eng-hoc-Tatoeba-Wiki / validation-data_eng-hoc.json
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{"translation":{"eng":"History.", "hoc":"History."}}
{"translation":{"eng":"India is a nuclear-weapon state, which ranks high in military expenditure.", "hoc":"Military-expenditure re high-rank menaḱ tan India do nuclear-weapon-Disum tana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"History.", "hoc":"History." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"You are very brave.", "hoc":"Esu biyar Hoo tanam." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"By making mutations in bacterial DNA and examining the resulting phenotypes, scientists can determine the function of genes, enzymes, and metabolic pathways in bacteria, then apply this knowledge to more complex organisms.", "hoc":"Bacteria DNA re mutation keet́ result namoḱ Phenotype ko examine keet́, Scientist ko Bacteria koaḱ Gene„ Enzyme„ Metabolic Pathway reaḱ Function kokô determine daea, tayom nen Sẽa ge láḱ complex Jivt́aḱ ko re apply oḱa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"They smiled.", "hoc":"Landa ket́ako." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Boris arrived in the village.", "hoc":"Boris Hatuć beṭa ket́a." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"I am in London.", "hoc":"London re menaḱńa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"I do not want to eat.", "hoc":"ká jom sanaṅiń tana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"During the same time, its nominal per capita income increased from US$64 annually to US$2,601, and its literacy rate from 16.6% to 74%.", "hoc":"En time-frame rege, India aḱ nominal-per-capita-income sirma re 64 US$ aete 2,601 US$ jooṅ beṭa eana, anḍoḱ literacy-rate 16.6% aete 74% jooṅ beṭa eana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"They say it will rain.", "hoc":"Gamaèaćkô menea." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Major industries include textiles, telecommunications, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, food processing, steel, transport equipment, cement, mining, petroleum, machinery, and software.", "hoc":"Major Industry kore Textile„ Telecommunication„ Chemical„ Pharmaceutical„ Biotechnology„ Food Processing„ Steel„ Transport Equipment„ Cement„ Mining„ Dirisunum„ Machinery„ anḍoḱ Software leka mesaoḱa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Where are you?", "hoc":"Okon repea?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"I'm thirsty.", "hoc":"Tetaṅiń tana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"You have many books.", "hoc":"Ape taḱ sange Kitaṕ ko menaḱa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"In the early medieval era, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism became established on India's southern and western coasts.", "hoc":"Early medieval Era re, India aḱ southern anḍoḱ western-coast kore Christianity, Islam, Judaism, anḍoḱ Zoroastrianism ko establish eana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"In this world, nothing is more beautiful than hearing a sad rooster in the backlands when there is moonlight. It even seems that hidden in the throat of that rooster, the soul of the moon sings in counterpoint, sobbing.", "hoc":"Teteć akat́ re miat́ duku akan Sanḍisim Backland re ayumić aete móćaḱ nen Otesai re banoḱa. Sanḍisimaḱ Uṭúṭua re uku akan Chanḍuḱaḱ Rva Counterpoint re kusut́-kusut́ teć duraṅ tan leka ó ada renáoḱa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Mom will buy us a puppy.", "hoc":"Má Setahoneć kiriṅabua." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Its forest cover comprises 21.7% of its area.", "hoc":"India aḱ 21.7% Area do Bir te aṭet́ akana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Come eat!", "hoc":"Ela jomè ben!" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"How do you say XXX in English?", "hoc":"XXX, nena English te chilikape menea?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Hurry up.", "hoc":"Anjaann me." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"We don't play basketball.", "hoc":"Basketball kale inuṅa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"This is my sister, Mary.", "hoc":"Neić Ajiń, Mary." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against all types of discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to any form of discrimination.", "hoc":"Law sanamaṅ re saben ko equal gea, anḍoḱ jahn Discrimination baánoḱ ge Law reaḱ equal Protection reaḱ Entitlement menaḱatako. Saben ge nen Declaration violate oḱ gen saben lekan Discrimination aete anḍoḱ jah lekan Discrimination reaḱ jahn Incitement aete equal Protection reaḱ Entitlement menaḱa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"According to some current projections, the number and severity of droughts in India will have markedly increased by the end of the present century.", "hoc":"Chiminaṅ nahḱ menaḱ Projection ko lekate, nen Century Chanaba loḱ re, India re Daḱrininga reaḱ leneka anḍoḱ severity do markedly láḱ akanoḱa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"To the west lies the Thar Desert, the eastern spread of which is checked by the Aravallis.", "hoc":"West re do, eastern Binil Aravallis te koṭoṅ akan Thar Desert menaḱa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Help!", "hoc":"Mar á dengań pe!" