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  1. test.json +2 -2
  2. train.json +2 -2
test.json CHANGED
@@ -8336,7 +8336,7 @@
  {"gender":"male","en":"So the first thing I have to do is to educate, the second thing I have to do is to unveil racism, and the last thing I need to do is do everything within my power to eradicate racism in my lifetime by any means necessary.","es":"As\u00ed que lo primero que tengo que hacer es educar, lo segundo que tengo que hacer es dar a conocer el racismo, y lo \u00faltimo que tengo que hacer es hacer todo lo que est\u00e9 a mi alcance para erradicar el racismo en mi vida por cualquier medio necesario."}
  {"gender":"female","en":"I mean we had all the materialistic things, but that didn't make my children pain any less; that didn't make their fears subside.","es":"Quero decir que no nos faltaba nada, pero este hecho no disminuy\u00f3 el dolor de mis hijos eso no remiti\u00f3 sus temores."}
  {"gender":"female","en":"So of course, it took time, and I was nearly 40, and I decided it's time to start as an artist.","es":"Claro, me llev\u00f3 tiempo, ten\u00eda cerca de 40, cuando decid\u00ed que era hora de empezar como artista."}
- {"gender":"male","en":"And if you move to the right you also get language, because that's abstracting even further from resemblance, but still maintaining meaning.","es":"Y si se mueven a la derecha tambi\u00e9n tendr\u00e1n el lenguaje, porque eso es abstraer mucho m\u00e1s desde la semejanza,## pero manteniendo el significado."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"But we ask too much of our hospitals.","es":"Pero pedimos demasiado de nuestros hospitales."}
  {"gender":"neutral","en":"So Shadi and one of his sisters, they fled to Libya.","es":"Shadi y una hermana suya huyeron a Libia."}
  {"gender":"neutral","en":"You say it.","es":"D\u00edganlo ustedes."}
@@ -9927,7 +9927,7 @@
  {"gender":"male","en":"RB: Well, there's, I mean there's a lot of issues.","es":"RB: Bueno, hay, Existen muchos temas."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"You complain.","es":"Protestas."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"The creator doesn't have any rights.","es":"El creador no tiene ning\u00fan derecho."}
- {"gender":"male","en":"Now, faith in things which cannot be seen, which cannot be proved, is not the sort of faith that I've ever really related to all that much. I tend to like science, where what we see and can ascertain are the foundation of what we know.","es":"Eso s\u00ed, la fe en lo que no puede ser visto, que no puede ser demostrado, no es el tipo de fe con el que me haya relacionado mucho. ## Me gusta la ciencia, donde lo que vemos y se puede comprobar, es el fundamento de lo que sabemos."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"And over the course of 15 minutes, we watched through hidden cameras what happened.","es":"Y en el transcurso de 15 minutos, vimos, a trav\u00e9s de c\u00e1maras ocultas, lo que pas\u00f3."}
  {"gender":"neutral","en":"Bringing back this amount of bio-abundance will take longer, but it's worth doing.","es":"Alcanzar esta cantidad de bioabundancia tomar\u00e1 un tiempo, pero vale la pena."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"And it's got flippers on the side here, paddles that help it move, just like the water boatman.","es":"Aqu\u00ed en el lado tiene aletas, palas que le ayudan a moverse, al igual que la corixa."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"So the first thing I have to do is to educate, the second thing I have to do is to unveil racism, and the last thing I need to do is do everything within my power to eradicate racism in my lifetime by any means necessary.","es":"As\u00ed que lo primero que tengo que hacer es educar, lo segundo que tengo que hacer es dar a conocer el racismo, y lo \u00faltimo que tengo que hacer es hacer todo lo que est\u00e9 a mi alcance para erradicar el racismo en mi vida por cualquier medio necesario."}
  {"gender":"female","en":"I mean we had all the materialistic things, but that didn't make my children pain any less; that didn't make their fears subside.","es":"Quero decir que no nos faltaba nada, pero este hecho no disminuy\u00f3 el dolor de mis hijos eso no remiti\u00f3 sus temores."}
  {"gender":"female","en":"So of course, it took time, and I was nearly 40, and I decided it's time to start as an artist.","es":"Claro, me llev\u00f3 tiempo, ten\u00eda cerca de 40, cuando decid\u00ed que era hora de empezar como artista."}
+ {"gender":"male","en":"And if you move to the right you also get language, because that's abstracting even further from resemblance, but still maintaining meaning.","es":"Y si se mueven a la derecha tambi\u00e9n tendr\u00e1n el lenguaje, porque eso es abstraer mucho m\u00e1s desde la semejanza, pero manteniendo el significado."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"But we ask too much of our hospitals.","es":"Pero pedimos demasiado de nuestros hospitales."}
  {"gender":"neutral","en":"So Shadi and one of his sisters, they fled to Libya.","es":"Shadi y una hermana suya huyeron a Libia."}
  {"gender":"neutral","en":"You say it.","es":"D\u00edganlo ustedes."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"RB: Well, there's, I mean there's a lot of issues.","es":"RB: Bueno, hay, Existen muchos temas."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"You complain.","es":"Protestas."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"The creator doesn't have any rights.","es":"El creador no tiene ning\u00fan derecho."}
+ {"gender":"male","en":"Now, faith in things which cannot be seen, which cannot be proved, is not the sort of faith that I've ever really related to all that much. I tend to like science, where what we see and can ascertain are the foundation of what we know.","es":"Eso s\u00ed, la fe en lo que no puede ser visto, que no puede ser demostrado, no es el tipo de fe con el que me haya relacionado mucho. Me gusta la ciencia, donde lo que vemos y se puede comprobar, es el fundamento de lo que sabemos."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"And over the course of 15 minutes, we watched through hidden cameras what happened.","es":"Y en el transcurso de 15 minutos, vimos, a trav\u00e9s de c\u00e1maras ocultas, lo que pas\u00f3."}
  {"gender":"neutral","en":"Bringing back this amount of bio-abundance will take longer, but it's worth doing.","es":"Alcanzar esta cantidad de bioabundancia tomar\u00e1 un tiempo, pero vale la pena."}
  {"gender":"male","en":"And it's got flippers on the side here, paddles that help it move, just like the water boatman.","es":"Aqu\u00ed en el lado tiene aletas, palas que le ayudan a moverse, al igual que la corixa."}
train.json CHANGED
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
- oid sha256:4ddc915d835826c701d73d0c9ac3e88b038abded4ec37f273d4d04789dc281f0
- size 68377818
+ oid sha256:0e02b0dbce33f4d4c8015fca59f15f1003f5c783d092f7d5da1ca061683a27f6
+ size 68377577