Adam: Do u have a map of Paris? Tom: Yes, Why? A trip? Adam: No, it's for Lisa and her mum.
Tom has a map of Paris.
Jeremy: it was great running into you yesterday Carolyn: i know!! Carolyn: i can't believe we hadn't seen each other in 3 years Jeremy: it's been too long (ಥ﹏ಥ) lol Jeremy: you look the same though Carolyn: lol you're just trying to make me feel good Jeremy: i'm not!!! you haven't aged a bit Carolyn: i forgot to ask you yesterday Carolyn: have you seen angie recently? Jeremy: no Jeremy: i think i haven't seen her in years Carolyn: i always liked her and would love to see what she's up to Carolyn: but she's not on facebook or twitter Carolyn: or any other social media Carolyn: and i don't have her number Jeremy: bryan may have her number :-D Carolyn: what bryan? Jeremy: bryan mackenzie Jeremy: they used to go out, you don't remember him? Carolyn: no Carolyn: but if you could get her number from him i would be really grateful Jeremy: let me text him right now
Jeremy will text Bryan Mackenzie to get Angie's number for Carolyn.
Martha: Hi! Can you cover the afternoon shift? George: I have a day off. I really need it. Martha: I know and I am sorry to bother you on your day off but we need you. Karen called in sick so the remaining staff are struggling. George: I see. It’s the second time this month, isn’t it? Martha: Don’t get me started.. I have to talk to her as soon as she’s back at work. George: Look, I’ve got some stuff to do this afternoon. Can you try Anna? Martha: I did but couldn’t reach her. I’ll give you a whole day off any time you want. On Friday perhaps? George: Fine. Count on me. But it’s only because you ask me nicely ;) Martha: I really appreciate it. George: See you later then. Martha: See you and thank you so much!
Karen called in sick again and Anna is out of reach, so Martha needs George to cover the afternoon shift, even though it's his day off. George agrees to Martha's request in exchange for a whole day off another time.
Gareth: Hi mate. You coming swimming tomorrow? Eddie: Bit chilly for it, man! Might take a rain check. Gareth: Don't feel it once you get going, come on! I hate going there on my own. Eddie: Well, I'm not going in my Speedos, winter wetsuit time! Gareth: I agree! See you 7ish by the Upper Pond. Can't wait! Eddie: Right! Hmm, see you bright and early.
Eddie and Gareth are going swimming tomorrow 7ish by the Upper Pond.
Celine: i'm at the car wash Celine: so bored -- i thought this was going to take a couple of minutes Celine: and i've been here for hours Jean: sorry i can text right now Jean: i can't entertain you Jean: i'm driving Celine: sorry
Celine is bored at the car wash. It's taking longer than she expected.
Ben: Hi! Are you Jamie's friend who was at Don's party yesterday? Barbara: Nope, sorry, wrong Barbara. Ben: Ok, sorry, bye. Barbara: Have a nice day!
Ben is looking for Barbara that he met at the party yesterday. He added wrong person.
Maya: Hi :)) I started learning java last week, but it's all greek to me... Maya: Could you recommend me some books Maya: Or blogs.....? Maya: Or sth like that? :D Brad: I know one great website Brad: Wait a sec Maya: :)) Brad: <file_other> Alice: I also used this website ;) It's the best Alice: And YT channel Alice: <file_other> Maya: Oooo!! Thanks a lot :))))
Maya took up learning java last week and asks for some sources she might learn from. Brad and Alice provide Maya with the sources.
Don: Do you listen to Westlife? Honorata: They're old haha Don: I know xd Don: 00s music but its great to listen to Honorata: They have some golden songs 15 years ago Don: I know, I feel like I had a great childhood by listening to them xd Honorata: I agree
Don and Honorata liked listening to Westlife in their childhood.
Tim: We're going to the cinema tonight Tim: anybody wants to join? Jim: what time? Mary: 7.30 Stefano: what movie? Mary: The Shape of Water Stefano: it's so old! Mary: but we didn't see it and they play it only tonight Stefano: I've seen it already Jim: me too
Mary and Tim are going to the cinema to see "The Shape of Water" at 7:30 p.m. Stefano and Jim have seen it.
Damian: So, how was your first day as a teacher? :) Josiah: It was ok. :) Josiah: The kids are great, the headmaster - really cool, my fellow teachers - grumpy, but bearable. Josiah: I was really surprised though, that there are hardly any young teachers in this school. Damian: Hmm, that's strange indeed... Damian: What's their average age? Josiah: 50-60. There are just four teachers at my age... Josiah: I don't feel very comfortable with it, but I guess I'll have to get used to it. Damian: I hope you'll get along with everyone despite the age gap. ;) Damian: Don't worry, you'll be fine. :) Josiah: Thanks! :)
Josiah liked his first day as a teacher. The other teachers are around 50-60, and only 4 teachers are his age.
Aaron: And how is my Honey Bunny? Watching telly? Gwyneth: As ill as before. Running nose despite tablets. Gwyneth: I've stuffed myself with garlic, ginger tea and honey but feel no better. Gwyneth: I think I'll go to bed soon. Aaron: There is "Inspector Barnaby" on the 4th at 9:15. Won't you watch it? Gwyneth: Nope. Still have to sort out a few things. Gwyneth: Had no time really to sort out my mail yet. Aaron: Are you then upstairs? Isn't it a bit chilly in your study? Gwyneth: Wearing a fleece jacket. Gwyneth: No, I don't feel like sitting in front of the box. Besides Barnaby is worse and worse. Know all his gags by now. Aaron: True.Getting boring. But there's nothing else. I might turn in early too. Gwyneth: So wish me a good night. Aaron: Good night Honey Bunny. Sleep tight. Aaron: And get better soon!
Gwyneth has a cold. She took pills and natural remedies. She'll go through emails in her study upstairs.
John: where the fuck are you guys? Arthur: outside the bar, where are you? John: outside the bar too Arthur: that's impossible, you are at Jazz Club right? John: no? shit... i came to Jimmy's lol Arthur: hahaha, well it's not that far, just come here we will wait for you ;)
John is looking for his friends at Jimmy's instead of Jazz Club.
Ken: Hey gang - the people hosting us here in CR have been amazing to us going out of their way on many occasions. If you have ideas for a gift for doug and JC please speak up ;) Gerardo: Bottle of whiskey or tequila Anna: we could also pitch in for something cool for the surf camp they can use, unsure what that might be Kate: kitchen stuff, maybe? Anna: also hugs Eric: we all know JC loves his Tequila! haha Gerardo: we could frame a pic of Julia and give it to him :P
Ken, Gerardo, Anna, Kate and Eric want to give something to Doug and JC who hosted them in CR. Gerardo proposes a bottle of whiskey or tequila. Anna proposes something for the surf camp. Kate proposes kitchen supplies.
Barry: I need a beer Steve: you're not the only one Steve: but why are you telling me this? Barry: pub? Steve: that was predictable... Steve: sure why not Barry: now? Steve: 15 min Steve: need to finish something first Barry: ok!
Barry and Steve are going to a pub in 15 minutes.
