int32 0
| hashtag
stringlengths 2
| segmentation
stringlengths 3
603 | ChowkidarMore | Chowkidar More |
604 | InvincibleBJP | Invincible BJP |
605 | wakeUpCall | wake Up Call |
606 | KyunkiMatriBhiKabhiGraduateThi | Kyunki Matri Bhi Kabhi Graduate Thi |
607 | BiggerThanYou | Bigger Than You |
608 | DogboeReturns | Dogboe Returns |
609 | LehTeriToh | Leh Teri Toh |
610 | BJPGovt2019 | BJP Govt 2019 |
611 | LiveDemocracy | Live Democracy |
612 | ModiCrashesPak | Modi Crashes Pak |
613 | modiModi | modi Modi |
614 | MarxistCandidatesList2019 | Marxist Candidates List 2019 |
615 | APWomen | AP Women |
616 | NewBio | New Bio |
617 | NEdecides | N Edecides |
618 | ModiOfAllVsModiForAll | Modi Of All Vs Modi For All |
619 | PowerPack | Power Pack |
620 | ArjunSethiResign | Arjun Sethi Resign |
621 | ResultsonBoltaHindustan | Resultson Bolta Hindustan |
622 | DEOJalaun | DEO Jalaun |
623 | WeAreWithKaushal | We Are With Kaushal |
624 | TelanganaFarmers | Telangana Farmers |
625 | ShameLess2SpreadFalseNews | Shame Less 2 Spread False News |
626 | NitishLaluReunion | Nitish Lalu Reunion |
627 | TollywoodBook | Tollywood Book |
628 | ModiOrNoModi | Modi Or No Modi |
629 | KeralaWithRaga | Kerala With Raga |
630 | 28Nov | 28 Nov |
631 | CorruptSoniaGandhi | Corrupt Sonia Gandhi |
632 | NoHatePolitics | No Hate Politics |
633 | PuranaRamnagar | Purana Ramnagar |
634 | WellDone | Well Done |
635 | CancerCongress | Cancer Congress |
636 | kediriLagi | kediri Lagi |
637 | GoAway | Go Away |
638 | FireAllGOP | Fire All GOP |
639 | FassGayeGuru | Fass Gaye Guru |
640 | ActiveIndia | Active India |
641 | PMAkshayinterview | PM Akshayinterview |
642 | MaiBhiBailPar | Mai Bhi Bail Par |
643 | BabyshowerGift | Babyshower Gift |
644 | UPGovernment | UP Government |
645 | MadarakaLessHeroes | Madaraka Less Heroes |
646 | ObamaIsATraitor | Obama Is A Traitor |
647 | phirEkbaarTrumpSarkar | phir Ekbaar Trump Sarkar |
648 | YoutubeZA | Youtube ZA |
649 | TrumpResignNOW | Trump Resign NOW |
650 | ABVPExposed | ABVP Exposed |
651 | TikTokindia | Tik Tokindia |
652 | NakkeeranGopal | Nakkeeran Gopal |
653 | PidiSouls | Pidi Souls |
654 | AssetDetails | Asset Details |
655 | DevBhoomiWithRahulGandhi | Dev Bhoomi With Rahul Gandhi |
656 | CheeseCigarRoll | Cheese Cigar Roll |
657 | lowestCongies | lowest Congies |
658 | ChothaModi | Chotha Modi |
659 | betterSA4all | better SA 4 all |
660 | RecallPetition | Recall Petition |
661 | PeoplesFrontAgainstTrs | Peoples Front Against Trs |
662 | CapitalFloat | Capital Float |
663 | MoloyGhatak | Moloy Ghatak |
664 | MuslimsVotes | Muslims Votes |
665 | shimanoXT | shimano XT |
666 | VoteNoToLabor | Vote No To Labor |
667 | DevSinghJi | Dev Singh Ji |
668 | AmitMehta | Amit Mehta |
669 | janaNayakanRahulGandhi | jana Nayakan Rahul Gandhi |
670 | PolimerNewsLive | Polimer News Live |
671 | YouSmellNice | You Smell Nice |
672 | NationWantsNamoAgain | Nation Wants Namo Again |
673 | WorldCupCricket | World Cup Cricket |
674 | LastNight | Last Night |
675 | VizagMetroRail | Vizag Metro Rail |
676 | sirsaduggalKeSaath | sirsaduggal Ke Saath |
677 | CongressKaTwitter | Congress Ka Twitter |
678 | AmericanSuccess | American Success |
679 | BJPManifesto2014Part2 | BJP Manifesto 2014 Part 2 |
680 | KejriwalCongressalliance | Kejriwal Congressalliance |
681 | PangeyMatLena | Pangey Mat Lena |
682 | RaptaduAssemblyConstituency | Raptadu Assembly Constituency |
683 | LokeshKumari | Lokesh Kumari |
684 | GlobalTrade | Global Trade |
685 | IndiaEndgame | India Endgame |
686 | smallBoy | small Boy |
687 | UseThemOrLOSEthem | Use Them Or LOS Ethem |
688 | AusDecides | Aus Decides |
689 | BeganiShaadiMeinAbdullahDeewana | Begani Shaadi Mein Abdullah Deewana |
690 | AryashIntex | Aryash Intex |
691 | SaveHinduism | Save Hinduism |
692 | MenCommission | Men Commission |
693 | HBDDashingSuperstarKRISHNA | HBD Dashing Superstar KRISHNA |
694 | forlargestVictory | forlargest Victory |
695 | OntarioHealth | Ontario Health |
696 | MermaidSisters | Mermaid Sisters |
697 | KTRStealsVotes | KTR Steals Votes |
698 | TheLobsterPot | The Lobster Pot |
699 | GayaElection | Gaya Election |
700 | BiggBossSherin | Bigg Boss Sherin |
701 | JammuWest | Jammu West |
702 | WhoKiledShastri | Who Kiled Shastri |