Grace: did you pick up the package from the post office? Todd: yeah, it's waiting for you but I didn't open it yet Grace: not a problem, that can wait Grace: thanks for picking it up, it will save me time Todd: no problem, see you later!
Todd picked the package up from the post office for Grace.
Carlos: Hey! How was your trip to Croatia? Carlos: Jenny and I are also thinking about going there next summer. Carlos: That's why I'm asking. Jillian: Hi! Jillian: It was great, really! Jillian: We were in Dubrovnik and stayed 4 days there. Jillian: Dubrovnik was fine, but way too pricy for us. Carlos: How much did you pay for food and hotel? Jillian: Oh, we did not stay at a hotel. We chose Airbnb. Jillian: And we paid like 30$ for a night, so the price was fine. Jillian: But the bottom price for a dinner was like 25$... :\ Jillian: Ice cream - 5$ a scoop. Carlos: Gosh! It's beyond my means... Jillian: Go to Split then! It's even nicer and much cheaper than Dubrovnik. :) Carlos: The cheaper the better! Jillian: It will be perfect for you, I promise. :) Carlos: Okay, Jillian! Thanks for the recommendation! Jillian: yw :)
Jillian enjoyed their trip to Dubrovnik in Croatia though it was pricey. Carlos and Jenny are thinking about going there next summer but they will go to Split as it's cheaper.
Andy: Hi, how is your weekend going? Bart: Good, and yours? Andy: Pretty good, running errands, cleaning, doing laundry. Bart: Did you hear about the new movie in theaters? Andy: no, which one? Bart: "Bohemian Rhapsody" Andy: Is that the one with Freddie Mercury? Bart: Yes, that's the one. Do you want to see it? Andy: Sounds good. When? Bart: Tonight. Andy: Ok, what time? Bart: 7:30 PM. I will pick you up. Andy: Great! I will see you then.
Bart will pick up Andy and they will go see the movie Bohemian Rapsody at 7:30 PM tonight.
Andrew: Are you at the square? Carol: I am, by the monument Andrew: Can't see you really Carol: LOL, I can see you though!
Carol is at the square. Andrew can't see him. Carol can see Andrew.
Miriam: Could you bring some booze? Joseph: sure, I have bier Stephanie: So I'll take some wine Miriam: perfect!
Joseph will bring some beer and Stephanie will bring some wine.
Pippo: Hi! Mario: Ciao! Maryam: Ciao, guys! Pippo: What about a beer or something tonight after work? Maryam: Count me in Mario: Same for me Pippo: Good! 7.30 at Jack's? Mario: Ok Maryam: Ok, see you later :)
Pippo, Mario and Maryam will go for a beer to Jack's tonight after work at 7.30.
Addison: i need to tell it to someone otherwise i'm gonna explode!! Cameron: take it easy, what happened? Addison: Eliana dropped by on me with her kid Addison: this kid turned out to be an awful brat, who stained my carpet AND BOTH of my armchairs Addison: of course Eliana didn't even apologize for this Addison: she said: "KIDS ARE JUST KIDS" Addison: then she decided to CHANGE HIS DIAPER ON MY COUCH Addison: without a changing pad or anything of course!!! Addison: and then she left, LEAVING THE DIPER IN MY HOUSE ON MY COUCH!!! Cameron: gross!!! :< Cameron: i feel for you... Addison: i'm not letting her in again! Addison: what a bitch Cameron: she's changed so much, she used to be so cool Addison: yeah, she was such a party animal Addison: now she's a complete mother hen constantly talking about diapers, diarrhoeas and teething Addison: she's a nightmare to be around
Eliana's child stained Addison's mobiles. She changed the baby's diaper on Eliana's couch and left the dirty one there. Eliana used to be fun. Now she's not.
Becky: Liar! Fiona: I like you, too :-p Becky: Cheap liar! Becky: <file_photo> Fiona: Don't be so angry. I did it for you. Aren't you happy now? Becky: No! I made a complete idiot of myself. Jeez... it was the first time for a very very veeeeery long time I had felt this embarrassed. Fiona: Can't possibly think why... Becky: A blind date? Where are you from? Maybe next time you'll arrange a chaperon for me, eh? Fiona: Come on! Calm down. How was it? Becky: Fine. Just fine. I won't tell you anything. I'm too mad with you. Becky: <file_gif>
Becky is angry because Fiona set her up for a blind date.
Mike: what do you think Mike: this Mike: <file_photo> Mike: or this Mike: <file_photo> Savannah: the first ones :) Mike: you sure? Savannah: they're perfect!
Savannah helps Mike make a choice. She thinks the first ones are better.
Lisa: Hi Kat! Kate: Hello Lisa, what's up? Lisa: Do u know where Ian went after school? Kate: I've no idea! Why? Lisa: His bike is still here. Kate: Oh, i see...maybe he went to Ron... Lisa: Of course! Txh! <kisses>
Lisa is looking for Ian. His bike is still here so maybe he went to Ron.
Ann: how are you doing? Kate: I've just seen a horrible accident Ann: oh, are you ok? Kate: nothing happened to me but I saw the guy Ann: what guy? Kate: I was on the Brooklyn Bridge when a guy putting traffic cones was hit by a lorry Ann: god, sounds horrible Kate: It was so sad Ann: what happened next? Kate: we stayed there as witnesses, an ambulance came soon and they took him to the hospital Kate: but later I heard on 1010 WINS that he was pronounced dead in the hospital Ann: I'm so sorry Kate Kate: I asked my boss for a day off, I'm not able to work today Ann: so you're home? Kate: yes, crying Ann: I will come over after work, you shouldn't be alone today Kate: thanks Ann, I really appreciate it
Ann was a witness to an accident on the Brooklyn Bridge. The man putting traffic cones was hit by a truck and pronounced dead on the way to the hospital. Ann asked for a day off because she was traumatized.
Karen: Hello everyone, thanks a lot for your payments Karen: We are still missing 3 transfers, please let me know if you can make it this week Joan: Karen is this also for the Xmas gifts? Lenny: we need to put extra money for Xmas right? Karen: No no, you don't have to pay anything more this year Karen: This is basically for Xmas and I think we could get some gift for the teacher? Karen: If you don't mind? Lenny: no, of course not Helen: hi! sure, let's buy her something :) Karen: Great :) Waiting for your ideas then :) Joan: what did she get last year? Lenny: that set of espresso cups?? Joan: I think that was 2yrs ago... Lenny: ok what's the budget for that? Karen: Let's decide what to buy for the kids first, ok? Karen: And then we'll see how we're doing Joan: Ok Lenny: good idea Helen: Are we buying the same thing for everyone? I mean girls&boys Lenny: how about a small lego set? Lenny: <file_photo> Lenny: <file_photo> Lenny: these are just examples obviously Joan: I love legos hahaha Lenny: me too :) Helen: lego is always a good idea haha
Karen is still missing 3 transfers from people for Xmas gifts for children and the teacher. They're thinking about getting the kids a small Lego set each.
Jeff: Who are you going to vote for in the primary? Fred: I’m not sure yet; one guy makes sense but has no experience. The other is a smarmy character! Jeff: I hear you. Another hold your nose and vote situation! Fred: I just hate the way the experienced guy runs his campaign. Always smearing the other guy. Jeff: Yeah, but he really has no experience, does he? Fred: Maybe that’s a good thing! Jeff: That’s what got Trump in! LOL! Fred: True! Jeff: My buddy said he voted for him just to see what would happen! Um, this isn’t a TV show, dude! Fred: Oh, great…train wreck! Jeff: I know Fred: so what do you do? Jeff: Look at what they stand for, vote with the one most like my way of thinking. You? Fred: I usually go for experience every time, but you have a point. Jeff: I made a point? Fred: LOL! Jeff: Well, anyway, want to meet for drinks after we vote? Or do you go in the morning? Fred: Yeah, I go in the morning. We could meet after work? Jeff: Sure, sounds good. Fred: The usual place? Jeff: No, let’s go to the new place out by the mall. Fred: oh, yeah, with the chicken wings? Jeff: That’s the one! I hear they have good happy hour specials. Fred: See you there!