Tory: guys, I need you help Lisa: what is it? Tory: I borrowed 10 books in the library Tory: but I need 3 more Joseph: so what's the problem? Tory: the limit is 10! Tim: right! I can borrow them for you Tory: thanks!
Tim will borrow 3 books for Tory.
Dina: my cat is awsome! Liza: why? what he did this time? Dina: we trained him, he cam give his paw Liza: really? Dina: yeah, he is giving his right paw when y say: YO! Liza: thats trully awsome! Dina: I know, right? :D
Dina has trained her cat give his paw at the word "yo".
Aisha: <file_other> Aisha: rofl this is the best thing i've read in a long time Beatrice: Give me a minute Beatrice: Lol Beatrice: Avocado anxiety wtf :D Aisha: yep :D Aisha: one of the biggest fears of millennials is related to their avocados Beatrice: First world problems at its best haha Aisha: yes :D
Aisha and Beatrice have fun reading a text on avocado anxiety.
Erin: Is anyone getting shuttle to San Jose Friday morning? Ashley: Erin, I have communicated with the shuttle company and, as of right now, I am the only person requesting the Friday afternoon shuttle. Therefore, they are not going to run the afternoon shuttle and I am being forced into taking the morning shuttle. *short answer: yes, I most likely will.* Ben: I also need a shuttle to San Jose Friday morning. Which company are you using ? Ashley: i have been communicating with <file_link>
Erin, Ben and Ashley are going to get shuttle to San Jose Friday morning.
Daki: Viki, you can follow the tracking information, of your package on the site <file_other> . Viki: Very good. Daki: The number of package are: CA20192735641. You can access width it to the all necessary information. Viki: Yes, I am going to see. Daki: Good, inform me about package. Viki: A package is now at the Departure point of post office i Belgrade Airport. Daki: Good. Viki: Now it is at the Arriving point of Vankuver Airport. Daki: Excellent. Viki: It is now in Customs service at the Vankuver Airport. Daki: Send me continuous information. Viki: Now it is in track to the Montreal Post office. Daki: Looks like that it is near your apartment? Viki: Yes, I receive a information about package, as email massage. Place where I can get it. Daki: Very good. Viki: I took Package and every ting is according Declaration in the package. Daki: Excellent, transportation took les than one month, as Post Office declared.
The number of Viki's package is CA20192735641 and she is tracking it. Viki received the package.
George: Paul can i borrow your bag for the weekend, seriously mate, I need it for the trip Paul: sure no problem Paul: but you gotta give it back after your trip George: of course man, thanks so much Paul: no prob ;)
Paul is going to lend his bag to George for his trip.
Agata: Hey, are you ok? Went to see a doctor? Paula: Yeah, I stayed at home and I'm on a sick-leave Agata: Good Agata: You need to recover Agata: What did the doctor say? Paula: Nothing reasonable, told me to measure my blood pressure in the morning and in the evening Agata: You have problems with your pressure? Paula: Seems so... I don't know Agata: Good that you're off work Agata: maybe you'll manage to relax a little bit Paula: hope so Agata: How is Martha? Paula: She's at Mark's studying for her tests Paula: she's coming back tomorrow Paula: She keeps using her cell all the time when she's there Agata: :( Paula: I hate it Paula: okay, I'm going to bed Agata: sure Agata: have a good rest Paula: speak to you soon
Paula is on sick-leave. She has to measure her blood pressure twice a day. Martha is at Mark's studying.
Karen: Do you fart next to your boyfriends? Patty: What kind of question is that?? Amanda: I do. But he started doing it first. Amanda: Quite fast. After 2 weeks together... Karen: We've been together for a month already Karen: And recently I really needed to fart Karen: But I went to the toilet Karen: He has also never farted next to me.
Amanda and her boyfriend started to fart next to each other after two weeks of being in a relationship. Karen and her partner have been together for a month and they have never done that though.
Jim: Hello, Ronnie. How can I help you? Ronnie: Hi! I need some help with my phone. Jim: Sure thing. What seems to be the matter? Ronnie: Well, the battery drain is really bad. Jim: Can you describe the issue further? Ronnie: For the first 2 weeks it was fine but now the batter doesn't last for more than 4 hours on full charge. Jim: OK. Can you send me the battery usage data? Ronnie: Sure. <file_photo> Jim: I see you're using antivirus software? Ronnie: Yeah. Installed it some time ago. Jim: Have you tried changing its settings? Ronnie: How? Jim: Go into Settings, Device maintenance, Apps, Antivirus and settings. Check frequency settings. Ronnie: It's on high. Jim: That's probably the issue. Try changing it to lower settings. This should help. Ronnie: Thank you! Jim: No problem, you're welcome. Can I assist you any further? Ronnie: No, thank you.
The battery drain in Ronnie's phone is bad. Jim advises to change frequency settings to lower.
Joe: Merry Christmas <file_photo> Jennifer: where r u? Joe: Spain :D Jennifer: bastards:P
It's Christmas. Joe is in Spain.
Henry: so?? Ben: i told u i needed some time Henry: what for Ben: to think about it Henry: you dont think about it Henry: you just want it Henry: or not Ben: i do want it, but.. Henry: no buts.. Henry: look man, i already have a few others considering to buy it Henry: so you need to make a move before someone else decides to go for it Ben: i knw i knw Ben: can i see it once again Henry: sure, as many times you want Ben: thanks
Ben needs more time to think if he wants to buy it from Henry. Ben wants to see it again.
Jeremy: i'm booking the holidays Jeremy: u said last year u wanted to come with us Jeremy: that still on? Jamie: well we could. where are you going? Jamie: the mountains? Jeremy: yep same place Jeremy: <file_other> Jamie: omg they have goats!!!! how cuuuuuteeee!!!! Jeremy: yeeeah and a donkey and a lama and sheep and rabbits Jamie: wow incredible. Jenny will go creazy!! Jeremy: yeah the boys loved it last year Jamie: we're definitely going with you ;D Jeremy: ok i'll make the reservations. just let me know when u can go Jamie: ok i'll check the calendar when i'm at work Jeremy: ok just make sure it's today. i don't want to wait any longer with the booking. the place is really packed in season Jamie: ok ok Jeremy: can't wait Jamie: yeah neither can i!!
Jeremy offered Jamie to go on holiday together.
Ali: Salaam Alaikum Swabrina: Wa Alaikum Salaam Ali: Are you up for ice cream today Swabrina: Definitely🤤. What time? Ali: 1400hrs? Swabrina: Sounds perfect to me Ali: Okay see you then Swabrina: Can't wait😇
Swabrina will meet Ali for ice cream at 2pm today.
Martha: I don't feel like making dinner today Richard: Wanna order a pizza? Martha: Yeah, that's what I was thinking Martha: Not from that new place, though, the pizza was soggy last time, let's stick with the usual one Richard: OK. I'll get us our favourite, then
Richard and Martha will order their favourite pizza.
Fanny: Hey, big bro, is mum at home? Bob: Dunno, I'm upstairs. Fanny: Can't you leave your game for a moment and go check? She doesn't answer her phone and I need her to come pick me up. Bob: OK, hang on. Fanny: I'm waiting. Bob: She's gonna call you back in a sec. Now I'm going back to my game. Do not disturb :P
Fanny wants her mother to pick her up. Fanny's mother will call her shortly.
