Does anyone know how to block a user when a user role expires in Drupal 6?
I am using the Role Expire module to automatically expire a role based after a period of time. I want to create a way to block a user after that role expires. Does anyone know of a way to do this with rules or maybe programmatically? Thanks in advance!
Looking for a possible roomate!
Heelloo, I'm xJaneenx, or, in the real world, Ginae. I am a 20 year old female (21 in two weeks) I go to Tacoma Community College for Computer Programming/ Computer Engineering, soon I will be transferring to UWT, maybe. I do not have a job, only student loans, financial aid, and whatever my family floats at me. I've never had trouble paying rent. I am easy going, clean, and besides just looking for a place to live, I'm also looking for a friend (Does that scream desperate?) Someone I can chill with, go to the bar with, have a few drinks, a few laughs, play video games with, etc. That'd be cool. So, if you're looking for someone to help out with the rent. Message me! P.S. I'm a vegetarian, but in no way will I push that onto you. Bacon is delicious, I get it, no biggie. I smoke, but I will not smoke in the house/apt or near the house/apt if that is what you wish.
can't make nmc textures work windows 7
Even tried manually file replacement... nothing does anything everything else in nexus mod manager works, I've been following gopher's tutorials and can't make any of the levels of textures even try to appear.
27 [M4F] Anywhere - Just found out my wife cheated on me for a whole year and need some pick-me-ups
To make an incredibly painful story short, my wife confessed to having an intimate and emotional affair with another man for a whole year behind my back. Our marriage was not perfect, but had honestly been going very well in its entirety. Even after admitting to the affair she said I was the perfect husband and that she wanted me back. The only reason she cheated was that it was a guy that she spent too much time with and became attached to but "I am better in every conceivable way". Obviously I am pretty distraught and not sure what my choice is going to be, but I figured I would put it to you all to see who had the best idea to cheer me up. EDIT: Thanks for all of the well wishes. They come at a time in my life where I needed them most. UPDATE: Wife is even more confused about what she wants. Suggested an open relationship (for just me) or to just screw around, although I am not sure that will help the reconciliation plans. But she was pretty adamant about it. Would it be nuts for me to do something like that (more harm than good, that is)? If it truly makes her feel better, I supposed I am not entirely opposed. I just worry that she is trying something to push me away. God damn women, why you so confuse!?
Should I tell my son's grandparents that he exists?
I will try to make this as short as possible. And I hope that I'm posting in the right spot... It's my first time. I apologize. I'm a single mom to a two year old tot. My son's father has seen our child twice, for a total of about twenty minutes combined. He hasn't told his parents about our son. I've struggled and stayed up with the thought of whether I should take it upon myself to tell them. I understand (to a degree) and accept that my son's father doesn't want to be involved (other than paying child support for about a year). I don't want him involved if he doesn't want to be. I don't want to force him. We have a custody agreement and he's never bothered using it. However, I would like to give his parents the opportunity to be involved if they wish to be, as much as they could be since they have moved to another state. What keeps me from telling them is: His mom didn't like me. I honestly don't know why. We were together for five years, and she just never liked me from day one. (His dad never had a problem with me however, or at least never made it known that he did.) Also, I don't know if this would piss off my son's father if I told them. And I'm honestly scared as to what could happen if I did tell them and pissed the father off. Last, but not least, the fear of rejection. What makes me think it may be ok to tell them: My son's father has two other kids: one older and one younger that the grandparents are involved with. Two other mothers. I picked a winner, I know. Anyway, I know for a fact that the grandparents were great with the oldest son. Part of me feels that it is the father's responsibility to say something, not mine. Part of me feels that my son does not deserve to be some "dark, dirty secret." I want my son to have a family. I want him to have as much support as possible. I want him to have an opportunity to know where he comes from. But, selfishly, I'm scared. Sorry for rambling, but I'd like, possibly need, unbiased opinions. :\ TL;DR: I want the best for my son, but I don't know what that is.
[H] Castle Crashers, GTA IV, Darkness II, Sleeping dogs, many others [W] Hitman Absolution DLC, Sleeping Dogs DLC, Payday DLC / Offers!
Here is my list of games! I love Offers! (No Wankers!) * Borderlands GOTY Key * Batman Arkham City GOTY * Magicka * Magicka Vietnam DLC Key * Cthulu Saves the world Double Pack x2 * Castle Crashers * Civ City:Rome * Humble Indie Bundle 7 BTA Key * Just Cause 2 Key * Metro 2033 Key * Red Faction Armageddon Key * Red Faction Guerrila Key * Red Faction: Armageddon Path to War DLC Key * Serious Sam Classic 1 * Serious Sam Classic 2 * Surpreme Commander 2 Key * Sleeping Dogs * The Darkness II Key * Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War Steam Key * Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Key * Payday:The Heist Cheers everyone! Happy trading!
What tensions existed between Berbers and Arabs during the period of Islam's rapid expansion?
What tensions, if any, existed between the Berbers of North Africa and the Arabs during Islam's expansion out of Arabian Peninsula?
Love of trees cost me my job today (random vent session)
Hey. So this is my first every reddit posting thing and I just needed to vent a bit. Two weeks ago I started a new job. I work in the animal medical field and have never ever had to take a drug test. Ever. I love my job and would never go to work under the influence so no boss ever knew or cared what I did in my off time. Imagine my surprise when I'm told I need to take a urine test on my second day. I decided to come clean with my office manager who assured me that it would be fine, that she was glad that I was honest, and that she would do her best to get the practice owner on board with maybe retesting me once a month or randomly or something once I had 6 weeks to clear out my system. Flash forward to today. The results are in and I tested positive for marijuana metabolites. Surprise surprise. But instead of being given the chance to change for them (which makes me sad but I was willing to do it) I get canned on the spot. Apparently it's too much of a liability. So I could go home and drink myself stupid every night and come to work hungover but if I smoke a joint to relax and give me some fibromyalgia relief then I get fired. Cool. And the best part is that the two weeks I was there I worked my ass off and got told by pretty much everyone there how awesome I was to work with and how happy they were to have me. Thanks to anyone who read this. It's nice to be able to vent to some like minded people. My ent is being so supportive and I think a tiny little bit of him is happy to have his smoking buddy back since I stopped smoking the day I took the test. No other vet clinics around test (I know people that work at other places) so I'll be fine getting another job. It's just a bummer. TL&DR: I'm a model employee and got fired because of a positive drug test anyway :/
which green tea supp is best for cutting? Source naturals vs. NOW Foods (also stack advice?)
