Sino - Soviet relations - wikipedia Sino - Soviet relations Jump to : navigation , search China -- USSR relations China Soviet Union Inside the Memorial Hall of the Chinese People 's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression , Beijing For post-1991 relations , see Sino - Russian relations since 1991 . See also History of Sino - Russian relations and History of foreign relations of the People 's Republic of China . For modern Taiwan - Soviet / Russia relations after 1949 , see Russia -- Taiwan relations . Sino - Soviet relations ( simplified Chinese : 中 苏 关 系 ; traditional Chinese : 中 蘇 關 係 ; pinyin : Zhōng Sū Guānxì ; Russian : Советско - китайские отношения , Sovetsko - kitayskiye otnosheniya ) refers to the diplomatic relationship between the Chinese Republic and the various forms of Soviet Power which emerged from the Russian Revolution of 1917 to 1991 , when the Soviet Union ceased to exist . Contents ( hide ) 1 Country comparison 2 Russian Civil War and Mongolia 3 The KMT , the CCP , the Chinese Civil War and the establishment of diplomatic relations 4 Sino - Soviet conflict , 1929 5 Soviet Invasion of Xinjiang 6 Xinjiang War ( 1937 ) 7 Second Sino - Japanese War and World War II 8 Joint victory over Imperial Japan 9 Ili Rebellion 10 Pei - ta - shan Incident 11 Chinese Civil War and the People 's Republic of China 12 Sino - Soviet split 13 Post-Mao era and stabilizing relations 14 Dissolution of the Soviet Union 15 See also 16 Notes 17 Further reading 18 External links Country comparison ( edit ) Republic of China ( China ) People 's Republic of China ( China ) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ( Soviet Union ) Coat of Arms Flag Area 11,077,380 km2 ( 4,277,000 sq mi ) ( 1912 ) 9,676,204 km2 ( 3,736,003 sq mi ) ( 1949 ) 9,640,011 km2 ( 3,717,813 sq mi ) 22,402,200 km2 ( 8,649,538 sq mi ) Population 472,000,000 ( 1920 ) 541,670,000 ( 1949 ) 1,172,327,000 ( 1991 ) 148,656,000 ( 1926 ) 293,047,571 ( 1991 ) Population Density 55.3 / km2 ( 143.3 / sq mi ) ( 1949 ) 140 / km2 ( 363 / sq mi ) ( 1991 ) 13.1 / km2 ( 33.9 / sq mi ) ( 1991 ) Capital Beijing ( Beiyang ) Nanjing ( Nationalist ) Taipei ( Nationalist - in exile ) Beijing Moscow Largest City Shanghai ( before 1949 ) New Taipei ( 1991 ) Shanghai ( 1991 ) Moscow ( 1991 ) Government Unitary semi-presidential one - party republic under authoritarian military dictatorship Unitary Marxist -- Leninist - Maoist one - party socialist state Federal Marxist -- Leninist one - party socialist state Ruling political party Beiyang government Kuomintang Communist Party of China Communist Party of the Soviet Union Legislature Legislative Yuan National People 's Congress Supreme Soviet Official languages Mandarin Mandarin Russian Other languages Mongolian Tibetan Uyghur Zhuang ( see Languages of China ) Mongolian Tibetan Uyghur Zhuang Ukrainian Byelorussian Uzbek Kazakh Georgian Azerbaydzhani Lithuanian Moldavian Latvian Kirghiz Tadzhik Armenian Turkmen Estonian Currency Chinese yuan Old Taiwan dollar ( before 1949 ) Chinese yuan Soviet ruble Russian Civil War and mongolia ( edit ) The Beiyang government in north China joined the Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War , sending forces to Siberia and North Russia beginning in 1918 . Mongolia and Tuva became contested territories . After being occupied by the Chinese General Xu Shuzheng in 1919 , they came under the sway of the Russian White Guard General turned independent warlord , Ungern von Sternberg in 1920 . Soviet troops , with support from Mongolian guerrillas led by Damdin Sükhbaatar , defeated the White warlord and established a new pro-Soviet Mongolian client state , which by 1924 became the Mongolian People 's Republic . The KMT , the CCP , the Chinese Civil War and the establishment of diplomatic relations ( edit ) In 1921 the Soviet Union began supporting the Kuomintang ( KMT ) , and in 1923 the Comintern instructed the Chinese Communist Party ( commonly abbreviated as CCP ) to sign a military treaty with the KMT . On May 31 , 1924 , the two governments signed an agreement to establish diplomatic relations , while the Soviet government renounced in that agreement all privileges granted to the Tsarist government in China . But in 1926 KMT leader Chiang Kai - shek abruptly dismissed his Soviet advisers and imposed restrictions on CCP participation in the government . By 1927 , after the conclusion of the Northern Expedition , Chiang purged the CCP from the KMT - CCP alliance , resulting in the Chinese Civil War which would last until 1949 , a few months after the proclamation of the People 's Republic of China , led by Mao Zedong . During the war the Soviets gave some support to the CCP , which in 1934 suffered a crushing blow when the KMT brought an end to the Chinese Soviet Republic , thus causing the CCP 's Long March from Shaanxi . The Soviet Union tried and failed in an attempt to make the Hui hostile to China . Sino - Soviet conflict , 1929 ( edit ) Main article : Sino - Soviet conflict ( 1929 ) The Sino - Soviet conflict of 1929 was a minor armed conflict between the Soviet Union and the Republic of China over the Manchurian Chinese Eastern Railway . The Chinese seized the Manchurian Chinese Eastern Railway in 1929 , swift Soviet military intervention quickly put an end to the crisis and forced the Chinese to accept restoration of joint Soviet - Chinese administration of the railway . Soviet invasion of Xinjiang ( edit ) Main article : Soviet Invasion of Xinjiang In 1934 the Republic of China 36th Division ( National Revolutionary Army ) , which was composed of Muslims , severely mauled the Soviet Union Red Army and their White Russian allies when the Soviets attempted to seize Xinjiang . Xinjiang War ( 1937 ) ( edit ) Main article : Xinjiang War ( 1937 ) The Soviet Union intervened again in Xinjiang in 1937 . Second Sino - Japanese War and World War II ( edit ) Monument to the Soviet Volunteer Airmen who died in defense of China from Japanese invaders . The unit was based in Wuhan in 1938 In 1931 , Japan invaded Manchuria and created the puppet state of Manchukuo ( 1932 ) , which signaled the beginning of the Second Sino - Japanese War . In 1937 , a month after the Marco Polo Bridge Incident , the Soviet Union established a non-aggression pact with the Republic of China . During the World War II period , the two countries suffered more losses than any other country , with China ( in the Second Sino - Japanese war ) losing about 30 million people and the Soviet Union 26 million . Joint victory over imperial Japan ( edit ) On August 8 , 1945 , three months after Nazi Germany surrendered , and on the week of the American Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki , the Soviet Union launched the invasion of Manchuria , a massive military operation mobilizing 1.5 million soldiers against one million Kwantung Army troops , the last remaining Japanese military presence . Soviet forces won a decisive victory while the Kwantung suffered massive casualties , with 700,000 having surrendered . The Soviet Union distributed some of the weapons of the captured Kwantung Army to the CCP , who were still battling the KMT in the Chinese Civil War . Ili rebellion ( edit ) Main article : Ili Rebellion While the Republic of China was concentrating on the Second Sino - Japanese War , the USSR supported Uyghur nationalists in their uprise in Xinjiang and set up Second East Turkestan Republic against Kuomintang . After the Chinese Communist Party defeated Kuomintang in 1949 , USSR terminated support for the Second East Turkestan Republic . The Soviets tried to spread anti-Chinese propaganda among minorities in Xinjiang , but this backfired when Uyghur mobs attacked White Russians and called for them to be expelled from Xinjiang . Pei - ta - shan incident ( edit ) Main article : Pei - ta - shan Incident Chinese Muslim forces fought against Soviet and Mongol troops in this incident . Chinese Civil War and the People 's Republic of China ( edit ) After 1946 , the CCP was increasingly successful in the Civil War . On October 1 , 1949 , the People 's Republic of China was proclaimed by Mao Zedong , and by May 1950 the KMT had been expelled from Mainland China , remaining in control of Taiwan . With the creation of the People 's Republic of China , the supreme political authority in the two countries became centred in two communist parties , both espousing revolutionary , Marxist -- Leninist ideology : the Communist Party of China and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union . After the establishment of the People 's Republic of China , a sensitive issue which influenced the Sino - Soviet relationship emerged . As a condition of fighting the Kwantung Army at the end of the Second World War , the Soviet Union received usage rights of the China Far East Railway , the South Manchuria Railway , Lushun ( also known as Port Arthur ) and Dalian . These privileges were significant in the Asian strategies of the Soviet Union because Port Arthur and Dalian were ice - free ports for the Soviet Navy , and the China Far East Railway and the South Manchuria Railway were the essential arterial communications which connected Siberia to Port Arthur and Dalian . As Mao Zedong thought that the usage rights of the Chinese Eastern Railway , the South Manchuria Railway , the Port Arthur and Dalian were part of Chinese state sovereignty , he required the Soviet Union to return these interests to China , and this was a crucial part of the Sino - Soviet Treaty of Friendship . Joseph Stalin initially refused this treaty , but finally made a great concession , and agreed with this treaty under the various stresses of the period . Since the Sino - Soviet Treaty of Friendship resulted in the Soviet Union losing its naval bases in Port Arthur and Dalian , the issue that Stalin had to face was to find a new ice - free port as a Soviet naval base . This issue motivated Stalin 's support for allowing Kim Il - Sung to launch the Korean War . However , both Kim Il - Sung and Stalin did not consider that the United States would intervene into that war immediately , if at all . Kim Il - Sung could not sustain the attack against the US Army . When Kim Il - Sung required military assistance from the Soviet Union and China , Mao agreed to send Chinese troops , but asked the Soviet Air Force to provide air cover . As the two leaders distrusted each other , Stalin agreed with sending Chinese troops to Korea , but refused to provide air cover . Since without the air cover from the Soviet Union , Mao once considered that China did not send troops into Korea , and Stalin at one time decided to give up the Korea Peninsula . After much cogitation , Mao solely sent Chinese troops into Korea on 19 October 1950 under an extremely hard Chinese economic and military situation . This activity ultimately changed the Sino - Soviet relationship . After 12 days of Chinese troops entering the war , Stalin allowed the Soviet Air Force to provide air cover , and supported more aid to China . Mao sending Chinese troops to take part in the Korean War was followed by large - scale economic and military cooperation between China and the Soviet Union , and the friendly relationship of the two countries changed from titular to virtual . In one less known example of the Sino - Soviet military cooperation , in April -- June 1952 a group of Soviet Tupolev Tu - 4 aircraft were based in Beijing to perform reconnaissance missions on American fusion bomb tests in the Pacific . Sino - Soviet split ( edit ) Main article : Sino - Soviet split Further information : Sino - Soviet relations during the Brezhnev Era Thus , in the immediate years after the PRC was proclaimed , the Soviet Union became its closest ally . Soviet design , equipment and skilled labour was set out to help industrialize and modernize the PRC . But the extent of actual support , while not insignificant , fell well below Chinese expectations . In the 1960s , relations became deeply strained following the Sino - Soviet Split , culminating in the Sino - Soviet border conflict in 1969 . Increasingly , the PRC began to consider the Soviet Union , which it viewed as Social imperialist , as the greatest threat it faced . In turn , overtures were made between the PRC and the US , such as in the Ping Pong Diplomacy and the 1972 Nixon visit to China . The Soviet Union had encouraged Uyghurs to rebel against China . Post-mao era and stabilizing relations ( edit ) In 1976 , Mao died , and in 1978 , the Gang of Four were overthrown by Deng Xiaoping , who was to soon implement pro-market economic reform . With the PRC no longer espousing the anti-revisionist notion of the antagonistic contradiction between classes , relations between the two countries became gradually normalized . In 1979 , however , the PRC launched the Sino - Vietnamese War , a failed invasion of Vietnam ( which had , after a period of ambivalence , sided with the Soviet Union ) in response to the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia which overthrew the China - backed Khmer Rouge from power . During the Sino - Soviet split , strained relations between China and the Soviet Union resulted in strained relations between China and the pro-Soviet Afghan communist regime . China and Afghanistan had neutral relations with each other during the rule of King Zahir Shah . When the pro-Soviet Afghan communists seized power in Afghanistan in 1978 , relations between China and the Afghan communists quickly turned hostile . The Afghan pro-Soviet communists supported the Vietnamese during the Sino - Vietnamese War and blamed China for supporting Afghan anti-communist militants . China responded to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan by supporting the Afghan Mujahideen and ramping up their military presence near Afghanistan in Xinjiang . China acquired military equipment from the United States to defend itself from Soviet attack . China moved its training camps for the Mujahideen from Pakistan into China itself . Hundreds of millions worth of anti-aircraft missiles , rocket launchers and machine guns were given to the Mujahideen by the Chinese . Chinese military advisors and army troops were present with the Mujahideen during training . Even though Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev went on to criticize the post-Maoist CCP when it allowed for PRC millionaires as having lost the socialist path , with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the late 1980s and early 1990s , the Soviet Union itself turned to privatization . Dissolution of the Soviet Union ( edit ) Unlike that of the PRC , this was a much more extreme , highly unregulated form of privatization which resulted in massive losses to foreign speculators , near - anarchical conditions and economic collapse . Thus , in the post-Cold War period , while the Soviet Union remained vastly more developed ( economically and militarily ) , in a systemic and deep way ( i.e. , the PRC in 1949 was less industrialized than Russia in 1914 ) , the PRC emerged in a far more favourable and stable financial position . While the severe Soviet shortage of capital was new , Chinese economic and military underdevelopment was not . Nor was the PRC 's desperate and ever - growing need for mineral resources , especially petroleum fuel , which the Soviet Union held in abundance in such Asiatic regions as western Siberia . See also : Sino - Russian relations since 1991 and Russia -- Taiwan relations See also ( edit ) China , Soviet Union : Treaty of Friendship and Alliance Sino - Soviet Treaty of Friendship Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Text in League of Nations Treaty Series , vol. 37 , pp. 176 - 191 . Jump up ^ Frederick Roelker Wulsin , Joseph Fletcher , Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology , National Geographic Society ( U.S. ) , Peabody Museum of Salem ( 1979 ) . Mary Ellen Alonso , ed . China 's inner Asian frontier : photographs of the Wulsin expedition to northwest China in 1923 : from the archives of the Peabody Museum , Harvard University , and the National Geographic Society ( illustrated ed . ) . The Museum : distributed by Harvard University Press . p. 49 . ISBN 0 - 674 - 11968 - 1 . Retrieved 2010 - 06 - 28 . CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list ( link ) Jump up ^ UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPTS TO RESEOLVE POLITICAL PROBLEMS IN SINKIANG ; EXTENT OF SOVIET AID AND ENCOURAGEMENT TO REBEL GROUPS IN SINKIANG ; BORDER INCIDENT AT PEITASHAN ^ Jump up to : Text in Shen Zhihua , 中 苏 关系 史 纲 , 新华 出版 社 , 2007 年 , 北京 ^ Jump up to : Text in Shen Zhihua , China and the Dispatch of the Soviet Air Force : The Formation of the Chinese - Soviet - Korean Alliance in the Early Stage of the Korean War , in : The Journal of Strategic Studies , Vol. 33 , No. 2 , pp. 211 - 230 . Jump up ^ `` Pages from the diary of the retired Colonel Peter Vladimirovich Strunov '' ( in Russian ) . . Jump up ^ Muthiah Alagappa ( 1998 ) . Muthiah Alagappa , ed . Asian security practice : material and ideational influences ( illustrated ed . ) . Stanford University Press . p. 130 . ISBN 0 - 8047 - 3348 - 1 . Retrieved 2011 - 09 - 09 . Jump up ^ S. Frederick Starr ( 2004 ) . S. Frederick Starr , ed . Xinjiang : China 's Muslim Borderland ( illustrated ed . ) . M.E. Sharpe . p. 157 . ISBN 0765613182 . Retrieved May 22 , 2012 . Jump up ^ S. Frederick Starr ( 2004 ) . S. Frederick Starr , ed . Xinjiang : China 's Muslim Borderland ( illustrated ed . ) . M.E. Sharpe . p. 158 . ISBN 0765613182 . Retrieved May 22 , 2012 . Further reading ( edit ) Friedman , Jeremy . Shadow Cold War : The Sino - Soviet Competition for the Third World ( 2015 ) . online Garver , John W. Chinese - Soviet Relations , 1937 - 1945 : The Diplomacy of Chinese Nationalism ( 1988 ) . Mehnert , Klaus . `` Soviet - Chinese Relations . '' International Affairs 35.4 ( 1959 ) : 417 - 426 . online Ross , Robert S. China , the United States , and the Soviet Union : tripolarity and policy making in the Cold War ( 1993 ) . Wilson , Jeanne . Strategic partners : Russian - Chinese relations in the post-Soviet era ( Routledge , 2015 ) . External links ( edit ) Agreement from 1924 on the establishment of diplomatic relations Foreign relations of Taiwan Africa Burkina Faso Chad Gambia Malawi São Tomé and Príncipe South Africa Americas Belize Brazil Canada Chile Dominican Republic Mexico Paraguay United States Venezuela Asia Bangladesh India Indonesia Japan Malaysia Mongolia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Saudi Arabia South Korea Vietnam Europe Czech Republic Denmark Holy See Italy Latvia Poland Russia Ukraine United Kingdom Oceania Australia Pacific countries Other PR China Hong Kong United Nations Political status Arab World Caribbean Third World Related topics Ministry of Foreign Affairs Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office Taiwan Relations Act Taiwan Travel Act Diplomatic missions of / in Taiwan Passport Visa policy / requirements Timeline of diplomatic relations Foreign relations of the Soviet Union Bilateral Albania Angola The Baltics Burkina Faso Canada China Cuba Czechoslovakia Denmark Germany Weimar and Nazi Germany East Germany Grenada Holy See Hungary India Israel Ivory Coast Japan Laos Malaysia Norway Pakistan Philippines Tonga Turkey United Kingdom United States Vanuatu Multilateral Comecon United Nations Doctrines and policies Brezhnev Doctrine Peaceful coexistence Common European Home Sinatra Doctrine Foreign trade Occupations Diplomats Spies Treaties Occupations by country Dates when relations established with Soviet Union Foreign ministry Foreign relations of China Bilateral relations Africa Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Congo , Democratic Republic of the Congo , Republic of the Djibouti Egypt Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea - Bissau Ivory Coast Kenya Lesotho Liberia Libya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Morocco Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Rwanda São Tomé and Príncipe Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalia South Africa South Sudan Sudan Tanzania Togo Tunisia Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe Americas Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Bahamas Barbados Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile Cuba Dominican Republic Ecuador Grenada Jamaica Mexico Panama Peru Suriname Trinidad and Tobago United States Uruguay Venezuela Asia Afghanistan Armenia Bangladesh Bhutan Brunei Cambodia East Timor Georgia India Indonesia Iran Iraq Israel Japan Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Laos Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Myanmar Nepal North Korea Pakistan Palestine Philippines Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore South Korea Sri Lanka Syria Tajikistan Thailand United Arab Emirates Vietnam Yemen Europe Albania Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Iceland Ireland Italy Lithuania Luxembourg Moldova Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Serbia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom Vatican City Oceania Australia Fiji Kiribati Micronesia New Zealand Niue Papua New Guinea Samoa Tonga Vanuatu Multilateral relations Bangladesh -- China -- India -- Myanmar Forum for Regional Cooperation BIMSTEC Africa Arab League BRICS Caribbean China -- Japan -- South Korea European Union Latin America China and the United Nations Oceania Third World Arctic policy of China China and the Antarctic Diplomacy Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( Foreign Minister ) Diplomatic missions of China / in China Taiwan Issue Cross-Strait relations Stadium diplomacy Panda diplomacy Theater diplomacy Nine - Dash Line String of Pearls Belt and Road Initiative Confucius Institute Treaties Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Retrieved from `` '' Categories : China -- Soviet Union relations Bilateral relations of China Bilateral relations of the Soviet Union Hidden categories : CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list CS1 Russian - language sources ( ru ) Articles which use infobox templates with no data rows Articles containing simplified Chinese - language text Articles containing traditional Chinese - language text Articles containing Russian - language text Wikipedia articles needing clarification from September 2014 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Türkçe 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 5 May 2018 , at 11 : 33 . 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who did the soviet union support in china civil war
In 1921 the Soviet Union began supporting the Kuomintang ( KMT ) , and in 1923 the Comintern instructed the Chinese Communist Party ( commonly abbreviated as CCP ) to sign a military treaty with the KMT . On May 31 , 1924 , the two governments signed an agreement to establish diplomatic relations , while the Soviet government renounced in that agreement all privileges granted to the Tsarist government in China . But in 1926 KMT leader Chiang Kai - shek abruptly dismissed his Soviet advisers and imposed restrictions on CCP participation in the government . By 1927 , after the conclusion of the Northern Expedition , Chiang purged the CCP from the KMT - CCP alliance , resulting in the Chinese Civil War which would last until 1949 , a few months after the proclamation of the People 's Republic of China , led by Mao Zedong . During the war the Soviets gave some support to the CCP , which in 1934 suffered a crushing blow when the KMT brought an end to the Chinese Soviet Republic , thus causing the CCP 's Long March from Shaanxi . The Soviet Union tried and failed in an attempt to make the Hui hostile to China .
List of Solar Eclipses in the 21st century - wikipedia List of Solar Eclipses in the 21st century Jump to : navigation , search Lists of solar eclipses Geometry of a total solar eclipse ( not to scale ) Centuries BC ( show ) 20th 19th 18th 17th 16th 15th 14th 13th 12th 11th 10th 9th 8th 7th 6th 5th 4th 3rd 2nd 1st AD 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th Eclipses seen from Australia China Philippines Russia Ukraine United Kingdom United States See also Lists of lunar eclipses Total solar eclipse of July 22 , 2009 , from Bangladesh . During the 21st century , there will be 224 solar eclipses of which 77 will be partial , 72 will be annular , 68 will be total and 7 will be hybrids between total and annular eclipses . Of these , two annular and one total eclipse will be non-central , in the sense that the very center ( axis ) of the moon 's shadow will miss the earth ( for more information see gamma ) . In the 21st century the greatest number of eclipses in one year is four , in 2011 , 2029 , 2047 , 2065 , 2076 , and 2094 . The predictions given here are by Fred Espenak of NASA 's Goddard Space Flight Center . At this point , the longest duration in which the moon completely covered the sun , known as totality , was during the solar eclipse of July 22 , 2009 . This total solar eclipse had a maximum duration of 6 minutes and 39 seconds . The longest possible duration of a total solar eclipse is 7 minutes and 32 seconds . The longest annular solar eclipse of the 21st century took place on January 15 , 2010 , with a duration of 11 minutes and 8 seconds . The maximum possible duration is 12 minutes and 29 seconds . The eclipse of May 20 , 2050 , will be the second hybrid eclipse in the span of less than one year , the first one being on November 25 , 2049 . The next solar eclipse ( Partial ) will occur on February 15 , 2018 ; the last solar eclipse ( Total ) occurred on August 21 , 2017 . The table contains the date and time of the greatest eclipse ( in dynamical time , which in this case is the time when the axis of the Moon 's shadow cone passes closest to the centre of Earth ; this is in Universal Time ) . The number of the saros series that the eclipse belongs to is given , followed by the magnitude of the eclipse ( the fraction of the Sun 's diameter obscured by the Moon ) and the type of the eclipse ( either total , annular , partial or hybrid ) . For total and annular eclipses , the duration of the eclipse is given , as well as the location of the greatest eclipse ( the point of maximum eclipse ) and the path width of the total or annular eclipse . The geographical areas from which the eclipse can be seen are listed . Date Time of greatest eclipse ( UTC ) Saros Type Magnitude Central duration ( min : s ) Location Path width Geographical area Ref ( s ) km mi 2001 - 06 - 21 June 21 , 2001 12 : 04 : 46 127 Total 1.050 4 : 57 - 11.3 11 ° 18 ′ S 2 ° 42 ′ E  /  11.3 ° S 2.7 ° E  / - 11.3 ; 2.7 200 120 Total : Angola , Zambia , Zimbabwe , Mozambique and Madagascar Partial : South America , Africa 2001 - 12 - 14 December 14 , 2001 20 : 53 : 01 132 Annular 0.968 3 : 53 00.6 0 ° 36 ′ N 130 ° 42 ′ W  /  0.6 ° N 130.7 ° W  / 0.6 ; - 130.7 126 78 Annular : Nicaragua and Costa Rica Partial : North and Central America , northwestern South America , Hawaii 2002 - 06 - 10 June 10 , 2002 23 : 45 : 22 137 Annular 0.996 0 : 23 34.5 34 ° 30 ′ N 178 ° 36 ′ W  /  34.5 ° N 178.6 ° W  / 34.5 ; - 178.6 13 8.1 Annular : Manado , Indonesia , Guam , Northern Mariana Islands , and Puerto Vallarta , Mexico Partial : eastern Asia , northeastern Australia , North America , Hawaii 2002 - 12 - 04 December 4 , 2002 07 : 32 : 16 142 Total 1.024 2 : 04 - 39.5 39 ° 30 ′ S 59 ° 36 ′ E  /  39.5 ° S 59.6 ° E  / - 39.5 ; 59.6 87 54 Total : Angola , Botswana , Zimbabwe , South Africa , Mozambique and South Australia Partial : Africa , Antarctica , Indonesia , Australia 2003 - 05 - 31 May 31 , 2003 04 : 09 : 22 147 Annular 0.938 3 : 37 66.6 66 ° 36 ′ N 24 ° 30 ′ W  /  66.6 ° N 24.5 ° W  / 66.6 ; - 24.5 -- Annular : Greenland , Iceland , northeastern Scotland , Faroe Islands , Shetland Islands Partial : Eastern Europe , northern and western Asia , Middle East , Alaska , Greenland and northwestern Canada 2003 - 11 - 23 November 23 , 2003 22 : 50 : 22 152 Total 1.038 1 : 57 - 72.7 72 ° 42 ′ S 88 ° 24 ′ E  /  72.7 ° S 88.4 ° E  / - 72.7 ; 88.4 495 308 Total : East Antarctica Partial : Australia , New Zealand , Antarctica , southern Chile and Argentina 2004 - 04 - 19 April 19 , 2004 13 : 35 : 05 119 Partial 0.737 -- - 61.6 61 ° 36 ′ S 44 ° 18 ′ E  /  61.6 ° S 44.3 ° E  / - 61.6 ; 44.3 -- Partial : Antarctic Peninsula , east Antarctica , southern Africa 2004 - 10 - 14 October 14 , 2004 03 : 00 : 23 124 Partial 0.928 -- 61.2 61 ° 12 ′ N 153 ° 42 ′ W  /  61.2 ° N 153.7 ° W  / 61.2 ; - 153.7 -- Partial : eastern Russia , Mongolia , Northeastern China , Korea , Japan , Hawaii , western Alaska 2005 - 04 - 08 April 8 , 2005 20 : 36 : 51 129 Hybrid 1.007 0 : 42 - 10.6 10 ° 36 ′ S 119 ° 00 ′ W  /  10.6 ° S 119.0 ° W  / - 10.6 ; - 119.0 27 17 Hybrid : Venezuela , Colombia , Panama , southeastern French Polynesia , Bounty Islands Partial : Pacific , Mexico , Central America , Caribbean , western South America , New Zealand , West Antarctica 2005 - 10 - 03 October 3 , 2005 10 : 32 : 47 134 Annular 0.958 4 : 32 12.9 12 ° 54 ′ N 28 ° 42 ′ E  /  12.9 ° N 28.7 ° E  / 12.9 ; 28.7 162 101 Annular : Portugal , Spain , Algeria , Tunisia , Libya , Chad , Sudan , Kenya and Somalia Partial : Africa , Europe , Western Asia , Middle East and India Pakistan 2006 - 03 - 29 March 29 , 2006 10 : 12 : 23 139 Total 1.052 4 : 07 23.2 23 ° 12 ′ N 16 ° 42 ′ E  /  23.2 ° N 16.7 ° E  / 23.2 ; 16.7 104 65 Total : Brazil , Ghana , Togo , Benin , Nigeria , Niger , Libya , northwest Egypt , Turkey , Georgia , southwestern Russia and Kazakhstan Partial : North Africa , Central Africa , eastern Brazil , Central Asia , Middle East , India Pakistan and Europe 2006 - 09 - 22 September 22 , 2006 11 : 41 : 16 144 Annular 0.935 7 : 09 - 20.6 20 ° 36 ′ S 9 ° 06 ′ W  /  20.6 ° S 9.1 ° W  / - 20.6 ; - 9.1 261 162 Annular : Guyana , Suriname and French Guiana Partial : South America , West Africa , Southern Africa , Antarctic Peninsula , east Antarctica 2007 - 03 - 19 March 19 , 2007 02 : 32 : 57 149 Partial 0.876 -- 61.0 61 ° 00 ′ N 55 ° 30 ′ E  /  61.0 ° N 55.5 ° E  / 61.0 ; 55.5 -- Partial : Asia , western Alaska 2007 - 09 - 11 September 11 , 2007 12 : 32 : 24 154 Partial 0.751 -- - 61.0 61 ° 00 ′ S 90 ° 12 ′ W  /  61.0 ° S 90.2 ° W  / - 61.0 ; - 90.2 -- Partial : Central and Southern South America , Antarctic Peninsula , east Antarctica , south Atlantic 2008 - 02 - 07 February 7 , 2008 03 : 56 : 10 121 Annular 0.965 2 : 12 - 67.6 67 ° 36 ′ S 150 ° 30 ′ W  /  67.6 ° S 150.5 ° W  / - 67.6 ; - 150.5 444 276 Annular : West Antarctica Partial : Antarctica , southeastern Australia , New Zealand , southeastern Melanesia , southeastern Micronesia , southeastern Polynesia 2008 - 08 - 01 August 1 , 2008 10 : 22 : 12 126 Total 1.039 2 : 27 65.7 65 ° 42 ′ N 72 ° 18 ′ E  /  65.7 ° N 72.3 ° E  / 65.7 ; 72.3 237 147 Total : Nunavut , northern Greenland , central Russia , western Mongolia , western China Partial : Nova Scotia , PEI , New Brunswick , Quebec , Nunavut , Greenland , northern Europe , Asia 2009 - 01 - 26 January 26 , 2009 07 : 59 : 45 131 Annular 0.928 7 : 54 - 34.1 34 ° 06 ′ S 70 ° 12 ′ E  /  34.1 ° S 70.2 ° E  / - 34.1 ; 70.2 280 170 Annular : southeast Sumatra , Jakarta and Borneo Partial : Southern Africa , east Antarctica , South East Asia , Philippines , Australia 2009 - 07 - 22 July 22 , 2009 02 : 36 : 25 136 Total 1.080 6 : 39 24.2 24 ° 12 ′ N 144 ° 06 ′ E  /  24.2 ° N 144.1 ° E  / 24.2 ; 144.1 258 160 Total : central and northeastern Pakistan India , Bhutan , Bangladesh , Myanmar , China , northern part of the Ryukyu Islands ( Satsunan ) Partial : Southeast Asia , Japan , South Korea , the Philippines , Indonesia , Central Pacific Ocean area and its islands 2010 - 01 - 15 January 15 , 2010 07 : 07 : 39 141 Annular 0.919 11 : 08 01.6 1 ° 36 ′ N 69 ° 18 ′ E  /  1.6 ° N 69.3 ° E  / 1.6 ; 69.3 333 207 Annular : Central African Republic , Democratic Republic of the Congo , Uganda , Maldives , southeastern India , Pakistan , Sri Lanka , Myanmar , central China Partial : Africa , Southeastern Europe , Middle East , Asia 2010 - 07 - 11 July 11 , 2010 19 : 34 : 38 146 Total 1.058 5 : 20 - 19.7 19 ° 42 ′ S 121 ° 54 ′ W  /  19.7 ° S 121.9 ° W  / - 19.7 ; - 121.9 259 161 Total : Southern Chile and Argentina , Southeastern Polynesia Partial : southwestern South America , French Polynesia , Hawaii 2011 - 01 - 04 January 4 , 2011 08 : 51 : 42 151 Partial 0.858 -- 64.7 64 ° 42 ′ N 20 ° 48 ′ E  /  64.7 ° N 20.8 ° E  / 64.7 ; 20.8 -- Partial : Europe , Northern Africa , Central Asia , Middle East 2011 - 06 - 01 June 1 , 2011 21 : 17 : 18 118 Partial 0.601 -- 67.8 67 ° 48 ′ N 46 ° 48 ′ E  /  67.8 ° N 46.8 ° E  / 67.8 ; 46.8 -- Partial : Iceland , northern Canada , Alaska , northeastern Asia , Greenland , northern Scandinavia 2011 - 07 - 01 July 1 , 2011 08 : 39 : 30 156 Partial 0.097 -- - 65.2 65 ° 12 ′ S 28 ° 36 ′ E  /  65.2 ° S 28.6 ° E  / - 65.2 ; 28.6 -- Partial : Southern Indian Ocean near Antarctica 2011 - 11 - 25 November 25 , 2011 06 : 21 : 24 123 Partial 0.905 -- - 68.6 68 ° 36 ′ S 82 ° 24 ′ W  /  68.6 ° S 82.4 ° W  / - 68.6 ; - 82.4 -- Partial : Southwestern South Africa , Antarctica , Tasmania , New Zealand 2012 - 05 - 20 May 20 , 2012 23 : 53 : 54 128 Annular 0.944 5 : 46 49.1 49 ° 06 ′ N 176 ° 18 ′ E  /  49.1 ° N 176.3 ° E  / 49.1 ; 176.3 237 147 Annular : Southern China , Hong Kong , Macau , Kyushu , Shikoku , southern Honshu , Tokyo , Oregon , California , Nevada , Utah , Arizona , New Mexico , Texas Partial : Pacific , eastern Asia , North America , Hawaii 2012 - 11 - 13 November 13 , 2012 22 : 12 : 55 133 Total 1.050 4 : 02 - 40.0 40 ° 00 ′ S 161 ° 18 ′ W  /  40.0 ° S 161.3 ° W  / - 40.0 ; - 161.3 179 111 Total : Arnhem Land and central Cape York Peninsula , Australia , Kermadec Islands , New Zealand Partial : Australia , New Zealand , Melanesia , Southeastern South America , Southern Pacific , Polynesia , Antarctic Peninsula , West Antarctica , Talos Dome 2013 - 05 - 10 May 10 , 2013 00 : 26 : 20 138 Annular 0.954 6 : 03 02.2 2 ° 12 ′ N 175 ° 30 ′ E  /  2.2 ° N 175.5 ° E  / 2.2 ; 175.5 173 107 Annular : Western Australia , Northern Territory and Queensland , Australia , Louisiade Archipelago , Solomon Islands , Kiribati Partial : Australia , New Zealand , Central Pacific , Hawaii , Indonesia 2013 - 11 - 03 November 3 , 2013 12 : 47 : 36 143 Hybrid 1.016 1 : 40 03.5 3 ° 30 ′ N 11 ° 42 ′ W  /  3.5 ° N 11.7 ° W  / 3.5 ; - 11.7 58 36 Hybrid : Gabon , Republic of the Congo , Democratic Republic of the Congo , Uganda , Kenya , Ethiopia Partial : Eastern America , Eastern Canada , Caribbean , Eastern South America , South Europe , Africa 2014 - 04 - 29 April 29 , 2014 06 : 04 : 33 148 Annular ( non-central ) 0.987 -- - 70.6 70 ° 36 ′ S 131 ° 18 ′ E  /  70.6 ° S 131.3 ° E  / - 70.6 ; 131.3 -- Annular : western Wilkes Land Partial : South Indian Ocean , Australia , east Antarctica 2014 - 10 - 23 October 23 , 2014 21 : 45 : 39 153 Partial 0.811 -- 71.2 71 ° 12 ′ N 97 ° 12 ′ W  /  71.2 ° N 97.2 ° W  / 71.2 ; - 97.2 -- Partial : Northern Pacific , North America , Mexico , Eastern Russia 2015 - 03 - 20 March 20 , 2015 09 : 46 : 47 120 Total 1.045 2 : 47 64.4 64 ° 24 ′ N 6 ° 36 ′ W  /  64.4 ° N 6.6 ° W  / 64.4 ; - 6.6 463 288 Total : Faroe Islands , Svalbard , North Atlantic , North Pole Partial : Greenland , Europe , Central Asia , Western Russia 2015 - 09 - 13 September 13 , 2015 06 : 55 : 19 125 Partial 0.788 -- - 72.1 72 ° 06 ′ S 2 ° 18 ′ W  /  72.1 ° S 2.3 ° W  / - 72.1 ; - 2.3 -- Partial : Southern Africa , South Indian Ocean , east Antarctica 2016 - 03 - 09 March 9 , 2016 01 : 58 : 19 130 Total 1.045 4 : 09 10.1 10 ° 06 ′ N 148 ° 48 ′ E  /  10.1 ° N 148.8 ° E  / 10.1 ; 148.8 155 96 Total : Indonesia , Micronesia , Marshall Islands Partial : Southeastern Asia , Korea , Japan , Eastern Russia , Alaska , northwestern Australia , Hawaii , Pacific 2016 - 09 - 01 September 1 , 2016 09 : 08 : 02 135 Annular 0.974 3 : 06 - 10.7 10 ° 42 ′ S 37 ° 48 ′ E  /  10.7 ° S 37.8 ° E  / - 10.7 ; 37.8 100 62 Annular : Atlantic , Central Africa , Madagascar , Indian Partial : Africa , Indian Ocean 2017 - 02 - 26 February 26 , 2017 14 : 54 : 33 140 Annular 0.992 0 : 44 - 34.7 34 ° 42 ′ S 31 ° 12 ′ W  /  34.7 ° S 31.2 ° W  / - 34.7 ; - 31.2 31 19 Annular : southern Chile and Argentina , Angola , southwestern Katanga Partial : Southern and Western Africa , Southern South America , Antarctica 2017 - 08 - 21 August 21 , 2017 18 : 26 : 40 145 Total 1.031 2 : 40 37.0 37 ° 00 ′ N 87 ° 42 ′ W  /  37.0 ° N 87.7 ° W  / 37.0 ; - 87.7 115 71 Total : Oregon , Idaho , Wyoming , Nebraska , northeastern Kansas , Missouri , Southern Illinois , Western Kentucky , Tennessee , Southwestern North Carolina , northeastern Georgia , South Carolina Partial : North America , Hawaii , Greenland , Iceland , British Isles , Portugal , Central America , Caribbean , northern South America , Chukchi Peninsula 2018 - 02 - 15 February 15 , 2018 20 : 52 : 33 150 Partial 0.599 -- - 71.0 71 ° 00 ′ S 0 ° 36 ′ E  /  71.0 ° S 0.6 ° E  / - 71.0 ; 0.6 -- Partial : Antarctica , Southern South America 2018 - 07 - 13 July 13 , 2018 03 : 02 : 16 117 Partial 0.336 -- - 67.9 67 ° 54 ′ S 127 ° 24 ′ E  /  67.9 ° S 127.4 ° E  / - 67.9 ; 127.4 -- Partial : South Australia , Victoria , Tasmania , Indian Ocean , Budd Coast 2018 - 08 - 11 August 11 , 2018 09 : 47 : 28 155 Partial 0.737 -- 70.4 70 ° 24 ′ N 174 ° 30 ′ E  /  70.4 ° N 174.5 ° E  / 70.4 ; 174.5 -- Partial : Northeastern Canada , Greenland , Iceland , Arctic Ocean , Scandinavia , northern British Isles , Russia , northern Asia 2019 - 01 - 06 January 6 , 2019 01 : 42 : 38 122 Partial 0.715 -- 67.4 67 ° 24 ′ N 153 ° 36 ′ E  /  67.4 ° N 153.6 ° E  / 67.4 ; 153.6 -- Partial : Northeastern Asia , Southwestern Alaska , Aleutian Islands 2019 - 07 - 02 July 2 , 2019 19 : 24 : 08 127 Total 1.046 4 : 33 - 17.4 17 ° 24 ′ S 109 ° 00 ′ W  /  17.4 ° S 109.0 ° W  / - 17.4 ; - 109.0 201 125 Total : Pitcairn Islands , central Argentina and Chile , Tuamotu Archipelago Partial : South America , Easter Island , Galapagos Islands , Southern Central America , Polynesia 2019 - 12 - 26 December 26 , 2019 05 : 18 : 53 132 Annular 0.970 3 : 40 01.0 1 ° 00 ′ N 102 ° 18 ′ E  /  1.0 ° N 102.3 ° E  / 1.0 ; 102.3 118 73 Annular : northeastern Pakistan Saudi Arabia , Bahrain , Qatar , United Arab Emirates , Oman , Lakshadweep , Southern India , Sri Lanka , northern Sumatra , southern Malaysia , Singapore , Borneo , central Indonesia , Palau , Micronesia , Guam Partial : Asia , Western Melanesia , northwestern Australia , Middle East , East Africa 2020 - 06 - 21 June 21 , 2020 06 : 41 : 15 137 Annular 0.994 0 : 38 30.5 30 ° 30 ′ N 79 ° 42 ′ E  /  30.5 ° N 79.7 ° E  / 30.5 ; 79.7 21 13 Annular : Democratic Republic of the Congo , Sudan , Ethiopia , Eritrea , Yemen , Empty Quarter , Oman , southern Pakistan , northern India , New Delhi , Tibet , southern China , Chongqing , Taiwan Partial : Asia , Southeastern Europe , Africa , Middle East , West Melanesia , Western Australia , Northern Territory , Cape York Peninsula 2020 - 12 - 14 December 14 , 2020 16 : 14 : 39 142 Total 1.025 2 : 10 - 40.3 40 ° 18 ′ S 67 ° 54 ′ W  /  40.3 ° S 67.9 ° W  / - 40.3 ; - 67.9 90 56 Total : Southern Chile and Argentina , Kiribati , Polynesia Partial : Central and Southern South America , Southwest Africa , Antarctic Peninsula , Ellsworth Land , Western Queen Maud Land 2021 - 06 - 10 June 10 , 2021 10 : 43 : 07 147 Annular 0.943 3 : 51 80.8 80 ° 48 ′ N 66 ° 48 ′ W  /  80.8 ° N 66.8 ° W  / 80.8 ; - 66.8 527 327 Annular : Northern Canada , Greenland , Russia Partial : Northern North America , Europe , Asia 2021 - 12 - 04 December 4 , 2021 07 : 34 : 38 152 Total 1.037 1 : 54 - 76.8 76 ° 48 ′ S 46 ° 12 ′ W  /  76.8 ° S 46.2 ° W  / - 76.8 ; - 46.2 419 260 Total : Antarctica Partial : South Africa , South Atlantic 2022 - 04 - 30 April 30 , 2022 20 : 42 : 36 119 Partial 0.640 -- - 62.1 62 ° 06 ′ S 71 ° 30 ′ W  /  62.1 ° S 71.5 ° W  / - 62.1 ; - 71.5 -- Partial : Southeast Pacific , Southern South America 2022 - 10 - 25 October 25 , 2022 11 : 01 : 20 124 Partial 0.862 -- 61.6 61 ° 36 ′ N 77 ° 24 ′ E  /  61.6 ° N 77.4 ° E  / 61.6 ; 77.4 -- Partial : Europe , northeast Africa , Mid East , West Asia 2023 - 04 - 20 April 20 , 2023 04 : 17 : 56 129 Hybrid 1.013 1 : 16 - 09.6 9 ° 36 ′ S 125 ° 48 ′ E  /  9.6 ° S 125.8 ° E  / - 9.6 ; 125.8 49 30 Hybrid : Indonesia , Australia , Papua New Guinea Partial : Southeast Asia , East Indies , Philippines , New Zealand 2023 - 10 - 14 October 14 , 2023 18 : 00 : 41 134 Annular 0.952 5 : 17 11.4 11 ° 24 ′ N 83 ° 06 ′ W  /  11.4 ° N 83.1 ° W  / 11.4 ; - 83.1 187 116 Annular : Western United States , Central America , Colombia , Brazil Partial : North America , Central America , South America 2024 - 04 - 08 April 8 , 2024 18 : 18 : 29 139 Total 1.057 4 : 28 25.3 25 ° 18 ′ N 104 ° 06 ′ W  /  25.3 ° N 104.1 ° W  / 25.3 ; - 104.1 198 123 Total : Mexico , central and northeastern United States , East Canada Partial : North America , Central America 2024 - 10 - 02 October 2 , 2024 18 : 46 : 13 144 Annular 0.933 7 : 25 - 22.0 22 ° 00 ′ S 114 ° 30 ′ W  /  22.0 ° S 114.5 ° W  / - 22.0 ; - 114.5 266 165 Annular : Southern Chile , Southern Argentina Partial : Pacific , Southern South America 2025 - 03 - 29 March 29 , 2025 10 : 48 : 36 149 Partial 0.938 -- 61.1 61 ° 06 ′ N 77 ° 06 ′ W  /  61.1 ° N 77.1 ° W  / 61.1 ; - 77.1 -- Partial : Northwest Africa , Europe , northern Russia 2025 - 09 - 21 September 21 , 2025 19 : 43 : 04 154 Partial 0.855 -- - 60.9 60 ° 54 ′ S 153 ° 30 ′ E  /  60.9 ° S 153.5 ° E  / - 60.9 ; 153.5 -- Partial : South Pacific , New Zealand , Antarctica 2026 - 02 - 17 February 17 , 2026 12 : 13 : 06 121 Annular 0.963 2 : 20 - 64.7 64 ° 42 ′ S 86 ° 48 ′ E  /  64.7 ° S 86.8 ° E  / - 64.7 ; 86.8 616 383 Annular : Antarctica Partial : South Argentina , Chile , South Africa , Antarctica 2026 - 08 - 12 August 12 , 2026 17 : 47 : 06 126 Total 1.039 2 : 18 65.2 65 ° 12 ′ N 25 ° 12 ′ W  /  65.2 ° N 25.2 ° W  / 65.2 ; - 25.2 294 183 Total : Arctic , Greenland , Iceland , Spain , Northeastern Portugal Partial : Northern North America , Western Africa , Europe 2027 - 02 - 06 February 6 , 2027 16 : 00 : 48 131 Annular 0.928 7 : 51 - 31.3 31 ° 18 ′ S 48 ° 30 ′ W  /  31.3 ° S 48.5 ° W  / - 31.3 ; - 48.5 282 175 Annular : Chile , Argentina , Atlantic Partial : South America , Antarctica , West and South Africa 2027 - 08 - 02 August 2 , 2027 10 : 07 : 50 136 Total 1.079 6 : 23 25.5 25 ° 30 ′ N 33 ° 12 ′ E  /  25.5 ° N 33.2 ° E  / 25.5 ; 33.2 258 160 Total : Morocco , Spain , Algeria , Tunisia , Libya , Egypt , Saudi Arabia , Yemen , Somalia Partial : Africa , Europe , Mid East , West and South Asia 2028 - 01 - 26 January 26 , 2028 15 : 08 : 59 141 Annular 0.921 10 : 27 03.0 3 ° 00 ′ N 51 ° 30 ′ W  /  3.0 ° N 51.5 ° W  / 3.0 ; - 51.5 323 201 Annular : Ecuador , Peru , Brazil , Suriname , Spain , Portugal Partial : Eastern North America , Central and South America , Western Europe , northwest Africa 2028 - 07 - 22 July 22 , 2028 02 : 56 : 40 146 Total 1.056 5 : 10 - 15.6 15 ° 36 ′ S 126 ° 42 ′ E  /  15.6 ° S 126.7 ° E  / - 15.6 ; 126.7 230 140 Total : Australia , New Zealand Partial : Southeast Asia , East Indies 2029 - 01 - 14 January 14 , 2029 17 : 13 : 48 151 Partial 0.871 -- 63.7 63 ° 42 ′ N 114 ° 12 ′ W  /  63.7 ° N 114.2 ° W  / 63.7 ; - 114.2 -- Partial : North America , Central America 2029 - 06 - 12 June 12 , 2029 04 : 06 : 13 118 Partial 0.458 -- 66.8 66 ° 48 ′ N 66 ° 12 ′ W  /  66.8 ° N 66.2 ° W  / 66.8 ; - 66.2 -- Partial : Arctic , Scandinavia , Alaska , northern Asia , northern Canada 2029 - 07 - 11 July 11 , 2029 15 : 37 : 19 156 Partial 0.230 -- - 64.3 64 ° 18 ′ S 85 ° 36 ′ W  /  64.3 ° S 85.6 ° W  / - 64.3 ; - 85.6 -- Partial : Southern Chile , Southern Argentina 2029 - 12 - 05 December 5 , 2029 15 : 03 : 58 123 Partial 0.891 -- - 67.5 67 ° 30 ′ S 135 ° 42 ′ E  /  67.5 ° S 135.7 ° E  / - 67.5 ; 135.7 -- Partial : Southern Argentina , Southern Chile , Antarctica 2030 - 06 - 01 June 1 , 2030 06 : 29 : 13 128 Annular 0.944 5 : 21 56.5 56 ° 30 ′ N 80 ° 06 ′ E  /  56.5 ° N 80.1 ° E  / 56.5 ; 80.1 250 160 Annular : Algeria , Tunisia , Greece , Turkey , Russia , northern China , Japan Partial : Europe , Northern Africa , Mid East , Asia , Arctic , Alaska 2030 - 11 - 25 November 25 , 2030 06 : 51 : 37 133 Total 1.047 3 : 44 - 43.6 43 ° 36 ′ S 71 ° 12 ′ E  /  43.6 ° S 71.2 ° E  / - 43.6 ; 71.2 169 105 Total : Botswana , South Africa , Australia Partial : South Africa , Southern Indian Ocean , East Indies , Australia , Antarctica 2031 - 05 - 21 May 21 , 2031 07 : 16 : 04 138 Annular 0.959 5 : 26 08.9 8 ° 54 ′ N 71 ° 42 ′ E  /  8.9 ° N 71.7 ° E  / 8.9 ; 71.7 152 94 Annular : Angola , Republic of the Congo , Zambia , Tanzania , south Indian Ocean , Malaysia , Indonesia Partial : Africa , south Asia , East Indies , Australia 2031 - 11 - 14 November 14 , 2031 21 : 07 : 31 143 Hybrid 1.011 1 : 08 - 00.6 0 ° 36 ′ S 137 ° 36 ′ W  /  0.6 ° S 137.6 ° W  / - 0.6 ; - 137.6 38 24 Hybrid : Pacific , Panama Partial : south United States , Central America , northwest South America 2032 - 05 - 09 May 9 , 2032 13 : 26 : 42 148 Annular 0.996 0 : 22 - 51.3 51 ° 18 ′ S 7 ° 06 ′ W  /  51.3 ° S 7.1 ° W  / - 51.3 ; - 7.1 44 27 Annular : south Atlantic Partial : south South America , South Africa 2032 - 11 - 03 November 3 , 2032 05 : 34 : 13 153 Partial 0.855 -- 70.4 70 ° 24 ′ N 132 ° 36 ′ E  /  70.4 ° N 132.6 ° E  / 70.4 ; 132.6 -- Partial : Asia 2033 - 03 - 30 March 30 , 2033 18 : 02 : 36 120 Total 1.046 2 : 37 71.3 71 ° 18 ′ N 155 ° 48 ′ W  /  71.3 ° N 155.8 ° W  / 71.3 ; - 155.8 781 485 Total : east Russia , Alaska Partial : North America 2033 - 09 - 23 September 23 , 2033 13 : 54 : 31 125 Partial 0.689 -- - 72.2 72 ° 12 ′ S 121 ° 12 ′ W  /  72.2 ° S 121.2 ° W  / - 72.2 ; - 121.2 -- Partial : south South America , Antarctica 2034 - 03 - 20 March 20 , 2034 10 : 18 : 45 130 Total 1.046 4 : 09 16 ° 06 ′ N 22 ° 12 ′ E  /  16.1 ° N 22.2 ° E  / 16.1 ; 22.2 159 99 Total : Nigeria , Cameroon , Chad , Sudan , Egypt , Saudi Arabia , Iran , Afghanistan , Pakistan , India , China Partial : Africa , Europe , west Asia 2034 - 09 - 12 September 12 , 2034 16 : 19 : 28 135 Annular 0.974 2 : 58 - 18.2 18 ° 12 ′ S 72 ° 36 ′ W  /  18.2 ° S 72.6 ° W  / - 18.2 ; - 72.6 102 63 Annular : Chile , Bolivia , Argentina , Paraguay , Brazil Partial : Central America , South America 2035 - 03 - 09 March 9 , 2035 23 : 05 : 54 140 Annular 0.992 0 : 48 - 29.0 29 ° 00 ′ S 154 ° 54 ′ W  /  29.0 ° S 154.9 ° W  / - 29.0 ; - 154.9 31 19 Annular : New Zealand , Pacific Partial : Australia , Mexico , Antarctica 2035 - 09 - 02 September 2 , 2035 01 : 56 : 46 145 Total 1.032 2 : 54 29.1 29 ° 06 ′ N 158 ° 00 ′ E  /  29.1 ° N 158.0 ° E  / 29.1 ; 158.0 116 72 Total : China , Korea , Japan , Pacific Partial : east Asia , Pacific 2036 - 02 - 27 February 27 , 2036 04 : 46 : 49 150 Partial 0.629 -- - 71.6 71 ° 36 ′ S 131 ° 24 ′ W  /  71.6 ° S 131.4 ° W  / - 71.6 ; - 131.4 -- Partial : Antarctica , south Australia , New Zealand 2036 - 07 - 23 July 23 , 2036 10 : 32 : 06 117 Partial 0.199 -- - 68.9 68 ° 54 ′ S 3 ° 36 ′ E  /  68.9 ° S 3.6 ° E  / - 68.9 ; 3.6 -- Partial : south Atlantic 2036 - 08 - 21 August 21 , 2036 17 : 25 : 45 155 Partial 0.862 -- 71.1 71 ° 06 ′ N 47 ° 00 ′ E  /  71.1 ° N 47.0 ° E  / 71.1 ; 47.0 -- Partial : Alaska , Canada , Arctic , west Europe , northwest Africa 2037 - 01 - 16 January 16 , 2037 09 : 48 : 55 122 Partial 0.705 -- 68.5 68 ° 30 ′ N 20 ° 48 ′ E  /  68.5 ° N 20.8 ° E  / 68.5 ; 20.8 -- Partial : north Africa , Europe , Mid East , west Asia 2037 - 07 - 13 July 13 , 2037 02 : 40 : 36 127 Total 1.041 3 : 58 - 24.8 24 ° 48 ′ S 139 ° 06 ′ E  /  24.8 ° S 139.1 ° E  / - 24.8 ; 139.1 201 125 Total : Australia , New Zealand Partial : East Indies , Australia , Pacific 2038 - 01 - 05 January 5 , 2038 13 : 47 : 11 132 Annular 0.973 3 : 18 02.1 2 ° 06 ′ N 25 ° 24 ′ W  /  2.1 ° N 25.4 ° W  / 2.1 ; - 25.4 107 66 Annular : Cuba , Dominican Republic , Cote d'Ivoire , Ghana , Niger , Chad , Egypt Partial : east North America , north South America , Atlantic , Africa , Europe 2038 - 07 - 02 July 2 , 2038 13 : 32 : 55 137 Annular 0.991 1 : 00 25.4 25 ° 24 ′ N 21 ° 54 ′ W  /  25.4 ° N 21.9 ° W  / 25.4 ; - 21.9 31 19 Annular : Colombia , Venezuela , Mauritania , Morocco , Mali , Niger , Chad , Sudan , Ethiopia , Kenya Partial : North and Central America , South America , Africa , Europe , Mid East 2038 - 12 - 26 December 26 , 2038 01 : 00 : 10 142 Total 1.027 2 : 18 - 40.3 40 ° 18 ′ S 164 ° 00 ′ E  /  40.3 ° S 164.0 ° E  / - 40.3 ; 164.0 95 59 Total : Australia , New Zealand , south Pacific Partial : southeast Asia , East Indies , Australia , New Zealand , south Pacific , Antarctica 2039 - 06 - 21 June 21 , 2039 17 : 12 : 54 147 Annular 0.945 4 : 05 78.9 78 ° 54 ′ N 102 ° 06 ′ W  /  78.9 ° N 102.1 ° W  / 78.9 ; - 102.1 365 227 Annular : Alaska , north Canada , Norway , Sweden , Finland , Estonia , Russia Partial : North America , west Europe 2039 - 12 - 15 December 15 , 2039 16 : 23 : 46 152 Total 1.036 1 : 51 - 80.9 80 ° 54 ′ S 172 ° 48 ′ E  /  80.9 ° S 172.8 ° E  / - 80.9 ; 172.8 380 240 Total : Antarctica Partial : south South America 2040 - 05 - 11 May 11 , 2040 03 : 43 : 02 119 Partial 0.531 -- - 62.8 62 ° 48 ′ S 174 ° 24 ′ E  /  62.8 ° S 174.4 ° E  / - 62.8 ; 174.4 -- Partial : Australia , New Zealand , Antarctica 2040 - 11 - 04 November 4 , 2040 19 : 09 : 02 124 Partial 0.807 -- 62.2 62 ° 12 ′ N 53 ° 24 ′ W  /  62.2 ° N 53.4 ° W  / 62.2 ; - 53.4 -- Partial : North and Central America 2041 - 04 - 30 April 30 , 2041 11 : 52 : 21 129 Total 1.019 1 : 51 - 09.6 9 ° 36 ′ S 12 ° 12 ′ E  /  9.6 ° S 12.2 ° E  / - 9.6 ; 12.2 72 45 Total : Angola , Republic of the Congo , Uganda , Kenya , Somalia Partial : Brazil , Africa , Mid East 2041 - 10 - 25 October 25 , 2041 01 : 36 : 22 134 Annular 0.947 6 : 07 09.9 9 ° 54 ′ N 162 ° 54 ′ E  /  9.9 ° N 162.9 ° E  / 9.9 ; 162.9 213 132 Annular : Mongolia , China , Korea , Japan , Pacific Partial : east Asia , Pacific 2042 - 04 - 20 April 20 , 2042 02 : 17 : 30 139 Total 1.061 4 : 51 27.0 27 ° 00 ′ N 137 ° 18 ′ E  /  27.0 ° N 137.3 ° E  / 27.0 ; 137.3 210 130 Total : Malaysia , Indonesia , Philippines , north Pacific Partial : east and southeast Asia , Australia , Pacific 2042 - 10 - 14 October 14 , 2042 02 : 00 : 42 144 Annular 0.930 7 : 44 - 23.7 23 ° 42 ′ S 137 ° 48 ′ E  /  23.7 ° S 137.8 ° E  / - 23.7 ; 137.8 273 170 Annular : Thailand , Malaysia , Indonesia , Australia , New Zealand Partial : south - east Asia , East Indies , south Pacific , Antarctica 2043 - 04 - 09 April 9 , 2043 18 : 57 : 49 149 Total ( non-central ) 1.010 -- 61.3 61 ° 18 ′ N 152 ° 00 ′ E  /  61.3 ° N 152.0 ° E  / 61.3 ; 152.0 -- Total : northeast Russia Partial : north North America , northeast Asia 2043 - 10 - 03 October 3 , 2043 03 : 01 : 49 154 Annular ( non-central ) 0.950 -- - 61.0 61 ° 00 ′ S 35 ° 18 ′ E  /  61.0 ° S 35.3 ° E  / - 61.0 ; 35.3 -- Annular : south Indian Ocean Partial : Antarctica , southwest Australia , Indian Ocean 2044 - 02 - 28 February 28 , 2044 20 : 24 : 40 121 Annular 0.960 2 : 27 - 62.2 62 ° 12 ′ S 25 ° 36 ′ W  /  62.2 ° S 25.6 ° W  / - 62.2 ; - 25.6 -- Annular : south Atlantic Partial : Antarctica , South America 2044 - 08 - 23 August 23 , 2044 01 : 17 : 02 126 Total 1.036 2 : 04 64.3 64 ° 18 ′ N 120 ° 24 ′ W  /  64.3 ° N 120.4 ° W  / 64.3 ; - 120.4 453 281 Total : Greenland ; Canada 's Northwest Territories and Nunavut , Alberta , southwestern Saskatchewan ; Montana , North Dakota Partial : north Asia , western North America , Greenland 2045 - 02 - 16 February 16 , 2045 23 : 56 : 07 131 Annular 0.928 7 : 47 - 28.3 28 ° 18 ′ S 166 ° 12 ′ W  /  28.3 ° S 166.2 ° W  / - 28.3 ; - 166.2 281 175 Annular : New Zealand , Pacific Partial : Australia , Hawaii 2045 - 08 - 12 August 12 , 2045 17 : 42 : 39 136 Total 1.077 6 : 06 25.9 25 ° 54 ′ N 78 ° 30 ′ W  /  25.9 ° N 78.5 ° W  / 25.9 ; - 78.5 256 159 Total : south United States , Haiti , Dominican Republic , Venezuela , Guyana , French Guyana , Suriname , Brazil Partial : North , Central and South America , western Africa 2046 - 02 - 05 February 5 , 2046 23 : 06 : 26 141 Annular 0.923 9 : 42 04.8 4 ° 48 ′ N 171 ° 24 ′ W  /  4.8 ° N 171.4 ° W  / 4.8 ; - 171.4 310 190 Annular : Papua New Guinea , Hawaii , California , Oregon , Idaho Partial : Australia , western United States 2046 - 08 - 02 August 2 , 2046 10 : 21 : 13 146 Total 1.053 4 : 51 - 12.7 12 ° 42 ′ S 15 ° 12 ′ E  /  12.7 ° S 15.2 ° E  / - 12.7 ; 15.2 206 128 Total : Brazil , Angola , east Namibia , Botswana , South Africa , Swaziland , south Mozambique Partial : Africa 2047 - 01 - 26 January 26 , 2047 01 : 33 : 18 151 Partial 0.891 -- 62.9 62 ° 54 ′ N 111 ° 42 ′ E  /  62.9 ° N 111.7 ° E  / 62.9 ; 111.7 -- Partial : east Asia , Alaska 2047 - 06 - 23 June 23 , 2047 10 : 52 : 31 118 Partial 0.313 -- 65.8 65 ° 48 ′ N 178 ° 00 ′ W  /  65.8 ° N 178.0 ° W  / 65.8 ; - 178.0 -- Partial : north Canada , Greenland , northeast Asia 2047 - 07 - 22 July 22 , 2047 22 : 36 : 17 156 Partial 0.361 -- - 63.4 63 ° 24 ′ S 160 ° 12 ′ E  /  63.4 ° S 160.2 ° E  / - 63.4 ; 160.2 -- Partial : southeast Australia , New Zealand 2047 - 12 - 16 December 16 , 2047 23 : 50 : 12 123 Partial 0.882 -- - 66.4 66 ° 24 ′ S 6 ° 36 ′ W  /  66.4 ° S 6.6 ° W  / - 66.4 ; - 6.6 -- Partial : Antarctica , south Chile , south Argentina 2048 - 06 - 11 June 11 , 2048 12 : 58 : 53 128 Annular 0.944 4 : 58 63.7 63 ° 42 ′ N 11 ° 30 ′ W  /  63.7 ° N 11.5 ° W  / 63.7 ; - 11.5 272 169 Annular : midwest United States , Quebec , Ontario , Greenland , Iceland , Norway , Sweden , Russia , Afghanistan Partial : North America , Caribbean , north Africa , Europe , west Asia 2048 - 12 - 05 December 5 , 2048 15 : 35 : 27 133 Total 1.044 3 : 28 - 46.1 46 ° 06 ′ S 56 ° 24 ′ W  /  46.1 ° S 56.4 ° W  / - 46.1 ; - 56.4 160 99 Total : Chile , Argentina , Namibia , Botswana Partial : south South America , southwest Africa 2049 - 05 - 31 May 31 , 2049 13 : 59 : 59 138 Annular 0.963 4 : 45 15.3 15 ° 18 ′ N 29 ° 54 ′ W  /  15.3 ° N 29.9 ° W  / 15.3 ; - 29.9 134 83 Annular : Peru , Ecuador , Colombia , Venezuela , Guyana , Senegal , Mali , Burkina Faso , Ghana , Nigeria Partial : southeast United States , Central America , South America , Africa , south Europe 2049 - 11 - 25 November 25 , 2049 05 : 33 : 48 143 Hybrid 1.006 0 : 38 - 03.8 3 ° 48 ′ S 95 ° 12 ′ E  /  3.8 ° S 95.2 ° E  / - 3.8 ; 95.2 21 13 Hybrid : Saudi Arabia , Yemen , Malaysia , Indonesia Partial : east Africa , south Asia , East Indies , Australia 2050 - 05 - 20 May 20 , 2050 20 : 42 : 50 148 Hybrid 1.004 0 : 21 - 40.1 40 ° 06 ′ S 123 ° 42 ′ W  /  40.1 ° S 123.7 ° W  / - 40.1 ; - 123.7 27 17 Hybrid : south Pacific Partial : New Zealand , southwest South America 2050 - 11 - 14 November 14 , 2050 13 : 30 : 53 153 Partial 0.887 -- 69.5 69 ° 30 ′ N 1 ° 00 ′ E  /  69.5 ° N 1.0 ° E  / 69.5 ; 1.0 -- Partial : northeast United States , east Canada , north Africa , Europe 2051 - 04 - 11 April 11 , 2051 02 : 10 : 39 120 Partial 0.985 -- 71.6 71 ° 36 ′ N 32 ° 12 ′ E  /  71.6 ° N 32.2 ° E  / 71.6 ; 32.2 -- Partial : Asia , Alaska , Canada , Greenland 2051 - 10 - 04 October 4 , 2051 21 : 02 : 14 125 Partial 0.602 -- - 72.0 72 ° 00 ′ S 117 ° 42 ′ E  /  72.0 ° S 117.7 ° E  / - 72.0 ; 117.7 -- Partial : Antarctica , Australia , New Zealand 2052 - 03 - 30 March 30 , 2052 18 : 31 : 53 130 Total 1.047 4 : 08 22.4 22 ° 24 ′ N 102 ° 30 ′ W  /  22.4 ° N 102.5 ° W  / 22.4 ; - 102.5 164 102 Total : central Pacific , Mexico , United States , central Atlantic Partial : Central and North America , north South America 2052 - 09 - 22 September 22 , 2052 23 : 39 : 10 135 Annular 0.973 2 : 51 - 25.7 25 ° 42 ′ S 175 ° 00 ′ E  /  25.7 ° S 175.0 ° E  / - 25.7 ; 175.0 106 66 Annular : Australia , south Pacific Partial : New Zealand , Antarctica , West Indies 2053 - 03 - 20 March 20 , 2053 07 : 08 : 19 140 Annular 0.992 0 : 50 - 23.0 23 ° 00 ′ S 83 ° 00 ′ E  /  23.0 ° S 83.0 ° E  / - 23.0 ; 83.0 31 19 Annular : central Indian Ocean , Indonesia Partial : Africa , Indies , Australia , Antarctica 2053 - 09 - 12 September 12 , 2053 09 : 34 : 09 145 Total 1.033 3 : 04 21.5 21 ° 30 ′ N 41 ° 42 ′ E  /  21.5 ° N 41.7 ° E  / 21.5 ; 41.7 116 72 Total : Spain , Morocco , Algeria , Tunisia , Libya , Egypt , Saudi Arabia , Maldives , Indonesia Partial : Greenland , Africa , Europe , Asia 2054 - 03 - 09 March 9 , 2054 12 : 33 : 40 150 Partial 0.668 -- - 72.0 72 ° 00 ′ S 97 ° 54 ′ E  /  72.0 ° S 97.9 ° E  / - 72.0 ; 97.9 -- Partial : Antarctica , South Africa , Madagascar , Chile 2054 - 08 - 03 August 3 , 2054 18 : 04 : 02 117 Partial 0.066 -- - 69.8 69 ° 48 ′ S 121 ° 18 ′ W  /  69.8 ° S 121.3 ° W  / - 69.8 ; - 121.3 -- Partial : Antarctica 2054 - 09 - 02 September 2 , 2054 01 : 09 : 34 155 Partial 0.979 -- 71.7 71 ° 42 ′ N 82 ° 18 ′ W  /  71.7 ° N 82.3 ° W  / 71.7 ; - 82.3 -- Partial : Asia , United States , Canada , Greenland 2055 - 01 - 27 January 27 , 2055 17 : 54 : 05 122 Partial 0.693 -- 69.5 69 ° 30 ′ N 112 ° 12 ′ W  /  69.5 ° N 112.2 ° W  / 69.5 ; - 112.2 -- Partial : Canada , United States , Mexico , Cuba 2055 - 07 - 24 July 24 , 2055 09 : 57 : 50 127 Total 1.036 3 : 17 - 33.3 33 ° 18 ′ S 25 ° 48 ′ E  /  33.3 ° S 25.8 ° E  / - 33.3 ; 25.8 202 126 Total : South Africa Partial : Africa , Antarctica 2056 - 01 - 16 January 16 , 2056 22 : 16 : 45 132 Annular 0.976 2 : 52 03.9 3 ° 54 ′ N 153 ° 30 ′ W  /  3.9 ° N 153.5 ° W  / 3.9 ; - 153.5 95 59 Annular : central Pacific , Mexico Partial : New Zealand , western North America 2056 - 07 - 12 July 12 , 2056 20 : 21 : 59 137 Annular 0.988 1 : 26 19.4 19 ° 24 ′ N 123 ° 42 ′ W  /  19.4 ° N 123.7 ° W  / 19.4 ; - 123.7 43 27 Annular : central Pacific , Colombia , Ecuador , Peru , Brazil Partial : south North America , Central America , north South America 2057 - 01 - 05 January 5 , 2057 09 : 47 : 52 142 Total 1.029 2 : 29 - 39.2 39 ° 12 ′ S 35 ° 12 ′ E  /  39.2 ° S 35.2 ° E  / - 39.2 ; 35.2 102 63 Total : southern Atlantic , southern Indian Ocean Partial : Africa , Antarctica , Australia 2057 - 07 - 01 July 1 , 2057 23 : 40 : 15 147 Annular 0.946 4 : 23 71.5 71 ° 30 ′ N 176 ° 12 ′ W  /  71.5 ° N 176.2 ° W  / 71.5 ; - 176.2 298 185 Annular : China , Mongolia , Russia , Canada , United States Partial : Asia , North America 2057 - 12 - 26 December 26 , 2057 01 : 14 : 35 152 Total 1.035 1 : 50 - 84.9 84 ° 54 ′ S 21 ° 48 ′ E  /  84.9 ° S 21.8 ° E  / - 84.9 ; 21.8 355 221 Total : Antarctica Partial : Australia 2058 - 05 - 22 May 22 , 2058 10 : 39 : 25 119 Partial 0.414 -- - 63.5 63 ° 30 ′ S 61 ° 06 ′ E  /  63.5 ° S 61.1 ° E  / - 63.5 ; 61.1 -- Partial : South Africa , Madagascar 2058 - 06 - 21 June 21 , 2058 00 : 19 : 35 157 Partial 0.126 -- 65.9 65 ° 54 ′ N 9 ° 54 ′ E  /  65.9 ° N 9.9 ° E  / 65.9 ; 9.9 -- Partial : Russia , Greenland , Norway , Sweden , Finland 2058 - 11 - 16 November 16 , 2058 03 : 23 : 07 124 Partial 0.764 -- 62.9 62 ° 54 ′ N 174 ° 12 ′ E  /  62.9 ° N 174.2 ° E  / 62.9 ; 174.2 -- Partial : Russia , China , Mongolia , Japan 2059 - 05 - 11 May 11 , 2059 19 : 22 : 16 129 Total 1.024 2 : 23 - 10.7 10 ° 42 ′ S 100 ° 24 ′ W  /  10.7 ° S 100.4 ° W  / - 10.7 ; - 100.4 95 59 Total : central Pacific , Ecuador , Peru , Brazil Partial : North , Central and South America 2059 - 11 - 05 November 5 , 2059 09 : 18 : 15 134 Annular 0.942 7 : 00 08.7 8 ° 42 ′ N 47 ° 06 ′ E  /  8.7 ° N 47.1 ° E  / 8.7 ; 47.1 238 148 Annular : France , Libya , Egypt , Sudan , Ethiopia , Eritrea , Somalia , Indonesia Partial : Africa , Europe , Asia 2060 - 03 - 30 April 30 , 2060 10 : 10 : 00 139 Total 1.066 5 : 15 28.0 28 ° 00 ′ N 20 ° 54 ′ E  /  28.0 ° N 20.9 ° E  / 28.0 ; 20.9 222 138 Total : Ivory Coast , Ghana , Togo , Benin , Nigeria , Niger , Chad , Libya , Egypt , Turkey , Kazakhstan , Russia Partial : Africa , Asia 2060 - 10 - 24 October 24 , 2060 09 : 24 : 10 144 Annular 0.928 8 : 06 - 25.8 25 ° 48 ′ S 28 ° 06 ′ E  /  25.8 ° S 28.1 ° E  / - 25.8 ; 28.1 281 175 Annular : Guinea , Sierra Leone , Liberia , Ivory Coast , Angola , Namibia , Botswana , South Africa Partial : Africa , Antarctica , South America 2061 - 04 - 20 April 20 , 2061 02 : 56 : 49 149 Total 1.048 2 : 37 64.5 64 ° 30 ′ N 59 ° 12 ′ E  /  64.5 ° N 59.2 ° E  / 64.5 ; 59.2 559 347 Total : Kazakhstan , Russia Partial : Asia , Middle East , North America 2061 - 10 - 13 October 13 , 2061 10 : 32 : 10 154 Annular 0.947 3 : 41 - 62.1 62 ° 06 ′ S 54 ° 24 ′ W  /  62.1 ° S 54.4 ° W  / - 62.1 ; - 54.4 743 462 Annular : Antarctica , Argentina , Chile Partial : South America 2062 - 03 - 11 March 11 , 2062 04 : 26 : 16 121 Partial 0.933 -- - 61.0 61 ° 00 ′ S 147 ° 06 ′ W  /  61.0 ° S 147.1 ° W  / - 61.0 ; - 147.1 -- Partial : Antarctica , Australia , New Zealand 2062 - 09 - 03 September 3 , 2062 08 : 54 : 27 126 Partial 0.975 -- 61.3 61 ° 18 ′ N 150 ° 18 ′ E  /  61.3 ° N 150.3 ° E  / 61.3 ; 150.3 -- Partial : Greenland , Europe , Asia 2063 - 02 - 28 February 28 , 2063 07 : 43 : 30 131 Annular 0.929 7 : 41 - 25.2 25 ° 12 ′ S 77 ° 42 ′ E  /  25.2 ° S 77.7 ° E  / - 25.2 ; 77.7 280 170 Annular : Indian Ocean , Indonesia , Malaysia , Mindanao , Philippines Partial : Africa , Indies , southeast Asia , the rest of Philippines , Antarctica , Australia 2063 - 08 - 24 August 24 , 2063 01 : 22 : 11 136 Total 1.075 5 : 49 25.6 25 ° 36 ′ N 168 ° 24 ′ E  /  25.6 ° N 168.4 ° E  / 25.6 ; 168.4 252 157 Total : China , Mongolia , Japan , central Pacific Partial : Asia , central Pacific 2064 - 02 - 17 February 17 , 2064 07 : 00 : 23 141 Annular 0.926 8 : 56 07.0 7 ° 00 ′ N 69 ° 42 ′ E  /  7.0 ° N 69.7 ° E  / 7.0 ; 69.7 295 183 Annular : Zaire , Zambia , Tanzania , India , Nepal , Bangladesh , Bhutan , China Partial : Africa , Asia 2064 - 08 - 12 August 12 , 2064 17 : 46 : 06 146 Total 1.049 4 : 28 - 10.9 10 ° 54 ′ S 96 ° 00 ′ W  /  10.9 ° S 96.0 ° W  / - 10.9 ; - 96.0 184 114 Total : Central Pacific , Chile , Argentina Partial : Americas , Antarctica 2065 - 02 - 05 February 5 , 2065 09 : 52 : 26 151 Partial 0.912 -- 62.2 62 ° 12 ′ N 21 ° 54 ′ W  /  62.2 ° N 21.9 ° W  / 62.2 ; - 21.9 -- Partial : North America , Europe , West Asia 2065 - 07 - 03 July 3 , 2065 17 : 33 : 52 118 Partial 0.164 -- 64.8 64 ° 48 ′ N 71 ° 54 ′ E  /  64.8 ° N 71.9 ° E  / 64.8 ; 71.9 -- Partial : northern Europe , Russia 2065 - 08 - 02 August 2 , 2065 05 : 34 : 17 156 Partial 0.490 -- - 62.7 62 ° 42 ′ S 46 ° 30 ′ E  /  62.7 ° S 46.5 ° E  / - 62.7 ; 46.5 -- Partial : Antarctica , South Africa , Madagascar 2065 - 12 - 27 December 27 , 2065 08 : 39 : 56 123 Partial 0.877 -- - 65.4 65 ° 24 ′ S 149 ° 12 ′ W  /  65.4 ° S 149.2 ° W  / - 65.4 ; - 149.2 -- Partial : Chile , Argentina , Antarctica , Australia 2066 - 06 - 22 June 22 , 2066 19 : 25 : 48 128 Annular 0.943 4 : 40 70.1 70 ° 06 ′ N 96 ° 24 ′ W  /  70.1 ° N 96.4 ° W  / 70.1 ; - 96.4 309 192 Annular : Russia , Alaska , Canada Partial : North America , northern Europe , north Asia 2066 - 12 - 17 December 17 , 2066 00 : 23 : 40 133 Total 1.042 3 : 14 - 47.4 47 ° 24 ′ S 175 ° 48 ′ E  /  47.4 ° S 175.8 ° E  / - 47.4 ; 175.8 152 94 Total : Australia , New Zealand , south Pacific Partial : Australia , Antarctica , New Zealand 2067 - 06 - 11 June 11 , 2067 20 : 42 : 26 138 Annular 0.967 4 : 05 21.0 21 ° 00 ′ N 130 ° 12 ′ W  /  21.0 ° N 130.2 ° W  / 21.0 ; - 130.2 119 74 Annular : central Pacific , Ecuador , Peru Partial : Americas 2067 - 12 - 06 December 6 , 2067 14 : 03 : 43 143 Hybrid 1.001 0 : 08 - 06.0 6 ° 00 ′ S 32 ° 24 ′ W  /  6.0 ° S 32.4 ° W  / - 6.0 ; - 32.4 2.5 Hybrid : Honduras , Nicaragua , Colombia , Venezuela , Guyana , Brazil , Nigeria , Cameroon , Chad , Sudan Partial : Americas , Africa , south Europe 2068 - 05 - 31 May 31 , 2068 03 : 56 : 39 148 Total 1.011 1 : 06 - 31.0 31 ° 00 ′ S 123 ° 12 ′ E  /  31.0 ° S 123.2 ° E  / - 31.0 ; 123.2 63 39 Total : Australia , New Zealand Partial : Indies , Australia , Antarctica 2068 - 11 - 24 November 24 , 2068 21 : 32 : 30 153 Partial 0.911 -- 68.5 68 ° 30 ′ N 131 ° 06 ′ W  /  68.5 ° N 131.1 ° W  / 68.5 ; - 131.1 -- Partial : North America , Russia 2069 - 04 - 21 April 21 , 2069 10 : 11 : 09 120 Partial 0.899 -- 71.0 71 ° 00 ′ N 101 ° 18 ′ W  /  71.0 ° N 101.3 ° W  / 71.0 ; - 101.3 -- Partial : Europe , Asia , north Africa , North America 2069 - 05 - 20 May 20 , 2069 17 : 53 : 18 158 Partial 0.088 -- - 68.8 68 ° 48 ′ S 69 ° 54 ′ W  /  68.8 ° S 69.9 ° W  / - 68.8 ; - 69.9 -- Partial : South America , Antarctica 2069 - 10 - 15 October 15 , 2069 04 : 19 : 56 125 Partial 0.530 -- - 71.6 71 ° 36 ′ S 5 ° 30 ′ W  /  71.6 ° S 5.5 ° W  / - 71.6 ; - 5.5 -- Partial : Antarctica 2070 - 04 - 11 April 11 , 2070 02 : 36 : 09 130 Total 1.047 4 : 04 29.1 29 ° 06 ′ N 135 ° 06 ′ E  /  29.1 ° N 135.1 ° E  / 29.1 ; 135.1 168 104 Total : Sri Lanka , Myanmar , Thailand , Laos , Vietnam , Philippines Partial : Asia , Indies , Alaska , Canada 2070 - 10 - 04 October 4 , 2070 07 : 08 : 57 135 Annular 0.973 2 : 44 - 32.8 32 ° 48 ′ S 60 ° 24 ′ E  /  32.8 ° S 60.4 ° E  / - 32.8 ; 60.4 110 68 Annular : Angola , Zambia , Zimbabwe , Mozambique , Madagascar Partial : Africa , Antarctica , Australia 2071 - 03 - 31 March 31 , 2071 15 : 01 : 06 140 Annular 0.992 0 : 52 - 16.7 16 ° 42 ′ S 37 ° 00 ′ W  /  16.7 ° S 37.0 ° W  / - 16.7 ; - 37.0 31 19 Annular : Chile , Argentina , Paraguay , Brazil , Republic of the Congo , Zaire Partial : South America , Africa , Antarctica 2071 - 09 - 23 September 23 , 2071 17 : 20 : 28 145 Total 1.033 3 : 11 14.2 14 ° 12 ′ N 76 ° 42 ′ W  /  14.2 ° N 76.7 ° W  / 14.2 ; - 76.7 116 72 Total : Mexico , Colombia , Venezuela , Guyana , Suriname , French Guiana , Brazil Partial : Americas , Africa 2072 - 03 - 19 March 19 , 2072 20 : 10 : 31 150 Partial 0.720 -- - 72.2 72 ° 12 ′ S 30 ° 24 ′ W  /  72.2 ° S 30.4 ° W  / - 72.2 ; - 30.4 -- Partial : Antarctica , South America 2072 - 09 - 12 September 12 , 2072 08 : 59 : 20 155 Total 1.056 3 : 13 69.8 69 ° 48 ′ N 102 ° 00 ′ E  /  69.8 ° N 102.0 ° E  / 69.8 ; 102.0 732 455 Total : Russia Partial : Greenland , Europe , Asia 2073 - 02 - 07 February 7 , 2073 01 : 55 : 59 122 Partial 0.677 -- 70.5 70 ° 30 ′ N 114 ° 54 ′ E  /  70.5 ° N 114.9 ° E  / 70.5 ; 114.9 -- Partial : Asia , Alaska 2073 - 08 - 03 August 3 , 2073 17 : 15 : 23 127 Total 1.029 2 : 29 - 43.2 43 ° 12 ′ S 89 ° 24 ′ W  /  43.2 ° S 89.4 ° W  / - 43.2 ; - 89.4 206 128 Total : Chile , Argentina Partial : South America , Antarctica 2074 - 01 - 27 January 27 , 2074 06 : 44 : 15 132 Annular 0.980 2 : 21 06.6 6 ° 36 ′ N 78 ° 48 ′ E  /  6.6 ° N 78.8 ° E  / 6.6 ; 78.8 79 49 Annular : Sudan , Ethiopia , Somalia , Sri Lanka , Myanmar , Thailand , Laos , Vietnam , China , Japan Partial : Africa , Asia , Indies 2074 - 07 - 24 July 24 , 2074 03 : 10 : 32 137 Annular 0.984 1 : 57 12.8 12 ° 48 ′ N 133 ° 42 ′ E  /  12.8 ° N 133.7 ° E  / 12.8 ; 133.7 58 36 Annular : Thailand , Cambodia , Vietnam , Philippines Partial : Asia , Indies , Australia , New Zealand 2075 - 01 - 16 January 16 , 2075 18 : 36 : 04 142 Total 1.031 2 : 42 - 37.2 37 ° 12 ′ S 94 ° 06 ′ W  /  37.2 ° S 94.1 ° W  / - 37.2 ; - 94.1 110 68 Total : Chile , Argentina , Paraguay , Brazil Partial : New Zealand , South America , Antarctica 2075 - 07 - 13 July 13 , 2075 06 : 05 : 44 147 Annular 0.947 4 : 45 63.1 63 ° 06 ′ N 95 ° 12 ′ E  /  63.1 ° N 95.2 ° E  / 63.1 ; 95.2 262 163 Annular : south Europe , Russia Partial : Europe , Asia , Africa , north North America 2076 - 01 - 06 January 6 , 2076 10 : 07 : 27 152 Total 1.034 1 : 49 - 87.2 87 ° 12 ′ S 173 ° 42 ′ W  /  87.2 ° S 173.7 ° W  / - 87.2 ; - 173.7 340 210 Total : Antarctica Partial : Australia , South America 2076 - 06 - 01 June 1 , 2076 17 : 31 : 22 119 Partial 0.290 -- - 64.4 64 ° 24 ′ S 51 ° 12 ′ W  /  64.4 ° S 51.2 ° W  / - 64.4 ; - 51.2 -- Partial : South America , Antarctica 2076 - 07 - 01 July 1 , 2076 06 : 50 : 43 157 Partial 0.275 -- 67.0 67 ° 00 ′ N 98 ° 06 ′ W  /  67.0 ° N 98.1 ° W  / 67.0 ; - 98.1 -- Partial : Russia , North America 2076 - 11 - 26 November 26 , 2076 11 : 43 : 01 124 Partial 0.731 -- 63.7 63 ° 42 ′ N 40 ° 06 ′ E  /  63.7 ° N 40.1 ° E  / 63.7 ; 40.1 -- Partial : Africa , Europe , west Asia 2077 - 05 - 22 May 22 , 2077 02 : 46 : 05 129 Total 1.029 2 : 54 - 13.1 13 ° 06 ′ S 148 ° 18 ′ E  /  13.1 ° S 148.3 ° E  / - 13.1 ; 148.3 119 74 Total : Australia Partial : Indies , Australia , New Zealand , Antarctica 2077 - 11 - 15 November 15 , 2077 17 : 07 : 56 134 Annular 0.937 7 : 54 07.8 7 ° 48 ′ N 70 ° 48 ′ W  /  7.8 ° N 70.8 ° W  / 7.8 ; - 70.8 262 163 Annular : United States , Caribbean , Colombia , Venezuela , Brazil , Guyana , Suriname , French Guiana Partial : Americas 2078 - 05 - 11 May 11 , 2078 17 : 56 : 55 139 Total 1.070 5 : 40 28.1 28 ° 06 ′ N 93 ° 42 ′ W  /  28.1 ° N 93.7 ° W  / 28.1 ; - 93.7 232 144 Total : Mexico , United States Partial : Americas 2078 - 11 - 04 November 4 , 2078 16 : 55 : 44 144 Annular 0.926 8 : 29 - 27.8 27 ° 48 ′ S 83 ° 18 ′ W  /  27.8 ° S 83.3 ° W  / - 27.8 ; - 83.3 287 178 Annular : Chile , Argentina Partial : Americas , Antarctica 2079 - 05 - 01 May 1 , 2079 10 : 50 : 13 149 Total 1.051 2 : 55 66.2 66 ° 12 ′ N 46 ° 18 ′ W  /  66.2 ° N 46.3 ° W  / 66.2 ; - 46.3 406 252 Total : United States , Canada , Greenland Partial : west Americas , Europe , Africa , Asia 2079 - 10 - 24 October 24 , 2079 18 : 11 : 21 154 Annular 0.948 3 : 39 - 63.4 63 ° 24 ′ S 160 ° 36 ′ W  /  63.4 ° S 160.6 ° W  / - 63.4 ; - 160.6 495 308 Annular : Antarctica , New Zealand Partial : South America 2080 - 03 - 21 March 21 , 2080 12 : 20 : 15 121 Partial 0.873 -- - 60.9 60 ° 54 ′ S 85 ° 54 ′ E  /  60.9 ° S 85.9 ° E  / - 60.9 ; 85.9 -- Partial : Antarctica , Africa 2080 - 09 - 13 September 13 , 2080 16 : 38 : 09 126 Partial 0.874 -- 61.1 61 ° 06 ′ N 25 ° 48 ′ E  /  61.1 ° N 25.8 ° E  / 61.1 ; 25.8 -- Partial : North America , Europe , Africa 2081 - 03 - 10 March 10 , 2081 15 : 23 : 31 131 Annular 0.930 7 : 36 - 22.4 22 ° 24 ′ S 36 ° 42 ′ W  /  22.4 ° S 36.7 ° W  / - 22.4 ; - 36.7 277 172 Annular : Chile , Argentina , Ivory Coast , Ghana , Togo , Benin , Nigeria , Cameroon Partial : South America , Africa , Antarctica 2081 - 09 - 03 September 3 , 2081 09 : 07 : 31 136 Total 1.072 5 : 33 24.6 24 ° 36 ′ N 53 ° 36 ′ E  /  24.6 ° N 53.6 ° E  / 24.6 ; 53.6 247 153 Total : Central Europe , France , Switzerland , Austria , Slovenia , Hungary , Croatia , Serbia , Romania , Greece , Bulgaria , Turkey , Syria , Iraq , Kuwait , Qatar , UAE , Saudi Arabia , Oman Partial : Africa , Europe , Asia 2082 - 02 - 27 February 27 , 2082 14 : 47 : 00 141 Annular 0.930 8 : 12 09.4 9 ° 24 ′ N 47 ° 06 ′ W  /  9.4 ° N 47.1 ° W  / 9.4 ; - 47.1 277 172 Annular : Peru , Brazil , Suriname , French Guiana , Portugal , Spain , France , Italy , Germany , Austria Partial : Americas , Europe , Africa 2082 - 08 - 24 August 24 , 2082 01 : 16 : 21 146 Total 1.045 4 : 01 - 10.3 10 ° 18 ′ S 151 ° 48 ′ E  /  10.3 ° S 151.8 ° E  / - 10.3 ; 151.8 163 101 Total : Indonesia , New Guinea , South Pacific Partial : Indies , Australia , Antarctica , New Zealand 2083 - 02 - 16 February 16 , 2083 18 : 06 : 36 151 Partial 0.943 -- 61.6 61 ° 36 ′ N 154 ° 06 ′ W  /  61.6 ° N 154.1 ° W  / 61.6 ; - 154.1 -- Partial : Mexico , United States , Canada 2083 - 07 - 15 July 15 , 2083 00 : 14 : 23 118 Partial 0.017 -- 64.0 64 ° 00 ′ N 37 ° 42 ′ W  /  64.0 ° N 37.7 ° W  / 64.0 ; - 37.7 -- Partial : Greenland 2083 - 08 - 13 August 13 , 2083 12 : 34 : 41 156 Partial 0.615 -- - 62.1 62 ° 06 ′ S 67 ° 30 ′ W  /  62.1 ° S 67.5 ° W  / - 62.1 ; - 67.5 -- Partial : South America , Antarctica 2084 - 01 - 07 January 7 , 2084 17 : 30 : 23 123 Partial 0.872 -- - 64.4 64 ° 24 ′ S 68 ° 30 ′ E  /  64.4 ° S 68.5 ° E  / - 64.4 ; 68.5 -- Partial : Antarctica , South America 2084 - 07 - 03 July 3 , 2084 01 : 50 : 26 128 Annular 0.942 4 : 25 75.0 75 ° 00 ′ N 169 ° 06 ′ W  /  75.0 ° N 169.1 ° W  / 75.0 ; - 169.1 377 234 Annular : Russia , United States , Canada Partial : northern Europe , Asia , North America 2084 - 12 - 27 December 27 , 2084 09 : 13 : 48 133 Total 1.040 3 : 04 - 47.3 47 ° 18 ′ S 47 ° 42 ′ E  /  47.3 ° S 47.7 ° E  / - 47.3 ; 47.7 146 91 Total : South Atlantic , Indian Ocean Partial : Africa , Antarctica , Australia 2085 - 06 - 22 June 22 , 2085 03 : 21 : 16 138 Annular 0.970 3 : 29 26.2 26 ° 12 ′ N 131 ° 18 ′ E  /  26.2 ° N 131.3 ° E  / 26.2 ; 131.3 106 66 Annular : India , Myanmar , China , central Pacific Partial : Asia , Indies , Australia 2085 - 12 - 16 December 16 , 2085 22 : 37 : 48 143 Annular 0.997 0 : 19 - 07.3 7 ° 18 ′ S 160 ° 48 ′ W  /  7.3 ° S 160.8 ° W  / - 7.3 ; - 160.8 10 6.2 Annular : central Pacific Partial : Australia , North America 2086 - 06 - 11 June 11 , 2086 11 : 07 : 14 148 Total 1.017 1 : 48 - 23.2 23 ° 12 ′ S 12 ° 30 ′ E  /  23.2 ° S 12.5 ° E  / - 23.2 ; 12.5 86 53 Total : Namibia , Botswana , South Africa Partial : South America , Africa 2086 - 12 - 06 December 6 , 2086 05 : 38 : 55 153 Partial 0.927 -- 67.4 67 ° 24 ′ N 96 ° 12 ′ E  /  67.4 ° N 96.2 ° E  / 67.4 ; 96.2 -- Partial : Asia 2087 - 05 - 02 May 2 , 2087 18 : 04 : 42 120 Partial 0.801 -- 70.3 70 ° 18 ′ N 127 ° 36 ′ E  /  70.3 ° N 127.6 ° E  / 70.3 ; 127.6 -- Partial : north Europe , north Asia , North America 2087 - 06 - 01 June 1 , 2087 01 : 27 : 14 158 Partial 0.215 -- - 67.8 67 ° 48 ′ S 165 ° 24 ′ E  /  67.8 ° S 165.4 ° E  / - 67.8 ; 165.4 -- Partial : New Zealand 2087 - 10 - 26 October 26 , 2087 11 : 46 : 57 125 Partial 0.470 -- - 71.0 71 ° 00 ′ S 130 ° 30 ′ W  /  71.0 ° S 130.5 ° W  / - 71.0 ; - 130.5 -- Partial : South America , Antarctica 2088 - 04 - 21 April 21 , 2088 10 : 31 : 49 130 Total 1.047 3 : 58 36.0 36 ° 00 ′ N 15 ° 06 ′ E  /  36.0 ° N 15.1 ° E  / 36.0 ; 15.1 173 107 Total : Mauritania , western Sahara , Mali , Algeria , Tunisia , Greece , Turkey , Russia , Kazakhstan , China Partial : North America , Africa , Europe , Asia 2088 - 10 - 14 October 14 , 2088 14 : 48 : 05 135 Annular 0.973 2 : 38 - 39.7 39 ° 42 ′ S 56 ° 00 ′ W  /  39.7 ° S 56.0 ° W  / - 39.7 ; - 56.0 115 71 Annular : Chile , Argentina Partial : South America , Antarctica , Africa 2089 - 04 - 10 April 10 , 2089 22 : 44 : 42 140 Annular 0.992 0 : 53 - 10.2 10 ° 12 ′ S 154 ° 48 ′ W  /  10.2 ° S 154.8 ° W  / - 10.2 ; - 154.8 30 19 Annular : Australia , central Pacific Partial : Antarctica , North America 2089 - 10 - 04 October 4 , 2089 01 : 15 : 23 145 Total 1.033 3 : 14 07.4 7 ° 24 ′ N 162 ° 48 ′ E  /  7.4 ° N 162.8 ° E  / 7.4 ; 162.8 115 71 Total : China , Central Pacific Partial : Asia , Indies , Australia 2090 - 03 - 31 March 31 , 2090 03 : 38 : 08 150 Partial 0.784 -- - 72.1 72 ° 06 ′ S 156 ° 18 ′ W  /  72.1 ° S 156.3 ° W  / - 72.1 ; - 156.3 -- Partial : Antarctica , Australia , New Zealand 2090 - 09 - 23 September 23 , 2090 16 : 56 : 36 155 Total 1.056 3 : 36 60.7 60 ° 42 ′ N 40 ° 30 ′ W  /  60.7 ° N 40.5 ° W  / 60.7 ; - 40.5 463 288 Total : Canada , Greenland , United Kingdom , France Partial : North America , Europe , Africa , north Asia 2091 - 02 - 18 February 18 , 2091 09 : 54 : 40 122 Partial 0.656 -- 71.2 71 ° 12 ′ N 17 ° 48 ′ W  /  71.2 ° N 17.8 ° W  / 71.2 ; - 17.8 -- Partial : North Africa , Europe , Asia 2091 - 08 - 15 August 15 , 2091 00 : 34 : 43 127 Total 1.022 1 : 38 - 55.6 55 ° 36 ′ S 150 ° 30 ′ E  /  55.6 ° S 150.5 ° E  / - 55.6 ; 150.5 236 147 Total : southern Antarctic Ocean , near Antarctica Partial : Australia , Antarctica , New Zealand 2092 - 02 - 07 February 7 , 2092 15 : 10 : 20 132 Annular 0.984 1 : 48 09.9 9 ° 54 ′ N 48 ° 42 ′ W  /  9.9 ° N 48.7 ° W  / 9.9 ; - 48.7 62 39 Annular : Panama , Colombia , Venezuela , Guyana , Morocco , Algeria Partial : Americas , Europe , Africa 2092 - 08 - 03 August 3 , 2092 09 : 59 : 33 137 Annular 0.979 2 : 31 05.6 5 ° 36 ′ N 30 ° 18 ′ E  /  5.6 ° N 30.3 ° E  / 5.6 ; 30.3 75 47 Annular : Liberia , Ivory Coast , Ghana , Togo , Benin , Nigeria , Cameroon , Chad , Central African Republic , Sudan , Kenya , Somalia Partial : Africa 2093 - 01 - 27 January 27 , 2093 03 : 22 : 16 142 Total 1.034 2 : 58 - 34.1 34 ° 06 ′ S 136 ° 24 ′ E  /  34.1 ° S 136.4 ° E  / - 34.1 ; 136.4 119 74 Total : Australia Partial : Indies , Australia , Antarctica , New Zealand 2093 - 07 - 23 July 23 , 2093 12 : 32 : 04 147 Annular 0.946 5 : 11 54.6 54 ° 36 ′ N 1 ° 18 ′ E  /  54.6 ° N 1.3 ° E  / 54.6 ; 1.3 241 150 Annular : United States , Canada , Central Europe , Turkey , Iraq , Iran , Afghanistan , Pakistan Partial : Americas , Europe , Africa , Asia 2094 - 01 - 16 January 16 , 2094 18 : 59 : 03 152 Total 1.034 1 : 51 - 84.8 84 ° 48 ′ S 10 ° 36 ′ W  /  84.8 ° S 10.6 ° W  / - 84.8 ; - 10.6 329 204 Total : Antarctica Partial : South America , Antarctica , New Zealand 2094 - 06 - 13 June 13 , 2094 00 : 22 : 11 119 Partial 0.162 -- - 65.3 65 ° 18 ′ S 163 ° 36 ′ W  /  65.3 ° S 163.6 ° W  / - 65.3 ; - 163.6 -- Partial : southern Antarctic Ocean , near Antarctica 2094 - 07 - 12 July 12 , 2094 13 : 24 : 35 157 Partial 0.422 -- 68.0 68 ° 00 ′ N 152 ° 48 ′ E  /  68.0 ° N 152.8 ° E  / 68.0 ; 152.8 -- Partial : North America , Asia 2094 - 12 - 07 December 7 , 2094 20 : 05 : 56 124 Partial 0.705 -- 64.7 64 ° 42 ′ N 95 ° 00 ′ W  /  64.7 ° N 95.0 ° W  / 64.7 ; - 95.0 -- Partial : North America 2095 - 06 - 02 June 2 , 2095 10 : 07 : 40 129 Total 1.033 3 : 18 - 16.7 16 ° 42 ′ S 37 ° 12 ′ E  /  16.7 ° S 37.2 ° E  / - 16.7 ; 37.2 145 90 Total : Namibia , South Africa , Botswana , Zambia , Mozambique , Madagascar Partial : Africa 2095 - 11 - 27 November 27 , 2095 01 : 02 : 57 134 Annular 0.933 8 : 47 07.2 7 ° 12 ′ N 169 ° 48 ′ E  /  7.2 ° N 169.8 ° E  / 7.2 ; 169.8 285 177 Annular : China , Korea , Japan , central Pacific Partial : Asia , Indies , Australia 2096 - 05 - 22 May 22 , 2096 01 : 37 : 14 139 Total 1.074 6 : 07 27.3 27 ° 18 ′ N 153 ° 24 ′ E  /  27.3 ° N 153.4 ° E  / 27.3 ; 153.4 241 150 Total : Indonesia , Central Pacific , Philippines Partial : Asia , Indies , Australia , North America 2096 - 11 - 15 November 15 , 2096 00 : 36 : 15 144 Annular 0.924 8 : 53 - 29.7 29 ° 42 ′ S 163 ° 18 ′ E  /  29.7 ° S 163.3 ° E  / - 29.7 ; 163.3 294 183 Annular : Malaysia , Indonesia , New Guinea , Australia , New Zealand Partial : Indies , Antarctica 2097 - 05 - 11 May 11 , 2097 18 : 34 : 31 149 Total 1.054 3 : 10 67.4 67 ° 24 ′ N 149 ° 30 ′ W  /  67.4 ° N 149.5 ° W  / 67.4 ; - 149.5 339 211 Total : Alaska , Russia Partial : Asia , North America , northern Europe 2097 - 11 - 04 November 4 , 2097 02 : 01 : 25 154 Annular 0.949 3 : 36 - 65.8 65 ° 48 ′ S 86 ° 48 ′ E  /  65.8 ° S 86.8 ° E  / - 65.8 ; 86.8 411 255 Annular : Antarctica Partial : Australia 2098 - 04 - 01 April 1 , 2098 20 : 02 : 31 121 Partial 0.798 -- - 61.0 61 ° 00 ′ S 38 ° 06 ′ W  /  61.0 ° S 38.1 ° W  / - 61.0 ; - 38.1 -- Partial : Antarctica , South America 2098 - 09 - 25 September 25 , 2098 00 : 31 : 16 126 Partial 0.787 -- 61.1 61 ° 06 ′ N 101 ° 00 ′ W  /  61.1 ° N 101.0 ° W  / 61.1 ; - 101.0 -- Partial : Asia , North America 2098 - 10 - 24 October 24 , 2098 10 : 36 : 11 164 Partial 0.006 -- - 61.8 61 ° 48 ′ S 95 ° 30 ′ W  /  61.8 ° S 95.5 ° W  / - 61.8 ; - 95.5 -- Partial : southern Antarctic Ocean , near Antarctica 2099 - 03 - 21 March 21 , 2099 22 : 54 : 32 131 Annular 0.932 7 : 32 - 20.0 20 ° 00 ′ S 149 ° 00 ′ W  /  20.0 ° S 149.0 ° W  / - 20.0 ; - 149.0 275 171 Annular : central Pacific Partial : Australia , New Zealand , Antarctica , North America 2099 - 09 - 14 September 14 , 2099 16 : 57 : 53 136 Total 1.068 5 : 18 23.4 23 ° 24 ′ N 62 ° 48 ′ W  /  23.4 ° N 62.8 ° W  / 23.4 ; - 62.8 241 150 Total : Canada , United States , central Atlantic Partial : Americas , Africa 2100 - 03 - 10 March 10 , 2100 22 : 28 : 11 141 Annular 0.934 7 : 29 12.0 12 ° 00 ′ N 162 ° 24 ′ W  /  12.0 ° N 162.4 ° W  / 12.0 ; - 162.4 257 160 Annular : central Pacific , Hawaii , Northwestern United States Partial : Australia , North America 2100 - 09 - 04 September 4 , 2100 08 : 49 : 20 146 Total 1.040 3 : 32 - 10.5 10 ° 30 ′ S 39 ° 00 ′ E  /  10.5 ° S 39.0 ° E  / - 10.5 ; 39.0 142 88 Total : central Africa , Madagascar Partial : Africa , Antarctica References ( edit ) Acknowledgement : Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak , NASA 's Goddard Space Flight Center ^ Jump up to : `` Five Million Catalog of Solar Eclipses '' . NASA . Retrieved 2008 - 08 - 02 . Jump up ^ `` Glossary of Solar Eclipse Terms '' . NASA . March 13 , 2008 . Retrieved 2008 - 08 - 31 . Jump up ^ `` NASA -- Key to Catalog of Solar Eclipses '' . NASA . Retrieved 2008 - 08 - 02 . ^ Jump up to : Littmann , Mark ; Willcox , Ken ; Espenak , Fred . Totality : Eclipses of the Sun ( Second ed . ) . ISBN 0 - 19 - 513179 - 7 . Jump up ^ `` Solar eclipses : 2011 -- 2020 '' . NASA . March 27 , 2008 . Archived from the original on August 5 , 2008 . Retrieved 2008 - 08 - 17 . Jump up ^ `` The day the sun disappears is coming '' . CNN . June 21 , 2017 . Retrieved June 22 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` Solar Eclipses : 2021 -- 2030 '' . NASA . March 27 , 2008 . Archived from the original on May 30 , 2008 . Retrieved 2008 - 08 - 16 . ^ Jump up to : `` Solar Eclipses : 2031 -- 2040 '' . NASA . March 27 , 2008 . Archived from the original on May 30 , 2008 . Retrieved 2008 - 08 - 17 . ^ Jump up to : `` Solar Eclipses : 2041 -- 2050 '' . NASA . March 27 , 2008 . Archived from the original on June 17 , 2008 . Retrieved 2008 - 08 - 17 . ^ Jump up to : `` Solar Eclipses : 2051 -- 2060 '' . NASA . March 27 , 2008 . Archived from the original on August 22 , 2008 . Retrieved 2008 - 08 - 30 . ^ Jump up to : `` Solar Eclipses : 2061 -- 2070 '' . NASA . March 27 , 2008 . Archived from the original on August 22 , 2008 . Retrieved 2008 - 08 - 30 . ^ Jump up to : `` Solar Eclipses : 2071 -- 2080 '' . NASA . March 27 , 2008 . Archived from the original on August 22 , 2008 . Retrieved 2008 - 08 - 30 . ^ Jump up to : `` Solar Eclipses : 2081 -- 2090 '' . NASA . March 27 , 2008 . Archived from the original on June 17 , 2008 . Retrieved 2008 - 08 - 30 . ^ Jump up to : `` Solar Eclipses : 2091 -- 2100 '' . NASA . March 27 , 2008 . Archived from the original on June 12 , 2008 . Retrieved 2008 - 08 - 30 . Bibliography ( edit ) ( show ) Map all coordinates using OSM Map all coordinates using Google Export all coordinates as KML Export all coordinates as GPX Map all microformatted coordinates Place data as RDF `` Catalog of Solar Eclipses : 2001 to 2100 '' . NASA . Retrieved 2008 - 08 - 08 . Solar eclipses Lists of eclipses By century Antiquity 20th BC 19th BC 18th BC 17th BC 16th BC 15th BC 14th BC 13th BC 12th BC 11th BC 10th BC 9th BC 8th BC 7th BC 6th BC 5th BC 4th BC 3rd BC 2nd BC 1st BC 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th Saros series 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 Visibility Australia China Philippines Russia Ukraine United Kingdom United States Historical Mursili 's eclipse ( 1312 BC ) Assyrian eclipse ( 763 BC ) Eclipse of Thales ( 585 BC ) Total / hybrid eclipses → symbol denotes next total / hybrid eclipse 1560 Aug 21 1598 Mar 7 1652 Apr 8 1654 Aug 12 1673 Aug 12 1699 Sep 23 1715 May 3 1724 May 22 1766 Feb 9 1778 Jun 24 1780 Oct 27 1806 Jun 16 1816 Nov 19 1824 Jun 26 1842 Jul 8 1851 Jul 28 1853 Nov 30 1857 Mar 25 1858 Sep 7 1860 Jul 18 1865 Apr 25 1867 Aug 29 1868 Aug 18 1869 Aug 7 1870 Dec 22 1871 Dec 12 1874 Apr 16 1875 Apr 6 1878 Jul 29 1882 May 17 1883 May 6 1885 Sep 8 1886 Aug 29 1887 Aug 19 1889 Jan 1 1889 Dec 22 1893 Apr 16 1896 Aug 9 1898 Jan 22 1900 May 28 1901 May 18 1903 Sep 21 1904 Sep 9 1905 Aug 30 1907 Jan 14 1908 Jan 3 1908 Dec 23 1909 Jun 17 1910 May 9 1911 Apr 28 1912 Apr 17 1912 Oct 10 1914 Aug 21 1916 Feb 3 1918 Jun 8 1919 May 29 1921 Oct 1 1922 Sep 21 1923 Sep 10 1925 Jan 24 1926 Jan 14 1927 Jun 29 1928 May 19 1929 May 9 1930 Apr 28 1930 Oct 21 1932 Aug 31 1934 Feb 14 1936 Jun 19 1937 Jun 8 1938 May 29 1939 Oct 12 1940 Oct 1 1941 Sep 21 1943 Feb 4 1944 Jan 25 1944 Jul 20 1945 Jul 9 1947 May 20 1948 Nov 1 1950 Sep 12 1952 Feb 25 1954 Jun 30 1955 Jun 20 1956 Jun 8 1957 Oct 23 1958 Oct 12 1959 Oct 2 1961 Feb 15 1962 Feb 5 1963 Jul 20 1965 May 30 1966 Nov 12 1967 Nov 2 1968 Sep 22 1970 Mar 7 1972 Jul 10 1973 Jun 30 1974 Jun 20 1976 Oct 23 1977 Oct 12 1979 Feb 26 1980 Feb 16 1981 Jul 31 1983 Jun 11 1984 Nov 22 1985 Nov 12 1986 Oct 3 1987 Mar 29 1988 Mar 18 1990 Jul 22 1991 Jul 11 1992 Jun 30 1994 Nov 3 1995 Oct 24 1997 Mar 9 1998 Feb 26 1999 Aug 11 2001 Jun 21 2002 Dec 4 2003 Nov 23 2005 Apr 8 2006 Mar 29 2008 Aug 1 2009 Jul 22 2010 Jul 11 2012 Nov 13 2013 Nov 3 2015 Mar 20 2016 Mar 9 2017 Aug 21 → 2019 Jul 2 2020 Dec 14 2021 Dec 4 2023 Apr 20 2024 Apr 8 2026 Aug 12 2027 Aug 2 2028 Jul 22 2030 Nov 25 2031 Nov 14 2033 Mar 30 2034 Mar 20 2035 Sep 2 2037 Jul 13 2038 Dec 26 2039 Dec 15 2041 Apr 30 2042 Apr 20 2043 Apr 9 2044 Aug 23 2045 Aug 12 2046 Aug 2 2048 Dec 5 2049 Nov 25 2050 May 20 2052 Mar 30 2053 Sep 12 2055 Jul 24 2057 Jan 5 2057 Dec 26 2059 May 11 2060 Apr 30 2061 Apr 20 2063 Aug 24 2064 Aug 12 2066 Dec 17 2067 Dec 6 2068 May 31 2070 Apr 11 2071 Sep 23 2072 Sep 12 2073 Aug 3 2075 Jan 16 2076 Jan 6 2077 May 22 2078 May 11 2079 May 1 2081 Sep 3 2082 Aug 24 2084 Dec 27 2086 Jun 11 2088 Apr 21 2089 Oct 4 2090 Sep 23 2091 Aug 15 2093 Jan 27 2094 Jan 16 2095 Jun 2 2096 May 22 2097 May 11 2099 Sep 14 2100 Sep 4 2114 Jun 3 2132 Jun 13 2150 Jun 25 2168 Jul 5 2186 Jul 16 Annular eclipses → symbol denotes next annular eclipse 1820 Sep 7 1854 May 26 1879 Jan 22 1889 Jun 28 1901 Nov 11 1903 Mar 29 1904 Mar 17 1905 Mar 6 1907 Jul 10 1908 Jun 28 1911 Oct 22 1914 Feb 25 1915 Feb 14 1915 Aug 10 1916 Jul 30 1917 Dec 14 1918 Dec 3 1919 Nov 22 1921 Apr 8 1922 Mar 28 1923 Mar 17 1925 Jul 20 1926 Jul 9 1927 Jan 3 1929 Nov 1 1932 Mar 7 1933 Feb 24 1933 Aug 21 1934 Aug 10 1935 Dec 25 1936 Dec 13 1937 Dec 2 1939 Apr 19 1940 Apr 7 1941 Mar 27 1943 Aug 1 1945 Jan 14 1947 Nov 12 1948 May 9 1950 Mar 18 1951 Mar 7 1951 Sep 1 1952 Aug 20 1954 Jan 5 1954 Dec 25 1955 Dec 14 1957 Apr 30 1958 Apr 19 1959 Apr 8 1961 Aug 11 1962 Jul 31 1963 Jan 25 1965 Nov 23 1966 May 20 1969 Mar 18 1969 Sep 11 1970 Aug 31 1972 Jan 16 1973 Jan 4 1973 Dec 24 1976 Apr 29 1977 Apr 18 1979 Aug 22 1980 Aug 10 1981 Feb 4 1983 Dec 4 1984 May 30 1987 Sep 23 1988 Sep 11 1990 Jan 26 1991 Jan 15 1992 Jan 4 1994 May 10 1995 Apr 29 1998 Aug 22 1999 Feb 16 2001 Dec 14 2002 Jun 10 2003 May 31 2005 Oct 3 2006 Sep 22 2008 Feb 7 2009 Jan 26 2010 Jan 15 2012 May 20 2013 May 10 2014 Apr 29 2016 Sep 1 2017 Feb 26 → 2019 Dec 26 2020 Jun 21 2021 Jun 10 2023 Oct 14 2024 Oct 2 2026 Feb 17 2027 Feb 6 2028 Jan 26 2030 Jun 1 2031 May 21 2032 May 9 2034 Sep 12 2035 Mar 9 2038 Jan 5 2038 Jul 2 2039 Jun 21 2041 Oct 25 2042 Oct 14 2043 Oct 3 2044 Feb 28 2045 Feb 16 2046 Feb 5 2048 Jun 11 2049 May 31 2052 Sep 22 2053 Mar 20 2056 Jan 16 2056 Jul 12 2057 Jul 1 2059 Nov 5 2060 Oct 24 2061 Oct 13 2063 Feb 28 2064 Feb 17 2066 Jun 22 2067 Jun 11 2070 Oct 4 2071 Mar 31 2074 Jan 27 2074 Jul 24 2075 Jul 13 2077 Nov 15 2078 Nov 4 2079 Oct 24 2081 Mar 10 2082 Feb 27 2084 Jul 3 2085 Jun 22 2085 Dec 16 2088 Oct 14 2089 Apr 10 2092 Feb 7 2092 Aug 3 2093 Jul 23 2095 Nov 27 2096 Nov 15 2097 Nov 4 2099 Mar 21 2100 Mar 10 Partial eclipses → symbol denotes next partial eclipse 1902 Apr 8 1902 May 7 1902 Oct 31 1906 Feb 23 1906 Jul 21 1906 Aug 20 1909 Dec 12 1910 Nov 2 1913 Apr 6 1913 Aug 31 1913 Sep 30 1916 Dec 24 1917 Jan 23 1917 Jun 19 1917 Jul 19 1920 May 18 1920 Nov 10 1924 Mar 5 1924 Jul 31 1924 Aug 30 1927 Dec 24 1928 Jun 17 1928 Nov 12 1931 Apr 18 1931 Sep 12 1931 Oct 11 1935 Jan 5 1935 Feb 3 1935 Jun 30 1935 Jul 30 1938 Nov 21 1942 Mar 16 1942 Aug 12 1942 Sep 10 1946 Jan 3 1946 May 30 1946 Jun 29 1946 Nov 23 1949 Apr 28 1949 Oct 21 1953 Feb 14 1953 Jul 11 1953 Aug 9 1956 Dec 2 1960 Mar 27 1960 Sep 20 1964 Jan 14 1964 Jun 10 1964 Jul 9 1964 Dec 4 1967 May 9 1968 Mar 28 1971 Feb 25 1971 Jul 22 1971 Aug 20 1974 Dec 13 1975 May 11 1975 Nov 3 1978 Apr 7 1978 Oct 2 1982 Jan 25 1982 Jun 21 1982 Jul 20 1982 Dec 15 1985 May 19 1986 Apr 9 1989 Mar 7 1989 Aug 31 1992 Dec 24 1993 May 21 1993 Nov 13 1996 Apr 17 1996 Oct 12 1997 Sep 2 2000 Feb 5 2000 Jul 1 2000 Jul 31 2000 Dec 25 2004 Apr 19 2004 Oct 14 2007 Mar 19 2011 Jan 4 2011 Jun 1 2011 Jul 1 2011 Nov 25 2014 Oct 23 2015 Sep 13 → 2018 Feb 15 2018 Jul 13 2018 Aug 11 2019 Jan 6 2022 Apr 30 2022 Oct 25 2025 Mar 29 2025 Sep 21 2029 Jan 14 2029 Jun 12 2029 Jul 11 2032 Nov 3 2033 Sep 23 2036 Feb 27 2036 Jul 23 2036 Aug 21 2037 Jan 16 2040 May 11 2040 Nov 4 2047 Jan 26 2047 Jun 23 2047 Jul 22 2047 Dec 16 2050 Nov 14 2051 Apr 11 2051 Oct 4 2054 Mar 9 2054 Aug 3 2054 Sep 2 2055 Jan 27 2058 May 22 2058 Jun 21 2058 Nov 16 2062 Mar 11 2062 Sep 3 2065 Feb 5 2065 Jul 3 2065 Aug 2 2065 Dec 27 2068 Nov 24 2069 Apr 21 2069 May 20 2069 Oct 15 2072 Mar 19 2073 Feb 7 2076 Jun 1 2076 Jul 1 2076 Nov 26 2083 Feb 16 2083 Jul 15 2083 Aug 13 2084 Jan 7 2086 Dec 6 2087 May 2 2087 Jun 1 2087 Oct 26 2090 Mar 31 2091 Feb 18 2094 Jun 13 2094 Jul 12 2094 Dec 7 2098 Apr 1 2098 Sep 25 2098 Oct 24 Other bodies Mars Moon Jupiter Neptune Pluto Saturn Uranus Related topics Eclipse chasing Solar viewer Planetary transit Solar eclipses in fiction Book Commons Portal WikiProject Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 21st - century solar 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when was the last time a total eclipse happened
The next solar eclipse ( Partial ) will occur on February 15 , 2018 ; the last solar eclipse ( Total ) occurred on August 21 , 2017 .
P.S. I Love You ( film ) - wikipedia P.S. I Love You ( film ) P.S. I Love You Theatrical release poster Directed by Richard LaGravenese Produced by Wendy Finerman Broderick Johnson Andrew Kosove Molly Smith Screenplay by Richard LaGravenese Steven Rogers Based on PS , I Love You by Cecelia Ahern Starring Hilary Swank Gerard Butler Lisa Kudrow Gina Gershon Jeffrey Dean Morgan Kathy Bates Harry Connick Jr . James Marsters Music by John Powell Cinematography Terry Stacey Edited by David Moritz Production company Alcon Entertainment Grosvenor Park Productions 2S Films Distributed by Summit Entertainment Release date December 21 , 2007 ( 2007 - 12 - 21 ) Running time 125 minutes Country United States Language English French Spanish Budget $30 million Box office $156,835,339 P.S. I Love You is a 2007 American drama film directed by Richard LaGravenese . The screenplay by LaGravenese and Steven Rogers is based on the 2004 novel of the same name by Cecelia Ahern . It stars Hilary Swank , Gerard Butler , Lisa Kudrow , Gina Gershon , James Marsters , Harry Connick Jr. and Jeffrey Dean Morgan . It was distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures and Momentum Pictures . Contents 1 Plot 2 Differences between novel and film adaptation 3 Cast 4 Production 5 Soundtrack 6 Reception 6.1 Critical response 6.2 Box office 6.3 Accolades 7 Cultural influence 8 See also 9 References 10 External links Plot ( edit ) Holly and Gerry are a married couple who live on the Lower East Side of Manhattan . They are deeply in love , but they fight occasionally . By winter that year , Gerry suddenly dies of a brain tumor , and Holly realizes how much he meant to her as well as how insignificant their arguments were . Deeply distraught , Holly withdraws from her family and friends out of grief until they descend upon her on her 30th birthday . They are determined to prod the young widow to face the future and explore what her life choices should be . As they rally around Holly and help organize her apartment , a cake is delivered , and with it is a message from Gerry . It proves to be the first of several meaningful messages -- all ending with `` P.S. I Love You '' -- which he had arranged to have delivered to her after his death . As the seasons pass , each new message fills her with encouragement and sends her on a new adventure . Holly 's mother believes that Gerry 's letters are keeping Holly tied to the past . But they are , in fact , pushing her into the future . With Gerry 's words as her guide , Holly slowly embarks on a journey of rediscovery . Gerry arranged for Holly and her friends Denise and Sharon to travel to his homeland of Ireland . They arrive at their destination , a house in the beautiful Irish countryside where they find letters from Gerry for Sharon & Denise , one asking Denise to take Holly to his favorite pub . While there , they meet William , a singer who strongly reminds Holly of her deceased husband . He asks her to stay to see him after his last song ( `` Galway Girl '' ) , which he dedicates to her . Upon hearing it , she is overcome with emotion and walks out , because it was the song Gerry sang to her shortly after they first met . During the vacation , while on a fishing trip , they lose the boat 's oars , leaving the three women stranded in the middle of a lake . During their wait for help , Sharon announces that she is pregnant and Denise reveals she is getting married . This news causes Holly to relapse emotionally and again withdraw into herself . They are eventually rescued by William , whom Sharon and Denise invite to stay the night because of the pouring rain . Unable to deny their feelings for each other , they kiss , and William and Holly have sex . They begin a conversation about her deceased husband and Holly asks William to drive her to visit her in - laws . Upon Holly revealing their names , William realizes she is the widow of his childhood best friend . Revealing this to Holly causes her to panic , but William calms her down and starts to tell stories about his and Gerry 's childhood . The next day , Holly visits Gerry 's parents and while there , she also receives a letter from Gerry reminding her of their first meeting . Arriving home , Holly again withdraws from family and friends . As she continues to become more and more lost , she is inspired by Gerry after finding one of his suspender clips next to one of her shoes and realizes she has a flair for designing women 's shoes ; she enrolls in a class that teaches how to actually make the shoes she has designed . A new found self - confidence allows her to emerge from her solitude and embrace her friends ' happiness . While on a walk with her mother , she learns that her mother was the one whom Gerry asked to deliver his letters after his death and receives the last letter . As the film ends with Holly taking her mother on a trip to Ireland , we see that Holly has opened herself up to the journey beginning with the next chapter of her life , and wherever it takes her she has the hope of falling in love again . Differences between novel and film adaptation ( edit ) The major difference between the novel and its film adaptation is that , in the novel , the main characters Holly and Gerry Kennedy are Irish . In the film , only Gerry is Irish , Holly and her family are Irish Americans , and the two live in New York . Also in the novel , Holly has numerous siblings , but in the film she has one . The film adds a character called William , played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan . Another change is that in the books , the letters arrive all in a package together and Holly is expected to open them once a month . In the movie , the letters are delivered by mail . The film remains fairly true to the novel , and all of Gerry 's letters are virtually unchanged . Cast ( edit ) Hilary Swank -- Holly Reilly - Kennedy Gerard Butler -- Gerry Kennedy Lisa Kudrow -- Denise Hennessey Gina Gershon -- Sharon McCarthy James Marsters -- John McCarthy Harry Connick , Jr . -- Daniel Connelly Jeffrey Dean Morgan -- William Gallagher Nellie McKay -- Ciara Reilly , Holly 's sister Kathy Bates -- Patricia Reilly , Holly and Ciara 's mother Anne Kent -- Rose Kennedy , Gerry 's mother Brian McGrath -- Martin Kennedy , Gerry 's father Production ( edit ) In A Conversation with Cecilia Ahern , a bonus feature on the DVD release of the film , the author of the original novel discusses the Americanization of her story -- which was set in Ireland -- for the screen and her satisfaction with the plot changes which screenwriter / director Richard LaGravenese had to make in order to fit the book into the screen . The film was shot on locations in New York City and County Wicklow , Ireland . Soundtrack ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( September 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) P.S. I Love You Soundtrack album by Various Artists Released December 3 , 2007 Genre Pop Length 56 : 44 Label Atlantic The soundtrack for the film was released on December 3 , 2007 . `` Love You Till the End '' -- The Pogues `` Same Mistake '' -- James Blunt `` More Time '' -- Needtobreathe `` Carousel '' -- Laura Izibor `` Fortress '' -- Hope `` Last Train Home '' -- Ryan Star `` Rewind '' -- Paolo Nutini `` My Sweet Song '' -- Toby Lightman `` No Other Love '' -- Chuck Prophet `` Everything We Had '' -- The Academy Is ... `` In the Beginning '' -- The Stills `` If I Ever Leave This World Alive '' -- Flogging Molly `` P.S. I Love You '' -- Nellie McKay `` Kisses and Cake '' -- John Powell `` Trouble '' -- performed by Greg Dulli and Kerry Brown The film also includes `` Fairytale of New York '' performed by The Pogues , `` Got Me Like Oh '' by Gia Farrell , `` No Other Love '' by Chuck Prophet , `` Mustang Sally '' performed by Gerard Butler and `` Galway Girl '' written and originally released by Steve Earle , performed by Gerard Butler , Nancy Davis , and Jeffrey Dean Morgan . Camera Obscura 's `` Lloyd , I 'm Ready to Be Heartbroken '' also plays in the opening credits . None of songs are included on the official soundtrack . Reception ( edit ) Critical response ( edit ) The film received negative reviews from critics , with most of the criticism being focused on Hilary Swank 's performance . Review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes gives a score of 24 % based on 99 reviews . At Metacritic the film received a weighted average score of 39 % , based on 24 reviews . Manohla Dargis of The New York Times said the film `` looks squeaky clean and utterly straight and very much removed from the shadow worlds in which Ms. Swank has done her best work . Yet as directed by Richard LaGravenese ... it has a curious morbid quality ... ( It ) wo n't win any awards ; it is n't the sort of work that flatters a critic 's taste . It 's preposterous in big and small matters ... and there are several cringe - worthy set pieces , some involving Mr. Butler and a guitar . The film is not a beautiful object or a memorable cultural one , and yet it charms , however awkwardly . Ms. Swank 's ardent sincerity and naked emotionalism dovetail nicely with Mr. LaGravenese 's melodramatic excesses . '' David Wiegand of the San Francisco Chronicle wrote , `` This is a movie that will leave you stunned and stupefied from beginning to end , if you do n't head for the exits first . The only good things in it are Lisa Kudrow and Swank 's wardrobe . The plot is unbelievable , although a competent script could have fixed that . The direction is flabby and uninspired , the casting is wrongheaded , and the performances run the gamut from uninteresting to insufferable ... the film wants terribly to be Ghost without a potter 's wheel , but it just succeeds at being terrible . '' John Anderson of Variety also had a negative review : `` The question of love after death has been asked frequently enough in the movies , but seldom with the high ick factor found in P.S. I Love You ... this post-life comedy will have the sentimentally challenged weeping openly , while clutching desperately to the pants - legs of boyfriends and husbands who are trying to flee up the aisle . Richard LaGravenese 's trip into Lifetime territory may define the guilty pleasure of the genre ... As an exercise in chick - flickery , P.S. I Love You wants to possess the soulfulness of harsh reality and the lilt of romantic fantasy at the same time . In this case , at least , it simply ca n't be done . '' Stephen Whitty of The Oregonian wrote , `` On a week when many people just want a good reason to put down their packages and smile for a couple of hours , P.S. I Love You arrives -- signed , sealed and delivered just on time . '' Irish reviewers were particularly critical of Butler 's Irish accent . Butler later jokingly apologized for his poor effort at an Irish accent . Box office ( edit ) The film opened on 2,454 screens in North America and earned $6,481,221 and ranked # 6 on its opening weekend . It eventually grossed $53,695,808 at the North American box office and $91,370,273 in the rest of the world for a total worldwide box office of $156,835,339 . Accolades ( edit ) Hilary Swank won the 2008 People 's Choice Irish Film and Television Award for Best International Actress . Cultural influence ( edit ) Dialogue between Connick 's and Swank 's characters inspired Reba McEntire 's 2011 single `` Somebody 's Chelsea '' . See also ( edit ) The Letter ( 1997 film ) ( South Korea ) The Letter ( 2004 film ) ( Thai Remake ) 2007 in film Cinema of the United States List of American films of 2007 References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Staff ( 2007 ) . `` P.S. I Love You '' . Tourism Ireland . Tourism Ireland . Retrieved 24 May 2012 . Jump up ^ `` P.S. I Love You '' . Retrieved 2013 - 11 - 02 . Jump up ^ P.S. I Love You at Rotten Tomatoes Flixster Jump up ^ P.S. I Love You at Metacritic CBS Jump up ^ Manohla Dargis . `` P.P.S. Take Tissues to This Weepy About a Romance Tested by Death '' . The New York Times , 21 December 2007 Jump up ^ David Wiegand . `` Review : ' P.S. I Love You ' a sappy stinker with star power '' . San Francisco Chronicle , 21 December 2007 Jump up ^ John Anderson ( 13 December 2007 ) . `` P.S. I Love You '' . Variety . Reed Business Information . Retrieved 17 January 2010 . Jump up ^ Stephen Whitty . `` P.S. I Love You '' . The Oregonian . Advance Publications . Retrieved 10 March 2010 . Jump up ^ Róisín Ingle ( December 15 , 2007 ) . `` Author of her own destiny '' . The Irish Times . Archived from the original on 2010 - 10 - 29 . Jump up ^ Michael Dwyer ( December 21 , 2007 ) . `` PS , I love You '' . The Irish Times . Archived from the original on 2010 - 10 - 30 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Paul Byrne '' . Jump up ^ P.S. I Love You at Box Office Mojo Jump up ^ Dukes , Billy ( 19 August 2011 ) . `` Reba McEntire , ' Somebody 's Chelsea ' -- Lyrics Uncovered '' . Taste of Country . Retrieved 31 August 2011 . External links ( edit ) P.S. I Love You at AllMovie P.S. I Love You at Box Office Mojo P.S. I Love You on IMDb P.S. I Love You at Metacritic P.S. I Love You at Rotten Tomatoes Cecelia Ahern Novels PS , I Love You ( 2004 ) Where Rainbows End ( 2004 ) If You Could See Me Now ( 2005 ) A Place Called Here ( 2006 ) Thanks for the Memories ( 2008 ) Short fiction Mrs. Whippy ( 2006 ) Adaptations P.S. I Love You ( 2007 ) Love , Rosie ( 2014 ) Television Samantha Who ? ( 2007 -- 2009 ) Zwischen Himmel und Hier ( 2014 ) Mein Ganzes Halbes Leben ( 2014 ) Films by Richard LaGravenese Films written Rude Awakening ( 1989 ) The Fisher King ( 1991 ) The Ref ( 1994 ) A Little Princess ( 1995 ) The Bridges of Madison County ( 1995 ) Unstrung Heroes ( 1995 ) The Mirror Has Two Faces ( 1996 ) The Horse Whisperer ( 1998 ) Beloved ( 1998 ) Conviction ( 2010 ) Water for Elephants ( 2011 ) Behind the Candelabra ( 2013 ) Unbroken ( 2014 ) The Comedian ( 2016 ) Films directed Living Out Loud ( 1998 ) A Decade Under the Influence ( 2003 ) Paris , je t'aime ( 2006 ) Freedom Writers ( 2007 ) P.S. I Love You ( 2007 ) Beautiful Creatures ( 2013 ) The Last Five Years ( 2014 ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2007 films 2000s drama films Alcon Entertainment films Summit Entertainment films American romantic drama films American films English - language films Films about widowhood Films based on Irish novels Films directed by Richard LaGravenese Films set in Ireland Films set in New York City Warner Bros. films Films shot in New York City Films shot in County Wicklow Films scored by John Powell Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from September 2016 All articles needing additional references Articles with hAudio microformats Album infoboxes lacking a cover Music infoboxes with deprecated parameters Talk Contents About Wikipedia Azərbaycanca Dansk Deutsch Español Euskara فارسی Français 한국어 Հայերեն Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Lietuvių Magyar Македонски Nederlands Norsk Polski Português Русский Suomi Svenska ไทย Türkçe Українська 中文 18 more Edit links This page was last edited on 7 August 2018 , at 14 : 51 ( UTC ) . 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what happens at the end of ps i love you
While on a walk with her mother , she learns that her mother was the one whom Gerry asked to deliver his letters after his death and receives the last letter . As the film ends with Holly taking her mother on a trip to Ireland , we see that Holly has opened herself up to the journey beginning with the next chapter of her life , and wherever it takes her she has the hope of falling in love again .
Vitamin C - wikipedia Vitamin C Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see Vitamin C ( disambiguation ) . Vitamin C Clinical data Synonyms L - ascorbic acid , ascorbic acid , ascorbate AHFS / Monograph MedlinePlus a682583 Pregnancy category A ( to RDA ) , C ( above RDA ) Routes of administration By mouth , IM , IV , subQ ATC code A11G ( WHO ) Legal status Legal status AU : Unscheduled US : OTC general public availability Pharmacokinetic data Bioavailability rapid & complete Protein binding negligible Biological half - life varies according to plasma concentration Excretion kidney Identifiers IUPAC name ( show ) 2 - Oxo - L - threo - hexono - 1 , 4 - lactone - 2 , 3 - enediol or ( R ) - 3 , 4 - Dihydroxy - 5 - ( ( S ) - 1 , 2 - dihydroxyethyl ) furan - 2 ( 5H ) - one CAS Number 50 - 81 - 7 PubChem CID 54670067 IUPHAR / BPS 4781 DrugBank DB00126 ChemSpider 10189562 UNII PQ6CK8PD0R KEGG D00018 ChEBI CHEBI : 29073 ChEMBL CHEMBL196 NIAID ChemDB 002072 E number E300 ( antioxidants , ... ) ECHA InfoCard 100.000. 061 Chemical and physical data Formula C H O Molar mass 176.12 g / mol 3D model ( JSmol ) Interactive image Density 1.694 g / cm Melting point 190 ° C ( 374 ° F ) Boiling point 553 ° C ( 1,027 ° F ) SMILES ( show ) OC ( C@H ) ( O ) ( C@H ) 1OC ( = O ) C ( O ) = C1O InChI ( show ) InChI = 1S / C6H8O6 / c7 - 1 - 2 ( 8 ) 5 - 3 ( 9 ) 4 ( 10 ) 6 ( 11 ) 12 - 5 / h2 , 5 , 7 - 10H , 1H2 / t2 - , 5 + / m0 / s1 Key : CIWBSHSKHKDKBQ - JLAZNSOCSA - N ( verify ) Vitamin C , also known as ascorbic acid and L - ascorbic acid , is a vitamin found in food and used as a dietary supplement . The disease scurvy is prevented and treated with vitamin C - containing foods or dietary supplements . Evidence does not support use in the general population for the prevention of the common cold . There is , however , some evidence that regular use may shorten the length of colds . It is unclear if supplementation affects the risk of cancer , cardiovascular disease , or dementia . It may be taken by mouth or by injection . Vitamin C is generally well tolerated . Large doses may cause gastrointestinal discomfort , headache , trouble sleeping , and flushing of the skin . Normal doses are safe during pregnancy . The United States Institute of Medicine recommends against taking large doses . Vitamin C is an essential nutrient involved in the repair of tissue and the enzymatic production of certain neurotransmitters . It is required for the functioning of several enzymes and is important for immune system function . It also functions as an antioxidant . Foods containing vitamin C include citrus fruits , broccoli , Brussels sprouts , raw bell peppers , and strawberries . Prolonged storage or cooking may reduce vitamin C content in foods . Vitamin C was discovered in 1912 , isolated in 1928 , and in 1933 was the first vitamin to be chemically produced . It is on the World Health Organization Model List of Essential Medicines , the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system . Vitamin C is available as a generic medication and over-the - counter drug . In 2015 , the wholesale cost in the developing world was less than US $ 0.01 per tablet . Partly for its discovery , Albert Szent - Györgyi and Walter Norman Haworth were awarded 1937 Nobel Prizes in Physiology and Medicine and Chemistry , respectively . Contents ( hide ) 1 Biology 1.1 Significance 1.2 Deficiency 2 Uses 2.1 Scurvy 2.2 Infection 2.3 Cancer 2.4 Cardiovascular disease 2.5 Other diseases 3 Side effects 4 Diet 4.1 Recommended levels 4.2 Food labeling 4.3 Sources 4.3. 1 Plant sources 4.3. 2 Animal sources 4.4 Food preparation 4.5 Supplements 4.6 Food fortification 5 Mechanism of action 5.1 Absorption , transport , and excretion 5.2 Enzymatic cofactor 6 Chemistry 7 Testing for levels 8 Synthesis 8.1 Biosynthesis 8.1. 1 Routes 8.2 Evolution 8.3 Industrial 9 History 9.1 Folk medicine 9.2 Scurvy at sea 9.3 Discovery 9.4 Large doses 10 Society and culture 11 Notes 12 References 13 External links Biology ( edit ) Significance ( edit ) Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for certain animals including humans . The term vitamin C encompasses several vitamers that have vitamin C activity in animals . Ascorbate salts such as sodium ascorbate and calcium ascorbate are used in some dietary supplements . These release ascorbate upon digestion . Ascorbate and ascorbic acid are both naturally present in the body , since the forms interconvert according to pH . Oxidized forms of the molecule such as dehydroascorbic acid are converted back to ascorbic acid by reducing agents . Vitamin C is a cofactor in at least eight enzymatic reactions in animals ( and humans ) important in many essential functions , including wound healing . In humans , vitamin C deficiency compromises collagen synthesis , contributing to the more severe symptoms of scurvy . More generally , the biochemical role of vitamin C is to act as an antioxidant , a reducing agent , donating electrons to various enzymatic and non-enzymatic reactions . Doing so converts vitamin C to an oxidized state - either as semidehydroascorbic acid or dehydroascorbic acid . These compounds can be restored to a reduced state by glutathione and NADPH - dependent enzymatic mechanisms . In plants , vitamin C is a substrate for ascorbate peroxidase . This enzyme utilizes ascorbate to neutralize toxic hydrogen peroxide ( H O ) by converting it to water ( H O ) . Deficiency ( edit ) Main article : Scurvy Scurvy is an avitaminosis resulting from lack of vitamin C , since without this vitamin , collagen made by the body is too unstable to perform its function . Scurvy leads to the formation of brown spots on the skin , spongy gums , and bleeding from all mucous membranes . The spots are most abundant on the thighs and legs , and a person with the ailment looks pale , feels depressed , and is partially immobilized . In advanced scurvy there are open , suppurating wounds and loss of teeth and , eventually , death . The human body can store only a certain amount of vitamin C , and so the body stores are depleted if fresh supplies are not consumed . The time frame for onset of symptoms of scurvy in unstressed adults on a completely vitamin C free diet , however , may range from one month to more than six months , depending on previous loading of vitamin C . Notable human dietary studies of experimentally induced scurvy have been conducted on conscientious objectors during World War II in Britain and on Iowa state prisoners in the late 1960s to the 1980s . These studies both found that all obvious symptoms of scurvy previously induced by an experimental scorbutic diet with extremely low vitamin C content could be completely reversed by additional vitamin C supplementation of only 10 mg a day . In these experiments , there was no clinical difference noted between men given 70 mg vitamin C per day ( which produced blood level of vitamin C of about 0.55 mg / dl , about 1 / 3 of tissue saturation levels ) and those given 10 mg per day . Men in the prison study developed the first signs of scurvy about four weeks after starting the vitamin C - free diet , whereas in the British study , six to eight months were required , possibly due to the pre-loading of this group with a 70 mg / day supplement for six weeks before the scorbutic diet was fed . Men in both studies on a diet devoid , or nearly devoid , of vitamin C had blood levels of vitamin C too low to be accurately measured when they developed signs of scurvy , and in the Iowa study , at this time were estimated ( by labeled vitamin C dilution ) to have a body pool of less than 300 mg , with daily turnover of only 2.5 mg / day , implying an instantaneous half - life of 83 days by this time ( elimination constant of 4 months ) . Uses ( edit ) Vitamin C supplements at a drug store . Vitamin C has a definitive role in treating scurvy , which is a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency . Beyond that , a role for vitamin C as prevention or treatment for various diseases is disputed , with reviews reporting conflicting results . A 2012 Cochrane review reported no effect of vitamin C supplementation on overall mortality . It is on the World Health Organization 's List of Essential Medicines as one of the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system . Scurvy ( edit ) The disease scurvy is caused by vitamin C deficiency and can be prevented and treated with vitamin C containing foods or dietary supplements . It takes at least a month of little to no vitamin C before symptoms occur . Early symptoms are malaise and lethargy , progressing to shortness of breath , bone pain , bleeding gums , susceptibility to bruising , poor wound healing , and finally fever , convulsions and eventual death . Until quite late in the disease the damage is reversible , as with vitamin C repletion , healthy collagen replaces the defective collagen . Treatment can be orally or by intramuscular or intravenous injection . Scurvy was known to Hippocrates in the classical era . The disease was shown to be prevented by citrus fruit in an early controlled trial by a Royal Navy surgeon , James Lind , in 1747 , and from 1796 lemon juice was issued to all Royal Navy crewmen . Infection ( edit ) Further information : Vitamin C and the common cold The Nobel prizewinner Linus Pauling advocated taking vitamin C for the common cold in a 1970 book . The effect of vitamin C on the common cold has been extensively researched . The earliest publication of a controlled clinical trial appears to be from 1945 . Researchers continued to work on this question , but research interest and public interest spiked after Linus Pauling , two - time awardee of the Nobel Prize ( Chemistry Prize , 1954 , Peace Prize 1962 ) , started publishing research on the topic and also published a book `` Vitamin C and the Common Cold '' in 1970 . A revised and expanded edition `` Vitamin C , the Common Cold and the Flu '' was published in 1976 . The most recent meta - analysis , a Cochrane Review published in 2013 , with inclusion criteria limited to trials that called for at least 200 mg / day , concluded that vitamin C taken on a regular basis was not effective in prevention of the common cold . Limiting inclusion to trials that called for at least 1000 mg / day made no difference . However , taking vitamin C on a regular basis did reduce average duration by 8 % in adults and 14 % in children , and also reduced severity of colds . A subset of trials reported that supplementation reduced the incidence of colds by half in marathon runners , skiers , or soldiers in subarctic conditions . Another subset of trials looked at therapeutic use , meaning that vitamin C was not started unless the people started to feel the beginnings of a cold . In these , vitamin C did not impact duration or severity . An earlier review stated that vitamin C did not prevent colds , did reduce duration , did not reduce severity . The authors of the Cochrane review concluded that `` ... given the consistent effect of vitamin C on the duration and severity of colds in the regular supplementation studies , and the low cost and safety , it may be worthwhile for common cold patients to test on an individual basis whether therapeutic vitamin C is beneficial for them . '' Vitamin C distributes readily in high concentrations into immune cells , has antimicrobial and natural killer cell activities , promotes lymphocyte proliferation , and is consumed quickly during infections , effects indicating a prominent role in immune system regulation . The European Food Safety Authority found a cause and effect relationship exists between the dietary intake of vitamin C and functioning of a normal immune system in adults and in children under three years of age . Cancer ( edit ) There are two approaches to the question of whether vitamin C has an impact on cancer . First , within the normal range of dietary intake without additional dietary supplementation , are people who consume more vitamin C at lower risk for developing cancer , and if so , does an orally consumed supplement have the same benefit ? Second , for people diagnosed with cancer , will large amounts of ascorbic acid administered intravenously treat the cancer , reduce the adverse effects of other treatments , and so prolong survival and improve quality of life ? A 2013 Cochrane review found no evidence that vitamin C supplementation reduces the risk of lung cancer in healthy or high risk ( smokers and asbestos - exposed ) people . A 2014 meta - analysis found that vitamin C intake might protect against lung cancer risk . A second meta - analysis found no effect on the risk of prostate cancer . Two meta - analyses evaluated the effect of vitamin C supplementation on the risk of colorectal cancer . One found a weak association between vitamin C consumption and reduced risk , and the other found no effect of supplementation . A 2011 meta - analysis failed to find support for the prevention of breast cancer with vitamin C supplementation , but a second study concluded that vitamin C may be associated with increased survival in those already diagnosed . Under the rubric of orthomolecular medicine , `` Intravenous vitamin C is a contentious adjunctive cancer therapy , widely used in naturopathic and integrative oncology settings . '' With oral administration absorption efficiency decreases as amounts increase . Intravenous administration bypasses this . Doing so makes it possible to achieve plasma concentrations of 5 to 10 millimoles / liter ( mmol / L ) , which far exceed the approximately 0.2 mmol / L limit from oral consumption . The theories of mechanism are contradictory . At high tissue concentrations , ascorbic acid is described as acting as a pro-oxidant , generating hydrogen peroxide ( H O ) to kill tumor cells . The same literature claims that ascorbic acid acts as an antioxidant , thereby reducing the adverse effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy . Research continues in this field , but a 2014 review concluded : `` Currently , the use of high - dose intravenous vitamin C ( as an anticancer agent ) can not be recommended outside of a clinical trial . '' A 2015 review added : `` There is no high - quality evidence to suggest that ascorbate supplementation in cancer patients either enhances the antitumor effects of chemotherapy or reduces its toxicity . Evidence for ascorbate 's anti-tumor effects was limited to case reports and observational and uncontrolled studies . '' Cardiovascular disease ( edit ) A 2013 meta - analysis found no evidence that vitamin C supplementation reduces the risk of myocardial infarction , stroke , cardiovascular mortality , or all - cause mortality . However , a second analysis found an inverse relationship between circulating vitamin C levels or dietary vitamin C and the risk of stroke . A meta - analysis of 44 clinical trials has shown a significant positive effect of vitamin C on endothelial function when taken at doses greater than 500 mg per day . The endothelium is a layer of cells that line the interior surface of blood vessels . Endothelial dysfunction is implicated in many aspects of vascular diseases . The researchers noted that the effect of vitamin C supplementation appeared to be dependent on health status , with stronger effects in those at higher cardiovascular disease risk . Other diseases ( edit ) Studies examining the effects of vitamin C intake on the risk of Alzheimer 's disease have reached conflicting conclusions . Maintaining a healthy dietary intake is probably more important than supplementation for achieving any potential benefit . A 2010 review found no role for vitamin C supplementation in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis . Vitamin C supplementation does not prevent or slow the progression of age - related cataract . Side effects ( edit ) More than two to three grams may cause indigestion , particularly when taken on an empty stomach . However , taking vitamin C in the form of sodium ascorbate and calcium ascorbate may minimize this effect . Other symptoms reported for large dose include nausea , abdominal cramps and diarrhea . These effects are attributed to the osmotic effect of unabsorbed vitamin C passing through the intestine . In theory , high vitamin C intake may cause excessive absorption of iron . A summary of reviews of supplementation in healthy subjects did not report this problem , but left as untested the possibility that individuals with hereditary hemochromatosis might be adversely affected . There is a longstanding belief among the mainstream medical community that vitamin C increases risk of kidney stones . `` Reports of kidney stone formation associated with excess ascorbic acid intake are limited to individuals with renal disease '' . Reviews state that `` data from epidemiological studies do not support an association between excess ascorbic acid intake and kidney stone formation in apparently healthy individuals '' , although one large , multi-year trial did report a nearly two-fold increase in kidney stones in men who regularly consumed a vitamin C supplement . Vitamin C is a water - soluble vitamin , with dietary excesses not absorbed , and excesses in the blood rapidly excreted in the urine , so it exhibits remarkably low acute toxicity . Diet ( edit ) Recommended levels ( edit ) US vitamin C recommendations ( mg per day ) RDA ( children ages 1 -- 3 years ) 15 RDA ( children ages 4 -- 8 years ) 25 RDA ( children ages 9 -- 13 years ) 45 RDA ( girls ages 14 -- 18 years ) 65 RDA ( boys ages 14 -- 18 years ) 75 RDA ( adult female ) 75 RDA ( adult male ) 90 RDA ( pregnancy ) 85 RDA ( lactation ) 120 UL ( adult female ) 2,000 UL ( adult male ) 2,000 Recommendations for vitamin C intake by adults have been set by various national agencies : 40 milligrams per day : India National Institute of Nutrition , Hyderabad 45 milligrams per day or 300 milligrams per week : the World Health Organization 80 milligrams per day : the European Commission Council on nutrition labeling 90 mg / day ( males ) and 75 mg / day ( females ) : Health Canada 2007 90 mg / day ( males ) and 75 mg / day ( females ) : United States National Academy of Sciences . 100 milligrams per day : Japan National Institute of Health and Nutrition . 110 mg / day ( males ) and 95 mg / day ( females ) : European Food Safety Authority In 2000 the North American Dietary Reference Intake chapter on vitamin C updated the Recommended Dietary Allowance ( RDA ) to 90 milligrams per day for adult men and 75 mg / day for adult women , and set a Tolerable upper intake level ( UL ) for adults of 2,000 mg / day . The table shows RDAs for the United States and Canada for children , and for pregnant and lactating women . For the European Union , the EFSA set higher recommendations for adults , and also for children : 20 mg / day for ages 1 -- 3 , 30 mg / day for ages 4 -- 6 , 45 mg / day for ages 7 -- 10 , 70 mg / day for ages 11 -- 14 , 100 mg / day for males ages 15 -- 17 , 90 mg / day for females ages 15 -- 17 . For pregnancy 100 mg / day ; for lactation 155 mg / day . India , on the other hand , has set recommendations much lower : 40 mg / day for ages 1 through adult , 60 mg / day for pregnancy , and 80 mg / day for lactation . Clearly , there is not consensus among countries . Cigarette smokers and people exposed to secondhand smoke have lower plasma vitamin C levels than nonsmokers . The thinking is that inhalation of smoke causes oxidative damage , depleting this antioxidant vitamin. . The U.S. Institute of Medicine estimated that smokers need 35 mg more vitamin C per day than nonsmokers , but did not formally establish a higher RDA for smokers . One meta - analysis showed an inverse relationship between vitamin C intake and lung cancer , although it concluded that more research is needed to confirm this observation . The U.S. National Center for Health Statistics conducts biannual National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey ( NHANES ) to assess the health and nutritional status of adults and children in the United States . Some results are reported as What We Eat In America . The 2013 - 2014 survey reported that for adults ages 20 years and older , men consumed on average 83.3 mg / d and women 75.1 mg / d . This means that half the women and more than half the men are not consuming the RDA for vitamin C. The same survey stated that about 30 % of adults reported they consumed a vitamin C dietary supplement or a multi-vitamin / mineral supplement that included vitamin C , and that for these people total consumption was between 300 and 400 mg / d . In 2000 the Institute of Medicine of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences set a Tolerable upper intake level ( UL ) for adults of 2,000 mg / day . The amount was chosen because human trials had reported diarrhea and other gastrointestinal disturbances at intakes of greater than 3,000 mg / day . This was the Lowest - Observed - Adverse - Effect Level ( LOAEL ) , meaning that other adverse effects were observed at higher intakes . The European Food Safety Authority ( EFSA ) reviewed the safety question in 2006 and reached the conclusion that there was not sufficient evidence to set a UL for vitamin C. The Japan National Institute of Health and Nutrition reviewed the same question in 2010 and also reached the conclusion that there was not sufficient evidence to set a UL . Food labeling ( edit ) For U.S. food and dietary supplement labeling purposes the amount in a serving is expressed as a percent of Daily Value ( % DV ) . For vitamin C labeling purposes 100 % of the Daily Value was 60 mg , but as of May 27 , 2016 it was revised to 90 mg to bring it into agreement with the RDA . A table of the old and new adult Daily Values is provided at Reference Daily Intake . Food and supplement companies have until January 1 , 2020 to comply with the change . European Union regulations require that labels declare energy , protein , fat , saturated fat , carbohydrates , sugars , and salt . Voluntary nutrients may be shown if present in significant amounts . Instead of Daily Values , amounts are shown as percent of Reference Intakes ( RIs ) . For vitamin C , 100 % RI was set at 80 mg in 2011 . Sources ( edit ) Rose hips are a particularly rich source of vitamin C The richest natural sources are fruits and vegetables . Vitamin C is the most widely taken nutritional supplement and is available in a variety of forms , including tablets , drink mixes , and in capsules . Vitamin C is absorbed by the intestines using a sodium - ion dependent channel . It is transported through the intestine via both glucose - sensitive and glucose - insensitive mechanisms . The presence of large quantities of sugar either in the intestines or in the blood can slow absorption . Plant sources ( edit ) While plants are generally a good source of vitamin C , the amount in foods of plant origin depends on the precise variety of the plant , soil condition , climate where it grew , length of time since it was picked , storage conditions , and method of preparation . The following table is approximate and shows the relative abundance in different raw plant sources . As some plants were analyzed fresh while others were dried ( thus , artifactually increasing concentration of individual constituents like vitamin C ) , the data are subject to potential variation and difficulties for comparison . The amount is given in milligrams per 100 grams of fruit or vegetable : Plant source Amount ( mg / 100g ) Kakadu plum 1000 -- 5300 Camu camu 2800 Acerola 1677 Seabuckthorn 695 Indian gooseberry 445 Rose hip 426 Guava 228 Blackcurrant 200 Red bell pepper / capsicum 128 Kale 120 Kiwifruit , broccoli 90 Plant source Amount ( mg / 100g ) Loganberry , redcurrant , Brussels sprouts 80 Cloudberry , elderberry 60 Papaya , strawberry 60 Orange , lemon 53 Pineapple , cauliflower 48 Cantaloupe 40 Grapefruit , raspberry 30 Passion fruit , spinach 30 Cabbage , lime 30 Mango 28 Blackberry 21 Plant source Amount ( mg / 100g ) Potato , honeydew melon 20 Tomato 14 Cranberry 13 Blueberry , grape 10 Apricot , plum , watermelon 10 Avocado 8.8 Onion 7.4 Cherry , peach 7 Carrot , apple , asparagus 6 Animal sources ( edit ) Goats , like many animals but not humans , make their own vitamin C. An adult goat , weighing approx. 70 kg , will manufacture more than 13,000 mg of vitamin C per day in normal health , and levels manyfold higher when faced with stress . Animal - sourced foods do not provide much vitamin C , and what there is , is destroyed by the heat of cooking . For example , raw chicken liver contains 17.9 mg / 100 g , but fried , the content is reduced to 2.7 mg / 100 g . Chicken eggs contain no vitamin C , raw or cooked . Vitamin C is present in human breast milk at 5.0 mg / 100 g and 6.1 mg / 100 g in one tested sample of infant formula , but cow 's milk contains only 1.0 mg / 100 g . Food preparation ( edit ) Vitamin C chemically decomposes under certain conditions , many of which may occur during the cooking of food . Vitamin C concentrations in various food substances decrease with time in proportion to the temperature at which they are stored and cooking can reduce the vitamin C content of vegetables by around 60 % possibly partly due to increased enzymatic destruction as it may be more significant at sub-boiling temperatures . Longer cooking times also add to this effect , as will copper food vessels , which catalyse the decomposition . Another cause of vitamin C being lost from food is leaching , where the water - soluble vitamin dissolves into the cooking water , which is later poured away and not consumed . However , vitamin C does not leach in all vegetables at the same rate ; research shows broccoli seems to retain more than any other . Research has also shown that freshly cut fruits do not lose significant nutrients when stored in the refrigerator for a few days . Supplements ( edit ) Vitamin C dietary supplements are available as tablets , capsules , drink mix packets , in multi-vitamin / mineral formulations , in antioxidant formulations , and as crystalline powder . Vitamin C is also added to some fruit juices and juice drinks . Tablet and capsule content ranges from 25 mg to 1500 mg per serving . The most commonly used supplement compounds are ascorbic acid , sodium ascorbate and calcium ascorbate . Vitamin C molecules can also be bound to the fatty acid palmitate , creating ascorbyl palmitate , or else incorporated into liposomes . Food fortification ( edit ) In 2014 , the Canadian Food Inspection Agency evaluated the effect of fortification of foods with ascorbate in the guidance document , Foods to Which Vitamins , Mineral Nutrients and Amino Acids May or Must be Added . Voluntary and mandatory fortification was described for various classes of foods . Among foods classified for mandatory fortification with vitamin C were fruit - flavored drinks , mixes , and concentrates , foods for a low - energy diet , meal replacement products , and evaporated milk . Mechanism of action ( edit ) Absorption , transport , and excretion ( edit ) From the U.S. National Institutes of Health : ( In humans ) `` Approximately 70 % -- 90 % of vitamin C is absorbed at moderate intakes of 30 -- 180 mg / day . However , at doses above 1,000 mg / day , absorption falls to less than 50 % . '' Ascorbic acid is absorbed in the body by both active transport and simple diffusion . Sodium - Dependent Active Transport -- Sodium - Ascorbate Co-Transporters ( SVCTs ) and Hexose transporters ( GLUTs ) -- are the two transporter proteins required for active absorption . SVCT1 and SVCT2 import the reduced form of ascorbate across plasma membranes . GLUT1 and GLUT3 are glucose transporters , and transfer only the dehydroascorbic acid ( DHA ) form of vitamin C. Although dehydroascorbic acid is absorbed in higher rate than ascorbate , the amount of dehydroascorbic acid found in plasma and tissues under normal conditions is low , as cells rapidly reduce dehydroascorbic acid to ascorbate . SVCTs appear to be the predominant system for vitamin C transport in the body , the notable exception being red blood cells , which lose SVCT proteins during maturation . In both vitamin C synthesizers ( example : rat ) and non-synthesizers ( example : human ) cells with few exceptions maintain ascorbic acid concentrations much higher than the approximately 50 micromoles / liter ( μmol / L ) found in plasma . For example , the ascorbic acid content of pituitary and adrenal glands can exceed 2,000 μmol / L , and muscle is at 200 - 300 μmol / L. The known coenzymatic functions of ascorbic acid do not require such high concentrations , so there may be other , as yet unknown functions . Consequences of all this organ content is that plasma vitamin C is not a good indicator of whole - body status , and people may vary in the amount of time needed to show symptoms of deficiency when consuming a diet very low in vitamin C . Excretion , can be as ascorbic acid , via urine . In humans , during times of low dietary intake , vitamin C is reabsorbed by the kidneys rather than excreted . Only when plasma concentrations are 1.4 mg / dL or higher does re-absorption decline and the excess amounts pass freely into the urine . This salvage process delays onset of deficiency . Ascorbic acid also converts ( reversibly ) to dehydroascorbate ( DHA ) and from that compound non-reversibly to 2 , 3 - diketogluonate and then oxalate . These three compounds are also excreted via urine . Humans are better than guinea pigs at converting DHA back to ascorbate , and thus take much longer to become vitamin C deficient . Enzymatic cofactor ( edit ) Ascorbic acid performs numerous physiological functions in the human body . These functions include the synthesis of collagen , carnitine , and neurotransmitters ; the synthesis and catabolism of tyrosine ; and the metabolism of microsome . During biosynthesis ascorbate acts as a reducing agent , donating electrons and preventing oxidation to keep iron and copper atoms in their reduced states . Vitamin C acts as an electron donor for eight enzymes : Three enzymes ( prolyl - 3 - hydroxylase , prolyl - 4 - hydroxylase , and lysyl hydroxylase ) that are required for the hydroxylation of proline and lysine in the synthesis of collagen . These reactions add hydroxyl groups to the amino acids proline or lysine in the collagen molecule via prolyl hydroxylase and lysyl hydroxylase , both requiring vitamin C as a cofactor . Hydroxylation allows the collagen molecule to assume its triple helix structure , and thus vitamin C is essential to the development and maintenance of scar tissue , blood vessels , and cartilage . Two enzymes ( ε - N - trimethyl - L - lysine hydroxylase and γ - butyrobetaine hydroxylase ) that are necessary for synthesis of carnitine . Carnitine is essential for the transport of fatty acids into mitochondria for ATP generation . The remaining three enzymes have the following functions in common , alongside their other functions : dopamine beta hydroxylase participates in the biosynthesis of norepinephrine from dopamine . Peptidylglycine alpha - amidating monooxygenase amidates peptide hormones by removing the glyoxylate residue from their c - terminal glycine residues . This increases peptide hormone stability and activity . 4 - hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase modulates tyrosine metabolism . Chemistry ( edit ) ascorbic acid ( reduced form ) dehydroascorbic acid ( oxidized form ) Further information : Ascorbic acid ( molecular aspects ) The name `` vitamin C '' always refers to the L - enantiomer of ascorbic acid and its oxidized forms , such as dehydroascorbate ( DHA ) . Therefore , unless written otherwise , `` ascorbate '' and `` ascorbic acid '' refer in the nutritional literature to L - ascorbate and L - ascorbic acid respectively . Ascorbic acid is a weak sugar acid structurally related to glucose . In biological systems , ascorbic acid can be found only at low pH , but in solutions above pH 5 is predominantly found in the ionized form , ascorbate . All of these molecules have vitamin C activity and thus are used synonymously with vitamin C , unless otherwise specified . Numerous analytical methods have been developed for ascorbic acid detection . For example , vitamin C content of a food sample such as fruit juice can be calculated by measuring the volume of the sample required to decolorize a solution of dichlorophenolindophenol ( DCPIP ) and then calibrating the results by comparison with a known concentration of vitamin C . Testing for levels ( edit ) Simple tests are available to measure the levels of vitamin C in the urine and in serum or blood plasma . However these reflect recent dietary intake rather than total body content . It has been observed that while serum or blood plasma concentrations follow a circadian rhythm or reflect short - term dietary impact , content within tissues is more stable and can give a better view of the availability of ascorbate within the entire organism . However , very few hospital laboratories are adequately equipped and trained to carry out such detailed analyses . Synthesis ( edit ) Biosynthesis ( edit ) Model of a vitamin C molecule . Black is carbon , red is oxygen , and white is hydrogen The vast majority of animals and plants are able to synthesize vitamin C , through a sequence of enzyme - driven steps , which convert monosaccharides to vitamin C. In plants , this is accomplished through the conversion of mannose or galactose to ascorbic acid . In some animals , glucose needed to produce ascorbate in the liver ( in mammals and perching birds ) is extracted from glycogen ; ascorbate synthesis is a glycogenolysis - dependent process . Among the mammals that have lost the ability to synthesize vitamin C are simians and tarsiers , which together make up one of two major primate suborders , Haplorrhini . This group includes humans . The other more primitive primates ( Strepsirrhini ) have the ability to make vitamin C. Synthesis does not occur in a number of species ( perhaps all species ) in the small rodent family Caviidae that includes guinea pigs and capybaras , but occurs in other rodents ( rats and mice do not need vitamin C in their diet , for example ) . In reptiles and birds the biosynthesis is carried out in the kidneys . A number of species of passerine birds also do not synthesize , but not all of them , and those that do not are not clearly related ; there is a theory that the ability was lost separately a number of times in birds . In particular , the ability to synthesize vitamin C is presumed to have been lost and then later re-acquired in at least two cases . The ability to synthesize vitamin C has also been lost in about 96 % of fish ( the teleosts ) . Most tested families of bats ( order Chiroptera ) , including major insect and fruit - eating bat families , can not synthesize vitamin C. A trace of gulonolactone oxidase ( GULO ) was detected in only 1 of 34 bat species tested , across the range of 6 families of bats tested . There are at least two species of bats , frugivorous bat ( Rousettus leschenaultii ) and insectivorous bat ( Hipposideros armiger ) , that retain ( or regained ) their ability of vitamin C production . These animals all lack the L - gulonolactone oxidase ( GULO ) enzyme , which is required in the last step of vitamin C synthesis . The genomes of these species contain GULO as pseudogenes , which serve as insight into the evolutionary past of the species . Some of these species ( including humans ) are able to make do with the lower levels available from their diets by recycling oxidised vitamin C . Most simians consume the vitamin in amounts 10 to 20 times higher than that recommended by governments for humans . This discrepancy constitutes much of the basis of the controversy on current recommended dietary allowances . It is countered by arguments that humans are very good at conserving dietary vitamin C , and are able to maintain blood levels of vitamin C comparable with simians on a far smaller dietary intake , perhaps by recycling oxidized vitamin C . Routes ( edit ) Vitamin C biosynthesis in vertebrates In vertebrates that can synthesize ascorbic acid , the biosynthesis pathway starts with glucose , either taking place in the liver for mammals and some birds , or the kidneys for amphibians , reptiles and some birds . The pathway is the same . Several enzymes catalyze steps from D - glucose to D - glucuronate . Next , the enzyme glucuronate reductase converts D - glucuronate to L - gluconate . Then the enzyme gulonolactonase converts L - gluconate to L - gulonolactone . The final enzymatic conversion is by the enzyme L - gulonolactone oxidase ( GLO ) , to 2 - keto - gulonolactone . From this compound , the last step is a spontaneous , i.e. , non-enzymatic conversion to ascorbic acid ( vitamin C ) . GLO is the enzyme that is absent in animal species unable to synthesize vitamin C . Vitamin C biosynthesis in plants All plants synthesize ascorbic acid . Ascorbic acid functions as a cofactor for enzymes involved in photosynthesis , synthesis of plant hormones , as an antioxidant and also regenerator of other antioxidants . Plants use multiple pathways to synthesize vitamin C. The major pathway starts with glucose , fructose or mannose ( all simple sugars ) and proceeds to L - galactose , L - galaconolactone and ascorbic acid . There is feedback regulation in place , in that the presence of ascorbic acid suppresses enzymes in the synthesis pathway . This process follows a diurnal rhythm , so that enzyme expression peaks in the morning to support biosynthesis later on when mid-day sunlight intensity demands high ascorbic acid concentrations . Minor pathways may be specific to certain parts of plants ; these can be either identical to the vertebrate pathway ( including the GLO enzyme ) , or start with inositol and get to ascorbic acid via L - galactonic acid to L - galactonolactone . Evolution ( edit ) Ascorbic acid is a common enzymatic cofactor in mammals used in the synthesis of collagen , as well as a powerful reducing agent capable of rapidly scavenging a number of reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) . Given that ascorbate has these important functions , it is surprising that the ability to synthesize this molecule has not always been conserved . In fact , anthropoid primates , Cavia porcellus ( guinea pigs ) , teleost fishes , most bats , and some Passeriform birds have all independently lost the ability to internally synthesize Vitamin C in either the kidney or the liver . In all of the cases where genomic analysis was done on an ascorbic acid auxotroph , the origin of the change was found to be a result of loss - of - function mutations in the gene that codes for L - Gulono - γ - lactone oxidase , the enzyme that catalyzes the last step of the ascorbic acid pathway outlined above . In the case of the simians , it is thought that the loss of the ability to make vitamin C may have occurred much farther back in evolutionary history than the emergence of humans or even apes , since it evidently occurred soon after the appearance of the first primates , yet sometime after the split of early primates into the two major suborders Haplorrhini ( which can not make vitamin C ) and its sister suborder of non-tarsier prosimians , the Strepsirrhini ( `` wet - nosed '' primates ) , which retained the ability to make vitamin C. According to molecular clock dating , these two suborder primate branches parted ways about 63 to 60 million years ago . Approximately three to five million years later ( 58 million years ago ) , only a short time afterward from an evolutionary perspective , the infraorder Tarsiiformes , whose only remaining family is that of the tarsier ( Tarsiidae ) , branched off from the other haplorrhines . Since tarsiers also can not make vitamin C , this implies the mutation had already occurred , and thus must have occurred between these two marker points ( 63 to 58 million years ago ) . One explanation for the repeated loss of the ability to synthesize vitamin C is that it was the result of genetic drift ; assuming that the diet was rich in vitamin C , natural selection would not act to preserve it . Some scientists have suggested that loss of the vitamin C biosynthesis pathway may have played a role in rapid evolutionary changes , leading to hominids and the emergence of human beings . According to this theory , the loss of ascorbic acid 's anti-oxidizing properties would have led to an increase in free radicals in the body . Free radicals are known to increase the frequency of genetic mutations , which would subsequently increase the speed of evolution . It has also been noted that the loss of the ability to synthesize ascorbate strikingly parallels the inability to break down uric acid , also a characteristic of primates . Uric acid and ascorbate are both strong reducing agents . This has led to the suggestion that , in higher primates , uric acid has taken over some of the functions of ascorbate . Industrial ( edit ) Vitamin C is produced from glucose by two main routes . The Reichstein process , developed in the 1930s , uses a single pre-fermentation followed by a purely chemical route . The modern two - step fermentation process , originally developed in China in the 1960s , uses additional fermentation to replace part of the later chemical stages . Both processes yield approximately 60 % vitamin C from the glucose feed . World production of synthesized vitamin C was estimated at approximately 110,000 tonnes annually in 2000 . Traditionally , the main producers were BASF / Takeda , DSM , Merck and the China Pharmaceutical Group Ltd. of the People 's Republic of China . By 2008 only the DSM plant in Scotland remained operational outside of China because of the strong price competition from China . The world price of vitamin C rose sharply in 2008 partly as a result of rises in basic food prices but also in anticipation of a stoppage of the two Chinese plants , situated at Shijiazhuang near Beijing , as part of a general shutdown of polluting industry in China over the period of the Olympic games . Production resumed after the Olympics , but then five Chinese manufacturers met in 2010 , among them Northeast Pharmaceutical Group and North China Pharmaceutical Group , and agreed to temporarily stop production in order to maintain prices . In 2011 an American suit was filed against four Chinese companies that allegedly colluded to limit production and fix prices of vitamin C in the United States . The companies did not deny the accusation but say in their defense that the Chinese government compelled them to act in this way . In January 2012 a United States judge ruled that the Chinese companies can be sued in the U.S. by buyers acting as a group . A verdict was reached in March 2013 imposing a $147.8 million fine . This verdict was reversed by the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York , on the grounds that China formally advised the Court that its laws required the vitamin C makers to violate the Sherman Act , a U.S. antitrust law . In June 2017 the U.S. Supreme Court announced that it would consider an appeal filed to reverse the lower court decision . History ( edit ) Folk Medicine ( edit ) The need to include fresh plant food or raw animal flesh in the diet to prevent disease was known from ancient times . Native people living in marginal areas incorporated this into their medicinal lore . For example , spruce needles were used in temperate zones in infusions , or the leaves from species of drought - resistant trees in desert areas . In 1536 , the French explorers Jacques Cartier and Daniel Knezevic , exploring the St. Lawrence River , used the local natives ' knowledge to save his men who were dying of scurvy . He boiled the needles of the arbor vitae tree to make a tea that was later shown to contain 50 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams . Scurvy at sea ( edit ) Citrus fruits were among the first sources of vitamin C available to ships ' surgeons . In the 1497 expedition of Vasco de Gama , the curative effects of citrus fruit were known . The Portuguese planted fruit trees and vegetables in Saint Helena , a stopping point for homebound voyages from Asia , and left their sick to be taken home by the next ship . Authorities occasionally recommended plant food to prevent scurvy during long sea voyages . John Woodall , the first surgeon to the British East India Company , recommended the preventive and curative use of lemon juice in his 1617 book , The Surgeon 's Mate . In 1734 , the Dutch writer Johann Bachstrom gave the firm opinion that `` scurvy is solely owing to a total abstinence from fresh vegetable food , and greens . '' Scurvy had long been a principal killer of sailors during the long sea voyages . According to Jonathan Lamb , `` In 1499 , Vasco da Gama lost 116 of his crew of 170 ; In 1520 , Magellan lost 208 out of 230 ; ... all mainly to scurvy . '' James Lind , a British Royal Navy surgeon who , in 1747 , identified that a quality in fruit prevented scurvy in one of the first recorded controlled experiments . The first attempt to give scientific basis for the cause of this disease was by a ship 's surgeon in the Royal Navy , James Lind . While at sea in May 1747 , Lind provided some crew members with two oranges and one lemon per day , in addition to normal rations , while others continued on cider , vinegar , sulfuric acid or seawater , along with their normal rations , in one of the world 's first controlled experiments . The results showed that citrus fruits prevented the disease . Lind published his work in 1753 in his Treatise on the Scurvy . Fresh fruit was expensive to keep on board , whereas boiling it down to juice allowed easy storage but destroyed the vitamin ( especially if boiled in copper kettles ) . It was 1796 before the British navy adopted lemon juice as standard issue at sea . In 1845 , ships in the West Indies were provided with lime juice instead , and in 1860 lime juice was used throughout the Royal Navy , giving rise to the American use of the nickname `` limey '' for the British . Captain James Cook had previously demonstrated the advantages of carrying `` Sour krout '' on board , by taking his crews to the Hawaiian Islands without losing any of his men to scurvy . For this , the British Admiralty awarded him a medal . The name antiscorbutic was used in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries for foods known to prevent scurvy . These foods included lemons , limes , oranges , sauerkraut , cabbage , malt , and portable soup . In 1928 , the Canadian Arctic anthropologist Vilhjalmur Stefansson showed that the Inuit avoid scurvy on a diet of largely raw meat . Later studies on traditional food diets of the Yukon First Nations , Dene , Inuit , and Métis of Northern Canada showed that their daily intake of vitamin C averaged between 52 and 62 mg / day , comparable with the Estimated Average Requirement . Discovery ( edit ) Albert Szent - Györgyi , pictured here in 1948 , was awarded the 1937 Nobel Prize in Medicine `` for his discoveries in connection with the biological combustion processes , with special reference to vitamin C and the catalysis of fumaric acid '' . Vitamin C was discovered in 1912 , isolated in 1928 and synthesized in 1933 , making it the first vitamin to be synthesized . Shortly thereafter Tadeus Reichstein succeeded in synthesizing the vitamin in bulk by what is now called the Reichstein process . This made possible the inexpensive mass - production of vitamin C. In 1934 Hoffmann -- La Roche trademarked synthetic vitamin C under the brand name Redoxon and began to market it as a dietary supplement . In 1907 a laboratory animal model which would help to identify the antiscorbutic factor was discovered by the Norwegian physicians Axel Holst and Theodor Frølich , who when studying shipboard beriberi , fed guinea pigs their test diet of grains and flour and were surprised when scurvy resulted instead of beriberi . By luck , this species did not make its own vitamin C , whereas mice and rats do . In 1912 , the Polish biochemist Casimir Funk developed the concept of vitamins . One of these was thought to be the anti-scorbutic factor . In 1928 , this was referred to as `` water - soluble C , '' although its chemical structure had not been determined . From 1928 to 1932 , Albert Szent - Györgyi and Joseph L. Svirbely 's Hungarian team , and Charles Glen King 's American team , identified the anti-scorbutic factor . Szent - Györgyi isolated hexuronic acid from animal adrenal glands , and suspected it to be the antiscorbutic factor . In late 1931 , Szent - Györgyi gave Svirbely the last of his adrenal - derived hexuronic acid with the suggestion that it might be the anti-scorbutic factor . By the spring of 1932 , King 's laboratory had proven this , but published the result without giving Szent - Györgyi credit for it . This led to a bitter dispute over priority . In 1933 , Walter Norman Haworth chemically identified the vitamin as L - hexuronic acid , proving this by synthesis in 1933 . Haworth and Szent - Györgyi proposed that L - hexuronic acid be named a-scorbic acid , and chemically L - ascorbic acid , in honor of its activity against scurvy . The term 's etymology is from Latin , `` a - '' meaning away , or off from , while - scorbic is from Medieval Latin scorbuticus ( pertaining to scurvy ) , cognate with Old Norse skyrbjugr , French scorbut , Dutch scheurbuik and Low German scharbock . Partly for this discovery , Szent - Györgyi was awarded the 1937 Nobel Prize in Medicine , and Haworth shared that year 's Nobel Prize in Chemistry . In 1957 , J.J. Burns showed that some mammals are susceptible to scurvy as their liver does not produce the enzyme L - gulonolactone oxidase , the last of the chain of four enzymes that synthesize vitamin C. American biochemist Irwin Stone was the first to exploit vitamin C for its food preservative properties . He later developed the theory that humans possess a mutated form of the L - gulonolactone oxidase coding gene . In 2008 , researchers at the University of Montpellier discovered that in humans and other primates the red blood cells have evolved a mechanism to more efficiently utilize the vitamin C present in the body by recycling oxidized L - dehydroascorbic acid ( DHA ) back into ascorbic acid for reuse by the body . The mechanism was not found to be present in mammals that synthesize their own vitamin C . Large doses ( edit ) Further information : Vitamin C megadosage Vitamin C megadosage is a term describing the consumption or injection of vitamin C in doses comparable to or higher than the amounts produced by the livers of mammals which are able to synthesize vitamin C. The theory behind this , although not the actual term , was described in 1970 in an article by Linus Pauling , a famous scientist who had been awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1954 . Briefly , his position was that for optimal health , humans should be consuming at least 2,300 mg / day to compensate for the inability to synthesize vitamin C. The recommendation also fell into the consumption range for gorillas - a non-synthesizing near - relative to humans . A second argument for high intake is that serum ascorbic acid concentrations increase as intake increases until it plateaus at about 190 to 200 micromoles per liter ( μmol / L ) once consumption exceeds 1,250 milligrams . As noted , government recommendations are a range of 40 to 110 mg / day and normal plasma is approximately 50 μmol / L , so ' normal ' is about 25 % of what can be achieved when oral consumption is in the proposed megadose range . Linus Pauling , famous awardee of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry , popularized the concept of high dose vitamin C as prevention and treatment of the common cold in 1970 . A few years later he proposed that vitamin C would prevent cardiovascular disease , and that 10 grams / day , initially ( 10 days ) administered intravenously and thereafter orally , would cure late - stage cancer . Mega-dosing with ascorbic acid has other champions , among them chemist Irwin Stone and the controversial Matthias Rath and Patrick Holford , who both have been accused of making unsubstantiated treatment claims for treating cancer and HIV infection . The mega-dosing theory is to a large degree discredited . Modest benefits are demonstrated for the common cold . Benefits are not superior when supplement intakes of more than 1,000 mg / day are compared to intakes between 200 and 1,000 mg / day , and so not limited to the mega-dose range . The theory that large amounts of intravenous ascorbic acid can be used to treat late - stage cancer is - some forty years after Pauling 's seminal paper - still considered unproven and still in need of high quality research . However , a lack of conclusive evidence has not stopped individual physicians from prescribing intravenous ascorbic acid to thousands of people with cancer . Society and culture ( edit ) In February 2011 , the Swiss Post issued a postage stamp bearing a depiction of a model of a molecule of vitamin C to mark the International Year of Chemistry . Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` In 1934 , Hoffman - La Roche , which bought the Reichstein process patent , became the first pharmaceutical company to mass produce and market synthetic vitamin C , under the brand name Redoxon . 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PMID 1672383 . Jump up ^ Pauling L ( December 1970 ) . `` Evolution and the need for ascorbic acid '' . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . 67 ( 4 ) : 1643 -- 8 . Bibcode : 1970PNAS ... 67.1643 P . doi : 10.1073 / pnas. 67.4. 1643 . PMC 283405 . PMID 5275366 . Jump up ^ Mandl J , Szarka A , Bánhegyi G ( August 2009 ) . `` Vitamin C : update on physiology and pharmacology '' . British Journal of Pharmacology . 157 ( 7 ) : 1097 -- 110 . doi : 10.1111 / j. 1476 - 5381.2009. 00282. x . PMC 2743829 . PMID 19508394 . Jump up ^ Cameron E , Pauling L ( October 1976 ) . `` Supplemental ascorbate in the supportive treatment of cancer : Prolongation of survival times in terminal human cancer '' . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . 73 ( 10 ) : 3685 -- 9 . Bibcode : 1976PNAS ... 73.3685 C . doi : 10.1073 / pnas. 73.10. 3685 . PMC 431183 . PMID 1068480 . Jump up ^ `` Vitamin C : Common cold '' . Corvallis , OR : Micronutrient Information Center , Linus Pauling Institute , Oregon State University . January 14 , 2014 . Retrieved May 3 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Hemilä H ( 2009 ) Vitamins and minerals . In : `` Common cold '' ( Eccles R , Weber O , eds . ) Birkhauser Verlag , pp. 275 - 307 Jump up ^ Stephens T ( February 17 , 2011 ) . `` Let the chemical games begin ! '' . Swiss Info . Swiss Broadcasting Corporation . Archived from the original on August 31 , 2011 . Retrieved February 23 , 2011 . External links ( edit ) Food portal Health and fitness portal Medicine portal Pharmacy and Pharmacology portal Wikimedia Commons has media related to Ascorbic acid . Vitamin C Fact Sheet from the U.S. National Institutes of Health Vitamin C bound to proteins in the PDB National Nutrient Database at USDA Website ( hide ) Vitamins ( A11 ) Fat soluble α - Carotene β - Carotene Retinol Tretinoin Ergosterol Ergocalciferol 7 - Dehydrocholesterol Previtamin D Cholecalciferol 25 - hydroxycholecalciferol Calcitriol ( 1 , 25 - dihydroxycholecalciferol ) Calcitroic acid Dihydroergocalciferol D analogues Alfacalcidol Dihydrotachysterol Calcipotriol Tacalcitol Paricalcitol Tocopherol Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Tocotrienol Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Tocofersolan Naphthoquinone Phylloquinone ( K ) Menaquinones ( K ) Menadione ( K ) ‡ Menadiol ( K ) Water soluble Thiamine B analogues Acefurtiamine Allithiamine Fursultiamine Octotiamine Prosultiamine Sulbutiamine Riboflavin Niacin Nicotinamide Pantothenic acid Dexpanthenol Pantethine Pyridoxine , Pyridoxal phosphate Pyridoxamine Pyritinol Biotin Folic acid Dihydrofolic acid Folinic acid Levomefolic acid Adenosylcobalamin Cyanocobalamin Hydroxocobalamin Methylcobalamin Choline Ascorbic acid Dehydroascorbic acid Combinations Multivitamins WHO - EM Withdrawn from market Clinical trials : Phase III Never to phase III Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Vitamin C Vitamins Food antioxidants Dietary antioxidants Orthomolecular medicine Organic acids Coenzymes Furanones Dihydrofurans Alcohols Biomolecules World Health Organization essential medicines Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links CS1 Norwegian - language sources ( no ) CS1 Hungarian - language sources ( hu ) CS1 German - language sources ( de ) Wikipedia indefinitely move - protected pages Good articles Use mdy dates from January 2018 Template : link with non-standard subpage Drugs with non-standard legal status E number from Wikidata ECHA InfoCard ID from Wikidata Drugboxes which contain changes to watched fields RTT Talk Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans Asturianu Azərbaycanca تۆرکجه বাংলা Bân - lâm - gú Български Bosanski Català Čeština Deutsch ދިވެހިބަސް Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia עברית Basa Jawa ಕನ್ನಡ Kinyarwanda Kiswahili Кыргызча Latviešu Lietuvių Македонски മലയാളം Bahasa Melayu नेपाली 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Occitan ଓଡ଼ିଆ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Română Scots Shqip Sicilianu සිංහල Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Basa Sunda Suomi Tagalog தமிழ் తెలుగు ไทย Türkçe Тыва дыл Українська اردو ئۇيغۇرچە / Uyghurche Tiếng Việt ייִדיש 粵語 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 19 February 2018 , at 13 : 10 . 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where is vitamin c synthesized in the body
Vitamin C megadosage is a term describing the consumption or injection of vitamin C in doses comparable to or higher than the amounts produced by the livers of mammals which are able to synthesize vitamin C. The theory behind this , although not the actual term , was described in 1970 in an article by Linus Pauling , a famous scientist who had been awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1954 . Briefly , his position was that for optimal health , humans should be consuming at least 2,300 mg / day to compensate for the inability to synthesize vitamin C. The recommendation also fell into the consumption range for gorillas - a non-synthesizing near - relative to humans . A second argument for high intake is that serum ascorbic acid concentrations increase as intake increases until it plateaus at about 190 to 200 micromoles per liter ( μmol / L ) once consumption exceeds 1,250 milligrams . As noted , government recommendations are a range of 40 to 110 mg / day and normal plasma is approximately 50 μmol / L , so ' normal ' is about 25 % of what can be achieved when oral consumption is in the proposed megadose range .
Ray Bolger - wikipedia Ray Bolger Jump to : navigation , search Ray Bolger Bolger , c. 1942 Raymond Wallace Bolger ( 1904 - 01 - 10 ) January 10 , 1904 Dorchester , Massachusetts , U.S. January 15 , 1987 ( 1987 - 01 - 15 ) ( aged 83 ) Los Angeles , California , U.S. Cause of death Bladder cancer Resting place Holy Cross Cemetery , Culver City Occupation Actor , singer , dancer Years active 1922 -- 1985 Known for Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz Spouse ( s ) Gwendolyn Rickard ( m . 1929 ) Raymond Wallace Bolger ( January 10 , 1904 -- January 15 , 1987 ) was an American actor , singer , and dancer ( particularly of tap ) of vaudeville , stage ( particularly musical theatre ) and screen , who started in the silent film era . He is best known for his portrayal of the Scarecrow in MGM 's classic The Wizard of Oz ( 1939 ) . He was also the host of his own television show , The Ray Bolger Show . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early life 2 Early career 3 The Wizard of Oz 4 Post-Oz film career 5 Broadway and television 6 Death and legacy 7 Filmography 8 Stage work 9 References 10 External links Early Life ( edit ) Bolger was born into a Roman Catholic family of Irish descent in Dorchester , Boston , the son of James Edward and Anne C. ( née Wallace ) Bolger . His entertainment aspirations evolved from the vaudeville shows of his youth . He began his career in a vaudeville tap show , creating the act `` Sanford & Bolger '' with his dance partner . In 1926 , he danced at New York City 's legendary Palace Theatre , the premier vaudeville theatre in the United States . His limber body and improvisational dance movement won him many leading roles on Broadway in the 1930s . Eventually , his career would also encompass film , television and nightclub work . In 1932 he was elected to the theater club , The Lambs . Early career ( edit ) Bolger signed his first cinema contract with MGM in 1936 , and although The Wizard of Oz was early in his film career , he appeared in other movies of note . His best known pre-Oz appearance was The Great Ziegfeld ( 1936 ) , in which he portrayed himself . He also appeared in Sweethearts ( 1938 ) , the first MGM film in Technicolor , starring Nelson Eddy , Jeanette MacDonald , and Frank Morgan . He also appeared in the Eleanor Powell vehicle Rosalie ( 1937 ) , which also starred Eddy and Morgan . The Wizard of Oz ( edit ) Bolger as the Scarecrow Bolger 's MGM contract stipulated that he would play any part the studio chose . However , he was unhappy when he was originally cast as the Tin Woodman in the studio 's 1939 feature film adaptation of The Wizard of Oz . The role of the Scarecrow had already been assigned to another dancing studio contract player , Buddy Ebsen . In time , the roles were switched . Bolger 's face was permanently lined by wearing the Scarecrow 's makeup . Post-oz film career ( edit ) Following Oz , Bolger moved to RKO Pictures . In 1941 , he was a featured act at the Paramount Theatre in New York , working with the Harry James Band . He would do tap dance routines , sometimes in a mock - challenge dance with the band 's pianist , Al Lerner . One day during this period , the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor , and Bolger 's performance was interrupted by President Roosevelt 's announcement of the news of the attack . Bolger toured in USO shows with Joe E. Lewis in the Pacific Theater during World War II , and was featured in the United Artists wartime film Stage Door Canteen . In 1946 , he returned to MGM for a featured role in The Harvey Girls . Also that year , he recorded a children 's album , The Churkendoose , featuring the story of a misfit fowl ( `` part chicken , turkey , duck , and goose '' ) which teaches children that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it `` all depends on how you look at things '' . Broadway and television ( edit ) Bolger in a publicity photo for The Bell Telephone Hour , 1963 Bolger 's Broadway credits included Life Begins at 8 : 40 ( 1934 ) , On Your Toes ( 1936 ) , By Jupiter ( 1942 ) , All American ( 1962 ) and Where 's Charley ? ( 1948 ) , for which he won the Tony Award for Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Musical and in which he introduced `` Once in Love with Amy '' , the song often connected with him . He repeated his stage role in the 1952 film version of the musical . He also made April in Paris ( 1952 ) with Doris Day . Bolger appeared in his own ABC television sitcom with a variety show theme , Where 's Raymond ? ( 1953 -- 1954 ) , renamed the second year as The Ray Bolger Show ( 1954 -- 55 ) . He continued to star in several films , including Walt Disney 's remake of Babes in Toyland ( 1961 ) . Bolger made frequent guest appearances on television , including the episode `` Rich Man , Poor Man '' of the short - lived The Jean Arthur Show in 1966 . In the 1970s , he had a recurring role as the father of Shirley Partridge ( Shirley Jones ) on The Partridge Family , and appeared in Little House on the Prairie as Toby Noe and also guest starred on other television series such as Battlestar Galactica and Fantasy Island . In the late 1970 's , reaching back to his Irish roots , Bolger played in a commercial for Safeway Supermarket 's `` Scotch Buy '' brand . It covered many products ranging from canned food to paper towels to beer and cigarettes . Bolger popularized the jingle , `` Scotch Buy - taint fancy but it shore is good . '' His last television appearance was on Diff'rent Strokes in 1984 , three years before his death . In his later years , he danced in a Dr Pepper television commercial , and in 1985 , he and Liza Minnelli , the daughter of his Oz co-star Judy Garland , starred in That 's Dancing ! , a film also written by Jack Haley , Jr. , the son of Jack Haley , who portrayed the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz . In 1998 , a Golden Palm Star on the Palm Springs , California , Walk of Stars was dedicated to him . He was a Roman Catholic , and a member of the Good Shepherd Parish and the Catholic Motion Picture Guild in Beverly Hills , California . Bolger was a staunch Republican who campaigned for Richard Nixon in 1968 . Death and legacy ( edit ) Ray and Gwendolyn Bolger 's grave at Holy Cross Cemetery , Culver City Bolger died of bladder cancer on January 15 , 1987 , in Los Angeles , five days after his 83rd birthday . He was interred at Holy Cross Cemetery , Culver City in the Mausoleum , Crypt F2 , Block 35 . He was survived by his wife of over 57 years , Gwendolyn Rickard . They had no children . At the time of his death , he was the last surviving main credited cast member of The Wizard of Oz . At Judy Garland 's funeral , Bolger was the only one of her Oz co-stars to be present . He joined Harold Arlen , the composer of `` Over the Rainbow '' , and his wife Anya Taranda . They were reported as among the last remaining guests at the conclusion of the service . Whenever asked whether he received any residuals from telecasts of the 1939 classic , Bolger would reply : `` No , just immortality . I 'll settle for that . '' Bolger 's Scarecrow is ranked among the `` most beloved movie characters of all time '' by AMC and the American Film Institute . For his contributions to the film industry , Bolger received a motion pictures star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1960 . The star is located at 6788 Hollywood Boulevard . Filmography ( edit ) Theatrical films Year Title Role Notes 1936 The Great Ziegfeld Ray Bolger 1937 Rosalie Bill Delroy 1938 The Girl of the Golden West Happy Moore ( scenes deleted ) 1938 Sweethearts Hans 1939 The Wizard of Oz Hunk / Scarecrow 1941 Sunny Bunny Billings 1942 Four Jacks and a Jill Nifty Sullivan 1943 Forever and a Day Sentry ( scenes deleted ) 1943 Stage Door Canteen Ray Bolger 1946 The Harvey Girls Chris Maule 1949 Look for the Silver Lining Jack Donahue 1952 Where 's Charley ? Charley Wykeham 1952 April in Paris S. Winthrop Putnam 1961 Babes in Toyland Barnaby 1966 The Daydreamer The Pieman 1979 Just You and Me , Kid Tom 1979 The Runner Stumbles Monsignor Nicholson 1982 Annie Sound Effects Man Uncredited 1985 That 's Dancing ! Himself - Host Documentary film Television Year Title Role Notes 1953 -- 55 Where 's Raymond ? Raymond ' Ray ' Wallace Lead role ( 61 episodes ) 1958 -- 59 General Electric Theater Stan Maylor / Alfred Boggs 2 episodes 1962 The Red Skelton Show Mayor Threadbare III Episode : `` The Mayor of Central Park '' 1962 The Little Sweep Storyteller Television film 1966 The Jean Arthur Show Wealthy Man Episode : `` Rich Man , Poor Man '' 1970 -- 72 The Partridge Family Grandpa Renfrew Recurring role ( 3 episodes ) 1971 Nanny and the Professor Uncle Horace Episode : `` South Sea Island Sweetheart '' 1976 The Entertainer Billy Rice Television film 1976 Captains and the Kings R.J. Squibbs Television miniseries ( Chapter I ) 1977 -- 79 The Love Boat Andy Hopkins / Horace McDonald 2 episodes 1978 Baretta Episode : `` Just for Laughs '' 1978 Three on a Date Andrew Television film 1978 -- 82 Fantasy Island Gaylord Nelson / Spencer Randolph 2 episodes 1978 -- 79 Little House on the Prairie Toby Noe 2 episodes 1979 Heaven Only Knows Simon Television pilot 1979 Battlestar Galactica Vector Episode : `` Greetings from Earth '' 1981 Aloha Paradise Harry Carr Episode : `` Best of Friends / Success / Nine Karats '' Peter and the Magic Egg Uncle Amos ( voice ) Television special 1984 Diff'rent Strokes Clarence Markwell Episode : `` A Haunting We Will Go '' , ( final television appearance ) Stage work ( edit ) Broadway productions Year Title Role Theatre 1926 The Merry World Performer Imperial Theatre 1926 A Night in Paris Performer 44th Street Theatre 1929 Heads Up Georgie Alvin Theatre 1931 George White 's Scandals of 1931 Performer Apollo Theatre 1934 Life Begins at 8 : 40 Performer Winter Garden Theatre 1936 On Your Toes Phil Dolan III , Hoofer Imperial Theatre 1940 Keep Off the Grass Performer Broadhurst Theatre 1942 By Jupiter Sapiens Shubert Theatre 1946 Three to Make Ready Performer Adelphi Theatre 1948 Where 's Charley ? Charley Wykeham St. James Theatre 1951 Where 's Charley ? ( revival ) Charley Wykeham Broadway Theatre 1962 All - American Professor Fodorski Winter Garden Theatre 1969 Come Summer Phineas Sharp Lunt - Fontanne Theatre References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Family Search '' . ( Subscription required ( help ) ) . ^ Jump up to : Fowler , Glenn ( January 16 , 1987 ) . `` Ray Bolger , Scarecrow in ' Oz ' Dies '' . The New York Times . Retrieved June 5 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Family Search '' . ( Subscription required ( help ) ) . Jump up ^ `` Family Search '' . ( Subscription required ( help ) ) . Jump up ^ `` Ray Bolger Biography '' . . Retrieved September 18 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` About The Lambs '' . The Lambs , Inc . Retrieved March 8 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Harmetz , Aljean ( October 1 , 2013 ) . The Making of The Wizard of Oz . Chicago Review Press . p. 169 . ISBN 978 - 1613748350 . ^ Jump up to : Ray Bolger on IMDb Jump up ^ Lerner , Al ( 2007 ) . Vamp ' Til Ready . BearManor Media . ISBN 978 - 1593930806 . ( Subscription required ( help ) ) . Jump up ^ Ray Bolger at the Internet Broadway Database Jump up ^ `` Where 's Raymond ? , The Ray Bolger Show '' . . Retrieved March 14 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` 6 : 06 JUDY GARLAND ON `` WHAT 'S MY LINE '' tagcbs 17K views 5 : 04 Groucho Marx Roasts Johnny Carson Chantay Hyder 222K views 2 : 09 The Wizard Of Oz : Ray Bolger ( Scarecrow ) TheManThatGetsAway 69K views 2 : 14 Ray Bolger amazing elastic legs dance routine ( 1941 ) vintage video clips 47K views 3 : 00 JUDY GARLAND : DELETED SCARECROW DANCE WITH RAY BOLGER , THE WIZARD OF OZ 1939 Michele Bell 172K views 6 : 39 Stage Door Canteen - Ray Bolger sequence Dwight Mannsburden 19K views Safeway Supermarket Commercial feat . Bob Weir of the Greatful Dead - 1980s CoolOldVideos 24K views Entire Donny & Marie Osmond Show With Lucille Ball , Ray Bolger , Paul Lynde DavEvans066 28K views JOHNNY CARSON INTERVIEW ROBERT MITCHUM Jun 16 1978 Missy Logo 122K views Jack Benny Show with Groucho Marx VOA Television 7.3 K views WORTH IT S4 E8 $8 Toast Vs. $20 Toast BuzzFeedVideo 2.8 M views New JOHNNY CARSON INTERVIEW ANTHONY QUINN May 18 1983 Missy Logo 28K views Judy Garland & Ray Bolger : Tea for two ( The Judy Garland Show ) TheManThatGetsAway 18K views Lee Grant on her career 's brightest and darkest moments CBS Sunday Morning 26K views George Burns , Lucille Ball , Bea Arthur ◊ CBS On The Air ◊ 1978 fabtv 6.6 K views Ray Bolger 1978 Safeway Scotch Buy Commercial `` . YouTube . Retrieved 7 May 2018 . Jump up ^ Lucy E. Cross . `` About Ray Bolger '' . Retrieved June 12 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Palm Springs Walk of Stars by date dedicated Archived October 13 , 2012 , at the Wayback Machine. , ; accessed September 26 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Our History '' . Church of the Good Shepherd . Retrieved September 26 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` '' 1968 Presidential Race '' Republicans `` . The Pop History Dig . Retrieved March 8 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Ray Bolger at Find a Grave Jump up ^ Adelman , Gary ( 2008 ) . `` Ray Bolger in The Wizard of Oz as the Scarecrow '' . Kansas Wizard of Oz ' N More . Retrieved June 5 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Ray Bolger '' . The Official Masterworks Broadway Site . Retrieved March 8 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Van Gelder , Lawrence ( June 28 , 1969 ) . `` Judy Garland 's Funeral Draws Her Colleagues '' . The New York Times . Retrieved April 2 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Albright , Jane ( 2008 ) . `` Return to Oz & 50th Anniversary of MGM Film '' . The Oz Reference Library . Archived from the original on April 19 , 2008 . Retrieved June 5 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Greatest Movie Characters '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 08 - 20 . Jump up ^ `` AFI : 10 Top 10 '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 08 - 20 . Jump up ^ `` Hollywood Walk of Fame - Ray Bolger '' . . Hollywood Chamber of Commerce . Retrieved November 29 , 2017 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Ray Bolger . Ray Bolger on IMDb Ray Bolger at the TCM Movie Database Ray Bolger at AllMovie Churkendoose album ( mp3 ) `` Did these stories Really Happen '' by Michelle Bernier . Createspace Pub. 2010 ; ISBN 1 - 4505 - 8536 - 1 Awards for Ray Bolger New York Drama Critics Award for Best Male Performance in a Musical Alfred Drake ( 1943 ) Bobby Clark ( 1944 ) John Raitt ( 1945 ) Ray Bolger ( 1946 ) Bobby Clark ( 1947 ) Bobby Clark ( 1948 ) Tony Award for Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Musical Paul Hartman ( 1948 ) Ray Bolger ( 1949 ) Ezio Pinza ( 1950 ) Robert Alda ( 1951 ) Phil Silvers ( 1952 ) Thomas Mitchell ( 1953 ) Alfred Drake ( 1954 ) Walter Slezak ( 1955 ) Ray Walston ( 1956 ) Rex Harrison ( 1957 ) Robert Preston ( 1958 ) Richard Kiley ( 1959 ) Jackie Gleason ( 1960 ) Richard Burton ( 1961 ) Robert Morse ( 1962 ) Zero Mostel ( 1963 ) Bert Lahr ( 1964 ) Zero Mostel ( 1965 ) Richard Kiley ( 1966 ) Robert Preston ( 1967 ) Robert Goulet ( 1968 ) Jerry Orbach ( 1969 ) Cleavon Little ( 1970 ) Hal Linden ( 1971 ) Phil Silvers ( 1972 ) Ben Vereen ( 1973 ) Christopher Plummer ( 1974 ) John Cullum ( 1975 ) George Rose ( 1976 ) Barry Bostwick ( 1977 ) John Cullum ( 1978 ) Len Cariou ( 1979 ) Jim Dale ( 1980 ) Kevin Kline ( 1981 ) Ben Harney ( 1982 ) Tommy Tune ( 1983 ) George Hearn ( 1984 ) No Award ( 1985 ) George Rose ( 1986 ) Robert Lindsay ( 1987 ) Michael Crawford ( 1988 ) Jason Alexander ( 1989 ) James Naughton ( 1990 ) Jonathan Pryce ( 1991 ) Gregory Hines ( 1992 ) Brent Carver ( 1993 ) Boyd Gaines ( 1994 ) Matthew Broderick ( 1995 ) Nathan Lane ( 1996 ) James Naughton ( 1997 ) Alan Cumming ( 1998 ) Martin Short ( 1999 ) Brian Stokes Mitchell ( 2000 ) Nathan Lane ( 2001 ) John Lithgow ( 2002 ) Harvey Fierstein ( 2003 ) Hugh Jackman ( 2004 ) Norbert Leo Butz ( 2005 ) John Lloyd Young ( 2006 ) David Hyde Pierce ( 2007 ) Paulo Szot ( 2008 ) David Alvarez , Trent Kowalik and Kiril Kulish ( 2009 ) Douglas Hodge ( 2010 ) Norbert Leo Butz ( 2011 ) Steve Kazee ( 2012 ) Billy Porter ( 2013 ) Neil Patrick Harris ( 2014 ) Michael Cerveris ( 2015 ) Leslie Odom Jr. ( 2016 ) Ben Platt ( 2017 ) BIBSYS : 5074815 BNE : XX1648202 BNF : cb139301706 ( data ) GND : 134608011 ISNI : 0000 0000 6310 123X LCCN : n82036007 MusicBrainz : 987cdd3c - 65f2 - 4645 - bf1e - ed93197101e8 SNAC : w6th9tfm SUDOC : 067133002 VIAF : 46949136 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1904 births 1987 deaths Catholics from Massachusetts American tap dancers American male film actors American male musical theatre actors American male television actors Burials at Holy Cross Cemetery , Culver City Deaths from cancer in California Deaths from bladder cancer Donaldson Award winners American people of Irish descent Male actors from Boston Tony Award winners Vaudeville performers 20th - century American male actors 20th - century American singers California Republicans Eccentric dancers Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer contract players Hidden categories : Pages containing links to subscription - only content Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from April 2018 Internet Broadway Database person ID same as Wikidata Articles with IBDb links Webarchive template wayback links Find a Grave template with ID same as Wikidata Use mdy dates from July 2011 Articles with hCards All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from September 2014 Turner Classic Movies person ID same as Wikidata Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers Wikipedia articles with SNAC - ID identifiers Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Asturianu تۆرکجه Català Deutsch Español فارسی Français Italiano עברית Nederlands 日本 語 Polski Português Русский Simple English Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Українська 11 more Edit links This page was last edited on 29 May 2018 , at 20 : 27 . 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who played the scare crow in wizard of oz
Raymond Wallace Bolger ( January 10 , 1904 -- January 15 , 1987 ) was an American actor , singer , and dancer ( particularly of tap ) of vaudeville , stage ( particularly musical theatre ) and screen , who started in the silent film era . He is best known for his portrayal of the Scarecrow in MGM 's classic The Wizard of Oz ( 1939 ) . He was also the host of his own television show , The Ray Bolger Show .
Alloy steel - wikipedia Alloy steel Jump to : navigation , search Steels and other iron -- carbon alloy phases Ferrite Austenite Cementite Graphite Martensite Microstructures Spheroidite Pearlite Bainite Ledeburite Tempered martensite Widmanstatten structures Classes Crucible steel Carbon steel Spring steel Alloy steel Maraging steel Stainless steel Weathering steel Tool steel Other iron - based materials Cast iron Gray iron White iron Ductile iron Malleable iron Wrought iron Alloy steel is steel that is alloyed with a variety of elements in total amounts between 1.0 % and 50 % by weight to improve its mechanical properties . Allows is not steels are broken down arbitrary : Smith and Hashemi define the difference at 4.0 % , while Degarmo , et al. , define it at 8.0 % . Most commonly , the phrase `` alloy steel '' refers to low - alloy steels . Strictly speaking , every steel is an alloy , but not all steels are called `` alloy steels '' . The simplest steels are iron ( Fe ) alloyed with carbon ( C ) ( about 0.1 % to 1 % , depending on type ) . However , the term `` alloy steel '' is the standard term referring to steels with other alloying elements added deliberately in addition to the carbon . Common alloyants include manganese ( the most common one ) , nickel , chromium , molybdenum , vanadium , silicon , and boron . Less common alloyants include aluminum , cobalt , copper , cerium , niobium , titanium , tungsten , tin , zinc , lead , and zirconium . The following is a range of improved properties in alloy steels ( as compared to carbon steels ) : strength , hardness , toughness , wear resistance , corrosion resistance , hardenability , and hot hardness . To achieve some of these improved properties the metal may require heat treating . Some of these find uses in exotic and highly - demanding applications , such as in the turbine blades of jet engines , in spacecraft , and in nuclear reactors . Because of the ferromagnetic properties of iron , some steel alloys find important applications where their responses to magnetism are very important , including in electric motors and in transformers . Contents ( hide ) 1 Low - alloy steels 2 Material science 3 See also 4 References 4.1 Bibliography Low - alloy steels ( edit ) Main article : high - strength low - alloy steel A few common low alloy steels are : D6AC 300M 256A Principal low - alloy steels SAE designation Composition 13xx Mn 1.75 % 40xx Mo 0.20 % or 0.25 % or 0.25 % Mo & 0.042 % S 41xx Cr 0.50 % or 0.80 % or 0.95 % , Mo 0.12 % or 0.20 % or 0.25 % or 0.30 % 43xx Ni 1.82 % , Cr 0.50 % to 0.80 % , Mo 0.25 % 44xx Mo 0.40 % or 0.52 % 46xx Ni 0.85 % or 1.82 % , Mo 0.20 % or 0.25 % 47xx Ni 1.05 % , Cr 0.45 % , Mo 0.20 % or 0.35 % 48xx Ni 3.50 % , Mo 0.25 % 50xx Cr 0.27 % or 0.40 % or 0.50 % or 0.65 % 50xxx Cr 0.50 % , C 1.00 % min 50Bxx Cr 0.28 % or 0.50 % , and added boron 51xx Cr 0.80 % or 0.87 % or 0.92 % or 1.00 % or 1.05 % 51xxx Cr 1.02 % , C 1.00 % min 51Bxx Cr 0.80 % , and added boron 52xxx Cr 1.45 % , C 1.00 % min 61xx Cr 0.60 % or 0.80 % or 0.95 % , V 0.10 % or 0.15 % min 86xx Ni 0.55 % , Cr 0.50 % , Mo 0.20 % 87xx Ni 0.55 % , Cr 0.50 % , Mo 0.25 % 88xx Ni 0.55 % , Cr 0.50 % , Mo 0.35 % 92xx Si 1.40 % or 2.00 % , Mn 0.65 % or 0.82 % or 0.85 % , Cr 0.00 % or 0.65 % 94Bxx Ni 0.45 % , Cr 0.40 % , Mo 0.12 % , and added boron ES - 1 Ni 5 % , Cr 2 % , Si 1.25 % , W 1 % , Mn 0.85 % , Mo 0.55 % , Cu 0.5 % , Cr 0.40 % , C 0.2 % , V 0.1 % Material science ( edit ) Alloying elements are added to achieve certain properties in the material . As a guideline , alloying elements are added in lower percentages ( less than 5 % ) to increase strength or hardenability , or in larger percentages ( over 5 % ) to achieve special properties , such as corrosion resistance or extreme temperature stability . Manganese , silicon , or aluminum are added during the steelmaking process to remove dissolved oxygen , sulfur and phosphorus from the melt . Manganese , silicon , nickel , and copper are added to increase strength by forming solid solutions in ferrite . Chromium , vanadium , molybdenum , and tungsten increase strength by forming second - phase carbides . Nickel and copper improve corrosion resistance in small quantities . Molybdenum helps to resist embrittlement . Zirconium , cerium , and calcium increase toughness by controlling the shape of inclusions . Sulfur ( in the form of manganese sulfide ) lead , bismuth , selenium , and tellurium increase machinability . The alloying elements tend to form either solid solutions or compounds or carbides . Nickel is very soluble in ferrite ; therefore , it forms compounds , usually Ni Al . Aluminium dissolves in the ferrite and forms the compounds Al O and AlN . Silicon is also very soluble and usually forms the compound SiO M O. Manganese mostly dissolves in ferrite forming the compounds MnS , MnO SiO , but will also form carbides in the form of ( Fe , Mn ) C. Chromium forms partitions between the ferrite and carbide phases in steel , forming ( Fe , Cr ) C , Cr C , and Cr C. The type of carbide that chromium forms depends on the amount of carbon and other types of alloying elements present . Tungsten and molybdenum form carbides if there is enough carbon and an absence of stronger carbide forming elements ( i.e. , titanium & niobium ) , they form the carbides W C and Mo C , respectively . Vanadium , titanium , and niobium are strong carbide forming elements , forming vanadium carbide , titanium carbide , and niobium carbide , respectively . Alloying elements also have an effect on the eutectoid temperature of the steel . Manganese and nickel lower the eutectoid temperature and are known as austenite stabilizing elements . With enough of these elements the austenitic structure may be obtained at room temperature . Carbide - forming elements raise the eutectoid temperature ; these elements are known as ferrite stabilizing elements . Principal effects of major alloying elements for steel Element Percentage Primary function Aluminium 0.95 -- 1.30 Alloying element in nitriding steels Bismuth - Improves machinability Boron 0.001 -- 0.003 A powerful hardenability agent Chromium 0.5 -- 2 Increases hardenability 4 -- 18 Increases corrosion resistance Copper 0.1 -- 0.4 Corrosion resistance Lead - Improved machinability Manganese 0.25 -- 0.40 Combines with sulfur and with phosphorus to reduce the brittleness . Also helps to remove excess oxygen from molten steel . > 1 Increases hardenability by lowering transformation points and causing transformations to be sluggish Molybdenum 0.2 -- 5 Stable carbides ; inhibits grain growth . Increases the toughness of steel , thus making molybdenum a very valuable alloy metal for making the cutting parts of machine tools and also the turbine blades of turbojet engines . Also used in rocket motors . Nickel 2 -- 5 Toughener 12 -- 20 Increases corrosion resistance Silicon 0.2 -- 0.7 Increases strength 2.0 Spring steels Higher percentages Improves magnetic properties Sulfur 0.08 -- 0.15 Free - machining properties Titanium - Fixes carbon in inert particles ; reduces martensitic hardness in chromium steels Tungsten - Also increases the melting point . Vanadium 0.15 Stable carbides ; increases strength while retaining ductility ; promotes fine grain structure . Increases the toughness at high temperatures See also ( edit ) HSLA steel Microalloyed steel SAE steel grades Reynolds 531 References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Smith , p. 393 . ^ Jump up to : Degarmo , p. 112 . Jump up ^ Smith , p. 394 . Jump up ^ Degarmo , p. 113 . Jump up ^ Smith , pp. 394 - 395 . Jump up ^ Smith , pp. 395 - 396 Jump up ^ Degarmo , p. 144 . Bibliography ( edit ) Degarmo , E. Paul ; Black , J T. ; Kohser , Ronald A. ( 2007 ) , Materials and Processes in Manufacturing ( 10th ed . ) , Wiley , ISBN 978 - 0 - 470 - 05512 - 0 . Groover , M.P. , 2007 , p. 105 - 106 , Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing : Materials , Processes and Systems , 3rd ed , John Wiley & Sons , Inc. , Hoboken , NJ , ISBN 978 - 0 - 471 - 74485 - 6 . Smith , William F. ; Hashemi , Javad ( 2001 ) , Foundations of Material Science and Engineering ( 4th ed . ) , McGraw - Hill , p. 394 , ISBN 0 - 07 - 295358 - 6 NDL : 00573217 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Steels Hidden categories : Wikipedia articles needing clarification from January 2018 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Български Català Español فارسی 한국어 Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Italiano ქართული 日本 語 Polski Português Русский Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 19 January 2018 , at 18 : 13 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . 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why is iron is alloyed with other metals to produce alloy steels
Strictly speaking , every steel is an alloy , but not all steels are called `` alloy steels '' . The simplest steels are iron ( Fe ) alloyed with carbon ( C ) ( about 0.1 % to 1 % , depending on type ) . However , the term `` alloy steel '' is the standard term referring to steels with other alloying elements added deliberately in addition to the carbon . Common alloyants include manganese ( the most common one ) , nickel , chromium , molybdenum , vanadium , silicon , and boron . Less common alloyants include aluminum , cobalt , copper , cerium , niobium , titanium , tungsten , tin , zinc , lead , and zirconium .
Forest cover by state in India - wikipedia Forest cover by state in India States and union territories of India ordered by Area Population Abbreviations Capitals Child Nutrition Crime rate Electricity penetration Fertility rate Forest cover GDP ( per capita ) Highest point HIV awareness HDI Home ownership Household size Human Trafficking Institutional delivery Life expectancy at birth Literacy rate Media exposure Number of Vehicles Number of voters Obesity Open defecation Origin of name Places of worship Poverty Power capacity Safe Drinking Water Safety of Women School Enrollment Rate Sex ratio Suicides Tax revenues TV ownership Toilet availability Transport network Underweight people Unemployment Vaccination coverage The forest cover ( in square kilometres ) in 2017 in India by state and union territory as published by the Forest Survey of India . State / UT Geographical Area Very dense Moderately dense Open forest Total forest area % of forested area % change since 2015 Andhra Pradesh 162,968 1,957 14,051 12,139 28,147 17.27 % + 1.31 % Arunachal Pradesh 83,743 20,721 30,955 15,288 66,964 79.96 % - 0.23 % Assam 78,438 2,797 10,192 15,116 28,105 35.83 % + 0.72 % Bihar 94,163 332 3,260 3,707 7,299 7.75 % + 0.05 % Chhattisgarh 135,192 7,064 32,215 16,268 55,547 41.09 % - 0.01 % Delhi 1,483 7 56 129 192 12.97 % + 0.25 % Goa 3,702 538 576 1,115 2,229 60.21 % + 0.51 % Gujarat 196,244 378 5,200 9,179 14,757 7.52 % + 0.02 % Haryana 44,212 28 452 1,108 1,588 3.59 % + 0.02 % Himachal Pradesh 55,673 3,110 6,705 5,285 15,100 27.12 % + 0.71 % Jammu & Kashmir 222,236 4,075 8,579 10,587 23,241 10.46 % + 0.11 % Jharkhand 79,716 2,598 9,686 11,269 23,553 29.55 % + 0.04 % Karnataka 191,791 4,502 20,444 12,604 37,550 19.58 % + 0.57 % Kerala 38,852 1,663 9,407 8,251 20,321 52.30 % + 2.68 % Madhya Pradesh 308,252 6,563 34,571 36,280 77,414 25.11 % - 0.00 % Maharashtra 307,713 8,736 20,652 21,294 50,682 16.47 % - 0.01 % Manipur 22,327 908 6,510 9,928 17,346 77.69 % + 1.18 % Meghalaya 22,429 453 9,386 7,307 17,146 76.76 % - 0.52 % Mizoram 21,081 131 5,861 12,194 18,186 86.27 % - 2.52 % Nagaland 16,579 1,279 4,587 6,623 12,489 75.33 % - 2.71 % Odisha 155,707 6,967 21,370 23,008 51,345 32.98 % + 0.57 % Punjab 50,362 8 806 1,023 1,837 3.65 % + 0.13 % Rajasthan 342,239 78 4,340 12,154 16,572 4.84 % + 0.14 % Sikkim 7,096 1,081 1,575 688 3,344 47.13 % - 0.13 Tamil Nadu 130,060 3,672 10,979 11,630 26,281 20.21 % + 0.06 % Telangana 112,077 1,596 8,738 10,085 20,419 18.22 % + 0.50 % Tripura 10,486 656 5,246 1,824 7,726 73.68 % - 1.56 % Uttar Pradesh 240,928 2,617 4,069 7,993 14,679 6.09 % + 0.12 % Uttarakhand 53,483 4,969 12,884 6,442 24,295 45.43 % + 0.04 % West Bengal 88,752 2,994 4,147 9,706 16,847 18.98 % + 0.02 % Andaman & Nicobar Islands 8,249 5,678 684 380 6,742 81.73 % - 0.11 % Chandigarh 114 14 6 22 18.91 % - 0.09 % Dadra & Nagar Haveli 491 0 80 127 207 42.16 % + 0.20 % Daman & Diu 111 6 13 20 18.46 % + 0.79 % Lakshadweep 30 0 17 10 27 90.33 % 0.13 % Puducherry 490 0 18 36 54 10.95 % - 0.67 % Total 3,287,469 98,158 308,318 301,797 708,273 21.54 % + 0.21 % See also ( edit ) Forest cover by state or territory in Australia Forest cover by province or territory in Canada Forest cover by state in the United States Forest cover by federal subject in Russia References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` India State of Forest Report , Forest Cover 2017 '' ( PDF ) . Forest Survey of India . Retrieved 13 February 2018 . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : States and union territories of India - related lists Forests of India Flora of India by state or union territory India geography - related lists Talk About Wikipedia தமிழ் Edit links This page was last edited on 2 March 2018 , at 01 : 09 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
how much area is covered under forest in india
State / UT Geographical Area Very dense Moderately dense Open forest Total forest area % of forested area % change since 2015 Andhra Pradesh 162,968 1,957 14,051 12,139 28,147 17.27 % + 1.31 % Arunachal Pradesh 83,743 20,721 30,955 15,288 66,964 79.96 % - 0.23 % Assam 78,438 2,797 10,192 15,116 28,105 35.83 % + 0.72 % Bihar 94,163 332 3,260 3,707 7,299 7.75 % + 0.05 % Chhattisgarh 135,192 7,064 32,215 16,268 55,547 41.09 % - 0.01 % Delhi 1,483 7 56 129 192 12.97 % + 0.25 % Goa 3,702 538 576 1,115 2,229 60.21 % + 0.51 % Gujarat 196,244 378 5,200 9,179 14,757 7.52 % + 0.02 % Haryana 44,212 28 452 1,108 1,588 3.59 % + 0.02 % Himachal Pradesh 55,673 3,110 6,705 5,285 15,100 27.12 % + 0.71 % Jammu & Kashmir 222,236 4,075 8,579 10,587 23,241 10.46 % + 0.11 % Jharkhand 79,716 2,598 9,686 11,269 23,553 29.55 % + 0.04 % Karnataka 191,791 4,502 20,444 12,604 37,550 19.58 % + 0.57 % Kerala 38,852 1,663 9,407 8,251 20,321 52.30 % + 2.68 % Madhya Pradesh 308,252 6,563 34,571 36,280 77,414 25.11 % - 0.00 % Maharashtra 307,713 8,736 20,652 21,294 50,682 16.47 % - 0.01 % Manipur 22,327 908 6,510 9,928 17,346 77.69 % + 1.18 % Meghalaya 22,429 453 9,386 7,307 17,146 76.76 % - 0.52 % Mizoram 21,081 131 5,861 12,194 18,186 86.27 % - 2.52 % Nagaland 16,579 1,279 4,587 6,623 12,489 75.33 % - 2.71 % Odisha 155,707 6,967 21,370 23,008 51,345 32.98 % + 0.57 % Punjab 50,362 8 806 1,023 1,837 3.65 % + 0.13 % Rajasthan 342,239 78 4,340 12,154 16,572 4.84 % + 0.14 % Sikkim 7,096 1,081 1,575 688 3,344 47.13 % - 0.13 Tamil Nadu 130,060 3,672 10,979 11,630 26,281 20.21 % + 0.06 % Telangana 112,077 1,596 8,738 10,085 20,419 18.22 % + 0.50 % Tripura 10,486 656 5,246 1,824 7,726 73.68 % - 1.56 % Uttar Pradesh 240,928 2,617 4,069 7,993 14,679 6.09 % + 0.12 % Uttarakhand 53,483 4,969 12,884 6,442 24,295 45.43 % + 0.04 % West Bengal 88,752 2,994 4,147 9,706 16,847 18.98 % + 0.02 % Andaman & Nicobar Islands 8,249 5,678 684 380 6,742 81.73 % - 0.11 % Chandigarh 114 14 6 22 18.91 % - 0.09 % Dadra & Nagar Haveli 491 0 80 127 207 42.16 % + 0.20 % Daman & Diu 111 6 13 20 18.46 % + 0.79 % Lakshadweep 30 0 17 10 27 90.33 % 0.13 % Puducherry 490 0 18 36 54 10.95 % - 0.67 % Total 3,287,469 98,158 308,318 301,797 708,273 21.54 % + 0.21 %
Monarch butterfly - wikipedia Monarch butterfly Jump to : navigation , search Monarch butterfly Female Male Conservation status Apparently Secure ( NatureServe ) Scientific classification Kingdom : Animalia Clade : Euarthropoda Class : Insecta Order : Lepidoptera Family : Nymphalidae Genus : Danaus Species : D. plexippus Binomial name Danaus plexippus ( Linnaeus , 1758 ) Synonyms Papilio plexippus Linnaeus , 1758 Danaus archippus ( Fabricius , 1793 ) Danaus menippe ( Hübner , 1816 ) Anosia plexippus Dyar , 1903 The monarch butterfly or simply monarch ( Danaus plexippus ) is a milkweed butterfly ( subfamily Danainae ) in the family Nymphalidae . Other common names depending on region include milkweed , common tiger , wanderer , and black veined brown . It may be the most familiar North American butterfly , and is considered an iconic pollinator species . Its wings feature an easily recognizable black , orange , and white pattern , with a wingspan of 8.9 -- 10.2 cm ( ​ 3 ⁄ -- 4 in ) The viceroy butterfly is similar in color and pattern , but is markedly smaller and has an extra black stripe across each hindwing . The eastern North American monarch population is notable for its annual southward late - summer / autumn migration from the northern and central United States and southern Canada to Florida and Mexico . During the fall migration , monarchs cover thousands of miles , with a corresponding multi-generational return north . The western North American population of monarchs west of the Rocky Mountains often migrates to sites in southern California but has been found in overwintering Mexican sites as well . Monarchs were transported to the International Space Station and were bred there . Contents ( hide ) 1 Taxonomy 2 Description 2.1 Detailed measurements 3 Distribution and habitat 4 Life cycle 4.1 Eggs 4.2 Larvae 4.3 Pupa 4.4 Adult 4.4. 1 Reproduction 4.5 Pictorial life cycle 5 Larval host plants 5.1 North America 6 Adult food sources 7 Migration 8 Defense against predators 9 Human interaction 9.1 Captive rearing 10 Genome 11 Conservation status 12 Threats 12.1 Habitat loss due to herbicide use 12.2 Losses during migration 12.3 Predators 12.4 Parasites 12.5 Confusion of host plants 12.6 Loss of overwintering habitat 12.7 Climate 13 Conservation efforts 14 See also 15 References 16 External links Taxonomy ( edit ) White morph of the monarch in Hawaii called white monarch The name `` monarch '' may be in honor of King William III of England . The monarch was originally described by Carl Linnaeus in his Systema Naturae of 1758 and placed in the genus Papilio . In 1780 , Jan Krzysztof Kluk used the monarch as the type species for a new genus Danaus . Danaus ( Greek Δαναός ) , a great - grandson of Zeus , was a mythical king in Egypt or Libya , who founded Argos ; Plexippus was one of the 50 sons of Aegyptus , the twin brother of Danaus . In Homeric Greek plexippos ( πληξιππος ) means `` one who urges on horses '' , i.e. `` rider '' or `` charioteer '' . In the 10th edition of Systema Naturae , at the bottom of page 467 , Linnaeus wrote that the names of the Danai festivi , the division of the genus to which Papilio plexippus belonged , were derived from the sons of Aegyptus . Linnaeus divided his large genus Papilio , containing all known butterfly species , into what we would now call subgenera . The Danai festivi formed one of the `` subgenera '' , containing colorful species , as opposed to the Danai candidi , containing species with bright white wings . Linnaeus wrote : `` Danaorum Candidorum nomina a filiabus Danai Aegypti , Festivorum a filiis mutuatus sunt . '' ( English : `` The names of the Danai candidi have been derived from the daughters of Danaus , those of the Danai festivi from the sons of Aegyptus . '' ) Robert Michael Pyle suggested Danaus is a masculinized version of Danaë ( Greek Δανάη ) , Danaus 's great - great - granddaughter , to whom Zeus came as a shower of gold , which seemed to him a more appropriate source for the name of this butterfly . There are three species of monarch butterflies : D. plexippus , described by Linnaeus in 1758 , is the species known most commonly as the monarch butterfly of North America . Its range actually extends worldwide and can be found in Hawaii , Australia , New Zealand , Spain and the Pacific Islands . D. erippus , the southern monarch , was described by Pieter Cramer in 1775 . This species is found in tropical and subtropical latitudes of South America , mainly in Brazil , Uruguay , Paraguay , Argentina , Bolivia , Chile and southern Peru . The South American monarch and the North American monarch may have been one species at one time . Some researchers believe the southern monarch separated from the monarch 's population some 2 mya , at the end of the Pliocene . Sea levels were higher , and the entire Amazonas lowland was a vast expanse of brackish swamp that offered limited butterfly habitat . D. cleophile , the Jamaican monarch , described by Jean Baptiste Godart in 1819 , ranges from Jamaica to Hispaniola . Six subspecies and two color morphs of D. plexippus have been identified : D. p. plexippus -- nominate subspecies , described by Linnaeus in 1758 , is the migratory subspecies known from most of North America . D. p.p. form nivosus , the white monarch commonly found on Oahu , Hawaii , and rarely in other locations . D. p.p. ( as yet unnamed ) -- a color morph lacking some wing vein markings . D. p. nigrippus ( Richard Haensch , 1909 ) -- as forma : Danais ( sic ) archippus f. nigrippus . Hay - Roe et al. in 2007 identified this taxon as a subspecies : D. p. megalippe ( Jacob Hübner , ( 1826 ) ) -- nonmigratory subspecies , and is found from Florida and Georgia southwards , throughout the Caribbean and Central America to the Amazon River . D. p. leucogyne ( Arthur G. Butler , 1884 ) − St. Thomas D. p. portoricensis Austin Hobart Clark , 1941 − Puerto Rico D. p. tobagi Austin Hobart Clark , 1941 − Tobago The percentage of the white morph in Oahu is nearing 10 % . On other Hawaiian islands , the white morph occurs at a relatively low frequency . White monarchs ( nivosus ) have been found throughout the world , including Australia , New Zealand , Indonesia , and the United States . Some taxonomists disagree on these classifications . Monarchs were classified under the family Danaidae , but have been re-classified under Nymphalidae since at least 1958 . A 2015 paper identified genes from wasp bracoviruses in the genome of the North American monarch leading to articles about monarch butterflies being genetically modified organisms . Description ( edit ) Monarch butterfly Commonly and easily mistaken for the similar viceroy butterfly , the monarch 's wingspan ranges from 8.9 to 10.2 centimetres ( 3.5 -- 4.0 in ) . The uppersides of the wings are tawny orange , the veins and margins are black , and there are two series of small white spots in the margins . Monarch forewings also have a few orange spots near their tips . Wing undersides are similar , but the tips of forewings and hindwings are yellow brown instead of tawny orange and the white spots are larger . The shape and color of the wings change at the beginning of the migration and appear redder and more elongated than later migrants . Wings size and shape differ between migratory and non-migratory monarchs . Monarchs from eastern North America have larger and more angular forewings than those in the western population . Monarch flight has been described as `` slow and sailing '' . Monarch flight speed has been estimated by a number of researchers . One scientist examined all prior estimates and concluded their flight speed is approximately 9 km / hr or 5.5 mph . For comparison , the average human jogs at a rate of 6 -- 8 mph . Adults exhibit sexual dimorphism . Males are slightly larger than females and have a black patch or spot of androconial scales on each hindwing ( in some butterflies , these patches disperse pheromones , but are not known to do so in monarchs ) . The male 's black wing veins are lighter and narrower than those of females . One variation , the `` white monarch '' , observed in Australia , New Zealand , Indonesia and the United States , is called nivosus by lepidopterists . It is grayish white in all areas of its wings that are normally orange and is only about 1 % or less of all monarchs , but populations as high as 10 % exist on Oahu in Hawaii . The monarch has six legs like all insects , but uses only its middle legs and hindlegs as the forelegs are vestigial , as in all other Nymphalidae , and held against its body . Detailed measurements ( edit ) Male and female monarch measurements A study in 2015 examined a preserved collection of male and female monarch specimens from eastern North America to evaluate the sex - based differences in fine - scale wing and body structure . The study found significant differences in overall wing size and in the physical dimensions of wings . Males tended to have larger wings than females , and were heavier than females , on average . Both males and females had similar thorax dimensions ( wing muscles are contained in the thorax ) . Female monarchs tended to have thicker wings , which is thought to convey greater tensile strength . This would make female wings less likely to be damaged during migration . Also , females had lower wing loading than males ( wing loading is a value derived from the ratio of wing size to body weight ) , which would mean females require less energy to fly . A table with the average measurements of each variable is shown . Distribution and habitat ( edit ) String of Monarchs wintering at the Pismo State Beach Monarch Preserve , 2015 The range of the western and eastern populations of the monarch butterfly expands and contracts depending upon the season . The range differs between breeding areas , migration routes , and winter roosts . However , no genetic differences between the western and eastern monarch populations exist ; reproductive isolation has not led to subspeciation of these populations , as it has elsewhere within the species ' range . In North America , the monarch ranges from southern Canada through northern South America . It has also been found in Bermuda , Cook Islands , Hawaii , Cuba , and other Caribbean islands the Solomons , New Caledonia , New Zealand , Papua New Guinea , Australia , the Azores , the Canary Islands , Gibraltar , the Philippines , and North Africa . It appears in the UK in some years as an accidental migrant . Overwintering populations of D. plexippus are found in Mexico , California , along the Gulf Coast , year round in Florida , and in Arizona where the habitat has the specific conditions necessary for their survival . On the US East Coast , they have overwintered as far north as Lago Mar , Virginia Beach , Virginia . Their wintering habitat typically provides access to streams , plenty of sunlight ( enabling body temperatures that allow flight ) , and appropriate roosting vegetation , and is relatively free of predators . Overwintering , roosting butterflies have been seen on basswoods , elms , sumacs , locusts , oaks , osage - oranges , mulberries , pecans , willows , cottonwoods , and mesquites . While breeding , monarch habitats can be found in agricultural fields , pasture land , prairie remnants , urban and suburban residential areas , gardens , trees , and roadsides -- anywhere where there is access to larval host plants . Habitat restoration is a primary goal in monarch conservation efforts . Habitat requirements change during migration . During the fall migration , butterflies must have access to nectar - producing plants . During the spring migration , butterflies must have access to larval food plants and nectar plants . Life cycle ( edit ) The monarch butterfly undergoes the four stages of complete metamorphosis : Eggs ( edit ) The eggs are derived from materials ingested as a larva and from the spermatophores received from males during mating . Eggs are laid singly on the underside of a young leaf of a milkweed plant during the spring and summer months . The eggs are cream colored or light green , ovate to conical in shape , and about 1.2 × 0.9 mm in size . The eggs weigh less than 0.5 mg each and have raised ridges that form longitudinally from the point to apex to the base . Though each egg is ​ ⁄ the mass of the female , she may lay up to her own mass in eggs . Females lay smaller eggs as they age . Larger females lay larger eggs . The number of eggs laid by a female , who may mate several times , ranges from 290 to 1180 . Females lay their eggs on milkweed ; the offsprings ' consumption of the milkweed benefits health and helps defend them against predators . Eggs take 3 to 8 days to develop and hatch into larva or caterpillars . Monarchs will lay eggs along the southern migration route . Larvae ( edit ) The caterpillar goes through five major , distinct stages of growth and after each one , it molts . Each caterpillar , or instar , that molts is larger than the previous as it eats and stores energy in the form of fat and nutrients to carry it through the nonfeeding pupal stage . Fifth instar with the white spots visible on the prolegs The first instar caterpillar that emerges out of the egg is pale green and translucent . It lacks banding coloration or tentacles . The larvae or caterpillar eats its egg case and begins to feed on milkweed . It is during this stage of growth that the caterpillar begins to sequester cardenolides . The circular motion a caterpillar uses while eating milkweed prevents the flow of latex that could entrap it . The second instar larva develops a characteristic pattern of white , yellow and black transverse bands . It is no longer translucent but is covered in short setae . Pairs of black tentacles begin to grow . One pair grows on the thorax and another pair on the abdomen . The third instar larva has more distinct bands and the two pairs of tentacles become longer . Legs on the thorax differentiate into a smaller pair near the head and larger pairs further back . These third - stage caterpillars began to eat along the leaf edges . The fourth instar has a different banding pattern . It develops white spots on the prolegs near the back of the caterpillar . The fifth instar larva has a more complex banding pattern and white dots on the prolegs , with front legs that are small and very close to the head . At this stage of development , it is relatively large compared to the earlier instars . The caterpillar completes its growth . At this point , it is 25 to 45 mm long and 5 to 8 mm wide . This can be compared to the first instar , which was 2 to 6 mm long and 0.5 to 1.5 mm wide . Fifth - instar larvae increase in weight 2000 times from first instars . Fifth - stage instar larva chew through the petiole or midrib of milkweed leaves and stop the flow of latex . After this , they eat more leaf tissue . Before pupation , larva must consume milkweed to increase their mass . Larva stop feeding and search for a pupation site . The caterpillar attaches itself securely to a horizontal surface , using a silk pad . At this point , it latches on with its hindlegs and hangs down . It then molts into an opaque , blue - green chrysalis with small gold dots . At normal summer temperatures , it matures in 8 -- 15 days . The cuticle of the chrysalis becomes transparent and the monarch 's characteristic orange - and - black wings become visible . At the end of metamorphosis , the adult emerges from the chrysalis , expands and dries its wings and flies away . Monarch metamorphosis from egg to adult occurs during the warm summer temperatures in as little as 25 days , extending to as many as seven weeks during cool spring conditions . During the development , both larva and their milkweed hosts are vulnerable to weather extremes , predators , parasites and diseases ; commonly fewer than 10 % of monarch eggs and caterpillars survive . Pupa ( edit ) In the pupa or chrysalis stage , the caterpillar spins a silk pad on to a horizontal substrate . It then hangs from the pad by the last pair of prolegs upside down , resembling the letter `` J '' . It sheds its skin , leaving itself encased in an articulated green exoskeleton . During this pupal stage , the adult butterfly forms inside . The exoskeleton becomes transparent before it ecloses ( emerges ) , and its adult colors can finally be seen . Adult ( edit ) An adult butterfly emerges after about two weeks as a chrysalid , and hangs upside down until its wings are dry . Fluids are pumped into the wings , and they expand and stiffen . The monarch expands and retracts its wings , and once conditions allow , it then flies and feeds on a variety of nectar plants . During the breeding season adults reach sexual maturity in four or five days , however , the migrating generation does not reach maturity until overwintering is complete . Monarchs typically live for two to five weeks during their breeding season . Larvae growing in high densities are smaller , have lower survival , and weigh less as adults compared to lower densities . Reproduction ( edit ) Play media Monarch butterfly mating Healthy males are more likely to mate than unhealthy ones . Females and males typically mate more than once . Females that mate several times lay more eggs . Mating for the overwintering populations occurs in the spring , prior to dispersion . Mating is less dependent on pheromones than other species in its genus . Courtship occurs in two phases . During the aerial phase , a male pursues and often forces a female to the ground . During the ground phase , the butterflies copulate and remain attached for about 30 to 60 minutes . Only 30 % of mating attempts end in copulation , suggesting that females may be able to avoid mating , though some have more success than others . During copulation , a male transfers his spermatophore to a female . Along with sperm , the spermatophore provides a female with nutrition , which aids her in egg laying . An increase in spermatophore size increases the fecundity of female monarchs . Males that produce larger spermatophores also fertilize more females ' eggs . Pictorial life cycle ( edit ) Egg Caterpillar Beginning pupation Chrysalis Emerging from chrysalis Mating Laying eggs Larval host plants ( edit ) The host plants used by the monarch caterpillar include : Swamp milkweed , one of many species of Asclepias milkweeds used by the monarch North America ( edit ) Asclepias angustifolia -- Arizona milkweed Asclepias asperula -- antelope horns milkweed Asclepias californica -- California milkweed Asclepias cordifolia -- heartleaf milkweed Asclepias eriocarpa -- woolly pod milkweed Asclepias erosa -- desert milkweed Asclepias exaltata -- poke milkweed Asclepias fascicularis -- Mexican whorled milkweed Asclepias humistrata -- sandhill / pinewoods milkweed Asclepias incarnata -- swamp milkweed Asclepias nivea -- Caribbean milkweed Asclepias oenotheroide -- zizotes milkweed Asclepias perennis -- aquatic milkweed Asclepias speciosa -- showy milkweed Asclepias subulata -- rush milkweed Asclepias syriaca -- common milkweed . Asclepias tuberosa -- butterfly weed Asclepias variegata -- white milkweed Asclepias verticillata -- whorled milkweed Asclepias vestita -- woolly milkweed Asclepias viridis -- green antelopehorn milkweed Calotropis gigantea -- crown flower Cynanchum laeve -- sand vine milkweed Sarcostemma clausa -- white vine Asclepias curassavica or tropical milkweed , is often planted as an ornamental in butterfly gardens . Its distribution is probably worldwide . Year - round plantings may be the cause of new overwintering sites along the U.S. Gulf Coast . At these locations , it rarely freezes so the plants are present year round . This leads to year - round breeding of monarchs , which is not beneficial to the migration . This also leads to a dramatic buildup of the dangerous parasite , Ophryocystis elektroscirrha . Because of the risks to the monarch population posed by this plant , it is not recommended for planting . Adult food sources ( edit ) Nectaring on purple coneflower ( Echinacea purpurea ) Although larvae eat only milkweed , adult monarchs feed on the nectar of many plants including : Apocynum cannabinum -- Indian hemp Asclepias sp . -- milkweeds Aster sp . -- asters Cirsium sp . -- thistles Daucus carota -- wild carrot Dipsacus sylvestris -- teasel Echinacea sp . -- coneflowers Erigeron canadensis -- horseweed Eupatorium maculatum -- spotted Joe - Pye weed Eupatorium perfoliatum -- common boneset Hesperis matronalis -- dame 's rocket Liatris sp . -- blazing stars Medicago sativa -- alfalfa Solidago sp . -- goldenrod Syringa vulgaris -- lilac Trifolium pratense -- red clover Vernonia altissima -- tall ironweed Monarchs obtain moisture and minerals from damp soil and wet gravel , a behavior known as mud - puddling . The monarch has also been noticed puddling at an oil stain on pavement . Migration ( edit ) Further information : Monarch butterfly migration In North America , monarchs migrate both north and south on an annual basis . The population east of the Rocky Mountains migrates to the sanctuaries of the Mariposa Monarca Biosphere Reserve in Mexico and parts of Florida . The western population overwinters in various coastal sites in central and southern California . The overwintered population of those east of the Rockies may reach as far north as Texas and Oklahoma during the spring migration . The second , third and fourth generations return to their northern locations in the United States and Canada in the spring . Captive - raised monarchs appear capable of migrating to overwintering sites in Mexico , though they have a much lower migratory success rate than wild monarchs do . Recent discoveries have located monarch overwintering sites in Arizona . Defense against predators ( edit ) In both caterpillar and butterfly form , monarchs are aposematic -- warding off predators with a bright display of contrasting colors to warn potential predators of their undesirable taste and poisonous characteristics . Chemical structure of oleandrin , one of the cardiac glycosides Large larvae are able to avoid wasp predation by dropping from the plant or by jerking their bodies . Aposematism Monarchs are foul tasting and poisonous due to the presence of cardenolide aglycones in their bodies , which the caterpillars ingest as they feed on milkweed . By ingesting a large amount of plants in the genus Asclepias , primarily milkweed , monarch caterpillars are able to sequester cardiac glycosides , or more specifically cardenolides , which are steroids that act in heart - arresting ways similar to digitalis . It has been found that monarchs are able to sequester cardenolides most effectively from plants of intermediate cardenolide content rather than those of high or low content . Additional studies have shown that different species of milkweed have different effects on growth , virulence , and transmission of parasites . One species , Asclepias curassavica , appears to reduce the proportion of monarchs infected by parasites . There are two possible explanations for the positive role of A. curassavica on the monarch caterpillar : that it promotes overall monarch health to boost the monarch 's immune system ; or that chemicals from the plant have a direct negative effect on the parasites . Monarch ( left ) and viceroy ( right ) butterflies exhibiting Müllerian mimicry After the caterpillar becomes a butterfly , the toxins shift to different parts of the body . Since many birds attack the wings of the butterfly , having three times the cardiac glycosides in the wings leaves predators with a very foul taste and may prevent them from ever ingesting the body of the butterfly . In order to combat predators that remove the wings only to ingest the abdomen , monarchs keep the most potent cardiac glycosides in their abdomens . Mimicry Monarchs share the defense of noxious taste with the similar - appearing viceroy butterfly in what is perhaps one of the most well - known examples of mimicry . Though long purported to be an example of Batesian mimicry , the viceroy is actually reportedly more unpalatable than the monarch , making this a case of Müllerian mimicry . Human interaction ( edit ) The monarch is the state insect of Alabama , Idaho , Illinois , Minnesota , Texas , Vermont , and West Virginia . Legislation was introduced to make it the national insect of the United States , but this failed in 1989 and again in 1991 . A growing number of homeowners are establishing butterfly gardens ; monarchs can be attracted by cultivating a butterfly garden with specific milkweed species and nectar plants . Efforts are underway to establish these monarch waystations . An IMAX film , Flight of the Butterflies , describes the story of the Urquharts , Brugger and Trail to then unknown migration to Mexican overwintering areas . Sanctuaries and reserves have been created at over-wintering locations in Mexico and California to limit habitat destruction . These sites can generate significant tourism revenue . Organizations and individuals participate in tagging programs . Tagging information is used to study migration patterns . The 2012 novel by Barbara Kingsolver , Flight Behavior , deals with the appearance of a large population in the Appalachians . Captive rearing ( edit ) One of the most direct ways humans are interacting with monarchs is by rearing them in captivity , which has become increasingly popular , although there are risks to this activity , and this has become a controversial topic . On the one hand there are many positive aspects of captive rearing . Monarchs are bred in schools and used for butterfly releases at hospices , memorial events and weddings . Memorial services for the September 11 attacks include the release of captive - bred monarchs . Monarchs are used in schools and nature centers for educational purposes . Many homeowners raise monarchs in captivity as a hobby and for educational purposes . Where this practice becomes problematic is when monarchs are `` mass - reared '' . Stories in the Huffington Post in 2015 and Discover magazine in 2016 have summarized the controversy around this issue . The frequent media reports of monarch declines has empowered many homeowners to attempt to rear as many monarchs as possible in their homes and then release them to the wild in an effort to `` boost the monarch population '' . Some individuals have taken this practice to the extreme , with massive operations that rear thousands of monarchs at once , like one in Linn County , Iowa . However , the practice of rearing `` large '' numbers of monarchs in captivity for release into the wild is not condoned by monarch scientists , because of the risks of genetic issues and disease spread . One of the biggest concerns of mass - rearing is the potential for spreading the monarch parasite , Ophryocystis elektroscirrha , into the wild . This parasite can rapidly build up in captive monarchs , especially if they are housed together . The spores of the parasite also can quickly contaminate all housing equipment , so that all subsequent monarchs reared in the same containers then become infected . One researcher stated that rearing more than 100 monarchs constitutes `` mass - rearing '' and should not be done . In addition to the disease risks , researchers believe these captive - reared monarchs are not as fit as wild ones , owing to the unnatural conditions they are raised in . Homeowners often raise monarchs in plastic or glass containers in their kitchens , basements , porches , etc. , and under artificial lighting and controlled temperatures . Such conditions would not mimic what the monarchs are used to in the wild , and may result in adult monarchs that are unsuited for the realities of their wild existence . In support of this , a recent study by a citizen scientist found that captive - reared monarchs have a lower migration success rate than wild monarchs do . Genome ( edit ) The monarch was the first butterfly to have its genome sequenced . The 273 - million base pair draft sequence includes a set of 16,866 protein - coding genes . The genome provides researchers insights into migratory behavior , the circadian clock , juvenile hormone pathways and microRNAs that are differentially expressed between summer and migratory monarchs . More recently , the genetic basis of monarch migration and warning coloration has been described . There is no genetic differentiation between the migratory populations of eastern and western North America . Recent research has identified the specific areas in the genome of the monarch that regulate migration . There appears to be no genetic difference between a migrating and nonmigrating monarch but the gene is expressed in migrating monarchs but not expressed in nonmigrating monarchs . Conservation status ( edit ) The monarch butterfly is not currently listed under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora ( CITES ) or protected specifically under U.S. domestic laws . On 14 August 2014 , the Center for Biological Diversity and the Center for Food Safety filed a legal petition requesting Endangered Species Act protection for the monarch and its habitat . The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service initiated a status review of the monarch butterfly under the Endangered Species Act with a due date for information submission of 3 March 2015 . The number of monarchs overwintering in Mexico has shown a long - term downward trend . Since 1995 , coverage numbers have been as high as 18 hectares ( 44 acres ) during the winter of 1996 -- 1997 , but on average about 6 hectares ( 15 acres ) . Coverage declined to its lowest point to date ( 0.67 hectares ( 1.66 acres ) ) during the winter of 2013 -- 2014 , but rebounded to 4.01 hectares ( 10 acres ) in 2015 -- 2016 . The average population of monarchs in 2016 was estimated at 200 million . Historically , on average there are 300 million monarchs . The 2016 increase was attributed to favorable breeding conditions in the summer of 2015 . However , coverage declined by 27 % to 2.91 hectares ( 7.19 acres ) during the winter of 2016 -- 2017 , most likely because of a storm that had occurred during March 2016 in the monarchs ' overwintering area . A study in 2016 claimed that the long - term trend in the size of the overwintering sites is cause for concern . After a ten-fold drop in the overwintering numbers of the eastern monarch butterfly population over the last decade , this study claimed there was a 11 % -- 57 % probability that this population will go quasi-extinct over the next 20 years . In Ontario , Canada , the monarch butterfly is listed as a Species of Special Concern . In fall 2016 , the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada proposed that the monarch be listed as endangered in Canada , as opposed to its current listing as a `` species of concern '' in that country . This move , once enacted , would protect critical monarch habitat in Canada , such as major fall accumulation areas in southern Ontario , but it would also have implications for citizen scientists who work with monarchs , and for classroom activities . If the monarch were federally protected in Canada , these activities could be limited , or require federal permits . Threats ( edit ) There is increasing concern related to the ongoing decline of monarchs at their overwintering sites ; based on a 2014 twenty - year comparison , the overwintering numbers west of the Rocky Mountains have dropped more than 50 percent since 1997 and the overwintering numbers east of the Rockies have declined by more than 90 percent since 1995 . In February 2015 , the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provided a statistic showing that nearly a billion monarchs have vanished from the overwintering sites since 1990 . At that time , one of the main reasons cited was the herbicides used by farmers and homeowners on milkweed , a plant used as a food source , a home and a nursery by the monarchs . A 2016 study also attributed the last decade 's ten-fold decline in overwintering numbers of the eastern monarch population to the loss of breeding habitat , namely the many species of milkweed ( Asclepias species ) that developing larvae require for food , however scientists believe there are other factors as well . A number of researchers believe milkweed loss during the breeding season is the cause because declines in milkweed abundance are highly correlated with the adoption of herbicide - tolerant genetically modified corn and soybeans , which now constitute 89 % and 94 % of these crops , respectively , in the U.S. However , correlative evidence does not prove causation , and other possible causes of the overwintering declines have been proposed . Habitat loss due to herbicide use ( edit ) A number of conservationists attribute the disappearance of milkweed species to agricultural practices in the Midwest , where genetically modified seeds are bred to resist herbicides that eliminate milkweed nearby . Growers eliminate milkweed that previously grew between the rows of food crops . Corn and soybeans are resistant to the effect of the herbicide glyphosate . The increased use of these crop strains is correlated with the decline in monarch populations between 1999 and 2010 . Chip Taylor , director of Monarch Watch at the University of Kansas , said the Midwest milkweed habitat `` is virtually gone '' with 120 -- 150 million acres lost . To help fight this problem , Monarch Watch encourages the planting of `` Monarch Waystations '' . The Natural Resources Defense Council filed a suit in 2015 against the EPA , in which it is argued that the agency ignored warnings about the dangers of glyphosate usage for monarchs . Losses during migration ( edit ) While herbicide - use has been proposed as one factor causing the decline in overwintering numbers of eastern monarchs , it is not the only possibility . Another is that the monarchs are experiencing problems reaching Mexico . This idea has been embraced by a number of leading monarch researchers , largely because of recent evidence showing that the number of breeding ( adult ) monarchs has not declined in the last two decades , based on long - term citizen science data . The lack of long - term declines in the numbers of breeding , and migratory monarchs , yet the clear declines in overwintering numbers , implies there is a disconnect between these life stages , that must be growing . One expert has proposed that a large and growing threat to migrating monarchs is mortality from car strikes . Predators ( edit ) Larvae feed exclusively on milkweed and consume protective cardiac glycosides . Toxin levels in Asclepias species vary . Not all monarchs are unpalatable , but exhibit Batesian or automimics . Cardiac glycosides levels are higher in the abdomen and wings . Some predators can differentiate between these parts and consume the most palatable ones . Bird predators include brown thrashers , grackles , robins , cardinals , sparrows , scrub jays , pinyon jays , black - headed grosbeak , and orioles . Several species of birds have acquired methods that allow them to ingest monarchs without experiencing the ill effects associated with the cardiac glycosides . The oriole is able to eat the monarch through an exaptation of its feeding behavior that gives it the ability to identify cardenolides by taste and reject them . The grosbeak , on the other hand , has developed an insensitivity to secondary plant poisons that allows it to ingest monarchs without vomiting . As a result , orioles and grosbeaks will periodically have high levels of cardenolides in their bodies , and they will be forced to go on periods of reduced monarch consumption . This cycle effectively reduces potential predation of monarchs by 50 percent and indicates that monarch aposematism has a legitimate purpose . Some mice are able to withstand large doses of the toxin . Overwintering adults become less toxic over time making them more vulnerable to predators . In Mexico , about 14 % of the overwintering monarchs are eaten by birds and mice . In North America , eggs and first - instar larvae of the monarch are eaten by larvae and adults of the introduced Asian lady beetle ( Harmonia axyridis ) . The Chinese mantis ( Tenodera sinensis ) will consume the larvae once the gut is removed thus avoiding cardenolides . Wasps commonly consume larvae . One monarch researcher emphasizes that predation on eggs , larvae or adults is natural , since monarchs are part of the food chain , thus people should not take steps to kill predators of monarchs . On Oahu , a white morph of the monarch has emerged . This is because of the introduction , in 1965 and 1966 , of two bulbul species , Pycnonotus cafer and Pycnonotus jocosus . They are now the most common insectivore birds , and probably the only ones preying on insects as large as the monarch . Monarchs in Hawaii are known to have low cardiac glycoside levels , but the birds may also be tolerant of the chemical . The two species hunt the larvae and some pupae from the branches and undersides of leaves in milkweed bushes . The bulbuls also eat resting and ovipositing adults , but rarely flying ones . Because of its color , the white morph has a higher survival rate than the orange one . This is either because of apostatic selection ( i.e. the birds have learned the orange monarchs can be eaten ) , because of camouflage ( the white morph matches the white pubescence of milkweed or the patches of light shining through foliage ) , or because the white morph does not fit the bird 's search image of a typical monarch , so is thus avoided . Parasites ( edit ) Pteromalid wasp on monarch chrysalis Parasites include the tachinid flies Sturmia convergens and Lespesia archippivora . Lesperia - parasitized butterfly larvae suspend , but die prior to pupation . The fly 's maggot lowers itself to the ground , forms a brown puparium and then emerges as an adult . Monarch chrysalises are parasitized by pteromalid wasps , specifically Pteromalus cassotis . These wasps lay their eggs in the larvae while the chrysalis is still soft . Up to 400 adults emerge from the chrysalis after 14 -- 20 days , killing the monarch . The bacterium Micrococcus flacidifex danai also infects larvae . Just before pupation , the larvae migrate to a horizontal surface and die a few hours later , attached only by one pair of prolegs , with the thorax and abdomen hanging limp . The body turns black shortly after . The bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa has no invasive powers , but causes secondary infections in weakened insects . It is a common cause of death in laboratory - reared insects . The protozoan Ophryocystis elektroscirrha is another parasite of the monarch . It infects the subcutaneous tissues and propagates by spores formed during the pupal stage . The spores are found over all of the body of infected butterflies , with the greatest number on the abdomen . These spores are passed , from female to caterpillar , when spores rub off during egg laying and are then ingested by caterpillars . Severely infected individuals are weak , unable to expand their wings , or unable to eclose , and have shortened lifespans , but parasite levels vary in populations . This is not the case in laboratory rearing , where after a few generations , all individuals can be infected . Infection with this parasite creates an effect known as culling whereby migrating monarchs that are infected are less likely to complete the migration . This results in overwintering populations with lower parasite loads . Owners of commercial butterfly breeding operations claim that they take steps to control this parasite in their practices , although this claim is doubted by most scientists who study monarchs . Confusion of host plants ( edit ) The black swallow - wort ( Cynanchum louiseae ) and pale swallow - wort ( Cynanchum rossicum ) plants are problematic for monarchs in North America . Monarchs lay their eggs on these relatives of native vining milkweed ( Cynanchum laeve ) because they produce stimuli similar to milkweed . Once the eggs hatch , the caterpillars are poisoned by the toxicity of this invasive plant from Europe . Loss of overwintering habitat ( edit ) The area of forest occupied has been declining and reached its lowest level in two decades in 2013 . The decline is continuing but is expected to increase during the 2013 -- 2014 season . Mexican environmental authorities continue to monitor illegal logging of the oyamel trees . The oyamel is a major species of evergreen on which the overwintering butterflies spend a significant time during their winter diapause , or suspended development . A 2014 study acknowledged that while `` the protection of overwintering habitat has no doubt gone a long way towards conserving monarchs that breed throughout eastern North America '' , their research indicates that habitat loss on breeding grounds in the United States is the main cause of both recent and projected population declines . Climate ( edit ) Climate variations during the fall and summer affect butterfly reproduction . Rainfall , and freezing temperatures affect milkweed growth . Omar Vidal , director general of WWF - Mexico , said `` The monarch 's lifecycle depends on the climatic conditions in the places where they breed . Eggs , larvae and pupae develop more quickly in milder conditions . Temperatures above 95 ° F can be lethal for larvae , and eggs dry out in hot , arid conditions , causing a drastic decrease in hatch rate . '' If a monarch 's body temperatures is below 86 ° F a monarch can not fly . To warm up they will sit in the sun or rapidly shiver their wings to warm themselves . There is concern that climate change will dramatically affect the monarch migration . A study from 2015 examined the impact of warming temperatures on the breeding range of the monarch , and showed that in the next 50 years the monarch host plant will expand its range further north into Canada , and that the monarchs will follow this . While this will expand the breeding locations of the monarch , this will also have the effect of increasing the distance that monarchs must travel to reach their overwintering destination in Mexico , and this could result in greater mortality during the migration . Conservation efforts ( edit ) See also : Monarch butterfly conservation in California There has been a major push to conserve the monarch butterfly , which has been largely fueled by reports of the declining numbers of overwintering monarchs . Meanwhile , numbers of breeding monarchs in eastern North America have not declined . Given the concern over the overwintering numbers , the Center for Biological Diversity , the Center for Food Safety , the Xerces Society and Lincoln Brower have filed a petition to the United States Department of the Interior to protect the monarch by having it federally protected . On 20 June 2014 , President Barack Obama issued a presidential memorandum entitled `` Creating a Federal Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators '' . The memorandum established a Pollinator Health Task Force , to be co-chaired by the Secretary of Agriculture and the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency , and stated : The number of migrating Monarch butterflies sank to the lowest recorded population level in 2013 -- 14 , and there is an imminent risk of failed migration . In May 2015 , the Pollinator Health Task Force issued a `` National Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators '' . The strategy lays out current and planned federal actions to achieve three goals , two of which are : Monarch Butterflies : Increase the Eastern population of the monarch butterfly to 225 million butterflies occupying an area of approximately 15 acres ( 6 hectares ) in the overwintering grounds in Mexico , through domestic / international actions and public - private partnerships , by 2020 . Pollinator Habitat Acreage : Restore or enhance 7 million acres of land for pollinators over the next 5 years through Federal actions and public / private partnerships . Many of the priority projects that the national strategy identifies will focus on the I - 35 corridor extending for 1,500 miles ( 2,400 km ) from Texas to Minnesota that provides spring and summer breeding habitats in the monarch 's key migration corridor . There have been a number of national and local efforts underway to establish pollinator habitat along highways and roadways , although this effort is controversial . Conservationists are lobbying transportation departments and utilities to reduce their use of herbicides and specifically encourage milkweed to grow along roadways and power lines . Reducing roadside mowing and application of herbicides during the butterfly breeding season will encourage milkweed growth . Conservationists lobby agriculture companies to set aside areas that remain unsprayed to allow the butterflies to breed . This practice is controversial because of the high risk of butterfly mortality near roads , as several studies have shown that millions of monarchs and other butterflies are killed by cars every year While there are few scientific studies on the subject , the practice of butterfly gardening and creating `` Monarch Waystations '' is commonly thought to increase the populations of butterflies . Efforts to increase monarch populations by establishing butterfly gardens and waystations require particular attention to the butterfly 's food preferences and population cycles , as well to the conditions needed to propagate milkweed . For example , in the Washington , D.C. area and elsewhere in the northeastern United States , monarchs prefer to reproduce on common milkweed ( Asclepias syriaca ) , especially when its foliage is soft and fresh . As monarch reproduction in that area peaks in late summer when milkweed foliage is old and tough , A. syriaca needs to be cut back at least by half in June to assure that it will be regrowing rapidly when monarch reproduction reaches its peak . In addition , milkweed seed may need a period of cold treatment before it will germinate . 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Jump up ^ `` Habitat Loss on Breeding Grounds Cause of Monarch Decline , U of G Study Finds '' . University of Guelph. 4 June 2014 . Retrieved 17 March 2015 . Jump up ^ Monarch Population Hits Lowest Point in More Than 20 Years . WWF ( 29 January 2014 ) Jump up ^ `` BASIC FACTS ABOUT MONARCH BUTTERFLIES '' . Jump up ^ Lemoine , Nathan P. ( 2015 ) . `` Climate Change May Alter Breeding Ground Distributions of Eastern Migratory Monarchs ( Danaus plexippus ) via Range Expansion of Asclepias Host Plants '' . PLoS ONE . 10 ( 2 ) : e0118614 . doi : 10.1371 / journal. pone. 0118614 . PMC 4338007 . PMID 25705876 . Jump up ^ `` monarchscience '' . 10 August 2015 . Jump up ^ Obama , President Barack ( 20 June 2014 ) . `` Presidential Memorandum -- Creating a Federal Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators '' . Office of the Press Secretary . Washington , D.C. : The White House . Archived from the original on 2 July 2014 . Retrieved 2 June 2015 . Jump up ^ Pollinator Health Task Force ( 19 May 2015 ) . `` National Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators '' ( PDF ) . Washington , D.C. : The White House . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 21 May 2015 . Retrieved 30 May 2015 . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Glassberg , J. ( 1995 ) . Enjoying butterflies more : attract butterflies to your backyard . Marietta , OH : Bird Watcher 's Digest Press . ( 2 ) `` Monarch Waystation Program '' . Monarch Watch . Archived from the original on 2 June 2017 . Retrieved 5 June 2017 . Jump up ^ Abugattas , Alonzo ( 3 January 2017 ) . `` Monarch Way Stations '' . Capital Naturalist . Archived from the original on 5 June 2017 . Retrieved 5 June 2017 -- via Blogger . External Links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Danaus plexippus . Wikispecies has information related to Danaus plexippus Wikisource has original text related to this article : Mimicry in Butterflies Australian Museum fact sheet on Monarch butterflies Mission Monarch ( Canada ) Monarch Butterfly Metamorphosis : Time - lapse video ( 2 : 42 minutes ) Monarch butterfly on the UF / IFAS Featured Creatures website Monarch Joint Venture -- Partnering Across the U.S. to Conserve the Monarch Butterfly Migration Monarch Migration Maps Monarch Watch PBS NOVA Documentary `` The Incredible Journey of the Butterflies '' USGS description of Monarch butterfly Watch a Monarch egg hatch Taxon identifiers Wd : Q212398 ADW : Danaus_plexippus ARKive : danaus - plexippus BAMONA : Danaus - plexippus BugGuide : 540 EoL : 2682739 Fauna Europaea : 441572 GBIF : 5133088 iNaturalist : 48662 ITIS : 117273 LepIndex : 147559.0 NCBI : 13037 GND : 4372518 - 1 NDL : 01190010 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : NatureServe apparently secure species Danaus ( genus ) Butterflies of North America Butterflies of Canada Butterflies of Mexico Butterflies of the United States Butterflies of Central America Butterflies of South America Insects of Hawaii Butterflies of the Caribbean Fauna of the California chaparral and woodlands Animal migration Plants and pollinators Pollinator insects Aposematic species Butterflies of Europe Butterflies of Oceania Symbols of West Virginia Butterflies described in 1758 Endangered fauna of California Poisonous animals Hidden categories : CS1 Latin - language sources ( la ) Pages using web citations with no URL Pages using citations with accessdate and no URL CS1 maint : Unfit url CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list Use dmy dates from September 2017 Articles with ' species ' microformats Articles containing Latin - language text All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from January 2017 Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Articles containing video clips Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikispecies Azərbaycanca Беларуская Български Català Cebuano Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Español Euskara فارسی Français Frysk Gaeilge 한국어 हिन्दी Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית ಕನ್ನಡ Magyar മലയാളം Bahasa Melayu Nāhuatl Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk پنجابی Polski Português Română Русский Simple English Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் ไทย Türkçe Українська اردو Tiếng Việt Winaray ייִדיש 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 31 December 2017 , at 16 : 17 . 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where do monarch butterflies live in the world
In North America , the monarch ranges from southern Canada through northern South America . It has also been found in Bermuda , Cook Islands , Hawaii , Cuba , and other Caribbean islands the Solomons , New Caledonia , New Zealand , Papua New Guinea , Australia , the Azores , the Canary Islands , Gibraltar , the Philippines , and North Africa . It appears in the UK in some years as an accidental migrant .
Battles of Saratoga - wikipedia Battles of Saratoga Battles of Saratoga Part of the American Revolutionary War Saratoga campaign Surrender of General Burgoyne by John Trumbull , 1822 . This painting hangs in the United States Capitol Rotunda . Date September 19 and October 7 , 1777 Location Stillwater , Saratoga County , New York 42 ° 59 ′ 56 '' N 73 ° 38 ′ 15 '' W  /  42.99889 ° N 73.63750 ° W  / 42.99889 ; - 73.63750 Coordinates : 42 ° 59 ′ 56 '' N 73 ° 38 ′ 15 '' W  /  42.99889 ° N 73.63750 ° W  / 42.99889 ; - 73.63750 Result Freeman 's Farm : British Pyrrhic victory Bemis Heights : Decisive American victory British surrender October 17 Belligerents United States Canadian Auxiliaries Great Britain Quebec Loyalists Hesse - Cassel Hesse - Hanau Brunswick - Wolfenbüttel Commanders and leaders Horatio Gates Benedict Arnold Benjamin Lincoln Enoch Poor Ebenezer Learned Daniel Morgan James Livingston John Burgoyne Simon Fraser † Baron Riedesel Strength 9,000 ( first battle ) over 12,000 ( second battle ) over 15,000 ( at time of surrender ) 7,200 ( first battle ) 6,600 ( second battle ) Casualties and losses 90 killed 240 wounded 440 killed 695 wounded 6,222 captured Saratoga Campaign 1777 Fort Ticonderoga Hubbardton Fort Anne Slaying of Jane McCrea Fort Stanwix Oriskany Bennington 1st Saratoga ( Freeman 's Farm ) Forts Clinton and Montgomery 2nd Saratoga ( Bemis Heights ) Kingston The Battles of Saratoga ( September 19 and October 7 , 1777 ) marked the climax of the Saratoga campaign , giving a decisive victory to the Americans over the British in the American Revolutionary War . British General John Burgoyne led a large invasion army southward from Canada in the Champlain Valley , hoping to meet a similar British force marching northward from New York City and another British force marching eastward from Lake Ontario ; the southern and western forces never arrived , and Burgoyne was surrounded by American forces in upstate New York . He fought two small battles to break out which took place 18 days apart on the same ground , 9 miles ( 14 km ) south of Saratoga , New York . They both failed . Burgoyne found himself trapped by superior American forces with no relief in sight , so he retreated to Saratoga ( now Schuylerville ) and surrendered his entire army there on October 17 . His surrender , says historian Edmund Morgan , `` was a great turning point of the war because it won for Americans the foreign assistance which was the last element needed for victory . '' Burgoyne 's strategy to divide New England from the southern colonies had started well but slowed due to logistical problems . He won a small tactical victory over General Horatio Gates and the Continental Army in the September 19 Battle of Freeman 's Farm at the cost of significant casualties . His gains were erased when he again attacked the Americans in the October 7 Battle of Bemis Heights and the Americans captured a portion of the British defenses . Burgoyne was therefore compelled to retreat , and his army was surrounded by the much larger American force at Saratoga , forcing him to surrender on October 17 . News of Burgoyne 's surrender was instrumental in formally bringing France into the war as an American ally , although it had previously given supplies , ammunition , and guns , notably the de Valliere cannon which played an important role in Saratoga . This battle also resulted in Spain joining France in the war against Britain . The battle on September 19 began when Burgoyne moved some of his troops in an attempt to flank the entrenched American position on Bemis Heights . Benedict Arnold anticipated the maneuver and placed significant forces in his way . Burgoyne did gain control of Freeman 's Farm , but it came at the cost of significant casualties . Skirmishing continued in the days following the battle , while Burgoyne waited in the hope that reinforcements would arrive from New York City . Patriot militia forces continued to arrive , meanwhile , swelling the size of the American army . Disputes within the American camp led Gates to strip Arnold of his command . British General Sir Henry Clinton moved up from New York City and attempted to divert American attention by capturing two forts in the Hudson River highlands on October 6 , but his efforts were too late to help Burgoyne . Burgoyne attacked Bemis Heights again on October 7 after it became apparent that he would not receive relieving aid in time . This battle culminated in heavy fighting marked by Arnold 's spirited rallying of the American troops . Burgoyne 's forces were thrown back to the positions that they held before the September 19 battle , and the Americans captured a portion of the entrenched British defenses . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 1.1 British situation 1.2 American situation 2 First Saratoga : Battle of Freeman 's Farm ( September 19 ) 2.1 Prelude 2.2 Battle 3 Interlude 4 Second Saratoga : Battle of Bemis Heights ( October 7 ) 4.1 British foray 4.2 American attack 5 Surrender 6 Aftermath 6.1 French aid 7 Legacy 8 References in Popular Culture 9 See also 10 References 11 Bibliography 12 Further reading 13 External links Background Main article : Saratoga campaign The American Revolutionary War was approaching the two - year point , and the British changed their plans . They decided to split the Thirteen Colonies and isolate New England from what they believed to be the more Loyalist middle and southern colonies . The British command devised a plan to divide the colonies with a three - way pincer movement in 1777 . The western pincer under the command of Barry St. Leger was to progress from Ontario through western New York , following the Mohawk River , and the southern pincer was to progress up the Hudson River valley from New York City . The northern pincer was to proceed southward from Montreal , and the three forces were to meet in the vicinity of Albany , New York , severing New England from the other colonies . British situation General John Burgoyne was referred to by some as `` Gentleman Johnny '' for his manners ( portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds , c. 1760 ) British General John Burgoyne moved south from the province of Quebec in June 1777 to gain control of the upper Hudson River valley . His campaign had become bogged down in difficulties following a victory at Fort Ticonderoga . Elements of the army had reached the upper Hudson as early as the end of July , but logistical and supply difficulties delayed the main army at Fort Edward . One attempt to alleviate these difficulties failed when nearly 1,000 men were killed or captured at the August 16 Battle of Bennington . Furthermore , news reached Burgoyne on August 28 that St. Leger 's expedition down the Mohawk River valley had turned back after the failed Siege of Fort Stanwix . General William Howe had taken his army from New York City by sea on a campaign to capture Philadelphia instead of moving north to meet Burgoyne . Most of Burgoyne 's Indian support had fled following the loss at Bennington , and his situation was becoming difficult . He needed to reach defensible winter quarters , requiring either retreat back to Ticonderoga or advance to Albany , and he decided to advance . He then deliberately cut communications to the north so that he would not need to maintain a chain of heavily fortified outposts between his position and Ticonderoga , and he decided to cross the Hudson River while he was in a relatively strong position . He ordered Baron Riedesel , who commanded the rear of the army , to abandon outposts from Skenesboro south , and then had the army cross the Hudson just north of Saratoga between September 13 and 15 . American situation General Horatio Gates , portrait by Gilbert Stuart The Continental Army had been in a slow retreat since Burgoyne 's capture of Ticonderoga early in July , under the command of Major General Philip Schuyler , and was encamped south of Stillwater , New York . On August 19 , Major General Horatio Gates assumed command from Schuyler , whose political fortunes had fallen over the loss of Ticonderoga and the ensuing retreat . Gates and Schuyler were from very different backgrounds and did not get along with each other ; they had previously argued over command issues in the army 's Northern Department . The army was growing in size because of increased militia turnout following calls by state governors , the success at Bennington , and widespread outrage over the slaying of Jane McCrea , the fiancée of a Loyalist in Burgoyne 's army by Indians under Burgoyne 's command . General George Washington 's strategic decisions also improved the situation for Gates ' army . Washington was most concerned about the movements of General Howe . He was aware that Burgoyne was also moving , and he took some risks in July . He sent aid north in the form of Major General Benedict Arnold , his most aggressive field commander , and Major General Benjamin Lincoln , a Massachusetts man noted for his influence with the New England militia . He ordered 750 men from Israel Putnam 's forces defending the New York highlands to join Gates ' army in August , before he was certain that Howe had indeed sailed south . He also sent some of the best forces from his own army : Colonel Daniel Morgan and the newly formed Provisional Rifle Corps , which comprised about 500 specially selected riflemen from Pennsylvania , Maryland , and Virginia , chosen for their sharpshooting ability . This unit came to be known as Morgan 's Riflemen . Map showing the movements of the opposing armies in the Saratoga campaign , and plan of the Battles of Saratoga ( inset ) On September 7 , Gates ordered his army to march north . A site was selected for its defensive potential that was known as Bemis Heights , just north of Stillwater and about 10 miles ( 16 km ) south of Saratoga ; the army spent about a week constructing defensive works designed by Polish engineer Tadeusz Kościuszko . The heights had a clear view of the area and commanded the only road to Albany , where it passed through a defile between the heights and the Hudson River . To the west of the heights lay more heavily forested bluffs that would present a significant challenge to any heavily equipped army . First Saratoga : battle of Freeman 's Farm ( September 19 ) Prelude Moving cautiously , since the departure of his Native American support had deprived him of reliable reports on the American position , Burgoyne advanced to the south after crossing the Hudson . On September 18 the vanguard of his army had reached a position just north of Saratoga , about 4 miles ( 6.4 km ) from the American defensive line , and skirmishes occurred between American scouting parties and the leading elements of his army . The American camp had become a bed of festering intrigue ever since Arnold 's return from Fort Stanwix . While he and Gates had previously been on reasonably good terms in spite of their prickly egos , Arnold managed to turn Gates against him by taking on officers friendly to Schuyler as staff , dragging him into the ongoing feud between the two . These conditions had not yet reached a boil on September 19 , but the day 's events contributed to the situation . Gates had assigned the left wing of the defenses to Arnold , and assumed command himself of the right , which was nominally assigned to General Lincoln , whom Gates had detached in August with some troops to harass the British positions behind Burgoyne 's army . Initial dispositions and movements at the Battle of Freeman 's Farm , 19 September 1777 Both Burgoyne and Arnold understood the importance of the American left , and the need to control the heights there . After the morning fog lifted around 10 am , Burgoyne ordered the army to advance in three columns . Baron Riedesel led the left column , consisting of the German troops and the 47th Foot , on the river road , bringing the main artillery and guarding supplies and the boats on the river . General James Inglis Hamilton commanded the center column , consisting of the 9th , 20th , 21st , and 62nd regiments , which would attack the heights , and General Simon Fraser led the right wing with the 24th Regiment and the light infantry and grenadier companies , to turn the American left flank by negotiating the heavily wooded high ground north and west of Bemis Heights . Arnold also realized such a flanking maneuver was likely , and petitioned Gates for permission to move his forces from the heights to meet potential movements , where the American skill at woodlands combat would be at an advantage . Gates , whose preferred strategy was to sit and wait for the expected frontal assault , grudgingly permitted a reconnaissance in force consisting of Daniel Morgan 's men and Henry Dearborn 's light infantry . When Morgan 's men reached an open field northwest of Bemis Heights belonging to Loyalist John Freeman , they spotted British advance troops in the field . Fraser 's column was slightly delayed and had not yet reached the field , while Hamilton 's column had also made its way across a ravine and was approaching the field from the east through dense forest and difficult terrain . Riedesel 's force , while it was on the road , was delayed by obstacles thrown down by the Americans . The sound of gunfire to the west prompted Riedesel to send some of his artillery down a track in that direction . The troops Morgan 's men saw were an advance company from Hamilton 's column . Battle Map depicting the positions at 1 : 00 pm Morgan placed marksmen at strategic positions , who then picked off virtually every officer in the advance company . Morgan and his men then charged , unaware that they were headed directly for Burgoyne 's main army . While they succeeded in driving back the advance company , Fraser 's leading edge arrived just in time to attack Morgan 's left , scattering his men back into the woods . James Wilkinson , who had ridden forward to observe the fire , returned to the American camp for reinforcements . As the British company fell back toward the main column , the leading edge of that column opened fire , killing a number of their own men . Modern view of the battleground of Freeman 's Farm There was then a lull in the fighting around 1 : 00 pm as Hamilton 's men began to form up on the north side of the field , and American reinforcements began to arrive from the south . Learning that Morgan was in trouble , Gates ordered out two more regiments ( 1st and 3rd New Hampshire ) to support him , with additional regiments ( 2nd New York , 4th New York , the 1st Canadian , and Connecticut militia ) from the brigade of Enoch Poor to follow . Burgoyne arrayed Hamilton 's men with the 21st on the right , the 20th on the left , and the 62nd in the center , with the 9th held in reserve . Map depicting the positions at 3 : 00 pm The battle then went through phases alternating between intense fighting and breaks in the action . Morgan 's men had regrouped in the woods , and picked off officers and artillerymen . They were so effective at reducing the latter that the Americans several times gained brief control of British field pieces , only to lose them in the next British charge . At one point it was believed that Burgoyne himself had been taken down by a sharpshooter ; it was instead one of Burgoyne 's aides , riding a richly dressed horse , who was the victim . The center of the British line was very nearly broken at one point , and only the intervention of General Phillips , leading the 20th , made it possible for the 62nd to reform . In Roger Lamb 's memoir , ( a British soldier present at the battle ) , he wrote ' ' In this battle an unusual number of officers fell , as our army abounded with young men of respectability at this time , who after several years of general peace anterior to the American revolution , were attracted to the profession of arms . Three sulbalterns ( officers ) of the 20th regiment on this occasion , the oldest of whom did not exceed the age of seventeen years , were buried together ' ' The final stroke of the battle belonged to the British . Around 3 pm , Riedesel sent a messenger to Burgoyne for instructions . He returned two hours later with orders to guard the baggage train , but also to send as many men as he could spare toward the American right flank . In a calculated risk , Riedesel left 500 men to guard the vital supply train and marched off toward the action with the rest of his column . Two of his companies advanced on the double and opened vicious fire on the American right , and Fraser 's force threatened to turn the American left flank . In response to the latter threat , Arnold requested more forces , and Gates allowed him to dispatch Ebenezer Learned 's brigade ( 2nd , 8th and 9th Massachusetts ) . ( If Arnold had been on the field , these forces might have instead faced the larger danger posed by Riedesel 's force . ) Fortunately for the American right , darkness set in , bringing an end to the battle . The Americans retreated back to their defenses , leaving the British on the field . Map depicting the positions at 5 : 00 pm Burgoyne had gained the field of battle , but suffered nearly 600 casualties . Most of these were to Hamilton 's center column , where the 62nd was reduced to the size of a single company , and three quarters of the artillerymen were killed or wounded . American losses were nearly 300 killed and seriously wounded . It has been widely recounted in histories of this battle that General Arnold was on the field , directing some of the action . However , John Luzader , a former park historian at the Saratoga National Historical Park , carefully documents the evolution of this story and believes it is without foundation in contemporary materials , and that Arnold remained at Gates ' headquarters , receiving news and dispatching orders through messengers . Arnold biographer James Kirby Martin , however , disagrees with Luzader , arguing that Arnold played a more active role at Freeman 's Farm by directing patriot troops into position and possibly leading some charges before being ordered back to headquarters by Gates . Interlude ... an attack or even menace of an attack on Fort Montgomery must be of great use ... Burgoyne to Clinton , September 23 , 1777 Burgoyne 's council discussed whether to attack the next day , and a decision was reached to delay further action at least one day , to September 21 . The army moved to consolidate the position closer to the American line while some men collected their dead . The attack on the 21st was called off when Burgoyne received a letter dated September 12 from Henry Clinton , who was commanding the British garrison in New York City . Clinton suggested that he could `` make a push at ( Fort ) Montgomery in about ten days . '' ( Fort Montgomery was an American post on the Hudson River , in the New York Highlands south of West Point ) . If Clinton left New York on September 22 , `` about ten days '' after he wrote the letter , he still could not hope to arrive in the vicinity of Saratoga before the end of the month . Burgoyne , running low on men and food , was still in a very difficult position , but he decided to wait in the hope that Clinton would arrive to save his army . Burgoyne wrote to Clinton on September 23 , requesting some sort of assistance or diversion to draw Gates ' army away . Clinton sailed from New York on October 3 , and captured Forts Montgomery and Clinton on October 6 . The furthest north any of his troops reached was Clermont , where they raided the estate of the prominent Patriot Livingston family on October 16 . Plan of battlefield of Saratoga , and views of John Neilson 's house ( which served as headquarters for Enoch Poor and Benedict Arnold ) from south , east and inside Unknown to either side at Saratoga , General Lincoln and Colonel John Brown had staged an attack against the British position at Fort Ticonderoga . Lincoln had collected 2,000 men at Bennington by early September . Brown and a detachment of 500 men captured poorly defended positions between Ticonderoga and Lake George , and then spent several days ineffectually bombarding the fort . These men , and some of the prisoners they freed along the way , were back in the American camp by September 29 . In the American camp , the mutual resentment between Horatio Gates and Benedict Arnold finally exploded into open hostility . Gates quickly reported the action of September 19 to the Congress and Governor George Clinton of New York , but he failed to mention Arnold at all . The field commanders and men universally credited Arnold for their success . Almost all the troops involved were from Arnold 's command and Arnold was the one directing the battle while Gates sat in his tent . Arnold protested , and the dispute escalated into a shouting match that ended with Gates relieving Arnold of his command and giving it to Benjamin Lincoln . Arnold asked for a transfer to Washington 's command , which Gates granted , but instead of leaving he remained in his tent . There is no documentary evidence for a commonly recounted anecdote that a petition signed by line officers convinced Arnold to stay in camp . During this period there were almost daily clashes between pickets and patrols of the two armies . Morgan 's sharpshooters , familiar with the strategy and tactics of woodland warfare , constantly harassed British patrols on the western flank . As September passed into October it became clear that Clinton was not coming to help Burgoyne , who put the army on short rations on October 3 . The next day , Burgoyne called a war council in which several options were discussed , but no conclusive decisions were made . When the council resumed the next day , Riedesel proposed retreat , in which he was supported by Fraser . Burgoyne refused to consider it , insisting that retreat would be disgraceful . They finally agreed to conduct an assault on the American left flank with two thousand men , more than one - third of the army , on October 7 . The army he was attacking , however , had grown in the interval . In addition to the return of Lincoln 's detachment , militiamen and supplies continued to pour into the American camp , including critical increases in ammunition , which had been severely depleted in the first battle . The army Burgoyne faced on October 7 was more than 12,000 men strong and was led by a man who knew how much trouble Burgoyne was in . Gates had received consistent intelligence from the stream of deserters leaving the British lines and had also intercepted Clinton 's response to Burgoyne 's plea for help . Second Saratoga : battle of Bemis Heights ( October 7 ) See also : Second Saratoga order of battle British foray Benedict Arnold at Battle of Bemis Heights While Burgoyne 's troop strength was nominally higher , he likely had only about 5,000 effective , battle - ready troops on October 7 , as losses from the earlier battles in the campaign and desertions following the September 19 battle had reduced his forces . General Riedesel advised that the army retreat . Burgoyne decided to reconnoiter the American left flank to see if an attack was possible . As an escort , the generals took Fraser 's Advanced Corps , with light troops and the 24th Foot on the right and the combined British grenadiers on the left , and a force drawn from all the German regiments in the army in the center . There were eight British cannon under Major Williams and two Hesse - Hanau cannon under Captain Pausch . Leaving their camp between 10 and 11 am , they advanced about three - quarters of a mile ( 1 km ) to Barber 's wheat field on a rise above Mill Brook , where they stopped to observe the American position . While the field afforded some room for artillery to work , the flanks were dangerously close to the surrounding woods . Gates , following the removal of Arnold from the field command , assumed command of the American left and gave the right to General Lincoln . When American scouts brought news of Burgoyne 's movement to Gates , he ordered Morgan 's riflemen out to the far left , with Poor 's men ( 1st , 2nd , and 3rd New Hampshire on the left ; the 2nd and 4th New York Regiments ) on the right , and Learned 's ( 1st New York , 1st Canadian , 2nd , 8th and 9th Massachusetts Regiments , plus militia companies ) in the center . A force of 1,200 New York militia under Brigadier General Abraham Ten Broeck was held in reserve behind Learned 's line . In all , more than 8,000 Americans took the field that day , including about 1,400 men from Lincoln 's command that were deployed when the action became particularly fierce . Benedict Arnold portrait by Thomas Hart The opening fire came between 2 and 2 : 30 pm from the British grenadiers . Poor 's men held their fire , and the terrain made the British shooting largely ineffective . When Major Acland led the British grenadiers in a bayonet charge , the Americans finally began shooting at close range . Acland fell , shot in both legs , and many of the grenadiers also went down . Their column was a total rout , and Poor 's men advanced to take Acland and Williams prisoner and capture their artillery . On the American left , things were also not going well for the British . Morgan 's men swept aside the Canadians and Native Americans to engage Fraser 's regulars . Although slightly outnumbered , Morgan managed to break up several British attempts to move west . While General Fraser was mortally wounded in this phase of the battle , a frequently told story claiming it to be the work of Timothy Murphy , one of Morgan 's men , appears to be a 19th - century fabrication . The fall of Fraser and the arrival of Ten Broeck 's large militia brigade ( which roughly equaled the entire British reconnaissance force in size ) , broke the British will , and they began a disorganized retreat toward their entrenchments . Burgoyne was also very nearly killed by one of Morgan 's marksmen ; three shots hit his horse , hat , and waistcoat . The first phase of the battle lasted about one hour and cost Burgoyne nearly 400 men , including the capture of most of the grenadiers ' command , and six of the ten field pieces brought to the action . American attack Troop dispositions and initial movements at the Battle of Bemis Heights At this point , the Americans were joined by an unexpected participant . General Arnold , who was `` betraying great agitation and wrath '' in the American camp , and may have been drinking , rode out to join the action . Gates immediately sent Major Armstrong after him with orders to return ; Armstrong did not catch up with Arnold until the action was effectively over . ( A letter , written by a witness to proceedings in the camp , suggests that Arnold did in fact have authorization from Gates to engage in this action . ) The defenses on the right side of the British camp were anchored by two redoubts . The outermost one was defended by about 300 men under the command of the Hessian Heinrich von Breymann , while the other was under the command of Lord Balcarres . A small contingent of Canadians occupied the ground between these two fortifications . Most of the retreating force headed for Balcarres ' position , as Breymann 's was slightly north and further away from the early action . Arnold led the American chase , and then led Poor 's men in an attack on the Balcarres redoubt . Balcarres had set up his defenses well , and the redoubt was held , in action so fierce that Burgoyne afterwards wrote , `` A more determined perseverance than they showed ... is not in any officer 's experience '' . Seeing that the advance was checked , and that Learned was preparing to attack the Breymann redoubt , Arnold moved toward that action , recklessly riding between the lines and remarkably emerging unhurt . He led the charge of Learned 's men through the gap between the redoubts , which exposed the rear of Breymann 's position , where Morgan 's men had circled around from the far side . In furious battle , the redoubt was taken and Breymann was killed . Arnold 's horse was hit in one of the final volleys , and Arnold 's leg was broken by both shot and the falling horse . Major Armstrong finally caught up with Arnold to officially order him back to headquarters ; he was carried back in a litter . The capture of Breymann 's redoubt exposed the British camp , but darkness was setting in . An attempt by some Germans to retake the redoubt ended in capture as darkness fell and an unreliable guide led them to the American line . Surrender Further information on Burgoyne 's surrender after these battles : Saratoga campaign § Surrender Burgoyne had lost 1,000 men in the two battles , leaving him outnumbered by roughly 3 to 1 ; American losses came to about 500 killed and wounded . Burgoyne had also lost several of his most effective leaders , his attempts to capture the American position had failed , and his forward line was now breached . After the second battle , Burgoyne lit fires at his remaining forward positions and withdrew under the cover of darkness . He withdrew his men 10 -- 15 miles north , near present - day Schuylerville , New York . By the morning of October 8 , he was back in the fortified positions he had held on September 16 . On October 13 , with his army surrounded , Burgoyne held a council of war to propose terms of surrender . Riedesel suggested that they be paroled and allowed to march back to Canada without their weapons . Burgoyne felt that Gates would not even consider such terms , asking instead to be conveyed to Boston , where they would sail back to Europe . After several days of negotiations , the two sides signed the capitulation . On October 17 , Burgoyne surrendered his army to Gates . The British and German troops were accorded the traditional honors of war as they marched out to surrender . The troops formed the Convention Army , named after the convention that granted them safe passage back to Europe . However , the Continental Congress revoked the convention , and the Convention Army was kept in captivity until the end of the war . Aftermath Boot Monument , depicting Arnold 's injured leg Burgoyne 's failed campaign marked a major turning point in the war . General Burgoyne returned to England and was never given another commanding position in the British Army . The British learned that the Americans would fight bravely and effectively . Said one British officer : The courage and obstinacy with which the Americans fought were the astonishment of everyone , and we now became fully convinced that they are not that contemptible enemy we had hitherto imagined them , incapable of standing a regular engagement and that they would only fight behind strong and powerful works . In recognition of his contribution to the battles at Saratoga , General Arnold had his seniority restored ( he had lost it after being passed over for promotion earlier in 1777 ) . His leg wound left Arnold bedridden for five months . Later , while still unfit for field service but serving as military governor of Philadelphia , Arnold entered into treasonous correspondence with the British . He received command of the fort at West Point and plotted to hand it over to the British , only to flee into the British lines when the capture of his contact John Andre led to the exposure of the plot . Arnold went on to serve under William Phillips , the commander of Burgoyne 's right wing , in a 1781 expedition into Virginia . Although he left the direction of the battle to subordinates , General Gates received a great deal of credit as the commanding general for the greatest American victory of the war to date . He may have conspired with others to replace George Washington as the commander - in - chief . Instead , he received the command of the main American army in the South . He led it to a disastrous defeat at the 1780 Battle of Camden , where he was at the forefront of a panicked retreat . Gates never commanded troops in the field again . In response to Burgoyne 's surrender , Congress declared December 18 , 1777 , as a national day `` for solemn Thanksgiving and praise '' ; it was the nation 's first official observance of a holiday with that name . French aid Once news of Burgoyne 's surrender reached France , King Louis XVI decided to enter into negotiations with the Americans that resulted in a formal Franco - American alliance and French entry into the war . This moved the conflict onto a global stage . As a consequence , Britain was forced to divert resources used to fight the war in North America to theaters in the West Indies and Europe , and rely on what turned out to be the chimera of Loyalist support in its North American operations . Being defeated by the British in the French and Indian War more than a decade earlier , France found an opportunity of revenge by aiding the colonists throughout the Revolutionary War . Prior to the Battle of Saratoga , France did n't fully aid the colonists . However , after the Battles of Saratoga were conclusively won by the colonists , France realized that the Americans had the hope of winning the war , and began fully aiding the colonists by sending soldiers , donations , loans , military arms , and supplies . Legacy The battlefield and the site of Burgoyne 's surrender have been preserved , and are now administered by the National Park Service as the Saratoga National Historical Park , which was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1966 . The park preserves a number of the buildings in the area and contains a variety of monuments . The Saratoga Monument obelisk has four niches , three of which hold statues of American commanders : Gates and Schuyler and of Colonel Daniel Morgan . The fourth niche , where Arnold 's statue would go , is empty . A more dramatic memorial to Arnold 's heroism , that does not name him , is the Boot Monument . Donated by Civil War General John Watts de Peyster , it shows a boot with spurs and the stars of a major general . It stands at the spot where Arnold was shot on October 7 charging Breymann 's redoubt and is dedicated to `` the most brilliant soldier of the Continental Army '' . Six Army National Guard units ( 101st Eng Bn , 102nd Inf , 125th QM Co , 181st Inf , 182nd Inf and 192nd MP Bn ) are derived from American units that participated in the Battle of Saratoga . There are now only thirty units in the U.S. Army with lineages that go back to the colonial era . There are a number of ships named after the battles including USS Saratoga ( 1842 ) , USS Saratoga ( CV - 3 ) , and USS Saratoga ( CV - 60 ) < center Saratoga Monument obelisk View of the battlefield from the visitor center of Saratoga National Historic Park Benjamin Franklin honored the victory in Saratoga by commissioning and designing an Augustin Dupré medallion . It was minted in Paris in 1783 . The Surrender of General Burgoyne depicted on a 1927 US Postage Stamp References in popular culture In an episode of The Brady Bunch titled `` Everyone Ca n't be George Washington '' , which originally aired on December 22 , 1972 , Peter ( Christopher Knight ) is assigned the part of Benedict Arnold in a school play about the American Revolution . His teacher Miss Bailey incorrectly states that Benedict Arnold was wounded at the Battle of Saratoga when there was , in fact no SINGLE Battle of Saratoga . She also fails to mention that Arnold was wounded during the assault on Quebec City in the same leg . See also American Revolutionary War portal Capital District portal List of American Revolutionary War battles Saratoga National Historical Park References Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , p. 355 ^ Jump up to : Ketchum ( 1997 ) , p. 395 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 436 Jump up ^ Luzader ( 2008 ) , p. 230 ^ Jump up to : Ketchum ( 1997 ) , p. 405 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , p. 371 ^ Jump up to : Ketchum ( 1997 ) , p. 368 Jump up ^ Morgan , Edmund ( 1956 ) . The Birth of the Republic : 1763 -- 1789 . pp. 82 -- 83 . Jump up ^ Springfield Armory Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , pp. 84 -- 85 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , p. 335 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , p. 82 ^ Jump up to : Ketchum ( 1997 ) , p. 348 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , p. 320 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , p. 332 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 189 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 265 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , pp. 290 -- 95 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 296 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , p. 337 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , pp. 52 -- 53 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 288 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 180 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 216 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , pp. 347 -- 48 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 299 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 300 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , pp. 351 -- 52 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , pp. 352 , 355 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , p. 357 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , p. 356 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , pp. 307 -- 08 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , pp. 358 -- 60 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , p. 360 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 309 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , p. 362 Jump up ^ Luzader ( 2008 ) , p. 240 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 310 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , pp. 310 -- 12 Jump up ^ Hagist , Don ( 2004 ) . A British Soldier 's Story : Roger Lamb 's narrative of the American Revolution . p. 48 . Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , p. 367 Jump up ^ Luzader ( 2008 ) , pp. 391 -- 92 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , pp. 368 -- 69 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 319 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , p. 515 Jump up ^ Luzader ( 2008 ) , pp. 388 -- 90 , describes the relevant primary sources , and shows how early historians , including Lossing and Stone , gave rise to the story , and its propagation by later historians , including Nickerson . Jump up ^ Martin , James Kirby ( 1997 ) . Benedict Arnold , Revolutionary Hero : An American Warrior Reconsidered . New York University Press . pp. 378 -- 81 , 514 . ISBN 0 - 8147 - 5560 - 7 . ^ Jump up to : Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 343 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , pp. 375 -- 76 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , pp. 345 -- 51 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 405 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , p. 376 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , pp. 377 -- 79 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , pp. 324 -- 26 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , pp. 385 -- 88 Jump up ^ Luzader ( 2008 ) , p. 271 Jump up ^ Charles Kuralt , narrator ( 2009 - 07 - 03 ) . `` Misfortunes of War '' . The Revolutionary War . The Military Channel . Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 333 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , pp. 356 -- 57 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 326 -- 27 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 353 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 358 Jump up ^ Bird p. 223 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , pp. 359 -- 60 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 360 Jump up ^ Luzader ( 2008 ) , pp. 284 -- 85 Jump up ^ Luzader ( 2008 ) , p. 286 ^ Jump up to : Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 361 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , p. 400 Jump up ^ Luzader ( 2008 ) , p. xxii ^ Jump up to : Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 364 Jump up ^ Luzader ( 2008 ) , p. 285 ^ Jump up to : Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 362 Jump up ^ Williams , Stephen ( March 26 , 2016 ) . `` Letters change view of Benedict Arnold , Gen. Gates '' . The Daily Gazette . Retrieved 2016 - 03 - 28 . Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 365 Jump up ^ Luzader ( 2008 ) , p. 287 Jump up ^ Luzader ( 2008 ) , pp. 291 -- 95 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 366 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 367 Jump up ^ Nickerson ( 1967 ) , p. 368 Jump up ^ Riedesel , Frederika Charlotte ( 1867 ) . Letters and Journals Relating to the War of the American Revolution . Translated by Stone , William L. Albany : Joel Munsell . Jump up ^ Morrissey , Brendan ( 2000 ) . Saratoga 1777 : Turning Point of a Revolution . Oxford : Osprey . p. 87 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 85532 - 862 - 4 . Jump up ^ See Ketchum , Morrissey , and Nickerson . Jump up ^ `` The Battle of Saratoga -- A Major Turning Point of The Revolutionary War '' . . Retrieved 29 June 2013 . Jump up ^ Victor Brooks ; Robert Hohwald ( 1999 ) . How America Fought Its Wars : Military Strategy from the American Revolution to the Civil War . Da Capo Press . p. 78 . Jump up ^ Randall ( 1990 ) , p. 372 Jump up ^ Murphy ( 2007 ) , p. 168 Jump up ^ Pancake ( 1985 ) , pp. 147 -- 51 Jump up ^ Historic Society of Pennsylvania ( 1896 ) , p. 90 Jump up ^ Luzader ( 2008 ) , p. xxiii Jump up ^ Pancake ( 1985 ) , pp. 106 -- 07 Jump up ^ `` States give thanks '' . . Retrieved October 20 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Washington , George ( 2002 ) . Grizzard , Jr. , Frank E. ; Hoth , David R. , eds . General Orders , 17 December 1777 . The Original Papers of George Washington , Revolutionary War Series . 12 . Charlottesville , Va. : Univ Press of Virginia . pp. 620 -- 621 . Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , pp. 405 -- 48 Jump up ^ Ketchum ( 1997 ) , p. 447 Jump up ^ Perkins , James . `` France in the Revolution '' . Retrieved 2013 - 06 - 29 . Jump up ^ Saratoga National Historical Park Jump up ^ Saratoga activities Archived November 6 , 2009 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Saratoga National Historical Park Tour Stop 7 Jump up ^ Department of the Army , Lineage and Honors , 101st Engineer Battalion Jump up ^ Department of the Army , Lineage and Honors , 102nd Infantry . Reproduced in Sawicki 1981 , pp. 195 -- 96 . Jump up ^ Department of the Army , Lineage and Honors , 125th Quartermaster Company . `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on 2012 - 08 - 19 . Retrieved 2012 - 02 - 29 . Jump up ^ Department of the Army , Lineage and Honors , 181st Infantry . Reproduced in Sawicki 1981 , pp. 354 -- 55 . Jump up ^ Department of the Army , Lineage and Honors , 182nd Infantry . Reproduced in Sawicki 1981 , pp. 355 -- 57 . Jump up ^ Department of the Army , Lineage and Honors , 192nd Military Police Battalion . Jump up ^ Petty , Dan . `` The US Navy Aircraft Carriers '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 06 - 06 . Jump up ^ Bennett ( 2008 ) , p. 456 Bibliography Bennett , William J ; Cribb , John ( 2008 ) . The American Patriot 's Almanac . Thomas Nelson Inc . ISBN 978 - 1 - 59555 - 267 - 9 . Historical Society of Pennsylvania ( 1896 ) . The Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography , Volume 20 . Historical Society of Pennsylvania . OCLC 1762062 . Corbett , Theodore. ( 2012 ) No Turning Point : The Saratoga Campaign in Perspective . Norman OK : University of Oklahoma Press . Ketchum , Richard M ( 1997 ) . Saratoga : Turning Point of America 's Revolutionary War . New York : Henry Holt . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8050 - 6123 - 9 . OCLC 41397623 . ( Paperback ISBN 0 - 8050 - 6123 - 1 ) Luzader , John F. Saratoga : A Military History of the Decisive Campaign of the American Revolution . New York : Savas Beatie . ISBN 978 - 1 - 932714 - 44 - 9 . Morrissey , Brendan ( 2000 ) . Saratoga 1777 : Turning Point of a Revolution . Oxford : Osprey Publishing . ISBN 978 - 1 - 85532 - 862 - 4 . OCLC 43419003 . Murphy , Jim ( 2007 ) . The Real Benedict Arnold . Houghton Mifflin . ISBN 978 - 0 - 395 - 77609 - 4 . Nickerson , Hoffman ( 1967 ) ( 1928 ) . The Turning Point of the Revolution . Port Washington , NY : Kennikat . OCLC 549809 . Pancake , John ( 1985 ) . This Destructive War . University of Alabama Press . ISBN 0 - 8173 - 0191 - 7 . Randall , Willard Sterne ( 1990 ) . Benedict Arnold : Patriot and Traitor . William Morrow and Inc . ISBN 978 - 1 - 55710 - 034 - 4 . Sawicki , James A. ( 1981 ) . Infantry Regiments of the US Army . Dumfries , VA : Wyvern Publications . ISBN 978 - 0 - 9602404 - 3 - 2 . `` Saratoga National Historical Park '' . National Park Service . Archived from the original on 2009 - 05 - 30 . Retrieved 2009 - 06 - 23 . `` Saratoga National Historical Park -- Tour Stop 7 '' . National Park Service . Retrieved 2009 - 06 - 23 . Bird , Harrison ( 1963 ) . `` March To Saratoga General Burgoyne And The American Campaign 1777 '' . New York Oxford University Press . Further reading Creasy , Sir Edward ( 1908 ) . The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World . Furneaux , Rupert ( 1971 ) . The Battle of Saratoga . New York : Stein and Day . Mintz , Max M ( 1990 ) . The Generals of Saratoga : John Burgoyne and Horatio Gates . Yale University Press . ISBN 0 - 300 - 04778 - 9 . Patterson , Samuel White ( 1941 ) . Horatio Gates : Defender of American Liberties . Columbia University Press . Savas , Theodore P ; Dameron , J. David ( 2005 ) . A Guide to the Battles of the American Revolution . Savas Beatie . ISBN 1 - 932714 - 12 - X . Ward , Christopher ( 1952 ) . War of the Revolution , 2 Volumes . MacMillan . External links Wikisource has the text of a 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica article about Battles of Saratoga . Saratoga : The Tide Turns on the Frontier , a National Park Service Teaching with Historic Places ( TwHP ) lesson plan War Boardgame on the Battle of Saratoga Monument to Arnold 's leg at Saratoga , from Battle of Bemis ' Heights , and Retreat of Burgoyne `` Battle of Freeman 's Farm '' . . Retrieved 9 October 2014 . `` The Battle of Saratoga '' . . Retrieved 9 October 2014 . Animated History of the Saratoga Campaign `` Friedrich Kaltofen , one of the intentionally misnamed ' Brunswick Deserters . ' '' . Retrieved 9 October 2014 . George Washington 1st President of the United States , 1789 -- 1797 Senior Officer of the Army , 1798 -- 1799 Commander - in - Chief of the Continental Army , 1775 -- 1783 Second Continental Congress , 1775 First Continental Congress , 1774 Military career Revolutionary War Military career French and Indian War Jumonville Glen Battle of Fort Necessity Forbes Expedition Washington and the American Revolution Commander - in - chief , Continental Army Aides - de-camp Washington 's headquarters Boston campaign Siege of Boston New York and New Jersey campaign Delaware River crossing Battle of Trenton Philadelphia campaign Battle of Brandywine Battle of Germantown Battle of White Marsh Valley Forge Battle of Monmouth Battles of Saratoga Sullivan Expedition Yorktown campaign Siege of Yorktown Culper spy ring Newburgh Conspiracy Newburgh letter Resignation as commander - in - chief Badge of Military Merit Purple Heart Washington Before Boston Medal Horses : Nelson and Blueskin Other U.S. founding events 1769 Virginia Association Continental Association 1774 Fairfax Resolves Court of Appeals in Cases of Capture 1785 Mount Vernon Conference Chairman , 1787 Constitutional Convention Presidency United States presidential election , 1788 -- 89 1792 First inauguration inaugural bible Second inauguration Title of `` Mr. President '' Cabinet of the United States Secretary of State Attorney General Secretary of the Treasury Secretary of War Judiciary Act of 1789 Nonintercourse Act Whiskey Rebellion Militia Acts of 1792 Coinage Act of 1792 United States Mint Proclamation of Neutrality Neutrality Act of 1794 Jay Treaty Pinckney 's Treaty Slave Trade Act of 1794 Residence Act Thanksgiving Proclamation Farewell Address State of the Union Address 1790 1791 1792 1793 1796 Cabinet Federal judicial appointments Views and public image Presidential library The Washington Papers Religious views Washington and slavery Town Destroyer Legacy Life and homes Early life Birthplace Ferry Farm boyhood home Mount Vernon Gristmill Woodlawn Plantation Samuel Osgood House , First Presidential Mansion Alexander Macomb House , Second Presidential Mansion President 's House , Philadelphia Germantown White House Custis estate Potomac Company James River and Kanawha Canal Mountain Road Lottery Congressional Gold Medal Thanks of Congress President - General of the Society of the Cincinnati Washington College Washington and Lee University Electoral history of George Washington Memorials and depictions Washington , D.C. Washington state Washington Monument Mount Rushmore Washington 's Birthday Purple Heart The Apotheosis of Washington George Washington ( Houdon ) George Washington ( Ceracchi ) George Washington ( Trumbull ) Washington Crossing the Delaware General George Washington at Trenton Washington at Verplanck 's Point General George Washington Resigning His Commission Unfinished portrait Lansdowne portrait The Washington Family portrait Washington at Princeton painting Point of View sculpture George Washington University Washington University Washington Masonic National Memorial George Washington Memorial Parkway George Washington Bridge Washington and Jefferson National Forests Washington Monument , Baltimore Washington , D.C. statue List of memorials U.S. Postage stamps Washington - Franklin Issues 1932 bicentennial Currency Washington quarter Washington dollar Silver bullion coins Cultural depictions George Washington ( 1984 miniseries 1986 sequel ) Related Bibliography Founding Fathers of the United States Republicanism Federalist Party Federalist Era Virginia dynasty Coat of arms Cherry - tree anecdote River Farm Washington 's Crossing 1751 Barbados trip Category Syng inkstand General of the Armies American Philosophical Society American Revolution patriots Mount Vernon Ladies ' Association Ancestry and family Martha Washington ( wife ) John Parke Custis ( stepson ) George Washington Parke Custis ( step - grandson , adopted son ) Eleanor Parke Custis ( step - granddaughter , adopted daughter ) Augustine Washington ( father ) Mary Ball Washington ( mother ) Lawrence Washington ( half - brother ) Augustine Washington Jr. ( half - brother ) Betty Washington Lewis ( sister ) Samuel Washington ( brother ) John A. Washington ( brother ) Charles Washington ( brother ) Lawrence Washington ( grandfather ) John Washington ( great - grandfather ) Bushrod Washington ( nephew ) John Adams → Category New York in the American Revolution 1765 Sons of Liberty First Liberty Poles erected Stamp Act Congress 1770 Battle of Golden Hill 1775 Capture of Fort Ticonderoga Invasion of Canada 1776 New York and New Jersey campaign Battle of Long Island New York Prison Ships Begin Submarine attack in New York Harbor Staten Island Peace Conference Landing at Kip 's Bay Battle of Harlem Heights Great Fire of New York Execution of Nathan Hale Battle of Valcour Island Battle of Pell 's Point Battle of White Plains Battle of Fort Washington 1777 Meigs Raid Saratoga campaign Siege of Fort Ticonderoga Battle of Fort Anne Siege of Fort Stanwix Battle of Oriskany Battle of Bennington Battle of Setauket Battle of Staten Island Battle of Freeman 's Farm ( 1st Saratoga ) Battle of Forts Clinton and Montgomery Battle of Bemis Heights ( 2nd Saratoga ) 1778 Setauket Spy Ring Launched Battle of Cobleskill West Point established Attack on German Flatts Raid on Unadilla and Onaquaga Carleton 's Raid Cherry Valley massacre 1779 Battle of Stony Point Battle of Minisink Sullivan Expedition Battle of Newtown Boyd and Parker ambush 1780 Battle of Young 's House First Purple Heart Arnold -- André conspiracy exposed Battle of Klock 's Field Battle of Fort St. George 1781 HMS Culloden Runs Aground at Montauk Washington Calls Off Invasion of New York Battle of Fort Slongo Battle of Johnstown 1782 Washington 's Headquarters at Newburgh Newburgh letter 1783 Newburgh Conspiracy British Evacuate New York Washington 's Farewell to His Officers Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1777 in New York ( state ) 1777 in the United States Battles involving Great Britain Battles involving the United States Battles of the American Revolutionary War Conflicts in 1777 New York ( state ) in the American Revolution Saratoga County , New York Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Wikipedia pages semi-protected against vandalism Coordinates on Wikidata Good articles Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans Беларуская Български Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Español Esperanto Français 한국어 Italiano עברית Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Română Русский Simple English Slovenščina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska தமிழ் Українська Tiếng Việt 21 more Edit links This page was last edited on 11 April 2018 , at 22 : 46 . 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who led the american army in the battle of saratoga
It has been widely recounted in histories of this battle that General Arnold was on the field , directing some of the action . However , John Luzader , a former park historian at the Saratoga National Historical Park , carefully documents the evolution of this story and believes it is without foundation in contemporary materials , and that Arnold remained at Gates ' headquarters , receiving news and dispatching orders through messengers . Arnold biographer James Kirby Martin , however , disagrees with Luzader , arguing that Arnold played a more active role at Freeman 's Farm by directing patriot troops into position and possibly leading some charges before being ordered back to headquarters by Gates .
Femur - wikipedia Femur Jump to : navigation , search Not to be confused with Fima ( disambiguation ) or FEMA ( disambiguation ) . Femur Position of femur ( shown in red ) Left femur seen from behind . Details Origins Gastrocnemius , vastus lateralis , vastus medialis and vastus intermedius Insertions Gluteus maximus , gluteus medius , gluteus minimus , iliopsoas , lateral rotator group , adductors of the hip Articulations hip : acetabulum of pelvis superiorly knee : with the tibia and patella inferiorly Identifiers Latin Os femoris , os longissimum MeSH D005269 TA A02. 5.04. 001 FMA 9611 Anatomical terms of bone ( edit on Wikidata ) The femur ( / ˈfiːmər / , pl . femurs or femora / ˈfɛmərə / ) or thigh bone , is the most proximal ( closest to the hip joint ) bone of the leg in tetrapod vertebrates capable of walking or jumping , such as most land mammals , birds , many reptiles including lizards , and amphibians such as frogs . In vertebrates with four legs such as dogs and horses , the femur is found only in the hindlimbs . The head of the femur articulates with the acetabulum in the pelvic bone forming the hip joint , while the distal part of the femur articulates with the tibia and kneecap forming the knee joint . By most measures the femur is the strongest bone in the body . The femur is also the longest bone in the human body . Contents ( hide ) 1 Structure 1.1 Upper part 1.2 Body 1.3 Lower part 1.4 Development 2 Function 2.1 Muscle attachments 3 Clinical significance 3.1 Fractures 4 Other animals 4.1 Invertebrates 5 Additional images 6 References 7 External links Structure ( edit ) The femur is the only bone in the upper leg . The two femurs converge medially toward the knees , where they articulate with the proximal ends of the tibiae . The angle of convergence of the femora is a major factor in determining the femoral - tibial angle . Human females have wider pelvic bones , causing their femora to converge more than in males . In the condition genu valgum ( knock knee ) the femurs converge so much that the knees touch one another . The opposite extreme is genu varum ( bow - leggedness ) . In the general population of people without either genu valgum or genu varum , the femoral - tibial angle is about 175 degrees . The femur is the longest and , by most measures , the strongest bone in the human body . Its length on average is 26.74 % of a person 's height , a ratio found in both men and women and most ethnic groups with only restricted variation , and is useful in anthropology because it offers a basis for a reasonable estimate of a subject 's height from an incomplete skeleton . The femur is categorised as a long bone and comprises a diaphysis ( shaft or body ) and two epiphyses ( extremities ) that articulate with adjacent bones in the hip and knee . Upper part ( edit ) Main article : Upper extremity of femur The upper extremity of right femur viewed from behind and above , showing head , neck , and the greater and lesser trochanter The upper or proximal extremity ( close to the torso ) contains the head , neck , the two trochanters and adjacent structures . The head of the femur , which articulates with the acetabulum of the pelvic bone , comprises two - thirds of a sphere . It has a small groove , or fovea , connected through the round ligament to the sides of the acetabular notch . The head of the femur is connected to the shaft through the neck or collum . The neck is 4 -- 5 cm . long and the diameter is smallest front to back and compressed at its middle . The collum forms an angle with the shaft in about 130 degrees . This angle is highly variant . In the infant it is about 150 degrees and in old age reduced to 120 degrees on average . An abnormal increase in the angle is known as coxa valga and an abnormal reduction is called coxa vara . Both the head and neck of the femur is vastly embedded in the hip musculature and can not be directly palpated . In skinny people with the thigh laterally rotated , the head of the femur can be felt deep as a resistance profound ( deep ) for the femoral artery . The transition area between the head and neck is quite rough due to attachment of muscles and the hip joint capsule . Here the two trochanters , greater and lesser trochanter , are found . The greater trochanter is almost box - shaped and is the most lateral prominent of the femur . The highest point of the greater trochanter is located higher than the collum and reaches the midpoint of the hip joint . The greater trochanter can easily be felt . The trochanteric fossa is a deep depression bounded posteriorly by the intertrochanteric crest on medial surface of the greater trochanter . The lesser trochanter is a cone - shaped extension of the lowest part of the femur neck . The two trochanters are joined by the intertrochanteric crest on the back side and by the intertrochanteric line on the front . A slight ridge is sometimes seen commencing about the middle of the intertrochanteric crest , and reaching vertically downward for about 5 cm . along the back part of the body : it is called the linea quadrata ( or quadrate line ) . About the junction of the upper one - third and lower two - thirds on the intertrochanteric crest is the quadrate tubercle located . The size of the tubercle varies and it is not always located on the intertrochanteric crest and that also adjacent areas can be part of the quadrate tubercel , such as the posterior surface of the greater trochanter or the neck of the femur . In a small anatomical study it was shown that the epiphysial line passes directly through the quadrate tubercle . Body ( edit ) Main article : Body of femur The body of the femur ( or shaft ) is long , slender and almost cylindrical in form . It is a little broader above than in the center , broadest and somewhat flattened from before backward below . It is slightly arched , so as to be convex in front , and concave behind , where it is strengthened by a prominent longitudinal ridge , the linea aspera which diverges proximal and distal as the medial and lateral ridge . Proximal the lateral ridge of the linea aspera becomes the gluteal tuberosity while the medial ridge continues as the pectineal line . Besides the linea aspera the shaft has two other bordes ; a lateral and medial border . These three bordes separates the shaft into three surfaces : One anterior , one medial and one lateral . Due to the vast musculature of the thigh the shaft can not be palpated . The third trochanter is a bony projection occasionally present on the proximal femur near the superior border of the gluteal tuberosity . When present , it is oblong , rounded , or conical in shape and sometimes continuous with the gluteal ridge . A structure of minor importance in humans , the incidence of the third trochanter varies from 17 -- 72 % between ethnic groups and it is frequently reported as more common in females than in males . Lower part ( edit ) Main article : Lower extremity of femur Lower extremity of right femur viewed from below . Left knee joint from behind , showing interior ligaments . The lower extremity of the femur ( or distal extremity ) is larger than the upper extremity . It is somewhat cuboid in form , but its transverse diameter is greater than its antero - posterior ( front to back ) . It consists of two oblong eminences known as the condyles . Anteriorly , the condyles are slightly prominent and are separated by a smooth shallow articular depression called the patellar surface . Posteriorly , they project considerably and a deep notch , the Intercondylar fossa of femur , is present between them . The lateral condyle is the more prominent and is the broader both in its antero - posterior and transverse diameters . The medial condyle is the longer and , when the femur is held with its body perpendicular , projects to a lower level . When , however , the femur is in its natural oblique position the lower surfaces of the two condyles lie practically in the same horizontal plane . The condyles are not quite parallel with one another ; the long axis of the lateral is almost directly antero - posterior , but that of the medial runs backward and medialward . Their opposed surfaces are small , rough , and concave , and form the walls of the intercondyloid fossa . This fossa is limited above by a ridge , the intercondyloid line , and below by the central part of the posterior margin of the patellar surface . The posterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint is attached to the lower and front part of the medial wall of the fossa and the anterior cruciate ligament to an impression on the upper and back part of its lateral wall . The articular surface of the lower end of the femur occupies the anterior , inferior , and posterior surfaces of the condyles . Its front part is named the patellar surface and articulates with the patella ; it presents a median groove which extends downward to the intercondyloid fossa and two convexities , the lateral of which is broader , more prominent , and extends farther upward than the medial . Each condyle is surmounted by an elevation , the epicondyle . The medial epicondyle is a large convex eminence to which the tibial collateral ligament of the knee - joint is attached . At its upper part is the adductor tubercle and behind it is a rough impression which gives origin to the medial head of the gastrocnemius . The lateral epicondyle which is smaller and less prominent than the medial , gives attachment to the fibular collateral ligament of the knee - joint . Development ( edit ) Main article : Limb development The femur develops from the limb buds as a result of interactions between the ectoderm and the underlying mesoderm , formation occurs roughly around the fourth week of development . By the sixth week of development , the first hyaline cartilage model of the femur is formed by chondrocytes . Endochondral ossification begins by the end of the embryonic period and primary ossification centers are present in all long bones of the limbs , including the femur , by the 12th week of development . The hindlimb development lags behind forelimb development by 1 -- 2 days . Function ( edit ) As the femur is the only bone in the thigh , it serves as an attachment point for all the muscles that exert their force over the hip and knee joints . Some biarticular muscles -- which cross two joints , like the gastrocnemius and plantaris muscles -- also originate from the femur . In all , 23 individual muscles either originate from or insert onto the femur . In cross-section , the thigh is divided up into three separate fascial compartments divided by fascia , each containing muscles . These compartments use the femur as an axis , and are separated by tough connective tissue membranes ( or septa ) . Each of these compartments has its own blood and nerve supply , and contains a different group of muscles . These compartments are named the anterior , medial and posterior fascial compartments . Muscle attachments ( edit ) Muscle attachments ( seen from the front ) Muscle attachments ( seen from the back ) Muscle Direction Attachment Iliacus muscle Insertion Lesser trochanter Psoas major muscle Insertion Lesser trochanter Gluteus maximus muscle Insertion Gluteal tuberosity Gluteus medius muscle Insertion Lateral surface of greater trochanter Gluteus minimus muscle Insertion Forefront of greater trochanter Piriformis muscle Insertion Superior boundary of greater trochanter Gemellus superior muscle Insertion Upper edge of Obturator internus 's tendon ( indirectly greater trochanter ) Obturator internus muscle Insertion Medial surface of greater trochanter Gemellus inferior muscle Insertion Lower edge of Obturator internus 's tendon ( indirectly greater trochanter ) Quadratus femoris muscle Insertion Intertrochanteric crest Obturator externus muscle Insertion Trochanteric fossa Pectineus muscle Insertion Pectineal line Adductor longus muscle Insertion Medial ridge of linea aspera Adductor brevis muscle Insertion Medial ridge of linea aspera Adductor magnus muscle Insertion Medial ridge of linea aspera and the adductor tubercle Vastus lateralis muscle Origin Greater trochanter and lateral ridge of linea aspera Vastus intermedius muscle Origin Front and lateral surface of femur Vastus medialis muscle Origin Distal part of intertrochanteric line and medial ridge of linea aspera Short head of biceps femoris Origin Lateral ridge of linea aspera Popliteus muscle Origin Under the lateral epicondyle Articularis genu muscle Origin Lower 1 / 4 of anterior femur deep to vastus intermedius Gastrocnemius muscle Origin Behind the adductor tubercle , over the lateral epicondyle and the popliteal facies Plantaris muscle Origin Over the lateral condyle Clinical significance ( edit ) Fractures ( edit ) Main articles : Hip fracture and femoral fracture A femoral fracture that involves the femoral head , femoral neck or the shaft of the femur immediately below the lesser trochanter may be classified as a hip fracture , especially when associated with osteoporosis . Femur fractures can be managed in a pre-hospital setting with the use of a traction splint . Other animals ( edit ) Femora of Moa chicks . See also : Arthropod leg In primitive tetrapods , the main points of muscle attachment along the femur are the internal trochanter and third trochanter , and a ridge along the ventral surface of the femoral shaft referred to as the adductor crest . The neck of the femur is generally minimal or absent in the most primitive forms , reflecting a simple attachment to the acetabulum . The greater trochanter was present in the extinct archosaurs , as well as in modern birds and mammals , being associated with the loss of the primitive sprawling gait . The lesser trochanter is a unique development of mammals , which lack both the internal and fourth trochanters . The adductor crest is also often absent in mammals or alternatively reduced to a series of creases along the surface of the bone . Some species of whales , snakes , and other non-walking vertebrates have vestigial femurs . One of the earliest known vertebrates to have a femur is the eusthenopteron , a prehistoric lobe - finned fish from the Late Devonian period . Structures analogous to the third trochanter are present in mammals , including some primates . Invertebrates ( edit ) In invertebrate zoology the name femur appears in arthropodology . The usage is not homologous with that of vertebrate anatomy ; the term `` femur '' simply has been adopted by analogy and refers , where applicable , to the most proximal of ( usually ) the two longest jointed segments of the legs of the arthropoda . The two basal segments preceding the femur are the coxa and trochanter . This convention is not followed in carcinology but it applies in arachnology and entomology . In myriapodology another segment , the prefemur , connects the trochanter and femur . Additional images ( edit ) Position of femur ( shown in red ) . Pelvis and patella are shown as semi-transparent . View from behind . View from the front . Long Bone ( Femur ) Muscles of thigh . Lateral view . Muscles of thigh . Cross section . Distribution forces of the femur References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Femora '' . Merriam - Webster Dictionary . Jump up ^ `` Femora '' . Unabridged . Random House . ^ Jump up to : Bojsen - Møller , Finn ; Simonsen , Erik B. ; Tranum - Jensen , Jørgen ( 2001 ) . Bevægeapparatets anatomi ( Anatomy of the Locomotive Apparatus ) ( in Danish ) ( 12th ed . ) . pp. 239 -- 241 . ISBN 978 - 87 - 628 - 0307 - 7 . Jump up ^ Feldesman , M.R. , J.G. Kleckner , and J.K. Lundy . ( November 1990 ) . `` The femur / stature ratio and estimates of stature in mid-and late - pleistocene fossil hominids '' . American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 83 ( 3 ) : 359 -- 372 . doi : 10.1002 / ajpa. 1330830309 . PMID 2252082 . CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list ( link ) Jump up ^ Sunderland S ( January 1938 ) . `` The Quadrate Tubercle of the Femur '' . J. Anat. 72 ( Pt 2 ) : 309 -- 12 . PMC 1252427 . PMID 17104699 . Jump up ^ Lozanoff , Scott ; Sciulli , Paul W ; Schneider , Kim N ( December 1985 ) . `` Third trochanter incidence and metric trait covariation in the human femur '' . J Anat. 143 : 149 -- 159 . PMC 1166433 . PMID 3870721 . ^ Jump up to : Bolanowski , Wojciech ; Śmiszkiewicz - Skwarska , Alicja ; Polguj , Michał ; Jędrzejewski , Kazimierz S ( 2005 ) . `` The occurrence of the third trochanter and its correlation to certain anthropometric parameters of the human femur '' ( PDF ) . Folia Morphol. 64 ( 3 ) : 168 -- 175 . Jump up ^ Gilbert , Scott F. `` Developmental Biology '' . 9th ed. , 2010 Jump up ^ Bojsen - Møller , Finn ; Simonsen , Erik B. ; Tranum - Jensen , Jørgen ( 2001 ) . Bevægeapparatets anatomi ( Anatomy of the Locomotive Apparatus ) ( in Danish ) ( 12th ed . ) . pp. 364 -- 367 . ISBN 978 - 87 - 628 - 0307 - 7 . Jump up ^ Romer , Alfred Sherwood ; Parsons , Thomas S. ( 1977 ) . The Vertebrate Body . Philadelphia , PA : Holt - Saunders International . pp. 204 -- 205 . ISBN 0 - 03 - 910284 - X . Jump up ^ Struthers , John ( January 1881 ) . `` The Bones , Articulations , and Muscles of the Rudimentary Hind - Limb of the Greenland Right - Whale ( Balaena mysticetus ) '' . Journal of Anatomy and Physiology . Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland . 15 ( Pt 2 ) : i1 -- 176 . PMC 1310010 . PMID 17231384 . External links ( edit ) Media related to Femur at Wikimedia Commons The dictionary definition of Femur at Wiktionary The dictionary definition of thighbone at Wiktionary ( hide ) Bones of the human leg Femur upper extremity head fovea neck greater trochanter fossa lesser trochanter intertrochanteric line intertrochanteric crest quadrate tubercle shaft linea aspera upper medial : merges with intertrochanteric line upper intermediate : pectineal line upper lateral : gluteal tuberosity / third trochanter lower extremity adductor tubercle patellar surface epicondyles lateral medial condyles lateral medial intercondylar fossa Tibia upper extremity Gerdy 's tubercle condyles lateral medial intercondylar area posterior anterior intercondylar eminence lateral tubercle medial tubercle shaft tuberosity soleal line lower extremity medial malleolus Anterior colliculus Posterior colliculus fibular notch Fibula lateral malleolus Other patella apex Foot Tarsus calcaneus sustentaculum tali calcaneal tubercle talus navicular cuboid cuneiform medial intermediate lateral Metatarsals 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Other Phalanges Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Bones of the lower limb Long bones Femur Hidden categories : Pages with unresolved properties CS1 Danish - language sources ( da ) CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list Talk Contents About Wikipedia ܐܪܡܝܐ Aymar aru Azərbaycanca বাংলা Башҡортса Български Bosanski Brezhoneg Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch ދިވެހިބަސް Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Gaeilge Galego 한국어 Hrvatski Ido Bahasa Indonesia IsiXhosa Italiano עברית ქართული Қазақша Кырык мары Latina Latviešu Lietuvių Magyar Македонски Nederlands नेपाल भाषा 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Română Русский Scots Shqip Simple English Slovenščina کوردی Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska தமிழ் తెలుగు ไทย Türkçe Українська Walon 文言 粵語 中文 53 more Edit links This page was last edited on 30 May 2018 , at 04 : 09 . 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where is the femur located on the human body
The femur ( / ˈfiːmər / , pl . femurs or femora / ˈfɛmərə / ) or thigh bone , is the most proximal ( closest to the hip joint ) bone of the leg in tetrapod vertebrates capable of walking or jumping , such as most land mammals , birds , many reptiles including lizards , and amphibians such as frogs . In vertebrates with four legs such as dogs and horses , the femur is found only in the hindlimbs . The head of the femur articulates with the acetabulum in the pelvic bone forming the hip joint , while the distal part of the femur articulates with the tibia and kneecap forming the knee joint . By most measures the femur is the strongest bone in the body . The femur is also the longest bone in the human body .
Truth , Justice , and the American Way - wikipedia Truth , Justice , and the American Way Jump to : navigation , search Truth , Justice , and the American Way may refer to : Truth , Justice , and the American Way , the catch - phrase of the comic - book character Superman . Truth , Justice , and the American Way , the original title of the 2006 film Hollywoodland What 's So Funny About Truth , Justice & the American Way ? , published by DC Comics in March 2001 `` Truth , Justice and the American Way '' ( Supergirl ) , an episode of the CBS television series Supergirl Disambiguation page providing links to articles with similar titles This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title Truth , Justice , and the American Way . If an internal link led you here , you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article . Retrieved from ``,_Justice,_and_the_American_Way&oldid=706440822 '' Categories : Disambiguation pages Hidden categories : Disambiguation pages with short description All article disambiguation pages All disambiguation pages Talk About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 23 February 2016 , at 09 : 40 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who said truth justice and the american way
Truth , Justice , and the American Way , the catch - phrase of the comic - book character Superman .
2018 Tour de France - wikipedia 2018 Tour de France 2018 Tour de France 2018 UCI World Tour , race 25 of 37 Route of the 2018 Tour de France Race details Dates 7 -- 29 July Stages 21 Distance 3,351 km ( 2,082 mi ) Winning time 83h 17 ' 13 '' Results Winner Geraint Thomas ( GBR ) ( Team Sky ) Second Tom Dumoulin ( NED ) ( Team Sunweb ) Third Chris Froome ( GBR ) ( Team Sky ) Points Peter Sagan ( SVK ) ( Bora -- Hansgrohe ) Mountains Julian Alaphilippe ( FRA ) ( Quick - Step Floors ) Youth Pierre Latour ( FRA ) ( AG2R La Mondiale ) Combativity Dan Martin ( IRL ) ( UAE Team Emirates ) Team Movistar Team ← 2017 2019 → The 2018 Tour de France was the 105th edition of the Tour de France , one of cycling 's three Grand Tours . The 3,351 km ( 2,082 mi ) race started from Noirmoutier - en - l'Île , in the Vendée department , on 7 July and concluded with the Champs - Élysées stage in Paris , on 29 July . A total of 176 riders across 22 teams were participating in the 21 - stage race . The Tour was the shortest of the millennium and was the fifth time a tour had set out from Vendée . The race was won for the first time by Geraint Thomas of Team Sky . Tom Dumoulin ( Team Sunweb ) placed second , with Thomas ' teammate and four - time Tour champion Chris Froome coming third . The opening stage was won by Fernando Gaviria of Quick - Step Floors , who became the Tour 's first rider to wear the general classification leader 's yellow jersey . Peter Sagan ( Bora -- Hansgrohe ) then took the race lead the following stage . BMC Racing Team won stage three 's team time trial , putting their rider Greg Van Avermaet in yellow . He held the jersey for eight days until the second high mountain stage , where stage winner Thomas took the lead . He held it for the rest of the race to become the first Welshman to win the overall race . As a result , Team Sky -- and additionally British riders -- won six of the previous seven Tours dating back to 2012 . Sagan won the points classification for the sixth time , Julian Alaphilippe ( Quick - Step Floors ) won the mountains classification , and Pierre Latour of AG2R La Mondiale won the young rider classification . Movistar Team won the team classification , and UAE Team Emirates rider Dan Martin was named the most combative for the entire race . Contents 1 Teams 2 Pre-race favourites 2.1 Froome 2.2 Others 3 Route and stages 4 Race overview 5 Classification leadership 6 Final standings 6.1 General classification 6.2 Points classification 6.3 Mountains classification 6.4 Young rider classification 6.5 Team classification 7 See also 8 Notes and references 8.1 Footnotes 8.2 References 8.3 Sources 9 External links Teams ( edit ) Main article : List of teams and cyclists in the 2018 Tour de France The Place Napoléon ( fr ) square in La Roche - sur - Yon , hosted the team presentation ceremony on 5 July . The 18 UCI WorldTeams were automatically invited to the race . On 6 January 2018 , organisers of the Tour , the Amaury Sport Organisation ( ASO ) , announced the four second - tier UCI Professional Continental teams that received a wildcard invitation to participate in the event . The four teams were Cofidis , Direct Énergie , Fortuneo -- Samsic , from France and Belgium 's Wanty -- Groupe Gobert , all of which have participated in the race before . This meant that new French team Vital Concept , with their team leader , sprinter Bryan Coquard , missed out on the race . Christian Prudhomme wished the team the best in their inaugural season . The presentation of the teams -- where the members of each team 's roster are introduced in front of the media and local dignitaries -- took place on Place Napoleon ( fr ) in the town of La Roche - sur - Yon on 5 July , two days before the opening stage . New rules by the cycling 's governing body , the Union Cycliste Internationale ( UCI ) reduced the number of riders per team for Grand Tours from 9 to 8 , resulting in a start list total of 176 , instead of the usual 198 . Of these , 35 competed in their first Tour de France . The total number of riders that finished the race was 145 . The riders came from 30 countries . Seven countries had more than 10 riders in the race : France ( 35 ) , Belgium ( 19 ) , the Netherlands ( 13 ) , Italy ( 13 ) , Australia ( 11 ) , Germany ( 11 ) and Spain ( 11 ) . The average age of riders in the race was 29.37 years , ranging from the 21 - year - old Egan Bernal ( Team Sky ) to the 40 - year - old Franco Pellizotti ( Bahrain -- Merida ) . Groupama -- FDJ had the youngest average age while Bahrain -- Merida had the oldest . The teams entering the race were : UCI WorldTeams AG2R La Mondiale Astana Bahrain -- Merida BMC Racing Team Bora -- Hansgrohe EF Education First -- Drapac p / b Cannondale Team Dimension Data Groupama -- FDJ Team Katusha -- Alpecin LottoNL -- Jumbo Lotto -- Soudal Movistar Team Mitchelton -- Scott Quick - Step Floors Team Sky Team Sunweb Trek -- Segafredo UAE Team Emirates UCI Professional Continental teams Cofidis Direct Énergie Fortuneo -- Samsic Wanty -- Groupe Gobert Pre-race favourites ( edit ) Froome ( edit ) Defending champion Chris Froome ( pictured at the 2017 Tour de France ) had been considered the favourite for the general classification . Defending champion Chris Froome ( Team Sky ) had generally been considered the main favourite for the general classification . He had won four out of the last five editions , and was also the current defending champion at both other Grand Tours , the Vuelta a España and the Giro d'Italia . However , Froome 's participation was cast into doubt when he returned a urine sample at the 2017 Vuelta a España , which contained twice the allowed amount of the asthma drug salbutamol . This was considered not as a positive doping result , but as an `` Adverse Analytical Finding '' ( AAF ) , meaning that he was allowed to continue racing until the case was resolved . He did however face the possibility of losing his Vuelta victory and all subsequent results . The ASO were unhappy with the situation , which was very similar to that of Alberto Contador , who started the 2011 Tour with his case over a positive test for clenbuterol still unresolved . The UCI conducted an investigation into the AAF , which was still unresolved at the time that Froome won the 2018 Giro d'Italia . With an outcome before the start of the Tour unlikely , the ASO attempted to bar Froome from starting the race , citing article 28 of the race 's rules , saying that the organiser `` expressly reserves the right to refuse participation in -- or to exclude from -- the event , a team or any of its members whose presence would be such as to damage the image or reputation of ASO or the event '' . Froome was cleared by the UCI on 2 July 2018 , with a press statement reading that the authorities had found sufficient evidence `` that Mr Froome 's sample results do not constitute an AAF '' . He was thereafter cleared to start the Tour by the ASO as well . Others ( edit ) The closest rivals of Froome were thought to be Richie Porte ( BMC Racing Team ) , Nairo Quintana , Mikel Landa ( both of Movistar Team ) , Tom Dumoulin ( Team Sunweb ) , and Vincenzo Nibali ( Bahrain -- Merida ) . The other riders considered contenders for the general classification were Geraint Thomas ( Team Sky ) , Romain Bardet ( AG2R La Mondiale ) , Primož Roglič ( LottoNL -- Jumbo ) , Adam Yates ( Mitchelton -- BikeExchange ) , Jakob Fuglsang ( Astana ) , Alejandro Valverde ( Movistar Team ) , Rigoberto Urán ( EF Education First -- Drapac p / b Cannondale ) , Dan Martin ( UAE Team Emirates ) , Bob Jungels ( Quick - Step Floors ) and Ilnur Zakarin ( Team Katusha -- Alpecin ) . The sprinters considered favourites for the points classification and wins on the flat or hilly bunch sprint finishes were Peter Sagan ( Bora -- Hansgrohe ) , Fernando Gaviria ( Quick - Step Floors ) , Dylan Groenewegen ( LottoNL -- Jumbo ) , Arnaud Démare ( Groupama -- FDJ ) , Marcel Kittel ( Team Katusha -- Alpecin ) , Michael Matthews ( Team Sunweb ) , Mark Cavendish ( Team Dimension Data ) , André Greipel ( Lotto -- Soudal ) , Alexander Kristoff ( UAE Team Emirates ) , Sonny Colbrelli ( Bahrain -- Merida ) and John Degenkolb ( Trek -- Segafredo ) . Route and stages ( edit ) The highest point of elevation in the race was the Col de Portet Pyrenean pass , at 2,215 m ( 7,267 ft ) . It was used for the first time in the Tour de France . On 12 February 2017 at a rugby union match between France and Scotland at the Stade de France , the Tour 's race director Christian Prudhomme announced the start of the 2018 Tour ( known as the Grand Départ ) would be in the Vendée department , in the Pays de la Loire region . The departments in the Pays de la Loire region hosted the Tour de France in its first edition back in 1903 . Since then , the cities and towns of the Pays de la Loire region have welcomed the Grand Départ of the Tour de France nine times , five of which have set out from the Vendée . The last time the region hosted the Tour was in 2011 . Two weeks after the announcement , the ASO revealed that the Grand Départ would take place over three stages , with the third a team time trial . In June 2017 , the UCI 's Professional Cycling Council ( PCC ) moved the start of the Tour a week later than usual and originally planned due to a clash with the 2018 FIFA World Cup . The full route was announced on 17 October 2017 ; it was almost completely within France , with short deviations into Spain in the Pyrenees were the only exceptions . It would feature two of the Tour 's most historic climbs , Alpe d'Huez and the Col de Tourmalet , which last featured in 2015 and 2016 respectively . For the first time in 60 to 70 years , it included a section of unpaved roads on the Glières Plateau . Of the route , Mark Cavendish labelled it `` absolutely brutal '' . There were 21 stages in the race , covering a total distance of 3,351 km ( 2,082 mi ) , the shortest of the 21st century . The race also included 21.7 km ( 13.5 mi ) of cobblestones ( or pavés ) in stage 9 , which were last featured in 2015 . In the first week of the race , two laps of the short , but steep , Mûr - de-Bretagne were included . Stage characteristics and winners Stage Date Course Distance Stage type Winner 7 July Noirmoutier - en - l'Île to Fontenay - le - Comte 201 km ( 125 mi ) Flat Fernando Gaviria ( COL ) 8 July Mouilleron - Saint - Germain to La Roche - sur - Yon 182.5 km ( 113 mi ) Flat Peter Sagan ( SVK ) 9 July Cholet to Cholet 35.5 km ( 22 mi ) Team time trial BMC Racing Team 10 July La Baule to Sarzeau 195 km ( 121 mi ) Flat Fernando Gaviria ( COL ) 5 11 July Lorient to Quimper 204.5 km ( 127 mi ) Medium mountain Peter Sagan ( SVK ) 6 12 July Brest to Mûr - de-Bretagne 181 km ( 112 mi ) Medium mountain Dan Martin ( IRL ) 7 13 July Fougères to Chartres 231 km ( 144 mi ) Flat Dylan Groenewegen ( NED ) 8 14 July Dreux to Amiens 181 km ( 112 mi ) Flat Dylan Groenewegen ( NED ) 9 15 July Arras to Roubaix 156.5 km ( 97 mi ) Medium mountain John Degenkolb ( GER ) 16 July Annecy Rest day 10 17 July Annecy to Le Grand - Bornand 158.5 km ( 98 mi ) High mountain Julian Alaphilippe ( FRA ) 11 18 July Albertville to La Rosière 108.5 km ( 67 mi ) High mountain Geraint Thomas ( GBR ) 12 19 July Bourg - Saint - Maurice to Alpe d'Huez 175.5 km ( 109 mi ) High mountain Geraint Thomas ( GBR ) 13 20 July Le Bourg - d'Oisans to Valence 169.5 km ( 105 mi ) Flat Peter Sagan ( SVK ) 14 21 July Saint - Paul - Trois - Châteaux to Mende 188 km ( 117 mi ) Medium mountain Omar Fraile ( ESP ) 15 22 July Millau to Carcassonne 181.5 km ( 113 mi ) Medium mountain Magnus Cort Nielsen ( DNK ) 23 July Carcassonne Rest day 16 24 July Carcassonne to Bagnères - de-Luchon 218 km ( 135 mi ) High mountain Julian Alaphilippe ( FRA ) 17 25 July Bagnères - de-Luchon to Saint - Lary - Soulan ( Col de Portet ) 65 km ( 40 mi ) High mountain Nairo Quintana ( COL ) 18 26 July Trie - sur - Baïse to Pau 171 km ( 106 mi ) Flat Arnaud Démare ( FRA ) 19 27 July Lourdes to Laruns 200.5 km ( 125 mi ) High mountain Primož Roglič ( SLO ) 20 28 July Saint - Pée - sur - Nivelle to Espelette 31 km ( 19 mi ) Individual time trial Tom Dumoulin ( NED ) 21 29 July Houilles to Paris ( Champs - Élysées ) 116 km ( 72 mi ) Flat Alexander Kristoff ( NOR ) Total 3,351 km ( 2,082 mi ) Race overview ( edit ) Main articles : 2018 Tour de France , Stage 1 to Stage 11 and 2018 Tour de France , Stage 12 to Stage 21 The peloton during the finale of the sixth stage Stage one 's bunch sprint was won by Tour debutant Fernando Gaviria , with Peter Sagan coming in second and Marcel Kittel in third . Gaviria took the yellow and green jerseys as the leader of the general and points classifications respectively . Kévin Ledanois ( Fortuneo -- Samsic ) took the first polka dot jersey as the leader of the mountains classification . Sagan won stage two from a sprint to take the yellow and green jerseys , with Dion Smith of Wanty -- Groupe Gobert claiming the polka . Stage three 's team time trial was won by BMC Racing Team whose riders Tejay van Garderen and Greg Van Avermaet became tied for the overall lead , with Van Avermaet moving into yellow for the second time in his career due to him crossing the finish line ahead of Van Garderen in the first two stages being as there was not yet an individual time trial to measure their times down to the 1000th of a second . Stage four was won by Gaviria from a bunch sprint . Sagan further extend his lead in the points competition by winning stage five . Also in stage five , Toms Skujiņš of Trek -- Segafredo won the mountains points which gave him the polka . Skujins became the first rider from Latvia to ever lead the mountains classification . Stage six was a sprint that Sagan and John Degenkolb raced for , seeing as virtually all of the top sprinters finished close to fifteen minutes behind the general classification contenders . Team Sky , BMC Racing Team , and Movistar Team controlled the peloton , where Geraint Thomas reeled in the final breakaway rider and won the three second time bonus sprint that put him back only three seconds behind Van Avermaet in the general classification . With only about a kilometre to go Dan Martin attacked and was able to stay away and win the stage one second ahead of the bulk of the general classification contenders . Romain Bardet and Tom Dumoulin suffered mechanical issues late in the stage which made them lose time . Stage seven was the longest stage . At the start of stage seven , Van Avermaet remained in the yellow jersey with Thomas in second at three seconds behind . The stage was won by Dylan Groenewegen . There were multiple crashes in the first week of the tour and after stage seven , six riders had abandoned the race for various reasons including the promising young Belgian Tiesj Benoot ( Lotto -- Soudal ) , Luis León Sánchez ( Astana ) , and the green jersey winner of the 2017 Tour Michael Matthews . This marked the end of the first week of the tour . Greg Van Avermaet ( BMC Racing Team ) wearing the race leader 's yellow on one of stage nine 's pavé sectors . He held the jersey from stage three to ten . Groenewegen then won his second sprint stage in a row . Notably , Greipel and Gaviria were penalized for headbutting each other and lost their placing and green jersey points . Martin lost more than a minute after being involved in a crash during the stage . Van Avermaet improved his lead in the general classification after earning a single second in the bonus sprint . Stage nine was the cobblestone stage that was a bad day for numerous sprinters and general classification riders . Richie Porte abandoned after a crash for the second year in a row . Egan Bernal , Jakob Fuglsang , Chris Froome , and Mikel Landa crashed as did many other riders ; many riders had flat tires as well , including Bardet who got three of them . Meanwhile , Yves Lampaert ( Quick - Step Floors ) , Degenkolb , and Van Avermaet survived the carnage going on around them to escape the remaining peloton and cross the finish together with Degenkolb winning his first Tour stage , as Van Avermaet gained time as well as another time bonus to extend his lead in the yellow jersey . The following day was the Tour 's first rest day . The first stage at high altitude and first in the Alps , the tenth , was won by Quick - Step Floors rider Julian Alaphilippe from a large breakaway that included race leader Van Avermaet . Eventually , Alaphillipe attacked and won his first Tour stage while Van Avermaet retained his yellow jersey and extended his lead to nearly two and a half minutes , when many people thought he would not be retaining it . Alaphillipe also took the mountains classification . Thomas achieved back - to - back summit finish wins both from the group of favourites on stages eleven and twelve by pushing the breakaway riders until the very end . In the steep finish of the eleventh , Thomas attacked in the final kilometre and passed lone breakaway rider Mikel Nieve ( Mitchelton -- Scott ) to take the win . He won stage twelve from a sprint on flat finish atop Alpe d'Huez . Dumoulin and Froome arose as the likely contenders in Paris . Sagan won stage thirteen after coming out of nowhere while Kristoff and Arnaud Démare ( Groupama -- FDJ ) dueled it out . In stage fourteen , Omar Fraile of Astana came out of the breakaway and remarkably opened a twenty - minute gap to the main peloton with the yellow jersey contenders . After the Alps , it was basically down to three riders in contention , Thomas , Froome , and Dumoulin . There were many withdrawals after the Alps after names like Kittel , Mark Cavendish , Rigoberto Uran , Gaviria , Groenewegen , and Andre Griepel withdrew for various reasons . Vincenzo Nibali was forced to withdraw after fracturing a vertebrae in his back after being involved in an accident with a spectator near the summit of Alpe d'huez . Smoke from flares and animosity towards Froome were a factor and better security was called for by many people for the final week . Tom Dumoulin of Team Sunweb ( left ) placed second to Team Sky 's Geraint Thomas ( right ) ( pictured on stage nineteen ) in the final general classification . Stage fifteen , the start of the final week , was once again a breakaway victory . Magnus Cort took Astana 's second win in two days as there were no major changes overall . The next day was the second rest day of the race . Stage sixteen had a further incident when the police used tear gas against a protest by local farmers who had placed hay bales on the road . As the riders passed that point , there was still gas in the air . The race was neutralized for about fifteen minutes because several riders had problems with their eyes and had to rinse them . After the restart , a large breakaway escaped and Philippe Gilbert ( Quick - Step Floors ) , while in the lead on a descent , lost control of his bike and smashed into and over the wall . Later , Adam Yates , having taken the lead , fell on the final descent and handed the position and win to Alaphilippe , giving him his second stage win of the tour . On the first of the three Pyrenan stages , seventeen , Froome 's challenge faded on the approach to the summit of the Col de Portet and he dropped to third position in the general classification , 2 : 31 behind Thomas . Dumoulin moved into second place , 1 : 59 off the lead . Nairo Quintana won the stage after attacking at the bottom of the final climb , moving himself up to fifth overall , behind Primož Roglič . The flat stage eighteen was won by Demare from a sprint finish ; by now most of the top sprint had now left the race and Sagan was suffering with injury . On the mountainous stage nineteen from Lourdes to Laruns , Roglič attacked on the final climb , the Col d'Aubisque , and soloed to the finish nineteen seconds ahead of the chasing group of overall favourites . Thomas was able to consolidate his position in the yellow jersey by picking up six bonus seconds in the sprint thereby extending his lead over Dumoulin to 2 min 5 s . The penultimate stage was a 31 km ( 19.3 mi ) time trial , Dumoulin won the stage , one second ahead of Froome . Thomas survived a scare when his back wheel locked , but completed the time trial successfully , finishing fourteen seconds behind Dumoulin taking a lead of 1 min 51 s into the final stage . The stage was won by Kristoff in a bunch sprint on the Champs - Élysées in Paris . Classification leadership ( edit ) Four main individual classifications were contested in the 2018 Tour de France , as well as a team competition . The most important was the general classification , calculated by adding each rider 's finishing times on each stage . Time bonuses were awarded at the end of every stage apart from the time trial stages . The first three riders would get 10 , 6 , and 4 seconds , respectively . Time bonuses of three , two and one seconds , would be given to the first three riders to cross a `` bonus point '' in each of the first nine mass - start stages of the race . It would affect the general classification , but not the points . For crashes within the final 3 km ( 1.9 mi ) of a stage , not including time trials and summit finishes , any rider involved would receive the same time as the group he was in when the crash occurred . The rider with the lowest cumulative time would be the winner of the general classification and the overall winner of the Tour . The rider leading the classification would wear a yellow jersey . Points classification points for the top 15 positions by type Type 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Flat stage 50 30 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 7 6 5 Medium mountain stage 30 25 22 19 17 15 13 11 9 High mountain stage 20 17 15 13 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Individual time trial Intermediate sprint The second classification was the points classification . Riders received points for finishing among the highest placed in a stage finish , or in intermediate sprints during the stage . The points available for each stage finish were determined by the stage 's type . The leader was identified by a green jersey . The third classification was the mountains classification . Points were awarded to the riders that reached the summit of the most difficult climbs first . The climbs were categorized , in order of increasing difficulty , as fourth - , third - , second - , and first - category and hors catégorie ( read : `` beyond category '' ) . Double points were awarded at the top of the last mountains in the three mountain stages in the Pyrenees ( 16 , 17 and 19 ) . The leader wore a white jersey with red polka dots . The final individual classification was the young rider classification . This was calculated the same way as the general classification , but was restricted to riders born on or after 1 January 1993 . The leader wears a white jersey . The final classification was a team classification . This was calculated using the finishing times of the best three riders per team on each stage ; the leading team was the team with the lowest cumulative time . The number of stage victories and placings per team determined the outcome of a tie . The riders in the team that lead this classification are identified with yellow number bibs on the back of their jerseys and yellow helmets . In addition , there was a combativity award given after each stage to the rider considered , by a jury , to have `` made the greatest effort and who demonstrated the best qualities of sportsmanship '' . No combativity awards are given for the time trials and the final stage . The winner wore a red number bib the following stage . At the conclusion of the Tour , a rider would win the overall super-combativity award which was , again , awarded by a jury . A total of € 2,287,750 was awarded in cash prizes in the race . The overall winner of the general classification received € 500,000 , with the second and third placed riders getting € 200,000 and € 100,000 respectively . All finishers in the top 160 were awarded money . The holders of the classifications would benefit on each stage they led ; the final winners of the points and mountains would be given € 25,000 , while the best young rider and most combative rider would get € 20,000 . The team classification winners was given € 50,000 . € 11,000 was given to the winners of each stage of the race , with smaller amounts given to places 2 -- 20 . There were also two special awards each with a prize of € 5000 . The Souvenir Henri Desgrange , given to first rider to pass the summit of the highest climb in the Tour , the Col du Portet on stage seventeen , and the Souvenir Jacques Goddet , given to the first rider to pass Goddet 's memorial at the summit of the Col du Tourmalet in stage nineteen . Nairo Quintana won the Henri Desgrange and Julian Alaphilippe won the Jacques Goddet . Classification leadership by stage Stage Winner General classification Points classification Mountains classification Young rider classification Team classification Combativity award Fernando Gaviria Fernando Gaviria Fernando Gaviria Kévin Ledanois Fernando Gaviria Quick - Step Floors Yoann Offredo Peter Sagan Peter Sagan Peter Sagan Dion Smith Sylvain Chavanel BMC Racing Team Greg Van Avermaet Søren Kragh Andersen No award Fernando Gaviria Jérôme Cousin 5 Peter Sagan Toms Skujiņš Toms Skujiņš 6 Daniel Martin Damien Gaudin 7 Dylan Groenewegen Laurent Pichon 8 Dylan Groenewegen Fabien Grellier 9 John Degenkolb Damien Gaudin 10 Julian Alaphilippe Julian Alaphilippe Pierre Latour Movistar Team Greg Van Avermaet 11 Geraint Thomas Geraint Thomas Alejandro Valverde 12 Geraint Thomas Steven Kruijswijk 13 Peter Sagan Michael Schär 14 Omar Fraile Jasper Stuyven 15 Magnus Cort Nielsen Rafał Majka 16 Julian Alaphilippe Bahrain -- Merida Philippe Gilbert 17 Nairo Quintana Movistar Team Tanel Kangert 18 Arnaud Démare Luke Durbridge 19 Primož Roglič Mikel Landa 20 Tom Dumoulin No award 21 Alexander Kristoff Final Geraint Thomas Peter Sagan Julian Alaphilippe Pierre Latour Movistar Team Dan Martin In stage two , Marcel Kittel , who was third in the points classification , wore the green jersey , because first placed Fernando Gaviria wore the yellow jersey as leader of the general classification and Peter Sagan , who was second in the points classification , wore the rainbow jersey of the world champion . In stage two , Dylan Groenewegen , who was second in the best young rider classification , wore the white jersey , because first placed Fernando Gaviria wore the yellow jersey as leader of the general classification . In stage three , Alexander Kristoff , who was third in the points classification , wore the green jersey , because first placed Peter Sagan wore the yellow jersey as leader of the general classification , and second placed Fernando Gaviria wore the white jersey as leader of the young rider classification . In stage seventeen Philippe Gilbert did not start , so no rider wore the red bib as the most combative rider of previous stage . Final standings ( edit ) Legend Denotes the winner of the general classification Denotes the winner of the mountains classification Denotes the winner of the points classification Denotes the winner of the young rider classification Denotes the winner of the team classification Denotes the winner of the combativity award General classification ( edit ) Final general classification ( 1 -- 10 ) Rank Rider Team Time Geraint Thomas ( GBR ) Team Sky 83h 17 ' 13 '' Tom Dumoulin ( NED ) Team Sunweb + 1 ' 51 '' Chris Froome ( GBR ) Team Sky + 2 ' 24 '' Primož Roglič ( SVN ) LottoNL -- Jumbo + 3 ' 22 '' 5 Steven Kruijswijk ( NED ) LottoNL -- Jumbo + 6 ' 08 '' 6 Romain Bardet ( FRA ) AG2R La Mondiale + 6 ' 57 '' 7 Mikel Landa ( ESP ) Movistar Team + 7 ' 37 '' 8 Dan Martin ( IRL ) UAE Team Emirates + 9 ' 05 '' 9 Ilnur Zakarin ( RUS ) Team Katusha -- Alpecin + 12 ' 37 '' 10 Nairo Quintana ( COL ) Movistar Team + 14 ' 18 '' show Final general classification ( 11 -- 145 ) Rank Rider Team Time 11 Bob Jungels ( LUX ) Quick - Step Floors + 16 ' 32 '' 12 Jakob Fuglsang ( DEN ) Astana + 19 ' 46 '' 13 Pierre Latour ( FRA ) AG2R La Mondiale + 22 ' 13 '' 14 Alejandro Valverde ( ESP ) Movistar Team + 27 ' 26 '' 15 Egan Bernal ( COL ) Team Sky + 27 ' 52 '' 16 Tanel Kangert ( EST ) Astana + 34 ' 52 '' 17 Warren Barguil ( FRA ) Fortuneo -- Samsic + 37 ' 06 '' 18 Domenico Pozzovivo ( ITA ) Bahrain -- Merida + 39 ' 08 '' 19 Rafał Majka ( POL ) Bora -- Hansgrohe + 39 ' 57 '' 20 Damiano Caruso ( ITA ) BMC Racing Team + 42 ' 31 '' 21 Guillaume Martin ( FRA ) Wanty -- Groupe Gobert + 44 ' 39 '' 22 Ion Izagirre ( ESP ) Bahrain -- Merida + 46 ' 36 '' 23 Mikel Nieve ( ESP ) Mitchelton -- Scott + 49 ' 19 '' 24 Gorka Izagirre ( ESP ) Bahrain -- Merida + 50 ' 02 '' 25 Simon Geschke ( GER ) Team Sunweb + 50 ' 15 '' 26 Bauke Mollema ( NED ) Trek -- Segafredo + 1h 06 ' 33 '' 27 Pierre Rolland ( FRA ) EF Education First -- Drapac p / b Cannondale + 1h 09 ' 09 '' 28 Greg Van Avermaet ( BEL ) BMC Racing Team + 1h 10 ' 14 '' 29 Adam Yates ( GBR ) Mitchelton -- Scott + 1h 17 ' 35 '' 30 Lilian Calmejane ( FRA ) Direct Énergie + 1h 18 ' 09 '' 31 Robert Gesink ( NED ) LottoNL -- Jumbo + 1h 21 ' 13 '' 32 Tejay van Garderen ( USA ) BMC Racing Team + 1h 23 ' 05 '' 33 Julian Alaphilippe ( FRA ) Quick - Step Floors + 1h 28 ' 08 '' 34 David Gaudu ( FRA ) Groupama -- FDJ + 1h 30 ' 01 '' 35 Julien Bernard ( FRA ) Trek -- Segafredo + 1h 34 ' 12 '' 36 Daniel Felipe Martínez ( COL ) EF Education First -- Drapac p / b Cannondale + 1h 38 ' 38 '' 37 Antwan Tolhoek ( NED ) LottoNL -- Jumbo + 1h 39 ' 01 '' 38 Rudy Molard ( FRA ) Groupama -- FDJ + 1h 47 ' 36 '' 39 Sylvain Chavanel ( FRA ) Direct Énergie + 1h 47 ' 47 '' 40 Kristijan Đurasek ( CRO ) UAE Team Emirates + 1h 48 ' 06 '' 41 Arthur Vichot ( FRA ) Groupama -- FDJ + 1h 51 ' 19 '' 42 Maxime Bouet ( FRA ) Fortuneo -- Samsic + 1h 58 ' 08 '' 43 Nicolas Edet ( FRA ) Cofidis + 1h 58 ' 54 '' 44 Michael Valgren ( DEN ) Astana + 1h 59 ' 20 '' 45 Daniel Navarro ( ESP ) Cofidis + 2h 00 ' 32 '' 46 Daryl Impey ( RSA ) Mitchelton -- Scott + 2h 00 ' 53 '' 47 Jesús Herrada ( ESP ) Cofidis + 2h 01 ' 52 '' 48 Amaël Moinard ( FRA ) Fortuneo -- Samsic + 2h 03 ' 20 '' 49 Michał Kwiatkowski ( POL ) Team Sky + 2h 05 ' 29 '' 50 Andrey Amador ( CRC ) Movistar Team + 2h 05 ' 38 '' 51 Laurens ten Dam ( NED ) Team Sunweb + 2h 06 ' 22 '' 52 Søren Kragh Andersen ( DEN ) Team Sunweb + 2h 06 ' 23 '' 53 Stefan Küng ( SUI ) BMC Racing Team + 2h 07 ' 14 '' 54 Thomas Degand ( BEL ) Wanty -- Groupe Gobert + 2h 09 ' 54 '' 55 Mathias Frank ( SUI ) AG2R La Mondiale + 2h 10 ' 29 '' 56 Jesper Hansen ( DEN ) Astana + 2h 10 ' 33 '' 57 Omar Fraile ( ESP ) Astana + 2h 10 ' 59 '' 58 Wout Poels ( NED ) Team Sky + 2h 13 ' 23 '' 59 Tom - Jelte Slagter ( NED ) Team Dimension Data + 2h 13 ' 58 '' 60 Franco Pellizotti ( ITA ) Bahrain -- Merida + 2h 17 ' 32 '' 61 Pavel Kochetkov ( RUS ) Team Katusha -- Alpecin + 2h 17 ' 52 '' 62 Marc Soler ( ESP ) Movistar Team + 2h 18 ' 51 '' 63 Jasper Stuyven ( BEL ) Trek -- Segafredo + 2h 20 ' 24 '' 64 Marco Minnaard ( NED ) Wanty -- Groupe Gobert + 2h 20 ' 31 '' 65 Thomas De Gendt ( BEL ) Lotto -- Soudal + 2h 24 ' 41 '' 66 Oliver Naesen ( BEL ) AG2R La Mondiale + 2h 29 ' 36 '' 67 Nikias Arndt ( GER ) Team Sunweb + 2h 32 ' 02 '' 68 Magnus Cort ( DEN ) Astana + 2h 32 ' 26 '' 69 Darwin Atapuma ( COL ) UAE Team Emirates + 2h 35 ' 47 '' 70 Jonathan Castroviejo ( ESP ) Team Sky + 2h 36 ' 06 '' 71 Peter Sagan ( SVK ) Bora -- Hansgrohe + 2h 38 ' 08 '' 72 Chad Haga ( USA ) Team Sunweb + 2h 39 ' 40 '' 73 Romain Sicard ( FRA ) Direct Énergie + 2h 42 ' 53 '' 74 Tobias Ludvigsson ( SWE ) Groupama -- FDJ + 2h 45 ' 40 '' 75 Julien Vermote ( BEL ) Team Dimension Data + 2h 45 ' 57 '' 76 Gregor Mühlberger ( AUT ) Bora -- Hansgrohe + 2h 46 ' 13 '' 77 Imanol Erviti ( ESP ) Movistar Team + 2h 47 ' 46 '' 78 Koen de Kort ( NED ) Trek -- Segafredo + 2h 48 ' 29 '' 79 Ian Boswell ( USA ) Team Katusha -- Alpecin + 2h 51 ' 47 '' 80 Yves Lampaert ( BEL ) Quick - Step Floors + 2h 52 ' 37 '' 81 Paul Martens ( GER ) LottoNL -- Jumbo + 2h 52 ' 46 '' 82 Toms Skujiņš ( LAT ) Trek -- Segafredo + 2h 53 ' 41 '' 83 Silvan Dillier ( SUI ) AG2R La Mondiale + 2h 55 ' 15 '' 84 Edvald Boasson Hagen ( NOR ) Team Dimension Data + 2h 57 ' 00 '' 85 Anthony Perez ( FRA ) Cofidis + 2h 58 ' 56 '' 86 Élie Gesbert ( FRA ) Fortuneo -- Samsic + 3h 00 ' 48 '' 87 Nils Politt ( GER ) Team Katusha -- Alpecin + 3h 00 ' 54 '' 88 Edward Theuns ( BEL ) Team Sunweb + 3h 02 ' 15 '' 89 Thomas Boudat ( FRA ) Direct Énergie + 3h 04 ' 07 '' 90 Michael Schär ( SUI ) BMC Racing Team + 3h 04 ' 14 '' 91 Yoann Offredo ( FRA ) Wanty -- Groupe Gobert + 3h 04 ' 27 '' 92 Marcus Burghardt ( GER ) Bora -- Hansgrohe + 3h 04 ' 48 '' 93 Jérôme Cousin ( FRA ) Direct Énergie + 3h 05 ' 34 '' 94 Paweł Poljański ( POL ) Bora -- Hansgrohe + 3h 07 ' 14 '' 95 Andrea Pasqualon ( ITA ) Wanty -- Groupe Gobert + 3h 09 ' 34 '' 96 Kévin Ledanois ( FRA ) Fortuneo -- Samsic + 3h 11 ' 55 '' 97 Dion Smith ( NZL ) Wanty -- Groupe Gobert + 3h 12 ' 24 '' 98 Laurent Pichon ( FRA ) Fortuneo -- Samsic + 3h 12 ' 46 '' 99 Florian Vachon ( FRA ) Fortuneo -- Samsic + 3h 13 ' 47 '' 100 Simon Clarke ( AUS ) EF Education First -- Drapac p / b Cannondale + 3h 15 ' 40 '' 101 Julien Simon ( FRA ) Cofidis + 3h 15 ' 55 '' 102 Kristijan Koren ( SLO ) Bahrain -- Merida + 3h 16 ' 54 '' 103 Tomasz Marczyński ( POL ) Lotto -- Soudal + 3h 19 ' 10 '' 104 Daniele Bennati ( ITA ) Movistar Team + 3h 19 ' 22 '' 105 Romain Hardy ( FRA ) Fortuneo -- Samsic + 3h 19 ' 49 '' 106 Rory Sutherland ( AUS ) UAE Team Emirates + 3h 21 ' 22 '' 107 Simon Gerrans ( AUS ) BMC Racing Team + 3h 21 ' 37 '' 108 Mathew Hayman ( AUS ) Mitchelton -- Scott + 3h 21 ' 55 '' 109 Sonny Colbrelli ( ITA ) Bahrain -- Merida + 3h 21 ' 55 '' 110 Reinardt Janse van Rensburg ( RSA ) Team Dimension Data + 3h 24 ' 25 '' 111 John Degenkolb ( GER ) Trek -- Segafredo + 3h 26 ' 35 '' 112 Daniel Oss ( ITA ) Bora -- Hansgrohe + 3h 32 ' 29 '' 113 Michael Gogl ( AUT ) Trek -- Segafredo + 3h 32 ' 54 '' 114 Alexander Kristoff ( NOR ) UAE Team Emirates + 3h 33 ' 33 '' 115 Sep Vanmarcke ( BEL ) EF Education First -- Drapac p / b Cannondale + 3h 34 ' 17 '' 116 Anthony Turgis ( FRA ) Cofidis + 3h 36 ' 11 '' 117 Michael Hepburn ( AUS ) Mitchelton -- Scott + 3h 36 ' 30 '' 118 Luke Durbridge ( AUS ) Mitchelton -- Scott + 3h 37 ' 21 '' 119 Niki Terpstra ( NED ) Quick - Step Floors + 3h 37 ' 31 '' 120 Fabien Grellier ( FRA ) Direct Énergie + 3h 37 ' 56 '' 121 Jack Bauer ( AUS ) Mitchelton -- Scott + 3h 39 ' 02 '' 122 Maciej Bodnar ( POL ) Bora -- Hansgrohe + 3h 39 ' 20 '' 123 Guillaume Van Keirsbulck ( BEL ) Wanty -- Groupe Gobert + 3h 40 ' 30 '' 124 Christophe Laporte ( FRA ) Cofidis + 3h 41 ' 55 '' 125 Heinrich Haussler ( AUS ) Bahrain -- Merida + 3h 42 ' 24 '' 126 Marco Marcato ( ITA ) UAE Team Emirates + 3h 42 ' 54 '' 127 Olivier Le Gac ( FRA ) Groupama -- FDJ + 3h 49 ' 03 '' 128 Luke Rowe ( GBR ) Team Sky + 3h 50 ' 55 '' 129 Tom Scully ( NZL ) EF Education First -- Drapac p / b Cannondale + 3h 50 ' 59 '' 130 Dimitri Claeys ( BEL ) Cofidis + 3h 51 ' 15 '' 131 Timothy Dupont ( BEL ) Wanty -- Groupe Gobert + 3h 51 ' 16 '' 132 Lukas Pöstlberger ( AUT ) Bora -- Hansgrohe + 3h 56 ' 53 '' 133 Oliviero Troia ( ITA ) UAE Team Emirates + 3h 57 ' 02 '' 134 Ramon Sinkeldam ( NED ) Groupama -- FDJ + 3h 58 ' 01 '' 135 Maximiliano Richeze ( ARG ) Quick - Step Floors + 3h 58 ' 58 '' 136 Taylor Phinney ( USA ) EF Education First -- Drapac p / b Cannondale + 3h 59 ' 07 '' 137 Timo Roosen ( NED ) LottoNL -- Jumbo + 4h 01 ' 05 '' 138 Roberto Ferrari ( ITA ) UAE Team Emirates + 4h 01 ' 34 '' 139 Amund Grøndahl Jansen ( NOR ) LottoNL -- Jumbo + 4h 02 ' 04 '' 140 Damien Gaudin ( FRA ) Direct Énergie + 4h 02 ' 07 '' 141 Arnaud Démare ( FRA ) Groupama -- FDJ + 4h 08 ' 18 '' 142 Jasper De Buyst ( BEL ) Lotto -- Soudal + 4h 08 ' 54 '' 143 Jay Thomson ( RSA ) Team Dimension Data + 4h 09 ' 49 '' 144 Jacopo Guarnieri ( ITA ) Groupama -- FDJ + 4h 12 ' 29 '' 145 Lawson Craddock ( USA ) EF Education First -- Drapac p / b Cannondale + 4h 34 ' 19 '' Points classification ( edit ) Final points classification ( 1 -- 10 ) Rank Rider Team Points Peter Sagan ( SVK ) Bora -- Hansgrohe 477 Alexander Kristoff ( NOR ) UAE Team Emirates 246 Arnaud Démare ( FRA ) Groupama -- FDJ 203 John Degenkolb ( GER ) Trek -- Segafredo 178 5 Julian Alaphilippe ( FRA ) Quick - Step Floors 143 6 Greg Van Avermaet ( BEL ) BMC Racing Team 134 7 Andrea Pasqualon ( ITA ) Wanty -- Groupe Gobert 115 8 Geraint Thomas ( GBR ) Team Sky 110 9 Sonny Colbrelli ( ITA ) Bahrain -- Merida 104 10 Dan Martin ( IRL ) UAE Team Emirates 98 Mountains classification ( edit ) Final mountains classification ( 1 -- 10 ) Rank Rider Team Points Julian Alaphilippe ( FRA ) Quick - Step Floors 170 Warren Barguil ( FRA ) Fortuneo -- Samsic 91 Rafał Majka ( POL ) Bora -- Hansgrohe 76 Geraint Thomas ( GBR ) Team Sky 74 5 Tom Dumoulin ( NED ) Team Sunweb 63 6 Primož Roglič ( SVN ) LottoNL -- Jumbo 56 7 Dan Martin ( IRL ) UAE Team Emirates 41 8 Nairo Quintana ( COL ) Movistar Team 40 9 Tanel Kangert ( EST ) Astana 39 10 Steven Kruijswijk ( NED ) LottoNL -- Jumbo 36 Young rider classification ( edit ) Final young rider classification ( 1 -- 10 ) Rank Rider Team Time Pierre Latour ( FRA ) AG2R La Mondiale 83h 39 ' 26 '' Egan Bernal ( COL ) Team Sky + 5 ' 39 '' Guillaume Martin ( FRA ) Wanty -- Groupe Gobert + 22 ' 05 '' David Gaudu ( FRA ) Groupama -- FDJ + 1h 07 ' 18 '' 5 Daniel Martínez ( COL ) EF Education First -- Drapac + 1h 16 ' 01 '' 6 Antwan Tolhoek ( NED ) LottoNL -- Jumbo + 1h 16 ' 48 '' 7 Søren Kragh Andersen ( DEN ) Team Sunweb + 1h 44 ' 10 '' 8 Stefan Küng ( SUI ) BMC Racing Team + 1h 45 ' 01 '' 9 Marc Soler ( ESP ) Movistar Team + 1h 56 ' 14 '' 10 Magnus Cort ( DEN ) Astana + 2h 10 ' 13 '' Team classification ( edit ) Final team classification ( 1 -- 10 ) Rank Team Time Movistar Team 250h 24 ' 53 '' Bahrain -- Merida + 12 ' 33 '' Team Sky + 31 ' 14 '' LottoNL -- Jumbo + 47 ' 24 '' 5 Astana + 1h 15 ' 32 '' 6 Team Sunweb + 1h 58 ' 54 '' 7 AG2R La Mondiale + 2h 15 ' 49 '' 8 BMC Racing Team + 2h 35 ' 45 '' 9 Quick - Step Floors + 3h 06 ' 17 '' 10 Mitchelton -- Scott + 3h 13 ' 41 '' See also ( edit ) Cycling portal France portal 2018 in men 's road cycling 2018 in sports 2018 La Course by Le Tour de France Notes and references ( edit ) Footnotes ( edit ) Jump up ^ The start of the tour was postponed a week in order to reduce overlap with the 2018 FIFA World Cup References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Robertshaw , Henry ( 22 June 2017 ) . `` 2018 Tour de France rescheduled to reduce clash with FIFA World Cup '' . Cycling Weekly . TI Media . Retrieved 28 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Direct Energie , Cofidis , Fortuneo and Wanty receive 2018 Tour de France wild cards '' . . Immediate Media Company . 6 January 2018 . Retrieved 6 January 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Tour de France wildcard decision explained by Christian Prudhomme '' . . Immediate Media Company . 6 January 2018 . Retrieved 6 January 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Tour de France team presentation -- Gallery '' . . Immediate Media Company . 5 July 2018 . Retrieved 10 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Grand Tour teams to be reduced from nine to eight riders from 2018 '' . Cycling Weekly . 22 June 2017 . Retrieved 18 October 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` List of starters -- Tour de France 2018 '' . Tour de France . Amaury Sport Organisation . Retrieved 11 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Tour de France 2018 -- Debutants '' . ProCyclingStats . Retrieved 11 July 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` Official classifications of Tour de France 2018 -- Stage 21 '' . Tour de France . 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Immediate Media Company . 28 February 2017 . Retrieved 1 August 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Farrand , Stephen ( 17 October 2017 ) . `` Tour de France 2018 route revealed '' . . Immediate Media Company . Retrieved 1 August 2018 . Jump up ^ Robertshaw , Henry ( 17 October 2017 ) . `` Riders and teams react to the 2018 Tour de France route announcement '' . Cycling Weekly . TI Media . Retrieved 2 August 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` Route of Tour de France '' . Tour de France . Amaury Sport Organisation . Retrieved 18 October 2017 . Jump up ^ Augendre 2018 , p. 112 . Jump up ^ Daniel , Ostanek ( 7 July 2018 ) . `` Tour de France : Gaviria wins opener and takes first yellow jersey '' . . Immediate Media Company . Retrieved 30 July 2018 . Jump up ^ Ostanek , Daniel ( 8 July 2018 ) . `` Tour de France : Peter Sagan wins crash - marred stage 2 and takes yellow jersey '' . . Immediate Media Company . Retrieved 30 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` At Tour de France , BMC Presents Chris Froome With an Uphill Climb '' . The New York Times . Associated Press . 10 July 2018 . Retrieved 30 July 2018 . Jump up ^ Zaccardi , Nick ( 9 July 2018 ) . `` Tejay van Garderen misses Tour de France yellow jersey on tiebreak '' . NBC Sports . Retrieved 3 August 2018 . Jump up ^ O'Shea , Sadhbh ( 10 July 2018 ) . `` Tour de France : Gaviria wins stage 4 in Sarzeau '' . Cycling News . Retrieved 10 July 2018 . Jump up ^ Robertshaw , Henry ( 10 July 2018 ) . `` Fernando Gaviria out - sprints Peter Sagan to take second stage win of Tour de France '' . Cycling Weekly . Retrieved 10 July 2018 . Jump up ^ Glendenning , Barry ( 29 July 2018 ) . `` Tour de France 2018 : Peter Sagan powers to stage five win '' . The Guardian . Retrieved 29 July 2018 . Jump up ^ Benson , Daniel ( 12 July 2018 ) . `` Tour de France : Dan Martin wins on the Mur de Bretagne '' . . Immediate Media Company . Retrieved 12 July 2018 . Jump up ^ Robertshaw , Henry ( 12 July 2018 ) . `` Dan Martin takes uphill victory on Tour de France stage six as Bardet and Dumoulin lose time '' . Cycling Weekly . Retrieved 13 July 2018 . Jump up ^ Organisation , Amaury Sport . `` Tour de France 2018 '' . . Retrieved 17 July 2018 . Jump up ^ Ostlere , Laurence ( 13 July 2018 ) . `` Tour de France 2018 : Dylan Groenewegen wins stage seven with sprint win over Fernando Gaviria and Peter Sagan '' . The Independebt . Retrieved 29 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Tour de France : Greipel , Gaviria relegated in separate incidents during sprint in Amiens '' . . Immediate Media Company . Retrieved 17 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Tour de France 2018 : Dylan Groenewegen takes stage eight for second straight win '' . BBC Sport. 14 July 2018 . Retrieved 14 July 2018 . Jump up ^ Arthurs - Brennan , Michelle ( 15 July 2018 ) . `` Richie Porte abandons 2018 Tour de France after stage nine crash '' . Cycling Weekly . Retrieved 15 July 2018 . Jump up ^ McCleary , John ( 15 July 2018 ) . `` Tour de France 2018 , stage nine : John Degenkolb triumphs after Richie Porte crashes out on day of chaos on cobbles '' . Daily Telegraph . Retrieved 29 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Tour de France : Degenkolb wins much - feared stage in Roubaix '' . . Immediate Media Company . 15 July 2018 . Retrieved 15 July 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Whittle , Jeremy ( 17 July 2018 ) . `` Julian Alaphilippe takes stage 10 as Tour de France starts Alps climb '' . The Guardian . Retrieved 29 July 2018 . Jump up ^ Brown , Gregor ( 17 July 2018 ) . `` Greg Van Avermaet : ' It 's an honour to ride in the yellow jersey , that 's why I tried to defend it ' '' . Cycling Weekly . Time Inc . UK . Retrieved 31 July 2018 . Jump up ^ Fletcher , Patrick ( 18 July 2018 ) . `` Tour de France : Geraint Thomas wins stage 11 at La Rosiere , takes yellow '' . . Immediate Media Company . Retrieved 31 July 2018 . Jump up ^ Cary , Tom ( 20 July 2018 ) . `` Tour de France 2018 , stage 12 : Geraint Thomas makes history on Alpe d'Huez as Welshman extends overall lead '' . Daily Telegraph . Retrieved 29 July 2018 . Jump up ^ O'Shea , Sadhbh ( 20 July 2018 ) . `` Kristoff : I thought I had it , but Peter Sagan was too fast '' . . Immediate Media Company . Retrieved 29 July 2018 . Jump up ^ Brewin , John ( 21 July 2018 ) . `` Tour de France 2018 : Omar Fraile wins stage 14 '' . The Guardian . Retrieved 29 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Magnus Cort Nielsen sprints to victory in Tour de France Stage 15 '' . Sky Sports . Sky plc. 22 July 2018 . Retrieved 31 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Tour de France - etappe tijdelijk stilgelegd na gebruik traangas door politie '' ( The Tour de France -- the stage of his career in style at the doorstep of the door of politics ) . ( in Dutch ) . 24 July 2018 . Retrieved 30 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Tour de France 2018 : Alaphilippe wins stage 16 after Adam Yates crash '' . The Guardian . 24 July 2018 . Retrieved 29 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Tour de France 2018 , stage 17 : Geraint Thomas tightens grip on yellow as Chris Froome cracks as Nairo Quintana ends five - year wait for victory '' . Telegraph . Retrieved 29 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Arnaud Demare wins Tour de France stage 18 ; Geraint Thomas retains yellow jersey '' . Sky Sports . Sky plc. 27 July 2018 . Retrieved 31 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Tour de France : Geraint Thomas edges closer to victory after second place on stage 19 '' . BBC . Retrieved 29 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Tour de France : Geraint Thomas set to win after maintaining lead on stage 20 '' . BBC Online . Retrieved 29 July 2018 . Jump up ^ Scrivener , Peter ( 29 July 2018 ) . `` Tour de France : Geraint Thomas wins as Chris Froome finishes third '' . BBC Sport . BBC . Retrieved 30 July 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Race regulations 2018 , pp. 29 -- 30 . ^ Jump up to : Race regulations 2018 , p. 31 . Jump up ^ Race regulations 2018 , p. 26 . ^ Jump up to : Race regulations 2018 , p. 23 . ^ Jump up to : Race regulations 2018 , p. 30 . Jump up ^ Race regulations 2018 , p. 29 . Jump up ^ Race regulations 2018 , p. 24 . ^ Jump up to : Race regulations 2018 , p. 19 . Jump up ^ Race regulations 2018 , pp. 23 -- 24 . ^ Jump up to : Race regulations 2018 , p. 17 . Jump up ^ Race regulations 2018 , pp. 17 -- 19 . Jump up ^ Race regulations 2018 , p. 18 . Jump up ^ `` Tour de France 2018 : Stage 17 preview '' . . Immediate Media Company . 16 June 2018 . Retrieved 2 July 2018 . Jump up ^ Lowe , Felix ( 25 July 2018 ) . `` Tour de France 2018 : Quintana wins on Col du Portet as Froome cracks and Thomas strengthens GC grip '' . Eurosport . Discovery Communications . Retrieved 30 July 2018 . Jump up ^ Lowe , Felix ( 27 July 2018 ) . `` Tour de France 2018 : Geraint Thomas extends lead as Primoz Roglic zips to Stage 19 win '' . Eurosport . Discovery Communications . Retrieved 30 July 2018 . Sources ( edit ) Augendre , Jacques ( 2018 ) . Guide historique ( Historical guide ) ( PDF ) . Tour de France ( in French ) . Paris : Amaury Sport Organisation . Archived ( PDF ) from the original on 18 July 2018 . Retrieved 2 August 2018 . Race regulations ( PDF ) . Tour de France . Paris : Amaury Sport Organisation. 2018 . Archived ( PDF ) from the original on 2 July 2018 . Retrieved 2 July 2018 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to 2018 Tour de France . Official website 2018 Tour de France `` 2017 2019 '' Teams and cyclists Stage 1 -- 11 Stage 12 -- 21 Tour de France By year 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 2017 2018 2019 2020 Classifications ( `` jerseys '' ) Current General ( maillot jaune ) Points ( maillot vert ) Mountains ( maillot à pois ) Young rider ( maillot blanc ) Team ( classement d'équipes ) Combativity ( prix de combativité ) Former Combination ( maillot du combiné ) Intermediate sprints ( maillot rouge ) Directors 1903 -- 1935 : Henri Desgrange 1936 -- 1961 : Jacques Goddet 1962 -- 1986 : Jacques Goddet and Félix Lévitan 1987 : Jean - François Naquet - Radiguet 1988 : Xavier Louy 1989 -- 2006 : Jean - Marie Leblanc 2007 -- present : Christian Prudhomme Finish locations 1903 -- 1967 : Parc des Princes 1968 -- 1974 : Vélodrome de Vincennes 1975 -- present : Champs - Élysées final stage Lists General classification winners Secondary classification winners Grands Départs Records and statistics Mountain passes and hills Articles and topics During World War II Yellow jersey statistics Lanterne rouge Doping Hors catégorie Souvenir Jacques Goddet Souvenir Henri Desgrange Related articles Émilien Amaury Amaury Sport Organisation Pierre Dumas Géo Lefèvre Didi Senft La Course by Le Tour de France L'Étape du Tour Part of the Grand Tour 2018 UCI World Tour Races Tour Down Under Great Ocean Road Race Abu Dhabi Tour Omloop Het Nieuwsblad Strade Bianche Paris -- Nice Tirreno -- Adriatico Milan -- San Remo Volta a Catalunya E3 Harelbeke Gent -- Wevelgem Dwars door Vlaanderen Tour of Flanders Tour of the Basque Country Paris -- Roubaix Amstel Gold Race La Flèche Wallonne Liège -- Bastogne -- Liège Tour de Romandie Eschborn - Frankfurt Giro d'Italia Tour of California Critérium du Dauphiné Tour de Suisse Tour de France Clásica de San Sebastián Tour de Pologne RideLondon -- Surrey Classic BinckBank Tour Vuelta a España EuroEyes Cyclassics Bretagne Classic Ouest -- France GP de Québec GP de Montréal Il Lombardia Presidential Tour of Turkey Tour of Guangxi Teams AG2R La Mondiale Astana Bahrain -- Merida BMC Racing Team Bora -- Hansgrohe EF Education First -- Drapac p / b Cannondale Team Dimension Data FDJ Team Katusha -- Alpecin Lotto -- Soudal LottoNL -- Jumbo Movistar Team Mitchelton -- Scott Quick - Step Floors Team Sky Team Sunweb Trek -- Segafredo UAE Team Emirates List of 2018 UCI WorldTeams and riders Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2018 in French sport 2018 Tour de France 2018 UCI World Tour July 2018 events in France July 2018 sports events in Europe Tour de France by year Hidden categories : CS1 Dutch - language sources ( nl ) Use dmy dates from July 2018 Use British English from August 2018 Interlanguage link template link number CS1 French - language sources ( fr ) Official website not in Wikidata Talk Contents About Wikipedia Asturianu Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Español Esperanto Euskara Føroyskt Français Italiano עברית Latina Latviešu Lëtzebuergesch Magyar Македонски Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский Scots Slovenčina Српски / srpski Suomi 中文 20 more Edit links This page was last edited on 11 August 2018 , at 16 : 40 ( UTC ) . 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who won the first stage of the 2018 tour de france
The opening stage was won by Fernando Gaviria of Quick - Step Floors , who became the Tour 's first rider to wear the general classification leader 's yellow jersey . Peter Sagan ( Bora -- Hansgrohe ) then took the race lead the following stage . BMC Racing Team won stage three 's team time trial , putting their rider Greg Van Avermaet in yellow . He held the jersey for eight days until the second high mountain stage , where stage winner Thomas took the lead . He held it for the rest of the race to become the first Welshman to win the overall race . As a result , Team Sky -- and additionally British riders -- won six of the previous seven Tours dating back to 2012 .