Jay: Sorry, I sent it by mistake Joe: The recording? Kim: No problem. Joe: that's okay
Jay inadvertently sent the recording to Joe and Kim.
Harper: Hey. Do you know maybe how much around the private English class is in Faro? One girl is asking me for a price and I have no idea if 15 euro is not too much Kylie: Hey ☺️ Oh, i honestly have no ideia ... I always had english classes at school ... Harper: Ok 🙂 Kylie: Is it basic english or advanced english that she want to learn? Harper: Intermediate I guess Kylie: Because my mom wanted to teach some english .. but I don't know if that's what she is looking for .. Harper: Ok. I'm an english teacher xd Kylie: Are you? ☺️ i didnt know!! Well, we haven't had the time to actually get to know each other properly yet, so i believe you ☺️ so why don't you help her? And maybe make some money for you Harper: Yeah that's why I was wondering about the price 😀 Because I offered her private classes Kylie: Ups sorry, i though you were trying to help her to know how much it would be, never mind 😅 Maybe you can search online, and see how much are other people asking ... Harper: I already did it 😀 I said 15 euro. If I get it, it's fine. if not, I don't mind as well 🙂 Kylie: I think between 10 and 15 its a good price, hope she will call you ☺ Harper: :)
Harper is an English teacher and wants to charge 15 euro. Kylie thinks 10-15 is a good price.
Mimi: Anyone up for a movie tonight? Kelly: I am, what movie you think? Mimi: Vice, heard it's pretty damn good Kelly: politics? Kelly: not my cup of tea Leslie: I could watch that one Leslie: Can I come with Mike? Leslie: he REALLY wants to see it Kelly: for me no problem:D Mimi: Sure, I'll bring Steve Mimi: They get moderately along right? Leslie: Mike says yes:D Mimi: Well, then it's a date Leslie: which cinema we're going? Leslie: this one next to us has a 7pm show Mimi: the one in the center has a 8:30pm show Leslie: sounds better, we will put kids to bed and call my mom to watch over Mimi: That's great! I gotta call a sitter Mimi: but it's a date then Leslie: see you soon
Mimi will take Steve, Leslie will take Mike and they will go together to see Vice. They will go to the cinema in the centre for the 8.30 show. Leslie will put the kids to bed and ask her mom to come. Mimi will call a baby sitter.
Ruth: what size are you Shirley: size of what Ruth: nevermind Shirley: uh??? Ruth: please just forget about it Ruth: it's supposed to be a surprise
Ruth is preparing a surprise for Shirley and needs to know what size Shirley is.
Daria: Hi Lucy Lucy: Hi! Daria: So... how was your date? Lucy: It was awful :( Daria: Why?! Lucy: Larry is a nice guy but his jokes and anecdotes are... pretty cringy Daria: What did he talk about?! Lucy: Mainly him and his pals drinking beer watching porn in high school Daria: I know guys who talk about those things and are damn fun and entertaining :D Lucy: Well, he wasn't, he's not properly creepy but pretty close Daria: Oh my Lucy: And... well, he had no cash with him and when it turned out the restaurant couldn't accept his card... Daria: ...noooo... Lucy: ... I had to pay for both of us! Daria: Ouch Lucy: Ouch indeed Daria: Next one please! Lucy: :(
Lucy didn't enjoy her date with Larry because Larry's jokes weren't funny for her and she had to pay for both of them as his card was declined.
Ray: Hello, let's discuss the meeting. Rich: Hey, good idea to create this conversation. Virginia: Hey guys, I'm ready. Ray: Okay, the meeting will probably start with poll. Rich: I don't even know whom I should pick. Virginia: me too Ray: Then we will talk through future plans. Virginia: Boring stuff as usual...
Ray, Rich and Virginia will attend the meeting that will include poll and discuss future plans.
Natalia: Hello Marta!! How are you Natalia: I'm sorry for asking you this now, but I faced some problem with computer and last time you helped me Marta: Hi Natalia! No worries. I wish to help but I'm travelling now, sorry Natalia: im sorry for texting you because of this Natalia: i got it already someone else helped me Natalia: anyway i hope you doing well in your travel Marta: No worries, it's fine. Studying hard? Natalia: hhhh trying hard Natalia: just started to do my homework Marta: Sounds like a good direction. Don't neglect your homework :)
Marta is travelling now so she can't help Natalia with her computer issue. Natalia just started to do her homework.
Topher: hey, Bryan Cranston was on Jimmy Kimmel last night. there might be a video of it online already Gisela: ooo neat. i'll see what i can find. Topher: did you finish watching all the Breaking Bad seasons? Gisela: no, not yet. don't want it to end though Topher: the fifth season is my favorite. youre in for a treat. Gisela: great! I was planning to start watching that one tonight actually Topher: nice. enjoy! Gisela: thanks!
Topher informs Gisela that Jimmy Kimmel hosted Bryan Cranston last night. Gisela will try to find the video online. Gisela may start watching the 5th season of Breaking Bad tonight.
Nancy: Hi Sue, did you get the note from Jane? Sue: yes I did Nancy thanks are you going? Nancy: yes I am see you there? Sue: Yes I will be there for 3 Nancy: see you there then It will be nice to catch up
Sue and Nancy are going to meet up at Jane's.
Ben: beer or wine? Aaron: wine Karen: yeah red and dry Aaron: semi dry? Karen: ok Ben: ok
Ben, Aaron and Karen will have semi dry red wine.
George: <file_other> Andrew: that's an interesting event Andrew: are we going? George: do you need to ask? Andrew: not really George: just mark the day in your calendar ;)
George and Andrew will go to an event.
Klementine: <file_photo> Ola: omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Regina: don't like them Ola: I'm booking tickets right now Klementine: Regina I feel sorry for u ;p Klementine: <file_gif>
Klementine sent a photo. Ola is buying tickets. Regina doesn't like them.
Paulina: Where are you? Nick: at the roundabout Kelsey: We're parked on the side Kelsey: enter the roundabout slowly and you'll see us on the right side Paulina: parked on a roundabout?! Kelsey: it's very wide Nick: but harry up, it's seem to be a spot for prostitutes Kelsey: they keep knocking at the window Paulina: hahaha, you disrupt working people!
Nick and Kelsey parked a car on the side of the roundabout.
Annelie: I have to give a hand at the red cross tonight. So i left cold chicken and green salad in the fridge. Help yourself Austin: ok thanks Annelie: I forgot to tell you that there is also icecream for you Austin: chocolate one? Annelie: Yes your favorite one
Annelie is working at the red cross tonight. She left cold chicken, green salad and chocolate ice cream for Austin in the fridge.
Kenneth: Can you inform me next time when you want to use my computer? Linda: Who used your computer? Mike: Wasn't me Kenneth: The access is blocked Kenneth: Wrong password was inserted multiple times Mike: I'm sorry dude Mike: But I have nothing to do with that Kenneth: Only you two have access to the office Linda: Why would we use your computer? Linda: We have ours.
