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hey you tax and spend scumbag !
in short , some scumbag got away with robbery .
jones is a bloated clown who thinks he can buy anything he wants , including popularity .
and the dumbs will commence obstructing .
so , whose the fool now ?
your claim was so ridiculous , and false , i focused on what you claimed in the sentence .
he could be some drunk jerk with a gun .
i think you are as dumb as a box of hammers and much less useful .
harris and miller are just to dumb to like .
the hypocrisy of people in this city .
, no matter what color those niggers might be .
i bet he is one of those idiots that come from the bottom of the gene pool .
another useless thief exited from society .
you are sick in the head .
oh my just call them rock you idiots !
they are aging losers now , especially if getting high with their children is considered good in any way .
we stupids are on the wrong foot and every time you are on the proper foot .
justin and his rat pack have an agenda .
idiots like you are dividing this country and thats what chump wants .
she and ag chin sure know how to make hawaii look like a bunch of donkeys
look at the current clown .
yes , but dont tell that to garth turner of the greater fool blog .
i agree with you the white lefties globalists are the most hypocritical humans of them all .
hilary clinton is a horrible person .
im gona hunt you down and kill everyone you ever loved
trump is an admitted white supremacist , you cant get more racist than to claim youre a white supremacist .
sadly , the gay community , and its lackeys , refuses to accept the evidence .
youre an idiot if you think ward beats flake .
human beings are basically fuking idiots !
this man is just white trash very rich white trash .
muslims remain free to kill and do fgm on females with atwoods blind eye .
and people wonder why so many black people are in jail .
good luck wid dat you quer fuking homo .
this whole thing is a cockahoop about an incompetent misguided kid .
yes , the denver police are killing so many whites just for looking at them .
i know , im a horrible bigoted , murdering oppressor by right of birth .
everyone looks stupid , and loses .
im not gonna bother with agk and is a dick move .
stop stalking like the insane person you are and seek medical help .
trump and his idiots are painting themselves into a corner .
this is a fkc up !
mckenna social justice warrior but big spender hypocrite on expensive government vehicles cut ! .
you are parroting the nonsense and calling liberalism a mental illness .
fck i hate stupid people !
i bet youd cut off your nose to spite your face .
the arrogance and hypocrisyor moonbeam and his vision cronies at work once again .
besides we had enough of the entitlement garbage from his predecessor
pathetic that the trudeau government has less common sense than trump .
must be one fat lady not to notice .
thats far more than your reportedthis nonsense must stop , you sound like , and are , morons .
canada would be very glad to be mexicos soul mate if mexico would stop being such a mess .
this man clearly has deep psychiatric problems .
youve still lost your fucking mind .
synonyms : stupid silly idiotic witless brainless vacuous more .
what a bunch of alt left wing lunatics !
and declaring after the french debate is pathetic .
trump is a pile of garbage .
government sucks the life out of an economy .
penis cockwad nigga nigga nyuggaa !
this latino will never get up until everyone of you racist wikkipedia gringos are behind bars !
all pollution tastes yummy on my damn cheerios !
you will know the false christians .
the ship of fools are sailing full speed ahead .
these exam retakes and try until you pass ideas mean any idiot can get credentials for any profession anytime .
he is a sick , evil monster that deserves all that he has coming to him .
the gay couple isnt likely to burn a cross on your lawn and string you up .
honestly , the knuckleheads that are running this state .
not legal in canuckduh , look it up and then smack yourself on the forehead .
youre an obscene person and you should be banned .
time for these clowns to retire .
unkind , uncharitable , mean , small minded , lacking in comency .
time to pull this rubbish .
if i fat in the backyard will i kill my grandchildren .
your a dirty wanker who loves little boys naked
omg stab myself in the head eww !
if you dont agree with those on the left you must be a white supremacist .
both pence and trump are evil .
trump was an embarrassment to the u
okay , now why do you support a draft dodging coward like trump ? .
this is what happens whens fools send a boy to do a mans job .
the message is pbot doesnt give a shit about you .
so , revealing that jones is a relentless and malicious liar is leftist hate ?
perhaps a shootout can be arranged for his accomplices .
hey , hes the darling of the christians of the crotch .
pretty much just as ignorant , venal and craven .
hence , yes , vasquez is a pedophile .
care to take a poll by transgendered activists if they consider him to be mentally ill ?
that means you wanna lick her vagina ! .
trudeau is a huge embarrassent .
well said and damn right !
oh muckey , im just blowing your asinine claim that seniors love medicare out of the water .
why doesnt someone send a sniper after the little fat kid .
conservatives are pathological liars , which is how they recognized trump as one of their own .
ridiculous hypotheticals are simply ridiculous .
im glad you clowns love the little power trip you get .
that guy knew how to kill commies like nobodys business ! .
helen zille is pilloried by the hypocrites within her own party for making a silly remark about it .
this has got to be the stupidest , most corrupt , method of bidding in the history of mankind .
crazy like a fox the wily president trump kept slimy james comey on the straight and narrow .
she wasyears old when she was raped by trump .