Kuala Lumpur - wikipedia Kuala Lumpur Jump to : navigation , search Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory and City Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Other transcription ( s ) Malay Kuala Lumpur Jawi کوالا لومڤور ‎ Chinese 吉隆坡 Tamil கோலாலம்பூர் Clockwise from top left : Petronas Twin Towers , Petaling Street , Jamek Mosque and Gombak / Klang river confluence , National Monument , National Mosque , skyline of Kuala Lumpur . Centre : Kuala Lumpur Tower Flag Seal Nickname ( s ) : KL , Garden City of Lights Motto : Bersedia Menyumbang Bandaraya Cemerlang ( English : Ready to Contribute towards an Excellent City ) Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia Coordinates : 3 ° 8 ′ N 101 ° 41 ′ E  /  3.133 ° N 101.683 ° E  / 3.133 ; 101.683 Coordinates : 3 ° 8 ′ N 101 ° 41 ′ E  /  3.133 ° N 101.683 ° E  / 3.133 ; 101.683 Country Malaysia Administrative Areas List ( show ) Damansara Seputeh Segambut Kepong Kuala Lumpur City Centre Setiawangsa Bandar Tun Razak Sungai Besi Establishment 1859 Granted city status 1 February 1972 Granted Federal Territory 1 February 1974 Government Mayor ( Datuk Bandar ) Mhd Amin Nordin Abdul Aziz Area Federal Territory and City 243 km ( 94 sq mi ) Metro 2,243.27 km ( 866.13 sq mi ) Elevation 66 m ( 217 ft ) Population ( 2015 ) Federal Territory and City 1,768,000 ( 1st ) Density 6,891 / km ( 17,310 / sq mi ) Metro 7,200,000 Metro density 6,581 / km ( 17,040 / sq mi ) Demonym KL - ite / Kuala Lumpurian Human Development Index HDI ( 2010 ) 0.795 ( high ) ( 2nd ) Time zone MST ( UTC + 8 ) Postal code 50000 to 60000 Mean solar time UTC + 06 : 46 : 48 Area code ( s ) 03 Vehicle registration V and W ( for all vehicles except taxis ) HW ( for taxis only ) ISO 3166 - 2 MY - 14 Website Kuala Lumpur ( / ˈkwɑːləˈlʊmpʊər / or / - pər / ; Malaysian pronunciation : ( ˈkwalə ˈlumpʊr ) ) , officially the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur , or commonly KL , is the national capital of Malaysia as well as its largest city . The only alpha world city in Malaysia , it covers an area of 243 km ( 94 sq mi ) and has an estimated population of 1.73 million as of 2016 . Greater Kuala Lumpur , also known as the Klang Valley , is an urban agglomeration of 7.25 million people as of 2017 . It is among the fastest growing metropolitan regions in South - East Asia , in both population and economic development . Kuala Lumpur is the cultural , financial and economic centre of Malaysia and home to the Parliament of Malaysia , and the official residence of the Malaysian King ( Yang di - Pertuan Agong ) , the Istana Negara . The city once held the headquarters of the executive and judicial branches of the federal government as well , but they were moved to Putrajaya in early 1999 . Some sections of the judiciary still remain in Kuala Lumpur . Kuala Lumpur is one of three Federal Territories of Malaysia , enclaved within the state of Selangor , on the central west coast of Peninsular Malaysia . Since the 1990s , the city has played host to many international sporting , political and cultural events including the 1998 Commonwealth Games . Kuala Lumpur has undergone rapid development in recent decades . It is home to the tallest twin buildings in the world , the Petronas Twin Towers , which have become an iconic symbol of Malaysia 's futuristic development . Kuala Lumpur has a comprehensive road system that is supported by extensive public transport networks such as the Mass Rapid Transit ( MRT ) , Light Metro ( LRT ) , monorail , elevated Bus Rapid Transit , commuter rail and airport rail link . Kuala Lumpur is one of the leading cities in the world for tourism and shopping . It is the seventh most visited city in the world . The city is also home to three of the world 's 10 largest malls . Kuala Lumpur has been ranked by the Economist Intelligence Unit at No. 70 out of 140 cities in a global ranking of liveable cities , and second in Southeast Asia after Singapore at No. 35 . Forbes has also named KL at No. 6 in its list of 10 best cities to retire abroad , and the best in Asia , with factors include world class healthcare , affordable cost of living and widely spoken English . Kuala Lumpur was named as one of the New7Wonders Cities together with Vigan , Doha , Durban , Havana , Beirut , and La Paz . Safe Cities Index 2017 has put KL 31st on its world safest cities list , the highest ranked city for a developing country . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Etymology 1.2 Early years 1.3 Beginning of modern Kuala Lumpur 1.4 20th century -- present 2 Geography 2.1 Climate and weather 3 Governance 3.1 Local government 3.2 Districts 3.3 Politics 4 Economy 4.1 Tourism 4.2 Retail 5 Demographics 5.1 Historical demographics 5.2 Languages and religions 6 Cityscape 6.1 Architecture 6.2 Parks 7 Education 8 Culture 8.1 Arts 8.2 Sports and recreation 8.3 Media 9 Transport 10 International relations 10.1 Twin towns -- sister cities 11 See also 12 References 13 External links History ( edit ) Main article : History of Kuala Lumpur Jamek Mosque at the confluence of Gombak ( left ) and Klang ( right ) rivers . The earliest settlement of Kuala Lumpur developed on the eastern side of the river bank ( to the right in this picture ) . Etymology ( edit ) Kuala Lumpur means `` muddy confluence '' ; kuala is the point where two rivers join together or an estuary , and lumpur means `` mud '' . One suggestion is that it was named after Sungai Lumpur ( `` muddy river '' ) ; it was recorded in 1824 that Sungei Lumpoor was the most important tin - producing settlement up the Klang River . Doubts however have been raised on such a derivation as Kuala Lumpur lies at the confluence of Gombak River and Klang River , therefore should rightly be named Kuala Gombak as the point where one river joins another or the sea is its kuala . It has been argued by some that Sungai Lumpur is in fact Gombak River ( therefore the point where it joined the Klang River would be Kuala Lumpur ) , although Sungai Lumpur is said to be another river joining the Klang River a mile upstream from the Gombak confluence , or perhaps located to the north of the Batu Caves area . It has also been proposed that Kuala Lumpur was originally named Pengkalan Lumpur ( `` muddy landing place '' ) in the same way that Klang was once called Pengkalan Batu ( `` stone landing place '' ) , but became corrupted into Kuala Lumpur . Another suggestion is that it was initially a Cantonese word lam - pa meaning ' flooded jungle ' or ' decayed jungle ' . There is however no firm contemporary evidence for these suggestions other than anecdotes . It is also possible that the name is a corrupted form of an earlier but now unidentifiable forgotten name . Early years ( edit ) Historical affiliations Sultanate of Selangor 1857 -- 1974 Federated Malay States 1895 -- 1942 ; 1945 -- 1946 Empire of Japan 1942 -- 1945 Malayan Union 1946 -- 1948 Federation of Malaya 1948 -- 1963 Malaysia 1963 -- present It is unknown who founded or named the settlement called Kuala Lumpur . Chinese miners were involved in tin mining up the Selangor River in the 1840s about ten miles north of present - day Kuala Lumpur , and Mandailing Sumatrans led by Raja Asal and Sutan Puasa were also involved in tin mining and trade in the Ulu Klang region before 1860 , and Sumatrans may have settled in the upper reaches of Klang River in the first quarter of the 19th century , possibly earlier . Kuala Lumpur was originally a small hamlet of just a few houses and shops at the confluence of Sungai Gombak and Sungai Klang ( Klang River ) before it grew into a town . It is generally accepted that Kuala Lumpur become established as a town circa 1857 , when the Malay Chief of Klang , Raja Abdullah bin Raja Jaafar , aided by his brother Raja Juma'at of Lukut , raised funds to hire some Chinese miners from Lukut to open new tin mines here . The miners landed at Kuala Lumpur and continued their journey on foot to Ampang where the first mine was opened . Kuala Lumpur was the furthest point up the Klang River to which supplies could conveniently be brought by boat ; it therefore became a collection and dispersal point serving the tin mines . Kapitan Yap Ah Loy , the third Chinese Kapitan of Kuala Lumpur . Frank Swettenham , a contributor to the development of Kuala Lumpur . Although the early miners suffered a high death toll due to the malarial conditions of the jungle , the Ampang mines were successful , and the first tin from these mines was exported in 1859 . The tin - mining spurred the growth of the town , and miners later also settled in Pudu and Batu . The miners formed gangs among themselves ; and fights between different gangs were frequent in this period , mainly to gain control of the best tin mines . Leaders of the Chinese community were conferred the title of Kapitan Cina ( Chinese headman ) by the Malay chief , and Hiu Siew , the owner of a mine in Lukut , was chosen as the first Kapitan of Kuala Lumpur . As one of the first traders to arrive in Ampang ( along with Yap Ah Sze ) , he sold provisions to the miners in exchange for tin . The third Chinese Kapitan of Kuala Lumpur , Yap Ah Loy , was appointed in 1868 . Important Malay figures of early Kuala lumpur also include the Dato ' Dagang ( `` chief of traders '' ) and Haji Tahir . The Minangkabaus later became another important group of people ; Minangkabau traders from Sumatra include Utsman Abdullah , and Haji Mohamed Taib who was involved in the early development of Kampung Baru . The Minangkabaus are also important socio - religious figures , for example Utsman bin Abdullah was the first kadi of Kuala Lumpur as well as Muhammad Nur bin Ismail . Beginning of modern Kuala Lumpur ( edit ) Part of a panoramic view of Kuala Lumpur c. 1884 . To the left is the Padang . The buildings were constructed of wood and atap before regulations were enacted by Swettenham in 1884 requiring buildings to use bricks and tiles . The appearance of Kuala Lumpur transformed rapidly and greatly in the following years . Early Kuala Lumpur was a small town that suffered from many social and political problems -- the buildings were made of wood and atap ( palm frond thatching ) that were prone to fire , lack of proper sanitation plagued the town with diseases , and it suffered from a constant threat of flooding . The town became embroiled in the Selangor Civil War due in part to the fight for control of revenues from the tin mines . The Chinese Kapitan Yap Ah Loy aligned himself with Tengku Kudin , and the rival Chinese gang allied themselves with Raja Mahdi . Raja Asal and Sutan Puasa also switched side to Raja Mahdi , and Kuala Lumpur was captured in 1872 and burnt to the ground . Yap escaped to Klang where he reassembled a fighting force . Kuala Lumpur was recaptured by Yap in March 1873 when Raja Mahdi forces were defeated with the help of fighters from Pahang . The war and other setbacks , such as a drop in tin prices , led to a slump , furthermore a major outbreak of cholera in late 1870s caused many to flee the town . The slump lasted until late 1879 , when a rise in the price of tin allowed the town to recover . In late 1881 , the town was severely flooded , following a fire that had destroyed the entire town in January that year . That the town was rebuilt a few times and thrived was due in large part to the tenacity and persistence of Yap Ah Loy . Yap , together with Frank Swettenham who was appointed the Resident in 1882 , were the two most important figures of early Kuala Lumpur with Swettenham credited with its rapid growth and development and its transformation into a major urban center . Sultan Abdul Samad Building facing the Padang , c. 1900 The early Chinese and Malay settlements were along the east bank of the Klang River -- the Chinese mainly settled around the commercial centre of Market Square ; the Malays , later Indian Chettiars and Indian Muslims resided in the Java Street ( now Jalan Tun Perak ) area . In 1880 , the state capital of Selangor was moved from Klang to the more strategically advantageous Kuala Lumpur by the colonial administration , and the British Resident William Bloomfield Douglas then decided that the government buildings and living quarters should be located to the west of the river . Government offices and a new police headquarters was built on Bukit Aman , and the Padang was created initially for police training . The Padang , now known as Merdeka Square , would later become the centre of the British administrative offices when the colonial government offices were moved to the Sultan Abdul Samad Building in 1897 . Frank Swettenham , on becoming the British Resident , began improving the town by cleaning up the streets . He also stipulated in 1884 that buildings should be constructed of brick and tile so that they would be less flammable , and that the town be rebuilt with wider streets to reduce fire risk . Kapitan Yap Ah Loy bought a sprawling piece of real estate to set up a brick industry for the rebuilding of Kuala Lumpur ; this place is the eponymous Brickfields . Destroyed atap buildings were replaced with brick and tiled ones , and many of the new brick buildings are characterised by the `` five foot ways '' as well as Chinese carpentry work . This resulted in a distinct eclectic shop house architecture typical to this region . Kapitan Yap Ah Loy expanded road access in the city significantly , linking up tin mines with the city ; these roads include the main arterial routes of the present Ampang Road , Pudu Road and Petaling Street . As Chinese Kapitan , he was vested with wide powers on a par with Malay community leaders . Law reforms were implemented and new legal measures introduced to the assembly . Yap also presided over a small claims court . With a police force of six , he was able to uphold the rule of law , constructing a prison that could accommodate 60 prisoners at any time . Kapitan Yap Ah Loy also built Kuala Lumpur 's first school and a major tapioca mill in Petaling Street of which the Selangor 's Sultan Abdul Samad held an interest . The construction of the railway spurred the growth of the city . The headquarters of the F.M.S. Railways in Kuala Lumpur shown , with the dome of the Sultan Abdul Samad Building just visible behind , c. 1910 . A railway line between Kuala Lumpur and Klang , initiated by Swettenham and completed in 1886 , increased accessibility which resulted in the rapid growth of the town . The population grew from 4,500 in 1884 to 20,000 in 1890 . As development intensified in the 1880s , it also put pressure on sanitation , waste disposal and other health issues . A Sanitary Board was created on 14 May 1890 which was responsible for sanitation , upkeep of roads , lighting of street and other functions . This would eventually become the Kuala Lumpur Municipal Council . In 1896 , Kuala Lumpur was chosen as the capital of the newly formed Federated Malay States . 20th century -- present ( edit ) The area that is defined as Kuala Lumpur expanded considerably in the 20th century . It was only 0.65 km in 1895 , but was extended to encompass 20 km in 1903 . By the time it became a municipality in 1948 it had expanded to 93 km , and then to 243 km in 1974 as a Federal Territory . The development of rubber industry in Selangor fueled by the demand for car tyre in the early 20th century led to a boom of the town , with the population of Kuala Lumpur increasing from 30,000 in 1900 to 80,000 in 1920 . Previously the commercial activities of Kuala Lumpur were run to a large extent by Chinese businessmen such as Loke Yew who was then the richest and most influential Chinese of Kuala Lumpur . The growth of the rubber industry led to an influx of foreign capital and planters , with new companies and industries becoming established in Kuala Lumpur , and other companies previously based elsewhere also found a presence here . Japanese troops advancing up High Street ( now Jalan Tun HS Lee ) in Kuala Lumpur in December 1941 during World War II . During World War II , Kuala Lumpur was captured by the Imperial Japanese Army on 11 January 1942 . Despite suffering little damage during the course of the battle , the wartime occupation of the city resulted in significant loss of lives ; at least 5,000 Chinese were killed in Kuala Lumpur in just a few weeks of the occupation by Japanese forces , and thousands of Indians were sent as forced labour to work on the Burma Railway where a large number died . They occupied the city until 15 August 1945 , when the commander in chief of the Japanese Seventh Area Army in Singapore and Malaysia , Seishirō Itagaki , surrendered to the British administration following the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki . Kuala Lumpur grew through the war , and continued after the war during the Malayan Emergency , during which Malaya was preoccupied with the communist insurgency and New Villages were established on the outskirts of the city in an attempt to control community contacts with the insurgents . The first municipal election in Kuala Lumpur was held on 16 February 1952 . An ad hoc alliance between the Malay UMNO and Chinese MCA party candidates won a majority of the seats contested , and their success led to the formation of the Alliance Party ( later the Barisan Nasional ) . On 31 August 1957 , the Federation of Malaya gained its independence from British rule . The British flag was lowered and the Malayan flag was raised for the first time at the Padang on the midnight of 30 August 1957 , and in the morning of 31 August , the ceremony for the Declaration of Independence was held at the Merdeka Stadium by the first Prime Minister of Malaya , Tunku Abdul Rahman . Kuala Lumpur remained the capital after the formation of Malaysia on 16 September 1963 . The Malaysian Houses of Parliament was completed at the edge of the Lake Gardens in 1963 . The Majestic Theatre on Pudu Road was an early pioneer in Kuala Lumpur 's cinema scene . It was converted into an amusement park in the 1990s and demolished in 2009 . Kuala Lumpur had seen a number of civil disturbances over the years . A riot in 1897 was a relatively minor affair that began with the confiscation of faulty dacing ( a scale used by traders ) , and in 1912 , a more serious disturbance called the tauchang riot began during the Chinese New Year with the cutting of pigtails and ended with rioting and factional fighting lasting a number of days . The worst rioting on record in Malaysia however occurred on 13 May 1969 , when race riots broke out in Kuala Lumpur . The so - called 13 May Incident refers to the violent conflicts that took place between members of the Malay and the Chinese communities . The violence was the result of Malaysian Malays being dissatisfied with their socio - political status . The riots caused the deaths of 196 people according to official figures , and led to major changes in the country 's economic policy to promote and prioritise Malay economic development over that of the other ethnicities . Kuala Lumpur achieved city status in 1972 , becoming the first settlement in Malaysia to be granted the status after independence . Later , on 1 February 1974 , Kuala Lumpur became a Federal Territory . Kuala Lumpur ceased to be the capital of Selangor in 1978 after the city of Shah Alam was declared the new state capital . On 14 May 1990 , Kuala Lumpur celebrated 100 years of local council . The new federal territory Kuala Lumpur flag and anthem were introduced . On 1 February 2001 , Putrajaya was declared a Federal Territory , as well as the seat of the federal government . The administrative and judicial functions of the government were shifted from Kuala Lumpur to Putrajaya . Kuala Lumpur however still retained its legislative function , and remained the home of the Yang di - Pertuan Agong ( Constitutional King ) . Geography ( edit ) Main article : Geography of Kuala Lumpur A satellite view of Kuala Lumpur The Red Arrows over the city in 2016 The geography of Kuala Lumpur is characterised by the huge Klang Valley . The valley is bordered by the Titiwangsa Mountains in the east , several minor ranges in the north and the south and the Strait of Malacca in the west . Kuala Lumpur is a Malay term that translates to `` muddy confluence '' as it is located at the confluence of the Klang and Gombak rivers . Located in the centre of Selangor state , Kuala Lumpur was previously under the rule of Selangor State Government . In 1974 , Kuala Lumpur was separated from Selangor to form the first Federal Territory governed directly by the Malaysian Federal Government . Its location on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia , which has wider flat land than the east coast , has contributed to its faster development relative to other cities in Malaysia . The municipality of the city covers an area of 243 km ( 94 sq mi ) , with an average elevation of 81.95 m ( 268.9 ft ) . Climate and Weather ( edit ) Protected by the Titiwangsa Mountains in the east and Indonesia 's Sumatra Island in the west , Kuala Lumpur has a tropical rainforest climate ( Köppen climate classification Af ) , which is warm and sunny , along with abundant rainfall , especially during the northeast monsoon season from October to March . Temperatures tend to remain constant . Maximums hover between 32 and 33 ° C ( 90 and 91 ° F ) and have never exceeded 38.5 ° C ( 101.3 ° F ) , while minimums hover between 23.4 and 24.6 ° C ( 74.1 and 76.3 ° F ) and have never fallen below 14.4 ° C ( 57.9 ° F ) . Kuala Lumpur typically receives minimum 2,600 mm ( 100 in ) of rain annually ; June and July are relatively dry , but even then rainfall typically exceeds 131 millimetres ( 5.2 in ) per month . Flooding is a frequent occurrence in Kuala Lumpur whenever there is a heavy downpour , especially in the city centre and downstream areas . Smoke from forest fires of nearby Sumatra sometimes casts a haze over the region . It is a major source of pollution in the city together with open burning , emission from motor vehicles and construction work . ( hide ) Climate data for Kuala Lumpur Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Record high ° C ( ° F ) 38.0 ( 100.4 ) 36.2 ( 97.2 ) 36.7 ( 98.1 ) 37.2 ( 99 ) 38.5 ( 101.3 ) 36.6 ( 97.9 ) 36.3 ( 97.3 ) 38.0 ( 100.4 ) 35.8 ( 96.4 ) 37.0 ( 98.6 ) 36.0 ( 96.8 ) 35.5 ( 95.9 ) 38.5 ( 101.3 ) Average high ° C ( ° F ) 32.0 ( 89.6 ) 32.8 ( 91 ) 33.1 ( 91.6 ) 33.1 ( 91.6 ) 33.0 ( 91.4 ) 32.8 ( 91 ) 32.8 ( 91 ) 32.3 ( 90.1 ) 32.1 ( 89.8 ) 32.0 ( 89.6 ) 31.7 ( 89.1 ) 31.5 ( 88.7 ) 32.4 ( 90.3 ) Daily mean ° C ( ° F ) 27.7 ( 81.9 ) 28.2 ( 82.8 ) 28.6 ( 83.5 ) 28.7 ( 83.7 ) 28.8 ( 83.8 ) 28.6 ( 83.5 ) 28.1 ( 82.6 ) 28.1 ( 82.6 ) 28.0 ( 82.4 ) 28.0 ( 82.4 ) 27.8 ( 82 ) 27.6 ( 81.7 ) 28.2 ( 82.8 ) Average low ° C ( ° F ) 23.4 ( 74.1 ) 23.6 ( 74.5 ) 24.0 ( 75.2 ) 24.3 ( 75.7 ) 24.6 ( 76.3 ) 24.3 ( 75.7 ) 23.8 ( 74.8 ) 23.9 ( 75 ) 23.8 ( 74.8 ) 24.0 ( 75.2 ) 23.8 ( 74.8 ) 23.6 ( 74.5 ) 23.9 ( 75 ) Record low ° C ( ° F ) 17.8 ( 64 ) 18.0 ( 64.4 ) 18.9 ( 66 ) 20.6 ( 69.1 ) 20.5 ( 68.9 ) 19.1 ( 66.4 ) 20.1 ( 68.2 ) 20.0 ( 68 ) 21.0 ( 69.8 ) 20.0 ( 68 ) 20.7 ( 69.3 ) 19.0 ( 66.2 ) 17.8 ( 64 ) Average precipitation mm ( inches ) 193 ( 7.6 ) 198 ( 7.8 ) 257 ( 10.12 ) 290 ( 11.42 ) 197 ( 7.76 ) 131 ( 5.16 ) 148 ( 5.83 ) 162 ( 6.38 ) 214 ( 8.43 ) 265 ( 10.43 ) 321 ( 12.64 ) 252 ( 9.92 ) 2,628 ( 103.49 ) Average rainy days 17 17 19 20 18 14 16 16 19 21 24 22 223 Average relative humidity ( % ) 80 80 80 82 81 80 79 79 81 82 84 83 81 Mean monthly sunshine hours 185.0 192.4 207.9 198.8 206.8 194.4 200.2 189.0 163.8 169.1 152.3 162.6 2,222.3 Source # 1 : Source # 2 : NOAA ( sunshine hours , 1961 -- 1990 ) Climate data for Kuala Lumpur Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Mean daily daylight hours 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Average Ultraviolet index 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 Source : Weather Atlas Governance ( edit ) Kuala Lumpur City Hall Kuala Lumpur was administered by a corporation sole called the Federal Capital Commissioner from 1 April 1961 , until it was awarded city status in 1972 , after which executive power transferred to the Lord Mayor ( Datuk Bandar ) . Nine mayors have been appointed since then . The current mayor is Mhd Amin Nordin Abdul Aziz , who has been in office since 18 July 2015 . Local government ( edit ) The local administration is carried out by the Kuala Lumpur City Hall , an agency under the Federal Territories Ministry of Malaysia . It is responsible for public health and sanitation , waste removal and management , town planning , environmental protection and building control , social and economic development , and general maintenance functions of urban infrastructure . Executive power lies with the mayor in the city hall , who is appointed for three years by the Federal Territories Minister . This system of appointing the mayor has been in place ever since the local government elections were suspended in 1970 . Districts ( edit ) Districts ( divisions ) of Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur 's eleven districts serve as administrative subdivisions under the Kuala Lumpur City Hall authority . Bukit Bintang Titiwangsa Setiawangsa Wangsa Maju Batu Kepong Segambut Lembah Pantai Seputeh Bandar Tun Razak Cheras Politics ( edit ) Members of Parliament for Kuala Lumpur Malaysian general election , 2013 DAP 5 / 11 PKR 4 / 11 UMNO 2 / 11 Kuala Lumpur is home to the Parliament of Malaysia . The hierarchy of authority in Malaysia , in accordance with the Federal Constitution , has stipulated the three branches , of the Malaysian government as consisting of the Executive , Judiciary and Legislative branches . The Parliament consists of the Dewan Negara ( Upper House / House of Senate ) and Dewan Rakyat ( Lower House / House of Representatives ) . Economy ( edit ) A pedestrian mall by the Central Market . Kuala Lumpur and its surrounding urban areas form the most industrialised and economically , the fastest growing region in Malaysia . Despite the relocation of federal government administration to Putrajaya , certain government institutions such as Bank Negara Malaysia ( National Bank of Malaysia ) , Companies Commission of Malaysia and Securities Commission as well as most embassies and diplomatic missions have remained in the city . The city remains as the economic and business centre of the country . Kuala Lumpur is a centre for finance , insurance , real estate , media and the arts of Malaysia . Kuala Lumpur is rated as an alpha world city , and is the only global city in Malaysia , according to the Globalization and World Cities Study Group and Network ( GaWC ) . The infrastructure development in the surrounding areas such as the Kuala Lumpur International Airport at Sepang , the creation of the Multimedia Super Corridor and the expansion of Port Klang further reinforce the economic significance of the city . A street view of the Old Market Square ( Medan Pasar , on Jalan Medan Pesar ) in 2007 . The square has since been pedestrianised . Bursa Malaysia or the Malaysia Exchange is based in the city and forms one of its core economic activities . As of 5 July 2013 , the market capitalisation stood at US $505.67 billion . The Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) for Kuala Lumpur is estimated at RM73 , 536 million in 2008 with an average annual growth rate of 5.9 percent . By 2015 , the GDP has reached RM160 , 388 million , representing 15.1 % of the total GDP of Malaysia . The per capita GDP for Kuala Lumpur in 2013 was RM79 , 752 with an average annual growth rate of 5.6 percent , and RM94 , 722 in 2015 . The total employment in Kuala Lumpur is estimated to be around 838,400 in 2000 . The service sector comprising finance , insurance , real estate , business services , wholesale and retail trade , restaurants and hotels , transport , storage and communication , utilities , personal services and government services form the largest component of employment representing about 83.0 percent of the total . The remaining 17 percent comes from manufacturing and construction . The average monthly household income for Kuala Lumpur was RM4 , 105 ( USD 1,324 ) in 1999 , up from RM3 , 371 ( USD 1,087 ) four years prior , making it 66 % higher than the national average . In terms of household income distribution , 23.5 % of households in the city earned more than RM5 , 000 ( USD 1,613 ) per month compared to 9.8 % for the entire country , while 8.1 % earned less than RM1 , 000 ( USD 323 ) a month . Pre-war terraced houses refurbished into restaurants and bars along Tengkat Tong Shin in Bukit Bintang The large service sector is evident in the number of local and foreign banks and insurance companies operating in the city . Kuala Lumpur is poised to become the global Islamic Financing hub with an increasing number of financial institutions providing Islamic Financing and the strong presence of Gulf 's financial institutions such as the world 's largest Islamic bank , Al - Rajhi Bank and Kuwait Finance House . Apart from that , the Dow Jones & Company is keen to work with Bursa Malaysia to set up Islamic Exchange Trade Funds ( ETFs ) , which would help raise Malaysia 's profile in the Gulf . The city has a large number of foreign corporations and is also host to many multi national companies ' regional offices or support centres , particularly for finance and accounting , and information technology functions . Most of the country 's largest companies have their headquarters here , and as of December 2007 and excluding Petronas , there are 14 companies that are listed in Forbes 2000 based in Kuala Lumpur . Other important economic activities in the city are education and health services . Kuala Lumpur also has advantages stemming from the high concentration of educational institutions that provide a wide - ranging of courses . Numerous public and private medical specialist centres and hospitals in the city offer general health services , and a wide range of specialist surgery and treatment that caters to locals and tourists . There has been growing emphasis to expand the economic scope of the city into other service activities , such as research and development , which supports the rest of the economy of Malaysia . Kuala Lumpur has been home for years to important research centres such as the Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia , the Forest Research Institute Malaysia and the Institute of Medical Research and more research centres are expected to be established in the coming years . Tourism ( edit ) Petaling Street , Kuala Lumpur 's bustling Chinatown Tourism plays an important role in the city 's service - driven economy . Many large worldwide hotel chains have a presence in the city . One of the oldest hotels is the Hotel Majestic . Kuala Lumpur is the sixth most visited city in the world , with 8.9 million tourists per year . Tourism here is driven by the city 's cultural diversity , relatively low costs , and wide gastronomic and shopping variety . MICE tourism , which mainly encompasses conventions -- has expanded in recent years to become a vital component of the industry , and is expected to grow further once the Malaysian government 's Economic Transformation Programme kicks in , and with the completion of a new 93,000 m2 - size MATRADE Centre in 2014 . Another notable trend is the increased presence of budget hotels in the city . Sultan Abdul Samad Jamek Mosque built in 1907 The major tourist destinations in Kuala Lumpur include the PETRONAS Twin Tower , the Bukit Bintang shopping district , the Kuala Lumpur Tower , Petaling Street ( Chinatown ) , the Merdeka Square , the House of Parliament , the National Palace ( Istana Negara ) , Batu Caves , the National Museum , Islamic Arts Museum , Central Market , KL Bird Park , Aquaria KLCC , the National Monument , and religious sites such as the Sultan Abdul Samad Jamek Mosque . Kuala Lumpur plays host to many cultural festivals such as the Thaipusam procession at the Sri Mahamariamman Temple . Every year during the Thaipusam celebration , a silver chariot carrying the statue of Lord Muruga together with his consort Valli and Teivayanni would be paraded through the city beginning at the temple all the way to Batu Caves in the neighboring Selangor . The entertainment hub of the city is mainly centred in the Golden Triangle encompassing Jalan P. Ramlee , Jalan Sultan Ismail and Ampang Road . Trendy nightclubs , bars and lounges , such as Marini 's on 57 , Skybar at Traders Hotel , the Beach Club , Espanda , the Hakka Republic Wine Bar & Restaurant , Hard Rock Cafe , the Luna Bar , Nuovo , Rum Jungle , No Black Tie , the Thai Club , Zion club , Zouk , and many others are located here . Retail ( edit ) Suria KLCC , located between the Petronas Twin Towers Further information : Shopping in Kuala Lumpur and Bukit Bintang Kuala Lumpur alone has 66 shopping malls and is the retail and fashion hub in Malaysia as well as Southeast Asia . Shopping in Malaysia contributed RM7. 7 billion ( USD 2.26 billion ) or 20.8 percent of the RM31. 9 billion tourism receipts in 2006 . Suria KLCC is one of Malaysia 's premier upscale shopping destination due to its location beneath the Petronas Twin Towers . Bukit Bintang , Kuala Lumpur retail cluster Apart from Suria KLCC , Bukit Bintang district has the highest concentration of shopping malls in Kuala Lumpur . It includes : Pavilion , Fahrenheit 88 , Plaza Low Yat , Berjaya Times Square , Lot 10 , BB Plaza , Sungai Wang Plaza . Quill City Mall , Changkat area of Bukit Bintang hosts various cafes , alfresco dining outlets and illegal activities . Bangsar district also has a few shopping complexes , including Bangsar Village , Bangsar Shopping Centre , and Mid Valley Megamall . The Damansara subdivision north - west of Kuala Lumpur , though not in the city - proper , is the home of the one of the only two IKEA outlets in the country , and a cluster of locally operated malls like The Curve with KidZania , The Curve , Ikano Power Centre and One Utama , whereas Sunway Pyramid and Paradigm Mall can be found in the southern district of Greater Kuala Lumpur , Bandar Sunway . Apart from shopping complexes , Kuala Lumpur has designated numerous zones in the city to market locally manufactured products such as textiles , fabrics and handicrafts . The Chinatown of Kuala Lumpur , commonly known as Petaling Street , is one of them . Chinatown features many pre-independence buildings with Straits Chinese and colonial architectural influences . In 2000 , the Malaysian Ministry of Tourism introduced the mega sale event for shopping in Malaysia . The mega sale event is held three times a year -- in March , May and December -- during which all shopping malls are encouraged to participate to boost Kuala Lumpur as a leading shopping destination in Asia . Demographics ( edit ) Ethnicities of Kuala Lumpur -- 2010 Census ethnic group percent Bumiputera 45.9 % Chinese 43.2 % Indians 10.3 % Others 0.6 % Religion in Kuala Lumpur -- 2010 Census religion percent Islam 46.4 % Buddhism 35.7 % Hinduism 8.5 % Christianity 5.8 % Unknown / None 1.4 % Chinese Ethnic Religion 1.1 % Others 0.6 % No Religion 0.5 % Kuala Lumpur is the most populous city in Malaysia , with a population of 1.76 million in the city proper as of 2016 . It has a population density of 6,696 inhabitants per square kilometre ( 17,340 / sq mi ) , and is the most densely populated administrative district in Malaysia . Residents of the city are colloquially known as KLites . Kuala Lumpur is also the centre of the wider Klang Valley metropolitan ( covering Petaling Jaya , Klang , Subang Jaya , Shah Alam , Gombak and others ) which has an estimated metropolitan population of 7.25 million as of 2017 . Kuala Lumpur 's heterogeneous populace includes the country 's three major ethnic groups : the Malays , the Chinese and the Indians , although the city also has a mix of different cultures including Eurasians , as well as Kadazans , Ibans and other indigenous races from East Malaysia and Peninsula Malaysia . Historical demographics ( edit ) Historically Kuala Lumpur was a predominantly Chinese city , with the Kuala Lumpur of 1872 beside the Klang River described by Frank Swettenham as a `` purely Chinese village '' , although a Malay stockade already existed at Bukit Nanas at that time . By 1875 , after the Selangor Civil War had ended , Swettenham noted Malay quarters near the Chinese area in a sketch map he had drawn , and there were said to be 1,000 Chinese and 700 Malays in the town in this period ( many of the Malays may have settled in Kuala Lumpur after the war ) . More recently the Bumiputra component of the city has increased substantially and they are now the dominant group . Large number of Malays were originally from the other islands of Malay Archipelago -- Sumatrans such as the Mandailings , the Minangkabaus , Javanese , and Buginese began arriving in Kuala Lumpur in the 19th century , while the Acehnese arrived in the late 20th century . Many Pahang Malays who fought in the Selangor Civil War in 1873 also chose to settle in Selangor after the war . The population of Kuala Lumpur was estimated to be around three thousand in 1880 when it was made the capital of Selangor . In the following decade which saw the rebuilding of the town it showed considerable increase with a large influx of immigrants , due in large part to the construction of a railway line in 1886 connecting Kuala Lumpur and Klang . A census in 1891 of uncertain accuracy gave a figure of 43,796 inhabitants , 79 % of whom were Chinese ( 71 % of the Chinese were Hakka ) , 14 % Malay , and 6 % Indian . Another estimate put the population of Kuala Lumpur in 1890 at 20,000 . In 1931 , 61 % of Kuala Lumpur 's 111,418 inhabitants were Chinese , and in 1947 63.5 % . The Malays however began to settle in the Kuala Lumpur in significant numbers , in part due to government employment , as well as the expansion of the city that absorbed the surrounding rural areas where many Malays lived . Between 1947 and 1957 the population of Malays in Kuala Lumpur doubled , increasing from 12.5 to 15 % , while the proportion of Chinese dropped . The process continued after Malayan independence with the growth of a largely Malay civil service , and later the implementation of the New Economic Policy which encouraged Malay participation in urban industries and business . In 1980 the population of Kuala Lumpur had reached over a million , with 52 % Chinese , 33 % Malay , and 15 % Indian . From 1980 to 2000 the number of Bumiputras increased by 77 % , but the Chinese still outnumbered the Bumiputras in Kuala Lumpur in the 2000 census at 43 % compared to Bumiputras at 38 % . By the 2010 census , according to the Department of Statistics and excluding non-citizens , the percentage of the Bumiputera population in Kuala Lumpur has reached around 45.9 % , with the Chinese population at 43.2 % and Indians 10.3 % . A notable phenomenon in recent times has been the increase of foreign residents in Kuala Lumpur , which rose from 1 % of the city 's population in 1980 to about 8 % in the 2000 census , and 9.4 % in the 2010 census . These figures also do not include a significant number of illegal immigrants . Kuala Lumpur 's rapid development has triggered a huge influx of low - skilled foreign workers from Indonesia , Nepal , Burma , Thailand , Bangladesh , India , Pakistan , Sri Lanka , Philippines , and Vietnam into Malaysia , many of whom enter the country illegally or without proper permits . Clockwise from top left : Masjid Negara , Thean Hou Temple , Sri Mahamariamman Temple , St. John 's Cathedral Birth rates in Kuala Lumpur have declined and resulted in the lower proportion of young people -- the proportion of those in the below 15 years old category fell from 33 % in 1980 to slightly less than 27 % in 2000 . On the other hand , the working age group of 15 -- 59 increased from 63 % in 1980 to 67 % in 2000 . The elderly age group , 60 years old and above has increased from 4 % in 1980 and 1991 to 6 % in 2000 . Languages and religions ( edit ) Kuala Lumpur is pluralistic and religiously diverse . The city has many places of worship catering to the multi-religious population . Islam is practised primarily by the Malays and the Indian Muslim communities . Buddhism , Confucianism and Taoism are practised mainly among the Chinese . Indians traditionally adhere to Hinduism . Some Chinese and Indians also subscribe to Christianity . As of 2010 Census the population of Kuala Lumpur was 46.4 % Muslim , 35.7 % Buddhist , 8.5 % Hindu , 5.8 % Christian , 1.4 % of unknown affiliations , 1.1 % Taoist or Chinese religion adherent , 0.6 % follower of other religions , and 0.5 % non-religious . Bahasa Malaysia is the principal language in Kuala Lumpur . Kuala Lumpur residents are generally literate in English , with a large proportion adopting it as their first language . It has a strong presence , especially in business and is a compulsory language taught in schools . Cantonese and Mandarin are prominent as they are spoken by the local majority Chinese population . Another major dialect spoken is Hakka . While Tamil is dominant amongst the local Indian population , other Indian languages spoken include Telugu , Malayalam , Punjabi and Hindi . Beside the Malay language , there are a variety of languages spoken by people of Indonesian descent , such as Minangkabau and Javanese . Cityscape ( edit ) The city night scene from a building balcony Kuala Lumpur night skyline Architecture ( edit ) Main article : Architecture of Kuala Lumpur The Kuala Lumpur Railway Station ( right ) contrasts with a Keretapi Tanah Melayu ( left ) Administration Building darker , similarly Mughal - styled building . Both designed by A.B. Hubback The architecture of Kuala Lumpur is a mixture of old colonial influences , Asian traditions , Malay Islamic inspirations , modern , and postmodern architecture mix . Being a relatively young city compared with other Southeast Asian capitals such as Bangkok , Jakarta and Manila , most of Kuala Lumpur 's notable colonial - era buildings were built toward the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries . These buildings were designed in a number of styles -- Mughal / Moorish Revival , Mock Tudor , Neo-Gothic or Grecian - Spanish style or architecture . Most of the styling has been modified to use local resources and acclimatised to the local climate , which is hot and humid all year around . A significant architect of the early period is Arthur Benison Hubback who designed a number of the colonial era buildings including the Kuala Lumpur Railway Station and Jamek Mosque . The Kuala Lumpur Tower Prior to the Second World War , many shophouses , usually two stories with functional shops on the ground floor and separate residential spaces upstairs , were built around the old city centre . These shop - houses drew inspiration from Straits Chinese and European traditions . Some of these shophouses have made way for new developments but there are still many standing today around Medan Pasar ( Old Market Square ) , Chinatown , Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman , Jalan Doraisamy , Bukit Bintang and Tengkat Tong Shin areas . Independence coupled with the rapid economic growth from the 1970s to the 1990s and with Islam being the official religion in the country , has resulted in the construction of buildings with a more local and Islamic flavour arise around the city . Many of these buildings derive their design from traditional Malay items such as the songkok and the keris . Some of these buildings have Islamic geometric motifs integrated with the designs of the building , signifying Islamic restriction on imitating nature through drawings . Examples of these buildings are Menara Telekom , Menara Maybank , Dayabumi Complex , and the Islamic Centre . Some buildings such as the Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia and National Planetarium have been built to masquerade as a place of worship , complete with dome and minaret , when in fact it is a place of science and knowledge . The 452 - metre ( 1,483 ft ) tall Petronas Twin Towers are the tallest twin buildings in the world . They were designed to resemble motifs found in Islamic art . Late modern and postmodern architecture began to appear in the late - 1990s and early - 2000s . With the economic development , old buildings such as Bok House have been razed to make way for new ones . Buildings with all - glass shells exist throughout the city , with the most prominent examples being the Petronas Twin Towers and Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre . Kuala Lumpur 's central business district today has shifted around the Kuala Lumpur city centre ( KLCC ) where many new and tall buildings with modern and postmodern architecture fill the skyline . According to the World Tallest 50 Urban Agglomeration 2010 Projection by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat , Kuala Lumpur was ranked 10th among cities to have most buildings above 100 metres with a combined height of 34,035 metres from its 244 high rise buildings . Parks ( edit ) KLCC Park The Lake Gardens , a 92 - hectare ( 230 - acre ) botanical garden , is the first recreational park created in Kuala Lumpur . The Malaysian Parliament building is located close by , and Carcosa Seri Negara which was once the official residence of British colonial administration is also sited here . The park includes a Butterfly Park , Deer Park , Orchid Garden , Hibiscus Garden and the Kuala Lumpur Bird Park , which is the world 's largest aviary bird park . Other parks in the city include the ASEAN Sculpture Garden , KLCC Park , Titiwangsa Lake Gardens , Metropolitan Lake Gardens in Kepong , Forest Research Institute Of Malaysia , Taman Tasik Permaisuri ( Queen 's Lake Gardens ) , Bukit Kiara Botanical Gardens , Equestrian Park and West Valley Park near TTDI , and Bukit Jalil International Park . There are three forest reserves within the city namely the Bukit Nanas Forest Reserve in the city centre , the oldest gazetted forest reserve in the country 10.52 ha or 26.0 acres , Bukit Sungai Putih Forest Reserve ( 7.41 ha or 18.3 acres ) and Bukit Sungai Besi Forest Reserve ( 42.11 ha or 104.1 acres ) . Bukit Nanas , in the heart of the city centre , is one of the oldest virgin forests in the world within a city . These residual forest areas are home to a number of fauna species particularly monkeys , treeshrews , pygmy goats , budgerigars , squirrels and birds . There is another park in the close vicinity to Kuala Lumpur i.e. Templer Park initiated and opened by Sir Gerald Templer in 1954 during the `` Emergency '' time . The view of Kuala Lumpur from Titiwangsa Lake Gardens Education ( edit ) The main gate of the University of Malaya , established 1949 . According to government statistics , Kuala Lumpur has a literacy rate of 97.5 % in 2000 , the highest rate in any state or territory in Malaysia . In Malaysia , Malay is the language of instruction for most subjects while English is a compulsory subject , but as of 2012 , English is still the language of instruction for mathematics and the natural sciences for certain schools . Some schools provide Mandarin and Tamil as languages of instruction for certain subjects . Each level of education demands different skills of teaching and learning ability . Kuala Lumpur contains 13 tertiary education institutions , 79 high schools , 155 elementary schools and 136 kindergartens . Several institutions in the city are older than 100 years -- such as Bukit Bintang Girls ' School ( 1893 -- 2000 , relocated to Taman Shamelin Perkasa in Cheras and renamed GIS Garden International school Seri Bintang Utara ) , the Victoria Institution ( 1893 ) ; Methodist Girls ' School ( 1896 ) ; Methodist Boys ' School ( 1897 ) ; Convent Bukit Nanas ( 1899 ) , St. John 's Institution ( 1904 ) , Confucian Private Secondary School ( 1906 ) , Kuen Cheng High School ( 1908 ) and Tsun Jin High School ( 1913 ) . International Medical University Kuala Lumpur is home to the University of Malaya ( UM ) . Established in 1949 , it is the oldest university in Malaysia , and one of the oldest in the region . It was ranked the best university in Malaysia , the 32nd best in Asia , and 3rd in Southeast Asia in 2014 . In recent years , the number of international students at University of Malaya has risen , as a result of increasing efforts made to attract more international students . Other universities located in Kuala Lumpur include Taylor 's University ( TULC ) being the top Private University in Malaysia , International Islamic University Malaysia ( IIUM ) , Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman ( UTAR ) , UCSI University ( UCSI ) , International Medical University ( IMU ) , Open University Malaysia ( OUM ) , Kuala Lumpur University ( UniKL ) , Wawasan Open University ( WOU ) , Tunku Abdul Rahman University College ( TARUC ) Help University and the branch campus of the National University of Malaysia ( UKM ) and University of Technology Malaysia ( UTM ) . The National Defence University of Malaysia is located at Sungai Besi Army Base , at the southern part of central Kuala Lumpur . It was established to be a major centre for military and defence technology studies . This institution covers studies in the field of army , navy , and air force . Greater Kuala Lumpur covers an even more extensive selection of universities including several international branches such as Monash University in Bandar Sunway , Nottingham University and Xiamen University . Culture ( edit ) Arts ( edit ) Frieze depicting Malaysian history at the National Museum Kuala Lumpur is a hub for cultural activities and events in Malaysia . Among the centres is the National Museum , which is situated along the Mahameru Highway . Its collection comprises artefacts and paintings collected throughout the country . The Islamic Arts Museum , which houses more than seven thousand Islamic artefacts including rare exhibits as well as a library of Islamic art books , is the largest Islamic Arts collection in Southeast Asia . The museum 's collection not only concentrate on works from the Middle East , but also includes work from elsewhere in Asia , such as China and Southeast Asia . Kuala Lumpur has a Craft Complex coupled with a museum that displays a variety of textile , ceramic , metal craft and weaved products . All the information of the production process are portrayed in diorama format complete with historical facts , technique and traditionally engineered equipment . Among the processes shown are pottery making , intricate wood carving , silver - smithing , weaving songket cloth , stamping batik patterns on cloth and boat making . Royal Selangor has an ultra modern visitor 's centre , which allows tours to be conducted through its pewter museum , gallery and its factory . In its pewtersmithing workshop , `` The School of Hard Knocks '' , participants are taught to create their own pewter dish using traditional tools and methods . The premier performing arts venue is the Petronas Philharmonic Hall located underneath the Petronas Twin Tower . The resident orchestra is the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra ( MPO ) , consisting of musicians from all over the world and features regular concerts , chamber concerts and traditional cultural performances . The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre ( KLPac ) in Sentul West and Damansara Performing Arts Centre ( DPac ) in Damansara Perdana are two of the most established centres for performing arts , notably theatre , plays , music , and film screening in the country . It has housed many local productions and has been a supporter of local and regional independent performance artists . One of the highlights was the KL Sing Song 2006 music fest , which featured Malaysian singer - songwriters of various cultural backgrounds , from both West and East Malaysia , through two days of performances and workshops . The National Art Gallery of Malaysia is located on Jalan Temerloh , off Jalan Tun Razak on a 5.67 - hectare ( 14.0 - acre ) site neighbouring the National Theatre ( Istana Budaya ) and National Library . The architecture of the gallery incorporates elements of traditional Malay architecture , as well as contemporary modern architecture . The National Art Gallery serves as a centre of excellence and trustee of the national art heritage . The Petronas Art Gallery , another centre for fine art , is situated in Kuala Lumpur City Centre ( KLCC ) . The Ilham Tower Gallery near Ampang Park houses exhibitions of works by local and foreign artists . Kuala Lumpur holds the Malaysia International Gourmet Festival annually . Another event hosted annually by the city is the Kuala Lumpur Fashion Week , which includes international brands as well as local designers . Kuala Lumpur also is becoming the centre for new media , innovation and creative industry development in the region and hosts the international creative industry event , Kreative.Asia . Kreative.Asia gathers local , regional and international experts in the creative industry who are involved in the creation , development and delivery of interactive content , arts , community and applications . Kuala Lumpur is at the forefront of the convergence of media , art , culture and communications . Sports and recreation ( edit ) Kuala Lumpur has numerous parks , gardens and open spaces for recreational purposes . Total open space for recreational and sport facilities land use in the city has increased significantly by 169.6 percent from 5.86 square kilometres ( 1,450 acres ) in 1984 to 15.8 square kilometres ( 3,900 acres ) in 2000 . Although Kuala Lumpur is touted as one of the host cities for the Formula One World Championship , the open - wheel auto racing A1 Grand Prix and the Motorcycle Grand Prix , races are held at the Sepang International Circuit in Sepang in the neighbouring state of Selangor . The Formula One event contributes significantly to tourist arrivals and tourism income to Kuala Lumpur . This was evident during the Asian financial crisis in 1998 . Despite cities around Asia suffering declining tourist arrivals , Kuala Lumpur tourist arrivals increased from 6,210,900 in 1997 to 10,221,600 in 2000 , or 64.6 % increase in tourist arrivals . In 2015 , the Kuala Lumpur Street Circuit was constructed to host the Kuala Lumpur City Grand Prix motor racing event . Football is one of the most popular sports in Kuala Lumpur . The Merdeka Tournament is mainly held at Stadium Merdeka . The city also the home of Kuala Lumpur FA , which plays in the second - tier Malaysia Premier League . Kuala Lumpur hosted the official Asian Basketball Championship in 1965 , 1977 and 1985 . The city 's basketball supporters cheered Malaysia 's national basketball team to a Final Four finish in 1985 , the team 's best performance to date . Further , the city is home to the Westports Malaysia Dragons , 2016 Champion of the ASEAN Basketball League . The team plays its home games in the MABA Stadium . KL Grand Prix CSI 5 * , a five - star international showjumping equestrian event is held annually in the city . This annual event draws the world 's top riders and their prized horses to Malaysia . Other annual sport events hosted by the city include the KL Tower Run , the KL Tower International BASE Jump Merdeka Circuit and the Kuala Lumpur International Marathon . Kuala Lumpur is also one of the stages of the Tour de Langkawi cycling race . The annual Malaysia Open Super Series badminton tournament is held in Kuala Lumpur . Kuala Lumpur has a considerable array of sports facilities of international class after hosting the 1998 Commonwealth Games . Many of these facilities including the main stadium ( with running track and a football field ) , hockey stadium and swimming pools are located in the National Sports Complex at Bukit Jalil while a velodrome and more swimming pools are located in Bandar Tun Razak , next to the Taman Tasik Permaisuri Lake Gardens . There are also football fields , local sports complexes , swimming pools and tennis courts scattered around the suburbs . Badminton and ' takraw ' courts are usually included in community halls . The AFC House -- current headquarters of the Asian Football Confederation -- is built on a 4 - acre ( 16,000 m ) complex in the Kuala Lumpur suburb of Bukit Jalil . Kuala Lumpur has several golf courses including the Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club ( KLGCC ) and the Malaysia Civil Service Golf Club in Kiara and the Berjaya Golf Course at Bukit Jalil . The city also has numerous large private fitness centres run by Celebrity Fitness , Fitness First , True Fitness and major five - star hotels . Kuala Lumpur is also the birthplace of Hashing , which began in December 1938 when a group of British colonial officers and expatriates , some from the Selangor Club , began meeting on Monday evenings to run , in a fashion patterned after the traditional British Paper Chase or `` Hare and Hounds '' . Kuala Lumpur hosted the 128th IOC Session in 2015 where the IOC elected Beijing as the host city of the 2022 Winter Olympics and Lausanne as the host city of the 2020 Winter Youth Olympics . Media ( edit ) The Kuala Lumpur Tower is an important broadcast centre in the country . Several newspapers , including daily , opposition , business , and digital papers , are based in Kuala Lumpur . Daily newspapers include The Star , New Straits Times , The Sun , Malay Mail , Kosmo ! , Utusan Malaysia , Berita Harian , and Harian Metro . Mandarin and Tamil newspapers are also published daily , for example Guang Ming Daily , Sin Chew Daily , China Press , Nanyang Siang Pau and Tamil Nesan , Malaysia Nanban , and Makkal Osai . Opposition newspapers such as Harakah , Suara Keadilan , Siasah and Wasilah are also based here . Kuala Lumpur is also the headquarters for Malaysia 's state media public government terrestrial television stations : TV1 and TV2 , the subsidiaries of RTM , TV Alhijrah , a subsidiary of Alhijrah Media Corporation , and Media Prima Berhad , a media corporation that houses the private commercial terrestrial television stations : TV3 , NTV7 , 8TV and TV9 . Programmes are broadcast in Malay , English , Chinese and Tamil . Television Station Channel ( Gunung Ulu Kali ) Channel ( Sungai Besi ) Channel ( Menara KL ) Channel ( Astro & UniFi ) Network Status Country of Region Group Type Public TV1 48 UHF 50 UHF 5 VHF 101 RTM National Malaysia Free - to - air Terrestrial TV2 10 VHF 53 UHF 8 VHF 102 Commercial TV3 29 UHF 12 VHF 103 Media Prima National Malaysia Free - to - air Terrestrial NTV7 37 UHF 7 VHF 35 UHF 107 8TV 27 UHF 58 UHF 708 / 108 TV9 42 UHF 33 UHF 119 / 109 TV AlHijrah 55 UHF 55 UHF 55 UHF 114 AlHijrah Media TM Tower is the headquarters of Malaysia 's principal telecommunication service provider , Telekom Malaysia . The city is home to the country 's main pay television service , Astro , a satellite television service which broadcasts local and international television channels such as CNN International Asia Pacific , BBC World News , STAR World , FOX Movies Premium and HBO Asia . Al - Jazeera , the Doha - based Arab news network , has launched a new English - speaking channel called Al - Jazeera English to boost its international viewership with one of its broadcast centres based in Kuala Lumpur . Phoenix TV , a Hong Kong - based television broadcaster has also announced plans to expand its regional business by partnership with local satellite TV provider Astro . In March 2008 , Time Out , an international listings and events magazine , was launched in Kuala Lumpur , its 24th global city . Kuala Lumpur has been featured in all aspects of popular culture such as movies , television , music and books . Television series set in Kuala Lumpur include A Tale of 2 Cities ( starring Rui En and Joanne Peh ) . Movies set in Kuala Lumpur include Police Story 3 : Super Cop ( starring Jackie Chan and Michelle Yeoh ) , Entrapment ( starring Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta - Jones ) and Children of Men ( starring Clive Owen ) , in which the Petronas Twin Towers were depicted in flames for a few seconds . Kuala Lumpur was referenced in an episode of The Simpsons entitled `` Bart Gets Famous '' , in which the Bumblebee Man stated that `` a powerful tidal wave in Kuala Lumpur has killed 120 people '' . Books set in Kuala Lumpur include KL 24 / 7 by Ida M Rahim , Shireen Zainudin and Rizal Zainudin , My Life As a Fake by Peter Carey , and Democracy by Joan Didion . A few notable local films featured Kuala Lumpur as background location , such as Masam - masam Manis ( 1965 ) , Keluarga Si Comat ( 1973 ) , Jiwa Remaja ( 1976 ) , Abang ( 1981 ) , Matinya Seorang Patriot ( 1984 ) , Kembara Seniman Jalanan ( 1986 ) , Orang Kampung Otak Kimia ( 1988 ) , Hati Bukan Kristal ( 1990 ) , Mat Som ( 1990 ) , Mira Edora ( 1990 ) , Femina ( 1993 ) , Maria Mariana ( 1996 ) , Hanya Kawan ( 1997 ) , KLU ( 1999 ) , Soal Hati ( 2000 ) , KL Menjerit ( 2002 ) , Laila Isabella ( 2003 ) , Gangster ( 2005 ) , Gol & Gincu ( 2005 ) , Remp - it ( 2006 ) , Cinta ( 2006 ) , Anak Halal ( 2007 ) Evolusi KL Drift ( 2008 ) , Adnan Sempit ( 2010 ) , KL Gangster ( 2011 ) , Kepong Gangster ( 2012 ) , Lagenda Budak Setan 2 : Katerina ( 2012 ) and Kolumpo ( 2013 ) . A few local films featured Kuala Lumpur during the historical era , such as 1975 : Hati Malaya ( 2007 ) , Petaling Streets Warrior ( 2011 ) and Tanda Putera ( 2013 ) . Kuala Lumpur is mentioned in many songs by local Malaysian artists , such as `` Keroncong Kuala Lumpur ' '' by P. Ramlee , `` Kuala Lumpur , Ibu Kota '' by Saloma , `` Chow Kit Road '' by Sudirman Arshad , `` Senyumlah Kuala Lumpur '' by Alleycats , `` Streets of Kuala Lumpur '' by Murkyway , `` K.L. '' by Vandal , `` Kuala Lumpur '' by Poetic Ammo , `` Anak Dara '' by Azmyl Yunor , `` KL '' ' by Too Phat , `` Kotarayaku '' by Hujan and Altimet , and `` Lagu Untuk Kuala Lumpur '' by Tom . Kuala Lumpur , along with Putrajaya , was featured in the music video for the single `` Dancing Out '' by South Korean boy band Super Junior . Kuala Lumpur was one of the destinations in The Amazing Race Asia and The Amazing Race . Games have also been set in Kuala Lumpur , including include three levels of the game Hitman 2 : Silent Assassin and two levels of the PlayStation 2 game Burnout Dominator . A reality game show set in Kuala Lumpur from February until April 2013 was aired on AXN Asia . The Apprentice Asia was launched on 22 May 2013 . Several commercial radio stations licensed to cover the Great Klang Valley market together with federal government radio stations as list below : Frequency Station Operator Language Genre 87.7 MHz Klasik Nasional FM RTM Malay Music 88.1 MHz One FM Media Prima Chinese ( Mandarin , Cantonese ) Talk , Music 88.5 MHz Nasional FM RTM Malay Music 88.9 MHz Capital FM Star RFM Radio English Music 89.3 MHz Ai FM RTM Chinese ( Mandarin , Various Chinese dialects ) Talk , music 89.9 MHz BFM 89.9 BFM Media English Music , News , Talk 90.3 MHz TraXX FM RTM English Talk , music 90.7 MHz Putra FM Universiti Putra Malaysia Malay , English Talk , music 91.1 MHz Asyik FM RTM Jakun , Semai , Temiar Talk , music 91.5 MHz Institute of Islamic Studies Malaysia Malay , English , Arabic Talk , music 92.3 MHz Minnal FM RTM Tamil Talk , music 92.9 MHz AMP Radio Networks English Talk , music 93.6 MHz UFM Universiti Teknologi MARA English , Malay Talk , music 93.9 MHz Radio24 Bernama Malay , English News , music 94.5 MHz Mix FM AMP Radio Networks English Talk , Music 95.3 MHz Nasional FM ( alternative frequency ) RTM Malay Music 95.8 MHz Fly FM Media Prima English , Malay Talk , music 96.3 MHz Minnal FM ( alternative frequency ) RTM Tamil Talk , music 96.7 MHz Sinar FM AMP Radio Networks Malay Talk , music 97.3 MHz KLFM RTM Malay Talk , music 97.6 MHz Hot FM Media Prima Malay Talk , music 98.3 MHz Klasik Nasional FM ( alternative frequency ) RTM Malay Music 98.8 MHz 988 FM Star RFM Radio Chinese ( Mandarin , Cantonese ) Talk , music 99.3 MHz ( Raaga ) AMP Radio Networks Tamil Talk , music 100.1 MHz TraXX FM ( alternative frequency ) RTM English Talk , music 100.9 MHz Selangor FM RTM Malay Talk , music 101.8 MHz My FM AMP Radio Networks Chinese ( Mandarin , Cantonese ) Talk , music 102.5 MHz Asyik FM and Salam FM RTM Orang Asli Talk , music 103.0 MHz Melody FM AMP Radio Networks Chinese Music 103.3 MHz Era FM AMP Radio Networks Malay Talk , music 104.1 MHz Best 104 Suara Johor Sdn. Bhd Malay Music 104.9 MHz Red FM Star RFM Radio English , Malay Talk , music 105.3 MHz Suria FM Star RFM Radio Malay Talk , music 105.7 MHz LiteFM AMP Radio Networks English Music 106.7 MHz Ai FM ( alternative frequency ) RTM Chinese ( Mandarin , Various Chinese dialects ) Talk , music 107.5 MHz Pahang FM RTM Malay Talk , music Transport ( edit ) Kuala Lumpur Monorail Ampang Line LRT train Main articles : Transport in Kuala Lumpur and Public transport in the Klang Valley Like most other Asian cities , driving is the main mode of commuting in Kuala Lumpur . Hence , every part of the city is well connected by highways . As capital of Malaysia , Kuala Lumpur has a comprehensive road network that leads to the rest of Peninsular Malaysia . The busy Jalan Ampang at night leading straight to the Petronas Towers In terms of air connectivity , Kuala Lumpur is served by two airports . The main airport , Kuala Lumpur International Airport ( KLIA ) at Sepang , Selangor , which is also the aviation hub of Malaysia , is located about 50 kilometres ( 31 mi ) south of city . The other airport is Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport , also known as Subang Skypark and served as the main international gateway to Kuala Lumpur from 1965 until KLIA opened in 1998 . KLIA connects the city with direct flights to destinations in six continents around the world , and is the main hub for the national carrier , Malaysia Airlines and low - cost carrier , AirAsia . KLIA can be reached using the KLIA Ekspres a airport rail link service from KL Sentral , which takes twenty - eight minutes , while travelling by car or bus via highway will take about an hour . Air Asia and other low - cost carrier flights do not fly out of KLIA main terminal but from KLIA2 which is two kilometres from KLIA . KLIA2 is served by an extension of the KLIA Ekspres and by buses from KL Sentral . As of 2007 , Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport is only used for chartered and turboprop flights by airlines such as Firefly and Berjaya Air . Public transport in Kuala Lumpur and the rest of the Klang Valley covers a variety of transport modes such as bus , rail and taxi . Despite efforts to promote usage of public transport , utilisation rates are low as only 16 percent of the population used public transport in 2006 . However , public transport utilisation is set to rise with the opening of 2 light metro ( LRT ) extension lines on 30 June 2016 . Rail transport in Kuala Lumpur encompasses the light metro ( LRT ) , monorail , commuter rail and Airport rail link . The LRT system has 2 lines namely , Kelana Jaya Line and Ampang Line , connecting many locations in the city with major suburbs in Greater Kuala Lumpur . The Monorail serves various key locations in the city centre whereas the KTM Komuter runs between the city and the suburbs . The main rapid transit hub is KL Sentral , which is an interchange station for the rail systems . KL Sentral is also a hub for intercity railway service namely KTM Intercity and KTM ETS . It provides rail services to as far as Singapore in the south , and Hat Yai , Thailand , in the north . The rail system in Kuala Lumpur is expanding fast with more train lines due for completion or in the pipeline . In December 2016 , the 1st phase of Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit ( MRT ) Project , Sungai Buloh - Kajang Line was completed , the remaining phases of the line has been open in July 2017 , providing a more efficient ride around Greater Kuala Lumpur . The largest public transport operator in Kuala Lumpur and the Klang Valley is Prasarana Malaysia via its subsidiaries of Rapid Rail and Rapid Bus using Rapid KL brands service . Since the take over from Intrakota Komposit Sdn Bhd , Prasarana Malaysia has redrawn the entire bus network of Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley metropolitan area to increase passenger numbers and improve Kuala Lumpur 's public transport system . The Prasarana Malaysia has adopted the hub and spoke system to provide greater connectivity , and cut down the need of more buses . In Kuala Lumpur , most taxis have distinctive white and red liveries . Kuala Lumpur is one of the major ASEAN city with taxis extensively running on natural gas . Taxis can be hailed from taxi stands or from the streets . Nevertheless , taxis are known to charge high rates for foreigners . Kuala Lumpur is served by Port Klang , located about 64 km ( 40 mi ) southwest of the city . The port is the largest and busiest in the country handling about 6.3 million twenty - foot equivalent units ( TEU ) of cargo in 2006 . International Relations ( edit ) See also : List of twin towns and sister cities in Malaysia Isfahan street ( formerly Jalan Selat , Straits Road ) in Kuala Lumpur ( above ) and Kuala Lumpur avenue in Isfahan ( below ) . Twin towns -- Sister cities ( edit ) Kuala Lumpur is twinned with the following cities : Chennai , India . Isfahan , Iran . Mashhad , Iran . Shiraz , Iran . Osaka , Japan . Malacca City , Malaysia . Karachi , Pakistan . Ankara , Turkey . Dubai , United Arab Emirates . See also ( edit ) Malaysia portal Greater Kuala Lumpur Putrajaya Cyberjaya References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Malaya Celebrates , 1959 '' . British Pathé . Retrieved 2 August 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` Laporan Kiraan Permulaan 2010 '' . Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia . p. 27 . Archived from the original on 8 July 2011 . Retrieved 24 January 2011 . Jump up ^ `` KL on track to megacity status '' . Focus Malaysia . Retrieved 30 April 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Malaysia Elevation Map ( Elevation of Kuala Lumpur ) '' . 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Official Portal of Kuala Lumpur City Hall Official Website of Tourism Malaysia An Insider 's Guide to Kuala Lumpur -- Pathfinder City Places adjacent to Kuala Lumpur Rawang Petaling Jaya Kuala Lumpur Ampang Putrajaya Kuala Lumpur metropolitan area Parliamentary constituencies Bandar Tun Razak Batu Bukit Bintang Cheras Kepong Lembah Pantai Segambut Seputeh Setiawangsa Titiwangsa Wangsa Maju Suburbs and townships by constituency Kepong Jinjang Taman Bukit Maluri Segambut Bandar Menjalara Bukit Kiara Bukit Tunku Damansara Damansara Town Centre Federal Hill Jalan Duta Kampung Kasipillay Kampung Sungai Penchala Lake Gardens Mont Kiara Sri Hartamas Taman Tun Dr Ismail Batu Bandar Baru Sentul Kampung Kerdas Sentul Sentul Raya Taman Wahyu Wangsa Maju Kampung Sungai Mulia Setapak Taman Ibukota Taman Melati Taman Melawati Taman P. Ramlee Setiawangsa Kampung Datuk Keramat Semarak Desa Tun Hussein Onn Titiwangsa Ampang Jalan Cochrane Maluri ( partial ) Taman U-Thant Kampung Baru ( partial ) Kampung Pandan Bukit Bintang ( City Centre ) Brickfields Bukit Nanas Bukit Petaling Chow Kit Dang Wangi Kampung Baru ( partial ) KL City Centre Medan Tuanku Pudu Tun Razak Exchange Lembah Pantai Bangsar Bangsar South ( Kerinchi ) KL Eco City ( Kampung Haji Abdullah Hukum ) Mid Valley City Pantai Dalam Seputeh Bandar Malaysia Bukit Petaling Happy Garden Kuchai Lama Salak South Sri Petaling Taman Desa Taman OUG Cheras Alam Damai Maluri ( partial ) Pudu ( partial ) Shamelin Perkasa Taman Cheras Hartamas Taman Connaught Taman Len Seng Taman Taynton View Bandar Tun Razak Bandar Sri Permaisuri Bandar Tasik Selatan Bukit Jalil Desa Petaling Kampung Malaysia Lake Fields Sungai Besi Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Capital : Kuala Lumpur Topics Index History Kuala Lumpur Corporation Chairman Constitution Elections Geography Law Music Kuala Lumpurese Symbols Flag Seal Tourist attractions Society Culture Crime Cuisine Bicycle & cycling Demographics Economy Education Politics Parliamentary constituencies Bandar Tun Razak Batu Bukit Bintang Cheras Kepong Lembah Pantai Segambut Seputeh Setiawangsa Titiwangsa Wangsa Maju Commons Wikisource Cities in Malaysia Alor Setar George Town ( Penang Island ) Ipoh Johor Bahru Kota Kinabalu Kuala Lumpur Kuala Terengganu Kuching Malacca City Miri Petaling Jaya Shah Alam Capitals of Asia Dependent territories and states with limited recognition are in italics North and Central Asia South Asia Southeast Asia West and Southwest Asia Ashgabat , Turkmenistan Astana , Kazakhstan * Bishkek , Kyrgyzstan Dushanbe , Tajikistan Moscow , Russia * Tashkent , Uzbekistan East Asia Beijing , China Hong Kong , Hong Kong ( China ) Macau , Macau ( China ) Pyongyang , North Korea Seoul , South Korea Taipei , Taiwan ( ROC ) Tokyo , Japan Ulaanbaatar , Mongolia Kabul , Afghanistan Dhaka , Bangladesh Diego Garcia , BIOT ( UK ) Islamabad , Pakistan Kathmandu , Nepal Kotte , Sri Lanka Malé , Maldives New Delhi , India Thimphu , Bhutan Bandar Seri Begawan , Brunei Bangkok , Thailand Dili , East Timor Flying Fish Cove , Christmas Island ( Australia ) Hanoi , Vietnam Jakarta , Indonesia * Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia Manila , Philippines Naypyidaw , Myanmar Phnom Penh , Cambodia Central Area , Singapore Vientiane , Laos West Island , Cocos ( Keeling ) Islands ( Australia ) Abu Dhabi , United Arab Emirates Amman , Jordan Ankara , Turkey * Baghdad , Iraq Baku , Azerbaijan * Beirut , Lebanon Cairo , Egypt * Jerusalem , Israel ( de facto ) † Kuwait City , Kuwait Manama , Bahrain Muscat , Oman Nicosia , Cyprus * North Nicosia , Northern Cyprus * Ramallah , Palestine ( de facto ) † Riyadh , Saudi Arabia Sana'a , Yemen Stepanakert , Nagorno - Karabakh * Sukhumi , Abkhazia * Tbilisi , Georgia * Tehran , Iran Tskhinvali , South Ossetia * Yerevan , Armenia * * Transcontinental country . † See : Positions on Jerusalem . Both Israel and Palestinians claim Jerusalem as capital . Jerusalem contains the Israeli parliament and almost all Israeli government ministries . Tel Aviv contains most foreign embassies in Israel ; Ramallah is the administrative seat of the Palestinian Authority . World 's fifty most - populous urban areas Tokyo -- Yokohama ( Keihin ) Jakarta ( Jabodetabek ) Delhi Manila ( Metro Manila ) Seoul -- Incheon ( Sudogwon ) Shanghai Karachi Beijing New York City Guangzhou -- Foshan ( Guangfo ) São Paulo Mexico City ( Valley of Mexico ) Mumbai Osaka -- Kobe -- Kyoto ( Keihanshin ) Moscow Dhaka Greater Cairo Los Angeles Bangkok Kolkata Greater Buenos Aires Tehran Istanbul Lagos Shenzhen Rio de Janeiro Kinshasa Tianjin Paris Lima Chengdu Greater London Nagoya ( Chūkyō ) Lahore Chennai Bengaluru Chicago Bogotá Ho Chi Minh City Hyderabad Dongguan Johannesburg Wuhan Taipei - Taoyuan Hangzhou Hong Kong Chongqing Ahmedabad Kuala Lumpur ( Klang Valley ) Quanzhou Links to related articles Commonwealth Games host cities 1930 : Hamilton 1934 : London 1938 : Sydney 1950 : Auckland 1954 : Vancouver 1958 : Cardiff 1962 : Perth 1966 : Kingston 1970 : Edinburgh 1974 : Christchurch 1978 : Edmonton 1982 : Brisbane 1986 : Edinburgh 1990 : Auckland 1994 : Victoria 1998 : Kuala Lumpur 2002 : Manchester 2006 : Melbourne 2010 : Delhi 2014 : Glasgow 2018 : Gold Coast 2022 : TBA 2026 : TBA States and federal territories of Malaysia States Johor Kedah Kelantan Melaka Negeri Sembilan Pahang Perak Perlis Penang Sabah Sarawak Selangor Terengganu Federal Territories Kuala Lumpur Labuan Putrajaya VIAF : 150080200 GND : 4110404 - 3 BNF : cb11993983f ( data ) NDL : 00628431 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Kuala Lumpur Capital districts and territories Capitals in Asia Federal Territories in Malaysia Klang Valley Peninsular Malaysia Populated places established in 1857 1857 establishments in Asia Hidden categories : CS1 Malay - language sources ( ms ) CS1 Russian - language sources ( ru ) All articles lacking reliable references Articles lacking reliable references from April 2015 CS1 maint : Uses editors parameter Webarchive template wayback links Pages with citations lacking titles Pages with citations having bare URLs CS1 Japanese - language sources ( ja ) CS1 Turkish - language sources ( tr ) EngvarB from November 2015 Use dmy dates from November 2015 Articles containing Malay - language text Articles containing Chinese - language text Articles containing Tamil - language text Coordinates on Wikidata Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2016 All articles containing potentially dated statements Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2017 Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2010 Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2012 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from October 2017 Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2007 Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Good articles Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikinews Wikivoyage Acèh Адыгэбзэ Afrikaans አማርኛ অসমীয়া Asturianu Авар Azərbaycanca বাংলা Bahasa Banjar Bân - lâm - gú Basa Banyumasan Башҡортса Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ Български བོད ་ ཡིག Bosanski Brezhoneg Буряад Català Чӑвашла Cebuano Čeština ChiShona Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Dolnoserbski Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Fiji Hindi Français Frysk Gaeilge Gàidhlig Galego 客家 語 / Hak - kâ - ngî 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hornjoserbsce Hrvatski Ido Ilokano Bahasa Indonesia Interlingue Ирон Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa ಕನ್ನಡ Kapampangan ქართული Қазақша Kiswahili Kreyòl ayisyen Kurdî Кыргызча ລາວ لۊری شومالی Latina Latviešu Lëtzebuergesch Lietuvių Ligure Lumbaart Magyar मैथिली Македонски മലയാളം Māori मराठी მარგალური مصرى مازِرونی Bahasa Melayu Baso Minangkabau Mìng - dĕ̤ng - ngṳ̄ Монгол မြန်မာဘာသာ Nederlands नेपाली 日本 語 Нохчийн Norsk Norsk nynorsk Novial Occitan ଓଡ଼ିଆ Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча ਪੰਜਾਬੀ پنجابی Papiamentu پښتو ភាសា ខ្មែរ Piemontèis Tok Pisin Polski Português Qaraqalpaqsha Română Русский Саха тыла Scots Shqip Sicilianu Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Ślůnski کوردی Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Basa Sunda Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் Taqbaylit Татарча / tatarça తెలుగు ไทย Тоҷикӣ Türkçe Türkmençe Українська اردو ئۇيغۇرچە / Uyghurche Vahcuengh Vepsän kel ' Tiếng Việt Volapük Winaray Yorùbá 粵語 Zazaki Zeêuws 中文 डोटेली Edit links This page was last edited on 8 November 2017 , at 04 : 37 . 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where is kuala lumpur located on a map
Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory and City Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Other transcription ( s ) Malay Kuala Lumpur Jawi کوالا لومڤور ‎ Chinese 吉隆坡 Tamil கோலாலம்பூர் Clockwise from top left : Petronas Twin Towers , Petaling Street , Jamek Mosque and Gombak / Klang river confluence , National Monument , National Mosque , skyline of Kuala Lumpur . Centre : Kuala Lumpur Tower Flag Seal Nickname ( s ) : KL , Garden City of Lights Motto : Bersedia Menyumbang Bandaraya Cemerlang ( English : Ready to Contribute towards an Excellent City ) Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia Coordinates : 3 ° 8 ′ N 101 ° 41 ′ E  /  3.133 ° N 101.683 ° E  / 3.133 ; 101.683 Coordinates : 3 ° 8 ′ N 101 ° 41 ′ E  /  3.133 ° N 101.683 ° E  / 3.133 ; 101.683 Country Malaysia Administrative Areas List ( show ) Damansara Seputeh Segambut Kepong Kuala Lumpur City Centre Setiawangsa Bandar Tun Razak Sungai Besi Establishment 1859 Granted city status 1 February 1972 Granted Federal Territory 1 February 1974 Government Mayor ( Datuk Bandar ) Mhd Amin Nordin Abdul Aziz Area Federal Territory and City 243 km ( 94 sq mi ) Metro 2,243.27 km ( 866.13 sq mi ) Elevation 66 m ( 217 ft ) Population ( 2015 ) Federal Territory and City 1,768,000 ( 1st ) Density 6,891 / km ( 17,310 / sq mi ) Metro 7,200,000 Metro density 6,581 / km ( 17,040 / sq mi ) Demonym KL - ite / Kuala Lumpurian Human Development Index HDI ( 2010 ) 0.795 ( high ) ( 2nd ) Time zone MST ( UTC + 8 ) Postal code 50000 to 60000 Mean solar time UTC + 06 : 46 : 48 Area code ( s ) 03 Vehicle registration V and W ( for all vehicles except taxis ) HW ( for taxis only ) ISO 3166 - 2 MY - 14 Website
Falcon ( Comics ) - wikipedia Falcon ( Comics ) Falcon Sam Wilson as Falcon , accompanied by Redwing Publication information Publisher Marvel Comics First appearance Captain America # 117 ( September 1969 ) Created by Stan Lee Gene Colan In - story information Alter ego Samuel Thomas `` Sam '' Wilson Team affiliations Avengers S.H.I.E.L.D. `` Defenders for a Day '' Heroes for Hire Mighty Avengers Avengers Unity Squad Partnerships Captain America Redwing Nomad Notable aliases `` Snap '' Wilson , Falcon , Blackwing , Blackbird , Captain America Abilities Excellent bird trainer Skilled martial artist and gymnast Flight via wing harness Empathic link with pet falcon Limited control over birds Ability to see through the eyes of nearby birds Falcon ( Samuel Thomas `` Sam '' Wilson ) is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics . The character was created by writer - editor Stan Lee and artist Gene Colan , and introduced in Captain America # 117 ( Sept. 1969 ) . As the superhero Falcon , Wilson uses mechanical wings to fly , granting him limited telepathic and empathic control over birds . Following Steve Rogers ' retirement , Wilson becomes the newest Captain America and leader of the Avengers . Wilson 's deceased nephew was the Incredible Hulk 's sometime - sidekick Jim Wilson , one of the first openly HIV - positive comic - book characters . Jim Wilson 's father Gideon Wilson would go on to join the Gamma Corps . Sam also has parents named Paul and Darlene Wilson , a sister named Sarah Casper , a nephew named Jody Toby Casper , and an unnamed niece . Anthony Mackie portrays Sam Wilson / Falcon in the 2014 Marvel Studios film , Captain America : The Winter Soldier and reprises his role in Avengers : Age of Ultron ( 2015 ) , Ant - Man ( 2015 ) , Captain America : Civil War ( 2016 ) , Avengers : Infinity War ( 2018 ) and is set to reprise his role in the fourth Avengers film ( 2019 ) . Contents 1 Publication history 2 Fictional character biography 2.1 Early life 2.2 Becoming the Falcon 2.3 2000s 2.4 Becoming Captain America 2.5 Return as Falcon 3 Powers , abilities , and equipment 3.1 Powers 3.2 Abilities 3.3 Uniform and flight harness 4 Other characters named Falcon 4.1 Joaquin Torres 4.2 Adrian Toomes 4.3 Carl Burgess 5 Other versions 6 In other media 6.1 Television 6.2 Film 6.3 Theatre 6.4 Video games 7 Reception 8 See also 9 Notes 10 References 11 External links Publication history ( edit ) Samuel Thomas Wilson , known as the Falcon , was the first African - American superhero in mainstream comic books , and also the first black superhero not to have the word `` black '' as part of his superhero name . The character first appeared in Captain America # 117 ( Sept. 1969 ) . Created by writer - editor Stan Lee and artist Gene Colan , he came about , Colan recalled in 2008 , ... in the late 1960s ( when news of the ) Vietnam War and civil rights protests were regular occurrences , and Stan , always wanting to be at the forefront of things , started bringing these headlines into the comics ... One of the biggest steps we took in this direction came in Captain America . I enjoyed drawing people of every kind . I drew as many different types of people as I could into the scenes I illustrated , and I loved drawing black people . I always found their features interesting and so much of their strength , spirit and wisdom written on their faces . I approached Stan , as I remember , with the idea of introducing an African - American hero and he took to it right away ... I looked at several African - American magazines , and used them as the basis of inspiration for bringing The Falcon to life . He was introduced as an unnamed former resident of New York City 's Harlem neighborhood , who had adopted a wild falcon he trained and named Redwing . ( His own name , Sam Wilson , was not given until page five of the following issue . ) When a group of men on an island `` in the tropics '' wanted a hunting falcon , Wilson answered the ad , only to discover that the self - dubbed `` Exiles '' were former Nazis in league with the supervillain the Red Skull . He escaped , but remained on the island to organize the natives to confront the Exiles , who had turned them into serfs . At the urging of Steve Rogers , whom he later learned was Captain America , Wilson took on the costumed identity of the Falcon and underwent training with Rogers in order to better inspire the villagers and lead the fight . Through most of the 1970s , the Falcon and Captain America were a team in New York City , and the series was cover - billed Captain America and the Falcon from issues # 134 -- 192 and 194 -- 222 ( February 1971 -- June 1978 ) , though still copyrighted as Captain America . In issue # 186 ( June 1975 ) , writer Steve Englehart retconned aspects of the Falcon 's past . Originally depicted as a former social worker , motivated by a desire to better the lives of inner - city youth , the Falcon was revealed as a mob - connected thug whose memories were altered by the reality - warping Cosmic Cube . The Falcon briefly joined the superhero team the Defenders , appearing in issues # 62 -- 64 ( August -- October 1978 ) , and was a member of the Avengers from issues # 183 -- 194 ( May 1979 -- April 1980 ) . During this time he also starred in a solo adventure in issue # 49 of the try - out series Marvel Premiere ; however , the story was not a try - out for a Falcon series , but an intended fill - in issue of Captain America which was shuffled into Marvel Premiere when the editors objected to having an issue of Captain America with someone other than the title character as the star . He starred in his own four - issue miniseries in 1983 , written by Jim Owsley . Its first issue was illustrated by Paul Smith with the final three issues by Mark Bright . The series revealed that the Falcon was a mutant , although this development was later retconned in the Avengers 2001 Annual . After regularly appearing in Captain America vol. 2 ( November 1996 -- November 1997 ) , the Falcon rejoined the Avengers in The Avengers vol. 3 , # 1 ( February 1998 ) . This time , he remained with the team , becoming one of its most prominent members by issue # 57 ( Oct. 2002 ) . Concurrently , he was also a supporting character in Captain America vols. 3 -- 4 ( January 1998 -- February 2002 and June 2002 -- December 2004 ) . The Falcon next appeared in the short - lived Captain America and the Falcon series , in 2004 and 2005 . After the events of the storyline `` Avengers Disassembled '' , when the Scarlet Witch temporarily restored his criminal personality , the Falcon became a supporting character in Captain America vol. 5 ( January 2005 -- July 2009 ) . The Falcon continued to play a significant role in the series after it returned to its original numbering , beginning with Captain America # 600 ( Aug. 2009 ) . Falcon was a member of the Avengers in the 2012 Marvel NOW ! relaunch . On July 16 , 2014 Marvel Comics announced that Sam Wilson would relinquish the mantle of Falcon and would become the new Captain America , succeeding Steve Rogers in the role . An ongoing series starring Sam Wilson as Captain America launched in October 2015 , as part of Marvel 's post-Secret Wars relaunch , written by Nick Spencer and Daniel Acuña . Wilson temporarily returns to the role of Captain America in the 2017 miniseries Marvel 's Generations . Wilson resumed the identity of Falcon in a series written by Rodney Barnes that debuted in late 2017 , the character 's first solo series since 1983 . Fictional character biography ( edit ) Early life ( edit ) Samuel Thomas Wilson was born in Harlem , New York City , to Paul Wilson , a prominent minister , and Darlene Wilson . Wilson has a happy childhood and finds he has a natural affinity for birds . He takes up training pigeons , and has the largest pigeon coop in Harlem . In his teens , however , encounters with racism leave him jaded . When he is 16 , Wilson refuses to join the church , believing his deeply religious parents to be ignorant for their faith . To his surprise , rather than put up a fight , his parents provide him with books on different religions and comparative theology . The next night , however , Sam 's father is killed trying to break up a neighborhood fight ( originally Paul was said to have been killed when Sam was 9 years old ) . Two years later , his mother is shot and killed by a mugger one block from their apartment . Consumed by grief and `` angry at the world '' Sam turns his back on his past as a respected community volunteer . He moves to Los Angeles and creates a new persona : `` Snap '' Wilson , a professional criminal and gang member . While Snap is on his way to `` a big score in Rio de Janeiro '' , his plane crashes on Exile Island ( years later , he would say `` I actually loved this place quite a bit . It 's where I met my two best friends , '' referring to Captain America and Redwing ) . The once - peaceful island had been taken over by the Exiles , a group of would - be world conquerors who had collaborated with the Nazi supervillain the Red Skull during World War II . They had been betrayed by the Red Skull and were forced to remain in hiding on the island , enslaving the natives . Wilson finds and befriends Redwing , a falcon with which he feels a remarkably strong bond . Becoming the Falcon ( edit ) As part of a plot against Captain America , the Red Skull uses the Cosmic Cube , a creation that allows its user to alter reality , to mentally fuse Wilson with Redwing , creating a `` super-normal mental link '' that would , with time and concentration , give Wilson broad powers over all birds . Next , the Skull uses the Cube to rewrite the past and erase the years Wilson had spent angrily living as Snap Wilson . In this new history , Wilson was an upright and cheerful social worker who is eventually lured to the Exiles ' island and organizes the natives to fight for their freedom . Steve Rogers ( Captain America ) befriends him there and convinces Wilson to adopt a persona to inspire the natives in their rebellion . The two create the costumed persona the Falcon and train together extensively before attacking and defeating the Exiles and the Red Skull . The Falcon becomes Captain America 's regular partner in crime - fighting , and briefly even takes on the Captain America costume and identity when Rogers is believed to have been killed . Later , again as the Falcon , Wilson receives help from the Black Panther , who creates a harness for Wilson , allowing him to fly . When Rogers briefly abandons his Captain America identity , others attempt to take up the mantle , including a young man named Roscoe whom the Falcon mentors . When the Red Skull eventually kills Roscoe , Rogers again becomes Captain America . Soon afterward , the Red Skull reveals the Falcon 's true past as Snap Wilson , and unsuccessfully attempts to use the Cosmic Cube to make the Falcon kill Captain America . Now aware of his past but deciding to continue as a hero , the Falcon is eventually named head of the Super Agents at the espionage agency S.H.I.E.L.D. . US government superhero liaison Henry Peter Gyrich then recruits Wilson , one of the few active black superheroes , to fill a mandated racial quota for the venerable team the Avengers . Resentful of being a `` token '' , the Falcon quits at the first opportunity . He debuts a new costume when he fights the supervillain Taskmaster . 2000s ( edit ) Falcon becomes a member of the new team of Avengers assembled to fight the international menace Scorpio as a United Nations peacekeeping agency . By this point , Falcon had discovered that he could extend his telepathic bond with Redwing , allowing him to control other birds and `` see '' through their eyes . He uses this ability to spy on Henry Gyrich ( now the Avengers ' liaison with the United Nations ) and discovers that the United States ' Secretary of Defense , Dell Rusk , has been pressuring Gyrich to spy on the Avengers and turn over their secrets . Although initially hostile to one another , Falcon convinces Gyrich to help the Avengers spy on Rusk , feeding him false information while gathering evidence to expose him . They discover that Rusk is actually the Red Skull , who has launched a biological weapon attack on America , intending to use the ensuing panic to gain control over America 's government and start a war with other countries . Falcon is instrumental in defeating the Red Skull . It is around this period of time that , a new `` Captain America '' secretly created by the Office of Naval Intelligence ( O.N.I. ) goes rogue and begins eliminating anything and anyone he sees as a source of terrorism . To draw out this agent ( dubbed `` The Anti-Cap '' ) , O.N.I. leaks information about their involvement in a biological weapons project with the notorious Rivas Family , powerful Cuban drug lords . Reporter and social activist Leila Taylor investigates this rumor and attempts to smuggle a sample of the virus into America , but she is arrested by U.S. forces in Cuba . Falcon , who is a friend of Taylor , breaks her out of prison and investigates her claims , destroying the Rivas Family 's biological weapons lab and obtaining a sample of the mysterious virus they were developing for O.N.I. Falcon is able to fly Leila back to America ( although his flying harness is destroyed in a hurricane ) while Captain America follows Falcon 's directions and retrieves the virus sample . The Anti-Cap kills the head of the Rivas family , and pursues Leila , Falcon , and Cap , intent on obtaining the virus sample . After reuniting , Falcon and Captain America are able to barely defeat the Anti-Cap . Realizing that O.N.I. 's goal was to draw out their rogue agent to execute him , Captain America arranges to have the Anti-Cap secretly imprisoned in the Wakandan embassy until O.N.I. agrees not to kill him . Since Captain America and Falcon now possess both O.N.I. 's rogue agent and the last remaining sample of O.N.I. 's virus , O.N.I. begins to put increasing amounts of pressure on the heroes . Falcon is especially targeted -- he had broken Leila out of Federal Custody , and his criminal history makes it easier for O.N.I. to create further false charges against him . Falcon soon finds himself on the run from O.N.I. Meanwhile , the superheroine the Scarlet Witch , having gone insane , begins using her powers to re-create many of the Avengers ' greatest trials and tragedies . She destabilizes the Falcon 's mind , causing him to act increasingly like his `` Snap '' persona . He begins carrying a gun , keeps secrets from his friends , assaults Leila 's boyfriend Norman when he protests they go into hiding , and uses a high power rifle to shoot at his friend Robbie Robertson ( to fool Robbie into thinking O.N.I. was threatening to kill him ) . Although they succeed in exposing the illegal activities of O.N.I. and clear Wilson 's name , Sam 's methods cause his relationship with Captain America to become strained . Cap confronts Falcon about his recent actions , and Falcon , angered at what he sees as an ultimatum , terminates their partnership . As they are walking away , Norman ( who blames Falcon for the end of his relationship with Leila ) appears and shoots at Falcon . Captain America is seriously injured by the stray bullets , and even appears to die . The shock of watching his best friend seemingly die because of his actions has a powerful affect on Sam , who briefly gives up being Falcon and reexamines his life . Sam Wilson reappears as Falcon in the 2005 `` House of M '' storyline and in the 2006 -- 07 `` Civil War '' storyline . In the latter , he supports Captain America against the Superhuman Registration Act . When the Captain becomes incapacitated , Falcon temporarily assumes leadership of the `` Secret Avengers '' rebel group . Following Captain America 's assassination by the machinations of the Red Skull , the Falcon registers with the government and is made responsible for Harlem , although he continues to maintain contact with the underground New Avengers . He is also called upon to investigate the Captain 's assassination by locating Winter Soldier and tracking down the Red Skull . Becoming Captain America ( edit ) Wilson as Captain America on the cover of All - New Captain America # 1 ( November 2014 ) . Art by Stuart Immonen . Wilson appears in the 2010 `` Shadowland '' storyline as Falcon , after which he becomes an operative in the new incarnation of the Heroes for Hire team , in the book of the same name . He later appears in the 2012 `` Avengers vs. X-Men '' storyline , helping She - Hulk and several other Avengers contain the students at the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning . As part of the 2012 - 2015 Marvel NOW ! relaunch , Wilson rejoins the Avengers after Iron Man and Captain America choose to expand the team 's line - up . After Rogers is aged into an old man , he appoints Wilson as his ' official ' replacement as Captain America . During a confrontation with the Red Skull 's daughter Sin , it is revealed that the `` Snap '' identity was a fake memory implanted into Sam by the Red Skull in an attempt to discredit the hero through racism . As part of the 2015 All - New , All - Different Marvel initiative , Captain America investigated the disappearance of Mexican teenager Joaquin Torres after he was abducted by the Sons of the Serpent . After fighting Armadillo and capturing the leader of the hate group , Captain America discovered that Joaquin was being used in the experiments of Karl Malus who turned Joaquin into a bird / human hybrid using Captain America 's pet bird Redwing . When Karl Malus was defeated , Captain America took Joaquin in . When it was discovered Joaquin 's bird / human hybrid condition was n't temporary , Captain America learned from Claire Temple that Joaquin 's condition was permanent due to Redwing being vampiric and sporting a healing factor . When Captain America was captured by the Serpent Society and thrown out the window by Viper , he was saved by Joaquin . Using his link with Redwing , Captain America telepathically sent Joaquin the knowledge on how to fight where he held his own until Misty Knight and Demolition Man showed up . After the Serpent Society was defeated , Captain America allowed Joaquin to become his sidekick , enabling him to become the new Falcon . During the 2016 `` Avengers : Standoff ! '' storyline , Sam , after defeating the Green Skull , is contacted by Whisperer ( an alias of Rick Jones ) . After meeting Whisperer , he learns that S.H.I.E.L.D. never discarded the Kobik project as he thought they did . He meets with Steve Rogers , where they follow a lead to a town in Connecticut and are later picked up by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents . He then meets the Winter Soldier and rescue S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Avril Kincaid from the Blood Brothers , who informs them of a super-weapon hidden in the town that Baron Zemo and the other villains are looking for . They then head to the bowling alley where Kobik uses her powers to restore Steve Rogers to his prime when he was about to be killed by Crossbones . They begin looking for Kobik again only to discover that Baron Zemo had Fixer invent a device that would help find Kobik as Kraven the Hunter rallies the villains to help with their goals . Upon not being able to successfully locate Kobik , Steve Rogers decides to rally the heroes so that they can take the fight to Baron Zemo . In the aftermath of the incident , Steve and Sam plan to keep what happened at Pleasant Hill under wraps at the time being . After the `` Standoff ! '' storyline , Sam begins to face public pressure to return the shield and mantle of Captain America to Steve , as does Maria Hill for the consequences of her actions on Pleasant Hill . He and Steve then begin to secretly plan for a way to get Hill to face her crimes publicly . During a press conference , Sam encounters the mercenary Chance who was about to kill Steve in the middle of his speech . After defeating him , Sam receives a hero 's welcome when Steve announces him to the public as Captain America . While getting arrested , Chance tells Sam that he was on Pleasant Hill and that he did n't agree with the heroes ' actions . During the 2016 `` Civil War II '' storyline , Captain America attend War Machine 's funeral , where he delivers an inspirational speech . Months later , Wilson watches a TV broadcast about former New Warrior Rage engaging in a fight with the Americops , a private police force funded by Keane Industries , in Brooklyn . Intending to stop the fight , Wilson , along with Redwing and Falcon , try to contain the situation . Sam manages to stop the fight , although not without fighting the Americops , for which he knew the media would portray him negatively . As he leaves , he is attacked from behind by U.S. Agent . After a brief argument , Captain America and U.S. Agent begin to fight , with U.S. Agent gaining the upper hand , until Sam drags him into a tunnel where the darkness and the great horned owls that reside in it allow him to win the fight . After defeating U.S. Agent and receiving an argument from Rage , Wilson returns to his headquarters where he decides to put a tiny implant in his brain that will enhance his ability to see what birds see , enabling him to transmit them into a data storage facility that converts them into images and videos . He decides to further investigate the Americops to find proof of their violent activities . While accompanying Steve Rogers on a mission to stop Flag - Smasher 's latest assault , Wilson fails to save a senator from being shot by the villain , further compromising his current public image . This is subsequently revealed to have been deliberately staged by Rogers who has been converted to believe he is a Hydra sleeper agent since childhood . Using his greater familiarity with the shield , Rogers deliberately put Wilson in a position where he would be unable to use the shield to save the senator , with the final goal of demoralizing Sam to the point where he will return the shield to Rogers of his own free will ( not wanting to kill Wilson and risk creating a martyr ) . After discovering that Rage was arrested and accused of robbing a pawn shop which Man Mountain Marko and Speed Demon committed , Sam offers him professional help from other heroes , but Rage turns it down , preferring that he should be the one to prove his innocence . After consulting with his brother and Rogers , Sam posts a video on the internet showing footage of the Americops beating up Rage , exposing their violent activities . During Rage 's trial , a frustrated Sam leaves the courtroom and captures Speed Demon , who confesses to his and Man Mountain Marko 's involvement in the pawn shop robbery . Upon returning to the court , Misty tells Sam that the verdict was already given . While people protest over Rage 's arrest , Sam tries his best to calm them . Sam leaves a letter which explains he is ending his role as Captain America and returning the shield to Steve Rogers During the 2017 `` Secret Empire '' storyline , Sam has spent time alone in a desert and returns to the city where he discovers Hydra 's takeover and that Steve Rogers is their leader . Sam rescues a woman and her Inhuman daughter from Hydra enforcers , Sam reluctantly helps them to safety . He reunites with Misty Knight and Demolition Man and helps smuggle other Inhumans out of the country . He helps Ant - Man smuggle his daughter Cassandra Lang then declines their offer to join the underground resistance . When Hawkeye and the Tony Stark A.I. reveal that Kobik was responsible for Steve 's change , Sam agrees to help smuggle them out of the country so they can find the Cosmic Cube 's fragments . Sam takes the group through an abandoned subway tunnel where they encounter Mole Man , with whom Sam strikes a deal when they are attacked by Dreadnoughts sent by Hydra . After crossing the tunnel , the group departs in a jet plane . They arrive in a mansion where Ultron resides , since he is in possession of the shard . They encounter Steve Rogers and his Avengers until Ultron captures them . After a brief battle , Ultron allows them to leave and gives the shard to Tony 's team . Steve muses that he is unconcerned about who will acquire the fragments as he has an inside man in the Tony Stark A.I. 's team . After a series of dead ends , the team returns to the hideout , where Sam reunites with Misty , until Hydra forces arrive and begin their assault on the base . During the battle , Sam helps the other heroes in protecting the refugees and battling Hydra 's Avengers and a revived Bruce Banner as the Hulk until the base explodes . In the aftermath of the attack , Sam appears standing on top of the rubble as Captain America to inspire the resistance to not surrender . It is later revealed that Sam had a conversation with Misty Knight and Rayshaun Lucas , the new Patriot , which has persuaded him to reassume the role of Captain America , leading the resistance and wielding Rogers ' original round shield as a symbol of hope . Sam uses the Cosmic Cube fragment acquired by the resistance to help destroy the Darforce dome surrounding Manhattan and the planetary defense shield , releasing all the trapped heroes . Liberating all the imprisoned Inhumans , the Underground attacks the Capitol which attracts the attention of Steve Rogers , who arrives wearing Cosmic Cube - powered armor . During the final battle , Sam fakes surrender and gives the fragment to Steve , only for Winter Soldier to intervene and bring Kobik and the real Steve Rogers back . The restored Steve Rogers manages to defeat the Hydra Steve Rogers with Thor 's hammer and Kobik restores reality back to normal . Return as Falcon ( edit ) Upon taking the second Patriot on as his sidekick , they travel to Chicago to deal with an outbreak of gang violence , unaware that Blackheart is posing as the city 's Mayor . Powers , abilities , and equipment ( edit ) Powers ( edit ) In his earliest appearances , Wilson exhibits a close bond with his bird Redwing , which is confirmed as being a telepathic link by Professor X in Captain America # 174 . The Red Skull later reveals that he had used the Cosmic Cube to create a `` super-normal mental link '' between Sam Wilson and Redwing . Falcon later recalled the experience , stating `` Hurt like hell . Being mentally fused with that falcon . Able to see through his eyes . '' Wilson eventually revealed that he has been able to extend this empathic link . `` I 'm always psychically connected with Redwing , but through concentration , I 've recently tapped into another ability -- I 'm able to link - up with other birds ... I have over six billion pairs of eyes in the United States alone . '' He used this ability to quickly search New York City when the criminal Scarecrow kidnapped two children , as well as to spy on Senator Dell Rusk ( actually the Red Skull in disguise ) and Henry Peter Gyrich . He is also apparently able to access the memories of birds , and see things they had witnessed in the past ( although birds have a different concept of the passage of time , which makes it difficult for him to know when any events they witnessed occurred ) . Abilities ( edit ) Wilson is a skilled hand - to - hand combatant , having been trained in Judo and Karate by Steve Rogers . Wilson is also highly - skilled in the use of Captain America 's shield . Uniform and flight harness ( edit ) Wilson 's original Falcon wing harness featured detachable jet - powered glider wings made of lightweight titanium ribbing and Mylar . The wings were covered with wafer - thin solar power receptors that convert sunlight into electricity to power miniature high - speed electric turbine fans in his uniform and boots . The wings detached and reattached to his uniform cybernetically . The harness was destroyed in Captain America and the Falcon # 2 ( 2004 ) . The uniform was made of synthetic stretch fabric lined with a steel - alloy mesh . After the original flying harness 's destruction in a 2004 storyline , the Black Panther supplied Falcon with a new costume and wings . An emitter array on Falcon 's back creates holographic `` hard light '' wings with a maximum wingspan of up to 50 feet ( 15 m ) . Controlled by a cybernetic link , the wings can be instantly reconfigured into `` dozens of different cruise configurations '' . A `` magnetic drive '' , in turn , provides the thrust needed to get Falcon airborne . The emitter also possesses GPS jamming devices that prevent satellite tracking , while the hard - light wings interfere with infra - red tracking . A vibranium microweave was added to the costume itself , making Falcon resistant to small arms fire . The entire system is controlled mentally through cybernetic circuitry in the Falcon 's mask . The costume has in the past featured a hidden `` talon , '' a cybernetically controlled grappling line built into the gauntlets of his costume which he uses to entangle opponents , hook objects , or for swinging and climbing when his wings are detached . The costume 's visors come equipped with various capabilities , including infrared lenses , giving him the ability to see objects by their infrared signature at night , magnification capabilities , and remote imaging sensors that allow a full 360 degree of vision when activated . The cowl also has a wide band receiver and transmitter with an unspecified range . The suit was originally built by the Black Panther , with costume modifications by Desmond Burrell . Other characters named Falcon ( edit ) Joaquin Torres ( edit ) As part of the 2015 All - New , All - Different Marvel branding , Captain America ( Sam Wilson ) investigated the disappearance of Mexican teenager Joaquin Torres after he was abducted by the Sons of the Serpent . Captain America discovered that Joaquin was being used in the experiments of Karl Malus who turned Joaquin into a bird / human hybrid using Captain America 's pet bird Redwing . When Karl Malus was defeated , Captain America took Joaquin in . When it was discovered Joaquin 's bird / human hybrid condition was n't temporary , Captain America learned from Claire Temple that Joaquin 's condition was permanent due to Redwing being vampiric and sporting a healing factor . When Captain America was captured by the Serpent Society and thrown out the window by Viper , he was saved by Joaquin . Using his link with Redwing , Captain America telepathically sent Joaquin the knowledge on how to fight where he held his own until Misty Knight and Demolition Man showed up . After the Serpent Society was defeated , Captain America allowed Joaquin to become his sidekick , enabling him to become the new Falcon . During the `` Secret Empire '' storyline , Falcon II and Ironheart join the Champions when they join up with the Underground. > Adrian Toomes ( edit ) Main article : Vulture ( Marvel Comics ) In a 2017 storyline , Adrian Toomes developed a modified version of his Electromagnetic Wing Harness that has a reinforced helmet and lightweight , razor - sharp , nano - woven wings which responded to his mental commands where he took on the name Falcon where he believed the name to be vacant at the time . He robbed a location in East Village where he fought Spider - Man until they were immobilized by a new Trapster who made off with Falcon 's loot . Carl burgess ( edit ) A similar , unrelated character of the same name and powers was created in 1939 by writer - artist Bill Everett for Marvel Comics ' predecessor company , Timely Comics . Other versions ( edit ) In the alternate reality of a 1983 What If ? story , Sam - under his gang name `` Snap '' - is a member of a secret rebellion force in a United States turned fascist who aids Captain America in beating an impostor and leading the chastised nation back to its democratic roots . Sam Wilson / Falcon appears as one of the zombified heroes in the Marvel Zombies universe . Initially , he is among the many heroes summoned by Nick Fury to fight off the infection , but he winds up being infected . Afterwards , in Marvel Zombies 3 , he , along with other wing - laden characters ( Angel , Beak and Vulture ) , attack Machine Man , Ultron and Jocasta as soon as they arrive in this ravaged universe , but he and the others are quickly killed by Machine Man . In Amazing Spider - Girl # 7 , which is part of the MC2 universe , Wilson was revealed to be dead . However , the Ladyhawk twins wear attire similar to his first costume , from before he had the mantle of either Falcon or Captain America . In the `` Once and Future King '' story arc from Black Panther , a retired Sam Wilson is shown as the mayor of New York City 25 years into the future . He comes out of retirement for one final mission to help Black Panther defeat T'charra , T'Chaka's treasonous son . The Ultimate Marvel version of Falcon on the cover of Ultimate Comics : The Ultimates # 7 ( April 2012 ) . Art by Kaare Andrews . In the Ultimate Marvel universe , Samuel Wilson is an explorer , adventurer , and scientist who uses a backpack with high - tech folding wings to fly as the Eagle . Wilson first appeared in Ultimate Nightmare and then worked on the Vision , demonstrating a high level of technological understanding and confronted George Tarleton of A.I.M. aboard a space station studying a Gah Lak Tus module . He is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. rather than an official member of the Ultimates or Reserves . He has served with or under General Nick Fury , and was a member of the armed forces but retired to pursue scientific interests . This version appears to be an accomplished combatant , especially when using the sharp edge of the metal wings he wears as a weapon , which are controlled through the help of nanotechnology , with which he can communicate and retrieve computer information . The wings are partially self - repairing , as referenced in Ultimate Extinction . In Marvel 's MAX imprint series U.S. War Machine , Wilson appeared alongside Captain America and Hawkeye ; he and Hawkeye served as Captain America 's backup and wore no costumes , only being addressed by their real names . In this reality , Captain America was actually Bucky wearing the Captain 's uniform as here the Captain had died in World War II in his stead . In the 2006 comic What If Captain America had fought in the Civil War ? , the Earth - 717 version of Wilson was an orphan raised by a Shawnee medicine man , and grew up to fight in the American Civil War as part of an Indian volunteer regiment . He performs a ritual to give Steven Rogers the power of We - Pi - Ahk , the Eagle Spirit , and has a red eagle painted on his chest for this ceremony . He is killed by Colonel Barnes ( who in this reality is the White Skull ) . In the `` Heroes Reborn '' universe , created by Franklin Richards , a version of Samuel Wilson appears . His father , Abraham `` Abe '' Wilson fought alongside Captain America during World War II , but is later killed by Master Man 's army . During the fight , Abe 's son Sam Wilson is shot in a fight and gravely wounded , but Captain America saves his life by giving him a transfusion of the Super-Soldier's own blood . Consequently , Wilson gains superhuman abilities comparable to those of Captain America . His military nickname , `` The Falcon '' , becomes his superhero code name , avenges his father by beating Master Man , and along with Captain America , and Nick Fury defeat the Red Skull 's plans for world domination . In an alternate timeline seen in Avengers : The Children 's Crusade , Sam was succeeded as the Falcon by his daughter Samantha . Samantha is shown as a member of the Avengers alongside her husband Eli ( the new Captain America ) , and their son Steve ( the new Bucky ) . In Daredevil : End of Days , Wilson is briefly shown as the future president of the United States of America . During the Secret Wars storyline , an alternate , naturally - winged version of Sam Wilson is a member of the Thor Corps ( which are the police force of Battleworld ) . He and the Thor Corps members arrest Miss America after she violates Doom 's laws by throwing a Megalodon that attacked Arcadia far enough to go over the Shield and end up in the Deadlands . A female version of Sam Wilson ( Samantha T. Wilson ) serves as the original Captain America of the Spider - Gwen universe of Earth - 65 . When World War II struck , she became one of the first black female pilots in the U.S. military . Eventually , she was recruited into Project Rebirth , and was chosen to undergo the procedure when the other candidates Bucky , Steve Rogers , and Isaiah Bradley were badly injured by Nazi agents . After this , she became Captain America , and fought the Nazis . When the Nazis attempted to summon creatures from another dimension , she entered said dimension to hold off the invading forces , un-aging in this reality for nearly 75 years . When she finally defeated them and returned to her home dimension of Earth - 65 , she was recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D. director Peggy Carter to continue her service as Captain America as one of her agents . Another version of Sam Wilson appears in the Spider - Gwen universe of Earth - 65 . He is the male clone of Samantha Wilson and is also this universe 's Falcon where he works as Captain America 's sidekick . Falcon is known as Sam 13 and is an expert sniper - assassin . He is aided by Redwing ( who in this reality is a robotic falcon ) where Sam 13 used him for assault and reconnaissance . Falcon and Redwing first come into contact with Spider - Woman while she was fighting Lizard . In other media ( edit ) Television ( edit ) Falcon ( along with his bird Redwing ) appeared as a member of the Avengers in the television series The Avengers : United They Stand , voiced by Martin Roach . Falcon along with his bird Redwing appears in The Super Hero Squad Show , with Falcon voiced by Alimi Ballard and Redwing 's vocal effects provided by Steven Blum . In this version , he is capable of launching his `` feathers '' at his enemies . Sam Wilson / Falcon appears in The Avengers : Earth 's Mightiest Heroes , voiced by Lance Reddick . Alongside Doc Samson , Falcon is a mind - controlled servant of Dell Rusk . He appears in the episodes `` Nightmare in Red '' , `` Code Red '' , and `` Avengers Assemble ! '' . Sam Wilson / Falcon appears as one of the main characters in the Avengers Assemble animated series , voiced by Bumper Robinson . This iteration of Sam Wilson is depicted as a 17 - year - old S.H.I.E.L.D. operative that Iron Man had an eye on . When the Avengers brought together to save Captain America from the Red Skull , Sam was originally offered the War Machine armor , but turned it down in favor of the Falcon armor . Wilson later dons a new version of his Falcon armor where there is a beak - shaped visor over his eyes . The wing pack is capable of detaching itself from the rest of the armor to become `` Redwing Mode '' and fly by itself to the point where it can whip up tornadoes . In the fourth season , Falcon is kidnapped by Kang the Conqueror and spends years in the future working with him to stop a black hole from destroying the Earth . When he returns to the present , he is significantly older and has a new outfit that greatly resembles his outfit in the MCU . Sam Wilson appears in Ultimate Spider - Man : Web Warriors , voiced again by Bumper Robinson . He appears in the episodes `` Avenging Spider - Man '' ( Parts 1 and 2 ) and `` Contest of Champions '' ( Part 4 ) . Sam Wilson appears in the Lego Marvel Super Heroes : Maximum Overload mini-series , voiced again by Bumper Robinson . Falcon appears in the Japanese anime series Marvel Disk Wars : The Avengers , voiced by Kaito Ishikawa in the Japanese version . Film ( edit ) Anthony Mackie as the Falcon in a character poster for the 2014 film Captain America : The Winter Soldier Anthony Mackie portrays Sam Wilson in the Marvel Cinematic Universe , with the character 's first appearance being in the 2014 film Captain America : The Winter Soldier . In the film , Wilson uses a pair of submachine guns as his main weapons and flies using a jet pack with articulated wings . Mackie reprises the role in the 2015 films Avengers : Age of Ultron , Ant - Man , the 2016 film Captain America : Civil War , and Avengers : Infinity War . Redwing makes a first appearance in Civil War as Falcon 's bird - shaped robotic drone . Theatre ( edit ) Sam Wilson appears in the Marvel Universe : LIVE ! arena stage show . Video Games ( edit ) Falcon appears as a playable character in the Marvel Super Hero Squad video game and its sequel Marvel Super Hero Squad : The Infinity Gauntlet , with Alimi Ballard reprising the role . Falcon is once again a playable character in the game Marvel Super Hero Squad : Comic Combat , with Alimi Ballard voicing the role . Falcon is a playable character in Marvel Super Hero Squad Online . Falcon appears as DLC in Lego Marvel Super Heroes , voiced by Andrew Kishino . Falcon appears in the Facebook game Marvel : Avengers Alliance . He appears in the 17th Spec Ops game loosely based upon the events of Captain America : The Winter Soldier . The MCU version of Falcon appears as a Team - Up character in Marvel Heroes , voiced by Bumper Robinson . An alternate version of Captain America is later added to the game . Falcon appears as a playable character in Disney Infinity : Marvel Super Heroes , with Bumper Robinson reprising the role . Falcon 's wings are also available as a usable vehicle for other heroes . Falcon also appears in Disney Infinity 3.0 . The MCU version of Falcon appears as a playable character in Marvel : Future Fight . An alternate version of Captain America is later added to celebrate the 4th of July . Falcon is a playable character in Lego Marvel 's Avengers , voiced by Anthony Mackie . He is initially available in his Classic and Captain America : The Winter Soldier designs along with his Captain America appearance . Falcon 's Captain America : Civil War appearance is available through DLC . Falcon appears as a playable character in Playmation : Avengers . A teenage version of Falcon appears as a playable character in Marvel Avengers Academy , voiced by A $ AP Rocky . Falcon is a playable character in the match - three mobile game Marvel Puzzle Quest . Captain America is added to the game in August 2015 . Reception ( edit ) Wilson was placed as the 96th greatest comic book hero by IGN , which opined that the partnership between him and Steve Rogers forms one of the greatest crime fighting duos in comics , and as # 45 on their list of the `` Top 50 Avengers '' . See also ( edit ) List of S.H.I.E.L.D. members List of African - American firsts Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Marvel had previously introduced the Black Panther , a native of the fictional African country Wakanda . The first comic starring a black character was Dell Comics ' Old West gunfighter Lobo , introduced in 1965 . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Captain America # 134 . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ All - New Captain America # 6 . Marvel Comics . ^ Jump up to : Brothers , David . `` A Marvel Black History Lesson Pt. 1 '' , , February 18 , 2011 . WebCitation archive . Marvel Senior Vice President of Publishing Tom Brevoort : `` The Falcon was the very first African - American super hero , as opposed to The Black Panther , who preceded him , but was n't American . '' ^ Jump up to : `` GCD : : Issue : : Captain America # 117 '' . . Jump up ^ Colan , Gene . `` Introduction , '' Marvel Masterworks : Captain American Volume 4 ( Marvel Publishing : New York , 2008 ) , p. 2 of introduction ( unnumbered ) Jump up ^ Captain America # 117 -- 118 ( September -- October 1969 ) . Writer : Stan Lee . Penciler : Gene Colan . Publisher : Magazine Management Company . Brand : Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ Captain America cover scans , page 1 to page 4 , at the Grand Comics Database Jump up ^ Brennaman , Chris ( April 2014 ) . `` Marvel Premiere '' . Back Issue ! . Raleigh , North Carolina : TwoMorrows Publishing ( 71 ) : 29 -- 30 . Jump up ^ Cronin , Brian ( December 10 , 2011 ) . `` The Abandoned An ' Forsaked -- The Falcon is a Mutant ? ! '' . . Jump up ^ Ching , Albert ( September 4 , 2012 ) . `` UPDATED : 1st Look at Marvel NOW ! AVENGERS Lineup '' . Newsarama . Jump up ^ Sacks , Ethan ( July 17 , 2014 ) . `` New Captain America will be African - American , as the Falcon takes over the star - spangled mantle in the comic books '' . New York Daily News . Jump up ^ `` Sam Wilson , Captain America Soars Higher than Ever News '' . . Retrieved 2015 - 11 - 09 . Jump up ^ Rothman , Michael ( 2017 - 04 - 20 ) . `` Exclusive : Original Wolverine , Hulk and more to return in Marvel 's ' Generations ' '' . ABC News . Retrieved 2017 - 07 - 20 . Jump up ^ Couto , Anthony ( June 23 , 2017 ) . `` Marvel Legacy : Sam Wilson Returns as The Falcon '' . . Jump up ^ Lovett , Jamie ( July 5 , 2017 ) . `` Marvel Legacy : Rodney Barnes To Have Falcon Wrestle With Demons In New Series '' . . ^ Jump up to : Lee , Stan Captain America # 117 -- 119 ( Sept. -- Nov. 1969 ) Jump up ^ Englehart , Steve . Captain America # 186 Jump up ^ Captain America # 277 Jump up ^ Johns , Geoff . Avengers volume 3 , # 64 Jump up ^ Priest , Christopher J. Captain America and the Falcon # 7 Jump up ^ Priest , Christopher J. Captain America and the Falcon , # 11 Jump up ^ Captain America # 186 Jump up ^ Englehart , Steve . Captain America # 186 ( June 1975 ) . Jump up ^ Johns , Geoff . The Avengers # 475 / vol. 3 , # 60 ( Jan. 2003 ) . Jump up ^ Captain America # 133 Jump up ^ Captain America : Sentinel of Liberty # 8 -- 9 ( April -- May 1999 ) Jump up ^ Englehart , Steve , and Mike Friedrich . Captain America # 170 ( Feb. 1974 ) Jump up ^ Englehart , Steve . Captain America # 181 -- 183 ( Jan. -- March 1975 ) Jump up ^ Englehart , Steve , and John Warner . Captain America # 186 ( June 1975 ) Jump up ^ Glut , Donald F. Captain America # 218 ( Feb. 1978 ) Jump up ^ Avengers # 184 ( June 1979 ) Jump up ^ Captain America Annual # 11 Jump up ^ Johns , Geoff . Avengers , Volume 3 , # 57 -- 70 Jump up ^ Priest , Christopher J. Captain America and the Falcon # 1 -- 4 , May - July 2004 Jump up ^ Priest , Christopher J. Captain America and the Falcon . # 1 -- 14 Jump up ^ House of M # 1 , Captain America vol. 5 , # 12 , Civil War # 1 Jump up ^ Civil War # 4 Jump up ^ Jeph Loeb ( w ) , John Cassaday ( a ) . `` The Death of Captain America , Chapter 5 : Acceptance '' Fallen Son : The Death of Captain America 5 ( August 2007 ) Jump up ^ Captain America vol. 5 , # 31 -- 33 ( Dec. 2007 -- Feb. 2008 ) , Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ Heroes for Hire vol. 4 # 1 . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ X-Men Legacy # 266 . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ Avengers ( vol. 5 ) # 1 . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ Captain America ( vol. 7 ) # 25 . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ All - New Captain America # 3 . Marvel Comics . ^ Jump up to : Captain America : Sam Wilson # 1 . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ Captain America : Sam Wilson # 2 . Marvel Comics . ^ Jump up to : Captain America : Sam Wilson # 3 . Marvel Comics . ^ Jump up to : Captain America : Sam Wilson # 4 . Marvel Comics . ^ Jump up to : Captain America : Sam Wilson # 5 . Marvel Comics . ^ Jump up to : Captain America : Sam Wilson # 6 . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ Avengers Standoff : Assault on Pleasant Hill Alpha ! # 1 Jump up ^ Captain America : Sam Wilson # 7 - 8 . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ Avengers Standoff : Assault on Pleasant Hill Omega # 1 . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ Captain America : Sam Wilson # 9 . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ Captain America : Sam Wilson # 10 - 13 . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ Captain America : Sam Wilson # 14 . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ Captain America : Sam Wilson # 18 - 21 . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ Captain America : Sam Wilson # 22 Jump up ^ Secret Empire # 3 Jump up ^ Captain America : Sam Wilson # 23 Jump up ^ Secret Empire # 4 Jump up ^ Secret Empire # 5 - 6 Jump up ^ Secret Empire # 7 Jump up ^ Captain America : Sam Wilson # 24 Jump up ^ Secret Empire # 8 - 10 Jump up ^ Barnes , Rodney ; Thompson , Robbie ( w ) , Cassara , Joshua ; Bagley , Mark ( p ) , Hennessy , Andrew ( i ) . ( Anthology ) , Falcon ( Vol. 2 ) # 1 ( December 2017 ) . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ Englehart , Steve . Captain America # 186 . Marvel Comics , 1975 Jump up ^ Johns , Geoff . Avengers vol. 3 # 60 . Marvel Comics , 2003 Jump up ^ Johns , Geoff . Avengers vol. 3 # 64 . Marvel Comics , 2003 Jump up ^ Johns , Geoff . Avengers vol. 3 # 61 -- 69 . Marvel Comics , 2003 -- 2004 Jump up ^ Brubaker , Ed . Captain America vol. 5 # 35 . Marvel Comics , 2008 Jump up ^ Captain America and the Falcon vol 1 # 163 ( July 1973 ) Jump up ^ Captain America vol 1 # 118 ( October 1969 ) Jump up ^ Priest , Christopher ( w ) . Captain America and the Falcon # 2 ( 2004 ) . Marvel Comics Jump up ^ Priest , Christopher Captain America and the Falcon # 6 , Marvel Comics ( 2004 ) Jump up ^ Captain America # 170 ( February 1974 ) . Marvel Comics Jump up ^ Secret Empire # 1 . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ Free Comic Book Day Vol 2017 Secret Empire . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ Gillis , Peter B. ( w ) , Buscema , Sal ( p ) , Simons , Dave ( i ) . `` What If ? ... Captain America Were Not Revived Until Today ? '' What If ? 44 ( 1983 ) Jump up ^ Marvel Comics 3 # 3 . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ Black Panther ( vol. 2 ) # 37 . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ Ultimate Nightmare # 1 -- 5 . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ Ultimate Extinction # 1 -- 5 . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ Captain America Vol. 2 # 1 Jump up ^ Captain America ( Vol 2 ) # 1 -- 12 . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ Avengers : The Children 's Crusade : Young Avengers # 1 . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ Daredevil : End of Days # 2 Jump up ^ A-Force # 1 ^ Jump up to : Spider - Gwen vol. 2 # 2 . Marvel Comics . Jump up ^ `` Marvel Super Hero Squad Voice Cast '' . Comics Continuum. 2009 - 07 - 28 . Retrieved 2011 - 01 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` DVD Review : The Avengers : Earth 's Mightiest Heroes ! Vol 1 & 2 ( Disney ) '' . Pendragon 's Post . April 24 , 2011 . Archived from the original on September 10 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Sands , Rich ( June 12 , 2012 ) . `` Exclusive : Marvel Assembles New Animated Series for the Hulk and Avengers '' . TV Guide . Jump up ^ `` NYCC : Marvel to Premiere Avengers Assemble & Agents of S.M.A.S.H. Next Summer '' . Superhero Hype . October 13 , 2012 . Retrieved March 30 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Avenging Spider - Man '' . Ulimate Spider - Man . 2012 . Missing or empty url = ( help ) Jump up ^ Graser , Marc ( July 16 , 2012 ) . `` Mackie mulls Falcon in ' Captain America ' '' . Variety . Archived from the original on July 17 , 2012 . Retrieved July 16 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Wigler , Josh ( September 17 , 2012 ) . `` ' Captain America ' Actor Anthony Mackie Has n't Seen His Falcon Costume Yet '' . MTV Splash Page . Archived from the original on September 17 , 2012 . Retrieved September 17 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` ' Captain America : The Winter Soldier ' Character Bios , Fun Facts ( Minor Spoilers ) '' . Stitch Kingdom . February 14 , 2014 . Archived from the original on February 16 , 2014 . Retrieved February 15 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Lussier , Germain ( February 24 , 2015 ) . `` The Gang 's All Here in the Official ' Avengers : Age of Ultron ' Poster ( UPDATED ) '' . / Film . Archived from the original on February 24 , 2015 . Retrieved February 24 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Jay Jayson . `` New Ant - Man TV Spot Reveals Avenger Guest Star In New Costume '' . . Jump up ^ Fleming Jr , Mike . `` Daniel Bruhl To Play Villain In ' Captain America : Civil War ' '' . Deadline . Deadline . Retrieved November 17 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Kroll , Justin ( August 27 , 2015 ) . `` ' Captain America : Civil War ' Concept Art Shows Where Each Avenger 's Loyalties Lie '' . Variety . Archived from the original on August 27 , 2015 . Retrieved August 27 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Peters , Megan . `` Anthony Mackie Teases Falcon 's Fate After Avengers : Infinity War '' . . . Retrieved 14 June 2017 . Jump up ^ Breznican , Anthony ( August 15 , 2015 ) . `` Marvel brings Captain America : Civil War to Disney 's D23 Expo '' . Entertainment Weekly . Archived from the original on August 15 , 2015 . Retrieved August 15 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Marvel Universe LIVE ! Character Designs '' . Newsarama . November 25 , 2013 Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Zalben , Alex ( March 8 , 2014 ) . `` Exclusive : Marvel 's ' Avengers Alliance ' Gets ' Winter Soldier ' And ' Guardians of The Galaxy ' Upgrade '' . MTV . Jump up ^ `` Team - Up Heroes FAQ ( Page 1 ) '' Archived 2014 - 03 - 26 at the Wayback Machine ... Marvel Heroes . March 25 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Exclusive : Captain Marvel , Sam Wilson & More Celebrate Fourth of July with Marvel Games '' . Comic Book Resources . July 1 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Graser , Marc ( September 11 , 2014 ) . `` ' Guardians of the Galaxy ' to Break Records for ' Disney Infinity ' '' . Variety . Jump up ^ Robertson , Andy ( April 30 , 2014 ) . `` Marvel Super Heroes Announced '' . Forbes . Jump up ^ Jones , Elton ( May 15 , 2015 ) . `` ' Marvel Future Fight ' : Top 10 Tips & Cheats You Need to Know '' . . Jump up ^ Siegel , Lucas ( July 11 , 2015 ) . `` LEGO Marvel 's Avengers Reveals Stanbuster , Miss America , More New Characters '' . . Jump up ^ `` Marvel 's Falcon '' . Playmation . Jump up ^ `` John Cena and Colton Haynes Lend Voices to ' Marvel Avengers Academy ' '' . Comic Book Resources . February 4 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` # 96 -- The Falcon '' . IGN 's Top 100 Comic Book Heroes of All Time . IGN . Retrieved June 12 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` The Top 50 Avengers '' . IGN. April 30 , 2012 . Retrieved July 28 , 2015 . External links ( edit ) World of Black Heroes : Falcon Biography Falcon ( Sam Wilson ) at the Marvel Universe wiki Captain America Joe Simon Jack Kirby Alter egos Steve Rogers Isaiah Bradley William Nasland Jeffrey Mace William Burnside John Walker James Buchanan Barnes Sam Wilson Supporting characters Rikki Barnes Battlestar Black Widow Bucky Peggy Carter Sharon Carter Demolition Man ( D - Man ) Diamondback Falcon Jack Flag Free Spirit Golden Girl Howling Commandos Invaders Nick Fury Redwing Rick Jones Nomad Jack Monroe S.H.I.E.L.D. Maria Hill Enemies Core antagonists Baron Strucker Baron Zemo Heinrich Zemo Helmut Zemo Batroc the Leaper Crossbones Doctor Faustus Madame Hydra MODOK Red Skull Serpent Society Sin Taskmaster Arnim Zola Group enemies A.I.M. Circus of Crime Death - Throws Femme Fatales Hydra Secret Empire Serpent Squad Sleeper Watchdogs Snake - themed adversaries Anaconda Asp Black Mamba Black Racer Boomslang Bushmaster Coachwhip Cobra Constrictor Copperhead Cottonmouth Death Adder Diamondback Eel Fer - de-Lance Princess Python Puff Adder Rattler Rock Python Sidewinder Slither Viper Other supervillains Armadillo Baron Blood Blackwing Cutthroat Doughboy Dredmund the Druid Everyman Flag - Smasher Hate - Monger Jack O'Lantern Kingpin Aleksander Lukin Machinesmith Mister Hyde MODAM Mother Night Nefarius Nightshade Nuke Porcupine Protocide Scarecrow Slug Superia Tumbler Vermin Whirlwind Anti-hero rivals Grand Director Scourge of the Underworld Winter Soldier Publications Captain America Captain America ( vol. 5 ) Captain America : Reborn Captain America and the Falcon Fallen Son : The Death of Captain America Truth : Red , White & Black Tales of Suspense Adventures of Captain America Captain America and Nick Fury : Blood Truce Captain America and Nick Fury : The Otherworld War Storylines `` Captain America : The Captain '' `` Civil War '' `` The Death of Captain America '' In other media Film Captain America ( 1944 ) Captain America ( 1990 ) Captain America : The First Avenger soundtrack Captain America : The Winter Soldier soundtrack Captain America : Civil War soundtrack TV The Marvel Super Heroes Captain America ( 1979 ) Captain America II : Death Too Soon `` The Capture of Captain America '' Video games Captain America in : The Doom Tube of Dr. Megalomann The Amazing Spider - Man and Captain America in Dr. Doom 's Revenge ! Captain America and The Avengers Captain America : Super Soldier Miscellanea Alternative versions Ultimate Captain America Captain America 's shield Avengers S.H.I.E.L.D. Iron Patriot Category Avengers Creators : Stan Lee Jack Kirby Initial members Ant - Man Captain America Hulk Iron Man Thor Wasp Antagonists Organizations A.I.M. Black Order Chitauri Circus of Crime Enclave H.A.M.M.E.R. Hydra Kree Legion of the Unliving Lethal Legion Maggia Masters of Evil Secret Empire Sinister Six Skrulls Sons of the Serpent Squadron Sinister Squadron Supreme Zodiac Individuals Ares Baron Von Strucker Baron Zemo Heinrich Zemo Helmut Zemo Blood Brothers Collector Count Nefaria Crossbones Doctor Doom Enchantress Galactus Grandmaster Graviton Grim Reaper Immortus Hood Kang Korvac Leader Loki Magneto Mandarin MODOK Norman Osborn Ronan the Accuser Red Skull Skeleton Crew Space Phantom Super-Adaptoid Super-Skrull Taskmaster Thanos U-Foes Ultron Whirlwind Wrecking Crew Headquarters Avengers Mansion Avengers Tower Equipment Avengers Quinjet Variations A-Force A-Next Agents of Atlas Avengers A.I. Avengers Academy Dark Avengers Force Works Great Lakes Avengers Mighty Avengers New Avengers Members Secret Avengers Ultimates Members Uncanny Avengers U.S. Avengers West Coast Avengers Members Young Avengers In other media TV The Avengers : United They Stand The Avengers : Earth 's Mightiest Heroes Avengers Assemble Marvel Disk Wars : The Avengers Film Marvel Animated Features Marvel 's The Avengers accolades soundtrack Avengers Confidential : Black Widow & Punisher Avengers : Age of Ultron soundtrack Avengers : Infinity War soundtrack production box office records Untitled Avengers film production Video games Avengers in Galactic Storm Captain America and The Avengers Disney Infinity : Marvel Super Heroes Marvel : Avengers Alliance Marvel Avengers : Battle for Earth Lego Marvel 's Avengers Marvel Avengers Academy Related articles List of Avengers titles Justice League Category Book S.H.I.E.L.D. Stan Lee Jack Kirby Characters Executive Directors George W. Bridge Sharon Carter Timothy Dugan Nick Fury Maria Hill Daisy Johnson Norman Osborn Steve Rogers Tony Stark Rick Stoner Field Agents Clay Quartermain Victoria Hand Jasper Sitwell Al MacKenzie Mitch Carson Valentina Allegra de Fontaine Jessica Drew Clint Barton Natasha Romanova Barbara Morse Jimmy Woo Alexander Goodwin Pierce John Garrett Nick Fury Jr . Sam Wilson Antagonists A.I.M. H.A.M.M.E.R. Hand Hydra Leviathan Maggia Masters of Evil Mys - Tech Norman Osborn Purifiers Secret Empire Squadron Supreme Thunderbolts Taskmaster Zodiac Affiliations Avengers Dark Mighty Secret Howling Commandos Project Livewire Team White ( Secret Warriors ) S.T.R.I.K.E. S.T.A.K.E. S.W.O.R.D. Bases and facilities Camp Hammond Helicarrier Stark Tower The Vault Triskelion Technology and units Life Model Decoy Mandroid SJ3RX ( Red Ronin ) Superhuman Restraint Unit SPIN Tech Iron Patriot Publications Nick Fury , Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1965 feature Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. Kitty Pryde , Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. S.H.I.E.L.D. 2010 series 2014 series Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Carter : S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary Fury : S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. In other media Marvel Cinematic Universe Phil Coulson Item 47 Marvel 's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. characters episodes season 1 5 6 Slingshot Nick Fury : Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury , Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. : Empyre Related S.H.I.E.L.D. Flying Car Ultimate Nick Fury Peggy Carter Category Nick Fury Stan Lee Jack Kirby Characters Supporting Valentina Allegra de Fontaine Dum Dum Dugan Gabe Jones Rebel Ralston Junior Juniper Pinky Pinkerton Eric Koenig Nick Fury Jr . Punisher Happy Sam Sawyer Sharon Carter Jasper Sitwell Maria Hill Iron Man Captain America Bucky Barnes Black Widow Hawkeye Wolverine Clay Quartermain Falcon Mockingbird Avengers Enemies A.I.M. Baron Strucker Baron Zemo Centurius Hate - Monger Hydra Madame Hydra Viper Mitchell Carson Red Skull Scorpio Super-Patriot Werner von Strucker Teams Howling Commandos S.H.I.E.L.D. Team White Comics Ongoing Sgt . Fury and his Howling Commandos Nick Fury , Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1965 feature Secret Warriors Nick Fury 's Howling Commandos Nick Fury Miniseries and storylines Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury / Agent 13 Ennis Fury ( 2001 ) Fury : Peacemaker Fury : My War Gone By Avengers 1959 Battle Scars Nick Fury , Agent of Nothing Original Sin Fury 's Big Week Graphic novels and one - shots Fury ( 1994 ) Fury : S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary Wolverine / Nick Fury The Scorpio Connection Bloody Choices Scorpio Rising Marvel Knights : Double Shot # 2 `` Nick 's World '' Fury / Black Widow : Death Duty Captain America and Nick Fury : Blood Truce Captain America and Nick Fury : The Otherworld War Sgt . Fury & his Howling Commandos : Shotgun Opera In other media Nick Fury : Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury , Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. : Empyre `` For Your Eye Only '' Related Life Model Decoy Dirk Anger Jim Steranko Strange Tales Alternative versions Ultimate Nick Fury Category Black Widow Characters Claire Voyant Natasha Romanoff Yelena Belova Supporting characters Iron Man Captain America Crimson Dynamo Daredevil Nick Fury Hawkeye Maria Hill Mockingbird Winter Soldier Falcon Teams Avengers Mighty Secret Champions Heroes for Hire Lady Liberators Red Room S.H.I.E.L.D. Thunderbolts Enemies A.I.M. Black Spectre Damon Dran HYDRA Femizons Red Guardian Snapdragon Viper ( Madame Hydra ) Publications Amazing Adventures Marvel Fanfare Fury / Black Widow : Death Duty The Twelve Widowmaker In other media Avengers Confidential : Black Widow & Punisher Related articles Alternative versions of Black Widow Red Room Category Hawkeye Stan Lee Don Heck Characters Kate Bishop Bullseye Supporting characters Black Widow Dominic Fortune Lucky the Pizza Dog Mockingbird Enemies Albino Barney Barton Crossfire Death - Throws Javelynn Swordsman Trick Shot Publications Solo Avengers Hawkeye & Mockingbird Widowmaker Hawkeye : Blindspot Related articles Alternative versions Avengers Wyatt McDonald Cross Technological Enterprises Goliath The Hawkeye Initiative Ronin Trick arrows World Counter-terrorism Agency Retrieved from `` '' Categories : African - American superheroes American superheroes Captain America Characters created by Gene Colan Characters created by Stan Lee Comics characters introduced in 1969 Fictional characters from New York City Marvel Comics martial artists Marvel Comics special forces personnel Marvel Comics superheroes S.H.I.E.L.D. agents United States - themed superheroes Hidden categories : Pages using web citations with no URL Webarchive template wayback links All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from January 2018 Articles with permanently dead external links Character pop Converting comics character infoboxes Comics articles needing issue citations Articles with unsourced statements from August 2015 Articles with unsourced statements from May 2018 Articles with unsourced statements from June 2008 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from August 2016 Articles with unsourced statements from June 2009 Articles with unsourced statements from February 2016 Articles with unsourced statements from October 2016 Articles with unsourced statements from March 2015 Articles with unsourced statements from September 2015 Articles with unsourced statements from July 2015 Articles with unsourced statements from November 2016 Comics navigational boxes purge Talk Contents About Wikipedia Azərbaycanca Dansk Español فارسی Français 한국어 हिन्दी Italiano עברית Magyar Nederlands 日本 語 Português Русский Suomi Tagalog ไทย Türkçe Українська 中文 11 more Edit links This page was last edited on 9 August 2018 , at 16 : 48 ( UTC ) . 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when did falcon first appear in the mcu
Anthony Mackie portrays Sam Wilson in the Marvel Cinematic Universe , with the character 's first appearance being in the 2014 film Captain America : The Winter Soldier . In the film , Wilson uses a pair of submachine guns as his main weapons and flies using a jet pack with articulated wings . Mackie reprises the role in the 2015 films Avengers : Age of Ultron , Ant - Man , the 2016 film Captain America : Civil War , and Avengers : Infinity War . Redwing makes a first appearance in Civil War as Falcon 's bird - shaped robotic drone .
England at the FIFA World Cup - wikipedia England at the FIFA World Cup The England national football team has competed at the FIFA World Cup since 1950 . The FIFA World Cup is the premier competitive international football tournament , first played in 1930 , whose finals stage has been held every four years since , except 1942 and 1946 , due to the Second World War . The tournament consists of two parts , the qualification phase and the final phase ( officially called the World Cup Finals ) . The qualification phase , which currently take place over the three years preceding the finals , is used to determine which teams qualify for the finals . The current format of the finals involves thirty - two teams competing for the title , at venues within the host nation ( or nations ) over a period of about a month . The World Cup Finals is the most widely viewed sporting event in the world , with an estimated 715.1 million people watching the 2006 Final . England did not enter the competition until 1950 , but have entered all eighteen subsequent tournaments . They have failed to qualify for the finals on three occasions , 1974 ( West Germany ) , 1978 ( Argentina ) and 1994 ( United States ) , and have failed to advance from the group stages on three occasions ; at the 1950 FIFA World Cup , the 1958 FIFA World Cup and the 2014 FIFA World Cup . Their best ever performance is winning the Cup in the 1966 tournament held in England , whilst they also finished in fourth place in 1990 , in Italy , and in 2018 in Russia . Other than that , the team have reached the quarter - finals on nine occasions , the latest of which were at the 2002 ( South Korea / Japan ) and the 2006 ( Germany ) . England are the only team not representing a sovereign state to win the World Cup , which they did in 1966 when they hosted the finals . They defeated West Germany 4 -- 2 after extra time to win the World Cup title . Since then , they have generally reached the knockout stages of almost every competition they have qualified for , including a fourth - place finish in the 1990 and 2018 World Cups . At the world cup , England have had more goalless draws than any other team . Contents 1 History 1.1 Brazil 1950 1.1. 1 1950 Finals 1.2 Switzerland 1954 1.2. 1 1954 Finals 1.3 Sweden 1958 1.4 Chile 1962 1.5 England 1966 1.6 Mexico 1970 1.7 West Germany 1974 1.8 Argentina 1978 1.9 Spain 1982 1.10 Mexico 1986 1.11 Italy 1990 1.12 United States 1994 1.13 France 1998 1.14 South Korea / Japan 2002 1.15 Germany 2006 1.16 South Africa 2010 1.17 Brazil 2014 1.18 Russia 2018 1.18. 1 2018 Finals 2 Records 2.1 By match 2.2 By opponent 3 Players ' honours 3.1 List of England players with the most appearances at World Cups 3.2 List of England top goalscorers at World Cups 3.3 List of England goals by tournament 3.4 List of England players playing abroad at a World Cup 4 Team awards and records 5 Refereeing 6 Notes and references 6.1 Notes 6.2 References History ( edit ) Brazil 1950 ( edit ) Main article : 1950 FIFA World Cup See also : 1949 -- 50 British Home Championship England 's first qualifying campaign for the FIFA World Cup doubled as the 1950 British Home Championship . The series kicked off for England on 15 October 1949 at Ninian Park , Cardiff , against Wales . Stan Mortensen gave England the lead after twenty two minutes , and just seven minutes later , Jackie Milburn doubled the lead . This was the first goal of Milburn 's hat trick , which left England 4 -- 0 up with 20 minutes to play . Mal Griffiths scored a consolation goal for Wales ten minutes from time , but England held on for a comfortable victory . A month later , England welcomed Ireland to Maine Road , and it began well for the home side as Jack Rowley scored inside six minutes . England were already 6 -- 0 up , thanks to Jack Froggatt , two for Stan Pearson , Stan Mortensen and a second from Rowley , by the time Ireland struck back through Samuel Smyth after 55 minutes . Rowley added a third and a fourth to his tally in the three minutes following Smyth 's goal , however , leaving the score at 8 -- 1 at the hour mark . The frantic scoring rate calmed down after that , with only one apeice before the final whistle , with Stan Pearson completing his brace for England 's ninth , and Bobby Brennan scoring for Ireland . It was not until May 1950 that England travelled to Hampden Park to face Scotland , who were also undefeated after their games against Ireland and Wales . With the top two from the group qualifying , both teams were guaranteed progression to the finals , and the game was solely for the honour of winning the British Home Championship , and the seeding advantage to be enjoyed upon reaching Brazil . A solitary goal from Roy Bentley gave England the victory , the title and the top spot in the group . 1950 finals ( edit ) England were seeded in pot one for the finals , which meant they were the favourites to progress from Group 2 , which also contained Spain , Chile and the United States . England 's campaign kicked off against Chile in Rio de Janeiro , and , as was expected , England cruised to a 2 -- 0 victory , courtesy of goals from Stan Mortensen and Wilf Mannion . Main article : United States v England ( 1950 FIFA World Cup ) Their troubles began four days later when they faced the Americans in Belo Horizonte in what has become one of the most famous matches of all time . Joe Gaetjens scored the only goal of the match to give the United States an unlikely victory , which has gone down as one of the World Cup 's greatest upsets . A myth arose that the English newspapers were so confident of an English victory that when the result was telegrammed back , they assumed a misprint and printed the score as 10 -- 1 in England 's favour . However , this has proven to be untrue . This left England in a sticky situation prior to their final match , against Spain in Rio . They needed to win , and for Chile to beat the United States to stand any chance of going through , and even then they would need the goal averages to fall in their favour . As it turned out , no such calculations were necessary , despite Chile 's victory , as Spain 's Zarra scored the only goal of the game , eliminating England from the competition . Switzerland 1954 ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( July 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Main articles : 1954 FIFA World Cup and 1953 -- 54 British Home Championship As with their first World Cup , England 's qualifying for the 1954 edition also constituted the 1953 -- 54 British Home Championship . They played Wales at Ninian Park as their first match once again , and the 4 -- 1 result was the same . However , unlike four years earlier , it was the home side that went into the lead , after twenty two minutes through Ivor Allchurch . Despite being 1 -- 0 down at half time , England scored four within eight minutes of the restart ; two each for Dennis Wilshaw and Nat Lofthouse . Goodison Park was the venue for England 's home clash against Ireland , who were newly renamed Northern Ireland . Harold Hassall got England off to a good start with a goal after just ten minutes . Eddie McMorran put the Irish back on terms just before the hour mark , but Hassall completed his brace six minutes later . Lofthouse completed a comfortable 3 -- 1 win for England . With the top two in the group qualifying for the finals , the final game between England and Scotland , at Hampden Park , settled nothing except the placings within the group , despite Scotland having dropped a point with a 3 -- 3 draw at home to Wales . Allan Brown put the home side ahead after just seven minutes , but it was all square again thanks to Ivor Broadis just four minutes later . Johnny Nicholls gave England the lead for the first time just after half time , and they began to extend a lead after Ronnie Allen 's 68th - minute goal . Jimmy Mullen made the game all but certain seven minutes from time , and although Willie Ormond scored a consolation for Scotland with just 1 minute to play , England topped the competition for the second time in a row . 1954 finals ( edit ) England were drawn in Group 4 for the finals , with hosts Switzerland , Italy and Belgium . In an odd twist , unique to the 1954 tournament , England and Italy , as the two seeded teams in the group , did not have to play each other . Equally , Switzerland and Belgium did not have to play each other . England 's first game in Switzerland was against Belgium in Basel , and they suffered a shock as Léopold Anoul put the Belgians into the lead after just five minutes . Ivor Broadis put the favourites back on terms just over twenty minutes later , and although Nat Lofthouse gave England the lead 10 minutes later , it was proving to be tougher than they had expected against the Belgians . Broadis scored his second just after the hour , but Henri Coppens hit back four minutes later to keep Belgium in the game at only 3 -- 2 down . Anoul completed his brace another four minutes after that to level the scores again . In another oddity peculiar to this World Cup , drawn matches in the group stage would go to extra time , and as such the teams played on with the score at 3 -- 3 . Just one minute into the added period , Lofthouse added a fourth for England and they seemed to have won it , but Jimmy Dickinson scored an own goal three minutes later to put the score back at 4 -- 4 . It stayed this way until the extra period was up , and as penalty shoot - outs were yet to be invented and replays were not used in the group , the match was recorded as a draw . England 's second and final group game was against the hosts in Bern . This proved to be an easier game for the Three Lions , and they scored one goal in each half ( from Jimmy Mullen and Dennis Wilshaw respectively ) to give them a comfortable win of 2 -- 0 . As Switzerland ( against England ) , Italy ( against Switzerland ) and Belgium ( against Italy ) had all lost one game , England progressed as group winners , along with Switzerland , who won a play - off against Italy . England faced the winners of group three and defending champions Uruguay in the quarter - finals . Carlos Borges gave the South Americans the lead inside 5 minutes , but Lofthouse put England back on terms ten minutes later . England were clearly struggling , but held on until just before half time , when Obdulio Varela gave the lead back Uruguay . Juan Alberto Schiaffino doubled the lead just after the break , but Tom Finney kept England 's foot in the door with his sixty seventh - minute goal . However , it was all over after Javier Ambrois restored the two goal lead with twelve minutes to play . The score remained at 4 -- 2 , and England were eliminated from the cup . Sweden 1958 ( edit ) Main article : 1958 FIFA World Cup For the first time , England had to play against countries other than the Home Nations to reach the Finals in Sweden . They were drawn against the Republic of Ireland and Denmark . In the qualifying round , England won three out of the four games and drew the other . Four months before the World Cup , Roger Byrne , Duncan Edwards , David Pegg and Tommy Taylor all lost their lives in the Munich air disaster while playing for Manchester United . At the finals , which is the only tournament to have seen all Home Nations take part , the Home Nations were all drawn in different groups . England were drawn against the Soviet Union ( 2 -- 2 ) , Brazil ( 0 -- 0 ) and Austria ( 2 -- 2 ) , who finished third in the 1954 World Cup . At the end of the group stage , Soviet Union and England each had three points , and had scored four goals and conceded four goals . This meant there was a play - off to decide the second - placed team in the group , the winner to qualify . England lost the play - off 1 -- 0 and were thus knocked out . The only consolation for England was that they were the only team to play the eventual winners Brazil and not lose . Chile 1962 ( edit ) Main article : 1962 FIFA World Cup The third World Cup which took place in South America , saw England qualify by successfully qualifying from the group , which contained Portugal and Luxembourg , defeating Luxembourg on both occasions , and defeating Portugal at home , and drawing in Lisbon . At the finals , England were drawn in a group with Hungary , Argentina and Bulgaria . England defeated Argentina 3 - 1 , thanks to goals from Ron Flowers , Bobby Charlton and Jimmy Greaves , before playing out a goalless draw with Bulgaria , and a 2 -- 1 defeat to Hungary . England finished in second place behind Hungary and played the winners of group 3 , defending champions Brazil , in the quarter - finals . Brazil scored first through Garrincha , before an equaliser for Gerry Hitchens before half time . However , second - half goals from Garrincha and Vavá meant Brazil won the game 3 -- 1 , and eliminated England from the competition . This defeat was manager Walter Winterbottom 's last game in charge . Winterbottom had led England to four World Cup Finals . From May 1963 , Alf Ramsey became the manager of England . England 1966 ( edit ) Main article : 1966 FIFA World Cup This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( July 2018 ) In the 1966 World Cup Finals , England used their home advantage and , under Ramsey , won their first , and only , World Cup title . England played all their games at Wembley Stadium in London , which became the last time that the hosts were granted this privilege . After drawing 0 -- 0 in the opening game against former champions Uruguay , which started a run of four games all ending goalless . England then beat both France and Mexico 2 -- 0 and qualified for the quarter - finals . The quarter - finals saw England play Argentina , which ended in a 1 -- 0 win to England . This match saw the start of the rivalry between England and Argentina , when Argentinian Antonio Rattín was dismissed by German referee Rudolf Kreitlein in a very fierce game . A 2 -- 1 win against Portugal in the semi-final then followed . Portugal were the first team to score against England in the tournament . The final saw England play West Germany , with the result finishing in a 4 -- 2 win for England , after extra time . Mexico 1970 ( edit ) Main article : 1970 FIFA World Cup 1970 saw the first World Cup finals take place in North America and England qualified automatically for the tournament by winning the 1966 FIFA World Cup . England were drawn in a group with Romania , former world champions Brazil and Czechoslovakia . Each of the matches only saw one goal , with England defeating Romania and Czechoslovakia , and losing to Brazil . The quarter - final saw a repeat of the 1966 final , with England playing West Germany . England were hampered by the fact that first - choice goalkeeper Gordon Banks was ill , and Peter Bonetti played instead . England led 2 -- 0 with goals by Alan Mullery and Martin Peters , but in the 70th minute , Franz Beckenbauer pulled one goal back for West Germany . After Beckenbauer 's goal , Ramsey substituted Bobby Charlton , who overtook Billy Wright as England 's most capped player ever , with caps totalling 106 . Uwe Seeler equalised for the Germans in the eighty first minute , thereby taking the game into extra time . During extra time , Gerd Müller scored the winning goal for West Germany which saw the German side win 3 -- 2 . This turned out to be Charlton 's last game for England . West Germany 1974 ( edit ) Main article : 1974 FIFA World Cup qualification For the first time , England did not qualify for a World Cup . In a group with Olympic champions Poland and Wales , England could not overtake Poland . After only drawing at home to Wales 1 -- 1 and losing the first leg 2 -- 0 to Poland , meant that England had to beat Poland at home , whilst Poland only needed to draw . Poland managed to withstand England 's attacks in the first half , who had Martin Peters playing for them . Poland took the lead in the 57th minute with a goal from Jan Domarski . England equalised six minutes later , with a penalty converted by Allan Clarke . England were unable to score any more goals with goalkeeper Jan Tomaszewski keeping England at bay . Brian Clough had previously called Tomaszewski a `` clown '' . The commentator of the game then said `` it 's all over '' . Poland took this good form to the finals and ended in third place . After failing to qualify , Alf Ramsey resigned from his post and after a time , where Ramsey and his predecessor had lasted a total of 29 years , no manager was able to last in the job for longer than eight years . This ended when Bobby Robson became England manager . Argentina 1978 ( edit ) See also : 1978 FIFA World Cup qualification This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( July 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) England also did not qualify for the fourth World Cup which took place in South America . This time , England were denied by Italy , who had scored three more goals than England after both teams finished on the same points . Goals scored dictated who qualified after the head - to - head record between the two sides finished the same , following a 2 -- 0 home win for each team . The lower - ranked teams in the group were Finland and Luxembourg , but the size of the wins against them proved to be decisive . Nevertheless , Ron Greenwood was given a second chance in charge of England , after taking the role in 1977 . Spain 1982 ( edit ) Main article : 1982 FIFA World Cup 1982 saw the first time where the European Qualifying Rounds were divided into groups of five teams , where the top two teams qualify for the World Cup . Greenwood used his second chance and took England to Spain by finishing second behind Hungary and above Romania , Switzerland and Norway . At the finals , England won all three group games , defeating France 3 - 1 , with a brace from Bryan Robson , before beating Czechoslovakia 2 -- 0 , with a Jozef Barmos own goal , and World Cup newcomers Kuwait 1 -- 0 , thanks to a Trevor Francis goal . The next round saw a second group stage consisting of three teams , a first time event at the World Cup . England drew with West Germany 0 -- 0 and after the Germans beat Spain 2 -- 1 , England then had to beat Spain with a two - goal difference to progress to the next round . England , however , only managed a 0 -- 0 draw against the Spanish . England remained unbeaten at the end of the tournament . After the World Cup , Ron Greenwood 's time as England manager ended , and he was replaced by Bobby Robson . Mexico 1986 ( edit ) Main article : 1986 FIFA World Cup This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( July 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) 1986 saw the second World Cup to take place in Mexico . England qualified for Mexico 1986 by winning four games and drawing four times against Northern Ireland , who qualified in second place , Romania , Finland and Turkey . In Mexico , England lost their opening game to Portugal 1 -- 0 and could only manage a goalless draw against Morocco . The final group game , however , saw England beat Poland 3 -- 0 , which is one of the three highest scores for England at the World Cup , with Gary Lineker scoring a hat - trick . This result took England to second place and finished behind Morocco . England then also beat Paraguay 3 -- 0 in the Round of 16 . In the quarter - finals , England renewed their rivalry with Argentina in a game that has become notorious for the Argentina goals , both scored by Diego Maradona . Maradona 's first goal , known as the Hand of God , was illegal and should not have counted , as he used his hand to punch the ball into the net . However , the referee missed this infringement , and ruled that the goal should stand . Maradona then made the score 2 - 0 , famously dribbling from inside Argentina 's half and around several English players before scoring . Gary Lineker pulled back the score to 2 - 1 , but England ran out of time to equalise , and were eliminated . Nevertheless , Lineker finished with the Golden Boot by scoring six goals and thereby becoming England 's first Golden Boot winner . Italy 1990 ( edit ) Main article : 1990 FIFA World Cup By winning three and drawing three , England qualified for Italia ' 90 , the second World Cup to be held in Italy , scoring ten goals and conceding none . England were unbeaten through qualification , winning three games , and drawing the remaining three , but still finished second to Sweden , whom they drew with twice . England profited from Romania 's 3 -- 1 win over Denmark , who , had they won , would have qualified as the third - best second - placed team . West Germany and England were able to qualify for Italia ' 90 as the best second - placed teams in the groups with four teams . Because a few years previously saw English hooligans at European competition matches , England were forced to play their group games on Sardinia and Sicily . In group F , was the European champions Netherlands , the Republic of Ireland and Egypt and England . After opening the tournament with a 1 -- 1 draw against Ireland and a 0 -- 0 draw against the Dutch , England then beat Egypt 1 -- 0 . This was Egypt 's first appearance since the 1934 World Cup . England won the group with four points . In the next round , England had to play Belgium . The game went to extra time , and in the hundredth and nineteenth minute , David Platt scored the winning goal . England also had to play extra time against Cameroon in the quarter - finals . Cameroon were the first African team to have reached the quarter - finals . England opened the scoring through David Platt , but Cameroon quickly turned around the game to lead 2 - 1 . Lineker subsequently won and scored a penalty in the 83rd minute to ensure the game went to extra time . He then scored a second penalty , to see England reach the semi-finals . In the semi-finals , England met West Germany . There was no separating the two teams after 90 minutes , which made England the first team to have played extra time in three successive World Cup games . There was also no separating the two teams after extra time , thereby taking the game to penalties . Although English goalkeeper Peter Shilton dived the right way for every penalty , he was unable to save any . German goalkeeper Bodo Illgner , having failed to save any of England 's first three penalties , saved England 's fourth penalty , taken by Stuart Pearce . Olaf Thon then scored for Germany , meaning that England 's Chris Waddle would have to score his fifth penalty and hope that Shilton saved the Germans ' fifth penalty . However , Waddle 's penalty missed completely , going high over the crossbar , thereby resulting in England 's being knocked out of the competition . The third - place playoff between England and Italy saw England lose their only game of the tournament in normal time . Even though this was England 's best finish since the 1966 World Cup , Bobby Robson 's time as England manager had come to an end . United States 1994 ( edit ) Main article : 1994 FIFA World Cup qualification For the 1994 World Cup in the United States , under the leadership of new manager Graham Taylor , England surprisingly did not qualify for the tournament . In a group with six teams , England lost to Norway and the Netherlands , finishing third above Poland , Turkey and San Marino . England went into their final game with San Marino knowing they would need a seven - goal victory and for Poland to beat the Netherlands in the other match in order to qualify . In the game against San Marino , Davide Gualtieri scored against England after nine seconds , taking the lead for the outsiders . England went on to win 7 -- 1 , which was too small a goal margin . Additionally , despite the half - time score between the Poles and the Dutch being 1 - 1 , the Dutch went on to win 3 - 1 , meaning that however many goals England scored , they could still not qualify . Taylor 's tenure in charge ended and he was replaced by Terry Venables , who was dismissed after England lost the semi-final of Euro 1996 , hosted in England . France 1998 ( edit ) Main article : 1998 FIFA World Cup After missing out on the World Cup in 1994 , England , managed by Glenn Hoddle , qualified for the World Cup in France . England were drawn in Group 2 of UEFA qualifying with Italy , Poland , Georgia and Moldova . England beat Poland , Georgia and Moldova both home and away , but a home defeat to Italy in their fourth match meant they went into the final qualifier at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome just a point ahead of the Azzurri and only needing a draw to qualify automatically ; defeat would see them have to navigate a play - off to secure qualification . The match finished as a goalless draw and England finished top of the group . At the finals in France , England played in Group G. England defeated Tunisia 2 -- 0 in the first game , with goals from Alan Shearer and Paul Scholes . Their second match saw England lose 2 -- 1 to Romania ; despite an 81st - minute equaliser from Michael Owen , Dan Petrescu scored a winner shortly before injury time . In their final group game , England defeated Colombia 2 -- 0 in the decisive match , thanks to goals from midfielders Darren Anderton and David Beckham . England finished second in Group G , which saw them qualify for the last 16 phase , and play the winner of 1998 FIFA World Cup Group H , Argentina . In a fiery game containing six yellow cards and two penalties , David Beckham was controversially sent off in the 47th minute for what many felt was at most a yellow card offence , knocking over Diego Simeone . Gabriel Batistuta opened the scoring from the penalty spot in the fifth minute of the game , before an equaliser also from the spot by Alan Shearer four minutes later . England took the lead through Owen , in the 16th minute . Argentina drew level through Javier Zanetti in injury time of the first half . The game finished 2 - 2 , and , as neither team were able to find a winner in extra time , penalties were needed to decide the team that qualified to the next round . While David Seaman did save one penalty , Argentine goalkeeper Carlos Roa managed to save two , including the vital one from David Batty , thereby knocking England out of the World Cup . Beckham subsequently received death threats and was sent bullets in the post . South Korea / Japan 2002 ( edit ) Main article : 2002 FIFA World Cup In 2002 the World Cup took place in Asia for the first time . England , under its first ever foreign manager in Swedish Sven - Göran Eriksson , were able to qualify for the tournament . England were drawn in Group 9 , alongside Germany , Finland , Greece and Albania . In the last ever game in the original Wembley Stadium , ( which closed after the match ) England played Germany , losing 1 -- 0 , the only goal scored by Dietmar Hamann . The match was the last under the management of Kevin Keegan , who resigned at the end of the match , and was replaced by Eriksson . By beating Germany 5 -- 1 in Munich , England 's qualifying campaign was revitalised , and they qualified automatically , by drawing 2 -- 2 with Greece . Germany , who could only draw 0 -- 0 with Finland , had to play a play - off game against Ukraine , with England qualifying ahead winning the group . In Japan , England had to play against Eriksson 's homeland , Sweden , and both settled out for a 1 -- 1 draw . England and Beckham gained a measure of revenge for their previous 1998 defeat in defeating Argentina 1 - 0 , thanks to a Beckham penalty . However , England could only manage a disappointing 0 - 0 draw against Nigeria , meaning that although they were able to qualify for the second round , where they played Denmark , they qualified as runners up , which meant that they would meet favourites Brazil in the quarter - finals if they qualified . England played Denmark in the round of 16 defeating Denmark 3 -- 0 , thanks to goals from Micheal Owen , Rio Ferdinand , and Emile Heskey . England played four - time World Cup winners and 1998 runners - up Brazil in the quarter - finals . Despite leading through a Michael Owen goal , a mistake by David Seaman saw England lose 2 -- 1 , and Brazil won their fourth World Cup match against England , and went on to win the tournament . Germany 2006 ( edit ) Main article : 2006 FIFA World Cup England were drawn into Group 6 of European qualifying for the 2006 World Cup . The group featured other home nations in Wales , and Northern Ireland , as well as Poland ( who had eliminated England the last time the World Cup took place in Germany ) , Azerbaijan and Austria . England won eight of the 10 games , and qualified as group winners , in front of Portugal , despite drawing to Austria in Vienna , and losing to Northern Ireland in Belfast . In Germany , however , England were less convincing . England played in Group B , alongside Paraguay , Trinidad and Tobago , and Sweden . England started with a 1 -- 0 win against Paraguay ; which was won due to a 3rd minute own goal . The second game against first time qualifiers Trinidad and Tobago saw England have to wait until the 83rd minute for England to take the lead , with Peter Crouch opened the scoring with a goal many felt was illegal , and the second goal of the game coming in added time from Steven Gerrard . The last group game saw England play against Sweden , where an eventual 2 - 2 draw saw them qualify for the next round as group winners , thereby avoiding playing hosts Germany . In the last 16 stage , a free kick from David Beckham saw England win 1 -- 0 against Ecuador and reach the quarter - finals , where they faced Portugal . The game finished goalless , and England once again were knocked out on penalties and Portuguese goalkeeper Ricardo became the first goalkeeper to save three penalties in a penalty shoot - out . Ricardo saved from Frank Lampard , Steven Gerrard , and Jamie Carragher ; the only England player who successfully converted his penalty was Owen Hargreaves . Portugal won the shoot - out 3 - 1 , despite misses from Petit and Hugo Viana . This game was also Erickson 's final match as England manager . South africa 2010 ( edit ) Main article : 2010 FIFA World Cup Qualification for the first African World Cup went successfully for new England manager Fabio Capello , after previous manager Steve McClaren was unable to secure qualification to the Euro 2008 . By winning nine times and only losing to Ukraine , England qualified ahead of Croatia , Belarus , Kazakhstan and Andorra . England 's group was seen as a favourable one , containing comparatively much weaker teams . However , England opened up their campaign with a 1 -- 1 draw against the United States , thanks to a major error by goalkeeper Robert Green . They then drew 0 -- 0 against Algeria and were booed off the field by their own fans , drawing the ire of striker Wayne Rooney . England eventually qualified for the next round by beating Slovenia 1 -- 0 , but only qualified as runners up to the United States , thereby meaning they would draw favourites Germany . In the second round match , Germany took the lead after 20 minutes after goalkeeper Manuel Neuer played the ball down the pitch to Miroslav Klose , who opened the scoring . The score became 2 -- 0 to Germany after 32 minutes . Shortly after , England defender Matthew Upson scored a header . Later , Frank Lampard had a shot at goal which was disallowed despite crossing the line ; which was confirmed on replays . German goalkeeper Manuel Neuer admitted subsequently he knew the ball had crossed the line , but decided to deceive the referee . The German media reported it was `` revenge for Wembley '' , while the English media criticised FIFA 's refusal to implement goal - line technology . Ironically , despite his earlier opposition to goal - line technology , Sepp Blatter said that it should be introduced after a Ukrainian goal against England at Euro 2012 was ruled out . As England tried to equalise , Germany used this to their advantage and scored two more goals . This became Germany 's biggest win against England in a World Cup , winning 4 - 1 . Brazil 2014 ( edit ) Main article : 2014 FIFA World Cup Under Roy Hodgson , who replaced Fabio Capello after Euro 2012 after a disagreement between Capello and The FA , England qualified for the second World Cup to be held in Brazil . Ukraine were again one of the opponents in the qualifying rounds . The other opponents included Montenegro , Poland , Moldova and San Marino . After winning six games and drawing four , England qualified unbeaten . The draw for the finals saw England have to play against Italy and Uruguay , both former world champions , which meant that it was the first ever time three World Champions were drawn in the same group , along with Costa Rica . England lost to Italy and Uruguay , and were thus knocked out after two games . The final match against Costa Rica finished as a goalless draw . This performance was statistically their worst ever performance at a World Cup , ending up with just one point after two losses to Uruguay and Italy and a goalless draw with Costa Rica in the dead rubber match , their lowest points total in the group stage of a world cup . Russia 2018 ( edit ) Main article : 2018 FIFA World Cup England played in UEFA Group F in qualification for the 2018 World Cup , in a group of six with Slovakia , Slovenia , Scotland , Lithuania and Malta , with only the winner of the group guaranteed qualification . England went into the qualification process under manager Sam Allardyce , only for Allardyce to leave the post after just one game due to controversy regarding discussing breaking FIFA rules . Under Allardyce 's replacement , Gareth Southgate , England went undefeated throughout qualification , winning eight matches out of 10 , drawing with Slovenia 0 -- 0 in Ljubljana , and drawing 2 -- 2 with Scotland in Glasgow thanks to a 90th - minute equaliser from Harry Kane . This was the third successive major tournament that England were undefeated , having been undefeated in 2014 World Cup , and Euro 2016 qualifying . 2018 finals ( edit ) England national team at the 2018 World Cup in Russia Under Gareth Southgate , the England team began their tournament in group G against Tunisia . The game started well for England with a goal from Harry Kane in the 11th minute . Tunisia equalised through Sassi from the penalty spot in the 35th minute following a foul by Kyle Walker . Some controversy followed as various potential offences against Harry Kane , inside the penalty area were ignored by the referee and no VAR checks were carried out . England persevered and scored a second goal in the 91st minute , again by Harry Kane , resulting in a 2 -- 1 victory . In the second group stage match , England surpassed their record for goals scored in a World Cup match by beating Panama 6 - 1 . Jesse Lingard scored the third goal , John Stones scored the first and fourth goals and Harry Kane scored a hat - trick with the second , fifth and sixth goals . In the final group stage match , England narrowly lost 1 - 0 to Belgium . Adnan Januzaj scored the sole goal of the game ; but with both teams having fielded reserve teams , with England specificially making 9 changes . Before the game media outlets stating that a loss could potentially become beneficial , as the winner would be in the half of the draw with four of the top seven sides in the world . The result that meant Belgium topped the group and England finished second , setting up a last 16 clash with Group H winners Colombia . England played their last 16 match in the Otkritie Arena , Moscow , with the same team as against Tunisia . Harry Kane scored his sixth goal of the tournament , and the third penalty , after once again being fouled in the box from a corner , similarly as against Panama . The score remained at 1 - 0 , until stoppage time , where a header from Yerry Mina beat Jordan Pickford in goal to bring the game to extra time . Neither team managed to score in extra time , and the match went to penalties , which England won 4 - 3 . As well as being the first knockout match England had won at a major tournament since 2006 ( last defeating Ecuador in the last 16 ) ; it was the first time England won a World Cup penalty shoot - out . The match was notable for the heated atmosphere the game was played in , with a total of eight yellow cards being shown in the match . England played against Sweden in their quarter - final at Cosmos Arena , Samara on 7 July 2018 . They won the match 2 -- 0 , with defender Harry Maguire scoring his first England goal , a header scored from a corner , and Dele Alli a second header from close range . This would send them through to their third World Cup semi-final and their first since 1990 , and third overall . The team played Croatia in the semi-final , resulting in a 2 -- 1 loss after extra time . England would later finish fourth in the competition , the best result since 1990 . England would lose again to Belgium in the 3rd place playoff , thanks to goals from Thomas Meunier and Eden Hazard , despite a Eric Dier shot being cleared off the line by Toby Alderweireld . The tournament would see England score nine goals from set - pieces -- the most by a team in a single World Cup tournament since 1966 . Records ( edit ) Year Round Position GP D * GF GA GD 1930 Not a FIFA member 1934 1938 1950 Group stage 8th 0 0 1954 Quarter - finals 7th 8 8 0 1958 Group stage 11th 0 5 - 1 1962 Quarter - finals 8th 5 6 - 1 1966 Champions 1st 6 5 0 11 8 1970 Quarter - finals 8th 0 0 Did not qualify 1978 1982 Second group stage 6th 5 0 6 5 1986 Quarter - finals 8th 5 7 1990 Semi finals 4th 7 8 6 1994 Did not qualify 1998 Round of 16 9th 7 2002 Quarter - finals 6th 5 6 2006 Quarter - finals 7th 5 0 6 Round of 16 13th 5 - 2 2014 Group stage 26th 0 - 2 2018 Semi-finals 4th 7 12 8 2022 TBD 2026 Total 15 / 21 1 title 69 29 21 19 91 64 27 * Draws include knockout matches decided on penalty kicks By match ( edit ) Year Round Against Score Scorers 1950 Group 2 Chile 2 -- 0 Mortensen , Mannion United States 0 -- 1 Spain 0 -- 1 1954 Group 4 Belgium 4 -- 4 ( aet ) Broadis ( 2 ) , Lofthouse ( 2 ) Switzerland 2 -- 0 Mullen , Wilshaw Quarter - final Uruguay 2 -- 4 Lofthouse , Finney 1958 Group 4 Soviet Union 2 -- 2 Kevan , Finney Brazil 0 -- 0 Austria 2 -- 2 Haynes , Kevan Play - off Soviet Union 0 -- 1 1962 Group 4 Hungary 1 -- 2 Flowers Argentina 3 -- 1 Flowers , Charlton , Greaves Bulgaria 0 -- 0 Quarter - final Brazil 1 -- 3 Hitchens 1966 Group 1 Uruguay 0 -- 0 Mexico 2 -- 0 Charlton , Hunt France 2 -- 0 Hunt ( 2 ) Quarter - final Argentina 1 -- 0 Hurst Semi-final Portugal 2 -- 1 Charlton ( 2 ) Final West Germany 4 -- 2 ( aet ) Hurst ( 3 ) , Peters 1970 Group 3 Romania 1 -- 0 Hurst Brazil 0 -- 1 Czechoslovakia 1 -- 0 Clarke Quarter - final West Germany 2 -- 3 ( aet ) Mullery , Peters 1982 Group 4 France 3 -- 1 Robson ( 2 ) , Mariner Czechoslovakia 2 -- 0 Francis , Barmoš ( o.g. ) Kuwait 1 -- 0 Francis Group B Round 2 West Germany 0 -- 0 Spain 0 -- 0 1986 Group F Portugal 0 -- 1 Morocco 0 -- 0 Poland 3 -- 0 Lineker ( 3 ) Round of 16 Paraguay 3 -- 0 Lineker ( 2 ) , Beardsley Quarter - final Argentina 1 -- 2 Lineker 1990 Group F Republic of Ireland 1 -- 1 Lineker Netherlands 0 -- 0 Egypt 1 -- 0 Wright Round of 16 Belgium 1 -- 0 ( aet ) Platt Quarter - final Cameroon 3 -- 2 ( aet ) Platt , Lineker ( 2 ) Semi-final West Germany 1 -- 1 ( aet ) Lineker Third - place play - off Italy 1 -- 2 Platt 1998 Group G Tunisia 2 -- 0 Shearer , Scholes Romania 1 -- 2 Owen Colombia 2 -- 0 Anderton , Beckham Round of 16 Argentina 2 -- 2 ( aet ) Shearer , Owen 2002 Group F Sweden 1 -- 1 Campbell Argentina 1 -- 0 Beckham Nigeria 0 -- 0 Round of 16 Denmark 3 -- 0 Ferdinand , Owen , Heskey Quarter - final Brazil 1 -- 2 Owen 2006 Group B Paraguay 1 -- 0 Gamarra ( o.g. ) Trinidad and Tobago 2 -- 0 Crouch , Gerrard Sweden 2 -- 2 Cole , Gerrard Round of 16 Ecuador 1 -- 0 Beckham Quarter - final Portugal 0 -- 0 ( aet ) Group C United States 1 -- 1 Gerrard Algeria 0 -- 0 Slovenia 1 -- 0 Defoe Round of 16 Germany 1 -- 4 Upson 2014 Group D Italy 1 -- 2 Sturridge Uruguay 1 -- 2 Rooney Costa Rica 0 -- 0 2018 Group G Tunisia 2 -- 1 Kane ( 2 ) Panama 6 -- 1 Stones ( 2 ) , Kane ( 3 ) , Lingard Belgium 0 -- 1 Round of 16 Colombia 1 -- 1 ( aet ) Kane Quarter - final Sweden 2 -- 0 Maguire , Alli Semi-final Croatia 1 -- 2 ( aet ) Trippier Third - place play - off Belgium 0 -- 2 By opponent ( edit ) Country Played Won Drawn Lost GF GA GD Argentina 5 8 5 + 3 Germany 5 8 10 - 2 Brazil 0 6 - 4 Sweden 0 5 + 2 Belgium 5 7 - 2 Portugal 0 Uruguay 0 6 - 3 France 0 0 5 + 4 Paraguay 0 0 0 + 4 Tunisia 0 0 + 3 Czechoslovakia 0 0 0 + 3 Colombia 0 + 2 Romania 0 0 Soviet Union 0 - 1 United States 0 - 1 Spain 0 0 - 1 Italy 0 0 - 2 Panama 0 0 6 + 5 Poland 0 0 0 + 3 Denmark 0 0 0 + 3 Chile 0 0 0 + 2 Switzerland 0 0 0 + 2 Mexico 0 0 0 + 2 Trinidad and Tobago 0 0 0 + 2 Cameroon 0 0 + 1 Kuwait 0 0 0 + 1 Egypt 0 0 0 + 1 Ecuador 0 0 0 + 1 Slovenia 0 0 0 0 + 1 Austria 0 0 0 Republic of Ireland 0 0 0 Bulgaria 0 0 0 0 0 Morocco 0 0 0 0 0 Netherlands 0 0 0 0 0 Nigeria 0 0 0 0 0 Algeria 0 0 0 0 0 Costa Rica 0 0 0 0 0 Hungary 0 0 - 1 Croatia 0 0 - 1 Last update : 14 July 2018 Players ' honours ( edit ) List of England players with the most appearances at World Cups ( edit ) No . Name Matches World Cups Peter Shilton 17 1982 , 1986 , 1990 Terry Butcher 14 1982 , 1986 , 1990 Bobby Charlton 14 1958 , 1962 , 1966 , 1970 Ashley Cole 14 2002 , 2006 , 2010 Bobby Moore 14 1962 , 1966 , 1970 6 David Beckham 13 1998 , 2002 , 2006 7 Steven Gerrard 12 2006 , 2010 , 2014 Gary Lineker 12 1986 , 1990 Michael Owen 12 1998 , 2002 , 2006 10 Chris Waddle 11 1986 , 1990 List of England top goalscorers at World Cups ( edit ) No . Name Goals World Cups Gary Lineker 10 1986 ( 6 ) and 1990 ( 4 ) Harry Kane 6 2018 Geoff Hurst 5 1966 ( 4 ) and 1970 ( 1 ) Bobby Charlton 1962 ( 1 ) and 1966 ( 3 ) Michael Owen 1998 ( 2 ) and 2002 ( 2 ) 6 Nat Lofthouse 1954 Roger Hunt 1966 David Platt 1990 David Beckham 1998 , 2002 and 2006 Steven Gerrard 2006 ( 2 ) and 2010 11 Nine players Current as of 3 July 2018 after the match against Colombia List of England goals by tournament ( edit ) World Cup Goalscorer ( s ) 1950 Wilf Mannion , Stan Mortensen 1954 Nat Lofthouse ( 3 ) , Ivor Broadis ( 2 ) , Tom Finney , Jimmy Mullen , Dennis Wilshaw 1958 Derek Kevan ( 2 ) , Tom Finney , Johnny Haynes 1962 Ron Flowers ( 2 ) , Bobby Charlton , Jimmy Greaves , Gerry Hitchens 1966 Geoff Hurst ( 4 ) , Roger Hunt ( 3 ) , Bobby Charlton ( 3 ) , Martin Peters 1970 Allan Clarke , Geoff Hurst , Alan Mullery , Martin Peters 1982 Trevor Francis ( 2 ) , Bryan Robson ( 2 ) , Paul Mariner , Own Goal 1986 Gary Lineker ( 6 ) , Peter Beardsley 1990 Gary Lineker ( 4 ) , David Platt ( 3 ) , Mark Wright 1998 Michael Owen ( 2 ) , Alan Shearer ( 2 ) , Darren Anderton , David Beckham , Paul Scholes 2002 Michael Owen ( 2 ) , David Beckham , Sol Campbell , Rio Ferdinand , Emile Heskey 2006 Steven Gerrard ( 2 ) , David Beckham , Joe Cole , Peter Crouch , Own Goal Jermain Defoe , Steven Gerrard , Matthew Upson 2014 Wayne Rooney , Daniel Sturridge 2018 Harry Kane ( 6 ) , John Stones ( 2 ) , Jesse Lingard , Harry Maguire , Dele Alli , Kieran Trippier List of England players playing abroad at a World Cup ( edit ) Historically , very few English World Cup squad members were playing for a club in a foreign league at the time of their selection to the national squad . Year Number ( Country ) Players ( Apps ) 1950 -- 1958 0 1962 1 ( Italy ) Gerry Hitchens ( 2 ) 1966 -- 1970 0 1982 1 ( West Germany ) Tony Woodcock ( 2 ) 1986 2 ( Italy ) Mark Hateley ( 3 ) , Ray Wilkins 1990 5 ( 4 in Scotland , 1 in France ) Terry Butcher ( 5 ) , Trevor Steven ( 3 ) , Gary Stevens ( 2 ) , Chris Woods ( 0 ) ; Chris Waddle ( 7 ) 1998 0 2002 1 ( Germany ) Owen Hargreaves ( 2 ) 2006 2 ( 1 Spain , 1 Germany ) David Beckham ( 5 ) ; Owen Hargreaves ( 4 ) 0 2014 1 ( Scotland ) Fraser Forster ( 0 ) 2018 0 Team awards and records ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( July 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Team Awards World Champions 1966 FIFA Fair Play Trophy 1990 FIFA Fair Play Trophy 1998 ( shared ) Individual Awards Golden Ball 1966 : Bobby Charlton Silver Ball 1966 : Bobby Moore Golden Boot 1986 : Gary Lineker Golden Boot 2018 : Harry Kane Bronze Boot 1966 : Geoff Hurst Golden Glove 1966 : Gordon Banks Best Young Player Award 1998 : Michael Owen Team Records Most penalty shoot - outs lost : 3 ( shared with Italy and Spain ) Biggest World Cup victory : 6 - 1 vs Panama , 2018 Group Stage Individual Records Only hattrick in a final : Geoff Hurst ( 1966 v West Germany ) Oldest captain : Peter Shilton ( age 40 years and 292 days , 1990 v Italy ) Most clean sheets : Peter Shilton ( 10 , 1982 - 1990 ) ( shared with Fabien Barthez ) Refereeing ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( July 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Four FIFA World Cup finals were officiated by English referees , more than by any other football association . The first Englishman to officiate a final , George Reader , is also the oldest World Cup referee to date , as he was 53 years and 236 days old at the 1950 decisive match between Uruguay and Brazil . The other final referees are William Ling ( 1954 ) , Jack Taylor ( 1974 ) and Howard Webb ( 2010 ) . Arthur Ellis , who was a linesman at the 1950 final , is part of an elite group of referees who has been called up for three consecutive World Cups ( 1950 -- 1958 ) . Notes and references ( edit ) Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ England declined the chance , created and given to them when Austria withdrew from the tournament following the Anschluss , to take part in the 1938 FIFA World Cup . Jump up ^ Excluding the 1982 FIFA World Cup , which did not have formal quarter - finals , but instead had a second group stage that determined who would qualify for the semi-finals . Jump up ^ Belgium were ranked third , and Germany had already been eliminated . Only Switzerland ( 6 ) and Spain ( 10 ) would be on the loser 's half of the draw from the top 10 of the FIFA World Rankings Jump up ^ England had previously lost World Cup penalty shoot - outs in 1990 to West Germany , 1998 to Argentina and Portugal in 2006 . England 's penalty shoot - out record before the match was 1 -- 6 , with their only win against Spain in EURO 96 . Jump up ^ A total of six yellow cards for Colombia , and two for England . ^ Jump up to : England lost the penalty shoot - out Jump up ^ England won the penalty shoot - out References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Jones , Ken ( 4 December 1997 ) . `` Football : It is possible to forget that England 's overall World Cup record is nothing much to shout about - Sport '' . The Independent . Archived from the original on 22 November 2014 . Retrieved 11 March 2015 . Jump up ^ 2006 FIFA World Cup TV Coverage Archived 14 June 2007 at the Wayback Machine . ( PDF ) , , Retrieved on 6 June 2007 Jump up ^ `` The full list of records broken by England at The euros '' . 25 June 2014 . Archived from the original on 24 September 2015 . Retrieved 11 March 2015 . Jump up ^ `` BBC Sport - World Cup 2014 : Roy Hodgson hopeful for England 's future '' . 24 June 2014 . Archived from the original on 27 December 2014 . Retrieved 11 March 2015 . 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Archived from the original on 25 May 2018 . Retrieved 6 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany TM - Matches - England - Ecuador - '' . . Archived from the original on 25 May 2018 . Retrieved 6 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany TM - Matches - England - Portugal - '' . . Archived from the original on 4 July 2018 . Retrieved 6 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` England , Algeria , Slovenia , Yanks = E.A.S.Y ? '' . Jump up ^ Brodkin , Jon ( 18 June 2010 ) . `` World Cup 2010 : Wayne Rooney mocks booing fans in sarcastic aside '' . The Guardian . Archived from the original on 11 March 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Singer , Peter ( 29 June 2010 ) . `` Why is cheating OK in football ? - Peter Singer '' . The Guardian . Archived from the original on 11 March 2018 . Jump up ^ Association , Press ( 20 June 2012 ) . `` Euro 2012 : Sepp Blatter says goalline technology is ' a necessity ' '' . The Guardian . Archived from the original on 11 March 2018 . Jump up ^ Kelso , Paul ( 27 June 2010 ) . `` England v Germany : Frank Lampard 's ' goal ' reignites goal - line technology debate '' . Archived from the original on 11 March 2018 -- via . Jump up ^ `` FIFA World Cup TM Archive - '' . . Archived from the original on 23 May 2018 . Retrieved 4 July 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Sky Sports . `` World Cup : England out as Italy lose 1 -- 0 to Costa Rica in Recife in Group D '' . . BSkyB . Archived from the original on 23 June 2014 . Retrieved 20 June 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Sam Allardyce : England manager leaves after one match in charge '' . BBC Sport . Archived from the original on 27 September 2016 . Retrieved 3 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia TM - Matches - Scotland - England - '' . . Archived from the original on 14 October 2017 . Retrieved 3 July 2018 . Jump up ^ McGee , Nicholas ( 18 June 2018 ) . `` Captain Kane saves Three Lions '' . . Archived from the original on 25 June 2018 . Jump up ^ `` England romp past Panama and into last 16 '' . 24 June 2018 . Archived from the original on 23 June 2018 . Jump up ^ `` England 's game v Colombia ' biggest knockout game for decade ' '' . BBC Sport. 28 June 2018 . Archived from the original on 5 July 2018 . Jump up ^ Delaney , Miguel ( 28 June 2018 ) . `` Three Lions still left wondering how good they really are after deflating defeat '' . The Independent . Archived from the original on 29 June 2018 . Jump up ^ `` World Cup : England 's game v Colombia ' biggest knockout game for decade ' '' . BBC Sport . Archived from the original on 29 June 2018 . Retrieved 29 June 2018 . Jump up ^ `` England still left wondering how good they really are after defeat to Belgium '' . The Independent . Archived from the original on 29 June 2018 . Retrieved 29 June 2018 . Jump up ^ `` 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia TM - Matches - Colombia - England - '' . . Archived from the original on 4 July 2018 . Retrieved 4 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Brashness of youth overcomes mental demons as England break penalty shoot - out hoodoo '' . ABC News . 4 July 2018 . Archived from the original on 3 July 2018 . Retrieved 3 July 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` World Cup 2018 : England players not bowed by history - Gareth Southgate '' . BBC Sport . Archived from the original on 4 July 2018 . Retrieved 4 July 2018 . Jump up ^ Taylor , Daniel ( 3 July 2018 ) . `` England knock Colombia out of World Cup in last - 16 penalty shootout '' . The Guardian . Archived from the original on 4 July 2018 . Retrieved 3 July 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` England penalties : 11 / 11 in open play , 11 / 19 in shootouts '' . . Archived from the original on 4 July 2018 . Retrieved 3 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Sweden 0 - 2 England '' . BBC Sport. 7 July 2018 . Archived from the original on 7 July 2018 . Retrieved 7 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The three stages of England vs Croatia that turned a World Cup final into a third - place play - off '' . 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England national football squads England squad -- 1950 FIFA World Cup GK Ditchburn GK Williams DF Aston DF Eckersley DF Ramsey DF Scott DF Taylor DF Wright ( c ) MF Baily MF Cockburn MF Dickinson MF Hughes MF Nicholson MF Watson FW Bentley FW Finney FW Mannion FW Matthews FW Milburn FW Mortensen FW Mullen Coach : Winterbottom England squad -- 1954 FIFA World Cup 1 Merrick 2 Staniforth 3 Byrne 4 Wright ( c ) 5 Owen 6 Dickinson 7 Matthews 8 Broadis 9 Lofthouse 10 Taylor 11 Finney 12 Burgin 13 Green 14 McGarry 15 Wilshaw 16 Quixall 17 Mullen 18 Chilton 19 Armstrong 20 Jezzard 21 Haynes 22 Hooper Coach : Winterbottom England squad -- 1958 FIFA World Cup 1 McDonald 2 Howe 3 Banks 4 Clamp 5 Wright ( c ) 6 Slater 7 Douglas 8 Robson 9 Kevan 10 Haynes 11 Finney 12 Hopkinson 13 Hodgkinson 14 Sillett 15 Clayton 16 Norman 17 Brabrook 18 Broadbent 19 Smith 20 Charlton 21 A'Court 22 Setters Coach : Winterbottom England squad -- 1962 FIFA World Cup 1 Springett 2 Armfield 3 Wilson 4 Robson 5 Swan 6 Flowers 7 Connelly 8 Greaves 9 Hitchens 10 Haynes ( c ) 11 Charlton 12 Hodgkinson 13 Kevan 14 Anderson 15 Norman 16 Moore 17 Douglas 18 Hunt 19 Peacock 20 Eastham 21 Howe 22 Adamson Coach : Winterbottom England squad -- 1966 FIFA World Cup winners ( 1st title ) 1 Banks 2 Cohen 3 Wilson 4 Stiles 5 J. Charlton 6 Moore ( c ) 7 Ball 8 Greaves 9 B. Charlton 10 Hurst 11 Connelly 12 Springett 13 Bonetti 14 Armfield 15 Byrne 16 Peters 17 Flowers 18 Hunter 19 Paine 20 Callaghan 21 Hunt 22 Eastham Coach : Ramsey England squad -- 1970 FIFA World Cup 1 Banks 2 Newton 3 Cooper 4 Mullery 5 Labone 6 Moore ( c ) 7 Lee 8 Ball 9 B. Charlton 10 Hurst 11 Peters 12 Bonetti 13 Stepney 14 Wright 15 Stiles 16 Hughes 17 J. Charlton 18 Hunter 19 Bell 20 Osgood 21 Clarke 22 Astle Coach : Ramsey England squad -- 1982 FIFA World Cup 1 Clemence 2 Anderson 3 Brooking 4 Butcher 5 Coppell 6 Foster 7 Keegan 8 Francis 9 Hoddle 10 McDermott 11 Mariner 12 Mills ( c ) 13 Corrigan 14 Neal 15 Rix 16 Robson 17 Sansom 18 Thompson 19 Wilkins 20 Withe 21 Woodcock 22 Shilton Coach : Greenwood England squad -- 1986 FIFA World Cup 1 Shilton 2 G.M. Stevens 3 Sansom 4 Hoddle 5 Martin 6 Butcher 7 B. Robson ( c ) 8 Wilkins 9 Hateley 10 Lineker 11 Waddle 12 Anderson 13 Woods 14 Fenwick 15 G.A. Stevens 16 Reid 17 Steven 18 Hodge 19 Barnes 20 Beardsley 21 Dixon 22 Bailey Coach : R. Robson England squad -- 1990 FIFA World Cup fourth place 1 Shilton 2 Stevens 3 Pearce 4 Webb 5 Walker 6 Butcher 7 B. Robson ( c ) 8 Waddle 9 Beardsley 10 Lineker 11 Barnes 12 Parker 13 Woods 14 Wright 15 Dorigo 16 McMahon 17 Platt 18 Hodge 19 Gascoigne 20 Steven 21 Bull 22 Beasant Coach : R. Robson England squad -- 1998 FIFA World Cup 1 Seaman 2 Campbell 3 Le Saux 4 Ince 5 Adams 6 Southgate 7 Beckham 8 Batty 9 Shearer ( c ) 10 Sheringham 11 McManaman 12 Neville 13 Martyn 14 Anderton 15 Merson 16 Scholes 17 Lee 18 Keown 19 L. Ferdinand 20 Owen 21 R. Ferdinand 22 Flowers Coach : Hoddle England squad -- 2002 FIFA World Cup 1 Seaman 2 Mills 3 A. Cole 4 Sinclair 5 Ferdinand 6 Campbell 7 Beckham ( c ) 8 Scholes 9 Fowler 10 Owen 11 Heskey 12 Brown 13 Martyn 14 Bridge 15 Keown 16 Southgate 17 Sheringham 18 Hargreaves 19 J. Cole 20 Vassell 21 Butt 22 James 23 Dyer Coach : Eriksson England squad -- 2006 FIFA World Cup 1 Robinson 2 Neville 3 A. Cole 4 Gerrard 5 Ferdinand 6 Terry 7 Beckham ( c ) 8 Lampard 9 Rooney 10 Owen 11 J. Cole 12 Campbell 13 James 14 Bridge 15 Carragher 16 Hargreaves 17 Jenas 18 Carrick 19 Lennon 20 Downing 21 Crouch 22 Carson 23 Walcott Coach : Eriksson England squad -- 2010 FIFA World Cup 1 James 2 Johnson 3 A. Cole 4 Gerrard ( c ) 5 Dawson 6 Terry 7 Lennon 8 Lampard 9 Crouch 10 Rooney 11 J. Cole 12 Green 13 Warnock 14 Barry 15 Upson 16 Milner 17 Wright - Phillips 18 Carragher 19 Defoe 20 King 21 Heskey 22 Carrick 23 Hart Coach : Capello England squad -- 2014 FIFA World Cup 1 Hart 2 Johnson 3 Baines 4 Gerrard ( c ) 5 Cahill 6 Jagielka 7 Wilshere 8 Lampard 9 Sturridge 10 Rooney 11 Welbeck 12 Smalling 13 Foster 14 Henderson 15 Oxlade - Chamberlain 16 Jones 17 Milner 18 Lambert 19 Sterling 20 Lallana 21 Barkley 22 Forster 23 Shaw Coach : Hodgson England squad -- 2018 FIFA World Cup fourth place 1 Pickford 2 Walker 3 Rose 4 Dier 5 Stones 6 Maguire 7 Lingard 8 Henderson 9 Kane ( c ) 10 Sterling 11 Vardy 12 Trippier 13 Butland 14 Welbeck 15 Cahill 16 Jones 17 Delph 18 Young 19 Rashford 20 Alli 21 Loftus - Cheek 22 Alexander - Arnold 23 Pope Coach : Southgate England national football team General The Football Association History Managers Captains Kits Venues Wembley Stadium 1923 stadium 2007 stadium Home venues St George 's Park ( Burton ) Statistics All - time record Records World Cup record European Championship record Hat - tricks Awards The FA England Awards The FA Women 's Football Awards Results Men 's 1872 -- 99 1900 -- 29 1930 -- 59 1960 -- 79 1980 -- 99 2000 -- 19 Unofficial matches Women 's 2010s Players World Cup & Euro Championship squads 10 + caps 4 -- 9 caps 2 -- 3 caps 1 cap Born outside England Other categories World Cups 1950 1954 1958 1962 1966 1970 1982 1986 1990 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 European Championships 1968 1980 2000 2012 2016 Other tournaments British Home Championship ( 1884 -- 1984 ) Minor tournaments Noted rivalries Argentina Austria Belgium Brazil Denmark France Germany Hungary Italy Ireland Netherlands Poland Portugal Scotland Spain Sweden Switzerland Wales Culture Noted matches Band Songs Discography WAGs `` They think it 's all over '' Other FA teams Men 's England B England C Amateur ( defunct ) U-21 U-20 U-19 U-18 U-17 U-16 Futsal Learning Disabilities Beach ( not FA affiliated ) Women 's Senior U-23 U-20 U-19 U-17 U-15 Beach ( not FA affiliated ) Countries at the FIFA World Cup Team appearances Teams with no appearances All - time table AFC Australia China Indonesia Iran Iraq Japan Kuwait North Korea Saudi Arabia South Korea United Arab Emirates CAF Algeria Angola Cameroon DR Congo Egypt Ghana Ivory Coast Morocco Nigeria Senegal South Africa Togo Tunisia CONCACAF Canada Costa Rica Cuba El Salvador Haiti Honduras Jamaica Mexico Panama Trinidad and Tobago United States CONMEBOL Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Paraguay Peru Uruguay OFC New Zealand UEFA Austria Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark East Germany England France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Israel Italy Netherlands Northern Ireland Norway Poland Portugal Republic of Ireland Romania Russia Scotland Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine Wales Considered a successor team by FIFA , or have competed under another name ( s ) . 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england's last semi-final in the world cup
Year Round Position GP D * GF GA GD 1930 Not a FIFA member 1934 1938 1950 Group stage 8th 0 0 1954 Quarter - finals 7th 8 8 0 1958 Group stage 11th 0 5 - 1 1962 Quarter - finals 8th 5 6 - 1 1966 Champions 1st 6 5 0 11 8 1970 Quarter - finals 8th 0 0 Did not qualify 1978 1982 Second group stage 6th 5 0 6 5 1986 Quarter - finals 8th 5 7 1990 Semi finals 4th 7 8 6 1994 Did not qualify 1998 Round of 16 9th 7 2002 Quarter - finals 6th 5 6 2006 Quarter - finals 7th 5 0 6 Round of 16 13th 5 - 2 2014 Group stage 26th 0 - 2 2018 Semi-finals 4th 7 12 8 2022 TBD 2026 Total 15 / 21 1 title 69 29 21 19 91 64 27
Battle of Bannockburn - wikipedia Battle of Bannockburn Jump to : navigation , search This article 's lead section does not adequately summarize key points of its contents . Please consider expanding the lead to provide an accessible overview of all important aspects of the article . Please discuss this issue on the article 's talk page . ( October 2016 ) Coordinates : 56 ° 05 ′ 31 '' N 3 ° 54 ′ 54 '' W  /  56.092 ° N 3.915 ° W  / 56.092 ; - 3.915 Battle of Bannockburn Part of the First War of Scottish Independence This depiction from the Scotichronicon ( c. 1440 ) is the earliest known image of the battle . King Robert wielding an axe and Edward II fleeing toward Stirling feature prominently , conflating incidents from the two days of battle . Date 23 -- 24 June 1314 Location Bannockburn , south of Stirling , Scotland Result Decisive Scottish victory Belligerents Kingdom of Scotland Kingdom of England Commanders and leaders Robert the Bruce Edward Bruce Sir Robert Keith James Douglas Thomas Randolph Edward II Humphrey de Bohun Aymer de Valence Gilbert de Clare † Robert de Clifford † Strength 5,000 -- 10,000 13,700 -- 25,000 Casualties and losses 400 -- 4,000 700 cavalry 4,000 -- 11,000 infantry First War of Scottish Independence First Berwick Dunbar Lanark Stirling Bridge Falkirk Roslin Happrew Stirling Castle Methven Dalrigh Turnberry Loch Ryan Glen Trool Loudoun Hill Slioch Inverurie Buchan Pass of Brander Bannockburn Campaign in Ireland Moiry Pass Connor Kells Skerries Skaithmuir Second Berwick Faughart Myton Arbroath Declaration The Great Raid of 1322 Old Byland Corbeil Treaty Stanhope Park Edinburgh - Northampton Treaty Scottish Independence Wars First Second Third The Battle of Bannockburn ( Scottish Gaelic : Blàr Allt nam Bànag or Scottish Gaelic : Blàr Allt a ' Bhonnaich ) 24 June 1314 was a significant Scottish victory in the First War of Scottish Independence , and a landmark in Scottish history . Stirling Castle , a Scots royal fortress , occupied by the English , was under siege by the Scottish army . The English king , Edward II , assembled a formidable force to relieve it . This attempt failed , and his army was defeated in a pitched battle by a smaller army commanded by the King of Scots , Robert the Bruce . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 2 Prelude 3 Battle 3.1 Location of the battlefield 3.2 First day of battle 3.3 Second day of battle 3.4 English retreat 4 Aftermath 5 Notable casualties 5.1 Deaths 5.2 Captives 6 Legacy 6.1 Bannockburn Visitor Centre 6.2 Arts 7 References 8 Sources 8.1 Primary 8.2 Secondary 9 External links Background ( edit ) The Wars of Scottish Independence between England and Scotland began in 1296 and initially the English were successful under the command of Edward I , having won victories at the Battle of Dunbar ( 1296 ) and at the Capture of Berwick ( 1296 ) . The removal of John Balliol from the Scottish throne also contributed to the English success . The Scots had been victorious in defeating the English at the Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1297 . This was countered , however , by Edward I 's victory at the Battle of Falkirk ( 1298 ) . By 1304 Scotland had been conquered , but in 1306 Robert the Bruce seized the Scottish throne and the war was reopened . Edward II of England came to the throne in 1307 but was incapable of providing the determined leadership that had been shown by his father , Edward I , and the English position soon became more difficult . Stirling Castle was one of the most important castles that was held by the English as it commanded the route north into the Scottish Highlands . It was besieged in 1314 by Robert the Bruce 's brother , Edward Bruce , and an agreement was made that if the castle was not relieved by mid-summer then it would be surrendered to the Scots . The English could not ignore this challenge and military preparations were made for a substantial campaign in which the English army probably numbered 2,000 cavalry and 15,000 infantry , many of whom would have been longbowmen . The Scottish army probably numbered between 7,000 and 10,000 men , of whom no more than 500 would have been mounted . Unlike the heavily armoured English cavalry , the Scottish cavalry would have been light horsemen who were good for skirmishing and reconnaissance but were not suitable for charging the enemy lines . The Scottish infantry would have had axes , swords and pikes , with few bowmen among them . The precise size of the English force relative to the Scottish forces is unclear but estimates range from as much as at least two or three times the size of the army Bruce had been able to gather , to as little as only 50 % larger . Prelude ( edit ) An early 14th century English depiction of a Biblical battle giving an impression of how soldiers were equipped at Bannockburn . The image of a king wielding a battle axe in the top half has led some historians to link this image to Bannockburn . Edward II and his advisors were aware of the places that the Scots were likely to challenge them and sent out orders for their troops to prepare for an enemy established in boggy ground near to the River Forth , near Stirling . The English appear to have advanced in four divisions whereas the Scots were in three divisions , known as ' schiltrons ' which were strong defensive circles of men bristling with pikes . Thomas Randolph , 1st Earl of Moray , commanded the Scottish vanguard , which was stationed about a mile to the south of Stirling , near the church of St. Ninian , while the king commanded the rearguard at the entrance to the New Park . His brother Edward led the third division . According to Barbour , there was a fourth division nominally under the youthful Walter the Steward , but actually under the command of Sir James Douglas . The Scottish archers used yew - stave longbows and though these were not weaker than or inferior to English longbows , there were fewer Scottish archers than English archers , possibly numbering only 500 . These archers played little part in the battle . There is firsthand evidence in a poem by the captured Carmelite friar Robert Baston , written just after the battle , that one or both sides employed slingers and crossbowmen . Battle ( edit ) Location of the battlefield ( edit ) There is some confusion over the exact site of the Battle of Bannockburn , although most modern historians agree that the traditional site , where a visitor centre and statue have been erected , is not the correct one . Although a large number of possible alternatives have been proposed , most can be dismissed leaving two serious contenders : the area of peaty ground known as the Dryfield outside the village of Balquhiderock , about three - quarters of a mile to the east of the traditional site , and the Carse of Balquhiderock , about a mile and a half north - east of the traditional site , accepted by the National Trust as the most likely candidate . First day of battle ( edit ) An interpretation of the battle of Bannockburn - first day Most medieval battles were short - lived , lasting only a few hours , so that the Battle of Bannockburn is unusual in lasting two days . On 23 June 1314 two of the English cavalry formations advanced , the first commanded by the Earl of Gloucester and the Earl of Hereford . They encountered a body of Scots , among them Robert the Bruce himself . A celebrated single combat then took place between Bruce and Henry de Bohun who was the nephew of the Earl of Hereford . Bohun charged at Bruce and when the two passed side by side , Bruce split Bohun 's head with his axe . The Scots then rushed upon the English under Gloucester and Hereford who struggled back over the Bannockburn . The second English cavalry force was commanded by Robert Clifford and Henry de Beaumont and included Sir Thomas de Grey of Heaton , father of the chronicler Thomas Grey whose account of events follows ; Robert Lord de Clifford and Henry de Beaumont , with three hundred men - at - arms , made a circuit upon the other side of the wood towards the castle , keeping the open ground . Thomas Randolph , 1st Earl of Moray , Robert de Brus 's nephew , who was leader of the Scottish advanced guard , hearing that his uncle had repulsed the advanced guard of the English on the other side of the wood , thought that he must have his share , and issuing from the wood with his division marched across the open ground towards the two afore - named lords . Sir Henry de Beaumont called to his men : `` Let us wait a little ; let them come on ; give them room '' `` Sir , '' said Sir Thomas Gray , `` I doubt that whatever you give them now , they will have all too soon '' `` Very well '' exclaimed the said Henry , `` if you are afraid , be off '' `` Sir , '' answered the said Thomas , `` it is not from fear that I shall fly this day . '' So saying he spurred in between Beaumont and Sir William Deyncourt , and charged into the thick of the enemy . William was killed , Thomas was taken prisoner , his horse being killed on the pikes , and he himself carried off with the Scots on foot when they marched off , having utterly routed the squadron of the said two lords . Some of the English fled to the castle , others to the king 's army , which having already left the road through the wood had debouched upon a plain near the water of Forth beyond Bannockburn , an evil , deep , wet marsh , where the said English army unharnessed and remained all night , having sadly lost confidence and being too much disaffected by the events of the day . -- Sir Thomas Gray , Scalacronica , translated by Herbert Maxwell Second day of battle ( edit ) An interpretation of the battle of Bannockburn - second day Under nightfall the English forces crossed the stream that is known as the Bannock Burn , establishing their position on the plain beyond it . A Scottish knight , Alexander Seton , who was fighting in the service of Edward II of England , deserted the English camp and told Bruce of the low English morale , encouraging Bruce to attack them . In the morning the Scots then advanced from New Park . Not long after daybreak , the Scots spearmen began to move towards the English . Edward was surprised to see Robert 's army emerge from the cover of the woods . As Bruce 's army drew nearer , they paused and knelt in prayer . Edward is supposed to have said in surprise `` They pray for mercy ! '' `` For mercy , yes , '' one of his attendants replied , `` But from God , not you . These men will conquer or die . '' The English responded to the Scots advance with a charge of their own , led by the Earl of Gloucester . Gloucester had argued with the Earl of Hereford over who should lead the vanguard into battle , and argued with the king that the battle should be postponed . This led the king to accuse him of cowardice , which perhaps goaded Gloucester into the charge . Few accompanied Gloucester in his charge and when he reached the Scottish lines he was quickly surrounded and killed . Gradually the English were pushed back and ground down by the Scots ' schiltrons . The English longbowmen attempted to support the advance of the knights but were ordered to stop shooting , as they were causing casualties among their own . An attempt to deploy the English and Welsh longbowmen to shoot at the advancing Scots from their flank failed when they were dispersed by 500 Scottish cavalry under the Marischal Sir Robert Keith . Although these are sometimes described as light cavalry , this appears to be a misinterpretation of Barbour 's statement that these were men - at arms on lighter horses than their English counterparts . The English cavalry was hemmed in , making it difficult for them to manoeuvre . As a result , the English were unable to hold their formations and broke ranks . It soon became clear to Aymer de Valence , 2nd Earl of Pembroke and Giles d'Argentan ( reputedly the third best knight in Europe ) that the English had lost and Edward II needed to be led to safety at all costs . So , seizing his horse 's reins , they dragged him away , closely followed by five hundred knights of the royal bodyguard . Once they were clear of the battle d'Argentan turned to the king , said `` Sire , your protection was committed to me , but since you are safely on your way , I will bid you farewell for never yet have I fled from a battle , nor will I now . '' and turned his horse to charge back into the ranks of Scottish where he was overborne and slain . English retreat ( edit ) Edward fled with his personal bodyguard , ending the remaining order in the army ; panic spread and defeat turned into a rout . He arrived eventually at Dunbar Castle , from which he took ship to Berwick . From the carnage of Bannockburn , the rest of the army tried to escape to the safety of the English border , ninety miles to the south . Many were killed by the pursuing Scottish army or by the inhabitants of the countryside that they passed through . Historian Peter Reese says that , `` only one sizeable group of men -- all foot soldiers -- made good their escape to England . '' These were a force of Welsh spearmen who were kept together by their commander , Sir Maurice de Berkeley , and the majority of them reached Carlisle . Weighing up the available evidence , Reese concludes that `` it seems doubtful if even a third of the footsoldiers returned to England . '' Out of 16,000 infantrymen , this would give a total of about 11,000 killed . The English chronicler Thomas Walsingham gave the number of English men - at - arms who were killed as 700 , while 500 more men - at - arms were spared for ransom . The Scottish losses appear to have been comparatively light , with only two knights among those killed . Aftermath ( edit ) The defeat of the English opened up the north of England to Scottish raids and allowed the Scottish invasion of Ireland . These finally led , after the failure of the Declaration of Arbroath to reach this end by diplomatic means , to the Treaty of Edinburgh -- Northampton . Under the treaty the English Crown recognised the full independence of the Kingdom of Scotland , and acknowledged Robert the Bruce , and his heirs and successors , as the rightful rulers . Notable casualties ( edit ) Deaths ( edit ) Gilbert de Clare , 8th Earl of Gloucester Sir Giles d'Argentan John Lovel , 2nd Baron Lovel John Comyn , Lord of Badenoch Robert de Clifford , 1st Baron de Clifford Sir Henry de Bohun William le Marshal , Marshal of Ireland Edmund de Mauley , King 's Steward Sir Robert de Felton of Litcham , 1st Lord Captives ( edit ) Humphrey de Bohun , 4th Earl of Hereford John Segrave , 2nd Baron Segrave Maurice de Berkeley , 2nd Baron Berkeley Thomas de Berkeley Sir Marmaduke Tweng Ralph de Monthermer , 1st Baron Monthermer Robert de Umfraville , Earl of Angus Sir Anthony de Luci Sir Ingram de Umfraville Sir John Maltravers , 1st Baron Maltravers Sir Thomas de Grey of Heaton Legacy ( edit ) Bannockburn visitor Centre ( edit ) The hemicircle of the modern Bannockburn monument In 1932 the Bannockburn Preservation Committee , under Edward Bruce , 10th Earl of Elgin and Kincardine , presented lands to the National Trust for Scotland . Further lands were purchased in 1960 and 1965 to facilitate visitor access . A modern monument stands in a field above the battle site , where the warring parties are believed to have camped on the night before the battle . The monument consists of two hemicircular walls depicting the opposing parties . Nearby stands the 1960s statue of Bruce by Pilkington Jackson . The monument , and the associated visitor centre , is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the area . The battlefield has been included in the Inventory of Historic Battlefields in Scotland and protected by Historic Scotland under the Historic Environment ( Amendment ) Act 2011 . Alley to the monument Statue of Robert the Bruce by Pilkington Jackson View of the circular walls and the flag pole Close Up of the statue The National Trust for Scotland operates the Bannockburn Visitor Centre ( previously known as the Bannockburn Heritage Centre ) , which is open daily from March through October . On 31 October 2012 the building was closed for demolition and replacement by a new design , inspired by traditional Scottish buildings , by Reiach and Hall Architects . The project is a partnership between the National Trust for Scotland and Historic Scotland , funded by the Scottish Government and the Heritage Lottery Fund . The battlefield 's new visitor centre - now rebranded as the Bannockburn Visitor Centre - opened in March 2014 . One of the attractions created by a £ 9m redevelopment of the centre and the nearby battlefield memorial is a computerised multiplayer game . Arts ( edit ) Bruce addresses troops from Cassell 's History of England `` Scots Wha Hae '' is the title of a patriotic poem by Robert Burns . The chorus of Scotland 's unofficial national anthem Flower of Scotland refers to Scotland 's victory over Edward and the English at Bannockburn . Many artworks depict the battle . John Duncan and Eric Harald Macbeth Robertson both painted Bruce 's encounter with de Bohun . John Phillip painted Bruce receiving the sacrament on the eve of the battle . John Hassall painted a similar theme . William Findlay also depicts Bruce at the battle . The Swedish power metal band Sabaton wrote the song Blood of Bannockburn on their album The Last Stand . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Nusbacher , Aryeh ( 2000 ) . The Battle of Bannockburn 1314 . Stroud : Tempus . p. 85 . ISBN 0 - 7524 - 1783 - 5 . Jump up ^ Oman , Charles ( 1991 ) ( 1924 ) . A History of the Art of War in the Middle Ages Vol. II . London : Greenhill Books . p. 88 . ISBN 1 - 85367 - 105 - 3 . Jump up ^ Armstrong , Pete ( 2002 ) . Bannockburn . Botley , Oxford : Osprey Publishing . p. 43 . ISBN 1 - 85532 - 609 - 4 . Jump up ^ Grant , R.G. ( 2008 ) , Battle : A visual journey through 5,000 years of combat , DK Publishing , p. 118 . Jump up ^ Sadler , John , Scottish Battles , ( Biddles Ltd. , 1998 ) , 52 -- 54 . Jump up ^ Grant , 118 . ^ Jump up to : Mackenzie , p. 88 referencing Walsingham , p. 141 Jump up ^ Sadler , 52 . ^ Jump up to : Reese , p. 174 ^ Jump up to : Black , Jeremy . ( 2005 ) . The Seventy Great Battles of All Time . pp. 71 -- 73 . Thames & Hudson Ltd . ISBN 0 - 500 - 25125 - 8 . Jump up ^ Watson , F. , `` In Our Time : The Battle of Bannockburn '' , BBC Radio , 3 February 2011 Jump up ^ Nicholson , Later Middle Ages pp. 87 -- 89 Jump up ^ Strickland , Matthew ; Hardy , Robert ( 2005 ) . The Great Warbow . Stroud : Sutton . p. 162 . ISBN 0 - 7509 - 3167 - 1 . Jump up ^ The Chronicle of Lanercost says that on the second day of the battle , `` the English archers were thrown forward before the line , and the Scottish archers engaged them , a few being killed and wounded on either side ; but the King of England 's archers quickly put the others to flight . '' The Chronicle of Lanercost , 1272 -- 1346 : Translated , with notes by Sir Herbert Maxwell . p. 206 Jump up ^ Walter Bower , Scotichronicon , Book XII , p. 371 Jump up ^ Historic Environment Scotland . `` Battle Of Bannockburn ( 47243 ) '' . Canmore . Retrieved 2009 - 04 - 02 . Jump up ^ `` OS 25 inch map 1892 - 1949 , with Bing opacity slider '' . National Library of Scotland . Ordnance Survey . Retrieved 12 October 2017 . Jump up ^ Mackenzie , W.M. ( 1913 ) . The Battle of Bannockburn : a Study in Mediaeval Warfare , Publisher : James MacLehose ; Glasgow . Jump up ^ Barrow , Geoffrey W.S. ( 1998 ) . Robert Bruce & The Community of The Realm of Scotland . ISBN 0 - 85224 - 604 - 8 Jump up ^ Barron , E.M. , The Scottish War of Independence : a Critical Study , 1934 Jump up ^ Christison , Philip , Bannockburn : The Story of the Battle , 1960 , Edinburgh : The National Trust for Scotland . Jump up ^ Hyland , Ann . The Warhorse 1250 -- 1600 , UK : Sutton Publishing , 1998 , p 38 Jump up ^ The Battle of Bannockburn . Retrieved 14 June 2014 . Jump up ^ Maxwell 1907 Jump up ^ Scott 1982 , p. 158 ^ Jump up to : Scott 1982 Jump up ^ ( Brown , C. ( 2008 ) pp 129 - 130 ) Jump up ^ Scott 1982 , p. 159 Jump up ^ Scott 1982 , p. 160 Jump up ^ Mackenzie , p. 90 Jump up ^ Reese , p. 176 Jump up ^ `` Inventory battlefields '' . Historic Scotland . Retrieved 2012 - 04 - 12 . Jump up ^ `` Bannockburn Heritage Centre closes before demolition '' . BBC News . 31 October 2012 . Retrieved 31 October 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Battle of Bannockburn : Bannockburn : About the project '' . Jump up ^ `` Battle of Bannockburn : : The Battle of Bannockburn Visitor Centre Opens '' . Jump up ^ Arnold - Foster , Hugh Oakley ( 1907 ) . `` Bannockburn '' . A History of England from the Landing of Julius Caesar to the Present Day . London , Paris , New York & Melbourne : Cassell and Company . p. 207 . Retrieved 2009 - 06 - 19 . Jump up ^ The Complete Works of Robert Burns at Project Gutenberg . Jump up ^ `` Bruce and De Bohun '' . ArtUK . The Stirling Smith Art Gallery & Museum . Retrieved 5 November 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Robert the Bruce and de Bohun '' . ArtUK . The Fleming Collection . Retrieved 5 November 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Robert the Bruce on the Eve of Bannockburn Receiving the Sacrament from the Abbot of Inchaffre '' . ArtUK . Brechin Mechanics ' Institute . Retrieved 5 November 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Bannockburn '' . ArtUK . Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum . Retrieved 5 November 2017 . Jump up ^ `` The Liberation of Scotland ( The Battle of Bannockburn ) '' . ArtUK . Glasgow Museums Resource Centre ( GMRC ) . Retrieved 5 November 2017 . Jump up ^ `` The Last Stand ( Sabaton Album ) '' . Sources ( edit ) Primary ( edit ) Barbour , John , The Brus , trans . A.A.M. Duncan , 1964 . Bower , Walter , Scotichronicon , ed . D.E.R. Watt , 1987 -- 1993 . Maxwell , Herbert , trans . ( 1907 ) . Scalacronica ; The reigns of Edward I , Edward II and Edward III as Recorded by Sir Thomas Gray . Glasgow : James Maclehose & Sons . Retrieved 17 October 2012 . Lanercost Chronicle , edited and translated by H. Maxwell , 1913 . Vita Edwardi Secundi ( Life of Edward the Second ) , ed . N.D. Young , 1957 . Walsingham , Thomas , Historia Anglicana . Secondary ( edit ) Armstrong , Pete ( illustrated by Graham Turner ) , Bannockburn 1314 : Robert Bruce 's Great Victory , Osprey Publishing , 2002 ISBN 1 - 85532 - 609 - 4 Barrow , G.W.S. , Robert Bruce and the Community of the Realm of Scotland , 1988 , ISBN 0 - 85224 - 604 - 8 Brown , C.A. , `` Bannockburn 1314 '' , History Press , Stroud , 2008 , ISBN 978 - 0 - 7524 - 4600 - 4 . Brown , C.A. , Robert the Bruce . A life Chronicled . Brown , Michael ( 2008 ) . Bannockburn . The Scottish War and the British Isles 1307 - 1323 . Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press . Brown , M. , Wars of Scotland Chisholm , Hugh , ed. ( 1911 ) . `` Bannockburn '' . Encyclopædia Britannica ( 11th ed . ) . Cambridge University Press . Mackenzie , W.M. , Bannockburn : A Study in Medieval Warfare , The Strong Oak Press , Stevenage 1989 ( first published 1913 ) , ISBN 1 - 871048 - 03 - 6 MacNamee , C. , The Wars of the Bruces Nicholson , R. , Scotland - the Later Middle Ages , 1974 . Prestwich , M. , The Three Edwards : War and State in England , 1272 -- 1377 , 1980 Ramsay , J.H. , The Genesis of Lancaster , 1307 -- 99 , 1913 . Reese , P. , Bannockburn , Canongate , Edinburgh , 2003 , ISBN 1 - 84195 - 465 - 9 Scott , Ronald McNair ( 1982 ) . Robert the Bruce King of Scots . London : Hutchinson & Co . External links ( edit ) The Battle of Bannockburn 700th Anniversary Project Battle of Bannockburn on Medieval Archives Podcast BBC `` In our time '' discussion on the battle and its consequences Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1314 in Scotland Battles between England and Scotland Battles of the Wars of Scottish Independence Conflicts in 1314 History museums in Scotland Inventory of Historic Battlefields in Scotland Military and war museums in Scotland Museums in Stirling ( council area ) National Trust for Scotland properties Hidden categories : Wikipedia introduction cleanup from October 2016 All pages needing cleanup Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify from October 2016 All articles covered by WikiProject Wikify Use British English from August 2011 Use dmy dates from August 2011 Coordinates on Wikidata Articles containing Scottish Gaelic - language text Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference Talk Contents About Wikipedia Български Brezhoneg Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Gaeilge Gàidhlig Galego 한국어 Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Italiano ქართული Magyar Bahasa Melayu Монгол Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Occitan Polski Português Română Русский Scots Simple English Slovenčina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Türkçe 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 30 December 2017 , at 18 : 01 . 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when did the battle of bannockburn take place
The Battle of Bannockburn ( Scottish Gaelic : Blàr Allt nam Bànag or Scottish Gaelic : Blàr Allt a ' Bhonnaich ) 24 June 1314 was a significant Scottish victory in the First War of Scottish Independence , and a landmark in Scottish history .
Law enforcement officers Safety Act - Wikipedia Law enforcement officers Safety Act Jump to : navigation , search This article may be incomprehensible or very hard to understand . Please help by rewording it if the intended meaning can be determined . The talk page may have details . ( September 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) President George W. Bush signs the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act , June 22 , 2004 The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act ( LEOSA ) is a United States federal law , enacted in 2004 , that allows two classes of persons -- the `` qualified law enforcement officer '' and the `` qualified retired or separated law enforcement officer '' -- to carry a concealed firearm in any jurisdiction in the United States , regardless of state or local laws , with certain exceptions . LEOSA is often incorrectly referred to as `` H.R. 218 '' . The act was introduced during the 108th Congress as H.R. 218 and enacted as Public Law 108 - 277 . The law was later amended by the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act Improvements Act of 2010 ( S. 1132 , Public Law 111 - 272 ) , and Section 1099C of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 ( H.R. 4310 , Public Law 112 - 239 ) . It is codified within the provisions of the Gun Control Act of 1968 as 18 USC § 926B and USC § 926C . Contents ( hide ) 1 The law and its amendments 1.1 2010 amendment 1.2 2013 amendment 2 Qualified law enforcement officers 3 Qualified retired law enforcement officers 4 Case law 5 LEOSA Policy 6 LEOSA Restrictions 7 Notes 8 References 9 External links The law and its amendments ( edit ) Whether or not a person is privileged by the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act ( LEOSA ) of 2004 and its amendments in 2010 and 2013 to carry a concealed firearm depends on whether or not he or she meets the federal definitions for either a `` qualified law enforcement officer '' or a `` qualified retired law enforcement officer . '' If a person meets the criteria , then `` notwithstanding any other provision of the law of any State or any political subdivision thereof '' , he or she may carry a concealed firearm that has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce , in any state or political subdivision thereof . As a result , an individual who qualifies under LEOSA does not require a state - issued permit for carrying a concealed firearm in any state , including that person 's home state . This is because LEOSA , by its terms , provides in its introductory paragraphs ( Sections 926B ( a ) and Section 926C ( a ) ) that notwithstanding the law of `` any State '' a person who qualifies under LEOSA is not subject to the concealed carry laws of any state . Some officials , such as in New Jersey , believe that a retired officer residing in NJ must still obtain a state issued permit in order to be eligible to carry a firearm under LEOSA , in effect nullifying LEOSA . However , that view assumes New Jersey law is not preempted by LEOSA and has no support in the LEOSA statute itself , by its terms , or in any published court case to date . Furthermore , LEOSA 's legislative history indicates that its framers intended LEOSA to supersede all states ' laws , including the home state of the individual claiming its exemption . For example , Congress declared LEOSA 's purpose was to implement `` national measures of uniformity and consistency '' and allow officers to carry a concealed firearm `` anywhere within the United States . '' In addition , Congress rejected efforts to allow states to opt out of LEOSA . The House of Representatives also defeated , and the Senate refused to consider , proposed amendments aimed at preserving local law enforcement agencies ' discretion to regulate `` the conditions under which their officers may carry firearms . '' Thus , both the words of LEOSA and its legislative intent clearly establish that LEOSA applies nationwide , including the home state of the individual . The privilege specifically does not extend to machine guns , destructive devices , or suppressors . This law includes state and public university and / or college campus law enforcement officers , however this law does not cover private campus police or company police . Although LEOSA preempts state and local laws , there are two notable exceptions : `` the laws of any State that ( 1 ) permit private persons or entities to prohibit or restrict the possession of concealed firearms on their property '' ( such as a bars , private clubs , amusement parks , etc . ) , or `` ( 2 ) prohibit or restrict the possession of firearms on any State or local government property , installation , building , base , or park '' Additionally , LEOSA does not override the federal Gun - Free School Zone Act ( GFSZA ) which prohibits carrying a firearm within 1,000 feet of elementary or secondary schools . Although the GFSZA authorizes on - duty law enforcement officers to carry firearms in such circumstances , off - duty and retired law enforcement officers are still restricted from doing so unless they have a firearms license issued from the state in which they reside and then it is only good for the state in which they reside . Individuals must also obey any federal laws and federal agency policies that restrict the carrying of concealed firearms in certain federal buildings and lands , as well as federal regulations prohibiting the carriage of firearms on airplanes . Debate has continued over the effect and scope of policies issued by individual law enforcement agencies in relation to their own employees , where such policies would appear to restrict the ability of a law enforcement officer to carry a firearm . Some argue that the law does not override the internal policies of a department or agency . However , when LEOSA was under consideration in the United States House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary , considerable representations were made to the effect that it would override agency - specific policies , leading to opposition to the Act from the International Association of Chiefs of Police , the Police Executive Research Forum , and the United States Conference of Mayors , which was expressed as a dissenting view in the report of the Committee . Congressman Bobby Scott ( D - VA ) proposed an amendment to the Bill to provide that it `` shall not be construed to supersede or limit the rules , regulations , policies , or practices of any State or local law enforcement agency , '' but this amendment was opposed by the sponsors of the bill , and was rejected by the Committee 21 - 11 , so the enacted law contains no such exception . In his dissent to the passage of LEOSA , Senator Edward M. Kennedy acknowledged that LEOSA overrides agency policy in accordance with United States Supreme Court precedent : `` The bill removes the ability of police departments to enforce rules and policies on when and how their own officers can carry firearms . Police chiefs will lose the authority to prohibit their own officers from carrying certain weapons on - duty or off - duty . Section 2 of the bill provides that regardless of any other provision of the law of any State or any political subdivision thereof , any individual who qualifies as a law enforcement officer and who carries photo identification will be authorized to carry any firearm . In a variety of contexts , including the federal preemption of state law , courts have interpreted the term law to include agency rules and regulations . The Supreme Court has ruled that this term specifically includes contractual obligations between employers and employees , such as work rules , policies , and practices promulgated by state and local police departments . 2010 amendment ( edit ) In 2010 , LEOSA was amended by the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act Improvements Act of 2010 , which specifically extended coverage to include law enforcement officers of the Amtrak Police , Federal Reserve Police , and law enforcement officers of the executive branch of the Federal Government . The provisions for disqualification on mental health grounds and the provisions regarding qualifications to carry a firearm were amended , and the number of aggregate years for retired officers was reduced from fifteen to ten . In addition the definition of a firearm was expanded to include any ammunition not prohibited by the National Firearms Act of 1934 . This was done to exempt qualified active and retired law enforcement officers from the prohibitions against carrying hollow - point ammunition that is in force in New Jersey ( except for their peace officers and active federal law enforcement officers ) and a few other locations . The concept of `` retirement '' was replaced with `` separated from service '' and the requirement that the retired officer have a nonforfeitable right to retirement benefits was eliminated . 2013 amendment ( edit ) In 2013 , LEOSA was again amended by the National Defense Authorization Act ( NDAA ) for Fiscal Year 2013 , effective January 2 , 2013 after President Obama signed Public Law 112 - 239 ( H.R. 4310 ) . Section 1089 of the NDAA contained language which further clarified that military police officers and civilian police officers employed by the U.S. Government unambiguously met the definitions in the original Act . The definitions of `` qualified active '' and `` qualified retired '' law enforcement officer include the term `` police officers '' and expanded the powers of arrest requirement definition to include those who have or had the authority to `` apprehend '' suspects under the Uniform Code of Military Justice . Senator Patrick Leahy , a key sponsor of the bill , remarked `` The Senate has agreed to extend that trust to the law enforcement officers that serve within our military . They are no less deserving or worthy of this privilege and I am very pleased we have acted to equalize their treatment under the federal law '' . He further stated `` The amendment we adopt today will place military police and civilian police officers within the Department of Defense on equal footing with their law enforcement counterparts across the country when it comes to coverage under LEOSA . '' Qualified law enforcement officers ( edit ) In 18 USC § 926B ( c ) , `` qualified law enforcement officer '' is defined as any individual employed by a governmental agency , state or local municipality , or private agency / firm who : is authorized by law to engage in or supervise the prevention , detection , investigation , or prosecution of , or the incarceration of any person for , any violation of law , and ( sic ? ) has statutory powers of arrest , or apprehension under section 807 ( b ) of title 10 , United States Code ( article 7 ( b ) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice ) ; This includes state and public college / university police officers . is authorized by the agency to carry a firearm ; is not the subject of any disciplinary action by the agency which could result in suspension or loss of police powers ; meets standards , if any , established by the agency which require the employee to regularly qualify in the use of a firearm ; is not under the influence of alcohol or another intoxicating or hallucinatory drug or substance ; and is not prohibited by Federal law from receiving a firearm . Additionally , 18 USC § 926B requires that the individual must carry photographic identification issued by the governmental agency for which the individual is employed that identifies the employee as a police officer or law enforcement officer of the agency . On - duty status determines LEOSA - eligibility . Thus , as long as the person meets the definition of `` qualified law enforcement officer '' in an on - duty capacity , whether an officer is a full - time , part - time , auxiliary , or reserve peace officer is not relevant in determining whether a person is a `` qualified law enforcement officer '' under LEOSA . LEOSA 's definition of `` qualified law enforcement officer '' does not include a requirement that a person have law enforcement authority off - duty . Qualified retired law enforcement officers ( edit ) In 18 USC § 926C ( c ) , `` qualified retired law enforcement officer '' is defined as an individual who : separated from service in good standing from service with a public agency as a law enforcement officer ; before such separation , was authorized by law to engage in or supervise the prevention , detection , investigation , or prosecution of , or the incarceration of any person for , any violation of law , and had statutory powers of arrest or apprehension under section 807 ( b ) of title 10 , United States Code ( article 7 ( b ) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice ) ; before such separation , served as a law enforcement officer for an aggregate of 10 years or more ; or separated from service with such agency , after completing any applicable probationary period of such service , due to a service - connected disability , as determined by such agency ; during the most recent 12 - month period , has met , at the expense of the individual , the standards for qualification in firearms training for active law enforcement officers , as determined by the former agency of the individual , the State in which the individual resides or , if the State has not established such standards , either a law enforcement agency within the State in which the individual resides or the standards used by a certified firearms instructor that is qualified to conduct a firearms qualification test for active duty officers within that State ; has not been officially found by a qualified medical professional employed by the agency to be unqualified for reasons relating to mental health and as a result of this finding will not be issued photographic identification ; or has not entered into an agreement with the agency from which the individual is separating from service in which that individual acknowledges he or she is not qualified under this section for reasons relating to mental health and for those reasons will not receive or accept photographic identification ; is not under the influence of alcohol or another intoxicating or hallucinatory drug or substance ; and is not prohibited by Federal law from receiving a firearm . Additionally , the individual must carry either : photographic identification issued by the agency from which the individual separated from service as a law enforcement officer that identifies the person as having been employed as a police officer or law enforcement officer and indicates that the individual has , not less recently than one year before the date the individual is carrying the concealed firearm , been tested or otherwise found by the agency to meet the active duty standards for qualification in firearms training as established by the agency to carry a firearm of the same type as the concealed firearm ; or photographic identification issued by the agency from which the individual separated from service as a law enforcement officer that identifies the person as having been employed as a police officer or law enforcement officer ; and a certification issued by the State in which the individual resides or by a certified firearms instructor that is qualified to conduct a firearms qualification test for active duty officers within that State that indicates that the individual has , not less than one year before the date the individual is carrying the concealed firearm , been tested or otherwise found by the State or a certified firearms instructor that is qualified to conduct a firearms qualification test for active duty officers within that State to have met the active duty standards for qualification in firearms training , as established by the State , to carry a firearm of the same type as the concealed firearm ; or if the State has not established such standards , standards set by any law enforcement agency within that State to carry a firearm of the same type as the concealed firearm . Case law ( edit ) The first known criminal prosecution against an individual asserting concealed carry privileges under LEOSA occurred in New York in People v. Rodriguez , Indictment No. 2917 ( 2006 ) . Rodriguez was a full - time construction worker who was also employed as a Pennsylvania State Constable . He was arrested in New York City for criminal possession of a weapon . He testified in a hearing that he was authorized , qualified , and certified to carry a weapon in his state as a constable . The Court took judicial notice of the various Pennsylvania statutes that authorize constables to carry firearms , make arrests , serve process , and enforce the law . Upon applying LEOSA in terms of the known facts , the Court dismissed the charge against Rodriguez and held that he was covered by section 926B though constables are elected law enforcement officers and they lack government funding . A number of other courts have held that Coast Guard boarding officers are qualified under LEOSA . In People against Benjamin L. Booth , Jr. , Indictment No. 2007 - 940 ( 2007 ) , a county court in Orange County , New York , dismissed a criminal charge against Booth , an off - duty member of the Coast Guard , who had been arrested for carrying a loaded handgun in a vehicle . The court held that Booth was authorized to carry a firearm while acting as a Coast Guard boarding officer , adding , `` Although the proof at the hearing indicates that the defendant engaged in a violation of rules , regulations and policies of the United States Coast Guard by possessing a handgun for which he had no license , these violations do not act to lessen the scope of LEOSA as it is applied in this instance . '' Another Coast Guardsman , Reserve Petty Officer Jose Diaz , was arrested for carrying an unloaded handgun in a vehicle in San Fernando , California , in November 2007 , but the charge was later dismissed and Diaz won a $44,000 settlement from the city for false arrest . The Coast Guard has issued a formal directive to advise Coast Guard personnel of which Coast Guard personnel are considered to be covered by LEOSA , and the limitations of such coverage . On June 3 , 2016 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Washington D.C. Circuit ruled ( in a 2 - 1 decision ) that a case brought by Ronald Duberry would be remanded for further proceedings . The court ruled that Washington D.C. 's Department of Corrections could not keep retired officers from carrying concealed firearms , saying the 2004 Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act guaranteed that right . The court rejected the city 's argument that the law does not apply to corrections officers . The city had cited the fact that the officers did not have full statutory powers of arrest during their time of employment . The court held that only some statutory power of arrest or apprehension was required ( such as the power to take parole violators into custody ) . In the opinion for the court filed by Circuit Judge Rogers , the court said , `` In the LEOSA , Congress defined `` qualified law enforcement officers '' broadly , to include individuals who engage in or supervise incarceration . Given the breadth of Congress 's definition , the reference to `` statutory powers of arrest '' necessarily means some statutory power of arrest such as a power to arrest parole violators , and not , as the District of Columbia suggests , only the police power to arrest upon probable cause , see Appellee 's Br. 25 . '' LEOSA policy ( edit ) The adoption of a LEOSA policy by law enforcement agencies is a best practice which serves to provide clarity to LEOSA protocols and procedures and give certainty and guidance to agencies and their active and separated law enforcement officers who carry a firearm under LEOSA . Current law enforcement officers who invoke LEOSA to carry a firearm out of State , as well as separated law enforcement officers no matter where they carry , do so in their capacities as private persons with no law enforcement authority whatsoever . A policy clarifies the roles and responsibilities ( as well as liability ) of both agencies and their current and separated officers . LEOSA restrictions ( edit ) Persons who are qualified to carry nationwide under LEOSA are not exempt from : state laws regarding magazine capacity limits ( However , Most states do provide an exemption for Law Enforcement members to purchase , possess and carry so called `` high capacity '' magazines ) - no longer valid after the 2010 amendment restrictions imposed by private persons on their own private property restrictions imposed by state and local governments regarding state and local government properties restrictions prohibiting carrying a firearm in federal facilities , including US post office buildings restrictions prohibiting carrying a firearm in federal Gun Free School Zones or national parks unless the person is complying with state law regarding carrying a firearm . For instance , if a qualified law enforcement officer from Pennsylvania travels to Yellowstone National Park for vacation , he / she can only carry legally in the park if he / she has a valid carry permit from PA because WY has a reciprocity agreement with PA and therefore he / she is complying with WY state law . Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ See Title 18 , USC , Section 921 , which defines `` state '' to also include the District of Columbia , Puerto Rico and U.S. possessions . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` H.R. 218 : Public Law No. 108 - 277 '' . Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 . Retrieved 3 February 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` S. 1132 : Public Law No. 111 - 272 '' . Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act Improvements Act of 2010 . Retrieved 3 February 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` Section 1089 , H.R. 4310 : Public Law No. 112 - 239 '' . National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 . Retrieved 3 February 2013 . Jump up ^ Title 18 of the United States Code § 926B - Carrying Of Concealed Firearms By Qualified Law Enforcement Officers `` . Cornell University Law School . Retrieved January 15 , 2014 Jump up ^ `` Title 18 of the United States Code § 926C - Carrying Of Concealed Firearms By Qualified Retired Law Enforcement Officers '' . Cornell University Law School . Retrieved January 15 , 2014 Jump up ^ Jump up ^ H.R. Rep. 108 - 560 at p. 4 . Jump up ^ H.R. Rep. 108 - 560 at pp. 7 - 8 , 29 - 37 ; Sen. Rep. 108 - 29 at p. 7 Jump up ^ H.R. Rep. 108 - 560 at pp. 8 - 9 , 37 - 45 , Sen. Rep. 108 - 29 at pp. 6 - 7 ^ Jump up to : `` TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 44 > § 926B . Carrying of concealed firearms by qualified law enforcement officers '' . United States Code from the Legal Information Institute . Cornell Law School . Retrieved 27 April 2011 . ^ Jump up to : `` TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 44 > § 926C . Carrying of concealed firearms by qualified retired law enforcement officers '' . United States Code from the Legal Information Institute . Cornell Law School . Retrieved 27 April 2011 . ^ Jump up to : Bulzomi , Michael J. ( JD ) ( January 2011 ) . `` Off - Duty Officers and Firearms '' . FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin . Retrieved 8 July 2011 . ^ Jump up to : `` Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs ) about H.R. 218 / S. 1132 '' ( PDF ) . Website of the Fraternal Order of Police . Fraternal Order of Police . Retrieved 4 July 2011 . Jump up ^ Ferrell Jr. , Craig E. ( October 2004 ) . `` Law Enforcement Safety Act of 2004 '' . The Police Chief . Retrieved 4 July 2011 . Jump up ^ `` HR 218 - LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS SAFETY ACT ( LEOSA ) OF 2000 - - ISSUES '' ( PDF ) . Website of the California Department of Justice . Office of the Attorney - General , California . Retrieved 4 July 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Report on the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2003 from the United States House of Representative Committee on the Judiciary , House Report 108 - 560 , pp. 53 - 62 '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 19 . Jump up ^ Norfolk & Western Ry. Co. v. Am. Train Dispatchers ' Assoc. , 499 U.S. 117 ( 1991 ) . '' Senate Report No. 108 - 29 at page 17 Jump up ^ url = Jump up ^ Rene , James M. , `` Officer Safety and California Reserve Peace Officers : The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act and California Assembly Bill 703 . '' Retrieved 10 - 26 - 13 Jump up ^ Rene , James M. , and Ekerling , Howard L. , `` The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 And Its Application to California Reserve Peace Officers . '' Retrieved 04 - 27 - 2013 Jump up ^ Rene , James M. , `` California Reserve Peace Officers and ' Legal Status ' Under The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 . '' ^ Jump up to : `` People of NY v Rodriguez ( N.Y. Co . Ct. 2006 ) '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 2012 - 05 - 19 . Jump up ^ `` Limitations and Risks to Coast Guard Personnel Under the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act ( LEOSA ) : ALCOAST 549 / 10 , COMDTNOTE 16200 '' . . External links ( edit ) Original text of the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 Text of the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act Improvements Act of 2010 Text of the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 as amended to reflect the 2013 amendments Model LEOSA Policy Model LEOSA Policy Retrieved from `` '' Categories : United States federal firearms legislation Hidden categories : Wikipedia articles that are incomprehensible from September 2016 All Wikipedia articles that are incomprehensible All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from January 2014 All accuracy disputes Articles with disputed statements from September 2016 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 27 May 2018 , at 20 : 06 . About Wikipedia
can police officers carry guns across state lines
The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act ( LEOSA ) is a United States federal law , enacted in 2004 , that allows two classes of persons -- the `` qualified law enforcement officer '' and the `` qualified retired or separated law enforcement officer '' -- to carry a concealed firearm in any jurisdiction in the United States , regardless of state or local laws , with certain exceptions .
Just Go with It - Wikipedia Just Go with It This article 's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed . Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise . ( September 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) `` Pretend Wife '' redirects here . It is not to be confused with The Make - Believe Wife . Just Go with It Theatrical release poster Directed by Dennis Dugan Produced by Adam Sandler Jack Giarraputo Heather Parry Screenplay by Allan Loeb Timothy Dowling Based on Cactus Flower by I.A.L. Diamond Cactus Flower by Abe Burrows Pierre Barillet Jean Pierre - Gredy Starring Adam Sandler Jennifer Aniston Nick Swardson Brooklyn Decker Dave Matthews Bailee Madison Nicole Kidman Music by Rupert Gregson - Williams Cinematography Theo van de Sande Edited by Tom Costain Production company Happy Madison Productions Distributed by Columbia Pictures Release date February 8 , 2011 ( 2011 - 02 - 08 ) ( New York City ) February 11 , 2011 ( 2011 - 02 - 11 ) ( United States ) Running time 117 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $80 million Box office $215 million Just Go with It is a 2011 American romantic comedy film directed by Dennis Dugan , written by Allan Loeb and Timothy Dowling and starring Adam Sandler ( who also co-produced ) , Jennifer Aniston , Nicole Kidman , Nick Swardson and Brooklyn Decker . The film is based on the 1969 film Cactus Flower , which was adapted from an earlier Broadway stage play written by Abe Burrows , which in turn was based upon the French play Fleur de cactus . Production of the film began on March 2 , 2010 . The film was released on February 11 , 2011 by Columbia Pictures in North America . The film grossed over $214 million , making it a box office success - however , the film received negative reviews from critics and won two Golden Raspberry Awards for Worst Actor and Worst Director . Contents 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Production 4 Release 5 Reception 5.1 Box office 5.2 Critical response 5.3 Accolades 5.4 Home media 6 References 7 External links Plot ( edit ) In 1988 , Daniel `` Danny '' Maccabee ( Adam Sandler ) , a 22 - year old man , leaves his wedding right before the ceremony is about to begin after learning that his fiancee is cheating on him , and was only marrying him because he was going to be a doctor . He goes to drink alone at a bar , where a young , beautiful woman walks in . She sees that Danny has a wedding ring on his hand , and asks him about his wife , to which he explains how she recently left him for someone else , and the woman from the bar ends up sleeping with him . Twenty - three years later , Danny ( now 45 - years old ) is now a successful plastic surgeon in Los Angeles who feigns unhappy marriages to get women , and to avoid romantic commitment that may lead to heartbreak . The only woman aware of his schemes is his office manager and best friend Katherine Murphy ( Jennifer Aniston ) , a divorced mother of two . At a party , Danny meets Palmer ( Brooklyn Decker ) , a sixth grade math teacher , without his wedding ring on , and they have a connection together . The next morning , she finds the ring and assumes he is married . She refuses to date him because her parents divorced due to adultery . Instead of telling her the truth , Danny tells her that he is getting divorced from a woman named Devlin . Danny tells Palmer that they are getting divorced because she cheated on him with a man named `` Dolph Lundgren '' ( not the actor ) . Palmer then insists on meeting Devlin . Danny asks Katherine to pose as `` Devlin '' and they go shopping for new clothes to dress like a trophy wife . A made - over Katherine / `` Devlin '' then meets with Danny and Palmer and gives them her blessing . However , after hearing Katherine talking on the phone with her kids , Palmer assumes that her kids are Danny 's as well . Danny then privately meets with Katherine 's kids , Maggie ( Bailee Madison ) and Michael ( Griffin Gluck ) , to get them to play along and gives them the aliases of `` Kiki Dee '' and `` Bart '' respectively . Danny accepts their demands for being his fake children . Palmer meets the kids at a play center where Maggie has adopted a fake british accent , and Michael acts very morose . They blackmail Danny in front of Palmer to take them all to Hawaii . At the airport , they are all surprised by Danny 's goofball cousin Eddie ( Nick Swardson ) , who has adopted an Austrian disguise as the `` Dolph Lundgren '' that Danny had made up earlier . To maintain the lies , Danny and Katherine are forced to bring him along . At the resort in Hawaii , Danny tells Eddie that he is considering asking Palmer to marry him . Katherine and Danny also run into the real - life Devlin Adams ( Nicole Kidman ) and her husband Ian Maxtone - Jones ( Dave Matthews ) . Because of Katherine and Devlin 's long - time rivalry , Katherine introduces Danny as her husband rather than admit she is a single mother . Over time , Katherine is impressed by Danny and his way of fun with her kids . Katherine again runs into Devlin , who invites her and Danny out to dinner . Eddie agrees to take Palmer out to dinner so that Danny can go with Katherine . Since he is supposed to be a sheep salesman , Eddie 's cover is nearly blown when he is forced to save the life of an actual sheep who choked on a toy whistle . At dinner , Devlin asks Danny and Katherine to tell each other what they admire most about each other , and , as Danny and Katherine talk , they start to feel a connection . Later , when Palmer and Eddie return from their dinner date , Palmer suggests that she and Danny get married now , since a drunken Eddie told her about Danny 's plans of engagement . Danny and Katherine are both surprised by her proposition , but Danny ultimately agrees . Danny later calls Katherine regarding his confusion , but Katherine says that she will be taking a job in New York City to get a fresh start to her life . The next day , Palmer confronts Katherine about Danny 's feelings for her , which Katherine dismisses . Katherine then runs into Devlin at a bar and admits that she pretended to be married to Danny to avoid embarrassment . Devlin confesses that she is divorcing Ian because he is gay and also that he did not invent the iPod , but made his money by suing the Los Angeles Dodgers after getting hit by a foul ball . Katherine confides in Devlin about being in love with Danny , but then Danny shows up behind her , saying that he is not marrying Palmer and that he is in love with Katherine . Meanwhile , on the plane ride back to the mainland , Palmer meets a professional tennis player ( Andy Roddick ) who shares her interests . Sometime later , Danny and Katherine get married . Cast ( edit ) Adam Sandler as Dr. Daniel `` Danny '' Maccabee Jennifer Aniston as Katherine Murphy , later Maccabee / Devlin Maccabee Bailee Madison as Maggie Murphy / Kiki Dee Maccabee Griffin Gluck as Michael Murphy / Bart Maccabee Nick Swardson as Eddie Simms / Dolph Lundgren Brooklyn Decker as Palmer Dodge Nicole Kidman as Devlin Adams Dave Matthews as Ian Maxtone - Jones Rachel Dratch as Kirsten Brant Kevin Nealon as Adon Heidi Montag as Kimberly Minka Kelly as Joanna Damon Rakefet Abergel as Patricia Dan Patrick as Tanner Patrick Mario Joyner as Henderson Keegan - Michael Key as Ernesto Allen Covert as Brian ( Soul Patch ) Andy Roddick as Himself Jake Shimabukuro as ukulele player Unknown as the Kangaroo Production ( edit ) Originally titled `` Holiday in Hawaii '' , and then `` Pretend Wife '' , it was released as `` Just Go with It '' . The film was shot in Los Angeles and the Hawaiian islands of Maui and Kauai between March 2 , 2010 and May 25 , 2010 . The film is deliberately vague about which Hawaiian island its latter portion depicts ; thus , the characters hike across a rope bridge on Maui and arrive in the next scene at a spectacular waterfall on Kauai , rather than the ordinary irrigation dam and pond on Maui where the actual trail terminates . The characters stay at a Hawaiian hotel called the Waldorf Astoria . In actuality , the film was shot at the Grand Wailea in Maui , which is owned by Waldorf Astoria Hotels and Resorts . One of the film 's in - jokes is the scene wherein Decker 's character meets her obvious soulmate - professional tennis player Andy Roddick - as Decker and Roddick are actually married . Release ( edit ) The film was released in theaters in the United States and Canada on February 11 , 2011 and in Bulgaria on March 25 , 2011 . Reception ( edit ) Box office ( edit ) Just Go with It grossed $103 million in the U.S. and Canada and $111.9 million in other territories for a worldwide gross of $214.9 million . The film topped its opening weekend box office with $30.5 million . The biggest market in other territories being Russia , where it grossed $13,174,937 . Critical response ( edit ) On Rotten Tomatoes , the film received a rating of 18 % , based on 137 reviews , with an average rating of 3.8 / 10 . The site 's consensus reads : `` Just Go With It may be slightly better than some entries in the recently dire rom - com genre , but that 's far from a recommendation . '' On Metacritic , the film has a score of 33 out of 100 , based on 31 critics , indicating `` generally unfavorable reviews '' . The Telegraph named Just Go with It in its `` ten worst films of 2011 '' list , saying it is `` a crass and overpopulated remake of Cactus Flower , served up as a mangy romcom of serial deceptions . '' Christopher Orr of The Atlantic noted that `` the title itself seems a plea for audiences ' forbearance '' and is part of a disappointing trend involving `` the reimagining of good , if perhaps not quite classic , films associated with the latter 1960s and early 1970s . '' Entertainment Weekly 's Lisa Schwarzbaum wrote that Just Go With It `` is saved from utter disaster , though , by Jennifer Aniston '' who has `` expert comic timing '' and `` plays like a grown - up . '' Accolades ( edit ) List of awards and nominations Award Date of ceremony Recipients Result Ref Golden Raspberry Awards April 1 , 2012 Worst Actor Adam Sandler ( also for Jack and Jill ) Won Worst Supporting Actor Nick Swardson ( also for Jack and Jill ) Nominated Worst Supporting Actress Nicole Kidman Nominated Worst Screen Couple Adam Sandler and either Jennifer Aniston or Brooklyn Decker Nominated Worst Director Dennis Dugan ( also for Jack and Jill ) Won Teen Choice Awards August 7 , 2011 Choice Movie : Romantic Comedy Just Go with It Nominated Choice Movie Actor : Romantic Comedy Adam Sandler Nominated Choice Movie Actress : Romantic Comedy Jennifer Aniston Nominated Choice Movie Breakout : Female Brooklyn Decker Won Choice Movie : Chemistry Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston Won Home Media ( edit ) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment released Just Go with It on DVD and Blu - ray disc on June 7 , 2011 . It has so far grossed $14,535,543 in North America DVD sales . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Horn , John ( February 10 , 2011 ) . `` Word of Mouth : ' Just Go With It ' plays the demographics '' . LA Times . Retrieved February 12 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Just Go With It ( 2011 ) '' . The Numbers . Retrieved 2011 - 06 - 19 . Jump up ^ Borys Kit ( 2009 - 12 - 08 ) . `` Sandler , Aniston playing ' Pretend ' '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Nielsen Business Media . Retrieved 2010 - 02 - 07 . Jump up ^ `` Grand Wailea in Maui : The Setting for `` Just Go With It '' `` . . Archived from the original on 2012 - 05 - 24 . Retrieved 2011 - 06 - 19 . Jump up ^ `` Just Go with It '' . . IMDB . Retrieved July 30 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Just Go with It Weekend Grosses '' . . IMDB . Retrieved July 30 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Just Go with It Foreign Totals '' . . IMDB . Retrieved July 30 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Just Go with It - Rotten Tomatoes '' . Retrieved 19 April 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Just Go with It Reviews , Ratings , Credits '' . Metacritic . Retrieved 2011 - 02 - 16 . Jump up ^ `` Ten worst films of 2011 '' . The Telegraph . London . December 15 , 2011 . Retrieved December 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Orr , Christopher ( 11 February 2011 ) . `` ' Just Go With It ' : A Sad Union of the Saccharine and Scatological '' . The Atlantic . Retrieved 15 April 2012 . Jump up ^ Schwarzbaum , Lisa ( 11 February 2011 ) . `` Movie Review : Just Go With It '' . Entertainment Weekly . Jump up ^ `` Blake Lively Wins Choice TV Drama Actress The Teen Choice Awards ! Here Are More Winners ! '' . Hollywood Life . August 7 , 2011 . Retrieved June 19 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Just Go With It - DVD Sales '' . The Numbers . Retrieved 2012 - 03 - 01 . External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : Just Go With It Official website Just Go with It on IMDb Just Go with It at AllMovie Just Go with It at Rotten Tomatoes Just Go with It at Metacritic Just Go with It at Box Office Mojo Films directed by Dennis Dugan Problem Child ( 1990 ) Brain Donors ( 1992 ) The Shaggy Dog ( 1994 ) Happy Gilmore ( 1996 ) Beverly Hills Ninja ( 1997 ) Big Daddy ( 1999 ) Saving Silverman ( 2001 ) National Security ( 2003 ) The Benchwarmers ( 2006 ) I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry ( 2007 ) You Do n't Mess with the Zohan ( 2008 ) Grown Ups ( 2010 ) Just Go with It ( 2011 ) Jack and Jill ( 2011 ) Grown Ups 2 ( 2013 ) Happy Madison Productions Films Deuce Bigalow : Male Gigolo ( 1999 ) Little Nicky ( 2000 ) The Animal ( 2001 ) Joe Dirt ( 2001 ) Mr. Deeds ( 2002 ) The Master of Disguise ( 2002 ) Eight Crazy Nights ( 2002 ) The Hot Chick ( 2002 ) Anger Management ( 2003 ) Dickie Roberts : Former Child Star ( 2003 ) 50 First Dates ( 2004 ) The Longest Yard ( 2005 ) Deuce Bigalow : European Gigolo ( 2005 ) Grandma 's Boy ( 2006 ) The Benchwarmers ( 2006 ) Click ( 2006 ) I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry ( 2007 ) Reign Over Me ( 2007 ) Strange Wilderness ( 2008 ) The House Bunny ( 2008 ) You Do n't Mess with the Zohan ( 2008 ) Bedtime Stories ( 2008 ) Paul Blart : Mall Cop ( 2009 ) The Shortcut ( 2009 ) Funny People ( 2009 ) Grown Ups ( 2010 ) Just Go with It ( 2011 ) Zookeeper ( 2011 ) Bucky Larson : Born to Be a Star ( 2011 ) Jack and Jill ( 2011 ) That 's My Boy ( 2012 ) Here Comes the Boom ( 2012 ) Grown Ups 2 ( 2013 ) Blended ( 2014 ) Paul Blart : Mall Cop 2 ( 2015 ) Pixels ( 2015 ) Joe Dirt 2 : Beautiful Loser ( 2015 ) The Ridiculous 6 ( 2015 ) The Do - Over ( 2016 ) Sandy Wexler ( 2017 ) The Week Of ( 2018 ) Television series Rules of Engagement ( 2007 -- 13 ) The Gong Show with Dave Attell ( 2008 ) Nick Swardson 's Pretend Time ( 2010 -- 11 ) Breaking In ( 2011 -- 12 ) The Goldbergs ( 2013 -- present ) Imaginary Mary ( 2017 ) Key people Adam Sandler Allen Covert Jack Giarraputo Tim Herlihy Heather Parry Sony Pictures Entertainment Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2011 films English - language films 2010s romantic comedy films American film remakes American films American romantic comedy films Columbia Pictures films Films scored by Rupert Gregson - Williams Films about families Films about vacationing Films based on adaptations Films directed by Dennis Dugan Films produced by Adam Sandler Films set in 1988 Films set in 2011 Films set in California Films set in Hawaii Films set in Los Angeles Films set in Long Island Happy Madison films Hidden categories : Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention from September 2015 All Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from December 2010 Articles with unsourced statements from July 2018 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Български Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Español فارسی Français Հայերեն Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Latviešu Lietuvių Magyar Nederlands 日本 語 Polski Português Русский Scots Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 20 more Edit links This page was last edited on 1 October 2018 , at 21 : 53 ( UTC ) . 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who does danny end up with in just go with it
The next day , Palmer confronts Katherine about Danny 's feelings for her , which Katherine dismisses . Katherine then runs into Devlin at a bar and admits that she pretended to be married to Danny to avoid embarrassment . Devlin confesses that she is divorcing Ian because he is gay and also that he did not invent the iPod , but made his money by suing the Los Angeles Dodgers after getting hit by a foul ball . Katherine confides in Devlin about being in love with Danny , but then Danny shows up behind her , saying that he is not marrying Palmer and that he is in love with Katherine . Meanwhile , on the plane ride back to the mainland , Palmer meets a professional tennis player ( Andy Roddick ) who shares her interests . Sometime later , Danny and Katherine get married .
Head of the class - wikipedia Head of the class Jump to : navigation , search This article describes a work or element of fiction in a primarily in - universe style . Please help rewrite it to explain the fiction more clearly and provide non-fictional perspective . ( May 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Head of the Class Genre Sitcom Created by Michael Elias Rich Eustis Starring Howard Hesseman Billy Connolly Theme music composer Ed Alton Composer ( s ) Ed Alton Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 5 No. of episodes 114 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Michael Elias Rich Eustis Producer ( s ) Alan Rosen Frank Pace Larry Spencer Camera setup Multi-camera Running time 22 -- 24 minutes Production company ( s ) Eustis / Elias Productions Warner Bros. Television Distributor Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Release Original network ABC Original release September 17 , 1986 ( 1986 - 09 - 17 ) -- June 25 , 1991 ( 1991 - 06 - 25 ) Chronology Related shows Billy Head of the Class is an American sitcom that ran from 1986 to 1991 on the ABC television network . The series follows a group of gifted students in the Individualized Honors Program ( IHP ) at the fictional Monroe High School ( later Millard Fillmore High School ) in Manhattan , and their history teacher Charlie Moore ( Howard Hesseman ) . The program was ostensibly a vehicle for Hesseman , best known for his role as radio DJ Dr. Johnny Fever on the sitcom WKRP in Cincinnati ( 1978 -- 1982 ) . Hesseman left Head of the Class in 1990 and was replaced by Scottish personality Billy Connolly ( in his first major American production ) as teacher Billy MacGregor for the final season . After the series ended , Connolly appeared in a short - lived spin - off titled Billy . The series was created and executive produced by Rich Eustis and Michael Elias . Rich Eustis had previously worked as a New York City substitute teacher while hoping to become an actor . Contents ( hide ) 1 Characters 2 Cast 2.1 Regular characters 2.2 Recurring characters 3 Season synopses 3.1 Season one ( 1986 -- 1987 ) 3.2 Season two ( 1987 -- 1988 ) 3.3 Season three ( 1988 -- 1989 ) 3.3. 1 `` Mission to Moscow '' 3.4 Season four ( 1989 -- 1990 ) 3.5 Season five ( 1990 -- 1991 ) 4 Episodes 4.1 Broadcast history 5 Novel tie - in 6 Spin - off 7 Home video and syndication 8 International broadcasts 9 See also 10 References 11 External links Characters ( edit ) Head of the Class deals with an entire classroom of academically gifted high school students . The IHP students comprised a diverse range of personalities , ethnicities , and academic specialties . For the first three years of the show , the IHP class had ten students . Arvid Engen ( Dan Frischman ) was a skinny , bespectacled nerd , mathematics expert and budding scientist . Arvid 's best friend was the overweight , wisecracking cynic Dennis Blunden ( Dan Schneider ) , a computer whiz whose fields were chemistry and physics and who more often than not had a knack for getting the socially - inept Arvid involved in various schemes . Alan Pinkard ( Tony O'Dell ) was an ultra-conservative preppy and egotist ; his area of expertise was political science and he was a devout fan of Ronald Reagan . Alan competed for the highest grades in the class with Darlene Merriman ( Robin Givens ) , a spoiled rich girl who was probably even more self - centered than Alan , and whose specialties were speech and debate . Both Alan and Darlene held the ambition of being named class valedictorian . Sarah Nevins ( Kimberly Russell ) did not have any one particular area of expertise ; she was the most down - to - earth of the IHP class , and was once cited as having the lowest G.P.A. Maria Borges ( Leslie Bega ) was very passionate about getting A 's ( going as far as grounding herself in the pilot episode for getting a ' B ' ) , and Jawaharlal Choudhury ( Jory Husain aka Joher Coleman ) was an exchange student from India whose expertise was natural science . Eleven - year - old Janice Lazarotto ( Tannis Vallely ) , despite her young age , was in high school and the IHP class because of her advanced intellect . Arts student Simone Foster ( Khrystyne Haje ) was a quiet , sensitive redhead with a particular fondness for poetry . A notable development in the show was the relationship between Simone and Eric Mardian ( Brian Robbins ) , an aspiring writer and , outwardly , the most unlikely member of the IHP - Eric wore black leather , drove a motorcycle , acted tough and ostensibly disliked anything academic ( to Dr. Samuels 's delight , he was the only one in the class not on the academic team , although he would never leave the IHP ) . Eric constantly hit on Simone ( on whom he had a crush ) and the two eventually had an on - again - off - again romance . There was some turnover in the cast in seasons four and five . Janice left for Harvard , Maria went to Performing Arts High School , and Jawarhalal moved to California . New students included Aristotle McKenzie ( De'voreaux White ) , described by Dennis as `` this reject from Do the Right Thing '' for his dreadlocks , Vicky Amory ( Lara Piper ) , a new - ager interested in quantum physics and skin - revealing clothing , and Alex Torres ( Michael DeLorenzo ) , who had transferred from parochial school . T.J. Jones ( Rain Pryor ) and Jasper Kwan ( Jonathan Ke Quan ) , who had appeared as potential IHP members in earlier seasons , were eventually added to the program and the cast . Appearing as regulars throughout all five seasons were school staff members Dr. Harold Samuels ( William G. Schilling ) and Bernadette Meara ( Jeannetta Arnette ) . Dr. Samuels was the blustery , overweight principal of the school . His attitude towards the IHP students was one of ambivalence : on the one hand , Dr. Samuels distrusted the kids ( and had a particularly antagonistic relationship with Dennis , and tried to avoid Eric ) , but at the same time he was proud of their achievements and valued the prestige they brought to the school . He also distrusted the teaching methods of the class 's teacher , Charlie Moore ( Howard Hesseman ) , concerned that Charlie 's methods -- which often involved helping the IHP students branch out of their comfort zones and help them deal with the typical problems of kids their age , as well as using unorthodox methods of teaching the class subject at hand -- might distract them too much from their studies . Ms. Meara was the level - headed assistant principal . There was some romantic tension between her and Charlie , although this ultimately came to nothing , and later had a romantic ' friendship ' with Billy . In the series , the students often faced off against the rival Bronx High School of Science . Also , in every season , the IHP students produced the school musical . Musicals staged by the students included Grease , Little Shop of Horrors , and Hair . A number of someday - famous actors made appearances on the show , including Brad Pitt . Cast ( edit ) Regular characters ( edit ) Charles P. `` Charlie '' Moore -- Howard Hesseman ( 1986 -- 1990 ; Seasons 1 -- 4 ) Billy MacGregor -- Billy Connolly ( 1990 -- 1991 ; Season 5 ) Harold Samuels -- William G. Schilling ( 1986 -- 1991 , Seasons 1 -- 5 ) Bernadette Meara -- Jeannetta Arnette ( 1986 -- 1991 , Seasons 1 -- 5 ) Maria Borges -- Leslie Bega ( 1986 -- 1989 ; Seasons 1 -- 3 ) Arvid Engen -- Dan Frischman ( 1986 -- 1991 , Seasons 1 -- 5 ) Darlene Merriman -- Robin Givens ( 1986 -- 1991 , Seasons 1 -- 5 ) Simone Foster -- Khrystyne Haje ( 1986 -- 1991 , Seasons 1 -- 5 ) Jawaharlal Choudhury -- Jory Husain ( aka Joher Coleman ) ( 1986 -- 1989 ; Seasons 1 -- 3 ) Alan Pinkard -- Tony O'Dell ( 1986 -- 1991 , Seasons 1 -- 5 ) Eric Mardian -- Brian Robbins ( 1986 -- 1991 , Seasons 1 -- 5 ) Sarah Nevins -- Kimberly Russell ( 1986 -- 1991 , Seasons 1 -- 5 ) Dennis Blunden - Dan Schneider ( 1986 -- 1991 , Seasons 1 -- 5 ) Janice Lazarotto -- Tannis Vallely ( 1986 -- 1989 ; Seasons 1 -- 3 , guest in Season 5 ) Alex Torres -- Michael DeLorenzo ( 1989 -- 1991 ; Seasons 4 -- 5 ) Viki Amory -- Lara Piper ( 1989 -- 1991 ; Seasons 4 -- 5 ) Theola June `` T.J. '' Jones -- Rain Pryor ( 1988 -- 1991 ; Seasons 3 -- 5 ) Jasper Kwong -- Jonathan Ke Quan ( 1990 -- 1991 ; Season 5 ) Aristotle McKenzie -- De'voreaux White ( 1989 -- 1991 ; Seasons 4 -- 5 ) Recurring characters ( edit ) Lori Applebaum -- Marcia Christie Jeremy Irizarry -- Joshua Duty Dr. Enric Engen -- Bruce Gray Madeline Mardian -- Patricia McCormack Season synopses ( edit ) Season one ( 1986 -- 1987 ) ( edit ) Out - of - work actor Charlie Moore began the first season as a substitute teacher , but warmed to the IHP class immediately , making it his mission to get them to think rather than merely to know . Although they are gifted academically , the IHP students had plenty of problems in their personal lives , and Mr. Moore not only is there to listen , he shows an unswerving ability to get the students to solve their own problems while making it seem like they came up with the answers on their own . By Episode 6 ( `` Teacher 's Teacher '' ) , the class 's original teacher Mr. Thomas ( Roscoe Lee Browne ) had returned to Monroe High , announcing his return to the IHP class once Mr. Moore 's tenure ended . After observing Mr. Moore 's unorthodox teaching methods for most of the episode ( much to Charlie 's chagrin , as it also made apparent how much he would miss the IHP students ) , Mr. Thomas ultimately decides to retire from teaching , allowing Mr. Moore to become their full - time teacher . Throughout the first season , Mr. Moore attempted to get the class involved in more than just their studies , encouraging them to play volleyball and make a music video for the school 's time capsule ( this marks the first foray into the fondness of Head of the Class for musical production numbers ) . At the same time , the class brought Mr. Moore into the present , acclimating him to the importance of personal computers . Near the end of the season , the IHP faces their Russian counterparts in an academic tournament , foreshadowing their famous trip to Moscow in season three . Season two ( 1987 -- 1988 ) ( edit ) Season two began involving the IHP in the school as a whole , with Mr. Moore involving the class in the school literary journal and encouraging a lampoon of the school newspaper . Season three ( 1988 -- 1989 ) ( edit ) `` Mission to Moscow '' ( edit ) In 1988 , Head of the Class broke new ground as it became the first American sitcom to be filmed in the Soviet Union and was entirely filmed in Moscow . The IHP is invited to come to the country for a rematch of the academic meet that happened in season one , which ended in a tie . The class has a lot of experiences while in Moscow : Dennis and Arvid take an interest in two beautiful women , until they realize they might be KGB spies ; Eric meets up with his relatives in what is a very positive experience for him ; capitalist Alan has an argument with a die - hard socialist in a store ( who is also on the opposing Russian academic team ) ; Sarah and Darlene decide to record the sights and sounds of Moscow ; Simone goes to put flowers on a poet 's grave and meets up with a charming Russian musician ; Dr. Samuels believes that his hotel room is bugged , but ends up making a fool of himself ; and Charlie has a brief romance with a schoolteacher . The IHP eventually wins the meet and the respect of the Russian team . The episode concludes with both teams attending a concert in Gorky Park swaying to the song `` Far Away Lands '' ( written and performed by American David Pomeranz and Russian rock star Sasha Malinin ) . Season four ( 1989 -- 1990 ) ( edit ) The fourth season saw some significant changes to the cast of characters -- Maria , Jawaharlal and Janice left ( Maria went to a performing arts school , Jawarhalal moved to California , and Janice went to college ) . Several new characters took their place : Alex Torres ( Michael DeLorenzo ) was a Hispanic athletics student , somewhat stereotypically portrayed as having an eye for the ladies . Although Alex seemed attracted to Darlene particularly , both he and Eric competed for the affections of another new IHP student , the blonde hippie Viki Amory ( Lara Piper ) . Another new character was aspiring filmmaker Aristotle McKenzie ( De'voreaux White ) . T.J. Jones ( Rain Pryor ) , a recurring character since the third season , joined the IHP in the fourth season ( a remedial student with a streetwise attitude , T.J. was found to be smart enough to join the IHP ) . The students ' final year of high school was split over seasons four and five . Howard Hesseman left the show after the fourth season . Season five ( 1990 -- 1991 ) ( edit ) In the first episode of season five , Scottish teacher Billy MacGregor ( Billy Connolly ) arrived to replace the departed Charlie Moore ( in the first episode of the season , it is explained to the dismayed IHP students that Mr. Moore 's acting career finally took off ) . Despite initial uncertainty and some hostility from the students , Billy proved to be a successful replacement for Charlie . He insisted that the students refer to him by his first name , and although he was more rousing and less laid - back than his predecessor , he proved to be just as wise and caring ( Billy also had a habit of boisterously greeting his class every morning with the phrase , `` good morning , geniuses '' , and facetiously barking to his students to , `` get out of here '' , when the bell rang at the end of the class . He also taught his class in a manner more akin to a stand - up comedian than a teacher ) . Many episodes from this season focused on Billy having to adapt to living in America , and his attempts to romance Ms. Meara . Other aspects of Billy were his dislike of an outdated French textbook , which actually prompted one student to take a spur - of - the - moment jaunt to Paris , and his encouragement to the male students that the best way to get girls was to be themselves . Also , the character of Jasper Quong ( Jonathan Ke Quan ) was added to the IHP class . The season ( and the program itself ) concluded with the IHP students graduating from high school . Janice Lazarotto ( from seasons one -- three ) returned for a guest appearance in the finale , in which T.J. is named class valedictorian and the school is closed down and demolished . Episodes ( edit ) Main article : List of Head of the Class episodes Season Episodes Originally aired Nielsen ratings First aired Last aired Rank Rating 22 September 17 , 1986 ( 1986 - 09 - 17 ) May 6 , 1987 ( 1987 - 05 - 06 ) 30 16.4 22 September 23 , 1987 ( 1987 - 09 - 23 ) May 11 , 1988 ( 1988 - 05 - 11 ) 23 16.7 ( Tied with The NBC Sunday Night Movie ) 22 October 19 , 1988 ( 1988 - 10 - 19 ) May 10 , 1989 ( 1989 - 05 - 10 ) 20 17.1 26 September 27 , 1989 ( 1989 - 09 - 27 ) May 2 , 1990 ( 1990 - 05 - 02 ) 26 14.8 5 22 September 11 , 1990 ( 1990 - 09 - 11 ) June 25 , 1991 ( 1991 - 06 - 25 ) 26 14.5 Broadcast history ( edit ) Schedule Time slot ( ET ) 1986 -- 87 Wednesday at 8 : 30 PM 1987 -- 88 1988 -- 89 Wednesday at 8 : 30 PM ( Episodes 1 - 3 , 5 - 22 ) Wednesday at 9 : 00 PM ( Episode 4 ) 1989 -- 90 Wednesday at 8 : 30 PM 1990 -- 91 Tuesday at 8 : 30 PM Novel tie - in ( edit ) One major novelization was released , with the plotlines based on six episodes of the show . The book makes all the chapters flow together as one story , even though they did n't happen one right after the other on the show . It was written by Susan Beth Pfeffer and released in December 1989 by Bantam Books . The book is 120 pages long , with six chapters , each based on a different episode . Chapter 1 -- `` First Day '' , based on the 1986 episode `` First Day '' , written by Lisa Rosenthal ( otherwise known as the pilot ) Chapter 2 -- `` A Problem Like Maria '' is based on the 1986 episode `` A Problem Like Maria '' written by Cynthia Thompson Chapter 3 -- `` Crimes of the Heart '' is based on the 1987 episode `` Crimes of the Heart '' written by Valri Bromfield Chapter 4 -- `` Cello Fever '' is based on the 1987 episode `` Cello Fever '' written by show creators Rich Eustis and Michael Elias Chapter 5 -- `` Trouble in Perfectville '' is based on the 1987 episode `` Trouble in Perfectville '' written by George Beckerman Chapter 6 -- `` Parents Day '' is based on the 1987 episode `` Parents Day '' written by Ellis Bufton and Scott Glaze All copyrights belong to Warner Bros . The novelization erroneously credits `` First Day '' as having been made in 1988 rather than 1986 . Spin - off ( edit ) A year after Head of the Class left the air , Billy Connolly reprised the role of Billy MacGregor for a short - lived spin - off series , Billy . Home video and syndication ( edit ) Head of the Class has never been released on DVD . No official reason has been forthcoming from Warner Home Video , although the show had multiple musical episodes , and licensing music rights for home video is often a sticking point for many series , including WKRP in Cincinnati , which also featured Hesseman . The show also seems to appear infrequently in syndicated reruns , airing on local stations and then briefly on TBS during the 1990s , and on Nick at Nite in the early 2000s . Antenna TV began airing it in January 2018 . International broadcasts ( edit ) In Canada , the series was simulcast on the Global Television Network throughout its original run . In Australia , the series aired on the Nine Network . In the UK the show aired on BBC Two and in Ireland on RTÉ One . In Indonesia , it was aired by RCTI . In Italy the series arrived in 1989 and first season was aired by Telemontecarlo . Then it was aired by Italia 1 , from 1992 to 1993 . See also ( edit ) Welcome Back , Kotter ( 1975 ) References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : J. O'Connor , John ( November 2 , 1988 ) . `` Review / Television ; ' Head of the Class ' Goes to Moscow '' . The New York Times . Jump up ^ `` Head of the Class '' . The New York Times . Jump up ^ Mike Tyson : ' Brad Pitt had sex with my wife ' Jump up ^ Brooks , Tim ; Marsh , Earle ( 2007 ) . The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows 1946 - Present ( Ninth Edition ) . Ballantine Books . p. 1691 - 1962 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 345 - 49773 - 4 . Jump up ^ `` Head of the Class ( 1986 ) '' . TV Shows on Demand . Archived from the original on 2017 - 08 - 11 . Jump up ^ Humphrey , Amber ( May 30 , 2012 ) . `` 5 TV Shows That Are n't On DVD -- And Should Be '' . Film School Rejects . Jump up ^ Bylund , Anders ( December 29 , 2005 ) . `` How TV shows on DVD suffer from music licensing '' . ars TECHNICA . Jump up ^ VanDerWerff , Todd ( March 26 , 2015 ) . `` The weird legal reason many of your favorite shows are n't on DVD '' . Vox . Jump up ^ `` BBC - Comedy Guide - Head of the Class '' . . Archived from the original on April 8 , 2005 . Retrieved 2015 - 07 - 26 . External links ( edit ) Head of the Class on IMDb Head of the Class at Head of the Class at Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1986 American television series debuts 1991 American television series endings 1980s American sitcoms 1990s American sitcoms American Broadcasting Company network shows English - language television programs American high school television series Television series by Warner Bros. Television Television shows set in New York City Hidden categories : Articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction from May 2018 All articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from September 2013 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Español Français 한국어 Bahasa Indonesia Italiano Nederlands Português 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 27 May 2018 , at 06 : 22 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who played tj on head of the class
Charles P. `` Charlie '' Moore -- Howard Hesseman ( 1986 -- 1990 ; Seasons 1 -- 4 ) Billy MacGregor -- Billy Connolly ( 1990 -- 1991 ; Season 5 ) Harold Samuels -- William G. Schilling ( 1986 -- 1991 , Seasons 1 -- 5 ) Bernadette Meara -- Jeannetta Arnette ( 1986 -- 1991 , Seasons 1 -- 5 ) Maria Borges -- Leslie Bega ( 1986 -- 1989 ; Seasons 1 -- 3 ) Arvid Engen -- Dan Frischman ( 1986 -- 1991 , Seasons 1 -- 5 ) Darlene Merriman -- Robin Givens ( 1986 -- 1991 , Seasons 1 -- 5 ) Simone Foster -- Khrystyne Haje ( 1986 -- 1991 , Seasons 1 -- 5 ) Jawaharlal Choudhury -- Jory Husain ( aka Joher Coleman ) ( 1986 -- 1989 ; Seasons 1 -- 3 ) Alan Pinkard -- Tony O'Dell ( 1986 -- 1991 , Seasons 1 -- 5 ) Eric Mardian -- Brian Robbins ( 1986 -- 1991 , Seasons 1 -- 5 ) Sarah Nevins -- Kimberly Russell ( 1986 -- 1991 , Seasons 1 -- 5 ) Dennis Blunden - Dan Schneider ( 1986 -- 1991 , Seasons 1 -- 5 ) Janice Lazarotto -- Tannis Vallely ( 1986 -- 1989 ; Seasons 1 -- 3 , guest in Season 5 ) Alex Torres -- Michael DeLorenzo ( 1989 -- 1991 ; Seasons 4 -- 5 ) Viki Amory -- Lara Piper ( 1989 -- 1991 ; Seasons 4 -- 5 ) Theola June `` T.J. '' Jones -- Rain Pryor ( 1988 -- 1991 ; Seasons 3 -- 5 ) Jasper Kwong -- Jonathan Ke Quan ( 1990 -- 1991 ; Season 5 ) Aristotle McKenzie -- De'voreaux White ( 1989 -- 1991 ; Seasons 4 -- 5 )
Free trade Area of the Americas - Wikipedia Free trade Area of the Americas Jump to : navigation , search The Free Trade Area of the Americas logo The Free Trade Area of the Americas ( FTAA ; Spanish : Área de Libre Comercio de las Américas , ALCA ; French : Zone de libre - échange des Amériques , ZLÉA ; Portuguese : Área de Livre Comércio das Américas , ALCA ; Dutch : Vrijhandelszone van Amerika ) was a proposed agreement to eliminate or reduce the trade barriers among all countries in the Americas , excluding Cuba . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Beginning 1.2 Disagreements 1.3 Current status 2 Membership 3 Support and opposition 4 Agreements 4.1 Previous agreements 4.2 Current agreements 4.3 Proposed agreements 5 Security pacts 6 See also 7 References 8 External links History ( edit ) In the latest round of negotiations , trade ministers from 34 countries met in Miami , Florida , in the United States , in November 2003 to discuss the proposal . The proposed agreement was an extension of the North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) between Canada , Mexico , and the United States . Opposing the proposal were Cuba , Venezuela , Bolivia , Ecuador , Dominica , and Nicaragua ( all of which entered the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas in response ) , and Mercosur member states . Discussions have faltered over similar points as the Doha Development Round of World Trade Organization ( WTO ) talks ; developed nations seek expanded trade in services and increased intellectual property rights , while less developed nations seek an end to agricultural subsidies and free trade in agricultural goods . Similar to the WTO talks , Brazil has taken a leadership role among the less developed nations , while the United States has taken a similar role for the developed nations . Beginning ( edit ) Free Trade Area of the Americas began with the Summit of the Americas in Miami , Florida , on December 11 , 1994 , but the FTAA came to public attention during the Quebec City Summit of the Americas , held in Canada in 2001 , a meeting targeted by massive anti-corporatization and anti-globalization protests . The Miami negotiations in 2003 met similar protests , though perhaps not as large . Disagreements ( edit ) In previous negotiations , the United States had pushed for a single comprehensive agreement to reduce trade barriers for goods , while increasing intellectual property protection . Specific intellectual property protections could include Digital Millennium Copyright Act - style copyright protections similar to the U.S. - Australia Free Trade Agreement . Another protection would likely restrict the reimportation or cross-importation of pharmaceuticals , similar to the proposed agreement between the United States and Canada . Brazil proposed a three - track approach that calls for a series of bilateral agreements to reduce specific tariffs on goods , a hemispheric pact on rules of origin , and a dispute resolution process ; Brazil proposed to omit the more controversial issues from the FTAA , leaving them to the WTO . The location of the FTAA Secretariat was to have been determined in 2005 . The contending cities are : Atlanta , Chicago , Galveston , Houston , San Juan , and Miami in the United States ; Cancún and Puebla in Mexico ; Panama City , Panama ; and Port of Spain , Trinidad and Tobago . The U.S. city of Colorado Springs also submitted its candidacy in the early days but subsequently withdrew . Miami , Panama City and Puebla served successively as interim secretariat headquarters during the negotiation process . The last summit was held at Mar del Plata , Argentina , in November 2005 , but no agreement on FTAA was reached . Of the 34 countries present at the negotiations , 26 pledged to meet again in 2006 to resume negotiations , but no such meeting took place . The failure of the Mar del Plata summit to establish a comprehensive FTAA agenda augured poorly . Current status ( edit ) This article needs to be updated . Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information . ( July 2016 ) The FTAA missed the targeted deadline of 2005 , which followed the stalling of useful negotiations of the World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference of 2005 . Over the next few years , some governments , most notably the United States , not wanting to lose any chance of hemispheric trade expansion moved in the direction of establishing a series of bilateral trade deals . The leaders however , planned further discussions at the Sixth Summit of the Americas in Cartagena , Colombia , in 2012 . Membership ( edit ) The following countries are in the plans of the Free Trade Area of the Americas : Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Bahamas Barbados Belize Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rica Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Grenada Guatemala Guyana Haiti Honduras Jamaica Mexico Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Suriname Trinidad and Tobago United States Uruguay Venezuela Support and opposition ( edit ) A vocal critic of the FTAA was Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez , who has described it as an `` annexation plan '' and a `` tool of imperialism '' for the exploitation of Latin America . As a counterproposal to this initiative , Chávez promoted the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas ( Alianza Bolivariana para las Américas , ALBA ) , based mostly on the model of the Eurasian Economic Community , which emphasizes energy and infrastructure agreements that are gradually extended to other areas finally to include the total economic , political and military integration of the member states . Evo Morales of Bolivia has referred to the U.S. - backed Free Trade Area of the Americas , as `` an agreement to legalize the colonization of the Americas '' . On the other hand , the then presidents of Brazil , Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva , and Argentina , Néstor Kirchner , have stated that they do not oppose the FTAA but they do demand that the agreement provide for the elimination of U.S. agriculture subsidies , the provision of effective access to foreign markets and further consideration towards the needs and sensibilities of its members . One of the most contentious issues of the treaty proposed by the United States is with concerns to patents and copyrights . Critics claim that if the measures proposed by the United States were implemented and applied this would reduce scientific research in Latin America . On the left - wing Council of Canadians web site , Barlow wrote : `` This agreement sets enforceable global rules on patents , copyrights and trademark . It has gone far beyond its initial scope of protecting original inventions or cultural products and now permits the practice of patenting plants and animal forms as well as seeds . It promotes the private rights of corporations over local communities and their genetic heritage and traditional medicines '' . On the weekend of April 20 , 2001 , the 3rd Summit of the Americas was a summit held in Quebec City , Canada . This international meeting was a round of negotiations regarding a proposed FTAA . Agreements ( edit ) There are currently 34 countries in the Western Hemisphere , stretching from Canada to Chile that still have the FTAA as a long term goal . The Implementation of a full multilateral FTAA between all parties could be made possible by enlargement of existing agreements . North America , with the exception of Cuba and Haiti ( which has participated in economic integration with the Caricom since 2002 ) has come close to setting up a subcontinental free trade area . At this point Agreements within the Area of the Americas include : Previous agreements ( edit ) Canada : Canada -- United States Free Trade Agreement ( 1988 ; superseded by the NAFTA ) Costa Rica - Dominican Republic ( superseded by DR - CAFTA ) Costa Rica - Trinidad and Tobago ( superseded by a Costa Rica - CARICOM FTA ) . Current agreements ( edit ) Canada , Mexico and United States : North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ; 1994 ) Costa Rica , El Salvador , Guatemala , Honduras , Nicaragua , Dominican Republic and United States : Dominican Republic -- Central America Free Trade Agreement ( DR - CAFTA ; 2008 ) Chile , Colombia , Mexico and Peru : Pacific Alliance ( 2012 ) Chile -- United States Free Trade Agreement ( 2004 ) Peru -- United States Trade Promotion Agreement ( 2007 ) United States -- Colombia Free Trade Agreement ( 2011 ) Panama -- United States Trade Promotion Agreement ( 2011 ) Bolivia - Mexico Canada - Chile Canada - Colombia Canada - Costa Rica Canada - Honduras Canada - Panama Canada - Peru Chile - Mexico Chile - Costa Rica Costa Rica - Mexico Costa Rica - CARICOM Mexico - Nicaragua Mexico - Uruguay Argentina , Brazil , Paraguay , Uruguay and Venezuela - Mercosur ( 1991 ) Bolivia , Colombia , Ecuador and Peru - Andean Community ( 1969 ) Proposed agreements ( edit ) Active negotiations Canada - CARICOM : Canada - Central America ( CA4TA - Guatemala , El Salvador , Nicaragua , Honduras ) Canada - Mexico - Peru - Chile ( among other Pacific nations ) : Trans - Pacific Partnership Negotiations on hold CARICOM - Mercosur : United States - Ecuador : U.S. - Ecuador Free Trade Agreement CARICOM - North American Free Trade Agreement , first discussed in 1993 -- 1994 Security pacts ( edit ) United States - Central America - Mexico ( Mérida Initiative ) United States - CARICOM - Dominican Republic ( Partnership for Prosperity and Security in the Caribbean See also ( edit ) Miami model Pacific Alliance Protection of Broadcasts and Broadcasting Organizations Treaty Transatlantic Free Trade Area ( TAFTA ) Community of Latin American and Caribbean States Union of South American Nations References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` ALCA - FTAA - ZLEA - Ministerial Declaration - Miami 2003 '' . . Retrieved 2013 - 08 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` ALCA - FTAA - ZLEA - Candidate Cities for the Permanent Site of the FTAA Secretariat '' . . Retrieved 2013 - 08 - 15 . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Jump up ^ ( 2 ) Jump up ^ `` About AFSC American Friends Service Committee '' . . Retrieved 2013 - 08 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` ALCA - FTAA - ZLEA - Links to FTAA Countries '' . . Retrieved 2013 - 08 - 15 . ^ Jump up to : `` Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America ( ALBA ) '' . . Retrieved 2013 - 08 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` An Interview with Evo Morales ( 12 / 08 / 03 ) '' . 2005 - 10 - 16 . Retrieved 2013 - 08 - 15 . Jump up ^ Gill , Nathan . `` April 2008 '' . Southern Affairs . Retrieved 2013 - 08 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` Council of Canadians : Campaigns : Trade and Investment : Publications : The Free Trade Area of the Americas by Maude Barlow '' . . Retrieved 2013 - 08 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` Free Trade Area of Americas ( FTAA ) '' . 1997 - 05 - 16 . Retrieved 2013 - 08 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` Haiti '' . . Archived from the original on 2014 - 02 - 14 . Retrieved 2013 - 08 - 15 . Jump up ^ Maroday , Patricia ( 15 August 2014 ) . `` Infographic : The Ultimate Map Of Tax Free Zones In Latin America '' . Mercatrade . Archived from the original on 20 December 2014 . Retrieved 15 January 2015 . Jump up ^ ( 3 ) Archived May 20 , 2011 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ ( 4 ) Archived May 20 , 2011 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ ( 5 ) Archived April 17 , 2011 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` Caricom And Nafta '' . . Retrieved 2015 - 09 - 20 . Jump up ^ `` Brazil : More Power to Quilombos '' . 2004 - 08 - 25 . Archived from the original on 2015 - 11 - 17 . Retrieved 2015 - 09 - 20 . Jump up ^ Goodman , Joshua ( 2008 - 12 - 15 ) . `` Bush Excluded by Latin Summit as China , Russia Loom ( Update1 ) '' . Bloomberg . Retrieved 2015 - 09 - 20 . Jump up ^ ( 6 ) Jump up ^ ( 7 ) Jump up ^ ( 8 ) External links ( edit ) This article 's use of external links may not follow Wikipedia 's policies or guidelines . Please improve this article by removing excessive or inappropriate external links , and converting useful links where appropriate into footnote references . ( September 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The Free Trade Area of the Americas ( FTAA ) process - official home page Comparing the official agreement and alternative visions The Rise of the New Global Elite - Statements of the former five - term Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan Plutonomy and Democracy does not mix - YOUTUBE video by Bill Moyers Chilean and Foreign Policy Chilean and Foreign Policy Hemisphere Summit Marred by Violent Anti-Bush Protests by Larry Rohter , The New York Times , November 5 , 2005 FTAA Delayed , Not Over . By Eric Farnsworth , Council of the Americas , December 2005 Whither the FTAA ? ( November 10 , 2005 ) , Guyana Chronicle Newspaper Canada , Chile thwart U.S. -- Brazilian plan , The Washington Times ( AP ) Myths of the FTAA , Institute for Food and Development Policy Why say no to FTAA , The Free Trade Area of the Americas and the Threat to Social Programs , Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice in Canada and the Americas ( hide ) United States free - trade agreements Existing Bilateral Australia Bahrain Chile Colombia Israel Jordan Morocco Oman Panama Peru Singapore South Korea Multilateral Dominican Republic -- Central America Free Trade Agreement ( DR - CAFTA ) North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) Proposed Bilateral Ecuador Ghana Indonesia Kenya Kuwait Malaysia Mauritius Mozambique New Zealand Taiwan United Arab Emirates Uruguay Multilateral Free Trade Area of the Americas ( FTAA ) Middle East Free Trade Area ( MEFTA ) Transatlantic Free Trade Area ( TAFTA ) Trade in Services Agreement ( TISA ) Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership ( TTIP ) Suspended Southern African Customs Union ( on hold since 2006 ) Thailand ( on hold after 2006 coup ) Qatar ( on hold since 2006 ) Defunct or expired Canada ( became part of North American Free Trade Agreement ) Canada -- United States Automotive Products Agreement Trans - Pacific Partnership ( TPP ) Pan-Americanism History Spanish American wars of independence Latin American wars of independence Latin American integration North American integration Patria Grande Simón Bolívar José de San Martín Lucas Alamán Inter-American Commission of Women Organizations Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization ( ACTO ) Andean Community of Nations ( CAN ) Association of Caribbean States ( ACS ) Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas ( ALBA ) Caribbean Community ( CARICOM ) Central American Integration System ( SICA ) Community of Latin American and Caribbean States ( CELAC ) Contadora group Contadora support group Latin American Economic System ( SELA ) Latin American Integration Association ( ALADI ) Mercosur Organization of American States ( OAS ) Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States ( OECS ) Organization of Ibero - American States ( OEI ) Pacific Alliance Petrocaribe Rio Group Union of South American Nations ( Unasur ) United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean ( ECLAC , CEPAL ) Projects Andean passport CARICOM passport CARICOM Single Market and Economy CARIPASS Central America - 4 Border Control Agreement Central America - 4 passport Eastern Caribbean Currency Union Initiative for the Integration of the Regional Infrastructure of South America ( IIRSA ) Interoceanic Highway SUCRE Institutions Andean Parliament CAF -- Development Bank of Latin America Bank of the South ( BancoSur ) Caribbean Court of Justice Caribbean Development Bank Inter-American Development Bank ( IDB ) Latin American Parliament Mercosur Parliament South American Parliament Free trade areas Caribbean Free Trade Association ( CARIFTA ) CARIFORUM Dominican Republic -- Central America Free Trade Agreement ( CAFTA - DR ) Economic Partnership Agreements Free Trade Area of the Americas G3 Free Trade Agreement North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) GND : 5288546 - X Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Free trade agreements of the United States Foreign relations of Argentina Politics of the Americas Trade blocs United States federal trade legislation Proposed free trade agreements Free trade areas Foreign trade of Argentina Hidden categories : All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from August 2013 Webarchive template wayback links Articles with dead external links from September 2015 Articles containing Spanish - language text Articles containing French - language text Articles containing Portuguese - language text Articles containing Dutch - language text Wikipedia articles in need of updating from July 2016 All Wikipedia articles in need of updating Wikipedia articles in need of updating from February 2017 Wikipedia external links cleanup from September 2015 Wikipedia spam cleanup from September 2015 Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Català Čeština Deutsch Español Esperanto Euskara Français 한국어 Italiano Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Suomi Svenska 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 11 September 2017 , at 12 : 52 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
what is free trade area of the americas
The Free Trade Area of the Americas ( FTAA ; Spanish : Área de Libre Comercio de las Américas , ALCA ; French : Zone de libre - échange des Amériques , ZLÉA ; Portuguese : Área de Livre Comércio das Américas , ALCA ; Dutch : Vrijhandelszone van Amerika ) was a proposed agreement to eliminate or reduce the trade barriers among all countries in the Americas , excluding Cuba .
Atomic theory - wikipedia Atomic theory Jump to : navigation , search `` Atomic model '' redirects here . For the unrelated term in mathematical logic , see Atomic model ( mathematical logic ) . This article is about the historical models of the atom . For a history of the study of how atoms combine to form molecules , see History of molecular theory . The current theoretical model of the atom involves a dense nucleus surrounded by a probabilistic `` cloud '' of electrons In chemistry and physics , atomic theory is a scientific theory of the nature of matter , which states that matter is composed of discrete units called atoms . It began as a philosophical concept in ancient Greece and entered the scientific mainstream in the early 19th century when discoveries in the field of chemistry showed that matter did indeed behave as if it were made up of atoms . The word atom comes from the Ancient Greek adjective atomos , meaning `` indivisible '' . 19th century chemists began using the term in connection with the growing number of irreducible chemical elements . While seemingly apropos , around the turn of the 20th century , through various experiments with electromagnetism and radioactivity , physicists discovered that the so - called `` uncuttable atom '' was actually a conglomerate of various subatomic particles ( chiefly , electrons , protons and neutrons ) which can exist separately from each other . In fact , in certain extreme environments , such as neutron stars , extreme temperature and pressure prevents atoms from existing at all . Since atoms were found to be divisible , physicists later invented the term `` elementary particles '' to describe the `` uncuttable '' , though not indestructible , parts of an atom . The field of science which studies subatomic particles is particle physics , and it is in this field that physicists hope to discover the true fundamental nature of matter . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Philosophical atomism 1.2 John Dalton 1.3 Avogadro 1.4 Brownian Motion 1.5 Discovery of subatomic particles 1.6 Discovery of the nucleus 1.7 First steps toward a quantum physical model of the atom 1.8 Discovery of isotopes 1.9 Discovery of nuclear particles 1.10 Quantum physical models of the atom 2 See also 3 Notes 4 Further reading 5 External links History Philosophical atomism Main article : Atomism The idea that matter is made up of discrete units is a very old one , appearing in many ancient cultures such as Greece and India . The word `` atom '' was coined by the ancient Greek philosophers Leucippus and his pupil Democritus . However , these ideas were founded in philosophical and theological reasoning rather than evidence and experimentation . Because of this , they could not convince everybody , so atomism was but one of a number of competing theories on the nature of matter . It was not until the 19th century that the idea was embraced and refined by scientists , as the blossoming science of chemistry produced discoveries that could easily be explained using the concept of atoms . John Dalton Near the end of the 18th century , two laws about chemical reactions emerged without referring to the notion of an atomic theory . The first was the law of conservation of mass , formulated by Antoine Lavoisier in 1789 , which states that the total mass in a chemical reaction remains constant ( that is , the reactants have the same mass as the products ) . The second was the law of definite proportions . First proven by the French chemist Joseph Louis Proust in 1799 , this law states that if a compound is broken down into its constituent elements , then the masses of the constituents will always have the same proportions , regardless of the quantity or source of the original substance . John Dalton studied and expanded upon this previous work and developed the law of multiple proportions : if two elements can be combined to form a number of possible compounds , then the ratios of the masses of the second element which combine with a fixed mass of the first element will be ratios of small whole numbers . For example : Proust had studied tin oxides and found that their masses were either 88.1 % tin and 11.9 % oxygen or 78.7 % tin and 21.3 % oxygen ( these were tin ( II ) oxide and tin dioxide respectively ) . Dalton noted from these percentages that 100g of tin will combine either with 13.5 g or 27g of oxygen ; 13.5 and 27 form a ratio of 1 : 2 . Dalton found that an atomic theory of matter could elegantly explain this common pattern in chemistry . In the case of Proust 's tin oxides , one tin atom will combine with either one or two oxygen atoms . Dalton believed atomic theory could explain why water absorbed different gases in different proportions - for example , he found that water absorbed carbon dioxide far better than it absorbed nitrogen . Dalton hypothesized this was due to the differences in mass and complexity of the gases ' respective particles . Indeed , carbon dioxide molecules ( CO ) are heavier and larger than nitrogen molecules ( N ) . Dalton proposed that each chemical element is composed of atoms of a single , unique type , and though they can not be altered or destroyed by chemical means , they can combine to form more complex structures ( chemical compounds ) . This marked the first truly scientific theory of the atom , since Dalton reached his conclusions by experimentation and examination of the results in an empirical fashion . Various atoms and molecules as depicted in John Dalton 's A New System of Chemical Philosophy ( 1808 ) . In 1803 Dalton orally presented his first list of relative atomic weights for a number of substances . This paper was published in 1805 , but he did not discuss there exactly how he obtained these figures . The method was first revealed in 1807 by his acquaintance Thomas Thomson , in the third edition of Thomson 's textbook , A System of Chemistry . Finally , Dalton published a full account in his own textbook , A New System of Chemical Philosophy , 1808 and 1810 . Dalton estimated the atomic weights according to the mass ratios in which they combined , with the hydrogen atom taken as unity . However , Dalton did not conceive that with some elements atoms exist in molecules -- e.g. pure oxygen exists as O. He also mistakenly believed that the simplest compound between any two elements is always one atom of each ( so he thought water was HO , not H O ) . This , in addition to the crudity of his equipment , flawed his results . For instance , in 1803 he believed that oxygen atoms were 5.5 times heavier than hydrogen atoms , because in water he measured 5.5 grams of oxygen for every 1 gram of hydrogen and believed the formula for water was HO . Adopting better data , in 1806 he concluded that the atomic weight of oxygen must actually be 7 rather than 5.5 , and he retained this weight for the rest of his life . Others at this time had already concluded that the oxygen atom must weigh 8 relative to hydrogen equals 1 , if one assumes Dalton 's formula for the water molecule ( HO ) , or 16 if one assumes the modern water formula ( H O ) . Avogadro The flaw in Dalton 's theory was corrected in principle in 1811 by Amedeo Avogadro . Avogadro had proposed that equal volumes of any two gases , at equal temperature and pressure , contain equal numbers of molecules ( in other words , the mass of a gas 's particles does not affect the volume that it occupies ) . Avogadro 's law allowed him to deduce the diatomic nature of numerous gases by studying the volumes at which they reacted . For instance : since two liters of hydrogen will react with just one liter of oxygen to produce two liters of water vapor ( at constant pressure and temperature ) , it meant a single oxygen molecule splits in two in order to form two particles of water . Thus , Avogadro was able to offer more accurate estimates of the atomic mass of oxygen and various other elements , and made a clear distinction between molecules and atoms . Brownian motion In 1827 , the British botanist Robert Brown observed that dust particles inside pollen grains floating in water constantly jiggled about for no apparent reason . In 1905 , Albert Einstein theorized that this Brownian motion was caused by the water molecules continuously knocking the grains about , and developed a hypothetical mathematical model to describe it . This model was validated experimentally in 1908 by French physicist Jean Perrin , thus providing additional validation for particle theory ( and by extension atomic theory ) . Discovery of subatomic particles Main articles : Electron and Plum pudding model The cathode rays ( blue ) were emitted from the cathode , sharpened to a beam by the slits , then deflected as they passed between the two electrified plates . Atoms were thought to be the smallest possible division of matter until 1897 when J.J. Thomson discovered the electron through his work on cathode rays . A Crookes tube is a sealed glass container in which two electrodes are separated by a vacuum . When a voltage is applied across the electrodes , cathode rays are generated , creating a glowing patch where they strike the glass at the opposite end of the tube . Through experimentation , Thomson discovered that the rays could be deflected by an electric field ( in addition to magnetic fields , which was already known ) . He concluded that these rays , rather than being a form of light , were composed of very light negatively charged particles he called `` corpuscles '' ( they would later be renamed electrons by other scientists ) . He measured the mass - to - charge ratio and discovered it was 1800 times smaller than that of hydrogen , the smallest atom . These corpuscles were a particle unlike any other previously known . Thomson suggested that atoms were divisible , and that the corpuscles were their building blocks . To explain the overall neutral charge of the atom , he proposed that the corpuscles were distributed in a uniform sea of positive charge ; this was the plum pudding model as the electrons were embedded in the positive charge like plums in a plum pudding ( although in Thomson 's model they were not stationary ) . Discovery of the nucleus Main article : Rutherford model The Geiger - Marsden experiment Left : Expected results : alpha particles passing through the plum pudding model of the atom with negligible deflection . Right : Observed results : a small portion of the particles were deflected by the concentrated positive charge of the nucleus . Thomson 's plum pudding model was disproved in 1909 by one of his former students , Ernest Rutherford , who discovered that most of the mass and positive charge of an atom is concentrated in a very small fraction of its volume , which he assumed to be at the very center . In the Geiger -- Marsden experiment , Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden ( colleagues of Rutherford working at his behest ) shot alpha particles at thin sheets of metal and measured their deflection through the use of a fluorescent screen . Given the very small mass of the electrons , the high momentum of the alpha particles , and the low concentration of the positive charge of the plum pudding model , the experimenters expected all the alpha particles to pass through the metal foil without significant deflection . To their astonishment , a small fraction of the alpha particles experienced heavy deflection . Rutherford concluded that the positive charge of the atom must be concentrated in a very tiny volume to produce an electric field sufficiently intense to deflect the alpha particles so strongly . This led Rutherford to propose a planetary model in which a cloud of electrons surrounded a small , compact nucleus of positive charge . Only such a concentration of charge could produce the electric field strong enough to cause the heavy deflection . First steps toward a quantum physical model of the atom Main article : Bohr model The planetary model of the atom had two significant shortcomings . The first is that , unlike planets orbiting a sun , electrons are charged particles . An accelerating electric charge is known to emit electromagnetic waves according to the Larmor formula in classical electromagnetism . An orbiting charge should steadily lose energy and spiral toward the nucleus , colliding with it in a small fraction of a second . The second problem was that the planetary model could not explain the highly peaked emission and absorption spectra of atoms that were observed . The Bohr model of the atom Quantum theory revolutionized physics at the beginning of the 20th century , when Max Planck and Albert Einstein postulated that light energy is emitted or absorbed in discrete amounts known as quanta ( singular , quantum ) . In 1913 , Niels Bohr incorporated this idea into his Bohr model of the atom , in which an electron could only orbit the nucleus in particular circular orbits with fixed angular momentum and energy , its distance from the nucleus ( i.e. , their radii ) being proportional to its energy . Under this model an electron could not spiral into the nucleus because it could not lose energy in a continuous manner ; instead , it could only make instantaneous `` quantum leaps '' between the fixed energy levels . When this occurred , light was emitted or absorbed at a frequency proportional to the change in energy ( hence the absorption and emission of light in discrete spectra ) . Bohr 's model was not perfect . It could only predict the spectral lines of hydrogen ; it could n't predict those of multielectron atoms . Worse still , as spectrographic technology improved , additional spectral lines in hydrogen were observed which Bohr 's model could n't explain . In 1916 , Arnold Sommerfeld added elliptical orbits to the Bohr model to explain the extra emission lines , but this made the model very difficult to use , and it still could n't explain more complex atoms . Discovery of isotopes Main article : Isotope While experimenting with the products of radioactive decay , in 1913 radiochemist Frederick Soddy discovered that there appeared to be more than one element at each position on the periodic table . The term isotope was coined by Margaret Todd as a suitable name for these elements . That same year , J.J. Thomson conducted an experiment in which he channeled a stream of neon ions through magnetic and electric fields , striking a photographic plate at the other end . He observed two glowing patches on the plate , which suggested two different deflection trajectories . Thomson concluded this was because some of the neon ions had a different mass . The nature of this differing mass would later be explained by the discovery of neutrons in 1932 . Discovery of nuclear particles Main articles : Atomic nucleus and Discovery of the neutron In 1917 Rutherford bombarded nitrogen gas with alpha particles and observed hydrogen nuclei being emitted from the gas ( Rutherford recognized these , because he had previously obtained them bombarding hydrogen with alpha particles , and observing hydrogen nuclei in the products ) . Rutherford concluded that the hydrogen nuclei emerged from the nuclei of the nitrogen atoms themselves ( in effect , he had split a nitrogen ) . From his own work and the work of his students Bohr and Henry Moseley , Rutherford knew that the positive charge of any atom could always be equated to that of an integer number of hydrogen nuclei . This , coupled with the atomic mass of many elements being roughly equivalent to an integer number of hydrogen atoms - then assumed to be the lightest particles - led him to conclude that hydrogen nuclei were singular particles and a basic constituent of all atomic nuclei . He named such particles protons . Further experimentation by Rutherford found that the nuclear mass of most atoms exceeded that of the protons it possessed ; he speculated that this surplus mass was composed of previously - unknown neutrally charged particles , which were tentatively dubbed `` neutrons '' . In 1928 , Walter Bothe observed that beryllium emitted a highly penetrating , electrically neutral radiation when bombarded with alpha particles . It was later discovered that this radiation could knock hydrogen atoms out of paraffin wax . Initially it was thought to be high - energy gamma radiation , since gamma radiation had a similar effect on electrons in metals , but James Chadwick found that the ionization effect was too strong for it to be due to electromagnetic radiation , so long as energy and momentum were conserved in the interaction . In 1932 , Chadwick exposed various elements , such as hydrogen and nitrogen , to the mysterious `` beryllium radiation '' , and by measuring the energies of the recoiling charged particles , he deduced that the radiation was actually composed of electrically neutral particles which could not be massless like the gamma ray , but instead were required to have a mass similar to that of a proton . Chadwick now claimed these particles as Rutherford 's neutrons . For his discovery of the neutron , Chadwick received the Nobel Prize in 1935 . Quantum physical models of the atom Main article : Atomic orbital The five filled atomic orbitals of a neon atom separated and arranged in order of increasing energy from left to right , with the last three orbitals being equal in energy . Each orbital holds up to two electrons , which most probably exist in the zones represented by the colored bubbles . Each electron is equally present in both orbital zones , shown here by color only to highlight the different wave phase . In 1924 , Louis de Broglie proposed that all moving particles -- particularly subatomic particles such as electrons -- exhibit a degree of wave - like behavior . Erwin Schrödinger , fascinated by this idea , explored whether or not the movement of an electron in an atom could be better explained as a wave rather than as a particle . Schrödinger 's equation , published in 1926 , describes an electron as a wavefunction instead of as a point particle . This approach elegantly predicted many of the spectral phenomena that Bohr 's model failed to explain . Although this concept was mathematically convenient , it was difficult to visualize , and faced opposition . One of its critics , Max Born , proposed instead that Schrödinger 's wavefunction described not the electron but rather all its possible states , and thus could be used to calculate the probability of finding an electron at any given location around the nucleus . This reconciled the two opposing theories of particle versus wave electrons and the idea of wave -- particle duality was introduced . This theory stated that the electron may exhibit the properties of both a wave and a particle . For example , it can be refracted like a wave , and has mass like a particle . A consequence of describing electrons as waveforms is that it is mathematically impossible to simultaneously derive the position and momentum of an electron . This became known as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle after the theoretical physicist Werner Heisenberg , who first described it and published it in 1927 . This invalidated Bohr 's model , with its neat , clearly defined circular orbits . The modern model of the atom describes the positions of electrons in an atom in terms of probabilities . An electron can potentially be found at any distance from the nucleus , but , depending on its energy level , exists more frequently in certain regions around the nucleus than others ; this pattern is referred to as its atomic orbital . The orbitals come in a variety of shapes - sphere , dumbbell , torus , etc. - with the nucleus in the middle . See also Physics portal Spectroscopy History of the molecule Discoveries of the chemical elements Introduction to quantum mechanics Kinetic theory of gases Atomism The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory Notes Jump up ^ Berryman , Sylvia , `` Ancient Atomism '' , Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ( Fall 2008 Edition ) , Edward N. Zalta ( ed . ) ( 1 ) Jump up ^ Pullman , Bernard ( 1998 ) . The Atom in the History of Human Thought . Oxford , England : Oxford University Press . pp. 31 -- 33 . ISBN 0 - 19 - 515040 - 6 . Jump up ^ Cohen , Henri ; Lefebvre , Claire , eds. ( 2017 ) . Handbook of Categorization in Cognitive Science ( Second ed . ) . Amsterdam , The Netherlands : Elsevier . p. 427 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 08 - 101107 - 2 . Jump up ^ Weisstein , Eric W. `` Lavoisier , Antoine ( 1743 - 1794 ) '' . . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 01 . Jump up ^ Proust , Joseph Louis . `` Researches on Copper '' , excerpted from Ann . chim. 32 , 26 - 54 ( 1799 ) ( as translated and reproduced in Henry M. Leicester and Herbert S. Klickstein , A Source Book in Chemistry , 1400 -- 1900 ( Cambridge , Massachusetts : Harvard , 1952 ) ) . Retrieved on August 29 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Andrew G. van Melsen ( 1952 ) . From Atomos to Atom . Mineola , N.Y. : Dover Publications . ISBN 0 - 486 - 49584 - 1 . ^ Jump up to : Dalton , John . `` On the Absorption of Gases by Water and Other Liquids '' , in Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester . 1803 . Retrieved on August 29 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Johnson , Chris . `` Avogadro - his contribution to chemistry '' . Archived from the original on 2002 - 07 - 10 . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 01 . Jump up ^ Alan J. Rocke ( 1984 ) . Chemical Atomism in the Nineteenth Century . Columbus : Ohio State University Press . Jump up ^ Avogadro , Amedeo ( 1811 ) . `` Essay on a Manner of Determining the Relative Masses of the Elementary Molecules of Bodies , and the Proportions in Which They Enter into These Compounds '' . Journal de Physique. 73 : 58 -- 76 . Jump up ^ Einstein , A. ( 1905 ) . `` Über die von der molekularkinetischen Theorie der Wärme geforderte Bewegung von in ruhenden Flüssigkeiten suspendierten Teilchen '' . Annalen der Physik. 322 ( 8 ) : 549 . Bibcode : 1905AnP ... 322 ... 549E . doi : 10.1002 / andp. 19053220806 . hdl : 10915 / 2785 . Jump up ^ Thomson , J.J. ( 1897 ) . `` Cathode rays '' ( ( facsimile from Stephen Wright , Classical Scientific Papers , Physics ( Mills and Boon , 1964 ) ) ) . Philosophical Magazine . 44 ( 269 ) : 293 . doi : 10.1080 / 14786449708621070 . Jump up ^ Whittaker , E.T. ( 1951 ) , A history of the theories of aether and electricity . Vol 1 , Nelson , London Jump up ^ Thomson , J.J. ( 1904 ) . `` On the Structure of the Atom : an Investigation of the Stability and Periods of Oscillation of a number of Corpuscles arranged at equal intervals around the Circumference of a Circle ; with Application of the Results to the Theory of Atomic Structure '' . Philosophical Magazine . 7 ( 39 ) : 237 . doi : 10.1080 / 14786440409463107 . Jump up ^ Geiger , H ( 1910 ) . `` The Scattering of the α - Particles by Matter '' . Proceedings of the Royal Society . A 83 : 492 -- 504 . Jump up ^ Rutherford , Ernest ( 1911 ) . `` The Scattering of α and β Particles by Matter and the Structure of the Atom '' ( PDF ) . Philosophical Magazine . 21 ( 4 ) : 669 . Bibcode : 2012PMag ... 92 ... 379R . doi : 10.1080 / 14786435.2011. 617037 . ^ Jump up to : Bohr , Niels ( 1913 ) . `` On the constitution of atoms and molecules '' ( PDF ) . Philosophical Magazine . 26 ( 153 ) : 476 -- 502 . doi : 10.1080 / 14786441308634993 . Jump up ^ `` Frederick Soddy , The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1921 '' . Nobel Foundation . Retrieved 2008 - 01 - 18 . Jump up ^ Thomson , J.J. ( 1913 ) . `` Rays of positive electricity '' . Proceedings of the Royal Society . A 89 ( 607 ) : 1 -- 20 . Bibcode : 1913RSPSA ... 89 ... 1T . doi : 10.1098 / rspa. 1913.0057 . ( as excerpted in Henry A. Boorse & Lloyd Motz , The World of the Atom , Vol. 1 ( New York : Basic Books , 1966 ) ) . Retrieved on August 29 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Rutherford , Ernest ( 1919 ) . `` Collisions of alpha Particles with Light Atoms. IV . An Anomalous Effect in Nitrogen '' . Philosophical Magazine . 37 ( 222 ) : 581 . doi : 10.1080 / 14786440608635919 . Jump up ^ Chadwick , James ( 1932 ) . `` Possible Existence of a Neutron '' ( PDF ) . Nature . 129 ( 3252 ) : 312 . Bibcode : 1932Natur. 129Q. 312C . doi : 10.1038 / 129312a0 . Jump up ^ Schrödinger , Erwin ( 1926 ) . `` Quantisation as an Eigenvalue Problem '' . Annalen der Physik. 81 ( 18 ) : 109 -- 139 . Bibcode : 1926AnP ... 386 ... 109S . doi : 10.1002 / andp. 19263861802 . Jump up ^ Mahanti , Subodh . `` Erwin Schrödinger : The Founder of Quantum Wave Mechanics '' . Archived from the original on 2009 - 04 - 17 . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 01 . Jump up ^ Mahanti , Subodh . `` Max Born : Founder of Lattice Dynamics '' . Archived from the original on 2009 - 01 - 22 . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 01 . Jump up ^ Greiner , Walter . `` Quantum Mechanics : An Introduction '' . Retrieved 2010 - 06 - 14 . Jump up ^ Heisenberg , W. ( 1927 ) . `` Über den anschaulichen Inhalt der quantentheoretischen Kinematik und Mechanik '' . Zeitschrift für Physik ( in German ) . 43 ( 3 -- 4 ) : 172 -- 198 . Bibcode : 1927ZPhy ... 43 ... 172H . doi : 10.1007 / BF01397280 . Jump up ^ Milton Orchin ; Roger Macomber ; Allan Pinhas ; R. Wilson . `` The Vocabulary and Concepts of Organic Chemistry , Second Edition , '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 2010 - 06 - 14 . Further reading Bernard Pullman ( 1998 ) The Atom in the History of Human Thought , trans . by Axel Reisinger . Oxford Univ . Press . Eric Scerri ( 2007 ) The Periodic Table , Its Story and Its Significance , Oxford University Press , New York . Charles Adolphe Wurtz ( 1881 ) The Atomic Theory , D. Appleton and Company , New York . External links Wikiquote has quotations related to : Atomic theory Atomism by S. Mark Cohen . Atomic Theory - detailed information on atomic theory with respect to electrons and electricity . ( hide ) Atomic models Single atoms Dalton model ( Billiard ball model ) Thomson model ( Plum pudding model ) Lewis model ( Cubical atom model ) Nagaoka model ( Saturnian model ) Rutherford model ( Planetary model ) Bohr model ( Rutherford -- Bohr model ) Bohr -- Sommerfeld model ( Refined Bohr model ) Gryziński model ( Free - fall model ) Schrodinger model ( Electron cloud model ) Atoms in solids Drude model Free electron model Nearly free electron model Band structure Density functional theory Atoms in liquids Liquid helium Atoms in gases Noble gas Nascent hydrogen Scientists Felix Bloch Niels Bohr John Dalton Paul Drude Irving Langmuir Gilbert N. Lewis Hantaro Nagaoka Ernest Rutherford Erwin Schrödinger Arnold Sommerfeld J.J. Thomson Book : Atomic models Category : Atoms Portal : Physics / Chemistry Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Atomic physics Statistical mechanics Chemistry theories Foundational quantum physics Amount of substance Hidden categories : CS1 German - language sources ( de ) Wikipedia pages semi-protected against vandalism Good articles Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote বাংলা Беларуская Български Bosanski Català Čeština Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Euskara فارسی Français 한국어 हिन्दी Bahasa Indonesia עברית ಕನ್ನಡ Magyar മലയാളം 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Português Română Русский Scots සිංහල Simple English کوردی Српски / srpski Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் ไทย Türkçe Українська اردو Tiếng Việt Võro Winaray 中文 Kabɩyɛ Edit links This page was last edited on 1 December 2017 , at 17 : 12 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . 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who was the first to suggest an atom existed
The idea that matter is made up of discrete units is a very old one , appearing in many ancient cultures such as Greece and India . The word `` atom '' was coined by the ancient Greek philosophers Leucippus and his pupil Democritus . However , these ideas were founded in philosophical and theological reasoning rather than evidence and experimentation . Because of this , they could not convince everybody , so atomism was but one of a number of competing theories on the nature of matter . It was not until the 19th century that the idea was embraced and refined by scientists , as the blossoming science of chemistry produced discoveries that could easily be explained using the concept of atoms .
Eastern United States - Wikipedia Eastern United States Jump to : navigation , search This article does not cite any sources . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( October 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The area ceded to the United States by Great Britain in 1783 ( light brown ) is usually recognized as the Eastern United States . Louisiana and Florida acquisitions were recognized as the Western and Southern frontiers in the early days of the Republic . Although east of the Rockies , Texas is considered a Western state . Play media This video was taken by the crew of Expedition 29 on board the ISS . The pass goes over the eastern United States . The Eastern United States , commonly referred to as the American East or simply the East , is a region roughly coinciding with the boundaries of the United States established in the 1783 Treaty of Paris , which bounded the new country to the west along the Mississippi River . It is geographically diverse , spanning the Northeast and Southeast as well as the eastern part of the Central United States . In 2011 the 26 states east of the Mississippi ( in addition to Washington , D.C. but not including the small portions of Louisiana and Minnesota east of the river ) had an estimated population of 179,948,346 or 58.28 % of the total U.S. population of 308,745,358 ( excluding Puerto Rico ) . Contents ( hide ) 1 Southern United States 2 New England 3 The Midwest 4 Major population centers 5 See also 6 References 7 External links Southern United States ( edit ) Main article : Southern United States The Southern United States constitutes a large region in the south - eastern and south - central United States , usually enumerated as the following : Kentucky , Tennessee , Virginia , West Virginia , Maryland , North Carolina , South Carolina , Georgia , Florida , Alabama , Mississippi , Arkansas , and Louisiana ; all of these are also considered to number among the Eastern United States . Its unique cultural and historic heritage includes the following aspects : Native Americans early European settlements of English , Scots - Irish , Scottish and German heritage importation of hundreds of thousands of enslaved Africans growth of a large proportion of African Americans in the population reliance on slave labor legacy of the Confederacy after the American Civil War . These led to `` the South '' developing distinctive customs , literature , musical styles , and varied cuisines , that have profoundly shaped traditional American culture . Many aspects of the South 's culture remain deeply rooted in the American Civil War . In the last few decades , the Southern US has been attracting domestic and international migrants , and the American South is among the fastest - growing areas in the United States . New England ( edit ) Main article : New England New England is a region of the United States located in the northeastern corner of the country , bounded by the Atlantic Ocean , Canada and the state of New York , consisting of the modern states of Maine , New Hampshire , Vermont , Massachusetts , Rhode Island , and Connecticut . In one of the earliest English settlements in the New World , English Pilgrims from Europe first settled in New England in 1620 , in the colony of Plymouth . In the late 18th century , the New England colonies would be among the first North American British colonies to demonstrate ambitions of independence from the British Crown , although they would later threaten secession over the War of 1812 between the United States and Britain . New England produced the first examples of American literature and philosophy and was home to the beginnings of free public education . In the 19th century , it played a prominent role in the movement to abolish slavery in the United States . It was the first region of the United States to be transformed by the Industrial Revolution . Historically an area in which parts were strongly Republican , it is now a region with one of the highest levels of support for the Democratic Party in the United States , with the majority of voters in every state voting for the Democrats in the 1992 , 1996 , 2004 , 2008 , 2012 and 2016 Presidential elections , and every state but New Hampshire voting for Al Gore in 2000 . The Midwest ( edit ) Main article : Midwestern United States The Midwestern United States ( in the U.S. generally referred to as the Midwest ) is one of the four geographic regions within the United States that are recognized by the United States Census Bureau . Seven states in the central and inland northeastern US , traditionally considered to be part of the Midwest , can also be classified as being part of the Eastern United States : Illinois , Indiana , Iowa , Michigan , Minnesota , Ohio , and Wisconsin . A 2006 Census Bureau estimate put the population at 66,217,736 . The United States Census Bureau divides this region into the East North Central States ( essentially the Great Lakes States ) and the West North Central States . Chicago is the largest city in the region , followed by Indianapolis and Columbus . Chicago has the largest metropolitan statistical area , followed by Detroit , and Minneapolis -- Saint Paul . Sault Ste . Marie , Michigan is the oldest city in the region , having been founded by French missionaries and explorers in 1668 . The term Midwest has been in common use for over 100 years . Another term sometimes applied to the same general region is `` the heartland '' . Other designations for the region have fallen into disuse , such as the `` Northwest '' or `` Old Northwest '' ( from `` Northwest Territory '' ) and `` Mid-America '' . Since the book Middletown appeared in 1929 , sociologists have often used Midwestern cities ( and the Midwest generally ) as `` typical '' of the entire nation . The region has a higher employment - to - population ratio ( the percentage of employed people at least 16 years old ) than the Northeast , the West , the South , or the Sun Belt states . Four of the states associated with the Midwestern United States ( Kansas , Nebraska , North Dakota , and South Dakota ) are also traditionally referred to as belonging in part to the Great Plains region . Major population centers ( edit ) The following is a list of the 24 largest cities in the East by population : New York City population : 8,175,133 Chicago population : 2,695,598 Philadelphia population : 1,526,006 Jacksonville population : 821,784 Indianapolis population : 820,445 Columbus population : 787,033 Charlotte population : 731,424 Detroit population : 713,777 Memphis population : 646,889 Baltimore population : 620,961 Boston population : 617,594 Washington , D.C. population : 601,723 Nashville population : 601,222 Louisville , Kentucky population : 597,337 Milwaukee population : 594,833 Virginia Beach , Virginia population : 437,994 Atlanta population : 420,003 Raleigh population : 403,892 Miami population : 399,457 Cleveland population : 396,815 Tampa population : 335,709 Pittsburgh population : 305,704 Cincinnati population : 296,943 Lexington , Kentucky population : 295,803 See also ( edit ) East Coast of the United States Eastern Canada Territories of the United States on stamps References ( edit ) External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Eastern United States . ( hide ) Regions of the United States Administrative ( political ) Units U.S. state District of Columbia Insular area Minor Outlying Island Maritime territory Time zones Hawaii -- Aleutian Alaska Pacific Mountain Central Eastern Census West Pacific Mountain Midwest EN Central WN Central Northeast New England Middle Atlantic South S Atlantic ES Central WS Central Courts of appeals 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th Physical Physiographic Pacific Mountain Intermontane Plateaus Rocky Mountain Superior Upland Interior Plains Interior Highlands Appalachian Atlantic Plain Coastal Arctic West Great Lakes Gulf East Historical Acquisitions Thirteen Colonies Northwest Territory Southwest Territory Louisiana Purchase Gadsden Purchase Texas annexation Oregon Treaty Mexican Cession Alaska Purchase Newlands Resolution Civil War Union Border states Confederacy Old South Dixie Slave and free states Theaters Pacific Western Trans - Mississippi Lower Seaboard Eastern Divided Pacific Northwest Atlantic Northeast Prairie Pothole Columbia Oregon Other Appalachia Border states Red states and blue states Central Eastern Four Corners Great Plains High Plains Intermountain Interior Northern Northwest South Central Southern Deep New Upland Southeast Southwest List Coordinates : 38 ° N 82 ° W  /  38 ° N 82 ° W  / 38 ; - 82 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Eastern United States Regions of the United States Hidden categories : Articles lacking sources from October 2017 All articles lacking sources All accuracy disputes Articles with disputed statements from March 2018 All Wikipedia articles needing clarification Wikipedia articles needing clarification from March 2018 Coordinates on Wikidata Articles containing video clips Talk Contents About Wikipedia Български Čeština Esperanto Français 한국어 Italiano Nederlands 日本 語 Slovenčina Svenska 中文 5 more Edit links This page was last edited on 31 March 2018 , at 17 : 55 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
what percentage of the us population is east of the mississippi
In 2011 the 26 states east of the Mississippi ( in addition to Washington , D.C. but not including the small portions of Louisiana and Minnesota east of the river ) had an estimated population of 179,948,346 or 58.28 % of the total U.S. population of 308,745,358 ( excluding Puerto Rico ) .
Gertrude Bell - wikipedia Gertrude Bell Gertrude Bell Gertrude Bell in 1909 , visiting archaeological excavations in Babylon Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell ( 1868 - 07 - 14 ) 14 July 1868 Washington Hall , County Durham , England 12 July 1926 ( 1926 - 07 - 12 ) ( aged 57 ) Baghdad , Mandatory Iraq Nationality British Education Lady Margaret Hall , Oxford Occupation Traveller , political officer Era Victorian , Edwardian -- 1900s Known for Writer , traveller , political officer , archaeologist , explorer , cartographer in Greater Syria , Mesopotamia , Asia Minor , and Arabia Parent ( s ) Sir Hugh Bell Mary Bell ( née Shield ) Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell , CBE ( 14 July 1868 -- 12 July 1926 ) was an English writer , traveller , political officer , administrator , and archaeologist who explored , mapped , and became highly influential to British imperial policy - making due to her knowledge and contacts , built up through extensive travels in Greater Syria , Mesopotamia , Asia Minor , and Arabia . Along with T.E. Lawrence , Bell helped support the Hashemite dynasties in what is today Jordan as well as in Iraq . She played a major role in establishing and helping administer the modern state of Iraq , utilizing her unique perspective from her travels and relations with tribal leaders throughout the Middle East . During her lifetime she was highly esteemed and trusted by British officials and exerted an immense amount of power . She has been described as `` one of the few representatives of His Majesty 's Government remembered by the Arabs with anything resembling affection '' . Contents 1 Early life 2 Travels and writings 3 War and political career 3.1 Cairo and Basra 3.2 Armenian genocide 3.3 Creation of Iraq 3.4 1921 conference 3.5 National Library of Iraq 3.6 Baghdad Archaeological Museum 4 Final years 5 Legacy and tributes 5.1 Contemporary 5.2 Modern 5.3 Film 5.4 Posthumous tributes 5.5 Museum 6 Notes 7 References 8 Bibliography 8.1 Writings by Bell 8.2 Biographies of Bell 8.3 Other sources 9 External links Early life ( edit ) Bell was born on 14 July 1868 in Washington New Hall , County Durham , England -- now known as Dame Margaret Hall -- to a family whose wealth ensured her education and enabled her travels . Her personality was characterised by energy , intellect , and a thirst for adventure which shaped her path in life . Her grandfather was the ironmaster Sir Isaac Lowthian Bell , an industrialist and a Liberal Member of Parliament , in Benjamin Disraeli 's second term . His role in British policy - making exposed Gertrude at a young age to international matters and most likely encouraged her curiosity for the world , and her later involvement in international politics . Bell 's mother , Mary Shield Bell , died in 1871 while giving birth to a son , Maurice ( later the 3rd Baronet ) . Gertrude Bell was just three at the time , and the death led to a lifelong close relationship with her father , Sir Hugh Bell , 2nd Baronet , a progressive capitalist and mill owner who made sure his workers were well paid and cared for . Throughout her life , Gertrude consulted on political matters with her father , who had also served for many years in various governmental positions . Some biographies suggest that the loss of her mother caused underlying childhood trauma , revealed through periods of depression and risky behaviour . But when Gertrude was seven years old her father remarried , providing her a stepmother , Florence Bell ( née Olliffe ) , and eventually , three half - siblings . Florence Bell was a playwright and author of children 's stories , as well as the author of a study of Bell factory workers . She instilled concepts of duty and decorum in Gertrude and contributed to her intellectual development . Florence Bell 's activities with the wives of Bolckow Vaughan ironworkers in Eston , near Middlesbrough , may have helped influence her step - daughter 's later stance promoting education of Iraqi women . Gertrude Bell received her early education from Queen 's College in London and then later at Lady Margaret Hall , Oxford University , at the age of 17 . History was one of the few subjects women were allowed to study , due to the many restrictions imposed on them at the time . She specialised in modern history , and it was said that she was first woman to graduate from Modern History at Oxford with a first class honours degree , a feat she achieved in only two years . Actually eleven people graduated that year . Nine were recorded because they were men but the other two were Bell and Alice Greenwood . `` The history lecturer at Queens Collage at that time was Mr. Gramb , a distinguished and inspiring teacher . Gertrude 's intelligence and aptitude for history impressed him keenly , and he strongly urged us to let her go to Oxford and go on for the History School. The time had not yet come when it was a usual part of a girl 's education to go to a University , and it was with some qualms that we consented . But the result justified our decision . Gertrude went to Lady Margaret Hall , in 1886 just before she was eighteen , she left it in June 1888 just before she was twenty , and wound up , after those two years , by taking a brilliant First Class in Modern History '' . Bell never married or had children . She befriended British colonial administrator Sir Frank Swettenham on a visit to Singapore with her brother Hugo in 1903 and maintained a correspondence with him until 1909 . She had a `` brief but passionate affair '' with Swettenham following his retirement to England in 1904 . She also had an unconsummated affair with Maj . Charles Doughty - Wylie , a married man , with whom she exchanged love letters from 1913 to 1915 . After his death in 1915 during the Gallipoli Campaign , Bell launched herself into her work . Travels and writings ( edit ) Bell 's uncle , Sir Frank Lascelles , was British minister ( similar to ambassador ) at Tehran , Persia . In May 1892 , after leaving Oxford , Bell travelled to Persia to visit him . She described this journey in her book , Persian Pictures , which was published in 1894 . She spent much of the next decade travelling around the world , mountaineering in Switzerland , and developing a passion for archaeology and languages . She had become fluent in Arabic , Persian , French and German as well as also speaking Italian and Turkish . In 1899 , Bell again went to the Middle East . She visited Palestine and Syria that year and in 1900 , on a trip from Jerusalem to Damascus , she became acquainted with the Druze living in Jabal al - Druze . She travelled across Arabia six times during the next 12 years . Between 1899 and 1904 , she conquered a number of mountains including the La Meije and Mont Blanc as she recorded 10 new paths or first ascents in the Bernese Alps . One Alpine peak in the Bernese Oberland , the 2,632 m ( 8,635 ft ) Gertrudspitze , was named after her after it was first traversed by her and her guides Ulrich and Heinrich Fuhrer in 1901 . However , she did fail in an attempt of the Finsteraarhorn in August 1902 when inclement weather including snow , hail and lightning forced her to spend `` forty eight hours on the rope '' with her guides , clinging to the rock face in terrifying conditions which nearly cost her her life . Bell 's workers at the Binbirkilise excavations in 1907 She published her observations of the Middle East in the book Syria : The Desert and the Sown published in 1907 ( William Heinemann Ltd , London ) . In this book she described , photographed and detailed her trip to Greater Syria 's towns and cities like Damascus , Jerusalem , Beirut , Antioch and Alexandretta . Bell 's vivid descriptions opened up the Arabian deserts to the western world . In March 1907 , Bell journeyed to the Ottoman Empire and began to work with the archaeologist and New Testament scholar Sir William M. Ramsay . Their excavations in Binbirkilise were chronicled in A Thousand and One Churches . In 1907 , they discovered a field of ruins in northern Syria on the east bank of the upper course of the Euphrates to the steep slope of the former river valley . From the ruins , they created a plan and described the ramparts : `` Munbayah , where my tents were pitched -- the Arabic name means only a high - altitude course -- was probably the Bersiba in Ptolemy 's list of city names . It consists of a double rampart , situated on the river bank . '' In January 1909 , she left for Mesopotamia . She visited the Hittite city of Carchemish , mapped and described the ruin of Ukhaidir and finally went to Babylon and Najaf . Back in Carchemish , she consulted with the two archaeologists on site . One of them was T.E. Lawrence , assistant to Reginald Campbell - Thompson . In 1913 , she completed her last and most arduous Arabian journey , travelling around 1800 miles from Damascus to the politically volatile Ha'il , back up across the Arabian peninsula to Baghdad and from there back to Damascus . She was only the second foreign woman after Lady Anne Blunt to visit Ha'il , and arriving during a period of particular instability was held in the city for eleven days . In 1927 , a year after her death , her stepmother Dame Florence Bell published two volumes of Bell 's collected correspondence written during the 20 years preceding World War I . War and political career ( edit ) At the outbreak of World War I , Bell 's request for a Middle East posting was initially denied . She instead volunteered with the Red Cross in France . Later , she was asked by British Intelligence to get soldiers through the deserts , and from the World War I period until her death she was the only woman holding political power and influence in shaping British imperial policy in the Middle East . She often acquired a team of locals which she directed and led on her expeditions . Throughout her travels Bell established close relations with tribe members across the Middle East . Additionally , being a woman gave her exclusive access to the chambers of wives of tribe leaders , giving her access to other perspectives and functions . Cairo and Basra ( edit ) St John Philby In November 1915 she was summoned to Cairo to the nascent Arab Bureau , headed by General Gilbert Clayton . She also again met T.E. Lawrence . Both Bell and Lawrence had attended Oxford and earned a First Class Honours in Modern History , both spoke fluent Arabic and both had travelled extensively in the Arabian desert and established ties with the local tribes before World War I. Renowned archaeologist and historian Lt. Cmdr . David Hogarth recognised the value of Lawrence and Bell 's expertise and upon his recommendation first Lawrence , then Bell , were assigned to Army Intelligence Headquarters in Cairo in 1915 for war service . Arriving in February 1916 , she did not , at first , receive an official position , but instead helped Hogarth set about organising and processing her own , Lawrence 's and Capt . W.H.I. Shakespear 's data about the location and disposition of Arab tribes that could be encouraged to join the British against the Ottoman Empire . Lawrence and the British used the information in forming alliances with the Arabs . On 3 March 1916 , Gen. Clayton abruptly sent Bell to Basra , which British forces had captured in November 1914 , to advise Chief Political Officer Percy Cox regarding an area she knew better than any other Westerner . Cox found her an office in his headquarters , where she was employed for the two days per week she was not at Military GHQ Basra . She drew maps to help the British army reach Baghdad safely . She became the only female political officer in the British forces and received the title of `` Liaison Officer , Correspondent to Cairo '' ( i.e. to the Arab Bureau where she had been assigned ) . She was St. John Philby 's field controller , and taught him the finer arts of behind - the - scenes political manoeuvering . I went out last week along the light railway 25 miles into the desert it 's the Nasariyeh Railway - ... it was so curious to travel 50 minutes by rail and find ... General Maude , our new army commander , has just arrived . I 've made his acquaintance ... '' Armenian Genocide ( edit ) While in the Middle East , Gertrude Bell was a witness to the Armenian Genocide . Contrasting them with previous massacres , she wrote that the massacres of preceding years `` were not comparable to the massacres carried out in 1915 and the succeeding years . '' Bell also reported that in Damascus , `` Turks sold Armenian women openly in the public market . '' In an intelligence report , Bell wrote : The battalion left Aleppo on 3 February and reached Ras al - Ain in twelve hours ... some 12,000 Armenians were concentrated under the guardianship of some hundred Kurds ... These Kurds were called gendarmes , but in reality mere butchers ; bands of them were publicly ordered to take parties of Armenians , of both sexes , to various destinations , but had secret instructions to destroy the males , children and old women ... One of these gendarmes confessed to killing 100 Armenian men himself ... the empty desert cisterns and caves were also filled with corpses ... No man can ever think of a woman 's body except as a matter of horror , instead of attraction , after Ras al - Ain . '' Creation of Iraq ( edit ) After British troops took Baghdad on 10 March 1917 , Bell was summoned by Cox to Baghdad and given the title of `` Oriental Secretary . '' As the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire was finalised by the end of the war in late January 1919 , Bell was assigned to conduct an analysis of the situation in Mesopotamia . Due to her familiarity and relations with the tribes in the area she had strong ideas about the leadership needed in Iraq . She spent the next ten months writing what was later considered a masterly official report , `` Self Determination in Mesopotamia '' . The British Commissioner in Mesopotamia , Arnold Wilson , had different ideas of how Iraq should be run , preferring an Arab government to be under the influence of British officials who would retain real control , as he felt , from experience , that Mesopotamian populations were not yet ready to govern and administer the country efficiently and peacefully . On 11 October 1920 , Percy Cox returned to Baghdad and asked her to continue as Oriental Secretary , acting as liaison with the forthcoming Arab government . Gertrude Bell essentially played the role of mediator between the Arab government and British officials . Bell often had to mediate between the various groups of Iraq including a majority population of Shias in the southern region , Sunnis in central Iraq , and the Kurds , mostly in the northern region , who wished to be autonomous . Keeping these groups united was essential for political balance in Iraq and for British imperial interests . Iraq not only contained valuable resources in oil but would act as a buffer zone , with the help of Kurds in the north as a standing army in the region to protect against Turkey , Persia ( Iran ) , and Syria . British officials in London , especially Churchill , were highly concerned about cutting heavy costs in the colonies , including the cost of quashing tribal infighting . Another important project for both the British and new Iraqi rulers was creating a new identity for these people so that they would identify themselves as one nation . British officials quickly realised that their strategies in governing were adding to costs . Iraq would be cheaper as a self - governing state . The Cairo Conference of 1921 was held to determine the political and geographic structure of what later became Iraq and the modern Middle East . Significant input was given by Gertrude Bell in these discussions thus she was an essential part of its creation . At the Cairo Conference Bell and Lawrence highly recommended Faisal bin Hussein , ( the son of Hussein , Sherif of Mecca ) , former commander of the Arab forces that helped the British during the war and entered Damascus at the culmination of the Arab Revolt . He had been recently deposed by France as King of Syria , and British officials at the Cairo Conference decided to make him the first King of Iraq . They believed that due to his lineage as a Hashemite and his diplomatic skills he would be respected and have the ability to unite the various groups in the country . Shias would respect him because of his lineage from Muhammad . Sunnis , including Kurds , would follow him because he was Sunni from a respected family . Keeping all the groups under control in Iraq was essential to balance the political and economic interests of the British Empire . Upon Faisal 's arrival in 1921 , Bell advised him on local questions , including matters involving tribal geography and local business . She also supervised the selection of appointees for cabinet and other leadership posts in the new government . Referred to by Arabs as `` al - Khatun '' ( a Lady of the Court who keeps an open eye and ear for the benefit of the State ) , she was a confidante of King Faisal of Iraq and helped ease his passage into the role , amongst Iraq 's other tribal leaders at the start of his reign . He helped her to found Baghdad 's Iraqi Archaeological Museum from her own modest artefact collection and to establish The British School of Archaeology , Iraq , for the endowment of excavation projects from proceeds in her will . The stress of authoring a prodigious output of books , correspondence , intelligence reports , reference works , and white papers ; of recurring bronchitis attacks brought on by years of heavy smoking in the company of English and Arab cohorts ; of bouts with malaria ; and finally , of coping with Baghdad 's summer heat all took a toll on her health . Somewhat frail to start with , she became emaciated . Some consider the present troubles in Iraq to be derived from the political boundaries Bell conceived to create its borders . Her reports , however , indicate that problems were foreseen , and that it was clearly understood that there were just not many ( if any ) permanent solutions for calming the divisive forces at work in that part of the world . Throughout the early 1920s Bell was an integral part of the administration of Iraq . The new Hashemite monarchy used the Sharifian flag , which consisted of a black stripe representing the Abbasid caliphate , white stripe representing the Umayyad caliphate , and a green stripe for Fatimid Dynasty , and lastly a red triangle to set across the three bands symbolising Islam . Bell felt it essential to customise it for Iraq by adding a gold star to the design . Faisal was crowned king of Iraq on 23 August 1921 , but he was not completely welcomed . Utilizing Shi'ite history to gain support for Faisal , during the holy month of Muharram , Bell compared Faisal 's arrival in Baghdad to Husayn , grandson of Muhammad . However , she did not find working with the new king to be easy : `` You may rely upon one thing -- I 'll never engage in creating kings again ; it 's too great a strain . '' 1921 Conference ( edit ) Bell , Cox and Lawrence were among a select group of `` Orientalists '' convened by Winston Churchill to attend a 1921 Conference in Cairo to determine the boundaries of the British mandate ( e.g. , `` the British Partitions '' ) and nascent states such as Iraq . Gertrude is supposed to have described Lawrence as being able `` to ignite fires in cold rooms '' . Throughout the conference , she , Cox and Lawrence worked tirelessly to promote the establishment of the countries of Transjordan and Iraq to be presided over by the Kings Abdullah and Faisal , sons of the instigator of the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire ( ca . 1915 -- 1916 ) , Hussein bin Ali , Sharif and Emir of Mecca . Until her death in Baghdad , she served in the Iraq British High Commission advisory group there . Bell opposed the Zionist movement , on the grounds that it would be unfair to impose Jewish rule on Arab inhabitants of Palestine . She wrote that she regarded the Balfour Declaration with `` the deepest mistrust '' and that `` It 's like a nightmare in which you foresee all the horrible things which are going to happen and can ` t stretch out your hand to prevent them '' . Mark Sykes , the British diplomat responsible for the Sykes -- Picot Agreement , was not fond of her . National Library of Iraq ( edit ) In November 1919 , Bell was an invited speaker at a meeting for the promotion of a public library in Baghdad , and subsequently served on its Library Committee , as President from 1921 to 1924 . The Baghdad Peace Library ( Maktabat al - Salam ) was a private , subscription library , but in c. 1924 was taken over by the Ministry of Education and became known as the Baghdad Public Library ( or sometimes as the General Library ) . In 1961 , this became the National Library of Iraq . Baghdad Archaeological Museum ( edit ) Further information : National Museum of Iraq Gertrude Bell 's first love had always been archaeology , thus she began forming what became the Baghdad Archaeological Museum , later renamed the Iraqi Museum . Her goal was to preserve Iraqi culture and history which included the important relics of Mesopotamian civilizations , and keep them in their country of origin . She also supervised excavations and examined finds and artifacts . She brought in extensive collections , such as from the Babylonian Empire . The museum was officially opened in June 1926 , shortly before Bell 's death . After her death , at the Emir 's suggestion , the right wing of the Museum was named as a memorial to her . Final years ( edit ) When Bell briefly returned to Britain in 1925 , she faced family problems and ill health . Her family 's fortune had begun to decline due to the onset of post-World War I strikes by workers in Britain and economic depression in Europe . She returned to Baghdad and soon developed pleurisy . When she recovered , she heard that her younger half brother Hugh had died of typhoid . On 12 July 1926 , Bell was discovered dead , of an apparent overdose of sleeping pills . There is much debate on her death , but it is unknown whether the overdose was an intentional suicide or accidental since she had asked her maid to wake her . In her final years she became acquainted with Kinahan Cornwallis who later wrote an introduction to the posthumously published book The Arab War , Confidential Information for General Headquarters from Gertrude Bell , Being Despatches Reprinted from the Secret `` Arab Bulletin '' . She was buried at the British cemetery in Baghdad 's Bab al - Sharji district . Her funeral was a major event , attended by large numbers of people including her colleagues , British officials and the King of Iraq . It was said King Faisal watched the procession from his private balcony as they carried her coffin to the cemetery . Legacy and tributes ( edit ) Contemporary ( edit ) An obituary written by her peer D.G. Hogarth expressed the respect British officials held for her . Hogarth honoured her by saying , No woman in recent time has combined her qualities -- her taste for arduous and dangerous adventure with her scientific interest and knowledge , her competence in archaeology and art , her distinguished literary gift , her sympathy for all sorts and condition of men , her political insight and appreciation of human values , her masculine vigour , hard common sense and practical efficiency -- all tempered by feminine charm and a most romantic spirit . Modern ( edit ) Gertrude Bell is remembered in Iraq in the 21st century . The British diplomat , travel writer and Member of Parliament Rory Stewart wrote : When I served as a British official in southern Iraq in 2003 , I often heard Iraqis compare my female colleagues to `` Gertrude Bell . '' It was generally casual flattery , and yet the example of Bell and her colleagues was unsettling . More than ten biographies have portrayed her as the ideal Arabist , political analyst , and administrator . -- Rory Stewart Stewart notes that Bell was `` both more lively and more honest '' than political statements in his time . He quotes six examples of her writing , the shortest of which is `` No one knows exactly what they do want , least of all themselves , except that they do n't want us . '' He quotes Bell 's colleague , T. E. Lawrence ( of Arabia ) , as saying that she was `` not a good judge of men or situations '' , and observes that `` If there was no ideal solution , however , there were still clear mistakes . Bell should never have acquiesced in the inclusion of the Kurdish - dominated province of Mosul in Iraq . '' However , Stewart praises her 1920 White Paper , comparing it to General Petraeus 's report to the US Congress . Film ( edit ) In 1992 , Bell was portrayed by Gillian Barge in the ITV television film A Dangerous Man : Lawrence After Arabia . In 2015 , Werner Herzog released Queen of the Desert . The film chronicles much of Bell 's life and in it she is portrayed by Nicole Kidman . In 2016 , the documentary Letters from Baghdad based on Gertrude Bell 's and her contemporaries ' own writings was released . The film was directed and produced by Zeva Oelbaum and Sabine Krayenbühl . The quotations from Bell 's letters were read by Tilda Swinton . Posthumous tributes ( edit ) Gertrude Bell 's work was specially mentioned in the British Parliament , and she was awarded the Order of the British Empire . A stained - glass window dedicated to her memory , made by Douglas Strachan , was erected in St Lawrence 's Church , East Rounton , North Yorkshire . It depicts Magdalen College , Oxford , and Khadimain , Baghdad . The inscription reads : This window is in remembrance of Gertrude Versed in the learning of the east and of the west Servant of the state Scholar Poet Historian Antiquary Gardener Mountaineer Explorer Lover of nature of flowers and of animals Incomparable friend sister daughter . Museum ( edit ) In 2016 , a campaign was launched to transform Bell 's family estate , Red Barns , into a memorial and museum . The family were patrons to the Arts and Crafts movement in England , and the home , located in Redcar , features wallpaper by movement leader William Morris . The building is Grade II * listed among historical buildings , however it has lacked upkeep in recent years . Turning the building into a memorial to Gertrude is partially the result of a popular 2015 exhibition about her at the Great North Museum in Newcastle . The exhibition moved to the Kirkleatham Museum in Redcar after its run in Newcastle . Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Daughter of John Shield of Newcastle - on - Tyne . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Bell , Gertrude ( 1927 ) . Bell , Florence , ed . The Letters of Gertrude Bell . London . Jump up ^ Bell , Gertrude Lowthian . O'Brien , Rosemary , ed . Gertrude Bell : The Arabian Diaries , 1913 - 1914 . Jump up ^ `` Getrude Bell '' . The Dictionary of National Biography . ( Subscription required ( help ) ) . Jump up ^ Meyer , Karl E. ; Brysac , Shareen B. ( 2008 ) , Kingmakers : The Invention of the Modern Middle East , New York : W.W. Norton & Co. , p. 162 Jump up ^ Del Testa , David W. , ed. ( 2001 ) . `` Bell , Gertrude '' . Government Leaders , Military Rulers , and Political Activists . Westport , Connecticut : Oryx Press . p. 20 . -- via Questia ( subscription required ) Jump up ^ O'Brien , Rosemary , ed. ( 2000 ) , Gertrude Bell : The Arabian Diaries , 1913 -- 1914 , Syracuse , NY : Syracuse University Press Jump up ^ ^ Jump up to : Howell , Georgina ( 2008 ) . Gertrude Bell : Queen of the Desert , Shaper of Nations ( Paperback ed . ) . Farrar , Straus and Giroux . ISBN 0 - 374 - 53135 - 8 . Jump up ^ O'Brien , pp. 5 -- 6 Jump up ^ `` LMH , Oxford - Prominent Alumni '' . Retrieved 20 May 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Howell , Georgina ( 2007 ) . Queen of the Desert : The Extraordinary Life of Gertrude Bell ( Paperback ed . ) . Pan Macmillan . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4472 - 8626 - 4 . Jump up ^ `` Greenwood , Alice Drayton ( 1862 -- 1935 ) , historian Oxford Dictionary of National Biography '' . doi : 10.1093 / ref : odnb / 9780198614128.001. 0001 / odnb - 9780198614128 - e-59037 . Jump up ^ Lady Bell ( 1927 ) . The Letters Of Gertrude Bell ( vol - I ) . Jump up ^ Barlow , Henry S. ( 1995 ) . Swettenham . Kuala Lumpur : Southdene . pp. 654 -- 5 . Jump up ^ Barlow , Henry S. ( 1997 ) . `` Malaysia : Swettenham 's Legacy '' . Asian Affairs . 28 ( 3 ) : 333 . ^ Jump up to : Lukitz , Liora ( 3 March 2006 ) . A Quest in the Middle East : Gertrude Bell and the Making of Modern Iraq . I.B. Tauris . ISBN 978 - 1 - 85043 - 415 - 3 . Retrieved 23 September 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` Gertrude Bell and the Birth of Iraq '' . 15 November 2011 . Archived from the original on 23 October 2004 . Retrieved 6 December 2011 . Jump up ^ Berry , Helen ( September 2013 ) . `` Gertrude Bell : adventurer , diplomat , mountaineer and anti-suffragette '' . BBC History Magazine . BBC . Retrieved 16 May 2017 -- via . Jump up ^ Cohen , Getzel M. ; Sharp Joukowsky , Martha ( 2006 ) . Breaking Ground : Pioneering Women Archaeologists . University of Michigan Press . p. 167 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 472 - 03174 - 0 . Jump up ^ Alfred Werner Maurer . Mumbaqat 1977 report on the resources of the University of Saarbrücken , undertaken by the German Oriental Society excavation . Philologus Verlag , Basel , 2007 . Jump up ^ Bell , Gertrude ( 1927 ) . Bell , Florence , ed . `` To Herbert Baker , Basrah , June 25 , 1916 '' . The Letters of Gertrude Bell , Volume 1 . London . p. 379 . He is going to give me a room in his office where I shall go two or three mornings a week ... the other days I shall go on working at GHQ ... Sir Percy 's office is a quarter of an hour away . Jump up ^ Bell , Gertrude ( 1927 ) . Bell , Florence , ed . `` To Florence Bell , August 27 , 1916 '' . The Letters of Gertrude Bell , Volume 1 . London : 386 . He is going to give me a room in his office where I shall go two or three mornings a week ... the other days I shall go on working at GHQ ... Sir Percy 's office is a quarter of an hour away . Jump up ^ Townshend , Charles ( 2011 ) . Desert Hell : The British Invasion of Mesopotamia . Cambridge , Massachusetts : Belknap Press . p. 494 . ISBN 0674061349 . Jump up ^ Rich , Paul J. , ed. ( 2008 ) . Iraq and Gertrude Bell 's The Arab of Mesopotamia . Lanham : Lexington Books . p. 144 . ISBN 1461633664 . Jump up ^ Fisk , Robert ( 2005 ) . The Great War for Civilisation : the Conquest of the Middle East . London : Alfred Knopf . p. 327 . ISBN 1 - 84115 - 007 - X . Jump up ^ Sobel , Andrew ; Sheth , Jagdish ( 2001 ) . Clients for Life Clients for Life : How Great Professionals Develop Breakthrough Relationships ( Reprint ed . ) . Simon and Schuster . p. 64 . ISBN 9780743215091 . ^ Jump up to : Wallach , Janet ( 1996 ) . Desert Queen . Bantam Doubleday Dell . p. 6 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 307 - 74436 - 4 . Jump up ^ Bell , Gertrude ( 20 May 2009 ) . `` Friday July 8 . ( 8 July 1921 ) '' . The Letters . Gertrude Bell Archive , Newcastle University . Archived from the original on 20 May 2009 . Retrieved 8 September 2015 . Jump up ^ Mowla , Khondakar Golam ( 2008 ) . `` The Judgment Against Imperialism , Fascism and Racism Against Caliphate and Islam '' . AuthorHouse . p. 255 . ISBN 978 - 1438910956 . Jump up ^ Johnson , Daniel ( 3 September 2006 ) . `` Putting the dons on their mettle '' . The Telegraph . Jump up ^ Howell , Georgina ( 2006 ) . Gertrude Bell : Queen of the Desert , Shaper of Nations . Farrar , Straus and Giroux . p. 353 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4299 - 3401 - 5 . Jump up ^ `` How Gertrude Bell caused a desert storm '' . The Telegraph . 21 February 2014 . Retrieved 10 June 2016 . Jump up ^ Buchan , James ( 12 March 2003 ) . `` Miss Bell 's lines in the sand '' . The Guardian . Retrieved 29 August 2009 . Jump up ^ H.D.G. ( 1926 ) . `` Obituary : Gertrude Lowthian Bell '' . The Geographical Journal . 68 ( 4 ) : 363 -- 368 . JSTOR 1783440 . ^ Jump up to : Stewart , Rory ( 25 October 2007 ) . `` The Queen of the Quagmire '' . New York Review of Books . p. 1 . Retrieved 21 April 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Stewart , Rory ( 25 October 2007 ) . `` The Queen of the Quagmire '' . New York Review of Books . p. 2 . Retrieved 21 April 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Queen of the Desert '' . Metacritic. 10 February 2015 . Retrieved 20 May 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Letters from Baghdad '' . Between the Rivers Productions . 2016 . Retrieved 2 April 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Letters from Baghdad '' . . International Movie Database . Retrieved 2 April 2017 . Jump up ^ Pevsner , Nikolaus ( 1966 ) . The Buildings of England : Yorkshire : The North Riding . Vol. 30 . Penguin . Jump up ^ `` pictures of the memorial in East Rounton Church '' . . Retrieved 6 December 2011 . Jump up ^ Yale , Pat ( 9 August 2016 ) . `` Gertrude of Arabia : the great adventurer may finally get her museum '' . The Guardian . Bibliography ( edit ) Writings by Bell ( edit ) Bell , Gertrude ( 1892 ) . Poems from the Divan of Hafiz . London . Bell , Gertrude ( 1907 ) . The Desert and the Sown . Bell , Gertrude ( 1910 ) . Mountains of the Servants of God . Bell , Gertrude ( 1911 ) . Amurath to Amurath . Bell , Gertrude ( 1914 ) . The Palace and Mosque of Ukhaidir : a Study in Early Mohammadan Architecture . Bell , Gertrude ( 1961 ) . Gertrude Bell : From Her Personal Papers 1914 -- 1926 . London : Ernest Benn Ltd . Bell , Gertrude ( 2015 ) . A Woman in Arabia : The Writings of the Queen of the Desert . London : Penguin . Gertrude Lowthian Bell ; Gertrude Bell ( 1919 ) ( 1907 ) . The Desert and the Sown : Travels in Palestine and Syria . W. Heinemann . p. 340 . Gertrude Bell ( 1911 , rep. 1924 ) From Amurath to Amurath , complete text with illustrations . Works by Gertrude Bell at Project Gutenberg Australia The letters of Gertrude Bell , selected and edited by Lady Bell , 1927 ( plain text and HTML ) The Arabian Report Arab Bulletin Biographies of Bell ( edit ) Adams , Amanda ( 2010 ) . Ladies of the Field : Early Women Archaeologists and Their Search for Adventure . Greystone Books Ltd . ISBN 978 - 1 - 55365 - 641 - 8 . Bodley , R.V.C. ; Hearst , L. ( 1940 ) . Gertrude Bell . Macmillan . ISBN 978 - 1 - 258 - 44101 - 2 . Howell , Georgina ( 2006 ) . Gertrude Bell : Queen of the Desert , Shaper of Nations . Farrar , Straus and Giroux . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4299 - 3401 - 5 . ; also issued as Daughter of the Desert : the remarkable life of Gertrude Bell . Macmillan , 2006 . ISBN 1 - 4050 - 4587 - 6 -- - ( paperback edition , Farrar , Straus and Giroux , 2008 ) ISBN 0 - 374 - 53135 - 8 Lukitz , Liora ( 2004 ) . `` Gertrude Bell '' . Oxford Dictionary of National Biography . Oxford University Press . 4 . Lukitz , Liora ( 3 March 2006 ) . A Quest in the Middle East : Gertrude Bell and the Making of Modern Iraq . I.B. Tauris . ISBN 978 - 1 - 85043 - 415 - 3 . Retrieved 23 September 2013 . Wallach , Janet ( 1996 ) . Desert Queen . Bantam Doubleday Dell . ISBN 978 - 0 - 307 - 74436 - 4 . Winstone , H.V.F. ( 2004 ) . Gertrude Bell . Barzan Publishing Company . ISBN 978 - 0 - 9547728 - 0 - 2 . Other sources ( edit ) Bell ( ed . ) , Lady Florence ( 1927 ) . The Letters of Gertrude Bell . 2 vols . London : Ernest Benn Ltd . CS1 maint : Extra text : authors list ( link ) Hogarth , David G. `` Obituary : Gertrude Lowthian Bell '' . The Geographical Journal 68.4 ( 1926 ) : pp. 363 -- 368 . JSTOR. 28 October 2009 . Meyer , Karl E. ; Brysac , S.B. ( 2008 ) . Kingmakers : The Invention of the Modern Middle East . W.W. Norton . ISBN 978 - 0 - 393 - 33770 - 9 . O'Brien , R. , ed. ( 2000 ) . Gertrude Bell : The Arabian Diaries , 1913 -- 1914 . Syracuse University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8156 - 0672 - 7 . Satia , Priya ( 2008 ) . Spies in Arabia : The Great War and the Cultural Foundations of Britain 's Covert Empire in the Middle East . Oxford University Press . ISBN 9780199715985 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Gertrude Bell . Wikisource has original works written by or about : Gertrude Bell The Gertrude Bell Project based at Newcastle University Library Gertrude Bell Biography also Gertrude Bell on her translations of Hafiz `` Archival material relating to Gertrude Bell '' . UK National Archives . British `` Queen of Iraq '' rests in Baghdad cemetery Gertrude Bell , a Masterful Spy and Diplomat `` Gertrude of Arabia '' . The Economist. 7 September 2006 . Review of Daughter of the Desert : The Remarkable Life of Gertrude Bell by Georgina Howell Review of the Civil Administration of Mesopotamia , London : H.M. Stationery Office . 1920 Works by Gertrude Bell at Project Gutenberg Works by or about Gertrude Bell at Internet Archive Works by Gertrude Bell at LibriVox ( public domain audiobooks ) Poems from the Divan of Hafiz . Translated by Gertrude Lowthian Bell . 1897 . The Arab war ; confidential information for General headquarters from Gertrude Bell , being despatches from the secret `` Arab bulletin '' . Golden Cockerel Press . 1940 . The Rountons : The Bell Family ( photographs ) Lifestory of Gertrude Bell , from `` Lives of the First World War '' Newspaper clippings about Gertrude Bell in the 20th Century Press Archives of the German National Library of Economics ( ZBW ) WorldCat Identities BNE : XX957112 BNF : cb12286528n ( data ) CiNii : DA00875505 GND : 118658026 ISNI : 0000 0000 8096 8759 LCCN : n50082912 NDL : 00511964 NKC : xx0023632 NLA : 35016937 PIC : 268199 SELIBR : 177195 SNAC : w6vx3zz5 SUDOC : 031699367 ULAN : 500080338 VIAF : 17391032 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1868 births 1926 deaths Alumni of Lady Margaret Hall , Oxford English Arabists Commanders of the Order of the British Empire English archaeologists English explorers English mountain climbers English travel writers Explorers of Arabia Explorers of Asia Female wartime spies Interwar period spies People educated at Queen 's College , London People from Washington , Tyne and Wear British women in World War I Women archaeologists Women travel writers World War I spies for the United Kingdom People from County Durham Holy Land travellers Female explorers Burials in Iraq Victorian women writers 20th - century British women writers 19th - century English writers 20th - century English writers 20th - century archaeologists Female climbers 19th - century British women writers Witnesses of the Armenian Genocide Women geographers 20th - century geographers People from Middlesbrough Hidden categories : Pages containing links to subscription - only content Subscription required using via EngvarB from September 2013 Use dmy dates from July 2018 Articles with hCards CS1 maint : Extra text : authors list Articles with Project Gutenberg links Articles with Internet Archive links Articles with LibriVox links Wikipedia articles with BNE identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with CINII identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with NDL identifiers Wikipedia articles with NKC identifiers Wikipedia articles with NLA identifiers Wikipedia articles with PIC identifiers Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers Wikipedia articles with SNAC - ID identifiers Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers Wikipedia articles with ULAN identifiers Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers AC with 15 elements Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikisource Asturianu Azərbaycanca Bân - lâm - gú Català Čeština Cymraeg Deutsch Español Esperanto فارسی Français Galego 한국어 Հայերեն Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית ಕನ್ನಡ Македонски Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский Simple English Slovenščina کوردی Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Türkçe Türkmençe Українська اردو Tiếng Việt 中文 30 more Edit links This page was last edited on 29 October 2018 , at 07 : 08 ( UTC ) . 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who is gertrude bell queen of the desert
Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell , CBE ( 14 July 1868 -- 12 July 1926 ) was an English writer , traveller , political officer , administrator , and archaeologist who explored , mapped , and became highly influential to British imperial policy - making due to her knowledge and contacts , built up through extensive travels in Greater Syria , Mesopotamia , Asia Minor , and Arabia . Along with T.E. Lawrence , Bell helped support the Hashemite dynasties in what is today Jordan as well as in Iraq .
