People of Reddit, what annoyed you today?
Today while at the gym, I noticed that two men did not re-rack the weights after using the bench press. They just left them there and walked away not caring at all. That really annoyed me today. So I was wondering, what annoyed you guys today?
Mass Effect possibility map? Is this a thing that exists or am I dreaming too big?
So I'm at work with nothing to do, and to entertain myself I started writing out a flow chart of different outcomes in the Mass Effect series (Kaidan/Ashley on Virmire, losing squad members in the Suicide Mission, etc.) and I began to wonder whether something like this already exists somewhere. I'd like to think that BioWare has a master possibility map in the possession somewhere, but is there one published somewhere online? I'd like to see how ludicrously complicated this series is.
How can two different molecules exist in different states at the same temperature?
If temperature is defined as the average kinetic energy of a system, how can one type of molecule exist as a solid and another as a gas at the same temperature, yet the latter is moving exponentially faster? Edit: How can two different molecules be considered the same temp. when one species is moving faster than the other? Edit 2: I don't think I worded this properly, so here is a longer explanation. So, like I said, temperature is defined as the average kinetic energy of a system. With that being said, how can one species of molecule that exists as a solid at temperature "X" be considered the same temperature as something that is a gas at temperature "X" when the species that is a gas is moving much much faster? I understand that different species exist in different states due to intermolecular forces (hydrogen bondering, van der vaals, etc.), but what I don't understand is how are they considered the same temperature? Is solid H2O vibrating just as fast as liquid ethanol is moving at 0°C?
With 25 hours of traveling ahead of me, what do you think I'd like to listen to/watch?
I'm facing a long journey to NYC--France--Italy over the course of ~25 hours, and I'm wondering if reddit can help keep me entertained for the duration. My favorite bands are; mewithoutYou, Why?, modest mouse, comeback kid, pomegranates and Om, but my tastes are adventurous and pliant, so have at it! My favorite shows are; the chapelle show, doctor who, parks & recreation, anything national geographic-related, ancient aliens, and the mighty boosh--but I feel that I must disclose that I watch little to no tv/shows, so this is a vastly unchartered territory for me. My eyes are wide open. Other favorable modes of entertainment; reading (anything but awful romances!), writing, staring? Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Seriously. I've done this sort of traveling before, but I always run out of things to do by the 5th hour!
If you could wake up tomorrow and be any professional footballer who would you be?
~~Added /u/Icanhazcomment's rules~~ *Rules:* * Fuck that shit no rules! You can become any person for any reason.
FT: Silva, Shaggy, and Kopi (futures). ISO:List
FUTURES: These bottles have all been purchased and will be picked up on Jan 28th. I have 2 bottles EACH of Greenflash Silva, Sleeping with Shaggy, and Alesmith Kopi Luwak Speedway Stout available for trade. The greenflash beers are 12oz and Kopi is a 750ml. I believe Shaggy and Kopi have never been bottled before. In addition I have RR Consecration, Supplication, Temptation available for trade. I am also going to the Kern River CITRA release (Feb 3rd) and will likely have 6 bottles available for trade. ISO (just a list of things I've always wanted to try. By no means am I expecting everything, just offer whatever you have!) BA Hardywood Gingerbread Stout Founders KBS BCBSx ST Pumking BBA plead the 5th Hunahphu Darkness Zhukov Any other interesting barrel aged beers! Let's make a trade? Cheers!
I've spent about a year in the Pick-Up Community and with Self-Improvement all the while keeping a journal of everything along the way. I'm thinking about publishing it as a free E-book and PDF on Amazon, and was wondering if this something you might actually read
Contains a year of stories, the many things I've learned along the way, tips and tricks, and lastly my thoughts on pick-up including: -The Nasty break-up from what was my 3 year relationship with High School Sweetheart. -Transitioning to a whole new ballgame from how I met and dealt with girls in Highschool when I was kind of a loser and how to do it now in College at 21 with a fresh slate. -Thoughts on self-worth and self-actualization, becoming "you" again and being the best you. -My tips and tricks on cold approach, getting the girl's number, progressing, dating, hooking up, etc -My infamous trip to Austin and the "And then there were none" Foursome. -A weekend spent trying to get laid in Vegas - The Difference Between Reality and Fantasy: The story of when I had sex with a 40 year old woman - Finding and Believing in Love Again: How I met, pursued and ended up with a cheerleader from my University by outgaming the competition I think overall the E-book/PDF will be around 40-50 pages give or take. I just wanted to see if there would be any interest in reading some of this because I'm worried it may be too long. I really feel like I have a lot to contribute and could help a lot of people with the things I've learned, but would like to do it in one big way with all my thoughts, stories, tips and tricks in one publishing. It'll be free and on Amazon. Please give me some feedback if this is something you would be interested in reading. If so, I'm going to finish it up this week and get it published on Amazon for free download. EDIT: Seems to be getting a good response as far as interest is concerned. Leave a comment if you are so I can PM you when it's up just incase you miss it when I post the link on here Thanks guys.
[MOD REQUEST] Remove the ability to downvote submissions, in that good music will no longer be buried.
Though we all enjoy country, we nonetheless all still have different stylistic tastes. As it currently stands, worthy new submissions can be, and are buried quite often. In such a small community, every vote, up or down, carries more weight with it than is normally the case. If downvotes were to be disabled, submissions would be received by the community with more acceptance, which, in turn, would foster a larger quantity of submissions overall.
[UK] £300-400 Photo editing PC, help needed!
After browsing buildapc for hours and doing plenty of reading, I have come to the conclusion that I do not have a clue what I'm doing. I am trying to build a pc for my Dad who is looking to start a small photography business- he needs a new PC to edit his photos on. I don't need any externals (including monitor), just the rig. I understand CPU is the most important thing, and it is cheaper to avoid purchasing a GPU if I invest in a good CPU. That is as far as my knowledge extends really, no idea what to even start looking at once i'm swimming in motherboards, PSUs, etc etc! Would really appreciate some help putting together this budget system!
What could Obama actually do to end (the states right issue) pot prohibition, and (the military use of) drone warfare?
As I understand it, because the president cannot make laws, but acts as the final hurdle between a bill becoming law or being vetoed, and he, as far as I know, can't just change what our military chooses to employ in the field. Now that I write it out, I am not entirely sure the measurements of presidential power. How is it that Ronald Reagan was able to circumvent the law so easily, and able to do all sorts of dastardly things, while Barry struggles to work around a GOP blockade? Is it just a matter of hardheadedness and balls?
I just need a place to get this out there.