Kenneth suspects that somebody has used his computer because a wrong password was inserted multiple times and the access is blocked.
Ulle: Anybody wants to go with me to the town tomorrow? Joan: I'm not in the village anyway Ted: I could go with you, need to do a few things there Ulle: great, could you drive my car as well? Ted: LoL, I could, but why? Ulle: I need to see a dentist and I'm not sure how I feel afterwards, so I may ask you to drive us back home Ted: sure! No problem. Ulle: I'll pick you up at 7.00AM Ted: ok
Ulle will pick up Ted tomorrow at 7am for a trip to the dentist and town.
Fabiana: do you know what Alec bought Nathaniel as a bday gift? Jill: no idea Jill: sth cheap and shitty? Fabiana: shitty and it was a cheapier version of my gift Fabiana: so he didn't care to ask us what we're buying him Jill: god he's such a shitty boyfriend Jill: I really wish Nathaniel to dump his stupid ass Fabiana: Nathaniel was joking about it but I feel sorry for him Jill: but your ex also sucked at gifts Fabiana: I still remember those broken flowers on Valentine's day Jill: broken? wtf Fabiana: he bought the last flowers he got at the gas station Jill: THE WORST Jill: I still cannot wrap my head around that Fabiana: but having that experience I understand Nathaniel Jill: yeah, dumping someone you love isn't easy
Alec bought Nathaniel a shitty cheaper version of Fabiana's gift for his birthday. He didn't even ask what they were buying. Jill wishes Nathaniel dumped Alec. Fabiana once received broken flowers for Valentine's Day from her boyfriend.
Martin: Hello Jen, i'm still waiting for you in Dublin, but as you can't decided yourself , i thought to come and visit you in Brittany. I'll be on my way to Biarritz with Sammy on the 4th of august Jen: I was about to write to you. I'm back from Moscow, where i spend such a nice week with family. How incredible how the city has changed. I'll be happy to host you in august. I'm thinking about Dublin in september Martin: great, i'm so happy. I'll call you back but i'll arrive late on the 4th of august or the 5th in the morning. I'll let you know asap Jen: whenever you want.You may call me on the , i'm leaving on the 29th of july. Martin: I'm in the States till the end of july, so i'll call you once you arrive in Brittany Jen: enjoy your stay in america. I'll wait for you
Martin will come to Brittany with Sammy in the beginning of August and visit Jen. Jen has just came back from Moscow. Jen is leaving on the 29th of July. Martin is in the USA until the end of July. Martin will call Jen when she arrives in Brittany.
Joanna: So Joanna: I am DD-ing Luke, Florence and Jason right? Luke: ye Luke: Jason is with me rn Luke: Preparing! Joanna: Ye i am just making sure Florence: Ye I am on my way to you LUke Luke: K great
Joanna will be the designated driver for Luke, Florence and Jason. Jason is with Luke. Florence is on her way to Luke.
Angie: send me a picture of your cat Louisa: <file_picture> Angie: thx
Louisa sends Angie a picture of her cat.
Susie: I called mum and told het to buy ice skates for Tony Susie: you know those cute tiny ones Susie: :) Ed: which ones? Susie: <file_other> Ed: oooh these ones Ed: yeah I guess they're all right Susie: and i was thinking maybe this year we could take Tim to the lessons as well Ed: definitely we could!
Susie's mum will buy ice skates for Tony. Susie and Ed will take him to ice skating lessons this year.
Michael: Hi, just so you know, I've just got home, I'll let you know when I'm leaving. Tracy: Ok, cool, do whatever you need to do and I'm ready as you are. Michael: I think I'll take the bus at around 7 pm, so I'm at your place at 7:30 pm. Tracy: Sounds fine! Any ideas what to do later tonight? Michael: I'll text Josh, maybe he can join for a drink? Tracy: Oh, I haven't seen him for ages, that'd be so cool! Michael: Texting him right away! Tracy: Shall we go to the new dive bar they've just opened up near the big park? Michael: Why not, we can try it out! I'm dying to have a good G&T after this tough week! Tracy: I wouldn't mind a drink either! Michael: Ok, let me take a shower, fix some things here and I'll keep you posted! Tracy: Sure! See you soon! Michael: Josh has replied! He'll come over! Tracy: Fantastic! Tell him I'm really looking forward to seeing him! And you of course!
Michael just got home. He will get ready and take the 7 pm bus and be at Tracy's at 7.30. Josh, Michael, and Tracy will go to the new dive bar tonight to have drinks.
Colin: Rick, we still looking for an additional person for the trip Colin: you're sure you don't want to come? Rick: I would like to Rick: but unfortunately I can't Colin: that's a shame Colin: I know you were looking forward to it last year Rick: yeah but life happened and I need to stay at home this year Rick: maybe next time Colin: okay
Rick can't go on the trip that is organised by Colin.
Tenley: charger for ip pls Woodrow: dont use that crap Peak: yeah exactly samsung rulezz!!!
Tenley needs a charger for ip. Neither Woodrow nor Peak would use it.
Ted: Hi Tom, saturday, oysters party at the Rendez vous. Send a sms to Emy if you want to book a place Tom: i don't have her sms Ted: <file_other> Tom: thanks. Tom: what are u ordering as usual? 6, 9, 12 ? Ted: usually we order 12 Tom: at what time the Rendez vous? Ted: around 8:30 Tom: better if we are all together. We book for oysters but what about being seating together? Ted: dont forget to tell " with Tom" when you book Tom: i'd like to come, but Susie doesn't like oysters... to bad Ted: for thus who doesn't like oysters, there is spanish ham, and french cheese. Tom: great!! Ted: Hi tom, i have a doubt: did you book at the Rendez vous Tom: yes done yesterday! Ted: Sarah and Jules are coming too Tom: such a long time I haven't see them. I'm looking forward to be saturday evening Ted: Is Susie coming? Tom: I still don't know, but Emy told me i don't have to book for her. Ted: you should... and you order an extra 6 for her... we'll share her part.... lol Tom: good idea. I'm so found of oysters Ted: usually there is more than one such party during the season Tom: i love winter!
Ted and Tom plan an oyster party at Rendez vous on Saturday at 8:30. Sarah and Jules comes too.
Peter: so I saw your Facebook post about getting a tick...when i worked as a bush regenerator we did a trial with Westmead hospital with ticks. Those who took vitamin b complex got about 80% fewer tick bites Linda: interesting Peter: So now we take a daily vitamin b at our farm...only get a tick or two a year. Linda: generally I'm against taking a vitamin supplement BUT 🤔 Linda: whole new world up here Peter: Same here this case think of it as a preventative that seems to work rather than a supplement Linda: interesting. First question I asked was, why me? Because I'm very susceptible to mozzie bites and I believe taking B complex helps mask you to them as well Peter: Or, if you get a tick, you could always bash it to death with a crystal...😀 Linda: or drown it in turmeric 😀 Peter: lolz Peter: You'll have fun with all the wankers up there... Linda: There's enough sensible people up here so you can move in completely different circles and almost never come into contact with the wankers Peter: 😀 Linda: I have joined a few local community groups and their posts drive me batshit crazy. But a lot of people take the piss out of them as well. Which is nice 😁 Peter: Just stay scientific otherwise you'll have to have your chakras rebooted Linda: oh stop 😀
Linda got a tick. Peter's study showed that taking vitamin B complex prevents tick bites. Many people around Linda are in favor of alternative medicine.
