant about mental issues. Can contact Chem teacher but I'm weary.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "Hey everyone, I’ve had quite the journey the last couple of years trying to get through a masters program in psychology to be a therapist and also dealing with health concerns. I came upon some research that led me to some conclusions that could possibly help some women who have gone through similar situations. So I was raped when I was 10 years old and gone through other various forms of trauma all throughout my childhood. I functioned pretty well until I got to my graduate program in clinical psychology. I had been in a stable relationship with a man who is supportive and loving so everything felt like it was going great.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I've been couchsurfing now for 75 days and life is getting harder at this time as money is sinking. Been getting into bad thought loops so I decided to write a blog that allows me to express my sadness through more \"happy\" words. I currently have two posts. [First one <url> was about how I ended up in this situation and describing overall how am I doing and the latest one is about last week and how mentally challenging it was to be sick as a homeless person. <url>",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I started a new job last Tuesday, and I have had some pretty severe anxiety most days, especially my first day. (As probably to be expected) This is my second job, and unlike my first one I have ZERO customer interaction so my social anxiety hasn't been nearly as bad as it was with my previous job. Now tomorrow morning I start my second week, and I was feeling fine all day today, but it's time to sleep and I can't even lay down without freaking out. I'd hate to call in sick after only one week but I don't know if I can make it like this. I'm freaking out and it's stopping me from getting any sleep.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "Here comes a little rant, because I don’t know what to do anymore and I’m done with it. I keep on having panic attacks and I can’t find the trigger. I’ve been crying for hours now, and yesterday and the day before as well. I’m seriously afraid that I will go nuts one day, I see no end nor a solution. I’m afraid I’ll end up in a mental hospital.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "**tl;dr: My BF has a dirty house. Never cleans his private room or bathroom even if I've told him to. After 2yrs I'm fed up and grossed out. I don't know what to do anymore! **",
"label": "severe"
"text": "Things are great in my life, work, personal relationships... and then I get a Friend Suggestion on Facebook, to see if I'd like to add someone from my past. My worst/abusive ex-boyfriend from 10 years ago recently joined FB. I hadn't been able to block him as he most likely used a fake name. I stupidly visited his page. He's different.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I just couldn't cope, the abuse I already remembered was bad enough but this...this was just too much for me to deal with. 2 weeks ago I couldn't take it anymore and took a large overdose, which ended up with me being in hospital...I now have done a little damage to my heart and shall have to live with that...I should probably point out that I am under 7st and have had an eating disorder since I was was the only thing I could see I had no safe place, I'd leave my abusive home and go to school...where I was the only ginger child...sure I don't need to point out how hard that was. This is going to stop quite abruptly now, for I don't really know what else to say right now.. Each and everyday is a constant struggle and I am tired of drs telling me to be strong and just get on with life...I am 26years old for 20years I have had to be strong and \"survive\" well I'm tired of surviving...that doesn't mean I want to die but I do want it all to stop, I want to <url> to be happy and trust people, to realise what love is, I mean I have an amazing partner who loves me dearly but I question him every damn see he doesn't hurt me and love...well as my Dad taught is to hurt and lie....but that isn't love at all is it? !",
"label": "severe"
"text": "In class, im always on edge, i cant focus on one thing for too long and i constantly scan my environment and I think they think im looking at them which im not. this also made it more awkward to talk to them. I been there for a month but im still very nervous around my peers and teachers. I know my teacher and the tutor there get nervous/uncomfortable around me, lately they haven't been talking to me much or coming up to me especially the tutor to ask if I need help which they did before, my anxiety has gotten worse and I probably look more visibly uncomfortable than ever so that why they have barely asked if I needed help or said much to me ha! yet seem more at ease with other people.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "Sunday (the 5th) she went outside to drink her margarita, and our 4 year old followed her (she'd been ignoring us all day). I went to help my 5 year old when she called me into the bathroom. A few minutes later, I head up to check on them, and I'm attacked with the accusation that I've locked them out of the house, that i\"m crazy, how could I do this? Etc. The front door sticks, for what it's worth.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Brief background in bullet points or I will go all weird again if I go into detail. -drug taking parents. - mum was disabled in a wheelchair at times, in and out of hospital all the years I was growing up. - Dad commited suicide when I was 6. - Mum relied heavily on drugs and booze.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I don't have anyone to borrow money from. I need help coming up with ways to create additional income asap. Love to all you out there going through a similar struggle. We got this! !",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "iIfelt forced to quit that job because being homeless in oakland sucks alot. Advice: dont be too proud to accept help from people who care. Lots of folks have been through tough shit and can understand. 2. Leave when you get homeless.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "When first diagnosed I was put on a daily prozac. 3 years later, I've managed to wean myself off and just use my klonopin only for the worst attacks. That actually seemed to work well and I've been off the prozac for about a year and even got off Facebook 3 months ago because it was becoming a point of unneeded drama, but I'm suddenly getting the depression symptoms again. I've walled myself off from most people and have become less communicative with my husband. I don't like going to our neighbors house because I have a paranoia that 2 of them don't like me.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "In the meantime this girl texted asking what time he'd be there, but he didn't reply. Following day when she asked why he didn't reply/show, instead of sharing that he was saw me, he made up a story how he got stuck driving someone to the airport then followed with \"I wanted to see you more than anything.\" At this point I royally freaked out and he said the reason he made up the story about driving to the airport was because now that it looked like he committed to attending, it'd be easier to come up with some urgent non negotiable reason why he couldn't make it (rather than look like a jerk that ditched last minute for something else that popped up without giving any notice). Again understandable. I do buy the story because when the girl called, she told me nothing was going on beyond friendship and that they hadn't talked in forever, she said she herself was busy with a new relationship which why is they hadn't talked beyond simple texts here and there, which would explain why she didn't know he was dating me just until that moment.