I can't make heads or tails of which to order. If I used NOW, I think I'd take 2 caps, but with Source Naturals I may take 3 (since 2 = 350mg and I read on examine it should be 400-500mg?). Advice on dosage would be appreciated too! I'm also taking: * 2g of L-Carnitine L-Tartrate * 10,000 UI of D3 * 3g of melatonin at night * 5g creatine monohydrate * ~50g protein (ON Gold Standard 100% Whey) post workout * 2 scoops ON Platinum Pre (4g L-Citrulline; 3.2g Beta-Al; 500 mg DMAE; 500mg Grape Seed/Red Wine Grape Extra, Bioflavonoids; 400 mg caffeine; 250 mg Capiscum Extract) pre workout I'm 5'8.5, 155lbs, ~8% BF just trying to push it a bit. I lift three times a week and play basketball a few times a week too. I'm pretty gunshy about going for an EC stack since I have a history of heart disease/stroke/etc in my family, but I'd like to know what I might add to help me cut safely.
Advice for improving my cardiovascular strength/endurance in preparation for Spring Track?
Hi, I'm 17 years old and want to enter Varsity Track at my High School this Spring. As a part of the 35 pounds I've lost over the past year Jogging or walking was the majority of my exercise. However, I know I'm not in the condition I need (nor would like) to be in in order to be competitive with other kids at my school. Currently, I've been running 2 miles every day on my treadmill (plan to run outside when its warmer), trying to increase my pace a bit every day. I figured I'd check in here to see if anyone would have advice on the optimal training regimen/techniques to kick me into the best possible shape in 30-40 days. All advice is appreciated!
Is it possible to run the beginner adventure with 6 players?
My beginner's box came in yesterday and I was wondering if it is possible to play the starter adventure with 6 players (including the downloadable characters on the FFG's website). I've only had time to skim the adventurebook, but i am worried the starter adventure will be way too easy if played with more than 4. I was wondering if there were people who have ran this with 4+ players and how they scaled the encounters. We come from a DnD(4e) background and I think this will be a great way to get players up to speed on the ruleset. Any tips are welcome!
In class the other day when...
We were sharing language differences around the country and some girl from Wisconsin said the call water fountains "bubblers" then i look back and see two kids snickering to themselves. I got a good chuckle and felt the need to share
What is the most awkward situation you've ever been in?
Due to the new AskReddit rule I must post my response on the comments. Mine is a story that has probably happened before but I don't give a dick. It was in 3rd grade and I went up to my teacher to ask her a question. I don't remember the question but when she answered it I turned around and said "Thanks mom". From that day on I was known as "The Boy Who Cried Mommy". Even now that I'm in high school people still call me that once in a while.
27 [M4F] Tampa - ISO Friends
Hi, never done this before. Looking for other redditors in central Florida to expand my network of friends. Me: emotionally unavailable yet tall, fit, and moderately attractive in the right lighting. Enjoy kayaking and being outdoors as much as winning several consecutive rounds on Battlefield 3. Single and no kids. You: preferably not crazy and enjoy being outside and exploring places around Tampa Bay with me without wanting a relationship. Message me for more info.
How do I ask someone that I havent see in awhile to hang out with them. I dont want to come off as if i want to date them, she has a bf
I see this girl in a hall maybe once a month and we have small talk. But I want to change that the next time it happens. How do I say I wanna hang out with them? We're acquaintances
What is something that, no matter how many times someone tries to explain it to you, you will just never understand?
For me, it's binary. I know that it's just 0/1, on/off, etc., but I don't get the function, the use, or anything else about it. I've had people try at least a dozen times, but it never clicks.
I'm just looking for ANY Train Simulator game. I heard it's an intense series, and I want to get in on it. Thanks guys.
[Keeper] Rank these players from top to bottom
[QB]: Cam Newton [RB]: Chris Johnson Fred Jackson Steven Ridley Doug Martin [WR]: Greg Jennings Marques Colston Wes Welker James Jones [TE]: Jimmy Graham Right now I have Newton, Martin Graham for my top 3, and I believe we are only keeping 2. Hopefully Cam has a better start this year, as I got him of FA near the end of the year. Eli did awful of course.
Help getting confidence back after a spill?
So almost a month ago, ironically, I was on my way to my dealership to get my tank cover looked at (the fuel cell expanded and cracked the tank sticker on one side) and in the middle of my turn to get onto the feeder, my bike lowsides, I tumble on the pavement, and my bike slides away about 15 feet ahead of me into the grass. (I think a lady must have bumped me or something mid turn because she stopped for two seconds, saw that I was still moving then sped away like the devil was on her heels) and luckily the truck behind her blocks the road a bit so I can get up without fear of being run over. The slide wasn't bad, maybe fell off going 20-25mph, and my right hand grip took the brunt of the damage. Long story short, 3 weeks later I get my bike back (with sweet ass V&H Black Widows pics to come later) but I have noticed my confidence in right hand turns is drastically bad. I get to the lean angle I was at during my spill and I get an "oh shit" feeling and on tight-ish corners I used to take going 55 through, I shit myself going 40 and have to force myself to not get target fixation. Anyone have any tips on how to get confidence back fairly quickly? Or should I just take a nice back road trip with some twisties to condition myself again? (pics of the aftermath, thankfully it was not all that bad, I was able to ride it to the dealership)
Best European EDM Festivals this Summer (2013)
Tomorrowland is my number one choice, but I'm worried I won't get any tickets. What are the other good EDM festivals in Europe? I'm flexible with when and where. Thanks!
This subreddit has been a little dead lately... How's everybody's season going?