Things have been going amazing for me lately. I finally reached my goal to graduate with my AA and now I am in a University. I love it and I love what I am studying. I live with my boyfriend who just has the most beautiful soul and loves me with such tenderness... I hate living with depression because I hate that my brain just won't process the pleasure in my life. Today I took an interview--due to my anxiety, I was shaking like I leaf, but I landed the second interview tomorrow. Instead of feeling happy, I feel sick to my stomach. I have had depression all my life, but I was officially diagnosed when I was 13 although because of the abuse I did not receive any mental health care until I was nearly 21. So I know when I have crossed the point of "I'm a little upset" to "I am dangerously near spiraling." I stressed myself out too much over the interview, even though I tried meditating twice. Now all I have wanted to do is crawl in bed and not move, even though I know I am so much closer to a job I really want. 4:30 PM rolled around and I realized that the only thing I had eaten was two bites of toast and some almonds. That is a huge blaring red flag for me that my depressive symptoms are cropping up. I decided to try to go to subway, but I was just sitting there, shoving the sandwich into my mouth because logically I know that healthy people eat, but there was no pleasure. It tasted like cardboard. Suddenly I felt sick to my stomach and had to leave. I was just so *sad* that not only could I not enjoy my moment of triumph, but I couldn't even enjoy the simple act of eating. I know there are so many people like me, but all I want to do is isolate myself, which is another horrible symptom. I went to my doctor a couple of months ago and he offered me anti-anxiety medication and I couldn't take them. I was too frightened. I think I am slowly realizing that I may have to try them. Logically I know how they work, in fact I even have a Neuroscience course this semester so I know that all this is just caused by misfiring in my brain, but I'm just frightened. I am frightened that I will get worse. I'm frightened I will go back to the really sick person I was and I won't be able to crawl myself out of the hole the second time. I need to get my act together and see a new therapist, take the medicine, and start my healing all over again. My first therapist was right, depression is a life-long battle, you accept it as a part of yourself and you over come it as often as you need to to survive. I want to survive. Thanks for listening.
Need some guidance on building my first mobile site (not responsive)
I'm building the front-end of a mobile website. The actual website has been done, and this will just be the mobile part - different markup and design and not responsive. I've built a lot of sites but never anything exclusively for mobile. So I'm kind of lost as far as best practices are concerned. Googling around hasn't gotten me far - things seem outdated, and anything new is geared toward responsive. So I'm hoping anyone can give me a few pointers as far as best practices go. I should also mention that this is just for phones - tablets will be getting the actual website. Some things that I'm not sure about: - Can I just use the html5 doctype and build it like the actual website, or should I use XHTML? - Should I just have a 100% container to allow for devices slightly bigger than iPhones? - Should I do everything in percentages as apposed to pixels? - Should I use ems over pixels for fonts and/or padding, margins, and widths? - The site will have some js elements like datepickers, photo gallery slideshows, and accordians. Can I just use standard jQuery for all of this? - Should I use CSS3 gradients rather than sprites for background gradients? As far as I know, I can just build this like a standard web site, but with a smaller width. And also keep file size down as much as possible for everything. But I think there's got to be a lot more to it than that. Any advice on these questions or anything else is appreciated, or if you could point me to an up to date resource which has all of the latest front-end mobile info.
Does your car determine how you drive?
do certain vehicles make you drive a certain way...ie more cautious, more aggressive, more oblivious, more fucking inconsiderate jackass?
Honest question, how do I use my early entrance pass?
So I was one of the lucky fans to buy the Deluxe box set for Ascension and I've recently bought tickets to my first coheed show ever. Has anyone used the early access pass, if so do you just walk to the front of the line and show the dude at the door?
I'm pretty talented at the guitar. I've been wanting to learn the piano for a while, will knowing how to play the guitar give me any advantages as a beginner?
Also, I would appreciate if someone could recommend an affordable electric keyboard (That didn't seem grammatically correct). I'm mostly interested in the keyboard having a good sounding acoustic piano sound.
Questions from an 18 year old about condoms.
Hey BDP. Just found out that my dick's girth is way bigger than what I expected it, explaining why my condoms have always felt weird on me. My length is above average at 6.7 inches/17 centimeters, and my girth is at 5.9 inches. Thing is though, my girth seems a lot more "above average" in comparison to my length. After having looked through an online condom shop, I noticed that they had condoms that were way too long for me, but not wide enough. My worry is that I will find condoms that fit girth-wise, but will feel weird length-wise. Are my fears unfounded? Edit: thanks for the help guys. Imma going to try the Magnum XLs and see how they feel. Al
[H] List of games- Sleeping dogs/spades/CSS/Garry/FLT + more [W] list in side- game offers - MICROSOFT/Wii/WiiU points -Xbox Digital Games
* I also have Steam wallet * Age of Empires® III: Complete Collection * Alien Shooter * The Binding of Isaac * Cogs * Counter Strike source * Droplitz * DotA2x2 * Frozen Synapse x2 * FTL: Faster Than Light * Garry's Mod * Hitman: Blood Money * Hydrophobia: Prophecy * Nuclear Dawnx2 * Pat & Mat * Psychonauts * Red Faction Guerrilla * Frozen Synapse * Shadowgrounds Survivor * Sleeping dogs * Trine 2 * Toki Tori * Vegas: Make It Big * Warhammer® 40,000™: Dawn of War® II * World Basketball Manager 2010 * TF2 ITEMS * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Steam id * ~~ WANTS~~ * Xbox Digital Games * MICROSOFT POINTS Or 3DS code card are a BIG + Needs to be in US code form to be able to trade Wii or WiiU cards are welcome as well * sims 3 and dlc * other games that are on sale
[Gifted] DersEvvak for winning my random number contest. :D
Random Number Generated]( nobody had 39 so I counted down until I got a hit.. and that was on the number 32. [Congrats!.. I chose this because well.. yum.
Ketoer from the states, I want to try international snacks!
I'll send anything from the US. I have access to pretty much any American snack you can think of. Lets exchange!
How do you work minor muscle groups?
Just curious, how do you guys work minor muscle groups (calves, abs, forearms, traps)? Calves: Leg Press Calf Press 4xFailure (2nd and 3rd set are drop sets) Seated Calf Press 4xFailure (Heavy) Abs: Weighted Decline Crunches 3x25 (Hold for 10 sec at top of last rep) Weight Plate Side Bends 3x20 Forearm: Palms Up Barbell Wrist Curls Over a Bench 3xFailure *supersetted with Reverse Barbell Curls 3xFailure Traps: Dumbbell Shrugs 4xFailure (2nd and 3rd set are dropsets) I also hit traps indirectly with rowing movements and other shoulder exercises. How about everyone else? I've seen nice growth all around, I'm just curious how others go about working these muscles.
What was the scariest moment of your life?
So, What single moment in your life were you completely overcome with that adrenaline fueled shaking kind of fear?
Could you continue being in a relationship with someone that has cheated on you?
I've never cheated or been cheated on, but I'm curious about what is going through the minds of people that stay with those that have cheated on them. I personally would never be able to stay with the person, but maybe I'm just naive since I've never gone through it. What do you guys think?
[GIVEAWAY] 1 x Any game on Steam under $100
~~Hi all,~~ ~~It's time for the bonus round!~~ ~~With my other giveaway of Omerta - City of Gangsters]( coming to a close, and [Aliens: Colonial Marines finishing in about 12 hours, it's now time for you to select which game you want.~~ ~~In 24 hours from now, I'll be giving away 1 copy of a game under $100 of your choice via Steam.~~ ~~All you have to do is reply to this thread, no need to mention which game you want unless you want to to help give others ideas for their choice.~~ ~~Only those with accounts older than 3 months are eligible to enter.~~ ~~A winner will be selected at random in about 24 hours from now.~~ ~~Good luck everyone!~~ ~~**Be sure to check out my Torchlight II giveaway also!!**~~ ~~EDIT: **Someone made a good point that there isn't many games at the $100 mark on Steam. To counter this, I'll allow up to 3 games to be chosen to the total value of $100.**~~ Time's up! The winner of the $100 Steam giveaway is... **Liamb2179** I will be contacting them via a reply to their comment as well as a PM to get their Steam ID. Good luck to all those who entered in for the Far Cry 3 giveaway]( and [Torchlight II giveaway!