Jeff and Fred are discussing who they are going to vote for as they have to choose between an experienced but smarmy candidate and a more sensible but inexperienced one. The decision seems to be tough. They also agree to go for a drink after work to a new place by the mall.
Blake: Have you seen new Daredevil? Ryan: I have! damn it they are getting so much better Jim: I know right! you know that Netflix is not going to make it anymore? Ryan: What? you joking right? Blake: No, I think he's right, I think some other platform bought the license maybe, who knows Jim: Mostly speculations Ryan: But this was such a good Netflix show Jim: Doesn't mean new production team is going to fuck it up Ryan: Have my doubts
Netflix will stop to produce Daredevil series.
Alan: Where are you now? Josh: on the train already Alan: save and sound? Seb: save and even sound! Alan: ahahaha
Josh is on the train, Alan checks on him.
Casper: Hi Mr. Travelling Man, how you’ve been lately? Do you know any good books or blogs about Iceland? John: Hi, good. Yes, actually, my friend went there last month! Casper: Wow, what a perfect coincidence. Does she/he have any blog, or instagram? John: Yes, you might check her travel stories and photos at her blog <file_link> That’s some quality content there! Casper: I’ll definately do that. I might give her a heads up, if you want to exchange some tips before going there. John: Yeah, that’s really nice of you. Let her know, that I’ll be contacting her. Casper: Ok, will do. John: Thank you! I can always rely on you bro. I’ll send you a postcard if I don’t freeze during the first journey. Casper: Haha, better dress properly. That might be something more than a typical november-ish breeze in Stoke.
Casper is travelling to Iceland. John has a friend that travelled to Iceland and has written about it on her blog. He will put Casper in touch with her.
Rita: Do u wanna build a snowman? Pam: sure, but there's no snow... Rita: I know but I felt like saying that Pam: u r crazy!:)
Rita and Pam won't build a snowman, because there is no snow.
Julian: what's going on with you Nora? Julian: Daniel said that you've broken up Parker: we haven't, he's making things up Parker: we had a fight, but we've already made up, that's it Julian: i'm glad to hear that, this news really upset me, i worried about you Parker: everything's ok, don't listen to Daniel, he loves to stir the pot
Parker and Nora had a fight, but they already made it up. Daniel is gossiping that they've broken up.
Lewis: why did you left without a word? Lewis: something happened? Thea: sorry about that Thea: I didn't feel very well Lewis: why didn't you say so? Lewis: someone would take you home Thea: you were having a great time Thea: I didn't want to bother anyone Lewis: how do you feel now? Thea: better Thea: I guess I ate something that didn't go well with my stomach Lewis: that sucks Thea: well, at least I could go to bed early Thea: and I needed that badly after this week Lewis: it was that bad? Lewis: since you left so early we didn't have the chance to talk Thea: just lots of stress at work with the deadline approaching Thea: you know the stuff Lewis: yeah Lewis: anyway glad to hear that your feeling better Lewis: don't overdo it and try to rest some more Thea: that's the plan Thea: I'll just stay at home for the weekend Lewis: good Lewis: have to go for now but I'll be back in the evening Thea: bye Lewis: take care
Thea left the party early because she didn't feel very well. She will get some rest after a hard week at work.
Paula: Hey, have you seen that blondie who came with Alex yesterday? Paula: Who's she??? Laura: u mean, the pink one? Laura: No idea... Laura: Do you think it can be his new "gf"? Paula: What???? Laura: Well, he told me, he met someone... Laura: but can't believe he was talking about her! Paula: <OMG> Haven't talked to her, but she looks so dumb... Laura: I bet it's nothing serious... Paula: Sure thing! Paula: How can you be serious after such a long relationship? <LOL> Paula: They were together with Annie for almost 4 years, right? Laura: Yeah... Laura: he just needs some fun now, I guess. Paula: I don't care, as long as I don't have to hang out with her :> Laura: No way! Laura: Let's talk to him about that this weekend before the game, ok? Laura: Anyways, need to go back to work now...:/ Laura: I've got deadline tonight... Paula: ok, speak to u later. Paula: good luck!
Alex told Laura he was seeing someone. Alex was with Annie for 4 years. Laura has to finish the work assignment tonight.
Sara: Dinner? Knox: Roughly. Knox: Why are you asking if I ate dinner? Is there something special home? Sara: Beautiful woman in her 50’s. Knox: What the hell XD
Sara is waiting at home for Knox.
Lilly: did you manage to buy Shakira tickets?? Stacy: yeah i did :D Stacy: i am so excited to finally see her live Lilly: afff, shit, the site does not load up for me for some reason... Claire: try refreshing it a few times, worked for me, got mine as well Lilly: ok ok, i am so nervous
Stacy managed to buy tickets for Shakira's concert. Lilly is trying to buy as well, but the website doesn't load up for her.
Reyna: Can i come along? Odin: Where to? Reyna: I have heard you are going somewhere with Lilly :/ Odin: Who told u that? Reyna: Jacob Odin: Oh man Reyna: You dont want me to go? :/ Odin: Thats not it Reyna: Then what? Odin: I cant manage space in my car anymore Reyna: Maybe I can take out my car Odin: Good idea :/ Reyna: I would take my younger brother as well Odin: Fine Reyna: It would be fun to go together :) Odin: Yeah it would :d Reyna: Cant wait to reach there :) Odin: Mee too Reyna: See ya tomorrow
Odin is going somewhere with Lilly tomorrow. Reyna can't drive with them because they don't have space in the car. Reyna will take her own card and ring her younger brother along.
Kaya: Have you been to that new food point? Javion: No Kaya: I think we should give it a try Javion: Why not Kaya: Be ready Javion: When Kaya: I will outside of your home right after 4 hours Javion: k bro
Kaya will pick up Javion at his house in 4 hours and they will go to a new food point.
John: oh no, I am late. Tom: No problem, I'm just drinking coffee in the cafeteria. John: I should be there in 15 min. Tom: don't worry. John: thanks!
John will join Tom at the cafeteria in 15 minutes.
Mary: Do you know where I can buy maple syrup? Anna: Try this little shop on Bakery Street. Mary: OK thanks Anna: : *
Mary is looking for a shop where they sell maple syrup.
Pola: look how visited our porch Pola: <file_photo> Michal: omg it's so cute Fiona: did you feed it? Pola: no, I had nothing to give it but hopefully it will come again :)
Pola had an unexpected visitor on her porch. She didn't have anything to feed it.
Elijah: shoot, tomorrow we're going to the dinner at my parents' house right? Eliza: yeah, that's right Elijah: I have totally forgotten that Cindy had birthday yesterday! Eliza: oops, me too! Elijah: I've no idea what to give her :( Eliza: hmm...what about those cups she was so thrilled with the last time?
Eliza and Elijah are going to the dinner at his parents' house. They have both forgotten that Cindy had birthday yesterday, and Eliza thinks of buying her the cups she was thrilled with last time.
