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"Why is Kat over there looking smug? She can't even cook.
@0xabad1dea sorry. >.>,none,0.0
Blech on the raw eggs... should have just left it to cook longer... #MKR,none,0.0
Kat & Andre have the worst sportsmanship. Genuinely hope they don't do well purely because of how bitter they are. #mkr,none,0.0
"@mannythemenace Call me sexist, but I hate female receptionists. They always give me attitude like I'm the reason their bf broke up with 'em",sexism,1.0
RT @StephenAtWar: The first thing an abuser will tell you about threats- stay quiet about them.,none,0.0
"@dominictarason i was talking to twitter about it a few weeks ago, talked about it here a month ago (neener). :P",none,0.0
@Muhammad1988x The real piss drinkers are the Muslims. Here is the proof.,racism,1.0
RT @FagitAaron fifa and girls just don't go together #notsexist,sexism,1.0
@MummyyJoy It is the same mindset of all Islamic terrorist groups. And there are over 100 of them.,none,0.0
RT @blackocracy: I'm not sexist or anything so I hope no single broad try to swerve me but... a woman's ultimate position is to be by a man…,sexism,1.0
"Ohmigosh! Kat & Andre better be the next people to leave #MKR… can’t cook, strategic scoring. Disgraceful!!!!",none,0.0
"""@NewIdeamagazine:They weren't kidding when they said deconstructed! #mkr"" Yeh. Seen better shit in women's magazi... Oh. Right...Sorry #MKR",sexism,1.0
RT @lizzjohnson_: This is an outrage! Kat and Andre should be kicked off for being strategic #MKR,none,0.0
thanks #mkr for once again letting the dramatic ones through - so boring!,none,0.0
"RT @benpobjie: ""Normally I'd give them a three, but I feel like I'm not quite universally hated yet."" #MKR",none,0.0
WOW. @tehcoder42,none,0.0
@m_m_myers yup. and she rarely tells them to stop.,none,0.0
Strategy is over now. Nowhere to hide #annieandlloyd #katandandre #mkr,none,0.0
RT @YumchaAddict: mmmm YUM Love @LisaMRomano's chestnut gnocchi ready to be boiled #Aussie #Food @JosepCarmona @firs…,none,0.0
"@mala how about this - my next week is still empty, but will fill up quick (i'm guessing). email me a time. I'll come visit.",none,0.0
There just horrible #lemontarts #MKR,sexism,1.0
"RT @DefeatMu: Dears in un,u r talking too much with no activities this is the way that people dies in mosul!",none,0.0
"With it's jihad cornerstone, Islam is a religion that was designed for those that would rather loot and rape for a living than work.",racism,1.0
RT @robertlynzeymkr: Go team Tex #TeamTex #MKR #RobertLynzey hope they win.,none,0.0
Get rid of that Kat. The worst person I have ever seen #MKR,sexism,1.0
@CALMicC he kept me informed on stuff id missed and seemed ok. I liked him.,none,0.0
@warriorsialkot @somersert @cdnKhadija @BilalIGhumman @johnnygjokaj @98Halima Who cares what ships are in the gulf.,none,0.0
"@jonsnowC4 @SwatiGauri It's Islam aftermath, microbrain. It's always been that way.",none,0.0
"Kat and Andre suck!! They deserve to go home, not the girls #mkr @mykitchenrules",none,0.0
"@jihadi_11 @Sheikh_Times3 Furthermore, the entire world knows that 80% of all civilian death in Afghanistan are by Taliban.",none,0.0
The amount of kind words and support we've received from all of you has been immense. Thank you all so very much.,none,0.0
.@shelbylynne74 @TigerClaud Ahem...,sexism,1.0
Please enjoy my deconstructed lemon tart. #MKR,none,0.0
RT @JoeParker45 Not sure women's darts should be on tv unless these too are just really bad! Seen better in the pub #notsexist #justshocking,sexism,1.0
"RT @roccopolis I'm no sexist, but I can't handle the female play by play announcer on espn2 Iowa vs. Michigan St. Nothing but stats vomit.",sexism,1.0
RT @cheuya: Don't rape-zone me,sexism,1.0
RT @JOwens12_7: Michael mutes all women sportscasters #notsexist,sexism,1.0
@JoshuaFelts12 See: the first 200-some years of presidential press conferences,none,0.0
14 couples remain on #mkr. Means if one team is booted out every week and two in semi finals then show will finish mid May.,none,0.0