Mine's pretty great! I had to take a week off because of a nasty cold last week (And I still have a lingering cough...), so I'm a little out of shape and sore and tired, but I just had a really good 7 mile run, so I'll be all good by the big state meets in a month. About a month ago, I ran my first ever 3000m race in 10:29, which I'm really excited about! But that's about the only race I've done well in so far, our normal dual meet track sucks, so I haven't PR'd in anything yet (unless you count a 2:19 800m leg in the 4x800). I can't wait until some of the upcoming Invitationals where we get to go to really nice tracks. And I'm pumped for the district and state meets! So tell me, how's your season been? Have you had any PR's?
Treatment for Bipolar Disorder in NZ - Cost
Does anyone know what the meds cost are to treat this, and how many trips to the doctor it takes before they will actually proscribe this? depression.org.nz and google don't really give me any idea. I haven't been to a doctor since I moved to Auckland a decade ago, so I would basically have to start from scratch as well. The whole thing is pretty scary and awful but I am finally at a point where I need to get this treated.
Looking for another like minded band to play with us on Saturday March 9th at Quenchers
My band, aboveandbelow, are playing a show at Quenchers on March 9th. We are playing with our friends Counterfeit i and Red Plastic Buddha, and we were looking for a 4th band to open the night. My band is a hard rock band with some psychedelic leanings, we have a couple of demos up here to check out Counterfeit i website Red Plastic Buddha website If anyone's interested get in touch
What's your top 3 strains? (Sativa/indica/hybrid)
Kind surprised I haven't seen this posted (if it has been I apologize for replicating this and will accept the down votes) My top 3 are Sativa - Blue crack (cross of blue dream and green crack) Indica - Ghost OG Hybrid - Romberry (romulan mixed with blue berry)
Good people of Reddit, even with the separation of church and state why do people still find the need to incorporate religion into politics?
I'm not hating on religion, this is a question I've wanted to ask for a long long time. I am just confused that some people get angry and flustered if something about religion is yanked from a state/national level i.e the "under god" part on all monies/in the pledge of allegiance even though it has not always been there. What are the reasons do you believe cause this Reddit?
I upgraded my MBP to 2 SSDs and I cannot install Windows 7 through Bootcamp using an external disk drive or USB.
The title explains were I am at. I would like to install Windows onto a partition but I get the blinking underscore cursor whenever I try the install with the DVD through an external DVD drive. I've made a bootable USB but it is not recognized by Bootcamp. I've tried booting off the USB directly to install Windows on the partition but I get "Insert a boot drive" whenever I attempt this. Any help would be appreciated!
Hypothetically, If Violent Video Games were proven to cause Violent Tendencies, what then?
WARNING: DEAD HORSE AHEAD -------------------------- I'm sure most of us are sick of talking about it. But mostly I see people debate whether or not there is a connection between violent games/media and acts of violence. I don't know if there exists a way to definitively prove/disprove a connection without other variables interfering with a conclusion. But, for the purpose of discussion, lets pretend a study COULD and DID provide believable and unquestionable proof that people who play violent video games are more likely to commit acts of violence. What then? How would we combat such tendencies? What options would there be to control violent media? ---- Again, I'm sure you all are tired of this subject. Perhaps this exact question has been discussed here previously, if so I apologize. But I am curious as to what you all think.
Is interfacing waterproof?
Google is surprisingly useless this time. I saw it mentioned in swimwear but.. I'm making a new mermaid tail and don't want to have to put plastic in the fluke. It's sharp and could break. I also wanna make a dorsal fin a different tail with interfacing and wire for shape Is it safe to put into swimwear and wash? I'm guessing washing is ok becaus elf one of my other projects has it but I'm making sure. It would save me time and money :3
Why don't we all go to 9gag?
9gag is so funny and specializes in le may-mays, especially good ones like rage comix and it is soooo funny!!! we should all go there because then reddit will be like FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Reddit, there was a man who commented about making an enhancement suit for facebook... what was it?
I can't find it through search engines. He claimed it could prevent Facebook from annoyingly changing the sorting to Top Stories. Thanks frequent, all-knowing redditors. Sub-question: Is it "redditors" or "redditers?"
What are some common phrases that you use that you feel add variety to everyday conversations?
When someone is explaining anything to me I like to use "I'm picking up what you're putting down." I think it lets them know I'm following along and is better than just nodding along. Side note. I had an Internship last summer and was bombarded by business phrases. The most common one was "We'll touch base with him/her later." I honestly could not walk from one end of the office to the other without hearing this being used in some way. This got so annoying that I started purposely misusing it and saying stuff like "Will you have time later this afternoon to touch each others bases." Reactions were always golden.
I want to record simple songs but I don't have a computer, what do you suggest?
Should I save my money and get a computer so I can then have garageband, and other recording software? Or can you make good basic recordings with a simple 4-8 track? The goal is to compose songs so I can then present them to the band as a rough sketch, not as a final mastered product. What is easier to use with a band in mind?
Am I allowed to have a turtle in the dorms?
I know we are allowed to keep fish as long as they are in a 15 gallon tank or smaller. Am I allowed to keep a turtle or are those not allowed?
Some questions from an incoming freshman...
1. I'm planning on majoring in advertising photography, can anyone tell me about the program? 2. Is there a good social scene at RIT? 3. Is the weather THAT bad? 4. If you had the chance to go to a different school, would you, or would you stay?
My best friends dad died this morning. He hasn't even cried yet and I don't know how to console him.
My friend is the type of person who bottles everything up and hates talking about it. What can I say or do to make him feel supported - is there anything I can do that will help?
Pittsburgh couple looking for new bull
We've been living this great lifestyle for a few months, but now our main bull is moving away. We're in our 20's in the Pittsburgh area, and we're looking for someone to fill in. Very interested in Asian, Indian, and Middle Eastern bulls, but of course anyone with the right attitude and equipment is welcome. We are open-minded and in-shape. Please no fakes. 18+ only. PM us or post here.
MindCrack FTB server- Need users! Whitelist
Starting a new Minecraft server. E-mail me your in-game name if you would like to come check it out and I'll add you to the white-list and e-mail you back the IP! Cropcrop95@gmail.com Edit- Sorry for lack of information. (For those of you that commented, the e-mail is strictly for server member acceptance. I've used it for that on all my old servers. If you are dedicated enough to go into a different e-mail and wait for acceptance, then I believe you not going to be a griefer). Now for the server info- 6 GB allocated RAM, up to 25 server slots runs from co-location on Windows Home Server 2008 MindCrack Pack, (Yes, Hard mode) Just looking for informed FTB players so we can get some cool stuff built.