Nicky: Hola!! Madrid is very beautiful. A gem really. Having a great time! Jack: Love to hear it. And how was the flight? How's the accommodation? Nicky: The drive and flight were plain sailing and so it the flat - plain and basic. But never mind! We only sleep here. And keep high spirits. Nicky: More tomorrow, am too tired now. And drowsy. Jack: Sleep tight! Jack: Good morning Nicky! Up already? Having your coffee? Nicky: Morning. No coffee maker here. We had only juice that we bought yesterday. Off to town now. It's going to be Prado - I'm so excited. Jack: How far are you from the centre? Nicky: Quite a bit. First a walk, 10 mins, then the metro 15 mins. The weather's lovely. And quite warm! Jack: Not so much in FR. 6 degrees. Nicky: Glad I'm here. Babs is ready to go. I'll text you in the evening. Jack: Do so. And enjoy the day. Love XXXX Jack: Greetings to Babs! Nicky: She'll be shocked:)) Nicky: XXX
Nicky is in Madrid, having a great time.
Kate: painted the livingroom wall! Andy: wow, gratz! Alone or hired someone? Kate: totally on my own. used masking tape and roller and this bucket with a crate! Andy: I'm impressed. what color? Kate: Dove grey. fits well with the new couch. Andy: pics or didn't happen! Kate: wait... Kate: <file_photo> <file_photo> Andy: looks good. full pro Kate: yeah, fell off the ladder only once... Andy: sacrifices, sacrifices...
Kate painted the living room wall on her own. She painted it dove grey.
Cathreen: Dear Ruth, it was so wonderful to meet you again after such a long time. Thank you for lovely coffee and liqueur. I enjoy so much our coffee chats. And of course it was a relief to hear all that optimistic news about Peter. Cathreen: Many thanks for this lovely bag of cookies and the calendar! Cathreen: <file_photo> Cathreen: In the kitchen I can better keep an eye on all these cats. Ruth: Hello Cathreen, it was a most pleasant coffee klatch, wasn't it? We are happy that you like the cats' calendar, it looks good alongside your kitchen cupboards. Ruth: So we'll be seeing you this afternoon after 3 pm when the Munsels come. See you later then! Cathreen: Oh Ruth... I think I'm developing a cold! Tight nose and painful throat. I think I'd better stay at home, if only because of Peter. Sorry! Ruth: What a pity! Pete was so looking forward to see you. But you're right. Better safe than sorry. He had just made it with the last bout of flu. Ruth: Thank you for being so considerate. Ruth: Get well soon! Cathreen: Thank you.
Cathreen enjoyed her meet with Ruth and the presents she was given. Cathreen cancels this afternoon's meeting as she is feeling unwell.
Keith: Im not doin this anymore Fritz: what? Keith: Hayley, its done Fritz: Duuuude great Fritz: I mean im sorry, yea, but shes a bitch xd Keith: she is, ya were all right Fritz: you see, dudes will always tell ya what to do Keith: XD i had to get to this point Keith: when youre absolutely done Fritz: good for ya! Fritz: so when will our king come to one of our parties Keith: Ya still on everyday? Fritz: almost xd Keith: ah yea I missed it Fritz: squad is what matters bro! Keith: hell yea!! Fritz: so how was it Keith: what Fritz: breakup how did u do it Keith: Emmm i just told her… its not gonna work Fritz: aaand what did she say? Keith: that im an asshole and ill regret it 8) Fritz: haha you will, after getting wasted tonight!! Keith: looooool :D
Keith broke up with Hayley.
Ronald: Can you imagine, I have again missed my appointment at the dentist! Carol: Ronald you moron, don't you remember how long did it take to set it up? Ronald: I feel bad about it Carol: I bet you don't, you were afraid so you missed it on purpose Ronald: That's so untrue! Carol: That's more than true :P Ronald: I'll go there and make the appointment again! Carol: Please do and try not to miss it the next time
Ronald miss his dentist appointment again.
William: I'm so mad at you! Elizabeth: What have I done this time? William: Why did you tell Tom that I won the contest? Elizabeth: I didn't know it was a secret…
William is mad at Elizabeth because she told Tom that William won the contest.
Leonel: Hello, I wanted to ask if my car is ready. Oscar: Not yet sir, I’m sorry, we needed some additional parts, that’s why we may need another day or two. Leonel: Oh, okay, I understand. Oscar: I’m sorry I didn’t warn you, I was about to call in a few hours. Leonel: Yes it’s kind of an important information… Anyway, you said something about additional parts. Oscar: Yes, according to your request, we just bought the parts we needed without asking. Leonel: Of course, how much will they be? Oscar: Around $1000. Leonel: Seriously!! It’s a lot! I don’t think it was necessary. Oscar: If you come to the station I’ll explain, now I’m sorry, I have to go. Leonel: Of course you do… Oscar: Mr Wild, I can assure you there are no unjustified expenses, we just did what we needed to. Leonel: We'll see about that.
Oscar has bought £1000 worth of car parts for essential repairs on Leonel's car. Leonel is unhappy with the amount spent. Oscar wants to discuss in person at the station.
John: Hey Pat, I need to cancel our meeting today, Jamie got ill so I need to stay with him Patricia: Oh no, that's a pity, I hope it's nothing serious? John: He caught some ugly flu :( Patricia: Poor Jamie! John: I think I'll be available next Tuesday though Patricia: Tuesday doesn't work for me, I've Spanish classes John: Wednesday then? Patricia: But only around 4 p.m. John: That's perfect then, see you on Wednesday :) Patricia: See you! Kiss Jamie from me
John needs to cancel the meeting today as he has to stay with Jamie. John will see Patricia on Wednesday at 4 p.m.
Anton: Are you in Boston? Jeff: Exactly in Cambridge Charles: At M.I.T? Jeff: yes, I'm having a conference here Anton: Perfect! do you have any plans for tonight? Jeff: Not really Charles: bear? Jeff: would be nice, I like this city a lot Anton: Could you come to Boston Jeff: where exactly? Anton: let's meet at the Boston Common Jeff: good, I can be there around 8.30 Anton: I'm already free, so any time is good for me Charles: ok, so 8.30!
Jeff is coming to Boston Common at 8.30 tonight to meet Anton and Charles for a beer.
Julia: Have you seen 'The First Man', Kat? Kat: not yet Kat: but I need to. Because of Ryan Gosling ;) Julia: yes, you must see it! Julia: Ryan is absolutely fab in this role! Kat: I love him <3 Kat: my fav actor Kat: so good looking! Julia: oh yes, he is! Kat: ;)
Julia enjoyed 'The First Man' with Ryan Gosling. Kat wants to watch it too.
Jess: Hey guys, would you like to go and grab some food? Quentin: Of course, where? Ralph: P-R-E-T Ralph: Unless you know anywhere cheaper 😉 Jess: Hmm well if you’re asking seriously we could go and check the Boots meal deals BEFORE we head for Pret Jess: You know, perhaps we’ll be able to get a sandwich just about to go off but not quite for 1£ Ralph: That’s what I usually do 🤭 Ralph: But today I feel like having one of those tuna and cucumber sandwiches at Pret. Would you be ok with it Quentin? Quentin: Sure Jess: Sounds good to me Ralph: OK then, let’s meet at the main entrance and then we can head to the nearest one Ralph: Which apparently is this one <file_other>
Ralph, Quentin and Jess will go to Pret to have some food.
Eric: <photo_file> Frank: finally Debra: I think they were a couple earlier Debra: Only now they announced it on FB Frank: They are made for each other Frank: I don't understand why they waited so long to be together Eric: It's not everyone's goal to be in a relationship
Eric shares a Facebook post of their friends finally announcing their relationship. Frank thinks they are perfect for each other.