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I got upset and called the dogs in and closed the door. When he came in he avoided me at first and when I confronted him about lying and sneaking around he defended it by saying it's my fault that I'm not okay with it. I've never been okay with it and i feel like I've been lead on throughout this entire relationship. The fact that he would prioritizing getting high over comforting me really hurts my feelings. I'm tired of feeling like a plant is more important then me.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "It is the winter and Tyler and I have been going out ice fishing a lot, it’s nice because I get to spend time with him and it’s something we both like to do. Well, once Zack found out, he tells Tyler all the time how they should go, etc. Well, Tyler fills up his truck (it is never under $120), fills up the four-wheeler ($60), and Zack walks over to our house with nothing but a helmet. He has absolutely no ice fishing gear, but knows Tyler does and, again, uses Tyler under the guise of “friendship” so he can go. AKA, I don’t get to go anymore.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "But the second time I was getting off the bus, and as I turned to walk up my street, I noticed him driving up beside me and commencing the same pattern. Black tinted windows, license plate obscurer, but looked out-of-state. Made a police report the first time, just went straight to the precinct the second time. I was speaking with a victim advocate when two officers took an interest in the case, and began explaining intimidation stalking to me. They asked if I had any abusive relationships.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I originally posted this in a relationship advice subreddit... but I figured here would be a more helpful and sympathetic audience. (CW: this post might be triggering to others who have experienced domestic violence.) I’ve been with my current partner (we’ll call him James) for about a year and a half now. And our relationship is great. We were friends for almost a year before we started dating.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Help me network, help me find a room, please! ISO a room for rent as soon as possible. Looking for a roommate-type situation, a room in someone's house, etc. Not looking for full houses or units. I need as soon as possible--I'm dealing with an emergency situation and am losing my housing on Friday, August 11th.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I have been an avid Redditor for 4 years but unfortunately don't have the 1000+ karma needed to post on r/Borrow. I would pay $1200 ($1000 + $200 interest) in return by August 24 or earlier. Although I will (hopefully) receiving my stipend by the 6th, I know for a fact I will be receiving my scholarships for fall semester/my first paycheck from my job at home on or before the 24th, so this is just an added safety net in case the stipend takes extra time to process. I'm willing to provide any lender with the relevant personal information in a private message, and will keep in contact as much as necessary until the money is paid back (PayPal woud be best, but I'm open to other options as long as they are available in this country). Thanks for reading!",
"label": "minimum"
"label": "minimum"
"text": "On his 21st birthday, he consumed way too much alcohol to celebrate, and I regrettably saw an entire different side of him. I noticed that he had crazy eyes, and he was being very aggressive in speech. He seemed very off to me, and demanded to know why I didn't want to sleep in his bed that night. When I made up the excuse that I had to be up for something early in the morning, he demanded to know what was wrong with our relationship. I kept calmly assuring him that we were fine, and that I just needed rest that night.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I cried for hours and at one point, something came over me and just slammed my head into my bathroom door. Sadly, since I'm in a dorm, it's a shitty hallow core door and it broke bad and now there is a hole that I have to figure out how to fix. It's a $100 fine if I can't figure out what to do with it so that's just compounding on the already existing stress. I have $3 to my name right now, I luckily get paid Friday so I will be able to pay for my car, but I'm still left with only $100 for 2 weeks and I have to figure out how to pay for my textbook for my night class. It's a mess and I don't know what to do right now.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "How do I figure out what is putting these guys off? Any advice is appreciated! TL;DR: Have been on 3 first dates over the last few months, and each I thought went well or above and beyond well, but each of them haven't wanted to go on a second date with me. What am I doing wrong? How do I figure out what I'm doing wrong?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "He has even made a comment to my bf about me being overweight. Being overweight has basically taken over my relationship, my mind, and my life. This year, I am making it a priority to lose the weight, especially since I have nothing else occupying my mind like cancer. My confidence level right now is 0 and I feel so fucking ugly and fat. If I just got in shape, I know that I would be close to a 10.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "He had the sweetest voice and only the kindest heart. I had started talking to him for a month or so, by then we had gotten to know one another well. He had told me a little about his past as I slowly opened up about mine, sometimes I wouldn't even talk but I'd still sit in his office and he'd make every gesture. Sometimes we wouldn't even talk about my problems but other things in life and what we were into. It was hardly ever about school, it was like I had a friend that developed into a crush real quick.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "When she was an infant, she would play with her when she was told to leave her alone. She would do things she wasn't supposed to. She often acted like Grace was her child. It didn't help that Anna is mature looking at 5'8\", and was often asked if Grace was her baby. Around when Grace was 18 months, I got asked less and less to watch her, and Anna was doing it.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "From the moment I wake up and until I go to sleep I don't feel safe. When I'm around other people I feel even even more anxious/fearful. I know nothing bad is going to happen to me, but I still feel this way. I don't really have any friends, and these intense chronic feelings makes it seem impossible to make a real connection with anyone. That's what I need the most is some sort of real connection with another human being.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "I feel like at this point, I'm the only one putting effort into our relationship. I've suggested taking time to ourselves so that he could think things through, taking a break, talking about it, meeting up (we really only can see each other on the weekends due to classes), etc. Still, the short responses. He's started to not respond to me; we talk through an app that shows when the other has read the message. I know his class schedule, so I know when we can answer back (he checks his phone often).",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Hi, I cannot think clearly today. I know I have to take care of myself, but its always been an issue. I do not shower, the last one was two months ago. I sleep in my clothes and wear them the next day. I do not was my hands, or face.