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  1. test.json +5 -5
  2. train.json +2 -2
test.json CHANGED
@@ -1492,7 +1492,7 @@
  {"gender":"neutral","en":"So this is all the ingredients, all the flavor of, you know, a standard maki roll, printed onto a little piece of paper.","es":"Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1n los ingredientes, los sabores, de un rollo maki normal, impresos en un papelito."}
  {"gender":"neutral","en":"Hello, everyone.","es":"Hola a todos."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"Now look at the one right below that.","es":"Ahora miren la l\u00ednea justo abajo de ella."}
- {"gender":"male","en":"And we're miserable not because the other guy can't run a good meeting, it's because of MAS, our Mindless Accept Syndrome, which is a self-inflicted wound.","es":"Somos desgraciados no porque los otros no saben hacer una buena reuni\u00f3n, sino debido al <i>SAI<\/i>, nuestro S\u00edndrome de Aceptaci\u00f3n Insensata, que es una herida autoinfligida."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"Taking it a step further, MIT's media lab is working on robots that can interact more like humans.","es":"Avanzando un paso m\u00e1s, el Media Lab del MIT est\u00e1 trabajando en robots que pueden interactuar como humanos."}
  {"gender":"neutral","en":"What are the implications of this on society, on evolution and what are the stakes in this game?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1les son sus consecuencias para la sociedad, para la evoluci\u00f3n y cu\u00e1les son los riesgos del juego?"}
  {"gender":"male","en":"BC: We've lost 99 percent of our entry velocity.","es":"BC: Hemos perdido el 99% de la velocidad de entrada."}
@@ -2371,7 +2371,7 @@
  {"gender":"neutral","en":"You're underneath it, looking up into the lens of the camera obscura.","es":"Est\u00e1n debajo de \u00e9ste, viendo dentro del lente de la c\u00e1mara oscura."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"So let's watch the next clip.","es":"As\u00ed que miremos el siguiente videoclip."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"Then tunneling machines currently tunnel for half the time, then they stop, and then the rest of the time is putting in reinforcements for the tunnel wall.","es":"Adem\u00e1s, las tuneladoras actuales trabajan la mitad del tiempo y paran, y el resto del tiempo se pierde en colocar refuerzos para las paredes del t\u00fanel."}
- {"gender":"female","en":"So when you're up there on that future High Line of Philadelphia, surrounded by this wildness, surrounded by this diversity, this abundance, this vibrance, you can look over the side and you can see a local playground for a local school, and that's what it looks like.","es":"As\u00ed que cuando est\u00e9s ah\u00ed arriba en ese futuro <i>High Line<\/i> de Filadelfia, rodeado de la naturaleza salvaje, rodeado de esta diversidad, esta abundancia, esta vitalidad, puedes mirar a un lado y ver un parque local para una escuela local y as\u00ed se ve."}
  {"gender":"female","en":"SM: So what made you be straight?","es":"SM: \u00bfY qu\u00e9 te hizo ser heterosexual?"}
  {"gender":"female","en":"She grew up partly in Colima, Mexico, and partly in Yakima, Washington.","es":"Ella creci\u00f3, en parte en Colima, M\u00e9xico, y en parte, en Yakima, Washington."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"You see, he has established the largest retail chain, called Big Bazaar. And there are more than 200 formats, across 50 cities and towns of India.","es":"\u00c9l fund\u00f3 la mayor cadena de tiendas minoristas, el \"Big Bazaar\", y hoy existen m\u00e1s de 200 formatos en 50 ciudades y pueblos de la India."}
@@ -2440,7 +2440,7 @@
  {"gender":"neutral","en":"So what are we going to do about this? What are we doing about this?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 hacer al respecto? \u00bfQu\u00e9 estamos haciendo al respecto?"}
  {"gender":"male","en":"It has a second meaning, which is to send money as airtime.","es":"Tiene adem\u00e1s otro significado, el de enviar dinero para cargar saldo."}
  {"gender":"female","en":"They will take barrier objects and put them between themselves and the person that is interviewing them.","es":"Toman objetos como barreras y los colocan entre ellos y la persona que los interroga."}
- {"gender":"male","en":"No MAS!","es":"\u00a1No MAS <i>SAI<\/i>!"}
  {"gender":"female","en":"So once I went through this strange phase of anger and pain and confusion, I remember booking an appointment with my therapist.","es":"Tras pasar por esa nueva etapa de enojo, dolor y confusi\u00f3n, recuerdo que saqu\u00e9 turno con mi terapeuta."}
  {"gender":"neutral","en":"But that's not always the case.","es":"Pero no es siempre el caso."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, I observed that America was fracturing into two distinct societies: a republic of dreams and a republic of fears.","es":"De hecho, not\u00e9 que EE.UU. se estaba fragmentando en 2 sociedades distintas: una rep\u00fablica de los sue\u00f1os y una rep\u00fablica de los temores."}
@@ -4302,7 +4302,7 @@
  {"gender":"female","en":"It's the largest water catchment in the country, almost one-sixth the size of Singapore.","es":"Es el recolector de agua m\u00e1s grande del pa\u00eds, su tama\u00f1o es casi un sexto del de Singapur."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"How do we go from that complexity that you saw to a line of code?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo vamos de la complejidad que vieron a una l\u00ednea de c\u00f3digo?"}