Tom: I need your help Mary: With the essay? Tom: yes Mary: I though so, ok, I'll come over to your place tonight Tom: thanks!
Mary will come over to Tom's to help him with the essay.
Alberto: here's my new number Isaac: what happened to the old one? Alberto: I lost the phone Isaac: you know you can ask for a new card, don't you? Alberto: no I can't Alberto: it's prepaid Isaac: still Alberto: really? Isaac: what company is it? Alberto: Vodafone Isaac: well I know you can do it with Orange for sure Alberto: anyway it's too late Alberto: I already have a new one Isaac: have it your way man
Alberto gives Isaac his new phone number as he lost his existing phone. Isaac suggests that Alberto can ask for a new card but Alberto says that it's no longer relevant as he has a new number.
Audrey: I saw you guys on the street Henry: We didn't see you Ernest: Why didn't you talk to us? Audrey: I was in the bus
Audrey saw Henry and Ernest from a bus.
Tom: We have to get the tickets Saturday Tom: at the latest Mary: why? Mary: why the rush? Tom: there might not be any tickets left after the weekend Mary: why do you think that Tom: last year it was like that Tom: and I don't want to end up with no tickets Tom: like last year Mary: Ok we can get them on Thursday Tom: ok great
Tom and Mary will buy tickets on Thursday, because there might not be any tickets left after the weekend.
Jimmy: Hey, guess what? My car's completely kaput! Carrie: What happened? Jimmy: Don't know, either the battery, alternator, engine or a combination of all three Carrie: Where is it now? Jimmy: Yesterday I managed to jump-start it and it was fine, but then Amy took the car and stopped to get something at the store, and then she couldn't get it to start again Carrie: Sucks! Wanna borrow my Mercedes? Jimmy: How are you gonna get it to me? You live so far from the city now Carrie: I don't live that far! It's only like 20 km Jimmy: I'll let you know Carrie: I can drive it into the city, and then you can drive me back home, then you'll have the car :) Jimmy: :) Hmm… I still gotta do something about my car Carrie: Actually, you should buy mine and get rid of yours Jimmy: :-/ Yeah, lately there's always something with it. Anyways, I'll let you know. I may need it, Amy's sister is coming to visit. Carrie: Ok, see ya Jimmy: Bye
Jimmy's car is dead. He's not sure what's wrong with it. Carrie offered to borrow him her Mercedes. She's also willing to sell it to him. Jimmy will let her know. Amy's sister is coming to visit.
Lauren: guys, wanna come over tonight to our place? Kelly: Yes!!! I need some booze Christina: me to, and I'll bring Charles Kelly: great, I'll meet him finally Christina: it's the hight time I believe Lauren: How long have you been together? Christina: 7 months Lauren: wow, this is getting serious 🙊 Christina: hahah, don't scare me. See you later! Lauren: :*
Lauren invites Kelly and Christina to her place tonight. Christina'll bring Charles with whom she's already 7 months. Kelly'll finally meet him.
Elliot: Luke asks if we want to go to the escape room with him and this girl he talked about. :/ Elliot: Ellie or Eliana, I don't remember her name. Victoria: noooo, i don't want to!! Victoria: he can't take us on dates with girls, it's just awkward Victoria: tell him i'm busy Elliot: I know it is. :/ Elliot: His level of assness and hopelessness (as far as dating is concerned) is just frustrating. Victoria: you're his friend, you should talk to him and explain, that he sabotages his own actions in this way Victoria: the last time he didn't even talk to the girl, he came with Victoria: it was us who actually asked her questions and generally did most of the talking Victoria: i was cringing so hard for the whole time!! Elliot: I was ashamed of him too, but what could i do...? Elliot: I don't know, maybe I'll try to talk to him. Victoria: are you going to this escape room with them? Elliot: I'll try to wiggle out of it, but I don't know. :/
Elliot and Victoria don't want to go to the escape room with Luke and his girlfriend. They don't like they way Luke treats girls on dates.
Johnson: Sorry I couldn't pick up, I was driving. Did you need something? Rick: Just wanted to ask if you were home, got nothing to do.. Johnson: Ahahha Just came to the supermarket to get some stuff and will be home in about 30 minutes. Rick: Can I stop by? Johnson: Sure bro! Show up in about 40 minutes ok? Rick: Cool, cya in a bit!
Johnson is in the supermarket and will be home in 30 minutes. Rick will visit him 10 minutes later.
Derek: Hello Derek: Can we reschedule our meeting to Tuesday? Jacob: Hello Derek Derek: I can't meet on Monday Jacob: It's fine, we can meet on Tuesday Derek: What time? Jacob: 5:30? Derek: 5:30 it is. See you! Jacob: See you on Tuesday
Derek rescheduled his meeting with Jacob to Tuesday at 5:30.
Kendra: Good morning, do you have a space for children in your restaurant? Brayan: Of course, we have a small playground at the end of the main room, around are the tables for parents so you can look after your baby  Kendra: That’s great! Are there any toys or do I have to bring some? Brayan: No, just a few teddies. Kendra: OK, one more question, do you have a menu for children? Brayan: Yes, you can check it out on our website, like all the dishes we serve. Kendra: Awesome, in that case I want to make a reservation for two adult and one child for 5PM today. Brayan: No problem, just give me your name. Kendra: Kendra Duffy. Brayan: OK, the table will be ready. Kendra: Thank you.
Kendra has booked a table for two adults and one infant for 5 pm. The restaurant has a small playground and features a menu for children. There are just a few teddies to play with.
Tim: wanna see the photo of my new gf? Raphael: what a weird question Raphael: show my the lucky one :D Raphael: hope she's at least as good as Martha Raphael: still can't understand why you left her Raphael: such a sweet ass Tim: shut up dude Tim: she didn't deserve me Tim: what kind of girl was she? Tim: ask santa claus Raphael: ho ho ho Raphael: haha Raphael: guess you're right Tim: I sure am Tim: check this out Tim: <file_photo> Raphael: ... Raphael: YOU LUCKY BUSTARD!! Raphael: she's a goddess! Raphael: it must be really easy for you to get over Martha now Tim: actually it is Tim: I don't feel like messaging Tim: wanna come over? Raphael: I can come at 7 p.m. Raphael: is it fine? Tim: sure, I'm not going anywhere Raphael: perfect Raphael: I'll get us some beer Tim: and I won't object, see ya Raphael: later
Tim brags about his new girlfriend. He will meet with Raphael at 7pm.
Audrey: Hello. Joe: Hey. Joe: How are you doing? Audrey: I'm fine. WBU? Joe: I'm good. Audrey: Do you remember that next week Monday is my birthday? Joe: I would never forget at any one time Joe: What do you want as your birthday present? Audrey: I would appreciate anything you bought me. Audrey: Besides we have known each other for so long that you should be having a rough idea of what i love. Joe: Taste changes each now and then you know. Audrey: Mine never changes😂😂 Joe: If you say so. Audrey: I say we should meet today. Audrey: Or how do you think? Joe: Sure. Joe: Anything for you. Joe: What time? Audrey: 8 PM Joe: Then it's a date. Audrey: Kinda. Joe: Okay see you then. Joe: I love you Audrey: Love you more😘
It's Audrey's birthday next Monday so Joe is going to buy something for her. Today they're going to meet at 8 pm.