Gun owners of Reddit: Why do you feel the right to own a gun is so important?
I'm genuinely curious. I don't necessarily have anything against guns, but shouldn't an effort to reduce the number of people who possess something that's only designed to kill be something that we as a society can all get behind?
Was Aaron Carter ever as annoying as Justin Bieber is today?
Question also extends to Backstreet Boys/N*Sync vs. One Direction and all of those sorts of things.
HTC Sensation freezes unless plugged into computer.
Initially, my phone would suddenly be off. It's like I press the sleep button and it loses power or something. I'm not sure if it only lost power when it went into sleep mode or whatever. I have factory reset it, and now the issue is different. Like the title says, my phone now freezes unless plugged into my computer. If it's not plugged into a power source, or even plugged into an outlet, it freezes within minutes. The screen suddenly freezes and stop responding at all. The power button does not work during this freeze either and I must remove the battery to power off my phone. However, it does not freeze at all if it's plugged into my computer. I kept it plugged in for at least 15 minutes (i'm not sure how long it was unfortunately), but it seemed to be getting irregularly hot so I powered it off. I'm thinking it could be the battery. Any input at all is appreciated and potentially helpful. Thanks in advance. PS. If you know of a better subreddit to post this in, please let me know. :)
If Earth was 7x larger with only 2x the population, would there be more or less conflicts and technology?
Also there would be 7x the current natural resources and 2x the ethnicity. ** I often wonder what would our history be like, would humans have progress as fast given the higher isolation rate and more importantly would there be less human conflicts do to increase in natural resources. edit: would also be interesting if cities end up being the same size or bigger given humans affinity to cluster. edit: assume we have enough muscle mass increase to compensate for the increase in gravity.
How does reddit feel about infinite combos in EDH?
I picked up EDH about a month or two ago and have been having a blast, but recently saw some combos go infinite and instantly end a 4 player game. How do you feel about it? Does it detract from the game? Add more win-cons? Just a part of the game?
Weekly Discussion Thread 1-16-13
Feel free to talk about all things beards and cats in this judgement free zone!
Tenkeyless, Mx Brown, EU layout: Only Razer Black Widow ?
Hey Guys, im searching for a -tenkeyless -cherry mx brown -EU layout Keyboard. The only one i can find is the Razer Black widow tournament stalth edition. Does anyone from you know another keyboard that fits my criteria? Thanks! :)
DAE get scared easily after a night of heavy drinking?
I always feel a bizarre apprehension the day after after a drunk night that could last all day depending on just how drunk I got. Loud noises scare me easily, I'm much more jumpy, etc.
Well, my carelessness got the best of me. What now?
After picking d3 back up and enjoying a run through HC, I got my monk to 60 and dropped ~5 mil on gear a few days ago. Got into the spider area on act 1 inferno and after clearing the area thought it would be a good time to tab out. Waited 10 seconds to make sure nothing attacked me, did my tabbing thing and 15 seconds later I found that my character has died from spiderlings. RIP. Anyways, I'm a bit down after spending ~40 hours and a couple months of off and on playing of getting here. Should I start a new character right away? Same class or maybe a doc? I was debating just trying to sell a few more items to free up my stash first before really doing anything and thus let my anger at myself subside a bit, but on the other hand I really want to down inferno diablo before June of this year.
Weekly Healing Thread - let's talk UIs!
I'm a fanatic about my UI. I spend a ton of time tweaking it, revamping addons, etc. Here's my current set up. 10 man test mode for Grid. And a shot from LFR recently The LFR shot is a bit of a misrepresentation - I normally raid 10 mans and the first shot shows how that generally looks. But it does show combat highlighting, grid highlighting/icons, and DBM. I tend to use Clique for most of my raid actions, combined with some mouseover macros for less used spells. Shift 1-4 are all for major CDs, and D is always my dispel/decurse. It was moved here only because I was futzing about with Holy Nova, which I don't normally have glyphed. What you don't see: - WeakAuras. I just replaced PowerAuras with this addon a day ago, and haven't set it up yet. - Recount. I have it set to hide in combat, but it usually floats up near my mini map. - My left hand bar, which I use for things like food/flasks. It hides unless moused over. What I'm considering tweaking right now: - The bars. I want fewer buttons on my actual screen. - The HUD. I'm not 100% happy with it being in my face. - The tooltips. I'm probably going to install something that hides them in combat. - The range indicator in Grid. I don't like the white squares. So let's see your healing UIs! What are your "must have" ui components? Edit: list of addons I use for raiding: - DBM - Clique - Grid2 - Pitbull Unit Frames - Bartender - Recount - WeakAuras - IceHud - OmniCC - Mappy - TidyPlates
How much are genuine's worth?
Im trying to sell Genuine Distinguished rogue, Genuine Foppish physician, and Genuine Stovepipe Sniper Shako. How much are they worth in the steam market?
Trying to take action 13yrs later
So here's the deal guys.. I finally have decided I need to take some action on things. I have been addicted to this and porn since I was a teenager.. Probably for 16 or 17 yrs I just can't break the cycle though.. I was going to quit but I always found a way time and a place for this. I have been trying to stop myself with opendns on our home network and then it is always really easy to just deactivate it and let the porn through. I thought I would be okay at work and then I realized I could get anything on my cell phone, and end up failing again. My boss told me that I could work at home, and now my family goes out and I waste the whole day with porn when I should be working. I even asked my daughter to stay home with me so that it would be easier to fight it if someone is here but I just closed the door cause I was on reddit and there is nofap... And a lot of porn on reddit. Aaahh.. This is impossible and ruining my life !!!! It told myself i would quit when I got married, and that was 13 yrs ago. What is the key to getting through this?
Uuuuuggggghhh!!! (Studying problems)
](/twispecial) I only took my laptop and my books to my classes today, attempting to study when I could. Granted, it was risky to attempt to study in said places due to being moderate-traffic zone, but I'm in a freaking college building, dang it! It almost felt like everyone was TRYING to exacerbate my (diagnosed) ADHD by being as loud, noisy, and distracting as possible. It doesn't exactly help that the floors squeak in various places, either... [](/twiflap) I may be over reacting.. but honestly? I'm tired of everything distracting me since I was in 3rd grade. I want to be studious like my favorite purple poni... [ It was getting better for a while, it seemed, but I was lazy-ish and unmotivated at the same time... Now, I'm motivated, but increasingly distractable. Methinks psychiatry time...
How do I stop being so clingy to my GF?
I personally don't see it as a bad thing, I'm not overly clingy or anything like that. I just want to know if there are some helpful hints? Has anyone been in this position before?