Why did Cadbury even bother making resealable packaging?
It's a similar dilemma to porn sites having links to share videos via social media.
isnt it obvious or is it just me
well i was thinking that if its going to be called pokemon x and y im pretty sure theres also going to be a z or am i just overthinking it
Torrent site for e-books/college textbooks?
Hello all. I am sure that you have gotten this question before, but I am in need of a good torrent site for textbooks. I have checked out most if not all the sites recommended on ManWithoutModem's post, but none of them are cutting it for me, and the ones I'd really like to give a try are the private trackers. Wondering if you have any suggestions. Invites if there are highly recommended ones that need them would be welcome too. xD This is the link I was talking about:
What are these things on my vagina? Panic.
**NSFW PICS** Ok please help. I am going to the doctor straight away tomorrow, no second thoughts about that. Sorry for bad quality pic. But does anyone know what these are? They are small and a brownish/reddish colour. They aren't painful/itchy. I only noticed them when I was going to shave and now I am freaking out majorly. If anyone has any insight that would be great. But like I said, Dr tomorrow. Pic:
How to defend modern tight-ends?
Lately whenever I hear someone discuss one of the league's top tight ends (Gronk, Vernon Davis, etc), they say some variation of the phrase, "He's too big to cover with a defensive back, but too fast to cover with a linebacker." Is this really true? How do most defenses attack the physical-yet-fast tight ends of today? And also, why haven't we seen a new breed of superdefenders-- one thats big and fast enough to hang with a TE? Is it just that guys with those tools tend to end up on the offensive side of the ball?
I dropped my Nexus 7 and now have a 1in dead zone and wanted some input on ideas to fix
PPDA ^ (Professional Paint Diagram Above) Right after it happened the screen still worked fine, about 4 hrs later out of nowhere it just deadzoned so any ideas for that would be helpful however thats not the reason i posted. I thought there might be a way to change the rendered area of the screen to not include the dead zone. Im looking for input on how i might do this. I know resolution would also have to change but that is available in most roms. Thanks for looking I love my Nexus 7 and am going to buy another just looking for ways to make it the most usable till then.
Finally bought my own outfit :D
I finally got my own outfit, went the shop with my friend and we picked out the black dress with the sequins or whatever they are across the top, black tights, the gorgeous heels, and 2 matching knickers and push up bra. all for less than £45 :) The other 2 pictures are me lending a dress from my friend, and one where i tried her jumper and surprisingly it looked like i had little boobs with it just over my normal guy clothes. I had to use imageshack because for some reason imgur wouldn't let me upload outfit that I bought borrowed dress jumper I will be having more chances to dress now, and hopefully more of my own outfits :)
[Build Ready] /URGENT/ Prodigy build 900$ (need to place order really soon)
This is the continuation of my previously posted build, decided to go all out. PCPartPicker part list]( / [Price breakdown by merchant]( / [Benchmarks Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor | $189.99 @ Microcenter **Motherboard** | Asus P8Z77-I Deluxe Mini ITX LGA1155 Motherboard | $179.98 @ SuperBiiz **Memory** | Crucial Ballistix 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory | $53.99 @ Newegg **Storage** | Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive | $69.99 @ NCIX US **Video Card** | Gigabyte Radeon HD 7950 3GB Video Card | $289.99 @ NCIX US **Case** | BitFenix Prodigy (White) Mini ITX Tower Case | $79.99 @ NCIX US **Power Supply** | OCZ ZS 650W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V Power Supply | $92.98 @ NCIX US | | **Total** | Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available. | $956.91 | Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-01-17 08:48 EST-0500 | (the PSU and RAM ar just to give an idea, i'm getting good deals on them in France and the PSU will be the 550W version) The build will be used for gaming (bf3, planetside 2, Skyrim, LOL, SC etc) and is supposed to be OC ready (with the extra cooling etc). So my questions are: * MOBO decent enough? * The choice of 7950 okay? * memory, ram is ram right? * i will also be ordering mostly from NCIX, any thoughts? As stated in the title i'm in a rather sorry state of urgency; i'm currently in France and have a friend bringing parts over when he gets back from the states which is relatively soon so i have to order ASAP. Thanks in advance to those who take the time to answer and help out! EDIT: updated ram, psu and MOBO
[Q] Vote Manipulation on /r/TF2Trade
What is the moderators stance on vote manipulation to get to the front page for more visibility for a trade? I see threads all the time that this happens to and I have even been offered some tf2 items to up vote certain posts to give them more visibility on higher end trades/shops. Has this been addressed before? I think its very obvious what some people do and i see it countless times a week on this subreddit.
[REQUEST] Xbox Live 48 Hour Code
I'm getting Battlefield 3 as a late Christmas present but I have no Live, if anyone has any code they can spare that would be amazing. Thanks!
What is the reason for the success of greed, and fall of caring?
Everything that is motivated by greed is successful, food, technology, houses, cars ect. And everything out of care is just horrible, education, public health, poverty, unemployment, regulations ect.
Can you help me with thinking of creative answers to my college app?
Describe yourself in three words: Favorite Food: Favorite fictional character: Greatest invention of all time: What do you like to do for fun? Role model: Favorite book: Best movie of all time: Favorite musical performer/band or composer: Dream job:
What are silly things you did as a (pre)teenager out of self-consciousness?
Example: I used to save and reuse plastic bags from "cool" stores to carry my gym clothes to school. None of that grocery bag stuff.
Looking for DnD players in Victoria, BC.
Looking for some DnD players to join in with here in Victoria. I've only played once, but it was a blast! None of my friends here are into it, so would love to meet some new people who know what they are doing. I'm 22 and a University student, into video and board games as well as working out. Drop me a line
New Raid boss, Dexiduous (YOTESLAYA)
YOTESLAYA explains how the new raid boss works and how to spawn him. -
"so you're the one that's going to write a book?" -Gary
During wrap up today Jason mentioned that he had a list (in his mind) and on his last day he would be dishing out the goods on the airways. It really sounded like Gary was pissed when he asked if he was serious. I wonder if Jason's golden boy status could come under fire for this comment. Back office radio could definitely be interesting tomorrow.
