Create tablet-XV--the-Secret-of-Secrets.txt
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Now ye assemble, my children,
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waiting to hear the Secret of Secrets
3 |
which shall give ye power to unfold the God-man,
4 |
give ye the way to Eternal life.
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6 |
Plainly shall I speak of the Unveiled Mysteries.
7 |
No dark sayings shall I give unto thee.
8 |
Open thine ears now, my children.
9 |
Hear and obey the words that I give.
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11 |
First I shall speak of the fetters of darkness
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which bind ye in chains to the sphere of the Earth.
13 |
14 |
Darkness and light are both of one nature,
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different only in seeming,
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for each arose from the source of all.
17 |
Darkness is disorder.
18 |
Light is Order.
19 |
Darkness transmuted is light of the Light.
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This, my children, your purpose in being;
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transmutation of darkness to light.
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23 |
Hear ye now of the mystery of nature,
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the relations of life to the Earth where it dwells.
25 |
Know ye, ye are threefold in nature,
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physical, astral and mental in one.
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28 |
Three are the qualities of each of the natures;
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nine in all, as above, so below.
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31 |
In the physical are these channels,
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the blood which moves in vortical motion,
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reacting on the heart to continue its beating.
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Magnetism which moves through the nerve paths,
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carrier of energies to all cells and tissues.
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Akasa which flows through channels,
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subtle yet physical, completing the channels.
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39 |
Each of the three attuned with each other,
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each affecting the life of the body.
41 |
Form they the skeletal framework through
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which the subtle ether flows.
43 |
In their mastery lies the Secret of Life in the body.
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Relinquished only by will of the adept,
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when his purpose in living is done.
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47 |
Three are the natures of the Astral,
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mediator is between above and below;
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not of the physical, not of the Spiritual,
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but able to move above and below.
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52 |
Three are the natures of Mind,
53 |
carrier it of the Will of the Great One.
54 |
Arbitrator of Cause and Effect in thy life.
55 |
Thus is formed the threefold being,
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directed from above by the power of four.
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58 |
Above and beyond man's threefold nature
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lies the realm of the Spiritual Self.
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61 |
Four is it in qualities,
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shining in each of the planes of existence,
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but thirteen in one,
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the mystical number.
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Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers:
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each shall direct the unfoldment of being,
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each shall channels be of the Great One.
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69 |
On Earth, man is in bondage,
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bound by space and time to the earth plane.
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Encircling each planet, a wave of vibration,
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binds him to his plane of unfoldment.
73 |
Yet within man is the Key to releasement,
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within man may freedom be found.
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76 |
When ye have released the self from the body,
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rise to the outermost bounds of your earth-plane.
78 |
Speak ye the word Dor-E-Lil-La.
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80 |
Then for a time your Light will be lifted,
81 |
free may ye pass the barriers of space.
82 |
For a time of half of the sun (six hours),
83 |
free may ye pass the barriers of earth-plane,
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see and know those who are beyond thee.
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86 |
Yea, to the highest worlds may ye pass.
87 |
See your own possible heights of unfoldment,
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know all earthly futures of Soul.
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90 |
Bound are ye in your body,
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but by the power ye may be free.
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This is the Secret whereby bondage
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shall be replaced by freedom for thee.
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95 |
Calm let thy mind be.
96 |
At rest be thy body:
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Conscious only of freedom from flesh.
98 |
Center thy being on the goal of thy longing.
99 |
Think over and over that thou wouldst be free.
100 |
Think of this word La-Um-I-L-Ganoover
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and over in thy mind let it sound.
102 |
Drift with the sound to the place of thy longing.
103 |
Free from the bondage of flesh by thy will.
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105 |
Hear ye while I give the greatest of secrets:
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how ye may enter the Halls of Amenti,
107 |
enter the place of the immortals as I did,
108 |
stand before the Lords in their places.
109 |
110 |
Lie ye down in rest of thy body.
111 |
Calm thy mind so no thought disturbs thee.
112 |
Pure must ye be in mind and in purpose,
113 |
else only failure will come unto thee.
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115 |
Vision Amenti as I have told in my Tablets.
116 |
Long with fullness of heart to be there.
117 |
Stand before the Lords in thy mind's eye.
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119 |
Pronounce the words of power I give (mentally);
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Mekut-El-Shab-El Hale-Sur-Ben-El-Zabrut Zin-Efrim-Quar-El.
121 |
Relax thy mind and thy body.
122 |
Then be sure your soul will be called.
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124 |
Now give I the Key to Shambbalah,
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the place where my Brothers live in the darkness:
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Darkness but filled with Light of the Sun
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Darkness of Earth, but Light of the Spirit,
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guides for ye when my day is done.
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130 |
Leave thou thy body as I have taught thee.
131 |
Pass to the barriers of the deep, hidden place.
132 |
Stand before the gates and their guardians.
133 |
Command thy entrance by these words:
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135 |
I am the Light. In me is no darkness.
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Free am I of the bondage of night.
137 |
Open thou the way of the Twelve and the One,
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so I may pass to the realm of wisdom.
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140 |
When they refuse thee, as surely they will,
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command them to open by these words of power:
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I am the Light. For me are no barriers.
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Open, I command, by the Secret of Secrets
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Edom-El-Ahim-Sabbert-Zur Adom.
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Then if thy words have been Truth of the highest,
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open for thee the barriers will fall.
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149 |
Now, I leave thee, my children.
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Down, yet up, to the Halls shall I go.
151 |
Win ye the way to me, my children.
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Truly my brothers shall ye become.
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154 |
Thus finish I my writings.
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Keys let them be to those who come after.
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But only to those who seek my wisdom,
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for only for these am I the Key and the Way.