What to do for a friend injured by police
I'm looking for some starting points and advice for a friend that suffered from excessive force from a police officer. The person is currently afraid to press charges, but I really think they should, so I'm doing some research on what it takes and what should be the first steps. I'm looking for basic but locally relevant stuff like what type of lawyers to talk to, recommendations, how much this process would cost, is it worth it? Details: The victim is from a Spanish speaking country and speaks English well, but not fluently and has trouble with fast English. They were confronted by a police officer brandishing a taser or gun, but didn't know what to do to comply. Multiple officers came from behind the victim and grabbed the victim by the shoulder. The victim reacted by pulling away and an officer responded by hitting the victim in the back of head with a baton or something. The victim was knocked unconscious and upon waking, was handcuffed and taken to jail, presumably for resisting arrest or something. The charges against the victim were all dropped in court and there is security footage of the event. Victim suffers from a cracked skull and brain damage, resulting in a number of symptoms both cognitive and physical. They are supposed to go talk to a surgeon but can't afford the expense at this point. They were doing fine with money, but the medical and legal expense that they are incurring makes it so that they are going into debt very rapidly and can no longer make ends meet. I don't know what happened to lead up to these events, but I feel that victim suffered from excessive violence. They are not a big or threatening individual, and weren't armed, just confused as far as I can tell. I don't think what happened is at all fair, so I would really like to know how to find/afford medical attention for the individual since I think the state is at fault for what happened to them.
Newbie, I had a Lucid Dream on the first try
I have never tried to lucid dream before last night. My boyfriend has been trying for some months and all his talking about it got me intrigued. So last night before bed I googled lucid dreaming and read up on different techniques for it. I wasn't convinced by all the time dedication it seems some people put into it. I never remember my dreams so I didn't have much hope, but I thought I'd at least make a small effort by making a dream journal. Well fast forward to this morning around 5 AM, my alarm clock wakes me up from a dream. I grab my phone and jot some notes down. After I wrote stuff down, I realized the dream I had was a recurring dream that I had never remembered before last night. I recognized a woman that is always in my dreams, but she's not a real person. So I then fell back asleep into a very similar dream. When I saw the woman again, I remembered she wasn't real and I knew I was dreaming. So then some awesomeness pursued. However my question is really about the after effects. When I woke up this morning, I felt a huge adrenaline rush. I felt incredibly aware of my surroundings, like my subconscious and my conscious were aligned. For the first time in a long time, I didn't even need coffee all day to stay awake (which is a miracle for me). Is all of this normal: 1) Lucid Dreaming on the first try? 2) The incredible sense of being awake and alert the following day?
Undskyld for engelsk, does anyone know what kind of adsl modem I can use with Telia brådband? The supplied equipment is horrible..
I have the standard 20mbs plan, and I have network needs which can't be met by the restricted Thomson router/gateway. I would ideally prefer a standalone ADSL 2+ modem so I can run a cable to a router in a completely different room of my flat. What I really need to know is what specs I need to be looking for in an ADSL 2+ modem for maximum compatibility with Telia's network (primarily which annex version) or where to find this info. I have googled the crap out of this but I am handicapped by the fact that my 3 months of Danish lessons haven't yet covered network hardware terminology. Bonus points if anyone can recommend a place to buy modems in Denmark. I have already contacted Telia with this question, but all they would tell me is that I am welcome to use my own equipment but they cannot offer support for it. Thanks!
I have a Texas instruments MSP430 (also arduino) and I'm trying to learn the basics of what I might do with it. What hardware could I likely find in my old electronics/computer hardware that I could practically use with it?
Perhaps some type of sensors are easy to find, that I could use wire to attach to pins and write some if statements around? I put arduino in brackets, as I speculate the same solutions would work with both? I'm not a programmer or an electronics guy, but I like to experiment and learn! Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
Has America ever had a domestic incidence where an automatic assault rifle has saved lives?
CLARIFICATION: where a non automatic assault rifle would NOT have been effective. EDIT: By a civilian not army or law enforcement officer. EDIT: Semi automatic rifles also included in question.
LFM, We are a low level group of 3.
We play often together and would like to meet and play with some new people. We all are 18 years old and play on US servers. We talk on skype if you would like to join, leave your IDs in comments. :)
What's the worst thing anyone has ever said to you?
I'm a paraplegic, so you can see where this is going... (In comments, as per the rules that I'll begrudgingly follow.)
How should I write my Auto Biography?
I'm writing an auto biography for my social psych class. I will also be presenting this in front of the class.
Are there any other women out there that have completed multiple rounds of p90x?
Hey- 22/f 5'4, and I just started my fifth round the first week of January. At first I felt weird that I haven't been able to find 3+ round ladies out there. I don't know if it's because I started at such a high weight and most women feel like they're done after 1 or 2 rounds. Even on the beach body forums, I didn't find anything. (I had started and failed a good.... three or four times a year before my first official completed round, only getting to the end of phase 1) 1st round: started in Sept 2011, at 310+/- lbs with a serious lack of exercise and terrible eating habits. Got down to 280's by day 90. (took a break over the holidays) 2nd round: started in Feb 2012, by the end I got down to 260s-250s. (took a break b/c of moving) 3rd round: started in July, and at the end I was down to 230s-220s. NO BREAK! 4th round: started in October and got down to 208 by Christmas. NO BREAK! 5th round: started Jan 2nd. I'm at 202 as of today. I say "ladies" because I was just interested if anyone started out like me, but I'd love to hear whether or not anyone who's completed several rounds, male or female, still loves it. I know I do. I'm not where I want to be yet.... so until then, I'm sticking with this series.
Need help on adapters and lenses
Hey, reddit. I'm planning to buy a few lenses from different brands; nikon, sigma, etc. I have a canon T4i and from what I know I need a lens adapter to use them. I read somewhere that the cheap lens adapters ($30 ones) can harm the camera/lens. What adapters do you recommend for which lenses?
Drama in /r/pics on whether -8 °C is cold or not, and other weather tough guy routines.
Thread in question. It all starts out innocently enough when /u/sqazm suggests -8 °C (17 °F) is not all that up to snuff. >-8C = 17F. >Not really that cold. Other particular bits in the comment tree. /u/vanabrus suggests it needs to be -30 °C (-22 °F) before it can be considered cold. >That isn't 'pretty cold' by any measure. >It's 'cold' but it's not that cold. >Edit: Fuck the downvotes! -8 isn't cold!!! Unless there's a windchill making it -30 C! /u/Hodgybeats90 agrees. >-8C should not make anyone shiver severely. -8C is not that cold unless there is wind. /u/Nuli disagrees that 0 °C (32 °F) could be considered cold--suggests 10 °C (50 °F) is "shorts weather." >I think your scale is broken. 0, depending on the day, isn't even particularly cold. I've often been out often in that temperature and haven't even needed a jacket. 10 is still shorts weather. /u/ILoveAMp challenges everyone on their polar bear routine. >I live ~50mins north of chicago, its been this temperature for nearly that past few weeks. >Its not that cold. -10F, plus some wind, now thats cold. >>Talk to me when you guys have a week of -40'c / -40'f weather. >>Sincerely, >>Saskatchewan. >>>Talk to me when you have had a -80C / -100F day with 60kph / 40mph winds >>>Sincerely, Vostok station Antarctica Edit: I accidentally Farenheit and Celsius.
Selling my old binder. Lv.X's. 100+Holos.
Looking to sell this binder for Paypal or cash over the mail. I also have 200+ rares that I can also sell and post pictures of if asked for. I haven't done any trades on here, but I did a lot of trades for pokemon/yugioh over Youtube, if that counts for anything. List of those references can be provided upon request. ALL CARDS IN THESE PICTURES ARE HOLOS. Please post offers below or, if you're not interested in buying, estimations of what it is worth. Thanks!