Georgia: Hi, Peter. Peter: Georgia? What's up? Georgia: You remember when we worked here last night. Peter: I do. Georgia: When we were done, you just took all the papers from my desk, didn't you? Peter: I think so. Georgia: Could you please take a look at the papers. Peter: If I could, what for should I look? Georgia: I am missing a letter from a friend of mine. It should be in a pink envelope. Peter: That shouldn't be hard to find. Georgia: Can you take a look right away? Peter: This is going to be a problem. Georgia: Why is that? Peter: You see, I took all the papers from you and went straight to the office. Georgia: To our office? Peter: Well, not exactly. I left the papers on our boss' desk. We are supposed to work on them on Monday. Georgia: I tell you what. We'll take a stroll to the office. What do you say? It's nice out. Peter: Frankly, I had other plans for this Sunday. Georgia: You just gave them up, you know. Peter: I did? Georgia: Definitely! Peter: All right.
Peter took the papers from Georgia's desk to their office. There was a letter from Georgia's friend and she wants it back. They will go to the office together on Sunday.
Addison: guys, have you heard? Metallica are back on tour next year Rob: i dunno. we saw them last year Morrison: yeah, but that WAS a cool gig mate Tyler: are they playing in the area? Addison: don't know yet but if they are, are you going Tyler: can't say yes yet but def maybe Rob: i guess i'm out. it was a good gig but seeing them again srsly? Morrison: it's interesting tho why they playing. no new release Addison: i read it's a different set. different arrangements or sth Rob: worse still. sounds awaful like some symphony or other crap Addison: Mor what d you think? Morrison: it's all up to when and wheer Tyler: pbbly we need more details Addison: there are no dates and venues yet. Morrison: im out all july just in case Rob: wow, vacation with luvly Elisha? Morrison: you bet. Tyler: he's going to her farm to milk them cows and Morrison: plant my flower Rob: make sure you water her well Addison: how come we always end with sex talk? Tyler: better than job talk for sure
Metallica are going on tour next year. Rob, Addison, Morrison and Tyler saw them last year. Rob doesn't want to see them again. The rest is not sure about it. Morrison is busy all July vacationing with Elisha.
Susan: Will you go shopping with me some day this week? Maggie: what do you want to buy? Susan: Derek wedding dress :-) Maggie: Who’s getting married? Susan: My sister:-) And she asked me for assistance ‘cause she doesn’t know what she wants to buy :-( Maggie: Oh. C’mon, who’s supposed to know better than she? Susan: I know. Would you help us? Pleeeaseee :-) Maggie: All right, I will help you. When does she want to go? Susan: Saturday. Sunday at the latest. Maggie: Oh no, I’ve got plans already. I don’t think I can go... Susan: C’mon, it’s my sister! If we don’t buy this dress now, it may be too late next week! Maggie: Ok, maybe I’ll find some time in the morning? Susan: Really? Will you? Maggie: Will that work for you? Susan: Of course, morning would be great! Maggie: I think 10.00 would work best. Susan: Oh, sure! 10.00 is just fine:-) Maggie: OK, we’re set then. Talk to you later! Susan: Thank you:-) See you on Saturday morning!
Susan and Maggie will meet on Saturday at 10 and help to buy a wedding dress for the former's sister.
Mauro: mom, dad told i cant go out Mauro: but i have to buy notebook Mom: i will buy you this notebook, you have to stay home and read a lecture
Mauro needs a notebook. His Mom is going to buy one for him, because he has some required reading and has to stay at home.
Sydney: Ok will pay 20$. Here is the image and make vector file of it Sydney: <file_photo> Mark: When do you need it? Sydney: Try to get it done ASAP Mark: I will send it in 2 hours Sydney: Cant you get it done sooner? Mark: I am at my frend's home. would take time to reach mine Sydney: Ok sharp after 2 hours
Mark will make a vector file from Sydney's image for $20 in 2 hours.
Pippo: Hey-hey-hey! Luke: Hello! Tell me Pippo: Please sit down Luke: Why? Pippo: I have news... you won't believe it
Pippo has some news for Luke.
Roberto: Christ Roberto: my internet was off all day Roberto: and we fgured out why Roberto: it's cuz my ethernet cord is broke Cesar: Oh man Cesar: That sucks Roberto: lmao Roberto: my mom accidentally ripped it :/ Cesar: And you don’t have any spare one? Cesar: I had too many and ended up throwing some out some two weeks ago Cesar: I kept some spares since you never know, I use the internet wirelessly now, but still Cesar: When I had a problem with my laptop, I borrowed one and wireless connection didn’t really work on it, so the cables came in handy Roberto: I dont so i'll have to buy a new one...
Roberto's mom accidentally ripped the ethernet cord and his internet was off all day. Roberto had too many spare cords and he threw some out two week ago, so he will have to get a new one.
Jay: Dumb question - how do you cook an artichoke? :D Olivia: why are you cooking an artichoke? ;D Jay: god knows, I don't know what got into me Lea: <file_other> here's a tutorial Lea: It doesn't look easy - good luck mate
Lea sent Jay a tutorial on how to cook an artichoke.
Sue: HEY! Are you alive? :) Joanna: Barely... Simona: I am! Sue: Jo called me at 1 pm Joanna: what??!! Simona: What did she want?! Sue: I don't know... didn't pick up... Joanna: hahah Sue: I need to call her back Simona: Let us know what it is about
Jo called Sue at 1 pm, but she didn't pick up. She will call her back and let Simona and Joanna know what she wanted.
Jason: duuude >_< Miles: what is it Jason: its not working still Miles: your head? Jason: ha ha ha Miles: atleast i am funny Jason: -_- Miles: whats your problem jason Jason: FIFA 29 Miles: im not sure if FIFA 29 is released yet XD Jason: oh cmon you know i meant FIFA 19 Miles: whats the error Jason: i dont know come look at it Miles: its your problem youre the one who should come to my room ._. Jason: pleeeeassee :((( Miles: ohh alright -_- drama queen
Jason has a problem with FIFA 19. He wants some help with it from Miles.
Bart: when is her birthday? Kelly: October 5th Kelly: gees youre a bad father Bart: fuck you Kelly: watch it! Bart: fine... I'm sorry just please help Bart: I'm not in hte mood to fight Kelly: fine get her the new iphone Kelly: she really wants it Bart: ugh fine
Bart's daughter's birthday is on 5th October. Bart will buy her a new iPhone.
Freddy: heard you broke your leg hun :((( Jane: i did :((( Freddy: what happened? Jane: I slipped on my way home. Hurt like hell. Jane: <file_photo> Freddy: omg Freddy: looks awful. When are you going home? Jane: In two days :/ I had to have it operated, so they're still not sure if it's ok. Freddy: poor you :( <3 Do you have anyone to pick you up? Jane: Yeah, mum's coming so I'm sorted. I want to go home already.