I've got a really pretty sewing pattern yay!! However I don't know what size. Help?
I bought a sewing pattern off of ebay, its exactly what I needed I'm so happy!! However, upon reading it I found that it refers to UK sizes 8 -18 in the patten and instructions but no actual reference as to what measurements those correspond to. Is there a standard measurements sizing on patterns? If it helps it was from Prima magazine. :)
Has anyone heard anything about attacks in Mount Vernon on young men leaving the Hippo/Grand Central?
I've heard several reports from friends of young men being attacked after leaving the gay bars in the neighborhood as part of a recent gang pledge/initiation thing. Has anyone else heard about this? What kind of action can we take? Edit: Thanks to everyone who has chimed in. And thanks keengraat for filling us in on the backstory. If I hear anything else I will let you know. Plug: Communities are safer if you know your neighbors! If you are not already, join the Mount Vernon Urbanites group to meet some neighbors. :)
[Q]I'm getting scared for the price of the S. Minigun
On one hand, I could sell it and run with the stuff I get for it. Or I could keep it, hopefully having it go up in price. I might sell it right now before it gets re released, like all of the other stock stranges.
Fellow Redditors, what's your favorite smartphone App?
Tell us your favorite IOS and Android apps.Any innovative or fun apps you might know so others can discover and enjoy them as well!
Reddit, what creepy college moments or stories do you have?
Can cover anything from paranormal to the nerdy stalker in your Introduction to Biology class.
Sweet deal i got yesterday
forbidden memories harpie's pet dragon, mint condition local game store has had it for a long time time, before i thought it was way overpriced, but now....less than half of current ebay going price might trade/sell, cash $60, otherwise top wants/other trade bait
How do I keep my nails from chipping?
I love to paint my nails, but my nail polish starts chipping off about 2 days later, sometimes sooner. I typically use a base coat, two layers of polish, and a top coat. What can I do to help this problem?
Very Very Long Overdue Update for Dear MB
Original Post: Well for everyone who read Dear MB thank you for the support and encouragement. Him and I are now dating and have been for a short while now. He confessed his feelings for me not long before christmas and we started dating. He is turning out to be even sweeter and more adorable then I had originally anticipated, which is one BIG plus ^.^ Him and I will be going on our first date here very soon. Lets try not to screw this up... ~S
Wait List For Hats To Be Made! Sign Up Here Please!
Okay, so there's definitely plenty of people interested in receiving a hat! This post is only for giving me your requests and it will be how I organize my master list. There are a few things I need to know from you before I can even start: * **Head Size**- You can easily take a tape measure and starting at the middle of your forehead, follow the tape measure to the base of your neck and back around to meet the beginning at the middle of your forehead. This will be where it will sit on your head. For an example, my head is *22 inches*, but don't be too worried about this part because yarn stretches, and most hats will fit comfortably with a +- 2 inches of leeway. Just make sure it isn't tight! * **Color Scheme!**- Tell me what color(s) you would like! You can also specify things like, stripes, solids, slouchy beanies. In my other post I shared a couple of pictures of some of my yarn I have on hand, but as a general rule I probably have at least one of every color. My supplies will probably run out, but people give me yarn on a semi-regular basis so my stock will change a bit as I continue using it. If I don't have the color you request, I will probably get some at some point typically ever few weeks. If you want to make a special request for something more difficult than a beanie this would be also where you could do it, but for those I might have to work out some kind of trade since it might require specific supplies I don't have on hand. * **Address**- Don't post it here, obviously, and please don't flood my inbox (it was scary enough the first time, and I'm pretty sure I've missed a few messages, Sorry!). I will have listed below the top five people I will be making hats for, if your name is on that list, then I will be making your hat probably during the weekend and shipping them Mondays/Wednesday, so I would need your address before then. I will PM you when it is done, and provide pics for proof if you like so that I can get your address to then send it to you. Phew... I think that's all. Please limit your posts to the information requested, if you want to talk about hats and stuff besides that, you can do it on the other post as I want this one to be just for requests. Here is the list of people's hats I will be working on, via the order of posting, unless specification is given that they can wait: * 1. princessofcalamity * 2. jojewels92 * 3. shysilverskies * 4. allicinlover * 5. tiffany815 And it occurred to me that if you live outside of the U.S. then it might be a bit trickier, I know one person was willing to paypal the shipping costs so obviously it could be worked out, but please tell me if you want one but live in a different country.
How do I edit the name of a subreddit I recently created?
I stupidly created a new subreddit titled in all caps. I would like to change to Any way to do this?
Can we stop putting "THE NEW 52!" on the covers of every New 52 comic?
We're a little over a year into this, I don't think it's really necessary to keep slapping that on the cover of every comic, it just feels like clutter and makes the cover too busy. Sometimes you just need to let it breath. I dunno, maybe I'm wrong. What do you guys think? And since this isn't really enough to justify making a new thread, how is everyone's day going?
What is Sasuke going to do now?
I'm personally betting that Sasuke is going to have Orochimaru revive his parents to get his final answers regarding the massacre, and that he's going to have a final look at the Uchiha tablet using his EMS. Also, I think he's going to Amaterasu everything in sight once he leaves. It's interesting how thoroughly rebuilt Konoha has been. Judging from those trees on the main road, Yamato has surely been very, very busy with reconstruction. As for how two S-rank ninja walked into Konoha without opposition....how? Is the city abandoned? Or are the civilians all asleep, and Sasuke instantly murdered the gate guard and recon folks? I know that almost every shinobi is now on the front lines fighting with Naruto, but I can't believe Tsunade would have left the city so understaffed that there aren't even chuunin gate guards
Games crash on start-up in Windows 7.
Here's the deal: I have an HP Compaq nx7010. I got it sometime last year after my better, more functional laptop crapped out. The Compaq used to run on XP, up until about a month ago when I had to install Windows 7 to fix a few bugs. When the Compaq had XP, I was able to run programs and games flawlessly. I played Star Wars: KOTOR and Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind without fail, and didn't have any bugs or issues running them. Now, after installing Windows 7, both of those games don't work. I can install them fine, but when I start the programs, they immediately crash. Troubleshooting the games themselves is no help, and I've tried tinkering with the game settings and "fixes" that are supposed to help out, to no avail. Any idea what this could be? Is there an issue that people have experienced when upgrading from XP to Windows 7? I'm gonna x-post this over at r/asktechnology (and maybe r/gaming) as well, just to try and figure this out. Thanks in advance!
