2 Chronicles 13:7 Then a whole gang of scoundrels joined him, defying Solomon’s son Rehoboam when he was young and inexperienced and could not stand up to them
2 KRON 13:7 En ligsinnige manne, deugniete, het by hom vergader en hulle versit teen Rehábeam, die seun van Salomo; en Rehábeam was jonk en week van hart, sodat hy hulle geen teëstand kon bied nie.
2 Kings 5:10-12 – And Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored, and you shall be clean.”
2Ki_5:10 Toe stuur Elísa ‘n boodskapper na hom om te sê: Gaan heen, was jou sewe maal in die Jordaan; dan sal jou vlees terugkeer, en jy sal rein wees.
26:14 The dead will not live, the departed spirits will not rise; Therefore You have punished and destroyed them, And You have wiped out all remembrance of them.
26:14:”Dooie mense herlewe nie, skimme staan nie op nie; daarom het U hulle besoek en verdelg en alle gedagtenis aan hulle laat vergaan.”
22 Therefore they said to him, “Who are you, so that we give an answer to those who sent us?
22 Toe sê hulle vir hom: Wie is u? —dat ons antwoord kan gee aan die wat ons gestuur het.
1957 Albert Camus France (Born in French Algeria) French "for his important literary production, which with clear-sighted earnestness illuminates the problems of the human conscience in our times"[57] novel, short story, drama, philosophy, essay
1957[60] Albert Camus Frankryk Frans "vir sy belangrike literêre produksie, wat met duidelike erns die probleme van die menslike gewete in ons tyd verlig" roman, kortverhaal, drama, filosofie, essay
Neptune and Pluto catch up to her.
Xenophon en Plutarchus verwys na hulle.
What is so Great about this Keto-Coffee?
Wat is so spesiaal oor die katte dieet?
What would the end game be?
Waaroor gaan Eindspel?
Where do I get my Fierceness from?
Waar kom my verwagting (ek verkies hartstog) vandaan?
Allegations four (4)
One who will hear this Qu’ranic verse then for him it is easy to die on the way of Allah.
Voorwaar, voorwaar, wie luister na die stem vand die Seun van God, sal lewe!
According to Madame
Volgens mnr
But Jesus again chooses to be the Son of God, not a worshiper of Satan.
Volgens Johannes is dit duidelik wie God se kinders is, en wie die duiwel se kinders is.
For all this do we thank you and your only-begotten Son and your Holy Spiritfor all the benefits of which we know and those of which we are ignorant, for those that are manifest to us, and those that lie concealed.
Vir dit alles bedank ons U en U enigste Seun en U Heilige Gees vir alles wat ons weet en nie weet nie, vir die sigbare en onsigbare seëninge wat ons ontvang het.
Buy some fruits
Vind 'n paar vrugte
Four meetings were held during the year under review.
Vier vergaderings is gedurende die oorsigjaar gehou.
The lack of off-speed stuff kind of got exposed last year.
Verskeie soortgelyke mislukkings is verlede jaar aangemeld.
I must change it to fit with my understanding.”
verander - ek MOET dus die Gees hê!"?
between these two progressing fields.
tussen die twee wedstryde verloop.
If anyone tries to hijack the plane, boom.
Toe ons daar land het die pilot die vliegtuig neergesit, boem.
At the same time he’s struggling to balance his chaotic personal life and career while the fate of nine million New Yorkers rests upon his shoulders.
Terselfdertyd sukkel hy om sy chaotiese persoonlike lewe en loopbaan te balanseer terwyl die toekoms van miljoene New Yorkers op sy skouers rus.
At the same time he's struggling to balance his chaotic personal life and career while the fate of nine million New Yorkers rests upon his shoulders.
Terselfdertyd sukkel hy om sy chaotiese persoonlike lewe en loopbaan te balanseer terwyl die toekoms van miljoene New Yorkers op sy skouers rus.
The Language is the most powerful instrument of preserving and developing our tangible and intangible heritage.
Taal is ’n baie kragtige instrument, veral vir die bewaring van ons tasbare én nietasbare erfenis.
She is best known for her role in the TV series "Suits".
Sy is bekend vir haar rol in die reeks "Kostuums."
She wrote over 8,000 hymns in her lifetime.
Sy het in groot geloof meer as 9 000 liedere in haar leeftyd geskryf.
He was crying and very emotional.
Sy het gehuil en was baie emosioneel.
Without a court order- nothing can be done.
Sonder 'n bevel is daar niks om te gehoorsaam nie.
Scripts may take advantage of browser functionality that is not commonly used.