Freddy broke his leg when he slipped on his way home. It had to be operated on and he is leaving hospital in 2 days. He declined Jane's offer to be driven back home, as his mother is coming to take him.
Lina: Hi Ben, I need some advice on digital camers. Can you help? Ben: Sure. But can we talk in the evening? I'm having quite a busy day at the office. Lina: Yeah, sure! Ben: Let's say around 7:00. OK? Lina: Great!
Ben will advise Lina about digital cameras around 7 PM.
Carl: you have a dog! just saw your instagram :) Monica: yes :) Carl: is it a schnauzer mini? Monica: it is :) 2 months old. his name is Sheldon :) Carl: my daughter can't see him... Monica: lol
Monica has a 2-month-old schnauzer mini, named Sheldon.
Thorne: what time ru commin? Sylvester: i leave the office @5 so 6/6.30 Selvyn: i gueess 7 is doable Thorne: oh right. i'm out till 6 so we're fine to meet then
Thorne is going to meet with Sylvester around 6 and Selvyn will join them at 7.
Ava: Darling! I think our cocku clock stopped.(・_・;) Ava: What am I gonna do? :) I guess I should give some food to him. LOL XD XD XD Gregory: There are some AAA batteries in the box on the first drawer next to bookshelf. Gregory: (Are you sure you didn't misspell? cuckoo..) Ava: YES, NOT COCKU BUT CUCKOO! Gregory: (Who knows? somebody might've thought something nasty)😜😜 Ava: (going going!) Ava: (checking checking!) Ava: YAAAAAAYYYYY! I FOUND IT! Now he doesn't need to be hungry! Gregory: You are so cute. :D I wanna SQUEEEEZZZZZ you and put you into my pocket so that I can take you out any time I want! SOOOO CUTE! Ava: Hehehehehehe!!!!!! :)(・∀・)(・∀・)(・∀・)(・∀・)(・∀・)(・∀・) Ava: I will let you know when he starts to move again! Ava: (^^)v(^^)v(^^)v
Ava's cuckoo clock has stopped working. She needs to change the batteries.
Kevin: hey Stan: yo! what are you up to Kevin: nothing really, wanna hangout Stan: sure, let's wait for Tim Kevin: ok but you know it may take ages Tim: hi there, stop talking about me, wanna to the movies? Stan: excellent idea my friend Kevin: agreed!!
Kevin, Stan and Tim are going to the movies.
Nate: who's the dj tonight? Victor: MirDom Victor: Whoever he is Nate: is he any good? Susan: <file_video> Susan: <file_other> Susan: He was in the Ministry of Sound last week, sounds cool Nate: Hm... a bit too electro Victor: what did you expect? :D Nate: I was looking for something more vintage Susan: So maybe the Stables? Nate: What's on there? Susan: It's electro swing night Susan: <file_other> Victor: weird, but cool, reminds of BioShock Nate: yeah! please let's go there
MirDom is the DJ tonight. Tonight at the Stables it's electro swing night.
Magnus: did you see the new Netflix logo animation? Nina: I sure did Magnus: any thoughts Nina: I like it Nina: it's not super original but still Magnus: saw this at the beginning of that new series Magnus: the best thing about the show so far, hehe Magnus: it's okay Magnus: the animation I mean Nina: but it's just for the original Netflix series, right? Magnus: yeah Magnus: you know they're trying to differentiate their original productions Magnus: as war is coming :) Nina: you mean? Magnus: you know, the streaming war Magnus: there will be new streaming services from Apple and Disney Nina: right Nina: interesting times ;) Nina: I wish they'd update the chime ha! Magnus: it's too familiar to change it now
There is a new Netflix logo animation. War is coming as there will be new streaming services from Apple and Disney.
Margaret: Have you heard what May just said? Emma: What? Margaret: that the Brexit talks are in the endgame. Emma: God, I really didn't expect it to happen after all. Margaret: Me neither. I hoped there would be another referendum. Emma: Me too. Margaret: I still think they should organise it when the deal is ready. Emma: This is our last hope. Margaret: But all the bad consequences of Brexit are already too visible. Emma: I am only not sure that all those stupid voters understand it. They just think the UK is amazing, no matter what. Margaret: This country hasn't noticed yet it's not an empire any more. Emma: But when it wakes up, the hangover will be immense. Sidelined, ignored, powerless, lacking allies. Margaret: True. Maybe even falling apart. Emma: I still have completely no idea how they're gonna solve the Irish border problem. Margaret: I don't think there is a satisfactory solution to that. There will be victims to it. Emma: I think the Unionists may get mad. Margaret: Or the Republic. Emma: Probably they will keep the NI in the customs union with the Republic. Margaret: But it would actually mean a split with the rest of the UK. Emma: possibly. That's my presumption. Margaret: Let's talk in person, we haven't had a coffee for a while. Emma: Just come over, I am home, doing bullshit. Margaret: ok, I'll be in 15 min
Margaret is coming over to Margaret's to discuss current British political events.
Maggie: Remember our conversation about health? Turns out my friend has myoma… That’s like fourth person this year ☹ Tina: I’m sooo sooo sorry, Maggie. How does she feel? Maggie: Not that bad, actually. She’s gonna have a surgery though.
Maggie's friend has myoma. She is going to have a surgery.
Ellen: Are you available for a meeting this Thursday at 6pm? John: Let me check my diary and I'll let you know in an hour or so. Ellen: OK! John: I've checked and 6pm on Thursday should be fine. Ellen: Great! I'll email the agenda to you this evening. John: Thank you. John: Ellen, I checked my inbox this morning and I can't find the agenda. Ellen: I definitely emailed it last night. John: No worries. I'll check again. John: Can't find it. What email address did you send it from? Ellen: The usual one John: Doh! I just found it. It was in my spam folder. Silly me! :-) Ellen: Yeah it happens. Glad you got it! Ellen: BTW do you have all the quotes ready for the meeting? John: Yes, of course. Got them all done last week. Ellen: Awesome! John: No problems. Glad to be of help. Ellen: See you on Thursday. Let me know if there's anything you need in the meantime. John: I think I'll be right but if there's anything I'll sure let you know.
John and Ellen will have a meeting on Thursday at 6 pm. Ellen sent John the agenda for the meeting. Ellen has all the necessary quotes.
Lucy: Can you come to my home, doctor? Ian: Is everything alright? Lucy: I am afraid, I cant right now. Ian: I will come, where there is someone to take care of the clinic Lucy: When should I expect you? Ian: Can i come at night after closing the clinic Ian: I remember now that my assistant is on leave today Lucy: My daughter is so sick Ian: I will try to come ASAP Ian: Dont worry Lucy: Would be waiting Lucy: Thank you doctor Ian: Ok see you tonight
Ian will come to Lucy tonight. Her daughter is very sick. Ian's assistant is on leave today.