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "Sorry in advance for what I'm getting off me chest. This man sexually, physically, and emotionally abused me for a year. He even tried to marry me at 16 so he could trap me in his perverted hell. After four months of completely breaking free of this sick, twisted human being he had the gall to contact one of my friends to try to get a vinyl back. He treated me like a dog.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "2. I have health insurance, and I know my insurance website has resources for finding a doctor, but what factors should l look at when going to choose my doctor? I've never done this before, but I think it will definitely help. Please let me know your thoughts! Thank you.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Telling me I wasn't pretty enough, my boobs weren't large enough, I wasn't thin enough, I wasn't a good girlfriend to him, I wasn't making him happy. He told me he didn't feel loved unless I was having sex with him, and only then did he feel happy. He would threaten constantly to leave, and oftentimes did as a power grab when I got \"out of hand\", and then would make me beg for him back. I felt so unsure of myself. I wasn't enough, and that's why he was leaving.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I was able to get my old office job back and that comes with okay pay and good benefits I start November 1st . Just trying to take steps to make sure we’re okay before we get too behind and stuck on the streets . Anything is appreciated all I have 11$ to my name until Friday . Pm me you would like to help . I am starting a gofund me sometime this week to help us if anyone is interested in that I will keep you updated",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I try to take all opinions with a grain of salt, but \"incel\" isn't really an isolated trend, and there are more cases that it's part of the way our modern male/female gender system works. Also, I don't understand this, but questioning this stuff doesn't mean I hate all women. It doesn't even imply that. But doesn't everyone have a right to vent frustration? I want to talk more and give you more details.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Friends, pets, family if you have that kind of support, community resources, whatever it takes, don't be afraid to ask. Above all, don't quit. You deserve better, you deserve to survive, you deserve help and you deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. About three days ago, my friend thought of adding my Go Fund Me campaign to Reddit and so she very generously put it in the Go Fund Me subreddit. I can't thank her enough, she is beyond awesome.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Don't get me wrong, I know that this drug causes problems with cognition, but I wonder it helps with the cognition symptoms of my anxiety disorder. I quit my antidepressant and my Pregabalin a few weeks ago. I did OK during that time, besides that I have the feeling, that my anxiety worsend (not my depression) and with that my cognition. I have now the plan to focus more on the anxiety with the meds. I also think that Pregabalin is a quiet good drug for that, but I was questioning how it will affect my cognition (because I startet studying) and want to hear your experiences guys.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "This is mostly a reminder to myself to use the pill box I purchased awhile ago rather than just taking pills straight from the bottle. I just felt like I needed to get this out there somewhere, somehow. UPDATE 02/02/17: If you're like me, you obsessively search forums like this one, so I thought I'd post what happened since then. It took me awhile to find a psychiatrist that was accepting patients, but I finally saw one yesterday. In regards to the strange symptoms I had as a result of taking the 2nd pill by accident, she said that \"since 20mg is already the max dose of Lexapro, taking 40mg could produce psychotic symptoms.\"",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "It was all so wrong of me. It started happening when we went to my father's bday weekend and a family member groped me and I remembered that he also did stuff like that. A lot of em did. My partner was sad and fell asleep after I told them. I couldn't sleep.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "Today I have $4. And no gas. I have to pick my son up from school in half an hour. My wife and my phones are due tomorrow. And we have cricket so if its not paid.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Sometimes it goes into an actual panic attack, but not too often. My husband has recently banned me from going anywhere alone unless absolutely necessary (like to work). Is this something a service dog would be helpful for? Or does it have to be a lot worse than that? Sorry if it's a weird question, it's just something I've been thinking about.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I feel so overwhelmed, I am excited as hell, and twice as much anxious. Any one else experience this before a big dream job or something?? How did you, if you did , beat out anxiety? ? luckily I haven't had a panic attack because I know how to keep myself at bay... but I am on the edge of my seat 24/7...",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I am a very strange person in more ways than one. Everything I have written here is top secret classified information, do not disclose it to anyone outside this subreddit, you are all sworn to secrecy. Yes I know Reddit posts are viewable by the public, in retrospect maybe I should not post this because of privacy concerns. Too bad, I am going to do it anyway because I feel like it. Good night and good luck.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Old Man Gotama told his followers 2,500 years ago that those who are hurt are *burning* with self-pity, terror or revenge. Fast forward to about 75 years ago: Old men in universities told *their* followers that everything we do is the result of what we think and feel. By 1965 or so, Albert Ellis was using his grasp of that to dismantle the *thoughts* that kept us imprisoned in... self-pity, terror and revenge. A whole new way of psychotherapy came into being. It was called \"cognitivism.\"",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "We talk about it a lot and we're on the same page on most of things. This just isn't what I've come to discuss, so if it's not intimacy-related, you needn't (and I discourage you to) advise on that. :) Don't worry, we do not take the difference lightly. --- **tl;dr**: Sexually unexperienced longing for sex with long time partner, probably years away from it because he wants to wait till marriage.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I've been renting since university and I'm getting sick of seeing the same amount of money I'd pay towards a mortgage go into the pocket of someone else. I have a junior role in the company, it's going somewhere (I hope) but not fast. I find financially I'm staying basically cash-neutral and my quality of life isn't brilliant. I'm not managing to save anything. I've been thinking that I should get a house with the money I inherited.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I’m trying to tell myself it’s like being beat up on the street by a stranger - it’s only once, but it still happened and it’s traumatic. 2) Related to the above. It WASN’T a stranger. It was someone I loved and trusted and I can’t believe he could have done this. He never treated me right, not truly (except maybe in the very beginning), but I never even saw this as a possibility.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Did I mention my parents are religious? I don't know if this is normal for religious people to treat. Whenever I tell them I'm terrified of being homeless they tell me I'm a \"acting like a baby\" and \"get over it\" my parents parents did not treat them this way. They're basically mad because they(I guess 30 or 40 years ago were different when they were my age? Because they said they both lived on their own at 17 and that they find it creepy I'm 16+ and they find it creepy being around me).",