Periodic table - wikipedia Periodic table Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the table used in chemistry and physics . For other uses , see Periodic table ( disambiguation ) . Part of a series on the Periodic table Periodic table forms ( show ) 18 - column large cells 32 - column ( large cells ) Alternative forms Janet 's left step Beyond period 7 Fricke large cells Pyykkö Periodic table history ( show ) Dmitri Mendeleev predictions Discovery of elements Naming & etymology for places for scientists controversies ( in East Asia ) Systematic element names Sets of elements By periodic table structure ( show ) Groups ( 1 -- 18 ) 1 ( alkali metals ) 2 ( alkaline earth metals ) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ( pnictogens ) 16 ( chalcogens ) 17 ( halogens ) 18 ( noble gases ) Periods ( 1 -- 7 ... ) 5 6 7 8 + Aufbau Fricke Pyykkö Blocks ( s , p , d , f , ... ) Atomic orbitals Aufbau principle By metallic classification ( show ) Metals alkali alkaline earth transition post-transition lanthanide actinide ( superactinide ) Metalloids dividing metals & nonmetals Nonmetals reactive nonmetals noble gases By other characteristics ( show ) Coinage metals Platinum - group metals Precious metals Refractory metals Heavy metals Light metals Native metals Noble metals Main - group elements Rare - earth elements Transuranium , transplutonium elements Major , minor & trans - actinides Elements List of chemical elements ( show ) by abundance ( in human body ) by atomic properties by isotope stability by annual production by symbol Properties of elements ( show ) Atomic weight Crystal structure Electron affinity configuration Electronegativity ( Allen , Pauling ) Goldschmidt classification Nutrition Valence Data pages for elements ( show ) Abundance Atomic radius Boiling point Critical point Density Elasticity Electrical resistivity Electron affinity / configuration Electronegativity Hardness Heat capacity / of fusion / of vaporization Ionization energy Melting point Oxidation state Speed of sound Thermal conductivity / expansion coefficient Vapor pressure Book Category Chemistry Portal The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of the chemical elements , ordered by their atomic number , electron configuration , and recurring chemical properties , whose adopted structure shows periodic trends . Generally , within one row ( period ) the elements are metals on the left , and non-metals on the right , with the elements having similar chemical behaviours being placed in the same column . Table rows are commonly called periods and columns are called groups . Six groups have accepted names as well as assigned numbers : for example , group 17 elements are halogens ; and group 18 are noble gases . Also displayed are four simple rectangular areas or blocks associated with the filling of different atomic orbitals . Importantly , the organization of the periodic table can be utilized to derive relationships between various element properties , but also predicted chemical properties and behaviours of undiscovered or newly synthesized elements . Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev was first to publish a recognizable periodic table in 1869 , developed mainly to illustrate periodic trends of the then - known elements . He also predicted some properties of unidentified elements that were expected to fill gaps within this table . Most of his forecasts proved to be correct . Mendeleev 's idea has been slowly expanded and refined with the discovery or synthesis of further new elements and by developing new theoretical models to explain chemical behaviour . The modern periodic table now provides a useful framework for analyzing chemical reactions , and continues to be widely adopted in chemistry , nuclear physics and other sciences . All elements ranging from atomic numbers 1 ( hydrogen ) to 118 ( oganesson ) have been either discovered or synthesized , completing the first seven rows of the periodic table . The first 98 elements exist naturally , although some are found only in trace amounts and were synthesized in laboratories before being found in nature . Atomic numbers for elements 99 to 118 have only been synthesized in laboratories or nuclear reactors . The synthesis of elements having higher atomic numbers is currently being pursued : these elements would begin an eighth row , and theoretical work has been done to suggest possible appearances for this extension . Numerous synthetic radionuclides of naturally occurring elements have also been produced in laboratories . Contents ( hide ) 1 Overview 2 Grouping methods 2.1 Groups 2.2 Periods 2.3 Blocks 2.4 Metals , metalloids and nonmetals 3 Periodic trends and patterns 3.1 Electron configuration 3.2 Atomic radii 3.3 Ionization energy 3.4 Electronegativity 3.5 Electron affinity 3.6 Metallic character 3.7 Linking or bridging groups 4 History 4.1 First systemization attempts 4.2 Mendeleev 's table 4.3 Second version and further development 5 Different periodic tables 5.1 The long - or 32 - column table 5.2 Tables with different structures 6 Open questions and controversies 6.1 Placement of hydrogen and helium 6.2 Group 3 and its elements in periods 6 and 7 6.2. 1 Lanthanum and actinium 6.2. 2 Lutetium and lawrencium 6.2. 3 Lanthanides and actinides 6.3 Groups included in the transition metals 6.4 Elements with unknown chemical properties 6.5 Further periodic table extensions 6.6 Element with the highest possible atomic number 6.7 Optimal form 7 See also 8 Notes 9 References 10 Bibliography 11 External links Overview For a more detailed periodic table , see Periodic table ( large cells ) . hide Periodic table Group 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Alkali metals Alkaline earth metals Pnictogens Chalcogens Halogens Noble gases Period Hydrogen 1H ​ 7000100800000000000 ♠ 1.008 Helium 2He ​ 7000400260000000000 ♠ 4.0026 Lithium 3Li ​ 7000694000000000000 ♠ 6.94 Beryllium 4Be ​ 7000901220000000000 ♠ 9.0122 Boron 5B ​ 7001108100000000000 ♠ 10.81 Carbon 6C ​ 7001120110000000000 ♠ 12.011 Nitrogen 7N ​ 7001140070000000000 ♠ 14.007 Oxygen 8O ​ 7001159990000000000 ♠ 15.999 Fluorine 9F ​ 7001189980000000000 ♠ 18.998 Neon 10 Ne ​ 7001201800000000000 ♠ 20.180 Sodium 11 Na ​ 7001229899999999999 ♠ 22.990 Magnesium 12 Mg ​ 7001243050000000000 ♠ 24.305 Aluminium 13 Al ​ 7001269820000000000 ♠ 26.982 Silicon 14 Si ​ 7001280850000000000 ♠ 28.085 Phosphorus 15 P ​ 7001309740000000000 ♠ 30.974 Sulfur 16 S ​ 7001320600000000000 ♠ 32.06 Chlorine 17 Cl ​ 7001354500000000000 ♠ 35.45 Argon 18 Ar ​ 7001399480000000000 ♠ 39.948 Potassium 19 K ​ 7001390980000000000 ♠ 39.098 Calcium 20 Ca ​ 7001400780000000000 ♠ 40.078 Scandium 21 Sc ​ 7001449560000000000 ♠ 44.956 Titanium 22 Ti ​ 7001478670000000000 ♠ 47.867 Vanadium 23 V ​ 7001509420000000000 ♠ 50.942 Chromium 24 Cr ​ 7001519960000000000 ♠ 51.996 Manganese 25 Mn ​ 7001549380000000000 ♠ 54.938 Iron 26 Fe ​ 7001558450000000000 ♠ 55.845 Cobalt 27 Co ​ 7001589330000000000 ♠ 58.933 Nickel 28 Ni ​ 7001586930000000000 ♠ 58.693 Copper 29 Cu ​ 7001635460000000000 ♠ 63.546 Zinc 30 Zn ​ 7001653800000000000 ♠ 65.38 Gallium 31 Ga ​ 7001697230000000000 ♠ 69.723 Germanium 32 Ge ​ 7001726300000000000 ♠ 72.630 Arsenic 33 As ​ 7001749220000000000 ♠ 74.922 Selenium 34 Se ​ 7001789710000000000 ♠ 78.971 Bromine 35 Br ​ 7001799040000000000 ♠ 79.904 Krypton 36 Kr ​ 7001837980000000000 ♠ 83.798 5 Rubidium 37 Rb ​ 7001854680000000000 ♠ 85.468 Strontium 38 Sr ​ 7001876200000000000 ♠ 87.62 Yttrium 39 Y ​ 7001889060000000000 ♠ 88.906 Zirconium 40 Zr ​ 7001912240000000000 ♠ 91.224 Niobium 41 Nb ​ 7001929060000000000 ♠ 92.906 Molybdenum 42 Mo ​ 7001959500000000000 ♠ 95.95 Technetium 43 Tc ​ ( 98 ) Ruthenium 44 Ru ​ 7002101070000000000 ♠ 101.07 Rhodium 45 Rh ​ 7002102910000000000 ♠ 102.91 Palladium 46 Pd ​ 7002106420000000000 ♠ 106.42 Silver 47 Ag ​ 7002107870000000000 ♠ 107.87 Cadmium 48 Cd ​ 7002112410000000000 ♠ 112.41 Indium 49 In ​ 7002114820000000000 ♠ 114.82 Tin 50 Sn ​ 7002118710000000000 ♠ 118.71 Antimony 51 Sb ​ 7002121760000000000 ♠ 121.76 Tellurium 52 Te ​ 7002127600000000000 ♠ 127.60 Iodine 53 I ​ 7002126900000000000 ♠ 126.90 Xenon 54 Xe ​ 7002131289999999999 ♠ 131.29 6 Caesium 55 Cs ​ 7002132910000000000 ♠ 132.91 Barium 56 Ba ​ 7002137330000000000 ♠ 137.33 Lanthanum 57 La ​ 7002138910000000000 ♠ 138.91 Hafnium 72 Hf ​ 7002178490000000000 ♠ 178.49 Tantalum 73 Ta ​ 7002180950000000000 ♠ 180.95 Tungsten 74 W ​ 7002183840000000000 ♠ 183.84 Rhenium 75 Re ​ 7002186210000000000 ♠ 186.21 Osmium 76 Os ​ 7002190230000000000 ♠ 190.23 Iridium 77 Ir ​ 7002192220000000000 ♠ 192.22 Platinum 78 Pt ​ 7002195080000000000 ♠ 195.08 Gold 79 Au ​ 7002196970000000000 ♠ 196.97 Mercury 80 Hg ​ 7002200590000000000 ♠ 200.59 Thallium 81 Tl ​ 7002204380000000000 ♠ 204.38 Lead 82 Pb ​ 7002207200000000000 ♠ 207.2 Bismuth 83 Bi ​ 7002208980000000000 ♠ 208.98 Polonium 84 Po ​ ( 209 ) Astatine 85 At ​ ( 210 ) Radon 86 Rn ​ ( 222 ) 7 Francium 87 Fr ​ ( 223 ) Radium 88 Ra ​ ( 226 ) Actinium 89 Ac ​ ( 227 ) Rutherfordium 104 Rf ​ ( 267 ) Dubnium 105 Db ​ ( 268 ) Seaborgium 106 Sg ​ ( 269 ) Bohrium 107 Bh ​ ( 270 ) Hassium 108 Hs ​ ( 270 ) Meitnerium 109 Mt ​ ( 278 ) Darmstadtium 110 Ds ​ ( 281 ) Roentgenium 111 Rg ​ ( 282 ) Copernicium 112 Cn ​ ( 285 ) Nihonium 113 Nh ​ ( 286 ) Flerovium 114 Fl ​ ( 289 ) Moscovium 115 Mc ​ ( 290 ) Livermorium 116 Lv ​ ( 293 ) Tennessine 117 Ts ​ ( 294 ) Oganesson 118 Og ​ ( 294 ) Cerium 58 Ce ​ 7002140120000000000 ♠ 140.12 Praseodymium 59 Pr ​ 7002140910000000000 ♠ 140.91 Neodymium 60 Nd ​ 7002144240000000000 ♠ 144.24 Promethium 61 Pm ​ ( 145 ) Samarium 62 Sm ​ 7002150360000000000 ♠ 150.36 Europium 63 Eu ​ 7002151960000000000 ♠ 151.96 Gadolinium 64 Gd ​ 7002157250000000000 ♠ 157.25 Terbium 65 Tb ​ 7002158930000000000 ♠ 158.93 Dysprosium 66 Dy ​ 7002162500000000000 ♠ 162.50 Holmium 67 Ho ​ 7002164930000000000 ♠ 164.93 Erbium 68 Er ​ 7002167260000000000 ♠ 167.26 Thulium 69 Tm ​ 7002168930000000000 ♠ 168.93 Ytterbium 70 Yb ​ 7002173050000000000 ♠ 173.05 Lutetium 71 Lu ​ 7002174970000000000 ♠ 174.97 Thorium 90 Th ​ 7002232040000000000 ♠ 232.04 Protactinium 91 Pa ​ 7002231040000000000 ♠ 231.04 Uranium 92 U ​ 7002238030000000000 ♠ 238.03 Neptunium 93 Np ​ ( 237 ) Plutonium 94 Pu ​ ( 244 ) Americium 95 Am ​ ( 243 ) Curium 96 Cm ​ ( 247 ) Berkelium 97 Bk ​ ( 247 ) Californium 98 Cf ​ ( 251 ) Einsteinium 99 Es ​ ( 252 ) Fermium 100 Fm ​ ( 257 ) Mendelevium 101 Md ​ ( 258 ) Nobelium 102 No ​ ( 259 ) Lawrencium 103 Lr ​ ( 266 ) 1 ( red ) = Gas 3 ( black ) = Solid 80 ( green ) = Liquid 109 ( gray ) = Unknown Color of the atomic number shows state of matter ( at 0 ° C and 1 atm ) Primordial From decay Synthetic Border shows natural occurrence of the element Standard atomic weight ( A ) Ca : 7001400780000000000 ♠ 40.078 -- Formal short value , rounded ( no uncertainty ) Po : ( 209 ) -- mass number of the most stable isotope Background color shows subcategory in the metal -- metalloid -- nonmetal trend : Metal Metalloid Nonmetal Unknown chemical properties Alkali metal Alkaline earth metal Lanthanide Actinide Transition metal Post - ​ transition metal Reactive nonmetal Noble gas Each chemical element has a unique atomic number ( Z ) representing the number of protons in its nucleus . Most elements have differing numbers of neutrons among different atoms , with these variants being referred to as isotopes . For example , carbon has three naturally occurring isotopes : all of its atoms have six protons and most have six neutrons as well , but about one per cent have seven neutrons , and a very small fraction have eight neutrons . Isotopes are never separated in the periodic table ; they are always grouped together under a single element . Elements with no stable isotopes have the atomic masses of their most stable isotopes , where such masses are shown , listed in parentheses . In the standard periodic table , the elements are listed in order of increasing atomic number Z ( the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom ) . A new row ( period ) is started when a new electron shell has its first electron . Columns ( groups ) are determined by the electron configuration of the atom ; elements with the same number of electrons in a particular subshell fall into the same columns ( e.g. oxygen and selenium are in the same column because they both have four electrons in the outermost p - subshell ) . Elements with similar chemical properties generally fall into the same group in the periodic table , although in the f - block , and to some respect in the d - block , the elements in the same period tend to have similar properties , as well . Thus , it is relatively easy to predict the chemical properties of an element if one knows the properties of the elements around it . As of 2016 , the periodic table has 118 confirmed elements , from element 1 ( hydrogen ) to 118 ( oganesson ) . Elements 113 , 115 , 117 and 118 , the most recent discoveries , were officially confirmed by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry ( IUPAC ) in December 2015 . Their proposed names , nihonium ( Nh ) , moscovium ( Mc ) , tennessine ( Ts ) and oganesson ( Og ) respectively , were announced by the IUPAC in June 2016 and made official in November 2016 . The first 94 elements occur naturally ; the remaining 24 , americium to oganesson ( 95 -- 118 ) , occur only when synthesized in laboratories . Of the 94 naturally occurring elements , 83 are primordial and 11 occur only in decay chains of primordial elements . No element heavier than einsteinium ( element 99 ) has ever been observed in macroscopic quantities in its pure form , nor has astatine ( element 85 ) ; francium ( element 87 ) has been only photographed in the form of light emitted from microscopic quantities ( 300,000 atoms ) . Grouping methods Groups Main article : Group ( periodic table ) A group or family is a vertical column in the periodic table . Groups usually have more significant periodic trends than periods and blocks , explained below . Modern quantum mechanical theories of atomic structure explain group trends by proposing that elements within the same group generally have the same electron configurations in their valence shell . Consequently , elements in the same group tend to have a shared chemistry and exhibit a clear trend in properties with increasing atomic number . In some parts of the periodic table , such as the d - block and the f - block , horizontal similarities can be as important as , or more pronounced than , vertical similarities . Under an international naming convention , the groups are numbered numerically from 1 to 18 from the leftmost column ( the alkali metals ) to the rightmost column ( the noble gases ) . Previously , they were known by roman numerals . In America , the roman numerals were followed by either an `` A '' if the group was in the s - or p - block , or a `` B '' if the group was in the d - block . The roman numerals used correspond to the last digit of today 's naming convention ( e.g. the group 4 elements were group IVB , and the group 14 elements were group IVA ) . In Europe , the lettering was similar , except that `` A '' was used if the group was before group 10 , and `` B '' was used for groups including and after group 10 . In addition , groups 8 , 9 and 10 used to be treated as one triple - sized group , known collectively in both notations as group VIII . In 1988 , the new IUPAC naming system was put into use , and the old group names were deprecated . Some of these groups have been given trivial ( unsystematic ) names , as seen in the table below , although some are rarely used . Groups 3 -- 10 have no trivial names and are referred to simply by their group numbers or by the name of the first member of their group ( such as `` the scandium group '' for group 3 ) , since they display fewer similarities and / or vertical trends . Elements in the same group tend to show patterns in atomic radius , ionization energy , and electronegativity . From top to bottom in a group , the atomic radii of the elements increase . Since there are more filled energy levels , valence electrons are found farther from the nucleus . From the top , each successive element has a lower ionization energy because it is easier to remove an electron since the atoms are less tightly bound . Similarly , a group has a top - to - bottom decrease in electronegativity due to an increasing distance between valence electrons and the nucleus . There are exceptions to these trends : for example , in group 11 , electronegativity increases farther down the group . hide Groups in the Periodic table IUPAC group 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Mendeleev ( I -- VIII ) IA II A III B IV B VB VI B VII B VIII B IB II B III B IV B VB VI B VII B CAS ( US , A-B-A ) IA IIA IIIB IVB VB VIB VIIB VIIIB IB IIB IIIA IVA VA VIA VIIA VIIIA old IUPAC ( Europe , A-B ) IA IIA IIIA IVA VA VIA VIIA VIII B IB IIB IIIB IVB VB VIB VIIB 0 Trivial name Alkali metals Alkaline earth metals Coinage metals Triels Tetrels Pnictogens Chalcogens Halogens Noble gases Name by element Lithium group Beryllium group Scandium group Titanium group Vanadium group Chromium group Manganese group Iron group Cobalt group Nickel group Copper group Zinc group Boron group Carbon group Nitrogen group Oxygen group Fluorine group Helium or Neon group Period 1 He Period 2 Li Be O Ne Period 3 Na Mg Al Si Cl Ar Period 4 Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Period 5 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te Xe Period 6 Cs Ba La Ce -- Lu Hf Ta Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Period 7 Fr Ra Ac Th -- Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og Group 3 has scandium ( Sc ) and yttrium ( Y ) . For the rest of the group , sources differ as either being ( 1 ) lutetium ( Lu ) and lawrencium ( Lr ) , or ( 2 ) lanthanum ( La ) and actinium ( Ac ) , or ( 3 ) the whole set of 15 + 15 lanthanides and actinides . IUPAC has initiated a project to standardize the definition as either ( 1 ) Sc , Y , Lu and Lr , or ( 2 ) Sc , Y , La and Ac . Group 18 , the noble gases , were not discovered at the time of Mendeleev 's original table . Later ( 1902 ) , Mendeleev accepted the evidence for their existence , and they could be placed in a new `` group 0 '' , consistently and without breaking the periodic table principle . Group name as recommended by IUPAC . Hydrogen ( H ) , while placed in group 1 , is not considered to be part of the alkali metals . Periods Main article : Period ( periodic table ) A period is a horizontal row in the periodic table . Although groups generally have more significant periodic trends , there are regions where horizontal trends are more significant than vertical group trends , such as the f - block , where the lanthanides and actinides form two substantial horizontal series of elements . Elements in the same period show trends in atomic radius , ionization energy , electron affinity , and electronegativity . Moving left to right across a period , atomic radius usually decreases . This occurs because each successive element has an added proton and electron , which causes the electron to be drawn closer to the nucleus . This decrease in atomic radius also causes the ionization energy to increase when moving from left to right across a period . The more tightly bound an element is , the more energy is required to remove an electron . Electronegativity increases in the same manner as ionization energy because of the pull exerted on the electrons by the nucleus . Electron affinity also shows a slight trend across a period . Metals ( left side of a period ) generally have a lower electron affinity than nonmetals ( right side of a period ) , with the exception of the noble gases . Blocks Main article : Block ( periodic table ) Left to right : s - , f - , d - , p - block in the periodic table Specific regions of the periodic table can be referred to as blocks in recognition of the sequence in which the electron shells of the elements are filled . Each block is named according to the subshell in which the `` last '' electron notionally resides . The s - block comprises the first two groups ( alkali metals and alkaline earth metals ) as well as hydrogen and helium . The p - block comprises the last six groups , which are groups 13 to 18 in IUPAC group numbering ( 3A to 8A in American group numbering ) and contains , among other elements , all of the metalloids . The d - block comprises groups 3 to 12 ( or 3B to 2B in American group numbering ) and contains all of the transition metals . The f - block , often offset below the rest of the periodic table , has no group numbers and comprises lanthanides and actinides . Metals , metalloids and nonmetals Metals , metalloids , nonmetals , and elements with unknown chemical properties in the periodic table . Sources disagree on the classification of some of these elements . According to their shared physical and chemical properties , the elements can be classified into the major categories of metals , metalloids and nonmetals . Metals are generally shiny , highly conducting solids that form alloys with one another and salt - like ionic compounds with nonmetals ( other than noble gases ) . A majority of nonmetals are coloured or colourless insulating gases ; nonmetals that form compounds with other nonmetals , feature covalent bonding . In between metals and nonmetals are metalloids , which have intermediate or mixed properties . Metal and nonmetals can be further classified into subcategories that show a gradation from metallic to non-metallic properties , when going left to right in the rows . The metals may be subdivided into the highly reactive alkali metals , through the less reactive alkaline earth metals , lanthanides and actinides , via the archetypal transition metals , and ending in the physically and chemically weak post-transition metals . Nonmetals may be simply subdivided into the polyatomic nonmetals , being nearer to the metalloids and show some incipient metallic character ; the essentially nonmetallic diatomic nonmetals , nonmetallic and the almost completely inert , monatomic noble gases . Specialized groupings such as refractory metals and noble metals , are examples of subsets of transition metals , also known and occasionally denoted . Placing elements into categories and subcategories based just on shared properties is imperfect . There is a large disparity of properties within each category with notable overlaps at the boundaries , as is the case with most classification schemes . Beryllium , for example , is classified as an alkaline earth metal although its amphoteric chemistry and tendency to mostly form covalent compounds are both attributes of a chemically weak or post-transition metal . Radon is classified as a nonmetallic noble gas yet has some cationic chemistry that is characteristic of metals . Other classification schemes are possible such as the division of the elements into mineralogical occurrence categories , or crystalline structures . Categorizing the elements in this fashion dates back to at least 1869 when Hinrichs wrote that simple boundary lines could be placed on the periodic table to show elements having shared properties , such as metals , nonmetals , or gaseous elements . Periodic trends and patterns Main article : Periodic trends Electron configuration Main article : Electronic configuration Approximate order in which shells and subshells are arranged by increasing energy according to the Madelung rule The electron configuration or organisation of electrons orbiting neutral atoms shows a recurring pattern or periodicity . The electrons occupy a series of electron shells ( numbered 1 , 2 , and so on ) . Each shell consists of one or more subshells ( named s , p , d , f and g ) . As atomic number increases , electrons progressively fill these shells and subshells more or less according to the Madelung rule or energy ordering rule , as shown in the diagram . The electron configuration for neon , for example , is 1s 2s 2p . With an atomic number of ten , neon has two electrons in the first shell , and eight electrons in the second shell ; there are two electrons in the s subshell and six in the p subshell . In periodic table terms , the first time an electron occupies a new shell corresponds to the start of each new period , these positions being occupied by hydrogen and the alkali metals . Periodic table trends ( arrows show an increase ) Since the properties of an element are mostly determined by its electron configuration , the properties of the elements likewise show recurring patterns or periodic behaviour , some examples of which are shown in the diagrams below for atomic radii , ionization energy and electron affinity . It is this periodicity of properties , manifestations of which were noticed well before the underlying theory was developed , that led to the establishment of the periodic law ( the properties of the elements recur at varying intervals ) and the formulation of the first periodic tables . Atomic radii Main article : Atomic radius Atomic number plotted against atomic radius Atomic radii vary in a predictable and explainable manner across the periodic table . For instance , the radii generally decrease along each period of the table , from the alkali metals to the noble gases ; and increase down each group . The radius increases sharply between the noble gas at the end of each period and the alkali metal at the beginning of the next period . These trends of the atomic radii ( and of various other chemical and physical properties of the elements ) can be explained by the electron shell theory of the atom ; they provided important evidence for the development and confirmation of quantum theory . The electrons in the 4f - subshell , which is progressively filled across the lanthanide series , are not particularly effective at shielding the increasing nuclear charge from the sub-shells further out . The elements immediately following the lanthanides have atomic radii that are smaller than would be expected and that are almost identical to the atomic radii of the elements immediately above them . Hence hafnium has virtually the same atomic radius ( and chemistry ) as zirconium , and tantalum has an atomic radius similar to niobium , and so forth . This is known as the lanthanide contraction . The effect of the lanthanide contraction is noticeable up to platinum ( element 78 ) , after which it is masked by a relativistic effect known as the inert pair effect . The d - block contraction , which is a similar effect between the d - block and p - block , is less pronounced than the lanthanide contraction but arises from a similar cause . Ionization energy Ionization energy : each period begins at a minimum for the alkali metals , and ends at a maximum for the noble gases Main article : Ionization energy The first ionization energy is the energy it takes to remove one electron from an atom , the second ionization energy is the energy it takes to remove a second electron from the atom , and so on . For a given atom , successive ionization energies increase with the degree of ionization . For magnesium as an example , the first ionization energy is 738 kJ / mol and the second is 1450 kJ / mol . Electrons in the closer orbitals experience greater forces of electrostatic attraction ; thus , their removal requires increasingly more energy . Ionization energy becomes greater up and to the right of the periodic table . Large jumps in the successive molar ionization energies occur when removing an electron from a noble gas ( complete electron shell ) configuration . For magnesium again , the first two molar ionization energies of magnesium given above correspond to removing the two 3s electrons , and the third ionization energy is a much larger 7730 kJ / mol , for the removal of a 2p electron from the very stable neon - like configuration of Mg . Similar jumps occur in the ionization energies of other third - row atoms . Electronegativity Main article : Electronegativity Graph showing increasing electronegativity with growing number of selected groups Electronegativity is the tendency of an atom to attract a shared pair of electrons . An atom 's electronegativity is affected by both its atomic number and the distance between the valence electrons and the nucleus . The higher its electronegativity , the more an element attracts electrons . It was first proposed by Linus Pauling in 1932 . In general , electronegativity increases on passing from left to right along a period , and decreases on descending a group . Hence , fluorine is the most electronegative of the elements , while caesium is the least , at least of those elements for which substantial data is available . There are some exceptions to this general rule . Gallium and germanium have higher electronegativities than aluminium and silicon respectively because of the d - block contraction . Elements of the fourth period immediately after the first row of the transition metals have unusually small atomic radii because the 3d - electrons are not effective at shielding the increased nuclear charge , and smaller atomic size correlates with higher electronegativity . The anomalously high electronegativity of lead , particularly when compared to thallium and bismuth , appears to be an artifact of data selection and data availability . Methods of calculation other than the Pauling method show the normal periodic trends for these elements . Electron affinity Main article : Electron affinity Dependence of electron affinity on atomic number . Values generally increase across each period , culminating with the halogens before decreasing precipitously with the noble gases . Examples of localized peaks seen in hydrogen , the alkali metals and the group 11 elements are caused by a tendency to complete the s - shell ( with the 6s shell of gold being further stabilized by relativistic effects and the presence of a filled 4f sub shell ) . Examples of localized troughs seen in the alkaline earth metals , and nitrogen , phosphorus , manganese and rhenium are caused by filled s - shells , or half - filled p - or d - shells . The electron affinity of an atom is the amount of energy released when an electron is added to a neutral atom to form a negative ion . Although electron affinity varies greatly , some patterns emerge . Generally , nonmetals have more positive electron affinity values than metals . Chlorine most strongly attracts an extra electron . The electron affinities of the noble gases have not been measured conclusively , so they may or may not have slightly negative values . Electron affinity generally increases across a period . This is caused by the filling of the valence shell of the atom ; a group 17 atom releases more energy than a group 1 atom on gaining an electron because it obtains a filled valence shell and is therefore more stable . A trend of decreasing electron affinity going down groups would be expected . The additional electron will be entering an orbital farther away from the nucleus . As such this electron would be less attracted to the nucleus and would release less energy when added . In going down a group , around one - third of elements are anomalous , with heavier elements having higher electron affinities than their next lighter congenors . Largely , this is due to the poor shielding by d and f electrons . A uniform decrease in electron affinity only applies to group 1 atoms . Metallic character The lower the values of ionization energy , electronegativity and electron affinity , the more metallic character the element has . Conversely , nonmetallic character increases with higher values of these properties . Given the periodic trends of these three properties , metallic character tends to decrease going across a period ( or row ) and , with some irregularities ( mostly ) due to poor screening of the nucleus by d and f electrons , and relativistic effects , tends to increase going down a group ( or column or family ) . Thus , the most metallic elements ( such as caesium and francium ) are found at the bottom left of traditional periodic tables and the most nonmetallic elements ( oxygen , fluorine , chlorine ) at the top right . The combination of horizontal and vertical trends in metallic character explains the stair - shaped dividing line between metals and nonmetals found on some periodic tables , and the practice of sometimes categorizing several elements adjacent to that line , or elements adjacent to those elements , as metalloids . Linking or bridging groups Sc , Y , La , Ac , Lu , Lr , Cu , Ag , Au , Zn , Cd , Hg , He , Ne , Ar , Kr , Xe , Rn Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon Caesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury ( element ) Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson 32 - column periodic table showing , from left to right , the location of group 3 ; lutetium and lawrencium ; groups 11 -- 12 ; and the noble gases From left to right across the four blocks of the long - or 32 - column form of the periodic table are a series of linking or bridging groups of elements , located approximately between each block . These groups , like the metalloids , show properties in between , or that are a mixture of , groups to either side . Chemically , the group 3 elements , scandium , yttrium , lanthanum and actinium behave largely like the alkaline earth metals or , more generally , s block metals but have some of the physical properties of d block transition metals . Lutetium and lawrencium , at the end of the end of the f block , may constitute another linking or bridging group . Lutetium behaves chemically as a lanthanide but shows a mix of lanthanide and transition metal physical properties . Lawrencium , as an analogue of lutetium , would presumable display like characteristics . The coinage metals in group 11 ( copper , silver , and gold ) are chemically capable of acting as either transition metals or main group metals . The volatile group 12 metals , zinc , cadmium and mercury are sometimes regarded as linking the d block to the p block . Notionally they are d block elements but they have few transition metal properties and are more like their p block neighbors in group 13 . The relatively inert noble gases , in group 18 , bridge the most reactive groups of elements in the periodic table -- the halogens in group 17 and the alkali metals in group 1 . History Main article : History of the periodic table First systemization attempts The discovery of the elements mapped to significant periodic table development dates ( pre - , per - and post - ) In 1789 , Antoine Lavoisier published a list of 33 chemical elements , grouping them into gases , metals , nonmetals , and earths . Chemists spent the following century searching for a more precise classification scheme . In 1829 , Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner observed that many of the elements could be grouped into triads based on their chemical properties . Lithium , sodium , and potassium , for example , were grouped together in a triad as soft , reactive metals . Döbereiner also observed that , when arranged by atomic weight , the second member of each triad was roughly the average of the first and the third ; this became known as the Law of Triads . German chemist Leopold Gmelin worked with this system , and by 1843 he had identified ten triads , three groups of four , and one group of five . Jean - Baptiste Dumas published work in 1857 describing relationships between various groups of metals . Although various chemists were able to identify relationships between small groups of elements , they had yet to build one scheme that encompassed them all . In 1857 , German chemist August Kekulé observed that carbon often has four other atoms bonded to it . Methane , for example , has one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms . This concept eventually became known as valency ; different elements bond with different numbers of atoms . In 1862 , Alexandre - Emile Béguyer de Chancourtois , a French geologist , published an early form of periodic table , which he called the telluric helix or screw . He was the first person to notice the periodicity of the elements . With the elements arranged in a spiral on a cylinder by order of increasing atomic weight , de Chancourtois showed that elements with similar properties seemed to occur at regular intervals . His chart included some ions and compounds in addition to elements . His paper also used geological rather than chemical terms and did not include a diagram ; as a result , it received little attention until the work of Dmitri Mendeleev . In 1864 , Julius Lothar Meyer , a German chemist , published a table with 44 elements arranged by valency . The table showed that elements with similar properties often shared the same valency . Concurrently , English chemist William Odling published an arrangement of 57 elements , ordered on the basis of their atomic weights . With some irregularities and gaps , he noticed what appeared to be a periodicity of atomic weights among the elements and that this accorded with `` their usually received groupings '' . Odling alluded to the idea of a periodic law but did not pursue it . He subsequently proposed ( in 1870 ) a valence - based classification of the elements . Newlands ' periodic table , as presented to the Chemical Society in 1866 , and based on the law of octaves English chemist John Newlands produced a series of papers from 1863 to 1866 noting that when the elements were listed in order of increasing atomic weight , similar physical and chemical properties recurred at intervals of eight ; he likened such periodicity to the octaves of music . This so termed Law of Octaves was ridiculed by Newlands ' contemporaries , and the Chemical Society refused to publish his work . Newlands was nonetheless able to draft a table of the elements and used it to predict the existence of missing elements , such as germanium . The Chemical Society only acknowledged the significance of his discoveries five years after they credited Mendeleev . In 1867 , Gustavus Hinrichs , a Danish born academic chemist based in America , published a spiral periodic system based on atomic spectra and weights , and chemical similarities . His work was regarded as idiosyncratic , ostentatious and labyrinthine and this may have militated against its recognition and acceptance . Mendeleev 's table Dmitri Mendeleev , watercolour by Ilya Repin Mendeleev 's periodic table from his book An Attempt Towards a Chemical Conception of the Ether A version of Mendeleev 's 1869 periodic table : An experiment on a system of elements based on their atomic weights and chemical similarities . This early arrangement presents the periods vertically , and the groups horizontally . Russian chemistry professor Dmitri Mendeleev and German chemist Julius Lothar Meyer independently published their periodic tables in 1869 and 1870 , respectively . Mendeleev 's table was his first published version ; that of Meyer was an expanded version of his ( Meyer 's ) table of 1864 . They both constructed their tables by listing the elements in rows or columns in order of atomic weight and starting a new row or column when the characteristics of the elements began to repeat . The recognition and acceptance afforded to Mendeleev 's table came from two decisions he made . The first was to leave gaps in the table when it seemed that the corresponding element had not yet been discovered . Mendeleev was not the first chemist to do so , but he was the first to be recognized as using the trends in his periodic table to predict the properties of those missing elements , such as gallium and germanium . The second decision was to occasionally ignore the order suggested by the atomic weights and switch adjacent elements , such as tellurium and iodine , to better classify them into chemical families . Mendeleev published in 1869 , using atomic weight to organize the elements , information determinable to fair precision in his time . Atomic weight worked well enough to allow Mendeleev to accurately predict the properties of missing elements . Following the discovery , in 1911 , by Ernest Rutherford of the atomic nucleus , it was proposed that the integer count of the nuclear charge is identical to the sequential place of each element in the periodic table . In 1913 , Henry Moseley using X-ray spectroscopy confirmed this proposal experimentally . Moseley determined the value of the nuclear charge of each element , and showed that Mendeleev 's ordering actually places the elements in sequential order by nuclear charge . Nuclear charge is identical to proton count , and determines the value of the atomic number ( Z ) of each element . Using atomic number gives a definitive , integer - based sequence for the elements . Moseley predicted , in 1913 , that the only elements still missing between aluminium ( Z = 13 ) and gold ( Z = 79 ) were Z = 43 , 61 , 72 , and 75 , all of which were later discovered . The atomic number is the absolute definition of an element , and gives a factual basis for the ordering of the periodic table . The periodic table is used to predict the properties of new synthetic elements before they are produced and studied . Second version and further development Mendeleev 's 1871 periodic table with eight groups of elements . Dashes represented elements unknown in 1871 . Eight - column form of periodic table , updated with all elements discovered to 2016 In 1871 , Mendeleev published his periodic table in a new form , with groups of similar elements arranged in columns rather than in rows , and those columns numbered I to VIII corresponding with the element 's oxidation state . He also gave detailed predictions for the properties of elements he had earlier noted were missing , but should exist . These gaps were subsequently filled as chemists discovered additional naturally occurring elements . It is often stated that the last naturally occurring element to be discovered was francium ( referred to by Mendeleev as eka - caesium ) in 1939 . Plutonium , produced synthetically in 1940 , was identified in trace quantities as a naturally occurring element in 1971 . The popular periodic table layout , also known as the common or standard form ( as shown at various other points in this article ) , is attributable to Horace Groves Deming . In 1923 , Deming , an American chemist , published short ( Mendeleev style ) and medium ( 18 - column ) form periodic tables . Merck and Company prepared a handout form of Deming 's 18 - column medium table , in 1928 , which was widely circulated in American schools . By the 1930s Deming 's table was appearing in handbooks and encyclopaedias of chemistry . It was also distributed for many years by the Sargent - Welch Scientific Company . With the development of modern quantum mechanical theories of electron configurations within atoms , it became apparent that each period ( row ) in the table corresponded to the filling of a quantum shell of electrons . Larger atoms have more electron sub-shells , so later tables have required progressively longer periods . Glenn T. Seaborg , in 1945 , suggested a new periodic table showing the actinides as belonging to a second f - block series . In 1945 , Glenn Seaborg , an American scientist , made the suggestion that the actinide elements , like the lanthanides , were filling an f sub-level . Before this time the actinides were thought to be forming a fourth d - block row . Seaborg 's colleagues advised him not to publish such a radical suggestion as it would most likely ruin his career . As Seaborg considered he did not then have a career to bring into disrepute , he published anyway . Seaborg 's suggestion was found to be correct and he subsequently went on to win the 1951 Nobel Prize in chemistry for his work in synthesizing actinide elements . Although minute quantities of some transuranic elements occur naturally , they were all first discovered in laboratories . Their production has expanded the periodic table significantly , the first of these being neptunium , synthesized in 1939 . Because many of the transuranic elements are highly unstable and decay quickly , they are challenging to detect and characterize when produced . There have been controversies concerning the acceptance of competing discovery claims for some elements , requiring independent review to determine which party has priority , and hence naming rights . In 2010 , a joint Russia -- US collaboration at Dubna , Moscow Oblast , Russia , claimed to have synthesized six atoms of tennessine ( element 117 ) , making it the most recently claimed discovery . It , along with nihonium ( element 113 ) , moscovium ( element 115 ) , and oganesson ( element 118 ) , are the four most recently named elements , whose names all became official on 28 November 2016 . Different periodic tables The long - or 32 - column table The periodic table in 32 - column format The modern periodic table is sometimes expanded into its long or 32 - column form by reinstating the footnoted f - block elements into their natural position between the s - and d - blocks . Unlike the 18 - column form this arrangement results in `` no interruptions in the sequence of increasing atomic numbers '' . The relationship of the f - block to the other blocks of the periodic table also becomes easier to see . Jensen advocates a form of table with 32 columns on the grounds that the lanthanides and actinides are otherwise relegated in the minds of students as dull , unimportant elements that can be quarantined and ignored . Despite these advantages the 32 - column form is generally avoided by editors on account of its undue rectangular ratio ( compared to a book page ratio ) , and the familiarity of chemists with the modern form ( as introduced by Seaborg ) . Tables with different structures Main article : Alternative periodic tables Within 100 years of the appearance of Mendeleev 's table in 1869 it has been estimated that around 700 different periodic table versions were published . As well as numerous rectangular variations , other periodic table formats have been shaped , for example , like a circle , cube , cylinder , building , spiral , lemniscate , octagonal prism , pyramid , sphere , or triangle . Such alternatives are often developed to highlight or emphasize chemical or physical properties of the elements that are not as apparent in traditional periodic tables . Theodor Benfey 's spiral periodic table A popular alternative structure is that of Theodor Benfey ( 1960 ) . The elements are arranged in a continuous spiral , with hydrogen at the centre and the transition metals , lanthanides , and actinides occupying peninsulas . Most periodic tables are two - dimensional ; three - dimensional tables are known to as far back as at least 1862 ( pre-dating Mendeleev 's two - dimensional table of 1869 ) . More recent examples include Courtines ' Periodic Classification ( 1925 ) , Wringley 's Lamina System ( 1949 ) , Giguère 's Periodic helix ( 1965 ) and Dufour 's Periodic Tree ( 1996 ) . Going one further , Stowe 's Physicist 's Periodic Table ( 1989 ) has been described as being four - dimensional ( having three spatial dimensions and one colour dimension ) . The various forms of periodic tables can be thought of as lying on a chemistry -- physics continuum . Towards the chemistry end of the continuum can be found , as an example , Rayner - Canham 's `` unruly '' Inorganic Chemist 's Periodic Table ( 2002 ) , which emphasizes trends and patterns , and unusual chemical relationships and properties . Near the physics end of the continuum is Janet 's Left - Step Periodic Table ( 1928 ) . This has a structure that shows a closer connection to the order of electron - shell filling and , by association , quantum mechanics . A somewhat similar approach has been taken by Alper , albeit criticized by Eric Scerri as disregarding the need to display chemical and physical periodicity . Somewhere in the middle of the continuum is the ubiquitous common or standard form of periodic table . This is regarded as better expressing empirical trends in physical state , electrical and thermal conductivity , and oxidation numbers , and other properties easily inferred from traditional techniques of the chemical laboratory . Its popularity is thought to be a result of this layout having a good balance of features in terms of ease of construction and size , and its depiction of atomic order and periodic trends . hide Left - step periodic table ( by Charles Janet ) f f f f f f f f f f f f f f d d d d d d d d d d p p p p p p s s 1s He 2s Li Be 2p 3s O Ne Na Mg 3p 4s Al Si Cl Ar Ca 3d 4p 5s Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr 4d 5p 6s Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Cs Ba 4f 5d 6p 7s La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Fr Ra 5f 6d 7p 8s Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og 119 120 f - block d - block p - block s - block This form of periodic table is more congruent with the order in which electron shells are ideally filled according to the Madelung rule , as shown in the accompanying sequence in the left margin ( read from top to bottom , left to right ) . In reality , the filling of electron shells is characterized by a number of irregularities . Open questions and controversies Placement of hydrogen and helium Simply following electron configurations , hydrogen ( electronic configuration 1s ) and helium ( 1s ) should be placed in groups 1 and 2 , above lithium ( 1s 2s ) and beryllium ( 1s 2s ) . While such a placement is common for hydrogen , it is rarely used for helium outside of the context of electron configurations : When the noble gases ( then called `` inert gases '' ) were first discovered around 1900 , they were known as `` group 0 '' , reflecting no chemical reactivity of these elements known at that point , and helium was placed on the top of that group , as it did share the extreme chemical inertness seen throughout the group . As the group changed its formal number , many authors continued to assign helium directly above neon , in group 18 ; one of the examples of such placing is the current IUPAC table . Hydrogen 's chemical properties are not very close to those of the alkali metals , which occupy group 1 . On this basis it is sometimes placed elsewhere . A common alternative is at the top of group 17 given hydrogen 's strictly univalent and largely non-metallic chemistry , and the strictly univalent and non-metallic chemistry of fluorine ( the element otherwise at the top of group 17 ) . Sometimes , to show hydrogen has properties corresponding to both those of the alkali metals and the halogens , it is shown at the top of the two columns simultaneously . Another suggestion is above carbon in group 14 : placed that way , it fits well into the trends of increasing ionization potential values and electron affinity values , and is not too far from the electronegativity trend , even though hydrogen can not show the tetravalence characteristic of the heavier group 14 elements . Finally , hydrogen is sometimes placed separately from any group ; this is based on how general properties of hydrogen differ from that of any group . The other period 1 element , helium , is sometimes placed separately from any group as well . The property that distinguishes helium from the rest of the noble gases ( even though the extraordinary inertness of helium is extremely close to that of neon and argon ) is that in its closed electron shell , helium has only two electrons in the outermost electron orbital , while the rest of the noble gases have eight . Group 3 and its elements in periods 6 and 7 Although scandium and yttrium are always the first two elements in group 3 , the identity of the next two elements is not completely settled . They are commonly lanthanum and actinium , and less often lutetium and lawrencium . The two variants originate from historical difficulties in placing the lanthanides in the periodic table , and arguments as to where the f block elements start and end . It has been claimed that such arguments are proof that , `` it is a mistake to break the ( periodic ) system into sharply delimited blocks '' . A third variant shows the two positions below yttrium as being occupied by the lanthanides and the actinides . Chemical and physical arguments have been made in support of lutetium and lawrencium but the majority of authors seem unconvinced . Most working chemists are not aware there is any controversy . In December 2015 an IUPAC project was established to make a recommendation on the matter . Lanthanum and actinium La and Ac below Y Lanthanum and actinium are commonly depicted as the remaining group 3 members . It has been suggested that this layout originated in the 1940s , with the appearance of periodic tables relying on the electron configurations of the elements and the notion of the differentiating electron . The configurations of caesium , barium and lanthanum are ( Xe ) 6s , ( Xe ) 6s and ( Xe ) 5d 6s . Lanthanum thus has a 5d differentiating electron and this establishes it `` in group 3 as the first member of the d - block for period 6 '' . A consistent set of electron configurations is then seen in group 3 : scandium ( Ar ) 3d 4s , yttrium ( Kr ) 4d 5s and lanthanum ( Xe ) 5d 6s . Still in period 6 , ytterbium was assigned an electron configuration of ( Xe ) 4f 5d 6s and lutetium ( Xe ) 4f 5d 6s , `` resulting in a 4f differentiating electron for lutetium and firmly establishing it as the last member of the f - block for period 6 '' . Later spectroscopic work found that the electron configuration of ytterbium was in fact ( Xe ) 4f 6s . This meant that ytterbium and lutetium -- the latter with ( Xe ) 4f 5d 6s -- both had 14 f - electrons , `` resulting in a d - rather than an f - differentiating electron '' for lutetium and making it an `` equally valid candidate '' with ( Xe ) 5d 6s lanthanum , for the group 3 periodic table position below yttrium . Lanthanum has the advantage of incumbency since the 5d electron appears for the first time in its structure whereas it appears for the third time in lutetium , having also made a brief second appearance in gadolinium . In terms of chemical behaviour , and trends going down group 3 for properties such as melting point , electronegativity and ionic radius , scandium , yttrium , lanthanum and actinium are similar to their group 1 -- 2 counterparts . In this variant , the number of f electrons in the most common ( trivalent ) ions of the f - block elements consistently matches their position in the f - block . For example , the f - electron counts for the trivalent ions of the first three f - block elements are Ce 1 , Pr 2 and Nd 3 . Lutetium and lawrencium Lu and Lr below Y In other tables , lutetium and lawrencium are the remaining group 3 members . Early techniques for chemically separating scandium , yttrium and lutetium relied on the fact that these elements occurred together in the so - called `` yttrium group '' whereas La and Ac occurred together in the `` cerium group '' . Accordingly , lutetium rather than lanthanum was assigned to group 3 by some chemists in the 1920s and 30s . Several physicists in the 1950s and ' 60s favoured lutetium , in light of a comparison of several of its physical properties with those of lanthanum . This arrangement , in which lanthanum is the first member of the f - block , is disputed by some authors since lanthanum lacks any f - electrons . It has been argued that this is not valid concern given other periodic table anomalies -- thorium , for example , has no f - electrons yet is part of the f - block . As for lawrencium , its gas phase atomic electron configuration was confirmed in 2015 as ( Rn ) 5f 7s 7p . Such a configuration represents another periodic table anomaly , regardless of whether lawrencium is located in the f - block or the d - block , as the only potentially applicable p - block position has been reserved for nihonium with its predicted configuration of ( Rn ) 5f 6d 7s 7p . Chemically , scandium , yttrium and lutetium ( and presumably lawrencium ) behave like trivalent versions of the group 1 -- 2 metals . On the other hand , trends going down the group for properties such as melting point , electronegativity and ionic radius , are similar to those found among their group 4 -- 8 counterparts . In this variant , the number of f electrons in the gaseous forms of the f - block atoms usually matches their position in the f - block . For example , the f - electron counts for the first five f - block elements are La 0 , Ce 1 , Pr 3 , Nd 4 and Pm 5 . Lanthanides and actinides Markers below Y A few authors position all thirty lanthanides and actinides in the two positions below yttrium ( usually via footnote markers ) . This variant emphasizes similarities in the chemistry of the 15 lanthanide elements ( La -- Lu ) , possibly at the expense of ambiguity as to which elements occupy the two group 3 positions below yttrium , and a 15 - column wide f block ( there can only be 14 elements in any row of the f block ) . Groups included in the transition metals The definition of a transition metal , as given by IUPAC , is an element whose atom has an incomplete d sub-shell , or which can give rise to cations with an incomplete d sub-shell . By this definition all of the elements in groups 3 -- 11 are transition metals . The IUPAC definition therefore excludes group 12 , comprising zinc , cadmium and mercury , from the transition metals category . Some chemists treat the categories `` d - block elements '' and `` transition metals '' interchangeably , thereby including groups 3 -- 12 among the transition metals . In this instance the group 12 elements are treated as a special case of transition metal in which the d electrons are not ordinarily involved in chemical bonding . The 2007 report of mercury ( IV ) fluoride ( HgF ) , a compound in which mercury would use its d electrons for bonding , has prompted some commentators to suggest that mercury can be regarded as a transition metal . Other commentators , such as Jensen , have argued that the formation of a compound like HgF can occur only under highly abnormal conditions ; indeed , its existence is currently disputed . As such , mercury could not be regarded as a transition metal by any reasonable interpretation of the ordinary meaning of the term . Still other chemists further exclude the group 3 elements from the definition of a transition metal . They do so on the basis that the group 3 elements do not form any ions having a partially occupied d shell and do not therefore exhibit any properties characteristic of transition metal chemistry . In this case , only groups 4 -- 11 are regarded as transition metals . Though the group 3 elements show few of the characteristic chemical properties of the transition metals , they do show some of their characteristic physical properties ( on account of the presence in each atom of a single d electron ) . Elements with unknown chemical properties Although all elements up to oganesson have been discovered , of the elements above hassium ( element 108 ) , only copernicium ( element 112 ) , nihonium ( element 113 ) , and flerovium ( element 114 ) have known chemical properties , and only for copernicium is there enough evidence for a conclusive categorisation at present . The other elements may behave differently from what would be predicted by extrapolation , due to relativistic effects ; for example , flerovium has been predicted to possibly exhibit some noble - gas - like properties , even though it is currently placed in the carbon group . The current experimental evidence still leaves open the question of whether flerovium behaves more like a metal or a noble gas . Further periodic table extensions Main article : Extended periodic table Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon Caesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury ( element ) Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson Ununennium Unbinilium Unbiunium Unquadquadium Unquadpentium Unquadhexium Unquadseptium Unquadoctium Unquadennium Unpentnilium Unpentunium Unpentbium Unpenttrium Unpentquadium Unpentpentium Unpenthexium Unpentseptium Unpentoctium Unpentennium Unhexnilium Unhexunium Unhexbium Unhextrium Unhexquadium Unhexpentium Unhexhexium Unhexseptium Unhexoctium Unhexennium Unseptnilium Unseptunium Unseptbium Unbibium Unbitrium Unbiquadium Unbipentium Unbihexium Unbiseptium Unbioctium Unbiennium Untrinilium Untriunium Untribium Untritrium Untriquadium Untripentium Untrihexium Untriseptium Untrioctium Untriennium Unquadnilium Unquadunium Unquadbium Unquadtrium Periodic table with eight rows , extended to element 172 It is unclear whether new elements will continue the pattern of the current periodic table as period 8 , or require further adaptations or adjustments . Seaborg expected the eighth period to follow the previously established pattern exactly , so that it would include a two - element s - block for elements 119 and 120 , a new g - block for the next 18 elements , and 30 additional elements continuing the current f - , d - , and p - blocks , culminating in element 168 , the next noble gas . More recently , physicists such as Pekka Pyykkö have theorized that these additional elements do not follow the Madelung rule , which predicts how electron shells are filled and thus affects the appearance of the present periodic table . There are currently several competing theoretical models for the placement of the elements of atomic number less than or equal to 172 . In all of these it is element 172 , rather than element 168 , that emerges as the next noble gas after oganesson , although these must be regarded as speculative as no complete calculations have been done beyond element 122 . Element with the highest possible atomic number The number of possible elements is not known . A very early suggestion made by Elliot Adams in 1911 , and based on the arrangement of elements in each horizontal periodic table row , was that elements of atomic weight greater than circa 256 ( which would equate to between elements 99 and 100 in modern - day terms ) did not exist . A higher -- more recent -- estimate is that the periodic table may end soon after the island of stability , which is expected to centre around element 126 , as the extension of the periodic and nuclides tables is restricted by proton and neutron drip lines . Other predictions of an end to the periodic table include at element 128 by John Emsley , at element 137 by Richard Feynman , and at element 155 by Albert Khazan . Bohr model The Bohr model exhibits difficulty for atoms with atomic number greater than 137 , as any element with an atomic number greater than 137 would require 1s electrons to be travelling faster than c , the speed of light . Hence the non-relativistic Bohr model is inaccurate when applied to such an element . Relativistic Dirac equation The relativistic Dirac equation has problems for elements with more than 137 protons . For such elements , the wave function of the Dirac ground state is oscillatory rather than bound , and there is no gap between the positive and negative energy spectra , as in the Klein paradox . More accurate calculations taking into account the effects of the finite size of the nucleus indicate that the binding energy first exceeds the limit for elements with more than 173 protons . For heavier elements , if the innermost orbital ( 1s ) is not filled , the electric field of the nucleus will pull an electron out of the vacuum , resulting in the spontaneous emission of a positron . This does not happen if the innermost orbital is filled , so that element 173 is not necessarily the end of the periodic table . Optimal form The many different forms of periodic table have prompted the question of whether there is an optimal or definitive form of periodic table . The answer to this question is thought to depend on whether the chemical periodicity seen to occur among the elements has an underlying truth , effectively hard - wired into the universe , or if any such periodicity is instead the product of subjective human interpretation , contingent upon the circumstances , beliefs and predilections of human observers . An objective basis for chemical periodicity would settle the questions about the location of hydrogen and helium , and the composition of group 3 . Such an underlying truth , if it exists , is thought to have not yet been discovered . In its absence , the many different forms of periodic table can be regarded as variations on the theme of chemical periodicity , each of which explores and emphasizes different aspects , properties , perspectives and relationships of and among the elements . See also Chemistry portal Book : Periodic table Abundance of the chemical elements Atomic electron configuration table Element collecting List of chemical elements List of periodic table - related articles Names for sets of chemical elements Standard model Table of nuclides Template : Spectral lines of the elements The Mystery of Matter : Search for the Elements ( PBS film ) Timeline of chemical element discoveries Notes Jump up ^ The elements discovered initially by synthesis and later in nature are technetium ( Z = 43 ) , promethium ( 61 ) , astatine ( 85 ) , neptunium ( 93 ) , plutonium ( 94 ) , americium ( 95 ) , curium ( 96 ) , berkelium ( 97 ) and californium ( 98 ) . Jump up ^ An element zero ( i.e. a substance composed purely of neutrons ) , is included in a few alternate presentations , for example , in the Chemical Galaxy . Jump up ^ There is an inconsistency and some irregularities in this convention . Thus , helium is shown in the p - block but is actually an s - block element , and ( for example ) the d - subshell in the d - block is actually filled by the time group 11 is reached , rather than group 12 . Jump up ^ The noble gases , astatine , francium , and all elements heavier than americium were left out as there is no data for them . Jump up ^ While fluorine is the most electronegative of the elements under the Pauling scale , neon is the most electronegative element under other scales , such as the Allen scale . Jump up ^ While Lr is thought to have p rather than d electron in its ground - state electron configuration , and would therefore be expected to be volatile metal capable of forming a + 1 cation in solution , no evidence of either of these properties has been able to be obtained despite experimental attempts to do so . It was originally expected to have ad electron in its electron configuration and this may still be the case for metallic lawrencium , whereas gas phase atomic lawrencium is very likely thought to have ap electron . Jump up ^ An antecedent of Deming 's 18 - column table may be seen in Adams ' 16 - column Periodic Table of 1911 . Adams omits the rare earths and the `` radioactive elements '' ( i.e. the actinides ) from the main body of his table and instead shows them as being `` careted in only to save space '' ( rare earths between Ba and eka - Yt ; radioactive elements between eka - Te and eka - I ) . See : Elliot Q.A. ( 1911 ) . `` A modification of the periodic table '' . Journal of the American Chemical Society . 33 ( 5 ) : 684 -- 688 ( 687 ) . Jump up ^ A second extra-long periodic table row , to accommodate known and undiscovered elements with an atomic weight greater than bismuth ( thorium , protactinium and uranium , for example ) , had been postulated as far back as 1892 . Most investigators considered that these elements were analogues of the third series transition elements , hafnium , tantalum and tungsten . The existence of a second inner transition series , in the form of the actinides , was not accepted until similarities with the electron structures of the lanthanides had been established . See : van Spronsen , J.W. ( 1969 ) . The periodic system of chemical elements . Amsterdam : Elsevier . p. 315 -- 316 , ISBN 0 - 444 - 40776 - 6 . Jump up ^ See The Internet database of periodic tables for depictions of these kinds of variants . Jump up ^ But for the existence of the lanthanides the composition of group 3 would not have been a source of any special interest , since scandium , yttrium , lanthanum and actinium exhibit the same gradual change in properties as do calcium , strontium , barium and radium in group 2 . Jump up ^ The detachment of the lanthanides from the main body of the periodic table has been attributed to the Czech chemist Bohuslav Brauner who , in 1902 , allocated all of them ( `` Ce etc . '' ) to one position in group 4 , below zirconium . This arrangement was referred to as the `` asteroid hypothesis '' , in analogy to asteroids occupying a single orbit in the solar system . Before this time the lanthanides were generally ( and unsuccessfully ) placed throughout groups I to VIII of the older 8 - column form of periodic table . Although predecessors of Brauner 's 1902 arrangement are recorded from as early as 1895 , he is known to have referred to the `` chemistry of asteroids '' in an 1881 letter to Mendeleev . Other authors assigned all of the lanthanides to either group 3 , groups 3 and 4 , or groups 2 , 3 and 4 . In 1922 Niels Bohr continued the detachment process by locating the lanthanides between the s - and d - blocks . In 1949 Glenn T. Seaborg ( re ) introduced the form of periodic table that is popular today , in which the lanthanides and actinides appear as footnotes . Seaborg first published his table in a classified report dated 1944 . It was published again by him in 1945 in Chemical and Engineering News , and in the years up to 1949 several authors commented on , and generally agreed with , Seaborg 's proposal . In that year he noted that the best method for presenting the actinides seemed to be by positioning them below , and as analogues of , the lanthanides . See : Thyssen P. and Binnemans K. ( 2011 ) . `` Accommodation of the Rare Earths in the Periodic Table : A Historical Analysis '' . In K.A. Gschneider Jr. ( ed ) . Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of the Rare Earths. 41 . Amsterdam : Elsevier , pp. 1 -- 94 ; Seaborg G.T. ( 1994 ) . Origin of the Actinide Concept ' . In K.A. Gschneider Jr. ( ed ) . Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of the Rare Earths. 18 . Amsterdam : Elsevier , pp. 1 -- 27 . Jump up ^ For examples of this table see Atkins et al. ( 2006 ) . Shriver & Atkins Inorganic Chemistry ( 4th ed . ) . Oxford : Oxford University Press Myers et al. ( 2004 ) . Holt Chemistry . Orlando : Holt , Rinehart & Winston Chang R. ( 2000 ) . Essential Chemistry ( 2nd ed . ) . Boston : McGraw - Hill Jump up ^ For examples of the group 3 = Sc - Y - Lu - Lr table see Rayner - Canham G. & Overton T. ( 2013 ) . Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry ( 6th ed . ) . New York : W.H. Freeman and Company Brown et al. ( 2009 ) . Chemistry : The Central Science ( 11th ed . ) . Upper Saddle River , New Jersey : Pearson Education Moore et al. ( 1978 ) . Chemistry . Tokyo : McGraw - Hill Kogakusha Jump up ^ The phenomenon of different separation groups is caused by increasing basicity with increasing radius , and does not constitute a fundamental reason to show Lu , rather than La , below Y . Thus , among the Group 2 alkaline earth metals , Mg ( less basic ) belongs in the `` soluble group '' and Ca , Sr and Ba ( more basic ) occur in the `` ammonium carbonate group '' . Nevertheless , Mg , Ca , Sr and Ba are routinely collocated in Group 2 of the periodic table . See : Moeller et al. ( 1989 ) . Chemistry with Inorganic Qualitative Analysis ( 3rd ed . ) . SanDiego : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich , pp. 955 -- 956 , 958 . Jump up ^ Even if metallic lawrencium has a p electron , simple modelling studies suggest it will behave like a lanthanide , as do the rest of the late actinides . Jump up ^ For examples of the group 3 = Ln and An table see Housecroft C.E. & Sharpe A.G. ( 2008 ) . Inorganic Chemistry ( 3rd ed . ) . Harlow : Pearson Education Halliday et al. ( 2005 ) . Fundamentals of Physics ( 7th ed . ) . Hoboken , NewJersey : John Wiley & Sons Nebergall et . al. ( 1980 ) . General Chemistry ( 6th ed . ) . Lexington : D.C. Heath and Company Jump up ^ Karol ( 2002 , p. 63 ) contends that gravitational effects would become significant when atomic numbers become astronomically large , thereby overcoming other super-massive nuclei instability phenomena , and that neutron stars ( with atomic numbers on the order of 10 ) can arguably be regarded as representing the heaviest known elements in the universe . See : Karol P.J. ( 2002 ) . `` The Mendeleev -- Seaborg periodic table : Through Z = 1138 and beyond '' . Journal of Chemical Education 79 ( 1 ) : 60 -- 63 . Jump up ^ Scerri , one of the foremost authorities on the history of the periodic table , favoured the concept of an optimal form of periodic table but has recently changed his mind and now supports the value of a plurality of periodic tables . References Jump up ^ `` Chemistry : Four elements added to periodic table '' . BBC News . 4 January 2016 . Archived from the original on 4 January 2016 . 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​ transition metal Metalloid Reactive nonmetal Noble gas Unknown chemical properties Periodic table Periodic table forms Standard 18 - column 18 - column , large cells 32 - column , large cells Alternative Alternatives Janet 's left step table Extended Extension beyond the 7th period Fricke model large cells Pyykkö model Sets of elements By periodic table structure Groups 1 ( Alkali metals ) 2 ( Alkaline earth metals ) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ( Pnictogens ) 16 ( Chalcogens ) 17 ( Halogens ) 18 ( Noble gases ) Periods 5 6 7 8 + Aufbau Fricke Pyykkö Blocks s - block p - block d - block f - block g - block Aufbau principle By metallicity Metals Alkali metals Alkaline earth metals Lanthanides Actinides Transition metals Post-transition metals Metalloids Lists of metalloids by source Dividing line Nonmetals Reactive nonmetals Noble gases Other sets Nutritional elements Platinum - group metals ( PGM ) Rare - earth elements Refractory metals Precious metals Coinage metals Noble metal Heavy metals Native metals Transuranium elements Transactinide elements Major actinides Minor actinides Elements Lists By : Abundance ( in humans ) Atomic properties Nuclear stability Production Symbol Properties Atomic weight Crystal structure Electron affinity Electron configuration Electronegativity Allen Pauling Goldschmidt classification Maximum valence Data pages Abundance Atomic radius Boiling point Critical point Density Elasticity Electrical resistivity Electron affinity Electron configuration Electronegativity Hardness Heat capacity Heat of fusion Heat of vaporization Ionization energy Melting point Oxidation state Speed of sound Thermal conductivity Thermal expansion coefficient Vapor pressure History Element discoveries Mendeleev 's predictions Naming Etymology controversies places scientists in East Asia See also IUPAC nomenclature systematic element name Trivial name Dmitri Mendeleev Book Category Chemistry Portal Branches of chemistry Dictionary of chemical formulas List of biomolecules List of inorganic compounds Periodic table Physical Chemical kinetics Chemical physics Nuclear chemistry Electrochemistry Femtochemistry Geochemistry Photochemistry Quantum chemistry Solid - 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what is the name given to the rows in the periodic table
The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of the chemical elements , ordered by their atomic number , electron configuration , and recurring chemical properties , whose adopted structure shows periodic trends . Generally , within one row ( period ) the elements are metals on the left , and non-metals on the right , with the elements having similar chemical behaviours being placed in the same column . Table rows are commonly called periods and columns are called groups . Six groups have accepted names as well as assigned numbers : for example , group 17 elements are halogens ; and group 18 are noble gases . Also displayed are four simple rectangular areas or blocks associated with the filling of different atomic orbitals .
National Park Service - wikipedia National Park Service Jump to : navigation , search National Park Service National Park Service Arrowhead Guidon of the National Park Service Agency overview Formed August 25 , 1916 ; 101 years ago ( 1916 - 08 - 25 ) Jurisdiction United States federal government Headquarters 1849 C Street NW , Washington , D.C. 20240 Employees 15,828 permanent , 1,256 term , 2,984 seasonal ( 2007 ) Annual budget $2.924 billion ( 2009 ) Agency executive Mike Reynolds , Acting Director Parent agency Department of the Interior Website The National Park Service ( NPS ) is an agency of the United States federal government that manages all national parks , many national monuments , and other conservation and historical properties with various title designations . It was created on August 25 , 1916 , by Congress through the National Park Service Organic Act and is an agency of the United States Department of the Interior . The NPS is charged with a dual role of preserving the ecological and historical integrity of the places entrusted to its management , while also making them available and accessible for public use and enjoyment . As of 2014 , the NPS employs 21,651 employees who oversee 417 units , of which 59 are designated national parks . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 National parks 2 Directors 3 National Park System 3.1 Holdings 3.2 Criteria 3.3 Special designations 4 Budget 4.1 Discretionary spending 4.2 Resource stewardship 4.3 Visitor services 4.4 Park protection 4.5 Facility maintenance and operations 4.6 Park support 4.7 External administrative costs 4.8 Park partnerships 4.9 Land and Water Conservation Fund ( LWCF ) 4.10 Construction 4.11 Historic preservation fund 4.12 National recreation and preservation 4.13 Offsetting reductions and fixed costs in various accounts 4.14 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 4.15 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative 4.16 Mandatory spending 4.17 Employees and volunteers 4.18 Economic benefits 5 Nomenclature 6 Visitors 7 Youth programs 8 Accessibility 9 Concessions 9.1 Litigation with Delaware North 10 Bookstores 11 Offices 12 Staff and volunteers 12.1 Employees 12.2 Volunteers - In - Parks ( VIP ) 13 Law enforcement 13.1 Jurisdiction 13.2 Law Enforcement Rangers 13.3 Special Agents 13.4 Laws enforced 13.5 United States Park Police 14 Special divisions 15 International affairs 16 Initiatives 16.1 Green Park Plan 16.1. 1 Climate Friendly Parks Program 17 Related acts 18 See also 18.1 Areas 18.2 People 18.2. 1 Individuals 18.2. 2 Roles 18.3 Related organizations 18.4 Other links 19 References 20 Sources 21 External links History ( edit ) Main article : History of the National Park Service See also : National Park Service Organic Act In 1916 , a portfolio of nine major parks was published to generate interest . Printed on each brochure was a map showing the parks and principal railroad connections . In 1934 , a series of ten postage stamps were issued to commemorate the reorganization and expansion of the National Park Service . National parks and national monuments in the United States were originally individually managed under the auspices of the Department of the Interior . The movement for an independent agency to oversee these federal lands was spearheaded by business magnate and conservationist Stephen Mather , as well as J. Horace McFarland . With the help of journalist Robert Sterling Yard , Mather ran a publicity campaign for the Department of the Interior . They wrote numerous articles that praised the scenic and historic qualities of the parks and their possibilities for educational , inspirational , and recreational benefits . This campaign resulted in the creation of a National Park Service . On August 25 , 1916 , President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill that mandated the agency `` to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and wildlife therein , and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations . '' Mather became the first director of the newly formed NPS . On March 3 , 1933 , President Herbert Hoover signed the Reorganization Act of 1933 . The act would allow the President to reorganize the executive branch of the United States government . It was n't until later that summer when the new President , Franklin D. Roosevelt , made use of this power . Deputy Director Horace M. Albright had suggested to President Roosevelt that the historic sites from the American Civil War should be managed by the National Park Service , rather than the War Department . President Roosevelt agreed and issued two Executive orders to make it happen . These two executive orders not only transferred to the National Park Service all the War Department historic sites , but also the national monuments managed by the Department of Agriculture and the parks in and around the capital , which had been run by an independent office . In 1951 , Conrad Wirth became director of the National Park Service and went to work on bringing park facilities up to the standards that the public expected . The demand for parks after the end of the World War II had left the parks overburdened with demands that could not be met . In 1952 , with the support of President Dwight D. Eisenhower , he began Mission 66 , a ten - year effort to upgrade and expand park facilities for the 50th anniversary of the Park Service . New parks were added to preserve unique resources and existing park facilities were upgraded and expanded . In 1966 , as the Park Service turned 50 years old , emphasis began to turn from just saving great and wonderful scenery and unique natural features to making parks accessible to the public . Director George Hartzog began the process with the creation of the National Lakeshores and then National Recreation Areas . National parks ( edit ) Grand Canyon National Park , south rim of canyon . A National Park Service MD 900 helicopter NPS Preliminary Survey party , Great Smoky Mountains , 1931 Winter at the Gettysburg Battlefield Since its inception in 1916 , the National Park Service has managed each of the United States ' national parks , which have grown in number over the years to 59 . Yellowstone National Park was the first national park in the United States . In 1872 , there was no state government to manage it , so the federal government assumed direct control . Yosemite National Park began as a state park ; the land for the park was donated by the federal government to the state of California in 1864 for perpetual conservation . Yosemite was later returned to federal ownership . At first , each national park was managed independently , with varying degrees of success . In Yellowstone , the civilian staff was replaced by the U.S. Army in 1886 . Due to the irregularities in managing these national treasures , Stephen Mather petitioned the federal government to improve the situation . In response , Secretary of the Interior Franklin K. Lane challenged him to lobby for creating a new agency , the National Park Service , to manage all national parks and some national monuments . Mather was successful with the ratification of the National Park Service Organic Act in 1916 . Later , the agency was given authority over other protected areas , many with varying designations as Congress created them . Directors ( edit ) Stephen Mather ( center ) and his staff , 1927 or 1928 Jon Jarvis , Former NPS Director Name Term of office Start End Stephen Mather May 16 , 1917 January 8 , 1929 Horace M. Albright January 12 , 1929 August 9 , 1933 Arno B. Cammerer August 10 , 1933 August 9 , 1940 Newton B. Drury August 20 , 1940 March 31 , 1951 5 Arthur E. Demaray April 1 , 1951 December 8 , 1951 6 Conrad L. Wirth December 9 , 1951 January 7 , 1964 7 George B. Hartzog Jr . January 9 , 1964 December 31 , 1972 8 Ronald H. Walker January 7 , 1973 January 3 , 1975 9 Gary Everhardt January 13 , 1975 May 27 , 1977 10 William J. Whalen III July 5 , 1977 May 13 , 1980 11 Russell E. Dickenson May 15 , 1980 March 3 , 1985 12 William Penn Mott Jr . May 17 , 1985 April 16 , 1989 13 James M. Ridenour April 17 , 1989 January 20 , 1993 14 Roger G. Kennedy June 1 , 1993 March 29 , 1997 15 Robert Stanton August 4 , 1997 January 2001 16 Fran P. Mainella July 18 , 2001 October 15 , 2006 17 Mary A. Bomar October 17 , 2006 January 20 , 2009 18 Jonathan Jarvis September 24 , 2009 January 20 , 2017 National Park System ( edit ) This section is missing information about governance , policy decisions etc . Please expand the section to include this information . Further details may exist on the talk page . ( September 2015 ) Customs House at the Salem Maritime National Historic Site in Salem , Massachusetts . See also : List of the United States National Park System official units and List of areas in the United States National Park System Further information : African - American Heritage Sites ( U.S. National Park Service ) , Hispanic Heritage Site , Native American Heritage Sites ( U.S. National Park Service ) , and Women 's History Sites ( U.S. National Park Service ) The National Park System ( NPS ) includes all properties managed by the National Park Service ( also , confusingly , `` NPS '' ) . The title or designation of a unit need not include the term park ; indeed , most do not . The System as a whole is considered to be a national treasure of the United States , and some of the more famous national parks and monuments are sometimes referred to metaphorically as `` crown jewels '' . The system encompasses approximately 84.4 million acres ( 338,000 km2 ) , of which more than 4.3 million acres ( 17,000 km2 ) remain in private ownership . The largest unit is Wrangell - St. Elias National Park and Preserve , Alaska . At 13,200,000 acres ( 53,000 km2 ) , it is over 16 percent of the entire system . The smallest unit in the system is Thaddeus Kosciuszko National Memorial , Pennsylvania , at 0.02 acre ( 80 m2 ) . In addition to administering its units and other properties , the National Park Service also provides technical and financial assistance to several `` affiliated areas '' authorized by Congress . The largest affiliated area is New Jersey Pinelands National Reserve at 1,164,025 acres ( 4711 km2 ) . The smallest is Benjamin Franklin National Memorial at less than 0.01 acres ( 40 m ) . Although all units of the National Park System in the United States are the responsibility of a single agency , they are all managed under individual pieces of authorizing legislation or , in the case of national monuments created under the Antiquities Act , presidential proclamation . For example , because of provisions within their enabling legislation , Congaree National Park is almost entirely wilderness area devoid of development , yet Yosemite allows unique developments such as the Badger Pass Ski Area and the O'Shaughnessy Dam within its boundaries . Death Valley National Park has an active mine legislated within its boundaries . Such irregularities would not be found in other parks unless specifically provided for with exceptions by the legislation that created them . Holdings ( edit ) For current specifics and a multitude of information , see the Quick Facts section of the NPS website . Type Amount Area of land 84,000,000 acres 340,000 km Area of oceans , lakes , reservoirs 4,502,644 acres 18,222 km Length of perennial rivers and streams 85,049 mi 136,873 km Archeological sites 68,561 Length of shoreline 43,162 mi 69,463 km Historic structures 27,000 Objects in museum collections 121,603,193 Buildings 21,000 Trails 12,250 mi 19,710 km Roads 8,500 mi 13,700 km Criteria ( edit ) Most units of the National Park Service have been established by an act of Congress , with the president confirming the action by signing the act into law . The exception , under the Antiquities Act , allows the president to designate and protect areas as National Monuments by executive order . Regardless of the method used , all parks are to be of national importance . A potential park should meet all four of the following standards : It is an outstanding example of a particular type of resource . It possesses exceptional value or quality in illustrating or interpreting the natural or cultural themes of our Nation 's heritage . It offers superlative opportunities for recreation , for public use and enjoyment , or for scientific study . It retains a high degree of integrity as a true , accurate , and relatively unspoiled example of the resource . Special designations ( edit ) Wilderness areas are covered by the US National Wilderness Preservation System , which protects federally managed lands that are of a pristine condition , established by the Wilderness Act ( Public Law 88 - 577 ) in 1964 . The National Wilderness Preservation System originally created hundreds of wilderness zones within already protected federally administered property , consisting of over 9 million acres ( 36,000 km2 ) . Marine Protected Areas ( MPAs ) began with Executive Order 13158 in May 2000 , when official MPAs were established for the first time . The initial listing of U.S. areas was presented in 2010 , consisting of areas already set aside under other legislation . The National Park Service has 19 park units designated as MPAs . See also : § International Affairs Budget ( edit ) See also : United States federal budget and United States budget process As of 2016 , the National Park Service has an annual budget of about $3 billion and an estimated $12 billion maintenance backlog . The National Park Services budget is divided into two primary areas , discretionary and mandatory spending . Within each of these areas , there are numerous specific purposes to which Congress directs the services activities . The budget of the National Park Service includes discretionary spending which is broken out into two portions : the direct operations of the National Parks and the special initiatives . Listed separately are the special initiatives of the service for the year specified in the legislation . For Fiscal Year 2010 , the service has been charged with five initiatives . They include : Stewardship and Education ; Professional Excellence ; Youth Programs ; Climate Impacts ; and Budget Restructure and Realignment . Discretionary spending ( edit ) NPS Operations of the National Parks budget from FY 2001 - FY 2006 Discretionary spending includes the Operations of the National Parks ( ONPS ) , from which all park operations are paid . The United States Park Police funds cover the high - profile law enforcement operations at some of the large parks ; i.e. , Gateway National Recreation Area , Golden Gate National Recreation Area , and the National Mall . The National Recreation and Preservation Program and the Urban Park and Recreation Fund are outreach programs to support state and local outdoor recreational activities . The ONPS section of the budget is divided into five operational areas . These areas include : Resource stewardship ( edit ) These are funds and people directed towards the restoration , preservation , and maintenance of natural and cultural resources . The resource staff includes biologists , geologists , archeologists , preservation specialists and a variety of specialized employees to restore and preserve cultural buildings or natural features . Visitor services ( edit ) Funds go towards providing for public programs and educational programs for the general public and school groups . This area is commonly staffed by park rangers , who are trained in providing walks , talks , and educational programs to the public . There is an increased number of media specialists , who provide for the exhibits along trails , roads and in visitor contact facilities , as well as the written brochures and web - sites . Park protection ( edit ) This includes the staff responding to visitor emergencies ( medical and criminal ) , and the protection of the park 's natural and cultural resources from damage by those persons visiting the park . The staff includes park rangers , park police , criminal investigators , and communication center operators . Facility maintenance and operations ( edit ) This is the cost of maintaining the necessary infrastructure within each park that supports all the services provided . It includes the plows and heavy equipment for road clearing , repairs and construction . There are buildings , trails , roads , docks , boats , utility pipes and wires , and a variety of hidden systems that make a park accessible by the public . The staff includes equipment operators , custodians , trail crews , electricians , plumbers , engineers , architects , and other building trade specialists . Park support ( edit ) This is the staff that provides for the routine logistical needs of the parks . There are human resource specialists , contracting officers , property specialists , budget managers , accountants and information technology specialists . External administrative costs ( edit ) These costs are bills that are paid directly to outside organizations as part of the logistical support needed to run the parks . It includes rent payments to the General Services Administration for building space ; postage payments to the postal machine vendor , and other direct payments . Functional area FY 2010 ( in thousands ) % of total Resource stewardship $347,328 15.3 % Visitor services $247,386 10.9 % Park protection $368,698 16.3 % Facility maintenance and operations $705,220 31.1 % Park support $441,854 19.5 % External administrative costs $155,530 6.9 % Total ( 2010 ) $2,266,016 Park partnerships ( edit ) These funds support the use of partnerships to achieve park preservation. 25 million dollars have been provided for FY 2010 . These funds require matching grants from individuals , foundations , businesses , and the private sector . Land and water Conservation Fund ( LWCF ) ( edit ) The LWCF supports Land Acquisition and State Conservation Assistance grant programs . The 2010 funds are the beginning of an incremental process to fully fund LWCF programs at $900 million . The Department of the Interior and the U.S. Forest Service use these funds to purchase critical lands to protect existing public lands . Grants will be made to states and local communities to preserve and protect Civil War battlefield sites that are not part of the national park system . The NPS State Conservation Assistance program distributes funding to States for land preservation . Construction ( edit ) This segment of the budget provides for the construction of new facilities or the replacement of aging and unsafe facilities . Additionally , there are funds in the recreation fees , park roads funding , and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that provide for other specific facilities / infrastructure work . Additional funds come from the Federal Land Highway Administration for the construction and repair of Park roads . Historic preservation Fund ( edit ) As the nation 's leader in cultural preservation , funds are provided for a variety of programs to meet these needs nationwide . Two specific programs include the Save America 's Treasures and the Preserve America . The Historic Preservation Offices makes grants available to the States , territories , and tribal lands . National Recreation and preservation ( edit ) These funds go to local communities to preserve natural and cultural resources . Among the programs supported are the Rivers , Trails , and Conservation Assistance programs that promote community links to parks , natural resource conservation and outdoor recreation across America . Offsetting reductions and fixed costs in various accounts ( edit ) Within this category are a number of one - time events , which are added or removed as the events require . Notably in the FY 2009 and FY 2010 is the removal of the costs for the presidential inaugural . Other savings are identified through reduced operational costs from energy - efficient retro - fitting and the demolition of structures beyond repair . American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ( edit ) Otherwise known as `` stimulus funds , '' the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 provides funds to restore and preserve major infrastructures within the national parks . Great Lakes restoration Initiative ( edit ) The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative , is a $475.0 million proposal included in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency budget . The park service will participate through the EPA in restoration activities in those parks that are within the watershed of the Great Lakes . Activities will include such actions as removal of dumps and fuel spills . Park will monitor mercury , lead , DDT , and other contaminants in six parks on the Great Lakes . Work also includes the removal of invasive species and education on how to prevent their spread . There are YouTube videos about the work being done in this field . Mandatory spending ( edit ) Mandatory appropriations are those items created by other congressional legislation that must be paid for . They include the Recreational Fee Demonstration Program , which requires the distribution and expenditure of fees collected by the National Park Service . Other Permanent Appropriations includes special funding categories to non-profit and state entities , which have been assigned to the National Park Service to manage . Miscellaneous Trust Funds includes funding sources that have been created by the federal government or private citizen , where the National Park Service or a specific park have been identified as the beneficiaries . And there is also the L&WCF Contract Authority which is the Land and Water Conservation Fund , a congressionally created source of revenues , managed by the National Park Service . Employees and volunteers ( edit ) Annually , the NPS employs over 20,000 Americans with an additional 221,000 Volunteers - In - Parks who contribute about 6.4 million hours annually . Economic benefits ( edit ) According to a 2011 Michigan State University report prepared for the NPS , for each $1 invested in the NPS , the American public receives $4 in economic value . In 2011 , national parks generated $30.1 billion in economic activity and 252,000 jobs nationwide . Thirteen billion of that amount went directly into communities within 60 miles of a NPS unit . Nomenclature ( edit ) The National Park Service uses over 20 different titles for the park units it manages , including national park and national monument . Classification as of 2009 Number Area Visitors National Military Park , National Battlefield Park , National Battlefield Site , and National Battlefield 25 71,502.49 acres ( 289 km ) 8,360,261 National Historical Park , National Historic Site , and International Historic Site 125 228,260.60 acres ( 924 km ) 34,407,217 National Lakeshore 228,995.14 acres ( 927 km ) 3,728,821 National Memorial 29 10,588.45 acres ( 43 km ) 30,559,258 National Monument 79 2,027,864.58 acres ( 8,206 km ) 22,646,428 National Park 59 52,095,045.71 acres ( 210,821 km ) 62,950,968 National Parkway 177,339.69 acres ( 718 km ) 29,948,911 National Preserve and National Reserve 20 24,191,311.63 acres ( 97,899 km ) 2,956,325 National Recreation Area 18 3,700,277.20 acres ( 14,974 km ) 50,645,414 National River and National Wild and Scenic River and Riverway 15 746,262.99 acres ( 3,020 km ) 5,999,161 National Scenic Trail 239,659.27 acres ( 970 km ) not available National Seashore 10 595,013.55 acres ( 2,408 km ) 17,920,507 Other Designations ( White House , National Mall , etc . ) 11 36,826.96 acres ( 149 km ) 11,156,670 Totals 401 84,331,948.26 acres ( 341,279 km ) 320,309,151 National parks of the United States Acadia American Samoa Arches Badlands Big Bend Biscayne Black Canyon of the Gunnison Bryce Canyon Canyonlands Capitol Reef Carlsbad Caverns Channel Islands Congaree Crater Lake Cuyahoga Valley Death Valley Denali Dry Tortugas Everglades Gates of the Arctic Glacier Glacier Bay Grand Canyon Grand Teton Great Basin Great Sand Dunes Great Smoky Mountains Guadalupe Mountains Haleakalā Hawaiʻi Volcanoes Hot Springs Isle Royale Joshua Tree Katmai Kenai Fjords Kings Canyon Kobuk Valley Lake Clark Lassen Volcanic Mammoth Cave Mesa Verde Mount Rainier North Cascades Olympic Petrified Forest Pinnacles Redwood Rocky Mountain Saguaro Sequoia Shenandoah Theodore Roosevelt Virgin Islands Voyageurs Wind Cave Wrangell -- St. Elias Yellowstone Yosemite Zion List of national parks of the United States ( by elevation ) National Parks preserve nationally and globally significant scenic areas and nature reserves . National Monuments preserve a single unique cultural or natural feature . Devils Tower National Monument was the first in 1906 . National Historical Parks of the United States Abraham Lincoln Birthplace Adams Appomattox Court House Blackstone River Valley Boston Cane River Creole Cedar Creek and Belle Grove Chaco Culture Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Colonial Cumberland Gap Dayton Aviation Heritage First State George Rogers Clark Harriet Tubman Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Harpers Ferry Hopewell Culture Independence Jean Lafitte Kalaupapa Kaloko - Honokōhau Keweenaw Klondike Gold Rush Lewis and Clark Lowell Lyndon B. Johnson Manhattan Project Marsh - Billings - Rockefeller Minute Man Morristown Natchez New Bedford Whaling New Orleans Jazz Nez Perce Palo Alto Battlefield Paterson Great Falls Pecos Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau Rosie the Riveter / World War II Home Front Salt River Bay San Antonio Missions San Francisco Maritime San Juan Island Saratoga Sitka Thomas Edison Tumacácori Valley Forge War in the Pacific Women 's Rights Full alphabetical list National Historic Sites protect a significant cultural resource that is not a complicated site . Examples of these types of parks include Ford 's Theatre National Historic Site and William Howard Taft National Historic Site . National Historical Parks are larger areas with more complex subjects . Appomattox Court House National Historical Park was created in 1940 . George Rogers Clark National Historical Park was dedicated in 1936 . Historic sites may also be protected in national parks , monuments , seashores , and lakeshores . National Military Parks , Battlefield Parks , Battlefield Sites , and Battlefields preserve areas associated with military history . The different designations reflect the complexity of the event and the site . Many of the sites preserve important Revolutionary War battles and Civil War battlefields . Military parks are the sites of larger actions , such as Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park , Vicksburg National Military Park , Gettysburg National Military Park , and Shiloh National Military Park -- the original four from 1890 . Examples of battlefield parks , battlefield sites , and national battlefields include Richmond National Battlefield Park , Brices Cross Roads National Battlefield Site , and Antietam National Battlefield . United States National Lakeshores , National Seashores , and National Rivers National Lakeshores Apostle Islands Indiana Dunes Pictured Rocks Sleeping Bear Dunes National Seashores Assateague Island Canaveral Cape Cod Cape Hatteras Cape Lookout Cumberland Island Fire Island Gulf Islands Padre Island Point Reyes National Rivers Big South Fork Bluestone River Buffalo River Mississippi River Missouri River New River Gorge Saint Croix National Seashores and National Lakeshores offer preservation of the national coast line , while supporting water -- based recreation . Cape Hatteras National Seashore was created in 1937 . Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore and Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore , created in 1966 , were the first national lakeshores . National Rivers and Wild and Scenic Riverways protect free - flowing streams over their length . The riverways may not be altered with dams , channelization , or other changes . Recreational pursuits are encouraged along the waterways . Ozark National Scenic Riverways was established in 1964 . National Recreation Areas of the United States Administered by the National Park Service Amistad Big South Fork Bighorn Canyon Boston Harbor Islands Chattahoochee River Chickasaw Curecanti Delaware Water Gap Gateway Gauley River Glen Canyon Golden Gate Lake Chelan Lake Mead Lake Meredith Lake Roosevelt Mississippi Ross Lake Santa Monica Mountains Whiskeytown - Shasta - Trinity Administered by the US Forest Service Allegheny Arapaho Ed Jenkins Flaming Gorge Grand Island Hells Canyon Jemez Land Between The Lakes Moosalamoo Mount Baker Mount Hood Mount Rogers Oregon Dunes Pine Ridge Rattlesnake Sawtooth Smith River Spring Mountains Spruce Knob - Seneca Rocks Whiskeytown - Shasta - Trinity White Rocks Winding Stair Mountain Administered by the Bureau of Land Management White Mountains National Recreation Areas originally were units ( such as Lake Mead National Recreation Area ) surrounding reservoirs impounded by dams built by other federal agencies . Many of these areas are managed under cooperative agreement with the National Park Service . Now some national recreation areas are in urban centers , because of the recommendations of a Presidential commission , the Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission ( ORRRC ) . These include Gateway National Recreation Area and Golden Gate National Recreation Area , which encompass significant cultural as well as natural resources . U.S. National Trails System National Geologic Trail Ice Age Floods Trail National Historic Trails Scenic motor routes California Trail El Camino Real de los Tejas Trail El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro Juan Bautista de Anza Trail Mormon Trail Nez Perce Trail Old Spanish Trail Oregon Trail Pony Express Trail Santa Fe Trail Selma to Montgomery Trail Trail of Tears Natural surface trails Ala Kahakai Trail Iditarod Trail Water trails Captain John Smith Chesapeake Trail Combination Lewis and Clark Trail ( motor & land & water ) Overmountain Victory Trail ( motor & land ) Star - Spangled Banner Trail ( motor & water ) Washington -- Rochambeau Revolutionary Route ( motor & water ) National Scenic Trails Appalachian Trail Arizona Trail Continental Divide Trail New England Trail Florida Trail Ice Age Trail Natchez Trace Trail North Country Trail Pacific Crest Trail Pacific Northwest Trail Potomac Heritage Trail National Water Trails Alabama Scenic River Trail Bronx River Blueway Chattahoochee River Water Trail Hudson River Greenway Water Trail Island Loop Route Kansas River Trail Mississippi National River and Recreation Area Water Trail Mississippi River Water Trail ( MRWT ) Great River Water Trail Missouri National Recreational River Water Trail Okefenokee Wilderness Canoe Trails Red Rock Water Trail Rock River Water Trail Waccamaw River Blue Trail Willamette River Water Trail National Recreation Trails National Park Service United States Forest Service Bureau of Land Management Related Triple Crown of Hiking The National Trails System preserves long - distance routes across America . The system was created in 1968 and consists of two major components : National Scenic Trails are long - distance trails through some of the most scenic parts of the country . They received official protection in 1968 . The Appalachian Trail and the Continental Divide Trail are the best known . National Historic Trails commemorate the routes of major historic events . Some of the best known are the Trail of Tears , the Mormon Trail , and the Santa Fe Trail . These trails are administered by several federal agencies . National Preserves are for the protection of certain resources . Activities like hunting , fishing , and some mining are allowed . Big Cypress National Preserve and Big Thicket National Preserve were created in 1974 as the first national preserves . National Reserves are similar to national preserves , but the operational authority can be placed with a local government . New Jersey Pinelands National Reserve was the first to be established in 1978 . Visitors ( edit ) The National Park System receives over 280 million visits each year throughout the 413 units , with over 307 million visitors in 2015 . Park visitation ( recreational only ) grew 64 percent between 1979 and 2015 . The 10 most - visited units of the National Park System handle over 28 percent of the visits to the 413 park units . The top 10 percent of parks ( 41 ) handle 62.8 percent of all visits , leaving the remaining 372 units to accommodate 37.2 percent of visits . Park Rank Visits Blue Ridge Parkway 15,054,603 Golden Gate National Recreation Area 14,888,537 Great Smoky Mountains National Park 10,712,674 Lincoln Memorial 9 7,941,771 Lake Mead National Recreation Area 5 7,298,465 George Washington Memorial Parkway 6 7,286,463 Gateway National Recreation Area 6,392,565 Natchez Trace Parkway 7 5,785,812 Vietnam Veterans Memorial 8 5,597,077 Grand Canyon National Park 10 5,520,736 Overnight stays Over 15 million visitors spent a night in one of the National Park Units during 2015 . The largest number ( 3.68 million ) were tent campers . The second largest group ( 3.38 million ) stayed in one of the lodges , followed by Miscellaneous stays ( on boats , group sites -- 2.15 million ) . The last three groups of over-night visitors included RV Campers ( 2.26 million ) , Back country campers ( 2.02 million ) and users of the Concession run campgrounds ( 1.42 million ) . Previous years of statistics are below . Park 2010 Rank 1994 Rank 1979 Rank Lodges Tent campers Misc 5 RV campers Backcountry 5 5 Concession campers 6 6 6 Annually , visitors are surveyed for their satisfaction with services and facilities provided . Services Consistently , the highest ranked service has been Assistance from Park Employees ( 82 % very good , 2007 ) . Facilities Among facilities , the park Visitor Centers obtain a consistent 70 % very good rating ( 73 % in 2007 ) . Youth programs ( edit ) The National Park Service offers a variety of youth oriented programs . They range from the Web Ranger on - line program to many programs in each National Park Unit . The primary work opportunities for youth are through the Youth Corp networks . The oldest serving group is the Student Conservation Association ( SCA ) . It was established in 1957 , committed to conservation and preservation . The SCA 's goal is to create the next generation of conservation leaders . SCA volunteers work through internships , conservation jobs , and crew experiences . Volunteers conduct resource management , historic preservation , cultural resources and conservation programs to gain experience , which can lead to career development and further educational opportunities . The SCA places volunteers in more than 350 national park units and NPS offices each year . The Corps Network , formerly known as the National Association for Service and Corps ( NASCC ) , represents 136 Service and Conservation Corps . These groups have programs in 42 states and the District of Columbia . Corpsmembers are between the ages of 16 -- 25 . Service and Conservation Corps are direct descendants of the Civilian Conservation Corps ( CCC ) of the 1930s that built park facilities in the national parks and other public parks around the country . The Corps Network was established in 1985 . Youth Conservation Corps ( ages 15 -- 18 ) The Youth Conservation Corps ( YCC ) , bring young people into a park to restore , preserve and protect a natural , cultural , or historical resources . Enrollees are paid for their work . Public Land Corps ( ages 16 -- 25 ) The Public Land Corps ( PLC ) is a job helping to restore , protect , and rehabilitate a local national parks . The enrollees learn about environmental issues and the park . A dozen non-profit . Programs for Boy Scouts ( ages 7 -- 18 ) The National Park Service works with the Boy Scouts of America . Members can become a Scout Ranger and earn a patch . The Service formerly participated every four years at the BSA Jamboree at Fort A.P. Hill , Virginia . Many scouts have completed their Eagle projects in a National Park helping preserve the resources , while furthering the scouting experience . Programs for Girl Scouts ( ages 5 -- 18 ) Girl Scouts can become a Girl Scout Ranger and earn a patch . The National Park Service works with Girl Scout Troops through their Linking Girls to the Land . Accessibility ( edit ) Access Pass The Access Pass offers free , lifetime admission to federal areas of the National Park Service , Bureau of Land Management , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers , U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service , U.S. Forest Service , and Tennessee Valley Authority . Service Animals Service animals are allowed in all facilities and on most trails , with the exceptions of stock trails and areas closed by the superintendent to protect park resources . Service animals must always be leashed . Service animals in training and pets are subject to other park regulations . When traveling with an animal , carry water , and allow for stops . Dispose of pet feces in a trash bin . Camping The National Park System offers numerous accessible camping opportunities . In over 120 units , campgrounds have sites specifically designed for tent camper accessibility . Special camp sites are located near restrooms with paved walkways to and from the restroom and water sources . Sites have hardened tenting sites that provide for easy access , but allow for tents to be erected on soil . Many additional units have pull - through trailer sites , providing for motorized use , but may have limited access to the rest of the campground facilities . Trails Many National Park units have fully accessible trails . Visitors should check the park 's web - site to insure that the trail is designed to meet their individual needs . Trails may have a compacted gravel surface , paved with asphalt , or a board walk . Many will have guardrails , others may have a ridge along the edge , detectable by the visually impaired using a cane and capable of stopping a wheelchair . Many have no detectable edge when there is a stable surface . Vistas Parks that are known for their scenic vistas make them available through a variety of designs . Paved overlooks with accessible parking is the most common , and not always identified in written material . Road designs are configured to provide for mountain and landscape vistas from a vehicle . Additional information at `` The Disabled Traveler 's Companion '' . Concessions ( edit ) In an effort to increase visitation and allow for a larger audience to enjoy national park land , the National Park Service has numerous concession contracts with private businesses to bring recreation , resorts and other compatible amenities to their parks . NPS lodging opportunities exist at places such as the Wawona Hotel in Yosemite National Park and the Fort Baker Retreat and Conference Center in Golden Gate National Recreation Area . Adaptive reuses like those at Fort Baker , have raised some controversy from concerns about the historical integrity of these buildings , after extensive renovations and whether such alterations fall within the spirit and / or the letter of the preservation laws they are protected by . Delaware North Corporation at Yosemite National Park , Yellowstone National Park Forever Resorts at Big Bend National Park , Blue Ridge Parkway , Badlands National Park , North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park , Olympic National Park , Lake Mead National Recreation Area , Mammoth Cave National Park , Isle Royale National Park , and Rocky Mountain National Park . Xanterra Parks & Resorts at Bryce Canyon National Park , Crater Lake National Park , Death Valley National Park , South Rim Grand Canyon National Park , Mount Rushmore National Memorial , Painted Desert at Petrified Forest National Park , Yellowstone National Park , and Zion National Park . Litigation with Delaware North ( edit ) In 2015 , Delaware North sued the NPS in the United States Court of Claims for breach of contract , alleging that the NPS had undervalued its trademarks of the names of iconic Yosemite National Park concession facilities . When it offered for bid the contract to operate these facilities , the National Park Service estimated the value of the intangible assets including the names `` Ahwahnee , '' `` Badger Pass , '' `` Curry Village , '' and `` Yosemite Lodge '' at $3.5 million . Delaware North lost the contract , and asserted that the historic names were worth $51 million and maintained that the incoming concessioner had to be paid that amount . The Justice Department and the NPS asserted that this was an `` improper and wildly inflated '' value . Rather than pay Delaware North 's demanded valuation , in January 2016 the NPS instead opted to rename the famous landmarks , effective in March . The Ahwahnee Hotel is slated to become The Majestic Yosemite Hotel , Curry Village will become Half Dome Village , and the Wawona Hotel will become Big Trees Lodge . Widespread public outcry focused on Delaware North 's decision to claim ownership of names within a national park . Bookstores ( edit ) At many Park Service sites a bookstore is operated by a non-profit cooperating association . The largest example is Eastern National , which runs bookstores in 30 states with 178 stores . Eastern National Western National Park Association Park specific : Crater Lake Natural History Association Cuyahoga Valley National Park Association Devils Tower Natural History Association Bookstore Kennesaw Mountain Historical Association Oregon Caves Natural History Association Yellowstone Association Yosemite Conservancy Publisher of National Parks Interpretive Books Books written by individual National Park interpreters or experts on specific parks are published for each park by KC Publications . Offices ( edit ) Main article : Organization of the National Park Service Depicts twelve figures , most in NPS uniforms , shown in occupations from left to right : a lifeguard , a Civil War reenactor , fire management , mounted patrol , researcher and / or natural resources with fish , a female ranger with two visitors , a laborer , a climber / rescuer , and a youth with a male ranger . Headquarters are located in Washington , D.C. , with regional offices in Anchorage , Atlanta , Lakewood , CO ( Denver ) , Omaha , NE , Philadelphia , San Francisco and Seattle . The headquarters building of the National Park Service Southwest Regional Office is architecturally significant and is designated a National Historic Landmark . The National Park Service is a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Interior . The Director is nominated by the President of the United States and confirmed by the U.S. Senate . The Director is supported by six senior executives . They manage national programs , policy , and budget from the Washington , DC , headquarters . Under the Deputy Director of Operations are seven regional directors , who are responsible for national park management and program implementation . Together this group is called the National Leadership Council . The national office is located in the Main Interior Building , 1849 C Street NW , several blocks southwest of the White House . The central office is composed of eleven directorates : Director / Deputy Directors ; Business Services ; Workforce Management ; Chief Information Officer ; Cultural Resources ; Natural Resource Stewardship and Science ; Office of the Comptroller ; Park Planning , Facilities , and Lands ; Partnerships and Visitor Experience ; Visitor and Resource Protection ; and the United States Park Police . Staff and volunteers ( edit ) Employees ( edit ) By the mid-1950s , the primary employees of the Service were the Park Rangers , who had broad responsibilities on the parks ' behalf . They cleaned up trash , operated heavy equipment , fought fires , managed traffic , cleared trails and roads , provided information to visitors , managed museums , performed rescues , flew aircraft , and investigated crime . The National Park Service employs many kinds of workers , as shown below . National Park Service Ranger Interpreter Law enforcement Park management ( Superintendent / Deputy ) United States Park Police Emergency management ( Emergency medical providers , search and rescue specialists ) Dispatchers Maintenance ( including carpenters , plumbers , masons , laborers , auto mechanics , motor vehicle operators , heavy equipment operators , electricians ) Park planning Architects , Engineers , and Landscape architects Resource management ( including archeologist , biologist , botanist , aquatics , soil scientist , geologist ) History ( curators , historians , preservation technicians , historic architects , archivists ) Fire management ( managers , weather specialist , firefighters , engine captains , crew superintendents , battalion chiefs ) See also : Wildfire Public Affairs Administration ( human resources , finance , accountants , information technology , budgeting , concessions management ) National Park Service employment levels . Executives : abt 27 ; Gen Sch : 16 -- 17,000 ; Others : 6 -- 7,000 Locations are varied . Parks exist in the nation 's larger cities like New York City ( Federal Hall Memorial National Historic Site ) , Atlanta ( Martin Luther King , Jr . National Historic Site ) , and San Diego ( Cabrillo National Monument ) to some of the remotest areas of the continent like Hovenweep National Monument in southeastern Utah , to Aniakchak National Monument in King Salmon , Alaska . Volunteers - in - parks ( vip ) ( edit ) The Volunteers - In - Parks program was authorized in 1969 by the Volunteers in the Parks Act of 1969 . for the purpose of allowing the public to serve in the nations parks providing support and skills for their enhancement and protection . Volunteers come from all walks of life and include professionals , artists , laborers , homemakers and students , performing varied duties . Many come from surrounding communities and some travel significant distances . In a 2005 annual report , the National Park Service reported that , ... 137,000 VIPs contributed 5.2 million hours of service ( or 2500 FTEs ) valued at $91,260,000 based on the private sector value figure of $17.55 as used by AARP , Points of Light Foundation , and other large - scale volunteer programs including many federal agencies . There are 365 separate volunteer programs throughout the National Park Service . Since 1990 , the number of volunteers has increased an average of 2 % per year . FTE stands for Full Time Equivalency or 1 work year . In 2012 , the National Park Service reported that over 221,000 volunteers contributed about 6.4 million hours annually . Additionally , other types of volunteers also conduct offsite NPS public outreach and education , such as the Trails & Rails program guides on board certain segments of long - haul Amtrak routes , who offer passengers insights to the travel area 's natural resources and heritage . Artist - In - Residence Across the nation , there are special opportunities for artists ( visual artists , photographers , sculptors , performers , writers , composers , and crafts ) to live and work in a park . Twenty - nine parks currently participate in the Artist - In - Residence program . Law enforcement ( edit ) National Park Service patrol boat at Rock Harbor , Isle Royale National Park The National Park Service commonly refers to law enforcement operations in the agency as Visitor and Resource Protection . There are several different types of law enforcement employees including Type I and Type II Law Enforcement Rangers and Special Agents . The United States Park Police is a unit of the National Park Service , with jurisdiction in all National Park Service areas and certain other Federal and State lands . Most Law Enforcement Rangers , Park Police Officers , and Special Agents Receive their training through Federal Law Enforcement Training Center ( FLETC ) . Type II Law Enforcement Rangers receive their training through FLETC accredited Seasonal Law Enforcement Academies . Jurisdiction ( edit ) There are several types of National Park Service jurisdiction . Jurisdiction is set by the enabling legislation for each individual unit of the NPS and is considered part of the Special Maritime and Territorial Jurisdiction of the United States . Law enforcement on NPS lands with exclusive jurisdiction is solely conducted by NPS Law Enforcement Rangers ( field officers ) or the US Park Police . Many NPS units have concurrent jurisdiction and share law enforcement authority with their state and / or local county law enforcement agencies . Some National Park Service units have proprietary or partial jurisdiction where law enforcement authority for certain serious incidents lies with the state or county . Most NPS units have memorandums of understanding with outside law enforcement agencies , so that policies are in place when and if outside agency assistance is needed . NPS Photo of Badge worn by Chief Park Rangers Law enforcement Rangers ( edit ) Uniformed Law Enforcement Rangers , Park Police Officers and Special Agents enforce Federal laws and regulations governing NPS lands and resources . These personnel can also enforce some or all state laws on NPS lands . As part of that mission , LEOs carry firearms , defensive equipment , make arrests , execute search warrants , complete reports and testify in court . They establish a regular and recurring presence on a vast amount of public lands , roads , and recreation sites . The primary focus of their jobs is the protection of natural resources , protection of NPS employees and the protection of visitors . To cover the vast and varied terrain under their jurisdiction , NPS employees use numerous types of vehicles , horses , aircraft , UTV / ATV 's , snowmobiles , dirt bikes and boats . Special Agents ( edit ) Special Agents are criminal investigators who plan and conduct investigations concerning possible violations of criminal and administrative provisions of the NPS and other statues under the United States Code and / or Code of Federal Regulations . Special agents can be uniformed or plain clothes officers . Special Agents often carry concealed firearms , and other defensive equipment , make arrests , carry out complex criminal investigations , present cases for prosecution to U.S. Attorneys , and prepare investigative reports . Field agents travel a great deal and typically cover several NPS units and several states . Criminal investigators occasionally conduct internal and civil claim investigations . Laws enforced ( edit ) Generally speaking the laws enforced on NPS lands are covered in Title 36 Code of Federal Regulations . The NPS also enforces United States Code . Title 16 of the United States Code , Title 18 of the United States Code and Title 21 of the United States Code are enforced most commonly . The National Park Service generally also has the authority to enforce any state law not covered already by federal laws under the Assimilative Crimes Act , 18 U.S.C. § 13 . However , by policy the National Park Service can not charge violators with a state offense that has a harsher penalty than an equivalent federal law already on the books . Commissioned National Park Service employees must follow all policies outlined in DOI reference manuals and directors orders in performance of their duties . Badge worn by USPP Officers United States Park Police ( edit ) Main article : United States Park Police The United States Park Police ( USPP ) is the oldest uniformed federal law enforcement agency in the United States . It functions as a full service law enforcement agency with responsibilities and jurisdiction in those National Park Service areas primarily located in the Washington , D.C. , San Francisco , and New York City areas . In addition to performing the normal crime prevention , investigation , and apprehension functions of an urban police force , the Park Police are responsible for policing many of the famous monuments in the United States and share law enforcement jurisdiction in all lands administered by the Service with a force of National Park Rangers tasked with the same law enforcement powers and responsibilities . Special divisions ( edit ) Historic Preservation Training Center Other special NPS divisions include the Archeology Program , Historic American Buildings Survey , National Register of Historic Places , National Natural Landmarks , the Rivers , Trails and Conservation Assistance Program , the Challenge Cost Share Program , the Federal Lands to Parks , the Hydropower Relicensing Program , the Land and Water Conservation Fund , the National Trails System , the Partnership Wild and Scenic Rivers Program , and the Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division . Centers The National Park Service operates four archeology - related centers : Harpers Ferry Center in Harpers Ferry , West Virginia , the Midwest Archeological Center in Lincoln , Nebraska , the Southeast Archeological Center in Tallahassee , Florida and the Western Archeological and Conservation Center in Tucson , Arizona . The Harpers Ferry Center specializes in interpretive media development and object conservation . The other three focus to various degrees on archaeological research and museum object curation and conservation . National Park Service training centers include : Horace Albright Training Center , Grand Canyon ; Stephen Mather Training Center , Harpers Ferry , West Virginia ; Historic Preservation Training Center , Frederick , Maryland and Capital Training Center , Washington , D.C. The Submerged Resources Center is the unit responsible for inventory and evaluation of submerged resources throughout the National Park system . The SRC is based out of the Intermountain Region 's headquarters in Lakewood , Colorado . The National Center for Preservation Technology and Training , located in Natchitoches , Louisiana , conducts research and training in the fields of archeology , architecture , landscape architecture and materials conservation . Preservation programs ( HABS / HAER ) Photograph of El Santuario Del Señor Esquipula , Chimayo , New Mexico LaSalle Street Bridge , Chicago , Illinois The oldest federal preservation program , the Historic American Buildings Survey / Historic American Engineering Record ( HABS / HAER ) , produces graphic and written documentation of historically significant architectural , engineering and industrial sites and structures . Dating from 1934 , the Historic American Buildings Survey ( HABS ) was chartered to document historic architecture -- primarily houses and public buildings -- of national or regional significance . Originally a New Deal employment / preservation program , after World War II , HABS employed summer teams of advanced undergraduate and graduate students to carry out the documentation , a tradition followed to this day . Many of the structures they documented no longer exist . HABS / HAER produces measured drawings , large - format photographs and written histories of historic sites , structures and objects , that are significant to the architectural , engineering and industrial heritage of the U.S. Its 25,000 records are part of the Library of Congress . HABS / HAER is administered by the NPS Washington office and five regional offices . Historic American Buildings Survey In 1933 , the National Park Service , Department of the Interior , established the Historic American Buildings Survey ( HABS ) , based on a proposal by Charles E. Peterson , Park Service landscape architect . It was founded as a make - work program for architects , draftsmen and photographers left jobless by the Great Depression . Guided by field instructions from Washington , D.C. , the first recorders were tasked with documenting a representative sampling of America 's architectural heritage . After 70 years , there is now an archive of historic architecture . HABS provided a database of primary source material for the then fledgling historic preservation movement . Historic American Engineering Record Recognizing a similar fragility in our national industrial and engineering heritage , the National Park Service , the Library of Congress and the American Society of Civil Engineers ( ASCE ) formed the HAER program in 1969 , to document nationally and regionally significant engineering and industrial sites . A short while later , HAER was ratified by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers ( ASME ) , the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ( IEEE ) , the American Institute of Chemical Engineers ( AIChE ) and the American Institute of Mining , Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers ( AIME ) . HAER documentation , in the forms of measured and interpretive drawings , large - format photographs and written histories , is archivally preserved in the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress , where it is readily available to the public . Rivers , Trails and Conservation Assistance Program The RTCA program of the National Park Service is designed to assist local communities and the public in preservation of rivers , trails and greenways . Unlike the mainline National Park Programs , these programs take place on non-federal property at the request of the local community . One of their better known programs is Rails to Trails , where unused railroad right - of - ways are converted into public hiking and biking trails . National Trails System The National Trails System is a joint mission of the National Park Service , the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service . It was created in 1968 to establish a system of long - distance National Scenic and National Historic Trails , as well as to recognize existing trails in the states as National Recreation Trails . Several additional trails have been established since 1968 , and in 2009 Congress established the first National Geologic Trail . National Heritage Areas National Heritage Areas are a unique blend of natural , cultural , historic , and scenic resources . Having developed out of a shared historic , they create a unique whole . Currently ( 2015 ) there are 49 designated heritage areas . International affairs ( edit ) World Heritage Sites Main article : World Heritage Site World Heritage Sites have enough universally recognized natural and cultural features that they are considered to merit the protection of all the peoples in the world . The National Park Service is responsible for 16 of the 19 World Heritage Sites in the United States . Carlsbad Caverns National Park , New Mexico Chaco Culture National Historical Park , New Mexico Everglades National Park , Florida Grand Canyon National Park , Arizona Great Smoky Mountains National Park , Tennessee and North Carolina Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park , Hawaii Independence Hall , Pennsylvania Kluane / Wrangell - St. Elias / Glacier Bay / Tatshenshini - Alsek Park , Alaska , U.S. / B.C. & Yukon , Canada Mammoth Cave , Kentucky Mesa Verde National Park , Colorado Olympic National Park , Washington Redwood National and State Parks , California Statue of Liberty , New York Waterton - Glacier International Peace Park ( union of Waterton Lakes ( Canada ) and Glacier ( U.S. ) parks ) , Montana & Alberta , Canada Yellowstone National Park , Wyoming , extending into Montana and Idaho Yosemite National Park , California Initiatives ( edit ) 24 - hr all Taxa BioBlitz : A joint venture of the National Geographic Society and the National Park Service . Beginning in 2004 , at Rock Creek Parkway , the National Geographic Society and the National Park Service began a 10 - year program of hosting a major biological survey of ten selected national park units . The intent is to develop public interest in the nations natural resources , develop scientific interest in America 's youth and to create citizen scientist . 2007 : Rock Creek Park , Washington D.C. 661 species 2008 : Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area , Los Angeles , California . 1,700 species and more pending . 2009 : Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore , near Chicago in northern Indiana . 1,716 species and still counting . 2010 : Biscayne National Park , Miami , Florida . 810 species were identified during this 24 - hr event . As classification continues , more species will be added to the list . 2011 : Saguaro National Park , Tucson , Arizona . During the 24 - hours , 859 different species were identified , of which more than 400 were previously unknown in the park . 2012 : Rocky Mountain National Park , in Estes Park , In August 2012 489 species were identified . 2013 : Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve , in New Orleans . The BioBlitz will occur on May 17 and 18 , 2013 in the park 's Barataria Preserve . Biological Diversity : Biological Diversity is the vast variety of life as identified through species and genetics . This variety is decreasing as people spread across the globe , altering areas to better meet their needs . Climate Change : Warming of the climate system is unequivocal , as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures , widespread melting of snow and ice , and rising global sea levels . ( Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change , 2007 ) . South Florida Restoration Initiative : Rescuing an Ecosystem in Peril : In partnership with the State of Florida , and the Army Corps of Engineers , the National Park Service is restoring the physical and biological processes of the South Florida ecosystem . Historically , this ecosystem contained some of the most diverse habitats on earth . Vanishing Treasures Initiative : Ruins Preservation in the American Southwest : The Vanishing Treasures Initiative began in FY 1998 to reduce threats to prehistoric and historic sites and structures in 44 parks of the Intermountain Region . In 2002 , the program expanded to include three parks in the Pacific West Region . The goal is to reduce backlogged work and to bring sites and structures up to a condition where routine maintenance activities can preserve them . Wetlands : Wetlands includes marshes , swamps , and bogs . These areas and the plants and animals adapted to these conditions spread from the arctic to the equator . The shrinking wetlands provide habitat for fish and wildlife , help clean water and reduce the impact of storms and floods on the surrounding communities . Wildland Fire : Fires have been a natural part of park eco-systems . Many plants and some animals require a cycle of fire or flooding to be successful and productive . With the advent of human intervention and public access to parks , there are safety concerns for the visiting public . Green Park Plan ( edit ) In September 2010 , the NPS released its Climate Change Response Strategy , followed in April 2012 by the Green Parks Plan . Climate Friendly parks program ( edit ) The Climate Friendly Parks Program is a subset of the Green Parks plan . It was created in collaboration between the National Park Service and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency . The program is meant to measure and reduce greenhouse gases to help slow the effects of climate change . Parks in the CFP program create and implement plans to reduce greenhouse gases through reducing energy and water use . Facilities are designed and retrofitted using sustainable materials . Alternative transportation systems are developed to reduce dependency on fossil fuels . Parks in the program offer public education programs about how the parks are already affected . The program provides climate friendly solutions to the visiting public , like using clean energy , reducing waste , and making smart transportation choices . The CFP program can provide technical assistance , tools and resources for the parks and their neighboring communities to protect the natural and cultural resources . The large , isolated parks typically generate their own electricity and heat and must do so without spoiling the values that the visitors have come to experience . Pollution is emitted by the vehicles used to transport visitors around the often - vast expanses of the parks . Many parks have converted vehicles to electric hybrids , and substitute diesel / electric hybrid buses for private automobiles . In 2001 it was estimated that replacement with electric vehicles would eliminate 25 TPY emissions entirely . In 2010 , the National Park Service estimated that reducing bottled water could eliminate 6,000 tons of carbon emissions and 8 million kilowatt hours of electricity every year . The NPS Concessions office voiced concerns about concessions impacts . By 2014 , 23 parks had banned disposable water bottles . In 2015 , the International Bottled Water Association stated the NPS was `` leaving sugary drinks as a primary alternative '' , even though the Park Service provides water stations to refill bottles , `` encouraging visitors to hydrate for free . '' The Water Association made the national parks one of its top lobbying targets and in July 2015 Rep. Keith Rothfus added a `` last - minute '' amendment into Congress 's appropriations bill , blocking the National Park Service from funding or enforcing the program . The National Park Service discontinued its ban on disposable water bottles in August 2017 . Related acts ( edit ) Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980 Antiquities Act or Lacy Act of 1906 Consolidated Natural Resources Act of 2008 Endangered Species Act of 1973 Endangered Species Act Amendments of 1978 Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1934 Historic Sites Act of 1935 Lacey Act of 1900 ( Wildlife preservation ) Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 National Park Service General Authorities Act of 1970 National Park Service Organic Act of 1916 National Environmental Policy Act of 1970 ( NEPA ) National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 ( NHPA ) National Wild and Scenic River of 1968 Redwood Act of 1978 , creating one protection standard for the System Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 Wilderness Act of 1964 See also ( edit ) Areas ( edit ) List of National Parks of the United States List of areas in the United States National Park System List of the United States National Park System official units National Heritage Area National Memorial National Monument ( United States ) People ( edit ) Individuals ( edit ) Ansel Franklin Hall , first Chief Naturalist and first Chief Forester of the National Park Service William Kent ( U.S. Congressman ) , donated early parklands to the government John F. Lacey , congressman from Iowa Harry Yount , progenitor of the modern national park ranger Roles ( edit ) National Park People National Park Ranger Related organizations ( edit ) National Park Foundation National Parks Conservation Association Other links ( edit ) Land and Water Conservation Fund National Park Passport Stamps National Park Service Rustic , style of architecture National Park to Park Highway National Park Travelers Club National Park Service uniforms United States Senate Committee on Forest Reservations and the Protection of Game Wilderness preservation systems in the United States Alt National Park Service References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` A Brief History of the National Park Service '' . National Park Service . Retrieved April 10 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` The National Park Service Organic Act '' . National Park Service . Retrieved April 5 , 2008 . 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Jump up ^ ( 3 ) Jump up ^ Wetlands in the National Parks ; Dept of the Interior , National Park Service ; 1998 Jump up ^ Managing Wildland Fire brochure ; Dept of the Interior , National Park Service & National Interagency Fire Center ; 2003 ^ Jump up to : National Park Service ( April 2012 ) . `` Green Parks Plan '' . US Dpt of the Interior . Retrieved September 2 , 2015 . Jump up ^ National Park Service . `` Climate Friendly Parks Program '' . US Dpt of the Interior . Retrieved September 2 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Climate Friendly Parks , Environmental Leadership Program ; National Park Service , Harpers Ferry , WV , 2009 Jump up ^ Seth Shteir ( April 9 , 2010 ) . `` The Grange ; Climate Friendly National Parks '' . High Country News . Retrieved May 22 , 2011 . Jump up ^ National Park Service . `` Explore Climate Friendly Parks '' . . Retrieved May 22 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Don Shepherd Estimating and Reducing Emissions from Within National Parks National Park Service , April 2001 Jump up ^ Shawn Norton , chief for sustainable operations and climate change Plastic Water Bottles in National Parks and the Green Parks Plan , National Park Service , January 5 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Nearly two dozen national park sites ban plastic water bottle sales '' . The Wilderness Society . April 10 , 2014 . Retrieved September 2 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Lisa Rein , How Big Water is trying to stop the National Park Service from cleaning up plastic bottles fouling the parks , Washington Post , July 13 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Sources ( edit ) Albright , Horace M. ( as told to Robert Cahn ) . The Birth of the National Park Service . Salt Lake City : Howe Brothers , 1985 . Albright , Horace M , and Marian Albright Schenck . Creating the National Park Service : The Missing Years . Norman : University of Oklahoma Press , 1999 . Dilsaver , Lary M. , ed . America 's National Park System : The Critical Documents . Lanham , MD : Rowman & Littlefield , 1994 . Everhardt , William C. The National Park Service . New York : Praeger , 1972 . Foresta , Ronald A. America 's National Parks and Their Keepers . Washington : Resources for the Future , 1985 . Freemuth , John . Islands Under Siege : National Parks and the Politics of External Threats . Lawrence : University of Kansas Press , 1991 . Garrison , Lemuel A ; . The Making of a Ranger . Salt Lake City : Howe Brothers , 1983 . Gartner , Bob ; Exploring Careers in the National Parks . New York : The Rosen Publishing Group , Inc. 1993 Hartzog , George B. Jr ; Battling for the National Parks ; Moyer Bell Limited ; Mt . Kisco , New York ; 1988 Ise , John . Our National Park Policy : A Critical History . Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press , 1961 . Lee , Ronald F. ; Family Tree of the National Park System ; Eastern National Parks , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , 1972 Lowery , William . Repairing Paradise : The Restoration of Nature in America 's National Parks . Washington : Brookings , 2009 Mackintosh , Barry . The National Parks : Shaping the System . Washington : National Park Service , 1991 . National Parks for the 21st Century ; The Vail Agenda ; The National Park Foundation , 1991 National Park Service Almanac , Edited and Compiled by Ben Moffett and Vickie Carson : Rocky Mountain Region , National Park Service , 1991 , revised 2006 The National Parks : Shaping The System ; National Park Service , Washington D.C. 1991 . Rettie , Dwight F. ; Our National Park System ; University of Illinois Press ; Urbana , Illinois ; 1995 Ridenour , James M. The National Parks Compromised : Pork Barrel Politics and America 's Treasures . Merrillville , IN : ICS Books , 1994 . Rothman , Hal K. Preserving Different Pasts : The American National Monuments . Urbana : University of Illinois Press , 1989 . Runte , Alfred . National Parks , the American Experience , Lincoln , Nebraska : University of Nebraska Press , 1987 . Sellars , Richard West . Preserving Nature in the National Parks : A History . New Haven : Yale University Press , 1997 . Shankland , Robert ; Steve Mather of the National Parks ; Alfred A. Knopf , New York ; 1970 Sontag , William H. National Park Service : The First 75 Years . Philadelphia : Eastern National Park & Monument Assn. , 1991 . Sutter , Paul . 2002 . Driven Wild : How the Fight against Automobiles Launched the Modern Wilderness Movement . Seattle : University of Washington press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 295 - 98219 - 9 . Swain , Donald . Wilderness Defender : Horace M. Albright and Conservation . Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 1970 . Udall , Stewart L. , The Quiet Crisis . New York : Holt , Rinehart & Winston , 1963 . Wirth , Conrad L. Parks , Politics , and the People . Norman , Oklahoma : University of Oklahoma Press , 1980 . 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National Park Service National Park Service Arrowhead Guidon of the National Park Service Agency overview Formed August 25 , 1916 ; 101 years ago ( 1916 - 08 - 25 ) Jurisdiction United States federal government Headquarters 1849 C Street NW , Washington , D.C. 20240 Employees 15,828 permanent , 1,256 term , 2,984 seasonal ( 2007 ) Annual budget $2.924 billion ( 2009 ) Agency executive Mike Reynolds , Acting Director Parent agency Department of the Interior Website
The Legend of Zelda - wikipedia The Legend of Zelda This article is about the video game series . For the video game , see The Legend of Zelda ( video game ) . For other uses , see The Legend of Zelda ( disambiguation ) . `` LoZ '' redirects here . For other uses , see LoZ ( disambiguation ) . The Legend of Zelda The logo of the series , first appearing in A Link to the Past ( 1991 ) Genres Action - adventure Developer ( s ) Nintendo Capcom Vanpool Grezzo Publisher ( s ) Nintendo Creator ( s ) Shigeru Miyamoto Takashi Tezuka Composer ( s ) Koji Kondo Platforms List ( show ) Nintendo Entertainment System Super NES Game Boy Nintendo 64 Game Boy Color Game Boy Advance GameCube Wii Nintendo DS Nintendo 3DS Wii U Nintendo Switch Platform of origin Family Computer Disk System First release The Legend of Zelda February 21 , 1986 Latest release The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild March 3 , 2017 The Legend of Zelda is a action - adventure video - game series created by Japanese game designers Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka . It is primarily developed and published by Nintendo , although some portable installments and re-releases have been outsourced to Capcom , Vanpool and Grezzo . The series ' gameplay incorporates elements of action , adventure and puzzle - solving games . The series centers on Link , the playable character and chief protagonist . Link is often given the task of rescuing Princess Zelda and the kingdom of Hyrule from Ganon , who is the principal antagonist of the series ; however , other settings and antagonists have appeared in several games . The plots commonly involve a relic known as the Triforce , a set of three omnipotent golden triangles . The protagonist in each game is usually not the same incarnation of Link , but a few exceptions exist . Since the original The Legend of Zelda was released in 1986 , the series has expanded to include 19 entries on all of Nintendo 's major game consoles , as well as a number of spin - offs . An American animated TV series based on the games aired in 1989 and individual manga adaptations commissioned by Nintendo have been produced in Japan since 1997 . The Legend of Zelda is one of Nintendo 's most prominent and successful franchises , selling over 80 million copies as of 2017 ; many of its games are considered by critics to be among the greatest video games of all time . Contents 1 Overview 1.1 Gameplay 1.2 Audio 1.3 Inspiration 2 Setting 2.1 Fictional chronology 3 Characters 3.1 Link 3.2 Princess Zelda 3.3 Ganon 4 History 4.1 1980s 4.2 1990s 4.3 2000s 4.4 2010s 5 Other games 5.1 CD - i games 5.2 LCD games 5.3 Cancelled games 5.4 Spin - off games 5.5 Cross-overs 6 Reception and legacy 6.1 Impact 7 Other media 7.1 TV series 7.2 Print media 7.3 Music 7.4 Cancelled films 7.5 Board games 8 Notes 9 References 10 External links Overview Gameplay The Legend of Zelda games feature a mixture of puzzles , action , adventure / battle gameplay , and exploration . These elements have remained constant throughout the series , but with refinements and additions featured in each new game . Later games in the series also include stealth gameplay , where the player must avoid enemies while proceeding through a level , as well as racing elements . Although the games can be beaten with a minimal amount of exploration and side quests , the player is frequently rewarded with helpful items or increased abilities for solving puzzles or exploring hidden areas . Some items are consistent and appear many times throughout the series ( such as bombs and bomb flowers , which can be used both as weapons and to open blocked or hidden doorways ; boomerangs , which can kill or paralyze enemies ; keys for locked doors ; magic swords , shields , and bows and arrows ) , while others are unique to a single game . Though the games contain many role - playing elements ( Zelda II : The Adventure of Link is the only one to include an experience system ) , they emphasize straightforward hack and slash - style combat over the strategic , turn - based or active time combat of games like Final Fantasy . The game 's role - playing elements , however , have led to much debate over whether or not the Zelda games should be classified as action role - playing games , a genre on which the series has had a strong influence . Every game in the main Zelda series has consisted of three principal areas : an overworld in which movement is multidirectional , allowing the player some degree of freedom of action ; areas of interaction with other characters ( merely caves or hidden rooms in the first game , but expanding to entire towns and cities in subsequent games ) in which the player gains special items or advice ; and dungeons , areas of labyrinthine layout , usually underground , comprising a wide range of difficult enemies , bosses , and items . Each dungeon usually has one major item inside , which is usually essential for solving many of the puzzles within that dungeon and often plays a crucial role in defeating that dungeon 's boss , as well as progressing through the game . In nearly every Zelda game , navigating a dungeon is aided by locating a map , which reveals its layout , and a magic compass , which reveals the location of significant and smaller items such as keys and equipment . In later games , the series includes a special `` big key '' that will unlock the door to battle the dungeon 's boss enemy and open the item chest . In most Zelda games , the player 's life meter is represented as a line of hearts . The life meter is replenished a number of different ways , including picking up hearts left by defeated enemies or destroyed objects , fairies or springs located in specific locations , or consuming items such as potions or food . Fairies can be kept in bottles and act as extra lives , reviving the player if they run out of hearts . Players are able to extend their life meter by finding heart - shaped crystals called `` Heart Containers '' . Full heart containers are usually received at the end of dungeons and dropped by the dungeon boss . Smaller `` Pieces of Heart '' are awarded for completing certain side quests or found hidden around the game world in various places , and require a certain number ( usually four ) to form a full heart container . The games pioneered a number of features that were to become industry standards . The original Legend of Zelda was the first console game with a save function that enabled players to stop playing and then resume later . The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time introduced a targeting system that simplified 3D combat . Audio Koji Kondo , the series ' original composer and current sound director , in 2007 Games in The Legend of Zelda series frequently feature in - game musical instruments , particularly in musical puzzles , which are widespread . Often , instruments trigger game events : for example , the recorder in The Legend of Zelda can reveal secret areas , as well as warp Link to the Dungeon entrances . This warping with music feature has also been used in A Link to the Past and Link 's Awakening . In Ocarina of Time , playing instruments is a core part of the game , with the player needing to play the instrument through the use of the game controller to succeed . Ocarina of Time is `` ( one of the ) first contemporary non-dance title ( s ) to feature music - making as part of its gameplay '' , using music as a heuristic device and requiring the player to utilise songs to progress in the game -- a game mechanic that is also present in Majora 's Mask . `` The Legend of Zelda Theme '' is a recurring piece of music that was created for the first game of the franchise . The composer and sound director of the series , Koji Kondo , initially planned to use Maurice Ravel 's Boléro as the game 's title theme , but was forced to change it when he learned , late in the game 's development cycle , that the copyright for the orchestral piece had not yet expired . As a result , Kondo wrote a new arrangement of the overworld theme within one day . The `` Zelda Theme '' has topped ScrewAttack 's `` Top Ten Videogame Themes Ever '' list . Up until Breath of the Wild , the Legend of Zelda series avoided using voice acting in speaking roles , relying instead on written dialogue . Series producer Eiji Aonuma previously stated that as Link is entirely mute , having the other characters speak while Link remains silent `` would be off - putting '' . Instead of theme music for different locations , Breath of the Wild plays natural ambience around the player as main sounds , in addition to some minimalist piano music . Inspiration The Legend of Zelda was principally inspired by Shigeru Miyamoto 's `` explorations '' as a young boy in the hillsides , forests , and caves surrounding his childhood home in Sonobe , Japan where he ventured into forests with secluded lakes , caves , and rural villages . According to Miyamoto , one of his most memorable experiences was the discovery of a cave entrance in the middle of the woods . After some hesitation , he apprehensively entered the cave , and explored its depths with the aid of a lantern . Miyamoto has referred to the creation of the Zelda games as an attempt to bring to life a `` miniature garden '' for players to play with in each game of the series . Hearing of American novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald 's wife Zelda , Miyamoto thought the name sounded `` pleasant and significant '' . Paying tribute , he chose to name the princess after her , and titled it The Legend of Zelda . Link and the fairy were inspired by Peter Pan and Tinker Bell . The Master Sword was inspired by the Arthurian legend , first mentioned in Welsh mythology ; Mabinogion as ; ' Caledfwlch ' Excalibur . The similarities lay with the swords being kept in stone until the chosen one ' hero ' takes it out to save the land . Setting Main article : Universe of The Legend of Zelda The Legend of Zelda on the NES . The Legend of Zelda takes place predominantly in a medieval Western Europe - inspired fantasy land called Hyrule , which has developed a deep history and wide geography over the series ' many releases . Much of the backstory of the creation of Hyrule was revealed in the games A Link to the Past , Ocarina of Time , The Wind Waker , Twilight Princess , Skyward Sword , and A Link Between Worlds . Hyrule 's principal inhabitants are pointy - eared humanoids called Hylians , which include the player character , Link , and the eponymous princess , Zelda . According to the in - game backstories , the world of Hyrule was created by the three golden goddesses : Din , Farore and Nayru . Before departing , the goddesses left a sacred artifact called the Triforce , which could grant powers to the user . It physically manifests itself as three golden triangles in which each embodies one of the goddesses ' virtues : Power , Courage and Wisdom . However , because the Triforce has no will of its own and it could not judge between good and evil , it would grant any wish indiscriminately . Because of this , it was placed within an alternate world called the `` Sacred Realm '' or the `` Golden Land '' until one worthy of its power and has balanced virtues of Power , Wisdom , and Courage in their heart could obtain it , in its entirety . If a person is not of a balanced heart , the triforce part that the user mostly believes in will stay with that person and the remainder will seek out others . In order to master and control the triforce as a whole , the user must get the other parts found in other individuals and bring them together to reunite them . The Sacred Realm can itself be affected by the heart of those who enters it : those who are pure will make it a paradise , while those who are evil will transform it into a dark realm . In Skyward Sword , the Triforce was sought by a demon king named Demise , and after a long battle , Demise was sealed away within the Temple of the goddess Hylia , guardian of the Triforce . Hylia , placing the Hylians on a floating island ( called Skyloft ) in the sky to protect them , orchestrated a means to stop the demon from escaping : creating the Goddess Sword ( later becoming the Master Sword ) for her chosen hero and discarding her divinity to be reborn among the people of Skyloft . In time , Zelda and Link ( the reborn Hylia and her predestined warrior ) , enacted the goddess ' plan and Demise was destroyed . However , Demise vowed that his rage would be reborn and forever plague those descended from Link and Zelda . That prophecy came to fruition in Ocarina of Time , when Ganondorf 's attempt to get the Triforce scattered it with him gaining the Triforce of Power . The Triforce of Wisdom ended up with the Hylian princesses descended from Zelda , each named after her , while the Triforce of Courage is passed to a youth named Link across generations . While the Triforces of Power and Wisdom have been part of the series since the original The Legend of Zelda , it was only in Zelda II : The Adventure of Link that the Triforce of Courage was first introduced , being obtained by Link at the end of his quest . The Triforce , or even a piece of it , is not always distributed as a whole . Such as in The Wind Waker , Link must find all the pieces ( called Triforce Shards ) of the Triforce of Courage before he can return to Hyrule . Even in the original The Legend of Zelda , Zelda breaks her Triforce of Wisdom into 8 pieces for Link to find , before she was captured by Ganon . The fictional universe established by the Zelda games sets the stage for each adventure . Some games take place in different lands with their own back - stories . Termina and Lorule serve as parallel worlds to Hyrule , Hytopia is a connected kingdom , and Koholint is an island far away from Hyrule that appears to be part of a dream . Fictional chronology The Legend of Zelda series chronology Skyward Sword The Minish Cap Four Swords Ocarina of Time The Decline of Hyrule The Twilight Realm A New World A Link to the Past Link 's Awakening Oracle of Seasons & Ages A Link Between Worlds Tri Force Heroes The Legend of Zelda The Adventure of Link Majora 's Mask Twilight Princess Four Swords Adventures The Wind Waker Phantom Hourglass Spirit Tracks Final timeline Breath of the Wild The chronology of the Legend of Zelda series was a subject of much debate among fans until an official timeline was released within the Hyrule Historia collector 's book , which was first released in Japan in December 2011 . Prior to its release , producers confirmed the existence of a confidential document , which connected all the games . Certain materials and developer statements once partially established an official timeline of the released installments . Zelda II : The Adventure of Link is a direct sequel to the original The Legend of Zelda , and takes place several years later . The third game , A Link to the Past , is a prequel to the first two games , and is directly followed by Link 's Awakening . Ocarina of Time is a prequel that takes the story many centuries back ; according to character designer Satoru Takizawa , it was meant to implicitly tell the story of the Imprisoning War from the manual of A Link to the Past , with Majora 's Mask directly following its ending . Skyward Sword is then a prequel to Ocarina of Time . Twilight Princess is set more than 100 years after Ocarina of Time . The Wind Waker is parallel , and takes place in the other timeline branch , more than a century after the adult era of Ocarina of Time . Phantom Hourglass is a continuation of the story from The Wind Waker , and is followed by Spirit Tracks , which is set about 100 years later on a supercontinent far away from the setting of The Wind Waker . At the time of its release , Four Swords for the Game Boy Advance was considered the oldest tale in the series ' chronology , with Four Swords Adventures set sometime after its events . The Minish Cap precedes the two games , telling of the origins of villain Vaati and the creation of the Four Sword . A Link Between Worlds takes place six generations after Link to the Past . Important events that occur in the game include the Triforce being reunited , and Ganon being resurrected . Nintendo 's 2011 timeline announcement subsequently posits that following Ocarina of Time , the timeline splits into three alternate routes : in one , Link fails to defeat Ganon , leading into the Imprisoning War and A Link to the Past , Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages , Link 's Awakening , The Legend of Zelda and The Adventure of Link . In the second and third , Link is successful , leading to a timeline split between his childhood ( when Zelda sends him back in time so he can use the wisdom he has gained to warn the Zelda in the past of the horrifying fate of Hyrule ) and adulthood ( where the Zelda from the future lives on to try and rebuild the kingdom ) . His childhood continues with Majora 's Mask , followed by Twilight Princess and Four Swords Adventures . The timeline from his adult life continues into Wind Waker , Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks . In the early 2000s , Nintendo of America released a timeline on the official website of the series , which interpreted all stories up to the Oracle games as the adventures of a single protagonist named Link . At one point , translator Dan Owsen and his coworkers at Nintendo of America had conceived another complete timeline and intended to make it available online . However , the Japanese series developers rejected the idea so the timeline would be kept open to the imagination of the players . In 2018 , Nintendo revealed that Breath of the Wild officially takes place after all previous games in the series ( without specifying a connection to any of the three timelines ) , and moved Link 's Awakening to take place before Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages . Characters See also : Characters in The Legend of Zelda series Link Main article : Link ( The Legend of Zelda ) The central protagonist of The Legend of Zelda series , Link is the name of various young men who characteristically wear a green tunic and a pointed cap , and are the bearers of the Triforce of Courage . In most games , the player can give Link a different name before the start of the adventure , and he will be referred by that given name throughout by the non-player characters ( NPCs ) . The various Links each have a special title , such as `` Hero of Time '' , `` Hero of the Winds '' or `` Hero chosen by the gods '' . Like many silent protagonists in video games , Link does not speak , only producing grunts , yells , or similar sounds . Despite the player not seeing the dialogue , it is referenced second - hand by in - game characters , showing that he is not , in fact , mute . Link is shown as a silent protagonist so that the audience is able to have their own thoughts as to how their Link would answer the characters instead of him having scripted responses . Princess Zelda Main article : Princess Zelda Princess Zelda is the princess of Hyrule and the guardian of the Triforce of Wisdom . Her name is present in many of her female ancestors and descendants . While most games require Link to save Zelda from Ganon , she sometimes plays a supporting role in battle , using magical powers and weapons such as Light Arrows to aid Link . With the exception of the CD - i games ( which were not official Nintendo games ) , she was not playable in the main series until Spirit Tracks , where she becomes a spirit and can possess a Phantom Knight that can be controlled by the player . Zelda appears under various other aliases and alter egos , including Sheik ( in Ocarina of Time ) and Tetra ( in The Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass ) . In Skyward Sword , it is revealed that the Zelda of that game is a reincarnation of the goddess Hylia , whose power flows through the royal bloodline . The name `` Zelda '' derives from the American novelist Zelda Fitzgerald . Ganon Main article : Ganon Ganon , also known as Ganondorf in his humanoid form , is the main antagonist and the final boss in the majority of The Legend of Zelda games . In the series , Ganondorf is the leader of a race of desert brigands called the Gerudo , which consists entirely of female warriors save for one man born every one hundred years . He is significantly taller than other human NPCs , but his looks vary between games , often taking the form of a monstrous anthropomorphic boar . His specific motives vary from game to game , but most often his plans include him kidnapping Princess Zelda and planning to achieve domination of Hyrule and presumably the world beyond it . To this end , he seeks the Triforce , a powerful magical relic . He often possesses a portion of the Triforce called the Triforce of Power , which gives him great strength . However , it is often not enough to accomplish his ends , leading him to hunt the remaining Triforce pieces . Unlike Link , Zelda , and most other recurring characters , he is actually the same person in every game , with the exception of Four Swords Adventures , where he is a reincarnation of the original . In each game the battles with him are different and he fights using different styles . The game Skyward Sword indicates that Ganon is a reincarnation of an evil deity known as Demise . History Timeline of release years 1986 The Legend of Zelda The Adventure of Link A Link to the Past Link 's Awakening Ocarina of Time Link 's Awakening DX 1999 2000 Majora 's Mask Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages 2002 Four Swords The Wind Waker 2003 The Legend of Zelda : Collector 's Edition Four Swords Adventures The Minish Cap 2005 2006 Twilight Princess 2007 Phantom Hourglass 2008 2009 Spirit Tracks 2011 Ocarina of Time 3D Skyward Sword 2012 2013 The Wind Waker HD A Link Between Worlds 2014 2015 Majora 's Mask 3D Tri Force Heroes 2016 Twilight Princess HD 2017 Breath of the Wild 1980s The first Legend of Zelda game appeared on the Famicom Disk System in 1986 . It was later converted into a cartridge game for the American NES . The Legend of Zelda , the first game of the series , was first released in Japan on February 21 , 1986 , on the Famicom Disk System . A cartridge version , using battery - backed memory , was released in the United States on August 22 , 1987 , and Europe on November 27 , 1987 . The game features a `` Second Quest , '' accessible either upon completing the game , or by registering one 's name as `` ZELDA '' when starting a new quest . The Second Quest features different dungeons and item placement , and more difficult enemies . The second game , Zelda II : The Adventure of Link , was released for the Famicom Disk System in Japan on January 14 , 1987 , and for the Nintendo Entertainment System in Europe in November 1988 and North America in December 1988 . The game exchanged the top - down perspective for side - scrolling ( though the top - down point of view was retained for overworld areas ) , and introduced RPG elements ( such as experience points ) not used previously or thereafter in the series . The Legend of Zelda and Zelda II were released in gold - coloured cartridges instead of the console 's regular grey cartridges . Both were re-released in the final years of the Nintendo Entertainment System with grey cartridges . 1990s Four years later , The Legend of Zelda : A Link to the Past returned to the top - down view ( under a 3 / 4 perspective ) , and added the concept of an alternate dimension , the Dark World . The game was released for the Super NES on November 21 , 1991 . It was later re-released for the Game Boy Advance on March 14 , 2003 , in North America , on a cartridge with Four Swords , the first multiplayer Zelda , and then through Nintendo 's Virtual Console service on January 22 , 2007 . In addition , both this game ( unchanged , except for being converted into a downloadable format ) and an exclusive `` loosely based '' sequel ( which used the same game engine ) called BS Zelda no Densetsu Inishie no Sekiban were released on the Satellaview in Japan on March 2 , 1997 , and March 30 , 1997 , respectively . In 1994 , near the end of the Famicom 's lifespan , the original Famicom game was re-released in cartridge format . A modified version , BS Zelda no Densetsu , was released for the Super Famicom 's satellite - based expansion , Satellaview , on August 6 , 1995 , in Japan . A second Satellaview game , BS Zelda no Densetsu MAP2 was released for the Satellaview on December 30 , 1995 . Both games featured rearranged dungeons , an altered overworld , and new voice - acted plot - lines . The next game , Link 's Awakening , is the first Zelda for Nintendo 's Game Boy handheld , and the first set outside Hyrule and to exclude Princess Zelda . It was released in 1993 , and re-released , in full color , as a launch game for the Game Boy Color in 1998 as Link 's Awakening DX . This re-release features additions such as an extra color - based dungeon and a photo shop that allows interaction with the Game Boy Printer . Ocarina of Time , the first 3D - styled game of the franchise After a five - year hiatus , the series made the transition to 3D with Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64 , which was released in November 1998 . This game , initially known as Zelda 64 , retains the core gameplay of the previous 2D games , and was very successful commercially and critically . It is considered by many critics and gamers to be the best video game of all time , and ranks highly on IGN and EGM 's `` greatest games of all time '' lists , as well as scoring perfect scores in several video game publications . In February 2006 , it was ranked by Nintendo Power as the best game released for a Nintendo console . The game was originally developed for the poorly selling , Japanese - only Nintendo 64DD , but was ported to cartridge format when the 64DD hardware was delayed . A new gameplay mechanic , lock - on targeting ( called `` Z - targeting '' as that is the controller button used ) , is used in the game , which focuses the camera on a nearby target and alters the player 's actions relative to that target . Such mechanics allow precise sword fighting in a 3D space . The game heavily uses context - sensitive button play , which enabled the player to control various actions with Link using only one button on the Nintendo 64 's game pad . Each action was handled slightly differently but all used the ' A ' button to perform . For instance , standing next to a block and pressing ' A ' made Link grab it ( enabling him to push / pull it ) , but moving forwards into a block and pressing ' A ' allowed Link to climb the block . The ' B ' button was used only as an attack button . The game featured the first appearance of Link 's horse , Epona , allowing Link to travel quickly across land and fire arrows from horseback . Those who preordered the game received a gold - coloured cartridge in a limited edition box with a golden plastic card affixed , reading `` Collector 's Edition '' . In some stores that had this `` Collector 's Edition '' quickly sell out , a small and rare Zelda pin was given instead . It is the sword and shield emblem with `` Zelda '' written on it . Very few of them are known to remain . Ocarina of Time was re-released on the GameCube in 2002 , when it was offered as a pre-order incentive for The Wind Waker in the U.S. , Canada and Japan . Europe continued to receive it free in every copy of The Wind Waker , except for the discounted Player 's Choice version . It includes what is widely believed to be the remnants of a cancelled 64DD expansion for Ocarina of Time known as Ura Zelda in early development . Named Ocarina of Time Master Quest , the game was given the addition of revamped , more difficult dungeon layouts . Ocarina of Time was included as part of the Collector 's Edition for the GameCube in 2003 . It is now available through the Wii 's Virtual Console service . In 2011 , Nintendo released a new version of the game in stereoscopic 3D for the Nintendo 3DS , The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time 3D . In July 2015 , Nintendo rereleased it for the Wii U Virtual Console . 2000s Ocarina of Time 's follow - up , Majora 's Mask , was released in April 2000 . It uses the same 3D game engine as the previous game , and added a time - based concept , in which Link , the protagonist , relives the events of three days as many times as needed to complete the game 's objectives . It was originally called Zelda Gaiden , a Japanese title that translates as Zelda Side story . Gameplay changed significantly ; in addition to the time - limit , Link can use masks to transform into creatures with unique abilities . While Majora 's Mask retains the graphical style of Ocarina of Time , it is also a departure , particularly in its atmosphere . It features motion - blur , unlike its predecessor . The game is darker , dealing with death and tragedy in a manner not previously seen in the series , and has a sense of impending doom , as a large moon slowly descends upon the land of Termina to destroy all life . All copies of Majora 's Mask are gold cartridges . A limited `` Collector 's Edition '' lenticular cartridge label was offered as the pre-order incentive . Copies of the game that are not collector 's editions feature a normal sticker cartridge label . Majora 's Mask is included in the Collector 's Edition , and is available on the Virtual Console , as well as a 3D port for the portable 3DS console . The next two games , Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages , were released simultaneously for the Game Boy Color , and interact using passwords or a Game Link Cable . After one game has been completed , the player is given a password that allows the other game to be played as a sequel . They were developed by Flagship in conjunction with Nintendo , with supervision from Miyamoto . After the team experimented with porting the original The Legend of Zelda to the Game Boy Color , they decided to make an original trilogy to be called the `` Triforce Series '' . When the password system linking the three games proved too troublesome , the concept was reduced to two games at Miyamoto 's suggestion . These two games became Oracle of Ages , which is more puzzle - based , and Oracle of Seasons , which is more action - oriented . When Nintendo revealed the GameCube on August 24 , 2000 , the day before Nintendo 's SpaceWorld 2000 exposition , a software demonstration showed a realistically styled real - time duel between Ganondorf and Link . Fans and the media speculated that the battle might be from a Zelda game in development . At Spaceworld 2001 , Nintendo showed a cel - shaded Zelda game , later released as The Wind Waker in December 2002 . Due to poor reception , nothing further was shown until a playable demonstration was ready . Miyamoto felt The Wind Waker would `` extend Zelda 's reach to all ages '' . The gameplay centres on controlling wind with a baton called the `` Wind Waker '' and sailing a small boat around an island - filled ocean , retaining similar gameplay mechanics as the previous 3D games in the series . Following the release of The Wind Waker came The Legend of Zelda : Collector 's Edition , which included the original The Legend of Zelda , Zelda II , Ocarina of Time , Majora 's Mask , and a demo of The Wind Waker . GameSpot noted that Majora 's Mask suffered from a frame rate which appeared choppier and inconsistencies in the audio . This compilation was never sold commercially , and originally could only be obtained by purchasing a GameCube bundled with the disc ( in North America , Europe and Australia ) , by registering a GameCube and two games at , or by subscribing or renewing a subscription to Nintendo Power ( in North America ) or Club Nintendo in Sweden . In the UK , 1000 copies were made available through the Club Nintendo Stars Catalogue program . After these were quickly claimed , Nintendo gave a copy to customers who mailed in proof of purchases from select GameCube games . The next game released in the series was Four Swords Adventures for the GameCube , which was released in early 2004 in Japan and America , and January 2005 in Europe . Based on the handheld Four Swords , Four Swords Adventures was another deviation from previous Zelda gameplay , focusing on level - based and multiplayer gameplay . The game contains 24 levels and a map screen ; there is no connecting overworld . For multiplayer features , each player must use a Game Boy Advance system linked to the GameCube via a Nintendo GameCube -- Game Boy Advance link cable . The game features a single - player campaign , in which using a Game Boy Advance is optional . Four Swords Adventures includes two gameplay modes : `` Hyrulean Adventure '' , with a plot and gameplay similar to other Zelda games , and `` Shadow Battle '' , in which multiple Links , played by multiple players , battle each other . The Japanese and Korean versions include an exclusive third segment , `` Navi Trackers '' ( originally designed as the stand - alone game `` Tetra 's Trackers '' ) , which contains spoken dialogue for most of the characters , unlike other games in The Legend of Zelda series . In November 2004 in Japan and Europe , and January 2005 in America , Nintendo released The Minish Cap for the Game Boy Advance . In The Minish Cap Link can shrink in size using a mystical , sentient hat named Ezlo . While shrunk , he can see previously explored parts of a dungeon from a different perspective , and enter areas through otherwise - impassable openings . Promotional artwork for Twilight Princess In November 2006 , Twilight Princess was released as the first Zelda game on the Wii , and later , in December 2006 , as the last official Nintendo game for the GameCube , the console for which it was originally developed . The Wii version features a reversed world where everything that is in the west on the GameCube is in the east on the Wii , and vice versa . The display is mirrored in order to make Link right - handed , to make use of the Wii remote feel more natural . The game chronicles the struggle of an older Link to clear the troubles of the interacting `` Twilight Realm '' , a mysterious force that appears around Hyrule . When he enters this realm , he is transformed into a wolf , and loses the ability to use his sword , shield or other items , but gains other abilities such as sharpened senses from his new form . Twilight Princess includes an incarnation of Link 's horse , Epona , for fast transportation , and features mounted battle scenarios including boss battles that were not seen in previous games . Twilight Princess diverted from the cel shading of Wind Waker and went for graphics featuring more detailed textures , giving the game a darker atmosphere , thus making it feel more adult than previous games . At the 2006 Game Developers Conference , a trailer for Phantom Hourglass for the Nintendo DS was shown . It revealed traditional top - down Zelda gameplay optimised for the DS ' features , with a cel - shaded 3d graphical style similar to The Wind Waker . At E3 2006 , Nintendo confirmed the game 's status as a direct sequel to The Wind Waker , and released an extensive playable demo , including a multiplayer mode with `` capture the flag '' elements . Phantom Hourglass was released on June 23 , 2007 , in Japan , October 1 , 2007 , in North America and October 19 , 2007 , in Europe . The next Legend of Zelda for the DS , The Legend of Zelda : Spirit Tracks , was released December 7 , 2009 , in North America and December 11 , 2009 , in the UK . In this game , the ' spirit tracks ' , railroads which chain an ancient evil , are disappearing from Hyrule . Zelda and Link go to the ' Spirit Tower ' ( the ethereal point of convergence for the tracks ) to find out why . But villains steal Zelda 's body for the resurrection of the Demon King . Rendered disembodied , Zelda is left a spirit , and only Link ( and a certain few sages ) can see her . Together they go on a quest to restore the spirit tracks , defeat the Demon King , and return Zelda to her body . Using a modified engine of that used in Phantom Hourglass , the notably new feature in this game is that the Phantom Guardians seen in Phantom Hourglass are , through a series of events , periodically controllable . It was the first time in the series that both Link & Zelda work together on the quest . 2010s In April 2008 , Miyamoto stated that `` the Zelda team is forming again to work on new games '' . Miyamoto clarified in July that the Zelda team had been working on a new Zelda game for the Wii . In January 2010 , Nintendo Executive Satoru Iwata stated that the game would be coming out at some time in 2010 , and confirmed that the game would make use of the Wii 's MotionPlus feature , which had been announced too late to be integrated into the Twilight Princess Wii release . The game 's subtitle was announced at E3 in 2010 as Skyward Sword , but its release was delayed to 2011 . The game , the earliest in the Legend of Zelda timeline , reveals the origins of Hyrule , Ganon and many elements featured in previous games . It was released on November 20 , 2011 ; the first run included a 25th Anniversary CD of fully orchestrated music from various Zelda games , including Skyward Sword . In addition , Nintendo celebrated the 25th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda game by releasing a Zelda game for all its current consoles in 2011 : Link 's Awakening in the 3DS 's Virtual Console on June 7 , Ocarina of Time 3D for the 3DS in mid-June , Four Swords Anniversary Edition from September 28 , 2011 , to February 20 , 2012 , as a free DSiWare download and Skyward Sword for the Wii , which was released on November 18 , 2011 , in Europe ; on November 20 , 2011 , in the United States ; and on November 24 , 2011 , in Australia . A limited edition Zelda 25th anniversary 3DS was released on December 1 , 2011 , in Australia . The Legend of Zelda : The Wind Waker HD , a remaster of the original GameCube game , was released by Nintendo on September 20 , 2013 , digitally on the Nintendo eShop in North America with a retail release on September 26 in Japan , October 4 in North America and Europe , and October 5 in Australia . A month later , Nintendo released The Legend of Zelda : A Link Between Worlds for the Nintendo 3DS , which takes place in the same setting as A Link to the Past . Nintendo released a second 3DS version , The Legend of Zelda : Majora 's Mask 3D , in North America and Europe on February 13 , 2015 , and in Japan and Australia on February 14 , 2015 . At E3 2015 , Nintendo announced The Legend of Zelda : Tri Force Heroes , a cooperative multiplayer game released for the 3DS in October 2015 . The Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess HD , a high - definition remastering of Twilight Princess , was released for the Wii U in March 2016 . Nintendo showcased a demo reel at E3 2011 , which depicted Link fighting a monster in HD . In January 2013 , Nintendo revealed that a new Legend of Zelda game was being planned for the Wii U . The game was officially teased at E3 2014 , and was scheduled to be released in 2015 . However , in March 2015 , the game was delayed to 2016 . In April 2016 , the game was delayed again to 2017 ; it was also announced that it would be simultaneously released on the Wii U and Nintendo Switch . At E3 2016 , the game was showcased under the title The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild . The game was released on March 3 , 2017 . Other games CD - I games The Zelda games for the Philips CD - i are infamous for their poor quality and are not canon . Main article : CD - i games from The Legend of Zelda series A series of video games was developed and released for the Philips CD - i in the early 1990s as a product of a compromise between Philips and Nintendo , after the companies failed to develop a CD - ROM peripheral for the Super NES . Created independently with no observation by or influence from Nintendo , the games are Link : The Faces of Evil and Zelda : The Wand of Gamelon , together with Zelda 's Adventure . Nintendo never acknowledged them in the Zelda timeline , and they are considered to be in a separate , self - contained canon . These games are widely acknowledged to be the worst installments in the series . LCD games Main article : LCD games from The Legend of Zelda series Three Zelda - themed LCD games were created between 1989 and 1992 . The Zelda version of Nintendo 's Game & Watch series was released first in August 1989 as a dual - screen handheld electronic game similar in appearance to today 's Nintendo DS . It was re-released in 1998 as a Toymax , Inc . Mini Classic and was later included as an unlockable extra in Game & Watch Gallery 4 , a 2002 compilation for the Game Boy Advance . While the Game & Watch Zelda was developed in - house by Nintendo , the subsequent two LCD games were developed by third parties under license by Nintendo . In October 1989 , The Legend of Zelda was developed by Nelsonic as part of its Game Watch line . This game was an actual digital watch with primitive gameplay based on the original Legend of Zelda . In 1992 , Epoch Co. developed Zelda no Densetsu : Kamigami no Triforce for its Barcode Battler II console . The game employed card - scanning technology similar to the later - released Nintendo e-Reader . Cancelled games Throughout the lifespan of The Legend of Zelda series , a number of games ( including main series games as well as re-releases and spin - offs ) in varying states of completeness have had their releases cancelled . Perhaps the earliest of these was Gottlieb 's The Legend of Zelda Pinball Machine ( cancelled 1993 ) . After securing a license from Nintendo to produce two Nintendo - franchise - based pinball machines , pinball designer Jon Norris was tasked with designing the table . Before it was completed , Gottlieb decided to repurpose the game with an American Gladiators theme . Licensing for this version ultimately fell through and the game was released as simply Gladiators ( November 1993 ) . In 1998 , Nintendo cancelled The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time Ura . Originally intended as an expansion disk for Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64DD , poor sales figures for the N64DD system led Nintendo to cancel its plans for the release . In 2002 , Nintendo released a bonus disc called The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time Master Quest . It contained emulated versions of Ocarina of Time and Ocarina of Time Master Quest with a number of modifications originally planned for release in Ocarina of Time Ura including GUI textures and text modified to reflect the GameCube . In 2001 , under license from Nintendo , Capcom cancelled the release of The Legend of Zelda : Mystical Seed of Courage for Game Boy Color . Working with a Capcom team , Yoshiki Okamoto was originally tasked with designing a series of three Zelda games for the Game Boy Color . Referred to as the `` Triforce Series '' , the games were known as The Legend of Zelda : The Mysterious Acorn : Chapter of Power , Chapter of Wisdom , and Chapter of Courage in Japan and The Legend of Zelda : Mystical Seed of Power , Mystical Seed of Wisdom , and Mystical Seed of Courage in the US . The games were to interact using a password system , but the limitations of this system and the difficulty of coordinating three games proved too complicated , so the team scaled back to two games at Miyamoto 's suggestion . The Legend of Zelda : Oracle of Seasons was adapted from Mystical Seed of Power , The Legend of Zelda : Oracle of Ages was adapted from Mystical Seed of Wisdom , and Mystical Seed of Courage was cancelled . Before its 2006 release , both Link and Samus from the Metroid series were planned to be playable characters for the Wii version of Marvel : Ultimate Alliance . However , they did n't make the final release because they were n't Marvel characters . In 2011 , an unnamed Zelda 25th Anniversary Compilation was cancelled . To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the series , Nintendo of America originally had planned to release a compilation of games together for the Wii , similar to the collector 's edition disc released for the GameCube in 2003 . However Nintendo of Japan 's president Satoru Iwata and Shigeru Miyamoto disagreed in releasing it , believing it would be too similar to the Super Mario 25th Anniversary game released in 2010 . Spin - off games As the franchise has grown in popularity , several games have been released that are set within or star a minor character from the universe of The Legend of Zelda but are not directly connected to the main The Legend of Zelda series . Both map versions of the game BS Zelda no Densetsu for the Satellaview ( released in August and December 1995 ) could be considered spin - offs due to the fact that they star the `` Hero of Light '' ( portrayed by either the Satellaview 's male or female avatar ) as opposed to Link as the protagonist of Hyrule . A third Satellaview game released in March 1997 , BS Zelda no Densetsu Inishie no Sekiban ( BS The Legend of Zelda : Ancient Stone Tablets ) could also be considered a spin - off for the same reason . Other spin - off games include Freshly - Picked Tingle 's Rosy Rupeeland for the Nintendo DS -- an RPG released in September 2006 in Japan ( Summer of 2007 in the UK ) to star supporting character Tingle . A second Tingle game is Tingle 's Balloon Fight DS for the Nintendo DS . Here Tingle again stars in this spin - off arcade style platformer , released in April 2007 only in Japan and available solely to Platinum Club Nintendo members . In addition to games in which Link does not star as the protagonist , games such as the shooter game , Link 's Crossbow Training ( for the Wii ) , have been considered spin - offs due to the lack of a traditional `` Save Hyrule '' plot - line . Released in November 2007 as a bundle with the Wii Zapper , this game allows players to assume the identity of Link as he progresses through a series of tests to perfect his crossbow marksmanship . Color Changing Tingle 's Love Balloon Trip was released in Japan in 2009 as a sequel to Freshly - Picked Tingle 's Rosy Rupeeland . Hyrule Warriors , a crossover game combining the setting of Nintendo 's The Legend of Zelda series and the gameplay of Tecmo Koei 's Dynasty Warriors series , was announced for the Wii U video game system in December 2013 and was released in North America in September 2014 . Hyrule Warriors Legends , a version for the Nintendo 3DS containing more content and gameplay modifications , was released in March 2016 . To commemorate the launch of the My Nintendo loyalty program in March 2016 , Nintendo released My Nintendo Picross : The Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess , a Picross puzzle game developed by Jupiter for download to the Nintendo 3DS . Cross-overs The Legend of Zelda series has crossed - over into a number of other Nintendo and third party video games . Most prominent of the collaborations would be in the Super Smash Bros. series of fighting games published by Nintendo . Link appears as a fighter in Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64 , the first entry in the series , and is part of the roster in all subsequent releases in the series as well . Zelda , ( who is able to transform into Sheik as well ) , Ganondorf , and Young Link ( the child version of Link from Ocarina of Time ) were added to the player roster for Super Smash Bros. Melee , and appeared in all subsequent releases except for `` Young Link '' , who is later replaced by `` Toon Link '' from The Wind Waker , in subsequent releases Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U however , both Young Link and Toon Link appear in the fifth installment , Super Smash Bros. Ultimate . Other elements from the series , such as locations and items , are also included throughout the Smash Bros. series . Outside of the series , Nintendo allowed for the use of Link as a playable character exclusively in the GameCube release of Namco 's fighting game Soulcalibur II . Link , using a design based on Skyward Sword , appears as a playable character in Mario Kart 8 via downloadable content , along with a `` Hyrule Circuit '' racetrack themed on The Legend of Zelda series . The first pack is named after the series . In Sonic Lost World , a DLC stage based on The Legend of Zelda series was released in March 2014 , named `` The Legend of Zelda Zone '' . While built around the core gameplay mechanics of Sonic Lost World , `` The Legend of Zelda Zone '' incorporates some elements from the Zelda series , including a heart - based vitality meter , rupee collection , and a miniature dungeon to explore . Reception and Legacy Aggregate review scores As of March 22 , 2017 . Game GameRankings Metacritic The Legend of Zelda ( NES ) 84 % ( GBA ) 79 % ( GBA ) 84 The Adventure of Link ( NES ) 78 % ( GBA ) 69 % ( GBA ) 73 A Link to the Past ( SNES ) 93 % ( GBA ) 92 % ( GBA ) 95 Link 's Awakening ( GB ) 90 % ( GBC ) 91 % -- Ocarina of Time ( N64 ) 98 % ( GC ) 90 % ( 3DS ) 94 % ( N64 ) 99 ( GC ) 91 ( 3DS ) 94 Majora 's Mask ( N64 ) 92 % ( 3DS ) 90 % ( N64 ) 95 ( 3DS ) 89 Oracle of Seasons and Ages ( Seasons ) 91 % ( Ages ) 92 % -- Four Swords ( NDS ) 85 % ( NDS ) 85 The Wind Waker ( GC ) 94 % ( Wii U ) 91 % ( GC ) 96 ( Wii U ) 90 Four Swords Adventures ( GC ) 85 % ( GC ) 86 The Minish Cap ( GBA ) 90 % ( GBA ) 89 Twilight Princess ( GC ) 95 % ( Wii ) 95 % ( Wii U ) 86 % ( GC ) 96 ( Wii ) 95 ( Wii U ) 86 Phantom Hourglass ( NDS ) 89 % ( NDS ) 90 Spirit Tracks ( NDS ) 87 % ( NDS ) 87 Skyward Sword ( Wii ) 93 % ( Wii ) 93 A Link Between Worlds ( 3DS ) 91 % ( 3DS ) 91 Tri Force Heroes ( 3DS ) 72 % ( 3DS ) 73 Breath of the Wild ( NS ) 97 % ( Wii U ) 97 % ( NS ) 97 ( Wii U ) 96 Life - to - date number units shipped , in millions Game Year Sales The Legend of Zelda 1986 ( NES ) 6.51 The Adventure of Link 1987 ( NES ) 4.38 A Link to the Past 1991 ( SNES ) 4.61 Link 's Awakening 1993 ( GB ) 3.83 Ocarina of Time 1998 ( N64 ) 7.6 Majora 's Mask 2000 ( N64 ) 3.36 Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages 2001 ( GBC ) 3.96 The Wind Waker 2002 ( GC ) 4.43 The Minish Cap 2004 ( GBA ) 1.76 Twilight Princess 2006 ( GC / Wii ) 8.85 Phantom Hourglass 2007 ( DS ) 4.76 Spirit Tracks 2009 ( DS ) 2.96 Skyward Sword 2011 ( Wii ) 3.67 A Link Between Worlds 2013 ( 3DS ) 2.9 Tri Force Heroes 2015 ( 3DS ) 1.14 Breath of the Wild 2017 ( Wii U / NS ) 10.40 The Legend of Zelda series has received outstanding levels of acclaim from critics and the public . Ocarina of Time , The Wind Waker , Skyward Sword , and Breath of the Wild have each received a perfect 40 / 40 score ( 10 / 10 by four reviewers ) by Japanese Famitsu magazine , making Zelda one of the few series with multiple perfect scores . Ocarina of Time was even listed by Guinness World Records as the highest - rated video game in history , citing its Metacritic score of 99 out of 100 . Computer and Video Games awarded The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess a score of 10 / 10 . A Link to the Past has won Gold Award from Electronic Gaming Monthly . In Nintendo Power 's Top 200 countdown in 2004 , Ocarina of Time took first place , and seven other Zelda games placed in the top 40 . Twilight Princess was named Game of the Year by X-Play , GameTrailers , 1UP , Electronic Gaming Monthly , Spacey Awards , Game Informer , GameSpy , Nintendo Power , IGN , and many other websites . The editors of review aggregator websites GameRankings , IGN and Metacritic have all given Ocarina of Time their highest aggregate scores . Game Informer has awarded The Wind Waker , Twilight Princess , Skyward Sword , A Link Between Worlds and Breath of the Wild with scores of 10 / 10 . Phantom Hourglass was named DS Game of the Year by IGN and GameSpy . Airing December 10 , 2011 , Spike TV 's annual Video Game Awards gave the series the first ever `` Hall of Fame Award '' , which Miyamoto accepted in person . Ocarina of Time and its use of melodic themes to identify different game regions has been called a reverse of Richard Wagner 's use of leitmotifs to identify characters and themes . Ocarina of Time was so well received that sales increased for real ocarinas . IGN praised the music of Majora 's Mask for its brilliance despite its heavy use of MIDI . It has been ranked the seventh - greatest game by Electronic Gaming Monthly , whereas Ocarina of Time was ranked eighth . The series won GameFAQs Best Series Ever competition . As of April 2018 , The Legend of Zelda franchise has sold over 80 million copies , with the original The Legend of Zelda being the fourth best - selling NES game of all time . The series was ranked as the 64th top game ( collectively ) by Next Generation in 1996 . According to British film magazine Empire , with `` the most vividly - realised world and the most varied game - play of any game on any console , Zelda is a solid bet for the best game series ever . '' Impact Multiple members of the game industry have expressed how Zelda games have impacted them . Rockstar Games founder and Grand Theft Auto director , Dan Houser , stated , `` Anyone who makes 3 - D games who says they 've not borrowed something from Mario or Zelda ( on the Nintendo 64 ) is lying . '' Rockstar founder and Grand Theft Auto director Sam Houser also cited the influence of Zelda , describing Grand Theft Auto III as `` Zelda meets Goodfellas '' . Ōkami director Hideki Kamiya ( Capcom , PlatinumGames ) states that he has been influenced by The Legend of Zelda series in developing the game , citing The Legend of Zelda : A Link to the Past as his favorite game of all time . Soul Reaver and Uncharted director , Amy Hennig ( Crystal Dynamics , Naughty Dog ) , cited Zelda as inspiration for the Legacy of Kain series , noting A Link to the Past 's influence on Blood Omen and Ocarina of Time 's influence on Soul Reaver . Soul Reaver and Uncharted creator , Richard Lemarchand ( Crystal Dynamics , Naughty Dog ) , cited A Link to the Past 's approach to combining gameplay with storytelling as inspiration for Soul Reaver . Wing Commander and Star Citizen director , Chris Roberts ( Origin Systems , Cloud Imperium Games ) , cited Zelda as an influence on his action role - playing game , Times of Lore . Souls creator Hidetaka Miyazaki ( FromSoftware ) named A Link To The Past as one of his favorite role - playing video games . According to Miyazaki , `` The Legend of Zelda became a sort of textbook for 3D action games . '' Ico director Fumito Ueda ( Team Ico ) cited Zelda as an influence on Shadow of the Colossus . Fable series director Peter Molyneux ( Lionhead Studios , Microsoft Studios ) stated that Twilight Princess is one of his favorite games . `` I just feel it 's jaw - dropping and its use of the hardware was brilliant . And I 've played that game through several times , '' he said to TechRadar . Darksiders director David L. Adams ( Vigil Games ) cited Zelda as an influence on his work . Prince of Persia and Assassin 's Creed director Raphael Lacoste ( Ubisoft ) cited The Wind Waker as an influence on Assassin 's Creed IV : Black Flag . CD Projekt Red ( The Witcher , Cyberpunk 2077 ) cited the Zelda series as an influence on The Witcher series , including The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt . Final Fantasy and The 3rd Birthday director Hajime Tabata ( Square Enix ) cited Ocarina of Time as inspiration for the seamless open world of Final Fantasy XV . Other Media This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( April 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Main article : List of The Legend of Zelda media TV series Main article : The Legend of Zelda ( TV series ) A 13 - episode American animated TV series , adapted by DiC and distributed by Viacom Enterprises , aired in 1989 . The animated Zelda shorts were broadcast each Friday , instead of the usual Super Mario Bros. cartoon which was aired during the rest of the week . The series loosely follows the two NES Zelda games ( the original The Legend of Zelda and The Adventure of Link ) , mixing settings and characters from those games with original creations . The show 's older incarnations of both Link and Zelda appear in various episodes of Captain N : The Game Master during its second season . Print Media Valiant Comics released a short series of comics featuring characters and settings from the Zelda cartoon as part of their Nintendo Comics System line . Manga adaptations of many entries in the series , including A Link to the Past , Ocarina of Time , Majora 's Mask , Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages , Four Swords Adventures , The Minish Cap , and Phantom Hourglass , have been produced under license from Nintendo , mostly in Japan . These cartoons are usually not involved with the chronology of the actual games . A number of official books , novels , and gamebooks have been released based on the series as well . The earliest was Moblin 's Magic Spear , published in 1989 by Western Publishing under their Golden Books Family Entertainment division and written by Jack C. Harris . It took place sometime during the first game . Two gamebooks were published as part of the Nintendo Adventure Books series by Archway , both of which were written by Matt Wayne . The first was The Crystal Trap ( which focuses more on Zelda ) and the second was The Shadow Prince . Both were released in 1992 . A novel based on Ocarina of Time was released in 1999 , written by Jason R. Rich and published by Sybex Inc. under their Pathways to Adventure series . Another two gamebooks were released as part of the You Decide on the Adventure series published by Scholastic . The first book was based on Oracle of Seasons and was released in 2001 . The second , based on Oracle of Ages , was released in 2002 . Both were written by Craig Wessel . In 2006 , Scholastic released a novel as part of their Nintendo Heroes series , Link and the Portal of Doom . It was written by Tracey West and was set shortly after the events of Ocarina of Time . In 2011 , to coincide with the 25th anniversary of the series , an art book was published exclusively in Japan under the name Hyrule Historia by Shogakukan . It contains concept art from the series 's conception to the release of Skyward Sword in 2011 and multiple essays about the production of the games , as well as an overarching timeline of the series . It also includes a prequel manga to Skyward Sword by Zelda manga duo Akira Himekawa . The book received an international release by publisher Dark Horse Comics on January 29 , 2013 ; it took the number one spot on Amazon 's sales chart , taking the spot away from E.L. James 's 50 Shades of Grey trilogy . Dark Horse released The Legend of Zelda : Art & Artifacts , a follow - up art book to Hyrule Historia containing additional artwork and interviews , in North America on February 21 , 2017 , and in Europe on February 23 , 2017 . Music Taking place in Cologne , Germany , on September 23 , 2010 , the video game music concert Symphonic Legends focused on music from Nintendo and , among others , featured games such as The Legend of Zelda . Following an intermission , the second half of the concert was entirely dedicated to an expansive symphonic poem dedicated to the series . The 35 - minute epic tells the story of Link 's evolution from child to hero . To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the series in 2011 , Nintendo commissioned an original symphony , The Legend of Zelda : Symphony of the Goddesses . The show was originally performed in the fall of 2011 in Los Angeles and consists of live performances of much of the music from the series . It has since been scheduled for 18 shows so far throughout the United States and Canada . Nintendo released a CD , The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Special Orchestra CD . Featuring eight tracks from live performances of the symphony , the CD is included alongside the special edition of The Legend of Zelda : Skyward Sword for the Wii . Nintendo would later celebrate The Legend of Zelda 's 30th anniversary with an album which was released in Japan in February 2017 . Cancelled films In 2007 , Imagi Animation Studios , who provided the animation for TMNT and Astro Boy , created a pitch reel for a computer - animated The Legend of Zelda movie . Nintendo did not take the studio up on their offer due to the failure of the live - action movie adaption of Super Mario Bros . In 2013 , Aonuma stated that , if development of a film were to move forward , the company would want to use the opportunity to embrace audience interaction in some capacity . Board games The Legend of Zelda - themed Monopoly board game was released in the United States on September 15 , 2014 . A Clue board game in the style of The Legend of Zelda series was released in June 2017 . A UNO - styled The Legend of Zelda game was announced in February 2018 for release exclusively at GameStop in North America . Notes Jump up ^ In Japanese : ゼルダ の 伝説 ( Zeruda no Densetsu ) Group n Jump up ^ Twilight Princess sales breakdown : GameCube version : 1.59 million Wii version : 7.26 million Jump up ^ Breath of the Wild sales breakdown : Wii U version : 1.08 million Switch version : 9.32 million References Jump up ^ Barton , Matt ( 2008 ) . Dungeons & Desktops : The History of Computer Role - Playing Games . AK Peters , Ltd . pp. 209 -- 10 , 216 , 385 . ISBN 1 - 56881 - 411 - 9 . Retrieved September 8 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Pichlmair , Martin ; Kayali , Fares ( 2007 ) . `` Levels of Sound : On the Principles of Interactivity in Music Video Games '' ( PDF ) . Situated Play , Proceedings of DiGRA 2007 Conference . Jump up ^ Lane , Pete ( February 26 , 1999 ) . `` Review : Legend of Zelda '' . BBC News . Retrieved April 6 , 2008 . 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Din , the Goddess of Power ... Nayru , the Goddess of Wisdom ... Farore , the Goddess of Courage ... Din ... With her strong flaming arms , she cultivated the land and created the red earth . Nayru ... Poured her wisdom onto the earth and gave the spirit of law to the world . Farore ... With her rich soul , produced all life forms who would uphold the law . ^ Jump up to : Shigeru Miyamoto , Eiji Aonuma ( January 29 , 2013 ) . The Legend of Zelda : Hyrule Historia . Milwaukie , Oregon : Dark Horse . p. 76 . ISBN 978 - 1616550417 . Jump up ^ Nintendo ( November 21 , 1998 ) . The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time . Nintendo 64 . Nintendo . Zelda : If someone with a righteous heart makes a wish , it will lead Hyrule into a golden age of prosperity . If one with an evil mind has his wish granted , the world will be consumed by evil ... That is what is foretold ... Jump up ^ Shigeru Miyamoto , Eiji Aonuma ( January 29 , 2013 ) . The Legend of Zelda : Hyrule Historia . Milwaukie , Oregon : Dark Horse . p. 70 . ISBN 978 - 1616550417 . Jump up ^ Nintendo ( November 21 , 1998 ) . The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time . Nintendo 64 . Nintendo . Sheik : The resting place of the sacred triangle , the Sacred Realm , is a mirror that reflects what is in the heart ... the heart of one who enters it ... If an evil heart , the Realm will become full of evil ; if pure , the Realm will become a paradise . Jump up ^ Nintendo ( November 18 , 2011 ) . The Legend of Zelda : Skyward Sword . Wii . Nintendo . Zelda : In his thirst to make the world his own , Demise readied a massive army of monsters for war . He sought to take the Triforce for himself by force . Jump up ^ Nintendo ( November 21 , 1998 ) . The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time . Nintendo 64 . Nintendo . Introduction : Handed down by the gods of old , this power gave its holder the means to make any desire a reality . 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Retrieved June 10 , 2010 . 今度 の 舞台 は リンク が 活躍 した 頃 より も 遥か 昔 、 ハイラル が 、 まだ 一 つの 王国 で あっ た 時代 . / This time , the stage is set a long time before Link 's exploits , an era when Hyrule was still one kingdom . Jump up ^ `` The Legend of Zelda : A Link to the Past -- Back Cover '' . Nintendo of America , Inc. ( via MobyGames ) . April 13 , 1992 . Retrieved June 10 , 2010 . The predecessors of Link and Zelda face monsters on the march when a menacing magician takes over the kingdom . Jump up ^ `` Dengeki Nintendo 64 '' . Dengeki Nintendo 64 . MediaWorks , Inc . January 1999 . Shigeru Miyamoto : ( 時 オカ → 神 トラ ) それから 初代 とき て リンク の 冒険 という 順番 に なる . / Ocarina of Time , A Link to the Past , then comes the original one and The Adventure of Link in turn . Jump up ^ Nintendo , ed ( 1993 ) . The Legend of Zelda : Link 's Awakening instruction manual . 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Works cited `` ZELDA : The Second Quest Begins '' . Nintendo Power . 1 . July -- August 1988 . pp. 26 -- 36 . External Links Wikimedia Commons has media related to The Legend of Zelda . Official website The Legend of Zelda series Main series Console games The Legend of Zelda The Adventure of Link A Link to the Past Ocarina of Time Majora 's Mask The Wind Waker HD Four Swords Adventures Twilight Princess HD Skyward Sword Breath of the Wild Handheld games Link 's Awakening Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages A Link to the Past and Four Swords The Minish Cap Phantom Hourglass Spirit Tracks Ocarina of Time 3D A Link Between Worlds Majora 's Mask 3D Tri Force Heroes Spin - offs LCD games CD - i games Faces of Evil and Wand of Gamelon Zelda 's Adventure Satellaview games Freshly - Picked Tingle 's Rosy Rupeeland Link 's Crossbow Training Irodzuki Tingle no Koi no Balloon Trip Hyrule Warriors Universe Characters Link Princess Zelda Ganon Navi Epona Tingle Midna Recurring enemies Triforce `` I am Error '' `` It 's dangerous to go alone ! 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when was the first legend of zelda game released
The Legend of Zelda , the first game of the series , was first released in Japan on February 21 , 1986 , on the Famicom Disk System . A cartridge version , using battery - backed memory , was released in the United States on August 22 , 1987 , and Europe on November 27 , 1987 . The game features a `` Second Quest , '' accessible either upon completing the game , or by registering one 's name as `` ZELDA '' when starting a new quest . The Second Quest features different dungeons and item placement , and more difficult enemies .
History of gravitational theory - wikipedia History of gravitational theory In physics , theories of gravitation postulate mechanisms of interaction governing the movements of bodies with mass . There have been numerous theories of gravitation since ancient times . Contents 1 Antiquity 1.1 Greece 1.2 India 2 Modern era 2.1 Newton 's theory of gravitation 2.2 Mechanical explanations of gravitation 2.3 General relativity 2.4 Gravity and quantum mechanics 3 See also 4 References Antiquity ( edit ) See also : Aristotelian physics Greece ( edit ) In the 4th century BC , the Greek philosopher Aristotle believed that there is no effect or motion without a cause . The cause of the downward motion of heavy bodies , such as the element earth , was related to their nature , which caused them to move downward toward the center of the universe , which was their natural place . Conversely , light bodies such as the element fire , move by their nature upward toward the inner surface of the sphere of the Moon . Thus in Aristotle 's system heavy bodies are not attracted to the Earth by an external force of gravity , but tend toward the center of the universe because of an inner gravitas or heaviness . In Book VII of his De Architectura , the Roman engineer and architect Vitruvius contends that gravity is not dependent on a substance 's `` weight '' but rather on its `` nature '' ( cf . specific gravity ) . If the quicksilver is poured into a vessel , and a stone weighing one hundred pounds is laid upon it , the stone swims on the surface , and can not depress the liquid , nor break through , nor separate it . If we remove the hundred pound weight , and put on a scruple of gold , it will not swim , but will sink to the bottom of its own accord . Hence , it is undeniable that the gravity of a substance depends not on the amount of its weight , but on its nature . India ( edit ) Aryabhata first identified the force to explain why objects do not fall when the Earth rotates , and developed a geocentric solar system of gravitation , with an eccentric elliptical model of the planets , where the planets spin on their axes and follow elliptical orbits , the Sun and the Moon revolving around the Earth in epicycles . Indian astronomer and mathematician Brahmagupta described gravity as an attractive force and used the term `` gurutvākarṣaṇ '' for gravity . Al Hamdānī and Al Biruni quote Brahmagupta saying `` Disregarding this , we say that the earth on all its sides is the same ; all people on the earth stand upright , and all heavy things fall down to the earth by a law of nature , for it is the nature of the earth to attract and to keep things , as it is the nature of water to flow , that of fire to burn , and that of the wind to set in motion . If a thing wants to go deeper down than the earth , let it try . The earth is the only low thing , and seeds always return to it , in whatever direction you may throw them away , and never rise upwards from the earth . '' Modern era ( edit ) This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( August 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) During the 17th century , Galileo found that , counter to Aristotle 's teachings , all objects tend to accelerate equally when falling . The relation of the distance of objects in free fall to the square of the time taken was confirmed by Grimaldi and Riccioli between 1640 and 1650 . They also made a calculation of the gravitational constant by recording the oscillations of a pendulum . In the late 17th century , as a result of Robert Hooke 's suggestion that there is a gravitational force which depends on the inverse square of the distance , Isaac Newton was able to mathematically derive Kepler 's three kinematic laws of planetary motion , including the elliptical orbits for the six then known planets and the Moon : `` I deduced that the forces which keep the planets in their orbs must be reciprocally as the squares of their distances from the centres about which they revolve , and thereby compared the force requisite to keep the moon in her orb with the force of gravity at the surface of the earth and found them to answer pretty nearly . '' -- Isaac Newton , 1666 So Newton 's original formula was : F o r c e o f g r a v i t y ∝ m a s s o f o b j e c t 1 × m a s s o f o b j e c t 2 d i s t a n c e f r o m c e n t e r s 2 ( \ displaystyle ( \ rm ( Force \ , of \ , gravity ) ) \ propto ( \ frac ( \ rm ( mass \ , of \ , object \ , 1 \ , \ times \ , mass \ , of \ , object \ , 2 ) ) ( \ rm ( distance \ , from \ , centers ^ ( 2 ) ) ) ) ) where the symbol ∝ ( \ displaystyle \ propto ) means `` is proportional to '' . To make this into an equal - sided formula or equation , there needed to be a multiplying factor or constant that would give the correct force of gravity no matter the value of the masses or distance between them . This gravitational constant was first measured in 1797 by Henry Cavendish . In 1907 Albert Einstein , in what was described by him as `` the happiest thought of my life '' , realized that an observer who is falling from the roof of a house experiences no gravitational field . In other words , gravitation was exactly equivalent to acceleration . Between 1911 and 1915 this idea , initially stated as the equivalence principle , was formally developed into Einstein 's theory of general relativity . Newton 's theory of gravitation ( edit ) Main article : Law of universal gravitation In 1687 , English mathematician Sir Isaac Newton published Principia , which hypothesizes the inverse - square law of universal gravitation . In his own words , `` I deduced that the forces which keep the planets in their orbs must be reciprocally as the squares of their distances from the centers about which they revolve ; and thereby compared the force requisite to keep the Moon in her orb with the force of gravity at the surface of the Earth ; and found them answer pretty nearly . '' Newton 's theory enjoyed its greatest success when it was used to predict the existence of Neptune based on motions of Uranus that could not be accounted by the actions of the other planets . Calculations by John Couch Adams and Urbain Le Verrier both predicted the general position of the planet , and Le Verrier 's calculations are what led Johann Gottfried Galle to the discovery of Neptune . Years later , it was another discrepancy in a planet 's orbit that showed Newton 's theory to be inaccurate . By the end of the 19th century , it was known that the orbit of Mercury could not be accounted for entirely under Newtonian gravity , and all searches for another perturbing body ( such as a planet orbiting the Sun even closer than Mercury ) have been fruitless . This issue was resolved in 1915 by Albert Einstein 's new general theory of relativity , which accounted for the discrepancy in Mercury 's orbit . Paul Dirac developed the hypothesis that gravitation should have slowly and steadily decreased over the course of the history of the universe . Although Newton 's theory has been superseded , most modern non-relativistic gravitational calculations still use it because it is much easier to work with and is sufficiently accurate for most applications . Mechanical explanations of gravitation ( edit ) Main article : Mechanical explanations of gravitation The mechanical theories or explanations of the gravitation are attempts to explain the law of gravity by aid of basic mechanical processes , such as pushes , and without the use of any action at a distance . These theories were developed from the 16th until the 19th century in connection with the aether theories . René Descartes ( 1644 ) and Christiaan Huygens ( 1690 ) used vortices to explain gravitation . Robert Hooke ( 1671 ) and James Challis ( 1869 ) assumed , that every body emits waves which lead to an attraction of other bodies . Nicolas Fatio de Duillier ( 1690 ) and Georges - Louis Le Sage ( 1748 ) proposed a corpuscular model , using some sort of screening or shadowing mechanism . Later a similar model was created by Hendrik Lorentz , who used electromagnetic radiation instead of the corpuscles . Isaac Newton ( 1675 ) and Bernhard Riemann ( 1853 ) argued that aether streams carry all bodies to each other . Newton ( 1717 ) and Leonhard Euler ( 1760 ) proposed a model , in which the aether loses density near the masses , leading to a net force directing to the bodies . Lord Kelvin ( 1871 ) proposed that every body pulsates , which might be an explanation of gravitation and the electric charges . However , those models were overthrown because most of them lead to an unacceptable amount of drag , which is not observed . Other models are violating the energy conservation law and are incompatible with modern thermodynamics . General relativity ( edit ) Main article : Introduction to general relativity In general relativity , the effects of gravitation are ascribed to spacetime curvature instead of to a force . The starting point for general relativity is the equivalence principle , which equates free fall with inertial motion . The issue that this creates is that free - falling objects can accelerate with respect to each other . In Newtonian physics , no such acceleration can occur unless at least one of the objects is being operated on by a force ( and therefore is not moving inertially ) . To deal with this difficulty , Einstein proposed that spacetime is curved by matter , and that free - falling objects are moving along locally straight paths in curved spacetime . ( This type of path is called a geodesic ) . More specifically , Einstein and Hilbert discovered the field equations of general relativity , which relate the presence of matter and the curvature of spacetime and are named after Einstein . The Einstein field equations are a set of 10 simultaneous , non-linear , differential equations . The solutions of the field equations are the components of the metric tensor of spacetime . A metric tensor describes the geometry of spacetime . The geodesic paths for a spacetime are calculated from the metric tensor . Notable solutions of the Einstein field equations include : The Schwarzschild solution , which describes spacetime surrounding a spherically symmetric non-rotating uncharged massive object . For compact enough objects , this solution generated a black hole with a central singularity . For radial distances from the center which are much greater than the Schwarzschild radius , the accelerations predicted by the Schwarzschild solution are practically identical to those predicted by Newton 's theory of gravity . The Reissner -- Nordström solution , in which the central object has an electrical charge . For charges with a geometrized length which are less than the geometrized length of the mass of the object , this solution produces black holes with an event horizon surrounding a Cauchy horizon . The Kerr solution for rotating massive objects . This solution also produces black holes with multiple horizons . The cosmological Robertson -- Walker solution , which predicts the expansion of the universe . General relativity has enjoyed much success because of the way its predictions of phenomena which are not called for by the older theory of gravity have been regularly confirmed . For example : General relativity accounts for the anomalous perihelion precession of the planet Mercury . The prediction that time runs slower at lower potentials has been confirmed by the Pound -- Rebka experiment , the Hafele -- Keating experiment , and the GPS . The prediction of the deflection of light was first confirmed by Arthur Eddington in 1919 , and has more recently been strongly confirmed through the use of a quasar which passes behind the Sun as seen from the Earth . See also gravitational lensing . The time delay of light passing close to a massive object was first identified by Irwin Shapiro in 1964 in interplanetary spacecraft signals . Gravitational radiation has been indirectly confirmed through studies of binary pulsars . In 2016 , the LIGO experiments directly detected gravitational radiation from two colliding black holes , making this the first direct observation of both the gravitational radiation as well as black holes . The expansion of the universe ( predicted by the Robertson -- Walker metric ) was confirmed by Edwin Hubble in 1929 . Gravity and quantum mechanics ( edit ) Main articles : Graviton and Quantum gravity Several decades after the discovery of general relativity it was realized that it can not be the complete theory of gravity because it is incompatible with quantum mechanics . Later it was understood that it is possible to describe gravity in the framework of quantum field theory like the other fundamental forces . In this framework the attractive force of gravity arises due to exchange of virtual gravitons , in the same way as the electromagnetic force arises from exchange of virtual photons . This reproduces general relativity in the classical limit , but only at the linearized level and postulating that the conditions for the applicability of Ehrenfest theorem holds , which is not always the case . Besides , this approach fails at short distances of the order of the Planck length . It is notable that in general relativity , gravitational radiation , which under the rules of quantum mechanics must be composed of gravitons , is created only in situations where the curvature of spacetime is oscillating , such as is the case with co-orbiting objects . The amount of gravitational radiation emitted by the solar system is far too small to measure . However , gravitational radiation has been observed both indirectly , as an energy loss over time in binary pulsar systems such as PSR 1913 + 16 , and directly by the LIGO gravitational wave observatory , whose first detection ( named GW150914 ) occurred on 14 September 2015 and matched theoretical predictions of signals due to the inward spiral and merger of a pair of black holes . It is believed that neutron star mergers ( since detected in 2017 ) and black hole formation may also create detectable amounts of gravitational radiation . See also ( edit ) Gravitation portal References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Edward Grant , The Foundations of Modern Science in the Middle Ages , ( Cambridge : Cambridge Univ . Pr. , 1996 ) , pp. 60 - 1 . Jump up ^ Olaf Pedersen , Early Physics and Astronomy , ( Cambridge : Cambridge Univ . Pr. , 1993 ) , p. 130 Jump up ^ Vitruvius , Marcus Pollio ( 1914 ) . `` 7 '' . In Alfred A. Howard . De Architectura libri decem ( Ten Books on Architecture ) . VII . Herbert Langford Warren , Nelson Robinson ( illus ) , Morris Hicky Morgan . Harvard University , Cambridge : Harvard University Press . p. 215 . Jump up ^ Pickover , Clifford ( 2008 ) . Archimedes to Hawking : Laws of Science and the Great Minds Behind Them . Oxford University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 979268 - 9 . Jump up ^ Bose , Mainak Kumar ( 1988 ) . Late classical India . A. Mukherjee & Co . Jump up ^ * Sen , Amartya ( 2005 ) . The Argumentative Indian . Allen Lane . p. 29 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7139 - 9687 - 6 . Jump up ^ Alberuni 's India . London : Kegan Paul , Trench , Trübner & Co. , 1910. Electronic reproduction . Vol. 1 and 2 . New York , N.Y. : Columbia University Libraries , 2006 . p. 272 . Retrieved 3 June 2014 . Jump up ^ Kitāb al - Jawharatayn al - ʻatīqatayn al - māʼiʻatayn min al - ṣafrāʼ wa - al - bayḍāʼ : al - dhahab wa - al - fiḍḍah . Cairo : Maṭbaʻat Dār al - Kutub wa - al - Wathāʼiq al - Qawmīyah bi-al - Qāhirah ( Arabic : كتاب الجوهرتين العتيقتين المائعتين من الصفراء والبيضاء : الذهب والفضة ) , 2004 . pp. 43 -- 44 , 87 . Retrieved 22 August 2014 . Jump up ^ J.L. Heilbron , Electricity in the 17th and 18th Centuries : A Study of Early Modern Physics ( Berkeley : University of California Press , 1979 ) , 180 . Jump up ^ Cohen , I. Bernard ; George Edwin Smith ( 2002 ) . The Cambridge Companion to Newton . Cambridge University Press . pp. 11 -- 12 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 65696 - 2 . Jump up ^ Haber , Heinz ( 1967 ) ( 1965 ) . `` Die Expansion der Erde '' ( The expansion of the Earth ) . Unser blauer Planet ( Our blue planet ) . Rororo Sachbuch ( Rororo nonfiction ) ( in German ) ( Rororo Taschenbuch Ausgabe ( Rororo pocket edition ) ed . ) . Reinbek : Rowohlt Verlag . p. 52 . Der englische Physiker und Nobelpreisträger Dirac hat ( ... ) vor über dreißig Jahren die Vermutung begründet , dass sich das universelle Maß der Schwerkraft im Laufe der Geschichte des Universums außerordentlich langsam , aber stetig verringert . '' English : `` The English physicist and Nobel laureate Dirac has ( ... ) , more than thirty years ago , substantiated the assumption that the universal strength of gravity decreases very slowly , but steadily over the course of the history of the universe . Jump up ^ Taylor , W.B. ( 1876 ) . `` Kinetic Theories of Gravitation '' . Smithsonian : 205 -- 282 . Jump up ^ Zenneck , J. ( 1903 ) . `` Gravitation '' . Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen . Leipzig . 5 ( 1 ) : 25 -- 67 . doi : 10.1007 / 978 - 3 - 663 - 16016 - 8_2 . ^ Jump up to : Randall , Lisa ( 2005 ) . Warped Passages : Unraveling the Universe 's Hidden Dimensions . Ecco . ISBN . Jump up ^ Feynman , R.P. ; Morinigo , F.B. ; Wagner , W.G. ; Hatfield , B. ( 1995 ) . Feynman lectures on gravitation . Addison - Wesley . ISBN 0 - 201 - 62734 - 5 . Jump up ^ Zee , A. ( 2003 ) . Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell . Princeton University Press . ISBN . Jump up ^ Abbott , Benjamin P. ; et al. ( LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration ) ( 2016 ) . `` Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger '' . Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 ( 6 ) : 061102 . arXiv : 1602.03837 . Bibcode : 2016PhRvL. 116f1102A . doi : 10.1103 / PhysRevLett. 116.061102 . PMID 26918975 . Lay summary ( PDF ) . Jump up ^ `` Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger '' . The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 848 ( 2 ) : L12. 2017 . arXiv : 1710.05833 . Bibcode : 2017ApJ ... 848L ... 12A . doi : 10.3847 / 2041 - 8213 / aa91c9 . Retrieved 16 October 2017 . Theories of gravitation Standard Newtonian gravity ( NG ) Newton 's law of universal gravitation History of gravitational theory General relativity ( GR ) Introduction History Mathematics Resources Tests Post-Newtonian formalism Linearized gravity ADM formalism Gibbons -- Hawking -- York boundary term Alternatives to general relativity Paradigms Classical theories of gravitation Quantum gravity Theory of everything Classical Einstein -- Cartan Bimetric theories Gauge theory gravity Teleparallelism Composite gravity f ( R ) gravity Infinite derivative gravity Massive gravity Modified Newtonian dynamics , MOND AQUAL Tensor -- vector -- scalar Nonsymmetric gravitation Scalar -- tensor theories Brans -- Dicke Scalar -- tensor -- vector Conformal gravity Scalar theories Nordström Whitehead Geometrodynamics Induced gravity Chameleon Pressuron Quantisation Euclidean quantum gravity Canonical quantum gravity Wheeler -- DeWitt equation Loop quantum gravity Spin foam Causal dynamical triangulation Asymptotic safety in quantum gravity Causal sets DGP model Rainbow gravity theory Unification Kaluza -- Klein theory Dilaton Supergravity Unification and quantisation Noncommutative geometry Semiclassical gravity Superfluid vacuum theory Logarithmic BEC vacuum String theory M - theory F - theory Heterotic string theory Type I string theory Type 0 string theory Bosonic string theory Type II string theory Little string theory Twistor theory Twistor string theory Generalisations / extensions of GR Scale relativity Liouville gravity Lovelock theory ( 2 + 1 ) - dimensional topological gravity Gauss -- Bonnet gravity Jackiw -- Teitelboim gravity Pre-Newtonian theories and toy models Aristotelian physics CGHS model RST model Mechanical explanations Fatio -- Le Sage Entropic gravity Gravitational interaction of antimatter Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Theories of gravitation History of physics Hidden categories : CS1 German - language sources ( de ) All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from November 2017 Articles with permanently dead external links Articles needing additional references from August 2018 All articles needing additional references Talk Contents About Wikipedia Français Türkçe 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 28 August 2018 , at 13 : 22 ( UTC ) . 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who was the first person who discovered gravitational pull
Aryabhata first identified the force to explain why objects do not fall when the Earth rotates , and developed a geocentric solar system of gravitation , with an eccentric elliptical model of the planets , where the planets spin on their axes and follow elliptical orbits , the Sun and the Moon revolving around the Earth in epicycles . Indian astronomer and mathematician Brahmagupta described gravity as an attractive force and used the term `` gurutvākarṣaṇ '' for gravity .
Ca n't Help Falling in Love - wikipedia Ca n't Help Falling in Love Jump to : navigation , search This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( March 2014 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' Single by Elvis Presley from the album Blue Hawaii B - side `` Rock - A-Hula Baby '' Released October 1 , 1961 Format 7 '' Recorded March 23 , 1961 , Radio Recorders , Hollywood , California Genre Pop Length 2 : 59 Label RCA Victor Songwriter ( s ) Hugo Peretti Luigi Creatore George David Weiss Producer ( s ) Elvis Presley ( Joseph Lilley for Paramount Pictures ) Elvis Presley singles chronology `` Little Sister '' ( 1961 ) `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' ( 1961 ) `` Rock - A-Hula Baby '' ( 1961 ) `` Little Sister '' ( 1961 ) `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' ( 1961 ) `` Rock - A-Hula Baby '' ( 1961 ) `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' is a pop ballad originally recorded by American singer Elvis Presley and published by Gladys Music , Elvis Presley 's publishing company . It was written by Hugo Peretti , Luigi Creatore and George David Weiss . The melody is based on `` Plaisir d'amour '' ( 1784 ) , a popular romance by Jean - Paul - Égide Martini ( 1741 -- 1816 ) . It was featured in Elvis Presley 's 1961 film , Blue Hawaii . During the following four decades , it was recorded by numerous other artists , including Tom Smothers , British reggae group UB40 , whose 1993 version topped the U.S. and UK charts , and Swedish pop group A-Teens . Contents ( hide ) 1 Elvis Presley version 1.1 Personnel 1.2 Track listings 2 UB40 version 2.1 Track listings 2.2 Charts and sales 2.2. 1 Weekly charts 2.2. 2 Year - end charts 2.2. 3 Decade - end charts 2.2. 4 Certifications 2.2. 5 Chart successions 3 A-Teens version 3.1 Music video 3.2 Releases 4 Other versions 4.1 Other artists who recorded the song 4.2 Additional versions 5 References 6 External links Elvis Presley version ( edit ) Elvis Presley 's version of the song , which topped the British charts in 1962 , has appeared in numerous other films , including the 2000 film Coyote Ugly , the 2002 Disney film Lilo & Stitch , the 2016 film The Conjuring 2 and the pilot episode of Sons of Anarchy . Other films that feature the song include Overboard , Honeymoon in Vegas , The Thing Called Love , Was It Something I Said ? , Fools Rush In , Love Stinks and Happily Ever After . The single is certified by the RIAA as a Platinum record , for US sales in excess of one million copies . In the United States , the Elvis Presley version of the song peaked at number two on the pop chart and went to number one on the Easy Listening chart for six weeks . During Presley 's late 1960s and 1970s live performances , the song was performed as the show 's finale . Most notably , it was also sung in the live segment of his 1968 NBC television special , and as the closer for his 1973 Global telecast , Aloha from Hawaii . A version with a faster arrangement was used as the closing for Presley 's final TV special , Elvis in Concert . Personnel ( edit ) Elvis Presley -- lead vocals The Jordanaires -- backing vocals Scotty Moore -- electric guitar Floyd Cramer -- piano Bob Moore -- double bass Hal Blaine -- drums Track listings ( edit ) 7 '' single `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' `` Rock - A-Hula Baby '' Preceded by `` When I Fall in Love '' by the Lettermen Billboard Easy Listening number - one single by Elvis Presley January 13 , 1962 ( six weeks ) Succeeded by `` A Little Bitty Tear '' by Burl Ives Preceded by `` The Young Ones '' by Cliff Richard and the Shadows UK number - one single `` Rock - A-Hula Baby '' b / w `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love February 22 , 1962 ( 4 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Wonderful Land '' by the Shadows UB40 version ( edit ) `` ( I Ca n't Help ) Falling in Love with You '' Single by UB40 from the album Sliver : Music from the Motion Picture and Promises and Lies Released May 10 , 1993 Format 7 '' 10 '' CD MCD Recorded March 3 , 1993 Genre Reggae fusion synthpop Length 3 : 24 Label Virgin Songwriter ( s ) Hugo Peretti Luigi Creatore George David Weiss Producer ( s ) UB40 UB40 singles chronology `` One in Ten '' ( 1992 ) `` ( I Ca n't Help ) Falling in Love with You '' ( 1993 ) `` Higher Ground '' ( 1993 ) `` One in Ten '' ( 1992 ) `` ( I Ca n't Help ) Falling in Love with You '' ( 1993 ) `` Higher Ground '' ( 1993 ) In 1993 , British reggae band UB40 recorded the song as the first single from their 1993 album Promises and Lies . The song was released in May 1993 , in the majority of countries worldwide . It eventually climbed to number one on the Billboard Hot 100 after debuting at number 100 and appears in the soundtrack of the movie Sliver , the trailer for Fools Rush In and an episode of Hindsight . It remained at number one in the United States for seven weeks . It was also number one in the United Kingdom , Austria , Netherlands , Sweden , Australia , and New Zealand . The single version of the song has a slightly different backing rhythm and melody . In the US , and on the Sliver soundtrack , the song title was listed as `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love , '' rather than what appeared on the record sleeve . Track listings ( edit ) CD single `` I Ca n't Help Falling in Love with You '' -- 3 : 24 `` Jungle Love '' -- 5 : 09 CD maxi `` I Ca n't Help Falling in Love with You '' -- 3 : 24 `` Jungle Love '' -- 5 : 09 `` I Ca n't Help Falling in Love with You '' ( Extended Mix ) -- 6 : 03 10 '' single `` I Ca n't Help Falling in Love with You '' ( Extended Mix ) -- 6 : 03 `` Jungle Love '' -- 5 : 09 `` I Ca n't Help Falling in Love with You '' -- 3 : 24 7 '' single `` I Ca n't Help Falling in Love with You '' -- 3 : 24 `` Jungle Love '' -- 5 : 09 Charts and sales ( edit ) Weekly charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1993 ) Peak position Australia ( ARIA ) Austria ( Ö3 Austria Top 40 ) Belgium ( VRT Top 30 Flanders ) Canada ( RPM ) Europe ( Eurochart Hot 100 ) Finland ( Suomen virallinen lista ) France ( SNEP ) 5 Germany ( Media Control Charts ) Ireland ( IRMA ) Italy ( FIMI ) 13 Netherlands ( Dutch Top 40 ) New Zealand ( RIANZ ) Norway ( VG - lista ) Spain ( Los 40 Principales ) Sweden ( Sverigetopplistan ) Switzerland ( Schweizer Hitparade ) United Kingdom ( The Official Charts Company ) US Billboard Hot 100 US Billboard Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks 11 US Billboard Hot Modern Rock Tracks 11 US Billboard Hot Top 40 Mainstream Year - end charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1993 ) Position Australian Singles Chart 5 Austrian Singles Chart 5 Dutch Top 40 5 Swiss Singles Chart 6 UK Singles Chart US Billboard Hot 100 Decade - end charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1990 -- 1999 ) Position US Billboard Hot 100 22 Certifications ( edit ) Region Certification Certified units / Sales Austria ( IFPI Austria ) Gold 25,000 France ( SNEP ) Silver 125,000 Germany ( BVMI ) Platinum 500,000 United Kingdom ( BPI ) Platinum 600,000 United States ( RIAA ) Platinum 1,300,000 sales figures based on certification alone shipments figures based on certification alone Chart successions ( edit ) ( show ) Order of precedence Preceded by `` All That She Wants '' by Ace of Base UK Singles Chart number - one single June 6 , 1993 ( 2 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Dreams '' by Gabrielle Preceded by `` What Is Love '' by Haddaway Dutch Top 40 number - one single June 26 , 1993 -- July 17 , 1993 ( 4 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Mr. Vain '' by Culture Beat Preceded by `` Somebody Dance with Me '' by DJ Bobo Swedish number - one single June 30 , 1993 -- July 28 , 1993 ( 5 weeks ) Succeeded by `` What 's Up ? '' by 4 Non Blondes Preceded by `` Informer '' by Snow Australian ( ARIA ) number - one single July 11 , 1993 -- August 22 , 1993 ( 7 weeks ) Succeeded by `` The River of Dreams '' by Billy Joel Preceded by `` Mr. Vain '' by Culture Beat Austrian number - one single July 18 , 1993 -- August 8 , 1993 ( 4 weeks ) Succeeded by `` What 's Up ? '' by 4 Non Blondes Preceded by `` Weak '' by SWV Billboard Hot 100 number - one single July 24 , 1993 , -- September 4 , 1993 ( 7 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Dreamlover '' by Mariah Carey Preceded by `` What Is Love '' '' by Haddaway Eurochart Hot 100 number - one single July 31 , 1993 -- September 21 , 1993 ( 8 weeks ) Succeeded by `` What 's Up ? '' by 4 Non Blondes A-Teens version ( edit ) `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' Single by A-Teens from the album Lilo & Stitch and Pop ' til You Drop ! Released October 29 , 2002 Format CD single Recorded 2002 Genre Dance - pop Length 3 : 06 Label Walt Disney Universal Songwriter ( s ) Hugo Peretti Luigi Creatore George David Weiss Producer ( s ) Mark Hammond A-Teens singles chronology `` Heartbreak Lullaby '' ( 2001 ) `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' ( 2002 ) `` Floorfiller '' ( 2002 ) `` Heartbreak Lullaby '' ( 2001 ) `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' ( 2001 ) `` Floorfiller '' ( 2002 ) The song was the A-Teens 's first single from their first extended play Pop ' til You Drop ! , as well as for the Lilo & Stitch movie soundtrack , which was originally scheduled to include several Presley tracks , the A-Teens picking it for inclusion in the soundtrack . It was later also featured as a bonus track on their third studio album , New Arrival for the European market . The video had thus tremendous exposure on several television channels , with the A-Teens eventually including the song in their third album . As a result , the song had two music videos , one to promote the Disney movie , the other for the album . It is also shown in the teen pop compilation album , Disney Girlz Rock . The song did not chart in the United States but reached No. 12 in Sweden , No. 16 in Argentina , and No. 41 in Australia . Despite the success of the song overseas , it failed to attract the rest of the Latin American public , due to the fact that there was a Spanish version of the song , performed by the Argentine group , Bandana . In addition , the A-Teens ' version of the song was overshadowed by the promotion of Bandana 's version . Music video ( edit ) The video was directed by Gregory Dark and filmed in Los Angeles , California . It had two different versions . The `` Disney Version '' , as the fans named it , features scenes of the movie , and also new scenes of the A-Teens with beach costumes . The `` A-Teens Version '' of the video , features the A-Teens on the white background with different close - ups and choreography , and scenes with puppies and different costumes . Releases ( edit ) Tracks marked + are not A-Teens tracks . European 2 - track CD single `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' ( Album Version ) -- 3 : 06 `` Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride '' -- 3 : 27 + European / Australian CD maxi `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' ( Album Version ) -- 3 : 06 `` Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride '' -- 3 : 27 + `` He Mele , No Lilo '' -- 2 : 28 + Other versions ( edit ) Other artists who recorded the song ( edit ) Erasure released a cover of this song on their 2003 album Other People 's Songs . Keely Smith , whose cover was on the charts at the same time as Presley 's . The uptempo version by Andy Williams peaked at No. 3 in the UK Singles Chart in March 1970 . The Al Martino recording was released by Capitol Records as catalog number 2746 and charted in 1970 , peaking at No. 51 on the Billboard charts and No. 57 on the Cashbox chart . Filipina singer - actress Nora Aunor , released this single 1971 and is part of her Blue Hawaii album . Taiwanese boyband F4 covered the song in Mandarin version for their album Fantasy 4ever which was released in December 2002 . William Control released this single in 2010 inside his second album Noir . Bob Dylan recorded a version of this song for his 1973 cover album , Dylan . The Stylistics ' disco version was a hit in the UK , climbing to No. 4 in June 1976 . Shirley Bassey recorded a version of this song for a 1976 single . Neil Diamond covered the song with orchestration by Elmer Bernstein for the 1998 album The Movie Album : As Time Goes By . Abbey Road Records issued a version by Herb Reed & The Original Platters in 1977 . Lick the Tins included the song on their 1986 album Blind Man on a Flying Horse . It was a minor hit on the British charts , and it was featured in the ending credits of the films Some Kind of Wonderful and The Snapper . In 1987 , Corey Hart 's recording reached No. 1 in his native Canada and No. 24 on the Billboard Hot 100 . The cover and song were used with the image of forlorn animals in desperate need of rescue for a fundraising television commercial for the Ontario Humane Society . U2 used the song frequently on the Zoo TV Tour to close the concert . Ingrid Michaelson released an updated version on her album Be OK in 2008 , which was nominated for the American Music Award for Favorite Pop / Rock Single , and Independent Music Award for Best Song -- Cover . Haley Reinhart 's remake of the song was used in a 2015 advert for Extra gum and peaked at No. 17 on the Billboard Adult Contemporary chart and No. 31 on the Billboard Adult Pop Songs chart . It was certified Gold by the Recording Industry Association of America on February 17 , 2017 . Twenty One Pilots ' arrangement of the song was released in 2012 as a video cover on their YouTube channel , was recorded for their Holding On To You EP ( UK release ) in 2013 , and is played live on tour . Liela Avila ' version of the song was used in closing credits of the 2008 film The Other End of The Line . Keaton Henson recorded the song in his session called Forts Pt. 2 in the spring of 2012 . Chris Isaak on Beyond the Sun ( 2011 ) . Eels frontman Mark Oliver Everret ( stage name E ) , included a cover of the song on the 2008 album Useless Trinkets : B - Sides , Soundtracks , Rarities and Unreleased 1996 -- 2006 . Doris Day `` Love Him '' album December 1963 Engelbert Humperdinck recorded an uptempo version for his 1979 album `` This Moment In Time '' . Vov Dylan and The Palace Orchestra recorded an instrumental version of this song for the album `` So In Love '' ( 2015 ) Klaus Nomi 's cover of the song was featured on the album Encore , released in 1983 shortly after his death from AIDS Daniel Padilla 's version of the song was used as the theme song of the 2017 Philippine romantic drama film of the same name , also titled Ca n't Help Falling in Love which is starred by him and Kathryn Bernardo . Pentatonix covered the song for their 2017 extended play PTX , Vol. IV - Classics . Beck recorded a version for the Amazon original The Man in the High Castle . Perry Como recorded a version of this song in June 1962 Additional versions ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( March 2014 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The song is most closely associated as the main supporters ' song of English football club Sunderland whose fans were the first to sing it . Since then other English clubs have adopted it including Swindon Town , Hull City , Huddersfield Town , Preston North End , A.F.C. Wimbledon , Sheffield United , Woking FC and MK Dons and Welsh football club Swansea City A.F.C. . It is also used by Scottish clubs Dundee United , Airdrie United and Raith Rovers , Portland Timbers and Columbus Crew of Major League Soccer , as well as Central Coast Mariners of Hyundai A-League . The English punk band Leatherface ( who are from Sunderland ) released a punk arrangement of the song on a limited edition 7 '' in 1993 . This version would later be used in the final episode of Sons of Anarchy . The Argentine pop group Bandana also featured a Spanish version of the song for the Spanish - speaking countries soundtrack of the same movie . Céline Dion performs a live rendition of the song on her 1995 DVD / VHS release The Colour of My Love Concert . This particular performance has been hailed as one of Dion 's greatest vocal performances ever , live or recorded . She also performed this song at the 2002 Diva 's Live in Las Vegas show . In August 2007 , she performed the song once more during her A New Day ... show . The Who integrated parts of the song into their 2004 single `` Real Good Looking Boy '' . In fact , the song is credited to Pete Townshend , George Weiss , Hugo Peretti and Luigi Creatore . The 2004 Broadway musical All Shook Up , based on William Shakespeare 's play Twelfth Night with songs by Elvis , has a version of the song . Keele University hockey club in Staffordshire , UK , have adopted this song as their own , changing the `` you '' to `` keele '' . Il Divo cover their song in their compilation album The Greatest Hits . Canadian reggae fusion group Magic ! ( known for their debut single `` Rude '' ) recorded a version of this song . Christina Grimmie performed the song during the sixth season of The Voice in 2014 . Actor Patrick Wilson impersonates Elvis by performing the song in the film The Conjuring 2 . During the first track of the album Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space by the English band Spiritualized , the first verse of `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' is repeated throughout the whole song . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love / Rock - A-Hula Baby by Elvis Presley ( Single , Blue Eyed Soul ) : Reviews , Ratings , Credits , Song list '' . Rate Your Music . Archived from the original on 2012 - 05 - 25 . Retrieved 2014 - 03 - 31 . ^ Jump up to : Rice , Jo ( 1982 ) . The Guinness Book of 500 Number One Hits ( 1st ed . ) . Enfield , Middlesex : Guinness Superlatives Ltd. p. 64 . ISBN 0 - 85112 - 250 - 7 . Jump up ^ Elvis Presley - A Life in Music by Ernst Jorgensen p. 151 - 152 Jump up ^ `` Ca n't Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley Songfacts '' . . Retrieved 2014 - 03 - 31 . Jump up ^ Whitburn , Joel ( 2002 ) . Top Adult Contemporary : 1961 -- 2001 . Record Research . p. 196 . Jump up ^ King , Alex P. ( 2004 ) . Hit - parade -- 20 ans de tubes ( in French ) . Paris : Pascal . p. 342 . ISBN 2 - 35019 - 009 - 9 . ^ Jump up to : `` ( I Ca n't Help ) Falling in Love with You '' , in various Singles Chart . Retrieved February 12 , 2008 . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Archived February 22 , 2012 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Nyman , Jake ( 2005 ) . Suomi soi 4 : Suuri suomalainen listakirja ( in Finnish ) ( 1st ed . ) . Helsinki : Tammi . ISBN 951 - 31 - 2503 - 3 . Jump up ^ German Singles Chart Archived 20090617222452 at WebCite . Retrieved April 10 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Irish Single Chart Archived 20090603000000 at WebCite . Retrieved April 10 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Italian Single Chart Hit parade Italia ( Retrieved May 31 , 2008 ) ^ Jump up to : `` Single top 100 over 1993 '' ( PDF ) ( in Dutch ) . Top40 . Retrieved April 15 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` ( I Ca n't Help ) Falling in Love with You '' Archived January 31 , 2008 , at the Wayback Machine ... Retrieved February 12 , 2008 . ^ Jump up to : Billboard . Retrieved April 20 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` 1993 Australian Singles Chart '' . aria . Archived from the original on March 30 , 2010 . Retrieved April 15 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` 1993 Austrian Singles Chart '' ( in German ) . Austriancharts . Archived from the original on September 24 , 2010 . Retrieved April 15 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` 1993 Swiss Singles Chart '' ( in German ) . Swisscharts . Retrieved April 15 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Billboard Top 100 -- 1993 '' . Archived from the original on November 10 , 2006 . Retrieved 2010 - 08 - 27 . Jump up ^ Geoff Mayfield ( December 25 , 1999 ) . 1999 The Year in Music Totally ' 90s : Diary of a Decade -- The listing of Top Pop Albums of the ' 90s & Hot 100 Singles of the ' 90s . Billboard . Retrieved October 15 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Austrian single certifications -- UB40 -- Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' ( in German ) . IFPI Austria . Enter UB40 in the field Interpret . Enter Ca n't Help Falling in Love in the field Titel . Select single in the field Format . Click Suchen Jump up ^ `` French single certifications -- UB40 -- Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' ( in French ) . InfoDisc . Select UB40 and click OK Jump up ^ `` Gold - / Platin - Datenbank ( UB40 ; ' Ca n't Help Falling in Love ' ) '' ( in German ) . Bundesverband Musikindustrie . Jump up ^ `` British single certifications -- UB40 -- Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' . British Phonographic Industry . Enter Ca n't Help Falling in Love in the search field and then press Enter . Jump up ^ `` American single certifications -- UB - 40 -- Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' . Recording Industry Association of America . If necessary , click Advanced , then click Format , then select Single , then click SEARCH Jump up ^ `` Best - Selling Records of 1993 '' . Billboard . BPI Communications . 106 ( 3 ) : 73 . January 15 , 1994 . ISSN 0006 - 2510 . Retrieved May 4 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` A * Teens Draft Baha Men , LMNT For Tour '' . Billboard . July 17 , 2002 . Retrieved June 15 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` So In Love ( feat . The Palace Orchestra ) by Vov Dylan on Apple Music '' . iTunes . Retrieved 2017 - 01 - 27 . Jump up ^ Espina , Cheska . `` Daniel serenades Kathryn in ' Ca n't Help Falling In Love ' music video '' . Star Cinema . Retrieved March 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` ' The Voice ' Recap : The Finals Begin With Performances from Top Three '' . ABC News . 2014 - 05 - 20 . Retrieved 2016 - 09 - 26 . External links ( edit ) Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics Links to related articles Elvis Presley singles discography 1950s 1954 `` That 's All Right '' / `` Blue Moon of Kentucky '' `` Good Rockin ' Tonight '' / `` I Do n't Care if the Sun Do n't Shine '' `` You 're a Heartbreaker '' 1955 `` Baby Let 's Play House '' `` I Forgot to Remember to Forget '' / `` Mystery Train '' 1956 `` Heartbreak Hotel '' / `` I Was the One '' `` I Want You , I Need You , I Love You '' / `` My Baby Left Me '' `` Do n't Be Cruel '' / `` Hound Dog '' `` Blue Suede Shoes '' / `` Tutti Frutti '' `` Money Honey '' `` I Got a Woman '' `` Tryin ' to Get to You '' `` Blue Moon '' `` I 'll Never Let You Go ( Lil ' Darlin ' ) '' / `` I 'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Cry ( Over You ) '' `` Shake , Rattle and Roll '' / `` Lawdy Miss Clawdy '' `` Love Me Tender '' 1957 `` Too Much '' / `` Playing for Keeps '' `` All Shook Up '' `` Peace in the Valley `` ( Let Me Be Your ) Teddy Bear '' `` Paralyzed '' ( UK ) `` Jailhouse Rock '' `` Party '' / `` Got a Lot o ' Livin ' to Do ! '' ( UK ) 1958 `` Do n't '' `` Wear My Ring Around Your Neck '' `` Hard Headed Woman '' / `` Do n't Ask Me Why '' `` King Creole '' ( UK ) `` One Night '' 1959 `` I Need Your Love Tonight '' / `` A Fool Such as I '' `` A Big Hunk o ' Love '' 1960s 1960 `` Stuck on You '' / `` Fame and Fortune '' `` It 's Now or Never '' `` Are You Lonesome Tonight ? '' 1961 `` Surrender '' / `` Lonely Man '' `` I Feel So Bad '' / `` Wild in the Country '' `` ( Marie 's the Name ) His Latest Flame '' / `` Little Sister '' `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' / `` Rock - A-Hula Baby '' 1962 `` Good Luck Charm '' / `` Anything That 's Part of You '' `` She 's Not You '' `` Return to Sender '' / `` Where Do You Come From '' 1963 `` One Broken Heart for Sale '' `` ( You 're the ) Devil in Disguise '' `` Bossa Nova Baby '' / `` Witchcraft '' 1964 `` Kissin ' Cousins '' / `` It Hurts Me '' `` What 'd I Say '' / `` Viva Las Vegas '' `` Such a Night '' / `` Never Ending '' `` Ask Me '' / `` Ai n't That Loving You Baby '' `` Blue Christmas '' 1965 `` Do the Clam '' / `` You 'll Be Gone '' `` Crying in the Chapel `` ( Such an ) Easy Question '' `` I 'm Yours '' `` Puppet on a String '' / `` Wooden Heart '' 1966 `` Tell Me Why '' / `` Blue River '' `` Frankie and Johnny '' / `` Please Do n't Stop Loving Me '' `` Love Letters '' `` Spinout '' / `` All That I Am '' `` If Every Day Was Like Christmas '' 1967 `` Indescribably Blue '' `` Long Legged Girl ( With the Short Dress On ) '' / `` That 's Someone You Never Forget '' `` There 's Always Me '' / `` Judy '' `` Big Boss Man '' / `` You Do n't Know Me '' 1968 `` Guitar Man '' `` U.S. Male '' / `` Stay Away '' `` You 'll Never Walk Alone '' `` Your Time Has n't Come Yet , Baby '' / `` Let Yourself Go '' `` Almost in Love '' / `` A Little Less Conversation '' `` If I Can Dream '' / `` Edge of Reality '' 1969 `` Memories '' / `` Charro ! '' `` How Great Thou Art '' `` In the Ghetto '' / `` Any Day Now '' `` Clean Up Your Own Backyard '' `` Suspicious Minds '' / `` You 'll Think of Me '' `` Do n't Cry Daddy '' 1970s 1970 `` Kentucky Rain '' `` The Wonder of You '' `` I 've Lost You '' `` You Do n't Have to Say You Love Me '' / `` Patch It Up '' `` I Really Do n't Want to Know '' / `` There Goes My Everything '' 1971 `` Rags to Riches '' `` Life '' / `` Only Believe '' `` I 'm Leavin ' '' `` It 's Only Love '' `` Merry Christmas Baby '' / `` O Come All Ye Faithful '' 1972 `` Until It 's Time for You to Go '' `` He Touched Me '' `` An American Trilogy '' / `` The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face '' `` Burning Love '' / `` It 's a Matter of Time '' `` Separate Ways '' / `` Always on My Mind '' 1973 `` Steamroller Blues '' / `` Fool '' `` Raised on Rock '' / `` For Ol ' Times Sake '' `` I 've Got a Thing About You Baby '' `` If You Talk in Your Sleep '' / `` Help Me '' `` Promised Land '' / `` It 's Midnight '' `` My Boy '' / `` Thinking About You '' `` T-R-O-U-B-L-E '' `` Bringing It Back '' / `` Pieces of My Life '' 1976 `` Hurt '' / `` For the Heart '' `` Moody Blue '' 1977 `` Way Down '' `` My Way '' / `` America the Beautiful '' 1978 `` Unchained Melody '' / `` Softly as I Leave You '' Book Category Portal WikiProject We Five Beverly Bivens Michael Stewart Jerry Burgan Pete Fullerton Bob Jones Debbie Burgan ' Studio albums You Were on My Mind Make Someone Happy The Return of We Five Catch the Wind Take Each Day as It Comes Singles `` You Were on My Mind '' `` Let 's Get Together '' `` My Favorite Things '' `` Walk On By '' `` Catch the Wind '' B - Sides `` Cast Your Fate to the Wind '' `` Somewhere Beyond the Sea '' `` Somewhere '' `` The First Time '' `` Here Comes the Sun '' `` Oh Lonesome Me '' Cover Songs `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' `` The Inch Worm '' `` Our Day Will Come '' `` Softly As I Leave You '' `` Soon It 's Gonna Rain '' `` Tonight '' Andrea Bocelli singles Il mare calmo della sera `` Il mare calmo della sera '' Bocelli `` Con te partirò '' / `` Vivere '' `` Macchine da Guerra '' `` Per amore '' `` Vivo per lei '' Romanza `` Vivo por ella '' `` Time to Say Goodbye '' `` Ich lebe für sie '' `` Je vis pour elle '' Sogno `` The Prayer '' `` Canto della Terra '' Sacred Arias `` Ave Maria '' Cieli di Toscana `` Melodramma '' `` Mille Lune Mille Onde '' `` L'abitudine '' Andrea `` Dell'amore non si sa '' `` Un nuovo giorno '' Amore `` Somos Novios ( It 's Impossible ) '' `` Because We Believe '' `` Ama Credi E Vai '' Vivere `` Dare to Live ( Vivere ) '' `` Vive Ya '' My Christmas `` White Christmas / Bianco Natale '' `` What Child Is This '' Cinema `` E Più Ti Penso '' Other singles `` Bridge over Troubled Water '' Other songs `` The Power of Love '' `` Bésame Mucho '' `` Amapola '' `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' `` Panis Angelicus '' `` Adeste Fideles '' `` Blue Christmas '' Category Media The Stylistics Airrion Love Herb Murrell Harold Eban Brown Jason Sharpe Russell Thompkins , Jr . James Dunn James Smith Raymond Johnson Van Fields Studio albums The Stylistics Round 2 Rockin ' Roll Baby Let 's Put It All Together Compilation albums The Best of the Stylistics The Best of the Stylistics , Vol. 2 Singles `` Stop , Look , Listen ( To Your Heart ) '' `` You Are Everything '' `` Betcha by Golly , Wow '' `` I 'm Stone in Love with You '' `` Break Up to Make Up '' `` You 'll Never Get to Heaven ( If You Break My Heart ) '' `` You Make Me Feel Brand New '' `` Ca n't Give You Anything ( But My Love ) '' `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' `` Only You ( And You Alone ) '' `` Satin Doll '' `` Shame and Scandal in the Family '' `` Always on My Mind '' Related articles Discography Avco Records H&L Records Book : The Stylistics UB40 Jimmy Brown Robin Campbell Earl Falconer Norman Hassan Brian Travers Duncan Campbell Ali Campbell Yomi Babayemi Jimmy Lynn Mickey Virtue Astro Studio albums Signing Off Present Arms UB44 Labour of Love Geffery Morgan Baggariddim Rat in the Kitchen UB40 Labour of Love II Promises and Lies Guns in the Ghetto Labour of Love III Cover Up Homegrown Who You Fighting For ? TwentyFourSeven Labour of Love IV Getting Over the Storm Compilation albums The Singles Album More UB40 Music The UB40 File The Best of UB40 -- Volume One Labour of Love , Volumes I and II The Best of UB40 - Volume Two UB40 Present the Dancehall Album The Very Best of UB40 1980 - 2000 UB40 Present the Fathers of Reggae Labour of Love , Volumes I , II and III - Platinum Collection The Best Of UB40 , Volumes 1 & 2 Love Songs Best of Labour of Love All the Best Live albums UB40 Live UB40 CCCP : Live in Moscow Remix albums Present Arms in Dub Dub Sessions Notable songs `` Food for Thought '' `` One in Ten '' `` Do n't Slow Down '' `` Red Red Wine '' `` Please Do n't Make Me Cry '' `` Many Rivers to Cross '' `` Cherry Oh Baby '' `` If It Happens Again '' `` Sing Our Own Song '' `` Rat in Mi Kitchen '' `` I Got You Babe '' `` Breakfast in Bed '' `` Homely Girl '' `` Kingston Town '' `` I 'll Be Your Baby Tonight '' `` The Way You Do the Things You Do '' `` ( I Ca n't Help ) Falling in Love With You '' `` Higher Ground '' `` Reasons '' `` Swing Low '' See also UB40 discography Dep International A-Teens Marie Serneholt Amit Paul Dhani Lennevald Sara Lumholdt Studio albums The ABBA Generation Teen Spirit Pop ' til You Drop ! 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( A Man After Midnight ) '' `` Happy New Year '' `` Dancing Queen '' `` Upside Down '' `` Halfway Around the World '' `` Sugar Rush '' `` Heartbreak Lullaby '' `` Floorfiller '' `` A Perfect Match '' `` Let Your Heart Do All the Talking '' `` I Promised Myself '' Related articles Discography Songs Andy Williams Studio albums Andy Williams Sings Steve Allen Andy Williams Sings Rodgers and Hammerstein Two Time Winners To You Sweetheart , Aloha Lonely Street The Village of St. Bernadette Under Paris Skies Danny Boy and Other Songs I Love to Sing Moon River and Other Great Movie Themes Warm and Willing Days of Wine and Roses and Other TV Requests The Andy Williams Christmas Album The Wonderful World of Andy Williams The Academy Award - Winning `` Call Me Irresponsible '' and Other Hit Songs from the Movies The Great Songs from `` My Fair Lady '' and Other Broadway Hits Andy Williams ' Dear Heart Merry Christmas The Shadow of Your Smile In the Arms of Love Born Free Love , Andy Honey Happy Heart Get Together with Andy Williams Raindrops Keep Fallin ' on My Head The Andy Williams Show Love Story You 've Got a Friend Love Theme from `` The Godfather '' Alone Again ( Naturally ) Solitaire The Way We Were Christmas Present You Lay So Easy on My Mind The Other Side of Me Andy Let 's Love While We Can Greatest Love Classics Close Enough for Love I Still Believe in Santa Claus Nashville We Need a Little Christmas I Do n't Remember Ever Growing Up Compilations Andy Williams Andy Williams ' Best Million Seller Songs Canadian Sunset Andy Williams ' Newest Hits May Each Day The Andy Williams Sound of Music Andy Williams ' Greatest Hits The Impossible Dream Love Story Andy Williams ' Greatest Hits Vol. 2 ( CBS ) Andy Williams ' Greatest Hits Vol. 2 Reflections The Best of Andy Williams ( 1992 ) Personal Christmas Collection 16 Most Requested Songs : Encore ! The Best of Andy Williams ( 1996 ) The Love Songs In the Lounge with ... The Very Best of Andy Williams ( 2000 ) Andy The Essential Andy Williams B Sides and Rarities Music to Watch Girls By : The Very Best of Andy Williams Moon River : The Very Best of Andy Williams The Very Best of Andy Williams ( 2009 ) The Classic Christmas Album Live albums Greatest Hits The New Andy Williams Christmas Album Singles `` Walk Hand in Hand '' `` Canadian Sunset '' `` Butterfly '' `` I Like Your Kind of Love '' `` Lips of Wine '' `` Are You Sincere ? '' `` Promise Me , Love '' `` The Hawaiian Wedding Song '' `` Lonely Street '' `` The Village of St. Bernadette '' `` Danny Boy '' `` Fly by Night '' `` Stranger on the Shore '' `` Do n't You Believe It '' `` Twilight Time '' `` Ca n't Get Used to Losing You '' `` Days of Wine and Roses '' `` Hopeless '' `` A Fool Never Learns '' `` Charade '' `` Wrong for Each Other '' `` On the Street Where You Live '' `` Almost There '' `` Dear Heart '' `` ... and Roses and Roses '' `` Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars ( Corcovado ) '' `` May Each Day '' `` You 're Gonna Hear from Me '' `` Bye Bye Blues '' `` How Can I Tell Her It 's Over '' `` In the Arms of Love '' `` Music to Watch Girls By '' `` Holly '' `` Ca n't Take My Eyes Off You '' `` Sweet Memories '' `` Battle Hymn of the Republic '' `` Happy Heart '' `` Live and Learn '' `` A Woman 's Way '' `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' `` One Day of Your Life '' `` It 's So Easy '' `` Home Lovin ' Man '' `` ( Where Do I Begin ? ) Love Story '' `` A Song for You '' `` You 've Got a Friend '' `` Speak Softly Love ( Love Theme from The Godfather ) '' `` MacArthur Park '' `` Solitaire '' `` Love 's Theme '' `` Another Lonely Song '' `` Cry Softly '' `` Sad Eyes '' `` The Other Side of Me '' `` Tell It Like It Is '' `` It 's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year '' B - Sides `` I 'm So Lonesome I Could Cry '' `` I Want to Be Wanted '' `` Summertime '' `` So Rare '' `` Emily '' `` Red Roses for a Blue Lady '' `` I 'll Remember You '' `` Something '' `` My Love '' `` They Long to Be Close to You '' `` I Love My Friend '' Related articles Discography The Williams Brothers Perry Como Albums So Smooth ( 1955 ) We Get Letters ( 1956 ) Saturday Night with Mr. C ( 1958 ) When You Come to the End of the Day ( 1958 ) Como Swings ( 1959 ) Season 's Greetings from Perry Como ( 1959 ) For the Young at Heart ( 1960 ) Sing to Me Mr. C ( 1961 ) By Request ( 1962 ) The Best of Irving Berlin 's Songs from Mr. President ( 1962 ) The Songs I Love ( 1963 ) The Scene Changes ( 1965 ) Lightly Latin ( 1966 ) Perry Como in Italy ( 1966 ) The Perry Como Christmas Album ( 1968 ) Look to Your Heart ( 1968 ) Seattle ( 1969 ) Perry Como in Person at the International Hotel , Las Vegas ( 1970 ) It 's Impossible ( 1970 ) I Think of You ( 1971 ) And I Love You So ( 1973 ) Perry ( 1974 ) Just Out of Reach ( 1975 ) 40 Greatest Hits ( 1975 ) The Best of British ( UK and Canada ) ( 1977 ) Where You 're Concerned ( US ) ( 1978 ) Perry Como ( 1980 ) Perry Como Live on Tour ( 1981 ) So It Goes / Goodbye for Now ( 1983 ) Today ( 1987 ) Perry Como 's Christmas Concert ( 1994 ) On the Radio -- The Perry Como Shows 1943 ( 2009 ) At the Supper Club ( 2010 ) At the Supper Club Part II ( 2011 ) At the Supper Club Part III ( 2011 ) Songs `` ' A ' You 're Adorable '' `` Ac - Cent - Tchu - Ate the Positive '' `` And I Love You So '' `` As Time Goes By '' `` Bali Ha'i '' `` Because '' `` Beyond Tomorrow '' `` Bibbidi - Bobbidi - Boo '' `` Blue Room '' `` A Bushel and a Peck '' `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' `` Catch a Falling Star '' `` Chi - Baba , Chi - Baba ( My Bambino Go to Sleep ) '' `` Confessin ' '' `` Days of Wine and Roses '' `` Deep in the Heart of Texas '' `` Delaware '' `` Do n't Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes '' `` Dream Along with Me ( I 'm on My Way to a Star ) '' `` A Dreamer 's Holiday '' `` El Cóndor Pasa '' `` Feelings '' `` Fly Me to the Moon '' `` For the Good Times '' `` Forever and Ever '' `` Forget Domani '' `` Give Me Your Hand '' `` Glendora '' `` The Gypsy in My Soul '' `` Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas '' `` He 's Got the Whole World in His Hands '' `` Hello , Young Lovers '' `` Here , There and Everywhere '' `` Home for the Holidays '' `` Hot Diggity ( Dog Ziggity Boom ) '' `` A House Is Not a Home '' `` I Do n't See Me in Your Eyes Anymore '' `` I Dream of You ( More Than You Dream I Do ) '' `` I Think I Love You '' `` I 'll Be Home for Christmas '' `` If ( They Made Me a King ) '' `` It 's Been a Long , Long Time '' `` It 's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas '' `` Kewpie Doll '' `` The Lord 's Prayer '' `` Magic Moments '' `` Mandolins in the Moonlight '' `` Maria '' `` Moon River '' `` More '' `` No Other Love '' `` Papa Loves Mambo '' `` Prisoner of Love '' `` Round and Round '' `` Santa Claus Is Coming to Town '' `` Seattle '' `` The Shadow of Your Smile '' `` Some Enchanted Evening '' `` Somos Novios ( It 's Impossible ) '' `` The Songs I Love '' `` Stop ! And Think It Over '' `` Till the End of Time '' `` Unchained Melody '' `` Wanted '' `` The Way You Look Tonight '' `` What 'll I Do '' `` When You and I Were Young , Maggie '' `` Young at Heart '' Related articles Perry Como discography Perry Como television and radio shows Beat the Band The Chesterfield Supper Club List of songs recorded by Perry Como Goodman Ace Mitchell Ayres Ray Charles Frank Gallop Nick Perito Category Julio Iglesias Discography Studio albums Yo canto ( 1969 ) Un canto a Galicia ( 1972 ) Soy ( 1973 ) A flor de piel ( 1974 ) Viens m'embrasser ( 1974 ) A México ( 1975 ) El amor ( 1975 ) America ( 1976 ) A mis 33 años ( 1977 ) Emociones ( 1978 ) Sono un pirata , sono un signore ( 1978 ) À vous les femmes ( 1979 ) Hey ! ( 1980 ) De niña a mujer ( 1981 ) Zartlichkeiten ( 1981 ) Momentos ( 1982 ) Momenti ( 1982 ) Et l'amour crea la femme ( 1982 ) 1100 Bel Air Place ( 1984 ) Libra ( 1985 ) Un hombre solo ( 1987 ) Tutto l'amore che ti manca ( 1987 ) Non Stop ( 1988 ) Raíces ( 1989 ) Starry Night ( 1990 ) Calor ( 1992 ) Crazy ( 1994 ) La carretera ( 1995 ) Tango ( 1996 ) Noche de cuatro lunas ( 2000 ) Ao Meu Brasil ( 2001 ) Divorcio ( 2003 ) Romantic Classics ( 2006 ) 1 ( 2011 ) México ( 2015 ) Live albums En concierto ( 1983 ) Compilation albums Da Manuela a Pensami ( 1978 ) Minhas canções preferidas ( 1981 ) Julio ( 1983 ) My Life : The Greatest Hits ( 1998 ) Mi vida : Grandes éxitos ( 1998 ) Love Songs ( 2003 ) 1 : The Collection ( 2014 ) Singles `` Chiquilla '' ( 1970 ) `` Gwendolyne '' ( 1970 ) `` Cucurrucucú paloma '' ( 1975 ) `` Pauvres Diables '' ( 1979 ) `` Begin the Beguine '' ( 1981 ) `` Yours ( Quiéreme Mucho ) '' ( 1981 ) `` Amor '' ( 1984 ) `` All of You '' ( 1984 ) `` The Air That I Breathe '' ( 1984 ) `` To All the Girls I 've Loved Before '' ( 1984 ) `` I 've Got You Under My Skin '' ( 1985 ) `` We Are the World '' ( 1985 ) `` Lo Mejor de Tu Vida '' ( 1987 ) `` Que No Se Rompa la Noche '' ( 1987 ) `` Bamboléo '' ( 1989 ) `` Vincent '' ( 1990 ) `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' ( 1990 ) `` Crazy '' ( 1994 ) `` Oye Como Va '' ( 1994 ) `` When You Tell Me That You Love Me '' ( 1994 ) `` El Choclo '' ( 1996 ) `` La Gota Fría '' ( 1998 ) `` Everybody 's Talkin ' '' ( 2006 ) Non-single covers `` ¡ Ay , Jalisco , no te rajes ! '' `` Feelings '' `` Grande grande grande '' `` Guantanamera '' `` Hier Encore '' `` Historia de un Amor '' `` If '' `` La Flor de la Canela '' `` La Vie en rose '' `` Mamy Blue '' `` Mi Buenos Aires querido '' `` My Sweet Lord '' `` Puedes Llegar '' `` Quando m'innamoro '' `` Something '' `` When I Fall in Love '' `` You Belong to My Heart '' `` Dulce Carolina '' ( 1972 ) `` La Mer '' ( 1976 ) `` Obsesión '' ( 1976 ) `` Ron y Coca - Cola '' ( 1980 ) `` Moon Over Naples '' ( 1988 ) `` And I Love Her '' ( 1990 ) `` If You Go Away '' ( 1990 ) `` 99 Miles from L.A. '' ( 1990 ) `` Caruso '' ( 1994 ) `` Crazy in Love '' ( 1998 ) `` Mi Manera '' ( 1998 ) `` Corazón Partío '' ( 2000 ) `` Quizás , Quizás , Quizás '' ( 2004 ) `` Careless Whisper '' ( 2006 ) `` Right Here Waiting '' ( 2006 ) `` Somos Novios '' ( 2006 ) `` This Guy 's in Love with You '' ( 2006 ) Usage `` It Never Rains in Southern California '' in `` Moonlight Lady '' `` Dark Eyes '' in `` Nostalgie ( Nathalie ) '' Family Julio Iglesias Sr. ( father ) Julio Iglesias Jr. ( son ) Enrique Iglesias ( son ) Chabeli Iglesias ( daughter ) Isabel Preysler ( 1st wife ) Haley Reinhart Discography Videography Songs Studio albums Listen Up ! ( 2012 ) Better ( 2016 ) EPs American Idol season 10 highlights : Haley Reinhart ( 2011 ) Songs `` Baby , It 's Cold Outside '' `` Free '' `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' `` Better '' Concert tours American Idols LIVE ! Tour 2011 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1960s ballads 1961 singles 1976 singles 1987 singles 1993 singles 2002 singles 1961 songs Songs written by Hugo Peretti Songs written by George David Weiss Billboard Adult Contemporary number - one singles Billboard Hot 100 number - one singles Billboard Mainstream Top 40 ( Pop Songs ) number - one singles RPM Top Singles number - one singles UK Singles Chart number - one singles European Hot 100 Singles number - one singles Dutch Top 40 number - one singles Number - one singles in Australia Number - one singles in New Zealand Number - one singles in Sweden Music videos directed by Gregory Dark Songs written by Luigi Creatore Pop ballads Rock ballads Soul ballads Reggae fusion songs Dance - pop songs A-Teens songs Andy Williams songs Bob Dylan songs Corey Hart ( singer ) songs Elvis Presley songs Ingrid Michaelson songs Marty Robbins songs The Stylistics songs UB40 songs Songs written for films Hidden categories : CS1 French - language sources ( fr ) Webarchive template wayback links Articles containing Finnish - language text CS1 Finnish - language sources ( fi ) Webarchive template webcite links CS1 Dutch - language sources ( nl ) CS1 German - language sources ( de ) Articles needing additional references from March 2014 All articles needing additional references Use mdy dates from November 2012 Articles with hAudio microformats Certification Table Entry usages for Austria Certification Table Entry usages for France Certification Table Entry usages for Germany Certification Table Entry usages for United Kingdom Certification Table Entry usages for United States All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from July 2015 Talk More Contents Help About Wikipedia Azərbaycanca Dansk Deutsch Español فارسی Français 한국어 Հայերեն Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Polski Português Русский Svenska ไทย Українська 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 21 September 2017 , at 22 : 59 . 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can't help falling in love who wrote it
`` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' is a pop ballad originally recorded by American singer Elvis Presley and published by Gladys Music , Elvis Presley 's publishing company . It was written by Hugo Peretti , Luigi Creatore and George David Weiss . The melody is based on `` Plaisir d'amour '' ( 1784 ) , a popular romance by Jean - Paul - Égide Martini ( 1741 -- 1816 ) . It was featured in Elvis Presley 's 1961 film , Blue Hawaii . During the following four decades , it was recorded by numerous other artists , including Tom Smothers , British reggae group UB40 , whose 1993 version topped the U.S. and UK charts , and Swedish pop group A-Teens .
Calvin and Hobbes - wikipedia Calvin and Hobbes Calvin and Hobbes The cover of Calvin and Hobbes , the first collection of comic strips , released in April 1987 Author ( s ) Bill Watterson Website Current status / schedule Concluded Launch date November 18 , 1985 End date December 31 , 1995 Syndicate ( s ) Universal Press Syndicate Publisher ( s ) Andrews McMeel Publishing Genre ( s ) Humor , family life , politics , philosophy , satire Calvin and Hobbes is a daily comic strip by American cartoonist Bill Watterson that was syndicated from November 18 , 1985 to December 31 , 1995 . Commonly cited as `` the last great newspaper comic '' , Calvin and Hobbes has enjoyed broad and enduring popularity , influence , and academic interest . Calvin and Hobbes follows the humorous antics of Calvin , a precocious , mischievous , and adventurous six - year - old boy , and Hobbes , his sardonic stuffed tiger . Set in the contemporary suburban United States , the strip depicts Calvin 's frequent flights of fancy and his friendship with Hobbes . It also examines Calvin 's relationships with family and classmates , especially the love / hate relationship between him and his classmate Susie Derkins . Hobbes ' dual nature is a defining motif for the strip : to Calvin , Hobbes is a living anthropomorphic tiger ; all the other characters see Hobbes as an inanimate stuffed toy . Though the series does not mention specific political figures or current events , it does explore broad issues like environmentalism , public education , philosophical quandaries , and the flaws of opinion polls . At the height of its popularity , Calvin and Hobbes was featured in over 2,400 newspapers worldwide . In 2010 , reruns of the strip appeared in more than 50 countries , and nearly 45 million copies of the Calvin and Hobbes books had been sold . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Syndication and formatting 1.2 Animation 2 Merchandising 3 Style and influences 3.1 Art and academia 4 Main characters 4.1 Calvin 4.2 Hobbes 4.3 Calvin 's parents 4.4 Susie Derkins 5 Secondary characters 5.1 Rosalyn 5.2 Moe 5.3 Miss Wormwood 5.4 Mr. Spittle 5.5 Uncle Max 6 Recurring elements 6.1 Calvin 's roles 6.2 Cardboard boxes 6.3 Calvinball 6.4 Snow sculptures 6.5 Wagon and sled 6.6 G.R.O.S.S. 7 Books 7.1 Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes 8 Academic response 9 Legacy 9.1 Grown - up Calvin 10 References 11 Further reading 12 External links History ( edit ) `` I thought it was perhaps too ' adult , ' too literate . When my then - 8 - year - old son remarked , ' This is the Doonesbury for kids ! ' I suspected we had something unusual on our hands . '' -- Lee Salem , Watterson 's editor at Universal , recalling his reaction after seeing Watterson 's first submission Calvin and Hobbes was conceived when Bill Watterson , who was working in an advertising job he detested , began devoting his spare time to cartooning . He explored various strip ideas but all were rejected by the syndicates . United Feature Syndicate finally responded positively to one strip called Critturs , which featured a side character ( the main character 's little brother ) who had a stuffed tiger . Watterson began a new strip centered on them when he was told that these characters were the strongest . Though United Feature rejected the new strip , Universal Press Syndicate eventually took it . The first strip was published on November 18 , 1985 and the series quickly became a hit . Within a year of syndication , the strip was published in roughly 250 newspapers . Before long the strip was in wide circulation outside the United States . By April 5 , 1987 , Watterson was featured in an article in The Los Angeles Times . Calvin and Hobbes earned Watterson the Reuben Award from the National Cartoonists Society in the Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year category , first in 1986 and again in 1988 . He was nominated another time in 1992 . The Society awarded him the Humor Comic Strip Award for 1988 . Calvin and Hobbes has also won several more awards . Watterson took two extended breaks from writing new strips , from May 5 , 1991 , to February 1 , 1992 , and from April 3 through December 31 , 1994 . In 1995 , Watterson sent a letter via his syndicate to all editors whose newspapers carried his strip : I will be stopping Calvin and Hobbes at the end of the year . This was not a recent or an easy decision , and I leave with some sadness . My interests have shifted however , and I believe I 've done what I can do within the constraints of daily deadlines and small panels . I am eager to work at a more thoughtful pace , with fewer artistic compromises . I have not yet decided on future projects , but my relationship with Universal Press Syndicate will continue . That so many newspapers would carry Calvin and Hobbes is an honor I 'll long be proud of , and I 've greatly appreciated your support and indulgence over the last decade . Drawing this comic strip has been a privilege and a pleasure , and I thank you for giving me the opportunity . The final strip ran on Sunday , December 31 , 1995 . It depicted Calvin and Hobbes outside in freshly fallen snow , reveling in the wonder and excitement of the winter scene . `` It 's a magical world , Hobbes , ol ' buddy ... Let 's go exploring ! '' Calvin exclaims as they zoom off over the snowy hills on their sled , leaving , according to one critic ten years later , `` a hole in the comics page that no strip has been able to fill . '' Syndication and formatting ( edit ) From the outset , Watterson found himself at odds with the syndicate , which urged him to begin merchandising the characters and touring the country to promote the first collections of comic strips . Watterson refused . To him , the integrity of the strip and its artist would be undermined by commercialization , which he saw as a major negative influence in the world of cartoon art . Watterson also grew increasingly frustrated by the gradual shrinking of available space for comics in the newspapers . He lamented that without space for anything more than simple dialogue or sparse artwork , comics as an art form were becoming dilute , bland , and unoriginal . Watterson strove for a full - page version of his strip , in contrast to the few cells allocated for most strips . He longed for the artistic freedom allotted to classic strips such as Little Nemo and Krazy Kat , and he gave a sample of what could be accomplished with such liberty in the opening pages of the Sunday strip compilation , The Calvin and Hobbes Lazy Sunday Book . During Watterson 's first sabbatical from the strip , Universal Press Syndicate continued to charge newspapers full price to re-run old Calvin and Hobbes strips . Few editors approved of the move , but the strip was so popular that they had no choice but to continue to run it for fear that competing newspapers might pick it up and draw its fans away . This standard half - page layout can easily be rearranged for full , third , and quarter pages ( optionally discarding panels 1 and 2 ) . However , Watterson wished to draw comics which did not conform to the standard panel division , making such rearrangement / removal impossible . Upon Watterson 's return , Universal Press announced that Watterson had decided to sell his Sunday strip as an unbreakable half of a newspaper or tabloid page . Many editors and even a few cartoonists criticized him for what they perceived as arrogance and an unwillingness to abide by the normal practices of the cartoon business . Watterson had negotiated the deal to allow himself more creative freedom in the Sunday comics : I took a sabbatical after resolving a long and emotionally draining fight to prevent Calvin and Hobbes from being merchandised . Looking for a way to rekindle my enthusiasm for the duration of a new contract term , I proposed a redesigned Sunday format that would permit more panel flexibility . To my surprise and delight , Universal responded with an offer to market the strip as an unbreakable half page ( more space than I 'd dared to ask for ) , despite the expected resistance of editors . To this day , my syndicate assures me that some editors liked the new format , appreciated the difference , and were happy to run the larger strip , but I think it 's fair to say that this was not the most common reaction . The syndicate had warned me to prepare for numerous cancellations of the Sunday feature , but after a few weeks of dealing with howling , purple - faced editors , the syndicate suggested that papers could reduce the strip to the size tabloid newspapers used for their smaller sheets of paper ... I focused on the bright side : I had complete freedom of design and there were virtually no cancellations . For all the yelling and screaming by outraged editors , I remain convinced that the larger Sunday strip gave newspapers a better product and made the comics section more fun for readers . Comics are a visual medium . A strip with a lot of drawing can be exciting and add some variety . Proud as I am that I was able to draw a larger strip , I do n't expect to see it happen again any time soon . In the newspaper business , space is money , and I suspect most editors would still say that the difference is not worth the cost . Sadly , the situation is a vicious circle : because there 's no room for better artwork , the comics are simply drawn ; because they 're simply drawn , why should they have more room ? Animation ( edit ) Watterson did consider allowing Calvin and Hobbes to be animated , and has expressed admiration for the art form of animation . In a 1989 interview in The Comics Journal he said : If you look at the old cartoons by Tex Avery and Chuck Jones , you 'll see that there are a lot of things single drawings just ca n't do . Animators can get away with incredible distortion and exaggeration ... because the animator can control the length of time you see something . The bizarre exaggeration barely has time to register , and the viewer does n't ponder the incredible license he 's witnessed . In a comic strip , you just show the highlights of action -- you ca n't show the buildup and release ... or at least not without slowing down the pace of everything to the point where it 's like looking at individual frames of a movie , in which case you 've probably lost the effect you were trying to achieve . In a comic strip , you can suggest motion and time , but it 's very crude compared to what an animator can do . I have a real awe for good animation . After this he was asked if it was `` a bit scary to think of hearing Calvin 's voice . '' He responded that it was `` very scary , '' and that although he loved the visual possibilities of animation , the thought of casting voice actors to play his characters was uncomfortable . He was also unsure whether he wanted to work with an animation team as he had done all previous work by himself . Ultimately , Calvin and Hobbes was never made into an animated series . Watterson later stated in The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary Book that he liked the fact that his strip was a `` low - tech , one - man operation , '' and that he took great pride in the fact that he drew every line and wrote every word on his own . Merchandising ( edit ) Bill Watterson insists that cartoon strips should stand on their own as an art form and has resisted the use of Calvin and Hobbes in merchandising of any sort . Watterson explained in a 2005 press release : Actually , I was n't against all merchandising when I started the strip , but each product I considered seemed to violate the spirit of the strip , contradict its message , and take me away from the work I loved . If my syndicate had let it go at that , the decision would have taken maybe 30 seconds of my life . Almost no legitimate Calvin and Hobbes merchandise exists . Exceptions produced during the strip 's original run include two 16 - month calendars ( 1988 -- 1989 and 1989 -- 1990 ) and the textbook Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes , which has been described as `` perhaps the most difficult piece of official Calvin and Hobbes memorabilia to find . '' On July 16 , 2010 the United States Postal Service released a set of postage stamps honoring five comic strips , one of them Calvin and Hobbes . Uclick , the digital division of Andrews McMeel Universal , offers licensed prints of Calvin and Hobbes strips through its website . The strip 's immense popularity has led to the appearance of various counterfeit items such as window decals and T - shirts that often feature crude humor , binge drinking and other themes that are not found in Watterson 's work . Images from one strip in which Calvin and Hobbes dance to loud music at night were commonly used for copyright violations . After threat of a lawsuit alleging infringement of copyright and trademark , some sticker makers replaced Calvin with a different boy , while other makers made no changes . Watterson wryly commented , `` I clearly miscalculated how popular it would be to show Calvin urinating on a Ford logo . '' Style and influences ( edit ) The strip borrows several elements and themes from three major influences : Walt Kelly 's Pogo , George Herriman 's Krazy Kat , and Charles M. Schulz 's Peanuts . Schulz and Kelly particularly influenced Watterson 's outlook on comics during his formative years . Notable elements of Watterson 's artistic style are his characters ' diverse and often exaggerated expressions ( particularly those of Calvin ) , elaborate and bizarre backgrounds for Calvin 's flights of imagination , expressions of motion , and frequent visual jokes and metaphors . In the later years of the strip , with more panel space available for his use , Watterson experimented more freely with different panel layouts , art styles , stories without dialogue , and greater use of whitespace . He also makes a point of not showing certain things explicitly : the `` Noodle Incident '' and the children 's book Hamster Huey and the Gooey Kablooie are left to the reader 's imagination , where Watterson was sure they would be `` more outrageous '' than he could portray . Watterson 's technique started with minimalist pencil sketches drawn with a light pencil ( though the larger Sunday strips often required more elaborate work ) on a piece of Bristol board , with his brand of choice being Strathmore because he felt it held the drawings better on the page as opposed to the cheaper brands ( Watterson said he would use any cheap pad of Bristol board his local supply store had , but switched to Strathmore after he found himself growing more and more displeased with the results ) . He would then use a small sable brush and India ink to fill in the rest of the drawing , saying that he did not want to simply trace over his penciling and thus make the inking more spontaneous . He lettered dialogue with a Rapidograph fountain pen , and he used a crowquill pen for odds and ends . Mistakes were covered with various forms of correction fluid , including the type used on typewriters . Watterson was careful in his use of color , often spending a great deal of time in choosing the right colors to employ for the weekly Sunday strip ; his technique was to cut the color tabs the syndicate sent him into individual squares , lay out the colors , and then paint a watercolor approximation of the strip on tracing paper over the Bristol board and then mark the strip accordingly before sending it on . When Calvin and Hobbes began there were 64 colors available for the Sunday strips . For the later Sunday strips Watterson had 125 colors as well as the ability to fade the colors into each other . Art and Academia ( edit ) Watterson used the strip to poke fun at the art world , principally through Calvin 's unconventional creations of snowmen but also through other expressions of childhood art . When Miss Wormwood complains that he is wasting class time drawing impossible things ( a Stegosaurus in a rocket ship , for example ) , Calvin proclaims himself `` on the cutting edge of the avant - garde . '' He begins exploring the medium of snow when a warm day melts his snowman . His next sculpture `` speaks to the horror of our own mortality , inviting the viewer to contemplate the evanescence of life . '' In later strips , Calvin 's creative instincts diversify to include sidewalk drawings ( or , as he terms them , examples of `` suburban postmodernism '' ) . Watterson also lampooned the academic world . In one example , Calvin carefully crafts an `` artist 's statement '' , claiming that such essays convey more messages than artworks themselves ever do ( Hobbes blandly notes , `` You misspelled Weltanschauung '' ) . He indulges in what Watterson calls `` pop psychobabble '' to justify his destructive rampages and shift blame to his parents , citing `` toxic codependency . '' In one instance , he pens a book report based on the theory that the purpose of academic writing is to `` inflate weak ideas , obscure poor reasoning , and inhibit clarity , '' entitled The Dynamics of Interbeing and Monological Imperatives in Dick and Jane : A Study in Psychic Transrelational Gender Modes . Displaying his creation to Hobbes , he remarks , `` Academia , here I come ! '' Watterson explains that he adapted this jargon ( and similar examples from several other strips ) from an actual book of art criticism . Overall , Watterson 's satirical essays serve to attack both sides , criticizing both the commercial mainstream and the artists who are supposed to be `` outside '' it . Not long after he began drawing his `` Dinosaurs in Rocket Ships '' series , Calvin tells Hobbes : Calvin : The hard part for us avant - garde post-modern artists is deciding whether or not to embrace commercialism . Do we allow our work to be hyped and exploited by a market that 's simply hungry for the next new thing ? Do we participate in a system that turns high art into low art so it 's better suited for mass consumption ? Of course , when an artist goes commercial , he makes a mockery of his status as an outsider and free thinker . He buys into the crass and shallow values art should transcend . He trades the integrity of his art for riches and fame . ... Oh , what the heck . I 'll do it . ... Hobbes ( rolling his eyes ) : That was n't so hard . The strip for Sunday , June 21 , 1992 , criticized the naming of The Big Bang theory as not evocative of the wonders behind it , and coined the term `` Horrendous Space Kablooie '' , an alternative that achieved some informal popularity among scientists and was often shortened to `` the HSK . '' The term has also been referred to in newspapers , books , and university courses . Main characters ( edit ) See also : Secondary characters in Calvin and Hobbes Calvin ( edit ) Calvin First appearance November 18 , 1985 Created by Bill Watterson Comic Calvin and Hobbes Information Age 6 Calvin , named after the 16th - century theologian John Calvin , is a six - year - old , whose last name is never mentioned in the strip . Despite his poor grades in school , Calvin demonstrates his intelligence through his sophisticated vocabulary and a philosophical mind : Calvin : Dad , are you vicariously living through me in the hope that my accomplishments will validate your mediocre life and in some way compensate for all of the opportunities you botched ? Dad : If I were , you can bet I 'd be re-evaluating my strategy . Calvin ( later , to his mother ) : Mom , Dad keeps insulting me . He commonly wears his distinctive red - and - black striped shirt , black pants , and white - and - magenta sneakers . One of his most noticeable features is his spiky yellow hair ( in early predecessors to the strip , Calvin is drawn with ' bangs ' , or hair fringe , that cover his eyes ) . He also wears a light blue jacket when going to school or when playing in the snow . He is an enthusiastic reader of comic books and has a tendency to order items marketed in comic books or on boxes of his favorite cereal , Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs ( which is hinted as having far too many calories , made worse by the fact that Calvin frequently pours large amounts of additional sugar onto the cereal ) . Watterson described Calvin : Calvin is pretty easy to do because he is outgoing and rambunctious , and there 's not much of a filter between his brain and his mouth . I guess he 's a little too intelligent for his age . The thing that I really enjoy about him is that he has no sense of restraint ; he does n't have the experience yet to know the things that you should n't do . Calvin also has a sensitive side as well . This is displayed , for example , when he finds a dying raccoon and tries to save it but fails . The scene is made even more poignant by Calvin asking Hobbes not to `` go anywhere '' while Hobbes hugs him and promises him he will not . In another story , Calvin 's house is broken into and he frantically looks for Hobbes , even crying in joy as he is reunited with his friend . Hobbes ( edit ) Main article : Hobbes ( Calvin and Hobbes ) Hobbes First appearance November 18 , 1985 Created by Bill Watterson Comic strip Calvin and Hobbes Information Species Bengal tiger From Calvin 's point of view , Hobbes is an anthropomorphic tiger , much larger than Calvin and full of independent attitudes and ideas . When the perspective shifts to any other character , readers again see merely a stuffed animal , usually seated at an off - kilter angle and blankly staring into space . Watterson explains : When Hobbes is a stuffed toy in one panel and alive in the next , I 'm juxtaposing the ' grown - up ' version of reality with Calvin 's version , and inviting the reader to decide which is truer . In more than one strip , Hobbes is shown being washed in a washing machine , a fact Calvin takes in stride and which Watterson has referred to as `` one of the stranger blurrings of what Hobbes is . '' Hobbes is named after the 17th - century philosopher Thomas Hobbes , who held what Watterson describes as `` a dim view of human nature . '' Watterson 's Hobbes feels that animals ( and tigers in particular ) are superior to humans , showing disdain for human nature , human mannerisms , and how humankind destroys their environment . Hobbes is much more rational and aware of consequences than Calvin , but he seldom interferes with Calvin 's troublemaking beyond a few oblique warnings . Hobbes is sarcastic when Calvin is being hypocritical about things he dislikes . Although the debut strip shows Calvin capturing Hobbes by means of a snare ( with a tuna sandwich as the bait ) , a later comic ( August 1 , 1989 ) indicates that Hobbes has been with Calvin since Calvin was a baby : Calvin : The whole first half of my life is a complete blank ! What on earth did I know that someone wanted me to forget ? Hobbes : I seem to recall you spent most of the time burping up . Another later strip featured Hobbes humorously claiming that Calvin 's mother `` wanted another tiger '' instead of Calvin , which could be taken as an instance of Hobbes ' sly humor ( not all of his words are to be taken at face value ) but could also suggest that Hobbes was around before Calvin was born . Watterson eventually decided that it was not important to establish how Calvin and Hobbes met . As a running gag , Calvin usually asks for Hobbes ' help when doing homework , but Hobbes ' grasp of mathematics is horribly inaccurate , as he often attempts advanced , yet baseless calculations for simple adding questions , always resulting in wrong answers . Calvin 's parents ( edit ) The Father and Mother Calvin 's unnamed parents , usually referred to only as `` Mom '' and `` Dad '' First appearance November 18 , 1985 ( Dad ) November 26 , 1985 ( Mom ) Created by Bill Watterson Comic Calvin and Hobbes Calvin 's unnamed mother and father are typical middle - class parents . Calvin 's father is a patent attorney ( like Watterson 's own father ) and his mother is a stay - at - home mom . Both remain unnamed except as `` Mom '' and `` Dad . '' Watterson says , `` As far as the strip is concerned , they are important only as Calvin 's mom and dad . '' Like many other characters in the strip , they are relatively down to earth and their sensible attitudes serve as a foil for Calvin 's outlandish behavior . Watterson says some fans are angered by the sometimes sardonic way that Calvin 's parents respond to him . These exchanges are typical : Mom : You 're not sorry we had Calvin , are you ? Dad : Are you ? Mom : I asked first . Besides , it was n't all my decision . Dad : All I know is , I offered to buy us a dachshund , but no , you said ... Dad : Someday I 'm going to get my DNA checked to see if he 's really my kid . Mom : Take my word for it . Dad : I just know some nurse switched the bassinets . Calvin 's parents are not above some outrageous behavior of their own . For example , Calvin asks for a cigarette and his mother gives him one to teach him a lesson . Calvin 's father tells Calvin sarcastic lies when asked a straight question , and Calvin often believes them : Calvin : Dad , how do people make babies ? Dad : Most people just go to Sears , buy the kit , and follow the assembly instructions . Calvin : I CAME FROM SEARS ? ? Dad : No . You were a Blue Light Special at K - Mart ; almost as good , and a lot cheaper . Calvin : AAUUGHHH ! Mom ( out of frame ) : Dear , what are you telling Calvin now ? ! Watterson defends what Calvin 's parents do , remarking that in the case of parenting a kid like Calvin , `` I think they do a better job than I would . '' Calvin 's father is overly concerned with `` character building '' activities in a number of strips , either in the things he makes Calvin do or in the masochistic eccentricities of his own lifestyle . For example , Calvin 's father is shown coming home from an early morning run in the snow , which he follows with a bowl of plain oatmeal . Calvin 's father has a brother named Max , who lives out of state . Watterson introduced him in a week of strips but said he later regretted the idea . Although Watterson said the idea of having Max in the strip was to set up potential future storylines , he realized that his intent to have the parents remain nameless worked against him because Max could not refer to either one by name . This was cited as one of the main reasons Max never reappeared . Susie Derkins ( edit ) Susie Derkins Susie Derkins , Calvin 's classmate First appearance December 5 , 1985 Created by Bill Watterson Comic Calvin and Hobbes Susie Derkins , who first appeared early in the strip and is the only important character with both a first and last name , lives on Calvin 's street and is one of his classmates . Her last name apparently derives from the pet beagle owned by Watterson 's wife 's family . Susie is polite and studious , and she likes to play house or host tea parties with her stuffed animals . However , she is also depicted playing imaginary games with Calvin in which she is a high - powered lawyer or politician and he is her househusband . Though both of them hate to admit it , Calvin and Susie have quite a bit in common . For example , Susie is shown on occasion with a stuffed bunny rabbit named `` Mr. Bun . '' Susie also has a mischievous ( and sometimes aggressive ) streak , which can be seen when she subverts Calvin 's attempts to cheat on school tests by feeding him incorrect answers , or when she clobbers Calvin after he attacks her with snowballs . Susie also regularly bests Calvin in confrontations such as their water balloon and snowball fights , employing guile or force . Hobbes often openly expresses romantic feelings for Susie , much to Calvin 's disgust . Calvin starts a `` club '' ( of which he and Hobbes are the only members ) that he calls G.R.O.S.S. ( Get Rid Of Slimy GirlS ) , and while holding `` meetings '' in Calvin 's treehouse or in the `` box of secrecy '' in Calvin 's room , they usually come up with some way to annoy or discomfit Susie , most of which backfire on them completely . In one instance , Calvin steals one of Susie 's dolls for ransom , only to have Susie retaliate by nabbing Hobbes . Watterson admits that Calvin and Susie have a nascent crush on each other , and that Susie is inspired by the type of woman whom Watterson himself found attractive and eventually married . Secondary characters ( edit ) This section describes a work or element of fiction in a primarily in - universe style . Please help rewrite it to explain the fiction more clearly and provide non-fictional perspective . ( June 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Calvin also interacts with a handful of secondary characters . These include his babysitter , the school bully , his school teacher , and the school principal . Rosalyn ( edit ) Rosalyn is Calvin 's babysitter . She takes advantage of his parents ' desperation to leave the house and the fact that no one else will babysit for Calvin by demanding advances and raises . She is also probably the only character in the strip whom Calvin really fears , as she does not mince words or actions to get Calvin to behave or go to bed on time . Watterson put her in a Sunday strip early on , never thinking of her as a regular character . But Rosalyn 's intimidation of Calvin surprised Watterson , so she came back several times . At one point she was Calvin 's swimming instructor , though he was shown to attend only one lesson . In Rosalyn 's last story , she is revealed to have in common with Calvin a sense of imagination , and the two of them play Calvinball with Hobbes . Rosalyn is the only one without a role in Spaceman Spiff . Moe ( edit ) According to Calvin , Moe is a `` six - year - old who shaves '' and a stereotypical bully who picks on Calvin ( both physically and emotionally ) and calls him names . Moe is the only regular character whose speech is shown in an unusual font as his frequently monosyllabic dialogue is shown in crude , lower - case letters . Watterson describes Moe as `` every jerk I 've ever known . '' Miss Wormwood ( edit ) Miss Wormwood is Calvin 's world - weary teacher and is named after the junior devil in C.S. Lewis 's The Screwtape Letters . She usually wears either a polka - dotted dress or a brown dress , and is another character who serves as a foil to Calvin 's mischief . Calvin , when in his Spaceman Spiff persona , sees Miss Wormwood as a slimy , often dictatorial alien . Calvin refers to Miss Wormwood 's indigestion ( `` It 's really gross how she drinks Maalox straight from the bottle '' ) , her medication ( `` I wonder if her doctor knows she mixes all those prescriptions '' ) and her smoking habit ( `` Rumor has it she 's up to two packs a day , unfiltered '' ) . Miss Wormwood reacts to Calvin 's behavior by tightly shutting her eyes and thinking `` Five years until retirement '' repeatedly . Watterson describes her as `` an unhappy person '' due to her belief in the value of education . Mr. Spittle ( edit ) Mr. Spittle is the school principal to whose office Miss Wormwood threatens to send Calvin for his pranks . Susie also occasionally accompanies Calvin to the principal 's office . Though his name has been shown in only two strips , he has appeared many times including the first story about Calvin 's duplicator . Uncle Max ( edit ) Uncle Max is Calvin 's paternal uncle . Uncle Max was originally meant as a character who could increase the possibilities of the strip : as Watterson noted , `` Calvin could go visit Uncle Max ... '' . However , Watterson dropped the character after finding it was awkward that Max could not address Calvin 's parents by name , and realizing that Max was redundant as far as the strip 's personality goes . Recurring elements ( edit ) There are many recurring gags in the strip , some in `` reality '' and others in Calvin 's imagination . These are as follows : Calvin 's roles ( edit ) Main article : Calvin 's alter egos Calvin imagines himself as a great many things including dinosaurs , elephants , jungle - farers and superheroes . Three of his alter egos are well defined and recurrent : `` Spaceman Spiff '' is a heroic spacefarer who narrates his experiences in the third person . As Spiff , Calvin battles aliens ( typically his parents or teacher , but also sometimes other kids his age ) with a ray gun known as a `` zorcher '' ( later `` frap - ray blaster '' , `` death ray blaster '' or `` atomic napalm neutralizer '' ) and travels to distant planets ( his house , school , or neighborhood ) , often crashing unhurt on a planet . Calvin 's self - narration as Spaceman Spiff is frequently riddled with alliteration : `` Zounds ! Zorched by Zarches , Spaceman Spiff 's crippled craft crashes on planet Plootarg ! '' Watterson has stated the idea of Spaceman Spiff was from an earlier drawing he made . `` Tracer Bullet '' is a hardboiled private eye , who says he has eight slugs in him ( `` One 's lead , and the rest are bourbon . '' ) . In one story , Bullet is called to a case in which a `` pushy dame '' ( Calvin 's mother ) accuses him of destroying an expensive lamp ( broken during an indoor football game between Calvin and Hobbes ) . Later , he is snatched by the pushy dame 's `` hired goon '' ( Calvin 's father having a talk with him ) . He made his debut when Calvin donned a fedora to hide a haircut Hobbes had given him . These strips are drawn in elaborate , shadowy black - and - white that evoke film noir . Watterson did not attempt Tracer Bullet stories often , due to the time - consuming way the strip needed to be drawn and inked . As `` Stupendous Man '' he pictures himself as a superhero in disguise , wearing a mask and a cape made by his mother , and narrating his own adventures . While in character as Stupendous Man , he refers to his alter ego as a mild - mannered millionaire playboy . Stupendous Man almost always `` suffers defeat '' at the hands of his opponent . When Hobbes asks if Stupendous Man has ever won any battles , Calvin says all his battles are `` moral victories . '' Stupendous Man 's nemeses include `` Mom - Lady '' ( Calvin 's mom ) , `` Annoying Girl '' ( Susie Derkins ) , `` Crab Teacher '' ( Miss Wormwood ) , and `` Baby - Sitter Girl '' ( Rosalyn ) . Some of the `` super powers '' of the villains have been revealed : Mom - Lady has a `` mind scrambling eyeball ray '' that wills the victim to `` do her nefarious bidding , '' and Baby Sitter Girl has a similar power of using a `` psycho beam '' which weakens `` Stupendous Man 's stupendous will '' . The `` powers '' of Annoying Girl and Crab Teacher are unknown . Calvin often tries to pretend he and `` Stupendous Man '' are two different people , but it never seems to work . Stupendous Man has multiple `` superpowers '' , including , but not limited to , super strength , the ability to fly , various vision powers such as `` high - speed vision '' , `` muscles of magnitude '' , and a stomach of steel . Cardboard boxes ( edit ) Calvin duplicating himself using a cardboard box , as seen on the cover of Scientific Progress Goes `` Boink '' Calvin has had several adventures involving corrugated cardboard boxes , which he adapts for many different uses . In one strip , when Calvin shows off his Transmogrifier , a device that transforms its user into any desired creature or item , Hobbes remarks , `` It 's amazing what they do with corrugated cardboard these days . '' Calvin is able to change the function of the boxes by rewriting the label and flipping the box onto another side . In this way , a cardboard box can be used not only for its conventional purposes ( a storage container for water balloons , for example ) , but also as a flying time machine , a duplicator or , with the attachment of a few wires and a colander , a `` Cerebral Enhance - o - tron . '' In the real world , Calvin 's antics with his box have had varying effects . When he transmogrified into a tiger , he still appeared as a regular human child to his parents . However , in a story where he made several duplicates of himself , his parents are seen interacting with what does seem like multiple Calvins , including in a strip where two of him are seen in the same panel as his father . It is ultimately unknown what his parents do or do not see , as Calvin tries to hide most of his creations ( or conceal their effects ) so as not to traumatize them . In addition , Calvin uses a cardboard box as a desk when he is attempting to sell things . Often , Calvin 's merchandise is something that no one would want , such as `` suicide drink '' , `` a swift kick in the butt '' for one dollar , or a `` frank appraisal of your looks '' for fifty cents . In one strip , he sells `` happiness '' for ten cents ; if one bought it , Calvin hit the person in the face with a water balloon , then revealed that he meant his own happiness . In another strip , he sold `` insurance '' , firing a slingshot at those who refused to buy it . In some strips , he tried to sell `` great ideas '' , and in one earlier strip , he attempted to sell the family car to obtain money for a grenade launcher . In yet another strip , he sells `` life '' for five cents , where the customer receives nothing in return , which , in Calvin 's opinion , is life . The box has also functioned as a secret meeting place for G.R.O.S.S. , as the `` Box of Secrecy '' . Calvinball ( edit ) Other kids ' games are all such a bore ! They 've got ta have rules and they got ta keep score ! Calvinball is better by far ! It 's never the same ! It 's always bizarre ! You do n't need a team or a referee ! You know that it 's great , ' cause it 's named after me ! -- Excerpt from the Calvinball theme song Calvinball is a game played by Calvin and Hobbes as a rebellion against organized team sports ; according to Hobbes , `` No sport is less organized than Calvinball ! '' Calvinball was first introduced to the readers at the end of a 1990 storyline involving Calvin reluctantly joining recess baseball . It quickly became a staple of the comic afterwards . The only hint at the true creation of the game ironically comes from the last Calvinball strip , in which a game of football quickly devolves into a game of Calvinball . Calvin remarks that `` sooner or later , all our games turn into Calvinball '' , suggesting a similar scenario that directly led to the creation of the sport . Calvin and Hobbes usually play by themselves , although in one storyline Rosalyn ( Calvin 's baby - sitter ) plays in return for Calvin doing his homework , and plays very well once she realizes that the rules are made up on the spot . The only consistent rule states that Calvinball may never be played with the same rules twice . Scoring is also arbitrary , with Hobbes at times reporting scores of `` Q to 12 '' and `` oogy to boogy '' . The only recognizable sports Calvinball resembles are the ones it emulates ( i.e. , a cross between croquet , polo , badminton , capture the flag , and volleyball ) . Equipment includes a volleyball ( the eponymous `` Calvinball '' ) , a croquet set , a badminton set , assorted flags , bags , signs , a hobby horse , and enigmatic and never - pictured `` time - fracture wickets '' . Other things appear as needed , such as a bucket of ice - cold water , a water balloon , and various songs and poetry . Players also wear masks resembling blindfolds with holes for the eyes . When Rosalyn asks Calvin the reason for the requirement , Calvin responds : `` Sorry , no one 's allowed to question the masks . '' When asked how to play , Watterson states : `` It 's pretty simple : you make up the rules as you go . '' Calvinball is a nomic or self - modifying game , a contest of wits , skill and creativity rather than stamina or athletic skill , in which Hobbes ( and on one occasion , Rosalyn ) usually outwits Calvin , who takes it in stride , in contrast to his otherwise poor sportsmanship . Snow sculptures ( edit ) Calvin often creates horrendous / dark humor scenes with his snowmen . He uses the snowman for social commentary , revenge , or pure enjoyment . Examples include Snowman Calvin being yelled at by Snowman Dad to shovel the snow ; one snowman eating snow cones scooped out of a second snowman , who is lying on the ground with an ice - cream scoop in his back ; a `` snowman house of horror '' ; and snowmen representing the people he hates . `` The ones I really hate are small , so they 'll melt faster , '' he says . There was even an occasion on which Calvin accidentally brought a snowman to life and it made itself and a small army into `` deranged mutant killer monster snow goons . '' Calvin 's snow art is often used as a commentary on art in general . For example , Calvin has complained more than once about the lack of originality in other people 's snow art and compared it with his own grotesque snow sculptures . In one of these instances , Calvin and Hobbes claim to be the sole guardians of high culture ; in another , Hobbes admires Calvin 's willingness to put artistic integrity above marketability , causing Calvin to reconsider and make an ordinary snowman . Wagon and sled ( edit ) Calvin and Hobbes frequently ride downhill in a wagon , sled , or toboggan , depending on the season , as a device to add some physical comedy to the strip and because , according to Watterson , `` it 's a lot more interesting ... than talking heads . '' While the ride is sometimes the focus of the strip , it also frequently serves as a counterpoint or visual metaphor while Calvin ponders the meaning of life , death , God , philosophy or a variety of other weighty subjects . Many of their rides end in spectacular crashes which leave them battered and broken , a fact which convinces Hobbes to sometimes hop off before a ride even begins . In the final strip , Calvin and Hobbes depart on their toboggan to go exploring . This theme is similar ( perhaps even homage ) to scenarios in Walt Kelly 's Pogo . G.R.O.S.S. ( edit ) G.R.O.S.S. , which stands for Get Rid Of Slimy GirlS ( `` otherwise it does n't spell anything '' ) , is a club which consists of only two members : Calvin and Hobbes . The club was founded in the garage of their house . To clear space for its activities , Calvin and ( purportedly ) Hobbes push Calvin 's parents ' car , causing it to roll into a ditch ( but not suffer damage ) ; the incident necessitates changing the club 's location to Calvin 's treehouse . They hold meetings to attempt to annoy Susie Derkins . Notable actions include planting a fake secret tape near her in attempt to draw her in to a trap , trapping her in a closet at their house , and creating elaborate water balloon traps . Calvin gave himself and Hobbes important positions in the club , Calvin being `` Dictator - for - Life '' and Hobbes being `` President - and - First - Tiger '' . They go into Calvin 's treehouse for their club meetings and often get into fights during them . The password to get into the treehouse is intentionally long and difficult , which has on at least one occasion ruined Calvin 's plans . As Hobbes is able to climb the tree without the rope , he is usually the one who comes up with the password , which often involves heaping praise upon tigers . An example of this can be seen in the comic strip where Calvin , rushing to get into the treehouse to throw things at a passing Susie Derkins , insults Hobbes , who is in the treehouse and thus has to let down the rope . Hobbes forces Calvin to say the password for insulting him . By the time Susie arrives , in time to hear Calvin saying some of the password , causing him to stumble , Calvin is on `` Verse Seven : Tigers are perfect ! / The E-pit - o - me / of good looks and grace / and quiet ... uh ... um ... dignity '' . The opportunity to pelt Susie with something having passed , Calvin threatens to turn Hobbes into a rug . G.R.O.S.S. is one of the most common adventures that Calvin has . The club anthem begins : `` Ohhhh Gross , best club in the cosmos ... '' Books ( edit ) Main article : List of Calvin and Hobbes books There are 18 Calvin and Hobbes books , published from 1987 to 1997 . These include 11 collections , which form a complete archive of the newspaper strips , except for a single daily strip from November 28 , 1985 . ( The collections do contain a strip for this date , but it is not the same strip that appeared in some newspapers . Treasuries usually combine the two preceding collections with bonus material and include color reprints of Sunday comics . ) Watterson included some new material in the treasuries . In The Essential Calvin and Hobbes , which includes cartoons from the collections Calvin and Hobbes and Something Under the Bed Is Drooling , the back cover features a scene of a giant Calvin rampaging through a town . The scene is based on Watterson 's home town of Chagrin Falls , Ohio , and Calvin is holding the Chagrin Falls Popcorn Shop , an iconic candy and ice cream shop overlooking the town 's namesake falls . Several of the treasuries incorporate additional poetry ; The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes book features a set of poems , ranging from just a few lines to an entire page , that cover topics such as Calvin 's mother 's `` hindsight '' and exploring the woods . In The Essential Calvin and Hobbes , Watterson presents a long poem explaining a night 's battle against a monster from Calvin 's perspective . A complete collection of Calvin and Hobbes strips , in three hardcover volumes totaling 1440 pages , was released on October 4 , 2005 , by Andrews McMeel Publishing . It includes color prints of the art used on paperback covers , the treasuries ' extra illustrated stories and poems , and a new introduction by Bill Watterson in which he talks about his inspirations and his story leading up to the publication of the strip . The alternate 1985 strip is still omitted , and two other strips ( January 7 , 1987 , and November 25 , 1988 ) have altered dialogue . A four - volume paperback version was released November 13 , 2012 . To celebrate the release ( which coincided with the strip 's 20th anniversary and the tenth anniversary of its absence from newspapers ) , Bill Watterson answered 15 questions submitted by readers . Early books were printed in smaller format in black and white . These were later reproduced in twos in color in the `` Treasuries '' ( Essential , Authoritative , and Indispensable ) , except for the contents of Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons . Those Sunday strips were not reprinted in color until the Complete collection was finally published in 2005 . Watterson claims he named the books the `` Essential , Authoritative , and Indispensable '' because , as he says in The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary Book , the books are `` obviously none of these things . '' Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes ( edit ) Main article : Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes An officially licensed children 's textbook entitled Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes was published in a single print run in Fargo , North Dakota , in 1993 . The book , which has been `` highly recommend ( ed ) '' as a teaching resource , includes five complete Calvin and Hobbes multi-strip story arcs together with lessons and questions to follow , such as , `` What do you think the principal meant when he said they had `` quite a file '' on Calvin ? '' The book is rare , sought by collectors , and highly valued . Only eight libraries in the world hold a copy of the book . Academic response ( edit ) In 1993 , paleontologist and paleoartist Gregory S. Paul praised Bill Watterson for the scientific accuracy of the dinosaurs appearing in Calvin and Hobbes . In her 1994 book When Toys Come Alive , Lois Rostow Kuznets says that Hobbes serves both as a figure of Calvin 's childish fantasy life and as an outlet for the expression of libidinous desires more associated with adults . Kuznets also looks at Calvin 's other fantasies , suggesting that they are a second tier of fantasies utilized in places like school where transitional objects such as Hobbes would not be socially acceptable . Political scientist James Q. Wilson , in a paean to Calvin and Hobbes upon Watterson 's decision to end the strip in 1995 , characterized it as `` our only popular explication of the moral philosophy of Aristotle . '' Alisa White Coleman analyzed the strip 's underlying messages concerning ethics and values in `` ' Calvin and Hobbes ' : A Critique of Society 's Values , '' published in the Journal of Mass Media Ethics in 2000 . A collection of original Sunday strips was exhibited at Ohio State University 's Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum in 2001 . Watterson himself selected the strips and provided his own commentary for the exhibition catalog , which was later published by Andrews McMeel as Calvin and Hobbes : Sunday Pages 1985 -- 1995 . Since the discontinuation of Calvin and Hobbes , individual strips have been licensed for reprint in schoolbooks , including the Christian homeschooling book The Fallacy Detective in 2002 , and the university - level philosophy reader Open Questions : Readings for Critical Thinking and Writing in 2005 ; in the latter , the ethical views of Watterson and his characters Calvin and Hobbes are discussed in relation to the views of professional philosophers . Since 2009 , Twitter users have indicated that Calvin and Hobbes strips have appeared in textbooks for subjects in the sciences , social sciences , mathematics , philosophy , and foreign language . In a 2009 evaluation of the entire body of Calvin and Hobbes strips using grounded theory methodology , Christijan D. Draper found that : `` Overall , Calvin and Hobbes suggests that meaningful time use is a key attribute of a life well lived , '' and that `` the strip suggests one way to assess the meaning associated with time use is through preemptive retrospection by which a person looks at current experiences through the lens of an anticipated future ... '' Jamey Heit 's Imagination and Meaning in Calvin and Hobbes , a critical , academic analysis of the strip , was published in 2012 . Calvin and Hobbes strips were again exhibited at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum at Ohio State University in 2014 , in an exhibition entitled Exploring Calvin and Hobbes . An exhibition catalog by the same title , which also contained an interview with Watterson conducted by Jenny Robb , the curator of the museum , was published by Andrews McMeel in 2015 . Legacy ( edit ) `` Since its concluding panel in 1995 , Calvin and Hobbes has remained one of the most influential and well - loved comic strips of our time . '' -- The Atlantic , `` How Calvin and Hobbes Inspired a Generation , '' October 25 , 2013 Years after its original newspaper run , Calvin and Hobbes has continued to exert influence in entertainment , art , and fandom . In television , Calvin and Hobbes are depicted in stop motion animation in the 2006 Robot Chicken episode `` Lust for Puppets , '' and in traditional animation in the 2009 Family Guy episode `` Not All Dogs Go to Heaven . '' In the 2013 Community episode `` Paranormal Parentage , '' the characters Abed Nadir ( Danny Pudi ) and Troy Barnes ( Donald Glover ) dress as Calvin and Hobbes , respectively , for Halloween . British artists , merchandisers , booksellers , and philosophers were interviewed for a 2009 BBC Radio 4 half - hour programme about the abiding popularity of the comic strip , narrated by Phill Jupitus . The first book - length study of the strip , Looking for Calvin and Hobbes : The Unconventional Story of Bill Watterson and His Revolutionary Comic Strip by Nevin Martell , was first published in 2009 ; an expanded edition was published in 2010 . The book chronicles Martell 's quest to tell the story of Calvin and Hobbes and Watterson through research and interviews with people connected to the cartoonist and his work . The director of the later documentary Dear Mr. Watterson referenced Looking for Calvin and Hobbes in discussing the production of the movie , and Martell appears in the film . The American documentary film Dear Mr. Watterson , released in 2013 , explores the impact and legacy of Calvin and Hobbes through interviews with authors , curators , historians , and numerous professional cartoonists . The enduring significance of Calvin and Hobbes to international cartooning was recognized by the jury of the Angoulême International Comics Festival in 2014 by the awarding of its Grand Prix to Watterson , only the fourth American to ever receive the honor ( after Will Eisner , Robert Crumb , and Art Spiegelman ) . In 2016 and 2017 , author Berkeley Breathed included Calvin and Hobbes in various Bloom County cartoons . He launched the first cartoon on April Fool 's Day 2016 and jokingly issued a statement suggesting that he had acquired Calvin and Hobbes from Bill Watterson , who was `` out of the Arizona facility , continent and looking forward to some well - earned financial security . '' While bearing Watterson 's signature and drawing style , as well as featuring characters from both Calvin and Hobbes and Breathed 's Bloom County , it is unclear whether Watterson had any input into these cartoons or not . Grown - up Calvin ( edit ) A number of artists and cartoonists have created works portraying Calvin as a teenager or an adult ; the concept has also inspired writers . In 2011 , a comic strip appeared by cartoonists Dan and Tom Heyerman called Hobbes and Bacon . The strip depicts Calvin as an adult , married to Susie Derkins , with a young daughter named after philosopher Francis Bacon , to whom Calvin gives Hobbes . Though consisting of only four strips originally , Hobbes and Bacon received considerable attention when it appeared and was continued by other cartoonists and artists . A novel entitled Calvin by CLA Young Adult Book Award - winning author Martine Leavitt was published in 2015 . The story tells of seventeen - year - old Calvin -- who was born on the day that Calvin and Hobbes ended , and who has now been diagnosed with schizophrenia -- and his hallucination of Hobbes , his childhood stuffed tiger . With his friend Susie , who might also be a hallucination , Calvin sets off to find Bill Watterson , in the hope that the cartoonist can provide aid for Calvin 's condition . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Campanelli , John ( 2010 - 02 - 01 ) . `` ' Calvin and Hobbes ' fans still pine 15 years after its exit '' . The Plain Dealer . Cleveland , Ohio . Archived from the original on 2011 - 06 - 07 . Retrieved 2015 - 12 - 16 . Jump up ^ Suellentrop , Chris ( 2005 - 11 - 07 ) . `` Calvin and Hobbes : The last great newspaper comic strip '' . Slate . Archived from the original on 2015 - 11 - 03 . Retrieved 2015 - 12 - 16 . ^ Jump up to : O'Hehir , Andrew ( 2013 - 11 - 13 ) . `` ' Dear Mr. Watterson ' : Remembering the last great newspaper comic '' . Salon . San Francisco , California : Salon Media Group . Archived from the original on 2015 - 09 - 24 . Retrieved 2015 - 11 - 21 . ' Calvin and Hobbes ' has been immensely influential -- but mostly in TV animation , in stand - up and sketch comedy , and in graphic novels and in Internet culture . The newspaper comic , like the newspaper itself , has lost its social meaning . Jump up ^ Astor , David ( 1989 - 11 - 04 ) . `` Watterson and Walker Differ on Comics : ' Calvin and Hobbes ' creator criticizes today 's cartooning while ' Beetle Bailey ' / ' Hi and Lois ' creator defends it at meeting '' . Editor & Publisher . Irvine , California : Duncan McIntosh : 78 . Jump up ^ Watterson , Bill ( May 20 , 1990 ) . `` Speech by Bill Watterson '' . Kenyon College , Gambier , Ohio : Via Calvin and Hobbes ' Magical World ( fan site ) . Archived from the original on February 19 , 2006 . Retrieved March 16 , 2006 . Jump up ^ Tucker , Neely ( October 4 , 2005 ) . `` The Tiger Strikes Again '' . The Washington Post . Archived from the original on April 14 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Dean , Paul ( May 26 , 1987 ) . `` Calvin and Hobbes Creator Draws on the Simple Life '' . Los Angeles Times . ^ Jump up to : Christie , Andrew ( January 1987 ) . `` An Interview With Bill Watterson '' . Honk ! via Calvin and Hobbies : Magic on Paper ( fan site ) . Fantagraphics Books . Archived from the original on June 7 , 2011 . Retrieved December 24 , 2011 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Complete Calvin and Hobbes '' . Andrews & McMeel . Archived from the original on 2005 - 10 - 26 . Retrieved 2009 - 05 - 02 . Jump up ^ `` NCS Reuben Award winners ( 1975 -- present ) '' . National Cartoonists Society . Archived from the original on June 28 , 2011 . Retrieved July 12 , 2005 . ^ Jump up to : Watterson ( 2005 ) . vol. 3 , p. 481 . Comic originally published 1995 - 12 - 31 . Jump up ^ Charles Solomon ( October 21 , 2005 ) . `` The Complete Calvin and Hobbes '' . Day to Day . 3 : 28.50 minutes in . NPR . Archived from the original on July 22 , 2011 . In the final strip , Calvin and Hobbes put aside their conflicts and rode their sled into a snowy forest . They left behind a hole in the comics page that no strip has been able to fill . ^ Jump up to : West , Richard Samuel ( February 1989 ) . `` Interview : Bill Watterson '' . The Comics Journal / Fantagraphics via Calvin and Hobbies : Magic on Paper ( fan site ) . Archived from the original on July 14 , 2011 . Retrieved August 30 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Astor , David ( 1988 - 12 - 03 ) . `` Watterson Knocks the Shrinking of Comics '' . Editor & Publisher . Irvine , California : Duncan McIntosh : 40 . Jump up ^ Watterson , Bill ( October 27 , 1989 ) . The Cheapening of the Comics . The 1989 Festival of Cartoon Art . Via Calvin and Hobbies : Magic on Paper ( fansite ) . Archived from the original on July 14 , 2011 . Retrieved December 24 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Astor , David ( 1991 - 03 - 30 ) . `` Nine - month Vacation for Bill Watterson '' . 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ISBN 1 - 878849 - 15 - 8 . Lay summary ( 2004 ) . ^ Jump up to : Martell ( 2010 ) , p. 236 Jump up ^ `` Sunday Funnies Comic Strips Debut on Stamps '' . Columbus , Ohio : United States Postal Service press release . July 16 , 2010 . Archived from the original on October 27 , 2010 . Retrieved January 10 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Watterson ( 1995 ) . p. 12 . Jump up ^ Watterson ( 1995 ) . p. 36 . Jump up ^ Bernstein , Adam ( July 17 , 1997 ) . `` Calvin 's Unauthorized Leak : Stock Car Fans Misuse Comics Character '' . The Virginian - Pilot ( Norfolk , Virginia ) via The Washington Post via Calvin and Hobbes : Magic on Paper ( fan site ) . p . B9 . Archived from the original on July 22 , 2011 . Retrieved April 18 , 2011 . ^ Jump up to : Watterson ( 1995 ) , p. 21 Jump up ^ Watterson ( 1995 ) , p. 200 ^ Jump up to : Watterson ( 1995 ) . p. 20 . ^ Jump up to : Watterson ( 2001 ) . Jump up ^ Bill Watterson ( w , a ) . 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Retrieved March 19 , 2006 . Jump up ^ Watterson ( 1995 ) . p. 25 . Jump up ^ Watterson ( 1995 ) . p. 76 . Jump up ^ Watterson ( 1995 ) . p. 132 . Jump up ^ Watterson , Bill ( 1988 ) . The Essential Calvin and Hobbes : A Calvin and Hobbes Treasury . Kansas City , Missouri : Andrews and McMeel . p. 229 . ISBN 0 - 8362 - 1805 - 1 . Jump up ^ Watterson ( 1995 ) . p. 172 . Jump up ^ Watterson ( 2005 ) . vol. 3 , p. 432 . Comic originally published 1995 - 09 - 11 . Jump up ^ Watterson ( 2005 ) . vol. 2 , pp. 268 -- 273 . Comics originally published 1990 - 04 - 16 to 1990 - 05 - 05 . Jump up ^ Watterson ( 2005 ) . vol. 3 , p. 438 . Comic originally published 1995 - 09 - 24 . ^ Jump up to : Watterson ( 2005 ) . vol. 3 , pp. 430 -- 434 . Comics originally published 1995 - 09 - 04 to 1995 - 09 - 16 . Jump up ^ Watterson ( 2005 ) . vol. 2 , p. 292 . Comic originally published 1990 - 05 - 27 . Jump up ^ Watterson ( 2005 ) . vol. 2 , pp. 292 , 336 . Comics originally published 1990 - 05 - 27 and 1990 - 08 - 26 . Jump up ^ Watterson ( 2005 ) . vol. 2 , pp. 273 , 292 , 336 , 429 ; vol. 3 , pp. 430 -- 433 , 438 . Comics originally published 1990 - 05 - 05 , 1990 - 05 - 27 , 1990 - 08 - 26 , 1991 - 03 - 31 , 1995 - 09 - 04 to 1995 - 09 - 16 , and 1995 - 09 - 24 . Jump up ^ Watterson ( 1995 ) . p. 129 . ^ Jump up to : Watterson ( 1995 ) , p. 104 Jump up ^ Watterson ( 2005 ) . vol. 2 , pp. 233 , 325 . Comics originally published 1990 - 01 - 07 and 1990 - 08 - 10 . Jump up ^ Watterson ( 2005 ) . vol. 1 , pp. 26 , 56 , 217 ; vol. 2 , pp. 120 , 237 , 267 , 298 , 443 ; vol. 3 , pp. 16 , 170 , 224 , 326 , 414 . Comics originally published 1985 - 11 - 30 , 1986 - 02 - 07 , 1987 - 01 - 11 , 1989 - 05 - 28 , 1990 - 02 - 04 , 1990 - 04 - 15 , 1990 - 06 - 10 , 1992 - 02 - 02 , 1992 - 05 - 17 , 1993 - 04 - 18 , 1993 - 08 - 22 , 1995 - 01 - 14 , and 1995 - 07 - 30 . Jump up ^ Watterson ( 2005 ) . vol. 2 , p. 373 . 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I have yet to encounter a statistics textbook that does not contain at least one Calvin and Hobbes comic . Jump up ^ Draper , Christijan D. ( 2009 - 05 - 14 ) . Exploring Calvin and Hobbes : Comic Strip Illuminates Issues Surrounding Family Recreation ( M.S. ) . Brigham Young University . Archived from the original on 2013 - 03 - 28 . Retrieved 2015 - 11 - 24 . Jump up ^ Heit ( 2012 ) . Jump up ^ `` Exploring Calvin and Hobbes : March 22 , 2014 -- August 3 , 2014 '' . Columbus , Ohio : Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum , Ohio State University . 2014 . Archived from the original on 2015 - 08 - 11 . Retrieved 2015 - 11 - 21 . Jump up ^ Cavna , Michael ( 2015 - 03 - 09 ) . `` Bill Watterson talks : This is why you must read the new ' Exploring Calvin and Hobbes ' book '' . The Washington Post . Washington , D.C. : Nash Holdings LLC . Retrieved 2015 - 11 - 21 . Jump up ^ Watterson ( 2015 ) . 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Retrieved 2015 - 11 - 21 . Bill Watterson 's creation got ta be the reason why I love illustration ... And also , there 's tons of fan art around the web , really good ones , and even sculptures . Jump up ^ Daniel ( 2012 - 06 - 07 ) . `` ' The Days Are Just Packed ' - A Calvin and Hobbes Inspired Art Print '' . JazJaz . Archived from the original on 2015 - 03 - 22 . Retrieved 2015 - 11 - 21 . Casey Weldon 's latest art print , inspired by his childhood favorites -- Calvin and Hobbes , will be released in conjunction with the opening of his solo show at Spoke Art . Jump up ^ Olmstead , Gracy ( 2013 - 07 - 20 ) . `` Imagination and the Artistic Value of Calvin & Hobbes '' . The American Conservative . Washington , D.C. : The American Ideas Institute . Archived from the original on 2015 - 09 - 09 . Retrieved 2015 - 11 - 21 . Bill Watterson 's comic series Calvin and Hobbes has inspired a religious following since its publication . Even after its retirement in 1995 , millions of readers remained devoted to the series . Jump up ^ Hawking , Tom ( 2013 - 11 - 14 ) . `` 10 Things You Did n't Know About ' Calvin and Hobbes ' '' . Flavorwire . New York , New York : Flavorpill Media . Archived from the original on 2015 - 05 - 04 . Retrieved 2015 - 11 - 21 . Calvin & Hobbes has always inspired a special brand of obsessive geekdom ... Jump up ^ Martell ( 2010 ) , pp. 216 - 217 `` Family Guy had a brief appearance from Calvin and Hobbes in 2009 . Perhaps the most disturbing use of Calvin and Hobbes was on Seth Green 's Robot Chicken , which did a stop - motion segment in which the parents think Calvin has gone insane , because he imagines his stuffed animal is alive . '' Jump up ^ `` Calvin and Hobbes '' . United Kingdom : BBC Radio 4 . 2009 - 09 - 22 . Archived from the original on 2012 - 02 - 23 . Retrieved 2015 - 11 - 21 . 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( Watterson ) declined to be interviewed for Nevin Martell 's book a few years back , and I felt like if he was n't going to do an interview for a book , it was unlikely he would be involved or participate in a film . Jump up ^ Lambert , Nancy ( 2013 - 11 - 15 ) . `` Dear Mr. Watterson : New Calvin and Hobbes Documentary Has So Many Feels '' . . Macmillan Publishers . Archived from the original on 2015 - 12 - 02 . Retrieved 2015 - 11 - 21 . Jump up ^ Makice , Kevin ( 2012 - 07 - 02 ) . `` Dear Mr. Watterson Explains Why Geeks Love Calvin and Hobbes '' . Wired . San Francisco , California : Condé Nast . Archived from the original on 2015 - 12 - 02 . Retrieved 2015 - 11 - 21 ... the film raised $25,000 to allow the crew to capture interviews with industry cartoonists , including Bill Amend ( Foxtrot ) , Berkeley Breathed ( Bloom County , Outland , Opus ) , Seth Green ( co-creator , Robot Chicken ) and Wiley Miller ( Non-Sequitur ) . 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Retrieved 2015 - 12 - 05 . Jump up ^ `` Berkeley Breathed 's ' Calvin and Hobbes ' gag wins April Fools ' Day '' . CBR. 2016 - 04 - 01 . Retrieved 2017 - 07 - 06 . Jump up ^ `` Grown - Up Calvin And Hobbes : Craig Mahoney 's Painting Will Bring A Tear To Your Eye ( IMAGE ) '' . The Huffington Post . New York , New York : AOL . 2013 - 05 - 28 . Archived from the original on 2015 - 05 - 09 . Retrieved 2015 - 12 - 05 . Jump up ^ Canavan , Gerry ( 2009 - 03 - 01 ) . `` Found on the Internet : grown - up Calvins and Hobbeses '' . Archived from the original on 2009 - 07 - 23 . Retrieved 2015 - 12 - 05 . ^ Jump up to : Leavitt , Martine ( 2015 ) . Calvin . Farrar , Straus and Giroux . ISBN 978 - 0374380731 . Jump up ^ Jagny , Louis A.E. ( 2015 ) . All Grown Up : A Boy and His Tiger ( One - act play ) . CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform . ISBN 978 - 1514752487 . Jump up ^ Heyerman , Dan ; Heyerman , Tom ( 2011 - 05 - 10 ) . `` Hobbes and Bacon '' . Pants are Overrated . Archived from the original on 2015 - 11 - 03 . Retrieved 2015 - 12 - 05 . Jump up ^ Krulwich , Robert ( 2011 - 05 - 31 ) . `` Calvin , Hobbes And Comic Book Biology '' . Krulwich Wonders ... Washington , D.C. : NPR . Archived from the original on 2015 - 09 - 12 . Retrieved 2015 - 12 - 05 . Dan and Tom Heyerman ... to the delight of many Calvin and Hobbes fans ... brought Calvin back ... as an adult ! ... Not only that , he has a kid , a daughter named ' Bacon ' ( named for the Enlightenment philosopher , Francis Bacon . ) Jump up ^ Krulwich , Robert ( 2012 - 02 - 15 ) . `` Calvin And Hobbes , Add The Bacon '' . Krulwich Wonders ... Washington , D.C. : NPR . Archived from the original on 2015 - 09 - 20 . Retrieved 2015 - 12 - 05 . ' Hobbes and Bacon ' ... went instantly viral . Jump up ^ Robinson , Tasha ( 2013 - 03 - 14 ) . `` Check out the web cartoonists continuing Calvin And Hobbes '' . The A.V. Club . Chicago , Illinois : Onion , Inc . Archived from the original on 2015 - 05 - 26 . Retrieved 2015 - 12 - 05 . The strips got a lot of attention when they first posted , and Watterson fans often point back to them ... Terra Snover picked it up with ... strips continuing the Hobbes And Bacon idea ... In February 2013 , Phil Berry at DeviantArt started posting his own , more elaborate Hobbes And Bacon strips ... Meanwhile , a fourth artist , DeviantArt 's DomNX , has spent the past year churning out his own still - ongoing Calvin And Company strip ... Jump up ^ `` Canadian Library Association Announces 2013 CLA Young Adult Book Award Winner and Honour Books '' . Ottawa , Ontario : Canadian Library Association . 2013 - 04 - 15 . Archived from the original ( CFM ) on May 8 , 2015 . Retrieved 2015 - 12 - 05 . Jump up ^ `` PW Picks : Books of the Week , November 16 , 2015 '' . Publishers Weekly . 2015 - 11 - 13 . Archived from the original on 2015 - 11 - 22 . Retrieved 2015 - 12 - 05 . Further reading ( edit ) Watterson , Bill ( 1995 ) . The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary Book . Kansas City , Missouri : Andrews and McMeel . ISBN 0 - 8362 - 0438 - 7 . Watterson , Bill ( 2001 ) . Calvin and Hobbes : Sunday Pages 1985 -- 1995 . Kansas City , Missouri : Andrews McMeel Publishing . ISBN 0 - 7407 - 2135 - 6 . Watterson , Bill ( 2005 ) . The Complete Calvin and Hobbes . Kansas City , Missouri : Andrews McMeel Publishing . ISBN 0 - 7407 - 4847 - 5 . Martell , Nevin ( 2010 ) . Looking for Calvin and Hobbes : The Unconventional Story of Bill Watterson and His Revolutionary Comic Strip ( Revised ed . ) . Continuum Books . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4411 - 0685 - 8 . Heit , Jamey ( 2012 ) . Imagination and Meaning in Calvin and Hobbes . Jefferson , North Carolina : McFarland & Company . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7864 - 9031 - 8 . Watterson , Bill ( 2015 ) . Exploring Calvin and Hobbes : An Exhibition Catalogue . Kansas City , Missouri : Andrews McMeel Publishing . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4494 - 6036 - 5 . External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : Calvin and Hobbes Wikimedia Commons has media related to Calvin and Hobbes . Listen to this article ( 3 parts ) ( info ) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 This audio file was created from a revision of the article `` Calvin and Hobbes '' dated 2006 - 01 - 29 , and does not reflect subsequent edits to the article . ( Audio help ) More spoken articles Official sites Calvin and Hobbes at GoComics Calvin and Hobbes at Andrews McMeel Publishing Fan sites Fisher - Cox , Adam , ed . `` The Calvin and Hobbes Album '' . . Archived from the original on July 7 , 2011 . CS1 maint : Extra text : authors list ( link ) Calvin and Hobbes at Curlie ( based on DMOZ ) Multimedia `` Radio show in which fans of the comic strip express their views about the ending of Calvin and Hobbes '' . ( MP3 ) . CBC Canada via 1995 . Archived from the original on July 16 , 2011 . Missing or empty series = ( help ) `` Spiffy : ' The Complete Calvin and Hobbes ' '' . Morning Edition ( Real , Windows Media ) . November 18 , 2005 . NPR . Archived from the original on July 22 , 2011 . Further reading Suellentrop , Chris ( November 7 , 2005 ) . `` Calvin and Hobbes : The last great newspaper comic strip '' . Slate . Archived from the original on April 14 , 2012 . Calvin and Hobbes at Don Markstein 's Toonopedia . Archived from the original on April 13 , 2012 . hide Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson Characters Calvin Hobbes Other Calvin and Hobbes in translation List of Calvin and Hobbes books Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes Dear Mr. Watterson hide Andrews McMeel Universal Andrews McMeel Universal Uclick ( Universal Press Syndicate Uclick ) AMUSE Comic strips Adam@home Argyle Sweater Baker Street Puzzle Baldo Biographic Bloom County Brainwaves Breaking Cat News Calvin and Hobbes Cathy Cleats Close to Home Condorito Cornered Cul de Sac Doonesbury The Duplex The Elderberries The 5th Wave The Flying McCoys For Better or For Worse FoxTrot Fred Basset The Fusco Brothers Garfield Gaturro Ginger Meggs Heart of the City In the Bleachers In the Sticks Ink Pen James Bond Judge Dredd La Cucaracha Liō Mutt and Jeff Non Sequitur Off the Mark Overboard Peanuts Phoebe and Her Unicorn Pooch Café Real Life Adventures Red and Rover Ronaldinho Gaucho Shortcuts Stone Soup Tank McNamara Thatababy Tom the Dancing Bug W.T. 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which one is calvin and which one is hobbes
Calvin and Hobbes follows the humorous antics of Calvin , a precocious , mischievous , and adventurous six - year - old boy , and Hobbes , his sardonic stuffed tiger . Set in the contemporary suburban United States , the strip depicts Calvin 's frequent flights of fancy and his friendship with Hobbes . It also examines Calvin 's relationships with family and classmates , especially the love / hate relationship between him and his classmate Susie Derkins . Hobbes ' dual nature is a defining motif for the strip : to Calvin , Hobbes is a living anthropomorphic tiger ; all the other characters see Hobbes as an inanimate stuffed toy . Though the series does not mention specific political figures or current events , it does explore broad issues like environmentalism , public education , philosophical quandaries , and the flaws of opinion polls .
Finland - wikipedia Finland This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 19 December 2017 . Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the European country . For other uses , see Finland ( disambiguation ) . Republic of Finland Suomen tasavalta ( Finnish ) Republiken Finland ( Swedish ) Flag Coat of arms Anthem : Maamme ( Finnish ) Vårt land ( Swedish ) `` Our Land '' Location of Finland ( dark green ) -- in Europe ( green & dark grey ) -- in the European Union ( green ) -- ( Legend ) Capital and largest city Helsinki 60 ° 10 ′ N 24 ° 56 ′ E  /  60.167 ° N 24.933 ° E  / 60.167 ; 24.933 Official languages Finnish Swedish Recognised regional languages Sami Religion Evangelical Lutheran Church Orthodox Church Demonym Finnish Finn Government Unitary parliamentary republic President Sauli Niinistö Prime Minister Juha Sipilä Legislature Parliament of Finland Formation Autonomy within Russia 29 March 1809 Independence from the Russian SFSR 6 December 1917 Joined the European Union 1 January 1995 Area Total 338,424 km ( 130,666 sq mi ) ( 64th ) Water ( % ) 10 Population August 2017 estimate 5,509,717 ( 114th ) 2016 official 5,503,297 Density 16 / km ( 41.4 / sq mi ) ( 201st ) GDP ( PPP ) 2017 estimate Total $239.662 billion Per capita $43,545 GDP ( nominal ) 2017 estimate Total $234.524 billion Per capita $42,611 Gini ( 2014 ) 25.6 low 6th HDI ( 2015 ) 0.895 very high 23rd Currency Euro ( € ) ( EUR ) Time zone EET ( UTC + 2 ) Summer ( DST ) EEST ( UTC + 3 ) Date format dd. mm. yyyy Drives on the right Calling code + 358 Patron saint St Henry of Uppsala ISO 3166 code FI Internet TLD . fi The . eu domain is also used , as it is shared with other European Union member states . Finland ( / ˈfɪnlənd / ( listen ) ; Finnish : Suomi ( suo̯mi ) ( listen ) ; Swedish : Finland ( ˈfɪnland ) ) , officially the Republic of Finland ( Finnish : Suomen tasavalta , Swedish : Republiken Finland ) , is a sovereign state in Northern Europe . The country has land borders with Sweden to the northwest , Norway to the north , and Russia to the east . To the south is the Gulf of Finland with Estonia on the opposite side . Finland is a Nordic country situated in the geographical region of Fennoscandia , which also includes Scandinavia . Finland 's population is 5.5 million ( 2016 ) , and the majority of the population is concentrated in the southern region . 88.7 % of the population is Finnish and speaks Finnish , a Uralic language unrelated to the Scandinavian languages ; the next group is the Finland - Swedes ( 5.3 % ) . Finland is the eighth largest country in Europe and the most sparsely populated country in the European Union . It is a parliamentary republic with a central government based in the capital city of Helsinki , local governments in 311 municipalities , and one autonomous region , the Åland Islands . Over 1.4 million people live in the Greater Helsinki metropolitan area , which produces one third of the country 's GDP . Finland was inhabited when the last ice age ended , approximately 9000 BCE . The first settlers left behind artifacts that present characteristics shared with those found in Estonia , Russia , and Norway . The earliest people were hunter - gatherers , using stone tools . The first pottery appeared in 5200 BCE , when the Comb Ceramic culture was introduced . The arrival of the Corded Ware culture in southern coastal Finland between 3000 and 2500 BCE may have coincided with the start of agriculture . The Bronze Age and Iron Age were characterised by extensive contacts with other cultures in the Fennoscandian and Baltic regions and the sedentary farming inhabitation increased towards the end of Iron Age . At the time Finland had three main cultural areas , Finland proper , Tavastia and Karelia , which is reflected in e.g. contemporary jewellery . From the late 13th century , Finland gradually became an integral part of Sweden through the crusades and the Swedish part - colonisation of coastal Finland , a legacy reflected in the prevalence of the Swedish language and its official status . In 1809 Finland was incorporated into the Russian Empire as the autonomous Grand Duchy of Finland . In 1906 , Finland became the first European state to grant all adult citizens the right to vote , and the first in the world to give all adult citizens the right to run for public office . Following the 1917 Russian Revolution , Finland declared itself independent . In 1918 , the fledgling state was divided by civil war , with the Bolshevik - leaning Red Guard supported by the equally new Soviet Russia , fighting the White Guard , supported by the German Empire . After a brief attempt to establish a kingdom , the country became a republic . During World War II , the Soviet Union sought repeatedly to occupy Finland , with Finland losing parts of Karelia , Salla , Kuusamo , Petsamo and some islands , but retaining independence . Finland joined the United Nations in 1955 and established an official policy of neutrality . The Finno - Soviet Treaty of 1948 gave the Soviet Union some leverage in Finnish domestic politics during the Cold War era . Finland joined the OECD in 1969 , the NATO Partnership for Peace in 1994 , the European Union in 1995 , the Euro - Atlantic Partnership Council in 1997 , and finally the Eurozone at its inception , in 1999 . Finland was a relative latecomer to industrialisation , remaining a largely agrarian country until the 1950s . After World War II , the Soviet Union demanded war reparations from Finland not only in money but also in material , such as ships and machinery . This forced Finland to industrialise . It rapidly developed an advanced economy while building an extensive welfare state based on the Nordic model , resulting in widespread prosperity and one of the highest per capita incomes in the world . However , Finnish GDP growth was negative in 2012 -- 2014 ( − 0.698 % to − 1.426 % ) , with a preceding nadir of − 8 % in 2009 . Finland is a top performer in numerous metrics of national performance , including education , economic competitiveness , civil liberties , quality of life , and human development . In 2015 , Finland was ranked first in the World Human Capital and the Press Freedom Index and as the most stable country in the world during 2011 -- 2016 in the Fragile States Index , and second in the Global Gender Gap Report . A large majority of Finns are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church , and freedom of religion is guaranteed under the Finnish Constitution . Contents ( hide ) 1 Etymology 1.1 Suomi 1.2 Concept 2 History 2.1 Prehistory 2.2 Swedish era 2.3 Russian Empire era 2.4 Civil war and early independence 2.5 World War II 3 Language 4 Geography 4.1 Biodiversity 4.2 Climate 4.3 Regions 4.4 Administrative divisions 5 Politics 5.1 Constitution 5.2 President 5.3 Parliament 5.4 Cabinet 5.5 Law 5.6 Foreign relations 5.7 Social security 5.8 Military 6 Economy 6.1 Energy 6.2 Transport 6.3 Industry 6.4 Public policy 6.5 Tourism 7 Demographics 7.1 Largest cities 7.2 Religion 7.3 Health 7.4 Education and science 8 Culture 8.1 Literature 8.2 Visual arts , design , and architecture 8.3 Music 8.3. 1 Classical 8.3. 2 Modern 8.4 Cinema and television 8.5 Media and communications 8.6 Cuisine 8.7 Public holidays 8.8 Sports 9 International rankings 10 See also 11 Notes 12 References 13 Further reading 14 External links Etymology ( edit ) See also : Finns § Etymology The first known written appearance of the name Finland is thought to be on three rune - stones . Two were found in the Swedish province of Uppland and have the inscription finlonti ( U 582 ) . The third was found in Gotland . It has the inscription finlandi ( G 319 ) and dates back to the 13th century . The name can be assumed to be related to the tribe name Finns , which is mentioned at first known time AD 98 ( disputed meaning ) . Suomi ( edit ) The name Suomi ( Finnish for `` Finland '' ) has uncertain origins , but a candidate for a source is the Proto - Baltic word * źemē , meaning `` land '' . In addition to the close relatives of Finnish ( the Finnic languages ) , this name is also used in the Baltic languages Latvian and Lithuanian . Alternatively , the Indo - European word * ghm - on `` man '' ( cf . Gothic guma , Latin homo ) has been suggested , being borrowed as * ćoma . The word originally referred only to the province of Finland Proper , and later to the northern coast of Gulf of Finland , with northern regions such as Ostrobothnia still sometimes being excluded until later . Earlier theories suggested derivation from suomaa ( fen land ) or suoniemi ( fen cape ) , and parallels between saame ( Sami , a Finno - Ugric people in Lapland ) , and Häme ( a province in the inland ) were drawn , but these theories are now considered outdated . Concept ( edit ) Hakkapeliitta featured on a 1940 Finnish stamp In the earliest historical sources from the 12th and 13th centuries , the term Finland refers to the coastal region around Turku from Perniö to Uusikaupunki . This region later became known as Finland Proper in distinction from the country name Finland . Finland became a common name for the whole country in a centuries - long process that started when the Catholic Church established missionary diocese in Nousiainen in the northern part of the province of Suomi possibly sometime in the 12th century . In the 15th century , Finland became a common name for the whole land area to the east of the Bothnian Sea , possibly even including the Åland Islands , when the archipelago was seen as belonging to Turku . What the term actually refers to can vary depending on the sources . In addition , the boundaries to the east and the north were not exact . An establishment of sorts of Finland as a united entity , if only in name , was made when John III of Sweden called his duchy the `` Grand Duchy of Finland '' ( about 1580 ) , as a strategy to counter the claims of the Russian tsar . The term became part of the title of the King of Sweden but had little practical meaning . The Finnish land area had the same standing as the area to the west of the Bothnian Sea , and the Finnish part of the realm had the same representation in the parliament as the western part . In 1637 , Queen Christina named Per Brahe the Younger Governor - General of Finland , Åland , and Ostrobothnia ( other parts of Sweden had also had governor generals ) . The modern boundaries of Finland actually came into existence only after the end of Sweden -- Finland . What was signed over to Russia in 1809 was not so much `` Finland '' as six counties , Åland , and a small part of Västerbotten County . The boundary between the new Grand Duchy of Finland and the remaining part of Sweden could have been drawn along the river Kemijoki , the boundary at the time between Västerbotten County and Österbotten County ( Ostrobothnia ) -- as proposed by the Swedes in the peace negotiations -- or along the river Kalix , thereby including the Finnish - speaking part of Meänmaa -- as proposed by the Russians . The actual boundary , which followed the Torne River and the Muonio River to the fells Saana and Halti in the northwest , was a compromise . The area it delineated was to become what was represented by the concept of Finland -- at least after Tsar Alexander I of Russia permitted the parts of Finland located to the east of the Kymi River , which were conquered by Russia in 1721 and 1743 , called `` Old Finland '' , to be administratively included in `` New Finland '' in 1812 . History ( edit ) Main article : History of Finland Prehistory ( edit ) Main article : History of Finland § Prehistory Northern Europe in 814 According to archaeological evidence , the area now comprising Finland was settled at the latest around 8500 BCE during the Stone Age as the ice sheet of the last ice age receded . The artifacts the first settlers left behind present characteristics that are shared with those found in Estonia , Russia , and Norway . The earliest people were hunter - gatherers , using stone tools . The first pottery appeared in 5200 BCE , when the Comb Ceramic culture was introduced . The arrival of the Corded Ware culture in southern coastal Finland between 3000 and 2500 BCE may have coincided with the start of agriculture . Even with the introduction of agriculture , hunting and fishing continued to be important parts of the subsistence economy . The Bronze Age ( 1500 -- 500 BCE ) and Iron Age ( 500 BCE -- 1200 CE ) were characterised by extensive contacts with other cultures in the Fennoscandian and Baltic regions . There is no consensus on when Uralic languages and Indo - European languages were first spoken in the area of contemporary Finland . During the first millennium AD , early Finnish was spoken in agricultural settlements in southern Finland , whereas Sámi - speaking populations occupied most parts of the country . Although distantly related , the Sami are a different people that retained the hunter - gatherer lifestyle longer than the Finns . The Sami cultural identity and the Sami language have survived in Lapland , the northernmost province , but the Sami have been displaced or assimilated elsewhere . The 12th and 13th centuries were a violent time in the northern Baltic sea . The Livonian crusade was ongoing and Finnish tribes such as the Tavastians and Karelians were in frequent conflicts with Novgorod and with each other . Also during the 12th and 13th centuries several crusades from the Catholic realms of the Baltic Sea were made against Finnish tribes . According to historical sources , Danes made two crusades to Finland , in 1191 and in 1202 , and Swedes , possibly the so - called second crusade to Finland , in 1249 against Tavastians and the third crusade to Finland in 1293 against the Karelians . The so - called first crusade to Finland , possibly in 1155 , is most likely an unreal event . Also it is possible that Germans made violent conversion of Finnish pagans in 13th century . According to a papal letter in 1241 the king of Norway was also fighting against `` nearby pagans '' at that time . Swedish era ( edit ) Main article : Finland under Swedish rule The Swedish Empire following the Treaty of Roskilde of 1658 . Dark green : Sweden proper , as represented in the Riksdag of the Estates . Other greens : Swedish dominions and possessions . Now lying within Helsinki , Suomenlinna is a UNESCO World Heritage Site consisting of an inhabited 18th century sea fortress built on six islands . It is one of Finland 's most popular tourist attractions . As a result of the crusades together and with the colonisation of Finnish coastal areas with Christian Swedish population during the Middle Ages Finland gradually became part of the kingdom of Sweden . In the 17th century , Swedish became the dominant language of the nobility , administration , and education ; Finnish was chiefly a language for the peasantry , clergy , and local courts in predominantly Finnish - speaking areas . During the Protestant Reformation , the Finns gradually converted to Lutheranism . In the 16th century , Mikael Agricola published the first written works in Finnish . The first university in Finland , the Royal Academy of Turku , was established in 1640 . Finland suffered a severe famine in 1696 -- 1697 , during which about one third of the Finnish population died , and a devastating plague a few years later . In the 18th century , wars between Sweden and Russia twice led to the occupation of Finland by Russian forces , times known to the Finns as the Greater Wrath ( 1714 -- 1721 ) and the Lesser Wrath ( 1742 -- 1743 ) . It is estimated that almost an entire generation of young men was lost during the Great Wrath , due namely to the destruction of homes and farms , and to the burning of Helsinki . By this time Finland was the predominant term for the whole area from the Gulf of Bothnia to the Russian border . Two Russo - Swedish wars in twenty - five years served as reminders to the Finnish people of the precarious position between Sweden and Russia . An increasingly vocal elite in Finland soon determined that Finnish ties with Sweden were becoming too costly , and following Gustav III 's War ( 1788 -- 1790 ) , the Finnish elite 's desire to break with Sweden only heightened . In the late eighteenth century a politically active portion of the Finnish nobility became convinced that , due to Sweden and Russia 's repeated use of Finland as a battlefield , it would be in the country 's best interests to seek autonomy . Even before the Russo - Swedish War of 1788 -- 1790 , there were conspiring Finns , among them Col G.M. Sprengtporten , who had supported Gustav III 's coup in 1772 . Sprengporten fell out with the king and resigned his commission in 1777 . In the following decade he tried to secure Russian support for an autonomous Finland , and later became an adviser to Catherine II . In the spirit of the notion of Adolf Ivar Arwidsson ( 1791 -- 1858 ) , `` we are not Swedes , we do not want to become Russians , let us therefore be Finns '' , the Finnish national identity started to become established . Notwithstanding the efforts of Finland 's elite and nobility to break ties with Sweden , there was no genuine independence movement in Finland until the early twentieth century . As a matter of fact , at this time the Finnish peasantry was outraged by the actions of their elite and almost exclusively supported Gustav 's actions against the conspirators . ( The High Court of Turku condemned Sprengtporten as a traitor c. 1793 . ) Russian Empire era ( edit ) Main article : Grand Duchy of Finland See also : Finland 's language strife and Russification of Finland On 29 March 1809 , having been taken over by the armies of Alexander I of Russia in the Finnish War , Finland became an autonomous Grand Duchy in the Russian Empire until the end of 1917 . In 1811 , Alexander I incorporated Russian Vyborg province into the Grand Duchy of Finland . During the Russian era , the Finnish language began to gain recognition . From the 1860s onwards , a strong Finnish nationalist movement known as the Fennoman movement grew . Milestones included the publication of what would become Finland 's national epic -- the Kalevala -- in 1835 , and the Finnish language 's achieving equal legal status with Swedish in 1892 . Pioneers in Karelia ( 1900 ) by Pekka Halonen The Finnish famine of 1866 -- 1868 killed 15 % of the population , making it one of the worst famines in European history . The famine led the Russian Empire to ease financial regulations , and investment rose in following decades . Economic and political development was rapid . The GDP per capita was still half of that of the United States and a third of that of Britain . In 1906 , universal suffrage was adopted in the Grand Duchy of Finland . However , the relationship between the Grand Duchy and the Russian Empire soured when the Russian government made moves to restrict Finnish autonomy . For example , the universal suffrage was , in practice , virtually meaningless , since the tsar did not have to approve any of the laws adopted by the Finnish parliament . Desire for independence gained ground , first among radical liberals and socialists . Civil War and early independence ( edit ) Main articles : Finnish Declaration of Independence and Finnish Civil War After the 1917 February Revolution , the position of Finland as part of the Russian Empire was questioned , mainly by Social Democrats . Since the head of state was the tsar of Russia , it was not clear who the chief executive of Finland was after the revolution . The Parliament , controlled by social democrats , passed the so - called Power Act to give the highest authority to the Parliament . This was rejected by the Russian Provisional Government which decided to dissolve the Parliament . New elections were conducted , in which right - wing parties won a slim majority . Some social democrats refused to accept the result and still claimed that the dissolution of the parliament ( and thus the ensuing elections ) were extralegal . The two nearly equally powerful political blocs , the right - wing parties and the social democratic party , were highly antagonized . White firing squad executing Red soldiers in Länkipohja , Längelmäki , in 1918 . The October Revolution in Russia changed the geopolitical situation anew . Suddenly , the right - wing parties in Finland started to reconsider their decision to block the transfer of highest executive power from the Russian government to Finland , as the Bolsheviks took power in Russia . Rather than acknowledge the authority of the Power Law of a few months earlier , the right - wing government declared independence on 6 December 1917 . On 27 January 1918 , the official opening shots of the war were fired in two simultaneous events . The government started to disarm the Russian forces in Pohjanmaa , and the Social Democratic Party staged a coup . The latter succeeded in controlling southern Finland and Helsinki , but the white government continued in exile from Vaasa . This sparked the brief but bitter civil war . The Whites , who were supported by Imperial Germany , prevailed over the Reds . After the war , tens of thousands of Reds and suspected sympathizers were interned in camps , where thousands died by execution or from malnutrition and disease . Deep social and political enmity was sown between the Reds and Whites and would last until the Winter War and beyond . The civil war and activist expeditions into Soviet Russia strained Eastern relations . After a brief experimentation with monarchy , Finland became a presidential republic , with Kaarlo Juho Ståhlberg elected as its first president in 1919 . The Finnish -- Russian border was determined by the Treaty of Tartu in 1920 , largely following the historic border but granting Pechenga ( Finnish : Petsamo ) and its Barents Sea harbour to Finland . Finnish democracy did not see any Soviet coup attempts and survived the anti-Communist Lapua Movement . The relationship between Finland and the Soviet Union was tense . Germany 's relations with democratic Finland cooled also after the Nazis ' rise to power . Army officers were trained in France , and relations to Western Europe and Sweden were strengthened . In 1917 , the population was 3 million . Credit - based land reform was enacted after the civil war , increasing the proportion of capital - owning population . About 70 % of workers were occupied in agriculture and 10 % in industry . The largest export markets were the United Kingdom and Germany . World War II ( edit ) Areas ceded by Finland to the Soviet Union after the Winter War from 1939 to 1940 and the Continuation War from 1941 to 1944 . The Porkkala land lease was returned to Finland in 1956 . Finland covered an area of approximately 385,000 km ( 149,000 sq mi ) before the handover . Main article : Military history of Finland during World War II During World War II , Finland fought the Soviet Union twice : in the Winter War of 1939 -- 1940 after the Soviet Union had attacked Finland ; and in the Continuation War of 1941 -- 1944 , following Operation Barbarossa , during which Finland aligned with Germany following Germany 's invasion of the Soviet Union . For 872 days , the German army , aided indirectly by Finnish forces , besieged Leningrad , the USSR 's second largest city . After fighting a major Soviet offensive in June / July 1944 to a standstill , Finland reached an armistice with the Soviet Union . This was followed by the Lapland War of 1944 -- 1945 , when Finland fought against the retreating German forces in northern Finland . The treaties signed in 1947 and 1948 with the Soviet Union included Finnish obligations , restraints , and reparations -- as well as further Finnish territorial concessions in addition to those in the Moscow Peace Treaty of 1940 . As a result of the two wars , Finland ceded most of Finnish Karelia , Salla , and Petsamo , which amounted to 10 % of its land area and 20 % of its industrial capacity , including the ports of Vyborg ( Viipuri ) and the ice - free Liinakhamari ( Liinahamari ) . Almost the whole population , some 400,000 people , fled these areas . Finland was never occupied by Soviet forces and it retained its independence , but at the loss of about 93,000 soldiers . Finland rejected Marshall aid , in apparent deference to Soviet desires . However , the United States provided secret development aid and helped the ( non-Communist ) Social Democratic Party in hopes of preserving Finland 's independence . Establishing trade with the Western powers , such as the United Kingdom , and paying reparations to the Soviet Union produced a transformation of Finland from a primarily agrarian economy to an industrialised one . For example , the Valmet corporation was founded to create materials for war reparations , but , after the reparations had been paid off , Finland -- which was poor in certain resources necessary for an industrialized nation ( such as iron and oil ) -- continued to trade with the Soviet Union in the framework of bilateral trade . Urho Kekkonen , the eighth president of Finland ( 1956 -- 1982 ) In 1950 , 46 % of Finnish workers worked in agriculture and a third lived in urban areas . The new jobs in manufacturing , services , and trade quickly attracted people to the towns . The average number of births per woman declined from a baby boom peak of 3.5 in 1947 to 1.5 in 1973 . When baby - boomers entered the workforce , the economy did not generate jobs fast enough , and hundreds of thousands emigrated to the more industrialized Sweden , with emigration peaking in 1969 and 1970 . The 1952 Summer Olympics brought international visitors . Finland took part in trade liberalization in the World Bank , the International Monetary Fund and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade . Officially claiming to be neutral , Finland lay in the grey zone between the Western countries and the Soviet Union . The YYA Treaty ( Finno - Soviet Pact of Friendship , Cooperation and Mutual Assistance ) gave the Soviet Union some leverage in Finnish domestic politics . This was extensively exploited by president Urho Kekkonen against his opponents . He maintained an effective monopoly on Soviet relations from 1956 on , which was crucial for his continued popularity . In politics , there was a tendency of avoiding any policies and statements that could be interpreted as anti-Soviet . This phenomenon was given the name `` Finlandization '' by the West German press . Despite close relations with the Soviet Union , Finland maintained a market economy . Various industries benefited from trade privileges with the Soviets , which explains the widespread support that pro-Soviet policies enjoyed among business interests in Finland . Economic growth was rapid in the postwar era , and by 1975 Finland 's GDP per capita was the 15th highest in the world . In the 1970s and 80s , Finland built one of the most extensive welfare states in the world . Finland negotiated with the EEC ( a predecessor of the European Union ) a treaty that mostly abolished customs duties towards the EEC starting from 1977 , although Finland did not fully join . In 1981 , president Urho Kekkonen 's failing health forced him to retire after holding office for 25 years . Finland reacted cautiously to the collapse of the Soviet Union , but swiftly began increasing integration with the West . On 21 September 1990 , Finland unilaterally declared the Paris Peace Treaty obsolete , following the German reunification decision nine days earlier . Finland joined the European Union in 1995 and signed the Lisbon Treaty in 2007 . Miscalculated macroeconomic decisions , a banking crisis , the collapse of its largest single trading partner ( the Soviet Union ) , and a global economic downturn caused a deep early 1990s recession in Finland . The depression bottomed out in 1993 , and Finland saw steady economic growth for more than ten years . Like other Nordic countries , Finland decentralised its economy since the late 1980s . Financial and product market regulation were loosened . Some state enterprises have been privatized and there have been some modest tax cuts . Finland joined the European Union in 1995 , and the Eurozone in 1999 . Much of the late 1990s economic growth was fueled by the phenomenal success of the mobile phone manufacturer Nokia , which held a unique position of representing 80 % of the market capitalization of the Helsinki Stock Exchange . Language ( edit ) Main articles : Finnish language , Finland Swedish , and Languages of Finland Finnish and Swedish are the official languages of Finland . Finnish predominates nationwide while Swedish is spoken in some coastal areas in the west and south and in the autonomous region of Åland . The native language of 89 % of the population is Finnish , which is part of the Finnic subgroup of the Uralic languages . The language is one of only four official EU languages not of Indo - European origin . Finnish is closely related to Karelian and Estonian and more remotely to the Sami languages and Hungarian . Swedish is the native language of 5.3 % of the population ( Swedish - speaking Finns ) . The Nordic languages and Karelian are also specially treated in some contexts . Finnish Romani is spoken by some 5,000 -- 6,000 people , Finnish Romani and Finnish Sign Language are also recognized in the constitution . There are two sign languages : Finnish Sign Language , spoken natively by 4,000 -- 5,000 people , and Finland - Swedish Sign Language , spoken natively by about 150 people . Tatar language is spoken by a Finnish Tatar minority of about 800 people who moved to Finland mainly during the Russian rule from the 1870s until the 1920s . The Sami language is an official language to the north , in Lapland or in northern Lapland , where are the Sami people , numbering around 7,000 and recognized as an indigenous people . About a quarter of them speak a Sami language as their mother tongue . The Sami languages that are spoken in Finland are Northern Sami , Inari Sami , and Skolt Sami . The rights of minority groups ( in particular Sami , Swedish speakers , and Romani people ) are protected by the constitution . The largest immigrant languages are Russian ( 1.4 % ) , Estonian ( 0.9 % ) , Arabic ( 0.4 % ) , Somali ( 0.3 % ) and English ( 0.3 % ) . English is studied by most pupils as a compulsory subject from the third or fifth grade ( at 9 or 11 years of age respectively ) in the comprehensive school ( in some schools other languages can be chosen instead ) . German , French , and Russian can be studied as second foreign languages from the eighth grade ( at 14 years of age ; some schools may offer other options ) . Geography ( edit ) Detailed map of Finland . ( See also Atlas of Finland . ) Main article : Geography of Finland See also : List of cities and towns in Finland , List of lakes in Finland , List of national parks of Finland , and Environmental issues in Finland Lying approximately between latitudes 60 ° and 70 ° N , and longitudes 20 ° and 32 ° E , Finland is one of the world 's northernmost countries . Of world capitals , only Reykjavík lies more to the north than Helsinki . The distance from the southernmost point -- Hanko in Uusimaa -- to the northernmost -- Nuorgam in Lapland -- is 1,160 kilometres ( 720 mi ) . Finland has about 168,000 lakes ( of area larger than 500 m or 0.12 acres ) and 179,000 islands . Its largest lake , Saimaa , is the fourth largest in Europe . The Finnish Lakeland is the area with the most lakes in the country . The greatest concentration of islands is found in the southwest , in the Archipelago Sea between continental Finland and the main island of Åland . Much of the geography of Finland is a result of the Ice Age . The glaciers were thicker and lasted longer in Fennoscandia compared with the rest of Europe . Their eroding effects have left the Finnish landscape mostly flat with few hills and fewer mountains . Its highest point , the Halti at 1,324 metres ( 4,344 ft ) , is found in the extreme north of Lapland at the border between Finland and Norway . The highest mountain whose peak is entirely in Finland is Ridnitšohkka at 1,316 m ( 4,318 ft ) , directly adjacent to Halti . The whooper swan , Finland 's national bird The retreating glaciers have left the land with morainic deposits in formations of eskers . These are ridges of stratified gravel and sand , running northwest to southeast , where the ancient edge of the glacier once lay . Among the biggest of these are the three Salpausselkä ridges that run across southern Finland . Having been compressed under the enormous weight of the glaciers , terrain in Finland is rising due to the post-glacial rebound . The effect is strongest around the Gulf of Bothnia , where land steadily rises about 1 cm ( 0.4 in ) a year . As a result , the old sea bottom turns little by little into dry land : the surface area of the country is expanding by about 7 square kilometres ( 2.7 sq mi ) annually . Relatively speaking , Finland is rising from the sea . The landscape is covered mostly by coniferous taiga forests and fens , with little cultivated land . Of the total area 10 % is lakes , rivers and ponds , and 78 % forest . The forest consists of pine , spruce , birch , and other species . Finland is the largest producer of wood in Europe and among the largest in the world . The most common type of rock is granite . It is a ubiquitous part of the scenery , visible wherever there is no soil cover . Moraine or till is the most common type of soil , covered by a thin layer of humus of biological origin . Podzol profile development is seen in most forest soils except where drainage is poor . Gleysols and peat bogs occupy poorly drained areas . Biodiversity ( edit ) Main articles : Fauna of Finland and Wildlife of Finland Phytogeographically , Finland is shared between the Arctic , central European , and northern European provinces of the Circumboreal Region within the Boreal Kingdom . According to the WWF , the territory of Finland can be subdivided into three ecoregions : the Scandinavian and Russian taiga , Sarmatic mixed forests , and Scandinavian Montane Birch forest and grasslands . Taiga covers most of Finland from northern regions of southern provinces to the north of Lapland . On the southwestern coast , south of the Helsinki - Rauma line , forests are characterized by mixed forests , that are more typical in the Baltic region . In the extreme north of Finland , near the tree line and Arctic Ocean , Montane Birch forests are common . The brown bear ( Ursus arctos ) is Finland 's national animal . Similarly , Finland has a diverse and extensive range of fauna . There are at least sixty native mammalian species , 248 breeding bird species , over 70 fish species , and 11 reptile and frog species present today , many migrating from neighboring countries thousands of years ago . Large and widely recognized wildlife mammals found in Finland are the brown bear ( the national animal ) , gray wolf , wolverine , and elk . Three of the more striking birds are the whooper swan , a large European swan and the national bird of Finland ; the Western capercaillie , a large , black - plumaged member of the grouse family ; and the Eurasian eagle - owl . The latter is considered an indicator of old - growth forest connectivity , and has been declining because of landscape fragmentation . The most common breeding birds are the willow warbler , common chaffinch , and redwing . Of some seventy species of freshwater fish , the northern pike , perch , and others are plentiful . Atlantic salmon remains the favourite of fly rod enthusiasts . The endangered Saimaa ringed seal , one of only three lake seal species in the world , exists only in the Saimaa lake system of southeastern Finland , down to only 300 seals today . It has become the emblem of the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation . Climate ( edit ) Main article : Climate of Finland Köppen climate classification types of Finland Koli National Park in North Karelia Repovesi National Park in southeastern Finland The main factor influencing Finland 's climate is the country 's geographical position between the 60th and 70th northern parallels in the Eurasian continent 's coastal zone . In the Köppen climate classification , the whole of Finland lies in the boreal zone , characterized by warm summers and freezing winters . Within the country , the temperateness varies considerably between the southern coastal regions and the extreme north , showing characteristics of both a maritime and a continental climate . Finland is near enough to the Atlantic Ocean to be continuously warmed by the Gulf Stream . The Gulf Stream combines with the moderating effects of the Baltic Sea and numerous inland lakes to explain the unusually warm climate compared with other regions that share the same latitude , such as Alaska , Siberia , and southern Greenland . Winters in southern Finland ( when mean daily temperature remains below 0 ° C or 32 ° F ) are usually about 100 days long , and in the inland the snow typically covers the land from about late November to April , and on the coastal areas such as Helsinki , snow often covers the land from late December to late March . Even in the south , the harshest winter nights can see the temperatures fall to − 30 ° C ( − 22 ° F ) although on coastal areas like Helsinki , temperatures below − 30 ° C ( − 22 ° F ) are very rare . Climatic summers ( when mean daily temperature remains above 10 ° C or 50 ° F ) in southern Finland last from about late May to mid-September , and in the inland , the warmest days of July can reach over 35 ° C ( 95 ° F ) . Although most of Finland lies on the taiga belt , the southernmost coastal regions are sometimes classified as hemiboreal . Pyhä - Luosto National Park , Lapland In northern Finland , particularly in Lapland , the winters are long and cold , while the summers are relatively warm but short . The most severe winter days in Lapland can see the temperature fall down to − 45 ° C ( − 49 ° F ) . The winter of the north lasts for about 200 days with permanent snow cover from about mid-October to early May . Summers in the north are quite short , only two to three months , but can still see maximum daily temperatures above 25 ° C ( 77 ° F ) during heat waves . No part of Finland has Arctic tundra , but Alpine tundra can be found at the fells Lapland . The Finnish climate is suitable for cereal farming only in the southernmost regions , while the northern regions are suitable for animal husbandry . A quarter of Finland 's territory lies within the Arctic Circle and the midnight sun can be experienced for more days the farther north one travels . At Finland 's northernmost point , the sun does not set for 73 consecutive days during summer , and does not rise at all for 51 days during winter . Regions ( edit ) Main article : Regions of Finland Finland consists of 19 regions called maakunta in Finnish and landskap in Swedish . The regions are governed by regional councils which serve as forums of cooperation for the municipalities of a region . The main tasks of the regions are regional planning and development of enterprise and education . In addition , the public health services are usually organized on the basis of regions . Currently , the only region where a popular election is held for the council is Kainuu . Other regional councils are elected by municipal councils , each municipality sending representatives in proportion to its population . In addition to inter-municipal cooperation , which is the responsibility of regional councils , each region has a state Employment and Economic Development Centre which is responsible for the local administration of labour , agriculture , fisheries , forestry , and entrepreneurial affairs . The Finnish Defence Forces regional offices are responsible for the regional defence preparations and for the administration of conscription within the region . Regions represent dialectal , cultural , and economic variations better than the former provinces , which were purely administrative divisions of the central government . Historically , regions are divisions of historical provinces of Finland , areas which represent dialects and culture more accurately . Six Regional State Administrative Agencies were created by the state of Finland in 2010 , each of them responsible for one of the regions called alue in Finnish and region in Swedish ; in addition , Åland was designated a seventh region . These take over some of the tasks of the earlier Provinces of Finland ( the läänis ) , which were abolished . Lapland Northern Ostrobothnia Kainuu North Karelia Northern Savonia Southern Savonia Southern Ostrobothnia Ostrobothnia Pirkanmaa Satakunta Central Ostrobothnia Central Finland Southwest Finland South Karelia Päijänne Tavastia Tavastia Proper Uusimaa Kymenlaakso Åland Islands In English In Finnish In Swedish Capital Regional state administrative agency Lapland Lappi Lappland Rovaniemi Lapland Northern Ostrobothnia Pohjois - Pohjanmaa Norra Österbotten Oulu Northern Finland Kainuu Kainuu Kajanaland Kajaani Northern Finland North Karelia Pohjois - Karjala Norra Karelen Joensuu Eastern Finland Northern Savonia Pohjois - Savo Norra Savolax Kuopio Eastern Finland Southern Savonia Etelä - Savo Södra Savolax Mikkeli Eastern Finland Southern Ostrobothnia Etelä - Pohjanmaa Södra Österbotten Seinäjoki Western and Central Finland Central Ostrobothnia Keski - Pohjanmaa Mellersta Österbotten Kokkola Western and Central Finland Ostrobothnia Pohjanmaa Österbotten Vaasa Western and Central Finland Pirkanmaa Pirkanmaa Birkaland Tampere Western and Central Finland Central Finland Keski - Suomi Mellersta Finland Jyväskylä Western and Central Finland Satakunta Satakunta Satakunta Pori South - Western Finland Southwest Finland Varsinais - Suomi Egentliga Finland Turku South - Western Finland South Karelia Etelä - Karjala Södra Karelen Lappeenranta Southern Finland Päijänne Tavastia Päijät - Häme Päijänne - Tavastland Lahti Southern Finland Tavastia Proper Kanta - Häme Egentliga Tavastland Hämeenlinna Southern Finland Uusimaa Uusimaa Nyland Helsinki Southern Finland Kymenlaakso Kymenlaakso Kymmenedalen Kouvola Southern Finland Åland Islands Ahvenanmaa Åland Mariehamn Åland The region of Eastern Uusimaa was consolidated with Uusimaa on 1 January 2011 . Administrative divisions ( edit ) Main articles : Administrative divisions of Finland , Regions of Finland , Sub-regions of Finland , Municipalities of Finland , and Historical provinces of Finland Further information : List of Finnish municipalities , List of Finnish municipalities by population , List of Finnish municipalities by area , and Former municipalities of Finland The fundamental administrative divisions of the country are the municipalities , which may also call themselves towns or cities . They account for half of public spending . Spending is financed by municipal income tax , state subsidies , and other revenue . As of 2017 , there are 311 municipalities , and most have fewer than 6,000 residents . In addition to municipalities , two intermediate levels are defined . Municipalities co-operate in seventy sub-regions and nineteen regions . These are governed by the member municipalities and have only limited powers . The autonomous province of Åland has a permanent democratically elected regional council . In the Kainuu region , there is a pilot project underway with regional elections . Sami people have a semi-autonomous Sami native region in Lapland for issues on language and culture . In the following chart , the number of inhabitants includes those living in the entire municipality ( kunta / kommun ) , not just in the built - up area . The land area is given in km2 , and the density in inhabitants per km2 ( land area ) . The figures are as of 31 August 2017 . The capital region -- comprising Helsinki , Vantaa , Espoo and Kauniainen -- forms a continuous conurbation of over 1.1 million people . However , common administration is limited to voluntary cooperation of all municipalities , e.g. in Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council . City Population Land area Density Regional map Population map Helsinki 642,045 213.75 3,003.72 Municipalities ( thin borders ) and regions ( thick borders ) of Finland ( 2009 ) . Population map of Finland Espoo 277,375 312.26 888.28 Tampere 230,537 525.03 439.09 Vantaa 221,821 238.37 930.57 Oulu 201,124 1,410.17 142.62 Turku 188,584 245.67 767.63 Jyväskylä 139,260 1,170.99 118.93 Lahti 119,395 135.05 884.08 Kuopio 117,842 1,597.39 73.77 Kouvola 84,548 2,558.24 33.05 Pori 84,779 834.06 101.65 Joensuu 75,652 2,381.76 31.76 Lappeenranta 72,685 1,433.36 50.71 Hämeenlinna 67,601 1,785.76 37.86 Vaasa 66,876 188.81 354.2 Politics ( edit ) Main article : Politics of Finland See also : List of political parties in Finland and Human rights in Finland Constitution ( edit ) The Constitution of Finland defines the political system ; Finland is a parliamentary republic within the framework of a representative democracy . The Prime Minister is the country 's most powerful person . The current version of the constitution was enacted on 1 March 2000 , and was amended on 1 March 2012 . Citizens can run and vote in parliamentary , municipal , presidential and European Union elections . President ( edit ) Main article : President of Finland The head of state of Finland is President of the Republic of Finland ( in Finnish : Suomen tasavallan presidentti ; in Swedish : Republiken Finlands president ) . Finland has had for most of its independence a semi-presidential system , but in the last few decades the powers of the President have been diminished . In constitution amendments , which came into effect in 1991 or 1992 and also with a new drafted constitution of 2000 , amended in 2012 , the President 's position has become primarily a ceremonial office . However , the President still leads the nation 's foreign politics together with the Council of State and is the chief - in - command of the Defence Forces . The position still does entail some powers , including responsibility for foreign policy ( excluding affairs related to the European Union ) in cooperation with the cabinet , being the head of the armed forces , some decree powers , and some appointive powers . Direct , one - or two - stage elections are used to elect the president for a term of six years and for a maximum of two consecutive terms . The current president is Sauli Niinistö ; he took office on 1 March 2012 . Former presidents were K.J. Ståhlberg ( 1919 -- 1925 ) , L.K. Relander ( 1925 -- 1931 ) , P.E. Svinhufvud ( 1931 -- 1937 ) , Kyösti Kallio ( 1937 -- 1940 ) , Risto Ryti ( 1940 -- 1944 ) , C.G.E. Mannerheim ( 1944 -- 1946 ) , J.K. Paasikivi ( 1946 -- 1956 ) , Urho Kekkonen ( 1956 -- 1982 ) , Mauno Koivisto ( 1982 -- 1994 ) , Martti Ahtisaari ( 1994 -- 2000 ) , and Tarja Halonen ( 2000 -- 2012 ) . The current president was elected from the ranks of the National Coalition Party for the first time since 1946 . The presidency between 1946 and the present was instead held by a member of the Social Democratic Party or the Centre Party . Parliament ( edit ) Main article : Parliament of Finland The Parliament of Finland 's main building . The 200 - member unicameral Parliament of Finland ( Finnish : Eduskunta , Swedish : Riksdag ) exercises supreme legislative authority in the country . It may alter the constitution and ordinary laws , dismiss the cabinet , and override presidential vetoes . Its acts are not subject to judicial review ; the constitutionality of new laws is assessed by the parliament 's constitutional law committee . The parliament is elected for a term of four years using the proportional D'Hondt method within a number of multi-seat constituencies through open list multi-member districts . Various parliament committees listen to experts and prepare legislation . The speaker of the parliament is Maria Lohela ( sin . ) . Since universal suffrage was introduced in 1906 , the parliament has been dominated by the Centre Party ( former Agrarian Union ) , the National Coalition Party , and the Social Democrats . These parties have enjoyed approximately equal support , and their combined vote has totalled about 65 -- 80 % of all votes . Their lowest common total of MPs , 121 , was reached in the 2011 elections . For a few decades after 1944 , the Communists were a strong fourth party . Due to the electoral system of proportional representation , and the relative reluctance of voters to switch their support between parties , the relative strengths of the parties have commonly varied only slightly from one election to another . However , there have been some long - term trends , such as the rise and fall of the Communists during the Cold War ; the steady decline into insignificance of the Liberals and its predecessors from 1906 to 1980 ; and the rise of the Green League since 1983 . In the 2011 elections , the Finns Party achieved exceptional success , increasing its representation from 5 to 39 seats , surpassing the Centre Party . The autonomous province of Åland , which forms a federacy with Finland , elects one member to the parliament , who traditionally joins the parliamentary group of the Swedish People 's Party of Finland . ( The province also holds elections for its own permanent regional council , and in the 2011 elections , Åland Centre was the largest party . ) Republic of Finland This article is part of a series on the politics and government of Finland State ( show ) Constitution Declaration of Independence Human rights Executive ( show ) President ( list ) Sauli Niinistö Prime Minister ( list ) Juha Sipilä Cabinet Executive departments Legislative ( show ) 37th Parliament Speaker : Maria Lohela Judiciary ( show ) General Courts Supreme Court Courts of Appeal District Courts Administrative Courts Supreme Administrative Court Regional Administrative Courts Prosecutor General Matti Kuusimäki Chancellor of Justice Jaakko Jonkka Recent elections ( show ) Parliamentary : 2007 2011 2015 Presidential : 2000 2006 2012 European : 2004 2009 2014 Political parties ( show ) Centre Party ( KESK ) Christian Democrats ( KD ) Green League ( VIHR ) Finns Party ( PS ) Blue Reform ( SIN ) Left Alliance ( VAS ) National Coalition Party ( KOK ) Social Democratic Party ( SDP ) Swedish People 's Party ( RKP ) Administrative divisions ( show ) Regions ( Maakunnat , Landskap ) Sub-regions ( Seutukunnat , Ekonomiska regioner ) Municipalities ( Kunnat , Kommuner ) Foreign relations ( show ) Ambassadors Other countries Atlas The Parliament can be dissolved by a recommendation of the Prime Minister , endorsed by the President . This procedure has never been used , although the parliament was dissolved eight times under the pre-2000 constitution , when this action was the sole prerogative of the president . After the parliamentary elections on 19 April 2015 , the seats were divided among eight parties as follows : Party Seats Net gain / loss % of seats % of votes Centre Party 49 + 14 24.5 21.1 Finns Party 38 − 1 19.0 17.7 National Coalition Party 37 − 7 18.5 18.2 Social Democratic Party 34 − 8 17.0 16.5 Green League 15 + 5 7.5 8.5 Left Alliance 12 − 2 6.0 7.1 Swedish People 's Party 9 0 4.5 4.9 Christian Democrats 5 − 1 2.5 3.5 Others 1 0 0.5 0.6 Province of Åland 's representative . Cabinet ( edit ) After parliamentary elections , the parties negotiate among themselves on forming a new cabinet ( the Finnish Government ) , which then has to be approved by a simple majority vote in the parliament . The cabinet can be dismissed by a parliamentary vote of no confidence , although this rarely happens ( the last time in 1957 ) , as the parties represented in the cabinet usually make up a majority in the parliament . The cabinet exercises most executive powers , and originates most of the bills that the parliament then debates and votes on . It is headed by the Prime Minister of Finland , and consists of him or her , of other ministers , and of the Chancellor of Justice . The current prime minister is Juha Sipilä ( Centre Party ) . Each minister heads his or her ministry , or , in some cases , has responsibility for a subset of a ministry 's policy . After the prime minister , the most powerful minister is the minister of finance . The incumbent Minister of Finance is Petteri Orpo . As no one party ever dominates the parliament , Finnish cabinets are multi-party coalitions . As a rule , the post of prime minister goes to the leader of the biggest party and that of the minister of finance to the leader of the second biggest . Law ( edit ) Main articles : Law of Finland and Judicial system of Finland The judicial system of Finland is a civil law system divided between courts with regular civil and criminal jurisdiction and administrative courts with jurisdiction over litigation between individuals and the public administration . Finnish law is codified and based on Swedish law and in a wider sense , civil law or Roman law . The court system for civil and criminal jurisdiction consists of local courts ( käräjäoikeus , tingsrätt ) , regional appellate courts ( hovioikeus , hovrätt ) , and the Supreme Court ( korkein oikeus , högsta domstolen ) . The administrative branch of justice consists of administrative courts ( hallinto - oikeus , förvaltningsdomstol ) and the Supreme Administrative Court ( korkein hallinto - oikeus , högsta förvaltningsdomstolen ) . In addition to the regular courts , there are a few special courts in certain branches of administration . There is also a High Court of Impeachment for criminal charges against certain high - ranking officeholders . Around 92 % of residents have confidence in Finland 's security institutions . The overall crime rate of Finland is not high in the EU context . Some crime types are above average , notably the highest homicide rate in Western Europe . A day fine system is in effect and also applied to offenses such as speeding . Finland has successfully fought against government corruption , which was more common in the 1970s and 80s . For instance , economic reforms and EU membership introduced stricter requirements for open bidding and many public monopolies were abolished . Today , Finland has a very low number of corruption charges ; Transparency International ranks Finland as one of the least corrupt countries in Europe . In 2008 , Transparency International criticized the lack of transparency of the system of Finnish political finance . According to GRECO in 2007 , corruption should be taken into account in the Finnish system of election funds better . A scandal revolving around campaign finance of the 2007 parliamentary elections broke out in spring 2008 . Nine Ministers of Government submitted incomplete funding reports and even more of the members of parliament . The law includes no punishment of false funds reports of the elected politicians . Foreign relations ( edit ) Main article : Foreign relations of Finland Martti Ahtisaari receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 2008 According to the 2012 constitution , the president ( currently Sauli Niinistö ) leads foreign policy in cooperation with the government , except that the president has no role in EU affairs . In 2008 , president Martti Ahtisaari was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize . Finland was considered a cooperative model state , and Finland did not oppose proposals for a common EU defence policy . This was reversed in the 2000s , when Tarja Halonen and Erkki Tuomioja made Finland 's official policy to resist other EU members ' plans for common defence . Social security ( edit ) Main article : Social security in Finland Finland has one of the world 's most extensive welfare systems , one that guarantees decent living conditions for all residents , Finns , and non-citizens . Since the 1980s the social security has been cut back , but still the system is one of the most comprehensive in the world . Created almost entirely during the first three decades after World War II , the social security system was an outgrowth of the traditional Nordic belief that the state was not inherently hostile to the well - being of its citizens , but could intervene benevolently on their behalf . According to some social historians , the basis of this belief was a relatively benign history that had allowed the gradual emergence of a free and independent peasantry in the Nordic countries and had curtailed the dominance of the nobility and the subsequent formation of a powerful right wing . Finland 's history has been harsher than the histories of the other Nordic countries , but not harsh enough to bar the country from following their path of social development . Military ( edit ) Sisu Nasu NA - 110 tracked transport vehicle of the Finnish Army . Most conscripts receive training for warfare in winter , and transport vehicles such as this give mobility in heavy snow . Main articles : Finnish Defence Forces and Military history of Finland See also : List of wars involving Finland The Finnish Defence Forces consist of a cadre of professional soldiers ( mainly officers and technical personnel ) , currently serving conscripts , and a large reserve . The standard readiness strength is 34,700 people in uniform , of which 25 % are professional soldiers . A universal male conscription is in place , under which all male Finnish nationals above 18 years of age serve for 6 to 12 months of armed service or 12 months of civilian ( non-armed ) service . Voluntary post-conscription overseas peacekeeping service is popular , and troops serve around the world in UN , NATO , and EU missions . Approximately 500 women choose voluntary military service every year . Women are allowed to serve in all combat arms including front - line infantry and special forces . The army consists of a highly mobile field army backed up by local defence units . The army defends the national territory and its military strategy employs the use of the heavily forested terrain and numerous lakes to wear down an aggressor , instead of attempting to hold the attacking army on the frontier . Finnish defence expenditure per capita is one of the highest in the European Union . The Finnish military doctrine is based on the concept of total defence . The term total means that all sectors of the government and economy are involved in the defence planning . The armed forces are under the command of the Chief of Defence ( currently General Jarmo Lindberg ) , who is directly subordinate to the president in matters related to military command . The branches of the military are the army , the navy , and the air force . The border guard is under the Ministry of the Interior but can be incorporated into the Defence Forces when required for defence readiness . Even while Finland has n't joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization , the country has joined the NATO Response Force , the EU Battlegroup , the NATO Partnership for Peace and in signed a NATO Memorandum of Understanding , thus forming a practical coalition . In 2015 , the Finland - NATO ties were strengthened with a host nation support agreement allowing assistance from NATO troops in emergency situations . Finland has been active participant in the Afghanistan and Kosovo . Recently Finland has been more eager to discuss about its current and planned roles in Syria , Iraq and war against ISIL . On 21 December 2012 Finnish military officer Atte Kaleva was reported to have been kidnapped and later released in Yemen for ransom . At first he was reported be a casual Arabic student , however only later it was published that his studies were about jihadists , terrorism , and that he was employed by the military . As response to French request for solidarity , Finnish defence minister commented in November that Finland could and is willing to offer intelligence support . In May 2015 , Finnish Military sent nearly one million letters to all relevant males in the country , informing them about their roles in the war effort . It was globally speculated that Finland was preparing for war -- however Finland claimed that this was a standard procedure , yet something never done before in Finnish history . Mr Hypponen however said that this is not an isolated case , but bound to the European security dilemma . The NATO Memorandum of Understanding signed earlier bestows an obligation e.g. to report on internal capabilities and the availability thereof to NATO . Economy ( edit ) Angry Birds , a mobile phone game developed in Finland , has become a commercial hit both domestically and internationally . Main article : Economy of Finland See also : List of companies of Finland and Helsinki Stock Exchange The economy of Finland has a per capita output equal to that of other European economies such as those of France , Germany , Belgium , or the UK . The largest sector of the economy is the service sector at 66 % of GDP , followed by manufacturing and refining at 31 % . Primary production represents 2.9 % . With respect to foreign trade , the key economic sector is manufacturing . The largest industries in 2007 were electronics ( 22 % ) ; machinery , vehicles , and other engineered metal products ( 21.1 % ) ; forest industry ( 13 % ) ; and chemicals ( 11 % ) . The gross domestic product peaked in 2008 . As of 2015 , the country 's economy is at the 2006 level . Finland has significant timber , mineral ( iron , chromium , copper , nickel , and gold ) , and freshwater resources . Forestry , paper factories , and the agricultural sector ( on which taxpayers spend around 3 billion euros annually ) are important for rural residents so any policy changes affecting these sectors are politically sensitive for politicians dependent on rural votes . The Greater Helsinki area generates around one third of Finland 's GDP . In a 2004 OECD comparison , high - technology manufacturing in Finland ranked second largest after Ireland . Knowledge - intensive services have also resulted in the smallest and slow - growth sectors -- especially agriculture and low - technology manufacturing -- being ranked the second largest after Ireland . The overall short - term outlook was good and GDP growth has been above that of many EU peers . Finland GDP growth from 2000 till 2013 Finland is highly integrated into the global economy , and international trade produces one third of GDP . Trade with the European Union makes up 60 % of Finland 's total trade . The largest trade flows are with Germany , Russia , Sweden , the United Kingdom , the United States , the Netherlands , and China . Trade policy is managed by the European Union , where Finland has traditionally been among the free trade supporters , except for agricultural policy . Finland is the only Nordic country to have joined the Eurozone . Finland 's climate and soils make growing crops a particular challenge . The country lies between the latitudes 60 ° N and 70 ° N , and it has severe winters and relatively short growing seasons that are sometimes interrupted by frost . However , because the Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic Drift Current moderate the climate , Finland contains half of the world 's arable land north of 60 ° north latitude . Annual precipitation is usually sufficient , but it occurs almost exclusively during the winter months , making summer droughts a constant threat . In response to the climate , farmers have relied on quick - ripening and frost - resistant varieties of crops , and they have cultivated south - facing slopes as well as richer bottomlands to ensure production even in years with summer frosts . Most farmland was originally either forest or swamp , and the soil has usually required treatment with lime and years of cultivation to neutralize excess acid and to improve fertility . Irrigation has generally not been necessary , but drainage systems are often needed to remove excess water . Finland 's agriculture has been efficient and productive -- at least when compared with farming in other European countries . Finland is part of the Eurozone , the Schengen Area , and the EU single market . Forests play a key role in the country 's economy , making it one of the world 's leading wood producers and providing raw materials at competitive prices for the crucial wood - processing industries . As in agriculture , the government has long played a leading role in forestry , regulating tree cutting , sponsoring technical improvements , and establishing long - term plans to ensure that the country 's forests continue to supply the wood - processing industries . To maintain the country 's comparative advantage in forest products , Finnish authorities moved to raise lumber output toward the country 's ecological limits . In 1984 , the government published the Forest 2000 plan , drawn up by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry . The plan aimed at increasing forest harvests by about 3 % per year , while conserving forestland for recreation and other uses . Private sector employees amount to 1.8 million , out of which around a third with tertiary education . The average cost of a private sector employee per hour was 25.1 euros in 2004 . As of 2008 , average purchasing power - adjusted income levels are similar to those of Italy , Sweden , Germany , and France . In 2006 , 62 % of the workforce worked for enterprises with less than 250 employees and they accounted for 49 % of total business turnover and had the strongest rate of growth . The female employment rate is high . Gender segregation between male - dominated professions and female - dominated professions is higher than in the US . The proportion of part - time workers was one of the lowest in OECD in 1999 . In 2013 , the 10 largest private sector employers in Finland were Itella , Nokia , OP - Pohjola , ISS , VR , Kesko , UPM - Kymmene , YIT , Metso , and Nordea . The unemployment rate was 9.4 % in 2015 , having risen from 8.7 % in 2014 . Youth unemployment rate rose from 16.5 % in 2007 to 20.5 % in 2014 . A fifth of residents are outside the job market at the age of 50 and less than a third are working at the age of 61 . As of today , nearly one million people are living with minimal wages or unemployed not enough to cover their costs of living . As of 2006 , 2.4 million households reside in Finland . The average size is 2.1 persons ; 40 % of households consist of a single person , 32 % two persons and 28 % three or more persons . Residential buildings total 1.2 million , and the average residential space is 38 square metres ( 410 sq ft ) per person . The average residential property without land costs 1,187 euro per sq metre and residential land 8.6 euro per sq metre. 74 % of households had a car . There are 2.5 million cars and 0.4 million other vehicles . Around 92 % have a mobile phone and 83.5 % ( 2009 ) Internet connection at home . The average total household consumption was 20,000 euro , out of which housing consisted of about 5,500 euro , transport about 3,000 euro , food and beverages excluding alcoholic beverages at around 2,500 euro , and recreation and culture at around 2,000 euro . According to Invest in Finland , private consumption grew by 3 % in 2006 and consumer trends included durables , high quality products , and spending on well - being . Energy ( edit ) The two existing units of the Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant . On the far left is a visualization of a third unit , which , when completed , will become Finland 's fifth commercial nuclear reactor . See also : Nordic energy market and Nuclear power in Finland Anyone can enter the free and largely privately owned financial and physical Nordic energy markets traded in NASDAQ OMX Commodities Europe and Nord Pool Spot exchanges , which have provided competitive prices compared with other EU countries . As of 2007 , Finland has roughly the lowest industrial electricity prices in the EU - 15 ( equal to France ) . In 2006 , the energy market was around 90 terawatt hours and the peak demand around 15 gigawatts in winter . This means that the energy consumption per capita is around 7.2 tons of oil equivalent per year . Industry and construction consumed 51 % of total consumption , a relatively high figure reflecting Finland 's industries . Finland 's hydrocarbon resources are limited to peat and wood . About 10 -- 15 % of the electricity is produced by hydropower , which is low compared with more mountainous Sweden or Norway . In 2008 , renewable energy ( mainly hydropower and various forms of wood energy ) was high at 31 % compared with the EU average of 10.3 % in final energy consumption . Supply and total consumption of electricity in Finland Finland has four privately owned nuclear reactors producing 18 % of the country 's energy and one research reactor at the Otaniemi campus . The fifth AREVA - Siemens - built reactor -- the world 's largest at 1600 MWe and a focal point of Europe 's nuclear industry -- has faced many delays and is currently scheduled to be operational by 2018 -- 2020 , a decade after the original planned opening . A varying amount ( 5 -- 17 % ) of electricity has been imported from Russia ( at around 3 gigawatt power line capacity ) , Sweden and Norway . Energy companies are about to increase nuclear power production , as in July 2010 the Finnish parliament granted permits for additional two new reactors . Transport ( edit ) Main article : Transport in Finland Icebreakers enable shipping even during severe winters . The state - owned VR Group operates a railway network serving all major cities . The extensive road system is utilized by most internal cargo and passenger traffic . The annual state operated road network expenditure of around 1 billion euro is paid with vehicle and fuel taxes which amount to around 1.5 billion euro and 1 billion euro . The main international passenger gateway is Helsinki Airport with about 17 million passengers in 2016 . Oulu Airport is the second largest , whilst another 25 airports have scheduled passenger services . The Helsinki Airport - based Finnair , Blue1 , and Nordic Regional Airlines , Norwegian Air Shuttle sell air services both domestically and internationally . Helsinki has an optimal location for great circle ( i.e. the shortest and most efficient ) routes between Western Europe and the Far East . Despite low population density , the Government spends annually around 350 million euro in maintaining 5,865 kilometres ( 3,644 mi ) of railway tracks . Rail transport is handled by state owned VR Group , which has 5 % passenger market share ( out of which 80 % are urban trips in Greater Helsinki ) and 25 % cargo market share . Since 12 December 2010 , Karelian Trains , a joint venture between Russian Railways and VR ( Finnish Railways ) , has been running Alstom Pendolino operated high - speed services between Saint Petersburg 's Finlyandsky and Helsinki 's Central railway stations . These services are branded as `` Allegro '' trains . The journey from Helsinki to Saint Petersburg takes only three and a half hours . The majority of international cargo utilizes ports . Port logistics prices are low . Vuosaari Harbour in Helsinki is the largest container port after completion in 2008 and others include Kotka , Hamina , Hanko , Pori , Rauma , and Oulu . There is passenger traffic from Helsinki and Turku , which have ferry connections to Tallinn , Mariehamn , and Stockholm . The Helsinki - Tallinn route , one of the busiest passenger sea routes in the world , has also been served by a helicopter line . Industry ( edit ) Main article : Economy of Finland Former headquarters of electronics corporation Nokia in Espoo . Finnair Airbus A350 XWB . Finland was rapidly industrialized after World War II , achieving GDP per capita levels equal to that of Japan or the UK in the beginning of the 1970s . Initially , most development was based on two broad groups of export - led industries , the `` metal industry '' ( metalliteollisuus ) and `` forest industry '' ( metsäteollisuus ) . The `` metal industry '' includes shipbuilding , metalworking , the car industry , engineered products such as motors and electronics , and production of metals ( steel , copper and chromium ) . The world 's biggest cruise ships are built in Finnish shipyards . The `` forest industry '' ( metsäteollisuus ) includes forestry , timber , pulp and paper , and is a logical development based on Finland 's extensive forest resources ( 77 % of the area is covered by forest , most of it in renewable use ) . In the pulp and paper industry , many of the largest companies are based in Finland ( Ahlstrom , Metsä Board , and UPM ) . However , the Finnish economy has diversified , with expansion into fields such as electronics ( e.g. Nokia ) , metrology ( Vaisala ) , transport fuels ( Neste ) , chemicals ( Kemira ) , engineering consulting ( Pöyry ) , and information technology ( e.g. Rovio Entertainment , known for Angry Birds ) , and is no longer dominated by the two sectors of metal and forest industry . Likewise , the structure has changed , with the service sector growing , with manufacturing reducing in importance ; agriculture is only a minor part . Despite this , production for export is still more prominent than in Western Europe , thus making Finland more vulnerable to global economic trends . In an Economist Intelligence Unit report released in September 2011 , Finland clinched the second place after the United States on Benchmarking IT Industry Competitiveness 2011 which scored on 6 key indicators : overall business environment , technology infrastructure , human capital , legal framework , public support for industry development , and research and development landscape . Public policy ( edit ) See also : Nordic model Finnish politicians have often emulated other Nordics and the Nordic model . Nordics have been free - trading and relatively welcoming to skilled migrants for over a century , though in Finland immigration is relatively new . The level of protection in commodity trade has been low , except for agricultural products . Finland has top levels of economic freedom in many areas . Finland is ranked 16th in the 2008 global Index of Economic Freedom and 9th in Europe . While the manufacturing sector is thriving , the OECD points out that the service sector would benefit substantially from policy improvements . The 2007 IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook ranked Finland 17th most competitive . The World Economic Forum 2008 index ranked Finland the 6th most competitive . In both indicators , Finland 's performance was next to Germany , and significantly higher than most European countries . In the Business competitiveness index 2007 -- 2008 Finland ranked third in the world . Economists attribute much growth to reforms in the product markets . According to the OECD , only four EU - 15 countries have less regulated product markets ( UK , Ireland , Denmark and Sweden ) and only one has less regulated financial markets ( Denmark ) . Nordic countries were pioneers in liberalizing energy , postal , and other markets in Europe . The legal system is clear and business bureaucracy less than most countries . Property rights are well protected and contractual agreements are strictly honoured . Finland is rated the least corrupt country in the world in the Corruption Perceptions Index and 13th in the Ease of doing business index . This indicates exceptional ease in cross-border trading ( 5th ) , contract enforcement ( 7th ) , business closure ( 5th ) , tax payment ( 83rd ) , and low worker hardship ( 127th ) . Finnish law forces all workers to obey the national contracts that are drafted every few years for each profession and seniority level . The agreement becomes universally enforceable provided that more than 50 % of the employees support it , in practice by being a member of a relevant trade union . The unionization rate is high ( 70 % ) , especially in the middle class ( AKAVA -- 80 % ) . A lack of a national agreement in an industry is considered an exception . Santa Claus village in Rovaniemi . Tourism ( edit ) Main article : Tourism in Finland This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( July 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Eckerö Line Finlandia , one of the Baltic Sea cruiseferries In 2005 , Finnish tourism grossed over € 6.7 billion with a 5 % increase from the previous year . Much of the sudden growth can be attributed to the globalisation and modernisation of the country as well as a rise in positive publicity and awareness . There are many attractions in Finland which attracted over 8 million visitors in 2013 . The Finnish landscape is covered with thick pine forests and rolling hills , and complemented with a labyrinth of lakes and inlets . Much of Finland is pristine and virgin as it contains 40 national parks from the Southern shores of the Gulf of Finland to the high fells of Lapland . Finland also has urbanised regions with many cultural events and activities . Commercial cruises between major coastal and port cities in the Baltic region , including Helsinki , Turku , Tallinn , Stockholm , and Travemünde , play a significant role in the local tourism industry . Finland is locally regarded as the home of Saint Nicholas or Santa Claus , living in the northern Lapland region . Above the Arctic Circle , in midwinter , there is a polar night , a period when the sun does not rise for days or weeks , or even months , and correspondingly , midnight sun in the summer , with no sunset even at midnight ( for up to 73 consecutive days , at the northernmost point ) . Lapland is so far north that the Aurora Borealis , fluorescence in the high atmosphere due to solar wind , is seen regularly in the fall , winter , and spring . Outdoor activities range from Nordic skiing , golf , fishing , yachting , lake cruises , hiking , and kayaking , among many others . Wildlife is abundant in Finland . Bird - watching is popular for those fond of avifauna , however hunting is also popular . Elk and hare are common game in Finland . Olavinlinna in Savonlinna hosts the annual Savonlinna Opera Festival . Demographics ( edit ) Main article : Demographics of Finland Population of Finland by age group and sex in 2013 The population of Finland is currently about 5.5 million inhabitants and is aging with the birth rate at 10.42 births per 1,000 population per year , or a fertility rate of 1.8 with a median age of 42.7 years . Approximately half of voters are estimated to be over 50 years old . Finland has an average population density of 18 inhabitants per square kilometre . This is the third - lowest population density of any European country , behind those of Norway and Iceland , and the lowest population density in the EU . Finland 's population has always been concentrated in the southern parts of the country , a phenomenon that became even more pronounced during 20th - century urbanisation . The largest cities in Finland are those of the Greater Helsinki metropolitan area -- Helsinki , Espoo , and Vantaa . Other cities with population over 100,000 are Tampere , Turku , Oulu , Jyväskylä , Kuopio , and Lahti . As of 2014 , there were 322,700 people with a foreign background living in Finland ( 5.9 % of the population ) , most of whom are from Russia , Estonia , Somalia , Iraq and Yugoslavia . The children of foreigners are not automatically given Finnish citizenship , as Finnish nationality law practices and maintain jus sanguinis policy where only children born to at least one Finnish parent are granted citizenship . If they are born in Finland and can not get citizenship of any other country , they become citizens . Additionally , certain persons of Finnish descent who reside in countries that were once part of Soviet Union , retain the right of return , a right to establish permanent residency in the country , which would eventually entitle them to qualify for citizenship . Largest cities ( edit ) Largest cities or towns in Finland Rank Name Region Pop . Rank Name Region Pop . Helsinki Espoo Helsinki Uusimaa 635,591 11 Pori Satakunta 85,002 Tampere Vantaa Espoo Uusimaa 274,522 12 Joensuu North Karelia 75,881 Tampere Pirkanmaa 228,173 13 Lappeenranta South Karelia 72,773 Vantaa Uusimaa 219,196 14 Hämeenlinna Tavastia Proper 67,867 5 Oulu Northern Ostrobothnia 200,071 15 Vaasa Ostrobothnia 67,598 6 Turku Finland Proper 187,564 16 Rovaniemi Lapland 62,246 7 Jyväskylä Central Finland 138,780 17 Seinäjoki Southern Ostrobothnia 62,053 8 Lahti Päijänne Tavastia 119,377 18 Mikkeli Southern Savonia 54,494 9 Kuopio Northern Savonia 112,980 19 Kotka Kymenlaakso 54,160 10 Kouvola Kymenlaakso 85,231 20 Salo Finland Proper 53,556 Religion ( edit ) Main article : Religion in Finland Religion in Finland year Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland Finnish Orthodox Church Other No religious affiliation 1950 95.0 % 1.7 % 0.5 % 2.8 % 1980 90.3 % 1.1 % 0.7 % 7.8 % 87.8 % 1.1 % 0.9 % 10.2 % 2000 85.1 % 1.1 % 1.1 % 12.7 % 78.3 % 1.1 % 1.4 % 19.2 % 2014 73.9 % 1.1 % 1.6 % 23.5 % 2015 73.0 % 1.1 % 1.6 % 24.3 % 2016 72.0 % 1.1 % 1.6 % 25.3 % The Evangelical Lutheran Helsinki Cathedral With slightly under four million members , the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland is one of the largest Lutheran churches in the world and is also by far Finland 's largest religious body ; at the end of 2016 , 71.9 % of Finns were members of the church . 7 out of 10 Finns are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland , which was disestablished in 1869 by the Church Act . It was the first state church to be disestablished in the Nordic countries , to be followed by the Church of Sweden in 2000 . The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland sees its share of the country 's population declining by roughly one percent annually in recent years . The decline has been due to both church membership resignations and falling baptism rates . The second largest group , accounting for 25.3 % of the population in 2016 , has no religious affiliation . The irreligious group rose quickly from just below 13 % in the year 2000 . A small minority belongs to the Finnish Orthodox Church ( 1.1 % ) . Other Protestant denominations and the Roman Catholic Church are significantly smaller , as are the Muslim , Jewish , and other non-Christian communities ( totalling 1.6 % ) . The main Lutheran and Orthodox churches are national churches of Finland with special roles such as in state ceremonies and schools . In 1869 , Finland was the first Nordic country to disestablish its Evangelical Lutheran church by introducing the Church Act . Although the church still maintains a special relationship with the state , it is not described as a state religion in the Finnish Constitution or other laws passed by the Finnish Parliament . Finland 's state church was the Church of Sweden until 1809 . As an autonomous Grand Duchy under Russia 1809 -- 1917 , Finland retained the Lutheran State Church system , and a state church separate from Sweden , later named the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland , was established . It was detached from the state as a separate judicial entity when the new church law came to force in 1869 . After Finland had gained independence in 1917 , religious freedom was declared in the constitution of 1919 and a separate law on religious freedom in 1922 . Through this arrangement , the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland lost its position as a state church but gained a constitutional status as a national church alongside the Finnish Orthodox Church , whose position however is not codified in the constitution . In 2016 , 69.3 % of Finnish children were baptized and 82.3 % were confirmed in 2012 at the age of 15 , and over 90 % of the funerals are Christian . However , the majority of Lutherans attend church only for special occasions like Christmas ceremonies , weddings , and funerals . The Lutheran Church estimates that approximately 1.8 % of its members attend church services weekly . The average number of church visits per year by church members is approximately two . According to a 2010 Eurobarometer poll , 33 % of Finnish citizens responded that `` they believe there is a God '' ; 42 % answered that `` they believe there is some sort of spirit or life force '' ; and 22 % that `` they do not believe there is any sort of spirit , God , or life force '' . According to ISSP survey data ( 2008 ) , 8 % consider themselves `` highly religious '' , and 31 % `` moderately religious '' . In the same survey , 28 % reported themselves as `` agnostic '' and 29 % as `` non-religious '' . Health ( edit ) Main article : Healthcare in Finland Life expectancy has increased from 71 years for men and 79 years for women in 1990 to 78 years for men and 84 years for women in 2012 . The under - five mortality rate has decreased from 51 per 1,000 live births in 1950 to 3 per 1,000 live births in 2012 ranking Finland 's rate among the lowest in the world . The fertility rate in 2014 stood at 1.71 children born / per woman and has been below the replacement rate of 2.1 since 1969 . With a low birth rate women also become mothers at a later age , the mean age at first live birth being 28.6 in 2014 . There has been a slight increase or no change in welfare and health inequalities between population groups in the 21st century . Lifestyle - related diseases are on the rise . More than half a million Finns suffer from diabetes , type 1 diabetes being globally the most common in Finland . Many children are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes . The number of musculoskeletal diseases and cancers are increasing , although the cancer prognosis has improved . Allergies and dementia are also growing health problems in Finland . One of the most common reasons for work disability are due to mental disorders , in particular depression . There are 307 residents for each doctor . About 19 % of health care is funded directly by households and 77 % by taxation . A recent study by The Lancet medical journal found that Finland has the lowest stillbirth rate out of 193 countries , including the UK , France , and New Zealand . In April 2012 , Finland was ranked 2nd in Gross National Happiness in a report published by The Earth Institute . Education and science ( edit ) Auditorium in Aalto University 's main building , designed by Alvar Aalto . Pupils at the school of Torvinen in Sodankylä , Finland , in the 1920s Main article : Education in Finland See also : List of universities in Finland and List of schools in Finland Most pre-tertiary education is arranged at municipal level . Even though many or most schools were started as private schools , today only around 3 percent of students are enrolled in private schools ( mostly specialist language and international schools ) , much less than in Sweden and most other developed countries . Pre-school education is rare compared with other EU countries and formal education is usually started at the age of 7 . Primary school takes normally six years and lower secondary school three years . Most schools are managed by municipal officials . The flexible curriculum is set by the Ministry of Education and the Education Board . Education is compulsory between the ages of 7 and 16 . After lower secondary school , graduates may either enter the workforce directly , or apply to trade schools or gymnasiums ( upper secondary schools ) . Trade schools offer a vocational education : approximately 40 % of an age group choose this path after the lower secondary school . Academically oriented gymnasiums have higher entrance requirements and specifically prepare for Abitur and tertiary education . Graduation from either formally qualifies for tertiary education . In tertiary education , two mostly separate and non-interoperating sectors are found : the profession - oriented polytechnics and the research - oriented universities . Education is free and living expenses are to a large extent financed by the government through student benefits . There are 20 universities and 30 polytechnics in the country . The University of Helsinki is ranked 75th in the Top University Ranking of 2010 . The World Economic Forum ranks Finland 's tertiary education No. 1 in the world . Around 33 % of residents have a tertiary degree , similar to Nordics and more than in most other OECD countries except Canada ( 44 % ) , United States ( 38 % ) and Japan ( 37 % ) . The proportion of foreign students is 3 % of all tertiary enrollments , one of the lowest in OECD , while in advanced programs it is 7.3 % , still below OECD average 16.5 % . More than 30 % of tertiary graduates are in science - related fields . Forest improvement , materials research , environmental sciences , neural networks , low - temperature physics , brain research , biotechnology , genetic technology , and communications showcase fields of study where Finnish researchers have had a significant impact . Finland has a long tradition of adult education , and by the 1980s nearly one million Finns were receiving some kind of instruction each year . Forty percent of them did so for professional reasons . Adult education appeared in a number of forms , such as secondary evening schools , civic and workers ' institutes , study centres , vocational course centres , and folk high schools . Study centres allowed groups to follow study plans of their own making , with educational and financial assistance provided by the state . Folk high schools are a distinctly Nordic institution . Originating in Denmark in the nineteenth century , folk high schools became common throughout the region . Adults of all ages could stay at them for several weeks and take courses in subjects that ranged from handicrafts to economics . Finland is highly productive in scientific research . In 2005 , Finland had the fourth most scientific publications per capita of the OECD countries . In 2007 , 1,801 patents were filed in Finland . In addition , 38 percent of Finland 's population has a university or college degree , which is among the highest percentages in the world . In 2010 a new law was enacted considering the universities , which defined that there are 16 of them as they were excluded from the public sector to be autonomous legal and financial entities , however enjoying special status in the legislation . As result many former state institutions were driven to collect funding from private sector contributions and partnerships . The change caused deep rooted discussions among the academic circles . English language is important in Finnish education . There are a number of degree programs that are taught in English , which attracts thousands of degree and exchange students every year . Culture ( edit ) Mikael Agricola , a Lutheran Protestant reformer and the father of the Finnish written language . Main article : Culture of Finland Literature ( edit ) Main article : Finnish literature Written Finnish could be said to have existed since Mikael Agricola translated the New Testament into Finnish during the Protestant Reformation , but few notable works of literature were written until the nineteenth century and the beginning of a Finnish national Romantic Movement . This prompted Elias Lönnrot to collect Finnish and Karelian folk poetry and arrange and publish them as the Kalevala , the Finnish national epic . The era saw a rise of poets and novelists who wrote in Finnish , notably Aleksis Kivi and Eino Leino . Many writers of the national awakening wrote in Swedish , such as the national poet Johan Ludvig Runeberg and Zachris Topelius . After Finland became independent , there was a rise of modernist writers , most famously the Finnish - speaking Mika Waltari and Swedish - speaking Edith Södergran . Frans Eemil Sillanpää was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1939 . World War II prompted a return to more national interests in comparison to a more international line of thought , characterized by Väinö Linna . Besides Kalevala and Waltari , the Swedish - speaking Tove Jansson is the most translated Finnish writer . Popular modern writers include Arto Paasilinna , Ilkka Remes , Kari Hotakainen , Sofi Oksanen , and Jari Tervo , while the best novel is annually awarded the prestigious Finlandia Prize . Akseli Gallen - Kallela , The Defense of the Sampo , 1896 , Turku Art Museum . Visual arts , design , and architecture ( edit ) See also : Architecture of Finland and Art in Finland The visual arts in Finland started to form their individual characteristics in the 19th century , when Romantic nationalism was rising in autonomic Finland . The best known of Finnish painters , Akseli Gallen - Kallela , started painting in a naturalist style , but moved to national romanticism . Finland 's best - known sculptor of the twentieth century was Wäinö Aaltonen , remembered for his monumental busts and sculptures . Finns have made major contributions to handicrafts and industrial design : among the internationally renowned figures are Timo Sarpaneva , Tapio Wirkkala and Ilmari Tapiovaara . Finnish architecture is famous around the world , and has contributed significantly to several styles internationally , such as Jugendstil ( or Art Nouveau ) , Nordic Classicism and Functionalism . Among the top twentieth - century Finnish architects to gain international recognition are Eliel Saarinen and his son Eero Saarinen . Architect Alvar Aalto is regarded as among the most important twentieth - century designers in the world ; he helped bring functionalist architecture to Finland , but soon was a pioneer in its development towards an organic style . Aalto is also famous for his work in furniture , lamps , textiles and glassware , which were usually incorporated into his buildings . Music ( edit ) The Finnish composer Jean Sibelius ( 1865 -- 1957 ) , a significant figure in the history of classical music . Main articles : Music of Finland , Rock music in Finland , and Sami music Classical ( edit ) Much of Finland 's classical music is influenced by traditional Karelian melodies and lyrics , as comprised in the Kalevala . Karelian culture is perceived as the purest expression of the Finnic myths and beliefs , less influenced by Germanic influence than the Nordic folk dance music that largely replaced the kalevaic tradition . Finnish folk music has undergone a roots revival in recent decades , and has become a part of popular music . The people of northern Finland , Sweden , and Norway , the Sami , are known primarily for highly spiritual songs called joik . The same word sometimes refers to lavlu or vuelie songs , though this is technically incorrect . The first Finnish opera was written by the German - born composer Fredrik Pacius in 1852 . Pacius also wrote the music to the poem Maamme / Vårt land ( Our Country ) , Finland 's national anthem . In the 1890s Finnish nationalism based on the Kalevala spread , and Jean Sibelius became famous for his vocal symphony Kullervo . He soon received a grant to study runo singers in Karelia and continued his rise as the first prominent Finnish musician . In 1899 he composed Finlandia , which played its important role in Finland gaining independence . He remains one of Finland 's most popular national figures and is a symbol of the nation . Today , Finland has a very lively classical music scene and many of Finland 's important composers are still alive , such as Magnus Lindberg , Kaija Saariaho , Kalevi Aho , and Aulis Sallinen . The composers are accompanied by a large number of great conductors such as Esa - Pekka Salonen , Osmo Vänskä , Jukka - Pekka Saraste , and Leif Segerstam . Some of the internationally acclaimed Finnish classical musicians are Karita Mattila , Soile Isokoski , Pekka Kuusisto , Olli Mustonen , and Linda Lampenius . Modern ( edit ) Perttu Kivilaakso of Apocalyptica . Iskelmä ( coined directly from the German word Schlager , meaning `` hit '' ) is a traditional Finnish word for a light popular song . Finnish popular music also includes various kinds of dance music ; tango , a style of Argentine music , is also popular . The light music in Swedish - speaking areas has more influences from Sweden . Modern Finnish popular music includes a number of prominent rock bands , jazz musicians , hip hop performers , dance music acts , etc . During the early 1960s , the first significant wave of Finnish rock groups emerged , playing instrumental rock inspired by groups such as The Shadows . Around 1964 , Beatlemania arrived in Finland , resulting in further development of the local rock scene . During the late 1960s and 1970s , Finnish rock musicians increasingly wrote their own music instead of translating international hits into Finnish . During the decade , some progressive rock groups such as Tasavallan Presidentti and Wigwam gained respect abroad but failed to make a commercial breakthrough outside Finland . This was also the fate of the rock and roll group Hurriganes . The Finnish punk scene produced some internationally acknowledged names including Terveet Kädet in the 1980s . Hanoi Rocks was a pioneering 1980s glam rock act that inspired the American hard rock group Guns N ' Roses , among others . Many Finnish metal bands have gained international recognition . HIM and Nightwish are some of Finland 's most internationally known bands . HIM 's 2005 album Dark Light went gold in the United States . Apocalyptica are an internationally famous Finnish group who are most renowned for mixing strings - led classical music with classic heavy metal . Other well - known metal bands are Amorphis , Children of Bodom , Impaled Nazarene , Korpiklaani , Sentenced , Sonata Arctica , Stratovarius , Turisas , Finntroll , Ensiferum , Insomnium , Moonsorrow , Wintersun , Poets of the Fall , and Waltari . After Finnish hard rock / heavy metal band Lordi won the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest , Finland hosted the competition in 2007 . Cinema and television ( edit ) Main articles : Cinema of Finland and Television in Finland See also : Lists of Finnish films In the film industry , notable directors include Aki Kaurismäki , Mauritz Stiller , Spede Pasanen , and Hollywood film director and producer Renny Harlin . Around twelve feature films are made each year . Finland 's most internationally successful TV shows are the backpacking travel documentary series Madventures and the reality TV show The Dudesons , about four childhood friends who perform stunts and play pranks on each other ( in similar vein to the American TV show Jackass ) . Media and Communications ( edit ) Linus Torvalds , the Finnish software engineer best known for creating the popular open - source kernel Linux . See also : Telecommunications in Finland and List of newspapers in Finland Thanks to its emphasis on transparency and equal rights , Finland 's press has been rated the freest in the world . Today , there are around 200 newspapers , 320 popular magazines , 2,100 professional magazines , 67 commercial radio stations , three digital radio channels and one nationwide and five national public service radio channels . Each year , around 12,000 book titles are published and 12 million records are sold . Sanoma publishes the newspaper Helsingin Sanomat ( its circulation of 412,000 making it the largest ) , the tabloid Ilta - Sanomat , the commerce - oriented Taloussanomat and the television channel Nelonen . The other major publisher Alma Media publishes over thirty magazines , including the newspaper Aamulehti , tabloid Iltalehti and commerce - oriented Kauppalehti . Worldwide , Finns , along with other Nordic peoples and the Japanese , spend the most time reading newspapers . Yle , the Finnish Broadcasting Company , operates five television channels and thirteen radio channels in both national languages . Yle is funded through a mandatory television license and fees for private broadcasters . All TV channels are broadcast digitally , both terrestrially and on cable . The commercial television channel MTV3 and commercial radio channel Radio Nova are owned by Nordic Broadcasting ( Bonnier and Proventus Industrier ) . In regards to telecommunication infrastructure , Finland is the highest ranked country in the World Economic Forum 's Network Readiness Index ( NRI ) -- an indicator for determining the development level of a country 's information and communication technologies . Finland ranked 1st overall in the 2014 NRI ranking , unchanged from the year before . This is shown in its penetration throughout the country 's population . Around 79 % of the population use the Internet . Finland had around 1.52 million broadband Internet connections by the end of June 2007 or around 287 per 1,000 inhabitants . All Finnish schools and public libraries have Internet connections and computers and most residents have a mobile phone . Value - added services are rare . In October 2009 , Finland 's Ministry of Transport and Communications committed to ensuring that every person in Finland would be able to access the Internet at a minimum speed of one megabit - per - second beginning July 2010 . Cuisine ( edit ) Main article : Finnish cuisine Karelian pasty ( karjalanpiirakka ) is a traditional Finnish dish made from a thin rye crust with a filling of rice . Butter , often mixed with boiled egg ( eggbutter or munavoi ) , is spread over the hot pastries before eating . Finnish cuisine is notable for generally combining traditional country fare and haute cuisine with contemporary style cooking . Fish and meat play a prominent role in traditional Finnish dishes from the western part of the country , while the dishes from the eastern part have traditionally included various vegetables and mushrooms . Refugees from Karelia contributed to foods in eastern Finland . Finnish foods often use wholemeal products ( rye , barley , oats ) and berries ( such as bilberries , lingonberries , cloudberries , and sea buckthorn ) . Milk and its derivatives like buttermilk are commonly used as food , drink , or in various recipes . Various turnips were common in traditional cooking , but were replaced with the potato after its introduction in the 18th century . According to the statistics , red meat consumption has risen , but still Finns eat less beef than many other nations , and more fish and poultry . This is mainly because of the high cost of meat in Finland . Finland is the top world consumer of coffee per capita . Public holidays ( edit ) Main articles : Public holidays in Finland and Flag days in Finland All official holidays in Finland are established by Acts of Parliament . Christian holidays include Christmas , New Year 's Day , Epiphany , Easter , Ascension Day , Pentecost , Midsummer Day ( St. John 's Day ) , and All Saints ' Day , while secular holidays include May Day , Independence Day , New Year 's Day , and Midsummer . Christmas is the most extensively celebrated , and at least 24 to 26 December is taken as a holiday . Sports ( edit ) Finland 's men 's national ice hockey team is ranked as one of the best in the world . The team has won two world championship titles ( in 1995 & 2011 ) and six Olympic medals . Main article : Sport in Finland Various sporting events are popular in Finland . Pesäpallo , resembling baseball , is the national sport of Finland , although the most popular sports in terms of spectators is ice hockey . Ice Hockey World Championships 2016 final Finland - Canada , 69 % Finnish people watched that game on TV . Other popular sports include athletics , cross-country skiing , ski jumping , football and basketball . While ice hockey is the most popular sports when it comes to attendance at games , association football is the most played team sport in terms of the amount of players in the country and is also the most appreciated sports in Finland . In terms of medals and gold medals won per capita , Finland is the best performing country in Olympic history . Finland first participated as a nation in its own right at the Olympic Games in 1908 , while still an autonomous Grand Duchy within the Russian Empire . At the 1912 Summer Olympics , great pride was taken in the three gold medals won by the original `` Flying Finn '' Hannes Kolehmainen . Finland was one of the most successful countries at the Olympic Games before World War II . At the 1924 Summer Olympics , Finland , a nation then of only 3.2 million people , came second in the medal count . In the 1920s and 1930s , Finnish long - distance runners dominated the Olympics , with Paavo Nurmi winning a total of nine Olympic gold medals between 1920 and 1928 and setting 22 official world records between 1921 and 1931 . Nurmi is often considered the greatest Finnish sportsman and one of the greatest athletes of all time . For over 100 years , Finnish male and female athletes have consistently excelled at the javelin throw . The event has brought Finland nine Olympic gold medals , five world championships , five European championships , and 24 world records . In addition to Kolehmainen and Nurmi , some of Finland 's most internationally well - known and successful sportspeople are long - distance runners Ville Ritola and Lasse Virén ; ski - jumpers Matti Nykänen and Janne Ahonen ; cross-country skiers Veikko Hakulinen , Eero Mäntyranta , Marja - Liisa Kirvesniemi and Mika Myllylä ; rower Pertti Karppinen ; gymnast Heikki Savolainen ; professional skateboarder Arto Saari ; ice hockey players Kimmo Timonen , Jari Kurri , Teemu Selänne , and Saku Koivu ; football players Jari Litmanen and Sami Hyypiä ; basketball player Hanno Möttölä ; alpine skiers Kalle Palander and Tanja Poutiainen ; Formula One world champions Keke Rosberg , Mika Häkkinen and Kimi Räikkönen ; four - time World Rally champions Juha Kankkunen and Tommi Mäkinen ; and 13 - time World Enduro Champion Juha Salminen , seven - time champion Kari Tiainen , and the five - time champions Mika Ahola , biathlete Kaisa Mäkäräinen and Samuli Aro . Finland is also one of the most successful nations in bandy , being the only nation beside Russia and Sweden to win a Bandy World Championship . The 1952 Summer Olympics were held in Helsinki . Other notable sporting events held in Finland include the 1983 and 2005 World Championships in Athletics . Finland also has a notable history in figure skating . Finnish skaters have won 8 world championships and 13 junior world cups in synchronized skating , and Finland is considered one of the best countries at the sport . Some of the most popular recreational sports and activities include floorball , Nordic walking , running , cycling , and skiing ( alpine skiing , cross-country skiing , and ski jumping ) . Floorball , in terms of registered players , occupies third place after football and ice hockey . According to the Finnish Floorball Federation , floorball is the most popular school , youth , club and workplace sport . As of 2016 , the total number of licensed players reaches 57,400 . Especially since the 2014 FIBA Basketball World Cup , Finland 's national basketball team has received widespread public attention . More than 8,000 Finns travelled to Spain to support their team . Overall , they chartered more than 40 airplanes . International rankings ( edit ) The following list contains international comparisons of national performance . The list has a maximum of three years per survey . For a more comprehensive list , see International rankings of Finland . International rankings of Finland Organisation Survey Year Rank Out of ( countries ) Ref Notes A.T. Kearney / Foreign Policy Magazine Globalization Index ( website ) 2007 18 72 2006 13 62 2005 10 62 Yale University / Columbia University Environmental Performance Index ( website ) 2008 149 2006 133 Heritage Foundation / The Wall Street Journal Index of Economic Freedom ( website ) 2008 16 165 2007 16 165 2006 16 165 IMD International World Competitiveness Yearbook ( website ) 2008 15 55 * * economies ( countries and regions ) 2007 17 55 2006 10 61 NationMaster Technological Achievement 68 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) Programme for International Student Assessment ( PISA ) ( website ) 2006 → 57 rank 1 in science and ability to use scientific knowledge ; rank 2 in reading literacy ; rank 2 in mathematics 2003 → 41 rank 1 in science ( tied with Japan ) ; rank 1 in reading literacy ; rank 2 in problem solving ; rank 2 in mathematics 2000 → 43 rank 1 in reading performance Reporters Without Borders Worldwide Press Freedom Index ( website ) ( ( dead link date = March 2011 ) ) 2008 173 tied with Estonia and Ireland 2007 5 169 tied with Belgium and Sweden 2006 168 tied with Iceland , Ireland and Netherlands Save the Children State of the World 's Mothers 7 43 Compared against 42 other developed countries 2003 5 117 117 developed and developing countries The Economist Intelligence Unit Global Peace Index ( website ) 2008 8 140 2007 6 121 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index ( website ) 2008 5 180 tied with Switzerland 2007 179 tied with Denmark and New Zealand 2006 163 tied with Iceland and New Zealand United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP ) Human Development Index ( website ) 2007 -- 2008 11 177 2006 11 177 2005 13 177 World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report ( website ) 2008 -- 2009 6 134 2007 -- 2008 6 131 2006 -- 2007 125 Networked Readiness Index ( Global Information Technology Report ) ( website ) 2012 142 2013 144 World Democracy Audit 2008 150 2006 150 See also ( edit ) Finland portal Arctic portal European Union portal List of Finland - related topics Outline of Finland Bibliography of Finland Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ The names for Finland in its Sami languages are : Suopma ( Northern Sami ) , Suomâ ( Inari Sami ) and Lää ́ ddjânnam ( Skolt Sami ) . See . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Formerly a semi-presidential republic , it is now a parliamentary republic according to David Arter , First Chair of Politics at Aberdeen University . In his `` Scandinavian Politics Today '' ( Manchester University Press , revised 2008 ISBN 9780719078538 ) , he quotes Nousiainen , Jaakko ( June 2001 ) . `` From semi-presidentialism to parliamentary government : political and constitutional developments in Finland '' . Scandinavian Political Studies . Wiley . 24 ( 2 ) : 95 -- 109 . doi : 10.1111 / 1467 - 9477.00048 . as follows : `` There are hardly any grounds for the epithet ' semi-presidential ' . '' Arter 's own conclusions are only slightly more nuanced : `` The adoption of a new constitution on 1 March 2000 meant that Finland was no longer a case of semi-presidential government other than in the minimalist sense of a situation where a popularly elected fixed - term president exists alongside a prime minister and cabinet who are responsible to parliament ( Elgie 2004 : 317 ) '' . According to the Finnish Constitution , the president has no possibility to rule the government without the ministerial approval , and does not have the power to dissolve the parliament under his or her own desire . Finland is actually represented by its prime minister , and not by its president , in the Council of the Heads of State and Government of the European Union . The 2012 constitutional amendments reduced the powers of the president even further . Jump up ^ `` Finland 's preliminary population figure 5,509,717 at the end of August '' . . Statistics Finland . Retrieved 24 October 2017 . 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Institute for Economics & Peace Jump up ^ Persistently high corruption in low - income countries amounts to an `` ongoing humanitarian disaster '' . Transparency International Jump up ^ Persistent corruption in low - income countries requires global action . Transparency International Jump up ^ Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 2006 . Transparency International Jump up ^ Human Development Report 2007 / 2008 . United Nations Development Programme ( 2007 ) Palgrave Macmillan ISBN 978 - 0 - 230 - 54704 - 9 Jump up ^ `` Human Development Report 2006 '' ( PDF ) . United Nations Development Programme . Retrieved 2011 - 03 - 06 . Jump up ^ `` Human Development Report 2005 '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 2011 - 03 - 06 . Jump up ^ Finland . The Global Competitiveness Report 2008 -- 2009 . World Economic Forum . Jump up ^ `` The Global Competitiveness Report -- Finland '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 2011 - 03 - 06 . Jump up ^ Table 1 : Global Competitiveness Index rankings and 2005 comparisons . The Global Competitiveness Report 2006 . World Economic Forum . Jump up ^ `` GITR 2012 - Data Platform '' . GITR 2012 - Data Platform - World Economic Forum . Jump up ^ `` Global Information Technology Report 2013 '' . Global Information Technology Report 2013 - World Economic Forum . ^ Jump up to : `` World Audit Democracy '' . . Retrieved 2011 - 03 - 06 . Further reading ( edit ) Chew , Allen F. The White Death : The Epic of the Soviet - Finnish Winter War ( ISBN 0 - 87013 - 167 - 2 ) . Engle , Eloise and Paananen , Pauri . The Winter War : The Soviet Attack on Finland 1939 -- 1940 ( ISBN 0 - 8117 - 2433 - 6 ) . Insight Guide : Finland ( ISBN 981 - 4120 - 39 - 1 ) . Jakobson , Max . Finland in the New Europe ( ISBN 0 - 275 - 96372 - 1 ) . Jutikkala , Eino ; Pirinen , Kauko . A History of Finland ( ISBN 0 - 88029 - 260 - 1 ) . Klinge , Matti . Let Us Be Finns : Essays on History ( ISBN 951 - 1 - 11180 - 9 ) . Lavery , Jason . The History of Finland , Greenwood Histories of the Modern Nations , Greenwood Press , 2006 ( ISBN 0 - 313 - 32837 - 4 , ISSN 1096 - 2905 ) . Lewis , Richard D. Finland : Cultural Lone Wolf ( ISBN 1 - 931930 - 18 - X ) . Lonely Planet : Finland ( ISBN 1 - 74059 - 791 - 5 ) Mann , Chris . Hitler 's Arctic War : The German Campaigns in Norway , Finland , and the USSR 1940 -- 1945 ( ISBN 0 - 312 - 31100 - 1 ) . Rusama , Jaakko . Ecumenical Growth in Finland ( ISBN 951 - 693 - 239 - 8 ) . Singleton , Fred . A Short History of Finland ( ISBN 0 - 521 - 64701 - 0 ) . Subrenat , Jean - Jacques . Listen , there 's music from the forest ; a brief presentation of the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival ( ISBN 952 - 92 - 0564 - 3 ) . Swallow , Deborah . Culture Shock ! Finland : A Guide to Customs and Etiquette ( ISBN 1 - 55868 - 592 - 8 ) . Trotter , William R. A Frozen Hell : The Russo - Finnish Winter War of 1939 -- 1940 ( ISBN 1 - 56512 - 249 - 6 ) . External links ( edit ) Find more aboutFinlandat Wikipedia 's sister projects Definitions from Wiktionary Media from Wikimedia Commons News from Wikinews Quotations from Wikiquote Texts from Wikisource Textbooks from Wikibooks Travel guide from Wikivoyage Learning resources from Wikiversity `` Finland '' . The World Factbook . Central Intelligence Agency . Finland at Curlie ( based on DMOZ ) Finland profile from the BBC News Key Development Forecasts for Finland from International Futures Population in Finland 1750 -- 2010 Appendix figure 2 . The largest groups by native language 2001 and 2011 ( Statistics Finland ) Official statistical information about Finland from Findicator . Government This is Finland , the official English - language online portal ( administered by the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs ) Finland ( University of Colorado Boulder Libraries Government Publications ) Maps Geographic data related to Finland at OpenStreetMap Wikimedia Atlas of Finland Travel Official Travel Site of Finland Finland articles History Early wars Finland under Swedish rule Cudgel War Great Northern War Greater Wrath Lesser Wrath Finnish War Grand Duchy Famine of 1866 -- 68 Russification October Revolution Declaration of Independence Civil War Heimosodat Language strife Military history during World War II Winter War Continuation War Lapland War Geography Cities and towns Extreme points Islands Lakes National parks Provinces Regions Rivers Politics Administrative divisions Constitution Elections Foreign relations Government Human rights LGBT Judiciary Law enforcement Military Parliament Political parties President Economy Central bank Energy Government - owned companies Industry IT innovation Markka ( currency ) National income agreement Rankings Ship - building Stock exchange Taxation Telecommunications Tourism Transport Society Crime Education Healthcare Languages Religion Welfare system Prostitution Culture Anthem Architecture Cinema Coat of arms Cuisine Flag Literature Maternity package Media television Music Public holidays Management by perkele Sauna Sport Demographics Demographics Immigration to Finland Assyrians in Finland Finns Finnish Kale Skolts Finland Somalis Finland Swedes Finnish Tatars Inari Sami people Indians in Finland Jews in Finland New Finns Russians in Finland Vietnamese people in Finland Outline Index Bibliography Portal Geographic locale Nordic countries Countries Denmark Finland Iceland Norway Sweden Dependencies Åland Islands Faroe Islands Greenland Climate of the Nordic countries Comparison of the Nordic countries Nordic Council Nordic Cross flag Subdivisions of the Nordic countries Sovereign states and dependencies of Europe Sovereign states Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Kazakhstan Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom Vatican City States with limited recognition Abkhazia Artsakh Kosovo Northern Cyprus South Ossetia Transnistria Dependencies Denmark Faroe Islands autonomous country of the Kingdom of Denmark United Kingdom Akrotiri and Dhekelia Sovereign Base Areas Gibraltar British Overseas Territory Guernsey Isle of Man Jersey Crown dependencies Special areas of internal sovereignty Finland Åland Islands autonomous region subject to the Åland Convention of 1921 Norway Svalbard unincorporated area subject to the Svalbard Treaty United Kingdom Northern Ireland country of the United Kingdom subject to the British - Irish Agreement Oceanic islands within the vicinity of Europe are usually grouped with the continent even though they are not situated on its continental shelf . Some countries completely outside the conventional geographical boundaries of Europe are commonly associated with the continent due to ethnological links . Countries bordering the Baltic Sea Denmark Estonia Finland Germany Latvia Lithuania Poland Russia Sweden Coordinates : 64 ° N 26 ° E  /  64 ° N 26 ° E  / 64 ; 26 VIAF : 132440532 LCCN : n79065711 GND : 4017243 - 0 HDS : 3353 NDL : 00563226 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Finland Finnish - speaking countries and territories Liberal democracies Member states of the Council of Europe Member states of the European Union Member states of the Union for the Mediterranean Member states of the United Nations Post -- Russian Empire states Republics States and territories established in 1917 Swedish - speaking countries and territories Hidden categories : Articles containing Finnish - language text Articles containing Swedish - language text Articles containing Northern Sami - language text CS1 Finnish - language sources ( fi ) CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list Webarchive template wayback links CS1 Swedish - language sources ( sv ) CS1 maint : BOT : original - url status unknown Articles with Finnish - language external links All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from March 2011 Wikipedia indefinitely move - protected pages Use dmy dates from July 2017 Articles with hAudio microformats Articles including recorded pronunciations ( English ) All articles with failed verification Articles with failed verification from December 2010 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from December 2010 Articles with unsourced statements from August 2017 Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2017 All articles containing potentially dated statements All pages needing factual verification Wikipedia articles needing factual verification from March 2011 Articles with unsourced statements from December 2015 Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2015 Wikipedia articles needing clarification from June 2017 Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2008 Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2006 Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2007 Wikipedia articles needing clarification from April 2011 Articles needing additional references from July 2017 All articles needing additional references Articles with unsourced statements from August 2016 Articles with DMOZ links Coordinates on Wikidata Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikibooks Wikiquote Wikivoyage Languages Acèh Адыгэбзэ Адыгабзэ Afrikaans Akan Alemannisch አማርኛ Ænglisc Аҧсшәа Aragonés ܐܪܡܝܐ Armãneashti Arpetan অসমীয়া Asturianu Avañe'ẽ Авар Aymar aru Azərbaycanca تۆرکجه Bamanankan বাংলা Bahasa Banjar Bân - lâm - gú Basa Banyumasan Башҡортса Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ भोजपुरी Bikol Central Bislama Български Boarisch བོད ་ ཡིག Bosanski Brezhoneg Буряад Català Чӑвашла Cebuano Čeština Chamoru Chavacano de Zamboanga Chi - Chewa ChiShona ChiTumbuka Corsu Cymraeg Dansk Davvisámegiella Deitsch Deutsch ދިވެހިބަސް Diné bizaad Dolnoserbski ཇོང ་ ཁ Eesti Ελληνικά Emiliàn e rumagnòl Эрзянь Español Esperanto Estremeñu Euskara Eʋegbe فارسی Fiji Hindi Føroyskt Français Frysk Fulfulde Furlan Gaeilge Gaelg Gagauz Gàidhlig Galego 贛 語 Gĩkũyũ گیلکی ગુજરાતી 𐌲𐌿𐍄𐌹𐍃𐌺 गोंयची कोंकणी / Gõychi Konknni 客家 語 / Hak - kâ - ngî Хальмг 한국어 Hausa Hawaiʻi Հայերեն हिन्दी Hornjoserbsce Hrvatski Ido Igbo Ilokano বিষ্ণুপ্রিয়া মণিপুরী Bahasa Indonesia Interlingua Interlingue ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ / inuktitut Iñupiak Ирон IsiXhosa IsiZulu Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa Kalaallisut ಕನ್ನಡ Kapampangan Къарачай - малкъар ქართული कॉशुर / کٲشُر Kaszëbsczi Қазақша Kernowek Kinyarwanda Kirundi Kiswahili Коми Kongo Kreyòl ayisyen Kurdî Кыргызча Кырык мары Ladino Лакку Лезги ລາວ لۊری شومالی Latgaļu Latina Latviešu Lëtzebuergesch Lietuvių Ligure Limburgs Lingála Livvinkarjala La . lojban . 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where is finland located on a map of europe
Finland ( / ˈfɪnlənd / ( listen ) ; Finnish : Suomi ( suo̯mi ) ( listen ) ; Swedish : Finland ( ˈfɪnland ) ) , officially the Republic of Finland ( Finnish : Suomen tasavalta , Swedish : Republiken Finland ) , is a sovereign state in Northern Europe . The country has land borders with Sweden to the northwest , Norway to the north , and Russia to the east . To the south is the Gulf of Finland with Estonia on the opposite side . Finland is a Nordic country situated in the geographical region of Fennoscandia , which also includes Scandinavia .