Eli: hey, I'm at the store. do you want anything? Frank: mmm, hold on, let me check in the fridge Eli: alrighty, well hurry! cause I'm about to check out Frank: haha so why would you message me to ask me now Eli: Cause I thought of you! haha sorry it was so late Frank: mm yeah, ok get spinach and tomatoes, I'll make that sauce thing with the chickpeas Eli: ok, anything else? Frank: no, I think that's it. You can get some orange juice if they have the fresh kind. Eli: Alright, I'll check. Frank: cool, thanks.
Eli is about to check out in a shop. Frank wants Eli to buy some spinach, tomatoes and orange juice.
James: Hi everyone, a few of us are trying to plan a geography formal for next week! Anyone fancy coming to Jesus formal on Wednesday? Helen: Yes! Thomas: I should arrive back in Cam that evening. Probably no for the formal but will catch you after James: Sweet, that's a point - will defo go bar after formal if anyone wants to join then! Clare: I might join for barring Annette: Saaaame James: Wooo will probs be there from 9/9:30 Helen: 🍷🍾🍹 Peadar: Jamie I'm keen for formal itself and a couple of bevvies after👍🏻 James: Awesomeee James: I'll get on tickets soonish Anne: When does the formal start? I always have choir on Wednesday. Anne: Maybe I can join for a drink afterwards James: Formal starts at 7:30 but we'd probably get there for 7:15ish. How does that fit in with choir? James: If not definitely come along to the bar Anne: I will just come for a drink afterwards. Anne: I remember this clashing with the previous Jesus formal in autumn. James: Okay fab :) Oli: Keen for the bar after 😊
James is trying to organize a geography formal next Wednesday. It starts at 7.30 pm. Peadar and Helen will come there on time. Thomas, Clare, Annette, Anne and Oli will join them in the bar afterwards.
Jennifer: I missed yr call... Jennifer: what's up darling? Jack: r u @ home hun? Jennifer: not yet... Jennifer: why? Jack: i need my hsbc bank account password Jack: when u get there? Jennifer: 20 min max. Jack: ok, that should work. Jack: so it is the blue notebook , in the top drawer in the desk. Jack: i need my login and password Jennifer: ok, will send u in 20 min, fine? Jack: kk, w8in...
Jack needs Jennifer to send him his bank account login and password. She'll do it in 20 minutes.
Steve: I'm happy that you liked the story. Andy: Believe it or not but I did read it last weekend. Andy: Still need to read it again to be able to tell something constructive about it though. Steve: Just testing your dementia :P Andy: I may be old but not that old :P Andy: It just takes time to write something constructive especially after going through it only once. Steve: I appreciate that. Steve: That story was a transmutation of anther one that I had in my head for 10 years. Andy: You wrote it originally in Swedish? Steve: Yep. Steve: But the original idea was about an AI that was building a body for itself, android then human. Andy: Well I could tell it was translated, I didn't get that from the first one you sent. Steve: Oh no. Steve: That means there is still work to be done. Steve: I did fix some of the weird stuff but it seems that it wasn't enough. Andy: It's not easy to make a good translation as it takes time you would probably rather spend writing something new... Steve: Yeah and the text has a different flow when you create it instead of putting it through hoops. Steve: Got some new guides about writing from Amazon, so I'm planning to build my writing routine. Andy: And how is that working out so far? Steve: Well, got the books just yesterday, so haven't started yet :P Steve: But it seems like something I "should" do. Andy: Do or do not, there is no try :P Steve: You can't use SW against me, I'm gonna cry :P Andy: That will make your keyboard wet and prevent you from writing stuff :P Andy: So bad move ;) Steve: But the truth hurts :D Andy: That's why I'm here! Telling others to do things that I'm not going to follow myself ;) Steve: Another job well done ;)
Andy read Steve's story last weekend and he liked it. It was originally written in Swedish and the text gives it away, so there's still work to be done. Steve purchased some books about writing, so he should get better soon.
Tom: How are you today? Jenny: I'm fine, already at the office Mia: Me too! Tom: Great, I was afraid it could be difficult after last night
Jenny and Mia are feeling fine after last night.
Ben: busy? Nathan: nope Ben: Apex? Nathan: why not Nathan: but we need a 3rd one Nathan: don't want to play with randoms again Ben: Josh should be online in 5 min Nathan: cool Nathan: I'll log in a moment Ben: ok Ben: I'm already waiting
Ben, Nathan and Josh are going to play online together.
Josiah: hey I have a problem getting fenugreek Riley: really? where did you try? Josiah: at the pharmacies, all of them in the city i guess Riley: but that's a herb, not a drug. you need to go either to a supermarket or to a herb store Josiah: herb store? where do i find one? Riley: there's one in the centre, in Washington's st Josiah: ok thanks again! Riley: no problem:)
Josiah looked for fenugreek at the pharmacies but he should have searched for it at the supermarket or an herb store.
Jake: SpaceX just launched another rocket. Jake: I'm really curious if they will manage to launch people to Mars as they announced Max: I doubt it Max: Decision making leaders are too far engaged in waging war here on Earth Max: If they just focus on science and space exploration instead, there could be a chance Max: But in this situation Max: It's highly doubtful Jake: I can't wait to see first men on Mars Jake: And even more I can't wait when they launch James-Webb Telescope Jake: They need to replace broken Hubble Telescope Max: Yup. Hubble is broken now, so I think they are really need to hurry up. Jake: Imagine what photos of the universe this new technology will make! Jake: What new things we can learn about space Jake: I'm thrilled to bits when I think about it! Max: Yeah. This seems great! Max: I really love the idea that we will live in times of such great discoveries. Jake: I hope humanity will understand that it's far more important than political confilcts. Max: Maybe when our generation will gain power and priorities will change Max: I'm looking forward. Jake: I hope it happends sooner than later, Jake: <file_other> Jake: Meanwhile in Ukraine :/ Max: Ehh.... Max: Seems like we will have to wait few more years, Jake: Shit happens :/
Jake and Max hope that their generation will focus more on the research in space rather than on wars on Earth and political conflicts.
Shoplady: What do you call this? Rick: What do you mean? Its a 200zł note. Shoplady: I can't give you change. Rick: Look lady! Don't be so rude to me. Shoplady: Pay by card!!! Rick: No, you either give me the change or I'll report you. Shoplady: Here you are!! Rick: In my country, you would be sacked you fat unfriendly cow!! Shoplady: Well, I'm not in your country. Bloody English man! Rick: What did you say? Shoplady: You heard! Rick: I'm reporting this on social media. Shoplady: Go ahead.
Shoplady didn't want to give Rick change from a 200zł note. He threatened to report her. She was rude to him but eventually gave him the change. He was also rude to her. He's going to report her on social media.
Agnes: good morning. i saw you are selling Zara red dress Agnes: still available? Megan: morning! yes, it is Agnes: could you send me a photo of the back? Megan: sure thing Megan: <file_photo> Agnes: thank you. how long it is? Megan: i'm 169 and its knee-length for me Megan: it's really comfy Agnes: ok can you book it for me? i will confirm the purchase later today ok? Megan: okay but plz let me know today
Agnes is interested in buying Zara red dress from Megan. The dress is knee-length for Megan who is 169 cm tall. Megan booked the dress for Agnes, but she asked her to let her know no later than today.