I am so psyched for you, Nicole!
Ek sal absoluut geëerd voel, Nikita!
I speak in sub text.
Ek praat liewer in terme van ’n sustertaal.
And so we apologise for that; we think we can do better."
Ek is vol vertroue ons kan beter doen.”
“I am not a public speaker.
Ek is nie ’n openbare spreker nie.
I think we have passed the point of no return.
Ek het in elk geval by die point of no return gekom.
Also has cover title: Millennium.
duisendjarige vrederyk (die millennium) is.
On the other hand, it is normal for other people to defecate at least two or three times a week.
Dit is redelik normaal om twee of drie keer per dag twee of drie keer per week 'n dermbeweging te hê.
The state narrowed down their list of witnesses to 207, but it is likely that not every witness would be called to the stand.
Die staat het ʼn lys van 207 getuies hoewel nie almal na verwagting opgeroep sal word nie.
This is a man who believes that he can use electricity to produce light.
Die punt is wat is die mees effektive aard om elektrisiteit te produseer.
The term stalking horse is derived from a hunting practice of the 1500s.
Die idee van ’n spoelgemak is teen die einde van die 1500’s bedink.
This put 70 percent of the land under government ownership."
Die droogte strek oor 70% van die provinsie.”
The most important thing to remember is the intent in which you practice the craft.
Die belangrikste ding om hier te onthou is om gereeld te oefen.
My opinion is that the answer is both yes and no. I will explain what I mean.
Die antwoord is ja, maar ook : nee, wat ek graag sal wil verduidelik.
Jephthah then began to negotiate with the Ammonite king.
Dan kom Jefta met sy onderhandelinge met die koning van die Ammoniete.
In other words, perpetual growth is impossible.
Daarsonder is ekonomiese groei nie moontlik nie.
If you get it right for a child, you get it right for the future,” he says.
As jy iets vir een kind doen, doen jy dit ook vir die volgende kind,” het sy gesê.
With every good slice of pie, there’s a (hopefully) good crust.
ANTWOORD: Daar is goed en sleg in elke huisgesin.
All I see are its dark corners.”
Al wat ek kan sê is dat hierdie duisternis teen lig is.”
Although I don't always understand them...
Al verstaan ek dit nogsteeds nie........
That all changed on that day.
Alles sal verander op daardie dag.
9 How can a young person stay pure?
9 Hoe kan 'n jongmens sy lewe skoon hou?
Fourth time, out of luck.
↑ 3,0 3,1 3,2 (en) "Vierde keer geluk?
Pro 23:35 They have stricken me, shalt thou say, and I was not sick; they have beaten me, and I felt it not: when shall I awake?
23:35 Hulle het my geslaan, sê jy dan, ek het geen pyn gevoel nie; hulle het my neergeslaan, ek het dit nie gemerk nie! 23:36 Wanneer sal ek wakker word?
Add it to 1.
1 op te neem.
Who can open an Insolvency Practitioner Account?
Wie kan 'n Fundisa-fondsrekening open?
A warm compress for about 10-15 minutes, 4 times a day.
Warm lappie vir 10 minute, vier tot ses keer per dag.
and sentences that keep you awake
Wagwoorde wat jou laat wag
Where my company started.
Waar my lewe begin het.
Where is emotional intelligence coming from?
Waar het die konsep emosionele intelligensie vandaan gekom?
No pet smells to clean up.
Vis olie ruik nie, so sluk is maklik.
These sympt
Van die simptome
Today is March 8th and it is International Women's Day.
Vandag (8 Maart) is Internasionale Vrouedag.
“Despite income inequality having a plethora of negative consequences both for societies and individuals, we view these findings as a testament to the resiliency and optimism of youth,” says lead author Erin Godfrey, assistant professor of applied psychology at the New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development.
"Ten spyte van ongelykheid in inkomste, wat 'n oorvloed negatiewe gevolge het vir beide samelewings en individue, beskou ons hierdie bevindinge as 'n bewys van die veerkragtigheid en optimisme van die jeug," sê die hoofskrywer Erin Godfrey, assistent professor in toegepaste sielkunde aan die New York Universiteit Steinhardt School van Kultuur, Onderwys en Menslike Ontwikkeling.
An officer tailed him in the meantime.
Sy kollegas het hom intussen gelyk gegee.
The Toxic Toothpaste in Your Bathroom
Stoor skoonheidsprodukte in jou badkamer
Yak with a friend.
Stappie met 'n vriend
Known until 1972 as Ceylon.
Sri Lanka het voor 1972 as Ceylon bekend gestaan.
But, like with all things, moderation is key.
Soos met alle dinge, is moderering die sleutel tot balans.
And some suspense.
Sommige het opgehou.
After all, they are the performers.
So hulle is die volgelinge.
I believe we will reach our goal.
So het ons dan seker ons doel bereik.
Then the lifted flap is put back into its place.
Plaas die lewende plante terug in hulle plek.
inaccurate or incomplete despite this good-faith effort, the error or
onvolledige of gebrekkige prestasie teenstrydig tot die bepalings van die ooreenkoms, of
There are 1,000 millimetres in a metre.
Ons weet daar is 1 000 mm in 1 m
We insist that there is one law for all the people.
Ons is van mening dat daar net een wet vir almal behoort te wees.
So we have to speak up until we’re heard!
Ons gaan gedwing word om daarna te luister!
- To maintain law and order;
Om die wet en orde daarin te handhaaf;
October 10th, Mercury goes into Scorpio.
Oktober 4: Eerste keer Mercurius betree 6 ° Scorpio.