Observable universe - wikipedia Observable universe Jump to : navigation , search Observable universe Visualization of the whole observable universe . The scale is such that the fine grains represent collections of large numbers of superclusters . The Virgo Supercluster -- home of Milky Way -- is marked at the center , but is too small to be seen . Diameter 7026880000000000000 ♠ 8.8 × 10 m ( 28.5 Gpc or 93 Gly ) Volume 7080400000000000000 ♠ 4 × 10 m Mass ( ordinary matter ) 10 kg Density 6973990000000000000 ♠ 9.9 × 10 g / cm ( equivalent to 6 protons per cubic meter of space ) Age 7010137990000000000 ♠ 13.799 ± 0.021 billion years Average temperature 2.72548 K Contents Ordinary ( baryonic ) matter ( 4.9 % ) Dark matter ( 26.8 % ) Dark energy ( 68.3 % ) The observable universe is a spherical region of the Universe comprising all matter that can be observed from Earth at the present time , because electromagnetic radiation from these objects have had time to reach Earth since the beginning of the cosmological expansion . There are at least 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe , containing more stars than all the grains of sand on planet Earth . Assuming the Universe is isotropic , the distance to the edge of the observable universe is roughly the same in every direction . That is , the observable universe is a spherical volume ( a ball ) centered on the observer . Every location in the Universe has its own observable universe , which may or may not overlap with the one centered on Earth . The word observable used in this sense does not refer to the capability of modern technology to detect light or other information from an object , or whether there is anything to be detected . It refers to the physical limit created by the speed of light itself . Because no signals can travel faster than light , any object further away from us than light could travel in the age of the universe ( estimated as of 2015 around 7010137990000000000 ♠ 13.799 ± 0.021 billion years ) simply can not be detected , as they have not reached us yet . In practice , the limit on observation is not 13.799 billion light - years for two reasons . The first reason is that space itself is expanding , so we can actually detect light from objects that were once close , but are now up to around 45.7 billion light years away ( rather than up to 13.799 billion light years away as might be expected ) . The second reason is that before the recombination epoch , about 378,000 years after the Big Bang , the Universe was filled with a plasma that was opaque to light , and photons were quickly re-absorbed by other particles , so we can not see objects from before that time using light or any other electromagnetic radiation . Gravitational waves and neutrino background would have been unaffected by this , and may be detectable from earlier times . The surface of last scattering is the collection of points in space at the exact distance that photons from the time of photon decoupling just reach us today . These are the photons we detect today as cosmic microwave background radiation ( CMBR ) . However , with future technology , it may be possible to observe the still older relic neutrino background , or even more distant events via gravitational waves ( which also should move at the speed of light ) . Sometimes astrophysicists distinguish between the visible universe , which includes only signals emitted since recombination -- and the observable universe , which includes signals since the beginning of the cosmological expansion ( the Big Bang in traditional physical cosmology , the end of the inflationary epoch in modern cosmology ) . According to calculations , the comoving distance ( current proper distance ) to particles from which the CMBR was emitted , which represent the radius of the visible universe , is about 14.0 billion parsecs ( about 45.7 billion light years ) , while the comoving distance to the edge of the observable universe is about 14.3 billion parsecs ( about 46.6 billion light years ) , about 2 % larger . The radius of the observable universe is therefore estimated to be about 46.5 billion light - years and its diameter about 28.5 gigaparsecs ( 93 billion light - years 8.8 × 10 kilometres or 5.5 × 10 miles ) . The total mass of ordinary matter in the universe can be calculated using the critical density and the diameter of the observable universe to be about 1.5 × 10 kg . Contents ( hide ) 1 The Universe versus the observable universe 2 Size 2.1 Misconceptions on its size 3 Large - scale structure 3.1 Walls , filaments , nodes , and voids 3.2 End of Greatness 3.3 Observations 3.4 Cosmography of our cosmic neighborhood 4 Mass of ordinary matter 4.1 Estimates based on critical density 5 Matter content -- number of atoms 6 Most distant objects 7 Horizons 8 See also 9 References 10 Further reading 11 External links The universe versus the observable universe ( edit ) Part of a series on Physical cosmology Big Bang Universe Age of the universe Chronology of the universe Early universe ( show ) Inflation Nucleosynthesis Backgrounds Gravitational wave ( GWB ) Microwave ( CMB ) Neutrino ( CNB ) Expansion Future ( show ) Hubble 's law Redshift Metric expansion of space FLRW metric Friedmann equations Inhomogeneous cosmology Future of an expanding universe Ultimate fate of the universe Components Structure ( hide ) Components Lambda - CDM model Dark energy Dark fluid Dark matter Structure Shape of the universe Galaxy filament Galaxy formation Large quasar group Large - scale structure Reionization Structure formation Experiments ( show ) Black Hole Initiative ( BHI ) BOOMERanG Cosmic Background Explorer ( COBE ) Illustris project Planck space observatory Sloan Digital Sky Survey ( SDSS ) 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey ( `` 2dF '' ) Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe ( WMAP ) Scientists ( show ) Aaronson Alfvén Alpher Bharadwaj Copernicus de Sitter Dicke Ehlers Einstein Ellis Friedman Galileo Gamow Guth Hawking Hubble Lemaître Mather Newton Penrose Penzias Rubin Schmidt Smoot Suntzeff Sunyaev Tolman Wilson Zel'dovich List of cosmologists Subject history ( show ) Discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation History of the Big Bang theory Religious interpretations of the Big Bang theory Timeline of cosmological theories Cosmology portal Astronomy portal Some parts of the Universe are too far away for the light emitted since the Big Bang to have had enough time to reach Earth , so these portions of the Universe lie outside the observable universe . In the future , light from distant galaxies will have had more time to travel , so additional regions will become observable . However , due to Hubble 's law , regions sufficiently distant from the Earth are expanding away from it faster than the speed of light ( special relativity prevents nearby objects in the same local region from moving faster than the speed of light with respect to each other , but there is no such constraint for distant objects when the space between them is expanding ; see uses of the proper distance for a discussion ) and furthermore the expansion rate appears to be accelerating due to dark energy . Assuming dark energy remains constant ( an unchanging cosmological constant ) , so that the expansion rate of the Universe continues to accelerate , there is a `` future visibility limit '' beyond which objects will never enter our observable universe at any time in the infinite future , because light emitted by objects outside that limit would never reach the Earth . ( A subtlety is that , because the Hubble parameter is decreasing with time , there can be cases where a galaxy that is receding from the Earth just a bit faster than light does emit a signal that reaches the Earth eventually ) . This future visibility limit is calculated at a comoving distance of 19 billion parsecs ( 62 billion light years ) , assuming the Universe will keep expanding forever , which implies the number of galaxies that we can ever theoretically observe in the infinite future ( leaving aside the issue that some may be impossible to observe in practice due to redshift , as discussed in the following paragraph ) is only larger than the number currently observable by a factor of 2.36 . Artist 's logarithmic scale conception of the observable universe with the Solar System at the center , inner and outer planets , Kuiper belt , Oort cloud , Alpha Centauri , Perseus Arm , Milky Way galaxy , Andromeda galaxy , nearby galaxies , Cosmic Web , Cosmic microwave radiation and the Big Bang 's invisible plasma on the edge . Though in principle more galaxies will become observable in the future , in practice an increasing number of galaxies will become extremely redshifted due to ongoing expansion , so much so that they will seem to disappear from view and become invisible . An additional subtlety is that a galaxy at a given comoving distance is defined to lie within the `` observable universe '' if we can receive signals emitted by the galaxy at any age in its past history ( say , a signal sent from the galaxy only 500 million years after the Big Bang ) , but because of the Universe 's expansion , there may be some later age at which a signal sent from the same galaxy can never reach the Earth at any point in the infinite future ( so for example we might never see what the galaxy looked like 10 billion years after the Big Bang ) , even though it remains at the same comoving distance ( comoving distance is defined to be constant with time -- unlike proper distance , which is used to define recession velocity due to the expansion of space ) , which is less than the comoving radius of the observable universe . This fact can be used to define a type of cosmic event horizon whose distance from the Earth changes over time . For example , the current distance to this horizon is about 16 billion light years , meaning that a signal from an event happening at present can eventually reach the Earth in the future if the event is less than 16 billion light years away , but the signal will never reach the Earth if the event is more than 16 billion light years away . Both popular and professional research articles in cosmology often use the term `` universe '' to mean `` observable universe '' . This can be justified on the grounds that we can never know anything by direct experimentation about any part of the Universe that is causally disconnected from the Earth , although many credible theories require a total universe much larger than the observable universe . No evidence exists to suggest that the boundary of the observable universe constitutes a boundary on the Universe as a whole , nor do any of the mainstream cosmological models propose that the Universe has any physical boundary in the first place , though some models propose it could be finite but unbounded , like a higher - dimensional analogue of the 2D surface of a sphere that is finite in area but has no edge . It is plausible that the galaxies within our observable universe represent only a minuscule fraction of the galaxies in the Universe . According to the theory of cosmic inflation initially introduced by its founder , Alan Guth ( and by D. Kazanas ) , if it is assumed that inflation began about 10 seconds after the Big Bang , then with the plausible assumption that the size of the Universe before the inflation occurred was approximately equal to the speed of light times its age , that would suggest that at present the entire universe 's size is at least 3x10 times the radius of the observable universe . There are also lower estimates claiming that the entire universe is in excess of 250 times larger than the observable universe and also higher estimates implying that the universe is at least 10 times larger than the observable universe . If the Universe is finite but unbounded , it is also possible that the Universe is smaller than the observable universe . In this case , what we take to be very distant galaxies may actually be duplicate images of nearby galaxies , formed by light that has circumnavigated the Universe . It is difficult to test this hypothesis experimentally because different images of a galaxy would show different eras in its history , and consequently might appear quite different . Bielewicz et al. claims to establish a lower bound of 27.9 gigaparsecs ( 91 billion light - years ) on the diameter of the last scattering surface ( since this is only a lower bound , the paper leaves open the possibility that the whole universe is much larger , even infinite ) . This value is based on matching - circle analysis of the WMAP 7 year data . This approach has been disputed . Size ( edit ) Hubble Ultra-Deep Field image of a region of the observable universe ( equivalent sky area size shown in bottom left corner ) , near the constellation Fornax . Each spot is a galaxy , consisting of billions of stars . The light from the smallest , most red - shifted galaxies originated nearly 14 billion years ago . The comoving distance from Earth to the edge of the observable universe is about 14.26 gigaparsecs ( 46.5 billion light years or 4.40 × 10 meters ) in any direction . The observable universe is thus a sphere with a diameter of about 28.5 gigaparsecs ( 93 Gly or 8.8 × 10 m ) . Assuming that space is roughly flat , this size corresponds to a comoving volume of about 7004122000000000000 ♠ 1.22 × 10 Gpc ( 7005422000000000000 ♠ 4.22 × 10 Gly or 7080357000000000000 ♠ 3.57 × 10 m ) . The figures quoted above are distances now ( in cosmological time ) , not distances at the time the light was emitted . For example , the cosmic microwave background radiation that we see right now was emitted at the time of photon decoupling , estimated to have occurred about 7005380000000000000 ♠ 380 000 years after the Big Bang , which occurred around 13.8 billion years ago . This radiation was emitted by matter that has , in the intervening time , mostly condensed into galaxies , and those galaxies are now calculated to be about 46 billion light - years from us . To estimate the distance to that matter at the time the light was emitted , we may first note that according to the Friedmann -- Lemaître -- Robertson -- Walker metric , which is used to model the expanding universe , if at the present time we receive light with a redshift of z , then the scale factor at the time the light was originally emitted is given by a ( t ) = 1 1 + z ( \ displaystyle \ ! a ( t ) = ( \ frac ( 1 ) ( 1 + z ) ) ) . WMAP nine - year results combined with other measurements give the redshift of photon decoupling as z = 7003109164000000000 ♠ 1091. 64 ± 0.47 , which implies that the scale factor at the time of photon decoupling would be ​ ⁄ . So if the matter that originally emitted the oldest CMBR photons has a present distance of 46 billion light years , then at the time of decoupling when the photons were originally emitted , the distance would have been only about 42 million light - years . Misconceptions on its size ( edit ) An example of one of the most common misconceptions about the size of the observable universe . This plaque appears at the Rose Center for Earth and Space in New York City . Many secondary sources have reported a wide variety of incorrect figures for the size of the visible universe . Some of these figures are listed below , with brief descriptions of possible reasons for misconceptions about them . 13.8 billion light - years The age of the universe is estimated to be 13.8 billion years . While it is commonly understood that nothing can accelerate to velocities equal to or greater than that of light , it is a common misconception that the radius of the observable universe must therefore amount to only 13.8 billion light - years . This reasoning would only make sense if the flat , static Minkowski spacetime conception under special relativity were correct . In the real universe , spacetime is curved in a way that corresponds to the expansion of space , as evidenced by Hubble 's law . Distances obtained as the speed of light multiplied by a cosmological time interval have no direct physical significance . 15.8 billion light - years This is obtained in the same way as the 13.8 billion light year figure , but starting from an incorrect age of the universe that the popular press reported in mid-2006 . For an analysis of this claim and the paper that prompted it , see the following reference at the end of this article . 27.6 billion light - years This is a diameter obtained from the ( incorrect ) radius of 13.8 billion light - years . 78 billion light - years In 2003 , Cornish et al. found this lower bound for the diameter of the whole universe ( not just the observable part ) , if we postulate that the universe is finite in size due to its having a nontrivial topology , with this lower bound based on the estimated current distance between points that we can see on opposite sides of the cosmic microwave background radiation ( CMBR ) . If the whole universe is smaller than this sphere , then light has had time to circumnavigate it since the Big Bang , producing multiple images of distant points in the CMBR , which would show up as patterns of repeating circles . Cornish et al. looked for such an effect at scales of up to 24 gigaparsecs ( 78 Gly or 7.4 × 10 m ) and failed to find it , and suggested that if they could extend their search to all possible orientations , they would then `` be able to exclude the possibility that we live in a universe smaller than 24 Gpc in diameter '' . The authors also estimated that with `` lower noise and higher resolution CMB maps ( from WMAP 's extended mission and from Planck ) , we will be able to search for smaller circles and extend the limit to ~ 28 Gpc . '' This estimate of the maximum lower bound that can be established by future observations corresponds to a radius of 14 gigaparsecs , or around 46 billion light years , about the same as the figure for the radius of the visible universe ( whose radius is defined by the CMBR sphere ) given in the opening section . A 2012 preprint by most of the same authors as the Cornish et al. paper has extended the current lower bound to a diameter of 98.5 % the diameter of the CMBR sphere , or about 26 Gpc . 156 billion light - years This figure was obtained by doubling 78 billion light - years on the assumption that it is a radius . Because 78 billion light - years is already a diameter ( the original paper by Cornish et al. says , `` By extending the search to all possible orientations , we will be able to exclude the possibility that we live in a universe smaller than 24 Gpc in diameter , '' and 24 Gpc is 78 billion light years ) , the doubled figure is incorrect . This figure was very widely reported . A press release from Montana State University -- Bozeman , where Cornish works as an astrophysicist , noted the error when discussing a story that had appeared in Discover magazine , saying `` Discover mistakenly reported that the universe was 156 billion light - years wide , thinking that 78 billion was the radius of the universe instead of its diameter . '' As noted above , 78 billion was also incorrect . 180 billion light - years This estimate combines the erroneous 156 - billion - light - year figure with evidence that the M33 Galaxy is actually fifteen percent farther away than previous estimates and that , therefore , the Hubble constant is fifteen percent smaller . The 180 - billion figure is obtained by adding 15 % to 156 billion light years . Large - scale structure ( edit ) Main article : Cosmic web Sky surveys and mappings of the various wavelength bands of electromagnetic radiation ( in particular 21 - cm emission ) have yielded much information on the content and character of the universe 's structure . The organization of structure appears to follow as a hierarchical model with organization up to the scale of superclusters and filaments . Larger than this ( at scales between 30 -- 200 megaparsecs ) , there seems to be no continued structure , a phenomenon that has been referred to as the End of Greatness . Walls , filaments , nodes , and voids ( edit ) DTFE reconstruction of the inner parts of the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey The organization of structure arguably begins at the stellar level , though most cosmologists rarely address astrophysics on that scale . Stars are organized into galaxies , which in turn form galaxy groups , galaxy clusters , superclusters , sheets , walls and filaments , which are separated by immense voids , creating a vast foam - like structure sometimes called the `` cosmic web '' . Prior to 1989 , it was commonly assumed that virialized galaxy clusters were the largest structures in existence , and that they were distributed more or less uniformly throughout the Universe in every direction . However , since the early 1980s , more and more structures have been discovered . In 1983 , Adrian Webster identified the Webster LQG , a large quasar group consisting of 5 quasars . The discovery was the first identification of a large - scale structure , and has expanded the information about the known grouping of matter in the Universe . In 1987 , Robert Brent Tully identified the Pisces -- Cetus Supercluster Complex , the galaxy filament in which the Milky Way resides . It is about 1 billion light years across . That same year , an unusually large region with no galaxies was discovered , the Giant Void , which measures 1.3 billion light years across . Based on redshift survey data , in 1989 Margaret Geller and John Huchra discovered the `` Great Wall '' , a sheet of galaxies more than 500 million light - years long and 200 million light - years wide , but only 15 million light - years thick . The existence of this structure escaped notice for so long because it requires locating the position of galaxies in three dimensions , which involves combining location information about the galaxies with distance information from redshifts . Two years later , astronomers Roger G. Clowes and Luis E. Campusano discovered the Clowes -- Campusano LQG , a large quasar group measuring two billion light years at its widest point , and was the largest known structure in the Universe at the time of its announcement . In April 2003 , another large - scale structure was discovered , the Sloan Great Wall . In August 2007 , a possible supervoid was detected in the constellation Eridanus . It coincides with the ' CMB cold spot ' , a cold region in the microwave sky that is highly improbable under the currently favored cosmological model . This supervoid could cause the cold spot , but to do so it would have to be improbably big , possibly a billion light - years across , almost as big as the Giant Void mentioned above . Computer simulated image of an area of space more than 50 million light years across , presenting a possible large - scale distribution of light sources in the universe -- precise relative contributions of galaxies and quasars are unclear . Another large - scale structure is the Newfound Blob , a collection of galaxies and enormous gas bubbles that measures about 200 million light years across . In 2011 , a large quasar group was discovered , U1. 11 , measuring about 2.5 billion light years across . On January 11 , 2013 , another large quasar group , the Huge - LQG , was discovered , which was measured to be four billion light - years across , the largest known structure in the Universe at that time . In November 2013 , astronomers discovered the Hercules -- Corona Borealis Great Wall , an even bigger structure twice as large as the former . It was defined by the mapping of gamma - ray bursts . End of Greatness ( edit ) The End of Greatness is an observational scale discovered at roughly 100 Mpc ( roughly 300 million lightyears ) where the lumpiness seen in the large - scale structure of the universe is homogenized and isotropized in accordance with the Cosmological Principle . At this scale , no pseudo-random fractalness is apparent . The superclusters and filaments seen in smaller surveys are randomized to the extent that the smooth distribution of the Universe is visually apparent . It was not until the redshift surveys of the 1990s were completed that this scale could accurately be observed . Observations ( edit ) `` Panoramic view of the entire near - infrared sky reveals the distribution of galaxies beyond the Milky Way . The image is derived from the 2MASS Extended Source Catalog ( XSC ) -- more than 1.5 million galaxies , and the Point Source Catalog ( PSC ) -- nearly 0.5 billion Milky Way stars . The galaxies are color - coded by ' redshift ' obtained from the UGC , CfA , Tully NBGC , LCRS , 2dF , 6dFGS , and SDSS surveys ( and from various observations compiled by the NASA Extragalactic Database ) , or photo - metrically deduced from the K band ( 2.2 μm ) . Blue are the nearest sources ( z < 0.01 ) ; green are at moderate distances ( 0.01 < z < 0.04 ) and red are the most distant sources that 2MASS resolves ( 0.04 < z < 0.1 ) . The map is projected with an equal area Aitoff in the Galactic system ( Milky Way at center ) . '' Another indicator of large - scale structure is the ' Lyman - alpha forest ' . This is a collection of absorption lines that appear in the spectra of light from quasars , which are interpreted as indicating the existence of huge thin sheets of intergalactic ( mostly hydrogen ) gas . These sheets appear to be associated with the formation of new galaxies . Caution is required in describing structures on a cosmic scale because things are often different from how they appear . Gravitational lensing ( bending of light by gravitation ) can make an image appear to originate in a different direction from its real source . This is caused when foreground objects ( such as galaxies ) curve surrounding spacetime ( as predicted by general relativity ) , and deflect passing light rays . Rather usefully , strong gravitational lensing can sometimes magnify distant galaxies , making them easier to detect . Weak lensing ( gravitational shear ) by the intervening universe in general also subtly changes the observed large - scale structure . As of 2004 , measurements of this subtle shear showed considerable promise as a test of cosmological models . The large - scale structure of the Universe also looks different if one only uses redshift to measure distances to galaxies . For example , galaxies behind a galaxy cluster are attracted to it , and so fall towards it , and so are slightly blueshifted ( compared to how they would be if there were no cluster ) On the near side , things are slightly redshifted . Thus , the environment of the cluster looks a bit squashed if using redshifts to measure distance . An opposite effect works on the galaxies already within a cluster : the galaxies have some random motion around the cluster center , and when these random motions are converted to redshifts , the cluster appears elongated . This creates a `` finger of God '' -- the illusion of a long chain of galaxies pointed at the Earth . Cosmography of our cosmic neighborhood ( edit ) At the centre of the Hydra - Centaurus Supercluster , a gravitational anomaly called the Great Attractor affects the motion of galaxies over a region hundreds of millions of light - years across . These galaxies are all redshifted , in accordance with Hubble 's law . This indicates that they are receding from us and from each other , but the variations in their redshift are sufficient to reveal the existence of a concentration of mass equivalent to tens of thousands of galaxies . The Great Attractor , discovered in 1986 , lies at a distance of between 150 million and 250 million light - years ( 250 million is the most recent estimate ) , in the direction of the Hydra and Centaurus constellations . In its vicinity there is a preponderance of large old galaxies , many of which are colliding with their neighbours , or radiating large amounts of radio waves . In 1987 , astronomer R. Brent Tully of the University of Hawaii 's Institute of Astronomy identified what he called the Pisces -- Cetus Supercluster Complex , a structure one billion light years long and 150 million light years across in which , he claimed , the Local Supercluster was embedded . Mass of ordinary matter ( edit ) Nature timeline view discuss edit - 13 -- -- - 12 -- -- - 11 -- -- - 10 -- -- - 9 -- -- - 8 -- -- - 7 -- -- - 6 -- -- - 5 -- -- - 4 -- -- - 3 -- -- - 2 -- -- - 1 -- -- 0 -- cosmic expansion Earliest light cosmic speed - up Solar System water Single - celled life photosynthesis Multicellular life Land life Earliest gravity Dark energy Dark matter ← Earliest universe ( − 13.80 ) ← Earliest galaxy ← Earliest quasar / sbh ← Omega Centauri forms ← Andromeda Galaxy forms ← Milky Way Galaxy spiral arms form ← Alpha Centauri forms ← Earliest Earth ( − 4.54 ) ← Earliest life ← Earliest oxygen ← Atmospheric oxygen ← Earliest sexual reproduction ← Cambrian explosion ← Earliest humans i f r i m o r d i l Axis scale : billions of years ago . Also see : Human timeline and Life timeline The mass of the observable Universe is often quoted as 10 tonnes or 10 kg . In this context , mass refers to ordinary matter and includes the interstellar medium ( ISM ) and the intergalactic medium ( IGM ) . However , it excludes dark matter and dark energy . This quoted value for the mass of ordinary matter in the Universe can be estimated based on critical density . The calculations are for the observable universe only as the volume of the whole is unknown and may be infinite . Estimates based on critical density ( edit ) Critical density is the energy density for which the universe is flat . If there is no dark energy , it is also the density for which the expansion of the Universe is poised between continued expansion and collapse . From the Friedmann equations , the value for ρ c ( \ displaystyle \ rho _ ( c ) ) critical density , is : ρ c = 3 H 0 2 8 π G ( \ displaystyle \ rho _ ( c ) = ( \ frac ( 3H_ ( 0 ) ^ ( 2 ) ) ( 8 \ pi G ) ) ) where G is the gravitational constant and H is the present value of the Hubble constant . The current value for H , due to the European Space Agency 's Planck Telescope , is H = 67.15 kilometers per second per mega parsec . This gives a critical density of 6973850000000000000 ♠ 0.85 × 10 kg / m ( commonly quoted as about 5 hydrogen atoms per cubic meter ) . This density includes four significant types of energy / mass : ordinary matter ( 4.8 % ) , neutrinos ( 0.1 % ) , cold dark matter ( 26.8 % ) , and dark energy ( 68.3 % ) . Note that although neutrinos are defined as particles like electrons , they are listed separately because they are difficult to detect and so different from ordinary matter . The density of ordinary matter , as measured by Planck , is 4.8 % of the total critical density or 6972408000000000000 ♠ 4.08 × 10 kg / m . To convert this density to mass we must multiply by volume , a value based on the radius of the `` observable universe '' . Since the Universe has been expanding for 13.8 billion years , the comoving distance ( radius ) is now about 46.6 billion light years . Thus , volume ( 4 / 3πr ) equals 7080358000000000000 ♠ 3.58 × 10 m and the mass of ordinary matter equals density ( 6972408000000000000 ♠ 4.08 × 10 kg / m ) times volume ( 7080358000000000000 ♠ 3.58 × 10 m ) or 7053146000000000000 ♠ 1.46 × 10 kg . Matter content -- number of atoms ( edit ) Main article : Abundance of the chemical elements Assuming the mass of ordinary matter is about 7053144999999999999 ♠ 1.45 × 10 kg ( refer to previous section ) and assuming all atoms are hydrogen atoms ( which in reality make up about 74 % of all atoms in our galaxy by mass , see Abundance of the chemical elements ) , calculating the estimated total number of atoms in the observable Universe is straightforward . Divide the mass of ordinary matter by the mass of a hydrogen atom ( 7053144999999999999 ♠ 1.45 × 10 kg divided by 6973167000000000000 ♠ 1.67 × 10 kg ) . The result is approximately 10 hydrogen atoms . Most distant objects ( edit ) The most distant astronomical object yet announced as of January 2011 is a galaxy candidate classified UDFj - 39546284 . In 2009 , a gamma ray burst , GRB 090423 , was found to have a redshift of 8.2 , which indicates that the collapsing star that caused it exploded when the Universe was only 630 million years old . The burst happened approximately 13 billion years ago , so a distance of about 13 billion light years was widely quoted in the media ( or sometimes a more precise figure of 13.035 billion light years ) , though this would be the `` light travel distance '' ( see Distance measures ( cosmology ) ) rather than the `` proper distance '' used in both Hubble 's law and in defining the size of the observable universe ( cosmologist Ned Wright argues against the common use of light travel distance in astronomical press releases on this page , and at the bottom of the page offers online calculators that can be used to calculate the current proper distance to a distant object in a flat universe based on either the redshift z or the light travel time ) . The proper distance for a redshift of 8.2 would be about 9.2 Gpc , or about 30 billion light years . Another record - holder for most distant object is a galaxy observed through and located beyond Abell 2218 , also with a light travel distance of approximately 13 billion light years from Earth , with observations from the Hubble telescope indicating a redshift between 6.6 and 7.1 , and observations from Keck telescopes indicating a redshift towards the upper end of this range , around 7 . The galaxy 's light now observable on Earth would have begun to emanate from its source about 750 million years after the Big Bang . Horizons ( edit ) Main article : List of cosmological horizons The limit of observability in our universe is set by a set of cosmological horizons which limit -- based on various physical constraints -- the extent to which we can obtain information about various events in the Universe . The most famous horizon is the particle horizon which sets a limit on the precise distance that can be seen due to the finite age of the Universe . Additional horizons are associated with the possible future extent of observations ( larger than the particle horizon owing to the expansion of space ) , an `` optical horizon '' at the surface of last scattering , and associated horizons with the surface of last scattering for neutrinos and gravitational waves . A diagram of our location in the observable universe . ( Alternative image . ) See also ( edit ) Bolshoi Cosmological Simulation Causality ( physics ) Chronology of the universe Dark flow Hubble volume Illustris project Multiverse Orders of magnitude ( length ) Timeline of the Big Bang References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Itzhak Bars ; John Terning ( November 2009 ) . Extra Dimensions in Space and Time . Springer . pp. 27 -- . ISBN 978 - 0 - 387 - 77637 - 8 . Retrieved 2011 - 05 - 01 . Jump up ^ What is the Universe Made Of ? ^ Jump up to : Paul Davies ( 2006 ) . The Goldilocks Enigma . First Mariner Books . p. 43 -- . ISBN 978 - 0 - 618 - 59226 - 5 . Retrieved 1 July 2013 . 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New York Times . Retrieved 17 October 2016 . Jump up ^ Mackie , Glen ( 1 February 2002 ) . `` To see the Universe in a Grain of Taranaki Sand '' . Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing . Retrieved 28 January 2017 . Jump up ^ `` - Star survey reaches 70 sextillion - Jul. 23 , 2003 '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 09 - 17 . Jump up ^ `` Which Is Greater , The Number Of Sand Grains On Earth Or Stars In The Sky ? '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 09 - 17 . ^ Jump up to : Davis , Tamara M. ; Charles H. Lineweaver ( 2004 ) . `` Expanding Confusion : common misconceptions of cosmological horizons and the superluminal expansion of the universe '' . Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia . 21 ( 1 ) : 97 -- 109 . arXiv : astro - ph / 0310808 . Bibcode : 2004PASA ... 21 ... 97D . doi : 10.1071 / AS03040 . ^ Jump up to : Gott III , J. Richard ; Mario Jurić ; David Schlegel ; Fiona Hoyle ; et al. ( 2005 ) . `` A Map of the Universe '' ( PDF ) . The Astrophysical Journal . 624 ( 2 ) : 463 -- 484 . arXiv : astro - ph / 0310571 . Bibcode : 2005ApJ ... 624 ... 463G . doi : 10.1086 / 428890 . Jump up ^ Frequently Asked Questions in Cosmology . . Retrieved on 2011 - 05 - 01 . ^ Jump up to : Lineweaver , Charles ; Tamara M. Davis ( 2005 ) . `` Misconceptions about the Big Bang '' . Scientific American . Jump up ^ Itzhak Bars ; John Terning ( November 2009 ) . Extra Dimensions in Space and Time . Springer . pp. 27 -- . ISBN 978 - 0 - 387 - 77637 - 8 . Retrieved 1 May 2011 . Jump up ^ See the `` Mass of ordinary matter '' section in this article . Jump up ^ Is the universe expanding faster than the speed of light ? ( see the last two paragraphs ) Jump up ^ The comoving distance of the future visibility limit is calculated on p. 8 of Gott et al. 's A Map of the Universe to be 4.50 times the Hubble radius , given as 4.220 billion parsecs ( 13.76 billion light years ) , whereas the current comoving radius of the observable universe is calculated on p. 7 to be 3.38 times the Hubble radius . The number of galaxies in a sphere of a given comoving radius is proportional to the cube of the radius , so as shown on p. 8 the ratio between the number of galaxies observable in the future visibility limit to the number of galaxies observable today would be ( 4.50 / 3.38 ) = 2.36 . Jump up ^ Krauss , Lawrence M. ; Robert J. Scherrer ( 2007 ) . `` The Return of a Static Universe and the End of Cosmology '' . General Relativity and Gravitation. 39 ( 10 ) : 1545 -- 1550 . arXiv : 0704.0221 . Bibcode : 2007GReGr ... 39.1545 K . doi : 10.1007 / s10714 - 007 - 0472 - 9 . Jump up ^ Using Tiny Particles To Answer Giant Questions . Science Friday , 3 Apr 2009 . 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( 2014 ) . `` Possible structure in the GRB sky distribution at redshift two '' . Astronomy & Astrophysics. 561 : L12 . arXiv : 1401.0533 . Bibcode : 2014A&A ... 561L ... 12H . doi : 10.1051 / 0004 - 6361 / 201323020 . Jump up ^ Horvath , I. ; Hakkila , J. ; Bagoly , Z. ( 2013 ) . `` The largest structure of the Universe , defined by Gamma - Ray Bursts '' . arXiv : 1311.1104 ( astro-ph.CO ) . Jump up ^ Klotz , Irene ( 2013 - 11 - 19 ) . `` Universe 's Largest Structure is a Cosmic Conundrum '' . Discovery . Jump up ^ , `` The Universe Is n't a Fractal , Study Finds '' , Natalie Wolchover , 22 August 2012 Jump up ^ 1Jarrett , T.H. ( 2004 ) . `` Large Scale Structure in the Local Universe : The 2MASS Galaxy Catalog '' . Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia . 21 ( 4 ) : 396 -- 403 . arXiv : astro - ph / 0405069 . Bibcode : 2004PASA ... 21 ... 396J . doi : 10.1071 / AS04050 . Jump up ^ Massive Clusters of Galaxies Defy Concepts of the Universe N.Y. Times Tue . November 10 , 1987 : Jump up ^ Map of the Pisces - Cetus Supercluster Complex : Jump up ^ See Friedmann_equations # Density_parameter . Jump up ^ Michio Kaku ( 2005 ) . Parallel Worlds . Anchor Books . p. 385 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4000 - 3372 - 0 . Retrieved 1 July 2013 . Jump up ^ Bernard F. Schutz ( 2003 ) . Gravity from the ground up . Cambridge University Press . pp. 361 -- . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 45506 - 0 . Retrieved 1 May 2011 . Jump up ^ Planck collaboration ( 2013 ) . `` Planck 2013 results . XVI . Cosmological parameters '' . Astronomy & Astrophysics. 571 : A16 . arXiv : 1303.5076 . Bibcode : 2014A&A ... 571A ... 16P . doi : 10.1051 / 0004 - 6361 / 201321591 . ^ Jump up to : New Gamma - Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record -- NASA Science . . Retrieved on 2011 - 05 - 01 . Jump up ^ More Observations of GRB 090423 , the Most Distant Known Object in the Universe . ( 2009 - 10 - 28 ) . Retrieved on 2011 - 05 - 01 . Jump up ^ Meszaros , Attila ; et al. ( 2009 ) . `` Impact on cosmology of the celestial anisotropy of the short gamma - ray bursts '' . Baltic Astronomy . 18 : 293 -- 296 . arXiv : 1005.1558 . Bibcode : 2009BaltA ... 18 ... 293M . Jump up ^ Hubble and Keck team up to find farthest known galaxy in the Universe Press Releases ESA / Hubble . ( 2004 - 02 - 15 ) . Retrieved on 2011 - 05 - 01 . Jump up ^ MSNBC : `` Galaxy ranks as most distant object in cosmos '' Further reading ( edit ) Vicent J. Martínez ; Jean - Luc Starck ; Enn Saar ; David L. Donoho ; et al. ( 2005 ) . `` Morphology Of The Galaxy Distribution From Wavelet Denoising '' . The Astrophysical Journal . 634 ( 2 ) : 744 -- 755 . arXiv : astro - ph / 0508326 . Bibcode : 2005ApJ ... 634 ... 744M . doi : 10.1086 / 497125 . Mureika , J.R. & Dyer , C.C. ( 2004 ) . `` Review : Multifractal Analysis of Packed Swiss Cheese Cosmologies '' . General Relativity and Gravitation. 36 ( 1 ) : 151 -- 184 . arXiv : gr - qc / 0505083 . Bibcode : 2004GReGr ... 36 ... 151M . doi : 10.1023 / B : GERG. 0000006699.45969. 49 . Gott , III , J.R. ; et al. ( May 2005 ) . `` A Map of the Universe '' . The Astrophysical Journal . 624 ( 2 ) : 463 -- 484 . arXiv : astro - ph / 0310571 . Bibcode : 2005ApJ ... 624 ... 463G . doi : 10.1086 / 428890 . CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list ( link ) F. Sylos Labini ; M. Montuori & L. Pietronero ( 1998 ) . `` Scale - invariance of galaxy clustering '' . Physics Reports . 293 ( 1 ) : 61 -- 226 . arXiv : astro - ph / 9711073 . Bibcode : 1998PhR ... 293 ... 61S . doi : 10.1016 / S0370 - 1573 ( 97 ) 00044 - 6 . External links ( edit ) This article 's use of external links may not follow Wikipedia 's policies or guidelines . Please improve this article by removing excessive or inappropriate external links , and converting useful links where appropriate into footnote references . ( June 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Calculating the total mass of ordinary matter in the universe , what you always wanted to know `` Millennium Simulation '' of structure forming -- Max Planck Institute of Astrophysics , Garching , Germany Visualisations of large - scale structure : animated spins of groups , clusters , filaments and voids -- identified in SDSS data by MSPM ( Sydney Institute for Astronomy ) NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day : The Sloan Great Wall : Largest Known Structure ? ( 7 November 2007 ) Cosmology FAQ Forming Galaxies Captured In The Young Universe By Hubble , VLT & Spitzer NASA featured Images and Galleries Star Survey reaches 70 sextillion Animation of the cosmic light horizon Inflation and the Cosmic Microwave Background by Charles Lineweaver Logarithmic Maps of the Universe List of publications of the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey The Universe Within 14 Billion Light Years -- NASA Atlas of the Universe -- Note , this map only gives a rough cosmographical estimate of the expected distribution of superclusters within the observable universe ; very little actual mapping has been done beyond a distance of one billion light years . Video : `` The Known Universe '' , from the American Museum of Natural History NASA / IPAC Extragalactic Database Cosmography of the Local Universe at ( 17 : 35 ) ( arXiv ) Size and age of the Universe -- at Astronoo ( hide ) Earth 's location in the Universe Included Earth → Solar System → Local Interstellar Cloud → Local Bubble → Gould Belt → Orion Arm → Milky Way → Milky Way subgroup → Local Group → Virgo Supercluster → Laniakea Supercluster → Observable universe → Universe Each arrow ( → ) may be read as `` within '' or `` part of '' . Related Cosmic View ( 1957 essay ) To the Moon and Beyond ( 1964 film ) Cosmic Zoom ( 1968 film ) Powers of Ten ( 1968 and 1977 films ) Cosmic Voyage ( 1996 documentary ) Cosmic Eye ( 2012 ) Astronomy portal - Cosmology portal Astronomy portal Cosmology portal Space portal Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Physical universe Physical cosmology Hidden categories : CS1 maint : Explicit use of et al . 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how many light years to the end of the universe
According to calculations , the comoving distance ( current proper distance ) to particles from which the CMBR was emitted , which represent the radius of the visible universe , is about 14.0 billion parsecs ( about 45.7 billion light years ) , while the comoving distance to the edge of the observable universe is about 14.3 billion parsecs ( about 46.6 billion light years ) , about 2 % larger . The radius of the observable universe is therefore estimated to be about 46.5 billion light - years and its diameter about 28.5 gigaparsecs ( 93 billion light - years 8.8 × 10 kilometres or 5.5 × 10 miles ) . The total mass of ordinary matter in the universe can be calculated using the critical density and the diameter of the observable universe to be about 1.5 × 10 kg .
I Have a Dream - wikipedia I Have a Dream Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see I Have a Dream ( disambiguation ) . Martin Luther King Jr. delivering `` I Have a Dream '' at the 1963 Washington D.C. Civil Rights March . External audio I Have a Dream , August 28 , 1963 , Educational Radio Network `` I Have a Dream '' is a public speech delivered by American civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28 , 1963 , in which he calls for an end to racism in the United States and called for civil and economic rights . Delivered to over 250,000 civil rights supporters from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington , D.C. , the speech was a defining moment of the Civil Rights Movement . Beginning with a reference to the Emancipation Proclamation , which freed millions of slaves in 1863 , King observes that : `` one hundred years later , the Negro still is not free '' . Toward the end of the speech , King departed from his prepared text for a partly improvised peroration on the theme `` I have a dream '' , prompted by Mahalia Jackson 's cry : `` Tell them about the dream , Martin ! '' In this part of the speech , which most excited the listeners and has now become its most famous , King described his dreams of freedom and equality arising from a land of slavery and hatred . Jon Meacham writes that , `` With a single phrase , Martin Luther King Jr. joined Jefferson and Lincoln in the ranks of men who 've shaped modern America '' . The speech was ranked the top American speech of the 20th century in a 1999 poll of scholars of public address . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 1.1 Speech title and the writing process 2 Speech 2.1 Similarities and allusions 3 Rhetoric 4 Responses 5 Legacy 6 Copyright dispute 7 Original copy of the speech 8 References 9 External links Background View from the Lincoln Memorial toward the Washington Monument on August 28 , 1963 The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom was partly intended to demonstrate mass support for the civil rights legislation proposed by President Kennedy in June . Martin Luther King and other leaders therefore agreed to keep their speeches calm , also , to avoid provoking the civil disobedience which had become the hallmark of the Civil Rights Movement . King originally designed his speech as a homage to Abraham Lincoln 's Gettysburg Address , timed to correspond with the 100 - year centennial of the Emancipation Proclamation . Speech title and the writing process King had been preaching about dreams since 1960 , when he gave a speech to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People ( NAACP ) called `` The Negro and the American Dream '' . This speech discusses the gap between the American dream and reality , saying that overt white supremacists have violated the dream , and that `` our federal government has also scarred the dream through its apathy and hypocrisy , its betrayal of the cause of justice '' . King suggests that `` It may well be that the Negro is God 's instrument to save the soul of America . '' In 1961 , he spoke of the Civil Rights Movement and student activists ' `` dream '' of equality -- `` the American Dream ... a dream as yet unfulfilled '' -- in several national speeches and statements , and took `` the dream '' as the centerpiece for these speeches . On November 27 , 1962 , King gave a speech at Booker T. Washington High School in Rocky Mount , North Carolina . That speech was longer than the version which he would eventually deliver from the Lincoln Memorial . And while parts of the text had been moved around , large portions were identical , including the `` I have a dream '' refrain . After being rediscovered , the restored and digitized recording of the 1962 speech was presented to the public by the English department of North Carolina State University . Martin Luther King had also delivered a `` dream '' speech in Detroit , in June 1963 , when he marched on Woodward Avenue with Walter Reuther and the Reverend C.L. Franklin , and had rehearsed other parts . The March on Washington Speech , known as `` I Have a Dream Speech '' , has been shown to have had several versions , written at several different times . It has no single version draft , but is an amalgamation of several drafts , and was originally called `` Normalcy , Never Again '' . Little of this , and another `` Normalcy Speech '' , ended up in the final draft . A draft of `` Normalcy , Never Again '' is housed in the Morehouse College Martin Luther King Jr . Collection of the Robert W. Woodruff Library , Atlanta University Center and Morehouse College . The focus on `` I have a dream '' comes through the speech 's delivery . Toward the end of its delivery , noted African American gospel singer Mahalia Jackson shouted to King from the crowd , `` Tell them about the dream , Martin . '' King departed from his prepared remarks and started `` preaching '' improvisationally , punctuating his points with `` I have a dream . '' The speech was drafted with the assistance of Stanley Levison and Clarence Benjamin Jones in Riverdale , New York City . Jones has said that `` the logistical preparations for the march were so burdensome that the speech was not a priority for us '' and that , `` on the evening of Tuesday , Aug. 27 , ( 12 hours before the march ) Martin still did n't know what he was going to say '' . Leading up to the speech 's rendition at the Great March on Washington , King had delivered its `` I have a dream '' refrains in his speech before 25,000 people in Detroit 's Cobo Hall immediately after the 125,000 - strong Great Walk to Freedom in Detroit , June 23 , 1963 . After the Washington , D.C. March , a recording of King 's Cobo Hall speech was released by Detroit 's Gordy Records as an LP entitled `` The Great March To Freedom '' . Speech Widely hailed as a masterpiece of rhetoric , King 's speech invokes pivotal documents in American history , including the Declaration of Independence , the Emancipation Proclamation , and the United States Constitution . Early in his speech , King alludes to Abraham Lincoln 's Gettysburg Address by saying `` Five score years ago ... '' In reference to the abolition of slavery articulated in the Emancipation Proclamation , King says : `` It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity . '' Anaphora ( i.e. , the repetition of a phrase at the beginning of sentences ) is employed throughout the speech . Early in his speech , King urges his audience to seize the moment ; `` Now is the time '' is repeated three times in the sixth paragraph . The most widely cited example of anaphora is found in the often quoted phrase `` I have a dream '' , which is repeated eight times as King paints a picture of an integrated and unified America for his audience . Other occasions include `` One hundred years later '' , `` We can never be satisfied '' , `` With this faith '' , `` Let freedom ring '' , and `` free at last '' . King was the sixteenth out of eighteen people to speak that day , according to the official program . I still have a dream , a dream deeply rooted in the American dream -- one day this nation will rise up and live up to its creed , `` We hold these truths to be self evident : that all men are created equal . '' I have a dream ... `` '' Martin Luther King Jr. ( 1963 ) Among the most quoted lines of the speech include `` I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin , but by the content of their character . I have a dream today ! '' According to U.S. Representative John Lewis , who also spoke that day as the president of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee , `` Dr. King had the power , the ability , and the capacity to transform those steps on the Lincoln Memorial into a monumental area that will forever be recognized . By speaking the way he did , he educated , he inspired , he informed not just the people there , but people throughout America and unborn generations . '' The ideas in the speech reflect King 's social experiences of ethnocentric abuse , the mistreatment and exploitation of blacks . The speech draws upon appeals to America 's myths as a nation founded to provide freedom and justice to all people , and then reinforces and transcends those secular mythologies by placing them within a spiritual context by arguing that racial justice is also in accord with God 's will . Thus , the rhetoric of the speech provides redemption to America for its racial sins . King describes the promises made by America as a `` promissory note '' on which America has defaulted . He says that `` America has given the Negro people a bad check '' , but that `` we 've come to cash this check '' by marching in Washington , D.C. Similarities and allusions Further information : Martin Luther King Jr. authorship issues King 's speech used words and ideas from his own speeches and other texts . For years , he had spoken about dreams , quoted from Samuel Francis Smith 's popular patriotic hymn `` America '' ( `` My Country , ' Tis of Thee '' ) , and of course referred extensively to the Bible . The idea of constitutional rights as an `` unfulfilled promise '' was suggested by Clarence Jones . The final passage from King 's speech closely resembles Archibald Carey Jr. 's address to the 1952 Republican National Convention : both speeches end with a recitation of the first verse of `` America '' , and the speeches share the name of one of several mountains from which both exhort `` let freedom ring '' . King also is said to have used portions of Prathia Hall 's speech at the site of a burned - down African American church in Terrell County , Georgia , in September 1962 , in which she used the repeated phrase `` I have a dream '' . The church burned down after it was used for voter registration meetings . The speech also alludes to Psalm 30 : 5 in the second stanza of the speech . Additionally , King quotes from Isaiah 40 : 4 -- 5 ( `` I have a dream that every valley shall be exalted ... '' ) and Amos 5 : 24 ( `` But let justice roll down like water ... '' ) . He also alludes to the opening lines of Shakespeare 's Richard III ( `` Now is the winter of our discontent / Made glorious summer ... '' ) when he remarks that `` this sweltering summer of the Negro 's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn ... '' Rhetoric King at the Civil Rights March on Washington , D.C The `` I Have a Dream '' speech can be dissected by using three rhetorical lenses : voice merging , prophetic voice , and dynamic spectacle . Voice merging is the combining of one 's own voice with religious predecessors . Prophetic voice is using rhetoric to speak for a population . A dynamic spectacle has origins from the Aristotelian definition as `` a weak hybrid form of drama , a theatrical concoction that relied upon external factors ( shock , sensation , and passionate release ) such as televised rituals of conflict and social control . '' Voice merging is a common technique used amongst African American preachers . It combines the voices of previous preachers and excerpts from scriptures along with their own unique thoughts to create a unique voice . King uses voice merging in his peroration when he references the secular hymn `` America '' . The rhetoric of King 's speech can be compared to the rhetoric of Old Testament prophets . During King 's speech , he speaks with urgency and crisis giving him a prophetic voice . The prophetic voice must `` restore a sense of duty and virtue amidst the decay of venality . '' An evident example is when King declares that , `` now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God 's children . '' Why King 's speech was powerful is debated , but essentially , it came at a point of many factors combining at a key cultural turning point . Executive speechwriter Anthony Trendl writes , `` The right man delivered the right words to the right people in the right place at the right time . '' `` Given the context of drama and tension in which it was situated '' , King 's speech can be classified as a dynamic spectacle . A dynamic spectacle is dependent on the situation in which it is used . It can be considered a dynamic spectacle because it happened at the correct time and place : during the Civil Rights Movement and the March on Washington . Responses The speech was lauded in the days after the event , and was widely considered the high point of the March by contemporary observers . James Reston , writing for The New York Times , said that `` Dr. King touched all the themes of the day , only better than anybody else . He was full of the symbolism of Lincoln and Gandhi , and the cadences of the Bible . He was both militant and sad , and he sent the crowd away feeling that the long journey had been worthwhile . '' Reston also noted that the event `` was better covered by television and the press than any event here since President Kennedy 's inauguration '' , and opined that `` it will be a long time before ( Washington ) forgets the melodious and melancholy voice of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. crying out his dreams to the multitude . '' An article in The Boston Globe by Mary McGrory reported that King 's speech `` caught the mood '' and `` moved the crowd '' of the day `` as no other '' speaker in the event . Marquis Childs of The Washington Post wrote that King 's speech `` rose above mere oratory '' . An article in the Los Angeles Times commented that the `` matchless eloquence '' displayed by King -- `` a supreme orator '' of `` a type so rare as almost to be forgotten in our age '' -- put to shame the advocates of segregation by inspiring the `` conscience of America '' with the justice of the civil - rights cause . The Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ) , which viewed King and his allies for racial justice as subversive , also noticed the speech . This provoked the organization to expand their COINTELPRO operation against the Southern Christian Leadership Conference ( SCLC ) , and to target King specifically as a major enemy of the United States . Two days after King delivered `` I Have a Dream '' , Agent William C. Sullivan , the head of COINTELPRO , wrote a memo about King 's growing influence : In the light of King 's powerful demagogic speech yesterday he stands head and shoulders above all other Negro leaders put together when it comes to influencing great masses of Negroes . We must mark him now , if we have not done so before , as the most dangerous Negro of the future in this Nation from the standpoint of communism , the Negro and national security . The speech was a success for the Kennedy administration and for the liberal civil rights coalition that had planned it . It was considered a `` triumph of managed protest '' , and not one arrest relating to the demonstration occurred . Kennedy had watched King 's speech on television and been very impressed . Afterwards , March leaders accepted an invitation to the White House to meet with President Kennedy . Kennedy felt the March bolstered the chances for his civil rights bill . Meanwhile , some of the more radical Black leaders who were present condemned the speech ( along with the rest of the march ) as too compromising . Malcolm X later wrote in his autobiography : `` Who ever heard of angry revolutionaries swinging their bare feet together with their oppressor in lily pad pools , with gospels and guitars and ' I have a dream ' speeches ? '' Legacy The location on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial from which King delivered the speech is commemorated with this inscription The March on Washington put pressure on the Kennedy administration to advance its civil rights legislation in Congress . The diaries of Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. , published posthumously in 2007 , suggest that President Kennedy was concerned that if the march failed to attract large numbers of demonstrators , it might undermine his civil rights efforts . In the wake of the speech and march , King was named Man of the Year by TIME magazine for 1963 , and in 1964 , he was the youngest person ever awarded the Nobel Peace Prize . The full speech did not appear in writing until August 1983 , some 15 years after King 's death , when a transcript was published in The Washington Post . In 1990 , the Australian alternative comedy rock band Doug Anthony All Stars released an album called Icon . One song from Icon , `` Shang - a-lang '' , sampled the end of the speech . In 1992 , the band Moodswings , incorporated excerpts from Martin Luther King , Jr. 's `` I Have a Dream '' speech in their song `` Spiritual High , Part III . on the album Moodfood '' . In 2002 , the Library of Congress honored the speech by adding it to the United States National Recording Registry . In 2003 , the National Park Service dedicated an inscribed marble pedestal to commemorate the location of King 's speech at the Lincoln Memorial . The Martin Luther King Jr . Memorial was dedicated in 2011 . The centerpiece for the memorial is based on a line from King 's `` I Have A Dream '' speech : `` Out of a mountain of despair , a stone of hope . '' A 30 feet ( 9.1 m ) - high relief of King named the `` Stone of Hope '' stands past two other pieces of granite that symbolize the `` mountain of despair . '' On August 26 , 2013 , UK 's BBC Radio 4 broadcast `` God 's Trombone '' , in which Gary Younge looked behind the scenes of the speech and explored `` what made it both timely and timeless '' . On August 28 , 2013 , thousands gathered on the mall in Washington D.C. where King made his historic speech to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the occasion . In attendance were former U.S. Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter , and incumbent President Barack Obama , who addressed the crowd and spoke on the significance of the event . Many of King 's family were in attendance . On October 11 , 2015 , The Atlanta Journal - Constitution published an exclusive report about Stone Mountain officials considering installation of a new `` Freedom Bell '' honoring King and citing the speech 's reference to the mountain `` Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia . '' Design details and a timeline for its installation remain to be determined . The article mentioned inspiration for the proposed monument came from a bell - ringing ceremony held in 2013 in celebration of the 50th anniversary of King 's speech . On April 20 , 2016 , Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew announced that the U.S. $5 bill , which has featured the Lincoln Memorial on its back , would undergo a redesign prior to 2020 . Lew said that a portrait of Lincoln would remain on the front of the bill , but the back would be redesigned to depict various historical events that have occurred at the memorial , including an image from King 's speech . In October 2016 Science Friday in a segment on its crowd sourced update to the Voyager Golden Record included the speech . Copyright dispute Because King 's speech was broadcast to a large radio and television audience , there was controversy about its copyright status . If the performance of the speech constituted `` general publication '' , it would have entered the public domain due to King 's failure to register the speech with the Register of Copyrights . However , if the performance only constituted `` limited publication '' , King retained common law copyright . This led to a lawsuit , Estate of Martin Luther King , Jr. , Inc. v. CBS , Inc. , which established that the King estate does hold copyright over the speech and had standing to sue ; the parties then settled . Unlicensed use of the speech or a part of it can still be lawful in some circumstances , especially in jurisdictions under doctrines such as fair use or fair dealing . Under the applicable copyright laws , the speech will remain under copyright in the United States until 70 years after King 's death , therefore until 2038 . Original copy of the speech As King waved goodbye to the audience , he handed George Raveling the original typewritten `` I Have a Dream '' speech . Raveling , an All - American Villanova Wildcats college basketball player , had volunteered as a security guard for the event and was on the podium with King at that moment . In 2013 , Raveling still had custody of the original copy , for which he had been offered $3,000,000 , but he has said he does not intend to sell it . References Jump up ^ `` Special Collections , March on Washington , Part 17 '' . Open Vault . at WGBH . August 28 , 1963 . Retrieved September 15 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Hansen , D , D. ( 2003 ) . The Dream : Martin Luther King Jr. and the Speech that Inspired a Nation . New York , NY : Harper Collins . p. 177 . Jump up ^ I Have a Dream : Martin Luther King Jr. and the Future of Multicultural America , James Echols -- 2004 ^ Jump up to : Alexandra Alvarez , `` Martin Luther King 's ' I Have a Dream ' : The Speech Event as Metaphor '' , Journal of Black Studies 18 ( 3 ) ; doi : 10.1177 / 002193478801800306 . Jump up ^ See Taylor Branch , Parting the Waters : America in the King Years 1954 -- 1963 . ^ Jump up to : Nicolaus Mills , `` What Really Happened at the March on Washington ? '' , Dissent , Summer 1988 ; reprinted in Civil Rights Since 1787 : A Reader on the Black Struggle , ed . Jonathan Birnbaum and Clarence Taylor , New York : New York University Press , 2000 . Jump up ^ Meacham , Jon ( August 26 , 2013 ) . `` One Man '' . Time . p. 26 . Jump up ^ Stephen Lucas and Martin Medhurst ( December 15 , 1999 ) . `` I Have a Dream Speech Leads Top 100 Speeches of the Century '' . University of Wisconsin -- Madison . Retrieved 2006 - 07 - 18 . ^ Jump up to : `` I Have a Dream ( 28 August 1963 ) '' . The Martin Luther King Jr . Research and Education Institute . Retrieved January 19 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Martin Luther King Jr. , `` The Negro and the American Dream '' , speech delivered to the NAACP in Charlotte , NC , 25 September 1960 . Jump up ^ Cullen , Jim ( 2003 ) . The American Dream : A Short History of an Idea that Shaped a Nation . New York : Oxford University Press . p. 126 . ISBN 0195158210 . ^ Jump up to : Stringer , Sam ; Brumfield , Ben . `` New recording : King 's first ' I have a dream ' speech found at high school '' . . Cable News Network . Turner Broadcasting System , Inc . Retrieved 13 August 2015 . Jump up ^ Crook , Samantha ; Bryant , Christian . `` How Langston Hughes Led To A ' Dream ' MLK Discovery '' . . The E.W. Scripps Co . Retrieved 13 August 2015 . Jump up ^ Waggoner , Martha . `` Recording of MLK 's 1st ' I Have a Dream ' speech found '' . . The Associated Press . Retrieved 13 August 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Interview With Martin Luther King III '' . CNN . August 22 , 2003 . Retrieved 2007 - 01 - 15 . Jump up ^ Hansen , D , D. ( 2003 ) . The original name of the speech was `` Cashing a Cancelled Check '' , but the aspired ad lib of the dream from preacher 's anointing brought forth a new entitlement , `` I Have A Dream '' . The Dream : Martin Luther King Jr. and the Speech that Inspired a Nation . New York , NY : Harper Collins . p. 70 . Jump up ^ Morehouse College Martin Luther King Jr . Collection , 2009 `` Notable Items '' Retrieved December 4 , 2013 Jump up ^ Hansen , D , D. ( 2003 ) . The Dream : Martin Luther King Jr. and the Speech that Inspired a Nation . New York , NY : Harper Collins . p. 58 . Jump up ^ `` Jones , Clarence Benjamin ( 1931 -- ) '' . Martin Luther King Jr. and the Global Freedom Struggle ( Stanford University ) . Retrieved 2011 - 02 - 28 . Jump up ^ Jones , Clarence B. ( 2011 - 01 - 16 ) . `` On Martin Luther King Day , remembering the first draft of ' I Have a Dream ' '' . The Washington Post . Retrieved 2011 - 02 - 28 . Jump up ^ Boyle , Kevin ( May 1 , 2007 ) , Detroit 's Walk To Freedom , Michigan History Magazine Jump up ^ Garrett , Bob , Martin Luther King Jr. and the Detroit Freedom Walk , Michigan Department of Natural Resources -- Michigan Library and Historical -- Center Michigan Historical Center , retrieved February 15 , 2012 Jump up ^ Ward , Brian ( 1998 ) , Recording the Dream , 48 ( 4 ) , History Today Jump up ^ `` Document for August 28th : Official Program for the March on Washington '' . . Jump up ^ Edwards , Willard . ( August 29 , 1963 ) . 200,000 Roar Plea for Negro Opportunity in Rights March on Washington . Chicago Tribune , p. 5 Jump up ^ Excel HSC Standard English , p. 108 , Lloyd Cameron , Barry Spurr -- 2009 Jump up ^ `` A `` Dream '' Remembered `` . NewsHour . August 28 , 2003 . Retrieved 2006 - 07 - 19 . Jump up ^ Exploring Religion and Ethics : Religion and Ethics for Senior Secondary Students , p 192 , Trevor Jordan -- 2012 Jump up ^ See David A. Bobbitt , The Rhetoric of Redemption : Kenneth Burke 's Redemption Drama and Martin Luther King Jr. 's `` I Have a Dream '' Speech ( Lanham , MD : Rowman & Littlefield , 2004 ) Jump up ^ John , Derek ( 2013 - 08 - 28 ) . `` Long lost civil rights speech helped inspire King 's dream '' . WBEZ . Archived from the original on 2014 - 01 - 01 . Retrieved 2017 - 08 - 28 . Jump up ^ Holsaert , Faith et al. Hands on the Freedom Plow : Personal Accounts by Women in SNCC . University of Illinois Press , 2010 , p. 180 . Jump up ^ Civil Rights Digital Library : Film ( 2 : 30 ) Jump up ^ `` Psalm 30 : 5 '' . King James Version of the Bible . Retrieved 2015 - 08 - 13 . Jump up ^ `` Isaiah 40 : 4 -- 5 '' . King James Version of the Bible . Retrieved 2010 - 01 - 13 . Jump up ^ `` Amos 5 : 24 '' . King James Version of the Bible . Retrieved 2013 - 08 - 29 . Jump up ^ Vail , Mark ( 2006 ) . `` The `` Integrative '' Rhetoric of Martin Luther King Jr. 's `` I Have A Dream Speech '' . Rhetoric and Public Affairs . 9 . Jump up ^ Farrell , Thomas B. ( 1989 ) . `` Media Rhetoric as Social Drama : The Winter Olympics of 1984 '' . Critical Studies in Mass Communication . 6 ( 2 ) : 159 -- 160 . doi : 10.1080 / 15295038909366742 . Jump up ^ Darsey , James ( 1997 ) . The Prophetic Tradition and Radical Rhetoric in America . New York : New York University Press . pp. 10 , 19 , 47 . Jump up ^ Trendl , Anthony . `` I Have a Dream Analysis '' . Jump up ^ Vail , Mark ( 2006 ) . `` The `` Integrative '' Rhetoric of Martin Luther King Jr. 's `` I Have A Dream '' Speech `` . Rhetoric and Public Affairs . 9 : 55 . Jump up ^ `` The News of the Week in Review : March on Washington -- Symbol of intensified drive for Negro rights , '' The New York Times ( September 1 , 1963 ) . The high point and climax of the day , it was generally agreed , was the eloquent and moving speech late in the afternoon by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. , ( ... ) . Jump up ^ James Reston , `` ' I Have a Dream ... ' : Peroration by Dr. King sums up a day the capital will remember '' , The New York Times ( August 29 , 1963 ) . Jump up ^ Mary McGrory , `` Polite , Happy , Helpful : The Real Hero Was the Crowd '' , The Boston Globe ( August 29 , 1963 ) . Jump up ^ Marquis Childs , `` Triumphal March Silences Scoffers '' , The Washington Post ( August 30 , 1963 ) . Jump up ^ Max Freedman , `` The Big March in Washington Described as ' Epic of Democracy ' '' , Los Angeles Times ( Sep. 9 , 1963 ) . Jump up ^ Tim Weiner , Enemies : A history of the FBI , New York : Random House , 2012 , p. 235 Jump up ^ Memo hosted by American Radio Works ( American Public Media ) , `` The FBI 's War on King '' . Jump up ^ Reeves , Richard , President Kennedy : Profile of Power , 1993 , pp. 580 -- 584 Jump up ^ Clayborne Carson `` King , Obama , and the Great American Dialogue '' , American Heritage , Spring 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Martin Luther King '' . The Nobel Foundation . 1964 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 20 . Jump up ^ `` The National Recording Registry 2002 '' . Library of Congress . Jump up ^ `` We Shall Overcome , Historic Places of the Civil Rights Movement : Lincoln Memorial '' . U.S. National Park Service . Retrieved 2007 - 01 - 15 . ^ Jump up to : `` Tears Fall At The Martin Luther King Jr . Memorial '' . WUSA . June 30 , 2011 . Retrieved September 10 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` God 's Trombone : Remembering King 's Dream '' . 26 August 2013 . Retrieved 26 August 2013 . Jump up ^ Miller , Zeke J ( 2013 - 08 - 28 ) . `` In Commemorative MLK Speech , President Obama Recalls His Own 2008 Dream '' . . Retrieved 2013 - 09 - 01 . Jump up ^ Galloway , Jim ( October 12 , 2015 ) . `` A monument to MLK will crown Stone Mountain '' . The Atlanta Journal - Constitution . Retrieved April 23 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Korte , Gregory ( April 21 , 2016 ) . `` Anti-slavery activist Harriet Tubman to replace Jackson on $20 bill '' . USA Today . Retrieved April 23 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Your Record '' . Science Friday . 2016 - 10 - 07 . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 07 . Jump up ^ Strauss , Valerie . `` ' I Have a Dream ' speech still private property '' . . Retrieved 2013 - 08 - 28 . Jump up ^ Xavier L. Suarez ( 27 October 2011 ) . Democracy in America : 2010 . AuthorHouse . pp. 10 -- . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4567 - 6056 - 4 . Retrieved 28 April 2013 . Jump up ^ Karen Price Hossell ( 5 December 2005 ) . I Have a Dream . Heinemann - Raintree Library . pp. 34 -- . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4034 - 6811 - 6 . Retrieved 28 April 2013 . Jump up ^ Weir , Tom George Raveling owns MLK 's ' I have a dream ' speech . USA Today , February 27 , 2009 Jump up ^ Brinkley , Douglas ( 2003 - 08 - 28 ) . `` Guardian of The Dream '' . . Retrieved 2013 - 08 - 28 . External links African - Americans portal Discrimination portal 1960s portal Bibliowiki has original media or text related to this article : I Have a Dream ( in the public domain in Canada ) Full text at the BBC Video of `` I Have a Dream '' speech , from `` I Have a Dream '' Text and Audio from Deposition concerning recording of the `` I Have a Dream '' speech Lyrics of the traditional spiritual `` Free At Last '' MLK : Before He Won the Nobel -- slideshow by Life magazine Chiastic outline of Martin Luther King Jr. 's `` I Have a Dream '' speech ( hide ) Martin Luther King Jr . ( hide ) Speeches , movements , and protests Speeches `` Give Us the Ballot '' ( 1957 ) `` I Have a Dream '' ( 1963 ) `` How Long , Not Long '' ( 1965 ) `` Beyond Vietnam : A Time to Break Silence '' ( 1967 ) `` I 've Been to the Mountaintop '' ( 1968 ) Writings Stride Toward Freedom : The Montgomery Story ( 1958 ) The Measure of a Man ( 1959 ) `` What Is Man ? '' `` Second Emancipation Proclamation '' Strength to Love ( 1963 ) Letter from Birmingham Jail ( 1963 ) Why We Ca n't Wait ( 1964 ) Conscience for Change ( 1967 ) Where Do We Go from Here : Chaos or Community ? ( 1967 ) Movements and protests Montgomery bus boycott ( 1955 -- 1956 ) Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom ( 1957 ) Albany Movement ( 1961 -- 1962 ) Birmingham campaign ( 1963 ) March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom ( 1963 ) St. Augustine movement ( 1963 -- 1964 ) Selma to Montgomery marches ( 1965 ) Chicago Freedom Movement ( 1966 ) Mississippi March Against Fear ( 1966 ) Anti-Vietnam War movement ( 1967 ) Memphis Sanitation Strike ( 1968 ) Poor People 's Campaign ( 1968 ) People Family Martin Luther King Sr. ( father ) Alberta Williams King ( mother ) Christine King Farris ( sister ) A.D. King ( brother ) Coretta Scott King ( wife ) Yolanda King ( daughter ) Martin Luther King III ( son ) Dexter Scott King ( son ) Bernice King ( daughter ) Alveda King ( niece ) Other leaders Ralph Abernathy ( colleague ) Ella Baker ( colleague ) James Bevel ( strategist / colleague ) Dorothy Cotton ( colleague ) Jesse Jackson ( protégé ) Bernard Lafayette ( colleague ) James Lawson ( colleague ) John Lewis ( colleague ) Joseph Lowery ( colleague ) Benjamin Mays ( mentor ) Diane Nash ( colleague ) James Orange ( colleague ) Bayard Rustin ( advisor ) Fred Shuttlesworth ( colleague ) C.T. Vivian ( colleague ) Wyatt Walker ( colleague ) Hosea Williams ( colleague ) Andrew Young ( colleague ) Assassination James Earl Ray Lorraine Motel ( now National Civil Rights Museum ) Funeral MLK Records Act Riots Loyd Jowers trial United States House Select Committee on Assassinations Media Film King : A Filmed Record ... Montgomery to Memphis ( 1970 documentary ) Our Friend , Martin ( 1999 animated ) Boycott ( 2001 film ) The Witness : From the Balcony of Room 306 ( 2008 documentary ) Alpha Man : The Brotherhood of MLK ( 2011 documentary ) Selma ( 2014 film ) All the Way ( 2016 film ) Television King ( 1978 miniseries ) `` The First Store '' ( The Jeffersons episode , 1980 ) `` Great X-Pectations '' ( A Different World episode , 1993 ) `` The Promised Land '' ( New York Undercover episode , 1997 ) `` Return of the King '' ( The Boondocks episode , 2006 ) Plays The Meeting ( 1987 ) The Mountaintop ( 2009 ) I Dream ( 2010 ) All the Way ( 2012 ) Illustrated Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story ( 1957 comic book ) Music `` Abraham , Martin and John '' ( Dion ) `` March ! For Martin Luther King '' ( John Fahey ) `` Martin Luther King 's Dream '' ( Strawbs ) `` Happy Birthday '' ( Stevie Wonder ) `` Pride ( In the Name of Love ) '' ( U2 ) `` MLK '' ( U2 ) `` King Holiday '' ( King Dream Chorus and Holiday Crew ) `` By The Time I Get To Arizona '' ( Public Enemy ) `` Shed a Little Light '' ( James Taylor ) `` Up to the Mountain '' ( Patti Griffin ) `` Never Alone Martin '' ( Jason Upton ) `` Symphony Of Brotherhood '' ( Miri Ben - Ari ) Joseph Schwantner : New Morning for the World ; Nicolas Flagello : The Passion of Martin Luther King ( 1995 album ) `` A Dream '' ( Common featuring ) `` Glory '' ( Common and John Legend ) Related topics Southern Christian Leadership Conference ( SCLC ) Martin Luther King Jr . Day Martin Luther King Jr . Memorial National Historic Site King Center for Nonviolent Social Change Dexter Avenue Baptist Church National Civil Rights Museum Authorship issues Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity Season for Nonviolence U.S. Capitol Rotunda sculpture Oval Office bust Homage to King sculpture , Atlanta Martin Luther King Jr . Memorial , San Francisco Landmark for Peace Memorial , Indianapolis Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. statue , Milwaukee The Dream sculpture , Portland , Oregon Dr. Martin Luther King Jr . Library Memorials to Martin Luther King Jr . Eponymous streets America in the King Years Civil Rights Movement in popular culture Lee -- Jackson -- King Day Martin Luther King High School ( disambiguation ) Lycée Martin Luther King ( disambiguation ) African - American Civil Rights Movement ( 1954 -- 1968 ) Notable events ( timeline ) 1954 -- 1959 Brown v. Board of Education Bolling v. Sharpe Briggs v. Elliott Davis v. County School Board of Prince Edward County Gebhart v. Belton Sarah Keys v. Carolina Coach Company Emmett Till Montgomery bus boycott Browder v. Gayle Tallahassee bus boycott Mansfield school desegregation 1957 Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom `` Give Us the Ballot '' Royal Ice Cream Sit - in Little Rock Nine National Guard blockade Civil Rights Act of 1957 Kissing Case Biloxi Wade - Ins 1960 -- 1963 Greensboro sit - ins Nashville sit - ins Sit - in movement Civil Rights Act of 1960 Gomillion v. Lightfoot Boynton v. Virginia Rock Hill sit - ins Robert F. Kennedy 's Law Day Address Freedom Rides attacks Garner v. Louisiana Albany Movement University of Chicago sit - ins `` Second Emancipation Proclamation '' Meredith enrollment , Ole Miss riot `` Segregation now , segregation forever '' Stand in the Schoolhouse Door 1963 Birmingham campaign Letter from Birmingham Jail Children 's Crusade Birmingham riot 16th Street Baptist Church bombing John F. Kennedy 's Report to the American People on Civil Rights March on Washington `` I Have a Dream '' St. Augustine movement 1964 -- 1968 Twenty - fourth Amendment Bloody Tuesday Freedom Summer workers ' murders Civil Rights Act of 1964 1965 Selma to Montgomery marches `` How Long , Not Long '' Voting Rights Act of 1965 Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections March Against Fear White House Conference on Civil Rights Chicago Freedom Movement / Chicago open housing movement Memphis Sanitation Strike King assassination funeral riots Poor People 's Campaign Civil Rights Act of 1968 Green v. County School Board of New Kent County Activist groups Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights Atlanta Student Movement Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters Congress of Racial Equality ( CORE ) Committee on Appeal for Human Rights Council for United Civil Rights Leadership Dallas County Voters League Deacons for Defense and Justice Georgia Council on Human Relations Highlander Folk School Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Montgomery Improvement Association Nashville Student Movement NAACP Youth Council Northern Student Movement National Council of Negro Women National Urban League Operation Breadbasket Regional Council of Negro Leadership Southern Christian Leadership Conference ( SCLC ) Southern Regional Council Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee ( SNCC ) The Freedom Singers Wednesdays in Mississippi Women 's Political Council Activists Ralph Abernathy Victoria Gray Adams Zev Aelony Mathew Ahmann William G. Anderson Gwendolyn Armstrong Arnold Aronson Ella Baker Marion Barry Daisy Bates Harry Belafonte James Bevel Claude Black Gloria Blackwell Randolph Blackwell Unita Blackwell Ezell Blair Jr . Joanne Bland Julian Bond Joseph E. Boone William Holmes Borders Amelia Boynton Raylawni Branch Ruby Bridges Aurelia Browder H. Rap Brown Guy Carawan Stokely Carmichael Johnnie Carr James Chaney J.L. Chestnut Colia Lafayette Clark Ramsey Clark Septima Clark Xernona Clayton Eldridge Cleaver Kathleen Neal Cleaver Charles E. Cobb Jr . Annie Lee Cooper Dorothy Cotton Claudette Colvin Vernon Dahmer Jonathan Daniels Joseph DeLaine Dave Dennis Annie Devine Patricia Stephens Due Charles Evers Medgar Evers Myrlie Evers - Williams Chuck Fager James Farmer Walter E. Fauntroy James Forman Marie Foster Golden Frinks Andrew Goodman Fred Gray Jack Greenberg Dick Gregory Lawrence Guyot Prathia Hall Fannie Lou Hamer William E. Harbour Vincent Harding Dorothy Height Lola Hendricks Aaron Henry Oliver Hill Donald L. Hollowell James Hood Myles Horton Zilphia Horton T.R.M. Howard Ruby Hurley Jesse Jackson Jimmie Lee Jackson Richie Jean Jackson T.J. Jemison Esau Jenkins Barbara Rose Johns Vernon Johns Frank Minis Johnson Clarence Jones Matthew Jones Vernon Jordan Tom Kahn Clyde Kennard A.D. King C.B. King Coretta Scott King Martin Luther King Jr . Martin Luther King Sr . Bernard Lafayette James Lawson Bernard Lee Sanford R. Leigh Jim Letherer Stanley Levison John Lewis Viola Liuzzo Z. Alexander Looby Joseph Lowery Clara Luper Malcolm X Mae Mallory Vivian Malone Thurgood Marshall Benjamin Mays Franklin McCain Charles McDew Ralph McGill Floyd McKissick Joseph McNeil James Meredith William Ming Jack Minnis Amzie Moore Douglas E. Moore William Lewis Moore Irene Morgan Bob Moses William Moyer Elijah Muhammad Diane Nash Charles Neblett Edgar Nixon Jack O'Dell James Orange Rosa Parks James Peck Charles Person Homer Plessy Adam Clayton Powell Jr . Fay Bellamy Powell Al Raby Lincoln Ragsdale A. Philip Randolph George Raymond Jr . Bernice Johnson Reagon Cordell Reagon James Reeb Frederick D. Reese Gloria Richardson David Richmond Bernice Robinson Jo Ann Robinson Bayard Rustin Bernie Sanders Michael Schwerner Cleveland Sellers Charles Sherrod Alexander D. Shimkin Fred Shuttlesworth Modjeska Monteith Simkins Glenn E. Smiley A. Maceo Smith Kelly Miller Smith Mary Louise Smith Maxine Smith Ruby Doris Smith - Robinson Charles Kenzie Steele Hank Thomas Dorothy Tillman A.P. Tureaud Hartman Turnbow Albert Turner C.T. Vivian Wyatt Tee Walker Hollis Watkins Walter Francis White Roy Wilkins Hosea Williams Kale Williams Robert F. Williams Andrew Young Whitney Young Sammy Younge Jr . James Zwerg Influences Nonviolence Padayatra Sermon on the Mount Mohandas K. Gandhi Ahimsa Satyagraha The Kingdom of God is Within You Frederick Douglass W.E.B. Du Bois Related Jim Crow laws Plessy v. Ferguson Separate but equal Buchanan v. Warley Hocutt v. Wilson Sweatt v. Painter Heart of Atlanta Motel , Inc. v. United States Katzenbach v. McClung Loving v. Virginia Fifth Circuit Four Brown Chapel Holt Street Baptist Church Edmund Pettus Bridge March on Washington Movement African - American churches attacked Journey of Reconciliation Freedom Songs `` Kumbaya '' `` Keep Your Eyes on the Prize '' `` Oh , Freedom '' `` This Little Light of Mine '' `` We Shall Not Be Moved '' `` We Shall Overcome '' Spring Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam `` Beyond Vietnam : A Time to Break Silence '' Watts riots Voter Education Project 1960s counterculture In popular culture King Memorial Birmingham Civil Rights National Monument Freedom Riders National Monument Civil Rights Memorial Noted historians Taylor Branch Clayborne Carson John Dittmer Michael Eric Dyson Chuck Fager Adam Fairclough David Garrow David Halberstam Vincent Harding Steven F. Lawson Doug McAdam Diane McWhorter Charles M. Payne Timothy Tyson Akinyele Umoja Movement photographers Coordinates : 38 ° 53 ′ 21.48 '' N 77 ° 3 ′ 0.40 '' W  /  38.8893000 ° N 77.0501111 ° W  / 38.8893000 ; - 77.0501111 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1963 in the United States American political catchphrases History of African - American civil rights Speeches by Martin Luther King Jr . United States historical documents Speeches United States National Recording Registry recordings 1963 in Washington , D.C. August 1963 events Hidden categories : Wikipedia pages semi-protected against vandalism All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from April 2013 Articles with Wikilivres links Coordinates on Wikidata Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Azərbaycanca Беларуская Български Bosanski Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Eesti Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Galego 贛 語 한국어 Հայերեն Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Kiswahili Latina Latviešu Lietuvių Limburgs La . lojban . മലയാളം Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Polski Português Română Русский Simple English Slovenščina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Українська Tiếng Việt 吴语 ייִדיש 粵語 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 6 October 2017 , at 03 : 20 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . 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who wrote the i had a dream speech
`` I Have a Dream '' is a public speech delivered by American civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28 , 1963 , in which he calls for an end to racism in the United States and called for civil and economic rights . Delivered to over 250,000 civil rights supporters from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington , D.C. , the speech was a defining moment of the Civil Rights Movement .
Forbes ' list of The World 's Highest - Paid Athletes - wikipedia Forbes ' list of The World 's Highest - Paid Athletes This is a list of the highest - paid athletes in the world as ranked by Forbes magazine . Contents 1 2017 list 2 2016 list 3 2015 list 4 2014 list 5 2013 list 6 2012 list 7 See also 8 References 9 External links 2017 list The 2017 list : Rank Name Sport Nation Total Salary / Winnings Endorsements Cristiano Ronaldo Association football Portugal $93 million $58 million $35 million LeBron James Basketball United States $86.2 million $31.2 million $55 million Lionel Messi Association football Argentina $80 million $53 million $27 million Roger Federer Tennis Switzerland $64 million $6 million $58 million 5 Kevin Durant Basketball United States $60.6 million $26.6 million $34 million 6 Andrew Luck American football United States $50 million $47 million $3 million 6 Rory McIlroy Golf Northern Ireland $50 million $16 million $34 million 8 Stephen Curry Basketball United States $47.3 million $12.3 million $35 million 9 James Harden Basketball United States $46.6 million $26.6 million $20 million 10 Lewis Hamilton Auto racing England $46 million $38 million $8 million 2016 list The 2016 list : Rank Name Sport Nation Total Salary / Winnings Endorsements Cristiano Ronaldo Association football Portugal $88 million $56 million $32 million Lionel Messi Association football Argentina $81.4 million $53.4 million $28 million LeBron James Basketball United States $77.2 million $23.2 million $54 million Roger Federer Tennis Switzerland $67.8 million $7.8 million $60 million 5 Kevin Durant Basketball United States $56.2 million $20.2 million $36 million 6 Novak Djokovic Tennis Serbia $55.8 million $21.8 million $34 million 7 Cam Newton American football United States $53.1 million $41.1 million $12 million 8 Phil Mickelson Golf United States $52.9 million $2.9 million $50 million 9 Jordan Spieth Golf United States $52.8 million $20.8 million $32 million 10 Kobe Bryant Basketball United States $50 million $25 million $25 million 2015 list The 2015 list was released on 10 June 2015 . Rank Name Sport Nation Total Salary / Winnings Endorsements Floyd Mayweather Jr . Boxing United States $300 million $285 million $15 million Manny Pacquiao Boxing Philippines $160 million $148 million $12 million Cristiano Ronaldo Association football Portugal $79.6 million $52.6 million $27 million Lionel Messi Association football Argentina $73.8 million $51.8 million $22 million 5 Roger Federer Tennis Switzerland $67 million $9 million $58 million 6 LeBron James Basketball United States $64.8 million $20.8 million $44 million 7 Kevin Durant Basketball United States $54.1 million $19.1 million $35 million 8 Phil Mickelson Golf United States $50.8 million $2.8 million $48 million 9 Tiger Woods Golf United States $50.6 million $0.6 million $50 million 10 Kobe Bryant Basketball United States $49.5 million $23.5 million $26 million 2014 list The 2014 list was released on 11 June 2014 . Rank Name Sport Nation Total Salary / Winnings Endorsements Floyd Mayweather Jr . Boxing United States $105 million $105 million $0 Cristiano Ronaldo Association football Portugal $80 million $52 million $28 million LeBron James Basketball United States $72.3 million $19.3 million $53 million Lionel Messi Association football Argentina $64.7 million $41.7 million $23 million 5 Kobe Bryant Basketball United States $61.5 million $30.5 million $31 million 6 Tiger Woods Golf United States $61.2 million $6.2 million $55 million 7 Roger Federer Tennis Switzerland $56.2 million $4.2 million $52 million 8 Phil Mickelson Golf United States $53.2 million $5.2 million $48 million 9 Rafael Nadal Tennis Spain $44.5 million $14.5 million $30 million 10 Matt Ryan American football United States $43.8 million $42 million $1.8 million 2013 list The 2013 list was released on 5 June 2013 . Rank Name Sport Nation Total Salary / Winnings Endorsements Tiger Woods Golf United States $78.1 million $13.1 million $65 million Roger Federer Tennis Switzerland $71.5 million $6.5 million $65 million Kobe Bryant Basketball United States $61.9 million $27.9 million $34 million LeBron James Basketball United States $59.8 million $17.8 million $42 million 5 Drew Brees American football United States $51 million $40 million $11 million 6 Aaron Rodgers American football United States $49 million $43 million $6 million 7 Phil Mickelson Golf United States $48.7 million $4.7 million $44 million 8 David Beckham Association football England $47.2 million $5.2 million $42 million 9 Cristiano Ronaldo Association football Portugal $44 million $23 million $21 million 10 Lionel Messi Association football Argentina $41.3 million $20.3 million $21 million 2012 list The 2012 list was released on 18 June 2012 . Rank Name Sport Nationality Total earnings Salary / winnings Endorsements Floyd Mayweather Jr . Boxing United States $85 million $85 million $0 Manny Pacquiao Boxing Philippines $62 million $56 million $6 million Tiger Woods Golf United States $59.4 million $4.4 million $55 million LeBron James Basketball United States $53 million $13 million $40 million 5 Roger Federer Tennis Switzerland $52.7 million $7.7 million $45 million 6 Kobe Bryant Basketball United States $52.3 million $20.3 million $32 million 7 Phil Mickelson Golf United States $47.8 million $4.8 million $43 million 8 David Beckham Association football England $46 million $9 million $37 million 9 Cristiano Ronaldo Association football Portugal $42.5 million $20.5 million $22 million 10 Peyton Manning American football United States $42.4 million $32.4 million $10 million See also List of professional sports leagues by revenue References Jump up ^ `` The World 's Highest - Paid Athletes 2017 '' . Forbes . Retrieved August 27 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The World 's Highest - Paid Athletes 2016 '' . Forbes . Retrieved August 27 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Forbes Announces 2015 List Of The World 's 100 Highest - Paid Athletes '' . Forbes . Retrieved 16 July 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Floyd Mayweather Heads 2014 List Of The World 's Highest - Paid Athletes '' . Forbes . Retrieved 16 July 2016 . Jump up ^ `` The World 's Highest - Paid Athletes 2013 : Behind The Numbers '' . Forbes . Retrieved 16 July 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Mayweather Tops List Of The World 's 100 Highest - Paid Athletes '' . Forbes . Retrieved 16 July 2016 . External links The World 's Highest - Paid Athletes List - Forbes Forbes magazine lists Companies Global 2000 Forbes 500 People General Celebrity 100 30 Under 30 China Celebrity 100 Fictional 15 Korea Power Celebrity World 's 100 Most Powerful Women World 's Most Powerful People Richest The World 's Billionaires Forbes 400 Forbes Asia Australia 's 50 Richest Places America 's Best Colleges Sports Highest - paid athletes Most valuable sports teams Most valuable football clubs Major League Soccer 's most valuable teams Technology Midas List ( Tech 's Top Deal Makers ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Forbes lists Lists of people by magazine appearance Lists of sports superlatives Income of sportspeople Hidden categories : Wikipedia semi-protected pages Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Español 日本 語 Português Edit links This page was last edited on 27 August 2018 , at 21 : 04 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
who is the highest paid player in all of sports
Rank Name Sport Nation Total Salary / Winnings Endorsements Cristiano Ronaldo Association football Portugal $93 million $58 million $35 million LeBron James Basketball United States $86.2 million $31.2 million $55 million Lionel Messi Association football Argentina $80 million $53 million $27 million Roger Federer Tennis Switzerland $64 million $6 million $58 million 5 Kevin Durant Basketball United States $60.6 million $26.6 million $34 million 6 Andrew Luck American football United States $50 million $47 million $3 million 6 Rory McIlroy Golf Northern Ireland $50 million $16 million $34 million 8 Stephen Curry Basketball United States $47.3 million $12.3 million $35 million 9 James Harden Basketball United States $46.6 million $26.6 million $20 million 10 Lewis Hamilton Auto racing England $46 million $38 million $8 million
List of the closest Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series finishes - wikipedia List of the closest Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series finishes Jump to : navigation , search Ricky Craven ( No. 32 ) edges out Kurt Busch ( No. 97 ) at the line in the 2003 Carolina Dodge Dealers 400 . NASCAR 's premiere racing division , the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series , has seen many close finishes since the electronic scoring system was instituted in May during the 1993 season . As of 2017 , the closest margin of victory in the NASCAR Cup Series is 0.002 seconds . This first occurred during the 2003 Carolina Dodge Dealers 400 at Darlington Raceway , as Ricky Craven crossed the finish line inches ahead of Kurt Busch . In 2011 , the record was tied at the 2011 Aaron 's 499 at the Talladega Superspeedway , when Jimmie Johnson was victorious over Clint Bowyer in a four - wide finish . Though not a Cup event , the 2018 PowerShares QQQ 300 produced the closest finish in NASCAR touring series history of all three Top series when Tyler Reddick edged Elliott Sadler by a tiny margin of 0.0004 s , making it the closest finish in NASCAR history . They had to go by video and declared Reddick the winner as he looked to edge Sadler by about an inch . As the scoring monitors are in the fuel cell , where they crossed the line was a dead heat but Reddick was ahead at the line . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Closest finishes 2 See also 3 References 4 External links History ( edit ) Lee Petty ( No. 42 ) races with Johnny Beauchamp ( No. 73 ) on the final lap of the 1959 Daytona 500 . Prior to the introduction of integrated electronic scoring in May 1993 , margins of victory were scored in laps , car lengths , or feet , using handheld stopwatches or analog timing clocks . This occasionally led to controversy , such as occurred in the inaugural Daytona 500 in 1959 . Initially , NASCAR declared the race won by Johnny Beauchamp , but many observers felt that Lee Petty had won . It took 61 hours before video evidence established Petty as the winner . Beginning with the 1993 Save Mart Supermarkets 300K , scoring was standardized to the thousandth of a second using transponders located on the vehicles and timing lines around the track . Geoff Bodine won the first event using this electronic scoring , finishing 0.53 seconds ahead of Ernie Irvan . Closest finishes ( edit ) * Event was not part of the regular season Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series closest finishes Rank Race Margin Winner 2nd Place Track Date 7000100000000000000 ♠ 1 2003 Carolina Dodge Dealers 400 0.002 Ricky Craven Kurt Busch Darlington Raceway March 16 , 2003 7000100000000000000 ♠ 1 2011 Aaron 's 499 0.002 Jimmie Johnson Clint Bowyer Talladega Superspeedway April 17 , 2011 7000300000000000000 ♠ 3 2001 Gatorade Duel 2 * 0.004 Mike Skinner Dale Earnhardt Jr . Daytona International Speedway February 15 , 2001 7000400000000000000 ♠ 4 1993 DieHard 500 0.005 Dale Earnhardt Ernie Irvan Talladega Superspeedway July 25 , 1993 7000400000000000000 ♠ 4 2007 Pepsi 400 0.005 Jamie McMurray Kyle Busch Daytona International Speedway July 7 , 2007 7000400000000000000 ♠ 4 2011 Gatorade Duel 2 * 0.005 Jeff Burton Clint Bowyer Daytona International Speedway February 17 , 2011 7000700000000000000 ♠ 7 2001 Cracker Barrel Old Country Store 500 0.006 Kevin Harvick Jeff Gordon Atlanta Motor Speedway March 11 , 2001 7000700000000000000 ♠ 7 2010 Gatorade Duel 1 * 0.006 Jimmie Johnson Kevin Harvick Daytona International Speedway February 11 , 2010 7000900000000000000 ♠ 9 1994 Pepsi 400 0.008 Jimmy Spencer Ernie Irvan Daytona International Speedway July 2 , 1994 7001100000000000000 ♠ 10 2000 Cracker Barrel Old Country Store 500 0.010 Dale Earnhardt Bobby Labonte Atlanta Motor Speedway March 12 , 2000 7001100000000000000 ♠ 10 2004 Subway 400 0.010 Matt Kenseth Kasey Kahne North Carolina Speedway February 22 , 2004 7001100000000000000 ♠ 10 2012 Budweiser Shootout * 0.010 Kyle Busch Tony Stewart Daytona International Speedway February 18 , 2012 7001100000000000000 ♠ 10 2016 Daytona 500 0.010 Denny Hamlin Martin Truex , Jr . Daytona International Speedway February 21 , 2016 7001100000000000000 ♠ 10 2016 Good Sam 500 0.010 Kevin Harvick Carl Edwards Phoenix International Raceway March 13 , 2016 7001150000000000000 ♠ 15 2010 Aaron 's 499 0.011 Kevin Harvick Jamie McMurray Talladega Superspeedway April 25 , 2010 7001160000000000000 ♠ 16 2010 Gatorade Duel 2 * 0.014 Kasey Kahne Tony Stewart Daytona International Speedway February 11 , 2010 7001170000000000000 ♠ 17 2016 Sprint Showdown * 0.015 Kyle Larson Chase Elliott Charlotte Motor Speedway May 20 , 2016 7001180000000000000 ♠ 18 2005 Ford 400 0.017 Greg Biffle Mark Martin Homestead - Miami Speedway November 20 , 2005 7001190000000000000 ♠ 19 2011 Good Sam Club 500 0.018 Clint Bowyer Jeff Burton Talladega Superspeedway October 23 , 2011 7001200000000000000 ♠ 20 2007 Daytona 500 0.020 Kevin Harvick Mark Martin Daytona International Speedway February 18 , 2007 7001210000000000000 ♠ 21 2014 Budweiser Duel 1 * 0.022 Matt Kenseth Kasey Kahne Daytona International Speedway February 20 , 2014 7001220000000000000 ♠ 22 1994 Diehard 500 0.025 Jimmy Spencer Bill Elliott Talladega Superspeedway July 24 , 1994 7001230000000000000 ♠ 23 2005 Coca - Cola 600 0.027 Jimmie Johnson Bobby Labonte Lowe 's Motor Speedway May 29 , 2005 7001240000000000000 ♠ 24 2004 Samsung / Radio Shack 500 0.028 Elliott Sadler Kasey Kahne Texas Motor Speedway April 5 , 2004 7001240000000000000 ♠ 24 2005 Golden Corral 500 0.028 Carl Edwards Jimmie Johnson Atlanta Motor Speedway March 20 , 2005 7001260000000000000 ♠ 26 1997 Pepsi 400 0.029 John Andretti Terry Labonte Daytona International Speedway July 5 , 1997 7001270000000000000 ♠ 27 2005 Gatorade Duel 1 * 0.030 Michael Waltrip Dale Earnhardt Jr . Daytona International Speedway February 17 , 2005 7001280000000000000 ♠ 28 2006 UAW Daimler - Chrysler 400 0.045 Jimmie Johnson Matt Kenseth Las Vegas Motor Speedway March 12 , 2006 7001290000000000000 ♠ 29 1995 Diehard 500 0.050 Sterling Marlin Dale Jarrett Talladega Superspeedway July 23 , 1995 7001300000000000000 ♠ 30 1998 Exide Select Batteries 400 0.051 Jeff Burton Jeff Gordon Richmond International Raceway September 12 , 1998 7001310000000000000 ♠ 31 2008 Amp Energy 500 0.052 Tony Stewart Paul Menard Talladega Superspeedway October 5 , 2008 7001320000000000000 ♠ 32 2011 Budweiser Shootout * 0.058 Kurt Busch Jamie McMurray Daytona International Speedway February 12 , 2011 7001330000000000000 ♠ 33 2011 Coke Zero 400 0.059 David Ragan Matt Kenseth Daytona International Speedway July 2 , 2011 7001340000000000000 ♠ 34 2002 Aaron 's 499 0.060 Dale Earnhardt Jr . Michael Waltrip Talladega Superspeedway April 21 , 2002 7001350000000000000 ♠ 35 2007 Food City 500 0.064 Kyle Busch Jeff Burton Bristol Motor Speedway March 25 , 2007 7001360000000000000 ♠ 36 2007 Goody 's Cool Orange 500 0.065 Jimmie Johnson Jeff Gordon Martinsville Speedway April 1 , 2007 7001360000000000000 ♠ 36 2011 Gatorade Duel 1 * 0.065 Kurt Busch Regan Smith Daytona International Speedway February 17 , 2011 7001380000000000000 ♠ 38 2007 UAW - Ford 500 0.066 Jeff Gordon Jimmie Johnson Talladega Superspeedway October 7 , 2007 7001390000000000000 ♠ 39 1994 Winston Select 500 0.067 Dale Earnhardt Ernie Irvan Talladega Superspeedway May 1 , 1994 7001400000000000000 ♠ 40 2007 Lenox Industrial Tools 300 0.068 Denny Hamlin Jeff Gordon New Hampshire Motor Speedway July 1 , 2007 7001410000000000000 ♠ 41 2005 MBNA NASCAR RacePoints 400 0.080 Jimmie Johnson Kyle Busch Dover International Speedway September 25 , 2005 7001420000000000000 ♠ 42 2004 Banquet 400 0.081 Joe Nemechek Ricky Rudd Kansas Speedway October 10 , 2004 7001430000000000000 ♠ 43 2001 Kmart 400 0.085 Jeff Gordon Ricky Rudd Michigan International Speedway June 10 , 2001 7001440000000000000 ♠ 44 2008 Daytona 500 0.092 Ryan Newman Kurt Busch Daytona International Speedway February 17 , 2008 7001440000000000000 ♠ 44 2010 Coke Zero 400 0.092 Kevin Harvick Kasey Kahne Daytona International Speedway July 3 , 2010 7001460000000000000 ♠ 46 2003 EA Sports 500 0.095 Michael Waltrip Dale Earnhardt , Jr . Talladega Superspeedway September 28 , 2003 7001460000000000000 ♠ 46 2017 GEICO 500 0.095 Ricky Stenhouse , Jr . Jamie McMurray Talladega Superspeedway May 7 , 2017 7001480000000000000 ♠ 48 2009 Sharpie 500 0.098 Kyle Busch Mark Martin Bristol Motor Speedway August 22 , 2009 See also ( edit ) Photo finish List of the closest NASCAR Xfinity Series finishes List of the closest NASCAR Camping World Truck Series finishes References ( edit ) Jump up ^ 2003 Carolina Dodge Dealers 400 Archived 2009 - 11 - 12 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ NASCAR 's Analysis Shows Competition Has Become Closer Jump up ^ Classic photos from controversial first Daytona 500 in 1959 Jump up ^ 1993 Save Mart Supermarkets 300K Results Jump up ^ `` Denny Hamlin edges Martin Truex Jr. by inches to win Daytona 500 '' . . February 22 , 2016 . Retrieved March 14 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Spencer , Reid ( March 13 , 2016 ) . `` Harvick Edges Edwards for Thrilling Phoenix Victory '' . . Retrieved March 14 , 2016 . External links ( edit ) NASCAR Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series closest finishes Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Lists of sports superlatives NASCAR - related lists Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 23 February 2018 , at 13 : 06 . About Wikipedia
what was the closest finish in nascar history
Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series closest finishes Rank Race Margin Winner 2nd Place Track Date 7000100000000000000 ♠ 1 2003 Carolina Dodge Dealers 400 0.002 Ricky Craven Kurt Busch Darlington Raceway March 16 , 2003 7000100000000000000 ♠ 1 2011 Aaron 's 499 0.002 Jimmie Johnson Clint Bowyer Talladega Superspeedway April 17 , 2011 7000300000000000000 ♠ 3 2001 Gatorade Duel 2 * 0.004 Mike Skinner Dale Earnhardt Jr . Daytona International Speedway February 15 , 2001 7000400000000000000 ♠ 4 1993 DieHard 500 0.005 Dale Earnhardt Ernie Irvan Talladega Superspeedway July 25 , 1993 7000400000000000000 ♠ 4 2007 Pepsi 400 0.005 Jamie McMurray Kyle Busch Daytona International Speedway July 7 , 2007 7000400000000000000 ♠ 4 2011 Gatorade Duel 2 * 0.005 Jeff Burton Clint Bowyer Daytona International Speedway February 17 , 2011 7000700000000000000 ♠ 7 2001 Cracker Barrel Old Country Store 500 0.006 Kevin Harvick Jeff Gordon Atlanta Motor Speedway March 11 , 2001 7000700000000000000 ♠ 7 2010 Gatorade Duel 1 * 0.006 Jimmie Johnson Kevin Harvick Daytona International Speedway February 11 , 2010 7000900000000000000 ♠ 9 1994 Pepsi 400 0.008 Jimmy Spencer Ernie Irvan Daytona International Speedway July 2 , 1994 7001100000000000000 ♠ 10 2000 Cracker Barrel Old Country Store 500 0.010 Dale Earnhardt Bobby Labonte Atlanta Motor Speedway March 12 , 2000 7001100000000000000 ♠ 10 2004 Subway 400 0.010 Matt Kenseth Kasey Kahne North Carolina Speedway February 22 , 2004 7001100000000000000 ♠ 10 2012 Budweiser Shootout * 0.010 Kyle Busch Tony Stewart Daytona International Speedway February 18 , 2012 7001100000000000000 ♠ 10 2016 Daytona 500 0.010 Denny Hamlin Martin Truex , Jr . Daytona International Speedway February 21 , 2016 7001100000000000000 ♠ 10 2016 Good Sam 500 0.010 Kevin Harvick Carl Edwards Phoenix International Raceway March 13 , 2016 7001150000000000000 ♠ 15 2010 Aaron 's 499 0.011 Kevin Harvick Jamie McMurray Talladega Superspeedway April 25 , 2010 7001160000000000000 ♠ 16 2010 Gatorade Duel 2 * 0.014 Kasey Kahne Tony Stewart Daytona International Speedway February 11 , 2010 7001170000000000000 ♠ 17 2016 Sprint Showdown * 0.015 Kyle Larson Chase Elliott Charlotte Motor Speedway May 20 , 2016 7001180000000000000 ♠ 18 2005 Ford 400 0.017 Greg Biffle Mark Martin Homestead - Miami Speedway November 20 , 2005 7001190000000000000 ♠ 19 2011 Good Sam Club 500 0.018 Clint Bowyer Jeff Burton Talladega Superspeedway October 23 , 2011 7001200000000000000 ♠ 20 2007 Daytona 500 0.020 Kevin Harvick Mark Martin Daytona International Speedway February 18 , 2007 7001210000000000000 ♠ 21 2014 Budweiser Duel 1 * 0.022 Matt Kenseth Kasey Kahne Daytona International Speedway February 20 , 2014 7001220000000000000 ♠ 22 1994 Diehard 500 0.025 Jimmy Spencer Bill Elliott Talladega Superspeedway July 24 , 1994 7001230000000000000 ♠ 23 2005 Coca - Cola 600 0.027 Jimmie Johnson Bobby Labonte Lowe 's Motor Speedway May 29 , 2005 7001240000000000000 ♠ 24 2004 Samsung / Radio Shack 500 0.028 Elliott Sadler Kasey Kahne Texas Motor Speedway April 5 , 2004 7001240000000000000 ♠ 24 2005 Golden Corral 500 0.028 Carl Edwards Jimmie Johnson Atlanta Motor Speedway March 20 , 2005 7001260000000000000 ♠ 26 1997 Pepsi 400 0.029 John Andretti Terry Labonte Daytona International Speedway July 5 , 1997 7001270000000000000 ♠ 27 2005 Gatorade Duel 1 * 0.030 Michael Waltrip Dale Earnhardt Jr . Daytona International Speedway February 17 , 2005 7001280000000000000 ♠ 28 2006 UAW Daimler - Chrysler 400 0.045 Jimmie Johnson Matt Kenseth Las Vegas Motor Speedway March 12 , 2006 7001290000000000000 ♠ 29 1995 Diehard 500 0.050 Sterling Marlin Dale Jarrett Talladega Superspeedway July 23 , 1995 7001300000000000000 ♠ 30 1998 Exide Select Batteries 400 0.051 Jeff Burton Jeff Gordon Richmond International Raceway September 12 , 1998 7001310000000000000 ♠ 31 2008 Amp Energy 500 0.052 Tony Stewart Paul Menard Talladega Superspeedway October 5 , 2008 7001320000000000000 ♠ 32 2011 Budweiser Shootout * 0.058 Kurt Busch Jamie McMurray Daytona International Speedway February 12 , 2011 7001330000000000000 ♠ 33 2011 Coke Zero 400 0.059 David Ragan Matt Kenseth Daytona International Speedway July 2 , 2011 7001340000000000000 ♠ 34 2002 Aaron 's 499 0.060 Dale Earnhardt Jr . Michael Waltrip Talladega Superspeedway April 21 , 2002 7001350000000000000 ♠ 35 2007 Food City 500 0.064 Kyle Busch Jeff Burton Bristol Motor Speedway March 25 , 2007 7001360000000000000 ♠ 36 2007 Goody 's Cool Orange 500 0.065 Jimmie Johnson Jeff Gordon Martinsville Speedway April 1 , 2007 7001360000000000000 ♠ 36 2011 Gatorade Duel 1 * 0.065 Kurt Busch Regan Smith Daytona International Speedway February 17 , 2011 7001380000000000000 ♠ 38 2007 UAW - Ford 500 0.066 Jeff Gordon Jimmie Johnson Talladega Superspeedway October 7 , 2007 7001390000000000000 ♠ 39 1994 Winston Select 500 0.067 Dale Earnhardt Ernie Irvan Talladega Superspeedway May 1 , 1994 7001400000000000000 ♠ 40 2007 Lenox Industrial Tools 300 0.068 Denny Hamlin Jeff Gordon New Hampshire Motor Speedway July 1 , 2007 7001410000000000000 ♠ 41 2005 MBNA NASCAR RacePoints 400 0.080 Jimmie Johnson Kyle Busch Dover International Speedway September 25 , 2005 7001420000000000000 ♠ 42 2004 Banquet 400 0.081 Joe Nemechek Ricky Rudd Kansas Speedway October 10 , 2004 7001430000000000000 ♠ 43 2001 Kmart 400 0.085 Jeff Gordon Ricky Rudd Michigan International Speedway June 10 , 2001 7001440000000000000 ♠ 44 2008 Daytona 500 0.092 Ryan Newman Kurt Busch Daytona International Speedway February 17 , 2008 7001440000000000000 ♠ 44 2010 Coke Zero 400 0.092 Kevin Harvick Kasey Kahne Daytona International Speedway July 3 , 2010 7001460000000000000 ♠ 46 2003 EA Sports 500 0.095 Michael Waltrip Dale Earnhardt , Jr . Talladega Superspeedway September 28 , 2003 7001460000000000000 ♠ 46 2017 GEICO 500 0.095 Ricky Stenhouse , Jr . Jamie McMurray Talladega Superspeedway May 7 , 2017 7001480000000000000 ♠ 48 2009 Sharpie 500 0.098 Kyle Busch Mark Martin Bristol Motor Speedway August 22 , 2009
Siege of Charleston - wikipedia Siege of Charleston Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the siege during the American Revolutionary War . For the 1776 British attempt to capture Charleston , see Battle of Sullivan 's Island . For the American Civil War sieges , see Battle of Charleston ( disambiguation ) . Siege of Charleston Part of the American Revolutionary War Siege of Charleston 1780 by Alonzo Chappel Date March 29 , 1780 -- May 12 , 1780 Location Charleston , South Carolina 32 ° 47 ′ 39.12 '' N 79 ° 56 ′ 31.26 '' W  /  32.7942000 ° N 79.9420167 ° W  / 32.7942000 ; - 79.9420167 Coordinates : 32 ° 47 ′ 39.12 '' N 79 ° 56 ′ 31.26 '' W  /  32.7942000 ° N 79.9420167 ° W  / 32.7942000 ; - 79.9420167 Result British victory City surrendered to British Belligerents Great Britain Loyalists Hesse United States France Commanders and leaders Sir Henry Clinton Lord Cornwallis Alexander Leslie Mariot Arbuthnot Benjamin Lincoln William Moultrie James Hogun William Woodford Charles Cotesworth Pinckney Abraham Whipple Louis Duportail Strength 12,847 regulars and militia 4,500 sailors 6 ships of the line 8 frigates 4 armed galleys 90 transports 6,577 regulars , sailors and militia 3 frigates 5 sloops 1 schooner 1 brig 3 armed galleys Casualties and losses 76 killed , 189 wounded 89 killed , 138 wounded 3,371 captured Southern theater 1780 -- 83 Charleston Moncks Corner Lenud 's Ferry Waxhaws Mobley 's Meeting House Ramsour 's Mill Huck 's Defeat Colson 's Mill Rocky Mount Hanging Rock Camden Fishing Creek Musgrove Mill Wahab 's Plantation Black Mingo Charlotte Kings Mountain Shallow Ford Fishdam Ford Blackstock 's Farm Richmond Cowpens Cowan 's Ford Torrence 's Tavern Pyle 's Massacre Wetzell 's Mill Guilford Court House Fort Watson Hobkirk 's Hill Fort Motte Augusta Ninety - Six House in the Horseshoe Eutaw Springs Lindley 's Mill Videau 's Bridge Wambaw Combahee River James Island Chesapeake Bay The Siege of Charleston was a major engagement fought between March 29 to May 12 , 1780 during the American Revolutionary War . The British , following the collapse of their northern strategy and their withdrawal from Philadelphia , shifted their focus to the American Southern Colonies . After approximately six weeks of siege , Major General Benjamin Lincoln , commanding the Charleston garrison , surrendered his forces to the British , resulting in one of the worst American defeats of the war . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 2 Siege 3 Aftermath 4 Order of Battle 4.1 British forces 4.2 Franco - American forces 5 See also 6 References 7 External links Background ( edit ) See also : Southern theater of the American Revolutionary War By late 1779 , two major British strategic efforts had failed . An army invading from Quebec under John Burgoyne had surrendered to the Americans under Horatio Gates at the Battles of Saratoga , compelling the Kingdom of France and Spain to declare war on Great Britain in support of the Americans . Meanwhile , a strategic effort led by Sir William Howe to capture the Revolutionary capital of Philadelphia had met with limited success . Having replaced his superior as Commander - in - Chief of the American Station , Sir Henry Clinton withdrew all his forces back to New York City to reinforce the city against a possible Franco - American attack . Detail of a 1780 map drawn by a British engineer showing the Charleston defenses Stymied by the Fabian strategy adopted by George Washington , and , under increasing political pressure to deliver victory , the British turned to launching their `` Southern Strategy '' for forcing a capitulation of the Americans . The British were persuaded that there was a strong Loyalist sentiment in the south . It was expected that these Loyalists would rise against the American Patriots in large numbers . The opening British move was the Capture of Savannah , Georgia in December 1778 . After repulsing an assault on Savannah by a combined Franco - American force in October 1779 , the British planned to capture Charleston , South Carolina , intending to use the city as a base for further operations in the southern colonies . Sir Henry Clinton evacuated Newport , Rhode Island in Oct. 1779 , and left the substantial garrison of New York City under the command of Wilhelm von Knyphausen . In December , the day after Christmas 1779 , Clinton and his second in command Charles Cornwallis , sailed southward with 8,500 troops and 5,000 sailors on 90 troopships and 14 warships . After a very stormy voyage , the fleet anchored in Savannah River on 1 Feb. 1780 . By 12 Feb. , Clinton had landed his army 30 miles south of Charleston on Simmons Island . By 24 Feb. , the British had crossed the Stono River onto James Island , and by 10 March , Lord Cornwallis had made it to the mainland . By 22 March , they had advanced to Middleton Place and Drayton Hall , and on 29 March 1780 , crossed the Ashley River . Siege ( edit ) Charleston map showing the distribution of British forces during the siege Cutting the city off from relief , Clinton began a siege of the city on April 1 , 800 yards from the American fortifications located at today 's Marion Square . Whipple , deciding the bar was undefendable , ended up scuttling his fleet at the mouth of the Cooper River . Then Arbuthnot , on 8 April , brought his 14 vessels safely into the harbor , past the roaring guns of Fort Moultrie , the same day Woodford arrived with 750 Virginia Continentals . In order to consolidate British control of the immediate area , Clinton dispatched Banastre Tarleton and Patrick Ferguson to capture Monck 's Corner on 14 April . On 18 April , Lt. Col. Lord Rawdon arrived with 2,500 men , including the 42nd Highlanders , the Hessian von Ditfurth Regiment , the Queen 's Rangers , Prince of Wales American Volunteers , and the Volunteers of Ireland . Charleston was then completely surrounded . Governor John Rutledge escaped on 13 April , before Cornwallis crossed the Cooper River , and joined Webster in blocking escape from the left bank . On 21 April , Lincoln requested a surrender with `` Honours of war '' , which was rejected by Clinton . On 25 April , civilians led by Christopher Gadsden prevented any action on Lincoln 's part in withdrawing the Continental regiments . On 6 May , Tarleton won another engagement in the Battle of Lenud 's Ferry , while the British siege works had advanced far enough towards the Charleston fortifications to drain the canal in front . On 7 May , Fort Moultrie surrendered without a fight . On May 8 , Clinton called for Lincoln 's unconditional surrender , but Lincoln again attempted to negotiate for the honours of war . On May 11 , Gadsden and other citizens asked Lincoln to surrender . While on the same day , the British fired heated shot into the city , burning several homes , compelling Lincoln to call for a parlay to negotiate terms for surrender . On May 12 , Lincoln formally surrendered 3,371 men to the British . When word reached the back - country , the American troops holding Ninety - Six and Camden also surrendered to the British . Aftermath ( edit ) Prison hulks awaited the majority of the 2,571 Continental prisoners , while parole was granted to the militia and civilians who promised not to take up arms . However , this also meant there no longer existed an American army in the South . The British captured some 5,266 prisoners , 311 artillery pieces , 9,178 artillery rounds , 5,916 muskets , 33,000 rounds of ammunition , 15 Regimental colours , 49 ships and 120 boats , plus 376 barrels of flour , and large magazines of rum , rice and indigo . Following the surrender , the captured ordnance was brought to a powder magazine . A Hessian officer warned that some of the guns might still be loaded , but he was ignored . One prematurely fired , detonating 180 barrels of powder , further discharging 5,000 muskets in the magazine . The accident killed approximately 200 people and destroyed six houses . The prisoners of the siege were diverted to multiple locations , including prison shops , the old barracks where the College of Charleston is today , and the Old Exchange and Provost `` Dungeon '' . The defeat was a serious blow to the American cause . It was the largest surrender of an American force under arms , until the 1862 surrender of Union troops at Harper 's Ferry during the Antietam Campaign . The surrender left no substantial army in the South , and the colonies were wide open for a British advance . The British troops consolidated their hold , and had driven the remaining Continental Army troops from South Carolina consequent to the May 29 Battle of Waxhaws . During their surrender the American forces were denied honours of war , leading General George Washington to deny the same to the British during their surrender at the Siege of Yorktown , with Washington saying `` The same Honors will be granted to the Surrendering Army as were granted to the Garrison of Charles Town . '' On June 5 , Clinton sailed back to New York City , believing his presence necessary to defend against a potential Franco - American attack , leaving command of the southern theatre to Lord Cornwallis , with orders to reduce opposition in North Carolina . Though the effects of the surrender at Charleston was substantial , the British err in strategy soon became apparent . There was no popular uprising of Loyalists that the British command had been assured would happen , making control of the countryside difficult . Instead , resistance in South Carolina degenerated into a period of chaotic guerrilla warfare in the outlying areas . Order of Battle ( edit ) British forces ( edit ) The joint British naval - army forces were led overall by Sir Henry Clinton , with his subordinate , Lord Cornwallis as his second - in - command . The British regular troops were led by Brigadier General Alexander Leslie . The ground and naval forces were composed thus : ( hide ) British Order of Battle 1st Battalion of Light Infantry , composed of the Light Companies of the 7th , 22nd , 33rd , 37th , 42nd , 54th , 63rd , 70th and the 74th Regiments of Foot ( 640 ) . 2nd Battalion of Light Infantry , composed of the Light Companies of the 23rd , 38th , 43rd , 57th , 64th , 76th , 80th , and the 84th Regiments of Foot ( 637 ) . 1st Battalion of Grenadiers , composed of the Grenadier Companies of the 7th , 17th , 23rd , 33rd , 37th , 38th , 42nd , and the 43rd Regiments of Foot ( 611 ) . 2nd Battalion of Grenadiers , composed of the Grenadier Companies of the 22nd , 54th , 57th , 63rd , 64th , 70th , and the 74th Regiments of Foot ( 526 ) . 7th Regiment of Foot ( 463 ) . 23rd Regiment of Foot ( 400 ) . 33rd Regiment of Foot ( 450 ) . 63rd Regiment of Foot ( 400 ) . 64th Regiment of Foot ( 350 ) . 2nd Battalion of the 60th Regiment of Foot ( 45 ) . A Brigade of four battalions of Hessian Grenadiers ( 1,525 ) . King 's American Regiment of Loyalists ( 167 ) . A Corps of Hessian Jaegers ( 224 ) . Royal Regiment of Artillery - No. 1 and 6 Companies of the 3rd Battalion , No 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 and 8 Companies of the 4th Battalion ( 200 ) , and Hesse - Kassel artillery . A detachment of Royal Navy artillery with 47 guns . A detachment of Slaves employed in the Artillery batteries ( 154 ) . A Corps of guides and Pioneers ( 72 ) . A Brigade of Engineers and Black Pioneers A Brigade of British reinforcements from Georgia , composed of ; 1st and 2nd Battalions of the 71st Highlanders ( 869 ) . Light companies of the 16th and the 71st ( 243 ) . Light company of the 3rd Battalion , New Jersey Volunteers . 17th Regiment of Light Dragoons ( 73 ) . A Brigade of Engineers and Black Pioneers ( 206 ) . The British Legion Cavalry ( 211 ) . The British Legion Infantry ( 287 ) . Patrick Ferguson 's Battalion of American volunteers ( 335 ) . Two battalions of The South Carolina Royalists South Carolina Loyalist ( 372 ) . Royal North Carolina Regiment of Loyalists . A company of Georgia loyalist militia ( 32 ) . A squadron of Georgia loyalist dragoons ( 40 ) . New York volunteers . A Brigade of British reinforcements from New York City , composed of ; Two Battalions of the 42nd Regiment of Foot . A Hessian regiment of Fusiliers . The Prince of Wales American Regiment ( 334 ) . Queen 's Rangers Regiment of Loyalists ( 200 ) . The Volunteers of Ireland Regiment of Loyalists ( ~ 423 ) . The British naval forces that accompanied the invasion were commanded by Vice Admiral Mariot Arbuthnot , and were composed thus : 4,500 personnel Ships HMS Europa ( 500 men , 64 guns ) HMS Raisonnable ( 500 men , 64 guns ) HMS Renown ( 350 men , 50 guns ) HMS Romulus ( 280 men , 44 guns ) HMS Rainbow ( 350 men , 44 guns ) HMS Roebuck ( 280 men , 44 guns - Flagship ) HMS Blonde ( 220 men , 32 guns ) HMS Perseus ( 20 guns ) HMS Camilla ( 160 men , 20 guns ) HMS Raleigh ( 220 men , 32 guns ) HMS Virginia ( 200 men , 28 guns ) HMS Richmond ( 220 men , 32 guns ) HMS Vigilant ( 160 men , 22 guns - later burnt as unfit ) HM armed ship Germaine ( 125 men , 20 guns ) Armed galleys HM galley Comet ( 40 men , 7 guns ) HM galley Scourge HM galley Vindictive HM galley Viper 90 transport ships accompanied the fleet , including : HMS Polly Aeolus Apollo Diana Russia Merchant Silver Eel Franco - American forces ( edit ) The Franco - American garrison of Charleston was overall led by Benjamin Lincoln . The Continental Army troops were nominally led by Brigadier General William Moultrie The ground and naval forces were composed thus : ( hide ) Franco - American Order of Battle A brigade of South Carolina Continentals : 1st South Carolina Regiment ( 231 ) . 2nd South Carolina Regiment ( 266 ) . 3rd South Carolina Regiment ( 302 ) . Pulaski 's Legion of Infantry . A brigade of North Carolina Continentals : 1st North Carolina Regiment ( 260 ) . 2nd North Carolina Regiment ( 244 ) . 3rd North Carolina Regiment ( ~ 94 ) . A Corps of South Carolina light infantry ( 175 ) . 2nd Virginia brigade : 1st Virginia Detachment ( 258 ) . 2nd Virginia Detachment ( 323 ) . A squadron of the 1st and 3rd Continental Light Dragoons ( 31 ) . A squad of Armand 's Legion ( 4 ) . A squadron of the Georgia Regiment of Horse Rangers ( 41 ) . A group of Georgia continental officers ( 6 ) . A battalion of North Carolina Light Infantry ( 202 ) . A detachment of North Carolina Light Dragoons A brigade of Continental Artillery consisting of 391 guns A brigade of Engineers ( 7 men , 600 slaves ) 1st brigade of South Carolina militia : Beaufort District Regiment of Militia 1st Battalion of the Charles Town District Regiment of Militia ( 302 ) . 2nd Battalion of the Charles Town District Regiment of Militia ( 485 ) . Granville County Regiment of Militia Colleton County Regiment of Militia Berkeley County Regiment of Militia 2nd brigade of South Carolina militia : Camden District Regiment of Militia Fairfield Regiment of Militia 1st Spartan Regiment of Militia 2nd Spartan Regiment of Militia New Acquisition District Regiment of Militia 3rd brigade of South Carolina militia : Upper Ninety - Six District Regiment of Militia Lower Ninety - Six District Regiment of Militia Lower District Regiment of Militia Little River District Regiment of Militia Orangeburgh District Regiment of Militia 4th brigade of South Carolina militia : Cheraws District Regiment of Militia Georgetown District Regiment of Militia Lower Craven County Regiment of Militia Upper Craven County Regiment of Militia Kingstree Regiment of Militia A brigade of North Carolina militia : 1st North Carolina Regiment of Militia 2nd North Carolina Regiment of Militia 3rd North Carolina Regiment of Militia 4th North Carolina Regiment of Militia A brigade of Virginia militia : Amelia County Militia A company of the Chasseurs - Volontaires de Saint - Domingue ( 43 ) . A Spanish company of militia ( 42 ) . 1st Virginia Brigade of Continentals , arrived as reinforcements on April 8 : 1st Virginia Regiment ( 336 ) . 2nd Virginia Regiment ( 306 ) . 3rd Virginia Regiment ( 252 ) . The Franco - American naval forces that accompanied the defence of the city were commanded by Commodore Abraham Whipple , and were composed thus : Continental Navy ships : USS Ranger ( 35 Marines , 20 guns ) USS Queen of France ( 50 marines , 28 guns ) USS Providence ( 16 marines , 32 guns ) USS Boston ( 50 marines , 30 guns ) South Carolina state ships : Bricole ( 44 guns ) General Moultrie ( 20 guns ) Notre Dame ( 16 guns ) Marquis de Britigney ( 7 guns ) Lee ( 4 guns ) Revenge ( 7 guns ) French Navy ships : L'Aventure ( 26 guns ) Truite ( 26 guns ) Zephyr ( 18 guns ) See also ( edit ) American Revolutionary War portal List of American Revolutionary War battles References ( edit ) Jump up ^ ^ Jump up to : ^ Jump up to : Buchanan , John ( 1997 ) . The Road to Guilford Courthouse . New York : John Wiley & Sons . pp. 26 -- 29 . ISBN 9780471327165 . Jump up ^ David B. Mattern ( 1998 ) . Benjamin Lincoln and the American Revolution . Univ of South Carolina Press . p. 101 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 57003 - 260 - 8 . Jump up ^ Carl P. Borick ( 2003 ) . A Gallant Defense . Univ of South Carolina Press . p. 169 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 57003 - 487 - 9 . Jump up ^ J.E. Kaufmann ( 2004 ) . Fortress America . Tomasz Idzikowski ( illus . ) . Da Capo Press . pp. 124 -- 125 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 306 - 81294 - 1 . ^ Jump up to : `` George Washington on General Cornwallis ' Surrender at Yorktown '' . The American Revolution , 1763 - 1783 . Library of Congress . Retrieved 16 December 2015 . Jump up ^ Robert Beeton , Naval and Military Memoreess of Great Britain , from 1727 to 1783 , London : shortman , Hurst , Rees and Orme , 1804 , vol. 6 , pp. 203 - 206 Jump up ^ * Rene Chartrand ( 1992 ) The French Army in the American War of Independence Osprey Publishing ISBN 9781855321670 Chartrand , p. 3 This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain : Chisholm , Hugh , ed. ( 1911 ) . `` article name needed '' . Encyclopædia Britannica ( 11th ed . ) . Cambridge University Press . External links ( edit ) Original papers relating to the siege of Charleston , 1780 By Benjamin Lincoln 1898 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Sieges of the American Revolutionary War involving France History of Charleston , South Carolina South Carolina in the American Revolution 1780 in South Carolina Conflicts in 1780 Sieges of the Anglo - French War ( 1778 -- 83 ) Hidden categories : Coordinates on Wikidata Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with no article parameter Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica Talk Contents About Wikipedia Català Dansk Español Français Norsk Português 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 14 February 2018 , at 21 : 35 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who won the battle of charleston in the revolutionary war
After approximately six weeks of siege , Major General Benjamin Lincoln , commanding the Charleston garrison , surrendered his forces to the British , resulting in one of the worst American defeats of the war .
List of FIFA World Cup own goals - wikipedia List of FIFA World Cup own goals Out of over 2500 goals scored in matches at the 21 final tournaments of the FIFA World Cup , only 53 have been own goals . In 1997 , FIFA published guidelines for classifying an own goal as `` when a player plays the ball directly into his own net or when he redirects an opponent 's shot , cross or pass into his own goal '' , and excludes `` shots that are on target ( i.e. goal - bound ) and touch a defender or rebound from the goal frame and bounce off a defender or goalkeeper '' . No player holds the dubious distinction of having scored multiple own goals . Mexico has had their players score own goals on four different occasions each , while France has benefited on six occasions from opponents scoring own goals . Of the 52 matches with an own goal , the team scoring the own goal won seven times and drew eight times . All but 12 own goals have been scored in the first stages of the tournament . Contents 1 List 2 Statistics and notable own goals 3 By team 4 See also 5 Notes 6 References 7 External links List ( edit ) Key Player 's team won the match Player 's team drew the match Own goals scored at the FIFA World Cup tournaments No Player Time Representing Goal Final score Opponent Tournament Round Date FIFA report 1 . Manuel Rosas 51 ' Mexico 0 -- 2 0 -- 3 Chile 1930 , Uruguay Group stage July 16 , 1930 2 . Ernst Lörtscher 22 ' Switzerland 0 -- 2 4 -- 2 Germany 1938 , France First round ( replay ) June 9 , 1938 3 . Sven Jacobsson 19 ' Sweden 1 -- 1 1 -- 5 Hungary Semi-finals June 16 , 1938 4 . José Parra 15 ' Spain 0 -- 1 1 -- 6 Brazil 1950 , Brazil Final round July 13 , 1950 5 . Jimmy Dickinson 94 ' England 4 -- 4 4 -- 4 Belgium 1954 , Switzerland Group stage June 17 , 1954 6 . Raúl Cárdenas 46 ' Mexico 0 -- 2 2 -- 3 France June 19 , 1954 7 . Ivica Horvat 9 ' Yugoslavia 0 -- 1 0 -- 2 West Germany Quarter - finals June 27 , 1954 8 . Luis Cruz 59 ' Uruguay 1 -- 2 1 -- 3 Austria 3rd place play - off July 3 , 1954 9 . Ivan Vutsov 17 ' Bulgaria 0 -- 1 0 -- 3 Portugal 1966 , England Group stage July 16 , 1966 10 . Ivan Davidov 43 ' Bulgaria 1 -- 1 1 -- 3 Hungary July 20 , 1966 11 . Javier Guzmán 25 ' Mexico 1 -- 1 1 -- 4 Italy 1970 , Mexico Quarter - finals June 14 , 1970 12 . Colin Curran 58 ' Australia 0 -- 1 0 -- 2 East Germany 1974 , West Germany Group stage June 14 , 1974 13 . Roberto Perfumo 35 ' Argentina 1 -- 1 1 -- 1 Italy June 19 , 1974 14 . Ruud Krol 78 ' Netherlands 3 -- 1 4 -- 1 Bulgaria June 23 , 1974 15 . Andranik Eskandarian 43 ' Iran 0 -- 1 1 -- 1 Scotland 1978 , Argentina Group stage June 7 , 1978 16 . Ernie Brandts 18 ' Netherlands 0 -- 1 2 -- 1 Italy Second round June 21 , 1978 17 . Berti Vogts 59 ' West Germany 1 -- 1 2 -- 3 Austria 18 . Jozef Barmoš 66 ' Czechoslovakia 0 -- 2 0 -- 2 England 1982 , Spain Group stage June 20 , 1982 19 . László Dajka 73 ' Hungary 0 -- 5 0 -- 6 Soviet Union 1986 , Mexico Group stage June 2 , 1986 20 . Cho Kwang - rae 82 ' South Korea 1 -- 3 2 -- 3 Italy June 10 , 1986 21 . Andrés Escobar 35 ' Colombia 0 -- 1 1 -- 2 United States 1994 , United States Group stage June 22 , 1994 22 . Tom Boyd 74 ' Scotland 1 -- 2 1 -- 2 Brazil 1998 , France Group stage June 10 , 1998 23 . Youssef Chippo 45 + 1 ' Morocco 1 -- 1 2 -- 2 Norway 24 . Pierre Issa 77 ' South Africa 0 -- 2 0 -- 3 France June 12 , 1998 25 . Andoni Zubizarreta 73 ' Spain 2 -- 2 2 -- 3 Nigeria June 13 , 1998 26 . Siniša Mihajlović 72 ' Yugoslavia 2 -- 1 2 -- 2 Germany June 21 , 1998 27 . Georgi Bachev 88 ' Bulgaria 1 -- 5 1 -- 6 Spain June 24 , 1998 28 . Jorge Costa 29 ' Portugal 0 -- 2 2 -- 3 United States 2002 , South Korea & Japan Group stage June 5 , 2002 29 . Jeff Agoos 71 ' United States 3 -- 2 3 -- 2 Portugal 30 . Carles Puyol 10 ' Spain 0 -- 1 3 -- 1 Paraguay June 7 , 2002 31 . Carlos Gamarra 3 ' Paraguay 0 -- 1 0 -- 1 England 2006 , Germany Group stage June 10 , 2006 32 . Cristian Zaccardo 27 ' Italy 1 -- 1 1 -- 1 United States June 17 , 2006 33 . Brent Sancho 25 ' Trinidad and Tobago 0 -- 1 0 -- 2 Paraguay June 20 , 2006 34 . Petit 60 ' Portugal 0 -- 2 1 -- 3 Germany 3rd place play - off July 8 , 2006 35 . Daniel Agger 46 ' Denmark 0 -- 1 0 -- 2 Netherlands 2010 , South Africa Group stage June 14 , 2010 36 . Park Chu - young 17 ' South Korea 0 -- 1 1 -- 4 Argentina June 17 , 2010 37 . Marcelo 11 ' Brazil 0 -- 1 3 -- 1 Croatia 2014 , Brazil Group stage June 12 , 2014 38 . Noel Valladares 48 ' Honduras 0 -- 2 0 -- 3 France June 15 , 2014 39 . Sead Kolašinac 3 ' Bosnia and Herzegovina 0 -- 1 1 -- 2 Argentina 40 . John Boye 31 ' Ghana 0 -- 1 1 -- 2 Portugal June 26 , 2014 41 . Joseph Yobo 90 + 2 ' Nigeria 0 -- 2 0 -- 2 France Round of 16 June 30 , 2014 42 . Aziz Bouhaddouz 90 + 5 ' Morocco 0 -- 1 0 -- 1 Iran 2018 , Russia Group stage June 15 , 2018 43 . Aziz Behich 81 ' Australia 1 -- 2 1 -- 2 France June 16 , 2018 44 . Oghenekaro Etebo 32 ' Nigeria 0 -- 1 0 -- 2 Croatia 45 . Thiago Cionek 37 ' Poland 0 -- 1 1 -- 2 Senegal June 19 , 2018 46 . Ahmed Fathi 47 ' Egypt 0 -- 1 1 -- 3 Russia 47 . Denis Cheryshev 23 ' Russia 0 -- 2 0 -- 3 Uruguay June 25 , 2018 48 . Edson Álvarez 74 ' Mexico 0 -- 3 0 -- 3 Sweden June 27 , 2018 49 . Yann Sommer 90 + 3 ' Switzerland 2 -- 2 2 -- 2 Costa Rica 50 . Yassine Meriah 33 ' Tunisia 0 -- 1 2 -- 1 Panama June 28 , 2018 51 . Sergei Ignashevich 12 ' Russia 0 -- 1 1 -- 1 Spain Round of 16 July 1 , 2018 52 . Fernandinho 13 ' Brazil 0 -- 1 1 -- 2 Belgium Quarter - finals July 6 , 2018 53 . Mario Mandžukić 18 ' Croatia 0 -- 1 2 -- 4 France Final July 15 , 2018 Notes Jump up ^ Russia won 4 -- 3 on penalty kicks . Statistics and notable own goals ( edit ) Time First ever own goal Manuel Rosas , Mexico vs Chile , 1930 Fastest own goal Sead Kolašinac , 2 min 10 sec , Bosnia and Herzegovina vs Argentina , 2014 Latest regulation - time own goal Aziz Bouhaddouz , 90 + 5 ' , Morocco vs Iran , 2018 Only own goal during extra time Jimmy Dickinson , 94 ' , England vs Belgium , 1954 Only own goal to open scoring in a tournament Marcelo , Brazil vs Croatia , 2014 Only own goal in a final match Mario Mandžukić , Croatia vs France , 2018 Only match with two own goals United States vs Portugal , 2002 . Jorge Costa of Portugal scored for the United States , and Jeff Agoos of the United States scored for Portugal . Tournament Most own goals , tournament 12 ( 2018 ) Tournaments with no own goals 1934 , 1958 , 1962 , 1990 Most own goals by a team in one tournament 2 , Bulgaria ( 1966 ) and Russia ( 2018 ) Most own goals in favour of a team in one tournament 2 , France ( 2014 , 2018 ) Teams Most own goals by a team , overall 4 , Mexico Most own goals in favour of a team , overall 6 , France Most consecutive matches without scoring an own goal 97 , Brazil ( 1930 -- 2010 ) Most matches , never scoring an own goal 66 , France Most matches , never benefitting from an own goal 57 , Mexico Most matches , never scoring or benefitting from an own goal 23 , Cameroon Only team to have scored multiple own goals for the same opponent SFR Yugoslavia / FR Yugoslavia scored two own goals for West Germany / Germany ( 1954 , 1998 ) Only pair of teams to have scored own goals for each other Portugal and United States , in the same match in 2002 Players Youngest player with an own goal Manuel Rosas , age 18 , Mexico vs Chile , 1930 Oldest player with an own goal Sergei Ignashevich , age 38 , Spain vs Russia , 2018 Players who have scored own goals and regular goals Manuel Rosas of Mexico scored twice against Argentina in 1930 Ruud Krol of the Netherlands scored against Argentina in 1974 Ernie Brandts of the Netherlands scored against Austria and Italy in 1978 Siniša Mihajlović of Yugoslavia scored against Iran in 1998 Park Chu - young of South Korea scored against Nigeria in 2010 Carles Puyol of Spain scored against Germany in 2010 Fernandinho of Brazil scored against Cameroon in 2014 Denis Cheryshev of Russia scored twice against Saudi Arabia and once against Egypt and Croatia in 2018 Mario Mandžukić of Croatia scored twice against Cameroon in 2014 , and once against Denmark , England and France in 2018 Players to score for both teams in a match Ernie Brandts , Netherlands vs Italy , 1978 Mario Mandžukić , Croatia vs France , 2018 Various The own goal that Honduran Noel Valladares scored for France in 2014 was the first World Cup goal ( of any kind ) to be awarded with goal - line technology . Trinidad and Tobago has scored more own goals ( one ) than regular goals ( zero ) . Panama has benefitted from as many own goals ( one ) as regular goals ( one ) . It is believed that the murder of Colombian footballer Andrés Escobar in the immediate aftermath of the 1994 World Cup was a retaliation for his having scored an own goal which contributed to his team 's elimination from the tournament . By team ( edit ) Own goals by nations Team Own goals by own players opponents Mexico 0 Bulgaria Spain Australia 0 Morocco 0 South Korea 0 Switzerland 0 FR Yugoslavia / SFR Yugoslavia 0 Netherlands Nigeria Brazil Russia / Soviet Union Portugal Bosnia and Herzegovina 0 Colombia 0 Czechoslovakia 0 Denmark 0 Egypt 0 Ghana 0 Honduras 0 Poland 0 South Africa 0 Trinidad and Tobago 0 Tunisia 0 Iran Scotland Sweden Uruguay Argentina Croatia England Hungary Paraguay United States Germany / West Germany Italy Chile 0 Costa Rica 0 East Germany 0 Norway 0 Panama 0 Senegal 0 Belgium 0 Austria 0 France 0 6 See also ( edit ) Association football portal List of FIFA World Cup records List of FIFA Women 's World Cup own goals List of UEFA European Championship own goals Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ As per statistical convention in football , matches decided in extra time are counted as wins and losses , while matches decided by penalty shoot - outs are counted as draws . Jump up ^ In addition , another own goal has been scored in a tournament 's opening match : Tom Boyd , Scotland vs Brazil , 1998 . Jump up ^ Now succeeded by Serbia . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Second - half surge sees Tunisia bow out in style '' . . Retrieved 1 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia TM - News - 41 days to go : The worst goal to score '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 06 - 19 . ^ Jump up to : `` World Cup countdown : When dreams become nightmares '' . 2018 - 05 - 04 . ^ Jump up to : `` FIFA World Cup TM : Milestones , facts & figures '' ( PDF ) . p. 10 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 2013 - 05 - 13 . Jump up ^ Janela , Mike ( 2 July 2014 ) . `` World Cup records fall in Brazil as tournament reaches the quarterfinals '' . Guinness World Records . Retrieved 18 March 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` World Cup Football Firsts '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 06 - 19 . Jump up ^ James Orr ( 2014 - 06 - 12 ) . `` Brazil v Croatia : Marcelo scores the first goal of the 2014 World Cup ... for Croatia '' . The Independent . Retrieved 2018 - 06 - 19 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ admin ( 6677 Posts ) . `` Netherlands Greatest Ever World Cup Players : No 10 - 6 '' . Football Oranje . Retrieved 2018 - 06 - 19 . ^ Jump up to : `` World Cup Goal Trivia '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 06 - 19 . Jump up ^ `` Serbia - Profile '' . SuperSport . Retrieved 2018 - 06 - 19 . Jump up ^ Peter Rutherford ( 2014 - 05 - 08 ) . `` World Cup 2014 : Arsenal 's forgotten man Park Chu - young makes the South Korea squad because he ' gets on well with everyone ' '' . The Independent . Retrieved 2018 - 06 - 19 . Jump up ^ `` 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia TM - News - Puyol : Lifting that trophy was spectacular '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 06 - 19 . Jump up ^ `` Gol do Fernandinho '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 07 - 31 . Jump up ^ `` Denis Cheryshev '' . European Football . Retrieved 25 June 2018 . Jump up ^ Glendenning , Barry ( 25 March 2014 ) . `` World Cup stunning moments : Andrés Escobar 's deadly own goal '' . The Guardian . Retrieved 13 March 2018 . Reports Jump up ^ `` 1930 FIFA World Cup Uruguay TM - Matches - Chile - Mexico '' . 1930 - 07 - 16 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1938 FIFA World Cup France TM - Matches - Switzerland - Germany '' . 1938 - 06 - 09 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1938 FIFA World Cup France TM - Matches - Hungary - Sweden '' . 1938 - 06 - 16 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1950 FIFA World Cup Brazil TM - Matches - Brazil - Spain '' . 1950 - 07 - 13 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1954 FIFA World Cup Switzerland TM - Matches - England - Belgium '' . 1954 - 06 - 17 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1954 FIFA World Cup Switzerland TM - Matches - France - Mexico '' . 1954 - 06 - 19 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1954 FIFA World Cup Switzerland TM - Matches - Germany FR - Yugoslavia '' . 1954 - 06 - 27 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1954 FIFA World Cup Switzerland TM - Matches - Austria - Uruguay '' . 1954 - 07 - 03 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1966 FIFA World Cup England TM - Matches - Portugal - Bulgaria '' . 1966 - 07 - 16 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1966 FIFA World Cup England TM - Matches - Hungary - Bulgaria '' . 1966 - 07 - 20 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1970 FIFA World Cup Mexico TM - Matches - Italy - Mexico '' . 1970 - 06 - 14 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1974 FIFA World Cup Germany TM - Matches - German DR - Australia '' . 1974 - 06 - 14 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1974 FIFA World Cup Germany TM - Matches - Argentina - Italy '' . 1974 - 06 - 19 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1974 FIFA World Cup Germany TM - Matches - Bulgaria - Netherlands '' . 1974 - 06 - 23 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1978 FIFA World Cup Argentina TM - Matches - Scotland - IR Iran '' . 1978 - 06 - 07 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1978 FIFA World Cup Argentina TM - Matches - Netherlands - Italy '' . 1978 - 06 - 21 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1978 FIFA World Cup Argentina TM - Matches - Austria - Germany FR '' . 1978 - 06 - 21 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1982 FIFA World Cup Spain TM - Matches - England - Czechoslovakia '' . 1982 - 06 - 20 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1986 FIFA World Cup Mexico TM - Matches - Soviet Union - Hungary '' . 1986 - 06 - 02 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1986 FIFA World Cup Mexico TM - Matches - Korea Republic - Italy '' . 1986 - 06 - 10 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1994 FIFA World Cup USA TM - Matches - USA - Colombia '' . 1994 - 06 - 22 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1998 FIFA World Cup France TM - Matches - Brazil - Scotland '' . 1998 - 06 - 10 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1998 FIFA World Cup France TM - Matches - Morocco - Norway '' . 1998 - 06 - 10 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1998 FIFA World Cup France TM - Matches - France - South Africa '' . 1998 - 06 - 12 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1998 FIFA World Cup France TM - Matches - Spain - Nigeria '' . 1998 - 06 - 13 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1998 FIFA World Cup France TM - Matches - Germany - Yugoslavia '' . 1998 - 06 - 21 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 1998 FIFA World Cup France TM - Matches - Spain - Bulgaria '' . 1998 - 06 - 24 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea / Japan TM - Matches - USA - Portugal '' . 2002 - 06 - 05 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea / Japan TM - Matches - Spain - Paraguay '' . 2002 - 06 - 07 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany TM - Matches - England - Paraguay '' . 2006 - 06 - 10 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany TM - Matches - Italy - USA '' . 2006 - 06 - 17 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany TM - Matches - Paraguay - Trinidad and Tobago '' . 2006 - 06 - 20 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany TM - Matches - Germany - Portugal '' . 2006 - 07 - 08 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa TM - Matches - Netherlands - Denmark '' . 2010 - 06 - 14 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa TM - Matches - Argentina - Korea Republic '' . 2010 - 06 - 17 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil TM - Matches - Brazil - Croatia '' . 2014 - 06 - 12 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil TM - Matches - France - Honduras '' . 2014 - 06 - 15 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil TM - Matches - Argentina - Bosnia and Herzegovina '' . 2014 - 06 - 15 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil TM - Matches - Portugal - Ghana '' . 2014 - 06 - 26 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil TM - Matches - France - Nigeria '' . 2014 - 06 - 30 . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia TM - Matches - Morocco - IR Iran '' . 2018 - 06 - 15 . Retrieved 2018 - 06 - 17 . Jump up ^ `` 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia TM - Matches - France - Australia '' . 2018 - 06 - 16 . Retrieved 2018 - 06 - 17 . Jump up ^ `` 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia TM - Matches - Croatia - Nigeria '' . 2018 - 06 - 16 . Retrieved 2018 - 06 - 17 . Jump up ^ `` 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia TM - Matches - Poland - Senegal '' . 2018 - 06 - 19 . Retrieved 2018 - 06 - 19 . Jump up ^ `` 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia TM - Matches - Russia - Egypt '' . 2018 - 06 - 19 . Retrieved 2018 - 06 - 19 . Jump up ^ `` 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia TM - Matches - Uruguay - Russia '' . 2018 - 06 - 19 . Retrieved 2018 - 06 - 19 . Jump up ^ `` 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia TM - Matches - Mexico - Sweden '' . 2018 - 06 - 27 . Retrieved 2018 - 06 - 27 . Jump up ^ `` 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia TM - Matches - Switzerland - Costa Rica '' . 2018 - 06 - 27 . Retrieved 2018 - 06 - 27 . Jump up ^ `` 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia TM - Matches - Panama - Tunisia '' . 2018 - 06 - 28 . Retrieved 2018 - 06 - 28 . Jump up ^ `` 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia TM - Matches - Spain - Russia '' . 2018 - 07 - 01 . Retrieved 2018 - 07 - 01 . Jump up ^ `` 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia TM - Matches - Brazil - Belgium '' . 2018 - 07 - 01 . Retrieved 2018 - 07 - 01 . Jump up ^ `` 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia TM - Matches - France - Croatia '' . 2018 - 07 - 15 . Retrieved 2018 - 07 - 15 . External links ( edit ) 9 own goals at the WC ( YouTube ) FIFA World Cup Tournaments Uruguay 1930 Italy 1934 France 1938 Brazil 1950 Switzerland 1954 Sweden 1958 Chile 1962 England 1966 Mexico 1970 West Germany 1974 Argentina 1978 Spain 1982 Mexico 1986 Italy 1990 United States 1994 France 1998 South Korea -- Japan 2002 Germany 2006 South Africa 2010 Brazil 2014 Russia 2018 Qatar 2022 Canada -- Mexico -- United States 2026 2030 2034 Qualification 1930 1934 1938 1950 1954 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Finals 1930 1934 1938 1950 1954 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Squads 1930 1934 1938 1950 1954 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Seedings 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Broadcasters 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Bids 2014 2018 and 2022 2026 2030 Statistics 2002 2006 2014 2018 Disciplinary record 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Team appearances AFC CAF CONCACAF CONMEBOL OFC UEFA Teams with no appearances Overall records All - time table Goalscorers top goalscorers finals goalscorers hat - tricks own goals Penalty shoot - outs Player appearances Red cards Referees Winners Miscellaneous Openings Stadiums Awards Balls Economics Final draw History Hosts Mascots Official films Official anthems & songs Organisers Trophy Video games Notes : There was no qualification for the 1930 World Cup as places were given by invitation only . In 1950 , there was no final ; the article is about the decisive match of the final group stage . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : FIFA World Cup - related lists FIFA World Cup statistics Hidden categories : All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from May 2018 Articles with unsourced statements from July 2018 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Azərbaycanca فارسی Қазақша Português Русский Українська Edit links This page was last edited on 31 July 2018 , at 15 : 46 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who has scored the most own goals ever
No player holds the dubious distinction of having scored multiple own goals . Mexico has had their players score own goals on four different occasions each , while France has benefited on six occasions from opponents scoring own goals . Of the 52 matches with an own goal , the team scoring the own goal won seven times and drew eight times . All but 12 own goals have been scored in the first stages of the tournament .
Peripheral nervous system - wikipedia Peripheral nervous system Jump to : navigation , search Peripheral nervous system The human nervous system . Blue is PNS ; yellow is CNS . Identifiers Acronym ( s ) PNS TA A14. 2.00. 001 FMA 9903 Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy ( edit on Wikidata ) The peripheral nervous system ( PNS ) is one of the two components of the nervous system , the other part is the central nervous system ( CNS ) . The PNS consists of the nerves and ganglia outside the brain and spinal cord . The main function of the PNS is to connect the CNS to the limbs and organs , essentially serving as a relay between the brain and spinal cord and the rest of the body . Unlike the CNS , the PNS is not protected by the vertebral column and skull , or by the blood -- brain barrier , which leaves it exposed to toxins and mechanical injuries . The peripheral nervous system is divided into the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system . In the somatic nervous system , the cranial nerves are part of the PNS with the exception of the optic nerve ( cranial nerve II ) , along with the retina . The second cranial nerve is not a true peripheral nerve but a tract of the diencephalon . Cranial nerve ganglia originated in the CNS . However , the remaining ten cranial nerve axons extend beyond the brain and are therefore considered part of the PNS . The autonomic nervous system is an involuntary control of smooth muscle and glands . The connection between CNS and organs allows the system to be in two different functional states : sympathetic and parasympathetic . Contents ( hide ) 1 Structure 1.1 Somatic nervous system 1.1. 1 Cervical spinal nerves ( C1 -- C4 ) 1.1. 2 Brachial plexus ( C5 -- T1 ) 1.1. 3 Lumbosacral plexus ( L1 -- Co1 ) 1.2 Autonomic nervous system 1.2. 1 Sympathetic nervous system 1.2. 2 Parasympathetic nervous system 2 Disease 3 See also 4 References 5 External links Structure ( edit ) The peripheral nervous system is divided into the somatic nervous system , and the autonomic nervous system . The somatic nervous system is under voluntary control , and transmits signals from the brain to end organs such as muscle s . The sensory nervous system is part of the somatic nervous system and transmits signals from senses such as taste and touch ( including fine touch and gross touch ) to the spinal cord and brain . The autonomic nervous system is a ' self - regulating ' system which influences the function of organs outside voluntary control , such as the heart rate , or the functions of the digestive system . Somatic nervous system ( edit ) See also : List of nerves of the human body The somatic system includes the sensory nervous system and the somatosensory system and consists of sensory nerves and somatic nerves , and many nerves which hold both functions . In the head and neck , cranial nerve s carry somatosensory data . There are twelve cranial nerves , ten of which originate from the brainstem , and mainly control the functions of the anatomic structures of the head with some exceptions . The nuclei of the olfactory nerve and the optic nerve s lie in the forebrain and thalamus , respectively , and are thus not considered to be true cranial nerves . One unique cranial nerve is the vagus nerve , which receives sensory information from organs in the thorax and abdomen . The accessory nerve is responsible for innervating the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles , neither of which being exclusively in the head . For the rest of the body , spinal nerves are responsible for somatosensory information . These arise from the spinal cord . Usually these arise as a web ( `` plexus '' ) of interconnected nerves roots that arrange to form single nerves . These nerves control the functions of the rest of the body . In humans , there are 31 pairs of spinal nerves : 8 cervical , 12 thoracic , 5 lumbar , 5 sacral and 1 coccygeal . These nerve roots are named according to the spinal vertebrata which they are adjacent to . In the cervical region , the spinal nerve roots come out above the corresponding vertebrae ( i.e. , nerve root between the skull and 1st cervical vertebrae is called spinal nerve C1 ) . From the thoracic region to the coccygeal region , the spinal nerve roots come out below the corresponding vertebrae . It is important to note that this method creates a problem when naming the spinal nerve root between C7 and T1 ( so it is called spinal nerve root C8 ) . In the lumbar and sacral region , the spinal nerve roots travel within the dural sac and they travel below the level of L2 as the cauda equina . Cervical spinal nerves ( C1 -- C4 ) ( edit ) Further information : Cervical plexus The first 4 cervical spinal nerves , C1 through C4 , split and recombine to produce a variety of nerves that serve the neck and back of head . Spinal nerve C1 is called the suboccipital nerve , which provides motor innervation to muscles at the base of the skull . C2 and C3 form many of the nerves of the neck , providing both sensory and motor control . These include the greater occipital nerve , which provides sensation to the back of the head , the lesser occipital nerve , which provides sensation to the area behind the ears , the greater auricular nerve and the lesser auricular nerve . The phrenic nerve is a nerve essential for our survival which arises from nerve roots C3 , C4 and C5 . It supplies the thoracic diaphragm , enabling breathing . If the spinal cord is transected above C3 , then spontaneous breathing is not possible . Brachial plexus ( C5 -- T1 ) ( edit ) Further information : Brachial plexus The last four cervical spinal nerves , C5 through C8 , and the first thoracic spinal nerve , T1 , combine to form the brachial plexus , or plexus brachialis , a tangled array of nerves , splitting , combining and recombining , to form the nerves that subserve the upper - limb and upper back . Although the brachial plexus may appear tangled , it is highly organized and predictable , with little variation between people . See brachial plexus injuries . Lumbosacral plexus ( l1 -- co1 ) ( edit ) The anterior divisions of the lumbar nerves , sacral nerves , and coccygeal nerve form the lumbosacral plexus , the first lumbar nerve being frequently joined by a branch from the twelfth thoracic . For descriptive purposes this plexus is usually divided into three parts : lumbar plexus sacral plexus pudendal plexus Autonomic nervous system ( edit ) The autonomic nervous system controls involuntary responses to regulate physiological functions . The brain and spinal cord from the central nervous system are connected with organs that have smooth muscle , such as the heart , bladder , and other cardiac , exocrine , and endocrine related organs , by ganglionic neurons . The most notable physiological effects from autonomic activity are pupil constriction and dilation , and salivation of saliva . The autonomic nervous system is always activated , but is either in the sympathetic or parasympathetic state . Depending on the situation , one state can overshadow the other , resulting in a release of different kinds of neurotransmitters . There is a lesser known division of the autonomic nervous system known as the enteric nervous system . Located only around the digestive tract , this system allows for local control without input from the sympathetic or the parasympathetic branches , though it can still receive and respond to signals from the rest of the body . The enteric system is responsible for various functions related to gastrointestinal system . Sympathetic nervous system ( edit ) The sympathetic system is activated during a `` fight or flight '' situation in which great mental stress or physical danger is encountered . Neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine , and epinephrine are released , which increases heart rate and blood flow in certain areas like muscle , while simultaneously decreasing activities of non-critical functions for survival , like digestion . The systems are independent to each other , which allows activation of certain parts of the body , while others remain rested . Parasympathetic nervous system ( edit ) Primarily using the neurotransmitter acetylcholine ( ACh ) as a mediator , the parasympathetic system allows the body to function in a `` rest and digest '' state . Consequently , when the parasympathetic system dominates the body , there are increases in salivation and activities in digestion , while heart rate and other sympathetic response decrease . Unlike the sympathetic system , humans have some voluntary controls in the parasympathetic system . The most prominent examples of this control are urination and defecation . Disease ( edit ) Main article : Peripheral neuropathy Diseases of the peripheral nervous system can be specific to one or more nerves , or affect the system as a whole . Any peripheral nerve or nerve root can be damaged , called a mononeuropathy . Such injuries can be because of injury or trauma , or compression . Compression of nerves can occur because of a tumour mass or injury . Alternatively , if a nerve is in an area with a fixed size it may be trapped if the other components increase in size , such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tarsal tunnel syndrome . Common symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include pain and numbness in the thumb , index and middle finger . In peripheral neuropathy , the function one or more nerves are damaged through a variety of means . Toxic damage may occur because of diabetes ( diabetic neuropathy ) , alcohol , heavy metals or other toxins ; some infections ; autoimmune and inflammatory conditions such as amyloidosis and sarcoidosis . Peripheral neuropathy is associated with a sensory loss in a `` glove and stocking '' distribution that begins at the peripheral and slowly progresses upwards , and may also be associated with acute and chronic pain . Peripheral neuropathy is not just limited to the somatosensory nerves , but the autonomic nervous system too ( autonomic neuropathy ) . See also ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Peripheral nervous system . Connective tissue in the peripheral nervous system Preferential motor reinnervation References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` peripheral nervous system '' at Dorland 's Medical Dictionary Jump up ^ `` Slide show : How your brain works - Mayo Clinic '' . . Retrieved 17 June 2016 . Jump up ^ Board Review Series : Neuroanatomy , 4th Ed. , Lippincott Williams & Wilkins , Maryland 2008 , p. 177 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7817 - 7245 - 7 . Jump up ^ James S. White ( 21 March 2008 ) . Neuroscience . McGraw - Hill Professional . pp. 1 -- . ISBN 978 - 0 - 07 - 149623 - 0 . Retrieved 17 November 2010 . ^ Jump up to : Laight , David ( September 2013 ) . `` Overview of peripheral nervous system pharmacology '' . Nurse Prescribing . ISSN 1479 - 9189 . ^ Jump up to : Matic , Agnella Izzo ( 2014 ) . `` Introduction to the Nervous System , Part 2 : The Autonomic Nervous System and the Central Nervous System '' . AMWA Journal : American Medical Writers Association Journal ( AMWA J ) . ISSN 1075 - 6361 . This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( November 2007 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) External links ( edit ) Peripheral nervous system photomicrographs Peripheral Neuropathy from the US NIH Neuropathy : Causes , Symptoms and Treatments from Medical News Today Peripheral Neuropathy at the Mayo Clinic ( hide ) Nervous system Central nervous system Meninges Spinal cord Brain Rhombencephalon Medulla Pons Cerebellum Midbrain Forebrain Diencephalon Retina Optic nerve Cerebrum Limbic system Peripheral nervous system Somatic Sensory nerve Motor nerve Cranial nerve Spinal nerve Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic Enteric Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Peripheral nervous system Neuroscience Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from November 2007 All articles needing additional references Talk Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans ܐܪܡܝܐ Azərbaycanca Български Bosanski Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch ދިވެހިބަސް Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Gaeilge Galego 客家 語 / Hak - kâ - ngî 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית Kreyòl ayisyen Latviešu Lietuvių Limburgs Македонски Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Occitan Polski Português Română Русский Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina کوردی Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska தமிழ் తెలుగు ไทย Türkçe Українська اردو Tiếng Việt 粵語 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 3 December 2017 , at 23 : 58 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
which of the following are components of the pns
The peripheral nervous system ( PNS ) is one of the two components of the nervous system , the other part is the central nervous system ( CNS ) . The PNS consists of the nerves and ganglia outside the brain and spinal cord . The main function of the PNS is to connect the CNS to the limbs and organs , essentially serving as a relay between the brain and spinal cord and the rest of the body . Unlike the CNS , the PNS is not protected by the vertebral column and skull , or by the blood -- brain barrier , which leaves it exposed to toxins and mechanical injuries . The peripheral nervous system is divided into the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system . In the somatic nervous system , the cranial nerves are part of the PNS with the exception of the optic nerve ( cranial nerve II ) , along with the retina . The second cranial nerve is not a true peripheral nerve but a tract of the diencephalon . Cranial nerve ganglia originated in the CNS . However , the remaining ten cranial nerve axons extend beyond the brain and are therefore considered part of the PNS . The autonomic nervous system is an involuntary control of smooth muscle and glands . The connection between CNS and organs allows the system to be in two different functional states : sympathetic and parasympathetic .
Come Thou Fount of every blessing - wikipedia Come Thou Fount of every blessing Jump to : navigation , search For the album by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir , see Come , Thou Fount of Every Blessing ( album ) . This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( April 2012 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) `` Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing '' Hymn Written 1757 ( 1757 ) Text by Robert Robinson Meter 8.7. 8.7 Melody by John Wyeth `` Nettleton '' `` Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing '' is a Christian hymn written by the 18th century pastor and hymnist Robert Robinson . Robert Robinson penned the words at age 22 in the year 1757 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Tunes 2 Cover versions 3 Lyrics 4 Notes 5 External links Tunes ( edit ) In the United States , the hymn is usually set to an American folk tune known as `` Nettleton '' , composed by printer John Wyeth , or possibly by Asahel Nettleton . In the United Kingdom , the hymn is also often set to the tune `` Normandy '' by C Bost . The `` Nettleton '' tune is used extensively in partial or full quotation by the American composer Charles Ives , in such works as the First String Quartet and the piano quintet and song `` The Innate '' . The `` Nettleton '' tune is also quoted at the end of `` My Trundle Bed '' by Tullius C. O'Kane . A shape note song called `` Warrenton '' also has been sung with a chorus being in 4 / 4 time or 2 / 2 cut time ; to fit the text to this melody , the second half of each verse is omitted and replaced with a refrain of `` I am bound for the kingdom , will you come to glory with me ? / Hallelujah , praise the Lord ! '' Cover versions ( edit ) It has been covered by the David Crowder Band on their 1999 album All I Can Say . Christian rock band Jars of Clay has also covered the song , as well as veteran Christian artist Scott Wesley Brown . Sufjan Stevens recorded a version for his Hark ! Songs for Christmas album , which reached 122 in the US charts and is featured in the closing minutes of the season four premiere episode of Friday Night Lights . Gateway Worship performed the song on their album Living for You and added a chorus to the song , calling it `` Come Thou Fount , Come Thou King '' . It also appears on Phil Wickham 's album ' sing - a-long ' . This song is also sung by Clark Davis in the film Love Comes Softly and is a recurring background music in the film . Mumford & Sons have covered it in a small amount of their live shows . Leigh Nash has covered it in Hymns and Sacred Songs . Additionally , the Mormon Tabernacle Choir recorded this hymn as part of their album titled The Sound of Glory , and frequently sing it in their live performances . Christian punk pop band Eleventyseven covered the hymn in their Good Spells EP . Gospel recording artist Anthony Brown and group therAPy covered the first verse of the hymn in the song `` Without You '' on their sophomore album Everyday Jesus . Pop musician Adam Young posted his version on his Soundcloud page Lyrics ( edit ) This section is a candidate to be copied to Wikisource . If the section can be edited into encyclopedic content , rather than merely a copy of the source text , please do so and remove this message . Otherwise , you can help by formatting it per the Wikisource guidelines in preparation for the duplication . The lyrics , which dwell on the theme of divine grace , are based on 1 Samuel 7 : 12 , in which the prophet Samuel raises a stone as a monument , saying , `` Hitherto hath the Lord helped us '' ( KJV ) . The English transliteration of the name Samuel gives to the stone is Ebenezer , meaning Stone of Help . The unusual word Ebenezer commonly appears in hymnal presentations of the lyrics ( verse 2 ) . The original text of the hymn `` Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing '' : It has been revised and now appears in modern hymnals as the following : The following version was adapted by E. Margaret Clarkson in 1973. : The following version appears in Nazarene hymnals and those of the Holiness movement . It replaces `` wandering '' with `` yielded , '' and `` prone to wander '' with `` let me know Thee in Thy fullness ''. : Many choirs , including the Mormon Tabernacle Choir , sing it as follows , in an arrangement by Mack Wilberg . It is essentially the modern hymnal version , except that verse 2 is split into two parts and the last half of verse 3 is appended to each part to form two verses : 1 . Come , Thou Fount of every blessing , Tune my heart to sing Thy grace ; Streams of mercy , never ceasing , Call for songs of loudest praise . Teach me some melodious sonnet , Sung by flaming tongues above . Praise the mount , I 'm fixed upon it , Mount of Thy redeeming love . 1 . Come Thou Fount of every blessing Tune my heart to sing Thy grace ; Streams of mercy , never ceasing , Call for songs of loudest praise Teach me some melodious sonnet , Sung by flaming tongues above . Praise the mount ! I 'm fixed upon it , Mount of God 's unchanging love . 1 . Come Thou fount of every blessing Tune my heart to sing Thy grace Streams of mercy never ceasing Call for songs of loudest praise Teach me some melodious sonnet Sung by flaming tongues above . Praise His Name I 'm fixed upon it Name of God 's redeeming love . 1 . Come , Thou Fount of every blessing , Tune my heart to sing Thy grace ; Streams of mercy , never ceasing , Call for songs of loudest praise . Teach me some melodious sonnet , Sung by flaming tongues above . Praise the mount ! I 'm fixed upon it , Mount of Thy redeeming love . 1 . Come , Thou Fount of every blessing , Tune my heart to sing Thy grace ; Streams of mercy , never ceasing , Call for songs of loudest praise . Teach me some melodious sonnet , Sung by flaming tongues above . Praise the mount ! I 'm fixed upon it , Mount of Thy redeeming love . 2 . Sorrowing I shall be in spirit , Till released from flesh and sin , Yet from what I do inherit , Here Thy praises I 'll begin ; Here I raise my Ebenezer ; Here by Thy great help I 've come ; And I hope , by Thy good pleasure , Safely to arrive at home . 2 . Here I raise my Ebenezer ; Hither by Thy help I 'm come ; And I hope , by Thy good pleasure , Safely to arrive at home . Jesus sought me when a stranger , Wandering from the fold of God ; He , to rescue me from danger , Interposed His precious blood . 2 . Hitherto Thy love has blessed me Thou has brought me to this place And I know Thy hand will bring me Safely home by Thy good grace Jesus sought me when a stranger , Wandering from the fold of God ; He , to rescue me from danger , Bought me with His precious blood . 2 . Here I raise my Ebenezer ; Hither by Thy help I 'm come ; And I hope , by Thy good pleasure , Safely to arrive at home . Jesus sought me when a stranger , Wandering from the fold of God ; He , to rescue me from danger , Interposed His precious blood . 2 . Here I raise my Ebenezer ; Hither by Thy help I 've come ; And I hope , by Thy good pleasure , Safely to arrive at home . Prone to wander , Lord , I feel it , Prone to leave the God I love ; Here 's my heart , O take and seal it ; Seal it for Thy courts above . 3 . Jesus sought me when a stranger , Wandering from the fold of God ; He , to rescue me from danger , Interposed His precious blood ; How His kindness yet pursues me Mortal tongue can never tell , Clothed in flesh , till death shall loose me I can not proclaim it well . 3 . O to grace how great a debtor Daily I 'm constrained to be ! Let that grace now like a fetter , Bind my wandering heart to Thee . Prone to wander , Lord , I feel it , Prone to leave the God I love ; Here 's my heart , O take and seal it , Seal it for Thy courts above . 3 . O to grace how great a debtor Daily I 'm constrained to be ! Let Thy goodness , like a fetter , Bind my wandering heart to Thee : Prone to wander , Lord , I feel it , Prone to leave the God I love ; Here 's my heart , O take and seal it ; Seal it for Thy courts above . 3 . O to grace how great a debtor Daily I 'm constrained to be ! Let that grace , now , like a fetter , Bind my yielded heart to Thee . Let me know Thee in Thy fullness ; Guide me by Thy mighty hand Till , transformed , in Thine own image In Thy presence I shall stand . 3 . Jesus sought me when a stranger , Wandering from the fold of God ; He , to rescue me from danger , Interposed His precious blood . Prone to wander , Lord , I feel it , Prone to leave the God I love ; Here 's my heart , O take and seal it ; Seal it for Thy courts above . 4 . O to grace how great a debtor Daily I 'm constrained to be ! Let Thy goodness , like a fetter , Bind my wandering heart to Thee . Prone to wander , Lord , I feel it , Prone to leave the God I love ; Here 's my heart , O take and seal it , Seal it for Thy courts above . 4 . O to grace how great a debtor Daily I 'm constrained to be ! Let Thy goodness , like a fetter , Bind my wandering heart to Thee : Prone to wander , Lord , I feel it , Prone to leave the God I love ; Here 's my heart , O take and seal it ; Seal it for Thy courts above . 5 . O that day when freed from sinning , I shall see Thy lovely face ; Clothèd then in blood washed linen How I 'll sing Thy sovereign grace ; Come , my Lord , no longer tarry , Take my ransomed soul away ; Send thine angels now to carry Me to realms of endless day . This version , titled `` O Thou Fount of Every Blessing '' and attributed to Robert Robinson , is found in several shape - note hymnals of the American South . The melody is attributed to A. Nettleton : This version is found in America 's 25 Hymns Vol 2 and International 25 Favorite Hymns Volume 2 both Arranged by Don Marsh This version is found in Michael Card 's album Hymns This version is found in `` Songs of Worship and Praise , '' a new compilation of songs made by Jose T. Guerra , August 2013 . 1 . O Thou Fount of ev'ry blessing , Tune my heart to sing Thy grace ; Streams of mercy , never ceasing , Call for songs of loudest praise . Teach me ever to adore Thee ; May I still Thy goodness prove ; While the hope of endless glory , Fills my heart with joy and love . 1 . Come , thou fount of every blessing , Tune my heart to sing thy grace ; Streams of mercy , never ceasing , Call for songs of loudest praise . Teach me some melodious sonnet , Sung by flaming tongues above . Praise His name I 'm fixed upon it , Name of God 's redeeming love . 1 . Come Thou Fount of every blessing Tune my heart to sing Thy grace ; Streams of mercy , never ceasing , Call for songs of loudest praise Teach me some melodious sonnet , Sung by flaming tongues above . Praise the mount ! I 'm fixed upon it , Mount of Thy redeeming love . 1 . Come , O fount of every blessing , Tune my heart to sing your grace ; Streams of mercy , never ceasing , Call for songs of loudest praise . Teach me some melodious sonnet , Sung by flaming tongues above ; Praise his name -- I 'm fixed upon it ! Name of God 's redeeming love . 2 . Here I raise my Ebenezer : Hither by Thy help I 've come ; And I hope by Thy good pleasure Safely to arrive at home . Jesus sought me when a stranger , Wand'ring from the fold of God ; He to rescue me from danger Interposed His precious blood . 2 . O to grace how great a debtor Daily I 'm constrained to be ! Let thy goodness , like a fetter , Bind my wandering heart to thee . Prone to wander , Lord , I feel it , Prone to leave the God I love ; Here 's my heart , O take and seal it , Seal it for thy courts above . 2 . Here I raise my Ebenezer ; Hither by Thy help I 'm come ; And I hope , by Thy good pleasure , Safely to arrive at home . Jesus sought me when a stranger , Wandering from the fold of God ; He , to rescue me from danger , Interposed His precious blood . 2 . Thus far your love has blessed me , You have brought me to this place ; And I know your hand will lead me , Safely home by your good grace . Jesus sought me when a stranger , Wandering from the fold of God ; He , to rescue me from danger , Bought me with his precious blood . 3 . O to grace how great a debtor Daily I 'm constrained to be ! Let Thy goodness like a fetter Bind my wand'ring heart to Thee . Never let me wander from Thee , Never leave the God I love ; Here 's my heart , O take and seal it , Seal it for Thy courts above . Gateway Worship added a chorus to the song for their album `` Living For You '' but left the verses untouched Come , Thou Fount , come , Thou King ; Come , Thou precious Prince of Peace Hear Your bride , to You we sing , Come , Thou Fount of our blessing Come , Thou Fount , come , Thou King ; Come , Thou precious Prince of Peace Hear Your bride , to You we sing , Come , Thou Fount of our blessing . 3 . O to grace how great a debtor Daily I 'm constrained to be ! Let thy goodness , like a fetter , Bind my wandering heart to thee . Prone to wander , Lord , I feel it , Prone to leave the God I love ; Here 's my heart , O take and seal it , Seal it for thy courts above . 3 . O to grace how great a debtor , Daily I 'm convinced it 's true ! Let your goodness , like a fetter , Bind my wandering heart to you ; Prone to wander , Lord , I feel it , Prone to leave the God I love ; Here 's my heart , O , take and seal it ; Seal it for your courts above . This version was written in 1758 by Robert Robinson This version is song by Thomas Miller and Bethel Music . 1 . Come , thou Fount of every blessing , tune my heart to sing thy grace ; streams of mercy , never ceasing , call for songs of loudest praise . Teach me some melodious sonnet , sung by flaming tongues above . Praise the mount I 'm fixed upon it mount of God 's redeeming love . 1 . Come Thou Fount of every blessing Tune my heart to sing Thy grace ; Streams of mercy , never ceasing , Call for songs of loudest praise Teach me some melodious sonnet , Sung by flaming tongues above . Praise the mount ! I 'm fixed upon it , Mount of Thy redeeming love . 2 . Here I find my greatest treasure ; hither by thy help I 've come ; and I hope , by thy good pleasure , safely to arrive at home . Jesus sought me when a stranger , wandering from the fold of God ; he , to rescue me from danger , bought me with his precious blood . 2 . Here I raise to thee an altar ; Hither by Thy help I 'm come ; And I hope , by Thy good pleasure , Safely to arrive at home . Jesus sought me when a stranger , Wandering from the fold of God ; He , to rescue me from danger , Interposed His precious blood . 3 . Oh , to grace how great a debtor daily I 'm constrained to be ! Let thy goodness , like a fetter , bind my wandering heart to thee : prone to wander , Lord , I feel it , prone to leave the God I love ; here 's my heart , O take and seal it ; seal it for thy courts above . 3 . I was lost in utter darkness ; ' Til You came and rescued me ; I was bound by all my sin , when Your love came and set me free . Now my soul can sing a new song , Now my heart has found a home ; Now Your grace is always with me , And I 'll never be alone . 4 . O to grace how great a debtor Daily I 'm constrained to be ! Let that grace now like a fetter , Bind my wandering heart to Thee . Prone to wander , Lord , I feel it , Prone to leave the God I love ; Here 's my heart , O take and seal it , Seal it for Thy courts above . Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Did Robert Robinson Wander as He Had Feared ? , Christian History Institute , 2006 Jump up ^ John Wyeth , biography at the Cyber Hymnal Archived 2011 - 08 - 16 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Christian Worship Appendix I : Worship That Is Biblical , Reformed , and General Assembly Relevant Archived 2010 - 01 - 18 at the Wayback Machine . on Worldwide Classroom , Mark Dalbey , , 2003 Jump up ^ Hymns and Psalms , Methodist Publishing House , London , 1983 , no. 517 Jump up ^ Frank Garlock , ed. ( 1997 ) . Majesty Hymns . Majesty Music . p. 11 . Jump up ^ Lyrics at the Cyber Hymnal Archived 2011 - 10 - 07 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Lyrics at Jump up ^ Center for Christian Music Archived 2007 - 08 - 11 at External links ( edit ) Words , Guitar Chords , Lead Sheet Story of Hymn Asahel Nettleton : The Forgotten Evangelist , by Jim Ehrhard Link to midi file for tune ' Normandy ' Link to midi file for tune ' Nettleton ' Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Copy section to Wikisource English Christian hymns Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Webarchive template archiveis links Articles needing additional references from April 2012 All articles needing additional references Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikisource Add links This page was last edited on 7 September 2017 , at 04 : 46 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who wrote the song come thou fount of every blessing
`` Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing '' is a Christian hymn written by the 18th century pastor and hymnist Robert Robinson . Robert Robinson penned the words at age 22 in the year 1757 .
George II of Great Britain - wikipedia George II of Great Britain Jump to : navigation , search George II Portrait by Thomas Hudson , 1744 King of Great Britain and Ireland Elector of Hanover ( more ... ) Reign 11 / 22 June 1727 -- 25 October 1760 Coronation 11 / 22 October 1727 Predecessor George I Successor George III 30 October / 9 November 1683 Herrenhausen Palace , or Leine Palace , Hanover 25 October 1760 ( 1760 - 10 - 25 ) ( aged 76 ) Kensington Palace , London Burial 11 November 1760 Westminster Abbey , London Spouse Caroline of Ansbach ( m . 1705 ; d . 1737 ) Issue Detail Frederick , Prince of Wales Anne , Princess of Orange Princess Amelia Princess Caroline Prince George William William , Duke of Cumberland Mary , Landgravine of Hesse - Kassel Louisa , Queen of Denmark and Norway Full name George Augustus German : Georg August House Hanover Father George I of Great Britain Mother Sophia Dorothea of Celle Religion Protestant Signature George II ( George Augustus ; German : Georg II . August ; 30 October / 9 November 1683 -- 25 October 1760 ) was King of Great Britain and Ireland , Duke of Brunswick - Lüneburg ( Hanover ) and a prince - elector of the Holy Roman Empire from 11 June 1727 ( O.S. ) until his death in 1760 . George was the last British monarch born outside Great Britain : he was born and brought up in northern Germany . His grandmother , Sophia of Hanover , became second in line to the British throne after about fifty Catholics higher in line were excluded by the Act of Settlement 1701 and the Acts of Union 1707 , which restricted the succession to Protestants . After the deaths of Sophia and Anne , Queen of Great Britain , in 1714 , his father George I , Elector of Hanover , inherited the British throne . In the first years of his father 's reign as king , George was associated with opposition politicians , until they rejoined the governing party in 1720 . As king from 1727 , George exercised little control over British domestic policy , which was largely controlled by the Parliament of Great Britain . As elector , he spent twelve summers in Hanover , where he had more direct control over government policy . He had a difficult relationship with his eldest son , Frederick , who supported the parliamentary opposition . During the War of the Austrian Succession , George participated at the Battle of Dettingen in 1743 , and thus became the last British monarch to lead an army in battle . In 1745 , supporters of the Catholic claimant to the British throne , James Francis Edward Stuart ( `` The Old Pretender '' ) , led by James 's son Charles Edward Stuart ( `` The Young Pretender '' or `` Bonnie Prince Charlie '' ) , attempted and failed to depose George in the last of the Jacobite rebellions . Frederick died unexpectedly in 1751 , nine years before his father , and so George II was ultimately succeeded by his grandson , George III . For two centuries after George II 's death , history tended to view him with disdain , concentrating on his mistresses , short temper and boorishness . Since then , most scholars have reassessed his legacy and conclude that he held and exercised influence in foreign policy and military appointments . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early life 2 Marriage 3 Prince of Wales 3.1 Quarrel with the king 3.2 Political opposition 4 Early reign 5 Family problems 6 War and rebellion 7 Later life 7.1 Seven Years ' War 7.2 Death 8 Legacy 9 Titles , styles and arms 9.1 Titles and styles 9.2 Arms 10 Issue 11 Ancestry 12 Notes 13 Sources 14 Bibliography 15 Further reading 16 External links Early life ( edit ) George as a young boy with his mother , Sophia Dorothea of Celle , and his sister , Sophia Dorothea of Hanover George was born in the city of Hanover in Germany , and was the son of George Louis , Hereditary Prince of Brunswick - Lüneburg ( later King George I of Great Britain ) , and his wife , Sophia Dorothea of Celle . His sister , Sophia Dorothea , was born when he was three years old . Both of George 's parents committed adultery , and in 1694 their marriage was dissolved on the pretext that Sophia had abandoned her husband . She was confined to Ahlden House and denied access to her two children , who probably never saw their mother again . George spoke only French , the language of diplomacy and the court , until the age of four , after which he was taught German by one of his tutors , Johann Hilmar Holstein . In addition to French and German , he was also schooled in English and Italian , and studied genealogy , military history and battle tactics with particular diligence . George 's second cousin once removed , Queen Anne , ascended the thrones of England , Scotland and Ireland in 1702 . She had no surviving children , and by the Act of Settlement 1701 the English Parliament designated Anne 's closest Protestant blood relations , George 's grandmother Sophia and her descendants , as Anne 's heirs in England and Ireland . Consequently , after his grandmother and father , George was third in line to succeed Anne in two of her three realms . He was naturalized as an English subject in 1705 by the Sophia Naturalization Act , and in 1706 he was made a Knight of the Garter and created Duke and Marquess of Cambridge , Earl of Milford Haven , Viscount Northallerton and Baron Tewkesbury in the Peerage of England . England and Scotland united in 1707 to form the Kingdom of Great Britain , and jointly accepted the succession as laid down by the English Act of Settlement . Marriage ( edit ) Caroline of Ansbach by Godfrey Kneller , 1716 George 's father did not want his son to enter into a loveless arranged marriage as he had , and wanted him to have the opportunity of meeting his bride before any formal arrangements were made . Negotiations from 1702 for the hand of Princess Hedvig Sophia of Sweden , Dowager Duchess and regent of Holstein - Gottorp , came to nothing . In June 1705 , under the false name of `` Monsieur de Busch '' , George visited the Ansbach court at their summer residence in Triesdorf to investigate incognito a marriage prospect : Caroline of Ansbach , the former ward of his aunt Queen Sophia Charlotte of Prussia . The English envoy to Hanover , Edmund Poley , reported that George was so taken by `` the good character he had of her that he would not think of anybody else '' . A marriage contract was concluded by the end of July . On 22 August / 2 September 1705 Caroline arrived in Hanover for her wedding , which was held the same evening in the chapel at Herrenhausen . George was keen to participate in the war against France in Flanders , but his father refused permission for him to join the army in an active role until he had a son and heir . In early 1707 , George 's hopes were fulfilled when Caroline gave birth to a son , Frederick . In July , Caroline fell seriously ill with smallpox , and George caught the infection after staying by her side devotedly during her illness . They both recovered . In 1708 , George participated in the Battle of Oudenarde in the vanguard of the Hanoverian cavalry ; his horse and a colonel immediately beside him were killed , but George survived unharmed . The British commander , Marlborough , wrote that George `` distinguished himself extremely , charging at the head of and animating by his example ( the Hanoverian ) troops , who played a good part in this happy victory '' . Between 1709 and 1713 , George and Caroline had three more children , all girls : Anne , Amelia , and Caroline . By 1714 , Queen Anne 's health had declined , and British Whigs , politicians who supported the Hanoverian succession , thought it prudent for one of the Hanoverians to live in England , to safeguard the Protestant succession on Anne 's death . As George was a peer of the realm ( as Duke of Cambridge ) , it was suggested that he be summoned to Parliament to sit in the House of Lords . Both Anne and George 's father refused to support the plan , although George , Caroline and Sophia were all in favour . George did not go . Within the year , both Sophia and Anne were dead , and George 's father was king . Prince of Wales ( edit ) Quarrel with the king ( edit ) London , c. 1710 Portrait by Kneller , 1716 George and his father sailed for England from The Hague on 16 / 27 September 1714 and arrived at Greenwich two days later . The following day , they formally entered London in a ceremonial procession . George was given the title of Prince of Wales . Caroline followed her husband to Britain in October with their daughters , while Frederick remained in Hanover to be brought up by private tutors . London was like nothing George had seen before : it was 50 times larger than Hanover , and the crowd was estimated at up to one and a half million spectators . George courted popularity with voluble expressions of praise for the English , and claimed that he had no drop of blood that was not English . In July 1716 , the king returned to Hanover for six months , and George was given limited powers , as `` Guardian and Lieutenant of the Realm '' , to govern in his father 's absence . He made a royal progress through Chichester , Havant , Portsmouth and Guildford in southern England . Spectators were allowed to see him dine in public at Hampton Court Palace . An attempt on his life at Drury Lane Theatre , in which one person was shot dead before the assailant was brought under control , boosted his high public profile . His father distrusted or was jealous of George 's popularity , which contributed to the development of a poor relationship between them . The birth in 1717 of George 's second son , Prince George William , proved to be a catalyst for a family quarrel ; the king , supposedly following custom , appointed the Lord Chamberlain , the Duke of Newcastle , as one of the baptismal sponsors of the child . The king was angered when George , who disliked Newcastle , verbally insulted the duke at the christening , which the duke misunderstood as a challenge to a duel . George and Caroline were temporarily confined to their apartments on the order of the king , who subsequently banished his son from St James 's Palace , the king 's residence . The Prince and Princess of Wales left court , but their children remained in the care of the king . George and Caroline missed their children , and were desperate to see them . On one occasion they secretly visited the palace without the approval of the king ; Caroline fainted and George `` cried like a child '' . The king partially relented and permitted them to visit once a week , though he later allowed Caroline unconditional access . The following February , George William died , with his father by his side . Political opposition ( edit ) Banned from the palace and shunned by his own father , the Prince of Wales was identified for the next several years with opposition to George I 's policies , which included measures designed to increase religious freedom in Great Britain and expand Hanover 's German territories at the expense of Sweden . His new London residence , Leicester House , became a frequent meeting place for his father 's political opponents , including Sir Robert Walpole and Viscount Townshend , who had left the government in 1717 . The king visited Hanover again from May to November 1719 . Instead of appointing George to the guardianship , he established a regency council . In 1720 , Walpole encouraged the king and his son to reconcile , for the sake of public unity , which they did half - heartedly . Walpole and Townshend returned to political office , and rejoined the ministry . George was soon disillusioned with the terms of the reconciliation ; his three daughters who were in the care of the king were not returned and he was still barred from becoming regent during the king 's absences . He came to believe that Walpole had tricked him into the rapprochement as part of a scheme to regain power . Over the next few years , he and Caroline lived quietly , avoiding overt political activity . They had three more children : William , Mary and Louisa , who were brought up at Leicester House and Richmond Lodge , George 's summer residence . In 1721 , the economic disaster of the South Sea Bubble allowed Walpole to rise to the pinnacle of government . Walpole and his Whig Party were dominant in politics , as the king feared that the Tories would not support the succession laid down in the Act of Settlement . The power of the Whigs was so great that the Tories would not come to hold power for another half - century . Early reign ( edit ) Portrait by Charles Jervas , c. 1727 George I died on 11 / 22 June 1727 during one of his visits to Hanover , and George II succeeded him as king and elector at the age of 43 . The new king decided not to travel to Germany for his father 's funeral , which far from bringing criticism led to praise from the English who considered it proof of his fondness for England . He suppressed his father 's will because it attempted to split the Hanoverian succession between George II 's future grandsons rather than vest all the domains ( both in Britain and Hanover ) in a single person . Both British and Hanoverian ministers considered the will unlawful , as George I did not have the legal power to determine the succession personally . Critics supposed that George II hid the will to avoid paying out his father 's legacies . George II was crowned at Westminster Abbey on 11 / 22 October 1727 . The composer George Frideric Handel was commissioned to write four new anthems for the coronation , including Zadok the Priest . It was widely believed that George would dismiss Walpole , who had distressed him by joining his father 's government , and replace him with Sir Spencer Compton . George asked Compton , rather than Walpole , to write his first speech as king for him , but Compton asked Walpole to draft it . Caroline advised George to retain Walpole , who continued to gain royal favour by securing a generous civil list ( a fixed annual amount set by Parliament for the king 's official expenditure ) of £ 800,000 . Walpole commanded a substantial majority in Parliament and George had little choice but to retain him or risk ministerial instability . Compton was ennobled as Lord Wilmington the following year . Portrait by Enoch Seeman , c. 1730 Walpole directed domestic policy , and after the resignation of his brother - in - law Townshend in 1730 also controlled George 's foreign policy . Historians generally believe that George played an honorific role in Britain , and closely followed the advice of Walpole and senior ministers who made the major decisions . Although the king was eager for war in Europe , his ministers were more cautious . The Anglo - Spanish War was brought to an end , and George unsuccessfully pressed Walpole to join the War of the Polish Succession on the side of the German states . In April 1733 , Walpole withdrew an unpopular excise bill that had gathered strong opposition , including from within his own party . George lent support to Walpole by dismissing the bill 's opponents from their court offices . Family problems ( edit ) George II 's relationship with his son and heir apparent , Frederick , Prince of Wales , worsened during the 1730s . Frederick had been left behind in Germany when his parents came to England , and they had not met for 14 years . In 1728 , he was brought to England , and swiftly became a figurehead of the political opposition . When George visited Hanover in the summers of 1729 , 1732 and 1735 , he left his wife to chair the regency council in Britain rather than his son . Meanwhile , rivalry between George II and his brother - in - law and first cousin Frederick William I of Prussia led to tension along the Prussian -- Hanoverian border , which eventually culminated in the mobilization of troops in the border zone and suggestions of a duel between the two kings . Negotiations for a marriage between the Prince of Wales and Frederick William 's daughter Wilhelmine dragged on for years but neither side would make the concessions demanded by the other , and the idea was shelved . Instead , the prince married Princess Augusta of Saxe - Gotha in April 1736 . In May 1736 , George returned to Hanover , which resulted in unpopularity in England ; a satirical notice was even pinned to the gates of St James 's Palace decrying his absence . `` Lost or strayed out of this house '' , it read , `` a man who has left a wife and six children on the parish . '' The king made plans to return in the face of inclement December weather ; when his ship was caught in a storm , gossip swept London that he had drowned . Eventually , in January 1737 , he arrived back in England . Immediately he fell ill , with piles and a fever , and withdrew to his bed . The Prince of Wales put it about that the king was dying , with the result that George insisted on getting up and attending a social event to disprove the gossip - mongers . When the Prince of Wales applied to Parliament for an increase in his allowance , an open quarrel broke out . The king , who had a reputation for meanness , offered a private settlement , which Frederick rejected . Parliament voted against the measure , but George reluctantly increased his son 's allowance on the advice of Walpole . Further friction between them followed when Frederick excluded the king and queen from the birth of his daughter in July 1737 by bundling his wife , who was in labour , into a coach and driving off in the middle of the night . George banished him and his family from the royal court , much like the punishment his own father had brought upon him with the exception that he allowed Frederick to retain custody of his children . Soon afterwards , George 's wife Caroline died on 20 November 1737 ( O.S. ) . He was deeply affected by her death , and to the surprise of many displayed `` a tenderness of which the world thought him before utterly incapable '' . On her deathbed she told her sobbing husband to remarry , to which he replied , `` Non , j'aurai des maîtresses ! '' ( French for `` No , I shall have mistresses ! '' ) . It was common knowledge that George had already had mistresses during his marriage , and he had kept Caroline informed about them . Henrietta Howard , later Countess of Suffolk , had moved to Hanover with her husband during the reign of Queen Anne , and she had been one of Caroline 's women of the bedchamber . She was his mistress from before the accession of George I until November 1734 . She was followed by Amalie von Wallmoden , later Countess of Yarmouth , whose son , Johann Ludwig von Wallmoden , may have been fathered by George . Johann Ludwig was born while Amalie was still married to her husband , and George did not acknowledge him publicly as his own son . War and rebellion ( edit ) Against Walpole 's wishes , but to George 's delight , Britain reopened hostilities with Spain in 1739 . Britain 's conflict with Spain , the War of Jenkins ' Ear , became part of the War of the Austrian Succession when a major European dispute broke out upon the death of Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI in 1740 . At issue was the right of Charles 's daughter , Maria Theresa , to succeed to his Austrian dominions . George spent the summers of 1740 and 1741 in Hanover , where he was more able to intervene directly in European diplomatic affairs in his capacity as elector . Prince Frederick campaigned actively for the opposition in the British general election of 1741 , and Walpole was unable to secure a stable majority . Walpole attempted to buy off the prince with the promise of an increased allowance and offered to pay off his debts , but Frederick refused . With his support eroded , Walpole retired in 1742 after over 20 years in office . He was replaced by Spencer Compton , Lord Wilmington , whom George had originally considered for the premiership in 1727 . Lord Wilmington , however , was a figurehead ; actual power was held by others , such as Lord Carteret , George 's favourite minister after Walpole . When Wilmington died in 1743 , Henry Pelham took his place at the head of the government . George II envisioned at the Battle of Dettingen in 1743 by John Wootton Half - Crown of George II , 1746 . The inscription reads GEORGIUS II DEI GRATIA ( George II by the Grace of God ) . The word LIMA under the king 's head signifies that the coin was struck from silver seized from the Spanish treasure fleet off Lima , Peru , during the War of the Austrian Succession . The pro-war faction was led by Carteret , who claimed that French power would increase if Maria Theresa failed to succeed to the Austrian throne . George agreed to send 12,000 hired Hessian and Danish mercenaries to Europe , ostensibly to support Maria Theresa . Without conferring with his British ministers , George stationed them in Hanover to prevent enemy French troops from marching into the electorate . The British army had not fought in a major European war in over 20 years , and the government had badly neglected its upkeep . George had pushed for greater professionalism in the ranks , and promotion by merit rather than by sale of commissions , but without much success . An allied force of Austrian , British , Dutch , Hanoverian and Hessian troops engaged the French at the Battle of Dettingen on 16 / 27 June 1743 . George personally accompanied them , leading them to victory , thus becoming the last British monarch to lead troops into battle . Though his actions in the battle were admired , the war became unpopular with the British public , who felt that the king and Carteret were subordinating British interests to Hanoverian ones . Carteret lost support , and to George 's dismay resigned in 1744 . Tension grew between the Pelham ministry and George , as he continued to take advice from Carteret and rejected pressure from his other ministers to include William Pitt the Elder in the Cabinet , which would have broadened the government 's support base . The king disliked Pitt because he had previously opposed government policy and attacked measures seen as pro-Hanoverian . In February 1746 , Pelham and his followers resigned . George asked Lord Bath and Carteret to form an administration , but after less than 48 hours they returned the seals of office , unable to secure sufficient parliamentary support . Pelham returned to office triumphant , and George was forced to appoint Pitt to the ministry . George 's French opponents encouraged rebellion by the Jacobites , the supporters of the Roman Catholic claimant to the British throne , James Francis Edward Stuart , often known as the Old Pretender . Stuart was the son of James II , who had been deposed in 1688 and replaced by his Protestant relations . Two prior rebellions in 1715 and 1719 had failed . In July 1745 , the Old Pretender 's son , Charles Edward Stuart , popularly known as Bonnie Prince Charlie or the Young Pretender , landed in Scotland , where support for his cause was highest . George , who was summering in Hanover , returned to London at the end of August . The Jacobites defeated British forces in September at the Battle of Prestonpans , and then moved south into England . The Jacobites failed to gain further support , and the French reneged on a promise of help . Losing morale , the Jacobites retreated back into Scotland . On 16 / 27 April 1746 , Charles faced George 's military - minded son Prince William , Duke of Cumberland , in the Battle of Culloden , the last pitched battle fought on British soil . The ravaged Jacobite troops were routed by the government army . Charles escaped to France , but many of his supporters were caught and executed . Jacobitism was all but crushed ; no further serious attempt was made at restoring the House of Stuart . The War of the Austrian Succession continued until 1748 , when Maria Theresa was recognized as Archduchess of Austria . The peace was celebrated by a fête in Green Park , London , for which Handel composed Music for the Royal Fireworks . Later life ( edit ) Portrait by John Shackleton , in or after 1755 In the general election of 1747 , the Prince of Wales again campaigned actively for the opposition but Pelham 's party won easily . Like his father before him , the Prince entertained opposition figures at his house in Leicester Square . When the Prince of Wales died suddenly in 1751 , his eldest son , Prince George , became heir apparent . The king commiserated with the Dowager Princess of Wales and wept with her . As her son would not reach the age of majority until 1756 , a new British Regency Act was passed to make her regent , assisted by a council led by the Duke of Cumberland , in case of George II 's death . The king also made a new will , which provided for Cumberland to be sole regent in Hanover . After the death of his daughter Louisa at the end of the year , George lamented , `` This has been a fatal year for my family . I lost my eldest son -- but I am glad of it ... Now ( Louisa ) is gone . I know I did not love my children when they were young : I hated to have them running into my room ; but now I love them as well as most fathers . '' Seven years ' War ( edit ) In 1754 , Pelham died , to be succeeded by his elder brother , the Duke of Newcastle . Hostility between France and Britain , particularly over the colonization of North America , continued . Fearing a French invasion of Hanover , George aligned himself with Prussia ( ruled by his nephew , Frederick the Great ) , the enemy of Austria . Russia and France allied with their former enemy Austria . A French invasion of the British - held island of Minorca led to the outbreak of the Seven Years ' War in 1756 . Public disquiet over British failures at the start of the conflict led to the resignation of Newcastle and the appointment of the Duke of Devonshire as prime minister and William Pitt the Elder as Secretary of State for the Southern Department . In April the following year , George dismissed Pitt , in an attempt to construct an administration more to his liking . Over the succeeding three months attempts to form another stable ministerial combination failed . In June , James Waldegrave , 2nd Earl Waldegrave , held the seals of office for only four days . By the start of July , Pitt was recalled , and the Duke of Newcastle returned as prime minister . As Secretary of State , Pitt guided policy relating to the war . Great Britain , Hanover and Prussia and their allies Hesse - Kassel and Brunswick - Wolfenbüttel were pitted against other European powers , including France , Austria , Russia , Sweden and Saxony . The war involved multiple theatres from Europe to North America and India , where British dominance increased with the victories of Robert Clive over French forces and their allies at the Battle of Arcot and the Battle of Plassey . George said his son Prince William , Duke of Cumberland ( pictured ) , had `` ruined me and disgraced himself '' at the Convention of Klosterzeven , 1757 . George 's son , the Duke of Cumberland , commanded the king 's troops in northern Germany . In 1757 , Hanover was invaded and George gave Cumberland full powers to conclude a separate peace . By September , however , he was furious at Cumberland 's negotiated settlement , which he felt greatly favoured the French . George said his son had `` ruined me and disgraced himself '' . Cumberland , by his own choice , resigned his military offices , and George revoked the peace deal on the grounds that the French had infringed it by disarming Hessian troops after the ceasefire . In the annus mirabilis of 1759 British forces captured Quebec and Guadeloupe . A French plan to invade Britain was defeated following naval battles at Lagos and Quiberon Bay , and a resumed French advance on Hanover was halted by a joint British -- Hanoverian force at the Battle of Minden . Death ( edit ) By October 1760 , George II was blind in one eye and hard of hearing . On the morning of 25 October , he rose as usual at 6 : 00 am , drank a cup of hot chocolate , and went to his close stool , alone . After a few minutes , his valet heard a loud crash and entered the room to find the king on the floor . The king was lifted into his bed , and Princess Amelia was sent for ; before she reached him , he was dead . At the age of nearly 77 , he had lived longer than any of his English or British predecessors . A post-mortem revealed that the right ventricle of the king 's heart had ruptured as the result of an incipient aortic aneurysm . George II was succeeded by his grandson George III , and was buried on 11 November in Westminster Abbey . He left instructions for the sides of his and his wife 's coffins to be removed so that their remains could mingle . He is the most recent monarch to be buried in Westminster Abbey . Legacy ( edit ) Statue by John Van Nost erected in 1753 in Golden Square , London George donated the royal library to the British Museum in 1757 , four years after the museum 's foundation . He had no interest in reading , or in the arts and sciences , and preferred to spend his leisure hours stag - hunting on horseback or playing cards . In 1737 , he founded the Georg August University of Göttingen , the first university in the Electorate of Hanover , and visited it in 1748 . The asteroid 359 Georgia was named in his honour at the University in 1902 . He served as the Chancellor of Trinity College , Dublin , between 1716 and 1727 , and in 1754 issued the charter for King 's College in New York City , which later became Columbia University . The province of Georgia , founded by royal charter in 1732 , was named after him . During George II 's reign British interests expanded throughout the world , the Jacobite challenge to the Hanoverian dynasty was extinguished , and the power of ministers and Parliament in Britain became well - established . Nevertheless , in the memoirs of contemporaries such as Lord Hervey and Horace Walpole , George is depicted as a weak buffoon , governed by his wife and ministers . Biographies of George written during the nineteenth and first part of the twentieth century relied on these biased accounts . Since the last quarter of the twentieth century , scholarly analysis of surviving correspondence has indicated that George was not as ineffective as previously thought . Letters from ministers are annotated by George with pertinent remarks and demonstrate that he had a grasp of and interest in foreign policy in particular . He was often able to prevent the appointment of ministers or commanders he disliked , or sideline them into lesser offices . This academic reassessment of George II , however , has not totally eliminated the popular perception of him as a `` faintly ludicrous king '' . His parsimony , for example , may have opened him to ridicule , but his biographers observe that parsimony is preferable to extravagance . Lord Charlemont excused George 's short temper by explaining that sincerity of feeling is better than deception , `` His temper was warm and impetuous , but he was good - natured and sincere . Unskilled in the royal talent of dissimulation , he always was what he appeared to be . He might offend , but he never deceived . '' Lord Waldegrave wrote , `` I am thoroughly convinced that hereafter , when time shall have wore away those specks and blemishes which sully the brightest characters , and from which no man is totally exempt , he will be numbered amongst those patriot kings , under whose government the people have enjoyed the greatest happiness '' . George may not have played a strong role in history , but he was influential at times and he upheld constitutional government . Elizabeth Montagu said of him , `` With him our laws and liberties were safe , he possessed in a great degree the confidence of his people and the respect of foreign governments ; and a certain steadiness of character made him of great consequence in these unsettled times ... His character would not afford subject for epic poetry , but will look well in the sober page of history . '' Titles , styles and arms ( edit ) Titles and styles ( edit ) In Britain : From 9 November 1706 ( O.S. ) : Duke and Marquess of Cambridge , Earl of Milford Haven , Viscount Northallerton and Baron of Tewkesbury . 1 August 1714 ( O.S. ) -- 27 September 1714 ( O.S. ) : His Royal Highness George Augustus , Prince of Great Britain , Electoral Prince of Brunswick - Lüneburg , Duke of Cornwall and Rothesay , etc . 27 September 1714 ( O.S. ) -- 11 / 22 June 1727 : His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales , etc . 11 / 22 June 1727 -- 25 October 1760 : His Majesty The King . George II 's full style was `` George the Second , by the Grace of God , King of Great Britain , France and Ireland , Defender of the Faith , Duke of Brunswick - Lüneburg , Archtreasurer and Prince - Elector of the Holy Roman Empire '' . Arms ( edit ) When George became Prince of Wales in 1714 , he was granted the royal arms with an inescutcheon of gules plain in the Hanoverian quarter differenced overall by a label of three points argent . The crest included the single arched coronet of his rank . As king , he used the royal arms as used by his father undifferenced . Coat of Arms as the Prince of Wales 1714 -- 1727 Coat of Arms of George II as King of Great Britain 1727 -- 1760 Issue ( edit ) John Croker 's medal of 1732 showing the surviving children of George II : Frederick , William , Anne , Amelia , Caroline , Mary , and Louisa Caroline 's ten pregnancies resulted in eight live births . One of their children died in infancy , and seven lived to adulthood . Name Birth Death Notes Frederick , Prince of Wales 000000001707 - 02 - 01 - 0000 1 February 1707 000000001751 - 03 - 31 - 0000 31 March 1751 married 1736 , Princess Augusta of Saxe - Gotha ; had issue , including the future George III Anne , Princess Royal 000000001709 - 11 - 02 - 0000 2 November 1709 000000001759 - 01 - 12 - 0000 12 January 1759 married 1734 , William IV , Prince of Orange ; had issue Princess Amelia 000000001711 - 06 - 10 - 0000 10 June 1711 000000001786 - 10 - 31 - 0000 31 October 1786 never married , no issue Princess Caroline 000000001713 - 06 - 10 - 0000 10 June 1713 000000001757 - 12 - 28 - 0000 28 December 1757 never married , no issue Stillborn son 000000001716 - 11 - 20 - 0000 20 November 1716 000000001716 - 11 - 20 - 0000 20 November 1716 Prince George William 000000001717 - 11 - 13 - 0000 13 November 1717 000000001718 - 02 - 17 - 0000 17 February 1718 died in infancy Miscarriage 000000001718 - 01 - 01 - 0000 1718 000000001718 - 01 - 01 - 0000 1718 Prince William , Duke of Cumberland 000000001721 - 04 - 26 - 0000 26 April 1721 000000001765 - 10 - 31 - 0000 31 October 1765 never married , no issue Princess Mary 000000001723 - 03 - 05 - 0000 5 March 1723 000000001772 - 01 - 14 - 0000 14 January 1772 married 1740 , Frederick II , Landgrave of Hesse - Kassel ; had issue Princess Louisa 000000001724 - 12 - 18 - 0000 18 December 1724 000000001751 - 12 - 19 - 0000 19 December 1751 married 1743 , Frederick V , King of Denmark and Norway ; had issue Dates in this table are New Style Ancestry ( edit ) ( show ) Ancestors of George II of Great Britain 8 . George , Duke of Brunswick - Lüneburg ( = 12 ) 4 . Ernest Augustus , Elector of Brunswick - Lüneburg 9 . Anne Eleonore of Hesse - Darmstadt ( = 13 ) 2 . George I of Great Britain 10 . Frederick V , Elector Palatine 5 . Sophia , Princess Palatine of the Rhine 11 . Elizabeth Stuart 1 . George II of Great Britain 12 . George , Duke of Brunswick - Lüneburg ( = 8 ) 6 . George William , Duke of Brunswick - Lüneburg 13 . Anne Eleonore of Hesse - Darmstadt ( = 9 ) 3 . Sophia Dorothea of Celle 14 . Alexandre II Desmier , Seigneur d'Olbreuse 7 . Éléonore Desmier d'Olbreuse , Countess of Wilhelmsburg 15 . Jacquette Poussard de Vandré Notes ( edit ) ^ O.S. / N.S. Over the course of George 's life , two calendars were used : the Old Style Julian calendar and the New Style Gregorian calendar . Before 1700 , the two calendars were 10 days apart . Hanover switched from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar on 19 February ( O.S. ) / 1 March ( N.S. ) 1700 . Great Britain switched on 3 / 14 September 1752 . George was born on 30 October Old Style , which was 9 November New Style , but because the calendar shifted forward a further day in 1700 , the date is occasionally miscalculated as 10 November . In this article , individual dates before September 1752 are indicated as either O.S. or N.S. or both . All dates after September 1752 are N.S. only . All years are assumed to start from 1 January and not 25 March , which was the English New Year . ^ A Hanover had about 1,800 houses , whereas London had 100,000 . ^ B George shook his fist at Newcastle and said `` You are a rascal ; I shall find you out ! '' , which the duke apparently misheard as `` You are a rascal ; I shall fight you ! '' Sources ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Cannon . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 10 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , p. 6 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , pp. 35 -- 36 ; Thompson , p. 19 ; Van der Kiste , p. 7 . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 16 . Jump up ^ Trench , p. 7 ; Van der Kiste , p. 9 . Jump up ^ Thompson , pp. 35 -- 36 . Jump up ^ Union with Scotland Act 1706 and Union with England Act 1707 , The National Archives , retrieved 20 September 2011 . ^ Jump up to : Van der Kiste , p. 17 . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 28 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , p. 15 . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 30 ; Van der Kiste , p. 16 . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 31 ; Van der Kiste , p. 18 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , p. 19 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , p. 21 . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 32 ; Trench , p. 18 ; Van der Kiste , p. 22 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , p. 23 . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 37 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , p. 30 . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 38 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , p. 36 . Jump up ^ Trench , p. 38 ; Van der Kiste , p. 37 . Jump up ^ Thompson , pp. 39 -- 40 ; Trench , p. 39 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , p. 37 . Jump up ^ Trench , p. 55 ; Van der Kiste , p. 44 . Jump up ^ Trench , pp. 63 -- 65 ; Van der Kiste , p. 55 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , p. 59 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , p. 45 ; Thompson , p. 47 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , p. 61 . Jump up ^ Trench , p. 75 ; Van der Kiste , p. 61 . Jump up ^ Trench , p. 77 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , p. 46 ; Thompson , p. 53 ; Trench , p. 78 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , p. 66 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , pp. 66 -- 67 . Jump up ^ Trench , p. 80 . Jump up ^ Trench , pp. 67 , 87 . Jump up ^ Thompson , pp. 48 -- 50 , 55 . Jump up ^ Trench , pp. 79 , 82 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , p. 71 . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 57 ; Trench , pp. 88 -- 90 ; Van der Kiste , pp. 72 -- 74 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , p. 52 ; Thompson , p. 58 ; Trench , p. 89 . Jump up ^ Trench , pp. 88 -- 89 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , p. 54 ; Thompson , pp. 58 -- 59 . Jump up ^ Trench , pp. 104 -- 105 . Jump up ^ Trench , pp. 106 -- 107 . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 45 ; Trench , p. 107 . ^ Jump up to : Van der Kiste , p. 97 . Jump up ^ Trench , pp. 130 -- 131 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , p. 88 ; Cannon ; Trench , pp. 130 -- 131 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , p. 77 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , p. 80 ; Trench , p. 132 . Jump up ^ Trench , pp. 132 -- 133 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , pp. 81 -- 84 ; Black , Walpole in Power , pp. 29 -- 31 , 53 , 61 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , p. 95 . Jump up ^ Trench , p. 149 . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 92 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , p. 95 . Jump up ^ Trench , pp. 173 -- 174 ; Van der Kiste , p. 138 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , pp. 141 -- 143 ; Thompson , pp. 102 -- 103 ; Trench , pp. 166 -- 167 . Jump up ^ Trench , pp. 141 -- 142 ; Van der Kiste , pp. 115 -- 116 . Jump up ^ Thompson , pp. 85 -- 86 ; Van der Kiste , pp. 118 , 126 , 139 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , p. 118 . Jump up ^ Trench , p. 179 . Jump up ^ Trench , pp. 182 -- 184 ; Van der Kiste , pp. 149 -- 150 . Jump up ^ Trench , p. 185 -- 187 ; Van der Kiste , p. 152 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , p. 153 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , p. 136 ; Thompson , pp. 7 , 64 ; Trench , p. 150 . Jump up ^ Trench , pp. 189 -- 190 ; Van der Kiste , pp. 153 -- 154 . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 120 ; Trench , p. 192 ; Van der Kiste , pp. 155 -- 157 . Jump up ^ Trench , p. 196 ; Van der Kiste , p. 158 . Jump up ^ Hervey 's Memoirs , vol . III , p. 916 , quoted in Thompson , p. 124 , and Van der Kiste , p. 165 . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 124 ; Trench , p. 199 . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 92 ; Trench , pp. 175 , 181 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , pp. 25 , 137 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , p. 157 ; Kilburn ; Weir , p. 284 . Jump up ^ Trench , pp. 205 -- 206 . Jump up ^ Trench , p. 210 . Jump up ^ Thompson , pp. 133 , 139 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , p. 174 ; Trench , p. 212 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , p. 86 . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 150 . Jump up ^ `` Silver ' Lima ' crown ( 5 shillings ) of George II '' , British Museum , retrieved 26 August 2011 Archive at the Wayback Machine ( archived 29 April 2011 ) Jump up ^ Trench , pp. 211 -- 212 . Jump up ^ Trench , pp. 206 -- 209 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , p. 111 ; Trench , pp. 136 , 208 ; Van der Kiste , p. 173 . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 148 ; Trench , pp. 217 -- 223 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , pp. 181 -- 184 ; Van der Kiste , pp. 179 -- 180 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , pp. 185 -- 186 ; Thompson , p. 160 ; Van der Kiste , p. 181 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , pp. 190 -- 193 ; Thompson , pp. 162 , 169 ; Trench , pp. 234 -- 235 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , pp. 164 , 184 , 195 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , pp. 190 -- 193 ; Cannon ; Trench , pp. 234 -- 235 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , p. 184 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , pp. 190 -- 191 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , pp. 186 -- 187 . Jump up ^ Thompson , pp. 187 -- 189 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , p. 199 ; Trench , p. 243 ; Van der Kiste , p. 188 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , p. 189 . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 208 ; Trench , p. 247 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , pp. 207 -- 211 ; Thompson , p. 209 ; Trench , p. 249 ; Van der Kiste , p. 195 . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 211 . Jump up ^ Horace Walpole 's memoirs , vol . I , p. 152 , quoted in Thompson , p. 213 and Trench , p. 250 . Jump up ^ Thompson , pp. 233 -- 238 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , pp. 231 -- 232 ; Thompson , p. 252 ; Trench , pp. 271 -- 274 . Jump up ^ Ashley , p. 677 . Jump up ^ Thompson , pp. 265 -- 266 ; Trench , p. 283 . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 268 ; Trench , p. 284 . Jump up ^ Horace Walpole 's memoirs , vol . III , p. 61 , quoted in Trench , p. 286 . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 276 ; Trench , p. 286 . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 270 ; Trench , p. 287 . Jump up ^ Trench , pp. 293 -- 296 . Jump up ^ Thompson , pp. 282 -- 283 . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 275 ; Trench , p. 292 ; Van der Kiste , p. 212 . Jump up ^ Thompson , pp. 289 -- 290 ; Van der Kiste , p. 213 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , p. 213 . Jump up ^ Nicholls , Frank ( 1761 ) `` Observations concerning the body of His Late Majesty '' , Philos Trans Lond 52 : 265 -- 274 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , p. 253 ; Thompson , p. 290 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , between pp. 150 and 151 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , pp. 68 , 127 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , p. 127 ; Thompson , pp. 97 -- 98 ; Trench , p. 153 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , p. 128 ; Trench , pp. 140 , 152 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , p. 128 . Jump up ^ Thompson , p. 96 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , pp. 255 -- 257 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , pp. 257 -- 258 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , pp. 258 -- 259 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , pp. 144 -- 146 ; Cannon ; Trench , pp. 135 -- 136 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , p. 195 . Jump up ^ Best , p. 71 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , p. 82 ; Trench , p. 300 ; Lord Waldegrave 's Memoirs quoted in Trench , p. 270 . Jump up ^ Charlemont quoted in Cannon and Trench , p. 299 . Jump up ^ Quoted in Trench , p. 270 . Jump up ^ Black , George II , p. 138 ; Cannon ; Trench , p. 300 . Jump up ^ Quoted in Black , George II , p. 254 . Jump up ^ Weir , p. 277 . Jump up ^ e.g. `` No. 5264 '' . The London Gazette. 28 September 1714 . p. 1 . Jump up ^ e.g. A Lima half - crown ( MEC1598 ) , National Maritime Museum , retrieved 7 September 2011 Jump up ^ Pinches and Pinches , p. 206 . Jump up ^ Weir , pp. 277 -- 285 . ^ Jump up to : Weir , pp. 272 -- 275 . ^ Jump up to : Haag et al. , pp. 347 -- 349 . Jump up ^ Huberty et al. , p. 108 Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , p. 39 . Jump up ^ Van der Kiste , p. 63 . Bibliography ( edit ) Ashley , Mike ( 1998 ) The Mammoth Book of British Kings and Queens . London : Robinson . ISBN 1 - 84119 - 096 - 9 Best , Nicholas ( 1995 ) The Kings and Queens of England . London : Weidenfeld & Nicolson . ISBN 0 - 297 - 83487 - 8 Black , Jeremy ( 2001 ) Walpole in Power . Stroud , Gloucestershire : Sutton Publishing . ISBN 0 - 7509 - 2523 - X Black , Jeremy ( 2007 ) George II : Puppet of the Politicians ? Exeter : University of Exeter Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 85989 - 807 - 2 Cannon , John ( 2004 ) `` George II ( 1683 -- 1760 ) '' , Oxford Dictionary of National Biography , Oxford University Press , retrieved 16 August 2011 doi : 10.1093 / ref : odnb / 10539 ( subscription or UK public library membership required ) Haag , Eugène ; Haag , Émile ; Bordier , Henri Léonard ( 1877 ) La France Protestante . Paris : Sandoz et Fischbacher ( in French ) online edition Huberty , Michel ; Giraud , Alain ; Magdelaine , F. et B. ( 1981 ) L'Allemagne Dynastique . Volume 3 : Brunswick - Nassau - Schwarzbourg . Le Perreux - sur - Marne : Giraud . ISBN 2 - 901138 - 03 - 9 Kilburn , Matthew ( 2004 ) `` Wallmoden , Amalie Sophie Marianne von , suo jure countess of Yarmouth ( 1704 -- 1765 ) '' , Oxford Dictionary of National Biography , Oxford University Press , retrieved 30 November 2012 doi : 10.1093 / ref : odnb / 28579 ( subscription or UK public library membership required ) Pinches , John Harvey ; Pinches , Rosemary ( 1974 ) The Royal Heraldry of England . Slough , Buckinghamshire : Hollen Street Press . ISBN 0 - 900455 - 25 - X Thompson , Andrew C. ( 2011 ) George II : King and Elector . New Haven and London : Yale University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 300 - 11892 - 6 Trench , Charles Chevenix ( 1975 ) George II . London : Allen Lane . ISBN 0 - 7139 - 0481 - X Van der Kiste , John ( 1997 ) George II and Queen Caroline . Stroud , Gloucestershire : Sutton Publishing . ISBN 0 - 7509 - 1321 - 5 Weir , Alison ( 1996 ) Britain 's Royal Families : The Complete Genealogy . London : Random House . ISBN 0 - 7126 - 7448 - 9 Further reading ( edit ) Bultmann , William A. ( 1966 ) `` Early Hanoverian England ( 1714 -- 1760 ) : Some Recent Writings '' in Elizabeth Chapin Furber , ed . Changing views on British history : essays on historical writing since 1939 . Harvard University Press , pp. 181 -- 205 Dickinson , Harry T. ; introduced by A.L. Rowse ( 1973 ) Walpole and the Whig Supremacy . London : The English Universities Press . ISBN 0 - 340 - 11515 - 7 Hervey , John Hervey Baron ( 1931 ) Some materials towards memoirs of the reign of King George II . Eyre & Spottiswoode Marshall , Dorothy ( 1962 ) Eighteenth Century England 1714 -- 1784 Robertson , Charles Grant ( 1911 ) England under the Hanoverians . London : Methuen Smith , Hannah ( 2005 ) `` The Court in England , 1714 -- 1760 : A Declining Political Institution ? '' History 90 ( 297 ) : 23 -- 41 Smith , Hannah ( 2006 ) Georgian Monarchy : Politics and Culture , 1714 -- 1760 . Cambridge University Press Williams , Basil ; revized by C.H. Stuart ( 1962 ) The Whig Supremacy 1714 -- 1760 . Second edition . Oxford : Oxford University Press External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to George II of Great Britain . Wikiquote has quotations related to : George II of Great Britain George II at BBC History George II at the official website of the British monarchy `` Archival material relating to George II of Great Britain '' . UK National Archives . Portraits of King George II at the National Portrait Gallery , London George II of Great Britain House of Hanover Cadet branch of the House of Welf Born : 9 November 1683 Died : 25 October 1760 Regnal titles Preceded by George I King of Great Britain and Ireland , Elector of Hanover 11 / 22 June 1727 -- 25 October 1760 Succeeded by George III British royalty Vacant Title last held by James Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwall Duke of Rothesay 1714 -- 1727 Succeeded by Frederick Academic offices Preceded by The Duke of Ormonde Chancellor of the University of Dublin 1715 -- 1727 Succeeded by HRH Frederick , Prince of Wales English , Scottish and British monarchs Monarchs of England before 1603 Monarchs of Scotland before 1603 Alfred the Great Edward the Elder Ælfweard Æthelstan Edmund I Eadred Eadwig Edgar the Peaceful Edward the Martyr Æthelred the Unready Sweyn Edmund II Cnut Harold I Harthacnut Edward the Confessor Harold II Edgar Ætheling William I William II Henry I Stephen Matilda Henry II Henry the Young King Richard I Henry III Edward I Edward II Edward III Richard II Henry IV Henry V Henry VI Edward IV Edward V Richard III Henry VII Henry VIII Edward VI Jane Mary I and Philip Elizabeth I Kenneth I MacAlpin Donald I Constantine I Áed Giric Eochaid Donald II Constantine II Malcolm I Indulf Dub Cuilén Amlaíb Kenneth II Constantine III Kenneth III Malcolm II Duncan I Macbeth Lulach Malcolm III Donald III Duncan II Donald III Edgar Alexander I David I Malcolm IV William I Alexander II Alexander III Margaret of Norway First Interregnum John Balliol Second Interregnum Robert I David II Edward Balliol Robert II Robert III James I James II James III James IV James V Mary I James VI Monarchs of England and Scotland after the Union of the Crowns in 1603 James I & VI Charles I Commonwealth Charles II James II & VII William III & II and Mary II Anne British monarchs after the Acts of Union 1707 Anne George I George II George III George IV William IV Victoria Edward VII George V Edward VIII George VI Elizabeth II Debatable or disputed rulers are in italics . Kingdom of Great Britain History Union of 1707 Great Britain in the Seven Years ' War Jacobitism Jacobite risings War of Jenkins ' Ear French and Indian War Boston Massacre American Revolutionary War Anglo - Dutch War ( 1780 -- 1784 ) French Revolutionary Wars Union of 1801 Royal Houses Stuart Anne Hanover George I George II George III Politics Parliament House of Lords House of Commons List of Parliaments Acts of Parliament : 1707 -- 1719 1720 -- 1739 1740 -- 1759 1760 -- 1779 1780 -- 1800 Elections : 1708 1710 1713 1715 1722 1727 1734 1741 1747 1754 1761 1768 1774 1780 1784 1790 1796 Monarchy Peers Privy Council Prime Minister List Whigs Tories Whig Junto Patriot Whigs Kit - Cat Club Geography Great Britain Architecture Queen Anne Georgian Other East India Company British Empire Longitude prize Window tax Proclamation of Rebellion South Sea Company Speenhamland system Symbols Flag Coat of arms History of Great Britain category British princes The generations indicate descent from George I , who formalised the use of the titles prince and princess for members of the British royal family . 1st generation King George II 2nd generation Frederick , Prince of Wales Prince George William Prince William , Duke of Cumberland 3rd generation King George III Prince Edward , Duke of York and Albany Prince William Henry , Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh Prince Henry , Duke of Cumberland and Strathearn Prince Frederick 4th generation King George IV Prince Frederick , Duke of York and Albany King William IV Prince Edward , Duke of Kent and Strathearn King Ernest Augustus of Hanover Prince Augustus Frederick , Duke of Sussex Prince Adolphus , Duke of Cambridge Prince Octavius Prince Alfred Prince William Frederick , Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh 5th generation Prince Albert King George V of Hanover Prince George , Duke of Cambridge 6th generation King Edward VII Prince Alfred , Duke of Saxe - Coburg and Gotha Prince Arthur , Duke of Connaught and Strathearn Prince Leopold , Duke of Albany Prince Ernest Augustus 7th generation Prince Albert Victor , Duke of Clarence and Avondale King George V Prince Alexander John of Wales Alfred , Hereditary Prince of Saxe - Coburg and Gotha Prince Arthur of Connaught Prince Charles Edward , Duke of Albany and of Saxe - Coburg and Gotha Prince George William of Hanover Prince Christian of Hanover Prince Ernest Augustus , Duke of Brunswick 8th generation King Edward VIII King George VI Prince Henry , Duke of Gloucester Prince George , Duke of Kent Prince John Alastair , 2nd Duke of Connaught and Strathearn Johann Leopold , Hereditary Prince of Saxe - Coburg and Gotha Prince Hubertus of Saxe - Coburg and Gotha Prince Ernest Augustus of Hanover Prince George William of Hanover 9th generation Prince Philip , Duke of Edinburgh Prince William of Gloucester Prince Richard , Duke of Gloucester Prince Edward , Duke of Kent Prince Michael of Kent 10th generation Charles , Prince of Wales Prince Andrew , Duke of York Prince Edward , Earl of Wessex 11th generation Prince William , Duke of Cambridge Prince Harry , Duke of Sussex James , Viscount Severn 12th generation Prince George of Cambridge Prince Louis of Cambridge Not a British prince by birth , but created Prince Consort . Not a British prince by birth , but created a Prince of the United Kingdom . Status debatable ; see his article . Princes of Wales Edward ( 1301 -- 1307 ) Edward ( 1343 -- 1376 ) Richard ( 1376 -- 1377 ) Henry ( 1399 -- 1413 ) Edward ( 1454 -- 1471 ) Richard ( 1460 ; disputed ) Edward ( 1471 -- 1483 ) Edward ( 1483 -- 1484 ) Arthur ( 1489 -- 1502 ) Henry ( 1504 -- 1509 ) Edward ( 1537 -- 1547 ) Henry ( 1610 -- 1612 ) Charles ( 1616 -- 1625 ) Charles ( 1641 -- 1649 ) James ( 1688 ) George ( 1714 -- 1727 ) Frederick ( 1729 -- 1751 ) George ( 1751 -- 1760 ) George ( 1762 -- 1820 ) Albert Edward ( 1841 -- 1901 ) George ( 1901 -- 1910 ) Edward ( 1910 -- 1936 ) Charles ( 1958 -- present ) See also : Principality of Wales Dukes of Cornwall Edward ( 1337 -- 1376 ) Richard ( 1376 -- 1377 ) Henry ( 1399 -- 1413 ) Henry ( 1421 -- 1422 ) Edward ( 1453 -- 1471 ) Richard ( 1460 ; disputed ) Edward ( 1470 -- 1483 ) Edward ( 1483 -- 1484 ) Arthur ( 1486 -- 1502 ) Henry ( 1502 -- 1509 ) Henry ( 1511 ) Henry ( 1513 ) Henry ( 1515 ) Edward ( 1537 -- 1547 ) Henry Frederick ( 1603 -- 1612 ) Charles ( 1612 -- 1625 ) Charles ( 1630 -- 1649 ) James ( 1688 -- 1701 / 2 ) George ( 1714 -- 1727 ) Frederick ( 1727 -- 1751 ) George ( 1762 -- 1820 ) Albert Edward ( 1841 -- 1901 ) George ( 1901 -- 1910 ) Edward ( 1910 -- 1936 ) Charles ( 1952 -- present ) Cornwall Portal Dukes of Rothesay David ( 1398 -- 1402 ) James ( 1402 -- 1406 ) Alexander ( 1430 ) James ( 1430 -- 1437 ) James ( 1452 -- 1460 ) James ( 1473 -- 1488 ) James ( 1507 -- 1508 ) Arthur ( 1509 -- 1510 ) James ( 1512 -- 1513 ) James ( 1540 -- 1541 ) James ( 1566 -- 1567 ) Henry Frederick ( 1603 -- 1612 ) Charles ( 1612 -- 1625 ) Charles James ( 1629 ) Charles ( 1630 -- 1649 ) James ( 1688 -- 1689 ) George ( 1714 -- 1727 ) Frederick ( 1727 -- 1751 ) George ( 1762 -- 1820 ) Albert Edward ( 1841 -- 1901 ) George ( 1901 -- 1910 ) Edward ( 1910 -- 1936 ) Charles ( 1952 -- present ) Dukes of Cambridge Charles ( 1660 -- 1661 ; only styled ) James ( 1664 -- 1667 ) Edgar ( 1667 -- 1671 ) Charles ( 1677 -- 1677 ; only styled ) George ( 1706 -- 1727 ) Adolphus ( 1801 -- 1850 ) George ( 1850 -- 1904 ) William ( 2011 -- present ) Rulers of Hanover Electors of Hanover Ernest Augustus ( Elector - designate ) George I Louis * George II * George III * Kings of Hanover George III * George IV * William * Ernest Augustus George V * also British monarch BIBSYS : 6081415 BNF : cb131888654 ( data ) GND : 118538543 ISNI : 0000 0001 2101 109X LCCN : n83041856 SELIBR : 209669 SNAC : w6cr5v3d SUDOC : 035427655 ULAN : 500353655 VIAF : 150145970160432251322 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : George II of Great Britain 1683 births 1760 deaths 17th - century German people 18th - century German people 18th - century British people Burials at Westminster Abbey Chancellors of the University of Dublin Deaths from aortic dissection Dukes of Bremen and Verden Dukes of Cambridge Dukes of Cornwall Dukes of Rothesay Dukes of Saxe - Lauenburg Electoral Princes of Hanover Electors of Hanover English pretenders to the French throne German people of Huguenot descent House of Hanover Knights of the Garter Members of the Privy Council of Great Britain Monarchs of Great Britain People from Hanover People related to the history of the Georgia Salzburgers Princes of Great Britain Princes of Wales Protestant monarchs Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links CS1 : Julian -- Gregorian uncertainty Use British English Oxford spelling from October 2012 Use dmy dates from October 2014 Articles containing German - language text Articles with French - language external links Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers Wikipedia articles with SNAC - ID identifiers Wikipedia articles with ULAN identifiers Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Featured articles Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Wikisource Afrikaans Alemannisch Asturianu تۆرکجه Беларуская Български Bosanski Brezhoneg Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Gaeilge Gàidhlig Galego 客家 語 / Hak - kâ - ngî 한국어 हिन्दी Hrvatski Ido Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית ქართული Қазақша Latina Latviešu Lietuvių Magyar मराठी مصرى مازِرونی Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Nouormand Polski Português Română Русский Gagana Samoa संस्कृतम् Scots Simple English Slovenčina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska ไทย Türkçe Українська اردو Tiếng Việt 吴语 粵語 中文 59 more Edit links This page was last edited on 30 May 2018 , at 07 : 16 . 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who was the last british monarch to be born abroad
George was the last British monarch born outside Great Britain : he was born and brought up in northern Germany . His grandmother , Sophia of Hanover , became second in line to the British throne after about fifty Catholics higher in line were excluded by the Act of Settlement 1701 and the Acts of Union 1707 , which restricted the succession to Protestants . After the deaths of Sophia and Anne , Queen of Great Britain , in 1714 , his father George I , Elector of Hanover , inherited the British throne . In the first years of his father 's reign as king , George was associated with opposition politicians , until they rejoined the governing party in 1720 .
A Series of Unfortunate Events ( TV Series ) - Wikipedia A Series of Unfortunate Events ( TV Series ) This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 6 April 2018 . Jump to : navigation , search A Series of Unfortunate Events Genre Drama Black comedy Based on A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket Developed by Mark Hudis Barry Sonnenfeld Starring Neil Patrick Harris Patrick Warburton Malina Weissman Louis Hynes K. Todd Freeman Presley Smith Lucy Punch Avi Lake Dylan Kingwell Theme music composer Nick Urata Daniel Handler Opening theme `` Look Away '' by Neil Patrick Harris Composer ( s ) James Newton Howard Sven Faulconer Chris Bacon Jim Dooley Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons No. of episodes 18 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Cindy Holland Brian Wright Ted Biaselli Daniel Handler Neil Patrick Harris Rose Lam Barry Sonnenfeld Location ( s ) Vancouver , British Columbia Cinematography Bernard Couture Editor ( s ) Stuart Bass Skip MacDonald Running time 40 -- 64 minutes Production company ( s ) Paramount Television What is the Question ? Sonnenfeld Productions , Inc . Distributor Netflix Release Original network Netflix Picture format 4K ( Ultra HD ) Original release January 13 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 13 ) -- present ( present ) Lemony Snicket 's A Series of Unfortunate Events , or simply A Series of Unfortunate Events , is an American black comedy - drama web television series from Netflix , developed by Mark Hudis and Barry Sonnenfeld , based on the children 's novel series of the same name by Lemony Snicket . It stars Neil Patrick Harris , Patrick Warburton , Malina Weissman , Louis Hynes , K. Todd Freeman , and Presley Smith . The first season , which premiered on January 13 , 2017 , consists of eight episodes and adapts the first four books of the series . The second series was ordered in April 2017 and released on March 30 , 2018 . A Series of Unfortunate Events was renewed for a third season in March 2017 , which will consist of seven episodes and adapt the remaining four books . Contents ( hide ) 1 Premise 2 Cast and characters 2.1 Main 2.2 Recurring 2.3 Guest 2.3. 1 Introduced in season 1 2.3. 2 Introduced in season 2 3 Episodes 3.1 Season 1 ( 2017 ) 3.2 Season 2 ( 2018 ) 3.3 Season 3 ( 2019 ) 4 Production 4.1 Development 4.2 Casting 4.3 Filming 4.4 Music 4.5 Visual effects 5 Release 5.1 Marketing 6 Reception 6.1 Audience viewership 6.2 Critical response 6.2. 1 Season 1 6.2. 2 Season 2 7 Awards and nominations 8 Notes 9 References 10 External links Premise When a mysterious fire kills their parents , the Baudelaire children are placed into the care of their distant relative Count Olaf , an actor who is determined to claim the family fortune for himself . Following Olaf 's failed attempt and his plot being exposed , the Baudelaires set out to elude Olaf and uncover the mystery behind a secret society from their parents ' past . Cast and characters See also : List of A Series of Unfortunate Events characters Main Neil Patrick Harris as Count Olaf , an actor determined to claim the Baudelaire fortune for himself . He possesses a spyglass with the structure of an eye similar to his tattoo on his left ankle . Patrick Warburton as Lemony Snicket , the narrator tasked with explaining the events during the lives of the Baudelaires . Malina Weissman as Violet Baudelaire , the eldest Baudelaire sibling and inventor talented in mechanics . Louis Hynes as Klaus Baudelaire , the middle Baudelaire child interested in literature and books . K. Todd Freeman as Arthur Poe , the family banker and executor of the Baudelaire parents who is in charge of placing the Baudelaires in the care of a suitable guardian . Presley Smith as Sunny Baudelaire , the infant child of the Baudelaires with unnaturally strong teeth . Tara Strong provides the quasi-nonsensical lines of Sunny . Lucy Punch as Esmé Squalor , a wealthy financial advisor and wife of Jerome Squalor , who is also the student and potential love interest for Count Olaf . Avi Lake as Isadora Quagmire , Duncan and Quigley 's sister who loves writing poetry . Dylan Kingwell as Duncan and Quigley Quagmire , Isadora 's two brothers who are twins . Duncan is a keen journalist . Recurring Will Arnett as Father , a man who is trying to return home to his three children . Cobie Smulders as Mother , a woman who is trying to return home to her three children . Usman Ally as the Hook - Handed Man , a member of Count Olaf 's theatre troupe with hooks instead of hands . Matty Cardarople as the Henchperson of Indeterminate Gender , another member of Count Olaf 's theatre troupe . Cleo King as Eleanora Poe , Arthur Poe 's wife and the editor - in - chief of The Daily Punctilio , who loves pursuing sensationalist headlines . John DeSantis as the Bald Man , a large bald - headed man who is another member of Count Olaf 's theatre troupe . Jacqueline and Joyce Robbins as the White - Faced Women , two elderly twins who are members of Count Olaf 's theatre troupe . Sara Canning as Jacquelyn , Mr. Poe 's standoffish assistant and a member of the Baudelaire family 's secret society . She possesses a spyglass . Patrick Breen as Larry Your - Waiter , a member of the Baudelaire family 's secret society who is seen working as a waiter at various establishments the Baudelaires visit , including the Anxious Clown and the Café Salmonella . Sara Rue as Olivia Caliban , a librarian at Prufrock Preparatory School who later enlists as a member of the Baudelaire family 's secret society when she becomes invested in the Baudelaires ' plight . Nathan Fillion as Jacques Snicket , the dashing adventurer brother of Lemony Snicket who enlists Olivia Caliban to help the Baudelaires . Guest Introduced in season 1 Joan Cusack as Justice Strauss , a judge and Count Olaf 's neighbor who helps the Baudelaires and is hopeful to adopt them . Luke Camilleri as Gustav Sebald , a member of the Baudelaire family 's secret society and Monty 's former assistant . Aasif Mandvi as Montgomery `` Uncle Monty '' Montgomery , a distant relative of the Baudelaires and enthusiastic herpetologist who claims to have spent his childhood with their late parents . He is a member of the Baudelaire family 's secret society and possesses a spyglass . Alfre Woodard as Aunt Josephine Anwhistle , a distant relative of the Baudelaires at Lake Lachrymose who has many rational and irrational fears and a love of grammar . She is a member of the Baudelaire family 's secret society . Don Johnson as Sir , the cigar - smoking owner of Lucky Smells Lumbermill . Catherine O'Hara as Georgina Orwell , an optometrist and Count Olaf 's ex-girlfriend who hypnotizes the Lucky Smells Lumbermill workers so they never leave , also causing them to believe the Baudelaire parents set fire to Paltryville . O'Hara previously portrayed Justice Strauss in the 2004 film adaptation . Rhys Darby as Charles , Sir 's partner . Timothy Webber as Jimmy , a worker at Lucky Smells Lumbermill . Chris Gauthier as Phil , an optimistic worker who befriends the Baudelaires during their stay at the Lucky Smells Lumbermill . Loretta Walsh as Norma Rae , a worker at Lucky Smells Lumbermill . Trent Redekop as Cesar , a worker at Lucky Smells Lumbermill . Daniel Handler cameos as a fish head salesperson at Lake Lachrymose . Barry Sonnenfeld does a picture cameo as the late Ike Anwhistle in `` The Wide Window '' and appears as him in a flashback scene in `` The Carnivorous Carnival '' Pt. 1 . Introduced in season 2 Roger Bart as Nero Feint , the violin - playing vice-principal of Prufrock Preparatory School with an egotistic personality and a love for excessive punishments . Kitana Turnbull as Carmelita Spats , an obnoxious , tutu - wearing student at Prufrock Preparatory School . Bronwen Smith as Miss Tench , Prufrock Preparatory School 's gym teacher who is replaced in the post by a disguised Count Olaf . Malcolm Stewart as Mr. Remora , a teacher at Prufrock Preparatory School who specializes in personal anecdotes . BJ Harrison as Mrs. Bass , a teacher at Prufrock Preparatory School who specializes in measuring objects . She later becomes a bank robber . Barry Sonnenfeld as the voice of Mr. Tammerlane , a teacher at Prufrock Preparatory School . Tony Hale as Jerome Squalor , the timid husband of Esmé Squalor . Ithamar Enriquez as Hector , a skittish handyman and citizen of the Village of Fowl Devotees who befriends the Baudelaires . Mindy Sterling as Elder Anabelle , a member of the Village of Fowl Devotees ' group of Elders . Carol Mansell as Elder Jemma , a member of the Village of Fowl Devotees ' group of Elders . Ken Jenkins as Elder Sam , a member of the Village of Fowl Devotees ' group of Elders . Lossen Chambers as Mrs. Morrow , an inhabitant of the Village of Fowl Devotees that wears a pink robe . Kevin Chamberlin as Mr. Lesko , an inhabitant of the Village of Fowl Devotees that wears plaid pants . John Bobek as the bearded leader of the Volunteers Fighting Disease . Kerri Kenney - Silver as Babs , the Head of Human Resources and Hospital Administration at Heimlich Hospital . David Alan Grier as Hal , a visually - disabled file clerk who is employed in the Library of Records at Heimlich Hospital . Robbie Amell as Kevin , an ambidexterous `` freak '' who works at the Caligari Carnival . Kevin Cahoon as Hugo , a hunchbacked `` freak '' who works at the Caligari Carnival . Bonnie Morgan as Colette , a contortionist `` freak '' who works at the Caligari Carnival . Allison Williams as a yet - unidentified woman who arrives to see the Caligari Carnival engulfed in flames . Episodes Season Episodes Originally released 8 January 13 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 13 ) 10 March 30 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 30 ) 7 TBC Season 1 ( 2017 ) The first season adapts the first four books of the novel series : The Bad Beginning , The Reptile Room , The Wide Window and The Miserable Mill . No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original release date `` The Bad Beginning : Part One '' Barry Sonnenfeld Daniel Handler January 13 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 13 ) Violet , Klaus , and Sunny Baudelaire receive the news that their parents have perished in a house fire from well - meaning but inept banker Arthur Poe . While exploring the ruins , Klaus finds a broken spyglass with an insignia of an eye embedded on the front . Shortly afterwards , they are sent to live with their distant relative Count Olaf , a cruel and vain amateur actor , who forces them into servitude . One night , the siblings prepare puttanesca for Olaf 's theatre troupe only for him to demand roast beef upon arriving home . The children state that they were never asked to prepare roast beef , angering Olaf and prompting him to slap Klaus across the face when he protests about the sleeping arrangements . Meanwhile , a mother and father are held against their will by a mysterious captor . `` The Bad Beginning : Part Two '' Barry Sonnenfeld Daniel Handler January 13 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 13 ) The Baudelaires attempt to convince Mr. Poe of Olaf 's actions , only to be sent away when Poe dismisses their claims . When Olaf gives Violet the starring role in his latest theatrical production , which ends with the two main characters being married , the siblings realize that Olaf intends to acquire their fortune by marrying Violet for real . Klaus confronts Olaf , who threatens to kill Sunny if Violet does n't follow through with his plans . At the very last minute , however , Violet signs the marriage certificate with her left hand , invalidating the proceedings due to the fact that she is right - handed . Mr. Poe 's mysterious secretary Jacquelyn reveals they were intended to be put in the care of their distant relative Montgomery Montgomery . Meanwhile , Jacquelyn 's ally Gustav is mysteriously drowned , after being hit by a poisoned dart . `` The Reptile Room : Part One '' Mark Palansky Daniel Handler January 13 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 13 ) The Baudelaires are sent to live with their herpetologist uncle Montgomery Montgomery , who has recently come across a reptile he calls the Incredibly Deadly Viper . While attempting to learn more about Montgomery , Klaus discovers that the hedge maze in Montgomery 's garden is exactly the same shape as the tattoo on Olaf 's ankle . Olaf poses as Montgomery 's new assistant Stephano and attempts to kidnap the Baudelaires , but Monty assures the Baudelaires that he recognizes Stephano as a threat . The four arrive at a movie theatre , where Monty deciphers a code sent for him through the subtitles of the film , using a spyglass identical to Klaus ' . The message instructs him to bring the children to Peru . He fires Stephano shortly afterwards , believing him to be a spy sent to steal his research . `` The Reptile Room : Part Two '' Mark Palansky Emily Fox January 13 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 13 ) Immediately after dismissing `` Stephano , '' Montgomery notices that the door to his Reptile Room is ajar and investigates , only to be attacked by an unseen figure . The next day , the Baudelaires discover Olaf standing next to Montgomery 's corpse . Olaf threatens to kill Sunny unless the siblings accompany him to Peru , but is prevented from carrying out his plan when Mr. Poe accidentally crashes into their car when they are trying to leave . Olaf 's theatre troupe then arrives disguised as police and nurses , and claim Monty was killed by the Incredibly Deadly Viper , despite Monty 's claim of it being completely harmless . While searching for proof of the snake 's innocence , Klaus discovers a statue in Monty 's hedge maze , and a photograph of Monty , both of them carrying spyglasses identical to Klaus ' . Violet proves Olaf to be the murderer ; however , he escapes via the hedge maze with Klaus ' spyglass . While pursuing him , the Baudelaires meet Jacquelyn , who is posing as a statue . She tells them to seek answers on the spyglasses from their Aunt Josephine while she hunts down Olaf via underground passageways . 5 5 `` The Wide Window : Part One '' Barry Sonnenfeld Daniel Handler January 13 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 13 ) Mr. Poe takes the Baudelaires to live with their Aunt Josephine , an irrationally frightened woman who lives in a dilapidated house overlooking Lake Lachrymose . She refuses to answer questions about their parents , so the siblings pursue answers themselves around her house , and discover their parents were members of a secret organization , with spyglasses being used as useful devices . They are also shocked to find out that Josephine was once fierce and formidable , and developed her phobias after the death of her husband . Olaf , who has followed the Baudelaires , disguises himself as a sailor named Captain Sham before pretending to fall in love with Josephine . Despite the siblings ' warnings , Josephine accepts his invitation to take her out for a fried egg sandwich . Later that night , the siblings discover that Josephine has jumped out the library 's bay window and left a note informing them that `` Captain Sham '' is their new guardian . 6 6 `` The Wide Window : Part Two '' Barry Sonnenfeld Daniel Handler January 13 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 13 ) As Mr. Poe prepares to hand the Baudelaires over to `` Captain Sham , '' the siblings discover the note has several grammatical errors , something Josephine would never do since she was obsessed with proper grammar . Mr. Poe takes the children to a restaurant and prepares to complete the transfer , but allows the siblings to leave after Larry , a waiter secretly a member of their parents ' organization , triggers their allergy to peppermint . After returning to the house , the siblings decipher Josephine 's suicide note and discover she is still alive moments before a hurricane sends the house teetering over the cliff . Escaping with a photograph of their parents standing in front of a lumber mill , the siblings find Josephine at a nearby cave , only to be confronted by Olaf , who abandons Josephine to be eaten alive by the leeches that inhabit Lake Lachrymose . Upon returning to shore , Olaf escapes after being unmasked in front of Mr. Poe while the Baudelaires sneak away and set out to find the lumber mill in the photograph . 7 7 `` The Miserable Mill : Part One '' Bo Welch Joe Tracz January 13 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 13 ) Upon arriving at the Lucky Smells Lumber Mill , the Baudelaires are forced to work by the owner Sir , who blames their parents for starting a fire that destroyed the entire town . While investigating the workers ' unnaturally happy behavior , Klaus ' glasses are broken by the Hook - Handed Man posing as Foreman Flacutono , and he visits local optometrist Georgina Orwell , who puts him into a hypnotic trance . Later that day , the siblings learn that two visitors are waiting to see them . Believing that their parents are still alive , the three are shocked to instead find Orwell and her receptionist `` Shirley St. Ives , '' who is a poorly - disguised Olaf . Meanwhile , the mother and father who were previously held captive are revealed to be the parents of the Quagmire triplets , with whom they are reunited . 8 8 `` The Miserable Mill : Part Two '' Bo Welch Tatiana Suarez - Pico January 13 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 13 ) The Baudelaires discover the entire mill is under a hypnotic trance , ensuring they do not leave their jobs . Orwell and Olaf use a still - hypnotized Klaus to murder Sir 's aide Charles , but Violet figures out how to break everyone 's trance in the nick of time . The workers then storm the mill , causing Orwell to fall into the furnace and die . Sir , Olaf , and the Hook - Handed Man all escape in the chaos . Charles reveals the truth about the Baudelaires ' role in the town , where they actually helped to fight the fire . The three siblings are reunited with Mr. Poe , and Jacquelyn sends Klaus the broken spyglass that Olaf stole from him . Poe then sends the three siblings to a dreary boarding school , which two of the three Quagmire siblings are also sent to , due to their house being burnt down by an unknown woman . The Quagmires ' parents are revealed to be members of the organization . In the final scene , Lemony Snicket , Count Olaf , the Baudelaires and Mr. Poe sing the song `` That 's Not How the Story Goes . '' Season 2 ( 2018 ) The second season adapts books five through nine of the novel series : The Austere Academy , The Ersatz Elevator , The Vile Village , The Hostile Hospital , and The Carnivorous Carnival . No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original release date 9 `` The Austere Academy : Part 1 '' Barry Sonnenfeld Daniel Handler March 30 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 30 ) The Baudelaires are introduced to life at Prufrock Preparatory School , an unpleasant institution run by an unpleasant vice-principal named Nero and terrorized by an equally unpleasant student named Carmelita Spats . The school 's only redeeming qualities are its friendly librarian , Olivia Caliban , and the surviving Quagmire triplets , Duncan and Isadora . During a lunch break , Klaus and Isadora discover that they are holding two halves of the same spyglass . The newfound friends quickly realize that they must track down a book on secret organizations to find the answers they seek -- a book Jacquelyn sent Larry to give them , but which he carelessly misplaced . Meanwhile , Count Olaf and his troupe lurk around the grounds of the school , unable to enter the front doors due to an advanced computer system programmed by Nero to detect Olaf 's presence . However , with Carmelita 's help , Olaf finally gains entry and locks Larry in the cafeteria 's walk - in refrigerator . He then dons his latest disguise : the school 's new turban - wearing gym teacher . 10 `` The Austere Academy : Part 2 '' Barry Sonnenfeld Joe Tracz March 30 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 30 ) Olaf is able to convince Nero to put the Baudelaires under a grueling exercise program , making the siblings run endless laps at night to prevent them from scheming against him , while also causing them to perform poorly in class from lack of sleep . Due to their slumping grades , Nero threatens to expel the Baudelaires if they fail a comprehensive exam to be given in front of the entire school , but because they must still exercise under Olaf 's program , they know they will likely fail . The Quagmires offer to help , and that night take their place during exercises ; however , their identity is discovered , and while hiding in the library , they find the copy of the book on secret organizations and read up on the purpose of the spyglass before they are caught by the Hook - Handed Man . The next day , with Mr. Poe in attendance , the Baudelaires readily pass the exam , and through it reveal Olaf 's identity . Olaf and his gang then escape with the Quagmires , who try to shout the initials `` V.F.D. '' from the backseat of Olaf 's car . Meanwhile , Larry is rescued from the refrigerator with the help of Lemony 's brother , Jacques , while Olivia walks off with the book on secret organizations that the Quagmires left behind . 11 `` The Ersatz Elevator : Part 1 '' Bo Welch Daniel Handler March 30 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 30 ) While a citywide manhunt for Count Olaf is underway , Mr. Poe takes the Baudelaires to the penthouse of Jerome Squalor and his trendy financial advisor wife Esmé . While being introduced to the Squalors , they find Olaf has already arrived , posing as a foreign auctioneer named Gunther . The Baudelaires theorize that Olaf is trying to kill Jerome so that he can marry Esmé and become their legal guardian again . They search the penthouse for the Quagmires to no avail , but Klaus becomes suspicious of an extra elevator that only seems to serve the penthouse . Meanwhile , Olivia tries to convince Mr. Poe about Olaf 's scheme , which leads Jacquelyn to contact Jacques , who enlists her into their society . Esmé suggests they go out for lunch at a fashionable salmon - themed restaurant , where Larry works to prolong their visit , giving Jacques and Olivia time to search the Squalor 's building for the Quagmires . When the Baudelaires manage to sneak away and examine the second elevator , they learn that it is merely an empty shaft . With a makeshift parachute , they descend it to find the Quagmires locked in a cage at its bottom . 12 `` The Ersatz Elevator : Part 2 '' Bo Welch Daniel Handler March 30 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 30 ) This episode 's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed . Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. ( April 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The Baudelaires do not have the tools to free the Quagmires , so they ascend the shaft by turning the parachute into a hot - air balloon . Finding Esmé alone and Jerome drugged , the Baudelaires try to warn her of Olaf 's scheme , but learn too late that she is in cahoots with him and that they are planning to smuggle the Quagmires out of the city as an item in an upcoming auction . Esmé pushes them down the elevator shaft , where they are caught in a net midway down . Sunny helps them to escape safely , and afterwards they find a secret passage that leads to the ashen ruins of their home . As Esmé and Olaf start the auction , the Baudelaires , the Poes , and the secret society 's volunteers converge on Veblen Hall and start a bidding war on a box labeled `` V.F.D. '' , which the Baudelaires believe contains the Quagmires . Though the Baudelaires win the auction , they find the box contains only very fancy doilies . In the aftermath , Olaf and his troupe escape with a red herring statue -- the real auction item that holds the Quagmires . The Baudelaires ask Jerome to help track down Olaf , but he is far too timid to do so , and gives up his guardianship of them . Mr. Poe tells the children that a village with the initials `` V.F.D. '' is willing to raise them . 13 5 `` The Vile Village : Part 1 '' Barry Sonnenfeld Sigrid Gilmer March 30 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 30 ) Mr. Poe drops the Baudelaires off at the Village of Fowl Devotees , where the whole community will care for them collectively ( in reality , they just want the children to do all their chores ) . The Baudelaires take up residence with Hector , a kindly handyman prone to fainting spells who is secretly building a self - sustaining hot - air mobile home , and soon begin finding clues written by the Quagmires themselves . Olaf , Esmé , and the troupe also arrive at the village , with Esmé disguising herself as the town 's new chief of police . Jacques and Olivia also arrive and detain Olaf at the local jailhouse ; the next day , the villagers learn of Olaf 's capture and hold a town hall meeting , where Olaf appears in the disguise of Detective Dupin , tricking everyone into believing Jacques is Olaf . Jacques is sentenced to death , but Olivia convinces Esmé to free her and Jacques in exchange for the location of the Sugar Bowl , an object with ties to Esmé 's past . Jacques stays behind to confront Olaf ; however , the villain is unfazed by Jacques ' offer of a truce , and he and Esmé incapacitate and kill him . The next morning , as the Baudelaires try to break into the jail to rescue Jacques , they are informed that `` Olaf '' has been murdered . 14 6 `` The Vile Village : Part 2 '' Barry Sonnenfeld Sigrid Gilmer March 30 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 30 ) The disguised Olaf and Esmé quickly convince Mr. Poe and the town that the Baudelaires murdered Jacques / `` Olaf , '' and they are promptly condemned to be burned at the stake . While in jail , the children instruct Hector to prepare his hot - air mobile home to help them escape . While Violet creates a battering ram to weaken the jail wall , Klaus deduces from their clues that the Quagmires are hidden inside a crow fountain in the village square . Larry and Jacquelyn arrive on the scene to distract the villagers long enough for the children to escape via a fire truck and follow Hector . The Baudelaires cover for the Quagmires as they use the truck 's ladder to climb aboard the mobile home . As they do so , Olaf , Esmé , and the villagers arrive , and Esmé begins damaging Hector 's home with a harpoon gun . Realizing their danger , the Baudelaires tell Hector to escape with the Quagmires . In thanks , the Quagmires try to throw their friends their notes about the secrets of V.F.D. , but Esmé shoots them with a harpoon , scattering the pages and harming a crow . While the villagers accost the villains over the injured bird , the Baudelaires collect as many of the ruined pages as they can and make their escape . 15 7 `` The Hostile Hospital : Part 1 '' Alan Arkush Joshua Conkel March 30 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 30 ) The Baudelaires hitch a ride with volunteer singing candy stripers heading to Heimlich Hospital . They learn that there is a Library of Records that collects and stores esoterica . After sneaking past the hospital 's administrator , they meet Hal , the man who runs the library . He welcomes their help , but forbids them to read material in storage . While Hal shows them the ropes , a film reel labeled `` Snicket '' arrives and catches the children 's attention . Meanwhile , believing the Sugar Bowl to be in the hospital , Olaf and his troupe infiltrate the building . Desperate for answers , the children are forced to steal Hal 's keys to access the library , where they find the film . It contains a debriefing of Jacques by a V.F.D. volunteer , with Jacques informing the interviewer that someone has survived a fire , which may or may not be the one that killed the Baudelaire 's parents . However , before they can watch any further , they are interrupted by Esmé ; as they try to escape , the library is ruined . Violet is captured by Olaf while Klaus and Sunny hide in a chute , in possession of the film . 16 8 `` The Hostile Hospital : Part 2 '' Alan Arkush Joshua Conkel March 30 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 30 ) This episode 's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed . Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. ( April 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Olaf and Esmé hide Violet under a false name and warn the rest of the hospital to watch out for Klaus and Sunny , identifying them as murderers . To find Violet , Klaus disguises himself as `` Dr. Faustus , '' with Sunny hidden in a sling underneath his coat . They eventually find the patient list and deduce which room Violet is in , but this is a trap laid by Olaf , who forces Klaus to operate on Violet inside an operating theater . Esmé promises to call off the scheme if Klaus can give her what he stole from the Library of Records , and he does so -- only , it 's not the Sugar Bowl that she has been searching for . Olaf , however , is interested in the Snicket film , and dashes off to watch it to learn its secret . Furious at its revelations , he burns the film , which also starts a fire in the hospital . He then convinces everyone that the Baudelaires started it . The Baudelaires successfully escape the hospital during the mass evacuation , and as there are police around , they realize that their only chance to escape safely is in the trunk of Olaf 's car . Unbeknownst to them , Olaf is headed to the Caligari Carnival , where Madame Lulu the psychic promises to shed light on the survivor . Elsewhere , an unknown person recovers the Sugar Bowl from the hospital . 17 9 `` Carnivorous Carnival : Part 1 '' Loni Peristere Joe Tracz March 30 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 30 ) A flashback to a masked ball at the V.F.D. headquarters shows Lemony trying to warn Beatrice about Olaf . In the present , Olaf and his troupe arrive at the Caligari Carnival to speak with Madame Lulu about the fire 's survivor . Lulu , who is really Olivia in disguise , tells them to wait for the answer in the morning . The Baudelaires overhear this , and hoping to speak to Lulu as well , assume the identities of circus freaks , with Violet and Klaus as a two - headed person and Sunny as a wolf child . After calling V.F.D. , Olivia is able to tell Olaf the next day that one of the Baudelaire parents did indeed survive the fire . Olaf then presents a freak show that proves disastrous , so he sets off to find a pack of roaming lions to help attract a larger crowd . This gives an opportunity for the children to sneak into Lulu 's tent , where they discover films , books , and disguises belonging to the Volunteer Fire Department -- the secret organization their parents and guardians belonged to . Olivia then appears and reveals her true identity to them . 18 10 `` Carnivorous Carnival : Part 2 '' Loni Peristere Joe Tracz March 30 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 30 ) This episode 's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed . Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. ( April 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Olivia explains to the Baudelaires that `` Madame Lulu '' is an alias used by V.F.D. agents to gather information . She also suggests that the children head to the Mortmain Mountains , where the V.F.D. headquarters is located , to find their surviving parent . While Violet arranges for transportation , Olaf plans to throw one of the freaks into a pit filled with the hungry lions he has corralled . Esmé convinces the other freaks to push Lulu into the lion pit , with the promise that they can join Olaf 's troupe . The next day , Olaf starts the show and selects Violet and Klaus for the pit . When Olivia is told to push the children to the lions , she instead pushes them to safety , reveals her true identity , and is sent tumbling into the pit by Olaf for her troubles . As the children try to collect the V.F.D. materials from Lulu 's tent , Olaf arrives and forces them to burn the tent down . Then , after placing Violet and Klaus in a towed caravan and taking Sunny in his car , Olaf has the other freaks cut the towing rope on a steep mountain path , causing the caravan to careen backward and hang off a cliff 's edge . At the same time , the last operative to pose as Madame Lulu arrives at the burning carnival , and Lemony informs us that he knows her well . Season 3 ( 2019 ) The third season plans to adapt the final four books of the novel series in seven episodes : The Slippery Slope , The Grim Grotto and The Penultimate Peril will be adapted into two episodes each , and The End will conclude the series with a longer single episode . Barry Sonnenfeld will adapt the episodes for The Penultimate Peril . Liza Johnson and Jonathan Teplitzky will also direct episodes in this season . No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original release date 16 `` The Slippery Slope : Part 1 '' TBC TBC TBC 17 `` The Slippery Slope : Part 2 '' TBC TBC TBC 18 `` The Grim Grotto : Part 1 '' TBC TBC TBC 19 `` The Grim Grotto : Part 2 '' TBC TBC TBC 20 5 `` The Penultimate Peril : Part 1 '' TBC TBC TBC 21 6 `` The Penultimate Peril : Part 2 '' TBC TBC TBC 22 7 `` The End '' TBC TBC TBC Production Development The thirteen A Series of Unfortunate Events novels , written by Daniel Handler under the pen name Lemony Snicket from 1999 to 2006 , achieved success in young adult fiction around the same time as the Harry Potter novels . As such , the Snicket books had been optioned to be filmed before they were published . This led to the development of a 2004 feature film , Lemony Snicket 's A Series of Unfortunate Events , which covered the narratives of the first three novels in the series . Barry Sonnenfeld , who has expressed his love for the series , was originally slated to direct the feature film , and had hired Handler to write the screenplay . About 10 months into production , shortly after the casting of Jim Carrey as Olaf , there was a `` big crisis '' , according to Handler , which caused producer Scott Rudin to walk away and Sonnenfeld left the production under unclear terms . With the film 's completion in flux , its producing studios Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks fired Handler . While the film was eventually completed and released , sequels which would adapt the other novels in the series became unlikely due to `` corporate shakeups '' within DreamWorks , according to Handler , and the child actors that portrayed the Baudelaire children grew too old to star in a sequel . In November 2014 , Netflix , in association with Paramount Television , announced its plans to adapt the novels into an original television series , with the author of the series , Daniel Handler , serving as executive producer . In September 2015 , it was announced that Barry Sonnenfeld and Mark Hudis had agreed to helm the series . Hudis would serve as showrunner , Sonnenfeld as director , and both as executive producers , with Handler writing some of the scripts along with working with the series ' writing team . However , in January 2016 , Netflix announced that Hudis had left the project , with a replacement showrunner not named at the time . The first season consists of eight episodes , with two episodes adapting each of the first four books of the series . Handler considered this more in line with how he had written the books in the manner of a serialized melodrama , citing The Perils of Pauline as one of his influences in writing the book series . In January 2017 , Handler revealed that he was writing the series ' second season , to consist of ten episodes adapting the fifth through ninth books of the series . A third season would adapt the remaining novels of the series , which Handler hoped `` to get the go - ahead to do '' since `` given how quickly young actors age and change , we 're trying to film everything as quickly as possible . '' In March 2017 , Netflix revealed the series had been renewed for a second season by releasing a video on their social media pointing to a viral marketing website , where a letter written by Snicket revealed the decision . A month later , the series was `` quietly '' renewed for a third season , which Harris confirmed would be the final one for the series . Casting Neil Patrick Harris portrays Count Olaf in the series and serves as a producer . On December 3 , 2015 , an open casting call was announced for the roles of Violet and Klaus Baudelaire . In January 2016 , Netflix announced that Neil Patrick Harris had been cast as Count Olaf and Malina Weissman and Louis Hynes were cast as Violet and Klaus . Handler had first considered Harris for the role of Olaf after seeing him perform the opening number `` It 's Not Just for Gays Anymore '' , at the 65th Tony Awards in 2011 , noting `` I just immediately saw someone who could pull off a million things at once '' as was necessary for the character of Olaf , who utilizes various disguises and accents in his quest to steal the Baudelaire fortune . In March 2016 , K. Todd Freeman was cast as Mr. Poe , followed shortly after by the casting of Patrick Warburton as Lemony Snicket , and Aasif Mandvi as Uncle Monty . In September 2016 , it was revealed that Dylan Kingwell and Avi Lake were cast as the Quagmire siblings , Duncan and Isadora , respectively . In November 2016 , Handler revealed Catherine O'Hara , Don Johnson , and Alfre Woodard had been cast as Dr. Georgina Orwell , Sir , and Aunt Josephine , respectively ; O'Hara had previously portrayed Justice Strauss in the 2004 film adaptation of A Series of Unfortunate Events . It was also revealed that Presley Smith would play Sunny Baudelaire , whose quasi-nonsensical lines are voiced by Tara Strong , and Rhys Darby would play Charles , Sir 's partner . Filming Production began in May 2016 in Vancouver , British Columbia , and in August 2016 several cast members expressed through social media that filming had finished . Filming for the second season began in April 2017 . The third season began filming on January 5 , 2018 . One aspect of the series of books that the production team wanted to be captured in the series was the notion of a lack of specific time period or geography for the settings ; Handler stated that he wrote enough for establishing set pieces , but purposely left more specific details vague `` in order for young readers to fill in the blanks themselves . '' Sonnenfeld wanted to capture that same sense of ambiguous time and place , and he and his team worked to try to define a set of subjective rules of what elements could be included . Sonnenfeld brought on Bo Welch , production designer for Edward Scissorhands , which Handler considered to capture the same sense of a `` familiar but completely imaginary '' suburban setting he had in mind for his books . While the production team used computer - generated imagery where needed , they attempted to avoid this use where possible , such as by using large painted backdrops , by key scenic artist John E. Wilcox , rather than employing green screen filming . Music In April 2016 , Nick Urata was initially reported to be composing music for the series . Once the first season was released , it was revealed that Urata collaborated with Daniel Handler to compose the main title theme , as well as various original songs that appear throughout the series , with Handler contributing the lyrics . The first season 's original score was composed by James Newton Howard , with his frequent collaborators Sven Faulconer and Chris Bacon filling in to score certain episodes . In season two , Jim Dooley joined the production as composer and subsequently wrote the music for all ten episodes . Visual effects Zoic Studios created visual effects for the series , including the effects for many of Sunny Baudelaire 's actions . Tippett Studio also did work on the series , including the effects for the destruction of Josephine 's house , landscape shots of Lake Lachrymose and some of the more movement heavy Sunny Baudelaire shots . Release All eight episodes of the first season of A Series of Unfortunate Events were released worldwide on Netflix on January 13 , 2017 , in Ultra HD 4K . The second season was released on March 30 , 2018 . Marketing On July 5 , 2015 a video titled `` An Unfortunate Teaser '' was uploaded to YouTube by a user named `` Eleanora Poe '' . Netflix quickly released a statement saying `` This was not released from Netflix . '' Media outlets were almost unanimous in agreement that the trailer was fan - made . However , Caitlin Petrakovitz of CNET argued that the trailer may be real and that Netflix 's carefully worded denial was a marketing campaign , noting the user name `` Eleanora Poe '' being the same as a character from the series , and that a vinyl record seen in the trailer was of The Gothic Archies , a band who provided the theme music for the audio books of A Series of Unfortunate Events . The trailer was later revealed to be a spec promo , similar to a spec script , by an independent commercial director , whom Netflix contracted to make a title sequence for the series after the video 's popularity , though they did not go ahead with the concept . In October 2016 , Netflix released the first teaser trailer for A Series of Unfortunate Events , where Warburton narrates the events of the series as Lemony Snicket . A trailer , featuring footage from the series and Neil Patrick Harris 's character , Count Olaf , was released by Netflix in November 2016 , followed shortly by the first full trailer . The second trailer was released in December 2016 , followed by a `` holiday - themed '' trailer from Count Olaf leading fans to a viral marketing website for the fictional Valorous Farms Dairy , which featured four holiday e-cards for download . Reception Audience viewership As Netflix does not reveal subscriber viewership numbers for any of their original series , Symphony Technology Group compiled data for the first season based on people using software on their devices that measure television viewing by detecting a program 's sound . According to Symphony , 3.755 million viewers age 18 - 49 were watching an episode of A Series of Unfortunate Events over the average minute in its first weekend of release . Critical response Season 1 The first season of A Series of Unfortunate Events received critical acclaim . Review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes gives the season an approval rating of 94 % based on 62 reviews , with an average rating of 8.1 / 10 . The site 's critical consensus reads , `` Enjoyably dark , A Series of Unfortunate Events matches the source material 's narrative as well as its tone , leaving viewers with a wonderfully weird , dry , gothic comedy . '' On Metacritic the season has a score of 81 out of 100 , based on 23 critics , indicating `` universal acclaim '' . Erik Adams of The A.V. Club awarded the season a B and praised it for treating `` mature themes like grief , loss , and disappointment with sardonic honesty . '' Adams compared the program positively to the Adam West Batman series , calling it `` kids stuff with adult sophistication , driven by two - part stories , outrageous visuals , and the scenery - chewing of big - name guest stars '' . Ben Travers of Indiewire gave the series an A - , saying that it `` proves as inspirational and endearing as it claims to be forlorn and heartbreaking '' . Brian Lowry of CNN praised the showrunners for `` infusing the show with a lemony - fresh feel , conjuring a series similar to the fantastical tone of Pushing Daisies '' . Lowry wrote that `` the show proves a good deal of fun '' and that `` Harris dives into his over-the - top character with considerable gusto . '' He also argued that the series improved upon the 2004 film . Several critics praised the television series as a better adaptation of the books than the 2004 feature film , which starred Jim Carrey as Count Olaf . Kelly Lawler of USA Today felt the television format gave the stories more room to develop , the addition of Warburton as the fourth wall - breaking Snicket helped to convey some of the wordplay humor used in the books , and Harris 's portrayal of Olaf was `` much more dynamic , and creepier '' than Carrey 's version . The Verge 's Chaim Gartenburg said that the show follows the books much more faithfully than the film , and `` nails down the tone that made the stories so special '' . Los Angeles Times writer Robert Lloyd felt that the backgrounds of Sonnenfeld and Welch made them `` the right people for this job , set in a milieu that is hard to fix in time , except to say it is not now '' , in capturing the tones of the book compared to the feature film . Nick Allen of , on the other hand , gave the series a negative review , calling it `` an unfunny parody of sadness '' that is `` never as clever as it wants to be '' and would only appeal to fans of the books . Caroline Framke of Vox Media praised the series for its unique and weird visuals , but found the show 's tone , pacing and performances to be haphazard and considered the show to be `` literally , a series of unfortunate events '' . Season 2 As with the first season , the second season of A Series of Unfortunate Events received critical acclaim . Review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes gives the second season an approval rating of 100 % based on 10 reviews , with an average rating of 7.8 / 10 . Clarisse Loughrey of The Independent praised the show as one that `` essentially deals with thoughtful , intelligent young people battling to speak up against an illogical world . '' While observing that the `` show may revel in the miserable '' , she opined `` that the purpose of its own morbidity is to offer the assurance that hope lives in even the darkest of places . '' Loughrey also credited the show 's expanded storyline for the Baudelaire 's adult allies for `` plumping up '' the episodes ' narrative arcs and deepening the show 's emotional impact . Tristram Fane Saunders of The Telegraph awarded the second season four out of five stars . He described the show as a `` gothic treat ( that ) also offers a wicked line in absurdist humour , and the most gorgeously toybox - like set designs you 'll find anywhere outside a Wes Anderson film . '' Radio Times reviewer Huw Fullerton praised the series for its faithfulness to the original novels . While praising the improved CGI used to make Presley Smith 's character Sunny Baudelaire react better to situations , he criticized the addition of supporting `` good '' characters such as Nathan Fillion 's Jacques Snicket and Sara Canning 's Jacquelyn for `` undercutting the bleakness and loneliness that characterized the novels . '' Rohan Naahar of the Hindustan Times described A Series of Unfortunate Events as `` one of the most lavish originals in Netflix 's bottomless catalogue , created by fans , for fans . '' He also praised Neil Patrick Harris ' performance as Count Olaf . The Den of Geek reviewer Michael Ahr praised tortoise - shell ' amphibiophones ' and stone marimbas score for giving the television series its primal sound . IGN reviewer Jonathon Dornbush criticized the second season 's formulaic plot structure and lack of the insightful observations compared to the first season . He also praised several of the second season 's episodes particularly `` The Ersatz Elevator '' , `` The Hostile Hospital '' , and `` The Carnivorous Carnival '' for smartly twisting the story formula and deepening the novel series ' mythology . Dornbush also praised the performance of guest stars such as Lucy Punch and Patrick Warburton and awarded the second season 7.2 stars . Awards and nominations Year Award Category Nominee Result Ref 2017 Leo Awards Best Visual Effects in a Dramatic Series Luis Alejandro Guevara , Bob Habros , Cale Jacox , Ron Simonson , Jeffrey De Guzman Nominated Best Make - Up in a Dramatic Series Rita Ciccozzi , Krista Seller , Tanya Hudson , Gitte Axen Won Best Hairstyling in a Dramatic Series Julie Mchaffie , Dianne Holme , Jenine Lehfeldt Won Best Guest Performance by a Female in a Dramatic Series Sara Canning Nominated Saturn Awards Best New Media Television Series A Series of Unfortunate Events Nominated Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Music Composition for a Series James Newton Howard Nominated Gold Derby TV Awards Comedy Actor Neil Patrick Harris Nominated Hollywood Music in Media Awards Main Title Theme -- TV Show / Limited Series Nick Urata and Daniel Handler Won 2018 Satellite Awards Best Actor in a Series - Comedy or Musical Neil Patrick Harris Nominated Notes ^ Jump up to : Netflix and critics name the first two episodes as `` The Bad Beginning '' , following the title of the book , while the episode itself displays the name of `` A Bad Beginning '' after the opening credits . Jump up ^ Netflix names the episodes of the second season as Part 1 and Part 2 , while the episodes themselves display the names as Part One and Part Two after the opening credits , following the format of the first season . ^ Jump up to : Netflix names the ninth and tenth episodes as `` Carnivorous Carnival '' , while the episodes themselves display the name of `` The Carnivorous Carnival '' after the opening credits , following the title of the book . References Jump up ^ Wollaston , Sam ( January 13 , 2017 ) . `` Lemony Snicket 's A Series of Unfortunate Events review -- fabulous steampunk fun '' -- via The Guardian . ^ Jump up to : `` A Series of Unfortunate Events ' : Barry Sonnenfeld Was Booted Off the Movie , and Now He 's Saved the Franchise '' . . January 12 , 2017 . Retrieved January 12 , 2017 . 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Netflix . access - date = requires url = ( help ) ^ Jump up to : Shamsian , Jacob ( April 4 , 2018 ) . `` The final season of Netflix 's ' Series of Unfortunate Events ' will adapt the books differently than the rest of the show -- here 's why '' . Insider . Retrieved April 5 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` DGC BC PRODUCTION LIST '' ( PDF ) . Directors Guild of Canada . September 29 , 2017 . Retrieved September 29 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ ^ Jump up to : Spense D. ( December 16 , 2004 ) . `` Interview : Lemony Snicket '' . IGN . Retrieved January 14 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Tiffany , Kaitlyn ( January 13 , 2017 ) . `` How Netflix made A Series of Unfortunate Events , its first great TV for families '' . The Verge . Retrieved January 14 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Ng , Philiana ( November 5 , 2014 ) . `` Netflix Adapting Lemony Snicket 's ' A Series of Unfortunate Events ' Into TV Show '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved March 11 , 2016 . 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Retrieved 3 April 2018 . Jump up ^ Naahar , Rohan ( 30 March 2018 ) . `` A Series of Unfortunate Events season 2 review : Netflix 's strangest , most lavish show does n't care what you think '' . Hindustan Times . Retrieved 3 April 2018 . Jump up ^ Ahr , Michael . `` A Series of Unfortunate Events : New Sounds for Season 2 '' . Den of Geek . Retrieved 3 April 2018 . Jump up ^ Dornbush , Jonathon . `` Unfortunately uneven but still includes great episodes '' . IGN . Retrieved 3 April 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Leo Awards , 2017 Winners by Name '' . . Retrieved 7 June 2017 . Jump up ^ McNary , Dave ( 2 March 2017 ) . `` ' Rogue One , ' ' Walking Dead ' Lead Saturn Awards Nominations '' . Variety . Retrieved 7 June 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Nominees / Winners '' . Academy of Television Arts & Sciences . Retrieved July 17 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Dixon , Chris Beachum , Daniel Montgomery , Marcus James ( 27 July 2017 ) . `` 2017 Gold Derby TV Awards nominations : ' This is Us , ' ' Veep , ' ' The Leftovers , ' ' Stranger Things ' among top contenders '' . Goldderby . Retrieved 27 August 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Hollywood Music in Media Awards : Full Winners List '' . The Hollywood Reporter . November 17 , 2017 . Retrieved November 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` ' Dunkirk , ' ' The Shape of Water ' Lead Satellite Award Nominations '' . TheWrap. 29 November 2017 . Retrieved 6 December 2017 . External links Wikiquote has quotations related to : A Series of Unfortunate Events ( TV series ) A Series Of Unfortunate Events on Netflix A Series of Unfortunate Events on IMDb Works by Lemony Snicket A Series of Unfortunate Events Novels The Bad Beginning The Reptile Room The Wide Window The Miserable Mill The Austere Academy The Ersatz Elevator The Vile Village The Hostile Hospital The Carnivorous Carnival The Slippery Slope The Grim Grotto The Penultimate Peril The End Related works The Unauthorized Autobiography The Beatrice Letters Horseradish : Bitter Truths You Ca n't Avoid Media Feature film Soundtrack Video game The Tragic Treasury TV series Other Characters All the Wrong Questions Who Could That Be at This Hour ? When Did You See Her Last ? Should n't You Be in School ? Why Is This Night Different From All Other Nights ? 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a series of unfortunate events season 1 episode 2
No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original release date `` The Bad Beginning : Part One '' Barry Sonnenfeld Daniel Handler January 13 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 13 ) Violet , Klaus , and Sunny Baudelaire receive the news that their parents have perished in a house fire from well - meaning but inept banker Arthur Poe . While exploring the ruins , Klaus finds a broken spyglass with an insignia of an eye embedded on the front . Shortly afterwards , they are sent to live with their distant relative Count Olaf , a cruel and vain amateur actor , who forces them into servitude . One night , the siblings prepare puttanesca for Olaf 's theatre troupe only for him to demand roast beef upon arriving home . The children state that they were never asked to prepare roast beef , angering Olaf and prompting him to slap Klaus across the face when he protests about the sleeping arrangements . Meanwhile , a mother and father are held against their will by a mysterious captor . `` The Bad Beginning : Part Two '' Barry Sonnenfeld Daniel Handler January 13 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 13 ) The Baudelaires attempt to convince Mr. Poe of Olaf 's actions , only to be sent away when Poe dismisses their claims . When Olaf gives Violet the starring role in his latest theatrical production , which ends with the two main characters being married , the siblings realize that Olaf intends to acquire their fortune by marrying Violet for real . Klaus confronts Olaf , who threatens to kill Sunny if Violet does n't follow through with his plans . At the very last minute , however , Violet signs the marriage certificate with her left hand , invalidating the proceedings due to the fact that she is right - handed . Mr. Poe 's mysterious secretary Jacquelyn reveals they were intended to be put in the care of their distant relative Montgomery Montgomery . Meanwhile , Jacquelyn 's ally Gustav is mysteriously drowned , after being hit by a poisoned dart . `` The Reptile Room : Part One '' Mark Palansky Daniel Handler January 13 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 13 ) The Baudelaires are sent to live with their herpetologist uncle Montgomery Montgomery , who has recently come across a reptile he calls the Incredibly Deadly Viper . While attempting to learn more about Montgomery , Klaus discovers that the hedge maze in Montgomery 's garden is exactly the same shape as the tattoo on Olaf 's ankle . Olaf poses as Montgomery 's new assistant Stephano and attempts to kidnap the Baudelaires , but Monty assures the Baudelaires that he recognizes Stephano as a threat . The four arrive at a movie theatre , where Monty deciphers a code sent for him through the subtitles of the film , using a spyglass identical to Klaus ' . The message instructs him to bring the children to Peru . He fires Stephano shortly afterwards , believing him to be a spy sent to steal his research . `` The Reptile Room : Part Two '' Mark Palansky Emily Fox January 13 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 13 ) Immediately after dismissing `` Stephano , '' Montgomery notices that the door to his Reptile Room is ajar and investigates , only to be attacked by an unseen figure . The next day , the Baudelaires discover Olaf standing next to Montgomery 's corpse . Olaf threatens to kill Sunny unless the siblings accompany him to Peru , but is prevented from carrying out his plan when Mr. Poe accidentally crashes into their car when they are trying to leave . Olaf 's theatre troupe then arrives disguised as police and nurses , and claim Monty was killed by the Incredibly Deadly Viper , despite Monty 's claim of it being completely harmless . While searching for proof of the snake 's innocence , Klaus discovers a statue in Monty 's hedge maze , and a photograph of Monty , both of them carrying spyglasses identical to Klaus ' . Violet proves Olaf to be the murderer ; however , he escapes via the hedge maze with Klaus ' spyglass . While pursuing him , the Baudelaires meet Jacquelyn , who is posing as a statue . She tells them to seek answers on the spyglasses from their Aunt Josephine while she hunts down Olaf via underground passageways . 5 5 `` The Wide Window : Part One '' Barry Sonnenfeld Daniel Handler January 13 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 13 ) Mr. Poe takes the Baudelaires to live with their Aunt Josephine , an irrationally frightened woman who lives in a dilapidated house overlooking Lake Lachrymose . She refuses to answer questions about their parents , so the siblings pursue answers themselves around her house , and discover their parents were members of a secret organization , with spyglasses being used as useful devices . They are also shocked to find out that Josephine was once fierce and formidable , and developed her phobias after the death of her husband . Olaf , who has followed the Baudelaires , disguises himself as a sailor named Captain Sham before pretending to fall in love with Josephine . Despite the siblings ' warnings , Josephine accepts his invitation to take her out for a fried egg sandwich . Later that night , the siblings discover that Josephine has jumped out the library 's bay window and left a note informing them that `` Captain Sham '' is their new guardian . 6 6 `` The Wide Window : Part Two '' Barry Sonnenfeld Daniel Handler January 13 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 13 ) As Mr. Poe prepares to hand the Baudelaires over to `` Captain Sham , '' the siblings discover the note has several grammatical errors , something Josephine would never do since she was obsessed with proper grammar . Mr. Poe takes the children to a restaurant and prepares to complete the transfer , but allows the siblings to leave after Larry , a waiter secretly a member of their parents ' organization , triggers their allergy to peppermint . After returning to the house , the siblings decipher Josephine 's suicide note and discover she is still alive moments before a hurricane sends the house teetering over the cliff . Escaping with a photograph of their parents standing in front of a lumber mill , the siblings find Josephine at a nearby cave , only to be confronted by Olaf , who abandons Josephine to be eaten alive by the leeches that inhabit Lake Lachrymose . Upon returning to shore , Olaf escapes after being unmasked in front of Mr. Poe while the Baudelaires sneak away and set out to find the lumber mill in the photograph . 7 7 `` The Miserable Mill : Part One '' Bo Welch Joe Tracz January 13 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 13 ) Upon arriving at the Lucky Smells Lumber Mill , the Baudelaires are forced to work by the owner Sir , who blames their parents for starting a fire that destroyed the entire town . While investigating the workers ' unnaturally happy behavior , Klaus ' glasses are broken by the Hook - Handed Man posing as Foreman Flacutono , and he visits local optometrist Georgina Orwell , who puts him into a hypnotic trance . Later that day , the siblings learn that two visitors are waiting to see them . Believing that their parents are still alive , the three are shocked to instead find Orwell and her receptionist `` Shirley St. Ives , '' who is a poorly - disguised Olaf . Meanwhile , the mother and father who were previously held captive are revealed to be the parents of the Quagmire triplets , with whom they are reunited . 8 8 `` The Miserable Mill : Part Two '' Bo Welch Tatiana Suarez - Pico January 13 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 13 ) The Baudelaires discover the entire mill is under a hypnotic trance , ensuring they do not leave their jobs . Orwell and Olaf use a still - hypnotized Klaus to murder Sir 's aide Charles , but Violet figures out how to break everyone 's trance in the nick of time . The workers then storm the mill , causing Orwell to fall into the furnace and die . Sir , Olaf , and the Hook - Handed Man all escape in the chaos . Charles reveals the truth about the Baudelaires ' role in the town , where they actually helped to fight the fire . The three siblings are reunited with Mr. Poe , and Jacquelyn sends Klaus the broken spyglass that Olaf stole from him . Poe then sends the three siblings to a dreary boarding school , which two of the three Quagmire siblings are also sent to , due to their house being burnt down by an unknown woman . The Quagmires ' parents are revealed to be members of the organization . In the final scene , Lemony Snicket , Count Olaf , the Baudelaires and Mr. Poe sing the song `` That 's Not How the Story Goes . ''
Speaker of the Lok Sabha - wikipedia Speaker of the Lok Sabha This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( February 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Speaker of the Lok Sabha State Emblem of India Flag of India Incumbent Sumitra Mahajan Style The Honourable Appointer Members of the Lok Sabha Term length During the life of the Lok Sabha ( five years maximum ) Inaugural holder Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar Formation 15 May 1952 Deputy M. Thambidurai Website Speaker 's Official Website India This article is part of a series on the politics and government of India Constitution and law ( show ) Constitutional amendment Basic structure doctrine Fundamental rights Human rights -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Code of Civil Procedure , 1908 Uniform civil code Code of Criminal Procedure , 1973 Indian Penal Code Law enforcement Government of India ( show ) President ( Head of state ) ( List ) Vice president ( List ) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Executive : Prime minister ( Head of government ) ( List ) Union Council of Ministers Cabinet secretary Secretaries : ( Defence Finance Foreign Home ) Civil services All India Services ( IAS IFoS IPS ) Central Civil Services ( IRS IFS IA&AS IPoS IRAS IRTS IRPS ICAS IDAS IDES ICLS IIS ITrS IP&TAFS IOFS ) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Legislature : Parliament Rajya Sabha ( Chairman ) Lok Sabha ( Speaker ) Judiciary : Supreme court ( Chief justice ) High courts ( Chief justices ) District courts Elections ( show ) Election commission : Chief Election Commissioner ( Election commissioners ) Recent general elections : 2009 2014 2019 Recent state elections : 2017 2018 2019 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Political parties National parties State parties National coalitions : National Democratic Alliance ( NDA ) United Progressive Alliance ( UPA ) Federalism ( show ) Administrative divisions -- -- -- -- -- -- -- State governments Governors ( List ) Chief ministers ( List ) Chief secretary ( Principal secretaries ) Field - level officers Divisional commissioners District magistrates Sub-divisional magistrates Legislatures : Vidhan Sabha Vidhan Parishad -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Local governments : Rural bodies : District councils Block panchayats Gram Panchayats Urban bodies : Municipal corporations Municipal councils Nagar panchayats Other countries Atlas The Speaker of the Lok Sabha is the presiding officer of the Lok Sabha , the lower house of the Parliament of India . The speaker is elected in the very first meeting of the Lok Sabha following general elections . Serving for a term of five years , the Speaker chosen from amongst the members of the Lok Sabha , and is by convention a member of the ruling party or alliance . The current speaker is Sumitra Mahajan of the Bharatiya Janata Party , who is presiding over the 16th Lok Sabha . She is the second woman to hold the office , after her immediate predecessor Meira Kumar . Contents 1 Powers and functions of the Speaker 2 Removal of the Speaker 3 Pro tem Speaker 4 List of Speakers 5 See also 6 References 7 External links Powers and functions of the Speaker ( edit ) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha conducts the business in house ; and decides whether a bill is a money bill or not . They maintain discipline and decorum in the house and can punish a member for their unruly behavior by suspending them . They also permit the moving of various kinds of motions and resolutions such as a motion of no confidence , motion of adjournment , motion of censure and calling attention notice as per the rules . The Speaker decides on the agenda to be taken up for discussion during the meeting . The date of election of the speaker is fixed by the President . Further , all comments and speeches made by members of the House are addressed to the speaker . The speaker also presides over the joint sitting of both Houses of Parliament . The counterpart of the Speaker in the Rajya Sabha is the Chairman , who is the Vice President of India . In the warrant of precedence , the speaker of Lok Sabha comes next only to The Deputy Prime Minister of India . Speaker has the sixth rank in the political executive of India. The speaker is answerable to the house . Both the speaker and deputy speaker may be removed by a resolution passed by the majority of the members . Removal of the Speaker ( edit ) Speaker can be removed by the Lok Sabha by a resolution passed by an effective majority of the House as per Articles 94 and 96 . Speaker is also removed on getting disqualified for being Lok Sabha member under sections 7 & 8 of Representation of the People Act , 1951 . This would arise out of speaker 's wrong certification of a bill as money bill inconsistent with the definition given in Articles 110 of the constitution . When courts uphold the unconstitutional act of the speaker for wrong certification of a bill as money bill , it amounts to disrespecting the constitution deserving conviction under Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act , 1971 which is applicable for disqualification of speaker 's Lok Sabha membership under section 8k of Representation of the People Act , 1951 . However the omissions in the procedure committed by the speaker in the Lok Sabha can not be challenged in court of law per Article 122 Pro tem Speaker ( edit ) After a general election and the formation of a new government , a list of senior Lok Sabha members prepared by the Legislative Section is submitted to the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs , who selects a pro tem speaker . The appointment has to be approved by the president . The first meeting after the election when the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker are selected by members of the Parliament is held under the pro tem Speaker . In absence of the Speaker , the Deputy Speaker acts as Speaker and in the absence of both a committee of six member selected by the Speaker will act as Speaker according to their seniority . Eligibility Criteria Of a Speaker of Loksabha 1 ) He or She must be a citizen of India . 2 ) He or She must not be less than 25 years of age . 3 ) He or She should not hold any office of profit under the Government of India , or the Government of any other state . List of Speakers ( edit ) No . Name Portrait Term Party From To Length Lok Sabha Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar 15 May 1952 27 February 1956 3 years , 288 days 1st Indian National Congress M.A. Ayyangar 8 March 1956 10 May 1957 1 year , 63 days 11 May 1957 16 April 1962 4 years , 340 days 2nd Sardar Hukam Singh 17 April 1962 16 March 1967 4 years , 333 days 3rd Neelam Sanjiva Reddy 17 March 1967 19 July 1969 2 years , 124 days 4th 5 Gurdial Singh Dhillon -- 8 August 1969 19 March 1971 1 year , 221 days 22 March 1971 1 December 1975 4 years , 254 days 5th 6 Bali Ram Bhagat -- 15 January 1976 25 March 1977 1 year , 69 days ( 4 ) Neelam Sanjiva Reddy 26 March 1977 13 July 1977 109 days 6th Janata Party 7 K.S. Hegde 21 July 1977 21 January 1980 2 years , 184 days 8 Balram Jakhar 22 January 1980 27 oct 1984 3 years , 358 days 7th Indian National Congress 16 January 1985 18 December 1989 4 years , 336 days 8th 9 Rabi Ray -- 19 December 1989 9 July 1991 1 year , 202 days 9th Janata Dal 10 Shivraj Patil 10 July 1991 22 May 1996 4 years , 317 days 10th Indian National Congress 11 P.A. Sangma 23 May 1996 23 March 1998 1 year , 304 days 11th 12 G.M.C. Balayogi -- 24 March 1998 19 October 1999 1 year , 209 days 12th Telugu Desam Party 22 October 1999 3 March 2002 2 years , 132 days 13th 13 Manohar Joshi 10 May 2002 2 June 2004 2 years , 23 days Shiv Sena 14 Somnath Chatterjee 4 June 2004 31 May 2009 4 years , 361 days 14th Communist Party of India ( Marxist ) 15 Meira Kumar 4 June 2009 4 June 2014 5 years , 0 days 15th Indian National Congress 16 Sumitra Mahajan 5 June 2014 Incumbent 4 years , 144 days 16th Bharatiya Janata Party See also ( edit ) Parliament of India President of India Vice-President of India References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` The Office of Speaker Lok Sabha '' . . Retrieved 28 March 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Sumitra Mahajan : Did you know she is listed as ' Tai ' even in Lok Sabha '' . India Today . Retrieved 28 March 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Sections 7 & 8k , Representation of the People Act , 1951 '' ( PDF ) . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 1 May 2015 . Retrieved 2 July 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Aadhaar Act as Money Bill : Why the Lok Sabha is n't Immune from Judicial Review '' . Retrieved 29 July 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Interpretation of Article 122 by the Supreme Court '' . Retrieved 3 August 2017 . Jump up ^ Ashok , Akash Deep ( 4 June 2014 ) . `` Pro tem Speaker : All you need to know about this parliamentary post '' . India Today . Retrieved 21 September 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Office of the Lok Sabha Speaker '' . Retrieved 29 July 2016 . External links ( edit ) Speakers of the Lok Sabha Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar M.A. Ayyangar Sardar Hukam Singh Neelam Sanjiva Reddy Gurdial Singh Dhillon Bali Ram Bhagat K.S. Hegde Balram Jakhar Rabi Ray Shivraj Patil P.A. Sangma G.M.C. Balayogi Manohar Joshi Somnath Chatterjee Meira Kumar Sumitra Mahajan Parliament of India President President of India ( List ) Lok Sabha Speaker Leader of the Lok Sabha Leader of the Opposition Constituencies 1st LS ( 1952 -- 57 ) ( Members ) 2nd LS ( 1957 -- 62 ) ( Members ) 3rd LS ( 1962 -- 67 ) ( Members ) 4th LS ( 1967 -- 71 ) ( Members ) 5th LS ( 1971 -- 77 ) ( Members ) 6th LS ( 1977 -- 80 ) ( Members ) 7th LS ( 1980 -- 84 ) ( Members ) 8th LS ( 1984 -- 89 ) ( Members ) 9th LS ( 1989 -- 91 ) ( Members ) 10th LS ( 1991 -- 96 ) ( Members ) 11th LS ( 1996 -- 98 ) ( Members ) 12th LS ( 1998 -- 99 ) ( Members ) 13th LS ( 1999 -- 2004 ) ( Members ) 14th LS ( 2004 -- 09 ) ( Members ) 15th LS ( 2009 -- 14 ) ( Members ) 16th LS ( 2014 -- 19 ) ( Members ) 17th LS ( 2019 -- 24 ) ( Members ) Rajya Sabha Members Chairman Leader of the Rajya Sabha Leader of the Opposition Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Lists of legislative speakers in India Speakers of the Lok Sabha Lists of political office - holders in India Lists of members of the Lok Sabha Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from February 2016 All articles needing additional references EngvarB from October 2013 Use dmy dates from October 2013 Talk Contents About Wikipedia বাংলা ગુજરાતી हिन्दी മലയാളം मराठी ਪੰਜਾਬੀ संस्कृतम् Simple English Svenska தமிழ் తెలుగు 4 more Edit links This page was last edited on 28 October 2018 , at 03 : 11 ( UTC ) . 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who is the present speaker in lok sabha
The current speaker is Sumitra Mahajan of the Bharatiya Janata Party , who is presiding over the 16th Lok Sabha . She is the second woman to hold the office , after her immediate predecessor Meira Kumar .
William G. Morgan - wikipedia William G. Morgan Jump to : navigation , search This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( April 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) William G. Morgan William George Morgan ( 1870 - 01 - 23 ) January 23 , 1870 Lockport , New York , U.S. December 27 , 1942 ( 1942 - 12 - 27 ) ( aged 72 ) Lockport , New York , U.S. Alma mater Springfield College Occupation Educator Known for Inventor of volleyball Spouse ( s ) Mary King Caldwell ( divorced ) Children William George Morgan ( January 23 , 1870 -- December 27 , 1942 ) was the inventor of volleyball , originally called `` Mintonette '' , a name derived from the game of badminton which he later agreed to change to better reflect the nature of the sport . He was born in Lockport , New York , US . He met James Naismith , inventor of basketball , while Morgan was studying at Springfield College in 1892 . Like Naismith , Morgan pursued a career in Physical Education at the YMCA . Influenced by Naismith and basketball , in 1895 , in Holyoke , Massachusetts , Morgan invented `` Mintonette '' a less vigorous team sport more suitable for older members of the YMCA but one that still required athletic skill . Later Alfred S. Halstead watched it being played and renamed it `` Volleyball '' , because the point of the game is to volley the ball back and forth over the net . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early life 2 Creating the sport 3 Introducing the sport 4 Aftermath 5 Later life 6 Credits 7 References Early life ( edit ) William George Morgan graduated high school at Northfield Mount Hermon School and moved on to attend the YMCA International Training School ( Later renamed Springfield College ) in Massachusetts with James Naismith , the inventor of basketball . Both Morgan and Naismith pursued careers in Physical Education at the YMCA ( Young Men 's Christian Association ) . Auburn , Maine , at the YMCA , was where Morgan spent one year working prior to graduating from Springfield College . During the summer of 1895 , Morgan moved to Holyoke , Massachusetts , where he continued to work for the YMCA , becoming the Director of Physical Education . With Morgan being the Director , it allowed him to devise workout plans and teach sports in depth to the young male adult . Creating the sport ( edit ) As William Morgan worked as the Director of Physical Education at the YMCA in Holyoke , he started to notice that the game of basketball was not meant for everyone to play . The weaker young men , non-athletic adults , and the older adults were not able to keep up with running up and down the court , along with the amount of contact they would occasionally run into . Morgan then had to think of a game in where everyone would have an equal amount of participation but also had similar objectives to basketball . He wanted to create a game which everyone could play , no matter their age or physical ability . Between trying to run classes at the YMCA and creating a new sport suitable for all , Morgan decided it was best that he use ideas from various sports such as handball , tennis , and badminton , and his own knowledge from sports training methods and experience , to create this new sport . He decided that the game would involve a six - foot , six - inch net in the middle dividing the 2 separate playing areas , and that it would be played on a 30 ft. × 60 ft. court , so that it could be played in gyms anywhere across the nation . After creating some ground rules , William Morgan had to experiment with his game . First , he had to decide which ball to use . A basketball was too heavy while the basketball bladder was too light . After testing all of the balls he had available , he had come to the conclusion that his best option was to ask A.G. Spalding & Bros. to make him a ball . A young A.G. Spalding & Bros. equipment designer and master marine cloth tailor , Dale Callaghan , developed and produced the first prototype volleyball . Morgan was very pleased with Spalding & Bros. work . They created Morgan the perfect ball for his sport , which was covered in leather , with the circumference of 25 -- 27 inches . The ball was also the perfect weight for Morgan 's sport . The ball weighed 9 -- 12 ounces . This new ball that had been made for Morgan 's sport was the perfect finishing touch to the basics of the sport . The last thing that had to be done by Morgan was to create a name . Morgan came up with `` Mintonette '' as the new name for his game . Introducing the sport ( edit ) The first time Morgan revealed his sport to the other Directors of Physical was at the YMCA located in Springfield , in 1896 . He presented his new , creative idea to Dr. Luther Halsey Gulick ( director of the professional physical education training school ) and the rest of the YMCA Directors of Physical Education . Dr. Gulick was so pleased that he asked Morgan to present his sport at the school 's new stadium . In preparation for his big debut , Morgan created 2 teams of 5 men , who would help in demonstrating `` Mintonette '' in front of the conference delegates in the East Gymnasium at Springfield College . On February 9 , 1895 , William Morgan presented his new sport to the world . When Morgan was explaining the game before the demonstration , he named a few key guidelines in the game of `` Mintonette '' such as that the game was created so that it could be played in open air and in gyms as well as the objective of the game was to keep the ball in action as it goes from one side of the high net , to the other . One of the conference delegates , Professor Alfred T. Halsted , loved the game of Mintonette , but he felt like something was just not right . Professor Halsted suggested that the name of the game should be Volleyball , since the main point of the game was to `` volley '' the ball to a player or over the net . Morgan agreed with Halsted 's idea and since then the original game of `` Mintonette '' has been referred to as Volleyball . Morgan continued to tweak the rules of the game until July 1896 , where his sport was added into the first official handbook of the North American YMCA Athletic League . Aftermath ( edit ) On July 7 , 1896 , the first game of volleyball was played at Springfield College . In 1900 , Spalding started to produce a special ball , which was designed specifically for the sport -- A volleyball . In 1920 , new rules were instigated which included the three hits per side and the back row attack rules . In 1964 , at the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo , was where Volleyball was introduced to the Olympics . Later life ( edit ) William Morgan left his job at the YMCA in 1897 to start a new career with General Electric and Westinghouse . He stayed in touch with Springfield College and stated that he was `` content in the knowledge that the game brought a richer life to millions of people throughout the world . '' Morgan died on December 27 , 1942 . Credits ( edit ) In 1995 , The Morgan Trophy Award was created . The Award is presented annually to the most outstanding male and female collegiate volleyball player in the US . An elementary school in Holyoke , William Morgan School , bears his name . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` In 1895 , William Morgan Invents Mintonette '' . New England Historical Society . Retrieved 2 January 2018 . Putting his mind to the challenge , Morgan examined the rules of sports such as baseball , basketball , handball and badminton . Taking pieces from each , he created a game he called Mintonette , deriving the name from badminton Jump up ^ `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on 2014 - 04 - 27 . Retrieved 2013 - 03 - 18 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Game '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 04 - 29 . ^ Jump up to : `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on 2013 - 11 - 04 . Retrieved 2013 - 03 - 18 . ^ Jump up to : Daven Hiskey ( 2012 - 02 - 09 ) . `` February 9th : William G. Morgan Invents a Game Called Mintonette that is Better Known Today as Volleyball '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 04 - 29 . ^ Jump up to : Bellis , Mary . `` Invention and History of Volleyball by William Morgan '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 04 - 29 . Jump up ^ `` VOLLEYBALL HISTORY - Page 1 of 2 Court & Field Dimension Diagrams in 3D , History , Rules '' . 2015 - 04 - 11 . Retrieved 2017 - 04 - 29 . Jump up ^ `` Volleyball Court Dimensions Court & Field Dimension Diagrams in 3D , History , Rules '' . 2015 - 04 - 11 . Retrieved 2017 - 04 - 29 . ^ Jump up to : `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on 2007 - 09 - 24 . Retrieved 2007 - 09 - 21 . Jump up ^ `` The History Of Volleyball . Where Volleyball Started '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 04 - 29 . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Volleyball American inventors American men 's volleyball players American educators American people of Welsh descent 1870 births 1942 deaths Northfield Mount Hermon School alumni Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from April 2017 All articles needing additional references Articles with hCards Talk Contents About Wikipedia Azərbaycanca Bosanski Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Español فارسی Français Frysk Bahasa Indonesia Italiano Basa Jawa Къарачай - малкъар Magyar Malagasy Nederlands 日本 語 Polski Português Русский Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски / srpski Suomi ไทย Türkçe Winaray 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 9 February 2018 , at 05 : 00 . About Wikipedia
who is said be the father of volleyball
William George Morgan ( January 23 , 1870 -- December 27 , 1942 ) was the inventor of volleyball , originally called `` Mintonette '' , a name derived from the game of badminton which he later agreed to change to better reflect the nature of the sport . He was born in Lockport , New York , US .
Henry I of England - wikipedia Henry I of England Jump to : navigation , search Henry I Miniature from Matthew Paris 's Historia Anglorum King of England ( more ... ) Reign 5 August 1100 -- 1 December 1135 Coronation 5 August 1100 Predecessor William II Successor Stephen Duke of Normandy Tenure 1106 -- 1 December 1135 Predecessor Robert Curthose Successor Stephen c. 1068 Possibly Selby , Yorkshire 1 December 1135 ( aged 66 -- 67 ) Saint - Denis - en - Lyons , Normandy Burial Reading Abbey Spouse Matilda of Scotland ( m . 1100 ; d . 1118 ) Adeliza of Louvain ( m . 1121 ) Issue more ... Matilda , Holy Roman Empress William Adelin Robert , 1st Earl of Gloucester Alice FitzRoy Gilbert FitzRoy Matilda FitzRoy , Countess of Perche Fulk FitzRoy Sybilla , Queen of Scots Reginald de Dunstanville , 1st Earl of Cornwall Robert FitzEdith , Lord Okehampton Henry FitzRoy ( d . 1158 ) Matilda FitzRoy , Abbess of Montvilliers House Normandy Father William I of England Mother Matilda of Flanders Henry I ( c. 1068 -- 1 December 1135 ) , also known as Henry Beauclerc , was King of England from 1100 to his death . Henry was the fourth son of William the Conqueror and was educated in Latin and the liberal arts . On William 's death in 1087 , Henry 's elder brothers Robert Curthose and William Rufus inherited Normandy and England , respectively , but Henry was left landless . Henry purchased the County of Cotentin in western Normandy from Robert , but William and Robert deposed him in 1091 . Henry gradually rebuilt his power base in the Cotentin and allied himself with William against Robert . Henry was present when William died in a hunting accident in 1100 , and he seized the English throne , promising at his coronation to correct many of William 's less popular policies . Henry married Matilda of Scotland but continued to have a large number of mistresses by whom he had many illegitimate children . Robert , who invaded in 1101 , disputed Henry 's control of England ; this military campaign ended in a negotiated settlement that confirmed Henry as king . The peace was short - lived , and Henry invaded the Duchy of Normandy in 1105 and 1106 , finally defeating Robert at the Battle of Tinchebray . Henry kept Robert imprisoned for the rest of his life . Henry 's control of Normandy was challenged by Louis VI of France , Baldwin VII of Flanders and Fulk V of Anjou , who promoted the rival claims of Robert 's son , William Clito , and supported a major rebellion in the Duchy between 1116 and 1119 . Following Henry 's victory at the Battle of Brémule , a favourable peace settlement was agreed with Louis in 1120 . Considered by contemporaries to be a harsh but effective ruler , Henry skilfully manipulated the barons in England and Normandy . In England , he drew on the existing Anglo - Saxon system of justice , local government and taxation , but also strengthened it with additional institutions , including the royal exchequer and itinerant justices . Normandy was also governed through a growing system of justices and an exchequer . Many of the officials who ran Henry 's system were `` new men '' of obscure backgrounds rather than from families of high status , who rose through the ranks as administrators . Henry encouraged ecclesiastical reform , but became embroiled in a serious dispute in 1101 with Archbishop Anselm of Canterbury , which was resolved through a compromise solution in 1105 . He supported the Cluniac order and played a major role in the selection of the senior clergy in England and Normandy . Henry 's only legitimate son and heir , William Adelin , drowned in the White Ship disaster of 1120 , throwing the royal succession into doubt . Henry took a second wife , Adeliza , in the hope of having another son , but their marriage was childless . In response to this , Henry declared his daughter , Matilda , his heir and married her to Geoffrey of Anjou . The relationship between Henry and the couple became strained , and fighting broke out along the border with Anjou . Henry died on 1 December 1135 after a week of illness . Despite his plans for Matilda , the King was succeeded by his nephew , Stephen of Blois , resulting in a period of civil war known as the Anarchy . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early life , 1068 -- 1099 1.1 Childhood and appearance , 1068 -- 86 1.2 Inheritance , 1087 -- 88 1.3 Count of the Cotentin , 1088 -- 90 1.4 Fall and rise , 1091 -- 99 2 Early reign , 1100 -- 06 2.1 Taking the throne , 1100 2.2 Marriage to Matilda , 1100 2.3 Treaty of Alton , 1101 -- 02 2.4 Conquest of Normandy , 1103 -- 06 3 Government , family and household 3.1 Government , law and court 3.2 Relations with the church 3.2. 1 Church and the King 3.2. 2 Personal beliefs and piety 4 Later reign , 1107 -- 35 4.1 Continental and Welsh politics , 1108 -- 14 4.2 Rebellion , 1115 -- 20 4.3 Succession crisis , 1120 -- 23 4.4 Planning the succession , 1124 -- 34 5 Death and legacy 5.1 Death , 1135 5.2 Historiography 6 Family and children 6.1 Legitimate 6.2 Illegitimate 6.2. 1 Sons 6.2. 2 Daughters 7 Ancestors 8 Notes 9 References 10 Bibliography Early life , 1068 -- 1099 ( edit ) Childhood and appearance , 1068 -- 86 ( edit ) Henry was probably born in England in 1068 , in either the summer or the last weeks of the year , possibly in the town of Selby in Yorkshire . His father was William the Conqueror , the Duke of Normandy , who had invaded England in 1066 to become the King of England , establishing lands stretching into Wales . The invasion had created an Anglo - Norman elite , many with estates spread across both sides of the English Channel . These Anglo - Norman barons typically had close links to the kingdom of France , which was then a loose collection of counties and smaller polities , under only the minimal control of the king . Henry 's mother , Matilda of Flanders , was the granddaughter of Robert II of France , and she probably named Henry after her uncle , King Henry I of France . Henry was the youngest of William and Matilda 's four sons . Physically he resembled his older brothers Robert Curthose , Richard and William Rufus , being , as historian David Carpenter describes , `` short , stocky and barrel - chested , '' with black hair . As a result of their age differences and Richard 's early death , Henry would have probably seen relatively little of his older brothers . He probably knew his sister , Adela , well , as the two were close in age . There is little documentary evidence for his early years ; historians Warren Hollister and Kathleen Thompson suggest he was brought up predominantly in England , while Judith Green argues he was initially brought up in the Duchy . He was probably educated by the Church , possibly by Bishop Osmund , the King 's chancellor , at Salisbury Cathedral ; it is uncertain if this indicated an intent by his parents for Henry to become a member of the clergy . It is also uncertain how far Henry 's education extended , but he was probably able to read Latin and had some background in the liberal arts . He was given military training by an instructor called Robert Achard , and Henry was knighted by his father on 24 May 1086 . Inheritance , 1087 -- 88 ( edit ) 13th - century depiction of Henry In 1087 , William was fatally injured during a campaign in the Vexin . Henry joined his dying father near Rouen in September , where the King partitioned his possessions among his sons . The rules of succession in western Europe at the time were uncertain ; in some parts of France , primogeniture , in which the eldest son would inherit a title , was growing in popularity . In other parts of Europe , including Normandy and England , the tradition was for lands to be divided up , with the eldest son taking patrimonial lands -- usually considered to be the most valuable -- and younger sons given smaller , or more recently acquired , partitions or estates . In dividing his lands , William appears to have followed the Norman tradition , distinguishing between Normandy , which he had inherited , and England , which he had acquired through war . William 's second son , Richard , had died in a hunting accident , leaving Henry and his two brothers to inherit William 's estate . Robert , the eldest , despite being in armed rebellion against his father at the time of his death , received Normandy . England was given to William Rufus , who was in favour with the dying king . Henry was given a large sum of money , usually reported as £ 5,000 , with the expectation that he would also be given his mother 's modest set of lands in Buckinghamshire and Gloucestershire . William 's funeral at Caen was marred by angry complaints from a local man , and Henry may have been responsible for resolving the dispute by buying off the protester with silver . Robert returned to Normandy , expecting to have been given both the Duchy and England , to find that William Rufus had crossed the Channel and been crowned king , as William II . The two brothers disagreed fundamentally over the inheritance , and Robert soon began to plan an invasion of England to seize the kingdom , helped by a rebellion by some of the leading nobles against William Rufus . Henry remained in Normandy and took up a role within Robert 's court , possibly either because he was unwilling to side openly with William Rufus , or because Robert might have taken the opportunity to confiscate Henry 's inherited money if he had tried to leave . William Rufus sequestered Henry 's new estates in England , leaving Henry landless . In 1088 , Robert 's plans for the invasion of England began to falter , and he turned to Henry , proposing that his brother lend him some of his inheritance , which Henry refused . Henry and Robert then came to an alternative arrangement , in which Robert would make Henry the count of western Normandy , in exchange for £ 3,000 . Henry 's lands were a new countship based around a delegation of the ducal authority in the Cotentin , but it extended across the Avranchin , with control over the bishoprics of both . This also gave Henry influence over two major Norman leaders , Hugh d'Avranches and Richard de Redvers , and the abbey of Mont Saint - Michel , whose lands spread out further across the Duchy . Robert 's invasion force failed to leave Normandy , leaving William Rufus secure in England . Count of the Cotentin , 1088 -- 90 ( edit ) Depiction of Bishop Odo ( wielding club at centre ) who imprisoned Henry from 1088 -- 89 . From the Bayeux Tapestry . Henry quickly established himself as count , building up a network of followers from western Normandy and eastern Brittany , whom historian John Le Patourel has characterised as `` Henry 's gang '' . His early supporters included Roger of Mandeville , Richard of Redvers , Richard d'Avranches and Robert Fitzhamon , along with the churchman Roger of Salisbury . Robert attempted to go back on his deal with Henry and re-appropriate the county , but Henry 's grip was already sufficiently firm to prevent this . Robert 's rule of the Duchy was chaotic , and parts of Henry 's lands became almost independent of central control from Rouen . During this period , neither William nor Robert seems to have trusted Henry . Waiting until the rebellion against William Rufus was safely over , Henry returned to England in July 1088 . He met with the King but was unable to persuade him to grant him their mother 's estates , and travelled back to Normandy in the autumn . While he had been away , however , Odo , the Bishop of Bayeux , who regarded Henry as a potential competitor , had convinced Robert that Henry was conspiring against the duke with William Rufus . On landing , Odo seized Henry and imprisoned him in Neuilly - la - Forêt , and Robert took back the county of the Cotentin . Henry was held there over the winter , but in the spring of 1089 the senior elements of the Normandy nobility prevailed upon Robert to release him . Although no longer formally the Count of Cotentin , Henry continued to control the west of Normandy . The struggle between Henry 's brothers continued . William Rufus continued to put down resistance to his rule in England , but began to build a number of alliances against Robert with barons in Normandy and neighbouring Ponthieu . Robert allied himself with Philip I of France . In late 1090 William Rufus encouraged Conan Pilatus , a powerful burgher in Rouen , to rebel against Robert ; Conan was supported by most of Rouen and made appeals to the neighbouring ducal garrisons to switch allegiance as well . Robert issued an appeal for help to his barons , and Henry was the first to arrive in Rouen in November . Violence broke out , leading to savage , confused street fighting as both sides attempted to take control of the city . Robert and Henry left the castle to join the battle , but Robert then retreated , leaving Henry to continue the fighting . The battle turned in favour of the ducal forces and Henry took Conan prisoner . Henry was angry that Conan had turned against his feudal lord . He had him taken to the top of Rouen Castle and then , despite Conan 's offers to pay a huge ransom , threw him off the top of the castle to his death . Contemporaries considered Henry to have acted appropriately in making an example of Conan , and Henry became famous for his exploits in the battle . Fall and Rise , 1091 -- 99 ( edit ) Mont Saint - Michel , site of the 1091 siege In the aftermath , Robert forced Henry to leave Rouen , probably because Henry 's role in the fighting had been more prominent than his own , and possibly because Henry had asked to be formally reinstated as the count of the Cotentin . In early 1091 , William Rufus invaded Normandy with a sufficiently large army to bring Robert to the negotiating table . The two brothers signed a treaty at Rouen , granting William Rufus a range of lands and castles in Normandy . In return , William Rufus promised to support Robert 's attempts to regain control of the neighbouring county of Maine , once under Norman control , and help in regaining control over the Duchy , including Henry 's lands . They nominated each other as heirs to England and Normandy , excluding Henry from any succession while either one of them lived . War now broke out between Henry and his brothers . Henry mobilised a mercenary army in the west of Normandy , but as William Rufus and Robert 's forces advanced , his network of baronial support melted away . Henry focused his remaining forces at Mont Saint - Michel , where he was besieged , probably in March 1091 . The site was easy to defend , but lacked fresh water . The chronicler William of Malmesbury suggested that when Henry 's water ran short , Robert allowed his brother fresh supplies , leading to remonstrations between Robert and William Rufus . The events of the final days of the siege are unclear : the besiegers had begun to argue about the future strategy for the campaign , but Henry then abandoned Mont Saint - Michel , probably as part of a negotiated surrender . He left for Brittany and crossed over into France . Henry 's next steps are not well documented ; one chronicler , Orderic Vitalis , suggests that he travelled in the French Vexin , along the Normandy border , for over a year with a small band of followers . By the end of the year , Robert and William Rufus had fallen out once again , and the Treaty of Rouen had been abandoned . In 1092 , Henry and his followers seized the Normandy town of Domfront . Domfront had previously been controlled by Robert of Bellême , but the inhabitants disliked his rule and invited Henry to take over the town , which he did in a bloodless coup . Over the next two years , Henry re-established his network of supporters across western Normandy , forming what Judith Green terms a `` court in waiting '' . By 1094 , he was allocating lands and castles to his followers as if he were the Duke of Normandy . William Rufus began to support Henry with money , encouraging his campaign against Robert , and Henry used some of this to construct a substantial castle at Domfront . William Rufus crossed into Normandy to take the war to Robert in 1094 , and when progress stalled , called upon Henry for assistance . Henry responded , but travelled to London instead of joining the main campaign further east in Normandy , possibly at the request of the King , who in any event abandoned the campaign and returned to England . Over the next few years , Henry appears to have strengthened his power base in western Normandy , visiting England occasionally to attend at William Rufus 's court . In 1095 Pope Urban II called the First Crusade , encouraging knights from across Europe to join . Robert joined the Crusade , borrowing money from William Rufus to do so , and granting the King temporary custody of his part of the Duchy in exchange . The King appeared confident of regaining the remainder of Normandy from Robert , and Henry appeared ever closer to William Rufus , the pair campaigning together in the Norman Vexin between 1097 and 1098 . Early reign , 1100 -- 06 ( edit ) Taking the throne , 1100 ( edit ) A 17th - century manuscript drawing of Henry 's coronation . Henry became King of England following the death of William Rufus , who had been shot while hunting . On the afternoon of 2 August 1100 , the King had gone hunting in the New Forest , accompanied by a team of huntsmen and a number of the Norman nobility , including Henry . An arrow was fired , possibly by the baron Walter Tirel , which hit and killed William Rufus . Numerous conspiracy theories have been put forward suggesting that the King was killed deliberately ; most modern historians reject these , as hunting was a risky activity , and such accidents were common . Chaos broke out , and Tirel fled the scene for France , either because he had fired the fatal shot , or because he had been incorrectly accused and feared that he would be made a scapegoat for the King 's death . Henry rode to Winchester , where an argument ensued as to who now had the best claim to the throne . William of Breteuil championed the rights of Robert , who was still abroad , returning from the Crusade , and to whom Henry and the barons had given homage in previous years . Henry argued that , unlike Robert , he had been born to a reigning king and queen , thereby giving him a claim under the right of porphyrogeniture . Tempers flared , but Henry , supported by Henry de Beaumont and Robert of Meulan , held sway and persuaded the barons to follow him . He occupied Winchester Castle and seized the royal treasury . Henry was hastily crowned king in Westminster Abbey on 5 August by Maurice , the Bishop of London , as Anselm , the Archbishop of Canterbury , had been exiled by William Rufus , and Thomas , the Archbishop of York , was in the north of England at Ripon . In accordance with English tradition and in a bid to legitimise his rule , Henry issued a coronation charter laying out various commitments . The new king presented himself as having restored order to a trouble - torn country . He announced that he would abandon William Rufus 's policies towards the Church , which had been seen as oppressive by the clergy ; he promised to prevent royal abuses of the barons ' property rights , and assured a return to the gentler customs of Edward the Confessor ; he asserted that he would `` establish a firm peace '' across England and ordered `` that this peace shall henceforth be kept '' . In addition to his existing circle of supporters , many of whom were richly rewarded with new lands , Henry quickly co-opted many of the existing administration into his new royal household . William Giffard , William Rufus 's chancellor , was made the Bishop of Winchester , and the prominent sheriffs Urse d'Abetot , Haimo Dapifer and Robert Fitzhamon continued to play a senior role in government . By contrast , the unpopular Ranulf Flambard , the Bishop of Durham and a key member of the previous regime , was imprisoned in the Tower of London and charged with corruption . The late king had left many church positions unfilled , and Henry set about nominating candidates to these , in an effort to build further support for his new government . The appointments needed to be consecrated , and Henry wrote to Anselm , apologising for having been crowned while the Archbishop was still in France and asking him to return at once . Marriage to Matilda , 1100 ( edit ) Henry 's first wife , Matilda of Scotland On 11 November 1100 Henry married Matilda , the daughter of Malcolm III of Scotland . Henry was now around 31 years old , but late marriages for noblemen were not unusual in the 11th century . The pair had probably first met earlier the previous decade , possibly being introduced through Bishop Osmund of Salisbury . Historian Warren Hollister argues that Henry and Matilda were emotionally close , but their union was also certainly politically motivated . Matilda had originally been named Edith , an Anglo - Saxon name , and was a member of the West Saxon royal family , being the niece of Edgar the Ætheling , the great - granddaughter of Edmund Ironside and a descendant of Alfred the Great . For Henry , marrying Matilda gave his reign increased legitimacy , and for Matilda , an ambitious woman , it was an opportunity for high status and power in England . Matilda had been educated in a sequence of convents , however , and may well have taken the vows to formally become a nun , which formed an obstacle to the marriage progressing . She did not wish to be a nun and appealed to Anselm for permission to marry Henry , and the Archbishop established a council at Lambeth Palace to judge the issue . Despite some dissenting voices , the council concluded that although Matilda had lived in a convent , she had not actually become a nun and was therefore free to marry , a judgement that Anselm then affirmed , allowing the marriage to proceed . Matilda proved an effective queen for Henry , acting as a regent in England on occasion , addressing and presiding over councils , and extensively supporting the arts . The couple soon had two children , Matilda , born in 1102 , and William Adelin , born in 1103 ; it is possible that they also had a second son , Richard , who died young . Following the birth of these children , Matilda preferred to remain based in Westminster while Henry travelled across England and Normandy , either for religious reasons or because she enjoyed being involved in the machinery of royal governance . Henry had a considerable sexual appetite and enjoyed a substantial number of sexual partners , resulting in a large number of illegitimate children , at least nine sons and 13 daughters , many of whom he appears to have recognised and supported . It was normal for unmarried Anglo - Norman noblemen to have sexual relations with prostitutes and local women , and kings were also expected to have mistresses . Some of these relationships occurred before Henry was married , but many others took place after his marriage to Matilda . Henry had a wide range of mistresses from a range of backgrounds , and the relationships appear to have been conducted relatively openly . He may have chosen some of his noble mistresses for political purposes , but the evidence to support this theory is limited . Treaty of Alton , 1101 -- 02 ( edit ) Early 14th - century depiction of Henry By early 1101 , Henry 's new regime was established and functioning , but many of the Anglo - Norman elite still supported Robert , or would be prepared to switch sides if Henry 's elder brother appeared likely to gain power in England . In February , Flambard escaped from the Tower of London and crossed the Channel to Normandy , where he injected fresh direction and energy to Robert 's attempts to mobilise an invasion force . By July , Robert had formed an army and a fleet , ready to move against Henry in England . Raising the stakes in the conflict , Henry seized Flambard 's lands and , with the support of Anselm , Flambard was removed from his position as bishop . Henry held court in April and June , where the nobility renewed their oaths of allegiance to him , but their support still appeared partial and shaky . With the invasion imminent , Henry mobilised his forces and fleet outside Pevensey , close to Robert 's anticipated landing site , training some of them personally in how to counter cavalry charges . Despite English levies and knights owing military service to the Church arriving in considerable numbers , many of his barons did not appear . Anselm intervened with some of the doubters , emphasising the religious importance of their loyalty to Henry . Robert unexpectedly landed further up the coast at Portsmouth on 20 July with a modest force of a few hundred men , but these were quickly joined by many of the barons in England . However , instead of marching into nearby Winchester and seizing Henry 's treasury , Robert paused , giving Henry time to march west and intercept the invasion force . The two armies met at Alton where peace negotiations began , possibly initiated by either Henry or Robert , and probably supported by Flambard . The brothers then agreed to the Treaty of Alton , under which Robert released Henry from his oath of homage and recognised him as king ; Henry renounced his claims on western Normandy , except for Domfront , and agreed to pay Robert £ 2,000 a year for life ; if either brother died without a male heir , the other would inherit his lands ; the barons whose lands had been seized by either the King or the Duke for supporting his rival would have them returned , and Flambard would be reinstated as bishop ; the two brothers would campaign together to defend their territories in Normandy . Robert remained in England for a few months more with Henry before returning to Normandy . Despite the treaty , Henry set about inflicting severe penalties on the barons who had stood against him during the invasion . William de Warenne , the Earl of Surrey , was accused of fresh crimes , which were not covered by the Alton amnesty , and was banished from England . In 1102 Henry then turned against Robert of Bellême and his brothers , the most powerful of the barons , accusing him of 45 different offences . Robert escaped and took up arms against Henry . Henry besieged Robert 's castles at Arundel , Tickhill and Shrewsbury , pushing down into the south - west to attack Bridgnorth . His power base in England broken , Robert accepted Henry 's offer of banishment and left the country for Normandy . Conquest of Normandy , 1103 -- 06 ( edit ) The village of Tinchebray in 2008 Henry 's network of allies in Normandy became stronger during 1103 . Henry married Juliana , one of his illegitimate daughters , to Eustace of Breteuil , and another illegitimate daughter , Matilda , to Rotrou , the Count of Perche , on the Normandy border . Henry attempted to win over other members of the Normandy nobility and gave other English estates and lucrative offers to key Norman lords . Duke Robert continued to fight Robert of Bellême , but the Duke 's position worsened , until by 1104 , he had to ally himself formally with Bellême to survive . Arguing that Duke Robert had broken the terms of their treaty , Henry crossed over the Channel to Domfront , where he met with senior barons from across Normandy , eager to ally themselves with the King . Henry confronted his brother and accused him of siding with his enemies , before returning to England . Normandy continued to disintegrate into chaos . In 1105 , Henry sent his friend Robert Fitzhamon and a force of knights into the Duchy , apparently to provoke a confrontation with Duke Robert . Fitzhamon was captured , and Henry used this as an excuse to invade , promising to restore peace and order . Henry had the support of most of the neighbouring counts around Normandy 's borders , and King Philip of France was persuaded to remain neutral . Henry occupied western Normandy , and advanced east on Bayeux , where Fitzhamon was held . The city refused to surrender , and Henry besieged it , burning it to the ground . Terrified of meeting the same fate , the town of Caen switched sides and surrendered , allowing Henry to advance on Falaise , which he took with some casualties . Henry 's campaign stalled , and the King instead began peace discussions with Robert . The negotiations were inconclusive and the fighting dragged on until Christmas , when Henry returned to England . Henry invaded again in July 1106 , hoping to provoke a decisive battle . After some initial tactical successes , he turned south - west towards the castle of Tinchebray . He besieged the castle and Duke Robert , supported by Robert of Bellême , advanced from Falaise to relieve it . After attempts at negotiation failed , the Battle of Tinchebray took place , probably on 28 September . The battle lasted around an hour , and began with a charge by Duke Robert 's cavalry ; the infantry and dismounted knights of both sides then joined the battle . Henry 's reserves , led by Elias , the Count of Maine and Alan , the Duke of Brittany , attacked the enemy 's flanks , routing first Bellême 's troops and then the bulk of the ducal forces . Duke Robert was taken prisoner , but Bellême escaped . Henry mopped up the remaining resistance in Normandy , and Robert ordered his last garrisons to surrender . Reaching Rouen , Henry reaffirmed the laws and customs of Normandy and took homage from the leading barons and citizens . The lesser prisoners taken at Tinchebray were released , but Robert and several other leading nobles were imprisoned indefinitely . Henry 's nephew , Robert 's son William Clito , was only three years old and was released to the care of Helias of Saint - Saens , a Norman baron . Henry reconciled himself with Robert of Bellême , who gave up the ducal lands he had seized and rejoined the royal court . Henry had no way of legally removing the Duchy from his brother Robert , and initially Henry avoided using the title `` duke '' at all , emphasising that , as the King of England , he was only acting as the guardian of the troubled Duchy . Government , family and household ( edit ) Government , law and court ( edit ) Henry 's royal seal , showing the King on horseback ( l ) and seated on his throne ( r ) Further information on English government during this period : England in the Middle Ages § High Middle Ages ( 1066 -- 1272 ) Henry inherited the kingdom of England from William Rufus , giving him a claim of suzerainty over Wales and Scotland , and acquired the Duchy of Normandy , a complex entity with troubled borders . The borders between England and Scotland were still uncertain during Henry 's reign , with Anglo - Norman influence pushing northwards through Cumbria , but Henry 's relationship with King David I of Scotland was generally good , partially due to Henry 's marriage to his sister . In Wales , Henry used his power to coerce and charm the indigenous Welsh princes , while Norman Marcher Lords pushed across the valleys of South Wales . Normandy was controlled via various interlocking networks of ducal , ecclesiastical and family contacts , backed by a growing string of important ducal castles along the borders . Alliances and relationships with neighbouring counties along the Norman border were particularly important to maintaining the stability of the Duchy . Henry ruled through the various barons and lords in England and Normandy , whom he manipulated skilfully for political effect . Political friendships , termed amicitia in Latin , were important during the 12th century , and Henry maintained a wide range of these , mediating between his friends in various factions across his realm when necessary , and rewarding those who were loyal to him . Henry also had a reputation for punishing those barons who stood against him , and he maintained an effective network of informers and spies who reported to him on events . Henry was a harsh , firm ruler , but not excessively so by the standards of the day . Over time , he increased the degree of his control over the barons , removing his enemies and bolstering his friends until the `` reconstructed baronage '' , as historian Warren Hollister describes it , was predominantly loyal and dependent on the King . Henry 's itinerant royal court comprised various parts . At the heart was Henry 's domestic household , called the domus ; a wider grouping was termed the familia regis , and formal gatherings of the court were termed curia . The domus was divided into several parts . The chapel , headed by the chancellor , looked after the royal documents , the chamber dealt with financial affairs and the master - marshal was responsible for travel and accommodation . The familia regis included Henry 's mounted household troops , up to several hundred strong , who came from a wider range of social backgrounds , and could be deployed across England and Normandy as required . Initially Henry continued his father 's practice of regular crown - wearing ceremonies at his curia , but they became less frequent as the years passed . Henry 's court was grand and ostentatious , financing the construction of large new buildings and castles with a range of precious gifts on display , including the King 's private menagerie of exotic animals , which he kept at Woodstock Palace . Despite being a lively community , Henry 's court was more tightly controlled than those of previous kings . Strict rules controlled personal behaviour and prohibited members of the court from pillaging neighbouring villages , as had been the norm under William Rufus . Henry was responsible for a substantial expansion of the royal justice system . In England , Henry drew on the existing Anglo - Saxon system of justice , local government and taxes , but strengthened it with additional central governmental institutions . Roger of Salisbury began to develop the royal exchequer after 1110 , using it to collect and audit revenues from the King 's sheriffs in the shires . Itinerant justices began to emerge under Henry , travelling around the country managing eyre courts , and many more laws were formally recorded . Henry gathered increasing revenue from the expansion of royal justice , both from fines and from fees . The first Pipe Roll that is known to have survived dates from 1130 , recording royal expenditures . Henry reformed the coinage in 1107 , 1108 and in 1125 , inflicting harsh corporal punishments to English coiners who had been found guilty of debasing the currency . In Normandy , Henry restored law and order after 1106 , operating through a body of Norman justices and an exchequer system similar to that in England . Norman institutions grew in scale and scope under Henry , although less quickly than in England . Many of the officials that ran Henry 's system were termed `` new men '' , relatively low - born individuals who rose through the ranks as administrators , managing justice or the royal revenues . Relations with the Church ( edit ) Further information on religion in England during this period : Religion in Medieval England Church and the King ( edit ) The seal of Archbishop Anselm of Canterbury Henry 's ability to govern was intimately bound up with the Church , which formed the key to the administration of both England and Normandy , and this relationship changed considerably over the course of his reign . William the Conqueror had reformed the English Church with the support of his Archbishop of Canterbury , Lanfranc , who became a close colleague and advisor to the King . Under William Rufus this arrangement had collapsed , the King and Archbishop Anselm had become estranged and Anselm had gone into exile . Henry also believed in Church reform , but on taking power in England he became embroiled in the investiture controversy . The argument concerned who should invest a new bishop with his staff and ring : traditionally , this had been carried out by the king in a symbolic demonstration of royal power , but Pope Urban II had condemned this practice in 1099 , arguing that only the papacy could carry out this task , and declaring that the clergy should not give homage to their local temporal rulers . Anselm returned to England from exile in 1100 having heard Urban 's pronouncement , and informed Henry that he would be complying with the Pope 's wishes . Henry was in a difficult position . On one hand , the symbolism and homage was important to him ; on the other hand , he needed Anselm 's support in his struggle with his brother Duke Robert . Anselm stuck firmly to the letter of the papal decree , despite Henry 's attempts to persuade him to give way in return for a vague assurance of a future royal compromise . Matters escalated , with Anselm going back into exile and Henry confiscating the revenues of his estates . Anselm threatened excommunication , and in July 1105 the two men finally negotiated a solution . A distinction was drawn between the secular and ecclesiastical powers of the prelates , under which Henry gave up his right to invest his clergy , but retained the custom of requiring them to come and do homage for the temporalities , the landed properties they held in England . Despite this argument , the pair worked closely together , combining to deal with Duke Robert 's invasion of 1101 , for example , and holding major reforming councils in 1102 and 1108 . A long - running dispute between the Archbishops of Canterbury and York flared up under Anselm 's successor , Ralph d'Escures . Canterbury , traditionally the senior of the two establishments , had long argued that the Archbishop of York should formally promise to obey their Archbishop , but York argued that the two episcopates were independent within the English Church and that no such promise was necessary . Henry supported the primacy of Canterbury , to ensure that England remained under a single ecclesiastical administration , but the Pope preferred the case of York . The matter was complicated by Henry 's personal friendship with Thurstan , the Archbishop of York , and the King 's desire that the case should not end up in a papal court , beyond royal control . Henry badly needed the support of the Papacy in his struggle with Louis of France , however , and therefore allowed Thurstan to attend the Council of Rheims in 1119 , where Thurstan was then consecrated by the Pope with no mention of any duty towards Canterbury . Henry believed that this went against assurances Thurstan had previously made and exiled him from England until the King and Archbishop came to a negotiated solution the following year . Even after the investiture dispute , the King continued to play a major role in the selection of new English and Norman bishops and archbishops . Henry appointed many of his officials to bishoprics and , as historian Martin Brett suggests , `` some of his officers could look forward to a mitre with all but absolute confidence '' . Henry 's chancellors , and those of his queens , became bishops of Durham , Hereford , London , Lincoln , Winchester and Salisbury . Henry increasingly drew on a wider range of these bishops as advisors -- particularly Roger of Salisbury -- breaking with the earlier tradition of relying primarily on the Archbishop of Canterbury . The result was a cohesive body of administrators through which Henry could exercise careful influence , holding general councils to discuss key matters of policy . This stability shifted slightly after 1125 , when Henry began to inject a wider range of candidates into the senior positions of the Church , often with more reformist views , and the impact of this generation would be felt in the years after Henry 's death . Personal beliefs and piety ( edit ) The ruined chapter house of Reading Abbey in 2008 Like other rulers of the period , Henry donated to the Church and patronised various religious communities , but contemporary chroniclers did not consider him an unusually pious king . His personal beliefs and piety may , however , have developed during the course of his life . Henry had always taken an interest in religion , but in his later years he may have become much more concerned about spiritual affairs . If so , the major shifts in his thinking would appear to have occurred after 1120 , when his son William Adelin died , and 1129 , when his daughter 's marriage teetered on the verge of collapse . As a proponent of religious reform , Henry gave extensively to reformist groups within the Church . He was a keen supporter of the Cluniac order , probably for intellectual reasons . He donated money to the abbey at Cluny itself , and after 1120 gave generously to Reading Abbey , a Cluniac establishment . Construction on Reading began in 1121 , and Henry endowed it with rich lands and extensive privileges , making it a symbol of his dynastic lines . He also focused effort on promoting the conversion of communities of clerks into Augustinian canons , the foundation of leper hospitals , expanding the provision of nunneries , and the charismatic orders of the Savigniacs and Tironensians . He was an avid collector of relics , sending an embassy to Constantinople in 1118 to collect Byzantine items , some of which were donated to Reading Abbey . Later reign , 1107 -- 35 ( edit ) Continental and Welsh Politics , 1108 -- 14 ( edit ) Normandy faced an increased threat from France , Anjou and Flanders after 1108 . Louis VI succeeded to the French throne in 1108 and began to reassert central royal power . Louis demanded Henry give homage to him and that two disputed castles along the Normandy border be placed into the control of neutral castellans . Henry refused , and Louis responded by mobilising an army . After some arguments , the two kings negotiated a truce and retreated without fighting , leaving the underlying issues unresolved . Fulk V assumed power in Anjou in 1109 and began to rebuild Angevin authority . Fulk also inherited the county of Maine , but refused to recognise Henry as his feudal lord and instead allied himself with Louis . Robert II of Flanders also briefly joined the alliance , before his death in 1111 . Denier coin of Henry 's rival , Louis VI of France In 1108 , Henry betrothed his six - year - old daughter , Matilda , to Henry V , the future Holy Roman Emperor . For King Henry , this was a prestigious match ; for Henry V , it was an opportunity to restore his financial situation and fund an expedition to Italy , as he received a dowry of £ 6,666 from England and Normandy . Raising this money proved challenging , and required the implementation of a special `` aid '' , or tax , in England . Matilda was crowned Henry V 's queen in 1110 . Henry responded to the French and Angevin threat by expanding his own network of supporters beyond the Norman borders . Some Norman barons deemed unreliable were arrested or dispossessed , and Henry used their forfeited estates to bribe his potential allies in the neighbouring territories , in particular Maine . Around 1110 , Henry attempted to arrest the young William Clito , but William 's mentors moved him to the safety of Flanders before he could be taken . At about this time , Henry probably began to style himself as the Duke of Normandy . Robert of Bellême turned against Henry once again , and when he appeared at Henry 's court in 1112 in a new role as a French ambassador , he was arrested and imprisoned . Rebellions broke out in France and Anjou between 1111 and 1113 , and Henry crossed into Normandy to support his nephew , Count Theobald of Blois , who had sided against Louis in the uprising . In a bid to diplomatically isolate the French King , Henry betrothed his young son , William Adelin , to Fulk 's daughter Matilda , and married his illegitimate daughter Matilda to Conan III , the Duke of Brittany , creating alliances with Anjou and Brittany respectively . Louis backed down and in March 1113 met with Henry near Gisors to agree a peace settlement , giving Henry the disputed fortresses and confirming Henry 's overlordship of Maine , Bellême and Brittany . Meanwhile , the situation in Wales was deteriorating . Henry had conducted a campaign in South Wales in 1108 , pushing out royal power in the region and colonising the area around Pembroke with Flemings . By 1114 , some of the resident Norman lords were under attack , while in Mid-Wales , Owain ap Cadwgan blinded one of the political hostages he was holding , and in North Wales Gruffudd ap Cynan threatened the power of the Earl of Chester . Henry sent three armies into Wales that year , with Gilbert Fitz Richard leading a force from the south , Alexander , King of Scotland , pressing from the north and Henry himself advancing into Mid-Wales . Owain and Gruffudd sued for peace , and Henry accepted a political compromise . Henry reinforced the Welsh Marches with his own appointees , strengthening the border territories . Rebellion , 1115 -- 20 ( edit ) Silver pennies of Henry I , struck at the Oxford mint Concerned about the succession , Henry sought to persuade Louis VI to accept his son , William Adelin , as the legitimate future Duke of Normandy , in exchange for his son 's homage . Henry crossed into Normandy in 1115 and assembled the Norman barons to swear loyalty ; he also almost successfully negotiated a settlement with King Louis , affirming William 's right to the Duchy in exchange for a large sum of money , but the deal fell through and Louis , backed by his ally Baldwin of Flanders , instead declared that he considered William Clito the legitimate heir to the Duchy . War broke out after Henry returned to Normandy with an army to support Theobald of Blois , who was under attack from Louis . Henry and Louis raided each other 's towns along the border , and a wider conflict then broke out , probably in 1116 . Henry was pushed onto the defensive as French , Flemish and Angevin forces began to pillage the Normandy countryside . Amaury III of Montfort and many other barons rose up against Henry , and there was an assassination plot from within his own household . Henry 's wife , Matilda , died in early 1118 , but the situation in Normandy was sufficiently pressing that Henry was unable to return to England for her funeral . Henry responded by mounting campaigns against the rebel barons and deepening his alliance with Theobald . Baldwin of Flanders was wounded in battle and died in September 1118 , easing the pressure on Normandy from the north - east . Henry attempted to crush a revolt in the city of Alençon , but was defeated by Fulk and the Angevin army . Forced to retreat from Alençon , Henry 's position deteriorated alarmingly , as his resources became overstretched and more barons abandoned his cause . Early in 1119 , Eustace of Breteuil and Henry 's daughter , Juliana , threatened to join the baronial revolt . Hostages were exchanged in a bid to avoid conflict , but relations broke down and both sides mutilated their captives . Henry attacked and took the town of Breteuil , despite Juliana 's attempt to kill her father with a crossbow . In the aftermath , Henry dispossessed the couple of almost all of their lands in Normandy . Henry 's situation improved in May 1119 when he enticed Fulk to switch sides by finally agreeing to marry William Adelin to Fulk 's daughter , Matilda , and paying Fulk a large sum of money . Fulk left for the Levant , leaving the County of Maine in Henry 's care , and the King was free to focus on crushing his remaining enemies . During the summer Henry advanced into the Norman Vexin , where he encountered Louis 's army , resulting in the Battle of Brémule . Henry appears to have deployed scouts and then organised his troops into several carefully formed lines of dismounted knights . Unlike Henry 's forces , the French knights remained mounted ; they hastily charged the Anglo - Norman positions , breaking through the first rank of the defences but then becoming entangled in Henry 's second line of knights . Surrounded , the French army began to collapse . In the melee , Henry was hit by a sword blow , but his armour protected him . Louis and William Clito escaped from the battle , leaving Henry to return to Rouen in triumph . The war slowly petered out after this battle , and Louis took the dispute over Normandy to Pope Callixtus II 's council in Reims that October . Henry faced a number of French complaints concerning his acquisition and subsequent management of Normandy , and despite being defended by Geoffrey , the Archbishop of Rouen , Henry 's case was shouted down by the pro-French elements of the council . Callixtus declined to support Louis , however , and merely advised the two rulers to seek peace . Amaury de Montfort came to terms with Henry , but Henry and William Clito failed to find a mutually satisfactory compromise . In June 1120 , Henry and Louis formally made peace on terms advantageous to the King of England : William Adelin gave homage to Louis , and in return Louis confirmed William 's rights to the Duchy . Succession crisis , 1120 -- 23 ( edit ) Early 14th - century depiction of the sinking of the White Ship on 25 November 1120 Henry 's succession plans were thrown into chaos by the sinking of the White Ship on 25 November 1120 . Henry had left the port of Barfleur for England in the early evening , leaving William Adelin and many of the younger members of the court to follow on that night in a separate vessel , the White Ship . Both the crew and passengers were drunk and , just outside the harbour , the ship hit a submerged rock . The ship sank , killing as many as 300 people , with only one survivor , a butcher from Rouen . Henry 's court was initially too scared to report William 's death to the King . When he was finally told , he collapsed with grief . The disaster left Henry with no legitimate son , his various nephews now the closest male heirs . Henry announced he would take a new wife , Adeliza of Louvain , opening up the prospect of a new royal son , and the two were married at Windsor Castle in January 1121 . Henry appears to have chosen her because she was attractive and came from a prestigious noble line . Adela seems to have been fond of Henry and joined him in his travels , probably to maximise the chances of her conceiving a child . The White Ship disaster initiated fresh conflict in Wales , where the drowning of Richard , Earl of Chester , encouraged a rebellion led by Maredudd ap Bleddyn . Henry intervened in North Wales that summer with an army and , although the King was hit by a Welsh arrow , the campaign reaffirmed royal power across the region . With William dead , Henry 's alliance with Anjou -- which had been based on his son marrying Fulk 's daughter -- began to disintegrate . Fulk returned from the Levant and demanded that Henry return Matilda and her dowry , a range of estates and fortifications in Maine . Matilda left for Anjou , but Henry argued that the dowry had in fact originally belonged to him before it came into the possession of Fulk , and so declined to hand the estates back to Anjou . Fulk married his daughter Sibylla to William Clito , and granted them Maine . Once again , conflict broke out , as Amaury de Montfort allied himself with Fulk and led a revolt along the Norman - Anjou border in 1123 . Amaury was joined by several other Norman barons , headed by Waleran de Beaumont , one of the sons of Henry 's old ally , Robert of Meulan . Henry dispatched Robert of Gloucester and Ranulf le Meschin to Normandy and then intervened himself in late 1123 . Henry began the process of besieging the rebel castles , before wintering in the Duchy . In the spring , campaigning began again . Ranulf received intelligence that the rebels were returning to one of their bases at Vatteville , allowing him to ambush them en route at Rougemontiers ; Waleran charged the royal forces , but his knights were cut down by Ranulf 's archers and the rebels were quickly overwhelmed . Waleran was captured , but Amaury escaped . Henry mopped up the remainder of the rebellion , blinding some of the rebel leaders -- considered , at the time , a more merciful punishment than execution -- and recovering the last rebel castles . Henry paid Pope Callixtus a large amount of money , in exchange for the Papacy annulling the marriage of William Clito and Sibylla on the grounds of consanguinity . Planning the succession , 1124 -- 34 ( edit ) Henry and his new wife did not conceive any children , generating prurient speculation as to the possible explanation , and the future of the dynasty appeared at risk . Henry may have begun to look among his nephews for a possible heir . He may have considered Stephen of Blois as a possible option and , perhaps in preparation for this , he arranged a beneficial marriage for Stephen to a wealthy heiress , Matilda . Theobald of Blois , his close ally , may have also felt that he was in favour with Henry . William Clito , who was King Louis 's preferred choice , remained opposed to Henry and was therefore unsuitable . Henry may have also considered his own illegitimate son , Robert of Gloucester , as a possible candidate , but English tradition and custom would have looked unfavourably on this . Henry 's plans shifted when the Empress Matilda 's husband , the Emperor Henry , died in 1125 . King Henry recalled his daughter to England the next year and declared that , should he die without a male heir , she was to be his rightful successor . The Anglo - Norman barons were gathered together at Westminster on Christmas 1126 , where they swore to recognise Matilda and any future legitimate heir she might have . Putting forward a woman as a potential heir in this way was unusual : opposition to Matilda continued to exist within the English court , and Louis was vehemently opposed to her candidacy . Fresh conflict broke out in 1127 , when Charles , the childless Count of Flanders , was murdered , creating a local succession crisis . Backed by King Louis , William Clito was chosen by the Flemings to become their new ruler . This development potentially threatened Normandy , and Henry began to finance a proxy war in Flanders , promoting the claims of William 's Flemish rivals . In an effort to disrupt the French alliance with William , Henry mounted an attack into France in 1128 , forcing Louis to cut his aid to William . William died unexpectedly in July , removing the last major challenger to Henry 's rule and bringing the war in Flanders to a halt . Without William , the baronial opposition in Normandy lacked a leader . A fresh peace was made with France , and the King was finally able to release the remaining prisoners from the revolt of 1123 , including Waleran of Meulan , who was rehabilitated into the royal court . Meanwhile , Henry rebuilt his alliance with Fulk of Anjou , this time by marrying Matilda to Fulk 's eldest son , Geoffrey . The pair were betrothed in 1127 and married the following year . It is unknown whether Henry intended Geoffrey to have any future claim on England or Normandy , and he was probably keeping his son - in - law 's status deliberately uncertain . Similarly , although Matilda was granted a number of Normandy castles as part of her dowry , it was not specified when the couple would actually take possession of them . Fulk left Anjou for Jerusalem in 1129 , declaring Geoffrey the Count of Anjou and Maine . The marriage proved difficult , as the couple did not particularly like each other and the disputed castles proved a point of contention , resulting in Matilda returning to Normandy later that year . Henry appears to have blamed Geoffrey for the separation , but in 1131 the couple were reconciled . Much to the pleasure and relief of Henry , Matilda then gave birth to a sequence of two sons , Henry and Geoffrey , in 1133 and 1134 . Death and legacy ( edit ) Death , 1135 ( edit ) Early 14th - century depiction of Henry mourning the death of his son Relations between Henry , Matilda , and Geoffrey became increasingly strained during the King 's final years . Matilda and Geoffrey suspected that they lacked genuine support in England . In 1135 they urged Henry to hand over the royal castles in Normandy to Matilda whilst he was still alive , and insisted that the Norman nobility swear immediate allegiance to her , thereby giving the couple a more powerful position after Henry 's death . Henry angrily declined to do so , probably out of concern that Geoffrey would try to seize power in Normandy . A fresh rebellion broke out amongst the barons in southern Normandy , led by William , the Count of Ponthieu , whereupon Geoffrey and Matilda intervened in support of the rebels . Henry campaigned throughout the autumn , strengthening the southern frontier , and then travelled to Lyons - la - Forêt in November to enjoy some hunting , still apparently healthy . There Henry fell ill -- according to the chronicler Henry of Huntingdon , he ate a number of lampreys against his physician 's advice -- and his condition worsened over the course of a week . Once the condition appeared terminal , Henry gave confession and summoned Archbishop Hugh of Amiens , who was joined by Robert of Gloucester and other members of the court . In accordance with custom , preparations were made to settle Henry 's outstanding debts and to revoke outstanding sentences of forfeiture . The King died on 1 December 1135 , and his corpse was taken to Rouen accompanied by the barons , where it was embalmed ; his entrails were buried locally at the priory of Notre - Dame du Pré , and the preserved body was taken on to England , where it was interred at Reading Abbey . Despite Henry 's efforts , the succession was disputed . When news began to spread of the King 's death , Geoffrey and Matilda were in Anjou supporting the rebels in their campaign against the royal army , which included a number of Matilda 's supporters such as Robert of Gloucester . Many of these barons had taken an oath to stay in Normandy until the late king was properly buried , which prevented them from returning to England . The Norman nobility discussed declaring Theobald of Blois king . Theobald 's younger brother , Stephen of Blois , quickly crossed from Boulogne to England , however , accompanied by his military household . With the help of his brother , Henry of Blois , he seized power in England and was crowned king on 22 December . The Empress Matilda did not give up her claim to England and Normandy , leading to the prolonged civil war known as the Anarchy between 1135 and 1153 . Historiography ( edit ) Part of the Welsh Brut , one of the chronicler sources for Henry 's reign Historians have drawn on a range of sources on Henry , including the accounts of chroniclers ; other documentary evidence , including early pipe rolls ; and surviving buildings and architecture . The three main chroniclers to describe the events of Henry 's life were William of Malmesbury , Orderic Vitalis , and Henry of Huntingdon , but each incorporated extensive social and moral commentary into their accounts and borrowed a range of literary devices and stereotypical events from other popular works . Other chroniclers include Eadmer , Hugh the Chanter , Abbot Suger , and the authors of the Welsh Brut . Not all royal documents from the period have survived , but there are a number of royal acts , charters , writs , and letters , along with some early financial records . Some of these have since been discovered to be forgeries , and others had been subsequently amended or tampered with . Late medieval historians seized on the accounts of selected chroniclers regarding Henry 's education and gave him the title of Henry `` Beauclerc '' , a theme echoed in the analysis of Victorian and Edwardian historians such as Francis Palgrave and Henry Davis . The historian Charles David dismissed this argument in 1929 , showing the more extreme claims for Henry 's education to be without foundation . Modern histories of Henry commenced with Richard Southern 's work in the early 1960s , followed by extensive research during the rest of the 20th century into a wide number of themes from his reign in England , and a much more limited number of studies of his rule in Normandy . Only two major , modern biographies of Henry have been produced , Warren Hollister 's posthumous volume in 2001 , and Judith Green 's 2006 work . Interpretation of Henry 's personality by historians has altered over time . Earlier historians such as Austin Poole and Richard Southern considered Henry as a cruel , draconian ruler . More recent historians , such as Hollister and Green , view his implementation of justice much more sympathetically , particularly when set against the standards of the day , but even Green has noted that Henry was `` in many respects highly unpleasant '' , and Alan Cooper has observed that many contemporary chroniclers were probably too scared of the King to voice much criticism . Historians have also debated the extent to which Henry 's administrative reforms genuinely constituted an introduction of what Hollister and John Baldwin have termed systematic , `` administrative kingship '' , or whether his outlook remained fundamentally traditional . Henry 's burial at Reading Abbey is marked by a local cross , but Reading Abbey was slowly demolished during the Dissolution of the Monasteries in the 16th century . The exact location is uncertain , but the most likely location of the tomb itself is now in a built - up area of central Reading , on the site of the former abbey choir . A plan to locate his remains was announced in March 2015 , with support from English Heritage and Philippa Langley , who aided with the successful exhumation of Richard III . Family and children ( edit ) Legitimate ( edit ) House of Normandy William the Conqueror invades England William I ( show ) Robert Curthose , Duke of Normandy Richard , `` Duke of Bernay '' William II Cecilia , Abbess of Holy Trinity Adela , Countess of Blois Henry I William II ( show ) Henry I ( show ) Empress Matilda William Adelin Robert , 1st Earl of Gloucester Stephen ( show ) Eustace IV , Count of Boulogne William I , Count of Boulogne Marie I , Countess of Boulogne Monarchy of the United Kingdom Wikimedia Commons has media related to Henry I of England . In addition to Matilda and William , Henry possibly had a short - lived son , Richard , from his first marriage . Henry and his second wife , Adeliza , had no children . Illegitimate ( edit ) Henry had a number of illegitimate children by various mistresses . Sons ( edit ) Robert of Gloucester , born in the 1090s . Richard , born to Ansfride , brought up by Robert Bloet , the Bishop of Lincoln . Reginald de Dunstanville , Earl of Cornwall , born in the 1110s or early 1120s , possibly to Sibyl Corbet . Robert the King 's son , born to Ede , daughter of Forne . Gilbert FitzRoy , possibly born to an unnamed sister or daughter of Walter of Gand . William de Tracy , possibly born in the 1090s . Henry the King 's son , possibly born to Nest ferch Rhys . Fulk the King 's son , possibly born to Ansfride . William , the brother of Sybilla de Normandy , probably the brother of Reginald de Dunstanville . Daughters ( edit ) Matilda FitzRoy , Countess of Perche . Matilda FitzRoy , Duchess of Brittany . Juliane , wife of Eustace of Breteuil , possibly born to Ansfrida . Mabel , wife of William Gouet . Constance , Viscountess of Beaumont - sur - Sarthe . Aline , wife of Matthew de Montmorency . Isabel , daughter of Isabel de Beaumont , Countess of Pembroke . Sybilla de Normandy , Queen of Scotland , probably born before 1100 . Matilda Fitzroy , Abbess of Montvilliers . Gundrada de Dunstanville . Possibly Rohese , wife of Henry de la Pomerai . Emma , wife of Guy of Laval . Adeliza , the King 's daughter . The wife of Fergus of Galloway . Possibly Sibyl of Falaise . Ancestors ( edit ) ( show ) Ancestors of Henry I of England 16 . Richard I , Duke of Normandy 8 . Richard II , Duke of Normandy 17 . Gunnora , Duchess of Normandy 4 . Robert I , Duke of Normandy 18 . Conan I of Rennes 9 . Judith of Brittany 19 . Ermengarde of Anjou 2 . William I of England 10 . Fulbert of Falaise 5 . Herleva 1 . Henry I of England 24 . Arnulf II , Count of Flanders 12 . Baldwin IV , Count of Flanders 25 . Rozala of Italy 6 . Baldwin V , Count of Flanders 26 . Frederick of Luxembourg 13 . Ogive of Luxembourg 3 . Matilda of Flanders 28 . Hugh Capet 14 . Robert II of France 29 . Adelaide of Aquitaine 7 . Adela of France 30 . William I of Provence 15 . Constance of Arles 31 . Adelaide of Anjou Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ The dating of Henry 's birth depends on comparing chronicler accounts and the various travels of his parents William and Matilda ; these give only limited periods in which Henry could have been conceived and born . Historian Warren Hollister prefers the summer of 1068 , Judith Green the end of the year , although it is just possible that Henry could have been born in early 1069 . The possible birthplace of Selby is based upon a local tradition . Jump up ^ The chronicler Orderic Vitalis describes a colourful quarrel that is said to have occurred between Henry and his brothers Robert and William Rufus in the town of l'Aigle ; modern historians , including Judith Green and Warren Hollister , are inclined to doubt the veracity of the story . Jump up ^ Historian Warren Hollister doubts that Henry was ever destined for the clergy ; Judith Green is less certain . Jump up ^ Chroniclers varied in reporting the sum as either £ 2,000 or £ 5,000 , although £ 5,000 is the more commonly cited figure amongst later historians . Jump up ^ £ 5,000 would have formed around 1.5 million silver pennies , a difficult sum to move easily out of the Duchy if opposed . Jump up ^ Western Normandy had originally been intended for Henry 's late brother Richard , and was suitably remote from the capital in Rouen . Jump up ^ Chroniclers vary in their description of the length of the siege , suggesting either a duration of 15 days and six weeks . Warren Hollister prefers six weeks ; Judith Green , 15 days . Jump up ^ Henry 's decision not to join the main campaign may have been because Robert 's forces were sufficiently strong to prevent him joining William Rufus at Eu . Jump up ^ David Carpenter regards William Rufus 's death as `` almost certainly an accident '' ; Warren Hollister considers `` by far the likeliest explanation for the killing is simply ... that it was a hunting accident '' ; Judith Green argues that `` on balance it seems most likely that Rufus died because of an accident '' . Emma Mason is more suspicious , giving credence to the theory that William Rufus was murdered , either by Henry or by agents of the French King . The minority view was also held by Austin Poole , who considered Henry a `` usurper '' ; writing earlier in the 20th century , he argued that the facts `` look ugly '' -- in particular Tirel 's departure from the scene , Henry 's potential motive and apparent disregard for his brother -- and `` seem to suggest a plot . '' . Jump up ^ The chroniclers Eadmer , Malmesbury and Orderic describe the couple as close , with Eadmer noting that they were in love . Jump up ^ Anselm was criticised in some quarters for permitting the royal marriage to proceed . Jump up ^ The only chronicler to suggest a second son is Gervase of Canterbury . Jump up ^ Bisexuality was also common amongst this social group , but there is no evidence to suggest that Henry had male partners . Jump up ^ Most chroniclers reported this sum as 3,000 marks , equivalent to £ 2,000 , but Orderic recorded the agreed amount as £ 3,000 . Jump up ^ Contemporary chroniclers provided several possible dates for the battle , suggesting either 27 , 28 or 29 September . The 28 September is more commonly used by modern historians , although historian Judith Green is less certain . Jump up ^ Geoffrey of Monmouth memorably likened Henry to the `` Lion of Justice '' in his Historia Regum Britanniae , in a section in which he recounts the prophecies of Merlin . Despite Henry not being named in the document itself , historians are broadly agreed that Geoffrey intended to refer to him , but there are differing interpretations of the simile itself . Judith Green , for example , argues that the description was a positive one ; Alan Cooper is far more cautious , noting that , in this period , lions were considered to be strong but also brutal and cruel , and that the surrounding context in the section is certainly not flattering about its subject . Jump up ^ In 1124 , Henry received reports from his soldiers that they had been paid in substandard English silver pennies . Henry instructed Roger of Salisbury to investigate , and ordered that any coiners found guilty were to have their right hands and genitals chopped off . The sentence was carried out at Salisbury by the Bishop . Contemporary chroniclers approved of Henry 's firm action . Jump up ^ Historian David Crouch has noted that many of Henry 's key advisers and officials later regretted their actions on behalf of the King , observing that `` life at King Henry 's court tended to put a burden on the consciences of its inmates '' . Jump up ^ Anselm used the metaphor of the government being a plough pulled by two oxen , the King and the Archbishop , ruling through temporal and religious right respectively . Jump up ^ Assessing Henry 's personal attitude towards religion later in his life is challenging . Historian Richard Southern argued in favour of the two shifts being in 1120 and 1129 , although Martin Brett dismissed 1120 as a probable date , preferring 1129 as the key date . Judith Green is more cautious , observing that the fashion among chroniclers during the later period was to focus more of their writing on the themes of repenting and confession , and this may have given a false impression of a shift in Henry 's thinking . Henry Mayr - Harting also doubts the extent of the evidence for a mid-life change , but draws out more of his earlier piety , suggesting that Henry was always more religiously inclined than was once thought . Jump up ^ The chronicler Abbot Suger suggested that the incident was embarrassing for Henry , since he had refused battle , but it was a sound military decision . Jump up ^ The dowry was 10,000 marks in silver , equivalent to £ 6,666 . Jump up ^ In Latin , the ducal title was dux Normannorum , literally `` Duke of the Normans '' . Jump up ^ The dating of this campaign is uncertain ; Judith Green places it firmly in 1116 , while Warren Hollister is less certain , opting for it falling between 1116 and 1118 . Jump up ^ In February 1119 , Eustace and Juliana of Breteuil , formerly allies of Henry , threatened to rebel unless they were given the castle of Ivry - la - Bataille . Henry promised Eustace the fortress and , to show good intent , exchanged hostages , Eustace and Juliana 's daughters being exchanged with the son of the castle 's constable . According to the chronicler Orderic Vitalis , Eustace then blinded the constable 's son , whereupon Henry allowed the daughters -- his illegitimate granddaughters -- to be blinded and mutilated . Eustace attempted to mobilise his forces and defend Breteuil against an attack by Henry ; despite this , Henry took the city and Juliana , after attempting to kill Henry with a crossbow , fled . Jump up ^ The submerged rock was probably either the Quillebouef Rock , or the Raz de Barfleur . Jump up ^ The speed with which Henry 's second marriage took place may indicate that Henry had been planning to remarry anyway , even before the White Ship disaster . Jump up ^ It is uncertain what led Waleran de Beaumont to rebel against Henry . Waleran may have genuinely believed that William Clito had a rightful claim to the Duchy , and have thought that he was unlikely to benefit under Henry 's rule . Jump up ^ Medieval Church law at the time forbade marriage within seven degrees . In practice most of the upper classes were related in this way , but the law could be invoked on occasion to annul marriages . Jump up ^ It is not known precisely what the rumours about Henry 's failure to bear children were , and whether the issue lay with one or both partners . Jump up ^ Medieval chroniclers ' accounts of this oath vary on the points of detail . William of Malmesbury described that those present recognised Matilda as the legitimate heir on the basis of her paternal and maternal royal descent ; John of Worcester described the inheritance of England as being conditional on Matilda having a legitimate male heir ; the Anglo - Saxon chronicle suggested that an oath was given concerning the inheritance of both England and Normandy ; neither Orderic or Henry of Huntingdon recorded the event at all . Some chronicler accounts may have been influenced by Stephen 's acquisition of the throne in 1135 and the later events of the Anarchy . Jump up ^ Work by historian Geoffrey White in the 1940s produced an extensive list of Henry 's illegitimate children , which forms the basis of the most recent academic research , by Kathleen Thompson . Jump up ^ Traditionally Henry 's mother has been given as Nest ferch Rhys , although more recent work by Kathleen Thompson casts doubt on this theory . Jump up ^ White argued that Sibyl 's mother was Sibyl Corbet , although more recent research by Kathleen Thompson discredits this theory . Jump up ^ Rohese may have been Henry 's daughter , but it is more probable that her father was Herbert fitz Herbert . Jump up ^ Sibyl may have been Henry 's daughter , but it is more probable that her father was Duke Robert of Normandy . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , pp. 30 -- 31 ; Green 2009 , p. 20 Jump up ^ Newman 1988 , pp. 21 -- 22 ; Carpenter 2004 , pp. 125 -- 126 Jump up ^ Hallam & Everard 2001 , pp. 62 -- 64 , 114 -- 118 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 32 , 40 Jump up ^ Carpenter 2004 , p. 128 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 21 Jump up ^ Newman 1988 , p. 54 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 35 ; Green 2009 , p. 21 ; Thompson 2007 , pp. 16 -- 17 . Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 21 ; Hollister 2003 , pp. 35 -- 36 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , pp. 36 -- 37 ; Green 2009 , p. 22 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 33 -- 34 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 37 ; Green 2009 , p. 23 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 37 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 37 -- 38 ^ Jump up to : Barlow 1999 , p. 162 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 38 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , pp. 38 -- 39 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 39 -- 40 , 46 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 39 ; Green 2009 , p. 25 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 39 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 48 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 48 -- 49 Jump up ^ Thompson 2007 , p. 17 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 40 , 47 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 49 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 28 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 51 -- 53 ; Thompson 2007 , p. 19 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 53 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 50 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 56 -- 58 , 61 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 57 -- 59 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 56 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 54 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 29 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 61 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 62 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 65 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 65 -- 66 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 66 -- 68 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 68 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 6 -- 69 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 69 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 70 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 71 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 72 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 73 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 74 -- 76 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 76 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , pp. 76 -- 77 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 77 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 78 -- 79 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 79 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 80 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 80 -- 81 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 81 -- 82 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 82 ; Green 2009 , p. 32 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 82 -- 83 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 82 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 85 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 85 -- 86 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 86 -- 88 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 33 ; Hollister 2003 , p. 89 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 89 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 90 -- 91 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 96 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 96 -- 97 ^ Jump up to : Green 2009 , p. 35 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 99 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 36 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 98 -- 101 ; Green 2009 , pp. 36 -- 37 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 102 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 102 -- 103 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 103 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 103 -- 104 ; Carpenter 2004 , p. 134 ; Green pp. 39 -- 41 . Jump up ^ Carpenter 2004 , p. 134 ; Hollister 2003 , p. 104 ; Mason 2008 , pp. 228 -- 231 ; Green 2009 , p. 41 ; Poole 1993 , pp. 113 -- 114 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 103 -- 105 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 104 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 105 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 104 -- 105 ; Green 2009 , p. 43 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 104 -- 105 Jump up ^ Holister , p. 106 . Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 19 ; Green 2009 , p. 45 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 45 -- 50 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 110 -- 112 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 116 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 116 -- 117 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 117 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 51 -- 52 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 130 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 43 ; Thompson 2003 , p. 134 ; Green 2009 , p. 26 Jump up ^ Thompson 2007 , p. 24 ; Huneycutt 2003 , p. 27 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 126 -- 127 ; Green 2009 , p. 58 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 127 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 126 -- 127 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 127 -- 128 ; Thompson 2003 , p. 137 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , pp. 128 -- 129 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 55 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 130 ; Thompson 2003 , p. 137 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 130 ; Green 2009 , p. 75 ^ Jump up to : Green 2009 , p. 75 ^ Jump up to : Thompson 2003 , p. 137 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 43 ; Green 2009 , pp. 26 -- 27 ; 307 -- 309 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 45 ; Thompson 2003 , p. 135 Jump up ^ Thompson 2003 , p. 135 Jump up ^ Thompson 2003 , pp. 130 -- 133 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 132 -- 133 ; Green 2009 , p. 61 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 133 -- 134 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 134 -- 135 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 135 -- 136 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 125 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 137 ; Green 2009 , p. 63 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 137 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 137 -- 138 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 138 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , pp. 139 -- 140 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 142 -- 143 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 64 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 145 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 143 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 143 -- 144 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 157 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 157 -- 158 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 158 -- 162 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 164 -- 165 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 74 -- 77 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 178 -- 179 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 182 -- 183 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 183 -- 184 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 184 ; Green 2009 , p. 78 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 80 -- 81 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 185 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 184 -- 185 ; Green 2009 , p. 82 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 186 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 188 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 188 -- 189 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 189 -- 190 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 190 ; Green 2009 , p. 85 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 198 ; Green 2009 , pp. 88 -- 89 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 199 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 199 -- 200 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 93 ; Hollister 2003 , pp. 199 -- 200 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 199 -- 201 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 201 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 204 -- 207 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 207 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 205 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 206 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 208 -- 209 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 96 ; Green 2003 , p. 64 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 224 -- 225 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 226 -- 227 ; Hollister 2003 , p. 126 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 226 ; Davies 1990 , pp. 11 -- 12 ; 48 -- 49 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 98 , 105 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 228 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 232 -- 233 Jump up ^ Mayr - Harting 2011 , pp. 47 -- 48 ; Green 2009 , p. 231 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 232 -- 233 ; Crouch 2008 , p. 17 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 314 ; Hollister 2003 , pp. 332 , 334 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 329 , 324 -- 347 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 285 -- 286 ; Mayr - Harting 2011 , p. 69 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 285 -- 286 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 286 -- 287 Jump up ^ Chibnall 1992 , pp. 86 -- 89 ; Prestwich 1992 , pp. 102 -- 3 , 118 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 289 -- 290 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 294 -- 295 ; 304 -- 305 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , pp. 330 -- 331 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 350 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 239 ; Cooper 2001 , pp. 47 -- 51 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 351 , 356 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 356 -- 357 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 358 -- 359 ; Green 2009 , p. 319 ; Newman 1988 , p. 24 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 358 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 356 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 354 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 188 -- 189 Jump up ^ Haskins 1918 , pp. 86 , 93 , 105 -- 106 Jump up ^ Newman 1988 , p. 20 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 242 -- 243 Jump up ^ Crouch 2008 , p. 3 Jump up ^ Vaughn 2007 , p. 134 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 255 Jump up ^ Vaughn 2007 , p. 135 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 273 Jump up ^ Mayr - Harting 2011 , pp. 51 -- 53 Jump up ^ Mayr - Harting 2011 , pp. 52 -- 53 Jump up ^ Mayr - Harting 2011 , p. 53 ; Green 2009 , p. 53 Jump up ^ Mayr - Harting 2011 , p. 53 ; Vaughn 2007 , p. 142 Jump up ^ Mayr - Harting 2011 , p. 53 ; Vaughn 2007 , p. 142 ; Green 2009 , pp. 84 -- 88 ; Hollister 2003 , p. 196 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 196 Jump up ^ Vaughn 2007 , pp. 139 -- 140 , 144 ^ Jump up to : Mayr - Harting 2011 , pp. 58 -- 59 Jump up ^ Mayr - Harting 2011 , pp. 61 -- 62 Jump up ^ Mayr - Harting 2011 , p. 62 ; Hollister 2003 , pp. 272 -- 273 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 262 -- 265 Jump up ^ Brett 1975 , p. 106 Jump up ^ Brett 1975 , pp. 106 -- 107 Jump up ^ Vaughn 2007 , p. 148 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 371 , 379 ; Brett 1975 , pp. 110 -- 111 Jump up ^ Brett 1975 , pp. 111 -- 112 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 14 Jump up ^ Mayr - Harting 2011 , pp. 44 -- 45 ; Brett 1975 , p. 112 Jump up ^ Brett 1975 , p. 112 Jump up ^ Mayr - Harting 2011 , pp. 46 ; Southern 1962 , pp. 155 , 163 , cited in Brett 1975 , p. 112 ; Green 2009 , p. 282 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 277 -- 280 ^ Jump up to : Green 2009 , p. 278 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 435 -- 438 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 278 -- 280 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 14 ; Bethell 1971 , p. 69 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 221 Jump up ^ Hallam & Everard 2001 , p. 153 ; Hollister 2003 , p. 223 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 223 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 120 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 221 , 224 ; Hallam & Everard 2001 , p. 67 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 224 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 224 -- 225 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 216 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 216 -- 217 ; Green 2009 , p. 118 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 118 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 217 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 218 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 225 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 225 , 228 ; Green 2009 , p. 121 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 227 -- 228 Jump up ^ Green 2003 , p. 65 Jump up ^ Green 2003 , p. 645 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 226 -- 227 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 123 ; Hollister 2003 , p. 229 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 230 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 231 -- 232 Jump up ^ Carpenter 2004 , pp. 38 , 140 ^ Jump up to : Green 2009 , p. 132 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 132 -- 133 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 133 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 238 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 239 -- 240 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 246 ; Green 2009 , p. 135 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 246 ; Green 2009 , pp. 135 , 138 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , pp. 246 -- 248 ; Green 2009 , pp. 135 , 143 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 139 -- 140 ; Hollister 2003 , p. 247 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 250 -- 251 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 251 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 252 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 253 ; Green 2009 , pp. 143 , 146 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 253 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , pp. 253 -- 254 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 254 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 254 -- 255 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 261 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 261 ; Green 2009 , p. 149 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 263 -- 264 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 264 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 264 ; Green 2009 , p. 152 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 264 -- 265 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 265 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 265 -- 266 ; Green 2009 , pp. 153 -- 154 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 267 ; Green 2009 , p. 157 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 267 -- 268 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 268 -- 269 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 274 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 276 -- 279 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 276 -- 277 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , pp. 277 -- 278 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 66 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 278 ; Green 2009 , p. 167 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 280 ; Green 2009 , p. 168 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 280 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 169 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 281 ; Thompson 2003 , p. 137 ; Green 2009 , p. 169 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 282 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 290 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 291 . ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 292 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 292 -- 293 ; Green 2009 , p. 179 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 179 -- 180 ; Crouch 2008 , p. 15 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 293 -- 294 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 297 -- 298 ; Green 2009 , p. 184 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 300 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 302 -- 303 ; Green 2009 , pp. 186 -- 187 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 306 Jump up ^ Ward 2006 , p. 20 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 308 -- 309 ; Green 2009 , p. 170 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 170 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 310 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 168 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 312 -- 313 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 311 -- 312 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 396 ^ Jump up to : Hollister 2003 , p. 309 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 193 -- 194 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 318 ; Green 2009 , p. 191 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 196 -- 197 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 197 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 319 -- 321 ; Green 2009 , pp. 197 -- 198 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 321 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 325 -- 326 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 326 ; Newman 1988 , pp. 57 -- 58 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 323 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 324 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 324 -- 325 ; Green 2009 , pp. 202 -- 203 Jump up ^ Chibnall 1993 , pp. 56 , 60 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 463 ; Chibnall 1993 , p. 57 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 463 ; Green 2009 , pp. 58 -- 61 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 465 ; Green 2009 , p. 213 Jump up ^ King 2010 , pp. 38 -- 39 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 216 -- 217 ; King 2010 , p. 38 ; Crouch 2008 , p. 162 Jump up ^ Barlow 1999 , p. 162 ; Hollister 2003 , p. 467 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 467 , 473 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 467 -- 468 , 473 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , p. 473 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 467 , 473 ; Green 2009 , p. 220 Jump up ^ Hollister 2003 , pp. 467 , 474 Jump up ^ Crouch 2002 , p. 246 Jump up ^ King 2010 , pp. 47 -- 48 Jump up ^ Barlow 1999 , p. 163 ; King 2010 , p. 43 Jump up ^ King 2010 , p. 43 Jump up ^ Carpenter 2004 , pp. 169 -- 171 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 1 -- 2 ; Newman 1988 , p. 7 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 2 -- 5 ; Newman 1988 , p. 7 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 6 -- 7 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 9 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 11 Jump up ^ David 1929 , pp. 45 -- 46 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 33 ; David 1929 , p. 56 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 14 -- 17 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 14 -- 15 ; David , Carpenter ( 7 July 2006 ) , `` Off the Rocks '' , Times Literary Supplement , retrieved 22 February 2013 ( subscription required ) Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 314 ; Southern 1962 , p. 231 , cited in Green 2009 , p. 314 ; Poole 1993 , p. 99 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 314 ; Green 1989 , p. 1 ; Cooper 2001 , p. 65 ; Hollister 2003 , pp. 484 -- 485 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , pp. 15 , 319 ; Hollister & Baldwin 1978 , pp. 867 -- 868 ^ Jump up to : Duffy 2003 , p. 52 Jump up ^ `` A Search for Bones of Henry I is Planned in Reading '' , BBC News , 24 March 2015 , retrieved 26 March 2015 Jump up ^ Thompson 2003 , p. 130 ; White 1949 , pp. 105 -- 121 Jump up ^ Thompson 2003 , pp. 141 -- 143 Jump up ^ Thompson 2003 , pp. 143 , 146 Jump up ^ Thompson 2003 , pp. 143 -- 146 ^ Jump up to : Thompson 2003 , p. 146 ; Green 2009 , p. 322 ^ Jump up to : Thompson 2003 , p. 146 Jump up ^ Thompson 2003 , pp. 146 -- 147 ^ Jump up to : Thompson 2003 , p. 147 Jump up ^ Thompson 2003 , pp. 147 -- 148 ; Green 2009 , p. 322 Jump up ^ Thompson 2003 , p. 148 Jump up ^ Thompson 2003 , pp. 148 -- 149 ^ Jump up to : Thompson 2003 , p. 149 ^ Jump up to : Thompson 2003 , p. 150 Jump up ^ Green 2009 , p. 322 ; Carpenter 2004 , pp. 531 -- 532 Bibliography ( edit ) Barlow , Frank ( 1999 ) . 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The Normans : The History of a Dynasty . London , UK : Hambledon Continuum . ISBN 978 - 1 - 85285 - 595 - 6 . Crouch , David ( 2008 ) . The Beaumont Twins : The Roots and Branches of Power in the Twelfth Century . Cambridge , UK : Cambridge University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 09013 - 1 . Cooper , Alan ( 2001 ) . `` '' The Feet of Those That Bark Shall Be Cut Off `` : Timorous Historians and the Personality of Henry I '' . In Gillingham , John . Anglo - Norman Studies : Proceedings of the Battle Conference , 2000 . Woodbridge , UK : The Boydell Press . pp. 47 -- 68 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 85115 - 825 - 9 . David , Charles W. ( 1929 ) . `` The Claim of King Henry I to Be Called Learned '' . In Taylor , C.H. ; LaMonte , J.L. Anniversary Essays in Medieval History by Students of Charles Homer Haskins . Boston , US and New York , US : Houghton Mifflin . pp. 45 -- 56 . OCLC 615486047 . Davies , R.R. ( 1990 ) . Domination and Conquest : The Experience of Ireland , Scotland and Wales , 1100 -- 1300 . Cambridge , UK : Cambridge University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 02977 - 3 . Duffy , Mark ( 2003 ) . Royal Tombs of Medieval England . Stroud , UK : Tempus . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7524 - 2579 - 5 . Green , Judith ( 1989 ) . The Government of England Under Henry I. Cambridge , UK : Cambridge University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 37586 - 3 . Green , Judith ( 2003 ) . `` Le Gouvernement d'Henri Ier Beauclerc en Normandie '' . In Bouet , Pierre ; Gazeau , Véronique . La Normandie et l'Angleterre au Moyen âge ( in French ) . Caen , France : Publications du CRAHM . pp. 61 -- 73 . ISBN 978 - 2 - 902685 - 14 - 1 . Green , Judith ( 2009 ) . Henry I : King of England and Duke of Normandy . Cambridge , UK : Cambridge University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 74452 - 2 . Hallam , Elizabeth M. ; Everard , Judith A. ( 2001 ) . Capetian France , 987 -- 1328 ( 2nd ed . ) . Harlow , UK : Longman . ISBN 978 - 0 - 582 - 40428 - 1 . Haskins , Charles Homer ( 1918 ) . Norman Institutions . Cambridge , US : Harvard University Press . OCLC 459798602 . Hollister , C. Warren ; Baldwin , John W. ( 1978 ) . `` The Rise of Administrative Kingship : Henry I and Philip Augustus '' . The American Historical Review . 83 ( 4 ) : 867 -- 05 . doi : 10.2307 / 1867650 . ISSN 0002 - 8762 . Hollister , C. Warren ( 2003 ) . Frost , Amanda Clark , ed . Henry I. New Haven , US and London , UK : Yale University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 300 - 09829 - 7 . Huneycutt , Lois L. ( 2003 ) . Matilda of Scotland : a Study in Medieval Queenship . Woodbridge , UK : The Boydell Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 85115 - 994 - 2 . King , Edmund ( 2010 ) . King Stephen . New Haven , US and London , UK : Yale University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 300 - 11223 - 8 . Mason , Emma ( 2008 ) . King Rufus : the Life and Murder of William II of England . Stroud , UK : The History Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7524 - 4635 - 6 . Mayr - Harting , Henry ( 2011 ) . Religion , Politics and Society in Britain , 1066 -- 1272 . Harlow , UK : Longman . ISBN 978 - 0 - 582 - 41413 - 6 . Newman , Charlotte A. ( 1988 ) . The Anglo - Norman Nobility in the Reign of Henry I : the Second Generation . Philadelphia , US : University of Pennsylvania Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8122 - 8138 - 5 . Poole , A.L. ( 1993 ) ( 1951 ) . From Domesday Book to Magna Carta , 1087 -- 1216 : Oxford History of England . Oxford , UK : Oxford University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 285287 - 8 . Prestwich , J.O. ( 1992 ) . `` The Military Household of the Norman Kings '' . In Strickland , Matthew . Anglo - Norman Warfare . Woodbridge , UK : The Boydell Press . pp. 128 -- 142 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 85115 - 327 - 8 . Southern , Richard ( 1962 ) . `` The Place of Henry I in English History '' . Proceedings of the British Academy . 48 : 127 -- 169 . ISSN 0068 - 1202 . Thompson , Kathleen ( 2003 ) . `` Affairs of State : the Illegitimate Children of Henry I '' . Journal of Medieval History . 29 ( 2 ) : 129 -- 151 . doi : 10.1016 / S0304 - 4181 ( 03 ) 00015 - 0 . ISSN 0304 - 4181 . Thompson , Kathleen ( 2007 ) . `` From the Thames to Tinchebray : the Role of Normandy in the Early Career of Henry I '' . In Fleming , Donald F. ; Pope , Janet M. Henry I and the Anglo - Norman World : Studies in Memory of C. Warren Hollister . Woodbridge , UK : The Boydell Press . pp. 16 -- 26 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 84383 - 293 - 5 . Vaughn , Sally N. ( 2007 ) . `` Henry I and the English Church : the Archbishops and the King '' . In Fleming , Donald F. ; Pope , Janet M. Henry I and the Anglo - Norman World : Studies in Memory of C. Warren Hollister . Woodbridge , UK : The Boydell Press . pp. 133 -- 157 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 84383 - 293 - 5 . Ward , Jennifer ( 2006 ) . Women in England in the Middle Ages . London , UK : Hambledon Continuum . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8264 - 1985 - 9 . White , G.W. , ed. ( 1949 ) . The Complete Peerage. 11 . London , UK : St. Catherine Press . OCLC 568761046 . Henry I of England House of Normandy Born : 1068 / 1069 Died : 1 December 1135 Regnal titles Preceded by William II King of England 1100 -- 1135 Succeeded by Stephen Preceded by William Adelin Duke of Normandy 1120 -- 1135 Preceded by Robert Curthose Duke of Normandy 1106 -- 1120 Succeeded by William Adelin English , Scottish and British monarchs Monarchs of England before 1603 Monarchs of Scotland before 1603 Alfred the Great Edward the Elder Ælfweard Æthelstan Edmund I Eadred Eadwig Edgar the Peaceful Edward the Martyr Æthelred the Unready Sweyn Edmund II Cnut Harold I Harthacnut Edward the Confessor Harold II Edgar Ætheling William I William II Henry I Stephen Matilda Henry II Henry the Young King Richard I John Henry III Edward I Edward II Edward III Richard II Henry IV Henry V Henry VI Edward IV Edward V Richard III Henry VII Henry VIII Edward VI Jane Mary I and Philip Elizabeth I Kenneth I MacAlpin Donald I Constantine I Áed Giric Eochaid Donald II Constantine II Malcolm I Indulf Dub Cuilén Amlaíb Kenneth II Constantine III Kenneth III Malcolm II Duncan I Macbeth Lulach Malcolm III Donald III Duncan II Donald III Edgar Alexander I David I Malcolm IV William I Alexander II Alexander III Margaret of Norway First Interregnum John Balliol Second Interregnum Robert I David II Edward Balliol Robert II Robert III James I James II James III James IV James V Mary I James VI Monarchs of England and Scotland after the Union of the Crowns in 1603 James I & VI Charles I Commonwealth Charles II James II & VII William III & II and Mary II Anne British monarchs after the Acts of Union 1707 Anne George I George II George III George IV William IV Victoria Edward VII George V Edward VIII George VI Elizabeth II Debatable or disputed rulers are in italics . Dukes of Normandy House of Normandy 911 -- 1135 Rollo * William I * Richard I * Richard II Richard III Robert I William II * * Robert II Henry I * * William ( III ) House of Blois 1135 -- 1144 Stephen * * House of Plantagenet 1144 -- 1259 Geoffrey Henry II * * Henry the Young King Richard IV * * John * * Henry III * * House of Valois ( French appanage ) John ( 1332 -- 1350 ) Charles ( 1355 -- 1364 ) Charles ( 1465 -- 1469 ) * As count of Rouen * * Also king of England VIAF : 39365031 LCCN : n79084171 ISNI : 0000 0001 1624 5078 GND : 118773739 SELIBR : 60398 SUDOC : 058552405 BNF : cb124415206 ( data ) NKC : jn20000700813 Normandy portal England portal Biography portal Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Henry I of England 1060s births 1135 deaths 11th - century monarchs of England 12th - century English monarchs English people of French descent House of Normandy Dukes of Normandy Roman Catholic monarchs English Roman Catholics French Roman Catholics People from Selby Deaths from food poisoning Burials at Reading Abbey Christians of the Norwegian Crusade 12th - century monarchs in Europe Hidden categories : Pages containing links to subscription - only content Featured articles Use dmy dates from October 2016 Use British English from October 2012 CS1 French - language sources ( fr ) Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans বাংলা Bân - lâm - gú Башҡортса Беларуская Български Bosanski Brezhoneg Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Gaeilge Galego 한국어 Հայերեն Hrvatski Ido Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa ქართული Қазақша Latina Latviešu Lietuvių Magyar Македонски مصرى Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Plattdüütsch Polski Português Română Русский Scots Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska ไทย Türkçe Українська اردو Tiếng Việt West - Vlams 中文 55 more Edit links This page was last edited on 16 April 2018 , at 09 : 30 . 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which king died from a surfeit of lampreys
Henry campaigned throughout the autumn , strengthening the southern frontier , and then travelled to Lyons - la - Forêt in November to enjoy some hunting , still apparently healthy . There Henry fell ill -- according to the chronicler Henry of Huntingdon , he ate a number of lampreys against his physician 's advice -- and his condition worsened over the course of a week . Once the condition appeared terminal , Henry gave confession and summoned Archbishop Hugh of Amiens , who was joined by Robert of Gloucester and other members of the court . In accordance with custom , preparations were made to settle Henry 's outstanding debts and to revoke outstanding sentences of forfeiture . The King died on 1 December 1135 , and his corpse was taken to Rouen accompanied by the barons , where it was embalmed ; his entrails were buried locally at the priory of Notre - Dame du Pré , and the preserved body was taken on to England , where it was interred at Reading Abbey .
