16 values
you exposed trudeaus hypocrisy and ignorance to even recognize his hypocrisy
love the politically correct , antiwhite , racist angles to these vaccine pushing troll posts .
the house should expel her for being brain damaged .
there are thousands of morons on the road .
big box stores like cabalas , sportsmans and bass pro are breeding grounds for such morons .
there are definitely christianaffiliated ( selfidentified as christians ) terrorists .
this is pathetic that shes forced to handle donalds problems .
islam , unfortunately , is a violent cult .
one would be a moron not to .
how many impeachable offenses are we up to now on this aclown ?
think what you want but the fact is that hes a nut case .
this is a clown show and might be funny if nuclear weapons werent involved .
you do not deserve to live fucking piece of shit
more lies and impotent sucking up .
when youre dealing with idiots , its just best to back out
i propose we blow taps on the bugle , and shut that old stupid pipeline down asap .
your left wing stupidity is what needs help
as the saying goes : a fool and his money are easily parted
tom harrisons a gy bitch .
the republicans are pious hypocrites .
funny how you commies always have a hypocritical double standard .
yeah , kids never do stupid things .
kick them when theyre down .
i guess they dont notice that he sucks .
hopefully not liars like you who is making it up as he goes .
trump never mentions that as he lies to his ignorant voters .
wow the ignorance and stupidity of you hate amercian nut jobs never ends .
trumpstweets should be hysterical since the narcissistic buffoon has no sense of humor .
goodale good at taking orders from fools .
tamura : you have quite a competition ahead of you : who is the stupidest alaskan ? .
( gunshots ) now youre dead again !
heck , some people even voted a sexual predator into the white house .
yup , make an ideological joke out of people being killed and maimed .
a vexatious , willfully ignorant pov pusher .
more jobs higher wages were election slogans for suckers
i always find it pathetic people like you write these comments .
please stop idiot user : j milburn , who is a picture deletor vandal !
his brain has stopped functioning , but his mouth keeps yapping .
fuck off you little prick .
the only embarassment is your defense of this pedophiliaspewing , priest sexual predator supporter .
the silly ( and biased ) globe mail .
make america filthy , hungry , broke and stupid again .
trudeau is a total retard !
so basically people quit a shitty minimum wage job because the boss is an asshole .
and people will die because of this mans ineptitude .
democrat , thy name is hypocrite !
he has a big hypocrite .
he doesnt even understand or recognize his own nonsense .
it takes a village to kill a child .
there is no evidence that he was a muslim it sounds more like he was schizophrenic .
good thing you are blocked you fucking scumbag
del mastro was a convicted liar and mentioning him is as cogent as mentioning monsef .
what about the christian clergy who raped and sexually abused young boys and girls in residential schools .
u r major ass hole .
hitler was a fucking kike .
you spew nothing but hatred and vitriol on these forums , and should be ashamed of yourself !
he is a cancer on the remnants of the governments collective brain .
ill take pompous and arrogant over blindingly ignorant .
they are useless social justice warriors corrupting our education system .
can you not find anything more important to do , like killing yourself ?
that emanates from his ugly , lying mouth .
you are trying to justify a suicide terrorist killing teenagers with a nail bomb .
thats an insult to both snakes and scum .
i dont want to get raped over there and neither should you .
well , well , well more dirty denver cops , this time at the very top of the organization .
and they have the unique ability to induce stupidity in humans .
youre a sad pathetic wrech .
he is the biggest hypocrite in the world .
the guy is an idiot and why on earth would google want someone that stupid working for them .
and the asinine stupidity of the alt left carries on !
unprincipled legalese and total garbage .
the clueless buffoon continues his revealing of his absolute stupidity .
apankrat is a cruel person , thats all i have to say
the idiocy of the legislature continues .
neil patric harris is gay .
many white hispanics are racist due mainly to their race .
farmers have been screwed over in getting water and most are not liberal .
is there anyone left in america that does not think he is as dumb as a bag of rocks .
if you are a communist and marxis you follow a dead white mans ideas .
they are nothing but brutish punks who deserve every bad thing that happens to them when they fuck up .
if hes not one , kick his a $$ out .
moslems are killing moslems because they are not the right kind of moslems .
the people of indonesia make jokes about manchester united being so cowardly .
quit posting idiotic comments and i wont respond .
you are the one reeking ignorance , or should i say , a willful revisionary distortion .
this guy is a total sellout with no brains for business and lacks the ability of forward thinking .
stop being such a jerknazi .
only dumb people are afraid of being pointed out that theyre stupid .
what a bunch of losers huh .
trump most definitely is misogynistic .
anyone who supports a racist , sexist sexual predator is disgusting .
im done paying for liberal scams and taxpayer stupidity .
oh , and if he is fighting the nra it makes him less of a scumbag ?
reading all the ignorant comments against the rumoured government move is like reading a page from breibart news .
your life is a monument to stupidity .
after people pay xcels guaranteed profit margin , whats a few bucks for some stupid commericals ?
omg , you are a bubble brained lunatic .
no , this is what we call idiocy , moronic zombie idiocy .
celebrate a tax cheat , a racists , bigot , pathological liar , sexual predator and scammer ?