Kelly: I want to go to Ikea this weekend. Kelly: Is anyone willing to join me? Barbie: I'm always willing to go to Ikea Barbie: But this weekend I have my family over Petra: I'd love to go. Petra: Are you taking a car? Kelly: Yeah, I need to buy a sofa and a few more little things Petra: Will it enter your car? Kelly: It's quite big :-) Petra: I need to buy a mirror. Petra: My bedroom mirror broke last weekend Petra: My nephew bumped into it Petra: But no worries he's fine
This weekend Kelly is going to Ikea by car to buy a sofa and a few more little things. Petra needs to buy a new mirror as her nephew bumped into her bedroom mirror last weekend and broke it.
Alonso: mum Felicity: What's the matter, Al? Alonso: can u come asap Felicity: Did something happen? Alonso: i think i broke my leg and i need a lift Felicity: Oh gosh! Just tell me where you are, I'll try to get there as soon as I can!
Felicity will pick up Alonso who broke his leg.
Bill: Maybe try this one <file_other> Nate: Nah, the indoors are too modern. Bill: Is there a restaurant they'll like? Nate: Probably an old-fashioned one with traditional food. Bill: I don't think we have such places here. Nate: Me neither.
They probably like an old-fashioned restaurant with traditional food. There is no such place in the city.
Billie: have you heard the new song of Michael Jackson? Jean: new song of Michael Jackson? Jean: man, he's dead Billie: I know Billie: but they are still making money with his songs and release new ones Jean: I think it's not real Michael Jean: he had to do everything perfectly Billie: yeah I know there new songs are completely different
Michael Jackson's new songs may not be really his.
Andy: Hello Doris, about the repair of your birds' feeder. Do you want me to replace the feeding table? You'd put a new one next to it. Doris: Hi Andy! What do YOU think? Is the old one in a condition promising a couple of years of service? Andy: I should think so. Slightly rotten on one side but I can put some silicon all over it, so it'll survive a few more years. Doris: Splendid! Do so. Andy: But I'll have to get a new and longer screw. The one you provided is turning loose in the wood. Doris: No pro. Buy whatever you need and I'll pay you back. Andy: OK. I'll get you a pic when it's ready. Doris: Ta!
Andy is about to repair Doris' birds' feeder. Andy can make the current feeding table last a couple of years more. Doris agrees to keep it. Andy has to get a new screw, as the one Doris provided is not adequate. Doris will pay Andy back for the screw.
Taylor: Hey Lucy, have u heard Alvaro's newest hit? Lucy: Hey Taylor, I don't think so, what's it called? Taylor: Here's the link: <file_video> Lucy: It's quite catchy, nice. :) Taylor: I'm playing it over and over again LOL
Lucy and Taylor like Alvaro's newest hit.
Jackie: Hey, girl! Long time no see! How's life? Nicole: Hey! Nice hearing from ya! I'm good. Just moved in with David a couple of months ago. Jackie: Oh, congrats! How is it going living with him? Nicole: Well, it comes with it's challenges. He and I have very different attitudes towards living space. I mean as long as he has a place to sleep, he basically doesn't care how his apartment looks. As for me, I like to have a home it's nice to come back to. Jackie: I feel you. It was the same when I first moved in with Bob, but let me tell you, it's possible to get rid of those habits. Just takes some years of practice unfortunately ;) Nicole: yeah... years, that's what I was afraid of. I mean aside from these aesthetic differences it's great living with him. And on the bright side, he REALLY doesn't care how his apartment looks like so he doesn't mind me redecorating it :P Jackie: Same with Bob :) But seriously, now he's like a different man - he actually actively wants to have nice things in the house. Jackie: But maybe he just got older. Nicole: Ha, hope David gets older soon.
Nicole has recently moved in with David and describes Jackie their life together. Jackie shares her experience about her life with Bob.
Karin: Do you have some nice pictures from yesterday Karin: It was so nice Karin: I hope everything went well at the doctor ❤️ Emilia: Hi Karin! Yes, thanks! Emilia: <file_photo> Emilia: <file_photo> Karin: Thank you, they are lovely Karin: So everything went well? Emilia: Yes, very well, they are very nice doctors at the clinic I visited :) Emilia: Thanks for a great lunch! I'm going to try and make the same recipe one of these days 😀 Emilia: I don't like going to the doctor, but it feels better once it's over, just a routine check ;) Karin: That's good. Especially gynaecologists, you feel so vulnerable Karin: I made the same patties yesterday and I offered a few to my neighbour who is renovating, he said "oh these are divine" 😊 Emilia: That's great :) Yes they were very tasty :) Karin: Wish you a good day sweet Emilia, hugs x x Emilia: And to you dear Karin, take care xx
Emilia was at the gynaecologist's yesterday and everything went well.
Kris: but it's becoming real now, leaving this place Herbert: Thats good. You'll finally get some distance Kris: yea, it's scary though Kris: i am afraid of lonelyness Kris: i've had sad thoughts about the chances of future relationships Kris: i still don't know how we ended up together with nicola, other than she was patient and persisting Herbert: Technically iy should be easier, as you have experience now Herbert: Also you making her pregnant forced ypi to stay with her Herbert: I still remember the talk we had in baigle place Kris: which one was that? Herbert: When you told me shes pregnant and you dont know what to do Kris: yeahh.. there was no easy answer Kris: i think i did what eero is doing now Kris: didn't make a decision, which is, as witcher teaches us, a decision on its own Kris: my options were to call it quits, or really embrace it Kris: in hindsight, at least the 2nd option would likely have been a good one Herbert: You have to move on Kris: hey you were the one to bring this part up! 😛
Kris is leaving the place and is afraid of loneliness. Nicola was pregnant with Kris.
Cristiano: do you have the link to that platform with next week's assignment>? Lexi: I should have it somewhere in my inbox, hold on Lexi: <file_other> Lexi: here Cristiano: phew, you're a lifesaver!
Lexi gave Christiano a link to the platform with next week's assignment.
Mary: Will you take the children to grandma? Adam: Sure, no problem. Mary: Thanks
Adam will take the kids to grandma at Mary's request.
Melany: Hey. How much did u pay for that card? 28 euro? Because on the website it is said a ticket for people up to 26 years costs 28 euro Brenden: Hi. Yes 28 Melany: But why? U aren't 26 anymore Brenden: I'll be 27 in june Melany: Yes but it means u are 26 + some months which means u are elder than 26. At least in poland it is counted like that Brenden: I' m 26 now Melany: + some months. So it is ur 27th year Brenden: So up to 26 means 26 included. Yes
Brenden has bought that card for 28 euros. Melany believes Brenden is too old to travel on a reduced fare.
Elijah: How is it going? Where are you now? Seth: We're going to some islands now Elijah: but where? Carlos: In Thailand Elijah: what, I thought you were still in Laos Seth: We flew from Vientiane to Bangkok today Seth: and now we're heading southwards Elijah: I envy you so much. It's very dark and rainy here
Seth and Carlos flew from Vientiane, Laos to Bangkok, Thailand today and are travelling south. Elijah is jealous because of the bad weather here.
Abigail: Have you seen the wedding video? Daffy: Yes 😍 Omena: It's beautiful
Abigail, Daffy and Omena have seen the wedding video that is beautiful.
Ella: I'm having a housewarming party on Sunday. Would you like to come? Isaiah: Of course, I would. :-) Thanks for the invitation! :-) Isaiah: Honestly, I'm surprised you moved out - I thought you loved that place, especially Julian. Ella: Julian stayed - we broke up two weeks ago. Ella: I moved out with my new boyfriend, David. Isaiah: Wow, that's some news! :o Isaiah: Can I ask, why did you breake up? I thought you were an absolute match made in heaven. Isaiah: Sorry, if it's too intimate question. Ella: It's ok, we're friends, aren't we? ;) Ella: I just felt that something was off... Ella: He was always busy and I felt like our relationship was burning out. Isaiah: And then you met David...? Ella: Mhm. :) He was charming, he was bringing me flowers and asking out all the time. One day I agreed to go on a date with him and the next day I decided to dump Julian. Isaiah: Wow, you didn't waste your time... Ella: I know how it looks, but it just felt right.