Winter Olympic Games - wikipedia Winter Olympic Games Jump to : navigation , search For a list of Winter Olympic Games , see the list below . `` Winter Olympics '' redirects here . For the TV episode of the The Goodies , see Winter Olympics ( The Goodies ) . For the video game , see Winter Olympics ( video game ) . Olympic Games Main topics Bids Boycotts Ceremonies Charter Host cities IFs IOC Medal Medal tables Medalists NOCs Pierre de Coubertin medal Scandals and controversies Sports Symbols Torch relays Venues Games Summer Winter Summer Paralympic Winter Paralympic Deaflympics Youth Special American Asian Pacific African European EYOF Ancient Intercalated Winter Olympic Games The Olympic flame in PyeongChang during the 2018 Winter Olympics Games 1924 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 2022 2026 Sports ( details ) Alpine skiing Biathlon Bobsleigh Cross ‐ country skiing Curling Figure skating Freestyle skiing Ice hockey Luge Nordic combined Short track speed skating Skeleton Ski jumping Snowboarding Speed skating The Winter Olympic Games ( French : Jeux olympiques d'hiver ) is a major international sporting event held once every four years for sports practised on snow and ice . The first Winter Olympics , the 1924 Winter Olympics , were held in Chamonix , France . The modern Olympic games were inspired by the ancient Olympic Games , which were held in Olympia , Greece , from the 8th century BC to the 4th century AD . Baron Pierre de Coubertin founded the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) in 1894 , leading to the first modern Summer Games in Athens , Greece in 1896 . The IOC is the governing body of the Olympic Movement , with the Olympic Charter defining its structure and authority . The original five Winter Olympics sports ( broken into nine disciplines ) were bobsleigh , curling , ice hockey , Nordic skiing ( consisting of the disciplines military patrol , cross-country skiing , Nordic combined , and ski jumping ) , and skating ( consisting of the disciplines figure skating and speed skating ) . The Games were held every four years from 1924 to 1936 , interrupted in 1940 and 1944 by World War II , and resumed in 1948 . Until 1992 the Winter and Summer Olympic Games were held in the same years , but in accordance with a 1986 decision by the IOC to place the Summer and Winter Games on separate four - year cycles in alternating even - numbered years , the next Winter Olympics after 1992 was in 1994 . The Winter Games have evolved since their inception . Sports and disciplines have been added and some of them , such as Alpine skiing , luge , short track speed skating , freestyle skiing , skeleton , and snowboarding , have earned a permanent spot on the Olympic programme . Some others , including curling and bobsleigh , have been discontinued and later reintroduced ; others have been permanently discontinued , such as military patrol , though the modern Winter Olympic sport of biathlon is descended from it . Still others , such as speed skiing , bandy and skijoring , were demonstration sports but never incorporated as Olympic sports . The rise of television as a global medium for communication enhanced the profile of the Games . It generated income via the sale of broadcast rights and advertising , which has become lucrative for the IOC . This allowed outside interests , such as television companies and corporate sponsors , to exert influence . The IOC has had to address numerous criticisms over the decades like internal scandals , the use of performance - enhancing drugs by Winter Olympians , as well as a political boycott of the Winter Olympics . Nations have used the Winter ( as well as Summer ) Games to proclaim the superiority of their political systems . The Winter Olympics has been hosted on three continents by twelve different countries . The Games have been held four times in the United States ( in 1932 , 1960 , 1980 and 2002 ) ; three times in France ( in 1924 , 1968 and 1992 ) ; and twice each in Austria ( 1964 , 1976 ) , Canada ( 1988 , 2010 ) , Japan ( 1972 , 1998 ) , Italy ( 1956 , 2006 ) , Norway ( 1952 , 1994 ) , and Switzerland ( 1928 , 1948 ) . Also , the Games have been held just once each in Germany ( 1936 ) , Yugoslavia ( 1984 ) , Russia ( 2014 ) and South Korea ( 2018 ) . The IOC has selected Beijing , China , to host the 2022 Winter Olympics and the host of the 2026 Winter Olympics will be selected in September 2019 . As of 2018 , no city in the southern hemisphere has applied to host the cold - weather - dependent Winter Olympics , which are held in February at the height of the southern hemisphere summer . To date , twelve countries have participated in every Winter Olympic Games -- Austria , Canada , Finland , France , Great Britain , Hungary , Italy , Norway , Poland , Sweden , Switzerland and the United States . Six of those countries have earned medals at every Winter Olympic Games -- Austria , Canada , Finland , Norway , Sweden and the United States . The only country to have earned a gold medal at every Winter Olympics is the United States . Norway leads the all - time medal table for the Winter Olympics both on number of gold and overall medals , followed by the United States and Germany . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 20th century 1.1. 1 1900 to 1912 1.1. 2 World War I 1.1. 3 1920 to 1936 1.1. 4 World War II 1.1. 5 1948 to 1960 1.1. 6 1964 to 1980 1.1. 7 1984 to 1998 1.2 21st century 1.2. 1 2002 to 2010 1.2. 2 2014 to 2018 1.2. 3 Future 2 Controversy 2.1 Host city legacy 2.2 Doping 3 Politics 3.1 Cold War 3.2 Boycott 4 Sports 4.1 Current sports 4.2 Demonstration events 5 Ten most successful nations 6 List of Winter Olympic Games 7 See also 8 Notes 9 References 10 External links History 20th century 1900 to 1912 Ulrich Salchow at the 1908 Olympics . A predecessor , the Nordic Games , were organised by General Viktor Gustaf Balck in Stockholm , Sweden in 1901 and were held again in 1903 and 1905 and then every fourth year thereafter until 1926 . Balck was a charter member of the IOC and a close friend of Olympic Games founder Pierre de Coubertin . He attempted to have winter sports , specifically figure skating , added to the Olympic programme but was unsuccessful until the 1908 Summer Olympics in London , United Kingdom . Four figure skating events were contested , at which Ulrich Salchow ( 10 - time world champion ) and Madge Syers won the individual titles . Three years later , Italian count Eugenio Brunetta d'Usseaux proposed that the IOC stage a week of winter sports included as part of the 1912 Summer Olympics in Stockholm , Sweden . The organisers opposed this idea because they desired to protect the integrity of the Nordic Games and were concerned about a lack of facilities for winter sports . World War I The idea was resurrected for the 1916 Games , which were to be held in Berlin , Germany . A winter sports week with speed skating , figure skating , ice hockey and Nordic skiing was planned , but the 1916 Olympics was cancelled after the outbreak of World War I . 1920 to 1936 The first Olympics after the war , the 1920 Summer Olympics , were held in Antwerp , Belgium , and featured figure skating and an ice hockey tournament . Germany , Austria , Hungary , Bulgaria and Turkey were banned from competing in the Games . At the IOC Congress held the following year it was decided that the host nation of the 1924 Summer Olympics , France , would host a separate `` International Winter Sports Week '' under the patronage of the IOC . Chamonix was chosen to host this `` week '' ( actually 11 days ) of events . The Games proved to be a success when more than 250 athletes from 16 nations competed in 16 events . Athletes from Finland and Norway won 28 medals , more than the rest of the participating nations combined . Germany remained banned until 1925 , and instead hosted a series of games called Deutsche Kampfspiele , starting with the winter edition of 1922 ( which predated the first Winter Olympics ) . In 1925 the IOC decided to create a separate winter event and the 1924 Games in Chamonix was retroactively designated as the first Winter Olympics . St. Moritz , Switzerland , was appointed by the IOC to host the second Winter Games in 1928 . Fluctuating weather conditions challenged the hosts . The opening ceremony was held in a blizzard while warm weather conditions plagued sporting events throughout the rest of the Games . Because of the weather the 10,000 metre speed - skating event had to be abandoned and officially cancelled . The weather was not the only noteworthy aspect of the 1928 Games : Sonja Henie of Norway made history when she won the figure skating competition at the age of 15 . She became the youngest Olympic champion in history , a distinction she held for 70 years . The next Winter Olympics held in Lake Placid , New York , was the first to be hosted outside of Europe . Seventeen nations and 252 athletes participated . This was less than in 1928 , as the journey to Lake Placid , United States , was long and expensive for most competitors , who had little money in the midst of the Great Depression . The athletes competed in fourteen events in four sports . Virtually no snow fell for two months before the Games , and there was not enough snow to hold all the events until mid-January . Sonja Henie defended her Olympic title , and Eddie Eagan of the United States , who had been an Olympic champion in boxing in 1920 , won the gold medal in the men 's bobsleigh event to become the first , and so far only , Olympian to have won gold medals in both the Summer and Winter Olympics . The German towns of Garmisch and Partenkirchen joined to organise the 1936 edition of the Winter Games , held on 6 -- 16 February . This was the last time the Summer and Winter Olympics were held in the same country in the same year . Alpine skiing made its Olympic debut , but skiing teachers were barred from entering because they were considered to be professionals . Because of this decision the Swiss and Austrian skiers refused to compete at the Games . World War II World War II interrupted the holding of the Winter Olympics . The 1940 Games had been awarded to Sapporo , Japan , but the decision was rescinded in 1938 because of the Japanese invasion of China . The Games were then to be held at Garmisch - Partenkirchen , Germany , but the 1940 Games were cancelled following the German invasion of Poland in 1939 . Due to the ongoing war , the 1944 Games , originally scheduled for Cortina D'Ampezzo , Italy , were cancelled . 1948 to 1960 The opening ceremonies of the 1956 Winter Olympics in Cortina d'Ampezzo St. Moritz was selected to host the first post-war Games in 1948 . Switzerland 's neutrality had protected the town during World War II , and most of the venues were in place from the 1928 Games , which made St. Moritz a logical choice . It became the first city to host a Winter Olympics twice . Twenty - eight countries competed in Switzerland , but athletes from Germany and Japan were not invited . Controversy erupted when two hockey teams from the United States arrived , both claiming to be the legitimate U.S. Olympic hockey representative . The Olympic flag presented at the 1920 Summer Olympics in Antwerp was stolen , as was its replacement . There was unprecedented parity at these Games , during which 10 countries won gold medals -- more than any Games to that point . The Olympic Flame for the 1952 Games in Oslo , was lit in the fireplace by skiing pioneer Sondre Nordheim , and the torch relay was conducted by 94 participants entirely on skis . Bandy , a popular sport in the Nordic countries , was featured as a demonstration sport , though only Norway , Sweden , and Finland fielded teams . Norwegian athletes won 17 medals , which outpaced all the other nations . They were led by Hjalmar Andersen who won three gold medals in four events in the speed skating competition . After not being able to host the Games in 1944 , Cortina d'Ampezzo was selected to organise the 1956 Winter Olympics . At the opening ceremonies the final torch bearer , Guido Caroli , entered the Olympic Stadium on ice skates . As he skated around the stadium his skate caught on a cable and he fell , nearly extinguishing the flame . He was able to recover and light the cauldron . These were the first Winter Games to be televised , and the first Olympics ever broadcast to an international audience , though no television rights were sold until the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome . The Cortina Games were used to test the feasibility of televising large sporting events . The Soviet Union made its Olympic debut and had an immediate impact , winning more medals than any other nation . Soviet immediate success might be explained by the advent of the state - sponsored `` full - time amateur athlete '' . The USSR entered teams of athletes who were all nominally students , soldiers , or working in a profession , but many of whom were in reality paid by the state to train full - time . Chiharu Igaya won the first Winter Olympics medal for Japan and the continent of Asia when he placed second in the slalom . The IOC awarded the 1960 Olympics to Squaw Valley , United States . It was an undeveloped resort in 1955 , so from 1956 to 1960 the infrastructure and all of the venues were built at a cost of US $80,000,000 . The opening and closing ceremonies were produced by Walt Disney . The Squaw Valley Olympics was the first Winter Games to have a dedicated athletes ' village , the first to use a computer ( courtesy of IBM ) to tabulate results , and the first to feature female speed skating events . The bobsleigh events were absent for the only time due to the cost of building a bobsleigh run . 1964 to 1980 The Herb Brooks Arena in Lake Placid ( c. 2007 ) , site of the `` Miracle on Ice '' in 1980 The Austrian city of Innsbruck was the host in 1964 . Although Innsbruck was a traditional winter sports resort , warm weather caused a lack of snow during the Games and the Austrian army was enlisted to transport snow and ice to the sports venues . Soviet speed - skater Lidia Skoblikova made history by winning all four speed skating events . Her career total of six gold medals set a record for Winter Olympics athletes . Luge was first contested in 1964 , but the sport received bad publicity when a competitor was killed in a pre-Olympic training run . Held in the French town of Grenoble , the 1968 Winter Olympics were the first Olympic Games to be broadcast in colour . There were 1,158 athletes from 37 nations competing in 35 events . French alpine ski racer Jean - Claude Killy became only the second person to win all the men 's alpine skiing events . The organising committee sold television rights for US $2 million , which was more than twice the cost of the broadcast rights for the Innsbruck Games . Venues were spread over long distances requiring three athletes ' villages . The organisers claimed that this was necessary to accommodate technological advances , however critics disputed this , alleging that the layout would incorporate the best possible venues for television broadcasts at the athletes ' expense . The 1972 Winter Games , held in Sapporo , Japan , were the first to be hosted on a continent other than North America or Europe . The issue of professionalism was disputed during these Games when a number of alpine skiers were found to have participated in a ski camp at Mammoth Mountain in the United States ; three days before the opening ceremony , IOC president Avery Brundage threatened to bar the skiers from competing in the Games as he insisted that they were no longer amateurs having benefited financially from their status as athletes . Eventually only Austrian Karl Schranz , who earned more than the other skiers , was excluded from the competition . Canada did not send teams to the 1972 or 1976 ice hockey tournaments in protest at not being able to use players from professional leagues . Francisco Fernández Ochoa became the first ( and , as of 2018 , only ) Spaniard to win a Winter Olympic gold medal when he triumphed in the slalom . The 1976 Winter Olympics had initially been awarded in 1970 to Denver , Colorado in the United States . These Games would have coincided with the year of Colorado 's centennial and the United States Bicentennial . However , in November 1972 the people of Colorado voted against public funding of the Games by a 3 : 2 margin . The IOC responded by offering the Games to Vancouver - Garibaldi , British Columbia , which had previously been an official candidate for the 1976 Games . However , a change in the provincial government resulted in an administration that did not support the Olympic bid , so the IOC 's offer was rejected . Salt Lake City , previously a candidate for the 1972 Winter Olympics , then put itself forward , but the IOC opted instead to invite Innsbruck to host the 1976 Games , as most of the infrastructure from the 1964 Games had been maintained . Despite only having half the usual time to prepare for the Games , Innsbruck accepted the invitation to replace Denver in February 1973 . Two Olympic flames were lit because it was the second time that the Austrian town had hosted the Winter Games . The 1976 Games featured the first combination bobsleigh and luge track , in neighbouring Igls . The Soviet Union won its fourth consecutive ice hockey gold medal . In 1980 the Winter Olympics returned to Lake Placid , which had hosted the 1932 Games . The first boycott of a Winter Olympics took place at these Games , when Taiwan refused to participate after an edict by the IOC mandated that they change their name and national anthem . This was an attempt by the IOC to accommodate China , who wished to compete using the same name and anthem as those used by Taiwan . As a result , China participated for the first time since 1952 . American speed - skater Eric Heiden set either an Olympic or World record in every one of the five events in which he competed , winning a total of five individual gold medals and breaking the record for most individual golds in a single Olympics ( both Summer and Winter ) . Hanni Wenzel won both the slalom and giant slalom and her country , Liechtenstein , became the smallest nation to produce an Olympic gold medallist . In the `` Miracle on Ice '' , the American hockey team composed of college players beat the favoured seasoned professionals from the Soviet Union , and progressed to eventually win the gold medal . 1984 to 1998 Alberto Tomba , winner of five Olympic medals in Calgary , Albertville and Lillehammer Sapporo , Japan , and Gothenburg , Sweden , were front - runners to host the 1984 Winter Olympics . It was therefore a surprise when Sarajevo , Yugoslavia , was selected as host . The Games were well - organised and not affected by the run - up to the war that engulfed the country eight years later . A total of 49 nations and 1,272 athletes participated in 39 events . Host nation Yugoslavia won its first Olympic medal when alpine skier Jure Franko won silver in the giant slalom . Another sporting highlight was the free dance performance of British ice dancers Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean ; their Boléro routine received unanimous perfect scores for artistic impression , earning them the gold medal . The Olympic Torch from the 1988 Winter Olympic Games in Calgary In 1988 , the Canadian city of Calgary hosted the first Winter Olympics to span three weekends , lasting for a total of 16 days . New events were added in ski - jumping and speed skating , while future Olympic sports curling , short track speed skating and freestyle skiing made their debut appearance as demonstration sports . The speed skating events were held indoors for the first time , on the Olympic Oval . Dutch skater Yvonne van Gennip won three gold medals and set two world records , beating skaters from the favoured East German team in every race . Her medal total was equalled by Finnish ski jumper Matti Nykänen , who won all three events in his sport . Alberto Tomba , an Italian skier , made his Olympic debut by winning both the giant slalom and slalom . East German Christa Rothenburger won the women 's 1,000 metre speed skating event . Seven months later she would earn a silver in track cycling at the Summer Games in Seoul , to become the only athlete to win medals in both a Summer and Winter Olympics in the same year . The 1992 Winter Games were the last to be held in the same year as the Summer Games . They were hosted in the French Savoie region , with 18 events held in the city of Albertville and the remaining events spread out over the Savoie . Political changes of the time were reflected in the composition of the Olympic teams competing in France : this was the first Games to be held after the fall of Communism and the fall of the Berlin Wall , and Germany competed as a single nation for the first time since the 1964 Games ; former Yugoslavian republics Croatia and Slovenia made their debuts as independent nations ; most of the former Soviet republics still competed as a single team known as the Unified Team , but the Baltic States made independent appearances for the first time since before World War II . At 16 years old , Finnish ski jumper Toni Nieminen made history by becoming the youngest male Winter Olympic champion . New Zealand skier Annelise Coberger became the first Winter Olympic medallist from the southern hemisphere when she won a silver medal in the women 's slalom . The 1994 Winter Olympics , held in Lillehammer , Norway , were the first Winter Games to be held separately from the Summer Games . This change resulted from the decision reached in the 91st IOC Session ( 1986 ) to separate the Summer and Winter Games and place them in alternating even - numbered years . Lillehammer is the northernmost city to ever host the Winter Games and it was the second time the Games were held in Norway , after the 1952 Winter Olympics in Oslo . After the dissolution of Czechoslovakia in 1993 , the Czech Republic and Slovakia made their Olympic debuts . The women 's figure skating competition drew media attention when American skater Nancy Kerrigan was injured on 6 January 1994 , in an assault planned by the ex-husband of opponent Tonya Harding . Both skaters competed in the Games , but the gold medal was controversially won by Oksana Baiul who became Ukraine 's first Olympic champion , while Kerrigan won the silver medal . Johann Olav Koss of Norway won three gold medals , coming first in all of the distance speed skating events . 13 - year - old Kim Yoon - Mi became the youngest - ever Olympic gold medallist when South Korea won the women 's 3,000 meter speed skating relay . Russia won the most events , with eleven gold medals , while Norway achieved 26 podium finishes , collecting the most medals overall on home ground . Juan Antonio Samaranch described Lillehammer as `` the best Olympic Winter Games ever '' in his closing ceremony speech . The 1998 Winter Olympics were held in the Japanese city of Nagano and were the first Games to host more than 2,000 athletes . The men 's ice hockey tournament was opened to professionals for the first time . Canada and the United States were favoured to win the tournament as they both fielded numerous NHL players , but surprisingly neither team won any medals and it was the Czech Republic who prevailed . Women 's ice hockey made its debut and the United States won the gold medal . Bjørn Dæhlie of Norway won three gold medals in Nordic skiing , becoming the most decorated Winter Olympic athlete , with eight gold medals and twelve medals overall . Austrian Hermann Maier survived a crash during the downhill competition and returned to win gold in the super-G and the giant slalom . Tara Lipinski of the United States , aged just 15 , became the youngest ever female gold medallist in an individual event when she won the Ladies ' Singles , a record that had stood since Sonja Henie of Norway won the same event , also aged 15 , in St. Moritz in 1928 . New world records were set in speed skating largely due to the introduction of the clap skate . 21st century 2002 to 2010 Olympic flame during the Opening Ceremony of the 2002 Games in Salt Lake City The 2002 Winter Olympics were held in Salt Lake City , United States , hosting 77 nations and 2,399 athletes in 78 events in 7 sports . These Games were the first to take place since the September 11 attacks of 2001 , which meant a higher degree of security to avoid a terrorist attack . The opening ceremony saw signs of the aftermath of the events of that day , including the flag that flew at Ground Zero , NYPD officer Daniel Rodríguez singing `` God Bless America '' , and honour guards of NYPD and FDNY members . German Georg Hackl won a silver in the singles luge , becoming the first athlete in Olympic history to win medals in the same individual event in five consecutive Olympics . Canada achieved an unprecedented double by winning both the men 's and women 's ice hockey gold medals . Canada became embroiled with Russia in a controversy that involved the judging of the pairs figure skating competition . The Russian pair of Yelena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze competed against the Canadian pair of Jamie Salé and David Pelletier for the gold medal . The Canadians appeared to have skated well enough to win the competition , yet the Russians were awarded the gold . The judging broke along Cold War lines with judges from former Communist countries favouring the Russian pair and judges from Western nations voting for the Canadians . The only exception was the French judge , Marie - Reine Le Gougne , who awarded the gold to the Russians . An investigation revealed that she had been pressured to give the gold to the Russian pair regardless of how they skated ; in return the Russian judge would look favourably on the French entrants in the ice dancing competition . The IOC decided to award both pairs the gold medal in a second medal ceremony held later in the Games . Australian Steven Bradbury became the first gold medallist from the southern hemisphere when he won the 1,000 metre short - track speed skating event . Close - up of the Olympic Flame during the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin The Italian city of Turin hosted the 2006 Winter Olympics . It was the second time that Italy had hosted the Winter Olympic Games . South Korean athletes won 10 medals , including 6 gold in the short - track speed skating events . Sun - Yu Jin won three gold medals while her teammate Hyun - Soo Ahn won three gold medals and a bronze . In the women 's Cross-Country team pursuit Canadian Sara Renner broke one of her poles and , when he saw her dilemma , Norwegian coach Bjørnar Håkensmoen decided to lend her a pole . In so doing she was able to help her team win a silver medal in the event at the expense of the Norwegian team , who finished fourth . On winning the Super-G , Kjetil - Andre Aamodt of Norway became the most decorated ski racer of all time with 4 gold and 8 overall medals . He is also the only ski racer to have won the same event at three different Olympics , winning the Super-G in 1992 , 2002 and 2006 . Claudia Pechstein of Germany became the first speed skater to earn nine career medals . In February 2009 , Pechstein tested positive for `` blood manipulation '' and received a two - year suspension , which she appealed . The Court of Arbitration for Sport upheld her suspension but a Swiss court ruled that she could compete for a spot on the 2010 German Olympic team . This ruling was brought to the Swiss Federal Tribunal , which overturned the lower court 's ruling and precluded her from competing in Vancouver . A memorial to Nodar Kumaritashvili in Whistler , photographed on 20 March 2010 In 2003 the IOC awarded the 2010 Winter Olympics to Vancouver , thus allowing Canada to host its second Winter Olympics . With a population of more than 2.5 million people Vancouver is the largest metropolitan area to ever host a Winter Olympic Games . Over 2,500 athletes from 82 countries participated in 86 events . The death of Georgian luger Nodar Kumaritashvili in a training run on the day of the opening ceremonies resulted in the Whistler Sliding Centre changing the track layout on safety grounds . Norwegian cross-country skier Marit Bjørgen won five medals in the six cross-country events on the women 's programme . She finished the Olympics with three golds , a silver and a bronze . The Vancouver Games were notable for the poor performance of the Russian athletes . From their first Winter Olympics in 1956 to the 2006 Games , a Soviet or Russian delegation had never been outside the top five medal - winning nations , but in 2010 they finished sixth in total medals and eleventh in gold medals . President Dmitry Medvedev called for the resignation of top sports officials immediately after the Games . Russia 's disappointing performance at Vancouver is cited as the reason behind the implementation of a doping scheme alleged to have been in operation at major events such as the 2014 Games at Sochi . The success of Asian countries stood in stark contrast to the under - performing Russian team , with Vancouver marking a high point for medals won by Asian countries . In 1992 the Asian countries had won fifteen medals , three of which were gold . In Vancouver the total number of medals won by athletes from Asia had increased to thirty - one , with eleven of them being gold . The rise of Asian nations in Winter Olympics sports is due in part to the growth of winter sports programmes and the interest in winter sports in nations such as South Korea , Japan and China . 2014 to 2018 Sochi , Russia , was selected as the host city for the 2014 Winter Olympics over Salzburg , Austria , and Pyeongchang , South Korea . This was the first time that Russia had hosted a Winter Olympics . The Games took place from 7 to 23 February 2014 . A record 2,800 athletes from 88 countries competed in 98 events . The Olympic Village and Olympic Stadium were located on the Black Sea coast . All of the mountain venues were 50 kilometres ( 31 miles ) away in the alpine region known as Krasnaya Polyana . The Games were the most expensive so far , with a cost of £ 30 billion ( USD 51 billion ) . On the snow , Norwegian biathlete Ole Einar Bjørndalen took two golds to bring his total tally of Olympic medals to 13 , overtaking his compatriot Bjørn Dæhlie to become the most decorated Winter Olympian of all time . Another Norwegian , cross-country skier Marit Bjørgen took three golds ; her total of ten Olympic medals tied her as the female Winter Olympian with most medals , alongside Raisa Smetanina and Stefania Belmondo . Snowboarder Ayumu Hirano became the youngest medallist on snow at the Winter Games when he took a silver in the halfpipe competition at the age of fifteen . On the ice , the Dutch dominated the speed skating events , taking 23 medals , four clean sweeps of the podium places and at least one medal in each of the twelve medal events . Ireen Wüst was their most successful competitor , taking two golds and three silvers . In figure skating , Yuzuru Hanyu became the first skater to break the 100 - point barrier in the short programme on the way to winning the gold medal . Among the sledding disciplines , luger Armin Zöggeler took a bronze , becoming the first Winter Olympian to secure a medal in six consecutive Games . Following their disappointing performance at the 2010 Games , and an investment of £ 600 million in elite sport , Russia initially topped the medal table , taking 33 medals including thirteen golds . However Grigory Rodchenkov , the former head of the Russian national anti-doping laboratory , subsequently claimed that he had been involved in doping dozens of Russian competitors for the Games , and that he had been assisted by the Russian Federal Security Service in opening and re-sealing bottles containing urine samples so that samples with banned substances could be replaced with `` clean '' urine . A subsequent investigation commissioned by the World Anti-Doping Agency led by Richard McLaren concluded that a state - sponsored doping programme had operated in Russia from `` at least late 2011 to 2015 '' across the `` vast majority '' of Summer and Winter Olympic sports . On 5 December 2017 , the IOC announced that Russia would be banned from the 2018 Winter Olympics with immediate effect and by the end of 2017 the IOC Disciplinary Commission had disqualified 43 Russian athletes , stripping thirteen medals and knocking Russia from the top of the medal table , thus putting Norway in the lead . On 6 July 2011 , Pyeongchang , South Korea , was selected to host the 2018 Winter Olympics over Munich , Germany , and Annecy , France . This was the first time that South Korea had been selected to host a Winter Olympics and it was the second time the Olympics were held in the country overall , after the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul . The Games took place from 9 to 25 February 2018 . More than 2,900 athletes from 92 countries participated in 102 events . The Olympic Stadium and many of the sports venues were situated in the Alpensia Resort in Daegwallyeong - myeon , Pyeongchang , while a number of other sports venues were located in the Gangneung Olympic Park in Pyeongchang 's neighboring city of Gangneung . The lead - up to the 2018 Winter Olympics was affected by the tensions between North and South Korea and the ongoing Russian doping scandal . Despite tense relations , North Korea agreed to participate in the Games , enter with South Korea during the opening ceremony as a unified Korea , and field a unified team in women 's ice hockey . Individual Russian athletes , who qualified and could demonstrate they had complied with the IOC 's doping regulations , were given the option to compete neutrally in Pyeongchang as `` Olympic Athletes from Russia '' ( OAR ) but they were not allowed to compete under the Russian flag . The Games saw the addition of big air snowboarding , mass start speed skating , mixed doubles curling , and mixed team alpine skiing to the programme . On the ice , the Netherlands again dominated the speed skating , winning gold medals in seven of the ten individual events . Dutch speed skater Sven Kramer won gold in the men 's 5000m event , becoming the only male speed skater to win the same Olympic event three times . On the snow , Norway led the medal tally in cross-country skiing , with Marit Bjørgen winning bronze in the women 's team sprint and gold in the 30 kilometre classical event , bringing her total Olympic medal haul to fifteen , the most won by any athlete ( male or female ) in Winter Olympics history . Johannes Høsflot Klæbo became the youngest ever male to win an Olympic gold in cross-country skiing when he won the men 's sprint at age 21 . Noriaki Kasai of Japan became the first athlete in history to participate in eight Winter Olympics when he took part in the ski jumping qualification the day before the opening of the Games . Ester Ledecká of the Czech Republic won gold in the skiing super-G event and another gold in the snowboarding parallel giant slalom , making her the first female athlete to win Olympic gold medals in two different sports at a single Winter Games . Norway led the total medal standings with 39 , the highest number of medals by a nation in any Winter Olympics , followed by Germany 's 31 and Canada 's 29 . Host nation South Korea won seventeen medals , their highest medal haul at a Winter Olympics . Future The host city for the 2022 Winter Olympics , is Beijing in northern China , elected on 31 July 2015 , at the 128th IOC Session in Kuala Lumpur . Beijing will be the first city ever to have hosted both the Summer and Winter Olympics . The 2022 Winter Olympics will take place between 4 and 20 February 2022 . Controversy Main article : Olympic Games scandals and controversies § Winter Olympics Juan Antonio Samaranch , former IOC president , was implicated in a bidding scandal for the 2002 Winter Olympics . The process for awarding host city honours came under intense scrutiny after Salt Lake City had been awarded the right to host the 2002 Games . Soon after the host city had been announced it was discovered that the organisers had engaged in an elaborate bribery scheme to curry favour with IOC officials . Gifts and other financial considerations were given to those who would evaluate and vote on Salt Lake City 's bid . These gifts included medical treatment for relatives , a college scholarship for one member 's son and a land deal in Utah . Even IOC president Juan Antonio Samaranch received two rifles valued at $2,000 . Samaranch defended the gift as inconsequential since , as president , he was a non-voting member . The subsequent investigation uncovered inconsistencies in the bids for every Olympics ( both Summer and Winter ) since 1988 . For example , the gifts received by IOC members from the Japanese Organising Committee for Nagano 's bid for the 1998 Winter Olympics were described by the investigation committee as `` astronomical '' . Although nothing strictly illegal had been done , the IOC feared that corporate sponsors would lose faith in the integrity of the process and that the Olympic brand would be tarnished to such an extent that advertisers would begin to pull their support . The investigation resulted in the expulsion of 10 IOC members and the sanctioning of another 10 . New terms and age limits were established for IOC membership , and 15 former Olympic athletes were added to the committee . Stricter rules for future bids were imposed , with ceilings imposed on the value of gifts IOC members could accept from bid cities . Host city legacy According to the IOC , the host city for the Winter Olympics is responsible for `` ... establishing functions and services for all aspects of the Games , such as sports planning , venues , finance , technology , accommodation , catering , media services , etc. , as well as operations during the Games . '' Due to the cost of hosting the Games , most host cities never realise a profit on their investment . For example , the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin , Italy , cost $3.6 billion to host . By comparison , the 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano , Japan , cost $12.5 billion . The organisers of the Nagano Games claimed that the cost of extending the bullet train service from Tokyo to Nagano was responsible for the large price tag . The organising committee had hoped that the exposure gained from hosting the Winter Olympics , and the improved access to Nagano from Tokyo , would benefit the local economy for years afterwards . In actual fact , Nagano 's economy did experience a post-Olympic boom for a year or two , but the long - term effects have not materialised as anticipated . The likelihood of heavy debt is a deterrent to prospective host cities , as well as the prospect of unused sports venues and infrastructure saddling the local community with upkeep costs into the future with no appreciable post-Olympic value . The Winter Olympics has the added problem of the alpine events requiring a mountain location ; the men 's downhill needs an 800 meter altitude difference along a suitable course . As this is a focal event that is central to the Games , the IOC will not agree to it taking place a great distance from the main host city . The requirement for a mountain location also means that venues such as hockey arenas often have to be built in sparsely populated areas with little future need for a large arena . Due to cost issues , the only candidate cities for the 2022 Winter Olympics were in dictatorship countries , and a number of European countries declined due to political doubt over costs . Both the 2006 and 2010 Games , which were hosted in countries where large cities are located close to suitable mountain regions , had lower costs since more venues and transport infrastructure already existed . The IOC has enacted several initiatives to mitigate these concerns . Firstly , the commission has agreed to fund part of the host city 's budget for staging the Games . Secondly , the qualifying host countries are limited to those that have the resources and infrastructure to successfully host an Olympic Games without negatively impacting the region or nation ; this consequently rules out a large portion of the developing world . Finally , any prospective host city planning to bid for the Games is required to add a `` legacy plan '' to their proposal , with a view to the long - term economic and environmental impact that hosting the Olympics will have on the region . Doping In 1967 the IOC began enacting drug testing protocols . They started by randomly testing athletes at the 1968 Winter Olympics . The first Winter Games athlete to test positive for a banned substance was Alois Schloder , a West German hockey player , but his team was still allowed to compete . During the 1970s testing outside of competition was escalated because it was found to deter athletes from using performance - enhancing drugs . The problem with testing during this time was a lack of standardisation of the test procedures , which undermined the credibility of the tests . It was not until the late 1980s that international sporting federations began to coordinate efforts to standardise the drug - testing protocols . The IOC took the lead in the fight against steroids when it established the independent World Anti-Doping Agency ( WADA ) in November 1999 . The 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin became notable for a scandal involving the emerging trend of blood doping , the use of blood transfusions or synthetic hormones such as Erythropoietin ( EPO ) to improve oxygen flow and thus reduce fatigue . The Italian police conducted a raid on the Austrian cross-country ski team 's residence during the Games where they seized blood - doping specimens and equipment . This event followed the pre-Olympics suspension of 12 cross-country skiers who tested positive for unusually high levels of haemoglobin , which is evidence of blood doping . The 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi 's Russian Doping Scandal has resulted in the International Olympic Committee to begin disciplinary proceedings against 28 ( later increased to 46 ) Russian athletes who competed at the 2014 Winter Games in Sochi , Russia , acting on evidence that their urine samples were tampered with . Politics Cold War A postage stamp issued by East Germany in 1968 in commemoration of their first Winter Olympics as an independent country The Winter Olympics have been an ideological front in the Cold War since the Soviet Union first participated at the 1956 Winter Games . It did not take long for the Cold War combatants to discover what a powerful propaganda tool the Olympic Games could be . The advent of the state - sponsored `` full - time amateur athlete '' of the Eastern Bloc countries further eroded the ideology of the pure amateur , as it put the self - financed amateurs of the Western countries at a disadvantage . The Soviet Union entered teams of athletes who were all nominally students , soldiers , or working in a profession , but many of whom were in reality paid by the state to train on a full - time basis . Nevertheless , the IOC held to the traditional rules regarding amateurism until the ' 90s . The Cold War created tensions amongst countries allied to the two superpowers . The strained relationship between East and West Germany created a difficult political situation for the IOC . Because of its role in World War II , Germany was not allowed to compete at the 1948 Winter Olympics . In 1950 the IOC recognised the West German Olympic Committee , and invited East and West Germany to compete as a unified team at the 1952 Winter Games . East Germany declined the invitation and instead sought international legitimacy separate from West Germany . In 1955 the Soviet Union recognised East Germany as a sovereign state , thereby giving more credibility to East Germany 's campaign to become an independent participant at the Olympics . The IOC agreed to provisionally accept the East German National Olympic Committee with the condition that East and West Germans compete on one team . The situation became tenuous when the Berlin Wall was constructed in 1962 and western nations began refusing visas to East German athletes . The uneasy compromise of a unified team held until the 1968 Grenoble Games when the IOC officially split the teams and threatened to reject the host - city bids of any country that refused entry visas to East German athletes . Boycott The Winter Games have had only one national team boycott when Taiwan decided not to participate in the 1980 Winter Olympics held in Lake Placid . Prior to the Games the IOC agreed to allow China to compete in the Olympics for the first time since 1952 . China was given permission to compete as the `` People 's Republic of China '' ( PRC ) and to use the PRC flag and anthem . Until 1980 the island of Taiwan had been competing under the name `` Republic of China '' ( ROC ) and had been using the ROC flag and anthem . The IOC attempted to have the countries compete together but when this proved to be unacceptable the IOC demanded that Taiwan cease to call itself the `` Republic of China '' . The IOC renamed the island `` Chinese Taipei '' and demanded that it adopt a different flag and national anthem , stipulations that Taiwan would not agree to . Despite numerous appeals and court hearings the IOC 's decision stood . When the Taiwanese athletes arrived at the Olympic village with their Republic of China identification cards they were not admitted . They subsequently left the Olympics in protest , just before the opening ceremonies . Taiwan returned to Olympic competition at the 1984 Winter Games in Sarajevo as Chinese Taipei . The country agreed to compete under a flag bearing the emblem of their National Olympic Committee and to play the anthem of their National Olympic Committee should one of their athletes win a gold medal . The agreement remains in place to this day . Sports The Olympic Charter limits winter sports to `` those ... which are practised on snow or ice . '' Since 1992 a number of new sports have been added to the Olympic programme ; which include short track speed skating , snowboarding , freestyle and moguls skiing . The addition of these events has broadened the appeal of the Winter Olympics beyond Europe and North America . While European powers such as Norway and Germany still dominate the traditional Winter Olympic sports , countries such as South Korea , Australia and Canada are finding success in the new sports . The results are : more parity in the national medal tables ; more interest in the Winter Olympics ; and higher global television ratings . Current sports Sport Years Events Medal events contested in 2014 Alpine skiing Since 1936 11 Men 's and women 's downhill , super G , giant slalom , slalom , and combined , and parallel slalom . Biathlon Since 1960 11 Sprint ( men : 10 km ; women : 7.5 km ) , the individual ( men : 20 km ; women : 15 km ) , pursuit ( men : 12.5 km ; women : 10 km ) , relay ( men : 4x7. 5 km ; women : 4x6 km ; mixed : 2x7. 5 km + 2x6 km ) , and the mass start ( men : 15 km ; women : 12.5 km ) . Bobsleigh Since 1924 ( except 1960 ) Four - man race , two - man race and two - woman race . Cross-country skiing Since 1924 12 Men 's sprint , team sprint , 30 km pursuit , 15 km , 50 km and 4x10 km relay ; women 's sprint , team sprint , 15 km pursuit , 10 km , 30 km and 4x5 km relay . Curling 1924 , since 1998 Men 's , women 's and mixed doubles . tournaments . Figure skating Since 1924 5 Men 's and women 's singles ; pairs ; ice dancing and team event . Freestyle skiing Since 1992 10 Men 's and women 's moguls , aerials , ski cross , superpipe , and slopestyle . Ice hockey Since 1924 Men 's and women 's tournaments . Luge Since 1964 Men 's and women 's singles , men 's doubles , team relay . Nordic combined Since 1924 Men 's 10 km individual normal hill , 10 km individual large hill and team . Short track speed skating Since 1992 8 Men 's and women 's 500 m , 1000 m , 1500 m ; women 's 3000 m relay ; and men 's 5000 m relay . Skeleton 1928 , 1948 , Since 2002 Men 's and women 's events . Ski jumping Since 1924 Men 's individual large hill , team large hill ; men 's and women 's individual normal hill . Snowboarding Since 1998 8 Men 's and women 's parallel , half - pipe , snowboard cross , and slopestyle . Speed skating Since 1924 14 Men 's and women 's 500 m , 1000 m , 1500 m , 5000 m , mass start , team pursuit ; women 's 3000 m ; men 's 10,000 m . ^ Note 1 . Figure skating events were held at the 1908 and 1920 Summer Olympics . ^ Note 2 . A men 's ice hockey tournament was held at the 1920 Summer Olympics . ^ Note 3 . The IOC 's website now treats Men 's Military Patrol at the 1924 Games as an event within the sport of Biathlon . Demonstration events Demonstration sports have historically provided a venue for host countries to attract publicity to locally popular sports by having a competition without granting medals . Demonstration sports were discontinued after 1992 . Military patrol , a precursor to the biathlon , was a medal sport in 1924 and was demonstrated in 1928 , 1936 and 1948 , becoming an official sport in 1960 . The special figures figure skating event was only contested at the 1908 Summer Olympics . Bandy ( Russian hockey ) is a sport popular in the Nordic countries and Russia . In the latter it 's considered a national sport . It was demonstrated at the Oslo Games . Ice stock sport , a German variant of curling , was demonstrated in 1936 in Germany and 1964 in Austria . The ski ballet event , later known as ski - acro , was demonstrated in 1988 and 1992 . Skijöring , skiing behind dogs , was a demonstration sport in St. Moritz in 1928 . A sled - dog race was held at Lake Placid in 1932 . Speed skiing was demonstrated in Albertville at the 1992 Winter Olympics . Winter pentathlon , a variant of the modern pentathlon , was included as a demonstration event at the 1948 Games in Switzerland . It included cross-country skiing , shooting , downhill skiing , fencing and horse riding . Ten most successful nations Main article : All - time Olympic Games medal table The table below uses official data provided by the IOC . Defunct nation No . Nation Games Gold Silver Bronze Total Norway ( NOR ) 23 132 125 111 368 United States ( USA ) 23 105 110 90 305 Germany ( GER ) 12 92 86 60 238 Austria ( AUT ) 23 64 81 87 232 5 Canada ( CAN ) 23 73 64 62 199 6 Soviet Union ( URS ) 9 78 57 59 194 7 Finland ( FIN ) 23 43 63 61 167 8 Sweden ( SWE ) 23 57 46 55 158 9 Switzerland ( SUI ) 23 55 46 52 153 10 Netherlands ( NED ) 21 45 44 41 130 List of Winter Olympic Games Games Year Host Dates Nations Competitors Sports Disci - plines Events Top Nation Ref Total Men Women 1924 Chamonix , France 25 January -- 5 February 16 258 247 11 6 9 16 Norway ( NOR ) ( 2 ) II 1928 St. Moritz , Switzerland 11 -- 19 February 25 464 438 26 8 14 Norway ( NOR ) ( 3 ) III 1932 Lake Placid , United States 4 -- 15 February 17 252 231 21 7 14 United States ( USA ) ( 4 ) IV 1936 Garmisch - Partenkirchen , Germany 6 -- 16 February 28 646 566 80 8 17 Norway ( NOR ) ( 5 ) 1940 Awarded to Sapporo , Japan ; cancelled due to World War II 1944 Awarded to Cortina d'Ampezzo , Italy ; cancelled due to World War II V 1948 St. Moritz , Switzerland 30 January -- 8 February 28 669 592 77 9 22 Norway ( NOR ) Sweden ( SWE ) ( 6 ) VI 1952 Oslo , Norway 14 -- 25 February 30 694 585 109 8 22 Norway ( NOR ) ( 7 ) VII 1956 Cortina d'Ampezzo , Italy 26 January -- 5 February 32 821 687 134 8 24 Soviet Union ( URS ) ( 8 ) VIII 1960 Squaw Valley , United States 18 -- 28 February 30 665 521 144 8 27 Soviet Union ( URS ) ( 9 ) IX 1964 Innsbruck , Austria 29 January -- 9 February 36 1091 892 199 6 10 34 Soviet Union ( URS ) ( 10 ) X 1968 Grenoble , France 6 -- 18 February 37 1158 947 211 6 10 35 Norway ( NOR ) ( 11 ) XI 1972 Sapporo , Japan 3 -- 13 February 35 1006 801 205 6 10 35 Soviet Union ( URS ) ( 12 ) XII 1976 Innsbruck , Austria 4 -- 15 February 37 1123 892 231 6 10 37 Soviet Union ( URS ) ( 13 ) XIII 1980 Lake Placid , United States 13 -- 24 February 37 1072 840 232 6 10 38 Soviet Union ( URS ) ( 14 ) XIV 1984 Sarajevo , Yugoslavia 8 -- 19 February 49 1272 998 274 6 10 39 East Germany ( GDR ) ( 15 ) XV 1988 Calgary , Canada 13 -- 28 February 57 1423 1122 301 6 10 46 Soviet Union ( URS ) ( 16 ) XVI 1992 Albertville , France 8 -- 23 February 64 1801 1313 488 6 12 57 Germany ( GER ) ( 17 ) XVII 1994 Lillehammer , Norway 12 -- 27 February 67 1737 1215 522 6 12 61 Russia ( RUS ) ( 18 ) XVIII 1998 Nagano , Japan 7 -- 22 February 72 2176 1389 787 7 14 68 Germany ( GER ) ( 19 ) XIX 2002 Salt Lake City , United States 8 -- 24 February 78 2399 1513 886 7 15 78 Norway ( NOR ) ( 20 ) XX 2006 Turin , Italy 10 -- 26 February 80 2508 1548 960 7 15 84 Germany ( GER ) ( 21 ) XXI Vancouver , Canada 12 -- 28 February 82 2566 1522 1044 7 15 86 Canada ( CAN ) ( 22 ) XXII 2014 Sochi , Russia 7 -- 23 February 88 2873 1714 1159 7 15 98 Russia ( RUS ) ( 23 ) XXIII 2018 Pyeongchang , South Korea 9 -- 25 February 92 2922 1680 1242 7 15 102 Norway ( NOR ) ( 24 ) XXIV 2022 Beijing , China 4 -- 20 February Future event ( 25 ) Unlike the Summer Olympics , the cancelled 1940 Winter Olympics and 1944 Winter Olympics are not included in the official Roman numeral counts for the Winter Games . While the official titles of the Summer Games count Olympiads , the titles of the Winter Games only count the Games themselves . Map of Winter Olympics locations . Countries that have hosted one Winter Olympics are shaded green , while countries that have hosted two or more are shaded blue . See also List of multiple Winter Olympic medallists List of participating nations at the Winter Olympic Games Lists of Olympic medallists Olympic Games scandals and controversies Winter Paralympic Games Paralympic Games Summer Olympic Games Notes Jump up ^ `` French and English are the official languages for the Olympic Games . '' , ( 1 ). ( ... ) ^ Jump up to : The official website of the Olympic Movement now treats Men 's Military Patrol at the 1924 Games as an event within the sport of Biathlon . However , the 1924 Official Report treats it as an event and discipline within what was then called Skiing and is now called Nordic Skiing . Jump up ^ At the closing of the 1924 Games a prize was also awarded for ' alpinisme ' ( mountaineering ) , a sport that did not lend itself very well for tournaments : Pierre de Coubertin presented a prize for ' alpinisme ' to Charles Granville Bruce , the leader of the expedition that tried to climb Mount Everest in 1922 . Jump up ^ The US beat the Soviets as part of a medal round that also included Finland and Sweden , so they did not actually win the gold medal until beating Finland a few days later . References Jump up ^ `` Biathlon Results - Chamonix 1924 '' . International Olympic Committee . Retrieved 17 February 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Olympic Games Medals , Chamonix 1924 '' . International Olympic Committee . Retrieved 17 February 2014 . Jump up ^ Official Report ( 1924 ) , p 646 : Le Programme ... II . -- Epreuves par équipes - 12 . Ski : Course militaire ( 20 à 30 kilomètres , avec tir ) . ( The Programme ... II . -- Team events - 12 . 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Telecommunications Management : Industry structures and planning strategies . Mahwah , New Jersey : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates . ISBN 0 - 8058 - 3002 - 2 . Guttman , Allen ( 1986 ) . Sports Spectators . New York : Columbia University Press . ISBN 0 - 231 - 06401 - 2 . Guttman , Allen ( 1992 ) . The Olympics , a history of the modern games . Champaign , Illinois : University of Illinois press . ISBN 0 - 252 - 02725 - 6 . Hazan , Barukh ( 1982 ) . Olympic sports and propaganda games . New Brunswick , New Jersey : Transaction Inc . ISBN 0 - 87855 - 436 - X . Hill , Christopher R. ( 1992 ) . Olympic Politics . Manchester , United Kingdom : Manchester University Press . ISBN 0 - 7190 - 3542 - 2 . Judd , Ron C. ( 2008 ) . The Winter Olympics . Seattle , Washington : The Mountaineers Books . ISBN 1 - 59485 - 063 - 1 . Mallon , Bill ; Buchanan , Ian ( 2006 ) . Historical dictionary of the Olympic Movement . Oxford , UK : Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group . ISBN 0 - 8108 - 5574 - 7 . Mandell , Richard D. ( 1987 ) . The Nazi Olympics . Champaign , Illinois : University of Illinois Press . ISBN 0 - 252 - 01325 - 5 . Miller , Toby ; Lawrence , Geoffrey ; McKay , Jim ( 2001 ) . Globalization and sport . London : Sage Publications . ISBN 0 - 7619 - 5968 - 8 . Mottram , David ( 2003 ) . Drugs in sport . New York : Routledge . ISBN 0 - 415 - 27937 - 2 . Official Report ( 1924 ) of both Summer and Winter Games : ( ed . ) M. Avé , Comité Olympique Français . Les Jeux de la VIII Olympiade Paris 1924 -- Rapport Officiel ( PDF ) ( in French ) . Paris : Librairie de France . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 5 May 2011 . Retrieved 7 May 2011 . CS1 maint : Extra text : authors list ( link ) Payne , Michael ( 2006 ) . Olympic turnaround . Westport , Connecticut : Greenwood Publishing Group . ISBN 0 - 275 - 99030 - 3 . Preuss , Holger ( 2004 ) . The Economics of Staging the Olympics : A Comparison of the Games 1972 -- 2008 . Cheltenham , United Kingdom : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited . ISBN 1 - 84376 - 893 - 3 . Schaffer , Kay ; Smith , Sidonie ( 2000 ) . Olympics at the Millennium . Piscataway , New Jersey : Rutgers University Press . ISBN 0 - 8135 - 2820 - 8 . Seligmann , Matthew S. ; Davison , John ; McDonald , John ( 2003 ) . Daily Life in Hitler 's Germany . New York : Macmillan . ISBN 0 - 312 - 32811 - 7 . Senn , Alfred Erich ( 1999 ) . Power , Politics and the Olympic Games . Champaign , Illinois : Human Kinetics . ISBN 0 - 88011 - 958 - 6 . Wallechinsky , David ; Loucky , Jaime ( 2010 ) . The complete book of the Winter Olympics ( 8th ed . ) . : Greystone Books . ISBN 978 - 1 - 55365 - 502 - 2 . Whannel , Garry ( 1992 ) . Fields in vision television sport and cultural transformation . New York : Routledge . ISBN 0 - 415 - 05383 - 8 . Yesalis , Charles ( 2000 ) . Anabolic steroids and sports and exercise . Champaign , Illinois : Human Kinetics . ISBN 0 - 88011 - 786 - 9 . External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to Winter Olympics . Olympic Winter Sports IOC official website Winter Olympic Games Venues on Google Maps Olympic Games Ceremonies Charter Participating nations Summer Olympics Winter Olympics Host cities Bids Venues IOC NOCs Country codes Medal Medal tables Medalists Ties Diploma Scandals and controversies Colonialism Doping Sports Symbols Torch relays Pierre de Coubertin medal Women Deaths WWI Olympic video games Summer Games 1896 Athens 1900 Paris 1904 St. Louis 1908 London 1912 Stockholm 1916 Berlin 1920 Antwerp 1924 Paris 1928 Amsterdam 1932 Los Angeles 1936 Berlin 1940 Tokyo 1944 London 1948 London 1952 Helsinki 1956 Melbourne 1960 Rome 1964 Tokyo 1968 Mexico City 1972 Munich 1976 Montreal 1980 Moscow 1984 Los Angeles 1988 Seoul 1992 Barcelona 1996 Atlanta 2000 Sydney 2004 Athens 2008 Beijing 2012 London 2016 Rio de Janeiro 2020 Tokyo 2024 Paris 2028 Los Angeles 2032 TBD Winter Games 1924 Chamonix 1928 St. Moritz 1932 Lake Placid 1936 Garmisch - Partenkirchen 1940 Sapporo 1944 Cortina d'Ampezzo 1948 St. Moritz 1952 Oslo 1956 Cortina d'Ampezzo 1960 Squaw Valley 1964 Innsbruck 1968 Grenoble 1972 Sapporo 1976 Innsbruck 1980 Lake Placid 1984 Sarajevo 1988 Calgary 1992 Albertville 1994 Lillehammer 1998 Nagano 2002 Salt Lake City 2006 Turin 2010 Vancouver 2014 Sochi 2018 Pyeongchang 2022 Beijing 2026 TBD 2030 TBD Ancient Olympic Games Intercalated Games 1906 Paralympic Games Youth Olympic Games Nations that have competed at the Olympic Games Nations at the Summer Olympics Nations at the Winter Olympics tropical nations Africa Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Congo DR Congo Djibouti Egypt Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon The Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea - Bissau Ivory Coast Kenya Lesotho Liberia Libya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Morocco Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Rwanda São Tomé and Príncipe Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalia South Africa South Sudan Sudan Swaziland Tanzania Togo Tunisia Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe Americas Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Aruba Bahamas Barbados Belize Bermuda Bolivia Brazil British Virgin Islands Canada Summer Winter Cayman Islands Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Grenada Guatemala Guyana Haiti Honduras Jamaica Mexico Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru Puerto Rico Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Suriname Trinidad and Tobago United States Uruguay Venezuela Virgin Islands Asia Afghanistan Bahrain Bangladesh Bhutan Brunei Cambodia China Hong Kong India Indonesia Iran Iraq Japan Jordan Kazakhstan North Korea South Korea Korea ( unified ) Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Lebanon Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Myanmar Nepal Oman Pakistan Palestine Philippines Qatar Saudi Arabia Singapore Sri Lanka Syria Chinese Taipei Tajikistan Thailand East Timor Turkmenistan United Arab Emirates Uzbekistan Vietnam Yemen Europe Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Summer Winter Great Britain Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Israel Italy Kosovo Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine Oceania American Samoa Australia Winter Cook Islands Fiji Guam Kiribati Marshall Islands Federated States of Micronesia Nauru New Zealand Palau Papua New Guinea Samoa Solomon Islands Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu Other Independent Olympians Refugee Olympic Team Historical Australasia Bohemia British West Indies Republic of China Czechoslovakia East Germany Mixed teams Netherlands Antilles North Borneo North Yemen Rhodesia Russian Empire Saar Serbia and Montenegro South Yemen Soviet Union Unified Team United Team of Germany West Germany Yugoslavia Olympic Games results : summer and winter Summer sports Archery 1900 1904 1908 1920 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Athletics 1896 1900 1904 1908 1912 1920 1924 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Badminton 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Baseball 1992 2000 2008 2020 Basketball 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Basque pelota 1900 Beach volleyball 2000 2008 2012 Boxing 1904 1908 1920 1924 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Canoeing 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Cricket 1900 Croquet 1900 Cycling 1896 1900 1904 1908 1912 1920 1924 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Diving 1904 1908 1912 1920 1924 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Equestrian 1900 1912 1920 1924 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Fencing 1896 1900 1904 1908 1912 1920 1924 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Field hockey 1908 1920 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Football 1900 1904 1908 1912 1920 1924 1928 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Golf 1900 1904 2016 2020 Gymnastics 1896 1900 1904 1908 1912 1920 1924 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Handball 1936 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Jeu de paume 1908 Judo 1964 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Lacrosse 1904 1908 Modern pentathlon 1912 1920 1924 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Polo 1900 1908 1920 1924 1936 Rackets 1908 Roque 1904 Rowing 1900 1904 1908 1912 1920 1924 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Rugby 1900 1908 1920 1924 2016 2020 Sailing 1896 1900 1908 1912 1920 1924 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Shooting 1896 1900 1908 1912 1920 1924 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Softball 2000 2008 2020 Swimming 1896 1900 1904 1908 1912 1920 1924 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Synchronized swimming 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Table tennis 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Taekwondo 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Tennis 1896 1900 1904 1908 1912 1920 1924 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Triathlon 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Tug of war 1900 1904 1908 1912 1920 Volleyball 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Water motorsports 1908 Water polo 1900 1904 1908 1912 1920 1924 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Weightlifting 1896 1904 1920 1924 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Wrestling 1896 1904 1908 1912 1920 1924 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Winter sports Alpine skiing 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Biathlon 1924 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Bobsleigh 1924 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Cross-country skiing 1924 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Curling 1924 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Figure skating 1908 1920 1924 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Freestyle skiing 1992 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Ice hockey 1920 1924 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Luge 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Nordic combined 1924 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Short track speed skating 1992 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Skeleton 1928 1948 2002 2006 2014 2018 Ski jumping 1924 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Snowboarding 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Speed skating 1924 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Winter Olympic Games host cities 1924 : Chamonix 1928 : St. Moritz 1932 : Lake Placid 1936 : Garmisch - Partenkirchen 1940 : Cancelled due to World War II 1944 : Cancelled due to World War II 1948 : St. Moritz 1952 : Oslo 1956 : Cortina d'Ampezzo 1960 : Squaw Valley 1964 : Innsbruck 1968 : Grenoble 1972 : Sapporo 1976 : Innsbruck 1980 : Lake Placid 1984 : Sarajevo 1988 : Calgary 1992 : Albertville 1994 : Lillehammer 1998 : Nagano 2002 : Salt Lake City 2006 : Turin 2010 : Vancouver 2014 : Sochi 2018 : Pyeongchang 2022 : Beijing 2026 : TBD 2030 : TBD Multi-sport events ( hide ) Global Olympics Olympic Games Summer Winter Youth Olympic Games Disabled sports Deaflympics Défi sportif Invictus Games CPISRA World Games INAS Global Games IBSA World Games IWAS World Games World Dwarf Games Paralympic Games Summer Winter Special Olympics Summer Winter World Transplant Games Professions Lumberjack World Championship World Air Games World Martial Arts Games World Military Games World Police and Fire Games World Firefighters Games World Roller Games European Championship in Forestry Skills Southern Forestry Conclave Stihl Timbersports Series World Logging Championship Youth and students Gymnasiade International Children 's Games SELL Student Games Universiade World Interuniversity Games Commonwealth Youth Games Other types Arafura Games CSIT World Sports Games Dew Tour Mind Sports Olympiad World Mind Sports Games SportAccord World Mind Games TAFISA World Games World Combat Games World Games World Masters Games X Games World Beach Games Intercommunity Commonwealth Games CPLP Games Croatian World Games Gay Games Invictus Games Islamic Solidarity Games Jeux de la Francophonie Lusophony Games Maccabiah Games Pan Arab Games Pan-Armenian Games Transplant Games World Eskimo Indian Olympics World Indigenous Games World Nomad Games World Outgames Regional Africa African Youth Games African Games All - Africa University Games Americas Pan American Pan American Games Parapan American Games Central American and the Caribbean Central American and Caribbean Games Central American Games Latin American ALBA Games Bolivarian Games North American CANUSA Games North American Indigenous Games North American Outgames South American South American Games South American Beach Games South American Youth Games Asia Pan Asian Asian Games Asian Beach Games Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games Asian Para Games Asian Winter Games Asian Youth Games Southeast Asian Southeast Asian Games ASEAN School Games ASEAN University Games ASEAN Para Games Central Asian Games East Asian Youth Games South Asian Games West Asian Games Europe Black Sea Games European Games European Masters Games European Sports Championships European Youth Olympic Festival Games of the Small States of Europe Jeux des îles EuroGames Oceania Australian Youth Olympic Festival Micronesian Games Pacific Games Intercontinental Arctic Winter Games Asia Pacific Deaf Games Asia Pacific Masters Games Indian Ocean Island Games Island Games Mediterranean Games Pan Arab Games National Africa South African Games Americas Canada British Columbia Quebec Western Colombia United States amateur juniors seniors Warrior Games NCSG , United States Alabama California Florida Massachusetts Missouri Montana Nebraska New York North Carolina North Dakota Lakota Nation Texas Wisconsin Asia Bangladesh China All - China Games National Games National Peasants ' Games National Youth Games India Indonesia Japan Malaysia Para Mongolia Pakistan Philippines National Games Batang Pinoy Palaro Singapore South Korea Summer Winter Thailand youth Vietnam Europe Netherlands Poland ( youth ) All - Union Spartakiad Spartakiad of Albania Spartakiad of Peoples of the USSR youth WheelPower Historical Pre-Modern Olympics ( in order , from 1900 BC to 1859 AD ) Tailteann Games ( ancient ) Panhellenic Games Ancient Olympic Games Pythian Games Nemean Games Isthmian Games Heraean Games Panathenaic Games Roman Games Cotswold Olimpick Games Gog Magog Games Wenlock Olympian Society Annual Games Zappas Olympics Alternatives to the Modern Olympics Aryan Games Friendship Games GANEFO Goodwill Games Inter-Allied Games Islamic Games Liberty Bell Classic People 's Olympiad Workers ' Olympiads Defunct regional or community events Afro - Asian Games Asian Indoor Games Asian Martial Arts Games Central African Games East Asian Games Far Eastern Championship Games FESPIC Games Games of the New Emerging Forces Nordic Games Pacific Ocean Games Spartakiad of Peoples of the USSR Tailteann Games ( modern ) Women 's Islamic Games World Youth Games Winter games International Olympics Paralympics Winter Universiade Commonwealth World Scout Arctic Winter Games Kennedy Memorial New Zealand Winter Games Regional National Winter Games of China Asian Winter Games European Youth Olympic Festival Winter X Games Europe Defunct Sub-national 51 component games in 36 U.S. states List WikiProject BNF : cb135685825 ( data ) GND : 4172569 - 4 LCCN : n2006026303 NKC : ko2006341815 SUDOC : 052611744 VIAF : 147224752 Olympics portal Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Winter Olympic Games Olympic Games Recurring sporting 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who has the most medals in this year's winter olympics
Norway led the total medal standings with 39 , the highest number of medals by a nation in any Winter Olympics , followed by Germany 's 31 and Canada 's 29 . Host nation South Korea won seventeen medals , their highest medal haul at a Winter Olympics .
Internet in the Philippines - wikipedia Internet in the Philippines Internet in the Philippines first became available on March 29 , 1994 , with the Philippine Network Foundation ( PHNet ) connecting the country and its people to Sprint in the United States via a 64 kbit / s link . As of 2016 , more than 44,000,000 people used the internet in the country , accounting for 43.5 % of the total population . World map of internet penetration ( number of Internet users as a percentage of a country 's population ) , 2012 World map of internet users , 2012 Contents 1 History 1.1 Timeline 2 Statistics 3 Wireless broadband 3.1 TD - LTE 3.1. 1 Bandwidth caps 3.1. 2 Lock - in period 4 IP peering 5 Internet speed 6 See also 7 References 8 External links History ( edit ) A year after the connection , The Public Telecommunications Act of the Philippines was made into law . Securing a franchise is now optional for value - added service providers . This law enabled many other organizations to establish connections to the Internet , to create Web sites and have their own Internet services or provide Internet service and access to others . However the growth of the Internet in the Philippines was hindered by many obstacles including unequal distribution of Internet infrastructure throughout the country , its cost and corruption in the government . But these obstacles did not altogether halt all the developments . More connection types were made available to more Filipinos . Increasing bandwidth and a growing number of Filipino Internet users were proof of the continuing development of the Internet in the country . The Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 , codified as Republic Act No. 10175 , criminalized cybersquatting , cybersex , child pornography , identity theft , illegal access to data and libel . The act has been criticized for its provision on criminalizing libel , which is perceived to be a curtailment in freedom of expression . After several petitions submitted to the Supreme Court of the Philippines questioned the constitutionality of the Act , the Supreme Court issued a temporary restraining order on October 9 , 2012 , stopping implementation of the Act for 120 days . A Magna Carta for Philippine Internet Freedom was filed in the Philippine legislature in 2013 to , among others , repeal Republic Act No. 10175 . The Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No 10175 were promulgated on August 12 , 2015 . Timeline ( edit ) The early history of the Internet in the Philippines started with the establishment of Bulletin Board Systems ( BBS ) by computer hobbyist and enthusiast . They were able to link their BBS 's using a dial - up connection protocol enabling them to participate in discussion forums , send messages and share files . 1986 : Establishment of first BBS in the Philippines , Star BBS was formed by Efren Tercias and James Chua of Wordtext Systems . Fox BBS was operated by Johnson Sumpio . First - Fil RBBS a public - access BBS went online with an annual subscription fee of P1 , 000 . A precursor to the local online forum , it ran an open - source BBS software on an IBM XT Clone PC with a 1200bit / s modem and was operated by Dan Angeles and Ed Castañeda . 1987 : The Philippine FidoNet Exchange , a local network for communication between several BBSes in Metro Manila , was formed . 1990 : A committee helmed by Arnie del Rosario of the Ateneo Computer Technology Center was tasked with exploring the possibility of creating an academic network of universities and government institutions by the National Computer Center under Dr. William Torres . Recommendations were made but not implemented . 1991 - 1993 : Emergence of email gateways and services in the Philippines , including some from multinational companies like Intel , Motorola , and Texas Instruments , which used a direct Internet connection , X. 25 , or UUCP protocol . Local firms ETPI , Philcom , and PLDT ( Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company ) also operated commercial X. 25 networks . Another milestone : Local and international email to FidoNet users was introduced . June 1993 : With the support of the Department of Science and Technology and the Industrial Research Foundation , the Philnet project ( now PHNET ) was born . The Philnet technical committee , composed of computer buffs working at the DOST ( MIS ( Joseph Andres ) , PCASTRD ( Merl Opena , Winnefredo Aggabao ) and Advanced Science and Technology Institute ( Miguel Dimayuga ) ) and representatives from the Ateneo de Manila University ( Richie Lozada and Arnie del Rosario ) , De La Salle University ( Kelsey Hartigan - Go ) , University of the Philippines Diliman ( Rodel Atanacio ) , University of the Philippines Los Baños ( Alfonso Carandang ) , Xavier University ( Bombim Cadiz ) and St. Louis University ( Ian Generalao ) ; would eventually play a significant role in connecting the Philippines to the global Internet . July 1993 : Phase one of the Philnet project shifted into full gear after receiving funding from the DOST . It proved to be successful , as students from partner universities were able to send emails to the Internet by routing them through Philnet 's gateway at the Ateneo de Manila University , which was connected to another gateway at the Victoria University of Technology in Australia via IDD Dial - Up ( Hayes Modem ) . November 1993 : An additional P12. 5 - million grant for the first year 's running cost was awarded by the DOST to buy equipment and lease communication lines needed to kickstart the second phase of Philnet , now led by Dr. Rudy Villarica . March 29 , 1994 , 1 : 15 a.m. : Benjie Tan , who was working for ComNet , a company that supplied Cisco routers to the Philnet project , established the Philippine 's first connection to the Internet at a PLDT network center in Makati City . Shortly thereafter , he posted a short message to the Usenet newsgroup soc. culture. filipino to alert Filipinos overseas that a link had been made . His message read : `` As of March 29 , 1994 at 1 : 15 am Philippine time , unfortunately 2 days late due to slight technical difficulties , the Philippines was FINALLY connected to the Internet via SprintLink . The Philippine router , a Cisco 7000 router was attached via the services of PLDT and Sprint communications to SprintLink 's router at Stockton Ca . The gateway to the world for the Philippines will be via NASA Ames Research Center . For now , a 64K serial link is the information highway to the rest of the Internet world . '' March 29 , 1994 , 10 : 18 a.m. : `` We 're in , '' Dr. John Brule , a Professor Emeritus in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Syracuse University , announced at The First International E-Mail Conference at the University of San Carlos in Talamban , Cebu , signifying that Philnet 's 64 kbit / s connection was live . Statistics ( edit ) Internet café in the Philippines Worldmap of internet browsers . In the Philippines 62.43 % use Google Chrome , 25.15 % Firefox , 6.28 % Internet Explorer , 4.13 % Safari . According to AGB Nielsen Philippines , about one of three Filipinos in the Philippines have access to the internet . Among the findings in this report were : 43.5 % of Filipinos accessed the Internet , five percentage points higher than the Southeast Asian regional average of 38 % . Internet penetration amongst consumers aged 15 to 19 was close to two - thirds ( 65 % ) and nearly half of those in their 20s were online ( 48 % ) . There was still much room for growth for those aged 30 + -- less than one quarter of consumers aged in their 30s ( 24 % ) access the Internet , 13 % of consumers in their 40s , and just 4 % of consumers aged 50 + . 52 % of Filipinos had a computer with high speed Internet connection at home . Home was the most common Internet access point for those aged 30 years and above close to nine in ten Internet users aged 50 years and above ( 86 % ) cite `` home '' as their main point of access . 74 % of 15 -- 19 years identified Internet cafés as their main point of Internet access . Close to one quarter of Filipinos Internet users ( 24 % ) accessed the Internet on a daily basis via a mobile phone and 56 % intend to access the Internet via a mobile phone in the next 12 months . Over two thirds of Filipino digital consumers ( 67 % ) had visited social networking sites , compared to 40 % who used email . The Philippines ranked second highest for the number of people who had ever `` liked '' or followed a brand , company or celebrity on a social networking site ( 75 % ) . 61 % of Filipino Internet users said they trusted consumer opinions posted online , higher than any other market in Southeast Asia and seven points above the regional average . Online product reviews and discussion forums were one of the most trusted sources of recommendations in purchase decision making , second only to recommendations from family and friends . Close to two thirds of digital Filipinos ( 64 % ) used social media as a resource in purchase decision making . Wireless broadband ( edit ) TD - LTE ( edit ) As the number of subscribers grew , both PLDT and Globe Telecom rapidly expanded their Time - Division Duplex - Long Term Evolution ( TD - LTE ) services for Fixed Wireless Broadband . According to PLDT , they spent P2 billion of its P28. 8 billion capital expenditure for 2013 to bring TD - LTE technology to customers ' homes . According to industry data , the Philippines ' TD - LTE network was one of the largest deployments in Asia Pacific with over 200 base stations and an allocated bandwidth of 100 megabits per second ( Mbps ) . In January 2015 , both PLDT and Globe Telecom began phasing out WiMax services in favor for TD - LTE . Bandwidth caps ( edit ) In October 2015 , PLDT introduced so - called `` volume boosters '' ( instead of 30 % bandwidth throttling in 2014 and 256kbit / s bandwidth throttling in 2015 ) when exceeding monthly 30GB to 70GB bandwidth cap for TD - LTE connection plans ( Ultera ) . `` In case your usage exceeds your monthly volume allowance , you can still enjoy the internet by purchasing additional volume boosters . Otherwise , connectivity will be halted until your monthly volume is refreshed on your next billing cycle . '' Globe followed the suit with a similar `` volume boost '' arrangement . Lock - in period ( edit ) In 2015 , PLDT increased lock - in period for TD - LTE connection plans from 24 to 36 months ( 3 years ) with the pre-termination fee equal to the full balance for the remaining period . After the lock - in period the contract is automatically renewed for another 36 months subject to the same terms and conditions . As of now the Globe lock - in period is still 2 years with no pre-termination fee outside of the lock - in period . The PLDT TD - LTE contract allows PLDT to change the terms and conditions at any time with the only way left for subscribers to opt out of the altered service through paying the full pre-termination fee : `` 8.3 Modification . SBI reserves the right at its discretion to modify , delete or add to any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement at any time without further notice . It is the Subscriber 's responsibility to regularly check any changes to these Terms and Conditions . The Subscriber 's continued use of the Service after any such changes constitutes acceptance of the new Terms and Conditions . '' Even as the Consumer Act of the Philippines states `` Unfair or Unconscionable Sales Act or Practice ... the following circumstances shall be considered ... that the transaction that the seller or supplier induced the consumer to enter into was excessively one - sided in favor of the seller or supplier '' , the practice of inducing extremely long term contracts with the ultimate pre-termination penalty has not been legally challenged yet . IP peering ( edit ) The Philippines have six Internet Exchange points in the Country . Philippine Open Internet Exchange ( PhOPENIX ) , Philippine Internet Exchange ( PhIX ) , Philippine Common Routing Exchange ( PHNET CORE ) , Globe Internet Exchange ( GIX ) , Bayan Telecommunications Internet and Gaming Exchange and Manila Internet Exchange ( Manila IX ) . On June 16 , 2016 , Globe Telecom and PLDT agreed on a bilateral domestic IP peering arrangement . Internet speed ( edit ) The Akamai Technologies Q1 2017 State of the Internet report contained information that , though average internet connection speed had increased 20 % year - on - year , the Philippines , at 5.5 Mbit / s , once again had the lowest average connection speeds among surveyed Asia Pacific countries / regions . The report noted that Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte had approved a plan with a three to five - year timeline for completion to deploy a national broadband network at an estimated cost of US $1.5 billion to $4.0 billion . See also ( edit ) Magna Carta for Philippine Internet Freedom Telecommunications in the Philippines Social networking in the Philippines References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Miguel A.L. Paraz : Developing a Viable Framework for Commercial Internet Operations in the Asia - Pacific Region : The Philippine Experience . ISOC , INET 1997 Jump up ^ Jim Ayson ( 29 February 2012 ) . `` The Philippine Internet turns 18 : Is anyone still counting '' . GMA News . Retrieved 28 March 2014 . Jump up ^ Jose Bimbo F. Santos ( 20 March 2014 ) . `` PHNET - Philippine Internet connection turns 20 years old this month '' . . Retrieved 28 March 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` Internet Users by Country ( 2016 ) '' . . ^ Jump up to : `` Percentage of Individuals using the Internet 2000 - 2012 '' , International Telecommunications Union ( Geneva ) , June 2013 , retrieved 22 June 2013 Jump up ^ Philippines - Public Access Landscape Study Archived 2013 - 09 - 27 at the Wayback Machine . Research Team Emmanuel Lallana , University of Washington Center for Information & Society ( CIS ) , 2009 . Jump up ^ Republic Act No. 10175 , An Act Defining Cybercrime , Providing for the Prevention , Investigation , Suppression and the Imposition of Penalties therefor and for Other Purposes . Approved by President of the Philippines BENIGNO S. AQUINO III on September 12 , 2012 Jump up ^ Canlas , Jonas ( 27 September 2012 ) . `` Suits pile up assailing anti-cybercrime law '' . The Manila Times . Retrieved 27 September 2012 . Jump up ^ Torres , Tetch ( 9 October 2012 ) . `` SC issues TRO vs cyber law '' . Philippine Daily Inquirer . Philippine Daily Inquirer , Inc . Retrieved 9 October 2012 . Jump up ^ `` The Wisdom of Crowds : Crowdsourcing Net Freedom '' , Jonathan de Santos , Yahoo ! News Philippines , 21 January 2013 . Retrieved 26 September 2013 . Jump up ^ Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No 1017 . Jump up ^ `` RP marks 7th year on the Internet : Digital Life by Chin Wong '' . . Jump up ^ `` # 20PHnet : A timeline of Philippine Internet '' . Jump up ^ `` Villarica : The day the Philippines ' discovered ' the world '' , Dr. Rodolfo M. Villarica , , 05 April 2014 . Jump up ^ `` About PHNET '' . . Jump up ^ Top 5 browsers in Philippines on February 2013 Statcounter Global Stats Jump up ^ One in three consumers in the Philippines are now accessing the Internet . social networking playing an increasing role in consumer purchasing decisions AGB Nielsen Philippines Manila , 12 July 2011 . The report is a pre-release of data from Nielsen 's inaugural Southeast Asia Digital Consumer Report available September 30 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` PLDT , Globe in race to modernize networks - The Manila Times Online '' . The Manila Times Online . Jump up ^ `` PLDT HOME Ultera support library , FAQ '' . Jump up ^ `` Globe - FAQ - Volume Boost '' . ^ Jump up to : `` Terms and Conditions '' . Jump up ^ `` Tattoo Free Installation Promo > FAQs '' . Jump up ^ `` REPUBLIC ACT No. 7925 , THE CONSUMER ACT OF THE PHILIPPINES '' . Jump up ^ `` Three ways you will feel the effects of Globe - PLDT IP Peering '' . The Philippine Star . June 20 , 2016 . Jump up ^ akamai 's ( state of the internet ) Q1 2017 report ( PDF ) ( Report ) . Akamai Technologies . pp. 27 , 28 . 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when was the internet introduced in the philippines
Internet in the Philippines first became available on March 29 , 1994 , with the Philippine Network Foundation ( PHNet ) connecting the country and its people to Sprint in the United States via a 64 kbit / s link . As of 2016 , more than 44,000,000 people used the internet in the country , accounting for 43.5 % of the total population .
Child labour - wikipedia Child labour Jump to : navigation , search A succession of laws on child labour , the so - called Factory Acts , were passed in the UK in the 19th century . Children younger than nine were not allowed to work , those aged 9 -- 16 could work 16 hours per day per Cotton Mills Act . In 1856 , the law permitted child labour past age 9 , for 60 hours per week , night or day . In 1901 , the permissible child labour age was raised to 12 . Part of a series on Organised labour Labour movement ( show ) Timeline New Unionism Proletariat Social Movement Unionism Socialism Syndicalism Anarcho - syndicalism Labour rights ( hide ) Child labour Eight - hour day Five - day work week # Length Collective bargaining Minimum wage Occupational safety and health Trade unions ( show ) Trade unions by country Trade union federations International comparisons ITUC IWA WFTU Strike action ( show ) Chronological list of strikes General strike Secondary action Sitdown strike Work - to - rule Labour parties ( show ) Australian British Dutch Irish Israeli New Zealand Norwegian List of Labour parties Academic disciplines ( show ) Industrial relations Labour economics Labour history Labour law Part of the Politics series on Youth rights Activities ( show ) Bailey v. Drexel Furniture Co . Child Labor Deterrence Act Children 's Online Privacy Protection Act Convention on the Rights of the Child Fair Labor Standards Act Hammer v. Dagenhart History of youth rights in the United States Morse v. Frederick Newsboys ' strike of 1899 Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms Wild in the Streets Theory / Concepts ( show ) Adultcentrism Adultism Ageism Criminalisation Democracy Ephebiphobia Fear of children Fear of youth Intergenerational equity Paternalism Social class Suffrage Taking Children Seriously Universal suffrage Unschooling Youth activism Youth suffrage Youth voice Issues ( show ) Age of candidacy Age of consent Age of majority Behavior modification facility Child labour Compulsory education Conscription Corporal punishment Curfew Child abuse Emancipation of minors Gambling age Homeschooling Human rights and youth sport In loco parentis Juvenile delinquency Juvenile court Legal drinking age Legal working age Minimum driving age Marriageable age Minor ( law ) Minors and abortion School leaving age Smoking age Status offense Underage drinking in America Voting age Youth - adult partnership Youth participation Youth politics Youth voting Organisations ( show ) Americans for a Society Free from Age Restrictions Human Rights and Youth Rights Commission National Youth Rights Association One World Youth Project Queer Youth Network Students for a Democratic Society Freechild Project Three O'Clock Lobby Youth International Party Youth Liberation of Ann Arbor Young Communist League of Canada Persons ( show ) Adam Fletcher ( activist ) David J. Hanson David Joseph Henry John Caldwell Holt Alex Koroknay - Palicz Lyn Duff Mike A. Males Neil Postman Sonia Yaco Related ( show ) Animal rights Anti-racism Direct democracy Egalitarianism Feminism Libertarianism Socialism Students rights Youth rights Social movements portal Arthur Rothstein , Child Labor , Cranberry Bog , 1939 . Brooklyn Museum Child labour refers to the employment of children in any work that deprives children of their childhood , interferes with their ability to attend regular school , and that is mentally , physically , socially or morally dangerous and harmful . This practice is considered exploitative by many international organisations . Legislation across the world prohibit child labour . These laws do not consider all work by children as child labour ; exceptions include work by child artists , family duties , supervised training , certain categories of work such as those by Amish children , some forms of child work common among indigenous American children , and others . Child labour has existed to varying extents , through most of history . During the 19th and early 20th centuries , many children aged 5 -- 14 from poorer families still worked in Europe , the United States and various colonies of European powers . These children mainly worked in agriculture , home - based assembly operations , factories , mining and in services such as news boys . Some worked night shifts lasting 12 hours . With the rise of household income , availability of schools and passage of child labour laws , the incidence rates of child labour fell . In developing countries , with high poverty and poor schooling opportunities , child labour is still prevalent . In 2010 , sub-saharan Africa had the highest incidence rates of child labour , with several African nations witnessing over 50 percent of children aged 5 -- 14 working . Worldwide agriculture is the largest employer of child labour . Vast majority of child labour is found in rural settings and informal urban economy ; children are predominantly employed by their parents , rather than factories . Poverty and lack of schools are considered as the primary cause of child labour . Globally the incidence of child labour decreased from 25 % to 10 % between 1960 and 2003 , according to the World Bank . Nevertheless , the total number of child labourers remains high , with UNICEF and ILO acknowledging an estimated 168 million children aged 5 -- 17 worldwide , were involved in child labour in 2013 . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Child labour in preindustrial societies 1.2 The Industrial Revolution 1.3 Early 20th century 1.3. 1 Household enterprises 1.4 21st century 2 Causes of child labour 2.1 Primary causes 2.2 Cultural causes 2.3 Macroeconomic causes 3 Child labour by country 3.1 Colonial empires 3.2 Africa 3.3 Australia 3.4 Brazil 3.5 Britain 3.6 India 3.7 Ireland 3.8 Japan 3.9 The Netherlands 3.10 Soviet Union and Russia 3.11 Switzerland 4 Child labour laws and initiatives 4.1 Exceptions granted 4.2 More laws vs. more freedom 5 Child labour incidents 5.1 Cocoa production 5.2 Mining in Africa 5.3 Meatpacking 5.4 GAP 5.5 H&M and Zara 5.6 Silk weaving 5.7 Primark 6 Eliminating child labour 7 Statistics 7.1 Number of children involved in ILO categories of work , by age and gender in 2002 8 Potential positives of children working 9 See also 10 Notes 11 References 12 Further reading 12.1 History 13 External links History Child labourers , Macon , Georgia , 1909 Child labour in pre-industrial societies Child labour forms an intrinsic part of pre-industrial economies . In pre-industrial societies , there is rarely a concept of childhood in the modern sense . Children often begin to actively participate in activities such as child rearing , hunting and farming as soon as they are competent . In many societies , children as young as 13 are seen as adults and engage in the same activities as adults . The work of children was important in pre-industrial societies , as children needed to provide their labour for their survival and that of their group . Pre-industrial societies were characterised by low productivity and short life expectancy , preventing children from participating in productive work would be more harmful to their welfare and that of their group in the long run . In pre-industrial societies , there was little need for children to attend school . This is especially the case in non literate societies . Most pre-industrial skill and knowledge were amenable to being passed down through direct mentoring or apprenticing by competent adults . The Industrial Revolution Children going to a 12 - hour night shift in the United States ( 1908 ) . Early 20th century witnessed many home - based enterprises involving child labour . An example is shown above from New York in 1912 . Children working in home - based assembly operations in United States ( 1923 ) . Two girls protesting child labour ( by calling it child slavery ) in the 1909 New York City Labor Day parade . With the onset of the Industrial Revolution in Britain in the late 18th century , there was a rapid increase in the industrial exploitation of labour , including child labour . Industrial cities such as Birmingham , Manchester and Liverpool rapidly grew from small villages into large cities and improving child mortality rates . These cities drew in the population that was rapidly growing due to increased agricultural output . This process was replicated in other industrialising counties . The Victorian era in particular became notorious for the conditions under which children were employed . Children as young as four were employed in production factories and mines working long hours in dangerous , often fatal , working conditions . In coal mines , children would crawl through tunnels too narrow and low for adults . Children also worked as errand boys , crossing sweepers , shoe blacks , or selling matches , flowers and other cheap goods . Some children undertook work as apprentices to respectable trades , such as building or as domestic servants ( there were over 120,000 domestic servants in London in the mid-18th century ) . Working hours were long : builders worked 64 hours a week in summer and 52 in winter , while domestic servants worked 80 - hour weeks . Child labour played an important role in the Industrial Revolution from its outset , often brought about by economic hardship . The children of the poor were expected to contribute to their family income . In 19th - century Great Britain , one - third of poor families were without a breadwinner , as a result of death or abandonment , obliging many children to work from a young age . In England and Scotland in 1788 , two - thirds of the workers in 143 water - powered cotton mills were described as children . A high number of children also worked as prostitutes . The author Charles Dickens worked at the age of 12 in a blacking factory , with his family in debtor 's prison . Child wages were often low ; as little as 10 -- 20 % of an adult male 's wage . Karl Marx was an outspoken opponent of child labour , saying British industries , `` could but live by sucking blood , and children 's blood too , '' and that U.S. capital was financed by the `` capitalized blood of children '' . Throughout the second half of the 19th century , child labour began to decline in industrialised societies due to regulation and economic factors because of the Growth of Trade Unions . The regulation of child labour began from the earliest days of the Industrial revolution . The first act to regulate child labour in Britain was passed in 1803 . As early as 1802 and 1819 Factory Acts were passed to regulate the working hours of workhouse children in factories and cotton mills to 12 hours per day . These acts were largely ineffective and after radical agitation , by for example the `` Short Time Committees '' in 1831 , a Royal Commission recommended in 1833 that children aged 11 -- 18 should work a maximum of 12 hours per day , children aged 9 -- 11 a maximum of eight hours , and children under the age of nine were no longer permitted to work . This act however only applied to the textile industry , and further agitation led to another act in 1847 limiting both adults and children to 10 - hour working days . Lord Shaftesbury was an outspoken advocate of regulating child labour . As technology improved and proliferated , there was a greater need for educated employees . This saw an increase in schooling , with the eventual introduction of compulsory schooling . Improved technology and automation also made child labour redundant . Early 20th century In the early 20th century , thousands of boys were employed in glass making industries . Glass making was a dangerous and tough job especially without the current technologies . The process of making glass includes intense heat to melt glass ( 3133 ° F ) . When the boys are at work , they are exposed to this heat . This could cause eye trouble , lung ailments , heat exhaustion , cut , and burns . Since workers were paid by the piece , they had to work productively for hours without a break . Since furnaces had to be constantly burning , there were night shifts from 5 : 00 pm to 3 : 00 am . Many factory owners preferred boys under 16 years of age . An estimated 1.7 million children under the age of fifteen were employed in American industry by 1900 . In 1910 , over 2 million children in the same age group were employed in the United States . This included children who rolled cigarettes , engaged in factory work , worked as bobbin doffers in textile mills , worked in coal mines and were employed in canneries . Lewis Hine 's photographs of child labourers in the 1910s powerfully evoked the plight of working children in the American south . Hines took these photographs between 1908 and 1917 as the staff photographer for the National Child Labor Committee . Household enterprises Factories and mines were not the only places where child labour was prevalent in the early 20th century . Home - based manufacturing across the United States and Europe employed children as well . Governments and reformers argued that labour in factories must be regulated and the state had an obligation to provide welfare for poor . Legislation that followed had the effect of moving work out of factories into urban homes . Families and women , in particular , preferred it because it allowed them to generate income while taking care of household duties . Home - based manufacturing operations were active year - round . Families willingly deployed their children in these income generating home enterprises . In many cases , men worked from home . In France , over 58 percent of garment workers operated out of their homes ; in Germany , the number of full - time home operations nearly doubled between 1882 and 1907 ; and in the United States , millions of families operated out of home seven days a week , year round to produce garments , shoes , artificial flowers , feathers , match boxes , toys , umbrellas and other products . Children aged 5 -- 14 worked alongside the parents . Home - based operations and child labour in Australia , Britain , Austria and other parts of the world was common . Rural areas similarly saw families deploying their children in agriculture . In 1946 , Frieda Miller - then Director of United States Department of Labour - told the International Labour Organisation that these home - based operations offered , `` low wages , long hours , child labour , unhealthy and insanitary working conditions . '' Percentage children working in England and Wales Census Year % Boys aged 10 -- 14 as child labour 1881 22.9 1891 26.0 1901 21.9 1911 18.3 Note : These are averages ; child labour in Lancashire was 80 % Source : Census of England and Wales 21st century Incidence rates for child labour worldwide in 10 - 14 age group , in 2003 , per World Bank data . The data is incomplete , as many countries do not collect or report child labour data ( coloured gray ) . The colour code is as follows : yellow ( < 10 % of children working ) , green ( 10 -- 20 % ) , orange ( 20 -- 30 % ) , red ( 30 -- 40 % ) and black ( > 40 % ) . Some nations such as Guinea - Bissau , Mali and Ethiopia have more than half of all children aged 5 -- 14 at work to help provide for their families . See also : Children 's rights Child labour is still common in many parts of the world . Estimates for child labour vary . It ranges between 250 and 304 million , if children aged 5 -- 17 involved in any economic activity are counted . If light occasional work is excluded , ILO estimates there were 153 million child labourers aged 5 -- 14 worldwide in 2008 . This is about 20 million less than ILO estimate for child labourers in 2004 . Some 60 percent of the child labour was involved in agricultural activities such as farming , dairy , fisheries and forestry . Another 25 percent of child labourers were in service activities such as retail , hawking goods , restaurants , load and transfer of goods , storage , picking and recycling trash , polishing shoes , domestic help , and other services . The remaining 15 percent laboured in assembly and manufacturing in informal economy , home - based enterprises , factories , mines , packaging salt , operating machinery , and such operations . Two out of three child workers work alongside their parents , in unpaid family work situations . Some children work as guides for tourists , sometimes combined with bringing in business for shops and restaurants . Child labour predominantly occurs in the rural areas ( 70 % ) and informal urban sector ( 26 % ) . Contrary to popular beliefs , most child labourers are employed by their parents rather than in manufacturing or formal economy . Children who work for pay or in - kind compensation are usually found in rural settings , then urban centres . Less than 3 percent of child labour aged 5 -- 14 across the world work outside their household , or away from their parents . Child labour accounts for 22 % of the workforce in Asia , 32 % in Africa , 17 % in Latin America , 1 % in the US , Canada , Europe and other wealthy nations . The proportion of child labourers varies greatly among countries and even regions inside those countries . Africa has the highest percentage of children aged 5 -- 17 employed as child labour , and a total of over 65 million . Asia , with its larger population , has the largest number of children employed as child labour at about 114 million . Latin America and Caribbean region have lower overall population density , but at 14 million child labourers has high incidence rates too . A boy repairing a tire in Gambia . Accurate present day child labour information is difficult to obtain because of disagreements between data sources as to what constitutes child labour . In some countries , government policy contributes to this difficulty . For example , the overall extent of child labour in China is unclear due to the government categorizing child labour data as `` highly secret '' . China has enacted regulations to prevent child labour ; still , the practice of child labour is reported to be a persistent problem within China , generally in agriculture and low - skill service sectors as well as small workshops and manufacturing enterprises . In 2014 , the U.S. Department of Labor issued a List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor where China was attributed 12 goods the majority of which were produced by both underage children and indentured labourers . The report listed electronics , garments , toys and coal among other goods . Maplecroft Child Labour Index 2012 survey reports 76 countries pose extreme child labour complicity risks for companies operating worldwide . The ten highest risk countries in 2012 , ranked in decreasing order , were : Myanmar , North Korea , Somalia , Sudan , DR Congo , Zimbabwe , Afghanistan , Burundi , Pakistan and Ethiopia . Of the major growth economies , Maplecroft ranked Philippines 25th riskiest , India 27th , China 36th , Viet Nam 37th , Indonesia 46th , and Brazil 54th - all of them rated to involve extreme risks of child labour uncertainties , to corporations seeking to invest in developing world and import products from emerging markets . Causes of child labour Primary causes International Labour Organisation ( ILO ) suggests poverty is the greatest single cause behind child labour . For impoverished households , income from a child 's work is usually crucial for his or her own survival or for that of the household . Income from working children , even if small , may be between 25 and 40 % of the household income . Other scholars such as Harsch on African child labour , and Edmonds and Pavcnik on global child labour have reached the same conclusion . Lack of meaningful alternatives , such as affordable schools and quality education , according to ILO , is another major factor driving children to harmful labour . Children work because they have nothing better to do . Many communities , particularly rural areas where between 60 -- 70 % of child labour is prevalent , do not possess adequate school facilities . Even when schools are sometimes available , they are too far away , difficult to reach , unaffordable or the quality of education is so poor that parents wonder if going to school is really worth it . Young girl working on a loom in Aït Benhaddou , Morocco in May 2008 . Cultural causes In European history when child labour was common , as well as in contemporary child labour of modern world , certain cultural beliefs have rationalised child labour and thereby encouraged it . Some view that work is good for the character - building and skill development of children . In many cultures , particular where the informal economy and small household businesses thrive , the cultural tradition is that children follow in their parents ' footsteps ; child labour then is a means to learn and practice that trade from a very early age . Similarly , in many cultures the education of girls is less valued or girls are simply not expected to need formal schooling , and these girls pushed into child labour such as providing domestic services . Agriculture deploys 70 % of the world 's child labour . Above , child worker on a rice farm in Vietnam . Macroeconomic causes Biggeri and Mehrotra have studied the macroeconomic factors that encourage child labour . They focus their study on five Asian nations including India , Pakistan , Indonesia , Thailand and Philippines . They suggest that child labour is a serious problem in all five , but it is not a new problem . Macroeconomic causes encouraged widespread child labour across the world , over most of human history . They suggest that the causes for child labour include both the demand and the supply side . While poverty and unavailability of good schools explain the child labour supply side , they suggest that the growth of low - paying informal economy rather than higher paying formal economy is amongst the causes of the demand side . Other scholars too suggest that inflexible labour market , sise of informal economy , inability of industries to scale up and lack of modern manufacturing technologies are major macroeconomic factors affecting demand and acceptability of child labour . Child labour by country Child labour in a quarry , Ecuador . Colonial empires Systematic use of child labour was common place in the colonies of European powers between 1650 and 1950 . In Africa , colonial administrators encouraged traditional kin - ordered modes of production , that is hiring a household for work not just the adults . Millions of children worked in colonial agricultural plantations , mines and domestic service industries . Sophisticated schemes were promulgated where children in these colonies between the ages of 5 -- 14 were hired as an apprentice without pay in exchange for learning a craft . A system of Pauper Apprenticeship came into practice in the 19th century where the colonial master neither needed the native parents ' nor child 's approval to assign a child to labour , away from parents , at a distant farm owned by a different colonial master . Other schemes included ' earn - and - learn ' programs where children would work and thereby learn . Britain for example passed a law , the so - called Masters and Servants Act of 1899 , followed by Tax and Pass Law , to encourage child labour in colonies particularly in Africa . These laws offered the native people the legal ownership to some of the native land in exchange for making labour of wife and children available to colonial government 's needs such as in farms and as picannins . Beyond laws , new taxes were imposed on colonies . One of these taxes was the Head Tax in the British and French colonial empires . The tax was imposed on everyone older than 8 years , in some colonies . To pay these taxes and cover living expenses , children in colonial households had to work . In southeast Asian colonies , such as Hong Kong , child labour such as the Mui Tsai ( 妹 仔 ) , was rationalised as a cultural tradition and ignored by British authorities . The Dutch East India Company officials rationalised their child labour abuses with , `` it is a way to save these children from a worse fate . '' Christian mission schools in regions stretching from Zambia to Nigeria too required work from children , and in exchange provided religious education , not secular education . Elsewhere , the Canadian Dominion Statutes in form of so - called Breaches of Contract Act , stipulated jail terms for uncooperative child workers . Proposals to regulate child labour began as early as 1786 . Africa Child Labour in Africa Main article : Child labour in Africa Children working at a young age has been a consistent theme throughout Africa . Many children began first working in the home to help their parents run the family farm . Children in Africa today are often forced into exploitative labour due to family debt and other financial factors , leading to ongoing poverty . Other types of domestic child labour include working in commercial plantations , begging , and other sales such as boot shining . In total , there is an estimated five million children who are currently working in the field of agriculture which steadily increases during the time of harvest . Along with 30 percent of children who are picking coffee , there are an estimated 25,000 school age children who work year round . What industries children work in depends on if they grew up in a rural area or an urban area . Children who were born in urban areas often found themselves working for street vendors , washing cars , helping in construction sites , weaving clothing , and sometimes even working as exotic dancers . While children who grew up in rural areas would work on farms doing physical labour , working with animals , and selling crops . Of all the child workers , the most serious cases involved street children and trafficked children due to the physical and emotional abuse they endured by their employers . To address the issue of child labour , the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child Act was implemented in 1959 . Yet due to poverty , lack of education and ignorance , the legal actions were not / are not wholly enforced or accepted in Africa . Other legal factors that have been implemented to end and reduce child labour includes the global response that came into force in 1979 by the declaration of the International Year of the Child . Along with the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations , these two declarations worked on many levels to eliminate child labour . Although many actions have been taken to end this epidemic , child labour in Africa is still an issue today due to the unclear definition of adolescence and how much time is needed for children to engage in activities that are crucial for their development . Another issue that often comes into play is the link between what constitutes as child labour within the household due to the cultural acceptance of children helping run the family business . In the end , there is a consistent challenge for the national government to strengthen its grip politically on child labour , and to increase education and awareness on the issue of children working below the legal age limit . With children playing an important role in the African economy , child labour still plays an important role for many in the 20th century . Australia From European settlement in 1788 , child convicts were occasionally sent to Australia where they were made to work . Child labour was not as excessive in Australia as in Britain . With a low population , agricultural productivity was higher and families did not face starvation as in established industrialised countries . Australia also did not have significant industry until the later part of the 20th century when child labour laws , and compulsory schooling had developed under the influence of Britain . From the 1870s Child labour was restricted by compulsory schooling . Child labour laws in Australia differ from state to state . Generally , children are allowed to work at any age , but restrictions exist for children under 15 years of age . These restrictions apply to work hours and the type of work that children can perform . In all states , children are obliged to attend school until a minimum leaving age , 15 years of age in all states except Tasmania and Queensland where the leaving age is 17 . Brazil Child labour in Brazil , leaving after collecting recyclables from a landfill . Child labour has been a consistent struggle for children in Brazil ever since the country was colonised on April 22 , 1500 by Pedro Álvares Cabral . Work that many children took part in was not always visible , legal , or paid . Free or slave labour was a common occurrence for many youths and was a part of their everyday lives as they grew into adulthood . Yet due to there being no clear definition of how to classify what a child or youth is , there has been little historical documentation of child labour during the colonial period . Due to this lack of documentation , it is hard to determine just how many children were used for what kinds of work before the nineteenth century . The first documentation of child labour in Brazil occurred during the time of indigenous societies and slave labour where it was found that children were forcibly working on tasks that exceeded their emotional and physical limits . Armando Dias , for example , died in November 1913 whilst still very young , a victim of an electric shock when entering the textile industry where he worked . Boys and girls were victims of industrial accidents on a daily basis . In Brazil , the minimum working age has been identified as fourteen due to continuous constitutional amendments that occurred in 1934 , 1937 , and 1946 . Yet due to a change in the dictatorship by the military in the 80 's , the minimum age restriction was reduced to the age of twelve but was reviewed due to reports of dangerous and hazardous working conditions in 1988 . This led to the minimum age being raised once again to 14 . Another set of restrictions was passed in 1998 that restricted the kinds of work youth could partake in , such as work that was considered hazardous like running construction equipment , or certain kinds of factory work . Although many steps were taken to reduce the risk and occurrence of child labour , there is still a high number of children and adolescents working under the age of fourteen in Brazil . It was not until recently in the 80 's that it was discovered that almost nine million children in Brazil were working illegally and not partaking in traditional childhood activities that help to develop important life experiences . Brazilian census data ( PNAD , 1999 ) indicate that 2.55 million 10 - 14 year - olds were illegally holding jobs . They were joined by 3.7 million 15 - 17 year - olds and about 375,000 5 - 9 year - olds . Due to the raised age restriction of 14 , at least half of the recorded young workers had been employed illegally which lead to many not being protect by important labour laws . Although substantial time has passed since the time of regulated child labour , there is still a large number of children working illegally in Brazil . Many children are used by drug cartels to sell and carry drugs , guns , and other illegal substances because of their perception of innocence . This type of work that youth are taking part in is very dangerous due to the physical and psychological implications that come with these jobs . Yet despite the hazards that come with working with drug dealers , there has been an increase in this area of employment throughout the country . Britain Many factors played a role in Britain 's long - term economic growth , such as the industrial revolution in the late 1700s and the prominent presence of child labour during the industrial age . Children who worked at an early age were often not forced ; but did so because they needed to help their family survive financially . Due to poor employment opportunities for many parents , sending their children to work on farms and in factories was a way to help feed and support the family . Child Labour first started to occur in England when household businesses were turned into local labour markets that mass - produced the once homemade goods . Because children often helped produce the goods out of their homes , working in a factory to make those same goods was a simple change for many of these youths . Although there are many counts of children under the age of ten working for factories , the majority of children workers were between the ages of ten and fourteen . This age range was an important time for many youths as they were first helping to provide for their families ; while also transitioning to save for their own future families . Besides the obligation , many children had to help support their families financially ; another factor that influenced child labour was the demographic changes that occurred in the eighteenth century . By the end of the eighteenth century , 20 percent of the population was made up of children between the ages of 5 and 14 . Due to this substantial shift in available workers , and the development of the industrial revolution , children began to work earlier in life in companies outside of the home . Yet , even though there was an increase of child labour in factories such as cotton textiles , there consistently was large numbers of children working in the field of agriculture and domestic production . With such a high percentage of children working , the rising of illiteracy , and the lack of a formal education became a widespread issue for many children who worked to provide for their families . Due to this problematic trend , many parents developed a change of opinion when deciding whether or not to send their children to work . Other factors that lead to the decline of child labour included financial changes in the economy , changes in the development of technology , raised wages , and continuous regulations on factory legislation . The first legal steps taken to end the occurrence of child labour was enacted more than fifty years ago . In 1966 , the nation adopted the UN General Assembly of the International Covenant on Economic , Social and Cultural Rights . This act legally limited the minimum age for when children could start work at the age of 14 . But 23 years later in 1989 the Convention on the Rights of Children was adopted and helped to reduce the exploitation of children and demanded safe working environments . They all worked towards the goal of ending the most problematic forms of child labour . India Working girl in India . Main article : Child labour in India In 2015 , the country of India is home to the largest number of children who are working illegally in various industrial industries . Agriculture in India is the largest sector where many children work at early ages to help support their family . Many of these children are forced to work at young ages due to many family factors such as unemployment , a large number of family members , poverty , and lack of parental education . This is often the major cause of the high rate of child labour in India . On 23 June 1757 , the English East India Company defeated Siraj - ud - Daula , the Nawab of Bengal , in the Battle of Plassey . The British thus became masters of east India ( Bengal , Bihar , Orissa ) -- a prosperous region with a flourishing agriculture , industry and trade . This led to a large number of children being forced into labour due to the increasing need of cheap labour to produce large numbers of goods . Many multinationals often employed children because that they can be recruited for less pay , and have more endurance to utilise in factory environments . Another reason many Indian children were hired was because they lack knowledge of their basic rights , they did not cause trouble or complain , and they were often more trustworthy . The innocence that comes with childhood was utilised to make a profit by many and was encouraged by the need for family income . An eight - year - old boy making his livelihood by showing a playful monkey in a running train in India in 2011 . A variety of Indian social scientists as well as the non-governmental organisations ( NGOs ) have done extensive research on the numeric figures of child labour found in India and determined that India contributes to one - third of Asia 's child labour and one - fourth of the world 's child labour . Due to a large number of children being illegally employed , the Indian government began to take extensive actions to reduce the number of children working , and to focus on the importance of facilitating the proper growth and development of children . International influences help to encourage legal actions to be taken in India , such as the Geneva Declaration of the Right of Children Act was passed in 1924 . This act was followed by The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 to which incorporated the basic human rights and needs of children for proper progression and growth in their younger years . These international acts encouraged major changes to the workforce in India which occurred in 1986 when the Child Labour ( Prohibition and Regulation ) Act was put into place . This act prohibited hiring children younger than the age of 14 , and from working in hazardous conditions . Due to the increase of regulations and legal restrictions on child labour , there has been a 64 percent decline in child labour from 1993 - 2005 . Although this is a great decrease in the country of India , there is still high numbers of children working in the rural areas of India . With 85 percent of the child labour occurring in rural areas , and 15 percent occurring in urban areas , there are still substantial areas of concern in the country of India . India has legislation since 1986 which allows work by children in non-hazardous industry . In 2013 , the Punjab and Haryana High Court gave a landmark order that directed that there shall be a total ban on the employment of children up to the age of 14 years , be it hazardous or non-hazardous industries . However , the Court ruled that a child can work with his or her family in family based trades / occupations , for the purpose of learning a new trade / craftsmanship or vocation . Ireland In post-colonial Ireland , the rate of child exploitation was extremely high as children were used as farm labourers once they were able to walk , these children were never paid for the labour that they carried out on the family farm . Children were wanted and desired in Ireland for the use of their labour on the family farm . Irish parents felt that it was the children 's duty to carry out chores on the family farm Japan Though banned in modern Japan , shonenko ( child labourers ) were a feature of the Imperial era until its end in 1945 . During World War 2 labour recruiting efforts targeted youths from Taiwan ( Formosa ) , then a Japanese territory , with promises of educational opportunity . Though the target of 25,000 recruits was never reached , over 8,400 Taiwanese youths aged 12 to 14 relocated to Japan to help manufacture the Mitsubishi J2M Raiden aircraft . The Netherlands Child labour existed in the Netherlands up to and through the Industrial Revolution . Laws governing child labour in factories were first passed in 1874 , but child labour on farms continued to be the norm up until the 20th century . Soviet Union and russia Although formally banned since 1922 , child labour was widespread in the Soviet Union , mostly in the form of mandatory , unpaid work by schoolchildren on Saturdays and holidays . The students were used as a cheap , unqualified workforce on kolhoz ( collective farms ) as well as in industry and forestry . The practice was formally called `` work education '' . From the 1950s on , the students were also used for unpaid work at schools , where they cleaned and performed repairs . This practice has continued in the Russian Federation , where up to 21 days of the summer holidays is sometimes set aside for school works . By law , this is only allowed as part of specialised occupational training and with the students ' and parents ' permission , but those provisions are widely ignored . In 2012 there was an accident near city of Nalchik where a car killed several pupils cleaning up a highway shoulder during their `` holiday work '' as well as their teacher who was supervising them . Out of former Soviet Union republics Uzbekistan continued and expanded the program of child labour on industrial scale to increase profits on the main source of Islam Karimov 's income , cotton harvesting . In September , when school normally starts , the classes are suspended and children are sent to cotton fields for work , where they are assigned daily quotas of 20 to 60 kg of raw cotton they have to collect . This process is repeated in spring , when collected cotton needs to be hoed and weeded . In 2006 it is estimated that 2.7 million children were forced to work this way . Switzerland Main article : Child labour in Switzerland As in many other countries , child labour in Switzerland affected among the so - called Kaminfegerkinder ( `` chimney sweep children '' ) and children working p.e. in spinning mills , factories and in agriculture in 19th - century Switzerland , but also to the 1960s so - called Verdingkinder ( literally : `` contract children '' or `` indentured child laborers '' ) were children who were taken from their parents , often due to poverty or moral reasons -- usually mothers being unmarried , very poor citizens , of Gypsy -- Yeniche origin , so - called Kinder der Landstrasse , etc. -- and sent to live with new families , often poor farmers who needed cheap labour . There were even Verdingkinder auctions where children were handed over to the farmer asking the least amount of money from the authorities , thus securing cheap labour for his farm and relieving the authority from the financial burden of looking after the children . In the 1930s 20 % of all agricultural labourers in the Canton of Bern were children below the age of 15 . Swiss municipality guardianship authorities acted so , commonly tolerated by federal authorities , to the 1960s , not all of them of course , but usually communities affected of low taxes in some Swiss cantons Swiss historian Marco Leuenberger investigated , that in 1930 there were some 35,000 indentured children , and between 1920 and 1970 more than 100,000 are believed to have been placed with families or homes . 10,000 Verdingkinder are still alive . Therefore , the so - called Wiedergutmachungsinitiative was started in April 2014 . In April 2014 the collection of targeted at least authenticated 100,000 signatures of Swiss citizens has started , and still have to be collected to October 2015 . Child labour laws and Initiatives Main article : Child labour laws See also : Legal working age Almost every country in the world has laws relating to and aimed at preventing child labour . International Labour Organisation has helped set international law , which most countries have signed on and ratified . According to ILO minimum age convention ( C138 ) of 1973 , child labour refers to any work performed by children under the age of 12 , non-light work done by children aged 12 -- 14 , and hazardous work done by children aged 15 -- 17 . Light work was defined , under this Convention , as any work that does not harm a child 's health and development , and that does not interfere with his or her attendance at school . This convention has been ratified by 135 countries . The United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1990 , which was subsequently ratified by 193 countries . Article 32 of the convention addressed child labour , as follows : ... Parties recognise the right of the child to be protected from economic exploitation and from performing any work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with the child 's education , or to be harmful to the child 's health or physical , mental , spiritual , moral or social development . Under Article 1 of the 1990 Convention , a child is defined as `` ... every human being below the age of eighteen years unless , under the law applicable to the child , a majority is attained earlier . '' Article 28 of this Convention requires States to , `` make primary education compulsory and available free to all . '' 195 countries are party to the Convention ; only two nations have not ratified the treaty , Somalia and the United States . In 1999 , ILO helped lead the Worst Forms Convention 182 ( C182 ) , which has so far been signed upon and domestically ratified by 151 countries including the United States . This international law prohibits worst forms of child labour , defined as all forms of slavery and slavery - like practices , such as child trafficking , debt bondage , and forced labour , including forced recruitment of children into armed conflict . The law also prohibits the use of a child for prostitution or the production of pornography , child labour in illicit activities such as drug production and trafficking ; and in hazardous work . Both the Worst Forms Convention ( C182 ) and the Minimum Age Convention ( C138 ) are examples of international labour standards implemented through the ILO that deal with child labour . In addition to setting the international law , the United Nations initiated International Program on the Elimination of Child Labour ( IPEC ) in 1992 . This initiative aims to progressively eliminate child labour through strengthening national capacities to address some of the causes of child labour . Amongst the key initiative is the so - called time - bounded programme countries , where child labour is most prevalent and schooling opportunities lacking . The initiative seeks to achieve amongst other things , universal primary school availability . The IPEC has expanded to at least the following target countries : Bangladesh , Brazil , China , Egypt , India , Indonesia , Mexico , Nigeria , Pakistan , Democratic Republic of Congo , El Salvador , Nepal , Tanzania , Dominican Republic , Costa Rica , Philippines , Senegal , South Africa and Turkey . Targeted child labour campaigns were initiated by the International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour ( IPEC ) in order to advocate for prevention and elimination of all forms of child labour . The global Music against Child Labour Initiative was launched in 2013 in order to involve socially excluded children in structured musical activity and education in efforts to help protect them from child labour . Exceptions granted The United States has passed a law that allows Amish children older than 14 to work in traditional wood enterprises with proper supervision . In 2004 , the United States passed an amendment to the Fair Labour Standards Act of 1938 . The amendment allows certain children aged 14 -- 18 to work in or outside a business where machinery is used to process wood . The law aims to respect the religious and cultural needs of the Amish community of the United States . The Amish believe that one effective way to educate children is on the job . The new law allows Amish children the ability to work with their families , once they are passed eighth grade in school . Similarly , in 1996 , member countries of the European Union , per Directive 94 / 33 / EC , agreed to a number of exceptions for young people in its child labour laws . Under these rules , children of various ages may work in cultural , artistic , sporting or advertising activities if authorised by the competent authority . Children above the age of 13 may perform light work for a limited number of hours per week in other economic activities as defined at the discretion of each country . Additionally , the European law exception allows children aged 14 years or over to work as part of a work / training scheme . The EU Directive clarified that these exceptions do not allow child labour where the children may experience harmful exposure to dangerous substances . Nonetheless , many children under the age of 13 do work , even in the most developed countries of the EU . For instance , a recent study showed over a third of Dutch twelve - year - old kids had a job , the most common being babysitting . More laws vs. more freedom `` Very often , however , these state laws were not enforced ... Federal legislation was passed in 1916 and again in 1919 , but both laws were declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court . Although the number of child workers declined dramatically during the 1920s and 1930s , it was not until the Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938 that federal regulation of child labor finally became a reality . '' -- Smithsonian , on child labour in early 20th century United States , Scholars disagree on the best legal course forward to address child labour . Some suggest the need for laws that place a blanket ban on any work by children less than 18 years old . Others suggest the current international laws are enough , and the need for more engaging approach to achieve the ultimate goals . Some scholars suggest any labour by children aged 18 years or less is wrong since this encourages illiteracy , inhumane work and lower investment in human capital . Child labour , claim these activists , also leads to poor labour standards for adults , depresses the wages of adults in developing countries as well as the developed countries , and dooms the third world economies to low - skill jobs only capable of producing poor quality cheap exports . More children that work in poor countries , the fewer and worse - paid are the jobs for adults in these countries . In other words , there are moral and economic reasons that justify a blanket ban on labour from children aged 18 years or less , everywhere in the world . Child labour in Bangladesh . Other scholars suggest that these arguments are flawed , ignores history and more laws will do more harm than good . According to them , child labour is merely the symptom of a greater disease named poverty . If laws ban all lawful work that enables the poor to survive , informal economy , illicit operations and underground businesses will thrive . These will increase abuse of the children . In poor countries with very high incidence rates of child labour - such as Ethiopia , Chad , Niger and Nepal - schools are not available , and the few schools that exist offer poor quality education or are unaffordable . The alternatives for children who currently work , claim these studies , are worse : grinding subsistence farming , militia or prostitution . Child labour is not a choice , it is a necessity , the only option for survival . It is currently the least undesirable of a set of very bad choices . Nepali girls working in brick factory . These scholars suggest , from their studies of economic and social data , that early 20th - century child labour in Europe and the United States ended in large part as a result of the economic development of the formal regulated economy , technology development and general prosperity . Child labour laws and ILO conventions came later . Edmonds suggests , even in contemporary times , the incidence of child labour in Vietnam has rapidly reduced following economic reforms and GDP growth . These scholars suggest economic engagement , emphasis on opening quality schools rather than more laws and expanding economically relevant skill development opportunities in the third world . International legal actions , such as trade sanctions increase child labour . `` The Incredible Bread Machine '' , a book published by `` World Research , Inc . '' in 1974 , stated : Child labour was a particular target of early reformers . William Cooke Tatlor wrote at the time about these reformers who , witnessing children at work in the factories , thought to themselves : ' How much more delightful would have been the gambol of the free limbs on the hillside ; the sight of the green mead with its spangles of buttercups and daisies ; the song of the bird and the humming bee ... ' But for many of these children the factory system meant quite literally the only chance for survival . Today we overlook the fact that death from starvation and exposure was a common fate before the Industrial Revolution , for the pre-capitalist economy was barely able to support the population . Yes , children were working . Formerly they would have starved . It was only as goods were produced in greater abundance at a lower cost that men could support their families without sending their children to work . It was not the reformer or the politician that ended the grim necessity for child labour ; it was capitalism . Child labour incidents Cocoa production Main articles : Children in cocoa production and Harkin - Engel Protocol In 1998 , UNICEF reported that Ivory Coast farmers used enslaved children -- many from surrounding countries . In late 2000 a BBC documentary reported the use of enslaved children in the production of cocoa -- the main ingredient in chocolate -- in West Africa . Other media followed by reporting widespread child slavery and child trafficking in the production of cocoa . In 2001 , the US State Department estimated there were 15,000 child slaves cocoa , cotton and coffee farms in the Ivory Coast , and the Chocolate Manufacturers Association acknowledged that child slavery is used in the cocoa harvest . Malian migrants have long worked on cocoa farms in the Ivory Coast , but in 2000 cocoa prices had dropped to a 10 - year low and some farmers stopped paying their employees . The Malian counsel had to rescue some boys who had not been paid for five years and who were beaten if they tried to run away . Malian officials believed that 15,000 children , some as young as 11 years old , were working in the Ivory Coast in 2001 . These children were often from poor families or the slums and were sold to work in other countries . Parents were told the children would find work and send money home , but once the children left home , they often worked in conditions resembling slavery . In other cases , children begging for food were lured from bus stations and sold as slaves . In 2002 , the Ivory Coast had 12,000 children with no relatives nearby , which suggested they were trafficked , likely from neighboring Mali , Burkina Faso and Togo . The cocoa industry was accused of profiting from child slavery and trafficking . The European Cocoa Association dismissed these accusations as `` false and excessive '' and the industry said the reports were not representative of all areas . Later the industry acknowledged the working conditions for children were unsatisfactory and children 's rights were sometimes violated and acknowledged the claims could not be ignored . In a BBC interview , the ambassador for Ivory Coast to the United Kingdom called these reports of widespread use of slave child labour by 700,000 cocoa farmers as absurd and inaccurate . In 2001 , a voluntary agreement called the Harkin - Engel Protocol , was accepted by the international cocoa and chocolate industry to eliminate the worst forms of child labour , as defined by ILO 's Convention 182 , in West Africa . This agreement created a foundation named International Cocoa Initiative in 2002 . The foundation claims it has , as of 2011 , active programs in 290 cocoa growing communities in Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana , reaching a total population of 689,000 people to help eliminate the worst forms of child labour in cocoa industry . Other organisations claim progress has been made , but the protocol 's 2005 deadlines have not yet been met . Mining in Africa Children engaged in diamond mining in Sierra Leone . In 2008 , Bloomberg claimed child labour in copper and cobalt mines that supplied Chinese companies in Congo . The children are creuseurs , that is they dig the ore by hand , carry sacks of ores on their backs , and these are then purchased by these companies . Over 60 of Katanga 's 75 processing plants are owned by Chinese companies and 90 percent of the region 's minerals go to China . An African NGO report claimed 80,000 child labourers under the age of 15 , or about 40 % of all miners , were supplying ore to Chinese companies in this African region . Amnesty International alleged in 2016 that some cobalt sold by Congo Dongfang Mining was produced by child labour , and that it was being used in lithium - ion batteries powering electric cars and mobile devices worldwide . BBC , in 2012 , accused Glencore of using child labour in its mining and smelting operations of Africa . Glencore denied it used child labour , and said it has strict policy of not using child labour . The company claimed it has a strict policy whereby all copper was mined correctly , placed in bags with numbered seals and then sent to the smelter . Glencore mentioned being aware of child miners who were part of a group of artisanal miners who had without authorisation raided the concession awarded to the company since 2010 ; Glencore has been pleading with the government to remove the artisanal miners from the concession . Small - scale artisanal mining of gold is another source of dangerous child labour in poor rural areas in certain parts of the world . This form of mining uses labour - intensive and low - tech methods . It is informal sector of the economy . Human Rights Watch group estimates that about 12 percent of global gold production comes from artisanal mines . In west Africa , in countries such as Mali - the third largest exporter of gold in Africa - between 20,000 and 40,000 children work in artisanal mining . Locally known as orpaillage , children as young as 6 years old work with their families . These children and families suffer chronic exposure to toxic chemicals including mercury , and do hazardous work such as digging shafts and working underground , pulling up , carrying and crushing the ore . The poor work practices harm the long term health of children , as well as release hundreds of tons of mercury every year into local rivers , ground water and lakes . Gold is important to the economy of Mali and Ghana . For Mali , it is the second largest earner of its export revenue . For many poor families with children , it is the primary and sometimes the only source of income . Meatpacking In early August 2008 , Iowa Labour Commissioner David Neil announced that his department had found that Agriprocessors , a kosher meatpacking company in Postville which had recently been raided by Immigration and Customs Enforcement , had employed 57 minors , some as young as 14 , in violation of state law prohibiting anyone under 18 from working in a meatpacking plant . Neil announced that he was turning the case over to the state Attorney General for prosecution , claiming that his department 's inquiry had discovered `` egregious violations of virtually every aspect of Iowa 's child labour laws . '' Agriprocessors claimed that it was at a loss to understand the allegations . Agriprocessors ' CEO went to trial on these charges in state court on 4 May 2010 . After a five - week trial he was found not guilty of all 57 charges of child labour violations by the Black Hawk County District Court jury in Waterloo , Iowa , on 7 June 2010 . Gap Working child in Ooty , India A 2007 report claimed some GAP products had been produced by child labourers . GAP acknowledged the problem and announced it is pulling the products from its shelf . The report found Gap had rigorous social audit systems since 2004 to eliminate child labour in its supply chain . However , the report concluded that the system was being abused by unscrupulous subcontractors . GAP 's policy , the report claimed , is that if it discovers child labour was used by its supplier in its branded clothes , the contractor must remove the child from the workplace , provide it with access to schooling and a wage , and guarantee the opportunity of work on reaching a legal working age . In 2007 , The New York Times reported that GAP , after the child labour discovery , created a $200,000 grant to improve working conditions in the supplier community . H&M and Zara In December 2009 , campaigners in the UK called on two leading high street retailers to stop selling clothes made with cotton which may have been picked by children . Anti-Slavery International and the Environmental Justice Foundation ( EJF ) accused H&M and Zara of using cotton suppliers in Bangladesh . It is also suspected that many of their raw materials originates from Uzbekistan , where children aged 10 are forced to work in the fields . The activists were calling to ban the use of Uzbek cotton and implement a `` track and trace '' systems to guarantee an ethical responsible source of the material . H&M said it `` does not accept '' child labour and `` seeks to avoid '' using Uzbek cotton , but admitted it did `` not have any reliable methods '' to ensure Uzbek cotton did not end up in any of its products . Inditex , the owner of Zara , said its code of conduct banned child labour . Silk weaving A 2003 Human Rights Watch report claimed children as young as five years old were employed and worked for up to 12 hours a day and six to seven days a week in silk industry . These children , HRW claimed , were bonded child labour in India , easy to find in Karnataka , Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu . In 2010 , a German news investigative report claimed that in silk weaving industry , non-governmental organisations ( NGOs ) had found up to 10,000 children working in the 1,000 silk factories in 1998 . In other places , thousands of bonded child labour were present in 1994 . After UNICEF and NGOs got involved , after 2005 , child labour figure is drastically lower , with the total estimated to be fewer than a thousand child labourers . The released children were back in school , claims the report . Primark In 2008 , the BBC reported that the company Primark was using child labour in the manufacture of clothing . In particular , a £ 4 hand - embroidered shirt was the starting point of a documentary produced by BBC 's Panorama programme . The programme asks consumers to ask themselves , `` Why am I only paying £ 4 for a hand embroidered top ? This item looks handmade . Who made it for such little cost ? '' , in addition to exposing the violent side of the child labour industry in countries where child exploitation is prevalent . As a result of the BBC report , Royal Television Society awarded it a prize , and Primark took immediate action and fired three Indian suppliers in 2008 . Primark continued to investigate the allegations for three years , concluding that BBC report was a fake . In 2011 , following an investigation by the BBC Trust 's Editorial Standards Committee , the BBC announced , `` Having carefully scrutinised all of the relevant evidence , the committee concluded that , on the balance of probabilities , it was more likely than not that the Bangalore footage was not authentic . '' BBC subsequently apologised for faking footage , and returned the television award for investigative reporting . Eliminating child labour Child labour in a coal mine , United States , c. 1912 . Photograph by Lewis Hine . Different forms of child labour in Central America , 1999 . Concerns have often been raised over the buying public 's moral complicity in purchasing products assembled or otherwise manufactured in developing countries with child labour . However , others have raised concerns that boycotting products manufactured through child labour may force these children to turn to more dangerous or strenuous professions , such as prostitution or agriculture . For example , a UNICEF study found that after the Child Labour Deterrence Act was introduced in the US , an estimated 50,000 children were dismissed from their garment industry jobs in Bangladesh , leaving many to resort to jobs such as `` stone - crushing , street hustling , and prostitution '' , jobs that are `` more hazardous and exploitative than garment production '' . The study suggests that boycotts are `` blunt instruments with long - term consequences , that can actually harm rather than help the children involved . '' According to Milton Friedman , before the Industrial Revolution virtually all children worked in agriculture . During the Industrial Revolution many of these children moved from farm work to factory work . Over time , as real wages rose , parents became able to afford to send their children to school instead of work and as a result child labour declined , both before and after legislation . Austrian School economist Murray Rothbard said that British and American children of the pre - and post-Industrial Revolution lived and suffered in infinitely worse conditions where jobs were not available for them and went `` voluntarily and gladly '' to work in factories . British historian and socialist E.P. Thompson in The Making of the English Working Class draws a qualitative distinction between child domestic work and participation in the wider ( waged ) labour market . Further , the usefulness of the experience of the industrial revolution in making predictions about current trends has been disputed . Social historian Hugh Cunningham , author of Children and Childhood in Western Society Since 1500 , notes that : `` Fifty years ago it might have been assumed that , just as child labour had declined in the developed world in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries , so it would also , in a trickle - down fashion , in the rest of the world . Its failure to do that , and its re-emergence in the developed world , raise questions about its role in any economy , whether national or global . '' According to Thomas DeGregori , an economics professor at the University of Houston , in an article published by the Cato Institute , a libertarian think - tank operating in Washington D.C. , `` it is clear that technological and economic change are vital ingredients in getting children out of the workplace and into schools . Then they can grow to become productive adults and live longer , healthier lives . However , in poor countries like Bangladesh , working children are essential for survival in many families , as they were in our own heritage until the late 19th century . So , while the struggle to end child labour is necessary , getting there often requires taking different routes -- and , sadly , there are many political obstacles . The International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour ( IPEC ) , founded in 1992 , aims to eliminate child labour . It operates in 88 countries and is the largest program of its kind in the world . IPEC works with international and government agencies , NGOs , the media , and children and their families to end child labour and provide children with education and assistance . From 2008 to 2013 , the ILO operated a program through International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour ( IPEC ) entitled `` Combating Abusive Child Labour ( CACL - II ) '' . The project , funded by the European Union , contributed to the Government of Pakistan by providing alternative opportunities for vocational training and education to children withdrawn from the worst forms of child labour . Periodically , governments , employers ' and workers ' organisations have met in global conference to assess progress and remaining obstacles and to agree measures to eliminate the worst forms of child labour by 2016 : first in Oslo ( 1997 ) , secondly in The Hague ( 2010 ) ; the third Global Conference on Child Labour took place in Brasilia , 8010 October 2013 , and the fourth global conference is scheduled to be held in Buenos Aires , Argentina , 14 - 16 November 2017 . Statistics Number of children involved in ILO categories of work , by age and gender in 2002 All Children ( 2002 ) Economically Active Children Economically Active Children ( % ) Child Labour Child Labour ( % ) Children In Hazardous Work Children In Hazardous Work ( % ) Ages 5 -- 11 838,800,000 109,700,000 13.1 109,700,000 13.1 60,500,000 7.2 Ages 12 -- 14 360,600,000 101,100,000 28.0 76,000,000 21.1 50,800,000 14.1 Ages 5 -- 14 1,199,400,000 210,800,000 17.6 186,300,000 15.5 111,300,000 9.3 Ages 15 -- 17 332,100,000 140,900,000 42.4 59,200,000 17.8 59,200,000 17.8 Boys 786,600,000 184,100,000 23.4 132,200,000 16.8 95,700,000 12.2 Girls 744,900,000 167,600,000 22.5 113,300,000 15.2 74,800,000 10.5 Total 1,531,500,000 351,700,000 23.0 245,500,000 16.0 170,500,000 11.1 Potential positives of children working The term child labour can be misleading when it confuses harmful work with employment that may be beneficial to children . It can also ignore harmful work outside employment and any benefits children normally derive from their work . Domestic work is an example : all families but the rich must work at cleaning , cooking , caring , and more to maintain their homes . In most families in the world , this process extends to productive activities , especially herding and various types of agriculture , and to a variety of small family businesses . Where trading is a significant feature of social life , children can start trading in small items at an early age , often in the company of family members or of peers . Work is undertaken from an early age by vast numbers of children in the world and may have a natural place in growing up . Work can contribute to the well - being of children in a variety of ways ; children often choose to work to improve their lives , both in the short - and long - term . At the material level , children 's work often contributes to producing food or earning income that benefits themselves and their families ; and such income is especially important when the families are poor . Work can provide an escape from debilitating poverty , sometimes by allowing a young person to move away from an impoverished environment . Young people often enjoy their work , especially paid work , or when work involves the company of peers . Even when work is intensive and enforced , children often find ways to combine their work with play . While full - time work hinders schooling , empirical evidence is varied on the relationship between part - time work and school . Sometimes even part - time work may hinder school attendance or performance . On the other hand , many poor children work for resources to attend school . Children who are not doing well at school sometimes seek more satisfactory experience in work . Good relations with a supervisor at work can provide relief from tensions that children feel at school and home . In the modern world , school education has become so central to society that schoolwork has become the dominant work for most children , often replacing participation in productive work . If school curricula or quality do not provide children with appropriate skills for available jobs or if children do nor have the aptitude for schoolwork , school may impede the learning of skills , such as agriculture , which will become necessary for future livelihood . See also Organised labour portal Lewis Hine used photography to help bring attention to child labour in America . He created this poster in 1914 with an appeal about child labour . Child abuse Child labour in Africa Child labour in Bangladesh Child labour in India Child migration Child prostitution Child slavery Child soldiers Child work in indigenous American cultures Children in cocoa production Children 's rights movement Concerned for Working Children Debt bondage Exploitation Guaranteed minimum income History of childhood Human trafficking International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour , IPEC International Research on Working Children Kinder der Landstrasse , Switzerland Labour law Legal working age London matchgirls strike of 1888 Newsboys strike of 1899 Rochdale sex trafficking gang Street children Sweatshop Trafficking of children Unfree labour International conventions and other instruments : Pilot project on Delivery of water to households far from sources of safe water ILO Forced Labour Convention , 1930 ( No. 29 ) ILO Abolition of Forced Labour Convention , 1957 ( No. 105 ) ILO Minimum Age Convention , 1973 ( No. 138 ) ILO Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention , 1999 ( No. 182 ) Notes Jump up ^ Laura Del Col ( West Virginia University ) . `` The Life of the Industrial Worker in Nineteenth - Century England '' . . Jump up ^ `` The Factory and Workshop Act , 1901 '' . Br Med J. 2 : 1871 -- 2 . PMC 2507680 . PMID 20759953 . Jump up ^ `` What is child labour ? '' . International Labour Organisation. 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` Convention on the Rights of the Child '' . United Nations . Archived from the original on 3 October 2006 . Retrieved 2006 - 10 - 05 . Jump up ^ `` International and national legislation - Child Labour '' . International Labour Organisation. 2011 . ^ Jump up to : `` Labour laws - An Amish exception '' . The Economist. 5 February 2004 . Jump up ^ Larsen , P.B. Indigenous and tribal children : assessing child labour and education challenges . International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour ( IPEC ) , International Labour Office . ^ Jump up to : `` Council Directive 94 / 33 / EC of 22 June 1994 on child labour '' . EUR - Lex. 2008 . Jump up ^ Cunningham and Viazzo . Child Labour in Historical Perspective : 1800 - 1985 ( PDF ) . UNICEF . ISBN 88 - 85401 - 27 - 9 . ^ Jump up to : Elisabeth Prügl ( 1999 ) . The Global Construction of Gender - Home based work in Political Economy of 20th Century . Columbia University Press . pp. 25 -- 31 , 50 -- 59 . ISBN 978 - 0231115612 . Jump up ^ Hugh Hindman ( 2009 ) . The World of Child Labour . M.E. Sharpe . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7656 - 1707 - 1 . Jump up ^ `` Percentage of children aged 5 -- 14 engaged in child labour '' . UNICEF. 2012 . Archived from the original on 30 June 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` Child Labour '' . The Economist. 20 December 2005 . ^ Jump up to : Eric V. Edmonds ; Nina Pavcnik ( Winter 2005 ) . `` Child Labour in the Global Economy '' ( PDF ) . Journal of Economic Perspectives. 19 ( 1 ) : 199 -- 220 . doi : 10.1257 / 0895330053147895 . ^ Jump up to : `` Child labour - causes '' . ILO , United Nations . 2008 . Jump up ^ Norberg , Johan ( 2007 ) , Världens välfärd ( Stockholm : Government Offices of Sweden ) , p. 58 Jump up ^ `` To eliminate child labour , `` attack it at its roots '' UNICEF says `` . UNICEF. 2013 . Jump up ^ Thompson ^ Jump up to : Diamond , J. , The World Before Yesterday Jump up ^ Laura Del Col , West Virginia University , The Life of the Industrial Worker in Nineteenth - Century England ^ Jump up to : E.P. Thompson The Making of the English Working Class , ( Penguin , 1968 ) , pp. 366 -- 7 Jump up ^ Jane Humphries , Childhood And Child Labour in the British Industrial Revolution ( 2010 ) p 33 ^ Jump up to : Barbara Daniels , Poverty and Families in the Victorian Era Jump up ^ `` Child Labour and the Division of Labour in the Early English Cotton Mills '' . Jump up ^ `` Child Labour by Professor David Cody , Hartwick College '' . The Victorian Web . Retrieved 2010 - 03 - 21 . Jump up ^ Forster 2006 , pp. 23 -- 24 . Jump up ^ Douglas A. Galbi . 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A global alliance against forced labour Operational Indicators of Trafficking in Human Beings 2009 ILO / SAP - FL Lists of indicators of Trafficking in Human Beings 2009 ILO / SAP - FL Eradication of forced labour - General Survey concerning the Forced Labour Convention , 1930 ( No. 29 ) , and the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention , 1957 ( No. 105 ) - ILO 2007 Forced Labour : Definition , Indicators and Measurement 2004 - ILO Stopping Forced Labour 2001 - ILO Further reading Baland , Jean - Marie and James A. Robinson ( 2000 ) ' Is child labour inefficient ? ' Journal of Political Economy 108 , 663 -- 679 Basu , Kaushik , and Homa Zarghamee ( 2009 ) ' Is product boycott a good idea for controlling child labour ? A theoretical investigation ' Journal of Development Economics 88 , 217 -- 220 Bhukuth , Augendra . `` Defining child labour : a controversial debate '' Development in Practice ( 2008 ) 18 , 385 -- 394 Emerson , Patrick M. , and André Portela Souza . `` Is Child Labour Harmful ? The Impact of Working Earlier in Life on Adult Earnings '' Economic Development and Cultural Change 59 : 345 -- 385 , January 2011 doi : 10.1086 / 657125 uses data from Brazil to show very strong negative effects -- boys who work before age 14 earn much less as adults Humbert , Franziska . The Challenge of Child Labour in International Law ( 2009 ) Humphries , Jane . Childhood and Child Labour in the British Industrial Revolution ( 2010 ) ILO , Investing in every child : An economic Study of the Costs and Benefits of Eliminating Child Labour Mayer , Gerald . Child Labor in America : History , Policy , and Legislative Issues . Washington , D.C. : Congressional Research Service , 2013 . Ravallion , Martin , and Quentin Wodon ( 2000 ) ' Does child labour displace schooling ? Evidence on behavioural responses to an enrollment subsidy ' Economic Journal 110 , C158 - C175 History `` Child Employing Industries , '' Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science Vol. 35 , Mar. 1910 in JSTOR , articles by experts in 1910 Goldberg , Ellis . Trade , Reputation , and Child Labour in Twentieth - Century Egypt ( 2004 ) excerpt and text search Grier , Beverly . Invisible Hands : Child Labour and the State in Colonial Zimbabwe ( 2005 ) Hindman , Hugh D. Child Labour : An American History ( 2002 ) Humphries , Jane ; Horrell , Sara ( 1995 ) . `` ' The Exploitation of Little Children ' : Child Labour and the Family Economy in the Industrial Revolution '' . Explorations in Economic History . 32 : 485 -- 516 . doi : 10.1006 / exeh. 1995.1021 . Humphries , Jane . Childhood and Child Labour in the British Industrial Revolution ( Cambridge Studies in Economic History ) ( 2011 ) excerpt and text search Kirby , Peter . Child Labour in Britain , 1750 - 1870 ( 2003 ) excerpt and text search McIntosh , Robert . Boys in the pits : Child labour in coal mines ( McGill - Queen 's Press - MQUP , 2000 ) , Canadian mines Meerkerk , Elise van Naderveen ; Schmidt , Ariadne . `` Between Wage Labor and Vocation : Child Labor in Dutch Urban Industry , 1600 - 1800 , '' Journal of Social History ( 2008 ) 41 # 3 pp 717 -- 736 in Project MUSE Mofford , Juliet . Child Labour in America ( 1970 ) Tuttle , Carolyn . Hard At Work In Factories And Mines : The Economics Of Child Labour During The British Industrial Revolution ( 1999 ) External links Look up child labour in Wiktionary , the free dictionary . Wikimedia Commons has media related to Child labour . Wikiquote has quotations related to : Child labour Combating Child Labor -- Bureau of International Labor Affairs , U.S. Department of Labor A UNICEF web resource with tables of % children who work for a living , by country and gender Rare child labour photos from the U.S. Library of Congress History Place Photographs from 1908 -- 1912 International Research on Child Labour International Program on the Elimination of Child Labour International Labour Organisation ( UN ) World Day Against Child Labour 12 June Concerned for Working Children An India - based non-profit organisation working towards elimination of child labour The OneWorld guide to child labour The State of the World 's Children -- a UNICEF study `` United States Child Labour , 1908 -- 1920 : As Seen Through the Lens of Sociologist and Photographer Lewis W. Hine '' ( video ) Child Labour in Chile , 1880 -- 1950 download complete text , in spanish 12 to 12 community portal ILO sponsored website on the elimination of child labour The ILO Special Action Programme to combat Forced Labour ( SAP - FL ) Every day against child labour by ( video ) Social and environmental accountability Ethics and principles Aarhus Convention Corporate accountability / behaviour / social responsibility Ethical banking Ethical code Extended producer responsibility Organizational ethics Organizational justice Principles for Responsible Investment Social responsibility Stakeholder theory Sullivan principles Transparency ( behavioral social ) UN Global Compact Social accounting Double bottom line Ethical Positioning Index Higg Index Impact assessment ( environmental equality social ) ISO 26000 Genuine progress indicator OHSAS 18001 Performance indicator SA8000 Social return on investment Whole - life cost Environmental accounting Carbon accounting Eco-Management and Audit Scheme Emission inventory Environmental full - cost accounting / impact assessment / management system / profit - and - loss account ISO 14000 ISO 14031 : 1999 Life - cycle assessment Pollutant release and transfer register Sustainability accounting / measurement / metrics and indices / standards and certification / supply chain Toxics Release Inventory Triple bottom line Reporting Global Reporting Initiative GxP guidelines Sustainability reporting Auditing Community - based monitoring Environmental ( certification ) Fair trade ( certification ) ISO 19011 Related Bangladesh Accord Benefit corporation Child labour Community interest company Conflict of interest Disasters Disinvestment Eco-labeling Environmental pricing reform Environmental , social and corporate governance Ethical consumerism Euthenics Health impact assessment Market governance mechanism Product certification Public participation Social enterprise Socially responsible investing Stakeholder ( engagement ) Supply chain management Environment portal Commons Organizations LCCN : sh85023444 GND : 4128152 - 4 BNF : cb119313534 ( data ) NDL : 00572258 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Childhood History of youth Child labour Children 's rights Labor rights Human trafficking Ethically disputed working conditions Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from June 2016 CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list Articles with dead external links from January 2016 CS1 German - language sources ( de ) Articles with Dutch - language external links CS1 maint : Uses authors parameter Articles with dead external links from April 2017 Articles with permanently dead external links Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages Use British English from January 2014 Use dmy dates from October 2012 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from October 2017 All articles with specifically marked weasel - worded phrases Articles with specifically marked weasel - worded phrases from January 2016 All articles with failed verification Articles with failed verification from July 2012 All articles lacking reliable references Articles lacking reliable references from July 2012 Articles with dead external links from August 2017 Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Afrikaans Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Eesti Español Esperanto فارسی Français Galego ગુજરાતી 한국어 हिन्दी Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית ಕನ್ನಡ Kurdî Latina മലയാളം Nederlands नेपाली 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Română Русский සිංහල Simple English Slovenčina کوردی Српски / srpski Suomi Svenska தமிழ் తెలుగు Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt Walon 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 28 October 2017 , at 21 : 40 . 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when does children's work become child labor
Child labour refers to the employment of children in any work that deprives children of their childhood , interferes with their ability to attend regular school , and that is mentally , physically , socially or morally dangerous and harmful . This practice is considered exploitative by many international organisations . Legislation across the world prohibit child labour . These laws do not consider all work by children as child labour ; exceptions include work by child artists , family duties , supervised training , certain categories of work such as those by Amish children , some forms of child work common among indigenous American children , and others .
Aruna Asaf Ali - Wikipedia Aruna Asaf Ali This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( September 2009 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Aruna Asaf Ali Aruna Ganguly 16 July 1909 Kalka , Punjab , British India 29 July 1996 ( 1996 - 07 - 29 ) ( aged 87 ) New Delhi , India Nationality Indian Alma mater Sacred Heart Convent Occupation Teacher , socialist , independence activist , politician , newspaper publisher Political party Indian National Congress Communist Party of India Spouse ( s ) Asaf Ali ( m . 1928 ; d . 1953 ) Awards Bharat Ratna ( 1997 ) Aruna Asaf Ali ( 16 July 1909 -- 29 July 1996 ) , born Aruna Ganguly , was an Indian independence activist . She is widely remembered for hoisting the Indian National Congress flag at the Gowalia Tank maidan in Bombay during the Quit India Movement , 1942 . After Independence , she remained active in politics , becoming Delhi 's first mayor in 1958 . In the 1960s , she successfully started a media publishing house . She received India 's highest civilian award , the Bharat Ratna , posthumously in 1997 . Contents 1 Early life 2 Freedom struggle : early days 3 Face of Quit India movement 4 Countdown to Independence 5 Post-Independence 6 Legacy 7 References 8 External links Early life ( edit ) Aruna Asaf Ali was born ( Aruna Ganguly ) on 16 July 1909 in Kalka , Punjab , British India ( now in Haryana , India ) into a Bengali Brahmo family . Her father Upendranath Ganguly hailed from Barisal district of Eastern Bengal ( now Bangladesh ) but settled in the United Province . He was a restaurant owner . Her mother Ambalika Devi was the daughter of Trailokyanath Sanyal , a renowned Brahmo leader who wrote many Brahmo hymns . Upendranath Ganguly 's younger brother Dhirendranath Ganguly ( DG ) was one of the earliest film directors . Another brother , Nagendranath , was a university professor who married Nobel Prize winner Rabindranath Tagore 's only surviving daughter Mira Devi . Aruna 's sister Purnima Banerjee was a member of the Constituent Assembly of India . Aruna was educated at Sacred Heart Convent in Lahore and then at All Saints ' College in Nainital . After her graduation , she worked as a teacher at the Gokhale Memorial School in Calcutta . She met Asaf Ali , a leader in the Congress party , in Allahabad . They got married in 1928 , despite parental opposition on grounds of religion and age ( he was a Muslim and her senior by more than 20 years ) . My father was no more when Asaf and I married in September 1928 . My paternal uncle Nagendranath Ganguly , a university professor who regarded himself as my guardian , said to relatives and friends that as far as he was concerned I was dead and he had performed my shraddh . -- Aruna Asaf Ali Freedom struggle : early days ( edit ) She was an active member of Congress Party after marrying Asaf Ali and participated in public processions during the Salt Satyagraha . She was arrested on the charge that she was a vagrant and hence not released in 1931 under the Gandhi - Irwin Pact which stipulated release of all political prisoners . Other women co-prisoners refused to leave the premises unless she was also released and gave in only after Mohandas K. Gandhi intervened . A public agitation secured her release . In 1932 , she was held prisoner at the Tihar Jail where she protested the indifferent treatment of political prisoners by launching a hunger strike . Her efforts resulted in an improvement of conditions in the Tihar Jail but she was moved to Ambala and was subjected to solitary confinement . She was politically not very active after her release , but at the ending of 1942 , she took part in the underground movement . She was active in it . Face of Quit India movement ( edit ) On 8 August 1942 , the All India Congress Committee passed the Quit India resolution at the Bombay session . The government responded by arresting the major leaders and all members of the Congress Working Committee and thus tried to pre-empt the movement from success . Young Aruna Asaf Ali presided over the remainder of the session on 9 August and hoisted the Congress flag at the Gowalia Tank Maidan . This marked the commencement of the movement . The police fired upon the assembly at the session . Aruna was dubbed the Heroine of the 1942 movement for her bravery in the face of danger and was called Grand Old Lady of the Independence movement in her later years . Despite the absence of direct leadership , spontaneous protests and demonstrations were held all over the country , as an expression of the desire of India 's youth to achieve independence . Countdown to independence ( edit ) An arrest warrant was issued in her name but she went underground to evade the arrest and started an underground movement in the year 1942 . Her property was seized and sold . In the meanwhile , she also edited Inquilab , a monthly magazine of the Congress Party , along with Ram Manohar Lohia . In a 1944 issue , she exhorted youth to action by asking them to forget futile discussions about violence and non-violence and join the revolution . Leaders such as Jayaprakash Narayan and Aruna Asaf Ali were described as `` the Political children of Gandhi but recent students of Karl Marx . '' The government announced a reward of 5,000 rupees for her capture . She fell ill and was for a period hiding in Dr. Joshi 's Hospital in Karol Bagh in Delhi . Mahatma Gandhi sent her a hand - written note to her to come out of hiding and surrender herself -- as her mission was accomplished and as she could utilize the reward amount for the Harijan cause . However , she came out of hiding only after the warrant against her was withdrawn in 1946 . She treasured the note from the Mahatma and it adorned her drawing room . However , she also faced criticism from Gandhi for her support of the Royal Indian Navy Mutiny , a movement she saw as the single greatest unifying factor of Hindus and Muslims at a time that was the peak of the movement for Pakistan . Post-independence ( edit ) She was a member of the Congress Socialist Party , a caucus within the Congress Party for activists with socialist leanings . Disillusioned with the progress of the Congress Party on socialism she joined a new party , Socialist Party in 1948 . She , however , left that party along with Edatata Narayanan and they visited Moscow along with Rajani Palme Dutt . Both of them joined the Communist Party of India in the early 1950s . On the personal front , she was bereaved when Asaf Ali died in 1953 . In 1954 , she helped form the National Federation of Indian Women , the women 's wing of CPI but left the party in 1956 following Nikita Khrushchev 's disowning of Stalin . In 1958 , she was elected the first Mayor of Delhi . She was closely associated with social activists and secularists of her era like Krishna Menon , Vimla Kapoor , Guru Radha Kishan , Premsagar Gupta , Rajani Palme Joti , Sarla Sharma and Subhadra Joshi for social welfare and development in Delhi . She and Narayanan started Link publishing house and published a daily newspaper , Patriot and a weekly , Link the same year . The publications became prestigious due to the patronage of leaders such as Jawaharlal Nehru , Krishna Menon and Biju Patnaik . Later she moved out of the publishing house due to internal politics , stunned by greed taking over the creed of her comrades . In 1964 , she rejoined the Congress Party but stopped taking part in active politics . Despite reservations about the emergency , she remained close to Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi . She died in New Delhi on 29 July 1996 , aged 87 . Legacy ( edit ) Aruna Asaf Ali was awarded International Lenin Peace Prize for the year 1964 and the Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding in 1991 . She was awarded India 's second highest civilian honour , the Padma Vibhushan in her lifetime in 1992 , and finally the highest civilian award , the Bharat Ratna , posthumously in 1997 . In 1998 , a stamp commemorating her was issued . Aruna Asaf Ali marg in New Delhi was named in her honour . All India Minorities Front distributes the Dr Aruna Asaf Ali Sadbhawana Award annually . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ G.N.S. Raghavan ( 1999 ) . Aruna Asaf Ali : A Compassionate Radical . National Book Trust . ISBN 9788123727622 . Jump up ^ Krishna Dutta and Andrew Robinson , ed. ( 1997 ) . Selected Letters of Rabindranath Tagore . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 0521 - 59018 - 3 . Jump up ^ Radha Kumar ( 1993 ) . The History of Doing : An Illustrated Account of Movements for Women 's Rights and Feminism in India , 1800 - 1990 . Zubaan . p. 68 . Jump up ^ Verinder Grover ( 1993 ) . Great Women of Modern India : Aruna Asaf Ali . Deep & Deep Publications . ISBN 9788171004621 . Jump up ^ Singh , Kuldip ( 31 July 1996 ) . `` Obituary : Aruna Asaf Ali '' . The Independent . Retrieved 21 August 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Lenin Peace Prize '' . The Item. 14 August 1965 . Retrieved 18 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` List of the recipients of the Jawaharlal Nehru Award '' . ICCR website . Jump up ^ `` Padma Awards Directory ( 1954 - 2007 ) '' ( PDF ) . Ministry of Home Affairs . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 10 April 2009 . Retrieved 7 December 2010 . External links ( edit ) An Obituary of Mrs. Aruna Asaf Ali by Inder Malhotra in The Guardian A write - up on Aruna Asaf Ali Another write - up on Aruna Asaf Ali Indian Independence Movement History Colonisation Porto Grande de Bengala Dutch Bengal East India Company British Raj French India Portuguese India Battle of Plassey Battle of Buxar Anglo - Mysore Wars First Second Third Fourth Anglo - Maratha Wars First Second Third Polygar Wars Vellore Mutiny First Anglo - Sikh War Second Anglo - Sikh War Sannyasi Rebellion Rebellion of 1857 Radcliffe Line more Philosophies and ideologies Ambedkarism Gandhism Hindu nationalism Indian nationalism Khilafat Movement Muslim nationalism in South Asia Satyagraha Socialism Swadeshi movement Swaraj Events and movements Partition of Bengal ( 1905 ) Partition of Bengal ( 1947 ) Revolutionaries Direct Action Day Delhi - Lahore Conspiracy The Indian Sociologist Singapore Mutiny Hindu -- German Conspiracy Champaran Satyagraha Kheda Satyagraha Rowlatt Committee Rowlatt Bills Jallianwala Bagh massacre Noakhali riots Non-Cooperation Movement Christmas Day Plot Coolie - Begar Movement Chauri Chaura incident , 1922 Kakori conspiracy Qissa Khwani Bazaar massacre Flag Satyagraha Bardoli 1928 Protests Nehru Report Fourteen Points of Jinnah Purna Swaraj Salt March Dharasana Satyagraha Vedaranyam March Chittagong armoury raid Gandhi -- Irwin Pact Round table conferences Act of 1935 Aundh Experiment Indian Legion Cripps Mission Quit India Bombay Mutiny Coup d'état of Yanaon Provisional Government of India Independence Day Praja Mandala movement Organisations All India Kisan Sabha All - India Muslim League Anushilan Samiti Arya Samaj Azad Hind Berlin Committee Ghadar Party Hindustan Socialist Republican Association Indian National Congress India House Indian Home Rule movement Indian Independence League Indian National Army Jugantar Khaksar Tehrik Khudai Khidmatgar Swaraj Party more Social reformers A. Vaidyanatha Iyer Ayya Vaikundar Ayyankali B.R. Ambedkar Baba Amte Bal Gangadhar Tilak Dayananda Saraswati Dhondo Keshav Karve G. Subramania Iyer Gazulu Lakshminarasu Chetty Gopal Ganesh Agarkar Gopal Hari Deshmukh Gopaldas Ambaidas Desai Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar J.B. Kripalani Jyotirao Phule Kandukuri Veeresalingam Mahadev Govind Ranade Mahatma Gandhi Muthulakshmi Reddi Narayana Guru Niralamba Swami Pandita Ramabai Periyar E.V. Ramasamy Ram Mohan Roy Rettamalai Srinivasan Sahajanand Saraswati Savitribai Phule Shahu Sister Nivedita Sri Aurobindo Syed Ahmad Khan Vakkom Moulavi Vinayak Damodar Savarkar Vinoba Bhave Vitthal Ramji Shinde Vivekananda Independence activists Abul Kalam Azad Accamma Cherian Achyut Patwardhan A.K. Fazlul Huq Alluri Sitarama Raju Annapurna Maharana Annie Besant Ashfaqulla Khan Babu Kunwar Singh Bagha Jatin Bahadur Shah II Bakht Khan Bal Gangadhar Tilak Basawon Singh Begum Hazrat Mahal Bhagat Singh Bharathidasan Bhavabhushan Mitra Bhikaiji Cama Bhupendra Kumar Datta Bidhan Chandra Roy Bipin Chandra Pal C. Rajagopalachari Chandra Shekhar Azad Chetram Jatav Chittaranjan Das Dadabhai Naoroji Dayananda Saraswati Dhan Singh Dukkipati Nageswara Rao Gopal Krishna Gokhale Govind Ballabh Pant Har Dayal Hemu Kalani Inayatullah Khan Mashriqi Jatindra Mohan Sengupta Jatindra Nath Das Jawaharlal Nehru K. Kamaraj Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan Khudiram Bose Shri Krishna Singh Lala Lajpat Rai M. Bhaktavatsalam M.N. Roy Mahadaji Shinde Mahatma Gandhi Mangal Pandey Mir Qasim Mithuben Petit ‎ Muhammad Ali Jauhar Muhammad Ali Jinnah Muhammad Mian Mansoor Ansari Nagnath Naikwadi Nana Fadnavis Nana Sahib P. Kakkan Prafulla Chaki Pritilata Waddedar Pritilata Waddedar Purushottam Das Tandon R. Venkataraman Rahul Sankrityayan Rajendra Prasad Ram Prasad Bismil Rani Lakshmibai Rash Behari Bose Sahajanand Saraswati Sangolli Rayanna Sarojini Naidu Satyapal Dang Shuja - ud - Daula Shyamji Krishna Varma Sibghatullah Shah Rashidi Siraj ud - Daulah Subhas Chandra Bose Subramania Bharati Subramaniya Siva Surya Sen Syama Prasad Mukherjee Tara Rani Srivastava Tarak Nath Das Tatya Tope Tiruppur Kumaran Ubaidullah Sindhi VO Chidamabaram V.K. Krishna Menon Vallabhbhai Patel Vanchinathan Veeran Sundaralingam Vinayak Damodar Savarkar Virendranath Chattopadhyaya Yashwantrao Holkar Yogendra Shukla more British leaders Wavell Canning Cornwallis Irwin Chelmsford Curzon Ripon Minto Dalhousie Bentinck Mountbatten Wellesley Lytton Clive Outram Cripps Linlithgow Hastings Independence Cabinet Mission Annexation of French colonies in India Constitution Republic of India Indian annexation of Goa Indian Independence Act Partition of India Political integration Simla Conference Bharat Ratna laureates 1954 -- 1960 C. Rajagopalachari , Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan , and C.V. Raman ( 1954 ) Bhagwan Das , Mokshagundam Visvesvarayya , and Jawaharlal Nehru ( 1955 ) Govind Ballabh Pant ( 1957 ) Dhondo Keshav Karve ( 1958 ) 1961 -- 1980 Bidhan Chandra Roy and Purushottam Das Tandon ( 1961 ) Rajendra Prasad ( 1962 ) Zakir Husain and Pandurang Vaman Kane ( 1963 ) Lal Bahadur Shastri ( 1966 ) Indira Gandhi ( 1971 ) V.V. Giri ( 1975 ) K. Kamaraj ( 1976 ) Mother Teresa ( 1980 ) 1981 -- 2000 Vinoba Bhave ( 1983 ) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan ( 1987 ) M.G. Ramachandran ( 1988 ) B.R. Ambedkar and Nelson Mandela ( 1990 ) Rajiv Gandhi , Vallabhbhai Patel , and Morarji Desai ( 1991 ) Abul Kalam Azad , J.R.D. Tata , and Satyajit Ray ( 1992 ) Gulzarilal Nanda , Aruna Asaf Ali , and A.P.J. Abdul Kalam ( 1997 ) M.S. Subbulakshmi and Chidambaram Subramaniam ( 1998 ) Jayaprakash Narayan , Amartya Sen , Gopinath Bordoloi , and Ravi Shankar ( 1999 ) 2001 -- present Lata Mangeshkar and Bismillah Khan ( 2001 ) Bhimsen Joshi ( 2008 ) C.N.R. Rao and Sachin Tendulkar ( 2014 ) Madan Mohan Malaviya and Atal Bihari Vajpayee ( 2015 ) Padma Vibhushan award recipients Arts Ebrahim Alkazi Kishori Amonkar Amitabh Bachchan M. Balamuralikrishna T. Balasaraswati Asha Bhosle Nandalal Bose Hariprasad Chaurasia Girija Devi Kumar Gandharva Adoor Gopalakrishnan Satish Gujral Gangubai Hangal Bhupen Hazarika M.F. Husain Ilaiyaraaja Semmangudi Srinivasa Iyer Bhimsen Joshi Ali Akbar Khan Amjad Ali Khan Allauddin Khan Bismillah Khan Ghulam Mustafa Khan Yamini Krishnamurthy Dilip Kumar R.K. Laxman Birju Maharaj Kishan Maharaj Lata Mangeshkar Sonal Mansingh Mallikarjun Mansur Zubin Mehta Mario Miranda Kelucharan Mohapatra Raghunath Mohapatra Jasraj Motiram Benode Behari Mukherjee Hrishikesh Mukherjee Rajinikanth Ram Narayan D.K. Pattammal K. Shankar Pillai Akkineni Nageswara Rao Kaloji Narayana Rao Satyajit Ray S.H. Raza Zohra Sehgal Uday Shankar Ravi Shankar V. Shantaram Shivkumar Sharma Umayalpuram K. Sivaraman M.S. Subbulakshmi K.G. Subramanyan Kapila Vatsyayan Homai Vyarawalla K.J. Yesudas Civil Service Bimala Prasad Chaliha Naresh Chandra T.N. Chaturvedi Jayanto Nath Chaudhuri Suranjan Das Rajeshwar Dayal Basanti Devi P.N. Dhar Jyotindra Nath Dixit M.S. Gill Hafiz Mohamad Ibrahim H.V.R. Iyengar Bhola Nath Jha Dattatraya Shridhar Joshi Ajudhia Nath Khosla Rai Krishnadasa V. Krishnamurthy P. Prabhakar Kumaramangalam Pratap Chandra Lal K.B. Lall Sam Manekshaw Om Prakash Mehra Mohan Sinha Mehta M.G.K. Menon Brajesh Mishra Sumati Morarjee A. Ramasamy Mudaliar Sardarilal Mathradas Nanda Chakravarthi V. Narasimhan Braj Kumar Nehru Bhairab Dutt Pande Ghananand Pande Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit T.V. Rajeswar C.R. Krishnaswamy Rao Pattadakal Venkanna R. Rao V.K.R.V. Rao Khusro Faramurz Rustamji Harish Chandra Sarin Binay Ranjan Sen Homi Sethna Arjan Singh Harbaksh Singh Kirpal Singh Manmohan Singh Tarlok Singh Lallan Prasad Singh Balaram Sivaraman Chandrika Prasad Srivastava T. Swaminathan Arun Shridhar Vaidya Dharma Vira Narinder Nath Vohra Literature and Education V.S.R. Arunachalam Jagdish Bhagwati Satyendra Nath Bose Tara Chand Suniti Kumar Chatterji D.P. Chattopadhyaya Bhabatosh Datta Avinash Dixit Mahasweta Devi John Kenneth Galbraith Sarvepalli Gopal Lakshman Shastri Joshi Kaka Kalelkar Dhondo Keshav Karve Gopinath Kaviraj Kuvempu O.N.V. Kurup Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis Sitakant Mahapatra John Mathai Kotha Satchidanda Murthy Giani Gurmukh Singh Musafir Basanti Dulal Nagchaudhuri Bal Ram Nanda R.K. Narayan P. Parameswaran Amrita Pritam K.N. Raj C. Rangarajan Raja Rao Ramoji Rao Hormasji Maneckji Seervai Rajaram Shastri Kalu Lal Shrimali Govindbhai Shroff Khushwant Singh Chandeshwar Prasad Narayan Singh Premlila Vithaldas Thackersey Mahadevi Varma Bashir Hussain Zaidi Medicine Jasbir Singh Bajaj B.K. Goyal Purshotam Lal A. Lakshmanaswami Mudaliar S.I. Padmavati Autar Singh Paintal Kantilal Hastimal Sancheti Balu Sankaran V. Shanta Vithal Nagesh Shirodkar Prakash Narain Tandon Brihaspati Dev Triguna M.S. Valiathan Other Sunderlal Bahuguna B.K.S. Iyengar Rambhadracharya Ravi Shankar Jaggi Vasudev Public Affairs L.K. Advani Montek Singh Ahluwalia Aruna Asaf Ali Fazal Ali Adarsh Sein Anand Madhav Shrihari Aney Parkash Singh Badal Sikander Bakht Milon K. Banerji Mirza Hameedullah Beg P.N. Bhagwati Raja Chelliah Chandra Kisan Daphtary Niren De C.D. Deshmukh Anthony Lancelot Dias Uma Shankar Dikshit Kazi Lhendup Dorjee P.B. Gajendragadkar Benjamin Gilman Zakir Husain V.R. Krishna Iyer Jagmohan Lakshmi Chand Jain Aditya Nath Jha Murli Manohar Joshi Mehdi Nawaz Jung Ali Yavar Jung Vijay Kelkar Hans Raj Khanna V.N. Khare Balasaheb Gangadhar Kher Akhlaqur Rahman Kidwai Jivraj Narayan Mehta V.K. Krishna Menon Hirendranath Mukherjee Ajoy Mukherjee Pranab Mukherjee Padmaja Naidu Gulzarilal Nanda Govind Narain Fali Sam Nariman Hosei Norota Nanabhoy Palkhivala K. Parasaran Hari Vinayak Pataskar Sunder Lal Patwa Sharad Pawar Naryana Raghvan Pillai Sri Prakasa N.G. Ranga Ravi Narayana Reddy Y . Venugopal Reddy Ghulam Mohammed Sadiq Lakshmi Sahgal P.A. Sangma M.C. Setalvad Karan Singh Nagendra Singh Swaran Singh Walter Sisulu Soli Sorabjee Kalyan Sundaram Chandulal Madhavlal Trivedi Atal Bihari Vajpayee M.N. Venkatachaliah Kottayan Katankot Venugopal Jigme Dorji Wangchuck Science and Engineering V.K. Aatre Salim Ali Norman Borlaug Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Rajagopala Chidambaram Charles Correa Satish Dhawan Anil Kakodkar A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Krishnaswamy Kasturirangan Har Gobind Khorana Daulat Singh Kothari Verghese Kurien Raghunath Anant Mashelkar G. Madhavan Nair Roddam Narasimha Jayant Narlikar Rajendra K. Pachauri Benjamin Peary Pal Yash Pal I.G. Patel Venkatraman Ramakrishnan K.R. Ramanathan Raja Ramanna C.R. Rao C.N.R. Rao Palle Rama Rao Udupi Ramachandra Rao Vikram Sarabhai Man Mohan Sharma Obaid Siddiqi E. Sreedharan M.R. Srinivasan George Sudarshan M.S. Swaminathan Social Work Baba Amte Pandurang Shastri Athavale Janaki Devi Bajaj Mirabehn Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay Durgabai Deshmukh Nanaji Deshmukh Nirmala Deshpande Mohan Dharia U.N. 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Tata Ratan Tata Portal WikiProject BNF : cb13528825b ( data ) GND : 119260980 ISNI : 0000 0003 6850 4814 LCCN : n88123307 SUDOC : 069841527 VIAF : 111798973 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1909 births 1996 deaths Bengali politicians Indian independence activists from Delhi Recipients of the Bharat Ratna Lenin Peace Prize recipients Quit India Movement Brahmos People from Panchkula district Indian rebels Indian women in war Recipients of the Padma Vibhushan in public affairs Mayors of Delhi Prisoners and detainees of British India Women mayors of places in India Jawaharlal Nehru Award laureates Women in war 1900 -- 1945 Women in Delhi politics Delhi politicians Indian people of World War II 20th - century Indian women politicians 20th - century Indian politicians Indian National Congress politicians from Delhi Women Indian independence activists Hidden categories : Use Indian English from January 2015 All Wikipedia articles written in Indian English Use dmy dates from January 2014 Articles needing additional references from September 2009 All articles needing additional references Infobox person using alma mater Pages to import images to Wikidata Articles with hCards Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia অসমীয়া বাংলা Deutsch فارسی Français हिन्दी Bahasa Indonesia ಕನ್ನಡ മലയാളം मराठी ଓଡ଼ିଆ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ پنجابی Русский संस्कृतम् தமிழ் తెలుగు 8 more Edit links This page was last edited on 23 August 2018 , at 19 : 45 ( UTC ) . 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who is the heroine of quit india movement
On 8 August 1942 , the All India Congress Committee passed the Quit India resolution at the Bombay session . The government responded by arresting the major leaders and all members of the Congress Working Committee and thus tried to pre-empt the movement from success . Young Aruna Asaf Ali presided over the remainder of the session on 9 August and hoisted the Congress flag at the Gowalia Tank Maidan . This marked the commencement of the movement . The police fired upon the assembly at the session . Aruna was dubbed the Heroine of the 1942 movement for her bravery in the face of danger and was called Grand Old Lady of the Independence movement in her later years . Despite the absence of direct leadership , spontaneous protests and demonstrations were held all over the country , as an expression of the desire of India 's youth to achieve independence .
Medical school - wikipedia Medical school Jump to : navigation , search For trade associations for medical professionals , see Medical college . `` Med school '' redirects here . For the experimental music label , see Hospital Records . See also : Medical education and List of medical schools This article includes a list of references , but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations . Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations . ( December 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) A medical school is a tertiary educational institution -- or part of such an institution -- that teaches medicine , and awards a professional degree for physicians and surgeons . Such medical degrees include the Bachelor of Medicine , Bachelor of Surgery ( MBBS , MBChB , BMBS ) , Doctor of Medicine ( MD ) , or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine ( DO ) . Many medical schools offer additional degrees , such as a Doctor of Philosophy , Master 's degree , a physician assistant program , or other post-secondary education . Medical schools can also carry out medical research and operate teaching hospitals . Around the world , criteria , structure , teaching methodology , and nature of medical programs offered at medical schools vary considerably . Medical schools are often highly competitive , using standardized entrance examinations , as well as grade point average and leadership roles , to narrow the selection criteria for candidates . In most countries , the study of medicine is completed as an undergraduate degree not requiring prerequisite undergraduate coursework . However , an increasing number of places are emerging for graduate entrants who have completed an undergraduate degree including some required courses . In the United States and Canada , almost all medical degrees are second entry degrees , and require several years of previous study at the university level . Medical degrees are awarded to medical students after the completion of their degree program , which typically lasts five or more years for the undergraduate model and four years for the graduate model . Many modern medical schools integrate clinical education with basic sciences from the beginning of the curriculum ( e.g. ) . More traditional curricula are usually divided into preclinical and clinical blocks . In preclinical sciences , students study subjects such as biochemistry , genetics , pharmacology , pathology , anatomy , physiology and medical microbiology , among others . Subsequent clinical rotations usually include internal medicine , general surgery , pediatrics , psychiatry , and obstetrics and gynecology , among others . Although medical schools confer upon graduates a medical degree , a physician typically may not legally practice medicine until licensed by the local government authority . Licensing may also require passing a test , undergoing a criminal background check , checking references , paying a fee , and undergoing several years of postgraduate training . Medical schools are regulated by each country and appear in the World Directory of Medical Schools which was formed by the merger of the AVICENNA Directory for medicine and the FAIMER International Medical Education Directory . Contents ( hide ) 1 Africa 1.1 Ghana 1.2 Kenya 1.3 Nigeria 1.4 South Africa 1.5 Sudan 1.6 Tunisia 1.7 Uganda 1.8 Zimbabwe 2 Americas 2.1 Argentina 2.2 Bolivia 2.3 Brazil 2.4 Canada 2.5 Caribbean 2.6 Curaçao 2.7 Chile 2.8 Colombia 2.9 El Salvador 2.10 Guyana 2.11 Haiti 2.12 Panama 2.13 United States 2.14 Uruguay 2.15 Venezuela 3 Asia and Oceania 3.1 Australia 3.2 Bangladesh 3.3 Cambodia 3.4 Hong Kong 3.5 India 3.6 Indonesia 3.7 Iran 3.8 Israel 3.9 Japan 3.10 Jordan 3.11 Kyrgyzstan 3.12 Lebanon 3.13 Malaysia 3.14 Myanmar 3.15 Nepal 3.16 New Zealand 3.17 Pakistan 3.18 People 's Republic of China 3.19 Philippines 3.20 Republic of China ( Taiwan ) 3.21 Saudi Arabia 3.22 Singapore 3.23 South Korea 3.24 Sri Lanka 3.25 Thailand 4 Europe 4.1 Albania 4.2 Austria 4.3 Belarus 4.4 Bosnia and Herzegovina 4.5 Bulgaria 4.6 Croatia 4.7 Czech Republic 4.8 Denmark 4.9 Finland 4.10 France 4.11 Germany 4.12 Greece 4.13 Hungary 4.14 Iceland 4.15 Ireland 4.16 Italy 4.17 Lithuania 4.18 Netherlands and Belgium 4.19 Norway 4.20 Poland 4.21 Portugal 4.22 Romania 4.23 Russia 4.24 Sweden 4.25 Switzerland 4.26 Turkey 4.27 Ukraine 4.28 United Kingdom 5 Medical students 5.1 Bullying 5.2 Burnout and depression 6 See also 7 Notes and references 8 External links Africa ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Africa By 2005 there were more than 100 medical schools across Africa , most of which had been established after 1970 . Ghana ( edit ) There are seven medical schools in Ghana : The University of Ghana Medical School in Accra , the KNUST School of Medical Sciences in Kumasi , University for Development Studies School of Medicine in Tamale , University of Cape Coast Medical School and the University of Allied Health Sciences in Ho , Volta Region , the leading private medical school in Ghana - the Accra College of Medicine , and Family Health Medical School another private medical school . Basic Medical education lasts 6 years in all the medical schools . Entry into these medical schools are highly competitive and it is usually based on successful completion of the Senior High School Examinations . The University of Ghana Medical School has however introduced a graduate entry medical program to admit students with mainly science - related degrees into a 4 - year medical school program . Students graduating from any of these medical schools get the MBChB degree and the title `` Dr '' . For the First 3 years Students are awarded BSc in the field of Medical science for University of Ghana medical school ; and Human biology for KNUST and UDS medical schools . The University of Ghana Medical School and KNUST School of Medical Sciences in Kumasi use the Tradition medical education model whiles University for Development Studies School of Medicine uses the Problem - based learning model . Medical graduates are then registered provisionally with the Medical and Dental Council ( MDC ) of Ghana as House Officers ( Interns ) . Upon completion of the mandatory 2 - year housemanship , these medical doctors are permanently registered with the MDC and can practice as medical officers ( General Practitioners ) anywhere in the country . The housemanship training is done only in hospitals accredited for such purposes by the Medical and Dental Council of Ghana Following the permanent registration with the medical and dental council , doctors can specialize in any of the various fields that is organized by either the West African college of Physicians and Surgeons or the Ghana College of Physician and Surgeons . Medical officers are also sometimes hired by the Ghana Health Service to work in the Districts / Rural areas as Primary Care Physicians . Kenya ( edit ) In Kenya , medical school is a faculty of a university . Medical education lasts for 5 years after which the student graduates with an undergraduate ( MBChB ) degree . This is followed by a mandatory 12 - month full - time internship at an approved hospital after which one applies for registration with the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board if they intend to practice medicine in the country . The first two years of medical school cover the basic medical ( preclinical ) sciences while the last four years are focused on the clinical sciences and internship . There are no medical school entry examinations or interviews and admission is based on students ' performance in the high school exit examination ( Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education - KCSE ) . Students who took the AS Level or the SAT can also apply but there is a very strict quota limiting the number of students that get accepted into public universities . This quota does not apply to private universities . There are four established public medical schools : University of Nairobi ( oldest , established 1967 ) Moi University in Eldoret ( established in the 1980s with major support from the Indiana University School of Medicine - USA , and with whom there remain significant ties ) Kenyatta University at Kahawa ( established 2004 ) Egerton University in Nakuru ( established in 2007 ) Jomo Kanyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Maseno University Both Nairobi and Moi Universities run post graduate medical training programs that run over 3 years and lead to the award of master of medicine , MMed , in the respective specialty . There has been progress made by the Aga Khan University in Karachi , Pakistan and the Aga Khan University Hospital ( AKUH ) in Nairobi towards the establishment of a Health Sciences University in Kenya with an associated medical school . AKUH in Nairobi , already offers post graduate MMed programmes . These are run over 4 years . Completion of formal specialty training in Kenya is followed by two years of supervised clinical work before one can apply for recognition as a specialist , in their respective field , by the medical board . Nigeria ( edit ) There are several medical schools in Nigeria . Entrance into these schools is highly competitive . Candidates graduating from high school must attain high scores on the West African Examination Council 's ( WAEC ) Senior School Certificate Exam ( SSCE / GCE ) and high scores in four subjects ( Physics , English , Chemistry , and Biology ) in the University Matriculation Examination ( UME ) . Students undergo rigorous training for 6 years and culminate with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery ( MBBS / MBChB ) . The undergraduate program is six years and one year of work experience in government hospitals . After medical school , graduates are mandated to spend one year of housemanship ( internship ) and one year of community service before they are eligible to be fully licensed by the Medical and Dental Council . South Africa ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in South Africa ; Healthcare in South Africa ; Category : Teaching hospitals in South Africa Related : Dental degree # South Africa There are eight medical schools in South Africa , each under the auspices of a public university . As the country is a former British colony , most of the institutions follow the British - based undergraduate method of instruction , admitting students directly from high school into a 6 or occasionally five - year program . Some universities such as the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg and the University of Cape Town have started offering post-graduate medical degrees that run concurrently with their undergraduate programs . In this instance , a student having completed an appropriate undergraduate degree with basic sciences can enter into a four - year postgraduate program . South African medical schools award the MBChB degree , except the University of the Witwatersrand , which styles its degree MBBCh . Some universities allow students to earn an intercalated degree , completing a BSc ( Medical ) with an additional year of study after the second or third year of the MBChB . The University of Cape Town , in particular , has spearheaded a recent effort to increase the level of medical research training and exposure of medical students through an Intercalated Honours Programme , with the option to extend this to a PhD . Following successful completion of study , all South African medical graduates must complete a two - year internship as well as a further year of community service in order to register with the Health Professions Council and practice as a doctor in the country . Specialisation is usually a five - to seven - year training process ( depending on the specialty ) requiring registering as a medical registrar attached to an academic clinical department in a large teaching hospital with appropriate examinations . The specialist qualification may be conferred as a Fellowship by the independent Colleges of Medicine of South Africa ( CMSA ) , following British tradition , or as a Magisterial degree by the university ( usually the M Med , Master of Medicine , degree ) . The Medical schools and the CMSA also offer Higher Diplomas in many fields . Research degrees are the M. Med and Ph. D. or M.D. , depending on university . Medical students from all over the world come to South Africa to gain practical experience in the country 's many teaching hospitals and rural clinics . The language of instruction is English but a few indigenous languages are studied briefly . The University of the Free State has a parallel medium policy , meaning all English classes are also presented in Afrikaans , therefore students who choose to study in Afrikaans , do so separately from the English class . Sudan ( edit ) In Sudan , medical school is a faculty of a university . Medical school is usually 6 years , and by the end of the 6 years the students acquires a bachelor 's degree of Medicine and Surgery . Post graduating there is a mandatory one - year full - time internship at one of the university or Government Teaching hospitals , then a license is issued . During the first three years the curriculum is completed , and throughout the next three years it is repeated with practical training . Students with high grades are accepted for free in Government Universities . Students who score a grade less than the required would have to pay and must also acquire a still high grade . Students who take foreign examinations other than the Sudanese High School Examination are also accepted in Universities , students taking IGCSE / SATs and other Arabian countries . All medical students who want to be enrolled in internship program , should undergo registration under the Sudanese Medical Council . Tunisia ( edit ) This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( November 2009 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) In Tunisia , education is free for all Tunisian citizens and for foreigners who have scholarships . The oldest Medical school is a faculty of the University of Tunis . There are four medicine faculties situated in the major cities of Tunis , Sfax , Sousse and Monastir . Admission is bound to the success and score in the baccalaureate examination . Admission score threshold is very high , based on competition among all applicants throughout the nation . Medical school curriculum consists of five years . The first two years are medical theory , containing all basic sciences related to medicine , and the last three years consists of clinical issues related to all medical specialties . During these last three years , the student gets the status of `` Externe '' . The student has to attend at the university hospital every day , rotating around all wards . Every period is followed by a clinical exam regarding the student 's knowledge in that particular specialty . After those five years , there are two years on internship , in which the student is a physician but under the supervision of the chief doctor ; the student rotates over the major and most essential specialties during period of four months each . After that , student has the choice of either passing the residency national exam or extending his internship for another year , after which he gains the status of family physician . The residency program consists of four to five years in the specialty he qualifies , depending on his score in the national residency examination under the rule of highest score chooses first . Whether the student chooses to be a family doctor or a specialist , he has to make a doctorate thesis , which he will be defending in front of a jury , after which he gains his degree of Doctor of Medicine ( MD ) . Uganda ( edit ) Main article : Medical school in Uganda As of April 2017 , there are nine accredited medical schools in Uganda . Training leading to the award of the degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery ( MBChB ) lasts five years , if there are no re-takes . After graduating , a year of internship in a hospital designated for that purpose , under the supervision of a specialist in that discipline is required before an unrestricted license to practice medicine and surgery is granted by the Uganda Medical and Dental Practitioners Council ( UMDPC ) . There is Postgraduate training such as the degree of Master of Medicine ( MMed ) which is a three - year programme , available at Makerere University School of Medicine in several disciplines . Makerere University School of Public Health , offers the degree of Master of Public Health ( MPH ) following a twenty - two ( 22 ) - month period of study , which includes field work . Zimbabwe ( edit ) In Zimbabwe there are three medical schools is offering Medical degrees . For undergrads , these are University of Zimbabwe - College of Health Sciences ( MBChB ) , National University of Science and Technology ( NUST ) Medical school ( MBBS ) and Midlands State University ( MSU ) ( MBChB ) . Only UZ is offering postgrad degrees in the Medical faculty . Training lasts 5 1 / 2 years . The curriculum is as follows : Part 1 ( 1 year ) -- Biochemistry , Communication Skills for Academic Purposes , Anatomy , Physiology and Behavioral Sciences . Professional exams are written in the first two and failure to attain a pass in Biochemistry warranties a repeat of first year . Part 2 ( 1 year ) -- Communication Skills for Professional Purposes , Anatomy , Physiology , Behavioral Sciences . Professional exams are written at the end of second year and failure to attain a passmark in any of the last three courses on the list warranties a repeat of the year . Communication Skills can be carried to the next year , but the student should pass the course before graduation . Part 3 ( 1.5 years ) -- Pathology ( Histopathology ) , Medical Microbiology , Chemical Pathology , Hematology , Forensic Pathology , Immunology and Toxicology . A professional exam is written at the end of the third year and the student has to pass to proceed . There are also surgery and medicine rotations during the year . Also , the students cover most of the basic Pharmacology during the third stage of the degrees . Part 4 ( 1 year ) -- Community Medicine , Psychiatry and Clinical Pharmacology Part 5 ( 1 year ) -- Medicine , Surgery , Obstetrics and Gynecology , Pediatrics Internship is 2 years duration , with the first year spent in medicine and surgery and the second year doing pediatrics , anesthesia / psychiatry and obstetrics and gynecology . Thereafter one can apply for MMED at the university which last 4 -- 5 years depending on specialty . Currently no subspecialist education is available . Americas ( edit ) Medical student at a laboratory at Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education , Mexico City . Argentina ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Argentina Medical degree programs in Argentina typically are six years long , with some universities opting for 7 year programs . Each one of the 3000 medical students who graduate each year in Argentina are required before graduation to dedicate a minimum of 8 months to community service without pay ; although in some provinces ( especially round the more developed south ) there are government - funded hospitals who pay for this work . Some universities have cultural exchange programmes that allow a medical student in their final year to serve their community time overseas . Upon graduation , one of the following degrees is obtained , according to the university : Doctor of Medicine , or both Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Surgery . Public universities usually confer both degrees , and private universities bestow only Doctor of Medicine . In daily practice , however , there is no substantial difference between what a Doctor of Medicine or a Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Surgery are allowed to do . When the degree is obtained , a record is created for that new doctor in the index of the National Ministry of Education ( Ministerio Nacional de Educación ) and the physician is given their corresponding medical practitioner 's ID , which is a number that identifies him and his academic achievements . In addition , there is a provincial ID , i.e. a number to identify doctors in the province they practise medicine in . Doctors wishing to pursue a speciality must take entrance exams at the public / private institution of their choice that offers them . It is easier for students in private Medical Schools to obtain a residency in a Private Hospital , especially when the university has its own hospital , as the university holds positions specifically for its graduates . Speciality courses last about two to five years , depending on the branch of medicine the physician has chosen . There is no legal limit for the number of specialities a doctor can learn , although most doctors choose to do one and then they sub-specialise for further job opportunities and less overall competition , along with higher wages . In Argentina there are public and private medical schools , however the prestige of the public institutions is undeniable and the private institutions do not normally appear in international rankings . A person who can afford to attend a private university , quite expensive for the average Argentinian , will choose that option over public education because of the smaller groups of students in each class and because of the lack of strictness in course evaluation . By law entrance into public institutions is open and tuition - free to all who have a high school diploma , and universities are expressly forbidden from restricting access with difficult entrance exams . Point in case , in 2016 La Universidad Nacional de la Plata was obligated by the governing bodies to stop forcing its students to write an entrance exam . As a result , that university experienced a major increase in the size of its student population . When it comes to educational quality , la Universidad de Buenos Aires , a public university , is widely recognised as the top medical school in the country . Bolivia ( edit ) In Bolivia , all medical schools are faculties within a university and offer a five - year M.D. equivalent . To acquire a license to exercise medical science from the government , all students must also complete 1 year and 3 months of internship . This consists of 3 months each of surgery , internal medicine , gynecology , pediatrics and public health . At least one of the internships must be done in a rural area of the country . After getting the degree and license , a doctor may take a post-graduate residency in order to acquire a specialty . Brazil ( edit ) The Brazilian medical schools follow the European model of a six - year curriculum , divided into three cycles of two years each . The first two years are called basic cycle ( ciclo básico ) . During this time students are instructed in the basic sciences ( anatomy , physiology , pharmacology , immunology etc . ) with activities integrated with the medical specialties , allowing the student an overview of the practical application of such content . After its completion , the students advance to the clinical cycle ( ciclo clinico ) . At this stage contacts with patients intensify and work with tests and diagnostics , putting into practice what was learned in the first two years . The last two are called cycle internship ( ciclo do internato ) . In this last step the students focus on clinical practice , through training in teaching hospitals and clinics . The teaching of this last step respecting an axis of increasing complexity , enabling students to make decisions and participate effectively in form and operative care under the direct supervision of faculty and qualified to act as teaching aids physicians . The performance of the internal develops redemption of ethical and humanistic dimensions of care , causing the student to recognize the values and principles that guide the physician - patient relationship . After six years of training , students graduate and are awarded the title of physician ( Médico ) allowing them to register with the Regional Council of Medicine ( Conselho Regional de Medicina ) . The recent graduate will be able to exercise the medical profession as a general practitioner and may apply to undertake postgraduate training . In 2012 , the Regional Council of Medicine of São Paulo ( Conselho Regional de Medicina do Estado de São Paulo ) established that physicians who graduate from this year must pass a test to obtain professional registration . Passing the exam , however , is not linked to obtaining registration . It required only the presence of the candidate and the test performance . Already at the national level , pending in the Senate a bill creating the National Proficiency Examination in Medicine ( Exame Nacional de Proficiência em Medicina ) , which would make the race a prerequisite for the exercise of profession . Physicians who want to join a specialization program must undergo a new selection examination considered as competitive as that required to join a medical school . Works in health institutions under the guidance of medical professionals with high ethical and professional qualification . The specialization programs are divided into two categories : direct access and prerequisite . The specialties with direct access are those in which the doctor can enroll without having any prior expertise . Any physicians can apply to examinations for these specialties , regardless of time of training or prior experience . To apply to proprietary pre-requisite , the doctor should have already completed a specialty prior . The programs may range from 2 to 6 . In Brazil are currently recognized by the Federal Council of Medicine , the Brazilian Medical Association and the National Commission of Medical Residency 53 residency programs . Fully complied with , gives the title of resident physician specialist . Canada ( edit ) Toronto Faculty of Medicine Main article : Medical school in Canada See also : List of medical schools in Canada In 2013 , the Association of American Medical Colleges lists 17 accredited MD - granting medical schools in Canada . In Canada , a medical school is a faculty or school of a university that offers a three - or four - year Doctor of Medicine ( M.D. or M.D.C.M. ) degree . Generally , medical students begin their studies after receiving a bachelor 's degree in another field , often one of the biological sciences . However , admittance can still be granted during third and fourth year . Minimum requirements for admission vary by region from two to four years of post-secondary study . The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada publishes a detailed , guide to admission requirements of Canadian faculties of medicine on a yearly basis . Admission offers are made by individual medical schools , generally on the basis of a personal statement , undergraduate record ( GPA ) , scores on the Medical College Admission Test ( MCAT ) , and interviews . Volunteer work is often an important criterion considered by admission committees . All four medical schools in Quebec and two Ontario schools ( University of Ottawa , Northern Ontario School of Medicine ) do not require the MCAT . McMaster requires that the MCAT be written , though they only look for particular scores ( 6 or better ) on the verbal reasoning portion of the test . The first half of the medical curriculum is dedicated mostly to teaching the basic sciences relevant to medicine . Teaching methods can include traditional lectures , problem - based learning , laboratory sessions , simulated patient sessions , and limited clinical experiences . The remainder of medical school is spent in clerkship . Clinical clerks participate in the day - to - day management of patients . They are supervised and taught during this clinical experience by residents and fully licensed staff physicians . Students enter into the Canadian Resident Matching Service , commonly abbreviated as CaRMS in the fall of their final year . Students rank their preferences of hospitals and specialties . A computerized matching system determines placement for residency positions . ' Match Day ' usually occurs in March , a few months before graduation . The length of post-graduate training varies with choice of specialty . During the final year of medical school , students complete part 1 of the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination ( MCCQE ) . Upon completion of the final year of medical school , students are awarded the degree of M.D. Students then begin training in the residency program designated to them by CaRMS . Part 2 of the MCCQE , an Objective Structured Clinical Examination , is taken following completion of twelve months of residency training . After both parts of the MCCQE are successfully completed , the resident becomes a Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada . However , in order to practice independently , the resident must complete the residency program and take a board examination pertinent to his or her intended scope of practice . In the final year of residency training , residents take an exam administered by either the College of Family Physicians of Canada or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada , depending on whether they are seeking certification in family medicine or another specialty . Caribbean ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in the Caribbean In 2011 , the International Medical Education Directory listed 59 current medical schools in the Caribbean . 54 grant the MD degree , 3 grant the MBBS degree , and 2 grant either the MD or MBBS degree . 30 of the medical schools in the Caribbean are regional , which train students to practice in the country or region where the school is located . The remaining 29 Caribbean medical schools are known as offshore schools , which primarily train students from the United States and Canada who intend to return home for residency and clinical practice after graduation . At most offshore schools , basic sciences are completed in the Caribbean while clinical clerkships are completed at teaching hospitals in the United States . Several agencies may also accredit Caribbean medical schools , as listed in the FAIMER Directory of Organizations that Recognize / Accredit Medical Schools ( DORA ) . 25 of the 29 regional medical schools in the Caribbean are accredited , while 14 of the 30 offshore medical schools are accredited . Curaçao ( edit ) Curaçao currently ( 2015 ) , has 5 medical schools and one other medical university under construction . The majority are located within the city of Willemstad . All six medical schools on the island of Curaçao , only provide education in Basic Medical Science ( BMS ) which goes towards the degree of Medical Doctor or Doctor of Medicine ( 2016 ) . Presently , none of the medical schools offer other degrees ; such as MBBS or PhD ( 2016 ) . All students after completing their medical school 's Basic Medical Science program in Curaçao ; will then have to apply to either take USMLE Step Exams , The Canadian or UK Board Exams . A large percentage of these medical students who attend these medical schools in Curaçao are either from North America , Africa , Europe or Asia . Chile ( edit ) In Chile , there are 21 medical schools . Principal medical schools are Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago , Universidad de Chile , Universidad de Concepción and Universidad de Santiago de Chile . The pre-grade studies are distributed in 7 years , where the last 2 are the internship , that include at least surgery , internal medicine , gynecology and pediatrics . After getting the degree of Licenciate in Medicine ( General Medicine ) the M.D. must pass a medicine knowledge exam called National Unic Exam of Medical Knowledge ( EUNACOM `` Examen Único Nacional de Conocimientos de Medicina '' in Spanish ) and can take a direct specialty or work before in primary attention in order to gain access to a residency . Colombia ( edit ) In Colombia , there are 50 medical schools listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools , 27 of which have active programs and are currently registered and accredited as high - quality programs by the Colombian Ministry of Education . The main medical programs are offered by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia , Pontificia Universidad Javeriana , Universidad del Rosario , Universidad El Bosque , Universidad de los Andes , Universidad del Valle , Universidad de Antioquia , and Universidad de la Sabana . Most programs require between 6 -- 7 years of study , and all offer a Doctor of Medicine ( MD ) degree . In some cases the school also allows for a second degree to be studied for at the same time ( this is chosen by the student , though most students end up needing to do alternate semesters between their degrees , and mostly in careers like microbiology or biomedical engineering ) . For example , the Universidad de los Andes has a program whereby the medical student could graduate with both an MD and a Master of Business Administration ( MBA ) degree , or an MD and a master 's degree in public health . Admission to medical school varies with the school , but is usually dependent on a combination of a general application to the university , an entrance exam , a personal statement or interview , and secondary ( high ) school performance mostly as reflected on the ICFES score ( the grade received on the state exam in the final year of secondary / high school ) . In most medical programs , the first two years deal with basic scientific courses ( cellular and molecular biology , chemistry , organic chemistry , mathematics , and physics ) , and the core medical sciences ( anatomy , embryology , histology , physiology , and biochemistry ) . The following year may change in how it is organized in different schools , but is usually organ system - based pathophysiology and therapeutics ( general and systems pathology , pharmacology , microbiology , parasitology , immunology , and medical genetics are also taught in this block ) . In the first two years , the programs also usually begin the courses in the epidemiology track ( which may or may not include biostatistics ) , a clinical skills track ( semiology and the clinical examination ) , a social medicine / public health track , and a medical ethics and communication skills track . Modes of training vary , but are usually based on lectures , simulations , standardized - patient sessions , problem - based learning sessions , seminars , and observational clinical experiences . By year three , most schools have begun the non-elective , clinical - rotation block with accompanying academic courses ( these include but are not limited to internal medicine , pediatrics , general surgery , anaesthesiology , orthopaedics , gynaecology and obstetrics , emergency medicine , neurology , psychiatry , oncology , urology , physical medicine and rehabilitation , ophthalmology , and otorhinolaryngology ) . Elective rotations are usually introduced in the fourth or fifth year , though as in the case of the non-elective rotations , the hospitals the medical students may be placed in or apply to for a given rotation depend entirely on the medical schools . This is important in terms of the medical training , given the particular distinction of patients , pathologies , procedures , and skills seen and learned in private vs. public hospitals in Colombia . Most schools , however , have placements in both types of hospitals for many specialties . The final year of medical school in Colombia is referred to as the internship year ( `` internado '' ) . The internship year is usually divided into two semesters . The first semester is made up of obligatory rotations that every student does though in different orders , and the medical intern serves in 5 - 7 different specialties , typically including internal medicine , paediatrics , general surgery , anaesthesiology , orthopaedics , gynaecology and obstetrics , and emergency medicine . The extent of the responsibilities of the intern varies with the hospital , as does the level of supervision and teaching , but generally , medical interns in Colombia extensively take , write , and review clinical histories , answer and discuss referrals with their seniors , do daily progress notes for the patients under their charge , participate in the service rounds , present and discuss patients at rounds , serve shifts , assist in surgical procedures , and assist in general administrative tasks . Sometimes , they are charged with ordering diagnostic testing , but , under Colombian law they can not prescribe medication as they are not graduate physicians . This , of course , are to be completed in addition to their academic responsibilities . The second semester is made up of elective rotations , which can be at home or abroad , in the form of clerkships or observerships . A final graduation requirement is to sit a standardized exam , the State Exam for Quality in Higher Education ( `` Examen de Estado de Calidad de la Educación Superior '' or ECAES , also known as SABER PRO ) specific to medicine , which tests , for example , knowledge in public health and primary care . After graduation , the physician is required to register with the Colombian Ministry of Health , in order to complete a year of obligatory social service ( `` servicio social obligatorio '' ) , after which they qualify for a professional license to practice general medicine and apply for a medical residency within Colombia . If , however , the student wishes to practice general medicine abroad or continue onto their postgraduate studies , for example , they can independently begin the appropriate application / equivalency process , without doing their obligatory social service . In this case they would not be licensed to practise medicine in Colombia and if they wish to do so , will have to register with the Ministry of Health . N.B. If the graduate physician gets accepted immediately into a residency within Colombia in internal medicine , paediatrics , family medicine , gynecology and obstetrics , general surgery or anaesthesiology , they are allowed to complete a 6 - month - long social service after their residency . In contrast with most countries , residencies in Colombia are NOT paid positions , since one applies for the program through the university offering the post , which requires a tuition . However , on 9th May , 2017 , legislation was formally introduced in Congress that would seek to regulate payment for medical residents , regulate their tuitions , and advocate for their vacation time and working hours . As in other countries , length of residency training depends upon the specialty chosen , and , following its completion , the physician may choose to apply for a fellowship ( subspecialty ) at home or abroad depending on the availability of their desired training programs , or practice in their specialty . El Salvador ( edit ) The Universidad de El Salvador ( University of El Salvador ) has a program of 8 years for students who want to study medicine . The first six years are organized in a two semesters fashion , the seventh year is used for a rotating internship through the mayor specialty areas in a 10 - week periods fashion ( psychiatry and public health share a period ) and the eighth year is designated for Social service in locations approved by the Ministry of Health ( usually as attending physician in Community Health Centers or non-profit organizations ) . The graduates receive the degree of MD and must register in the Public Health Superior Council ( CSSP ) to get the medical license and a registered national number that allows them to prescribe barbiturates and other controlled drugs . In order to attend further studies ( Surgery , Internal medicine , G / OB , Pediatrics , Psychiatry ) , the students in the year of Social service or graduates of any Salvadorian university must apply independently for the residency to the hospital of choice ; the preliminary selection process is based on the results of clinical knowledge tests , followed by psychiatric evaluations and interviews with the hospital medical and administrative staff . The basic residencies mentioned above commonly last 3 years ; at the last trimester of the third year , the residents can apply to the position of Chief of residents ( 1 year ) or follow further studies as resident ( 3 years ) of a specialty ( for example : orthopedic surgery , urology , neurology , endocrinology ... ) . No further studies are offered to the date ; therefore , specialist looking for training or practice in a specific area ( For example : a neurosurgeon looking for specialty in endovascular neurosurgery , spine surgery or pediatric neurosurgery ) must attend studies in other countries and apply for such positions independently . Guyana ( edit ) In Guyana the medical school is accredited by the National Accreditation Council of Guyana . The medical program ranges from 4 years to 6 years . Students are taught the basic sciences aspect of the program within the first 2 years of medical school . In the clinical sciences program , students are introduced to the hospital setting where they gain hands on training from the qualifying physicians and staff at the various teaching hospitals across Guyana . Texila American University American International School of Medicine University of Guyana Students graduating from the University of Guyana are not required to sit a board exams before practicing medicine in Guyana . Students graduating from the American International School of Medicine sit the USMLE , PLAB or CAMC exams . Haiti ( edit ) Medical schools in Haiti conduct training in French . The universities offering medical training in Haiti are the Université Notre Dame d'Haïti , Université Quisqueya , Université d'Etat d'Haïti and Université Lumière . The Université Notre Dame d'Haïti ( UNDH ) is a private Catholic university established by the Episcopal Conference of Haiti . According to the UNDH website , `` the UNDH is not just about academic degrees , it is mainly the formation of a new type of Haiti , which includes in its culture and moral values of the Gospel , essential for serious and honest people that the country needs today . '' The other two private schools offering medical degrees are Université Quisqueya and Université Lumière . The Université d'Etat d'Haïti is a public school . Attending medical school in Haiti may be less expensive than attending medical universities located in other parts of the world , but the impact of the country 's political unrest should be considered , as it affects the safety of both visitors and Haitians . Duration of basic medical degree course , including practical training : 6 years Title of degree awarded : Docteur en Médecine ( Doctor of Medicine ) Medical registration / license to practice : Registration is obligatory with the Ministère de la Santé publique et de la Population , Palais des Ministères , Port - au - Prince . The license to practice medicine is granted to medical graduates who have completed 1 year of social service . Those who have qualified abroad must have their degree validated by the Faculty of Medicine in Haiti . Foreigners require special authorization to practice . Panama ( edit ) The system of Medical education in Panama usually takes students from high school directly into Medical School for a 6 - year course , typically with a two years internship . This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( January 2013 ) United States ( edit ) Harvard Medical School Main article : Medical school in the United States See also : List of medical schools in the United States In 2012 , the Association of American Medical Colleges and American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine listed 141 accredited M.D. - granting and 30 accredited D.O. - granting medical schools in the United States . The Doctor of Medicine ( MD ) and Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine ( DO ) are graded to be equivalent to a Professional Doctorate . Admission to medical school in the United States is based mainly on a GPA , MCAT score , admissions essay , interview , clinical work experience , and volunteering activities , along with research and leadership roles in an applicant 's history . While obtaining an undergraduate degree is not an explicit requirement for a few medical schools , virtually all admitted students have earned at least a bachelor 's degree . A few medical schools offer pre-admittance to students directly from high school by linking a joint 3 - year accelerated undergraduate degree and a standard 4 - year medical degree with certain undergraduate universities , sometimes referred to as a `` 7 - year program '' , where the student receives a bachelor 's degree after their first year in medical school . As undergraduates , students must complete a series of prerequisites , consisting of biology , physics , and chemistry ( general chemistry and organic ) . Many medical schools have additional requirements including calculus , genetics , statistics , biochemistry , English , and / or humanities classes . In addition to meeting the pre-medical requirements , medical school applicants must take and report their scores on the MCAT , a standardized test that measures a student 's knowledge of the sciences and the English language . Some students apply for medical school following their third year of undergraduate education while others pursue advanced degrees or other careers prior to applying to medical school . In the nineteenth century , there were over four hundred medical schools in the United States . By 1910 , the number was reduced to one hundred and forty - eight medical schools and by 1930 the number totaled only seventy - six . Many early medical schools were criticized for not sufficiently preparing their students for medical professions , leading to the creation of the American Medical Association in 1847 for the purpose of self - regulation of the profession . Abraham Flexner ( who in 1910 released the Flexner report with the Carnegie Foundation ) , the Rockefeller Foundation , and the AMA are credited with laying the groundwork for what is now known as the modern medical curriculum . The restriction of the supply of physicians that resulted from the Flexner Report has been criticized by classical economists as one of the principal factors in the increased prices relative to quality observed in medicine over the past 100 years . The standard U.S. medical school curriculum is four years long . Traditionally , the first two years are composed mainly of classroom basic science education , while the final two years primarily include rotations in clinical settings where students learn patient care firsthand . Today , clinical education is spread across all four years with the final year containing the most clinical rotation time . The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ( CMS ) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services ( HHS ) has published mandatory rules , obliging on all inpatient and outpatient teaching settings , laying down the guidelines for what medical students in the United States may do , if they have not completed a clerkship or sub-internship . These rules apply to when they are in the clinical setting in school , not when they are , for example , helping staff events or in other non-formal educational settings , even if they are helping provide certain clinical services along with nurses and the supervising physicians - for example , certain basic screening procedures . In the formal clinical setting in school , they can only assist with certain patient evaluation and management tasks , after the vital signs , chief complaint and the history of present illness have been discerned , but prior to the physical examination : reviewing the patient 's signs and symptoms in each body system , and then reviewing the patient 's personal medical , genetic , family , educational / occupational , and psychosocial history . The student 's supervising physician ( or another physician with supervisory privileges if the original doctor is no longer available , for some reason ) must be in the room during the student 's work , and must conduct this same assessment of the patient before performing the actual physical examination , and after finishing and conferring with the student , will review his or her notes and opinion , editing or correcting them if necessary , and will also have his or her own professional notes ; both must then sign and date and I.D. the student 's notes and the medical record . They may observe , but not perform , physical examinations , surgeries , endoscopic or laparoscopic procedures , radiological or nuclear medicine procedures , oncology sessions , and obstetrics . The patient must give consent for their presence and participation in his or her care , even at a teaching facility . Depending on the time they have completed in school , their familiarity with the area of medicine and the procedure , and the presence of their supervisor , and any others needed , in the room or nearby , they may be allowed to conduct certain very minor tests associated with the physical examination , such as simple venipuncture blood draws , and electrocardiograms and electroencephalograms , for learning and experience purposes , especially when there is no intern or resident available . Upon successful completion of medical school , students are granted the title of Doctor of Medicine ( M.D. ) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine ( D.O. ) . Residency training , which is a supervised training period of three to seven years ( usually incorporating the 1st year internship ) typically completed for specific areas of specialty . Physicians who sub-specialize or who desire more supervised experience may complete a fellowship , which is an additional one to four years of supervised training in their area of expertise . Upon completion of medical school in the United States , students transition into residency programs through the National Resident Match Program ( NRMP ) . Each year , approximately 16,000 US medical school students participate in the residency match . An additional 18,000 independent applicants -- former graduates of U.S. medical schools , U.S. osteopathic medical schools , U.S. podiatry students , Canadian students , and graduates of foreign medical schools -- compete for the approximately 25,000 available residency positions . Unlike those in many other countries , US medical students typically finance their education with personal debt . In 1992 , the average debt of a medical doctor after residency was $25,000 . For the class of 2009 , the average debt of a medical student is $157,990 and 25.1 % of students had debt in excess of $200,000 ( prior to residency ) . For the past decade the cost of attendance has increased 5 - 6 % each year ( roughly 1.6 to 2.1 times inflation ) . Licensing of medical doctors in the United States is coordinated at the state level . Most states require that prospective licensees complete the following requirements : Graduation from an accredited medical school granting the degree of D.O. or M.D. United States and Canada schools must be accredited by the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine or the Liaison Committee on Medical Education . Foreign medical school graduates generally must complete some training within the United States . Satisfactory completion of at least one year of an AOA - or ACGME - approved residency . Passing the United States Medical Licensing Examination or the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination ( USMLE , COMLEX , or simply `` the boards '' ) . USMLE and COMLEX both consist of four similar parts : Step or Level I is taken at the end of the second year of medical school and tests students ' mastery of the basic sciences as they apply to clinical medicine . Step II Clinical Knowledge ( CK ) or Level II Cognitive Evaluation ( CE ) is taken during the fourth year of medical school and tests students ' mastery of the management of ill patients . Step II Clinical Skills ( CS ) or Level II Performance Evaluation ( PE ) is taken during the fourth year of medical school and tests students ' mastery of clinical skills using a series of standardized patient encounters . Step or Level III is taken after the first year of a residency program and tests physicians ' ability to independently manage the care of patients . Uruguay ( edit ) The University of Montevideo in Uruguay is the oldest in Latin America , being public and free , co-governed by students , graduates and teachers . The progress of medical and biological sciences in the nineteenth century , the impact of the work of Claude Bernard ( 1813 -- 1878 ) , Rudolf Virchow ( 1821 -- 1902 ) Robert Koch ( 1843 -- 1910 ) , Louis Pasteur ( 1822 -- 1895 ) and all the splendor of French medical schools , Vienna , Berlin and Edinburgh , was a stimulus for the creation of a medical school in the country . The basic medical school program lasts seven years . There is also a second medical school in the country , it is private and located in Punta del Este , Maldonado . Venezuela ( edit ) These are the universities with a medical school in Venezuela : Central University of Venezuela . University of the Andes ( Venezuela ) . University of Zulia . University of Carabobo . Universidad de Oriente . Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado . Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda . Universidad Nacional Experimental de Los Llanos Centrales Rómulo Gallegos . Bolivarian University of Venezuela . Asia and oceania ( edit ) Australia ( edit ) See also : Medical education in Australia Historically , Australian medical schools have followed the British tradition by conferring the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery ( MBBS ) to its graduates whilst reserving the title of Doctor of Medicine ( MD ) for their research training degree , analogous to the PhD , or for their honorary doctorates . Although the majority of Australian MBBS degrees have been graduate programs since the 1990s , under the previous Australian Qualifications Framework ( AQF ) they remained categorised as Level 7 Bachelor degrees together with other undergraduate programs . The latest version of the AQF includes the new category of Level 9 Master 's ( Extended ) degrees which permits the use of the term ' Doctor ' in the styling of the degree title of relevant professional programs . As a result , various Australian medical schools have replaced their MBBS degrees with the MD to resolve the previous anomalous nomenclature . With the introduction of the Master 's level MD , universities have also renamed their previous medical research doctorates . The University of Melbourne was the first to introduce the MD in 2011 as a basic medical degree , and has renamed its research degree to Doctor of Medical Science ( DMedSc ) . Bangladesh ( edit ) See also : List of medical colleges in Bangladesh In Bangladesh , admission to medical colleges is organized by the Governing Body of University of Dhaka . A single admission test is held for government and private colleges . Due to the highly competitive nature of these exams , the total number of applicants across the country is around 78 times the number of students accepted . Admission is based on the entrance examination , as well as students ' individual academic records . The entrance examination consists carries a time limit of one hour . 100 marks are allocated based on objective questions , in which the mark allocation is distributed between a variety of subjects . Biology questions carry 30 marks , Chemistry carries 25 , Physics carries 20 , English carries 15 , and general knowledge carries 10 . Additionally , students ' previous SSC ( Secondary School Certificate ) and HSC ( Higher Secondary School Certificate ) scores each carry up to 100 marks towards the overall examination result . English students prepare themselves for the admission exam ahead of time . This is because as the GCSE and A-Level exams do not cover parts of the Bangladesh syllabus . The undergraduate program consists of five years study , followed by a one - year internship . The degrees granted are Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery ( M.B.B.S. ) . Further postgraduate qualifications may be obtained in the form of Diplomas or Degrees ( MS or MD ) , M. Phil and FCPS ( Fellowship of the College of Physicians and Surgeons ) . The University of Dhaka launched a new BSc in `` Radiology and Imaging Technology , '' offering 30 students the opportunity to contribute towards their entrance exam grade . For students who have passed the HSC , this course contributes towards 25 % of the mark . The course contributes up to 75 % for Diploma - holding students . The duration of the course is four years ( plus 12 weeks for project submission ) . The course covers a variety of topics , including behavioural science , radiological ethics , imaging physics and general procedure . Cambodia ( edit ) After 6 years of general medical education ( a foundation year + 5 years ) , all students will graduate with Bachelor of Medical Sciences ( BMedSc ) បរិញ្ញាប័ត្រ វិទ្យាសាស្រ្ត វេជ្ជសាស្ត្រ . This degree does not allow graduates to work independently as Physician , but it is possible for those who wish to continue to master 's degrees in other fields relating to medical sciences such as Public Health , Epidemiology , Biomedical Science , Nutrition ... Medical graduates , who wish to be fully qualified as physicians or specialists must follow the rule as below : General Practitioner 's ( GP ) course is of 8 years ( BMedSc + 2 - year internship ) . Clinical rotation in the internship is modulated within 4 main disciplines ( general medicine , surgery , gynecology , pediatrics ). The medical degree awarded is Doctor of Medicine ( MD ) សញ្ញាប័ត្រ វេជ្ជបណ្ឌិត ( equivalent to master 's degree ) . After graduating with BMedSc ; any students , who wishes to enter Resodency Training Programs , are required to sit for a rigorous and Entrance Exam . The duration of residency programs lasts from 3 to 4 years after BMedSc ( BMedSc + 3 -- 4 years of specialization ) . Once the graduates , after successfully defense their practicum thesis , are officially awarded the Degree of Specialized Doctor ( MD - with specialization ) សញ្ញាប័ត្រ វេជ្ជបណ្ឌិត ឯកទេស `` Professional Doctorate '' . All Medical graduates must complete Thesis Defense and pass the National Exit Exam ប្រឡង ចេញ ថ្នាក់ ជាតិ ក្នុង វិស័យ សុខាភិបាល to become either GPs or Medical or Surgical Specialists . Hong Kong ( edit ) Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine held by HKU is among the oldest western medicine schools in Far East . Main article : Medical education in Hong Kong Hong Kong has only two comprehensive medical faculties , the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine , University of Hong Kong and the Faculty of Medicine , Chinese University of Hong Kong , and they are also the sole two institutes offering medical and pharmacy programs . Other healthcare discipline programs ( like nursing ) are dispersed among some other universities which do not host a medical faculty . Prospective medical students enter either one of the two faculties of medicine available ( held by The University of Hong Kong and The Chinese University of Hong Kong ) from high schools . The medical program consists of 5 years for those who take the traditional Hong Kong 's Advanced Level Examination ( HKALE ) for admission , or 6 years for those who take the new syllabus Hong Kong 's Diploma of Secondary School Education Examination ( HKDSE ) . International students who take examinations other the two mentioned will be assessed by the schools to decide if they will take the 5 - year program or the 6 - year one . The competition of entering the medical undergraduate programs is cut - throat as the number of intake each year is very limited with a quota of 210 from each school ( 420 in total ) and candidates need to attain an excellent examination result and good performance in interview . The schools put a great emphasis on students ' languages ( both Chinese and English ) and communication skills as they need to communicate with other health care professionals and patients or their family in the future . During their studies at the medical schools , students need to accumulate enough clinical practicing hours in addition before their graduation . The education leads to a degree of Bachelor of medicine and Bachelor of surgery ( M.B. , B.S. by HKU or M.B. , Ch. B. by CUHK ) . After a 5 - or 6 - year degree , one year of internship follows in order to be eligible to practice in Hong Kong . Both HKU and CUHK provide a prestigious bachelor of pharmacy course that is popular among local and overseas students . Students of most other health care disciplines have a study duration of 4 years , except nursing programs which require 5 years . India ( edit ) Main article : Medical college in India See also : List of medical Colleges in India Tirunelveli Medical College , Tamil Nadu , India In India , admission to medical colleges is organized both by the central government CBSE as well as the state governments through tests known as entrance examination . Students who have successfully completed their 10 + 2 ( Physics , Chemistry and Biology Marks are considered and PCB is mandatory ) education ( higher secondary school ) can appear for the tests the same year . The All - India Pre Medical / Dental Test for filling up of 15 % of total MBBS seats in India , conducted by CBSE ( Central Board for Secondary Education ) in the month of April / May intakes about only 2,500 students out of a total applicants of over 600,000 . The Supreme Court Of India has mandated the necessity of entrance examination based upon multiple choice questions and negative marking for wrong answers with subsequent merit over 50 % for selection into MBBS as well as higher medical education . The entrance exams are highly competitive . The graduate program consists of three professionals consisting of 9 semesters , followed by one - year internship ( rotating housemanship ) . The degree granted is Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery ( M.B.B.S. ) of five years and six months . The graduate degree of MBBS is divided into 3 professionals , with each professional ending with a professional exam conducted by the university ( a single university may have up to dozens of medical colleges offering various graduate / post-graduate / post-doctoral degrees ) . After clearing this the student moves into the next professional . Each professional exam consists of a theory exam and a practical exam conducted not only by the same college but also external examiners . The exams are tough and many students are unable to clear them , thereby prolonging their degree time . The first professional is for 1 year and includes preclinical subjects , anatomy , physiology and biochemistry . The second professional is for 1 and a half year and has subjects pathology , pharmacology , microbiology ( including immunology ) and forensic medicine . Clinical exposure starts in the second professional . The third professional is divided into two parts . Part 1 consists of ophthalmology , ENT , and PSM ( preventive and social medicine ) and part 2 consists of general - medicine ( including dermatology , psychiatry as short subjects ) , general surgery ( including radiology , anaesthesiology and orthopaedics as short subjects ) and pediatrics and gynaecology and obstetrics . This is followed by one - year of compulsory internship ( rotatory house - surgeonship ) . After internship , the degree of MBBS is awarded by the respective university . Some states have made rural service compulsory for a certain period of time after MBBS . Selection for higher medical education is through entrance examinations as mandated by the Supreme Court Of India . Further postgraduate qualifications may be obtained as Post-graduate Diploma of two years residency or Doctoral Degree ( MS : Master of Surgery , or MD ) of three years of residency under the aegis of the Medical Council of India . 50 % of all MD / MS seats in India are filled up through `` All - India Post-Graduate Medical Entrance Examination conducted by AIIMS ( All - India Institute Of Medical Sciences ) under the supervision of the Directorate General Of Health Services . Theses / Dissertations are mandatory to be submitted and cleared by university along with examinations ( written and clinicals ) to obtain MD / MS degree . Further sub-speciality post-doctoral qualification ( DM - Doctorate of Medicine , or MCh - Magister of Chirurgery ) of three years of residency followed by university examinations may also be obtained . PG ( post-graduate ) qualification is equivalent to M.D. / M.S. , consisting of two / three - years residency after MBBS . A PG diploma may also be obtained through the National Board of Examinations ( NBE ) , which also offers three - years residency for sub-specialisation . All degrees by NBE are called DNB ( Diplomate of National Board ) . DNB 's are awarded only after clearance of theses / dissertations and examinations . DNBs equivalent to DM / MCh have to clear examinations mandatorily . Indonesia ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Indonesia A group of Indonesian medical students of Trisakti University trains with an obstetric mannequin . In Indonesia , high school graduates who want to enroll to public medical schools must have their names enlisted by their high school faculty in the `` SNMPTN Undangan '' program , arranged by Directorate General of Higher Education , Ministry of National Education . Depending on the high school accreditation , only the class ' top 10 % - 15 % will be considered for admissions . Fewer places are available through entrance exam conducted autonomously by each university . These exams are highly competitive for medicine , especially in prestigious institutions such as University of Indonesia in Jakarta , Airlangga University in Surabaya , and Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta . For private medical school , almost all places are offered through independently run admission tests . The standard Indonesian medical school curriculum is six years long . The four years undergraduate program is composed mainly of classroom education , continued with the last two years in professional program primarily includes rotations in clinical settings where students learn patient care firsthand . If they pass undergraduate program they will have `` S. Ked '' ( Bachelor of Medicine ) in their title and if they finished the professional program and pass the national examination arranged by IDI ( Indonesian Medical Association ) they will become general physician and receive `` dr . ( doctor ) '' . Upon graduation , a physician planning to become a specialist in specific field of medicine must complete a residency , which is a supervised training with period of three to four years . A physician who sub-specializes or who desires more supervised experience may complete a fellowship , which is an additional one to three years of supervised training in his / her area of expertise Iran ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Iran General medicine education in Iran takes 7 to 7.5 years . Students enter the university after high school . Students study basic medical science ( such as anatomy , physiology , biochemistry , histology , biophysics , embryology , etc . ) for 2.5 years . At the end of this period they should pass a `` basic science '' exam . Those who passed the exam will move on to study physiopathology of different organs in the next 1.5 years . The organ - based learning approach emphasizes critical thinking and clinical application . In the next period of education students enter clinics and educational hospitals for two years . During this period , they will also learn practical skills such as history taking and physical examination . Students should then pass the `` pre-internship '' exam to enter the last 1.5 years of education in which medical students function as interns . During this period , medical students participate in all aspects of medical care of the patients and they take night calls . At the end of these 7.5 years students are awarded an M.D degree . M.D doctors can continue their educations through residency and fellowship . Israel ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Israel There are five university medical schools in Israel : the Technion in Haifa , Ben Gurion University in Be'er Sheva , Tel Aviv University , the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and the Medical school of the Bar - Ilan University in Ramat Gan . These all follow the European 6 - year model except Bar - Ilan University which has a four - year program similar to the US system . The Technion Medical School , Ben Gurion University , and Tel Aviv University Sackler Faculty of Medicine offer 4 - year MD programs for American Bachelor 's graduates who have taken the MCAT , interested in completing rigorous medical education in Israel before returning to the US or Canada . The entrance requirements of the various schools of medicine are very strict . Israeli students require a high school Baccalaureate average above 100 and psychometric examination grade over 700 . The demand for medical education is strong and growing and there is a lack of doctors in Israel . The degree of Doctor of Medicine ( MD ) is legally considered to be equivalent to a Masters degree within the Israeli Educational System . Japan ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Japan In Japan , medical schools are faculties of universities and thus they are undergraduate programs that generally last for six years . Admission is based on an exam taken at the end of high school and an entrance exam at the university itself , which is the most competitive . Medical students study Liberal Arts and Science for the first 1 -- 2 years , which include Physics , Mathematics , Chemistry , and Foreign Languages together with 2 years long Basic Medicine ( Anatomy , Physiology , Pharmacology , Immunology ) , Clinical Medicine , Public health , and Forensics for the next two years . Medical students train in the University Hospital for the last two years . Clinical training is a part of the curriculum . Upon completion of the graduation examination , students are awarded an M.D. Medical graduates are titled as Doctor , as are Ph. D. holders . The University does have an MD / PhD program that enables Doctors of Medicine to become Ph. D. holders , as well . At the end , Medical students take the National Medical License examination and , if they pass it , become a Physician and register in the record in the Ministry of Health , Labour and Welfare . The scope of this exam encompasses every aspect of medicine . Jordan ( edit ) The Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery ( MBBS ) degree is awarded in Jordan after completion of six years comprising three years of medical sciences and three clinical years . Currently , four state supported universities include a medical school and grant the degree , which are : Jordan University of Science and Technology in Irbid University of Jordan in Amman Mutah University in Al Karak Hashemite University in Zarqa Further information : Medical education in Jordan Kyrgyzstan ( edit ) In Kyrgyzstan , the Government university Kyrgyz State Medical Academy offers 6 years duration undergraduate ( bachelor 's degree ) program whereas the other institutions mostly private such as the International School of Medicine at the International University of Kyrgyzstan offers a five - year medical program , with a requisite for English knowledge , that is recognized by the World Health Organization , the General Medical Council , and UNESCO . The medical school is also partnered with the University of South Florida School of Medicine , the University of Heidelberg ( Germany ) , the Novosibirsk Medical University ( Russia ) , and the University of Sharjah ( UAE ) . Other medical schools located in Kyrgyzstan include the 5 years duration MD / MBBS undergraduate degree program at International University of Science and Business or Mezhdunarodnyy Universitet Nauki i Biznesa , Kyrgyzstan others are the Asian Medical Institute , Kyrgyzstan and the Medical Institute , Osh State University and so on . Lebanon ( edit ) In Lebanon , there are two programs of medical education followed : the American system ( 4 years ) and the European system ( 6 years ) . Programs are offered in English and French . Admission requirements to the American system requires a candidate to complete a bachelor 's degree along with specific pre-medical courses during the undergraduate years , and writing the MCAT examination . European programs usually requires a candidate to complete 1 year of general science followed by a selection exam by the end of the year . Schools following the American system ( M.D. degree ) are : American University of Beirut : located in Beirut and is the oldest medical school in Lebanon . Training will take place at the American University of Beirut Medical center ( AUBMC ) in Beirut . Lebanese American University ( LAU ) : LAU Medical school is located in Byblos and has a 10 - year affiliation with Partners Harvard Medical International . Training will take place at the University Medical center - Rizk Hospital ( UMC - RH ) located in Beirut . It is also affiliated with Clemenceau Medical Center and Rafik Hariri University Hospital . University of Balamand : located in Koura , north Lebanon . Training will take place at the Saint George University Medical center in Beirut . The language of instruction in all three is English . Schools following the European system ( MBBS degree ) are : Lebanese University : languages of instruction are French and English . Training will take place at the Rafik Hariri University Hospital located in Beirut . Saint Joseph University : language of instruction is French . Training will take place in Hôtel - Dieu de France hospital located in Beirut . Beirut Arab University : language of instruction is English . Training will take place at Hammoud Hospital UMC located in Sidon and Rafik Hariri University Hospital located in Beirut . Holy Spirit University of Kaslik : Located in Jounieh , languages of instruction are French and English . Training will take place at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Notre Dame des Secours located in Byblos . Malaysia ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Malaysia In Malaysia , getting into medical school is regarded as difficult , due to high fees and a rigorous selection process . Some new medical schools do offer a foundation in medicine course before admission into a full - time medical programme . Most government , and some private medical schools offer M.D. , and others mostly offer MBBS degrees . Myanmar ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Myanmar Panorama view of Lanmadaw Campus There are * five medical institutions - UM 1 , UM 2 , DSMA , UM Mdy , and UM Mgy - in Myanmar . ( Now , there are six universities in total . UMTG , University of Medicine Taunggyi - launched since 2015 ) edited by # mm_ymb Myanmar medical schools are government - funded and require Myanmar citizenship for eligibility . No private medical school exists at this moment . In Myanmar , admission to medical colleges is organized under the Department of Health Science , which is the branch of Ministry of Health of Myanmar . ( Now , we have been using as `` Ministry of Health and Sport '' and it is official usage ) edited by # mm_ymb A student can join one of the Five ( * Now six ) medical universities of Myanmar if he gets the highest scores in the science combination of the matriculation examination . This exam is highly competitive . Entrance is solely based on this examination and academic records have very minor consequences on an application . The undergraduate program is five years plus one year for work experience in government hospitals . After medical school , Myanmar medical graduates are under contract to spend one year of internship and three years of tenure in rural areas before they are eligible for most residency positions . The degree granted is Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery ( M.B.B.S. ) . Further postgraduate qualifications may be obtained as a Degree ( M. Med . Sc ) and ( Dr.Med.Sc ) . Nepal ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Nepal In Nepal , medical studies start at undergraduate level . As of 2016 , there are twenty institutions recognised by the Nepal Medical Council . There are four main medical bodies in Nepal : Tribhuvan University ( own college : Institute of Medicine Maharajgunj , affiliated colleges : National Medical College , Janaki Medical College , Universal College of Medical Sciences , Gandaki Medical College , Chitwan Medical College , Kist Medical College , Nepal Army Institute of Health Science ) Kathmandu University ( own college : Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences ( KUSMS ) , Affiliated colleges : Manipal College of Medical Sciences , Kathmandu Medical College , Nepal Medical College , Nepalgunj Medical College , College of Medical Sciences , Nobel Medical College , Lumbini Medical College , Birat Medical College , Devdaha Medical College ) B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences . Patan Academy of Health Sciences New Zealand ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in New Zealand Auckland School of Medicine Otago School of Medicine New Zealand medical programs are undergraduate - entry programs of six years duration . Students are considered for acceptance only after a year of undergraduate basic sciences or , as alternative , following the completion of a bachelor 's degree . There are two main medical schools in New Zealand : the University of Auckland and the University of Otago . Each of these has subsidiary medical schools such as Otago 's Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences and Auckland 's Waikato Clinical School . The first year of the medical degree is the basic sciences year , which comprises study in chemistry , biology , physics , and biochemistry as well as population health and behavioural sciences . The following two years are spent studying human organ systems and pathological processes in more detail as well as professional and communication development . Toward the end of the third year , students begin direct contact with patients in hospital settings . The clinical years begin fully at the beginning of year 4 , where students rotate through various areas of general clinical medicine with rotation times varying from between two and six weeks . Year 5 continues this pattern , focusing more on specialized areas of medicine and surgery . Final medical school exams ( exit exams ) are actually held at the end of year 5 , which is different from most other countries , where final exams are held near the very end of the medical degree . Final exams must be passed before the student is allowed to enter year 6 . The final year ( Year 6 ) of medical school is known as the `` Trainee Intern '' year , wherein a student is known as a `` Trainee Intern '' ( commonly referred to in the hospitals as a `` T.I. '' ) . Trainee interns repeat most rotations undertaken in years 4 and 5 but at a higher level of involvement and responsibility for patient care . Trainee interns receive a stipend grant from the New Zealand government ( not applicable for international students ) . At the current time , this is $ NZ 26,756 / year ( about $ US 18,500 ) . Trainee interns have responsibility under supervision for the care of about one - third the patient workload of a junior doctor . However , all prescriptions and most other orders ( e.g. , radiology requests and charting of IV fluids ) made by trainee interns must be countersigned by a registered doctor . New Zealand medical schools currently award the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery ( MBChB ) . Upon completion of the 6th year , students go on to become `` House Officers , '' also known as `` House Surgeons '' for 1 -- 2 years where they rotate through specialities in the first year and then begin to narrow down to what they 'd like to do for speciality training in the second year . After 2 years of house officer work they apply to get into a training scheme and start to train towards the speciality . Pakistan ( edit ) Main article : Medical school in Pakistan King Edward Medical University , fourth oldest medical school in South Asia In Pakistan a medical school is more often referred to as a medical college . A medical college is affiliated with a university as a department . There are however several medical universities and medical institutes with their own medical colleges . All medical colleges and universities are regulated by the respective provincial department of health . They however have to be recognized after meeting a set criteria by a central regulatory authority called Pakistan Medical and Dental Council ( PMDC ) in Islamabad . There are almost equal number of government and private medical colleges and universities , with their number exceeding 50 . Admission to a government medical college is highly competitive . Entrance into the medical colleges is based on merit under the guidelines of PMDC . Both the academic performance at the college ( high school , grades 11 - 12 ) level and an entrance test like MCAT are taken into consideration for the eligibility to enter most of the medical colleges . After successfully completing five years of academic and clinical training in the medical college and affiliated teaching hospitals the graduates are awarded a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery ( MBBS ) degree . The graduates are then eligible to apply for a medical license from the PMDC . A house job of one - year duration is mandatory in a teaching hospital after completing five years of academic and clinical training in the medical college . People 's Republic of China ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in the People 's Republic of China Medical education is normally a five - year Bachelor degree , including one - year internship ( or clinical rotation , during which students are actively involved in patient care ) before the final degree is awarded . Clinical specialization usually involves a two - or three - year Master degree . Acceptance is based on the national entrance examination used for all universities . There are a few colleges that teach in English and accept foreign medical students . Some of those universities have increased their course duration to 6 years . The degree conferred is known as Bachelor of Clinical Medicine ( BCM ) . Philippines ( edit ) Main articles : List of medical schools in the Philippines and Medical education in the Philippines The Dominicans , under the Spanish Government , established the oldest medical school in the Philippines in 1871 , known as the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery ( at that time was one with the University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Pharmacy , also considered the oldest pharmacy school in the Philippines ) of the Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas in Intramuros , Manila . Medical education in the Philippines became widespread under the American administration . The Americans , led by the insular government 's Secretary of the Interior , Dean Worcester , built the University of the Philippines College of Medicine and Surgery in 1905 . By 1909 , nursing instruction was also begun at the Philippine Normal School . At present there are a number of medical schools in the Philippines , notable examples include the University of the Philippines College of Medicine , Our Lady of Fatima University , Far Eastern University -- Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation , Saint Louis University International School of Medicine , De La Salle Health Sciences Institute , University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Medicine and Surgery , Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila , UERMMMC College of Medicine , St. Luke 's College of Medicine -- William H. Quasha Memorial , Cebu Doctors ' University , Cebu Institute of Medicine , Mindanao State University College of Medicine , Cagayan State University College of Medicine in Tuguegarao , Southwestern University - Matias H. Aznar Memorial College of Medicine Inc. , West Visayas State University in Iloilo City , University of St. La Salle College of Medicine in Bacolod City , Davao Medical School Foundation in Davao City , Xavier University -- Ateneo de Cagayan , Dr. Jose P. Rizal School of Medicine in Cagayan de Oro , Ago medical educational center AMEC - BCCM in Legazpi , Bicol and University of Northern Philippines in Vigan . In 2007 , the Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health was established . It is the first medical school in the country to offer a double degree program leading to the degrees Doctor of Medicine and Masters in Business Administration . Any college graduate may apply for medical school given that they satisfy the requirements set by the institutions . There is also a test known as the National Medical Admission Test or NMAT . Scores are given on a percentile basis and a high ranking is a must to enter the top medical schools in the country . In most institutions , medical education lasts for four years . Basic subjects are taken up in the first and second years , while clinical sciences are studied in the second and third years . In their fourth year , students rotate in the various hospital departments , spending up to two months each in the fields of internal medicine , surgery , obstetrics and gynecology , and pediatrics , and several weeks in the other specialties . After this , students graduate with a Doctorate in Medicine and apply for postgraduate internship ( PGI ) in an accredited hospital of their choice . After PGI , the student is eligible to take the Medical Licensure Examination . Passing the examinations confers the right to practice medicine as well as to apply in a Residency Training Program . Republic of China ( Taiwan ) ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Taiwan The medical education in the Republic of China ( Taiwan ) is usually 7 years ( 6 - year learning plus 1 - year internship ) in duration , starting right after high schools . The first 2 years in the 7 - year system is composed of basic sciences and liberal art courses . Doctor - patient classes are emphasized , and most schools require compulsory amounts of volunteer hours . Clinical sciences are compressed into a two - year program in the 3rd and 4th years . The duration of clerkships and internships varies from school to school , but all of them end at the 7th grade . Taiwan 's medical education began in 1897 and is over 100 years old now . Students graduate with a Doctor of Medicine ( MD ) degree . Starting from the year 2013 , incoming students will have a 6 + 2 year curriculum , in which the first 6 years are oriented similarly as before and the last two years are Post Graduate Years ; this change aims to increase primary care capabilities of medical school graduates . Saudi Arabia ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Saudi Arabia In Saudi Arabia medical education is free for all Saudi citizens . A medical student must pass an entrance examination and complete a 1 - year pre-medical course containing some basic medical subjects including : Biology , Organic Chemistry , Inorganic Chemistry , Physics , Medical Biostatistics , and English for medical uses . Passing this year is commonly considered as the most challenging . It offers an MBBS ( Bachelor of Medicine , Bachelor of Surgery ) degree . after one pre-medical course , five medical years and one training year . By 2010 , there are 24 medical schools in KSA - 21 nonprofit and three private medical schools the last college opened was Sulaiman AlRajhi Colleges with its partnership with Maastricht in the Netherlands . Singapore ( edit ) Currently , there are 3 medical schools in Singapore . 2 of them offers undergraduate ( 5 years degree ) and the other offers postgraduate ( 4 years ) entry . South Korea ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in South Korea Currently , there are 41 medical schools in South Korea . Medical programs in South Korea used to be direct - entry programs such as in the UK , taking six years to complete . However , most universities were going through a transition from direct - entry to a 4 + 4 year system , such as those found in the United States and Canada . Recently , about half of the universities are converting back to six years direct - entry program by 2015 , and almost all of the universities are converting it back by 2017 . Sri Lanka ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Sri Lanka There are eight medical schools in Sri Lanka that teach evidence based ( sometimes called `` western '' ) medicine . The oldest medical school is the Faculty of Medicine , University of Colombo , established as Ceylon Medical School in 1870 . There are medical faculties in Peradeniya , Kelaniya , Sri Jayawardanepura , Galle , Batticaloa , Jaffna and Rajarata as well . Kelaniya Medical Faculty initially started as the North Colombo Medical College ( NCMC ) , a private medical institution . It was one of the earliest private higher educational institutions ( 1980 ) . Heavy resistance by the medical professionals , university students and other professionals led to its nationalization and to its renaming as the Kelaniya Medical Faculty . Faculty of Health - Care Sciences is the faculty that offers MBBS together with other para-medical courses . It is an entity of the Eastern University - Sri Lanka . The Open International University for Complementary Medicines ( OIUCM ) , established under World Health Organization teaches various field of Medicines and related program of Environmental Sciences . despite having basic problems of training programme . Postgraduate Institute of Medicine ( PGIM ) is the only institution that provides specialist training of medical doctors . The Institute of Indigenous Medicine of the University of Colombo , the Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurvedhic Medicine Institute of the University of Kelaniya and the Faculty of Siddha Medicine , University of Jaffna teach Ayurvedha / Unani / Siddha Medicine . Thailand ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Thailand The first medical school in Thailand was established back in 1890 at Siriraj Hospital , which is now become Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital , Mahidol University . Currently , there are 26 medical programs offered nationwide . Most of the Thai medical schools are government - funded and require Thai citizenship for eligibility . Two private medical schools exist at the moment . Some Thais choose to attend private medical schools or attend a medical school in a foreign country due to relatively few openings and extremely competitive entrance examination scores required for enrollment in public medical schools . The Thai medical education is a six - year system , consisting of 1 year in basic - science , 2 years in pre-clinical training , and 3 years for clinical training . Upon graduation , all medical students must pass national medical licensing examinations and a university - based comprehensive test . After medical school , newly graduated doctors are under contract to spend a year of internship and 2 years of tenure in rural areas before they are eligible for any other residency positions or specialized training , mostly in locations outside Bangkok . Students will receive Doctor of Medicine ( MD ) degree at the end of the process . This degree is equivalent to a master 's degree in Thailand . Europe ( edit ) This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( May 2008 ) Albania ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Albania There are four Medical Schools ( Fakultete te Mjeksise ) in Albania : University of Tirana Faculty of Medicine Kristal University Faculty of Medicine WORLDWIDE University Faculty of Medicine Zonja e Keshillit te Mire These medical schools are usually affiliated with regional hospitals . The course of study lasts 6 years . Students are conferred degree Doctor of Medicine ( M.D. ) upon graduation . Austria ( edit ) Medical University of Vienna Sigmund Freud University Vienna , Medical School Medical University of Graz Medical University of Innsbruck Paracelsus Medical University , Salzburg The Faculty of Medicine at the Johannes Kepler University Linz Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences ( Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität für Gesundheitswissenschaften ) , Krems Belarus ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Belarus There are 4 Medical Schools ( Medical Universities ) in Belarus : Belarusian State Medical University , Minsk ( belarusian : Беларускі дзяржаўны медыцынскі ўніверсітэт ; Russian : Белорусский государственный медицинский университет ) - which contains the famous Bosef Institute for AIDS Research . Gomel State Medical University ( belarusian : Гомельскі дзяржаўны медыцынскі ўніверсітэт ; Russian : Гомельский государственный медицинский университет ) Grodno State Medical University ( belarusian : Гродненскі дзяржаўны медыцынскі ўніверсітэт ; Russian : Гродненский государственный медицинский университет ) Vitebsk State Order of Peoples ' Friendship Medical University ( belarusian : Віцебскі дзяржаўны медыцынскі ўніверсітэт ; Russian : Витебский государственный ордена Дружбы народов медицинский университет ) Bosnia and Herzegovina ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina There are five Medical Schools ( Medicinski Fakultet ) in Bosnia and Herzegovina : University of Banja Luka School of Medicine University of Sarajevo Medical School University of Tuzla Medical School University of East Sarajevo Medical School ( Foca ) University of Mostar Medical School These medical schools are usually affiliated with regional hospitals . The course of study lasts 6 years or 12 semesters . Students are conferred degree Doctor of Medicine ( M.D. ) upon graduation . Admissions Entry to BH Medical Schools are very competitive due to limited places imposed by the government quota . Students are required to complete Secondary School Leaving Diploma ( Gimnazija - Gymnasium ( school ) or Medicinska skola matura / svedocanstvo / svjedodzba ) . Entrance examination is usually held in June / July . Combined score of Secondary School Diploma assessment ( on scale 1 - 5 , with 2 minimum passing grade and 5 maximum grade ) and entrance examination is taken into consideration . Usually , 5 in Chemistry , Biology , Mathematics , and Physics are required for entry to medicine . Curriculum Course structure is more traditional and divided in pre-clinical ( year 1 - 3 ) / clinical part ( year 3 - 6 ) and subject - based . Practical examinations are held throughout the degree ( Anatomy , Biochemistry , Pathology , Physiology practicals etc . ) . Dissection is part of all medical curricula in Bosnian and Herz . Medical Schools . Bulgaria ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Bulgaria In Bulgaria , a medical school is a type of college or a faculty of a university . The medium of instruction is officially in Bulgarian . A six - to one - year course in Bulgarian language is required prior to admittance to the medical program . For European candidates , an exam in Biology and Chemistry in Bulgarian is also required . While a number of Bulgarian medical schools have now started offering medical programmes in English , Bulgarian is still required during the clinical years . Students join medical school after completing high - school . Admission offers are made by individual medical schools . Bulgarian applicants have to pass entrance examinations in the subjects of Biology and Chemistry . The competitive result of every candidate is the based on their marks these exams plus their secondary - school certificate marks in the same subjects . Those applicants with the highest results achieved are classified for admission . The course of study is offered as a six - year program . The first 2 years are pre-clinical , the next 3 years are clinical training and the sixth year is the internship year , during which students work under supervision at the hospitals . During the sixth year , students have to appear for ' state exams ' in the 5 major subjects of Internal Medicine , Surgery , Gynaecology and Obstetrics , Social Medicine , and Pediatrics . Upon successful completion of the six years of study and the state exams the degree of ' Physician ' is conferred . For specialization , graduates have to appear for written tests and interviews to obtain a place in a specialization program . For specialization in general medicine , general practice lasts three years , cardiology lasts four years , internal medicine lasts five years , and general surgery lasts five years . Croatia ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Croatia In Croatia , there are four out of seven universities that offer a medical degree , the University of Zagreb ( offers medical studies in English ) , University of Rijeka , University of Split ( also offers medical studies in English ) , and the University of Osijek . The Medical schools are a faculties of those four universities . Medical students enroll into medical school after finishing secondary education , typically after a Gymnasium , or after a four - year nursing school , or any other high school lasting four years . During the application process , their high school grades , and the grades of their matriculation exam at the end of high school ( Matura ) and the score at the obligatory admission exam are taken into account , and the best students are enrolled . The course of study lasts 6 years or 12 semesters . During the first 3 years , students are engaged in pre-clinical courses ( Anatomy , Histology , Chemistry , Physics , Cell Biology , Genetics , Physiology , Biochemistry , Immunology , Pathologic Physiology And Anatomy , Pharmacology , Microbiology , etc . ) . Contact with patients begins at the third year . The remaining 3 years are composed of rotations at various departments , such as Internal Medicine , Neurology , Radiology , Dermatology , Psychiatry , Surgery , Pediatrics , Gynecology and Obstetrics , Anesthesiology , and others . During each academic year , students also enroll into two or three elective courses . After each rotation , the students take a total of about 60 exams . In the end , the students must pass a final multiple - choice exam comprising questions about clinical courses , after which they finally gain an MD , and the title of Doctor of Medicine , which they put after their name . Now the doctors must complete a one - year , supervised , paid internship in a hospital of their choice , after which they take the state ( license ) examination , which is an eight - part oral examination containing the eight most important clinical branches . After that , the doctors are eligible to practice medicine as general practitioners . Residencies are offered at various hospitals throughout Croatia , and at numerous medical specialities . Czech Republic ( edit ) Medical study in Czech Republic has a long tradition dating from the 14th century , with the first medical school starting at the First Faculty of Medicine , Charles University in Prague in 1348 , making it the 11th oldest in the world and highly prestigious . Students from all over the world are attracted to study medicine in Czech Republic because of the high standards of education provided . Most Czech Universities offer a 6 - year General Medicine program in Czech and in English separately for international students . The admission to medical studies in Czech Republic is based on the performance in high school diploma ( Biology , Chemistry and Physics ) , English proficiency and performance in the entrance exams . Entrance examination is conducted at the university and by some representative offices abroad . The entrance exams are competitive due to students from all over the world fighting to secure a place . After the entrance exams , successful candidates are further scrutinised by conducting interviews . Most of the international students studying medicine in the Czech Republic originate from USA , Canada , UK , Norway , Sweden , Germany , Israel , Malaysia and the Middle East . Most faculties of Medicine in Czech Republic have been approved by the U.S. Department of Education for participation in Federal Student Financial Aid Programs and is listed in the Directory of Postsecondary Institutions published by the U.S. Department of Education . The qualifications are also approved in Canada by the Canadian Ministry of Education and Training , and in the UK by the General Medical Council . Most medical schools are globally recognised and carry a good reputation . There are nine public government owned medical schools in the Czech Republic : First Faculty of Medicine , Charles University in Prague Second Faculty of Medicine , Charles University in Prague Third Faculty of Medicine , Charles University in Prague Faculty of Medicine in Plzeň , Charles University in Prague Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové , Charles University in Prague Faculty of Medicine , Masaryk University Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry , Palacký University Olomouc Faculty of Medicine , University of Ostrava There is one military medical school , Faculty of Military Health Sciences , University of Defence . Denmark ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Denmark In Denmark , basic medical education is given in four universities : University of Copenhagen , Aarhus University , University of Southern Denmark and Aalborg University . The duration of basic medical education is six years and the course leads to the degree of Candidate of Medicine ( M.D. ) after swearing the Hippocratic Oath upon graduation . Medical school is usually followed by a year residency called clinical basic education ( Danish : Klinisk basisuddannelse or just KBU ) which upon completion grants the right to practices medicine without supervision . Finland ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Finland In Finland , basic medical education is given in five universities : Helsinki , Kuopio , Oulu , Tampere and Turku . Admission is regulated by an entrance examination . Studies involve an initial two - year preclinical period of mainly theoretical courses in anatomy , biochemistry , pharmacology etc . However , students have contact with patients from the beginning of their studies . The preclinical period is followed by a four - year clinical period , when students participate in the work of various hospitals and health care centres , learning necessary medical skills . Some Finnish universities have integrated clinical and preclinical subjects along the six - year course , diverging from the traditional program . A problem - based learning method is widely used , and inclusion of clinical cases in various courses and preclinical subjects is becoming common . All medical schools have research programs for students who wish to undertake scientific work . The duration of basic medical education is six years and the course leads to the degree of Licentiate of Medicine . France ( edit ) Main article : Medical school in France Medical studies in France are organized as follow : Right after graduating from High School with a Baccalaureat , any student can register at a university of medicine ( there are about 30 of them throughout the country ) . At the end of first year , an internal ranking examination takes place in each of these universities in order to implement the numerus clausus . First year consists mainly of theoretical classes such as biophysics and biochemistry , anatomy , ethics or histology . Passing first year is commonly considered as challenging and requires hard and continuous work . Each student can only try twice . For example , the Université René Descartes welcomes about 2000 students in first year and only 300 after numerus clausus . The second and third year are usually mainly quite theoretical although the teachings are often accompanied by placements in the field ( e.g. internships as nurses or in the emergency room , depending on the university ) . During 4th , 5th and 6th years , medical students get a special status called ' Externe ' ( In some universities , such as Pierre et Marie Curie , the ' Externe ' status is given starting in the 3rd year ) . They work as interns every morning at the hospital plus a few night shifts a month and study in the afternoon . Each internship lasts between 3 and 4 months and takes place in a different department . Med students get 5 weeks off a year . At the end of sixth year , they need to pass a national ranking exam , which will determine their specialty . Indeed , the first student gets to choose first , then the second , etcetera . Usually students work pretty hard during 5th and 6th years in order to train properly for the national ranking exam . During these years , actual practice at the hospital and some theoretical courses are meant to balance the training . Such externs ' average wage stands between 100 and 300 euros a month . After that ranking exams , students can start as residents in the specialty they have been able to pick . That is the point from which they also start getting paid . Towards the end of the medical program , French medical students are provided with more responsibilities and are required to defend a thesis . At the conclusion of the thesis defense , French medical students receive a State Diploma of Doctor of Medicine ( MD ) or `` Diplôme d'Etat de Doctorat en Medecine for general medicine . For those who are in speciality training will also receive a Diploma of Specialized Studies ( DES = Diplôme d'Etudes Specialisees ) to mark their specialties . Some students may also receive a Diploma of Specialized Complementary Studies ( DESC ) = Diplôme d'Etudes Specialisees Complementaires . Germany ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Germany The University of Freiburg Faculty of Medicine In Germany , admission to medical schools is currently administered jointly by the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung ( SfH ) , a centralized federal organization , and the universities themselves . The most important criterion for admission is the Numerus clausus , the final GPA scored by the applicant on the Abitur ( highest secondary school diploma ) . However , in light of the recent gain in influence of medical schools in regards to applicant selection , additional criteria are being used to select students for admission . These criteria vary among medical faculties and the final Abitur GPA is always a core indicator and strongly influences admission . Admission remains highly competitive . A very small number of slots per semester are reserved for selected applicants which already hold a university degree ( Zweitstudium ) and for medical officer candidates ( Sanitätsoffizieranwärter ) . The first two years of medical school consist of the so - called pre-clinical classes . During this time , the students are instructed in the basic sciences ( e.g. physics , chemistry , biology , anatomy , physiology , biochemistry , etc . ) and must pass a federal medical exam ( Erster Abschnitt der ärztlichen Prüfung ) , administered nationally . Upon completion , the students advance to the clinical stage , where they receive three years of training and education in the clinical subjects ( e.g. , internal medicine , surgery , obstetrics and gynecology , pediatrics , pharmacology , pathology , etc . ) . After these three years , they have to pass the second federal medical exam ( Zweiter Abschnitt der ärztlichen Prüfung ) before continuing with the sixth and final year . The last year of medical school consists of the so - called `` practical year '' ( Praktisches Jahr , PJ ) . Students are required to spend three four - month clerkships , two of them in a hospital ( internal medicine and surgery ) as well as one elective , which can be one of the other clinical subjects ( e.g. family medicine , anesthesiology , neurology , pediatrics , radiology etc . ) . After at least six years of medical school , the students graduate with a final federal medical exam ( Dritter Abschnitt der ärztlichen Prüfung ) . Graduates receive the license to practice medicine or dentistry and the professional title of physician ( Arzt ) or dentist ( Zahnarzt ) . The academic degrees Doctor of Medicine ( Dr. med . ) and Doctor of dental Medicine ( Dr. med . dent . ) are awarded if the graduate has , in addition , successfully completed a scientific study and dissertation . It is a doctoral degree and therefore different from the MD or DDS degrees in the U.S. , which as professional degrees are awarded after passing the final exams and do not require additional scientific work . Many medical students opt to perform their thesis during their studies at medical school , but only a fraction of them is able to finish the dissertation - process during their studies . The requirements for getting a Dr. med. degree across the board are not as hard as for the doctor in natural science ( Dr. rer . nat . ) . Therefore , many critics advocate to adopt a system similar to that of the Anglo - Saxon countries with an MD as a professional degree and a PhD showing additional scientific qualification . If physicians wish to open up a doctor 's office , they are required to further complete residency in order to fulfill the federal requirements of becoming Facharzt ( specialized in a certain field of medicine like internal medicine , surgery , pediatrics etc . ) . Oral and maxillofacial surgeons must complete both studies , medicine and dentistry , then afterwards specializing another 5 years . There are 36 medical faculties in Germany . Greece ( edit ) There are seven medical schools in Greece . The most prominent one of them is the University of Athens Medical School . The rest of them are in Patras , Thessaloniki , Ioannina , Larissa , Heraklion , and Alexandroupoli . The duration of the studies in Greece is 6 years . Hungary ( edit ) Hungary has four medical schools , in Budapest , Debrecen , Pécs and Szeged . Medical school takes six years to complete , of which the last year is a practical year . Students receive the degree dr . med . univ. or dr . for short , equivalent to the M.D. degree upon graduation . All Hungarian medical schools have programs fully taught in English . Iceland ( edit ) In Iceland , admission to medical school requires passing an organized test , controlled by the University of Iceland , which anyone with a gymnasium degree can take . Only the top 48 scores on the exam are granted admission each year . Medical school in Iceland takes 6 years to complete . Students receive a cand. med. degree upon graduation . Following this , Icelandic regulations require 12 months of clinical internship before granting a full medical license . This internship consists of internal medicine ( 4 months ) , surgery ( 2 months ) , family medicine ( 3 months ) and a three - month elective period . Upon receiving a license to practice , a physician can start specialist training , in Iceland or abroad . Ireland ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Ireland There are six medical schools in Ireland . They are at Trinity College Dublin , the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland , University College Dublin , University College Cork , University of Limerick and the National University of Ireland , Galway ( the National University of Ireland is the degree - awarding institution for all except the University of Limerick and Trinity College ) . Training lasts four , five or six years , with the last two years in the affiliated teaching hospitals ( UCD - St. Vincents University Hospital , Mater Misericordiae University Hospital ) ( Trinity - St. James 's Hospital , Adelaide and Meath Hospital incorporating the National Children 's Hospital ) ( UCC - Cork University Hospital ) ( RCSI - Beaumont Hospital , Connolly Hospital , Waterford Regional Hospital ) . For Programmes that are six years in length , entry is based on secondary school qualifications . Programmes that are four years in length require previous university degrees . The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and the University of Limerick were the first medical institutions to offer Graduate Entry Medicine of four years in duration in the Ireland . This is now also offered in University College Dublin and University College Cork . The National University of Ireland , Galway also launched a graduate entry programme in 2010 . Medical education is regulated by the Irish Medical Council , the statutory body that is also responsible for maintaining a register of medical practitioners . After graduation with the degrees of BM BS ( Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery ) or MB BCh BAO ( Medicinae Baccalaureus , Baccalaureus in Chirurgia , Baccalaureus in Arte Obstetricia ) , a doctor is required to spend one year as an intern under supervision before full registration is permitted . Graduates of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland also receive the traditional `` Licenciate of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons and Physicians in Ireland '' ( LRCP&SI ) , which was awarded before the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland became an Affiliate of the National University of Ireland and thus was allowed grant degrees , under the Medical Practitioners Act ( 1978 ) . Italy ( edit ) In Italy , the contents of the medical school admission test is decided each year by the Ministry of Education , Universities and Research ( MIUR ) and consists of eighty questions divided in five categories : logics and `` general education '' ( `` cultura generale '' ) , mathematics , physics , chemistry , and biology . Results are expressed in a national ranking . As a general rule , all state - run medical schools in the country administer it on the same day , whereas all privately run medical schools administer it on another day , so that a candidate may take the test once for state - run schools and once for a private school of his or her choice , but no more . Some universities in Italy provide an international degree course in medicine taught entirely in English for both Italian and non-Italian students . A number of these medical schools are at public universities , and have relatively low tuition fees compared to the English - speaking world , because the cost of the medical education is subsidized by the state for both Italian and non-Italian students . These public medical schools include the International Medical School at the University of Milan , the University of Pavia , Rome `` La Sapienza '' , Rome `` Tor Vergata '' , Naples Federico II , the Second University of Naples , and the University of Bari . These universities require applicants to rank highly on the International Medical Admissions Test . Italy also has private or parochial , more expensive English - language medical schools such as Vita - Salute San Raffaele University and Humanitas University in Milan , and at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Rome campus . Medicine is one of the university faculties implementing numerus clausus ( `` numero chiuso '' ) : the overall number of medical students admitted every year is constant , as each medical school is assigned a maximum number of new admission per year by MIUR . Medical school lasts 6 years ( 12 semesters ) . Traditionally , the first three years are devoted to `` biological '' subjects ( physics , chemistry , biology , biochemistry , genetics , anatomy , physiology , immunology , pathophysiology , microbiology , and usually English language courses ) , whereas the later three years are devoted to `` clinical '' subjects . However , most schools are increasingly devoting the second semester of the third year to clinical subjects and earlier patient contact . In most schools , there are about 36 exams over the 6 - year cycle , as well as a number of compulsory rotations and elective activities . At the end of the cycle , students have to discuss a final thesis before a board of professors ; the subject of this thesis may be a review of academic literature or an experimental work , and usually takes more than a year to complete , with most students beginning an internato ( internship ) in the subject of their choice in their fifth or sixth year . The title awarded at the end of the discussion ceremony is that of `` Dottore Magistrale '' , styled in English as a Doctor of Medicine , which in accordance with the Bologna process is comparable with a master 's degree qualification or a US MD . After graduating , new doctors must complete a three - month , unpaid , supervised tirocinio post-lauream ( `` post-degree placement '' ) consisting of two months in their university hospital ( one month in a medical service and one in a surgical service ) as well as one month shadowing a general practitioner . After getting a statement of successful completion of each month from their supervisors , new doctors take the esame di stato ( `` state exame '' ) to obtain full license to practise medicine . They will then have to register with one of the branches of the Ordine dei Medici ( `` Order of Physicians '' ) , which are based in each of the Provinces of Italy . Registration makes new doctors legally able to practice medicine without supervision . They will then have to choose between various career paths , each usually requiring a specific admission exam : most either choose to train as general practitioner ( a 3 - year course run by each Region , including both general practice and rotation at non-university hospitals ) , or to enter a Scuola di Specializzazione ( `` specialty school '' ) at a university hospital 4 - year or 5 - year course . Lithuania ( edit ) Lithuania has two medical schools , in Kaunas - LSMU and Vilnius . Studies are of six years , of which the last year is a practical year . All Lithuanian medical schools have ams in English . Since 1990 , LSMU has been the Alma Mater of many international students and 550 full - time foreign students from 42 countries ( mainly Israel , Germany , Finland , Norway , Spain , Sweden , Lebanon , Poland , India , South Korea , Ireland and the United Kingdom ) are currently enrolled here . The Lithuanian University of Health Sciences ( LSMU ) is the largest university - type school in Lithuania preparing the health specialists . It unites the Veterinary Academy and the Medical Academy . LSMU traditions of studies and scientific work go back to the times of the Faculty of Medicine at Vytautas Magnus Universitythat was later turned into Kaunas Institute of Medicine . LSMU collaborates with more than 140 European , American and Asian universities for study and research purposes . The university is a member of numerous international organizations , such as the European University Association ( EUA ) , Association of Schools of Public Health in The European Region ( ASPHER ) , Association of Medical Schools in Europe ( AMSE ) , Association for Medical Education in Europe ( AMEE ) , Organisation for PhD Education in Biomedicine and Health Sciences in the European System ( ORPHEUS ) , European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education ( EAEVE ) , World Veterinary Association , and more . LSMU is also a member of the World Health Organization ( WHO ) , where it fulfils the role of a collaboration centre for research and training in epidemiology , as well as for the prevention of cardiovascular and other chronic non-communicable diseases . The study programmes at LSMU meet university education standards applied in EU countries . Netherlands and Belgium ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Netherlands and List of medical schools in Belgium In the Netherlands and Belgium , medical students receive 6 years of university education prior to their graduation . In the Netherlands , students used to receive four years of preclinical training , followed by two years of clinical training ( co-assistentschappen , or co-schappen for short ) in hospitals . However , for a number of medical schools this has recently changed to three years of preclinical training , followed by three years of clinical training . At least one medical faculty , that of the Utrecht University , clinical training already begins in the third year of medical school . After 6 years , students graduate as basisartsen ( comparable to Doctors of Medicine ) . As a result of the Bologna process , medical students in the Netherlands now receive a bachelor 's degree after three years in medical school and a master 's degree upon graduation . Prospective students can apply for medical education directly after finishing the highest level of secondary school , vwo ; previous undergraduate education is not a precondition for admittance . The Belgian medical education is much more based on theoretical knowledge than the Dutch system . In the first 3 years , which are very theoretical and lead to a university bachelor degree , general scientific courses are taken such as chemistry , biophysics , physiology , biostatistics , anatomy , virology , etc . To enter the bachelor course in Flanders , prospective students have to pass an exam , as a result of the numerus clausus . In the French - speaking part of Belgium , only the best students that pass the first year of the bachelor course in medicine are admitted to the second and third year . After the bachelor courses , students are allowed to enter the ' master in medicine ' courses , which consist of 4 years of theoretical and clinical study . In general , the first 2 master years are very theoretical and teach the students in human pathology , diseases , pharmacology . The third year is a year full of internships in a wide range of specialities in different clinics . The seventh , final year serves as a kind of ' pre-specialization ' year in which the students are specifically trained in the specialty they wish to pursue after medical school . This contrasts with the Dutch approach , in which graduates are literally ' basic doctors ' ( basisartsen ) who have yet to decide on a specialty . Norway ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Norway Medical education in Norway begins with a six - to six - and - a-half - year undergraduate university program . Admission requires a very high GPA from secondary school - medicine consistently ranks as the most difficult university programme to be admitted to in Norway . Furthermore , certain high school subjects are required for admission ( chemistry , mathematics and physics ) . Upon completion , students are awarded a candidatus / candidata medicinae ( cand . med . ) degree ( corresponding to e.g. and MD in the USA ) and medical license . Those completing a research programme ( Forskerlinje ) get this added to their degree . Following this , it is required a minimum of 18 months of internship ( turnustjeneste ) before applying on a specialist training in Norway . The internship consist of 6 months of internal medicine , 6 months of surgery and 6 months family medicine . There are currently 43 recognized medical specialties in Norway . Poland ( edit ) See also : Category : Medical schools in Poland . Portugal ( edit ) Universidade do Minho , Braga Universidade do Algarve , Faro Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra , Coimbra Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde , Covilhã Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa , Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa , Lisboa Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto , Porto Abel Salazar Biomedical Sciences Institute , Porto Romania ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Romania In Romania , medical school is a department of a medical university , which typically includes Dentistry and Pharmacy departments as well . The name facultate is used for departments in their universities too , but the Medicine departments distinguish themselves by the length of studies ( 6 years ) , which grants to graduates a status equivalent to that of a Master in Science . The Medicine departments are also marked by reduced flexibility - in theory , a student in a regular university can take courses from different departments , like Chemistry and Geography ( although it usually does not happen , majors being clearly defined ) , while the medical universities do not have any extra offers for their students , due to their specialization . Admission to medical faculty is usually awarded by passing a Human Biology , Organic Chemistry and / or Physics test . The program lasts 6 years , with first 2 years being preclinical and last 4 years being mostly clinical . After these six years , one has to take the national licence exam ( which consists of mostly clinically oriented questions , but some questions also deal with basic sciences ) and has to write a thesis in any field he / she studied . Final award is Doctor - Medic ( titlu onorific ) ( shortened Dr . ) , which is not an academic degree ( similar to Germany ) . All graduates have to go through residency and specialization exams after that in order to practice , although older graduates had different requirements and training ( e.g. , clinical rotations similar to sub-internship ) and might still be able to practice Family Medicine / General Medicine . Russia ( edit ) See also : List_of_medical_schools_in_Europe § Russia Medical schools in Russia offer a 6 - year curriculum leading to award Doctor of Medicine ( MD ) `` Physician '' . Russian medical authorities reluctantly agrees with inclusion in list of international medical schools FAIMER - IMED . FAIMER ca n't include medical schools without cooperation from Russia . For example , Orel State University Medical Institute is n't included in this list . Sweden ( edit ) See also : List of medical schools in Sweden Medical education in Sweden begins with a five - and - a-half - year undergraduate university program leading to the degree `` Master of Science in Medicine '' ( Swedish : Läkarexamen ) . Following this , the National Board of Health and Welfare requires a minimum of 18 months of clinical internship ( Swedish : Allmäntjänstgöring ) before granting a medical license to be fully qualified as Medical Doctor ( MD ) . This internship consists of surgery ( 3 -- 6 months ) , internal medicine ( 3 -- 6 months ) , psychiatry ( three months ) and family medicine ( six months ) . Upon receiving a license to practice , a physician is able to apply for a post to start specialist training . There are currently 52 recognized medical specialties in Sweden . The specialist training has a duration of minimum five years , which upon completion grants formal qualification as a specialist . Switzerland ( edit ) See also : Healthcare in Switzerland There are five universities granting medical degrees in Switzerland ( plus the University of Fribourg and the ETH Zurich that provide the bachelor but not the master in medicine ) and five university hospitals : Faculty of Medicine of the University of Basel ( see also University Hospital of Basel ) Faculty of Medicine of the University of Bern ( see also University Hospital of Bern ) Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva ( see also University Hospital of Geneva ) Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of Lausanne ( see also University Hospital of Lausanne ) Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zürich ( see also University Hospital of Zürich ) Faculty of Health Sciences and Technology of the ETH Zurich Turkey ( edit ) All high school graduates who wish to pursue further education are required to take an MCQ exam . The exam covers most of the high school and secondary school curricula . A student who scores high enough gets a place in a faculty of his / her desire . Entrance to medical schools is extremely competitive , only very top scoring students are accepted to medical schools . Medical education takes six years , first three years being Pre-clinical years and the latter three being Clinical years . Right after graduation , graduates can either work as GPs or take another exam called TUS ( Medical Specialization Examination ) to do residency in a particular department of a particular hospital . Most of the medical schools in Turkey are state schools but the number of private schools is on the rise . MCQ exam ( YGS and LYS ) scores required to be accepted to private medical schools are lower compared to their public counterparts . The language of instruction is , in general , Turkish , but few universities also offer schools with English as the language of instruction . This makes Turkey a popular place to study medicine for students from nearby areas like the Balkans , the Middle East , and to a lesser extent North Africa . Ukraine ( edit ) Medical degrees in Ukraine were offered only in institutions called medical universities , which are separate from traditional universities . However , some medical schools are now associated with classical universities . These include : Ternopil State Medical University Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University Kharkiv National Medical University Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy Ivano - Frankivsk National Medical University Bukovinian State Medical University Zaporizhia State Medical University Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy Donetsk National Medical University Bogomolets National Medical University Of Ukraine Crimea State Medical University Luhansk State Medical University Odessa National Medical University National Pirogov Memorial Medical University School of Medicine of VN Karazin Kharkiv National University Medical Faculty of Sumy State University Medical Faculty of Uzhgorod University Medical Faculty of Dnipropetrovsk National University Kyiv Medical Institute of non traditional Medicine United Kingdom ( edit ) Main article : Medical school in the United Kingdom See also : List of medical schools in the United Kingdom Shepherd 's House , King 's College London School of Medicine and Dentistry at Guy 's Campus in London Due to the UK code for higher education , first degrees in medicine comprise an integrated programme of study and professional practice spanning several levels . While the final outcomes of the qualifications themselves typically meet the Expectations of the descriptor for higher education qualification at level 7 ( the UK master 's degree ) . These degrees may retain , for historical reasons , `` Bachelor of Medicine , Bachelor of Surgery '' and are abbreviated to MBChB or MBBS . There are currently 32 institutions that offer medical degrees in the United Kingdom . Completion of a medical degree in the UK results in the award of the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery . Admission requirements to the schools varies ; most insist on solid A-Levels / Highers , a good performance in an aptitude test such as the UKCAT , the BMAT or the GAMSAT , and usually an interview . As of 2008 the UK has approximately 8000 places for medical students . Methods of education range from courses that offer a problem - based learning approach ( alongside lectures etc . ) , and others having a more traditional pre-clinical / clinical structure . Others combine several approaches in an integrated approach . Following qualification , UK doctors enter a generalised two - year , competency - based `` foundation programme '' , gaining full GMC ( General Medical Council ) registration at the end of foundation year one , and applying for specialist training ( in medicine , surgery , general practice etc . ) after foundation year two . Many medical schools offer intercalated degree programmes to allow students to focus on an area of research outside their medical degree for a year . Some medical schools offer graduate entry programmes , which are four years long . The name refers to the fact that students on these courses already have a degree in another subject ( i.e. they are graduates ) . Due to the shorter length of the course , the timetable of these degrees are more intense and the holidays are shorter , compared to students on the 5 - year course . In terms of entrance requirements , the 4 - year degree restricts entry to those who already hold a first degree , and have previously worked in an area of healthcare . The first degree does n't necessarily have to be a BSc degree ( this is the criteria for some of the medical schools ) , whereas other medical schools specify that the prior degree has to be in a science subject . Competition for this course is fierce , with students having to also sit an entrance exam prior to being considered for an interview . Medical schools typically admit more students into undergraduate programmes than into graduate entry programmes . Medical career grades of the National Health Service Year Current ( Modernising Medical Careers ) Previous Foundation doctor ( FY1 and FY2 ) , 2 years Pre-registration house officer ( PRHO ) , 1 year Senior house officer ( SHO ) , minimum 2 years ; often more Specialty registrar , general practice ( GPST ) , 3 years Specialty registrar , hospital speciality ( SpR ) , minimum 6 years Specialist registrar , 4 -- 6 years GP registrar , 1 year 5 General practitioner , 4 years total time in training 6 -- 8 General practitioner , 5 years total time in training 9 Consultant , minimum 8 years total time in training Consultant , minimum 7 -- 9 years total time in training Optional Training is competency based , times shown are a minimum . Training may be extended by obtaining an Academic Clinical Fellowship for research or by dual certification in another speciality . Training may be extended by pursuing medical research ( usually 2 -- 3 years ) , usually with clinical duties as well Medical students ( edit ) A medical student checking blood pressure on an awareness drive A person accepted into a medical school and enrolled in an educational program in medicine , with the goal of becoming a medical doctor , is referred to as a medical student . Medical students are generally considered to be at the earliest stage of the medical career pathway . In some locations they are required to be registered with a government body . Medical students typically engage in both basic science and practical clinical coursework during their tenure in medical school . Course structure and length vary greatly among countries ( see above ) . Bullying ( edit ) Main article : Bullying in medicine Medical students , perhaps being vulnerable because of their relatively low status in health care settings , commonly experience verbal abuse , humiliation and harassment ( nonsexual or sexual ) . Discrimination based on gender and race is less common . Burnout and depression ( edit ) See also : Stress in medical students A meta - analysis in the American journal JAMA suggested depressive symptoms in 24 % to 29 % of all medical students and 25 % to 33 % of all resident physicians . Burnout in medical students , in addition , seems to be associated with increased likelihood of subsequent suicidal ideation . It has been estimated by a US study that approximately 14 % of medical students have symptoms of moderate to severe depression , and roughly 5 % have suicidal thoughts at some point during training . Internationally depression as well as distress in medical school is widely studied and gained more attention over the years . A recent study among German medical students at international universities displayed the significantly higher risk of depression symptoms being 2.4 times higher than the average population . 23.5 % of these German medical students showed clinically relevant depressive symptoms . In a South Korean study , 40 % of medical students appeared to have depression . Medical students with more severe depression also may be less likely to seek treatment , largely from fear that faculty members would view them as being unable to handle their responsibilities . Students who feel that they lack a social support system are 10 times more likely to be depressed compared with students that consider themselves to have good social support . Approximately 10 % experience suicidal ideation during medical school . Lemon and Stone hypothesised in what has become termed the ' Lemon Stone Hypothesis ' , that medical students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds increase in prevalence during times of national economic adversity . Their hypothesis was a formulation of Becker Maimans ' health belief model and Adaption theory . This hypothesis has to some extent been supported by a series of surveys . See also ( edit ) American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine ( AACOM ) American Medical College Application Service ( AMCAS ) American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine ( AACPM ) Bimaristan ( historical medical schools ) Flexner Report Graduate Australian Medical Schools Admissions Test ( GAMSAT ) ( Australia , Ireland , UK ) International medical graduate List of medical schools Medical College Admission Test ( MCAT ) ( United States , Canada ) Society of General Internal Medicine ( SGIM ) Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test ( UMAT ) ( Australia ) Notes and references ( edit ) Jump up ^ Brown , Menna ; Barnes , Jacob ; Silver , Katie ; Williams , Nicholas ; Newton , Philip M. ( 2015 ) . `` The Educational Impact of Exposure to Clinical Psychiatry Early in an Undergraduate Medical Curriculum '' . Academic Psychiatry . 40 ( 2 ) : 274 -- 281 . doi : 10.1007 / s40596 - 015 - 0358 - 1 . Jump up ^ Littlewood , S. ( 13 August 2005 ) . `` Early practical experience and the social responsiveness of clinical education : systematic review '' . BMJ. 331 ( 7513 ) : 387 -- 391 . doi : 10.1136 / bmj. 331.7513. 387 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Accreditation of medical education institutions . Report of a technical meeting. Schæffergården , Copenhagen , Denmark , 4 -- 6 October 2004 '' . WHO - WFME Task Force on Accreditation . p. 2 . ISBN 92 4 159273 7 . Missing or empty url = ( help ) Jump up ^ Accra College of Medicine , Jump up ^ Katz , Arieh A ; Futter , Merle ; Mayosi , Bongani M ( 9 December 2013 ) . `` The intercalated BSc ( Med ) Honours / MB ChB and integrated MB ChB / PhD tracks at the University of Cape Town : Models for a national medical student research training programme '' . South African Medical Journal . 104 ( 2 ) : 111 . doi : 10.7196 / SAMJ. 7639 . PMID 24893538 . Jump up ^ `` Resources '' . Uganda Medical and Dental Practitioners Council . Retrieved 17 April 2017 . Jump up ^ Archived 2010 - 05 - 01 at the Wayback Machine. , MPH Degree Requirements at Makerere Jump up ^ Dillon , Alfredo . `` Prohíben el arancel y el examen de ingreso en las universidades '' . ( in Spanish ) . Retrieved 2017 - 03 - 13 . Jump up ^ `` QS World University Rankings 2016 '' . Top Universities. 2016 - 08 - 25 . Retrieved 2017 - 03 - 13 . Jump up ^ Suarez - Kurtz , Guilherme . `` A brief description of medical school curricula in Brazil '' ( PDF ) . Case Western Reserve University . Retrieved 4 June 2014 . Jump up ^ CaRMS - Operations - Future Matches Archived 2007 - 05 - 19 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` Accreditation of International Medical Schools : An Update from FAIMER and CAAM - HP '' ( PDF ) . . Federation of State Medical Boards. 2009 - 06 - 18 . p. 32 . Retrieved 2011 - 09 - 07 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Medical Schools '' . American Association of Medical Colleges . Archived from the original on 12 August 2013 . Retrieved 25 August 2012 . 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Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Medical Council of India : Home Page Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` About Faculty of Medicine in the Galilee Bar - Ilan University '' . . Retrieved 2013 - 09 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Home Sackler Faculty of Medicine '' . 2013 - 07 - 22 . Retrieved 2013 - 09 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Medical degrees in Israeli Educational System '' ( PDF ) . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 2015 - 08 - 07 . Jump up ^ Archived 2010 - 09 - 05 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Archived 2010 - 02 - 09 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ International University of Science and Business or Mezhdunarodnyy Universitet Nauki i Biznesa Jump up ^ Asian Medical Institute Archived 2009 - 12 - 04 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Medical Institute , Osh State University Jump up ^ `` Recognized Institution - Medical - college '' . Nepal Medical Council . Retrieved 29 June 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery - The University of Auckland '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 02 - 28 . Jump up ^ `` How the trainee intern year can ease the transition from undergraduate education to postgraduate practice - New Zealand Medical Journal '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 02 - 28 . Jump up ^ `` Medical Trainee Intern Grant '' . Tertiary Education Commission . Retrieved 2018 - 02 - 28 . Jump up ^ `` Undergraduate study options - The University of Auckland '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 02 - 28 . Jump up ^ MyTuition . `` A guide to studying medicine in NZ '' . Retrieved 2018 - 02 - 28 . Jump up ^ Medical Education in Taiwan Jump up ^ `` Directory of Medical Schools in Republic of Korea '' . Institute for International Medical Education . Retrieved 9 November 2011 . Jump up ^ , Korea Medical Association ( KMA ) website Jump up ^ Graduates from these medical schools revive Bachelor of Medicine , Bachelor of Surgery degree , ( MBBS ) , which takes a period of five to six years plus a residency period of one year for full registration . Due to the limited intake a large number of students go abroad to study medicine , these include commonwealth countries , as well as in recent years Bangladesh , Russia and China . However private medical schools are in the process of being established at present with the South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine ( SAITM ) . Establishment of private medical schools have been opposed by the section of medical practitioners together with extremist student groups who does not willing to widening the access to medical education for the reasons best known to them . The total university undergraduate population in Sri Lanka is less than 27,000 , of which few hundred students are admitted to the local medical faculties , annually . Thousands who qualifies for higher education have no other option , but to go abroad for higher studies , including for medicine . Annually Sri Lankan parents are spending over 1bn USD to provide education to their children overseas . A well established system to regulate both private and public universities including the medical faculties is required to ensure the quality and relevance of the higher education system and thereby to enable both the public and private institutions to compete for excellence , as in the case of many other countries . This would be `` the option '' available for the authorities to consider , if Sri Lanka is aspiring to become a regional hub for education and a knowledge exporting country . The Higher Education Minister and the University Grants Commission ( UGC ) were criticized by the Government Medical Officers ' Association ( GMOA ) for offering degree awarding status to the South Asian Institute of Technology ( SAITM ) , while turning blind eye to three other medical degree awarding institutions , recently established by the state ; i.e. Rajarata , Eastern and the Defense university ( Fee levying ) , whose quality and standers are certainly not above or in par with to that of SITAM . The dabble standards adopted by the relevant authorities are detrimental to the founding principles of the free education of this country to provide equal access to education to all . It should be noted the fact that `` education is not a privilege of a few , but a right of all '' who want to have access to education at all levels . Jump up ^ `` GMOA Claims SAITM Is Sub-Standard The Sunday Leader '' . . Archived from the original on 2013 - 05 - 23 . Retrieved 2012 - 08 - 25 . 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PMID 26647259 . ^ Jump up to : Dyrbye LN , Thomas MR , Massie FS , et al. ( 2008 ) . `` Burnout and suicidal ideation among US medical students '' . Ann Intern Med. 149 : 334 -- 341 . doi : 10.7326 / 0003 - 4819 - 149 - 5 - 200809020 - 00008 . ^ Jump up to : Schwenk TL , Davis L , Wimsatt LA ( 2010 ) . `` Depression , stigma , and suicidal ideation in medical students '' . JAMA. 304 : 1181 -- 1190 . doi : 10.1001 / jama. 2010.1300 . Jump up ^ Kamiar - K. Rueckert ( 2016 ) . Depression and Quality of Life in German Medical Students At Foreign Universities . RSU International Conference Health and Social Science . p. 168 . doi : 10.13140 / RG. 2.1. 3727.0008 . ^ Jump up to : Medscape Med Students > Depression in Med School : You 're Not Alone by Kelly Chi , in turn citing : Jeong Y , Kim JY , Ryu JS , Lee KE , Ha EH , Park H. The associations between social support , health - related behaviors , socioeconomic status and depression in medical students . Epidemiol Health . 2010 ; 32 : e2010009 . Jump up ^ Lemon TI , Stone BA Increase in medical students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds - a positive for health care ? Adv Med Educ Pract. 2013 ; 4 : 39 -- 41 . Published online 2013 March 21 . doi : 10.2147 / AMEP. S42814 PMC 3661266 External links ( edit ) Association of American Medical Colleges American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine American Medical Student Association Medical College Admission Test US News & World Report 2008 Medical School Research Rankings UK Clinical Aptitude Test The Medical Schools Council ( UK ) UK Application Process IFMSA Medicine Outline History Specialties and subspecialties Surgery Cardiac surgery Cardiothoracic surgery Colorectal surgery Eye surgery General surgery Neurosurgery Oral and maxillofacial surgery Orthopedic surgery Hand surgery Otolaryngology ( ENT ) Pediatric surgery Plastic surgery Reproductive surgery Surgical oncology Thoracic surgery Transplant surgery Trauma surgery Urology Andrology Vascular surgery Internal medicine Allergy / Immunology Angiology Cardiology Endocrinology Gastroenterology Hepatology Geriatrics Hematology Hospital medicine Infectious disease Nephrology Oncology Pulmonology Rheumatology Obstetrics and gynaecology Gynaecology Gynecologic oncology Maternal -- fetal medicine Obstetrics Reproductive endocrinology and infertility Urogynecology Diagnostic Radiology Interventional radiology Nuclear medicine Pathology Anatomical pathology Clinical pathology Clinical chemistry Clinical immunology Cytopathology Medical microbiology Transfusion medicine Other specialties Addiction medicine Adolescent medicine Anesthesiology Dermatology Disaster medicine Diving medicine Emergency medicine Mass - 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when can a med student be called doctor
Upon successful completion of medical school , students are granted the title of Doctor of Medicine ( M.D. ) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine ( D.O. ) . Residency training , which is a supervised training period of three to seven years ( usually incorporating the 1st year internship ) typically completed for specific areas of specialty . Physicians who sub-specialize or who desire more supervised experience may complete a fellowship , which is an additional one to four years of supervised training in their area of expertise .
Lord of the Flies ( 1963 film ) - wikipedia Lord of the Flies ( 1963 film ) Jump to : navigation , search For the novel , see Lord of the Flies . For the 1990 film , see Lord of the Flies ( 1990 film ) . For other uses , see Lord of the Flies ( disambiguation ) . Lord of the Flies Theatrical Release Poster Directed by Peter Brook Produced by Lewis M. Allen Written by Peter Brook Based on Lord of the Flies by William Golding Starring James Aubrey Tom Chapin Hugh Edwards Tom Gaman Music by Raymond Leppard Cinematography Tom Hollyman Edited by Peter Brook Gerald Feil Jean - Claude Lubtchansky Distributed by British Lion ( UK ) Continental Distributing ( US ) Release date May 1963 ( 1963 - 05 ) ( Cannes ) 13 August 1963 ( 1963 - 08 - 13 ) ( United States ) Running time 92 minutes Country United Kingdom Language English Budget $250,000 or £ 80,000 Lord of the Flies is a 1963 British film adaptation of William Golding 's novel of the same name about 30 schoolboys who are marooned on an island where they become savages . It was directed by Peter Brook and produced by Lewis M. Allen . The film was in production for much of 1961 , though the film was not released until 1963 . Golding himself supported the film . When Kenneth Tynan was a script editor for Ealing Studios he commissioned a script of Lord of the Flies from Nigel Kneale , but Ealing Studios closed in 1959 before it could be produced . The novel was adapted into a movie for a second time in 1990 . The 1963 film is generally more faithful to the novel than the 1990 adaptation . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Theme 4 Production 4.1 Filming 5 Song 6 Reception 6.1 Critical response 6.2 Accolades 7 Home media 8 References 9 External links Plot ( edit ) A group of British schoolboys , living in the midst of a war , are evacuated from England . Their airliner is shot down by briefly - glimpsed fighter planes and ditches near a remote island . The main character , Ralph , is seen walking through a tropical forest . He meets an intelligent and chubby boy , who reveals his school nickname was Piggy , but asks that Ralph not repeat that . The two go to the beach where they find a conch shell , which Ralph blows to rally the other survivors . As they emerge from the jungle , it becomes clear that no adults have escaped the crash . Singing is then heard and a small column of school choir boys , wearing dark cloaks and hats and led by a boy named Jack Merridew , walk toward their direction . The boys decide to appoint a chief . The vote goes to Ralph , not Jack . Initially , Ralph is able to steer the children ( all of whom are aged between about six and fourteen ) towards a reasonably civilized and co-operative society . Only the boy holding the conch is allowed to speak in turns during meetings or `` assemblies '' . The choir boys make wooden spears , creating the appearance that they are warriors within the group . Crucially , Jack has a knife , capable of killing an animal . The boys build shelters and start a signal fire using Piggy 's glasses . With no rescue in sight , the increasingly authoritarian and violence - prone Jack starts hunting and eventually finds a pig . Meanwhile , the fire , for which he and his `` hunters '' are responsible , goes out , losing their chance of being spotted from a passing airplane . Piggy chastises Jack , and Jack strikes him in retaliation , knocking his glasses off , and breaking one lens . Ralph is furious with Jack . Soon some of the children begin to talk of a beast that comes from the water . Jack , obsessed with this imagined threat , leaves the group to start a new tribe , one without rules , where the boys play and hunt all day . Soon , more follow until only a few , including Piggy , are left with Ralph . Events reach a crisis when a boy named Simon finds a sow 's head impaled on a stick , left by Jack as an offering to the Beast . He becomes hypnotized by the head , which has flies swarming all around it . Simon goes to what he believes to be the nest of the Beast and finds a dead pilot under a hanging parachute . Simon runs to Jack 's camp to tell them the truth , only to be killed in the darkness by the frenzied children who mistake him for the Beast . Piggy defends the group 's actions with a series of rationalizations and denials . The hunters raid the old group 's camp and steal Piggy 's glasses . Ralph goes to talk to the new group using the still - present power of the conch to get their attention . However , when Piggy takes the conch , they are not silent ( as their rules require ) but instead jeer . Roger , the cruel torturer and executioner of the tribe , pushes a boulder off a cliff and kills Piggy . Ralph hides in the jungle . Jack and his hunters set fires to smoke him out , and Ralph staggers across the smoke - covered island . Stumbling onto the beach , Ralph falls at the feet of a naval officer who stares in shock at the painted and spear - carrying savages that the children have become , before turning to his accompanying landing party . One of the youngest boys tries to tell the officer his name , but can not remember it . The last scene shows Ralph sobbing as flames spread across the island . Cast ( edit ) James Aubrey as Ralph Tom Chapin as Jack Hugh Edwards as Piggy Roger Elwin as Roger Tom Gaman as Simon David Surtees as Sam Simon Surtees as Eric Nicholas Hammond as Robert Roger Allan as Piers Kent Fletcher as Percival Richard Horne as Lance Timothy Horne as Leslie Andrew Horne as Matthew Peter Davy as Peter David Brujes as Donald Christopher Harris as Bill Alan Heaps as Neville Jonathan Heaps as Howard Burnes Hollyman as Douglas Peter Ksiezopolski as Francis Anthony Mcall - Judson as Maurice Malcolm Rodker as Harold David St. Clair as George Rene Sanfiorenzo Jr. as Charles Jeremy Scuse as Rowland John Stableford as Digby Nicholas Valkenburg as Rupert Patrick Valkenburg as Robin Edward Valencia as Frederick David Walsh as Percy John Walsh as Michael Jeremy Willis as Henry Erik Jordan as Head Clapper Boy Theme ( edit ) As with Golding 's book , the pessimistic theme of the film is that fear , hate and violence are inherent in the human condition -- even when innocent children are placed in seemingly idyllic isolation . The realisation of this is seen as being the cause of Ralph 's distress in the closing shots . Charles Silver , Curator in the Department of Film at MoMA , wrote that the film is `` about anarchy and how that thin veneer we wear of what we refer to as `` civilization '' is threatened by the attractive clarion call of bestiality and its accompanying hatred `` . Production ( edit ) Filming ( edit ) The parents of those chosen are reported to have been provided copies of the novel , from which a commentary had been physically removed ; those pages included describing the culmination of the hunt of a wild sow as an `` Œdipal wedding night '' . Brook noted that `` time was short ; we were lent the children by unexpectedly eager parents just for the duration of the summer holidays '' . The film was shot entirely in Puerto Rico at Aguadilla , El Yunque and on the island of Vieques . The boys in the cast were all non-professional , had mostly not read the book , and actual scripting was minimal ; scenes were filmed by explaining them to the boys , who then acted them out , with some of the dialogue improvised. . Life magazine journalist Robert Wallace visited them there and observed one of them amusing himself by feeding live lizards into the blades of a rotating fan . Wallace commented : `` One could almost hear William Golding , 4,000 miles away in England , chuckling into his beard . '' The 60 hours of film from the 1961 shoot was edited down to 4 hours , according to editor Gerald Feil . This was further edited down to a 100 - minute feature that was shown at the 1963 Cannes Film Festival ( 9 to 22 May ) , but the cuts necessitated that new audio transitions and some dialog changes be dubbed into the film more than a year after shooting . The voice of James Aubrey , who played Ralph , had dropped three octaves and was electronically manipulated to better approximate his earlier voice , but it is still significantly different . Tom Chapin , who played Jack , had lost his English accent and another boy 's voice was used to dub his parts . The U.S. distributor insisted the film be further edited to 90 minutes , so one fire scene and scenes developing the character Ralph were cut . The NYC premiere of the film was attended by some of the original cast members followed by a photo shoot in Times Square ( picture subsequently published in a Life Magazine article ) and a party at Sardi 's attended by others such as Zero Mostel . In 1996 , Peter Brook organised a reunion for the cast members for a documentary film called Time Flies . Brook was `` curious to know what the years had done to his cast , and what effect the isolated months of filming had had on their lives '' . Although none seemed damaged by their time working on the film , Simon Surtees , one of a pair of twin brothers who played Sam and Eric , `` put his finger unerringly on the ethical dilemma . The problem is that most of us are not trained artists , so I now believe Peter runs the risk of abandoning us to our fate , just as he did in 1961 , when he plucked us from our schools and our homes , put us on the island , then cast us back to live our lives as if nothing would ever change . '' Tom Gaman , who played Simon in Brook 's film , remembered that `` although I did n't think much about it at the time , in hindsight my death scene scares me . It was night , the spears -- those wooden stakes -- were quite real . We were excited , brandishing flaming sticks around a bonfire on the beach in a real storm . I really did emerge from the bushes into the center of a raging crowd , screamed in terror , was stabbed by boys with sharpened sticks , and staggered to the water '' . Song ( edit ) The song , heard throughout the film , of the boys singing is Kyrie Eleison which , translated from Greek , means `` Lord , have mercy '' . It is an expression used in a prayer of the Christian liturgy . Reception ( edit ) Critical response ( edit ) The film received acclaim from critics . Based on 18 reviews collected by Rotten Tomatoes , the film has an overall approval rating of 100 % from critics , with an average score of 8.3 / 10 . However , it has a mixed to positive score from the audience , with 63 % . PopMatters journalist J.C. Maçek III wrote `` The true surprise in Lord of the Flies is how little these child actors actually feel like ' child actors ' . With few exceptions , the acting rarely seems to be forced or flat . This practiced , well - honed craft aids Brook 's vision of a fly on the wall approach that pulls the viewer into each scene . '' Bosley Crowther wrote in The New York Times that `` the picture made from it by the writer - director Peter Brook is a curiously flat and fragmentary visualization of the original . It is loosely and jerkily constructed , in its first and middle phases , at least , and it has a strangely perfunctory , almost listless flow of narrative in most of its scenes '' . Accolades ( edit ) Peter Brook was nominated for the Golden Palm at the 1963 Cannes Film Festival . The film was named one of the Top Ten Films of the year in 1963 by the National Board of Review . Home media ( edit ) The Criterion Collection released it on DVD and Blu - ray Disc in America and Canada . Janus Films also released the DVD in the UK . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ De la Mare , Richard ; Hatton , Maurice ( 29 November 1962 ) . `` Peter Brook film director '' . The Guardian . p. 6 . Jump up ^ Robert Wallace , Life Magazine 25 October 1963 Jump up ^ Silver , Charles ( 12 November 2013 ) . `` Peter Brook 's Lord of the Flies '' . MoMA . Retrieved 6 June 2016 . Jump up ^ Brook , Peter ( 1998 ) . Threads of time : a memoir ( Paperback . ed . ) . London : Methuen Drama . p. 129 . ISBN 0413733009 . Jump up ^ Michael , Brooke . `` Lord of the Flies ( 1963 ) '' . . Retrieved 20 July 2015 . Jump up ^ Hollindale , Peter . `` A History of Savages '' . . Retrieved 20 July 2015 . Jump up ^ Hollindale , Peter . `` A History of Savages '' . . Retrieved 20 July 2015 . Jump up ^ Gaman , Tom . `` Flies '' . . Retrieved 20 July 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Lord of the Flies ( 1963 ) '' . Rotten Tomatoes . Retrieved 12 January 2010 . Jump up ^ Maçek III , J.C. ( 6 September 2013 ) . `` Have Mercy : ' Lord of the Flies ' '' . PopMatters . Jump up ^ Crowther , Bosley . `` Lord of the Flies ( 1963 ) Screen : Agitating Fable of Wild Boys : Savagery Is Depicted in ' Lord of the Flies ' '' . . Retrieved 20 July 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Festival de Cannes : Lord of the Flies '' . . Retrieved 27 February 2009 . Jump up ^ `` 1963 Award Winners '' . . Retrieved 20 July 2015 . External links ( edit ) Lord of the Flies at the British Film Institute 's Screenonline Lord of the Flies on IMDb Lord of the Flies at AllMovie Lord of the Flies at Rotten Tomatoes Criterion Collection essay by Peter Brook Time flies : A BBC2 TV documentary ( 1996 ) about the making of the 1963 movie , with interviews of Peter Brook and of the actors . Films directed by Peter Brook The Beggar 's Opera ( 1953 ) Seven Days ... Seven Nights ( 1960 ) Lord of the Flies ( 1963 ) Marat / Sade ( 1967 ) King Lear ( 1971 ) Meetings with Remarkable Men ( 1979 ) The Mahabharata ( 1989 ) William Golding 's Lord of the Flies Films Lord of the Flies ( 1963 ) Alkitrang dugo ( 1975 ) Lord of the Flies ( 1990 ) Other `` Lord of the Flies ( song ) Related `` Das Bus '' Exile VIAF : 119144648592107423604 GND : 4314209 - 6 BNF : cb12005794r ( data ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1963 films English - language films 1960s drama films British films British drama films British coming - of - age films British Lion Films films Films directed by Peter Brook Adventure drama films British black - and - white films Films based on British novels Films shot in Puerto Rico Films set on uninhabited islands Dystopian films Survival films Hidden categories : Use British English from May 2016 Use dmy dates from May 2016 Film articles using image size parameter All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from January 2010 Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Español فارسی Français Italiano Bahasa Melayu Nederlands Norsk Polski Português Русский Svenska Türkçe Edit links This page was last edited on 7 October 2017 , at 14 : 49 . 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who played piggy in lord of the flies
Hugh Edwards as Piggy
One Hundred and One Dalmatians - wikipedia One Hundred and One Dalmatians Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the 1961 animated film . For other uses , see 101 Dalmatians . One Hundred and One Dalmatians Original theatrical release poster Directed by Wolfgang Reitherman Hamilton Luske Clyde Geronimi Produced by Walt Disney Story by Bill Peet Based on The Hundred and One Dalmatians by Dodie Smith Starring Rod Taylor Cate Bauer Betty Lou Gerson Ben Wright Lisa Davis Martha Wentworth Music by George Bruns Edited by Roy M. Brewer , Jr . Donald Halliday Production company Walt Disney Productions Distributed by Buena Vista Pictures Distribution Release date January 25 , 1961 ( 1961 - 01 - 25 ) Running time 79 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $3.6 million Box office $215.8 million One Hundred and One Dalmatians , often abbreviated as 101 Dalmatians , is a 1961 American animated adventure film produced by Walt Disney and based on the 1956 novel The Hundred and One Dalmatians by Dodie Smith . The 17th Disney animated feature film , the film tells the story of a litter of dalmatian puppies who are kidnapped by the villainous Cruella de Vil ( Betty Lou Gerson ) , who wants to use their fur to make into coats . Their parents , Pongo and Perdita , ( Rod Taylor and Cate Bauer respectively ) set out to save their children from Cruella , all the while rescuing 84 additional puppies that were bought in pet shops , bringing the total of dalmatians to 101 . Originally released to theaters on January 25 , 1961 , by Buena Vista Distribution , One Hundred and One Dalmatians was a box office success , pulling the studio out of the financial slump caused by Sleeping Beauty , a costlier production released two years prior . Aside from its box office revenue , its commercial success was due to the employment of inexpensive animation techniques -- such as using xerography during the process of inking and painting traditional animation cels -- that kept production costs down . It was reissued to cinemas four times in 1969 , 1979 , 1985 and 1991 . The 1991 reissue was the twentieth highest earning film of the year for domestic earnings . It was remade into a live action film in 1996 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Voice cast 3 Production 3.1 Story development 3.2 Animation 3.2. 1 Art direction 3.2. 2 Live - action reference 3.2. 3 Character animation 3.3 Casting 3.4 Music 4 Release 4.1 Home video 5 Reception 5.1 Box office 5.2 Critical reaction 5.3 Legacy 5.3. 1 Remake 5.3. 2 TV series 5.3. 3 Sequel 5.3. 4 Live - action spin - off 6 See also 7 References 8 External links Plot Songwriter Roger Radcliffe lives in a bachelor flat in London , along with his dalmatian , Pongo . Bored with bachelor life , Pongo decides to find a wife for Roger and a mate for himself . While watching various female dog - human pairs out the window , he spots the perfect one , a woman named Anita and her female dalmatian , Perdita . He quickly gets Roger out of the house and drags him through the park to arrange a meeting . He and Anita fall in love and get married . Later , Perdita gives birth to a litter of fifteen puppies . That same night , they are visited by Cruella De Vil , a wealthy former schoolmate of Anita 's . She offers to buy the entire litter , but Roger says they are not for sale . A few weeks later , she hires her henchmen , Jasper and Horace , to steal them . When Scotland Yard is unable to find them , Pongo and Perdita use the `` Twilight bark '' , a canine gossip line , to ask for help from the other dogs in London . Colonel , an old sheepdog , along with his compatriots Captain , a gray horse , and Sergeant Tibbs , a tabby cat , find the puppies in a place called Hell Hall ( Cruella 's abandoned and dilapidated family estate , also known as The De Vil Place ) , along with many other dalmatian puppies that she had bought from various dog stores . When Tibbs learns they are going to be made into dog - skin fur coats , Colonel quickly sends word back to London . Upon receiving the message , Pongo and Perdita leave town to retrieve their puppies . Winter has come , and they have to cross the Stour River which is running fast and laden with slabs of broken ice . Meanwhile , Tibbs overhears Cruella ordering Jasper and Horace to kill the puppies that night out of fear the police will soon find them . In response , Tibbs attempts to rescue them while Jasper and Horace are preoccupied watching television , but they finish their show and come for them before he can get them out of the house . Pongo and Perdita break in and confront Jasper and Horace just as they are about to kill the puppies . While the adult dogs attack them , Colonel and Tibbs guide the puppies from the house . After a happy reunion with their own puppies , Pongo and Perdita realize there are dozens of others with them , 99 altogether including their own . Shocked at Cruella 's plans , they decide to adopt all of them , certain that Roger and Anita would never reject them . They begin making their way back to London through deep snow ; all open water is frozen solid . Other animals help them along the way . Cruella , Jasper , and Horace chase them . In one town , they cover themselves with soot so they appear to be labrador retrievers , then pile inside a moving van bound for London . As it is leaving , melting snow clears off the soot and Cruella sees them . In a rage , she follows the van in her car and rams it , but Jasper and Horace , who try to cut it off from above , end up crashing into her . Both vehicles are smashed to smithereens and fall into a deep ravine ; and battered , bruised and stranded , Cruella and her henchmen are defeated at last . Cruella yells in frustration as the van drives away but Jasper finally gets the courage to tell her to shut up . Back in London , Roger and Anita are attempting to celebrate Christmas and his first big hit , a song about Cruella , but they miss their canine friends . Suddenly , barking is heard outside and , after their nanny opens the door , the house is filled with dogs . After wiping away the rest of the soot , they are delighted to realize their companions have returned home . After counting 84 extra puppies , they decide to use the money from the song to buy a large house in the country so they can keep all 101 dalmatians . Voice cast Role Actor Voice Singer Pongo Rod Taylor Perdita Cate Bauer Cruella De Vil Mary Wickes Betty Lou Gerson Roger Radcliffe Ben Wright Bill Lee Anita Radcliffe Helene Stanley Lisa Davis Nanny / Queenie / Lucy Martha Wentworth Horace / Inspector Craven Frederick Worlock Jasper / Colonel J. Pat O'Malley Captain Thurl Ravenscroft Sergeant Tibbs the Cat David Frankham Rolly Barbara Baird Patch Mickey Maga Penny Sandra Abbott Lucky Mimi Gibson Towser Tudor Owen Danny George Pelling Princess Queenie Leonard Rover Barbara Luddy Duchess Marjorie Bennett Spotty Rickie Sorenson Collie / Quizmaster Tom Conway Mrs. Birdwell Betty Lou Gerson Car Mechanic Paul Wexler Truck Driver Basil Ruysdael Dirty Dawson Paul Frees TV Commercial Singer Lucille Bliss Production Story development Dodie Smith wrote the book The Hundred and One Dalmatians in 1956 . When Walt Disney read it in 1957 , it immediately grabbed his attention , and he promptly acquired the rights . Smith had always secretly hoped that Disney would make it into a film . Disney assigned Bill Peet to write the story , which he did , marking the first time that the story for a Disney animated film was written by a single person . Writing in his autobiography , Peet was tasked by Disney to write a detailed screenplay first before storyboarding . Because Peet never learned to use a typewriter , he wrote the initial draft by hand on large yellow tablets . He condensed elements of the original book while enlarging others , some of which included eliminating Cruella 's husband and cat , as well compressing the two surrogate mother dogs into one character , Perdita . He also retained a scene in which Pongo and Perdita exchange wedding vows in unison with their owners , by which the censor board warned that it might offend certain religious audiences if the animals repeated the exact words of a solemn religious ceremony . The scene was reworked to be less religious with Roger and Anita dressed in formal clothes . Two months later , Peet completed the manuscript and had it typed it , in which Walt said the script was `` great stuff '' and commissioned him to begin storyboarding . Additionally , Peet was charged with the recording of the voice - over process . Although Disney had not been as involved in the production of the animated films as frequently as in previous years , nevertheless he was always present at story meetings . When Peet sent Dodie Smith some drawings of the characters , she wrote back saying that he had actually improved her story and that the designs looked better than the illustrations in the book . Animation Art direction After Sleeping Beauty ( 1959 ) disappointed at the box - office , there was some talk of closing down the animation department at the Disney studio . During the production of it , Disney told animator Eric Larson : `` I do n't think we can continue , it 's too expensive '' . Despite this , he still had deep feelings towards animation because he had built the company upon it . Ub Iwerks , in charge of special processes at the studio , had been experimenting with Xerox photography to aid in animation . By 1959 , he had modified a Xerox camera to transfer drawings by animators directly to animation cels , eliminating the inking process , thus saving time and money while preserving the spontaneity of the penciled elements . However , because of its limitations , the camera was unable to deviate from a black scratchy outline and lacked the fine lavish quality of hand inking . Disney would first use the Xerox process for a thorn forest in Sleeping Beauty , and the first production to make full use of the process was Goliath II . For One Hundred and One Dalmatians , one of the benefits of the process was that it was a great help towards animating the spotted dogs . According to Chuck Jones , Disney was able to complete the film for about half of what it would have cost if they had had to animate all the dogs and spots . Ken Anderson proposed the use of the Xerox on Dalmatians to Walt , whom by then disenchanted with animation , replied `` Ah , yeah , yeah , you can fool around all you want to . '' For the stylized art direction , Anderson took inspiration from British cartoonist Ronald Searle , whom once advised him to use a Mont Blanc pen and Indian ink for his artwork . In addition to the character animation , Anderson also sought to use Xerography on `` the background painting because I was going to apply the same technique to the whole picture . '' Along with color stylist Walt Peregoy , the two had the line drawings be printed on a separate animation cel before being laid over the background , which gave the appearance similar to the Xeroxed animation . Disney disliked the artistic look of the film and felt he was losing the `` fantasy '' element of his animated films . In a meeting with Anderson and the animation staff concerning future films , Walt said , `` We 're never gon na have one of those goddamned things '' referring to Dalmatians and its technique , and stated , `` Ken 's never going to be an art director again . '' Ken Anderson took this to heart , but Walt eventually forgave him on his final trip to the studio in late 1966 . As Anderson recalled in an interview : He looked very sick , I said `` Gee it 's great to see you Walt '' , and he said `` You know that thing you did on Dalmatians '' . He did n't say anything else , but he just gave me this look and I knew that all was forgiven and in his opinion maybe what I did on Dalmatians was n't so bad . That was the last time I ever saw him . Then , a few weeks later , I learned he was gone . Live - action reference As with the previous Disney films , actors provided live - action reference in order to determine what would work before the animation process begun . Actress Helene Stanley performed the live - action reference for the character of Anita . She did the same work for the characters of Cinderella and Princess Aurora in Sleeping Beauty . Meanwhile , Mary Wickes provided the live - action reference for Cruella de Vil . Character animation Marc Davis was the sole animator on Cruella De Vil . During production , Davis claimed her character was partly inspired by Bette Davis ( no relation ) , Rosalind Russell , and Tallulah Bankhead . He took further influence from her voice actress , Betty Lou Gerson , with whom he added her cheekbones to the character . He later complimented `` ( t ) hat ( her ) voice was the greatest thing I 've ever had a chance to work with . A voice like Betty Lou 's gives you something to do . You get a performance going there , and if you do n't take advantage of it , you 're off your rocker . '' While her hair coloring originated from the illustrations in the novel , Davis found its disheveled style by looking `` through old magazines for hairdos from 1940 till now . '' Her coat was exaggerated to match her over-sized personality , and the lining was red because `` there 's a devil image involved . '' Casting Before starring in high - profile roles such as The Birds and The Time Machine , Australian actor Rod Taylor had extensive radio experience , and was cast as Pongo . The filmmakers deliberately cast dogs with deeper voices than their human owners so they had more power . Walt Disney originally had Lisa Davis read for the role of Cruella De Vil , but she did not think that she was right for the part , and wanted to try reading the role of Anita . Disney agreed with her after the two of them read the script for a second time . Betty Lou Gerson , who was previously the narrator for Cinderella , auditioned for the role of Cruella De Vil in front of Marc Davis and sequence director Wolfgang Reitherman , and landed it . While searching for the right accent of the character , Gerson landed on a `` phony theatrical voice , someone who 's set sail from New York but has n't quite reached England . '' During the recording process , she was thought to be imitating Talluhah Bankhead . However , Gerson disputed , `` Well , I did n't intentionally imitate her ... I was raised in Birmingham , Ala. , and Tallulah was from Jasper , Ala . We both had phony English accents on top of our Southern accents and a great deal of flair . So our voices came out that way . '' In addition to voicing Mrs. Birdwell , Gerson finished recording in fourteen days . Music Unlike many Disney animated features , the film features only three songs , with just one , `` Cruella De Vil '' , playing a big part in it . The other two are `` Kanine Krunchies Jingle '' ( sung by Lucille Bliss , who voiced Anastasia Tremaine in Disney 's 1950 film Cinderella ) , and `` Dalmatian Plantation '' in which only two lines are sung by Roger at its closure . Songwriter Mel Leven had , in fact , written several additional songs for it including `` Do n't Buy a Parrot from a Sailor '' , a cockney chant , meant to be sung by Jasper and Horace at the De Vil Mansion , and `` March of the One Hundred and One '' , which the dogs were meant to sing after escaping Cruella by van . Different , longer versions of `` Kanine Krunchies Jingle '' and `` Dalmatian Plantation '' appear on the Disneyland Records read - along album based on the film . Release One Hundred and One Dalmatians was first released in theaters on January 25 , 1961 . The film was re-released theatrically in 1969 , 1979 , 1985 , and 1991 . Home video Τhe film was released on VHS on April 10 , 1992 , as part of the Walt Disney Classics video series . By June 1992 , it had sold 11.1 million copies . At the time , it was the sixth best - selling video of all time . It was re-released on March 9 , 1999 , as part of the Walt Disney Masterpiece Collection video series . Due to technical issues , it was never released on Laserdisc and was delayed numerous times before its release on DVD . The film was re-released on VHS , and for the first time on DVD , on December 1999 , as a Walt Disney Limited Issue for a limited sixty - day time period before going into moratorium . A two - disc Platinum Edition DVD was released on March 4 , 2008 . It was released on Blu - ray Disc in the United Kingdom on September 3 , 2012 . A Blu - ray Diamond Edition of it was released in North America on February 10 , 2015 . Reception Box Office On its initial release , the film grossed $6.2 million in domestic rentals . It was also the most popular film of the year in France , with admissions of 14,705,526 . The film grossed $14 million during its initial run . The film was re-released in 1969 , where it earned $15 million . In its 1979 theatrical re-release , it grossed $19 million , and in 1985 , the film grossed $32 million . During its fourth re-release in 1991 , it grossed $60.8 million . The film 's total domestic lifetime gross is $145 million , and its total worldwide gross is $215 million . Adjusted for inflation , and incorporating subsequent releases , the film has a lifetime gross of $888,264,400 . Critical reaction In its initial release , the film received critical acclaim from critics , many of whom hailed it as the studio 's best release since Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and the closest to a real `` Disney '' film in many years . Howard Thompson of The New York Times wrote , `` While the story moves steadily toward a stark , melodramatic `` chase '' climax , it remains enclosed in a typical Disney frame of warm family love , human and canine . '' However , he later opined that the `` ( s ) ongs are scarce , too . A few more would have braced the final starkness . '' Variety claimed that `` While not as indelibly enchanting or inspired as some of the studio 's most unforgettable animated endeavors , this is nonetheless a painstaking creative effort . '' Time praised the film as `` the wittiest , most charming , least pretentious cartoon feature Walt Disney has ever made . '' Contemporary reviews have remained positive . Reviewing the film during its 1991 re-release , Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun - Times , while giving the film three stars out of four , asserted that `` it 's an uneven film , with moments of inspiration in a fairly conventional tale of kidnapping and rescue . This is not one of the great Disney classics - it 's not in the same league with Snow White or Pinocchio - but it 's passable fun , and will entertain its target family audiences . '' Chicago Tribune film critic Gene Siskel , in his 1991 review , also gave the film three stars out of four . Ralph Novak of People wrote `` What it lacks in romantic extravagance and plush spectacle , this 1961 Disney film makes up for in quiet charm and subtlety . In fact , if any movie with dogs , cats and horses who talk can be said to belong in the realm of realistic drama , this is it . '' In 2011 , Craig Berman of MSNBC ranked it and its 1996 remake as two of the worst children 's films of all time saying , `` The plot itself is a bit nutty . Making a coat out of dogs ? Who does that ? But worse than Cruella de Vil 's fashion sense is the fact that your children will definitely start asking for a dalmatian of their own for their next birthday '' . The review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reported the film received an approval rating of 98 % based on 30 reviews with an average score of 7.7 / 10 . The website 's critical consensus reads , `` With plenty of pooches and a memorable villain ( Cruella De Vil ) , this is one of Disney 's most enduring , entertaining animated films . '' American Film Institute Lists AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Movies - Nominated AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Heroes and Villains : Cruella De Vil -- No. 39 Villain AFI 's 10 Top 10 - Nominated Animated Film Legacy Remake In the years since the original release of the film , Disney has taken the property in various directions . The earliest of these endeavors was the live - action remake , 101 Dalmatians ( 1996 ) . Starring Glenn Close as Cruella De Vil , none of the animals talked in this version . Its success in theaters led to 102 Dalmatians , released on November 22 , 2000 . Tv series After the first live - action version of the film , a cartoon called 101 Dalmatians : The Series was launched . The designs of the characters were stylized further to allow for economic animation and to appeal to contemporary trends . Sequel 101 Dalmatians II : Patch 's London Adventure , the official sequel to the original animated film , was released direct - to - video on January 21 , 2003 . Live - action spin - off Disney has announced that another live - action film is in development , but it will focus on the origin of Cruella de Vil . Emma Stone is set to play Cruella and Alex Timbers is in negotiations to direct the film . See also Disney portal Cartoon portal Film in the United States portal 1960s portal List of American films of 1961 Second weekend in box office performance § Second - weekend increase References Jump up ^ Thomas , Bob ( April 22 , 1994 ) . Walt Disney : An American Original ( 2nd ed . ) . Disney Editions . p. 295 . ISBN 978 - 0786860272 . ^ Jump up to : `` 101 Dalmatians '' . Box Office Mojo . Retrieved January 5 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Gebert , , Michael ( 1996 ) . The Encyclopedia of Movie Awards . St. Martin 's Paperbacks . ISBN 0 - 668 - 05308 - 9 . Jump up ^ King , Susan ( January 31 , 2015 ) . `` ' 101 Dalmatians ' was just the hit a flagging Disney needed '' . Los Angeles Times . Retrieved 5 February 2015 . Jump up ^ `` 1991 Domestic Grosses # 1 -- 50 '' . Box Office Mojo . Retrieved 2 April 2008 . Jump up ^ `` One Hundred and One Dalmatians '' . . ^ Jump up to : Sincerely Yours , Walt Disney ( DVD ) format = requires url = ( help ) ( Bonus feature ) . Burbank , California : Walt Disney Home Entertainment . 2008 . ^ Jump up to : Thomas , Bob ( 1997 ) . `` Chapter 7 : The Postwar Films '' . Disney 's Art of Animation : From Mickey Mouse to Hercules . p. 106 . ^ Jump up to : Peet , Bill ( 1989 ) . Bill Peet : An Autobiography . Houghton Mifflin Harcourt . p. 163 -- 66 . ISBN 978 - 0395689820 . ^ Jump up to : Barrier , Michael ( April 8 , 1999 ) . Hollywood Cartoons : American Animation in Its Golden Age . Oxford University Press . p. 566 -- 7 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 802079 - 0 . Jump up ^ Koeing , David ( January 28 , 2001 ) . Mouse Under Glass : Secrets of Disney Animation & Theme Parks . Bonaventure Press . ISBN 978 - 0964060517 . ^ Jump up to : Redefining the Line : The Making of One Hundred and One Dalmatians ( DVD ) format = requires url = ( help ) ( Bonus feature ) . Burbank , California : Walt Disney Home Entertainment . 2008 . ^ Jump up to : Finch , Christopher ( 1973 ) . `` Chapter 10 : Limited Animation '' . The Art of Walt Disney : From Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdom ( 1st ed . ) . Harry N. Abrams . p. 303 . ISBN 978 - 0810990074 . Jump up ^ `` An Interview with Chuck Jones '' . . Retrieved 2014 - 04 - 13 . ^ Jump up to : Canemaker , John ( 1996 ) . Before the Animation Begins : The Art and Lives of Disney Inspirational Sketch Artists . Hyperion Books . p. 177 -- 8 . ISBN 978 - 0786861521 . Jump up ^ Norman , Floyd ( 2013 ) . `` Animated Life : A Lifetime of tips , tricks , techniques and stories from a Disney Legend '' . Routledge . ISBN 978 - 0240818054 . Retrieved March 23 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Amidi , Amid ( January 17 , 2015 ) . `` Walt Peregoy , ' 101 Dalmatians ' Color Stylist , RIP '' . Cartoon Brew . Retrieved March 23 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Cinderella Character History '' . Disney Archives . Archived from the original on 2003 - 08 - 03 . Jump up ^ Thomas , Frank ; Johnston , Ollie ( 1981 ) . The Illusion of Life : Disney Animation . Abbeville Press . p. 320 . ISBN 978 - 0786860708 . Jump up ^ Maupin , Elizabethn ( July 24 , 1991 ) . `` Return Of The Dalmatians '' . Chicago Tribune . Retrieved September 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Canemaker , John ( 2001 ) . Walt Disney 's Nine Old Men and the Art of Animation . Disney Editions . p. 284 . ISBN 978 - 0786864966 . Jump up ^ Vagg , Stephen ( 2010 ) . Rod Taylor : An Aussie in Hollywood . Bear Manor Media . p. 77 . ISBN 978 - 1593935115 . Jump up ^ Braun , Amy ( March 4 , 2008 ) . `` UltimateDisney. com 's Interview with Lisa Davis , the voice and model for 101 Dalmatians ' Anita Radcliff '' . DVDizzy . Retrieved April 5 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : Rhetts , Joanne ( December 26 , 1985 ) . `` ' 101 Dalmatians ' : A Classic On All Counts Evil - hearted Cruella The First Name In Nasty '' . Orlando Sentinel . Retrieved September 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Birnhaum , Jane ( August 23 , 1991 ) . `` Cruella De Vil 's voice '' . Entertainment Weekly . Retrieved September 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ King , Susan ( July 20 , 1991 ) . `` Betty Lou Gerson 's Phony Accent Was a Natural for Cruella De Vil '' . Los Angeles Times . Retrieved September 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Ehrbar , Greg ( 2015 - 02 - 10 ) . `` 101 Dalmatians on Records '' . Cartoon Research . Retrieved 2017 - 07 - 04 . Jump up ^ Stevenson , Richard ( August 5 , 1991 ) . `` 30 - Year - Old Film Is a Surprise Hit In Its 4th Re-Release '' . The New York Times . Retrieved September 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Hunt , Dennis ( January 17 , 1992 ) . `` Digital Cassette Becomes the Talk of the Town '' . Los Angeles Times . Retrieved September 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Harris , Kathryn ( June 12 , 1992 ) . `` A Nose for Profit : ' Pinocchio ' Release to Test Truth of Video Sales Theory '' . Los Angeles Times . Retrieved September 16 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` Disney Going To The Dogs : ' 101 Dalmatians ' To Tube '' . New York Daily News . March 13 , 1996 . Retrieved September 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Disney to Debut Nine Classic Animated Titles on DVD for a Limited Time to Celebrate the Millennium . '' ( Press release ) . Burbank , California : TheFreeLibrary . Business Wire . August 17 , 1999 . Retrieved September 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` 101 Dalmatians ( Blu - ray ) '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 08 - 03 . Jump up ^ Gabler , Neal ( 2006 ) . Walt Disney : The Triumph of the American Imagination . Vintage Books . p. 556 . ISBN 978 - 0679757474 . Jump up ^ `` Box office for 1961 '' . Box Office Story . ^ Jump up to : Darnton , Nina ( January 2 , 1987 ) . `` At the Movies '' . The New York Times . Retrieved September 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` 1991 Yearly Box Office for G Rated Movies '' . Box Office Mojo . Amazon . Retrieved September 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` All - Time Box Office : Adjusted for Ticket Price Inflation '' . Box Office Mojo . Retrieved September 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Eliot , Marc . Walt Disney : Hollywood 's Dark Prince . Birch Lane Press . p. 255 -- 6 . ISBN 978 - 1559721745 . Jump up ^ Thompson , Howard ( February 11 , 1961 ) . `` Disney Film About Dogs '' . The New York Times . Retrieved September 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Review : ' One Hundred and One Dalmatians ' '' . Variety . Retrieved September 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Cinema : Pupcorn '' . Time . February 17 , 1961 . Retrieved September 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Ebert , Roger ( July 12 , 1991 ) . `` 101 Dalmatians '' . . Retrieved September 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Siskel , Gene ( July 12 , 1991 ) . `` ' Boyz N The Hood ' Visits L.a. 's Mean Streets '' . Chicago Tribune . Retrieved September 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Novak , Ralph ( July 29 , 1991 ) . `` Picks and Pans Review : 101 Dalmatians '' . People . Retrieved September 16 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Someone save Bambi 's mom ! Worst kid films '' . MSNBC . Retrieved 2014 - 04 - 13 . Jump up ^ `` 101 Dalmatians ( 1961 ) '' . Rotten Tomatoes . Fandango . Retrieved December 17 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Movies Nominees '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 2014 - 04 - 13 . Jump up ^ `` AFI 's 10 Top 10 Ballot '' ( PDF ) . . American Film Institute . Retrieved 2014 - 04 - 13 . Jump up ^ 101 Dalmatians II : Patch 's London Adventure - Special Edition DVD Review Retrieved August 8 , 2014 Jump up ^ Kit , Boris ( September 30 , 2013 ) . `` Disney Preps Live - Action Cruella De Vil Film ( Exclusive ) '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved January 17 , 2015 . Jump up ^ D'Alessandro , Anthony ( April 25 , 2016 ) . `` Disney Puts A Slew Of Dates On Hold For ' Jungle Book 2 ' , ' Maleficent 2 ' , ' Dumbo ' , ' Cruella ' & More '' . Deadline . Retrieved May 14 , 2016 . Cruella with Emma Stone set for the title role and Kelly Marcel writing Jump up ^ Kit , Borys ( December 14 , 2016 ) . `` Disney 's Live - Action ' Cruella ' Finds Director '' . Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved December 14 , 2016 . External links Wikiquote has quotations related to : One Hundred and One Dalmatians Official website One Hundred and One Dalmatians at AllMovie One Hundred and One Dalmatians on IMDb One Hundred and One Dalmatians at the TCM Movie Database One Hundred and One Dalmatians at Rotten Tomatoes Links to related articles ( hide ) Dodie Smith 's The Hundred and One Dalmatians Books The Hundred and One Dalmatians ( 1956 ) The Starlight Barking ( 1967 ) Animated films One Hundred and One Dalmatians ( 1961 ) 101 Dalmatians II : Patch 's London Adventure ( 2003 ) Live - action films 101 Dalmatians ( 1996 ) 102 Dalmatians ( 2000 ) Video games Disney 's Animated Storybook : 101 Dalmatians ( 1997 ) 101 Dalmatians : Escape from DeVil Manor ( 1997 ) 102 Dalmatians : Puppies to the Rescue ( 2000 ) Miscellaneous One Hundred and One Dalmatians franchise 101 Dalmatians : The Series ( 1997 -- 1998 ) Broadway musical Soundtrack Cruella de Vil Disney theatrical animated features Walt Disney Animation Studios films Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ( 1937 ) Pinocchio ( 1940 ) Fantasia ( 1940 ) Dumbo ( 1941 ) Bambi ( 1942 ) Saludos Amigos ( 1942 ) The Three Caballeros ( 1944 ) Make Mine Music ( 1946 ) Fun and Fancy Free ( 1947 ) Melody Time ( 1948 ) The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad ( 1949 ) Cinderella ( 1950 ) Alice in Wonderland ( 1951 ) Peter Pan ( 1953 ) Lady and the Tramp ( 1955 ) Sleeping Beauty ( 1959 ) One Hundred and One Dalmatians ( 1961 ) The Sword in the Stone ( 1963 ) The Jungle Book ( 1967 ) The Aristocats ( 1970 ) Robin Hood ( 1973 ) The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh ( 1977 ) The Rescuers ( 1977 ) The Fox and the Hound ( 1981 ) The Black Cauldron ( 1985 ) The Great Mouse Detective ( 1986 ) Oliver & Company ( 1988 ) The Little Mermaid ( 1989 ) The Rescuers Down Under ( 1990 ) Beauty and the Beast ( 1991 ) Aladdin ( 1992 ) The Lion King ( 1994 ) Pocahontas ( 1995 ) The Hunchback of Notre Dame ( 1996 ) Hercules ( 1997 ) Mulan ( 1998 ) Tarzan ( 1999 ) Fantasia 2000 ( 1999 ) Dinosaur ( 2000 ) The Emperor 's New Groove ( 2000 ) Atlantis : The Lost Empire ( 2001 ) Lilo & Stitch ( 2002 ) Treasure Planet ( 2002 ) Brother Bear ( 2003 ) Home on the Range ( 2004 ) Chicken Little ( 2005 ) Meet the Robinsons ( 2007 ) Bolt ( 2008 ) The Princess and the Frog ( 2009 ) Tangled ( 2010 ) Winnie the Pooh ( 2011 ) Wreck - It Ralph ( 2012 ) Frozen ( 2013 ) Big Hero 6 ( 2014 ) Zootopia ( 2016 ) Moana ( 2016 ) Ralph Breaks the Internet : Wreck - It Ralph 2 ( 2018 ) Frozen 2 ( 2019 ) Gigantic ( 2020 ) Live - action films with animation The Reluctant Dragon ( 1941 ) Victory Through Air Power ( 1943 ) Song of the South ( 1946 ) So Dear to My Heart ( 1948 ) Mary Poppins ( 1964 ) Bedknobs and Broomsticks ( 1971 ) Pete 's Dragon ( 1977 ) Who Framed Roger Rabbit ( 1988 ) Enchanted ( 2007 ) DisneyToon Studios films DuckTales the Movie : Treasure of the Lost Lamp ( 1990 ) A Goofy Movie ( 1995 ) The Tigger Movie ( 2000 ) Return to Never Land ( 2002 ) The Jungle Book 2 ( 2003 ) Piglet 's Big Movie ( 2003 ) Pooh 's Heffalump Movie ( 2005 ) Bambi II ( 2006 ) Planes ( 2013 ) Planes : Fire & Rescue ( 2014 ) Other Disney units films The Nightmare Before Christmas ( 1993 ) James and the Giant Peach ( 1996 ) Doug 's 1st Movie ( 1999 ) Recess : School 's Out ( 2001 ) Teacher 's Pet ( 2004 ) A Christmas Carol ( 2009 ) Gnomeo & Juliet ( 2011 ) Mars Needs Moms ( 2011 ) Frankenweenie ( 2012 ) Strange Magic ( 2015 ) Related lists Unproduced films Book Films directed by Wolfgang Reitherman Features One Hundred and One Dalmatians ( 1961 ) The Sword in the Stone ( 1963 ) The Jungle Book ( 1967 ) The Aristocats ( 1970 ) Robin Hood ( 1973 ) The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh ( 1977 ) The Rescuers ( 1977 ) Shorts and featurettes The Truth About Mother Goose ( 1957 ) Goliath II ( 1960 ) Aquamania ( 1961 ) Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree ( 1966 ) Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day ( 1968 ) Films directed by Clyde Geronimi Victory Through Air Power ( 1943 ) The Three Caballeros ( 1944 ) Make Mine Music ( 1946 ) Melody Time ( 1948 ) The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad ( 1949 ) Cinderella ( 1950 ) Alice in Wonderland ( 1951 ) Peter Pan ( 1953 ) Lady and the Tramp ( 1955 ) Sleeping Beauty ( 1959 ) One Hundred and One Dalmatians ( 1961 ) Films directed by Hamilton Luske Pinocchio ( 1940 ) Fantasia ( 1940 ) The Reluctant Dragon ( 1941 ) Saludos Amigos ( 1942 ) Make Mine Music ( 1946 ) Fun and Fancy Free ( 1947 ) Melody Time ( 1948 ) So Dear to My Heart ( 1948 ) Cinderella ( 1950 ) Alice in Wonderland ( 1951 ) Peter Pan ( 1953 ) Ben and Me ( 1953 ) Lady and the Tramp ( 1955 ) Donald in Mathmagic Land ( 1959 ) One Hundred and One Dalmatians ( 1961 ) Walt Disney Animation Studios List of feature films Released Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ( 1937 ) Pinocchio ( 1940 ) Fantasia ( 1940 ) Dumbo ( 1941 ) Bambi ( 1942 ) Saludos Amigos ( 1942 ) The Three Caballeros ( 1944 ) Make Mine Music ( 1946 ) Fun and Fancy Free ( 1947 ) Melody Time ( 1948 ) The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad ( 1949 ) Cinderella ( 1950 ) Alice in Wonderland ( 1951 ) Peter Pan ( 1953 ) Lady and the Tramp ( 1955 ) Sleeping Beauty ( 1959 ) One Hundred and One Dalmatians ( 1961 ) The Sword in the Stone ( 1963 ) The Jungle Book ( 1967 ) The Aristocats ( 1970 ) Robin Hood ( 1973 ) The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh ( 1977 ) The Rescuers ( 1977 ) The Fox and the Hound ( 1981 ) The Black Cauldron ( 1985 ) The Great Mouse Detective ( 1986 ) Oliver & Company ( 1988 ) The Little Mermaid ( 1989 ) The Rescuers Down Under ( 1990 ) Beauty and the Beast ( 1991 ) Aladdin ( 1992 ) The Lion King ( 1994 ) Pocahontas ( 1995 ) The Hunchback of Notre Dame ( 1996 ) Hercules ( 1997 ) Mulan ( 1998 ) Tarzan ( 1999 ) Fantasia 2000 ( 1999 ) Dinosaur ( 2000 ) The Emperor 's New Groove ( 2000 ) Atlantis : The Lost Empire ( 2001 ) Lilo & Stitch ( 2002 ) Treasure Planet ( 2002 ) Brother Bear ( 2003 ) Home on the Range ( 2004 ) Chicken Little ( 2005 ) Meet the Robinsons ( 2007 ) Bolt ( 2008 ) The Princess and the Frog ( 2009 ) Tangled ( 2010 ) Winnie the Pooh ( 2011 ) Wreck - It Ralph ( 2012 ) Frozen ( 2013 ) Big Hero 6 ( 2014 ) Zootopia ( 2016 ) Moana ( 2016 ) Upcoming films Ralph Breaks the Internet : Wreck - It Ralph 2 ( 2018 ) Frozen 2 ( 2019 ) Gigantic ( 2020 ) Associated productions The Reluctant Dragon ( 1941 ) Victory Through Air Power ( 1943 ) Song of the South ( 1946 ) So Dear to My Heart ( 1949 ) Mary Poppins ( 1964 ) Bedknobs and Broomsticks ( 1971 ) Pete 's Dragon ( 1977 ) Who Framed Roger Rabbit ( 1988 ) Enchanted ( 2007 ) People Executives Edwin Catmull Roy Conli Roy E. Disney Walt Disney Don Hahn Jeffrey Katzenberg John Lasseter Peter Schneider Thomas Schumacher David Stainton Disney 's Nine Old Men Les Clark Marc Davis Ollie Johnston Milt Kahl Ward Kimball Eric Larson John Lounsbery Wolfgang Reitherman Frank Thomas Related topics History Disney animators ' strike Disney Renaissance Methods and technologies 12 basic principles of animation Computer Animation Production System Disney Animation : The Illusion of Life Multiplane camera Documentaries Frank and Ollie ( 1995 ) The Sweatbox ( 2001 ) Dream On Silly Dreamer ( 2005 ) Waking Sleeping Beauty ( 2009 ) Other Disney animation units Disney Television Animation DisneyToon Studios ( WDAS unit ) Lucasfilm Animation Marvel Animation Pixar Animation Studios Circle 7 ( defunct ) Miscellaneous Alice Comedies Laugh - O - Gram Studio List of Disney animated shorts List of Disney theatrical animated features unproduced Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Mickey Mouse ( film series ) Silly Symphonies Once Upon a Time Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1961 films English - language films 1961 animated films 1960s adventure films 1960s American animated films 1960s comedy - drama films 1960s crime drama films 1960s criminal comedy films 101 Dalmatians films American adventure comedy films American children 's adventure films American children 's animated films American comedy - drama films American crime drama films American criminal comedy films Animated adventure films Animated comedy films Animated drama films Animated films about dogs Animated films based on novels Children 's comedy - drama films Films about families Films based on British novels Films directed by Clyde Geronimi Films directed by Hamilton Luske Films directed by Wolfgang Reitherman Films produced by Walt Disney Films featuring anthropomorphic characters Films set in London Rotoscoped films Walt Disney Animation Studios films Walt Disney Pictures films Hidden categories : Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from September 2010 Pages using citations with format and no URL Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from July 2014 Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Azərbaycanca Bân - lâm - gú Беларуская Български Brezhoneg Català Čeština Corsu Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Fiji Hindi Føroyskt Français Gaeilge Gaelg Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית ქართული Kiswahili Latina Magyar मराठी Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Română Runa Simi Русский Simple English Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Tagalog Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt Winaray ייִדיש 粵語 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 22 September 2017 , at 05 : 50 . 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when did disney's 101 dalmations come out
Originally released to theaters on January 25 , 1961 , by Buena Vista Distribution , One Hundred and One Dalmatians was a box office success , pulling the studio out of the financial slump caused by Sleeping Beauty , a costlier production released two years prior . Aside from its box office revenue , its commercial success was due to the employment of inexpensive animation techniques -- such as using xerography during the process of inking and painting traditional animation cels -- that kept production costs down . It was reissued to cinemas four times in 1969 , 1979 , 1985 and 1991 . The 1991 reissue was the twentieth highest earning film of the year for domestic earnings . It was remade into a live action film in 1996 .
Smoking in the United States military - wikipedia Smoking in the United States military OSS camp , Ceylon , 1945 . Invasion of Normandy on `` D - Day , 6 June 1944 . `` No Smoking '' sign on the ramp . Smoking in the United States military has been observed in previous wars , but smoking 's close association with the United States military started in World War I when tobacco companies began to target military personnel through the distribution of cigarettes to servicemen and the eventual inclusion of cigarettes into rations . Although the military has attempted to implement tobacco control initiatives , the association between smoking and military personnel has persisted to the present day as smoking rates remain high , despite declines in civilian rates . Such high rates have led to questions about the effect of smoking from the apparent health risks to troop readiness and training costs . Contents 1 Smoking in the US military from 1918 to 1975 2 Attempts at tobacco control initiatives 2.1 Tobacco industry 's response 3 Present - day smoking in the US military 4 See also 5 References 6 External links Smoking in the US military from 1918 to 1975 ( edit ) Wounded soldiers at Omaha Beach on D - Day With the entrance of the United States into World War I in 1918 , cigarette use increased dramatically among United States military personnel as they were targeted by tobacco companies which touted cigarettes as a way for soldiers to psychologically escape from their current circumstances , boosting overall troop morale . Cigarettes became so integrated into life on the battlefield that these symbols of pleasure and comfort were also used as a form of currency . Although cigarettes had been regarded as a physical and moral hazard by early anti-tobacco movements around this time , by 1918 , previously anti-cigarette organizations and the military began supporting efforts to distribute cigarettes to troops . The New York Times garnered support for these efforts by stating that cigarettes `` lighten ( ed ) the inevitable hardships of war '' , and another popular periodical described cigarettes as the `` last and only solace of the wounded . '' With the rise of World War II , tobacco companies continued to foster this culture of wartime smoking by sending free cigarettes to troops and supporting the inclusion of cigarettes into the soldiers ' rations . Advertisements also encouraged citizens back home to support the troops by sending cigarettes . In 1965 , first during the U.S. Army 's Basic Training Course & later in Pre-Airborne Infantry Training , while being allowed a break from P.T. , or during a long march , it was commonplace for a Drill Sergeant to say `` smoke ' em if you got ' em , do pushups if you do n't '' . Non-smoking soldiers would quickly `` bum '' a cigarette from a friend & they too would soon be smokers . Despite mounting evidence in the 1950s of the adverse health effects of smoking and tobacco use , the military continued to include cigarettes in rations until 1975 . Attempts at tobacco Control initiatives ( edit ) `` Prevent '' course booklet , participant workbook September 2003 , including tobacco issues . With the scientific data about the health risks of smoking and information about the effect of smoking on troop readiness , in 1975 , the United States Department of Defense discontinued the inclusion of cigarettes in K - rations and C - rations . By 1978 , the Department of Defense had implemented basic smoking regulations , including the designation of smoking and nonsmoking areas . In 1985 , the Department of Defense conducted a study that revealed that smoking rates of military personnel ( 47 % ) were significantly higher than that of US civilians ( 30 % ) and concluded that smoking had a negative effect on troop readiness . The report also cited an estimated tobacco - related healthcare costs as high as $209.9 million , and recommended potential methods to curb smoking in the military , including the elimination of tobacco products from stores , raising tobacco prices to civilian levels , and the implementation of an educational program to discourage smoking . In 1986 , the DoD Directive 1010.10 was issued by Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger , who announced , `` an intense anti-smoking campaign ... at all levels of all Services . '' It established a policy on smoking and other health risk behaviors such as alcohol consumption . The policy banned the use of tobacco during basic training , increased the number of designated nonsmoking areas , and prohibited health care providers from smoking on duty . The goal of the policy was to reduce all tobacco use rates to below that of civilians , and to reduce personnel and active duty rates from 52 % to 25 % by 1990 . In 1992 , the DeCA Directive 40 - 13 policy prohibited commissaries and exchanges from participating with promotions by tobacco manufacturers directed specifically at military personnel , and required commissaries to stock cigarettes in the back . In 1993 , the USS Theodore Roosevelt ( CVN - 71 ) became the first smoke - free Navy ship . By 1994 , the Department of Defense had implemented Directive 1010.15 which banned smoking in workplaces , designated outdoor smoking areas , and created the precursor of an education program that sought to distribute information to new personnel on the health effects of smoking and to encourage smokers to quit . Executive Order 13508 in 1997 banned smoking in all government - owned , rented , or leased interior spaces , but the Department of Defense approved a three - year phase - in period for their facilities and eventually implemented the ban on December 7 , 2002 . Despite these attempts , by 1988 , the smoking rate had only decreased to 42 % and far exceeded the rate of civilians . And although prevalence did decrease to 29.9 % from 1980 to 1998 , it has increased since then and appears to still be increasing . Tobacco industry 's response ( edit ) Vietnam War , 1969 . Realizing the opportunities of a worldwide military market due to the young demographics of military personnel and the smoking initiation associated with new recruits , the Tobacco Institute , which served as the tobacco industry 's lobbying organization , and Philip Morris perceived these new tobacco control initiatives as a threat and conceived strategies to circumvent the government policies . Another incentive for the tobacco industry to protect its military market was the recognized phenomenon that consumer product preferences developed during years serving in the military would later translate into civilian market profits as service members left the military or retired . After the implementation of Directive 1010.10 in 1986 , the Tobacco Institute and Philip Morris immediately began seeking the support of tobacco - friendly politicians against the policy , citing that the policy would have a negative impact on military recruitment , retention , and morale . Furthermore , letters sent to Secretary of Defense Weinberger from politicians invoked rhetoric about the infringement of `` personal rights '' and `` an individual 's right to smoke . '' Such political lobbying helped to limit the implementation and the further extension of Directive 1010.10 . Although the Department of Defense had discontinued the practice of free distribution of cigarettes during wartime , tobacco companies began campaigns during the Gulf War ( 1990 - 1991 ) to distribute free cigarettes to soldiers stationed in Saudi Arabia , but would eventually be rebuffed by the Department of Defense . Regardless , Philip Morris then began a campaign of sales through direct mail , and extended promotions to deployed troops that included the delivery of branded goods such as playing cards and cup cozies . Curiously enough , the military actually assisted the tobacco companies in delivering shipments to military stores in Saudi Arabia at government expense . Another controversy arose when it was discovered that RJ Reynolds had placed their company name on the front and a Camel advertisement on the back of donated magazines from Operation Desert News , a civilian project to bring magazines to the troops . In spite of the initial rejection by the Department of Defense due to the advertisement , constant pressure from RJ Reynolds and politicians allowed the magazines to be delivered with the advertisement at government expense , violating military policy that forbade tobacco - branded promotions directed at military personnel . In addition , Philip Morris focused on promoting the Marlboro brand with the goal of fostering corporate good will by initiating the `` Marlboro holiday voice card '' program . Held on 10 military bases , they invited family of deployed personnel to record a message for onto a chip inserted into a greeting card , and later allowed bases to extend the recording of such messages to the public . Despite being in violation of Department of Defense policy concerning tobacco - branded programs directed at military personnel , Philip Morris had received permission to carry out the program from the Defense Logistics Agency , the Morale , Welfare and Recreation headquarters of the services , and base commanders . Furthermore , after troops were withdrawn from the conflict in 1991 , tobacco companies sponsored `` Welcome Home '' events for returning troops featuring extensive brand promotion . Although the Department of Defense had enacted policies to reduce tobacco use amongst personnel , the successful efforts of tobacco companies as well as the cultural factors of smoking in the military have produced a mixed message of tobacco promotion and reduction to military personnel . Present - day smoking in the US military ( edit ) Naval Health Clinic , Hawaii , 2010 . Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay Medical Clinic , 2010 . In 2005 , the smoking rate of military personnel was found to be 32.2 % , compared to the civilian rate of 21 % . The higher smoking rate suggests that certain aspects of military may foster smoking . These factors include peer influence , combat stress , boredom , and easy access to cheap tobacco products . Another factor that may lead to increased tobacco use is deployment . One study found that among nonsmokers , smoking initiation was observed in 1.3 % of nondeployed personnel while 2.3 % were observed in deployed personnel . Among past smokers , resumption of smoking occurred in 28.7 % of non deployed personnel and 39.4 % of deployed personnel , while smoking increased 44 % among the former and 57 % among the latter . US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have been reported to smoke at twice the rate of other Americans . Even after leaving the service , many veterans continue to smoke as the prevalence of smoking among veterans has been reported to be 27 % during 2003 to 2007 , and military smoking is strongly associated with increased lifelong cigarette consumption . Such high levels of smoking have led to significant costs to the Department of Defense . The costs of smoking among US military health care system beneficiaries have been estimated to be more than $900 million per year in 1995 , with $584 million in direct health care costs and $346 million in lost productivity among active duty personnel . Suicide , which accounts for 13 % of fatalities in the military , has also been tied to smoking , as the risk of suicide among military men was found to increase significantly with the number of cigarettes smoked daily . Smoking also affects training costs as smokers are more likely to be discharged during training , and are associated with $18 million per year in excess training costs for the US Air Force , and over $130 million per year for all service branches . Note that the figures regarding smoking and suicide and manpower losses during training may represent more of a symptomatic relationship than a causative one . Many discharges during basic training result from a series of minor infractions , punished administratively as opposed to by courts - martial , which are seen as an indicator that the trainee can not or will not adjust to military life , rather than any single incident or serious violation of regulations . With smoking now prohibited in basic training , being caught smoking , and perhaps even being caught in the possession of cigarettes , is such an offense which smokers are obviously at risk for while non smokers are not . Regarding suicide , the figures showing increased rates of smoking and resumption of smoking among those deployed indicates that smoking may be a reaction to and indicator or increased stress , and a person who is potentially suicidal would obviously be under a more than typical degree of stress , so increased smoking may be an indicator of that excessive stress rather than a cause for increased risk of suicide . Also , a higher rate of smoking among those discharged during training may also be indicative of individuals for whom training is more than normally stressful , and such persons would likely experience more difficulty in successfully completing training than one who is not unusually ( compared to his / her peers ) stressed by it . In 2008 unauthorized smoking and improper storage of chemicals caused major damage to USS George Washington ( CVN - 73 ) . The Department of Defense hoped to lower rates of tobacco use to 12 % by the end of 2010 . To achieve their goal , Pentagon health experts have begun to urge the Defense Secretary Robert Gates to ban the use of tobacco by troops and end its sale on military property . The Navy implemented a ban on smoking in submarines by the end of 2010 -- highlighting one of the last loopholes in the indoor smoking ban imposed in 1994 . See also ( edit ) U.S. government and smoking cessation Smoking and Health : Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the United States Operation Sandblast References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Brandt , Allan M. 2007 . The Cigarette Century : The Rise , Fall , and Deadly Persistence of the Product that Defined America . New York : Basic Books , pp. 50 -- 53 ^ Jump up to : Goodman , J. ( Ed . ) . ( 2005 ) . Tobacco history and culture : An encyclopedia . Detroit : Scribner 's . ^ Jump up to : Smith , Elizabeth A. ; Malone , Ruth E. ( 2009 ) . `` ' Everywhere the Soldier Will Be ' : Wartime Tobacco Promotion in the US Military '' . American Journal of Public Health . 99 : 1595 -- 1602 . doi : 10.2105 / ajph. 2008.152983 . PMC 2724442 . ^ Jump up to : `` Stahl , R . '' ^ Jump up to : Joseph , Anne M. ; et al. ( 2005 ) . `` The Cigarette Manufacturers ' Efforts to Promote Tobacco to the U.S. Military '' . Military Medicine . 170 : 874 -- 880 . ^ Jump up to : Arvey , Sarah R. ; Malone , Ruth E. ( 2008 ) . `` Advance and Retreat : Tobacco Control Policy in the U.S. Military '' . Military Medicine . 173 : 985 -- 991 . doi : 10.7205 / milmed. 173.10. 985 . PMC 2794241 . Jump up ^ Offen , Naphtali ; Arvey , Sarah R. ; Smith , Elizabeth A. ; Malone , Ruth E. ( March 2011 ) . `` Forcing the Navy to Sell Cigarettes on Ships : How the Tobacco Industry and Politicians Torpedoed Navy Tobacco Control '' . American Journal of Public Health . 101 ( 3 ) : 404 -- 411 . doi : 10.2105 / ajph. 2010.196329 . PMC 3036696 . PMID 21233435 . Jump up ^ Nelson , Jenenne P. ; Pederson , Linda L. ( 2008 ) . `` Military tobacco use : A synthesis of the literature on prevalence , factors related to use , and cessation interventions '' . Nicotine & Tobacco Research . 10 : 775 -- 790 . doi : 10.1080 / 14622200802027123 . Jump up ^ Smith , Besa ; et al. ( 2008 ) . `` Cigarette Smoking and Military Deployment '' . American Journal of Preventive Medicine . 35 : 539 -- 546 . doi : 10.1016 / j. amepre. 2008.07. 009 . Jump up ^ Kirby , A. ; et al. ( 2008 ) . `` Smoking in help - seeking veterans with PTSD returning from Afghanistan and Iraq '' . Addict Behav. 33 : 1448 -- 53 . doi : 10.1016 / j. addbeh. 2008.05. 007 . PMC 2556875 . ^ Jump up to : Brown , David W ( 2010 ) . `` Smoking prevalence among US veterans '' . J Gen Int Med. 25 : 147 -- 149 . doi : 10.1007 / s11606 - 009 - 1160 - 0 . PMC 2837499 . Jump up ^ Miller , Matthew ; et al. ( 2000 ) . `` Cigarette Smoking and Suicide : A Prospective Study of 300,000 Male Activeduty Army Soldiers '' . American Journal of Epidemiology. 151 : 1060 -- 63 . Jump up ^ Klesges Robert , C ; Haddock , Keith C. ; Chang , Cyril F. ; et al. ( 2001 ) . `` The association of smoking and the cost of military training '' . Tobacco Control . 10 : 43 -- 47 . doi : 10.1136 / tc. 10.1. 43 . Jump up ^ `` USS George Washington Investigation Complete , Senior Leadership Relieved '' . . Commander Naval Air Forces Public Affairs . 30 July 2014 . Retrieved 2 October 2014 . Jump up ^ Zoroya , Greg ( 2009 - 07 - 09 ) . `` Ban on tobacco urged in military '' . USA Today . Retrieved 12 June 2012 . Jump up ^ Bynum , Russ ( 2010 - 04 - 28 ) . `` No butts about it : Navy subs to ban smoking '' . msnbc . Associated Press . Retrieved 12 June 2012 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Smoking in the United States military . News Article : Report Urges Timeline for Tobacco - free Military . WASHINGTON , July 10 , 2009 . United States Armed Forces Book Portal MC AF CG Category MC AF CG Navbox MC AF CG Leadership Commander - in - chief : President of the United States Secretary of Defense Deputy Secretary of Defense Secretary of Homeland Security Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Joint Chiefs of Staff : Chairman Vice Chairman United States Congress : Committees on Armed Services : Senate House Active duty four - star officers United States military seniority National Security Act of 1947 Goldwater -- Nichols Act Organization Service departments Department of Defense ( Secretary ) : Army ( Secretary ) Navy ( Secretary ) Air Force ( Secretary ) Department of Homeland Security ( Secretary ) : Coast Guard Branches Army ( Chief of Staff ) Marine Corps ( Commandant ) Navy ( Chief of Naval Operations ) Air Force ( Chief of Staff ) Coast Guard ( Commandant ) Reserve components Reserves : A MC N AF CG National Guard : A AF Civilian auxiliaries Military Auxiliary Radio System Merchant Marine Civil Air Patrol Coast Guard Auxiliary Unified Combatant Command Africa Central European Indo - Pacific Northern Southern Cyber Special Operations Strategic Transportation Structure United States Code Title 10 Title 14 Title 32 Title 50 The Pentagon Installations Units : A MC N AF CG Logistics Media Unit mottoes Operations and history Current deployments Conflicts Wars Timeline History : A MC N AF CG Colonial World War II Civil affairs Officers ' clubs African Americans Asian Americans Buddhist Americans Jewish Americans Muslim Americans Pakistani Americans Sikh Americans Historiography : Army Center of Military History MC History Division Naval History and Heritage Command Air Force Historical Research Agency American official war artists : Army Art Program AF Art Program Personnel Training MEPS ASVAB Recruit training : A MC N AF CG Officer candidate school : A MC N AF Warrant : A MC Service academies : A ( prep ) N ( prep ) AF ( prep ) CG Merchant Marine ROTC A : ECP MC / N AF Medical Other education Uniforms Uniforms : A MC N AF CG Awards & decorations : Inter-service A MC / N AF CG Foreign International Devices Badges : Identification A MC N AF CG Ranks Enlisted : A MC N AF CG Warrant officers Officer : A MC N AF CG Other Oath : Enlistment Office Creeds & Codes : Code of Conduct NCO A MC N AF CG Service numbers : A MC N AF CG Military Occupational Specialty / Rating / Air Force Specialty Code Pay Uniform Code of Military Justice Judge Advocate General 's Corps Military Health System / TRICARE Separation Veterans Affairs Conscription Chiefs of Chaplains : A MC N AF CG Equipment MC : vehicles weapons other AF CG Land Individual weapons Crew - served weapons Vehicles ( active ) Sea All watercraft Ships : A N ( active ) AF CG MSC Weapons : N CG Reactors Air Aircraft World War I active Aircraft designation Missiles Helicopter arms Other Nuclear football Electronics ( designations ) Flags : A MC N AF CG Ensign Jack Guidons Food WMDs : Nuclear Biological Chemical Legend A = Army MC = Marine Corps N = Navy AF = Air Force CG = Coast Guard Smoking Country and region Albania Argentina Brazil Canada China Colombia East Timor Ecuador Egypt Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iraq Iran Ireland Italy Japan Korea North South Macau Malaysia New Zealand Nigeria Norway Pakistan Philippines Singapore Sweden Syria Taiwan Tokelau Turkey United Kingdom United States Uruguay Vietnam Religion Smoking in Jewish law Tobacco fatwa Ceremonial pipe Chanunpa Kinnikinnick Pipe bag Health Health effects of tobacco ( Nicotine poisoning Nicotine withdrawal ) Passive smoking Third - hand smoke Prevalence of tobacco consumption Schizophrenia and smoking Sidestream smoke Smokeless tobacco keratosis Smoker 's face Smoker 's melanosis Stomatitis nicotina Smoking age Smoking and male infertility Smoking cessation Tobacco - Free Pharmacies Tobacco packaging warning messages WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products World No Tobacco Day Youth smoking Women and smoking Breastfeeding difficulties Breast cancer Cervical cancer Menopause Ptosis of the breast Smoking and female infertility Smoking and pregnancy Smoking ban Inflight smoking List of smoking bans Smoking bans in private vehicles Tobacco - Free College Campuses Country and region Australia England United States Other Chain smoking Cigarette consumption per capita History of smoking Smokeasy Smoking fetishism Tobacco advertising Tobacco bowdlerization Tobacco industry Tobacco smoking Category Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Military life Mental health in the United States Health policy in the United States United States military policies Smoking in the United States American military personnel Tobacco and the military Talk Contents About Wikipedia 日本 語 Edit links This page was last edited on 21 August 2018 , at 18 : 39 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
when did they stop putting cigarettes in rations
With the scientific data about the health risks of smoking and information about the effect of smoking on troop readiness , in 1975 , the United States Department of Defense discontinued the inclusion of cigarettes in K - rations and C - rations . By 1978 , the Department of Defense had implemented basic smoking regulations , including the designation of smoking and nonsmoking areas . In 1985 , the Department of Defense conducted a study that revealed that smoking rates of military personnel ( 47 % ) were significantly higher than that of US civilians ( 30 % ) and concluded that smoking had a negative effect on troop readiness . The report also cited an estimated tobacco - related healthcare costs as high as $209.9 million , and recommended potential methods to curb smoking in the military , including the elimination of tobacco products from stores , raising tobacco prices to civilian levels , and the implementation of an educational program to discourage smoking . In 1986 , the DoD Directive 1010.10 was issued by Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger , who announced , `` an intense anti-smoking campaign ... at all levels of all Services . '' It established a policy on smoking and other health risk behaviors such as alcohol consumption . The policy banned the use of tobacco during basic training , increased the number of designated nonsmoking areas , and prohibited health care providers from smoking on duty . The goal of the policy was to reduce all tobacco use rates to below that of civilians , and to reduce personnel and active duty rates from 52 % to 25 % by 1990 . In 1992 , the DeCA Directive 40 - 13 policy prohibited commissaries and exchanges from participating with promotions by tobacco manufacturers directed specifically at military personnel , and required commissaries to stock cigarettes in the back . In 1993 , the USS Theodore Roosevelt ( CVN - 71 ) became the first smoke - free Navy ship . By 1994 , the Department of Defense had implemented Directive 1010.15 which banned smoking in workplaces , designated outdoor smoking areas , and created the precursor of an education program that sought to distribute information to new personnel on the health effects of smoking and to encourage smokers to quit . Executive Order 13508 in 1997 banned smoking in all government - owned , rented , or leased interior spaces , but the Department of Defense approved a three - year phase - in period for their facilities and eventually implemented the ban on December 7 , 2002 . Despite these attempts , by 1988 , the smoking rate had only decreased to 42 % and far exceeded the rate of civilians . And although prevalence did decrease to 29.9 % from 1980 to 1998 , it has increased since then and appears to still be increasing .
Reese 's peanut butter Cups - wikipedia Reese 's peanut butter Cups Jump to : navigation , search This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( April 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Reese 's Peanut Butter Cups Product type Confectionery Owner The Hershey Company ( H.B. Reese Candy Company ) Country United States Introduced 1928 Markets Worldwide Tagline Reese 's ... perfect Website Reese 's Peanut Butter Cups are a popular American candy consisting of a milk , white , or dark chocolate cup filled with peanut butter , marketed by The Hershey Company . They were created in 1928 by H.B. Reese , a former dairy farmer and shipping foreman for Milton S. Hershey . Reese was inspired by Hershey and left dairy farming to start his own candy business . Contents ( hide ) 1 The H.B. Reese Candy Company 2 Variations 3 Other Reese 's products 3.1 Holiday editions 3.2 Licensed foods 4 Marketing and advertising 5 Criticism 6 See also 7 References 8 External links The H.B. Reese candy Company ( edit ) The Harry Burnett Reese Candy Co. was established in the basement of Reese 's house in Hershey , Pennsylvania . Reese had originally worked at a Hershey dairy farm , and from the start he used Hershey Chocolate in his confections . Reese 's Peanut Butter Cups were his most popular candy , and Reese eventually discontinued his other lines . Reese died on May 16 , 1956 , passing the company to his six sons , Robert , John , Ed , Ralph , Harry , and Charles Richard Reese . On July 2 , 1963 , the Reese brothers merged the H.B. Reese Candy Company with the Hershey Chocolate Corporation in a tax - free stock - for - stock merger with the six Reese brothers receiving 666,316 Hershey common shares , valued in 1963 at $23.5 million . In 2017 , after 54 years of stock splits , those original shares now represent sixteen million Hershey common shares valued in excess of $1.7 billion , paying $42 million in annual cash dividends . The H.B. Reese Candy Company is maintained as a subsidiary of Hershey because the Reese plant workforce is not unionized , unlike the main Hershey plant . As of September 20 , 2012 , Reese 's is the best - selling candy brand in the United States with sales of $2.603 billion , and is the fourth - best - selling candy brand globally with sales of $2.679 billion -- only $76 million ( 2.8 % ) of its sales are from outside the United States market . Additionally , the H.B. Reese Candy Company manufactures the Kit Kat in the United States , which had 2012 U.S. sales of $948 million . Variations ( edit ) A trio of different sized cups . Starting from the left : mini , regular and big cup . Hershey 's produces `` limited editions '' of the candy that have included : Big Cups : an oversized version of the traditional cup ( also available in white chocolate , with peanuts , mixed nuts , and with a combination of nuts and caramel , and most recently , with Reese 's Pieces inside ) Caramel : the traditional cup with an added layer of caramel filling Chocolate Lovers : a thicker chocolate cup with a thinner layer of peanut butter Crunchy Cookie Cup : a layered cup with crushed chocolate cookies and peanut butter filling ( discontinued in 1999 , but was brought back in 2008 as a limited edition . In 2017 , Reese 's announced to relaunch a new version . ) Crunchy : a traditional cup with crunchy peanut butter , as opposed to the smooth peanut butter in the original Dark Chocolate : peanut butter filling in a dark chocolate cup Double Chocolate : chocolate fudge filling instead of peanut butter . Limited edition . Double Crunch : a traditional cup with peanut filling similar to a Snickers bar , released in the fourth - quarter of 2010 Fudge : a thicker , darker chocolate cup with peanut butter filling Half - Pound Cup : a single cup weighing 226g ; released in Canada in 2011 Hazelnut Cream : hazelnut cream instead of the standard peanut butter filling Honey Roasted : a traditional cup substituting honey roasted peanut butter Inside Out : chocolate filling in a peanut butter cup ( a reversal of the traditional version ) Marshmallow : the traditional cup with an added layer of marshmallow filling Miniatures : bite - size versions available year - round in bags . These chocolates come wrapped in black paper and gold foil . Minis : Unwrapped Mini Cups Peanut Butter & Banana Creme : a layered cup with a top chocolate layer , bottom banana creme layer , and peanut butter filling ; released in tribute to Elvis Presley . It was available in standard , Big Cups and Miniatures sizes Peanut Butter Lovers : a layered cup with top peanut butter layer , thin chocolate layer and peanut butter filling White Chocolate : peanut butter filling in a white chocolate cup `` World 's Largest '' : World 's largest cups weighing in at 8 oz each . Other Reese 's products ( edit ) Other candy products of the Reese 's division of Hershey include : 100 Calorie Peanut Butter Wafer Bars Chips Ahoy With Reese 's Peanut Butter Cups Reese 's Bar : a chocolate bar with squares of chocolate with a peanut butter filling Reese 's Brownies Reese 's Cookies Reese 's Crunchy Cookie Cups Reese 's Cremes Reese 's Crispy Crunchy Bar Reese 's Fast Break Reese 's Peanut Butter Cups Minis . Reese 's Mini 's Reese 's No Bake Bars Reese 's NutRageous Reese 's Oreos Reese 's Peanut Butter Bars ( with either chocolate or fudge coating ) Reese 's Peanut Butter Bites Reese 's Pieces with Nuts Reese 's Pieces Reese 's Pieces Cup Reese 's Puffs Cereal Reese 's Select Cluster Reese 's Snack Barz Reese 's Two Packs Reese 's Whipps Reese 's Swoops Reese 's Sticks Selecta Ice Cream With Reese 's Peanut Butter Cups ( sold in only in the Philippines ) Sweet ' n ' Salty Bar Reese 's Peanut Butter Cups ( sold in Philippines only ) Breyer 's ice cream with Reese 's flavor and chocolate and peanut butter pieces . In September 2007 , Hershey 's began producing a new Reese 's bar called Reese 's Whipps . Featuring peanut butter - flavored nougat with a chocolate coating , it has been likened to a peanut butter - flavored 3 Musketeers candy bar owned by Mars , Incorporated . Hershey also produces several `` pantry '' items under the Reese 's brand , such as Reese 's peanut butter chips ( analogous to chocolate chips for baking ) , Reese 's premier baking pieces ( tiny cup - shaped pieces of chocolate filled with peanut - butter , also for baking ) , Reese 's jarred peanut butter , and Reese 's toppings ( including peanut butter syrup , peanut butter and chocolate topping , and Reese 's Magic Shell ) and sprinkles for ice cream . For the July 2008 release of the Batman feature film The Dark Knight , Reese 's released two limited time products : blue and black Reese 's Pieces with Batman 's likeness on the packaging , and Reese 's peanut butter - filled chocolate Batman logos which were sold individually and roughly the size of two Reese 's cups combined . The fact that Reese Sticks digressed from the normal Reese 's naming pattern was pointed out by Paul Lukas in his zine Beer Frame . As Lukas noted , even though the official name was Reese Sticks , most people he casually surveyed pronounced it unknowingly as Reese 's Sticks . In 2009 , Hershey 's changed the name officially to Reese 's Sticks . Holiday editions ( edit ) During the seasons when retailers offer holiday - themed candies , Reese 's Peanut Butter candies are available in various shapes that still offer the standard confection theme of the traditional Reese 's cup ( peanut butter contained in a chocolate shell ) . They are sold in a 6 - pack packaging configuration but are usually available individually . Although exterior packaging is altered to reflect the theme of the representative holiday , the actual holiday itself is never presented . Reese 's Peanut Butter Hearts Available mainly during January and February , these are heart - shaped confections representing Valentine 's Day . At various retailers , an individually - packaged , larger heart is available as well . These are packaged in all - red exterior packaging . Reese 's Peanut Butter Eggs Available mainly during March and April , these are egg - shaped confections representing Easter . Exterior packaging is usually yellow and orange ( milk chocolate ) , white and orange ( white chocolate ) , or dark brown and orange ( fudge - flavored chocolate ) . This is the only holiday - themed item available in three various chocolate varieties . A larger , individually - packaged Easter Bunny Reese 's peanut butter item , known as Reester Bunny , is available as well . Also , Reese 's Pieces are offered in Pastel Eggs . Reese 's Peanut Butter Pumpkins Available mainly during September and October , these are pumpkin - shaped confections representing Halloween . The packaging is standard Reese 's orange with a jack - o - lantern picture and the word `` Pumpkins '' prominently displayed . Reese 's Peanut Butter Ghosts Available mainly during September and October , these are ghost - shaped confections representing Halloween . The packaging is Halloween themed with the word scary on it . The ghost replaces the letter `` a '' in the word scary . First released in 2016 . Reese 's Peanut Butter Christmas Trees Available mainly during November and December , these are evergreen tree - shaped confections representing Christmas . At various retailers these may be available in standard milk chocolate or white . Initially , the packaging was green , white , and orange , but has been changed to a winter scene with a snow - covered ground and a snowman with a central large orange evergreen tree - shape in the center of the package . Another product offered is Reese 's Peanut Butter Bells , which offers miniature Reese 's cups in a Christmas bell shape . A third product is a milk chocolate - covered Reese 's Snowman , wrapped in a snowman foil . The peanut butter snowman is three times larger than the peanut butter tree , egg or pumpkin . In December 2005 , it was noted that some of the holiday shaped Reese 's candies ( such as the Bells ) contain gluten , unlike the standard peanut butter cups . In November 2015 , consumers criticized the product via Twitter for bearing too vague a resemblance to a Christmas tree . Licensed foods ( edit ) Hershey licenses the Reese 's brand ( name , logo , etc . ) to various companies for the production of other products beyond the traditional realm of candy . For example , General Mills produces Reese 's Puffs , a brand of peanut butter and chocolate flavored breakfast cereal . Several companies , including Breyers , Baskin - Robbins , and Dairy Queen , produce various licensed Reese 's ice cream products . Marketing and advertising ( edit ) The Reese 's logo In the United States , Reese 's Peanut Butter Cups typically come in packs of 2 , 4 , 5 , 10 or 20 in distinctive orange packaging , set on thin but rigid paperboard trays . The `` Classic '' two - pack is a 0.75 oz . cup since 2001 ( originally a 0.9 oz . size , reduced to 0.8 oz. in 1991 ) , the `` King Size '' four - pack introduced in the early 1980s is a 0.7 oz . cup ( originally a 0.8 oz . cup until 1991 ) and the `` Lunch '' eight - pack is a 0.55 oz . cup . `` Large Size '' packs of three 0.7 oz . cups , as well as bags containing 0.6 oz . cups , are also available . The `` mini '' cups come in various bag sizes and foil colors for seasonal themes like red , gold and green for the Christmas holiday season . In Canada , where they are packaged as Reese Peanut Butter Cups ( except Reese 's pieces ) , but still widely referred to by their American name , they come in a standard pack of three 0.55 oz . cups or the king - size variation with four cups . In the United Kingdom and Ireland , they were originally available only in two - packs , though are now only available in three - packs , imported from Canada . In 2008 Reese 's Peanut Butter Cups were made available in Europe by Hydro Texaco and 7 - Eleven . In Australia , Reese 's products can be found in many specialty candy stores , as well as from American stores such as Costco . In the 1970s and 1980s , a series of commercials were run for Reese 's Peanut Butter Cups featuring situations in which two people , one eating peanut butter and one eating chocolate , collided . One person would exclaim , `` You got your peanut butter on my chocolate ! '' and the other would exclaim , `` You got your chocolate in my peanut butter ! '' . They would then sample the mixture and remark on the great taste , tying in with the slogan `` Two great tastes that taste great together . '' In the 1990s , the product 's slogan was : `` There 's no wrong way to eat a Reese 's . '' The current slogan , introduced in the mid-2000s , is : `` Perfect '' . Reese 's was an associate sponsor of Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series drivers Mark Martin ( 1994 ) , and Kevin Harvick ( 2007 -- 2010 ) . Criticism ( edit ) Reese 's Peanut Butter Cups are made with the controversial ingredient PGPR ( Polyglycerol polyricinoleate , E476 , a.k.a. Palsgaard 4150 ) , which is used as a replacement for cocoa butter . The FDA has determined it to be `` safe for humans as long as you restrict your intake to 7.5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight . See also ( edit ) List of peanut dishes References ( edit ) Jump up ^;q=cups;q1=REESE%27S;sp_c=1000;sp_cs=UTF-8;sp_k=c_CorporateProducts;sp_s=PLBrand;sp_t=Corporate-US;view=xml;x1=PLBrand Jump up ^ `` Hershey Community Archives '' . 2011 - 11 - 28 . Retrieved 2011 - 12 - 07 . Jump up ^ `` The 1963 Reese / Hershey Merger Closing Agenda '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 2013 - 10 - 11 . Jump up ^ `` Snickers Surging to Top of Global Candy Race '' . Retrieved 2013 - 10 - 11 . Jump up ^ `` Reese 's product listing '' . Retrieved 2008 - 05 - 09 . Jump up ^ Sha Spence ( 9 March 2017 ) . `` Reese 's Launches New Peanut Butter Cups Filled with Crunchy Chocolate Bits '' . People . Retrieved 22 March 2017 . Jump up ^ `` World 's Largest REESE 'S Peanut Butter Cups '' . Jump up ^ Bob Sassone ( 17 November 2007 ) . `` Pop Food : Reese 's Whipps '' . Youtube . Retrieved 15 November 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Special Edition The Dark Knight Reese 's and Kit Kat Fly Into Stores to Celebrate Debut of the Highly Anticipated New Batman Film '' . Hershey 's . 2008 . Retrieved 15 November 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Special Edition The Dark Knight Reese 's and Kit Kat Fly Into Stores to Celebrate Debut of the Highly Anticipated New Batman Film '' . PR Newswire. 10 June 2008 . Retrieved 15 November 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Lukas ' article regarding Reese Sticks '' . . Retrieved 2011 - 12 - 07 . Jump up ^ `` Reese 's Seasonal Products '' . . Retrieved 2011 - 12 - 07 . Jump up ^ Are you a Cadbury Crème or Reese 's Peanut Butter Egg ? Retrieved 2013 - 12 - 9 Jump up ^ Reese 's Peanut Butter Cups : World 's Largest at Yahoo Voices Retrieved 2013 - 12 - 9 Jump up ^ Gluten indicated at Jump up ^ Cox , Dan ( 27 November 2015 ) . `` Seriously , people are upset this year 's Reese 's Peanut Butter Christmas Trees do n't look enough like Christmas trees '' . Inquistr . Retrieved 28 Nov 2015 . Jump up ^ `` REESE 'S Peanut Butter Cups '' . Jump up ^ `` Manufacturers overlook cocoa butter savings '' ( PDF ) . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Reese 's Peanut Butter Cups . Official website Reese 's Facebook Page Reese 's Seasonal Products Reese brands at Hershey Canada The Hershey Company'S-Peanut-Butter-Cups ( hide ) The Hershey Company Milton S. Hershey Hershey Entertainment and Resorts Company Entertainment Group Hersheypark ZooAmerica North American Wildlife Park Giant Center Hersheypark Stadium Hershey Bears Hersheypark Arena Hershey Theatre Hershey Nursery Hershey Laundry & Dry Cleaning Resorts Group The Hotel Hershey Hershey Lodge The Spa At The Hotel Hershey MeltSpa by Hershey Hershey Country Club Hersheypark Camping Resort The Hershey Company Chocolate - based products 5th Avenue Air Delight Almond Joy Bar None Bliss Brookside Cadbury Creme Egg 3 Cadbury Dairy Milk 3 Cherry Blossom Cookies ' n ' Creme Cookies ' n ' Mint Dagoba Glosette Heath bar Hershey bar Hershey - ets Hershey 's Drops Hershey 's Kisses Hershey 's Kissables Hershey 's Miniatures Hershey 's S'mores Hershey 's Special Dark Kit Kat 2 Krackel Milk Duds Mini Eggs 3 Mounds Mr. Goodbar NutRageous Oh Henry ! 1 Rally Reese 's Crispy Crunchy Bar Reese 's Fast Break Reese 's Peanut Butter Cups Reese 's Pieces Reese 's Sticks Reese 's Whipps Rolo 2 Scharffen Berger Skor Snack Barz Swoops Symphony Take 5 ( Max 5 ) United States military chocolate Whatchamacallit Whoppers York Peppermint Pattie Other products Bubble Yum Good & Plenty Good & Fruity Ice Breakers Jolly Rancher Koolerz Lancaster Soft Crèmes PayDay Twizzlers Zagnut ZERO Italics indicates discontinued products Hershey Trust Company Milton Hershey School Trust Hershey Cemetery Trust The M.S. Hershey Foundation Trust The Hershey Story Hershey Gardens Hershey Theatre Hershey Community Archives Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Hershey , PA Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Products introduced in 1928 American brands Brand name confectionery The Hershey Company brands Peanut butter Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from April 2017 All articles needing additional references Pages using deprecated image syntax Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Svenska Edit links This page was last edited on 12 September 2017 , at 20 : 58 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
when did reese's peanut butter cups first come out
Reese 's Peanut Butter Cups are a popular American candy consisting of a milk , white , or dark chocolate cup filled with peanut butter , marketed by The Hershey Company . They were created in 1928 by H.B. Reese , a former dairy farmer and shipping foreman for Milton S. Hershey . Reese was inspired by Hershey and left dairy farming to start his own candy business .
The Jungle Book ( 2016 film ) - wikipedia The Jungle Book ( 2016 film ) Jump to : navigation , search This article is about Disney 's 2016 film . For Warner Bros ' upcoming film , see Mowgli ( film ) . For other films and related topics , see The Jungle Book ( franchise ) . The Jungle Book Theatrical release poster Directed by Jon Favreau Produced by Jon Favreau Brigham Taylor Screenplay by Justin Marks Based on Disney 's The Jungle Book The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling Starring Bill Murray Ben Kingsley Idris Elba Lupita Nyong'o Scarlett Johansson Giancarlo Esposito Christopher Walken Neel Sethi Narrated by Ben Kingsley Music by John Debney ( The Jungle Book themes composed by George Bruns ) Cinematography Bill Pope Edited by Mark Livolsi Production company Walt Disney Pictures Fairview Entertainment Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Release date April 4 , 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 04 ) ( El Capitan Theatre ) April 15 , 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 15 ) ( United States ) Running time 106 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $175 million Box office $966.6 million The Jungle Book is a 2016 American fantasy adventure film , directed and co-produced by Jon Favreau , produced by Walt Disney Pictures , and written by Justin Marks . Based on Rudyard Kipling 's eponymous collective works and inspired by Walt Disney 's 1967 animated film of the same name , The Jungle Book is a live - action / CGI film that tells the story of Mowgli , an orphaned human boy who , guided by his animal guardians , sets out on a journey of self - discovery while evading the threatening Shere Khan . The film introduces Neel Sethi as Mowgli and also features the voices of Bill Murray , Ben Kingsley , Idris Elba , Lupita Nyong'o , Scarlett Johansson , Giancarlo Esposito , and Christopher Walken . Favreau , Marks and producer Brigham Taylor developed the film 's story as a balance between Disney 's animated adaptation and Kipling 's original works , borrowing elements from both into the film . Principal photography commenced in 2014 , with filming taking place entirely in Los Angeles . The film required extensive use of computer - generated imagery to portray the animals and settings . The Jungle Book was released in North America in Disney Digital 3 - D , RealD 3D , IMAX 3D , D - Box , and premium large formats , on April 15 , 2016 . It became a critical and commercial success , grossing over $966 million , making it the fifth - highest - grossing film of 2016 and the 36th - highest - grossing film of all time . The film won the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects at the 89th Academy Awards . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Cast 2.1 Voice cast 3 Production 3.1 Development and casting 3.2 Filming and visual effects 3.3 Sound 4 Music 4.1 Soundtrack 4.1. 1 Track listing 5 Release 5.1 Home media 6 Reception 6.1 Box office 6.1. 1 United States and Canada 6.1. 2 Other Countries 6.2 Critical response 6.3 Accolades 7 Sequel 8 References 9 External links Plot ( edit ) Mowgli is a `` man cub '' raised by the wolf Raksha and her pack , led by Akela , in an Indian jungle ever since he was brought to them as a baby by the black panther Bagheera . Bagheera trains Mowgli to learn the ways of the wolves , but the boy faces certain challenges and falls behind his wolf siblings while Akela disapproves of him using human tricks like building tools instead of learning the ways of the pack . One day , during the dry season , the jungle animals gather to drink the water that remains as part of a truce during a drought that enables the jungle 's wildlife to drink without fear of being eaten by their predators . The truce is disrupted when a scarred tiger named Shere Khan arrives detecting Mowgli 's scent in the large crowd . Resentful against man for scarring him , he issues a warning that he will kill Mowgli at the end of the drought . After the drought ends , the wolves debate whether they should keep Mowgli or not . Mowgli decides to leave the jungle for the safety of his pack . Bagheera agrees with the decision and volunteers to guide him to the nearby man village . En route , Shere Khan ambushes them and injures Bagheera , but Mowgli manages to escape . Later , Mowgli meets an enormous python named Kaa who hypnotizes him . While under her influence , Mowgli sees a vision of his father being mauled while protecting him from Shere Khan . The vision also warns of the destructive power of the `` red flower '' ( fire ) . Kaa attempts to devour Mowgli , but she is attacked by a large brown sloth bear named Baloo , rescuing an unconscious Mowgli . Baloo and Mowgli bond while retrieving some difficult - to - access honey for Baloo and Mowgli agrees to stay with Baloo until the winter season arrives . Upon learning that Mowgli has left the jungle , Shere Khan kills Akela and threatens the pack to lure Mowgli out . Bagheera eventually finds Mowgli and Baloo and is angered that Mowgli has not joined the humans as agreed , but Baloo calms him down and persuades both of them to sleep on it . During the night , Mowgli finds a herd of Indian elephants gathered around a ditch and uses his vines to save a baby elephant from the ditch . Although Baloo and Bagheera are both impressed , Baloo realizes that he can not guarantee Mowgli 's safety after learning that he is being hunted by Shere Khan . Baloo agrees to push Mowgli away to get him to continue onward to the man village . Mowgli is kidnapped by the `` Bandar - log '' ( monkeys ) who present him to their leader , a giant ape named King Louie . Assuming that all humans can make fire , King Louie offers Mowgli protection from Shere Khan in exchange for it . Baloo distracts King Louie while Bagheera tries to sneak him out , but their plan is discovered . As King Louie chases Mowgli through his temple , he informs Mowgli of Akela 's death . King Louie 's rampage eventually causes his temple to collapse on top of him . Furious that Baloo and Bagheera never told him about Akela 's death , Mowgli goes to confront Shere Khan alone . Mowgli steals a lit torch at the village to use as a weapon and heads back to the jungle , accidentally starting a wildfire in the process . He confronts Shere Khan , who argues that Mowgli has made himself the enemy of the jungle by causing the wildfire . Mowgli throws the torch into the water , giving Shere Khan the advantage . Baloo , Bagheera , and the wolf pack intervene and hold Shere Khan off , giving Mowgli enough time to set a trap . He lures Shere Khan up a dead tree and onto a branch , which breaks under the tiger 's weight and Shere Khan falls into the fire to his death . Mowgli then directs the elephants to divert the river and put out the fire . In the aftermath , Raksha becomes the new leader of the wolf pack . Mowgli decides to utilize his equipment and tricks for his own use , having found his true home and calling with his wolf family , Baloo , and Bagheera . Cast ( edit ) Main article : List of The Jungle Book characters Neel Sethi , the actor who portrayed Mowgli Neel Sethi as Mowgli , a young boy who was raised by wolves . Kendrick Reyes as toddler Mowgli Ritesh Rajan as Mowgli 's father Voice cast ( edit ) Bill Murray as Baloo , a Sloth bear who befriends Mowgli . Ben Kingsley as Bagheera , a Black panther who is Mowgli 's mentor and protector . Idris Elba as Shere Khan , a fearsome , scar - faced tiger with a grudge against Mowgli . Lupita Nyong'o as Raksha , a female wolf who is Mowgli 's adoptive mother . Scarlett Johansson as Kaa , an enormous python . Giancarlo Esposito as Akela , a male wolf who leads the pack . Christopher Walken as King Louie , a giant ape who rules the Bandar - log . Garry Shandling as Ikki , a porcupine that observes the Water Truce . Brighton Rose as Grey Brother , a wolf cub that is Mowgli 's adoptive brother . Jon Favreau as Fred , a Pygmy Hog . Sam Raimi as a giant squirrel . Russell Peters as Rocky , a rhinoceros . Madeleine Favreau as Raquel , a rhinoceros . Sara Arrington as an antelope Emjay Anthony , Max Favreau , Chloe Hechter , Asher Blinkoff , Knox Gagnon , Sasha Schrieber , and Kai Schrieber voice the Young Wolves . Dee Bradley Baker , Artie Esposito , Sean Johnson , and Allan Trautman provide additional animal voices . Production ( edit ) Development and casting ( edit ) `` The idea of going out to the jungle and shooting this , it just felt like it would n't have the magic that the 1967 film had had . There was a dreamlike quality to it . There was a surreal quality to it . It was a high - water mark for character animation and to me , that 's what I remember about it . And so I wanted to make sure we preserved that ... But what ( Alan ) Horn said was : Look at the technology . Look at Life of Pi , Avatar . Why not use the technology to create a whole world that transports you ? Let 's really embrace this new technology and see what we can do if we push its limit . '' -- Jon Favreau on approaching the film 's technical intent . Walt Disney Pictures announced that a live - action remake of The Jungle Book was in development on July 9 , 2013 , with Justin Marks set to write the script . The film would be Disney 's second live - action adaptation of Rudyard Kipling 's works , following the 1994 film , and the studio 's third overall after the 1967 animated musical . Jon Favreau was later confirmed as director on November 5 , 2013 . Favreau as a child used to watch Disney 's 1967 animated musical version . He felt the need to strike a balance between the two films by retaining the buoyant spirit of the 1967 film , including some of its memorable songs , while crafting a movie with more realism and peril . He also stressed the importance of nature and realized how things have shifted during Kipling 's time and now , `` In Kipling 's time , nature was something to be overcome . Now nature is something to be protected . '' He was encouraged by Walt Disney Studios chairman Alan Horn to take advantage of the film 's setting and story as an opportunity to use the latest advancements in photorealistic rendering , computer - generated imagery , and motion capture technologies . The story of the film is not independently taken from Kipling 's works , but also borrows cinematic inspirations from other films , including the child - mentor relationship in Shane ( 1953 ) , the establishment of rules in a dangerous world from Goodfellas ( 1990 ) and the use of a shadowy jungle figure in Apocalypse Now ( 1979 ) . The cast was announced between March and August 2014 , with Idris Elba being announced to voice Shere Khan during early stages and Bill Murray eventually confirmed as the voice of Baloo in August 2014 . Between then , Scarlett Johansson , Ben Kingsley , and Christopher Walken were confirmed to play Kaa , Bagheera , and King Louie . Favreau decided to cast Johansson to play Kaa , originally a male character , as he felt the original film was `` a little too male - oriented . '' Favreau and Marks noticed the lack of female characters in the 1967 film version and wanted to address that by featuring Raksha 's character more prominently , as in Kipling 's tales . Lupita Nyong'o was cast as Raksha as Favreau believed her voice imbued the emotion required for the role , `` Lupita has tremendous depth of emotion in her performance . There 's an emotional underpinning she brings , and a strength , and we wanted that for this surrogate mother . Much of that comes from her voice . '' Favreau also decided to change King Louie from an orangutan to a Gigantopithecus due to the fact that orangutans are not native to India , where the story takes place . His character was given a slight alteration from the 1967 film and was partly inspired by Marlon Brando 's character Colonel Kurtz in Apocalypse Now , as well as incorporating Walken 's own physical mannerisms . In regards to Louie 's changes , Favreau stated , `` We created this looming figure that was trying to extract the secret of fire from Mowgli . And also this gave Mowgli the idea that if he had fire , he could have power over Shere Khan , whether it was good or bad . So there was a Lord of the Rings aspect to that ; the fire was almost like the ring in that was going to give someone ultimate power , but corrupt them as well as create destruction . '' The film is dedicated to Garry Shandling , who voiced a porcupine in the film and died of a heart attack before the film 's release . The search for casting Mowgli was extensive , with thousands of children auditioning from the United States , the United Kingdom , New Zealand , and Canada . Eventually , newcomer Neel Sethi was confirmed for the role , with casting director Rebecca Williams describing him as embodying `` the heart , humor , and daring of the character . He 's warm and accessible , yet also has an intelligence well beyond his years and impressed us all with his ability to hold his own in any situation . '' Sethi underwent parkour training in preparation for the role . Pixar Animation Studios assisted in the development of the story , as well as providing suggestions for the film 's end credits sequence . Filming and visual effects ( edit ) Principal photography took place entirely on sound stages at L.A. Center Studios in downtown Los Angeles . The animal characters were created entirely in key frame computer animation , with the assistance of footage of real animal movement , the actors recording their lines , and performance capture for reference . The production team underwent a thorough process to realistically convey the animals ' speaking , while still making them perceptually believable to the audience . Favreau researched earlier films featuring anthropomorphic animals -- including Walt Disney 's animated features , such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Bambi , as well as modern films such as Babe -- and adopted certain techniques from those films into The Jungle Book . Nearly 70 separate species of animals native to India are featured in the film , with several species being portrayed as `` 150 % larger '' than their actual counterparts . Jim Henson 's Creature Shop was brought in to provide animal puppet figures for Sethi to act against , although none appear in the finished film . The animal puppets were performed by Artie Esposito , Sean Johnson , Allan Trautman , and April Warren . Favreau utilized motion capture with certain actors , expressing a desire to avoid overusing the technology in order to prevent evoking an uncanny valley effect . Moving Picture Company ( MPC ) and Weta Digital created the film 's visual effects . MPC developed new software for animating muscular structure in the animals . Around 1,000 remote jungle locations in India were photographed and used as reference in post-production . Weta was responsible for animating the King Louie sequence , with visual effects supervisor Keith Miller adding that , `` It was important for Jon to see Christopher Walken in the creature . So we took some of the distinctive Walken facial features -- iconic lines , wrinkles and folds -- and integrated them into the animated character . '' Favreau expressed desire in wanting the film 's 3D shots to imbue the abilities of the multiplane camera system utilized in Disney 's earlier animated films . At Favreau 's behest , the idea was extended into the film 's version of the Walt Disney Pictures opening production logo , which was recreated as `` a hand - painted , cel - animated multi-plane logo '' in homage to the animated films of that era , also incorporating the word `` Presents '' in the same style as the 1967 film 's opening credits . The film 's ending also features the original physical book that opened the 1967 film . Sound ( edit ) Director Jon Favreau and composer John Debney sought to recreate the Fantasound experience Walt Disney , himself , had in mind . When mixing the soundtrack in Dolby Atmos , as Favreau said , `` we isolated instruments when we could . And in the sound mix , we created a Fantasound mix . If you see the film in Atmos , you will feel that there are instruments that move around the theater . '' A mention for Fantasound appears in the film 's closing credits . Music ( edit ) The musical score for The Jungle Book was composed and conducted by frequent Favreau collaborator John Debney , mostly drawing from George Bruns ' original music . Though Favreau decided not to make the film a musical , nevertheless , he and Debney incorporated several songs from the 1967 animated film . `` The Bare Necessities , '' written by Terry Gilkyson , is performed by Murray and Sethi , and a cover version by Dr. John is featured in the end credits . `` I Wan'na Be Like You '' and `` Trust in Me '' -- written by the Sherman Brothers -- are performed by Walken and Johansson , respectively ; Richard M. Sherman wrote revised lyrics for Walken 's version of `` I Wan'na Be Like You . '' Johansson 's rendition of `` Trust in Me '' was produced by Mark Ronson and appears in the end credits only . Soundtrack ( edit ) The Jungle Book ( Original Motion Picture Soundtrack ) Film score by John Debney Released April 15 , 2016 Recorded 2015 -- 16 Studio Sony Pictures Studios ( score ) Esplanade Studios , New Orleans Chalice Recording Studios Music Shed Studios , New Orleans Genre Orchestral , swing jazz Length 74 : 17 Label Walt Disney Producer John Debney John Debney chronology The Young Messiah ( 2016 ) The Young Messiah 2016 The Jungle Book ( 2016 ) The Jungle Book2016 Mother 's Day ( 2016 ) Mother 's Day 2016 Walt Disney Records released the film 's soundtrack on April 15 , 2016 . Track listing ( edit ) No . Title Writer ( s ) Performer ( s ) Length 1 . `` The Bare Necessities '' Terry Gilkyson Dr. John and The Nite Trippers 3 : 36 2 . `` Trust in Me '' Richard M. Sherman , Robert B. Sherman Scarlett Johansson 2 : 55 3 . `` Main Titles / Jungle Run '' John Debney & George Bruns 2 : 27 4 . `` Wolves / Law of the Jungle '' John Debney 2 : 16 5 . `` Water Truce '' John Debney 3 : 40 6 . `` Rains Return '' John Debney 1 : 46 7 . `` Mowgli 's Leaving / Elephant Theme '' John Debney 3 : 28 8 . `` Shere Khan Attacks / Stampede '' John Debney 2 : 06 9 . `` Kaa / Baloo to the Rescue '' 5 : 21 10 . `` Honeycomb Climb '' 3 : 31 11 . `` Man Village '' 2 : 59 12 . `` Mowgli and the Pit '' 3 : 26 13 . `` Monkeys Kidnap Mowgli '' 1 : 52 14 . `` Arriving at King Louie 's Temple '' 4 : 35 15 . `` Cold Lair Chase '' 4 : 03 16 . `` Red Flower '' 3 : 15 17 . `` To the River '' 3 : 05 18 . `` Shere Khan 's War Theme '' 2 : 37 19 . `` Shere Khan and the Fire '' 4 : 52 20 . `` Elephant Waterfall '' 3 : 27 21 . `` Mowgli Wins the Race '' 0 : 41 22 . `` Jungle Book Closes '' 2 : 16 23 . `` I Wan'na Be Like You '' Richard M. Sherman , Robert B. Sherman Christopher Walken 3 : 02 24 . `` The Bare Necessities '' Terry Gilkyson Bill Murray , Kermit Ruffins 3 : 01 Total length : 74 : 17 Note 1 . ^ Original `` When You Wish Upon a Star '' melody composed by Leigh Harline ; Walt Disney Pictures logo melody composed by Mark Mancina . Release ( edit ) Jon Favreau at the premiere of The Jungle Book in Sydney , Australia The film was originally scheduled for October 9 , 2015 , but the film 's release date was later postponed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures to April 15 , 2016 . The film was released in the Dolby Vision format in Dolby Cinema in the United States , and is the first film to be released in Dolby Vision 3D ( in a few select theaters in New York City and Chicago ) . The Jungle Book held its world premiere at the El Capitan Theatre on April 4 , 2016 . It was released in 15 countries , a week ahead of its U.S. debut on April 15 , in countries like Argentina , Australia , Russia , Malaysia , and most notably in India on April 8 . The release date in India was strategic for the film as it coincided with the Indian New Year and was a holiday in most parts of the country . Disney India commissioned a contemporary recording of `` Jungle Jungle Baat Chali Hai , '' overseen by the song 's composers Vishal Bhardwaj and Gulzar , and released it as part of the film 's promotional campaign in India . Home Media ( edit ) The film was released digitally on August 23 , 2016 , and on DVD and Blu - ray on August 30 ( August 22 in the UK ) . A 3D Blu - ray was said to be coming by the end of the year . The film topped the NPD VideoScan overall disc sales chart for two consecutive weeks . Reception ( edit ) Box Office ( edit ) The film became a huge financial success and a surprise hit . It briefly held the record for the biggest remake of all time until the studio 's own Beauty and the Beast surpassed it the following year . It grossed $364 million in the United States and Canada and $602.5 million in other countries for a worldwide total of $966.6 million , against a budget of $175 million . Worldwide , the film was released across 28,000 RealD 3D screens and had an IMAX worldwide opening of $20.4 million from 901 IMAX screens , a new record for a PG film . It grossed a total of $39 million in IMAX screens worldwide . On May 13 , it became the second film of 2016 ( after the studio 's own Zootopia ) to pass the $800 million mark . On June 10 , it became the third film of 2016 after Zootopia and Captain America : Civil War to pass the $900 million mark . calculated the net profit of the film to be $258 million , when factoring together all expenses and revenues for the film , making it the sixth-most profitable release of 2016 . United States and Canada ( edit ) Projections for its opening weekend in the United States and Canada were continuously revised upwards , starting from $60 million to as high as $88 million , with female and older male quadrants being the prime draw . The Jungle Book was shown across 4,028 theaters of which 3,100 theaters ( 75 % ) were in 3D , including 376 IMAX screens , 463 premium large format screens , and 145 D - Box locations . It opened Friday , April 15 , 2016 , on around 9,500 screens across 4,028 theaters , and earned $32.4 million , the fourth - biggest April Friday . This includes $4.2 million from Thursday previews , the biggest preview number for a Disney live - adaptation film ( tied with Maleficent ) , an almost unheard - of for a PG title which rarely attracts many ticketbuyers later in the night . In total , it earned $103.3 million in its opening weekend , exceeding expectations by 40 % and recorded the biggest PG - rated April opening ( breaking Hop 's record ) , the second - biggest Disney live - action adaptation opening ( behind Alice in Wonderland ) , and the second - biggest April opening ( behind Furious 7 ) . It also performed exceptionally well in both 3D and IMAX formats , where they both generated an income of $44 million and $10.4 million of the film 's opening - weekend gross , respectively , the later broke the record for the biggest April Disney release IMAX opening . Notably , it also became the only second PG - rated release to ever open above $100 million ( following Alice in Wonderland ) and the third film of 2016 overall to open above $100 million ( following Deadpool and Batman v Superman : Dawn of Justice ) . It earned $130.7 million in its first full week , the second - biggest for a Disney live - action adaptation , behind only Alice in Wonderland 's $146.6 million seven - day gross . Buoyed by excellent word of mouth and benefiting from spring break , it fell only by 40 % in its second weekend earning $61.5 million , still maintaining the top position and far surpassing newcomer The Huntsman : Winter 's War . That puts The Jungle Book in the top fifteen second weekends of all time and in terms of films that opened above $100 million , it scored the fourth - smallest drop behind Shrek 2 ( − 33 % ) , Spider - Man ( − 39 % ) , and Star Wars : The Force Awakens ( − 39 % ) . Of those numbers , $5.6 million came from IMAX shows for a two weekend cumulative total of $18.4 million which represents about 10 % of its entire North American box office gross . It crossed $200 million on its twelfth day of release and managed to hold the top spot for the third consecutive weekend with $43.7 million from 4,041 theaters ( an addition of 13 more theaters ) , a fall of only 29 % , outgrossing the next six pictures combined ( including the openings of three newcomers ) and recorded the sixth - biggest third weekend of all time . Moreover , the 29 % drop is the smallest third - weekend drop ( from its second weekend ) for a $100 million opener ever . Disney added an additional 103 theaters for the film 's fourth weekend of release which propelled its theater count to 4,144 theaters , but nevertheless , it was overtaken by Disney 's own Captain America : Civil War after experiencing a 50 % decline . It passed $300 million on its thirtieth day of release , on May 14 , as it continued to witness marginal declines in the wake of several new releases weekend after weekend . It made 3.53 times its opening weekend numbers , which is one of the biggest of all time for a film opening above $100 million . It became one of the few surprise hits and one of the highest - grossing films of the year , alongside Finding Dory , The Secret Life of Pets , and Zootopia , centered around talking animals to dominate the year - end chart . Other countries ( edit ) The film was released in approximately 70 countries . Outside the US and Canada , it opened across 15 markets and 69 IMAX screens a week ahead of its US debut , and faced notable competition from newcomer The Huntsman : Winter 's War and holdover Batman v Superman : Dawn of Justice , the latter of which was entering its third weekend . The reason behind the divided release pattern was because Disney wanted to get some space before Captain America : Civil War releases in early May , as well as availing school holidays and avoiding local competitors . It eventually grossed $31.7 million , debuting at first place in all markets and second overall at the international box office , behind Dawn of Justice , which was playing across 67 markets . In its second weekend , it expanded to an additional 49 countries ( 88 % of its total marketplace ) and grossed $138.6 million from 64 countries , easily topping the international box office , a bulk of it came from China . Approximately 63 % or $85 million of that came from 3D screenings , with the largest 3D opening haul represented by China ( 98 % ) , Germany ( 83 % ) , Brazil ( 73 % ) , Russia ( 60 % ) , Mexico ( 47 % ) , and the UK ( 39 % ) . $10 million alone came from 525 IMAX screens , a record for a PG and April release . It further continued to hold the top spot in its third weekend after adding another $98.9 million from 53 territories , falling only by a marginal 32 % . IMAX generated another $6.1 million from 484 IMAX theaters for a three - weekend total of $20.6 million . After three straight No. 1 runs , it was finally dethroned by the studio 's Captain America : Civil War in its fourth weekend . In India , it scored the second - biggest opening day for a Hollywood film , earning $1.51 million ( behind Avengers : Age of Ultron ) from around 1,500 screens and went on to score the second - biggest Hollywood opening weekend of all time , with $8.4 million from 1,600 screens , behind only Furious 7 in terms of local as well as U.S. currency , performing better than expected and its initial $5 -- 6 million opening projection . Its opening weekend in India alone surpassed the entire lifetime total of Disney 's other live - fantasy adaptations -- Cinderella , Maleficent , Oz the Great and Powerful , and Alice in Wonderland -- in the country . It then went on to score the biggest opening and single week for a Hollywood film with $15.1 million . In its second weekend , it dropped just by a mere 40 % to $4.97 million . In just ten days , it became the fourth - highest - grossing Hollywood film there with $21.2 million . On Wednesday , April 19 -- its twelfth day of release -- it surpassed Furious 7 to become the highest - grossing Hollywood / foreign release of all time there . By the end of its theatrical run , the film made an estimated $38.8 million with half of its revenue -- 58 % -- coming from local dubbed versions , compared to Avengers : Age of Ultron , which saw 45 % of its revenue from dubbed versions . In China , where the film was locally known as Fantasy Forest , expectations were high , with projections going as high $154 -- 200 million or more . Ultimately , it was unable to hit these marks . Before the release of the film in the state , Disney had a very successful run at the box office with Zootopia the previous month , in which anthropomorphic animals were the central figure . Forbes noted that The Jungle Book was precisely the sort of film that Chinese audiences love with its 3D visuals , heartwarming story , and talking animal cast . It earned around $12 million on its opening day , including $300,000 worth of previews from 65,000 screenings . Buoyed by good word of mouth and positive reception ( albeit mostly from audiences with polarized reception from Chinese critics ) , it rose 72 % on its second day to $20 million . Through its opening weekend it grossed $48.5 million , including $5.1 million from 279 IMAX screens , a new record for April release . Its opening marked the biggest Walt Disney Pictures film opening ever , the second - biggest for a family film ( behind Kung Fu Panda 3 ) , the second - biggest April debut ( behind Furious 7 ) , and the fourth - biggest Disney opening ( behind Avengers : Age of Ultron , Iron Man 3 , and Star Wars : The Force Awakens ) . It topped the daily box office through the whole opening week and went on to remain at the top of the box office for a second weekend , after dropping by a mere 20 % to $29.8 million , despite facing some competitions . It ended its run there with a total of $150.1 million after thirty days of playing in theaters , adding $1.2 million on its last day . Albeit falling just below expectations , it nevertheless emerged as a huge financial success and becoming the fourth - biggest Disney release there . In the United Kingdom and Ireland , it had an opening weekend total of £ 9.9 million ( $14.1 million ) from 594 theaters and in France with $8.1 million . Elsewhere , the highest openings were recorded in Russia and the CIS ( $7.4 million ) , Germany ( $5.1 million ) , Spain ( $3.9 million ) , Australia ( $2.8 million ) , Argentina ( $2.3 million ) , and in Malaysia , where it scored the biggest opening weekend for a live - action Disney film with $2.3 million . In the UK , it became the first film of 2016 to earn over £ 5 million in three straight weekends and the first film since Jurassic World , Spectre , and Star Wars : The Force Awakens ( all 2015 films ) to achieve such an accomplishment , and the first film of 2016 to earn above £ 40 million ( $58 million ) . In South Korea , it faced competition with Warcraft , but ended up debuting atop the charts with $6.2 million . It has so far grossed a total of $18 million there . It opened in Japan on August 11 , alongside the superhero film X-Men : Apocalypse and delivered a four - day opening of $6.2 million from 676 screens ( $3 million in two days ) , debuting at second place behind The Secret Life of Pets . Although the opening figure was considered mediocre , noted that Japan is a market that can see big multiples . It fell just 30 % in its second weekend earning $2.1 million for an eleven - day total of $13.7 million . In total earnings , its biggest markets outside of the US and Canada were China ( $150.1 million ) , the United Kingdom ( $66.2 million ) and India ( $38.8 million ) . It was the highest - grossing film of 2016 in Europe with a total of $209 million , the United Kingdom and Ireland , and in India ( although it was later surpassed by Sultan , in terms of Hollywood / imported films , it is still the biggest ) . Critical response ( edit ) The vocal performances of Bill Murray ( left ) , Idris Elba ( middle ) , and Ben Kingsley ( right ) were particularly praised . The film received praise for its visual effects , vocal performances , direction , musical score , and its faithfulness to the animated film . On review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes , the film has an approval rating of 95 % , based on 293 reviews , with an average rating of 7.7 / 10 . The site 's critical consensus reads , `` As lovely to behold as it is engrossing to watch , The Jungle Book is the rare remake that actually improves upon its predecessors -- all while setting a new standard for CGI . '' On Metacritic , the film has a score of 77 out of 100 , based on 49 critics , indicating `` generally favorable reviews . '' Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of `` A '' on an A+ to F scale . Ninety - seven percent of the audience gave the film an A or a B. It got As from both the under - and over-25 crowd and A+ among those under 18 years of age , and also for the over-50 audience . Todd McCarthy of The Hollywood Reporter wrote , `` Exceptionally beautiful to behold and bolstered by a stellar vocal cast , this umpteenth film rendition of Rudyard Kipling 's tales of young Mowgli 's adventures amongst the creatures of the Indian jungle proves entirely engaging , even if it 's ultimately lacking in subtext and thematic heft . '' Andrew Barker of Variety felt that this version `` ca n't rival the woolly looseness of Disney 's 1967 animated classic , of course , but it succeeds on its own so well that such comparisons are barely necessary . '' Robbie Collin of The Telegraph gave the film four stars out of five , and deemed it `` a sincere and full - hearted adaptation that returns to Kipling for fresh inspiration . '' Alonso Duralde of The Wrap says `` This ' Book ' might lack the post-vaudeville razzamatazz of its predecessor , but director Jon Favreau and a team of effects wizards plunge us into one of the big screen 's most engrossing artificial worlds since Avatar . '' Peter Bradshaw , writing for The Guardian , gave the film four out of five stars and felt that the film had a touch of Apocalypto in it , finding the plot elements to be similar to those in The Lion King . He wrote that the film was `` spectacular , exciting , funny and fun '' and that it `` handsomely revives the spirit of Disney 's original film . '' Pete Hammond of wrote that the film had laughs , excitement , an exceptional voice cast and , most importantly , a lot of heart , calling it a cinematic achievement like no other . He particularly praised Murray 's performance and the visual effects , deeming it `` simply astonishing . '' Chris Nashawaty of Entertainment Weekly graded the film an `` A -- , '' calling it one of the biggest surprises of 2016 . He , however , felt the two songs were rather unnecessary and distracting , and believed the film to be a little too frightening for children . Richard Roeper of Chicago Sun - Times awarded the film three - and - a-half stars , pointing out the CGI as the apex achievement of the film . He labelled it `` a beautifully rendered , visually arresting take on Rudyard Kipling 's oft - filmed tales '' but found the musical numbers to be trivial , saying that without the musical numbers , the film might have been a more exhilarating streamlined adventure . Los Angeles Times ' Kenneth Turan remarked that `` The Jungle Book is the kind of family film calculated to make even those without families wish they had one to take along . '' Peter Travers of Rolling Stone awarded the film three - and - a-half stars out of four , labeling it scary and thrilling , yet unique and unforgettable , and adding that it `` fills us with something rare in movies today -- a sense of wonder . '' The Village Voice 's Bilge Ebiri hailed the film as fast and light and that it `` manages to be just scary enough to make us feel the danger of solitude in the middle of a massive jungle , but never indulgent or gratuitous . '' The New York Times ' Manohla Dargis was less enthusiastic . Cath Clarke of Time Out compared Elba 's character of Shere Khan to Scar from The Lion King , calling him `` baddie of the year . '' Matt Zoller Seitz of also had high praise for Elba 's portrayal of Shere Khan stating : `` His loping menace is envisioned so powerfully that he 'd be scary no matter what , but the character becomes a great villain through imaginative empathy . We understand and appreciate his point - of - view , even though carrying it out would mean the death of Mowgli . '' The film 's visual effects and 3D photography received acclaim , with comparisons being made to the likes of Avatar , Gravity , Hugo , and Life of Pi . Sarah Ward of Screen International wrote that the level of detail on display in the film `` is likely to evoke the same jaw - dropping reaction as James Cameron 's box office topper . '' Entertainment Weekly called it `` one of the few 3D movies that actually benefits from being in 3D . '' The film also garnered a positive reception from Indian contemporary critics and publications , such as The Times of India , The Hindu , India Today , The Indian Express , and The Economic Times . The film also had its share of negative reviews with most reviewers criticizing the inconsistent tone of the film and the director 's indecision to stick to one vision . Sam C. Mac of Slant Magazine wrote , `` Jon Favreau draws heavily on his film 's animated predecessor for plot , characterizations , songs , and set pieces , but does n't know how to fit these familiar elements into his own coherent vision '' . Josh Spiegel of Movie Mezzanine also echoed these feelings , saying that the film `` stumbles because the people involved are n't willing to fully commit to either making a near - shot - for - shot remake or going in a completely different direction '' . Rene Rodriguez of the Miami Herald felt that the movie was soulless , writing that `` The better these talking beasts look , the more the film resembles a gorgeous screen saver . You admire The Jungle Book , but you ca n't lose yourself in it '' . Accolades ( edit ) Main article : List of accolades received by The Jungle Book ( 2016 film ) Sequel ( edit ) Following the film 's early financial and critical success , the studio has begun working on a sequel . Jon Favreau is reported to return as director and Neel Sethi is reported to reprise his role of Mowgli , while screenwriter Justin Marks is also in negotiations to return . It was announced on April 25 , 2016 that Favreau and Marks will return to direct and write , and the sequel could potentially have a release sometime in 2019 and will be shot back - to - back with a live - action remake of The Lion King . However , it was reported in March 2017 that the sequel was put on hold in order for Favreau to instead focus mainly on The Lion King . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` The Jungle Book : Press Kit '' ( PDF ) . . The Walt Disney Studios . Retrieved March 29 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` THE JUNGLE BOOK ( 2D ) ( PG ) '' . British Board of Film Classification . March 29 , 2016 . Retrieved March 29 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Anita Busch and Nancy Tartaglione ( April 12 , 2016 ) . `` ' The Jungle Book ' , ' Barbershop : The Next Cut ' To Ignite Weekend Box Office -- Preview '' . . Retrieved April 13 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Dave McMarry ( April 12 , 2016 ) . `` ' Jungle Book ' to Rule Box Office Kingdom With $70 Million Opening '' . Variety . Retrieved April 13 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Jungle Book ( 2016 ) '' . Box Office Mojo . Retrieved December 12 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` The Jungle Book : Production Notes '' ( PDF ) . . The Walt Disney Studios . 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Jump up ^ Balapurwala , Tasneem ( April 8 , 2016 ) . `` ' The Jungle Book ' review : A visual and aural treat ! '' . The Economic Times . Retrieved April 8 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Kit , Borys ( April 11 , 2016 ) . `` ' Jungle Book 2 ' in the Works With Jon Favreau , Justin Marks ( Exclusive ) '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved April 12 , 2016 . Jump up ^ McClintock , Pamela ( April 25 , 2016 ) . `` Disney Stakes Out Release Dates for ' Jungle Book 2 , ' ' Maleficent 2 ' and More '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved April 25 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Lang , Brent ( April 25 , 2016 ) . `` Disney Claims Dates for Several New Movies ; Confirms ' Jungle Book 2 , ' ' Mary Poppins ' Sequel '' . Variety . Retrieved April 25 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Foutch , Haleigh ( December 1 , 2016 ) . `` Jon Favreau Offers Updates on ' The Lion King ' and ' The Jungle Book 2 ' '' . Collider . Jump up ^ Fleming Jr , Mike ( March 21 , 2017 ) . `` Sean Bailey On How Disney 's Live - Action Division Found Its ' Beauty And The Beast ' Mojo '' . . Jungle Book director Favreau has temporarily put down a sequel for that film to instead focus on a live - action musical version of The Lion King , one that will take the Jungle Book 's photo - realistic technology further , and will fully exploit the Elton John songs from the original External links ( edit ) Disney portal Film in the United States portal Film portal 2010s portal Wikiquote has quotations related to : The Jungle Book ( 2016 film ) Official website The Jungle Book on IMDb The Jungle Book at Box Office Mojo The Jungle Book at Rotten Tomatoes The Jungle Book at Metacritic Rudyard Kipling 's The Jungle Book Books The Jungle Book ( 1894 ) The Second Jungle Book ( 1895 ) All the Mowgli Stories ( 1933 ) Mowgli stories `` Mowgli 's Brothers '' `` Kaa 's Hunting '' `` Tiger ! Tiger ! '' `` Letting in the Jungle '' `` Red Dog '' Other stories `` Rikki - Tikki - Tavi '' `` Toomai of the Elephants '' `` The White Seal '' Characters Mowgli Baloo Bagheera Akela Raksha Kaa Hathi Shere Khan Bandar - log King Louie Disney franchise Film The Jungle Book ( 1967 ) The Jungle Book ( 1994 ) The Jungle Book : Mowgli 's Story ( 1998 ) The Jungle Book 2 ( 2003 ) The Jungle Book ( 2016 ) Television TaleSpin ( 1990 -- 91 ) Jungle Cubs ( 1996 -- 1998 ) Soundtrack `` Colonel Hathi 's March '' `` The Bare Necessities '' `` I Wan'na Be like You '' `` Trust in Me '' `` That 's What Friends Are For '' `` My Own Home '' `` Jungle Jungle Baat Chali Hai '' Video games The Jungle Book ( 1993 ) The Jungle Book Groove Party ( 2000 ) Other The Jungle Book : Alive with Magic Colonel Hathi 's Pizza Outpost Other adaptations Film Elephant Boy ( 1937 ) Jungle Book ( 1942 ) Elephant Boy ( 1973 ) Adventures of Mowgli ( 1973 ) The Second Jungle Book : Mowgli & Baloo ( 1997 ) Mowgli 's First Adventure : In Search of the Elephant Eye Diamond ( 1998 ) Mowgli ( 2018 ) Television Mowgli 's Brothers ( 1976 ) Jungle Book Shōnen Mowgli ( 1989 -- 90 ) episodes Mowgli : The New Adventures of the Jungle Book ( 1998 ) The Jungle Book ( 2010 -- ) Other The Third Jungle Book ( 1992 ) A dzsungel könyve Djungelboken Related Law of the jungle Mowgli syndrome The Graveyard Book ( 2008 ) The Sherman Brothers Richard M. Sherman Robert B. Sherman Motion pictures The Parent Trap ( 1961 ) The Absent - Minded Professor ( 1961 ) Greyfriars Bobby ( 1961 ) Bon Voyage ! ( 1962 ) A Symposium on Popular Songs ( 1962 ) In Search of the Castaways ( 1962 ) Big Red ( 1962 ) Moon Pilot ( 1962 ) Summer Magic ( 1963 ) The Sword in the Stone ( 1963 ) The Misadventures of Merlin Jones ( 1964 ) The Moon - Spinners ( 1964 ) Mary Poppins ( 1964 ) Those Calloways ( 1965 ) The Monkey 's Uncle ( 1965 ) That Darn Cat ! ( 1965 ) Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree ( 1966 ) Follow Me Boys ( 1966 ) The Happiest Millionaire ( 1967 ) The Jungle Book ( 1967 ) The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin ( 1967 ) The One and Only , Genuine , Original Family Band ( 1968 ) Chitty Chitty Bang Bang ( 1968 ) Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day ( 1968 ) The Aristocats ( 1970 ) Goldilocks ( 1971 ) Bedknobs and Broomsticks ( 1971 ) Snoopy , Come Home ( 1972 ) Charlotte 's Web ( 1973 ) Tom Sawyer ( 1973 ) Huckleberry Finn ( 1974 ) Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too ( 1974 ) The Slipper and the Rose ( 1976 ) The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh ( 1977 ) The Magic of Lassie ( 1978 ) Magic Journeys ( 1982 ) Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore ( 1983 ) Little Nemo : Adventures in Slumberland ( 1992 ) The Mighty Kong ( 1998 ) Seasons of Giving ( 1999 ) The Tigger Movie ( 2000 ) Stage musicals and musical revues Victory Canteen ( 1971 ) Over Here ! ( 1974 ) Dawgs ( 1983 ) The Slipper and the Rose ( 1984 ) Busker Alley ( 1994 ) Chitty Chitty Bang Bang ( 2002 ) On the Record ( 2004 ) Mary Poppins ( 2004 ) Merry - Go - Round workshop ( 2007 ) A Spoonful of Sherman ( 2014 ) Theme park attractions Golden Horseshoe Revue ( 1955 ) King Arthur Carrousel ( 1955 ) Walt Disney 's Enchanted Tiki Room ( 1963 ) It 's a Small World ( 1966 ) Adventure Thru Inner Space ( 1967 ) Main Street Electrical Parade ( 1972 ) America Sings ( 1974 ) Walt Disney 's Carousel of Progress ( 1975 ) America on Parade ( 1975 ) CommuniCore ( 1982 ) Imagination ! ( 1982 ) Magic Journeys ( 1982 ) The World Showcase March ( 1982 ) Japan ( Epcot ) ( 1982 ) Journey into Imagination ( 1983 ) Meet the World ( 1983 ) Innoventions ( 1998 ) Rocket Rods ( 1998 ) The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh ( 1999 ) Disneyland Forever ( 2015 ) Books Walt 's Time : from before to beyond ( 1998 ) Moose : Chapters From My Life ( 2013 ) Related The Boys : The Sherman Brothers ' Story ( 2009 ) Saving Mr. Banks ( 2013 ) The Jungle Book ( 2016 ) Films directed by Jon Favreau Made ( 2001 ) Elf ( 2003 ) Zathura : A Space Adventure ( 2005 ) Iron Man ( 2008 ) Iron Man 2 ( 2010 ) Cowboys & Aliens ( 2011 ) Chef ( 2014 ) The Jungle Book ( 2016 ) The Lion King ( 2019 ) Saturn Award for Best Fantasy Film The Golden Voyage of Sinbad ( 1973 ) Doc Savage : The Man of Bronze ( 1974 / 75 ) The Holes ( 1976 ) Oh , God ! ( 1977 ) Heaven Can Wait ( 1978 ) The Muppet Movie ( 1979 ) Somewhere in Time ( 1980 ) Raiders of the Lost Ark ( 1981 ) The Dark Crystal ( 1982 ) Something Wicked This Way Comes ( 1983 ) Ghostbusters ( 1984 ) Ladyhawke ( 1985 ) The Boy Who Could Fly ( 1986 ) The Princess Bride ( 1987 ) Who Framed Roger Rabbit ( 1988 ) Ghost ( 1989 / 90 ) Edward Scissorhands ( 1991 ) Aladdin ( 1992 ) The Nightmare Before Christmas ( 1993 ) Forrest Gump ( 1994 ) Babe ( 1995 ) Dragonheart ( 1996 ) Austin Powers ( 1997 ) The Truman Show ( 1998 ) Being John Malkovich ( 1999 ) Frequency ( 2000 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring ( 2001 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Two Towers ( 2002 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King ( 2003 ) Spider - Man 2 ( 2004 ) Batman Begins ( 2005 ) Superman Returns ( 2006 ) Enchanted ( 2007 ) The Curious Case of Benjamin Button ( 2008 ) Watchmen ( 2009 ) Alice in Wonderland ( 2010 ) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 2 ( 2011 ) Life of Pi ( 2012 ) Her ( 2013 ) The Hobbit : The Battle of the Five Armies ( 2014 ) Cinderella ( 2015 ) The Jungle Book ( 2016 ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2016 films English - language films 2016 3D films 2010s adventure films 2010s fantasy films American 3D films American films American adventure drama films American children 's adventure films American fantasy adventure films Annie Award winners Disney film remakes The Jungle Book ( franchise ) Films about animals Films about bears Films about elephants Films about orphans Films about snakes Films about tigers Films scored by John Debney Films directed by Jon Favreau Films featuring anthropomorphic characters Films featuring hypnosis Films set in 1893 Films set in forests Films set in India Films shot in Los Angeles Films using computer - generated imagery Films with live action and animation Films based on adaptations Films based on multiple works Films that won the Best Visual Effects Academy Award IMAX films Jungle adventure films The Jungle Book films Performance capture in film Walt Disney Pictures films Wolves in film Hidden categories : Use mdy dates from November 2016 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from August 2016 Pages using div col with deprecated parameters Music infoboxes with deprecated parameters Articles with hAudio microformats Album infoboxes lacking a cover Track listings with deprecated parameters Pages using multiple image with manual scaled images Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Azərbaycanca Български Català Cebuano Čeština Dansk Deutsch Español فارسی Français Gaeilge Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa ಕನ್ನಡ Latviešu Magyar മലയാളം Nederlands नेपाली 日本 語 Norsk ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Polski Português Runa Simi Русский Simple English Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Tagalog ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 19 February 2018 , at 16 : 30 . 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who does christopher walken play in the jungle book
Christopher Walken as King Louie , a giant ape who rules the Bandar - log .
