We better behave that way as hon.
Ons moet beter doen as hy.
Plus, this platform is free for anyone to use.
“Ons bied die platform gratis aan vir almal om te gebruik.
It serves as a national syndicator to a network of over 1,000 public radio stations in the United State.
NPR dien as nasionale koördinerende radioliggaam vir 'n netwerk van meer as 1 000 openbare radiostasies in die Verenigde State.
NCBI Resource Coordinators (2013) Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
NCBI: ’n Taksonblaaier van die National Center for Biotechnology Information.
Publisher SPCK, 2015
NB Uitgewers, 2015
Thanks and please do so.
Natuurlik, dis asseblief en dankie.
Loss of earnings and future earnings R750, 000.
My mediese uitgawes in 5 jaar en verlies aan inkomste beloop R750 000.
Parking on The Point is limited.
Let wel, parkeerplek op die perseel is beperk.
We could go the highway, or the labeled scenic route.
Jy kan die snelweg neem, of die skilderagtige roete.
Your reward shall surely be great.
Jou beloning sal baie groot wees.”
“Yes,” the blond nodded.
“Ja,” stem die blonde een saam.
This short article will attempt to rectify this.
In hierdie kort artikel sal daarteen gewaak word.
In the tale " Abdullah the Fisherman and Abdullah the Merman ", the protagonist Abdullah the Fisherman gains the ability to breathe underwater and discovers an underwater society that is portrayed as an inverted reflection of society on land.
In ABDULLAH THE FISHERMAN en ABDULLAH THE MERMAN, ontwikkel die hoofkarakter, Abdullah, die vermoë om onder die water asem te haal en ontdek so ʼn duikboot-samelewing wat ‘n omgekeerde weerspieëling is van die samelewing op land.
He proved that the Strait of Tartary was not a gulf, but indeed a strait, connected to Amur's estuary by a narrow section later called Nevelskoy Strait.
Hy het bewys dat die Straat van Tartarye nie ’n golf was nie, maar inderdaad ’n straat wat aan die Amoer-riviermonding verbind was met ’n smal deel wat later Newelskoi-straat genoem is.
These things I believe: that government should butt out.
Hulle oplossing hiervoor: Die regering moet die pad teer.
They had so much bravery.
Hulle het moed gehad.
He points it at the wolves.
Hom vir die wolwe gegooi het.
How to salve this?
Hoe om dit te beveilig?
Has extra money or new belongings that cannot be explained.
Het skielik nuwe besittings of ekstra geld wat nie verduidelik kan word nie; of
Jesus said: “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works
het: "Jou geloof het jou gered, jou geloof is groot, Ek wíl jou gesond maak."
Treatment of RSI
Handel met rsi
God blessed her with three more sons and two daughters.
God het vir hom weer sewe seuns en drie dogters gegee.
That is what really living for God means.
En veral, dit wat die mens voor God is.
I was in primary school, playing cricket in the streets, riding a BMX with the other boys, stuck at home reading during the heavy rains typical of Queensland.
Ek was op die laerskool, het krieket in die strate gespeel, saam met die ander seuns BMX gery, en tuis gelees tydens die swaar reën tipies van Queensland.
Tell me because I would like to know!
Ek vra maar net, want ek sou graag wou weet !!
I thought I made my point.
Ek glo ek het my punt gemaak.
After Suisse we finally figured out what was wrong.
Eers na sewe maande het ons toevallig uitgevind wat fout is.
Book 3 of Bad Boy Bosses
Drie geskors oor Bad Boys-plakkaat
Make the Payment.
Doen die betaling.
It actually MAKES SENSE as part of the pre-draft build-up.
Dit moet dus hoofsaaklik beskou word as deel van die voorverkiesingstrategie.
Extended body version with up to 119 seats and longer span wings.
Dit is heeltemal rond met ’n halfmaanvormige verhoog en 119 sitplekke.
The time is now!“
Die tyd is nou!”
The beaded tube is made of bamboo.
Die sokkies word van bamboes gemaak.
Lords reform provides a good example.
Die kerkhervorming is ‘n goeie voorbeeld.
You felt the world is soo Magical.
Die geloof dat die wêreld is magies.
Next one is Tone.
Die eerste sagte tone kom.
The other side of the coin is keeping members.
Die anderkant van die munt is egter min bekyk.
There's well established machinery for this . . .
Daar is verskeie goeie redes om dit...
In addition to his wife he...
Benewens die vrou het hy ook…
Many alternatives to declawing cats
Alternatiewe vir die ontginning van katte
3 years in Maintenance in a manufacturing environment
3 Onderhoud in 'n matige klimaat
Maximizing the use of non-medication treatments.
Word gebruik vir die behandeling van nie-farmakologiese blootstellingsmetodes.
Who knows what actually happened at the birth of this particular child?
Wie het regtig geweet wat na die val van die groot A gaan gebeur?
It shows that they don't know what to do next.
Wat hulle weet nie wat om volgende te doen nie.
What drives you be successful?
Wat dryf jou om suksesvol te wees?
What Are We Renowned For?
Waarvoor staan ons bekend?
Do you even understand the meaning of contradiction?
Verstaan ​​u die betekenis van verhoudings?
Money matters take top billing today.
Vandag is geldsake op die voorgrond.
Thus, to support the physical and earthly life God has prescribed for us an appropriate earthly and material bread, which is as common to all as life itself also is.
So het God tot die instandhouding van die liggaamlike en aardse lewe vir ons aardse en gewone brood voorsien; dit dien die lewe en behoort, soos die lewe self, aan almal.