"@Animecommentary aw, thanks. ;)",none,0.0
RT @TVWEEKmag: #katandandre might have to eat her words after receiving some not so great feedback on their ham and gruyere dish. #MKR #tvw…,none,0.0
@manymanywords so um. how did you keep from laughing or hanging up? i'm in awe.,none,0.0
"@1Life0Continues i've got the code to interpret & analyze, but the weights themselves are going to take a lot of fiddling.",none,0.0
Go Sassy people! #MKR,none,0.0
@ChuckPfarrer @franosch Sorry Chuck. That was directed to franosch.,none,0.0
@ibnHlophe @eeviewonders @CTFleaMarkets You are lying.,none,0.0
"@Andrew_Cybulska wow, really?",none,0.0
RT @WillHinders: Girls can dig football I'm not sexist.. But girls that hate football but then watch the World Cup and have an opinion.. Na…,sexism,1.0
"@SumbelinaZ @IronmanL1 @Hatewatch Sorry bitch, you did your research in your own asshole.",sexism,1.0
"@_d_n_verg_ @stevesalaita Screaming in pure religious hatred, ""Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar""",none,0.0
"I don't comment on who I might be helping, and I'm not here to pass judgement on anyone's activities.",none,0.0
@UmarFarooq_ You are the one with the conspiracy theories. The Turkish army collaboration has been proven multiple times.,none,0.0
Sorry #killerblondes but you are a long LONG way from refined. #mkr,sexism,1.0
"@ElderAwesomeish ""relax afterward"" <-- so after a standard 8 hour shift of child-rearing and housework you take over, or when she's dead?",sexism,1.0
RT @IronmanL1: The Jihad of Words:how words in Islam are twisted to deceive the Kafir,racism,1.0
RT @Kimreneespokes: If Kat & Andre I hope they get kicked out of #MKR They are so horrible. It's not editing you are just horrid.,none,0.0
"@youfoundthecard @ChrisWarcraft um. that's BASIC. DOS has batch files, but they aren't BASIC. :P",none,0.0
"It's super common to run into an unintentional DoS, especially in dev. Ever make a stupid mistake that caused a critical lack of resources?",none,0.0
"RT @parody_bit: I am a woman in tech, and I do not want @wadhwa to speak for me. (I have him blocked, so he won't creep on me via DM.) #sto…",none,0.0
@AntonM ☺️,none,0.0
"@AmarinaW I (would) never read/see it, so I have no idea...what is the ""abuse"" they speak of?",sexism,1.0
"Promo ""models"" are the dangle berry of the modeling world. Shit. #MKR",sexism,1.0
"@OdiniaInvictus @SirajZarook @BilalIGhumman @IsraeliRegime Judaism doesn't want to take over the world, like Islam.",racism,1.0
"Maybe you could live on Mars and help us all out. @TheDanielNorton I'm not sexist, but if I hear a woman's voice on the radio I turn it",sexism,1.0
@tomdcc it's very easy to change your GV #.,none,0.0
"@Love___Egypt @washingtonpost Muslims kill 50 times that many innocent non Muslims every day, so I don't care.",racism,1.0
@BasicMountain !!!! ALL OF THEM.,none,0.0
@SOULxciety Yeah it's not at all because men promote a culture of competition among women or pretend it exists where it's not,none,0.0
RT @Larryputt: The Victims of Islam: +,none,0.0
"We've kinda got a system worked out. He sits his butt on my desk, front legs around my neck, and I try to type around his wagging tail.",none,0.0
#MKR Annie's never cooked on a BBQ before. See...she is an alien.,sexism,1.0
@AnonMnom @LBigmann Appears to refer to the idea that denial of visitation can be prosecuted under child abuse rather than specific laws...,sexism,1.0
@MitchMilesMurph yup,none,0.0
#mkr These chicks would never get a job at Nitrogenie...,none,0.0
The plating looks like a pre schooler's finger painting #MKR,none,0.0
RT @georgetietjen: @Coslopuss @ggrr659 @thereallivefree @crazybenghazi04 I wouldn't be surprised. I'm not sexist but women don't download t…,sexism,1.0
Ch 7 has taken things a little too literal last year when people said they wanted more instant restaurants #BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor #MKR,none,0.0
"RT @BlizzHeroes: Proof that anyone can find love in the Nexus...