Ella throws a housewarming party. She invites Isaiah. She broke up with Julian. She is seeing David.
Gerardo: I want to have a motorbike/quad for the month while we are here. We can negotiate better deal if we get multiple bikes. Please let me know if you are interested on getting a motorbike/quad for the month Vinny: Do you know how much it would cost more or less for a month? Becky: We might be able to split a few by apartment/ camp locations so more people go in on a few bikes together Gerardo: Quads 30-40 , Motorbike 15-25 Vinny: those ranges are $/day ? Gerardo: Yes Ken: so will we be getting some quads? Alexander: yes please Gerardo: I think we have a 30 a day deal coming in, I'll let you know later if it works out. But I need a head count Becky: Gery, the 6 of us in the apartments are interested in sharing one of those cart things that fit more than 2 people, in case there’s some sort of deal on those in what you’re working out? Gerardo: I’ll ask Becky: Thanks Gerardo: Final Price i managed to negotiate - The 250cc ATV is $950 (Only 1), The 420cc hondas are $1150/each. He will deliver however many to the camp George: Hey does that include any insurance? Gerardo: sec asking Becky: so none of those ‘golf cart’ type things? Eric: no insurance. So that means the driver is responsible to pay for any damages or theft ... Gerardo: No, this person has no access to those Becky: ok so I guess we’ll pass
Gerardo would like to rent a motorbike or quad for a month. Becky and her flatmates are interested in renting carts. Becky and her friends pass after finding out that there are no vehicles of their interest, and the ones that are available are not insured.
Enzo: dude you up? Simon: im surprised your up at this hour Enzo: yeah im not feeling well Simon: hey whats up Enzo: asthma attacks Simon: shit. how bad is it, let me take you to the medical room Enzo: its bad, i cant go Simon: okay let me bring some medicine for you Enzo: that would be really helpful Simon: do you have your inhaler Enzo: no i dont Simon: ill bring it to you Enzo: Salbutamol Simon: Salbutamol, got it!! ill be right back Enzo: thanks man Simon: hey no problem
Enzo is having bad asthma attacks. Simon will bring the Salbutamol inhaler for Enzo.
Andre: Guys! So the window shades have arrived! Andre: They have to be picked up on 8th Street! Andre: Can anyone get them? Hanna: When? Andre: The furniture shop is open until 6pm Andre: Anyone picking them up today before 6? Andre: Im always at work sorry! ☹️☹️☹️ Hanna: I am working until 7! Matt: I think I can pick them up at 4ish. Im done work at 3 Andre: K great! Andre: The package is under my name Matt: Okay Matt: Are they paid? Andre: Yep! No worries about that, I paid Hanna: How much did they cost? Andre: Like 5 bucks each? For each window Matt: That's not that bad Matt: Where did you get them like online Andre: On Best Buy Andre: They have great deals online, I got them on Cyber Monday Matt: Gotcha 😎😎
Matt will pick the window shades from the furniture store at around 4 pm. Andre got these shades on Cyber Monday on Best Buy for 5 bucks each.
Matilde: We're leaving in 10min Sam: very good Evan: I'm waiting outside
Matilde is leaving in 10 minutes and Evan is waiting outside.
Steven: Do you know any reliable place where I can get my car fixed? Nathan: Hm, let me think... What's wrong with it? Steven: Breaks, I think Nathan: Damn, you're right to check it. My cousin's friend is a true carfreak, he's working for Volvo, but he may it at his place. Steven: Would be great, it's a hybrid so you know, I don't want to give it to anyone. Nathan: Oh good to know man! Hahaha, too bad for you, but I bet Tom will be pretty hyped about this :D Steven: Glad that at least one person will be happy about my broken breaks :P Nathan: Sending you his number, call him first, I don't remember his address.
Steven needs to have his hybrid car fixed. Nathan recommends Tom.
Dagnah: It must be nice for you to wake up earlier these next two weeks 😃 Val: Hahaha Val: It's sooo great!! 😋 Dagnah: Hehe Dagnah: And waking up together with your cat and dog 😍 Val: The best!! Dagnah: Send me photos of them later on ;) Val: I will 😄
Val finds it great to wake up earlier these next two weeks together with his cat and dog. He'll send Dagnah some photos of them later on.
Anthony: babe, what do you think about buying 2 floaties? :) Anthony: just imagine: me and you floating lazily in the sun with a drink in one hand and a book in the other... Elena: mmm :) you're a genius!! Anthony: there's a sale on Amazon, look: <file_other> Elena: they're sooo cute <3 <3 <3 Elena: i want a unicorn-shaped one!! Anthony: ok :D hmm, i think i'll choose the one that looks like a giant slice of pizza :D Elena: good choice, boo! :D
Anthony and Elena will buy 2 floaties on Amazon.
Ben: Can you bring wine? Max: Yes. Red or white? Ben: Red. Ben: Thanks!
Max will bring red wine.
Deb: I missed seeing you when I visited last month. Deb: Hopefully in the near future or when you come to Melbourne! You'll have a room if you decide to visit! =) Danie: I know! Shame I wasn’t back in time. Danie: Would love to visit you some time! It’s on the to-do list 😉 Del: Do what you love Danie others don’t live your life Deb: Good luck and enjoy feel free to join me one morning to tell the Capital about your experience on air xx Danie: Thanks Del, yes we should do that sometime, would be fun 🙂
Deb didn't meet Danie during his last visit.
Caleb: Did you see the Presidents at the funeral today? Chilly! Rose: I did! Can you blame them, though? He's a dick! Caleb: True. But they were on tv... Rose: So? Caleb: Well, I just thought they'd interact more. He didn't even speak to most of them. Rose: And vice versa! Rose: Do you really expect the Clintons to want to talk to him? Caleb: I guess not! Caleb: I'm not a fan or anything, just thought it was weird! Rose: Well, his approval is at an all time low and they have been in his actual shoes, so... Caleb: True. Anyway, the service was moving. Rose: It was. Good speeches. Caleb: Don't think I could speak at a funeral, but you never know. Rose: Exactly. Hope you don't find out! Caleb: Right!
The presidents attended a funeral today. He didn't speak to most of them. His approval is at an all time low.
Martin: Hi Tom, this is my new mobile number in my new country. I hope you're all fine and enjoy your christmas holidays? Speak to you soon. Tom: Hi Martin nice to hear from you. Tom: we're all ready to come and play cards at your new home, what do you think of that? Everyone is ok, we only need the cards Tom: <file_photo> Martin: I miss you all. Ok for cards at home. Bring your own cards, but not the spoon 😂 Martin: don't forgot the bottles Tom: 😂😂 Martin: Have a nice christmas Tom: you too. we think about you, it'll be great to come and visit you next year... with ou without cards, but with 🍾
Martin and Tom are going to meet next year to play cards and have a drink together at Martin's.
Tom: Hello, are you here?? Jerry: yes i'm Tom: where are you? Jerry: i'm in the bus coming back Tom: hurry up! Jerry: why? Tom: I think there is a leak in the bathroom. Jerry: are you kidding? Tom: no, there is quite a lot of water since yesterday Jerry: ok i'll call the tenant Tom: fine, you'll see by yourself.Bye
Jerry is coming back home. There might be a leak in the bathroom. Jerry will call the tenant.