So take this chance to play it again, or play it for the first time.
Probeer om dit te vermy, of om die spel weer te begin.
did not bring their families, nor did they begin any settlement on their
Ook by hulle vriende en familie was daar geen (on)tevredenheid nie.
I would live the entire 10,000 years in dread of that final period.
Ons leef al die afgelope 2000 jaar in die eindtye.
Over the past few months we have realised that we have not been listening to our customers.
Ons het besef dat ons die afgelope paar maande nie na ons kliente geluister het nie.
To compensate for this, experienced investors do two things.
Om dit te illustreer, neem ek twee beleggers se ervaring:
Repeating it is just thoughtless.
Om dit te herhaal is sinneloos.
I agree they should get the F&^k beat out of them.
Of hulle hoop dat die aantreklike O&B komitee hulle sal vang.
Thank goodness I am still good at something!
Nee dankie, God het iets beter vir my in gedagte!
But do not be happy that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.
Maar julle moenie daaroor bly wees dat die geeste aan julle onderworpe is nie, maar wees liewer bly dat julle name in die hemele opgeskryf is.
Make sure you are loose and relaxed.
Maak seker jy is naby en ontspanne!
Read Genesis 20 and see for yourself.
Lees die volgende uit Exodus 20 en besluit self.
I am sure he will make it to midnight now, after his cry earlier.
Later maak sy ook maar of sy slaap Dit is al na middernag toe hy begin insluimer.
> Let It Go!
"Laat gaan!
Why you are so negative.
Julle wat nou so negatief is.
Job said of God, “I know that thou canst do every thing” (Job 42:2).
In nederige aanbidding het Job gesê: “Nou weet ek dat U tot alles in staat is” (42:2).
Another model is in Europe.
In Europa is daar ander paradigmas belangrik.
If there are no lines on the road, keep to the left.
Indien daar geen padmerke is nie, hou motors links.
You are perfect in Christ.
In Christus is jy volmaak.
He was embarrassed [by it].
Hy (Yengeni) het immers skuld beken.
He worked and worked...
Hy werk en woon nou…
Of course, they told them that they go to work.
Hy het seker ook gesê hulle gaan nou vir hom werk.
"He spoiled me.
"Hy het my verneuk.
He just did what God said.
Hy doen net wat God sê.
London was then granted the right to elect its own Lord Mayor.
Hulle is toegelaat om ‘n eie burgemeester te kies.
How would they know where they are?
“Hoe kan hulle weet waarheen hulle heengaan?
This diversity of uses and meanings combined with the complexity of the feelings involved makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, compared to other emotional states.
Hierdie diversiteit van die gebruike en betekenisse, gekombineer met die kompleksiteit van die gevoelens betrokke, maak liefde buitengewoon moeilik om konsekwent te definieer, in vergelyking met ander emosionele toestande.
Greenish fruits should ripen at room temperature.
Groen vrugte kan by kamertemperatuur geberg word.
MCENANY: -- seemingly every other day.
Frekwensie - ten minste elke ander dag.
The European unification process
Europese eenwordingWysig
Any other information which the applicant desire to give in support of this application.
Elke moontlike relevante feit wat die applikant ter ondersteuning van die aansoek wil aanvoer, moet bevat.
I am amazed how special they are.
Ek wonder hoe min die uitsonderings is.
I don't trust others to share.
Ek hou nie daarvan om ander se menings te deel nie.
I wanted to look like someone else.
Ek het ‘n begeerte om soos iemand anders te wees.
I didn’t have any support system.
Ek het geen ondersteuningstelsel nie.
I didn't have any support system.
Ek het geen ondersteuningstelsel nie.
It sets up a tension within you.
Dit veroorsaak spanning op u onderrug.
It means you can do NOTHING to get close to God.
Dit kan jou help om iets noodsaakliks te doen sodat jy nader aan God kan kom.
This is disappointing but not unexpected.
Dit is teleurstellend, maar nie onverwags nie.
This goes for height as well.
Dit is ook hoogs aansteeklik.
It is a heroic story of pride and passion you will never forget....
Dit is ’n onvergeetlike aand van passie wat ons nooit sal vergeet nie . . .
“This is not a joke, this is real life.”
“Dit is nie ʼn grap nie, dit is die werklikheid.”
“It’s been a drab on the economy and slowing economic growth.”
“Dit is nadelig vir die ekonomie en belemmer groei.”
This is one of the biggest mistakes which you can make.
Dit is een van die grootste foute wat jy kan maak.
The NKJV translates it “longsuffering.”
Die NKJ vertaal dit daarom met "weeks."
Seeing immigrants in this country is not comparable!
Die Afrikaner het geen bedingingsmag in hierdie land nie!
The nature of this color and body shape were provided as a defensive reaction: the dark stripes can be invisible among underwater plants, the flat shape allows you to quickly and smoothly maneuver between them.
Die aard van hierdie kleur en liggaamsvorm is as 'n verdedigende reaksie voorsien: die donker strepe kan onsigbaar onder onderwaterplante wees.
Donate to ARM
Bandana om die arm
Accordingly paragraph 3(vi) of the Order is notapplicable to the Company.
Artikel 9E sal dus van die maatskappy se belasbare winste.
People in charge are counting on me.
Ander mense reken op my.
Alzheimer is the most common category of Dementia.
Alzheimer is die algemeenste vorm van demensie.
National Instittute for Occupational Safety and Health.
Afdeling vir Beroepsgesondheid en -veiligheid.