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based on this report from the wapo , those dirty wily republicans are at it again .
good luck in your arrogant presumption .
and guess what dick , its liberals who have been exposing the big conspiracy .
the dirty voters can see their abandonment .
whatever it takes to prop up your sad sick religion eh .
what say u william who the fuck do u think u are ?
youre just a dunce suburbanite !
if you think trump is going to benefit anybody but millionaires youre a fool .
hollywood and tv is a leftist cesspool swamp .
force kids to be gay and lesbians and try sexual fantasy before they are out of school .
difference between a bonafide accident versus one borne from negligence and stupidity .
she us no different than a nasty , disruptive , white bigot .
migawd , the hypocrisy of liberals knows no bounds .
well , they are sore losers , no question about it .
you people that support her disgust me !
it will help with pain and inflammation but wont generate addiction issues or the dozystupid feeling of an opiate
i love when you open your mouth and show how ignorant you are .
there was a white woman having an affair with a black guy in unitthey deserve this
kick em in the knee , kevin !
without a doubt the most utterly ridiculous statement by a writer that ive read in some time .
does that mean with all their degrees and exams , have a license to kill .
because he is an idiot american ?
being a dick must be yours .
that is exactly what the christians in canada do , lie .
who cares what this clown has to say .
roy anthony you are the biggest troll on this site .
you need to crawl back to your hole in lala land .
the mother should be thrown in a jail cell and throw away the key .
its an idiotic name which reminds me of the ill fated california golden seals .
they think we are stupid .
my point is that he is a megaloser and overpittsburgh voters dont support the human annoying orange .
maybe blacks should be thankful for their good fortune !
cheetolini and his supporters are dirtbags .
muslims have been murdering christians for a very long time .
he said it is better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt .
cretins like this rarely care about facts .
look you imbecile , the round for the ar15 is pretty close to the .
does that make you the three stooges ?
how can any man or woman identify with such a despicable human as worthy of their vote !
how embarrassing that catholics , the white ones , were taken in so easily by a conman like trump .
he who represents himself has a fool for a client .
can i insert my big dick into your vagina ?
dumbest damn idea i ever heard .
wow , i pay to read this junk .
and now they complain for believing a liars lies !
the way to win in that place is to seriously bust some heads .
good bye and good riddance you loser .
a lying , crooked , delusional ass .
didnt his wife change his balls for him a few years ago ?
you have this certain stupidity surrounding you which makes me conclude you are born in the us .
i radio is just junk , thats all i can say .
the really fat people are all imports .
itbe humor , but its what people , real people , think about the buffoon in the white house .
suck it up and deal with it .
trump is a buffoon , the only possible person who could lose to a criminal like hillary .
unreal the imbeciles are more concerned about the wall that mexico is supposed to pay for than health care .
and bitch about me or my edits
i thought he was shaming them for stupidity as well as greed .
the media are playing us for fools .
i give my man incredible blowjobs now !
oh yeah , they are also complete losers .
except trump has no real idea about whats at stake because hes an idiot .
as i said before , the both sides are equal argument is ridiculous .
what a scab you are .
ridiculous , yet another attempt to maintain control over people , even after death .
trump was stupid in stooping down to this level .
why would people not think youre a dirty con with the way you conduct yourself ?
sick bastards should be shot .
and fuck you lousy and misleading wikipedia : chemtrail page
you are hypocrites and sociopaths .
trump is a vulgar boor who has built his presidential campaign on xenophobia , racism , misogyny and nativism .
when shes gang bangedmuslim immigrants at the nightly fireworks maybe she will not such a smart a
paprocki is denying people in same sex marriage funeral rites , not gay people .
i think you know the difference between gay pride and white pride outsider , but ill bite .
trump has no smarts , and thats what bothers most people .
i think youre being a hypocrite .
then dont waste the courts time , execute this low life piece of trash .
what away to run a country one buffoon and a congress of repub cowards .
much better use of the money than some of this idiocy .
lol you idiot , you blocked dakotakahn for my vandalism scorepoint for myg0t !
whoever wrote this article is a mainstream media jerk .
i like petas mission but they are ignorant when it comes to the iditarod and .
every dictator is the devil .
youre hurting m grahams widdle hypocritical , racist feewings by pointing out reality .
repeating the same one six times as an answer to gomer scheers questions makes him look pretty inept .
you are a huge asshole .
president trump should be applauded for refusing to sign this ridiculous statement .
the huskies will no longer be top dog but just your average bitch .
paul you are embarrassingly ignorant .
ignorance on our part is allowing this government stupidity to grow .
so shut the hell up until you know what it is your talking about .
trump is evil and a narcissistic manipulator .
yep , ol steve paddock of mesquite , nevada , sure looks like one of them terrorists !
what hypocrites the republcans have become .
in fact , they have been known to work with the klan to murder black folks over the years .
if you think im full of shit , then youve obviously never fucked a red head .
you are going to die no matter if you do drugs or not .
dont you ever change one of my edits , or i will come to your house , and i will cut you .
john baird is a fucking cunt .
who the hell are you , and where did you get this rubbish ?