Charlie: hi giiirls!!! Charlie: do you have a topshop or mango membership card? Julia: nope, why? Charlie: i'm going shopping and was counting on some discounts - and extra points for you lovelies ;) Victoria: shopping? ;> why? are u dressing up? ;> Charlie: a bit ;) i've a date :x Julia: whooooaah! you go girl! Victoria: I've Topshop card Charlie: cool, wanna join? Julia: i do ;D Victoria: hell yeah when? Charlie: Thursday, Friday's the date xoxoxo!
Charlie has a date on Friday. She's looking for a discount card for Topshop or Mango. Victoria has a Topshop card. Victoria, Charlie and Julia are going shopping on Thursday.
Roberta: Ben told me that Lola lived in Latin America selling handcrafts Lola: True, a long time ago Tom: Cool! So you were one of these hippies? Lola: Not really. For me it was just an adventure, for them it's a choice for life Lola: Also they never truly accepted me as one of them. Lola: I was always a "gringa" Tom: How long did you live like that? Lola: About six months Roberta: So you were selling handcrafts made by you? Lola: Yes. I made them and sold them Lola: It wasn't big money though Lola: Just enough to survive a day Lola: Pay for bed in a dorm and get something to eat Lola: In a day I would make maybe 4-5 dollars Lola: I paid 2 dollars for the bed and the rest was for food Lola: But there were also days when I couldn't sell anything Lola: Sometimes I had to sleep on the street Lola: Often I was hungry Tom: That's really impressive, Lola Tom: Maybe you could write a book about it Lola: I wrote an article. It should still be somewhere online
Lola lived in Latin America and were selling handcrafts for 6 months. She wrote an article about it.
Jade: Have you heard about the sex tape thats going around?? Beatrice: Wuut? What sex tape??? Jade: Some girl and guy filmed it on a roof of a building while they were doing it. Beatrice: Oh I bet I know who it is... Jade: Yep.. xD it can only be her ahahha but this is going to end bad for her. Beatrice: Let's see how it ends up..
A sex tape was filmed on the roof of a building.
Vicky: Hello Ted and Dinna, just a note to say we're home. Thank you for everything! Ted: Hello Vicky and Mike, thxs for your note. Everything's fine? Vicky: yeah, apart from 1,5 hrs delay Ted: oh sorry! Still in Mexico? Vicky: in London, during the stopover Ted: tired? Vicky: knackered but happy to be back home Ted: what's the weather like? Vicky: light frost, some snow Vicky: <file_photo> Vicky: not a black and white photo! it's a view from our bedroom window Ted: pretty Vicky: and what's it like in Boca? Ted: a thunderstorm last night!!!! Roci was so scared that she crept into our bed Vicky: poor thing! any rain? Ted: hardly at all Vicky: too bad, eh? Ted: not the season for it Vicky: so high temps? Ted: steady mid 20s Vicky: lovely!!!! Vicky: gosh! need to move on now. Hasta luego! Ted: ¡Hasta luego!
Vicky and Mike visited Ted and Dinna. There was a delay during the stopover in London. Now it's snowing in Ted and Vicky's place, and in Boca there was a thunderstorm last night.
Peter: are you home? Henry: yes Peter: where is mom? Henry: she is home.. why? Peter: hows she? i am trying to calling her but she isnt picking up Henry: she is fine i dont know why she didnt pick call may be her phone is silent or something Peter: ok please check and did you check her blood pressure and sugar levels? Henry: yes i checked its all under control dont worry. Peter: Thank God i got worried that she is not picking up phone Henry: yes she is in the kitchen and her phone is in room. Peter: ok i called like that only nothing important i am going out for dinner would call once back to hotel Henry: i will let her know and dont worry she is good, just get over with your work quickly and come back Peter: yes i will get over within 2 days i have a flight for saturday 7pm. will be home on sunday early morning. Henry: ok Peter: take care of mom please Henry: Peter she is my mom also, i am taking care of her please dont worry Peter: i know but you are young you have school and everything Henry: its ok its just day or two otherwise its always you who take care of all responsibilities. Peter: but nothing is possible without your guys support. Henry: :) that is what family is for you Peter: love you all Henry: love you too
Henry and mom are at home. Henry checked their mom's blood pressure and sugar levels and she's fine. Peter got worried about her as she's not picking up. Peter will be home on Sunday morning.
Marcus: <file_photo>, I got the job :D Eve: Congratulations! Steve: Gz :) When do you start? Marcus: Right away, on 3rd Steve: First salary before the holidays, be sure to remember us ;) Eve: Haha, I had my eye on a silver bracelet for a while now ;) Marcus: You will be lucky to get a beer from me :D Steve: Typical... :( So how was that final stage? Marcus: I was quite nervous that I will be meeting the CEO, but he was chill. He has a 15 minutes conversation with everyone, but usually talking to him means you got the job Eve: So why were you so stressed yesterday? Marcus: Well no one actually told me that before this meeting :p Eve: Ok, I get it :) Marcus: Want to meet for this beer tomorrow? While the offer is on the table? ;) Steve: Yeah, let's go and celebrate :)
Marcus starts new job on the 3rd. Marcus and Steve will meet for beer tomorrow.
William: Hello Morah! A new update on our whereabouts. Just moved over to Merida after a long drive from Cancun. Empty roads giving you a weird feeling. William: <file_photo> William: We had all possible difficulties finding our airbnb accommodation and after much asking around and consulting our paltry maps, we gave up and phoned our host who navigated us to the house. It turned out to be located in a semi-fenced residential area outside the city. Quite a pretty and comfy place for that and entirely for us alone. William: <file_photo> William: So we finally had a goodnight's sleep and are looking forward to do some sightseeing in the capital of Yucatan. Morah: So good to hear from you! The house looks very comfortable indeed. William: We even have two bedrooms but Sarah's bravely putting up with my snoring so we're using only one ;-) Morah: You even seem to have a small terrace in front of the house. Quite posh! William: We tried to have our sundowner on it yesterday but mosquitoes from the whole neighbourhood decided to join us, so we had to withdraw before they'd sucked us bloodless. Morah: Too bad! It looks a pretty area around the house though. William: We have a very pleasant parkland just in front of the house, even with a small Maya ruin. But they seem to be everywhere! Morah: Have you consulted Hobbs on its name? I bet he knows everything about every ruin in Mexico. William: Only in the Yucatan peninsula. About the rest of Maya monuments he knows only 99%. He keeps giving us invaluable tips and pieces of advice. Grand chap! Morah: Yes, he is. And not this type of a boring, dried-up professor one might expect. I quite like him too. William: I know you do ;) Morah: I don't even see as much of him. William: As you would love to. Morah: :D William: Once we are back we'll invite you two for a slide show, right? Morah: And maybe two other people in order not to make it too obvious? William: Granted! Morah: Oh so lovely chatting with you. Have a great time travelling. And keep me posted. William: I will. Take care!
William and Sarah just moved to Merida after a long drive from Cancun. They had problems finding their accommodation. The house is two-bedroomed but they are using one. The area around the house and the house itself is nice. William will invite Morah and others for a slide show when they are back.
Amelia: Good to be home! Zara: i missed u so much!!! xxx Jamie: How was Australia? Great pictures! Amelia: it was great but i'm glad to be home again! Jamie: tell me all about it! Zara: seems like ages! Amelia: i'd love to catch up on all the gossip! haha ;) Jamie: totally! we have to meet up!
Amelia has come back from Australia. Zara and Jamie missed her and they all want to meet as soon as possible.
