List ye, O Man. Take of my wisdom. |
Learn of his deep hidden mysteries of space. |
Learn of the THOUGHT that grew in the abyss, |
bringing Order and Harmony in space. |
Know ye, O man, that all exists |
has being only because of the LAW. |
Know ye the LAW and ye shall be free, |
never be bound by the fetters of night. |
Far, through strange spaces, have I journeyed |
into the depth of the abyss of time, |
until in the end all was revealed. |
Know ye that mystery is only mystery |
when it is knowledge unknown to man. |
When ye have plumbed the heart of all mystery, |
knowledge and wisdom will surely be thine. |
Seek ye and learn that TIME is the secret |
whereby ye may be free of this space. |
Long have I, WISDOM, sought wisdom; |
aye, and shall seek of eternity's end |
for know that ever before me receding |
shall move the goal I seek to attain. |
Even the LORDS of the CYCLES |
know that not yet have THEY reached the goal, |
For with all of their wisdom, |
they know that TRUTH ever grows. |
Once, in a past time, I spoke to the Dweller. |
Asked of the mystery of time and space. |
Asked him the question that surged in my being, |
saying: O Master, what is time? |
Then to me spoke HE, the Master: |
Know ye, O Thoth, in the beginning |
there was VOID and nothingness, |
a timeless, spaceless, nothingness. |
And into the nothingness came a thought, |
purposeful, all-pervading, |
and It filled the VOID. |
There existed no matter, only force, |
a movement, a vortex, or vibration |
of the purposeful thought |
that filled the VOID. |
And I questioned the Master, saying: |
Was this thought eternal? |
And answered me the DWELLER, Saying: |
In the beginning, there was eternal thought, |
and for thought to be eternal, time must exist. |
So into the all-pervading thought |
grew the LAW of TIME. |
Aye time which exists through all space, |
floating in a smooth, rhythmic movement |
that is eternally in a state of fixation. |
Time changes not, |
but all things change in time. |
For time is the force |
that holds events separate, |
each in its own proper place. |
Time is not in motion, |
but ye move through time |
as your consciousness |
moves from one event to another. |
Aye, by time yet exist, all in all, |
an eternal ONE existence. |
Know ye that even though in the time ye are separate, |
yet still are ONE, in all times existent. |
Ceased then the voice of the DWELLER, |
and departed I to ponder on time. |
For knew I that in these words lay wisdom |
and a way to explore the mysteries of time. |
Oft did I ponder the words of the DWELLER. |
Then sought I to solve the mystery of time. |
Found I that time moves through strange angles. |
Yet only by curves could I hope to attain the key |
that would give me access to the time-space. |
Found I that only by moving upward |
and yet again by moving to right-ward |
could I be free from the time of the movement. |
Forth I came from out of my body, |
moved in the movements that changed me in time. |
Strange were the sights I saw in my journeys, |
many the mysteries that opened to view. |
Aye, saw I man's beginning, |
learned from the past that nothing is new. |
Seek ye, O man, to learn the pathway |
that leads through the spaces |
that are formed forth in time. |
Forget not, O man, with all of thy seeking |
that Light is the goal ye shall seek to attain. |
Search ye for the Light on thy pathway |
and ever for thee the goal shall endure. |
Let not thine heart turn ever to darkness. |
light let shine Soul be, a Sun on the way. |
Know ye that eternal brightness, |
ya shall ever find thy Soul hid in Light, |
never fettered by bondage or darkness, |
ever it shines forth a Sun of the Light. |
Aye, know, though hidden in darkness, |
your Soul, a spark of the true flame, exists. |
Be ye One with the greatest of all Lights. |
Find at the SOURCE, the END of thy goal. |
Light is life, for without the great Light |
nothing can ever exist. |
Know ye, that in all formed matter, |
the heart of Light always exists. |
Aye, even though bound in the darkness, |
inherent Light always exists. |
Once I stood in the HALLS OF AMENTI |
and heard the voice of the LORDS of AMENTI, |
saying in tones that rang through the silence, |
words of power, mighty and potent. |
Chanted they the song of the cycles, |
the words that open the path to beyond. |
Aye, I saw the great path opened |
and looked for the instant into the beyond. |