  {"gender":"male","en":"That's when the potential of these tools can become a reality.","es":"Es entonces cuando el potencial de estas herramientas puede convertirse en realidad."}
- {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, I would invite all of you to join me in just geeking out.","es":"De hecho, los invitar\u00eda a sumarse a esta actividad <i>geek<\/i>."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"It was when in the fall of 2006, I explained why Apple would never do a cell phone.","es":"Fue en el oto\u00f1o del 2006. Expliqu\u00e9 por qu\u00e9 Apple nunca har\u00eda un tel\u00e9fono celular."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"And we also designed the condoms themselves.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n dise\u00f1amos los condones en s\u00ed."}
@@ -4904,7 +4904,7 @@
  {"gender":"female","en":"And studies have shown that art impacts our emotions more effectively than a scary news report.","es":"Los estudios muestran que el arte impacta nuestras emociones de manera m\u00e1s eficaz que una noticia alarmante."}
  {"gender":"female","en":"And she goes, \"And what's this fertilizing?\"","es":"Despu\u00e9s ella pregunt\u00f3: \"\u00bfY qu\u00e9 es esto de fecundar?\""}
  {"gender":"male","en":"If I zoom on it, you can see: that's the Rover on the surface.","es":"Si nos acercamos, podr\u00e1n ver: es el Rover en la superficie."}
- {"gender":"male","en":"Monkeys, chimps, just get rid of the hairy creatures.\" Now, we're going to be going to Mars one day.","es":"Monos, chimpanc\u00e9s, s\u00f3lo deshazte de todas las creaturas peludas.> Haber uno de estos d\u00edas viajaremos a Marte."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"On having really good sustainability strategies, there are companies like Nike, Patagonia, Timberland, Marks & Spencer.","es":"En tener estrategias de sostenibilidad realmente buenas, est\u00e1n compa\u00f1\u00edas como Nike, Patagonia, Timberland, Marks & Spencer."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"And my theme was this: Our Earth has existed for 45 million centuries, but this one is special \u2014 it's the first where one species, ours, has the planet's future in its hands.","es":"El tema era este: Nuestra Tierra ha existido durante 45 millones de siglos, pero este siglo es especial; es el primero en el que una especie, la nuestra, tiene el futuro del planeta en sus manos."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"For every subjective minute that an em experiences, someone, usually that em, had to work to pay for it.","es":"Por cada minuto subjetivo que experimenta un em, alguien, en general ese em, tuvo que trabajar para pagar por ello."}
  {"gender":"neutral","en":"So this is all the ingredients, all the flavor of, you know, a standard maki roll, printed onto a little piece of paper.","es":"Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1n los ingredientes, los sabores, de un rollo maki normal, impresos en un papelito."}
  {"gender":"neutral","en":"Hello, everyone.","es":"Hola a todos."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"Now look at the one right below that.","es":"Ahora miren la l\u00ednea justo abajo de ella."}
+ {"gender":"male","en":"And we're miserable not because the other guy can't run a good meeting, it's because of MAS, our Mindless Accept Syndrome, which is a self-inflicted wound.","es":"Somos desgraciados no porque los otros no saben hacer una buena reuni\u00f3n, sino debido al SAI, nuestro S\u00edndrome de Aceptaci\u00f3n Insensata, que es una herida autoinfligida."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"Taking it a step further, MIT's media lab is working on robots that can interact more like humans.","es":"Avanzando un paso m\u00e1s, el Media Lab del MIT est\u00e1 trabajando en robots que pueden interactuar como humanos."}
  {"gender":"neutral","en":"What are the implications of this on society, on evolution and what are the stakes in this game?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1les son sus consecuencias para la sociedad, para la evoluci\u00f3n y cu\u00e1les son los riesgos del juego?"}
  {"gender":"male","en":"BC: We've lost 99 percent of our entry velocity.","es":"BC: Hemos perdido el 99% de la velocidad de entrada."}
  {"gender":"neutral","en":"You're underneath it, looking up into the lens of the camera obscura.","es":"Est\u00e1n debajo de \u00e9ste, viendo dentro del lente de la c\u00e1mara oscura."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"So let's watch the next clip.","es":"As\u00ed que miremos el siguiente videoclip."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"Then tunneling machines currently tunnel for half the time, then they stop, and then the rest of the time is putting in reinforcements for the tunnel wall.","es":"Adem\u00e1s, las tuneladoras actuales trabajan la mitad del tiempo y paran, y el resto del tiempo se pierde en colocar refuerzos para las paredes del t\u00fanel."}
+ {"gender":"female","en":"So when you're up there on that future High Line of Philadelphia, surrounded by this wildness, surrounded by this diversity, this abundance, this vibrance, you can look over the side and you can see a local playground for a local school, and that's what it looks like.","es":"As\u00ed que cuando est\u00e9s ah\u00ed arriba en ese futuro High Line de Filadelfia, rodeado de la naturaleza salvaje, rodeado de esta diversidad, esta abundancia, esta vitalidad, puedes mirar a un lado y ver un parque local para una escuela local y as\u00ed se ve."}