Hemodialysis Nutrition: What We Know and What We're Learning
Nkandla: Wat ons weet en wat ons wonder
A dry end to 2019 likely
'N Droë einde tot 2019 waarskynlik
Don’t waste your money on it
Moenie jou geld hierop mors nie
We, however, are called to be like Simeon and Anna.
Maar ook vir ons elkeen afsonderlik soos vir Simeon en Anna.
[20] See also fn.
[ Links ] VN sien Verenigde Nasies Verenigde Nasies.
Wanxiang started its business in 1969.
Keyzer het in 1969 sy eie onderneming begin.
Tickets are $50, and can be purchased at the door.
Kaartjies kos N$50 en is by die deur te koop.
Warming to India.
Ja, huil maar India!
Next postDoes Inability to Treat Wives Equally Prohibit Polygamy?
Is oorheersing oor vroue net tot poligame huwelike beperk?
More recently, St. John's wort has been studied to treat depression.
In onlangse jare, het St John's wort is uitvoerig bestudeer as 'n behandeling vir depressie.
In an article posted on Apple's website on February 6, 2007, Steve Jobs wrote that Apple would be willing to sell music on the iTunes Store without DRM (which would allow tracks to be played on third-party players) if record labels would agree to drop the technology.[82] On April 2, 2007, Apple and EMI jointly announced the removal of DRM technology from EMI's catalog in the iTunes Store, effective in May.[83] Other record labels followed later that year.
In ’n artikel van 6 Februarie 2007 op Apple se webblad, skryf Steve Jobs dat Apple bereid sou wees om musiek op die iTunes-winkel te verkoop sonder digitale regtebeheer (wat liedjies op derdeparty-spelers sou toelaat) indien platemaatskappye sou instem om die tegnologie vry te stel.[85] Op 2 April 2007 het Apple en EMI saam die verwydering van digitale regtebeheer van EMI se katalogus in die iTunes-winkel aangekondig.
If not, do not expect much from her.
Indien nie, verwag nie meer van u nie.
He’s more powerful than even death.
Hy is ook sterker as die dood.
He has made our plan.
Hy het ons ’n plan gegee.
He intends to save her.
Hy het beplan om haar te red.
They deleted this.
Hulle het daarvan afgewyk.
Hopefully you enjoy my blog as well.
Hoop julle geniet my blog.
“Hey, why aren’t you eating?
“Hoekom eet jy nie?
How has the New World Translation helped people to know Jehovah’s name?
Hoe het ’n ou tydskrif ’n gesin gehelp om Jehovah te leer ken?
But they can interact with the artists.
Hier kan hulle gesprekke voer met die kunstenaars.
of Indonesians.
het vir die Indonesiërs.
Scott is a born storyteller.
Harry is 'n gebore raconteur.
No need for color filters!
Geen filter nodig nie!
Dxifferent forms of energy.
en produseer sekere vorme van energie.
And you can’t make them like you.
En jy kan niks anders as om soos hulle te doen.
To this house?
En hierdie huis?
"For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is near." (2 Timothy 4:6 NIV)
“Ek word alreeds as 'n drankoffer uitgegiet, en die tyd van my heengaan is naby”. (vs 6)
We never support political parties.
Ek steun geen politieke party nie.
But I shall never leave you.
Ek Sal Jou Nooit Verlaat
'I tapped on a door but got no answer, so I tried again.
Ek het gepraat, maar ek kon nie 'n antwoord vind nie, ek het weer geprobeer, maar nou sal ek stilbly.”
'I tapped on a door but got no answer, so I tried again.
Ek het gepraat, maar ek kon nie 'n antwoord vind nie, ek het weer geprobeer, maar nou sal ek stilbly."
I have the utmost respect for that guy.
Ek het die grootste bewondering vir die man.
They which commit such things are worthy of death.”
Een van die vermeende stropers is doodgeskiet.”
This will help keep you motivated as you move forward.
Dit sal jou help om gemotiveerd te bly totdat jy slaag.
So, it is worth asking to see if they have a policy in place.
Dit is dus die moeite werd om te vra of hulle 'n beleid het.
This does not minimize the importance or severity of the tragic events in Boston.
Dit het nie gelyk of die Oktober-grondwet enigiemand tevrede stel nie.
This comes as a new phase of expansion is proposed.
Dit het gelei tot 'n nuwe tydperk van uitbreiding.
Depends on who is buying the drinks, really ...
Dit hang natuurlik ook af van wie die drinker is –...
As such, don’t settle for the first meaning you decipher.
Dis soos dit was aan die begin, maak nie saak watter oorsprongverhaal jy kies om te glo nie.
This is just one of Allen’s things.
Dis maar een van daai dinge.
The temperature is very simple to control.
Die temperatuur in hulle is maklik om te beheer.
“She may be unconscious.
• Die persoon kan bewusteloos raak.
The migrant labour system was breaking down because the land in the reserves had become too poor to farm, and so many Black workers began to live permanently in the city.
Die niomadiese arbeidstelsel was besig om ineen te stort omdat die reservate (oftewel “tuislandë”) te arm geword het om in te boer en baie swart werkers begin het om permanent in die stad te woon.
The beautiful world building
Die mooi wêreld
The question is not if our children are watching our lives.
Die gevolg is egter dat ons kinders anders na die lewe kyk.
To make that day last long.
Die dag beloof om lank te word.
to make that day last long.
Die dag beloof om lank te word.
A farmer at work.
Die boer se werkkamer.
Then Dad starts again.
Die baba het weer begin asemhaal.
The Life of General William Booth
deur Generaal William Booth
The second link is shorter and focuses on the race.
Deel twee is korter en het rugby as tema.
Township of Delaware
Deelstaat Delaware