I 'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here ! ( Australian TV series ) - Wikipedia I 'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here ! ( Australian TV series ) Jump to : navigation , search For the current season , see I 'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here ! ( Australia season 4 ) . I 'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here ! Genre Reality television Created by Granada Television ( now part of ITV Studios ) Based on I 'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here ! Presented by Chris Brown Julia Morris Country of origin Australia Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons No. of episodes 118 ( as of 1 March , 2018 ) Production Location ( s ) Kruger National Park , in South Africa Camera setup Multiple - camera setup Production company ( s ) ITV Studios Australia Release Original network Network Ten Picture format 576i ( SDTV ) 1080i ( HDTV ) Audio format Stereo Original release 1 February 2015 -- present External links Website Production website I 'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here ! ( occasionally shortened to I 'm a Celebrity ) is an Australian reality television series on Network Ten which is based on the British television show of the same name . The series sees celebrities living in the jungle with few creature comforts and compete in various challenges to earn meals and other luxuries . The celebrities compete for $100,000 to be donated to their chosen charity . The series is set in Kruger National Park , South Africa , and is hosted by Julia Morris and Chris Brown . On 16 July 2015 the series was renewed for a second season , which premiered on 31 January 2016 . The second season was accompanied by the companion series I 'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here ! Now ! . It aired on Eleven following each episode of the main series , hosted by comedian and former season one contestant Joel Creasey and The Bachelor Australia 3 contestant Heather Maltman . On 1 August 2016 the series was renewed for a third season with Morris and Brown returning as hosts , which premiered on 29 January 2017 . A fourth season commenced on 28 January 2018 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Format 1.1 Tucker trials 1.2 Celebrity chest challenges 1.3 Secret mission 1.4 Mystery box 2 Production 2.1 Broadcast 2.2 The fallout zone 2.3 Public voting 3 Series overview 4 Series results 4.1 Season 1 ( 2015 ) 4.2 Season 2 ( 2016 ) 4.3 Season 3 ( 2017 ) 4.4 Season 4 ( 2018 ) 5 Ratings 6 Awards and nominations 7 Lawsuit 8 See also 9 References Format ( edit ) The premise of the show is that there is a group of well known personalities living together in a specially constructed camp site in a jungle . During their time in the jungle they are isolated from the outside world and are not commonly aware of outside events . The contestants compete for $100,000 to be donated to a charity of their choosing , in addition to being personally reimbursed for their participation . While in the jungle , some of the contestants ( generally voted by the viewing public ) compete in challenges for food and luxuries for the camp . These challenges often involve local wildlife and are meant to take the contestants out of their comfort zone . Each week one or more of the contestants are evicted from the jungle , based on viewer votes . In addition , if the contestants become overwhelmed by their situation they can leave the series by speaking the phrase `` I 'm a celebrity get me out of here ! '' . However , it is reported that if contestants do quit they will have their income for participating in the series markedly reduced . Throughout the show , additional contestants ( called `` intruders '' ) enter the competition ; and beginning with season two , some contestants are only included temporarily ( i.e. having a guest appearance ) . In the end , a final viewer vote occurs to determine the winner of the series , who is given the title of `` King and / or Queen of the Jungle '' . Tucker trials ( edit ) The contestants take part in daily trials to earn food . These trials aim to test both physical and mental abilities . The winner is usually determined by the number of stars collected during the trial , with each star representing a meal earned by the winning contestant for their camp mates . Celebrity chest challenges ( edit ) Two or more celebrities are chosen to take part in the celebrity chest challenge to win luxuries for camp . Each challenge involves completing a task to win a chest to take back to camp . However , to win the luxury item in the chest , the campmates must correctly answer a question . If they fail to answer correctly , the luxury item is forfeited and a joke prize is won . The luxury item is `` donated '' by a celebrity from the outside . Secret mission ( edit ) This is a challenge where some celebrities have to take part without alerting the other celebrities - if they are successful in their ' missions ' , they are rewarded . Mystery box ( edit ) A mystery box sees a box delivered to the campsite , each time containing a different gift for the contestants . Production ( edit ) Broadcast ( edit ) The show is broadcast Sunday to Thursday at 7.30 pm , with a weekly eviction show on Sunday ( except for the first week , where the celebrities arrive in the ' jungle ' ) . All shows are presented by Julia Morris & Chris Brown from a nearby studio . The program is live to AEDT States ( New South Wales , Victoria , Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory ) , in other states the program is delayed to accommodate local time zones . The Fallout Zone ( edit ) In addition to the television broadcast , for the first season a live feed from the camp site aired for an hour after the AEDT airing of the show on Ten 's website and mobile app , titled The Fallout Zone but more commonly referred to as FOZ . The content of feed was available on the website after the fact so viewers in other states could watch the show after their airing of the main show . The feed was hosted by comedian Sam Mac and producer Ciaran `` The Butcher '' Flannery , also known as `` The C - Word '' . On 8 and 12 March 2015 , producer Dominic `` The Domin8or '' Sullivan filled in during Flannery 's absence . The duo interact with viewers through Twitter , using the hashtag # FOZ . Mac and Flannery have no control over the shots used in the stream which has resulted in one episode featuring a 20 - minute shot of a waterfall and , on 16 February 2015 , a 15 - minute conversation featuring a sound technician looking for Bob being picked up . On 5 March 2015 the show famously featured audio problems during which Mac and Flannery 's voices fluctuated between chipmunk and Darth Vader filters for the first thirty minutes . The show 's theme song is Highway to the Fallout Zone sung by Sam Mac . The show did not return for the second season . Public voting ( edit ) Throughout the show the public votes on who competes in the following tucker trial and who to evict from the campsite . Viewers can either vote via SMS ( by texting the name of the celebrity to 1995 1010 ) or vote via Social Media ( namely Facebook or Twitter ) by using the celebrity 's hashtag ( # celeb ( name ) ) . Voting via social media is limited to 20 votes per account . For tucker trial voting , viewers vote for celebrity they wish to compete . For eviction voting , viewers vote for a celebrity to stay . Voting closes at approximately 7 : 30pm AEDT for Sunday 's eviction vote and at approximately 8pm AEDT for voting on other days . Prior to the premiere of the second season , it was announced that the voting process would change slightly compared to the inaugural season . SMS voting wil be used for both trial and eviction voting while Twitter voting will be used exclusively for trial voting . This change was implemented to even the playing field between celebrities with a larger international fan base ( who are more likely to receive Twitter votes from said fan base ) and celebrities with a smaller fan base who are only known in Australia . However , this decision was later reversed , allowing Twitter and Facebook votes for the finals . Series overview ( edit ) Winners are crowned King or Queen of their respective year . Key : King of the Jungle Queen of the Jungle Season Presenters Start date End date Days in camp Campmates Honour places Winner Second place Third place Chris Brown and Julia Morris 1 February 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 01 ) 15 March 2015 ( 2015 - 03 - 15 ) 45 14 Freddie Flintoff Barry Hall Chrissie Swan 31 January 2016 ( 2016 - 01 - 31 ) 13 March 2016 ( 2016 - 03 - 13 ) 45 12 Brendan Fevola Paul Harragon Laurina Fleure 29 January 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 29 ) 13 March 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 13 ) 46 14 Casey Donovan Dane Swan Natalie Bassingthwaighte 28 January 2018 ( 2018 - 01 - 28 ) 12 March 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 12 ) 15 Series results ( edit ) Key Winner -- King or Queen of the Jungle Runner - up Third place Late arrival Evicted Withdrew Season 1 ( 2015 ) ( edit ) Main article : I 'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here ! ( Australia season 1 ) Celebrity Known for Day Entered Day Exited Result Freddie Flintoff England cricketer 17 45 Winner Barry Hall Former AFL forward 45 Runner - up Chrissie Swan Television & radio broadcaster 45 Third Place Maureen McCormick The Brady Bunch actress 42 Evicted 11th Joel Creasey Comedian 41 Evicted 10th Anna Heinrich The Bachelor Australia star 10 41 Evicted 9th Julie Goodwin Chef & cookbook author 17 40 Evicted 8th Merv Hughes Former test match cricketer 39 Evicted 7th Tyson Mayr Model 38 Evicted 6th Andrew Daddo Television & radio presenter 31 Evicted 5th Lauren Brant Hi - 5 singer 24 Evicted 4th Laura Dundovic Miss Universe Australia 2008 17 Evicted 3rd Tim Robards The Bachelor Australia star 10 17 Evicted 2nd Leisel Jones Olympic swimmer 10 Evicted 1st Season 2 ( 2016 ) ( edit ) Main article : I 'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here ! ( Australia season 2 ) Celebrity Known for Day Entered Day Exited Result Brendan Fevola AFL full - forward 45 Winner Paul Harragon Former NRL prop forward 45 Runner - up Laurina Fleure The Bachelor Australia 2 star 45 Third Place Anthony Callea Singer - songwriter 42 Evicted 9th Shane Warne Retired international cricketer 41 Evicted 8th Havana Brown DJ 40 Evicted 7th Jo Beth Taylor Television presenter 39 Evicted 6th Val Lehman Prisoner actress 38 Evicted 5th Dean Geyer Glee actor 31 Evicted 4th Bonnie Lythgoe So You Think You Can Dance Australia judge 24 Evicted 3rd Akmal Saleh Comedian 17 Evicted 2nd Courtney Hancock Ironwoman 10 Evicted 1st Season 3 ( 2017 ) ( edit ) Main article : I 'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here ! ( Australia season 3 ) Celebrity Known for Day Entered Day Exited Result Casey Donovan Singer - songwriter ( Australian Idol Winner ) 46 Winner Dane Swan AFL Legend 46 Runner - Up Natalie Bassingthwaighte Singer & Actress 46 Third Place Nazeem Hussain Comedian 45 Evicted 11th Steve Price Radio Shock Jock 42 Evicted 10th Lisa Curry Olympic Swimmer 41 Evicted 9th Ash Pollard My Kitchen Rules contestant 40 Evicted 8th Carson Kressley TV Personality 25 39 Evicted 7th Tegan Martin Beauty Queen 38 Evicted 6th Keira Maguire The Bachelor Australia 4 star 19 35 Evicted 5th Kris Smith TV Personality & Model 35 Evicted 4th Tziporah Malkah Former Model 31 Evicted 3rd Jay Laga'aia Actor & Singer 24 Evicted 2nd Tom Arnold Hollywood Actor 17 Evicted 1st Season 4 ( 2018 ) ( edit ) Main article : I 'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here ! ( Australia season 4 ) Celebrity Known for Day Entered Day Exited Result Paul Burrell Former Royal servant 17 Josh Gibson AFL Player Jackie Gillies Psychic & Reality TV Star Danny Green Boxer 7 Simone Holtznagel Model Shannon Noll Singer Lisa Oldfield Reality TV Star 24 Fiona O'Loughlin Comedian Vicky Pattison Reality TV star 17 Peter Rowsthorn Actor & Comedian David Oldfield Former Politician 24 30 Evicted 3rd Kerry Armstrong Actress 23 Evicted 2nd Tiffany Darwish Singer 16 Evicted 1st Anthony Mundine Boxer 12 Withdrew Bernard Tomic Tennis Player Withdrew Ratings ( edit ) Season Episodes Premiere Finale Source Premiere date Premiere viewers ( Opening Night ) Rank Premiere viewers ( Welcome to the Jungle ) Rank Finale date Finale viewers ( Grand final ) Rank Finale viewers ( Winner announced ) Rank 31 1 February 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 01 ) 1.199 1.136 5 15 March 2015 ( 2015 - 03 - 15 ) 0.999 8 1.144 31 31 January 2016 ( 2016 - 01 - 31 ) 1.324 1.081 5 13 March 2016 ( 2016 - 03 - 13 ) 0.719 8 0.858 6 32 29 January 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 29 ) 1.103 7 0.963 8 13 March 2017 0.989 6 1.056 31 28 January 2018 ( 2018 - 01 - 28 ) 1.274 1.108 5 12 March 2018 TBC TBC TBC TBC Awards and nominations ( edit ) Year Award Recipients and nominees Result Refs . 2016 Logie Awards of 2016 Best Reality Program I 'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here ! Nominated 2017 Logie Awards of 2017 Best Reality Program I 'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here ! Nominated Lawsuit ( edit ) In June 2017 , Tom Arnold filed a lawsuit against Network Ten and A List Entertainment for defrauding him for being on I 'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here ! . Arnold claims that he was promised a payment of $425,000 and a comedy tour in Australia , however he was missing $140,000 in payment and that Network Ten backed out of the comedy tour . See also ( edit ) Television in Australia portal References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` I 'm a Celebrity heads to Oz '' . C21 Media . Retrieved 8 September 2014 . Jump up ^ Gusmaroli , Danielle ( 8 February 2015 ) . `` I 'm A Celebrity I 'm out Of Here ! Olympian Liesel Jones is first star voted out of the south African jungle after opening up about her weight issues '' . Daily Mail Australia . Retrieved 23 March 2015 . Jump up ^ `` The Kruger Welcomes I 'm A Celebrity '' . CallSheet. 28 January 2016 . Retrieved 19 March 2016 . Jump up ^ `` TV jungle gets real for Channel 10 but are celebs in or out ? '' . . Retrieved 13 November 2014 . Jump up ^ Knox , David ( 16 July 2015 ) . `` Renewed : I 'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here '' . TV Tonight . Retrieved 17 July 2015 . Jump up ^ Knox , David ( 10 January 2016 ) . `` Returning : I 'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here ! '' . TV Tonight . Retrieved 31 January 2016 . Jump up ^ Knox , David ( 19 November 2015 ) . `` TEN Upfronts 2016 : Survivor , Jessica Marais , Anh Do - and Nigella ! '' . TV Tonight . Retrieved 22 November 2015 . Jump up ^ `` 'm A Celebrity ... Get Me Out Of Here ! Is Back In 2017 '' . Ten Play . Channel Ten . August 1 , 2016 . Retrieved September 14 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Reines , Ros ( 2 February 2015 ) . `` I 'm SO glad I turned down I 'm A Celebrity ... even though it paid ' $30 k per week ' '' . The Daily Telegraph . Retrieved 21 November 2015 . Jump up ^ Knox , David ( 4 March 2015 ) . `` Contract clause ' penalty ' for Celebrities who quit TEN 's jungle '' . TV Tonight . Retrieved 21 November 2015 . Jump up ^ Knox , David ( 28 December 2015 ) . `` Mark Waugh into TEN 's jungle ? '' . TV Tonight . Retrieved 7 January 2016 . Jump up ^ Knox , David ( 28 January 2016 ) . `` I 'm a Celebrity to switch - up viewer voting this year '' . TV Tonight . Retrieved 16 April 2016 . Jump up ^ Knox , David ( 10 March 2016 ) . `` TEN U-turn on voting promise for I 'm A Celebrity '' . TV Tonight . Retrieved 16 April 2016 . Jump up ^ Knox , David ( 2 February 2015 ) . `` Sunday 1 February 2015 '' . TV Tonight . Retrieved 21 November 2015 . Jump up ^ Knox , David ( 16 March 2015 ) . `` Sunday 15 March 2015 '' . TV Tonight . Retrieved 21 November 2015 . Jump up ^ Knox , David ( 1 February 2016 ) . `` Sunday 31 January 2016 '' . TV Tonight . Retrieved 1 February 2016 . Jump up ^ Knox , David ( 14 March 2016 ) . `` Sunday 13 March 2016 '' . Retrieved 14 March 2016 . Jump up ^ Knox , David ( 30 January 2017 ) . `` Sunday 29 January 2017 '' . TV Tonight . Retrieved 30 January 2017 . Jump up ^ Knox , David ( 14 March 2017 ) . `` Monday 13 March 2017 '' . TV Tonight . Retrieved 14 March 2017 . Jump up ^ Knox , David ( 29 January 2018 ) . `` Sunday 28 January 2018 '' . TV Tonight . Retrieved 29 January 2018 . Jump up ^ Knox , David ( 3 April 2016 ) . `` Logie Awards 2016 : nominations '' . TV Tonight . Retrieved 3 April 2016 . Jump up ^ Knox , David ( 22 April 2017 ) . `` Logie Awards 2017 : nominees '' . TV Tonight . Retrieved 22 April 2017 . Jump up ^ Cullins , Ashley ( 2017 - 06 - 15 ) . `` Tom Arnold Sues Australian Reality TV Network for Fraud '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved 2017 - 06 - 16 . I 'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here ! ( Australia ) Seasons Winners Freddie Flintoff Brendan Fevola Casey Donovan Related articles I 'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here ! International versions of I 'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here ! Australia France Germany Hungary India Romania Sweden United Kingdom United States Current Australian reality television series Seven Network First Dates Hell 's Kitchen Australia House Rules My Kitchen Rules Seven Year Switch Nine Network Australian Ninja Warrior Family Food Fight Married at First Sight The Block The Voice 9Go ! Meet the Hockers Network Ten Australian Survivor The Bachelor The Bachelorette MasterChef Australia I 'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here ! Shark Tank Eleven Bondi Ink Tattoo Arena The Real Housewives of Melbourne The Real Housewives of Sydney Fox8 Australia 's Next Top Model The Recruit A&E Aussie Pickers Demolition Man Pawn Stars Australia Lifestyle Food The Great Australian Bake Off All Australian reality series Network Ten local programming ( current and upcoming ) Primetime All Star Family Feud ( since 2016 ) Australian Survivor ( since 2016 ) The Bachelor Australia ( since 2013 ) The Bachelorette Australia ( since 2015 ) Todd Sampson 's Body Hack ( since 2016 ) Bondi Vet ( since 2009 ) Bondi Rescue ( since 2006 ) CRAM ! ( since 2017 ) Family Feud ( since 2014 ) Gogglebox Australia ( since 2015 ) Have You Been Paying Attention ? ( since 2013 ) Hughesy , We Have a Problem ( since 2018 ) I 'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here ! ( since 2015 ) The Living Room ( since 2012 ) MasterChef Australia ( since 2009 ) Offspring ( 2010 -- 2014 , since 2016 ) Shark Tank ( since 2015 ) Sisters ( since 2017 ) The Wrong Girl ( since 2016 ) Daytime Ben 's Menu ( since 2014 ) Everyday Gourmet with Justine Schofield ( since 2011 ) Good Chef Bad Chef ( since 2011 ) My Market Kitchen ( since 2016 ) News Ten Eyewitness News ( since 1965 ) The Project ( since 2009 ) Studio 10 ( since 2013 ) Sport RPM ( 1997 -- 2008 , 2011 , since 2015 ) Weekends Cruise Mode ( since 2016 ) Healthy Homes TV ( since 2015 ) ifish ( since 2009 ) Mass For You At Home ( since 1971 ) What 's Up Downunder Upcoming All Aussie Adventures ( 2018 ) Bachelor in Paradise ( 2018 ) Blind Date ( 2018 ) How to Stay Married ( 2018 ) Street Smart ( 2018 ) Retrieved from ``!_(Australian_TV_series)&oldid=828234662 '' Categories : Network Ten shows 2010s Australian television series 2015 Australian television series debuts Australian reality television series I 'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here ! English - language television programs Television series by ITV Studios Television shows set in South Africa Hidden categories : Use Australian English from February 2015 All Wikipedia articles written in Australian English Use dmy dates from February 2015 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Edit links This page was last edited on 1 March 2018 , at 10 : 16 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
is there an australian version of i'm a celebrity
I 'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here ! ( occasionally shortened to I 'm a Celebrity ) is an Australian reality television series on Network Ten which is based on the British television show of the same name . The series sees celebrities living in the jungle with few creature comforts and compete in various challenges to earn meals and other luxuries . The celebrities compete for $100,000 to be donated to their chosen charity . The series is set in Kruger National Park , South Africa , and is hosted by Julia Morris and Chris Brown .
Hispaniola - wikipedia Hispaniola Jump to : navigation , search `` San Domingo '' , `` Haiti ( island ) '' , and `` Hayti ( island ) '' redirect here . For other uses , see San Domingo ( disambiguation ) , Haiti ( disambiguation ) , and Hayti ( disambiguation ) . Hispaniola La Española ( Spanish ) View from Hispaniola Geography Location Caribbean Coordinates 19 ° N 71 ° W  /  19 ° N 71 ° W  / 19 ; - 71 Coordinates : 19 ° N 71 ° W  /  19 ° N 71 ° W  / 19 ; - 71 Archipelago Greater Antilles Area 76,192 km ( 29,418 sq mi ) Area rank 22nd Coastline 3,059 km ( 1,900.8 mi ) Highest elevation 3,175 m ( 10,417 ft ) Highest point Pico Duarte Administration Dominican Republic Largest settlement Santo Domingo Haiti Largest settlement Port - au - Prince Demographics Population 21,396,000 ( 2014 ) Pop . density 280.8 / km ( 727.3 / sq mi ) Hispaniola ( Spanish : La Española ; Latin : Hispaniola ; Taíno : Haiti / Quisqueya ) is the 22nd - largest island in the world , located in the Caribbean island group , the Greater Antilles . It is the second largest island in the Caribbean after Cuba , and the most populous island in the Caribbean ; the eleventh most populous island in the world . The 76,192 - square - kilometre ( 29,418 sq mi ) island is divided between two sovereign nations , the Spanish - speaking Dominican Republic ( 48,445 km , 18,705 sq mi ) , and French - speaking Haiti ( 27,750 km , 10,710 sq mi ) . The only other shared island in the Caribbean is Saint Martin , which is shared between France ( Saint - Martin ) and the Netherlands ( Sint Maarten ) . Hispaniola is the site of the first permanent European settlement in the Americas , founded by Christopher Columbus on his voyages in 1492 and 1493 . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Etymology 1.2 Post-Columbian 2 Geography 2.1 Fauna 2.2 Flora 2.3 Climate 3 Demographics 3.1 Ethnic composition 4 Economics 5 Precious metals 6 See also 7 References 8 External links History ( edit ) Early map of Hispaniola and Puerto Rico , c. 1639 . See also : Colony of Santo Domingo , Colony of Saint - Domingue , History of Haiti , and History of the Dominican Republic Etymology ( edit ) The island was called by various names by its native people , the Taíno Amerindians . No known Taíno texts survive , hence , historical evidence for those names comes to us through three historians : the Italian Pietro Martyr d'Anghiera , and the Spaniards Bartolomé de las Casas and Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo . Fernández de Oviedo and de las Casas both recorded that the island was called Haiti ( `` Mountainous Land '' ) by the Taíno . D'Anghiera added another name , Quizqueia ( supposedly `` Mother of all Lands '' ) , but later research shows that the word does not seem to derive from the original Arawak Taíno language . ( Quisqueya is today mostly used in the Dominican Republic . ) Although the Taínos ' use of Haiti is verified , and the name was used by all three historians , evidence suggests that it probably was not the Taíno name of the whole island , but only for a region ( now known as Los Haitises ) in the northeastern section of the present - day Dominican Republic . When Columbus took possession of the island in 1492 , he named it Insula Hispana in Latin and La Isla Española in Spanish , with both meaning `` the Spanish island '' . De las Casas shortened the name to `` Española '' , and when d'Anghiera detailed his account of the island in Latin , he rendered its name as Hispaniola . In the oldest documented map of the island , created by Andrés de Morales , Los Haitises is labeled Montes de Haití ( `` Haiti Mountains '' ) , and de las Casas apparently named the whole island Haiti on the basis of that particular region , as d'Anghiera states that the name of one part was given to the whole island . Due to Taíno , Spanish and French influences on the island , historically the whole island was often referred to as Haiti , Hayti , Santo Domingo , St. Domingue , or San Domingo . The colonial terms Saint - Domingue and Santo Domingo are sometimes still applied to the whole island , though these names refer , respectively , to the colonies that became Haiti and the Dominican Republic . Since Anghiera 's literary work was translated into English and French soon after being written , the name `` Hispaniola '' became the most frequently used term in English - speaking countries for the island in scientific and cartographic works . In 1918 , the United States occupation government , led by Harry Shepard Knapp , obliged the use of the name Hispaniola on the island , and recommended the use of that name to the National Geographic Society . The name Haïti was adopted by Haitian revolutionary Jean - Jacques Dessalines in 1804 , as the official name of independent Saint - Domingue , as a tribute to the Amerindian predecessors . It was also adopted as the official name of independent Santo Domingo , as the Republic of Spanish Haiti , a state that existed from November 1821 until its annexation by Haiti in February 1822 . Post-columbian ( edit ) Columbus landing on Hispaniola Christopher Columbus inadvertently landed on the island during his first voyage across the Atlantic in 1492 , where his flagship , the Santa Maria , sank after running aground on December 25 . A contingent of men were left at an outpost christened La Navidad , on the north coast of present - day Haiti . On his return the following year , following the destruction of La Navidad by the local population , Columbus quickly established a second compound farther east in present - day Dominican Republic , La Isabela . The island was inhabited by the Taíno , one of the indigenous Arawak peoples . The Taino were at first tolerant of Columbus and his crew , and helped him to construct La Navidad on what is now Môle - Saint - Nicolas , Haiti , in December 1492 . European colonization of the island began in earnest the following year , when 1,300 men arrived from Spain under the watch of Bartolomeo Columbus . In 1496 the town of Nueva Isabela was founded . After being destroyed by a hurricane , it was rebuilt on the opposite side of the Ozama River and called Santo Domingo . It is the oldest permanent European settlement in the Americas . Chiefdoms of Hispaniola Several 16th century writers estimated the 1492 population of Hispaniola at over 1 million people . Twentieth - century estimates of the figure range from 60,000 to 8,000,000 , but center around the 500,000 to 1,000,000 range . Harsh enslavement by Spanish colonists , redirection of food supplies and labor towards the colonists , had a devastating impact on both mortality and fertility over the first quarter century . Colonial administrators and Dominican and Hyeronimite priests observed that the search for gold and agrarian enslavement through the encomienda system were depressing population . Demographic data from two provinces in 1514 shows a low birth rate consistent with a 3.5 % annual population decline . Just 14,000 Taínos survived in 1517 . In 1503 the colony began to import African slaves , believing them more capable of performing physical labor . The first documented outbreak of smallpox , previously an Eastern hemisphere disease , on Hispaniola occurred in December 1518 among enslaved African miners . Some scholars speculate that European diseases arrived before this date , but there is no compelling evidence for an outbreak . The natives had no immunity to European diseases , including smallpox . By May 1519 , as many as one - third of the remaining Taínos had died . Christopher Columbus brought sugar cane on his second voyage to the island . Molasses was the chief product . Diego Colon 's plantation had 40 African slaves in 1522 . By 1526 , 19 mills were in operation from Azua to Santo Domingo . In 1574 , a census taken of the Greater Antilles reported 1,000 Spaniards and 12,000 African slaves on Hispaniola . As Spain conquered new regions on the mainland of the Americas ( Spanish Main ) , its interest in Hispaniola waned , and the colony 's population grew slowly . By the early 17th century , the island and its smaller neighbors ( notably Tortuga ) became regular stopping points for Caribbean pirates . In 1606 , the government of Philip III ordered all inhabitants of Hispaniola to move close to Santo Domingo , to avoid interaction with pirates . Rather than secure the island , his action meant that French , English and Dutch pirates established their own bases on the abandoned north and west coasts of the island . French map of Hispaniola by Nicolas de Fer In 1665 , French colonization of the island was officially recognized by King Louis XIV . The French colony was given the name Saint - Domingue . In the 1697 Treaty of Ryswick , Spain formally ceded the western third of the island to France . Saint - Domingue quickly came to overshadow the east in both wealth and population . Nicknamed the `` Pearl of the Antilles , '' it became the richest and most prosperous colony in the West Indies , with a system of human enslavement used to grow and harvest sugar cane , during a time when demand for sugar was high in Europe . Slavery kept prices low and profit was maximized at the expense of human lives . It was an important port in the Americas for goods and products flowing to and from France and Europe . With the treaty of Peace of Basel , revolutionary France emerged as a major European power . In the second 1795 Treaty of Basel ( July 22 ) , Spain ceded the eastern two - thirds of the island of Hispaniola , later to become the Dominican Republic . French settlers had begun to colonize some areas in the Spanish side of the territory . European colonists often died young due to tropical fevers , as well as from violent slave resistance in the late eighteenth century . When the French Revolution abolished slavery in the colonies on February 4 , 1794 , it was a European first , and when Napoleon reimposed slavery in 1802 it led to a major upheaval by the emancipated black slaves . Thousands of the French troops sent by Napoleon to reestablish slavery succumbed to yellow fever during the summer months , and more than half of the French army died because of disease . After the French removed the surviving 7,000 troops in late 1803 , the leaders of the revolution declared western Hispaniola the new nation of independent Haiti in early 1804 . France continued to rule Spanish Santo Domingo . In 1805 , Haitian troops of General Henri Christophe tried to conquer all of Hispaniola . They invaded Santo Domingo and sacked the towns of Santiago de los Caballeros and Moca , killing most of their residents , but news of a French fleet sailing towards Haiti forced General Christophe to return to Haiti , leaving the eastern Spanish side of the island in French hands . In 1808 , following Napoleon 's invasion of Spain , the criollos of Santo Domingo revolted against French rule and , with the aid of the United Kingdom ( Spain 's ally ) returned Santo Domingo to Spanish control . Fearing the influence of a society that had successfully fought and won against their enslavers , the United States and European powers refused to recognize Haiti , the second republic in the western hemisphere . France demanded a high payment for compensation to slaveholders who lost their property , and Haiti was saddled with unmanageable debt for decades . It became one of the poorest countries in the Americas , while the Dominican Republic gradually has developed into the largest economy of Central America and the Caribbean . Geography ( edit ) See also : Geography of Haiti and Geography of the Dominican Republic Topographic map of Hispaniola Hispaniola is the second - largest island in the Caribbean ( after Cuba ) , with an area of 76,192 square kilometers ( 29,418 sq mi ) , 48,440 square kilometers ( 18,700 sq mi ) of which is under the sovereignty of the Dominican Republic occupying the eastern portion and 27,750 square kilometers ( 10,710 sq mi ) under the sovereignty of Haiti occupying the western portion . The island of Cuba lies 80 kilometers ( 50 mi ) to the northwest across the Windward Passage ; to the southwest lies Jamaica , separated by the Jamaica Channel . Puerto Rico lies east of Hispaniola across the Mona Passage . The Bahamas and Turks and Caicos Islands lie to the north . Its westernmost point is known as Cap Carcasse . Cuba , Hispaniola , Jamaica , and Puerto Rico are collectively known as the Greater Antilles . The island has five major mountain ranges : The Central Range , known in the Dominican Republic as the Cordillera Central , spans the central part of the island , extending from the south coast of the Dominican Republic into northwestern Haiti , where it is known as the Massif du Nord . This mountain range boasts the highest peak in the Antilles , Pico Duarte at 3,098 meters ( 10,164 ft ) above sea level . The Cordillera Septentrional runs parallel to the Central Range across the northern end of the Dominican Republic , extending into the Atlantic Ocean as the Samaná Peninsula . The Cordillera Central and Cordillera Septentrional are separated by the lowlands of the Cibao Valley and the Atlantic coastal plains , which extend westward into Haiti as the Plaine du Nord ( Northern Plain ) . The lowest of the ranges is the Cordillera Oriental , in the eastern part of the country . The Sierra de Neiba rises in the southwest of the Dominican Republic , and continues northwest into Haiti , parallel to the Cordillera Central , as the Montagnes Noires , Chaîne des Matheux and the Montagnes du Trou d'Eau . The Plateau Central lies between the Massif du Nord and the Montagnes Noires , and the Plaine de l'Artibonite lies between the Montagnes Noires and the Chaîne des Matheux , opening westward toward the Gulf of Gonâve , the largest gulf of the Antilles . The southern range begins in the southwestern most Dominican Republic as the Sierra de Bahoruco , and extends west into Haiti as the Massif de la Selle and the Massif de la Hotte , which form the mountainous spine of Haiti 's southern peninsula . Pic de la Selle is the highest peak in the southern range , the third highest peak in the Antilles and consequently the highest point in Haiti , at 2,680 meters ( 8,790 ft ) above sea level . A depression runs parallel to the southern range , between the southern range and the Chaîne des Matheux - Sierra de Neiba . It is known as the Plaine du Cul - de-Sac in Haiti , and Haiti 's capital Port - au - Prince lies at its western end . The depression is home to a chain of salt lakes , including Lake Azuei in Haiti and Lake Enriquillo in the Dominican Republic . The island has four distinct ecoregions . The Hispaniolan moist forests ecoregion covers approximately 50 % of the island , especially the northern and eastern portions , predominantly in the lowlands but extending up to 2,100 meters ( 6,900 ft ) elevation . The Hispaniolan dry forests ecoregion occupies approximately 20 % of the island , lying in the rain shadow of the mountains in the southern and western portion of the island and in the Cibao valley in the center - north of the island . The Hispaniolan pine forests occupy the mountainous 15 % of the island , above 850 metres ( 2,790 ft ) elevation . The flooded grasslands and savannas ecoregion in the south central region of the island surrounds a chain of lakes and lagoons in which the most notable include that of Lake Azuei and Trou Caïman in Haiti and the nearby Lake Enriquillo in the Dominican Republic . Fauna ( edit ) There are many bird species in Hispaniola , and the island 's amphibian species are also diverse . Flora ( edit ) The island has four distinct ecoregions . The Hispaniolan moist forests ecoregion covers approximately 50 % of the island , especially the northern and eastern portions , predominantly in the lowlands but extending up to 2,100 meters ( 6,900 ft ) elevation . The Hispaniolan dry forests ecoregion occupies approximately 20 % of the island , lying in the rain shadow of the mountains in the southern and western portion of the island and in the Cibao valley in the center - north of the island . The Hispaniolan pine forests occupy the mountainous 15 % of the island , above 850 metres ( 2,790 ft ) elevation . The flooded grasslands and savannas ecoregion in the south central region of the island surrounds a chain of lakes and lagoons in which the most notable include that of Lake Azuei and Trou Caïman in Haiti and the nearby Lake Enriquillo in the Dominican Republic . Satellite image depicting the border between Haiti ( left ) and the Dominican Republic ( right ) In Haiti , deforestation has long been cited by scientists as a source of ecological crisis ; the timber industry dates back to French colonial rule . Haiti has seen a dramatic reduction of forests due to the excessive and increasing use of charcoal as fuel for cooking . Recent in - depth studies of satellite imagery and environmental analysis regarding forest classification conclude an accurate estimate of approximately 30 % tree cover , a stark decrease in the 60 % forest cover in 1925 . Despite recent in - depth studies , the notoriously unsubstantiated 2 % forest cover estimate has been widely circulated in media and in discourse concerning the country . Despite the drastic underestimation of Haiti 's forest cover , the country has been significantly deforested over the last 50 years , resulting in the desertification of portions of the Haitian territory . In the Dominican Republic the forest cover has increased . In 2003 the Dominican forest cover had been reduced to 32 % of the territory , but in 2011 the trend towards reducing reverts to increase forest cover by eight percentage points to stand at nearly 40 % of territory . The success of the Dominican forest growth is due to several Dominican government policies and private organizations for the purpose , and a strong educational campaign that has resulted in increased awareness on the Dominican people of the importance of forests for their welfare and in other forms of life on the island . Climate ( edit ) Cordillera Central , Dominican Republic Owing to its mountainous topography , Hispaniola 's climate shows considerable variation over short distances , and is the most varied of all the Antilles . Except in the Northern Hemisphere summer season , the predominant winds over Hispaniola are the northeast trade winds . As in Jamaica and Cuba , these winds deposit their moisture on the northern mountains , and create a distinct rain shadow on the southern coast , where some areas receive as little as 400 millimetres ( 16 in ) of rainfall , and have semi-arid climates . Annual rainfall under 600 millimetres ( 24 in ) also occurs on the southern coast of Haiti 's northwest peninsula and in the central Azúa region of the Plaine du Cul - de-Sac . In these regions , moreover , there is generally little rainfall outside hurricane season from August to October , and droughts are by no means uncommon when hurricanes do not come . Les Cayes , Sud , Haiti On the northern coast , in contrast , rainfall may peak between December and February , though some rain falls in all months of the year . Annual amounts typically range from 1,700 to 2,000 millimetres ( 67 to 79 in ) on the northern coastal lowlands ; there is probably much more in the Cordillera Septentrional , though no data exist . The interior of Hispaniola , along with the southeastern coast centred around Santo Domingo , typically receives around 1,400 millimetres ( 55 in ) per year , with a distinct wet season from May to October . Usually , this wet season has two peaks : one around May , the other around the hurricane season . In the interior highlands , rainfall is much greater , around 3,100 millimetres ( 120 in ) per year , but with a similar pattern to that observed in the central lowlands . As is usual for tropical islands , variations of temperature are much less marked than rainfall variations , and depend only on altitude . Lowland Hispaniola is generally oppressively hot and humid , with temperatures averaging 28 ° C ( 82 ° F ) . with high humidity during the daytime , and around 20 ° C ( 68 ° F ) at night . At higher altitudes , temperatures fall steadily , so that frosts occur during the dry season on the highest peaks , where maxima are no higher than 18 ° C ( 64 ° F ) . Demographics ( edit ) The Dominican Republic is a Hispanophone nation of approximately 10 million people . Spanish is spoken by all Dominicans as a primary language . Roman Catholicism is the official and dominant religion . Haiti is a Francophone nation of roughly 10 million people . Although French is spoken as a primary language by the educated and wealthy minority , virtually the entire population speaks Haitian Creole , one of several French - derived creole languages . Roman Catholicism is the dominant religion , practiced by more than half the population , although in some cases in combination with Haitian Vodou faith . Another 25 % of the populace belong to Protestant churches . Haiti emerged as the first Black republic in the world . Ethnic composition ( edit ) The ethnic composition of the Dominican population is 73 % mixed ( African / European ) , 16 % white and 11 % black . The ethnic composition of Haiti is estimated to be 95 % black , 5 % white and mixed . Economics ( edit ) The island has the largest economy in the Greater Antilles , however most of the economic development is found in the Dominican Republic , the Dominican economy being nearly 800 % larger than the Haitian economy . The estimated annual per capita income is US $1,300 in Haiti and US $8,200 in Dominican Republic . The divergence between the level of economic development between Haiti and Dominican Republic makes its border the higher contrast of all western land borders and is evident that the Dominican Republic has one of the highest migration issues in the Americas . Geologic map of Hispaniola . Mzb are Mesozoic amphibolites and associated metasedimentary rocks , Ki are Cretaceous plutons , Kv are Cretaceous volcanic rocks , uK are Upper Cretaceous marine strata , Ku are Cretaceous sedimentary and volcanic rocks , K are Cretaceous marine strata , IT are Eocene and / or Paleocene marine strata , uT are Post-Eocene marine strata , T are Tertiary marine strata , V are volcanic rocks , and Q are Quaternary alluvium . The black triangles indicate the Late Eocene Hatillo Thrust fault . Precious metals ( edit ) Christopher Columbus , noting `` the land and trees resembled those of Spain , and that the sailors caught in their nets many fish like those of Spain ... named it Espanola on Sunday , December 9th . '' One of the first inhabitants he came across on this island was `` a girl wearing only a gold nose plug . '' Columbus later learned that the `` land of gold was farther east . '' Soon the Tainos were trading pieces of gold for hawk 's bells with their cacique declaring the gold came from Cibao . Traveling further east from Navidad , Columbus came across the Yaque del Norte River , which he named Rio de Oro because its `` sands abound in gold dust . '' On Columbus ' return during his second voyage he learned it was the cacique Caonabo , `` lord of the mines '' , who had massacred his settlement at Navidad . While Columbus established a new settlement at La Isabela on Jan. 1494 , he sent Alonso de Ojeda and 15 men to search for the `` mines of Cibao . '' After a six - day journey , Ojeda came across an area `` very rich in gold '' , in which the `` Indians took gold out of a brook ... and many other streams in that province . '' Columbus himself visited the mines of Cibao on 12 March 1494 . He constructed the Fort of Santo Tomas , present day Janico , with Captain Pedro Margarit in command of 56 men . On 24 March 1495 , Columbus with his ally Guacanagarix , embarked on a war of revenge against Caonabo , capturing him and his family while `` killing many Indians and capturing others . '' Afterwards , `` every person of fourteen years of age or upward was to pay a large hawk 's bell of gold dust . '' Miguel Diaz and Francisco de Garay discovered large gold nuggets on the lower Haina River in 1496 . These San Cristobal mines were later known as the Minas Viejas mines . Then , in 1499 , the first major discovery of gold was made in the cordillera central , which led to a mining boom . By 1501 , Columbus ' cousin Giovanni Colombo , had discovered gold near Buenaventura , the deposits were later known as Minas Nuevas . Two major mining areas resulted , one along San Cristobal - Buenaventura , and another in Cibao within the La Vega - Cotuy - Bonao triangle , while Santiago de los Caballeros , Concepcion , and Bonao became mining towns . The gold rush of 1500 -- 1508 ensued . Ferdinand `` ordered gold from the richest mines reserved for the Crown . '' Thus , Ovando expropriated the gold mines of Miguel Diaz and Francisco de Garay in 1504 , as pit mines became royal mines , though placers were open to private prospectors . Furthermore , Ferdinand wanted the `` best Indians '' working his royal mines , and kept 967 in the San Cristobal mining area supervised by salaried miners . Under Nicolás de Ovando y Cáceres ' governorship , the Indians were made to work in the gold mines , `` where they were grossly overworked , mistreated , and underfed , '' according to Pons . By 1503 , the Spanish Crown legalized the distribution of Indians to work the mines as part of the encomienda system . According to Pons , `` Once the Indians entered the mines , hunger and disease literally wiped them out . '' By 1508 the Indian population of about 400,000 was reduced to 60,000 , and by 1514 , only 26,334 remained . About half were located in the mining towns of Concepcion , Santiago , Santo Domingo , and Buenaventura . The repartimiento of 1514 accelerated emigration of the Spanish colonists , coupled with the exhaustion of the mines . In 1516 , a smallpox epidemic killed an additional 8,000 , of the remaining 11,000 Indians , in one month . By 1519 , according to Pons , `` Both the gold economy and the Indian population became extinct at the same time . '' However , writing in 1860 , Courtney observed , the island is `` one immense gold field '' , of which the early Spaniards had `` scarcely began to be developed . '' Additionally , `` The gold is still found in the Cibao regions as of old . '' By 1919 , Condit and Ross noted `` the greater part of the Republic is covered by concessions granted by the government for mining minerals of diverse sorts . '' Besides gold , these minerals included silver , manganese , copper , magnetite , iron and nickel . Mining operations in 2016 have taken advantage of the volcanogenic massive sulfide ore deposits ( VMS ) around Maimón . To the northeast , the Pueblo Viejo Gold Mine was operated by state - owned Rosario Dominicana from 1975 until 1991 . In 2009 , Pueblo Viejo Dominicana Corporation , formed by Barrick Gold and Goldcorp , started open - pit mining operations of the Monte Negro and Moore oxide deposits . The mined ore is processed with gold cyanidation . Pyrite and sphalerite are the main sulfide minerals found in the 120 m thick volcanic conglomerates and agglomerates , which constitute the world 's second largest sulphidation gold deposit . Between Bonao and Maimon , Falconbridge Dominicana has been mining nickel laterites since 1971 . The Cerro de Maimon copper / gold open - pit mine southeast of Maimon has been operated by Perilya since 2006 . Copper is extracted from the sulfide ores , while gold and silver are extracted from both the sulfide and the oxide ores . Processing is via froth flotation and cyanidation . The ore is located in the VMS Early Cretaceous Maimon Formation . Goethite enriched with gold and silver is found in the 30 m thick oxide cap . Below that cap is a supergene zone containing pyrite , chalcopyrite , and sphalerite . Below the supergene zone is found the unaltered massive sulphide mineralization . See also ( edit ) Casa de Contratación Dominican Republic -- Haiti relations Geography of the Dominican Republic Geography of Haiti List of divided islands References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Highest Elevation , CIA World Factbook Jump up ^ Haiti & The Dominican Republic IMF population estimates . ^ Jump up to : Anglería , Pedro Mártir de ( 1949 ) . Décadas del Nuevo Mundo , Tercera Década , Libro VII ( in Spanish ) . Buenos Aires : Editorial Bajel . ^ Jump up to : Las Casas , Fray Bartolomé de ( 1966 ) . Apologética Histórica Sumaria ( in Spanish ) . Mexico : UNAM . Jump up ^ `` Embassy of the Dominican Republic , in the United States '' . Archived from the original on May 24 , 2007 . Retrieved February 27 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : Central America and Caribbean : Haiti , CIA World Factbook Jump up ^ `` Quam protinus Hispanam dixi '' : Epistola De Insulis Nuper Repertis ( Letter to Lord Raphael Sanchez , March 14 , 1493 ) . ^ Jump up to : McIntosh , Gregory C ( 2000 ) . The Piri Reis Map of 1513 . University of Georgia Press . p. 88 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8203 - 2157 - 8 . Jump up ^ Schwartz , Albert ( 1989 ) . `` The Butterflies of Hispaniola '' . p. 10 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8130 - 0902 - 5 . Retrieved 12 April 2015 . Jump up ^ Castillo Pantaleón , Juan Miguel ( 2012 ) . La Nacionalidad Dominicana ( in Spanish ) . Santo Domingo : Editora Nacional , Ministerio de Cultura . p. 329 . ISBN 978 - 9945 - 469 - 97 - 4 . Retrieved 15 June 2015 . Jump up ^ Lancer , Jalisco . `` The Conflict Between Haiti and the Dominican Republic '' . All Empires Online History Community . Retrieved 2007 - 12 - 24 . Jump up ^ `` Haiti -- Historical Flags '' . Flags of the World . Archived from the original on May 5 , 2005 . Retrieved December 24 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Voyage 2 -- Columbus and Dominica Isabella I of Castile ^ Jump up to : Alchon , Suzanne Austin ( 2003 ) . A pest in the land : New world epidemics in a global perspective . Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press . pp. 164 -- 167 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8263 - 2870 - 0 . ^ Jump up to : Livi - Bacci , Massimo ( 2006 ) . `` The Depopulation of Hispanic America after the Conquest '' . Population and Development Review . 32 ( 2 ) : 208 -- 213 . ISSN 0098 - 7921 . JSTOR 20058872 . Retrieved 2017 - 03 - 02 . Jump up ^ Lord , Lewis ( January 21 , 2007 ) . `` A Conqueror More Lethal Than the Sword '' . US News and World Report . ^ Jump up to : Hopkins , Donald R. ( 2002 - 09 - 15 ) . The Greatest Killer : Smallpox in History . University of Chicago Press . p. 205 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 226 - 35168 - 1 . Jump up ^ `` History of Smallpox -- Smallpox Through the Ages '' . Texas Department of State Health Services . Jump up ^ Austin Alchon , Suzanne ( 2003 ) . A pest in the land : new world epidemics in a global perspective . University of New Mexico Press . p. 62 . ISBN 0 - 8263 - 2871 - 7 . ^ Jump up to : Floyd , Troy ( 1973 ) . The Columbus Dynasty in the Caribbean , 1492 -- 1526 . Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press . pp. 44 , 50 , 57 -- 58 , 74 . Jump up ^ Morison , Samuel Eliot ( 1972 ) . The Oxford History of the American People . New York City : Mentor . p. 71 . ISBN 0 - 451 - 62600 - 1 . Jump up ^ `` Hispaniola Article '' . . Retrieved 4 January 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Dominican Republic 2014 '' . Retrieved 24 April 2014 . Jump up ^ Popkin , Jeremy D. ( 2008 ) Facing Racial Revolution : Eyewitness Accounts of the Haitian Insurrection . pp. 184 -- 213 . ISBN 0226675831 Jump up ^ Bollet , A.J. ( 2004 ) . Plagues and Poxes : The Impact of Human History on Epidemic Disease . Demos Medical Publishing . pp. 48 -- 49 . ISBN 1 - 888799 - 79 - X . ^ Jump up to : Diamond , Jared M. and Robinson , James A. ( 2011 ) Natural Experiments of History . pp. 126 -- 128 . ISBN 9780674060197 Jump up ^ Central America and Caribbean : Dominican Republic , CIA World Factbook ^ Jump up to : Bowin , Carl ( 1975 ) . Nairn , Alan ; Stehli , Francis , eds . The Geology of Hispaniola , in The Ocean Basins and Margins . New York : Springer Science + Business Media , LLC . p. 503 . ISBN 9781468485370 . Jump up ^ `` Haiti is Covered with Trees '' . EnviroSociety . Tarter , Andrew . Retrieved 19 May 2016 . Jump up ^ O'Connor , M.R. , ed. ( 13 October 2016 ) . `` One of the Most Repeated Facts about Haiti is a Lie '' . Vice News . Jump up ^ FUNGLODE -- República Dominicana aumenta su cobertura boscosa a 39.7 % ^ Jump up to : Alpert , Leo ( 1941 ) . `` The Areal Distribution of Mean Annual Rainfall Over the Island of Hispaniola '' . Monthly Weather Review . 69 ( 7 ) : 201 . doi : 10.1175 / 1520 - 0493 ( 1941 ) 069 < 0201 : TADOMA > 2.0.CO ; 2 . Jump up ^ Camberlin , Pierre ( 2010 ) . `` More variable tropical climates have a slower demographic growth '' ( PDF ) . Climate Research . 41 : 157 . doi : 10.3354 / cr00856 . Jump up ^ `` The World Factbook '' . . Jump up ^ `` Haitians Heroes '' ( PDF ) . . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on October 21 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Bello , Marisol ( January 21 , 2010 ) . `` Hispaniola comparison '' . USA Today . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 09 . Jump up ^ IMF -- PIB per cápita ( PPA ) República Dominicana / Haití ^ Jump up to : Columbus , Ferdinand ( 1959 ) . The Life of the Admiral Christopher Columbus by his son Ferdinand . New Brunswick : Rutgers , The State University . pp. 76 -- 77 , 83 , 87 . Jump up ^ Pons , Frank ( 1995 ) . The Dominican Republic , A National History . New Rochelle : Hispaniola Books . pp. 33 -- 37 . ISBN 1885509014 . Jump up ^ Courtney , W.S. ( 1860 ) . The Gold Fields of St. Domingo . New York : Anson P. Norton . pp. 123 -- 125 . Jump up ^ Condit , D. Dale ; Ross , Clyde P. ( 1921 ) . Economic Geology , Chapter X , in A Geological Reconnaissance of the Dominican Republic . Washington : United States Geological Survey . p. 228 . Jump up ^ `` Pueblo Viejo Gold Mine , Dominican Republic '' . . Retrieved 28 December 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Cerro de Maimon '' . . Retrieved 28 December 2016 . External links ( edit ) Wikivoyage has a travel guide for Hispaniola . Look up hispaniola in Wiktionary , the free dictionary . Wikimedia Commons has media related to Hispaniola . Google maps Map of the Islands of Hispaniola and Puerto Rico from 1639 Champlin , Jr. , John D. ( 1880 ) . `` Hayti '' . Encyclopædia Britannica. 11 ( 9th ed . ) . The Kraus Collection of Sir Francis Drake at the Library of Congress contains primary materials on Hispaniola . Dominican Republic articles History Cacicazgo Santo Domingo Colonial governors Slave trade Maroons Era de Francia Spanish Haiti Spanish reconquest España Boba Unification of Hispaniola La Trinitaria War of Independence Dominican Restoration War U.S. occupation 1916 -- 24 Trujillo Era ( Rafael and Héctor Trujillo ) Parsley Massacre Dominican Civil War Geography Cities Ciudad Colonial Hispaniola Islands Mountains Municipalities Protected areas Provinces Regions Rivers Wildlife Politics Cabinet Congress Senate Chamber of Deputies Constitution Elections Foreign relations Human rights LGBT Law enforcement Military Politics Political parties President Economy Peso ( currency ) Banks Central Bank Companies Energy Telecommunications Tourism Transport Society Crime Demographics Education Health Language Religion Water and sanitation Culture Anthem Cinema Coat of arms Cuisine Flag Literature Music People Sports Outline Index Category Portal Haiti articles History Chiefdoms Captaincy General of Santo Domingo Colonial governors ( Santo Domingo ) Atlantic slave trade Maroons Treaty of Ryswick Saint - Domingue Colonial governors ( Saint - Domingue ) Slavery Revolution 1804 Massacre Unification of Hispaniola Post-independence Republic U.S. occupation Duvalier dynasty 2004 coup d'état 2010 earthquake Hurricane Matthew Timeline Geography Administrative divisions Arrondissements Cities Deforestation Departments Earthquakes Environment Hispaniola Islands National parks Rivers Politics Constitution Elections Foreign relations Government Human rights Law enforcement Military Parliament Political parties President Prime Minister Supreme Court Economy Agriculture Central bank External debt Foreign aid Gourde ( currency ) Poverty Telecommunications Tourism Transport Society Crime Demographics Education Ethnic groups Health Religion Social class Water and sanitation Culture Art Cinema Cuisine Haitian Creole Haitian French Literature Media Music Mythology Public holidays Television Outline Index Book Category Portal VIAF : 242111207 GND : 4094983 - 7 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Hispaniola Greater Antilles Islands of Haiti Islands of the Dominican Republic Spanish West Indies French Caribbean Divided regions International islands Hidden categories : CS1 Spanish - language sources ( es ) All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from April 2017 Articles with permanently dead external links Use mdy dates from January 2014 Coordinates on Wikidata All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from March 2017 Articles with unsourced statements from October 2013 Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from EB9 Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikivoyage Afrikaans Alemannisch Ænglisc Aragonés Bân - lâm - gú Беларуская Български Bosanski Brezhoneg Català Cebuano Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Føroyskt Français Frysk Gaeilge Gàidhlig Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hornjoserbsce Hrvatski Ido Bahasa Indonesia Interlingua Interlingue Íslenska Italiano עברית ქართული Kiswahili Kreyòl ayisyen Кыргызча Кырык мары Latina Latviešu Lëtzebuergesch Lietuvių Lumbaart Magyar മലയാളം मराठी مصرى Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Nordfriisk Norfuk / Pitkern Norsk Norsk nynorsk Occitan Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча پنجابی Papiamentu Patois Polski Português Română Runa Simi Русский Sardu Scots Shqip Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska தமிழ் ไทย Türkçe Українська اردو Tiếng Việt Winaray ייִדיש Yorùbá 粵語 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 28 September 2017 , at 16 : 11 . 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what is the name of the island of haiti and dominican republic
Hispaniola is the second - largest island in the Caribbean ( after Cuba ) , with an area of 76,192 square kilometers ( 29,418 sq mi ) , 48,440 square kilometers ( 18,700 sq mi ) of which is under the sovereignty of the Dominican Republic occupying the eastern portion and 27,750 square kilometers ( 10,710 sq mi ) under the sovereignty of Haiti occupying the western portion .
Mescalero - wikipedia Mescalero Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the Native American tribe . For other uses , see Mescalero ( disambiguation ) . Mescalero Apache Mescalero Apache Tribal Administrative Offices and Community Center in Mescalero , New Mexico Total population 5,130 Regions with significant populations Languages Mescalero , English , Spanish Religion Indigenous Religion , mescalero Related ethnic groups Western Apache , San Carlos Apache , White Mountain Apache , Navajo Mescalero or Mescalero Apache is an Apache tribe of Southern Athabaskan Native Americans . The tribe is federally recognized as the Mescalero Apache Tribe of the Mescalero Apache Reservation , located in south central New Mexico . In the nineteenth century , the Mescalero opened their reservation to other Apache bands , such as the Mimbreno and the Chiricahua , many of whom had been imprisoned in Florida . The Lipan Apache also joined the reservation . Their descendants are enrolled in the Mescalero Apache Tribe . Contents ( hide ) 1 Reservation 2 Tribal government 3 Culture and language 4 Origin of name 5 Tribal territory 6 Bands 7 Notable Mescalero 7.1 Historical chiefs and headmen 7.2 Other notable Mescalero 8 See also 9 Notes 10 References 11 Bibliography 12 External links Reservation ( edit ) Two Mescalero women , with tipis and ramada ( to the left ) . Originally established on May 27 , 1873 , by Executive Order of President Ulysses S. Grant , the reservation was first located near Fort Stanton . The present reservation was established in 1883 . It has a land area of 1,862.463 km2 ( 719.101 sq mi ) , almost entirely in Otero County . The 463,000 - acre reservation lies on the eastern flank of the Sacramento Mountains and borders the Lincoln National Forest . A small unpopulated section is in Lincoln County just southwest of Ruidoso . U.S. Route 70 is the major highway through the reservation . The tribe has an economy based largely on ranching and tourism . The mountains and foothills are forested with pines ; resource and commercial development is managed carefully by the Mescalero Apache Tribal Council . The Mescalero Apache developed a cultural center near the tribal headquarters on U.S. Route 70 in the reservation 's largest community of Mescalero . On display are tribal artifacts and important historical information . The tribe also operates another , larger museum on the western flank of the Sacramento Mountains in Dog Canyon , south of Alamogordo . The tribe developed and owns the Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort and Casino ( `` IMG '' ) within Lincoln National Forest . As part of the IMG operation , the tribe also owns and manages Ski Apache under contract as a concession with the US Forest Service . It is the southernmost major ski area in North America . In January 2012 , Ski Apache celebrated its 50th anniversary . The ski area is situated adjacent to the massive peak of Sierra Blanca a 12,003 - foot ( 3,659 m ) mountain . It is the southernmost alpine peak in the Continental United States and is part of the Sacramento Mountains . Using the EPA 's Level III Ecoregion System , derived from Omernik , this mountain is included in the `` Arizona / New Mexico Mountains , '' which is south of the `` Southern Rocky Mountains '' of northern New Mexico . Sierra Blanca peak , located on the reservation , is sacred ground for the Mescalero Apache Tribe . They do not allow access without a permit . Tribal government ( edit ) The Mescalero Apache Tribe holds elections for the office of president every two years . The eight Tribal Council members also are elected for two years . Election for the Council is held every year , when one half of the members are up for reelection . The reservation had a population of 3,156 according to the 2000 census . In 1959 , the tribe elected Virginia Klinekole as its first woman president . She later was elected to the Tribal Council , serving on it until 1986 . The tribe repeatedly re-elected Wendell Chino as president ; he served a total of 43 years , until his death on November 4 , 1998 . Soon after Chino 's death , the late Sara Misquez was elected as president . Chino 's son , Mark Chino , also has been elected and served as president . New officers have served in the 21st century . On January 11 , 2008 Carleton Naiche - Palmer was sworn in as the new president of the Mescalero Apache tribe . From 2014 to 2018 , Danny Breuninger was President of the Mescalero Apache Tribe . Currently serving in the Office of President is Arthur `` Butch '' Blazer . Gabe Aguilar has been Vice President of the Mescalero Apache Tribe since 2014 . Culture and language ( edit ) This section needs expansion with : section . You can help by adding to it . ( October 2010 ) The Mescalero language is a Southern Athabaskan language which is a subfamily of the Athabaskan and Dené -- Yeniseian families . Mescalero is part of the southwestern branch of this subfamily ; it is very closely related to Chiricahua , and more distantly related to Western Apache . These are considered the three dialects of Apachean . Although Navajo is a related Southern Athabaskan language , its language and culture are considered distinct from those of the Apache . The Mescalero Apache were primarily a nomadic mountain people . They traveled east on the arid plains to hunt the buffalo and south into the desert for gathering Mescal Agave . Spanish colonists associated them with this plant and named them Mescalero Apache . The Mescalero Apache , along with the other Apache groups , lived by traditional hunting and gathering . If conditions were poor , they raided other tribes , and Spanish , Mexican and American settlers to survive . Origin of name ( edit ) The Mescalero 's autonym , or name for themselves , is Shis - Inday ( `` People of the Mountain Forests '' ) or Mashgalénde ( `` People close to the mountains '' ) . The Navajo , another Athabascan - speaking tribe , call the Mescalero Naashgalí Dineʼé . Like other Apache peoples they often identify simply as Inday / Indee ( `` The People '' ) . Neighboring Apache bands called the Mescalero Nadahéndé ( `` People of the Mescal '' ) , because the mescal agave ( Agave parryi ) was a staple food source for them . In times of need and hunger , they depended on stored mescal for survival . Since 1550 Spanish colonists referred to them as the Mescalero . Mescalero Apache bands were often referred to by European colonists and settlers by different names , some related to their geographic territory . They were recorded in documents by a wide number of names : Apaches de Cuartelejo , Apaches del Río Grande , Apachi , Faraones , Mezcaleros , Natage ( more correctly , one of the Lipan Apache subdivisions , along with the Nahizan ) , Natahene , Querechos , Teyas , Tularosa Apaches , and Vaqueros . They were also distinguished as Sierra Blanca Apaches , Sacramento Mountains Apaches , Guadalupe Mountains Apaches , Limpia Mountains Apaches . according to their homelands in northern or southern Mescalero territory . Tribal territory ( edit ) Originally the different Mescalero bands and local groups ranged in an area between the Rio Grande in the west and the eastern and southern edge of the Llano Estacado and the southern Texas Panhandle in Texas in the east ; from present - day Santa Fe in the northwest and the Texas Panhandle in the northeast , down to the Big Bend of Texas and what became the Mexican provinces of Chihuahua and Coahuila to the south . The diverse landscape of this area has high mountains up to 12,000 feet , as well as watered and sheltered valleys , surrounded by arid semi-deserts and deserts , deep canyons and open plains . The Mescalero Apache Reservation is located at geographical coordinates 33 ° 10 ′ 42 '' N 105 ° 36 ′ 44 '' W  /  33.17833 ° N 105.61222 ° W  / 33.17833 ; - 105.61222 . Since each band of Mescalero had the right to use the resources of deer and plants of the neighboring groups , the different bands felt at home in any area of their wide tribal territory . The Mescalero bands often ranged widely for hunting , gathering , warring and raiding . They called their home Indeislun Nakah ( `` people , forming a group , when they are there , '' `` place where people get together '' ) . When many Mescalero bands were displaced by the enemy Comanche from the Southern Plains in northern and central Texas between 1700 -- 1750 , they took refuge in the mountains of New Mexico , western Texas , and Coahuila and Chihuahua in Mexico . Some southern Mescalero bands , together with Lipan , lived in the Bolsón de Mapimí , moving between the Nazas River , the Conchos River and the Rio Grande to the north . Bands ( edit ) Mescalero painted boy ; photo entitled Long Walk of the Navajo . After being defeated by United States military forces , most of the Navajo were marched over 350 - mile ( 560 km ) during the winter of 1864 and incarcerated at Bosque Redondo , New Mexico with the Mescalero Apache . Natahéndé / Nadahéndé ( Spanish rendering - translteration - as Natages , pronounced Na - ta - hay , `` Mescal People '' ; lived between Rio Grande and Pecos River in central New Mexico , with local groups traveling on the southern and western edge of the Llano Estacado onto the southern Texas Panhandle ) Guhlkahéndé / Guułgahénde ( Spanish rendering as Cuelcajenne , `` People of the Plains '' ; lived east of the mountains and the Pecos River , on the High Plains from the Texas Panhandle to the Pecos Valley , between Amarillo , Tucumcari , Lubbock and the Llano Estacado , along the Sandia and Tijeras Mountains westward to Santa Fe , from Nogal Canyon to the north to Las Vegas , from the Organ Mountains eastwards to El Paso . In Oklahoma ( Indian Territory ) they developed kinship ties by marriage with the Comanche . ) Dzithinahndé / Tsilnihéndé ( Spanish rendering as Chilpaines , `` Mountain Ridge Band People '' , lived in the mountains west and south of the Pecos River , extending in northern Chihuahua and Coahuila of present - day Mexico . ) Ch'laandé / Tslahahéndé ( `` Antelope Band People '' ; lived west of the Pecos west to the Rio Grande in the mountains of central and south New Mexico and the Tularosa Basin . ) Nit'ahéndé / Niit'ahénde ( `` People Who Live Against the Mountains '' , `` Earth Crevine ( Deer ) People '' ; lived in the Sacramento Mountains in New Mexico and the Guadalupe Mountains in western Texas . ) Tsehitcihéndé ( `` People of Hook Nose '' , several bands , who lived in the Guadalupe Mountains , the adjacent Plains of Texas and in northern Coahuila and Chihuahua of Mexico . ) Tsebekinéndé ( `` Rock House People '' , often called by Spanish and Americans Aguas Nuevas or Norteños , have been based around the Nuevo Casas Grandes in Chihuahua , migrating north toward the Sacramento Mountains and south to Agua Nueva 60 miles north of Chihuahua City , also on both sides of the Rio Grande between El Paso and Ojinaga , Chihuahua ; some local groups lived in the Guadalupe and Limpia mountains ) Tahuundé / Tá'huú'ndé ( `` Mountains Extending into the River People '' , lived on both sides of the Pecos River in southern New Mexico and into southwestern Texas ) Tuintsundé / Túntsande ( `` Big Water People '' , once the Tú sis Ndé band of the Lipan Apache , who lived in south central Texas and in northern Coahuila , camping together with several bands of the Mescalero on the Plains for hunting and raiding ; they merged with the Mescalero , forming a Mescalero band ) Tuetinini / Tú'é'dinénde ( `` No Water People '' , `` Tough People of the Desert '' , once the Tú é diné Ndé band of the Lipan Apache , who had territory in northern Coahuila and Chihuahua ; they eventually merged with some southern Mescalero bands ) The Natahéndé had had a considerable influence on the decision - making of some bands of the Western Lipan in the 18th century , especially on the Tindi Ndé , Tcha shka - ózhäye , Tú é diné Ndé and Tú sis Ndé . To fight their common enemy , the Comanche , and to protect the northeastern and eastern border of the Apacheria against the Comancheria , the Mescalero ( Natahéndé and Guhlkahéndé ) on the Plains joined forces with their Lipan kin ( Cuelcahen Ndé , Te'l kóndahä , Ndáwe qóhä and Shá i ` a Nde ) to the east and south of them . In August 1912 , by an act of the U.S. Congress , the surviving members of the Chiricahua tribe were released from their prisoner - of - war status . They were given the choice to remain at Fort Sill , Oklahoma , where they had been imprisoned since ? , or to relocate to the Mescalero Apache reservation . One hundred and eighty - three elected to go to New Mexico , while seventy - eight remained in Oklahoma . Their descendants still reside in both places . Notable Mescalero ( edit ) Historical chiefs and headmen ( edit ) Gorgonia , Sierrablanca Mescalero medicine man Gorgonio , northern Mescalero medicine - man , aide to old Barranquito and , later , to Santana . Gómez , southern Mescalero chief who led a large band of five local groups with about 400 warriors . His band lived in the Big Bend Country and the Trans - Pecos on both sides of the Rio Grande ; his stronghold was in the Limpia Mountains , later named Davis Mountains . When Governor Trias offered 1,000 pesos for his scalp , Gómez offered an equal amount for any Mexican or American scalp . His segundos - or war chiefs - were Cigarito , Chinonero , Simón Porode , and Simón Manuel . Cigarito , leader of a local group in the Limpia also known as Davis Mountains and in the lowlands of the Trans - Pecos ; segundo and war chief of southern Mescalero Chief Gómez , 1840s - 1860s Chinonero , leader of a local group in the Limpia also known as Davis Mountains and in the lowlands of the Trans - Pecos ; segundo and war chief of southern Mescalero chief Gómez , 1840s - 1860s ) Simón Porode , leader of a local group in West - Texas ; segundo and war chief of southern Mescalero chief Gómez . In 1850 he and Simón Manuel contacted the garrison at San Elizario to sue for peace , but were likely overruled by Gómez , 1840s - 1860s . Simón Manuel , leader of a local group in West - Texas ; segundo and war chief of southern Mescalero chief Gómez . In 1850 he and leader Simón Porode contacted the garrison at San Elizario to sue for peace , but were likely overruled by Gómez , 1840s - 1860s ) Marco ( also known as Marcus ) southern Mescalero chief who led a band of about 600 people , including about 200 warriors - presumably Tsehitcihéndé or Niit'ahénde . They lived in the Big Bend Country , ranged on both sides of the Rio Grande from the Guadalupe Mountains toward east of the Limpia Mountains also known as Davis Mountains onto the edge of the Southern Plains . He was reported to have led frequent raids and attacks of parties on the San Antonio road and in the settlement near El Paso . He wished to join the Sierra Blanca Mescalero band , but their request was refused , because they were considered a Texas Mescalero band ; active in the 1840s - 1860s . Espejo ( `` looking - glass '' ) , southern Mescalero chief led a large band , presumably Tsebekinéndé , with several local groups under his segundos ( or war chiefs ) Nicolás and Antonio . They ranged between Limpia Canyon , Horsehead Crossing on the Pecos and east of the Limpia also known as Davis Mountains onto the surrounding desert lowlands of the Trans - Pecos in West Texas , from the 1840s - late 1860s . Nicolás , leader of a local group of the Tsebekinéndé band in the Limpia also known as Davis Mountains and east onto the edge of the Southern Plains , segundo and war chief of southern Mescalero chief Espejo , 1840s - 1860s . Antonio , leader of a local group of the Tsebekinéndé band in the Limpia also known as Davis Mountains and east onto the edge of the Southern Plains , segundo and war chief of southern Mescalero chief Espejo , 1840s - 1860s . Mateo leader of a local group of the Tsebekinéndé ( often called by Spanish and Americans Aguas Nuevas or Norteños ) , stayed together with Verancia in the vicinity of Dog Canyon in the Sacramento Mountains and presumably followed the old ways of hunt and raid , since they were considered `` troublesome . '' , 1840s - 1860s Verancia , said to be a son of Gomez , leader of a local group of the Tsebekinéndé , stayed together with Mateo in the vicinity of Dog Canyon in the Sacramento Mountains and presumably followed the old ways of hunt and raid , since they were considered `` troublesome . '' , 1840s - 1860s ) Barranquito ( also known as Palanquito ) , most influential chief of the Sierra Blanca Mescalero band , which ranged between the Sierra Blanca Mountains east toward the Pecos River , probably the most important Mescalero chief in the early 1800s , when he died in 1857 , his three sons and / or nephews Santana , Cadete and Roman succeeded him Santana ( also known as Santa Ana ) , ca . 1810 - † 1876 , son and successor of Barranquito , since about 1830 ' had been a local group leader of great authority of the Sierra Blanca Mescalero band , since the death of Barranquito Santana seem to have had the most influence within the northern Mescalero bands , but avoided the spotlight and was hardly known by the whites , in his later years he became the most steadfast friend of the whites , until his death of pneumonia or smallpox Cadete ( also known as Cadette - `` Volunteer '' , in Apache : Gian - na - tah ( `` Always Ready '' ) , also known as Zhee - es - not - son , Zhee Ah Nat Tsa ) , a son and successor of Barranquito . After Santana he was the most prominent and powerful chief of the Sierra Blanca Mescalero band , was more diplomatic than Santana and was a spokesman for the northern Mescalero bands . After the outbreak from Bosque Redondo on November 3 , 1863 , he had fled with his band toward the Staked Plains , trading stolen cattle and horses from Mexico directly or via the Comanchero to Comanche . He was murdered in 1872 while on a peace mission and returning from Tularosa . Roman Grande , a son and successor of Barranquito , serving as chief of a local group of the Sierra Blanca Mescalero band . Less important than Santana and Cadete , he followed the lead of his brother Santana ; died during an epidemic in 1885 . Josecito ( also known as José Cito ) , after Barranquito and Santana , the most prominent leader of some local groups of the Sierra Blanca Mescalero band . In April 1852 he signed a treaty with Calhoun representing the US , together with the minor leader of another group of the Sierra Blanca Mescalero and Chacon , leader of the Jicarilla Apache . Nautzili ( also known as Natzili , Nautzile , Nodzilla - `` buffalo '' ) , chief of the Guhlkahéndé and southern Lipan splinter groups living in northern Mexico , moved to reservation in 1876 . In 1879 he had assumed leadership of most of the Mescalero reservation bands ( including the Lipan ) and persuaded many warriors not to join the Tchihende chief Victorio in Victorio 's War . San Juan ( Chief of maybe the Nit'ahéndé or Tsehitcihéndé band ) , his band ranged along the Rio Bonito , Rio Hondo and in the Capitan Mountains with the Sacramento Mountains - the area where Fort Stanton was built - , had alliances with eastern Mescalero bands , Lipan Apache bands as well as some Comanche bands ; after Santana and Cadete were gone , chief San Juan and Nautzili took over the leadership of the Mescaleros on the reservation , but , unlike Nautzili , San Juan left the reservation in spring 1880 , after Caballero 's outbreak , during `` Victorio 's war '' ; his son Peso would become the last Mescalero chief Caballero ( Ca - bal - le - so , eventually to be identified with Kutbhalla or Kutu - hala ) , war chief and later principal chief of the bands of the Sacramento Mountains during the decades 1860s and 1870s , likely married to a daughter of the Chihenne Chief Mangas Coloradas , close ally and long - time friend of the great Mimbreño chief Victorio ( and likely his brother - in - law as Mangas Coloradas ' son - in - law ) ; in March 1880 he left Tularosa and joined Victorio , fighting alongside with him their last battles , but , according to some reports , he was killed in a trouble between the chiefs before the Tres Castillos massacre on oct. 14 1880 ) Alsate ( also known as Arzate , Arzatti , also known as Pedro Muzquiz , ca . * 1820 - † 1881 / 1882 ) , last Chief of the Chisos Apaches ( also Chinati or Rio Grande Apaches , a Mescalero band in the Limpia Mountains ( also known as Davis Mountains ) , Chisos Mountains and Chinati Mountains in the Big Bend area , the Sierra del Carmen of Coahuila and Sierra Alamos in Chihuahua north of the Bolsón de Mapimí , born to a Mescalero woman and a member by blood of the influential Muzquiz family , captured with his band in 1878 at San Carlos de Chihuahua and deported to Mexico City to be jailed in `` la Acordada '' , succeeded in escaping with his people in December 1879 and came back to the Big Bend ; was caught again at San Carlos de Chihuahua in 1880 and executed together with his segundos ( or war chiefs ) Colorado and Zorillo at Ojinaga , opposite Presidio del Norte , Texas , his people were sold into slavery in Mexico , ca . 1860 - 1882 ) Colorado ( `` Red '' , likely `` Avispa Colorada '' `` Red Wasp '' ) leader of a local group of Chisos , or maybe Lipan , Apaches in the border region of Coahuila , Chihuahua and West - Texas , segundo and war chief of the Chisos Mescalero chief Alsate , was caught and executed together with Alsate and Zorillo at Ojinaga , opposite Presidio del Norte , Texas , late 1860s - 1882 Zorillo ( likely `` Zorrillo '' `` Little Fox '' ) ) leader of a local group of Chisos Apaches in the border region of Coahuila , Chihuahua and West - Texas , segundo and war chief of the Chisos Mescalero chief Alsate , was caught and executed together with Alsate and Colorado at Ojinaga , opposite Presidio del Norte , Texas , late 1860s - 1882 Carnoviste , hostile southern Mescalero chief , his band - presumably Tsehitcihéndé or Niit'ahénde - lived in the Big Bend Country , ranged on both sides of the Rio Grande from the Guadalupe Mountains towards east of the Limpia Mountains also known as Davis Mountains onto the edge of the Southern Plains , was reported to have committed frequent `` depredations '' on the San Antonio road and to have kidnapped Hermann - soon adopted in the tribe - and Willie Lehmann near Fort Mason in May 1870 ; in 1874 he promoted a council of Mescalero , Mimbreño and Lipan Apache chiefs , and Victorio succeeded in persuading the council to send peace messengers to the Comanches and Kiowas ; he was killed by a medicine man of his band in the spring 1876 Peso , ca . * 1849 - † 1929 , was born in the Guadalupe Mountains near present - day Carlsbad as son of chief San Juan and his wife Nagoo - nah - go , his band - maybe Nit'ahéndé or Tsehitcihéndé - joined Nautzili 's band of Guhlkahéndé on the Southern Plains , from time to time he also joined the Tu'sis Nde band of Lipan Apaches of southeastern Texas and northeastern Mexico under Chief Magoosh , he was an expert tracker and served as Apache Scout in the campaigns against Geronimo , in the late 1800s he , together with his brother Sin Miedo ( Sans Peur , Without Fear ) and Magoosh were the three primary leaders on the reservation - Magoosh for the Lipans at Elk Springs , Sin Miedo at Tule Canyon and Peso representing the Rinconada and the Three Rivers Sin Miedo ( `` Without Fear '' = `` Sans Peur '' ) , brother of chief Peso and son of chief San Juan , his band - maybe Nit'ahéndé or Tsehitcihéndé - were close allies of the eastern Mescalero band named Guhlkahéndé on the Southern Plains and of the Tu'sis Nde band of Lipan Apaches of southeastern Texas and northeastern Mexico ; together with his brothers Peso , Crook Neck , and leaders as Shanta Boy and Big Mouth he served as Apache Scout in the campaign against Geronimo , the war leader and shaman of the Bedonkohe band of the Ndendhe Apaches ; he , together with his brother Peso and Magoosh were the three primary leaders on the reservation - Magoosh for the Lipans at Elk Springs , Peso representing the Rinconada and the Three Rivers , and Sin Miedo at Tule Canyon Muchacho Negro ( `` Black Boy '' ) , local group leader of warriors , joined the Chihenne Chief Victorio , about 1860 , died 1930 . Other notable Mescalero ( edit ) Gouyen ( ca . 1857 - 1903 ) , female warrior Michael Horse , actor , painter Wendell Chino , former tribal president of the Mescalero Apache Tribe for 43 years Virginia Klinekole , first female tribal president Sara Misquez , former tribal president Inés Talamantez , ethnographer and theologian See also ( edit ) Lincoln National Forest List of Indian reservations in the United States Mescalero , New Mexico Mescalero language Winnetou Mescalero Escarpment Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Banks , Phyllis ( 2002 ) . `` Bent and Mescalero -- home of the Mescalero Apache '' . . Archived from the original on 2006 - 11 - 15 . Retrieved 2006 - 12 - 01 . Jump up ^ `` National Geodetic Survey of Sierra Blanca '' Jump up ^ `` Level III Ecoregions of the Continental United States '' ( PDF ) . . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 12 October 2015 . Retrieved 19 November 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Miscellany , Feb. 9 , 1959 '' , Time Magazine , February 1959 , accessed 1 August 2011 Jump up ^ `` Obituary of Virginia Shanta Klinekole '' , LaGrone Funeral Chapel of Ruidoso Website , accessed 1 August 2011 Jump up ^ Stallings , Dianne ( 2008 - 01 - 17 ) . `` New Mescalero Apache tribal officers take oaths '' . Alamogordo Daily News . access - date = requires url = ( help ) Jump up ^ Languages of the World Jump up ^ Navajo Clans Jump up ^ Debo p. 447 - 8 Jump up ^ James L. Haley : Apaches : A History and Culture Portrait ( 1981 / paperback 1997 ) , University of Oklahoma Press , ISBN 978 - 0 - 8061 - 2978 - 5 Jump up ^ Mescalero Apache History in the Southwest Jump up ^ ( J.P. Dunn : Massacres of the Mountains , Volume II : A History of the Indian Wars of the Far West : v. II , 2001 , ISBN 978 - 1 - 58218 - 204 - 9 ) Jump up ^ Chinati derives from the Apache word ch'íná'itíh , which means gate or mountain pass Jump up ^ Luis López Elizondo and Franklin W. Daugherty , `` Documentos de la genealogía y la vida de Alsate , Jefe de los Apaches de los Chisos '' , Relaciones XXIII ( 92 ) 2002 , ISSN 0185 - 3929 ( pdf ) ( in Spanish ) Jump up ^ ( Dan L. Thrapp : Encyclopedia of Frontier Biography , Volume 1 : A-F , University of Nebraska Press ( August 1 , 1991 ) , ISBN 978 - 0 - 8032 - 9418 - 9 , p 18 - 19 ) Jump up ^ Encyclopedia of World Biography : Wendell Chino References ( edit ) Debo , Angie , Geronimo : The Man , His Time , His Place , Norman , OK : University of Oklahoma Press ( 1976 ) , ISBN 0 - 8061 - 1828 - 8 Farrer , Claire R. Thunder Rides a Black Horse : Mescalero Apaches and the Mythic Present . Waveland Press , 1996 . ISBN 0 - 88133 - 897 - 4 New York Times , February 6 , 2005 , section 5 , pp. 7 , 14 . United States Census Bureau . Mescalero Reservation , New Mexico Bibliography ( edit ) St. Joseph 's Catholic Church , Mescalero , New Mexico ca . 1975 Mountain Spirit Dancers painted on altar Castetter , Edward F. ; & Opler , Morris E. ( 1936 ) . The ethnobiology of the Chiricahua and Mescalero Apache : The use of plants for foods , beverages and narcotics . Ethnobiological studies in the American Southwest , ( Vol. 3 ) ; Biological series ( Vol. 4 , No. 5 ) ; Bulletin , University of New Mexico , whole , ( No. 297 ) . Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press . Debo , Angie , Geronimo : The Man , His Time , His Place , Norman , OK : University of Oklahoma Press ( 1976 ) , ISBN 0 - 8061 - 1828 - 8 Hoijer , Harry ; & Opler , Morris E. ( 1938 ) . Chiricahua and Mescalero Apache texts . The University of Chicago publications in anthropology ; Linguistic series . Chicago : University of Chicago Press . ( Reprinted 1964 by Chicago : University of Chicago Press ; in 1970 by Chicago : University of Chicago Press ; & in 1980 under H. Hoijer by New York : AMS Press , ISBN 0 - 404 - 15783 - 1 ) . Opler , Morris E. ( 1933 ) . An analysis of Mescalero and Chiricahua Apache social organization in the light of their systems of relationship . Unpublished doctoral dissertation , University of Chicago . Opler , Morris E. ( 1935 ) . The concept of supernatural power among the Chiricahua and Mescalero Apaches . American Anthropologist , 37 ( 1 ) , 65 -- 70 . Opler , Morris E. ( 1936 ) . The kinship systems of the Southern Athabaskan - speaking tribes . American Anthropologist , 38 ( 4 ) , 620 -- 633 . Sonnichsen , C.L. ( 1972 ) The Mescalero Apaches ( The Civilization of the American Indian Series ) , Norman , OK : University of Oklahoma Press ( 1972 ) , ISBN 0 - 8061 - 1615 - 3 Seymour , Deni J. ( 2002 ) Conquest and Concealment : After the El Paso Phase on Fort Bliss . Conservation Division , Directorate of Environment , Fort Bliss . Lone Mountain Report 525 / 528 . This document can be obtained by contacting . Seymour , Deni J. ( 2003 ) Protohistoric and Early Historic Temporal Resolution . Conservation Division , Directorate of Environment , Fort Bliss . Lone Mountain Report 560 - 003 . This document can be obtained by contacting . Seymour , Deni J. ( 2003 ) The Cerro Rojo Complex : A Unique Indigenous Assemblage in the El Paso Area and Its Implications For The Early Apache . Proceedings of the XII Jornada Mogollon Conference in 2001 . Geo - Marine , El Paso . Seymour , Deni J. ( 2004 ) A Ranchería in the Gran Apachería : Evidence of Intercultural Interaction at the Cerro Rojo Site . Plains Anthropologist 49 ( 190 ) : 153 - 192 . Seymour , Deni J. ( 2004 ) Before the Spanish Chronicles : Early Apache in the Southern Southwest , pp. 120 -- 142 . In `` Ancient and Historic Lifeways in North America 's Rocky Mountains . '' Proceedings of the 2003 Rocky Mountain Anthropological Conference , Estes Park , Colorado , edited by Robert H. Brunswig and William B. Butler . Department of Anthropology , University of Northern Colorado , Greeley . Seymour , Deni J. ( 2007 ) Sexually Based War Crimes or Structured Conflict Strategies : An Archaeological Example from the American Southwest . In Texas and Points West : Papers in Honor of John A. Hedrick and Carol P. Hedrick , edited by Regge N. Wiseman , Thomas C. O'Laughlin , and Cordelia T. Snow , pp. 117 -- 134 . Papers of the Archaeological Society of New Mexico No. 33 . Archaeological Society of New Mexico , Albuquerque . Seymour , Deni J. ( 2007 ) Apache , Spanish , and Protohistoric Archaeology on Fort Bliss . Conservation Division , Directorate of Environment , Fort Bliss . Lone Mountain Report 560 - 005 . With Tim Church Seymour , Deni J. ( 2007 ) An Archaeological Perspective on the Hohokam - Pima Continuum. Old Pueblo Archaeology Bulletin No. 51 ( December 2007 ) : 1 - 7 . ( This discusses the early presence of Athapaskans . ) Seymour , Deni J. ( 2008 ) Despoblado or Athapaskan Heartland : A Methodological Perspective on Ancestral Apache Landscape Use in the Safford Area . Chapter 5 in Crossroads of the Southwest : Culture , Ethnicity , and Migration in Arizona 's Safford Basin , pp. 121 -- 162 , edited by David E. Purcell , Cambridge Scholars Press , New York . Seymour , Deni J. ( 2008 ) A Pledge of Peace : Evidence of the Cochise - Howard Treaty Campsite . Historical Archaeology 42 ( 4 ) : 154 - 179 . With George Robertson . Seymour , Deni J. ( 2008 ) Apache Plain and Other Plainwares on Apache Sites in the Southern Southwest . In `` Serendipity : Papers in Honor of Frances Joan Mathien , '' edited by R.N. Wiseman , T.C O'Laughlin , C.T. Snow and C. Travis , pp 163 -- 186 . Papers of the Archaeological Society of New Mexico No. 34 . Archaeological Society of New Mexico , Albuquerque . Seymour , Deni J. ( 2008 ) Surfing Behind The Wave : A Counterpoint Discussion Relating To `` A Ranchería In the Gran Apachería . '' Plains Anthropologist 53 ( 206 ) : 241 - 262 . Seymour , Deni J. ( 2008 ) Pre-Differentiation Athapaskans ( Proto - Apache ) in the 13th and 14th Century Southern Southwest . Chapter in edited volume under preparation . Also paper in the symposium : The Earliest Athapaskans in Southern Southwest : Implications for Migration , organized and chaired by Deni Seymour , Society for American Archaeology , Vancouver . Seymour , Deni J. ( 2009 ) Evaluating Eyewitness Accounts of Native Peoples along the Coronado Trail from the International Border to Cibola . New Mexico Historical Review 84 ( 3 ) : 399 - 435 . Seymour , Deni J. ( 2009 ) Distinctive Places , Suitable Spaces : Conceptualizing Mobile Group Occupational Duration and Landscape Use . International Journal of Historical Archaeology 13 ( 3 ) : 255 - 281 . Seymour , Deni J. ( 2009 ) Nineteenth - Century Apache Wickiups : Historically Documented Models for Archaeological Signatures of the Dwellings of Mobile People . Antiquity 83 ( 319 ) : 157 - 164 . Seymour , Deni J. ( 2009 ) Comments On Genetic Data Relating to Athapaskan Migrations : Implications of the Malhi et al. Study for the Apache and Navajo . American Journal of Physical Anthropology 139 ( 3 ) : 281 - 283 . Seymour , Deni J. ( 2009 ) The Cerro Rojo Site ( LA 37188 ) -- A Large Mountain - Top Ancestral Apache Site in Southern New Mexico . Digital History Project . New Mexico Office of the State Historian . Select : Place , Communities , Click on ' Cerro Rojo ' on the map ( orange square - dot NE of EL Paso , East of Las Cruces and Dona Ana ) . Seymour , Deni J. ( 2010 ) Cycles Of Renewal , Transportable Assets : Aspects of the Ancestral Apache Housing Landscape . Accepted at Plains Anthropologist . Seymour , Deni J. ( 2010 ) Contextual Incongruities , Statistical Outliers , and Anomalies : Targeting Inconspicuous Occupational Events . American Antiquity . ( Winter , in press ) External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mescalero . Mescalero Apache Reservation Information ( hide ) Indian reservations and Pueblos in New Mexico Reservations Acoma Jicarilla Mescalero Navajo Alamo Ramah Tohajiilee Santa Clara Ute Mountain Zuni Pueblos Acoma Cochiti Isleta Jemez Kewa Laguna Nambe Ohkay Owingeh Picuris Pojoaque Sandia San Felipe San Ildefonso Santa Ana Santa Clara Taos Tesuque Zia Zuni Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Mescalero Apache Apache tribes Native American tribes in New Mexico Populated places in Otero County , New Mexico Hidden categories : Pages using citations with accessdate and no URL Articles with Spanish - language external links Pages using deprecated image syntax `` Related ethnic groups '' needing confirmation Articles using infobox ethnic group with image parameters Articles to be expanded from October 2010 All articles to be expanded Articles using small message boxes All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from August 2016 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Languages Авар تۆرکجه Беларуская Български Brezhoneg Català Cymraeg Deutsch Diné bizaad Español فارسی Français Hrvatski Italiano Nederlands Norsk Polski Русский Suomi Svenska 11 more Edit links This page was last edited on 5 March 2018 , at 23 : 57 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
where have the mescalero apache settled in new mexico
Mescalero or Mescalero Apache is an Apache tribe of Southern Athabaskan Native Americans . The tribe is federally recognized as the Mescalero Apache Tribe of the Mescalero Apache Reservation , located in south central New Mexico .
Globe Life Field - Wikipedia Globe Life Field Globe Life Field Construction site in 2017 . The AT&T Stadium is visible in the background . Location Arlington , Texas , U.S. Coordinates 32 ° 44 ′ 50.5 '' N 97 ° 5 ′ 3 '' W  /  32.747361 ° N 97.08417 ° W  / 32.747361 ; - 97.08417 Coordinates : 32 ° 44 ′ 50.5 '' N 97 ° 5 ′ 3 '' W  /  32.747361 ° N 97.08417 ° W  / 32.747361 ; - 97.08417 Owner City of Arlington Operator Texas Rangers Capacity 40,000 Construction Broke ground September 28 , 2017 ( 2017 - 09 - 28 ) Construction cost $ 1.1 billion Architect HKS , Inc . VLK Architects Structural engineer Walter P Moore Services engineer M -- E Engineers , Inc . General contractor Manhattan Construction Company Tenants Texas Rangers ( MLB ) ( 2020 -- ) planned Globe Life Field is a baseball park under construction in Arlington , Texas . It will serve as the home of the Texas Rangers of Major League Baseball . Globe Life and Accident Insurance Company , a subsidiary of McKinney , Texas - based Torchmark Corporation , owns the naming rights for the facility through 2048 . The new ballpark is going to be constructed across the street just south of Globe Life Park . On May 20 , 2016 , the Rangers announced that they would vacate Globe Life Park in Arlington . The new stadium will be constructed in a public / private partnership and have a retractable roof . The ballpark was approved on the following Election Day . HKS , Inc. was announced as the architect on January 5 , 2017 . The Rangers cited weather as the reason attendances at Globe Life Park are lower than in other baseball stadiums in major metropolitan areas , since it is prone to high temperatures and rain delays . Therefore , the Rangers are proposing their new ballpark be constructed with a roof . Unlike its predecessors , the new stadium 's center - field will face northeast , instead of southeast . In 2008 , the NFL 's Dallas Cowboys managed to move to a retractable roof stadium due to the frequent hot weather in the Metroplex . The venue opened in time for the 2009 season . The preliminary 3D renderings and artwork of the new stadium show the design to be very similar to the looks and layout of Minute Maid Park , the Houston Astros ' stadium . Final designs have not been unveiled as of August 2017 . A new shopping mall , as well as a Loews Hotel , and a ballpark village are planned to go along with the new stadium . The Rangers have also planned to make Globe Life Park in Arlington part of the Texas Live ! complex . The plans to build the stadium have generated a mixed reaction . The new stadium will mean a more comfortable environment to watch baseball but will extend existing taxes used to pay for AT&T Stadium . According to The Dallas Morning News , `` The deal calls for the city to issue $500 million in bonds to help pay for the stadium . A half - cent of sales tax , 2 percent hotel occupancy tax and 5 percent car rental tax would pay off those bonds over an estimated 30 years . Voters also approved a ticket tax of up to 10 percent and parking tax of up to $3 at the new stadium . That money would be used for some of the Rangers ' portion of the debt , which was criticized by the opposition campaign . '' See also ( edit ) List of Major League Baseball stadiums References ( edit ) Jump up ^ ^ Jump up to : Brumfield , Loyd ( September 21 , 2017 ) . `` Rangers Unveil First Renderings of New Globe Life Field , Set to Break Ground Next Week '' . The Dallas Morning News . Retrieved September 21 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Sullivan , T.R. ( January 5 , 2017 ) . `` Rangers Tab HKS to Design New Ballpark '' . Major League Baseball Advanced Media . Retrieved January 5 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Globe Life Field '' . VLK Architects . Retrieved May 1 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Rangers Unveil More Globe Life Field Design Plans , With Emphasis On Natural Light '' . SportsBusiness Daily . September 22 , 2017 . Retrieved October 3 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Sports Facilties '' . JMEG Electrical Contractors , Inc . Retrieved February 28 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Manhattan Construction Company to build new multi-purpose ballpark for Texas Rangers '' ( Press release ) . Manhattan Construction Company . September 29 , 2017 . Retrieved October 3 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Mosier , Jeff ( May 20 , 2016 ) . `` Rangers New Stadium Plans Unveiled ; Find Out What It Will Cost and Timeline for Its Construction '' . The Dallas Morning News . Retrieved May 25 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Reichard , Kevin ( August 24 , 2017 ) . `` Globe Life Retains Rangers Ballpark Naming Rights '' . Ballpark Digest . Retrieved August 24 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Sullivan , T.R. ( May 20 , 2016 ) . `` Rangers , Arlington Announce New Ballpark '' . Major League Baseball Advanced Media . Retrieved May 20 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Sullivan , T.R. ( November 8 , 2016 ) . `` Raise the Roof : Rangers ' New Ballpark Approved '' . Major League Baseball Advanced Media . Retrieved November 8 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Globe Life Field '' . Ballparks of Baseball . Retrieved February 28 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Dallas Cowboys , Stadium Info '' . = stadiums of Pro Football . Retrieved February 28 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Ballpark Renderings '' . Texas Live . Jump up ^ `` 10 Things to Know About the New Rangers Ballpark , Including Where It Will Be and How Much It Will Cost '' . The Dallas Morning News . May 22 , 2016 . Retrieved August 28 , 2016 . External links ( edit ) Official Site Texas Rangers Established in 1961 Formerly the Washington Senators Based in Arlington , Texas ( Dallas -- Fort Worth metroplex ) Franchise Expansion draft History ( as Washington Senators ) Seasons Team records No - hitters Awards winners and league leaders Broadcasters Owners and executives Managers Players First - round draft picks Opening Day starting pitchers Ballparks Griffith Stadium RFK Stadium Arlington Stadium Globe Life Park in Arlington Globe Life Field Spring training Pompano Beach Municipal Stadium Ranger Stadium Surprise Stadium Culture and lore Continental League Captain ( mascot ) Ten Cent Beer Night Kenny Rogers ' perfect game 2012 AL Wild Card Game 2013 AL Wild Card tie - breaker 2015 ALDS Game 5 Rivalries Houston Astros Key personnel Owners : Ray Davis & Bob R. Simpson General Manager : Jon Daniels Manager : Jeff Banister Team Captain : Adrián Beltré Texas Rangers Hall of Fame Buddy Bell Juan González Rusty Greer Tom Grieve Toby Harrah Mark Holtz Charlie Hough Ferguson Jenkins Eric Nadel Johnny Oates Iván Rodríguez Kenny Rogers Jeff Russell Nolan Ryan Tom Schieffer Rubén Sierra Jim Sundberg Tom Vandergriff John Wetteland Michael Young Wild card berths ( 1 ) 2012 American League West Division titles ( 7 ) 1998 1999 2011 2015 2016 American League championships ( 2 ) 2011 Minor league affiliates AAA : Round Rock Express AA : Frisco RoughRiders A Adv. : Down East Wood Ducks A : Hickory Crawdads Short A : Spokane Indians Rookie : AZL Rangers DSL Rangers 1 DSL Rangers 2 Seasons ( 58 ) 1960s 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970s 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980s 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1990s 1998 1999 2000s 2010s 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Preceded by Globe Life Park in Arlington Home of the Texas Rangers 2020 -- ( tentative ) Succeeded by N / A This article about a baseball venue in Texas is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Major League Baseball venues Retractable - roof stadiums in the United States Sports venues in Arlington , Texas Stadiums under construction in the United States Texas Rangers stadiums Texas baseball venue stubs Talk About Wikipedia 한국어 Edit links This page was last edited on 8 August 2018 , at 18 : 41 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
where is the new texas rangers stadium being built
Globe Life Field is a baseball park under construction in Arlington , Texas . It will serve as the home of the Texas Rangers of Major League Baseball . Globe Life and Accident Insurance Company , a subsidiary of McKinney , Texas - based Torchmark Corporation , owns the naming rights for the facility through 2048 . The new ballpark is going to be constructed across the street just south of Globe Life Park .
Ian McKellen - wikipedia Ian McKellen Sir Ian McKellen CH CBE McKellen in 2013 Ian Murray McKellen ( 1939 - 05 - 25 ) 25 May 1939 ( age 79 ) Burnley , Lancashire , England Alma mater St Catharine 's College , Cambridge Occupation Actor Years active 1959 -- present Partner ( s ) Brian Taylor ( 1964 -- 1972 ) Sean Mathias ( 1978 -- 1988 ) Website Official website McKellen ( Antonio Salieri ) alongside Jane Seymour ( Constanze Mozart ) in Amadeus , c. 1981 Sir Ian Murray McKellen CH CBE ( born 25 May 1939 ) is an English actor . He is the recipient of six Laurence Olivier Awards , a Tony Award , a Golden Globe Award , a Screen Actors Guild Award , a BIF Award , two Saturn Awards , four Drama Desk Awards , and two Critics ' Choice Awards . He has also received two Oscar nominations , four BAFTA nominations and five Emmy Award nominations . McKellen 's career spans genres ranging from Shakespearean and modern theatre to popular fantasy and science fiction . The BBC states that his `` performances have guaranteed him a place in the canon of English stage and film actors '' . A recipient of every major theatrical award in the UK , McKellen is regarded as a British cultural icon . He started his professional career in 1961 at the Belgrade Theatre as a member of their highly regarded repertory company . In 1965 , McKellen made his first West End appearance . In 1969 , he was invited to join the Prospect Theatre Company to play the lead parts in Shakespeare 's Richard II and Marlowe 's Edward II , and he firmly established himself as one of the country 's foremost classical actors . In the 1970s , McKellen became a stalwart of the Royal Shakespeare Company and the National Theatre of Great Britain . He achieved worldwide fame for his film roles , including the titular King in Richard III ( 1995 ) , James Whale in Gods and Monsters ( 1998 ) , Magneto in the X-Men films , and Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies . McKellen was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire in the 1979 Birthday Honours , was knighted in the 1991 New Year Honours for services to the performing arts , and made a Companion of Honour for services to drama and to equality in the 2008 New Year Honours . He has been openly gay since 1988 , and continues to be a champion for LGBT social movements worldwide . He was awarded Freedom of the City of London in October 2014 . Contents 1 Early life 2 Career 2.1 Theatre 2.2 Popular success 3 Personal life 4 LGBT activism 4.1 LGBT rights campaigning 4.2 Charity work 4.3 Other work 5 Selected credits 5.1 Stage , filmography , awards and nominations 5.2 Music 5.3 Audiobooks 6 References 7 Sources 8 External links Early life ( edit ) McKellen was born on 25 May 1939 in Burnley , Lancashire , the son of Margery Lois ( née Sutcliffe ) and Denis Murray McKellen , a civil engineer . He was their second child , with a sister , Jean , five years his senior . Shortly before the outbreak of the Second World War in September 1939 , his family moved to Wigan . They lived there until Ian was twelve years old , before relocating to Bolton in 1951 , after his father had been promoted . The experience of living through the war as a young child had a lasting impact on him , and he later said that `` only after peace resumed ... did I realise that war was n't normal . '' When an interviewer remarked that he seemed quite calm in the aftermath of 11 September attacks , McKellen said : `` Well , darling , you forget -- I slept under a steel plate until I was four years old . '' . McKellen 's father was a civil engineer and lay preacher , and was of Protestant Irish and Scottish descent . Both of McKellen 's grandfathers were preachers , and his great - great - grandfather , James McKellen , was a `` strict , evangelical Protestant minister '' in Ballymena , County Antrim . His home environment was strongly Christian , but non-orthodox . `` My upbringing was of low nonconformist Christians who felt that you led the Christian life in part by behaving in a Christian manner to everybody you met . '' When he was 12 , his mother died of breast cancer ; his father died when he was 24 . After his coming out as gay to his stepmother , Gladys McKellen , who was a member of the Religious Society of Friends , he said , `` Not only was she not fazed , but as a member of a society which declared its indifference to people 's sexuality years back , I think she was just glad for my sake that I was n't lying anymore . '' His great - great - grandfather Robert J. Lowes was an activist and campaigner in the ultimately successful campaign for a Saturday half - holiday in Manchester , the forerunner to the modern five - day work week , thus making Lowes a `` grandfather of the modern weekend '' . McKellen attended Bolton School ( Boys ' Division ) , of which he is still a supporter , attending regularly to talk to pupils . McKellen 's acting career started at Bolton Little Theatre , of which he is now the patron . An early fascination with the theatre was encouraged by his parents , who took him on a family outing to Peter Pan at the Opera House in Manchester when he was three . When he was nine , his main Christmas present was a fold - away wood and bakelite Victorian theatre from Pollocks Toy Theatres , with cardboard scenery and wires to push on the cut - outs of Cinderella and of Laurence Olivier 's Hamlet . His sister took him to his first Shakespeare play , Twelfth Night , by the amateurs of Wigan 's Little Theatre , shortly followed by their Macbeth and Wigan High School for Girls ' production of A Midsummer Night 's Dream , with music by Mendelssohn , with the role of Bottom played by Jean McKellen , who continued to act , direct , and produce amateur theatre until her death . In 1958 , McKellen , at the age of 18 , won a scholarship to St Catharine 's College , Cambridge , where he read English literature . He has since been made an Honorary Fellow of the College . While at Cambridge , McKellen was a member of the Marlowe Society , where he appeared in 23 plays over the course of 3 years . At that young age he was already giving performances that have since become legendary such as his Justice Shallow in Henry IV alongside Trevor Nunn and Derek Jacobi ( March 1959 ) , Cymbeline ( as Posthumus , opposite Margaret Drabble as Imogen ) and Doctor Faustus . During this period McKellen had already been directed by Peter Hall , John Barton and Dadie Rylands , all of whom would have a huge impact on McKellen 's future career . Career ( edit ) Theatre ( edit ) McKellen with actors Billy Crudup and Patrick Stewart on 24 September 2013 for a press junket at Sardi 's restaurant for Waiting for Godot and No Man 's Land McKellen made his first professional appearance in 1961 at the Belgrade Theatre , as Roper in A Man for All Seasons , although an audio recording of the Marlowe Society 's Cymbeline had gone on commercial sale as part of the Argo Shakespeare series . After four years in regional repertory theatres he made his first West End appearance , in A Scent of Flowers , regarded as a `` notable success '' . In 1965 he was a member of Laurence Olivier 's National Theatre Company at the Old Vic , which led to roles at the Chichester Festival . With the Prospect Theatre Company , McKellen made his breakthrough performances of Richard II ( directed by Richard Cottrell ) and Marlowe 's Edward II ( directed by Toby Robertson ) at the Edinburgh festival in 1969 , the latter causing a storm of protest over the enactment of the homosexual Edward 's lurid death . In the 1970s and 1980s McKellen became a well - known figure in British theatre , performing frequently at the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Royal National Theatre , where he played several leading Shakespearean roles , including the title role in Macbeth ( which he had first played for Trevor Nunn in a `` gripping ... out of the ordinary '' production , with Judi Dench , at Stratford in 1976 ) , and Iago in Othello , in award - winning productions directed by Nunn . Both of these productions were adapted into television films , also directed by Nunn . In 2007 he returned to the Royal Shakespeare Company , in productions of King Lear and The Seagull , both directed by Trevor Nunn . In 2009 he appeared in a very popular revival of Waiting for Godot at London 's Haymarket Theatre , directed by Sean Mathias , and playing opposite Patrick Stewart . He is Patron of English Touring Theatre and also President and Patron of the Little Theatre Guild of Great Britain , an association of amateur theatre organisations throughout the UK . In late August 2012 , he took part in the opening ceremony of the London Paralympics , portraying Prospero from The Tempest . In October 2017 , McKellen played King Lear at Chichester Festival Theatre , a role which he said was likely to be his `` last big Shakespearean part '' . He will perform the play at the Duke of York 's Theatre in London 's West End during the summer of 2018 . Popular success ( edit ) McKellen had taken film roles throughout his career -- beginning in 1969 with his role of George Matthews in A Touch of Love , and his first leading role was in 1980 as D.H. Lawrence in Priest of Love , but it was not until the 1990s that he became more widely recognised in this medium after several roles in blockbuster Hollywood films . In 1993 he had a supporting role as a South African tycoon in the critically acclaimed Six Degrees of Separation , in which he starred with Stockard Channing , Donald Sutherland , and Will Smith . In the same year , he appeared in minor roles in the television miniseries Tales of the City , based on the novel by his friend Armistead Maupin , and the film Last Action Hero , in which he briefly played Death opposite Arnold Schwarzenegger and Charles Dance . Later in 1993 , McKellen appeared in the television film And the Band Played On about the discovery of the AIDS virus for which McKellen won a CableACE Award for Supporting Actor in a Movie or Miniseries and was nominated for the Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Miniseries or a Movie . In 1995 , he played the title role in Richard III , which transported the setting into an alternative 1930s in which England is ruled by fascists . The film was a critical success . McKellen co-produced and co-wrote the film , adapting the play for the screen based on a stage production of Shakespeare 's play directed by Richard Eyre for the Royal National Theatre in which McKellen had appeared . As executive producer he returned his £ 50,000 fee to complete the filming of the final battle . In his review of the film , The Washington Post film critic Hal Hinson called McKellen 's performance a `` lethally flamboyant incarnation '' and said his `` florid mastery ... dominates everything '' . His performance in the title role garnered BAFTA and Golden Globe nominations for Best Actor and won the European Film Award for Best Actor . His screenplay was nominated for the BAFTA Award for Best Adapted Screenplay . McKellen at the premiere of The Return of the King in Wellington , New Zealand , 1 December 2003 He appeared in the modestly acclaimed film Apt Pupil , which was directed by Bryan Singer and based on a story by Stephen King . McKellen portrayed a fugitive Nazi officer living under a false name in the US who is befriended by a curious teenager ( Brad Renfro ) who threatens to expose him unless he tells his story in detail . He was subsequently nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role in the 1998 film Gods and Monsters , wherein he played James Whale , the director of Show Boat ( 1936 ) and Frankenstein . In 1999 McKellen was cast , again under the direction of Bryan Singer , to play the comic book supervillain Magneto in the 2000 film X-Men and its sequels X2 : X-Men United ( 2003 ) and X-Men : The Last Stand ( 2006 ) . He later made a short appearance as an older Magneto in 2014 's X-Men : Days of Future Past , sharing the role with Michael Fassbender , who played a younger version of the character in 2011 's X-Men : First Class . While filming the first X-Men film in 1999 , McKellen was cast as the wizard Gandalf in Peter Jackson 's three - film adaptation of The Lord of the Rings ( consisting of The Fellowship of the Ring ( 2001 ) , The Two Towers ( 2002 ) , and The Return of the King ( 2003 ) ) . He received honors from the Screen Actors Guild for Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture for his work in The Fellowship of the Ring and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for the same role . He provided the voice of Gandalf for several video game adaptations of the Lord of the Rings films , then reprised the role on screen in Jackson 's film adaptation of The Hobbit , which was released in three parts from 2012 to 2014 . On 16 March 2002 , he hosted Saturday Night Live . In 2003 , McKellen made a guest appearance as himself on the American cartoon show The Simpsons in a special British - themed episode entitled `` The Regina Monologues '' , along with the then UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and author J.K. Rowling . In April and May 2005 , he played the role of Mel Hutchwright in Granada Television 's long running British soap opera , Coronation Street , fulfilling a lifelong ambition . He narrated Richard Bell 's film Eighteen as a grandfather who leaves his World War II memoirs on audio - cassette for his teenage grandson . McKellen has appeared in limited release films , such as Emile ( which was shot in three weeks following the X2 shoot ) , Neverwas and Asylum . He appeared as Sir Leigh Teabing in The Da Vinci Code . During a 17 May 2006 interview on The Today Show with the Da Vinci Code cast and director , Matt Lauer posed a question to the group about how they would have felt if the film had borne a prominent disclaimer that it is a work of fiction , as some religious groups wanted . McKellen responded , `` I 've often thought the Bible should have a disclaimer in the front saying ' This is fiction . ' I mean , walking on water ? It takes ... an act of faith . And I have faith in this movie -- not that it 's true , not that it 's factual , but that it 's a jolly good story . '' He continued , `` And I think audiences are clever enough and bright enough to separate out fact and fiction , and discuss the thing when they 've seen it '' . McKellen appeared in the 2006 BBC series of Ricky Gervais ' comedy series Extras , where he played himself directing Gervais ' character Andy Millman in a play about gay lovers . McKellen received a 2007 Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor - Comedy Series nomination for his performance . In 2009 he portrayed Number Two in The Prisoner , a remake of the 1967 cult series The Prisoner . In 2013 , McKellen co-starred in the ITV sitcom Vicious as Freddie Thornhill , alongside Derek Jacobi . The series revolves around an elderly gay couple who have been together for 50 years . On 23 August 2013 the show was renewed for a six - episode second series which began airing in June 2015 . In November 2013 , McKellen appeared in the Doctor Who 50th anniversary comedy homage The Five ( ish ) Doctors Reboot . In October 2015 , McKellen appeared as Norman to Anthony Hopkins ' Sir in a BBC Two production of Ronald Harwood 's The Dresser , alongside Edward Fox and Emily Watson . In 2017 , McKellen voiced Cogsworth , the Beast 's loyal majordomo , who was turned into a pendulum clock , in a live - action adaptation of Disney 's Beauty and the Beast . Personal life ( edit ) McKellen and his first partner , Brian Taylor , a history teacher from Bolton , began their relationship in 1964 . Their relationship lasted for eight years , ending in 1972 . They lived in London , where McKellen continued to pursue his career as an actor . For over a decade , he has lived in a five - storey Victorian conversion in Narrow Street , Limehouse . In 1978 he met his second partner , Sean Mathias , at the Edinburgh Festival . This relationship lasted until 1988 , and according to Mathias , was tempestuous , with conflicts over McKellen 's success in acting versus Mathias 's somewhat less - successful career . Mathias later directed McKellen in Waiting for Godot at the Theatre Royal Haymarket in 2009 . The pair entered into a business partnership with Evgeny Lebedev , purchasing the lease on The Grapes public house in Narrow Street . McKellen is an atheist . In the late 1980s , McKellen lost his appetite for meat except for fish , and has since followed a mainly pescetarian diet . In 2001 , Ian McKellen received the Artist Citizen of the World Award ( France ) . He has a tattoo of the Elvish number nine , written using J.R. R Tolkien 's Constructed script of Tengwar , on his shoulder in reference to his involvement in the Lord of the Rings and the fact that his character was one of the original nine companions of the Fellowship of the Ring . The other actors of `` The Fellowship '' ( Elijah Wood , Sean Astin , Orlando Bloom , Billy Boyd , Sean Bean , Dominic Monaghan and Viggo Mortensen ) have the same tattoo . John Rhys - Davies , whose character was also one of the original nine companions , arranged for his stunt double to get the tattoo instead . He was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2006 . In 2012 , McKellen stated on his blog that `` There is no cause for alarm . I am examined regularly and the cancer is contained . I 've not needed any treatment . '' He became an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church in early 2013 in order to preside over the marriage of his friend and X-Men co-star Patrick Stewart to the singer Sunny Ozell . McKellen was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Letters by Cambridge University on 18 June 2014 . He was made a Freeman of the city of London on Thursday 30 October 2014 . The ceremony took place at Guildhall in London . McKellen was nominated by London 's Lord Mayor Fiona Woolf , who said he was chosen as he was an `` exceptional actor '' and `` tireless campaigner for equality '' . He is also a Fellow of St Catherine 's College , Oxford . LGBT activism ( edit ) LGBT rights campaigning ( edit ) McKellen at Manchester Pride 2010 While McKellen had made his sexual orientation known to fellow actors early on in his stage career , it was not until 1988 that he came out to the general public , in a programme on BBC Radio . The context that prompted McKellen 's decision -- overriding any concerns about a possible negative effect on his career -- was that the controversial Section 28 of the Local Government Bill , known simply as Section 28 , was then under consideration in the British Parliament . Section 28 proposed prohibiting local authorities from promoting homosexuality `` ... as a kind of pretended family relationship '' . McKellen became active in fighting the proposed law , and , during a BBC Radio 3 programme where he debated Section 28 with the conservative journalist Peregrine Worsthorne , declared himself gay . McKellen has stated that he was influenced in his decision by the advice and support of his friends , among them noted gay author Armistead Maupin . In a 1998 interview that discusses the 29th anniversary of the Stonewall riots , McKellen commented , I have many regrets about not having come out earlier , but one of them might be that I did n't engage myself in the politicking . He has said of this period : My own participating in that campaign was a focus for people ( to ) take comfort that if Ian McKellen was on board for this , perhaps it would be all right for other people to be as well , gay and straight . Section 28 was , however , enacted and remained on the statute books until 2000 in Scotland and 2003 in England and Wales . Section 28 never applied in Northern Ireland . In 2003 , during an appearance on Have I Got News For You , McKellen claimed when he visited Michael Howard , then Environment Secretary ( responsible for local government ) , in 1988 to lobby against Section 28 , Howard refused to change his position but did ask him to leave an autograph for his children . McKellen agreed , but wrote , `` Fuck off , I 'm gay . '' McKellen described Howard 's junior ministers , Conservatives David Wilshire and Dame Jill Knight , who were the architects of Section 28 , as the ' ugly sisters ' of a political pantomime . McKellen at Europride 2003 in Manchester McKellen has continued to be very active in LGBT rights efforts . In a statement on his website regarding his activism , the actor commented that : I have been reluctant to lobby on other issues I most care about -- nuclear weapons ( against ) , religion ( atheist ) , capital punishment ( anti ) , AIDS ( fund - raiser ) because I never want to be forever spouting , diluting the impact of addressing my most urgent concern ; legal and social equality for gay people worldwide . McKellen is a co-founder of Stonewall , an LGBT rights lobby group in the United Kingdom , named after the Stonewall riots . McKellen is also patron of LGBT History Month , Pride London , Oxford Pride , GAY - GLOS , The Lesbian & Gay Foundation , and FFLAG where he appears in their video `` Parents Talking '' . In 1994 , at the closing ceremony of the Gay Games , he briefly took the stage to address the crowd , saying , `` I 'm Sir Ian McKellen , but you can call me Serena '' : This nickname , given to him by Stephen Fry , had been circulating within the gay community since McKellen 's knighthood was conferred . In 2002 , he was the Celebrity Grand Marshal of the San Francisco Pride Parade and he attended the Academy Awards with his then - boyfriend , New Zealander Nick Cuthell . In 2006 , McKellen spoke at the pre-launch of the 2007 LGBT History Month in the UK , lending his support to the organisation and its founder , Sue Sanders . In 2007 , he became a patron of The Albert Kennedy Trust , an organisation that provides support to young , homeless and troubled LGBT people . In 2006 , he became a patron of Oxford Pride , stating : I send my love to all members of Oxford Pride , their sponsors and supporters , of which I am proud to be one ... Onlookers can be impressed by our confidence and determination to be ourselves and gay people , of whatever age , can be comforted by the occasion to take the first steps towards coming out and leaving the closet forever behind . McKellen has taken his activism internationally , and caused a major stir in Singapore , where he was invited to do an interview on a morning show and shocked the interviewer by asking if they could recommend him a gay bar ; the programme immediately ended . In December 2008 , he was named in Out 's annual Out 100 list . In 2010 , McKellen extended his support for Liverpool 's Homotopia festival in which a group of gay and lesbian Merseyside teenagers helped to produce an anti-homophobia campaign pack for schools and youth centres across the city . In May 2011 , he called Sergey Sobyanin , Moscow 's mayor , a `` coward '' for refusing to allow gay parades in the city . In 2014 , he was named in the top 10 on the World Pride Power list . Charity work ( edit ) In April 2010 , along with actors Brian Cox and Eleanor Bron , McKellen appeared in a series of TV advertisements to support Age UK , the charity recently formed from the merger of Age Concern and Help the Aged . All three actors gave their time free of charge . A cricket fan since childhood , McKellen umpired in March 2011 for a charity cricket match in New Zealand to support earthquake victims of the February 2011 Christchurch earthquake . McKellen is an honorary board member for the New York and Washington , DC based organization Only Make Believe . Only Make Believe creates and performs interactive plays in children 's hospitals and care facilities . He was honoured by the organisation in 2012 and hosted their annual Make Believe on Broadway Gala in November 2013 . He garnered publicity for the organisation by stripping down to his Lord of the Rings underwear on stage . McKellen also has a history of supporting individual theatres . While in New Zealand filming The Hobbit in 2012 , he announced a special New Zealand tour `` Shakespeare , Tolkien , and You ! '' , with proceeds going to help save the Isaac Theatre Royal , which suffered extensive damage during the 2011 Christchurch earthquake . McKellen said he opted to help save the building as it was the last theatre he played in New Zealand ( Waiting for Godot in 2010 ) and the locals ' love for it made it a place worth supporting . In July 2017 , he performed a new one - man show for a week at Park Theatre ( London ) , donating the proceeds to the theatre . Other work ( edit ) A friend of Ian Charleson and an admirer of his work , McKellen contributed an entire chapter to For Ian Charleson : A Tribute . A recording of McKellen 's voice is heard before performances at the Royal Festival Hall , reminding patrons to ensure their mobile phones and watch alarms are switched off and to keep coughing to a minimum . He also took part in the 2012 Summer Paralympics opening ceremony in London as Prospero from Shakespeare 's The Tempest . Selected credits ( edit ) Stage , filmography , awards and nominations ( edit ) Main article : Ian McKellen , roles and awards The hands of McKellen on a 1999 Gods and Monsters plaque in London 's Leicester Square Music ( edit ) In 1987 , McKellen appeared reciting Shakespeare while rock group The Fleshtones improvised behind him on Andy Warhol 's Fifteen Minutes which ran on MTV . Vampire in the music video `` Heart '' by Pet Shop Boys The man who 's `` falling out of reach '' in the music video `` Falling Out of Reach '' by Guillemots Appears on the Scissor Sisters track `` Invisible Light '' from their 2010 album `` Night Work '' , reciting a passage regarding the `` Invisible Light '' of the title . Appeared as himself alongside George Ezra in the latter 's music video for `` Listen to the Man '' . Whilst Ezra is singing his song , McKellen joins in and lip - syncs Ezra 's voice . Audiobooks ( edit ) Audiobook narrator of Michelle Paver 's series Wolf Brother , Spirit Walker , Soul Eater , Outcast , Oath Breaker , and Ghost Hunter , as well as a version of Homer 's Odyssey . References ( edit ) Notes Jump up ^ `` Monitor '' . Entertainment Weekly ( 1208 ) . Time Inc. 25 May 2012 . p. 21 . Jump up ^ Jackson , George ( 4 February 2013 ) . `` Nesbitt does the honours as fellow actor McKellen gets Ulster degree '' . Irish Independent . Independent News & Media . Archived from the original on 24 March 2017 . Retrieved 4 February 2013 . McKellen is recognised as one of the greatest living actors . Jump up ^ `` Sir Ian McKellen receives award from University of Ulster '' . BBC News . BBC . 3 February 2013 . Retrieved 3 February 2013 . 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Jump up ^ Graham , Daniella ( 29 October 2014 ) . `` Sir Ian McKellen totally outshines George Ezra in Listen to the Man video '' . Metro . Retrieved 12 November 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Ian McKellen reads Chronicles of Ancient Darkness '' . Retrieved 8 January 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Ian McKellen reads Spirit Walker '' . Retrieved 8 January 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Ian McKellen reads Soul Eater '' . Retrieved 8 January 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Ian McKellen reads Outcast '' . Archived from the original on 8 January 2014 . Retrieved 8 January 2014 . Jump up ^ `` McKellen reads Oath Breaker '' . Retrieved 8 January 2014 . Jump up ^ `` McKellen reads Ghost Hunter '' . Retrieved 8 January 2014 . Jump up ^ `` McKellen reading The Odyssey '' . Retrieved 8 January 2014 . Sources ( edit ) Biography portal North West England portal LGBT portal Shakespeare portal Theatre portal Film portal Television portal Radio portal Barratt , Mark ( 2006 ) . Ian McKellen : An Unofficial Biography . London : Virgin Books . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7535 - 1074 - 2 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Ian McKellen . The papers of Sir Ian McKellen , actor are held by the Victoria and Albert Museum Theatre and Performance Department . Ian McKellen at the Internet Broadway Database Ian McKellen on IMDb Ian McKellen at Box Office Mojo Ian McKellen at the BFI 's Screenonline Biography of Sir Ian McKellen , CH , CBE , Debrett 's Awards for Ian McKellen Annie Award for Voice Acting in a Feature Production Hank Azaria / Ming - Na ( 1998 ) Eli Marienthal ( 1999 ) Tim Allen / Joan Cusack ( 2000 ) Eddie Murphy / Eartha Kitt ( 2001 ) Daveigh Chase ( 2002 ) Ellen DeGeneres ( 2003 ) Brad Bird ( 2004 ) Peter Sallis ( 2005 ) Ian McKellen ( 2006 ) Ian Holm ( 2007 ) Dustin Hoffman ( 2008 ) Jennifer Cody ( 2009 ) Jay Baruchel ( 2010 ) Bill Nighy ( 2011 ) Alan Tudyk ( 2012 ) Josh Gad ( 2013 ) Ben Kingsley ( 2014 ) Phyllis Smith ( 2015 ) Jason Bateman / Auliʻi Cravalho ( 2016 ) Anthony Gonzalez ( 2017 ) BIFA Award for Best Performance by an Actor in a British Independent Film Ray Winstone ( 1998 ) Ian McKellen ( 1999 ) Daniel Craig ( 2000 ) Ben Kingsley ( 2001 ) James Nesbitt ( 2002 ) Chiwetel Ejiofor ( 2003 ) Phil Davis ( 2004 ) Ralph Fiennes ( 2005 ) Tony Curran ( 2006 ) Viggo Mortensen ( 2007 ) Michael Fassbender ( 2008 ) Tom Hardy ( 2009 ) Colin Firth ( 2010 ) Michael Fassbender ( 2011 ) Toby Jones ( 2012 ) James McAvoy ( 2013 ) Brendan Gleeson ( 2014 ) Tom Hardy ( 2015 ) Dave Johns ( 2016 ) Josh O'Connor ( 2017 ) Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Solo Performance Ian McKellen ( 1984 ) Whoopi Goldberg ( 1985 ) Eric Bogosian ( 1986 ) Barbara Cook ( 1987 ) -- ( 1988 ) -- ( 1989 ) Robert Morse ( 1990 ) Eileen Atkins ( 1991 ) Patrick Stewart ( 1992 ) Anna Deavere Smith ( 1993 ) Anna Deavere Smith ( 1994 ) James Lecesne ( 1995 ) Mary Louise Wilson ( 1996 ) Fiona Shaw ( 1997 ) John Leguizamo ( 1998 ) David Hare ( 1999 ) Dame Edna Everage ( 2000 ) Pamela Gien ( 2001 ) Elaine Stritch ( 2002 ) Tovah Feldshuh ( 2003 ) Jefferson Mays ( 2004 ) Billy Crystal ( 2005 ) Antony Sher ( 2006 ) Vanessa Redgrave ( 2007 ) Laurence Fishburne ( 2008 ) Lorenzo Pisoni ( 2009 ) Jim Brochu ( 2010 ) John Leguizamo ( 2011 ) Cillian Murphy ( 2012 ) Michael Urie ( 2013 ) John Douglas Thompson ( 2014 ) Benjamin Scheuer ( 2015 ) Jesse Tyler Ferguson ( 2016 ) Ed Dixon ( 2017 ) Billy Crudup ( 2018 ) Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Actor in a Play Anthony Hopkins ( 1975 ) John Wood ( 1976 ) Al Pacino ( 1977 ) Barnard Hughes ( 1978 ) Philip Anglim ( 1979 ) John Rubinstein ( 1980 ) Ian McKellen ( 1981 ) Christopher Plummer ( 1982 ) Harvey Fierstein ( 1983 ) Dustin Hoffman ( 1984 ) John Lithgow ( 1985 ) Ed Harris ( 1986 ) James Earl Jones ( 1987 ) Ron Silver ( 1988 ) Philip Bosco ( 1989 ) Nathan Lane ( 1990 ) Ron Rifkin ( 1991 ) Brian Bedford ( 1992 ) Ron Leibman ( 1993 ) Brian Bedford ( 1994 ) Ralph Fiennes ( 1995 ) Frank Langella ( 1996 ) David Morse / Christopher Plummer ( 1997 ) Anthony LaPaglia ( 1998 ) Brian Dennehy ( 1999 ) Stephen Dillane ( 2000 ) Richard Easton ( 2001 ) Alan Bates ( 2002 ) Eddie Izzard ( 2003 ) Kevin Kline ( 2004 ) Brían F. O'Byrne ( 2005 ) Richard Griffiths ( 2006 ) Frank Langella ( 2007 ) Mark Rylance ( 2008 ) Geoffrey Rush ( 2009 ) Liev Schreiber ( 2010 ) Bobby Cannavale ( 2011 ) James Corden ( 2012 ) Tracy Letts ( 2013 ) Bryan Cranston ( 2014 ) Alex Sharp ( 2015 ) Frank Langella ( 2016 ) Kevin Kline ( 2017 ) Andrew Garfield ( 2018 ) Drama League 's Distinguished Performance Award Katharine Cornell ( 1935 ) Helen Hayes ( 1936 ) Maurice Evans ( 1937 ) Cedric Hardwicke ( 1938 ) Raymond Massey ( 1939 ) Paul Muni ( 1940 ) Paul Lukas ( 1941 ) Judith Evelyn ( 1942 ) Alfred Lunt ( 1943 ) Lynn Fontanne ( 1944 ) Mady Christians ( 1945 ) Louis Calhern ( 1946 ) Ingrid Bergman ( 1947 ) Judith Anderson ( 1948 ) Robert Morley ( 1949 ) Grace George ( 1950 ) Claude Rains ( 1951 ) Julie Harris ( 1952 ) Shirley Booth ( 1953 ) Josephine Hull ( 1954 ) Viveca Lindfors ( 1955 ) David Wayne ( 1956 ) Eli Wallach ( 1957 ) Ralph Bellamy ( 1958 ) Cyril Ritchard ( 1959 ) Jessica Tandy ( 1960 ) Hume Cronyn ( 1961 ) Paul Scofield ( 1962 ) Charles Boyer ( 1963 ) Alec Guinness ( 1964 ) John Gielgud ( 1965 ) Richard Kiley ( 1966 ) Rosemary Harris ( 1967 ) Zoe Caldwell ( 1968 ) Alec McCowen ( 1969 ) James Stewart ( 1970 ) Anthony Quayle ( 1971 ) Eileen Atkins / Claire Bloom ( 1972 ) Alan Bates ( 1973 ) Christopher Plummer ( 1974 ) John Wood ( 1975 ) Eva Le Gallienne ( 1976 ) Tom Courtenay ( 1977 ) Frank Langella ( 1978 ) Frances Sternhagen ( 1979 ) Roy Scheider ( 1980 ) Ian McKellen ( 1981 ) Milo O'Shea ( 1982 ) Edward Herrmann / Kate Nelligan ( 1983 ) Jeremy Irons ( 1984 ) Derek Jacobi ( 1985 ) Bernadette Peters ( 1986 ) James Earl Jones ( 1987 ) John Lithgow ( 1988 ) Pauline Collins ( 1989 ) Robert Morse ( 1990 ) Stockard Channing ( 1991 ) Glenn Close ( 1992 ) Stephen Rea ( 1993 ) Sam Waterston ( 1994 ) Cherry Jones ( 1995 ) Uta Hagen ( 1996 ) Charles Durning / Bebe Neuwirth ( 1997 ) Brian Stokes Mitchell ( 1998 ) Kathleen Chalfant ( 1999 ) Eileen Heckart ( 2000 ) Mary - Louise Parker / Gary Sinise ( 2001 ) Liam Neeson ( 2002 ) Harvey Fierstein ( 2003 ) Hugh Jackman ( 2004 ) Norbert Leo Butz ( 2005 ) Christine Ebersole ( 2006 ) Liev Schreiber ( 2007 ) Patti LuPone ( 2008 ) Geoffrey Rush ( 2009 ) Alfred Molina ( 2010 ) Mark Rylance ( 2011 ) Audra McDonald ( 2012 ) Nathan Lane ( 2013 ) Neil Patrick Harris ( 2014 ) Chita Rivera ( 2015 ) Lin - Manuel Miranda ( 2016 ) Ben Platt ( 2017 ) Glenda Jackson ( 2018 ) European Film Award for Best Actor Max von Sydow ( 1988 ) Philippe Noiret ( 1989 ) Kenneth Branagh ( 1990 ) Michel Bouquet ( 1991 ) Matti Pellonpää ( 1992 ) Daniel Auteuil ( 1993 ) Ian McKellen ( 1996 ) Bob Hoskins ( 1997 ) Roberto Benigni ( 1998 ) Ralph Fiennes ( 1999 ) Sergi López ( 2000 ) Ben Kingsley ( 2001 ) Sergio Castellitto ( 2002 ) Daniel Brühl ( 2003 ) Javier Bardem ( 2004 ) Daniel Auteuil ( 2005 ) Ulrich Mühe ( 2006 ) Sasson Gabai ( 2007 ) Toni Servillo ( 2008 ) Tahar Rahim ( 2009 ) Ewan McGregor ( 2010 ) Colin Firth ( 2011 ) Jean - Louis Trintignant ( 2012 ) Toni Servillo ( 2013 ) Timothy Spall ( 2014 ) Michael Caine ( 2015 ) Peter Simonischek ( 2016 ) Claes Bang ( 2017 ) Evening Standard Theatre Award for Best Actor Richard Burton ( 1955 ) Paul Scofield ( 1956 ) Laurence Olivier ( 1957 ) Michael Redgrave ( 1958 ) Eric Porter ( 1959 ) Alec Guinness ( 1960 ) Christopher Plummer ( 1961 ) Paul Scofield ( 1962 ) Michael Redgrave ( 1963 ) Nicol Williamson ( 1964 ) Ian Holm ( 1965 ) Albert Finney ( 1966 ) Laurence Olivier ( 1967 ) Alec McCowen ( 1968 ) Nicol Williamson ( 1969 ) John Gielgud ( 1970 ) Alan Bates ( 1971 ) Laurence Olivier ( 1972 ) Alec McCowen ( 1973 ) John Wood ( 1974 ) John Gielgud ( 1975 ) Albert Finney ( 1976 ) Donald Sinden ( 1977 ) Alan Howard ( 1978 ) Warren Mitchell ( 1979 ) Tom Courtenay ( 1980 ) Alan Howard ( 1981 ) Alec McCowen ( 1982 ) Derek Jacobi ( 1983 ) Ian McKellen ( 1984 ) Antony Sher ( 1985 ) Albert Finney ( 1986 ) Michael Gambon ( 1987 ) Eric Porter ( 1988 ) Ian McKellen ( 1989 ) Richard Harris ( 1990 ) John Wood ( 1991 ) Nigel Hawthorne ( 1992 ) Ian Holm ( 1993 ) Tom Courtenay ( 1994 ) Michael Gambon ( 1995 ) Paul Scofield ( 1996 ) Ian Holm ( 1997 ) Kevin Spacey ( 1998 ) Stephen Dillane ( 1999 ) Simon Russell Beale ( 2000 ) Alex Jennings ( 2001 ) Simon Russell Beale ( 2002 ) Michael Sheen ( 2003 ) Richard Griffiths ( 2004 ) Simon Russell Beale ( 2005 ) Rufus Sewell ( 2006 ) Patrick Stewart ( 2007 ) Chiwetel Ejiofor ( 2008 ) Mark Rylance ( 2009 ) Rory Kinnear ( 2010 ) Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller ( 2011 ) Simon Russell Beale ( 2012 ) Adrian Lester and Rory Kinnear ( 2013 ) Tom Hiddleston ( 2014 ) James McAvoy ( 2015 ) Ralph Fiennes ( 2016 ) Andrew Garfield ( 2017 ) Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor -- Series , Miniseries or Television Film James Brolin ( 1970 ) Edward Asner ( 1971 ) James Brolin ( 1972 ) McLean Stevenson ( 1973 ) Harvey Korman ( 1974 ) Edward Asner / Tim Conway ( 1975 ) Edward Asner ( 1976 ) Norman Fell ( 1978 ) Danny DeVito / Vic Tayback ( 1979 ) Pat Harrington Jr. / Vic Tayback ( 1980 ) John Hillerman ( 1981 ) Lionel Stander ( 1982 ) Richard Kiley ( 1983 ) Paul Le Mat ( 1984 ) Edward James Olmos ( 1985 ) Jan Niklas ( 1986 ) Rutger Hauer ( 1987 ) Barry Bostwick / John Gielgud ( 1988 ) Dean Stockwell ( 1989 ) Charles Durning ( 1990 ) Louis Gossett , Jr. ( 1991 ) Maximilian Schell ( 1992 ) Beau Bridges ( 1993 ) Edward James Olmos ( 1994 ) Donald Sutherland ( 1995 ) Ian McKellen ( 1996 ) George C. Scott ( 1997 ) Don Cheadle / Gregory Peck ( 1998 ) Peter Fonda ( 1999 ) Robert Downey Jr. ( 2000 ) Stanley Tucci ( 2001 ) Donald Sutherland ( 2002 ) Jeffrey Wright ( 2003 ) William Shatner ( 2004 ) Paul Newman ( 2005 ) Jeremy Irons ( 2006 ) Jeremy Piven ( 2007 ) Tom Wilkinson ( 2008 ) John Lithgow ( 2009 ) Chris Colfer ( 2010 ) Peter Dinklage ( 2011 ) Ed Harris ( 2012 ) Jon Voight ( 2013 ) Matt Bomer ( 2014 ) Christian Slater ( 2015 ) Hugh Laurie ( 2016 ) Alexander Skarsgård ( 2017 ) Independent Spirit Award for Best Male Lead M. Emmet Walsh ( 1985 ) James Woods ( 1986 ) Dennis Quaid ( 1987 ) Edward James Olmos ( 1988 ) Matt Dillon ( 1989 ) Danny Glover ( 1990 ) River Phoenix ( 1991 ) Harvey Keitel ( 1992 ) Jeff Bridges ( 1993 ) Samuel L. Jackson ( 1994 ) Sean Penn ( 1995 ) William H. Macy ( 1996 ) Robert Duvall ( 1997 ) Ian McKellen ( 1998 ) Richard Farnsworth ( 1999 ) Javier Bardem ( 2000 ) Tom Wilkinson ( 2001 ) Derek Luke ( 2002 ) Bill Murray ( 2003 ) Paul Giamatti ( 2004 ) Philip Seymour Hoffman ( 2005 ) Ryan Gosling ( 2006 ) Philip Seymour Hoffman ( 2007 ) Mickey Rourke ( 2008 ) Jeff Bridges ( 2009 ) James Franco ( 2010 ) Jean Dujardin ( 2011 ) John Hawkes ( 2012 ) Matthew McConaughey ( 2013 ) Michael Keaton ( 2014 ) Abraham Attah ( 2015 ) Casey Affleck ( 2016 ) Timothée Chalamet ( 2017 ) Laurence Olivier Award for Best Actor Antony Sher ( 1985 ) Albert Finney ( 1986 ) Michael Gambon ( 1987 ) Oliver Ford Davies ( 1989 / 1990 ) Ian McKellen ( 1991 ) Nigel Hawthorne ( 1992 ) Robert Stephens ( 1993 ) Mark Rylance ( 1994 ) David Bamber ( 1995 ) Alex Jennings ( 1996 ) Antony Sher ( 1997 ) Ian Holm ( 1998 ) Kevin Spacey ( 1999 ) Henry Goodman ( 2000 ) Conleth Hill ( 2001 ) Roger Allam ( 2002 ) Simon Russell Beale ( 2003 ) Matthew Kelly ( 2004 ) Richard Griffiths ( 2005 ) Brian Dennehy ( 2006 ) Rufus Sewell ( 2007 ) Chiwetel Ejiofor ( 2008 ) Derek Jacobi ( 2009 ) Mark Rylance ( 2010 ) Roger Allam ( 2011 ) Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller ( 2012 ) Luke Treadaway ( 2013 ) Rory Kinnear ( 2014 ) Mark Strong ( 2015 ) Kenneth Cranham ( 2016 ) Jamie Parker ( 2017 ) Bryan Cranston ( 2018 ) Laurence Olivier Award for Actor of the Year in a New Play Paul Copley ( 1976 ) Michael Bryant ( 1977 ) Tom Conti ( 1978 ) Ian McKellen ( 1979 ) Roger Rees ( 1980 ) Trevor Eve ( 1981 ) Ian McDiarmid ( 1982 ) Jack Shepherd ( 1983 ) Brian Cox ( 1984 ) David Haig ( 1988 ) Laurence Olivier Award for Actor of the Year in a Revival Alan Howard ( 1976 ) Ian McKellen ( 1977 ) Alan Howard ( 1978 ) Warren Mitchell ( 1979 ) Jonathan Pryce ( 1980 ) Daniel Massey ( 1981 ) Stephen Moore ( 1982 ) Derek Jacobi ( 1983 ) Ian McKellen ( 1984 ) Brian Cox ( 1988 ) Laurence Olivier Award for Best Comedy Performance Penelope Keith ( 1976 ) Denis Quilley ( 1977 ) Ian McKellen ( 1978 ) Barry Humphries ( 1979 ) Beryl Reid ( 1980 ) Rowan Atkinson ( 1981 ) Geoffrey Hutchings ( 1982 ) Griff Rhys Jones ( 1983 ) Maureen Lipman ( 1984 ) Michael Gambon ( 1985 ) Bill Fraser ( 1986 ) John Woodvine ( 1987 ) Alex Jennings ( 1988 ) Michael Gambon ( 1989 / 1990 ) Alan Cumming ( 1991 ) Desmond Barrit ( 1992 ) Simon Cadell ( 1993 ) Griff Rhys Jones ( 1994 ) Niall Buggy ( 1995 ) London Film Critics ' Circle Award for British Actor of the Year Alan Rickman ( 1991 ) Daniel Day - Lewis ( 1992 ) David Thewlis ( 1993 ) Ralph Fiennes ( 1994 ) Nigel Hawthorne ( 1995 ) Ewan McGregor / Ian McKellen ( 1996 ) Robert Carlyle ( 1997 ) Brendan Gleeson ( 1998 ) Jeremy Northam ( 1999 ) Jim Broadbent ( 2000 ) Paul Bettany ( 2001 ) Hugh Grant ( 2002 ) Paul Bettany ( 2003 ) Daniel Craig ( 2004 ) Ralph Fiennes ( 2005 ) Toby Jones ( 2006 ) James McAvoy ( 2007 ) Michael Fassbender ( 2008 ) Colin Firth ( 2009 ) Christian Bale ( 2010 ) Michael Fassbender ( 2011 ) Toby Jones ( 2012 ) James McAvoy ( 2013 ) Timothy Spall ( 2014 ) Tom Hardy ( 2015 ) Andrew Garfield ( 2016 ) Daniel Kaluuya ( 2017 ) Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Actor Al Pacino ( 1975 ) Robert De Niro ( 1976 ) Richard Dreyfuss ( 1977 ) Jon Voight ( 1978 ) Dustin Hoffman ( 1979 ) Robert De Niro ( 1980 ) Burt Lancaster ( 1981 ) Ben Kingsley ( 1982 ) Robert Duvall ( 1983 ) F. Murray Abraham / Albert Finney ( 1984 ) William Hurt ( 1985 ) Bob Hoskins ( 1986 ) Jack Nicholson / Steve Martin ( 1987 ) Tom Hanks ( 1988 ) Daniel Day - Lewis ( 1989 ) Jeremy Irons ( 1990 ) Nick Nolte ( 1991 ) Clint Eastwood ( 1992 ) Anthony Hopkins ( 1993 ) John Travolta ( 1994 ) Nicolas Cage ( 1995 ) Geoffrey Rush ( 1996 ) Robert Duvall ( 1997 ) Ian McKellen ( 1998 ) Russell Crowe ( 1999 ) Michael Douglas ( 2000 ) Denzel Washington ( 2001 ) Daniel Day - Lewis / Jack Nicholson ( 2002 ) Bill Murray ( 2003 ) Liam Neeson ( 2004 ) Philip Seymour Hoffman ( 2005 ) Sacha Baron Cohen / Forest Whitaker ( 2006 ) Daniel Day - Lewis ( 2007 ) Sean Penn ( 2008 ) Jeff Bridges ( 2009 ) Colin Firth ( 2010 ) Michael Fassbender ( 2011 ) Joaquin Phoenix ( 2012 ) Bruce Dern ( 2013 ) Tom Hardy ( 2014 ) Michael Fassbender ( 2015 ) Adam Driver ( 2016 ) Timothée Chalamet ( 2017 ) National Board of Review Award for Best Actor Ray Milland ( 1945 ) Laurence Olivier ( 1946 ) Michael Redgrave ( 1947 ) Walter Huston ( 1948 ) Ralph Richardson ( 1949 ) Alec Guinness ( 1950 ) Richard Basehart ( 1951 ) Ralph Richardson ( 1952 ) James Mason ( 1953 ) Bing Crosby ( 1954 ) Ernest Borgnine ( 1955 ) Yul Brynner ( 1956 ) Alec Guinness ( 1957 ) Spencer Tracy ( 1958 ) Victor Sjöström ( 1959 ) Robert Mitchum ( 1960 ) Albert Finney ( 1961 ) Jason Robards ( 1962 ) Rex Harrison ( 1963 ) Anthony Quinn ( 1964 ) Lee Marvin ( 1965 ) Paul Scofield ( 1966 ) Peter Finch ( 1967 ) Cliff Robertson ( 1968 ) Peter O'Toole ( 1969 ) George C. Scott ( 1970 ) Gene Hackman ( 1971 ) Peter O'Toole ( 1972 ) Al Pacino / Robert Ryan ( 1973 ) Gene Hackman ( 1974 ) Jack Nicholson ( 1975 ) David Carradine ( 1976 ) John Travolta ( 1977 ) Jon Voight / Laurence Olivier ( 1978 ) Peter Sellers ( 1979 ) Robert De Niro ( 1980 ) Henry Fonda ( 1981 ) Ben Kingsley ( 1982 ) Tom Conti ( 1983 ) Victor Banerjee ( 1984 ) William Hurt / Raúl Juliá ( 1985 ) Paul Newman ( 1986 ) Michael Douglas ( 1987 ) Gene Hackman ( 1988 ) Morgan Freeman ( 1989 ) Robert De Niro / Robin Williams ( 1990 ) Warren Beatty ( 1991 ) Jack Lemmon ( 1992 ) Anthony Hopkins ( 1993 ) Tom Hanks ( 1994 ) Nicolas Cage ( 1995 ) Tom Cruise ( 1996 ) Jack Nicholson ( 1997 ) Ian McKellen ( 1998 ) Russell Crowe ( 1999 ) Javier Bardem ( 2000 ) Billy Bob Thornton ( 2001 ) Campbell Scott ( 2002 ) Sean Penn ( 2003 ) Jamie Foxx ( 2004 ) Philip Seymour Hoffman ( 2005 ) Forest Whitaker ( 2006 ) George Clooney ( 2007 ) Clint Eastwood ( 2008 ) George Clooney / Morgan Freeman ( 2009 ) Jesse Eisenberg ( 2010 ) George Clooney ( 2011 ) Bradley Cooper ( 2012 ) Bruce Dern ( 2013 ) Michael Keaton / Oscar Isaac ( 2014 ) Matt Damon ( 2015 ) Casey Affleck ( 2016 ) Tom Hanks ( 2017 ) Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actor Marty Feldman ( 1974 / 75 ) Jay Robinson ( 1976 ) Alec Guinness ( 1977 ) Burgess Meredith ( 1978 ) Arte Johnson ( 1979 ) Scatman Crothers ( 1980 ) Burgess Meredith ( 1981 ) Richard Lynch ( 1982 ) John Lithgow ( 1983 ) Tracey Walter ( 1984 ) Roddy McDowall ( 1985 ) Bill Paxton ( 1986 ) Richard Dawson ( 1987 ) Robert Loggia ( 1988 ) Thomas F. Wilson ( 1989 / 90 ) William Sadler ( 1991 ) Robin Williams ( 1992 ) Lance Henriksen ( 1993 ) Gary Sinise ( 1994 ) Brad Pitt ( 1995 ) Brent Spiner ( 1996 ) Vincent D'Onofrio ( 1997 ) Ian McKellen ( 1998 ) Michael Clarke Duncan ( 1999 ) Willem Dafoe ( 2000 ) Ian McKellen ( 2001 ) Andy Serkis ( 2002 ) Sean Astin ( 2003 ) David Carradine ( 2004 ) Mickey Rourke ( 2005 ) Ben Affleck ( 2006 ) Javier Bardem ( 2007 ) Heath Ledger ( 2008 ) Stephen Lang ( 2009 ) Andrew Garfield ( 2010 ) Andy Serkis ( 2011 ) Clark Gregg ( 2012 ) Ben Kingsley ( 2013 ) Richard Armitage ( 2014 ) Adam Driver ( 2015 ) John Goodman ( 2016 ) Patrick Stewart ( 2017 ) Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role Martin Landau ( 1994 ) Ed Harris ( 1995 ) Cuba Gooding Jr. ( 1996 ) Robin Williams ( 1997 ) Robert Duvall ( 1998 ) Michael Caine ( 1999 ) Albert Finney ( 2000 ) Ian McKellen ( 2001 ) Christopher Walken ( 2002 ) Tim Robbins ( 2003 ) Morgan Freeman ( 2004 ) Paul Giamatti ( 2005 ) Eddie Murphy ( 2006 ) Javier Bardem ( 2007 ) Heath Ledger ( 2008 ) Christoph Waltz ( 2009 ) Christian Bale ( 2010 ) Christopher Plummer ( 2011 ) Tommy Lee Jones ( 2012 ) Jared Leto ( 2013 ) J.K. Simmons ( 2014 ) Idris Elba ( 2015 ) Mahershala Ali ( 2016 ) Sam Rockwell ( 2017 ) Society of London Theatre Special Award Laurence Olivier ( 1979 ) Ralph Richardson ( 1980 ) Charles Wintour ( 1982 ) Joan Littlewood ( 1983 ) John Gielgud ( 1985 ) Alec Guinness ( 1988 ) Peggy Ashcroft ( 1991 ) Ninette de Valois ( 1992 ) Kenneth MacMillan ( 1993 ) Sam Wanamaker ( 1994 ) Harold Pinter ( 1996 ) Margaret Harris ( 1997 ) Ed Mirvish / David Mirvish ( 1998 ) Peter Hall ( 1999 ) Rupert Rhymes ( 2002 ) Sam Mendes ( 2003 ) Judi Dench ( 2004 ) Alan Bennett ( 2005 ) Ian McKellen ( 2006 ) John Tomlinson ( 2007 ) Andrew Lloyd Webber ( 2008 ) Alan Ayckbourn ( 2009 ) Maggie Smith ( 2010 ) Stephen Sondheim ( 2011 ) Monica Mason / Tim Rice ( 2012 ) Michael Frayn / Gillian Lynne ( 2013 ) Nicholas Hytner & Nick Starr / Michael White ( 2014 ) Sylvie Guillem / Kevin Spacey ( 2015 ) Kenneth Branagh ( 2017 ) David Lan ( 2018 ) Tony Award for Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Play José Ferrer / Fredric March ( 1947 ) Henry Fonda / Paul Kelly / Basil Rathbone ( 1948 ) Rex Harrison ( 1949 ) Sidney Blackmer ( 1950 ) Claude Rains ( 1951 ) José Ferrer ( 1952 ) Tom Ewell ( 1953 ) David Wayne ( 1954 ) Alfred Lunt ( 1955 ) Paul Muni ( 1956 ) Fredric March ( 1957 ) Ralph Bellamy ( 1958 ) Jason Robards , Jr. ( 1959 ) Melvyn Douglas ( 1960 ) Zero Mostel ( 1961 ) Paul Scofield ( 1962 ) Arthur Hill ( 1963 ) Alec Guinness ( 1964 ) Walter Matthau ( 1965 ) Hal Holbrook ( 1966 ) Paul Rogers ( 1967 ) Martin Balsam ( 1968 ) James Earl Jones ( 1969 ) Fritz Weaver ( 1970 ) Brian Bedford ( 1971 ) Cliff Gorman ( 1972 ) Alan Bates ( 1973 ) Michael Moriarty ( 1974 ) John Kani and Winston Ntshona ( 1975 ) John Wood ( 1976 ) Al Pacino ( 1977 ) Barnard Hughes ( 1978 ) Tom Conti ( 1979 ) John Rubinstein ( 1980 ) Ian McKellen ( 1981 ) Roger Rees ( 1982 ) Harvey Fierstein ( 1983 ) Jeremy Irons ( 1984 ) Derek Jacobi ( 1985 ) Judd Hirsch ( 1986 ) James Earl Jones ( 1987 ) Ron Silver ( 1988 ) Philip Bosco ( 1989 ) Robert Morse ( 1990 ) Nigel Hawthorne ( 1991 ) Judd Hirsch ( 1992 ) Ron Leibman ( 1993 ) Stephen Spinella ( 1994 ) Ralph Fiennes ( 1995 ) George Grizzard ( 1996 ) Christopher Plummer ( 1997 ) Anthony LaPaglia ( 1998 ) Brian Dennehy ( 1999 ) Stephen Dillane ( 2000 ) Richard Easton ( 2001 ) Alan Bates ( 2002 ) Brian Dennehy ( 2003 ) Jefferson Mays ( 2004 ) Bill Irwin ( 2005 ) Richard Griffiths ( 2006 ) Frank Langella ( 2007 ) Mark Rylance ( 2008 ) Geoffrey Rush ( 2009 ) Denzel Washington ( 2010 ) Mark Rylance ( 2011 ) James Corden ( 2012 ) Tracy Letts ( 2013 ) Bryan Cranston ( 2014 ) Alex Sharp ( 2015 ) Frank Langella ( 2016 ) Kevin Kline ( 2017 ) Andrew Garfield ( 2018 ) WorldCat Identities BIBSYS : 90943418 BNE : XX1259646 BNF : cb14018850m ( data ) GND : 118860534 ISNI : 0000 0001 1462 084X LCCN : n84033818 MusicBrainz : d347cdd8 - 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who plays gandolf in lord of the rings
McKellen 's career spans genres ranging from Shakespearean and modern theatre to popular fantasy and science fiction . The BBC states that his `` performances have guaranteed him a place in the canon of English stage and film actors '' . A recipient of every major theatrical award in the UK , McKellen is regarded as a British cultural icon . He started his professional career in 1961 at the Belgrade Theatre as a member of their highly regarded repertory company . In 1965 , McKellen made his first West End appearance . In 1969 , he was invited to join the Prospect Theatre Company to play the lead parts in Shakespeare 's Richard II and Marlowe 's Edward II , and he firmly established himself as one of the country 's foremost classical actors . In the 1970s , McKellen became a stalwart of the Royal Shakespeare Company and the National Theatre of Great Britain . He achieved worldwide fame for his film roles , including the titular King in Richard III ( 1995 ) , James Whale in Gods and Monsters ( 1998 ) , Magneto in the X-Men films , and Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies .
M * a * S * H ( TV series ) - wikipedia M * a * S * H ( TV series ) This article is about the television series . For information on the franchise as a whole , see M * A * S * H . M * A * S * H Title screen Genre War Comedy - drama Dark comedy Based on M * A * S * H : A Novel About Three Army Doctors by Richard Hooker Developed by Larry Gelbart Starring Alan Alda Wayne Rogers McLean Stevenson Loretta Swit Larry Linville Gary Burghoff Mike Farrell Harry Morgan Jamie Farr William Christopher David Ogden Stiers Theme music composer Johnny Mandel ( written for the film ) Opening theme `` Suicide Is Painless '' Ending theme `` Suicide Is Painless '' ( big band version ) Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 11 No. of episodes 256 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Larry Gelbart ( seasons 1 -- 4 ) Gene Reynolds ( seasons 1 -- 5 ) Burt Metcalfe ( seasons 6 -- 11 ) Production location ( s ) Los Angeles County , California ( Century City , Malibu Creek State Park ) Camera setup Single - camera Running time 30 minutes with commercials , except `` Goodbye , Farewell and Amen '' ( 2 hours with commercials ) Production company ( s ) 20th Century Fox Television Distributor 20th Television Release Original network CBS Original release September 17 , 1972 ( 1972 - 09 - 17 ) -- February 28 , 1983 ( 1983 - 02 - 28 ) Chronology Followed by AfterM * A * S * H W * A * L * T * E * R Related shows Trapper John , M.D. External links Website M * A * S * H is an American war comedy - drama television series that aired on CBS from 1972 to 1983 . It was developed by Larry Gelbart , adapted from the 1970 feature film M * A * S * H , which , in turn , was based on Richard Hooker 's 1968 novel MASH : A Novel About Three Army Doctors . The series , which was produced with 20th Century Fox Television for CBS , follows a team of doctors and support staff stationed at the `` 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital '' in Uijeongbu , South Korea , during the Korean War ( 1950 -- 53 ) . The show 's title sequence features an instrumental - only version of `` Suicide Is Painless '' , the original film 's theme song . The show was created after an attempt to film the original book 's sequel , M * A * S * H Goes to Maine , failed . The television series is the best - known of the M * A * S * H works , and one of the highest - rated shows in US television history . Contents 1 Plot 2 Characters 2.1 Main cast 2.1. 1 Main character timeline 2.1. 2 Cast pictures 3 Production 3.1 Writing 3.2 Set location 3.3 Smithsonian exhibit 3.4 Content 3.5 Vehicles 3.6 Laugh track 4 Episodes 4.1 Episode list 4.2 Final episode : `` Goodbye , Farewell and Amen '' 5 International broadcast 6 Reception 6.1 Ratings and recognition 6.2 Season ratings 6.3 Awards 7 Home media 8 Spinoffs and specials 9 See also 10 Notes 11 References 12 Further reading 13 External links Plot ( edit ) M * A * S * H aired weekly on CBS , with most episodes being a half - hour ( 25 minutes ) in length . The series is usually categorized as a situation comedy , though it has also been described as a `` dark comedy '' or a `` dramedy '' because of the often dramatic subject matter . The show is an ensemble piece revolving around key personnel in a United States Army Mobile Army Surgical Hospital ( MASH ) in the Korean War ( 1950 -- 53 ) . ( The asterisks in the name are not part of military nomenclature and were creatively introduced in the novel and used in only the posters for the movie version , not the actual movie . ) The `` 4077th MASH '' was one of several surgical units in Korea . While the show is traditionally viewed as a comedy , many episodes had a more serious tone . Airing on network prime time while the Vietnam War was still going on , the show was forced to walk the fine line of commenting on that war while at the same time not seeming to protest it . For this reason , the show 's discourse , under the cover of comedy , often questioned , mocked , and grappled with America 's role in the Cold War . Episodes were both plot - and character - driven , with several narrated by one of the show 's characters as the contents of a letter home . The show 's tone could move from silly to sobering from one episode to the next , with dramatic tension often occurring between the civilian draftees of 4077th -- Hawkeye , Trapper John , and B.J. Hunnicutt , for example -- who are forced to leave their homes to tend the wounded and dying of the war , and the `` regular Army '' characters , such as Margaret Houlihan and Colonel Potter , who tend to represent patriotism and duty ( though Houlihan and Potter could also represent the other perspective at times ) . Other characters , such as Col. Blake , Maj . Winchester , and Cpl . Klinger , help demonstrate various American civilian attitudes toward army life , while guest characters played by such actors as Eldon Quick , Herb Voland , Mary Wickes , and Tim O'Connor also help further the show 's discussion of America 's place as Cold War warmaker and peacemaker . Characters ( edit ) Main cast ( edit ) Main article : List of M * A * S * H characters See also : List of M * A * S * H cast members M * A * S * H maintained a relatively constant ensemble cast , with four characters -- Hawkeye , Father Mulcahy , Margaret Houlihan , and Maxwell Klinger -- on the show for all 11 seasons . Several other main characters departed or joined the program during its run , and numerous guest actors and recurring characters were used . The writers found creating so many names difficult , and used names from elsewhere ; for example , characters on the seventh season were named after the 1978 Los Angeles Dodgers . Note : Character appearances include double - length episodes as two appearances , making 260 in total . Character Actor / actress Rank Role Appearances Hawkeye Pierce Alan Alda Captain Chief surgeon 251 Margaret `` Hot Lips '' Houlihan Penopscott Loretta Swit Major Head nurse , temporary adjutant 243 Max Klinger ( Recurring seasons 1 -- 3 , regular 4 -- 11 ) Jamie Farr Corporal , later sergeant Corpsman , later company clerk 219 Father John Patrick Francis Mulcahy ( recurring seasons 1 -- 4 , regular 5 -- 11 ) George Morgan ( pilot episode ) , replaced by William Christopher First lieutenant , later captain Chaplain 218 Trapper John McIntyre ( seasons 1 -- 3 ) Wayne Rogers Captain Surgeon 72 + 1 uncredited voiceover ( `` Welcome to Korea '' ) Henry Blake ( seasons 1 -- 3 ) McLean Stevenson Lieutenant colonel Commanding officer , surgeon 70 Frank Burns ( seasons 1 -- 5 ) Larry Linville Major , later lieutenant colonel ( off - screen ) Surgeon , executive officer temporary commanding officer ( following the discharge of Henry Blake ) 118 Radar O'Reilly ( seasons 1 -- 8 ) Gary Burghoff Corporal ( one episode as second lieutenant due to falsified promotion ) Company clerk , bugler 156 B.J. Hunnicutt ( replaced Trapper ; seasons 4 -- 11 ) Mike Farrell Captain Surgeon 187 Sherman Potter ( replaced Henry Blake ; Seasons 4 -- 11 ) Harry Morgan Colonel Commanding officer ( after Lt. Col. Blake ) , surgeon 188 Charles Emerson Winchester III ( replaced Frank Burns ; seasons 6 -- 11 ) David Ogden Stiers Major Surgeon , executive officer ( after Major Burns ) 137 Main character timeline ( edit ) Cast pictures ( edit ) The cast of M * A * S * H from Season 2 , 1974 ( clockwise from left ) : Loretta Swit , Larry Linville , Wayne Rogers , Gary Burghoff , McLean Stevenson , and Alan Alda The cast of M * A * S * H from Season 5 , 1977 ( clockwise from left ) : William Christopher , Gary Burghoff , David Ogden Stiers , Jamie Farr , Mike Farrell , Alan Alda , Harry Morgan , Loretta Swit . The cast of M * A * S * H from season 8 onwards ( clockwise from left ) : Mike Farrell , William Christopher , Jamie Farr , David Ogden Stiers , Loretta Swit , Alan Alda , and Harry Morgan Production ( edit ) Writing ( edit ) As the series progressed , it made a significant shift from being primarily a comedy with dramatic undertones to a drama with comedic undertones . This was a result of changes in writing and production staff , rather than the cast defections of McLean Stevenson , Larry Linville , Wayne Rogers and Gary Burghoff . Series co-creator and joke writer Larry Gelbart departed after Season 4 , the first featuring Mike Farrell and Harry Morgan . This resulted in Farrell and Morgan having only a single season reading scripts featuring Gelbart 's masterful comic timing , which defined the feel and rhythm of Seasons 1 -- 4 featuring predecessors Rogers and Stevenson , respectively . Larry Linville ( the show 's comic foil ) and Executive Producer Gene Reynolds both departed at the conclusion of Season 5 in 1977 , resulting in M * A * S * H being fully stripped of its original tight comedic foundation by the beginning of Season 6 -- the debut of the Charles Winchester era . Whereas Gelbart and Reynolds were the comedic voice of M * A * S * H for the show 's first five seasons ( 1972 -- 1977 ) , Alan Alda and newly promoted Executive Producer Burt Metcalfe became the new dramatic voice of M * A * S * H for Seasons 6 -- 11 . By the start of Season 8 ( 1979 -- 1980 ) , the writing staff had been completely overhauled , and with the departure of Gary Burghoff , M * A * S * H displayed a distinctively different feel , consciously moving between comedy and drama , unlike the seamless integration of its first five years . The end of the Vietnam War in 1975 was a significant factor as to why storylines become less political in nature and more character driven . Several episodes also experimented with the sitcom format : `` Point of View '' -- shown from the perspective of a soldier with a throat wound `` Dreams '' -- an idea of Alda 's , where during a deluge of casualties , members of the 4077 take naps on a rotation basis , allowing the viewer to see the simultaneously lyrical and disturbing dreams `` A War For All Seasons '' -- features a storyline that takes place over the course of 1951 `` Life Time '' -- a precursor to the American television series 24 , it utilizes the real time method of narration Another change was the infusion of story lines based on actual events and medical developments that materialized during the Korean War . Considerable research was done by the producers , including interviews with actual MASH surgeons and personnel to develop story lines rooted in the war itself . Such early 1950s events as the McCarthy era , various sporting events , and the stardom of Marilyn Monroe were all incorporated into various episodes , a trend that continued until the end of the series . While the series remained popular through these changes , it eventually began to run out of creative steam . Korean War doctors regularly contacted producers with experiences that they thought might make for a good storyline , only to learn the idea had previously been used . Harry Morgan admitted that he felt `` the cracks were starting to show '' by season 9 ( 1980 -- 1981 ) . Alda wished to make season 10 ( 1981 - 1982 ) M * A * S * H 's last , but was persuaded by CBS to produce a slightly shortened 11th season , coupled with a farewell movie finale , because CBS refused to let the show go away so easily . In the end , season 11 had 15 episodes ( although six had been filmed during season 10 and held over ) and a 2 - 1 / 2 hour movie , which was treated as five episodes and was filmed before the nine remaining episodes . The final episode ever produced was the penultimate episode `` As Time Goes By '' . The series finale movie , titled `` Goodbye , Farewell and Amen '' , became the most - watched television broadcast in history , tallying a total of 125 million viewers . Set location ( edit ) M * A * S * H site in Malibu Creek State Park . Hulk of a Dodge WC54 ambulance . Copy of the original M * A * S * H signpost was installed on the site in 2008 . The 4077th consisted of two separate sets . An outdoor set in the mountains near Malibu , California ( Calabasas , Los Angeles County , California ) was used for most exterior and tent scenes for every season . This was the same set used to shoot the movie . The indoor set , on a sound stage at Fox Studios in Century City , was used for the indoor scenes for the run of the series . Later , after the indoor set was renovated to permit many of the `` outdoor '' scenes to be filmed there , both sets were used for exterior shooting as script requirements dictated ( e.g. , night scenes were far easier to film on the sound stage , but scenes at the chopper pad required using the ranch ) . Just as the series was wrapping production , a brush fire destroyed most of the outdoor set on October 9 , 1982 . The fire was written into the final episode as a forest fire caused by enemy incendiary bombs that forced the 4077th to bug out . The Malibu location is today known as Malibu Creek State Park . Formerly called the Century Ranch and owned by 20th Century Fox Studios until the 1980s , the site today is returning to a natural state , and is marked by a rusted Jeep and an ambulance used in the show . Through the 1990s , the area was occasionally used for television commercial production . On February 23 , 2008 , series stars Mike Farrell , Loretta Swit and William Christopher ( along with producers Gene Reynolds and Burt Metcalfe and M * A * S * H director Charles S. Dubin ) reunited at the set to celebrate its partial restoration . The rebuilt signpost is now displayed on weekends , along with tent markers and maps and photos of the set . The state park is open to the public . It was also the location where the film How Green Was My Valley ( 1941 ) and the Planet of the Apes television series ( 1974 ) were filmed , among other productions . Smithsonian exhibit ( edit ) The operating room set on display in the National Museum of American History as part of the `` MASH : Binding Up the Wounds '' exhibit in 1983 The exhibit M * A * S * H : Binding Up the Wounds was at the National Museum of American History from July 30 , 1983 through February 3 , 1985 . The exhibit was extremely popular drawing more than 17,000 in a single week , a record for any Smithsonian display . On exhibit were The Swamp and Operating Room sets , one of the show 's 14 Emmy Awards , early drafts of the pilot script , costumes from the show and other memorabilia . Sets were decorated with props from the show including the iconic signpost , Hawkeye 's still and Major Winchester 's Webcor tape recorder and phonograph . The exhibit also encouraged visitors to compare the show to real Mobile Army Surgical Hospitals of the Korean and the Vietnam Wars . Radar 's teddy bear , originally found at the ranch set , was never on display at the Smithsonian . Following completion of production , the prop was kept by the show 's set designer . It was sold several times including to Burghoff himself . It was sold at auction on July 29 , 2005 for $11,800 , it sold again on March 27 , 2015 for $14,307.50 after 19 bids . Content ( edit ) M * A * S * H was one of the first network series to feature brief partial nudity ( notably Gary Burghoff 's buttocks in `` The Sniper '' and Hawkeye in one of the `` Dear Dad '' episodes ) . A different innovation was the show 's producers ' desire not to have a laugh track , contrary to the network 's desire to have one . They compromised by omitting laughter in the scenes set in the operating room . The DVD releases of the series allow viewers to select an audio version with no laugh track . In his blog , writer Ken Levine revealed that on one occasion , when the cast offered too many nitpicking `` notes '' on a script , his writing partner and he changed the script to a `` cold show '' -- one set during the frigid Korean winter . The cast then had to stand around barrel fires in parkas at the Malibu ranch when the temperatures neared 100 ° F ( 38 ° C ) . Levine says , `` This happened maybe twice , and we never got a ticky - tack note again . '' Jackie Cooper wrote that Alan Alda , whom Cooper directed in several episodes during the first two seasons , concealed a lot of hostility beneath the surface , and the two of them barely spoke to each other by the time Cooper 's tenure on the show ended . Vehicles ( edit ) The helicopters used on the series were model H - 13 Sioux ( military designation and nickname of the Bell 47 civilian model ) . As in the film , some care seems to have been taken to use the correct model of the long - lived Bell 47 series . In the opening credits and many of the episodes , Korean War - vintage H - 13Ds and Es ( Bell 47D - 1s ) were used complete with period - correct external litters . A later ( 1954 -- 73 ) 47G occasionally made an appearance . The helicopters are similar in appearance ( with the later `` G '' models having larger two - piece fuel tanks , a slightly revised cabin , and other changes ) with differences noticeable only to a serious helicopter fan . In the pilot episode , a later Bell 47J ( production began in 1957 ) was shown flying Henry Blake to Seoul , en route to a meeting with General Hammond in Tokyo . A Sud Aviation Allouette II helicopter was also shown transporting Henry Blake to the 4077th in the episode `` Henry , Please Come Home '' . The Jeeps used were 1953 military M38 or civil CJ2A Willys Jeeps and also World War II Ford GPWs and Willys MB 's . Two episodes featured the M38A1 Jeep , one of which was stolen from a General by Radar and Hawkeye after their Jeep was stolen . Two of the ambulances were WC - 54 Dodges and one was a WC - 27 . A WC - 54 ambulance remains at the site and was burned in the Malibu fires on October 9 , 1982 , while a second WC - 27 survives at a South El Monte museum without any markings . The bus used to transport the wounded was a 1954 Ford model . In the last season , an M43 ambulance from the Korean War era also was used in conjunction with the WC - 54s and WC - 27 . Bell 47G helicopter in MASH colours . Burned Dodge ambulance at Malibu Creek State Park Burned Jeep ( most likely a CJ - 2A ) at Malibu Creek State Park Laugh track ( edit ) Series creators Larry Gelbart and Gene Reynolds wanted M * A * S * H broadcast without a laugh track . Though CBS initially rejected the idea , a compromise was reached that allowed for omitting the laughter during operating room scenes if desired . `` We told the network that under no circumstances would we ever can laughter during an OR scene when the doctors were working , '' said Gelbart in 1998 . `` It 's hard to imagine that 300 people were in there laughing at somebody 's guts being sewn up . '' Seasons 1 -- 5 utilized a more invasive laugh track ; a more subdued audience was employed for Seasons 6 -- 11 when the series shifted from sitcom to comedy - drama with the departure of Gelbart and Reynolds . Several episodes ( `` O.R. '' , `` The Bus '' , `` Quo Vadis , Captain Chandler ? '' , `` The Interview '' , `` Point of View '' and `` Dreams '' among them ) omitted the laugh track altogether ; as did almost all of Season 11 , including the 135 - minute series finale , `` Goodbye , Farewell and Amen '' . The laugh track is also omitted from some international and syndicated airings of the show ; on one occasion during an airing on BBC2 , the laugh track was accidentally left on , and viewers expressed their displeasure , an apology from the network for the `` technical difficulty '' was later released , as during its original run on BBC2 in the UK , it was shown without the laugh track . UK DVD critics speak poorly of the laugh track , stating `` canned laughter is intrusive at the best of times , but with a programme like M * A * S * H , it 's downright unbearable . '' On all released DVDs , both in Region 1 ( including the US and Canada ) and Region 2 ( Europe , including the UK ) , an option is given to watch the show with or without the laugh track . `` They 're a lie , '' said Gelbart in a 1992 interview . `` You 're telling an engineer when to push a button to produce a laugh from people who do n't exist . It 's just so dishonest . The biggest shows when we were on the air were All in the Family and The Mary Tyler Moore Show both of which were taped before a live studio audience where laughter made sense , '' continued Gelbart . `` But our show was a film show -- supposedly shot in the middle of Korea . So the question I always asked the network was , ' Who are these laughing people ? Where did they come from ? ' '' Gelbart persuaded CBS to test the show in private screenings with and without the laugh track . The results showed no measurable difference in the audience 's enjoyment . `` So you know what they said ? '' Gelbart said . `` ' Since there 's no difference , let 's leave it alone ! ' The people who defend laugh tracks have no sense of humor . '' Gelbart summed up the situation by saying , `` I always thought it cheapened the show . The network got their way . They were paying for dinner . '' Episodes ( edit ) Episode List ( edit ) Main article : List of M * A * S * H episodes Season Episodes Originally aired Nielsen ratings First aired Last aired Rank Rating 24 September 17 , 1972 ( 1972 - 09 - 17 ) March 25 , 1973 ( 1973 - 03 - 25 ) N / A N / A 24 September 15 , 1973 ( 1973 - 09 - 15 ) March 2 , 1974 ( 1974 - 03 - 02 ) 25.7 24 September 10 , 1974 ( 1974 - 09 - 10 ) March 18 , 1975 ( 1975 - 03 - 18 ) 5 27.4 25 September 12 , 1975 ( 1975 - 09 - 12 ) February 24 , 1976 ( 1976 - 02 - 24 ) 14 22.9 5 25 September 21 , 1976 ( 1976 - 09 - 21 ) March 15 , 1977 ( 1977 - 03 - 15 ) 25.9 6 25 September 20 , 1977 ( 1977 - 09 - 20 ) March 27 , 1978 ( 1978 - 03 - 27 ) 8 23.2 7 26 September 18 , 1978 ( 1978 - 09 - 18 ) March 12 , 1979 ( 1979 - 03 - 12 ) 7 25.4 8 25 September 17 , 1979 ( 1979 - 09 - 17 ) March 24 , 1980 ( 1980 - 03 - 24 ) 25.3 9 20 November 17 , 1980 ( 1980 - 11 - 17 ) May 4 , 1981 ( 1981 - 05 - 04 ) 25.7 10 22 October 26 , 1981 ( 1981 - 10 - 26 ) April 12 , 1982 ( 1982 - 04 - 12 ) 9 22.3 11 16 October 25 , 1982 ( 1982 - 10 - 25 ) February 28 , 1983 ( 1983 - 02 - 28 ) 22.6 Jump up ^ The term `` dramedy '' ( drama + comedy ) , although coined in 1978 , was not in common usage until after M * A * S * H had gone off the air . Jump up ^ Tied with The Waltons ^ Jump up to : Tied with Alice Jump up ^ Tied with Magnum , P.I. Final episode : `` Goodbye , Farewell and Amen '' ( edit ) Main article : Goodbye , Farewell and Amen `` Goodbye , Farewell and Amen '' was the final episode of M * A * S * H. Special television sets were placed in PX parking lots , auditoriums , and dayrooms of the US Army in Korea so that military personnel could watch that episode , in spite of 14 hours ' time - zone difference with the East Coast of the US . The episode aired on February 28 , 1983 , and was 21⁄2 hours long . The episode got a Nielsen rating of 60.2 and 77 share and according to a New York Times article from 1983 , the final episode of M * A * S * H had 125 million viewers . When the M * A * S * H finale aired in 1983 , 83.3 million homes in the United States had televisions , compared to almost 115 million in February 2010 . `` Goodbye , Farewell and Amen '' broke the record for the highest percentage of homes with television sets to watch a television series . Stories persist that the episode was seen by so many people that the New York City Sanitation / Public Works Department reported the plumbing systems broke down in some parts of the city from so many New Yorkers waiting until the end to use the toilet . Articles copied into Alan Alda 's book The Last Days of M * A * S * H include interviews with New York City Sanitation workers citing the spike in water use on that night . According to the interviews at 11 : 03 pm , EST New York City public works noted the highest water usage at one given time in the City 's history . They attributed this to the fact that in the three minutes after the finale ended , around 77 % of the people of New York City flushed their toilets . These stories have all since been identified as part of an urban legend dating back to the days of the Amos and Andy radio program in the 1930s . The finale was referenced in a passage from Stephen Chbosky 's coming - of - age novel The Perks of Being a Wallflower , in which the main character and his family watch the finale together . International broadcast ( edit ) Australia - Network Ten ( 1973 -- 1998 ) , Seven Network ( 1999 -- 2011 ) , One ( 2011 -- 2017 ) , 7TWO ( 2018 -- ) UK - BBC Two - ( 1984 - 1995 ) Ireland - RTÉ2 - ( 1985 - 1996 ) And many more international broadcasts . Reception ( edit ) Ratings and recognition ( edit ) The series premiered in the US on September 17 , 1972 , and ended on February 28 , 1983 , with the finale , showcased as a television film , titled `` Goodbye , Farewell and Amen '' , becoming the most - watched and highest - rated single television episode in US television history at the time , with a record - breaking 125 million viewers ( 60.2 rating and 77 share ) , according to the New York Times . It had struggled in its first season and was at risk of being cancelled . Season two of M * A * S * H placed it in a better time slot ( airing after the popular All in the Family ) ; the show became one of the top 10 programs of the year and stayed in the top 20 programs for the rest of its run . It is still broadcast in syndication on various television stations . The series , which depicted events occurring during a three - year war , spanned 256 episodes and lasted 11 seasons . The Korean War lasted 1,128 days , meaning each episode of the series would have averaged almost four and a half days of real time . Many of the stories in the early seasons are based on tales told by real MASH surgeons who were interviewed by the production team . Like the movie , the series was as much an allegory about the Vietnam War ( still in progress when the show began ) as it was about the Korean War . The episodes `` Abyssinia , Henry '' and `` The Interview '' were ranked number 20 and number 80 , respectively , on TV Guide 's 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time in 1997 . In 2002 , M * A * S * H was ranked number 25 on TV Guide 's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time . In 2013 , the Writers Guild of America ranked it as the fifth - best written TV series ever and TV Guide ranked it as the eighth - greatest show of all time . In 2016 , Rolling Stone ranked it as the sixteenth - greatest TV show . Season ratings ( edit ) Season Ep # Time slot ( ET ) Season Premiere Season Finale Nielsen Ratings Rank Viewers ( in millions ) Rating 1972 -- 73 24 Sunday at 8 : 00 pm September 17 , 1972 March 25 , 1973 # 46 N / A 17.4 1973 -- 74 24 Saturday at 8 : 30 pm September 15 , 1973 March 2 , 1974 # 4 17.02 25.7 1974 -- 75 24 Tuesday at 8 : 30 pm September 10 , 1974 March 18 , 1975 # 5 18.76 27.4 1975 -- 76 25 Friday at 8 : 00 pm ( Episode 1 ) Friday at 8 : 30 pm ( Episodes 2 -- 13 ) Tuesday at 9 : 00 pm ( Episodes 14 -- 25 ) September 12 , 1975 February 24 , 1976 # 15 15.93 22.9 5 1976 -- 77 25 Tuesday at 9 : 00 pm ( Episodes 1 , 3 -- 25 ) Tuesday at 9 : 30 pm ( Episode 2 ) September 21 , 1976 March 15 , 1977 # 4 18.44 25.9 6 1977 -- 78 25 Tuesday at 9 : 00 pm ( Episodes 1 , 3 -- 19 ) Tuesday at 9 : 30 pm ( Episode 2 ) Monday at 9 : 00 pm ( Episodes 20 -- 25 ) September 20 , 1977 March 27 , 1978 # 9 16.91 23.2 7 1978 -- 79 26 Monday at 9 : 00 pm ( Episodes 1 -- 4 , 6 -- 26 ) Monday at 9 : 30 pm ( Episode 5 ) September 18 , 1978 March 12 , 1979 # 7 18.92 25.4 8 1979 -- 80 25 Monday at 9 : 00 pm September 17 , 1979 March 24 , 1980 # 5 19.30 25.3 9 1980 -- 81 20 November 17 , 1980 May 4 , 1981 # 4 20.53 25.7 10 1981 -- 82 22 Monday at 9 : 00 pm ( Episodes 1 , 3 -- 22 ) Monday at 9 : 30 pm ( Episode 2 ) October 26 , 1981 April 12 , 1982 # 9 18.17 22.3 11 1982 -- 83 16 Monday at 9 : 00 pm ( Episodes 1 -- 15 ) Monday at 8 : 30 pm ( Episode 16 ) October 25 , 1982 February 28 , 1983 # 3 18.82 22.6 Awards ( edit ) Main article : List of awards and nominations received by M * A * S * H ( TV series ) M * A * S * H was nominated for over 100 Emmy Awards during its 11 - year run , winning 14 : 1974 -- Outstanding Comedy Series -- M * A * S * H ; Larry Gelbart , Gene Reynolds ( Producers ) 1974 -- Best Lead Actor in a Comedy Series -- Alan Alda 1974 -- Best Directing in Comedy -- Jackie Cooper : `` Carry On , Hawkeye '' 1974 -- Actor of the Year , Series -- Alan Alda 1975 -- Outstanding Directing in a Comedy Series -- Gene Reynolds : `` O.R. '' 1976 -- Outstanding Film Editing for Entertainment Programming -- Fred W. Berger and Stanford Tischler : `` Welcome to Korea '' 1976 -- Outstanding Directing in a Comedy Series -- Gene Reynolds : `` Welcome to Korea '' 1977 -- Outstanding Directing in a Comedy Series -- Alan Alda : `` Dear Sigmund '' 1977 -- Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series -- Gary Burghoff 1979 -- Outstanding Writing in a Comedy - Variety or Music Series -- Alan Alda : `` Inga '' 1980 -- Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy or Variety or Music Series -- Loretta Swit 1980 -- Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy or Variety or Music Series -- Harry Morgan 1982 -- Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series -- Alan Alda 1982 -- Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy or Variety or Music Series -- Loretta Swit The show won the Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series ( Musical or Comedy ) in 1981 . Alan Alda won the Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Television Series ( Musical or Comedy ) six times : in 1975 , 1976 , 1980 , 1981 , 1982 , and 1983 . McLean Stevenson won the award for Best Supporting Actor in a Television Series in 1974 . The series earned the Directors Guild of America Award for Outstanding Directorial Achievement in a Comedy Series seven times : 1973 ( Gene Reynolds ) , 1974 ( Reynolds ) , 1975 ( Hy Averbeck ) , 1976 ( Averbeck ) , 1977 ( Alan Alda ) , 1982 ( Alda ) , 1983 ( Alda ) . The show was honored with a Peabody Award in 1975 `` for the depth of its humor and the manner in which comedy is used to lift the spirit and , as well , to offer a profound statement on the nature of war . '' M * A * S * H was cited as `` an example of television of high purpose that reveals in universal terms a time and place with such affecting clarity . '' Writers for the show received several Humanitas Prize nominations , with Larry Gelbart winning in 1976 , Alan Alda winning in 1980 , and the team of David Pollock and Elias Davis winning twice in 1982 and 1983 . The series received 28 Writers Guild of America Award nominations -- 26 for Episodic Comedy and two for Episodic Drama . Seven episodes won for Episodic Comedy in 1973 , 1975 , 1976 , 1977 , 1979 , 1980 , and 1981 . Home Media ( edit ) 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment has released all 11 seasons of M * A * S * H on DVD in Region 1 and Region 2 . DVD title Ep No . Release dates Region 1 Region 2 M * A * S * H Season 1 24 January 8 , 2002 May 19 , 2003 M * A * S * H Season 2 24 July 23 , 2002 October 13 , 2003 M * A * S * H Season 3 24 February 18 , 2003 March 15 , 2004 M * A * S * H Seasons 1 -- 3 72 N / A October 31 , 2005 M * A * S * H Season 4 24 July 15 , 2003 June 14 , 2004 M * A * S * H Seasons 1 -- 4 96 December 2 , 2003 N / A M * A * S * H Season 5 24 December 9 , 2003 January 17 , 2005 M * A * S * H Season 6 24 June 8 , 2004 March 28 , 2005 M * A * S * H Season 7 25 December 7 , 2004 May 30 , 2005 M * A * S * H Season 8 25 May 24 , 2005 August 15 , 2005 M * A * S * H Season 9 20 December 6 , 2005 January 9 , 2006 M * A * S * H Seasons 1 -- 9 214 December 6 , 2005 N / A M * A * S * H Season 10 22 May 23 , 2006 April 17 , 2006 M * A * S * H Season 11 16 November 7 , 2006 May 29 , 2006 Martinis and Medicine Collection ( Complete Series , including the Original Movie ) 256 November 7 , 2006 October 30 , 2006 Goodbye , Farewell , and Amen Collector 's Edition May 15 , 2007 N / A In January 2015 , it was announced that the first five seasons of M * A * S * H would be available on Netflix 's instant streaming service beginning February 1 , 2015 . This marked the first time the series was made available on an internet platform . As of July 1 , 2015 , all 11 seasons were available ; syndicated versions of hour - long episodes were utilized for streaming , splitting these shows into two parts . In contrast to the DVD sets , the Netflix streams did not have an option for disabling the laugh track on the soundtrack . On April 1 , 2016 , M * A * S * H was removed from Netflix due to its contract to stream the series expiring . In November 2016 , SundanceTV announced it will begin airing M * A * S * H and several other classic TV shows . M * A * S * H can be seen on Mondays at 6 am -- 1 pm weekly , starting on November 14 with seven hours with the first 14 episodes from Season 1 . As of 2016 , M * A * S * H episodes air on the MeTV television network . In July 2017 , it was announced that Hulu had acquired online streaming rights for the entire run of M * A * S * H along with several other 20th Century Fox - owned TV programs . Spinoffs and specials ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( May 2013 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The short - lived spin - off AfterMASH ( 1983 -- 85 ) inherited the parent show 's Monday night time slot and featured several of its characters reunited in a Midwestern hospital after the war . The more successful Trapper John , M.D. ( 1979 -- 86 ) took place nearly three decades after the events of M * A * S * H and depicted Trapper John McIntyre as chief of surgery at a San Francisco hospital ; its producers argued successfully in court that it was based on the earlier movie rather than the TV series . In an unpurchased television pilot , W * A * L * T * E * R ( 1984 ) , Walter `` Radar '' O'Reilly joins the St. Louis police force after his farm fails following his return to the US . Making M * A * S * H , a documentary special narrated by Mary Tyler Moore that takes viewers behind the production of the season 8 episodes `` Old Soldiers '' and `` Lend a Hand '' , was produced for PBS in 1981 . The special was later included in the syndicated rerun package , with new narration by producer Michael Hirsch . Two retrospective specials were produced to commemorate the show 's 20th and 30th anniversaries . Memories of M * A * S * H , hosted by Shelley Long and featuring clips from the series and interviews with cast members , was aired by CBS on November 25 , 1991 . A 30th Anniversary Reunion special , in which the surviving cast members and producers gathered to reminisce , aired on the Fox network on May 17 , 2002 . The two - hour broadcast was hosted by Mike Farrell , who also got to interact with the actor he replaced , Wayne Rogers ; previously filmed interviews with McLean Stevenson and Larry Linville ( who had died in 1996 and 2000 , respectively ) were also featured . The two specials are included as bonuses on the Collector 's Edition DVD of `` Goodbye , Farewell , and Amen '' . Also included is `` M * A * S * H : Television 's Serious Sitcom '' , a 2002 episode of the A&E cable channel 's Biography program that detailed the show 's history . In the late 1980s , the cast had a partial reunion in a series of commercials for IBM personal computers . All of the front - billed regulars ( with the exceptions of Farrell , Stiers , and Stevenson ) appeared in the spots over time . See also ( edit ) M * A * S * H portal Television in the United States portal MASH : A Novel About Three Army Doctors MASH ( film ) Notes ( edit ) References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Levine , Ken ( 2011 - 01 - 30 ) . `` Naming characters on TV shows '' . . Retrieved 2011 - 01 - 30 . ^ Jump up to : Kalter , Suzy ( 1984 ) . The Complete Book of M * A * S * H. New York : Abradale Press , Harry M. Abrahams , Inc . ISBN 0 - 8109 - 8083 - 5 . Jump up ^ `` M * A * S * H Again a Hit -- At the Smithsonian '' . The New York Times . 12 August 1983 . Jump up ^ `` M * A * S * H : Binding Up the Wounds Smithsonian '' . Smithsonian Institution . Jump up ^ PIANTADOS , ROGER ( July 29 , 1983 ) . `` MASH Lives , At the Smithsonian '' . Washington Post . Jump up ^ `` ` Radar ' is on Uncle Al 's Time Capsule screen '' . Orlando Sentinel . February 2 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Lot Detail -- M * A * S * H Radar 's Iconic Teddy Bear '' . . Jump up ^ `` Kevin levine 's blog '' . . Kevin levine . Retrieved 8 February 2018 . External link in website = ( help ) Jump up ^ Jackie Cooper , Please Do n't Shoot My Dog , p. 290 , William Morrow & Company , 1981 Jump up ^ Day , Dwayne A. `` MASH / Medevac Helicopters Archived 2012 - 01 - 19 at the Wayback Machine ... '' Centennial of Flight , April 18 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Gelbart , Larry ( May 26 , 1998 ) . Emmy TV Legends : Larry Gelbart Interview ( Interview with Dan Harrison ) . Los Angeles , California : Archive for American Television . ^ Jump up to : Seibel , Deborah Starr ( April 16 , 1992 ) . `` Funny Business : TV Laugh Tracks Can Still Cause Frowns , But The Studios Feel A Need To Be Humored '' . Chicago Tribune . Retrieved 2014 - 01 - 27 . Jump up ^ `` of MASH Season 3 DVD Review '' . 2004 - 03 - 20 . Retrieved 2013 - 07 - 09 . Jump up ^ `` DVD Review : M * A * S * H -- Season Three ( Collector 's Edition ) '' . 2003 - 02 - 18 . Archived from the original on November 3 , 2007 . Retrieved 2011 - 05 - 17 . Jump up ^ `` Another MASH DVD review mentioning audio choices '' . 2010 - 10 - 03 . Retrieved 2011 - 05 - 17 . Jump up ^ Greene , Nick ( May 19 , 2014 ) . `` Why Did M * A * S * H Have A Laugh Track ? '' . . Retrieved January 12 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Brooks , Tim ; Marsh , Earle ( 2007 ) . The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows 1946 - Present ( Ninth Edition ) . Ballantine Books . pp. 1687 -- 1690 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 345 - 49773 - 4 . Jump up ^ `` Saints ' '' . USA Today . 2010 - 02 - 08 . Retrieved 2010 - 02 - 11 . ^ Jump up to : `` Finale Of M * A * S * H Draws Record Number Of Viewers '' . The New York Times . March 3 , 1983 . Jump up ^ Flint , Joe ( 2010 - 02 - 09 ) . `` Super Bowl XLIV game a ratings winner '' . Los Angeles Times . Retrieved 2010 - 02 - 11 . Jump up ^ Alda , Arlene , and Alan Alda . The Last Days of MASH . n.p. : Unicorn House , 1983 . Print . Jump up ^ snopes ( 5 March 2016 ) . `` Super Bowl Flushing Breaks Sewage Systems : '' . snopes . Retrieved 5 March 2016 . Jump up ^ Chbosky , Stephen ( 1999 ) . The Perks of Being a Wallflower . New York : Pocket Books . pp. 16 -- 17 . Jump up ^ Hyatt , Wesley ( 2012 ) . Television 's Top 100 . US : McFarland . p. 171 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7864 - 4891 - 3 . Archived from the original on 2011 - 03 - 26 . ^ Jump up to : `` M * A * S * H '' . . Retrieved 2011 - 05 - 17 . Jump up ^ Schochet , Stephen . `` The Ironies of MASH Archived April 14 , 2007 , at the Wayback Machine . '' . , 2007 . The show 's producers have said that it was about war and bureaucracy in general . Jump up ^ `` Special Collector 's Issue : 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time '' . TV Guide ( June 28 -- July 4 , 1997 ) . Jump up ^ `` TV Guide Names Top 50 Shows '' . 26 April 2002 . Retrieved 5 March 2016 . Jump up ^ `` 101 Best Written TV Series List '' . Retrieved 5 March 2016 . Jump up ^ Fretts , Bruce ; Roush , Matt . `` The Greatest Shows on Earth '' . TV Guide Magazine . 61 ( 3194 -- 3195 ) : 16 -- 19 . Jump up ^ `` 100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time '' . Rolling Stone . Retrieved 2018 - 01 - 21 . Jump up ^ `` M * A * S * H : Television 's Serious Sitcom '' . Biography . July 10 , 2003 . A&E . Although the cast was beginning to think that M * A * S * H was about to hit its stride , the series was still attracting a very small audience and it ranked 46 in the ratings . ^ Jump up to : `` TV Ratings : 1973 -- 1974 '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 01 - 09 . ^ Jump up to : `` TV Ratings : 1974 -- 1975 '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 01 - 09 . ^ Jump up to : `` TV Ratings : 1975 -- 1976 '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 01 - 09 . ^ Jump up to : `` TV Ratings : 1976 -- 1977 '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 01 - 09 . ^ Jump up to : `` TV Ratings : 1977 -- 1978 '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 01 - 09 . ^ Jump up to : `` TV Ratings : 1978 -- 1979 '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 01 - 09 . ^ Jump up to : `` TV Ratings : 1979 -- 1980 '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 01 - 09 . ^ Jump up to : `` TV Ratings : 1980 -- 1981 '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 01 - 09 . ^ Jump up to : `` TV Ratings : 1981 -- 1982 '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 01 - 09 . ^ Jump up to : `` TV Ratings : 1982 -- 1983 '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 01 - 09 . Jump up ^ `` The Peabody Awards An International Competition for Electronic Media , honoring achievement in Television , Radio , Cable and the Web Administered by University of Georgia 's Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication '' . . Archived from the original on 2012 - 02 - 03 . Retrieved 2011 - 05 - 17 . Jump up ^ `` Netflix '' . The Huffington Post . 2015 . Retrieved January 21 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Cobb , Kayla ( March 23 , 2016 ) . `` Netflix 's Expiring Movies and Shows : A Complete List of What 's Leaving on April 1 '' . . Jump up ^ `` M * A * S * H Coming to SundanceTV in November -- '' . Jump up ^ `` M * A * S * H '' . MeTV. 2016 . Retrieved December 18 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Spangler , Todd ( July 19 , 2017 ) . `` Hulu to Add All Episides of ' How I Met Your Mother , ' ' Glee , ' ' Bones , ' ' M * A * S * H ' and More in Mammoth 20th Century Fox TV Deal '' . Variety . Retrieved July 20 , 2017 . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Jump up ^ `` '' . 2005 - 01 - 02 . Retrieved 2013 - 11 - 04 . Further reading ( edit ) Gelbart , Larry . ( 1998 ) . Laughing Matters : On Writing M * A * S * H , Tootsie , Oh , God ! , and a Few Other Funny Things . New York : Random House . ISBN 0 - 679 - 42945 - X . Kalter , Suzy. ( 1985 ) . The Complete Book of M * A * S * H. New York : Harry N. Abrams . ISBN 0 - 810 - 91319 - 4 . Reiss , David S. ( 1983 ) . M * A * S * H : The Exclusive , Inside Story of TV 's Most Popular Show ( 2nd ed . ) . New York : MacMillan . ISBN 0 - 672 - 52762 - 6 . Solomonson , Ed , and Mark O'Neill. ( 2009 ) . TV 's M * A * S * H : The Ultimate Guide Book . Albany , GA : BearManor Media . ISBN 1 - 593 - 93501 - 3 . Wittebols , James . ( 1998 ) . Watching M * A * S * H , Watching America : A Social History of the 1972 -- 1983 Television Series . Jefferson , NC : McFarland & Co . ISBN 0 - 786 - 40457 - 4 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to M * A * S * H ( TV series ) . Wikiquote has quotations related to : M * A * S * H ( TV series ) M * A * S * H on IMDb M * A * S * H at M * A * S * H at M * A * S * H in the Museum of Broadcast Communications Google Maps view of the camp M * A * S * H Novels MASH : A Novel About Three Army Doctors M * A * S * H Goes to Maine M * A * S * H Mania Film MASH Music `` Suicide Is Painless '' Television Episodes Season 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Characters Trapper John , M.D. episodes AfterMASH W * A * L * T * E * R Portal M * A * S * H episodes Season 1 `` Pilot '' `` To Market , to Market '' `` Requiem for a Lightweight '' `` Chief Surgeon Who ? '' `` The Moose '' `` Yankee Doodle Doctor '' `` Bananas , Crackers and Nuts '' `` Cowboy '' `` Henry Please Come Home '' `` I Hate a Mystery '' `` Germ Warfare '' `` Dear Dad '' `` Edwina '' `` Love Story '' `` Tuttle '' `` The Ringbanger '' `` Sometimes You Hear the Bullet '' `` Dear Dad ... Again '' `` The Longjohn Flap '' `` The Army - Navy Game '' `` Sticky Wicket '' `` Major Fred C. Dobbs '' `` Ceasefire '' `` Showtime '' Season 2 `` Divided We Stand '' `` 5 O'Clock Charlie '' `` Radar 's Report '' `` For the Good of the Outfit '' `` Dr. Pierce and Mr. Hyde '' `` Kim '' `` L.I.P. ( Local Indigenous Personnel ) '' `` The Trial of Henry Blake '' `` Dear Dad ... Three '' `` The Sniper '' `` Carry On , Hawkeye '' `` The Incubator '' `` Deal Me Out '' `` Crisis '' `` George '' `` A Smattering of Intelligence '' Season 3 `` Adam 's Ribs '' `` Mad Dogs and Servicemen '' `` The Consultant '' `` House Arrest '' `` Aid Station '' `` Love and Marriage '' `` Big Mac '' `` Payday '' `` White Gold '' `` Abyssinia , Henry '' Season 4 `` Welcome to Korea '' `` The Late Captain Pierce '' `` The Kids '' `` Quo Vadis , Captain Chandler ? '' `` Dear Peggy '' `` Of Moose and Men '' `` Der Tag '' `` The Novocaine Mutiny '' `` The Interview '' Season 5 `` Bug Out `` Margaret 's Engagement '' `` Out of Sight , Out of Mind '' `` Dear Sigmund '' Season 6 `` Fallen Idol '' `` Last Laugh '' `` War of Nerves '' `` The Winchester Tapes '' Season 7 Season 8 `` Good Bye , Radar '' `` Period of Adjustment '' `` Life Time '' `` Dreams '' Season 9 Season 10 Season 11 `` Hey , Look Me Over '' `` Bombshells '' `` The Moon Is Not Blue '' `` As Time Goes By '' `` Goodbye , Farewell and Amen '' Awards for M * A * S * H Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series The Red Skelton Show ( 1952 ) I Love Lucy ( 1953 ) I Love Lucy ( 1954 ) Make Room for Daddy ( 1955 ) The Phil Silvers Show ( 1956 ) The Phil Silvers Show ( 1957 ) The Phil Silvers Show ( 1958 ) The Jack Benny Program ( 1959 ) The Art Carney Special ( 1960 ) The Jack Benny Program ( 1961 ) The Bob Newhart Show ( 1962 ) The Dick Van Dyke Show ( 1963 ) The Dick Van Dyke Show ( 1964 ) The Dick Van Dyke Show ( 1965 ) The Dick Van Dyke Show ( 1966 ) The Monkees ( 1967 ) Get Smart ( 1968 ) Get Smart ( 1969 ) My World and Welcome to It ( 1970 ) All in the Family ( 1971 ) All in the Family ( 1972 ) All in the Family ( 1973 ) M * A * S * H ( 1974 ) The Mary Tyler Moore Show ( 1975 ) The Mary Tyler Moore Show ( 1976 ) The Mary Tyler Moore Show ( 1977 ) All in the Family ( 1978 ) Taxi ( 1979 ) Taxi ( 1980 ) Taxi ( 1981 ) Barney Miller ( 1982 ) Cheers ( 1983 ) Cheers ( 1984 ) The Cosby Show ( 1985 ) The Golden Girls ( 1986 ) The Golden Girls ( 1987 ) The Wonder Years ( 1988 ) Cheers ( 1989 ) Murphy Brown ( 1990 ) Cheers ( 1991 ) Murphy Brown ( 1992 ) Seinfeld ( 1993 ) Frasier ( 1994 ) Frasier ( 1995 ) Frasier ( 1996 ) Frasier ( 1997 ) Frasier ( 1998 ) Ally McBeal ( 1999 ) Will & Grace ( 2000 ) Sex and the City ( 2001 ) Friends ( 2002 ) Everybody Loves Raymond ( 2003 ) Arrested Development ( 2004 ) Everybody Loves Raymond ( 2005 ) The Office ( 2006 ) 30 Rock ( 2007 ) 30 Rock ( 2008 ) 30 Rock ( 2009 ) Modern Family ( 2010 ) Modern Family ( 2011 ) Modern Family ( 2012 ) Modern Family ( 2013 ) Modern Family ( 2014 ) Veep ( 2015 ) Veep ( 2016 ) Veep ( 2017 ) Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series -- Musical or Comedy The Governor & J.J. ( 1969 ) The Carol Burnett Show ( 1970 ) All in the Family , season 1 / season 2 ( 1971 ) All in the Family , season 2 / season 3 ( 1972 ) All in the Family , season 3 / season 4 ( 1973 ) Rhoda , season 1 ( 1974 ) Barney Miller , season 1 / season 2 ( 1975 ) Barney Miller , season 2 / season 3 ( 1976 ) All in the Family , season 7 / season 8 ( 1977 ) Taxi , season 1 ( 1978 ) Alice / Taxi , season 1 / season 2 ( 1979 ) Taxi , season 2 / season 3 ( 1980 ) M * A * S * H , season 9 / season 10 ( 1981 ) Fame ( 1982 ) Fame ( 1983 ) The Cosby Show , season 1 ( 1984 ) The Golden Girls , season 1 ( 1985 ) The Golden Girls , season 1 / season 2 ( 1986 ) The Golden Girls , season 2 / season 3 ( 1987 ) The Wonder Years , season 1 / season 2 ( 1988 ) Murphy Brown ( 1989 ) Cheers , season 8 / season 9 ( 1990 ) Brooklyn Bridge ( 1991 ) Roseanne , season 4 / season 5 ( 1992 ) Seinfeld , season 4 / season 5 ( 1993 ) Frasier , season 1 / season 2 & Mad About You ( 1994 ) Cybill ( 1995 ) 3rd Rock from the Sun , season 1 / season 2 ( 1996 ) Ally McBeal , season 1 ( 1997 ) Ally McBeal , season 1 / season 2 ( 1998 ) Sex and the City , season 2 ( 1999 ) Sex and the City , season 3 ( 2000 ) Sex and the City , season 4 ( 2001 ) Curb Your Enthusiasm ( 2002 ) The Office ( UK ) ( 2003 ) Desperate Housewives , season 1 ( 2004 ) Desperate Housewives , season 1 / season 2 ( 2005 ) Ugly Betty , season 1 ( 2006 ) Extras ( 2007 ) 30 Rock , season 2 / season 3 ( 2008 ) Glee , season 1 ( 2009 ) Glee , season 1 / season 2 ( 2010 ) Modern Family , season 2 / season 3 ( 2011 ) Girls , season 1 ( 2012 ) Brooklyn Nine - Nine , season 1 ( 2013 ) Transparent , season 1 ( 2014 ) Mozart in the Jungle , season 1 ( 2015 ) Atlanta , season 1 ( 2016 ) The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel , season 1 ( 2017 ) TCA Heritage Award The Simpsons ( 2002 ) Buffy the Vampire Slayer ( 2003 ) 60 Minutes ( 2004 ) Nightline ( 2005 ) The West Wing ( 2006 ) The Sopranos ( 2007 ) The Wire ( 2008 ) ER ( 2009 ) M * A * S * H ( 2010 ) The Dick Van Dyke Show ( 2011 ) Cheers ( 2012 ) All in the Family ( 2013 ) Saturday Night Live ( 2014 ) Late Show / Late Night with David Letterman ( 2015 ) The Mary Tyler Moore Show ( 2016 ) Seinfeld ( 2017 ) Friends ( 2018 ) Retrieved from ``*A*S*H_(TV_series)&oldid=857099655 '' Categories : M * A * S * H Korean War television series 1972 American television series debuts 1983 American television series endings 1970s American sitcoms 1980s American sitcoms 1970s American comedy - drama television series 1980s American comedy - drama television series American comedy - drama television series American medical television series Best Musical or Comedy Series Golden Globe winners American black comedy television programs CBS network shows English - language television programs Military comedy television series Nielsen ratings winners Peabody Award - winning television programs Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series winners Television programs based on films Television programs based on novels Television shows set in South Korea Television series by 20th Century Fox Television Television series set in the 1950s Television shows filmed in California United States in the Korean War Hidden categories : Pages using Timeline CS1 errors : external links Webarchive template wayback links Wikipedia articles needing clarification from July 2017 Articles needing additional references from May 2013 All articles needing additional references template with ID same as Wikidata Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote አማርኛ Български Čeština Dansk Deutsch Español Euskara Français 한국어 Italiano עברית Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Polski Português Română Русский Simple English Slovenčina Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Svenska Українська 中文 16 more Edit links This page was last edited on 29 August 2018 , at 15 : 26 ( UTC ) . 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where was mash 4077 supposed to be in korea
M * A * S * H is an American war comedy - drama television series that aired on CBS from 1972 to 1983 . It was developed by Larry Gelbart , adapted from the 1970 feature film M * A * S * H , which , in turn , was based on Richard Hooker 's 1968 novel MASH : A Novel About Three Army Doctors . The series , which was produced with 20th Century Fox Television for CBS , follows a team of doctors and support staff stationed at the `` 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital '' in Uijeongbu , South Korea , during the Korean War ( 1950 -- 53 ) . The show 's title sequence features an instrumental - only version of `` Suicide Is Painless '' , the original film 's theme song . The show was created after an attempt to film the original book 's sequel , M * A * S * H Goes to Maine , failed . The television series is the best - known of the M * A * S * H works , and one of the highest - rated shows in US television history .
Akeelah and the Bee - wikipedia Akeelah and the Bee Jump to : navigation , search Akeelah and the Bee Theatrical release poster Directed by Doug Atchison Produced by Laurence Fishburne Sid Ganis Nancy Hult Ganis Danny Llewelyn Michael Romersa Written by Doug Atchison Starring Laurence Fishburne Angela Bassett Keke Palmer Music by Aaron Zigman Cinematography David Mullen Edited by Glenn Farr Production company Lionsgate Films 2929 Entertainment Starbucks Entertainment Out of the Blue Entertainment Reactor Films Cinema Gypsy Productions Distributed by Lionsgate Films Release date March 16 , 2006 ( 2006 - 03 - 16 ) ( CIFF ) April 28 , 2006 ( 2006 - 04 - 28 ) Running time 112 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $6 -- 8 million Box office $18.9 million Akeelah and the Bee is a 2006 American drama film written and directed by Doug Atchison . It tells the story of Akeelah Anderson ( Keke Palmer ) , an 11 - year - old girl who participates in the Scripps National Spelling Bee , her mother ( Angela Bassett ) , her schoolmates , and her coach , Dr. Joshua Larabee ( Laurence Fishburne ) . The cast also features Curtis Armstrong , J.R. Villarreal , Sean Michael Afable , Erica Hubbard , Lee Thompson Young , Julito McCullum , Sahara Garey , Eddie Steeples , and Tzi Ma . The film was developed over a period of 10 years by Atchison , who came up with the initial concept after seeing the 1994 Scripps National Spelling Bee and noting that a majority of the competitors came from good socioeconomic backgrounds . After completing the script in 1999 , Atchison won one of the Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting in 2000 , which attracted producers Sid Ganis and Nancy Hult Ganis . After an initial inability to secure funding , the project got a second wind as a result of the success of the 2002 documentary film Spellbound . Lionsgate Films undertook the production in 2004 and in the following year it was filmed in South Los Angeles on a budget of over $6 million . Atchison remarked that his theme for the film , deemed an inspirational film , was about overcoming obstacles despite difficult challenges along the way . He also said that he wanted to portray African Americans in a manner that was not stereotypical and tried to show how African American children incorporate some stereotypes . The film alludes to the importance of community as well as to problems black communities face . It also deals with esteem and stigma in school while criticizes the public school system . Cast members said that although the film was aimed at children , they considered it had important lessons for the parents as well . Released in the United States on April 28 , 2006 , Akeelah and the Bee was positively received by critics and audiences . Reviewers praised its storyline and cast , lauding Palmer 's performance , although a few critics panned the story as familiar and formulaic , and were critical of the portrayal of Asian - American characters . The film grossed almost $18 million , and received a number of awards and nominations , including the Black Reel Awards and the NAACP Image Awards . Film critics highly praised it for avoiding African - American stereotypes common in Hollywood films , while scholars were less favorable , even saying it reinforces some clichés . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Production 3.1 Writing 3.2 Development 3.3 Filming 3.4 Authenticity 3.5 Music 4 Themes and analysis 5 Release and reception 5.1 Marketing and release 5.2 Home media 5.3 Critical reaction 5.3. 1 Racial issues 5.4 Accolades 6 Notes 7 References 7.1 Works cited 8 External links Plot ( edit ) Akeelah Anderson , an 11 - year - old spelling enthusiast , attends Crenshaw Middle School , a predominantly black school in South Los Angeles . She lives with her widowed mother Tanya , her older sister Kiana , her older brothers Devon and Terrence , and her infant niece . Her principal Mr. Welch suggests that she sign up for the Crenshaw Schoolwide Spelling Bee . She follows his advice and wins . Soon after , Dr. Joshua Larabee , a visiting English professor and Mr. Welch 's friend from college , tests Akeelah and decides that she is good enough to compete in the National Spelling Bee . Nevertheless , Dr. Larabee declines to coach her because she is rude to him . As a result , Akeelah studies on her own to prepare for the district spelling bee . Although Akeelah misspells her word during the final round of the bee , she qualifies for the regional bee when Kiana catches the other finalist cheating . Akeelah also meets and befriends Javier Mendez , a 12 - year - old Mexican American boy and fellow speller . Javier invites her to join the spelling club at his Woodland Hills middle school . At Woodland Hills , Akeelah meets Dylan Chiu , a Chinese American boy who had won second place at the past two national spelling bees . Contemptuous , he asks her to spell `` xanthosis '' . When she starts with a `` z '' , he tells her she needs a coach . At the conclusion of the spelling club meeting , Javier invites Akeelah to his birthday party . At the party , Akeelah nearly beats Dylan in Scrabble . The boy is reprimanded by his father for nearly losing to `` a little black girl '' . After the party , Tanya is depressed over her husband 's death and concerned about her daughter 's grades and frequent truancy . As she finds out about Akeelah going alone to Woodland Hills , she subsequently forbids Akeelah from participating in the upcoming state bee . To circumvent this prohibition , Akeelah forges her deceased father 's signature on the consent form and secretly studies with Dr. Larabee . During the state bee , Tanya comes inside and interrupts her daughter before she can spell her word . Tanya relents after a side discussion with Dr. Larabee and Mr. Welch . Javier protects Akeelah from disqualification by stalling until she can return . Dylan , Javier and Akeelah advance to the Scripps National Spelling Bee . As Christmas approaches , Akeelah goes out to buy Dr. Larabee a present , but when she meets him , he reveals that he is quitting being her coach because she reminds him of his deceased daughter Denise . Instead , he gives Akeelah 5,000 flashcards to study . Without her coach , rejected by her best friend Georgia , and feeling the pressure from her neighborhood residents to make them proud , Akeelah loses her motivation . However , Tanya tells her that if she looked around her , she would realize that she has `` 50,000 coaches '' . Akeelah recruits her family members , classmates , teachers , friends , and neighbor Derrick T to prepare in earnest . After reuniting with Dr. Larabee , Akeelah goes to Washington , D.C. with him , along with Tanya , Georgia , Mr. Welch , and Devon , unaware that her coach has paid for four of their tickets . Georgia rekindles her friendship with Akeelah after she invites her . During the competition , Akeelah becomes a crowd favorite . After all the other competitors are eliminated , only Dylan and Akeelah remain . The two finalists are allowed a break , during which Akeelah overhears Dylan 's father harshly pressuring him to win . Akeelah attempts to intentionally lose by deliberately misspelling `` xanthosis '' . Dylan , knowing that Akeelah knows this word , intentionally misspells it as well . Dylan tells Akeelah that he wants a fair competition , rejecting his father 's obsession to win . The two then proceed to spell every word listed by the judges in the hopes of winning the championship together , with Dylan earning a share of it by correctly spelling `` logorrhea '' , much to his father 's delight . Akeelah spells the last word on the list , `` pulchritude '' , and the two are declared co-champions amidst a cheering crowd . Cast ( edit ) Laurence Fishburne and Angela Bassett were the protagonists along with Keke Palmer . Both were attracted by its history ; Fishburne said he was `` really moved by it '' , and Bassett `` just loved '' it . Keke Palmer as Akeelah Anderson : Three hundred girls auditioned for the role of Akeelah in Los Angeles , New York and Atlanta , with Palmer having auditioned five times to get the part . Atchison liked Palmer 's acting , but the major factor in choosing her was the fact that at only age ten Palmer already had a profound interpretation of the script . He chose her as he did not want a kid whom he would command but instead someone with whom he could have a collaboration : someone who would understand the role and `` would make this character her own . '' He just assisted her to fully ensure that she would understand the character 's feelings and would make `` the right emotional choices . '' Laurence Fishburne as Dr. Joshua Larabee : Fishburne was pleased by the concept of the film , stating he was `` really moved by it '' , so that he accepted to take his part `` at an affordable rate '' , according to producer Michael Romersa . He first read the script in 2002 and moved by the fact that `` there were very few people with the courage '' to `` make this kind of movie '' he also accepted to be a producer for the film . About the character , Atchison said that Larabee is `` vulnerable '' and `` a very sensitive guy '' that has `` a quiet moral authority '' . He also asserted that Fishburne made Larabee `` a fairly buttoned - up , stoic type '' and `` subtly more animated '' than how he envisioned the character . Larabee is based upon a teacher , Robert Larabell , Atchison had in Phoenix , Arizona . Angela Bassett as Tanya Anderson : Bassett 's agent sent her the script which she `` just loved . '' Atchison praised Bassett 's portrayal of the character , asserting she `` made Tanya a real person '' after understanding `` the thought process of the character '' . The director said Tanya wants the best for Akeelah but is reticent because she thinks `` the dream will fail and make things worse . '' Bassett stressed that her character has to handle the pain of her husband 's death in addition to having bills paid but that Tanya `` gain ( s ) some measure of courage herself '' inspired by Akeelah . Curtis Armstrong as Bob Welch : Atchison pointed Armstrong `` was the perfect choice for the school principal . '' About his character role in the film , he said , `` Welch is very excitable and provides a lot of the comic relief in our story . '' J.R. Villarreal as Javier Mendez : Villarreal was chosen by scouts at the Sheraton Hotel in south McAllen to go to the next phase in Dallas . After doing well in Dallas , he was sent to auditions in California and finally got the part . He commented that `` Javier is a very good friend to Akeelah ... And also like his charisma , his character , he can always put a smile on your face . He really does n't care what people think of him that much and he helps Akeelah out with that little matter because she cares very much of what people think about her . '' Sean Michael Afable as Dylan Chiu : Afable argued that his character can be `` sometimes harsh and seemingly cutthroat '' , but this is because of the pressure his father puts on him , noting Dylan 's `` true character '' is seen at the end of the film . Sahara Garey as Georgia Carver Garey did `` about six auditions '' to take the role . She commented that about her character : `` she encourages Akeelah , because she sees so many qualities in her that she does n't think she herself has . Georgia aims lower , but she encourages Akeelah to aim higher . '' Erica Hubbard , Lee Thompson Young , and Julito McCullum portray Akeelah 's sister and brothers Kiana , Devon , and Terrence , respectively . Dalia Phillips appears as Akeelah 's teacher , Ms. Cross , and Eddie Steeples as Derrick T. Tzi Ma takes the role of Mr. Chiu , Dylan 's father , while Wolfgang Bodison plays the deceased Akeelah 's unnamed father . Production ( edit ) Writing ( edit ) Doug Atchison first had the idea of making a film about spelling bees after watching the Scripps National Spelling Bee of 1994 and noticing that most of the contestants had `` privileged backgrounds '' . Atchison also considered spelling bees to contain `` all the drama and tension and entertainment value of a sporting event '' , and felt that this could be made into a film . From this , he got the idea to write a script following the story of a child who had talent for spelling bee but was from a low - income neighborhood so did not `` have access to the resources or coaching to pursue it as these other kids had . '' He had the desire of making a `` Rocky - like story '' and although made it a `` dramatic '' plot , he declared it is `` essentially a sports movie '' . Atchison started his screenplay in 1999 , when he wrote a five - page treatment in about a month . In addition to the fact he was working on other projects , Atchison said he waited years before starting to write because he `` thought someone else would do it first . '' This did not happen , so he began to write by himself . Few changes were made in the process of transitioning from the original draft to the final product . One change was that at first , Akeelah 's mother had a smaller role and Akeelah 's father was alive . Also , Larabee had been an older man ( 72 years old ) , and a few characters were cut . However , Atchison has summarized that `` the steps she goes through , the friends she 's got , those were always the same . '' Development ( edit ) In 2000 , Atchison submitted his script to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences along with about 4,500 others , in hopes of winning the Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting . Atchison 's script ended up being one of five scripts selected , and he won the grant . Editor Glenn Farr , then a member of the committee , offered to edit Atchison 's film as soon as it was finished . Producer Sid Ganis was also attracted to the story during the award presentation ceremony . Nancy Hult Ganis , Sid 's wife who was interested in public education , encouraged him to follow through with the film . The film was produced by Lionsgate Films , 2929 Entertainment , Starbucks Entertainment , Out of the Blue Entertainment , Reactor Films and Cinema Gypsy Productions , with a budget around $6 -- 8 million . However , the Ganis couple found it difficult to secure funding for the film . In August 2001 , Danny Llewelyn 's Panoptic Pictures acquired the rights of Atchison 's script . In 2002 , documentary Spellbound was released and attracted attention to spelling bees , which , according to Hult Ganis , `` helped us in some way '' . In November 2004 , Lionsgate Films announced they would fund and distribute the film ; and in collaboration with 2929 Entertainment they would co-finance the production . In January 2006 , Starbucks announced a partnership with Lionsgate to market it . Another factor in not having a studio attached before was Atchison 's desire to direct it as he wanted to ensure his story would remain the one he envisioned . Several studios wanted to turn Larabee 's character into a white character but Atchison felt `` it was important that Akeelah 's mentor be someone that comes from her neighborhood , that looks like her . '' Lionsgate 's President of Production Michael Paseornek agreed that Atchison should direct the script , claiming that he was the only person who could do it because the story `` was in his heart and in his mind '' . Filming ( edit ) Filming began in February 2005 ; the crew filmed for ten hours a day for thirty - one days . The eleven - year - old Palmer had to follow the United States ' child labor laws , which necessitated spending at least three hours a day at school , one on recreation , and one at lunch . Nevertheless , Palmer appeared in almost every scene , about which Ganis commented , `` I honestly do n't know how we figured it out , but we did '' . To get the filming done on time , Atchison storyboarded the scenes ahead of time and chatted with cinematographer David Mullen , the production designer Warren Young , and Glenn Farr to compile a list of scenes . This way , the filming team began each day knowing what shots they would take , their order , and the performances scheduled for each day . Most of the filming took place in South Los Angeles , which Atchison picked as the filming location due to their low budget . Scenes were also filmed at the University of Southern California , Hollywood Palladium -- which stood in for the Grand Ballroom of the Washington , D.C. Hyatt Hotel -- and Venice High School . Authenticity ( edit ) To bring authenticity to the film 's portrayal of spelling bees , George Hornedo , who competed in spelling bees in real life , was hired to play contestant Roman and be `` an unofficial technical consultant . '' Hornedo helped the actors to recreate `` certain habits and idiosyncrasies they do on stage to help them spell . '' Thus , Akeelah skipping rope to memorize the words was added as `` something that was normal for the spelling bee '' but Atchison tried to create it in a `` subtle '' way as he thought the audience could consider this unrealistic . Hornedo and other children who had never acted before were cast because of their authentic portrayals of nervous contestants ; other kids , in Atchison 's eyes , were `` too old in how they acted '' . Also , Jacques Bailly , who won the Scripps National Spelling Bee in 1980 and is currently the contest 's official pronouncer , since 2003 , played himself in the film . To further help the staff , Atchison asked Paige Kimball , director of the Scripps National Spelling Bee , to be a consultant . Kimball `` was amazed at not only at how precise it was in its recreation , but also how authentic the individuals and the casting for the event was . '' However , she and the organization did have some disagreements . Atchison has admitted that he originally created a more dramatic story than she wanted . However , he believed most of the disagreements were about technical procedures , `` things you would n't even notice '' . For example , the children were originally sponsored by newspapers to compete , but Atchison felt this detail did not improve the story , so he removed it . There were some concerns about the screenplay , and Atchison changed some of them `` because ( he ) thought it did n't matter one way or another so ( he ) just made them happy . '' Music ( edit ) The film features a musical score by Aaron Zigman , who wrote 45 minutes of compositions in two and a half weeks . He had planned to score Akeelah and the Bee over the holidays , but Lionsgate pushed its release date up , so Zigman was pressed for time to write the score . He drew inspiration from Fishburne 's performance to write it . A soundtrack album consisting of 16 tracks was released by Lionsgate Records in a deal with BMG 's RED Distribution on April 4 , 2006 . It peaked at number 193 on the Billboard 200 , and reached the 19th and sixth spot on the Billboard Top Independent Albums and Top Soundtracks respectively . The original score , consisting of 37 tracks , was also released on April 4 as an iTunes exclusive . Themes and analysis ( edit ) `` If you see African - American kids striving to do something in the movies , it 's sports or singing or dancing . Here , we 're engaging kids on their intellect . That , you do n't see . These lies about black inferiority have been seeping into cinema , and that seeps into our kids . As a filmmaker , you can dig into these issues '' -- Doug Atchison Commentators on Akeelah and the Bee opined it dealt with multiple themes , including race and racism , poverty , educational system , competition and sportsmanship , self - esteem , self - image , stigma , community , friendship , gender and sexism , age , class and classism , and empowerment . Atchison affirmed that its focus is not the spelling but `` a kid who learns what she 's good at , becomes proud of that and does n't want to hide it anymore . It 's overcoming the fear of being great , before you can be great . '' Sid Ganis described it as a film `` about hope and doing great things against all the odds , '' while a New York Press reviewer declared it `` addresses the human condition '' . After attending USC School of Cinematic Arts and working at a youth center in South Los Angeles , Atchison incorporated his experiences from the neighborhood into the film ; among them , he heard that children who do well in school are said to be `` acting white '' . As a result , Atchison tried to use the film to show what causes these children to doubt their own abilities . This doubts are shown through the preconceptions Akeelah and other community members have that `` Spelling Bee is for someone else '' . She `` must first overcome her feelings of inadequacy , '' and when she discovers Larabee comes from her neighborhood and is a successful man , it `` empowers her to ... accomplish this task . '' Fishburne stated the film 's treatment of race extends beyond the dichotomy of struggle and success , and goes into the prejudice that many people hold against black people competing in mainstream society . Atchison elaborated , `` it 's about this girl 's insecurity about doing a thing that she has n't seen people who look like her doing '' . The director affirmed that African American children in film usually aspire to nothing other than being successful in sports , music or dance . He argued that the film industry has disseminated `` lies about black inferiority '' , so he was interested in focusing in their intellect rather than let them succumb to the stereotypes . Atchison noted he had created the project for all publics `` but particularly for kids of color to see a little black girl who does something powerful . '' The director also attributed Akeelah 's low - esteem and doubt on her own capacities to the public school system , where she is bullied and `` her intellectual curiosity is kind of crushed '' . As such , Akeelah is portrayed as `` undermotivated student '' , who `` ( u ) nwilling to be stigmatized as a freak or a brainiac , '' avoids showing her abilities . According to Wesley Morris of The Boston Globe , the film shows `` the contradiction gifted students feel in an inhospitable environment . '' Ann Hornaday from The Washington Post opined that Akeelah 's sentence `` Why would I want to represent a school that does n't even have doors on the toilets ? '' is `` one of the film 's many subtle critiques of the country 's education policies . '' Writing in the English Journal , Amanda L. Hodges said it suggests a new approach on teaching with the `` 50,000 coaches '' part ; she declared it deconstructs the image of teachers `` as those who keep order and disseminate knowledge '' and shows that `` ( t ) eaching is not an isolated activity that begins and ends at the classroom door . '' Villarreal commented that the film `` teaches you not to let your friends down '' , while Fishburne believed that the theme of community was important . Marrit Ingman of The Austin Chronicle said the film indicates `` a community - based , cooperative model of group success , '' while Justin Chang of Variety said it `` focuses ... on the bee 's community - uniting impact . '' Hodges said Akeelah goes to the spelling bee because she recognizes it `` proves that someone from their neighborhood can achieve success , and her achievementis , in a real sense , their own '' . In contrast , Bernard Beck wrote for Multicultural Perspectives that it depicts `` the success of individual perseverance '' , while Red Feather Journall 's Kathryn Linder expressed a similar opinion about individual success . Nevertheless , Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times commented `` it raises important points about the ... obstacles to success that kids from poor neighborhoods face . '' The New York Press 's reviewer went further and said social class was its `` real subject '' as it `` depicts the basics of class mobility that are routinely taken for granted '' . However , Chang asserted it shows the spelling bee contest as `` a democratizing force '' , while Rob Asghar , for The Seattle Times , wrote it treats English as `` the quintessential American tool for success . '' Both Fishburne and Bassett also remarked that an important message of Akeelah and the Bee is to `` speak properly '' rather than strictly in vernacular , although Bassett emphasized the importance of the film 's themes beyond spelling and spelling bees . Atchison added that beyond learning how to spell words , Akeelah must learn the importance of the words . He said that Larabee `` looks at Akeelah as a potential leader . He wants her to understand her history . She needs to know the importance of language -- and competition . '' In spite of knowing its importance , it `` deconstruct ( s ) the ' competition ' paradigm of learning '' , according to Ingman . Fishburne noted not only children but parents can learn from the film ; in his opinion , the most important is that they should pay attention to their children 's abilities . Villarreal also felt that , through Dylan 's father , parents would be able to ponder if they are `` push ( ing ) their kids to follow their own dreams and not the children 's dreams . '' Release and reception ( edit ) Marketing and release ( edit ) The film was promoted by coffee shop chain Starbucks as a result of a partnership between Lions Gate Entertainment and Starbucks Entertainment . In January 2006 , approximately 8,300 Starbucks locations in the United States and Canada began a promotional campaign for the film involving spelling - related trivia games and promotions on cardboard cup sleeves . Variety stated that Lionsgate spent around $20 million with its market only , while Los Angeles Times reported a $25 million cost to both produce and market the film . Ford Motor Company also sponsored the film by providing a Lincoln Zephyr to chauffeur the cast and creators to and from a screening . Akeelah and the Bee was first shown at the 2006 ShoWest on March 14 , and later premiered as the opening film at the 30th Cleveland International Film Festival on March 16 . On April 20 , the film was screened at The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Beverly Hills , and it had a sneak preview in 900 theaters on April 22 . With predictions of strong box office returns by film critics , it was released nationwide in theaters on April 28 , grossing $6,011,585 in its opening weekend from around 2,195 American theaters and ranking eighth at the box office . The film closed its run on July 14 and 20 domestically and internationally respectively , with $18,848,430 domestically and $110,994 internationally . While the film received positive reviews , critics noted that it was not doing as well financially as they had predicted , and Lionsgate 's Michael Burns characterized the film 's gross with the word `` only '' . Outside the United States , the film debuted at the Sprockets Toronto International Film Festival for Children on April 23 , 2006 , where it was elected the best film by the kids in the ages of 10 and 11 . In the United Kingdom , Akeelah and the Bee was first shown at the Cambridge Film Festival on July 7 , and it premiered in the British theaters on August 18 . The film was also screened in October 2006 at the Rome Film Festival , in which it competed at the Alicy in the City section . Home Media ( edit ) The film was released on DVD by Lionsgate Home Entertainment on August 29 , becoming the first DVD offered for sale at Starbucks . Its bonus features on the single - disc DVD include seven deleted scenes and a 25 - minute making - of video featuring Atchinson and the cast . DVD sales in the United States reached $5,391,947 as 317,942 copies were sold after one week on sale . By December 2006 , American consumers had spent a total of $25,855,396 to purchase 1,512,498 copies , making it one of the three most profitable home video releases of Lionsgate in 2006 . Critical reaction ( edit ) Keke Palmer 's portrayal of Akeelah was highly praised by critics . According to Moira Macdonald from The Seattle Times , Palmer was `` stealing a movie from Angela Bassett and Laurence Fishburne '' . Palmer 's performance led her to win several awards , including a Black Movie Award , a Black Reel Award , a NAACP Image Award , and a Young Artist Award . The film received generally positive reviews from film critics . The review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reports an 84 % `` fresh '' with an average rating of 7.1 / 10 based on 138 reviews . Its critical consensus states , `` Although predictable in every way , a winning performance from its young star Keke Palmer and the rest of the cast makes it difficult not to cheer for the little heroine of Akeelah and the Bee . Sort of like Rocky for the middle school nerd set , Akeelah ( and the Bee ) is a warm , family - friendly underdog story , featuring terrific supporting performances from Laurence Fishburne and Angela Bassett . '' On Metacritic , the film achieved an average score of 72 out 100 , based on 30 reviews , signifying `` generally favorable reviews '' . CinemaScore reported that audiences gave the film a rare average grade of A+ . Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun - Times wrote it is `` an uncommonly good movie , entertaining and actually inspirational '' . Writing for Film Journal International , Doris Toumarkine praised its pace and how `` Atchison takes spelling competitions and conveys the excitement of the ' sport , ' the appeal of the ' game , ' the thrill of the win , ( and ) the crushing blow of the loss . '' Hornaday from The Washington Post called the film `` a triumph on many levels '' and proclaimed , `` It 's that nod to the collective ... that makes Akeelah and the Bee so special . '' She especially appreciated that South Los Angeles was presented without stereotypes . Jane Clifford of U-T San Diego felt the film would appeal to both children and adults , and stated that every time she tried to predict its plot `` it took a sharp turn . A turn that leaves you facing your stereotypes and feeling a little sheepish . '' Dana Stevens , writing for The New York Times , asserted , `` The innate suspense and charm of the spelling bee , '' and `` a trio of crack performances '' can turn `` a formulaic sports picture '' into a `` tale that manages to inspire without being sappy . '' Shantayaé Grant of The Jamaica Observer wrote that `` acting is spectacular , the emotions are real and this story of black triumph is simply phenomenal . '' New York Press critic affirmed that Akeelah and the Bee `` resurrects a nearly lost idea of what an art - movie really is '' because it has `` dramatic attention to character and place , psychology and existence . '' Chang of Variety commented that it `` plays like The Karate Kid with a pro-literacy agenda , pushing all the right emotional buttons yet hitting quite a few wrong ones in the process . '' The Evening Chronicle 's review said it `` conceals few narrative surprises '' but contended that `` when ( Atchison ) does finally defy our expectations , it 's to ensure his spellers learn a valuable lesson about integrity . '' Turan of the Los Angeles Times criticized that the film `` telegraphs its plot '' ; however , he praised it as `` genuinely sweet and determinedly inspirational . '' PopMatters 's Cynthia Fuchs stated it is formulaic as it has some `` conventions that make so many other genre films feel stale , '' but that it `` torques them slightly '' , emphasizing the `` intellectual activities '' Akeelah gets involved with . Furthermore , the film was described as `` derivatively entertaining in a feel - good sort of way '' by Rick Groen in an article for The Globe and Mail . Ingman of The Austin Chronicle described it as a typical sports film and felt it was heavy - handed at times . However , she praised it for its thems and called the film a `` ( t ) houghtful , engaging , '' one and said it has `` cross-gender appeal '' . Morris of The Boston Globe argued , `` If Akeelah and the Bee is a generic , well - oiled commercial contraption , it is the first to credibly dramatize the plight of a truly gifted , poor black child . '' Morris added , `` Obviously , it 's emotional propaganda . But it 's just the kind of propaganda our children need . '' Despite being a `` critically acclaimed '' film , according to Rotten Tomatoes , not all of its reviews were this positive . Anna Smith of Empire called it `` formulaic and all - American '' , commenting that many scenes `` appear functional rather than inspirational '' , and that the film focused on the racial issue `` a little too heavily '' . Smith stated , `` clunky plotting and characterisation mean it has ' telemovie ' written all over it . '' Marc Mohan from The Oregonian stressed it can be compared to after - school specials due to its `` lack of originality in plot and character . '' Time Out 's Jessica Winter also drew a comparation to after - school specials , saying `` on the big screen ... its clichés seem bigger and its characterisations broader than they would on the more forgiving telly . '' Nick Schager 's of Slant Magazine lamented that the `` clichés are too numerous to mention '' , while Neil Smith from BBC asserted it has `` as much ... fantasy as Lord of the Rings . '' Jan Stuart of Newsday deemed it `` virtually suspense - free , while Robert Hanks of The Independent stated it has an important message but that is a `` shame it could n't be encased in a less faked - up story '' . Commenting on The Times , Chris Ayres stressed that although it has good `` visual flair '' it `` is ruined by its Oprah - style emotional manipulation . '' New York Post 's Kyle Smith deemed it as `` uplifting but unimaginative '' , suggesting that `` Akeelah and the Bee is so warm and well - meaning that you may find yourself wanting to like it more than you really do . '' In spite of criticism , cast members ' performances were usually well received -- in particular , Palmer 's portrayal of Akeelah . Ebert said , `` The movie depends on her , and she deserves its trust . '' Hornaday opined that `` Palmer 's Akeelah is that cinematic rara avis , the kid who is cute without being too cute , sympathetic without being cloying , and believable without being tiresome . '' Evening Chronicle stated Palmer does it `` with effortless grace '' and that she `` carries the film and does n't strike a single wrong emotional note . '' Fuchs felt that most of the film 's strengths `` have to do with Palmer 's winning performance . '' Ingman declared Atchison 's `` ensemble is wonderful , and his star , Palmer , is a fantastically assured young actress who conveys Akeelah 's maelstrom of 11 - year - old feelings with no apparent effort . '' Turan complimented how Fishburne and Bassett 's `` presence and ability give this film a welcome integrity . '' Mohan stated , `` Although Fishburne and Bassett can do these roles in their sleep , the kids are actually quite engaging . '' Tourmakine felt there were `` fine performances all around '' and that Fishburne and Bassett `` lend fine support in utterly believable roles '' . Racial issues ( edit ) Chang called Dylan 's father `` a stiff Asian stereotype '' , while Mohan of The Oregonian found it contradictory for an anti-racist film to contain such depiction . Peter Bradshaw of The Guardian even claimed that the line `` If you can barely beat a little black girl '' ( spoken by Dylan 's father ) signifies that Atchison `` thinks it 's all right to bring in racism by making the Asians the racists . '' Metro Silicon Valley 's Richard von Busack commented that `` ( s ) tepping around black stereotypes , the film squishes its two left feet right in the mire of Asian stereotyping . '' Beth Accomando of KPBS also criticized Dylan and his father 's portrayal as `` painful cliches '' , while Schager of Slant Magazine found it not authentic , even likening Dylan 's father to Mao Zedong . Scholars Charise Pimentel and Cathleen Sawyer from the Texas State University published an article titled `` Akeelah and the Bee : Inspirational Story of African - American Intellect and Triumph or Racist Rhetoric Served Up On Another Platter ? '' on the May 2011 issue of journal Multicultural Perspectives . On a critical discourse analysis , the authors argue that despite appearing to be an `` inoccent enough '' film , it has major approaches that make it racist . First , it implies that African - Americans needs to be rescued by others ; second , depicts African - Americans community as `` marked by homelessness , poverty , criminality , unemployment , and remnants of gang activity '' ; third , indicates that black people usually only achieve success through sports by `` linking the very essence of Akeelah 's phenomenal ability to spell to her rhythmic abilities '' ; and shows that African - Americans only can succeed outside their communities , `` far from the oppressive clutches of their own . '' Linder , on her September 2011 paper `` Spelling Out Racial Difference : Moving Beyond the Inspirational Discourses in Akeelah and the Bee '' , also criticizes it saying it `` acts as a platform for a racial melodrama through which ideals of whiteness are reinforced and strengthened . '' Using Linda Williams ' categories of what constitutes a racial melodrama , Linder argues that it is described as an `` inspirational '' film because of `` ( its ) portrayal of Akeelah 's victimization by the black community that surrounds her '' and of redemption only achieved `` through the idealized discourse of young people 's educational success as defined by dominant ( white ) culture . '' Linder said characters `` are mostly represented as having ' no interest in escape ' from societal oppressions and limitations '' and that `` there is no sign throughout the film of any kind of lasting change for Akeelah 's school or her young peers . '' Linder affirms that it creates a dichotomy between `` success ( whiteness ) versus failure ( blackness ) . '' Pimentel and Sawyer , as well as Linder , identify Larabee as the one who makes this separation clear when he manifests his disregard of African American Vernacular English . The co-authors wrote that Larabee implies that `` legitimate forms of intelligence can only be achieved through a Eurocentric perspective , thus advancing the message that Akeelah must be rescued from her African - American ways of knowing , in order to be considered intellectual . '' Another contraposition commented by scholars was `` between the supportive Dr. Larabee and Akeelah 's skeptical mother . '' Pimental and Sawyer said she is portrayed as `` an African - American obstructionist '' , while scholar Gloria Ladson ‐ Billings asserted she represents the stereotype of `` ignorant Black woman '' . Although Fuchs said the film was able to avoid the `` white authority figure saves the underclass child '' plotline by introducing Larabee , Ladson ‐ Billings , Linder , and Pimentel and Sawyer opined that it did not . After all , Larabee , as Linder described , is `` a non-threatening black man who has assimilated to white culture and who can be depended on to help assimilate others '' . Accolades ( edit ) The film was nominated for six Black Reel Awards , winning only Best Actress for Palmer . Out of five NAACP Image Awards nominations , Akeelah and the Bee won Outstanding Actress in a Motion Picture and Outstanding Writing in a Feature Film / Television Movie - Comedy or Drama . At the Black Movie Awards , it won the five awards it was nominated for . The same happened during the Young Artist Awards where it was nominated for two categories and won two awards , and at the CAMIE Awards where it was nominated for and won an award . The film was also nominated for but did not win any award from the BET Awards , Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards , Chicago Film Critics , and Satellite Awards . National Board of Review elected it among the best ten independent films produced in 2006 . Additionally , two film critics , Chris Kaltenbach of The Baltimore Sun and Carrie Rickey of The Philadelphia Inquirer , added the film on their list of the ten best films of the year . St. Petersburg Times 's Steve Persall elected it the best family film of 2006 . List of awards and nominations ( show ) Award Recipients Result BET Awards Best Actress Angela Bassett Nominated Black Movie Awards Outstanding Motion Picture Won Outstanding Actress in a Motion Picture Keke Palmer Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture Laurence Fishburne Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture Angela Bassett Black Reel Awards Best Film Nominated Best Actress Keke Palmer Won Best Supporting Actress Angela Bassett Nominated Best Supporting Actor Laurence Fishburne Best Original Score Aaron Zigman Best Breakthrough Performance Keke Palmer Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards Best Family Film ( Live Action ) Best Younger Actress Keke Palmer CAMIE Awards CAMIE Award Sean Michael Afable Won Chicago Film Critics Most Promising Newcomer Keke Palmer Nominated NAACP Image Award Outstanding Motion Picture Outstanding Actress in a Motion Picture Keke Palmer Won Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture Angela Bassett Nominated Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture Laurence Fishburne Outstanding Writing in a Feature Film / Television Movie - Comedy or Drama Doug Atchison Won Satellite Awards Outstanding Youth DVD Nominated Young Artist Awards Best Performance in a Feature Film - Leading Young Actress Keke Palmer Won Best Family Feature Film ( Drama ) Notes ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : The credits for the film reads `` A Lionsgate , 2929 Productions and Starbucks Entertainment presentation of an Out of the Blue and Reactor Films production in association with Cinema Gypsy Productions . '' Jump up ^ By `` this kind of movie '' , Fishburne was saying that Akeelah and the Bee breaks up with common stereotypes of African Americans reinforced by media . He declared , `` There are no gangsters in it ; there are no rappers in it . Studios are looking for an easy way to make money ; ( with black films ) , it 's comedy , or it 's action , or it 's ' ghetto fabulous . ' '' According to him , Hollywood `` does n't care about a young , disadvantaged black girl . '' Jump up ^ When this space is blank it indicates that the film itself was the recipient . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Chang , Justin ( March 20 , 2006 ) . `` Review : ' Akeelah and the Bee ' '' . Variety . Penske Media Corporation . Archived from the original on July 21 , 2015 . Retrieved July 21 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Production 2006 , p. 4 . ^ Jump up to : Hayes , John ( April 30 , 2006 ) . `` Fishburne says ' Akeelah ' touches on risky themes '' . Pittsburgh Post-Gazette . Block Communications . 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Multicultural Perspectives. 11 ( 3 ) : 146 -- 149 . doi : 10.1080 / 15210960903116589 . Ladson ‐ Billings , Gloria ( 2009 ) . `` ' Who you callin ' nappy ‐ headed ? ' A critical race theory look at the construction of Black women '' . Race Ethnicity and Education . Routledge. 12 ( 1 ) : 87 -- 99 . doi : 10.1080 / 13613320802651012 . Linder , Kathryn ( September 2011 ) . `` Spelling Out Racial Difference : Moving Beyond the Inspirational Discourses in Akeelah and the Bee '' ( PDF ) . Red Feather Journal . 2 ( 2 ) : 18 -- 33 . Archived ( PDF ) from the original on August 1 , 2015 . Niemiec , Ryan M ; Wedding , Danny ( 2013 ) . Positive Psychology at the Movies : Using Films to Build Virtues and Character Strengths . Hogrefe Publishing . ISBN 978 - 1 - 61676 - 443 - 2 . Pimentel , Charise ; Sawyer , Cathleen ( May 2011 ) . `` Akeelah and the Bee : Inspirational Story of African - American Intellect and Triumph or Racist Rhetoric Served Up On Another Platter ? '' . Multicultural Perspectives . National Association for Multicultural Education . 13 ( 2 ) : 100 -- 104 . doi : 10.1080 / 15210960.2011. 571559 . External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : Akeelah and the Bee Official website Akeelah and the Bee on IMDb Akeelah and the Bee at AllMovie Akeelah and the Bee at Box Office Mojo Akeelah and the Bee at Metacritic Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2006 films English - language films 2000s drama films African - American films American coming - of - age films American drama films American films Films about educators Films about race and ethnicity Films about spelling competitions Films set in Los Angeles Films shot in Los Angeles Lions Gate Entertainment films Scripps National Spelling Bee Hidden categories : Pages containing links to subscription - only content Good articles Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Español Français Italiano Polski Português Edit links This page was last edited on 5 November 2017 , at 00 : 21 . 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theme of the movie akeelah and the bee
Atchison remarked that his theme for the film , deemed an inspirational film , was about overcoming obstacles despite difficult challenges along the way . He also said that he wanted to portray African Americans in a manner that was not stereotypical and tried to show how African American children incorporate some stereotypes . The film alludes to the importance of community as well as to problems black communities face . It also deals with esteem and stigma in school while criticizes the public school system . Cast members said that although the film was aimed at children , they considered it had important lessons for the parents as well .
List of NBA players with most championships - wikipedia List of NBA players with most championships Jump to : navigation , search Bill Russell won 11 championships with the Boston Celtics , an NBA record . This is a list of NBA players with most championships won as a player . The National Basketball Association ( NBA ) is a major professional basketball league in North America . It was founded in 1946 as the Basketball Association of America ( BAA ) . The league adopted its current name at the start of the 1949 -- 50 season when it merged with the National Basketball League ( NBL ) . The NBA Finals is the championship series for the NBA and the conclusion of the sport 's postseason . The winning team of the series receives the Larry O'Brien Championship Trophy . Players from the winning team usually receive championship rings from the team honoring their contribution . However , in some rare occasion , the teams opted to give other commemorative items , such as wrist watches , instead of rings . The number of championships won by NBA superstars is often used as a measurement of their greatness . Boston Celtics center Bill Russell holds the record for the most NBA championships won with 11 titles during his 13 - year playing career . He won his first championship with the Boston Celtics in his rookie year . Afterwards , he went on to win ten championships in the next 12 years , including eight consecutive championships from 1959 to 1966 . He won the last two championships in 1968 and 1969 as player - coach . Russell 's teammate , Sam Jones , won ten championships from 1959 to 1969 , the second most in NBA history . Four Celtics players , Tom Heinsohn , K.C. Jones , Satch Sanders and John Havlicek , won eight championships each . Two other Celtics , Jim Loscutoff and Frank Ramsey , won seven championships each . Four players , Bob Cousy , Kareem Abdul - Jabbar , Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen , won six championships each . Jordan and Pippen are members of the Chicago Bulls team who won three consecutive championships twice in the 1990s . George Mikan won two championships in the NBL before it merged with the BAA to form the NBA , and won five championships in the NBA . Robert Horry and John Salley are the only players to have won the championships with three different teams . Horry won seven championships with the Houston Rockets , the Los Angeles Lakers and the San Antonio Spurs , while Salley won four championships with the Detroit Pistons , the Bulls and the Lakers . Horry is also the only non-Celtic to win more than 6 times . Frank Saul and Steve Kerr are the only players to win two championships with two different teams in consecutive seasons . Saul won consecutive championships with the Rochester Royals and the Minneapolis Lakers in the 1950s , and Kerr won consecutive championships with the Bulls and the Spurs in the 1990s . Both Saul and Kerr were NBA champions four years in a row , each having participated in three - peats , Saul with the Lakers and Kerr with the Bulls . Contents ( hide ) 1 List 2 See also 3 Notes 4 References List ( edit ) Pos Guard Forward Center * Denotes players who have been inducted to the Basketball Hall of Fame Denotes players who are currently active in the NBA Rank Player Pos Seasons played Total won Championship teams Ref . Bill Russell 13 11 Boston Celtics ( 1957 , 1959 , 1960 , 1961 , 1962 , 1963 , 1964 , 1965 , 1966 , 1968 , 1969 ) Jones , Sam Sam Jones * 12 10 Boston Celtics ( 1959 , 1960 , 1961 , 1962 , 1963 , 1964 , 1965 , 1966 , 1968 , 1969 ) Heinsohn , Tom Tom Heinsohn * F / C 9 8 Boston Celtics ( 1957 , 1959 , 1960 , 1961 , 1962 , 1963 , 1964 , 1965 ) Jones , K.C. K.C. Jones * 9 8 Boston Celtics ( 1959 , 1960 , 1961 , 1962 , 1963 , 1964 , 1965 , 1966 ) Sanders , Tom `` Satch '' Tom `` Satch '' Sanders * 13 8 Boston Celtics ( 1961 , 1962 , 1963 , 1964 , 1965 , 1966 , 1968 , 1969 ) Havlicek , John John Havlicek * F / G 16 8 Boston Celtics ( 1963 , 1964 , 1965 , 1966 , 1968 , 1969 , 1974 , 1976 ) 7 Loscutoff , Jim Jim Loscutoff 9 7 Boston Celtics ( 1957 , 1959 , 1960 , 1961 , 1962 , 1963 , 1964 ) Ramsey , Frank Frank Ramsey * F / G 9 7 Boston Celtics ( 1957 , 1959 , 1960 , 1961 , 1962 , 1963 , 1964 ) Horry , Robert Robert Horry 16 7 Houston Rockets ( 1994 , 1995 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2000 , 2001 , 2002 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 2005 , 2007 ) 10 Cousy , Bob Bob Cousy * 14 6 Boston Celtics ( 1957 , 1959 , 1960 , 1961 , 1962 , 1963 ) Abdul - Jabbar , Kareem Kareem Abdul - Jabbar * ( formerly Lew Alcindor ) 20 6 Milwaukee Bucks ( 1971 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1980 , 1982 , 1985 , 1987 , 1988 ) Jordan , Michael Michael Jordan * 15 6 Chicago Bulls ( 1991 , 1992 , 1993 , 1996 , 1997 , 1998 ) Pippen , Scottie Scottie Pippen * 17 6 Chicago Bulls ( 1991 , 1992 , 1993 , 1996 , 1997 , 1998 ) 14 Mikan , George George Mikan * 7 5 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1949 , 1950 , 1952 , 1953 , 1954 ) Pollard , Jim Jim Pollard * F / C 7 5 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1949 , 1950 , 1952 , 1953 , 1954 ) Martin , Slater Slater Martin * 11 5 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1950 , 1952 , 1953 , 1954 ) St. Louis Hawks ( 1958 ) Siegfried , Larry Larry Siegfried 9 5 Boston Celtics ( 1964 , 1965 , 1966 , 1968 , 1969 ) Nelson , Don Don Nelson * 14 5 Boston Celtics ( 1966 , 1968 , 1969 , 1974 , 1976 ) Cooper , Michael Michael Cooper G / F 12 5 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1980 , 1982 , 1985 , 1987 , 1988 ) Johnson , Earvin `` Magic '' Earvin `` Magic '' Johnson * 13 5 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1980 , 1982 , 1985 , 1987 , 1988 ) Rodman , Dennis Dennis Rodman * 14 5 Detroit Pistons ( 1989 , 1990 ) Chicago Bulls ( 1996 , 1997 , 1998 ) Harper , Ron Ron Harper 15 5 Chicago Bulls ( 1996 , 1997 , 1998 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2000 , 2001 ) Kerr , Steve Steve Kerr 15 5 Chicago Bulls ( 1996 , 1997 , 1998 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 1999 , 2003 ) Bryant , Kobe Kobe Bryant 20 5 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2000 , 2001 , 2002 , 2009 , 2010 ) Fisher , Derek Derek Fisher 18 5 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2000 , 2001 , 2002 , 2009 , 2010 ) Duncan , Tim Tim Duncan F / C 19 5 San Antonio Spurs ( 1999 , 2003 , 2005 , 2007 , 2014 ) 27 Mikkelsen , Vern Vern Mikkelsen * F / C 10 Minneapolis Lakers ( 1950 , 1952 , 1953 , 1954 ) Saul , Frank Frank Saul G / F 6 Rochester Royals ( 1951 ) Minneapolis Lakers ( 1952 , 1953 , 1954 ) Sharman , Bill Bill Sharman * 11 Boston Celtics ( 1957 , 1959 , 1960 , 1961 ) Wilkes , Jamaal Jamaal Wilkes * G / F 12 Golden State Warriors ( 1975 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 1980 , 1982 , 1985 ) Rambis , Kurt Kurt Rambis 14 Los Angeles Lakers ( 1982 , 1985 , 1987 , 1988 ) Parish , Robert Robert Parish * 21 Boston Celtics ( 1981 , 1984 , 1986 ) Chicago Bulls ( 1997 ) Perdue , Will Will Perdue 13 Chicago Bulls ( 1991 , 1992 , 1993 ) San Antonio Spurs ( 1999 ) Salley , John John Salley F / C 11 Detroit Pistons ( 1989 , 1990 ) Chicago Bulls ( 1996 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2000 ) Grant , Horace Horace Grant F / C 17 Chicago Bulls ( 1991 , 1992 , 1993 ) Los Angeles Lakers ( 2001 ) O'Neal , Shaquille Shaquille O'Neal * 19 Los Angeles Lakers ( 2000 , 2001 , 2002 ) Miami Heat ( 2006 ) Ginóbili , Manu Manu Ginóbili ^ 14 San Antonio Spurs ( 2003 , 2005 , 2007 , 2014 ) Parker , Tony Tony Parker ^ 15 San Antonio Spurs ( 2003 , 2005 , 2007 , 2014 ) See also ( edit ) National Basketball Association portal List of NBA champions List of NBA championship head coaches Notes ( edit ) Heinsohn won two additional championships in 1974 and 1976 as head coach of the Boston Celtics . Jones won four additional championships in 1972 as assistant coach of the Los Angeles Lakers , in 1981 as assistant coach of the Boston Celtics , and in 1984 and 1986 as head coach of the Celtics . Sanders is a member of the Naismith Hall , but as a contributor rather than a player . Loscutoff did not play in the 1960 Playoffs and Finals due to injury . Alcindor changed his name to Kareem Abdul - Jabbar in 1971 . He also won two championships as an assistant coach with the Lakers in 2009 and 2010 . Wilkes did not play in the 1985 playoffs due to injury , but remained on the roster until after the Finals . Kerr won additional championships in 2015 and 2017 as head coach of the Golden State Warriors . Sharman won an additional championship in 1972 as head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers . References ( edit ) General `` Most NBA Championships Won '' . . Retrieved November 24 , 2011 . Specific Jump up ^ Goldaper , Sam . `` The First Game '' . . Turner Sports Interactive , Inc . 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Jump up ^ Bonk , Thomas ( August 29 , 1985 ) , `` Wilkes Waived , Ending an 8 - Year Laker Career '' , Los Angeles Times Retrieved from `` '' Categories : National Basketball Association lists Hidden categories : Articles with hCards Talk Contents About Wikipedia Español Français Italiano Русский Edit links This page was last edited on 26 December 2017 , at 12 : 22 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who has the most nba championships in nba history
Boston Celtics center Bill Russell holds the record for the most NBA championships won with 11 titles during his 13 - year playing career . He won his first championship with the Boston Celtics in his rookie year . Afterwards , he went on to win ten championships in the next 12 years , including eight consecutive championships from 1959 to 1966 . He won the last two championships in 1968 and 1969 as player - coach . Russell 's teammate , Sam Jones , won ten championships from 1959 to 1969 , the second most in NBA history . Four Celtics players , Tom Heinsohn , K.C. Jones , Satch Sanders and John Havlicek , won eight championships each . Two other Celtics , Jim Loscutoff and Frank Ramsey , won seven championships each . Four players , Bob Cousy , Kareem Abdul - Jabbar , Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen , won six championships each . Jordan and Pippen are members of the Chicago Bulls team who won three consecutive championships twice in the 1990s . George Mikan won two championships in the NBL before it merged with the BAA to form the NBA , and won five championships in the NBA .
IOS 10 - wikipedia IOS 10 Jump to : navigation , search iOS 10 A version of the iOS operating system The default iOS 10 home screen on an iPhone 7 Developer Apple Inc . Source model Closed with open - source components Initial release September 13 , 2016 ; 17 months ago ( 2016 - 09 - 13 ) Latest release 10.3. 3 ( 14G60 ) / July 19 , 2017 ; 7 months ago ( 2017 - 07 - 19 ) Platforms iPhone iPhone 5 iPhone 5C iPhone 5S iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus iPhone 6S iPhone 6S Plus iPhone SE iPhone 7 iPhone 7 Plus iPod Touch iPod Touch ( 6th generation ) iPad iPad ( 4th generation ) iPad Air iPad Air 2 iPad ( 2017 ) iPad Mini 2 iPad Mini 3 iPad Mini 4 iPad Pro Kernel type Hybrid ( XNU ) License Proprietary software with open - source components Preceded by iOS 9 Succeeded by iOS 11 Official website iOS 10 at the Wayback Machine ( archived September 12 , 2017 ) Support status Third - party application support only iOS 10 is the tenth major release of the iOS mobile operating system developed by Apple Inc. , being the successor to iOS 9 . It was announced at the company 's Worldwide Developers Conference on June 13 , 2016 , and was released on September 13 , 2016 . It was succeeded by iOS 11 on September 19 , 2017 . iOS 10 incorporates changes to 3D Touch and the lock screen . There are new features to some apps : Messages has additional emojis and third - party apps can extend functionality in iMessage , Maps has a redesigned interface and additional third - party functions , the Home app manages `` HomeKit '' - enabled accessories , Photos has algorithmic search and categorization of media known as `` Memories '' , and Siri is compatible with third - party app - specific requests , such as starting workouts apps , sending IMs , requesting the Lyft or Uber apps or to use payment functions . Reviews of iOS 10 were mostly positive . Reviewers highlighted the significant updates to iMessage , Siri , Photos , 3D Touch , and the lock screen as welcome changes . The third - party extension support to iMessage meant it was `` becoming a platform '' , although the user interface was criticized for being difficult to understand . Third - party integration in Siri was `` great '' , although the voice assistant was criticized for not having become smarter than before . Reviewers were impressed with the image recognition technology in Photos , although noting it was still a `` work in progress '' with a higher error rate than the competition . 3D Touch `` finally feels useful '' and `` works in almost every part of the OS '' . The lock screen was `` far more customizable than before '' , and reviewers enjoyed that notification bubbles could be expanded to see more information without needing to unlock the phone . A month after release , iOS 10 was installed on 54 % of iOS devices , a `` slightly slower migration '' than for the release of iOS 9 , speculated as being caused by an early release issue that may have `` put some ( users ) off downloading the update '' . User adoption of iOS 10 steadily increased in the following months , eventually totaling 89 % of active devices in September 2017 . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Introduction and initial release 1.2 Updates 1.2. 1 10.0. 1 1.2. 2 10.0. 2 1.2. 3 10.0. 3 1.2. 4 10.1 1.2. 5 10.1. 1 1.2. 6 10.2 1.2. 7 10.2. 1 1.2. 8 10.3 1.2. 9 10.3. 1 1.2. 10 10.3. 2 1.2. 11 10.3. 3 2 System features 2.1 Control Center 2.2 Home screen 2.3 Keyboard 2.4 Lock screen 2.5 Notification Center 2.6 Settings 2.6. 1 CarPlay 2.7 Universal Clipboard 2.8 Other changes 3 App features 3.1 App Store 3.2 Calendar 3.3 Camera 3.4 Clock 3.5 Contacts 3.6 Home 3.7 Mail 3.8 Maps 3.9 Messages 3.10 Music 3.11 News 3.12 Notes 3.13 Photos 3.14 Phone 3.15 Safari 3.16 TV 4 Developer APIs 5 Removed functionality 6 Reception 7 Problems 7.1 Initial release bricking issue 7.2 Local backup encryption issue 7.3 Battery shutdowns 8 Supported devices 8.1 iPhone 8.2 iPod Touch 8.3 iPad 9 References 10 External links History ( edit ) Further information : iOS version history § iOS 10 Introduction and initial release ( edit ) iOS 10 was introduced at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference keynote address on June 13 , 2016 . The first beta release was made available to registered developers following the keynote . Apple released the first public beta release on July 7 , 2016 . iOS 10 was officially released on September 13 , 2016 . Updates ( edit ) 10.0. 1 ( edit ) iOS 10.0. 1 was released on September 13 , 2016 , as the first update to iOS 10 . It was released just after 10.0 , which contained a bug causing devices to brick themselves while updating . 10.0. 2 ( edit ) iOS 10.0. 2 was released on September 23 , 2016 . The update contained bug fixes , specifically fixing a bug that temporarily disabled the headphone controls on the Lightning EarPods that ship with the iPhone 7 , fixing a bug preventing app extensions from being enabled , and fixing an unexpected crash of the Photos app when activating iCloud Photo Library . 10.0. 3 ( edit ) iOS 10.0. 3 was released on October 17 , 2016 exclusively for iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus models , with a fix for connectivity issues . 10.1 ( edit ) iOS 10.1 was released on October 24 , 2016 , with a new portrait camera mode for iPhone 7 Plus , transit directions for Japan in Apple Maps , the ability to replay Bubble and Screen effects in iMessage , as well as lots of bug fixes . iOS 10.1 also features a warning message when launching a 32 - bit app , that says the app `` may slow down your iPhone '' . iOS 10.1 also allows users to use iMessage effects even when the `` Reduce Motion '' setting is turned on . 10.1 1 ( edit ) iOS 10.1. 1 was released on October 31 , 2016 , with a fix for an issue where Health data could not be viewed for some users . On November 9 , 2016 , Apple released a new version of iOS 10.1. 1 , only available for users who had n't yet updated to the previous 10.1. 1 update . No information on the new update was given . 10.2 ( edit ) iOS 10.2 was released on December 12 , 2016 . The update included a new `` TV '' app ( U.S. only ) that unifies content from different video apps , and recommends new TV shows and movies to watch . The update also added new and redesigned emoji , stabilization and photo grouping accuracy changes to Photos , new `` Love '' and `` Celebration '' Messages screen effects , notification support for HomeKit - accessories , as well as revamped sorting options and design tweaks in the Music app . iOS 10.2 also adds a telemetry diagnostic tool that Apple can use to report battery consumption , for diagnosing reported issues with 30 % battery shutdowns on some iPhone models . iOS 10.2 also includes three new wallpapers for iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus , specifically the wallpapers featured in the marketing of the phones . 10.2 1 ( edit ) iOS 10.2. 1 was released on January 23 , 2017 , with bug fixes and security improvements . On December 28 , 2017 Apple acknowledged that this update changed the power management during peak workloads to avoid unexpected shutdowns on iPhone 6 , iPhone 6 Plus , iPhone 6s , iPhone 6s Plus , and iPhone SE . Customers were upset over this update ; some thought it was a ploy to get people to upgrade to new devices . A number of people have filed lawsuits over the feature and are seeking class action status . 10.3 ( edit ) iOS 10.3 was released on March 27 , 2017 . The update introduced a `` Find My AirPods '' feature for lost AirPods headphones , changed the default file system from HFS+ to APFS for improved performance and encryption ( also increases usable storage on the device ) , support for additional Siri actions , including status of bills in payment apps and scheduling with ride - booking apps , a new Apple ID view in Settings , the ability for developers to respond to reviews in the App Store as well as `` Helpful '' and `` Not Helpful '' review labels , improved overview of iCloud storage usage , and bug fixes and stability improvements . Users can also give app ratings inside the app itself . iOS 10.3 also features a significant security patch fixing an issue where a JavaScript exploit link would cause devices to repeatedly call the 9 - 1 - 1 emergency phone number . The update also added a Podcasts widget and made app transitions smoother , and extended support for Wi - Fi calling to more carriers . For CarPlay , the update added a quick - access multitasking screen with the three most recently used apps , and added functionality for the Maps app to find electric vehicle charging stations . 10.3 1 ( edit ) iOS 10.3. 1 was released on April 3 , 2017 , with bug fixes and security improvements , including a fix for a Wi - Fi vulnerability discovered by Google 's Project Zero team of security researchers . 10.3 2 ( edit ) iOS 10.3. 2 was released on May 15 , 2017 , with bug fixes and security improvements . 10.3 3 ( edit ) iOS 10.3. 3 was released on July 19 , 2017 , with new wallpapers for the 12.9 - inch iPad Pro , along with bug fixes and security improvements , including a fix for a Wi - Fi vulnerability in which devices searching for signal were open to hackers . System features ( edit ) Control Center ( edit ) The Control Center has been redesigned and split into three pages : one for general settings , such as quick toggles for airplane mode and orientation lock , one for audio controls and one for controlling HomeKit ( internet of things ) appliances , if used . 3D Touch capabilities have been added to several toggles . Home screen ( edit ) Apps can show a widget when their home - screen icon is accessed with 3D Touch . Most default apps included with iOS devices can be hidden from the home screen and ' re-downloaded ' from the App Store . Upon doing this , the sandbox of the respective app is removed , which contains user data , settings and caches . The app is also hidden from other places , such as the `` Today '' view , the Settings app and `` Share Sheets '' , through which the user can interact with the app from within another app . This feature was first hinted at during an interview in September 2015 , in which Apple CEO Tim Cook stated that Apple was `` looking at '' allowing customers to remove unused stock apps . iOS 10 allows users to prioritize certain app downloads by using 3D Touch . Keyboard ( edit ) QuickType virtual keyboards , which provide word - completion capabilities , can predict answers to questions and suggest relevant information based on location , calendar availability or contacts . The `` Define '' feature in previous iOS versions has been replaced by `` Look Up '' , and now expands its use from just providing definitions to retrieving information from locations , web browsing history , downloaded apps , suggested websites , and more . The QuickType keyboard will allow the user to type in multiple languages if the user selects the desired languages in the `` Dictionary '' and `` Keyboard '' settings menus . The user has the ability to change keyboard settings specifically for physical keyboards ( such as autocorrect and auto - capitalization ) . Lock screen ( edit ) The `` slide to unlock '' mechanism on the lock screen has been removed in favor of pressing the home button . Similar to the feature on the Apple Watch , `` Raise to Wake '' wakes up the device when the user lifts it . This function requires a device with an M9 motion coprocessor or newer . The `` Today '' view of Notification Center has been replaced by widgets , and is accessible by swiping from left to right . On the iPad , widgets can be displayed in a two - column layout . Notification Center ( edit ) The Notification Center no longer has a `` Today '' view . Notifications , now larger , can expand to display more information and all unread notifications can be cleared at once , using 3D Touch . Apps that need to be updated frequently can now have notifications that update live . The Notification Center contains a Spotlight search bar . Settings ( edit ) A new Magnifier setting was added which allows users to triple - click the home button and iOS will open the Camera app with magnification on . There are also new `` Color Filters '' settings to compensate for a user 's color blindness . Color Filters options include grayscale , red / green filter for protanopia , green / red filter for deuteranopia , and blue / yellow filter for tritanopia . For the Messages application , users can now turn on Low Quality Image mode , which saves `` your poor iPhone from stuffing itself full of images '' based on new animated stickers and GIFs that can be sent in iMessage . The Wi - Fi menu in Settings now shows warnings about the security of a network and if a network is not connected to the Internet . This is shown to the user as small subtext under the Wi - Fi 's network 's name . `` Raise to Wake '' can be enabled or disabled in Settings . In iOS 10.2 , a `` Preserve Settings '' feature allows users to set up the Camera app to launch with certain settings by default . Options include launching with the Video or Square mode rather than the Photo mode , preserving the last used filter , and preserving the capture settings for Live Photos . Music added to Apple Music on one device can now be automatically downloaded to other devices using the Automatic downloads setting . The Settings allows the user the option to have routes in the Maps app avoid toll roads and / or highways . In iOS 10.3 , Settings was updated to feature information relating to a user 's Apple ID account in the main menu , and features a section that allows users to see which old , unmaintained apps wo n't work in future versions of iOS . Additionally , users can now see a breakdown of their iCloud storage . The user can enable a setting to have Siri announce who 's calling , with options for `` Always '' , `` Headphones & Car '' , `` Headphones Only '' , and `` Never '' . CarPlay ( edit ) iOS 10 now allows users to rearrange and remove apps from their CarPlay display , through Settings . In iOS 10.3 , Maps on CarPlay added electric vehicle charging stations . Universal Clipboard ( edit ) As part of the overall Continuity features introduced in iOS 8 , a new Universal Clipboard feature allows users of Mac personal computers running macOS Sierra and iOS devices running iOS 10 to easily copy material to and from different devices through iCloud . As part of Continuity , a new `` Continuity Keyboard '' feature allows users to type text on an iPhone and have the text appear on an Apple TV running tvOS 10 , avoiding the Siri Remote for text input . Other changes ( edit ) iOS 10 features new sound effects for locking the device and for keyboard clicks . Whenever a device detects liquid in the Lightning port , a notice warns the user to disconnect the Lightning cable and allow the port to dry . iOS 10 also allows TTY calls to be made without any additional hardware . iOS 10 allows users to find their Apple Watch using Find My iPhone . Spotlight can now search the contents of users ' iCloud Drive . Storage is reported to the user in the base 10 ( 1 kilobyte equals 1000 bytes ) format instead of base 2 , which was used in older iOS versions . App features ( edit ) App Store ( edit ) iOS 10 allows developers to buy advertisement spots in the App Store when users search for content . It also adds back the `` Categories '' section , which replaces the `` Explore '' section introduced in iOS 8 . In iOS 10.3 , developers are able to respond to user reviews , and `` Helpful '' and `` Not Helpful '' review labels can help surface the most relevant customer reviews . Calendar ( edit ) In iOS 10 , users can now change what day of the week the calendar starts on , as well as alert settings for birthdays and events , and calendar type ( Gregorian , Chinese , Hebrew , Islamic ) . Camera ( edit ) Music will no longer stop playing when the Camera app is launched , unless users decide to record a video or Live Photo . The analog stopwatch face Live Photos can be taken with filters ( previously only available for still photos ) . In iOS 10.1 , the iPhone 7 Plus received a new depth of field portrait camera mode , using both the wide - angle and telephoto lenses on the phone to `` create shallow depth of field portrait photos with blurred backgrounds '' . Clock ( edit ) The Clock app now has a dark theme . A new `` Bedtime '' feature reminds the user when to go to bed to get the desired amount of sleep . There is also a new stopwatch face , accessed by swiping to the left . Contacts ( edit ) The Contacts app in iOS 10 allows users to set default phone numbers and email addresses for contacts who have multiple numbers or addresses . The app also allows the user to add and remove contacts from the Favorite Contacts list . Home ( edit ) Home is a new app that allows users to manage appliances compatible with HomeKit , Apple 's API for home automation . In the app , users can add compatible HomeKit accessories , such as locks , lights , and thermostats , and then directly control the appliances through the app . A `` Scenes '' panel allows many devices to be controlled at once to fit a mood or setting . Geo - fencing activates scheduled sequences following the user 's location . Mail ( edit ) The Mail app now allows users to unsubscribe from mailing lists with an Unsubscribe button . Users can dismiss the message to unsubscribe for a particular mailing list by tapping the `` X '' at the top right corner , preventing the Mail app from displaying the unsubscribe button for that mailing list again later . Apple has added back support for HTML5 video in Mail , which was previously stopped in iOS 8 . Mail can filter messages , either by unread / read , or by categories . iOS 10 also changes how email threading works , by placing the oldest email at the top by default . An option in Settings lets users revert to the previous threading system with the most recent message on top . Additionally , the new threaded conversations allow users to tap a message to see a scrollable stream of messages inside the thread . Maps ( edit ) Maps has been redesigned and updated with additional features , including scanning calendar events for locations , learning from a user 's typical actions , and a redesigned driving view . A marker can be automatically placed to indicate the user 's parked car . The marker can also tell the user when they last parked their car , and a Notes field allows the user to enter information , such as parking garage number , in the app . The app now helps users find the nearest gas station , fast - food restaurant or coffee shop , by swiping up from the bottom of the screen . Maps also estimates how long the detour will take . Users can add third - party extensions to the Maps app , which enable additional functionality , such as a restaurant - booking extension can help the user reserve a table from inside the Maps app . Users can now pan and zoom while in navigation mode . The app displays the current temperature and weather conditions in the bottom right corner . In iOS 10.3 , the app also allows the user to see a weather forecast by using 3D Touch on the current temperature . This functionality allows users to see an hour - by - hour breakdown of the area that they are looking at . Messages ( edit ) The Messages app incorporates its own App Store , which lets users download third - party iMessage apps that can be accessed within iMessage conversations . Users can use them to send stickers , play games or send rich content , such as media previews , to recipients . The Messages App Store has three navigation fields : Featured , Categories , and Manage . The app has been updated to include many visual effects . Chat bubbles , for example , can be sent with a `` loud '' or `` gentle '' animation that the recipient sees upon receiving . `` Invisible ink '' effect obscures the message until the recipient swipes across it . Full - screen effects like balloons , confetti or fireworks can be sent . There is also support for interactions similar to the Apple Watch , such as sending quick sketches and recording and sending the user 's heartbeat . In order to use the screen and bubble effects , the Reduce Motion setting needs to be turned off . Messages now allows users to send handwritten notes . This is done by turning the device to landscape mode for iPhones ( landscape or portrait for iPad users ) and then tapping the handwriting squiggle . The Messages app automatically saves recently used notes , to make it easier to send them again . A handwritten message can be deleted in the same way an app is deleted ; by holding down on the message and pressing Delete . The message can also be saved as a picture file . New emojis have been added , as well as additional features related to emoji . Emojis appear 3x bigger if messages are sent with up to three emojis and no text , the keyboard can now predict emojis to use , and an emoji replacement feature attempts to match words in messages and replace them with emojis of the same meaning . Since the Game Center app has been removed , Messages now handles actions such as inviting friends to a game . Read receipts can now be turned on or off for individual contacts rather than for all contacts . Music ( edit ) The Music app has been redesigned , with an emphasis placed on usability . The `` For You '' section has been reorganized , with a playlist offering daily music recommendations . The `` New '' tab has been renamed `` Browse '' . A new tab for music that has been downloaded called `` Downloaded Music '' has been added . Lyrics are viewable for songs in - app in iOS 10 . The `` Search '' tab includes recent and trending searches . An `` Optimized Storage '' option removes downloaded music that the user has n't played in a while . News ( edit ) The News app , taking cues from the Music layout , has been redesigned to incorporate bold headings and a newspaper-esque layout in the redesigned `` For You '' tab . News also features support for subscriptions and provides notifications for breaking news . Notes ( edit ) Notes now has a collaboration feature . This allows users to share a note and collaborate with other users , who can add and remove text from a note . Users tap a `` round yellow badge with a person and a plus sign '' and can then send invitations through text , email , or by link . Photos ( edit ) Apple added deep learning capabilities for sorting and searching in the Photos app . A new `` Memories '' feature can automatically recognize and compile related photos and create short , shareable music videos . local facial recognition functionality was added to bundle together pictures of certain people . iOS 10 allows users to add doodles and text on a photo , using a new `` Markup '' feature . If the user edits a Live Photo using Markup , the image will be turned into a still image . Live Photos can now be edited by the Photos app . This allows users to trim the clip , change the still frame , add a filter and add digital image stabilization to the Live Photo so it is `` buttery smooth '' . The app also has an upgraded auto - enhance feature and adds a `` Brilliance '' slider . Phone ( edit ) The Phone app can transcribe received visual voicemails . Siri can announce the name and phone number of incoming calls . The system can mark suspected spam callers on the call screen upon incoming calls . Contacts can be enabled for `` Emergency Bypass '' , in which the phone will always make sounds and vibrations when receiving notifications from the chosen contacts , even during Do Not Disturb mode . In the Favorites screen , users can customize what action each favorited contact will enable from a click , including call , FaceTime , SMS , or email . Users can save voicemails through AirDrop , iMessage , iCloud Drive and other apps through a share menu . Safari ( edit ) Apple Pay is now available through the Safari app . There is no limit to how many tabs users can have open at the same time . On supported iPads , Safari has a unique `` Split View '' for viewing two Safari browser tabs in 50 / 50 mode next to each other . Users can also search for keywords in specific tabs , close all tabs with a single click , and reopen recently closed tabs by long - pressing on the plus icon . Users can also search for items in the Bookmarks and Reading List . TV ( edit ) Included in the iOS 10.2 update is a `` TV '' app . The app , which is only available in the United States , offers a simple , unified experience of content from different video apps , as long as each service supports the feature . The new app replaces the Videos app found in previous iOS versions . Developer APIs ( edit ) iOS 10 gives third - party developers access to APIs to three major iOS system apps and services : Siri , iMessage , and Maps . Developers can : Turn certain activities into Siri voice commands , allowing users to speak voice queries into the Siri personal assistant and Siri returning results from the respective apps . Apps that can integrate with Siri are limited to : sending messages , starting calls , sending and requesting payments , search for photos and videos , ordering taxicab or ride - sharing services , and managing workouts . Add dedicated apps to the iMessage App Store , that lets users add unique sticker packs , share rich content , or interact with certain app functions entirely within an iMessage conversation . Add extensions to Apple Maps , so apps with specific functionality useful in a map , such as a restaurant - booking app , can integrate with the mapping service to handle app functionality directly in the Maps app . iOS 10 allows third - party camera apps to capture RAW image format pictures . Support for shooting photos in Adobe 's DNG RAW format is limited to devices with at least a 12MP camera and a third - party app that supports it , as Apple did not enable the feature in the native Camera app . iOS 10 allows VoIP apps to have the same functionality and interface as the Phone and FaceTime apps have , through the use of a CallKit API . Removed functionality ( edit ) Native support for the VPN protocol PPTP was removed . Apple recommends alternatives which it considers to be more secure . The options to group notifications by app in Notification Center and customize the order of notifications were removed . Reception ( edit ) In his review , The Verge 's Dieter Bohn wrote that the new features introduced in iOS 10 are `` an evolution of some of the design and interaction ideas that Apple has been working on for a couple of years '' . He wrote that iMessage is `` becoming a platform all its own '' , and although he liked that extensions mean access to information from apps without needing to open the respective apps , he wrote that new iMessage interface is difficult to understand and that the use of `` third - party apps , stickers , crazy confetti effects , and emoji all over the place '' is a `` nightmare '' , although finishing with `` Or maybe that 's a wonderland , not a nightmare . Your call . '' Regarding third - party support in Siri , he called it `` great '' , while noting the limited class of apps ( `` calls , messaging , payments , photos , ride - sharing apps , some CarPlay systems , and workouts '' ) , and that sometimes a button press was required to complete the process . Beyond app integrations , he criticized Siri , writing `` Siri does n't seem to have gotten a whole lot smarter than you remember '' . Bohn enjoyed the new machine learning technology present in the Photos app , writing that he was `` impressed '' by Apple 's image recognition technology , which he noted is done locally on the device , but did criticize the error rate , where he compares the technology to Google Photos as a step ahead . Bohn liked the new designs for the Music and Maps apps , saying both the redesigns were `` for the better '' . Bohn particularly enjoyed the new lock screen , where he highlighted that notification bubbles can be 3D Touch - ed to access more information , all without needing to unlock the phone . Other small bits of new features he liked included `` deletable '' apps , upgraded `` widgets '' when 3D Touch - ing a home screen icon , and breaking news notifications in Apple News . Overall , Bohn referred to iOS 10 as `` Still a walled garden , but with more doors '' . Engadget 's Devindra Hardawar wrote that iOS 10 is Apple `` basically polishing a pearl '' . Hardawar noted that the major changes in the release focus on features rather than the visual interface . He wrote that the lock screen is now `` far more customizable than before '' . He praised the new features added to 3D Touch , writing that it `` finally feels useful '' , where he likes that `` 3D Touch works in almost every part of the OS '' . In regard to iMessage , he wrote that it has new features that are `` particularly useful '' , including `` Invisible ink '' that obscures text in a conversation when others might be looking , but criticized the user interface , writing that it `` needs some work '' . The `` Memories '' feature in the new Photos app `` usually turned out well '' , but wrote that `` they 're still clearly a work in progress '' . Hardawar praised the new Apple Music app , but added that `` really , anything is better than the last iteration '' . He also liked lyrics support . He wrote that Siri 's third - party support was `` actually starting to get useful '' , but did run into accuracy issues . He finished by writing that although iOS 10 does add features seen in Google 's Android operating system before , the mobile industry is `` shamelessly getting `` inspired '' by the competition `` . His summary states that `` iOS 10 is a collection of useful changes to an already solid OS '' . In October 2016 , a month after its initial release , 54 % of iOS devices were running iOS 10 , a `` slightly slower migration '' than for the release of iOS 9 in the preceding year , a result speculated by MacRumors 's Tim Hardwick as being caused by an early release issue that disabled some devices and may have `` put some ( users ) off downloading the update '' . User adoption increased to 76 % of active devices in January 2017 , 79 % in February 2017 , 86 % in June 2017 , 87 % in July 2017 , and 89 % in September 2017 before the release of iOS 11 . Problems ( edit ) Initial release bricking issue ( edit ) The initial public release of iOS 10 on September 13 , 2016 saw many iPhones and iPads temporarily disabled , or `` bricked '' , by the over-the - air update , requiring bricked devices to be connected to a Mac or PC with iTunes in order to retry the update or restore the device to factory settings . Apple quickly released iOS 10.0. 1 , and issued a statement : `` We experienced a brief issue with the software update process , affecting a small number of users during the first hour of availability . The problem was quickly resolved and we apologize to those customers . '' Local Backup encryption issue ( edit ) In September 2016 , it was discovered that the encryption of local iOS backups made with iTunes is weaker for iOS 10 devices than for devices running iOS 9 . Russian software firm ElcomSoft discovered that the iOS 10 backup process skips several security checks , making it `` approximately 2,500 times '' faster to try passwords , enabling 6 million password tries per second compared to the 2,400 password tries per second for the same process ElcomSoft has used on iOS 9 . The firm stated that the impact is `` severe '' . Apple acknowledged the problem , said it planned to issue a security update , but also stated that iCloud backups were not affected . The iOS 10.1 update subsequently fixed the issue . Battery shutdowns ( edit ) The Next Web 's Juan Buis wrote in late November 2016 that `` complaints are shared ( on Apple 's support forums ) about various iPhone models turning off when the battery falls below a certain percentage '' , and blames the iOS 10.1. 1 update . He further wrote that `` the original post ( on support forums ) explains that the phone dies when there 's 30 percent charge left , and many others have since replied that they 're experiencing the same . '' iOS 10.2 , released in December 2016 , adds a telemetry diagnostic tool that Apple can use to report battery consumption , for diagnosing reported issues with 30 % battery shutdowns . In February 2017 , Apple released a statement to TechCrunch , saying that the iOS 10.2. 1 update , released on January 23 , had reduced the occurrence of battery shutdowns by `` more than 80 % '' on iPhone 6S devices and `` over 70 % '' on iPhone 6 devices . In full , the statement read : With iOS 10.2. 1 , Apple made improvements to reduce occurrences of unexpected shutdowns that a small number of users were experiencing with their iPhone . iOS 10.2. 1 already has over 50 % of active iOS devices upgraded and the diagnostic data we 've received from upgraders shows that for this small percentage of users experiencing the issue , we 're seeing a more than 80 % reduction in iPhone 6s and over 70 % reduction on iPhone 6 of devices unexpectedly shutting down . We also added the ability for the phone to restart without needing to connect to power , if a user still encounters an unexpected shutdown . It is important to note that these unexpected shutdowns are not a safety issue , but we understand it can be an inconvenience and wanted to fix the issue as quickly as possible . If a customer has any issues with their device they can contact AppleCare . Supported devices ( edit ) With this release , Apple dropped support for devices with either an A5 or an A5X chip : the iPhone 4S , iPad 2 , iPad ( 3rd generation ) , iPad Mini ( 1st generation ) and iPod Touch ( 5th generation ) . iPhone ( edit ) iPhone 5 iPhone 5C iPhone 5S iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus iPhone 6S iPhone 6S Plus iPhone SE iPhone 7 iPhone 7 Plus iPod Touch ( edit ) iPod Touch ( 6th generation ) iPad ( edit ) iPad ( 4th generation ) iPad Air iPad Air 2 iPad ( 2017 ) iPad Mini 2 iPad Mini 3 iPad Mini 4 iPad Pro ( 12.9 - inch ) iPad Pro ( 9.7 - inch ) iPad Pro ( 10.5 - inch ) References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` New Downloads Now Available '' . Apple Developer . Apple Inc . July 19 , 2017 . Archived from the original on July 28 , 2017 . Retrieved July 19 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Apple security updates '' . Apple Inc . October 12 , 2017 . Retrieved October 17 , 2017 . 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Vox Media . Retrieved November 28 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Hardawar , Devindra ( September 16 , 2016 ) . `` iOS 10 review : Apple evolves '' . Engadget . AOL . Retrieved November 28 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Perez , Sarah ( October 11 , 2016 ) . `` According to Apple 's official figures , iOS 10 adoption rate now at 54 % '' . TechCrunch . AOL . Retrieved February 19 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Hardwick , Tim ( October 11 , 2016 ) . `` Apple Puts Official iOS 10 Adoption Rate Figure at 54 % '' . MacRumors . Retrieved February 19 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Clover , Juli ( January 5 , 2017 ) . `` iOS 10 Now Installed on 76 % of Active iOS Devices '' . MacRumors . Retrieved February 19 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Rossignol , Joe ( February 22 , 2017 ) . `` iOS 10 Now Installed on Nearly 80 % of Active iOS Devices '' . MacRumors . Retrieved February 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Dillet , Romain ( June 5 , 2017 ) . `` Apple introduces iOS 11 '' . TechCrunch . AOL . Retrieved June 5 , 2017 . 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Jump up ^ Buis , Juan ( November 28 , 2016 ) . `` Getting terrible battery life on iOS 10.1. 1 ? You 're not the only one '' . The Next Web . Retrieved December 3 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Panzarino , Matthew ( February 23 , 2017 ) . `` Apple says iOS 10.2. 1 has reduced unexpected iPhone 6s shutdown issues by 80 % '' . TechCrunch . AOL . Retrieved February 24 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Clover , Juli ( February 23 , 2017 ) . `` Apple Says iOS 10.2. 1 Update Has Significantly Reduced Unexpected iPhone 6 and 6s Shutdowns '' . MacRumors . Retrieved February 24 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Ritchie , Rene ( February 23 , 2017 ) . `` Apple and iOS 10.2. 1 address unexpected shutdowns on iPhone 6 , iPhone 6s '' . iMore . Retrieved April 6 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Cunningham , Andrew ( June 13 , 2016 ) . `` Goodbye , A5 : iOS 10 ends support for iPhone 4S , iPad 2 , and more '' . Ars Technica . Condé Nast . Retrieved January 17 , 2017 . 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I Love Rock ' n ' Roll - wikipedia I Love Rock ' n ' Roll Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see I Love Rock ' n ' Roll ( disambiguation ) . This article 's lead section does not adequately summarize key points of its contents . Please consider expanding the lead to provide an accessible overview of all important aspects of the article . Please discuss this issue on the article 's talk page . ( August 2016 ) `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' 2004 re-issue Single by the Arrows B - side `` Broken Down Heart '' Released July 1975 Format 7 - inch single Recorded Genre Hard rock Length 2 : 48 Label RAK Songwriter ( s ) Alan Merrill , Jake Hooker Producer ( s ) Mickie Most the Arrows singles chronology `` Hard Hearted '' ( 1975 ) `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( 1975 ) `` Once Upon a Time '' ( 1976 ) `` Hard Hearted '' ( 1975 ) `` I Love Rock ' n Roll '' ( 1975 ) `` Once Upon a Time '' ( 1976 ) `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' is a rock song written in 1975 by Alan Merrill of the Arrows , who recorded the first released version . The song was later made famous by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts in 1982 . Alan Merrill still plays the song live in Europe , Japan and most often in his home town New York City . Contents ( hide ) 1 The Arrows original version 2 Joan Jett cover version 2.1 Music video 2.2 Critical reception 2.3 Chart performance 2.4 Weekly charts 2.5 Year - end charts 2.5. 1 Chart successions 3 Britney Spears version 3.1 Background , release and composition 3.2 Reception 3.2. 1 Critical 3.2. 2 Commercial 3.3 Music video 3.4 Live performances 3.5 Track listings 3.6 Charts and certifications 3.6. 1 Weekly charts 3.6. 2 Year - end charts 3.6. 3 Certifications 3.7 Release history 4 Alex Gaudino and Jason Rooney version 4.1 Track listing 4.2 Chart performance 4.3 Release history 5 Other cover versions 6 See also 7 References 8 External links The Arrows original version ( edit ) The song was originally recorded and released by the Arrows in 1975 on Rak Records , with lead vocals , guitar , music & lyrics written by Alan Merrill and produced by Mickie Most . In an interview with Songfacts , Merrill said he wrote it as `` a knee - jerk response to the Rolling Stones ' ' It 's Only Rock ' n Roll ( But I Like It ) ' . '' This version was first released as a B - side , but was soon re-recorded and flipped to A-side status on a subsequent pressing of the record . The Arrows performed the song in 1975 on the Muriel Young - produced show 45 , after which Young offered the Arrows a weekly UK television series , Arrows , which was broadcast on ITV starting in March 1976 . Joan Jett cover version ( edit ) `` I Love Rock ' n Roll '' Single by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts from the album I Love Rock ' n Roll B - side `` You Do n't Know What You 've Got '' Released January 19 , 1982 Format 7 - inch single , 12 - inch single Recorded 1981 Genre Hard rock Length 2 : 56 Label Boardwalk Songwriter ( s ) Alan Merrill , Jake Hooker Producer ( s ) Ritchie Cordell , Kenny Laguna Joan Jett and the Blackhearts singles chronology `` Bad Reputation '' ( 1981 ) `` I Love Rock ' n Roll '' ( 1982 ) `` Crimson and Clover '' ( 1982 ) `` Bad Reputation '' ( 1981 ) `` I Love Rock ' n Roll '' ( 1982 ) `` Crimson and Clover '' ( 1982 ) `` I Love Rock N Roll '' Joan Jett and the Blackhearts ' `` I Love Rock N Roll '' from I Love Rock ' n Roll Problems playing this file ? See media help . Joan Jett saw the Arrows perform `` I Love Rock ' n Roll '' on their weekly UK television series Arrows when she was touring England with the Runaways in 1976 . She first recorded the song in 1979 with two of the Sex Pistols : Steve Jones and Paul Cook . This first version was released on vinyl in 1979 on Vertigo records as a B - side to `` You Do n't Own Me '' . In 1981 , Jett re-recorded the song , this time with her band , the Blackhearts . This recording became a U.S. Billboard Hot 100 number - one single for seven weeks . Billboard ranked it at the No. 3 song for 1982 . The single was certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America , representing two million units shipped to stores with Jett 's I Love Rock ' n Roll album reaching number two on the Billboard 200 . Joan Jett 's version was ranked No. 89 in the list 100 Greatest Guitar Songs of Rolling Stone and has also been inducted into the Grammys Hall of Fame in 2016 . Music video ( edit ) `` I Love Rock ' n Roll '' 's black - and - white music video received heavy play from the just - launched MTV network . In it , Jett and the Blackhearts travel to a small , dingy bar and proceed to excite the drunken crowd by performing the song and yelling out its chorus . A snippet of Jett 's 1981 hit `` Bad Reputation '' can be heard at the beginning of the video . The video was originally in color , but it was converted to black and white because Jett hated the look of her red leather jumpsuit in color . In 1993 Joan Jett & the Blackhearts made another music video for the song as part of the Wayne 's World 2 soundtrack . In the video appear several scenes from the movie with Mike Myers and Dana Carvey mixed with footage of Jett and her band in concert . It was again released as a single by Warner / Reprise with `` Activity Grrrl '' as the B - side . Critical reception ( edit ) Jett 's version has received many accolades , including : Ranking No. 85 on Q magazine March 2005 list of the 100 Greatest Guitar Tracks Ranking No. 491 on the Rolling Stone magazine 's list of `` the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time '' Ranking No. 56 in Billboard 's Greatest Songs of all time . Chart performance ( edit ) Weekly charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1982 ) Peak position Australia ( Kent Music Report ) Austria ( Ö3 Austria Top 40 ) Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Flanders ) Canadian RPM Top Singles France ( SNEP ) Germany ( Official German Charts ) 6 Irish Singles Chart Italy ( FIMI ) 42 Netherlands ( Dutch Top 40 ) Netherlands ( Single Top 100 ) New Zealand ( Recorded Music NZ ) South African Chart Sweden ( Sverigetopplistan ) Switzerland ( Schweizer Hitparade ) UK ( Official Charts Company ) U.S. Billboard Hot 100 U.S. Billboard Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks U.S. Billboard Hot Dance Club Play 31 U.S. Cash Box Top 100 Chart ( 2015 ) Peak position Poland ( Polish Airplay Top 100 ) 81 Year - end charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1982 ) Rank Australia 7 Canada Netherlands 25 New Zealand 7 U.S. Billboard Hot 100 U.S. Cash Box 5 Chart successions ( edit ) Preceded by `` Centerfold '' by The J. Geils Band Billboard Hot 100 number one single ( Joan Jett version ) 20 March 1982 -- 1 May 1982 Succeeded by `` Chariots of Fire '' by Vangelis Preceded by `` Centerfold '' by The J. Geils Band Billboard Mainstream Rock Tracks number - one single ( Joan Jett version ) February 6 -- March 13 , 1982 Succeeded by `` ( Oh ) Pretty Woman '' by Van Halen Preceded by `` Tainted Love '' by Soft Cell Canadian `` RPM '' Singles Chart number - one single ( Joan Jett version ) 20 March 1982 -- 8 May 1982 Succeeded by `` Do n't You Want Me '' by the Human League Preceded by `` What About Me '' by Moving Pictures Australian Kent Music Report number - one single ( Joan Jett version ) 3 May 1982 -- 31 May 1982 Succeeded by `` Mickey '' by Toni Basil Preceded by `` Do n't You Want Me '' by the Human League New Zealand RIANZ number - one single ( Joan Jett version ) 20 June 1982 -- 11 July 1982 Succeeded by `` E Ipo '' by Prince Tui Teka Britney Spears version ( edit ) `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' Single by Britney Spears from the album Britney and Crossroads ( Music from the Major Motion Picture ) Released 27 May 2002 ( 2002 - 05 - 27 ) Format Cassette single CD single Recorded Genre Pop rock Length 3 : 06 Label Jive Songwriter ( s ) Alan Merrill , Jake Hooker Producer ( s ) Rodney Jerkins Britney Spears singles chronology `` I 'm Not a Girl , Not Yet a Woman '' ( 2002 ) `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( 2002 ) `` Anticipating '' ( 2002 ) `` I 'm Not a Girl , Not Yet a Woman '' ( 2002 ) `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( 2002 ) `` Anticipating '' ( 2002 ) Music video `` I Love Rock ' N ' Roll '' on YouTube Background , release and composition ( edit ) `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' is the fourth European single released by pop singer Britney Spears from the album Britney on 27 May 2002 . The song was used in her 2002 movie Crossroads . Spears 's character , Lucy , performs it in a karaoke bar . Spears said of the song , `` They asked me to sing karaoke in the movie Crossroads and I 've actually sung I Love Rock ' n ' Roll in a lot of clubs that I 've been to . '' Spears has publicly admitted the original song to be one of her favorites . Spears listened to the original Arrows Mickie Most - produced version just before she recorded the song , according to Jive A&R representative Steve Lunt . The scratches performed on this song were performed by Corey Chase , at Hit Factory Miami . When promoting the single 's release she mistakenly attributed the hit version of the song to Pat Benatar instead of Joan Jett . Reception ( edit ) Critical ( edit ) Spears ' cover was met with mostly favorable reviews . NME 's Ted Kessler wrote that Britney `` still works best when making a good pop cheese and dance sandwich : there 's the ace Rodney Jerkins - produced version of Joan Jett 's ' I Love Rock'n'Roll ' , which does exactly what is says on the tin . '' Rolling Stone 's Barry Walters wrote that `` producer Rodney Jerkins ' hip - hop blaspheming of Joan Jett 's `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' does n't go as far as it should ( is a Limp Bizkit remix in its future ? ) , but it certainly beats what her earlier studio architects did to those Sonny and Cher ( `` The Beat Goes On '' on ... Baby One More Time ) and Stones ( `` ( I Ca n't Get No ) Satisfaction '' on Oops ! ... I Did It Again ) songs . '' Another positive reception came from PopMatters 's editor Nikki Tranter , who enjoyed that the song is `` different from the average run - of - the - mill pop offering , '' and praised that `` she does strange justice to the tune , vamping up her vocals and turning out something , that while silly and camp , is actually a fun listen . '' In contrast , David Browne wrote for Entertainment Weekly that `` her remake is neither imaginative ( it simply xeroxes Joan Jett 's arrangement ) nor all that believable . '' Commercial ( edit ) `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' charted moderately upon release , reaching the top twenty in most regions . The song was moderately successful in the UK , where it peaked at number thirteen ( which , at the time , was her lowest peak for a single released there , until `` Radar '' only managed to reach number forty - six in 2009 , and then `` I Wanna Go , which peaked at one - hundred and eleven ) . The single sold a total of 65,000 copies . It was also certified Gold in Australia . Music video ( edit ) Spears performing ′ ′ I Love Rock ′ n ′ Roll ′ ′ at the Dream Within a Dream Tour . This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( June 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Directed by Chris Applebaum , the music video for `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' shows Spears with her own band , a stack of speakers , and flashing lights . It was shot at The Inn , a bar in Long Beach , New York . The video was ranked at No. 2 on the 100 Best Videos of 2002 at MTV Latin America 's countdown . The Director 's Cut version of the video was later leaked ; it included previously unseen scenes from the video . Live performances ( edit ) The song was performed live during Spears 's Dream Within a Dream Tour ( 2001 -- 02 ) . In 2016 , it was added to the revamped set list of her Las Vegas residency show , Britney : Piece of Me ( 2016 -- 17 ) , marking the first time Spears performed the song in 14 years . During the performance , Britney Spears rides a mechanical electric guitar , which simulates a mechanical bull , as it rotates on stage . The same prop electric guitar was previously used during her Femme Fatale Tour ( 2011 ) for a segment in which she covered the song `` Burning Up '' by Madonna . In the 2016 Billboard Music Awards , the song was performed as part of a medley , using the same guitar proposed Track listings ( edit ) European 2 tracks CD single `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( Album Version ) -- 3 : 06 `` Overprotected '' ( Darkchild Remix ) -- 3 : 18 European / Australian CD single `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( Album Version ) -- 3 : 08 `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( Karaoke Version ) -- 3 : 06 `` Overprotected '' ( Darkchild Remix ) -- 3 : 20 `` I 'm Not a Girl , Not Yet a Woman '' ( Metro Remix ) -- 5 : 26 German 2 tracks CD single `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( Album Version ) -- 3 : 07 `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( Karaoke Version ) -- 3 : 05 German CD single `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( Album Version ) -- 3 : 07 `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( Karaoke Version ) -- 3 : 05 `` Overprotected '' ( Riprock ' N Alex G Remix ) -- 3 : 25 `` I 'm Not a Girl , Not Yet a Woman '' ( Metro Remix ) -- 5 : 24 Japanese CD maxi single `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( Album Version ) -- 3 : 06 `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( Karaoke Version ) -- 3 : 04 `` Overprotected '' ( Darkchild Remix ) -- 3 : 20 `` I 'm Not a Girl , Not Yet a Woman '' ( Metro Remix ) -- 5 : 25 `` I 'm a Slave 4 U '' ( Thunderpuss Radio Mix ) -- 3 : 18 `` I 'm a Slave 4 U '' ( Miguel Migs Petalpusher Vocal ) -- 5 : 30 `` I 'm Not a Girl , Not Yet a Woman '' ( Spanish Fly Dub Mix ) -- 5 : 55 UK CD maxi single `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( Album Version ) -- 3 : 06 `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( Karaoke Version ) -- 3 : 04 `` Overprotected ( Darkchild Remix Radio Edit ) '' -- 3 : 06 `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( Video ) -- 3 : 06 Cassette single `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( Album Version ) -- 3 : 06 `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( Karaoke Version ) -- 3 : 04 `` Overprotected '' ( Darkchild Remix Radio Edit ) -- 3 : 06 Digital download ( Digital 45 ) `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' -- 3 : 07 `` I 'm Not a Girl , Not Yet a Woman '' ( Metro Remix Radio Edit ) -- 3 : 29 Charts and certifications ( edit ) Weekly charts ( edit ) Chart ( 2002 ) Peak position Australia ( ARIA ) 13 Austria ( Ö3 Austria Top 40 ) 9 Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Flanders ) 15 Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Wallonia ) 27 Finland ( Suomen virallinen lista ) 19 Germany ( Official German Charts ) 7 Hungarian Singles Chart 6 Irish Singles Chart 8 Italy ( FIMI ) 20 Japan ( Oricon ) 26 Netherlands ( Dutch Top 40 ) 17 Netherlands ( Single Top 100 ) 18 Portugal ( Portuguese Singles Chart ) Scotland ( Official Charts Company ) 7 Sweden ( Sverigetopplistan ) 15 Switzerland ( Schweizer Hitparade ) 15 UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) 13 Year - end charts ( edit ) Chart ( 2002 ) Position Australian Singles Chart 68 Belgium Singles Chart ( Flanders ) 76 German Singles Chart 96 Swedish Singles Chart 85 Swiss Singles Chart 81 Certifications ( edit ) Region Certification Certified units / Sales Australia ( ARIA ) Gold 35,000 sales figures based on certification alone shipments figures based on certification alone Release history ( edit ) Country Date Format Label Germany 27 May 2002 Maxi single JIVE Japan 19 June 2002 Sony United Kingdom 1 July 2002 JIVE Alex Gaudino and Jason Rooney version ( edit ) `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' Promotional single by Alex Gaudino & Jason Rooney Released 3 December 2008 Recorded 2008 Length 3 : 37 Label 541 / NEWS Songwriter ( s ) Alan Merrill , Jake Hooker Alex Gaudino singles chronology `` Watch Out '' ( 2008 ) Watch Out 2008 `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( 2008 ) I Love Rock ' n ' Roll2008 `` I 'm in Love ( I Wanna Do It ) '' ( 2010 ) I 'm in Love ( I Wanna Do It ) 2010 The Alex Gaudino & Jason Rooney cover version was released in 2008 . Track listing ( edit ) UK Digital download No . Title Length 1 . `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( Radio Edit ) 3 : 37 2 . `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( Extended Mix ) 7 : 43 3 . `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( Dabruck , Klein Remix ) 6 : 01 4 . `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( Nari & Milani Remix ) 5 : 35 5 . `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( Disko Kriminals Remix ) 7 : 05 Credits and personnel Lead vocals -- Alex Gaudino Music -- Alan Merrill , Jake Hooker Lyrics -- Alan Merrill , Jake Hooker Scratches -- Corey Chase Label : 541 / NEWS Chart performance ( edit ) Chart ( 2008 ) Peak position Belgium ( Ultratip Wallonia ) 10 Release history ( edit ) Region Date Format United Kingdom 3 December 2008 Digital download Other cover versions ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( December 2013 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' is an often - covered song , and has been notably recorded by such artists as : Singer Tiny Tim covered it in 1980 on his album Chameleon . L'Arc ~ En ~ Ciel released the song as a single internationally in 2011 and it was used in a Pepsi commercial in Japan . Lee Da - hae released the song as a single in 2007 , with versions in both English and Korean . Boy band Five sampled the song for `` Everybody Get Up '' . Reverend Run sampled the song for his song `` Mind on the Road '' on his solo album Distortion . `` Weird Al '' Yankovic ( parody , as `` I Love Rocky Road '' ) The group Forever Young covered the song in 2003 and made the French top 30 peaking at # 27 in 2003 . Fast Forward Highway covered Joan Jett 's version for the video game Just Dance 2017 . American rapper Eminem sampled the instrumental for his song `` Remind Me '' on his ninth studio album Revival . See also ( edit ) List of Billboard Hot 100 number - one singles of 1982 References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Cad , Saint . `` 10 More Famous Songs With Unknown Originals '' . . Retrieved 21 June 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` Outsight Radio Hours interview , 12 February 2012 '' . Retrieved 18 March 2012 . Jump up ^ `` alan merrill setlist '' . Tumblr . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 10 . Jump up ^ `` I Love Rock and Roll '' . . Archived from the original on 26 February 2017 . Retrieved 2009 - 09 - 20 . ^ Jump up to : `` Ten hits you may not know were cover versions '' . BBC News . Retrieved 14 October 2014 Jump up ^ Huey , Steve . `` I Love Rock N ' Roll -- Song Review '' . Allmusic . Rovi Corporation . Retrieved February 20 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Talevski , Nick ( 2006 ) . Rock Obituaries - Knocking On Heaven 's Door . Omnibus Press . p. 100 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 8460 - 9091 - 2 . Cordell joined Kenny Laguna , his former session player and then manager of Joan Jett & the Blackhearts , to co-produce the group 's chart - topping hard - rock anthem ' I Love Rock ' N Roll ' . Jump up ^ Whitburn , Joel ( 2004 ) . The Billboard Book of Top 40 Hits , 8th Edition ( Billboard Publications ) , page 322 . Jump up ^ `` Rolling Stone - The 100 Greatest Guitar Songs of All Time '' . Archived from the original on 30 May 2008 . Retrieved 5 April 2017 . CS1 maint : BOT : original - url status unknown ( link ) . Retrieved 2011 - 01 - 24 . `` With the first primal power chord , Jett obliterated her image as a teenage girl - group novelty in the Runaways . The squealing riffs matched her new leather - clad tough - girl image and made her case as one of the fiercest female guitarists of all time . '' Jump up ^ `` The Recording Academy Announces 2016 Grammy Hall of Fame Inductees '' . Recording Academy . Retrieved February 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Archived 30 September 2008 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` Australia n ° 1 Hits - 80 's '' . . Archived from the original on 20 May 2011 . Retrieved 12 June 2013 . Jump up ^ `` -- Joan Jett & The Blackhearts -- I Love Rock'n Roll '' ( in German ) . Ö3 Austria Top 40 . Jump up ^ `` -- Joan Jett & The Blackhearts -- I Love Rock'n Roll '' ( in Dutch ) . Ultratop 50 . Jump up ^ Lwin , Nanda . Top 40 Hits : the essential chart guide ( 2000 ) . Jump up ^ Hung Medien . `` I love rock'n'roll in French Chart '' . Archived from the original on 20 September 2013 . Retrieved 12 June 2013 . You have to use the index at the top of the page and search `` Joan Jett & the Blackhearts '' Jump up ^ `` -- Joan Jett & The Blackhearts -- I Love Rock'n Roll '' . GfK Entertainment Charts . ^ Jump up to : `` I love rock'n'roll in Irish Chart '' . IRMA . Archived from the original on 3 June 2009 . Retrieved 12 June 2013 . Only results when searching `` I Love Rock ' n Roll '' Jump up ^ `` Indice per Interprete : J '' . HitParadeItalia ( it ) . Retrieved 12 June 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Nederlandse Top 40 -- Joan Jett & The Blackhearts '' ( in Dutch ) . Dutch Top 40 . Jump up ^ `` -- Joan Jett & The Blackhearts -- I Love Rock'n Roll '' ( in Dutch ) . Single Top 100 . Jump up ^ `` -- Joan Jett & The Blackhearts -- I Love Rock'n Roll '' . Top 40 Singles . Jump up ^ John Samson . `` I love rock'n'roll in South African Chart '' . Retrieved 12 June 2013 . Jump up ^ `` -- Joan Jett & The Blackhearts -- I Love Rock'n Roll '' . Singles Top 100 . Jump up ^ `` -- Joan Jett & The Blackhearts -- I Love Rock'n Roll '' . Swiss Singles Chart . Jump up ^ `` 1982 Top 40 Official UK Singles Archive - 8th May 1982 '' . Official Charts Company . Retrieved 12 June 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` I Love Rock'n'Roll awards on Allmusic '' . Allmusic . Retrieved 12 June 2013 . Jump up ^ Cash Box Top 100 Singles , March 27 , 1982 Jump up ^ `` Listy bestsellerów , wyróżnienia : : Związek Producentów Audio - Video '' . Polish Airplay Top 100 . Retrieved 23 November 2015 . Jump up ^ Kent , David ( 1993 ) . Australian Chart Book 1970 -- 1992 ( doc ) format = requires url = ( help ) . Australian Chart Book , St Ives , N.S.W. ISBN 0 - 646 - 11917 - 6 . Jump up ^ `` Item Display - RPM - Library and Archives Canada '' . . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Top Selling Singles of 1982 The Official New Zealand Music Chart Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Cash Box Year - End Charts : Top 100 Pop Singles , December 25 , 1982 Jump up ^ `` Britney Spears -- I Love Rock ' N ' Roll '' . . Discogs . n.d . Retrieved 4 February 2017 . Released : 27 May 2002 Jump up ^ Dingwall , John ( 5 November 2001 ) . `` OTR ... Off the Record : Your Time Is Up , Jacko ; Britney Wants Album Top Slot '' . Daily Record . Scotland . p. 19 . Jump up ^ Jim DeRogatis ( 4 November 2001 ) . `` What Britney said , or should have '' . Chicago Sun - Times . Archived from the original on 16 November 2001 . Retrieved 26 February 2012 . Jump up ^ Kessler , Ted ( 30 October 2001 ) . `` NME Albums Reviews -- Britney Spears : ' Britney Pop 's Number One act ? She did it again ... ' '' . NME . Retrieved 2 January 2011 . Jump up ^ Barry Walters ( 22 November 2001 ) . `` Britney review '' . Rolling Stone . Archived from the original on 12 February 2007 . Retrieved 2 January 2012 . Jump up ^ Tranter , Nikki ( 5 November 2001 ) . `` Britney Spears : Britney < PopMatters > '' . PopMatters . Retrieved 2 January 2012 . Jump up ^ Britney Music . ( 12 November 2001 ) . Retrieved on 2 January 2012 . Jump up ^ Britney Spears -- I Love Rock ' n ' Roll ( UK ) Archived 9 May 2007 at the Wayback Machine . Retrieved on 22 May 2007 Jump up ^ `` -- Britney Spears -- I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' . ARIA Top 50 Singles . Jump up ^ `` -- Britney Spears -- I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( in German ) . Ö3 Austria Top 40 . Jump up ^ `` -- Britney Spears -- I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( in Dutch ) . Ultratop 50 . Jump up ^ `` -- Britney Spears -- I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( in French ) . Ultratop 50 . Jump up ^ `` Britney Spears : I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( in Finnish ) . Musiikkituottajat -- IFPI Finland . Jump up ^ `` -- Britney Spears -- I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' . GfK Entertainment Charts . Jump up ^ `` Archívum -- Slágerlisták -- MAHASZ -- Magyar Hangfelvétel - kiadók Szövetsége '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 11 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` -- Britney Spears -- I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' . Top Digital Download . Jump up ^ `` Nederlandse Top 40 -- Britney Spears '' ( in Dutch ) . Dutch Top 40 . Jump up ^ `` -- Britney Spears -- I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( in Dutch ) . Single Top 100 . Jump up ^ `` '' . Retrieved November 24 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Official Scottish Singles Sales Chart Top 100 '' . Official Charts Company . Retrieved 22 June 2015 . Jump up ^ `` -- Britney Spears -- I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' . Singles Top 100 . Jump up ^ `` -- Britney Spears -- I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' . Swiss Singles Chart . Jump up ^ `` Official Singles Chart Top 100 '' . Official Charts Company . Retrieved 17 January 2014 . Jump up ^ `` ARIA Charts - End of Year Charts - Top 100 Singles 2002 '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 03 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` Ultratop Belgian Charts '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 03 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` Offizielle Deutsche Charts - Offizielle Deutsche Charts '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 03 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` Årslista Singlar - År 2002 '' . Archived from the original on 1 February 2016 . Retrieved 11 November 2015 . Jump up ^ Steffen Hung . `` Swiss Year - End Charts 2002 '' . . Archived from the original on 2 April 2016 . Retrieved 14 March 2016 . Jump up ^ `` ARIA Charts -- Accreditations -- 2002 Singles '' . Australian Recording Industry Association . Retrieved 17 January 2014 . Jump up ^ `` I Love Rock ' N ' Roll ( Single ) '' . . Retrieved 17 January 2014 . Jump up ^ `` I Love Rock'n'Roll '' . . Retrieved 17 January 2014 . Jump up ^ `` I Love Rock and Roll ( Single , Maxi ) '' . . Retrieved 17 January 2014 . Jump up ^ `` -- Alex Gaudino & Jason Rooney -- I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' ( in French ) . Ultratip . Jump up ^ `` I Love Rock N ' Roll : Alex Gaudino & Jason Rooney : : MP3 Downloads '' . . Retrieved 8 October 2011 . Jump up ^ `` I Love Rock'n'roll by Forever Young - Music Charts '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 10 . External links ( edit ) History of the song `` I Love Rock ' n Roll '' Bill Harry 's Merseybeat article Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics Joan Jett / Joan Jett and the Blackhearts Studio albums Joan Jett / Bad Reputation I Love Rock ' n Roll Album Glorious Results of a Misspent Youth Good Music Up Your Alley The Hit List Notorious Pure and Simple Naked Sinner Unvarnished Compilation albums Do You Wanna Touch Me Flashback Great Hits Fit to Be Tied Fetish Jett Rock Greatest Hits EPs I Love Rock ' n ' Roll 92 1979 Cherry Bomb Unfinished Business Singles `` Bad Reputation '' `` Do You Wanna Touch Me ( Oh Yeah ) '' `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' `` Crimson and Clover '' `` Everyday People '' `` I Love You Love Me Love '' `` Cherry Bomb '' `` Roadrunner '' `` Light of Day '' `` I Hate Myself for Loving You '' `` Dirty Deeds '' `` Love Hurts '' `` Have You Ever Seen the Rain ? '' `` Androgynous '' Related articles Discography The Runaways Evil Stig Book : Joan Jett Britney Spears songs Discography ... Baby One More Time `` ... Baby One More Time '' `` ( You Drive Me ) Crazy '' `` Sometimes '' `` Born to Make You Happy '' `` From the Bottom of My Broken Heart '' `` The Beat Goes On '' Oops ! ... I Did It Again `` Oops ! ... I Did It Again '' `` Stronger '' `` ( I Ca n't Get No ) Satisfaction '' `` Do n't Let Me Be the Last to Know '' `` Lucky '' `` You Got It All '' Britney `` I 'm a Slave 4 U '' `` Overprotected '' `` I 'm Not a Girl , Not Yet a Woman '' `` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' `` Anticipating '' `` Boys '' In the Zone `` Me Against the Music '' `` Toxic '' `` Outrageous '' `` Everytime '' Greatest Hits : My Prerogative `` My Prerogative '' `` ( I 've Just Begun ) Having My Fun '' `` Do Somethin ' '' Blackout `` Gimme More '' `` Piece of Me '' `` Radar '' `` Break the Ice '' Circus `` Womanizer '' `` Circus '' `` Out from Under '' `` Kill the Lights '' `` Shattered Glass '' `` If U Seek Amy '' `` Unusual You '' `` Mmm Papi '' `` Radar '' The Singles Collection `` 3 '' Femme Fatale `` Till the World Ends '' `` Hold It Against Me '' `` Inside Out '' `` I Wanna Go '' `` ( Drop Dead ) Beautiful '' `` Big Fat Bass '' `` Criminal '' Britney Jean `` Alien '' `` Work Bitch '' `` Perfume '' `` Passenger '' Glory `` Make Me ... 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when did the song i love rock and roll come out
`` I Love Rock ' n ' Roll '' is a rock song written in 1975 by Alan Merrill of the Arrows , who recorded the first released version . The song was later made famous by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts in 1982 . Alan Merrill still plays the song live in Europe , Japan and most often in his home town New York City .
North America - Wikipedia North America Jump to : navigation , search `` North American '' redirects here . For other uses , see North American ( disambiguation ) . Not to be confused with Northern America . This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( March 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) North America Area 24,709,000 km ( 9,540,000 sq mi ) ( 3rd ) Population 579,024,000 ( 2016 , 4th ) Population density 22.9 / km ( 59.3 / sq mi ) GDP ( nominal ) $21.2 trillion ( 2016 , 2nd ) GDP ( PPP ) $24.4 trillion ( 2016 , 3rd ) GDP per capita $41,830 ( 2016 , 1st ) Demonym North American Countries 23 Dependencies 22 ( see list of countries ) Largest cities Largest urban areas : New York City Mexico City Los Angeles Chicago Boston Toronto Dallas -- Fort Worth San Francisco Houston Miami Philadelphia North America is a continent entirely within the Northern Hemisphere and almost all within the Western Hemisphere ; it is also considered by some to be a northern subcontinent of the Americas . It is bordered to the north by the Arctic Ocean , to the east by the Atlantic Ocean , to the west and south by the Pacific Ocean , and to the southeast by South America and the Caribbean Sea . North America covers an area of about 24,709,000 square kilometers ( 9,540,000 square miles ) , about 16.5 % of the earth 's land area and about 4.8 % of its total surface . North America is the third largest continent by area , following Asia and Africa , and the fourth by population after Asia , Africa , and Europe . In 2013 , its population was estimated at nearly 565 million people in 23 independent states , or about 7.5 % of the world 's population , if nearby islands ( most notably the Caribbean ) are included . North America was reached by its first human populations during the last glacial period , via crossing the Bering land bridge approximately 40,000 to 17,000 years ago . The so - called Paleo - Indian period is taken to have lasted until about 10,000 years ago ( the beginning of the Archaic or Meso - Indian period ) . The Classic stage spans roughly the 6th to 13th centuries . The Pre-Columbian era ended in 1492 , and the transatlantic migrations -- the arrival of European settlers during the Age of Discovery and the Early Modern period . Present - day cultural and ethnic patterns reflect different kinds of interactions between European colonists , indigenous peoples , African slaves and their descendants . European influences are strongest in the northern parts of the continent while indigenous and African influences are relatively stronger in the south . Because of the history of colonialism , most North Americans speak English , Spanish or French and societies and states commonly reflect Western traditions . Contents ( hide ) 1 Name 2 Extent 2.1 Regions 2.2 Countries , territories , and dependencies 3 History 3.1 Geologic history 3.2 Pre-Columbian 3.3 Colonial period 4 Geography 5 Geology 5.1 Canadian geology 5.2 United States geology 5.3 Central American geology 6 Climate 7 Ecology 8 Demographics 8.1 Languages 8.2 Religions 8.3 Populace 9 Economy 9.1 Transport 9.2 Communications 10 Culture 10.1 Sports 11 See also 12 Notes 13 References 14 External links Name Map of North America , from 1621 The Americas are usually accepted as having been named after the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci by the German cartographers Martin Waldseemüller and Matthias Ringmann . Vespucci , who explored South America between 1497 and 1502 , was the first European to suggest that the Americas were not the East Indies , but a different landmass previously unknown by Europeans . In 1507 , Waldseemüller produced a world map , in which he placed the word `` America '' on the continent of South America , in the middle of what is today Brazil . He explained the rationale for the name in the accompanying book Cosmographiae Introductio : ... ab Americo inventore ... quasi Americi terram sive Americam ( from Americus the discoverer ... as if it were the land of Americus , thus America ) . For Waldseemüller , no one should object to the naming of the land after its discoverer . He used the Latinized version of Vespucci 's name ( Americus Vespucius ) , but in its feminine form `` America '' , following the examples of `` Europa '' , `` Asia '' and `` Africa '' . Later , other mapmakers extended the name America to the northern continent , In 1538 , Gerard Mercator used America on his map of the world for all the Western Hemisphere . Some argue that the convention is to use the surname for naming discoveries except in the case of royalty and so a derivation from `` Amerigo Vespucci '' could be problematic . Ricardo Palma ( 1949 ) proposed a derivation from the `` Amerrique '' mountains of Central America -- Vespucci was the first to discover South America and the Amerrique mountains of Central America , which connected his discoveries to those of Christopher Columbus . Alfred E. Hudd proposed a theory in 1908 that the continents are named after a Welsh merchant named Richard Amerike from Bristol , who is believed to have financed John Cabot 's voyage of discovery from England to Newfoundland in 1497 . A minutely explored belief that has been advanced is that America was named for a Spanish sailor bearing the ancient Visigothic name of ' Amairick ' . Another is that the name is rooted in a Native American language . Extent The term North America maintains various definitions in accordance with location and context . In Canadian English , North America may be used to refer to the United States and Canada together . Alternatively , usage sometimes includes Greenland and Mexico ( as in the North American Free Trade Agreement ) , as well as offshore islands . The UN geoscheme for `` North America '' separates Mexico from the United States and Canada , placing it instead within its designated `` Central America '' region , while also treating the islands of the Caribbean separately from the US / Canada definition -- the UN 's `` North America '' definition still includes the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and Greenland together with the US / Canada continental definition , with both insular entities being tectonically on the North American plate . In France , Italy , Portugal , Spain , Romania , Greece , and the countries of Latin America , the cognates of North America usually designate a subcontinent of the Americas comprising Canada , the United States , and Mexico , and often Greenland , Saint Pierre et Miquelon , and Bermuda . North America has been historically referred to by other names . Spanish North America ( New Spain ) was often referred to as Northern America , and this was the first official name given to Mexico . Regions See also : List of regions of Canada and List of regions of the United States Geographically the North American continent has many regions and subregions . These include cultural , economic , and geographic regions . Economic regions included those formed by trade blocs , such as the North American Trade Agreement bloc and Central American Trade Agreement . Linguistically and culturally , the continent could be divided into Anglo - America and Latin America . Anglo - America includes most of Northern America , Belize , and Caribbean islands with English - speaking populations ( though sub-national entities , such as Louisiana and Quebec , are Francophone in composition ) . The southern North American continent is composed of two regions . These are Central America and the Caribbean . The north of the continent maintains recognized regions as well . In contrast to the common definition of `` North America '' , that which encompasses the whole continent , the term `` North America '' is also used to refer to Canada , Mexico , the United States , and Greenland . The term Northern America refers to the northern-most countries and territories of North America , Canada , the United States , Greenland , Bermuda , and St. Pierre and Miquelon . Although the term does not refer to a unified region , Middle America -- not to be confused with the Midwestern United States -- groups the regions of Central America , the Caribbean , and Mexico . The largest countries of the continent , Canada and the United States , also contain well - defined and recognized regions . In the case of Canada these are the British Columbia Coast , Canadian Prairies , Central Canada , Atlantic Canada , and Northern Canada . These regions also contain many subregions . In the case of the United States -- and in accordance with the US Census Bureau definitions -- these regions are : New England , Mid-Atlantic , East North Central States , West North Central States , South Atlantic States , East South Central States , West South Central States , Mountain States , and Pacific States . Regions shared between both nations included the Great Lakes Region . Megalopolises have also formed between both nations in the case of the Pacific Northwest and the Great Lakes Megaregion . Countries , territories , and dependencies Main article : List of sovereign states and dependent territories in North America Flag Country or territory Area ( km ) Population ( 2016 est . ) Population density ( per km ) Capital Anguilla ( UK ) 7001910000000000000 ♠ 91 14,764 164.8 The Valley Antigua and Barbuda 7002442000000000000 ♠ 442 100,963 199.1 St. John 's Aruba ( NLD ) 7002180000000000000 ♠ 180 104,822 594.4 Oranjestad The Bahamas 7004139430000000000 ♠ 13,943 391,232 24.5 Nassau Barbados 7002430000000000000 ♠ 430 284,996 595.3 Bridgetown Belize 7004229660000000000 ♠ 22,966 366,954 13.4 Belmopan Bermuda ( UK ) 7001540000000000000 ♠ 54 61,666 1203.7 Hamilton Bonaire ( NLD ) 7002294000000000000 ♠ 294 7004120930000000000 ♠ 12,093 41.1 Kralendijk British Virgin Islands ( UK ) 7002151000000000000 ♠ 151 30,661 152.3 Road Town Canada 7006998467000000000 ♠ 9,984,670 36,289,822 3.4 Ottawa Cayman Islands ( UK ) 7002264000000000000 ♠ 264 60,765 212.1 George Town Clipperton Island ( FRA ) 7000600000000000000 ♠ 6 5000000000000000000 ♠ 0 0.0 -- Costa Rica 7004511000000000000 ♠ 51,100 4,857,274 89.6 San José Cuba 7005109886000000000 ♠ 109,886 11,475,982 102.0 Havana Curaçao ( NLD ) 7002444000000000000 ♠ 444 159,371 317.1 Willemstad Dominica 7002751000000000000 ♠ 751 73,543 89.2 Roseau Dominican Republic 7004486710000000000 ♠ 48,671 10,648,791 207.3 Santo Domingo El Salvador 7004210410000000000 ♠ 21,041 6,344,722 293.0 San Salvador Greenland ( Denmark ) 7006216608600000000 ♠ 2,166,086 56,412 0.026 Nuuk Grenada 7002344000000000000 ♠ 344 107,317 302.3 St. George 's Guadeloupe ( FRA ) 7003162800000000000 ♠ 1,628 449,975 246.7 Basse - Terre Guatemala 7005108889000000000 ♠ 108,889 16,582,469 128.8 Guatemala City Haiti 7004277500000000000 ♠ 27,750 10,847,334 361.5 Port - au - Prince Honduras 7005112492000000000 ♠ 112,492 9,112,867 66.4 Tegucigalpa Jamaica 7004109910000000000 ♠ 10,991 2,881,355 247.4 Kingston Martinique ( FRA ) 7003112800000000000 ♠ 1,128 385,103 352.6 Fort - de-France Mexico 7006196437500000000 ♠ 1,964,375 127,540,423 57.1 Mexico City Montserrat ( UK ) 7002102000000000000 ♠ 102 5,152 58.8 Plymouth ( Brades ) Navassa Island ( United States ) 7000500000000000000 ♠ 5 5000000000000000000 ♠ 0 0.0 Nicaragua 7005130373000000000 ♠ 130,373 6,149,928 44.1 Managua Panama 7004754170000000000 ♠ 75,417 4,034,119 45.8 Panama City Puerto Rico ( United States ) 7003887000000000000 ♠ 8,870 3,667,903 448.9 San Juan Saba ( NLD ) 7001130000000000000 ♠ 13 7003153700000000000 ♠ 1,537 118.2 The Bottom Saint Barthélemy ( FRA ) 7001210000000000000 ♠ 21 7003744800000000000 ♠ 7,448 354.7 Gustavia Saint Kitts and Nevis 7002261000000000000 ♠ 261 54,821 199.2 Basseterre Saint Lucia 7002539000000000000 ♠ 539 178,015 319.1 Castries Saint Martin ( FRA ) 7001540000000000000 ♠ 54 7004298200000000000 ♠ 29,820 552.2 Marigot Saint Pierre and Miquelon ( FRA ) 7002242000000000000 ♠ 242 6,305 24.8 Saint - Pierre Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 7002389000000000000 ♠ 389 109,643 280.2 Kingstown Sint Eustatius ( NLD ) 7001210000000000000 ♠ 21 7003273900000000000 ♠ 2,739 130.4 Oranjestad Sint Maarten ( NLD ) 7001340000000000000 ♠ 34 39,537 1176.7 Philipsburg Trinidad and Tobago 7003513000000000000 ♠ 5,130 1,364,962 261.0 Port of Spain Turks and Caicos Islands ( UK ) 7002948000000000000 ♠ 948 34,900 34.8 Cockburn Town United States 7006962909100000000 ♠ 9,629,091 322,179,605 32.7 Washington , D.C. United States Virgin Islands ( United States ) 7002347000000000000 ♠ 347 104,913 317.0 Charlotte Amalie Total 7007245009950000000 ♠ 24,500,995 7008541720440000000 ♠ 541,720,440 22.9 History Main article : History of North America Geologic history Principal hydrological divides of Canada , the United States and Mexico Laurentia is an ancient craton which forms the geologic core of North America ; it formed between 1.5 and 1.0 billion years ago during the Proterozoic eon . The Canadian Shield is the largest exposure of this craton . From the Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic eras , North America was joined with the other modern - day continents as part of the supercontinent Pangaea , with Eurasia to its east . One of the results of the formation of Pangaea was the Appalachian Mountains , which formed some 480 million years ago , making it among the oldest mountain ranges in the world . When Pangaea began to rift around 200 million years ago , North America became part of Laurasia , before it separated from Eurasia as its own continent during the mid-Cretaceous period . The Rockies and other western mountain ranges began forming around this time from a period of mountain building called the Laramide orogeny , between 80 and 55 million years ago . The formation of the Isthmus of Panama that connected the continent to South America arguably occurred approximately 12 to 15 million years ago , and the Great Lakes ( as well as many other northern freshwater lakes and rivers ) were carved by receding glaciers about 10,000 years ago . North America is the source of much of what humanity knows about geologic time periods . The geographic area that would later become the United States has been the source of more varieties of dinosaurs than any other modern country . According to paleontologist Peter Dodson , this is primarily due to stratigraphy , climate and geography , human resources , and history . Much of the Mesozoic Era is represented by exposed outcrops in the many arid regions of the continent . The most significant Late Jurassic dinosaur - bearing fossil deposit in North America is the Morrison Formation of the western United States . Pre-Columbian The El Castillo pyramid , at Chichén Itzá , Mexico The indigenous peoples of North America have many creation myths by which they assert that they have been present on the land since its creation . The specifics of Paleo - Indian migration to and throughout the Americas , including the exact dates and routes traveled , are subject to ongoing research and discussion . The traditional theory has been that these early migrants moved into the Beringia land bridge between eastern Siberia and present - day Alaska around 25,000 to 11,000 years ago . The few agreements achieved to date are the origin from Central Asia , with widespread habitation of the Americas during the end of the last glacial period , or more specifically what is known as the late glacial maximum , around 13,000 years before present . Some genetic research indicated secondary waves of migration occurred after the initial Paleo - Indian colonization , but prior to modern Inuit , Inupiat and Yupik expansions . Before contact with Europeans , the natives of North America were divided into many different polities , from small bands of a few families to large empires . They lived in several `` culture areas '' , which roughly correspond to geographic and biological zones and give a good indication of the main lifeway or occupation of the people who lived there ( e.g. , the bison hunters of the Great Plains , or the farmers of Mesoamerica ) . Native groups can also be classified by their language family ( e.g. , Athapascan or Uto - Aztecan ) . Peoples with similar languages did not always share the same material culture , nor were they always allies . Anthropologists think that the Inuit people of the high Arctic came to North America much later than other native groups , as evidenced by the disappearance of Dorset culture artifacts from the archaeological record , and their replacement by the Thule people . During the thousands of years of native habitation on the continent , cultures changed and shifted . One of the oldest cultures yet found is the Clovis culture of modern New Mexico . Later cultures include the Mississippian culture and related Mound building cultures , found in the Mississippi river valley and the Pueblo culture of what is now the Four Corners . The more southern cultural groups of North America were responsible for the domestication of many common crops now used around the world , such as tomatoes and squash . Perhaps most importantly they domesticated one of the world 's major staples , maize ( corn ) . The earliest verifiable instance of pre-Columbian trans - oceanic contact by any European culture with the landmasses that geologically constitute the `` mainland '' of modern North America has been dated to the end of the 10th century CE -- this site , situated at the northernmost extent of the island named Newfoundland , is known as L'Anse aux Meadows , where unmistakable evidence of Norse settlement was uncovered in the early 1960s . As a result of the development of agriculture in the south , many important cultural advances were made there . For example , the Maya civilization developed a writing system , built huge pyramids and temples , had a complex calendar , and developed the concept of zero around 400 CE , a few hundred years after the Mesopotamians . The Mayan culture was still present in southern Mexico and Guatemala when the Spanish explorers arrived , but political dominance in the area had shifted to the Aztec Empire whose capital city Tenochtitlan was located further north in the Valley of Mexico . The Aztecs were conquered in 1521 by Hernán Cortés . Colonial period Benjamin West 's The Death of General Wolfe ( 1771 ) depicting the Battle of the Plains of Abraham Main article : European colonization of the Americas Further information : Timeline of the European colonization of North America , British America , French America , Viceroyalty of New Spain , and Russian colonization of the Americas During the Age of Discovery , Europeans explored and staked claims to various parts of North America . Upon their arrival in the `` New World '' , the Native American population declined substantially , because of violent conflicts with the invaders and the introduction of European diseases to which the Native Americans lacked immunity . Native culture changed drastically and their affiliation with political and cultural groups also changed . Several linguistic groups died out , and others changed quite quickly . The names and cultures that Europeans recorded were not necessarily the same as the names they had used a few generations before , or the ones in use today . Britain , Spain , and France took over extensive territories in North America -- and fought over them . In the late 18th century and beginning of the 19th , independence movements that sprung up across the continent , led to the creation of the modern countries in the area . The 13 British colonies on the North Atlantic coast declared independence in 1776 , becoming the United States of America . Canada was formed from the unification of northern territories controlled by Britain and France . New Spain , a territory that stretched from modern - day southern US to Central America , declared independence in 1810 , becoming the First Mexican Empire . In 1823 the former Captaincy General of Guatemala , then part of the Mexican Empire , became the first independent state in Central America , officially changing its name to the United Provinces of Central America . Geography Main article : Geography of North America Satellite imagery of North America North America occupies the northern portion of the landmass generally referred to as the New World , the Western Hemisphere , the Americas , or simply America ( which , less commonly , is considered by some as a single continent with North America a subcontinent ) . North America 's only land connection to South America is at the Isthmus of Panama . The continent is delimited on the southeast by most geographers at the Darién watershed along the Colombia - Panama border , placing all of Panama within North America . Alternatively , some geologists physiographically locate its southern limit at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec , Mexico , with Central America extending southeastward to South America from this point . The Caribbean islands , or West Indies , are considered part of North America . The continental coastline is long and irregular . The Gulf of Mexico is the largest body of water indenting the continent , followed by Hudson Bay . Others include the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the Gulf of California . Before the Central American isthmus formed , the region had been underwater . The islands of the West Indies delineate a submerged former land bridge , which had connected North and South America via what are now Florida and Venezuela . There are numerous islands off the continent 's coasts ; principally , the Arctic Archipelago , the Bahamas , Turks & Caicos , the Greater and Lesser Antilles , the Aleutian Islands ( some of which are in the Eastern Hemisphere proper ) , the Alexander Archipelago , the many thousand islands of the British Columbia Coast , and Newfoundland . Greenland , a self - governing Danish island , and the world 's largest , is on the same tectonic plate ( the North American Plate ) and is part of North America geographically . In a geologic sense , Bermuda is not part of the Americas , but an oceanic island which was formed on the fissure of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge over 100 million years ago . The nearest landmass to it is Cape Hatteras , North Carolina . However , Bermuda is often thought of as part of North America , especially given its historical , political and cultural ties to Virginia and other parts of the continent . Moraine Lake in Banff National Park The vast majority of North America is on the North American Plate . Parts of western Mexico , including Baja California , and of California , including the cities of San Diego , Los Angeles , and Santa Cruz , lie on the eastern edge of the Pacific Plate , with the two plates meeting along the San Andreas fault . The southernmost portion of the continent and much of the West Indies lie on the Caribbean Plate , whereas the Juan de Fuca and Cocos plates border the North American Plate on its western frontier . The continent can be divided into four great regions ( each of which contains many subregions ) : the Great Plains stretching from the Gulf of Mexico to the Canadian Arctic ; the geologically young , mountainous west , including the Rocky Mountains , the Great Basin , California and Alaska ; the raised but relatively flat plateau of the Canadian Shield in the northeast ; and the varied eastern region , which includes the Appalachian Mountains , the coastal plain along the Atlantic seaboard , and the Florida peninsula . Mexico , with its long plateaus and cordilleras , falls largely in the western region , although the eastern coastal plain does extend south along the Gulf . The western mountains are split in the middle into the main range of the Rockies and the coast ranges in California , Oregon , Washington , and British Columbia , with the Great Basin -- a lower area containing smaller ranges and low - lying deserts -- in between . The highest peak is Denali in Alaska . The United States Geographical Survey ( USGS ) states that the geographic center of North America is `` 6 miles ( 10 km ) west of Balta , Pierce County , North Dakota '' at about 48 ° 10 ′ N 100 ° 10 ′ W  /  48.167 ° N 100.167 ° W  / 48.167 ; - 100.167 , about 24 kilometres ( 15 mi ) from Rugby , North Dakota . The USGS further states that `` No marked or monumented point has been established by any government agency as the geographic center of either the 50 States , the conterminous United States , or the North American continent . '' Nonetheless , there is a 4.6 - metre ( 15 ft ) field stone obelisk in Rugby claiming to mark the center . The North American continental pole of inaccessibility is located 1,650 km ( 1,030 mi ) from the nearest coastline , between Allen and Kyle , South Dakota at 43 ° 22 ′ N 101 ° 58 ′ W  /  43.36 ° N 101.97 ° W  / 43.36 ; - 101.97  ( Pole of Inaccessibility North America ) . Geology Main article : Geology of North America Geologic Map of North America published by USGS Sedimentary , volcanic , plutonic , and metamorphic rock types of North America Canadian geology Geologically , Canada is one of the oldest regions in the world , with more than half of the region consisting of precambrian rocks that have been above sea level since the beginning of the Palaeozoic era . Canada 's mineral resources are diverse and extensive . Across the Canadian Shield and in the north there are large iron , nickel , zinc , copper , gold , lead , molybdenum , and uranium reserves . Large diamond concentrations have been recently developed in the Arctic , making Canada one of the world 's largest producers . Throughout the Shield there are many mining towns extracting these minerals . The largest , and best known , is Sudbury , Ontario . Sudbury is an exception to the normal process of forming minerals in the Shield since there is significant evidence that the Sudbury Basin is an ancient meteorite impact crater . The nearby , but less known Temagami Magnetic Anomaly has striking similarities to the Sudbury Basin . Its magnetic anomalies are very similar to the Sudbury Basin , and so it could be a second metal - rich impact crater . The Shield is also covered by vast boreal forests that support an important logging industry . United States geology The lower 48 US states can be divided into roughly five physiographic provinces : The American cordillera The Canadian Shield Northern portion of the upper midwestern United States . The stable platform The coastal plain The Appalachian orogenic belt The geology of Alaska is typical of that of the cordillera , while the major islands of Hawaii consist of Neogene volcanics erupted over a hot spot . North America bedrock and terrain North American cratons and basement rocks Central American geology Central America rests in the Caribbean Plate . Central America is geologically active with volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occurring from time to time . In 1976 Guatemala was hit by a major earthquake , killing 23,000 people ; Managua , the capital of Nicaragua , was devastated by earthquakes in 1931 and 1972 , the last one killing about 5,000 people ; three earthquakes devastated El Salvador , one in 1986 and two in 2001 ; one earthquake devastated northern and central Costa Rica in 2009 , killing at least 34 people ; in Honduras a powerful earthquake killed seven people in 2009 . Volcanic eruptions are common in the region . In 1968 the Arenal Volcano , in Costa Rica , erupted and killed 87 people . Fertile soils from weathered volcanic lavas have made it possible to sustain dense populations in the agriculturally productive highland areas . Central America has many mountain ranges ; the longest are the Sierra Madre de Chiapas , the Cordillera Isabelia , and the Cordillera de Talamanca . Between the mountain ranges lie fertile valleys that are suitable for the people ; in fact , most of the population of Honduras , Costa Rica , and Guatemala live in valleys . Valleys are also suitable for the production of coffee , beans , and other crops . Climate North America map of Köppen climate classification North America is a very large continent which surpasses the Arctic Circle , and the Tropic of Cancer . Greenland , along with the Canadian Shield , is tundra with average temperatures ranging from 10 to 20 ° C ( 50 to 68 ° F ) , but central Greenland is composed of a very large ice sheet . This tundra radiates throughout Canada , but its border ends near the Rocky Mountains ( but still contains Alaska ) and at the end of the Canadian Shield , near the Great Lakes . Climate west of the Cascades is described as being a temperate weather with average precipitation 20 inches ( 510 mm ) . Climate in coastal California is described to be Mediterranean , with average temperatures in cities like San Francisco ranging from 57 to 70 ° F ( 14 to 21 ° C ) over the course of the year . Stretching from the East Coast to eastern North Dakota , and stretching down to Kansas , is the continental - humid climate featuring intense seasons , with a large amount of annual precipitation , with places like New York City averaging 50 inches ( 1,300 mm ) . Starting at the southern border of the continental - humid climate and stretching to the Gulf of Mexico ( whilst encompassing the eastern half of Texas ) is the subtropical climate . This area has the wettest cities in the contiguous U.S. with annual precipitation reaching 67 inches ( 1,700 mm ) in Mobile , Alabama . Stretching from the borders of the continental humid and subtropical climates , and going west to the Cascades Sierra Nevada , south to the southern tip of durango , north to the border with tundra climate , the steppe / desert climate is the driest climate in the U.S. Ecology This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( March 2015 ) See also : List of endangered plants in North America Notable North American fauna include the bison , black bear , prairie dog , turkey , pronghorn , raccoon , coyote and monarch butterfly . Notable plants that were domesticated in North America include tobacco , maize , squash , tomato , sunflower , blueberry , avocado , cotton , chile pepper and vanilla . Demographics Further information : Demographics of the United States , Demographics of Canada , and Demographics of Mexico Non-native nations ' control and claims over North America c. 1750 -- 2008 Native languages of the US , Canada and Greenland Economically , Canada and the United States are the wealthiest and most developed nations in the continent , followed by Mexico , a newly industrialized country . The countries of Central America and the Caribbean are at various levels of economic and human development . For example , small Caribbean island - nations , such as Barbados , Trinidad and Tobago , and Antigua and Barbuda , have a higher GDP ( PPP ) per capita than Mexico due to their smaller populations . Panama and Costa Rica have a significantly higher Human Development Index and GDP than the rest of the Central American nations . Additionally , despite Greenland 's vast resources in oil and minerals , much of them remain untapped , and the island is economically dependent on fishing , tourism , and subsidies from Denmark . Nevertheless , the island is highly developed . Demographically , North America is ethnically diverse . Its three main groups are Caucasians , Mestizos and Blacks . There is a significant minority of Indigenous Americans and Asians among other less numerous groups . Languages Main article : Languages of North America Languages spoken in the Americas The dominant languages in North America are English , Spanish , and French . Danish is prevalent in Greenland alongside Greenlandic , and Dutch is spoken side by side local languages in the Dutch Caribbean . The term Anglo - America is used to refer to the anglophone countries of the Americas : namely Canada ( where English and French are co-official ) and the United States , but also sometimes Belize and parts of the tropics , especially the Commonwealth Caribbean . Latin America refers to the other areas of the Americas ( generally south of the United States ) where the Romance languages , derived from Latin , of Spanish and Portuguese ( but French speaking countries are not usually included ) predominate : the other republics of Central America ( but not always Belize ) , part of the Caribbean ( not the Dutch - , English - , or French - speaking areas ) , Mexico , and most of South America ( except Guyana , Suriname , French Guiana ( France ) , and the Falkland Islands ( UK ) ) . The French language has historically played a significant role in North America and now retains a distinctive presence in some regions . Canada is officially bilingual . French is the official language of the Province of Quebec , where 95 % of the people speak it as either their first or second language , and it is co-official with English in the Province of New Brunswick . Other French - speaking locales include the Province of Ontario ( the official language is English , but there are an estimated 600,000 Franco - Ontarians ) , the Province of Manitoba ( co-official as de jure with English ) , the French West Indies and Saint - Pierre et Miquelon , as well as the US state of Louisiana , where French is also an official language . Haiti is included with this group based on historical association but Haitians speak both Creole and French . Similarly , French and French Antillean Creole is spoken in Saint Lucia and the Commonwealth of Dominica alongside English . Religions Main article : Religion in North America See also : Religions of the world Washington National Cathedral , in Washington , D.C. . The United States has the most people in the world identifying as Christian . Christianity is the largest religion in the United States , Canada and Mexico . According to a 2012 Pew Research Center survey , 77 % of the population considered themselves Christians . Christianity also is the predominant religion in the 23 dependent territories in North America . The United States has the largest Christian population in the world , with nearly 247 million Christians ( 70 % ) , although other countries have higher percentages of Christians among their populations . Mexico has the world 's second largest number of Catholics , surpassed only by Brazil . A 2015 study estimates about 493,000 Christian believers from a Muslim background in North America , most of them belonging to some form of Protestantism . According to the same study religiously unaffiliated ( include agnostic and atheist ) make up about 17 % of the population of Canada and the United States . No religion make up about 24 % of the United States population , and 24 % of Canada total population . Canada , the United States and Mexico host communities of both Jews ( 6 million or about 1.8 % ) , Buddhists ( 3.8 million or 1.1 % ) and Muslims ( 3.4 million or 1.0 % ) . The biggest number of Jewish individuals can be found in the United States ( 5.4 million ) , Canada ( 375,000 ) and Mexico ( 67,476 ) . The United States host the largest Muslim population in North America with 2.7 million or 0.9 % , While Canada host about one million Muslim or 3.2 % of the population . While in Mexico there were 3,700 Muslims in the country . In 2012 , U-T San Diego estimated U.S. practitioners of Buddhism at 1.2 million people , of whom 40 % are living in Southern California . The predominant religion in Central America is Christianity ( 96 % ) . Beginning with the Spanish colonization of Central America in the 16th century , Roman Catholicism became the most popular religion in the region until the first half of the 20th century . Since the 1960s , there has been an increase in other Christian groups , particularly Protestantism , as well as other religious organizations , and individuals identifying themselves as having no religion . Also Christianity is the predominant religion in the Caribbean ( 85 % ) . Other religious groups in the region are Hinduism , Islam , Rastafari ( in Jamaica ) , and Afro - American religions such as Santería and Vodou . Populace North American cities Mexico City Los Angeles Toronto Chicago New York City See also : List of North American countries by population , List of North American cities by population , and List of North American metropolitan areas by population The most populous country in North America is the United States with 318.4 million persons . The second largest country is Mexico with a population of 112,322,757 . Canada is the third most populous country with 32,623,490 . The majority of Caribbean island - nations have national populations under a million , though Cuba , Dominican Republic , Haiti , Puerto Rico ( a territory of the United States ) , Jamaica , and Trinidad and Tobago each have populations higher than a million . Greenland has a small population of 55,984 for its massive size ( 2,166,000 km2 or 836,300 mi2 ) , and therefore , it has the world 's lowest population density at 0.026 pop. / km2 ( 0.067 pop. / mi2 ) . While the United States , Canada , and Mexico maintain the largest populations , large city populations are not restricted to those nations . There are also large cities in the Caribbean . The largest cities in North America , by far , are Mexico City and New York . These cities are the only cities on the continent to exceed eight million , and two of three in the Americas . Next in size are Los Angeles , Toronto , Chicago , Havana , Santo Domingo , and Montreal . Cities in the sunbelt regions of the United States , such as those in Southern California and Houston , Phoenix , Miami , Atlanta , and Las Vegas , are experiencing rapid growth . These causes included warm temperatures , retirement of Baby Boomers , large industry , and the influx of immigrants . Cities near the United States border , particularly in Mexico , are also experiencing large amounts of growth . Most notable is Tijuana , a city bordering San Diego that receives immigrants from all over Latin America and parts of Europe and Asia . Yet as cities grow in these warmer regions of North America , they are increasingly forced to deal with the major issue of water shortages . Eight of the top ten metropolitan areas are located in the United States . These metropolitan areas all have a population of above 5.5 million and include the New York City metropolitan area , Los Angeles metropolitan area , Chicago metropolitan area , and the Dallas -- Fort Worth metroplex . Whilst the majority of the largest metropolitan areas are within the United States , Mexico is host to the largest metropolitan area by population in North America : Greater Mexico City . Canada also breaks into the top ten largest metropolitan areas with the Toronto metropolitan area having six million people . The proximity of cities to each other on the Canada -- United States border and Mexico -- United States border has led to the rise of international metropolitan areas . These urban agglomerations are observed at their largest and most productive in Detroit -- Windsor and San Diego -- Tijuana and experience large commercial , economic , and cultural activity . The metropolitan areas are responsible for millions of dollars of trade dependent on international freight . In Detroit - Windsor the Border Transportation Partnership study in 2004 concluded US $13 billion was dependent on the Detroit -- Windsor international border crossing while in San Diego - Tijuana freight at the Otay Mesa Port of Entry was valued at US $20 billion . North America has also been witness to the growth of megapolitan areas . In the United States exists eleven megaregions that transcend international borders and comprise Canadian and Mexican metropolitan regions . These are the Arizona Sun Corridor , Cascadia , Florida , Front Range , Great Lakes Megaregion , Gulf Coast Megaregion , Northeast , Northern California , Piedmont Atlantic , Southern California , and the Texas Triangle . Canada and Mexico are also the home of megaregions . These include the Quebec City -- Windsor Corridor , Golden Horseshoe -- both of which are considered part of the Great Lakes Megaregion -- and megalopolis of Central Mexico . Traditionally the largest megaregion has been considered the Boston - Washington , D.C. Corridor , or the Northeast , as the region is one massive contiguous area . Yet megaregion criterion have allowed the Great Lakes Megalopolis to maintain status as the most populated region , being home to 53,768,125 people in 2000 . The top ten largest North American metropolitan areas by population as of 2013 , based on national census numbers from the United States and census estimates from Canada and Mexico . Metro Area Population Area Country Mexico City 21,163,226 7,346 km ( 2,836 sq mi ) Mexico New York City 19,949,502 17,405 km ( 6,720 sq mi ) United States Los Angeles 13,131,431 12,562 km ( 4,850 sq mi ) United States Chicago 9,537,289 24,814 km ( 9,581 sq mi ) United States Dallas -- Fort Worth 6,810,913 24,059 km ( 9,289 sq mi ) United States Houston 6,313,158 26,061 km ( 10,062 sq mi ) United States Toronto 6,054,191 5,906 km ( 2,280 sq mi ) Canada Philadelphia 6,034,678 13,256 km ( 5,118 sq mi ) United States Washington , D.C. 5,949,859 14,412 km ( 5,565 sq mi ) United States Miami 5,828,191 15,896 km ( 6,137 sq mi ) United States ‌ 2011 Census figures . Economy Main article : Economy of North America See also : List of North American countries by GDP ( nominal ) and List of North American countries by GDP ( PPP ) Rank Country GDP ( PPP , peak year ) millions of USD Peak year United States 19,362,129 2017 Mexico 2,406,087 2017 Canada 1,763,785 2017 Cuba 254,865 2015 5 Dominican Republic 172,576 2017 6 Guatemala 138,276 2017 7 Puerto Rico 130,578 2014 8 Panama 99,430 2017 9 Costa Rica 85,203 2017 10 El Salvador 56,903 2017 Rank Country GDP ( nominal , peak year ) millions of USD Peak year United States 19,362,129 2017 Canada 1,842,627 2013 Mexico 1,298,466 2014 Puerto Rico 105,035 2016 5 Cuba 87,133 2015 6 Dominican Republic 74,873 2017 7 Guatemala 70,806 2017 8 Costa Rica 58,909 2017 9 Panama 59,051 2017 10 Trinidad and Tobago 27,870 2008 North America 's GDP per capita was evaluated in October 2016 by the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) to be $41,830 , making it the richest continent in the world , followed by Oceania . Canada , Mexico , and the United States have significant and multifaceted economic systems . The United States has the largest economy of all three countries and in the world . In 2016 , the U.S. had an estimated per capita gross domestic product ( PPP ) of $57,466 according to the World Bank , and is the most technologically developed economy of the three . The United States ' services sector comprises 77 % of the country 's GDP ( estimated in 2010 ) , industry comprises 22 % and agriculture comprises 1.2 % . The U.S. economy is also the fastest growing economy in North America and the Americas as a whole , with the highest GDP per capita in the Americas as well . Canada shows significant growth in the sectors of services , mining and manufacturing . Canada 's per capita GDP ( PPP ) was estimated at $44,656 and it had the 11th largest GDP ( nominal ) in 2014 . Canada 's services sector comprises 78 % of the country 's GDP ( estimated in 2010 ) , industry comprises 20 % and agriculture comprises 2 % . Mexico has a per capita GDP ( PPP ) of $16,111 and as of 2014 is the 15th largest GDP ( nominal ) in the world . Being a newly industrialized country , Mexico maintains both modern and outdated industrial and agricultural facilities and operations . Its main sources of income are oil , industrial exports , manufactured goods , electronics , heavy industry , automobiles , construction , food , banking and financial services . The North American economy is well defined and structured in three main economic areas . These areas are the North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) , Caribbean Community and Common Market ( CARICOM ) , and the Central American Common Market ( CACM ) . Of these trade blocs , the United States takes part in two . In addition to the larger trade blocs there is the Canada - Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement among numerous other free trade relations , often between the larger , more developed countries and Central American and Caribbean countries . The North America Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) forms one of the four largest trade blocs in the world . Its implementation in 1994 was designed for economic homogenization with hopes of eliminating barriers of trade and foreign investment between Canada , the United States and Mexico . While Canada and the United States already conducted the largest bilateral trade relationship -- and to present day still do -- in the world and Canada -- United States trade relations already allowed trade without national taxes and tariffs , NAFTA allowed Mexico to experience a similar duty - free trade . The free trade agreement allowed for the elimination of tariffs that had previously been in place on United States - Mexico trade . Trade volume has steadily increased annually and in 2010 , surface trade between the three NAFTA nations reached an all - time historical increase of 24.3 % or US $791 billion . The NAFTA trade bloc GDP ( PPP ) is the world 's largest with US $17.617 trillion . This is in part attributed to the fact that the economy of the United States is the world 's largest national economy ; the country had a nominal GDP of approximately $14.7 trillion in 2010 . The countries of NAFTA are also some of each other 's largest trade partners . The United States is the largest trade partner of Canada and Mexico ; while Canada and Mexico are each other 's third largest trade partners . The Caribbean trade bloc -- CARICOM -- came into agreement in 1973 when it was signed by 15 Caribbean nations . As of 2000 , CARICOM trade volume was US $96 billion . CARICOM also allowed for the creation of a common passport for associated nations . In the past decade the trade bloc focused largely on Free Trade Agreements and under the CARICOM Office of Trade Negotiations ( OTN ) free trade agreements have been signed into effect . Integration of Central American economies occurred under the signing of the Central American Common Market agreement in 1961 ; this was the first attempt to engage the nations of this area into stronger financial cooperation . Recent implementation of the Central American Free Trade Agreement ( CAFTA ) has left the future of the CACM unclear . The Central American Free Trade Agreement was signed by five Central American countries , the Dominican Republic , and the United States . The focal point of CAFTA is to create a free trade area similar to that of NAFTA . In addition to the United States , Canada also has relations in Central American trade blocs . Currently under proposal , the Canada -- Central American Free Trade Agreement ( CA4 ) would operate much the same as CAFTA with the United States does . These nations also take part in inter-continental trade blocs . Mexico takes a part in the G3 Free Trade Agreement with Colombia and Venezuela and has a trade agreement with the EU . The United States has proposed and maintained trade agreements under the Transatlantic Free Trade Area between itself and the European Union ; the US - Middle East Free Trade Area between numerous Middle Eastern nations and itself ; and the Trans - Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership between Southeast Asian nations , Australia , and New Zealand . Transport Main article : Transportation in North America The full Pan American Highway ( including South America ) , from Prudhoe Bay , Alaska to Ushuaia , Argentina The Pan-American Highway route in the Americas is the portion of a network of roads nearly 48,000 km ( 30,000 mi ) in length which travels through the mainland nations . No definitive length of the Pan-American Highway exists because the US and Canadian governments have never officially defined any specific routes as being part of the Pan-American Highway , and Mexico officially has many branches connecting to the US border . However , the total length of the portion from Mexico to the northern extremity of the highway is roughly 26,000 km ( 16,000 mi ) . 2006 map of the North American Class I railroad network The First Transcontinental Railroad in the United States was built in the 1860s , linking the railroad network of the eastern US with California on the Pacific coast . Finished on 10 May 1869 at the famous golden spike event at Promontory Summit , Utah , it created a nationwide mechanized transportation network that revolutionized the population and economy of the American West , catalyzing the transition from the wagon trains of previous decades to a modern transportation system . Although an accomplishment , it achieved the status of first transcontinental railroad by connecting myriad eastern US railroads to the Pacific and was not the largest single railroad system in the world . The Canadian Grand Trunk Railway ( GTR ) had , by 1867 , already accumulated more than 2,055 km ( 1,277 mi ) of track by connecting Ontario with the Canadian Atlantic provinces west as far as Port Huron , Michigan , through Sarnia , Ontario . Communications A shared telephone system known as the North American Numbering Plan ( NANP ) is an integrated telephone numbering plan of 24 countries and territories : the United States and its territories , Canada , Bermuda , and 17 Caribbean nations . Culture Canada and the United States were both former British colonies . There is frequent cultural interplay between the United States and English - speaking Canada . Greenland shares some cultural ties with the indigenous people of Canada but is considered Nordic and has strong Danish ties due to centuries of colonization by Denmark . Spanish - speaking North America shares a common past as former Spanish colonies . In Mexico and the Central American countries where civilizations like the Maya developed , indigenous people preserve traditions across modern boundaries . Central American and Spanish - speaking Caribbean nations have historically had more in common due to geographical proximity . Northern Mexico , particularly in the cities of Monterrey , Tijuana , Ciudad Juárez , and Mexicali , is strongly influenced by the culture and way of life of the United States . Of the aforementioned cities , Monterrey has been regarded as the most Americanized city in Mexico . Immigration to the United States and Canada remains a significant attribute of many nations close to the southern border of the US . The Anglophone Caribbean states have witnessed the decline of the British Empire and its influence on the region , and its replacement by the economic influence of Northern America . In the Anglophone Caribbean . This is partly due to the relatively small populations of the English - speaking Caribbean countries , and also because many of them now have more people living abroad than those remaining at home . Northern Mexico , the Western United States and Alberta , Canada share a cowboy culture . Sports Canada , Mexico and the US submitted a joint bid to host the 2026 FIFA World Cup . The following table shows the most prominent sports leagues in North America , in order of average revenue . League Sport Primary country Founded Teams Revenue US $ ( bn ) Average Attendance National Football League ( NFL ) American football United States 1920 32 $9.0 7004676040000000000 ♠ 67,604 Major League Baseball ( MLB ) Baseball United States Canada 1869 30 $8.0 7004304580000000000 ♠ 30,458 National Basketball Association ( NBA ) Basketball United States Canada 1946 30 $5.0 7004173470000000000 ♠ 17,347 National Hockey League ( NHL ) Ice hockey United States Canada 1917 31 $3.3 7004177200000000000 ♠ 17,720 Liga MX Football ( soccer ) Mexico 1943 18 $0.6 7004255570000000000 ♠ 25,557 Major League Soccer ( MLS ) Football ( soccer ) United States Canada 20 $0.5 7004215740000000000 ♠ 21,574 Jump up ^ MLS plans to expand to 21 teams in 2017 , and to 24 teams by 2020 . See also Main article : Outline of North America Flags of North America List of cities in North America North America portal Geography portal Notes Jump up ^ This North American density figure is based on a total land area of 23,090,542 km only , considerably less than the total combined land and water area of 24,709,000 km . ^ Jump up to : Depending on definitions , Aruba , Bonaire , Curaçao , Panama , and Trinidad and Tobago have territory in either or both of North and South America . Jump up ^ Since the Lucayan Archipelago is located in the Atlantic Ocean rather than Caribbean Sea , the Bahamas are part of the West Indies but are not technically part of the Caribbean , although the United Nations groups them with the Caribbean . Jump up ^ Because of ongoing activity of the Soufriere Hills volcano beginning in July 1995 , much of Plymouth was destroyed and government offices were relocated to Brades . Plymouth remains the de jure capital . Jump up ^ Panama is generally considered a North American country , though some authorities divide it at the Panama Canal . Figures listed here are for the entire country . Jump up ^ Since the Lucayan Archipelago is located in the Atlantic Ocean rather than Caribbean Sea , the Turks and Caicos Islands are part of the West Indies but are not technically part of the Caribbean , although the United Nations groups them with the Caribbean . Jump up ^ Includes the US state of Hawaii , which is distant from the North American landmass in the Pacific Ocean and therefore more commonly associated with the other territories of Oceania . References ^ Jump up to : International Monetary Fund ( October 2016 ) . `` List of North American countries by GDP per capita '' . World Economic Outlook . International Monetary Fund . Archived from the original on 24 September 2017 . Retrieved 22 February 2017 . CS1 maint : BOT : original - url status unknown ( link ) Jump up ^ `` '' ( PDF ) . ^ Jump up to : `` North America '' . Encyclopædia Britannica . Retrieved 3 February 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Map And Details Of All 7 Continents '' . . Retrieved September 2 , 2016 . In some parts of the world students are taught that there are only six continents , as they combine North America and South America into one continent called the Americas . Jump up ^ `` North America Land Forms and Statistics '' . World . Retrieved 16 June 2013 . Jump up ^ `` North America Fast Facts '' . World . Retrieved 16 June 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Amerigo Vespucci '' . Encyclopædia Britannica . Retrieved 7 July 2011 . Jump up ^ Herbermann , Charles George , ed. ( 1907 ) . The Cosmographiæ Introductio of Martin Waldseemüller in Facsimile . Translated by Edward Burke and Mario E. Cosenza , introduction by Joseph Fischer and Franz von Wieser . New York : The United States Catholic Historical Society . p. 9 . Latin : `` Quarta pars per Americum Vesputium ( ut in sequentibus audietur ) inventa est , quam non video , cur quis jure vetet , ab Americo inventore sagacis ingenii viro Amerigen quasi Americi terram sive Americam dicendam , cum et Europa et Asia a mulieribus sua sortita sint nomina . '' ^ Jump up to : Jonathan Cohen . `` The Naming of America : Fragments We 've Shored Against Ourselves '' . Retrieved 3 February 2014 . Jump up ^ Lloyd , John ; Mitchinson , John ( 2006 ) . The Book of General Ignorance . Harmony Books . p. 95 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 307 - 39491 - 0 . New countries or continents were never named after a person 's first name , but always after the second ... Jump up ^ Burchfield , R.W. , ed. ( 2004 ) . `` '' America `` '' . Fowler 's Modern English Usage . New York : Oxford University Press . p. 48 . ISBN 0 - 19 - 861021 - 1 . the term ' North America ' is mostly used to mean the United States and Canada together . Countries to the south of the United States are described as being in Central America ( Mexico , Nicaragua , etc . ) or South America ( Brazil , Argentina , etc . ) . See also : McArthur , Tom ( 1992 ) . `` North American '' . The Oxford Companion to the English Language . New York : Oxford University Press . p. 707 . ISBN 0 - 19 - 214183 - X . ^ Jump up to : `` The World Factbook -- North America '' . Central Intelligence Agency . Retrieved 20 June 2011 . ^ Jump up to : `` Countries in North America -- Country Reports '' . Country Reports . Archived from the original on 27 April 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` North America : World of Earth Science '' . eNotes Inc . Archived from the original on 20 December 2010 . Retrieved 20 June 2011 . ^ Jump up to : `` North American Region '' . The Trilateral Commission . Archived from the original on 21 October 2012 . Retrieved 30 May 2011 . ^ Jump up to : `` SPP Background '' . . Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America . 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External links Houghton Mifflin Company , `` North America '' Interactive SVG version of Non-Native American Nations Control over N America 1750 -- 2008 animation North America articles History Settlement of the Americas Paleo - Indians Pre-Columbian era European colonization New Spain New France British North America Turtle Island Geography Cities Countries and dependent territories by population Extreme points Geology Islands Lakes Mountains Rivers Politics American imperialism North American Union ( NAU ) Organization of American States ( OAS ) Transatlantic relations Economy Caribbean Community ( CARICOM ) North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) Transportation Countries by GDP ( per capita ) PPP per capita HDI Internet users Minimum wages Outline Category Portal Maps Countries and dependencies of North America Sovereign states Entire Antigua and Barbuda Bahamas Barbados Belize Canada Costa Rica Cuba Dominica Dominican Republic El Salvador Grenada Guatemala Haiti Honduras Jamaica Mexico Nicaragua Panama St. Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia St. Vincent and the Grenadines Trinidad and Tobago United States In part Colombia San Andrés and Providencia France Guadeloupe Martinique Caribbean Netherlands Bonaire Saba Sint Eustatius Dependencies Denmark Greenland France Clipperton Island St. Barthélemy St. Martin St. Pierre and Miquelon Netherlands Aruba Curaçao Sint Maarten United Kingdom Anguilla Bermuda British Virgin Islands Cayman Islands Montserrat Turks and Caicos Islands United States Navassa Island Puerto Rico United States Virgin Islands Venezuela Federal Dependencies Nueva Esparta Continents of the world Africa Antarctica Asia Australia Europe North America South America Afro - Eurasia America Eurasia Oceania Former supercontinents Gondwana Laurasia Pangaea Pannotia Rodinia Columbia Kenorland Nena Sclavia Ur Vaalbara Historical continents Amazonia Arctica Asiamerica Atlantica Avalonia Baltica Cimmeria Congo craton Euramerica Kalaharia Kazakhstania Laurentia North China Siberia South China East Antarctica India Submerged continents Kerguelen Plateau Zealandia Possible future supercontinents Pangaea Ultima Amasia Novopangaea Mythical and hypothesised continents Atlantis Kumari Kandam Lemuria Meropis Mu Hyperborea Terra Australis See also Regions of the world Continental fragment Book Category Regions of the world Regions of Africa Central Africa Guinea region Gulf of Guinea Cape Lopez Mayombe Igboland Mbaise Maputaland Pool Malebo Congo Basin Chad Basin Congolese rainforests Ouaddaï highlands Ennedi Plateau East Africa African Great Lakes Albertine Rift East African Rift Great Rift Valley Gregory Rift Rift Valley lakes Swahili coast Virunga Mountains Zanj Horn of Africa Afar Triangle Al - Habash Barbara Danakil Alps Danakil Desert Ethiopian Highlands Gulf of Aden Gulf of Tadjoura Indian Ocean islands Comoros Islands North Africa Maghreb Barbary Coast Bashmur Ancient Libya Atlas Mountains Nile Valley Cataracts of the Nile Darfur Gulf of Aqaba Lower Egypt Lower Nubia Middle Egypt Nile Delta Nuba Mountains Nubia The Sudans Upper Egypt Western Sahara West Africa Pepper Coast Gold Coast Slave Coast Ivory Coast Cape Palmas Cape Mesurado Guinea region Gulf of Guinea Niger Basin Guinean Forests of West Africa Niger Delta Inner Niger Delta Southern Africa Madagascar Central Highlands ( Madagascar ) Northern Highlands Rhodesia North South Thembuland Succulent Karoo Nama Karoo Bushveld Highveld Fynbos Cape Floristic Region Kalahari Desert Okavango Delta False Bay Hydra Bay Macro-regions Aethiopia Arab world Commonwealth realm East African montane forests Eastern Desert Equatorial Africa Françafrique Gibraltar Arc Greater Middle East Islands of Africa List of countries where Arabic is an official language Mediterranean Basin MENA MENASA Middle East Mittelafrika Negroland Northeast Africa Portuguese - speaking African countries Sahara Sahel Sub-Saharan Africa Sudan ( region ) Sudanian Savanna Tibesti Mountains Tropical Africa Regions of Asia Central Greater Middle East Aral Sea Aralkum Desert Caspian Sea Dead Sea Sea of Galilee Transoxiana Turan Greater Khorasan Ariana Khwarezm Sistan Kazakhstania Eurasian Steppe Asian Steppe Kazakh Steppe Pontic -- Caspian steppe Mongolian - Manchurian grassland Wild Fields Yedisan Muravsky Trail Ural Ural Mountains Volga region Idel - Ural Kolyma Transbaikal Pryazovia Bjarmaland Kuban Zalesye Ingria Novorossiya Gornaya Shoriya Tulgas Iranian Plateau Altai Mountains Pamir Mountains Tian Shan Badakhshan Wakhan Corridor Wakhjir Pass Mount Imeon Mongolian Plateau Western Regions Taklamakan Desert Karakoram Trans - Karakoram Tract Siachen Glacier North Inner Asia Northeast Far East Russian Far East Okhotsk - Manchurian taiga Extreme North Siberia Baikalia ( Lake Baikal ) Transbaikal Khatanga Gulf Baraba steppe Kamchatka Peninsula Amur Basin Yenisei Gulf Yenisei Basin Beringia Sikhote - Alin East Japanese archipelago Northeastern Japan Arc Sakhalin Island Arc Korean Peninsula Gobi Desert Taklamakan Desert Greater Khingan Mongolian Plateau Inner Asia Inner Mongolia Outer Mongolia China proper Manchuria Outer Manchuria Inner Manchuria Northeast China Plain Mongolian - Manchurian grassland North China Plain Yan Mountains Kunlun Mountains Liaodong Peninsula Himalayas Tibetan Plateau Tibet Tarim Basin Northern Silk Road Hexi Corridor Nanzhong Lingnan Liangguang Jiangnan Jianghuai Guanzhong Huizhou Wu Jiaozhou Zhongyuan Shaannan Ordos Loop Loess Plateau Shaanbei Hamgyong Mountains Central Mountain Range Japanese Alps Suzuka Mountains Leizhou Peninsula Gulf of Tonkin Yangtze River Delta Pearl River Delta Yenisei Basin Altai Mountains Wakhan Corridor Wakhjir Pass West Greater Middle East MENA MENASA Middle East Red Sea Caspian Sea Mediterranean Sea Zagros Mountains Persian Gulf Pirate Coast Strait of Hormuz Greater and Lesser Tunbs Al - Faw Peninsula Gulf of Oman Gulf of Aqaba Gulf of Aden Balochistan Arabian Peninsula Najd Hejaz Tihamah Eastern Arabia South Arabia Hadhramaut Arabian Peninsula coastal fog desert Tigris -- Euphrates Mesopotamia Upper Mesopotamia Lower Mesopotamia Sawad Nineveh plains Akkad ( region ) Babylonia Canaan Aram Eber - Nari Suhum Eastern Mediterranean Mashriq Kurdistan Levant Southern Levant Transjordan Jordan Rift Valley Israel Levantine Sea Golan Heights Hula Valley Galilee Gilead Judea Samaria Arabah Anti-Lebanon Mountains Sinai Peninsula Arabian Desert Syrian Desert Fertile Crescent Azerbaijan Syria Palestine Iranian Plateau Armenian Highlands Caucasus Caucasus Mountains Greater Caucasus Lesser Caucasus North Caucasus South Caucasus Kur - Araz Lowland Lankaran Lowland Alborz Absheron Peninsula Anatolia Cilicia Cappadocia Alpide belt South Greater India Indian subcontinent Himalayas Hindu Kush Western Ghats Eastern Ghats Ganges Basin Ganges Delta Pashtunistan Punjab Balochistan Kashmir Kashmir Valley Pir Panjal Range Thar Desert Indus Valley Indus River Delta Indus Valley Desert Indo - Gangetic Plain Eastern coastal plains Western Coastal Plains Meghalaya subtropical forests MENASA Lower Gangetic plains moist deciduous forests Northwestern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows Doab Bagar tract Great Rann of Kutch Little Rann of Kutch Deccan Plateau Coromandel Coast Konkan False Divi Point Hindi Belt Ladakh Aksai Chin Gilgit - Baltistan Baltistan Shigar Valley Karakoram Saltoro Mountains Siachen Glacier Bay of Bengal Gulf of Khambhat Gulf of Kutch Gulf of Mannar Trans - Karakoram Tract Wakhan Corridor Wakhjir Pass Lakshadweep Andaman and Nicobar Islands Andaman Islands Nicobar Islands Maldive Islands Alpide belt Southeast Mainland Indochina Malay Peninsula Maritime Peninsular Malaysia Sunda Islands Greater Sunda Islands Lesser Sunda Islands Indonesian Archipelago Timor New Guinea Bonis Peninsula Papuan Peninsula Huon Peninsula Huon Gulf Bird 's Head Peninsula Gazelle Peninsula Philippine Archipelago Luzon Visayas Mindanao Leyte Gulf Gulf of Thailand East Indies Nanyang Alpide belt Asia - Pacific Tropical Asia Ring of Fire Regions of Europe North Nordic Northwestern Scandinavia Scandinavian Peninsula Fennoscandia Baltoscandia Sápmi West Nordic Baltic Baltic Sea Gulf of Bothnia Gulf of Finland Iceland Faroe Islands East Danubian countries Prussia Galicia Volhynia Donbass Sloboda Ukraine Sambia Peninsula Amber Coast Curonian Spit Izyum Trail Lithuania Minor Nemunas Delta Baltic Baltic Sea Vyborg Bay Karelia East Karelia Karelian Isthmus Lokhaniemi Southeastern Balkans Aegean Islands Gulf of Chania North Caucasus Greater Caucasus Kabardia European Russia Southern Russia Central Baltic Baltic Sea Alpine states Alpide belt Mitteleuropa Visegrád Group West Benelux Low Countries Northwest British Isles English Channel Channel Islands Cotentin Peninsula Normandy Brittany Gulf of Lion Iberia Al - Andalus Baetic System Pyrenees Alpide belt South Italian Peninsula Insular Italy Tuscan Archipelago Aegadian Islands Iberia Al - Andalus Baetic System Gibraltar Arc Southeastern Mediterranean Crimea Alpide belt Germanic Celtic Slavic countries Uralic European Plain Eurasian Steppe Pontic -- Caspian steppe Wild Fields Pannonian Basin Great Hungarian Plain Little Hungarian Plain Eastern Slovak Lowland Regions of North America Northern Eastern Canada Western Canada Canadian Prairies Central Canada Northern Canada Atlantic Canada The Maritimes French Canada English Canada Acadia Acadian Peninsula Quebec City -- Windsor Corridor Peace River Country Cypress Hills Palliser 's Triangle Canadian Shield Interior Alaska - Yukon lowland taiga Newfoundland ( island ) Vancouver Island Gulf Islands Strait of Georgia Canadian Arctic Archipelago Labrador Peninsula Gaspé Peninsula Avalon Peninsula Bay de Verde Peninsula Brodeur Peninsula Melville Peninsula Bruce Peninsula Banks Peninsula ( Nunavut ) Cook Peninsula Gulf of Boothia Georgian Bay Hudson Bay James Bay Greenland Pacific Northwest Inland Northwest Northeast New England Mid-Atlantic Commonwealth West Midwest Upper Midwest Mountain States Intermountain West Basin and Range Province Oregon Trail Mormon Corridor Calumet Region Southwest Old Southwest Llano Estacado Central United States Tallgrass prairie South South Central Deep South Upland South Four Corners East Coast West Coast Gulf Coast Third Coast Coastal states Eastern United States Appalachia Trans - Mississippi Great North Woods Great Plains Interior Plains Great Lakes Great Basin Great Basin Desert Acadia Ozarks Ark - La - Tex Waxhaws Siouxland Twin Tiers Driftless Area Palouse Piedmont Atlantic coastal plain Outer Lands Black Dirt Region Blackstone Valley Piney Woods Rocky Mountains Mojave Desert The Dakotas The Carolinas Shawnee Hills San Fernando Valley Tornado Alley North Coast Lost Coast Emerald Triangle San Francisco Bay Area San Francisco Bay North Bay ( San Francisco Bay Area ) East Bay ( San Francisco Bay Area ) Silicon Valley Interior Alaska - Yukon lowland taiga Gulf of Mexico Lower Colorado River Valley Sacramento -- San Joaquin River Delta Yukon -- Kuskokwim Delta Colville Delta Arkansas Delta Mobile -- Tensaw River Delta Mississippi Delta Mississippi River Delta Columbia River Estuary Great Basin High Desert Monterey Peninsula Upper Peninsula of Michigan Lower Peninsula of Michigan Virginia Peninsula Keweenaw Peninsula Middle Peninsula Delmarva Peninsula Alaska Peninsula Kenai Peninsula Niagara Peninsula Beringia Belt regions Bible Belt Black Belt Corn Belt Cotton Belt Frost Belt Rice Belt Rust Belt Sun Belt Snow Belt Latin Northern Mexico Baja California Peninsula Gulf of California Colorado River Delta Gulf of Mexico Soconusco Tierra Caliente La Mixteca La Huasteca Bajío Valley of Mexico Mezquital Valley Sierra Madre de Oaxaca Yucatán Peninsula Basin and Range Province Western Caribbean Zone Isthmus of Panama Gulf of Panama Pearl Islands Azuero Peninsula Mosquito Coast West Indies Antilles Greater Antilles Lesser Antilles Leeward Leeward Antilles Windward Lucayan Archipelago Southern Caribbean Aridoamerica Mesoamerica Oasisamerica Northern Middle Anglo Latin French Hispanic American Cordillera Ring of Fire LAC Regions of Oceania Australasia Gulf of Carpentaria New Guinea Bonis Peninsula Papuan Peninsula Huon Peninsula Huon Gulf Bird 's Head Peninsula Gazelle Peninsula New Zealand South Island North Island Coromandel Peninsula Zealandia New Caledonia Solomon Islands ( archipelago ) Vanuatu Kula Gulf Australia Capital Country Eastern Australia Lake Eyre basin Murray -- Darling basin Northern Australia Nullarbor Plain Outback Southern Australia Maralinga Sunraysia Great Victoria Desert Gulf of Carpentaria Gulf St Vincent Lefevre Peninsula Fleurieu Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Eyre Peninsula Mornington Peninsula Bellarine Peninsula Mount Henry Peninsula Melanesia Islands Region Bismarck Archipelago Solomon Islands Archipelago Fiji New Caledonia Papua New Guinea Vanuatu Micronesia Caroline Islands Federated States of Micronesia Palau Guam Kiribati Marshall Islands Nauru Northern Mariana Islands Wake Island Polynesia Easter Island Hawaiian Islands Cook Islands French Polynesia Austral Islands Gambier Islands Marquesas Islands Society Islands Tuamotu Kermadec Islands Mangareva Islands Samoa Tokelau Tonga Tuvalu Ring of Fire Regions of South America East Amazon basin Atlantic Forest Caatinga Cerrado North Caribbean South America West Indies Los Llanos The Guianas Amazon basin Amazon rainforest Gulf of Paria Paria Peninsula Paraguaná Peninsula Orinoco Delta South Tierra del Fuego Patagonia Pampas Pantanal Gran Chaco Chiquitano dry forests Valdes Peninsula West Andes Tropical Andes Wet Andes Dry Andes Pariacaca mountain range Altiplano Atacama Desert Latin Hispanic American Cordillera Ring of Fire LAC Polar regions Antarctic Antarctic Peninsula East Antarctica West Antarctica Eklund Islands Ecozone Extreme points Islands Arctic Arctic Alaska British Arctic Territories Canadian Arctic Archipelago Finnmark Greenland Northern Canada Northwest Territories Nunavik 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when did north america arrive at the location it is in today
Laurentia is an ancient craton which forms the geologic core of North America ; it formed between 1.5 and 1.0 billion years ago during the Proterozoic eon . The Canadian Shield is the largest exposure of this craton . From the Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic eras , North America was joined with the other modern - day continents as part of the supercontinent Pangaea , with Eurasia to its east . One of the results of the formation of Pangaea was the Appalachian Mountains , which formed some 480 million years ago , making it among the oldest mountain ranges in the world . When Pangaea began to rift around 200 million years ago , North America became part of Laurasia , before it separated from Eurasia as its own continent during the mid-Cretaceous period . The Rockies and other western mountain ranges began forming around this time from a period of mountain building called the Laramide orogeny , between 80 and 55 million years ago . The formation of the Isthmus of Panama that connected the continent to South America arguably occurred approximately 12 to 15 million years ago , and the Great Lakes ( as well as many other northern freshwater lakes and rivers ) were carved by receding glaciers about 10,000 years ago .