  {"gender":"female","en":"SM: So what made you be straight?","es":"SM: \u00bfY qu\u00e9 te hizo ser heterosexual?"}
  {"gender":"female","en":"She grew up partly in Colima, Mexico, and partly in Yakima, Washington.","es":"Ella creci\u00f3, en parte en Colima, M\u00e9xico, y en parte, en Yakima, Washington."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"You see, he has established the largest retail chain, called Big Bazaar. And there are more than 200 formats, across 50 cities and towns of India.","es":"\u00c9l fund\u00f3 la mayor cadena de tiendas minoristas, el \"Big Bazaar\", y hoy existen m\u00e1s de 200 formatos en 50 ciudades y pueblos de la India."}
  {"gender":"neutral","en":"So what are we going to do about this? What are we doing about this?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 hacer al respecto? \u00bfQu\u00e9 estamos haciendo al respecto?"}
  {"gender":"male","en":"It has a second meaning, which is to send money as airtime.","es":"Tiene adem\u00e1s otro significado, el de enviar dinero para cargar saldo."}
  {"gender":"female","en":"They will take barrier objects and put them between themselves and the person that is interviewing them.","es":"Toman objetos como barreras y los colocan entre ellos y la persona que los interroga."}
+ {"gender":"male","en":"No MAS!","es":"\u00a1No MAS SAI!"}
  {"gender":"female","en":"So once I went through this strange phase of anger and pain and confusion, I remember booking an appointment with my therapist.","es":"Tras pasar por esa nueva etapa de enojo, dolor y confusi\u00f3n, recuerdo que saqu\u00e9 turno con mi terapeuta."}
  {"gender":"neutral","en":"But that's not always the case.","es":"Pero no es siempre el caso."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, I observed that America was fracturing into two distinct societies: a republic of dreams and a republic of fears.","es":"De hecho, not\u00e9 que EE.UU. se estaba fragmentando en 2 sociedades distintas: una rep\u00fablica de los sue\u00f1os y una rep\u00fablica de los temores."}
  {"gender":"female","en":"It's the largest water catchment in the country, almost one-sixth the size of Singapore.","es":"Es el recolector de agua m\u00e1s grande del pa\u00eds, su tama\u00f1o es casi un sexto del de Singapur."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"How do we go from that complexity that you saw to a line of code?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo vamos de la complejidad que vieron a una l\u00ednea de c\u00f3digo?"}
  {"gender":"male","en":"That's when the potential of these tools can become a reality.","es":"Es entonces cuando el potencial de estas herramientas puede convertirse en realidad."}
+ {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, I would invite all of you to join me in just geeking out.","es":"De hecho, los invitar\u00eda a sumarse a esta actividad geek."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"It was when in the fall of 2006, I explained why Apple would never do a cell phone.","es":"Fue en el oto\u00f1o del 2006. Expliqu\u00e9 por qu\u00e9 Apple nunca har\u00eda un tel\u00e9fono celular."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"And we also designed the condoms themselves.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n dise\u00f1amos los condones en s\u00ed."}
  {"gender":"female","en":"And studies have shown that art impacts our emotions more effectively than a scary news report.","es":"Los estudios muestran que el arte impacta nuestras emociones de manera m\u00e1s eficaz que una noticia alarmante."}
  {"gender":"female","en":"And she goes, \"And what's this fertilizing?\"","es":"Despu\u00e9s ella pregunt\u00f3: \"\u00bfY qu\u00e9 es esto de fecundar?\""}
  {"gender":"male","en":"If I zoom on it, you can see: that's the Rover on the surface.","es":"Si nos acercamos, podr\u00e1n ver: es el Rover en la superficie."}
+ {"gender":"male","en":"Monkeys, chimps, just get rid of the hairy creatures.\" Now, we're going to be going to Mars one day.","es":"Monos, chimpanc\u00e9s, s\u00f3lo deshazte de todas las creaturas peludas. Haber uno de estos d\u00edas viajaremos a Marte."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"On having really good sustainability strategies, there are companies like Nike, Patagonia, Timberland, Marks & Spencer.","es":"En tener estrategias de sostenibilidad realmente buenas, est\u00e1n compa\u00f1\u00edas como Nike, Patagonia, Timberland, Marks & Spencer."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"And my theme was this: Our Earth has existed for 45 million centuries, but this one is special \u2014 it's the first where one species, ours, has the planet's future in its hands.","es":"El tema era este: Nuestra Tierra ha existido durante 45 millones de siglos, pero este siglo es especial; es el primero en el que una especie, la nuestra, tiene el futuro del planeta en sus manos."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"For every subjective minute that an em experiences, someone, usually that em, had to work to pay for it.","es":"Por cada minuto subjetivo que experimenta un em, alguien, en general ese em, tuvo que trabajar para pagar por ello."}
train.json CHANGED
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
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