"label": "severe"
"text": "He says he doesn’t want to go to therapy (I know that’s the usual suggestion) Are there things we can do to work through this slump? Is it better to make him go out a little each day or is that too much? I don’t want to make it worse. Thanks for the help Tl;dr: how can I help my uninterested boyfriend.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "You may also learn some less widely known information about the high energy content of some of the things you consume, which can help you make decisions about your overall diet. In addition, you can also choose to receive a summary report of the research findings. To read more and complete the survey, please click on the link: <url> Thank you! Roni Botterill",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "They will get fed lunch at school, so we mainly need help with breakfast and dinner - we're also dreadfully close to the point of no TP. Ugh. <url> Thank you for your consideration. If you have any ideas of products to add to this list - please feel free to let me know.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I developed and was diagnosed with PTSD 5 months later. I was having trouble sleeping (still kind of do), hypervigilant, moody and suicidal at times. I never thought I would make it through...but looking back,I used every single coping skill possible to survive, even if that meant calling crisis every day. I'm not perfect today but I really see the light at the end of the tunnel. I look forward to my future.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "We’re still behind on bills, but we will catch up now we’re finally in cheaper accommodation. I’ve tried everything I can to earn some form of income, but unfortunately I’ve not been able to land a part time job, and I’ve been deemed ineligible for any welfare or study assistance. We have one last major hurdle. My tuition fees for my final semester are overdue, but I’ve been given an extension until the 24th of August and unfortunately we’re still short and running out of time. As a last resort I’ve set up a GoFundMe.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Use open-ended questions to avoid making the other person defensive. If you want to avoid argumentative responses, it is best to ask questions that invite them to speak honestly. *How:* This questioning style lets them know you want to be able to figure out some facts in order to reach a solution. **(5)** **Consciously Lower Your Voice**",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "She gives me something weaker that I know will NOT work. I've been on so many meds, I feel like I'm at the point where I know what will work and what won't and she might as well written me a script for a sugar pill. This is what she decides to do after I tell her how anxious I am, how a heavy duty benzo isn't working and how I'm near the brink of ending my life due to fear and anxiety and have no options left. Do I blame her for being cautious? No.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "I don't necessarily want to come out and tell my story in hopes that someone bites. But I'm a survivor of psychological and physical abuse as a child... the abuser is my younger sister's dad. She is 20 and I'm 26. She isn't old enough to remember all that me and our older sister went thru. She defends him so much...",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "First it was chest pain and heart palpitations. Then left arm pain and shoulder pain for awhile. Then back pain and tension headaches now it's a little mix of everything, I get breaks in between where it feels fine but then it comes back and my mind now after it being relentless for 2 days is think is this Really anxiety? I mean cmon this is relentless even at time when I'm not anxious. Sorry for the rant just getting sick and tired of constant suffering where I don't even know what's round the corner next...",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "And now that they have been living separately I had to move back in with my dad (after I couldn’t afford college) and he’s gotten to the point that he won’t even clean up after his dog so the house smells of urine or clean his clothes and all he does is play video games and yell at people. He will smoke weed and go to work and come home and never clean his dishes or anything. He’s turned into this monster who doesn’t care about anyone and will get rid of everyone if they inconvenience him even a little and he’s obsessed with money and making music. Now I have these bad nights a lot when people poke at me about my past, since today someone poked fun at me about an identity issue I used to have and now I’m just in a horrible place. It feels like anxiety is slowly pulling me into my bed.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Even when she hated me, I didn't hate her. There weren't enough good friends in my life for me to afford hating her, and there still aren't. I can't describe it. She and my mom were chatting at dinner (they're the talkers of the family), and the whole time, I was just glaring at her. She tried talking to me, and I felt my entire body physically tense, and I was just viscerally angry.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Thank you for reading this. I'm sorry if it seems not important or annoying. Just thought I'd let someone knows. And if you have kids, please treat them nicely. You won't have any idea what your abusive acts would bring to your kids as it would affect how they treat their siblings, friends, or people they'd meet later in life.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Hi everyone, This is my first post in this thread, so bear with me. My mother (54F) has always been controlling and anxious, and now that I (19F) have gone to college, it feels like things have gotten worse. I am home right now for winter break and things have been so tense and awful and I don't know what to do. She is really judgmental and anxious about my sex life.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "Anyway, long story short, he came over, we had a blast, we had dinner, watched a movie, cuddled, and he fell asleep on me. Four nights later the same thing happened :-) On our second date he told me he had anxiety issues and I just tried to listen to him. He's Spanish so English is his second language, which probably doesn't help his anxiety when talking to an American. Last night he came over and he told me had anxiety and depression issues and he's seeing a doctor.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "he could not understand why i resented him, when in his mind, it was ME who was being 'abusive'. because i couldnt fake being into sex with him, which made me a 'bad girlfriend', because i wasn't ecstatic about always having to take on every responsibility and basically take care of him as if he were a child. he constantly told me that i was just playing the victim, when it reality it was really him who actually was the victim. i was the 'bad person' in the relationship. WELL FUCK YOU.