I lasted 4 days but i'm amazed at the change
I didn't quite believe what some of the posts were saying about women acting differently around you, but I have to say i think its true. Random chicks that ive never talked to before started talking to me. Although I only managed to last 4 whole days, I really enjoy being a fapstronaut and will definetly keep trying for 90 days.
I tried out Grindr today... wow, got pushed out lol... :-P
Some come with rules and standards and needs n wants in thier "about me" section; haha...Even the goofy nerdy gays..ignored me lol...I guess my area Fuckin sucks. My approach was simple, "hello...or...Sup" I got no Game :-\
Incredibly Fashionable Male at Work...
I'd like to give him compliments without creeping him out or making him feel weird. What do I do?
[INTRO] Hi... I'm new. Been lurking for a bit and decided to give it a shot...
Hey guys, I found this subreddit and it seemed interesting. I subbed to it, but haven't said anything here... yet. I've been observing all of the cool things people send each other and it seems like a real great place here!! A bit about me: I love classic horror movies, especially the 70's/80's era movies. Big Friday the 13th fan, love Italian horror movies and 80's slashers. That's my odd niche hobby that takes up most of my Wish List. I also love music, especially UK Drum n' Bass and Death Metal. I'm a friendly person aside from my strange hobbies :) I read through the FAQ and I started making my Wish List. I'm just curious though... it seems all well and good here, but what's the deal on privacy? I know I have to put up my address in order to receive gifts, but how safe is it when I'm putting it up for people to see? I know it seems a little silly, but I couldn't find anything in the FAQ that really addressed my concern. I'm just wondering how many people can see my address/information if I were to put my WishList up here, and how safe it really is. Thanks. Hopefully someone has a nice explanation and I can assure myself that this community is a good place to be :D EDIT: WOW! So many comments in such a short time! You guys are awesome!
Was told to post here from /r/iama so: IAMA 23yo Transsexual woman who has been in relationships with other transsexual men and women! AMA
Hi everyone! I was told that I should post an AMA so I'm doing as such. I'm a 23 year old transgender woman(Born male) who has been transitioning for 1 1/2 years now, living full time as a woman, In the past I've dated a trans man(born female) and another trans woman(born male) Feel free to AMA about my transition, my relationships or who I am in general. Proof:
Who makes the best pizza where you are?
This thread could become a universal reference. Just list your City, State/Province, Country? and who, in your opinion, makes the BEST pizza there, obviously if people agree they could upvote, and if the disagree they could rebut leading to pizza related discussions. This is valuable information for all us pizza connoisseurs...
American Ents, what's the deal with pipes?
I'm a Brit and we mostly just smoke joints and bongs on the odd occasion, so my question to you guys is: why do you all adore pipes so much?
Did the Bears *ever* run plays out of the Shotgun formation this past season?
I can't recall Jay being in shotgun much, if at all. With a horrible line you'd think we'd try to buy him time any way we can.
New board for cruising Australia
G'day Ladies and Gentlemen! I will be backpacking in Australia in March and my m8 who live in sydney informed me that somewhere close to his apartment there's a really well-stocked longboard and skateboard-shop. So I have a luxurious dilemma. What setup should I spend a ton of money on? Facts: I am roughly 6ft5 /195cm tall, weigh about 228 pounds (103kg or so) so I am no small person. I currently skate a Flex1 Loaded Tan tien with gullwing chargers and abec 11 classic zigzags 78a. So what I think I want is a board with less flex for some light downhill/slidefun. Nothing shorter then my TanTien in length. The flex1 tan tien is a little scary when going down hills due to the flex in combo with my weight. Right now I just use it for commuting (since it's winter atm where I live). I've looked at a few models: Original drop-freeride 44': Like the model, I like dropthroughs and it seems stable like a frekin tank. Landyachts switchblade 40.5': I like the dt + drop, looks cool. Not sure about not having the kicks like on the tantien/original. I've kindof gotten used to kicks. Rayne Supreme: Topmount but damn it looks amazing. A board my workm8 has and the width looks really lovely on it. Tried it once or twice and seems like something I'll have to get used to at one point or another. A little nervous about not having a DT since I am used to the drop of the tantien now. Pricedifference between these is almost nonexistent, about 10-15aud from cheapest to most expensive (rayne) with same setup. For the tech I'm thinking seismic landslides or abec11 freerides for wheels and I haven't settled on what trucks to get. So the advice I need is; What kind of trucks, wheels and bearings should I put on the one I choose (or the one they actually happen to have in stock when I get there)? *wall of text crits you for 9k firedamage"
Suggestions for a more open-minded sex life
My SO and I recently decided to move past our relatively tame, yet satisfying nonetheless, repertoire in the bedroom and are looking for some new tactics. We are willing to try anything, so I would like to ask you all for some ideas or tips on how to do these new things. Any ideas, no matter how kinky or out-there they are, will be greatly appreciated!
Quantum suicide and bouncing off the edge of reality.
Throwaway for obvious reasons. I tried. I mean I really tried. I sat in that little room with the little charcoal grill going for about 5 hours. Breathing deep and trying like hell to get to sleep. But it is fucking hard to get to sleep. About 4 AM I chicken out. Open the door, go to open the window and the I lose my balance, fall over and finally slip away. Enough gas escaped that I lived to morning when my mom came to visit. The predictable show occurred next. A month in intensive care followed by another 3 and a half in various recovery wards (respiratory, physio, and the loonybin). While I was 'out' I went through an epic journey inspired by Inception, The Matrix and "The Last Question" by Asimov. The entire journey could probably fill several books. Tales of fighting North-Korea style regimes, of post-humans having love affairs with their pets and even their plants. Smoking a joint with an young Aboriginal in an old car watching Star Wars aboard a stone boat powered by whale blubber. Shit of that nature. All these adventures were of my own design. I was told early on that the world I had just come from was just a form of entertainment for an ultra-powerful machine race descended from humans. They occupied many solar systems and amused themselves by making simulations like Earth. They said it was close. Too close to call at times I am told. Minutes counted. If I had not opened the window at the last minute, if I had managed to get to sleep, if my mom had not visited that day or was even just late, maybe even if I had not lived right next door to the hospital. At some point during my mind trip to the edge. I regretted leaving my Mom there. I think it was after liberating an African nation from the rule of a dictator modeling his rule after Kim Jong Il(He died a month later) that I decided to re-insert myself into the simulation I just left. It was just three lines of code in that reality. Along the lines of: Load_profile("mike") Wait(Sychronization = true) Begin This is keeping me up at nights. Am I the original mike? Did the future version of Google take pity on me, load up my final MRIs, look at my web history and all those terebytes of data I produced at my old job(kind of like Google street view for the DOT) and combine that with my genetic codes to come up with this analog? I find myself Smoking some weed and watching Cloud Atlas and being brought to tears trying to reconcile what I am. Am I a singular fleshy meatbag that just survived. Or am I a facet of "Google Sol System" or "Google Milky Way" (Virgo Supercluster, Universe, Multiverse)? Am I a random, unimportant NPC in some narrative or am the star having every time I pick my nose showing up on the Pan-galactic reddit of the year 2000000. I can't try to kill myself again. I'm afraid I would just end up bouncing again. End up back in that game-room lobby with a spectacular view of the Galaxy on the wall. They would laugh at me and joke about how that the 'mike' simulation is a rough one and why am I wasting time with it. So this was long and probably no-one would read. But I am trying to reconcile it. If I am a sim please just tell me. The monkey is tired of performing tricks.
