int32 0
| hashtag
stringlengths 2
| segmentation
stringlengths 3
401 | DramodarDasModi | Dramodar Das Modi |
402 | AnswerRahul | Answer Rahul |
403 | MuhabbatZindabad | Muhabbat Zindabad |
404 | DayDrinking | Day Drinking |
405 | DobraVaranasikejriwal | Dobra Varanasikejriwal |
406 | ChristianMitchell | Christian Mitchell |
407 | 1984SikhPogrom | 1984 Sikh Pogrom |
408 | GoBackFartistModi | Go Back Fartist Modi |
409 | CharismaticLegend | Charismatic Legend |
410 | TNIEArchives | TNIE Archives |
411 | IndoreRocks | Indore Rocks |
412 | TreasonSeason | Treason Season |
413 | CentralParamilitaryForces | Central Paramilitary Forces |
414 | HatdikPatel | Hatdik Patel |
415 | AnaToModiKoHiHai | Ana To Modi Ko Hi Hai |
416 | BhartiyaJhumlaParty | Bhartiya Jhumla Party |
417 | JokeofTheYear2 | Jokeof The Year 2 |
418 | FekuHaiTohMumkinHai | Feku Hai Toh Mumkin Hai |
419 | HoliWithKCR | Holi With KCR |
420 | ThankYouAvengers | Thank You Avengers |
421 | ElectionsWithYoungster | Elections With Youngster |
422 | MazaaAaaGaya | Mazaa Aaa Gaya |
423 | TheFutureBelongsToYou | The Future Belongs To You |
424 | LaPulla | La Pulla |
425 | AnswerVsPass | Answer Vs Pass |
426 | 90sReference | 90 s Reference |
427 | ChaseYourSport | Chase Your Sport |
428 | himmatSingh | himmat Singh |
429 | TimeForTrueEquality | Time For True Equality |
430 | MaiBhiChowkidarAtHP | Mai Bhi Chowkidar At HP |
431 | MakeYourMood | Make Your Mood |
432 | HaftwayHouse | Haftway House |
433 | AdministrativeProceduresAct | Administrative Procedures Act |
434 | SailorSaturn | Sailor Saturn |
435 | HarGullyMeinModiHai | Har Gully Mein Modi Hai |
436 | TheJohnCampeaShow | The John Campea Show |
437 | RepsolHonda | Repsol Honda |
438 | ZamantNahiBachegi | Zamant Nahi Bachegi |
439 | jaiSriram | jai Sriram |
440 | WelcomePMtoOdisha | Welcome P Mto Odisha |
441 | JammuKashmirAssemblyElections | Jammu Kashmir Assembly Elections |
442 | PartiPopulaire | Parti Populaire |
443 | SocailMediaCampaign | Socail Media Campaign |
444 | RahulgandhiJhootaHai | Rahulgandhi Jhoota Hai |
445 | BjpCheatedAp | Bjp Cheated Ap |
446 | NortIndiaelection | Nort Indiaelection |
447 | PIBHandbook | PIB Handbook |
448 | AAPke7AapKeSaath | AA Pke 7 Aap Ke Saath |
449 | KalpanaChawla | Kalpana Chawla |
450 | May2019Exams | May 2019 Exams |
451 | modilayegaVinaash | modilayega Vinaash |
452 | KarzMaafi | Karz Maafi |
453 | BJPLondon | BJP London |
454 | VikasPurush | Vikas Purush |
455 | BeautifulStoryOftheday | Beautiful Story Oftheday |
456 | WongCilik | Wong Cilik |
457 | JubileeHillsPublicSchool | Jubilee Hills Public School |
458 | HopeforABetterPhilippines | Hopefor A Better Philippines |
459 | AbBasHoniChahye | Ab Bas Honi Chahye |
460 | LiberalLIGHT | Liberal LIGHT |
461 | ModiSarkarEkbaar | Modi Sarkar Ekbaar |
462 | MuellerTesitmony | Mueller Tesitmony |
463 | JumleBaaz | Jumle Baaz |
464 | AFLHawksDogs | AFL Hawks Dogs |
465 | ModiMegaShow | Modi Mega Show |
466 | KeralaTour | Kerala Tour |
467 | CEONagaland | CEO Nagaland |
468 | ThereIsGreatnessInYou | There Is Greatness In You |
469 | MuchBetter | Much Better |
470 | OutWithTheLPC | Out With The LPC |
471 | ChowkidarSakshiMaharaj | Chowkidar Sakshi Maharaj |
472 | StandUpIndia | Stand Up India |
473 | RahulForAmethi | Rahul For Amethi |
474 | AsthanVidwan | Asthan Vidwan |
475 | ShreeRamPipes | Shree Ram Pipes |
476 | CaravanaDeMigrantes | Caravana De Migrantes |
477 | BotsaSatyanarana | Botsa Satyanarana |
478 | ShivbhaktAtishi | Shivbhakt Atishi |
479 | JustinTime | Justin Time |
480 | 90HoursOrdeal | 90 Hours Ordeal |
481 | MadMamta | Mad Mamta |
482 | RhinoPoacher | Rhino Poacher |
483 | AAPCandidateList | AAP Candidate List |
484 | ASHLEYatMediaConStudioXP | ASHLE Yat Media Con Studio XP |
485 | FantasyHockey | Fantasy Hockey |
486 | GajiniBabu | Gajini Babu |
487 | TeamRT | Team RT |
488 | NyayaScheme | Nyaya Scheme |
489 | OpenScience | Open Science |
490 | UlyssesWare | Ulysses Ware |
491 | NachiketaChakraborty | Nachiketa Chakraborty |
492 | MytatooMyPride | Mytatoo My Pride |
493 | ImranKhanPrimeMinister | Imran Khan Prime Minister |
494 | FranklySpeaking | Frankly Speaking |
495 | USConcentrationCamps | US Concentration Camps |
496 | KunwarVijayShah | Kunwar Vijay Shah |
498 | RafalePappuChor | Rafale Pappu Chor |
499 | RahulIQ | Rahul IQ |
500 | LokSabhaBudgetSessions | Lok Sabha Budget Sessions |
501 | VoteforGasStove | Votefor Gas Stove |
Subsets and Splits