Somtyds kan verskeie kombinasies van funksies nie gelyktydig gebruik word nie.
Some functions are used independently.
Sommige van hulle kan onafhanklik gebruik word.
Even little kids can become overheated .
Selfs baie jong kinders kan benadeel word
smart policing safety concerns security
Polisiehoof waarsku oor padveiligheid
gnome-session-properties which is the window you’re looking at.
Ortodokse gelowiges bestempel dit as vensters waar­deur jy kyk.
Taken together, these five transition tasks present a daunting challenge.
Onderliggend aan die drie probleme is Mahumapelo se werklike uitdaging.
“Rabbi, we know that you have come from God as a teacher…”.
Nikodemus: Rabbi, ons weet dat u 'n leermeester is wat van God af gekom het.
Obviously you can’t expect that again but he’s hardly a concern going into next season.
Natuurlik kon hulle dit nie regkry om nie verder daaroor te praat nie, maar hulle daag darem vir die volgende sessie op.
“I tried the makeup last night.
My masker het gisteraand geval.
Let's not be naive about the naive.
Moet nie naïef wees oor Afrikaans nie.
Don't cast your immaturity on me."
Moenie staatmaak op jou eie insigte nie.”
Don't cast your immaturity on me."
Moenie staatmaak op jou eie insigte nie."
But, you know, there are still people who remember you.
Maar wel, ek weet sommige mense onthou nog.
And, I was no way going to meet him without my parents’ consent.
Maar ek sou nie weer loop sonder my ouers se goedkeuring en seën nie.”
Well, not fresh, as he himself announced.
Maar dis nie al nie, soos die advertensie lui.
Don't ever try telling them they can't do something!
Laat hulle egter nooit sê dat jy niks gedoen het nie!
Deliverability Can Destroy a Relationship
Kritiek kan `n verhouding vernietig.
Congolese troops participated in World War II and were instrumental to forcing the Italians out of their East African colonies during the East African Campaign.
Kongolese troepe is in die Tweede Wêreldoorlog ontplooi en het gesorg dat die Italianers uit Oos-Afrika kolonies verdryf is.
Gray, thanks for the heads up.
Kallie, dankie vir die regte feite.
We need to respect and admire them.
Jy moet dit respekteer en bewonder.
You survived this.'”
Jy herleef dit.”
Take Jesus into the wound.
Jesus se versoeking in die woestyn.
What comes to my mind is George Bernard Shaw’s line in his “Back to Methuselah” play: “You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’
In George Bernard Shaw se toneelstuk Terug na Metuselah sê die slang vir Eva: "Jy sien dinge, en jy sê 'Hoekom?'
Then we need to choose where we will drive traffic.
In die tweede stap besluit ons wanneer ons handel moet.
This is really a dark day.
Inderdaad 'n swart dag.
They range from clean energy to educating girls in the developing world to land use practices that pull carbon out of the air.
Hulle wissel van skoon energie om meisies in laer-inkomste lande op te voed tot grondgebruikspraktyke wat koolstof uit die lug trek.
They knew each other in high school but never dated.
Hulle tweetjies was saam op skool, maar het mekaar toe nie geken nie.
He tells this so well.
Hulle bedoel dit so goed.
Keep for at least half an hour.
Hou ten minste 'n halfuur weg!
You want a piece of a monthly £2,000,000 jackpot
Hoe om 'n £ 1,000,000 jackpot te spandeer
After this, nothing they set out to do will be impossible for them!””
Hierna sal niks wat hulle beplan vir hulle onmoontlik wees nie.”
This song by BESTie tells you everything that Korean girls are looking for in a man.
Hierdie liedjie vertel van ’n vroueboer wat die manne se aandag trek.
The First Fatal Mistake
Hanteer strukturele foute eerste
Griselda, you know the name.
Genesis – u ken die naam.
Your friends and family are the most important part of your prosperity.
Familie en vriende is die belangrikste deel van jou lewe.
He was the prison
en Hy het gevangenes
This is the message we have heard from him [Jesus] and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. —
“EN dit is die verkondiging wat ons van Hom gehoor het en aan julle verkondig: God is lig, en geen duisternis is in Hom nie.” (1 Joh.
“I have two children with autism who find going out overwhelming.
“Ek sien deesdae baie kinders met outisme wat deur tegnologie aangetrek word.
I had forgotten that this design started out in these colors.
Ek het besluit om met die tekeninge te begin aangesien dit die
The physical isn’t as difficult as it is uncomfortable.
Ek dink nie die vrag is so swaar as wat dit ongemaklik is nie.