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Hey guys. My girlfriend and I recently made a move from South Florida to Ohio for a change of scenery and a massive cost of living decrease. Due to the unexpected costs of the move and the cost of getting settled into our new home, we are severely in need of some basics to get us and our two pets through until we receive our first full checks from our new jobs. Our original dream was to move across the country to the west coast and start from scratch when we arrived. We had enough for the journey and to get us into a place, but not much else, so we reevaluated our finances and settled down in Ohio instead, about 1500 miles away from our previous home and about halfway to our original destination.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Is it a true event that happened? Have I made it up somehow? Could a child make this up? Am I overreacting about this all? I have had a great youth and the sweetest family and friends, nothing ever went wrong or something.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I'm hoping that I can get some of the community to share into the database to make it as useful as possible. Does this sound like something that would be used? Would you, if you were homeless, use it? I've volunteered in homeless shelters and have had friends who have found themselves homeless, but I'm not sure how/if many actually have smartphones with app capabilities. What are your thoughts?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "This is my story I feel I should share in the case things every turn bad. When I was a kid my brother use to practice the choke slam. At first it was fun but when I grew up it wasn't. My brother continue to abuse me for years . He called me names and some days I believe him.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "None of the issues we discuss get addressed. 6) After a while, I get really pissed, my significant other gets angry with me over some issue, and she ends up breaking up with me. I am weary of this whole emotional drama that I have to go through to end a relationship. I almost feel like it's not even my choice to end a relationship. Is there a way to avoid this whole process?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "He wants me to study abroad in Europe after undergrad, then return and work for the government in economics. I don't mind the Europe part, but I have zero interest in working for the government and am absolutely shit at economics and I've told him so. No matter how many times I express my lack of interest, qualification, or skill at economics, he ignores me and continues to push this path. It wasn't like this was something he's pushed on me my whole life - it's like he came up with this plan for me when I turned 18, and now is obsessed with it. I really don't know what to do.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "She'll order so much food, and binges on it, while downing shots the whole time. The way she orders food and drinks kinda makes me change my eating and drinking habits when I'm with her. It's like I'm binging too. She always excuses herself to the bathroom right after a meal and I know she's purging. The more recent time I hung out with her, I put my foot down a little more and told her i didn't want to pay for so much food, and that I wasn't doing shots (I never do shots, but she always orders them for me when I'm out with her and then is really manipulative in order to pressure me to do them).",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Before he left he said several times that he still wants to be with me but he needs time.... -- I can't believe we are on such different pages and it was also so unexpected. I feel like he drops these bombs on me and Im left to pick up the pieces and wait around for him. --",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "So I'm currently a college student and while I realized I'm blessed/fortunate beyond what I really deserve I don't always have something I can give; but I always have a smile and a human interaction. So would even just a smile and a friendly hello as I walk by be at all useful or would that make things more awkward for both parties? I'm sure I could muster the courage to say a friendly hello as I pass on the street. Mods, I'm sorry if this is not allowed but I wanted to ask now before the feelings/memory went away. Edit: Here is the post (I couldn't get hyperlinking to work) <url>",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I've had other things happening - lack of direction in life, nervousness about getting a job, feeling lonely by neglecting friends to do work and internships. I don't know if I don't love him anymore. I don't know if I can get past my resentment. I don't know. **Tl'dr: I feel numb to my boyfriend after a series of arguments/events that have left me not feeling loved or like a priority to my boyfriend.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "She is willing to surrender her cat it's just difficult to find a place rn that can take him. 2. She can't move in with me because I live in a studio apt with my boyfriend and we just renewed our lease and cant have a 3rd person plus no animals allowed. 3. She has called 211 and has tried to speak with someone from a local shelter called Mercy house but they haven't gotten back to her.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "She went through a very rough patch about a year ago and her mental health was clearly affected, she was living out of her car, she had left an abusive bf and then she had a crash in her car. For some reason she decided to go to Romania for treatment. I only heard from her sporadically. Once she called me and let slip that she had been raped as well as hit, drugged, something about a court case, and whay sounded to me like a lot of paranoia about mafia and government. I put this down to ptsd from her abuse.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I am lazy, this I can attest to. She brings up the Christmas tree, and how we haven't taken it down yet. I just stand in silence from her barrage, then take a bite of my sandwich. I start to take off ornaments and lay them aside. She starts to rummage around and escalate and point out things that we haven't done, getting progressively louder.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I know this is a subreddit for domestic violence but I'm feeling really freaked out right now and when he gets aggressive I feel like I cant phone anyone because he hasnt hit me but I'm scared of him because hes really big and mentally unstable. I'm obviously looking to move out but it's hard with full time school in the fall in a really expensive city I'm struggling to find a room that I can cover. Just dont know what to do when I feel unsafe over the possibly next few weeks while I find a place. I also have pets so I cant just leave and not be in the house and I'm worried he might harm them. I also dont know what my parents should do to deal with him because they cant live like that either.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "This isn't my post, I have copied and pasted from a friend. It is about a small boy that lives in our neighborhood: On May 5th Brody was a very normal 2 year old boy. His parents took him to the doctor for what they thought was an ear infection. Shortly thereafter he was diagnosed with a very rare brain cancer and given 2 months to live.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "How do I handle this without looking petty or selfish? ** **Edit: I'm getting a lot of replies telling me that I just need to stop letting her push me around. I know that, and the whole idea behind posting here was to get some advice on how to do just that. I truly appreciate the advice that most of y'all have given me, and will definitely be having a conversation with her letting her know that it's nothing personal against her, I just don't want to have a workout partner at all.