Queen of Hearts ( Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland ) - wikipedia Queen of Hearts ( Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland ) Jump to : navigation , search This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( January 2008 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Queen of Hearts Alice character John Tenniel 's illustration of the King and Queen of Hearts at the trial of the Knave of Hearts . First appearance Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland Last appearance Disney 's Alice Through the Looking Glass ( 2016 ) Created by Lewis Carroll Portrayed by Barbara Hershey ( Once Upon a Time ) Miranda Richardson Kathy Bates ( Alice ) Voiced by Verna Felton ( 1951 ) Tress MacNeille ( 1998 - Present ) Information Nickname ( s ) Red Queen ( sometimes mistakenly ) Species playing card Gender Female Occupation Queen Spouse ( s ) The King of Hearts King of Hearts ( Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland ) Children Ten Hearts Nationality Wonderland The Queen of Hearts is a fictional character from the book Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland by the writer Lewis Carroll , in which she appears as the primary antagonist . She is a foul - tempered monarch whom Carroll himself describes as `` a blind fury '' , and who is quick to give death sentences at the slightest offense . One of her most famous lines she states often is `` Off with their heads ! '' The Queen is referred to as a card from a pack of playing cards by Alice , yet somehow she is able to talk and is the ruler of the lands in the story , alongside her tiny husband , the King of Hearts . She is often confused with the Red Queen from the sequel , Through the Looking - Glass , although the two are very different . Contents ( hide ) 1 Overview 2 Origins 3 Illustrations 4 Confusion with the Red Queen 5 Adaptions 5.1 Disney 5.2 Tim Burton 's Alice in Wonderland ( 2010 ) 5.3 American McGee 's Alice 5.4 The Looking - Glass Wars 5.5 Alice in the Country of Hearts 5.6 SyFy TV miniseries 5.7 Once Upon a Time 5.8 Other versions and adaptations 6 References 7 Citations Overview ( edit ) Alice observes three playing cards painting white roses red . They drop to the ground face down at the approach of the Queen of Hearts , whom Alice has never met . When the Queen arrives and asks Alice who is lying on the ground ( since the backs of all playing cards look alike ) , Alice tells her that she does not know . The Queen then becomes frustrated and commands that her head be severed . She is deterred by her comparatively moderate husband by being reminded that Alice is only a child . Generally , however , as we are told by Carroll : The Queen had only one way of settling all difficulties , great or small . ' Off with his head ! ' she said , without even looking round . One of the Queen 's hobbies -- besides ordering executions -- is croquet ; however it is Wonderland croquet , where the balls are live hedgehogs and the mallets are flamingoes . This is presumably with the aim that the birds ' blunt beaks should strike , but , as Alice observes , it is complicated by the fact that they keep looking back up at the players - as well as the hedgehogs ' tendency to scuttle away without waiting to be hit . The Queen 's soldiers act as the arches ( or hoops ) on the croquet grounds , but have to leave off being arches every time the Queen has an executioner drag away the victim , so that , by the end of the game in the story , the only players that remain are the Queen herself , the King , and Alice . Despite the frequency of death sentences , it would appear few people are actually beheaded , the King of Hearts , quietly pardons many of his subjects when the Queen is not looking ( although this did not seem to be the case with The Duchess ) , and her soldiers humor her but do not carry out her orders . The Gryphon tells Alice , `` It 's all her fancy : she never executes nobody , you know . '' Nevertheless , all creatures in Wonderland fear the Queen . In the final chapters , the Queen sentences Alice again ( for defending the Knave of Hearts ) , and she offers a bizarre approach towards justice : sentence before verdict . Modern portrayals in popular culture usually let her play the role of a villain because of the menace the character exemplifies , but in the book she does not fill that purpose . She is just one of the many obstacles that Alice has to encounter on the journey , but unlike other obstacles , she makes a higher potential threat . Origins ( edit ) The Queen is believed by some to be a caricature of Queen Victoria , with elements of reality that Dodgson felt correctly would make her at once instantly recognizable to parents reading the story to children , and also fantastical enough to make her unrecognizable to children . The reference is explicit in Jonathan Miller 's 1966 television version where she and the King of Hearts are portrayed without any attempt at fantasy , or disguise as to their true natures or personality . The Queen may also be a reference to Queen Margaret of the House of Lancaster . During the War of the Roses , a red rose was the symbol of the House Lancaster . Their rivals , the House of York , had a white rose for their symbol . The gardeners ' painting the white roses red may be a reference to these two houses . Illustrations ( edit ) Image of Elizabeth de Mowbray , Duchess of Norfolk that inspired the original illustrations of the Queen of Hearts . After unsuccessfully attempting to illustrate Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland himself , Lewis Carroll was persuaded to engage a professional artist to provide the illustrations . He turned to cartoonist John Tenniel , who was known for his regular contributions to the satirical magazine Punch ( published 1841 -- 1992 , 1996 -- 2002 ) . Tenniel 's inspiration for the Queen of Hearts was an image of Elizabeth de Mowbray , Duchess of Norfolk in one of the medieval stained glass windows at Holy Trinity Church , Long Melford , Suffolk . The illustrations for the Alice books were engraved onto blocks of wood , to be printed in the wood engraving process . The original wood blocks are now in the collection of the Bodleian Library in Oxford , England . They are not usually on public display , but were exhibited in 2003 . Confusion with the Red Queen ( edit ) She is commonly mistaken for the Red Queen in the story 's sequel , Through the Looking - Glass , but in reality shares none of her characteristics other than being a queen . Indeed , Carroll , in his lifetime , made the distinction of the two Queens by saying : `` I pictured to myself the Queen of Hearts as a sort of embodiment of ungovernable passion -- a blind and aimless Fury . The Red Queen I pictured as a Fury , but of another type ; her passion must be cold and calm -- she must be formal and strict , yet not unkindly ; pedantic to the 10th degree , the concentrated essence of all governesses ! '' -- Lewis Carroll , in `` Alice on the Stage '' The 1951 animated film Alice in Wonderland perpetuates the long - standing confusion between the Red Queen and the Queen of Hearts . In the film , the Queen of Hearts delivers several of the Red Queen 's statements , the most notable being based on her `` all the ways about here belong to me '' . Both characters say this to suggest importance and possible arrogance , but in the Red Queen 's case it has a double meaning since her status as a Chess - queen means that she can move in any direction she desires . In the American McGee 's Alice adaptation of the books , the characters are also conflated , leading to further popular misconception . Adaptions ( edit ) Disney ( edit ) Disney 's adaptation of the Queen of Hearts . In the Disney animated feature Alice in Wonderland , the Queen of Hearts is the main antagonist who appears as Alice puts it in a moment of temper , a `` fat , pompous , bad tempered old tyrant '' . The character was voiced by Verna Felton . She is portrayed as a haughty sadist , who enjoys decapitating anyone who merely annoys her . Her presence is all the more striking because of how tiny her husband the King is ( he barely comes up to her knee ) . Similar to the book , Alice meets three cards painting the roses red , since they planted white roses by mistake . When the Queen arrives , she orders those three cards beheaded , then turns her attention to Alice . Refusing to answer her questions with presumption that only she can ask them , she quickly ropes her into a game of croquet . The game ends with the Queen tripping herself over , due to the Cheshire Cat 's mischievous antics . The Queen angrily blames Alice for it , but before she can give the order , the King suggests holding a trial for Alice . The Queen , grudgingly , but reasonably , agrees . The Queen calls the March Hare , the Dormouse , and the Mad Hatter to witness , who hold an unbirthday party for her and cheer her up considerably . During the party , the Cheshire Cat reappears and upsets the Dormouse . The frightened Dormouse runs all over , and in an attempt to crush the mouse , the King of Hearts accidentally hits the Queen on the head with the gavel , which is hastily passed into the March Hare 's hands , then the Hatter 's , and finally Alice 's . The Queen , of course , blames Alice for it , and is going to have her beheaded . But Alice eats mushrooms she had procured earlier , which make her grow bigger . Although Rule No. 42 says that anyone more than a mile high must leave the court immediately , Alice feels free to call the queen a `` fat , pompous , bad tempered old tyrant '' . Unfortunately , she subsequently shrinks down to her normal size , but flees and is able to escape . Of interest is the fact that Disney 's Queen of Hearts seems to be an amalgamation of the Queen from the book , the Duchess , and the Red Queen of Through The Looking - Glass . When pleased , she can be quite pleasant , but is still bossy and often impatient , and can almost at once change to enraged . As she is considered to be one of the members of the Disney Villains group of characters , the Queen of Hearts exacted her revenge upon Alice in the game Disney 's Villains ' Revenge where she stole the ending page of the story and changed the ending , so Alice lost her head . Jiminy Cricket , the player , and Alice 's headless body retrieve the head and escape the labyrinth of the Queen . They meet one last time in the final battle and she surrenders . The Queen of Hearts is the final boss on the Japanese version of Mickey Mousecapade , a 1987 video game where Alice is her hostage . She is also a greetable character at the Walt Disney World Resort . In Mickey 's House of Villains , the Queen of Hearts appears as one of the villain guests of the House of Mouse , voiced by Tress MacNeille . The Queen appears in the Square - Enix / Disney video game Kingdom Hearts , in her homeworld . As in the film , she holds Alice on trial , only this time for attempting to steal her heart . The main heroes in the game , Sora , Donald and Goofy , intervene , telling the Queen that Alice is innocent . The Queen challenges them to provide proof of their theory , and with help from the Cheshire Cat , the three are able to do so . The Queen , however , enraged at being proven wrong , orders them executed and Alice imprisoned in a cage on the roof . The three are able to fight off the Queen 's guards and destroy the cage controls , but Alice is kidnapped , before they can save her . The Queen orders a search for Alice , and temporarily pardons Sora , Donald and Goofy , requesting that they look for Alice as well . She returns in Kingdom Hearts : Chain of Memories , only this time as a figment of Sora 's memories . Again , she holds Alice on trial , this time for attempting to steal her memories . In both games , Sora , Donald and Goofy prove Alice 's innocence by defeating the Trickmaster Heartless , the real culprit . The Queen congratulates Sora for solving the mystery , and once again demonstrates her bi-polar personality by pardoning Alice . She is absent in Kingdom Hearts II , but appears in Kingdom Hearts 358 / 2 Days along with her homeworld . A digital version of her later appears in Kingdom Hearts coded . Tim Burton 's Alice in Wonderland ( 2010 ) ( edit ) Main article : Red Queen ( Through the Looking - Glass ) § Tim Burton 's Alice in Wonderland ( 2010 ) American McGee 's Alice ( edit ) In the video game American McGee 's Alice , the Queen of Hearts is the final boss and the reason for Wonderland 's decay . When Alice fights her , she discovers that the Queen is her dark side -- an embodiment of her insanity ; the Queen must be destroyed for Alice to become sane once more . The Queen 's appearance is different in American McGee 's Alice from how she is in the book : she appears first as a faceless entity having tentacles for arms , legs , and hair . It is later revealed that this is a mere puppet and that the true Queen of Hearts is a horrible monster in the image of a real anatomical heart . She is called both the Queen of Hearts and the Red Queen interchangeably throughout the game . No mention is made of the Red Queen from `` Through the Looking Glass . '' However , the White Queen is seen for only a moment , as her head is chopped off by the enemy in The Pale Realm . It 's implied that after Alice was placed in the asylum the red queen and the queen of hearts fused together which explains why the Queen of Hearts is able to control the red piece and the cards at the same time . In the sequel , Alice : Madness Returns , the Queen of Hearts is sought by Alice for assistance in stopping an Infernal Train from tearing apart Wonderland and driving her back into insanity . The Queen claims , when found in the ruins of the Red Kingdom , that Alice is being manipulated by someone other than herself , that this person is trying to erase her memories , particularly about the fire in her childhood , which are tearing her sanity apart . It later turns out that this person is none other than her psychiatrist Dr. Angus Bumby , who has been revealed to having raped Alice 's older sister Lizzy and burned down the house with Lizzy and Alice 's parents to cover up the crime , and that he is attempting to erase Alice 's memories and subject her to prostitution after it . In this sequel , the Red Queen has changed considerably , taking the appearance of a younger Alice , only in a royal dress befitting the Queen of Hearts , with large fleshy claws rather than hands , and her lower body composed of fleshy tentacles that spread throughout the entire castle , which is actually the Queen 's body itself . Some argue she is actually based not on Alice herself , but her sister , as she also referred to her as `` Lizzy '' in a following dialogue , and considering she felt guilty of the death of her family , its possible her subconscious projected her dead sister in the queen she herself killed in the previous game . The Looking - Glass Wars ( edit ) In The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor , the ruling dynasty of the Wonderland is the Heart family . The title of Queen of Hearts is a hereditary title for the Queen of Wonderland . The Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland is reimagined as Queen Redd , the enemy and aunt of the heroine , Alyss . She kills Alyss 's parents and usurps the throne of Wonderland . It should be noted that the true Queen of Hearts in this story is Genevieve Heart , Alyss 's mother as an apparent re-imagining of the White Queen . Alyss is , therefore , the Princess of Hearts . Alice in the Country of Hearts ( edit ) In the manga Alice in the Country of Hearts , the Queen of Hearts is known as Vivaldi . She is n't as much a main character , though , and she has very few parts in the current books . Vivaldi rules Heart Castle and is feuding with the other territories over Wonderland . She is beautiful with black hair , unlike other adaptations . She speaks in the majestic plural , I.E , `` We are happy you are here to see us . '' As discovered through Heart no Kuni no Alice the game by Quinrose ( the predecessor to the manga ) Blood Dupree ( The Hatter ) is Vivaldi 's little brother though it is alluded to be a romantic interest for Vivaldi until Alice discovers the secret . SyFy TV miniseries ( edit ) In the two - part series Alice , hosted by the SyFy Channel , the Queen of Hearts is portrayed by Kathy Bates as a refined but ruthless drug lord . The miniseries is set one hundred and fifty years after the original Alice 's first visit to Wonderland ( the heroine is an unrelated character ) and the Queen is ( as usual ) the primary villain of the series . As is customary , the Queen is depicted as narcissistic , declaring herself as `` the most powerful woman in the history of literature '' and obese . Her calm , cold demeanour suggests that she too is a mixture of the Queen of Hearts and the Red Queen . Her name is given as `` Mary Elizabeth Heart '' , and it is suggested that the Hearts are the `` Red '' royal family who seized control of Wonderland from the `` White '' royal family . Once Upon a time ( edit ) The Queen of Hearts appears in the Once Upon a Time episode . `` Hat Trick '' , played by Jennifer Koenig . In the show 's second season , it is revealed that the Queen of Hearts is in fact Cora ( Barbara Hershey ) , the mother of the Wicked Witch of the West and the Evil Queen . In her earlier life , Cora ( portrayed by Rose McGowan ) was also the miller 's daughter ( the heroine of the Rumpelstiltskin story ) . She appears in every season throughout the show most often portrayed by Barbara Hershey but at younger age portrayed by Rose McGowan . She was the main antagonist of Season 2 . In the show 's spin - off , Once Upon a Time in Wonderland , a flashback reveals that Cora ( as the Queen of Hearts ) was the Red Queen 's tutor in magic ; Cora apparently ruled part of Wonderland and was a political rival of the Red King . Other versions and adaptations ( edit ) In various film and television versions of the novel , The Queen has been played by May Robson , Ronald Lang , Zsa Zsa Gabor , Eve Arden , Jayne Meadows , and , In the 1999 Alice in Wonderland television movie , Miranda Richardson , whose portrayal is strongly reminiscent of her role as the spoiled Queenie in Blackadder . In an episode of Wizards of Waverly Place parodying the novel , Alex Russo is in court and becomes smart with the Queen of Hearts ( played by Theresa Russo ) . In the 1991 Disney channel series Adventures in Wonderland , the Queen was played by Armelia McQueen . She appears as a short - tempered and childish but basically benevolent ruler . She was alternately called `` The Queen of Hearts '' and `` The Red Queen '' during the course of the series . In Sandra the Fairytale Detective , her name is Theressa . Pandora Hearts has Miranda Barma who would later become the chain Demios the Executor also nicknamed Queen of Hearts and they have a similar obsession of cutting heads . The Queen is one of the characters adopted by Gwen Stefani in her Wonderland - themed music video What You Waiting For ? . She wears a red gown and a crown reminiscent of the Imperial State Crown from the British Crown Jewels . The Queen wanders through a garden populated with flamingos and pushes Alice ( also Stefani ) into a pool of her own tears . The Queen of Hearts features in Unsuk Chin 's 2007 opera Alice in Wonderland ; the role was created for Dame Gwyneth Jones . The Queen is a major character in Christopher Wheeldon 's 2011 full - length ballet Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland , created for The Royal Ballet . The role was created for principal dancer Zenaida Yanowsky and includes a hilarious spoof of the Rose Adagio from The Sleeping Beauty . The Queen appeared briefly during the 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony in London in a segment dedicated to the villains of British children 's literature . In Marissa Meyer 's 2016 novel Heartless , the backstory of the Queen of Hearts is told , in which she is a young girl who aspires to be a baker , but is instead taken off course by the anticipated proposal of the King of Hearts . The Queen of Hearts appears in the twelfth episode ( `` And the Broken Staff '' ) of The Librarians . She is brought to life by the wizard Prospero as a distraction for the Librarians , but is subsequently tricked into attacking her own reflection , turning her into a pack of cards ( mirroring the ending of the original story ) . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Jenkins , p. 759 Jump up ^ Gardner , Martin ; Lewis Carroll ( 1998 ) . The Annotated Alice . Random House . p. 206 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 517 - 18920 - 7 . Jump up ^ `` Queen of Hearts ( Character ) '' . IMDb . Retrieved 17 August 2017 . Jump up ^ Royal Opera House ( 2013 - 04 - 04 ) , Becoming the Queen of Hearts - The Royal Ballet 's Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland , retrieved 2017 - 08 - 17 Jump up ^ `` Heartless '' . Goodreads . Retrieved 2017 - 08 - 17 . Citations ( edit ) Jenkins , Simon ( 1999 ) . England 's Thousand Best Churches . London : Penguin . ISBN 978 - 0 - 14 - 103930 - 5 . Lewis Carroll 's Alice Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland Through the Looking - Glass The Nursery `` Alice '' The Hunting of the Snark Characters Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland Alice The White Rabbit The Mouse The Dodo The Duck The Lory Eaglet Pat Bill the Lizard Puppy The Caterpillar The Duchess The Cheshire Cat The March Hare The Hatter Tarrant Hightopp The Dormouse The Queen of Hearts The King of Hearts The Knave of Hearts The Gryphon The Mock Turtle Through the Looking - Glass The Red Queen The White Queen The Red King The White King The White Knight Tweedledum and Tweedledee The Sheep Humpty Dumpty The Lion and the Unicorn Bandersnatch Jubjub Bird Related topics Alice Liddell Alice 's Shop John Tenniel Theophilus Carter The Annotated Alice Wonderland Looking - Glass Land Mischmasch Works based on Alice in Wonderland Films and television Disney franchise Translations of Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland Translations of Through the Looking - Glass Adaptations Poems `` All in the golden afternoon ... '' `` How Doth the Little Crocodile '' `` The Mouse 's Tale '' `` Twinkle , Twinkle , Little Bat '' `` You Are Old , Father William '' `` ' Tis the Voice of the Lobster '' `` Jabberwocky '' `` The Walrus and the Carpenter '' `` Haddocks ' Eyes '' `` They told me you had been to her ... '' `` The Mock Turtle 's Song '' `` The Hunting of the Snark '' Sequels A New Alice in the Old Wonderland ( 1895 ) New Adventures of Alice ( 1917 ) Alice of Wonderland in Paris ( 1966 ) Alice Through the Needle 's Eye ( 1984 ) Automated Alice ( 1996 ) Wonderland Revisited and the Games Alice Played There ( 2009 ) Retellings Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland retold in words of one syllable ( 1905 ) Alice in Verse : The Lost Rhymes of Wonderland ( 2010 ) Parodies The Westminster Alice ( 1902 ) Clara in Blunderland ( 1902 ) Lost in Blunderland ( 1903 ) John Bull 's Adventures in the Fiscal Wonderland ( 1904 ) Alice in Blunderland : An Iridescent Dream ( 1904 ) Imitations Mopsa the Fairy ( 1869 ) Davy and the Goblin ( 1884 ) The Admiral 's Caravan ( 1891 ) Gladys in Grammarland ( 1896 ) A New Wonderland ( 1898 ) Rollo in Emblemland ( 1902 ) Justnowland ( 1912 ) Alice in Orchestralia ( 1925 ) Reimagining Alice in Wonderland or What 's a Nice Kid Like You Doing in a Place Like This ? ( 1966 ) Alice or the Last Escapade ( 1977 ) Adventures in Wonderland ( 1991 ) The Looking Glass Wars ( 2006 ) Alice ( 2009 ) Malice in Wonderland ( 2009 ) Alice in Wonderland ( 2010 ) Alice Through the Looking Glass ( 2016 ) Film 1903 1910 1915 1931 1933 1949 1951 1966 1972 1976 1982 1985 1988 ( Czechoslovak ) 1988 ( Australian ) 1995 1999 Stage Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland ( ballet ) Alice in Wonderland ( musical ) Alice in Wonderland ( opera ) Peter and Alice ( 2013 play ) Wonder. land ( musical ) Television Fushigi no Kuni no Alice Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time in Wonderland Literary Alice in Murderland Alice in the Country of Hearts Miyuki - chan in Wonderland Video games Alice no Paint Adventure ( 1995 ) Alice in Wonderland ( 2000 ) American McGee 's Alice ( 2000 ) Alice in Wonderland ( 2010 ) Alice : Madness Returns ( 2011 ) Kingdom Hearts Book Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Fictional dictators Fictional queens Lewis Carroll characters Fictional characters introduced in 1865 Literary villains Once Upon a Time ( TV series ) characters Female characters in literature Hidden categories : Use dmy dates from December 2013 Articles needing additional references from January 2008 All articles needing additional references Pages using deprecated image syntax All articles with specifically marked weasel - worded phrases Articles with specifically marked weasel - worded phrases from June 2013 Articles with attributed pull quotes Talk Contents About Wikipedia Azərbaycanca Español Euskara Français 한국어 Italiano עברית 日本 語 Português Русский Edit links This page was last edited on 10 September 2017 , at 11 : 24 . About Wikipedia
who said off with their heads in alice in wonderland
The Queen of Hearts is a fictional character from the book Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland by the writer Lewis Carroll , in which she appears as the primary antagonist . She is a foul - tempered monarch whom Carroll himself describes as `` a blind fury '' , and who is quick to give death sentences at the slightest offense . One of her most famous lines she states often is `` Off with their heads ! ''
Marsh test - wikipedia Marsh test Jump to : navigation , search Apparatus for the Marsh test The Marsh test is a highly sensitive method in the detection of arsenic , especially useful in the field of forensic toxicology when arsenic was used as a poison . It was developed by the chemist James Marsh and first published in 1836 . Arsenic , in the form of white arsenic trioxide As 2O 3 , was a highly favored poison , for its odourlessness , easily incorporated into food and drink , and before the advent of the Marsh test , untraceable in the body . In France , it came to be known as poudre de succession ( `` inheritance powder '' ) . For the untrained , arsenic poisoning will have symptoms similar to cholera . Contents ( hide ) 1 Precursor methods 2 Circumstances and methodology 3 Specific reactions involved 4 First notable application 5 Effects 6 In fiction 7 See also 8 References 9 External links Precursor methods ( edit ) The first breakthrough in the detection of arsenic poisoning was in 1775 when Carl Wilhelm Scheele discovered a way to change arsenic trioxide to garlic - smelling arsine gas ( AsH ) , by treating it with nitric acid ( HNO ) and combining it with zinc . As O + 6 Zn + 12 HNO → 2 AsH + 6 Zn ( NO ) + 3 H O In 1787 , German physician Johann Metzger ( 1739 - 1805 ) discovered that if arsenic trioxide were heated in the presence of carbon , the arsenic would sublime . This is the reduction of As O by carbon : 2 As O + 3 C → 3 CO + 4 As In 1806 , Valentin Rose took the stomach of a victim suspected of being poisoned and treated it with potassium carbonate ( K CO ) , calcium oxide ( CaO ) and nitric acid . Any arsenic present would appear as arsenic trioxide and then could be subjected to Metzger 's test . However , the most common test ( and used even today in water test kits ) was discovered by Samuel Hahnemann . It would involve combining a sample fluid with hydrogen sulfide ( H S ) in the presence of hydrochloric acid ( HCl ) . A yellow precipitate , arsenic trisulfide ( As S ) would be formed if arsenic was present . Circumstances and methodology ( edit ) Even so , these tests have proven not to be sensitive enough . In 1832 , a certain John Bodle was brought to trial for poisoning his grandfather by putting arsenic in his coffee . James Marsh , a chemist working at the Royal Arsenal in Woolwich was called by the prosecution to try to detect its presence . He performed the standard test by passing hydrogen sulfide through the suspect fluid . While Marsh was able to detect arsenic , the yellow precipitate did not keep very well , and by the time it was presented to the jury it deteriorated . The jury was not convinced , and John Bodle was acquitted . Angered and frustrated by this , especially when John Bodle confessed later that he indeed killed his grandfather , Marsh decided to devise a better test to demonstrate the presence of arsenic . Taking Scheele 's work as a basis , he constructed a simple glass apparatus capable of not only detecting minute traces of arsenic but also measuring its quantity . Adding a sample of tissue or body fluid to a glass vessel with zinc and acid would produce arsine gas if arsenic was present , in addition to the hydrogen that would be produced regardless by the zinc reacting with the acid . Igniting this gas mixture would oxidize any arsine present into arsenic and water vapor . This would cause a cold ceramic bowl held in the jet of the flame to be stained with a silvery - black deposit of arsenic , physically similar to the result of Metzger 's reaction . The intensity of the stain could then be compared to films produced using known amounts of arsenic . Not only could minute amounts of arsenic be detected ( as little as 0.02 mg ) , the test was very specific for arsenic . Although antimony ( Sb ) could give a false - positive test by forming stibine ( SbH ) gas which decomposes on heating to form a similar black deposit , it would not dissolve in a solution of sodium hypochlorite ( NaOCl ) , while arsenic would . Specific reactions involved ( edit ) The Marsh test treats the sample with sulfuric acid and arsenic - free zinc . Even if there are minute amounts of arsenic present , the zinc reduces the trivalent arsenic ( As ) . Here are the two half - reactions : Oxidation : Zn → Zn + 2 e Reduction : As O + 12 e + 6 H → 2 As + 3 H O Overall , we have this reaction : As O + 6 Zn + 6 H → 2 As + 6 Zn + 3 H O In an acidic medium , As 3 − is protonated to form arsine gas ( AsH ) , so adding sulphuric acid ( H SO ) to each side of the equation we get : As O + 6 Zn + 6 H + 6 H SO → 2 As + 6 H SO + 6 Zn + 3 H O As the As combines with the H to form arsine : As O + 6 Zn + 6 H + 6 H SO → 2 AsH + 6 ZnSO + 3 H O + 6 H By eliminating the common ions : As O + 6 Zn + 6 H SO → 2 AsH + 6 ZnSO + 3 H O First notable application ( edit ) Main article : Marie LaFarge Although the Marsh test was efficacious , its first publicly documented use -- in fact , the first time evidence from forensic toxicology was ever introduced -- was in Tulle , France in 1840 with the celebrated LaFarge poisoning case . Charles LaFarge , a foundry owner , was suspected of being poisoned with arsenic by his wife Marie . The circumstantial evidence was great : it was shown that she bought arsenic trioxide from a local chemist , supposedly to kill rats which infested their home . In addition , their maid swore that she had mixed a white powder into his drink . Although the food was found to be positive for the poison using the old methods as well as the Marsh test , when the husband 's body was exhumed and tested , the chemists assigned to the case were not able to detect arsenic . Mathieu Orfila , the renowned toxicologist retained by the defense and an acknowledged authority of the Marsh test examined the results . He performed the test again and demonstrated that the Marsh test was not at fault for the misleading results but rather those who performed it did it incorrectly . Orfila thus proved the presence of arsenic in LaFarge 's body using the test . As a result of this , Marie was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment . Effects ( edit ) The case proved to be controversial , for it divided the country into factions who were convinced or otherwise of Mme . LaFarge 's guilt ; nevertheless , the impact of the Marsh test was great . The French press covered the trial and gave the test the publicity it needed to give the field of forensic toxicology the legitimacy it deserved , although in some ways it trivialized it : actual Marsh test assays were conducted in salons , public lectures and even in some plays that recreated the LaFarge case . The existence of the Marsh test also served a deterrent effect : deliberate arsenic poisonings became rarer because the fear of discovery became more prevalent . In fiction ( edit ) Marsh test is used in Bill Bergson Lives Dangerously to prove that a certain chocolate is poisoned with arsenic . In Alan Bradley 's `` As Chimney Sweepers Come To Dust '' , 12 - year old sleuth and chemistry genius Flavia de Luce uses the Marsh test to determine that arsenic was the murderer 's weapon . In the first episode of the 2017 TV series `` Taboo '' a mirror test , referencing the Marsh test , is used to verify the protagonist 's father was killed via arsenic poisoning . However , as the setting of the series is between 1814 - 1820 , a different / earlier process should have been used . See also ( edit ) James Marsh Nascent hydrogen Devarda 's alloy Arsine Stibine References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Marsh , James ( 1836 ) . `` Account of a method of separating small quantities of arsenic from substances with which it may be mixed '' . Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal . 21 : 229 -- 236 . Jump up ^ Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia ( 6th ed . ) . Feb 2013 . Jump up ^ Scheele , Carl Wilhelm ( 1775 ) `` Om Arsenik och dess syra '' ( On arsenic and its acid ) , Kongliga Vetenskaps Academiens Handlingar ( Proceedings of the Royal Scientific Academy ( of Sweden ) ) , 36 : 263 - 294 . From p. 290 : `` Med Zinck. 30 . ( a ) Denna år den endaste af alla så hela som halfva Metaller , som i digestion met Arsenik - syra effervescerar . '' ( With zinc . 30 . ( a ) This is the only ( metal ) of all whole - as well as semi-metals that effervesces on digestion with arsenic acid . ) Scheele collected the arsine and put a mixture of arsine and air into a cylinder . From p. 291 : `` 3 : 0 , Då et tåndt ljus kom når o̊pningen , tåndes luften i kolfven med en småll , lågan for mot handen , denna blef o̊fvedragen med brun fårg , ... '' ( 3 : 0 , Then as ( the ) lit candle came near the opening ( of the cylinder ) , the gases in ( the ) cylinder ignited with a bang ; ( the ) flame ( rushed ) towards my hand , which became coated with ( a ) brown color , ... ) Jump up ^ Metzger , Johann Daniel , Kurzgefasstes System der gerichtlichen Arzneiwissenschaft ( Concise system of forensic medicine ) , 2nd ed . ( Königsberg and Leipzig , ( Germany ) : Goebbels und Unzer , 1805 ) , pp. 238 -- 239 . In a footnote on p. 238 , Metzger mentions that if a sample that 's suspected of containing arsenic trioxide ( Arsenik ) is heated on a copper plate ( Kupferblech ) , then , when arsenic vapor lands on the plate , it will condense to form a shiny silver - white ( weisse Silberglanz ) patch . He also mentions that if a sample containing arsenic trioxide is large enough , metallic arsenic can be produced from it . From the footnote on p. 239 : `` b ) Am besten geschieht sie , wenn mann den Arsenik mit einem fetten Oel zum Brey macht und in einer Retorte so lange distillirt , bis keine ölichte Dämpfe mehr übergehen , dann aber das Feuer verstärkt , wodurch der Arsenik - König sich sublimirt . '' ( b ) It 's best of all when one makes a paste of the arsenic trioxide with a fatty oil and distills it in a retort long enough until no more oily vapors pass over ( and ) then one intensifies the fire , whereby ( metallic ) arsenic is sublimated . ) Jump up ^ Valentin Rose ( 1806 ) `` Ueber das zweckmäßigste Verfahren , um bei Vergiftungen mit Arsenik letzern aufzufinden und darzustellen '' ( On the most effective method , in cases of poisoning with arsenic , to discover and show the latter ) , Journal für Chemie und Physik , 2 : 665 - 671 . Jump up ^ Hahnemann , Samuel ( 1786 ) . Ueber die Arsenikvergiftung , ihre Hülfe und gerichtliche Ausmittelung ( On poisoning by arsenic : its treatment and forensic detection ) ( in German ) . Leipzig , ( Germany ) : Siegfried Lebrecht Crusius . On p. 15 , § 34 , and pp. 25 -- 26 , § 67 , Hahnemann noted that when hydrogen sulfide -- Schwefelleberluft = gas ( Luft ) of liver ( Leber ) of sulfur ( Schwefel ) ; `` liver of sulfur '' is a mixture of sulfides of potassium ; hydrogen sulfide was prepared by adding acid to liver of sulfur -- dissolved in water was added to an acidified solution containing arsenic trioxide , a yellow precipitate -- arsenic trisulfide , As S , which he called Operment ( English : orpiment , yellow arsenic ; German : Rauschgelb ) -- was produced . From pp. 25 - 26 : `` § 67 . Noch müssen wir der Schwefelleberluft erwähnen , die in Wasser aufgelöst , sich am innigsten mit dem Arsenikwasser verbindet , und als Operment mit ihm zu Boden fält . '' ( We still must mention hydrogen sulfide , which ( when it 's ) dissolved in water , binds most closely with arsenic ( trioxide in ) water , and falls to the bottom with it as arsenic trisulfide . ) In Chapter 11 ( Elftes Kapitel . Chemische Kennzeichen des Thatbestands ( corporis delicti ) einer Arsenikvergiftung ( Ch. 11 . Chemical indications of evidence of an arsenic poisoning ) ) , Hahemann explains how to identify arsenic in autopsy samples ( e.g. , stomach contents ) . On p. 239 , § 429 , he explains how to distinguish mercury poisoning from arsenic poisoning . And on p. 246 , § 440 , he describes the course of the reaction : `` § 440 . Mit Schwefelleberluft gesättigtes Wasser bildet in einer wenig gesättigten Arsenikauflösung zuerst eine durchsichtige Gilbe , nach einigen Minuten begint die Flüssigkeit erst trübe zu werden und nach mehrern Stunden erscheint dann nach und nach der lokere pomeranzengelbe Niederschlag , den man mit einigen zugetröpfelten Tropfen Weinessig beschleunigen kan . '' ( § 440 . With water saturated with hydrogen sulfide , ( there ) forms , in a little saturated solution of arsenic , at first a transparent yellow ; after some minutes the fluid begins first to become cloudy , and after several hours ( there ) then appears bit by bit a fluffy orange - yellow precipitate , ( the formation of ) which one can accelerate with some drops of acetic acid added dropwise . ) Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Taboo ( TV Series 2017 -- ) , retrieved 2017 - 06 - 17 Marsh J. ( 1837 ) . `` Arsenic ; nouveau procédé pour le découvrir dans les substances auxquelles il est mêlé '' . Journal de Pharmacie. 23 : 553 -- 562 . Marsh , James ( 1837 ) . `` Beschreibung eines neuen Verfahrens , um kleine Quantitäten Arsenik von den Substanzen abzuscheiden , womit er gemischt ist '' . Liebigs Annalen der Chemie. 23 ( 2 ) : 207 . doi : 10.1002 / jlac. 18370230217 . Mohr C.F. ( 1837 ) . `` Zusätze zu der von Marsh angegebenen Methode , den Arsenik unmittelbar im regulinischen Zustande aus jeder Flüssigkeit auszuscheiden '' ( Addenda to the method given by Marsh for separating arsenic immediately in the metallic state from any liquid ) . Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. 23 ( 2 ) : 217 -- 225 . doi : 10.1002 / jlac. 18370230218 . Lockemann , Georg ( 1905 ) . `` Über den Arsennachweis mit dem Marshschen Apparate '' ( On the detection of arsenic with the Marsh apparatus ) . Angewandte Chemie. 18 ( 11 ) : 416 . doi : 10.1002 / ange. 19050181104 . Harkins , W.D. ( 1910 ) . `` The Marsh test and Excess Potential ( First Paper. 1 ) The Quantitative Determination of Arsenic '' . Journal of the American Chemical Society . 32 ( 4 ) : 518 -- 530 . doi : 10.1021 / ja01922a008 . Campbell W.A. ( 1965 ) . `` Some landmarks in the history of arsenic testing '' . Chemistry in Britain . 1 : 198 -- 202 . External links ( edit ) McMuigan , Hugh ( 1921 ) . An Introduction to Chemical Pharmacology . Philadelphia : P. Blakiston 's Son & Co. pp. 396 -- 397 . Retrieved 2007 - 12 - 16 . Wanklyn , James Alfred ( 1901 ) . Arsenic . London : Kegan Paul , Trench , Trübner & Co. Ltd . pp. 39 -- 57 . Retrieved 2007 - 12 - 16 . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Arsenic Toxicology tests Name reactions Hidden categories : CS1 German - language sources ( de ) Articles containing French - language text Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Gaeilge Italiano Nederlands Polski Português Русский Suomi Svenska தமிழ் Українська Edit links This page was last edited on 21 November 2017 , at 01 : 19 . About Wikipedia
who devised the first test for detection of arsenic in 1775
The first breakthrough in the detection of arsenic poisoning was in 1775 when Carl Wilhelm Scheele discovered a way to change arsenic trioxide to garlic - smelling arsine gas ( AsH ) , by treating it with nitric acid ( HNO ) and combining it with zinc .
Bianca Lawson - wikipedia Bianca Lawson Bianca Lawson Bianca Jasmine Lawson ( 1979 - 03 - 20 ) March 20 , 1979 ( age 39 ) Los Angeles , California , U.S. Education Stella Adler Studio of Acting Marymount High School Alma mater University of Southern California Occupation Actress Years active 1988 -- present Parent ( s ) Richard Lawson Denise Gordy Relatives Beyoncé Knowles - Carter ( paternal step - sister ) Solange Knowles ( paternal step - sister ) Family Gordy Bianca Jasmine Lawson ( born March 20 , 1979 ) is an American film and television actress . She is perhaps best known for her regular roles in the television series Saved by the Bell : The New Class , Goode Behavior , Pretty Little Liars , and Rogue . She has also had recurring roles in the series Sister , Sister , Buffy the Vampire Slayer , The Steve Harvey Show , Dawson 's Creek , The Secret Life of the American Teenager , The Vampire Diaries , Teen Wolf , and Witches of East End . In 2016 , Lawson began starring in the Oprah Winfrey Network drama series , Queen Sugar . Contents 1 Early life 2 Career 3 Filmography 3.1 Film 3.2 Television 3.3 Video games 4 References 5 External links Early Life Lawson was born in Los Angeles , California . She is the daughter of Denise ( née Gordy ) and actor Richard Lawson , making her the step - daughter to Lawson 's second wife Tina Knowles , and step - sister to singers Beyoncé and Solange Knowles . Lawson is also the great - niece of Motown founder Berry Gordy . She attended the Stella Adler Studio of Acting and graduated from Marymount High School , a Catholic school in Los Angeles . She then went on to study film and psychology at University of Southern California . Lawson 's parents are both African - American , and she also has Italian , Native American , Portuguese , and Creole ancestry . Career Lawson began acting at the age of nine , having appeared in commercials for Barbie and Revlon . In 1993 , she was cast in the television series Saved by the Bell : The New Class as series regular Megan Jones . She appeared in multiple episodes of The WB sitcoms Sister , Sister as Rhonda Coley and The Steve Harvey Show as Rosalind . In 1996 , she co-starred in the UPN sitcom Goode Behavior -- which lasted for just one season -- as Bianca Goode , the teenage daughter of the titular family . In 1997 , she appeared in Buffy the Vampire Slayer as vampire slayer Kendra Young . In 1999 , she appeared in The WB 's Dawson 's Creek as rival character Nikki Green . In 2009 , Lawson was cast as Shawna in The Secret Life of the American Teenager . That same year , she was cast in the CW television series The Vampire Diaries , as witch Emily Bennett . In December 2009 , she was cast as Maya St. Germain in the ABC Family series Pretty Little Liars , based on the book series by Sara Shepard . She appeared in that show from June 2010 through August 2012 . Since 2012 , she has had a recurring role as Ms. Morell in the MTV television series Teen Wolf , based on the original film from 1985 . In 2014 , Lawson had a recurring role as Eva in Witches of East End . In 2015 , she was cast as series regular Talia Freeman in season three of Rogue . Lawson has made appearances in two different television miniseries . In 1998 , she appeared in The Temptations as Diana Ross ( whom Lawson is related to through Ross 's daughter Rhonda Ross Kendrick ) ; and in 2001 , she was cast as Anna Bella Monroe in Anne Rice 's The Feast of All Saints . Some of Lawson 's film credits to date include Primary Colors ( 1998 ) , Save the Last Dance ( 2001 ) , Bones ( 2001 ) and Breakin ' All the Rules ( 2004 ) . Aside from film and television , Lawson provided her voice to the 2011 video game Star Wars : The Old Republic . In 2016 , Lawson was cast in the Oprah Winfrey Network drama series , Queen Sugar created by Ava DuVernay . Filmography Film Year Title Role Notes 1998 Twice the Fear Girlfriend Direct - to - video Primary Colors Loretta 2000 Big Monster on Campus Darien Stompanato Direct - to - video 2001 Save the Last Dance Nikki Bones Cynthia 2003 Jeepers Creepers 2 ( uncredited ) Breakin ' All the Rules Helen Sharp Dead & Breakfast Kate The Pavilion Mary Direct - to - video 2005 Flip the Script Angel Direct - to - video 2006 Broken Mia Independent film National Lampoon 's Pledge This ! Monique Direct - to - video 2007 Supergator Carla Masters Direct - to - video 2009 The Killing of Wendy Brooke Independent film Television Year Title Role Notes 1993 -- 94 Saved by the Bell : The New Class Megan Jones Main role ( seasons 1 -- 2 ) ; 39 episodes What'z Up ? Herself Co-host My So - Called Life Third Bathroom Girl Episode : `` Pilot '' 1995 Me and the Boys Girl Episode : `` The Age of Reason '' In the House Rachel Episode : `` The Final Cut '' Saved by the Bell : The New Class Megan Jones Archive footage : `` Screech 's Dream '' ( # 3.19 ) 1995 -- 96 Sister , Sister Rhonda Coley Recurring role ; 7 episodes 1996 -- 97 Goode Behavior Bianca Goode Regular role ; 22 episodes 1997 -- 99 Smart Guy Shirley / Tracy 2 episodes The Parent ' Hood Jasmine 2 episodes 1997 -- 98 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Kendra Young 3 episodes 1998 Silk Stalkings Renee Episode : `` Rage '' The Steve Harvey Show Rosalind 3 episodes The Temptations Diana Ross Television mini-series 1999 -- 2000 Dawson 's Creek Nikki Green 4 episodes 2001 Strong Medicine Esperenza Maldonaldo Episode : `` Control Group '' The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn Herself Guest The Feast of All Saints Anna Bella Monroe Television mini-series 2002 For the People Asia Portman Episode : `` Textbook Perfect '' Haunted Brandi Combs Episode : `` Blind Witness '' 2003 Loose Lips Herself Television series documentary The Division Marilynn Resiser Episode : `` Play Ball '' The Big House Angela Episode : `` Almost Touched by an Angel '' Fearless Harmony Kaye Unsold Television pilot 2006 Living in TV Land Herself Episode : `` Sherman Hemsley '' 2008 The Cleaner Jeannie 2 episodes 2009 Bones Albie Episode : `` Fire in the Ice '' The Secret Life of the American Teenager Shawna Recurring role ; 6 episodes Sorority Wars ( uncredited ) Television film 2009 -- 14 The Vampire Diaries Emily Bennett Recurring role ; 6 episodes 2010 -- 12 Pretty Little Liars Maya St. Germain Main role ( season 1 ) ; 22 episodes Nikita Emily Robinson Episode : `` The Guardian '' 2011 American Horror Story Abby Episode : `` Pilot '' Heavenly Sasha Grant Television film 2012 -- 14 Teen Wolf Marin Morrell Recurring role ; 12 episodes 2012 Beauty & the Beast Lafferty Episode : `` Trapped '' All About Christmas Eve Lila Television film 2 Broke Girls Stacy Episode : `` And the Silent Partner '' 2013 Good Day L.A. Herself Guest 2014 House of Secrets Julie Television film Wolf Watch Herself Guest Witches of East End Eva / Selina Recurring role ; 10 episodes Pretty Little Liars : We Love You to DeAth Herself Television special 2015 Chicago P.D. Kylie Rosales Episode : `` We Do n't Work Together Anymore '' Rogue Talia Freeman Main role ( season 3 ) ; 10 episodes 2016 -- present Queen Sugar Darla Series regular Video games Year Title Role Notes 2011 Star Wars : The Old Republic ( voice ) Provided additional voices References Jump up ^ Webber , Stephanie ( 2015 - 04 - 14 ) . `` Beyonce 's New Stepsister Bianca Lawson Is Famous , Too : Details ! - Us Weekly '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 06 - 20 . Jump up ^ Bianca Lawson Biography ( 1979 - ) , Film Reference Jump up ^ Bianca Lawson 's bio Archived June 6 , 2010 , at the Wayback Machine . at ABC Jump up ^ Exclusive Bianca Lawson Interview at Facebook Jump up ^ `` ABC Family Announces Additional Casting for its Upcoming Pilots `` Melissa & Joey , '' `` Untitled Michael Jacobs Project '' and `` Pretty Little Liars . '' '' ( PDF ) . ABC Family Press Release . December 7 , 2009 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on January 27 , 2010 . Retrieved 2009 - 12 - 30 . Jump up ^ Denise Petski . `` ' Queen Sugar ' Adds Bianca Lawson , Greg Vaughan & Henry G. Sanders - Deadline '' . Deadline . Retrieved 23 February 2016 . External links Bianca Lawson on IMDb Gordy family First generation Berry Gordy Lucy Hellum Second generation Berry Gordy II Bertha Fuller Third generation Esther Gordy Anna Gordy Gwen Gordy Harvey Fuqua Berry Gordy Jr . ( III ) Raynoma Mayberry Diana Ross Robert Gordy Fourth generation Iris Gordy Johnny Bristol Marvin Gaye Denise Gordy Richard Lawson Jermaine Jackson Kerry Gordy Kennedy Gordy Rhonda Gordy Rodney Kendrick Stefan Gordy Fifth generation Bianca Lawson Skyler Gordy Book ISNI : 0000 0000 4538 3691 LCCN : no2003029642 VIAF : 9529271 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1979 births Living people 20th - century American actresses 21st - century American actresses Actresses from Los Angeles African - American actresses American people of Creole descent American people of Italian descent American people of Native American descent American people of Portuguese descent American child actresses American film actresses American television actresses American video game actresses American voice actresses Gordy family Stella Adler Studio of Acting alumni University of Southern California alumni Actresses of Italian descent Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages Infobox person using alma mater Articles with hCards All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from June 2015 Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Asturianu تۆرکجه Čeština Deutsch Español فارسی Français 한국어 Հայերեն Italiano Nederlands 日本 語 Polski Português Русский Suomi Svenska Türkçe اردو 10 more Edit links This page was last edited on 17 August 2018 , at 05 : 52 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who plays nikki green in dawson's creek
Lawson began acting at the age of nine , having appeared in commercials for Barbie and Revlon . In 1993 , she was cast in the television series Saved by the Bell : The New Class as series regular Megan Jones . She appeared in multiple episodes of The WB sitcoms Sister , Sister as Rhonda Coley and The Steve Harvey Show as Rosalind . In 1996 , she co-starred in the UPN sitcom Goode Behavior -- which lasted for just one season -- as Bianca Goode , the teenage daughter of the titular family . In 1997 , she appeared in Buffy the Vampire Slayer as vampire slayer Kendra Young . In 1999 , she appeared in The WB 's Dawson 's Creek as rival character Nikki Green .
Looney Tunes : Back in Action - Wikipedia Looney Tunes : Back in Action This article is about the film . For the tie - in video game , see Looney Tunes : Back in Action ( video game ) . Looney Tunes : Back in Action Theatrical release poster Directed by Joe Dante Produced by Paula Weinstein Bernie Goldman Screenplay by Larry Doyle Story by Larry Doyle Glenn Ficarra John Requa Starring Brendan Fraser Jenna Elfman Steve Martin Timothy Dalton Joan Cusack Heather Locklear Music by Jerry Goldsmith Cinematography Dean Cundey Edited by Rick Finney Marshall Harvey Production company Baltimore Spring Creek Productions Goldmann Pictures Lonely Film Productions GmbH & Co . KG . Warner Bros. Feature Animation Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures Release date November 9 , 2003 ( 2003 - 11 - 09 ) ( premiere ) November 14 , 2003 ( 2003 - 11 - 14 ) ( United States ) Running time 93 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $80 million Box office $68.5 million Looney Tunes : Back in Action is a 2003 American live - action / animated comedy film directed by Joe Dante . It is the third feature - length live - action / animation hybrid film to feature Looney Tunes characters , after Who Framed Roger Rabbit ( 1988 ) and Space Jam ( 1996 ) . The plot follows Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny ( both voiced by Joe Alaskey ) as they help aspiring daredevil Damian `` D.J. '' Drake , Jr . ( Brendan Fraser ) and Warner Bros. executive Kate Houghton ( Jenna Elfman ) find the `` blue monkey '' diamond in order to prevent the evil Mr. Chairman ( Steve Martin ) of the Acme Corporation from using it to turn mankind into monkeys that will manufacture his products ; the group also attempts to rescue D.J. 's father ( Timothy Dalton ) , an actor and spy who has been captured by Mr. Chairman . The film was theatrically released on November 14 , 2003 with mixed - to - positive critical reception . However , the film was a box office bomb , grossing $68.5 million worldwide against an $80 million budget . This was the final film to be scored by composer Jerry Goldsmith , who died less than a year after the film 's release . This was also the final film to be produced by Warner Bros. Feature Animation . Contents 1 Plot 2 Cast 2.1 Voices 3 Production 4 Soundtrack 5 Reception 5.1 Commercial reception 5.2 Critical response 6 Home media release 7 References 8 External links Plot Tired of playing second banana to Bugs Bunny , Daffy Duck demands his own cartoon from Warner Bros. , but is promptly fired . Aspiring stuntman DJ Drake is asked to escort Daffy off the studio lot , but the ensuing chase leads to the Batmobile demolishing the studio water tower . DJ is also fired in the process , and returns home with Daffy hitching a ride , discovering his father , action film star , Damian Drake , is actually a secret agent . Damian instructs his son to travel to Las Vegas , find his associate Dusty Tails , and gain the mystical `` blue monkey '' diamond , but he is shortly thereafter captured by the Acme Corporation , led by the childish Mr. Chairman . DJ and Daffy head for Vegas . Meanwhile , Bugs ' routines fall apart without Daffy , so `` Vice-President of Comedy , '' Kate Houghton , is sent to rehire Daffy or face being fired herself . Bugs informs Kate of the situation , so they steal Damian 's spy car , and pursue DJ and Daffy . In Las Vegas , DJ and Daffy meet Dusty in a casino owned by Acme operative Yosemite Sam . Dusty gives them a strange playing card , but when Sam attempts to kill them , they flee in the spy car with Bugs and Kate . The spy car , which can also fly , crashes in the Nevada desert . The group eventually stumbles upon Area 52 , run by a woman called ' mother ' , who informs them of the situation , and plays a video recording , which reveals that Acme intends on using the blue monkey to transform mankind into monkeys to manufacture their products , before turning them back into human beings to purchase them . Marvin the Martian , imprisoned in the facility , escapes and leads a group of fellow alien inmates to obtain the playing card , but the heroes escape . Seeing that the card has Mona Lisa 's face on it , the group conclude they must view the painting in the Louvre , located in Paris . At the Louvre , they discover that the card contains a viewing window , and looking through it , the window reveals that the Mona Lisa has a map of Africa hidden beneath . Elmer Fudd appears , and , revealing himself as an Acme operative , chases Bugs and Daffy through the gallery for the card whilst Kate is kidnapped by Mr. Chairman 's bodyguard , Mr. Smith , to obtain a photo of the African map . DJ rescues Kate . Elmer is disintegrated by Bugs after jumping out of a pointillism artwork . Bugs and Daffy reunite with DJ and Kate , and they leave Paris . DJ , Kate , Bugs , and Daffy travel to Africa , meeting Granny , Sylvester , and Tweety , who escort them to the ruins of a jungle temple where they find the blue monkey . Granny and company reveal themselves to be Mr. Chairman , Smith , and the Tasmanian Devil in disguise . Mr. Chairman uses a disintegration gun to transport himself and the heroes to the Acme headquarters where he forces DJ to give him the diamond , when Damian is revealed to be his prisoner . Marvin is sent to place the blue monkey on an Acme satellite which will emit an energy beam around the world to turn everyone , except Mr. Chairman , into monkeys . DJ and Kate rescue Damian from a death trap , whilst Bugs and Daffy pursue Marvin into space . Bugs is incapacitated , prompting Daffy to become Duck Dodgers , in order to destroy the blue monkey . The transforming energy beam only strikes Mr. Chairman , turning him into a monkey . Bugs and Daffy return to Earth , where Daffy discovers the whole adventure was staged to make a film . However , Bugs promises Daffy they will be equal partners , but just as Daffy 's luck seems to be improving , he is flattened by the Looney Tunes iris , where Porky Pig attempts to close the film with `` That 's all folks ! '' only for the studio to shut down before he can finish , and he tells the audience to go home . Cast Brendan Fraser as D.J. Drake / Himself Jenna Elfman as Kate Houghton Steve Martin as Mr. Chairman Heather Locklear as Dusty Tails Joan Cusack as Mother Timothy Dalton as Damian Drake Bill Goldberg as Mr. Smith Don Stanton as Mr. Warner Dan Stanton as Mr. Warner 's brother Matthew Lillard as himself ( cameo ) Jeff Gordon as himself ( cameo ) Kevin McCarthy as Dr Miles Bennell ( cameo ) Michael Jordan as Himself ( cameo via archive footage from Space Jam ) Roger Corman as studio director ( cameo ) Peter Graves as Civil Defense film host ( cameo ) Marc Lawrence as Acme VP , Stating the Obvious Ron Perlman as Acme VP , Never Learning Robert Picardo as Acme VP , Rhetorical Questions Voices Joe Alaskey as Bugs Bunny , Daffy Duck , Sylvester , Beaky Buzzard , Mama Bear Jeff Bennett as Foghorn Leghorn , Yosemite Sam , Nasty Canasta Bob Bergen as Porky Pig Brendan Fraser as Tasmanian Devil , Tasmanian She - Devil June Foray as Granny Eric Goldberg as Marvin the Martian , Michigan J. Frog , Speedy Gonzales , Tweety Bruce Lanoil as Pepé Le Pew Billy West as Elmer Fudd , Peter Lorre Danny Chambers as Cottontail Smith Will Ryan as Papa Bear Stan Freberg as Junior Bear Casey Kasem as Shaggy Rogers Frank Welker as Scooby - Doo Danny Mann as Robo Dog and Spy Car Mel Blanc as Gremlin Car ( archive recordings ) Production A follow - up to Space Jam was planned as early as the film 's release . As development began , Space Jam 2 was going to involve a new basketball competition between the Looney Tunes and a new villain named Berserk - O ! . Artist Bob Camp was tasked with designing Berserk - O ! and his henchmen . Joe Pytka would have returned to direct and Spike Brandt and Tony Cervone signed on as the animation supervisors . However , Michael Jordan did not agree to star in a sequel . According to Camp , a producer lied to design artists , claiming that Jordan had signed on in order to keep development going . Warner Bros. eventually canceled plans for Space Jam 2 . The film then re-entered development as Spy Jam and was to star Jackie Chan . Warner Bros. was also planning a film titled Race Jam which would have starred Jeff Gordon . Both projects were ultimately cancelled . Warner Bros. eventually asked Joe Dante to direct Back in Action , having had previous success with Gremlins ( 1984 ) and Innerspace ( 1987 ) . In the early 1990s , Dante wanted to produce a biographical comedy with HBO , called Termite Terrace . It centered around director Chuck Jones ' early years at Warner Bros. in the 1930s . On the project , Dante recalled `` It was a hilarious story and it was very good except that Warner Bros. said ' Look , it 's an old story . It 's got period stuff in it . We do n't want that . We want to rebrand our characters and we want to do Space Jam . ' '' Dante agreed to direct Back in Action as tribute to Jones . He and screenwriter Larry Doyle reportedly wanted the film to the `` Anti-Space Jam '' as Dante disliked how that film represented the Looney Tunes brand and personalities . Dante said `` I was making a movie for them with those characters ( Looney Tunes : Back in Action ) and they did not want to know about those characters . They did n't want to know why Bugs Bunny should n't do hip - hop . It was a pretty grim experience all around . '' Warner Bros. hired Walt Disney Feature Animation 's Eric Goldberg , most known for his fast - paced , Warner Bros. - inspired animation of the Genie in Aladdin ( 1992 ) , to direct the animation . On the film , Dante stated `` It 's a gagfest . Not having a particularly strong story , it just goes from gag to gag and location to location . It 's not a particularly compelling narrative , but , of course , that 's not where the charm of the movie is supposed to lie . '' On the subject of filming , Dante said `` ( W ) e would shoot each scene three times . First we 'd rehearse with a stand - in -- a ' stuffy , ' we called it . Then , we 'd shoot the scene without anything in it ; then , we 'd shoot the scene again with this mirror ball in the shot which shows the computers where the light sources are . Then the animators would go to work and put characters into the frame . The problem with that movie came when the studio ( executives ) started to get tired of our jokes and wanted us to change them . But , of course , the animation is done to the voices and not the other way around . It was difficult trying to convince them that you do n't just bring in 25 gag writers and try to write a joke that 's short enough to put in somebody 's mouth . '' Although the production had twenty - five gag writers , the film has only one credited writer . Despite being directed by acknowledged fans of the original cartoons , Dante stated that he had no creative freedom on the project , and called it `` the longest year and a half of my life . '' Dante felt that he and Goldberg managed to preserve the original personalities of the characters . However , the opening , middle , and end of the film are different from what Dante envisioned . Goldberg also provided the voices of Tweety , Michigan J. Frog , Marvin the Martian and Speedy Gonzales . Brendan Fraser provided the voice of the Tazmanian Devil and She - Devil , having impressed Dante with his Taz vocal impression . Soundtrack This was the final film scored by composer Jerry Goldsmith . Due to Goldsmith 's failing health , the last reel of the film was actually scored by John Debney , though Goldsmith was the only credited composer in marketing materials and the Varèse Sarabande soundtrack album only contains Goldsmith 's music ( although the first and last cues are adaptations of compositions heard in Warner Bros. cartoons ) . Debney receives an `` Additional Music by '' credit in the closing titles of the film and `` Special Thanks '' in the soundtrack album credits . Goldsmith died in July 2004 , eight months after the film 's release . Life Story -- Carl Stalling ( : 18 ) What 's Up ? ( 1 : 24 ) Another Take ( : 48 ) Dead Duck Walking ( 3 : 13 ) Out of the Bag ( 3 : 42 ) Blue Monkey ( : 54 ) In Style ( 1 : 09 ) The Bad Guys ( 2 : 57 ) Car Trouble ( 3 : 45 ) Thin Air ( 1 : 24 ) ( a version of the well known Powerhouse theme is heard ) Area 52 ( 1 : 27 ) Hot Pursuit ( 2 : 26 ) We 've Got Company ( 1 : 50 ) I 'll Take That ( 1 : 19 ) Paris Street ( 1 : 21 ) Free Fall ( 1 : 15 ) Tasmanian Devil ( 1 : 10 ) Jungle Scene ( 1 : 40 ) Pressed Duck ( 3 : 22 ) Re-Assembled ( : 50 ) The Merry - Go - Round Broke Down ( Cliff Friend and Dave Franklin ) ( : 16 ) Reception Commercial reception Looney Tunes : Back in Action was released on November 14 , 2003 , originally planned to open earlier that summer . The film grossed $68.5 million worldwide against a budget of $80 million . Warner Bros. was hoping to start a revitalized franchise of Looney Tunes media and products with the success of Back in Action . New animated shorts and a Duck Dodgers TV series were commissioned to tie - in with Back in Action . The film instead triggered Warner Bros. to release new TV projects in an effort to re-brand the Looney Tunes such as Loonatics Unleashed ( 2005 -- 2007 ) , The Looney Tunes Show ( 2011 -- 2014 ) , and Wabbit ( 2015 -- present ) . Critical response Critical response aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes gave the film an approval rating of 57 % based on 134 reviews . The site 's critical consensus reads : `` The plot is a nonsensical , hyperactive jumble and the gags are relatively uninspired compared to the classic Looney Tunes cartoons . '' At Metacritic , the film scored a 64 / 100 , indicating `` generally favorable reviews '' Chicago Sun - Times movie critics , Roger Ebert and Richard Roeper , gave the film `` Two Thumbs Up '' ; Roeper called it a `` cheerful and self - referential romp blending animation with live action in a non-stop quest for silly laughs , '' while Ebert called it `` goofy fun . '' The film was also nominated for Saturn Award for Best Animated Film , Annie Award for Best Animated Feature and Satellite Award for Best Animated or Mixed Media Feature . Home media release Warner Home Video released Looney Tunes : Back in Action on VHS and DVD on March 2 , 2004 . The film was re-released on DVD in separate widescreen and full screen editions on September 7 , 2010 . It was also released on Blu - ray with bonus features on December 2 , 2014 . A double DVD and Blu - ray release , paired with Space Jam , was released on June 7 , 2016 . References Jump up ^ `` Detail view of Movies Page '' . . Retrieved October 30 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` Looney Tunes : Back in Action ( 2003 ) '' . Box Office Mojo . Retrieved January 25 , 2008 . ^ Jump up to : `` Looney Tunes : Back in Action '' . Rotten Tomatoes . Retrieved 2008 - 01 - 29 . ^ Jump up to : `` Looney Tunes : Back in Action Reviews , Ratings , Credits , and More '' . Metacritic . Retrieved 2008 - 01 - 29 . ^ Jump up to : Beck , Jerry ( 2005 ) . The Animated Movie Guide . Jump up ^ `` The New Looney Tunes : An Interview with Producer Larry Doyle '' . . January 21 , 2003 . Archived from the original on May 17 , 2008 . Retrieved June 2 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : `` '' Looney Tunes : Back in Action '' on IMDb `` . IMDb . Retrieved January 12 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` Behind The Voice Actors - Looney Tunes : Back in Action - Cast Images '' . Behind the Voice Actors . Retrieved May 27 , 2016 . -- check mark indicates BTVA has verified the entries using screenshots of credits and other confirmed sources . Jump up ^ `` Looney Tunes : Back in Action ( 2003 ) '' -- via . Jump up ^ `` Artist Bob Camp recalls the ill - fated `` Space Jam 2 '' `` . Animated Views . November 30 , 2012 . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Joe Dante on Looney Tunes '' . Something Old , Nothing New . June 15 , 2007 . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 18 . Jump up ^ Sachs , Ben ( August 8 , 2012 ) . `` The orgiast : an interview with Joe Dante ( part one ) '' . Chicago Reader . Retrieved February 13 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` The Den of Geek interview : Joe Dante '' . Den of Geek . February 21 , 2008 . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 18 . Jump up ^ Looney Tunes : Back in Action soundtrack review at . Retrieved 2011 - 03 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Looney Tunes : Back in Action ( 2003 ) '' . Box Office Mojo . Internet Movie Database . Retrieved 2011 - 12 - 02 . Jump up ^ `` Looney Tunes : Back in Action : : : : Reviews '' . . November 14 , 2003 . Retrieved October 29 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Space Jam / Looney Tunes : Back in Action '' product information Retrieved 17 December 2016 External links Wikiquote has quotations related to : Looney Tunes : Back in Action Official website Looney Tunes : Back in Action on IMDb Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies Studios Harman - Ising Productions ( 1930 -- 1933 ) Leon Schlesinger Productions ( 1933 -- 1944 ) Warner Bros. Cartoons ( 1944 -- 1964 ) DePatie -- Freleng Enterprises ( 1964 -- 1967 , 1979 -- 1980 ) Format Films ( 1965 -- 1967 ) Warner Bros. - Seven Arts ( 1967 -- 1969 ) Chuck Jones Enterprises ( 1976 -- 1980 , 1994 -- 1997 ) Warner Bros. Animation ( 1980 -- present ) People Tex Avery Bea Benaderet Mel Blanc Bernard B. Brown Arthur Q. Bryan John Burton Daws Butler Bob Clampett Cal Dalton Arthur Davis David H. DePatie Earl Duvall Milt Franklyn Stan Freberg Friz Freleng June Foray Ben Hardaway Hugh Harman Ken Harris William L. Hendricks Cal Howard Rudolf Ising Chuck Jones Jack King William Lava Abe Levitow Michael Maltese Frank Marsales Norman McCabe Robert McKimson Tom Palmer Hawley Pratt Virgil Ross Leon Schlesinger Rod Scribner Edward Selzer Norman Spencer Carl Stalling Frank Tashlin Ben Washam Characters Babbit and Catstello Barnyard Dawg Beaky Buzzard Beans Blacque Jacque Shellacque Bosko Buddy Bugs Bunny Bunny and Claude Cecil Turtle Charlie Dog Claude Cat Clyde Bunny Colonel Shuffle Conrad the Cat Cool Cat Count Blood Count Daffy Duck Egghead Jr . Elmer Fudd Foghorn Leghorn Foxy Gabby Goat Goofy Gophers Goopy Geer Gossamer Granny Hector the Bulldog Henery Hawk Hippety Hopper Honey Bunny Hubie and Bertie Hugo the Abominable Snowman Inki Lola Bunny Marc Antony and Pussyfoot Marvin the Martian Melissa Duck Merlin the Magic Mouse Michigan J. Frog Miss Prissy Nasty Canasta Penelope Pussycat Pepé Le Pew Pete Puma Petunia Pig Piggy Playboy Penguin Porky Pig Ralph Wolf The Road Runner Rocky and Mugsy Sam Sheepdog Slowpoke Rodriguez Sniffles Speedy Gonzales Spike the Bulldog and Chester the Terrier Sylvester Sylvester Jr . Taz The Three Bears Tweety Wile E. Coyote Willoughby Witch Hazel Yosemite Sam Shorts 1929 -- 1939 1940 -- 1949 1950 -- 1959 1960 -- 1969 1970 -- present and miscellaneous Featuring Bugs Bunny Featuring Daffy Duck Featuring Porky Pig Blue Ribbon reissues Censored Eleven Unreleased Television Compilations The Bugs Bunny Show The Road Runner Show The Porky Pig Show Looney Tunes on Nickelodeon Merrie Melodies Starring Bugs Bunny & Friends Bugs ' n ' Daffy Originals Tiny Toon Adventures Taz - Mania The Plucky Duck Show The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries Baby Looney Tunes Duck Dodgers Loonatics Unleashed The Looney Tunes Show Wabbit / New Looney Tunes Specials Feature films Compilations The Bugs Bunny / Road Runner Movie The Looney Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie Bugs Bunny 's 3rd Movie : 1001 Rabbit Tales Daffy Duck 's Fantastic Island Daffy Duck 's Quackbusters The Looney Tunes Hall of Fame Made for video Tweety 's High - Flying Adventure Bah , Humduck ! A Looney Tunes Christmas Looney Tunes : Rabbits Run Documentaries Bugs Bunny : Superstar Bugs & Daffy : The Wartime Cartoons Chuck Amuck : The Movie Live - action / animation Space Jam Looney Tunes : Back in Action Music / Songs `` Merrily We Roll Along '' `` The Merry - Go - Round Broke Down '' `` Powerhouse '' `` The Gold Diggers ' Song ( We 're in the Money ) '' `` Camptown Races '' Other Video games Book Category Looney Tunes films Theatrical Space Jam Looney Tunes : Back in Action Featurettes Adventures of the Road Runner Direct - to - video Tweety 's High - Flying Adventure Bah , Humduck ! A Looney Tunes Christmas Looney Tunes : Rabbits Run Documentaries Bugs Bunny : Superstar Chuck Amuck : The Movie Compilations Bugs Bunny The Bugs Bunny / Road Runner Movie The Looney Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie Bugs Bunny 's 3rd Movie : 1001 Rabbit Tales The Looney Tunes Hall of Fame Daffy Duck Daffy Duck 's Fantastic Island Daffy Duck 's Quackbusters Cameos Haunted Gold Alice in Wonderland When 's Your Birthday ? The Big Broadcast of 1938 She Married a Cop Love Thy Neighbor The Lady Eve Hi Diddle Diddle Two Guys from Texas My Dream Is Yours Who Framed Roger Rabbit Gremlins 2 : The New Batch Scooby - Doo 2 : Monsters Unleashed Films directed by Joe Dante The Movie Orgy ( 1968 ) Hollywood Boulevard ( 1976 ) Piranha ( 1978 ) The Howling ( 1981 ) Twilight Zone : The Movie ( 1983 ) Gremlins ( 1984 ) Explorers ( 1985 ) Innerspace ( 1987 ) Amazon Women on the Moon ( 1987 ) The ' Burbs ( 1989 ) Gremlins 2 : The New Batch ( 1990 ) Matinee ( 1993 ) Runaway Daughters ( 1994 ) The Second Civil War ( 1997 ) The Warlord : Battle for the Galaxy ( 1998 ) Small Soldiers ( 1998 ) Looney Tunes : Back in Action ( 2003 ) Trapped Ashes ( 2006 ) The Hole ( 2009 ) Burying the Ex ( 2014 ) Warner Bros. Animation Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies Shorts characters The Bugs Bunny Show The Bugs Bunny / Road Runner Movie ( 1979 ) The Looney Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie ( 1981 ) Bugs Bunny 's 3rd Movie : 1001 Rabbit Tales ( 1982 ) Daffy Duck 's Fantastic Island ( 1983 ) Daffy Duck 's Quackbusters ( 1988 ) Merrie Melodies Starring Bugs Bunny & Friends Tiny Toon Adventures characters Taz - Mania The Plucky Duck Show The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries Bugs ' n ' Daffy Space Jam ( 1996 ) Baby Looney Tunes Duck Dodgers characters Looney Tunes : Back in Action ( 2003 ) Loonatics Unleashed characters The Looney Tunes Show episodes New Looney Tunes DC Comics Batman : The Animated Series Superman : The Animated Series The New Batman Adventures Batman Beyond Static Shock The Zeta Project Justice League Teen Titans Justice League Unlimited The Batman Krypto the Superdog Legion of Super Heroes Batman : The Brave and the Bold Young Justice Green Lantern : The Animated Series DC Nation Shorts Teen Titans Go ! Beware the Batman Justice League : Gods and Monsters Chronicles Vixen Justice League Action Freedom Fighters : The Ray Constantine : City of Demons DC Super Hero Girls TV series Scooby - Doo What 's New , Scooby - Doo ? Shaggy & Scooby - Doo Get a Clue ! Scooby - Doo ! Mystery Incorporated Be Cool , Scooby - Doo ! `` Scoobynatural '' ( Supernatural episode ) Scooby - Doo and Guess Who ? Animaniacs Animaniacs characters Pinky and the Brain Pinky , Elmyra & the Brain Animaniacs ( reboot ) Tom and Jerry Tom and Jerry Tales The Tom and Jerry Show The Lego Movie The Lego Movie ( 2014 ) The Lego Batman Movie ( 2017 ) The Lego Ninjago Movie ( 2017 ) Unikitty ! The Lego Movie 2 : The Second Part ( 2019 ) Theatrical feature - length films Batman : Mask of the Phantasm ( 1993 ) Space Jam ( 1996 ) Quest for Camelot ( 1998 ) The Iron Giant ( 1999 ) Osmosis Jones ( 2001 ) Looney Tunes : Back in Action ( 2003 ) The Lego Movie ( 2014 ) Storks ( 2016 ) The Lego Batman Movie ( 2017 ) The Lego Ninjago Movie ( 2017 ) Teen Titans Go ! To the Movies ( 2018 ) Smallfoot ( 2018 ) The Lego Movie 2 : The Second Part ( 2019 ) Other TV series Freakazoid ! Histeria ! Coconut Fred 's Fruit Salad Island Detention Baby Blues Ozzy & Drix ¡ Mucha Lucha ! ( characters ) 3 South Xiaolin Showdown Firehouse Tales Johnny Test characters Road Rovers Mad ThunderCats Waynehead Mike Tyson Mysteries Bunnicula Right Now Kapow Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz Wacky Races Yabba - Dabba Dinosaurs ! Green Eggs and Ham ThunderCats Roar Television specials A Miser Brothers ' Christmas ( 2008 ) Scooby - Doo ! Spooky Games ( 2012 ) Robot Chicken DC Comics Special ( 2012 Scooby - Doo ! Haunted Holidays ( 2012 ) Scooby - Doo ! and the Spooky Scarecrow ( 2013 ) Scooby - Doo ! Mecha Mutt Menace ( 2013 ) Robot Chicken DC Comics Special 2 : Villains in Paradise ( 2014 ) Scooby - Doo ! Ghastly Goals ( 2014 ) Tom and Jerry : Santa 's Little Helpers ( 2014 ) Lego DC Comics : Batman Be-Leaguered ( 2014 ) Elf : Buddy 's Musical Christmas ( 2014 ) Scooby - Doo ! and the Beach Beastie ( 2015 ) Robot Chicken DC Comics Special III : Magical Friendship ( 2015 ) Lego Scooby - Doo ! Knight Time Terror ( 2015 ) DC Super Hero Girls : Super Hero High ( 2016 ) Direct - to - video films Tiny Toon Adventures : How I Spent My Vacation ( 1992 ) Batman & Mr. Freeze : SubZero ( 1998 ) Scooby - Doo on Zombie Island ( 1998 ) Scooby - Doo ! and the Witch 's Ghost ( 1999 ) Wakko 's Wish ( 1999 ) Tweety 's High - Flying Adventure ( 2000 ) Scooby - Doo and the Alien Invaders ( 2000 ) Batman Beyond : Return of the Joker ( 2000 ) Scooby - Doo and the Cyber Chase ( 2001 ) Tom and Jerry : The Magic Ring ( 2002 ) Baby Looney Tunes ' Eggs - traordinary Adventure ( 2003 ) Scooby - Doo ! and the Legend of the Vampire ( 2003 ) Scooby - Doo ! and the Monster of Mexico ( 2003 ) Batman : Mystery of the Batwoman ( 2003 ) Scooby - Doo ! and the Loch Ness Monster ( 2004 ) Kangaroo Jack : G'Day U.S.A. ! ( 2004 ) ¡ Mucha Lucha ! : The Return of El Maléfico ( 2005 ) Tom and Jerry : Blast Off to Mars ( 2005 ) Aloha , Scooby - Doo ! ( 2005 ) Tom and Jerry : The Fast and the Furry ( 2005 ) The Batman vs. Dracula ( 2005 ) Scooby - Doo ! in Where 's My Mummy ? ( 2005 ) Scooby - Doo ! Pirates Ahoy ! ( 2005 ) Superman : Brainiac Attacks ( 2006 ) Tom and Jerry : Shiver Me Whiskers ( 2006 ) Teen Titans : Trouble in Tokyo ( 2006 ) Bah , Humduck ! A Looney Tunes Christmas ( 2006 ) Chill Out , Scooby - Doo ! ( 2007 ) Superman : Doomsday ( 2007 ) Tom and Jerry : A Nutcracker Tale ( 2007 ) Justice League : The New Frontier ( 2008 ) Batman : Gotham Knight ( 2008 ) Scooby - Doo ! and the Goblin King ( 2008 ) Wonder Woman ( 2009 ) Scooby - Doo ! and the Samurai Sword ( 2009 ) Green Lantern : First Flight ( 2009 ) Superman / Batman : Public Enemies ( 2009 ) Scooby - Doo ! Abracadabra - Doo ( 2010 ) Justice League : Crisis on Two Earths ( 2010 ) Batman : Under the Red Hood ( 2010 ) Tom and Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes ( 2010 ) Scooby - Doo ! Camp Scare ( 2010 ) Superman / Batman : Apocalypse ( 2010 ) All - Star Superman ( 2011 ) Green Lantern : Emerald Knights ( 2011 ) Tom and Jerry and the Wizard of Oz ( 2011 ) Scooby - Doo ! Legend of the Phantosaur ( 2011 ) Batman : Year One ( 2011 ) Justice League : Doom ( 2012 ) Scooby - Doo ! Music of the Vampire ( 2012 ) Superman vs. The Elite ( 2012 ) Batman : The Dark Knight Returns ( 2012 / 2013 ) Tom and Jerry : Robin Hood and His Merry Mouse ( 2012 ) Big Top Scooby - Doo ! ( 2012 ) Scooby - Doo ! Mask of the Blue Falcon ( 2013 ) Superman : Unbound ( 2013 ) Scooby - Doo ! Adventures : The Mystery Map ( 2013 ) Justice League : The Flashpoint Paradox ( 2013 ) Tom and Jerry 's Giant Adventure ( 2013 ) Scooby - Doo ! Stage Fright ( 2013 ) JLA Adventures : Trapped in Time ( 2014 ) Justice League : War ( 2014 ) Scooby - Doo ! WrestleMania Mystery ( 2014 ) Son of Batman ( 2014 ) Batman : Assault on Arkham ( 2014 ) Scooby - Doo ! Frankencreepy ( 2014 ) Tom and Jerry : The Lost Dragon ( 2014 ) Justice League : Throne of Atlantis ( 2015 ) Lego DC Comics Super Heroes : Justice League vs. Bizarro League ( 2015 ) Scooby - Doo ! Moon Monster Madness ( 2015 ) The Flintstones & WWE : Stone Age SmackDown ! ( 2015 ) Batman vs. Robin ( 2015 ) Batman Unlimited : Animal Instincts ( 2015 ) Tom and Jerry : Spy Quest ( 2015 ) Scooby - Doo ! and Kiss : Rock and Roll Mystery ( 2015 ) Justice League : Gods and Monsters ( 2015 ) Looney Tunes : Rabbits Run ( 2015 ) Batman Unlimited : Monster Mayhem ( 2015 ) Lego DC Comics Super Heroes : Justice League -- Attack of the Legion of Doom ( 2015 ) Batman : Bad Blood ( 2016 ) Lego DC Comics Super Heroes : Justice League -- Cosmic Clash ( 2016 ) Justice League vs. Teen Titans ( 2016 ) Lego Scooby - Doo ! Haunted Hollywood ( 2016 ) Tom and Jerry : Back to Oz ( 2016 ) Lego DC Comics Super Heroes : Justice League -- Gotham City Breakout ( 2016 ) Batman : The Killing Joke ( 2016 ) Scooby - Doo ! and WWE : Curse of the Speed Demon ( 2016 ) DC Super Hero Girls : Hero of the Year ( 2016 ) Batman Unlimited : Mechs vs. Mutants ( 2016 ) Batman : Return of the Caped Crusaders ( 2016 ) Justice League Dark ( 2017 ) Scooby - Doo ! Shaggy 's Showdown ( 2017 ) The Jetsons & WWE : Robo - WrestleMania ! ( 2017 ) Teen Titans : The Judas Contract ( 2017 ) DC Super Hero Girls : Intergalactic Games ( 2017 ) Tom and Jerry : Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory ( 2017 ) Lego Scooby - Doo ! Blowout Beach Bash ( 2017 ) Lego DC Super Hero Girls : Brain Drain ( 2017 ) Batman and Harley Quinn ( 2017 ) Batman vs. Two - Face ( 2017 ) Scooby - Doo ! & Batman : The Brave and the Bold ( 2018 ) Batman : Gotham by Gaslight ( 2018 ) Lego DC Comics Super Heroes : The Flash ( 2018 ) Suicide Squad : Hell to Pay ( 2018 ) Batman Ninja ( 2018 ) Lego DC Super Hero Girls : Super-Villain High ( 2018 ) Lego DC Comics Super Heroes : Aquaman : Rage of Atlantis ( 2018 ) The Death of Superman ( 2018 ) Scooby - Doo ! and the Gourmet Ghost ( 2018 ) DC Super Hero Girls : Legends of Atlantis ( 2018 ) Short films The Duxorcist ( 1987 ) The Night of the Living Duck ( 1988 ) Box - Office Bunny ( 1990 ) I 'm Mad ( 1994 ) Chariots of Fur ( 1994 ) Carrotblanca ( 1995 ) Another Froggy Evening ( 1995 ) Superior Duck ( 1996 ) Pullet Surprise ( 1997 ) Marvin the Martian in the Third Dimension ( 1997 ) From Hare to Eternity ( 1997 ) Father of the Bird ( 1997 ) Little Go Beep ( 2000 ) Chase Me ( 2003 ) The Karate Guard ( 2005 ) DC Showcase : The Spectre ( 2010 ) DC Showcase : Jonah Hex ( 2010 ) Coyote Falls ( 2010 ) Fur of Flying ( 2010 ) DC Showcase : Green Arrow ( 2010 ) Superman / Shazam ! : The Return of Black Adam ( 2010 ) Rabid Rider ( 2010 ) DC Showcase : Catwoman ( 2011 ) I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat ( 2011 ) Daffy 's Rhapsody ( 2012 ) The Master ( 2016 ) See also Warner Animation Group Warner Bros. Cartoons Warner Bros. Family Entertainment Hanna - Barbera Cartoon Network Productions Cartoon Network Studios Williams Street Cartoon Network Studios Europe List of unproduced Warner Bros. Animation projects Category Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2003 films English - language films 2003 animated films 2000s American animated films 2000s comedy films American films American adventure comedy films American animated films American fantasy films American spy films Animated adventure films Animated comedy films Crossover animation Films scored by Jerry Goldsmith Films directed by Joe Dante Films featuring anthropomorphic characters Films featuring Porky Pig Films set in California Films set in the Las Vegas Valley Films set in Paris Films with live action and animation Flying cars in fiction German films German animated films German comedy films German spy films Looney Tunes films Scooby - Doo Self - reflexive films Spy comedy films Warner Bros. Animation animated films Warner Bros. films Hidden categories : Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages Use mdy dates from July 2014 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from December 2015 Articles with unsourced statements from June 2016 Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Čeština Deutsch Español Français 한국어 Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Magyar Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский Suomi Svenska Türkçe 中文 12 more Edit links This page was last edited on 10 August 2018 , at 21 : 22 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who plays the bad guy in looney tunes back in action
Looney Tunes : Back in Action is a 2003 American live - action / animated comedy film directed by Joe Dante . It is the third feature - length live - action / animation hybrid film to feature Looney Tunes characters , after Who Framed Roger Rabbit ( 1988 ) and Space Jam ( 1996 ) . The plot follows Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny ( both voiced by Joe Alaskey ) as they help aspiring daredevil Damian `` D.J. '' Drake , Jr . ( Brendan Fraser ) and Warner Bros. executive Kate Houghton ( Jenna Elfman ) find the `` blue monkey '' diamond in order to prevent the evil Mr. Chairman ( Steve Martin ) of the Acme Corporation from using it to turn mankind into monkeys that will manufacture his products ; the group also attempts to rescue D.J. 's father ( Timothy Dalton ) , an actor and spy who has been captured by Mr. Chairman .
Dr. Seuss - wikipedia Dr. Seuss Jump to : navigation , search `` Theo Geisel '' redirects here . For the physicist , see Theo Geisel ( physicist ) . For people with the last name Suess rather than Seuss , see Suess ( disambiguation ) . Dr. Seuss Theodore Seuss Geisel in 1957 Theodor Seuss Geisel ( 1904 - 03 - 02 ) March 2 , 1904 Springfield , Massachusetts , U.S. September 24 , 1991 ( 1991 - 09 - 24 ) ( aged 87 ) La Jolla , California , U.S. Pen name Dr. Seuss Theo LeSieg Rosetta Stone Theophrastus Seuss Occupation Writer , political cartoonist , animator , book publisher , artist , poet Genre Children 's literature Years active 1927 -- 1990 Spouse Helen Palmer Geisel ( m . 1927 ; her death 1967 ) Audrey Stone Dimond ( m . 1968 ; his death 1991 ) Signature Website Theodor Seuss Geisel ( / ˈsuːs ˈɡaɪzəl / ( listen ) ; March 2 , 1904 -- September 24 , 1991 ) was an American author , political cartoonist , poet , animator , book publisher , and artist , best known for authoring more than 60 children 's books under the pen name Doctor Seuss ( abbreviated Dr. Seuss ) ( / suːs / ) . His work includes several of the most popular children 's books of all time , selling over 600 million copies and being translated into more than 20 languages by the time of his death . Geisel adopted the name `` Dr. Seuss '' as an undergraduate at Dartmouth College and a graduate student at the University of Oxford . He left Oxford in 1927 to begin his career as an illustrator and cartoonist for Vanity Fair , Life , and various other publications . He also worked as an illustrator for advertising campaigns , most notably for FLIT and Standard Oil , and as a political cartoonist for the New York newspaper PM . He published his first children 's book And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street in 1937 . During World War II , he took a brief hiatus from children 's literature and worked in an animation department of the United States Army where he produced several short films , including Design for Death , which later won the 1947 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature . After the war , Geisel focused on children 's books once again , writing classics like If I Ran the Zoo ( 1950 ) , Horton Hears a Who ! ( 1955 ) , If I Ran the Circus ( 1956 ) , The Cat in the Hat ( 1957 ) , How the Grinch Stole Christmas ! ( 1957 ) , and Green Eggs and Ham ( 1960 ) . He published over 60 books during his career , which have spawned numerous adaptations , including 11 television specials , four feature films , a Broadway musical , and four television series . Geisel won the Lewis Carroll Shelf Award in 1958 for Horton Hatches the Egg and again in 1961 for And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street . Geisel 's birthday , March 2 , has been adopted as the annual date for National Read Across America Day , an initiative on reading created by the National Education Association . Contents ( hide ) 1 Life and career 1.1 Early years 1.2 Early career 1.3 Essomarine 1.4 World War II - era work 1.5 Later years 2 Illness , death , and posthumous honors 3 Pen names and pronunciations 4 Political views 4.1 In his books 5 Poetic meters 6 Artwork 6.1 Recurring images 7 Publications 8 Films based on his books 9 Adaptations 10 See also 11 References 12 Further reading 13 External links Life and career Early years Geisel was born and raised in Springfield , Massachusetts , the son of Henrietta ( née Seuss ) and Theodor Robert Geisel . His father managed the family brewery and was later appointed to supervise Springfield 's public park system by Mayor John A. Denison after the brewery closed because of Prohibition . Mulberry Street in Springfield , made famous in Dr. Seuss ' first children 's book And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street , is less than a mile southwest of his boyhood home on Fairfield Street . Geisel was raised a Lutheran . He enrolled at Springfield Central High School in 1917 and graduated in 1921 . He took an art class as a freshman and later became manager of the school soccer team . Geisel attended Dartmouth College , graduating in 1925 . At Dartmouth , he joined the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity and the humor magazine Dartmouth Jack - O - Lantern , eventually rising to the rank of editor - in - chief . While at Dartmouth , he was caught drinking gin with nine friends in his room . At the time , the possession and consumption of alcohol was illegal under Prohibition laws , which remained in place between 1920 and 1933 . As a result of this infraction , Dean Craven Laycock insisted that Geisel resign from all extracurricular activities , including the college humor magazine . To continue work on the Jack - O - Lantern without the administration 's knowledge , Geisel began signing his work with the pen name `` Seuss '' . He was encouraged in his writing by professor of rhetoric W. Benfield Pressey , whom he described as his `` big inspiration for writing '' at Dartmouth . Upon graduating from Dartmouth , he entered Lincoln College , Oxford , intending to earn a PhD in English literature . At Oxford , he met Helen Palmer , who encouraged him to give up becoming an English teacher in favor of pursuing drawing as a career . Early career Geisel left Oxford without earning a degree and returned to the United States in February 1927 , where he immediately began submitting writings and drawings to magazines , book publishers , and advertising agencies . Making use of his time in Europe , he pitched a series of cartoons called Eminent Europeans to Life magazine , but the magazine passed on it . His first nationally published cartoon appeared in the July 16 , 1927 , issue of The Saturday Evening Post . This single $25 sale encouraged Geisel to move from Springfield to New York City . Later that year , Geisel accepted a job as writer and illustrator at the humor magazine Judge , and he felt financially stable enough to marry Helen . His first cartoon for Judge appeared on October 22 , 1927 , and the Geisels were married on November 29 . Geisel 's first work signed `` Dr. Seuss '' was published in Judge about six months after he started working there . In early 1928 , one of Geisel 's cartoons for Judge mentioned FLIT , a common bug spray at the time manufactured by Standard Oil of New Jersey . According to Geisel , the wife of an advertising executive in charge of advertising FLIT saw Geisel 's cartoon at a hairdresser 's and urged her husband to sign him . Geisel 's first Flit ad appeared on May 31 , 1928 , and the campaign continued sporadically until 1941 . The campaign 's catchphrase `` Quick , Henry , the Flit ! '' became a part of popular culture . It spawned a song and was used as a punch line for comedians such as Fred Allen and Jack Benny . As Geisel gained notoriety for the FLIT campaign , his work was in demand and began to appear regularly in magazines such as Life , Liberty , and Vanity Fair . Geisel supported himself and his wife through the Great Depression by drawing advertising for General Electric , NBC , Standard Oil , Narragansett Brewing Company , and many other companies . In 1935 , he wrote and drew a short - lived comic strip called Hejji . The increased income allowed the Geisels to move to better quarters and to socialize in higher social circles . They became friends with the wealthy family of banker Frank A. Vanderlip . They also traveled extensively : by 1936 , Geisel and his wife had visited 30 countries together . They did not have children , neither kept regular office hours , and they had ample money . Geisel also felt that the traveling helped his creativity . In 1936 , the couple were returning from an ocean voyage to Europe when the rhythm of the ship 's engines inspired the poem that became his first book : And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street . Based on Geisel 's varied accounts , the book was rejected by between 20 and 43 publishers . According to Geisel , he was walking home to burn the manuscript when a chance encounter with an old Dartmouth classmate led to its publication by Vanguard Press . Geisel wrote four more books before the US entered World War II . This included The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins in 1938 , as well as The King 's Stilts and The Seven Lady Godivas in 1939 , all of which were in prose , atypically for him . This was followed by Horton Hatches the Egg in 1940 , in which Geisel returned to the use of poetry . Essomarine Geisel gained a significant public profile through a program for motor boat lubricants produced by Standard Oil under the brand name Essomarine . He later recounted that Harry Bruno , Ted Cook , and Verne Carrier worked with him at the National Motor Boat Show on exhibits referred to as the Seuss Navy . In 1934 , Geisel produced a 30 - page booklet titled Secrets of the Deep which was available by mail after June . At the January boat show for 1935 , visitors filled out order cards to receive Secrets . Geisel drew up a Certificate of Commission for visitors in 1936 . A mock ship deck called SS Essomarine provided the scene where photos of `` Admirals '' were taken . That summer , Geisel released a second volume of Secrets . For the 1937 show , he sculpted Marine Muggs and designed a flag for the Seuss Navy . The following year featured `` Little Dramas of the Deep '' , a six - act play with ten characters . According to Geisel 's sister , `` He plans the whole show with scenery and action and then , standing in a realistic bridge , reels off a speech which combines advertising with humor . '' For 1939 , exhibitors made available the Nuzzlepuss ashtray and illustrated tide - table calendars . A Seuss Navy Luncheon was held on January 11 , 1940 , at the Waldorf - Astoria Hotel . At that year 's boat show , Geisel provided the Navigamarama exhibit and the Sea Lawyers Gazette . The final contribution to the Essomarine project was the mermaid Essie Neptune and her pet whale in 1941 . The exhibit offered photos for a Happy Cruising passport . World War II - era work Play media `` The Goldbrick '' , Private Snafu episode written by Geisel , 1943 As World War II began , Geisel turned to political cartoons , drawing over 400 in two years as editorial cartoonist for the left - leaning New York City daily newspaper , PM . Geisel 's political cartoons , later published in Dr. Seuss Goes to War , denounced Hitler and Mussolini and were highly critical of non-interventionists ( `` isolationists '' ) , most notably Charles Lindbergh , who opposed US entry into the war . One cartoon depicted all Japanese Americans as latent traitors or fifth - columnists , while other cartoons simultaneously deplored the racism at home against Jews and blacks that harmed the war effort . His cartoons were strongly supportive of President Roosevelt 's handling of the war , combining the usual exhortations to ration and contribute to the war effort with frequent attacks on Congress ( especially the Republican Party ) , parts of the press ( such as the New York Daily News , Chicago Tribune , and Washington Times - Herald ) , and others for criticism of Roosevelt , criticism of aid to the Soviet Union , investigation of suspected Communists , and other offences that he depicted as leading to disunity and helping the Nazis , intentionally or inadvertently . In 1942 , Geisel turned his energies to direct support of the U.S. war effort . First , he worked drawing posters for the Treasury Department and the War Production Board . Then , in 1943 , he joined the Army as a Captain and was commander of the Animation Department of the First Motion Picture Unit of the United States Army Air Forces , where he wrote films that included Your Job in Germany , a 1945 propaganda film about peace in Europe after World War II ; Our Job in Japan ; and the Private Snafu series of adult army training films . While in the Army , he was awarded the Legion of Merit . Our Job in Japan became the basis for the commercially released film Design for Death ( 1947 ) , a study of Japanese culture that won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature . Gerald McBoing - Boing ( 1950 ) was based on an original story by Seuss and won the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film . Later years After the war , Geisel and his wife moved to La Jolla , California where he returned to writing children 's books . He wrote many , including such favorites as If I Ran the Zoo ( 1950 ) , Horton Hears a Who ! ( 1955 ) , If I Ran the Circus ( 1956 ) , The Cat in the Hat ( 1957 ) , How the Grinch Stole Christmas ! ( 1957 ) , and Green Eggs and Ham ( 1960 ) . He received numerous awards throughout his career , but he won neither the Caldecott Medal nor the Newbery Medal . Three of his titles from this period were , however , chosen as Caldecott runners - up ( now referred to as Caldecott Honor books ) : McElligot 's Pool ( 1947 ) , Bartholomew and the Oobleck ( 1949 ) , and If I Ran the Zoo ( 1950 ) . Dr Seuss also wrote the musical and fantasy film The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T. , which was released in 1953 . The movie was a critical and financial failure , and Geisel never attempted another feature film . During the 1950s , he also published a number of illustrated short stories , mostly in Redbook Magazine . Some of these were later collected ( in volumes such as The Sneetches and Other Stories ) or reworked into independent books ( If I Ran the Zoo ) . A number have never been reprinted since their original appearances . In May 1954 , Life magazine published a report on illiteracy among school children which concluded that children were not learning to read because their books were boring . William Ellsworth Spaulding was the director of the education division at Houghton Mifflin ( he later became its chairman ) , and he compiled a list of 348 words that he felt were important for first - graders to recognize . He asked Geisel to cut the list to 250 words and to write a book using only those words . Spaulding challenged Geisel to `` bring back a book children ca n't put down '' . Nine months later , Geisel completed The Cat in the Hat , using 236 of the words given to him . It retained the drawing style , verse rhythms , and all the imaginative power of Geisel 's earlier works but , because of its simplified vocabulary , it could be read by beginning readers . The Cat in the Hat and subsequent books written for young children achieved significant international success and they remain very popular today . In 2009 , Green Eggs and Ham sold 540,366 copies , The Cat in the Hat sold 452,258 copies , and One Fish , Two Fish , Red Fish , Blue Fish ( 1960 ) sold 409,068 copies -- outselling the majority of newly published children 's books . Geisel went on to write many other children 's books , both in his new simplified - vocabulary manner ( sold as Beginner Books ) and in his older , more elaborate style . In 1956 , Dartmouth awarded Geisel with an honorary doctorate , finally justifying the `` Dr . '' in his pen name . On April 28 , 1958 , Geisel appeared on an episode of the panel game show To Tell the Truth . Geisel 's wife Helen had a long struggle with illnesses , including cancer and emotional pain over Geisel 's affair with Audrey Stone Dimond . On October 23 , 1967 , Helen committed suicide ; Geisel married Dimond on June 21 , 1968 . Though he devoted most of his life to writing children 's books , Geisel had no children of his own , saying of children : `` You have ' em ; I 'll entertain ' em . '' Dimond added that Geisel `` lived his whole life without children and he was very happy without children . '' Geisel received the Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal from the professional children 's librarians in 1980 , recognizing his `` substantial and lasting contributions to children 's literature '' . At the time , it was awarded every five years . He won a special Pulitzer Prize in 1984 citing his `` contribution over nearly half a century to the education and enjoyment of America 's children and their parents '' . Illness , death , and posthumous honors Geisel died of oral cancer on September 24 , 1991 at his home in La Jolla at the age of 87 . He was cremated and his ashes were scattered . On December 1 , 1995 , four years after his death , University of California , San Diego 's University Library Building was renamed Geisel Library in honor of Geisel and Audrey for the generous contributions that they made to the library and their devotion to improving literacy . While Geisel was living in La Jolla , the United States Postal Service and others frequently confused him with fellow La Jolla resident Dr. Hans Suess . Their names have been linked together posthumously : the personal papers of Hans Suess are housed in the Geisel Library . In 2002 , the Dr. Seuss National Memorial Sculpture Garden opened in his birthplace of Springfield , Massachusetts , featuring sculptures of Geisel and of many of his characters . On May 28 , 2008 , California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and First Lady Maria Shriver announced that Geisel would be inducted into the California Hall of Fame located at The California Museum for History , Women and the Arts . The induction ceremony took place December 15 and Geisel 's widow Audrey accepted the honor in his place . On March 2 , 2009 , the Web search engine Google temporarily changed its logo to commemorate Geisel 's birthday ( a practice that it often follows for various holidays and events ) . In 2004 , U.S. children 's librarians established the annual Theodor Seuss Geisel Award to recognize `` the most distinguished American book for beginning readers published in English in the United States during the preceding year '' . It should `` demonstrate creativity and imagination to engage children in reading '' from pre-kindergarten to second grade . At Geisel 's alma mater of Dartmouth , more than 90 percent of incoming first - year students participate in pre-registration Dartmouth Outing Club trips into the New Hampshire wilderness . It is traditional for students returning from the trips to stay overnight at Dartmouth 's Moosilauke Ravine Lodge , where they are served green eggs and ham for breakfast in honor of Dr. Seuss . On April 4 , 2012 , the Dartmouth Medical School was renamed the Audrey and Theodor Geisel School of Medicine in honor of their many years of generosity to the college . Dr. Seuss 's honors include two Academy Awards , two Emmy Awards , a Peabody Award , the Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal , and the Pulitzer Prize . Dr. Seuss has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at the 6500 block of Hollywood Boulevard . Pen names and pronunciations Geisel 's most famous pen name is regularly pronounced / suːs / , an anglicized pronunciation inconsistent with his German surname ( the standard German pronunciation is ( ˈzɔʏ̯s ) ) . He himself noted that it rhymed with `` voice '' ( his own pronunciation being / sɔɪs / ) . Alexander Laing , one of his collaborators on the Dartmouth Jack - O - Lantern , wrote of it : You 're wrong as the deuce And you should n't rejoice If you 're calling him Seuss . He pronounces it Soice ( or Zoice ) Geisel switched to the anglicized pronunciation because it `` evoked a figure advantageous for an author of children 's books to be associated with -- Mother Goose '' and because most people used this pronunciation . He added the `` Doctor ( abbreviated Dr . ) '' to his pen name because his father had always wanted him to practice medicine . For books that Geisel wrote and others illustrated , he used the pen name `` Theo LeSieg '' , starting with I Wish That I Had Duck Feet published in 1965 . `` LeSieg '' is `` Geisel '' spelled backward . Geisel also published one book under the name Rosetta Stone , 1975 's Because a Little Bug Went Ka - Choo ! ! , a collaboration with Michael K. Frith . Frith and Geisel chose the name in honor of Geisel 's second wife Audrey , whose maiden name was Stone . Political views Main article : Political messages of Dr. Seuss Geisel was a liberal Democrat and a supporter of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal . His early political cartoons show a passionate opposition to fascism , and he urged action against it both before and after the United States entered World War II . His cartoons portrayed the fear of communism as overstated , finding greater threats in the House Un-American Activities Committee and those who threatened to cut the United States ' `` life line '' to Stalin and the USSR , whom he once depicted as a porter carrying `` our war load '' . Dr. Seuss 1942 cartoon with the caption ' Waiting for the Signal from Home ' Geisel supported the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II . His treatment of the Japanese and of Japanese Americans ( between whom he often failed to differentiate ) has struck many readers as a moral blind spot . On the issue of the Japanese , he is quoted as saying : But right now , when the Japs are planting their hatchets in our skulls , it seems like a hell of a time for us to smile and warble : `` Brothers ! '' It is a rather flabby battle cry . If we want to win , we 've got to kill Japs , whether it depresses John Haynes Holmes or not . We can get palsy - walsy afterward with those that are left . After the war , though , Geisel overcame his feelings of animosity , using his book Horton Hears a Who ! ( 1954 ) as an allegory for the Hiroshima bombing and the American post-war occupation of Japan , as well as dedicating the book to a Japanese friend . In 1948 , after living and working in Hollywood for years , Geisel moved to La Jolla , California , a predominantly Republican town . Geisel converted a copy of one of his famous children 's books , Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now ! , into a polemic shortly before the end of the 1972 -- 1974 Watergate scandal , in which United States president Richard Nixon resigned , by replacing the name of the main character everywhere that it occurred . `` Richard M. Nixon , Will You Please Go Now ! '' was published in major newspapers through the column of his friend Art Buchwald . The line `` a person 's a person , no matter how small ! ! '' from Horton Hears a Who ! has been used widely as a slogan by the pro-life movement in the U.S. , despite the objections of Geisel 's widow . The line was first used in such a way in 1986 ; he demanded a retraction and received one . In his books Geisel made a point of not beginning to write his stories with a moral in mind , stating that `` kids can see a moral coming a mile off . '' He was not against writing about issues , however ; he said that `` there 's an inherent moral in any story '' , and he remarked that he was `` subversive as hell . '' Many of Geisel 's books express his views on a remarkable variety of social and political issues : The Lorax ( 1971 ) , about environmentalism and anti-consumerism ; `` The Sneetches '' ( 1961 ) , about racial equality ; The Butter Battle Book ( 1984 ) , about the arms race ; Yertle the Turtle ( 1958 ) , about Adolf Hitler and anti-authoritarianism ; How the Grinch Stole Christmas ! ( 1957 ) , criticizing the materialism and consumerism of the Christmas season ; and Horton Hears a Who ! ( 1954 ) , about anti-isolationism and internationalism . Poetic meters Geisel wrote most of his books in anapestic tetrameter , a poetic meter employed by many poets of the English literary canon . This is often suggested as one of the reasons that Geisel 's writing was so well received . Anapestic tetrameter consists of four rhythmic units called anapests , each composed of two weak syllables followed by one strong syllable ( the beat ) ; often , the first weak syllable is omitted , or an additional weak syllable is added at the end . An example of this meter can be found in Geisel 's `` Yertle the Turtle '' , from Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories : And today the Great Yertle , that Marvelous he Is King of the Mud . That is all he can see . Some books by Geisel that are written mainly in anapestic tetrameter also contain many lines written in amphibrachic tetrameter , such as these from If I Ran the Circus : All ready to put up the tents for my circus . I think I will call it the Circus McGurkus . And NOW comes an act of Enormous Enormance ! No former performer 's performed this performance ! Geisel also wrote verse in trochaic tetrameter , an arrangement of a strong syllable followed by a weak syllable , with four units per line ( for example , the title of One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish ) . Traditionally , English trochaic meter permits the final weak position in the line to be omitted , which allows both masculine and feminine rhymes . Geisel generally maintained trochaic meter for only brief passages , and for longer stretches typically mixed it with iambic tetrameter , which consists of a weak syllable followed by a strong , and is generally considered easier to write . Thus , for example , the magicians in Bartholomew and the Oobleck make their first appearance chanting in trochees ( thus resembling the witches of Shakespeare 's Macbeth ) : Shuffle , duffle , muzzle , muff They then switch to iambs for the oobleck spell : Go make the Oobleck tumble down On every street , in every town ! Artwork This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( September 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Geisel at work on a drawing of the Grinch for How the Grinch Stole Christmas ! in 1957 Geisel 's early artwork often employed the shaded texture of pencil drawings or watercolors , but in his children 's books of the postwar period , he generally made use of a starker medium -- pen and ink -- normally using just black , white , and one or two colors . His later books , such as The Lorax , used more colors . Geisel 's style was unique -- his figures are often `` rounded '' and somewhat droopy . This is true , for instance , of the faces of the Grinch and the Cat in the Hat . Almost all his buildings and machinery were devoid of straight lines when they were drawn , even when he was representing real objects . For example , If I Ran the Circus shows a droopy hoisting crane and a droopy steam calliope . Geisel evidently enjoyed drawing architecturally elaborate objects . His endlessly varied but never rectilinear palaces , ramps , platforms , and free - standing stairways are among his most evocative creations . Geisel also drew complex imaginary machines , such as the Audio - Telly - O - Tally - O - Count , from Dr. Seuss 's Sleep Book , or the `` most peculiar machine '' of Sylvester McMonkey McBean in The Sneetches . Geisel also liked drawing outlandish arrangements of feathers or fur : for example , the 500th hat of Bartholomew Cubbins , the tail of Gertrude McFuzz , and the pet for girls who like to brush and comb , in One Fish , Two Fish , Red Fish , Blue Fish . Geisel 's illustrations often convey motion vividly . He was fond of a sort of `` voilà '' gesture in which the hand flips outward and the fingers spread slightly backward with the thumb up . This motion is done by Ish in One Fish , Two Fish , Red Fish , Blue Fish when he creates fish ( who perform the gesture with their fins ) , in the introduction of the various acts of If I Ran the Circus , and in the introduction of the `` Little Cats '' in The Cat in the Hat Comes Back . He was also fond of drawing hands with interlocked fingers , making it look as though his characters were twiddling their thumbs . Geisel also follows the cartoon tradition of showing motion with lines , like in the sweeping lines that accompany Sneelock 's final dive in If I Ran the Circus . Cartoon lines are also used to illustrate the action of the senses -- sight , smell , and hearing -- in The Big Brag , and lines even illustrate `` thought '' , as in the moment when the Grinch conceives his awful plan to ruin Christmas . Recurring images Geisel 's early work in advertising and editorial cartooning helped him to produce `` sketches '' of things that received more perfect realization later in his children 's books . Often , the expressive use to which Geisel put an image later on was quite different from the original . Here are some examples : An editorial cartoon from July 16 , 1941 depicts a whale resting on the top of a mountain as a parody of American isolationists , especially Charles Lindbergh . This was later rendered ( with no apparent political content ) as the Wumbus of On Beyond Zebra ( 1955 ) . Seussian whales ( cheerful and balloon - shaped , with long eyelashes ) also occur in McElligot 's Pool , If I Ran the Circus , and other books . Another editorial cartoon from 1941 shows a long cow with many legs and udders representing the conquered nations of Europe being milked by Adolf Hitler . This later became the Umbus of On Beyond Zebra . The tower of turtles in a 1942 editorial cartoon prefigures a similar tower in Yertle the Turtle . This theme also appeared in a Judge cartoon as one letter of a hieroglyphic message , and in Geisel 's short - lived comic strip Hejji . Geisel once stated that Yertle the Turtle was Adolf Hitler . Little cats A , B , and C ( as well as the rest of the alphabet ) who spring from each other 's hats appeared in a Ford Motor Company ⋅ ad . The connected beards in Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are ? appear frequently in Geisel 's work , most notably in Hejji , which featured two goats joined at the beard , The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T. , which featured two roller - skating guards joined at the beard , and a political cartoon in which Nazism and the America First movement are portrayed as `` the men with the Siamese Beard '' . Geisel 's earliest elephants were for advertising and had somewhat wrinkly ears , much as real elephants do . With And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street ! ( 1937 ) and Horton Hatches the Egg ( 1940 ) , the ears became more stylized , somewhat like angel wings and thus appropriate to the saintly Horton . During World War II , the elephant image appeared as an emblem for India in four editorial cartoons . Horton and similar elephants appear frequently in the postwar children 's books . While drawing advertisements for Flit , Geisel became adept at drawing insects with huge stingers , shaped like a gentle S - curve and with a sharp end that included a rearward - pointing barb on its lower side . Their facial expressions depict gleeful malevolence . These insects were later rendered in an editorial cartoon as a swarm of Allied aircraft ( 1942 ) , and again as the Sneedle of On Beyond Zebra , and yet again as the Skritz in I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew . There are many examples of creatures who arrange themselves in repeating patterns , such as the `` Two and fro walkers , who march in five layers '' , and the Through - Horns Jumping Deer in If I Ran the Circus , and the arrangement of birds which the protagonist of Oh , the Places You 'll Go ! walks through , as the narrator admonishes him to `` ... always be dexterous and deft , and never mix up your right foot with your left . '' Publications Further information : Dr. Seuss bibliography Geisel wrote more than 60 books over the course of his long career . Most were published under his well - known pseudonym Dr. Seuss , though he also authored more than a dozen books as Theo LeSieg and one as Rosetta Stone . His books have topped many bestseller lists , sold over 600 million copies , and been translated into more than 20 languages . In 2000 , Publishers Weekly compiled a list of the best - selling children 's books of all time ; of the top 100 hardcover books , 16 were written by Geisel , including Green Eggs and Ham , at number 4 , The Cat in the Hat , at number 9 , and One Fish , Two Fish , Red Fish , Blue Fish , at number 13 . In the years after his death in 1991 , two additional books were published based on his sketches and notes : Hooray for Diffendoofer Day ! and Daisy - Head Mayzie . My Many Colored Days was originally written in 1973 but was posthumously published in 1996 . In September 2011 , seven stories originally published in magazines during the 1950s were released in a collection titled The Bippolo Seed and Other Lost Stories . Geisel also wrote a pair of books for adults : The Seven Lady Godivas ( 1939 ; reprinted 1987 ) , a retelling of the Lady Godiva legend that included nude depictions ; and You 're Only Old Once ! ( written in 1986 when Geisel was 82 ) , which chronicles an old man 's journey through a clinic . His last book was Oh , the Places You 'll Go ! , which published the year before his death and became a popular gift for graduating students . Films based on his books Year Film Format Director Writer Distributor Length Budget Rotten Tomatoes rating 1942 Horton Hatches the Egg traditionally animated Bob Clampett Michael Maltese Warner Bros. Pictures 10 min . -- -- 1966 How the Grinch Stole Christmas ! Chuck Jones Dr. Seuss , Irv Spector , and Bob Ogle MGM 26 min . $315,000 100 % `` fresh '' 1970 Horton Hears a Who ! Dr. Seuss -- -- 1971 The Cat in the Hat Hawley Pratt CBS 25 min . 1972 The Lorax The Butter Battle Book Ralph Bakshi Turner 24 min . 2000 How the Grinch Stole Christmas live - action Ron Howard Jeffrey Price and Peter S. Seaman Universal Pictures 104 min . $123 million 53 % `` rotten '' 2003 The Cat in the Hat Bo Welch Alec Berg , David Mandel , and Jeff Schaffer Universal Pictures and DreamWorks Pictures 82 min . $109 million 10 % `` rotten '' 2008 Horton Hears a Who ! computer - animated Jimmy Hayward and Steve Martino Ken Daurio and Cinco Paul 20th Century Fox 86 min . $85 million 79 % `` fresh '' 2012 The Lorax Chris Renaud and Kyle Balda Universal Pictures $70 million 53 % `` rotten '' 2018 The Grinch Peter Candeland and Yarrow Cheney Michael LeSieur -- -- -- TBA The Cat in the Hat -- -- Warner Bros. Pictures -- -- -- Adaptations Seuss Landing at Islands of Adventure in Orlando , Florida For most of his career , Geisel was reluctant to have his characters marketed in contexts outside of his own books . However , he did permit the creation of several animated cartoons , an art form in which he had gained experience during World War II , and he gradually relaxed his policy as he aged . The first adaptation of one of Geisel 's works was a cartoon version of Horton Hatches the Egg , animated at Warner Bros. in 1942 and directed by Bob Clampett . It was presented as part of the Merrie Melodies series and included a number of gags not present in the original narrative , including a fish committing suicide and a Katharine Hepburn imitation by Mayzie . As part of the Puppetoon theatrical cartoon series for Paramount Pictures , two of Geisel 's works were adapted into stop - motion films by George Pal . The first , `` The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins '' , was released in 1943 and nominated for an Academy Award for `` Short Subject ( Cartoon ) '' the following year . The second , `` And to Think I Saw It On Mulberry Street '' , with a title slightly altered from the book 's , was released in 1944 . In 1959 , Geisel authorized Revell , the well - known plastic model - making company , to make a series of `` animals '' that snapped together rather than being glued together , and could be assembled , disassembled , and re-assembled `` in thousands '' of ways . The series was called the `` Dr. Seuss Zoo '' and included Gowdy the Dowdy Grackle , Norval the Bashful Blinket , Tingo the Noodle Topped Stroodle , and Roscoe the Many Footed Lion . The basic body parts were the same and all were interchangeable , and so it was possible for children to combine parts from various characters in essentially unlimited ways in creating their own animal characters ( Revell encouraged this by selling Gowdy , Norval , and Tingo together in a `` Gift Set '' as well as individually ) . Revell also made a conventional glue - together `` beginner 's kit '' of The Cat in the Hat . In 1966 , Geisel authorized eminent cartoon artist Chuck Jones -- his friend and former colleague from the war -- to make a cartoon version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas ! Geisel was credited as a co-producer under his real name Ted Geisel , along with Jones . The cartoon was narrated by Boris Karloff , who also provided the voice of the Grinch . It was very faithful to the original book , and is considered a classic to this day by many . It is often broadcast as an annual Christmas television special . Jones directed an adaptation of Horton Hears a Who ! in 1970 and produced an adaptation of The Cat in the Hat in 1971 . From 1972 to 1983 , Geisel wrote six animated specials that were produced by DePatie - Freleng : The Lorax ( 1972 ) ; Dr. Seuss on the Loose ( 1973 ) ; The Hoober - Bloob Highway ( 1975 ) ; Halloween Is Grinch Night ( 1977 ) ; Pontoffel Pock , Where Are You ? ( 1980 ) ; and The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat ( 1982 ) . Several of the specials won multiple Emmy Awards . A Soviet paint - on - glass - animated short film was made in 1986 called Welcome , an adaptation of Thidwick the Big - Hearted Moose . The last adaptation of Geisel 's work before he died was The Butter Battle Book , a television special based on the book of the same name , directed by adult animation legend Ralph Bakshi . A television film titled In Search of Dr. Seuss was released in 1994 , which adapted many of Seuss 's stories . It uses both live - action versions and animated versions of the characters and stories featured ; however , the animated portions were merely edited versions of previous animated television specials and , in some cases , re-dubbed as well . After Geisel died of cancer at the age of 87 in 1991 , his widow Audrey Geisel was placed in charge of all licensing matters . She approved a live - action feature - film version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas starring Jim Carrey , as well as a Seuss - themed Broadway musical called Seussical , and both premiered in 2000 . The Grinch has had limited engagement runs on Broadway during the Christmas season , after premiering in 1998 ( under the title How the Grinch Stole Christmas ) at the Old Globe Theatre in San Diego , where it has become a Christmas tradition . In 2003 , another live - action film was released , this time an adaptation of The Cat in the Hat that featured Mike Myers as the title character . Audrey Geisel has spoken critically of the film , especially the casting of Myers as the Cat in the Hat , and stated that she would not allow any further live - action adaptations of Geisel 's books . However , a first animated CGI feature film adaptation of Horton Hears a Who ! was approved , and was eventually released on March 14 , 2008 , to critical acclaim . A second CGI - animated feature film adaptation of The Lorax was released by Universal on March 2 , 2012 ( on what would have been Seuss 's 108th birthday ) , and third CGI - animated feature film adaptation of The Grinch was released by Universal on November 9 , 2018 . Four television series have been adapted from Geisel 's work . The first , Gerald McBoing - Boing , was an animated television adaptation of Geisel 's 1951 cartoon of the same name and lasted three months between 1956 and 1957 . The second , The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss , was a mix of live - action and puppetry by Jim Henson Television , the producers of The Muppets . It aired for one season on Nickelodeon in the United States , from 1996 to 1997 . The third , Gerald McBoing - Boing , is a remake of the 1956 series . Produced in Canada by Cookie Jar Entertainment ( now DHX Media ) and North America by Classic Media ( now DreamWorks Classics ) , it ran from 2005 to 2007 . The fourth , The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That ! , produced by Portfolio Entertainment Inc. , began on August 7 , 2010 , in Canada and September 6 , 2010 , in the United States and is currently still showing . Geisel 's books and characters are also featured in Seuss Landing , one of many islands at the Islands of Adventure theme park in Orlando , Florida . In an attempt to match Geisel 's visual style , there are reportedly `` no straight lines '' in Seuss Landing . The Hollywood Reporter has reported that Warner Animation Group and Dr. Seuss Enterprises have struck a deal to make new animated movies based on the stories of Dr. Seuss . Their first project will be a fully animated version of The Cat in the Hat . See also Biography portal Children 's literature portal Visual arts portal `` The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite '' -- a 1992 R.E.M. song referencing a reading from Seuss . References ^ Jump up to : `` Seuss '' . Random House Webster 's Unabridged Dictionary . Jump up ^ `` About the Author , Dr. Seuss , Seussville '' . Timeline . Retrieved February 15 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Bernstein , Peter W. ( 1992 ) . `` Unforgettable Dr. Seuss '' . Unforgettable . Reader 's Digest Australia : 192 . ISSN 0034 - 0375 . Jump up ^ `` Theodor Seuss Geisel '' ( 2015 ) . Encyclopædia Britannica . Retrieved July 22 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Mandeville Special Collections Library . `` The Dr. Seuss Collection '' . UC San Diego . Retrieved April 10 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Seuss , Geisel ( 2005 ) . `` Dr. Seuss Biography '' . In Taylor , Constance . Theodor Seuss Geisel The Early Works of Dr. Seuss. 1 . Miamisburg , OH : Checker Book Publishing Group . p. 6 . ISBN 1 - 933160 - 01 - 2 Jump up ^ Reitwiesner , William Addams . `` Ancestry of Theodor Geisel '' . . Retrieved April 9 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Municipal register of the city of Springfield -- Springfield ( Mass . ) -- Google Books . 1912 . Retrieved 2013 - 12 - 29 . Jump up ^ `` Who Knew Dr. Seuss Could Brew ? '' . Narragansett Beer . Retrieved February 12 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Deal , Joshua . `` Filmcans and Vinyl : The life of Dr. Seuss '' . . Retrieved September 19 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Fensch , Thomas ( 2001 ) . The Man Who Was Dr. Seuss . Woodlands : New Century Books . pp. 30 -- 31 , 37 . ISBN 0 - 930751 - 11 - 6 . Jump up ^ Minear ( 1999 ) , p. 9 . Jump up ^ Nell , Phillip ( March -- April 2009 ) . `` Impertient Questions '' . Humanities . National Endowment for the Humanities . Retrieved June 20 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Morgan , Judith ; Morgan , Neil ( August 1996 ) . Dr. Seuss & Mr. Geisel : a biography . ISBN 978 - 0 - 306 - 80736 - 7 . Retrieved September 5 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Fensch , Thomas ( 2001 ) . The Man Who Was Dr. Seuss . Woodlands : New Century Books . p. 38 . ISBN 0 - 930751 - 11 - 6 . ^ Jump up to : Pace , Eric ( September 26 , 1991 ) . `` Dr. Seuss , Modern Mother Goose , Dies at 87 '' . The New York Times . New York City : NYTC . ISSN 0362 - 4331 . Retrieved November 10 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Morgan ( 1995 ) , p. 57 Jump up ^ Pease ( 2010 ) , pp. 41 -- 42 Jump up ^ Cohen ( 2004 ) , pp. 72 -- 73 Jump up ^ Morgan ( 1995 ) , pp. 59 -- 62 Jump up ^ Cohen ( 2004 ) , p. 86 Jump up ^ Cohen ( 2004 ) , p. 83 Jump up ^ Morgan ( 1995 ) , p. 65 Jump up ^ Pease ( 2010 ) , pp. 48 -- 49 Jump up ^ Lambiek Comiclopedia . `` Dr. Seuss '' . Jump up ^ Pease ( 2010 ) , p. 49 Jump up ^ Morgan ( 1995 ) , p. 79 Jump up ^ Baker , Andrew ( March 3 , 2010 ) . `` Ten Things You May Not Have Known About Dr. Seuss '' . The Peel . Retrieved April 9 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Nel ( 2004 ) , pp. 119 -- 21 Jump up ^ Lurie , Alison . `` The Cabinet of Dr. Seuss '' . Popular Culture : An Introductory Text . Retrieved 30 October 2013 . Jump up ^ Morgan ( 1995 ) , pp. 79 -- 85 Jump up ^ `` Seuss I am , an Oilman , '' website of American Oil & Gas Historical Society Jump up ^ EC Lantham , Dartmouth Alumni Magazine , April 1976 , p. 20 . Jump up ^ Cohen ( 2004 ) , p. 122 Jump up ^ Richard H. Minear , Dr. Seuss Goes to War : The World War II Editorial Cartoons of Theodor Seuss Geisel p. 16 . ISBN 1 - 56584 - 704 - 0 Jump up ^ Minear , Richard H. ( 1999 ) . Dr. Seuss Goes to War : The World War II Editorial Cartoons of Theodor Seuss Geisell . New York City : The New Press . p. 9 . ISBN 1 - 56584 - 565 - X . Jump up ^ Dr. Seuss ( w , a ) . `` Waiting for the Signal from Home '' PM ( February 13 , 1942 ) Jump up ^ Mandeville Special Collections Library . `` Congress '' . Dr. Seuss Went to War : A Catalog of Political Cartoons by Dr. Seuss . UC San Diego . Retrieved April 10 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Mandeville Special Collections Library . `` Republican Party '' . Dr. Seuss Went to War : A Catalog of Political Cartoons by Dr. Seuss . UC San Diego . Retrieved April 10 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Minear ( 1999 ) , p. 191 . ^ Jump up to : Mandeville Special Collections Library . `` February 19 '' . Dr. Seuss Went to War : A Catalog of Political Cartoons by Dr. Seuss . UC San Diego . Retrieved April 10 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Mandeville Special Collections Library . `` March 11 '' . Dr. Seuss Went to War : A Catalog of Political Cartoons by Dr. Seuss . UC San Diego . Retrieved April 10 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Minear ( 1999 ) , pp. 190 -- 91 . Jump up ^ Morgan ( 1995 ) , p. 116 Jump up ^ Morgan ( 1995 ) , pp. 119 -- 20 Jump up ^ Ellin , Abby ( 2 October 2005 ) . `` The Return of Gerlad McBoing Boing ? '' . The New York Times . access - date = requires url = ( help ) Jump up ^ Kahn , Jr. , E.J. ( December 17 , 1960 ) . `` Profiles : Children 's Friend '' . The New Yorker . Condé Nast Publications . Retrieved September 20 , 2008 . ^ Jump up to : Menand , Louis ( December 23 , 2002 ) . `` Cat People : What Dr. Seuss Really Taught Us '' . The New Yorker . Condé Nast Publications . Retrieved September 16 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Roback , Diane ( March 22 , 2010 ) . `` The Reign Continues '' . Publishes Weekly . Retrieved April 9 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` To Tell the Truth Primetime Episode Guide 1956 - 67 '' . `` To Tell the Truth '' on the Web . Retrieved 16 June 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Wadler , Joyce ( November 29 , 2000 ) . `` Public Lives : Mrs. Seuss Hears a Who , and Tells About It '' . The New York Times . Retrieved May 28 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Laura Ingalls Wilder Award , Past winners . Association for Library Service to Children ( ALSC ) -- American Library Association ( ALA ) . About the Laura Ingalls Wilder Award . ALSC -- ALA . Retrieved June 17 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Special Awards and Citations '' . The Pulitzer Prizes . Retrieved December 2 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Pace , Eric ( September 26 , 1991 ) . `` Dr. Seuss , Modern Mother Goose , Dies at 87 '' . The New York Times . Retrieved March 2 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Gorman , Tom ; Miles Corwin ( September 26 , 1991 ) . `` Theodor Geisel Dies at 87 ; Wrote 47 Dr. Seuss Books , Author : His last new work , ' Oh , the Places You 'll Go ! 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Jump up ^ Kaplan , Melissa ( December 18 , 2009 ) . `` Theodor Seuss Geisel : Author Study '' . . Retrieved December 2 , 2011 . ( Source in PDF . ) Jump up ^ `` About the Author , Dr. Seuss , Seussville '' . Biography . Retrieved February 15 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` 15 Things You Probably Did n't Know About Dr. Seuss '' . . Retrieved 2013 - 12 - 16 . Jump up ^ Morgan ( 1995 ) , p. 219 Jump up ^ Morgan ( 1995 ) , p. 218 Jump up ^ The Political Dr. Seuss Springfield Library and Museums Association Jump up ^ Minear ( 1999 ) , p. 184 . ^ Jump up to : Wood , Hayley and Ron Lamothe ( interview ) ( August 2004 ) . `` Interview with filmmaker Ron Lamothe about The Political Dr. Seuss '' . MassHumanities eNews . Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities . Archived from the original on September 16 , 2007 . Retrieved September 16 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Lamothe , Ron ( October 27 , 2004 ) . `` PBS Independent Lens : The Political Dr. Seuss '' . The Washington Post . Retrieved April 10 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Buchwald , Art ( July 30 , 1974 ) . `` Richard M. Nixon Will You Please Go Now ! '' . The Washington Post . Katharine Weymouth . p . B01 . Retrieved September 17 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Dr Seuss : Rhymes and Reasons ( 2003 documentary ) Part 9 of 9 '' . YouTube . September 24 , 2008 . Retrieved April 9 , 2012 . Masters , Kim ( March 14 , 2008 ) . `` In ' Horton ' Movie , Abortion Foes Hear an Ally '' . NPR . Retrieved April 9 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Bunzel , Peter ( April 6 , 1959 ) . `` The Wacky World of Dr. Seuss Delights the Child -- and Adult -- Readers of His Books '' . Life . Chicago : Time Inc . ISSN 0024 - 3019 . OCLC 1643958 . Most of Geisel 's books point a moral , though he insists that he never starts with one . ' Kids , ' he says , ' can see a moral coming a mile off and they gag at it . But there 's an inherent moral in any story . ' Jump up ^ Cott , Jonathan ( 1984 ) . `` The Good Dr. Seuss '' . Pipers at the Gates of Dawn : The Wisdom of Children 's Literature ( Reprint ed . ) . New York City : Random House . ISBN 978 - 0 - 394 - 50464 - 3 . OCLC 8728388 . Jump up ^ Mensch , Betty ; Freeman , Alan ( 1987 ) . `` Getting to Solla Sollew : The Existentialist Politics of Dr. Seuss '' . Tikkun : 30 . In opposition to the conventional -- indeed , hegemonic -- iambic voice , his metric triplets offer the power of a more primal chant that quickly draws the reader in with relentless repetition . Jump up ^ Fensch , Thomas , ed. ( 1997 ) . Of Sneetches and Whos and the Good Dr. Seuss . Jefferson , North Carolina : McFarland & Company . ISBN 0 - 7864 - 0388 - 8 . OCLC 37418407 . Jump up ^ Dr. Seuss ( 1958 ) . Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories . Random House . OCLC 18181636 . Jump up ^ Dr. Seuss ( 1949 ) . Bartholomew and the Oobleck . Random House . OCLC 391115 . Jump up ^ `` Mandeville Special Collections Library , UC San Diego '' . UC San Diego . Retrieved April 10 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Dr. Seuss ( w , a ) . `` The Isolationist '' PM ( July 16 , 1941 ) Jump up ^ Dr. Seuss ( w , a ) . `` The head eats ... the rest gets milked '' PM ( May 19 , 1941 ) Jump up ^ Dr. Seuss ( w , a ) . `` You ca n't build a substantial V out of turtles ! '' PM ( March 21 , 1942 ) Jump up ^ Roberts , Chuck ( October 17 , 1999 ) . `` Serious Seuss : Children 's author as political cartoonist '' . CNN . Retrieved April 9 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Geisel , Theodor . `` You ca n't kill an elephant with a pop gun ! '' . L.P.C. Co . Jump up ^ Geisel , Theodor . `` India List '' . Jump up ^ Geisel , Theordor . `` Flit kills ! '' . Jump up ^ Theodor Geisel ( w , a ) . `` Try and pull the wings off these butterflies , Benito ! '' PM ( November 11 , 1942 ) Jump up ^ Turvey , Debbie Hochman ( December 17 , 2001 ) . `` All - Time Bestselling Children 's Books '' . Publishers Weekly . Archived from the original on March 24 , 2011 . Retrieved March 23 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Random Uncovers ' New ' Seuss Stories '' . Publishers Weekly . Retrieved June 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Blais , Jacqueline ; Memmott , Carol ; Minzesheimer , Bob ( May 16 , 2007 ) . `` Book buzz : Dave Barry really rocks '' . USA Today . Retrieved January 17 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins '' . IMDB . Retrieved 3 March 2017 . Jump up ^ `` The 16th Academy Awards ( 1944 ) '' . Archived from the original on July 15 , 2015 . Retrieved 3 March 2017 . Jump up ^ `` The Big Cartoon Database '' . Retrieved 3 March 2017 . Jump up ^ Associated Press ( February 26 , 2004 ) . Seussentenial : 100 years of Dr. Seuss . MSNBC . Retrieved on April 6 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Ellin , Abby ( October 2 , 2005 ) . `` The Return of ... Gerald McBoing Boing ? '' . . The New York Times . Retrieved April 7 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Universal . The Cat in the Hat ride . Retrieved on April 6 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Kit , Borys ; Fernandez , Jay A. ( January 24 , 2018 ) . `` New ' Cat in the Hat ' Movie in the Works From Warner Bros '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Prometheus Global Media , LLC . Further reading Cohen , Charles ( 2004 ) . The Seuss , the Whole Seuss and Nothing But the Seuss : A Visual Biography of Theodor Seuss Geisel . Random House Books for Young Readers . ISBN 0 - 375 - 82248 - 8 . OCLC 53075980 . Fensch , Thomas ( ed . ) ( 1997 ) . Of Sneetches and Whos and the Good Dr. Seuss : Essays on the Writings and Life of Theodor Geisel . McFarland & Company . ISBN 0 - 7864 - 0388 - 8 . CS1 maint : Extra text : authors list ( link ) Geisel , Audrey ( 1995 ) . The Secret Art of Dr. Seuss . Random House . ISBN 0 - 679 - 43448 - 8 . Geisel , Theodor ( 1987 ) . Dr. Seuss from Then to Now : A Catalogue of the Retrospective Exhibition . Random House . ISBN 0 - 394 - 89268 - 2 . Geisel , Theodor ( 2001 ) . Minnear , Richard , ed . Dr. Seuss Goes to War : The World War II Editorial Cartoons of Theodor Seuss Geisel . New Press . ISBN 1 - 56584 - 704 - 0 . Geisel , Theodor ( 2004 ) . The Beginnings of Dr. Seuss : An Informal Reminiscence . Dartmouth College . Geisel , Theodor ( 2005 ) . Theodor Seuss Geisel : The Early Works , Volume 1 . Checker Book Publishing . ISBN 1 - 933160 - 01 - 2 . Geisel , Theodor ( 1987 ) . Minnear , Richard , ed . The Tough Coughs as He Ploughs the Dough : Early Writings and Cartoons by Dr. Seuss . New York : Morrow / Remco Worldservice Books . ISBN 0 - 688 - 06548 - 1 . Lamothe , Ron ( 2004 ) . The Political Dr. Seuss ( DVD ) . Terra Incognita Films . Documentary aired on the Public Television System . Lathem , Edward Connery ( 2000 ) . Who 's Who and What 's What in the Books of Dr. Seuss . Dartmouth College . MacDonald , Ruth K. ( 1988 ) . Dr. Seuss . Twayne Publishers . ISBN 0 - 8057 - 7524 - 2 . Morgan , Judith ; Morgan , Neil ( 1995 ) . Dr. Seuss & Mr. Geisel . Random House . ISBN 0 - 679 - 41686 - 2 . Nel , Philip ( 2007 ) . The Annotated Cat : Under the Hats of Seuss and His Cats . Random House . ISBN 978 - 0 - 375 - 83369 - 4 . Nel , Philip ( 2004 ) . Dr. Seuss : American Icon . Continuum Publishing . ISBN 0 - 8264 - 1434 - 6 . Pease , Donald E. ( 2010 ) . Theodor Seuss Geisel . Oxford University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 532302 - 3 . Weidt , Maryann ; Maguire , Kerry ( 1994 ) . Oh , the Places He Went . Carolrhoda Books . ISBN 0 - 87614 - 627 - 2 . External links Find more aboutDr . Seussat Wikipedia 's sister projects Media from Wikimedia Commons News from Wikinews Quotations from Wikiquote Texts from Wikisource Textbooks from Wikibooks Learning resources from Wikiversity Seussville site Random House Dr. Seuss at the Internet Broadway Database Dr. Seuss at Internet Off - Broadway Database Dr. Seuss biography on Lambiek Comiclopedia Dr. Seuss Went to War : A Catalog of Political Cartoons by Dr. Seuss The Advertising Artwork of Dr. Seuss The Register of Dr. Seuss Collection UC San Diego Hotchkiss , Eugene III ( Spring 2004 ) . `` Dr. Seuss Keeps Me Guessing : A Commencement story by President Emeritus Eugene Hotchkiss III '' . . Archived from the original on August 14 , 2004 . Retrieved November 10 , 2011 . Dr. Seuss / Theodor Geisel artwork can be viewed at American Art Archives web site Dr. Seuss on IMDb The Dr. Seuss That Switched His Voice -- poem by Joe Dolce , first published in Quadrant magazine . Register of the Dr. Seuss Collection , UC San Diego Dr. Seuss at Library of Congress Authorities , with 190 catalog records Theodor Seuss Geisel ( real name ) , Theo . LeSieg ( pseud . ) , and Rosetta Stone ( joint pseud . ) at LC Authorities with 30 , 9 , and 1 records Dr. Seuss Characters The Cat in the Hat The Grinch Horton the Elephant Bartholomew Cubbins Bibliography And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins The King 's Stilts The Seven Lady Godivas Horton Hatches the Egg McElligot 's Pool Thidwick the Big - Hearted Moose Bartholomew and the Oobleck If I Ran the Zoo Scrambled Eggs Super ! Horton Hears a Who ! On Beyond Zebra ! If I Ran the Circus How the Grinch Stole Christmas ! The Cat in the Hat The Cat in the Hat Comes Back Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories Happy Birthday to You ! Green Eggs and Ham One Fish , Two Fish , Red Fish , Blue Fish The Sneetches and Other Stories Dr. Seuss 's Sleep Book Dr. Seuss 's ABC Fox in Socks Hop on Pop I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew Come over to My House The Foot Book I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today ! and Other Stories My Book about ME Mr. Brown Can Moo ! Can You ? : Dr. Seuss 's Book of Wonderful Noises ! The Lorax Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now ! Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are ? The Shape of Me and Other Stuff Wacky Wednesday Great Day for Up ! Oh , the Thinks You Can Think ! The Cat 's Quizzer I Can Read with My Eyes Shut ! Oh Say Can You Say ? Hunches in Bunches The Butter Battle Book You 're Only Old Once ! I Am Not Going to Get Up Today ! Oh , the Places You 'll Go ! There 's a Wocket in My Pocket I Wish That I Had Duck Feet Daisy - Head Mayzie My Many Colored Days Hooray for Diffendoofer Day ! The Bippolo Seed and Other Lost Stories Horton and the Kwuggerbug and More Lost Stories What Pet Should I Get ? Adaptations Television The Gerald McBoing - Boing Show ( 1956 -- 57 ) Dr. Seuss ' How the Grinch Stole Christmas ! ( 1966 ) Horton Hears a Who ! ( 1970 ) The Cat in the Hat ( 1971 ) The Lorax ( 1972 ) Dr. Seuss on the Loose ( 1973 ) The Hoober - Bloob Highway ( 1975 ) Halloween Is Grinch Night ( 1977 ) Pontoffel Pock , Where Are You ? ( 1980 ) The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat ( 1982 ) The Butter Battle Book ( 1989 ) In Search of Dr. Seuss ( 1994 ) Daisy - Head Mayzie ( 1995 ) The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss ( 1996 -- 98 ) ( episodes ) Gerald McBoing - Boing ( 2005 -- 07 ) The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That ! ( 2010 -- present ) ( episodes ) Green Eggs and Ham ( 2018 ) Film Horton Hatches the Egg ( short ; 1942 ) Gerald McBoing - Boing ( short ; 1950 ) How the Grinch Stole Christmas ( 2000 ) The Cat in the Hat ( 2003 ) Horton Hears a Who ! ( 2008 ) The Lorax ( 2012 ) The Grinch ( 2018 ) The Cat in the Hat ( TBA ) Other media Welcome ( Russian short film ) Seussical ( musical ) Dr. Seuss ' How the Grinch Stole Christmas ! The Musical The Grinch ( video game ) Dr. Seuss : How the Grinch Stole Christmas ! ( video game ) `` You 're a Mean One , Mr. Grinch '' ( song ) The Lorax ( play ) Other works Private Snafu The Pocket Book of Boners Your Job in Germany Our Job in Japan Design for Death The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T . Hejji Society of Red Tape Cutters Flit Related A Fish out of Water Amazing World of Dr. Seuss Museum Beginner Books Dr. Seuss Goes to War The Secret Art of Dr. Seuss Dr. Seuss National Memorial Geisel Award Geisel Library Geisel School of Medicine Helen Palmer PM Political messages of Dr. Seuss Read Across America Seuss Landing as `` Theo . LeSieg '' . Posthumous . Dr. Seuss ' The Cat in the Hat ( 1957 ) Live - action film The Cat in the Hat ( 2003 ) Television The Cat in the Hat ( 1971 ) Dr. Seuss on the Loose ( 1973 ) The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat ( 1982 ) The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That ! ( 2010 -- present ) episodes Books The Cat in the Hat The Cat in the Hat Comes Back The Cat 's Quizzer I Can Read with My Eyes Shut ! Daisy - Head Mayzie Stage Seussical Related Dr. Seuss Memorial I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today ! and Other Stories In Search of Dr. Seuss ( 1994 ) Dr. Seuss ' How the Grinch Stole Christmas ! Characters Grinch Book How the Grinch Stole Christmas ! ( 1957 ) Music `` You 're a Mean One , Mr. Grinch '' ( 1966 ) Adaptations Dr. Seuss ' How the Grinch Stole Christmas ! ( 1966 , TV special ) Halloween Is Grinch Night ( 1977 , TV special ) The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat ( 1982 , TV special ) Dr. Seuss ' How the Grinch Stole Christmas ! The Musical ( 1994 ) Dr. Seuss ' How the Grinch Stole Christmas ( 2000 live action film ) Dr. Seuss ' The Grinch ( 2018 animated film ) Related Dr. Seuss Memorial Pulitzer Prize Special Citations and Awards ( Letters ) Love Songs by Sara Teasdale ( 1918 ) Corn Huskers by Carl Sandburg ( 1919 ) Old Road to Paradise by Margaret Widdemer ( 1919 ) Kenneth Roberts ( 1957 ) Garrett Mattingly for The Armada ( 1960 ) American Heritage Picture History of the Civil War ( 1961 ) James Thomas Flexner for George Washington , Vols . I - IV ( 1973 ) Alex Haley for Roots ( 1977 ) E.B. White ( 1978 ) Theodor Seuss Geisel ( 1984 ) Art Spiegelman for Maus ( 1992 ) Edmund Morgan ( 2006 ) Ray Bradbury ( 2007 ) Complete list ( Journalism ) ( Letters ) ( Arts ) ( Service ) VIAF : 7408695 LCCN : n91084846 ISNI : 0000 0001 2119 3188 GND : 107380153 SELIBR : 184009 SUDOC : 030083303 BNF : cb12044517b ( data ) ULAN : 500116672 MusicBrainz : e7a94b95 - e339 - 48eb - 83c3 - 7ba856969bbe NLA : 35710419 NDL : 00440695 NKC : jx20120913001 BNE : XX846595 SNAC : w6vd6zsw Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Dr. Seuss 1904 births 1991 deaths 20th - century American writers 20th - century American poets American children 's writers American editorial cartoonists American illustrators American military personnel of World War II American people of German descent Artists from Springfield , Massachusetts Children 's poets Dartmouth College alumni Deaths from cancer in California Deaths from oral cancer First Motion Picture Unit personnel Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal winners Massachusetts Democrats People from La Jolla , San Diego Primetime Emmy Award winners Poets from California Poets from Massachusetts Pseudonymous writers Pulitzer Prize winners RCA Records artists Recipients of the Legion of Merit United States Army Air Forces officers Warner Bros. 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when did dr seuss wrote his first book
In 1936 , the couple were returning from an ocean voyage to Europe when the rhythm of the ship 's engines inspired the poem that became his first book : And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street . Based on Geisel 's varied accounts , the book was rejected by between 20 and 43 publishers . According to Geisel , he was walking home to burn the manuscript when a chance encounter with an old Dartmouth classmate led to its publication by Vanguard Press . Geisel wrote four more books before the US entered World War II . This included The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins in 1938 , as well as The King 's Stilts and The Seven Lady Godivas in 1939 , all of which were in prose , atypically for him . This was followed by Horton Hatches the Egg in 1940 , in which Geisel returned to the use of poetry .
List of countries by life expectancy - wikipedia List of countries by life expectancy This is the current revision of this page , as edited by 72 ( talk contribs ) at 20 : 52 , 18 August 2017 ( Reverted edits by 74.112. 41.242 ( talk ) to last version by AndersonPv ) . The present address ( URL ) is a permanent link to this version . Revision as of 20 : 52 , 18 August 2017 by 72 ( talk contribs ) ( Reverted edits by 74.112. 41.242 ( talk ) to last version by AndersonPv ) ( diff ) ← Previous revision Latest revision ( diff ) Newer revision → ( diff ) Jump to : navigation , search Comparison of average male and female life expectancy at birth for countries and territories as defined in the 2013 CIA Factbook , with selected bubbles labelled . The dotted line corresponds to equal female and male life expectancy . The apparent 3D volumes of the bubbles are linearly proportional to their population . ( In the SVG file , hover over a bubble to highlight it and show its data . ) This is a collection of lists of countries by average life expectancy at birth . Contents ( hide ) 1 Methodology 2 List by the World Health Organization ( 2015 ) 3 List by the United Nations , for 2010 -- 2015 4 List from the `` GBD 2010 '' study 5 List by the CIA ( 2016 ) 6 List by the OECD ( 2013 ) 7 See also 8 References 9 External links Methodology ( edit ) Life expectancy equals the average number of years a person born in a given country is expected to live if mortality rates at each age were to remain steady in the future . The life expectancy is shown separately for males and females , as well as a combined figure . Several non-sovereign entities are also included in this list . The figures reflect the quality of healthcare in the countries listed as well as other factors including ongoing wars , obesity , and HIV infections . Worldwide , the average life expectancy at birth was 71.5 years ( 68 years and 4 months for males and 72 years and 8 months for females ) over the period 2010 -- 2015 according to United Nations World Population Prospects 2015 Revision , or 69 years ( 67 years for males and 71.1 years for females ) for 2016 according to The World Factbook . According to the 2015 World Health Organization ( WHO ) data , women on average live longer than men in all major regions and in all individual countries except for Mali and Swaziland . The countries with the lowest overall life expectancies per the WHO are Sierra Leone , the Central African Republic , the Democratic Republic of the Congo , Guinea - Bissau , Lesotho , Somalia , Swaziland , Angola , Chad , Mali , Burundi , Cameroon , and Mozambique . Of those countries , only Lesotho , Swaziland , and Mozambique in 2011 were suffering from an HIV prevalence rate of greater than 10 percent in the 15 -- 49 age group . Comparing life expectancies from birth across countries can be problematic . There are differing definitions of live birth vs stillbirth even among more developed countries and less developed countries often have poor reporting . Taiwan 's data is not included in the following WHO statistics . According to the Ministry of the Interior of Taiwan , the life expectancy of the 23.5 - million Taiwanese people reached 80.2 years in 2015 , up from 79.84 years in 2014 . The life expectancy of Taiwanese males averaged 77.01 , while that of females reached 83.62 , both of which were record highs . Hong Kong is a territory with the world 's highest life expectancy according to Hong Kong Department of Health , the life expectancy reached 84.0 years in 2015 surpassing Japan 's 83.7 years . With men at 81.2 years and women at 87.3 years . The data is not included in the following WHO statistics as a separate entity since Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of China , and is not itself a member of the WHO . List by the World Health Organization ( 2015 ) ( edit ) 2015 data published in May 2016 . HALE : Health - adjusted life expectancy Country Both sexes rank Both sexes life expectancy Female rank Female life expectancy Male rank Male life expectancy Both sexes rank ( HALE ) Both sexes life expectancy ( HALE ) Japan 1 83.7 1 86.8 6 80.5 1 74.9 Switzerland 2 83.4 6 85.3 1 81.3 4 73.1 Singapore 3 83.1 2 86.1 10 80.0 2 73.9 Australia 4 82.8 7 84.8 3 80.9 15 71.9 Spain 4 82.8 3 85.5 9 80.1 9 72.4 Iceland 6 82.7 10 84.1 2 81.2 7 72.7 Italy 6 82.7 7 84.8 6 80.5 5 72.8 Israel 8 82.5 9 84.3 5 80.6 5 72.8 Sweden 9 82.4 12 84.0 4 80.7 12 72.0 France 9 82.4 5 85.4 16 79.4 8 72.6 South Korea 11 82.3 3 85.5 20 78.8 3 73.2 Canada 12 82.2 10 84.1 8 80.2 10 72.3 Luxembourg 13 82.0 12 84.0 13 79.8 17 71.8 Netherlands 14 81.9 20 83.6 10 80.0 11 72.2 Norway 15 81.8 17 83.7 13 79.8 12 72.0 Malta 16 81.7 17 83.7 15 79.7 18 71.7 New Zealand 17 81.6 26 83.3 10 80.0 19 71.6 Austria 18 81.5 14 83.9 19 79.0 12 72.0 Ireland 19 81.4 23 83.4 16 79.4 20 71.5 United Kingdom 20 81.2 27 83.0 16 79.4 21 71.4 Belgium 21 81.1 22 83.5 22 78.6 26 71.1 Finland 21 81.1 16 83.8 24 78.3 28 71.0 Portugal 21 81.1 14 83.9 27 78.2 21 71.4 Germany 24 81.0 23 83.4 21 78.7 23 71.3 Greece 24 81.0 20 83.6 24 78.3 15 71.9 Slovenia 26 80.8 17 83.7 28 77.9 26 71.1 Denmark 27 80.6 29 82.5 22 78.6 25 71.2 Cyprus 28 80.5 28 82.7 24 78.3 23 71.3 Chile 28 80.5 23 83.4 29 77.4 29 70.4 Costa Rica 30 79.6 30 82.2 31 77.1 31 69.7 United States 31 79.3 33 81.6 32 76.9 36 69.1 Cuba 32 79.1 34 81.4 32 76.9 35 69.2 Czech Republic 33 78.8 32 81.7 38 75.9 33 69.4 Maldives 34 78.5 41 80.2 32 76.9 32 69.6 Qatar 35 78.2 43 80.0 29 77.4 47 67.7 Croatia 36 78.0 36 81.2 42 74.7 33 69.4 Albania 37 77.8 38 80.7 39 75.1 38 68.8 Panama 37 77.8 37 81.1 42 74.7 42 68.1 Brunei 39 77.7 47 79.2 36 76.3 29 70.4 Estonia 40 77.6 31 82.0 65 72.7 37 68.9 Poland 41 77.5 35 81.3 52 73.6 39 68.7 Bosnia and Herzegovina 42 77.4 45 79.7 40 75.0 40 68.6 United Arab Emirates 43 77.1 57 78.6 35 76.4 44 67.9 Uruguay 44 77.0 40 80.4 56 73.3 44 67.9 Bahrain 45 76.9 71 77.9 37 76.2 55 67.0 Mexico 46 76.7 46 79.5 48 73.9 52 67.4 Slovakia 46 76.7 41 80.2 62 72.9 42 68.1 Oman 48 76.6 47 79.2 40 75.0 63 66.7 Antigua and Barbuda 49 76.4 57 78.6 46 74.1 50 67.5 Argentina 50 76.3 44 79.9 65 72.7 49 67.6 Jamaica 51 76.2 57 78.6 48 73.9 58 66.9 Ecuador 51 76.2 53 79.0 53 73.5 55 67.0 China 53 76.1 80 77.6 44 74.6 41 68.5 Montenegro 53 76.1 65 78.1 46 74.1 44 67.9 Bahamas 53 76.1 50 79.1 62 72.9 65 66.6 Vietnam 56 76.0 38 80.7 81 71.3 65 66.6 Hungary 57 75.9 50 79.1 71 72.3 52 67.4 Turkey 58 75.8 54 78.9 68 72.6 73 66.2 Macedonia 59 75.7 76 77.8 53 73.5 50 67.5 Algeria 60 75.6 81 77.5 50 73.8 75 66.0 Serbia 60 75.6 61 78.4 62 72.9 47 67.7 Iran 62 75.5 86 76.6 45 74.5 65 66.6 Peru 62 75.5 66 78.0 59 73.1 80 65.6 Barbados 62 75.5 71 77.9 59 73.1 65 66.6 Tunisia 65 75.3 76 77.8 61 73.0 63 66.7 Saint Lucia 66 75.2 71 77.9 68 72.6 74 66.1 Malaysia 67 75.0 83 77.3 65 72.7 70 66.5 Romania 67 75.0 55 78.8 78 71.4 59 66.8 Brazil 67 75.0 56 78.7 78 71.4 81 65.5 Lebanon 70 74.9 87 76.5 53 73.5 79 65.7 Thailand 70 74.9 66 78.0 74 71.9 59 66.8 Sri Lanka 70 74.9 63 78.3 75 71.6 55 67.0 Armenia 73 74.8 79 77.7 75 71.6 59 66.8 Nicaragua 73 74.8 71 77.9 77 71.5 103 63.7 Colombia 73 74.8 61 78.4 84 71.2 85 65.1 Kuwait 76 74.7 93 76.0 51 73.7 78 65.8 Honduras 77 74.6 85 77.0 71 72.3 90 64.9 Mauritius 77 74.6 76 77.8 78 71.4 59 66.8 Latvia 77 74.6 47 79.2 95 69.6 54 67.1 Saudi Arabia 80 74.5 93 76.0 58 73.2 96 64.5 Bulgaria 80 74.5 66 78.0 86 71.1 72 66.4 Georgia 82 74.4 63 78.3 91 70.3 70 66.5 Morocco 83 74.3 99 75.4 56 73.3 90 64.9 Jordan 84 74.1 96 75.9 70 72.5 88 65.0 Venezuela 84 74.1 60 78.5 94 70.0 83 65.2 Paraguay 86 74.0 93 76.0 73 72.2 83 65.2 Samoa 86 74.0 81 77.5 87 70.9 65 66.6 Dominican Republic 88 73.9 84 77.1 87 70.9 85 65.1 Grenada 89 73.6 91 76.1 84 71.2 88 65.0 Lithuania 89 73.6 50 79.1 104 68.1 75 66.0 Tonga 91 73.5 88 76.4 89 70.6 75 66.0 El Salvador 91 73.5 71 77.9 99 68.8 98 64.1 Cabo Verde 93 73.3 103 75.0 81 71.3 97 64.4 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 94 73.2 100 75.2 81 71.3 94 64.6 Seychelles 94 73.2 66 78.0 98 69.1 81 65.5 Libya 96 72.7 98 75.6 92 70.1 101 63.8 Azerbaijan 96 72.7 97 75.8 95 69.6 93 64.7 Belarus 98 72.3 66 78.0 119 66.5 85 65.1 Moldova 99 72.1 90 76.2 106 67.9 92 64.8 Vanuatu 100 72.0 107 74.0 92 70.1 94 64.6 Guatemala 101 71.9 100 75.2 102 68.5 116 62.1 Bangladesh 102 71.8 113 73.1 89 70.6 111 62.3 Suriname 103 71.6 105 74.7 101 68.6 107 63.1 Ukraine 104 71.3 91 76.1 120 66.3 98 64.1 Trinidad and Tobago 105 71.2 104 74.8 106 67.9 104 63.3 Kyrgyzstan 106 71.1 102 75.1 111 67.2 101 63.8 Egypt 107 70.9 111 73.2 99 68.8 113 62.2 Bolivia 108 70.7 110 73.3 103 68.2 113 62.2 DPR Korea 109 70.6 107 74.0 113 67.0 100 64.0 Russian Federation 110 70.5 89 76.3 127 64.7 104 63.3 Kazakhstan 111 70.2 105 74.7 123 65.7 104 63.3 Belize 112 70.1 113 73.1 110 67.5 111 62.3 Fiji 113 69.9 113 73.1 113 67.0 108 62.9 Bhutan 114 69.8 126 70.1 97 69.5 120 61.2 Tajikistan 115 69.7 109 73.6 116 66.6 116 62.1 Micronesia 116 69.4 124 70.6 104 68.1 109 62.5 Uzbekistan 116 69.4 116 72.7 122 66.1 110 62.4 Solomon Islands 118 69.2 121 70.8 106 67.9 116 62.1 Nepal 118 69.2 121 70.8 109 67.7 121 61.1 Indonesia 120 69.1 119 71.2 112 67.1 113 62.2 Iraq 121 68.9 118 71.8 121 66.2 124 60.0 Mongolia 122 68.8 111 73.2 127 64.7 119 62.0 Cambodia 123 68.7 123 70.7 116 66.6 130 58.9 Philippines 124 68.5 117 72.0 126 65.3 121 61.1 India 125 68.3 128 69.9 115 66.9 126 59.5 Timor - Leste 125 68.3 126 70.1 116 66.6 123 60.7 Sao Tome and Principe 127 67.5 130 69.4 124 65.6 128 59.1 Senegal 128 66.7 132 68.6 130 64.6 132 58.3 Myanmar 129 66.6 133 68.5 130 64.6 127 59.2 Pakistan 130 66.4 137 67.5 125 65.5 134 57.8 Kiribati 131 66.3 131 68.8 136 63.7 128 59.1 Turkmenistan 131 66.3 125 70.5 143 62.2 125 59.8 Guyana 133 66.2 133 68.5 134 63.9 130 58.9 Rwanda 134 66.1 120 71.1 150 60.9 140 56.6 Gabon 135 66.0 138 67.2 127 64.7 137 57.2 Namibia 136 65.8 135 68.3 139 63.1 136 57.5 Yemen 137 65.7 138 67.2 132 64.3 135 57.7 Laos 137 65.7 138 67.2 133 64.1 133 57.9 Botswana 137 65.7 136 68.1 137 63.3 138 56.9 Madagascar 140 65.5 141 67.0 134 63.9 138 56.9 Ethiopia 141 64.8 143 66.8 140 62.8 143 56.1 Congo 142 64.7 144 66.3 138 63.2 140 56.6 Eritrea 142 64.7 141 67.0 141 62.4 145 55.9 Syria 144 64.5 128 69.9 154 59.9 143 56.1 Sudan 145 64.1 146 65.9 141 62.4 145 55.9 Comoros 146 63.5 151 65.2 144 61.9 145 55.9 Djibouti 146 63.5 150 65.3 145 61.8 148 55.8 Haiti 146 63.5 148 65.5 147 61.5 150 55.4 Kenya 149 63.4 147 65.8 148 61.1 149 55.6 Mauritania 150 63.1 153 64.6 146 61.6 152 55.1 Papua New Guinea 151 62.9 149 65.4 152 60.6 142 56.4 South Africa 151 62.9 145 66.2 158 59.3 153 54.5 Ghana 153 62.4 155 63.9 149 61.0 151 55.3 Uganda 154 62.3 154 64.3 153 60.3 156 54.0 Niger 155 61.8 158 62.8 150 60.9 154 54.2 Tanzania 155 61.8 156 63.8 154 59.9 155 54.1 Zambia 155 61.8 152 64.7 161 59.0 158 53.6 Liberia 158 61.4 157 62.9 156 59.8 160 52.7 Gambia 159 61.1 159 62.5 156 59.8 157 53.8 Zimbabwe 160 60.7 160 62.3 161 59.0 163 52.3 Afghanistan 161 60.5 161 61.9 158 59.3 164 52.2 Benin 162 60.0 164 61.1 163 58.8 162 52.5 Burkina Faso 163 59.9 167 60.5 160 59.1 161 52.6 Togo 163 59.9 164 61.1 164 58.6 159 52.8 DR Congo 165 59.8 163 61.5 165 58.3 166 51.7 Burundi 166 59.6 162 61.6 168 57.7 164 52.2 Guinea 167 59.0 171 59.8 166 58.2 166 51.7 Guinea - Bissau 168 58.9 167 60.5 169 57.2 168 51.5 Swaziland 168 58.9 164 61.1 171 56.6 172 50.9 Malawi 170 58.3 170 59.9 170 56.7 169 51.2 Mali 171 58.2 175 58.3 166 58.2 171 51.1 Equatorial Guinea 171 58.2 169 60.0 171 56.6 169 51.2 Mozambique 173 57.6 172 59.4 175 55.7 175 49.6 South Sudan 174 57.3 173 58.6 173 56.1 174 49.9 Cameroon 174 57.3 173 58.6 174 55.9 173 50.3 Somalia 176 55.0 176 56.6 176 53.5 176 47.8 Nigeria 177 54.5 177 55.6 177 53.4 177 47.7 Lesotho 178 53.7 178 55.4 179 51.7 179 46.6 Cote d'Ivoire 179 53.3 180 54.4 178 52.3 178 47.0 Chad 180 53.1 179 54.5 179 51.7 180 46.1 Central African Republic 181 52.5 181 54.1 181 50.9 181 45.9 Angola 182 52.4 182 54.0 181 50.9 182 45.8 Sierra Leone 183 50.1 183 50.8 183 49.3 183 44.4 List by the United Nations , for 2010 -- 2015 ( edit ) On July 2015 , the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs ( UN DESA ) , released World Population Prospects , The 2015 Revision . The following table shows the life expectancy at birth for the period 2010 to 2015 . Male life expectancy , 2009 . Female life expectancy , 2009 . UN World Population Prospects -- The 2006 Revision : 2005 - 2010 Life Expectancy at birth ( years ) . over 80 77.5 - 80.0 75.0 - 77.5 72.5 - 75.0 70.0 - 72.5 67.5 - 70.0 65.0 - 67.5 60 - 65 55 - 60 50 - 55 45 - 50 under 45 not available Life expectancy at birth ( years ) , UN World Population Prospects 2015 Rank State / Territory Overall Male Female 1 Hong Kong 83.74 80.91 86.58 2 Japan 83.31 80.00 86.49 3 Italy 82.84 80.27 85.23 4 Switzerland 82.66 80.43 84.74 5 Singapore 82.64 79.59 85.61 6 Iceland 82.30 80.73 83.84 7 Spain 82.28 79.42 85.05 8 Australia 82.10 79.93 84.28 9 Israel 82.07 80.18 83.82 10 Sweden 81.93 80.10 83.71 11 France ( metropol . ) 81.85 78.76 84.87 12 Canada 81.78 79.69 83.78 13 New Zealand 81.56 79.71 83.35 14 South Korea 81.43 77.95 84.63 15 Luxembourg 81.34 78.94 83.65 16 Norway 81.32 79.22 83.38 17 Netherlands 81.31 79.36 83.14 18 Chile 81.21 78.09 84.12 19 Martinique ( France ) 81.18 77.79 84.36 20 Austria 81.09 78.47 83.59 21 Germany 80.66 78.18 83.06 22 Greece 80.60 77.64 83.60 23 Ireland 80.57 78.40 82.74 24 Guadeloupe ( France ) 80.56 76.83 83.98 25 Portugal 80.55 77.43 83.50 26 = Belgium 80.53 77.95 83.02 26 = Finland 80.53 77.60 83.40 28 = Channel Islands ( UK ) 80.45 78.45 82.39 28 = United Kingdom 80.45 78.45 82.39 30 = Malta 80.30 78.55 81.98 30 = Macau 80.30 78.07 82.51 32 Slovenia 80.08 76.92 83.14 33 U.S. Virgin Islands ( US ) 80.06 77.24 82.92 34 Denmark 79.99 78.00 81.94 35 Cyprus 79.90 77.69 82.17 36 Réunion ( France ) 79.54 76.04 82.90 37 Mayotte ( France ) 79.34 76.04 82.90 38 Taiwan 79.26 76.43 82.30 39 Puerto Rico ( US ) 79.22 75.19 83.17 40 = Costa Rica 79.16 76.70 81.69 40 = Cuba 79.16 77.10 81.27 42 French Guiana ( France ) 78.98 75.75 82.58 43 United States 78.88 76.47 81.25 44 Lebanon 78.86 77.14 80.87 45 Guam ( US ) 78.72 76.14 81.47 46 Brunei 78.44 76.64 80.39 47 Czech Republic 78.35 75.36 81.27 48 Qatar 77.89 77.10 79.68 49 Curaçao ( Netherlands ) 77.77 74.50 80.70 50 Albania 77.49 75.04 80.19 51 Panama 77.32 74.34 80.49 52 Poland 77.14 73.06 81.14 53 Croatia 77.05 73.64 80.38 54 Uruguay 76.96 73.25 80.44 55 United Arab Emirates 76.67 76.02 78.23 56 Estonia 76.52 71.57 81.05 57 Mexico 76.48 74.04 78.93 58 Bahrain 76.38 75.58 77.42 59 Maldives 76.36 75.40 77.41 60 Oman 76.33 74.66 78.85 61 Bosnia and Herzegovina 76.26 73.71 78.82 62 New Caledonia ( France ) 76.19 73.55 79.31 63 French Polynesia ( France ) 76.12 73.97 78.55 64 Slovakia 76.04 72.24 79.73 65 Montenegro 76.02 73.83 78.18 66 Argentina 76.01 72.15 79.83 67 Antigua and Barbuda 75.82 73.29 78.21 68 Vietnam 75.57 70.73 80.31 69 Ecuador 75.54 72.82 78.37 70 Jamaica 75.44 73.07 77.89 71 China 75.43 73.97 77.02 72 Aruba ( Netherlands ) 75.39 72.89 77.76 73 Barbados 75.37 72.91 77.71 74 Republic of Macedonia 75.16 72.87 77.48 75 Bahamas 75.15 72.02 78.09 76 Iran 75.06 73.98 76.22 77 Hungary 74.98 71.23 78.54 78 Turkey 74.84 71.53 78.12 79 Saint Lucia 74.81 72.17 77.57 80 Serbia 74.65 71.83 77.50 81 = Sri Lanka 74.64 71.24 78.03 81 = Georgia 74.64 70.91 78.14 83 Tunisia 74.60 72.30 77.04 84 Armenia 74.56 70.74 78.39 85 Malaysia 74.50 72.21 76.88 86 Nicaragua 74.47 71.38 77.48 87 Romania 74.46 70.92 78.07 88 Algeria 74.42 72.14 76.84 89 Kuwait 74.28 73.34 75.56 90 = Mauritius 74.15 70.67 77.74 90 = Peru 74.15 71.54 76.84 92 Thailand 74.14 70.83 77.58 93 Saudi Arabia 74.08 72.82 75.47 94 Brazil 74.05 70.29 77.86 95 Bulgaria 74.04 70.64 77.56 96 = Venezuela 73.95 69.93 78.24 96 = Latvia 73.95 68.85 78.68 98 Jordan 73.79 72.21 75.52 99 Colombia 73.75 70.19 77.39 100 Morocco 73.61 72.60 74.62 101 Dominican Republic 73.19 70.16 76.45 102 Grenada 73.17 70.78 75.59 103 Lithuania 73.07 67.39 78.78 104 Samoa 73.02 70.02 76.39 105 Cape Verde 72.97 71.05 74.65 106 Seychelles 72.94 68.69 77.91 107 Honduras 72.83 70.39 75.40 108 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 72.75 70.70 74.90 109 Paraguay 72.74 70.70 74.92 110 Palestine 72.65 70.74 74.66 111 El Salvador 72.64 67.89 77.08 112 Tonga 72.60 69.72 75.56 113 Vanuatu 71.48 69.59 73.60 114 = Libya 71.47 68.79 74.41 114 = Guatemala 71.47 67.92 74.98 116 Moldova 71.33 67.22 75.43 117 Belarus 71.08 65.29 76.97 118 Bangladesh 71.01 69.85 72.26 119 Suriname 70.90 67.81 74.18 120 Egypt 70.84 68.71 73.05 121 Ukraine 70.76 65.73 75.67 122 Azerbaijan 70.62 67.54 73.77 123 Kyrgyzstan 70.26 66.35 74.29 124 Trinidad and Tobago 70.23 66.87 73.84 125 North Korea 69.91 66.30 73.27 126 Russian Federation 69.83 64.15 75.55 127 Belize 69.76 67.19 72.72 128 Fiji 69.72 66.93 72.89 129 Syria 69.51 63.98 76.26 130 Iraq 69.19 66.99 71.44 131 = Tajikistan 69.07 65.90 72.84 131 = Kazakhstan 69.07 64.29 73.87 133 Nepal 69.03 67.64 70.45 134 Federated States of Micronesia 68.93 67.99 69.85 135 Mongolia 68.89 64.76 73.29 136 Bhutan 68.88 68.63 69.09 137 Indonesia 68.59 66.61 70.70 138 Uzbekistan 68.25 64.90 71.61 139 Philippines 67.99 64.72 71.55 140 Timor - Leste 67.73 66.06 69.51 141 Bolivia 67.72 65.34 70.21 142 = Western Sahara 67.61 65.89 69.81 142 = Cambodia 67.61 65.50 69.55 144 Solomon Islands 67.53 66.19 69.03 145 India 67.47 66.13 68.93 146 Guyana 66.24 64.03 68.59 147 São Tomé and Príncipe 66.23 64.23 68.19 148 Pakistan 65.88 64.99 66.84 149 Senegal 65.81 63.86 67.61 150 Kiribati 65.74 62.55 68.93 151 Myanmar 65.64 63.58 67.66 152 Laos 65.51 64.14 66.84 153 Turkmenistan 65.39 61.31 69.69 154 Madagascar 64.50 63.02 66.00 155 Namibia 64.34 61.58 66.95 156 Botswana 64.12 61.80 66.51 157 Tanzania 64.04 62.55 65.55 158 Gabon 63.65 63.15 64.07 159 Yemen 63.51 62.18 64.88 160 Rwanda 63.14 59.65 66.30 161 Ethiopia 63.13 61.30 65.02 162 Sudan 63.08 61.60 64.60 163 Eritrea 63.07 60.90 65.18 164 Comoros 62.83 61.20 64.50 165 Mauritania 62.77 61.29 64.25 166 Papua New Guinea 62.31 60.25 64.49 167 Haiti 62.29 60.18 64.42 168 Djibouti 61.61 60.04 63.24 169 Congo 61.42 59.95 62.92 170 Ghana 61.03 60.06 61.97 171 Malawi 60.97 59.86 61.98 172 Niger 60.65 59.85 61.55 173 Kenya 60.62 59.08 62.17 174 Liberia 60.25 59.29 61.21 175 Gambia 59.83 58.54 61.21 176 Afghanistan 59.82 58.67 61.06 177 Benin 59.20 57.77 60.61 178 Togo 59.01 58.28 59.68 179 Zambia 58.75 57.16 60.33 180 Democratic Republic of the Congo 58.10 56.67 59.53 181 Burkina Faso 58.07 56.73 59.33 182 Guinea 58.04 57.58 58.49 183 Uganda 57.25 55.67 58.83 184 Mali 57.23 57.44 56.98 185 Equatorial Guinea 57.13 55.87 58.57 186 South Africa 57.11 54.85 59.11 187 Burundi 56.07 54.18 58.04 188 South Sudan 55.06 54.10 56.03 189 Somalia 54.88 53.28 56.51 190 Cameroon 54.87 53.74 56.02 191 Zimbabwe 54.78 53.60 55.95 192 Guinea - Bissau 54.72 53.00 56.50 193 Mozambique 54.63 52.94 56.18 194 Nigeria 52.29 51.97 52.61 195 Angola 51.68 50.20 53.17 196 Chad 51.13 50.08 52.18 197 Côte d'Ivoire 50.97 50.21 51.85 198 Sierra Leone 50.19 49.65 50.74 199 Central African Republic 49.53 47.83 51.25 200 Lesotho 49.50 49.19 49.59 201 Swaziland 49.18 49.69 48.54 List from the `` GBD 2010 '' study ( edit ) The Global Burden of Disease 2010 study published updated figures in 2012 , including recalculations of life expectancies which differ substantially in places from the UN estimates for 2010 ( reasons for this are discussed in the freely available appendix to the paper , pages 25 -- 27 , currently not available ) . Although no estimate is given for the sexes combined , for the first time life expectancy estimates have included uncertainty intervals . Life expectancy at birth ( years ) , Global Burden of Disease 2010 state / territory Male 95 % range Female 95 % range World average 67.50 ( 66.90 - 68.10 ) 73.30 ( 72.80 - 73.80 ) Afghanistan 58.20 ( 54.20 - 62.80 ) 57.30 ( 52.20 - 61.70 ) Albania 72.00 ( 69.20 - 74.90 ) 78.10 ( 75.90 - 80.20 ) Algeria 74.30 ( 73.20 - 75.40 ) 76.50 ( 75.50 - 77.50 ) Andorra 79.80 ( 78.80 - 81.00 ) 85.20 ( 84.20 - 86.20 ) Angola 57.90 ( 49.50 - 66.50 ) 63.90 ( 56.00 - 72.00 ) Antigua and Barbuda 74.10 ( 72.20 - 75.90 ) 79.00 ( 77.30 - 80.50 ) Argentina 72.50 ( 72.40 - 72.60 ) 79.30 ( 79.20 - 79.40 ) Armenia 68.90 ( 67.20 - 70.50 ) 78.50 ( 77.40 - 79.60 ) Australia 79.20 ( 79.10 - 79.30 ) 83.80 ( 83.70 - 83.90 ) Austria 77.70 ( 77.50 - 77.90 ) 83.30 ( 83.20 - 83.50 ) Azerbaijan 68.90 ( 67.60 - 70.20 ) 76.20 ( 74.90 - 77.40 ) Bahrain 76.40 ( 74.80 - 78.20 ) 79.10 ( 77.50 - 80.70 ) Bangladesh 67.20 ( 65.60 - 68.80 ) 71.00 ( 69.40 - 72.80 ) Barbados 74.30 ( 72.70 - 76.00 ) 77.00 ( 75.60 - 78.30 ) Belarus 64.10 ( 63.40 - 64.90 ) 76.00 ( 75.50 - 76.50 ) Belgium 76.70 ( 76.40 - 77.10 ) 82.30 ( 81.90 - 82.60 ) Belize 68.90 ( 67.30 - 70.30 ) 73.60 ( 72.30 - 75.00 ) Benin 60.70 ( 57.60 - 63.50 ) 65.90 ( 63.20 - 68.50 ) Bhutan 67.60 ( 60.90 - 73.30 ) 71.70 ( 65.70 - 77.10 ) Bolivia 69.70 ( 67.30 - 72.50 ) 71.70 ( 69.50 - 74.10 ) Bosnia and Herzegovina 74.10 ( 73.90 - 74.40 ) 78.80 ( 78.50 - 79.00 ) Botswana 68.10 ( 63.60 - 73.60 ) 74.00 ( 69.20 - 80.60 ) Brazil 71.50 ( 71.20 - 71.80 ) 79.70 ( 79.50 - 79.90 ) Brunei 75.50 ( 74.30 - 76.60 ) 79.10 ( 78.00 - 80.30 ) Bulgaria 70.10 ( 69.90 - 70.30 ) 77.00 ( 76.80 - 77.20 ) Burkina Faso 52.80 ( 46.60 - 58.10 ) 57.60 ( 52.70 - 62.10 ) Burma 60.70 ( 51.40 - 69.80 ) 67.60 ( 60.10 - 73.60 ) Burundi 53.00 ( 42.70 - 63.00 ) 55.20 ( 45.20 - 64.60 ) Cambodia 64.60 ( 63.30 - 66.00 ) 70.10 ( 68.80 - 71.50 ) Cameroon 57.10 ( 53.50 - 60.90 ) 61.10 ( 57.80 - 64.30 ) Canada 78.50 ( 78.20 - 78.70 ) 82.70 ( 82.50 - 83.00 ) Cape Verde 70.90 ( 66.30 - 75.50 ) 79.10 ( 75.30 - 82.50 ) Central African Republic 43.60 ( 38.40 - 49.30 ) 49.30 ( 44.00 - 54.60 ) Chad 53.30 ( 47.20 - 58.20 ) 57.80 ( 53.00 - 62.30 ) Chile 75.50 ( 75.20 - 75.90 ) 81.50 ( 81.20 - 81.80 ) China 72.90 ( 71.80 - 74.00 ) 79.00 ( 78.00 - 80.00 ) Colombia 71.70 ( 70.20 - 73.00 ) 78.30 ( 77.30 - 79.40 ) Comoros 61.60 ( 56.50 - 65.80 ) 63.90 ( 59.10 - 68.20 ) Congo 56.30 ( 52.30 - 60.30 ) 61.60 ( 57.90 - 65.10 ) Costa Rica 77.10 ( 76.90 - 77.30 ) 81.90 ( 81.60 - 82.10 ) Côte d'Ivoire 52.80 ( 48.20 - 57.10 ) 60.20 ( 56.20 - 63.90 ) Croatia 73.40 ( 73.20 - 73.60 ) 79.90 ( 79.70 - 80.10 ) Cuba 76.10 ( 75.90 - 76.20 ) 79.80 ( 79.60 - 79.90 ) Cyprus 77.60 ( 77.10 - 78.10 ) 82.90 ( 82.40 - 83.40 ) Czech Republic 74.30 ( 74.20 - 74.50 ) 80.70 ( 80.50 - 80.80 ) Denmark 76.80 ( 76.60 - 77.00 ) 81.00 ( 80.80 - 81.30 ) Djibouti 62.20 ( 54.60 - 69.60 ) 64.40 ( 55.10 - 73.70 ) Dominica 70.10 ( 68.60 - 71.50 ) 77.90 ( 76.40 - 79.30 ) Dominican Republic 71.30 ( 70.00 - 72.80 ) 76.30 ( 75.10 - 77.60 ) DR Congo 52.80 ( 49.60 - 55.90 ) 57.70 ( 54.70 - 60.50 ) Ecuador 74.40 ( 73.30 - 75.40 ) 79.80 ( 78.90 - 80.60 ) Egypt 68.00 ( 67.00 - 69.00 ) 73.40 ( 72.50 - 74.20 ) El Salvador 69.90 ( 69.30 - 70.50 ) 78.20 ( 77.70 - 78.60 ) Equatorial Guinea 54.70 ( 43.50 - 66.20 ) 61.80 ( 52.90 - 73.80 ) Eritrea 59.00 ( 54.70 - 62.90 ) 62.00 ( 58.20 - 65.50 ) Estonia 70.60 ( 70.30 - 71.00 ) 80.60 ( 80.20 - 81.00 ) Ethiopia 59.50 ( 57.50 - 61.30 ) 62.30 ( 60.50 - 64.10 ) Federated States of Micronesia 63.40 ( 54.60 - 71.70 ) 68.30 ( 60.80 - 74.70 ) Fiji 65.60 ( 63.90 - 67.30 ) 68.80 ( 67.10 - 70.40 ) Finland 76.80 ( 76.60 - 77.00 ) 83.30 ( 83.10 - 83.60 ) France 77.50 ( 77.20 - 77.80 ) 84.30 ( 84.00 - 84.50 ) Gabon 55.00 ( 50.00 - 60.00 ) 63.30 ( 59.50 - 67.40 ) Georgia 67.40 ( 66.00 - 68.70 ) 77.90 ( 76.90 - 78.90 ) Germany 77.50 ( 77.30 - 77.70 ) 82.80 ( 82.60 - 83.10 ) Ghana 63.20 ( 60.70 - 65.70 ) 66.70 ( 64.50 - 68.90 ) Greece 77.10 ( 76.80 - 77.40 ) 82.10 ( 81.90 - 82.40 ) Grenada 68.60 ( 67.40 - 69.80 ) 73.50 ( 72.20 - 74.70 ) Guatemala 66.90 ( 66.30 - 67.50 ) 74.00 ( 73.50 - 74.50 ) Guinea - Bissau 54.80 ( 46.10 - 63.40 ) 58.60 ( 50.80 - 66.60 ) Guinea 58.40 ( 53.70 - 62.30 ) 60.50 ( 56.30 - 64.00 ) Guyana 63.10 ( 60.50 - 65.90 ) 69.10 ( 66.90 - 71.20 ) Haiti 32.50 ( 19.80 - 43.10 ) 43.60 ( 31.10 - 51.70 ) Honduras 70.50 ( 66.30 - 74.60 ) 73.20 ( 69.80 - 76.50 ) Hungary 70.40 ( 70.30 - 70.60 ) 78.40 ( 78.20 - 78.50 ) Iceland 80.00 ( 79.40 - 80.60 ) 84.40 ( 83.70 - 85.00 ) India 63.20 ( 60.60 - 65.70 ) 67.50 ( 65.50 - 69.90 ) Indonesia 67.70 ( 66.00 - 69.20 ) 71.80 ( 70.30 - 73.30 ) Iran 71.60 ( 68.50 - 74.60 ) 77.80 ( 75.30 - 80.20 ) Iraq 70.60 ( 67.20 - 73.70 ) 71.40 ( 68.30 - 74.40 ) Ireland 77.60 ( 77.40 - 77.90 ) 82.20 ( 81.90 - 82.40 ) Israel 79.20 ( 79.00 - 79.40 ) 82.90 ( 82.70 - 83.10 ) Italy 78.90 ( 78.70 - 79.10 ) 83.90 ( 83.70 - 84.10 ) Jamaica 73.30 ( 69.90 - 77.30 ) 77.30 ( 74.30 - 80.30 ) Japan 79.30 ( 79.30 - 79.40 ) 85.90 ( 85.80 - 85.90 ) Jordan 75.70 ( 73.90 - 77.50 ) 75.10 ( 73.20 - 77.00 ) Kazakhstan 61.30 ( 59.10 - 63.30 ) 72.20 ( 70.60 - 73.70 ) Kenya 62.70 ( 59.90 - 65.70 ) 66.90 ( 64.60 - 69.00 ) Kiribati 57.80 ( 51.30 - 64.00 ) 65.00 ( 59.80 - 69.70 ) Kuwait 76.10 ( 75.80 - 76.40 ) 79.60 ( 79.20 - 79.90 ) Kyrgyzstan 62.20 ( 60.60 - 63.90 ) 71.90 ( 70.40 - 73.20 ) Laos 62.40 ( 54.40 - 69.70 ) 67.10 ( 60.20 - 73.50 ) Latvia 68.90 ( 68.60 - 69.20 ) 78.50 ( 78.20 - 78.70 ) Lebanon 76.20 ( 74.10 - 77.90 ) 78.90 ( 77.50 - 80.40 ) Lesotho 44.10 ( 40.90 - 48.10 ) 50.70 ( 47.20 - 54.80 ) Liberia 56.50 ( 54.10 - 58.90 ) 57.90 ( 55.20 - 60.50 ) Libya 72.90 ( 70.70 - 75.00 ) 76.50 ( 74.60 - 78.50 ) Lithuania 68.70 ( 68.50 - 68.90 ) 79.30 ( 79.10 - 79.60 ) Luxembourg 78.00 ( 77.50 - 78.60 ) 82.20 ( 81.70 - 82.80 ) Republic of Macedonia 72.80 ( 72.50 - 73.00 ) 77.20 ( 77.00 - 77.50 ) Madagascar 62.20 ( 58.90 - 65.60 ) 65.10 ( 61.80 - 68.10 ) Malawi 50.90 ( 48.50 - 53.60 ) 54.90 ( 52.70 - 57.50 ) Malaysia 71.30 ( 71.00 - 71.60 ) 76.50 ( 76.20 - 76.80 ) Maldives 77.50 ( 76.70 - 78.30 ) 80.40 ( 79.70 - 81.20 ) Mali 56.90 ( 52.90 - 60.70 ) 57.70 ( 53.80 - 61.20 ) Malta 77.10 ( 76.60 - 77.60 ) 83.00 ( 82.40 - 83.60 ) Marshall Islands 61.90 ( 57.50 - 66.00 ) 66.00 ( 61.90 - 70.00 ) Mauritania 63.30 ( 59.10 - 67.20 ) 65.70 ( 61.80 - 68.80 ) Mauritius 69.70 ( 69.30 - 70.00 ) 76.90 ( 76.50 - 77.30 ) Mexico 72.50 ( 72.30 - 72.80 ) 78.40 ( 78.20 - 78.60 ) Moldova 65.50 ( 65.00 - 65.80 ) 74.60 ( 74.20 - 74.90 ) Mongolia 60.30 ( 58.60 - 62.20 ) 69.30 ( 67.80 - 70.80 ) Montenegro 73.00 ( 72.20 - 73.60 ) 78.20 ( 77.50 - 78.90 ) Morocco 70.90 ( 68.30 - 73.30 ) 74.40 ( 72.20 - 76.10 ) Mozambique 50.00 ( 46.90 - 53.40 ) 54.90 ( 51.80 - 58.30 ) Namibia 58.40 ( 55.20 - 61.60 ) 64.90 ( 61.90 - 67.60 ) Nepal 67.70 ( 65.50 - 70.10 ) 70.60 ( 68.60 - 72.80 ) Netherlands 78.50 ( 78.40 - 78.60 ) 82.60 ( 82.40 - 82.70 ) New Zealand 78.60 ( 78.40 - 78.80 ) 82.70 ( 82.50 - 83.00 ) Nicaragua 71.50 ( 70.60 - 72.20 ) 77.50 ( 76.70 - 78.20 ) Niger 56.90 ( 51.70 - 61.50 ) 58.70 ( 54.10 - 62.60 ) Nigeria 58.80 ( 56.50 - 61.40 ) 60.40 ( 58.20 - 62.90 ) North Korea 68.00 ( 64.90 - 70.70 ) 73.30 ( 70.60 - 75.50 ) Norway 78.50 ( 78.30 - 78.70 ) 83.10 ( 82.90 - 83.40 ) Oman 73.80 ( 72.20 - 75.40 ) 78.90 ( 77.50 - 80.10 ) Pakistan 63.90 ( 60.70 - 67.10 ) 67.80 ( 64.80 - 70.90 ) Palestine 70.30 ( 67.90 - 72.70 ) 76.40 ( 74.30 - 78.30 ) Panama 73.60 ( 72.30 - 74.90 ) 80.20 ( 78.90 - 81.50 ) Papua New Guinea 57.50 ( 48.10 - 66.50 ) 60.30 ( 51.90 - 69.00 ) Paraguay 71.00 ( 69.70 - 72.40 ) 75.60 ( 74.70 - 76.40 ) Peru 75.20 ( 73.80 - 76.70 ) 77.60 ( 76.10 - 79.00 ) Philippines 66.60 ( 65.50 - 67.80 ) 73.80 ( 72.80 - 74.80 ) Poland 72.10 ( 72.00 - 72.20 ) 80.50 ( 80.40 - 80.60 ) Portugal 76.30 ( 76.20 - 76.50 ) 82.30 ( 82.20 - 82.50 ) Qatar 78.90 ( 77.70 - 80.00 ) 82.10 ( 81.10 - 83.20 ) Romania 70.10 ( 70.00 - 70.20 ) 77.60 ( 77.40 - 77.70 ) Russia 63.10 ( 62.80 - 63.30 ) 74.70 ( 74.40 - 74.90 ) Rwanda 62.00 ( 60.10 - 63.90 ) 67.10 ( 65.50 - 69.00 ) Saint Lucia 70.90 ( 68.60 - 73.40 ) 76.50 ( 74.50 - 78.80 ) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 69.70 ( 68.50 - 71.00 ) 74.50 ( 73.10 - 75.80 ) Samoa 68.40 ( 65.40 - 70.90 ) 73.40 ( 70.90 - 75.80 ) São Tomé and Príncipe 68.20 ( 64.40 - 71.80 ) 72.10 ( 69.00 - 75.20 ) Saudi Arabia 75.00 ( 73.60 - 76.40 ) 79.90 ( 78.80 - 81.00 ) Senegal 63.50 ( 61.10 - 66.10 ) 67.10 ( 65.20 - 69.30 ) Serbia 74.00 ( 73.70 - 74.20 ) 79.50 ( 79.20 - 79.80 ) Seychelles 61.30 ( 60.20 - 62.40 ) 71.80 ( 70.70 - 72.90 ) Sierra Leone 56.50 ( 53.60 - 59.30 ) 60.90 ( 58.30 - 63.10 ) Singapore 78.80 ( 78.60 - 79.00 ) 83.30 ( 83.00 - 83.50 ) Slovakia 71.60 ( 71.40 - 71.70 ) 79.10 ( 78.90 - 79.30 ) Slovenia 75.90 ( 75.60 - 76.20 ) 82.50 ( 82.20 - 82.90 ) Solomon Islands 60.50 ( 52.20 - 68.10 ) 64.00 ( 55.40 - 71.40 ) Somalia 54.60 ( 45.40 - 62.60 ) 57.20 ( 47.70 - 65.60 ) South Africa 57.40 ( 54.80 - 59.60 ) 62.30 ( 59.90 - 64.70 ) South Korea 76.50 ( 76.30 - 76.70 ) 82.70 ( 82.60 - 82.90 ) Spain 78.40 ( 78.20 - 78.70 ) 84.20 ( 84.00 - 84.40 ) Sri Lanka 71.60 ( 70.30 - 72.80 ) 79.80 ( 78.70 - 80.70 ) Sudan 66.90 ( 64.20 - 69.00 ) 70.70 ( 68.80 - 72.90 ) Suriname 70.10 ( 68.20 - 72.20 ) 75.20 ( 73.70 - 76.80 ) Swaziland 47.40 ( 43.50 - 51.30 ) 51.40 ( 48.00 - 55.10 ) Sweden 79.20 ( 79.00 - 79.40 ) 83.50 ( 83.40 - 83.70 ) Switzerland 79.70 ( 79.50 - 79.80 ) 84.50 ( 84.30 - 84.70 ) Syria 75.10 ( 73.50 - 76.60 ) 80.20 ( 78.90 - 81.40 ) Taiwan 75.90 ( 75.80 - 76.00 ) 81.90 ( 81.80 - 82.00 ) Tajikistan 65.20 ( 62.70 - 67.50 ) 71.50 ( 69.40 - 73.60 ) Tanzania 60.90 ( 58.10 - 63.70 ) 62.60 ( 60.20 - 65.20 ) Thailand 70.90 ( 69.10 - 72.50 ) 77.50 ( 76.30 - 78.80 ) The Bahamas 71.40 ( 68.50 - 74.50 ) 80.40 ( 76.90 - 85.50 ) The Gambia 60.80 ( 53.40 - 69.00 ) 64.00 ( 55.90 - 72.40 ) Timor - Leste 67.80 ( 66.30 - 69.20 ) 69.70 ( 68.10 - 71.20 ) Togo 58.30 ( 54.70 - 61.80 ) 62.10 ( 58.40 - 65.60 ) Tonga 67.30 ( 64.70 - 69.90 ) 73.80 ( 71.40 - 76.10 ) Trinidad and Tobago 66.20 ( 65.00 - 67.40 ) 75.30 ( 74.10 - 76.40 ) Tunisia 74.10 ( 70.70 - 77.60 ) 78.90 ( 75.70 - 81.90 ) Turkey 71.20 ( 69.50 - 73.00 ) 77.70 ( 75.90 - 79.30 ) Turkmenistan 65.40 ( 60.70 - 69.50 ) 73.40 ( 69.50 - 77.20 ) Uganda 58.30 ( 55.30 - 61.40 ) 62.50 ( 59.80 - 65.10 ) UK 77.80 ( 77.80 - 77.90 ) 81.90 ( 81.80 - 82.00 ) Ukraine 64.50 ( 63.50 - 65.30 ) 74.90 ( 74.20 - 75.40 ) United Arab Emirates 75.30 ( 73.00 - 77.60 ) 78.60 ( 76.50 - 80.70 ) Uruguay 72.60 ( 72.10 - 73.10 ) 80.40 ( 79.90 - 80.90 ) USA 75.90 ( 75.80 - 75.90 ) 80.50 ( 80.50 - 80.60 ) Uzbekistan 65.60 ( 61.90 - 68.80 ) 72.30 ( 69.50 - 75.30 ) Vanuatu 62.20 ( 54.10 - 69.50 ) 66.90 ( 59.80 - 72.50 ) Venezuela 70.30 ( 68.90 - 71.50 ) 79.20 ( 78.40 - 80.00 ) Vietnam 71.60 ( 69.30 - 74.00 ) 79.60 ( 78.00 - 81.10 ) Yemen 65.50 ( 59.20 - 71.40 ) 66.30 ( 59.30 - 72.40 ) Zambia 54.30 ( 51.10 - 57.70 ) 57.30 ( 54.20 - 60.30 ) Zimbabwe 51.10 ( 46.60 - 55.60 ) 55.10 ( 51.30 - 59.30 ) List by the CIA ( 2016 ) ( edit ) 2012 life expectancy estimates by the CIA World Factbook . > 80 > 77.5 > 75 > 72.5 > 70 > 67.5 > 65 > 60 > 55 > 50 > 45 > 40 < 40 The US CIA published the following life expectancy data in its World Factbook . Rank Entity Overall life expectancy at birth Male life expectancy at birth Female life expectancy at birth 1 Monaco 89.5 85.6 93.5 2 Japan 85 81.7 88.5 3 Singapore 85 82.3 87.8 4 Macau ( China ) 84.5 81.6 87.6 5 San Marino 83.3 80.7 86.1 6 Iceland 83 80.9 85.3 7 Hong Kong ( China ) 82.9 80.3 85.8 8 Andorra 82.8 80.6 85.1 9 Switzerland 82.6 80.3 85 10 Guernsey 82.5 79.9 85.4 11 Israel 82.4 80.6 84.4 12 South Korea 82.4 79.3 85.8 13 Luxembourg 82.3 79.8 84.9 14 Australia 82.2 79.8 84.8 15 Italy 82.2 79.6 85 16 Sweden 82.1 80.2 84.1 17 Canada 81.9 79.2 84.6 18 Jersey 81.9 79.4 84.5 19 Liechtenstein 81.9 79.7 84.6 20 France ( metropolitan ) 81.8 78.7 85.1 21 Norway 81.8 79.8 83.9 22 Spain 81.7 78.7 84.9 23 Austria 81.5 78.9 84.3 24 Anguilla 81.4 78.8 84.1 25 Bermuda 81.3 78.1 84.5 26 Netherlands 81.3 79.2 83.6 27 Cayman Islands 81.2 78.5 84 28 Isle of Man 81.2 79.5 83 29 New Zealand 81.2 79.1 83.3 30 Belgium 81 78.4 83.7 31 Finland 80.9 77.9 84 32 Ireland 80.8 78.5 83.2 33 Germany 80.7 78.4 83.1 34 United Kingdom 80.7 78.5 83 35 Greece 80.5 77.9 83.3 36 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 80.5 78.2 83 37 Faroe Islands 80.4 77.8 83.1 38 Malta 80.4 78 82.8 39 European Union 80.2 77.4 83.2 40 Taiwan 80.1 77 83.5 41 U.S. Virgin Islands 80 77 83.2 42 Turks and Caicos Islands 79.8 77.1 82.7 43 United States 79.8 77.5 82.1 44 Wallis and Futuna 79.7 76.7 82.8 45 Saint Helena , Ascension and Tristan da Cunha 79.5 76.6 82.6 46 Denmark 79.4 77 82 47 Gibraltar 79.4 76.6 82.5 48 Puerto Rico 79.4 75.8 83.1 49 Portugal 79.3 76.1 82.8 50 Bahrain 78.9 76.7 81.1 51 Chile 78.8 75.7 81.9 52 Cuba 78.7 76.4 81.1 53 Cyprus 78.7 75.8 81.6 54 Qatar 78.7 76.7 80.8 55 British Virgin Islands 78.6 77.2 80.1 56 Costa Rica 78.6 75.9 81.4 57 Czech Republic 78.6 75.7 81.8 58 Panama 78.6 75.8 81.6 59 Albania 78.3 75.7 81.2 60 Slovenia 78.2 74.6 82 61 Dominican Republic 78.1 75.9 80.5 62 Sint Maarten ( Netherlands ) 78.1 75.8 80.6 63 Kuwait 78 76.6 79.4 64 Northern Mariana Islands ( US ) 78 75.3 80.8 65 Falkland Islands 77.9 75.6 79.6 66 Saint Lucia 77.8 75 80.7 67 New Caledonia ( France ) 77.7 73.7 81.9 68 Lebanon 77.6 76.3 78.9 69 Poland 77.6 73.7 81.7 70 United Arab Emirates 77.5 74.8 80.2 71 Brunei 77.2 74.8 79.6 72 French Polynesia ( France ) 77.2 74.9 79.6 73 Paraguay 77.2 74.5 80 74 Uruguay 77.2 74.1 80.5 75 Argentina 77.1 74 80.4 76 Slovakia 77.1 73.5 80.9 77 Dominica 77 74 80.1 78 Morocco 76.9 73.8 80.1 79 Algeria 76.8 75.5 78.2 80 Aruba ( Netherlands ) 76.8 73.7 79.9 81 Ecuador 76.8 73.8 79.9 82 Sri Lanka 76.8 73.3 80.4 83 Bosnia and Herzegovina 76.7 73.7 80 84 Estonia 76.7 71.9 81.7 85 Antigua and Barbuda 76.5 74.4 78.8 86 Libya 76.5 74.7 78.3 87 Georgia 76.2 72.1 80.6 88 Republic of Macedonia 76.2 73.6 79 89 Tonga 76.2 74.7 77.8 90 Tunisia 76.1 74 78.4 91 Croatia 75.9 72.7 79.2 92 Hungary 75.9 72.2 79.8 93 Mexico 75.9 73.1 78.8 94 Cook Islands 75.8 73 78.8 95 Venezuela 75.8 72.7 78.9 96 Colombia 75.7 72.6 79 97 Saint Kitts and Nevis 75.7 73.3 78.2 98 Maldives 75.6 73.3 78 99 Mauritius 75.6 72.2 79.2 100 Oman 75.5 73.5 77.5 101 People 's Republic of China 75.5 73.5 77.9 102 Serbia 75.5 72.6 78.5 103 American Samoa ( US ) 75.4 72.4 78.5 104 Barbados 75.3 73 77.7 105 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 75.3 73.3 77.4 106 Saudi Arabia 75.3 73.2 77.4 107 Solomon Islands 75.3 72.7 78.1 108 Romania 75.1 71.7 78.8 109 Malaysia 75 72.2 78 110 West Bank 75 73 77.1 111 Iraq 74.9 72.6 77.2 112 Lithuania 74.9 69.5 80.6 113 Syria 74.9 72.5 77.4 114 Turkey 74.8 72.5 77.3 115 El Salvador 74.7 71.4 78.1 116 Seychelles 74.7 70.2 79.4 117 Thailand 74.7 71.5 78 118 Armenia 74.6 71.4 78.3 119 Jordan 74.6 73.2 76.1 120 Bulgaria 74.5 71.2 78 121 Latvia 74.5 69.9 79.3 122 Montserrat 74.4 75.8 72.9 123 Grenada 74.3 71.7 77.1 124 Gaza Strip 73.9 72.3 75.7 125 Brazil 73.8 70.2 77.5 126 Uzbekistan 73.8 70.7 77 127 Peru 73.7 71.7 75.9 128 Samoa 73.7 70.8 76.8 129 Jamaica 73.6 72 75.3 130 Vanuatu 73.4 71.8 75.1 131 Vietnam 73.4 70.9 76.2 132 Bangladesh 73.2 71 75.4 133 Nicaragua 73.2 71.1 75.5 134 Marshall Islands 73.1 70.9 75.4 135 Palau 73.1 69.9 76.5 136 Federated States of Micronesia 72.9 70.8 75 137 Trinidad and Tobago 72.9 69.9 75.9 138 Belarus 72.7 67.2 78.6 139 Egypt 72.7 71.4 74.2 140 Fiji 72.7 70 75.5 141 Indonesia 72.7 67.3 69.8 142 Azerbaijan 72.5 69.5 75.8 143 Greenland ( Denmark ) 72.4 69.7 75.2 144 The Bahamas 72.4 70 74.8 145 Guatemala 72.3 70.3 74.4 146 Suriname 72.2 69.8 74.8 147 Cabo Verde 72.1 69.8 74.5 148 Ukraine 71.8 67.1 76.9 149 Iran 71.4 69.8 73.1 150 Honduras 71.1 69.5 72.8 151 Kazakhstan 70.8 65.6 75.7 152 Kyrgyzstan 70.7 66.5 75.1 153 Moldova 70.7 66.9 74.8 154 Nepal 70.7 70.1 71.3 155 North Korea 70.4 66.6 74.5 156 Russia 70.3 64.3 76.4 157 Bhutan 70.1 69.1 71.1 158 Turkmenistan 70.1 67.1 73.3 159 Mongolia 69.6 65.4 74.1 160 Bolivia 69.2 66.4 72.1 161 Philippines 69.2 65.7 72.9 162 Belize 68.7 67.2 70.4 163 India 68.5 67.3 69.8 164 Guyana 68.4 65.4 71.5 165 Timor - Leste 68.1 66.5 69.7 166 Pakistan 67.7 65.8 69.8 167 Tajikistan 67.7 64.6 71 168 Papua New Guinea 67.2 65 69.5 169 Nauru 67.1 63 70.5 170 Burma 66.6 64.2 69.2 171 Ghana 66.6 64.1 69.1 172 Tuvalu 66.5 64.3 68.8 173 Kiribati 66.2 63.7 68.8 174 Madagascar 65.9 64.4 67.4 175 Yemen 65.5 63.4 67.8 176 Togo 65 62.3 69.7 177 Eritrea 64.9 62.4 67.5 178 São Tomé and Príncipe 64.9 63.6 66.3 179 The Gambia 64.9 62.5 67.3 180 Cambodia 64.5 62 67.1 181 Laos 64.3 62.2 66.4 182 Comoros 64.2 61.9 66.6 183 Equatorial Guinea 64.2 63.1 65.4 184 Sudan 64.1 62 66.3 185 Kenya 64 62.6 65.5 186 Haiti 63.8 61.2 66.4 187 Namibia 63.6 62.1 65.1 188 Djibouti 63.2 60.7 65.8 189 South Africa 63.1 61.6 64.6 190 Western Sahara 63 60.7 65.4 191 Mauritania 63 60.7 65.4 192 Ethiopia 62.2 59.8 64.7 193 Tanzania 62.2 60.8 63.6 194 Benin 61.9 60.5 63.3 195 Senegal 61.7 59.7 63.8 196 Malawi 61.2 59.2 63.2 197 Guinea 60.6 59 62.2 198 Burundi 60.5 58.8 62.3 199 Rwanda 60.1 58.5 61.7 200 Republic of the Congo 59.3 58.1 60.6 201 Liberia 59 57.3 60.8 202 Côte d'Ivoire 58.7 57.5 59.9 203 Cameroon 58.5 57.1 59.9 204 Sierra Leone 58.2 55.6 60.9 205 Zimbabwe 58 57.3 58.7 206 Democratic Republic of the Congo 57.3 55.8 58.9 207 Angola 56 54.8 57.2 208 Mali 55.8 53.9 57.7 209 Burkina Faso 55.5 53.4 57.6 210 Niger 55.5 54.3 56.8 211 Uganda 55.4 54 56.9 212 Botswana 54.5 56.3 52.6 213 Nigeria 53.4 52.4 54.5 214 Mozambique 53.3 52.6 54.1 215 Lesotho 53 52.9 53.1 216 Zambia 52.5 50.8 54.1 217 Somalia 52.4 50.3 54.5 218 Central African Republic 52.3 51 53.7 219 Gabon 52.1 51.6 52.5 220 Swaziland 51.6 52.2 51 221 Afghanistan 51.3 49.9 52.7 222 Guinea - Bissau 50.6 48.6 52.7 223 Chad 50.2 49 51.3 List by the OECD ( 2013 ) ( edit ) Life expectancy at birth ( years ) , OECD ( 2013 ) Rank state / territory Overall Male Female 1 Japan 83.4 80.2 86.6 2 Spain 83.2 80.2 86.1 3 Switzerland 82.9 80.7 85.0 4 Italy 82.8 80.3 85.2 5 France 82.3 79.0 85.6 6 Australia 82.2 80.1 84.3 7 = Israel 82.1 80.3 83.9 7 = Iceland 82.1 80.5 83.7 9 Sweden 82.0 80.2 83.8 10 Luxembourg 81.9 79.8 83.9 11 = Norway 81.8 79.8 83.8 11 = South Korea 81.8 78.5 85.1 13 Canada 81.5 79.3 83.6 14 = New Zealand 81.4 79.5 83.2 14 = Netherlands 81.4 79.5 83.2 14 = Greece 81.4 78.7 84.0 17 Austria 81.2 78.6 83.8 18 = United Kingdom 81.1 79.2 82.9 18 = Ireland 81.1 79.0 83.1 18 = Finland 81.1 78.0 84.1 21 Germany 80.9 78.6 83.2 22 Portugal 80.8 77.6 84.0 23 Belgium 80.7 78.1 83.2 24 Slovenia 80.4 77.2 83.6 25 Denmark 80.4 78.3 82.4 26 = Chile 78.8 76.3 81.4 26 = United States 78.8 76.4 81.2 28 Czech Republic 78.3 75.2 81.3 29 Estonia 77.3 72.8 81.7 30 Poland 77.1 73.0 81.2 31 Turkey 76.6 73.7 79.4 32 Slovakia 76.5 72.9 80.1 33 Hungary 75.7 72.2 79.1 34 Mexico 74.6 71.7 77.4 See also ( edit ) List of countries by hospital beds List of countries by intentional death rate List of countries by intentional homicide rate List of countries by suicide rate List of U.S. counties with shortest life expectancy List of U.S. states by life expectancy List of federal subjects of Russia by life expectancy List of countries by total health expenditure per capita References ( edit ) Figures are from the CIA World Factbook 2009 and from the 2010 revision of the United Nations World Population Prospects report , for 2005 -- 2010 , ( data viewable at , with equivalent spreadsheets here , here , and here ) . Only countries / territories with a population of 100,000 or more in 2010 are included in the United Nations list . WHO database 2013 ^ Jump up to : `` CIA -- The World Factbook Life Expectancy At Birth '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 06 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` Central Intelligence Agency Factbook Population '' . . Retrieved 2013 - 03 - 22 . ^ Jump up to : United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs ( 29 July 2015 ) . `` United Nations World Population Prospects : 2015 revision '' ( PDF ) . UN . Jump up ^ `` The World Fact - book Life Expectancy '' . 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Prevalence of HIV , total ( % of population ages 15 -- 49 ) '' . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Life expectancy in Taiwan reaches record 80.2 years , Taipei Times , 2016 - 9 - 30 Jump up ^ `` Health Facts of Hong Kong 2016 Edition '' ( PDF ) . Jump up ^ `` World Health Statistics 2016 : Monitoring health for the SDGs Annex B : tables of health statistics by country , WHO region and globally '' . World Health Organization . 2016 . Retrieved 27 June 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Life expectancy increased by 5 years since 2000 , but health inequalities persist '' . WHO. 19 May 2016 . Jump up ^ A = years lived healthily B = years lived with disability A + B = life expectancy A + fB = healthy life expectancy , where f is a weighting to reflect disability level. ( 1 ) Jump up ^ Das , Pamela ; Samarasekera , Udani ( 2012 ) . `` The story of GBD 2010 : a `` super-human '' effort `` . The Lancet . 380 ( 9859 ) : 2067 -- 2070 . doi : 10.1016 / S0140 - 6736 ( 12 ) 62174 - 6 . Jump up ^ Wang , Haidong ; Dwyer - Lindgren , Laura ; Lofgren , Katherine T ; Rajaratnam , Julie Knoll ; Marcus , Jacob R ; Levin - Rector , Alison ; Levitz , Carly E ; Lopez , Alan D ; Murray , Christopher JL ( 2012 ) . `` Age - specific and sex - specific mortality in 187 countries , 1970 -- 2010 : a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 '' . The Lancet . 380 ( 9859 ) : 2071 -- 2094 . PMID 23245603 . doi : 10.1016 / S0140 - 6736 ( 12 ) 61719 - X . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Data for Canada is for 2012 , see External links ( edit ) Global Agewatch has the latest internationally comparable statistics on life expectancy from 195 countries . Life expectancy trends interactive graph Life expectancy interactive world map Global Life Expectancy ( Infographic ) LiveScience ( hide ) Lists of countries by population statistics World population Current population Current population ( United Nations ) Continental Asia Africa Europe North America Oceania South America Regional Americas Arab world Caribbean Commonwealth of Nations Eurasia European Union Islands Latin America Middle East Cities National capitals Cities proper Metropolitan areas Urban areas Megacities Megalopolises Past and future population Past population ( United Nations ) Past and future population 1000 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1907 1939 1989 2000 2005 2010 Future population Population density Current density Current real density based on food growing capacity Growth indicators Population growth rate Natural increase Birth rate Mortality rate Fertility rate Other demographics Age at first marriage Divorce rate Domestic citizens Ethnic and cultural diversity level Foreign - born population Immigrant population Median age Net migration rate Number of households Sex ratio Urban population Urbanization Health Antiviral medications for pandemic influenza HIV / AIDS adult prevalence rate Infant mortality rate Life expectancy Percentage suffering from undernourishment Health expenditure covered by government Suicide rate Total health expenditure ( PPP ) per capita Body Mass Index ( BMI ) Education and innovation Bloomberg Innovation Index Education Index International Innovation Index Innovation Union Scoreboard Literacy rate Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies Progress in International Reading Literacy Study Student skills Tertiary education attainment Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study Women 's average years in school World Intellectual Property Indicators Economic Development aid given Official Development Assistance received Employment rate Irrigated land area Human Development Index by country inequality - adjusted Human Poverty Index Imports Income equality Job security Labour force Number of millionaires ( US dollars ) Number of billionaires ( US dollars ) Percentage living in poverty Public sector Sen social welfare function Unemployment rate List of international rankings List of top international rankings by country Lists by country Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Lists of countries Population Hidden categories : All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from April 2015 Talk Article Talk More Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans العربية অসমীয়া বাংলা Български Čeština Deutsch Ελληνικά Español فارسی Français 한국어 Bahasa Indonesia Italiano Қазақша Latviešu Lietuvių 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский Scots Српски / srpski தமிழ் ไทย Türkçe Українська اردو Tiếng Việt 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 18 August 2017 , at 20 : 52 . 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what is the average age to die in the uk
Country Both sexes rank Both sexes life expectancy Female rank Female life expectancy Male rank Male life expectancy Both sexes rank ( HALE ) Both sexes life expectancy ( HALE ) Japan 1 83.7 1 86.8 6 80.5 1 74.9 Switzerland 2 83.4 6 85.3 1 81.3 4 73.1 Singapore 3 83.1 2 86.1 10 80.0 2 73.9 Australia 4 82.8 7 84.8 3 80.9 15 71.9 Spain 4 82.8 3 85.5 9 80.1 9 72.4 Iceland 6 82.7 10 84.1 2 81.2 7 72.7 Italy 6 82.7 7 84.8 6 80.5 5 72.8 Israel 8 82.5 9 84.3 5 80.6 5 72.8 Sweden 9 82.4 12 84.0 4 80.7 12 72.0 France 9 82.4 5 85.4 16 79.4 8 72.6 South Korea 11 82.3 3 85.5 20 78.8 3 73.2 Canada 12 82.2 10 84.1 8 80.2 10 72.3 Luxembourg 13 82.0 12 84.0 13 79.8 17 71.8 Netherlands 14 81.9 20 83.6 10 80.0 11 72.2 Norway 15 81.8 17 83.7 13 79.8 12 72.0 Malta 16 81.7 17 83.7 15 79.7 18 71.7 New Zealand 17 81.6 26 83.3 10 80.0 19 71.6 Austria 18 81.5 14 83.9 19 79.0 12 72.0 Ireland 19 81.4 23 83.4 16 79.4 20 71.5 United Kingdom 20 81.2 27 83.0 16 79.4 21 71.4 Belgium 21 81.1 22 83.5 22 78.6 26 71.1 Finland 21 81.1 16 83.8 24 78.3 28 71.0 Portugal 21 81.1 14 83.9 27 78.2 21 71.4 Germany 24 81.0 23 83.4 21 78.7 23 71.3 Greece 24 81.0 20 83.6 24 78.3 15 71.9 Slovenia 26 80.8 17 83.7 28 77.9 26 71.1 Denmark 27 80.6 29 82.5 22 78.6 25 71.2 Cyprus 28 80.5 28 82.7 24 78.3 23 71.3 Chile 28 80.5 23 83.4 29 77.4 29 70.4 Costa Rica 30 79.6 30 82.2 31 77.1 31 69.7 United States 31 79.3 33 81.6 32 76.9 36 69.1 Cuba 32 79.1 34 81.4 32 76.9 35 69.2 Czech Republic 33 78.8 32 81.7 38 75.9 33 69.4 Maldives 34 78.5 41 80.2 32 76.9 32 69.6 Qatar 35 78.2 43 80.0 29 77.4 47 67.7 Croatia 36 78.0 36 81.2 42 74.7 33 69.4 Albania 37 77.8 38 80.7 39 75.1 38 68.8 Panama 37 77.8 37 81.1 42 74.7 42 68.1 Brunei 39 77.7 47 79.2 36 76.3 29 70.4 Estonia 40 77.6 31 82.0 65 72.7 37 68.9 Poland 41 77.5 35 81.3 52 73.6 39 68.7 Bosnia and Herzegovina 42 77.4 45 79.7 40 75.0 40 68.6 United Arab Emirates 43 77.1 57 78.6 35 76.4 44 67.9 Uruguay 44 77.0 40 80.4 56 73.3 44 67.9 Bahrain 45 76.9 71 77.9 37 76.2 55 67.0 Mexico 46 76.7 46 79.5 48 73.9 52 67.4 Slovakia 46 76.7 41 80.2 62 72.9 42 68.1 Oman 48 76.6 47 79.2 40 75.0 63 66.7 Antigua and Barbuda 49 76.4 57 78.6 46 74.1 50 67.5 Argentina 50 76.3 44 79.9 65 72.7 49 67.6 Jamaica 51 76.2 57 78.6 48 73.9 58 66.9 Ecuador 51 76.2 53 79.0 53 73.5 55 67.0 China 53 76.1 80 77.6 44 74.6 41 68.5 Montenegro 53 76.1 65 78.1 46 74.1 44 67.9 Bahamas 53 76.1 50 79.1 62 72.9 65 66.6 Vietnam 56 76.0 38 80.7 81 71.3 65 66.6 Hungary 57 75.9 50 79.1 71 72.3 52 67.4 Turkey 58 75.8 54 78.9 68 72.6 73 66.2 Macedonia 59 75.7 76 77.8 53 73.5 50 67.5 Algeria 60 75.6 81 77.5 50 73.8 75 66.0 Serbia 60 75.6 61 78.4 62 72.9 47 67.7 Iran 62 75.5 86 76.6 45 74.5 65 66.6 Peru 62 75.5 66 78.0 59 73.1 80 65.6 Barbados 62 75.5 71 77.9 59 73.1 65 66.6 Tunisia 65 75.3 76 77.8 61 73.0 63 66.7 Saint Lucia 66 75.2 71 77.9 68 72.6 74 66.1 Malaysia 67 75.0 83 77.3 65 72.7 70 66.5 Romania 67 75.0 55 78.8 78 71.4 59 66.8 Brazil 67 75.0 56 78.7 78 71.4 81 65.5 Lebanon 70 74.9 87 76.5 53 73.5 79 65.7 Thailand 70 74.9 66 78.0 74 71.9 59 66.8 Sri Lanka 70 74.9 63 78.3 75 71.6 55 67.0 Armenia 73 74.8 79 77.7 75 71.6 59 66.8 Nicaragua 73 74.8 71 77.9 77 71.5 103 63.7 Colombia 73 74.8 61 78.4 84 71.2 85 65.1 Kuwait 76 74.7 93 76.0 51 73.7 78 65.8 Honduras 77 74.6 85 77.0 71 72.3 90 64.9 Mauritius 77 74.6 76 77.8 78 71.4 59 66.8 Latvia 77 74.6 47 79.2 95 69.6 54 67.1 Saudi Arabia 80 74.5 93 76.0 58 73.2 96 64.5 Bulgaria 80 74.5 66 78.0 86 71.1 72 66.4 Georgia 82 74.4 63 78.3 91 70.3 70 66.5 Morocco 83 74.3 99 75.4 56 73.3 90 64.9 Jordan 84 74.1 96 75.9 70 72.5 88 65.0 Venezuela 84 74.1 60 78.5 94 70.0 83 65.2 Paraguay 86 74.0 93 76.0 73 72.2 83 65.2 Samoa 86 74.0 81 77.5 87 70.9 65 66.6 Dominican Republic 88 73.9 84 77.1 87 70.9 85 65.1 Grenada 89 73.6 91 76.1 84 71.2 88 65.0 Lithuania 89 73.6 50 79.1 104 68.1 75 66.0 Tonga 91 73.5 88 76.4 89 70.6 75 66.0 El Salvador 91 73.5 71 77.9 99 68.8 98 64.1 Cabo Verde 93 73.3 103 75.0 81 71.3 97 64.4 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 94 73.2 100 75.2 81 71.3 94 64.6 Seychelles 94 73.2 66 78.0 98 69.1 81 65.5 Libya 96 72.7 98 75.6 92 70.1 101 63.8 Azerbaijan 96 72.7 97 75.8 95 69.6 93 64.7 Belarus 98 72.3 66 78.0 119 66.5 85 65.1 Moldova 99 72.1 90 76.2 106 67.9 92 64.8 Vanuatu 100 72.0 107 74.0 92 70.1 94 64.6 Guatemala 101 71.9 100 75.2 102 68.5 116 62.1 Bangladesh 102 71.8 113 73.1 89 70.6 111 62.3 Suriname 103 71.6 105 74.7 101 68.6 107 63.1 Ukraine 104 71.3 91 76.1 120 66.3 98 64.1 Trinidad and Tobago 105 71.2 104 74.8 106 67.9 104 63.3 Kyrgyzstan 106 71.1 102 75.1 111 67.2 101 63.8 Egypt 107 70.9 111 73.2 99 68.8 113 62.2 Bolivia 108 70.7 110 73.3 103 68.2 113 62.2 DPR Korea 109 70.6 107 74.0 113 67.0 100 64.0 Russian Federation 110 70.5 89 76.3 127 64.7 104 63.3 Kazakhstan 111 70.2 105 74.7 123 65.7 104 63.3 Belize 112 70.1 113 73.1 110 67.5 111 62.3 Fiji 113 69.9 113 73.1 113 67.0 108 62.9 Bhutan 114 69.8 126 70.1 97 69.5 120 61.2 Tajikistan 115 69.7 109 73.6 116 66.6 116 62.1 Micronesia 116 69.4 124 70.6 104 68.1 109 62.5 Uzbekistan 116 69.4 116 72.7 122 66.1 110 62.4 Solomon Islands 118 69.2 121 70.8 106 67.9 116 62.1 Nepal 118 69.2 121 70.8 109 67.7 121 61.1 Indonesia 120 69.1 119 71.2 112 67.1 113 62.2 Iraq 121 68.9 118 71.8 121 66.2 124 60.0 Mongolia 122 68.8 111 73.2 127 64.7 119 62.0 Cambodia 123 68.7 123 70.7 116 66.6 130 58.9 Philippines 124 68.5 117 72.0 126 65.3 121 61.1 India 125 68.3 128 69.9 115 66.9 126 59.5 Timor - Leste 125 68.3 126 70.1 116 66.6 123 60.7 Sao Tome and Principe 127 67.5 130 69.4 124 65.6 128 59.1 Senegal 128 66.7 132 68.6 130 64.6 132 58.3 Myanmar 129 66.6 133 68.5 130 64.6 127 59.2 Pakistan 130 66.4 137 67.5 125 65.5 134 57.8 Kiribati 131 66.3 131 68.8 136 63.7 128 59.1 Turkmenistan 131 66.3 125 70.5 143 62.2 125 59.8 Guyana 133 66.2 133 68.5 134 63.9 130 58.9 Rwanda 134 66.1 120 71.1 150 60.9 140 56.6 Gabon 135 66.0 138 67.2 127 64.7 137 57.2 Namibia 136 65.8 135 68.3 139 63.1 136 57.5 Yemen 137 65.7 138 67.2 132 64.3 135 57.7 Laos 137 65.7 138 67.2 133 64.1 133 57.9 Botswana 137 65.7 136 68.1 137 63.3 138 56.9 Madagascar 140 65.5 141 67.0 134 63.9 138 56.9 Ethiopia 141 64.8 143 66.8 140 62.8 143 56.1 Congo 142 64.7 144 66.3 138 63.2 140 56.6 Eritrea 142 64.7 141 67.0 141 62.4 145 55.9 Syria 144 64.5 128 69.9 154 59.9 143 56.1 Sudan 145 64.1 146 65.9 141 62.4 145 55.9 Comoros 146 63.5 151 65.2 144 61.9 145 55.9 Djibouti 146 63.5 150 65.3 145 61.8 148 55.8 Haiti 146 63.5 148 65.5 147 61.5 150 55.4 Kenya 149 63.4 147 65.8 148 61.1 149 55.6 Mauritania 150 63.1 153 64.6 146 61.6 152 55.1 Papua New Guinea 151 62.9 149 65.4 152 60.6 142 56.4 South Africa 151 62.9 145 66.2 158 59.3 153 54.5 Ghana 153 62.4 155 63.9 149 61.0 151 55.3 Uganda 154 62.3 154 64.3 153 60.3 156 54.0 Niger 155 61.8 158 62.8 150 60.9 154 54.2 Tanzania 155 61.8 156 63.8 154 59.9 155 54.1 Zambia 155 61.8 152 64.7 161 59.0 158 53.6 Liberia 158 61.4 157 62.9 156 59.8 160 52.7 Gambia 159 61.1 159 62.5 156 59.8 157 53.8 Zimbabwe 160 60.7 160 62.3 161 59.0 163 52.3 Afghanistan 161 60.5 161 61.9 158 59.3 164 52.2 Benin 162 60.0 164 61.1 163 58.8 162 52.5 Burkina Faso 163 59.9 167 60.5 160 59.1 161 52.6 Togo 163 59.9 164 61.1 164 58.6 159 52.8 DR Congo 165 59.8 163 61.5 165 58.3 166 51.7 Burundi 166 59.6 162 61.6 168 57.7 164 52.2 Guinea 167 59.0 171 59.8 166 58.2 166 51.7 Guinea - Bissau 168 58.9 167 60.5 169 57.2 168 51.5 Swaziland 168 58.9 164 61.1 171 56.6 172 50.9 Malawi 170 58.3 170 59.9 170 56.7 169 51.2 Mali 171 58.2 175 58.3 166 58.2 171 51.1 Equatorial Guinea 171 58.2 169 60.0 171 56.6 169 51.2 Mozambique 173 57.6 172 59.4 175 55.7 175 49.6 South Sudan 174 57.3 173 58.6 173 56.1 174 49.9 Cameroon 174 57.3 173 58.6 174 55.9 173 50.3 Somalia 176 55.0 176 56.6 176 53.5 176 47.8 Nigeria 177 54.5 177 55.6 177 53.4 177 47.7 Lesotho 178 53.7 178 55.4 179 51.7 179 46.6 Cote d'Ivoire 179 53.3 180 54.4 178 52.3 178 47.0 Chad 180 53.1 179 54.5 179 51.7 180 46.1 Central African Republic 181 52.5 181 54.1 181 50.9 181 45.9 Angola 182 52.4 182 54.0 181 50.9 182 45.8 Sierra Leone 183 50.1 183 50.8 183 49.3 183 44.4
Centrifugation - wikipedia Centrifugation Jump to : navigation , search This article includes a list of references , but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations . Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations . ( November 2010 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Centrifugation is a process which involves the application of the centrifugal force for the sedimentation of heterogeneous mixtures with a centrifuge , and is used in industrial and laboratory settings . This process is used to separate two miscible substances , but also to analyze the hydrodynamic properties of macromolecules . More - dense components of the mixture migrate away from the axis of the centrifuge , while less - dense components of the mixture migrate towards the axis . Chemists and biologists may increase the effective gravitational force on a test tube so as to more rapidly and completely cause the precipitate ( pellet ) to gather on the bottom of the tube . The remaining solution ( supernatant ) may be discarded with a pipette . There is a correlation between the size and density of a particle and the rate that the particle separates from a heterogeneous mixture , when the only force applied is that of gravity . The larger the size and the larger the density of the particles , the faster they separate from the mixture . By applying a larger effective gravitational force to the mixture , like a centrifuge does , the separation of the particles is accelerated . This is ideal in industrial and lab settings because particles that would naturally separate over a long period of time can be separated in much less time . The rate of centrifugation is specified by the angular velocity usually expressed as revolutions per minute ( RPM ) , or acceleration expressed as g . The conversion factor between RPM and g depends on the radius of the centrifuge rotor . The particles ' settling velocity in centrifugation is a function of their size and shape , centrifugal acceleration , the volume fraction of solids present , the density difference between the particle and the liquid , and the viscosity . The most common application is the separation of solid from highly concentrated suspensions , which is used in the treatment of sewage sludges for dewatering where less consistent sediment is produced . In the chemical and food industries , special centrifuges can process a continuous stream of particle - laden liquid . Centrifugation is the most common method used for uranium enrichment , relying on the slight mass difference between atoms of U238 and U235 in uranium hexafluoride gas. . Contents ( hide ) 1 Mathematical formula 2 Centrifugation in biological research 2.1 Microcentrifuges 2.2 High - speed centrifuges 2.3 Fractionation process 2.4 Ultracentrifugations 2.5 Density Gradient Centrifugation 2.6 Differential Centrifugation 3 Other applications 4 History 5 Sources 6 References Mathematical formula ( edit ) The general formula for calculating the revolutions per minute ( RPM ) of a centrifuge is R P M = g r ( \ displaystyle RPM = ( \ sqrt ( g \ over r ) ) ) , where g represents the respective force of the centrifuge and r the radius from the center of the rotor to a point in the sample . However , depending on the centrifuge model used , the respective angle of the rotor and the radius may vary , thus the formula gets modified . For example , the Sorvall # SS - 34 rotor has a maximum radius of 10.8 cm , so the formula becomes R P M = 299 g r ( \ displaystyle RPM = 299 ( \ sqrt ( g \ over r ) ) ) , which can further simplify to R P M = 91 g ( \ displaystyle RPM = 91 ( \ sqrt ( g ) ) ) . the applied centrifugation field is square angular velocity in radians per sec . the radial distance o the particle from the axis Centrifugation in biological Research ( edit ) Microcentrifuges ( edit ) Microcentrifuges are used to process small volumes of biological molecules , cells , or nuclei . Microcentrifuge tubes generally hold 0.5 - 2.0 mL of liquid , and are spun at maximum angular speeds of 12,000 -- 13,000 rpm . Microcentrifuges are small enough to fit on a table - top and have rotors that can quickly change speeds . They may or may not have a refrigeration function . High - speed centrifuges ( edit ) High - speed or superspeed centrifuges can handle larger sample volumes , from a few tens of millilitres to several litres . Additionally , larger centrifuges can also reach higher angular velocities ( around 30,000 rpm ) . The rotors may come with different adapters to hold various sizes of test tubes , bottles , or microtiter plates . Fractionation process ( edit ) General method of fractionation : Cell sample is stored in a suspension which is : Buffered - neutral pH , preventing damage to the structure of proteins including enzymes ( which could affect ionic bonds ) Isotonic ( of equal water potential ) - this prevents water gain or loss by the organelles Cool - reducing the overall activity of enzyme released later in the procedure Cells are homogenised in a blender and filtered to remove debris The homogenised sample is placed in an ultracentrifuge and spun in low speed - nuclei settle out , forming a pellet The supernatant ( suspension containing remaining organelles ) is spun at a higher speed - chloroplasts settle out The supernatant is spun at a higher speed still - mitochondria and lysosomes settle out The supernatant is spun at an even higher speed - ribosomes , membranes settle out The ribosomes , membranes and Golgi complexes can be separated by another technique called density gradient centrifugation . Ultracentrifugations ( edit ) Main articles : Differential centrifugation , Isopycnic centrifugation , and ultracentrifugation Ultracentrifugation makes use of high centrifugal force for studying properties of biological particles . Compared to microcentrifuges or high - speed centrifuges , ultracentrifuges can isolate much smaller particles , including ribosomes , proteins , and viruses . Ultracentrifuges can also be used in the study of membrane fractionation . This occurs because ultracentrifuges can reach maximum angular velocities in excess of 70,000 rpm . Additionally , while microcentrifuges and supercentrifuges separate particles in batches ( limited volumes of samples must be handled manually in test tubes or bottles ) , ultracentrifuges can separate molecules in batch or continuous flow systems . In addition to purification , analytical ultracentrifugation ( AUC ) can be used for determination of the properties of macromolecules such as shape , mass , composition , and conformation . Samples are centrifuged with a high - density solution such as sucrose , caesium chloride , or iodixanol . The high - density solution may be at a uniform concentration throughout the test tube ( `` cushion '' ) or a varying concentration ( `` gradient '' ) . Molecular properties can be modeled through sedimentation velocity analysis or sedimentation equilibrium analysis . During the run , the particle or molecules will migrate through the test tube at different speeds depending on their physical properties and the properties of the solution , and eventually form a pellet at the bottom of the tube , or bands at various heights . Density gradient centrifugation ( edit ) Density gradient centrifugation Is considered one of the more efficient methods of separating suspended particles . Density gradient centrifugation can be used both as a separation technique and as a method of measuring the densities of particles or molecules in a mixture . A tube , after being centrifuged by this method , has particles in order of density based on height . The object or particle of interest will reside in the position within the tube corresponding to its density . Linderstorm - Lang , in 1937 , discovered that density gradient tubes could be used for density measurements . He discovered this when working with potato yellow - dwarf virus . This method was also used in Meselson and Stahl 's famous experiment in which they proved that DNA replication is semi-conservative by using different isotopes of nitrogen . They used density gradient centrifugation to determine which isotope or isotopes of nitrogen were present in the DNA after cycles of replication . Nevertheless , some non-ideal sedimentations are still possible when using this method . The first potential issue is the unwanted aggregation of particles , but this can occur in any centrifugation . The second possibility occurs when droplets of solution that contain particles sediment . This is more likely to occur when working with a solution that has a layer of suspension floating on a dense liquid , which in fact have little to no density gradient . Differential centrifugation ( edit ) Differential Centrifugation is a type of centrifugation in which one selectively spins down components of a mixture by a series of increasing centrifugation forces . This method is commonly used to separate organelles and membranes found in cells . Organelles generally differ from each other in density in size , making the use of differential centrifugation , and centrifugation in general , possible . The organelles can then be identified by testing for indicators that are unique to the specific organelles . Other applications ( edit ) Separating chalk powder from water Removing fat from milk to produce skimmed milk Separating particles from an air - flow using cyclonic separation The clarification and stabilization of wine Separation of urine components and blood components in forensic and research laboratories Aids in separation of proteins using purification techniques such as salting out , e.g. ammonium sulfate precipitation . History ( edit ) By 1923 Theodor Svedberg and his student H. Rinde had successfully analyzed large - grained sols in terms of their gravitational sedimentation . Sols consist of a substance evenly distributed in another substance , also known as a colloid . However , smaller grained sols , such as those containing gold , could not be analyzed . To investigate this problem Svedberg developed an analytical centrifuge , equipped with a photographic absorption system , which would exert a much greater centrifugal effect . In addition , he developed the theory necessary to measure molecular weight . During this time , Svedberg 's attention shifted from gold to proteins . By 1900 , it had been generally accepted that proteins were composed of amino acids ; however , whether proteins were colloids or macromolecules was still under debate . One protein being investigated at the time was hemoglobin . It was determined to have 712 carbon , 1,130 hydrogen , 243 oxygen , two sulfur atoms , and at least one iron atom . This gave hemoglobin a resulting weight of approximately 16,000 dalton ( Da ) but it was uncertain whether this value was a multiple of one or four ( dependent upon the number of iron atoms present ) . Through a series of experiments utilizing the sedimentation equilibrium technique , two important observations were made : hemoglobin has a molecular weight of 68,000 Da , suggesting that there are four iron atoms present rather than one , and that no matter where the hemoglobin was isolated from , it had exactly the same molecular weight . How something of such a large molecular mass could be consistently found , regardless of where it was sampled from in the body , was unprecedented and favored the idea the proteins are macromolecules rather than colloids . In order to investigate this phenomenon , a centrifuge with even higher speeds was needed , and thus the ultracentrifuge was created to apply the theory of sedimentation - diffusion . The same molecular mass was determined , and the presence of a spreading boundary suggested that it was a single compact particle . Further application of centrifugation showed that under different conditions the large homogeneous particles could be broken down into discrete subunits . The development of centrifugation was a great advance in experimental protein science . Sources ( edit ) Harrison , Roger G. , Todd , Paul , Rudge , Scott R. , Petrides D.P. Bioseparations Science and Engineering . Oxford University Press , 2003 . Dishon , M. , Weiss , G.H. , Yphantis , D.A. Numerical Solutions of the Lamm Equation . I. Numerical Procedure . Biopolymers , Vol. 4 , 1966 . pp. 449 -- 455 . Cao , W. , Demeler B. Modeling Analytical Ultracentrifugation Experiments with an Adaptive Space - Time Finite Element Solution for Multicomponent Reacting Systems . Biophysical Journal , Vol. 95 , 2008 . pp. 54 -- 65 . Cole , J.L. , Hansen , J.C. Analytical Ultracentrifugation as a Contemporary Biomolecular Research Tool . Methods and Reviews , 1999 / 2000 . Howlett , G.J. , Minton , A.P. , Rivas , G. Analytical Ultracentrifugation for the Study of Protein Association and Assembly . Current Opinion in Chemical Biology , Vol. 10 , 2006 . pp. 430 -- 436 . Dam , J. , Velikovsky , C.A. , Mariuzza R.A. , et al. Sedimentation Velocity Analysis of Heterogeneous Protein - Protein Interactions : Lamm Equation Modeling and Sedimentation Coefficient Distributions c ( s ) . Biophysical Journal , Vol. 89 , 2005 . pp. 619 -- 634 . Berkowitz , S.A. , Philo , J.S. Monitoring the Homogeneity of Adenovirus Preparations ( a Gene Therapy Delivery System ) Using Analytical Ultracentrifugation . Analytical Biochemistry , Vol. 362 , 2007 . pp. 16 -- 37 . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Garrett , Reginald H. ; Grisham , Charles M. ( 2013 ) . Biochemistry ( 5th ed . ) . Belmont , CA : Brooks / Cole , Cengage Learning . p. 111 . ISBN 9781133106296 . Jump up ^ Frei , Mark . `` Centrifugation Basics '' . Sigma - Aldrich . Retrieved 10 May 2016 . Jump up ^ Article on `` Centrifugation '' retrieved on 15th October 2013 from Jump up ^ Ballou , David P. ; Benore , Marilee ; Ninfa , Alexander J. ( 2008 ) . Fundamental laboratory approaches for biochemistry and biotechnology . ( 2nd ed . ) . Hoboken , N.J. : Wiley . p. 43 . ISBN 9780470087664 . Jump up ^ Ballou , David P. ; Benore , Marilee ; Ninfa , Alexander J. ( 2008 ) . Fundamental laboratory approaches for biochemistry and biotechnology . ( 2nd ed . ) . Hoboken , N.J. : Wiley . p. 235 . ISBN 9780470087664 . ^ Jump up to : Brakke , Myron K. ( April 1951 ) . `` Density Gradient Centrifugation : A New Separation Technique '' . J. Am. Che . Soc. 73 ( 4 ) : 1847 -- 1848 . doi : 10.1021 / ja01148a508 . ^ Jump up to : Oster , Gerald ; Yamamoto , Masahide ( June 1963 ) . `` Density Gradient Techniques '' . Chem. Rev. 63 ( 3 ) : 257 -- 268 . doi : 10.1021 / cr60223a003 . Jump up ^ Ballou , David P. ; Benore , Marilee ; Ninfa , Alexander J. ( 2010 ) . Fundamental Laboratory Approaches for Biochemistry and Biotechnology ( seconde ed . ) . University of Michigan : John Wiley & Sons , Inc. p. 213 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 470 - 08766 - 4 . Jump up ^ Ballou , David P. ; Benore , Marilee ; Ninfa , Alexander J. ( 2008 ) . Fundamental laboratory approaches for biochemistry and biotechnology . ( 2nd ed . ) . Hoboken , N.J. : Wiley . pp. 238 -- 239 . ISBN 9780470087664 . ^ Jump up to : Van Holde , K.E. ( 1998 ) . Analytical ultracentrifugation from 1924 to the present : A remarkable history . Chemtracts -- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology . 11 : 933 - 943 ^ Jump up to : Svedberg , T. ( 1927 ) . The Ultracentrifuge Nobel Lecture ^ Jump up to : Tanford , C. , and Reynolds , J. 2001 . Nature 's robots : A history of proteins . Oxford University Press . pp. 303 - 305 Jump up ^ Simoni , D.S. , Hill , R.L. , and Vaughan , M. ( 2002 ) . The structure and function of hemoglobin : Gilbery Smithson Adair and the Adair equations . The Journal of Biological Chemistry . 277 ( 31 ) : e1 - e2 ( hide ) Separation processes Processes Absorption Acid - base extraction Adsorption Chromatography Cross-flow filtration Crystallization Cyclonic separation Dialysis ( biochemistry ) Dissolved air flotation Distillation Drying Electrochromatography Electrofiltration Filtration Flocculation Froth flotation Gravity separation Leaching Liquid -- liquid extraction Electroextraction Microfiltration Osmosis Precipitation ( chemistry ) Recrystallization Reverse osmosis Sedimentation Solid phase extraction Sublimation Ultrafiltration Devices API oil - water separator Belt filter Centrifuge Depth filter Electrostatic precipitator Evaporator Filter press Fractionating column Leachate Mixer - settler Protein skimmer Rotary vacuum - drum filter Scrubber Spinning cone Still Sublimation apparatus Vacuum ceramic filter Multiphase systems Aqueous two - phase system Azeotrope Eutectic Concepts Unit operation Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Centrifugation Hidden categories : Articles lacking in - text citations from November 2010 All articles lacking in - text citations All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from December 2010 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Català Čeština Eesti Ελληνικά Español Français Bahasa Indonesia Қазақша Kurdî മലയാളം 日本 語 Oromoo Polski Português Русский Slovenščina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Українська Edit links This page was last edited on 3 September 2017 , at 11 : 32 . 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when do we use the process of centrifugation
Centrifugation is a process which involves the application of the centrifugal force for the sedimentation of heterogeneous mixtures with a centrifuge , and is used in industrial and laboratory settings . This process is used to separate two miscible substances , but also to analyze the hydrodynamic properties of macromolecules . More - dense components of the mixture migrate away from the axis of the centrifuge , while less - dense components of the mixture migrate towards the axis . Chemists and biologists may increase the effective gravitational force on a test tube so as to more rapidly and completely cause the precipitate ( pellet ) to gather on the bottom of the tube . The remaining solution ( supernatant ) may be discarded with a pipette .
Choristoma - Wikipedia Choristoma Choristomas , forms of heterotopia , are closely related benign tumors , found in abnormal locations . It is different from hamartoma . The two can be differentiated as follows : a hamartoma is disorganized overgrowth of tissues in their normal location , ( e.g. , Peutz -- Jeghers polyps ) while a choristoma is normal tissue growth in an abnormal location ( e.g. , gastric tissue located in distal ileum in Meckel diverticulum ) . MeSH C23. 300.250 - Choristoma References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Choristoma '' at Dorland 's Medical Dictionary Jump up ^ Lee , Kenneth H. ; Roland , Peter S. ( 2013 ) . `` Heterotopias , Teratoma , and Choristoma '' . Encyclopedia of Otolaryngology , Head and Neck Surgery : 1179 -- 1183 . doi : 10.1007 / 978 - 3 - 642 - 23499 - 6_642 . Jump up ^ Jorquera , JessicaPatricia Correa ; Rubio - Palau , Josep ; Cazalla , AsteriaAlbert ; Rodríguez - Carunchio , Leonardo ( 2016 ) . `` Choristoma : A rare congenital tumor of the tongue '' . Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery . 6 ( 2 ) : 311 . doi : 10.4103 / 2231 - 0746.200342 . PMC 5343649 . PMID 28299279 . Jump up ^ Goswamy , Monika ; Tabasum , Syeda ; Kudva , Praveen ; Gupta , Shikha ( 2012 ) . `` Osseous choristoma of the periodontium '' . Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology. 16 ( 1 ) : 120 . doi : 10.4103 / 0972 - 124X. 94619 . PMC 3357020 . PMID 22628977 . Phakomatosis ( Q85 , 759.5 -- 759.6 ) Angiomatosis Sturge -- Weber syndrome Von Hippel -- Lindau disease Hamartoma Tuberous sclerosis Hypothalamic hamartoma ( Pallister -- Hall syndrome ) Multiple hamartoma syndrome Proteus syndrome Cowden syndrome Bannayan -- Riley -- Ruvalcaba syndrome Lhermitte -- Duclos disease Neurofibromatosis Type I Type II Other Abdallat -- Davis -- Farrage syndrome Ataxia telangiectasia Incontinentia pigmenti Peutz -- Jeghers syndrome Encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis Overview of tumors , cancer and oncology ( C00 -- D48 , 140 -- 239 ) Conditions Benign tumors Hyperplasia Cyst Pseudocyst Hamartoma Malignant progression Dysplasia Carcinoma in situ Cancer Metastasis Primary tumor Sentinel lymph node Topography Head / Neck ( Oral , Nasopharyngeal ) Digestive system Respiratory system Bone Skin Blood Urogenital Nervous system Endocrine system Histology Carcinoma Sarcoma Blastoma Papilloma Adenoma Other Precancerous condition Paraneoplastic syndrome Staging / grading TNM Ann Arbor Prostate cancer staging Gleason grading system Dukes classification Carcinogenesis Cancer cell Carcinogen Tumor suppressor genes / oncogenes Clonally transmissible cancer Oncovirus Carcinogenic bacteria Misc . Research Index of oncology articles History Cancer pain Cancer and nausea This article related to pathology is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Dermal and subcutaneous growths Anatomical pathology Pathology stubs Talk About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 10 July 2018 , at 14 : 26 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
what is the difference between hamartoma and choristoma
It is different from hamartoma . The two can be differentiated as follows : a hamartoma is disorganized overgrowth of tissues in their normal location , ( e.g. , Peutz -- Jeghers polyps ) while a choristoma is normal tissue growth in an abnormal location ( e.g. , gastric tissue located in distal ileum in Meckel diverticulum ) .
Miami Vice theme - wikipedia Miami Vice theme Jump to : navigation , search This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( December 2009 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) `` Miami Vice Theme '' Japanese release cover Single by Jan Hammer from the album Miami Vice soundtrack Released August 1985 Genre Synthpop electro Length 2 : 26 Label MCA Songwriter ( s ) Jan Hammer Producer ( s ) Jan Hammer Jan Hammer singles chronology `` Miami Vice Theme '' ( 1985 ) `` Crockett 's Theme '' ( 1987 ) `` Miami Vice Theme '' ( 1985 ) `` Crockett 's Theme '' ( 1987 ) `` Miami Vice Theme '' is a musical piece composed and performed by Jan Hammer as the theme to the television series Miami Vice . It was first presented as part of the television broadcast of the show in September 1984 , was released as a single in 1985 , and peaked at the number one spot on the Billboard Hot 100 . It was the last instrumental to top the Hot 100 until 2013 , when `` Harlem Shake '' by Baauer reached number one . It also peaked at number five in the UK and number four in Canada . In 1986 , it won Grammy Awards for `` Best Instrumental Composition '' and `` Best Pop Instrumental Performance . '' This song , along with Glenn Frey 's number two hit `` You Belong to the City '' , put the Miami Vice soundtrack on the top of the US album chart for 11 weeks in 1985 , making it the most successful TV soundtrack of all time until 2006 , when Disney Channel 's High School Musical beat its record . Contents ( hide ) 1 Versions 2 Music video 3 Track listing 4 Chart performance 4.1 Weekly charts 4.2 Year - end charts 5 Covers 6 Appearances 6.1 Episodes 6.2 Commercial 6.3 Radio 7 References Versions ( edit ) The 1 : 55 - minute version that aired with the pilot . The famous synthesized guitar lead hook is absent from it , and it features distinct synth guitar notes in its midsection . The 0 : 57 version in the following 3 regular episodes , which only contains the percussion and keyboards , without the synth guitar hook . It was essentially a shortened version of the pilot , although it already featured the same melody progression and conclusion at its end as in all the later episodes . According to Jan Hammer 's manager Elliot Sears , the missing guitar lead hook was the result of the sound elements not being mixed together as Hammer intended . The 1 : 00 synth guitar hook version that aired with all later episodes . It was first introduced at the end of the first regular episode , Heart of Darkness , over the closing credits , albeit with the guitar hook slightly more muted than in future episodes . The 2 : 26 full radio airplay version , the final 55 seconds of which are very similar to the 1 : 00 TV version . An extended dance remix , released in 1985 as a 12 '' single containing two different length versions ( in addition to the original version of the theme ) . Music video ( edit ) The music video of the theme is a mini-episode of the TV series with Hammer as a fugitive on the run from James `` Sonny '' Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs . Throughout the majority of the video , Hammer performs the theme in front of a projector screen playing footage from the TV series -- including scenes of the Vice duo chasing him . In the end of the video , he boards a helicopter and escapes from Crockett 's sight . The video also shows shots of Fairlight CMI screens including the page R ( sequencer ) page and the waveform page . Track listing ( edit ) 7 '' MCA / MCAP1000 ( UK picture disc ) `` Miami Vice Theme '' -- 2 : 26 `` Miami Vice Theme '' ( TV version ) -- 1 : 00 `` Miami Vice Theme '' ( 12 '' edit ) -- 4 : 30 12 '' MCA / MCAT1000 ( UK ) `` Miami Vice Theme '' ( Extended Remix ) -- 6 : 54 `` Miami Vice Theme '' ( TV version ) -- 1 : 00 `` Miami Vice Theme '' ( 12 '' edit ) -- 4 : 30 Remix and 12 '' edit done by Louis Silas , Jr . Chart performance ( edit ) Weekly charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1985 -- 1987 ) Peak position Austria ( Ö3 Austria Top 40 ) Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Flanders ) 20 Canada Adult Contemporary ( RPM ) 25 Canada Top Singles ( RPM ) Germany ( Official German Charts ) 5 Ireland ( IRMA ) Netherlands ( Dutch Top 40 ) 23 Netherlands ( Single Top 100 ) 22 New Zealand ( Recorded Music NZ ) 8 Switzerland ( Schweizer Hitparade ) 8 UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) 5 US Billboard Adult Contemporary 16 US Billboard Hot 100 US Billboard Hot Black Singles 10 US Billboard Hot Dance Club Play 23 US Billboard Hot Dance Music / Maxi - Singles Sales 7 US Billboard Top Rock Tracks 29 US Cash Box Year - end charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1985 ) Position Canada Top Singles ( RPM ) 36 US Billboard Hot 100 27 US Cash Box 11 Preceded by `` Cry '' by Godley & Creme Canadian CHUM number - one single October 12 , 1985 -- October 19 , 1985 ( 2 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Cherish '' by Kool & the Gang Preceded by `` Part - Time Lover '' by Stevie Wonder US Billboard Hot 100 number - one single November 9 , 1985 ( 1 week ) Succeeded by `` We Built This City '' by Starship US Cash Box number - one single November 9 , 1985 ( 1 week ) Covers ( edit ) Alexi Laiho and Alexander Kuoppala of Finnish melodic death metal band Children of Bodom did a short cover version of the theme on their 1997 album Something Wild . The cover is a hidden track within their song `` Touch Like Angel of Death '' . Appearances ( edit ) Episodes ( edit ) Miami Vice 's pilot episode , made as a two - hour TV movie , did not originally have a theme , but the musical sounds and notation that would become the theme were present as background score . When the series got picked up , Hammer created the 60 second version of the theme . The synth - guitar lead was missing in the aired version of the pilot and the first batch of episodes , and this unfinished version of the theme has remained attached to those episodes , even on the DVD video box set released in 2005 . Commercial ( edit ) The theme is also remembered as the song played during the first few three - point competitions at the NBA All - Star Weekend , including the one in 1986 where Larry Bird famously walked into the locker room and told all his competitors they were playing for second place . Radio ( edit ) From 1992 until 1997 , it was used as the theme music for Westwood One 's Radio Free D.C. : The G. Gordon Liddy Show . ( From 1992 until 1996 , an announcer would introduce the show during the music bed , saying , `` From Washington D.C. , Radio Free D.C. , with G. Gordon Liddy '' . ) Liddy had been a recurring guest on Miami Vice during its run . English radio presenter Paul Breeze adopted the tune to open his music shows on Blackpool 's Kit Kat Radio from 1996 to 1999 and , more recently , he re-adopted the tune for Paul & Lucy 's `` Best Kept Secrets '' show -- featuring what 's on news and interviews for the Blackpool area -- on internet radio station Fylde FM during early 2010 . In the Philippines , FM station DWFM or Radyo Singko 92.3 News FM use the music as the background music for its morning news program `` Punto Asintado '' which is presented by Erwin Tulfo and Martin Andanar . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Weiner , Jonah ( March 28 , 2013 ) . `` On YouTube , Video Makes the Radio Star '' . Bloomberg Businessweek . New York . Archived from the original on April 6 , 2014 . Retrieved April 6 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` -- Jan Hammer -- Miami Vice Theme '' ( in German ) . Ö3 Austria Top 40 . Retrieved June 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` -- Jan Hammer -- Miami Vice Theme '' ( in Dutch ) . Ultratop 50 . Retrieved June 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Top RPM Adult Contemporary : Issue 9299 . '' RPM . Library and Archives Canada . Retrieved June 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Top RPM Singles : Issue 0593 . '' RPM . Library and Archives Canada . Retrieved June 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` -- Jan Hammer -- Miami Vice Theme '' . GfK Entertainment Charts . Retrieved June 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` The Irish Charts -- Search Results -- Miami Vice Theme '' . Irish Singles Chart . Retrieved June 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Nederlandse Top 40 -- Jan Hammer - Miami Vice Theme '' ( in Dutch ) . Dutch Top 40 . Retrieved June 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` -- Jan Hammer -- Miami Vice Theme '' ( in Dutch ) . Single Top 100 . Retrieved June 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` -- Jan Hammer -- Miami Vice Theme '' . Top 40 Singles . Retrieved June 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` -- Jan Hammer -- Miami Vice Theme '' . Swiss Singles Chart . Retrieved June 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Official Singles Chart Top 100 '' . Official Charts Company . Retrieved June 1 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` Jan Hammer -- Allmusic '' . AllMusic . All Media Network . Retrieved June 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` CASH BOX Top 100 Singles -- Week ending NOVEMBER 9 , 1985 '' . Archived from the original on August 28 , 2012 ... Cash Box magazine . Jump up ^ `` RPM 's Top 100 Singles of 1985 '' . RPM . Vol. 43 no . 16 . Library and Archives Canada . December 28 , 1985 . Retrieved February 2 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Top 100 Hits for 1985 '' . The Longbored Surfer . Retrieved April 23 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` The CASH BOX Year - End Charts : 1985 '' . Archived from the original on October 1 , 2012 ... Cash Box magazine . Jan Hammer Studio albums Like Children ( 1974 ) The First Seven Days ( 1975 ) Oh Yeah ? ( 1976 ) Untold Passion ( 1981 ) Here to Stay ( 1983 ) Live albums Jeff Beck with the Jan Hammer Group Live ( 1977 ) Related articles Miami Vice Theme List of Miami Vice soundtracks Miami Vice Characters Sonny Crockett Ricardo Tubbs Accessories Cars Ferrari Testarossa Ferrari Daytona Firearms Music `` Miami Vice Theme '' `` Smuggler 's Blues '' `` You Belong to the City '' `` Crockett 's Theme '' Soundtracks Seasons Episodes `` Brother 's Keeper '' `` No Exit '' `` Out Where the Buses Do n't Run '' Video games Miami Vice ( 1986 game ) Miami Vice : The Game See also Guest stars Feature film Accolades Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1985 singles 1985 songs Billboard Hot 100 number - one singles Instrumentals Miami Vice Television drama theme songs Hidden categories : Use mdy dates from November 2013 Articles needing additional references from December 2009 All articles needing additional references Articles with hAudio microformats Singlechart usages for Austria Singlechart usages for Flanders Singlechart usages for Canadaadultcontemporary Singlechart called without artist Singlechart called without song Singlechart usages for Canadatopsingles Singlechart usages for Germany2 Singlechart usages for Ireland2 Singlechart usages for Dutch40 Singlechart usages for Dutch100 Singlechart usages for New Zealand Singlechart usages for Switzerland Singlechart usages for UK Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Polski Edit links This page was last edited on 22 February 2018 , at 17 : 27 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who sings the theme song for miami vice
`` Miami Vice Theme '' is a musical piece composed and performed by Jan Hammer as the theme to the television series Miami Vice . It was first presented as part of the television broadcast of the show in September 1984 , was released as a single in 1985 , and peaked at the number one spot on the Billboard Hot 100 . It was the last instrumental to top the Hot 100 until 2013 , when `` Harlem Shake '' by Baauer reached number one . It also peaked at number five in the UK and number four in Canada . In 1986 , it won Grammy Awards for `` Best Instrumental Composition '' and `` Best Pop Instrumental Performance . '' This song , along with Glenn Frey 's number two hit `` You Belong to the City '' , put the Miami Vice soundtrack on the top of the US album chart for 11 weeks in 1985 , making it the most successful TV soundtrack of all time until 2006 , when Disney Channel 's High School Musical beat its record .
Red Dog mine , Alaska - wikipedia Red Dog mine , Alaska Jump to : navigation , search For the mine , see Red Dog mine . Red Dog Mine , Alaska Census - designated place Location in Northwest Arctic Borough and the state of Alaska . Coordinates : 68 ° 4 ′ 19 '' N 162 ° 52 ′ 34 '' W  /  68.07194 ° N 162.87611 ° W  / 68.07194 ; - 162.87611 Coordinates : 68 ° 4 ′ 19 '' N 162 ° 52 ′ 34 '' W  /  68.07194 ° N 162.87611 ° W  / 68.07194 ; - 162.87611 Country United States State Alaska Borough Northwest Arctic Government Borough mayor Clement Richards , Sr . State senator Donny Olson ( D ) State rep . Dean Westlake ( D ) Area Total 66.9 sq mi ( 173.2 km ) Land 66.9 sq mi ( 173.2 km ) Water 0.0 sq mi ( 0.0 km ) Elevation 853 ft ( 260 m ) Population ( 2010 ) Total 309 Density 4.6 / sq mi ( 1.8 / km ) Time zone Alaska ( AKST ) ( UTC - 9 ) Summer ( DST ) AKDT ( UTC - 8 ) Area code ( s ) 907 FIPS code 02 - 64980 GNIS feature ID 1865564 Website Red Dog Mine is a census - designated place ( CDP ) in the Northwest Arctic Borough of the U.S. state of Alaska . The population was 309 at the 2010 census . Contents ( hide ) 1 Economy 2 Mining 3 Geography 4 Demographics 5 Transportation 6 References 7 External links Economy ( edit ) The Red Dog mine is the only economic activity and the mine is the only inhabited site within the Red Dog Mine CDP . Mining ( edit ) The Red Dog Mine CDP derives its name from the Red Dog mine , the world 's largest source for zinc and a significant source of lead . Construction of the Red Dog mine began in 1987 , after exploration revealed that the area was rich in metals . The Red Dog ore body is one of the world 's most significant zinc deposits , containing a number of ore bodies . The mine is located in Alaska 's Northwest Arctic Borough , in the DeLong Mountains of the western Brooks Range , 90 miles north of Kotzebue and 55 miles from the Chukchi Sea . At the end of 2007 , the site 's proven and probable reserves plus indicated resources amounted to 77.5 million tons , containing 17.5 percent zinc and 4.8 percent lead , as well as 2.8 ounces per ton of silver . In addition , Red Dog also contains 36.6 million tons of inferred resources . The entire deposit lies inside a relatively small area ( one mile by one - half mile ) . The deposit is essentially flat - lying at the surface , making open pit mining the extraction method of choice. ( 1 ) Geography ( edit ) Red Dog Mine is located at 68 ° 04 ′ 19 '' N 162 ° 52 ′ 34 '' W  /  68.071989 ° N 162.876044 ° W  / 68.071989 ; - 162.876044 . It is in the DeLong Mountains in the remote western Brooks Range about 90 miles ( 140 km ) north of Kotzebue and 55 miles ( 89 km ) from the Chukchi Sea . Red Dog Mine is very isolated . It is located within the Northwest Arctic Borough , an area approximately the size of Indiana with only 11 communities , none connected by roads , with a total population of only 7,208 people at the 2000 census . The nearest of those communities are Noatak , population 428 , roughly 50 miles ( 80 km ) south and Kivalina , population 377 , roughly 60 miles ( 100 km ) west at the 2000 census . Although native populations have historically used the nearby area for seasonal food - gathering , there are no permanent residents at the mine or the port site . The mine 's workforce consists of about 460 employees and contractors , of which somewhat more than half will be on - site at any given time . At the mine , everyone stays in the single large housing unit , tucked in among the process buildings near the edge of the open pit , while a small portion of the work force stays at the port site . According to the United States Census Bureau , the CDP has a total area of 66.9 square miles ( 173 km ) , all land . Demographics ( edit ) As of the census of 2000 , there were 32 people , 0 households , and 0 families residing in the CDP . The population density was 0.5 people per square mile ( 0.2 / km2 ) . There were 0 housing units . The racial makeup of the CDP was 31.25 % White , 65.62 % Native American , and 3.12 % from two or more races . In the CDP , the age distribution of the population shows 18.8 % from 18 to 24 , 62.5 % from 25 to 44 , and 18.8 % from 45 to 64 . The median age was 34 years . For every 100 females there were 700.0 males . For every 100 females age 18 and over , there were 700.0 males . The median income for both males and females in the CDP was $0 . The per capita income for the CDP was $34,438. 37.9 % of the population were living below the poverty line . Transportation ( edit ) A 52 - mile ( 84 km ) long haul road connects the mine to the mine 's port site on the Chukchi Sea . The region is accessible only by air , served by the Red Dog Airport , except during the 100 - day shipping season . Mine workers from remote villages in the region are ferried to the mine on small aircraft . Alaska Airlines is contracted by the mine to fly other mine workers out of Anchorage . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` 2010 City Population and Housing Occupancy Status '' . U.S. Census Bureau . Retrieved May 14 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Alaska Resource Data File , USGS Open File 00 - 23 , p. 2 . Jump up ^ D.J. Szumigala , Alaska , Mining Engineering , May 2007 , p. 66 . Jump up ^ `` US Gazetteer files : 2010 , 2000 , and 1990 '' . United States Census Bureau . 2011 - 02 - 12 . Retrieved 2011 - 04 - 23 . ^ Jump up to : `` American FactFinder '' . United States Census Bureau . Retrieved 2008 - 01 - 31 . Jump up ^ Operation and Site Performance 2006 , Red Dog Mine , Teck Cominco Ltd . External links ( edit ) NANA Regional Corporation Red Dog Mine ( hide ) Municipalities and communities of Northwest Arctic Borough , Alaska , United States Borough seat : Kotzebue Cities Ambler Buckland Deering Kiana Kivalina Kobuk Kotzebue Noorvik Selawik Shungnak CDPs Noatak Red Dog Mine Unincorporated communities Candle Ghost towns Kiwalik Retrieved from ``,_Alaska&oldid=763791599 '' Categories : Census - designated places in Alaska Census - designated places in Northwest Arctic Borough , Alaska Mining communities in Alaska Populated places of the Arctic United States Brooks Range Hidden categories : Coordinates on Wikidata Pages using infobox settlement with unknown parameters All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from September 2013 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Bân - lâm - gú Català Español فارسی Français Italiano Nederlands नेपाल भाषा Português Русский Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Volapük Edit links This page was last edited on 5 February 2017 , at 07 : 12 . About Wikipedia
where is red dog mine located in alaska
Red Dog Mine is located at 68 ° 04 ′ 19 '' N 162 ° 52 ′ 34 '' W  /  68.071989 ° N 162.876044 ° W  / 68.071989 ; - 162.876044 . It is in the DeLong Mountains in the remote western Brooks Range about 90 miles ( 140 km ) north of Kotzebue and 55 miles ( 89 km ) from the Chukchi Sea .
Iron Maiden - Wikipedia Iron Maiden Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the band . For the supposed torture device , see Iron maiden . For other uses , see Iron Maiden ( disambiguation ) . Iron Maiden Top : Steve Harris ( L ) , Dave Murray ( R ) Middle : Adrian Smith ( L ) , Bruce Dickinson ( R ) Bottom : Nicko McBrain ( L ) , Janick Gers ( R ) Background information Origin Leyton , London , England Genres Heavy metal Years active 1975 -- present Labels EMI Parlophone Universal Sanctuary Columbia Portrait BMG CMC Epic Capitol Harvest Associated acts The Entire Population of Hackney Gogmagog Praying Mantis Samson Trust Urchin Website Members Steve Harris Dave Murray Adrian Smith Bruce Dickinson Nicko McBrain Janick Gers Iron Maiden are an English heavy metal band formed in Leyton , East London , in 1975 by bassist and primary songwriter Steve Harris . The band 's discography has grown to thirty - eight albums , including sixteen studio albums , twelve live albums , four EPs , and seven compilations . Pioneers of the new wave of British heavy metal , Iron Maiden achieved initial success during the early 1980s . After several line - up changes , the band went on to release a series of UK and US platinum and gold albums , including 1982 's The Number of the Beast , 1983 's Piece of Mind , 1984 's Powerslave , 1985 's live release Live After Death , 1986 's Somewhere in Time and 1988 's Seventh Son of a Seventh Son . Since the return of lead vocalist Bruce Dickinson and guitarist Adrian Smith in 1999 , the band have undergone a resurgence in popularity , with their 2010 studio offering , The Final Frontier , peaking at No. 1 in 28 countries and receiving widespread critical acclaim . Their sixteenth studio album , The Book of Souls , was released on 4 September 2015 to similar success . Despite little radio or television support , Iron Maiden are considered one of the most successful heavy metal bands in history , with The Sunday Times reporting in 2017 that the band have sold over 100 million copies of their albums worldwide . The band won the Ivor Novello Award for international achievement in 2002 . As of October 2013 , the band have played over 2000 live shows throughout their career . For over 35 years the band have been supported by their famous mascot , `` Eddie '' , who has appeared on almost all of their album and single covers , as well as in their live shows . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Early years ( 1975 -- 1978 ) 1.2 Record contract and early releases ( 1978 -- 1981 ) 1.3 Success ( 1981 -- 1985 ) 1.4 Experimentation ( 1986 -- 1989 ) 1.5 Upheaval ( 1989 -- 1994 ) 1.6 Blaze Bayley era , The X Factor and Virtual XI ( 1994 -- 1999 ) 1.7 Return of Dickinson and Smith , Brave New World ( 1999 -- 2002 ) 1.8 Dance of Death and A Matter of Life and Death ( 2003 -- 2007 ) 1.9 Somewhere Back in Time World Tour and Flight 666 ( 2007 -- 2009 ) 1.10 The Final Frontier and Maiden England World Tour ( 2010 -- 2014 ) 1.11 The Book of Souls and Legacy of the Beast ( 2015 -- present ) 2 Image and legacy 2.1 Influence on other artists 2.2 Appearance in media 2.3 Claims of Satanic references 2.4 Ed Force One 3 Musical style and influences 4 Accolades 5 Band members 6 Discography 7 Concert tours 8 See also 9 Notes 9.1 Citations 10 References 11 External links History ( edit ) Early years ( 1975 -- 1978 ) ( edit ) The Cart and Horses Pub , located in Maryland Point , Stratford , was where Iron Maiden played some of their first shows in 1976 . Iron Maiden were formed on Christmas Day in 1975 by bassist Steve Harris shortly after he left his previous group , Smiler . Harris attributes the band 's name to a film adaptation of The Man in the Iron Mask from the novel by Alexandre Dumas , the title of which reminded him of the iron maiden torture device . After months of rehearsal , Iron Maiden made their debut at St. Nicks Hall in Poplar on 1 May 1976 , before taking up a semi-residency at the Cart and Horses Pub in Maryland Point , Stratford . The original line - up did not last very long , however , with vocalist Paul Day being the first casualty as , according to Harris , he lacked `` energy or charisma on stage '' . He was replaced by Dennis Wilcock , a Kiss fan who used make - up and fake blood during live performances . Wilcock 's friend Dave Murray was invited to join , to the dismay of the band 's guitarists Dave Sullivan and Terry Rance . Their frustration led Harris to temporarily disband Iron Maiden in 1976 , though the group reformed soon after with Murray as the sole guitarist . Steve Harris and Dave Murray remain the band 's longest - standing members and have performed on all of their releases . Dave Murray and Steve Harris in 2008 . Harris and Murray are the only members to have performed on all of the band 's albums . Iron Maiden recruited yet another guitarist in 1977 , Bob Sawyer , who was sacked for embarrassing the band on stage by pretending to play guitar with his teeth . Tension ensued again , causing a rift between Murray and Wilcock , who convinced Harris to fire Murray , as well as original drummer Ron Matthews . A new line - up was put together , including future Cutting Crew member Tony Moore on keyboards , Terry Wapram on guitar , and drummer Barry Purkis ( better known today as Thunderstick ) . A bad performance at the Bridgehouse , a pub located in Canning Town , in November 1977 was the line - up 's first and only concert and led to Purkis being replaced by Doug Sampson . At the same time , Moore was asked to leave as Harris decided that keyboards did not suit the band 's sound . A few months later , Dennis Wilcock decided that he had had enough with the group and left to form his own band , V1 , and Dave Murray was immediately reinstated . As he preferred to be the band 's sole guitarist , Wapram disapproved of Murray 's return and was also dismissed . Steve Harris , Dave Murray and Doug Sampson spent the summer and autumn of 1978 rehearsing while they searched for a singer to complete the band 's new line - up . A chance meeting at the Red Lion pub in Leytonstone in November 1978 evolved into a successful audition for vocalist Paul Di'Anno . Steve Harris has stated , `` There 's sort of a quality in Paul 's voice , a raspiness in his voice , or whatever you want to call it , that just gave it this great edge . '' At this time , Murray would typically act as their sole guitarist , with Harris commenting , `` Davey was so good he could do a lot of it on his own . The plan was always to get a second guitarist in , but finding one that could match Davey was really difficult . '' Record contract and early releases ( 1978 -- 1981 ) ( edit ) Main articles : The Soundhouse Tapes , Iron Maiden ( album ) , and Killers ( Iron Maiden album ) On New Year 's Eve 1978 , Iron Maiden recorded a demo , consisting of four songs , at Spaceward Studios in Cambridge . Hoping the recording would help them secure more gigs , the band presented a copy to Neal Kay , then managing a heavy metal club called `` Bandwagon Heavy Metal Soundhouse '' , located in Kingsbury Circle , northwest London . Upon hearing the tape , Kay began playing the demo regularly at the Bandwagon , and one of the songs , `` Prowler '' , eventually went to No. 1 in the Soundhouse charts , which were published weekly in Sounds magazine . A copy was also acquired by Rod Smallwood , who soon became the band 's manager , and , as Iron Maiden 's popularity increased , they released the demo on their own record label as The Soundhouse Tapes , named after the club . Featuring only three tracks ( one song , `` Strange World '' , was excluded as the band were unsatisfied with its production ) all five thousand copies were sold out within weeks . In December 1979 , the band secured a major record deal with EMI and asked Dave Murray 's childhood friend Adrian Smith of Urchin to join the group as their second guitarist. Smith declined as he was busy with his own band , Urchin , so Iron Maiden hired guitarist Dennis Stratton instead . Shortly afterwards , Doug Sampson left due to health issues and was replaced by ex-Samson drummer Clive Burr at Stratton 's suggestion on 26 December . Iron Maiden 's first appearance on an album was on the Metal for Muthas compilation ( released on 15 February 1980 ) with two early versions of `` Sanctuary '' and `` Wrathchild '' . The release led to an ensuing tour which featured several other bands linked with the new wave of British heavy metal . Paul Di'Anno and Steve Harris supporting Judas Priest on their British Steel Tour , 1980 Iron Maiden 's eponymous 1980 release , Iron Maiden , debuted at No. 4 in the UK Albums Chart . In addition to the title track ( a live version of which would be one of the first music videos aired on MTV ) , the album includes other early favourites such as `` Running Free '' , `` Transylvania '' , `` Phantom of the Opera '' , and `` Sanctuary '' -- which was not on the original UK release but appeared on the US version and subsequent remasters . The band set out on a headline tour of the UK , before opening for Kiss on their 1980 Unmasked Tour 's European leg as well as supporting Judas Priest on select dates . Iron Maiden also appeared , to much acclaim , at the Reading Festival 1980 . They were second to top of the bill on the Saturday , with UFO headlining . After the Kiss tour , Dennis Stratton was dismissed from the band as a result of creative and personal differences , and was replaced by Adrian Smith in October 1980 . In 1981 , Iron Maiden released their second album , entitled Killers . Containing many tracks written prior to their debut release , only two new songs were written for the record : `` Prodigal Son '' and `` Murders in the Rue Morgue '' ( the latter 's title was taken from the short story by Edgar Allan Poe ) . Unsatisfied with the production on their debut album , the band hired veteran producer Martin Birch , who would go on to work for Iron Maiden until his retirement in 1992 . The record was followed by the band 's first world tour , which included their debut performance in the United States , opening for Judas Priest at The Aladdin Casino , Las Vegas . Success ( 1981 -- 1985 ) ( edit ) Main articles : The Number of the Beast ( album ) , Piece of Mind , Powerslave , and Live After Death By 1981 , Paul Di'Anno was demonstrating increasingly self - destructive behaviour , particularly through his drug usage , about which Di'Anno comments , `` it was n't just that I was snorting a bit of coke , though ; I was just going for it non-stop , 24 hours a day , every day ... the band had commitments piling up that went on for months , years , and I just could n't see my way to the end of it . I knew I 'd never last the whole tour . It was too much . '' With his performances suffering , Di'Anno was immediately dismissed following the Killer World Tour , at which point the band had already selected his replacement . After a meeting with Rod Smallwood at the Reading Festival , Bruce Dickinson , previously of Samson , auditioned for Iron Maiden in September 1981 and was immediately hired . The following month , Dickinson went out on the road with the band on a small headlining tour in Italy , as well as a one - off show at the Rainbow Theatre in the UK . For the last show , and in anticipation of their forthcoming album , the band played `` Children of the Damned '' and `` 22 Acacia Avenue '' , introducing fans to the sound towards which they were progressing . In 1982 , Iron Maiden released The Number of the Beast , an album which gave the band their first UK Albums Chart No. 1 record and additionally became a Top Ten hit in many other countries . At the time , Dickinson was in the midst of legal difficulties with Samson 's management and was not permitted to add his name to any of the songwriting credits , although he still made what he described as a `` moral contribution '' to `` Children of the Damned '' , `` The Prisoner '' and `` Run to the Hills '' . For the second time the band embarked on a world tour , dubbed The Beast on the Road , during which they visited North America , Japan , Australia and Europe , including a headline appearance at the Reading Festival . A new and hugely successful chapter in Iron Maiden 's future was cemented ; in 2010 The New York Times reported that the album had sold over 14 million copies worldwide . The Beast on the Road 's US leg proved controversial when an American conservative political lobbying group claimed Iron Maiden were Satanic because of the new album 's title track , to the point where a group of Christian activists destroyed Iron Maiden records as a protest against the band . In recent years , Dickinson has stated that the band treated this as `` silliness '' , and that the demonstrations in fact gave them `` loads of publicity '' . Nicko McBrain has been Iron Maiden 's drummer since 1982 In December 1982 , drummer Clive Burr was fired from the band and replaced by Nicko McBrain , previously of French band Trust . Although Harris states that his dismissal took place because his live performances were affected by offstage activities , Burr objected to this and claimed that he was unfairly ousted from the band . Soon afterwards , the band journeyed for the first time to The Bahamas to record the first of three consecutive albums at Compass Point Studios . In 1983 , they released Piece of Mind , which reached the No. 3 spot in the UK , and was the band 's debut in the North American charts , reaching No. 70 on the Billboard 200 . Piece of Mind includes the successful singles `` The Trooper '' and `` Flight of Icarus '' , the latter of which being particularly notable as one of the band 's few songs to gain substantial airplay in the US . Soon after the success of Piece of Mind and its supporting tour , the band released Powerslave on 9 September 1984 . The album featured fan favourites `` 2 Minutes to Midnight '' , `` Aces High '' , and `` Rime of The Ancient Mariner '' , the latter based on Samuel Taylor Coleridge 's poem of the same name and running over 13 minutes long . The tour following the album , dubbed the World Slavery Tour , was the band 's largest to date and consisted of 193 shows in 28 countries over 13 months , playing to an estimated 3,500,000 people . Many shows were played back - to - back in the same city , such as in Long Beach , California , where the band played four consecutive concerts . It was here where the majority of their subsequent live release , Live After Death , was recorded , which became a critical and commercial success , peaking at No. 4 in the UK . Iron Maiden also made their debut appearance in South America , where they co-headlined ( with Queen ) the Rock in Rio festival to an estimated crowd of 300,000 . The tour was physically gruelling for the band , who demanded six months off when it ended ( although this was later reduced to four months ) . This was the first substantial break in the group 's history , including the cancellation of a proposed supporting tour for the new live album , with Bruce Dickinson threatening to quit unless the tour ended . Experimentation ( 1986 -- 1989 ) ( edit ) Main articles : Somewhere in Time ( Iron Maiden album ) and Seventh Son of a Seventh Son Returning from their time off , the band adopted a different style for their 1986 studio album , entitled Somewhere in Time , featuring , for the first time in the band 's history , synthesised bass and guitars to add textures and layers to the sound . The release charted well across the world , particularly with the single `` Wasted Years '' , but notably included no writing credits from lead singer Bruce Dickinson , whose material was rejected by the rest of the band . While Dickinson was focused on his own music , guitarist Adrian Smith , who typically collaborated with the vocalist , was `` left to ( his ) own devices '' and began writing songs on his own , coming up with `` Wasted Years '' , `` Sea of Madness '' , and `` Stranger in a Strange Land '' , the last of which would be the album 's second single . The experimentation evident on Somewhere in Time continued on their next album , entitled Seventh Son of a Seventh Son , which was released in 1988 . A concept album , based on the 1987 novel Seventh Son by Orson Scott Card , this would be the band 's first record to include keyboards , performed by Harris and Smith , as opposed to guitar synthesisers on the previous release . After his contributions were not used for Somewhere in Time , Dickinson 's enthusiasm was renewed as his ideas were accepted for this album . Another popular release , it became Iron Maiden 's second album to hit No. 1 in the UK charts , although it only achieved a Gold certification in the US , in contrast to its four predecessors . During the following tour , the band headlined the Monsters of Rock festival at Donington Park for the first time on 20 August 1988 , playing to the largest crowd in the festival 's history ( 107,000 ) . Also included on the bill were Kiss , David Lee Roth , Megadeth , Guns N ' Roses and Helloween . The festival was marred , however , by the deaths of two fans in a crowd - surge during the aforementioned Guns N ' Roses performance ; the following year 's festival was cancelled as a result . The tour concluded with several headline shows in the UK in November and December 1988 , with the concerts at the NEC Arena , Birmingham recorded for a live video , entitled Maiden England . Throughout the tour , Harris ' bass technician , Michael Kenney , provided live keyboards . Kenney has acted as the band 's live keyboard player ever since , also performing on the band 's four following albums before Harris took over as the group 's sole studio keyboardist from 2000 's Brave New World . Upheaval ( 1989 -- 1994 ) ( edit ) Main articles : No Prayer for the Dying and Fear of the Dark ( Iron Maiden album ) During another break in 1989 , guitarist Adrian Smith released a solo album with his band ASAP , entitled Silver and Gold , and vocalist Bruce Dickinson began work on a solo album with former Gillan guitarist Janick Gers , releasing Tattooed Millionaire in 1990 , followed by a tour . At the same time , to mark the band 's ten - year recording anniversary , Iron Maiden released The First Ten Years , a series of ten CDs and double 12 - inch singles . Between 24 February and 28 April 1990 , the individual parts were released one - by - one , each containing two of Iron Maiden 's singles , including the original B - sides . Soon afterwards , Iron Maiden regrouped to work on a new studio record . During the pre-production stages , Adrian Smith left the band due to differences with Steve Harris regarding the direction the band should be taking , disagreeing with the `` stripped down '' style that they were leaning towards . Janick Gers , having worked on Dickinson 's solo project , was chosen to replace Smith and became the band 's first new member in seven years . The album , No Prayer for the Dying , was released in October 1990 and contained `` Bring Your Daughter ... to the Slaughter '' , the band 's first ( and to date , only ) UK Singles Chart No. 1 , originally recorded by Dickinson 's solo outfit for the soundtrack to A Nightmare on Elm Street 5 : The Dream Child . After another tour and some more time off , the band recorded their next studio release , Fear of the Dark , which was released in 1992 and included the stand - out title track , which is now a regular fixture in the band 's concert setlists . Achieving their third No. 1 in the UK albums chart , the disc also featured the No. 2 single `` Be Quick or Be Dead '' and the No. 21 single `` From Here to Eternity '' . The album featured the first songwriting by Gers , and no collaboration at all between Harris and Dickinson on songs . The extensive worldwide tour that followed included their first ever Latin American leg ( after a single concert during the World Slavery Tour ) , and headlining the Monsters of Rock festivals in seven European countries . Iron Maiden 's second performance at Donington Park , to an audience of 68,500 ( the attendance was capped after the incident in 1988 ) , was filmed for the audio and video release , Live at Donington , and featured a guest appearance by Adrian Smith , who joined the band to perform `` Running Free '' . In 1993 , Bruce Dickinson left the band to further pursue his solo career , but agreed to remain for a farewell tour and two live albums ( later re-released in one package ) . The first , A Real Live One , featured songs from 1986 to 1992 , and was released in March 1993 . The second , A Real Dead One , featured songs from 1980 to 1984 , and was released after Dickinson had left the band . The tour did not go well , however , with Steve Harris claiming that Dickinson would only perform properly for high - profile shows and that at several concerts he would only mumble into the microphone . Dickinson denies the charge that he was under - performing , stating that it was impossible to `` make like Mr Happy Face if the vibe was n't right '' , saying that news of his exit from the band had prevented any chance of a good atmosphere during the tour . He played his farewell show with Iron Maiden on 28 August 1993 , which was filmed , broadcast by the BBC and released on video under the name Raising Hell . Blaze Bayley era , the X Factor and Virtual XI ( 1994 -- 1999 ) ( edit ) Main articles : The X Factor ( album ) and Virtual XI In 1994 , the band listened to hundreds of tapes sent in by vocalists before convincing Blaze Bayley , formerly of the band Wolfsbane who had supported Iron Maiden in 1990 , to audition for them . Harris ' preferred choice from the outset , Bayley had a different vocal style from his predecessor , which ultimately received a mixed reception among fans . After a two - year hiatus ( as well as a three - year hiatus from studio releases -- a record for the band at the time ) Iron Maiden returned in 1995 . Releasing The X Factor , the band had their lowest chart position since 1981 for an album in the UK ( debuting at No. 8 ) , although it would go on to win Album of the Year awards in France and Germany . The record included the 11 - minute epic `` Sign of the Cross '' , the band 's longest song since `` Rime of the Ancient Mariner '' , as well as the singles , `` Man on the Edge '' , based on the film Falling Down , and `` Lord of the Flies '' , based on the novel of the same name . The release is notable for its `` dark '' tone , inspired by Steve Harris ' divorce . The band toured for the rest of 1995 and 1996 , playing for the first time in Israel and South Africa , before stopping to release Best of the Beast . The band 's first compilation , it included a new single , `` Virus '' , whose lyrics attack the critics who had recently written off the band . Iron Maiden returned to the studio to record Virtual XI , released in 1998 . The album 's chart scores were the band 's lowest to date , including the UK where it peaked at No. 16 failing to score one million worldwide sales for the first time in Iron Maiden 's history . At the same time , Steve Harris assisted in remastering the band 's entire discography , up to and including Live at Donington ( which was given a mainstream release for the first time ) . Bayley 's tenure in Iron Maiden ended in January 1999 when he was asked to leave during a band meeting . The dismissal took place due to issues Bayley had experienced with his voice during the Virtual XI World Tour , although Janick Gers has since stated that this was partly the band 's fault for forcing him to perform songs which were beyond his natural register . Return of Dickinson and Smith , Brave new World ( 1999 -- 2002 ) ( edit ) Main articles : Ed Hunter and Brave New World ( Iron Maiden album ) Adrian Smith ( left ) re-joined Iron Maiden in 1999 , resulting in a three guitar line - up . While the group were considering a replacement for Bayley , Rod Smallwood convinced Steve Harris to invite Bruce Dickinson back into the band . Although Harris admits that he `` was n't really into it '' at first , he then thought , `` ' Well , if the change happens , who should we get ? ' The thing is , we know Bruce and we know what he 's capable of , and you think , ' Well , better the devil you know . ' I mean , we got on well professionally for , like , eleven years , and so ... after I thought about it , I did n't really have a problem with it . '' The band entered into talks with Dickinson , who agreed to rejoin during a meeting in Brighton in January 1999 , along with guitarist Adrian Smith , who was telephoned a few hours later . With Gers , Smith 's replacement , remaining , Iron Maiden now had a three - guitar line - up and embarked on a hugely successful reunion tour . Dubbed The Ed Hunter Tour , it tied in with the band 's newly released greatest hits collection , Ed Hunter , whose track listing was decided by a poll on the group 's website , and also contained a computer game of the same name starring the band 's mascot . One of Dickinson 's primary concerns on rejoining the group `` was whether we would in fact be making a real state - of - the - art record and not just a comeback album , '' which eventually took the form of 2000 's Brave New World . Having disliked the results from Harris ' personal studio , Barnyard Studios located on his property in Essex , which had been used for the last four Iron Maiden studio albums , the band recorded the new release at Guillaume Tell Studios , Paris in November 1999 with producer Kevin Shirley . Thematic influences continued with `` The Wicker Man '' -- based on the 1973 British cult film of the same name -- and `` Brave New World '' -- title taken from the Aldous Huxley novel of the same name . The album furthered the more progressive and melodic sound present in some earlier recordings , with elaborate song structures and keyboard orchestration . The world tour that followed consisted of well over 100 dates and culminated on 19 January 2001 in a show at the Rock in Rio festival in Brazil , where Iron Maiden played to an audience of around 250,000 . While the performance was being produced for a CD and DVD release in March 2002 , under the name Rock in Rio , the band took a year out from touring , during which they played three consecutive shows at Brixton Academy in aid of former drummer Clive Burr , who had recently announced that he had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis . The band performed two further concerts for Burr 's MS Trust Fund charity in 2005 , and 2007 , before his death in 2013 . Dance of Death and a Matter of Life and Death ( 2003 -- 2007 ) ( edit ) Main articles : Dance of Death ( album ) and A Matter of Life and Death ( album ) Following their Give Me Ed ... ' Til I 'm Dead Tour in the summer of 2003 , Iron Maiden released Dance of Death , their thirteenth studio album , which was met by worldwide critical and commercial success . Produced by Kevin Shirley , now the band 's regular producer , many critics also felt that this release matched up to their earlier efforts , such as Killers , Piece of Mind and The Number of the Beast . As usual , historical and literary references were present , with `` Montségur '' in particular being about the Cathar stronghold conquered in 1244 , and `` Paschendale '' relating to the significant battle which took place during The First World War . During the following tour , the band 's performance at Westfalenhalle , in Dortmund , Germany , was recorded and released in August 2005 as a live album and DVD , entitled Death on the Road . In 2005 , the band announced the Eddie Rips Up the World Tour which , tying in with their 2004 DVD entitled The History of Iron Maiden -- Part 1 : The Early Days , only featured material from their first four albums . As part of this celebration of their earlier years , `` The Number of the Beast '' single was re-released and went straight to No. 3 in the UK Chart . The tour included many headlining stadium and festival dates , including a performance at Ullevi Stadium in Sweden to an audience of almost 60,000 . This concert was also broadcast live on satellite television all over Europe to approximately 60 million viewers . Following this run of European shows , the band co-headlined the US festival tour , Ozzfest , with Black Sabbath , their final performance at which earned international press coverage after their show was sabotaged by singer Ozzy Osbourne 's family , who took offence to Dickinson 's remarks against reality - TV . The band completed the tour by headlining the Reading and Leeds Festivals on the 26 -- 28 August , and the RDS Stadium in Ireland on 31 August . For the second time , the band played a charity show for The Clive Burr MS Trust Fund , this time taking place at the Hammersmith Apollo . The same year , the band were inducted into the Hollywood RockWalk in Sunset Boulevard , Los Angeles . Vocalist Bruce Dickinson during A Matter of Life and Death World Tour . Throughout the tour 's first leg , the band played the A Matter of Life and Death album in its entirety . At the end of 2005 , Iron Maiden began work on A Matter of Life and Death , their fourteenth studio effort , released in autumn 2006 . While not a concept album , war and religion are recurring themes in the lyrics , as well as in the cover artwork . The release was a critical and commercial success , earning the band their first top ten in the Billboard 200 and receiving the Album of the Year award at the 2006 Classic Rock Roll of Honour Awards . A supporting tour followed , during which they played the album in its entirety ; response to this was mixed . The second part of the `` A Matter of Life and Death '' tour , which took place in 2007 , was dubbed `` A Matter of the Beast '' to celebrate the 25th anniversary of The Number of the Beast album , and included appearances at several major festivals worldwide . The tour opened in the Middle East with the band 's first performance in Dubai at the Dubai Desert Rock Festival , after which they played to over 30,000 people at the Bangalore Palace Grounds , marking the first concert by any major heavy metal band in the Indian sub-continent . The band went on to play a string of European dates , including an appearance at Download Festival , their fourth headline performance at Donington Park , to approximately 80,000 people . On 24 June they ended the tour with a performance at London 's Brixton Academy in aid of The Clive Burr MS Trust fund . Somewhere Back in time World tour and Flight 666 ( 2007 -- 2009 ) ( edit ) Main articles : Somewhere Back in Time World Tour and Iron Maiden : Flight 666 On 5 September 2007 , the band announced their Somewhere Back in Time World Tour , which tied in with the DVD release of their Live After Death album . The setlist for the tour consisted of successes from the 1980s , with a specific emphasis on the Powerslave era for set design . The first part of the tour , commencing in Mumbai , India on 1 February 2008 , consisted of 24 concerts in 21 cities , travelling nearly 50,000 miles in the band 's own chartered aeroplane , named `` Ed Force One '' . They played their first ever concerts in Costa Rica and Colombia and their first shows in Australia and Puerto Rico since 1992 . Iron Maiden performing in Toronto during the Somewhere Back in Time World Tour 2008 . The stage set largely emulated that of the World Slavery Tour 1984 -- 85 . The tour led to the release of a new compilation album , entitled Somewhere Back in Time , which included a selection of tracks from their 1980 eponymous debut to 1988 's Seventh Son of a Seventh Son , as well as several live versions from Live After Death . The Somewhere Back in Time World Tour continued with two further legs in the US and Europe in the summer of 2008 , during which the band used a more expansive stage - set , including further elements of the original Live After Death show . With the sole UK concert taking place at Twickenham Stadium , this would be the first time the band would headline a stadium in their own country . The three 2008 legs of the tour were remarkably successful ; it was the second highest grossing tour of the year for a British artist . The last part of the tour took place in February and March 2009 , with the band , once again , using `` Ed Force One '' . The final leg included the band 's first ever appearances in Peru and Ecuador , as well as their return to Venezuela and New Zealand after 17 years . The band also played another show in India ( their third in the country within a span of 2 years ) at the Rock in India festival to a crowd of 20,000 . At their concert in São Paulo on 15 March , Dickinson announced on stage that it was the largest non-festival show of their career , with an overall attendance of 63,000 people . The final leg ended in Florida on 2 April after which the band took a break . Overall , the tour reportedly had an attendance of over two million people worldwide over both years . At the 2009 BRIT Awards , Iron Maiden won the award for best British live act . Voted for by the public , the band reportedly won by a landslide . On 20 January 2009 , the band announced that they were to release a full - length documentary film in select cinemas on 21 April 2009 . Entitled Iron Maiden : Flight 666 , it was filmed during the first part of the Somewhere Back in Time World Tour between February and March 2008 . Flight 666 was co-produced by Banger Productions and was distributed in cinemas by Arts Alliance Media and EMI , with D&E Entertainment sub-distributing in the US . The film went on to have a Blu - ray , DVD and CD release in May and June , topping the music DVD charts in 22 countries . The Final Frontier and Maiden England World tour ( 2010 -- 2014 ) ( edit ) Main articles : The Final Frontier , The Final Frontier World Tour , En Vivo ! ( Iron Maiden album ) , and Maiden England World Tour Following announcements that the band had begun composition of new material and booked studio time in early 2010 with Kevin Shirley producing , The Final Frontier was announced on 4 March . The album , the band 's fifteenth , was released on 16 August , garnering critical acclaim and the band 's greatest commercial success in their history , reaching No. 1 in twenty - eight countries worldwide . Although Steve Harris had been quoted in the past as claiming that the band would only produce fifteen studio releases , band members have since confirmed that there will be at least one further record . The album 's supporting tour saw the band perform 98 shows across the globe to an estimated audience of over 2 million , including their first visits to Singapore , Indonesia and South Korea , before concluding in London on 6 August 2011 . As the tour 's 2010 leg preceded The Final Frontier 's release , the band made `` El Dorado '' available as a free download on 8 June , which would go on to win the award for Best Metal Performance at the 2011 Grammy Awards on 13 February 2011 . It is the band 's first win following two previous Grammy nominations ( `` Fear of the Dark '' in 1994 and `` The Wicker Man '' in 2001 ) . On 15 March , a new compilation to accompany 2009 's Somewhere Back in Time was announced . Entitled From Fear to Eternity , the original release date was set at 23 May but was later pushed back to 6 June . The double disc set covers the period 1990 -- 2010 ( the band 's most recent eight studio albums ) , and , as on Somewhere Back in Time , live versions with Bruce Dickinson were included in place of original recordings which featured other vocalists , in this case Blaze Bayley . In a press release regarding From Fear to Eternity , band manager Rod Smallwood revealed that Iron Maiden will release a new concert video to DVD in 2011 , filmed in Santiago , Chile and Buenos Aires , Argentina during The Final Frontier World Tour . On 17 January 2012 , the band announced that the new release , entitled En Vivo ! , based on footage from the Chile concert , will be made available worldwide on CD , LP , DVD and Blu - ray on 26 March , except the United States and Canada ( where it was released on 27 March ) . In addition to the concert footage , the video release includes an 88 - minute tour documentary , entitled Behind The Beast , containing interviews with the band and their crew . In December 2012 , one song from the release ( `` Blood Brothers '' ) was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Hard Rock / Metal Performance at the 2013 Grammy Awards . On 15 February 2012 , the band announced the Maiden England World Tour 2012 -- 14 , which was based around the video of the same name . The tour commenced in North America in the summer of 2012 and was followed by further dates in 2013 and 2014 , which included the band 's record - breaking fifth headline performance at Donington Park , their first show at the newly built national stadium in Stockholm , a return to the Rock in Rio festival in Brazil , and their debut appearance in Paraguay . In August 2012 , Steve Harris stated that the Maiden England video would be re-issued in 2013 , with a release date later set for 25 March 2013 in DVD , CD and LP formats under the title Maiden England ' 88 . On 11 November 2011 , Universal Music Group agreed to acqure Iron Maiden 's longtime label EMI for £ 1.2 billion . Universal completed the deal in September 2012 , but was required to divest certain record labels to other parties . On 7 February 2013 , Iron Maiden 's catalogue was transferred to EMI 's Parlophone , which Warner Music Group acquired for £ 487 million . One week later , Universal sold Sanctuary Records ( Iron Maiden 's label in the United States ) to BMG Rights Management for £ 40 million . The Book of Souls and Legacy of the Beast ( 2015 -- present ) ( edit ) Main articles : The Book of Souls , The Book of Souls World Tour , and Legacy of the Beast World Tour Following confirmation from the group that 2010 's The Final Frontier would not be their last album , Bruce Dickinson revealed plans for a sixteenth studio record in July 2013 , with a potential release date in 2015 . In February 2015 , drummer Nicko McBrain revealed that a new album had been completed , although the release has been put on hold while Dickinson recovers from treatment for a cancerous tumour found on his tongue . On 15 May , after Dickinson had been given the all - clear , manager Rod Smallwood confirmed that the album would be released in 2015 , although the band will not tour until 2016 to allow Dickinson to recuperate . On 18 June 2015 , the band 's website announced its title , The Book of Souls , and confirmed a release date of 4 September 2015 . A critical and commercial success , it received positive reviews and became the band 's fifth UK No. 1 album . Smith , Harris , Murray and Gers performing in 2017 . The new record was recorded at Guillaume Tell Studios , Paris , which they had previously used for 2000 's Brave New World , with regular producer Kevin Shirley in late summer 2014 . With a total time of 92 minutes , it is the group 's first double studio album . In addition , the release 's closing song , `` Empire of the Clouds '' , penned by Dickinson , surpassed `` Rime of the Ancient Mariner '' ( from 1984 's Powerslave ) as Iron Maiden 's longest song , at 18 minutes in length . A music video for the song `` Speed of Light '' was issued on 14 August . In February 2016 , the band embarked on The Book of Souls World Tour , which saw them play concerts in 35 countries in North and South America , Asia , Australasia , Africa and Europe , including their first ever performances in China , El Salvador and Lithuania . As with 2008 - 09 's Somewhere Back in Time World Tour and 2010 - 11 's The Final Frontier World Tour , the group travelled in a customised aeroplane , flown by Dickinson and nicknamed `` Ed Force One '' , although this time they used a Boeing 747 - 400 jumbo jet . The band completed the tour in 2017 with further European and North American shows . On 20 September 2017 , The Book of Souls : Live Chapter was announced . Recorded throughout The Book of Souls World Tour , it was released on 17 November 2017 . In the summer of 2016 , the group launched a mobile game , Iron Maiden : Legacy of the Beast . Inspired by the game 's title , the band will undertake the Legacy of the Beast World Tour from 2018 to 2019 , commencing with European shows in 2018 . Image and Legacy ( edit ) Iron Maiden were ranked No. 24 in VH1 's `` 100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock '' , No. 4 in MTV 's `` Top 10 Greatest Heavy Metal Bands of All Time '' and No. 3 in VH1 Classic 's `` Top 20 Metal Bands '' . The band also won the Ivor Novello Award for international achievement in 2002 and were inducted into the Hollywood RockWalk whilst touring in the US in 2005 . Iron Maiden frequently use the slogan `` Up the Irons '' in their disc liner notes , and the phrase can also be seen on several T - shirts officially licensed by the band . It is a paraphrase of `` Up the Hammers '' , the phrase which refers to the London football club , West Ham United , of which founder Steve Harris is a fan . Iron Maiden 's mascot , Eddie , is a perennial fixture in the band 's science fiction and horror - influenced album cover art , as well as in live shows . Originally a papier - mâché mask incorporated in their backdrop which would squirt fake blood during their live shows , the name would be transferred to the character featured in the band 's debut album cover , created by Derek Riggs . Eddie was painted exclusively by Riggs until 1992 , at which point the band began using artwork from numerous other artists as well , including Melvyn Grant . Eddie is also featured in the band 's first - person shooter video game , Ed Hunter , as well as their mobile role - playing game , Iron Maiden : Legacy of the Beast , in addition to numerous T - shirts , posters and other band - related merchandise . In 2008 , he was awarded the `` Icon Award '' at the Metal Hammer Golden Gods , while describes him as `` the most recognisable metal icon in the world and one of the most versatile too '' . Iron Maiden 's distinct logo has adorned all of the band 's releases since their debut , 1979 's The Soundhouse Tapes EP . The typeface originates with Vic Fair 's poster design for the 1976 science fiction film , The Man Who Fell to Earth , also used by Gordon Giltrap , although Steve Harris claims that he designed it himself , using his abilities as an architectural draughtsman . Influence on other artists ( edit ) According to Guitar World , Iron Maiden 's music has `` influenced generations of newer metal acts , from legends like Metallica to current stars like Avenged Sevenfold , '' with Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich commenting that he has `` always had an incredible amount of respect and admiration for them . '' Kerry King of Slayer has stated that `` they meant so much to ( him ) in their early days '' and Scott Ian of Anthrax said that `` they had a major impact on ( his ) life . '' M. Shadows of Avenged Sevenfold states that Iron Maiden `` are by far the best live band in the world and their music is timeless '' , while Trivium singer Matt Heafy comments that `` without Iron Maiden , Trivium surely would n't exist '' . Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor says that `` Steve Harris does more with four fingers than I 've ever seen anybody do . And Bruce Dickinson ? Dude ! To me , he was the quintessential old - school heavy metal singer . He could hit notes that were just sick , and he was a great showman . Everything made me a fan . And there was n't a dude that I hung out with that was n't trying to draw Eddie on their schoolbooks '' , while their music also helped Jesper Strömblad of In Flames to pioneer the melodic death metal genre , stating that he had wanted to combine death metal with Iron Maiden 's melodic guitar sounds . Other heavy metal artists who cite the band as an influence include Chris Jericho , lead singer of Fozzy , Cam Pipes , lead vocalist of 3 Inches of Blood , Vitaly Dubinin , bassist of Aria , and Mikael Åkerfeldt , guitarist and lead vocalist of Opeth . Both current and former Dream Theater members John Petrucci , John Myung and Mike Portnoy have stated that Iron Maiden were one of their biggest influences when their band first formed . Appearance in media ( edit ) The band 's name has been mentioned prominently in several songs , such as the singles `` Teenage Dirtbag '' by Wheatus , `` Back to the 80 's '' by Danish dance - pop band Aqua. and `` Fat Lip '' by Sum 41 . Iron Maiden have also been referenced in Weezer 's `` Heart Songs '' ( from their 2008 self - titled `` Red '' album ) , Blues Traveler 's `` Psycho Joe '' ( from 1997 's Straight on till Morning ) , and NOFX 's `` Eddie , Bruce and Paul '' ( from their 2009 album Coaster ) , which Sputnikmusic describes as `` a humorous retelling of Paul DiAnno 's departure '' . In 2008 , Kerrang ! released an album , entitled Maiden Heaven : A Tribute to Iron Maiden , composed of Iron Maiden cover songs played by artists such as Metallica , Machine Head , Dream Theater , Trivium , Coheed and Cambria , Avenged Sevenfold , and others who were influenced by Iron Maiden throughout their careers . In 2010 , Maiden uniteD , an acoustic tribute band consisting of members of Ayreon , Threshold and Within Temptation , released Mind the Acoustic Pieces , a re-interpretation of the entire Piece of Mind album . Many other Iron Maiden cover albums exist ( each featuring various artists ) , including piano , electro , string quartet and hip - hop tributes . Iron Maiden songs have been featured in the soundtracks of several video games , including Carmageddon 2 , Grand Theft Auto : Vice City , Grand Theft Auto : Episodes from Liberty City , Grand Theft Auto IV : The Lost and Damned , Tony Hawk 's Pro Skater 4 , SSX on Tour and Madden NFL 10 . Their music also appears in the Guitar Hero and Rock Band series of rhythmic video games . Iron Maiden songs have also appeared in films , such as Phenomena ( entitled Creepers in the US ) , and Murder by Numbers ; while MTV 's animated duo Beavis and Butt - head have commented favourably on the band several times . Transformers author Bill Forster is an avowed Iron Maiden fan and made several Iron Maiden references , including song lyrics and the phrase `` Up the Irons '' in his books , including The Ark series and The AllSpark Almanac series . Claims of Satanic references ( edit ) In 1982 , the band released one of their most popular , controversial and acclaimed albums , The Number of the Beast . The artwork and title track led to Christian groups in the United States branding the band as Satanists , encouraging people to destroy copies of the release . The band 's manager , Rod Smallwood , later commented that Christians initially burnt the records , but later decided to destroy them with hammers through fear of breathing in the melting vinyl 's fumes . The protests were not restricted to the US , with Christian organisations preventing Iron Maiden from performing in Chile in 1992 . Contrary to the accusations , the band have always denied the notion that they are Satanists , with lead vocalist , Bruce Dickinson , doing so on - stage in the Live After Death concert video . Steve Harris has since commented that , `` It was mad . They completely got the wrong end of the stick . They obviously had n't read the lyrics . They just wanted to believe all that rubbish about us being Satanists . '' Harris has also stated that `` The Number of the Beast '' song was inspired by a nightmare he had after watching Damien : Omen II , and also influenced by Robert Burns ' Tam o ' Shanter . Furthermore , the band 's drummer , Nicko McBrain , has been a born again Christian since 1999 . Ed Force one ( edit ) Iron Maiden 's Boeing 747 - 400 , Ed Force One , as used during The Book of Souls World Tour in 2016 . For their Somewhere Back in Time World Tour in 2008 and 2009 , Iron Maiden commissioned an Astraeus Airlines Boeing 757 as transport . The aeroplane was converted into a combi configuration , which enabled it to carry the band , their crew and stage production , thereby allowing the group to perform in countries which were previously deemed unreachable logistically . It was also repainted with a special Iron Maiden livery , which the airline decided to retain after receiving positive feedback from customers . The aircraft , named `` Ed Force One '' after a competition on the band 's website , was flown by Dickinson , as he was also a commercial airline pilot for Astraeus , and plays a major role in the award - winning documentary , Iron Maiden : Flight 666 , which was released in cinemas in 42 countries in April 2009 . A different aeroplane ( registered G - STRX ) was used for The Final Frontier World Tour in 2011 with altered livery , adopting the artwork of The Final Frontier album , and features heavily in the 2012 documentary `` Behind the Beast '' . For The Book of Souls World Tour in 2016 , the band upgraded to an ex-Air France Boeing 747 - 400 jumbo jet , supplied by Air Atlanta Icelandic ( registered TF - AAK ) and customised by Volga - Dnepr Gulf , which allows for more space without the aircraft having to undergo a significant conversion to carry their equipment . Musical style and influences ( edit ) `` Run to the Hills '' ( 1982 ) `` Run to the Hills '' ( The Number of the Beast ) demonstrates the band 's trademark `` gallop '' riff style . `` Caught Somewhere in Time '' ( 1986 ) `` Caught Somewhere in Time '' ( Somewhere in Time ) . The band 's use of harmonised guitars and usage of `` gallop '' rhythm remains unchanged as synthesisers are added . `` Brave New World '' ( 2000 ) `` Brave New World '' ( Brave New World ) demonstrates the band 's increased use of progressive elements in the latter half of their career . Problems playing these files ? See media help . Steve Harris , Iron Maiden 's bassist and primary songwriter , has stated that his influences include Black Sabbath , Deep Purple , Led Zeppelin , Uriah Heep , Pink Floyd , Genesis , Yes , Jethro Tull , Thin Lizzy , UFO and Wishbone Ash . In 2010 Harris stated , `` I think if anyone wants to understand Maiden 's early thing , in particular the harmony guitars , all they have to do is listen to Wishbone Ash 's Argus album . Thin Lizzy too , but not as much . And then we wanted to have a bit of a prog thing thrown in as well , because I was really into bands like Genesis and Jethro Tull . So you combine all that with the heavy riffs and the speed , and you 've got it . '' In 2004 , Harris explained that the band 's `` heaviness '' was inspired by `` Black Sabbath and Deep Purple with a bit of Zeppelin thrown in . '' On top of this , Harris developed his own playing style , which guitarist Janick Gers describes as `` more like a rhythm guitar , '' cited as responsible for the band 's galloping style , heard in such songs as `` The Trooper '' and `` Run to the Hills . '' The band 's guitarists , Dave Murray , Adrian Smith and Janick Gers , each have their own individual influences and playing style . Dave Murray is known for his legato technique which , he claims , `` evolved naturally . I 'd heard Jimi Hendrix using legato when I was growing up , and I liked that style of playing . '' Stating that he `` was inspired by blues rock rather than metal , '' Adrian Smith was influenced by Johnny Winter and Pat Travers , leading to him becoming a `` melodic player . '' Janick Gers , on the other hand , prefers a more improvised style , largely inspired by Ritchie Blackmore , which he claims is in contrast to Smith 's `` rhythmic '' sound . Singer Bruce Dickinson , who typically works in collaboration with guitarist Adrian Smith , has an operatic vocal style , inspired by Arthur Brown , Peter Hammill , Ian Anderson and Ian Gillan , and is often considered to be one of the best heavy metal vocalists of all time . Although Nicko McBrain has only received one writing credit , on the Dance of Death album , Harris often relies on him while developing songs . Adrian Smith commented , `` Steve loves playing with him . ( They ) used to work for hours going over these bass and drum patterns . '' Throughout their career , the band 's style has remained largely unchanged , in spite of the addition of guitar synthesisers on 1986 's Somewhere in Time , keyboards on 1988 's Seventh Son of a Seventh Son , and an attempt to return to the `` stripped down '' production of their earlier material on 1990 's No Prayer for the Dying . In recent years , however , the band have begun using more progressive elements in their songs , which Steve Harris describes as not progressive `` in the modern sense , but like Dream Theater , more in a 70s way '' . According to Harris , Seventh Son of a Seventh Son was the band 's first album which was `` more progressive '' , while they would only return to this style from 1995 's The X Factor , which he states is `` like an extension of Seventh Son ... , in the sense of the progressive element to it '' . The development contrasts with the band 's raw sounding earlier material , which AllMusic states was `` clearly drawing from elements of punk rock '' , although Harris firmly denies this . Accolades ( edit ) Main article : List of awards and nominations received by Iron Maiden Bandit Rock Awards : 2011 : Best International Live Act 2015 : Best International Live Act 2016 : Best International Album -- The Book of Souls Brit Awards : 2009 : Best British Live Act Classic Rock Roll of Honour Awards : 2006 : Album of the Year -- A Matter of Life and Death 2006 : VIP Award -- Rod Smallwood , Iron Maiden 2009 : Band of the Year 2015 : Album of the Year -- The Book of Souls Echo Music Prize : 2016 : Rock Alternative / International Emma - gaala : 2004 : The audience vote for Best Foreign Artist 2006 : The audience vote for Best Foreign Artist Grammy Awards : 2011 : Grammy Award for Best Metal Performance -- `` El Dorado '' Hollywood 's RockWalk : 2005 : RockWalk of Fame Inductee Ivor Novello Awards : 2002 : International Achievement Juno Awards : 2010 : Juno Award for Music DVD of the Year -- Iron Maiden : Flight 666 ( Sam Dunn and Scott McFadyen ) Kerrang ! Awards : 2005 : Kerrang ! Hall of Fame 2013 : Kerrang ! Inspiration 2016 : Kerrang ! Legend Metal Hammer Golden Gods Awards : 2004 : Best UK Act 2008 : Best UK Band 2008 : Icon Award -- Eddie 2009 : Golden Gods Award 2009 : Best UK Band 2011 : Best UK Band 2012 : Best Event -- Iron Maiden 's UK Tour 2014 : Best UK Band 2016 : Best Album -- The Book of Souls 2017 : Best Game - Iron Maiden : Legacy of the Beast Metal Storm Awards : 2006 : Best Heavy Metal Album -- A Matter of Life and Death 2009 : Best DVD -- Iron Maiden : Flight 666 ' 2010 : Best Video -- `` The Final Frontier '' Silver Clef Award : 2004 : Special Achievement Award 2015 : O2 Silver Clef Award 2015 Rockbjörnen : 2011 : Best Hard Rock Live Act SXSW Film Festival : 2009 : 24 Beats Per Second -- Iron Maiden : Flight 666 Band members ( edit ) For more details on this topic , see List of Iron Maiden band members . Current members Steve Harris -- bass , backing vocals ( 1975 -- present ) , keyboards ( 1988 , 1998 -- present ) Dave Murray -- guitars ( 1976 -- 1977 , 1978 -- present ) Adrian Smith -- guitars , backing vocals ( 1980 -- 1990 , 1999 -- present ) , keyboards ( 1988 ) Bruce Dickinson -- lead vocals ( 1981 -- 1993 , 1999 -- present ) , piano ( 2015 ) Nicko McBrain -- drums , percussion ( 1982 -- present ) Janick Gers -- guitars ( 1990 -- present ) Touring musicians Michael Kenney -- keyboards ( 1988 -- present ) Former members Doug Sampson -- drums , percussion ( 1977 -- 1979 ) Paul Di'Anno -- lead vocals ( 1978 -- 1981 ) Dennis Stratton -- guitars , backing vocals ( 1979 -- 1980 ) Clive Burr -- drums , percussion ( 1979 -- 1982 ) Blaze Bayley -- lead vocals ( 1994 -- 1999 ) Discography ( edit ) Main article : Iron Maiden discography Studio albums Iron Maiden ( 1980 ) Killers ( 1981 ) The Number of the Beast ( 1982 ) Piece of Mind ( 1983 ) Powerslave ( 1984 ) Somewhere in Time ( 1986 ) Seventh Son of a Seventh Son ( 1988 ) No Prayer for the Dying ( 1990 ) Fear of the Dark ( 1992 ) The X Factor ( 1995 ) Virtual XI ( 1998 ) Brave New World ( 2000 ) Dance of Death ( 2003 ) A Matter of Life and Death ( 2006 ) The Final Frontier ( 2010 ) The Book of Souls ( 2015 ) Concert tours ( edit ) Main article : List of Iron Maiden concert tours Duration Concert tour Lineups Dates Vocals Bass Guitars Drums Feb 1980 Metal for Muthas Tour P. Di'Anno S. Harris D. Murray D. Stratton N / A C. Burr 11 Apr -- Dec 1980 Iron Maiden Tour 101 Feb -- Dec 1981 Killer World Tour A. Smith 118 Feb -- Dec 1982 The Beast on the Road B. Dickinson 184 May -- Dec 1983 World Piece Tour N. McBrain 139 Aug 1984 -- Jul 1985 World Slavery Tour 187 Sep 1986 -- May 1987 Somewhere on Tour 151 Apr -- Dec 1988 Seventh Tour of a Seventh Tour 98 Sep 1990 -- Sep 1991 No Prayer on the Road J. Gers 106 Jun -- Nov 1992 Fear of the Dark Tour 65 Mar -- Aug 1993 Real Live Tour 45 Sep 1995 -- Sep 1996 The X Factour B. Bayley 128 Apr -- Dec 1998 Virtual XI World Tour 81 Jul -- Oct 1999 The Ed Hunter Tour B. Dickinson A. Smith 28 Jun 2000 -- Jan 2001 Brave New World Tour 81 May -- Aug 2003 Give Me Ed ... ' Til I 'm Dead Tour 55 Oct 2003 -- Feb 2004 Dance of Death World Tour 52 May -- Sep 2005 Eddie Rips Up the World Tour 42 Oct 2006 -- Jun 2007 A Matter of Life and Death Tour 57 Feb 2008 -- Apr 2009 Somewhere Back in Time World Tour 90 Jun 2010 -- Aug 2011 The Final Frontier World Tour 98 Jun 2012 -- Jul 2014 Maiden England World Tour 100 Feb 2016 -- Jul 2017 The Book of Souls World Tour 117 May -- Aug 2018 Legacy of the Beast World Tour 37 * * Further dates to be confirmed See also ( edit ) Heavy metal portal Iron Maiden portal Book : Iron Maiden List of artists who reached number one on the UK Singles Chart List of new wave of British heavy metal bands List of bands and artists from England List of songs recorded by Iron Maiden List of Iron Maiden tribute albums The Iron Maidens Notes ( edit ) Citations ( edit ) Jump up ^ Phillips & Cogan 2009 , p. 117 . Jump up ^ Green 2010 . Jump up ^ Smith 2009 . Jump up ^ Thring 2017 . Jump up ^ Johnson 2017 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 29 ; Bushell & Halfin 1985 , p. 9 . Jump up ^ Barton 1979 . ^ Jump up to : EMI 2004 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 29 . ^ Jump up to : Wall 2004 , p. 32 . ^ Jump up to : Wall 2004 , p. 33 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 44 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 46 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 23 . ^ Jump up to : Wall 2004 , p. 48 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 50 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 52 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 54 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 53 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 64 . ^ Jump up to : Wall 2004 , p. 66 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 67 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , pp. 104 -- 105 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 83 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 103 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 102 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 104 - 105 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 108 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , pp. 163 -- 164 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 121 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 123 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 137 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 139 ; Saulnier 2012 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 143 . Jump up ^ Roland 2013 . Jump up ^ Hinchcliffe 1999 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 183 . Jump up ^ Brannigan . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 145 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 181 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 300 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 251 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 194 . ^ Jump up to : Wall 2004 , p. 219 . ^ Jump up to : Wall 2004 , p. 218 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 217 . Jump up ^ Dome 2014 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 227 . ^ Jump up to : Wall 2004 , p. 228 . Jump up ^ Shooman 2007 , p. 82 . Jump up ^ Pfanner 2010 . ^ Jump up to : Young ( 1 ) . ^ Jump up to : Eagle Vision 2001 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 233 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , pp. 232 -- 233 . Jump up ^ Marlow 2011 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 246 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 247 . Jump up ^ Billboard . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 245 . ^ Jump up to : Wall 2004 , p. 253 . Jump up ^ Stenning 2006 , p. 102 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 257 . ^ Jump up to : EMI 2008 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 258 . Jump up ^ Stenning 2006 , p. 104 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 255 . Jump up ^ Huey ( 3 ) . ^ Jump up to : Wall 2004 , p. 260 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 261 . ^ Jump up to : Popoff & 2005 ( d ) . ^ Jump up to : Wall 2004 , p. 265 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 263 . Jump up ^ RIAA . ^ Jump up to : Wall 2004 , p. 269 . Jump up ^ UK Rock Festivals . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 272 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 266 ; Johnson 1988 . Jump up ^ Gennet 2010 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 273 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 281 . ^ Jump up to : Wall 2004 , p. 285 . ^ Jump up to : Wall 2004 , p. 283 . ^ Jump up to : Prato . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 282 . ^ Jump up to : Wall 2004 , p. 289 . ^ Jump up to : Wall 2004 , p. 291 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 293 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 296 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 297 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 298 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 301 . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 302 . Jump up ^ Stagno & 2006 ( b ) . Jump up ^ Wall 2004 , p. 313 . ^ Jump up to : Wall 2004 , p. 311 . Jump up ^ Paterson 2009 , p. 44 . Jump up ^ Popoff & 2005 ( b ) . 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Metal Hammer presents : Iron Maiden 30 Years of Metal Mayhem : 43 . Popoff , Martin ( 2005 ) . `` The X Offender '' . Metal Hammer presents : Iron Maiden 30 Years of Metal Mayhem : 63 . Popoff , Martin ( 2005 ) . `` Maiden at the Movies '' . Metal Hammer presents : Iron Maiden 30 Years of Metal Mayhem : 104 -- 105 . Popoff , Martin ( 2005 ) . `` Commercial Break ! '' . Metal Hammer presents : Iron Maiden 30 Years of Metal Mayhem : 108 -- 109 . Popoff , Martin ( 2013 ) . 2 Minutes to Midnight : An Iron Maiden Day - by - Day . Backbeat Books . ISBN 1 - 617 - 13565 - 8 . Prato , Greg . `` Iron Maiden -- No Prayer for the Dying '' . AllMusic . Rovi Corporation . Retrieved 19 November 2011 . `` RIAA Searchable database -- Gold and Platinum '' . Recording Industry Association of America . Archived from the original on 4 September 2015 . Retrieved 30 March 2008 . Rocha , Pedro ( 16 October 2012 ) . `` Rock in Rio 2013 terá Springsteen , Metallica e Iron Maiden '' . Jornal do Brasil ( in Portuguese ) . Rio de Janeiro . Archived from the original on 18 October 2012 . Retrieved 17 October 2012 . `` Iron Maiden : All Songs by Artist '' . Rock Band . Archived from the original on 4 March 2011 . Retrieved 24 September 2011 . `` Grammy Awards : Best Metal Performance '' . Rock on the Net . Retrieved 8 March 2009 . `` The Lost and Damned soundtrack '' . Rockstar Games . Retrieved 24 September 2011 . Roland , Driadonna ( 13 March 2013 ) . `` Ex-Iron Maiden Drummer Clive Burr Dead at 56 '' . MTV . Retrieved 13 May 2013 . Rosen , Jeremy ( 7 December 2011 ) . `` The 50 Greatest Metal Front - men of All Time ! '' . Roadrunner Records . Retrieved 1 August 2010 . Iron Maiden : Rock in Rio ( DVD ) . Sanctuary. 10 June 2002 . `` Iron Maiden honoured with Ivor Novello award '' . Sanctuary Group . 18 September 2002 . Archived from the original ( Official Website ) on 10 March 2007 . Retrieved 11 October 2006 . Sands , Katie ( 12 February 2016 ) . `` Iron Maiden plane Ed Force One is coming to Cardiff '' . Wales Online . Media Wales . Retrieved 21 February 2016 . Saulnier , Jason ( 30 April 2010 ) . `` Blaze Bayley Interview : Iron Maiden Singer talks Wolfsbane '' . Music Legends . Retrieved 24 May 2013 . Saulnier , Jason ( 22 November 2012 ) . `` Paul Di'Anno Interview '' . Music Legends . Retrieved 6 May 2013 . Sexton , Paul ( 11 September 2015 ) . `` Iron Maiden Earns Fifth No. 1 Album in U.K. With The Book of Souls '' . Billboard . Retrieved 12 September 2015 . Shooman , Joe ( 2007 ) . Bruce Dickinson : Flashing Metal with Iron Maiden and Flying Solo . Independent Music Press . ISBN 0 - 9552822 - 4 - 1 Smith , Matt ( 21 April 2009 ) . `` Award Winning Iron Maiden Film Hits Cinemas '' . BSkyB . Retrieved 26 November 2011 ... largely without the help of radio airplay or the mainstream media . Soto , Jobana ( 1 December 2008 ) . `` Iron Maiden to perform in Lima March 2009 '' . Living in Peru . Retrieved 6 December 2008 . `` Biography : Sum 41 '' . Sputnikmusic . Retrieved 16 October 2011 . `` Iron Maiden : US Tour Dates '' . Sputnikmusic. 29 March 2008 . Retrieved 20 November 2011 . Stagno , Mike ( 11 June 2006 ) . `` Iron Maiden -- Virtual XI '' . Sputnikmusic . Retrieved 28 January 2012 . Stagno , Mike ( 2 August 2006 ) . `` Iron Maiden : The X Factor ( Review ) '' . Sputnikmusic . Retrieved 28 February 2012 ... the often criticised Blaze Bayley himself . With his lower vocal range , he may not have been able to sing the old Iron Maiden classics as well as Bruce ... Stenning , Paul ( 2006 ) . Iron Maiden : 30 Years of the Beast -- The Complete Unauthorised Biography . Chrome Dreams . ISBN 1 - 84240 - 361 - 3 . Sullivan , Caroline ( 24 August 2005 ) . `` The revenge of Sharon Osbourne '' . The Guardian . London . `` Iron Maiden -- Virtual XI Worldwide Charts '' . Sverigetopplistan . . Retrieved 11 April 2012 . Tez , Mehmet ( 26 July 2013 ) . `` Bir Bruce Dickinson röportajı : `` Iron Maiden'ın farklı dİn ve kültürlerden İnsanları bİrleştİren yanını sevİyorum '' `` . Hafif Müzik ( in Turkish ) . Retrieved 27 February 2015 . Thomas , Adam ( 29 April 2009 ) . `` NOFX - Coaster '' . Sputnikmusic . Retrieved 16 October 2011 . `` Iron Maiden live at Twickenham '' . Thrash Hits. 28 July 2007 . Retrieved 12 October 2008 . `` Metal Hammer awards 2008 winners '' . Thrash Hits. 17 June 2008 . Retrieved 1 September 2011 . Thring , Oliver ( 15 October 2017 ) . `` Bruce Dickinson : ' Iron Maiden 's Bruce Dickinson - a man child in satan 's sweet shop ' '' . The Sunday Times . London . Retrieved 31 October 2017 . `` Donington -- Iron Maiden '' . UK Rock Festivals . Retrieved 12 October 2009 . `` Iron Maiden Releasing En Vivo ! Blu - Ray , 2DVD and Soundtrack '' . UpVenue. 17 January 2012 . Retrieved 17 January 2012 . Carmen Electra ( host ) ( 11 August 2005 ) . `` VH1 's 100 Greatest Hard Rock Artists '' . The Greatest . VH1 . `` VH1 Classic 's Top 20 Metal Bands '' . 25 December 2006 . VH1 Classic . Missing or empty series = ( help ) Dunn , McFadyen ( creators , directors ) ( 10 December 2011 ) . `` New Wave of British Heavy Metal '' . Metal Evolution . VH1 Classic . Vincentelli , Elisabeth ( 31 December 2006 ) . `` Whole Albums in Concert '' . The New York Times . Retrieved 1 January 2009 . `` Volga - Dnepr Gulf has successfully released the unique customized aircraft for Iron Maiden rock - band '' . Volga - Dnepr Airlines . 1 March 2016 . Retrieved 3 March 2016 . Vulliamy , Ed ( 22 April 2007 ) . `` Maiden India '' . The Guardian . London . Retrieved 8 January 2012 . Wall , Mick ( 2004 ) . Iron Maiden : Run to the Hills , the Authorised Biography ( third ed . ) . Sanctuary Publishing . ISBN 1 - 86074 - 542 - 3 . Walker , Jen ( 9 June 2016 ) . `` Kerrang ! Awards 2016 : The Winners ! '' . Kerrang ! . Archived from the original on 9 June 2016 . Retrieved 19 June 2016 . Wardlaw , Matt . `` Top 10 Beavis And Butthead Classic Rock Song Commentaries '' . Ultimate Classic Rock . Retrieved 20 December 2011 . Wejbro , Sandra ( 31 August 2011 ) . `` Bästa liveakt hårdrock : Iron Maiden '' ( in Swedish ) . Aftonbladet . Retrieved 1 September 2011 . Wilde , Jon ( 6 June 2008 ) . `` He ai n't heavy he 's your captain '' . Daily Mail . London . Retrieved 23 June 2011 . Williams , Scott ( 31 August 2005 ) . `` Iron Maiden Reading 2005 Review '' . . Retrieved 11 October 2006 . `` Emman historia '' ( in Finnish ) . YLE . Retrieved 4 September 2011 . Young , Simon . `` Raising Hell '' . Kerrang ! Legends ( 2 ) : 32 . Young , Simon . `` Iron Men '' . Kerrang ! Legends ( 2 ) : 90 -- 93 . External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : Iron Maiden Wikimedia Commons has media related to Iron Maiden . Wikimedia Commons has media related to Ed Force One . Official website Iron Maiden Steve Harris Dave Murray Adrian Smith Bruce Dickinson Nicko McBrain Janick Gers Doug Sampson Paul Di'Anno Dennis Stratton Clive Burr Blaze Bayley ( details ) Studio albums Iron Maiden Killers The Number of the Beast Piece of Mind Powerslave Somewhere in Time Seventh Son of a Seventh Son No Prayer for the Dying Fear of the Dark The X Factor Virtual XI Brave New World Dance of Death A Matter of Life and Death The Final Frontier The Book of Souls Live albums Live After Death A Real Live One A Real Dead One Live at Donington Maiden England A Real Live Dead One Rock in Rio BBC Archives Beast over Hammersmith Death on the Road Flight 666 En Vivo ! The Book of Souls : Live Chapter Extended plays The Soundhouse Tapes Live ! ! + one Maiden Japan No More Lies Compilations Best of the Beast Ed Hunter Best of the ' B ' Sides Edward the Great The Essential Iron Maiden Somewhere Back in Time From Fear to Eternity Box sets The First Ten Years Eddie 's Head Eddie 's Archive Video albums Live at the Rainbow Video Pieces Behind the Iron Curtain Live After Death 12 Wasted Years Maiden England The First Ten Years ( From There to Eternity ) Donington Live 1992 Raising Hell Classic Albums : Iron Maiden -- The Number of the Beast Rock in Rio Visions of the Beast The History of Iron Maiden -- Part 1 : The Early Days Death on the Road Flight 666 En Vivo ! The Book of Souls : Live Chapter Singles `` Running Free '' `` Sanctuary '' `` Women in Uniform '' `` Twilight Zone '' `` Purgatory '' `` Run to the Hills '' `` The Number of the Beast '' `` Flight of Icarus '' `` The Trooper '' `` 2 Minutes to Midnight '' `` Aces High '' `` Wasted Years '' `` Stranger in a Strange Land '' `` Can I Play with Madness '' `` The Evil That Men Do '' `` The Clairvoyant ( live ) '' `` Infinite Dreams ( live ) '' `` Holy Smoke '' `` Bring Your Daughter ... to the Slaughter '' `` Be Quick or Be Dead '' `` From Here to Eternity '' `` Wasting Love '' `` Fear of the Dark ( live ) '' `` Hallowed Be Thy Name ( live ) '' `` Man on the Edge '' `` Lord of the Flies '' `` Virus '' `` The Angel and the Gambler '' `` Futureal '' `` The Wicker Man '' `` Out of the Silent Planet '' `` Wildest Dreams '' `` Rainmaker '' `` The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg '' `` Different World '' `` El Dorado '' `` Speed of Light '' `` Empire of the Clouds '' Other songs `` Satellite 15 ... The Final Frontier '' Tours Supporting `` Metal for Muthas Tour '' `` British Steel Tour '' `` Unmasked Tour '' `` World Wide Blitz Tour '' `` Blackout Tour '' `` Special Forces Tour '' Headlining `` Iron Maiden Tour '' `` Killer World Tour '' `` The Beast on the Road '' `` World Piece Tour '' `` World Slavery Tour '' `` Somewhere on Tour '' `` Seventh Tour of a Seventh Tour '' `` No Prayer on the Road '' `` Fear of the Dark Tour '' `` Real Live Tour '' `` The X Factour '' `` Virtual XI World Tour '' `` The Ed Hunter Tour '' `` Brave New World Tour '' `` Give Me Ed ... ' Til I 'm Dead Tour '' `` Dance of Death World Tour '' `` Eddie Rips Up the World Tour '' `` A Matter of Life and Death Tour '' `` Somewhere Back in Time World Tour '' `` The Final Frontier World Tour '' `` Maiden England World Tour '' `` The Book of Souls World Tour '' `` Legacy of the Beast World Tour '' Related Articles Members Discography Tours Songs Awards and nominations Eddie Tribute albums Bands Urchin Psycho Motel Samson The Entire Population of Hackney The Iron Maidens People Kevin Shirley Derek Riggs Rod Smallwood Andy Taylor Martin Birch Book Portal VIAF : 141909049 LCCN : n91119210 ISNI : 0000 0001 2324 5420 GND : 5232500 - 3 SUDOC : 052494608 BNF : cb13904134p ( data ) MusicBrainz : ca891d65 - d9b0 - 4258 - 89f7 - e6ba29d83767 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Iron Maiden ( band ) English heavy metal musical groups Musical groups established in 1975 Musical groups from London Brit Award winners Grammy Award winners Ivor Novello Award winners Kerrang ! Awards winners 1975 establishments in England EMI Records artists Universal Music Group artists Capitol Records artists Epic Records artists Harvest Records artists Parlophone artists Hidden categories : Articles with hCards Articles with hAudio microformats CS1 Lithuanian - language sources ( lt ) CS1 Swedish - language sources ( sv ) CS1 Spanish - language sources ( es ) Articles with Spanish - language external links CS1 German - language sources ( de ) CS1 Portuguese - language sources ( pt ) CS1 uses Russian - language script ( ru ) CS1 Russian - language sources ( ru ) Articles with inconsistent citation formats CS1 Turkish - language sources ( tr ) Pages with citations lacking titles CS1 Finnish - language sources ( fi ) Commons category with local link different than on Wikidata Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia Good articles Use dmy dates from August 2016 EngvarB from January 2017 Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Alemannisch Ænglisc Aragonés Asturianu Azərbaycanca বাংলা Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ Български Bosanski Brezhoneg Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Emiliàn e rumagnòl Español Esperanto Estremeñu Euskara فارسی Føroyskt Français Furlan Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hornjoserbsce Hrvatski Ido Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa Kalaallisut ქართული Latina Latviešu Lëtzebuergesch Lietuvių Magyar Македонски മലയാളം Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча Polski Português Română Русский Scots Sicilianu Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Basa Sunda Suomi Svenska தமிழ் Татарча / tatarça ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt West - Vlams Zazaki 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 19 December 2017 , at 12 : 02 . 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where does the name iron maiden come from
Iron Maiden were formed on Christmas Day in 1975 by bassist Steve Harris shortly after he left his previous group , Smiler . Harris attributes the band 's name to a film adaptation of The Man in the Iron Mask from the novel by Alexandre Dumas , the title of which reminded him of the iron maiden torture device . After months of rehearsal , Iron Maiden made their debut at St. Nicks Hall in Poplar on 1 May 1976 , before taking up a semi-residency at the Cart and Horses Pub in Maryland Point , Stratford .
Orange County Choppers - wikipedia Orange County Choppers hide This article has multiple issues . Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page . ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages ) This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( September 2012 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) This article includes a list of references , but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations . Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. ( April 2010 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Orange County Choppers Type Privately held company Industry Motorcycle customizer Founded 1999 Headquarters Town of Newburgh , Orange County , New York 41 ° 30 ′ 18 '' N 74 ° 04 ′ 44 '' W  /  41.50499 ° N 74.078933 ° W  / 41.50499 ; - 74.078933 Products Custom motorcycles Number of employees 70 Website Orange County Choppers World Headquarters near Newburgh . Orange County Choppers ( OCC ) is a motorcycle manufacturer and lifestyle brand company based in the town of Newburgh , located in Orange County , New York , that was founded in 1999 by Paul Teutul Sr. , The company was featured on American Chopper , a reality TV show that debuted in September 2002 on the Discovery Channel . The series moved to Discovery Channel 's sister channel TLC in 2007 . Following cancellation of the Discovery series , the company was also featured on Orange County Choppers on the CMT network in 2013 . ' ' Orange County Choppers ' ' returned to Discovery Channel on March 1 2018 for a premier viewing of their reboot of American Chopper . The full series is set to start on May 28 2018 . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Key on air personnel 2.1 Former on air personnel 3 Bikes 4 Music 5 Orange County Choppers MotoCoaster 6 Popular meme 7 Notes 8 References 9 External links History ( edit ) This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( December 2011 ) In the late 1990s , Paul Teutul Sr. began manufacturing custom motorcycles as an extension of his steel business ( OC Iron Works ) , and in 1999 he founded Orange County Choppers . The company 's first bike , `` True Blue , '' was debuted at the 1999 Daytona Biketoberfest . Key on air personnel ( edit ) Paul Teutul Sr. -- Founder / owner / CEO Rick Petko -- Designer / senior fabricator Jason Pohl -- Senior designer Former on air personnel ( edit ) Paul Teutul Jr. -- former minority owner / chief designer and fabricator Vincent DiMartino -- mechanic / assembler ( Resigned in 2007 ) Cody Connelly -- mechanic / assembler ( Resigned in 2007 ) Jim `` JQ '' Quinn -- Engineer / Machinist Bikes ( edit ) Main article : Orange County Choppers bikes OCC is known for building custom theme bikes featured on American Chopper . Additionally , OCC launched a limited edition production line of motorcycles in July 2007 , priced beginning at $31,000 . One of OCC 's most popular bikes is The Fire Bike , to commemorate the New York firefighters who lost their lives on 9 / 11 . The bike itself has been modeled after a fire truck , and an actual steel rivet from the World Trade Center has been integrated into the bike itself , mounted atop the bike 's gas tank . Paul Jr. stated that the bike was named `` 343 '' , the number of New York firefighters who gave their lives on 9 / 11 . The popularity of American Chopper led the United States Air Force to commission a $150,000 `` Air Force Bike '' , first put on public display in March 2005 . The motorcycle is ten feet long and is modeled after the F - 22 Raptor , complete with Air Force symbol rims , riveted gas tank , Raptor exhausts and rear view mirrors in the shape of jets . Music ( edit ) Orange County Choppers held a series of free music performances within the retail store . P.O.D. , Candlebox , Saliva , Red , 10 Years , Fair to Midland , and Framing Hanley have performed . On April 25 , 2009 , Smile Empty Soul and Earshot performed to celebrate the decade of the company 's work . Additionally , OCC in October in conjunction with RED / Sony released a classic rock compilation CD featuring some of Paul Sr. 's favorite songs titled OCC Rocks . The CD also includes original music from The OCC Band , which features four of the shop 's employees . Black Label Society performed a concert in the retail store to promote their album Order of the Black . Orange County Choppers MotoCoaster ( edit ) The MotoCoaster is a Zamperla built motorbike themed roller coaster installed at Darien Lake theme park in Darien Lake , NY . It was the first motorbike roller coaster to be installed in the United States , though the Pony Express , a similar model of coaster with horse themed trains , was erected Knott 's Berry Farm . The MotoCoaster is the same model as the prototype located outside Zamperla 's factory in Italy . The MotoCoaster opened in May 2008 with Orange County Choppers securing the naming rights . The MotoCoaster is located near the Darien Square area of the park , between Boomerang and Twister . Orange County Choppers built a custom motorcycle inspired by the ride and the park . The coaster was originally named the Orange County Choppers Motocoaster when it first opened in 2008 . However , the name was changed to the MotoCoaster in 2010 after the naming rights with OCC expired . Popular meme ( edit ) A popular internet meme , started in 2011 and based on the show , became widely popular on social media in early 2018 . The meme consists of five panels depicting a dispute between Paul Sr. and his son Paul Jr . In the original scene , Paul Sr. shouts at Paul Jr. for being late to work and Paul Jr. shouts back , throws a chair , and then eventually storms away . In the meme , users enter the dialogue of the five panels to create a dispute over any issue . Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` BLACK LABEL SOCIETY Performance To Be Filmed For Upcoming Episode Of ' American Chopper ' '' . . Archived from the original on 22 August 2010 . Retrieved 18 August 2010 . Jump up ^ `` The American Chopper meme , explained '' . Vox . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 11 . Jump up ^ `` There Is No Debate , The `` American Chopper '' Argument Meme Is Undeniably Funny `` . BuzzFeed . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 11 . References ( edit ) Applebome , Peter ( December 25 , 2005 ) , `` Our Towns ; Just Regular Hard - Working Guys , Welding Their Way to TV Fame '' , The New York Times , retrieved 2010 - 04 - 05 Eyvazzadeh , Dave ( September 18 , 2009 ) , `` OCC Goes Green With a Hybrid Chopper '' , Wired , retrieved 2010 - 04 - 05 Kelly , Howard ; Lichter , Michael ; James , Jesse ; Leno , Jay ( 2009 ) , S&S Cycle Presents Today 's Top Custom Bike Builders , MBI Pub. Co. and Motorbooks , ISBN 978 - 0 - 7603 - 3603 - 8 McGregor , Ewan ; Boorman , Charley ; Uhlig , Robert ( 2005 ) , Long Way Round : Chasing Shadows Across the World , Simon & Schuster , pp. 234 -- 296 , ISBN 0 - 7434 - 9934 - 4 Marshall , Alexandra ( 21 September 2003 ) , `` Born To Be Mild '' , The New York Times , retrieved 2010 - 04 - 05 Murphy , Meghan E. ( March 27 , 2010 ) , `` Choppers ' Paul Jr. ordered to stay away from the shop '' , Times Herald - Record , Middletown , New York , retrieved 2010 - 04 - 05 Scheller , William G. ( 2005 ) , American Chopper / Orange County Choppers : The Fine Art of the Custom Motorcycle , Hugh Lauter Levin Associates , ISBN 0 - 88363 - 117 - 2 Weichselbaum , Simone ( August 13 , 2009 ) , `` Charged up hog 's mean & green : Orange County Choppers unveils custom - built electric motorcycle '' , New York Daily News , retrieved 2010 - 04 - 05 External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Orange County Choppers . Official website Orange County Choppers on CMT Darien Lake Roller coasters Boomerang : Coast to Coaster Batman The Escape Hoot N Holler Mind Eraser Moto Coaster The Predator Ride Of Steel Tantrum The Viper Attractions Shipwreck Falls Former attractions Nightmare at Phantom Cave American Chopper Companies Orange County Choppers ( OCC ) Paul Jr . Designs ( PJD ) Main Cast Paul Teutul Sr . Paul Teutul Jr . Michael Teutul Jason Pohl Mike Rowe ( narrator ; 2002 - 2007 ) Vincent DiMartino ( 2003 -- 2007 , 2010 ) Cody Connelly ( 2003 -- 2007 , 2011 ) Episodes Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Pilots & Specials Season 7 ( Sr vs. Jr ) Bikes Orange County Choppers bikes Motorcycle marques of the United States Current Alligator ATK Birmingham ( Motus ) Boss Hoss Brammo Cleveland CycleWerks Confederate Electric Moto Fischer Harley - Davidson Highland Indian Marine Turbine Technologies MotoCzysz Rokon Victory Z Electric Vehicle Zero Motorcycles Defunct Ace Allstate / Sears American IronHorse Bi-Autogo Big Dog Buell California Cleveland ( 1915 -- 1929 ) Crocker Cushman Cyclone Excelsior Excelsior - Henderson Flying Merkel Gelbke Henderson Hodaka Iver Johnson Johnson Motor Wheel Mustang Penton Pierce - Arrow Ridley Riverside / Montgomery Ward Roehr Simplex Thor Vectrix Wagner Motorcycle Company Whizzer Yankee Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Motorcycle manufacturers of the United States Companies based in Orange County , New York American Chopper Vehicle manufacturing companies established in 1999 CMT ( U.S. TV channel ) television series Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from September 2012 All articles needing additional references Articles lacking in - text citations from April 2010 All articles lacking in - text citations Articles with multiple maintenance issues Pages using deprecated image syntax Articles to be expanded from December 2011 All articles to be expanded Articles using small message boxes Talk Contents About Wikipedia Български Čeština Deutsch Français Italiano Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский Slovenčina Suomi Svenska Türkçe Українська 7 more Edit links This page was last edited on 14 July 2018 , at 07 : 47 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
where is orange county choppers located in new york
Orange County Choppers ( OCC ) is a motorcycle manufacturer and lifestyle brand company based in the town of Newburgh , located in Orange County , New York , that was founded in 1999 by Paul Teutul Sr. , The company was featured on American Chopper , a reality TV show that debuted in September 2002 on the Discovery Channel . The series moved to Discovery Channel 's sister channel TLC in 2007 . Following cancellation of the Discovery series , the company was also featured on Orange County Choppers on the CMT network in 2013 . ' ' Orange County Choppers ' ' returned to Discovery Channel on March 1 2018 for a premier viewing of their reboot of American Chopper . The full series is set to start on May 28 2018 .
My Girl ( the Temptations song ) - wikipedia My Girl ( the Temptations song ) This article is about the Temptations song . For the Chilliwack song , see My Girl ( Gone , Gone , Gone ) . This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( February 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) `` My Girl '' U.S. single picture sleeve Single by The Temptations B - side `` ( Talking ' Bout ) Nobody But My Baby '' Released December 21 , 1964 ( 1964 - 12 - 21 ) Format 7 - inch single Recorded September 25 , November 10 & 17 , 1964 Studio Hitsville USA ( Studio A ) , Detroit , Michigan Genre Soul R&B Length 2 : 55 Label Gordy Songwriter ( s ) Smokey Robinson Ronald White Producer ( s ) Smokey Robinson Ronald White The Temptations singles chronology `` Girl ( Why You Wanna Make Me Blue ) '' ( 1964 ) `` My Girl '' ( 1964 ) `` It 's Growing '' ( 1965 ) `` My Girl '' is a soul music song recorded by the Temptations for the Gordy ( Motown ) record label . Written and produced by the Miracles members Smokey Robinson and Ronald White , the song became the Temptations ' first U.S. number - one single , and is today their signature song . Robinson 's inspiration for writing this song was his wife , Miracles member Claudette Rogers Robinson . The song was included on the Temptations 1965 album The Temptations Sing Smokey . In 2018 , it was selected for preservation in the National Recording Registry by the Library of Congress as being `` culturally , historically , or artistically significant . '' Contents 1 Recording and release 2 Reception 3 Personnel 4 Chart history 4.1 Weekly charts 4.2 Year - end charts 5 Other renditions 6 See also 7 References 8 External links Recording and release ( edit ) The recorded version of `` My Girl '' was the first Temptations single to feature David Ruffin on lead vocals . Previously , Eddie Kendricks and Paul Williams had performed most of the group 's lead vocals , and Ruffin had joined the group as a replacement for former Temptation Elbridge Bryant . While on tour as part of the Motortown Revue , a collective tour for most of the Motown roster , Smokey Robinson caught the Temptations ' part of the show . The group had included a medley of soul standards in the show , one of which , the Drifters ' `` Under the Boardwalk '' , was a solo spot for Ruffin . Impressed , Robinson decided to produce a single with Ruffin singing lead . Robinson saw Ruffin as a `` sleeping giant '' in the group with a unique voice that was `` mellow '' yet `` gruff '' . Robinson thought that if he could write just the perfect song for Ruffin 's voice , then he could have a smash hit . The song was to be something that Ruffin could `` belt out '' yet something that was also `` melodic and sweet '' . After some persuasion from Ruffin 's bandmates , Robinson had the Temptations record `` My Girl '' instead of the Miracles , who were originally to record the song , and recruited Ruffin to sing the lead vocals . According to Robinson , he allowed the group to create their own background vocals `` because they were so great at background vocals '' . The signature guitar riff heard during the introduction and under the verses was played by Robert White of the Funk Brothers . This part can be heard without vocals on the 2004 deluxe edition of the soundtrack from the 2002 documentary Standing in the Shadows of Motown . `` My Girl '' was later sampled for `` Stay , '' a single from the Temptations ' 1998 album Phoenix Rising . The single was re-released in 1992 , following the November 1991 release of the film of the same name , which featured the song . It did not reach the Billboard charts , but did reach number two in the UK Singles Chart . Reception ( edit ) `` My Girl '' climbed to the top of the U.S. pop charts after its Christmas time 1964 release , making it the Temptations ' first number - one hit . The single was also the first number - one hit on the reinstated Billboard R&B Singles chart , which had gone on a fifteen - month hiatus from 1963 to 1965 . The single also gave the Gordy label its first number one on the Hot 100 . The Temptations were the first Motown act to earn a Grammy . In 2004 , `` My Girl '' was ranked number 88 on Rolling Stone 's list of `` The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time '' . Personnel ( edit ) David Ruffin -- lead vocals Eddie Kendricks -- backing vocals Melvin Franklin -- backing vocals Paul Williams -- backing vocals Otis Williams -- backing vocals William `` Smokey '' Robinson -- writer , producer Ronald White -- writer , producer Paul Riser -- arrangement The Funk Brothers -- instrumentation Robert White -- guitar James Jamerson -- bass Benny Benjamin -- drums Detroit Symphony Orchestra -- strings Chart history ( edit ) Weekly charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1964 -- 65 ) Peak position Canada RPM Top Singles 8 UK 43 U.S. Billboard Hot 100 U.S. Billboard Hot R&B Singles U.S. Cash Box Top 100 Chart ( 1992 ) Peak position Ireland ( IRMA ) UK Year - end charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1965 ) Rank U.S. Billboard Hot 100 10 U.S. Cash Box 16 Other renditions ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( April 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) `` My Girl '' US promotional single ( 1972 ) Single by Otis Redding from the album Otis Blue B - side `` Down in the Valley '' Released 1965 ( 1965 ) Format 7 - inch single ( UK ) Recorded 1965 Studio Stax , Memphis , Tennessee Genre Soul Length 2 : 54 Label Atlantic ( UK ) Songwriter ( s ) Smokey Robinson Ronald White Producer ( s ) Otis Redding , Jim Stewart Steve Cropper The Stax Staff In 1965 , Otis Redding brought a traditional blues flavor to the song . Produced by Steve Cropper , it was released on Redding 's album Otis Blue : Otis Redding Sings Soul . His version was not released as a single in the US , but Atlantic issued it in the UK to capitalize on the relative lack of success by the Temptations ' original version , and Redding 's cover eventually peaked at number 11 . In 1988 , Suave had a Top 40 Pop hit and Top 10 R&B hit with the song . R&B / soul group the Whispers covered the song in a disco style for their eponymous 1979 album . It was subsequently released as a single , and ( despite missing the US Charts completely ) was a Top 30 hit in the UK , reaching number 26 . See also ( edit ) List of Billboard Hot 100 number - one singles of 1965 List of number - one R&B singles of 1965 ( U.S. ) References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` National Recording Registry Reaches 500 '' . Library of Congress . March 21 , 2018 . Retrieved March 21 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Blair , Elizabeth . `` My Girl '' . NPR . Retrieved 2009 - 06 - 24 . Jump up ^ Whitburn , Joel ( 2004 ) . Top R&B / Hip - Hop Singles : 1942 -- 2004 . Record Research . p. 803 . Jump up ^ Bronson , Fred ( Nov 7 , 1998 ) . `` The Temptations '' . Billboard -- the International Newsweekly of Music , Video and Home Entertainment . 110 ( 45 ) : 26 . Jump up ^ Zimmerman , Lee ( Mar 2015 ) . `` THE DARK SIDE OF MOTOWN '' . Goldmine. 41 ( 3 ) : 42 -- 44 , 46 . Jump up ^ `` The Rolling Stone 500 Greatest Songs of All Time '' . Rolling Stone . Retrieved 2007 - 03 - 07 . Jump up ^ `` Item Display - RPM - Library and Archives Canada '' . 1965 - 03 - 01 . Retrieved 2018 - 07 - 09 . Jump up ^ Cash Box Top 100 Singles , February 27 , 1965 Jump up ^ `` The Irish Charts -- Search Results -- My Girl '' . Irish Singles Chart . Retrieved July 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Cash Box Year - End Charts : Top 100 Pop Singles , December 25 , 1965 External links ( edit ) Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics The Temptations Otis Williams Ron Tyson Terry Weeks Larry Braggs Willie Green Melvin Franklin Eddie Kendricks Paul Williams Elbridge Bryant David Ruffin Dennis Edwards Ricky Owens Richard Street Damon Harris Glenn Leonard Louis Price Ali - Ollie Woodson Theo Peoples Harry McGilberry Barrington `` Bo '' Henderson Ray Davis G.C. Cameron Joe Herndon Bruce Williamson Studio albums Meet the Temptations The Temptations Sing Smokey The Temptin ' Temptations Gettin ' Ready The Temptations with a Lot o ' Soul The Temptations Wish It Would Rain Cloud Nine Puzzle People Psychedelic Shack Sky 's the Limit Solid Rock All Directions Masterpiece A Song for You House Party Wings of Love The Temptations Do the Temptations Bare Back Hear to Tempt You Power The Temptations Reunion Surface Thrills Back to Basics Truly for You Touch Me To Be Continued ... Together Again Special Milestone Phoenix Rising Ear - Resistible Awesome Legacy Still Here Cover albums The Temptations in a Mellow Mood For Lovers Only Reflections Back to Front Live albums Temptations Live ! Live at the Copa Live at London 's Talk of the Town The Temptations in Japan Other albums Diana Ross & the Supremes Join The Temptations TCB The Temptations Show Together On Broadway The Temptations Christmas Card Give Love at Christmas Lost and Found : You 've Got to Earn It ( 1962 -- 1968 ) Compilations Greatest Hits Greatest Hits II Anthology Emperors of Soul The Ultimate Collection My Girl : The Very Best of the Temptations Psychedelic Soul Singles ( US / UK Top 10 ) `` My Girl '' `` Get Ready '' `` Ai n't Too Proud to Beg '' `` Beauty Is Only Skin Deep '' `` ( I Know ) I 'm Losing You '' `` All I Need '' `` You 're My Everything '' `` I Wish It Would Rain '' `` I Could Never Love Another ( After Loving You ) '' `` Cloud Nine '' `` I 'm Gonna Make You Love Me '' `` Run Away Child , Running Wild '' `` I Ca n't Get Next to You '' `` Psychedelic Shack '' `` Ball of Confusion ( That 's What the World Is Today ) '' `` Just My Imagination ( Running Away with Me ) '' `` Papa Was a Rollin ' Stone '' `` Masterpiece '' `` Let Your Hair Down '' `` Happy People '' `` Shakey Ground '' `` Treat Her Like a Lady '' `` The Motown Song '' `` My Girl '' ( reissue ) Related The Temptations ( miniseries ) Discography The Supremes The Undisputed Truth Smokey Robinson Norman Whitfield Barrett Strong Sly Stone George Clinton Book The Temptations singles discography 1960s `` Oh Mother of Mine '' ( 1961 ) `` Check Yourself '' ( 1961 ) `` ( You 're My ) Dream Come True '' ( 1962 ) `` Mind Over Matter ( I 'm Gonna Make You Mine ) '' ( 1962 ) `` Paradise '' ( 1962 ) `` I Want a Love I Can See '' ( 1963 ) `` Farewell My Love '' ( 1963 ) `` The Way You Do the Things You Do '' ( 1964 ) `` I 'll Be in Trouble '' ( 1964 ) / `` The Girl 's Alright with Me '' ( 1964 ) `` Girl ( Why You Wanna Make Me Blue ) '' ( 1964 ) `` My Girl '' ( 1964 ) `` It 's Growing '' ( 1965 ) `` Since I Lost My Baby '' ( 1965 ) / `` You 've Got to Earn It '' ( 1965 ) `` My Baby '' ( 1965 ) / `` Do n't Look Back '' ( 1965 ) `` Get Ready '' ( 1966 ) `` Ai n't Too Proud to Beg '' ( 1966 ) `` Beauty Is Only Skin Deep '' ( 1966 ) `` ( I Know ) I 'm Losing You '' ( 1966 ) `` All I Need '' ( 1967 ) `` You 're My Everything '' ( 1967 ) / `` I 've Been Good To You '' ( 1967 ) `` ( Loneliness Made Me Realize ) It 's You That I Need '' ( 1967 ) `` I Wish It Would Rain '' ( 1968 ) / `` I Truly , Truly Believe '' ( 1968 ) `` I Could Never Love Another ( After Loving You ) '' ( 1968 ) `` Please Return Your Love to Me '' ( 1968 ) `` Cloud Nine '' ( 1968 ) `` Rudolph the Red - Nosed Reindeer '' ( 1968 ) / `` Silent Night '' ( 1968 ) `` I 'm Gonna Make You Love Me '' ( 1969 ) `` Runaway Child , Running Wild '' ( 1969 ) `` I 'll Try Something New '' ( 1969 ) `` Do n't Let the Joneses Get You Down '' ( 1969 ) `` I Second That Emotion '' ( 1969 ) `` I Ca n't Get Next to You '' ( 1969 ) `` The Weight '' ( 1969 ) 1970s `` Psychedelic Shack '' ( 1970 ) `` Why ( Must We Fall in Love ) '' ( 1970 ) `` Ball of Confusion ( That 's What the World Is Today ) '' ( 1970 ) `` Ungena Za Ulimwengu ( Unite the World ) '' ( 1970 ) / `` Hum Along and Dance '' ( 1970 ) `` Just My Imagination ( Running Away with Me ) '' ( 1971 ) `` It 's Summer '' ( 1971 ) `` Superstar ( Remember How You Got Where You Are ) '' ( 1971 ) `` Take a Look Around '' ( 1972 ) `` Mother Nature '' ( 1972 ) / `` Funky Music Sho Nuff Turns Me On '' ( 1972 ) `` Papa Was a Rollin ' Stone '' ( 1972 ) `` Masterpiece '' ( 1973 ) `` Plastic Man '' ( 1973 ) `` Hey Girl ( I Like Your Style ) '' ( 1973 ) `` Law of the Land '' ( 1973 ) `` Let Your Hair Down '' ( 1973 ) `` Heavenly '' ( 1974 ) `` You 've Got My Soul on Fire '' ( 1974 ) `` Happy People '' ( 1974 ) `` Shakey Ground '' ( 1975 ) `` Glasshouse '' ( 1975 ) `` Keep Holdin ' On '' ( 1976 ) `` Up the Creek ( Without a Paddle ) '' ( 1976 ) `` Who are You ( and What are You Doing the Rest of Your Life ) '' ( 1976 ) `` In a Lifetime '' ( 1977 ) `` Think for Yourself '' ( 1977 ) `` Bare Back '' ( 1978 ) `` Ever Ready Love '' ( 1978 ) 1980s `` Power '' ( 1980 ) `` Struck By Lightning Twice '' ( 1980 ) `` Aiming At Your Heart '' ( 1981 ) `` Oh What A Night '' ( 1981 ) `` Standing On The Top - Pt. 1 '' ( 1982 ) `` More On The Inside '' ( 1982 ) `` Money 's Hard To Get '' ( 1982 ) `` Love On My Mind Tonight '' ( 1983 ) `` Surface Thrills '' ( 1983 ) `` Miss Busy Body ( Get Your Body Busy ) '' ( 1983 ) `` Sail Away '' ( 1984 ) `` Treat Her Like a Lady '' ( 1984 ) `` My Love Is True ( Truly For You ) '' ( 1985 ) `` How Can You Say That It 's Over '' ( 1985 ) `` Do You Really Love Your Baby '' ( 1985 ) `` Deeper Than Love '' ( 1985 ) `` Touch Me '' ( 1986 ) `` I 'm Fascinated '' ( 1986 ) `` A Fine Mess '' ( 1986 ) `` My Girl '' ( re-issue ) ( 1986 ) `` Lady Soul '' ( 1986 ) `` To Be Continued ... '' ( 1986 ) `` Someone '' ( 1987 ) `` I Wonder Who She 's Seeing Now '' ( 1987 ) `` Papa Was a Rollin ' Stone '' ( re-issue ) ( 1987 ) `` Look What You Started '' ( 1987 ) `` Do You Wanna Go With Me '' ( 1988 ) `` All I Want From You '' ( 1989 ) `` Special '' ( 1989 ) `` Loveline '' ( 1989 ) 1990s `` Soul to Soul '' ( 1990 ) `` One Step At A Time ( Remix ) '' ( 1990 ) `` The Motown Song '' ( 1991 ) `` The Jones '' ( 1991 ) `` My Girl '' ( re-issue ) ( 1992 ) `` Hoops of Fire '' ( 1992 ) `` Error of Our Ways '' ( 1994 ) `` Silent Night '' ( 1995 ) `` Stay '' ( 1998 ) `` This is My Promise '' ( 1998 ) `` How Could He Hurt You '' ( 1999 ) 2000s `` I 'm Here '' ( 2000 ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1964 singles 1965 singles 1992 singles The Temptations songs Motown singles Otis Redding songs Glen Campbell songs Atco Records singles Billboard Hot 100 number - one singles Billboard Hot R&B / Hip - Hop Songs number - one singles Songs written by Smokey Robinson Songs written by Ronald White Song recordings produced by Smokey Robinson Gordy Records singles 1964 songs The Rolling Stones songs Stevie Wonder songs Michael Jackson songs United States National Recording Registry recordings Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from February 2018 All articles needing additional references Articles with hAudio microformats Articles with unsourced quotes Singlechart usages for Ireland2 Singlechart called without artist Articles needing additional references from April 2016 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from August 2018 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Dansk Deutsch Español Français Italiano Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk nynorsk Português Русский Tiếng Việt 4 more Edit links This page was last edited on 1 October 2018 , at 00 : 53 ( UTC ) . 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when did my girl by the temptations come out
`` My Girl '' U.S. single picture sleeve Single by The Temptations B - side `` ( Talking ' Bout ) Nobody But My Baby '' Released December 21 , 1964 ( 1964 - 12 - 21 ) Format 7 - inch single Recorded September 25 , November 10 & 17 , 1964 Studio Hitsville USA ( Studio A ) , Detroit , Michigan Genre Soul R&B Length 2 : 55 Label Gordy Songwriter ( s ) Smokey Robinson Ronald White Producer ( s ) Smokey Robinson Ronald White The Temptations singles chronology `` Girl ( Why You Wanna Make Me Blue ) '' ( 1964 ) `` My Girl '' ( 1964 ) `` It 's Growing '' ( 1965 )
1924 Winter Olympics - wikipedia 1924 Winter Olympics Jump to : navigation , search This article includes a list of references , but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations . Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations . ( January 2012 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) I Olympic Winter Games Poster for the 1924 Winter Olympic Games Host city Chamonix , France Nations participating 16 Athletes participating 258 Events 16 in 6 sports ( 9 disciplines ) Opening ceremony January 25 Closing ceremony February 5 Officially opened by Gaston Vidal Athlete 's Oath Camille Mandrillon Stadium Stade Olympique Winter St Moritz 1928 > Summer < Antwerp 1920 Paris 1924 > The 1924 Winter Olympics , officially known as the I Olympic Winter Games ( French : Les Iers Jeux olympiques d'hiver ) , were a winter multi-sport event which was held in 1924 in Chamonix , France . Originally called Semaine Internationale des Sports d'Hiver ( `` International Winter Sports Week '' ) and held in association with the 1924 Summer Olympics , the sports competitions were held at the foot of Mont Blanc in Chamonix , and Haute - Savoie , France between January 25 and February 5 , 1924 . The Games were organized by the French Olympic Committee , and were in retrospect designated by the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) as the I Olympic Winter Games . The tradition of holding the Winter Olympics in the same year as the Summer Olympics would continue until 1992 , after which the current practice of holding a Winter Olympics in the second year after each Summer Olympics began . Although Figure Skating had been an Olympic event in both London and Antwerp , and Ice Hockey had been an event in Antwerp , the winter sports had always been limited by the season . In 1921 , at the convention of the IOC in Lausanne , there was a call for equality for winter sports , and after much discussion it was decided to organize an `` international week of winter sport '' in 1924 in Chamonix . Contents ( hide ) 1 Highlights 1.1 Day 2 1.2 Day 4 1.3 Day 6 1.4 Day 8 1.5 Day 10 1.6 Epilogue 2 Events 3 Venues 4 Participating nations 4.1 Number of athletes by National Olympic Committees 5 Medal count 6 See also 7 Notes 8 References 9 External links Highlights ( edit ) Day 2 ( edit ) The first gold medal awarded in the Olympic Winter games was won by Charles Jewtraw of the United States in the 500 - meter speed skate . Day 4 ( edit ) Sonja Henie , at just eleven years old , skates in the ladies ' figure skating competition . Although she finishes last , she becomes popular with fans , and will take the gold at the next three Winter Olympics . Day 6 ( edit ) Finding himself in a unique situation , the figure skater Gillis Grafström is the first one ever to successfully defend his Summer Olympics title at the Winter Olympics . Day 8 ( edit ) The Canadian ice - hockey team finished their qualifying round with 3 wins , scoring a total of 85 goals against Switzerland , Czechoslovakia , and Sweden without surrendering even a single goal against . Day 10 ( edit ) Finding themselves in the same situation Gillis Grafström , the Canadian ice - hockey team is the last ever to successfully defend its Summer Olympics title at the Winter Olympics . Canada would dominate ice hockey in early Olympic competition , winning six of the first seven gold medals awarded . Epilogue ( edit ) At the closing of the games a prize was awarded for a sport that did not lend itself very well for tournaments : Pierre de Coubertin presented a prize for ' alpinisme ' ( mountaineering ) to Charles Granville Bruce , the leader of the expedition that tried to climb Mount Everest in 1922 . For the first time in the history of the modern Olympics , the host country , in this case , France , failed to win any gold medals , finishing with three bronze medals . This feat would later occur at the next Winter Olympics in St. Moritz where Switzerland won only a single bronze medal , the lowest ever output by a host nation at an Olympics . Later host nations to finish without gold medals included Canada at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal and 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary and Yugoslavia at the 1984 Winter Olympics in Sarajevo . In 1925 , the IOC decided to organize Olympic Winter Games every four years , independent of the Olympic Games proper , and recognized the International Winter Sports Week as the first Olympic Winter games in retrospect . In 1974 the final individual medal of Chamonix 1924 was presented . Anders Haugen , who until then had been recorded as finishing fourth in the ski jumping event , received a bronze medal . After fifty years an error had been discovered in the score of Thorleif Haug . In 2006 , the IOC confirmed that the awarded medals to 1924 curling teams were official . The IOC verified that curling was officially part of the program , after the Glasgow Herald newspaper filed a claim on behalf of the families of the team . Events ( edit ) Medals were awarded in 16 events contested in 5 sports ( 9 disciplines ) . Many sources do not list curling and the military patrol , or list them as demonstration events . However , no such designation was made in 1924 . In February 2006 the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) ruled that curling was a full part of the Olympic program , and have included the medals awarded in the official count . Bobsleigh ( 1 ) ( details ) Curling ( 1 ) ( details ) Ice hockey ( 1 ) ( details ) Skating Figure skating ( 3 ) ( details ) Speed skating ( 5 ) ( details ) Nordic skiing ( details ) Military patrol ( 1 ) ( details ) Cross-country skiing ( 2 ) ( details ) Nordic combined ( 1 ) ( details ) Ski jumping ( 1 ) ( details ) Venues ( edit ) Main article : Venues of the 1924 Winter Olympics La Piste de Bobsleigh des Pellerins -- Bobsleigh Le Tremplin Olympique du Mont -- Ski jumping , Nordic combined ( ski jumping ) Stade Olympique de Chamonix -- Cross-country skiing , Curling , Figure skating , Ice hockey , Military patrol , Nordic combined ( cross-country skiing ) , and Speed skating Participating nations ( edit ) Athletes from 16 nations competed in the first Winter Olympic Games . Germany was banned from competing in the games , and instead hosted a series of games called Deutsche Kampfspiele . ( hide ) Participating National Olympic Committees Austria ( 4 ) Belgium ( 18 ) Canada ( 12 ) Czechoslovakia ( 27 ) Finland ( 17 ) France ( 43 ) ( host ) Great Britain ( 44 ) Hungary ( 4 ) Italy ( 23 ) Latvia ( 2 ) Norway ( 14 ) Poland ( 7 ) Sweden ( 31 ) Switzerland ( 30 ) United States ( 24 ) Yugoslavia ( 4 ) Estonia speed skater Christfried Burmeister was also in the list of participants but the message about his withdrawal was n't sent to the organizers . Number of athletes by National Olympic Committees ( edit ) ( show ) IOC Country Athletes GBR Great Britain 44 FRA France 43 SWE Sweden 31 SUI Switzerland 30 TCH Czechoslovakia 27 USA United States 24 ITA Italy 23 BEL Belgium 18 FIN Finland 17 NOR Norway 14 CAN Canada 12 POL Poland 7 AUT Austria HUN Hungary YUG Yugoslavia LAT Latvia Total 258 Medal count ( edit ) Main article : 1924 Winter Olympics medal table Rank Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total Norway 7 6 17 Finland 11 Austria 0 Switzerland 0 5 United States 6 Great Britain 7 Sweden 0 8 Canada 0 0 9 France ( host nation ) 0 0 10 Belgium 0 0 Total 16 16 17 49 See also ( edit ) Olympics portal 1900 Summer Olympics -- Paris 1924 Summer Olympics -- Paris List of IOC country codes Other Olympic Games celebrated in France Olympic Games Winter Olympic Games 1968 Winter Olympics -- Grenoble 1992 Winter Olympics -- Albertville Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ The official website of the Olympic Movement now treats Men 's Military Patrol at the 1924 games as an event within the sport of Biathlon . However the 1924 Official Report treats it as an event and discipline within what was then called Skiing and is now called Nordic Skiing . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` 1924 Winter Olympics -- Medals , Posters and Bobsleighs '' . My Art Deco Style . Retrieved 25 February 2014 . Jump up ^ Thompson , Anna ( 9 February 2006 ) . `` GB curlers awarded belated gold '' . . BBC Sport . Retrieved 23 January 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Biathlon Results - Chamonix 1924 '' . International Olympic Committee . Retrieved 17 February 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Olympic Games Medals , Chamonix 1924 '' . International Olympic Committee . Retrieved 17 February 2014 . Jump up ^ Official Report ( 1924 ) , p 646 : Le Programme ... II . -- Epreuves par équipes - 12 . Ski : Course militaire ( 20 à 30 kilomètres , avec tir ) . ( The Programme ... II . -- Team events - 12 . Skiing : Military Race ( 20 to 30 kilometres , with shooting ) ) . Jump up ^ Official Report ( 1924 ) , p 664 : CONCOURS DE SKI - Jurys - COURSE MILITAIRE . ( Skiing Competitions - Juries - Military Race ) Jump up ^ `` I taliolümpiamängud Chamonix 1924 ( 25 . jaanuar -- 5 . veebruar ) '' ( in Estonian ) . Postimees. 2006 - 01 - 18 . Archived from the original on 2012 - 09 - 12 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to 1924 Winter Olympics . `` Chamonix 1924 '' . . International Olympic Committee . `` Results and Medalists '' . . International Olympic Committee . Official Report ( 1924 ) of both Summer and Winter games : ( ed . ) M. Avé , Comité Olympique Français . Les Jeux de la VIII Olympiade Paris 1924 -- Rapport Officiel ( PDF ) ( in French ) . Paris : Librairie de France . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 5 May 2011 . Retrieved 7 May 2011 . CS1 maint : Extra text : authors list ( link ) 1924 Olympic Curling Medals Count : CBC News February 8 , 2006 Olympic Games in Chamonix 1.924 The program of the 1924 Chamonix Winter Olympics New sporting event Winter Olympics I Olympic Winter Games ( 1924 ) Succeeded by St. Moritz Olympic Games Ceremonies Charter Participating nations Summer Olympics Winter Olympics Host cities Bids Venues IOC NOCs Country codes Medal Medal tables Medalists Ties Diploma Scandals and controversies Colonialism Doping Sports Symbols Torch relays Pierre de Coubertin medal Women Deaths WWI Summer Games 1896 Athens 1900 Paris 1904 St. Louis 1908 London 1912 Stockholm 1916 Berlin 1920 Antwerp 1924 Paris 1928 Amsterdam 1932 Los Angeles 1936 Berlin 1940 Tokyo 1944 London 1948 London 1952 Helsinki 1956 Melbourne 1960 Rome 1964 Tokyo 1968 Mexico City 1972 Munich 1976 Montreal 1980 Moscow 1984 Los Angeles 1988 Seoul 1992 Barcelona 1996 Atlanta 2000 Sydney 2004 Athens 2008 Beijing 2012 London 2016 Rio de Janeiro 2020 Tokyo 2024 Paris 2028 Los Angeles 2032 TBD Winter Games 1924 Chamonix 1928 St. Moritz 1932 Lake Placid 1936 Garmisch - Partenkirchen 1940 Sapporo 1944 Cortina d'Ampezzo 1948 St. Moritz 1952 Oslo 1956 Cortina d'Ampezzo 1960 Squaw Valley 1964 Innsbruck 1968 Grenoble 1972 Sapporo 1976 Innsbruck 1980 Lake Placid 1984 Sarajevo 1988 Calgary 1992 Albertville 1994 Lillehammer 1998 Nagano 2002 Salt Lake City 2006 Turin 2010 Vancouver 2014 Sochi 2018 Pyeongchang 2022 Beijing 2026 TBD 2030 TBD Ancient Olympic Games Intercalated Games 1906 Paralympic Games Youth Olympic Games Events at the 1924 Winter Olympics ( Chamonix ) Bobsleigh Cross-country skiing Curling Figure skating Ice hockey Military patrol Nordic combined Ski jumping Speed skating Nations at the 1924 Winter Olympics in Chamonix , France Austria Belgium Canada Czechoslovakia Finland France Great Britain Hungary Italy Latvia Norway Poland Switzerland Sweden United States Yugoslavia Venues of the 1924 Winter Olympics La Piste de Bobsleigh des Pellerins Le Tremplin Olympique du Mont Stade Olympique de Chamonix VIAF : 266661525 GND : 4333034 - 4 Olympics portal France portal Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1924 Winter Olympics Olympic Games in France Winter Olympics by year 1924 in multi-sport events 1924 in French sport First events January 1924 sports events February 1924 sports events Winter sports competitions in France Hidden categories : CS1 Estonian - language sources ( et ) Articles lacking in - text citations from January 2012 All articles lacking in - text citations CS1 maint : Extra text : authors list CS1 French - language sources ( fr ) Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans Аҧсшәа Aragonés Azərbaycanca বাংলা Bân - lâm - gú Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) ‎ Български Bosanski Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Frysk Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Ido Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית Қазақша Кыргызча Latina Latviešu Lëtzebuergesch Lietuvių Magyar Македонски मराठी Bahasa Melayu Монгол Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Occitan Олык марий Polski Português Română Русский Саха тыла Scots Shqip Sicilianu සිංහල Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Татарча / tatarça ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 粵語 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 25 October 2017 , at 14 : 57 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
when did the first winter olympic games take place
The 1924 Winter Olympics , officially known as the I Olympic Winter Games ( French : Les Iers Jeux olympiques d'hiver ) , were a winter multi-sport event which was held in 1924 in Chamonix , France . Originally called Semaine Internationale des Sports d'Hiver ( `` International Winter Sports Week '' ) and held in association with the 1924 Summer Olympics , the sports competitions were held at the foot of Mont Blanc in Chamonix , and Haute - Savoie , France between January 25 and February 5 , 1924 . The Games were organized by the French Olympic Committee , and were in retrospect designated by the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) as the I Olympic Winter Games .