Three men in prison are about to be executed.
There are three men standing in a prison yard, about to be executed for their crimes. They are offered a choice in execution style; beheading via guillotine, death by firing squad or an injection of HIV. The first man chooses beheading. He's led to the guillotine by the guards, positioned, and executed. Blood sprays everywhere and his head goes rolling across the yard. Horrified by what he's just seen, the second man chooses to be shot. The guards lead him to a wall, six other guards point their weapons at him, and they open fire. The man dies fairly slowly, choking on his own blood. The third man is totally calm. He says, somewhat smugly, that he'd like to be given the HIV injection. The guards summon the doctor, who gives the third man his injection. Back in his own cell later, the third man begins laughing quietly to himself. Confused, his bunkmate asks what's so funny. "Those idiots," the man replies. "I was wearing a condom the whole time!"
Clicker Training Success! I'm Giddy!
I have a 1 year old rescued boxer, Bowser. He came to us with some health problems, and he was finally cleared by the vet to start training classes. He is a busy boy, who needs constant stimulation, or he tends to get into things. We started training 2 weeks ago, and I've taken to carrying some treats and my clicker around the house with me, to work training into our daily routine. Earlier today, I was walking around doing some cleaning, and I notice Bowser doing something he isn't supposed to. So, instead of scolding him, I stick my hand out and say "Bowser, Touch." He runs across the room and touches my hand with his nose. I click and treat. He's happy, I'm happy. Positive reinforcement training WORKS! I'm kind of giddy!
Any and all suggestions are welcomed!
I have been a pack a day smoker (Camel Menthol) for 5+ years and now I want to start making the transition to electronic cigs but, I don't know anything about models or liquids. I don't have much to spend right now but I'm hoping you guys can point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance :)
Presenting My Little Life Challenges! ... for real this time...
A couple of weeks back, I posted the idea of "My Little Life Challenges."]( Although a handful were interested, I didn't get any responses from my first challenge. I was a little let down, however, there was a spark of inspiration. /u/AFineTransform posted a Cracked article on MLSG and challenged people to change their lives. He even mentioned me in [his post. I instantly PMed him and we got to working and came up with a joint project called... **My Little Life Challenges** <-- TA DA!!! We have been working really hard and are really excited about what may come of this. For those of you that didn't see the first post: this is a set of small challenges that will help you improve on different aspects of your life. Also, thanks to /u/AFineTransform, we also have long term challenges which you can choose for yourself yourself. So why am I telling you? Well, I did post here first and people seemed interested. My hope was to help you guys, so I feel that you should be the first ones to know. Being first has the perk of helping define what this will become! Both of us are open to suggestions and hope that this will become an interactive experience. So go, read the first challenges, participate, and hopefully, this will help you in some way. This idea was born of MLSP... and I hope to keep you guys involved. This project is what you will make it. The only thing we can guarantee is that this will be something. We are going to do something and hopefully, it will be great.
Any thoughts? Portable drive will suddenly not mount
UPDATE: Fixed, sort of. I had a secondary drive installed that was not mounting. That was causing my OS to be unable to move along and recognize the external drive - therefore it was invisible to the machine and truecrypt. Disabling the secondary drive allowed the machine to see the usb drive. When ever I reboot the machine or try to manually access the drive, I get this error: Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 13: ntfs_mst_post_read_fixup_warn: magic: 0x43425355 size: 4096 usa_ofs: 271 usa_count: 65535: Invalid argument Actual VCN (0x80000ff1c2a0100) of index buffer is different from expected VCN (0x0). Failed to mount '/dev/sdg1': Input/output error NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it's a SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows then reboot into Windows twice. The usage of the /f parameter is very important! If the device is a SoftRAID/FakeRAID then first activate it and mount a different device under the /dev/mapper/ directory, (e.g. /dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1). Please see the 'dmraid' documentation for more details. I am a cut and paste Ubuntu user, running 12.04. Any ideas? Thanks
What do i need to do to get my Rift outside of the USA (Germany)?
I never really bought something from outside of germany so i don't know if it could get 'stuck' in the "Zoll". How do i know? How could i get it then? Thanks for your answers :)
"The Orioles today announced contract extensions through the 2018 season for Executive Vice President of Baseball Operations DAN DUQUETTE and Manager BUCK SHOWALTER. In 2012 the Orioles made a 24-game improvement from the previous year to finish 93-69 and win the American League Wild Card. Showalter piloted the Orioles to a trip to the American League Division Series in 2012, the franchise's most wins and first playoff appearance since 1997."
rMBP locked up, I rebooted. Now my SSD appears to be mostly empty, I can't boot OS X, and /Users is totally gone.
I was watching Netflix when the video froze, I tried to force quit to no avail (the dialog wouldn't open). Now my laptop only boots into recovery and Disk Utility indicates there are only 6 files on the SSD. Disk Utility also indicates there is nothing wrong with the volume. What happened and can I recover my data?
[H] Borderlands 2, ARMA X, FTL, The Secret World, Don't Starve, Frozen Synapse 2pk, Two Worlds 2: Velvet Edition, Bioshock 2, more [W] Offers, The Walking Dead, XCOM, TF2 keys, Omerta, $25 PP
So I've got quite a lot of **Borderlands 2** keys... and also: * The Secret World (2x, *retail key* - registers on their website) * Bioshock 2 key * The Last Remnant key * Minecraft account (with a really stupid name) * FTL * ARMA X: Anniversary Edition * Broken Sword Trilogy * Don't Starve * Frozen Synapse (pack of 2) * Two Worlds II: Velvet Edition Inventory listing by TradeStarter ---- --- **Looking for offers! I prefer tradables.** --- *The $25 is towards Omerta: City of Gangsters,* ***and I will only do paypal trades with people that have very good reputation. I'll go first.*** :)
what is the best way to deal with dry scalp?