A TrueCrypt container in unallocated partition space?
Say there is a windows partition and a linux partition on the drive. And in between maybe a few megabytes of unallocated space according to the partition table. And with the proper permissions/privileges those sectors could be modified directly (dd can do this, right?). So there would maybe be a descriptor text file holding a bunch of integers that are the sector numbers, not necessarily in order on the drive, of the TC container. And so TC could use this space, hidden not in but outside of the filesystem. Thoughts?
This is just a preview of my first mix ever. I'd love feedback and suggestions of any kind.
This is my first electro housey kinda mix. I'd love all of you to check it out and give me suggestions on how to make any party smoother and whatnot. This is just a preview, I'm having trouble on how to transition out of the last song. Enjoy and dance your heart out. Track list is 1. Flux Pavilion Feat. Example- Daydreamer 2. Robbie Rivera- Forever Young (Original Mix) 3. Zedd Feat. Matthew Koma- Spectrum 4. Zedd Feat Foxes- Clarity 5. Feed Me- Death By Robot Transition Times: 1. 3:33 2. 9:20 3. 12:32 4. 13:26 If you guys like it there might just be more of it :P
First time in Utah - suggestions?
I'll be out in Utah Feb 6th through the 11th for the first time. Looking to ski 5 days - suggestions?\ **Edit** Thanks everyone for the tips!
Redditors from countries OTHER than the USA, what country is a good place to start a new life?
As soon as my contract for the military is over, i want to move somewhere far away from here and start completely over. Do you have any suggestions on where i could go? I was thinking germany, since i know a *little* german and the culture has always interested me.
Anyone go to BC who would be willing to help a student carpool?
A friend of mine, she's saving for a car and has to take the bus but often ends up needing a ride due to her class times. If anyone has class around 10/11 M/W, would you be able to PM me? I drive her when I can, but my classes are at CSUB so it's a bit of a time-waste for me. *EDIT* I'm an idiot. She lives around stockdale / california, for reference.
1,000 Subscribers! Also, announcements.
Hey everyone! We've been growing very modestly for some time now, and I'm happy to announce that we've reached 1,000 subscribers today! Even better, we've done so without so much as a drama spat, or getting spammed with low-quality content. We have our ups-and-downs as far as activity goes, but what content we do see pass through here is usually insightful or informative. With that out of the way, let me make some formal announcements from our activity in December: * The /r/virtualreality Ad Design Contest was won by /u/gophercuresself for this submission]( they were awarded 1 month of reddit gold [here. Thanks /u/gophercuresself! * Our moderator selection process wrapped up in December with the addition of /u/Demograph and /u/Tsssss. Demograph was selected for the general mod position, and Tsssss for the design mod. With the addition of a design mod you can expect the layout to be updated some time in the future, but that will be done in our free time so it may take a while. In the meantime, feel free to use this thread as a formal location to welcome our new mods! * The Oculus Rift will be big in the news over the next few months, so feel free to share any information, demos, or videos that you happen across with the community. For those specifically interested in this device, be sure to also subscribe to /r/Oculus. If anyone has anything else to offer up, feel free to do so here. Thanks to all of you that contribute to our community -- your contributions help us move closer to the goal of being a true common ground for all things Virtual Reality.
Going to be in Chicago for the weekend anything thats a must do?
I'll be driving to chicago with my uncle from Massachusetts tomorrow and spend the weekend there before driving back. We're packing his stuff and bringing it back with us. He knows the city very well but I would just like to check in with everyone and see if there is any must do activities.
I'm fairly new to this game, any tips?
Okay let me start this off, I just came across this game a couple weeks ago and thought it was pretty cool so I've been playing it a lot. I want to get better though. My highest fame is 322 (I know its horrible) on a huntress. I just really got into it yesterday and got my first pot. I've had about 4 def pots at once, drank them and then died. That has happened about 5 times now. I know the basics but I want to get better at killing gods, and staying alive. I also would like to know what hot-keys are the best, and any other tips you guys have for me. Thank you for reading!
SWHC up 5.6%, why didn't it go down due to Obamas gun control measure?
It seems like it would send the stock down, why didn't it? Also Im glad I bought at 8.23 3 days ago. That's what I like to see:)
[H] Forge, Rock of Ages, NS2, M&M: CoH, X-Superbox, Assassin's Creed 1, More inside. [W] Offers.
* ARMA X: Anniversary Edition * AirMech 2 Gifts * Alice: Madness Returns* * Assassin's Creed 2 Deluxe Edition * Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition * Batman Arkham City: Harley Quinn's Revenge * Botanicula * Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare® * Call of Juarez™ * Chivalry: Medieval Warfare * Darkspore™ * Dawn of War Franchise Pack * Dead Rising® 2 * Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga * Doom Pack * Europa Universalis III Chronicles * Fable - The Lost Chapters * Forge * Frozenbyte Collection * Garshasp: Temple of the Dragon * Holiday Sale 2011 Gift: Pendulo Adventure Pack * Holiday Sale 2011 Gift: X-SuperBox * Ignite * Mass Effect Collection * Medal of Honor: Airborne * Might & Magic Clash of Heroes * Natural Selection 2 * Orcs Must Die 2 - Complete Pack * Painkiller Hell & Damnation * Prince of Persia Complete Pack * Red Faction Guerrilla * Rock of Ages * STAR WARS® THE FORCE UNLEASHED II * Sleeping Dogs * Star Wars The Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition * Steam Community Beta Access * The Haunted: Hells Reach * The Hitman Collection * The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition * Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® * Toy Soldiers Inventory listing by TradeStarter My Wishlist is a rough guide. I might even have some games on there already so check in with me first. Not interested in DOTA 2 or TF2 items.
Finally got a smartphone! An otherwise tech-oriented fellow wondering what the heck to do with one of these.
Yep, I'm normally quite a broke and unsocial individual--and so I've been kicking along with a Tracfone for several years now. Well, I got an Amazon gift card from my dad and promptly decided to use it to upgrade to a phone my lil bro had been telling me about--a holiday-special Pantech Crossover (Android). So for $60, I got a phone with $25 on it (only good 'til the end of the month, though--and I doubt I'll be making that many calls in the next two weeks). Considering I got a $50 gift card and would have put at least some minutes on it anyway, it's like I got the phone free for Christmas! Well, I've been messing around with it for the last couple of weeks now, and I couldn't figure out how to get that My Little Pony app because it wasn't showing up in the store. I randomly found the website for the app on my computer; and since my Google was linked to both computer and phone, it gladly notified me it was *not compatible with my phone.* Oh, the tears! Oh, the agony! Even though the first thing I did upon getting the phone was try to do updates with it, I had no clue that AT&T decided I would have to manually upgrade the thing--a deliberate decision on their part. Since I hadn't really put anything on yet, I had very little to lose in trying. And lo and behold--MLP's showing up in the shop now! Haven't started it up yet, but I imagine I will when I have time sometime this weekend. (I've heard there's a way to hack the game so you can get those notoriously expensive gems and then set to work building a town of your dreams with only progression holding you back...) To be honest, though, I've abhorred recent advances in social networking--I held off on getting a Facebook for years and rarely text, feeling that they're not legitimate ways to reach out to people you care about and more like OCD time-sinks. But pretty much everyone I know has a smartphone now...and I did want some smartphone-only games (the standout for me was Plague Inc.)...but now I don't really know what all I can do with this thing. My hermit-like tendencies have caused me to lose all touch with social reality, and now I gotta get back in the game before I graduate college this May! (Note: I'm actually close to 30 years old--to all you dropouts out there: Going back *can be done!!*) **Any clues for this hapless hermit?**
270+ to 190: The Journey so far
Here's my album, go from top to bottom: So in 2008, I had a fairly good, but very sedentary job where they fed us lunch. I have always been a bit pudgy (a combination of a little bad genetics, a lot of laziness, and a nervous eating habit), but I really started to balloon upwards. One day, I went into the Dr's for my first yearly in several years, as I had been mostly too broke to go for years. What the found finally scared me enough to to something. Elevated liver function, some strange cardiac behavior, and so very scary looking deposits around my liver. It's taken a LONG time, but I've managed to really change both my eating and exercise habits. I'm still a little way from where I wanna be, but I'm pretty happy with what I've done so far! EDITS: I am 5'11"ish. What I Did: We(my wife and I) started with Weight Watchers. A good program, with some decent slow progress. The biggest thing I took from WW was learning portion control. That was for awhile. When I got back out of school and to my current job, there was a lot of food laying around in common area, and I started to slip. We've recently switched to a Paleo type diet, and started bikram yoga, on top of my daily cardio/weights
Second opinion on inlay and fillings?