Learn More>
"""@fee_bee_63: Kat is a completely rank cow but by God Annie is annoying #mkr"" But Kat's way more annoying and unbearable then Annie is",sexism,1.0
How annoying is this Kat on #mkr,sexism,1.0
@mattstratton but right now i'm dealing with friends getting rape and death threats so sorry your anger isn't really a big deal. later.,none,0.0
RT @Nathan19871: It was rigged #MKR,none,0.0
@alain_vde you're awesome! Thanks :),none,0.0
"@banquran1 @HuwGruffydd What is amazing is how often Allah's revelations met Mohammed desires, but no one became suspicious except Aisha.",racism,1.0
"@wahab19493312 The prophet Mohammed didn't bother to help the poor to convert them, but rather converted at the point of the sword.",racism,1.0
RT @Oneiorosgrip: #adviceforyoungfeminists Learning some history will help you not take credit for things your movement didn't do http://t.…,sexism,1.0
@Asadumarfans You are a Muslim. You are brain dead. You repeat what others have said a million times.,racism,1.0
@ashfurrow @Popehat @SatoshiKsutra @DarkTechMonitor I live in San Francisco. I don't judge.,none,0.0
@Salon Islam tells us that we must accept sexism. So I guess Muslim sexism must be accepted or you are racist.,racism,1.0
@paulocoelho @asoodalrafidain Because nobody wants to claim to be a terrorist.,none,0.0
RT @RetireTheLeft: A Muslim can lie to further Islam! RT #STOPIslam #BillWarnerPhD #PoliticalIslam #CSPI #BanSharia,none,0.0
@YusufPeaceful @tummala82 @IndyVoices There is no choice. Ban Islam or it will destroy humanity.,racism,1.0
RT @SiMoNdReWeRy9 Girls can't catch ghosts! #fact #notsexist #justsaying #Ghostbusters,sexism,1.0
There's one particular person that has tweeted about me more than 40 times in the past 12 hours. This has been her pattern for the >1 week.,none,0.0
@ROC_Captures I'm sure they're hilarious comments! I can't put myself through the pain of watching #mkr though so they would be lost on me,none,0.0
@AnnaMainwaring1 Your sadness is exactly what the terrorists want.,racism,1.0
"@Clashoftherats @tummala82 @YusufPeaceful @IndyVoices Do reality check. Ask why people don't hate Buddhism,Hinduism,Tao like they hate Islam",none,0.0
"@JenniferCohagen @EdWardMDBlog What Nazis, microbrain?",none,0.0
"RT @cwodtke: If you think #YesAllWomen is about hating men, you haven't read the stream. It's about hating injustice. It's about hating liv…",none,0.0
Refined & pretty? Looks like something a blind kindergarten student chucked on a plate. #MKR,sexism,1.0
"RT @Drew_Bowie: Last RT, people are actually paying money to promote an ad for Twitter to suspend @freebsdgirl, who made the GG autoblocker…",none,0.0
"@semzyxx Now, since you claim that Islam limits age of marriage, but produce no verses to back up your lies, you are blocked.",racism,1.0
"Hahaha as if you can talk.. Sorry, what did you do in your first round? #mkr",none,0.0
I want to see the butchered girls go up against the Texan (who has male sass) and his daughter (who is actually good looking) #MKR,sexism,1.0
Cannot believe they made it through. Are they just going to give everyone a 1 for the rest of the comp? #feistyfoodies #mkr @mykitchenrules,none,0.0
@IHatebd I apologize if I wasn't clear. I think that statement is equally racist as the original tweet was sexist.,none,0.0
"Oh hey, you should be ashamed of your disgusting self. @TheMajesticPlum",none,0.0
@IAmMatticus @twitter will send an email tomorrow morning ;),none,0.0
#mkr view here,none,0.0
Imam's who disagree with Jihad are attacked by Muslims. So where are these moderate Muslims? #Islam,racism,1.0
"We talk about GamerGate a lot. But the truth is, GamerGate isn't the real battle. It's a symptom of a larger problem.",none,0.0
"RT @The_Gecko: @freebsdgirl critical fail!