I figured reddit would know some remedies, I use head and shoulders but it really doesnt do shit. I always get flakes in my hair and it makes me feel self conscious. I am a guy btw if that matters at all. I have pretty nice long hair but it always gets really flaky if I touch it or move it and I cant really wear dark colors. Help me askreddit, you are my only hope.
Not even HR is a safe spot for men
I was recently promoted and have to do HR classes related to the manager role. Today's class was about coaching and counseling. HR speak for "making people do what they're suppose to do and how to formally get them in trouble". So as the female-led HR rep. was teaching on verbal counseling she was going along until she state: "Males. *then looked at the three males of the group with a steadfast eye* Never go into a room to counsel a female employee by yourself." I was a little bit shocked and zoned out on her full explanation of the proper procedure. I then asked, before she could just move on, "Does that work in the opposite?" She went on about how there should always be two people in any meeting. But she didn't understand my question. I interrupted and said, "No, my question is, does that work for females with male employees?" She again missed the point completely. And went on. So remember, even with HR, only men should be warned as only men sexually harass or could be accused of sexual harassment. Thanks, HR...thank you.
Anyone ever run into a "smoke squad"?
don't know what else to call it. Basically about 4-8 guys most of them Assault w/ smoke equipped. they would run into an area shooting smoke every which way and basically knife you or shoot you etc. Very disorienting, but at the end of the game we beat them by over 120 tickets in a 200% game. Very interesting play style, very annoying to play against, but ultimately not very effective. Just wondering if this was common in more competitive servers, as a lot of the guys were lvl 100. I ended up going support and sweeping through the smoke until I got hit markers on them
Ever since the Rogers crash in Canada, my latency has been off the charts. (x-post r/TechSupport)
First I would like to say that I know this isnt tech support, but no one over there is responding, figured that LoL community might have some insight. I called tech support, and they said everything should be working, which it wasn't, as I couldn't connect. They told me to reset my router and to restart my modem, which gave me internet access. However, ever since then my latency went from around 90ms to a steady 450ms which makes doing things like streaming and playing games very difficult and it is something I would like to do. My router is the linksys WRT54G ver 6 with upgraded firmware (i figured that might solve the problem). Any ideas on how to lower my latency would be greatly appreciated :)
What's a good switcher [tweak] that isn't Auxo?
Auxo is a brilliant concept, but it keep crashing my phone. Over and over again I've been presented with the apple logo thanks to it. So what other switcher alternatives are there?
Have you ever moved a long distance by yourself? What was your experience like?
I'm hoping to move from Milwaukee to the LA area sometime this year, and while I'm excited about it, I'm also absolutely terrified and overwhelmed by the idea. So I'm curious how many of you have taken the plunge of moving a long distance on your own and how that went for you. *hugs and kisses*
To minimize the shock of static electricity, touch something metal with your knuckle. You'll barely feel it.
Of course, you could also touch someone else with your knuckle. It helps to preface the contact with "This is going to hurt you more than it hurts me." Zap!!!
Any clubs or people in town getting the Oculus Rift dev kit?
Just curious. I'd love to get my hands on it and make some stuff with it. I believe the Kwartzlab in waterloo might be getting one down the line but thats a monthly-fee place. So, are there any clubs (like CS club) that are trying to get one?
[Discussion] Favorite gift you have given and why..
Hey I was just wondering what every ones favorite gift they have given was, and why? (it does not have to be from RAOA just in general) :)
Say you have a pirate genre mmo where the player controlled character can be either exploring the land, being part of the tripulation of a ship (and the player screen consists of the ship), or being the captain of the ship (the player screen shows the ship navigation). Question continues inside..
So basically, to make the idea clearer, the player can have one of three states: 1 - Normal. Like in every game, exploring the world 2 - Being in a ship. He is in a ship controlled by other player, he cannot control the ship, but he can move anywhere in the ship 3 - Captaining a ship. He controls a ship that may be transporting other players. He controls the ship, but he doesn't see what's happening inside his ship, he sees the open sea and his ship navigating. As an extra, say player AAA is captaining the ship. If another ship attacks AAA's ship, he changes from state 3 to state 2, and can engage in fight. Question is: how would you handle the rendering of the graphics and game controls depending on each situation. I mean in the game client, of course. Would you do something like: while (gameloop) { if (player.status == 'normal') { //Render normal world. Keyboard and mouse useful to interact with other players, NPCs, attack NPCs, etc. } elseif (player.status == 'tripulation') { //Render the ship the player is currently in. Keyboard and mouse useful to interact with other players, NPCs, do ship related tasks, etc. } elseif (player.status == 'captaining') { //Render the sea, islands, the player ship and the other ships navigating. Keyboard and mouse are useful to navigate the ship } Is this a good practice? For example I remember playing a pirate game where this would be the case. You could be exploring the world like any RPG. When you felt like it, you could sail your own ship (and other players could be your tripulation). If you did this, you saw your ship navigating and other ships, and you could attack other ships by clicking, and you would see cannon balls going toward the ship you were attacking. Thing is, if you had a tripulation, you would also see when THEY fired the cannons, as each player controlled one cannon. Of course, you could instead of captaining a ship, join as tripulation, and you could in any given moment take control of a cannon and shot at other ships. The captain of your ship would see the cannon balls you fire in his own "top" view of the sea, and conversely you would see the cannon balls that your captain fired to other ships. I hope I explained myself well guys, English is not my first language. Thank you for your time
Second Amendment and Slavery
I hope this an appropriate topic for this Subreddit. Some friends have been recently citing this article and I am wondering what amount of credence I should be giving to it and whether or not it selectively highlights elements of the constitutional process in order to prove a point. Thanks for your time and input.
Do you believe the ability to draw well is something that can be tought, or just something you're born with?
Obviously, people born with the skill can practice and get better, but can someone like me, with no skill to even draw a satisfactory stick-man, pick up a pencil and 'learn/be tought' to draw just as good as someone born with the skill?