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "EVERY TIME I say, \"I've got a job!\" she gives me some kind of bullshit reason the place is not a good idea. She threatened to boot me back out on the street for \"not taking her word for it\" when I explain I need the job anyway. BTW her girlfriend owns the house. They've lived here together for 2 years and she has been making up bullshit reasons she can't work the whole time.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "on to friends, I recently moved into my first apartment with my college roommate, her boyfriend, and another girl. I just feel lie everyone else in the house is so much closer and its really nerve wracking living with people in the first place especially because I know the boyfriend is a bit more reserved and having trouble adjusting i think to living with three girls. my roommate from last year is trying to be supportive but i know my low energy along with her own problems is sucking the life out of her som im trying not to bother her. in the past month, i've broken up with a creepy guy, taken my friend to the ER, constantly felt ignored because technology sucks and i'm left on read if i even try, an ex has obsessively messaged me, and then the whole issues with the friends also in the leadership of clubs with me. im just a fucking mess.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "He knew about this. He asks me if I want to stop. I'm violently sobbing, so yes, of course I want to stop. He holds me for a couple of minutes. And then he starts talking about T again, even though we'd broken up the sexual arrangement months ago.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "I desperately miss my childhood and I wish I could have it back. After being molested, I feel that it was cut short. I'm afraid of getting older, and getting to the age where l have less time left than I've already lived. I think about it every day and it consumes me entirely. I'm obsessed with extending my lifespan on one end, and just killing myself on the other",
"label": "severe"
"text": "I agreed and the four of us had dinner and I dropped them back home to Kate[18F]'s house where they were staying the night because her parents were not home. As I was pulling away Jamie[17F] ran up to my car and asked me if I wanted to stay the night with them, at first I was hesitant but I eventually agreed because I thought other guys were coming round. It turned out the other guys couldnt make it and it was just me and the three drunk girls. I asked Kate[18F](it was her house) if I could get some MDMA and drop it tonight and she agreed if I got her some. I drove us to the bottle shop where Jamie[17F] got her friend to buy us some more alcohol and went to get the MDMA which me and Kate did while Jamie and Sophie just drank.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "One night I was staying up late with my uncle watching movies (this was not odd, we would watch Disney movies all night together during the summer. Like I said, he was my favorite). All of the sudden he decided to propose something to me. I was six. I had no idea what any of this meant.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Hello people of this sub, recently i think im suffering with a light case of stress. I constantly think about dying and it terrifies me, especially after learning that stress can kill you. I dont really feel any of the sympthoms that usually come with stress like loss of apetite and rarely i haver my heart beating too fast and i wanted to know if my situation can turn into something worse like an heart attack or something like that. I know that my case isnt the worse one but it still freaks me out. Thanks for the help.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "throwaway... sorry if this all sounds very messy. I have a history of child sexual abuse, rape in a past relationship and problems with dissociation. So I was feeling like a robot that day again, due to stress. I then went to my boyfriend. I told him I am dealing with that again, he knows about my problems.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Last week while my girlfriend was out of the country I noticed our puppy Luca wasn't acting himself. I took him to the emergency clinic and after some tests they told me he would require immediate surgery or we were at a high risk of losing him. The surgery was costly but necessary, however we are now having difficulty paying our bills. We have reached out to family and friends for support and are now searching for any help we can get. Thank you for taking the time to hear our story.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "For the remaining money, it is going toward the mother's back pay to the district and continue to supplement the personal care attendant, as a bonus to the compensation from the state agency. I'm out of other ideas on what more can we do to support this woman and her daughter? We setup a Gofundme page but I can't link it here at the moment. I'm trying to get anyones attention who would listen or offer any assistance. Thank You Reddit for all your help in advance.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Last summer I (F17) was officially diagnosed with PTSD, though I had been suffering from the condition for at least a decade. It's been a lot to process but I'm finally getting the psychiatric attention and emotional support I need to slowly repair myself. I remember after I had explained my traumas and symptoms to my current therapist, I asked her if I it was true that I had something wrong with me (my psychiatrist had told me the week prior that much of what I was experiencing aligned with the PTSD diagnosis and I was startled). I'll never forget her saying \"No, you definitely have PTSD,\" and in that moment I experienced more validation of my suffering then I had in my entire life. Shell shocked, I told my mom about it in the car and she made it very clear to me how there was no way in her mind that it could be that serious.",
"label": "moderate"
"text": "I was going through a hard time after our breakup (started seeing a therapist and psychiatrist). In the span of the 2.5 years since our breakup I have had other boyfriends and hookups. Some of my hookups happened to be some of his old friends, the most recent happening 11 months ago. I never talked to these guys leading up to the hook ups or since, it was purely just spur of the moment drunk sex. Recently me and my ex have reconnected after 2.5 years of no contact.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": ") So anyway, she kicked me out and I have been staying in my friend's rumpus room. I have been here just over a week now and I can feel it getting slightly more uncomfortable for everyone here the longer I stay. Problem is though: this is actually the nicest \"room\" I have ever been in, and no one disturbs me. It's great.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "This is the first time that i'm opening up about this, so please be kind. I'm from India - stereotypically known as the land of doctors and engineers. And while that's just a stereotype, my studies give me anxiety. I had my first attack two years ago - and I have been talking to people since then - but my recent graduation exams have left me worse then ever. What i want to know is, when was your first attack and how are you doing now?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "The food we normally buy is $8, including tax. It would feed them for a month, which would give us time to settle bills and for my paychecks to even out. I have PayPal and can definitely include the proof of purchase if someone would be willing to help. To anyone reading, I sincerely thank you. Edit: [added an Amazon wishlist] <url>",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I’m a single father to an 8 year old son. I also have my 7 and 10 year old brothers a lot of the time. Things are really hard right now and everything just added up so quickly. My son has some eating issues, and won’t eat a lot of things because of it. I have done an okay job of keeping the freezer stocked with things that he will eat but he’s going through it pretty quickly.