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"He is in Tokyo.", "hoc":"Tokyo rića." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"He bullies younger children.", "hoc":"Ać aete huḍiń Hon koć paḍuarkôa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"In North India, Hinduism asserted patriarchal control within the family, leading to increased subordination of women.", "hoc":"North India re, Hinduism iate family re Patriarchal Control agu tala ean te, êra koaḱ subordination láḱ eana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"However, disaffection with the company also grew during this time and set off the Indian Rebellion of 1857.", "hoc":"Mendo, nen time period re ge company lagit́ dissafection ó láḱ lena anḍoḱ ena te 1857 ren Indian Rebellion uskur eana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"She smiled happily.", "hoc":"Rãasa teć landa ket́a." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"You are at home.", "hoc":"Oaḱ remea." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Tom and Mary said they didn't know.", "hoc":"Tom anḍoḱ Mary 'Kaliṅ adaana' kin men ket́a." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Let's ask them.", "hoc":"Dolaṅ kulikina." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Let's get to work now.", "hoc":"Dolabu paeṭi te." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"What do you want?", "hoc":"Chenaḱben nam tana?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"That doesn't really matter.", "hoc":"Enado sari te jahn Kaji ge káa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"She often sits there reading a book.", "hoc":"Enić hantaḱ duṕ akan aete Kitab koć paḍao baaèa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Preserved by an oral tradition that was resolutely vigilant, the Rigveda records the dawning of Hinduism in India.", "hoc":"Resolutely vigilant oral Tradition te preserve len Rigveda re India re Hinduism reaḱ Aṅgèneoṕ record akana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Any problem can be solved if you are persistent and patient.", "hoc":"Persistent anḍoḱ patient gemm taenn redo, jahlekan Problem reó solve daeoḱa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Marco is Spanish - he is from Spain.", "hoc":"Marco do Spain renić - Spain aetenić." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Although bacterial fossils exist, such as stromatolites, their lack of distinctive morphology prevents them from being used to examine the history of bacterial evolution, or to date the time of origin of a particular bacterial species.", "hoc":"Stromatolite lekan Bacteria Fossil ko menaḱ reó, ena kore Distinctive Morphology banoḱ te, ena ko Bacteria Haratenersa (Evolution) examine re anḍoḱ particular Bacteriahita reaḱ Origin Time usanam (date) re ká agujoṅ daeoḱa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"I don't know when she will arrive.", "hoc":"Chuilać hujoḱa kań adaana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Marina Chapman claimed to have lived with weeper capuchin monkeys in the Colombian jungle from the age of five to about nine, following a botched kidnapping in about 1954.", "hoc":"Marina Chapman do 'huḍiṅ akan 5 sirma aete 9 sirma noḱ jooṅ do fail ean Anarkit́ tayom Columbia aḱ Bir re Weeper Capuchin Gai ko loḱń taekena' menteć claim akat́a." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"I have a cat.", "hoc":"Ań taḱ miat́ Bilae menaḱć." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Who are you?", "hoc":"Okoe tanaben?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Let's eat.", "hoc":"Dolabu jomèa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"They called the village New Amsterdam.", "hoc":"Nama Hatu dokô New Amsterdam ket́a." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Let's ask her.", "hoc":"Dolaṅ kulića." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Historically, eugenicists have attempted to alter human gene pools by excluding people and groups judged to be inferior or promoting those judged to be superior.", "hoc":"History re, eugenicist ko do inferior mente nel ean ko exclude keet́, anḍoḱ superior mente nel ean ko promote keed human gene pool alter è teaḱ ko attempt leda." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Tom said there were still a lot things that needed to be done.", "hoc":"Paeṭiè teaḱ onḍoḱ ge sange menaḱa' mente Tom kaji ket́a." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"I'm sure you're very busy.", "hoc":"Adaanań esu Paeṭi re menaḱpea." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"“The right “to be free from adverse impacts of climate change” is legally recognized as a fundamental right in India.”", "hoc":"Climate Change reaḱ Adverse Impact te ká elaṅoḱ teaḱ Right do, India re Fundamental Right leka legally urum bai akana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"The U.N. Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) reports China provides 20 percent of overall global production and trade in the manufacture of intermediate goods, making China a critical, integral part of the economies and global value chain across the world.", "hoc":"Intermediate Goods ko Manufacture re China renko do Overall Global Production anḍoḱ Trade reaḱ 20% kô enemè tana -mente U.N. Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) report akat́a, enate China do Otesai goṭa ren Economy ko ren anḍoḱ Global Value Chain ren Critical„ Integral Part akana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"She did everything she could to find him.", "hoc":"Ać nam re hoba daean teaḱ sabenaḱć paeṭi ket́a." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Tom wanted to know where he could buy turmeric.", "hoc":"Tom do, okon taḱ re Sasaṅeń kiriń daea -menteć chirgal sanaṅ kena." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Tom knew he couldn't make everybody happy.", "hoc":"Tom saben do kać rãasa ichi daeakôa menteć adaan taekena." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Are you on Facebook?", "hoc":"Facebook re menaḱmea?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Sometimes bears roam our village.", "hoc":"Misa-misa ale Hatu Bana ko honora." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Do you want to eat?", "hoc":"Jomèape?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"India has substantially reduced its rate of poverty, though at the cost of increasing economic inequality.", "hoc":"Increasing-economic-inequality reaḱ Gonoṅ em keet́ India reaḱ poverty-rate do substantially adit́ (reduce) akana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Is Tom your name?", "hoc":"Tom do amaḱ Nutum chi?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"This is my sister, Mary.", "hoc":"Neić Unḍińkui, Mary." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Because of their importance for research in general, samples of bacterial strains are isolated and preserved in Biological Resource Centers.", "hoc":"General Reasearch re akoaḱ Importance menaḱ te, Bacteria Stain reaḱ Sample ko do Biological Resource Centre ko re isolate anḍoḱ preserve akana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Don't lie.", "hoc":"Alape chakat́a." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Early political consolidations gave rise to the loose-knit Maurya and Gupta Empires based in the Ganges Basin.", "hoc":"Sidae sidaeaḱ political-consolidation te Ganga gaṛa basin re loose-knit Maurya anḍoḱ Gupta-empire ko emerge eana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Size.", "hoc":"Size." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Origin and early evolution.", "hoc":"Origin anḍoḱ Eneoṕaḱ Evolution." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"How long have you been here for?", "hoc":"Nentaḱ chimin sirma aetem taenn tana?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Among the socio-economic challenges India faces are gender inequality, child malnutrition, and rising levels of air pollution.", "hoc":"India sanamaṅ re menaḱ tan socio-economic Challange ko do, gender-inequality, child-malnurition anḍoḱ Level rise oḱ tan Hoyo Pollution." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Who else saw you?", "hoc":"anḍoḱ okoć ko nel ket́mea?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"He was alone in the room.", "hoc":"Room re eskar geć tae kena." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"I thought that you knew Tom could speak French.", "hoc":"Tom do French teć jagar adaana mentem adaanań menè taekena." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"His observations also included protozoans which he called animalcules, and his findings were looked at again in the light of the more recent findings of cell theory.", "hoc":"Aćaḱ Observation re ać Animalcules eć nutum let́ Protozoan ko ókô taekena, aćaḱ Finding ko do láḱ recent teaḱ Cell Theory marsal te nel uraa eana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"It was marked by British reforms but also repressive legislation, by more strident Indian calls for self-rule, and by the beginnings of a nonviolent movement of non-co-operation, of which Mahatma Gandhi would become the leader and enduring symbol.", "hoc":"Ena do British Reform kote urum len ge, repressive legislation te, India ren koaḱ Self Rule lagit́ ten anḍoḱ keṭeć Anasi te, Mahatma Gandhi do leader anḍoḱ enduring symbol eć bai ean Non-Cooperation ren Nonviolent Movement reaḱ Eneoṕ ko te ó ge." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Happy New Year!", "hoc":"Nama sirma joar!" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Step gingerly.", "hoc":"Evn met́ aká te chanḍaṅè me." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Tom's mother gave him some apples to take with him to school.", "hoc":"Tom Engate ać School idi tóraè lagit́ chiminaṅ Apple eć emat́ića." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"On the ground, lay the dismembered corpse of a gazelle.", "hoc":"Ote re tae kena, miat́ Siliṕaḱ dismember akan Moṛa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"My name is Jack.", "hoc":"Ańaḱ Nutum Jack tana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Tom is awake.", "hoc":"Evn lenań." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Algeria has set its sights on economic diversification.", "hoc":"Algeriaren ko do Economic Diversification paa tekô met́ akat́a." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Modern humans arrived on the Indian subcontinent from Africa no later than 55,000 years ago.", "hoc":"Modern human ko do Africa aete Indian subcontinent te tapayomutar 55,000 sirma maaṅ rekô hućoḱ lena." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"They are all essential to soil ecology, breaking down toxic waste and recycling nutrients.", "hoc":"Enko do, Toxic Waste raa rasum (break down) è loḱ, Nutrient ko recycle è loḱ, Hasa Ecology rekô essential gea." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"All the villagers know him.", "hoc":"Hatu ren ko sabenkô urum tat́ića." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Why are you afraid?", "hoc":"Chenaḱ mentepe boroè tana?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"The Mughal Empire, in 1526, ushered in two centuries of relative peace, leaving a legacy of luminous architecture.", "hoc":"1526 re Mughal Empire iate 2-century relative-peace agu eana, anḍoḱ luminous-architecture reaḱ legacy bagetúè eana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Come and dance with me!", "hoc":"Dola ań loḱ susun me!" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Do you want to rest?", "hoc":"Jiraonaben?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"You are very brave.", "hoc":"Esu biyar Hoo kin tanaben." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Tom, this is my brother, John.", "hoc":"Tom, neić Unḍiń John." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"I'm sure you're very busy.", "hoc":"Adaanań esu Paeṭi rema." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Do you love me?", "hoc":"Ańben sukuaà?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Do we need medical supplies?", "hoc":"Medical Supply kobu asitińoḱ tana chi?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"I'm not home right now.", "hoc":"Nahḱ Oaḱ re baṅińa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"The retreat of Himalayan glaciers has adversely affected the flow rate of the major Himalayan rivers, including the Ganges and the Brahmaputra.", "hoc":"Himalayburu RataṅGaḍa ko usa chabaoḱ tan te, Ganga„ Brahmaputra mesa keet́aḱ Himalayburuaḱ Gaḍa koaḱ Anatu Rate adversely affect akana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"The remaining Indian Plate survives as peninsular India, the oldest and geologically most stable part of India.", "hoc":"Sareć akan Indian Plate do, mariùtar„ geologically India aḱ most-stable-part part tan peninsular India leka menaḱ akat́a." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"People from all over the world say that English is difficult to learn.", "hoc":"English etonn do esu difficult gea mente goṭa Ote ren ko kajièa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Its forest cover comprises 21.7% of its area.", "hoc":"India aḱ 21.7% Area do bir te aṭet́ akana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"I am eating fruit.", "hoc":"Jóń jom tana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.", "hoc":"Nahḱ re do Burj Kalifa ge Otesai saben aete salangi Jaḱsirmabanai." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Temperatures in the mesosphere drop with increasing altitude to about -100 degrees C.", "hoc":"Mesosphere ren Temperature do Altitude rakaṕenn loḱ -100 degree C jooṅ leka aaguna." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Sit down.", "hoc":"Duṕ ben." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"An acute balance of payments crisis in 1991 forced the nation to liberalise its economy; since then, it has moved increasingly towards a free-market system by emphasising both foreign trade and direct investment inflows.", "hoc":"1991 ren acute Balance of Payments Crisis te, India renko Economy liberal oḱgekô force kena; en imita aete, India do Foreign Trade anḍoḱ Direct Investment Inflow banar ge emphasize keet́, increasingly Free-Market System paa te tersan tana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Watch out! the girl shouted wildly.", "hoc":"Ocha nelè pe! en Hapanum keṭeć teć iu ket́a." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"In the chemical industry, bacteria are most important in the production of enantiomerically pure chemicals for use as pharmaceuticals or agrichemicals.", "hoc":"Chemical Industry re, Pharmaceutical„ Agrichemical lekate agujoṅoḱ Enantiomerically Pure Chemical ko baái re Bacteria kokô important gea." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"According to the Indian naval hydrographic charts, the mainland coastline consists of the following: 43% sandy beaches; 11% rocky shores, including cliffs; and 46% mudflats or marshy shores.", "hoc":"Indian Navy aḱ hydrographic Chart ko lekate, Mainland Coastline re menaḱ teaḱ ko do: 43% gitilann beach ko; 11% cliff ko mesa keet́aḱ sereṅann Beach ko; anḍoḱ 46% do Mudflat (marshy Shore) ko." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"In the decades following World War II, with more emphasis on human rights, many countries began to abandon eugenics policies, although some Western countries (the United States, Canada, and Sweden among them) continued to carry out forced sterilizations.[citation needed]", "hoc":"World War II tayomaḱ decade ko re, chiminaṅ Western country kore (enare United States„ Canada„ Sweden kore) forced sterilisation kô continue let́ taekena ge reó, human rights re láḱ emphasis em ean loḱ, sapangi Disum kore Eugenics policy dokô bage eṭeć ket́a." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"I don't have any money.", "hoc":"Ań taḱ jahn Puisa ká taekena." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Do you love me?", "hoc":"Ańpe sukuaà?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Do you like ginger?", "hoc":"Ada m sukutea chi?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"The boy didn't have an appetite.", "hoc":"En Sepeet́ ká rengeć let́ića." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Show it to me.", "hoc":"Uduṕań pe." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"I'm a student.", "hoc":"College tanań." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Have you ever been to Paris?", "hoc":"Paris em senat́a?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Tom knows that he's said too much.", "hoc":"Tom kaji láḱ ket́ań menteć adaana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Their long occupation, initially in varying forms of isolation as hunter-gatherers, has made the region highly diverse, second only to Africa in human genetic diversity.", "hoc":"Eoṕ re hunter-gatherer ko leka varying-form-of-isolation re taen taen te enkoaḱ sipirmaoḱgen Banasa te nen Region esu diverse eana, human-genetic-diversity lekate ma Africa sekar láḱ eana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"India has a space programme with several planned or completed extraterrestrial missions.", "hoc":"India re sapange plan akan anḍoḱ complete ean extraterrestrial-mission ko menaḱ tan Space Programme menaḱa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Would you like to have your hair washed?", "hoc":"Bohḱbaleben sipi ichina chi?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"No way!", "hoc":"ká!" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Etymology.", "hoc":"Etymology." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"The boy didn't have an appetite.", "hoc":"En Hon ká rengeć let́ića." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"The rush of technology and the commercialisation of agriculture in the second half of the 19th century was marked by economic setbacks, and many small farmers became dependent on the whims of far-away markets.", "hoc":"19th century reaḱ second tara re technology anḍoḱ commercialisation reaḱ ãacha hunujuḱ do economic setback ko te marka lena, anḍoḱ sange hupuḍiṅ farmer ko do sangin market reaḱ whim koaḱ dae suba eanakô." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Are you afraid?", "hoc":"Boroè tanape?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Do you have a cellphone?", "hoc":"Am taḱ Cellphone menaḱa?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"What are you looking for?", "hoc":"Chenaḱben nam tana?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Although the rebellion was suppressed by 1858, it led to the dissolution of the East India Company and the direct administration of India by the British government.", "hoc":"1858 loḱ re nen rebellion suppress ean re ó, ena te mendo East India Company aḱ Leneyaṅ (dissolution) anḍoḱ British government hotete India aḱ direct administration agu eana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"The ability of bacteria to degrade a variety of organic compounds is remarkable and has been used in waste processing and bioremediation.", "hoc":"Dirisunum (Petroleum) ren Hydrocarbon ko digest dae lekan Bacteria ko do often Nur Sunum aákit́ rekô agujoṅoḱa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Don't lie.", "hoc":"Alam chakat́a." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"He is in Tokyo.", "hoc":"Tokyo re menaḱća." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"We are in school.", "hoc":"School rebua." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Tom told me he thought that Mary was downstairs.", "hoc":"Mary do Lataròaḱ reićań menèa' -mente Tom kajiat́ińa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Economy", "hoc":"Economy" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Tom looked out the front window.", "hoc":"Tom ayar paa reaḱ Window aeteć koyoḱ oolt́ ket́a." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Look at this!", "hoc":"Neè nelè ben!" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"What are you looking for?", "hoc":"Chenaḱm nam tana?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Newly coherent social groups in northern and western India, such as the Marathas, the Rajputs, and the Sikhs, gained military and governing ambitions during Mughal rule, which, through collaboration or adversity, gave them both recognition and military experience.", "hoc":"Mughal rule imita, North anḍoḱ West India re Maratha, Rajput anḍoḱ Sikh lekan namage coherent akan social group ko re, military anḍoḱ governing ambition nelnam eana, ena te ge akô do collaboration te ó adversity te ó recognition anḍoḱ military experience ko nam akit́ ket́a." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"I'll give you the directions to his farm.", "hoc":"Aćaḱ Farm senoḱ teaḱ Horań uduṕamea." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Unlike its presence at high altitude where ozone acts as Earth's sunscreen from harmful ultraviolet radiation, at low altitudes, ozone is a health hazard contributing to respiratory problems like asthma and bronchitis.", "hoc":"Ozone do, chetan Altitude re Harm ann Ultraviolet Enelaṅ koóṭoṅ Ote aḱ Singichatom leka Paeṭić emè tan aete taṅan, latar Altitude re Ozone do, Asthma„ Bronchitis lekan Sanayet́ Problem ko eém Health Hazard." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Stop!", "hoc":"Hokann pe!" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"He never ate cooked food and refused to share or play with other children.", "hoc":"Isin akan Jomaḱ musiṅ ó kać jom ket́a, anḍoḱ eṭaḱ Hon ko loḱ Hapaṭiń„ Inuṅ kaćaḱ eana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"She's a middle-aged fat woman.", "hoc":"Ać do Middle-aged ḍildil akan Êra." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"By the 4th and 5th centuries, the Gupta Empire had created a complex system of administration and taxation in the greater Ganges Plain; this system became a model for later Indian kingdoms.", "hoc":"4th anḍoḱ 5th century loḱ do, Gupta Empire iate greater Ganga Gaḍa Plain re administration anḍoḱ taxation reaḱ Complex System bai ean taekena; nen system ge tayomaḱ Indian kingdom ko lagit́ model bai eana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Like father like son.", "hoc":"Apu chilika Hon enka." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Weight is a force that is always directed toward the center of the earth.", "hoc":"Weight do, Ote tala paa te ge direct akanoḱ Force." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Are you winning?", "hoc":"Daeoḱ tanape chi?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"I think, therefore I am.", "hoc":"Uúṛuḱań, ente menaḱńa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"You've gained weight.", "hoc":"Hambal eanape." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"I have food.", "hoc":"Jomè teaḱ menaḱ ań taḱ." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"I asked Tom what he was reading.", "hoc":"Tom ać chenaḱć paḍao taekena menteń kuli ket́ića." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"His methods are not scientific.", "hoc":"Aćaḱ Sensaṕhora Science lekate banoḱa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Major imports include crude oil, machinery, gems, fertiliser, and chemicals.", "hoc":"Major Import aḱ kore, Berel Dirisunum, Machinery, Gonoṅanndiri, Fertiliser, anḍoḱ Chemical ko leka mesaoḱa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"I'm awake.", "hoc":"Evn akanań." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"The term is used to refer to children who have suffered severe abuse or trauma before being abandoned or running away.", "hoc":"Nen term do, Egerrupú (abuse) baredo Trauma te tensuba len tayom bage enḍaḱ ean baredo nir at́ ean Hon ko iíngul re agujoṅoḱa." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Coastal features include the marshy Rann of Kutch of western India and the alluvial Sundarbans delta of eastern India; the latter is shared with Bangladesh.", "hoc":"Coastal Feature ko re, west India ren Rann of Kutch„ east India ren alluvial hasaann Sunderban Delta kin lekaoḱa; ena ren tayomanaḱ do Bangladesh loḱ haṭiṅ akana." }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Unbelievable!", "hoc":"Kań sarioḱa!" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Don't lie!", "hoc":"Alaben chakat́a!" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"Is it yours?", "hoc":"Ena amaḱ chi?" }}
{"translation":{"eng":"I'll have to talk to Tom about it.", "hoc":"Ena reaḱ do Tom loḱń jagar te hobana." }}