Betty: Do you know any good weight loss programme? Monica: It's not for you, is it? Betty: Oh no no, it's for Lucy's brother. He's really obese, it's difficult as he can't lose any weight Victor: Sorry dear, I've seen things like that only on TV. Maybe she'll get him into one of those? Betty: I doubt it, it's a touchy subject for the entire family Victor: Ok, I get it, hm... I'll ask around, but I don't know many dieticians Monica: Maybe they should go to a GP and then to the gym? Betty: I'll suggest it, but I'm afraid it may a bit too late for that, he can barely move Monica: Omg, and they're reacting now?! Jesus Betty: ... I know. I'll talk to her. If you find anything, please let me know, I don't her to find out I told anyone Victor: Ok, no problem! Monica: Sure sure
Lucy's brother is obese. Betty will talk to Lucy. Victor and Monica will let Betty know if they find some solution.
Margaret: How is my favourite granddaughter? Does she feel better? Zachary: Much better. :) Thanks for asking. Margaret: There's carol singing in the church and dad and I are going. We thought about taking Sophie with us. What do you think about this? Zachary: Yes, sure, she's gonna be delighted. ;)
Margaret's granddaughter is feeling better. Margaret is going to church for carol singing. She wants to take Sophie with her. Zachary agrees.
Steve: did you take him? Kyle: no, he stayed. Kyle: mum said she wanted them both to come Steve: :D Kyle: yeah well her choice ;) Kyle: for me it's even better. Kyle: no need to drive to the kindergarten at 7am before work Steve: :D
Kyle didn't have to drive to the kindergarten at 7am before work.
Trinity: have i paid you for december and january? Violet: nope ;< Trinity: fuck Trinity: ok i'll do the transfer today Trinity: sorry Violet: it's ok!
Trinity hasn't paid Violet for December and January yet. Trinity will make the transfer today.
Joanne: You've seen this? :D Joanne: <file_photo> Hannah: hahahhaah, priceless <3
Joanne sends Hannah a picture.
Vicki: Happy birthday, Patricia! I wish for you to always be happy and have loving people around you :) Hope Archie brings you flowers every day! Always be yourself and never change, sweetheart :* All the best! Patricia: Thank you so much, Vicki :* Haha, Archie and flowers, bitch please :D Vicki: Just wanted to be nice to you :D
Patricia has her birthday and gets birthdays wishes from Vicki.
Tim: Should we bring anything to Birgit? Maria: she asked us to bring booze Andrea: no, she wrote "wine" Maria: right, a bit of a difference Tim: I think for Birgit it's a big difference Tommy: should I take white or red Maria: in winter only red Andrea: I agree
Tim, Maria, Andrea and Tommy are going to Birgit. Tommy will take red wine with him.
Jim: gees I'm trying to call you up Jim: but it's busy Jim: then you call when I can't talk Jim: It's like a game of tag! Jane: sorry I know it's funny though Jane: I'll call you around 8? ok? Jim: fine!
Jim and Jane have been calling each other at moments when the other one couldn't talk. Jane will call Jim around 8.
Mia: 8pm in front of the church? John: I won't manage that. 8.30? Mia: ok! John: good, see you there Mia: see you
Mia and John will meet at 8:30 PM in front of the church.
Tom: I gotta tell you all that I don't like the first years from our floor Yann: You mean these lame people from the end of our floor? Tom: Yes Thomas: Whats wrong with them Tom: They're so annoying Tom: You know such clicks Tom: I tried to kinda talk to them in the lounge Yann: They seem like they wanna stick together Yann: Like so fast tho, they're forming a group Maddie: I tried talking to them too Maddie: very childish in a way, take group pics all the time in the courtyard Yann: Lame... Maddie: Yeah like I didn't have a problem fitting in but Maddie: They're just such clicks and like ignore others 😡 Jamie: I was part of their group chat Jamie: And when Benjamin wrote that they're going to Walmart to get some stuff Jamie: I said I'd join and no one replied after that Jamie: Apparently they formed a new group chat without me Tom: WTF? Jamie: Like im not lying Yann: K we're lit without them haha Tom: Right on! 😘😘
Tom, Yann, Thomas, Maddie and Jamie dislike their neighbors. The neighbors excluded Benjamin from the group chat.
Leslie: Hi, you ok? Amy: Yes, not too bad, still in a lot of pain, painkillers help, but they have certain unfortunate side effects! Leslie: Yes, I know exactly what you mean! Have lots of dried prunes and apricots, they help, in my experience. Amy: Oh thanks, I'll ask Andy to go and get some. How's everything at school, missing me? Leslie: Course we are! The new guy seems OK, though, he's managing alright with everything. Amy: How's Robyn, she feeling more confident? Leslie: Not really! She's been crying in the ladies toilets most afternoons still. Amy: Her classes any better behaved? Leslie: No, definitely not! I was talking to Julian who has the lab next door to her classroom. He said that all the kids in one particular class are trying to get out of the doorway at once, a sort of cork popping out from a bottle scenario! Amy: Hmm, sounds funny, but there could be safety issues, I'd have a quiet word with Robyn if I were you. Leslie: I'll try, but she's so sensitive and paranoid. She already thinks I'm picking on her! Amy: Yes, but we can't allow that kind of thing to carry on, a child could get hurt! Leslie: OK, I'll gently suggest some strategies. Maybe Julian could nip out and check next Friday last lesson, or at least keep an ear out. I have a cover period then, so if I'm not called, I'll pop over Friday too. Amy: If she doesn't improve, we'll have to do something official. Keep an eye on her for a few weeks, see how it goes. Leslie: I don't want to get the senior management team involved yet, just keep it in our dept. I think I'll talk to her to tomorrow. Amy: Good! How are your kids? Leslie: Joshua is fine, he's in the Christmas play as a donkey, but school are sorting the costume, thank God! Katie ìs fine too, she's learning the clarinet and playing in the Comp's concert in the orchestra so she's a bit nervous. Both looking forward to Christmas, Joshua excited about the elves, he seems fascinated by them. We have the elf on the shelf thing going on, he loves that, Katie plays along too! Amy: We didn't have that when mine were little, sounds fun! Just the Advent calendar and Christingles and things! Sam was a bit of a pyromaniac so we had to be extra careful with him and candles! Leslie: Well, I'm careful with Josh too, he's only 6 and very clumsy! Amy: OK, enjoy the rest of the term, see you in January, all being well. Leslie: Make sure you're totally well before you come back! Have a lovely Christmas! Oh, and I'll keep you informed about Robyn and her issues. Amy: Great! The dept is in good hands with you! Leslie: Thanks, now rest yourself! Bye!
Amy's still in a lot of pain. Robyn's still having issues. Leslie will try to talk to her. Leslie's kids are doing fine. Amy should be back at work in January.
Maria: What time is the boarding? Terry: 18.35 Jeff: no, no! 18.05! Jeff: 18.35 is the departure
Maria, Terry and Jeff are departing at 18:35. The boarding is at 18:05
Gabrielle: do you want us to come for lunch? Timothy: sure, at 2? Gabrielle: ok we'll be there Timothy: do the kids eat carrot? Gabrielle: if they get a carrot they'll have carrot. Timothy: i mean do they like it Gabrielle: depends on the mood ;) don't bother, just make what you feel like eating Timothy: ok t's carrot then ;D Gabrielle: great :D Gabrielle: see u at 2 Timothy: ok
Gabrielle and her children are coming to Timothy's for lunch at 2. They will eat carrot.
Sam: Wanna grab a beer? Andy: Sure, in a n hour? Sam: great Andy: see you
Andy and Sam are going for a beer in an hour.
Logan: are you still having piano lessons or have you decided to stop tickling the ivories? :P Camilla: I don't have lessos any more but I still pay when I can Logan: remember the ongoing war with "scone"? :P Logan: You have a piano on you? :) Camilla: I made scones this evening actually Logan: Very nice Camilla: Scone, not scones Camilla: I have a piano in Galgate - not where I am currently. Do you still play? Logan: (I pronounce it like stones which makes me sound posh??) Logan: I do actually! :) I like dabbling a little Camilla: haha - apparently the way I say "mascara" and "sheet" sounds posh Logan: Impressive :P
Camilla is not taking piano lessons anymore but she and Logan are still playing. Camilla has a piano in Galgate. She made a scone this evening.