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Advice on how to deal with friend? And advice about how to deal with the impact of this on myself? Self-esteem hit new lows and had already felt really humiliated about assault before and wanted to tell friends to stop feeling so bad about it and to be able to talk to someone on days when my PTSD got really bad. But now I feel even more humiliated about it and feel like anyone that knows is going to see me as damaged, so theres a lot of shame. I'm also terrified to talk to anyone else about it.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "I live in a different country than where I'm from and I feel like all my actual friends are back home and that I have very few good friends in this country that I can talk to and who want to spend time with me. I just suddenly don't really know what to do with myself or what I want. Like I'm kinda stuck and going nowhere and I hate feeling so insignificant. I don't know, maybe I'm making a big deal for nothing and my anxiety is getting to me. I have CBT tomorrow so I know I'll have a chance to talk about it there but I just feel so hopeless today and didn't know where else to turn but to reddit.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "I can't talk like that.\" He put a hand on my shoulder and smiled and said, \"You sure are.\" It goes in a circle. He made me feel better there by affirming that he thinks I'm worthwhile. Great, that'll probably get on his nerves.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Despite being younger than him, I have had more experiences with love and sex. He has always been curious about my past and even when I refuse telling him, he always asks me about my experiences with my exes or people who I have slept with. That's okay, I am a curious person too. He's older than me but I'm the first guy he had ever dated and I even took his virginity. The thing is, I know he feels jealous(?",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I'm stuck on my couch alone with bronchitis. I'm passing out to sleep every hour, and obviously not safe to cook or drive to one of the few open places on this holiday. Due to my bad financial situation after a job was delayed by a month, and another large medical bill, ordering out isn't possible. If anyone in the San Bernardino area would be willing to drop by some soup or hot easy to eat food, I'd appreciate it so much. Thank you and Happy Christmas Eve.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "He argues and makes excuses for not needing sleep, but he's always out of it and then always uses his lack of sleep as an excuse. We work together and our hours are usually 6:00am to 5:00pm. His schedule usually looks like this: Sunday - Sleep till the afternoon waking up at 3:00pm(goes to bed at 5:00am). Monday - Does not get any sleep the follow Sunday night/Monday morning, showing up to work at 6am.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Due to leaving my hairbrush at home during Spring Break, I haven't been able to brush my hair in months. I am also almost out of deodorant, toothpaste, and mouth rinse. My lease for my apartment will be running out on the 31st, meaning I'll be going back home to Houston (where I'll get a different job that actually calls me into work and doesn't leave me with only 8 cents in my account. I wish I was kidding). I'll need to clean the apartment for inspection, so I also need some cleaning supplies.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I once went to the hospital and needed hand surgery so I messaged her when I found out and said “hey mom I’m in the hospital I’m having surgery tonight thought I would let you know.” She never came to visit and she never even asked what kind of surgery it was. What do I do? I feel like I’m nothing but I burden and I just wanna disappear. I rebelled and did my own thing as a teenager because I was so hurt from what I had been through is it normal for her to hold it against me? She just sees me as the fuck up causing her annoyance.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "The curfew at the shelter keeps me grounded and safe from myself. The rules and the structure with morning routine even though I've just felt it for one day, has already boosted me. I used to stay up until 2-3am, blowing all my money just binging and purging. Now I have to pause and ride out my emotions. I have to be in bed at 10pm.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "With my daughter recovering and my wife getting further in her diagnosis and her pregnancy I haven’t been able to catch up and it’s snowballing out of control. We applied for social security for both my wife and daughter but our paperwork was “lost in the system”. I went to court last week and the writ of possession will be filed tomorrow morning to have my belongings removed from the home. I have asked for loans and co-signers but nobody close to the family is willing to take a hit to their credit. I have sought out rental assistance from local charities but they will only help me if I got the balance down to $500.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I feel like I'm starting to get the control back over my life slowly. I'm resignating to my situation and I'm ready to make things better for myself. I have stable relationship with my very supportive wife, my ambitions are growing back slowly... I finnaly have hope and I could hardly ask for more. I asked my doc to lower my Effexor because I feel like the the side-effects outweigh the good it does: It doesn't really help much for my anxiety, I feel depersonalization ever since I'm on medications and finally it gives me uncontrollable cravings.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "I texted him good morning. Then begun the message about how I would love to, but I can't because marriage is something I want now. Before I got the chance to send that text, he sent another one. He had come to the conclusion that he wanted to marry me. Genuinely.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Hey everybody. I'm not really sure else where else to possibly post this. I'm currently between jobs and looking to make money in any way I can, so I was wondering if anyone would be interested in buying a cross stitch commission from me. I can do any type of pattern or design, in various sizes. Here are some examples of things I've made: <url>",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I am also not sure if I should press charges on my mother for stealing my identity, or even bother looking into the student loan fraud. Student loan fraud is incredibly difficult to prove, and reporting identity theft would be a lengthy process. The debt is paid and I almost feel like just running away and forgetting about it. I am 26 and truly terrified because, though I have been on my own before, I have never been completely alone or financially independent. I am shocked and horrified by everything that has happened to me in the last year.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Posted this initially in /r/depression, but it's probably better off here. I went on an awesome 1st date with really cute guy. It was fun. He was super, smart, attractive, CHIVALROUS even... We're going on a second date soon. The problem is I have no idea if this is working or not.