Each day of forex trading starts with the opening of the Australasia area, followed by Europe and then North America.
[dropcap1] E [ dropcap1] dag van forex trading begin met die opening van die Australasië-gebied, gevolg deur Europa en dan Noord-Amerika.
What is WATCH D.O.G.S.
Dit wat ervaar word a.g.v. die waarneming
Reservoir is changing, isn’t it?
Dit móét verander, nie waar nie?
This is important because it will say whether or not to make the person vomit.
Dit is belangrik, want dit gaan bepaal of hierdie persone gered is of nie.
Windshield was replaced.
Die vellings is vervang.
The Protein Research Foundation's new site consists of a phenomenal total of more than 800 pages, growing monthly as new information is being added.
Die Proteïennavorsingstigting se webtuiste bestaan in totaal uit 'n fenomenale 800+ bladsye waar maandelikse groei soos nuwe inligting bygevoeg word.
Anyone who signs up to join CAMRA on Sunday 5th February will also be able to purchase festival tickets.
Diegene wat voor 5 Augustus kaartjies koop, sal kaartjies goedkoper kan aankoop.
Tag: Death on the Nile (1978 film)
Die eerste hiervan is Death on the Nile (1978).
Further, by accepting these Terms of Use through your use of the Site, you certify that you are 18 years of age or older.
Deur hierdie Gebruiksvoorwaardes aanvaarding deur jou gebruik van die webwerf, jy verklaar dat jy 18 jaar oud of ouer is.
Question: A rich man suddenly dies from a cut on his finger.
Daarmee bedoel ons: iemand se rykdom gaan dikwels na sy kop toe.
It brings with it a certain swagger, a sense of belonging to something great.
Daar kan 'n verslawing ontstaan gekoppel aan die gevoel van deel te wees van iets groots.
The old saying is true, “Use it or lose it.”
Daar is waarheid in die uitdrukking»gebruik dit of verloor dit».
This goes for emojis too.
Daar is ook emosies betrokke.
It is a cleaner and more elegant solution than in Wade-Giles.
Daar is egter ‘n eenvoudiger en meer elegante oplossing, soos hieronder sal blyk.
Mr Chris Axelson, Director: Personal Income Tax, replied to questions about consultation.
Chris Axelson, direkteur vir persoonlike inkomstebelasting by die tesourie.
Bowser stared at it.
Bosman gesoek het.
If Barbie was about empowering girls to be anything that they want to be, then the Barbie brand has tried to move with the times by providing powerful role playing tools for girls.
As Barbie om meisies te bemagtig om iets te wees wat hulle wil wees, het die Barbie-handelsmerk probeer om met die tye te beweeg deur kragtige rolspeelgereedskap vir meisies te bied.
30Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, all of you according to your ways, says the Lord God.
30 Daarom sal Ek julle oordeel, o huis van Israel, elkeen volgens sy weë, spreek die HERE HERE.
30Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, all of you according to your ways, says the Lord God.
30 Daarom sal Ek julle oordeel, o huis van Israel, elkeen volgens sy weë, spreek die Here HERE.
And visualizes the body as hosts of deities,
Wie is blind soos die vertroude vriend,
Which ear are you touching?
Watter verskille het jy oor streke?
What does the Holy Spirit do in your life?
Wat doen die Heilige Gees in jou lewe?
Chronic pain interferes with all aspects of a person’s life from productivity to mental and emotional well being.
Trauma het 'n impak of elke aspek van ’n werknemer se emosionele welstand en produktiwiteit.
Jumpy as a cat.
Tobie: Net een kat.
This name is in the original
Sy naam is in die verlede
And his mother stored all these things in her heart.”
Sy ma het al hierdie dinge in haar hart bewaar."
She recorded the theme songs to James Bond films Goldfinger (1964), Diamonds Are Forever (1971) and Moonraker (1979).
Sy is ook bekend vir die titelliedjies van drie James Bond-films: Goldfinger (1964), Diamonds Are Forever (1971) en Moonraker (1979).
The province is a leading world producer of this metal.
Suid-Afrika is die wêreld se belangrikste produsent van hierdie edelmetaal.
• Practice good hygiene by washing hands
• Sterk opleiding in water met handgewigte
Please just come along on the day and take part.
Sit die dag een kant en kom.
Let’s not compare what they did on the field.
optree as wat hulle in die verlede gedoen het nie.
Growing up is tough for any teenager.
Om vriende te maak, is moeilik vir tieners.
Keeping them full of good food and drink is always satisfying for me.
Om goeie kos te eet en goeie wyn te drink, is altyd ’n goeie idee.”