Saw I the movements of the cycles, |
vast as the thought of the SOURCE could convey. |
Knew I then even Infinity |
is moving on to some unthinkable end. |
Saw I that the Cosmos is Order |
and part of a movement that extends to all space, |
a party of an Order of Orders, |
constantly moving in a harmony of space. |
Saw I the wheeling of cycles |
like vast circles across the sky. |
Knew I then that all that has being |
is growing to meet yet another being |
in a far-off grouping of space and of time. |
Knew I then that in Words are power |
to open the planes that are hidden from man. |
Aye, that even in Words lies hidden the key |
that will open above and below. |
Hark ye, now man, this word I leave with thee. |
Use it and ye shall find power in its sound. |
Say ye the word: |
and power ye shall find. |
Yet must ye understand that man is of Light |
and Light is of man. |
List ye, O man, and hear a mystery |
stranger than all that lies 'neath the Sun. |
Know ye, O man, that all space |
is filled by worlds within worlds; |
aye, one within the other yet separate by Law. |
Once in my search for deep buried wisdom, |
I opened the door that bars THEM from man. |
Called I from the other planes of being, |
one who was fairer than the daughters of men. |
Aye, I called her from out of the spaces, |
to shine as a Light in the world of men. |
Used I the drum of the Sertpent. |
Wore I the robe of the purple and gold. |
Placed on my head, I, the crown of Silver. |
Around me the circle of cinnabar shone. |
Raised I my arms and cried the invocation |
that opens the path to the planes beyond, |
cried to the LORDS of the SIGNS in their houses: |
Lords of the two horizons, |
watchers of the treble gates, |
stand ye One at the right and One at the left |
as the STAR rises to his throne |
and rules over his sign. |
Aye, thou dark prince of ARULU, |
open the gates of the dim, hidden land |
and release her whom ye keep imprisoned. |
Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye, |
dark Lords and Shining Ones, |
and by their secret names, |
names which I know and can pronounce, |
hear ye and obey my will. |
Lit I then with flame my circle |
and called HER in the space-planes beyond. |
Daughter of Light return from ARULU. |
Seven times and seven times |
have I passed through the fire. |
Food have I not eaten. |
Water have I not drunk. |
I call thee from ARULU, |
from the realms of EKERSHEGAL. |
I summon thee, lady of Light. |
Then before me rose the dark figures; |
aye, the figures of the Lords of Arulu. |
Parted they before me |
and forth came the Lady of Light. |
Free was she now from the LORDS of the night, |
free to live in the Light of the earth Sun, |
free to live as a child of the Light. |
Hear ye and listen, O my children. |
Magic is knowledge and only is Law. |
Be not afraid of the power within thee |
for it follows Law as the stars in the sky. |
Know ye that to be without knowledge, |
wisdom is magic and not of the Law. |
But know ye that ever ye by your knowledge |
can approach closer to a place in the Sun. |
List ye, my children, follow my teaching. |
Be ye ever seeker of Light. |
Shine in the world of men all around thee, |
a Light on the path that shall shine among men. |
Follow ye and learn of my magic. |
Know that all force is thine if thou wilt. |
Fear not the path that leads thee to knowledge, |
but rather shun ye the dark road. |
Light is thine, O man, for the taking. |
Cast off the fetters and thou shalt be free. |
Know ye that they Soul is living in bondage |
fettered by fears that hold ye in thrall. |
Open thy eyes and see the great SUN-LIGHT. |
Be not afraid for all is thine own. |
Fear is the LORD of the dark ARULU |
to he who never faced the dark fear. |
Aye, know that fear has existence |
created by those who are bound by their fears. |
Shake off thy bondage, O children, |
and walk in the Light of the glorious day. |
Never turn they thoughts to the darkness |
and surely ye shall be One with the Light. |
Man is only what he believeth, |
a brother of darkness or a child of the Light. |
Come though into the Light my Children. |
Walk in the pathway that leads to the Sun. |
Hark ye now, and list to the wisdom. |
Use thou the word I have given unto thee. |
Use it and surely though shalt find power and wisdom |
and Light to walk in the way. |
Seek thee and find the key I have given |
and ever shalt thou be a Child of the Light. |