Rob: Hi. Any plans for the New Year’s Eve? Jenny: Yes, I’m going to see my friends. Rob: Are you staying in town or travelling? Jenny: I hate travelling during Christmas. Too much stress Rob: Why? What do you mean? Jenny: Oh, you know. Typical stuff. Long lanes at the airport, delays because of the weather, who knows what else. Rob: Oh, that shouldn’t be that much trouble. The weather’s gonna be fine actually. Jenny: I’m going to see my friends. They’re throwing out a kind of a party. Rob: Cool, how many people’s gonna be there? Jenny: Don’t know exactly, twelveish or so. Rob: Do I know them? Jenny: Well, you know Mike and Jessy. Rob: OMG, can you ask them if I can join you? I really don’t have any plans. Jenny: Sure, I’ll call you tomorrow.
Jenny is staying in town for the New Year’s Eve as she hates travelling at that time. She's seeing her friends who are throwing out a party for around twelve people out of whom Rob knows Mike and Jessy. He'd like to join as he has no plans, so Jenny will call him tomorrow.
Holly: are you still at the corner store Bob: I just left, why? Holly: we have no ice D: Bob: oh no lol Bob: I'll head back Holly: thank youuuuu
Holly needs Bob to go back to the corner store to purchase ice.
Hallie: I don't feel like going to yoga today Clara: Actually me too :/ Jessica: I got a cold, so I'm definitely staying at home Hallie: <file_gif>
Hallie, Clara and Jessica don't plan to attend yoga session today.
Sarah: <file_photo> Sarah: What should I call him? :) Kate: omg he's sooo cute!!! <3 Kate: How did you get him? Sarah: My friend's dog gave birth and here he is, he has one brother and two sisters if you're interested ;) Kate: hahaha, no, I can't afford having a dog now Sarah: So what should I call him? Biscuit or Adonis? Kate: I don't like Biscuit, so maybe Adonis? Sarah: I was also thinking about Button Kate: Perfect! much better, Button's cool :)
Sarah has a new dog and is thinking about calling him Button.
Ahmed: hey, have you ever been to the bakery on North Main Street? Petra: of course! that place is amazing! makes some of the best bread I've ever had. Ahmed: was just there earlier this afternoon. picked up an eclair and a raspberry tart. Petra: sounds good! Ahmed: it was! Petra: my dad loves that place too. will make any excuse he can to stop by Ahmed: haha Petra: he'll ask my mom if she wants to go to some shop in town, but he really just wants to go to the bakery Ahmed: I'm getting that way too. i find myself stopping by more and more Petra: have you met the owner? hes from Austria originally. Ahmed: yeah, i have in fact. ive chatted with him a bit. Petra: hes been doing this a long time apparently Ahmed: that probably why hes so good Petra: yeah, i think gramma was the only person i know who could bake as well as him Ahmed: dont think i know anyone who can compare. that place is a town landmark Petra: want to go there this weekend? Ahmed: Sure. Im always up for it. Petra: cool. alright, ill text you later this week. Ahmed: great!
Petra and Ahmed like a bakery on North Main Street. Also the father of Petra likes it very much. The owner of the bakery is originally from Austria. Ahmed believes the bakery is a town landmark. Petra and Ahmed will go there together this weekend.
Ralph: So Ms. May strikes again. Shirley: What do you mean? Ralph: Stands by her convictions until it gets too rough and then caves. Shirley: I don't think she's caving, just not willing to let the vote get messy. Ralph: Messy??? Its a dumpster fire! Shirley: Agreed, but what else can she do? Ralph: Well, she's backed herself into a corner. PM's won't vote for it and EU isn't going to change anything. Shirley: I think she'll finally resign. Ralph: Not a chance. Shirley: I don't think she has a choice. Let someone else be in charge and come up with a better deal. Ralph: She's tried and failed, but I think she's too stubborn. Shirley: Possibly. Ralph: She hasn't resigned yet and she didn't even agree with Brexit! Shirley: I know but this is different. Its her deal. Ralph: True, but I don't think she will resign. Ralph: Just look at the history. Shirley: My money is on her resigning. She already has a poor legacy so why not quit while you're ahead? Ralph: Want to lay money on it? Shirley: Sure. I'm pretty confident she will go. Ralph: Okay - 50 says she stays and comes up with a new deal. Shirley: My 50 says she goes within a week! Ralph: You're on! Shirley: Good! We'll see! Ralph: We certainly will...
Shirley bets 50 that Theresa May will resign within a week, whereas Ralph bets 50 that she will stay and come up with a new deal related to Brexit. May didn't agree with Brexit.
Rick: I quit my girl coz she said comics suck Dave: Wtf? Rick: True story, bro Dave: Did you even have a gf? Rick: Yes, didn't I tell you? Dave: Nope Rick: Well, she was my gf for less than a week Dave: Did you guys seriously break up because of comics? Rick: Sure we did, she said nerds are suckers and that comic books are for wankers Dave: How sweet of her XD Rick: But she was pretty... my bad Dave: Sorry for you, you comic book nerd
Rick has broke up with his girlfriend over comic books. Dave didn't know Rick had a girlfriend
Jordan: hey do you feel like having pizza for dinner? Judy: sounds good! Jordan: which one do you want then? Fisherman's dream? Judy: yes pls :) Judy: <file_gif>
Jordan and Judy will order Fisherman's dream pizza for dinner.
Maria: Hi, how are you doing? Maria: I'm back in town Lena: great! finally! Joan: how was Canada? Maria: Amazing, I liked it so much! Joan: did you go to Quebec as well? Maria: Yes, I liked it a lot, probably more than the rest Maria: it's very European Joan: I know, I like it a lot as well, but it reminds me a bit of New England as well Lena: isn't it better to just meet and talk? Maria: Sure, Friday evening at my place? Maria: I have little souvenirs for you 😊 Lena: How nice! Joan: Perfect, Friday night is good! Maria: ok, 7PM or whenever is good for you, I'll be home
Maria has just returned from Canada. She found Quebec very European. Joan thinks it resembles New England. Maria invites Lena and Joan over on Friday at 7 pm to talk about her trip. She also has gifts for them.
Jill: Hi, maybe you'd like to come to us to Sweden? We're off June 6th-9th. Jill: Maybe the snow has melted by the time! :) Leo: Jill, how very nice of you! That'd be so lovely! Leo: But my future seems so uncertain... Leo: I quit my job at the end of March, haven't found anything new yet. Leo: Then I'm off to Spain in mid-May without even knowing if my potential employer will agree on that. Leo: They'd better do as I've bought the tickets! Jill: That sounds so like a busy plan! Leo: On top of that I'm graduating my studies in mid-June, so I'm definitely a busy man at the time. Jill: Just be frank with me, you simply don't want to come to us at all! ;) Leo: Haha, of course I do want to pay you a visit eventually! Just the circumstances are so so. Jill: Everyone wants to come to Eskilstuna, the center of the universe! Leo: Exactly! How's life in general? Jill: Not much is happening actually... Boring job, boring life. Leo: And how's Martin? Jill: Well, he's still my husband, I guess I'm a very good wife for him ;) Leo: I bet you are! Say hi to him! Jill: Will do! Leo: Got to go back to work but it was to cool you reach out to me! Jill: Take care! Leo: And you!
Jill invites Leo to visit her and her husband in Eskilstuna, Sweden in June. Leo is unsure as he will have to find a new job after he quits by the end of March. He will also be travelling to Spain mid-May, and graduating mid-June.