I just went to a new dentist today and left with $800 of suggested work. They found a few small cavities that they recommend filling. A previous dentist told me about a year ago that I have a small pocket on my tooth but that it wasn’t worth it to fill it. If I’m going to have to get these filled eventually I don’t mind doing it, but it is possible that if cavities are small, I’ll never need to get them filled? Second thing the dentist suggested is a ceramic inlay to replace a cavity filling. I suppose the alternatives would be to replace it with non-ceramic or leave it alone? If anyone is willing to look at my x rays, work plan, and share their thoughts, I would really appreciate it. This is the first filling related work any dentist has suggested to me in 10 years so I’m a bit suspicious and out of my element. Thank you so much, you guys are super helpful. Links to docs:
Looking to do a Rift project similar to Sleep No More. I'm looking for a game producer.
The only thing really similar to what I'm trying to do is Immersive Theater and Dear Esther. You can ask me more about it in the comments. EDIT: These are some excerpts from my plays:
How to deal with lack of physical contact
So... lots of the break ups I see have so much to do with lack of physical contact and sex. I thought we could come up with a list of things that can help that. I know how important physical contact is - not just sexual, but touch in general. How do you deal with the lak of physical contact without resorting to cheating or being inappropriate? My relationship is 4 years old - all long distance. Neither of us has cheated and never will. I choose to believe that we can deal with lack of sex for periods of time because we all have self control. We can control our sex drives so that we don't hurt the person we love most in the world besides ourselves. I have found a place in town that offers fully clothed massages in a large room with other people for $25 an hour. It is a nice treat for me after a long day at work when I have had a rough day and no one at home to rub my feet. Any other ideas?
Developers of Reddit, any advice on pop-quiz technical job interview questions?
I kind of suck at the part where they ask "I would like to ask you a few technical questions." This is when my brain just flat out freaks out. It's stuff I definitely know, usually things I use on a daily basis but being put on the spot like that is really nerve wracking. Thinking when someone staring at you is just too much pressure. I do awesome when they send an assignment, or a quiz I have to answer on a computer or something, I just have a hard time thinking when someone stares at me. Any advice?
Who traveled in Midieval Europe?
As a layperson, my understanding is travel was limited to royalty/nobility and people whose professions depended on travel, so my list is something like: * royalty/nobility * merchants * bards/traveling entertainers What am I missing? (I'm looking for some interesting professions for characters in a novel, thanks in advance!)
How can I correct my Co-Worker about my name?
The man next to me is Alex. She for whatever reason calls me this and I'm not sure how to tell her that that's not my name. She's new and doesn't talk to anyone else so theres no one else to tell her. Also, I have a tiny workspace and nothing with my name on it. I am also the most socially awkward person to ever live and have spoken to women on less than 20 instances.
If there were a twenty-first century rendition of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, who would you like to see on the roster?
For those of you not up to speed yet, "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" is a cadre of fictional characters who each individually appear in their own stories which take place in the Victorian Era. However, more often lately I've been wondering who would be on the team if the story were to take place in the modern era. I've compiled a few suggestions as well as the films in which they appear. I'll be using the character name as opposed to the name of the actor or actress. * Edward Morra - Limitless * Bryan Mills - Taken * Evan Treborn - The Butterfly Effect * Selene - Underworld * Quentin Beck - The Rundown * Lisbeth Salander - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo I would love to hear more input on this whether it be suggestions or omissions, but all in all, I think I have a pretty keen little core group. I'm just not sure who the villain or nemeses would be.
Is it possible for me to accept that I may not ever turn out to be the person I want to?
This song stirred up some emotions for me, and I realize I may be never the person I want to be, how can I accept this? I have suffered with depression for almost... two and a half years? holy shit has it been that long? I have self harmed in the past, and this is affecting my relationships as I struggle to stay happy. The self harm stopped about a year back, with rare, but occurring, relapses. (For lack of a better word). So yeah, still depressed, no self harm right now though. I need to get out of this now, I don't want to be like this for the rest of my life, I'm only 16. I have always struggled with relationships, and the cloud of my past of self harm and depression is really dragging me down. Any advice to break the habit would be hugely appreciated. I can't even begin to describe how much I need this. Sometimes I feel like all I have left is music, and one day, I'm scared not even that could save me. I want to know if I can ever accept that I'm not the person I want to be, or will I always been beat down? I can give more details in the comments if someone wishes. Thank you.
[Halo 4] Issue: I have no voice related sounds in my gameplay (Announcer/In-game dialogue/etc.)
I've searched and searched, but I've only found references to replaying videos in the theater. I constantly have to enable subtitles so I know what the heck I'm doing in Spartan Ops (seriously, why does this setting always revert back to automatic?). During multiplayer, I don't get any announcer sounds and it seems like other (environment) sfx are missing as well. Any ideas?
Flying out to Ontario, Canada from England this summer for 11 weeks. Looks to make a friend before I get there! 19/M/UK
Like the title says, I'm flying out to Canada this summer! I've got a job for the summer coaching football (soccer, to my American friends) and I'd really like to get to know someone in Ontario before I get there! Personally, I'm a very confident and sporty person, I love football, badminton and running. My other hobbies also include reading, socialising with/making new friends and video gaming. Hit me up if you're interested!
Workers of Reddit, Should I be worried I didn't get the job?
Got an interview at McDonalds this past Monday, had the interview then the manager or whoever interviewed me said that they were doing interviews all day and they would be in contact. Should I be worried that I wasn't offered a position right then. Also, for those that work, how long did it take between the interview until you were actually hired?
Question about Snape's worst memory and how the Pensieve works.
So I am currently listening to the audio book of OOTP, I havn't read it for ages and one thing made me wonder. When Harry goes into the pensieve when it is in Snape's office he starts off in the exam hall. Now he see's his dad and Sirius and Lupin and goes over towards them and listens to an entire conversation they are having amongst themselves, even though its Snape's memory and Snape himself is immersed in his exam paper. Even when Harry follows them out to the lake, it is awhile before Snape actually gets involved in what is going on. So what I was wondering was, that if its Snape's memory then surely it wouldn't have other peoples in depth conversations you could just listen to unless the person who's memory it was actually heard it themselves?? Every other time we see the memories in the pensieve it is usually a direct conversation with a person. This just really bugged me this time that Harry could hang out with his dad and hear what they were talking about even though it cant be in Snape's memory. What are other people's thoughts?
