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1 |
List ye, O man, hear ye the wisdom.
2 |
Hear ye the Word that shall fill thee with Life.
3 |
Hear ye the Word that shall banish the darkness.
4 |
Hear ye the voice that shall banish the night.
5 |
6 |
Mystery and wisdom have I brought to my children;
7 |
knowledge and power descended from old.
8 |
Know ye not that all shall be opened
9 |
when ye shall find the oneness of all?
10 |
11 |
One shall ye be with the Masters of Mystery,
12 |
Conquerors of Death and Masters of Life.
13 |
Aye, ye shall learn of the flower of Amenti
14 |
the blossom of life that shines in the Halls.
15 |
In Spirit shall ye reach that Halls of Amenti
16 |
and bring back the wisdom that liveth in Light.
17 |
Know ye the gateway to power is secret.
18 |
Know ye the gateway to life is through death.
19 |
Aye, through death but not as ye know death,
20 |
but a death that is life and is fire and is Light.
21 |
22 |
Desireth thou to know the deep, hidden secret?
23 |
Look in thy heart where the knowledge is bound.
24 |
Know that in thee the secret is hidden,
25 |
the source of all life and the source of all death.
26 |
27 |
List ye, O man, while I tell the secret,
28 |
reveal unto thee the secret of old.
29 |
30 |
Deep in Earth's heart lies the flower,
31 |
the source of the Spirit
32 |
that binds all in its form.
33 |
or know ye that the Earth is living in body
34 |
as thou art alive in thine own formed form.
35 |
The Flower of Life is as thine own place of Spirit
36 |
and streams through the Earth
37 |
as thine flows through thy form;
38 |
giving of life to the Earth and its children,
39 |
renewing the Spirit from form unto form.
40 |
This is the Spirit that is form of thy body,
41 |
shaping and moulding into its form.
42 |
43 |
Know ye, O man, that thy form is dual,
44 |
balanced in polarity while formed in its form.
45 |
Know that when fast on thee Death approaches,
46 |
it is only because thy balance is shaken.
47 |
It is only because one pole has been lost.
48 |
49 |
Know that the secret of life in Amenti
50 |
is the secret of restoring the balance of poles.
51 |
All that exists has form and is living
52 |
because of the Spirit of life in its poles.
53 |
54 |
See ye not that in Earth's heart
55 |
is the balance of all things that exist
56 |
and have being on its face?
57 |
The source of thy Spirit is drawn from Earth's heart,
58 |
for in thy form thou are one with the Earth
59 |
60 |
When thou hast learned to hold thine own balance,
61 |
then shalt thou draw on the balance of Earth.
62 |
Exist then shalt thou while Earth is existing,
63 |
changing in form, only when Earth, too, shalt change:
64 |
Tasting not of death, but one with this planet,
65 |
holding thy form till all pass away.
66 |
67 |
List ye, O man, whilst I give the secret so that
68 |
ye, too, shalt taste not of change.
69 |
One hour each day shalt thou lie
70 |
with thine head pointed to the
71 |
place of the positive pole (north).
72 |
One hour each day shalt thy head be
73 |
pointed to the place of the negative pole (south).
74 |
Whilst thy head is placed to the northward,
75 |
hold thou thy consciousness from the chest to the head.
76 |
77 |
And when thy head is placed southward,
78 |
hold thou thy thought from chest to the feet.
79 |
Hold thou in balance once in each seven,
80 |
and thy balance will retain the whole of its strength.
81 |
Aye, if thou be old, thy body will freshen
82 |
and thy strength will become as a youth's.
83 |
This is the secret known to the Masters
84 |
by which they hold off the fingers of Death.
85 |
Neglect not to follow the path I have shown,
86 |
for when thou hast passed beyond years
87 |
to a hundred to neglect
88 |
it will mean the coming of Death.
89 |
90 |
Hear ye, my words, and follow the pathway.
91 |
Keep thou thy balance and live on in life.
92 |
93 |
Hear ye, O man, and list to my voice.
94 |
List to the wisdom that gives thee of Death.
95 |
When at the end of thy work appointed,
96 |
thou may desire to pass from this life,
97 |
pass to the plane where the Suns of the Morning
98 |
live and have being as Children of Light.
99 |
Pass without pain and pass without sorrow
100 |
into the plane where is eternal Light.
101 |
102 |
First lie at rest with thine head to the eastward.
103 |
Fold thou thy hands at the Source of thy life (solar plexus).
104 |
105 |
Place thou thy consciousness in the life seat.
106 |
Whirl it and divide to north and to south.
107 |
108 |
Send thou the one out toward the northward.
109 |
Send thou the other out to the south.
110 |
Relax thou their hold upon thy being.
111 |
Forth from thy form will thy silver spark fly,
112 |
upward and onward to the Sun of the morning,
113 |
blending with Light, at one with its source.
114 |
115 |
There it shall flame till desire shall be created.
116 |
Then shall return to a place in a form.
117 |
118 |
Know ye, O men, that thus pass the great Souls,
119 |
changing at will from life unto life.
120 |
Thus ever passes the Avatar,
121 |
willing his Death as he wills his own life.
122 |
123 |
List ye, O man, drink of my wisdom.
124 |
Learn ye the secret that is Master of Time.
125 |
Learn ye how those ye call Masters are
126 |
able to remember the lives of the past.
127 |
128 |
Great is the secret yet easy to master,
129 |
giving to thee the mastery of time.
130 |
When upon thee death fast approaches,
131 |
fear not but know ye are master of Death.
132 |
133 |
Relax thy body, resist not with tension.
134 |
Place in thy heart the flame of thy Soul.
135 |
Swiftly then sweep it to the seat of the triangle.
136 |
137 |
Hold for a moment, then move to the goal.
138 |
This, thy goal, is the place between thine eyebrows,
139 |
the place where the memory of life must hold sway.
140 |
Hold thou thy flame here in thy brain-seat
141 |
until the fingers of Death grasp thy Soul.
142 |
Then as thou pass through the state of transition,
143 |
surely the memories of life shall pass, too.
144 |
145 |
Then shalt the past be as one with the present.
146 |
Then shall the memory of all be retained.
147 |
Free shalt thou be from all retrogression.
148 |
The things of the past shall live in today.