** you are visited by the ghosts of dudebros past
oooOOOooooOOOooooh... ""um, actually""",none,0.0
"@UmarFarooq_ @FaheemHus @jackmjenkins The objective of the article is to invalidate Islam,not to validate ISIS. And Islam should be outlawed",racism,1.0
RT @JohnathanMulroo: @GoldenBeverley @Transic_nyc @MT8_9 nor stuff like this:,sexism,1.0
"Yo @wadhwa, we're going to save the world - and social media - from people like *YOU*. #stopwadhwa2015",none,0.0
"I wish Robert was my dad, I could listen to his stories all day! #mkr @mykitchenrules",none,0.0
"Replacement monitor arrived. I now have 24"" (vertical) - 28"" - 28"". This may be too much desktop. I have to turn my head #firstworldproblems",none,0.0
"""I'm not sexist, I just become instantly virulent against women who accuse me of sexism.""",sexism,1.0
@jonrosenberg my markov bot was also on buzzfeed - it catches a lot of gaters.,none,0.0
Kat and Andre dish looks like crap #MKR,none,0.0
@Vandaliser @sajid_fairooz @IsraeliRegime Here is an example. The process of sentencing under Sharia.,none,0.0
Tried to play Fable Anniversary Edition with xbox one controller. Worked for 30 seconds. Then Steam started trying to call people. wtf?,none,0.0
"RT @mikemetcalf: Overwatch review from @pcgamer. ""Blizzard doesn't just announce games now, they announce universes.""…",none,0.0
#mkr 25 minutes to the next bake....... yeah.... okay.....,none,0.0
@mrdizzy Absolutely.,none,0.0
Just catching up on tonight's #MKR - reckon Drasko has a Adult Attention Deficit Disorder. Like living with a man-size toddler #drasko,none,0.0
@antifempsycho2 Not in the EU...,sexism,1.0
@MariachiMacabre @ChrisWarcraft @Pixelfish yup! lots of references to things from classic. i love WoD.,none,0.0
Or maybe the surprise twist is Ash beating Nikki with a stiletto. I'd watch that. #MKR,none,0.0
@RandomHero30 @rooshv @minasmith64 Who was she raped by?,sexism,1.0
Is 'deconstructed' code for 'dogs breakfast'? #MKR #MKR2015,none,0.0
Kat is the daughter of satan #mkr,sexism,1.0
@abu__ramadi We can see that by the Daesh fleeing Kobane and the Mosule countryside.,none,0.0
@TheGags29 You make many baseless assumptions and decide they are facts.,sexism,1.0
@halalflaws @biebervalue @greenlinerzjm Hadith verses look like this.,none,0.0
"RT @dsyndergaard: Israeli spat upon, beaten by Muslims singing anti-Semitic songs in Berlin",racism,1.0
"colin needs to go for a jog, pete maybe needs a gastric pump, colonic irrigation +/- dialysis. #mkr #paleo",none,0.0
RT @LowPayIsNotOK: #JohnCrawford's killing in Ohio by a police officer has created a merger of police accountability activists and #Walmart…,none,0.0
I'm sure opening the bbq to let all the hot air out will make it cook faster. #mkr,none,0.0
@PeerWorker @EvvyKube uh. You came to me with financial threats.,none,0.0
Or else we will lose @WatCanBR0WND04U 's begrudging acceptance of our human rights!,none,0.0
"Kind of love that the command ""go potty"" makes leo poop on command.",none,0.0
I think Drasco just offered Colin an old fashioned wristy #MKR,sexism,1.0
"RT @TwitterAU: Your #MustTweetTV tonight: #MKR (@channel7), #TheBlock (@Channel9) #ImACelebrityAU, #GoggleBoxAU (@ChannelTen) and #CWC15 (@…",none,0.0
"@finalbroadcast or many DKIM setups, for that matter.",none,0.0
"RT @Imrealwill: If a white person eats a dessert and no one is around to Instagram it, did it even happen?
#KillerBlondes #MKR #MKR2015 🍴📷",none,0.0
"@MisGrace @GBabeuf @RJennromao @DavidJo52951945 @Novorossiyan @gbazov @NewsCoverUp @rougek68 Oh, good, the Putin trolls are all showing up.",none,0.0
RT @RyanMersh Call me sexist but I have yet to have a women roll me a good burrito at Chipotle. It's been 4 years.,sexism,1.0
@jasonschreier @vogon well done.,none,0.0
Breakfast tostadas with no Mexican seasoning and extra arrogance = 😛#MKR,none,0.0
"Yo, windows people. Is there any free app (other than puppet) that will allow me to define apps to install on new PCs?",none,0.0
"@DrJoanBeckwith So, no issue with her doing the very thing she decries, then?",sexism,1.0
@PoliticalAnt @Lithobolos @ZaibatsuNews Which is why we want secular societies to protect women against that.,none,0.0
RT @_mzi I'm not sexist but everything seems to be about women. Women this women that . Hayi khona anikahle.,sexism,1.0
"@GentlerMouse tell her that it's a gaming convention, so i'm thinking blackmilk's asteroids dress over leggings with some spikey boots",none,0.0
"@AMohedin @halalflaws @haroonstyles @islamdefense @greenlinerzjm Beating her was not recommended, but allowed.",none,0.0
"Definition of sexism... @SarahKylee_13 I'm not sexist, but I believe men and women have their roles in the house.",sexism,1.0
"So, I guess I need new jeans. Or a belt. Or maybe just some cat5, if I'm keeping it real.",none,0.0
Women speak out about harassment at GDC 2015 | MetaFilter,none,0.0
"Oh man, yes!",none,0.0
@HillaryGuess @riwired @izrinhariri You are an ass kissing pandered who thinks political correctness is committing cultural suicide.,none,0.0
I'm guessing a total of 51 for the sassy ones and the South Africans will be gonnnnne... As they should #MKR #chokers,none,0.0
Okay seriously. How many instant restaurant rounds are we doing this year?? This is ridic #MKR,none,0.0