Know anybody looking for a housemate?
ETA: Found a place! But thanks for all the offers, you guys are great and for everyone looking for a housemate/sharehouse, good luck! If anyone wants to hang out though, would love to meet up! Hey! So I'll be moving to Canberra from Sydney this year to work for the government and I've been looking around to find a place to live. So far, allhomes.com hasn't yielded much success and I'd really love to find a place as soon as possible. Are any redditors here in search of a housemate or know anyone who does? I'm a 22-year old lady who's easygoing, clean and friendly, loves board games and movies and respects others' privacy.
Advice specialized carve comp 2012 or carve pro 2012 same price?
I can get the 2012 carve pro (spec](#specs)) model for the same price as the 2013 comp ([spec just looking for some pro/cons specifically about the components sram/avid elixir vs shimano but any insights welcome.
Before my untap phase can I cast a spell?
Am I allowed to cast a spell before my untap phase? So after the last player's end step and before my untap step. I ask only because of Aurelia's Fury. Would I be able to cast that before my turn and use the available mana I have before untapping so that my opponent is unable to cast anything on my turn.
Out of interest, how do you style your hair?
Just wondering. I wear a headscarf and I want to take it off soon but my hair takes me too long to look vaguely presentable. I fear I will never leave this pashmina prison.
IAE worried about EDC Chicago
It seems, from looking at the posts all over Facebook and the event wall, that the attitude of the people going is absolute shit. One of the core components of a great EDM festival is a great attitude from the audience. From what I can tell it's all hardcore gangsta-ish attituded people and guidos. Am I the only one? Anyone go to NYC and have an attitude problem from other people?
Chrome is laggy and slightly unresponsive when handling any task.
Windows 7 home edition 64 bit, 3 core 3.3ghz a pop. Chrome build Version 24.0.1312.52 m It takes roughly 5 second per command for the browser to respond. Any suggestions? I have the brain only a mother could love. Simple system restart fixed it.
Just starting to work out and so far I feel like I'm going to pass out every time.
Hi there, i'm 22, 125LBS and 5'6. I am skinny, but I can do 6 push ups tops and I can't run to save my life. I have tried the gym and just 10 minutes on the treadmill made me pass out. The gym intimidates me, but that is okay because I am going to do work out videos now. I have started the 30 day shred/ ripped in 30 by Jillian Michaels. I like it because it shows me exactly what to do (at the gym I would just dick around, do a few sit ups and be done... weight rooms scare me). The problem is I have to pause because I feel like shit and get nauseated/ light headed. I usually eat cereal or toast before with a glass of water and wait 30 minutes to and hour but I feel that eating is making me nauseated. If I don't eat it is worse. Should I be eating something else? I feel I can't give it my all with this. And when I do push ups I only can do like 4 really good ones then they go to shit. I have to pause the DVD like 6 times to complete a 20 minute work out (I do find level 1 and 2 of the shredded in 30 easier than level one in 30 day shred). The DVDs say to not stop, and I am afraid I am going to be disappointed in my results if I keep on taking breaks. I am not looking to lose weight, I want to maybe tone up and be stronger because I am extremely weak. I also want to have better endurance so when i join soccer I can actually run up the field and maybe get the ball instead of failing the team and being the worst player on the team. I work shift work (12 hour nights and days) so I wont really be able to work out when I work (I have 3-5 days off in between). I also wont work out weekends (i usually work them anyway) I have off because my boyfriend is home and will spy on me and its embarrassing. Will doing the DVDs 3-4 times a week help me? Please help!
Hey everybody! I'm new, and have a question regarding fruit...
I'm a college student, and I started keto the day before the spring semester started, which was 1/6/13. I've lost about four lbs so far, which I'm excited about, but I'm assuming that's mostly water weight. Anyway, on to the question. I have early morning classes, and I am NOT a morning person, so I tend to do breakfast in the quickest/easiest way possible, which for me so far has been grabbing a banana and a bottle of water on my way out the door. I eat one a day and it's the only fruit I eat; other than the bananas I average about 15 carbs per day. Is the banana going to screw me up?
F03/NV - Why can't you use explosives to open locked doors?!
I'm playing F03 again with an Explosives/Unarmed/Melee character. I have low-ish Lockpick and terrible Science skill. My character is basically a strong brute who just wants to blow things up and ask questions later. It just occurred to me - WHY CAN'T I SET MINES OR SOMETHING TO BLOW OPEN LOCKED DOORS! Even if this was a perk or a skill you could learn from an NPC (i.e. Ranger Takedown), this would be so awesome, not to mention more realistic, especially for those crappy wooden doors, chain-link gates, etc.
[USA,NC] [H] 14k White Gold 1/4 ct Diamond Engagement Ring [W] $$$ paypal
Will post pictures as soon as I get back to my house. Bought this engagement ring before Christmas for my now ex-fiancee. Paid a little under 400. Asking 250 OBO. The ring Getting my own pics up shortly
Questions about UK piercers.
Hi, I'm a bit of a lurker here but I have a question about this piercing company I found in th UK. Has anyone heard of them, or know of any reputation they may have. A friend of mine has been there, and said it was good, but I dont really want to risk it. Thanks guys :)
Anyone interested in an all-ages meetup?
Gauging interest. I was thinking like 6:30 or 7 on a Friday or Saturday at Level-up since it's all-ages until 9, unless someone has a better idea. Thoughts? Edit: Will probably set up something for mid-Feb.
Is crate training a good way to train my new dachshund puppy that I am getting in a few weeks?
My boyfriend and I both work normal M-F jobs. I've heard mixed reviews from people, but most of them haven't had a dachshund. I'm just curious on what your opinions/experiences are when it comes to training my miniature dachshund.
[Request/Help] Victims of Fire now have a new issue. The family is being fined by the city.
The family is being fined by the city for the pile of rubble and debris in their back yard, they must either pay a fine or a dumpster. Can we please help. The fine is $250.00 and the dumpsters is priced around $267.00. Can we please help? It is appreciated, it really is.
NVIDIA Rivalries PC Tournament live stream - 1:00pm PST 1/19
First match is a wildcard play-in: Oregon State University vs Eastern Carolina University. Winning team gets a ~$3k PC for each player, 5 PCs total, and a donation of computers to their school. Link to Twitch stream: # Link to Tourney site: *edit* Posting this early as I feel like if I posted it a couple hours before like in r/nba or r/soccer I don't think many people would see it. Us PC players need support for more tournaments :P
Using the 'hey' opener at high school
I've read that a simple "Hi." or "Hey." is a good opener. I want to try it but I'm a bit skeptical because what do I say afterwards? If I start with a comment about her (ie. "hey nice job on winning the volleyball tournament" or even "hi, I really like your earrings/whatever") it's easy to start a conversation. However, using just the "Hey" leaves a blank after she replies. I can ask what class she goes to, what's her name etc. but I feel like that's just taking value instead of giving value and making her want to really engage in the conversation. What would you guys do in this situation?