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": " **tl;dr**: I've [18 F] been into my friend [18 M] for nearly two years, and he's about to go out on a date with my best friend [18 F]. I don't know how to handle my feelings about their developing romantic relationship. Also, he's trying to set me up with his best friend [19 M], and I don't know what to do about that. Thanks to anyone who may be able to offer some advice.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "He suddenly wanted to have a relationship with her, which I saw as a good thing. I said he could come over to visit as often as he wanted, he just needs to tell me before hand so I can be home. We decided to give our relationship another shot and I got pregnant again immediately. We moved into a house together, I had really horrible morning sickness this time and Bob got disgusted with my neediness and moved out again a week later, leaving me in a huge house I can't afford or maintain, again far away from any form of support necessary for a pregnant mother of a young kid. He seems to love his kid very much but has no concept of taking responsibility.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I've \"enjoyed\" (didn't dislike, double negatives, oof) the jobs I've had, and some were pretty good - the people like me, so I had no reason to leave. What is the equivalent of my best friend has also gone so far as to label me as a psychopath..:/ I'm just looking for similar experiences and mostly understanding of the situation (maybe guidance in what kind of people to aim to talk to, or maybe steps to take to help in diagnosis, etc) - so far in my life every single person has pretty much told me to harden the \"f\" up and get the heck over it. Thanks.. **Edit 2** I forgot to say that my father is a completely different person now - but when I see him so much as take a sip of alcohol it all floods back to me and I get extremely terrified and nervous.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Hello, You are invited to complete a survey for a WMU psychology department research project designed to assess treatment preferences among adults seeking treatment for a variety of concerns. We hope to learn if and how preferences for treatment change over time, and if patient’s perception of their treatment’s match to their preferences is related to the benefit received from treatment. The survey is open to anyone ages 18 or older who is currently engaged in mental health treatment for at least one month and four therapy sessions, and not longer than one year. If you choose to participate, you will be asked to provide some demographic/background information, respond to survey items about your preferences for treatment and how they have changed over time, and about your quality of life. The survey may take between 30-40 minutes to complete.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "But how do I keep going with this girl and eventually ask her to hang out again because no romantic relationship can really progress forward until we're physically intimate with each other, but we can't get there unless we hang out. And she doesn't even like talking on the phone and just texts. I feel like I'm having a relationship with my phone sometimes and it's like a female Wilson sometimes lol (movie Castaway reference for those who don't know). Anyone who has been in an abusive relationship and came out of it or anyone who dated an abused survivor, how do you advise that I progress things with her? \\*\\*TL;DR\\*\\* I'm dating a girl who was formerly in an abusive relationship.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "Lately I realized that if its possible to have our minds immortalized by transferring them to a digital copy (basically creating a backup with a computer, or slowly replacing each neuron with a computer to keep our conciousness intact) that its possible to wind up in a situation where humans have created an eternal hell. I am terrified that one day the government will force people to have digital copies of their brain, or \"go digital\". It will probably start with the military, but eventually everyone will have to (the government loves control). At this point, it would be possible for a hacker, or a shady government, to just torture a person.... forever. I mean, until the universe ended, if it does.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I don't know how to maintain my relationship with my brother while he still lives under my parents' control \\(which covers everything from finances, to communication with other people, to leaving their house \\-\\- or rather not being outside the house without them other than for school and work\\). I'm lucky enough to have a few wonderful friends who supported me in various ways while I've been getting situated, but I don't know how to grow my friendships with them now that I have the freedom to. I got so used to not talking much to them as their other friends would, and I guess they're used to that from me. With new people that I meet, I find it very difficult to relate to their lives. I feel uncomfortable answering questions about myself, my past, and my background.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "It's something that I continually come back to when I am thinking about my anxiety, and how it manifests. Lately, I have found some consistent stability with zoloft, and therapy. Long story short, after about half a year of being unemployed due to panic attacks at work causing me to be miserable, I am ~5 weeks back into a new job in a different field, on an SSRI, and feeling more or less great. As a result, I've had some more time to focus on what actually triggers my anxiety, rather than fighting off daily bouts of throwing up from panic. Sometimes, it's reading about politics, other times, it's ruminating over a perceived medical issue, or something \"big\" I need to do at work, or in the near future.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "How do I know if I need help? Please I need help understanding. I can't even explain my problem in this state. I don't know how to do anything in this state. I need to make sure I won't die.",
"label": "severe"
"text": "Next, I'll get nice and comfy and ready to sleep in a position where I can feel my heartbeat. Then, I'll start listening hard for my wristwatch. At first it's difficult to hear, because your mind is focusing on your heartbeat, but after a little while you adapt and your heartbeat stops being the center of your attention. Works for me really well, and I've been able to fall asleep in any position since. Hope it works for some of you.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "I told him I’m not using that on my makeup and my contacts stuff! I’m crying and yelling and he is yelling at me and shoving a broom in my face and I just tell him I’m taking all my stuff out of the bathroom so now it’s on the shelves that I just cleared off. So >now the only thing of mine in the bathroom is my toothbrush and tooth paste. &nbsp; >I can’t live like this.I can’t be here anymore.",
"label": "mild"
"text": "It’s so hard to explain. &nbsp; **PROBLEMS WITH BOB**: Balthazar’s fiance. I don’t know why, but he does not like me either. We used to be close but B got jealous so we stopped talking as much.",
"label": "minimum"
"text": "You can still trigger them even though you are a good guy. You can still get offended when they tell you they can't trust you even though it is the PTSD talking and not them. You feel like a failure when they tell you they feel hopeless and that nobody can help them. It really sucks when all you want to do is love them and they can't accept it or feel it. Especially when they are the most amazing person you have ever met when they are not triggered and in their right mind.",
"label": "minimum"