[For Hire] Electronics Engineering & Tech Recent Graduate. Looking for entry level PLC, embedded systems or electronics technician job.
resume Hello /r/forhire, My name is Jesus and I recently graduated with a BS in EET. Now that I am out of school, I am looking for a serious job in my field. During school I really enjoyed my PLC and embedded systems classes. I knew that after those classes, that was the field I would like to join. I was taught and feel like I have an excellent understanding of these skills: * Relay/Ladder Logic * C/Assembly * Electronic & Mechanical Sensors and Signal Processing * Operational Amplifiers I am also very familiar with these computer programs used for building circuit simulations or PLC simulations: * LogixPro 500 (Mimics Allen-Bradley's (Rockwell) RSLogix 500) * Direct Soft 5 * National Instruments Multisim * MATLAB I am looking for an entry level job in the so-cal area, but I do not mind relocating. I can start as soon as possible. I'll give you any details you request, just send me a PM or drop a comment below. Edit: I also forgot to throw a picture of my senior project. This is an old picture and was much cleaner looking when done. Unfortunately I lost the SD card that had that picture. If you have any questions about it, feel free to PM me. resume
/r/Canes & Cat5 Fantasy Hockey
So... I have a Canes facebook group/blog www.facebook.com/TheCategoryFive. Was kinda wondering if anybody would be into fantasy hockey. I know its short notice but I'd like to be set up and drafted by the Canes home opener.
Spiral Knights update for 1/16/13
Via the forums: ### Bugfixes - Fixed Energy Depot not loading the billing webpage when 'Other' is selected - Fixed 'Natural' sorting for furnishings - Fully thaw the fountain in Haven Town Square - Unavailable items will no longer be displayed in Basil's shop at a Terminal level
Give my boyfriend a blowjob, get him off, get no sex or anything else in return lately. Am I wrong to be upset and find this selfish?
I (29F) have only been dating my current boyfriend (28M) for about 1.5 months. In the beginning he was very concerned with getting me off and we'd usually start with a blowjob as foreplay before he'd grab me to have sex, and then I'd finish him off with the blowjob since he can't cum with condoms on. Lately though what will happen is I'll start giving him a blowjob (I'm usually the one initiating sex a lot since my drive is higher than his), and he'll ask me to finish him off. I love giving blowjobs, so I'm more than happy to do this. But, after that's done there's no reciprocation of any kind. He's not big on giving orally (which is fine with me since I prefer giving), but he doesn't even try to finger me or get me off in any other way. And, then we don't even have sex. Instead he says he's tired and ready for bed, and that's it. Sometimes he'll apologize we didn't have sex, but I'm starting to doubt now if he even means it. I can understand this happening sometimes, and I'm more than happy to give him a blowjob without expecting something in return. But, it's getting to the point that he gets off all the time, and I never do. I've tried talking to him about it or stopping mid-blowjob to say he should fuck me, but he says things like "tomorrow" or "next time." I'm at a loss how to approach this with him or if I'm wrong to think he's being selfish? I don't want to stop giving bjs or use that as a negotiation tool since I honestly do enjoy giving them to him. I just wish he'd at least make an effort to please me after, and it's a shift from how he was initially, which also confuses me. TL/DR: Lately sex has been me giving my boyfriend a blowjob to completion, and then him ready for bed. No touching, reciprocation, sex, anything to get me off in return. When I ask he says he's tired or apologizes and says we'll have sex tomorrow (rarely true now). Am I wrong to find this selfish? How to approach this w/out stopping blowjobs outright?
You don't know what you had until it's gone...
I had a cigarette today, and it tasted like shit. I felt like shit after it, and not out of guilt either. Could barely walk up that hill, and I only made it halfway through I know what I had, it's a ball and chain. I'm not counting the smoke I had today, if anything it's reinforced my choice not to 'drop the habit', not to 'quit', cause what am I quitting? Today I realised, I made the decision to not be a smoker. I just don't smoke.
Trying to W&T with DPNS and having some trouble. Can anyone help?
So I'm doing a pattern in the round on DPNS that calls for me to do a wrap and turn. I'm having trouble finding an actually helpful video on wrap and turn in general and when you throw DPNS into the mix I just get really confused. Does anyone know of any links or have any advice that they could help?
R/Glasgow, please advise. I'm new here, I keep getting a lot of mail from TV licensing. I DO NOT HAVE ONE!
They used to send printed mail. Today I arrived from my Christmas vacation to see them posting a note with my address hand written, TELLING ME THEY WILL BE BACK. People, I don't have a TV. Who are these people? What legal /executive power do they have? How do I stop them from harassing me? Do I send them an email or ignore them? Thank you.
Wifi Signal Strength low on new PC
I bought a new HP PC recently to set up in my bedroom. Our router is in the living room and the PC is only showing 3 bars and is reporting only 3.5 down. My work laptop shows full bars, and is pulling about 18.5 while sitting on the same desk. Do I need to buy a new WiFi receiver, or is there another solution? Edits: New PC is an HP running Windows 8, while laptop is an HP EliteBook running Windows 7, if that makes a difference. Also, Ralink RT3290 802.11bgn Wi-Fi Adapter
a quick question about s3 starting items
so, is it viable as a manaless mid champ like kat or morde to start 9 pots + 2 wards? or would it be better to just start boots + 3 pots
New to Nook, not a whole lot of spending money, help please!
So, I just decided to splurge a little, and buy myself the most basic nook, which is fantastic btw. And I don't have a whole lot more money to be dropping on books. I've been looking at the free books, but I can't seem to find any I would be interested in. So, what are some good books that can be downloaded for free from B&N?
What is your biggest "I tried" moment?
We've all tried things and failed at some if not all of those things. Sometimes we have really big expectations that turn into an equally big failure. Share the biggest failures where you tried the hardest.
If you have two particles moving randomly in a given space (like a box), are they more likely to cross paths if both of them are moving or if one is fixed in place while one is still moving?
I wondered about this question while searching for a person in a crowded room that did not know I was looking for them. Would I have a higher chance of running into a randomly moving person if I move also or if I just stand in place? Edit: 1. I realize people don't walk in random patterns, but I was thinking more in the abstract. 2. I failed high school physics, so be gentle ;)
I have a question about "The Dark Knight Returns: Part 2"
When Bruce and Clark were talking about "the deal they made" what happened to Ollie? I know he lost his arm but how? (This might have been brought up in the comic but its been a while since I've read it) Also who was Elsie? The name sounds really familiar.