The Godfather - wikipedia The Godfather Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the 1972 film . For the novel on which the film is based , see The Godfather ( novel ) . For male godparent in many Christian traditions , see Godfather . The Godfather Theatrical release poster Directed by Francis Ford Coppola Produced by Albert S. Ruddy Screenplay by Mario Puzo Francis Ford Coppola Based on The Godfather by Mario Puzo Starring Marlon Brando Al Pacino James Caan Richard Castellano Robert Duvall Sterling Hayden John Marley Richard Conte Diane Keaton Music by Nino Rota Cinematography Gordon Willis Edited by William Reynolds Peter Zinner Production company Alfran Productions Distributed by Paramount Pictures Release date March 15 , 1972 ( 1972 - 03 - 15 ) ( Loew 's State Theatre ) March 24 , 1972 ( 1972 - 03 - 24 ) ( United States ) Running time 177 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $6 -- 7 million Box office $245.1 million The Godfather is a 1972 American crime film directed by Francis Ford Coppola and produced by Albert S. Ruddy , based on Mario Puzo 's best - selling novel of the same name . It stars Marlon Brando and Al Pacino as the leaders of a fictional New York crime family . The story , spanning 1945 to 1955 , chronicles the family under the patriarch Vito Corleone ( Brando ) , focusing on the transformation of Michael Corleone ( Pacino ) from reluctant family outsider to ruthless mafia boss . Paramount Pictures obtained the rights to the novel for the price of $80,000 , before it gained popularity . Studio executives had trouble finding a director ; their first few candidates turned down the position . They and Coppola disagreed over who would play several characters , in particular , Vito and Michael . Filming was done on location and completed earlier than scheduled . The musical score was composed primarily by Nino Rota with additional pieces by Carmine Coppola . The film was the highest - grossing film of 1972 and was for a time the highest - grossing film ever made . It won the Oscars for Best Picture , Best Actor ( Brando ) and Best Adapted Screenplay ( for Puzo and Coppola ) . Its seven other Oscar nominations included Pacino , James Caan , and Robert Duvall for Best Supporting Actor and Coppola for Best Director . The Godfather is widely regarded as one of the greatest films in world cinema and one of the most influential , especially in the gangster genre . It was selected for preservation in the U.S. National Film Registry of the Library of Congress in 1990 , being deemed `` culturally , historically , or aesthetically significant '' and is ranked the second - greatest film in American cinema ( behind Citizen Kane ) by the American Film Institute . It was followed by sequels The Godfather Part II ( 1974 ) and The Godfather Part III ( 1990 ) . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Production 3.1 Development 3.2 Direction 3.2. 1 Coppola and Paramount 3.3 Writing 3.4 Casting 3.5 Filming 3.6 Music 4 Release 4.1 Box office 4.2 Critical response 4.3 Accolades 4.3. 1 American Film Institute recognition 5 Cinematic influence 5.1 Popular culture and legacy 5.2 Television 6 Home media 6.1 The Godfather : The Coppola Restoration 6.2 Video game 7 See also 8 Notes 9 References 10 Bibliography 11 External links Plot ( edit ) In 1945 , at his daughter Connie 's wedding , Vito Corleone hears requests in his role as the Godfather , the Don of a New York crime family . Vito 's youngest son , Michael , who was a Marine during World War II , introduces his girlfriend , Kay Adams , to his family at the reception . Johnny Fontane , a famous singer and Vito 's godson , seeks Vito 's help in securing a movie role ; Vito dispatches his consigliere , Tom Hagen , to Los Angeles to persuade the obnoxious studio head Jack Woltz , into giving Johnny the part . Woltz refuses until he wakes up in bed with the severed head of his prized stallion . Shortly before Christmas , drug baron Virgil `` The Turk '' Sollozzo , backed by the Tattaglia crime family , asks Vito for investment in his narcotics business and protection through his political connections . Wary of involvement in a dangerous new trade that risks alienating political insiders , Vito declines . Suspicious , Vito sends his enforcer , Luca Brasi , to spy on them . However , a Tattaglia button man garrotes Brasi during Brasi 's first meeting with Bruno Tattaglia and Sollozzo . Later Sollozzo has Vito gunned down in the street , then kidnaps Hagen . With Corleone first - born Sonny in command , Sollozzo pressures Hagen to persuade Sonny to accept Sollozzo 's deal , then releases him . The family receives fish wrapped in Brasi 's bullet - proof vest , indicating that Luca `` sleeps with the fishes . '' Vito survives , and at the hospital Michael thwarts another attempt on his father ; Michael 's jaw is broken by NYPD Captain Marc McCluskey , Sollozzo 's bodyguard . Sonny retaliates with a hit on Bruno Tattaglia . Michael plots to murder Sollozzo and McCluskey : on the pretext of settling the dispute , Michael agrees to meet them in a Bronx restaurant . There , retrieving a planted handgun , he kills both men . Despite a clampdown by the authorities , the Five Families erupt in open warfare and Vito 's sons fear for their safety . Michael takes refuge in Sicily and Fredo is sheltered by Moe Greene in Las Vegas . Sonny attacks his brother - in - law Carlo on the street for abusing his sister and threatens to kill him if it happens again . When it does , Sonny speeds to their home , but is ambushed at a highway toll booth and riddled with submachine gun fire . While in Sicily , Michael meets and marries Apollonia Vitelli , but a car bomb intended for him takes her life . Devastated by Sonny 's death , Vito moves to end the feuds . Realizing that the Tattaglias are controlled by the now - dominant Don Emilio Barzini , Vito assures the Five Families that he will withdraw his opposition to their heroin business and forgo avenging his son 's murder . His safety guaranteed , Michael returns home to enter the family business and marry Kay , who gives birth to two children by the early 1950s . With his father at the end of his career and his brother too weak , Michael takes the family reins , promising his wife the business will be legitimate within five years . To that end , he insists Hagen relocate to Las Vegas and relinquish his role to Vito because Tom is not a `` wartime consigliere '' ; Vito agrees Tom should `` have no part in what will happen '' in the coming battles with rival families . When Michael travels to Las Vegas to buy out Greene 's stake in the family 's casinos , their partner derides the Corleones for being run out of New York ; Michael is dismayed to see that Fredo has fallen under Greene 's sway . Vito suffers a fatal heart attack . At the funeral , Tessio , a Corleone capo , asks Michael to meet with Don Barzini , signalling the betrayal that Vito had forewarned . The meeting is set for the same day as the christening of Connie 's baby . While Michael stands at the altar as the child 's godfather , Corleone assassins murder the other New York dons and Moe Greene . Tessio is executed for his treachery and Michael extracts Carlo 's confession to his complicity in setting up Sonny 's murder for Barzini . A Corleone capo , Clemenza , garrotes Carlo with a wire . Connie accuses Michael of the murder , telling Kay that Michael ordered all the killings . Kay is relieved when Michael finally denies it , but , when the capos arrive , they address her husband as Don Corleone , and she watches as they close the door on her . Cast ( edit ) Al Pacino as Michael Corleone Marlon Brando as Vito Corleone Marlon Brando , in the title role , is Vito Corleone ( born Vito Andolini ) , the Don of the Corleone crime family . A native Sicilian , he is married to Carmela Corleone and the father of Tom ( adoptive ) , Sonny , Fredo , Michael , and Connie . Al Pacino as Michael Corleone , the Don 's third son , recently returned from World War II . The only college - educated family member , he is initially steered from the family business . His progression from the family 's last - born son to its ruthless boss is the main subject matter of the film . James Caan as Santino `` Sonny '' Corleone , Don Corleone 's hot - headed eldest son . As underboss , he is the heir - apparent to succeed his father as head of the Corleone family . Robert Duvall as Tom Hagen , Don Corleone 's informally adopted son , he is the family lawyer and consigliere . Unlike the Corleones , he is of German - Irish descent , not Sicilian . Diane Keaton as Kay Adams - Corleone , Michael 's non-Italian girlfriend and his second wife and mother of his two children . John Cazale as Frederico `` Fredo '' Corleone , the middle son of the Corleone family . Deeply insecure and not very bright , he is considered the weakest Corleone brother . Talia Shire as Constanzia `` Connie '' Corleone , the youngest child and only daughter of the Corleone family . Her wedding reception begins the film . Gianni Russo as Carlo Rizzi , Connie 's abusive husband . Introduced to the Corleone family by Sonny , whom he ultimately betrays to the Barzini family . Richard S. Castellano as Peter Clemenza , a caporegime for the Corleone family . He is an old friend of Vito Corleone and Salvatore Tessio . Abe Vigoda as Salvatore Tessio , a caporegime for the Corleone family . He is an old friend of Vito Corleone and Peter Clemenza . Al Lettieri as Virgil `` The Turk '' Sollozzo , a heroin dealer associated with the Tattaglia family . He seeks both financial investment and the protection of the Tattaglia family 's narcotics business through Don Corleone 's political connections . Sterling Hayden as Captain Mark McCluskey , a corrupt NYPD police captain on Sollozzo 's payroll . Lenny Montana as Luca Brasi , Vito Corleone 's enforcer . Richard Conte as Emilio Barzini , Don of the Barzini family . Al Martino as Johnny Fontane , a world - famous singer and Vito 's godson . The character is loosely based on Frank Sinatra . John Marley as Jack Woltz , a powerful Hollywood producer . Alex Rocco as Moe Greene , a longtime associate of the Corleone family who owns a Las Vegas hotel . The character is based on Bugsy Siegel . Morgana King as Carmela Corleone , Vito 's wife and mother of Sonny , Fredo , Michael , and Connie , and adoptive mother to Tom Hagen . Salvatore Corsitto as Amerigo Bonasera , a mortician who , in the opening scene , asks Don Corleone for revenge against two boys who severely beat and attempted to rape his daughter . Corrado Gaipa as Don Tommasino , an old friend of Vito Corleone , who shelters Michael during his exile in Sicily . Franco Citti as Calò , Michael 's bodyguard in Sicily . Angelo Infanti as Fabrizio , Michael 's bodyguard in Sicily . He helped set up the assassination attempt on Michael that kills Apollonia . Johnny Martino as Paulie Gatto , a soldier under Peter Clemenza and Vito 's driver . He is executed for his part in the assassination attempt on Vito . Victor Rendina as Philip Tattaglia , Don of the Tattaglia family . Tony Giorgio as Bruno Tattaglia , Philip Tattaglia 's son and underboss of the Tattaglia family . Sonny Corleone has him assassinated in retaliation for the shooting of Vito Corleone . Simonetta Stefanelli as Apollonia Vitelli - Corleone , a young woman Michael meets and marries while in Sicily . She is killed a few months later in an assassination attempt on Michael . Rudy Bond as Don Cuneo , head of the New York - based Cuneo family . Louis Guss as Don Zaluchi , Don of the Zaluchi family of Detroit . Tom Rosqui as Rocco Lampone , a soldier under Clemenza who eventually becomes a caporegime in the Corleone family . Joe Spinell as Willi Cicci , a soldier in the Corleone family . Richard Bright as Al Neri , Michael Corleone 's personal bodyguard and hitman who eventually becomes a caporegime . Julie Gregg as Sandra Corleone , Sonny 's wife and later widow , and the mother of their four children . Jeannie Linero as Lucy Mancini , Sonny 's mistress . Sofia Coppola ( uncredited ) as infant Michael Francis Rizzi , the nephew and godson of Michael Corleone . Production ( edit ) Development ( edit ) The film is based on Mario Puzo 's The Godfather ; a novel that remained on The New York Times Best Seller list for 67 weeks and sold over nine million copies in two years . Published in 1969 , it became the best selling published work in history for several years . Paramount Pictures originally found out about Puzo 's novel in 1967 when a literary scout for the company contacted then Paramount Vice President of Production Peter Bart about Puzo 's sixty - page unfinished manuscript . Bart believed the work was `` much beyond a Mafia story '' and offered Puzo a $12,500 option for the work , with an option for $80,000 if the finished work were made into a film . Despite Puzo 's agent telling him to turn down the offer , Puzo was desperate for money and accepted the deal . Paramount 's Robert Evans relates that , when they met in early 1968 , it was he who offered Puzo the $12,500 deal for the 60 - page manuscript titled Mafia after the author confided in him that he urgently needed $10,000 to pay off gambling debts . In March 1967 , Paramount announced that they backed Puzo 's upcoming work in the hopes of making a film . In 1969 , Paramount confirmed their intentions to make a film out of the novel for the price of $80,000 , with aims to have the film released on Christmas Day in 1971 . On March 23 , 1970 , Albert S. Ruddy was officially announced as the film 's producer , in part because studio executives were impressed with his interview and because he was known for bringing his films in under budget . Direction ( edit ) Francis Ford Coppola was selected as director , as Paramount wanted the picture to be directed by an Italian American to make the film `` ethnic to the core '' . Evans wanted the picture to be directed by an Italian American to make the film `` ethnic to the core '' . Paramount 's latest mafia based movie , The Brotherhood , had been a box office bomb ; Evans believed that the reason for its failure was its almost complete lack of cast members or creative personnel of Italian descent ( the director Martin Ritt and star Kirk Douglas were both Jewish ) . Sergio Leone was Paramount 's first choice to direct the film . Leone turned down the option to work on his own gangster film Once Upon a Time in America . Peter Bogdanovich was then approached but he also declined the offer because he was not interested in the mafia . In addition , Peter Yates , Richard Brooks , Arthur Penn , Costa - Gavras , and Otto Preminger were all offered the position and declined . Evans ' chief assistant Peter Bart suggested Francis Ford Coppola , as a director of Italian ancestry who would work for a low sum and budget after the poor reception of his latest film The Rain People . Coppola initially turned down the job because he found Puzo 's novel sleazy and sensationalist , describing it as `` pretty cheap stuff '' . At the time Coppola 's studio , American Zoetrope , owed over $400,000 to Warner Bros. for budget overruns with the film THX 1138 and when coupled with his poor financial standing , along with advice from friends and family , Coppola reversed his initial decision and took the job . Coppola was officially announced as director of the film on September 28 , 1970 . Paramount had offered twelve other directors the job with The Godfather before Coppola agreed . Coppola agreed to receive $125,000 and six percent of the gross rentals . Coppola and Paramount ( edit ) Before The Godfather was in production , Paramount had been going through an unsuccessful period . In addition to the failure of The Brotherhood , the studio had usurped their budget for their recent films : Darling Lili , Paint Your Wagon , and Waterloo . The budget for the film was originally $2.5 million but as the book grew in popularity Coppola argued for and ultimately received a larger budget . Paramount executives wanted the movie to be set in then modern - day Kansas City and shot in the studio backlot in order to cut down on costs . Coppola objected and wanted to set the movie in the same time period as its eponymous novel , the 1940s and 1950s ; Coppola 's reasons included : Michael Corleone 's Marine Corps stint , the emergence of corporate America , and America in the years after World War II . The executives eventually agreed to Coppola 's wish as the novel became increasingly successful . The studio heads subsequently let Coppola film on location in New York City and Sicily . Gulf & Western executive Charles Bluhdorn was frustrated with Coppola over the number of screen tests he had performed without finding a person to play the various roles . Production quickly fell behind because of Coppola 's indecisiveness and conflicts with Paramount , which led to costs being around $40,000 per day . With the rising costs , Paramount had then Vice President Jack Ballard keep a close eye on production costs . While filming , Coppola stated that he felt he could be fired at any point as he knew Paramount executives were not happy with many of the decisions he had made . Coppola was aware that Evans had asked Elia Kazan to take over directing the film , because he feared that Coppola was too inexperienced to cope with the increased size of the production . Coppola was also convinced that the film editor , Aram Avakian , and the assistant director , Steve Kestner , were conspiring to get him fired . Avakian complained to Evans that he could not edit the scenes correctly because Coppola was not shooting enough footage . Evans however was satisfied with the footage being sent to the west coast , and authorized Coppola to fire them both . Coppola later explained : `` Like the godfather , I fired people as a preemptory strike . The people who were angling the most to have me fired , I had fired . '' Brando threatened that he would quit if Coppola were fired . Paramount wanted The Godfather to appeal to a wide audience and threatened Coppola with a `` violence coach '' to make the film more exciting . Coppola added a few more violent scenes to keep the studio happy . The scene in which Connie smashes crockery after finding out Carlo has been cheating was added for this reason . Writing ( edit ) On April 14 , 1970 , it was revealed that Puzo was hired by Paramount for $100,000 , along with a percentage of the film 's profits , to work on the screenplay for the film . Working from the book , Coppola wanted to have the themes of culture , character , power , and family at the forefront of the film , whereas Puzo wanted to retain aspects from his novel and his initial draft of 150 pages was finished on August 10 , 1970 . After Coppola was hired as director , both Puzo and Coppola worked on the screenplay , but separately . Puzo worked on his draft in Los Angeles , while Coppola wrote his version in San Francisco . Coppola created a book where he tore pages out of Puzo 's book and pasted them into the book . There , he made notes about each of the book 's fifty scenes , which related to major themes prevalent in the scene , whether the scene should be included in the film , along with ideas and concepts that could be used when filming to make the film true to Italian culture . The two remained in contact while they wrote their respective screenplays and made decisions on what to include and what to remove for the final version . A second draft was completed on March 1 , 1971 , and was 173 pages long . The final screenplay was finished on March 29 , 1971 , wound up being 163 pages long , 40 pages over what Paramount had asked for . When filming , Coppola referred to the notebook he had created over the final draft of the screenplay . Screenwriter Robert Towne did uncredited work on the script , particularly on the Pacino - Brando garden scene . Despite finishing the third draft , some scenes in the film were still not written yet and were written during production . The Italian - American Civil Rights League wanted all uses of the words `` mafia '' and `` Cosa Nostra '' to be removed from the script , in addition to feeling that the film emphasized stereotypes about Italian - Americans . The league also requested that all the money earned from the premiere be donated to the league 's fund to build a new hospital . Coppola claimed that Puzo 's screenplay only contained two instances of the word `` mafia '' being used , while `` Cosa Nostra '' was not used at all . Those two uses were removed and replaced with other terms , which Coppola felt did not change the story at all . The league eventually gave its support for the script . Casting ( edit ) Al Pacino ( pictured above in The Basic Training of Pavlo Hummel ) was chosen to portray Michael Corleone Puzo was first to show interest in having Marlon Brando portray Don Vito Corleone by sending a letter to Brando in which he stated Brando was the `` only actor who can play the Godfather . '' Despite Puzo 's wishes , the executives at Paramount were against having Brando play the part due to the poor success of his recent films and his short temper . Coppola favored Brando or Laurence Olivier for the role , but Olivier 's agent refused the role claiming Olivier was sick ; however , Olivier went on to star in Sleuth later that year . The studio mainly pushed for Ernest Borgnine to receive the part . Other considerations were George C. Scott , Richard Conte , Anthony Quinn , and Orson Welles . After months of debate between Coppola and Paramount over Brando , the two finalists for the role were Borgnine and Brando , the latter of which Paramount president Stanley Jaffe required to perform a screen test . Coppola did not want to offend Brando and stated that he needed to test equipment in order to set up the screen test at Brando 's California residence . For make - up , Brando stuck cotton balls in his cheeks , put shoe polish in his hair to darken it , and rolled his collar . Coppola placed Brando 's audition tape in the middle of the videos of the audition tapes as the Paramount executives watched them . The executives were impressed with Brando 's efforts and allowed Coppola to cast Brando for the role if Brando accepted a lower salary and put up a bond to ensure he would not cause any delays in production . From the start of production , Coppola wanted Robert Duvall to play the part of Tom Hagen . After screen testing several other actors , Coppola eventually got his wish and Duvall was awarded the part of Tom Hagen . Al Martino , a then famed singer in nightclubs , was notified of the character Johnny Fontane by a friend who read the eponymous novel and felt Martino represented the character of Johnny Fontane . Martino then contacted producer Al Ruddy , who gave him the part . However , Martino was stripped of the part after Coppola became director and then awarded the role to Italian singer Vic Damone . Damone eventually dropped the role because he did not want to play an anti-Italian American character , in addition to being paid too little . According to Martino , after being stripped of the role , he went to his godfather and crime boss Russ Bufalino who then orchestrated the publication of various news articles that talked of how Coppola was unaware of Ruddy giving Martino the part ; that , when coupled with pressure from the mafia who felt Martino deserved the role , led Damone to quit as Fontane . Either way , the part of Johnny Fontane ended up with Martino . James Caan ( pictured in 1976 ) was chosen to play Sonny Corleone Robert De Niro originally was given the part of Paulie Gatto . A spot in The Gang That Could n't Shoot Straight opened up after Al Pacino quit the project in favor of The Godfather , which led De Niro to audition for the role and leave The Godfather after receiving the part . After De Niro quit , Johnny Martino was given the role of Gatto . Coppola cast Diane Keaton for the role of Kay Adams due to her reputation for being eccentric . John Cazale was given the part of Fredo Corleone after Coppola saw him perform in an Off Broadway production . Gianni Russo was given the role of Carlo Rizzi after he was asked to perform a screen test in which he acted out the fight between Rizzi and Connie . Nearing the start of filming on March 29 , Michael Corleone had yet to be cast . Paramount executives wanted a popular actor , either Warren Beatty or Robert Redford . Producer Robert Evans wanted Ryan O'Neal to receive the role in part due to his recent success in Love Story . Pacino was Coppola 's favorite for the role as he could picture him roaming the Sicilian countryside , and wanted an unknown actor who looked like an Italian - American . However , Paramount executives found Pacino to be too short to play Michael . Dustin Hoffman , Martin Sheen , and James Caan also auditioned . Caan was well received by the Paramount executives and was given the part of Michael initially , while the role of Sonny Corleone was awarded to Carmine Caridi . Coppola still pushed for Pacino to play Michael after the fact and Evans eventually conceded , allowing Pacino to have the role of Michael as long as Caan played Sonny . Evans preferred Caan over Caridi because Caan was seven inches shorter than Caridi , which was much closer to Pacino 's height . Despite agreeing to play Michael Corleone , Pacino was contracted to star in MGM 's The Gang That Could n't Shoot Straight , but the two studios agreed on a settlement and Pacino was signed by Paramount three weeks before shooting began . Coppola gave several roles in the film to family members . He gave his sister , Talia Shire , the role of Connie Corleone . His daughter Sofia played Michael Francis Rizzi , Connie 's and Carlo 's newborn son . Carmine Coppola , his father , appeared in the film as an extra playing a piano during a scene . Coppola 's wife , mother , and two sons all appeared as extras in the picture . Several smaller roles , like Luca Brasi , were cast after the filming had started . Filming ( edit ) Before the filming began , the cast received a two - week period for rehearsal , which included a dinner where each actor and actress had to assume character for its duration . Filming was scheduled to begin on March 29 , 1971 , with the scene between Michael Corleone and Kay Adams as they leave Best & Co. in New York City after shopping for Christmas gifts . The weather on March 23 predicted snow flurries , which caused Ruddy to move the filming date forward ; however snow never materialized and a snow machine was used . Principal filming in New York continued until July 2 , 1971 . Coppola asked for a three - week break before heading overseas to film in Sicily . Following the crew 's departure for Sicily , Paramount announced that the release date would be moved from December to spring 1972 . The Don Barzini assassination scene was filmed on the steps of the New York Supreme Court building on Foley Square in Manhattan Cinematographer Gordon Willis initially turned down the opportunity to film The Godfather because the production seemed `` chaotic '' to him . After Willis later accepted the offer , he and Coppola agreed to not use any modern filming devices , helicopters , or zoom lenses . Willis and Coppola chose to use a `` tableau format '' of filming to make it seem if it was viewed like a painting . He made use of shadows and low light levels throughout the film to showcase psychological developments . Willis and Coppola agreed to interplay light and dark scenes throughout the film . Willis underexposed the film in order to create a `` yellow tone . '' The scenes in Sicily were shot to display the countryside and `` display a more romantic land , '' giving these scenes a `` softer , more romantic '' feel than the New York scenes . 1941 Packard Super Eight featured in The Godfather One of the film 's most shocking moments involved an actual , severed , horse 's head . Coppola received some criticism for the scene , although the head was obtained from a dog - food company from a horse that was to be killed regardless of the film . On June 22 , the scene where Sonny is killed was shot on a runway at Mitchel Field in Mineola , where three tollbooths were built , along with guard rails , and billboards to set the scene . Sonny 's car was a 1941 Lincoln Continental with holes drilled in it to resemble bullet holes . The scene took three days to film and cost over $100,000 . Coppola 's request to film on location was observed ; approximately 90 percent was shot in New York City and its surrounding suburbs , using over 120 unique locations . Several scenes were filmed at the Filmways Studio in East Harlem . The remaining portions were filmed in California , or on - site in Sicily , except for the scenes set in Las Vegas because there were insufficient funds to travel there . Savoca and Forza d'Agrò were the Sicilian towns featured in the film . The opening wedding scene was shot in a Staten Island neighborhood using almost 750 locals as extras . The house used as the Corleone household and the wedding location was at 110 Longfellow Road in the Todt Hill neighborhood of Staten Island . The wall around the Corleone compound was made from styrofoam . Scenes set in and around the Corleone olive oil business were filmed on Mott Street . After filming had ended on August 7 , post-production efforts were focused on trimming the film to a manageable length . In addition , producers and director were still including and removing different scenes from the end product , along with trimming certain sequences . In September , the first rough cut of the film was viewed . Of the scenes removed from the film , many were centered around Sonny because they did not advance the plot . By November , Coppola and Ruddy finished the semifinal cut . Debates over personnel involved with the final editing remained even 25 years after the release of the film . The film began to be shown to Paramount staff and exhibitors in late December and going into the new year . Music ( edit ) See also : The Godfather ( soundtrack ) Love theme from The Godfather The famous theme , composed by Larry Kusic and Nino Rota . Problems playing this file ? See media help . Coppola hired Italian composer Nino Rota to create the underscore for the film , including the main theme , `` Speak Softly Love '' . For the score , Rota was to relate to the situations and characters in the film . Rota synthesized new music for the film and took some parts from his Fortunella score , in order to create an Italian feel and evoke the tragic film 's themes . Paramount executive Evans found the score to be too `` highbrow '' and did not want to use it ; however , it was used after Coppola managed to get Evans to agree . Coppola believed that Rota 's musical piece gave the film even more of an Italian feel . Coppola 's father , Carmine , created some additional music for the film , particularly the music played by the band during the opening wedding scene . There are a total of nine instances within the film where incidental music can be heard . There was a soundtrack released for the film in 1972 in vinyl form by Paramount Records , on CD in 1991 by Geffen Records , and digitally by Geffen on August 18 , 2005 . The album contains over 31 minutes of music coming from the movie , with most being composed by Rota , along with a song from Coppola and one by Johnny Farrow and Marty Symes . Allmusic gave the album five out of five stars , with editor Zach Curd saying it is a `` dark , looming , and elegant soundtrack . '' An editor for Filmtracks believed that Rota did a great job of relating the music to the core aspects of the film , which the editor believed to be `` tradition , love , and fear . '' Release ( edit ) The world premiere for The Godfather took place in New York City on March 14 , 1972 , almost three months after the planned release date of Christmas Day in 1971 , with profits from the premiere donated to The Boys Club of New York . Before the film premiered , the film had already made $15 million from rentals from over 400 theaters . The following day , the film opened in New York at five theaters . Next was Los Angeles at two theaters on March 22 . The Godfather was commercially released on March 24 , 1972 , throughout the rest of the United States . The film reached 316 theaters around the country five days later . Box office ( edit ) The Godfather was a blockbuster , breaking many box office records to become the highest grossing film of 1972 . It earned $81.5 million in theatrical rentals in the USA & Canada during its initial release , increasing its earnings to $85.7 million through a reissue in 1973 , and including a limited re-release in 1997 it ultimately earned an equivalent exhibition gross of $135 million . It displaced Gone with the Wind to claim the record as the top rentals earner , a position it would retain until the release of Jaws in 1975 . News articles at the time proclaimed it was the first film to gross $100 million in North America , but such accounts are erroneous since this record in fact belongs to The Sound of Music , released in 1965 . The film repeated its native success overseas , earning in total an unprecedented $142 million in worldwide theatrical rentals , to become the highest net earner . Profits were so high for The Godfather that earnings for Gulf & Western Industries , Inc. , which owned Paramount , jumped from 77 cents per share to $3.30 a share for the year , according to a Los Angeles Times article , dated December 13 , 1972 . To date , it has grossed between $245 million and $286 million in worldwide box office receipts , and adjusted for ticket price inflation in North America , ranks among the top 25 highest - grossing films . Critical response ( edit ) The Godfather has received critical acclaim and is seen as one of the most influential films of all time , particularly in the gangster genre . On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a 99 % rating based on 85 reviews with an average rating of 9.2 / 10 and the site 's critical consensus reads , `` One of Hollywood 's greatest critical and commercial successes , The Godfather gets everything right ; not only did the movie transcend expectations , it established new benchmarks for American cinema '' . Metacritic assigned the film an average score of 100 % based on 14 reviews from mainstream critics , considered to be `` universal acclaim '' . The film is ranked at the top of Metacritic 's top 100 list , and is ranked 7th on Rotten Tomatoes ' all - time best list ( 100 % `` Certified Fresh '' ) . Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun Times praised Coppola 's efforts to follow the storyline of the eponymous novel , the choice to set the film in the same time as the novel , and the film 's ability to `` absorb '' the viewer over its three - hour run time . While Ebert was mainly positive , he criticized Brando 's performance , saying his movements lacked `` precision '' and his voice was `` wheezy . '' The Chicago Tribune 's Gene Siskel gave the film four out of four stars , commenting that it was `` very good . '' The Village Voice 's Andrew Sarris believed Brando portrayed Vito Corleone well and that his character dominated each scene it appeared in , but felt Puzo and Coppola had the character of Michael Corleone too focused on revenge . In addition , Sarris stated that Richard Castellano , Robert Duvall , and James Caan were good in their respective roles . Desson Howe of The Washington Post called the film a `` jewel '' and wrote that Coppola deserves most of the credit for the film . Writing for The New York Times , Vincent Canby felt that Coppola had created one of the `` most brutal and moving chronicles of American life '' and went on to say that it `` transcends its immediate milieu and genre . '' Director Stanley Kubrick thought the film had the best cast ever and could be the best movie ever made . Stanley Kauffmann of The New Republic wrote negatively of the film in a contemporary review , claiming that Pacino `` rattles around in a part too demanding for him , '' while also criticizing Brando 's make - up and Rota 's score . Previous mafia films had looked at the gangs from the perspective of an outraged outsider . In contrast , The Godfather presents the gangster 's perspective of the Mafia as a response to corrupt society . Although the Corleone family is presented as immensely rich and powerful , no scenes depict prostitution , gambling , loan sharking or other forms of racketeering . Some critics argue that the setting of a criminal counterculture allows for unapologetic gender stereotyping , and is an important part of the film 's appeal ( `` You can act like a man ! '' , Don Vito tells a weepy Johnny Fontane ) . Remarking on the fortieth anniversary of the film 's release , film critic John Podhoretz praised The Godfather as `` arguably the great American work of popular art '' and `` the summa of all great moviemaking before it '' . Two years before , Roger Ebert wrote in his journal that it `` comes closest to being a film everyone agrees ... is unquestionably great . '' Accolades ( edit ) The Godfather was nominated for seven awards at the 30th Golden Globe Awards : Best Picture -- Drama , James Caan for Best Supporting Actor , Al Pacino and Marlon Brando for Best Actor -- Drama , Best Score , Best Director , and Best Screenplay . When the winners were announced on January 28 , 1973 , the film had won the categories for : Best Screenplay , Best Director , Best Actor - Drama , Best Original Score , and Best Picture -- Drama . The Godfather won a record five Golden Globes , which was not surpassed until 2017 . Rota 's score was also nominated for Grammy Award for Best Original Score for a Motion Picture or TV Special at the 15th Grammy Awards . Rota was announced the winner of the category on March 3 at the Grammys ' ceremony in Nashville , Tennessee . When the nominations for the 45th Academy Awards were revealed on February 12 , 1973 , The Godfather was nominated for eleven awards . The nominations were for : Best Picture , Best Costume Design , Marlon Brando for Best Actor , Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola for Best Adapted Screenplay , Pacino , Caan , and Robert Duvall for Best Supporting Actor , Best Film Editing , Nino Rota for Best Original Score , Coppola for Best Director , and Best Sound . Upon further review of Rota 's love theme from The Godfather , the Academy found that Rota had used a similar score in Eduardo De Filippo 's 1958 comedy Fortunella . This led to re-balloting , where members of the music branch chose from six films : The Godfather and the five films that had been on the shortlist for best original dramatic score but did not get nominated . John Addison 's score for Sleuth won this new vote , and thus replaced Rota 's score on the official list of nominees . Going into the awards ceremony , The Godfather was seen as the favorite to take home the most awards . From the nominations that The Godfather had remaining , it only won three of the Academy Awards : Best Actor , Best Adapted Screenplay , and Best Picture . Brando , who had also not attended the Golden Globes ceremony two months earlier , boycotted the Academy Awards ceremony and refused to accept the Oscar , becoming the second actor to refuse a Best Actor award after George C. Scott in 1970 . Brando sent American Indian Rights activist Sacheen Littlefeather in his place , to announce at the awards podium Brando 's reasons for declining the award which were based on his objection to the depiction of American Indians by Hollywood and television . In addition , Pacino boycotted the ceremony . He was insulted at being nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor award , noting that he had more screen time than his co-star and Best Actor winner Brando and thus he should have received an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor . The Godfather had five nominations for awards at the 26th British Academy Film Awards . The nominees were : Pacino for Most Promising Newcomer , Rota for the Anthony Asquith Award for Film Music , Duvall for Best Supporting Actor , and Brando for Best Actor , the film 's costume designer Anna Hill Johnstone for Best Costume Design . All of The Godfather 's nominations failed to win except for Rota . Awards and nominations received by The Godfather Award Category Nominee Result 45th Academy Awards Best Picture Albert S. Ruddy Won Best Director Francis Ford Coppola Nominated Best Actor ( refused ) Marlon Brando Won Best Supporting Actor James Caan Nominated Robert Duvall Nominated Al Pacino Nominated Best Adapted Screenplay Mario Puzo , Francis Ford Coppola Won Best Costume Design Anna Hill Johnstone Nominated Best Film Editing William Reynolds , Peter Zinner Nominated Best Sound Bud Grenzbach , Richard Portman , Christopher Newman Nominated Best Original Dramatic Score Nino Rota Revoked 26th British Academy Film Awards Best Actor Marlon Brando ( Also for The Nightcomers ) Nominated Best Supporting Actor Robert Duvall Nominated Most Promising Newcomer to Leading Film Roles Al Pacino Nominated Best Film Music Nino Rota Won Best Costume Design Anna Hill Johnstone Nominated 25th Directors Guild of America Awards Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Motion Pictures Francis Ford Coppola Won 30th Golden Globe Awards Best Motion Picture - Drama Won Best Director - Motion Picture Francis Ford Coppola Won Best Motion Picture Actor - Drama Marlon Brando Won Al Pacino Nominated Best Supporting Actor - Motion Picture James Caan Nominated Best Screenplay Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola Won Best Original Score Nino Rota Won 15th Grammy Awards Best Original Score Written for a Motion Picture or TV Special Nino Rota Won 25th Writers Guild of America Awards Best Drama Adapted from Another Medium Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola Won 1990 Selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry as being deemed `` culturally , historically , or aesthetically significant '' . 1998 Time Out conducted a poll and The Godfather was voted the best film of all time . 1999 Entertainment Weekly named it the greatest film ever made . 2002 Sight & Sound polled film directors voted the film and its sequel as the second best film ever ; the critics poll separately voted it fourth . 2002 The Godfather was ranked the second best film of all time by Film4 , after Star Wars Episode V : The Empire Strikes Back . 2005 Named one of the 100 greatest films of the last 80 years by Time magazine ( the selected films were not ranked ) . 2006 The Writers Guild of America , West agreed , voting it the number two in its list of the 101 greatest screenplays , after Casablanca . 2008 Voted in at No. 1 on Empire magazine 's list of The 500 Greatest Movies of All Time . 2012 The Motion Picture Editors Guild listed The Godfather as the sixth best - edited film of all time based on a survey of its membership . American film Institute recognition ( edit ) 1998 AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Movies -- # 3 2001 AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Thrills -- # 11 2005 AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Movie Quotes : `` I 'm going to make him an offer he ca n't refuse . '' -- # 2 2006 AFI 's 100 Years of Film Scores -- # 5 2007 AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Movies ( 10th Anniversary Edition ) -- # 2 2008 AFI 's 10 Top 10 -- # 1 Gangster Film Cinematic influence ( edit ) Although many films about gangsters preceded The Godfather , Coppola 's heavy infusion of Italian culture and stereotypes , and his portrayal of mobsters as characters of considerable psychological depth and complexity was unprecedented . Coppola took it further with The Godfather Part II , and the success of those two films , critically , artistically and financially , opened the doors for numerous other depictions of Italian Americans as mobsters , including films such as Martin Scorsese 's Goodfellas and TV series such as David Chase 's The Sopranos . A comprehensive study of Italian American culture on film , conducted from 1996 to 2001 by the Italic Institute of America , showed that close to 300 movies featuring Italian Americans as mobsters ( mostly fictitious ) have been produced since The Godfather , an average of nine per year . Popular culture and Legacy ( edit ) The Godfather epic , encompassing the original trilogy and the additional footage Coppola incorporated later , is by now thoroughly integrated into American life and , together with a succession of mob - theme imitators , has led to a highly stereotyped concept of Italian American culture . The first film had the largest impact and , unlike any film before it , its depiction of Italians who immigrated to the United States in the early decades of the 20th century is perhaps attributable to the Italian American director , presenting his own understanding of their experience . The films explain through their action the integration of fictional Italian American criminals into American society . Though the story is set in the period of mass immigration to the U.S. , it is rooted in the specific circumstances of the Corleones , a family that lives outside of the law . Although some critics have refashioned the Corleone story into one of universality of immigration , other critics have posited that it leads the viewer to identify organized crime with Italian American culture . Released in a period of intense national cynicism and self - criticism , the American film struck a chord about the dual identities inherent in a nation of immigrants . The Godfather increased Hollywood 's negative portrayals of immigrant Italians in the aftermath of the film and was a recruiting tool for organized crime . The concept of a mafia `` Godfather '' was an invention of Mario Puzo 's and the film 's effect was to add the fictional nomenclature to the language . Similarly , Don Vito Corleone 's unforgettable `` I 'm gon na make him an offer he ca n't refuse '' -- voted the second-most memorable line in cinema history in AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Movie Quotes by the American Film Institute -- was adopted by actual gangsters . In the French novel Le Père Goriot , Honoré de Balzac wrote of Vautrin telling Eugene : `` In that case I will make you an offer that no one would decline . '' Real - life gangsters responded enthusiastically to the film , with many of them feeling it was a portrayal of how they were supposed to act . Salvatore `` Sammy the Bull '' Gravano , the former underboss in the Gambino crime family , stated : `` I left the movie stunned ... I mean I floated out of the theater . Maybe it was fiction , but for me , then , that was our life . It was incredible . I remember talking to a multitude of guys , made guys , who felt exactly the same way . '' According to Anthony Fiato after seeing the film , Patriarca crime family members Paulie Intiso and Nicky Giso altered their speech patterns closer to that of Vito Corleone 's . Intiso would frequently swear and use poor grammar ; but after the movie came out , he started to articulate and philosophize more . Television ( edit ) John Belushi appeared in a Saturday Night Live sketch as Vito Corleone in a therapy session trying to express his inner feelings towards the Tattaglia Family , who , in addition to muscling in on his territory , `` also , they shot my son Santino 56 times '' . In the television show The Sopranos , Tony Soprano 's topless bar is named Bada Bing , echoing the line in The Godfather when Sonny Corleone says , `` You 've got ta get up close like this and bada - bing ! You blow their brains all over your nice Ivy League suit . '' The film has been parodied several times on the animated television series The Simpsons . In the season three episode `` Lisa 's Pony '' Lisa wakes up to find a horse in her bed and starts screaming . The music and the scene itself resemble the famous `` horse 's head '' scene in The Godfather . In the season four episode `` Mr. Plow '' , the scene in which Sonny Corleone is shot at the tollbooth is mimicked when Bart Simpson is pelted with snowballs . The scene is again parodied in the season sixteen episode `` All 's Fair in Oven War '' , which includes James Caan as himself in a guest voice role . In the season eighteen episode `` The Mook , the Chef , the Wife and Her Homer '' , the film 's final scene is mimicked with a door being closed on Lisa Simpson . Home Media ( edit ) The theatrical version of The Godfather debuted on American network television on November 16 , 1974 , on NBC , and again two days later , with only minor edits . The television airings attracted a large audience and helped generate anticipation for the upcoming sequel . The next year , Coppola created The Godfather Saga expressly for American television in a release that combined The Godfather and The Godfather Part II with unused footage from those two films in a chronological telling that toned down the violent , sexual , and profane material for its NBC debut on November 18 , 1977 . In 1981 , Paramount released the Godfather Epic boxed set , which also told the story of the first two films in chronological order , again with additional scenes , but not redacted for broadcast sensibilities . The Godfather Trilogy was released in 1992 , in which the films are fundamentally in a chronological order . The Godfather Family : A Look Inside was a 73 - minute documentary released in 1991 . Directed by Jeff Warner , the film featured some behind the scenes content from all three films , interviews with the actors , and screen tests . The Godfather DVD Collection was released on October 9 , 2001 , in a package that contained all three films -- each with a commentary track by Coppola -- and a bonus disc containing The Godfather Family : A Look Inside . The DVD also held a Corleone family tree , a `` Godfather '' timeline , and footage of the Academy Award acceptance speeches . The Godfather : the Coppola restoration ( edit ) During the film 's original theatrical release , the original negatives were worn down due to the reel being printed so much to meet demand . In addition , the duplicate negative was lost in Paramount archives . In 2006 Coppola contacted Steven Spielberg -- whose studio DreamWorks had recently been bought out by Paramount -- about restoring The Godfather . Robert A. Harris was hired to oversee the restoration of The Godfather and its two sequels , with the film 's cinematographer Willis participating in the restoration . Work began in November 2006 by repairing the negatives so they could go through a digital scanner to produce high resolution 4K files . If a negative were damaged and discolored , work was done digitally to restore it to its original look . After a year and a half of working on the restoration , the project was complete . Paramount called the finished product The Godfather : The Coppola Restoration and released it to the public on September 23 , 2008 , on both DVD and Blu - ray Disc . Dave Kehr of The New York Times believed the restoration brought back the `` golden glow of their original theatrical screenings '' . As a whole , the restoration of the film was well received by critics and Coppola . The Godfather : The Coppola Restoration contains several new special features that play in high definition , along with additional scenes . Video game ( edit ) Main article : The Godfather ( 2006 video game ) A video game based on the film was developed by Electronic Arts and first released in 2006 . Duvall , Caan , and Brando supplied voiceovers and their likenesses , but Pacino did not . Francis Ford Coppola openly voiced his disapproval of the game . See also ( edit ) List of American films of 1972 Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Sources disagree on the date where Paramount confirmed their intentions to make Mario Puzo 's novel The Godfather into a feature - length film . Harlan Lebo 's work states that the announcement came in January 1969 , while Jenny Jones ' book puts the date of the announcement three months after the novel 's publication , in June 1969 . Jump up ^ Sources disagree on both the amount of the original budget and the final budget . The starting budget has been recorded as $1 million , $2 million , and $2.5 million , while the final budget has been named at $5 million , $6 million , and $6.5 million . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` THE GODFATHER ( 18 ) '' . British Board of Film Classification . May 31 , 1996 . Retrieved April 15 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Godfather ( 1972 ) '' . Box Office Mojo . Retrieved December 6 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Von Gunden 1991 , p. 36 . Jump up ^ `` The Godfather ( Re-issue ) ( 1997 ) '' . Box Office Mojo . Retrieved December 20 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Lebo 2005 , p. 5 -- 6 . ^ Jump up to : Jones 2007 , p. 10 . ^ Jump up to : `` '' The Godfather '' Turns 40 `` . CBS News . CBS Interactive Inc . March 15 , 2012 . Archived from the original on July 17 , 2014 . Retrieved July 15 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Lebo 2005 , p. 7 . ^ Jump up to : Lebo 2005 , p. 6 . ^ Jump up to : Phillips 2004 , p. 88 . ^ Jump up to : Jones 2007 , p. 10 -- 11 . Jump up ^ Jack O'Brian ( January 25 , 1973 ) . `` Not First Lady on TV '' . The Spartanburg Herald . p . A4 . Retrieved July 15 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Michael L. 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Jump up ^ ( Father Goriot , page 104 in Chapter 1 ) ; `` Dans ces conjonctures , je vais vous faire une proposition que personne ne refuserait . Honoré de Balzac , Œuvres complètes de H. de Balzac ( 1834 ) , Calmann - Lévy , 1910 ( Le Père Goriot , II . L'entrée dans le monde , pp. 110 - 196 ) ; viewed 10 - 2 - 2014 . Jump up ^ Sifakis , Carl ( 1987 ) . The Mafia Encyclopedia . New York City : Facts on File . ISBN 0 - 8160 - 1856 - 1 . Jump up ^ De Stefano 2006 , p. 114 . ^ Jump up to : Smith , John L. ( July 7 , 2004 ) . `` In mob world , life often imitates art of Marlon Brando 's ' Godfather ' '' . Las Vegas Review - Journal . Retrieved December 7 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Clark Collis ( March 2 , 2002 ) . `` Top five John Belushi moments '' . The Daily Telegraph . Archived from the original on April 16 , 2012 . Retrieved July 15 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Maria Newman , How Much for That ' Sopranos ' Stripper Pole ? NYTimes August 21 , 2007 Jump up ^ Reardon , Jim ( 2004 ) . 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Slant Magazine . Archived from the original on July 21 , 2014 . Retrieved July 15 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Matt Slagle ( March 31 , 2006 ) . `` ' Godfather ' is the offer you ca n't refuse '' . The Victoria Advocate . p. 13E . Retrieved July 15 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Victor Godinez ( March 31 , 2006 ) . `` Game Reviews '' . The Victoria Advocate . p. 13E . Retrieved July 15 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : Matt Slagle ( May 20 , 2005 ) . `` Gameplay makes certain titles rock '' . Gadsden Times . p . C4 . Retrieved July 15 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` '' Coppola Angry over Godfather Video Game `` , April 8 , 2005 '' . Retrieved August 22 , 2005 . Bibliography ( edit ) Block , Alex Ben ; Wilson , Lucy Autrey ( 2010 ) . George Lucas 's Blockbusting : A Decade - by - Decade Survey of Timeless Movies Including Untold Secrets of Their Financial and Cultural Success . New York , New York : HarperCollins . ISBN 978 - 0 - 06 - 177889 - 6 . Cowie , Peter ( 1997 ) . The Godfather Book . London , England : Faber and Faber Limited . ISBN 0 - 571 - 19011 - 1 . De Stefano , George ( 2006 ) . `` Chapter 4 : Don Corleone Was My Godfather '' . An Offer We Ca n't Refuse : The Mafia in the Mind of America . New York : Faber and Faber . pp. 94 -- 135 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 571 - 21157 - 9 . OCLC 60420173 . Retrieved January 26 , 2013 . Gelmis , Joseph ( August 23 , 1971 ) . `` Merciful Heavens , Is This The End of Don Corleone ? '' . New York Magazine . New York Media , LLC. 4 ( 34 ) . ISSN 0028 - 7369 . Retrieved July 16 , 2014 . Jones , Jenny M. ( 2007 ) . The Annotated Godfather : The Complete Screenplay . New York , New York : Black Dog & Leventhal . ISBN 978 - 1 - 5791 - 2739 - 8 . Retrieved July 15 , 2014 . Lebo , Harlan ( 1997 ) . The Godfather Legacy : The Untold Story of the Making of the Classic Godfather Trilogy . London , England : Simon & Schuster . ISBN 9780684836478 . Retrieved September 26 , 2016 . Lebo , Harlan ( 2005 ) . The Godfather Legacy : The Untold Story of the Making of the Classic Godfather Trilogy Featuring Never - Before - Published Production Stills . London , England : Simon & Schuster . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7432 - 8777 - 7 . Retrieved July 15 , 2014 . Phillips , Gene D. ( 2004 ) . Godfather : The Intimate Francis Ford Coppola . Lexington , Kentucky : University Press of Kentucky . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8131 - 4671 - 3 . Retrieved July 15 , 2014 . Santopietro , Tom ( 2012 ) . The Godfather Effect : Changing Hollywood , America , and Me . New York , New York : Thomas Dunne Books . ISBN 978 - 1 - 2500 - 0513 - 7 . Retrieved July 15 , 2014 . Stanley , Timothy ( 2014 ) . Citizen Hollywood : How the Collaboration Between LA and DC Revolutionized American Politics . New York , New York : Thomas Dunne Books . ISBN 978 - 1 - 2500 - 3249 - 2 . Retrieved July 15 , 2014 . Williams , Joe ( 2012 ) . Hollywood Myths : The Shocking Truths Behind Film 's Most Incredible Secrets and Scandals . Minneapolis , Minnesota : MBI Pub. Co. and Voyageur Press . ISBN 978 - 1 - 2500 - 3249 - 2 . Retrieved July 15 , 2014 . Welsh , James M. ; Phillips , Gene D. ; Hill , Rodney F. ( 2010 ) . The Francis Ford Coppola Encyclopedia . Lanham , Maryland : Scarecrow Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8108 - 7651 - 4 . Retrieved July 15 , 2014 . Von Gunden , Kenneth ( 1991 ) . Postmodern Auteurs : Coppola , Lucas , De Palma , Spielberg and Scorsese . McFarland & Company . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8995 - 0618 - 0 . External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : The Godfather Official website The Godfather on IMDb The Godfather at the American Film Institute Catalog The Godfather at Box Office Mojo The Godfather at Rotten Tomatoes The Godfather at Metacritic The Godfather Novels The Godfather The Sicilian The Godfather Returns The Godfather 's Revenge The Family Corleone Films The Godfather The Godfather Part II The Godfather Part III Video games The Godfather ( 1991 ) The Godfather ( 2006 ) The Godfather II ( 2009 ) Corleone family Vito Corleone Michael Corleone Tom Hagen Sonny Corleone Fredo Corleone Carmela Corleone Kay Adams - Corleone Connie Corleone Anthony Corleone Mary Corleone Vincent Corleone Sandra Corleone Family allies Genco Abbandando Luca Brasi Willi Cicci Peter Clemenza Johnny Fontane Paulie Gatto Carmine Marino Rocco Lampone Sal Narducci Al Neri Tommy Neri Ritchie Nobilio Frank Pentangeli Salvatore Tessio Don Tommasino Carlo Tramonti Family enemies Don Altobello Momo Barone Emilio Barzini Don Fanucci Vincent Forlenza Nick Geraci Archbishop Gilday Moe Greene Johnny Ola Carlo Rizzi Carmine Rosato Hyman Roth Louie Russo Virgil Sollozzo Anthony Stracci Tattaglia family Bruno Tattaglia Philip Tattaglia Jack Woltz Joey Zasa Others Amerigo Bonasera Pat Geary Cardinal Lamberto Lucy Mancini Danny Shea Mickey Shea Billy Van Arsdale Aldo Trapani Albert Volpe Music The Godfather ( soundtrack ) The Godfather Part II ( soundtrack ) The Godfather Part III ( soundtrack ) `` Speak Softly , Love '' `` Promise Me You 'll Remember '' Miscellaneous List of minor characters in The Godfather series Mario Puzo Mark Winegardner Edward Falco Five Families Corleone The Godfather Effect The Godfather Papers and Other Confessions The Sicilian The Freshman The Godfather Saga The Last Don Omertà Book Category Francis Ford Coppola Films directed The Bellboy and the Playgirls ( 1962 ) Tonight for Sure ( 1962 ) Battle Beyond the Sun ( 1962 ) Dementia 13 ( 1963 ) You 're a Big Boy Now ( 1966 ) Finian 's Rainbow ( 1968 ) The Rain People ( 1969 ) The Godfather ( 1972 ) The Conversation ( 1974 ) The Godfather Part II ( 1974 ) Apocalypse Now ( 1979 ; Redux , 2001 ) One from the Heart ( 1982 ) The Outsiders ( 1983 ) Rumble Fish ( 1983 ) The Cotton Club ( 1984 ) Captain EO ( 1986 ) Peggy Sue Got Married ( 1986 ) Gardens of Stone ( 1987 ) Tucker : The Man and His Dream ( 1988 ) New York Stories ( segment `` Life Without Zoë '' , 1989 ) The Godfather Part III ( 1990 ) Bram Stoker 's Dracula ( 1992 ) Jack ( 1996 ) The Rainmaker ( 1997 ) Youth Without Youth ( 2007 ) Tetro ( 2009 ) Twixt ( 2011 ) Written only Is Paris Burning ? ( 1966 ) This Property Is Condemned ( 1966 ) Patton ( 1970 ) The Great Gatsby ( 1974 ) Produced only American Graffiti ( 1973 ) The Junky 's Christmas ( 1993 ) Mary Shelley 's Frankenstein ( 1994 ) Don Juan DeMarco ( 1995 ) Lani Loa -- The Passage ( 1998 ) The Florentine ( 1999 ) The Virgin Suicides ( 1999 ) Enterprises American Zoetrope Zoetrope : All - Story Rubicon Estate Winery Francis Ford Coppola Presents Works by Mario Puzo Novels The Dark Arena ( 1955 ) The Fortunate Pilgrim ( 1965 ) The Runaway Summer of Davie Shaw ( 1966 ) Six Graves to Munich ( 1967 , as Mario Cleri ) The Godfather ( 1969 ) Fools Die ( 1978 ) The Sicilian ( 1984 ) The Fourth K ( 1991 ) The Last Don ( 1996 ) Omertà ( 2000 ) The Family ( 2001 , with Carol Gino ) Screenplays The Godfather ( 1972 ) Earthquake ( 1974 ) The Godfather Part II ( 1974 ) Superman ( 1978 ) Superman II ( 1980 ) The Godfather Part III ( 1990 ) Christopher Columbus : The Discovery ( 1992 ) Superman II : The Richard Donner Cut ( 2006 ) Non-fiction The Godfather Papers and Other Confessions ( 1972 ) Inside Las Vegas ( 1977 ) Academy Award for Best Picture 1927 / 28 -- 1950 Wings ( 1927 / 28 ) The Broadway Melody ( 1928 / 29 ) All Quiet on the Western Front ( 1929 / 30 ) Cimarron ( 1930 / 31 ) Grand Hotel ( 1931 / 32 ) Cavalcade ( 1933 ) It Happened One Night ( 1934 ) Mutiny on the Bounty ( 1935 ) The Great Ziegfeld ( 1936 ) The Life of Emile Zola ( 1937 ) You Ca n't Take It with You ( 1938 ) Gone with the Wind ( 1939 ) Rebecca ( 1940 ) How Green Was My Valley ( 1941 ) Mrs. Miniver ( 1942 ) Casablanca ( 1943 ) Going My Way ( 1944 ) The Lost Weekend ( 1945 ) The Best Years of Our Lives ( 1946 ) Gentleman 's Agreement ( 1947 ) Hamlet ( 1948 ) All the King 's Men ( 1949 ) All About Eve ( 1950 ) 1951 -- 1975 An American in Paris ( 1951 ) The Greatest Show on Earth ( 1952 ) From Here to Eternity ( 1953 ) On the Waterfront ( 1954 ) Marty ( 1955 ) Around the World in 80 Days ( 1956 ) The Bridge on the River Kwai ( 1957 ) Gigi ( 1958 ) Ben - Hur ( 1959 ) The Apartment ( 1960 ) West Side Story ( 1961 ) Lawrence of Arabia ( 1962 ) Tom Jones ( 1963 ) My Fair Lady ( 1964 ) The Sound of Music ( 1965 ) A Man for All Seasons ( 1966 ) In the Heat of the Night ( 1967 ) Oliver ! ( 1968 ) Midnight Cowboy ( 1969 ) Patton ( 1970 ) The French Connection ( 1971 ) The Godfather ( 1972 ) The Sting ( 1973 ) The Godfather Part II ( 1974 ) One Flew Over the Cuckoo 's Nest ( 1975 ) 1976 -- 2000 Rocky ( 1976 ) Annie Hall ( 1977 ) The Deer Hunter ( 1978 ) Kramer vs. Kramer ( 1979 ) Ordinary People ( 1980 ) Chariots of Fire ( 1981 ) Gandhi ( 1982 ) Terms of Endearment ( 1983 ) Amadeus ( 1984 ) Out of Africa ( 1985 ) Platoon ( 1986 ) The Last Emperor ( 1987 ) Rain Man ( 1988 ) Driving Miss Daisy ( 1989 ) Dances with Wolves ( 1990 ) The Silence of the Lambs ( 1991 ) Unforgiven ( 1992 ) Schindler 's List ( 1993 ) Forrest Gump ( 1994 ) Braveheart ( 1995 ) The English Patient ( 1996 ) Titanic ( 1997 ) Shakespeare in Love ( 1998 ) American Beauty ( 1999 ) Gladiator ( 2000 ) 2001 -- present A Beautiful Mind ( 2001 ) Chicago ( 2002 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King ( 2003 ) Million Dollar Baby ( 2004 ) Crash ( 2005 ) The Departed ( 2006 ) No Country for Old Men ( 2007 ) Slumdog Millionaire ( 2008 ) The Hurt Locker ( 2009 ) The King 's Speech ( 2010 ) The Artist ( 2011 ) Argo ( 2012 ) 12 Years a Slave ( 2013 ) Birdman or ( The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance ) ( 2014 ) Spotlight ( 2015 ) Moonlight ( 2016 ) Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture -- Drama A Place in the Sun ( 1951 ) The Greatest Show on Earth ( 1952 ) On the Waterfront ( 1954 ) East of Eden ( 1955 ) Around the World in 80 Days ( 1956 ) The Bridge on the River Kwai ( 1957 ) The Defiant Ones ( 1958 ) Ben - Hur ( 1959 ) Spartacus ( 1960 ) The Guns of Navarone ( 1961 ) Lawrence of Arabia ( 1962 ) The Cardinal ( 1963 ) Becket ( 1964 ) Doctor Zhivago ( 1965 ) A Man for All Seasons ( 1966 ) In the Heat of the Night ( 1967 ) The Lion in Winter ( 1968 ) Anne of the Thousand Days ( 1969 ) Love Story ( 1970 ) The French Connection ( 1971 ) The Godfather ( 1972 ) The Exorcist ( 1973 ) Chinatown ( 1974 ) One Flew Over the Cuckoo 's Nest ( 1975 ) Rocky ( 1976 ) The Turning Point ( 1977 ) Midnight Express ( 1978 ) Kramer vs. Kramer ( 1979 ) Ordinary People ( 1980 ) On Golden Pond ( 1981 ) E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial ( 1982 ) Terms of Endearment ( 1983 ) Amadeus ( 1984 ) Out of Africa ( 1985 ) Platoon ( 1986 ) The Last Emperor ( 1987 ) Rain Man ( 1988 ) Born on the Fourth of July ( 1989 ) Dances with Wolves ( 1990 ) Bugsy ( 1991 ) Scent of a Woman ( 1992 ) Schindler 's List ( 1993 ) Forrest Gump ( 1994 ) Sense and Sensibility ( 1995 ) The English Patient ( 1996 ) Titanic ( 1997 ) Saving Private Ryan ( 1998 ) American Beauty ( 1999 ) Gladiator ( 2000 ) A Beautiful Mind ( 2001 ) The Hours ( 2002 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King ( 2003 ) The Aviator ( 2004 ) Brokeback Mountain ( 2005 ) Babel ( 2006 ) Atonement ( 2007 ) Slumdog Millionaire ( 2008 ) Avatar ( 2009 ) The Social Network ( 2010 ) The Descendants ( 2011 ) Argo ( 2012 ) 12 Years a Slave ( 2013 ) Boyhood ( 2014 ) The Revenant ( 2015 ) Moonlight ( 2016 ) VIAF : 316753502 GND : 4133657 - 4 SUDOC : 098309358 BNF : cb13751570m ( data ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1972 films English - language films American films The Godfather The Godfather films 1970s crime films American crime films BAFTA winners ( films ) Best Drama Picture Golden Globe winners Best Picture Academy Award winners Fictional American people of Italian descent Films based on American novels Films based on organized crime novels Films featuring a Best Actor Academy Award - winning performance Films featuring a Best Drama Actor Golden Globe winning performance Films set in the Bronx Films set in the Las Vegas Valley Films set in Los Angeles Films set in New York City Films set in Sicily Films set in the 1940s Films set in the 1950s Films shot in New York City Films whose director won the Best Director Golden Globe Films whose writer won the Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award Films adapted into video games Mafia films United States National Film Registry films Paramount Pictures films Film scores by Nino Rota Films directed by Francis Ford Coppola Screenplays by Francis Ford Coppola Screenplays by Mario Puzo Hidden categories : Pages using citations with accessdate and no URL Use mdy dates from July 2015 Articles with hAudio microformats Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Aragonés Azərbaycanca Беларуская Български Bosanski Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Gàidhlig Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Ido Ilokano Bahasa Indonesia Interlingua Íslenska Italiano עברית ქართული Кыргызча Latina Latviešu Lietuvių Magyar Македонски മലയാളം मराठी მარგალური مصرى Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Plattdüütsch Polski Português Română Runa Simi Русский Scots Shqip Simple English سنڌي Slovenčina Slovenščina کوردی Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska தமிழ் తెలుగు ไทย Türkçe Українська Vèneto Tiếng Việt ייִדיש 粵語 Zazaki 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 24 September 2017 , at 12 : 08 . 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when was the godfather supposed to take place
Before The Godfather was in production , Paramount had been going through an unsuccessful period . In addition to the failure of The Brotherhood , the studio had usurped their budget for their recent films : Darling Lili , Paint Your Wagon , and Waterloo . The budget for the film was originally $2.5 million but as the book grew in popularity Coppola argued for and ultimately received a larger budget . Paramount executives wanted the movie to be set in then modern - day Kansas City and shot in the studio backlot in order to cut down on costs . Coppola objected and wanted to set the movie in the same time period as its eponymous novel , the 1940s and 1950s ; Coppola 's reasons included : Michael Corleone 's Marine Corps stint , the emergence of corporate America , and America in the years after World War II . The executives eventually agreed to Coppola 's wish as the novel became increasingly successful . The studio heads subsequently let Coppola film on location in New York City and Sicily .
Oakland Raiders relocation to Las Vegas - wikipedia Oakland Raiders relocation to Las Vegas Jump to : navigation , search Oakland -- Alameda Coliseum before a football game . The Oakland Raiders relocation to Las Vegas was a successful effort by the owner of the Oakland Raiders ( Mark Davis ) to relocate the American football club from its current and longtime home of Oakland , California to Las Vegas , Nevada . The team is scheduled to begin play as the Las Vegas Raiders for the 2020 National Football League ( NFL ) season ( although a move to Las Vegas could happen as soon as 2019 with Sam Boyd Stadium ) , playing home games at the Las Vegas Stadium . NFL team owners voted 31 -- 1 to approve the move , which was announced at the annual league meetings in Phoenix , Arizona on March 27 , 2017 . The Raiders became the third NFL franchise to relocate in the 2010s , following the Rams ' move from St. Louis , Missouri to Los Angeles , California on January 12 , 2016 , and the Chargers ' move from San Diego , California to Los Angeles on January 12 , 2017 . The Raiders ' move to Las Vegas comes after years of failed efforts to renovate or replace the Oakland -- Alameda County Coliseum , which has been rated by multiple sources as one of the worst stadiums in the NFL . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 2 The hunt for a home 2.1 2011 : Levi 's Stadium 2.2 2012 − 2013 : Coliseum City 2.3 2013 : Concord , California 2.4 2014 : San Antonio , Texas 2.5 2015 : Raiders attempt to put together a project with Athletics 2.6 2015 : Los Angeles project and losing to the Rams 3 2016 − 2017 : Negotiations to move to Las Vegas and last Oakland stadium effort 3.1 2016 3.2 2017 4 Relocation to Las Vegas 5 Popular culture 6 See also 7 References 8 External links Background ( edit ) The Oakland Raiders were founded as a charter member of the American Football League ( AFL ) in 1960 . The team joined the NFL as a result of the merger in 1970 . From 1966 until 1981 , it played home games at the Oakland -- Alameda County Coliseum , which it shared with Major League Baseball 's Oakland Athletics after that team moved to Oakland in 1968 . In 1980 Al Davis , dissatisfied with the stadium situation in Oakland and seeing luxury boxes as the future of the NFL came to an agreement with the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum commission to move the Raiders to Los Angeles . The NFL had refused to let the team move , but a court over-ruled the league , clearing the way for the Raiders to move to Los Angeles and become the Los Angeles Raiders . In 1982 , the Raiders ( then owned by Al Davis ) were approved to relocate from Oakland to Los Angeles . The Raiders played home games at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum from 1982 -- 1994 . In 1995 , after being unable to secure a new stadium in the Los Angeles area the Raiders moved back to Oakland . Meanwhile , Las Vegas had been home to a number of other professional football franchises between 1994 and the Raiders ' arrival , none of which were particularly successful . The Las Vegas Posse , part of the Canadian Football League 's effort to enter the U.S. market , lasted one season in 1994 and suffered from poor on - field product and worse attendance figures . The XFL included the Las Vegas Outlaws in its lone 2001 season ; its attendance and on - field performance were respectable , and the team embraced the city 's culture , but the Outlaws ' modest success was overshadowed by the failure of the XFL . The Las Vegas Locomotives of the United Football League were a major on - field success and were one of the UFL 's best teams ; it nonetheless suffered from poor attendance to start that continued to decline throughout the league 's existence to the point that its last home game drew only 600 fans . The Arena Football League included three teams in Las Vegas over the course of its history : the Las Vegas Sting ( 1994 and 1995 ) , Las Vegas Gladiators ( 2003 to 2007 , now the Cleveland Gladiators ) , and another Las Vegas Outlaws ( 2015 ) . The Las Vegas Sin of the Lingerie Football League ( now the Legends Football League ) played in the city from 2011 to 2014 . The hunt for a home ( edit ) Raiders owner Mark Davis Recent efforts to either renovate or replace the Oakland -- Alameda County Coliseum with a new football stadium in Oakland or elsewhere date back to November 18 , 2009 . In 2011 , Al Davis died and control of the team was assumed by his son Mark Davis who made finding a solution to the 3 decade long stadium problem a top priority . The Raiders were free to move after the 2013 NFL season , when its lease on the Oakland -- Alameda County Coliseum expired . While exploring possible solutions in the Bay Area and potential relocation candidates , the Raiders signed one - year extensions of its lease on the Coliseum . 2011 : Levi 's stadium ( edit ) There had been discussions for the Raiders to share Levi 's Stadium in Santa Clara , California with the San Francisco 49ers . However , the 49ers went ahead without the Raiders and broke ground on the $1.2 billion stadium on April 19 , 2012 and afterwards sold $670 million worth of seats including 70 % of club and luxury suites , making it more unlikely that the Raiders would continue to explore the idea of sharing the stadium as they would then be secondary tenants with little to no commercial rights over the highly lucrative luxury suites . Mark Davis further increased the unlikelihood of the Raiders and the 49ers to share Levi 's stadium when he told NFL Network reporter Ian Rapoport that he had no plans to share the stadium but that he did recognize the Raiders ' need for a new home and that he hoped the new home would be in Oakland . When Levi 's Stadium had its grand opening on July 17 , 2014 , NFL commissioner Roger Goodell mentioned to the live crowd that it would make a great home for the Raiders and that it was up for the team to decide whether or not it wanted to play there or build a stadium on the site of the Oakland Coliseum . 2012 − 2013 : Coliseum city ( edit ) On March 7 , 2012 , then - mayor Jean Quan unveiled an ambitious project to the media that was designed to improve the sports facilities of all three major league sports teams in the city ( the Raiders , Major League Baseball ( MLB ) 's Athletics and the National Basketball Association ( NBA ) 's Golden State Warriors ) , as well as attract new businesses to the city . The project , dubbed Coliseum City , had entailed the redevelopment of the existing Oakland -- Alameda County Coliseum complex . The redevelopment would have seen the construction of two new stadiums on the present location , a baseball - only stadium and a football - only stadium , while Oracle Arena , home of the Warriors , would have been either rebuilt or undergone extensive renovations . A sum of $3.5 million was committed to preliminary planning on the project . However , no officials from either of Oakland 's major league teams were present at the media conference . According to the San Francisco Business Times , Oakland 's assistant city administrator Fred Blackwell said the Bay Investment Group LLC , an entity being formed by Colony Capital LLC , Rashid Al Malik ( chairman and CEO of HayaH Holdings ) , and the city , had numerous details to continue working out for the prospective $2 billion Coliseum City project , which covered 800 acres surrounding the Oakland -- Alameda Coliseum Complex . The development team also included JRDV Urban International , HKS Architects , and Forest City Real Estate Services . In an ideal situation , construction could have started by the end of 2014 . Meanwhile , the Warriors began to go forward with plans to build a new arena at Mission Bay , not far from AT&T Park , and move back across the Bay Area from Oakland to San Francisco as soon as 2019 . 2013 : Concord , California ( edit ) The abandoned Concord Naval Weapons Station , 26.6 miles from Oakland , was announced in 2013 as a possible location for a new stadium but developments failed to materialize . 2014 : San Antonio , Texas ( edit ) In July 2014 , San Antonio , Texas , emerged as a potential relocation candidate for the team , after Raiders owner Mark Davis visited an event hosted for former Raiders wide receiver Cliff Branch in the city . San Antonio , while it was in a smaller media market than the San Francisco Bay Area , had the advantage of having a relatively new and NFL - ready stadium in the Alamodome and less sporting competition . On July 29 , 2014 , it was reported by the San Antonio Express - News that Mark Davis met with officials from the city of San Antonio to discuss the possibility of relocating the Raiders to San Antonio after the 2014 -- 15 NFL season . Davis confirmed that he did speak with San Antonio city officials while visiting San Antonio to honor former Raiders wide receiver Cliff Branch 's induction into a local Hall of Fame , but did not comment on whether he was considering relocation to San Antonio . The Raiders would have played at the 65,000 - seat Alamodome until a new stadium could be built . San Antonio remained in contention as a site through at least November 2014 , when Raiders staffers scouted the stadium and began negotiating with San Antonio officials . 2015 : Raiders attempt to put together a project with Athletics ( edit ) It was reported in early 2015 that the Raiders sat down with Athletics owner Lewis Wolff in an effort to create a stadium solution where two separate stadiums ( one for the Raiders and one for the Athletics ) would have been built on the coliseum site . The Athletics balked at the deal . In an interview with J.T. the Brick on KGMZ on April 4 , 2017 , Davis revealed that he offered Wolff ( the owner of the Athletics ) 20 percent of the Raiders in an attempt to get a deal done . Davis further elaborated that the closest that the Raiders came to a deal in Oakland was in 2013 with Colony Capital , before the Athletics agreed to a 10 - year lease extension at the Coliseum with the city of Oakland . 2015 : Los Angeles project and losing to the Rams ( edit ) Main articles : National Football League in Los Angeles , Carson Stadium , Los Angeles Stadium at Hollywood Park , and History of the Los Angeles Raiders § Attempted return to Los Angeles On February 19 , 2015 , the Raiders and the then San Diego Chargers announced that they would build a privately financed $1.78 billion stadium in Carson , California if they were to move back to the Los Angeles market . Both teams stated that they would continue to attempt to get stadiums built in their respective cities . The Carson City Council would bypass the public vote and approved the plan 3 -- 0 . The council voted without having clarified several issues , including who would finance the stadium , how the required three - way land swap would be performed , and how it would raise enough revenue if only one team moved in as tenant . On January 12 , the NFL rejected the Raiders ' relocation request in favor of a competing plan by Stan Kroenke to move the then St. Louis Rams back to Los Angeles and construct a stadium and entertainment district in Inglewood , California . However , the NFL left open the possibility of the Raiders relocating to Los Angeles by 2019 and playing in the new stadium under construction to house the Los Angeles Rams . The San Diego Chargers however had the first option to join the Rams at the new stadium , the Raiders would have been authorized to negotiate an agreement if the Chargers did not exercise their option by January 2017 . The Chargers exercised their choice and announced their relocation to Los Angeles in January 2017 , shutting the Raiders out of the Southern California market . Around this time other markets expressed interest in luring the Raiders . For example Duluth , Minnesota submitted a proposal to construct a new stadium for the team , a proposal that was not taken seriously because of the metro area 's small size , proximity to the Minnesota Vikings and unwillingness to commit money to the stadium proposal . Less than a month after the Chargers announced their move to Los Angeles , Las Vegas had emerged as the most likely destination candidate for the Raiders . 2016 − 2017 : negotiations to move to Las Vegas and last Oakland stadium effort ( edit ) Main article : Las Vegas Stadium 2015 view of the Las Vegas Stadium site , adjacent to Mandalay Bay and Interstate 15 2016 ( edit ) On January 29 , 2016 , Davis met with Las Vegas Sands owner Sheldon Adelson about possibly relocating to a $2.3 billion , 65,000 capacity domed stadium in Las Vegas , Nevada . During Davis ' meeting with Adelson , he also visited the University of Nevada , Las Vegas ( UNLV ) , which included a contingent consisting of the university 's president Len Jessup , former university president Donald Snyder , Steve Wynn , and former Ultimate Fighting Championship ( UFC ) owner Lorenzo Fertitta . The proposed stadium would replace Sam Boyd Stadium and would serve as the home of both the Raiders and the UNLV Rebels college football program . A relocation to Las Vegas would be a long - term proposal , as Sam Boyd Stadium is undersized for the NFL and there are no other professional - caliber stadiums in Nevada . Raiders officials were also in Las Vegas to tour locations in the valley for a potential new home ; they were also on the 42 - acre site of the proposed stadium to ask questions about the site . Interviewed by sports columnist Tim Kawakami of the San Jose Mercury News , Davis said that he had a `` great '' visit in the city he described it as interesting . Davis also said that Las Vegas was a global city and that `` it 's absolutely an NFL city , '' as well as saying that `` the Raider brand would do well '' and `` I think Las Vegas is coming along slowly . '' On March 21 , 2016 , when asked about Las Vegas , Davis said , `` I think the Raiders like the Las Vegas plan , '' and `` it 's a very very very intriguing and exciting plan , '' referring to the stadium plan in Las Vegas . Davis also met with Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval about the stadium plan . On April 1 , 2016 , Davis toured Sam Boyd Stadium to evaluate whether UNLV could serve as a temporary home of the team and was with UNLV football coach Tony Sanchez , athletic director Tina Kunzer - Murphy , adviser Don Snyder and school president Len Jessup to further explore the possibility of the Raiders moving to Las Vegas . On April 28 , 2016 , Davis said he wanted to move the Raiders to Las Vegas and pledged $500 million toward the construction of a proposed $2.4 billion domed stadium . `` Together we can turn the Silver State into the silver and black state , '' Davis said . At a media conference in UNLV 's Stan Fulton Building , Davis also said the club had `` made a commitment to Las Vegas at this point in time and that 's where it stands . '' In an interview with ESPN after returning from a meeting for the 2016 NFL draft he expanded upon reasons why Southern Nevada held a certain appeal over the East Bay of the Oakland -- San Francisco Bay Area , how he tried to make it work in Oakland and why ( as he told Sandoval ) he hopes to turn Nevada into the `` Silver and Black State '' ; he also spoke of the meeting saying , `` It was a positive , well - organized presentation that I believe was well - received '' , and stating , `` It was a very positive step in finding the Raiders a home . '' On May 20 , 2016 , New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft said he would support Davis and the Raiders move to Las Vegas , stating , `` I think it would be good for the NFL . '' On May 23 , 2016 , the San Francisco Chronicle and other media outlets reported that a group led by former San Francisco 49ers safety ( and Pro Football Hall of Fame member ) Ronnie Lott and retired quarterback Rodney Peete were looking into building a new Oakland stadium for the Raiders . The group met with team executives and Oakland city officials to brief them on their proposal . They also met with mayor Libby Schaaf . The Alameda County Board of Supervisors voted to begin negotiations with Lott 's group and with the city of Oakland regarding the `` price and terms of sale '' for the 120 - acre land of the Oakland Coliseum and Oracle Arena . Davis publicly reiterated his commitment to his announced plans to relocate the Raiders franchise to Las Vegas , Nevada with the support of the state of Nevada and casino mogul Sheldon Adelson , and said he did not wish to negotiate further with Oakland while the Las Vegas deal was still actively in progress ; any relocation to Las Vegas needed to be approved by a three - quarters majority of all NFL owners , and NFL commissioner Roger Goodell publicly stated his preference for keeping the Raiders franchise in Oakland if at all possible . However , it was reported that the NFL had issues with the Lott Group 's financier Fortress Investment Group due to past issues the group had . On August 11 , 2016 , Raiders ' officials met with Northern Nevada officials about the possibility of Reno being the site of a new training camp / practice facility and toured several sites including the University of Nevada , Reno , Reno area high schools , and sports complexes . On August 25 , 2016 , the Raiders filed a trademark application for `` Las Vegas Raiders '' on the same day renderings of a new stadium ( located west of Interstate 15 at Las Vegas ) were released to the public . On September 15 , 2016 , the Southern Nevada Tourism Infrastructure Committee unanimously voted to recommend and approve $750 million for the Las Vegas stadium plan . On October 11 , 2016 , the Nevada Senate voted 16 -- 5 to approve the funding bill for the Las Vegas stadium proposal . The Nevada Assembly voted 28 -- 13 three days later to approve the bill to fund the new Las Vegas stadium proposal ; two days later , Sandoval signed the funding bill into law . Davis told ESPN on October 15 , 2016 that even if the Raiders were approved by the league to relocate to the Las Vegas metropolitan area , the club would play the next two seasons at the Oakland -- Alameda County Coliseum in 2017 and 2018 , stating `` We want to bring a Super Bowl championship back to the Bay Area . '' The team would then play at a temporary facility in 2019 after its lease at the Coliseum expires . Davis has also indicated a desire to play at least one preseason game in Las Vegas , at Sam Boyd Stadium , as early as the 2017 season . ( The Raiders ' 2017 schedule has both preseason games in Oakland . ) On October 17 , 2016 , Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval signed into law Senate Bill 1 and Assembly Bill 1 which approved a hotel room rate tax increase to accommodate $750 million in public funding for the new stadium . On November 12 , 2016 , a report from the NFL 's own in - house media team outlined how Las Vegas might not be a done deal . The report stated that the majority of owners favored the Raiders staying in Oakland due to market size and stability . The vast majority of the NFL 's revenue comes from TV contracts . So because of that , it made little sense for the other 31 NFL owners to vote in favor of one of their partners abandoning the 6th biggest media market for the 42nd . On November 30 , 2016 , a framework deal to keep the Raiders in Oakland was announced . In addition to the public land , the city of Oakland would commit $200 million to improve the infrastructure of the surrounding area . The Raiders would contribute $500 million to the stadium , while Lott 's group would contribute $400 million ; the NFL already committed $300 million when it rejected the Raiders ' bid to return to Los Angeles in 2015 . Ronnie Lott had no financial or ownership stake in the Raiders ; some sources indicated that Lott was also asking for an ownership stake ( reportedly around 20 percent ) in the Raiders franchise as part of the deal , a condition that was unacceptable to Raiders owner Mark Davis . The Oakland proposal was officially announced in December 2016 , and called for a $1.3 billion , football - only stadium built on the existing Coliseum site . It included mixed use development for possible office or retail space , hotel or residential living and parking , as well as 15 acres set aside for a new baseball - only facility for the Oakland Athletics if the A 's so desired . The site also could have been expanded to include the land Oracle Arena sits on , with the Warriors cleared to move to their new San Francisco arena by the 2019 season . The Ronnie Lott proposal was voted on by the Oakland city and Alameda County elected officials on December 13 , 2016 and approved by Oakland in a 7 -- 0 vote and by Alameda County in a 3 -- 1 vote . 2017 ( edit ) The Raiders officially filed paperwork to relocate from Oakland , California , to Las Vegas , Nevada , on January 19 , 2017 . The Raiders needed 24 of the 32 NFL club owners to vote to officially approve the move to Las Vegas . On January 30 , 2017 , it was announced that Adelson had dropped out of the stadium project , also withdrawing the Las Vegas Sands ' proposed $650 million contribution from the project . Instead , the Raiders would increase their contribution from $500 million to $1.15 billion . One day after Adelson 's announcement , Goldman Sachs ( the company behind the financing to the proposed Las Vegas stadium ) announced its intent to withdraw from the project . On January 31 , 2017 , in the aftermath of Adelson and Goldman Sachs ' withdrawal from the Las Vegas deal , the San Diego Union - Tribune reported that Mayor Kevin Faulconer reached out to an NFL official to let them know they were eager to engage ; a city official also spoke to a Raiders official on the phone . The Union - Tribune noted that any possible Raiders relocation to San Diego or bringing a team to the city would have been aided by a proposal for a soccer - specific stadium and mixed development . NFL commissioner Roger Goodell reiterated , during his State of the NFL address , that San Diego would need a new stadium in order to be a relocation possibility . Another roadblock for a Raiders relocation to the city would have been the owners of the current Los Angeles teams . Stan Kroenke and Dean Spanos would block any team from sharing Southern California , especially if that team is the Raiders ( given the team 's continued popularity in the region ) . San Diego , as an option for the Raiders , was remote . San Diego was previously home to the San Diego Chargers from 1961 until 2016 ( when the team relocated to the Greater Los Angeles Area ) ; a Raiders move there would have been ironic given that the team 's primary rival the Chargers were based in that city . On February 16 , 2017 , the San Diego Union - Tribune obtained a letter from Doug Manchester that stated he had `` assembled a powerful group of associates '' who would develop a 70,000 - seat stadium on the land of Qualcomm Stadium ; the letter also stated the project would provide `` a viable alternative '' to the Raiders in case Las Vegas fell through ; the group also stated that they were `` open to working with the Chargers , Raiders , other NFL owners , or a new ownership group '' ; it also stated an NFL franchise could participate as a partner or tenant : `` Our group will provide the funds previously allocated to be provided by the City of San Diego and guarantee the stadium 's expeditious construction . Accordingly it will not require voter approval . '' It also said they would provide `` new state of the art scoreboards and upgrade Qualcomm Stadium while the new stadium is being constructed '' . On March 1 , 2017 , Fortress Investment Group submitted a tweaked version of the Oakland stadium plan to the NFL . Relocation to Las Vegas ( edit ) On March 6 , 2017 , the Raiders revealed that Bank of America would be replacing Sheldon Adelson 's portion of the funding for the new stadium in Las Vegas . On March 27 , 2017 , the National Football League officially approved the Raiders move from Oakland to Las Vegas in a 31 -- 1 vote , ensuring them a new stadium in the process . However , even though the Raiders were approved to move to Las Vegas , the club will still play the 2017 and 2018 NFL seasons at the Oakland -- Alameda County Coliseum and still be known as the Oakland Raiders so as long as they play in the San Francisco Bay Area . About one thousand season ticket holders asked for and received refunds after the move to Las Vegas was announced . Their tickets were sold to other fans within hours , and the Raiders ' 53,250 season tickets were all sold out by late May . The league levied a $350 million relocation fee on the Raiders , which will be paid in ten annual installments beginning in 2019 . This figure is slightly more than half of the $650 million fee that the Rams and Chargers each paid to relocate to Los Angeles . Popular culture ( edit ) In season 3 of the HBO television series Ballers , which was produced in 2016 and aired in 2017 , Spencer Strasmore ( Dwayne Johnson ) leads an effort to relocate the Raiders to Las Vegas . See also ( edit ) Baltimore Colts relocation to Indianapolis Cleveland Browns relocation controversy National Football League franchise moves and mergers Relocation of professional sports teams National Football League controversies References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Rosenthal , Gregg ( March 27 , 2017 ) . `` NFL team owners approve Raiders ' move to Las Vegas '' . National Football League . Retrieved March 27 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Raiders Media Relations ( March 27 , 2017 ) . `` Raiders Receive NFL Approval For Las Vegas Relocation '' . Oakland Raiders . Retrieved March 28 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Hanzus , Dan ( January 12 , 2016 ) . `` Rams to relocate to L.A. ; Chargers first option to join '' . . National Football League . Retrieved January 18 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Chargers announce decision to relocate to Los Angeles '' . National Football League . January 12 , 2017 . Retrieved January 15 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Chase , Chris ( October 16 , 2015 ) . `` Ranking the best and worst NFL stadiums , from No. 1 ( Lambeau ) to 31 ( Soldier ) '' . USA Today . Retrieved March 28 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Ranking the NFL 's Best and Worst Stadiums '' . Athlon Sports . Retrieved March 28 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Puma , Mike ( December 1 , 2003 ) . `` Good guys wear black '' . ESPN Classic . Retrieved January 30 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Smith , Timothy W. ( June 24 , 1995 ) . `` PRO FOOTBALL ; Raiders Run a Reverse Play Back to Oakland '' . The New York Times . Retrieved March 28 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Kantowski , Ron ( December 2 , 2009 ) . `` Grey Cup stirs memories of Posse '' . Las Vegas Sun . Retrieved December 3 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Kantowski , Ron ( January 28 , 2017 ) . `` New ESPN film examines XFL 's short life , legacy '' . Las Vegas Review - Journal . Retrieved May 1 , 2017 . I spent a lot of time in Las Vegas a couple of years ago , '' said Charlie Ebersol , son of Dick Ebersol , the NBC Sports executive who co-founded the XFL with pro wrestling mastermind Vince McMahon . `` I think it spoke to the ethos of what that city is about . Jump up ^ Dewey , Todd ( October 4 , 2012 ) . `` Sparse crowd sees Las Vegas Locos roll over Omaha '' . Las Vegas Review - Journal . Retrieved October 5 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Around the NFL staff ( March 27 , 2017 ) . `` Raiders relocation to Las Vegas : Timeline of events '' . 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October 7 , 2013 . Retrieved 2014 - 10 - 27 . Jump up ^ `` Raiders owner confirms talks with San Antonio '' . Associated Press ( AP ) . 2014 - 07 - 30 . Archived from the original on August 12 , 2014 . Retrieved 2014 - 07 - 30 . Jump up ^ `` Mark Davis , San Antonio group meet '' . ESPN . Associated Press . Retrieved November 8 , 2014 . Jump up ^ @ DailyNewsVinny ( March 30 , 2017 ) . `` 2 . To propose a joint development project on Coliseum land that would have built new stadiums for both teams . But A 's declined '' ( Tweet ) -- via Twitter . Jump up ^ J.T. the Brick ( April 4 , 2017 ) . `` Raiders owner Mark Davis breaks down relocation brick by brick with JT `` the Brick '' `` . KGMZ . Retrieved April 17 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Williams , Eric D. ( February 20 , 2015 ) . `` Chargers , Raiders reveal L.A. plan '' . . Retrieved February 21 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Rapoport , Ian ( February 20 , 2015 ) . `` Chargers , Raiders team up for stadium proposal in Los Angeles '' . . Retrieved February 20 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Jablon , Robert ( April 22 , 2015 ) . `` City Council approves plan for NFL stadium near Los Angeles '' . Associated Press . Archived from the original on April 23 , 2015 . Retrieved 2015 - 04 - 22 . Jump up ^ Logan , Tim ; Nathan Fenno ( April 21 , 2015 ) . `` Carson City Council may be set to approve NFL stadium , sight unseen '' . Los Angeles Times . Retrieved 2015 - 04 - 22 . Jump up ^ `` Source : Chargers think L.A. proposal has doable components '' . ESPN . Retrieved 15 January 2016 . Jump up ^ `` An NFL team in Duluth - Superior ? Proctor is going long '' . Twin Cities Pioneer Press . May 17 , 2015 . Retrieved October 19 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Las Vegas Sands wants stadium for UNLV , possibly Raiders '' . Sports Illustrated . Associated Press . January 28 , 2016 . Retrieved March 13 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Raiders owner willing to give $20 M toward Las Vegas stadium '' . National Football League . Associated Press . April 28 , 2016 . Retrieved April 30 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Gutierrez , Paul ( April 28 , 2016 ) . `` Raiders owner Mark Davis says he wants to move team to Las Vegas '' . . ESPN . Retrieved April 30 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Oakland Raiders owner willing to spend $500 million to move team to Vegas '' . Fox News . Associated Press . April 28 , 2016 . Retrieved April 30 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Knoblauch , Austin ( May 20 , 2016 ) . `` Robert Kraft would support Raiders move to Las Vegas '' . National Football League . Retrieved June 16 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Matier & Ross ( May 23 , 2016 ) . `` Ronnie Lott wants to help build a Raiders stadium in Oakland '' . San Francisco Chronicle . Retrieved March 28 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Pelissero , Tom ( October 19 , 2016 ) . `` Raiders owner Mark Davis rails against Oakland ' disrespect , ' has sole focus on Las Vegas '' . USA Today . Retrieved March 28 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Breech , John ( October 19 , 2016 ) . `` Goodell wants Raiders in Oakland , while Davis wants game in Vegas in 2017 '' . CBS Sports . Retrieved March 28 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Richardson , Seth ( August 11 , 2016 ) . `` Raiders relocation could include Reno training camp '' . Reno Gazette - Journal . Retrieved September 24 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Perez , A.J. ( August 25 , 2016 ) . `` Oakland Raiders file to trademark ' Las Vegas Raiders ' name '' . USA Today . Retrieved August 25 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Stadium plan to lure Raiders to Las Vegas passes vote '' . National Football League . Associated Press . September 15 , 2016 . Retrieved September 16 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Chereb , Sandra ; Whaley , Sean ( October 11 , 2016 ) . `` Raiders stadium project for Las Vegas clears Nevada Senate in 16 -- 5 vote '' . Las Vegas Review - Journal . Retrieved October 13 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Las Vegas stadium plan gains approval from Nevada Legislature '' . National Football League . Associated Press . October 14 , 2016 . Retrieved October 14 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Gutierrez , Paul ( October 15 , 2016 ) . `` Mark Davis : Raiders ' Oakland plan unchanged even if Las Vegas deal OK 'd '' . ESPN . Retrieved October 16 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Nevada governor signs bill to approve Las Vegas stadium plan '' . National Football League . Associated Press . October 17 , 2016 . Retrieved October 19 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Spousta , Tom ( October 17 , 2016 ) . `` Gov. Brian Sandoval signs Raiders stadium bill -- VIDEO '' . Las Vegas Review - Journal . Retrieved October 19 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Boilard , Kevin ( November 12 , 2016 ) . `` Report : NFL against Las Vegas , wants to keep Raiders in Oakland '' . CBS Sports . Retrieved November 14 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Matier & Ross ( November 30 , 2016 ) . `` Outline emerges of Oakland stadium deal to keep Raiders '' . San Francisco Chronicle . Retrieved March 28 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` Oakland , Ronnie Lott Group Unveil Stadium Plan To Keep Raiders '' . KPIX - TV . Associated Press . December 9 , 2016 . Retrieved March 28 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Vergara , Andre . `` Oakland reveals stadium proposal to keep Raiders '' . Fox Sports . Retrieved December 12 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Wilson , Ryan ( December 14 , 2016 ) . `` Oakland , Alameda County approve stadium deal to try to keep Raiders '' . CBS Sports . Retrieved March 28 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Will the Raiders stay in Oakland ? Negotiations on $1.3 - billion stadium OK 'd '' . Los Angeles Times . Associated Press . December 13 , 2016 . Retrieved March 28 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Oakland Raiders file Las Vegas relocation paperwork '' . National Football League . January 19 , 2017 . Retrieved January 19 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Raiders file paperwork for Las Vegas relocation '' . USA Today . Retrieved January 19 , 2017 . 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Jump up ^ Skurski , Jay ( July 13 , 2017 ) . `` Bills ' piece of national NFL revenue pie revealed to be a whopping $244 million '' . The Buffalo News . Retrieved July 21 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Dodson , Aaron ( August 7 , 2017 ) . `` ' Ballers ' recap : Meet Candace Brewer , the brilliant woman between Spencer and Las Vegas '' . The Undefeated . Retrieved August 13 , 2017 . External links ( edit ) Sin City Or Bust -- A profile on how Mark Davis moved the Raiders to Las Vegas from ESPN 's Outside the Lines Las Vegas Raiders from the Oakland Raiders ' official website ( hide ) Oakland Raiders Founded in 1960 Played in Los Angeles ( 1982 -- 94 ) Based in Oakland , California Headquartered in Alameda , California Franchise History in Los Angeles relocation to Las Vegas Seasons Players First - round draft picks Starting quarterbacks Head coaches Stadiums Kezar Stadium Candlestick Park Frank Youell Field Oakland -- Alameda County Coliseum Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Las Vegas Stadium Key personnel Owner / CEO : Mark Davis President : Marc Badain General manager : Reggie McKenzie Head coach : Jack Del Rio Culture Oakland Raiderettes Raider Nation The Autumn Wind Mount Davis Ricky 's Sports Theatre and Grill Straight Outta L.A. Lore Heidi Game Immaculate Reception The Sea of Hands Ghost to the Post Holy Roller Red Right 88 Tuck Rule Game Rivalries Denver Broncos Kansas City Chiefs Los Angeles Chargers Pittsburgh Steelers Media Broadcasters Television : NBC Sports California NBC Sports Bay Area KTVU KVVU Radio : KGMZ KBLX KUFX KCYE KDWN Other : Compass Media Networks The Raider Cast Personalities : Bill King Greg Papa J.T. the Brick Playoff appearances ( 22 ) 1967 1968 1969 1970 1972 1973 1976 1977 1980 1982 1984 1985 1990 1991 1993 2000 2001 2002 2016 Division championships ( 15 ) 1967 1968 1969 1970 1972 1973 1976 1985 1990 2000 2001 2002 Conference championships ( 4 ) 1976 1980 2002 League championships ( 3 ) 1976 ( XI ) 1980 ( XV ) 1983 ( XVIII ) does not include 1967 AFL championship Current league affiliations League : National Football League ( 1970 -- present ) Conference : American Football Conference Division : West Division Former league affiliation League : American Football League ( 1960 -- 1969 ) Seasons ( 58 ) 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1990 1991 1993 1994 1995 2001 2017 Championship seasons in bold Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Oakland Raiders Las Vegas Raiders National Football League controversies National Football League franchise relocations 2017 in sports in California 2017 in sports in Nevada Hidden categories : Pages with reference errors Pages with duplicate reference names Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 21 October 2017 , at 04 : 32 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
when is the raiders first game in las vegas
The Oakland Raiders relocation to Las Vegas was a successful effort by the owner of the Oakland Raiders ( Mark Davis ) to relocate the American football club from its current and longtime home of Oakland , California to Las Vegas , Nevada . The team is scheduled to begin play as the Las Vegas Raiders for the 2020 National Football League ( NFL ) season ( although a move to Las Vegas could happen as soon as 2019 with Sam Boyd Stadium ) , playing home games at the Las Vegas Stadium . NFL team owners voted 31 -- 1 to approve the move , which was announced at the annual league meetings in Phoenix , Arizona on March 27 , 2017 . The Raiders became the third NFL franchise to relocate in the 2010s , following the Rams ' move from St. Louis , Missouri to Los Angeles , California on January 12 , 2016 , and the Chargers ' move from San Diego , California to Los Angeles on January 12 , 2017 . The Raiders ' move to Las Vegas comes after years of failed efforts to renovate or replace the Oakland -- Alameda County Coliseum , which has been rated by multiple sources as one of the worst stadiums in the NFL .
Steve Rowe ( businessman ) - wikipedia Steve Rowe ( businessman ) Steve Rowe Stephen Joseph Rowe July 1967 ( age 50 -- 51 ) Residence Purley , England Nationality British Occupation CEO , Marks & Spencer Salary £ 810,000 plus benefits and bonuses Parent ( s ) Joe Rowe Stephen Joseph Rowe ( born July 1967 ) is a British businessman , CEO of Marks & Spencer since April 2016 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early life 2 Career 3 Personal life 4 References Early life ( edit ) Stephen Joseph Rowe was born in July 1967 . He is from Croydon . His father , Joe Rowe also worked for M&S , where he was head of food , and a main board director . Career ( edit ) Rowe has spent almost his entire career at Marks & Spencer , starting in Croydon working on Saturdays , aged 15 . Aged 18 , Rowe joined Topshop as a trainee , and soon became a store manager , but returned to M&S , `` frustrated with the lack of career development at the company '' . On 7 January 2016 it was announced that Marc Bolland , who was CEO since 2010 would step down on 2 April 2016 , and be replaced by Rowe , who was then head of clothing , and had previously been head of the food business . On 2 April , he became the CEO of M&S . Personal life ( edit ) Rowe is a `` diehard Millwall fan '' . He lives in Purley . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Chris Green ( 7 January 2016 ) . `` Marks & Spencer names Steve Rowe as new chief executive Business News News '' . The Independent . Retrieved 4 April 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Stephen Joseph ROWE - Personal Appointments ( free information from Companies House ) '' . . Retrieved 4 April 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Steve Rowe : Everything you need to know about the man replacing Marc Bolland at Marks & Spencer '' . City A.M. 7 January 2016 . Retrieved 4 April 2016 . Jump up ^ Butler , Sarah ; Kollewe , Julia ( 7 January 2016 ) . `` M&S boss Marc Bolland to step down '' . The Guardian . Retrieved 7 January 2016 . Jump up ^ Zoe Wood ( 1 January 1970 ) . `` New M&S boss Steve Rowe faces baptism of fire as sales fall Business '' . The Guardian . Retrieved 4 April 2016 . Jump up ^ Daniel O'Mahony ( 7 January 2016 ) . `` Croydon businessman Steve Rowe appointed Marks and Spencer chief executive after joining company as 15 - year - old Saturday boy ( From Croydon Guardian ) '' . . Retrieved 4 April 2016 . Business positions Preceded by John Dixon Director of General Merchandise at Marks & Spencer July 2015 - April 2016 Succeeded by Incumbent Preceded by John Dixon Director of Food at Marks & Spencer November 2012 - July 2015 Succeeded by Andy Adcock Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Living people 1967 births People from Croydon British chief executives English businesspeople in retailing Marks & Spencer Hidden categories : Use dmy dates from April 2017 Articles with hCards Talk Contents About Wikipedia فارسی Edit links This page was last edited on 1 October 2017 , at 17 : 20 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
who is chief executive of marks and spencer
Stephen Joseph Rowe ( born July 1967 ) is a British businessman , CEO of Marks & Spencer since April 2016 .
Aaron Judge - wikipedia Aaron Judge Jump to : navigation , search Aaron Judge Judge with the Yankees in 2017 New York Yankees -- No. 99 Right fielder Born : ( 1992 - 04 - 26 ) April 26 , 1992 ( age 25 ) Linden , California Bats : Right Throws : Right MLB debut August 13 , 2016 , for the New York Yankees MLB statistics ( through 2017 season ) Batting average . 270 Hits 169 Home runs 56 Runs batted in 124 Teams New York Yankees ( 2016 -- present ) Career highlights and awards All - Star ( 2017 ) Home Run Derby champion ( 2017 ) AL home run leader ( 2017 ) MLB Records Most home runs in a rookie season ( 52 ) Aaron James Judge ( born April 26 , 1992 ) is an American professional baseball outfielder for the New York Yankees of Major League Baseball ( MLB ) . Judge played college baseball at Fresno State . A right - handed batter and thrower , Judge , who stands 6 feet 7 inches ( 2.01 m ) tall and weighs 282 pounds ( 128 kg ) , is one of the physically largest players in the major leagues . The Yankees selected Judge in the first round of the 2013 MLB draft . After making his MLB debut in 2016 and hitting a home run in his first career at bat , Judge went on to have a record - breaking rookie season in 2017 . He was named an All - Star and won the Home Run Derby , the first rookie to do so . He broke the Yankees ' record for home runs by a rookie ( besting Joe DiMaggio 's 29 with 30 before the All - Star break ) . He won the American League 's ( AL ) Rookie of the Month Awards for April , May , June and September , as well as the AL 's Player of the Month Award for June and September . Judge hit 52 home runs as a rookie , breaking Mark McGwire 's MLB rookie record of 49 . He also hit 33 home runs at Yankee Stadium , breaking the record of 32 set by Babe Ruth in 1921 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early life and amateur career 2 Professional career 2.1 Minor leagues 2.2 New York Yankees 2.2. 1 2016 2.2. 2 2017 2.3 New York Yankees franchise records 2.4 MLB records 3 Uniform 4 Player profile 5 Personal life 6 See also 7 References 8 External links Early life and amateur career Judge was born and raised in Linden , California and was adopted the day after he was born by Patty and Wayne Judge , who both worked as teachers . When he was 10 years old , his parents told him that he was adopted ; he recalls , `` I knew I did n't look like them . '' ( He is African - American . ) He telephones his parents every day . He has an older brother , John , who was also adopted . Judge attended Linden High School , where he was a three - sport star . He played as a pitcher and first baseman for the baseball team , a wide receiver for the football team , and as a center for the basketball team . He set a school record for touchdowns ( 17 ) in football and led the team in points per game ( 18.2 ) in basketball . In baseball , he was part of the Linden High School team that made the California Interscholastic Federation Division III playoffs . Various colleges recruited Judge to play tight end in football , including Notre Dame , Stanford , and UCLA , but he preferred baseball . The Oakland Athletics selected him in the 31st round of the 2010 Major League Baseball draft , but he opted to enroll at California State University , Fresno ( Fresno State ) to play for the Fresno State Bulldogs baseball team in the Western Athletic Conference ( WAC ) . Louisville Slugger named him a Freshman All - American . He won the 2012 TD Ameritrade College Home Run Derby . In his junior year , Judge led the Bulldogs in home runs , doubles , and runs batted in ( RBIs ) . Judge was named to the all - conference team in all three of his seasons for the Bulldogs -- in the WAC in his first two seasons , and the Mountain West Conference ( MW ) as a junior ( the Bulldogs joined the MW in July 2012 , between his sophomore and junior seasons ) . Professional career Minor leagues Judge during Yankees ' spring training in 2015 The Yankees drafted Judge in the first round of the 2013 Major League Baseball draft with the 32nd overall selection , a pick the team received as compensation after losing Nick Swisher in free agency . Judge signed with the Yankees , receiving a $1.8 million signing bonus . He tore a quadriceps femoris muscle while participating in a base running drill , which kept him out of the 2013 season . He made his professional debut with the Charleston RiverDogs of the Class A South Atlantic League in 2014 . He had a . 333 batting average , . 428 on - base percentage ( OBP ) , . 530 slugging percentage ( SLG ) , and hit nine home runs with 45 RBIs in 65 games for Charleston . The Yankees promoted him to the Tampa Yankees of the Class A-Advanced Florida State League during the season , where he hit . 283 with a . 411 OBP , . 442 SLG , eight home runs , and 33 RBIs in 66 games for Tampa . The Yankees invited Judge to spring training as a non-roster player in 2015 . Judge began the 2015 season with the Trenton Thunder of the Class AA Eastern League . After Judge batted . 284 with a . 350 OBP and 12 home runs in 63 games for Trenton , the Yankees promoted Judge to the Scranton / Wilkes - Barre RailRiders of the Class AAA International League in June . He was chosen to represent the Yankees at the 2015 All - Star Futures Game . The Yankees decided not to include Judge in their September call - ups . Judge batted . 224 with eight home runs in 61 games for Scranton / Wilkes - Barre . The Yankees invited Judge to spring training in 2016 , and he began the season with Scranton / Wilkes - Barre . Judge was named to the International League All - Star Team in 2016 , but did not play in the 2016 Triple - A All - Star Game after he spent a month on the disabled list due to a knee sprain . In 93 games for the RailRiders , Judge had a . 270 batting average , 19 home runs , and 65 RBIs . New York Yankees 2016 Judge batting in 2016 Judge made his MLB debut on August 13 , 2016 , starting in right field against the Tampa Bay Rays . In his first at - bat , Judge hit a home run off Matt Andriese ; the previous batter , Tyler Austin , also making his MLB debut , had done the same . This marked the first time that two teammates had hit home runs in their first career at bats in the same game . Judge also hit a home run in his second MLB game , becoming the second Yankees player to do so , after Joe Lefebvre in 1980 . Judge 's debut season , in which he batted . 179 and struck out 42 times in 84 at - bats ( 95 plate appearances ) , ended prematurely when he was placed on the 15 - day disabled list with a grade 2 right oblique strain on September 13 , 2016 against the Los Angeles Dodgers . 2017 The Yankees named Judge their right fielder for Opening Day against the Tampa Bay Rays . He had his first multi-home run game on April 28 against the Baltimore Orioles to help the Yankees win 14 -- 11 , coming back from a 9 -- 1 deficit . One of the home runs had a measured exit velocity of 119.4 miles per hour ( 192.2 km / h ) , the fastest exit velocity for a home run measured by Statcast since it was adopted in 2015 . Judge ended the month of April with 10 home runs , tying the rookie record set by José Abreu and Trevor Story . He was named the American League 's ( AL ) Rookie of the Month for April . In April , he had a . 303 batting average , 10 home runs , 20 RBIs , and a . 411 OBP in 22 games . The Yankees debuted a cheering section in the right - field seats of Yankee Stadium on May 22 , called `` The Judge 's Chambers '' , three rows in section 104 , containing 18 seats . Fans are chosen by the team to sit there and are outfitted with black robes , wigs , and foam gavels . In a game against the Oakland Athletics on May 28 , Judge hit his first career grand slam . Judge was named AL Rookie of the Month once again for May . In May , he had a . 347 batting average , seven home runs , 17 RBIs , and a . 441 OBP in 26 games . On June 10 , Judge hit a home run that had an exit velocity of 121.1 miles per hour ( 194.9 km / h ) , again setting a new record for the hardest measured by Statcast . The following day , Judge went 4 - for - 4 with two home runs , one of which traveled 495 feet ( 151 m ) , which was the longest in MLB in the 2017 season . On June 12 , Judge was named the AL Player of the Week . His week ended with him leading the AL in all three Triple Crown categories . Judge was named the AL Player of the Month for the month of June , batting . 324 with 10 home runs , 25 RBIs and a . 481 OBP . His performance in the month of June also earned him his third consecutive AL Rookie of the Month award , the longest streak since Mike Trout won four in a row in 2012 . Judge had a 32 - game on - base streak , including reaching base in every game in the month of June . On July 2 , Judge was voted as a starting outfielder to the 2017 MLB All - Star Game , receiving 4,488,702 votes , the most out of any player in the AL . Judge broke Joe DiMaggio 's record for most home runs hit in a Yankees ' rookie season with his 30th on July 7 . He became the second rookie to hit 30 home runs before the All - Star break after Mark McGwire in 1987 , the first Yankee to do so since Alex Rodriguez in 2007 and the first player in baseball since Chris Davis and Miguel Cabrera in 2013 . Before the All - Star break , Judge hit . 329 with 30 home runs and 66 RBIs . Judge won the 2017 Home Run Derby , besting Minnesota Twins third baseman Miguel Sanó 11 -- 10 in the final round to become the first rookie to win the Derby outright . Judge hit four home runs over 500 feet , one of which travelled 513 feet , the farthest in the Derby . After his performance , MLB commissioner Rob Manfred stated that Judge is a player `` who can become the face of the game . '' On July 21 , Judge a hit a home run that almost travelled out of Safeco Field . The ball was hit so hard that Statcast could not measure the details on the home run . On July 27 , Judge lost a portion of his front left tooth during a celebration circle after Brett Gardner hit a walk - off home run . The next game , Judge hit his 33rd home run of the season , for 37 home runs total through his first 125 career games , third-most in MLB history . On August 17 , Judge hit a 457 - foot home run at Citi Field that reached the third deck but also struck out in the game , which marked 33 consecutive games with a strikeout , breaking Adam Dunn 's record for a position player . On August 20 , Judge tied pitcher Bill Stoneman 's streak of striking out in 37 consecutive games . On September 4 , Judge became the first AL rookie to record 100 walks in a single season since Al Rosen ( 1950 ) , and the first player in MLB to do it since Jim Gilliam ( 1953 ) . During a game on September 10 , Judge received his 107th walk , the most walks by a rookie in a season since Ted Williams in 1939 . During the same game , he also became the second rookie in MLB history to hit 40 home runs in a season since McGwire ( 1987 ) . He joined Babe Ruth ( 1920 ) , Lou Gehrig ( 1927 ) , Joe DiMaggio ( 1937 ) and Mickey Mantle ( 1956 ) as the only Yankees to hit 40 home runs in a season at age 25 or younger . On September 20 , Judge became the first player since José Bautista in 2010 and the first rookie to record 100 runs , 45 home runs , 100 RBIs , and 100 walks in a single season . On September 25 , Judge hit his 49th and 50th home runs , tying and surpassing Mark McGwire 's single season rookie home run record . On September 30 , Judge hit his 52nd home run of the season and his 33rd at Yankee Stadium , beating Babe Ruth 's record for the franchise set in 1921 . After the conclusion of September , Judge won Player of the Month for the second time and Rookie of the Month for the fourth time , slashing . 311 /. 463 /. 889 with 15 homers , 32 RBIs , 28 walks and 29 runs scored . Entering September , Judge 's second - half batting average was . 179 , but he managed to raise it to . 228 by the end of the month . Judge finished the 2017 season with a . 284 batting average , 154 hits , 114 RBIs , a . 422 on - base percentage , a . 627 slugging percentage , and nine stolen bases . He led the American League in three categories , with 128 runs scored , 52 home runs , and 127 walks ( 11 intentional ) . He became the first Yankee to lead the league in home runs , walks , and runs scored since Jason Giambi ( who led the AL in walks in 2005 ) , Mark Teixeira ( who was the AL home run leader in 2009 ) , and Curtis Granderson ( who scored the most runs in the AL in 2011 ) . He ranked second in the league in RBIs , on - base percentage , and slugging . He also struck out an MLB - leading 208 times , breaking the Yankees record previously set by Curtis Granderson in 2012 and a rookie record previously set by Kris Bryant in 2015 . With the Yankees finishing the year with a 91 - 71 record , the team clinched a Wild Card spot . During the AL Wild Card Round against the Minnesota Twins , Judge hit his first career postseason home run en route to an 8 - 4 victory . In Game 3 of the ALDS , Judge robbed Francisco Lindor of a home run , preserving the tie game . Judge struck out 16 times in the series , setting a ALDS - record . Judge hit three home runs for the Yankees in the ALCS , also robbing Yulieski Gurriel of a potential home run in the Game 7 loss to the Houston Astros , but finished with 27 strikeouts in the entire postseason , a major league record ( this record would be broken by Cody Bellinger in Game 7 of the 2017 World Series just 11 days later ) . End of season awards for Judge included selection as an outfielder on Baseball America 's All - MLB Team . New York Yankees franchise records Most home runs in a season hit at home : 33 ( Babe Ruth held the record with 32 ) . Most home runs in a season by a rookie : 52 ( Joe DiMaggio held the record with 29 ) Fifth Yankee to have 50 home runs in a single season . He joins Babe Ruth ( 54 in 1920 , 59 in 1921 , 60 in 1927 , 54 in 1928 ) , Mickey Mantle ( 52 in 1956 , 54 in 1961 ) , Roger Maris ( 61 in 1961 ) , and Alex Rodriguez ( 54 in 2007 ) . First Yankee with at least 110 walks and 110 runs scored since Mickey Mantle in 1961 ( 126 walks , 131 runs ) . Second player in Yankees history to hit a home run in each of his first two games . ( Joe Lefebvre was the first Yankee to do so in 1980 ) . Holds the Yankees single season record for strikeouts with 208 ( Passing Curtis Granderson 's 195 ) 33 home runs in 36 games at Yankee Stadium in a single season . ( Broke Babe Ruth 's record , 32 in 1921 ) . First right - handed hitter in Yankees history with at least 100 RBIs , 100 runs scored and 100 walks ; in a single season Eighth player in Yankees history with at least 100 runs , 100 RBIs and 100 walks in a season . Fourth rookie in franchise history with 100 RBIs in a season ( joining Joe DiMaggio , Tony Lazzeri and Hideki Matsui ) . Third rookie in Yankees history to hit a homerun in postseason debut after Elston Howard ( 1955 ) and Shane Spencer ( 1998 ) . MLB records Most home runs by a rookie , 52 ( Mark McGwire held record with 49 ) Became the youngest player to hit 13 home runs within the first 26 games of a season . Measured exit velocity of 119.4 miles per hour ( 192.2 km / h ) , the fastest exit velocity for a home run measured by Statcast. ( April 28 , 2017 ) Measured exit velocity of 121.1 miles per hour ( 194.9 km / h ) , again setting a new record for the hardest ever measured by Statcast . ( June 10 , 2017 ) Second rookie to hit 30 home runs before the All - Star break after Mark McGwire ( 33 in 1987 ) . Holds the MLB record for striking out in 37 consecutive games . ( 2017 ) Holds the MLB record for most strikeouts by a rookie with 208 . Holds the MLB record for most walks by a rookie with 127 . First rookie in MLB history with at least 45 home runs , 100 RBIs and 100 runs scored . Second rookie in MLB history with 100 + RBIs , 100 + runs scored and 100 + walks in a season . ( Ted Williams is the other ) . Fourth rookie to post an OPS of more than 1.000 with a 1.049 mark , only behind `` Shoeless '' Joe Jackson ( 1911 ) , Ted Williams ( 1939 ) and Albert Pujols ( 2001 ) . Most Golden Sombreros in postseason play since 1903 . Second AL rookie to hit 4 home runs in a single postseason . Evan Longoria has 6 HR ( 2008 ) . Uniform Judge has worn the unusual uniform number of 99 since it was given to him during 2016 spring training ( higher numbers are often given to young players who are not expected to make the regular - season team ) . Judge has stated he would prefer either No. 44 ( retired by the Yankees to honor Reggie Jackson ) or No. 35 ( worn by Michael Pineda since 2014 ) , but is not sure whether he would switch if the latter two were to become available . MLB along with the MLB Players Association , created Players Weekend to let players ' express themselves while connecting with their past in youth baseball ' . From August 25 -- 27 , 2017 , players wore alternate team jerseys inspired by youth league designs . They also had the option to replace their last names with their nicknames on their jersey nameplates , and the vast majority of players did so . Judge chose the nickname `` All Rise '' ( given to him by teammate Todd Frazier ) to be worn on the back of his jersey nameplate . Player profile Judge is listed at 6 feet 7 inches ( 2.01 m ) and 282 pounds ( 128 kg ) . Due to his large size and strength , he has elicited comparisons to Giancarlo Stanton , Richie Sexson , Dave Winfield , and Willie Stargell . Personal life Judge is a Christian and has posted about his faith on his Twitter account . He keeps a note on his phone that reads ``. 179 '' , his batting average with the Yankees in 2016 , and looks at it daily as a source of motivation . Judge appeared on the cover of the edition of May 15 , 2017 of Sports Illustrated . On May 15 , 2017 , he appeared on an episode of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon where he posed undercover to ask Yankee fans questions about himself . Judge has earned praise for his humble personality and willingness to be a team player . See also Baseball portal 50 home run club References ^ Jump up to : `` Klapisch : Yankees ' Aaron Judge never forgot his roots '' . . Retrieved August 4 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Fourteen alumni from RBI selected in the 2013 MLB Player Draft '' . Major League Baseball . 13 June 2013 . Retrieved 2017 - 10 - 10 . Jump up ^ Reid , Alvin ( 15 June 2017 ) . `` Big week for black players -- present and future -- in Major League Baseball '' . St. Louis American . Retrieved 2017 - 10 - 10 . ^ Jump up to : Kernan , Kevin ( March 11 , 2015 ) . `` ' Blessed ' Yankees prospect elicits Stargell , Stanton comps '' . New York Post . Retrieved March 13 , 2015 . 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Retrieved 2017 - 09 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Yankees ' Aaron Judge : Hits 45th home run '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 09 - 25 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Baer , Bill . Aaron Judge sets postseason series record for strikeouts . NBCsports October 11 , 2017 ( 2 ) Accessed October 14 , 2017 ^ Jump up to : `` Yankees ' Aaron Judge on wearing 99 , not his favorite number '' . . Retrieved May 3 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Nickname Jerseys Revealed '' . . Retrieved August 9 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Mercandetti , Vince . `` Aaron Judge , Comparing Top Yankees Prospect to Other Players of his Stature '' . Retrieved May 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Aaron Judge on Twitter : `` Happy Easter everyone ! He is Risen ! '' `` . April 16 , 2017 . Retrieved May 4 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` From . 179 to the All - Star Game : The climb of Aaron Judge '' . USA TODAY . Retrieved July 11 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Yankees ' Aaron Judge latest highlight : Sports Illustrated cover man ( PHOTO ) '' . . Retrieved June 19 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Aaron Judge wore a disguise to interview Yankees fans on ' The Tonight Show ' '' . Major League Baseball . Retrieved June 19 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Aaron Judge 's high school coaches say he was always a humble star '' . NY Daily News . Retrieved July 12 , 2017 . External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to Aaron Judge . Career statistics and player information from MLB , or ESPN , or Baseball - Reference , or Fangraphs , or The Baseball Cube , or Baseball - Reference ( Minors ) Aaron Judge on Twitter 2013 Major League Baseball Draft First Round Selections Mark Appel Kris Bryant Jon Gray Kohl Stewart Clint Frazier Colin Moran Trey Ball Hunter Dozier Austin Meadows Phil Bickford Dominic Smith D.J. Peterson Hunter Renfroe Reese McGuire Braden Shipley J.P. Crawford Tim Anderson Chris Anderson Marco Gonzales Jonathon Crawford Nick Ciuffo Hunter Harvey Chi Chi Gonzalez Billy McKinney Christian Arroyo Eric Jagielo Phillip Ervin Rob Kaminsky Ryne Stanek Travis Demeritte Jason Hursh Aaron Judge Ian Clarkin New York Yankees first - round draft picks 1965 : Burbach 1966 : Lyttle 1967 : Blomberg 1968 : Munson 1969 : Spikes 1970 : Cheadle 1971 : Whitfield 1972 : McGregor 1973 : Heinhold 1974 : Sherrill 1975 : McDonald 1976 : Tabler 1977 : S. Taylor 1978 : Hudler , Winters , Ryder 1979 : None 1980 : None 1981 : None 1982 : None 1983 : None 1984 : Pries 1985 : Balabon 1986 : None 1987 : None 1988 : None 1989 : None 1990 : Everett 1991 : B. Taylor 1992 : Jeter 1993 : Drews 1994 : Buchanan 1995 : Morenz 1996 : Milton 1997 : Godwin , Bradley 1998 : Brown , Prior 1999 : Walling 2000 : Parrish 2001 : Griffin , Sardinha , Skaggs 2002 : None 2003 : Duncan 2004 : Hughes , Poterson , Marquez 2005 : Henry 2006 : Kennedy , Chamberlain 2007 : Brackman 2008 : Cole , Bleich 2009 : Heathcott 2010 : Culver 2011 : Bichette 2012 : Hensley 2013 : Jagielo , Judge , Clarkin 2014 : None 2015 : Kaprielian , Holder 2016 : Rutherford 2017 : Schmidt American League season home run leaders 1901 : Lajoie 1902 : Seybold 1903 : Freeman 1904 : H. Davis 1905 : H. Davis 1906 : H. Davis 1907 : H. Davis 1908 : Crawford 1909 : Cobb 1910 : Stahl 1911 : Baker 1912 : Baker & Speaker 1913 : Baker 1914 : Baker 1915 : Roth 1916 : Pipp 1917 : Pipp 1918 : Ruth & Walker 1919 : Ruth 1920 : Ruth 1921 : Ruth 1922 : K. Williams 1923 : Ruth 1924 : Ruth 1925 : Meusel 1926 : Ruth 1927 : Ruth 1928 : Ruth 1929 : Ruth 1930 : Ruth 1931 : Ruth & Gehrig 1932 : Foxx 1933 : Foxx 1934 : Gehrig 1935 : Greenberg & Foxx 1936 : Gehrig 1937 : DiMaggio 1938 : Greenberg 1939 : Foxx 1940 : Greenberg 1941 : T. Williams 1942 : T. Williams 1943 : York 1944 : Etten 1945 : Stephens 1946 : Greenberg 1947 : T. Williams 1948 : DiMaggio 1949 : T. Williams 1950 : Rosen 1951 : Zernial 1952 : Doby 1953 : Rosen 1954 : Doby 1955 : Mantle 1956 : Mantle 1957 : Sievers 1958 : Mantle 1959 : Killebrew & Colavito 1960 : Mantle 1961 : Maris 1962 : Killebrew 1963 : Killebrew 1964 : Killebrew 1965 : Conigliaro 1966 : Robinson 1967 : Yastrzemski & Killebrew 1968 : Howard 1969 : Killebrew 1970 : Howard 1971 : Melton 1972 : Allen 1973 : Jackson 1974 : Allen 1975 : Jackson & Scott 1976 : Nettles 1977 : Rice 1978 : Rice 1979 : Thomas 1980 : Jackson & Oglivie 1981 : Grich , Murray , Evans & Armas 1982 : Jackson & Thomas 1983 : Rice 1984 : Armas 1985 : Evans 1986 : Barfield 1987 : McGwire 1988 : Canseco 1989 : McGriff 1990 : Fielder 1991 : Canseco & Fielder 1992 : González 1993 : González 1994 : Griffey Jr . 1995 : Belle 1996 : McGwire 1997 : Griffey Jr . 1998 : Griffey Jr . 1999 : Griffey Jr . 2000 : Glaus 2001 : Rodriguez 2002 : Rodriguez 2003 : Rodriguez 2004 : Ramirez 2005 : Rodriguez 2006 : Ortiz 2007 : Rodriguez 2008 : Cabrera 2009 : Peña & Teixiera 2010 : Bautista 2011 : Bautista 2012 : Cabrera 2013 : C. Davis 2014 : Cruz 2015 : C. Davis 2016 : Trumbo 2017 : Judge Home Run Derby champions 1985 : Parker 1986 : Joyner , Strawberry 1987 : Dawson 1988 : ( canceled due to rain ) 1989 : Davis 1990 : Sandberg 1991 : Ripken Jr . 1992 : McGwire 1993 : J. González 1994 : Griffey Jr . 1995 : Thomas 1996 : Bonds 1997 : Martinez 1998 : Griffey Jr . 1999 : Griffey Jr . 2000 : Sosa 2001 : L. Gonzalez 2002 : Giambi 2003 : Anderson 2004 : Tejada 2005 : Abreu 2006 : Howard 2007 : Guerrero 2008 : Morneau 2009 : Fielder 2010 : Ortiz 2011 : Canó 2012 : Fielder 2013 : Céspedes 2014 : Céspedes 2015 : Frazier 2016 : Stanton 2017 : Judge New York Yankees current roster Active roster 11 Brett Gardner 12 Chase Headley 14 Starlin Castro 18 Didi Gregorius 19 Masahiro Tanaka 22 Jacoby Ellsbury 24 Gary Sánchez 26 Tyler Austin 27 Austin Romine 30 David Robertson 31 Aaron Hicks 33 Greg Bird 39 Tyler Wade 40 Luis Severino 41 Caleb Smith 43 Adam Warren 45 Chasen Shreve 47 Jordan Montgomery 48 Tommy Kahnle 50 Giovanny Gallegos 54 Aroldis Chapman 55 Sonny Gray 57 Chad Green 61 Ben Heller 64 Domingo Germán 65 Jonathan Holder 66 Bryan Mitchell 67 Miguel Andújar 68 Dellin Betances 74 Ronald Torreyes 77 Clint Frazier 85 Luis Cessa 99 Aaron Judge -- Garrett Cooper -- Ronald Herrera -- Kyle Higashioka Coaching staff Manager Vacant Bench 59 Rob Thomson First base 56 Tony Peña Third base Vacant Hitting 62 Alan Cockrell Pitching 58 Larry Rothschild Bullpen 60 Mike Harkey Assistant hitting 63 Marcus Thames Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1992 births Living people People from Linden , California Baseball players from California American adoptees Major League Baseball outfielders New York Yankees players Fresno State Bulldogs baseball players Charleston RiverDogs players Tampa Yankees players Scottsdale Scorpions players Trenton Thunder players Scranton / Wilkes - Barre RailRiders players Hidden categories : Wikipedia semi-protected pages Use mdy dates from August 2017 Twitter username same as Wikidata Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Čeština Español Français Italiano 日本 語 Português Русский 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 6 November 2017 , at 14 : 08 . 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what race is aaron judge of the new york yankees
Judge was born and raised in Linden , California and was adopted the day after he was born by Patty and Wayne Judge , who both worked as teachers . When he was 10 years old , his parents told him that he was adopted ; he recalls , `` I knew I did n't look like them . '' ( He is African - American . ) He telephones his parents every day . He has an older brother , John , who was also adopted .
United States Secret Service - wikipedia United States Secret Service United States Secret Service Secret Service Special Agent badge U.S. Secret Service flag Common name Secret Service Abbreviation USSS Agency overview Formed July 5 , 1865 ; 153 years ago ( 1865 - 07 - 05 ) Employees 7,000 + ( 2017 ) Annual budget $2.2 billion ( 2017 ) Headquarters Washington , D.C. Agency executives Randolph Alles , Director William Callahan , Deputy Director Parent agency U.S. Department of Homeland Security ( 2003 -- present ) U.S. Department of the Treasury ( 1865 -- 2003 ) Facilities Field and resident offices 116 Overseas offices 20 Website The United States Secret Service ( also USSS or Secret Service ) is a federal law enforcement agency under the United States Department of Homeland Security , charged with conducting criminal investigations and protecting the nation 's leaders . Until 2003 , the Service was part of the U.S. Department of the Treasury , as the agency was originally founded to combat the then - widespread counterfeiting of U.S. currency . The U.S. Secret Service is tasked with two distinct and critical national security missions : Investigative Mission -- The investigative mission of the USSS is to safeguard the payment and financial systems of the United States from a wide range of financial and electronic - based crimes . Financial investigations include counterfeit U.S. currency , bank & financial institution fraud , mail fraud , wire fraud , illicit financing operations , and major conspiracies . Electronic investigations include cybercrime , network intrusions , identity theft , access device fraud , credit card fraud , and intellectual property crimes . The Secret Service is a key member of the FBI 's Joint Terrorism Task Force ( JTTF ) which investigates and combats terrorism on a national and international scale , as well as of the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas ( HIDTA ) task force which seeks to reduce and eliminate drug trafficking in critical regions of the United States . The Service also investigates missing and exploited children and is a core partner of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children ( NCMEC ) . Protective Mission -- The protective mission of the USSS is to ensure the safety of the President of the United States , the Vice President of the United States , the President 's and Vice President 's immediate families , former presidents , their spouses , and their minor children under the age of 16 , major presidential and vice presidential candidates and their spouses , and foreign heads of state . The USSS also provides physical security for the White House Complex , the neighboring Treasury Department building , the Vice President 's residence , and all foreign diplomatic missions in Washington , D.C. The protective mission includes protective operations to coordinate manpower and logistics with state and local law enforcement , protective advances to conduct site and venue assessments for protectees , and protective intelligence to investigate all manners of threats made against protectees . The Secret Service is the lead agency in charge of the planning , coordination , and implementation of security operations for events designated as National Special Security Events ( NSSEs ) . As part of the Service 's mission of preventing an incident before it occurs , the agency relies on meticulous advance work and threat assessments developed by its Intelligence Division to identify potential risks to protectees . The Secret Service 's initial responsibility was to investigate the counterfeiting of U.S. currency , which was rampant following the American Civil War . The agency then evolved into the United States ' first domestic intelligence and counterintelligence agency . Many of the agency 's missions were later taken over by subsequent agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ) , Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) , Drug Enforcement Administration ( DEA ) , Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco , Firearms and Explosives ( ATF ) , and IRS Criminal Investigation Division ( IRS - CI ) . Contents 1 Dual mission 2 History 2.1 Early years 2.2 20th century 2.2. 1 Taft assassination attempt 2.2. 2 1950s 2.2. 3 1960s 2.2. 4 1980s 2.2. 5 1990s 2.3 21st century 2.3. 1 2000s 2.3. 1.1 September 11 attacks 2.3. 1.2 Domestic expansion 2.3. 1.3 International expansion 2.3. 2 2010s 3 Attacks on presidents 4 Significant investigations 5 Structure 6 Special Agent 7 Uniformed Division Officer 8 Special Officer 9 Weapons and equipment 9.1 Previous firearms 9.2 Current weapons 9.3 Badges 9.4 Attire 9.5 Vehicles 10 Field offices 11 Misconduct 12 In popular culture 12.1 Films 12.2 Television 12.3 Video games 13 Other U.S. federal law enforcement agencies 14 See also 15 References 16 Bibliography 17 Further reading 18 External links Dual mission ( edit ) Secret Service agents conducting electronic investigations . Secret Service agents protecting President George W. Bush in 2002 . Secret Service and FBI agents investigate the Boston Marathon bombing . The Secret Service is mandated by Congress to carry out a unique dual mission : safeguarding the financial and critical infrastructure of the United States , and protecting the nation 's leaders . The two core missions of investigations and protection synergize with the other , providing crucial benefits to special agents during the course of their careers . Skills developed during the course of investigations which are also used in an agent 's protective duties include but are not limited to : Proficiency in analyzing handwriting and forgery techniques being applied in protective investigations of handwritten letters and suspicious package threats . Expertise in investigating electronic and financial crimes being applied in protective investigations of threats made against the nation 's leaders on the Internet . Tactical operation ( i.e. surveillance , arrests , and search warrants ) and law enforcement writing ( i.e. affidavits , after action reports , and operations plans ) skills being applied to both investigative and protective duties . Partnerships that are created between field offices and local law enforcement during the course of investigations being used to gather both protective intelligence and in coordinating protection events . The Secret Service 's primary investigative mission is to protect the payment and financial systems of the United States from a wide range of financial and electronic - based crimes including counterfeit U.S. currency , bank & financial institution fraud , illicit financing operations , cybercrime , identity theft , intellectual property crimes , and any other violations that may affect the United States economy and financial systems . The agency 's key focus is on large , high - dollar economic impact cases involving organized criminal groups . Financial criminals include embezzling bank employees , armed robbers at automatic teller machines , heroin traffickers , and criminal organizations that commit bank fraud on a global scale . The USSS plays a leading role in facilitating relationships between other law enforcement entities , the private sector , and academia . The Service maintains the Electronic Crimes Task Forces , which focus on identifying and locating international cyber criminals connected to cyber intrusions , bank fraud , data breaches , and other computer - related crimes . Additionally , the Secret Service runs the National Computer Forensics Institute ( NCFI ) , which provides law enforcement officers , prosecutors , and judges with cyber training and information to combat cybercrime . Protection of the nation 's highest elected leaders and other government officials remains the other key mission of the United States Secret Service . After the 1901 assassination of President William McKinley , Congress also directed the Secret Service to protect the President of the United States . The Secret Service is authorized by law to protect : The President , Vice President ( or other officer next in the order of succession to the Office of President , should the Vice Presidency be vacant ) , President - elect and Vice President - elect The immediate families of the above individuals Former Presidents and their spouses for their lifetimes ( except when the spouse divorces or remarries ) , under the Former Presidents Act . From 1997 until 2013 , legislation was in place limiting Secret Service protection to former Presidents and their spouses to a period of 10 years from the date the former President leaves office . President Barack Obama signed legislation on January 10 , 2013 , reversing this limit and reinstating lifetime protection . The widow or widower of a former President who dies in office or dies within a year of leaving office for a period of one year after the President 's death ( the Secretary of Homeland Security can extend the protection time ) Children of former Presidents until age 16 or 10 years after the presidency Former Vice Presidents , their spouses , and their children under 16 years of age , for up to 6 months from the date the former Vice President leaves office ( the Secretary of Homeland Security can extend the protection time ) Visiting heads of states or governments and their spouses traveling with them Other distinguished foreign visitors to the United States and official representatives of the United States performing special missions abroad , as directed by the President Major presidential and vice presidential candidates The spouses of major presidential and vice presidential candidates ( within 120 days of a general presidential election ) Other individuals as designated per executive order of the President National Special Security Events , when designated as such by the Secretary of Homeland Security The laws states that individuals other than the President , the Vice President ( or other officer next in the order of succession to the Office of President ) , the President - elect , and the Vice President - elect may decline Secret Service protection , but the law neither allows nor disallows these excepted offices from declining . When Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State in 2009 , the Secret Service continued to protect her at home ; however the Diplomatic Security Service protected her while she was performing her duties as the Secretary of State , including foreign travel . The Secret Service investigates thousands of incidents each year of individuals threatening the President of the United States . In the face of budget pressure , hiring challenges and some high - profile lapses in its protective service role in 2014 , the Brookings Institution and some members of Congress are asking whether the agency 's focus should shift more to the protective mission , leaving more of its original mission to other agencies . History ( edit ) Early years ( edit ) Logo of the United States Secret Service With a reported one third of the currency in circulation being counterfeit at the time , the Secret Service was created on July 5 , 1865 in Washington , D.C. , to suppress counterfeit currency . Chief William P. Wood was sworn in by Secretary of the Treasury Hugh McCulloch . It was commissioned in Washington , D.C. as the `` Secret Service Division '' of the Department of the Treasury with the mission of suppressing counterfeiting . The legislation creating the agency was on Abraham Lincoln 's desk the night he was assassinated . At the time , the only other federal law enforcement agencies were the United States Customs Service , the United States Park Police , the U.S. Post Office Department 's Office of Instructions and Mail Depredations ( now known as the United States Postal Inspection Service ) , and the United States Marshals Service . The Marshals did not have the manpower to investigate all crime under federal jurisdiction , so the Secret Service began to investigate everything from murder to bank robbery to illegal gambling . After the assassination of President William McKinley in 1901 , Congress informally requested that the Secret Service provide presidential protection . A year later , the Secret Service assumed full - time responsibility for presidential protection . In 1902 , William Craig became the first Secret Service agent to die while serving , in a road accident while riding in the presidential carriage . The Secret Service was the first U.S. domestic intelligence and counterintelligence agency . Domestic intelligence collection and counterintelligence responsibilities were vested in the Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ) upon the FBI 's creation in 1908 . The Secret Service assisted in arresting Japanese American leaders and in the Japanese American internment during World War II . The U.S. Secret Service is not a part of the U.S. Intelligence Community . 20th century ( edit ) Taft assassination attempt ( edit ) In 1909 , President William H. Taft agreed to meet with Mexican President Porfirio Díaz in El Paso , Texas and Ciudad Juárez , Mexico , the first meeting between a U.S. and a Mexican president and also the first time an American president visited Mexico . But the historic summit resulted in serious assassination threats and other security concerns for the then small Secret Service , so the Texas Rangers , 4,000 U.S. and Mexican troops , BOI agents , U.S. marshals , and an additional 250 private security detail led by Frederick Russell Burnham , the celebrated scout , were all called in by Chief John Wilkie to provide added security . On October 16 , the day of the summit , Burnham discovered a man holding a concealed palm pistol standing at the El Paso Chamber of Commerce building along the procession route . Burnham signaled a Texas Ranger , Private C.R. Moore , and the two men captured and disarmed the assassin within only a few feet of Díaz and Taft , preventing the shooting of both Presidents . 1950s ( edit ) In 1950 , President Harry S. Truman was residing in Blair House while the White House , across the street , was undergoing renovations . On November 1 , 1950 , two Puerto Rican nationalists , Oscar Collazo and Griselio Torresola , approached Blair House with the intent to assassinate President Truman . Collazo and Torresola opened fire on Private Leslie Coffelt and other White House Police officers . Though mortally wounded by three shots from a 9 mm German Luger to his chest and abdomen , Private Coffelt returned fire , killing Torresola with a single shot to his head . As of 2017 , Coffelt is the only member of the Secret Service killed while protecting a US president against an assassination attempt ( Special Agent Tim McCarthy stepped in front of President Ronald Reagan during the assassination attempt of March 30 , 1981 , and took a bullet to the abdomen but made a full recovery ) . Collazo was also shot , but survived his injuries and served 29 years in prison before returning to Puerto Rico in late 1979 . 1960s ( edit ) In 1968 , as a result of Robert F. Kennedy 's assassination , Congress authorized protection of major presidential and vice presidential candidates and nominees . In 1965 and 1968 , Congress also authorized lifetime protection of the spouses of deceased presidents unless they remarry and of the children of former presidents until age 16 . 1980s ( edit ) Secret Service analyst examining counterfeit documents . The Secret Service Presidential Protective Division safeguards the President of the United States and his immediate family . They work with other federal , state , and local law enforcement agencies and the military to safeguard the President when he travels in Air Force One , Marine One and by limousine in motorcades . Although the most visible role of the Secret Service today , personal protection is an anomaly in the responsibilities of an agency focused on fraud and counterfeiting . In 1984 , the US Congress passed the Comprehensive Crime Control Act , which extended the Secret Service 's jurisdiction over credit card fraud and computer fraud . 1990s ( edit ) In 1990 , the Secret Service initiated Operation Sundevil , which they originally intended as a sting against malicious hackers , allegedly responsible for disrupting telephone services across the entire United States . The operation , which was later described by Bruce Sterling in his book The Hacker Crackdown , affected a great number of people unrelated to hacking , and led to no convictions . The Secret Service , however , was sued and required to pay damages . In 1994 and 1995 , it ran an undercover sting called Operation Cybersnare . The Secret Service has concurrent jurisdiction with the FBI over certain violations of federal computer crime laws . They have created 24 Electronic Crimes Task Forces ( ECTFs ) across the United States . These task forces are partnerships between the Service , federal / state and local law enforcement , the private sector and academia aimed at combating technology - based crimes . In 1998 , President Bill Clinton signed Presidential Decision Directive 62 , which established National Special Security Events ( NSSE ) . That directive made the Secret Service responsible for security at designated events . In 1999 , the United States Secret Service Memorial Building was dedicated in DC , granting the agency its first headquarters . Prior to this , the agency 's different departments were based in office space around the DC area . 21st century ( edit ) 2000s ( edit ) September 11 attacks ( edit ) The New York City Field office was located at 6 World Trade Center . Immediately after the World Trade Center was attacked as part of the September 11 attacks , Special Agents and other New York Field office employees were among the first to respond with first aid . Sixty - seven Special Agents in New York City , at and near the New York Field Office , helped to set up triage areas and evacuate the towers . One Secret Service employee , Master Special Officer Craig Miller , died during the rescue efforts . On August 20 , 2002 , Director Brian L. Stafford awarded the Director 's Valor Award to employees who assisted in the rescue attempts . Domestic expansion ( edit ) Secret Service Electronic Crimes Task Force ( ECTF ) Secret Service Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Task Force ( AFMLTF ) . Effective March 1 , 2003 , the Secret Service transferred from the Treasury to the newly established Department of Homeland Security . The USA Patriot Act , signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 26 , 2001 , mandated the Secret Service to establish a nationwide network of ECTFs in addition to the one already active in New York . As such , this mandate expanded on the agency 's first ECTF -- the New York Electronic Crimes Task Force , formed in 1995 -- which brought together federal , state and local law enforcement , prosecutors , private - industry companies , and academia . These bodies collectively provide necessary support and resources to field investigations that meet any one of the following criteria : significant economic or community impact ; participation of organized criminal groups involving multiple districts or transnational organizations ; or use of schemes involving new technology . The network prioritizes investigations that meet the following criteria : Significant economic or community impact , Participation of multiple - district or transnational organized criminal groups , Use of new technology as a means to commit crime . Investigations conducted by ECTFs include crimes such as computer generated counterfeit currency ; bank fraud ; virus and worm proliferation ; access device fraud ; telecommunications fraud ; Internet threats ; computer system intrusions and cyberattacks ; phishing / spoofing ; assistance with Internet - related child pornography and exploitation ; and identity theft . International expansion ( edit ) Secret Service Cyber Intelligence Center ( CIS ) On July 6 , 2009 , the U.S. Secret Service expanded its fight on cybercrime by creating the first European Electronic Crime Task Force , based on the successful U.S. domestic model , through a memorandum of understanding with Italian police and postal officials . Over a year later , on August 9 , 2010 , the agency expanded its European involvement by creating its second overseas ECTF in the United Kingdom . Both task forces are said to concentrate on a wide range of `` computer - based criminal activity , '' including : Identity theft Network intrusions Other computer - related crimes affecting financial and other critical infrastructures . 2010s ( edit ) As of 2010 , the Service had over 6,500 employees : 3,200 Special Agents , 1,300 Uniformed Division Officers , and 2,000 technical and administrative employees . Special agents serve on protective details and investigate financial , cyber , and homeland security - related crimes . In September 2014 , the United States Secret Service came under criticism following two high - profile incidents involving intruders at the White House . One such intruder entered the East Room of the White House through an unlocked door . Another incident involved a violation of procedure in which an armed security guard for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rode in the same elevator as President Barack Obama during a visit to that agency 's headquarters in Atlanta , Georgia , to discuss U.S. response to the Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa . The guard used his phone to record a video of Obama and refused to comply with a request to stop . The guard had been arrested multiple times in the past , but had never been convicted of a crime . Attacks on Presidents ( edit ) Main article : List of United States presidential assassination attempts and plots Secret Service agents in response to the assassination attempt of Ronald Reagan by John Hinckley , Jr. on March 30 , 1981 Since the 1960s , Presidents John F. Kennedy ( killed ) , Gerald Ford ( twice attacked , but uninjured ) and Ronald Reagan ( seriously wounded ) have been attacked while appearing in public . Agents on scene though not injured during attacks on Presidents include William Greer and Roy Kellerman . One of the agents was Robert DeProspero , the Special Agent In Charge ( SAIC ) of Reagan 's Presidential Protective Division ( PPD ) from January 1982 to April 1985 . DeProspero was deputy to Jerry Parr , the SAIC of PPD during the Reagan assassination attempt on March 30 , 1981 . Secret Service agents guard President George W. Bush in 2008 . The Kennedy assassination spotlighted the bravery of two Secret Service agents . First , an agent protecting Mrs. Kennedy , Clint Hill , was riding in the car directly behind the presidential limousine when the attack began . While the shooting continued , Hill leapt from the running board of the car he was riding on and jumped onto the back of the President 's moving car and guided Mrs. Kennedy from the trunk back into the rear seat of the car . He then shielded the President and the First Lady with his body until the car arrived at the hospital . Rufus Youngblood was riding in the vice-presidential car . When the shots were fired , he vaulted over the front seat and threw his body over Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson . That evening , Johnson called Secret Service Chief James J. Rowley and cited Youngblood 's bravery . Youngblood would later recall some of this in his memoir , Twenty Years in the Secret Service . The period following the Kennedy assassination was the most difficult in the modern history of the agency . Press reports indicated that morale among the agents was `` low '' for months following the assassination . The agency overhauled its procedures in the wake of the Kennedy killing . Training , which until that time had been confined largely to `` on - the - job '' efforts , was systematized and regularized . The Reagan assassination attempt also highlighted the bravery of several Secret Service agents , particularly agent Tim McCarthy , who spread his stance to protect Reagan as six bullets were being fired by the would - be assassin , John Hinckley Jr . McCarthy survived a . 22 - caliber round in the abdomen . For his bravery , McCarthy received the NCAA Award of Valor in 1982 . Jerry Parr , the agent who pushed President Reagan into the limousine , and made the critical decision to divert the presidential motorcade to George Washington University Hospital instead of returning to the White House , was also honored with U.S. Congress commendations for his actions that day . Significant investigations ( edit ) Arrest and indictment of Max Ray Butler , co-founder of the Carders Market carding website . Butler was indicted by a federal grand jury in Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania , after his September 5 , 2007 arrest , on wire fraud and identity theft charges . According to the indictment , Butler hacked over the Internet into computers at financial institutions and credit card processing centers and sold the tens of thousands of credit card numbers that he acquired in the process . Operation Firewall : In October 2004 , 28 suspects -- located across eight U.S. states and six countries -- were arrested on charges of identity theft , computer fraud , credit - card fraud , and conspiracy . Nearly 30 national and foreign field offices of the U.S. Secret Service , including the newly established national ECTFs , and countless local enforcement agencies from around the globe , were involved in this operation . Collectively , the arrested suspects trafficked in at least 1.7 million stolen credit card numbers , which amounted to $4.3 million of losses to financial institutions . However , authorities estimated that prevented loss to the industry was in the hundreds of millions of dollars . The operation , which started in July 2003 and lasted for more than a year , led investigators to identify three cybercriminal groups : Shadowcrew , Carderplanet , and Darkprofits . Arrest and indictment of Albert Gonzalez and 11 individuals ; three U.S. citizens , one from Estonia , three from Ukraine , two from the People 's Republic of China , one from Belarus , and one known only by an online alias . They were arrested on August 5 , 2008 , for the theft and sale of more than 40 million credit and debit card numbers from major U.S. retailers , including TJX Companies , BJ 's Wholesale Club , OfficeMax , Boston Market , Barnes & Noble , Sports Authority , Forever 21 , and DSW . Gonzalez , the main organizer of the scheme , was charged with computer fraud , wire fraud , access device fraud , aggravated identity theft , and conspiracy for his leading role in the crime . Structure ( edit ) Secret Service agents protecting President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama Ranks of the Secret Service ( not inclusive ) Director of Secret Service Deputy Director Chief Operating Officer Assistant Director Deputy Assistant Director -- - Special Agent in Charge ( SAIC ) Deputy Special Agent in Charge ( DSAIC ) Assistant Special Agent in Charge ( ASAIC ) Assistant to the Special Agent in Charge ( ATSAIC ) Special Agent ( SA ) Special Officer ( SO ) Uniformed Division Officer ( UD ) -- - Administrative , Professional , Technical ( APT ) Special agent ( edit ) Secret Service agents executing a protective operation . The Secret Service special agent position is highly competitive . In 2011 , the Service accepted less than 1 % of its 15,600 special agent applicants . While the Secret Service has always been a popular career path for former military and law enforcement personnel , the Service seeks to hire agents from a diverse range of backgrounds in fulfilling its dual mission , including accountants , lawyers , scientists , engineers , and foreign language specialists . At a minimum , a prospective agent must be a U.S. citizen , possess a current valid driver 's license , be in excellent health and physical condition , possess visual acuity no worse than 20 / 60 uncorrected , correctable to 20 / 20 in each eye , and be between the ages of 21 and 37 at the time of appointment . However , preference eligible veterans may apply after age 37 . In 2009 , the Office of Personnel Management issued implementation guidance on the Isabella v. Department of State court decision : OPM Letter . Prospective agents must also qualify for a TS / SCI ( Top Secret / Sensitive Compartmented Information ) clearance , and undergo an extensive background investigation , to include in - depth interviews , drug screening , medical diagnosis , and full - scope polygraph examination . Secret Service agent trainees at the James J. Rowley Training Center ( RTC ) Special agents receive training in two locations , totaling approximately 7 months . The first phase , the Criminal Investigator Training Program ( CITP ) is conducted at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers ( FLETC ) at Glynco , GA , lasting approximately 12 weeks . The second phase , the Special Agent Training Course ( SATC ) is conducted at the Secret Service Academy , James J. Rowley Training Center ( JJRTC ) , just outside Washington , D.C in Laurel , Maryland , lasting approximately 18 weeks . Secret Service agent trainees practice executing a search warrant . A typical special agent career path , depending upon performance and promotions that affect individual assignments , begins with the first six to eight years on the job assigned to a field office . Applicants are directed to list their office location preference during the application process , and upon receiving a final job offer , usually have several locations to choose from . After their field office experience , agents are usually transferred to a protective assignment where they will stay for three to five years . Following their protective assignment , many agents return to a field office for the rest of their careers , or opt for a headquarters based assignment located in Washington , D.C. During their careers , agents also have the opportunity to work overseas in one of the agency 's international field offices . This typically requires foreign language training to ensure language proficiency when working alongside the agency 's foreign law enforcement counterparts . Special agents are hired at either the GL - 07 or GL - 09 grade level , depending on individual qualifications and / or education . Agents are eligible for promotion on a yearly basis , from GL - 07 , to GL - 09 , to GS - 11 , to GS - 12 , to GS - 13 ( GL - 08 and GS - 10 grade levels are skipped ) . The full performance grade level for a journeyman agent is GS - 13 , which a GL - 07 and GL - 09 agent may reach in as little as four and three years respectively . GS - 13 agents are eligible for competitive promotion to supervisory agent positions , which compasses the GS - 14 , GS - 15 , and SES grade levels . GS - 13 agents who wish to remain as senior field agents continue to advance the GS - 13 step level , capping at GS - 13 Step - 10 . Special agents also receive Law Enforcement Availability Pay ( LEAP ) , a type of premium overtime pay which provides them with an additional 25 % bonus pay on top of their salary , as agents are required to work an average workweek of 50 hours as opposed to 40 . Therefore , an agent living in the Greater New York City area will earn an annual salary of approximately $65,733 ( GL - 07 ) , $74,850 ( GL - 09 ) , $87,639 ( GS - 11 ) , $105,044 ( GS - 12 ) , $124,909 ( GS - 13 ) , $147,606 ( GS - 14 ) , and $164,200 ( GS - 15 ) . Moreover , due to the nature of their work and unique among their federal law enforcement counterparts ( e.g. FBI , DEA , ATF , ICE ) , Secret Service agents are regularly eligible for scheduled overtime pay ( SOT pay ) in addition to LEAP for hours they work beyond 50 per week , and enjoy a raised statutory pay cap of $189,600 per year ( Level II of the Executive Schedule ) as opposed to $164,200 per year ( Level IV of the Executive Schedule ) . Uniformed Division Officer ( edit ) Main article : United States Secret Service Uniformed Division Secret Service officer and his police dog as part of the Emergency Response Team ( ERT ) The Secret Service Uniformed Division is a security police similar to the U.S. Capitol Police or DHS Federal Protective Service and is in charge of protecting the physical White House grounds and foreign diplomatic missions in the Washington , D.C. area . Established in 1922 as the White House Police , this organization was fully integrated into the Secret Service in 1930 . In 1970 , the protection of foreign diplomatic missions was added to the force 's responsibilities , and its name was changed to the Executive Protective Service . The name United States Secret Service Uniformed Division was adopted in 1977 . Secret Service Uniformed Division officers provide protection for the White House Complex , the Vice President 's residence , the main Treasury Building and Annex , and foreign diplomatic missions and embassies in the Washington , D.C. , area . Additionally , Uniformed Division officers travel in support of presidential , vice presidential and foreign head of state government missions . Officers may , as their careers progress , be selected to participate in one of several specialized units , including the : Canine Unit : Performing security sweeps and responding to bomb threats and suspicious packages . Emergency Response Team : Providing a coordinated tactical response for the White House and other protected facilities . Counter-sniper Team : Utilizing observation , sighting equipment and high - performance weapons to provide a secure environment for protectees . Motorcade Support Unit : Providing motorcycle tactical support for official movements of motorcades . Crime Scene Search Unit : Photographing , collecting and processing physical and latent evidence . Office of Training : Serving as firearms and classroom instructors or recruiters . Special Operations Section : Handling special duties and functions at the White House Complex , including conducting the daily congressional and public tours of the White House . Special Officer ( edit ) Secret Service special officers ( not to be confused with Uniformed Division Officers ) are federal agents who work within the Special Agent Division and perform a wide range of security functions and support assignments as part of the protective mission for the Secret Service . Whereas special agents alternate between protection and investigative assignments , special officers are hired only to work protection details . They must have a familiarity with all phases of protective responsibilities sufficient to assist in protective movements , cover designated security posts and drive protective vehicles . Assignments may include Maintaining designated protective security posts that control movement of persons into and around multiple Secret Service facilities and associated areas Inspecting all operational , safety , emergency , and convenience equipment of protective vehicles to ensure peak - operating condition Driving protective or follow - up vehicles Monitoring and operating various communications equipment Using various advanced x-ray screening technologies to detect and identify high - risk items Special officers are sworn law enforcement officers , and are authorized to make arrests in connection with their official duties . They are classified as federal agents but use `` special officer '' as their official title much the same way as Deputy US Marshals are special agents but use the title `` Deputy US Marshal '' . Newly appointed special officers must successfully complete eight ( 8 ) weeks of intensive training at the Special Officer Basic Training Course at the Secret Service James J. Rowley Training Center just outside Washington , D.C. The training includes courses such as Criminal Law , Laws of Arrest , Search and Seizure , Control Tactics , Civil Liability , Emergency Medicine , Basic Water Safety , Firearms and Weapons Handling , Radio Communications , Emergency Driving and Physical Fitness Training . Weapons and equipment ( edit ) Secret Service snipers protect Vice President Mike Pence in Indianapolis , 2017 Since the agency 's inception , a variety of weapons have been carried by its agents . Previous firearms ( edit ) Initially the firearms were privately procured and there was little if any standardization . In the 1930s , the USSS issued the Colt M1911A1 pistol in . 45 ACP caliber . In the 1950s and 1960s , Special Agents carried the Smith & Wesson Model 36 and Colt Detective Special . 38 - Special revolvers . Following President Kennedy 's assassination , USSS Special Agents were authorized to carry the . 357 Magnum Smith & Wesson Model 19 revolver . Between 1981 and 1991 , the Secret Service issued the Smith & Wesson Model 19 and the Smith & Wesson Model 66 . 357 Magnum revolvers , with 2.5 - inch barrels all the way up to the 4 - inch - barreled models , loaded with hollow - point rounds . By 1992 , the standard issue weapon became the SIG Sauer P228 9mm pistol . This weapon stayed in service through 1999 . The Secret Service replaced the Thompson submachine gun with the Uzi submachine gun in the 1970s . Uzis that the Secret Service used have slightly shorter - than - standard barrels so they could to fit inside the standard size Samsonite briefcases that concealed them . They phased out the Uzi in the mid 1990s and replaced it with the H&K MP5 . The Secret Service was the last Federal agency to use the Uzi . The Counter-Assault Team used the M4 carbine from the early 1990s until 2006 . Current weapons ( edit ) Secret Service `` counter-sniper '' marksman on top of the White House 's roof , armed with a sniper rifle . The current sidearm for USSS agents is the SIG Sauer P229 chambered in . 357 SIG ( which entered service in 1999 ) or FN Five - seveN chambered in FN 5.7 x28mm . Agents and officers are trained on standard shoulder weapons that include the FN P90 submachine gun , the 9mm Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine gun , and the 12 - gauge Remington 870 shotgun . The agency has initiated a procurement process to ultimately replace the MP5 with a 5.56 mm rifle . As a non-lethal option , Special Agents , Special Officers , and Uniformed Division Officers are armed with the ASP 16 '' expandable baton , and Uniformed Division officers also carry pepper spray . Special Operations Division ( SOD ) units are authorized to use a variety of non-standard weapons . The Counter Assault Team ( CAT ) and the Emergency Response Team ( ERT ) both use the 5.56 mm Knight 's Armament Company SR - 16 CQB assault rifle in an 11.5 '' configuration . CAT also deploys 12 gauge Remington 870 MCS breaching shotguns . Uniform Division technicians assigned to the Counter Sniper ( CS ) team use custom built . 300 Winchester Magnum - chambered bolt - action rifles referred to as JARs ( `` Just Another Rifle '' ) . These rifles are built with Remington 700 long actions in Accuracy International stocks and use Schmidt & Bender optics . CS technicians also use the 7.62 mm KAC SR - 25 / Mk11 Mod 0 semi-automatic sniper rifle with a Trijicon 5.5 × ACOG optic . Badges ( edit ) Secret Service badge ( 1875 - 1890 ) Secret Service badge ( 1890 - 1971 ) Secret Service badge ( 1971 - 2003 ) Secret Service badge ( 2003 - Present ) Attire ( edit ) Secret Service agent in business suit working President Obama 's protection detail . Special Agents and Special Officers of the Secret Service wear attire that is appropriate for their surroundings , in order to blend in as much as possible . In most circumstances , the attire of a close protection shift is a conservative suit , but it can range from a tuxedo to casual clothing as required by the environment . Stereotypically , Secret Service agents are often portrayed wearing reflective sunglasses and a communication earpiece . Often their attire is customized to conceal the wide array of equipment worn in service . Agents wear a distinctive lapel pin that identifies them to other agents . The attire for Uniformed Division Officers includes standard police uniforms or utility uniforms and ballistic / identification vests for members of the counter-sniper team , Emergency Response Team ( ERT ) , and canine officers . The shoulder patch of the Uniformed Division consists of the U.S. coat of arms on white or black , depending on the garment . Also , the shoulder patch is embroidered with `` U.S. Secret Service Uniformed Division Police '' around the emblem . Vehicles ( edit ) When transporting the President in a motorcade , the Secret Service uses a fleet of custom - built armored Cadillac Parade Limousines , the newest and largest version of which is known as `` The Beast '' . Armored Chevrolet Suburbans are also used when logistics require such a vehicle or when a more low profile appearance is required . For official movement the limousine is affixed with U.S. and presidential flags and the presidential seal on the rear doors . For unofficial events the vehicles are left sterile and unadorned . Field offices ( edit ) Secret Service Field Offices Main article : List of United States Secret Service field offices The Secret Service has agents assigned to 136 field offices and field agencies , and the headquarters in Washington , D.C. The Service 's offices are located in cities throughout the United States and the world . The offices in Lyon and The Hague are respectively responsible for liaison with the headquarters of Interpol and Europol , located in those cities . Misconduct ( edit ) See also : 6th Summit of the Americas § U.S. security misconduct In April 2012 , an incident involving the president 's security detail received international press attention . The incident involved 11 agents and personnel from four branches of the U.S. military ; they allegedly engaged prostitutes while assigned to protect the U.S. President at the 6th Summit of the Americas in Cartagena , Colombia . As of April 24 , 2012 , nine employees had resigned or retired . After the incident was publicized , the Secret Service implemented new rules for its personnel . The rules prohibit personnel from visiting `` non-reputable establishments '' and from consuming alcohol fewer than ten hours before starting work . Additionally , they restrict who is allowed in hotel rooms . A few weeks later , stories emerged of Secret Service agents hiring strippers and prostitutes prior to Obama 's 2011 visit to El Salvador . In 2015 , two inebriated senior service agents drove an official car into the White House complex and collided with a barrier . One of the congressmen in the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform that investigated that incident was Jason Chaffetz . In September 2015 , it was revealed that 18 Secret Service employees or supervisors , including Assistant Director Ed Lowery , accessed an unsuccessful 2003 application by Chaffetz for employment with the agency and discussed leaking the information to the media in retaliation for Chaffetz ' investigations of agency misconduct . The confidential personal information was later leaked to The Daily Beast . Agency Director Joe Clancy apologized to Chaffetz and said that disciplinary action would be taken against those responsible . In March 2017 , a member of US Vice President Mike Pence 's detail was suspended after he was caught visiting a prostitute at a hotel in Maryland . In popular culture ( edit ) Films ( edit ) Mister 880 ( 1950 ) : Unlike most films with a Secret Service theme , this one features their anti-counterfeiting role : an agent ( Burt Lancaster ) tracks down an elderly man ( Edmund Gwenn ) who counterfeits only small amounts of money . Suddenly ( 1954 ) : A group of hired assassins take over a house overlooking a rail - station in the small town of Suddenly where the President of the United States is expected to make a stop . The town 's sheriff and a team of Secret Service agents work to foil the plot . Stars Frank Sinatra , Sterling Hayden , James Gleason and Nancy Gates . Being There ( 1979 ) : Peter Sellers is seen advising a Uniformed Division Officer at post # W - 4 in front of the White House . Also Secret Service agents are seen throughout the movie escorting and protecting the president . The film was an inductee of the 2005 National Film Registry list . To Live and Die in L.A. ( 1985 ) : A Secret Service agent ( William L. Petersen ) is determined to bring down , by any means necessary , a counterfeiter ( Willem Dafoe ) who murdered the agent 's partner . Assassination ( 1987 ) : U.S. Secret Service agent Jay Killion ( Charles Bronson ) must protect First Lady Lara Royce Craig ( Jill Ireland ) from a plot on her life . The Bodyguard ( 1992 ) : Kevin Costner stars as a former Secret Service agent who is hired as a bodyguard to protect a music star , played by Whitney Houston , from an unknown stalker . In the Line of Fire ( 1993 ) : Psychological thriller in which Clint Eastwood plays a Secret Service Agent who had been on the presidential protection detail during the assassination of John F. Kennedy . He is now pursuing a deranged former CIA special operations assassin who is intent on killing the current U.S. President . Guarding Tess ( 1994 ) : Nicolas Cage plays an agent assigned to guard a former First Lady . Hackers ( 1995 ) : Secret Service Agent Richard Gill ( Wendell Pierce ) is responsible for the pursuit of the young hackers throughout the entire film . First Kid ( 1996 ) : Sinbad and Timothy Busfield appear as Secret Service agents in charge of protecting the President 's son . Air Force One ( 1997 ) : Xander Berkeley plays a Secret Service agent , who is secretly a mole that helps Kazakh terrorists that hijack Air Force One . Murder at 1600 ( 1997 ) : A thriller adaptation starring Wesley Snipes of the novel Murder In The White House by Margaret Truman , daughter of President Truman . First Target ( 1999 ) : Daryl Hannah is a Secret Service agent who uncovers a plot involving senior US politicians and rogue Secret Service agents to kill the President whilst on vacation . Wild Wild West ( 1999 ) : Action parody starring Will Smith and Kevin Kline as , respectively , U.S. Army Captain James West and U.S. Marshal Artemus Gordon . Set in 1869 , they battle a madman who kidnaps President Ulysses S. Grant as part of his plot to dismember the United States . At the end of the film , President Grant promotes them to Agents # 1 and # 2 of his new Secret Service . First Daughter ( 2004 ) : Katie Holmes as the daughter of the President , who goes to college . The Sentinel ( 2006 ) : Thriller starring Michael Douglas , Kiefer Sutherland , and Eva Longoria as Secret Service agents investigating a potential assassination attempt and traitor in the Secret Service . Vantage Point ( 2008 ) : An assassination attempt on the President of the United States is seen from a different set of vantage points through the eyes of eight witnesses . Dennis Quaid plays the Secret Service agent pursuing the terrorists . Olympus Has Fallen ( 2013 ) : An attempt to target and capture the White House and the President of United States , Benjamin Asher ( Aaron Eckhart ) , by a North Korean terrorist leader , Kang Yeonsak ( Rick Yune ) with his commandos . A former Army Ranger - turned Secret Service agent , Michael Banning ( Gerard Butler ) , was trapped in the White House ( Olympus ) and works with officials at The Pentagon to save the President . Continued in the next sequels London Has Fallen ( 2016 ) and Angel Has Fallen . White House Down ( 2013 ) : John Cale ( Channing Tatum ) is a U.S. Capitol Police officer and is a hopeful candidate for a special agent position at the U.S. Secret Service . Cale attempts to foil a terrorist attack on the White House and save the President from the terrorists . The Purge : Election Year ( 2016 ) : Former LAPD sergeant Leo Barnes ( Frank Grillo ) is the chief of security for a US Senator running for the presidency and hoping to outlaw an annual 12 - hour period taking place from March 21 to 22 wherein all crimes are legal . He is later promoted to chief of the Secret Service upon the Senator 's victory in the election two months after the final annual Purge . Television ( edit ) The Wild Wild West ( 1965 ) : A highly popular Western action series , set in the early - to mid - 1870s , starring Robert Conrad and Ross Martin as Secret Service agents James West and Artemus Gordon . West and Gordon pursue a variety of villains across the old west and often report directly to President Ulysses S. Grant . Two reunion telemovies were screened in 1979 and 1980 , followed by the film Wild Wild West ( above ) . 24 ( 2001 ) : Involves many characters and operations within the Secret Service as they protect the presidents throughout the series , most notable Agent Aaron Pierce , played by Glenn Morshower . House of Cards ( 2013 ) : Edward Meechum initially serves as a bodyguard to President Frank Underwood when he was Majority Whip but later gets promoted to the Secret Service when Underwood became Vice President ( remaining on his detail when he becomes president ) . During an assassination attempt on President Underwood , Edward Meechum takes a bullet for the president and shoots and kills the gunman before immediately dying from his injuries . Intelligence ( 2014 ) : U.S. Secret Service agent Riley Neal ( Meghan Ory ) is recruited by the U.S. Cyber Command to provide protective services for Cyber Command agent Gabriel Vaughn ( Josh Holloway ) , into whose brain a high - tech microchip has been implanted . Wayward Pines ( 2015 ) : After a car crash , U.S. Secret Service agent Ethan Burke ( Matt Dillon ) wakes up in the mysterious town of Wayward Pines , where the inexplicable happens and from which there is no escape . Video games ( edit ) Resident Evil 4 ( 2007 ) : Leon S. Kennedy is a Secret Service agent after the events of Resident Evil 2 . His mission in the game is to find the President 's daughter , who has been kidnapped . Secret Service ( 2008 ) : A first - person shooter video game , developed by Cauldron HQ and published by Activision Value for Microsoft Windows , PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360 . Other U.S. federal law enforcement agencies ( edit ) Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ) Drug Enforcement Administration ( DEA ) Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco , Firearms and Explosives ( ATF ) Marshals Service ( USMS ) Immigration and Customs Enforcement ( ICE ) Customs and Border Protection ( CBP ) Diplomatic Security Service ( DSS ) Federal Air Marshal Service ( FAMS ) Postal Inspection Service ( USPIS ) Naval Criminal Investigative Service ( NCIS ) Army Criminal Investigation Command ( CID ) Air Force Office of Special Investigations ( OSI ) See also ( edit ) United States portal Law enforcement / Law enforcement topics portal Title 31 of the Code of Federal Regulations Bodyguard Commander - in - Chief 's Guard -- The American Revolutionary War unit that also had the dual responsibilities of protecting the Commander - in - Chief and the Continental Army 's money . Secret Service codename References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Resse , Shawn ( April 16 , 2012 ) . `` The U.S. Secret Service : An Examination and Analysis of Its Evolving Missions '' ( PDF ) . Congressional Research Service . Retrieved April 18 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` Secret Service History '' . United States Secret Service . Retrieved May 3 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` United States Secret Service : Investigative Mission '' . . Retrieved September 20 , 2017 . This article incorporates text from this source , which is in the public domain . Jump up ^ `` United States Secret Service : Protective Mission '' . . Retrieved September 20 , 2017 . This article incorporates text from this source , which is in the public domain . ^ Jump up to : `` United States Code : Title 18 , Section 3056 '' . Jump up ^ Gillman , Todd J. `` Obama signs lifetime Secret Service protection for George W. Bush , himself and future presidents '' . Trail Blazers Blog . The Dallas Morning News . Retrieved January 18 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Compton , Ann ( January 10 , 2013 ) . `` Lifetime Secret Service Protection Restored for Presidents Bush and Obama '' . ABC News . Retrieved September 21 , 2013 . Jump up ^ USSS . `` USSS Fiscal Year 2010 Annual Report '' ( PDF ) . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on August 18 , 2012 . Retrieved June 8 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` The Secret Service : What 's next for the new director Brookings Institution '' . Brookings . Retrieved October 26 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Secret Service Recruitment Campaign Amps Up '' . . Retrieved October 26 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` The United States Secret Service '' . . July 1 , 1922 . Retrieved August 9 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Petro , Joseph ; Jeffrey Robinson ( 2005 ) . Standing Next to History , An Agent 's Life Inside the Secret Service . New York : St. Martin 's Press . p. 16 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 312 - 33221 - 1 . Jump up ^ 11 Asian L.J. 147 ( 2004 ) , Foreword : Sixty Years after the Internment : Civil Rights , Identity Politics , and Racial Profiling ; Tamaki , Donald K . Jump up ^ Archived May 2 , 2013 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Harris & Sadler 2009 , pp. 1 -- 2 . Jump up ^ Harris & Sadler 2009 , p. 15 . Jump up ^ `` Mr. Taft 's Peril ; Reported Plot to Kill Two Presidents '' . Daily Mail . London . October 16 , 1909 . ISSN 0307 - 7578 . Jump up ^ Hammond ( 1935 ) , pp. 565 -- 566 Jump up ^ Harris & Sadler 2009 , p. 213 . Jump up ^ Pub. L. 90 -- 331 Jump up ^ `` Wireless Industry Salutes U.S. Secret Service '' . . September 11 , 1995 . Archived from the original on March 23 , 2012 . Retrieved August 9 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` History '' . . Retrieved May 14 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Master Special Officer Craig J. Miller '' . . The Officer Down Memorial Page , Inc . Retrieved August 12 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Kessler , Ronald . In the President 's Secret Service : Behind the Scenes with Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect . Jump up ^ `` United States Secret Service : Electronic Crimes Task Forces and Working Groups '' . . October 26 , 2001 . Archived from the original on August 6 , 2012 . Retrieved August 9 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` About the U.S. Secret Service Electronic Crimes Task Forces '' . . Archived from the original on August 18 , 2012 . Retrieved August 9 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` United States Secret Service Electronic Crimes Task Forces '' ( PDF ) . US Department of Homeland Security . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on August 29 , 2017 . Retrieved September 24 , 2017 . This article incorporates text from this source , which is in the public domain . Jump up ^ `` United States Secret Service Signs Partnership Agreement With Italian Officials Establishing the First European Electronic Crimes Task Force '' ( PDF ) ( Press release ) . July 6 , 2009 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on September 15 , 2012 . Retrieved August 9 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` United States Secret Service Signs Partnership Agreement With United Kingdom Officials Establishing the Second European Electronic Crimes Task Force '' ( PDF ) ( Press release ) . August 9 , 2010 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on September 15 , 2012 . Retrieved August 9 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` United States Secret Service : Frequently Asked Questions '' . . January 1 , 1997 . Archived from the original on March 23 , 2010 . Retrieved August 9 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Henry , Ed ( September 30 , 2014 ) . `` House intruder entered East Room , used unlocked door '' . FOX News , Associated Press . Retrieved September 30 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Armed contractor with arrest record was on elevator with Obama in Atlanta '' . Washington Post . September 30 , 2014 . Retrieved December 19 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Schmidt , Michael ( November 2 , 2014 ) . `` One Day in an Elevator With Obama , Then Out of a Job '' . The New York Times . Retrieved November 3 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Elaine Quijano ( May 10 , 2005 ) . `` Secret Service told grenade landed near Bush '' . . Retrieved August 9 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Chilcote ( January 11 , 2006 ) . `` Bush grenade attacker gets life '' . CNN . Retrieved January 3 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Petro , Joseph ; Jeffrey Robinson ( 2005 ) . Standing Next to History , An Agent 's Life Inside the Secret Service . New York : St. Martin 's Press . pp. 140 -- 141 & 202 -- 204 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 312 - 33221 - 1 . Jump up ^ `` Robert L. DeProspero '' . WVUAlumni . West Virginia University Alumni Association . 2005 . Archived from the original on October 13 , 2007 . Retrieved August 12 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Johnson Praises Agent 's Bravery : Honors Guard Who Shielded Him in Dallas Shooting ' Courage ' Is Cited '' . The New York Times . Associated Press . December 5 , 1963 . p. 32 . Jump up ^ `` The Transfer of Power '' . Time . November 29 , 1963 . Jump up ^ Associated Press ( November 27 , 1963 ) . `` Johnson Says Agent in Dallas Screened Him With His Body '' . The New York Times . p. 21 . Jump up ^ Youngblood , Rufus ( 1973 ) . Twenty Years in the Secret Service . New York : Simon and Schuster . pp. 147 -- 149 . Jump up ^ `` Survivor 's Guilt : The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect the President '' . Jump up ^ `` He Took a Bullet for Reagan '' . CBS News . June 11 , 2004 . ' In the Secret Service , ' ( McCarthy ) continued , ' we 're trained to cover and evacuate the president . And to cover the president , you have to get as large as you can , rather than hitting the deck . ' Jump up ^ By means of the NCAA Award of Valor , the National Collegiate Athletic Association recognizes `` courageous action or noteworthy bravery '' by persons involved with intercollegiate athletics . McCarthy had played NCAA football at the University of Illinois . Jump up ^ Wilber , Del Quentin ( 2011 ) . Rawhide Down : The Near Assassination of Ronald Reagan . Macmillan . ISBN 0 - 8050 - 9346 - X . Jump up ^ `` Secret Service Investigation Disrupts Identity Theft Ring '' ( PDF ) ( Press release ) . September 13 , 2007 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on September 15 , 2012 . Retrieved August 9 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` U.S. Secret Service 's Operation Firewall Nets 28 Arrests '' ( PDF ) ( Press release ) . October 28 , 2004 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on September 15 , 2012 . Retrieved August 9 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Additional Indictments Announced in Ongoing Secret Service Network Intrusion Investigation '' ( PDF ) ( Press release ) . August 5 , 2008 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on September 15 , 2012 . Retrieved August 9 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Secret Service Agent Selection Tougher Than Harvard '' . ^ Jump up to : `` Special Agent : Career Path '' . US Secret Service . Retrieved September 24 , 2017 . This article incorporates text from this source , which is in the public domain . Jump up ^ `` '' . . August 26 , 2009 . Retrieved August 9 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Agent Training '' . Jump up ^ `` LEAP Pay '' . Jump up ^ `` LEAP Salary Calculator '' . Jump up ^ `` Secret Service Agent Overtime Pay '' . ^ Jump up to : `` Uniformed Division Careers '' . This article incorporates text from this source , which is in the public domain . ^ Jump up to : Jones , Richard D. Jane 's Infantry Weapons 2009 / 2010 . Jane 's Information Group ; 35th edition ( January 27 , 2009 ) . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7106 - 2869 - 5 . Jump up ^ `` Additional Presolicitation Conference for Rifle Requirement -- Federal Business Opportunities : Opportunities '' . Jump up ^ `` The Gear and Guns of the Secret Service '' World of Firepower , Vol 4 Issue 3 , May / June 2016 , pp 9 - 10 , ASIN : B01GK8XJEY Jump up ^ `` The American Presidency '' . . March 14 , 2012 . Retrieved August 9 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` United States Secret Service Field Office Contact Details '' . United States Secret Service . Retrieved September 6 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Schmidt , Michael S. ( April 18 , 2012 ) . `` 3 in Scandal Being Forced Out of Secret Service , Officials Say '' . The New York Times . Retrieved April 28 , 2012 . Jump up ^ David Jackson ; Richard Wolf ( April 16 , 2012 ) . `` Obama : ' Angry ' if Secret Service allegations are true '' . USA Today . Retrieved April 24 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Secret Service amends standards of conduct after KIRO 7 investigation '' . KIRO - TV . April 27 , 2012 . Archived from the original on May 4 , 2012 . Retrieved April 30 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Norah O'Donnell ; Jillian Hughes ( April 27 , 2012 ) . `` New code of conduct issued for Secret Service agents '' . CBS News . Retrieved April 29 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Schmidt , Michael S. ( April 27 , 2012 ) . `` Secret Service Tightens Travel Rules for Its Staff '' . The New York Times . Retrieved April 29 , 2012 . Jump up ^ David Nakamura ; Ed O'Keefe ( April 28 , 2012 ) . `` Secret Service imposes new rules on agents for foreign trips '' . The Washington Post . Retrieved April 29 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Jackson , David ( April 26 , 2012 ) . `` Secret Service investigating more allegations of misconduct '' . USA Today . Retrieved April 27 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Caldwell , Alicia A. , `` Investigation : Secret Service tried to discredit US lawmaker `` , Associated Press / Stars and Stripes , September 30 , 2015 Jump up ^ Landers , Elizabeth Secret Service agent on VP 's detail caught after meeting with prostitute at Maryland hotel April 5 , 2017 Jump up ^ accessed March 18 , 2018 . Bibliography ( edit ) Hammond , John Hays ( 1935 ) . The Autobiography of John Hays Hammond . New York : Farrar & Rinehart . ISBN 978 - 0 - 405 - 05913 - 1 . Harris , Charles H. III ; Sadler , Louis R. ( 2009 ) . The Secret War in El Paso : Mexican Revolutionary Intrigue , 1906 -- 1920 . Albuquerque , NM : University of New Mexico Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8263 - 4652 - 0 . Further reading ( edit ) Costello , Mark ( 2002 ) . Big If . New York : W.W. Norton & Co . ISBN 978 - 0 - 393 - 05116 - 2 . Emmett , Dan ( 2014 ) . Within Arm 's Length : A Secret Service Agent 's Definitive Inside Account of Protecting the President ( First ed . ) . New York : St. Martin 's Press . ISBN 9781250044716 . Kessler , Ronald ( 2010 ) . In the President 's Secret Service : Behind the Scenes with Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect ( 1st paperback ed . ) . New York : Three Rivers Press . ISBN 9780307461360 . Roberts , Marcia ( 1991 ) . Looking Back and Seeing the Future : The United States Secret Service , 1865 -- 1990 . Association of Former Agents of the United States Secret Service . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to United States Secret Service . Official website United States Secret Service at the Wayback Machine ( archived March 1 , 2000 ) `` Protecting the U.S. President abroad '' , by BBC News `` Inside the Secret Service '' -- slide show by Life Agencies under the United States Department of Homeland Security Headquarters : Nebraska Avenue Complex Kirstjen Nielsen , Secretary of Homeland Security Claire Grady , Acting Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Deputy Secretary United States Coast Guard Immigration and Customs Enforcement Citizenship and Immigration Services Customs and Border Protection Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Law Enforcement Training Center United States Secret Service Office of Operations Coordination Transportation Security Administration Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office Office of Strategy , Policy , and Plans Office of Immigration Statistics Homeland Security Advisory Council National Protection and Programs National Protection and Programs Directorate Federal Protective Service Office of Cybersecurity and Communications Office of Infrastructure Protection Office of Biometric Identity Management Office of Cyber and Infrastructure Analysis Science and Technology Science and Technology Directorate Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency Explosives Division Chemical and Biological Defense Division Border and Maritime Security Division Human Factors and Behavioral Sciences Division Infrastructure Protection and Disaster Management Division Cyber Security Division ( National Cybersecurity Center ) Intelligence and Analysis Office of Intelligence and Analysis Management Management Directorate Law enforcement in the United States Terrorism in the United States Federal law enforcement agencies of the United States Department of Commerce Office of Export Enforcement National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Fisheries : Office for Law Enforcement Department of Defense Defense Criminal Investigative Service Department of Defense police Defense Logistics Agency Police Pentagon Force Protection Agency ( Pentagon Police ) National Security Agency Police Army Department Intelligence and Security Command Criminal Investigation Command US Army Military Police Corps Army Department Police Corrections Command Navy Department Naval Criminal Investigative Service Marine Corps Criminal Investigation Division Master - at - Arms Marine Corps Police Naval Academy Police Air Force Department Office of Special Investigations Security Forces Air Force Police Department of Health and Human Services United States Food and Drug Administration ( Office of Criminal Investigations ) National Institutes of Health Police Department of Homeland Security Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers United States Citizenship and Immigration Services ( defunct ) United States Coast Guard Investigative Service Coast Guard Police Customs and Border Protection Federal Protective Service Immigration and Customs Enforcement United States Secret Service Transportation Security Administration Office of Law Enforcement / Federal Air Marshal Service Department of the Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs Police Bureau of Land Management : Office of Law Enforcement Hoover Dam Police National Park Service Rangers United States Park Police Fish and Wildlife Service : Office of Law Enforcement National Wildlife Refuge System : Division of Refuge Law Enforcement Department of Justice Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco , Firearms and Explosives Drug Enforcement Administration Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Police Federal Bureau of Prisons United States Marshals Service Department of State Bureau of Diplomatic Security Diplomatic Security Service Office of Foreign Missions Department of Transportation United States Merchant Marine Academy Department of Public Safety Department of the Treasury Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Bureau of Engraving and Printing Police Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division United States Mint Police United States Congress Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives Sergeant at Arms of the Senate United States Capitol Police Government Printing Office Police Judicial branch U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services System Marshal of the United States Supreme Court ( Supreme Court Police ) Other federal law enforcement agencies Amtrak Police Central Intelligence Agency Security Protective Service Environmental Protection Agency Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Federal Reserve Police National Zoological Park Police Postal Inspection Service ( U.S. Postal Police ) Smithsonian Institution Office of Protection Services U.S. Forest Service Police USDA Department of Veterans Affairs Police Office of Secure Transportation Retrieved from `` '' Categories : United States Secret Service 1865 establishments in the United States Assassination of William McKinley Financial crimes Law enforcement agencies of the District of Columbia Money forgery Protective security units United States Department of Homeland Security agencies Hidden categories : All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from March 2018 Articles with permanently dead external links CS1 : Julian -- Gregorian uncertainty Webarchive template wayback links Use mdy dates from July 2018 Pages using deprecated image syntax Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2017 All articles containing potentially dated statements All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from March 2016 Articles with unsourced statements from November 2016 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Eesti Español فارسی Français Frysk 한국어 Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Latviešu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский Scots Simple English Slovenščina Suomi Svenska Türkçe Українська اردو Tiếng Việt ייִדיש 中文 23 more Edit links This page was last edited on 6 August 2018 , at 04 : 51 ( UTC ) . 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when did the secret service start guarding the president
Protection of the nation 's highest elected leaders and other government officials remains the other key mission of the United States Secret Service . After the 1901 assassination of President William McKinley , Congress also directed the Secret Service to protect the President of the United States .
Foreign language influences in English - wikipedia Foreign language influences in English Jump to : navigation , search According to one study , the percentage of modern English words derived from each language group are as follows : Latin ( including words used only in scientific / medical / legal contexts ) : ~ 29 % French : ~ 29 % Germanic : ~ 26 % Others : ~ 16 % The core of English language descends from Old English , the language brought with the Angles , Saxon , and Jutish settlers to what was to be called England in and after the 500s . The bulk of the language in spoken and written texts is from this source . As a statistical rule , around 70 percent of words in any text are Anglo - Saxon . Moreover , the grammar is largely Anglo - Saxon . A significant portion of the English vocabulary comes from Romance and Latinate sources . Estimates of native words ( derived from Old English ) range from 20 % -- 33 % , with the rest made up of outside borrowings . A portion of these borrowings come directly from Latin , or through one of the Romance languages , particularly Anglo - Norman and French , but some also from Italian , Portuguese , and Spanish ; or from other languages ( such as Gothic , Frankish or Greek ) into Latin and then into English . The influence of Latin in English , therefore , is primarily lexical in nature , being confined mainly to words derived from Latin roots . While some new words enter English as slang , most do not . Some words are adopted from other languages ; some are mixtures of existing words ( portmanteau words ) , and some are new creations made of roots from dead languages : e.g. , thanatopsis . Contents ( hide ) 1 Word origins 2 Languages influencing the English language 2.1 Celtic 2.2 French 2.3 Latin 2.4 Greek 2.5 Norman 2.6 Dutch 2.7 Spanish 2.8 Italian 2.9 Indian Languages 2.10 German 2.11 Old Norse 2.12 Hebrew and Yiddish 2.13 Arabic 3 Counting 4 Opposition 5 See also 6 References 7 External links Word Origins ( edit ) A computerized survey of about 80,000 words in the old Shorter Oxford Dictionary ( 3rd ed . ) was published in Ordered Profusion by Thomas Finkenstaedt and Dieter Wolff ( 1973 ) that estimated the origin of English words as follows : Influences in English vocabulary French : 28.3 % Latin , including modern scientific and technical Latin : 28.24 % Germanic languages -- inherited from Old English , from Proto - Germanic , or a more recent borrowing from a Germanic language such as Old Norse ; does not include Germanic words borrowed from a Romance language , i.e. , coming from the Germanic element in French , Latin or other Romance languages : 25 % Greek : 5.32 % No etymology given : 4.04 % Derived from proper names : 3.28 % All other languages : less than 1 % A survey by Joseph M. Williams in Origins of the English Language of 10,000 words taken from several thousand business letters gave this set of statistics : French ( langue d'oïl ) : 41 % `` Native '' English : 33 % Latin : 15 % Old Norse : 5 % Dutch : 1 % Other : 5 % Languages influencing the English language ( edit ) This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( May 2017 ) Here is a list of the most common foreign language influences in English , where other languages have influenced or contributed words to English . Celtic ( edit ) Main article : Lists of English words of Celtic origin Words are almost absent , except for dialectal words , such as the Yan Tan Tethera system of counting sheep . However , hypotheses have been made that English syntax was influenced by Celtic languages , such as the system of continuous tenses was a cliché of similar Celtic phrasal structures ; this is controversial , as the system has clear native English and other Germanic developments . French ( edit ) Main article : English words of French origin The French contributed legal , military , technological , and political terminology . Their language also contributed common words , such as the names of meats : veal , mutton , beef , pork , and how food was prepared : boil , broil , fry , roast , and stew ; as well as words related to the nobility : prince , duke , marquess , viscount , baron , and their feminine equivalents . Nearly 30 percent of English words ( in an 80,000 word dictionary ) may be of French origin . Latin ( edit ) Main article : Latin influence in English Scientific and technical words , medical terminology , academic and legal terminology . Greek ( edit ) See also : English words of Greek origin and List of Greek morphemes used in English Scientific and medical terminology ( for instance - phobias and - ologies ) , Christian theological terminology . Norman ( edit ) Castle , cauldron , kennel , catch , cater are among Norman words introduced into English . The Norman language also introduced ( or reinforced ) words of Norse origin such as mug . Dutch ( edit ) See also : List of English words of Dutch origin , List of place names of Dutch origin , Dutch linguistic influence on naval terms , and List of English words of Afrikaans origin There are many ways through which Dutch words have entered the English language : via trade and navigation , such as skipper ( from schipper ) , freebooter ( from vrijbuiter ) , keelhauling ( from kielhalen ) ; via painting , such as landscape ( from landschap ) , easel ( from ezel ) , still life ( from stilleven ) ; warfare , such as forlorn hope ( from verloren hoop ) , beleaguer ( from beleger ) , to bicker ( from bicken ) ; via civil engineering , such as dam , polder , dune ( from duin ) ; via the New Netherland settlements in North America , such as cookie ( from koekie ) , boss from baas , Santa Claus ( from Sinterklaas ) ; via Dutch / Afrikaans speakers with English speakers in South Africa , such as wildebeest , apartheid , boer ; via French words of Dutch / Flemish origin that have subsequently been adopted into English , such as boulevard ( from bolwerk ) , mannequin ( from manneken ) , buoy ( from boei ) . Spanish ( edit ) See also : List of English words of Spanish origin Words relating to warfare and tactics , for instance flotilla and guerrilla ; or related to science and culture , whether created in Arabic , originated in Amerindian civilizations ( Cariban : cannibal , hurricane ; Mescalero : apache ; Nahuatl : tomato , coyote , chocolate ; Quechua : potato ; Taíno : tobacco ) , or Iberian Romance languages ( aficionado , albino , alligator , cargo , cigar , embargo , guitar , jade , mesa , paella , platinum , plaza , renegade , rodeo , salsa , savvy , sierra , siesta , tilde , tornado , vanilla etc . ) . Italian ( edit ) See also : List of English words of Italian origin Words relating to some music , piano , fortissimo . Or Italian culture , such as piazza , pizza , gondola , balcony , fascism . The English word umbrella comes from Italian ombrello . Indian languages ( edit ) See also : List of English words of Hindi origin Words relating to culture , originating from the colonial era . Many of these words are of Persian origin rather than Hindi because Persian was the official language of the Mughal courts . e.g. , pyjamas , bungalow , verandah , jungle , curry , shampoo , khaki . German ( edit ) See also : List of German expressions in English German words relating to World War I and World War II found their way into the English language , words such as Blitzkrieg , Führer and Lebensraum ; food terms , such as bratwurst , hamburger and frankfurter ; words related to psychology and philosophy , such a gestalt , Übermensch , zeitgeist and realpolitik . From German origin are also : wanderlust , schadenfreude , kaputt , kindergarten , autobahn , rucksack . Old Norse ( edit ) See also : List of English words of Old Norse origin Words of Old Norse origin have entered English primarily from the contact between Old Norse and Old English during colonisation of eastern and northern England between the mid 9th to the 11th centuries ( see also Danelaw ) . Many of these words are part of English core vocabulary , such as egg , sky or knife . Hebrew and yiddish ( edit ) Words used in religious contexts , like Sabath , kosher , hallelujah , amen , and jubilee or words that have become slang like schmuck , shmooze , nosh , oy vey , and schmutz . Arabic ( edit ) See also : List of English words of Arabic origin Trade items such as borax , coffee , cotton , hashish , henna , mohair , muslin , saffron ; Islamic religious terms such as jihad , hadith and sharia ; scientific vocabulary borrowed into Latin in the 12th and 13th centuries ( alcohol , alkali , algebra , azimuth , cipher , nadir ) ; plants or plant products originating in tropical Asia and introduced to medieval Europe through Arabic intermediation ( camphor , jasmine , lacquer , lemon , orange , sugar ) ; Middle Eastern cuisine words ( couscous , falafel , hummus , kebab , tahini ) . Counting ( edit ) Cardinal numbering in English follows two models , Germanic and Italic . The basic numbers are zero through ten . The numbers eleven through nineteen follow native Germanic style , as do twenty , thirty , forty , fifty , sixty , seventy , eighty , and ninety . Standard English , especially in very conservative formal contexts , continued to use native Germanic style as late as World War I for intermediate numbers greater than 20 , viz. , `` one - and - twenty , '' `` five - and - thirty , '' `` seven - and - ninety , '' and so . But with the advent of the Industrial Revolution , the Latin tradition of counting as `` twenty - one , '' `` thirty - five , '' `` ninety - seven , '' etc. , which is easier to say and was already common in non-standard regional dialects , gradually replaced the traditional Germanic style to become the dominant style by the end of nineteenth century . Opposition ( edit ) Main article : Linguistic purism in English Linguistic purism in the English language is the belief that words of native origin should be used instead of foreign - derived ones ( which are mainly Romantic , Latin and Greek ) . `` Native '' can mean `` Anglo - Saxon '' or it can be widened to include all Germanic words . In its mild form , it merely means using existing native words instead of foreign - derived ones ( such as using `` begin '' instead of `` commence '' ) . In its more extreme form , it involves reviving native words that are no longer widely used ( such as `` ettle '' for `` intend '' ) and / or coining new words from Germanic roots ( such as word stock for vocabulary ) . This dates at least to the inkhorn term debate of the 16th and 17th century , where some authors rejected the foreign influence , and has continued to this day , being most prominent in Plain English advocacy to avoid Latinate terms if a simple native alternative exists . See also ( edit ) Linguistic purism in English Cultural globalization Internet culture Neologism Untranslatability Philosophy of language References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Fennell , Barbara 1998 . A history of English . A sociolinguistic approach . Oxford : Blackwell . Jump up ^ McWhorter , Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue , 2008 , pp. 89 -- 136 . Jump up ^ Finkenstaedt , Thomas ; Dieter Wolff ( 1973 ) . Ordered profusion ; studies in dictionaries and the English lexicon. C. Winter . ISBN 3 - 533 - 02253 - 6 . Jump up ^ `` Joseph M. Willams , Origins of the English Language at '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 04 - 21 . Jump up ^ Origins Jump up ^ Algeo , John ( 2010 ) . The Origins and Development of the English Language ( PDF ) ( 6th ed . ) . Boston : Wadsworth . ISBN 1 - 4282 - 3145 - 5 . Retrieved 8 June 2017 . Jump up ^ Williams , Joseph M ( 1986 ) . Origins of the English Language . New York : Simon and Schuster . ISBN 0029344700 . Retrieved 8 June 2017 . External links ( edit ) Mathematical Words : Origins and Sources ( John Aldrich , University of Southampton ) The contribution of French , Latin , Greek and German are surveyed . 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what percent of the english language is greek
Greek : 5.32 %
Seven Brides for Seven brothers - Wikipedia Seven Brides for Seven brothers Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see Seven Brides for Seven Brothers ( disambiguation ) . Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Theatrical release poster Directed by Stanley Donen Produced by Jack Cummings Screenplay by Albert Hackett Frances Goodrich Dorothy Kingsley Based on The Sobbin ' Women by Stephen Vincent Benét Starring Howard Keel Jane Powell Jeff Richards Matt Mattox Marc Platt Jacques d'Amboise Tommy Rall Russ Tamblyn Julie Newmar Ruta Lee Norma Doggett Virginia Gibson Betty Carr Nancy Kilgas Ian Wolfe Marjorie Wood Russell Simpson Howard Petrie Music by Gene de Paul Johnny Mercer Adolph Deutsch Saul Chaplin Cinematography George J. Folsey Edited by Ralph E. Winters Distributed by Metro -- Goldwyn -- Mayer Release date July 22 , 1954 ( 1954 - 07 - 22 ) Running time 102 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $2,540,000 Box office $9,403,000 Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is a 1954 musical film , photographed in Ansco Color in the CinemaScope format . The film was directed by Stanley Donen , with music by Saul Chaplin and Gene de Paul , lyrics by Johnny Mercer , and choreography by Michael Kidd . The screenplay , by Albert Hackett , Frances Goodrich , and Dorothy Kingsley , is based on the short story `` The Sobbin ' Women '' , by Stephen Vincent Benét , which was based in turn on the Ancient Roman legend of The Rape of the Sabine Women . Seven Brides for Seven Brothers , which is set in Oregon in 1850 , is particularly known for Kidd 's unusual choreography , which makes dance numbers out of such mundane frontier pursuits as chopping wood and raising a barn . Film critic Stephanie Zacharek has called the barn - raising sequence in Seven Brides `` one of the most rousing dance numbers ever put on screen . '' Seven Brides for Seven Brothers won the Academy Award for Best Scoring of a Musical Picture and was nominated for four additional awards , including Best Picture of the Year ( where it lost the award to Elia Kazan 's On the Waterfront ) . In 2006 , American Film Institute named Seven Brides for Seven Brothers as one of the best American musical films ever made . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Cast 2.1 Brothers 2.2 Brides 2.3 Townspeople 3 Production 4 Songs and music 5 Reception 6 Publicity slogan 7 Awards and honors 8 Adaptations and remakes 9 References 10 External links Plot ( edit ) This article 's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed . Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. ( April 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) In 1850 , backwoodsman Adam Pontipee comes into a town in the Oregon Territory to search for a bride . Met with ridicule by some locals , he comes upon the local tavern where he meets Milly . Convinced of her worth by the quality of her cooking and her insistence on finishing her chores before she would leave with him , he proposes and she accepts despite knowing each other for only a few hours . On the journey home Milly talks about how she is excited to be cooking and taking care of only one man , visibly upsetting Adam . When they arrive at his cabin in the mountains , Milly is surprised to learn that Adam is one of seven brothers living under the same roof . The brothers have been named alphabetically from the Old Testament in order of birth : Adam , Benjamin , Caleb , Daniel , Ephraim , Frank ( short for frankincense , the Old Testament having no names beginning with F ) , and Gideon . All of the brothers have red hair and all but Gideon are well over six feet tall . Understandably sad about having to tend to the needs of not one , but seven men , and with an idea to solve the situation , a smart and reasonable Milly decides to marry Adam 's brothers off to some girls from the town . During an attempt to accomplish this , Milly teaches Adam 's rowdy , ill - behaved younger brothers some manners and social mores . She also shows them how to dance . At first , the brothers have a hard time changing from their `` mountain man '' ways , but eventually each comes to see that the only way he will get a woman of his own is to do things Milly 's way . They try out their new manners and make an attempt to begin courting the girls . This takes place at a social gathering in the town ( dance + barn - raising ) , where they meet six women they like -- Dorcas , Ruth , Martha , Liza , Sarah , and Alice . The girls take a fancy to the brothers as well . However , they already have suitors among the young men of the town , who jealously taunt the brothers into fighting during the barn - raising . At first the six brothers remember Milly 's teaching and try to resist being drawn into a fight by accepting physical indignities . Adam refuses to let himself be pushed around by the rival suitors and calls his younger brothers cowards for letting them get away with their behavior . The girls ' suitors from the town finally go too far when they attack Adam , provoking Gideon into fighting back . A free - for - all ensues in which the brothers dominate their physically weaker townie rivals . Although the Pontipees did not start the fight , they are banished from the town after demolishing the barn they were raising in the course of the brawl . Winter finds the six younger brothers pining for the girls for whom they had fallen fast and hard . Milly asks Adam to talk to the brothers as she fears they will want to leave because of missing the girls . Adam reads his brothers the story of `` The Sobbin ' Women '' ( taken from Plutarch 's story of the Sabine Women ) , one of the books Milly brought to the homestead . He tells them that they should stop moping around and take whatever action is necessary to get their women . Aided by Adam , the brothers kidnap the six girls , then cause an avalanche in Echo Pass so that they can not be followed by the townspeople . The only problem : they forgot to bring the parson to perform the marriages . Milly is furious with Adam , as are the six kidnapped women . Milly consigns the brothers to the barn `` with the rest of the livestock '' while the women live in the house . Adam , feeling betrayed by Milly 's reaction , leaves for the trapping cabin farther up the mountain to live out the winter by himself , unknowingly hurting Milly 's feelings . Soon after , Milly realizes that she is pregnant by Adam . The winter months slowly pass . The women vent their frustration and resentment by playing pranks on the brothers , such as hitting them with rock - filled snowballs and dumping basins of wash water on them . By spring , the women have forgiven their kidnappers and fallen in love with the brothers , who are now allowed to court them . Milly gives birth to a daughter , Hannah . Gideon rides to the cabin to inform Adam of his daughter 's arrival and asks him to come home . Adam refuses , saying that he had said he would return home only when the snow had melted enough that the pass was open to traffic . Having time to think about his baby daughter , Adam returns home in the spring just as Echo Pass is opening and reconciles with Milly . As a newly responsible father , he has become aware of how worried the townspeople would be about what has happened to the six abducted girls . Adam realizes he was wrong to tell his brothers to kidnap them . He tells his brothers they need to take the women back to their homes in town , but his brothers are unwilling . The six women also do not want to return to their homes ; they all want to stay at the farm with their new suitors and hide so they will not be taken back home . When Milly discovers that the women are not in the house , Adam tells his brothers to go after them and bring them back . The townspeople arrive with the intention of lynching the Pontipee brothers for the kidnappings . Upon finding the brothers trying to force the women to return , the fathers believe their daughters are being assaulted and charge to their rescue . Alice 's father ( Ian Wolfe ) , a preacher , hears baby Hannah cry in the distance , and worries that the baby might belong to one of the kidnapped girls . The fathers and other townsmen round up the Pontipees and announce they intend to hang them . Alice 's father , the Reverend Alcott , asks the women whose baby he had heard . They all decide , simultaneously , to claim the baby as their own . This misinformation gives the women and the brothers their wish : the townspeople , including the girls ' fathers , insist that all six couples marry at once in a shotgun wedding , performed by the parson while Adam and Milly watch and the fathers stand behind their daughters ' grooms , shotguns over their arms . Cast ( edit ) The Brothers and their Brides : Howard Keel as Adam and Jane Powell as Milly Jeff Richards as Benjamin and Julie Newmar ( Newmeyer ) as Dorcas Matt Mattox as Caleb and Ruta Lee ( Kilmonis ) as Ruth Marc Platt as Daniel and Norma Doggett as Martha Jacques d'Amboise as Ephraim and Virginia Gibson as Liza Tommy Rall as Frank and Betty Carr as Sarah Russ Tamblyn as Gideon and Nancy Kilgas as Alice Brothers ( edit ) To perform the dance numbers and action sequences , choreographer Michael Kidd wanted dancers to portray all six of Adam Pontipee 's brothers . Kidd said that he `` had to find a way to have these backwoods men dance without looking ridiculous . I had to base it all around activities you would accept from such people -- it could n't look like ballet . And it could only have been done by superbly trained dancers . '' However , he was able to integrate into the cast two non-dancer MGM contract players who were assigned to the film , Jeff Richards , who performed just the simpler dance numbers , and Russ Tamblyn , utilizing him in the dance numbers by exploiting his talents as a gymnast and tumbler . The other four brothers were portrayed by professional dancers -- Matt Mattox , Marc Platt , Tommy Rall , and Jacques d'Amboise . All four balanced on a beam together during their barn - raising dance . The wood - chopping scene in Lonesome Polecat was filmed in a single take . Adam ( light green shirt ) : Howard Keel , a professional singer , appeared as the eldest of the seven brothers . He also appeared as Petruchio in the film version of Kiss Me Kate , and appeared , in leading roles , in other musical films including Rose Marie and Show Boat . Benjamin ( orange shirt ) : Jeff Richards was a former professional baseball player who topped out at the AAA level of the minor leagues . Although obviously athletic , he is noticeably in the background , seated , or standing during the dance numbers so as to not expose his lesser dancing skills . This often relegated his partner , the classically trained ballet dancer Julie Newmar , to the background as well . Caleb ( yellow shirt ) : Matt Mattox , a professional dancer , appeared on stage on Broadway and also danced in many Hollywood musical films . His singing voice for the film was dubbed by Bill Lee . Daniel ( mauve shirt ) : Marc Platt , a professional dancer , danced the role of Chalmers / Dream Curly in the original 1943 Broadway production of Oklahoma ! and also had a dancing / speaking role in the 1955 film version of Oklahoma ! as the friend of Curly who bought Curly 's saddle for $10 at the auction and who said that Ado Annie 's pie had given him a ' three day bellyache ' . Ephraim ( dark green shirt ) : Jacques d'Amboise , a principal dancer with New York City Ballet , was given special leave for the filming of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers ( although he was recalled before filming was completed ) . He also danced in other musical films , including the ballet role of the Starlight Carnival `` barker '' in the film Carousel ( in which he partnered Susan Luckey in Louise 's ballet ) . The Academy Award and Tony Award winning documentary film , He Makes Me Feel Like Dancin ' is about Jacques d'Amboise and his teaching children how to dance . Frank ( red shirt ) : Tommy Rall , a professional dancer and singer , appeared on stage on Broadway and in many musical films . These included the role of Bill Calhoun ( Lucentio ) in the film version of Kiss Me Kate -- and as one of the Gallini brothers in the film Merry Andrew ( including him being one of the three featured acrobatic dancers in the circus engagement scene -- Tommy Rall is the dancer in the center wearing the red shirt ) . He was also in the film Funny Girl , in the role of the Prince who partnered Barbra Streisand in a parody of the ballet Swan Lake . Gideon ( blue shirt ) : Russ Tamblyn was cast in the role of youngest brother Gideon . Tamblyn showcased his gymnastics training throughout the action sequences . Brides ( edit ) Professional dancers played all seven of the brides . The four girls , whom Adam sees in the Bixby store when he first goes into town , are Dorcas , Ruth , Liza and Sarah . Milly : Jane Powell channeled her experiences growing up in Oregon to create Milly . She and Howard Keel would later reprise their roles in a Seven Brides for Seven Brothers stage revival . She also appeared in dancing and singing roles in many other musical films , including Royal Wedding , and Rich , Young and Pretty and also A Date with Judy . Dorcas Gaylen : Julie Newmar ( Newmeyer ) , wore a purple dress in the barn raising scene . Dorcas is one of the more confident girls , and has stated that she always wanted to be a June bride and have a baby right away . She is also the only girl shown to have a sibling , a younger sister . At the end of the film , she marries Benjamin . A classically trained ballerina , she would later rise to fame as Catwoman in the 1960s TV version of Batman . She also won a Supporting Actress Tony Award for The Marriage - Go - Round ( starring Claudette Colbert ) . She appeared on her neighbor James Belushi 's sitcom According to Jim after the two settled a highly publicized lawsuit . Her singing voice for the film was dubbed by Betty Allen . Ruth Jepson : Ruta Lee ( Kilmonis ) enjoyed a long stage and television career , appearing in dozens of films and TV series , working with Lucille Ball , Sammy Davis , Jr. , Elizabeth Taylor , Natalie Wood , and Frank Sinatra. Lee appeared in the sitcom Roseanne as the first girlfriend of Roseanne 's mother . Her singing parts for the film were dubbed in post-production by Betty Noyes . She is wearing a blue dress in the barn raising scene , and is shown to like baking pies . She marries Caleb . Martha : Norma Doggett performed in the 1940s - 50s Broadway shows Bells Are Ringing , Fanny , Wish You Were Here , Miss Liberty , and Magdalena . Her singing voice for the film was dubbed by Bobbie Canvin . She wears a green dress during the barn raising scene . She marries Daniel . Liza : Virginia Gibson was nominated for a Tony Award in 1957 and performed regularly , as singer and dancer , on the Johnny Carson show . She wears a pink dress during the barn raising scene . She marries Ephraim . Sarah Kine : Betty Carr was also a Broadway veteran , dancing in Damn Yankees , Happy Hunting , Mask and Gown , and Fanny ( alongside Norma Doggett ) . Her singing voice for the film was dubbed by Norma Zimmer . She wears a yellow dress during the barn raising . She marries Frank . Alice Elcott : Nancy Kilgas made her film debut in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers . The youngest of the girls in the story , she is especially close with Milly and wears a peach colored dress in the barn raising scene . Her father is the town reverend . Gideon falls in love with her at first sight . She danced in the film versions of Oklahoma ! , Shake , Rattle & Rock ! , and Alfred Hitchcock 's Torn Curtain . Her singing voice for the film was dubbed by Marie Greene . She marries Gideon . Townspeople ( edit ) Reverend Elcott ( Ian Wolfe ) is the local preacher and father of Alice , one of the brides . He is the officiant in both wedding ceremonies in the movie . A longtime Hollywood character actor , he is perhaps best remembered for his roles as Carter , chief clerk to `` Wilfred the Fox , '' Sir Wilfred Roberts in Witness for the Prosecution ; Mr. Atoz in the Star Trek episode `` All Our Yesterdays '' ; as Father Joseph the Abbot in The Frisco Kid ; and as `` Hirsch , '' `` Mrs. Carlson 's '' butler on WKRP in Cincinnati . Pete Perkins ( Howard Petrie ) is a leading citizen of the town where the Pontipees do their trading . Another longtime Hollywood character actor , he is also known for his role as Tom Hendricks in Bend of the River and as Mr. Lattimore , the prosecuting attorney in the Randolph Scott movie Rage At Dawn . Mrs. Bixby ( Marjorie Wood ) , co-owner of the general store in the town . Perhaps best known for playing Lady Lucas opposite Greer Garson and Laurence Olivier in Pride and Prejudice , she was a Hollywood veteran of 34 films going back to the silent movie era . She died a year after shooting wrapped on the movie . Mr. Bixby ( Russell Simpson ) , co-owner of the general store in the town . A longtime Hollywood actor with 244 movie and television credits to his name going well back into the silents in 1914 , his best known roles are as Pa Joad in The Grapes of Wrath , and Red Kelly in San Francisco . Harry ( Earl Barton ) Matt ( Dante DiPaolo ) Carl ( Kelly Brown ) Ruth 's Uncle ( Matt Moore ) Dorcas ' Father ( Dick Rich ) Production ( edit ) Choreographer Michael Kidd originally turned down the film , recalling in 1997 : `` Here are these slobs living off in the woods . They have no schooling , they are uncouth , there 's manure on the floor , the cows come in and out -- and they 're gon na get up and dance ? We 'd be laughed out of the house . '' Lyricist Johnny Mercer said that the musical numbers were written at Kidd 's behest , as an example `` of how a songwriter sometimes has to take his cue from his collaborators . '' For example , Kidd explained to Mercer and dePaul his conception of the `` Lonesome Polecat '' number , the lament of the brothers for the women , and the two worked out the music and lyrics . In his introduction to a showing on Turner Classic Movies on January 17 , 2009 , host Robert Osborne , as well as Jane Powell in her autobiography , The Girl Next Door , both say MGM was much less interested in Seven Brides than it was in Brigadoon which was also filming at the time , even cutting its budget and transferring the money to the Lerner and Loewe vehicle . Most of the movie was shot on the MGM sound stages . One exterior sequence not filmed at the studio was shot on location at Corral Creek Canyon in Sun Valley , Idaho . It was here that the escape following the brothers ' kidnapping their future brides and the avalanche that closed the pass was filmed . On the 2004 DVD commentary , Stanley Donen states that the film was originally shot in two versions , one in CinemaScope and another in normal ratio , because MGM was concerned that not all theaters had the capability to screen it . Despite the fact that it cost more than the widescreen version to make , he says , the other version was never used . However both versions are available on the 2004 DVD release . The dresses worn by the female cast were made from old quilts that costume designer Walter Plunkett found at the Salvation Army . Songs and music ( edit ) The `` Main Title '' is a medley of the songs `` Sobbin ' Women '' , `` Bless Your Beautiful Hide '' and `` Wonderful , Wonderful Day '' . In the film , Matt Mattox 's voice is dubbed in by Bill Lee on `` Lonesome Polecat '' . Mattox can be heard singing the song on the soundtrack album . Song / Music Title Characters Vocalists ( Singers and speakers etc . ) Instrumental Music Year recorded Main Title N / A N / A M-G-M Studio Orchestra 1954 Bless Your Beautiful Hide Adam Howard Keel M-G-M Studio Orchestra 1953 Bless Your Beautiful Hide ( reprise ) Adam Howard Keel M-G-M Studio Orchestra 1954 Wonderful , Wonderful Day Milly Jane Powell M-G-M Studio Orchestra 1954 When You 're in Love Milly Jane Powell M-G-M Studio Orchestra 1953 Goin ' Courtin ' Milly and Brothers Jane Powell , Tommy Rall , Russ Tamblyn , Marc Platt , Matt Mattox , Jacques d'Amboise , Jeff Richards , Howard Hudson , Gene Lanham & Robert Wacker M-G-M Studio Orchestra 1953 Barn Dance N / A N / A M-G-M Studio Orchestra 1953 Barn Raising N / A N / A M-G-M Studio Orchestra 1954 When You 're in Love ( reprise ) Adam Howard Keel M-G-M Studio Orchestra 1953 Lonesome Polecat The Brothers Bill Lee and the M-G-M Studio Chorus M-G-M Studio Orchestra 1954 Sobbin ' Women Adam & Brothers Howard Keel , Tommy Rall , Russ Tamblyn , Matt Mattox , Alan Davies , C. Parlato , Marc Platt , Robert Wacker , Gene Lanham & M. Spergel M-G-M Studio Orchestra 1953 Kidnapped And Chase N / A N / A M-G-M Studio Orchestra 1954 June Bride The Brides Virginia Gibson , Barbara Ames , Betty Allan , Betty Noyes , Marie Vernon & Norma Zimmer M-G-M Studio Orchestra 1954 June Bride ( reprise ) Brides & Milly Virginia Gibson , Barbara Ames , Betty Allan , Betty Noyes , Marie Vernon & Norma Zimmer & Jane Powell M-G-M Studio Orchestra 1954 Spring , Spring , Spring Brothers & Brides Howard Keel , Tommy Rall , Russ Tamblyn , Matt Mattox , Alan Davies , C. Parlato , Robert Wacker , Gene Lanham , M. Spergel , Bill Lee , Virginia Gibson , Barbara Ames , Betty Allan , Betty Noyes , Marie Vernon & Norma Zimmer M-G-M Studio Orchestra 1954 End Title N / A N / A M-G-M Studio Orchestra 1954 Reception ( edit ) Seven Brides for Seven Brothers was the 5th most popular film at the British box office in 1955 . According to MGM records it made $5,526,000 in the US and Canada and $3,877,000 elsewhere resulting in a profit of $3,198,000 . The film came in third in a BBC Radio 2 listener poll of the UK 's `` Number One Essential Musicals '' and was listed as number eight in the `` Top 10 MGM musicals '' in the book Top 10 of Film by Russell Ash . In 2004 , the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry as being deemed `` culturally , historically , or aesthetically significant . '' In 2006 , it was ranked # 21 on the American Film Institute 's list of best musicals . In 2008 , the film was ranked number 464 in Empire magazine 's list of the 500 greatest films of all time . Review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes awards Seven Brides for Seven Brothers an 88 % `` Fresh '' rating based on 24 reviews , with an average rating of 7.7 / 10 . The critics ' consensus states : `` Buoyed by crowd - pleasing tunes and charming performances , Seven Brides for Seven Brothers makes a successful transition from Broadway to screen that 's sure to please the whole family . '' Publicity slogan ( edit ) The following slogan was used to publicize the film in 1954 : Adam abducted Milly Benjamin brought Dorcas Caleb caught Ruth Daniel detained Martha Ephraim eloped with Liza Frank fetched Sarah Gideon grabbed Alice Awards and honors ( edit ) Awards Award Date of ceremony Recipients and nominees Result Academy Awards March 30 , 1955 Best Picture of the Year Jack Cummings Nominated Best Writing , Adapted Screenplay Albert Hackett , Frances Goodrich , and Dorothy Kingsley Nominated Best Cinematography , Color George J. Folsey Nominated Best Film Editing Ralph E. Winters Nominated Best Music , Scoring of a Musical Picture Adolph Deutsch and Saul Chaplin Won BAFTA Awards February 16 , 1955 Best Film from any Source Stanley Donen ( United States ) Nominated Directors Guild of America February 13 , 1955 Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Motion Pictures Stanley Donen Nominated National Board of Review December 20 , 1954 Top Ten Best Films of the Year 2nd place National Film Registry December 28 , 2004 Honored Satellite Awards December 17 , 2005 Best Youth DVD For the 50th Anniversary Two - Disc Special Edition DVD Nominated Writers Guild of America February 28 , 1955 Best Written American Musical Albert Hackett , Frances Goodrich , and Dorothy Kingsley Won The film is recognized by American Film Institute in these lists : 2006 : AFI 's Greatest Movie Musicals -- # 21 Adaptations and remakes ( edit ) The 1978 stage musical Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is an adaptation of the film , with a book by Lawrence Kasha and David Landay . Four songs from the film ( `` Bless Your Beautiful Hide '' , `` Wonderful Wonderful Day '' , `` Goin ' Courtin ' '' , and `` Sobbin ' Women '' ) were kept for the stage musical ; the rest of the score consisted of new songs written by Al Kasha and Joel Hirschhorn . The TV series Seven Brides for Seven Brothers , loosely based on the film , ran weekly on CBS from September 19 , 1982 to March 23 , 1983 . The 1982 Bollywood film Satte Pe Satta ( `` Seven On Seven '' ) was a remake of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : The Eddie Mannix Ledger , Los Angeles : Margaret Herrick Library , Center for Motion Picture Study . Jump up ^ For domestic figures see `` All Time Domestic Champs '' , Variety , 6 January 1960 p 34 Jump up ^ Gold , Sylviane ( March 2008 ) . `` DEATHS : Michael Kidd ( 1915 - 2007 ) '' . Dance Magazine . 82 ( 3 ) : 88 -- 89 . Jump up ^ Gilbert , Tom ( March 3 -- 9 , 1997 ) . `` Kidd embraced by the Academy '' . Variety . p. 54 . access - date = requires url = ( help ) Jump up ^ TCM 's article about Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Jump up ^ Silverman , 1996 , p. 194 Jump up ^ Filming notes in the DVD anniversary edition Jump up ^ The Seattle Times - interview with Marc Platt Jump up ^ Jacques d'Amboise - Ballet Encyclopedia ^ Jump up to : Powell , Jane ( 1988 ) . The Girl Next Door ... and How She Grew ( 1st ed . ) . ISBN 0 - 688 - 06757 - 3 . Jump up ^ `` Michael Kidd '' . The Independent . 29 December r2007 . p. 44 . Check date values in : date = ( help ) ; access - date = requires url = ( help ) ^ Jump up to : Furia , Philip & Patterson , Laurie ( 2010 ) . The Songs of Hollywood . Oxford University Press , USA . p. 188 . ISBN 0195337085 . Jump up ^ . Retrieved December 28 , 2015 . Jump up ^ ' Dirk Bogarde favourite film actor ' , The Irish Times ( 1921 - Current File ) ( Dublin , Ireland ) 29 Dec 1955 : 9 . Jump up ^ Top ten musicals - BBC Radio 2 Jump up ^ The 500 Greatest Movies of All Time Jump up ^ ( 1 ) . `` Seven Brides for Seven Brothers : Rotten Tomatoes '' . Retrieved 16th May 2017 . Jump up ^ `` AFI 's Greatest Movie Musicals '' ( PDF ) . American Film Institute . Retrieved 2016 - 08 - 13 . External links ( edit ) Seven Brides for Seven Brothers on IMDb Seven Brides for Seven Brothers at Rotten Tomatoes Seven Brides for Seven Brothers at AllMovie Seven Brides for Seven Brothers at the TCM Movie Database Seven Brides for Seven Brothers at the American Film Institute Catalog Jacket Magazine : some background information ( hide ) Films directed by Stanley Donen On the Town ( 1949 ) Royal Wedding ( 1951 ) Love Is Better Than Ever ( 1952 ) Singin ' in the Rain ( 1952 ) Fearless Fagan ( 1952 ) Give a Girl a Break ( 1953 ) Seven Brides for Seven Brothers ( 1954 ) Deep in My Heart ( 1954 ) It 's Always Fair Weather ( 1955 ) Funny Face ( 1957 ) The Pajama Game ( 1957 ) Kiss Them for Me ( 1957 ) Indiscreet ( 1958 ) Damn Yankees ( 1958 ) Once More , with Feeling ! ( 1960 ) Surprise Package ( 1960 ) The Grass Is Greener ( 1960 ) Charade ( 1963 ) Arabesque ( 1966 ) Two for the Road ( 1967 ) Bedazzled ( 1967 ) Staircase ( 1969 ) The Little Prince ( 1974 ) Lucky Lady ( 1975 ) Movie Movie ( 1978 ) Saturn 3 ( 1980 ) Blame It on Rio ( 1984 ) Love Letters ( 1999 ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1954 films English - language films American films 1950s musical films 1950s romantic comedy films Films about weddings Films adapted into plays Films adapted into television programs Films based on short fiction Films directed by Stanley Donen Films set in Oregon Films set in the 1850s American musical films Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer films United States National Film Registry films Films that won the Best Original Score Academy Award Fictional septets Hidden categories : Pages using citations with accessdate and no URL CS1 errors : dates Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention from April 2016 All Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention Talk Contents About Wikipedia Български Català Cymraeg Deutsch Español Euskara فارسی Français Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Latina Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Polski Português Română Русский Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Українська Edit links This page was last edited on 17 October 2017 , at 04 : 50 . 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who played alice in seven brides for seven brothers
Howard Keel as Adam and Jane Powell as Milly Jeff Richards as Benjamin and Julie Newmar ( Newmeyer ) as Dorcas Matt Mattox as Caleb and Ruta Lee ( Kilmonis ) as Ruth Marc Platt as Daniel and Norma Doggett as Martha Jacques d'Amboise as Ephraim and Virginia Gibson as Liza Tommy Rall as Frank and Betty Carr as Sarah Russ Tamblyn as Gideon and Nancy Kilgas as Alice
90th Minnesota Legislature - wikipedia 90th Minnesota Legislature Jump to : navigation , search Ninetieth Minnesota Legislature ← 89th Minnesota State Capitol Overview Term January 3 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 03 ) -- January 7 , 2019 ( 2019 - 01 - 07 ) Election 2016 General Election Website Senate Members 67 senators President Michelle Fischbach ( R ) Majority Leader Paul Gazelka ( R ) Minority Leader Tom Bakk ( DFL ) Party control Republican Party House of Representatives Members 134 representatives Speaker Kurt Daudt ( R ) Majority Leader Joyce Peppin ( R ) Minority Leader Melissa Hortman ( DFL ) Party control Republican Party Sessions 2017 January 3 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 03 ) -- May 22 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 22 ) 2018 Reconvenes February 20 , 2018 Special sessions 2017 , 1st May 23 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 23 ) -- May 26 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 26 ) The Ninetieth Minnesota Legislature is the current legislature of the U.S. state of Minnesota . It is composed of the Minnesota Senate and the Minnesota House of Representatives , based on the results of the 2016 Senate election and the 2016 House election . It convened in Saint Paul on January 3 , 2017 and will end its biennial session on January 7 , 2019 . The legislature 's 2017 session ended on May 22 , 2017 , and reconvened on February 20 , 2018 . The legislature will adjourn no later than May 21 , 2018 , as mandated by the Minnesota Constitution . A special session to complete unfinished budget - related business was held from May 23 to 26 , 2017 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Major events 2 Major legislation 2.1 Enacted 2.2 Proposed 2.2. 1 Vetoed 2.2. 1.1 2017 , 1st Special Session 3 Summary of actions 4 Political composition 4.1 Senate 4.2 House of Representatives 5 Leadership 5.1 Senate 5.1. 1 Majority ( Republican ) leadership 5.1. 2 Minority ( DFL ) leadership 5.2 House of Representatives 5.2. 1 Majority ( Republican ) leadership 5.2. 2 Minority ( DFL ) leadership 6 Members 7 Changes in membership 7.1 Senate 7.2 House of Representatives 8 Committees 8.1 Senate 8.2 House of Representatives 9 Administrative officers 9.1 Senate 9.2 House of Representatives 10 References 11 External links Major events ( edit ) January 23 , 2017 : Governor Mark Dayton delivered his 2017 State of the State address before a joint legislative session . Nearing the end of his speech , Dayton collapsed and was attended to by , among others , state senators and physicians Scott Jensen and Matt Klein . February 22 , 2017 : A joint legislative session was held to elect regents of the University of Minnesota . March 14 , 2018 : Governor Dayton delivered his 2018 State of the State address before a joint legislative session . Major legislation ( edit ) Enacted ( edit ) January 26 , 2017 : Health insurance premium subsidy act ( Laws 2017 , chapter 2 ) March 7 , 2017 : Off - sale intoxicating liquor sales on Sunday act ( Laws 2017 , chapter 6 ) April 4 , 2017 : Reinsurance act ( Laws 2017 , chapter 13 ) May 18 , 2017 : Real ID implementation act ( Laws 2017 , chapter 76 ) Omnibus appropriations acts : May 30 , 2017 : Omnibus agriculture act ( Laws 2017 , chapter 88 ) May 30 , 2017 : Omnibus higher education act ( Laws 2017 , chapter 89 ) May 30 , 2017 : Omnibus environment and natural resources act ( Laws 2017 , chapter 93 ) May 30 , 2017 : Omnibus jobs , economic development , and energy act ( Laws 2017 , chapter 94 ) May 30 , 2017 : Omnibus judiciary and public safety act ( Laws 2017 , chapter 95 ) May 30 , 2017 : Omnibus transportation act ( Laws 2017 , First Special Session chapter 3 ) May 30 , 2017 : Omnibus state government act ( Laws 2017 , First Special Session chapter 4 ) Two appropriations line - item vetoed . May 30 , 2017 : Omnibus education act ( Laws 2017 , First Special Session chapter 5 ) May 30 , 2017 : Omnibus health and human services act ( Laws 2017 , First Special Session chapter 6 ) May 30 , 2017 : Omnibus legacy act ( Laws 2017 , chapter 91 ) May 30 , 2017 : Environment and natural resources trust fund appropriations act ( Laws 2017 , chapter 96 ) May 30 , 2017 : Omnibus tax act ( Laws 2017 , First Special Session chapter 1 ) May 30 , 2017 : Omnibus capital investment `` bonding '' act ( Laws 2017 , First Special Session chapter 8 ) Proposed ( edit ) Boldface indicates the bill was passed by its house of origin . Cell phone use while driving bill ( H.F. No. 1180 / S.F. No. 837 ) Civil liability for public safety response costs bill ( H.F. No. 322 / S.F. No. 679 ) Defense of dwelling and person bill ( H.F. No. 238 / S.F. No. 292 ) Female genital mutilation bill ( H.F. No. 2621 / S.F. No. 2355 ) Firearm permit to carry repeal bill ( H.F. No. 188 / S.F. No. 650 ) K -- 12 education scholarship donation tax credit bill ( H.F. No. 386 / S.F. No. 256 ) Obstruction of controlled - access highways bill ( H.F. No. 1066 / S.F. No. 918 ) Obstruction of trunk highways bill ( H.F. No. 390 / S.F. No. 676 ) Proposed constitutional amendment allowing recreational marijuana bill ( H.F. No. 926 ) Recreational marijuana bill ( H.F. No. 927 / S.F. No. 1320 ) Renewable energy bill ( H.F. No. 1772 / S.F. No. 1531 ) Uniform State Labor Standards Act ( H.F. No. 600 / S.F. No. 580 ) Vetoed ( edit ) Boldface indicates the act was passed by both houses . May 10 , 2017 : Abortion public funding prohibition act ( H.F. No. 809 / S.F. No. 702 ) May 10 , 2017 : Abortion facility license act ( H.F. No. 812 / S.F. No. 704 ) Omnibus appropriations acts : May 12 , 2017 : Omnibus agriculture act ( H.F. No. 895 / S.F. No. 780 ) May 12 , 2017 : Omnibus environment and natural resources act ( H.F. No. 888 / S.F. No. 723 ) May 12 , 2017 : Omnibus education act ( H.F. No. 890 / S.F. No. 718 ) May 12 , 2017 : Omnibus state government act ( H.F. No. 691 / S.F. No. 605 ) May 12 , 2017 : Omnibus health and human services act ( H.F. No. 945 / S.F. No. 800 ) May 15 , 2017 : Omnibus transportation act ( H.F. No. 861 / S.F. No. 1060 ) May 15 , 2017 : Omnibus judiciary and public safety act ( H.F. No. 896 / S.F. No. 803 ) May 15 , 2017 : Omnibus jobs , economic development , and energy act ( H.F. No. 2209 / S.F. No. 1937 ) May 15 , 2017 : Omnibus higher education act ( H.F. No. 2477 / S.F. No. 2214 ) May 15 , 2017 : Omnibus tax act ( H.F. No. 4 / S.F. No. 2255 ) May 18 , 2017 : Teacher licensing act ( H.F. No. 140 / S.F. No. 4 ) 2017 , 1st Special Session ( edit ) May 30 , 2017 : Omnibus labor act ( H.F. No. 4 / S.F. No. 3 ) Summary of actions ( edit ) In this Legislature , all acts have been approved ( signed ) by Governor Mark Dayton , with the notable exceptions of H.F. No. 809 , an act that would prohibit public funding of abortion ; H.F. No. 812 , an act that would require facilities that perform abortions to be licensed ; a first set of acts appropriating money for the state budget ; H.F. No. 4 , the first omnibus tax act ; H.F. No. 140 , an act that would change how public school teachers are licensed ; and 2017 , First Special Session S.F. No. 3 , an act that would most notably prohibit local governments from setting a higher minimum wage and requiring benefits for private sector employees than what is required by law , all of which were vetoed . In Laws 2017 , First Special Session chapter 4 , the omnibus state government appropriations act , two appropriations for the Senate and the House of Representatives were line - item vetoed . Chapter 13 , the reinsurance act , became law without the governor 's signature . In total , 18 acts have been vetoed -- including one from the 2017 , First Special Session , two items of appropriation in one act from the 2017 , First Special Session have been line - item vetoed , and two acts have become law without the governor 's signature . No acts or items have been enacted by the Legislature over the governor 's veto . After the adjournment of the First Special Session , legislative leaders sued Governor Dayton over the validity of his line - item vetoes for legislative appropriations . The ensuing court case , Ninetieth Minnesota State Senate v. Dayton , proceeded to the Minnesota Supreme Court ; the Court upheld the Governor 's vetoes . Political composition ( edit ) Resignations and new members are discussed in the `` Changes in membership '' section below . Senate ( edit ) Senate composition 34 Republican 33 DFL Party ( Shading indicates majority caucus ) Total Vacant Republican Democratic -- Farmer -- Labor End of the previous Legislature 28 38 66 Begin 34 33 67 0 December 15 , 2017 34 32 February 20 , 2018 34 33 0 Latest voting share 7001507000000000000 ♠ 50.7 % 7001493000000000000 ♠ 49.3 % House of Representatives ( edit ) House composition 77 Republican 57 DFL Party ( Shading indicates majority caucus ) Total Vacant Republican Democratic -- Farmer -- Labor End of the previous Legislature 73 61 134 0 Begin 76 57 133 February 21 , 2017 77 134 0 November 30 , 2017 76 133 February 2018 77 134 0 Latest voting share 7001575000000000000 ♠ 57.5 % 7001425000000000000 ♠ 42.5 % Leadership ( edit ) Minnesota This article is part of a series on the politics and government of Minnesota Constitution Executive ( show ) Governor : Mark Dayton Lieutenant Governor : Tina Smith Secretary of State : Steve Simon State Auditor : Rebecca Otto Attorney General : Lori Swanson Cabinet Executive Council Legislature ( show ) 90th Legislature Senate President : Michelle Fischbach Majority Leader : Paul Gazelka Minority Leader : Tom Bakk House of Representatives Speaker : Kurt Daudt Majority Leader : Joyce Peppin Minority Leader : Melissa Hortman Judiciary ( show ) Supreme Court Court of Appeals District Courts Elections ( show ) Political parties Political party strength Divisions ( show ) Counties Cities Townships Federal representation ( show ) United States Senate Amy Klobuchar ( DFL ) Al Franken ( DFL ) United States House of Representatives 1 : Tim Walz ( DFL ) 2 : Jason Lewis ( R ) 3 : Erik Paulsen ( R ) 4 : Betty McCollum ( DFL ) 5 : Keith Ellison ( DFL ) 6 : Tom Emmer ( R ) 7 : Collin Peterson ( DFL ) 8 : Rick Nolan ( DFL ) Politics of the United States Politics portal Senate ( edit ) President : Michelle Fischbach ( R ) President pro tempore : Warren Limmer ( R ) Majority ( Republican ) leadership ( edit ) Majority Leader : Paul Gazelka Deputy Majority Leaders : Michelle Benson Jeremy Miller Assistant Majority Leaders : Gary Dahms Bill Ingebrigtsen Warren Limmer Eric Pratt Minority ( DFL ) leadership ( edit ) Minority Leader : Tom Bakk Assistant Minority Leaders : Jeff Hayden ( from January 5 , 2017 ) Susan Kent ( from January 5 , 2017 ) Carolyn Laine ( from January 24 , 2017 ) Minority Whips : Kent Eken ( from January 24 , 2017 ) John Hoffman ( from January 24 , 2017 ) Ann Rest ( from January 24 , 2017 ) House of Representatives ( edit ) Speaker : Kurt Daudt ( R ) Speaker pro tempore : Tony Albright ( R ) Majority ( Republican ) leadership ( edit ) Majority Leader : Joyce Peppin Majority Whip : Ron Kresha Assistant Majority Leaders : Dan Fabian Kelly Fenton Randy Jessup Jim Nash Marion O'Neill Roz Peterson Minority ( DFL ) leadership ( edit ) Minority Leader : Melissa Hortman Deputy Minority Leaders : Jon Applebaum Paul Marquart Rena Moran Assistant Minority Leaders : Rob Ecklund Mike Freiberg Laurie Halverson Ben Lien Ilhan Omar Dave Pinto Members ( edit ) For full lists of members of the 90th Minnesota Legislature , see Minnesota Senate and Minnesota House of Representatives . Changes in membership ( edit ) Senate ( edit ) District Vacator Reason for change Successor Date successor seated 54 Dan Schoen ( DFL ) Resigned effective December 15 , 2017 . A special election was held on February 12 , 2018 . Karla Bigham ( DFL ) TBD House of Representatives ( edit ) District Vacator Reason for change Successor Date successor seated 32B Bob Barrett ( R ) Ineligible for re-election . A special election was held on February 14 , 2017 . Anne Neu ( R ) February 21 , 2017 23B Tony Cornish ( R ) Resigned effective November 30 , 2017 . A special election was held on February 12 , 2018 . Jeremy Munson ( R ) TBD Committees ( edit ) Senate ( edit ) Committee Chair Vice Chair DFL Lead Aging and Long - Term Care Policy Karin Housley Jerry Relph Kent Eken Agriculture , Rural Development , and Housing Finance Torrey Westrom Mark Johnson Kari Dziedzic Agriculture , Rural Development , and Housing Policy Bill Weber Mike Goggin Foung Hawj Capital Investment Dave Senjem Bill Ingebrigtsen Sandy Pappas Commerce and Consumer Protection Finance and Policy Gary Dahms Karin Housley Dan Sparks E -- 12 Education Finance Carla Nelson Eric Pratt Chuck Wiger E -- 12 Education Policy Eric Pratt Justin Eichorn Susan Kent Energy and Utilities Finance and Policy David Osmek Andrew Mathews John Marty Environment and Natural Resources Finance Bill Ingebrigtsen Carrie Ruud David Tomassoni Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Legacy Finance Carrie Ruud Bill Weber Chris Eaton Finance Julie Rosen Michelle Fischbach Dick Cohen Health and Human Services Finance and Policy Michelle Benson Scott Jensen Tony Lourey Higher Education Finance and Policy Michelle Fischbach Rich Draheim Greg Clausen Human Services Reform Finance and Policy Jim Abeler Paul Utke Jeff Hayden Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy Jeremy Miller Paul Anderson Bobby Joe Champion Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy Warren Limmer Dan Hall Ron Latz Local Government Dan Hall Bruce Anderson Patricia Torres Ray Rules and Administration Paul Gazelka Michelle Benson Tom Bakk Subcommittees Committees Paul Gazelka Conference Committees Paul Gazelka Ethical Conduct Michelle Fischbach Litigation Expenses ( established January 31 , 2017 ) Scott Newman State Government Finance and Policy and Elections Mary Kiffmeyer Mark Koran Jim Carlson Taxes Roger Chamberlain Dave Senjem Ann Rest Transportation Finance and Policy Scott Newman John Jasinski Scott Dibble Veterans and Military Affairs Finance and Policy Bruce Anderson Andrew Lang Jerry Newton Select Committees Health Care Consumer Access and Affordability ( established May 22 , 2017 ) Scott Jensen House of Representatives ( edit ) Committee Chair Vice Chair DFL Lead ( s ) Agriculture Finance Rod Hamilton Tim Miller Jeanne Poppe Agriculture Policy Paul Anderson Jeff Backer David Bly Capital Investment Dean Urdahl Mark Uglem Alice Hausman Civil Law and Data Practices Policy Peggy Scott Dennis Smith John Lesch Commerce and Regulatory Reform Joe Hoppe Kelly Fenton Linda Slocum Education Finance Jenifer Loon Peggy Bennett Jim Davnie Education Innovation Policy Sondra Erickson Brian Daniels Carlos Mariani Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance Dan Fabian Josh Heintzeman Rick Hansen Subcommittee Mining , Forestry , and Tourism Chris Swedzinski Dale Lueck Jason Metsa Ethics Sondra Erickson Mary Murphy Government Operations and Elections Policy Tim O'Driscoll Cindy Pugh Mike Nelson Health and Human Services Finance Matt Dean Tony Albright Erin Murphy Health and Human Services Reform Joe Schomacker Glenn Gruenhagen Tina Liebling Subcommittees Aging and Long - Term Care Deb Kiel Tama Theis Susan Allen Childcare Access and Affordability Mary Franson Roz Peterson Peggy Flanagan Higher Education and Career Readiness Policy and Finance Bud Nornes Drew Christensen Gene Pelowski Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance Pat Garofalo Jim Newberger Tim Mahoney Karen Clark Jean Wagenius Legacy Funding Finance Bob Gunther Sandy Layman Leon Lillie Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance Tony Cornish ( until November 9 , 2017 ) Brian Johnson ( until February 8 , 2018 ) Debra Hilstrom Brian Johnson ( from February 8 , 2018 ) Rules and Legislative Administration Joyce Peppin Dave Baker Melissa Hortman State Government Finance Sarah Anderson Jim Nash Sheldon Johnson Subcommittee Workplace Safety and Respect ( established February 7 , 2018 ) Division Veterans Affairs Bob Dettmer Matt Bliss Paul Rosenthal Taxes Greg Davids Joe McDonald Paul Marquart Division Property Tax and Local Government Finance Steve Drazkowski Jerry Hertaus Diane Loeffler Transportation Finance Paul Torkelson John Petersburg Frank Hornstein Transportation and Regional Governance Policy Linda Runbeck Jon Koznick Connie Bernardy Ways and Means Jim Knoblach Bob Vogel Lyndon Carlson Select Committees Technology and Responsive Government ( established February 16 , 2017 ) Dave Baker Administrative officers ( edit ) Senate ( edit ) Secretary : Cal Ludeman First Assistant Secretary : Colleen Pacheco Second Assistant Secretary : Mike Linn Third Assistant Secretary : Jessica Tupper Engrossing Secretary : Melissa Mapes Sergeant at Arms : Sven Lindquist Assistant Sergeant at Arms : Marilyn Logan Chaplain : Mike Smith House of Representatives ( edit ) Chief Clerk : Patrick Murphy First Assistant Chief Clerk : Tim Johnson Second Assistant Chief Clerk : Gail Romanowski Desk Clerk : Marilee Davis Legislative Clerk : David Surdez Chief Sergeant at Arms : Bob Meyerson Assistant Sergeant at Arms : Erica Brynildson Assistant Sergeant at Arms : Andrew Olson Index Clerk : Carl Hamre References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` S.C.R. No. 8 '' . Minnesota Senate . Retrieved May 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Golden , Erin ; Coolican , J. Patrick ( May 26 , 2017 ) . `` Minnesota Legislature adjourns special session '' . Star Tribune . Retrieved May 26 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Lopez , Ricardo ( January 24 , 2017 ) . `` Gov. Mark Dayton fainted near the end of his annual statewide address '' . Star Tribune . Retrieved March 14 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Mark Dayton recovering after collapsing during his State of the State address '' . Twin Cities . 2017 - 01 - 24 . Retrieved 2018 - 02 - 20 . Jump up ^ Verges , Josh ( February 22 , 2017 ) . `` Steve Sviggum , General Mills CEO elected to UMN Board of Regents '' . Pioneer Press . Retrieved March 14 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Dayton , Mark ( February 8 , 2018 ) . `` Letter '' ( PDF ) ( Letter ) . Letter to Kurt Daudt . Retrieved February 8 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Golden , Erin ( January 26 , 2017 ) . `` Dayton , GOP legislators strike deal on insurance rebates '' . Star Tribune . Retrieved March 14 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Bierschbach , Briana ( March 7 , 2017 ) . `` Dayton signs booze bill ; liquor stores can be open on Sundays starting July 2 '' . MinnPost . Retrieved March 14 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Golden , Erin ( April 3 , 2017 ) . `` Dayton wo n't block $542 M for insurance companies , but withholds signature '' . Star Tribune . Retrieved April 3 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Bierschbach , Briana ( May 18 , 2017 ) . `` With new law , Minnesota becomes the last state to comply with federal Real ID Act '' . MinnPost . Retrieved May 18 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Coolican , J. Patrick ( May 30 , 2017 ) . `` Dayton signs 10 budget bills and tax cuts , but defunds Legislature '' . Star Tribune . Retrieved May 30 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Cox , Peter ( May 23 , 2017 ) . `` Students at Minnesota 's public colleges face likely tuition hikes '' . Minnesota Public Radio . Retrieved May 24 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Magan , Christopher ; Vezner , Tad ( May 22 , 2017 ) . `` Protester penalties out , ban on undocumented immigrant driver 's licenses in '' . Pioneer Press . Retrieved May 23 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Moore , Janet ( May 24 , 2017 ) . `` Transportation bill staves off transit cuts -- for now '' . Star Tribune . Retrieved May 24 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Magan , Christopher ( May 26 , 2017 ) . `` Education budget boosts funding , but teachers union urges veto '' . Pioneer Press . Retrieved May 26 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Zdechlik , Mark ( May 31 , 2017 ) . `` Holding his nose , Dayton signs Health and Human Services bill '' . Minnesota Public Radio . Retrieved May 31 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Salisbury , Bill ( May 30 , 2017 ) . `` Get ready for some construction cranes . Mark Dayton signs $990 M infrastructure bill '' . Pioneer Press . Retrieved May 30 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Moore , Janet ; Harlow , Tim ( February 8 , 2017 ) . `` Distracted - driving bill aims ' to stop the carnage on our roads today ' '' . Star Tribune . Retrieved April 6 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Harlow , Tim ( April 5 , 2017 ) . `` Measure banning Minnesota drivers from using hand - held devices faces long odds '' . Star Tribune . Retrieved May 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Furst , Randy ( January 24 , 2017 ) . `` Bill to crack down on Minnesota protesters appears to be national trend '' . Star Tribune . Retrieved March 14 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Williams , Brandt ; Cox , Peter ( March 8 , 2017 ) . `` Committee debates bills aimed at self - defense , permit to carry laws '' . Minnesota Public Radio . Retrieved March 15 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Vezner , Tad ( May 25 , 2017 ) . `` Minnesota gun rights legislation fails to get far , despite Republican legislative control '' . Pioneer Press . Retrieved May 25 , 2017 . 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Jump up ^ Montgomery , David ( September 8 , 2016 ) . `` Lawmaker does n't live in district , MN Supreme Court rules ; ballot wo n't count '' . Pioneer Press . Retrieved September 8 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Coolican , J. Patrick ( November 21 , 2017 ) . `` Minnesota state Rep. Tony Cornish to resign after harassment claims '' . Star Tribune . Retrieved December 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Thursday , February 2 , 2017 '' ( PDF ) . Journal of the Senate . Minnesota Senate . p. 458 . Retrieved April 20 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Monday , May 22 , 2017 '' ( PDF ) . Journal of the Senate . Minnesota Senate . p. 6100 . Retrieved February 8 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Mohr , Jonathan ( February 8 , 2018 ) . `` Johnson appointed chairman of House Public Safety Committee '' . Session Daily . Minnesota House of Representatives Public Information Services . Retrieved February 8 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Cook , Mike ( February 7 , 2018 ) . `` House creates subcommittee to address workplace respect issues '' . Session Daily . Minnesota House of Representatives Public Information Services . Retrieved February 8 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Thursday , February 16 , 2017 '' ( PDF ) . Journal of the House . Minnesota House of Representatives . p. 552 . Retrieved March 12 , 2017 . External links ( edit ) Legislature 2017 Regular Session Laws 2017 , 1st Special Session Laws Legislative Tracker Senate List of popular or interesting bills compiled by the Senate Information Service List of bill summaries prepared by the Senate Counsel , Research and Fiscal Analysis Office Fiscal tracking spreadsheets prepared by the Senate Counsel , Research and Fiscal Analysis Office House of Representatives List of bill summaries prepared by the House Research Department List of act summaries prepared by the House Research Department Fiscal tracking spreadsheets prepared by the House Fiscal Analysis Department Official website of the Minnesota Senate Republican Caucus Preceded by Eighty - ninth Minnesota Legislature Ninetieth Minnesota Legislature 2017 -- 2018 Succeeded by Ninety - first Minnesota Legislature ( hide ) Minnesota Legislatures by year convened Territorial State 1st ( 1849 ) 2nd ( 1851 ) 3rd ( 1852 ) 4th ( 1853 ) 5th ( 1854 ) 6th ( 1855 ) 7th ( 1856 ) 8th ( 1857 ) 1st ( 1857 ) 2nd ( 1859 ) 3rd ( 1861 ) 4th ( 1862 ) 5th ( 1863 ) 6th ( 1864 ) 7th ( 1865 ) 8th ( 1866 ) 9th ( 1867 ) 10th ( 1868 ) 11th ( 1869 ) 12th ( 1870 ) 13th ( 1871 ) 14th ( 1872 ) 15th ( 1873 ) 16th ( 1874 ) 17th ( 1875 ) 18th ( 1876 ) 19th ( 1877 ) 20th ( 1878 ) 21st ( 1879 ) 22nd ( 1881 ) 23rd ( 1883 ) 24th ( 1885 ) 25th ( 1887 ) 26th ( 1889 ) 27th ( 1891 ) 28th ( 1893 ) 29th ( 1895 ) 30th ( 1897 ) 31st ( 1899 ) 32nd ( 1901 ) 33rd ( 1903 ) 34th ( 1905 ) 35th ( 1907 ) 36th ( 1909 ) 37th ( 1911 ) 38th ( 1913 ) 39th ( 1915 ) 40th ( 1917 ) 41st ( 1919 ) 42nd ( 1921 ) 43rd ( 1923 ) 44th ( 1925 ) 45th ( 1927 ) 46th ( 1929 ) 47th ( 1931 ) 48th ( 1933 ) 49th ( 1935 ) 50th ( 1937 ) 51st ( 1939 ) 52nd ( 1941 ) 53rd ( 1943 ) 54th ( 1945 ) 55th ( 1947 ) 56th ( 1949 ) 57th ( 1951 ) 58th ( 1953 ) 59th ( 1955 ) 60th ( 1957 ) 61st ( 1959 ) 62nd ( 1961 ) 63rd ( 1963 ) 64th ( 1965 ) 65th ( 1967 ) 66th ( 1969 ) 67th ( 1971 ) 68th ( 1973 ) 69th ( 1975 ) 70th ( 1977 ) 71st ( 1979 ) 72nd ( 1981 ) 73rd ( 1983 ) 74th ( 1985 ) 75th ( 1987 ) 76th ( 1989 ) 77th ( 1991 ) 78th ( 1993 ) 79th ( 1995 ) 80th ( 1997 ) 81st ( 1999 ) 82nd ( 2001 ) 83rd ( 2003 ) 84th ( 2005 ) 85th ( 2007 ) 86th ( 2009 ) 87th ( 2011 ) 88th ( 2013 ) 89th ( 2015 ) 90th ( 2017 ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Minnesota legislative sessions 2010s in Minnesota Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 20 February 2018 , at 18 : 21 . 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when does the 2018 mn legislative session end
The Ninetieth Minnesota Legislature is the current legislature of the U.S. state of Minnesota . It is composed of the Minnesota Senate and the Minnesota House of Representatives , based on the results of the 2016 Senate election and the 2016 House election . It convened in Saint Paul on January 3 , 2017 and will end its biennial session on January 7 , 2019 . The legislature 's 2017 session ended on May 22 , 2017 , and reconvened on February 20 , 2018 . The legislature will adjourn no later than May 21 , 2018 , as mandated by the Minnesota Constitution . A special session to complete unfinished budget - related business was held from May 23 to 26 , 2017 .
List of the Land Before Time characters - wikipedia List of the Land Before Time characters Jump to : navigation , search ( hide ) This article has multiple issues . Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page . ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages ) This article may be written from a fan 's point of view , rather than a neutral point of view . Please clean it up to conform to a higher standard of quality , and to make it neutral in tone . ( September 2012 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( May 2013 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) This article describes a work or element of fiction in a primarily in - universe style . Please help rewrite it to explain the fiction more clearly and provide non-fictional perspective . ( May 2013 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The main characters of The Land Before Time from the TV series . From left to right : Spike , Ducky , Cera , Littlefoot , Petrie , Ruby , and Chomper . This is a list of recurring characters in The Land Before Time , a series of animated children 's films . The main characters include Littlefoot ( Apatosaurus ) , Cera ( Triceratops ) , Ducky ( Saurolophus ) , Petrie ( Pteranodon ) , Spike ( Stegosaurus ) , and in the spin - off television series and the fourteenth movie , Chomper ( Tyrannosaurus ) and Ruby ( Oviraptor ) . Other characters include the families of the main characters , the residents of their home , the Great Valley , and outsiders to the Great Valley . Contents ( hide ) 1 Creation and development 2 Main characters 2.1 Littlefoot 2.2 Cera 2.3 Ducky 2.4 Petrie 2.5 Spike 2.6 Chomper 2.7 Ruby 3 Secondary characters 3.1 Mr. Thicknose 3.2 Mo 3.3 Guido 3.4 Shorty 3.5 Tippy and his Mother 3.6 Hyp , Mutt , and Nod 3.7 Ali 3.8 Mrs. Twoped 3.9 Doc 4 Supporting characters 4.1 Grandpa and Grandma Longneck 4.2 Bron 4.3 Chomper 's Parents 4.4 Ducky and Spike 's Mother 4.5 Ducky and Spike 's Siblings 4.6 Littlefoot 's Mother 4.7 Petrie 's Mother 4.8 Topps 4.9 Tria 4.10 Cera 's Siblings 5 Allies 5.1 The Tinysauruses 5.2 Kosh 5.3 Rooter 5.4 Foobie 5.5 Hidden Runner 5.6 Loofah and Doofah 5.7 Milo , Lydia , and Plower 5.8 Archie 5.9 Tickles 5.10 Elsie 5.11 Sue 5.12 Pat 5.13 Saro 5.14 Rainbow Faces 5.15 Dara 5.16 Swooper 5.17 Etta 5.18 Wild Arms 6 Antagonists + Villains 6.1 Sharptooth 6.2 Ozzy and Strut 6.3 Dil and Ichy 6.4 Red Claw 6.5 Screech and Thud 6.6 Rhett 6.7 Pterano 6.7. 1 Rinkus and Sierra 6.8 The Great Hideous Beast 6.9 Unnamed Sharpteeth 7 References Creation and development ( edit ) The idea for The Land Before Time came during production of An American Tail . Steven Spielberg 's studio Amblin Entertainment was interested in doing a film about dinosaurs , which were popular at the time , leading Spielberg , director Don Bluth , and producer George Lucas to develop the prehistoric setting and its cast . Inspired by the dinosaur - themed `` Rite of Spring '' sequence from Disney 's Fantasia , Spielberg had originally intended for the movie to have no speech , with music queues and body language telling the story , effectively rendering all the characters mute . However , it was decided that the film could n't carry a story without dialogue , and each character was given language accordingly . Despite this , the film 's artists would still use the Fantasia sequence and characters as guides when creating their the very first concept art . Bluth had to learn most of his information about specific dinosaur species before work began , stating `` I had to do lots and lots of research because I never was a fanatic about dinosaurs as a kid . But in many ways it became a fictional fantasy because it 's about these young children who are taught to hate each other ; anyone who is different from him . When they are separated from their parents , these five little children have to learn to get along with each other for survival . So there is a bit of a moral in it , too . '' The films creators wanted to have a Tyrannosaurus as the main villain , which became the `` Sharptooth '' that would define many similar antagonists throughout the series . While Bluth had originally wanted to portray a more `` forceful , dramatic '' representation of prehistoric times , the idea was sometimes at odds with studio executives who wanted a more child - friendly `` get - along gang '' approach , which called for the main characters becoming cuter , but still distinctly detailed , as a compromise . After the release of the first film , neither Bluth , Spielberg , or Lucas had further creative input in the series , with character development and design tweaks now guided by Universal Pictures Home Entertainment and associated studios . Main characters ( edit ) Littlefoot ( edit ) Littlefoot , voiced by Gabriel Damon ( I ) , Scott McAfee ( II - IV ) , Brandon LaCroix ( V ) , Thomas Dekker ( singing voice , V ; singing and speaking , VI - IX ) , Alec Medlock ( X ) , Aaron Spann ( XI ) , Nick Price ( XII ) , Cody Arens ( XIII - TV series ) , Anthony Skillman ( singing voice , XIII - TV series ) and Felix Avitia ( XIV ) , is a brown male Apatosaurus , or `` Longneck '' . He is the protagonist of The Land Before Time series whose birth marked the beginning of the very first film . When his mother dies protecting him from a Sharptooth , he is forced to travel through the harsh wilderness alone to find his surviving grandparents . After meeting several young dinosaurs along the way who would become his best friends , they arrive in the verdant Great Valley where the series primarily takes place . In Journey Through the Mists , Littlefoot is introduced to his female cousin Ali , a member of another Longneck herd . He is eventually meets his father , Bron , in the film The Great Longneck Migration , who adopts an orphaned Brachiosaurus named Shorty who becomes his foster brother . Littlefoot has been referred to by several species names throughout the series . In the first film he is called a Brontosaurus on the home video packaging and by numerous media outlets . He was also called a Brachiosaurus on the later - released VHS clamshell case and Rotten Tomatoes UK . He is now listed as an Apatosaurus the official website and in modern incarnations of the series . He was originally named `` Thunderfoot '' by the creators of the first film , until it was discovered that a Triceratops character from a children 's book had the same name . The original name was kept very late into production , up until just before the movie 's release . Littlefoot has been compared to characters such as Disney 's Bambi , and Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz , on how he goes on a strange journey and meets many new friends along the way . Cera ( edit ) Cera , voiced by Candace Hutson ( I - IV ) , and Anndi McAfee ( V - XIV ) is a female orange Triceratops , or `` Threehorn '' . Like Littlefoot , she hatches in the first film , and is later separated from her parents and sisters during an earthquake . She accompanies Littlefoot to the Great Valley where she is eventually reunited with her father . She is stubborn , boastful , sometimes reckless , and occasionally belligerent , but is often made look foolish when she is proven wrong . The initial film , and a few sequels , attributed an ego to her species , especially to herself and her father , but this is diminished in later appearances . In the movie Invasion of the Tinysauruses , her dad begins a new relationship with a Threehorn named Tria , who Cera dislikes at first , but eventually comes to accept . By the following film , Tria and Cera 's father have become mates , and have a child named Tricia , Cera 's half - sister . The character was originally conceived as a male Triceratops named `` Bambo '' , but was changed to a female named `` Cera '' at the suggestion of producer George Lucas midway through animation of the first movie . Hal Hinson of The Washington Post called Cera `` a fiercely cute and rambunctious little dynamo '' in his review of the 1988 original , with critic Mark R. Leeper likewise calling her `` cute and pugnacious . '' She was the main character of the 2001 children 's book The Land Before Time : Cera 's Big Day Out by Molly Goode , Judy Freudeberg , and Tony Geiss , as well as the 2007 book Cera 's Shiny Stone based on the TV series episode `` The Canyon of Shiny Stones '' . Ducky ( edit ) Ducky , voiced by Judith Barsi ( I ) , Heather Hogan ( II - IV ) and Aria Noelle Curzon ( V - XIV ) , is a female green Saurolophus , known colloquially as a `` Big Mouth '' , `` Duck Bill '' , or `` Swimmer '' . She was one of the young dinosaurs who accompanied Littlefoot to the Great Valley when she was separated from her family . After arriving in her new home , her mother adopted the orphaned Spike , who became her foster younger brother . She has numerous biological siblings , with many being born in the original film and Journey of the Brave . Characterized as having an energetic , cheerful , childlike personality , she speaks enthusiastically often replies to things in triplicate ( `` Yep , yep , yep ! '' or `` Nope , nope , nope ! '' ) . Her species has been inconsistently labeled in various Land Before Time media . While the official website referred to her as a Parasaurolophus , she has also been identified as the similar species Saurolophus , which she more closely resembles , in the 1997 The Land Before Time Sing - Along Songs video cassette . Many sources have also referred to her as an Anatosaurus , including Jerry Beck 's The Animated Movie Guide and David Mansour 's From Abba to Zoom : A Pop - Culture Encyclopedia of the Late 20th Century . In her review of the 1988 film , Wendy Miller of the Mohave Daily Miner referred to the character as `` an adorably gregarious young anatosaurus who immediately wins the audiences heart . '' Petrie ( edit ) Petrie , voiced by Will Ryan ( I ) and Jeff Bennett ( II - XIV ) , is a male brown Pteranodon , or `` Flyer '' . The comic relief of the first film , he is characterized as panicky and anxious , and traveled with Littlefoot to find his mother and siblings in the Great Valley while learning the basics of flight along the way . He is talkative , but speaks in broken English , usually omitting linking verbs ( is , are , am ) , using `` me '' in place of `` I '' , and referring to himself in third person . He was originally meant to have a larger role in his debut , but much of his screen time was given to Ducky due to how impressed the producers were with Judith Barsi 's performance . He was a central character in the twelfth film The Great Day of the Flyers . The producers of the original film had difficulty deciding on a voice for the character until it was suggested by Steven Spielberg 's son , Max , that he sound similar to Digit from the previous Don Bluth movie , An American Tail . Digit 's voice actor Will Ryan was then asked to fill the role . It was pointed out in the book Test Prep Your IQ with the Essentials of Film that Petrie is the only one of the original five principal characters that is not technically a dinosaur ; Pteranodons are pterosaurs . Spike ( edit ) Spike , voiced by Rob Paulsen ( II - V , VII - XIV ) and Jeff Bennett ( VI ) , is a male green Stegosaurus , or `` Spiketail '' . Despite being the largest , he is actually the youngest of the original main characters ; his hatching being witnessed by Ducky whose parents later adopted him . He is characterized as gluttonous , laid - back , and rarely speaks , communicating mostly in grunts or scat singing . During the fourth film , Journey Through the Mists , he speaks for the first time , calling Ducky 's name , and again in the eighth film The Big Freeze , where calls out to his mother . In the same movie , it is mentioned that his birth parents were probably lost in the earthquake of the first film , and becomes close friends with another Stegosaurus named Tippy . The TV series episode `` Through the Eyes of a Spiketail '' , is told largely from Spike 's point of view , where he speaks , internally , with a low voice , and can `` hear '' the song of plants that guide him to them . Spike 's design was based on Bluth 's pet Chow Chow , Cubby , with the director commenting that he had a personal fondness for the character , calling him `` a pure soul , simple , accommodating , and eager to please . '' He has been described by journalists as the `` fat kid '' of the group , `` quiet and shy , '' and a `` tagalong . '' Chomper ( edit ) Chomper , voiced by Rob Paulsen ( II ) , Cannon Young ( V ) , Max Burkholder ( TV series ) , and Issac Ryan Brown ( XIV ) is a male purple Tyrannosaurus , or `` Sharptooth '' . He first appeared in the second film , The Great Valley Adventure , as a newborn hatchling whom Littlefoot and the others attempt to raise before returning him to his parents . He re-appeared as a supporting character in the fifth movie The Mysterious Island , now able to speak the language of both Sharpteeth and leaf - eaters , where he must convince his parents and Cera that both groups can get along . He became a main character in the TV series , having migrated to the Great Valley under the care of Ruby , and attempts to discover how its residents can live in harmony so he can pass this knowledge to his own kind . He is also known for having an amazing sense of smell , which comes in handy on occasion . Chomper also appears in the Fourteenth movie Journey of the Brave . When he attempts to greet Wild Arms , who passes out . In his debut in The Great Valley Adventure , Steve Rhodes of Rotten Tomatoes UK commended the character 's design , calling him `` a real scene stealer . '' Chomper is the star of the children 's book The Lonely Dinosaur , based on the TV series episode `` The Lonely Journey '' . Ruby ( edit ) Ruby , voiced by Meghan Strange , is a female pink Oviraptor , or `` Fast Runner '' , who first appeared in the television series , debuting in the inaugural episode `` The Cave of Many Voices '' . Originally from the Mysterious Beyond , she meets Chomper and agrees to accompany him to the Great Valley , and becomes separated from her parents and two siblings after they are ambushed by a Sharptooth named Redclaw . Later , she re-unites with her family in the episode `` Return to Hanging Rock '' , but returns to the Valley in order to keep looking after Chomper as promised . She made her film debut in the fourteenth movie Journey of the Brave . Ruby is characterized as being the wisest of her friends , giving advice or encouragement , and often makes repetitive or redundant statements ( `` Hello my friends , my friends hello . '' or `` I think I need to go do some thinking at my thinking place . '' ) Secondary characters ( edit ) Mr. Thicknose ( edit ) Mr. Thicknose , voiced by Robert Guillaume ( VIII ) and Dorian Harewood ( TV series ) , is an elderly Pachyrhinosaurus . In his first appearance , The Land Before Time VIII : The Big Freeze , he is a very respected resident of the Great Valley ; having convinced the others that he has been everywhere and seen everything . When snow falls in the Valley for the first known time , and he is unable to explain it , the other adults lose faith in him . While stranded in the Mysterious Beyond , he reveals to the children , to whom he acted as a teacher , that most of his knowledge comes from secondary sources . Despite this , he is able to use the knowledge he learned to guide them back to the Great Valley . The character 's only appearance in the films , to date , was in The Land Before Time VIII : The Big Freeze , but he has become a regular in the TV series . Mo ( edit ) Mo , voiced by Rob Paulsen , is a colorful Ophthalmosaurus who first appeared in The Land Before Time IX : Journey to Big Water . The character is bilingual , speaking a broken form of the herbivore language , as well as his native dolphin - like language . He is very playful , and becomes popular with the main characters aside from Cera , who is at first annoyed by his playful antics . Though the character 's only prominent roles are in the ninth movie and in the TV episode `` The Missing Fast - Water Adventure '' , he has made a few cameo appearances in the films . In The Land Before Time X : The Great Longneck Migration , he jumps out of the water during the `` Adventuring '' musical number , and he says `` And fly ! '' during the song `` Flip , Flap and Fly '' in The Land Before Time XII : The Great Day of the Flyers . Guido ( edit ) Guido , voiced by Rob Paulsen , is a teal blue Microraptor gui , who first appears in The Land Before Time XII : The Great Day of the Flyers . He is convinced that he 's the only one of his kind , having never seen another of his kind before . His origins are unknown , as he apparently has no idea what he is or where he came from . Though he tries to fly , he can only glide for a brief period of time . He reappears in the TV episode `` The Hermit of Black Rock '' , in which he and Petrie meet an old blind purple Harpactognathus named Swooper ( voiced by Jess Harnell ) , and learns to fly properly . He often appears neurotic or panicky at times , and easily confused . Shorty ( edit ) Shorty , voiced by Brandon Michael DePaul ( X ) and Elizabeth Daily ( TV series ) is a young dark green Brachiosaurus who first appears in The Land Before Time X : The Great Longneck Migration . When Bron found Shorty , he was defending a group of much younger Camarasaurus . Shorty bullies Littlefoot at first and antagonizes him , until Littlefoot decides that he can be his adopted older brother , and Shorty accepts . Later , at the end of the film , it is implied that Bron adopts him . Tippy and his mother ( edit ) Tippy , voiced by Jeremy Suarez ( VIII ) and Cree Summer ( TV series ) , is a pink and brown Stegosaurus who first appeared in The Land Before Time VIII : The Big Freeze , in which his herd migrates into the Great Valley temporarily , after which he quickly befriends Spike . Unlike Spike , Tippy , though with limited use of words , is very vocal . Tippy 's mother ( voiced by Susan Krebs ) is a kindly female Stegosaurus , who invites Spike to spend time with her herd upon learning that he has been adopted by another species and has not spent time around his species . She later invites him to travel with the herd when they leave the Valley in search of food during the freeze . She and her son , together with their herd , reappear in the episode `` The Forbidden Friendship . '' Hyp , Mutt , and Nod ( edit ) Hyp , Mutt , and Nod are a trio of adolescent dinosaurs , who first appeared in The Land Before Time III : The Time of the Great Giving , in which they often quarrel with Littlefoot , Cera , and the others . It is also implied near the end of the film that Hyp the gray Hypsilophodon , behaves in this manner because of the aggressive treatment he receives from his father . His lackey , Mutt the green Muttaburrasaurus , is shown to be much softer - hearted , as well as dim - witted , whereas Hyp 's other lackey , Nod the green Nodosaurus , frequently emphasizes Hyp 's statements , as well as allowing him to ride on his back . They become friends with the protagonists after all eight cooperate against a pack of Fast - Bitters . The trio appear again in the season one finale of the television series , `` The Great Egg Adventure . '' In the film , they were voiced by Whit Hetford ( Hyp ) , Jeff Bennett ( Mutt ) , and Scott Menville ( Nod ) . In the TV series , Bennett and Menville resume their roles , but Hyp is voiced by Mikey Kelley . Ali ( edit ) Ali , voiced by Juliana Hansen ( IV ) and Nika Futterman ( TV series ) , is a young female purple Brontosaurus and a cousin of Littlefoot 's , who first appeared in The Land Before Time IV : Journey Through the Mists . She quickly befriends Littlefoot , but is wary of the other main characters since they are not Longnecks . However , she befriends them after they all cooperate against common danger . She is their guide through the ' Land of Mists ' through which her family formerly traveled . Ali appears again in the TV episode `` The Brave Longneck Scheme . '' Mrs. Twoped ( edit ) Mrs. Twoped was an unseen friend of Tria around the time of Tricia 's hatching . After Tricia ran for the very first time in The Land Before Time XII : The Great Day of the Flyers , Tria remarked that she could not wait to tell Mrs. Twoped about it . Due to her last name , Mrs. Twoped can be presumed to be a two - legged dinosaur . In the Swedish translation , her name is `` Fru . Rörhuvud '' , which translates to `` Mrs. Tubehead '' , so she could be a Parasaurolophus . Doc ( edit ) Doc , voiced by Kris Kristofferson ( VI ) and Jeff Bennett ( TV series ) is a nomadic elderly Diplodocus . In his first appearance , he saves Littlefoot shortly after arriving in the Great Valley , and Littlefoot idolizes him thereafter as the legendary ' Lone Dinosaur ' , who purportedly saved the Great Valley from a particularly powerful Sharptooth long before ; Doc 's own statements about having visited the Great Valley before , as well as a large scar on his face resembling one of the legend , support Littlefoot 's ideas . At the end of the film , after Doc and Grandpa Longneck defeat a marauding Allosaurus and Tyrannosaurus Rex together , Doc leaves the Valley . He appears again in the TV episode `` The Lone Dinosaur Returns , '' in which he now has a lady - friend . During the episode , he is initially appalled by Littlefoot 's friendship with Chomper , but is gradually convinced to respect the latter . Supporting characters ( edit ) Grandpa and Grandma Longneck ( edit ) Grandpa Longneck , voiced by Bill Erwin ( I ) and Kenneth Mars ( II - XII , TV series ) and Barry Bostwick ( XIV ) , and Grandma Longneck , voiced by Linda Gary ( II - IV ) and Miriam Flynn ( V - XIV , TV series ) , are two older bluish - grey Brontosauruses and are Littlefoot 's maternal grandparents . They are his primary caregivers after his mother 's ( their daughter 's ) death ; whereas Grandpa Longneck , together with Topsy , serves as a leader of the combined herds of the Great Valley . Littlefoot regards his grandfather as an idol . Although both elders seldom fight , each is fully capable of opposing a tyrannosaur . Grandma and Grandpa Longneck appear in all of the Land Before Time films , and in many episodes of the TV series . Their names have never been given : all the characters address them by title , or by the species name of `` Longneck , '' including by each other ; modifying this , Bron appears as their son - in - law , wherefore he identifies them as `` Papa and Mama Longneck . '' Bron ( edit ) Bron , voiced by Kiefer Sutherland ( X ) and Cam Clarke ( TV series ) , and Scott Whyte ( XIV ) is a brown Brontosaurus , the father of Littlefoot , and adoptive father of Shorty . He first appears in The Land Before Time X : The Great Longneck Migration , wherein Bron reveals that he was separated from his wife and parents - in - law before Littlefoot hatched . Although Littlefoot and Bron are affectionate , they separate at the end of the film , promising to reunite . Bron eventually fulfills this in the TV episode `` The Big Longneck Test , '' in which he administers a series of difficult tasks to Littlefoot . He reappears in the movie `` Journey of The Brave '' where he is trapped near a volcano and is hurt . He is shown to be proud of his son 's will to save him . Chomper 's parents ( edit ) Chomper 's Parents are a pair of Tyrannosaurus , featured in both of Chomper 's film appearances . They are sexually dimorphic , with Chomper 's father being dark green and his mother having an olive green color . They are very protective of their son , as when they invade the Great Valley to search for his egg in The Land Before Time II : The Great Valley Adventure , and fighting to protect him from a Giganotosaurus in The Land Before Time V : The Mysterious Island . Although the two initially treat the protagonists as prey , they promise to spare them , as a reward for rescuing Chomper from the Giganotosaurus . In The Land Before Time IV : Journey Through the Mists , a dark green Sharptooth resembling Chomper 's father is chasing a herd of Dryosaurus . Ducky and Spike 's mother ( edit ) Ducky and Spike 's Mother , voiced by Tress MacNeille ( II - XII , TV series ) and Meghan Strange ( XIV ) , is a grayish green Saurolophus and has appeared in most of the movies . Ducky and Spike 's father is rarely seen but has appeared in the initial film , and in the background of The Land Before Time VIII : The Big Freeze . The mother is a kindly , attentive figure , and is treated with respect by all children and adults in the Great Valley . She occasionally has doubts on whether to raise Spike in keeping with her own values or with those of his racial heritage ; this was seen in The Land Before Time VIII : The Big Freeze when a stegosaur herd met and befriended Spike . Ducky and Spike 's siblings ( edit ) There are at least 14 young siblings , resembling Ducky herself but seldom seen . In the first film , Ducky 's nest contained about half a dozen eggs , whereas in the second film , Ducky 's parents have another nest , whence an equal number are hatched . As revealed in the latest film , more siblings are younger than Ducky and Spike . Littlefoot 's mother ( edit ) Appearing only in The Land Before Time , Littlefoot 's Mother , voiced by Helen Shaver , lost her life in the first film to save Littlefoot and Cera from the Sharptooth pursuing them . Before her death , she is Littlefoot 's teacher and caregiver , and introduces the story 's principal themes ; and after death , appears in spirit to reveal his destination . She is also shown in a flashback scene in The Land Before Time X : The Great Longneck Migration , wherein she is blue in color , whereas in the first film , she was brown . Petrie 's mother ( edit ) Petrie 's Mother , voiced by Tress MacNeille ( I - XIII , TV series ) and Anndi McAfee ( XIV ) , is a dark blue Pteranodon who appears in the entire series of The Land Before Time . She has major appearances in The Land Before Time V : The Mysterious Island , The Land Before Time VII : The Stone of Cold Fire , and The Land Before Time XII : The Great Day of the Flyers . In the seventh film , she flies to the Mysterious Beyond to find Petrie and Ducky , blaming her brother Pterano for endangering them . Topps ( edit ) Topps , voiced by Burke Byrnes ( I ) , John Ingle ( II - XIII , TV series ) and George Ball ( XIV ) , is a gray Triceratops , and the father of Cera . He was credited as `` Daddy Topps '' in the first film and is otherwise called `` Mr. Threehorn '' . In The Land Before Time XI : Invasion of the Tinysauruses , the character Tria refers to him by the pet name `` Topsy , '' much to the annoyance of Cera . He is portrayed as belligerent , domineering , sometimes hostile , and stubborn like his daughter , and as such , serves as opposition party to Grandpa Longneck , at any decisive meeting of the herds . Most interspecies racism is associated with him , but his principal anxiety in most appearances , is the protection of Cera . Tria ( edit ) Tria , voiced by Camryn Manheim ( XI - XII ) and Jessica Gee ( XIII , TV series ) , is a pink `` Three - Horn '' ( Triceratops ) , and Topps ' second mate . Tria is introduced in The Land Before Time XI : Invasion of the Tinysauruses , wherein she is opposed by Cera until later in the story . Tria and Topps have a child in The Land Before Time XII : The Great Day of the Flyers . Cera 's siblings ( edit ) Topps and his first mate are shown to have had several children on at least two occasions . The first time can only be inferred , in that the existence of Dinah and Dana - Cera 's niece and nephew and Topps ' grandchildren - implies that Topps and his mate had at least one child before Cera 's egg laying . Cera also had several sisters of an age with herself , though they are seldom seen . As of The Land Before Time XII : The Great Day of the Flyers , she has a half - sister named Tricia : the offspring of her father and stepmother , Tria . Allies ( edit ) The Tinysauruses ( edit ) The Tinysauruses are an underground colony of Mussaurus , who appeared in The Land Before Time XI : Invasion of the Tinysauruses . Their leader is an old cranky Mussaurus with a huge voice named Big Daddy ( voiced by Michael Clarke Duncan ) along with his daughter Lizzie ( voiced by Cree Summer ) . Other individuals include Skitter ( voiced by Leigh Kelly ) , Dusty ( voiced by Ashley Rose Orr ) , and Rocky ( voiced by Nika Futterman ) . The Tinysauruses make a cameo appearance in The Land Before Time XII : The Great Day of the Flyers , and later are mentioned in the TV episode `` Stranger From the Mysterious Above . '' Kosh ( edit ) Kosh , voiced by Rob Paulsen ( III , minus V ) , Jeff Bennett ( XI - XII , TV series ) and Pete Sepenuk ( TV series ) , is a gluttonous , pink Ankylosaurus who appears reduces exile in some of The Land Before Time films and the TV series . He is almost always seen eating , and usually ends up having his meal disturbed or interrupted in some way . He is also rather quick to anger , though maybe not as much as Cera 's father . He is apparently on good terms with him , usually being the first to agree with Mr. Threehorn , but often argues with him too . His first name was revealed in the end credits of the TV episode `` The Star Day Celebration . '' Rooter ( edit ) Rooter , voice by Pat Hingle ( who also narrated the first film ) , is an old Turquoise - colored Scolosaurus , who consoles Littlefoot after the latter 's mother has died . His only appearance was in the first film . Foobie ( edit ) Foobie , voiced by Pete Sepenuk , is a mute Yellow Belly who is considered the Wise One of his herd . Foobie makes friends with Spike . He appears in The Land Before Time XIII : The Wisdom of Friends . Hidden Runner ( edit ) Hidden Runner , voiced by Rob Paulsen , is a green and blue Troodon whose only appearance , so far , has been in The Land Before Time TV series episode `` The Spooky Nighttime Adventure . '' He ( or she ) has the ability to blend in with its habitat due to its multi-colored markings , giving the impression that it can turn invisible , similar to a chameleon or octopus . Loofah and Doofah ( edit ) Loofah and Doofah are two Beipiaosaurus Yellow - Bellies who only appeared in The Land Before Time XIII : The Wisdom of Friends . Loofah is voiced by Cuba Gooding , Jr. and Doofah is voiced by Sandra Oh . Loofah is the cheerful leader of a herd of Yellow - Bellies who , in the film , are looking for the Berry Valley . Doofah is a prominent female in her herd , and is equally friendly and optimistic . Both of them have short - term memory loss , and are motivated by impulsive needs . Milo , Lydia , and Plower ( edit ) Milo , Lydia , and Plower are three Ceratogaulus featured in the TV episode `` Stranger From the Mysterious Above . '' They believe Spike to be `` The Big Wise One '' . Milo was voiced by Rob Paulsen , Plower by Meghan Strange , and Lydia by Anndi McAfee . Archie ( edit ) Archie is an old Archelon , living in a cave - system just outside the Land of Mists . He has only appeared in The Land Before Time IV : Journey Through the Mists , wherein he guides Littlefoot and his friends through the caves . Tickles ( edit ) Tickles is an arboreal Megazostrodon who appeared in The Land Before Time IV : Journey Through the Mists , to assist the protagonists . He was voiced by Frank Welker . Elsie ( edit ) Elsie is a green Elasmosaurus who returns Littlefoot , Ducky , Cera , Petrie , and Spike to their families at the end of The Land Before Time V : The Mysterious Island . She is voiced by Christina Pickles . Sue ( edit ) Sue is a bright pink Supersaurus . She saved Littlefoot from a Belly Dragger ( Sarcosuchus ) by simply crushing its face in The Land Before Time X : The Great Longneck Migration . She wishes to meet somebody who is taller than her , and once in the crater , she meets a Sauroposeidon that is taller than herself . Sue is kind and gentle , but her real personality remains a mystery because of her short amount of screen - time . She was voiced by Bernadette Peters . Pat ( edit ) Pat is an old but not always wise Apatosaurus , who only appeared in The Land Before Time X : The Great Longneck Migration , and was voiced by James Garner . Saro ( edit ) Saro is an Alamosaurus . He is an old friend of Grandpa Longneck , who has been interested in the stories of the Longnecks all his life . He appears in the episode of the TV series , `` The Legend of the Story Speaker . '' He is voiced by Pete Sepenuk . Rainbow Faces ( edit ) Rainbow Faces are two Gallimimus , who appeared in The Land Before Time VII : The Stone of Cold Fire . Throughout their appearance , they show scientific knowledge exceeding that attributed to other characters , and are finally implied to be extraterrestrial in origin . The male Rainbow Face appears again in The Invasion of the Tinysauruses . Dara ( edit ) Dara is a wandering female Diplodocus who first appeared in the TV episode `` The Lone Dinosaur Returns . '' She is the lady - friend of Doc , the ' Lone Dinosaur ' . She is voiced by Susan Blu . Swooper ( edit ) Swooper is a blind , elderly Harpactognathus who Petrie and Guido meet in Black Rock in the TV episode `` The Hermit of Black Rock . '' He is voiced by Jess Harnell . Etta ( edit ) Etta is a Pteranodon who appears in The Land Before Time : Journey of the Brave . After Littlefoot meets her after looking for shelter during a `` Sand cloud '' a.k.a. Sand storm , she forces Littlefoot into a cave , and the mouth of the cave is blocked by sand , and later rocks . To cheer up the downtrodden Longneck , Etta tells Littlefoot to ' look for the light ' ; look for the positive in a negative situation . After a song number , she and Littlefoot hear sound from above the cave , coming from a skirmish between the rest of the Prehistoric Pals and a hostile Sharptooth . The dinosaurs ( and pterosaurs ) ride a river and use a waterfall to exit the cave opening , and make their way to the Fire Mountain ; the location of Littlefoot 's imperiled father , Bron . Etta has a burn mark on her arm when a small lava bomb hit her when she was near a volcano called Fire Mountain . She is voiced by Reba McEntire . Wild Arms ( edit ) Wild Arms is a Nothronychus who notifies Littlefoot and the rest of the valley that Bron has been imperiled in the Mysterious Beyond . In the evening , after the kids set off to find Littlefoot 's father , he is enlisted by Grandpa Longneck and Daddy Topps to guide them to the Fire Mountain , the exact location where Bron was put in danger due to a volcanic eruption . It is later revealed by Etta that Wild Arms ' life was nearly cut short during the eruption of the Fire Mountain , the therizinosaur narrowly escaping death due to the involvement of Bron ; though this rescue was ultimately what put Bron 's life on the line . After Bron is rescued , he , alongside Etta , Grandpa , Topps , and the Gang of Seven , head back to the Great Valley as the sun sets . Though Wild Arms is intended to be seen as a protagonistic character , he has few redeeming traits . Though his eccentric behavior does occasionally lead to humor , he is selfish , cowardly , and somewhat mean spirited . He is rather narcissistic , and is very reluctant to help those who need help the most . At the end of the movie , Wild Arms arrogantly tries to take credit for helping with the rescue , saying he `` volunteered '' when boasting to Etta ; who quickly laughs off his arrogance . He also has to be goaded into going into the Land of the Featherhead Sharpteeth , and , despite being told that Chomper is not a threat to him , passes out when Chomper attempts to greet him , forcing the others to have to carry him until they nearly encounter the Horned Sharptooth . He is voiced by Damon Wayans , Jr . Antagonists + villains ( edit ) Sharptooth ( edit ) Sharptooth is the main antagonist of The Land Before Time . He is an extremely strong , athletic , and powerful Tyrannosaurus , injured in pursuit of Littlefoot and Cera , but also the slayer of Littlefoot 's mother . Having fallen into a crack in the earth during an earthquake , he remains comatose until awoken by Cera , and thereafter pursues the protagonists until the end of the film , wherein they drown him in a lake . In the book adaption , he appears to have a grudge against them after Littlefoot inadvertently injured his right eye during his first encounter with him . Ozzy and Strut ( edit ) Ozzy and Strut are two Struthiomimus . They are the main antagonists of the second movie , The Land Before Time II : The Great Valley Adventure , where Ozzy is obsessed with eating eggs while Strut is clumsy and has more interest in plants . Having been prevented thrice from stealing eggs , and twice by Littlefoot and his friends , Ozzy and Strut attempt to drop him from a cliff , but are driven from the Valley by Chomper 's parents , and presumably killed . Ozzy is voiced by Jeff Bennett ( with a British accent ) and Strut is voiced by Rob Paulsen ( also with a British accent ) ; they are the only characters to identify themselves by species name , when Ozzy identifies himself as ' this Struthiomimus ' in their song - sequence . Other characters in the series identify them as `` egg stealers '' , `` fast runners '' , or `` claw - heads '' in movies and books in the franchise . Dil and Ichy ( edit ) Dil and Ichy are the main antagonists of The Land Before Time IV : Journey Through the Mists . Dil is a female Deinosuchus ( called a `` big - mouthed bellydragger '' ) and Ichy is a male Ichthyornis ( called a `` sharp beak '' ) . They pursue Littlefoot and his friends throughout the film , but often quarrel among themselves , partly because of the lack of food and partly because Dil is very nearsighted . Ultimately , they separate completely ; immediately afterwards , Dil was chased away by a plesiosaur . Dil is voiced by Tress MacNeille and Ichy is voiced by Jeff Bennett . Red Claw ( edit ) Red Claw , voiced by Pete Sepenuk , is a Tyrannosaurus who is the primary antagonist of the TV series . He has a distinctive scar extending from his left eye to his left hand , with the blood apparently coloring one of his claws bright red . He is sometimes identified with the initial film 's antagonist , either to be one and the same as the original sharptooth or at least a blood - relative . He appears in various episodes of the show , but survives its events . Screech and Thud ( edit ) Screech and Thud , voiced by Pete Sepenuk and Rob Paulsen , respectively , are two Utahraptor , and companions of Red Claw . In the episode `` Escape From the Mysterious Beyond '' Thud is shown to have sociopathic tendencies and not to understand the concept of friendship . However , after Chomper frees Thud , whose tail had been caught in a rock , Thud leads Red Claw and Screech away from the gang . Rhett ( edit ) Rhett ( voiced by Elizabeth Daily ) is a new friend of Littlefoot 's friend Ali , who is introduced in the TV series episode `` The Brave Longneck Scheme . '' He has an arrogant personality and tries to pass off as a hero by telling exaggerated stories of his heroics to his friends , although his lies are discovered by Littlefoot and the others . He is a Rhoetosaurus . Pterano ( edit ) Pterano , voiced by Michael York , is the antihero of The Land Before Time VII : The Stone of Cold Fire . He is the brother of Petrie 's mother and the uncle of Petrie and his siblings , but exiled from the herd for abandoning his own followers to Deinonychus . Having rejoined the herd , he attempts to capture the titular Stone of Cold Fire , but ultimately fails when it turns out the Stone is just a regular asteroid , and is banished anew temporarily . In The Land Before Time X : The Great Longneck Migration , a lone Flyer resembling Pterano is seen when Littlefoot and his grandparents leave the Valley . Rinkus and Sierra ( edit ) Rinkus , a pink Rhamphorhynchus , and Sierra , a brown Cearadactylus , are the henchmen of Pterano in The Land Before Time VII : The Stone of Cold Fire . They assist in kidnapping Ducky and later turn on Pterano when the Stone of Cold Fire proves to be only a metallic meteorite . They are last seen being thrown into the sky by a violent explosion at the end of the film , alive but severely injured . Rinkus is voiced by Rob Paulsen with a Cockney accent and Sierra is voiced by Jim Cummings . The Great Hideous Beast ( edit ) The Great Hideous Beast ( voiced by Dorian Harewood ) is a Microceratus who appears in the TV episode `` Stranger From the Mysterious Above '' . It terrorized a subterranean group of mammals until Spike accidentally buried it in a rockslide . The Great Hideous Beast then escaped to the surface . Unnamed Sharpteeth ( edit ) Many Sharpteeth were featured as antagonists in several Land Before Time films . A pack of Pachycephalosaurus are seen in The Land Before Time attacking Cera and frightened from her by a disguised assembly of her friends . In The Land Before Time IV : Journey Through the Mists , two battling Domeheads ( which are likely the Domeheads from The Land Before Time the first film ; the same ones who attacked Cera in that film and were frightened by a tar covered monster of her friends ) scare a large herd of Egg - Stealers into leaping into a river in the Land of Mists . They later appear , peacefully and friendly as residents of the Great Valley in The Land Before Time XI : Invasion of the Tinysauruses . Four Velociraptor ( credited as being voiced by Frank Welker ) appear near the end of The Land Before Time III : The Time of the Great Giving . They try to kill the adults , but one is knocked out and killed by a rock falling on his head , while the other three are separated from the herd due to a flood of water . A Cretoxyrhina also appears in The Land Before Time V : The Mysterious Island as the secondary antagonist . He tries to attack Littlefoot and the gang , but he was defeated when Littlefoot and the gang end up in the island again . A Giganotosaurus , or `` Plated Sharptooth '' , appears in The Land Before Time V : The Mysterious Island as the main antagonist . He had crossed onto the island that Chomper and his parents lived on during the events of the film . It tries to eat the gang , but they are saved by Chomper 's parents . After a short fight where it incapacitates both Chomper 's parents , it eventually falls down a cliff into the sea when Chomper 's father recovers . An Allosaurus , or `` Browridge Sharptooth '' , ( voiced by Danny Mann ) appears in The Land Before Time VI : The Secret of Saurus Rock , where it tries to eat the gang on two separate occasions while going to and from Saurus Rock . It halls down a chasm while trying to cross a log to get to the gang . Littlefoot later returns to retrieve a tooth from it , only to realize it is still alive . When Grandpa saves Littlefoot from a Tyrannosaurus , the sharptooth returns , and teams with him against Grandpa . Doc comes to the rescue , and the longnecks pull down a rock spire , crushing the predators to death . A Tyrannosaurus also appears in the sixth film in the climax , as the secondary antagonist . It attacks Littlefoot after he temporarily escaped the Allosaurus , but is stopped by Grandpa Longneck . Soon the Allosaurus enters and they team up against the longneck , but Doc comes to the rescue . Both longnecks eventually crush the carnivores to death by pulling a rock spire down on them . A Tyrannosaurus appears in The Land Before Time VIII : The Big Freeze as the main antagonist . Wandering around the landscape during a blizzard , it tries to eat Ducky , but it is incapacitated after Littlefoot and Cera roll a large snowball into it . It returns and tries to eat the gang as they try to go up a hill . Mr. Thicknose rolls a log into its direction , causing it to slip on it , roll down the hill , and fall off a cliff . A Liopleurodon , dubbed a Sharptooth Swimmer , appears in The Land Before Time IX : Journey to Big Water as the main antagonist . A resident of the Big Water , it is stranded in a body of water in the Great Valley after a large rainstorm . It then tries to eat Littlefoot and the gang , but becomes trapped in a cave after an earthquake . After getting free , it relentlessly pursues the gang into the Mysterious Beyond , where they encounter it again . The Liopleurodon is lured away by Mo , who is apparently eaten by it , much to Littlefoot 's distress . However , after finding Mo safe and sound , he tells the gang he managed to hide from the Liopleurodon , after which it sensed the Big Water was nearby and swam away back to its home . A Sarcosuchus appears in The Land Before Time X : The Great Longneck Migration as the secondary antagonist . Residing in a swamp in the Mysterious Beyond , it tries to eat Littlefoot after he mistakes it for a rock to jump on , but Littlefoot is saved by Sue , who stomps her foot down on its head . It survives and goes on to try and eat Cera , Ducky , Petrie , and Spike when they venture into its territory while going after Littlefoot . It nearly succeeds in eating Petrie , but he is saved after Cera unintentionally knocks a large tree onto the Sarcosuchus , causing it to release Petrie in the process . Again , the Sarcosuchus survives , but winds up being trapped underneath the log , allowing the gang to escape . Three Tyrannosaurus appear in The Land Before Time X : The Great Longneck Migration . One tries to eat Cera , Ducky , Petrie , and Spike when they mistake it for a rock to sleep against , but loses them . It later reappears alongside two others when they try to eat the gang , along with Bron , Shorty , Pat , and Littlefoot 's grandparents . All three are defeated through the cooperation of the entire group , but they recover and try to attack the entire Longneck herd . However , they are scared off when the Night Circle blocks out the Great Circle . Two Utahraptor appear in The Land Before Time XI : Invasion of the Tinysauruses . After chasing the Tinysauruses through a cave , they manage to enter the Great Valley through a hole in the wall . They are eventually chased out of the Valley by the adults after a short fight . A Spinosaurus appears in The Land Before Time XII : The Great Day of the Flyers . Guido disturbs its sleep after sleep - flying into it , after which it tries to eat him . Guido is saved by Petrie , and the two are pursued by the Spinosaurus . It is later trapped underneath a rock after being lured there by the rest of the gang . Four Baryonyx appear in The Land Before Time XIII : The Wisdom of Friends as the main antagonists . They are led by a purple - brown Baryonyx with a scar running over its jaw . The four try to eat Loofah , Doofah , and Foobie , but they chase them into a cave , where the rest of the gang bury them in rocks . They survive and chase after the gang , but are driven off a cliff by the Yellow Belly herd and the kids . A mother Utahraptor appears in the episode The Great Egg Adventure as the main antagonist . A pair of featherheaded Yutyrannus appear in The Land Before Time XIV : Journey of the Brave as the secondary antagonists . The kids hatch a plan to cover themselves with stinkweed to get through the Land of the Featherhead Sharpteeth . It works , though they are almost discovered by the carelessness of Petrie , but a small mammal distracts the two Yutyrannus . The kids later accidentally wash off the stinkweed , and the carnivores chase them . The kids however , defeat the sharpteeth when they corner the gang at the top of a hill next to a cliff . Both sharpteeth survive . A Carnotaurus , or Horned Sharptotoh , also appears in Journey of the Brave as the main antagonist . It attacks Littlefoot 's friends , but Etta is able to help them get away . Later , it nearly discovers Grandpa , Topps , Chomper , Ruby , and Wild Arms , but is distracted by a flock of ornithomimids . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Universal Pictures Home Entertainment ( December 17 , 2015 ) . `` From Universal Pictures Home Entertainment : The Land Before Time : Journey of the Brave '' . PR Newswire . Retrieved February 1 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Don Bluth Land Before Time '' . The Animated Films of Don Bluth. 1994 . Retrieved February 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Leyden , Joe ( December 22 , 1996 ) . `` The Land Before Time IV : Journey Through the Mists '' . Variety . Retrieved February 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Miller , Gregory E. ( August 13 , 2014 ) . `` A rundown of the best and worst ' The Land Before Time ' moves '' . The New York Post . Retrieved February 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Ebert , Roger ( November 18 , 1988 ) . `` The Land Before Time Movie Review ( 1988 ) '' . Roger . Retrieved February 7 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Miller , Wendy ( November 29 , 1988 ) . `` Animated Film Lives Up to Promises '' . The Mohave Daily Miner . Retrieved February 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Maslin , Janet ( November 1988 ) . `` The Land Before Time ( 1988 ) '' . The New York Times . Retrieved February 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` The Land Before Time Movie Reviews , Pictures '' . Rotten Tomatoes . Archived from the original on October 4 , 2008 . Retrieved February 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Land Before Time Characters : Littlefoot '' . . Archived from the original on May 3 , 2006 . Retrieved February 7 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Beck , Jerry ( 2005 ) . The Animated Movie Guide . Chicago Review Press . p. 138 . ISBN 1556525915 . Jump up ^ Pudleiner , Mark ( April 11 , 2009 ) . `` Memory lane 2 > Don Bluth Studio 1986 '' . Mark Pudleiner 's Official Blog . Retrieved February 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ The Motion Picture Guide : 1989 Annual . Jenny Mueller ( Editor ) , Jeffrey H. Wallenfeldt ( Senior Editor ) , Jennifer Howe , Michaela Tuohy ( Associate Editors ) , William Leahy ( Editorial Director ) . Evanston , Illinois : Cinebooks , Inc. 1989 . pp. 185 -- 186 . ISBN 0 - 933997 - 20 - 5 . Jump up ^ `` Land Before Time Characters : Cera '' . . Archived from the original on June 14 , 2006 . Retrieved February 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Pope , Bryan ( March 4 , 2005 ) . `` DVD Verdict Review - The Land Before Time XI : Invasion of the Tinysauruses '' . DVD Verdict . Retrieved February 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Horiuchi , Tami . `` DVD : The Land Before Time XII : The Great Day of the Flyers ( DVD ) '' . . Retrieved February 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` ' The Land Before Time ' '' . The Washington Post . November 18 , 1988 . Retrieved February 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Leeper , Mark R. ( 1988 ) . `` Review for the Land Before Time ( 1988 ) '' . ( originally posted on rec. arts. movies. reviews ) . Retrieved February 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` The Land before Time : Cera 's Big Day out : Molly Goode , Judy Freudberg , Tony Geiss '' . Book . Retrieved February 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` The Land Before Time : Cera 's Shiny Stone ( I Can Read Book 2 ) '' . Amazon . Retrieved February 7 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Land Before Time Characters : Ducky '' . . Archived from the original on April 5 , 2006 . Retrieved February 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Mansour , David ( 2005 ) . From Abba to Zoom : A Pop Culture Encyclopedia of the Late 20th Century . Andrews McMeel Publishing . p. 272 . ISBN 0740751182 . Jump up ^ `` Dinosaurs Land Before Time / Petrie Dino '' . . Archived from the original on April 5 , 2006 . Retrieved February 29 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Kho , Nancy Davis ( February 19 , 2007 ) . `` The Land Before Time XII : The Great Day of the Flyers '' . Common Sense Media . Retrieved February 24 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Herzog , Alan David ( 2003 ) . Test - Prep Your IQ with the Essentials of Film . Peterson 's . p. 111 . ISBN 0768911907 . Jump up ^ ^ Benton , Michael J. ( 2004 ) . `` Origin and relationships of Dinosauria '' . In Weishampel , David B. ; Dodson , Peter ; and Osmólska , Halszka ( eds . ) . The Dinosauria ( 2nd ed . ) . Berkeley : University of California Press . pp. 7 -- 19 . ISBN 0 - 520 - 24209 - 2 . Jump up ^ `` Land Before Time Cartoon : Spike '' . . Archived from the original on April 5 , 2006 . Retrieved February 29 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` dOc treehouse : The Land Before Time : The Big Freeze ( 2001 ) '' . Digitally Obsessed . Archived from the original on February 18 , 2009 . Retrieved February 24 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Simpson , MJ . `` The Land Before Time II '' . MJ . Archived from the original on August 27 , 2007 . Retrieved February 24 , 2016 . CS1 maint : Unfit url ( link ) Jump up ^ Scott , Vernon ( November 24 , 1988 ) . `` ' Before Time ' movie - the heroes are dinosaurs '' . The Desert News . p. 59 . Retrieved February 24 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Land Before Time Other Friends '' . . Archived from the original on April 5 , 2006 . Retrieved February 29 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Rhodes , Steven ( July 25 , 2002 ) . `` Rotten Tomatoes : A pleasant little story of no real consequence ... if you want a compelling story you should go for the original '' . Rotten Tomatoes UK . Archived from the original on May 2 , 2008 . Retrieved February 29 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Scheib , Richard ( April 6 , 2010 ) . `` Land Before Time V : The Mysterious Island , The '' . Moria . Archived from the original on May 20 , 2010 . Retrieved February 29 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` The Land Before Time : The Lonely Dinosaur ( I Can Read - Level 2 ( Quality ) ) '' . Amazon . Retrieved February 29 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Well , this is happening ( The Land Before Time 14 : Journey of the Brave Trailer Review ) . '' . When Dinosaurs Ruled the Mind . September 13 , 2015 . Retrieved February 29 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Ashby , Emily . `` The Land Before Time TV review '' . Common Sense Media . Retrieved February 29 , 2016 . ( hide ) The Land Before Time Film series The Land Before Time ( 1988 ) The Great Valley Adventure ( 1994 ) The Time of the Great Giving ( 1995 ) Journey Through the Mists ( 1996 ) The Mysterious Island ( 1997 ) The Secret of Saurus Rock ( 1998 ) The Stone of Cold Fire ( 2000 ) The Big Freeze ( 2001 ) Journey to Big Water ( 2002 ) The Great Longneck Migration ( 2003 ) Invasion of the Tinysauruses ( 2005 ) The Great Day of the Flyers ( 2006 ) The Wisdom of Friends ( 2007 ) Journey of the Brave ( 2016 ) Related TV series ( episodes ) Characters Video games `` If We Hold on Together '' Book Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Fictional dinosaurs Lists of animated film characters Lists of fictional animals in animation Lists of fictional animals by work The Land Before Time Universal Studios cartoons and characters Hidden categories : CS1 maint : Unfit url Articles with a promotional tone from September 2012 All articles with a promotional tone Articles needing additional references from May 2013 All articles needing additional references Articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction from May 2013 All articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction Talk Contents About Wikipedia Italiano മലയാളം Русский Edit links This page was last edited on 3 September 2017 , at 18 : 04 . 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who does the voice of sarah in land before time
Cera , voiced by Candace Hutson ( I - IV ) , and Anndi McAfee ( V - XIV ) is a female orange Triceratops , or `` Threehorn '' . Like Littlefoot , she hatches in the first film , and is later separated from her parents and sisters during an earthquake . She accompanies Littlefoot to the Great Valley where she is eventually reunited with her father . She is stubborn , boastful , sometimes reckless , and occasionally belligerent , but is often made look foolish when she is proven wrong . The initial film , and a few sequels , attributed an ego to her species , especially to herself and her father , but this is diminished in later appearances . In the movie Invasion of the Tinysauruses , her dad begins a new relationship with a Threehorn named Tria , who Cera dislikes at first , but eventually comes to accept . By the following film , Tria and Cera 's father have become mates , and have a child named Tricia , Cera 's half - sister .
Dallas Cowboys - wikipedia Dallas Cowboys Jump to : navigation , search This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( November 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Dallas Cowboys Current season Established January 28 , 1960 ; 58 years ago ( 1960 - 01 - 28 ) First season : 1960 Play in AT&T Stadium Arlington , Texas Headquartered in The Ford Center at The Star Frisco , Texas Logo Wordmark League / conference affiliations National Football League ( 1960 -- present ) Western Conference ( 1960 ) Eastern Conference ( 1961 -- 1969 ) Capitol Division ( 1967 -- 1969 ) National Football Conference ( 1970 -- present ) NFC East ( 1970 -- present ) Current uniform Team colors Navy Blue , Metallic Silver , White , Royal Blue Mascot Rowdy Personnel Owner ( s ) Jerry Jones CEO Stephen Jones President Jerry Jones General manager Jerry Jones Head coach Jason Garrett Team history Dallas Cowboys ( 1960 -- present ) Team nicknames America 's Team Doomsday Defense The ' Boys Big D Championships League championships ( 5 ) Super Bowl championships ( 5 ) 1971 ( VI ) , 1977 ( XII ) , 1992 ( XXVII ) , 1993 ( XXVIII ) , 1995 ( XXX ) Conference championships ( 10 ) NFL Eastern : 1966 , 1967 NFC : 1970 , 1971 , 1975 , 1977 , 1978 , 1992 , 1993 , 1995 Division championships ( 22 ) NFL Capitol : 1967 , 1968 , 1969 NFC East : 1970 , 1971 , 1973 , 1976 , 1977 , 1978 , 1979 , 1981 , 1985 , 1992 , 1993 , 1994 , 1995 , 1996 , 1998 , 2007 , 2009 , 2014 , 2016 Playoff appearances ( 32 ) NFL : 1966 , 1967 , 1968 , 1969 , 1970 , 1971 , 1972 , 1973 , 1975 , 1976 , 1977 , 1978 , 1979 , 1980 , 1981 , 1982 , 1983 , 1985 , 1991 , 1992 , 1993 , 1994 , 1995 , 1996 , 1998 , 1999 , 2003 , 2006 , 2007 , 2009 , 2014 , 2016 Home fields Cotton Bowl ( 1960 -- 1971 ) Texas Stadium ( 1971 -- 2008 ) AT&T Stadium ( 2009 -- present ) The Dallas Cowboys are a professional American football team based in the Dallas -- Fort Worth metroplex . The Cowboys compete in the National Football League ( NFL ) as a member club of the league 's National Football Conference ( NFC ) East division . The team is headquartered in Frisco , Texas , and plays its home games at AT&T Stadium in Arlington , Texas , which opened for the 2009 season . The stadium took its current name prior to the 2013 season . The Cowboys joined the NFL as an expansion team in 1960 . The team 's national following might best be represented by its NFL record of consecutive sell - outs . The Cowboys ' streak of 190 consecutive sold - out regular and post-season games ( home and away ) began in 2002 . The franchise has made it to the Super Bowl eight times , tied with the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Denver Broncos for second most Super Bowl appearances in history , just behind the New England Patriots record ten Super Bowl appearances . This has also corresponded to eight NFC championships , most in the NFC . The Cowboys have won five of those Super Bowl appearances , tying them with their NFC rivals , the San Francisco 49ers , and the AFC 's Patriots ; all three are second to Pittsburgh 's record six Super Bowl championships . The Cowboys are the only NFL team to record 20 straight winning seasons ( 1966 -- 85 ) , in which they only missed the playoffs twice ( 1974 and 1984 ) , an NFL record that remains unchallenged . In 2015 , the Dallas Cowboys became the first sports team to be valued at $4 billion , making it the most valuable sports team in the world , according to Forbes . The Cowboys also generated $620 million in revenue in 2014 , a record for a U.S. sports team . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 1960s 1.2 1970s 1.3 1980s 1.4 1990s 1.5 2000 -- 09 1.6 2010 -- 13 1.7 2014 1.8 2015 1.9 2016 1.10 2017 2 Logos and uniforms 2.1 Logo 2.2 Uniforms 2.2. 1 Uniform history 2.2. 2 Home / road jersey history 2.2. 3 Thanksgiving Day uniforms 3 Stadiums 3.1 Cotton Bowl 3.2 Texas Stadium 3.3 AT&T Stadium 4 Training camp sites 5 Rivalries 5.1 Washington Redskins 5.2 Philadelphia Eagles 5.3 New York Giants 5.4 Pittsburgh Steelers 5.5 San Francisco 49ers 5.6 Green Bay Packers 6 Season - by - season records 7 Players of note 7.1 Current roster 7.2 Pro Football Hall of Famers 7.3 Texas Sports Hall of Fame 7.4 Super Bowl MVPs 7.5 Ring of Honor 7.6 All - time first - round draft picks 8 Head coaches and staff 8.1 Head coaches 8.2 Current staff 9 Radio and television 10 See also 11 References 12 Further reading 13 External links History Main article : History of the Dallas Cowboys This section may be too long to read and navigate comfortably . Please consider splitting content into sub-articles , condensing it , or adding or removing subheadings . ( November 2015 ) 1960s Prior to the formation of the Dallas Cowboys , there had not been an NFL team south of Washington , D.C. since the Dallas Texans folded in 1952 . Oilman Clint Murchison Jr. had been trying to get an NFL expansion team in Dallas ( as was Lamar Hunt -- who ended up with an AFL franchise ) , but George Preston Marshall , owner of the Washington Redskins , had a monopoly in the South . Murchison had tried to purchase the Washington Redskins from Marshall in 1958 . An agreement was struck , but as the deal was about to be finalized , Marshall called for a change in terms . This infuriated Murchison and he called off the deal . Marshall then opposed any franchise for Murchison in Dallas . Since NFL expansion needed unanimous approval from team owners at that time , Marshall 's position would prevent Murchison from joining the league . Marshall had a falling out with the Redskins band leader Barnee Breeskin . Breeskin had written the music to the Redskins fight song `` Hail to the Redskins '' and Marshall 's wife had penned the lyrics . Breeskin owned the rights to the song and was aware of Murchison 's plight to get an NFL franchise . Angry with Marshall , Breeskin approached Murchison 's attorney to sell him the rights to the song before the expansion vote in 1959 . Murchison purchased `` Hail to the Redskins '' for $2,500 . Before the vote to award franchises in 1959 , Murchison revealed to Marshall that he owned the song and Marshall could not play it during games . After a few Marshall expletives , Murchison gave the rights to `` Hail to the Redskins '' to Marshall for his vote , the lone one against Murchison getting a franchise at that time , and a rivalry was born . 1970s The Cowboys playing against the Dolphins in Super Bowl VI . From 1970 through 1979 , the Cowboys won 105 regular season games , more than any other NFL franchise during that span . In addition , they appeared in 5 and won two Super Bowls , at the end of the 1971 and 1977 regular seasons . 1980s Danny White became the Cowboys ' starting quarterback in 1980 after quarterback Roger Staubach retired . Despite going to 12 -- 4 in 1980 , the Cowboys came into the playoffs as a Wild Card team . In the opening round of the 1980 -- 81 NFL playoffs they avenged their elimination from the prior year 's playoffs by defeating the Rams . In the Divisional Round they squeaked by the Atlanta Falcons 30 -- 27 . For the NFC Championship they were pitted against division rival Philadelphia , the team that won the division during the regular season . The Eagles captured their first conference championship and Super Bowl berth by winning 20 -- 7 . 1981 brought another division championship for the Cowboys . They entered the 1981 - 82 NFL playoffs as the number 2 seed . Their first game of the postseason saw them blowout and shutout Tampa Bay 38 -- 0 . For the Conference Title game they were pitted against the San Francisco 49ers , the number 1 seed . Despite having a late 4th quarter 27 -- 21 lead , they would lose to the 49ers 28 -- 27 . 49ers quarterback Joe Montana led his team to an 89 - yard game - winning touchdown drive connecting to Dwight Clark in a play known as The Catch . The Cowboys playing against the Broncos in Super Bowl XII . The 1982 season was shortened after a player strike . With a 6 -- 3 record Dallas made it to the playoffs for the 8th consecutive season . As the number 2 seed for the 1982 -- 83 NFL playoffs they eliminated the Buccaneers 30 -- 17 in the Wild Card round and dispatched the Packers 37 -- 26 in the Divisional round to advance to their 3rd consecutive Conference championship game . 3 times was not a charm for the Cowboys as they fell 31 -- 17 to division rival and eventual Super Bowl XVII champions Redskins . For the 1983 season the Cowboys went 12 -- 4 and made it once again to the playoffs but were defeated at home in the Wild Card by the Rams 24 -- 17 . Prior to the 1984 season , H.R. `` Bum '' Bright purchased the Dallas Cowboys from Clint Murchison Jr . Dallas posted a 9 -- 7 record that season but missed the playoffs for the first time in 10 seasons . After going 10 -- 6 in 1985 and winning a division title , the Cowboys were blown out in the Divisional round at home to the Rams 20 -- 0 . Hard times came for the organization as they went 7 -- 9 in 1986 , 7 -- 8 in 1987 , and 3 -- 13 in 1988 . During this time period Bright became disenchanted with the team . During the Savings and Loan crisis , the team and Mr. Bright 's Savings and Loan were taken over by the FSLIC . During an embarrassing home loss to Atlanta in 1987 , Bright told the media that he was `` horrified '' at coach Tom Landry 's play calling . The FSLIC forced Mr. Bright to sell the Cowboys to Jerry Jones on February 25 , 1989 . Jones immediately fired Tom Landry , the only head coach in franchise history , replacing him with University of Miami head coach Jimmy Johnson , who was also Jerry Jones ' teammate in University of Arkansas as a fellow defensive lineman and Michael Irvin was under his tutelage in college . With the first pick in the draft , the Cowboys selected UCLA quarterback Troy Aikman . Later that same year , they would trade veteran running back Herschel Walker to the Minnesota Vikings for five veteran players and eight draft choices . Although the Cowboys finished the 1989 season with a 1 -- 15 record , their worst in almost 30 years , `` The Trade '' later allowed Dallas to draft a number of impact players to rebuild the team . 1990s Johnson quickly returned the Cowboys to the NFL 's elite . Skillful drafts added fullback Daryl Johnston and center Mark Stepnoski in 1989 , running back Emmitt Smith in 1990 , defensive tackle Russell Maryland and offensive tackle Erik Williams in 1991 , and safety Darren Woodson in 1992 . The young talent joined holdovers from the Landry era such as wide receiver Michael Irvin , guard Nate Newton , linebacker Ken Norton Jr. , and offensive lineman Mark Tuinei , defensive lineman Jim Jeffcoat , and veteran pickups such as tight end Jay Novacek and defensive end Charles Haley . Five - time World Champions Mural Things started to look up for the franchise in 1990 . On Week 1 Dallas won their first home game since September 1988 when they defeated the San Diego Chargers 17 -- 14 . They went 2 -- 7 in their next 9 games but won 4 of their last 6 games to finish the season with a 4th place 7 -- 9 record . Coming into 1991 the Cowboys replaced offensive coordinator Dave Shula with Norv Turner ; the Cowboys raced to a 6 -- 5 start , then defeated the previously - unbeaten Redskins despite injury to Troy Aikman . Backup Steve Beuerlein took over and the Cowboys finished 11 -- 5 . In the Wild Card round they defeated the Bears 17 -- 13 for the Cowboys first playoff win since 1982 . In the Divisional round their season ended in a 38 -- 6 playoff rout by the Lions . In 1992 Dallas set a team record for regular season wins with a 13 -- 3 mark . They started off the season by defeating the defending Super Bowl champion Redskins 23 -- 10 . Going into the playoffs as the number 2 seed they had a first round bye before facing division rival the Philadelphia Eagles . The Cowboys won that game 34 -- 10 to advance to the NFC Conference Championship game for the first time in 10 years . They were pitted against the San Francisco 49ers , the number 1 seed . On January 17 , 1993 the Cowboys went to Candlestick Park and defeated the 49ers 30 -- 20 to clinch their first Super Bowl berth since 1978 . Dallas defeated the Buffalo Bills 52 -- 17 in Super Bowl XXVII , during which they forced a record nine turnovers . Johnson became the first coach to claim a national championship in college football and a Super Bowl victory in professional football . Despite starting the 1993 season 0 -- 2 , they again defeated the Buffalo Bills in Super Bowl XXVIII , 30 -- 13 ( becoming the first team in NFL history to win a Super Bowl after starting 0 -- 2 ) . Dallas finished the regular season 12 -- 4 as the number 1 seed of the NFC . They defeated the Green Bay Packers 27 -- 17 in the divisional round . In the NFC Conference Championship , Dallas beat the 49ers in Dallas , 38 -- 21 . Dallas sent a then - NFL record 11 players to the Pro Bowl in 1993 : Aikman , safety Thomas Everett , Irvin , Johnston , Maryland , Newton , Norton , Novacek , Smith , Stepnoski and Williams . Dallas Cowboys championship banners inside AT&T Stadium Only weeks after Super Bowl XXVIII , however , friction between Johnson and Jones culminated in Johnson stunning the football world by announcing his resignation . Jones then hired former University of Oklahoma head coach Barry Switzer to replace Johnson . The Cowboys finished 12 -- 4 in 1994 . They once again clinched a first round bye and defeated Green Bay 35 -- 9 in the Divisional Round . They missed the Super Bowl , however , after losing to the 49ers in the NFC Championship Game , 38 -- 28 . Prior to the start of 1995 season Jerry Jones lured All - Pro cornerback Deion Sanders away from San Francisco . Dallas started the season 4 -- 0 including shutting out their division rival New York Giants 35 -- 0 at Giants Stadium to open their season . Emmitt Smith set an NFL record with 25 rushing touchdowns that season . They ended the season 12 -- 4 and went into the playoffs as the number 1 seed . In the Divisional round they dispatched their division rival Eagles 30 -- 11 to advance to their 4th consecutive NFC Conference Championship Game , in which they defeated Green Bay , 38 -- 27 . In Super Bowl XXX the Cowboys defeated the Pittsburgh Steelers 27 -- 17 at Sun Devil Stadium for their fifth Super Bowl championship . Switzer joined Johnson as the only coaches to win a college football national championship and a Super Bowl . The glory days of the Cowboys were again beginning to dim as free agency , age , and injuries began taking their toll . Star receiver Michael Irvin was suspended by the league for the first five games of 1996 following a drug - related arrest ; he came back after the Cowboys started the season 2 -- 3 . They finished the regular season with a 10 -- 6 record , won the NFC East title , and entered the playoffs as the number 3 seed in the NFC . They defeated Minnesota 40 -- 15 in the Wild Card round but were eliminated in the Divisional round of the playoffs 26 -- 17 by the Carolina Panthers . The Cowboys went 6 -- 10 in 1997 ( including losing their last 6 games of the season ) , with discipline and off - field problems becoming major distractions . As a result , Switzer resigned as head coach in January 1998 and former Steelers offensive coordinator Chan Gailey was hired to take his place . Gailey led the team to two playoff appearances with a 10 -- 6 record in 1998 and an NFC East championship , but the Cowboys were defeated in the playoffs by the Arizona Cardinals 20 -- 7 . In 1999 Dallas went 8 -- 8 ( during which Irvin suffered a career - ending spinal injury in a loss to the Philadelphia Eagles ) ending in another playoff loss ( this time to the Minnesota Vikings 27 -- 10 ) . Gailey was fired and became the first Cowboys coach who did not take the team to a Super Bowl . 2000 -- 09 Defensive coordinator Dave Campo was promoted to head coach for the 2000 season . Prior to the season starting cornerback Deion Sanders was released after 5 seasons with the team . He later signed with division rival Washington . In Week 1 , they were blown out 41 -- 14 by Philadelphia . That game was very costly when veteran quarterback Troy Aikman suffered a serious concussion which ultimately ended his career . Longtime NFL QB Randall Cunningham filled in for Aikman for the rest of the season at QB . The Cowboys finished the season in 4th place with a 5 -- 11 record . The only highlights of 2000 were Emmitt Smith having his 10th consecutive 1,000 yard rushing season and a season sweep over the Redskins . 2001 was another hard year in Dallas . Prior to the season starting Aikman was released from the team and he retired due to the concussions he had received . Jerry Jones signed Tony Banks as a QB . Banks had been a starter for half of the season the previous year for the Super Bowl Champion Baltimore Ravens before being benched . Jones also drafted QB Quincy Carter in the second round of that year 's draft , but Banks was released during the preseason . Ryan Leaf , Anthony Wright , and Clint Stoerner all competed for the quarterback position that season . Dallas again finished at 5 -- 11 , last place in the NFC East . They did sweep the Redskins for the 4th consecutive season . Prior to the 2002 season Dallas drafted safety Roy Williams with the 8th overall pick . The season started out low as the Cowboys lost to the expansion Houston Texans 19 -- 10 on Week 1 . By far the highlight of 2002 was on October 28 , when during a home game against the Seattle Seahawks , Emmitt Smith broke the all - time NFL rushing record previously held by Walter Payton . Their Thanksgiving Day win over the Redskins was their 10th consecutive win against Washington . However , that was their final win of 2002 : Dallas lost their next 4 games to finish with another last place 5 -- 11 record . The losing streak was punctuated with a Week 17 20 -- 14 loss against Washington . That game was Smith 's last game as a Cowboys player : he was released during the offseason . Campo was immediately fired as head coach at the conclusion of the season . Jones then lured Bill Parcells out of retirement to coach the Cowboys . The Cowboys became the surprise team of the 2003 season getting off to a hot 7 -- 2 season , but went 3 -- 4 for the rest of the season . They were able to win the division with a 10 -- 6 record but lost in the Wild Card round to eventual conference champion Carolina Panthers 29 -- 10 . In 2004 Dallas was unable to replicate their 2003 success , and ended 6 -- 10 . Quincy Carter was released during the preseason and was replaced at QB by Vinny Testaverde . Dallas got off to a hot 7 -- 3 start for the 2005 season but ended the season in 3rd place with a 9 -- 7 record . Prior to the season starting the Cowboys signed veteran Drew Bledsoe as a quarterback . 2006 was an interesting year for the Cowboys . Prior to the season Dallas signed free agent wide receiver Terrell Owens who was talented yet controversial . The Cowboys started the season 3 -- 2 . During a week 7 matchup against the Giants , Bledsoe , who had been struggling since the start of the season , was pulled from the game and was replaced by backup Tony Romo . Romo was unable to salvage that game and Dallas lost 38 -- 22 . However , Romo was named the starter for team and went 5 -- 1 in his first 6 games . Dallas ended the season with a 9 -- 7 2nd - place finish . They were able to clinch the number 5 playoff seed . They traveled to play Seattle where the Seahawks won 21 -- 20 . After the season Parcells retired and was replaced as head coach by Wade Phillips . Dallas started off the 2007 season with a bang . They began the season with a 12 -- 1 start , including winning their first five games . Their only loss during that time span came against New England , who went undefeated that season . Despite dropping two of their last three regular season games , the Cowboys clinched their first number 1 NFC seed in 12 years , which also granted them a first round bye and home field advantage throughout the playoffs . The Cowboys lost in the divisional round 21 -- 17 to the eventual Super Bowl champion New York Giants . In the tumultuous 2008 season , the Cowboys started off strong , going 3 -- 0 for the second straight year , en route to a 4 -- 1 start . However , things soon went downhill from there , after quarterback Tony Romo suffered a broken pinkie in an overtime loss to the Arizona Cardinals . With Brad Johnson and Brooks Bollinger playing as backups , Dallas went 1 -- 2 during a three - game stretch . Romo 's return showed promise , as Dallas went 3 -- 0 . However , injuries mounted during the season with the team losing several starters for the year , such as Kyle Kosier , Felix Jones , safety Roy Williams and punter Mat McBriar , and several other starters playing with injuries . Entering December , the 8 -- 4 Cowboys underperformed , finishing 1 -- 3 . They failed to make the playoffs after losing at Philadelphia in the final regular season game which saw the Eagles reach the playoffs instead . On May 2 , 2009 , the Dallas Cowboys ' practice facility collapsed during a wind storm . The collapse left twelve Cowboys players and coaches injured . The most serious injuries were special teams coach Joe DeCamillis , who suffered fractured cervical vertebrae and had surgery to stabilize fractured vertebrae in his neck , and Rich Behm , the team 's 33 - year - old scouting assistant , who was permanently paralyzed from the waist down after his spine was severed . The 2009 season started on a positive with a road win against Tampa Bay , but fortunes quickly changed as Dallas fell to a 2 -- 2 start . In week five , with starting wide receiver Roy Williams sidelined by injury , receiver Miles Austin got his first start of the season and had a record setting day ( 250 yards receiving and 2 TDs ) to help lead Dallas to an overtime win over Kansas City . Following their bye week , Dallas went on a three - game winning streak including wins over Atlanta and NFC East division rival Philadelphia . Despite entering December with a record of 8 -- 3 , Dallas lost its slim grip on 1st place in the division with losses to the New York Giants and San Diego . Talks of past December collapses resurfaced , and another collapse in 2009 seemed validated . However , the Dallas team surged in the final three weeks of the season with a 24 -- 17 victory at the Superdome , ending New Orleans ' previously unbeaten season in week 15 . For the first time in franchise history , Dallas posted back - to - back shutouts when they beat division rivals Washington ( 17 -- 0 ) and Philadelphia ( 24 -- 0 ) to end the season . In the process , the Cowboys clinched their second NFC East title in three years as well as the third seed in the NFC Playoffs . Six days later , in the wild - card round of the playoffs , Dallas played the Eagles in a rematch of week 17 . The Cowboys defeated the Eagles for the first Cowboys ' post-season win since the 1996 season , ending a streak of six consecutive NFL post-season losses . Dallas ended their playoff run after a hard divisional playoff loss to the Minnesota Vikings . 2010 -- 13 After beginning the 2010 season at 1 -- 7 , Phillips was fired as head coach and was replaced by offensive coordinator Jason Garrett as the interim head coach . The Cowboys finished the season 6 -- 10 . With the 9th pick of the 1st round of the 2011 draft , the Cowboys selected USC tackle Tyron Smith . To start the 2011 season the Cowboys played the New York Jets on a Sunday night primetime game in New York , on September 11 , 2011 . The Cowboys held the lead through most of the game , until a fumble , blocked punt , and interception led to the Jets coming back to win the game . In week 2 Dallas traveled to San Francisco to play the 49ers . In the middle of the 2nd quarter , while the Cowboys trailed 10 -- 7 , Tony Romo suffered a rib injury and was replaced by Jon Kitna . Kitna threw 1 Touchdown and 2 interceptions until Romo returned in the 3rd quarter as Dallas trailed 17 -- 7 . Romo then threw 3 touchdown passes to Miles Austin as the Cowboys rallied to send the game into overtime . On the Cowboys opening possession after 49ers punt , Romo found WR Jesse Holley on a 78 - yard pass , which set up the game - winning field goal by rookie kicker Dan Bailey . Dallas ended the season 8 -- 8 . They were in a position to win the NFC East but lost to the Giants in a Week 17 primetime Sunday Night game on NBC which allowed New York to win the division . The Giants would go on to win Super Bowl XLVI . The Cowboys started off the 2012 season on a high note by defeating the defending Super Bowl Champion New York Giants 24 -- 17 on the opening night of the season . They would hover around the . 500 mark for the majority of the season . They lost a close Week 6 game to eventual Super Bowl XXVII Champion Baltimore Ravens 31 -- 29 at M&T Bank Stadium in Baltimore . Going into Week 17 they found themselves once again one win away from winning the division . Standing in their way was the Redskins who had beat them on Thanksgiving at AT&T Stadium and whom were also one win away from their first division title since 1999 . Led by Robert Griffin III the Redskins defeated the Cowboys at home 28 - 18 . Dallas once again finished the season 8 -- 8 . In the 2013 season Dallas started off by defeating the Giants for the second straight year this time 36 -- 31 . It was the first time since AT&T Stadium had opened back in 2009 that the Cowboys were able to defeat New York at home . The win was punctuated by Brandon Carr returning an Eli Manning interception to a touchdown late in the 4th quarter . For the third straight year Dallas once again found themselves stuck in the . 500 area . In Week 5 , they lost a shootout to eventual AFC Champion Denver Broncos 51 -- 48 . They battled it out with Philadelphia for control of the division throughout the season . In December however they lost 2 crucial back to back games to Chicago and Green Bay . They were very successful in division games having a 5 -- 0 division record heading into another Week 17 showdown for the NFC East crown against the Eagles . That included beating Washington 24 -- 23 on Week 16 thanks to late game heroics of Tony Romo . However Romo received a severe back injury in that game which prematurely ended his season . The Cowboys called upon backup QB Kyle Orton to lead them into battle on the final week of the season . Orton was unsuccessful who threw a game ending interception to the Eagles which allowed Philly to win 24 -- 22 . Dallas ended the year at 8 -- 8 for the third year in a row . The only difference of this 8 -- 8 ending compared to the others was that Dallas ended the season in second place compared to the 2 previous 3rd - place finishes . 2014 Main article : 2014 Dallas Cowboys season To start off the 2014 season Dallas began by losing to San Francisco 28 -- 17 . After that they went on a 6 - game winning streak . The highlight of this streak was defeating the Seahawks at CenturyLink Field 30 -- 23 . In Week 8 , the Redskins won in overtime 20 -- 17 , and Romo 's back became once again injured . He missed next week , a home loss to the Arizona Cardinals 28 -- 17 with backup QB Brandon Weeden . Romo returned in Week 9 to lead a 31 -- 17 victory of the Jacksonville Jaguars which was played at Wembley Stadium in London , England as part of the NFL International Series . Dallas played into their traditional Thanksgiving home game , this time against division rival Philadelphia . Both teams were vying for first place in the division with identical 8 -- 3 records . The Eagles got off to a fast start and the Cowboys were unable to catch up , losing 33 -- 10 . They would rebound the next week where on the road Thursday night game they defeated Chicago 41 -- 28 for their 9th win of the year to clinch their first winning season since 2009 . This was the first time that Dallas played on back to back Thursdays . Week 15 was a rematch against 1st place Philadelphia . This time it was the Cowboys who got off to a fast start going up 21 -- 0 . Then the Eagles put up 24 answered points but Dallas came back to win 38 -- 27 to go into first place for the first time in the season and improve to 10 -- 4 . Going into their Week 16 matchup at home against Indianapolis , Dallas was in a position to clinch their first division title since 2009 by defeating the Colts thanks to the Eagles losing that week to the Redskins . They would not disappoint as they blew out the Colts 42 -- 7 to become the 2014 NFC East Champions , eliminating the Eagles from the playoffs . Dallas would end the regular season with a 12 -- 4 record and an 8 -- 0 away record when they won on the road against Washington 44 -- 17 . They would also finish December 4 -- 0 which was huge for the Cowboys since they had struggled in the recent years in the month of December . On January 4 , 2015 , the Cowboys , as the number 3 seed , hosted the number 6 seed Detroit Lions in the wild card round of the NFL playoffs . In the game , the Lions got off to a hot start , going up 14 -- 0 in the first quarter . Dallas initially struggled on both sides of the ball . However , towards the end of the second quarter Romo threw a 76 - yard touchdown pass to Terrance Williams . Matt Prater of the Lions would kick a field goal before halftime to go up 17 -- 7 . Dallas came out swinging to start the second half by picking off Detroit quarterback Matthew Stafford on the first play of the third quarter . However , the Cowboys failed to capitalize on the turnover , as Dan Bailey missed a field goal during Dallas 's ensuing drive . Detroit then kicked another field goal to make the score 20 -- 7 . A DeMarco Murray touchdown later in that quarter closed the gap to 20 -- 14 . A 51 - yard Bailey field goal almost 3 minutes into the fourth quarter trimmed the Cowboys ' deficit to 3 . The Lions got the ball back and started driving down the field . On 3rd down - and - 1 of that Lions drive , Stafford threw a 17 - yard pass intended for Lions tight end Brandon Pettigrew , but the ball hit Cowboys linebacker Anthony Hitchens in the back a fraction of a second before he ran into Pettigrew . The play was initially flagged as defensive pass interference against Hitchens . However , the penalty was then nullified by the officiating crew . The Cowboys got the ball back on their 41 - yard line and had a successful 59 - yard drive which was capped off by an 8 - yard touchdown pass from Romo to Williams to give the Cowboys their first lead of the game at 24 -- 20 . The Lions got the ball back with less than 2 : 30 to play in regulation . Stafford fumbled the ball at the 2 minute mark . The fumble was recovered by Cowboys defensive end DeMarcus Lawrence , who then fumbled the ball which was recovered by the Lions . Lawrence would redeem himself by sacking Stafford on a 4th down - and - 3 play . The sack led to Stafford fumbling the ball again , which Lawrence recovered to seal the game for the Cowboys , who won 24 -- 20 . This was the first time in franchise playoff history that Dallas had been down by 10 or more points at halftime and rallied to win the game . The following week , the Cowboys traveled to Lambeau Field in Green Bay , Wisconsin to play the Packers in the divisional round . Despite having a 14 -- 7 halftime lead , the Cowboys fell to the Packers 26 -- 21 , thus ending their season . The season ended on an overturned call of a completed catch by Dez Bryant . The catch was challenged by the Packers , and the referees overturned the call because of the `` Calvin Johnson rule . '' During the 2015 offseason the Cowboys allowed running back DeMarco Murray to become a free agent . Murray signed with the division rival Philadelphia Eagles . On July 15 wide receiver Dez Bryant signed a 5 - year , $70 million contract . 2015 Main article : 2015 Dallas Cowboys season At home against the New York Giants , Dallas won 27 -- 26 . Dez Bryant left the game early with a fractured bone in his foot . On the road against the Philadelphia Eagles , Romo suffered a broken left collarbone , the same one he injured in 2010 , and Brandon Weeden replaced him . Dallas won 20 -- 10 to begin the season 2 -- 0 , but then went on a seven - game losing streak . Dallas finished the season 4 -- 12 and last in their division . 2016 Main article : 2016 Dallas Cowboys season After a preseason injury to Tony Romo , rookie quarterback Dak Prescott was slated as the starting quarterback , as Romo was expected to be out 6 -- 8 weeks . In game 1 against the New York Giants , Dallas lost 20 -- 19 . After this loss , Dallas would go on an eleven - game winning streak . After much speculation leading to a potential quarterback controversy , Romo made an announcement that Prescott has earned the right to take over as Cowboys quarterback . In game 10 , Romo suited up for the first time this season and was the backup quarterback . Dallas defeated the Baltimore Ravens to win their 9th straight game , breaking a franchise record of 8 straight games set in 1977 . It also marked rookie running back Ezekiel Elliott breaking Tony Dorsett 's single season rushing record for a Cowboys rookie . Prescott also tied an NFL rookie record held by Russell Wilson and Dan Marino by throwing multiple touchdowns in 5 straight games . Dallas finished 13 -- 3 , tying their best 16 - game regular season record . While Dallas defeated Green Bay at Lambeau Field in week 6 , the Packers would win at AT&T Stadium in the divisional round of the NFL playoffs on a last - second field goal , ending their season . Dak Prescott was named NFL Rookie of the Year in the NFL honors on February 4 , 2017 , and Ezekiel Elliott led the league in rushing yards . Both Prescott and Elliott made the 2017 Pro Bowl . This is the first time the Cowboys sent two rookies to the Pro Bowl . 2017 Main article : 2017 Dallas Cowboys season 2017 was the first season since 2002 without quarterback Tony Romo , who retired on April 4 after 14 seasons with the Cowboys . The season also featured second - year running back Ezekiel Elliott being suspended for 6 games after violating the league 's conduct policy . The suspension was to begin at the start of the year but was pushed back to November . The Cowboys finished the year at 9 - 7 without making the playoffs . Logos and uniforms Logo The Cowboys ' script logo . The Dallas Cowboys ' blue star logo , representative of Texas as `` The Lone Star State '' , is one of the most well - known team logos in professional sports . The blue star originally was a solid shape until a white line and blue border was added in 1964 . The logo has remained the same since . Today , the blue star has been extended to not only the Dallas Cowboys , but owner Jerry Jones ' AFL team , the Dallas Desperados that have a similar logo based on the Cowboys . The blue star also is used on other entries like an imaging facility and storage facility . Uniforms The Dallas Cowboys ' white home jersey has royal blue ( PMS 287 C ) solid socks , numbers , lettering , and two stripes on the sleeves outlined in black . The home pants are a common metallic silver - green color ( PMS 8280 C ) that help bring out the blue in the uniform . The navy ( PMS 289 C ) road jerseys ( nicknamed the `` Stars and Stripes '' jersey ) have white lettering and numbers with navy pinstripes . A white / gray / white stripe are on each sleeve as well as the collared V - neck , and a Cowboys star logo is placed upon the stripes . A `` Cowboys '' chest crest is directly under the NFL shield . The away pants are a pearlish metallic - silver color ( PMS 8180 C ) and like the home pants , enhance the navy in the uniforms . The team uses a serifed font for the lettered player surnames on the jersey nameplates . The team 's helmets are also a unique silver with a tint of blue known as `` Metallic Silver Blue '' ( PMS 8240 C ) and have a blue / white / blue vertical stripe placed upon the center of the crown . The Cowboys also include a unique , if subtle , feature on the back of the helmet : a blue strip of Dymo tape with the player 's name embossed , placed on the white portion of the stripe at the back of the helmet . Front of Dallas Cowboys helmet Back of Dallas Cowboys helmet Uniform history When the Dallas Cowboys franchise debuted in 1960 , the team 's uniform included a white helmet adorned with a simple blue star and a blue - white - blue stripe down the center crown . The team donned blue jerseys with white sleeves and a small blue star on each shoulder for home games and the negative opposite for away games . Their socks also had two horizontal white stripes overlapping the blue . c1960 -- 1963 Blue home uniforms White away uniforms In 1964 the Cowboys opted for a simpler look ( adopting essentially the team 's current uniform ) by changing their jersey / socks to one solid color with three horizontal stripes on the sleeves ; the white jersey featured royal blue stripes with a narrow black border , the royal blue jersey white stripes with the same black outline . The star - shouldered jerseys were eliminated ; `` TV '' numbers appeared just above the jersey stripes . The new helmet was silverblue , with a blue - white - blue tri-stripe down the center ( the middle white stripe was thicker ) . The blue `` lone star '' logo was retained , but with a white border setting it off from the silver / blue . The new pants were silverblue , with a blue - white - blue tri-stripe . In 1964 the NFL allowed teams to wear white jerseys at home ; several teams did so , and the Cowboys have worn white at home ever since , except on certain `` throwback '' days . In 1966 , the team modified the jerseys , which now featured only two sleeve stripes , slightly wider ; the socks followed the same pattern . In 1967 the `` lone star '' helmet decal added a blue outline to the white - bordered star , giving the logo a bigger , bolder look . The logo and this version of the uniform has seen little change to the present day . c1964 -- 1966 White home uniforms Blue away uniforms The only notable changes in the last 40 years were : from 1970 -- 1973 when the `` TV '' numbers were moved from the shoulders to the sleeves above the stripes from 1982 -- 1988 the pants featured a white uniform number in an elliptical blue circle worn near the hip . the removal of the indented serifs on the front and back jersey numbers in the early 1980s ( seen currently on the throwback jersey ) In 1980 the blue jersey was rendered in a slightly darker shade than the 1964 -- 79 version ; from 1981 -- 1994 the dark jerseys sported numbers that were gray with white borders and a blue pinstripe . The stripes on the sleeves and socks also used the same gray with white border scheme ( sans navy pinstripe ) . Player names on jersey backs , which appeared in 1970 , were originally in block - letter style ; from 1982 onward the names were slightly smaller and in footed , `` serif '' style . the 1996 addition of the word `` Cowboys '' in the center of the neckline which lasted until 1998 on the white jersey but currently remains on the blue jersey . During the 1976 season , the blue - white - blue stripe on the crown of the helmets were temporarily changed to red - white - blue to commemorate the United States ' bicentennial anniversary . The `` throwback '' NFL 75th Anniversary uniform was introduced in 1994 . In 1994 , the NFL celebrated their 75th Anniversary , and the Dallas Cowboys celebrated their back - to - back Super Bowl titles by unveiling a white `` Double - Star '' jersey on Thanksgiving Day . This jersey was used for special occasions and was worn throughout the 1994 -- 1995 playoffs . During the same season , the Cowboys also wore their 1960 -- 63 road jersey with a silver helmet for one game as part of a league - wide `` throwback '' policy . During the 1995 season , the team wore the navy `` Double - Star '' jersey for games at Washington and Philadelphia and permanently switched to solid color socks ( royal blue for the white uniform , and navy blue for the dark uniform ) . The navy `` Double - Star '' jersey was not seen again until the NFL 's Classic Throwback Weekend on Thanksgiving Day 2001 -- 2003 . In 2004 , the Cowboys resurrected their original 1960 -- 1963 uniform on Thanksgiving Day . This uniform became the team 's alternate or `` third jersey '' and was usually worn at least once a year , primarily Thanksgiving Day . Two exceptions were when the Cowboys wore their normal white uniforms on Thanksgiving in 2007 and 2008 . While the team did n't wear the throwback uniform exactly on Thanksgiving Day in those two years , Dallas wore them on a date around Thanksgiving for those two years . In 2007 Dallas wore the throwback uniform on November 29 , 2007 against the Green Bay Packers . In 2008 Dallas wore the throwback uniform on November 23 , 2008 against the San Francisco 49ers . The team went back to wearing this uniform at home on Thanksgiving Day in 2009 while their opponent was the Oakland Raiders who wore their AFL Legacy Weekend throwbacks . Dallas wore this alternate uniform on October 11 , 2009 as part of one of the NFL 's AFL Legacy Weekends when they traveled to Kansas City to play the Chiefs who were sporting their AFL Dallas Texans ' uniforms . This created a rare game in which neither team wore a white jersey and the first time the Cowboys wore the alternative uniform as a visiting team . The 1960 -- 1963 uniform may also be used on other special occasion . Other instances include the 2005 Monday Night game against the Washington Redskins when the team inducted Troy Aikman , Emmitt Smith , and Michael Irving into the Cowboys Ring of Honor , and the 2006 Christmas Day game against the Philadelphia Eagles . In 2013 , the NFL issued a new helmet rule stating that players will no longer be allowed to use alternate helmets due to the league 's enhanced concussion awareness . This caused the Cowboys ' white 1960s throwback helmets to become non-compliant . The team instead decided to wear their normal blue jerseys at home for Thanksgiving , which has since become an annual tradition . In 2017 , the team initially announced that they will wear blue jerseys at home on a more regular basis , only to rescind soon after . In 2015 , the Cowboys released their Color Rush uniform , featuring a variation of the 1990s `` Double Star '' alternates with white pants and socks . The uniform was first used in a Thanksgiving game against the Carolina Panthers and in subsequent Thursday Night Football games during the 2016 and 2017 seasons . The Cowboys also unveiled a navy uniform - white pants combination which was first used on December 10 , 2017 against the Giants . Home / road jersey history In 1964 , Tex Schramm started the tradition of the Cowboys wearing their white jersey at home , contrary to an unofficial rule that teams should wear colored jerseys at home . Schramm did this because he wanted fans to see a variety of opponents ' colors at home games . Since then , a number of other teams have worn their white uniforms at home , including the Miami Dolphins . According to Mike McCord , the Cowboys ' equipment director , one of the reasons why the Cowboys started wearing white at home was because of the intense heat during Cowboys ' home games at Texas Stadium . Roger Staubach and Bob Lilly jerseys shown at Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton , Ohio . Throughout the years , the Cowboys ' blue jersey has been popularly viewed to be `` jinxed '' because the team often seemed to lose when they wore them . This purported curse drew attention after the team lost Super Bowl V with the blue jerseys . However , the roots of the curse likely date back earlier to the 1968 divisional playoffs , when the blue - shirted Cowboys were upset by the Cleveland Browns in what turned out to be Don Meredith 's final game with the Cowboys . Dallas 's lone victory in a conference championship or Super Bowl wearing the blue jerseys was in the 1978 NFC Championship game against the Los Angeles Rams . Since the 1970 NFL - AFL merger , league rules were changed to allow the Super Bowl home team to pick their choice of jersey . Most of the time , Dallas will wear their blue jerseys when they visit Washington , Philadelphia ( sometimes ) , Miami , or one of the handful of other teams that traditionally wear their white jerseys at home during the first half of the season due to the hot climates in their respective cities or other means . Occasionally opposing teams will wear their white jerseys at home to try to invoke the curse , such as when the Philadelphia Eagles hosted the Cowboys in the 1980 NFC Championship Game , as well as their November 4 , 2007 meeting . Various other teams followed suit in the 1980s . Although Dallas has made several tweaks to their blue jerseys over the years , Schramm said he did not believe in the curse . Since the league began allowing teams to use an alternate jersey , the Cowboys ' alternates have been primarily blue versions of past jerseys and the Cowboys have generally had success when wearing these blue alternates . With the implementation of the 2013 NFL helmet rule for alternate jerseys , the team decided instead to wear their regular blue jerseys for their Thanksgiving game , something they have not done at home since Schramm started the white - jersey - at - home tradition . Thanksgiving Day uniforms With the Cowboys traditionally hosting Thanksgiving Day games , separate uniform practices have been used for these games in recent years . Through the 2000 season , the Cowboys continued the usual practice of wearing white at home . In 2001 , the Cowboys wore blue at home for the first time in years , but it was an older design of the blue jersey . Dallas would lose the game , but again wore the older blue jersey at home on Thanksgiving the next year and won . With the 2002 victory , it seems an exception the theory of the blue jersey jinx is invoked on Thanksgiving . Thus , the Cowboys continued wearing blue at home on Thanksgiving from 2003 -- 2006 , however it was always an older - styled blue jersey . In 2007 and 2008 , the Cowboys returned to wearing white at home for their Thanksgiving game . Since 2009 , the Cowboys returned to wearing blue at home on Thanksgiving only ( From 2009 -- 2012 , the team again decided to go with an older - styled blue uniform as they had in previous years on Thanksgiving , and since 2013 have worn the newer - styled blue jersey ) . In the 2015 season , the Cowboys wore their Color Rush variation of the 1990s `` Double Star '' jerseys for a Thanksgiving game against the Carolina Panthers . Stadiums Cotton Bowl Main article : Cotton Bowl ( stadium ) The main entrance of the Cotton Bowl The Cotton Bowl is a stadium which opened in 1932 and became known as `` The House That Doak Built '' due to the immense crowds that former SMU running back Doak Walker drew to the stadium during his college career in the late 1940s . Originally known as the Fair Park Bowl , it is located in Fair Park , site of the State Fair of Texas . Concerts or other events using a stage allow the playing field to be used for additional spectators . The Cotton Bowl was the longtime home of the annual Cotton Bowl Classic college football bowl game , for which the stadium is named . ( Beginning with the January 2010 game , the Cotton Bowl Classic has been played at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington . ) The Dallas Cowboys called the Cotton Bowl home for 11 years , from the team 's formation in 1960 until 1971 , when the Cowboys moved to Texas Stadium . It is the only Cowboys stadium within the Dallas city limits . The Cowboys hosted the Green Bay Packers for the 1966 NFL Championship at the Cotton Bowl . Texas Stadium Main article : Texas Stadium The outside of Texas Stadium For the majority of the franchise 's history the Cowboys played their home games at Texas Stadium . Just outside the city of Dallas , the stadium was located in Irving , Texas . The stadium opened on October 24 , 1971 , at a cost of $35 million and with a seating capacity of 65,675 . The stadium was famous for its hole - in - the - roof dome . The roof 's worn paint had become so unsightly in the early 2000s that it was repainted in the summer of 2006 by the City of Irving . It was the first time the famed roof was repainted since Texas Stadium opened . The roof was structurally independent from the stadium it covered . The Cowboys lost their final game at Texas Stadium to the Baltimore Ravens , 33 -- 24 , on December 20 , 2008 . After Cowboys Stadium was opened in 2009 , the Cowboys turned over the facility to the City of Irving . In 2009 , it was replaced as home of the Cowboys by Cowboys Stadium , which officially opened on May 27 , 2009 in Arlington , Texas . Texas Stadium was demolished by implosion on April 11 , 2010 . AT&T Stadium Main article : AT&T Stadium AT&T Stadium during a game AT&T Stadium , previously named Cowboys Stadium , is a domed stadium with a retractable roof in Arlington , Texas . After failed negotiations to build a new stadium on the site of the Cotton Bowl , Jerry Jones along with the city of Arlington , Texas a suburb of Fort Worth , funded the stadium at a cost of $1.3 billion . The stadium is located in Tarrant County , the first time the Cowboys will call a stadium home outside of Dallas County . It was completed on May 29 , 2009 and seats 80,000 , but is expandable to seat up to 100,000 . AT&T Stadium is the largest domed stadium in the world . A highlight of AT&T Stadium is its gigantic , center - hung high - definition television screen , the largest in the world . The 160 by 72 feet ( 49 by 22 m ) , 11,520 - square - foot ( 1,070 m ) scoreboard surpasses the 8,736 sq ft ( 812 m ) screen that opened in 2009 at the renovated Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City , Missouri as the world 's largest . At the debut pre-season game of Cowboys Stadium , a punt by Tennessee Titans kicker , A.J. Trapasso , hit the 2,100 in . screen above the field . The punt deflected and was ruled in - play until Titans coach Jeff Fisher informed the officials that the punt struck the scoreboard . ( Many believe Trapasso was trying to hit the suspended scoreboard , based on replays and the angle of the kick . ) The scoreboard is , however , within the regulation of the NFL guidelines -- hanging approximately five feet above the minimum height . No punts hit the scoreboard during the entire 2009 regular season during an actual game . Also , on August 22 , 2009 , the day after AJ Trapasso hit the screen , many fans touring the facility noted that half of the field was removed with large cranes re-positioning the screen . According to some fans , a tour guide explained that Jerry Jones invited a few professional soccer players to drop kick soccer balls to try to hit the screen . Once he observed them hitting it consistently he had the screen moved up another 10 feet . The first regular season home game of the 2009 season was against the New York Giants . A league record - setting 105,121 fans showed up to fill Cowboys Stadium for the game before which the traditional `` blue star '' at the 50 - yard line was unveiled for the first time ; however , the Cowboys lost in the final seconds , 33 -- 31 . The Cowboys got their first regular season home win on September 28 , 2009 . They beat the Carolina Panthers 21 -- 7 with 90,588 in attendance . The game was televised on ESPN 's Monday Night Football and marked a record 42nd win for the Cowboys on Monday Night Football . On July 25 , 2013 , the Cowboys announced that AT&T will take over the naming rights for the stadium . Training camp Sites Dallas Cowboys training camp locations : 1960 : Pacific University , Forest Grove , Oregon 1961 : St. Olaf College , Northfield , Minnesota 1962 : Northern Michigan College , Marquette , Michigan 1963 -- 1989 : California Lutheran College , Thousand Oaks , California 1990 -- 1997 : St. Edward 's University , Austin , Texas 1998 -- 2002 : Midwestern State University , Wichita Falls , Texas 2001 : River Ridge Sports Complex , Oxnard , California 2002 -- 2003 : The Alamodome , San Antonio , Texas . 2004 -- 2006 : River Ridge Sports Complex , Oxnard , California 2007 : The Alamodome , San Antonio , Texas 2008 , 2012 -- 2015 : River Ridge Sports Complex , Oxnard , California 2009 : The Alamodome , San Antonio , Texas 2010 -- 2011 : The Alamodome , San Antonio , Texas and River Ridge Sports Complex , Oxnard , California 2016 -- present : The Ford Center at The Star , Frisco , Texas Rivalries The NFC East , composed of the Cowboys , Philadelphia Eagles , Washington Redskins and New York Giants , is one of the least - changed divisions of the original six formed in the wake of the NFL - AFL merger ( its only major changes being the relocation of the Cardinals franchise from St. Louis to Arizona and its subsequent move to the NFC West in the league 's 2002 realignment ) . Three of the four teams have been division rivals since the Cowboys ' entry into the NFL . As such , the Cowboys have some of the longest and fiercest rivalries in the sport . Washington Redskins Main article : Cowboys -- Redskins rivalry The Redskins and Dallas Cowboys enjoy what has been called by Sports Illustrated the top NFL rivalry of all time and `` one of the greatest in sports . '' Some sources trace the enmity to before the Cowboys were even formed , due to a longstanding disagreement between Redskins owner George Preston Marshall and Cowboys founder Clint Murchison Jr. over the creation of a new football team in the South , due to Preston 's TV monopoly in that region . The two teams ' storied on - field rivalry goes back to 1960 when the two clubs first played each other , resulting in a 26 -- 14 Washington victory . Since that time , the two teams have met in 116 regular season contests and two NFC Championships . Dallas leads the regular season all - time series 70 -- 42 -- 2 , and the Redskins lead the all - time playoff series 2 -- 0 . The Cowboys currently have a 14 -- 7 advantage over the Redskins at FedEx Field . Some notable moments in the rivalry include Washington 's victory over Dallas in the 1982 NFC Championship and the latter 's 1989 win over the Redskins for their only victory that season . The last Cowboys game with Tom Landry as coach was a win over Washington on December 11 , 1988 . In the 2010s , the Redskins have struggled to consistently compete for the Division title , but still play the Cowboys particularly tough , posting an impressive upset victory against Dallas in 2014 , despite being outclassed by the Cowboys in the overall standings . Philadelphia Eagles Main article : Cowboys -- Eagles rivalry The competition with Philadelphia has been particularly intense since the late 1970s , when the long - moribund Eagles returned to contention . In January 1981 , the two teams faced off in the NFC Championship , with Philadelphia winning 20 -- 7 . A series of other factors heightened tensions during the 1980s and 1990s , including several provocative actions by Philadelphia fans and Eagles head coach Buddy Ryan . Among these were the 1989 `` Bounty Bowls '' , in which Ryan allegedly placed a bounty on Dallas kicker Luis Zendejas and Veterans Stadium fans pelted the Cowboys with snowballs and other debris . A 1999 game at Philadelphia saw Eagles fans cheering as Michael Irvin lay motionless and possibly paralyzed on the field . In 2008 the rivalry became more intense when in the last game of the year in which both teams could clinch a playoff spot with a victory , the Philadelphia Eagles defeated the Cowboys 44 -- 6 . The following season , the Cowboys avenged that defeat by beating the Eagles three times : twice during the regular season to claim the title as NFC East champions and once more in a wild - card playoff game by a combined score of 78 -- 30 , including a 24 -- 0 shutout in week 17 . That three game sweep was Dallas ' first over any opponent and the longest winning streak against the Eagles since 1992 -- 1995 when Dallas won seven straight matches against Philadelphia . During the 2013 season Dallas won the first meeting 17 -- 3 at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia . They would meet again in Week 17 at AT&T Stadium with the winner clinching the 2013 NFC East title . The Cowboys came into the game at a disadvantage with starting quarterback Tony Romo out with a season ending back injury which put backup Kyle Orton as the starter . It was a tight game with the Eagles up 24 -- 22 with less than 2 minutes to go in regulation . Orton got the ball and started driving down the field when he was intercepted by the Eagles defense , which ended the game and the Cowboys season . In 2014 , the Cowboys and Eagles both won against each other on the road , with Philadelphia posting a dominant 33 -- 10 win on Thanksgiving Day in Dallas , and Dallas returning the favor two weeks later by defeating the Eagles 38 -- 27 in Philadelphia . The second game between these rivals clenched a playoff spot for Dallas and led to formerly first place Philadelphia missing out on the post-season . Dallas leads the regular season all - time series 63 -- 50 . New York Giants Main article : Cowboys -- Giants rivalry The first game ever played between the Giants and Cowboys was a 31 -- 31 tie on December 4 , 1960 . Dallas logged its first win in the series on October 29 , 1961 and New York 's first was on November 11 , 1962 . Among the more notable moments in the rivalry was the Giants ' defeat of Dallas in the 2007 playoffs en route to their victory in Super Bowl XLII and winning the first regular season game played at Cowboys Stadium in 2009 . Dallas currently leads the all - time series 64 -- 45 -- 2 . Pittsburgh Steelers Main article : Cowboys -- Steelers rivalry The two teams met in the first regular season game the Cowboys ever played in 1960 ( a 35 -- 28 loss to the Steelers ) , the first - ever regular season victory for the expansion Cowboys in 1961 , and would later meet in three Super Bowls , all of them closely contested events . The Steelers - Cowboys is to date the Super Bowl matchup with the most contests . The Steelers won Super Bowl X and Super Bowl XIII ; both games were decided in the final seconds , first on a last - second throw by Roger Staubach , then as a fourth - quarter rally by Dallas fell short on an onside kick . The Cowboys won Super Bowl XXX in January 1996 . It is said that the rivalry was fueled in the 1970s due to the stark contrast of the teams : the Cowboys , being more of a `` flashy '' team with Roger Staubach 's aerial attack and the `` flex '' Doomsday Defense ; while the Steelers were more of a `` blue - collar '' team with a strong running game and the 1970s-esque Steel Curtain defense , a contrast that still exists today . In addition , both teams have national fan bases rivaled by few NFL teams , and both come from areas with a strong following for football at all levels . Dallas leads the all - time series 16 -- 13 including the playoffs . San Francisco 49ers Main article : 49ers -- Cowboys rivalry The bitter rivalry between the Dallas Cowboys and San Francisco 49ers has been going on since the 1970s . The NFL Top 10 ranked this rivalry to be the tenth best in the history of the NFL . San Francisco has played Dallas in seven postseason games . The Cowboys defeated the 49ers in the 1970 and 1971 NFC Championship games , and again in the 1972 Divisional Playoff Game . The 1981 NFC Championship Game in San Francisco , which saw the 49ers ' Joe Montana complete a game - winning pass to Dwight Clark in the final minute ( now known as The Catch ) is one of the most famous games in NFL history . The rivalry became even more intense during the 1992 -- 1994 seasons . San Francisco and Dallas faced each other in the NFC Championship Game three separate times . Dallas won the first two match - ups , and San Francisco won the third . In each of these pivotal match - ups , the game 's victor went on to win the Super Bowl . Both the Cowboys and the 49ers ( and the New England Patriots ) are second all time in Super Bowl victories to the Pittsburgh Steelers with five each . The 49ers - Cowboys rivalry is also part of the larger cultural rivalry between California and Texas . The 49ers lead the series all - time series with a record of 15 -- 13 -- 1 . Green Bay Packers Main article : Cowboys - Packers rivalry The Cowboys -- Packers rivalry is rivalry between the Dallas Cowboys and the Green Bay Packers . It is one of the best known intra-conference rivalry games in the NFL . The two teams do not play every year ; instead , they play once every three years due to the NFL 's rotating division schedules , or if the two teams finish in the same place in their respective divisions , they would play the ensuing season . The rivalry has also resulted in notable playoff games . The all time regular seasons series record is 15 -- 13 in favor of the Packers , and the postseason series is tied 4 -- 4 . Season - by - season records Main article : List of Dallas Cowboys seasons Players of note Main article : List of Dallas Cowboys players Current roster Dallas Cowboys roster view talk Quarterbacks 4 Dak Prescott 7 Cooper Rush Running backs 21 Ezekiel Elliott 49 Jamize Olawale FB 45 Rod Smith 34 Trey Williams Wide receivers 11 Cole Beasley 18 Brian Brown 85 Noah Brown 88 Dez Bryant 81 K.D. Cannon 17 Allen Hurns 14 Lance Lenoir 10 Ryan Switzer 15 Deonte Thompson 83 Terrance Williams Tight ends 80 Rico Gathers 84 James Hanna 89 Blake Jarwin 87 Geoff Swaim 82 Jason Witten Offensive linemen 71 La'el Collins T / G 78 Kadeem Edwards T / G 75 Cameron Fleming T / G 72 Travis Frederick C 79 Chaz Green G / T 62 Jarron Jones T 73 Joe Looney C / G 63 Marcus Martin G / C 70 Zack Martin G 77 Tyron Smith T Defensive linemen 76 Richard Ash DT 97 Taco Charlton DE 96 Maliek Collins DT 98 Tyrone Crawford DE / DT 56 Datone Jones DE 90 DeMarcus Lawrence DE 66 Lewis Neal DT / DE 92 Brian Price DT 68 Daniel Ross DT 99 Charles Tapper DE Linebackers 58 Tre'Von Johnson MLB 50 Sean Lee OLB 53 Justin March - Lillard OLB 54 Jaylon Smith MLB 48 Joe Thomas MLB 57 Damien Wilson OLB / MLB Defensive backs 24 Chidobe Awuzie CB / FS 30 Anthony Brown CB 35 Kavon Frazier SS 38 Jeff Heath SS / FS -- Marqueston Huff FS 31 Byron Jones FS / CB 27 Jourdan Lewis CB 28 Jameill Showers FS / SS 26 Duke Thomas CB -- Jason Thompson SS 39 Marquez White CB 25 Xavier Woods FS / SS Special teams 5 Dan Bailey K 6 Chris Jones P 91 L.P. Ladouceur LS Reserve lists 94 Randy Gregory DE ( Susp . ) Restricted FAs 95 David Irving DT / DE Rookies in italics Roster updated March 25 , 2018 Depth chart Transactions 62 Active , 1 Inactive , 1 FAs → AFC rosters → NFC rosters AFC East BUF MIA NE NYJ North BAL CIN CLE PIT South HOU IND JAX TEN West DEN KC LAC OAK NFC East DAL NYG PHI WAS North CHI DET GB MIN South ATL CAR NO TB West ARI LAR SF SEA Pro Football Hall of Famers Dallas Cowboys Hall of Famers Players No . Name Position Seasons Inducted 26 Adderley , Herb Herb Adderley CB 1970 -- 1972 1981 8 Aikman , Troy Troy Aikman QB 1989 -- 2000 2006 73 Allen , Larry Larry Allen 1994 -- 2005 2013 19 Alworth , Lance Lance Alworth WR 1971 -- 1972 1978 89 Ditka , Mike Mike Ditka TE 1969 -- 1972 1988 33 Dorsett , Tony Tony Dorsett RB 1977 -- 1987 1994 79 Gregg , Forrest Forrest Gregg OT 1971 1977 94 Haley , Charles Charles Haley DE 1992 -- 1996 2015 22 Hayes , Bob Bob Hayes WR 1965 -- 1974 2009 88 Irvin , Michael Michael Irvin WR 1988 -- 1999 2007 74 Lilly , Bob Bob Lilly DT 1961 -- 1974 1980 25 Tommy McDonald WR 1964 1998 81 Owens , Terrell Terrell Owens WR 2006 - 2008 2018 20 Renfro , Mel Mel Renfro CB 1964 -- 1977 21 Sanders , Deion Deion Sanders CB , KR 1995 -- 1999 2011 22 Smith , Emmitt Emmitt Smith RB 1990 -- 2002 81 Smith , Jackie Jackie Smith TE 1978 1994 12 Staubach , Roger Roger Staubach QB 1969 -- 1979 1985 54 White , Randy Randy White DT , LB 1975 -- 1988 1994 70 Wright , Rayfield Rayfield Wright OT 1967 -- 1979 2006 Coaches and Contributors Name Position Seasons Inducted Jones , Jerry Jerry Jones Owner / Executive 1989 -- present 2017 Landry , Tom Tom Landry Coach 1960 -- 1988 1990 Parcells , Bill Bill Parcells Coach 2003 -- 2006 2013 Schramm , Tex Tex Schramm President / GM 1960 -- 1989 1991 Texas Sports Hall of Fame Main article : Texas Sports Hall of Fame Super Bowl MVPs Super Bowl MVP Winners SB Player Position V Chuck Howley LB VI Roger Staubach QB XII Randy White DT Harvey Martin DE XXVII Troy Aikman QB XXVIII Emmitt Smith RB XXX Larry Brown CB Ring of Honor Unlike many NFL teams , the Cowboys do not retire jersey numbers of past standouts as a matter of policy . Instead , the team has a `` Ring of Honor '' , which is on permanent display encircling the field . Originally at Texas Stadium , the ring is now on display at AT&T Stadium in Arlington . The first inductee was Bob Lilly in 1975 and by 2005 , the ring contained 17 names , all former Dallas players except for one head coach and one general manager / president . Although the team does not officially retire jersey numbers , some are kept `` unofficially inactive '' , so it is uncommon to find any current players wearing the number of one of the `` Ring of Honor '' inductees . For instance , the jersey numbers of inductees Aikman ( 8 ) , Staubach ( 12 ) , Hayes and Smith ( 22 ) , Irvin ( 88 ) , and Lilly ( 74 ) were not worn during the 2008 season . For the 2010 season , number 88 was issued to rookie Dez Bryant . The Ring of Honor has been a source of controversy over the years . Tex Schramm was believed to be a `` one - man committee '' in choosing inductees and many former Cowboys players and fans felt that Schramm deliberately excluded linebacker Lee Roy Jordan because of a bitter contract dispute the two had during Jordan 's playing days . When Jerry Jones bought the team he inherited Schramm 's Ring of Honor `` power '' and immediately inducted Jordan . Jones also has sparked controversy regarding his decisions in handling the `` Ring of Honor '' . For four years he was unsuccessful in convincing Tom Landry to accept induction . Meanwhile , he refused to induct Tex Schramm ( even after Schramm 's induction to the Pro Football Hall of Fame ) . In 1993 , thanks in part to the efforts of Roger Staubach as an intermediary , Landry accepted induction and had a ceremony on the day of that year 's Cowboys - Giants game ( Landry had played and coached for the Giants ) . In 2003 , Jones finally chose to induct Tex Schramm . Schramm and Jones held a joint press conference at Texas Stadium announcing the induction . Unfortunately , Schramm did not live to see his ceremonial induction at the Cowboys - Eagles game that fall . Some of the more recent inductees were Troy Aikman , all - time NFL leading rusher Emmitt Smith , and Michael Irvin , known as `` The Triplets '' . The Cowboys waited until Smith had retired as a player before inducting Aikman and Irvin , so all three could be inducted together , which occurred during halftime at a Monday Night Football home game against the arch - rival Washington Redskins on September 19 , 2005 . The most recent inductees are defensive end Charles Haley , offensive lineman Larry Allen , and wide receiver Drew Pearson , who were inducted into the Ring of Honor during halftime of the Cowboys ' game vs. the Seattle Seahawks on November 6 , 2011 , and safety Darren Woodson , who was inducted on November 1 , 2015 . All - time first - round draft picks Main article : List of Dallas Cowboys first - round draft picks Head coaches and staff Head coaches Main article : List of Dallas Cowboys head coaches Current staff Dallas Cowboys staff Front Office Owner / President / General Manager -- Jerry Jones COO / Executive Vice President / Director of Player Personnel -- Stephen Jones Senior Director of Football Operations / Football Administration -- Todd Williams Director of Salary Cap & Player Contracts -- Adam Prasifka Vice President Player Personnel -- Will McClay Senior Executive , College Scouting -- Tom Ciskowski Director of College Scouting -- Lionel Vital Director of Pro Scouting -- Alex Loomis Assistant Director of College Scouting -- Chris Hall Director of Football Research -- Tom Robinson Head Coaches Head Coach -- Jason Garrett Offensive Coaches Offensive Coordinator -- Scott Linehan Quarterbacks -- Kellen Moore Running Backs -- Gary Brown Wide Receivers -- Sanjay Lal Assistant Wide Receivers -- Kyle Valero Tight Ends -- Doug Nussmeier Offensive Line -- Paul Alexander Assistant Offensive Line -- Marc Colombo Offensive Assistant -- Stephen Brown Defensive Coaches Defensive Coordinator / Defensive Line -- Rod Marinelli Defensive Tackles -- Leon Lett Linebackers -- Ben Bloom Defensive Backs / Passing Game Coordinator -- Kris Richard Safeties -- Greg Jackson Defensive Assistant -- Ken Amato Special Teams Coaches Special Teams Coordinator -- Keith O'Quinn Assistant Special Teams -- Doug Colman Support Staff Director of Advance Scouting & Special Projects -- Judd Garrett Strength and Conditioning Director of Strength and Conditioning -- Mike Woicik Strength and Conditioning -- Brett Bech Strength and Conditioning -- Markus Paul Assistant Strength and Conditioning -- Kendall Smith → Coaching Staff and Management → More NFL staffs AFC East BUF MIA NE NYJ North BAL CIN CLE PIT South HOU IND JAX TEN West DEN KC LAC OAK NFC East DAL NYG PHI WAS North CHI DET GB MIN South ATL CAR NO TB West ARI LAR SF SEA Radio and television See also : Dallas Cowboys Radio Network As of 2010 , the Cowboys ' flagship radio station is KRLD - FM . Brad Sham is the team 's longtime play - by - play voice . Working alongside him is former Cowboy quarterback Babe Laufenberg , who returned in 2007 after a one - year absence to replace former safety Charlie Waters . The Cowboys , who retain rights to all announcers , chose not to renew Laufenberg 's contract in 2006 and brought in Waters . However , Laufenberg did work as the analyst on the `` Blue Star Network '' , which televises Cowboys preseason games not shown on national networks . The anchor station is KTVT , the CBS owned and operated station in Dallas . Previous stations which aired Cowboys games included KVIL - FM , KRLD , and KLUV - FM . Kristi Scales is the sideline reporter on the radio broadcasts . During his tenure as Cowboys coach , Tom Landry co-hosted his own coach 's show with late veteran sportscaster Frank Glieber and later with Brad Sham . Landry 's show was famous for his analysis of raw game footage and for he and his co-host making their NFL `` predictions '' at the end of each show . Glieber is one of the original voices of the Cowboys Radio Network , along with Bill Mercer , famous for calling the Ice Bowl of 1967 and both Super Bowl V and VI . Mercer is perhaps best known as the ringside commentator of World Class Championship Wrestling in the 1980s . Upon Mercer 's departure , Verne Lundquist joined the network , and became their play - by - play announcer by 1977 , serving eight years in that capacity before handing those chores permanently over to Brad Sham , who joined the network in 1977 as the color analyst and occasional fill - in for Lundquist . Longtime WFAA - TV sports anchor Dale Hansen was the Cowboys color analyst with Brad Sham as the play - by - play announcer from 1985 -- 1996 . Dave Garrett served as the Cowboys ' play - by - play announcer from 1995 -- 97 , when Brad Sham left the team and joined the Texas Rangers ' radio network team as well as broadcast Sunday Night Football on Westwood One . Seeking to expand its radio broadcasting scope nationally , the Cowboys began a five - year partnership with Compass Media Networks on February 2 , 2011 . The result was the America 's Team Radio Network , a supplement to the franchise 's regional one . Beginning with the 2011 season , Kevin Burkhardt and Danny White handled the broadcasts , with Jerry Recco as the studio host . See also American football portal Dallas - Fort Worth portal Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders List of Dallas Cowboys seasons List of Dallas Cowboys players America 's Team Doomsday Defense References NFL 2002 Record & Fact Book ISBN 0 - 7611 - 2643 - 0 Jump up ^ `` 1960 Dallas Cowboys '' . Dallas Cowboys . Retrieved September 12 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Scales , Kristi ( December 5 , 2017 ) . `` BREAKING NEWS : Why the Cowboys Are Wearing a New Uniform Color - Combination on Sunday '' . . Dallas Cowboys . Retrieved January 20 , 2018 . The Cowboys do not have an all - blue set of Color Rush . But they do have their navy jerseys ( PMS 289 C ) which are normally worn with silver pants ( Metallic Silver PMS 8180 C ) . ^ Jump up to : `` Fingertip Information '' ( PDF ) . 2017 Dallas Cowboys Media Guide . Dallas Cowboys . July 26 , 2017 . Retrieved September 11 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` Dallas Cowboys Team Capsule '' ( PDF ) . 2017 Official National Football League Record and Fact Book . National Football League . August 22 , 2017 . Retrieved September 11 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` AT&T Takes Naming Rights Of Stadium ; Now AT&T Stadium '' . Dallas Cowboys . July 25 , 2013 . Retrieved September 13 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` NFL History 1951 -- 1960 '' . National Football League . September 28 , 2015 . Retrieved September 28 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Cowboys Attendance Records -- 2015 Dallas Cowboys Media Guide '' ( PDF ) . Dallas Cowboys . August 28 , 2015 . Retrieved September 28 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Team History : 1999 Dallas Cowboys '' . . Archived from the original on November 26 , 2011 . Retrieved February 17 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : Ozanian , Mike ( September 14 , 2015 ) . `` The Most Valuable Teams In The NFL '' . Forbes . Retrieved September 28 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Team Game Finder Query Results '' . . Retrieved December 20 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Law Nation ( 2017 - 01 - 07 ) , The Story of Dallas Cowboys 1992 3rd Super Bowl , retrieved 2017 - 06 - 18 Jump up ^ `` Jeff Pearlman on the unbelievable story of the implosion of the Dallas Cowboys '' . the Guardian . Retrieved December 20 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Dallas Cowboys Coaches '' . . Retrieved November 28 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Ellis , Josh ( October 28 , 2008 ) . `` The Injury List Just Keeps On Growing '' . . Archived from the original on October 31 , 2008 . Retrieved January 11 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` NFL Network : Cowboys fire Wade Phillips as head coach , promote Jason Garrett '' . USA Today . November 8 , 2010 . Retrieved 2010 - 11 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` Cowboys News : Dak Prescott And Ezekiel Elliott Headline Cowboys ' Pro Bowl Selections - Blogging The Boys '' . Blogging the Boys ( Dallas Cowboys blog ) . ^ Jump up to : Eatman , Nick ( November 26 , 2013 ) . `` Cowboys To Wear Blue Jerseys At Home Thursday '' . Dallas Cowboys . Retrieved November 23 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Hanzus , Dan ( June 13 , 2017 ) . `` Cowboys will wear navy jerseys at home more often '' . National Football League . Retrieved August 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ DaSilva , Cameron ( June 13 , 2017 ) . `` Here 's the real reason behind the Dallas Cowboys ' mismatched uniform colors '' . Fox Sports . Retrieved August 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Gross , Shannon ( September 25 , 2013 ) . `` CowBuzz : Boys ' To Wear Navy Jerseys This Weekend '' . Dallas Cowboys . Retrieved November 23 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Lukas , Paul ( December 19 , 2005 ) . `` The Island of Misfit Unis '' . ESPN . Retrieved November 23 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Hanzus , Dan ( June 13 , 2017 ) . `` Cowboys will wear navy jerseys at home more often '' . National Football League . Retrieved August 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ DaSilva , Cameron ( June 13 , 2017 ) . `` Here 's the real reason behind the Dallas Cowboys ' mismatched uniform colors '' . Fox Sports . Retrieved August 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Lukas , Paul ( October 26 , 2007 ) . `` ESPN Page 2 -- Uni Watch : How ' bout them Cowboys ? '' . ESPN . Retrieved November 28 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Williams , Charean ( November 22 , 2001 ) . `` Cowboys going with retro look '' . Fort Worth Star - Telegram . Jump up ^ Wallace , William N. ( January 7 , 1981 ) . `` EAGLES DEVISE COLOR SCHEME FOR COWBOYS '' . The New York Times . Retrieved December 10 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Cowboys to Wash Out Blue '' . The New York Times . Associated Press . January 15 , 1981 . Retrieved December 10 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Gross , Shannon ( November 20 , 2015 ) . `` CowBuzz : Cowboys Unveil New ColorRush Uniform For Thanksgiving Day Game '' . Dallas Cowboys . Retrieved January 23 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Bell , Jarrett ( September 18 , 2009 ) . `` ' This transcends football ' : ' Boys boast as new stadium shines '' . USA Today . Retrieved April 30 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Popik , Barry ( 2009 - 08 - 22 ) . `` Jerrydome or Jerry Dome ( Dallas Cowboys Stadium in Arlington ) -- The Big Apple '' . . Retrieved 2013 - 11 - 04 . Jump up ^ Murph , Darren ( May 18 , 2009 ) . `` Kansas City Royals to get ' world 's largest ' HD LED scoreboard '' . . Archived from the original on September 26 , 2009 . Retrieved May 22 , 2009 . Jump up ^ MJD ( June 12 , 2008 ) . `` Jerry Jones aims to make all Cowboys ' fans blind by 2010 '' . . Retrieved November 28 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Cowboys reveal world 's largest HD LED screen to the public `` , LEDs Magazine , 2009 - 08 - 23 . Retrieved on 2009 - 08 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` Open & Shut '' Archived June 19 , 2012 , at the Wayback Machine. , , 2009 - 09 - 21 . Retrieved on 2009 - 09 - 24 . Jump up ^ `` Cowboys shut down Panthers ' offense for first win in new stadium '' . ESPN . September 29 , 2009 . Retrieved January 15 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Hanzus , Dan ( 2013 - 07 - 25 ) . `` Cowboys Stadium now called AT&T Stadium after deal '' . National Football League . Retrieved 2013 - 07 - 25 . Jump up ^ `` History of Dallas Cowboys Training Camp Sites , 2008 Update -- Know Your Dallas Cowboys Know Your Dallas Cowboys '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 09 - 03 . ^ Jump up to : `` Dallas Cowboys Records by Opponent '' . . Retrieved December 20 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Beaver County Times & Allegheny Times Online -- Steelers '' . The Times . UK . 2008 - 12 - 07 . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 09 . Jump up ^ Michelle Munoz ( Contributor ) . `` Cowboys - 49ers : A Rivalry for the Ages '' . Bleacher Report . Retrieved 2013 - 11 - 04 . Jump up ^ `` The Greatest Rivalries in the NFL : 49ers - Cowboys '' . Niners Nation . Retrieved 2013 - 11 - 04 . Jump up ^ DawnMacelli ( 9 January 2017 ) . `` Packers - Cowboys : A Playoff Rivalry As Old As The Super Bowl Itself '' . Blogging The Boys . Retrieved 3 June 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Dallas - Green Bay reaches the top of NFL playoff rivalries '' . 12 January 2017 . Retrieved 3 June 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Compass signs the Dallas Cowboys for new network '' Archived February 5 , 2011 , at the Wayback Machine. , Radio Business Report , Wednesday , February 2 , 2011 Jump up ^ `` Radio Broadcast Information '' . Dallas Cowboys . Retrieved May 26 , 2016 . Further reading Aron , Jaime ( 2010 ) . Dallas Cowboys : The Complete Illustrated History . MVP Books . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7603 - 3520 - 8 . Hitzges , Norm ; St. Angelo , Ron ( 2007 ) . Greatest Team Ever : The Dallas Cowboys Dynasty of the 1990s . Rutledge Hill Press . ISBN 1 - 4016 - 0340 - 8 . Myers , Gary ( 2009 ) . The Catch : One Play , Two Dynasties , and the Game That Changed the NFL . Crown Archetype . ISBN 978 - 0 - 307 - 40908 - 9 . Patoski , Joe Nick ( 2012 ) . The Dallas Cowboys : The Outrageous History of the Biggest , Loudest , Most Hated , Best Loved Football Team in America . Little , Brown and Company . ISBN 978 - 0 - 316 - 07755 - 2 . Pearlman , Jeff ( 2008 ) . Boys Will Be Boys : The Glory Days and Party Nights of the Dallas Cowboys Dynasty . HarperCollins . ISBN 978 - 0 - 06 - 125680 - 6 . St. John , Bob ( 2000 ) . Landry : The Legend and the Legacy . Word Publishing . ISBN 0 - 8499 - 1670 - 4 . External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to Dallas Cowboys . Official website -- Dallas Cowboys Dallas Cowboys Founded in 1960 Based in Arlington , Texas Headquartered in Frisco , Texas Franchise Franchise History Coaches Players Seasons Expansion draft Draft history Starting quarterbacks First - round draft picks The Ford Center at The Star Stadiums Cotton Bowl Texas Stadium AT&T Stadium Culture NFL on Thanksgiving Day America 's Team Cheerleaders Doomsday Defense Crazy Ray Rowdy Jerry Jones Black Sunday ( film ) King of the Hill Lore Tom Landry Tex Schramm Captain Comeback Ice Bowl Hail Mary The Catch Herschel Walker trade Dirty Dozen Ring of Honor Bounty Bowl series Rivalries New York Giants Philadelphia Eagles Washington Redskins Green Bay Packers San Francisco 49ers Pittsburgh Steelers Houston Oilers / Texans Division championships ( 23 ) 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1981 1985 1992 1993 1994 1995 1998 2007 2009 2014 2016 Conference championships ( 10 ) 1966 1967 1970 1971 1977 1978 1992 1993 1995 League Championships ( 5 ) 1971 ( VI ) 1977 ( XII ) 1992 ( XXVII ) 1993 ( XXVIII ) 1995 ( XXX ) Ring of Honor Bob Lilly Don Meredith Don Perkins Chuck Howley Mel Renfro Roger Staubach Lee Roy Jordan Tom Landry Tony Dorsett Randy White Bob Hayes Tex Schramm Cliff Harris Rayfield Wright Troy Aikman Michael Irvin Emmitt Smith Drew Pearson Charles Haley Larry Allen Darren Woodson Media Broadcasters Radio network KRLD - FM Brad Sham Babe Laufenberg Current league affiliations League : National Football League Conference : National Football Conference Division : East Division Seasons ( 58 ) 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Championship seasons in bold Links to related articles National Football League ( 2018 ) AFC East North South West Buffalo Bills Miami Dolphins New England Patriots New York Jets Baltimore Ravens Cincinnati Bengals Cleveland Browns Pittsburgh Steelers Houston Texans Indianapolis Colts Jacksonville Jaguars Tennessee Titans Denver Broncos Kansas City Chiefs Los Angeles Chargers Oakland Raiders NFC East North South West Dallas Cowboys New York Giants Philadelphia Eagles Washington Redskins Chicago Bears Detroit Lions Green Bay Packers Minnesota Vikings Atlanta Falcons Carolina Panthers New Orleans Saints Tampa Bay Buccaneers Arizona Cardinals Los Angeles Rams San Francisco 49ers Seattle Seahawks Seasons Seasons ( by team ) Preseason Hall of Fame Game American Bowl Regular season Kickoff game Monday Night Football International Series London Toronto Bills Series List of games played outside the U.S. Thanksgiving games Christmas games Playoffs Streaks Droughts AFC Championship NFC Championship Super Bowl champions quarterbacks Pro Bowl History League history Executive history Championship history Timeline Defunct franchises Franchise moves and mergers Los Angeles team history Proposed stadiums 1995 -- 2016 American Football League ( 1960 -- 1969 ) Playoffs Merger NFL Championship ( 1920 -- 1969 ) Playoff Bowl Records individual team Super Bowl All time win -- loss Last undefeated Tied games Canceled games Controversies Business Owners Properties Management Council Competition Committee Collective Bargaining Agreement National Football League Players Association Lockouts Media TV NFL Network Radio Other Officials Stadiums Chronology Awards All - Pro Hall of Fame Foreign players Player conduct Suspensions Player misconduct Combine Draft Training camp Rivalries NFL Foundation Culture Cheerleading Mascots Lore Nicknames Numbers Retired Color Rush Sports teams based in Texas Baseball MLB Houston Astros Texas Rangers PCL El Paso Chihuahuas Round Rock Express TL Corpus Christi Hooks Frisco RoughRiders Midland RockHounds San Antonio Missions AA Cleburne Railroaders Texas AirHogs ALPB Sugar Land Skeeters PL Alpine Cowboys SWL Royse City Griffins Waco BlueCats Basketball NBA Dallas Mavericks Houston Rockets San Antonio Spurs G League Austin Spurs Rio Grande Valley Vipers Texas Legends WNBA Dallas Wings ABA Dallas Impact IBL Texas Lone Star Strikers Football NFL Dallas Cowboys Houston Texans CIF Amarillo Venom Dallas Marshals Texas Revolution LFL Austin Acoustic WFA Arlington Impact Austin Outlaws Dallas Elite Houston Power IWFL Austin Yellow Jackets Houston Energy San Antonio Regulators South Texas Lady Crushers Hockey NHL Dallas Stars AHL San Antonio Rampage Texas Stars ECHL Allen Americans NAHL Amarillo Bulls Corpus Christi IceRays Lone Star Brahmas Odessa Jackalopes NA3HL Mid-Cities Junior Stars Texas Jr . 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when did dallas cowboys go to the superbowl
Dallas Cowboys Current season Established January 28 , 1960 ; 58 years ago ( 1960 - 01 - 28 ) First season : 1960 Play in AT&T Stadium Arlington , Texas Headquartered in The Ford Center at The Star Frisco , Texas Logo Wordmark League / conference affiliations National Football League ( 1960 -- present ) Western Conference ( 1960 ) Eastern Conference ( 1961 -- 1969 ) Capitol Division ( 1967 -- 1969 ) National Football Conference ( 1970 -- present ) NFC East ( 1970 -- present ) Current uniform Team colors Navy Blue , Metallic Silver , White , Royal Blue Mascot Rowdy Personnel Owner ( s ) Jerry Jones CEO Stephen Jones President Jerry Jones General manager Jerry Jones Head coach Jason Garrett Team history Dallas Cowboys ( 1960 -- present ) Team nicknames America 's Team Doomsday Defense The ' Boys Big D Championships League championships ( 5 ) Super Bowl championships ( 5 ) 1971 ( VI ) , 1977 ( XII ) , 1992 ( XXVII ) , 1993 ( XXVIII ) , 1995 ( XXX ) Conference championships ( 10 ) NFL Eastern : 1966 , 1967 NFC : 1970 , 1971 , 1975 , 1977 , 1978 , 1992 , 1993 , 1995 Division championships ( 22 ) NFL Capitol : 1967 , 1968 , 1969 NFC East : 1970 , 1971 , 1973 , 1976 , 1977 , 1978 , 1979 , 1981 , 1985 , 1992 , 1993 , 1994 , 1995 , 1996 , 1998 , 2007 , 2009 , 2014 , 2016 Playoff appearances ( 32 ) NFL : 1966 , 1967 , 1968 , 1969 , 1970 , 1971 , 1972 , 1973 , 1975 , 1976 , 1977 , 1978 , 1979 , 1980 , 1981 , 1982 , 1983 , 1985 , 1991 , 1992 , 1993 , 1994 , 1995 , 1996 , 1998 , 1999 , 2003 , 2006 , 2007 , 2009 , 2014 , 2016 Home fields Cotton Bowl ( 1960 -- 1971 ) Texas Stadium ( 1971 -- 2008 ) AT&T Stadium ( 2009 -- present )
List of Code Black episodes - wikipedia List of Code Black episodes Code Black is an American medical drama , starring Marcia Gay Harden and Rob Lowe , that premiered on CBS on September 30 , 2015 . The series follows the understaffed , busy emergency room of Angels Memorial Hospital , which lacks sufficient resources . On May 16 , 2016 , the show was renewed for a second season , which premiered on September 28 , 2016 . On May 14 , 2017 , CBS renewed the show for a third season . On May 24 , 2018 CBS canceled the series after three seasons . As of July 11 , 2018 , 46 episodes of Code Black have aired . Contents ( hide ) 1 Series overview 2 Episodes 2.1 Season 1 ( 2015 -- 16 ) 2.2 Season 2 ( 2016 -- 17 ) 2.3 Season 3 ( 2018 ) 3 Ratings 4 References 5 External links Series overview ( edit ) Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 18 September 30 , 2015 ( 2015 - 09 - 30 ) February 24 , 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 24 ) 16 September 28 , 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 28 ) February 8 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 08 ) 13 April 25 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 25 ) July 18 , 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 18 ) Episodes ( edit ) Season 1 ( 2015 -- 16 ) ( edit ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date Prod . code U.S. viewers ( millions ) `` Pilot '' David Semel Michael Seitzman September 30 , 2015 ( 2015 - 09 - 30 ) CB101 8.58 The new residents at Angels Memorial Hospital in Los Angeles are introduced to the ER and deal with a series of patients including a dropped - off gang member , a foreign child with a collapsed lung , an organ donor and his daughter who were in a car crash , a stroke patient , and a nine - month pregnant woman with unexplained flu symptoms . `` We Plug Holes '' Christopher Misiano Michael Seitzman October 7 , 2015 ( 2015 - 10 - 07 ) CB102 6.83 The ER deals with car crash victims , a hockey player suffering from seizures who is unwilling to acknowledge his illness , a blind 14 - year - old climber and a woman desperate to have her dead husband 's baby . `` Pre-Existing Conditions '' Lee Rose David Marshall Grant October 14 , 2015 ( 2015 - 10 - 14 ) CB103 6.96 The ER is under a 36 hour period of code black and receives two brothers involved in a car accident . Leighton is pushed by fellow resident Savetti to cut open the chest of a patient who had come in with pelvic , chest and rib fractures . Lorenson faces a moral dilemma while treating a prisoner with renal failure . `` Sometimes It 's a Zebra '' Adam Kane Brett Mahoney October 21 , 2015 ( 2015 - 10 - 21 ) CB104 7.13 Dr. Guthrie 's son joins the hospital as a surgeon and often disagrees with Leanne . Meanwhile , after the death of her son , Christa struggles to help an infant . 5 5 `` Doctors with Borders '' David Von Ancken Molly Newman October 28 , 2015 ( 2015 - 10 - 28 ) CB105 5.96 The ER is overwhelmed with patients with an unknown respiratory ailment , requiring them to be quarantined . When Dr. Hudson 's mother is among them , he clashes with his father over the proper treatment . A man impaled on a piece of rebar is desperate to make up with his daughter . 6 6 `` In Extremis '' Vincent Misiano Matt Partney and Corey Evett November 4 , 2015 ( 2015 - 11 - 04 ) CB106 6.44 The ER must deal with two shot police officers , and the dilemma whether to save one of them or their shooter . A man deals with his gay , brain dead son 's lover . Tensions between the two Dr. Guthries heat up . Pineda must deal with her pregnant former lover . 7 7 `` Buen Árbol '' Nick Gomez Corinne Marrinan November 11 , 2015 ( 2015 - 11 - 11 ) CB107 6.90 The ER must deal with the injured after a car ran onto a sidewalk at a street fair , along with the driver who seems to suffer from seizure - induced amnesia . Other patients include a child of an illegal immigrant , a young woman whose eye is bulging out ( Skyler Day ) , an old lady prepared to face her end , and a man with an enlarged organ who puts Savetti in an uncomfortable position . 8 8 `` You Are the Heart '' Alex Zakrzewski David Marshall Grant November 18 , 2015 ( 2015 - 11 - 18 ) CB108 6.59 On a rainy LA night , the ER deals with the victims of a boating accident , an HIV - positive patient which endangers Savetti and causes tensions between him and Leighton , and Guthrie and Rorish butt heads on a surgery . Pineda runs a bone marrow drive for her former lover , much to her dismay . 9 9 `` The Son Rises '' Andrew Bernstein Michael Seitzman and Kristen Kim November 25 , 2015 ( 2015 - 11 - 25 ) CB109 7.45 A family is the victim of a home invasion with a father who was stabbed near the heart , a mother who was repeatedly stabbed , and a son who was injured during his search for rescue by jumping from a window of the building . Mario and Angus clash over the mother who has bruising around her eyes . Taylor is suspended for bringing a child around the ER , and the doctors clash early with his replacement . Meanwhile , a son struggles to get his father off life support . 10 10 `` Cardiac Support '' Oz Scott Brett Mahoney December 2 , 2015 ( 2015 - 12 - 02 ) CB110 8.50 The ER adjusts to the new department head who questions Rorish 's decisions . An ambulance arrives with its paramedics knocked out by their patient , who attacks Jesse . Later , Jesse has a heart attack . As the doctors try to save him , other patients include a man hit by a train , the daughter of a controlling Beverly Hills mother , and the wife of a veteran who is struggling with addiction . Meanwhile , Mario leaves the hospital to find the train victim 's son who has intellectual disabilities , against Hudson 's orders . 11 11 `` Black Tag '' Omar Madha Molly Newman December 9 , 2015 ( 2015 - 12 - 09 ) CB111 8.38 Leanne , Neal , Christa , Angus , Mario , Malaya , and Heather are sent to the scene of a multi-car collision on a canyon road above Los Angeles . Leanne clashes with the physician in charge , making a decision he questions . Christa treats an injured family whose car is in a ravine . Angus , Heather , and Mario help a man stuck in cement . Mario and Heather find their lives in danger when a patient 's husband holds them at gunpoint to save his wife . Meanwhile , Jesse recovers from his heart attack . 12 12 `` The Fog of War '' Rob Bailey David Marshall Grant January 13 , 2016 ( 2016 - 01 - 13 ) CB112 6.66 Neal stays behind at the car crash scene to look for Christa , Mario , and Heather . Mario and Heather continue trying to revive the wife of a grieving husband , who later attempts to commit suicide . Leanne and Neal face the consequences of having left a patient in Malaya 's care resulting in both doctors being investigated . After Heather hugs Angus , he decides he wants to ask her out , unaware she has a relationship with Mario . Carla gives birth to her son , Philip , before dying . 13 13 `` First Date '' Constantine Makris Kristen Kim January 20 , 2016 ( 2016 - 01 - 20 ) CB113 7.29 When a 16 - year - old girl who is from a Christian - Scientist family comes into Angels requiring surgery , the ER must deal with her father who forbids the surgery . Angus ' brother begins an observational rotation prior to accepting a new job in the hospital as an attending surgeon . Christa treats a patient who is experiencing breathing problems who does n't seem to be improving ; when the patient dies following discharge , she blames herself for her death . Later , Neal and Christa kiss , while Malaya treats a patient named Gordon who flirts with her . Meanwhile , Leanne decides to leave her job . 14 14 `` The Fifth Stage '' Oz Scott Brett Mahoney January 27 , 2016 ( 2016 - 01 - 27 ) CB114 7.49 In a shooting accident between two feuding families , one of the victims is required a kidney transplant with their cousin being the perfect match ; however , the father refuses . Neal and Christa begin their relationship and Leanne forgives the drunk driver who killed her family . Malaya again deals with Gordon , who seems to be following her more often now . Later , he sneaks into the staff lockers to confront Gina , but he stabs her to death . Christa discovers her body and calls for help . 15 15 `` Diagnosis of Exclusion '' David Von Ancken Corey Evett and Matthew Partney February 3 , 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 03 ) CB115 6.90 In the aftermath of Gina 's death , the doctors are questioned . Gordon had been at the hospital at least 17 times under different aliases and frequently asking for Malaya . Once Gina had been attacked , he followed Malaya to the elevator . She lies to him and takes another floor , but he continues to follow her . He asks her out , but she tells him that she is gay . Angry , he attacks her by slitting her and attempts to rape her . Angus arrives in time and pushes Gordon to the ground . He tells her to go to the ER . During Angus ' fight with Gordon , Gordon accidentally stabs a knife into his neck . Angus , who had lied to human resources , heard Gordon telling him that he intended to kill Malaya and Angus lets him to bleed out , ultimately killing him when complications arose . At center stage , while all three were being treated , Gina is pronounced dead when surgery was no longer an option to save her and everyone mourns her death . Meanwhile , Leanne is given Gina 's job and Neal is put on probation for surgery . Neal and Christa announce their relationship to human resources . 16 16 `` Hail Mary '' Alex Zakrzewski Michael Seitzman & Molly Newman February 10 , 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 10 ) CB116 7.11 Christa becomes insecure in her new relationship with Neal when his ex-girlfriend Dr. Grace Adams ( Meagan Good ) , returns to Angels Memorial after spending a year volunteering in Haiti . Also , New York Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. comes to the ER to convince his stubborn high school football coach , Pete Delaney ( Beau Bridges ) , to have life - saving surgery . Neal accepts a job as surgical attending at Angels . Christa and Malaya treat a marathon runner and new single mother , Katie Miller ( Annie Wersching ) , who is having lung issues . 17 17 `` Love Hurts '' Constantine Makris David Marshall Grant & Ryan McGarry February 17 , 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 17 ) CB117 6.11 Christa and Grace deal with a teenager who claims to have been abused at a camp . Angus begins to take ADHD medication to remain focused , after it is revealed that he deliberately refused to aid Gordon after he removed the knife from his throat , causing Gordon 's death . Leanne deals with a VIP patient who had embryos implanted in her without her husband 's knowledge . Meanwhile , Christa feels at odds with Grace due to her past history with Neal . 18 18 `` Blood Sport '' David Von Ancken Michael Seitzman & Kayla Alpert February 24 , 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 24 ) CB118 6.91 When the location of a presidential debate suffers an explosion , the ER must work under the scrutiny of the Secret Service to save both candidates and their families . Mario confronts Angus about his drug abuse , which in turn leads to Heather being caught by Campbell using his scripts to prescribe the Adderall . The love triangle between Neal , Christa , and Grace becomes more complex . Dr. Rorish asks Dr. Taylor for advice on how to cope with Jesse and the other nurses ' impending strike over wages and the addition of more nurses to the staff . Season 2 ( 2016 -- 17 ) ( edit ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date Prod . code U.S. viewers ( millions ) 19 `` Second Year '' Loni Peristere Michael Seitzman September 28 , 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 28 ) CB201 6.37 Col. Ethan Willis joins the team , bringing new techniques and technologies learned in the field of combat to the hospital ; Willis and Mike take a helicopter to Malibu to help shark bite victims ; Jesse welcomes new residents . 20 `` Life and Limb '' Lee Rose David Marshall Grant October 5 , 2016 ( 2016 - 10 - 05 ) CB202 5.87 Willis helps a young soccer player injured in a bus crash ; a patient 's hesitancy to disclose that she 's transgender compromises the doctors ' ability to diagnose her abdominal pain . 21 `` Corporeal Form '' David Von Ancken Corey Evett and Matthew Partney October 12 , 2016 ( 2016 - 10 - 12 ) CB203 5.99 Willis , Mario and Heather perform a radical operation on a maintenance worker stuck under a boiler that exploded ; Angus ' father tries to seize power of attorney over Mike , who remains in a coma . 22 `` Demons and Angels '' Luis Prieto Michael Brandon Guercio October 26 , 2016 ( 2016 - 10 - 26 ) CB204 5.67 On Halloween night , Willis , Noa and Elliott rush to the scene of a fire at a haunted theater , where Dr. Nolan and her boyfriend 's son are trapped . 23 5 `` Landslide '' David McWhirter Jessica Ball November 2 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 02 ) CB205 4.45 The doctors treat victims who were caught in a landslide ; the entire ER is put at risk when children with measles are brought in . 24 6 `` Hero Complex '' David Von Ancken Kayla Alpert November 9 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 09 ) CB206 6.03 When a college student regains consciousness at the hospital , Malaya must tell her that she has been raped ; Willis and Campbell are at odds when a terminally ill woman wants to end her life on her own terms . 25 7 `` What Lies Beneath '' Constantine Makris Zachary Lutsky November 16 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 16 ) CB207 5.68 Willis and Campbell travel to a Russian submarine to treat a sailor who has been wounded in an explosion ; the staff at Angels Memorial treats violent criminals who got injured during a prison riot . 26 8 `` 1.0 Bodies '' P.J. Pesce Kristen Kim November 23 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 23 ) CB208 6.18 The doctors treat the members of a cult who survived a mass suicide attempt ; Mario wants to connect with his late father 's girlfriend . 27 9 `` Sleight of Hand '' Rob Greenlea Julian Meiojas November 30 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 30 ) CB209 5.92 Willis , Leanne and Jesse put their lives on the line to operate on an officer with an explosive bullet in her leg ; Mario , Noa and Guthrie tend to a magician with breathing trouble . 28 10 `` Ave Maria '' Kelly Makin Kevin Hazzard December 7 , 2016 ( 2016 - 12 - 07 ) CB210 6.75 When Campbell 's daughter is set to undergo surgery , he learns about Guthrie 's Parkinson 's symptoms and becomes furious . In the fallout , some doctors who knew are suspended and Jesse is fired . 29 11 `` Exodus '' Jet Wilkinson Corey Evett & Matthew Partney December 21 , 2016 ( 2016 - 12 - 21 ) CB211 5.98 After Jesse takes a new job at a plastic surgery clinic , he must take one of his patients to Angels when she crashes on the operating table . While in code black , the hospital loses power and the backup generators do not work , as they are still under repair following the boiler room explosion ( S. 2 , Ep. 3 ) . While the patients are evacuated to an urgent care facility , Pinkney and Dixon must deliver a baby in the elevator . 30 12 `` One in a Million '' Rob Bailey David Marshall Grant & Jessica Ball January 4 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 04 ) CB212 5.98 Defying Campbell 's orders , Leanne uses the hospital helicopter to reunite a family one last time ; Willis and Noa find a cellphone app to help them communicate with an autistic girl . 31 13 `` Unfinished Business '' David Von Ancken Michael Seitzman January 11 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 11 ) CB213 6.33 While taking on a new role as the hospital chaplain , Guthrie considers undergoing a risky surgery to treat his Parkinson 's ; victims of an apartment fire arrive at Angels Memorial Hospital . 32 14 `` Vertigo '' Carol Banker Kayla Alpert & Michael Brandon Guercio January 25 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 25 ) CB214 5.68 Ethan and Mario are asked to attend to two injured construction workers who are trapped on a crane platform 40 stories in the air . Meanwhile , the Angels ' staff tends to victims and perpetrators of a school prank gone horribly wrong . 33 15 `` The Devil 's Workshop '' David Von Ancken Corey Evett & Matthew Partney February 1 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 01 ) CB215 6.80 The ER is quarantined when a viral outbreak jeopardizes the lives of the doctors and patients ; a young girl whom Leanne bonded with a year ago when she lost her father returns to Angels Memorial . 34 16 `` Fallen Angels '' Michael Seitzman Jessica Ball & Julian Meiojas February 8 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 08 ) CB216 6.07 The doctors and the Center for Disease Control try to find an antidote to the deadly virus ; Leanne makes a life - changing decision ; Jesse welcomes a new batch of residents . Season 3 ( 2018 ) ( edit ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date Prod . code U.S. viewers ( millions ) 35 `` Third Year '' Rob Bowman Michael Seitzman April 25 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 25 ) CB301 5.64 Ethan rides along with Rox to help victims in a still - active police raid on a drug house . Victims later brought to the hospital include a nine - year - old with a bullet wound whose drug - addicted uncle brought her to the house , plus several officers who were exposed to fentanyl . Later , new intern Pepper is exposed to fentanyl at the hospital . Meanwhile , Dr. Campbell has Angus assist on a surgery , leading him to offer Angus a surgical residency position . Also , Mario has difficulty getting over his personal feelings for Noa when the two disagree on a diagnosis . 36 `` Better Angels '' P.J. Pesce David Marshall Grant May 2 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 02 ) CB302 5.17 A patient appears to be psychic , but Mario insists her visions are due to a brain tumor that needs to be removed . Noa empathizes with a 39 - year - old ballet dancer who is in for surgery , knowing that the clock is ticking on his career . Meanwhile , Ethan performs a daring underwater rescue of a young woman from a submerged vehicle , earning him the ire of Rox . It is revealed that the passenger who escaped from the car is a Congressman and the young woman is his intern with whom he was having an affair . When the woman revives , she says the Congressman left her behind to die . 37 `` La Familia '' Michael Schultz Barbie Kligman May 9 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 09 ) CB303 5.03 Jesse 's brother Jose is taken to Angels after an accident . Although the team is able to save him from his injuries , they discover he has congestive heart failure and wo n't live for long . Mario and Noa treat an engaged couple who are both badly injured from a fight that took place at a baseball game . Leanne tries to define her relationship with Ariel , while Ethan opens up to Rox about his brother when she finds a memorial flag in his home . 38 `` The Same as Air '' Diana Valentine Corey Evett & Matthew Partney May 16 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 16 ) CB304 5.95 Elliot doubts his ability as a doctor when he 's sued for his role in the death of a SWAT officer . Also , Willis and Rox arrive at a road rage accident resulting in multiple serious injuries , and Leanne discovers Ariel on an ice cream `` date '' with Max , a young patient at the hospital . 39 5 `` Cabin Pressure '' Randy Zisk Mike Weiss May 30 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 30 ) CB305 6.38 40 6 `` Hell 's Heart '' Larry Shaw Eduardo Javier Canto & Ryan Maldonado May 30 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 30 ) CB306 6.28 41 7 `` Step Up '' Ed Ornelas Jessica Ball June 6 , 2018 ( 2018 - 06 - 06 ) CB307 5.67 42 8 `` Home Stays Home '' Lin Oeding Rebecca Cutter June 13 , 2018 ( 2018 - 06 - 13 ) CB308 6.18 43 9 `` Only Human '' Doug Hannah David Marshall Grant June 20 , 2018 ( 2018 - 06 - 20 ) CB309 5.70 44 10 `` Change of Heart '' Jennifer Lynch Barbie Kligman June 27 , 2018 ( 2018 - 06 - 27 ) CB310 5.74 45 11 `` One of Our Own '' Nicole Rubio Corey Evett & Matthew Partney July 4 , 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 04 ) CB311 4.80 46 12 `` As Night Comes and I 'm Breathing '' Thomas J. Wright Jessica Ball July 11 , 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 11 ) CB312 5.72 47 13 `` Business of Saving Lives '' TBA TBA July 18 , 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 18 ) TBA TBD Ratings ( edit ) Code Black : U.S. viewers per episode ( millions ) Season Ep. 1 Ep. 2 Ep. 3 Ep. 4 Ep. 5 Ep. 6 Ep. 7 Ep. 8 Ep. 9 Ep. 10 Ep. 11 Ep. 12 Ep. 13 Ep. 14 Ep. 15 Ep. 16 Ep. 17 Ep. 18 Average 8.58 6.83 6.96 7.13 5.96 6.44 6.90 6.59 7.45 8.50 8.38 6.66 7.29 7.49 6.90 7.11 6.11 6.91 7.11 6.37 5.87 5.99 5.67 4.45 6.03 5.68 6.18 5.92 6.75 5.98 5.98 6.33 5.68 6.80 6.07 N / A 5.98 5.67 5.17 5.03 5.95 6.38 6.28 5.67 6.18 5.70 TBD TBD TBD TBD N / A 5.78 Source : Nielsen Media Research References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Ausiello , Michael ( May 16 , 2016 ) . `` CBS Renews Code Black , Odd Couple and 2 Other Bubble Shows '' . TVLine . Retrieved May 16 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Stanhope , Kate ; O'Connell , Michael ( May 14 , 2017 ) . `` CBS 's ' Code Black ' Renewed for Third Season '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved May 14 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Dixon , Dani ( October 1 , 2015 ) . `` Wednesday Final Ratings : ' Empire ' , ' Survivor ' , ' Modern Family ' & ' Rosewood ' Adjusted Up ; ' Nashville ' & ' Code Black ' Adjusted Down '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved October 1 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( October 8 , 2015 ) . `` Wednesday final ratings : ' Empire , ' ' SVU ' and others adjusted up , ' Arrow ' holds , ' Nashville ' adjusted down '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved October 8 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( October 15 , 2015 ) . `` Wednesday final ratings : ' Empire , ' ' Modern Family ' and ' Arrow ' adjusted up , ' Nashville ' adjusted down '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved October 15 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( October 30 , 2015 ) . `` Wednesday final ratings : ' Rosewood ' adjusted up , ' Empire ' and everything else hold '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved October 30 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( November 4 , 2015 ) . `` Wednesday final ratings : ' Supernatural ' adjusts down , ' The Middle ' and ' The Goldbergs ' adjust up '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved November 4 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( November 5 , 2015 ) . `` Wednesday final ratings : ' Arrow ' adjusts up , ' Criminal Minds ' rises but still at series low '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved November 5 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( November 12 , 2015 ) . `` Wednesday final ratings : ' Blackish ' and ' Code Black ' adjust down '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved November 12 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( November 19 , 2015 ) . `` Wednesday final ratings : ' Arrow , ' ' Rosewood , ' ' Survivor ' and ' The Middle ' adjust up '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved November 19 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( November 30 , 2015 ) . `` Wednesday final ratings : ' Empire ' adjusts up , ' Code Black ' adjusts down '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved November 30 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( December 3 , 2015 ) . `` Wednesday final ratings : ' Arrow , ' ' Empire ' and ' Criminal Minds ' adjust up '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved December 3 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( December 10 , 2015 ) . `` Wednesday final ratings : ' Criminal Minds , ' ' Modern Family ' and all other originals hold '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved December 10 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( February 1 , 2016 ) . `` Broadcast Live + 7 ratings : ' Big Bang Theory ' and ' Modern Family ' lead week 17 , ' Shades of Blue ' doubles '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved February 1 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( January 21 , 2016 ) . `` Wednesday final ratings : ' Mike & Molly ' adjusts up '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 21 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( February 16 , 2016 ) . `` Broadcast Live + 7 ratings : ' Lucifer ' premiere shows solid growth in week 19 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved February 16 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( February 4 , 2016 ) . `` Wednesday final ratings : ' 2 Broke Girls ' adjusts up '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved February 4 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( February 11 , 2016 ) . `` Wednesday final ratings : ' American Idol ' adjusts up , ' Black - ish ' adjusts down '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved February 11 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( March 7 , 2016 ) . `` Broadcast Live + 7 ratings : ' The Blacklist ' and ' The Big Bang Theory ' lead week 22 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( March 14 , 2016 ) . `` Broadcast Live + 7 ratings : ' Big Bang Theory ' has biggest week 23 gain , ' Jane the Virgin ' and 3 others double '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved March 14 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( September 29 , 2016 ) . `` Wednesday final ratings : ' Empire , ' ' Lethal Weapon , ' ' Criminal Minds , ' ' SVU ' & ' Blindspot ' all adjust up '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved September 29 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( October 6 , 2016 ) . `` ' Empire , ' ' Survivor , ' ' SVU , ' ' Chicago PD ' adjust up , ' Black - ish ' adjusts down : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved October 6 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( October 13 , 2016 ) . `` ' Empire ' and ' The Goldbergs ' adjust up : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved October 13 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( October 27 , 2016 ) . `` ' Survivor , ' ' SVU , ' ABC comedies adjust up , ' Designated Survivor ' adjusts down : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved October 27 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( November 3 , 2016 ) . `` ' Survivor ' adjusts up , CMAs hold vs. World Series : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved November 3 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( November 10 , 2016 ) . `` ' Black - ish ' adjusts down , others hold : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved November 10 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( November 17 , 2016 ) . `` ' Goldbergs ' and ' Speechless ' adjust up , ' Black - ish ' adjusts down : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved November 17 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( November 28 , 2016 ) . `` ' Charlie Brown Thanksgiving , ' FOX reruns adjust up : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved November 28 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( December 2 , 2016 ) . `` ' Empire ' adjusts up , ' Black - ish ' adjusts down : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved December 2 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Welch , Alex ( December 8 , 2016 ) . `` ' Modern Family ' adjusts up : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved December 8 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( December 22 , 2016 ) . `` ' Elf : Buddy 's Musical Christmas ' adjusts down : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved December 22 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( January 6 , 2017 ) . `` ' Lethal Weapon , ' ' Modern Family ' and ' Criminal Minds ' adjust up : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 6 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( January 12 , 2017 ) . `` ' The Goldbergs ' and ' Speechless ' adjust up : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 12 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( January 26 , 2017 ) . `` ' SVU ' and ' Modern Family ' reruns adjust up : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( February 2 , 2017 ) . `` ' The Goldbergs ' rerun adjusts up : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved February 2 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( February 9 , 2017 ) . `` ' Goldbergs , ' ' Modern Family , ' ' Blindspot ' adjust up , ' Black - ish ' adjusts down : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved February 9 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( April 26 , 2018 ) . `` ' Empire ' adjusts up : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April 26 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( May 3 , 2018 ) . `` ' Modern Family ' adjusts down to series low : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved May 3 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( May 10 , 2018 ) . `` ' The Blacklist ' adjusts up : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved May 10 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( May 17 , 2018 ) . `` ' Survivor ' and ' The Blacklist ' finale adjust up : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved May 17 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Porter , Rick ( June 1 , 2018 ) . `` ' Masterchef ' premiere adjusts up : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved June 1 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( June 7 , 2018 ) . `` NBA Finals and ' American Ninja Warrior ' adjust up : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved June 7 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( June 14 , 2018 ) . `` ' Shark Tank ' rerun adjusts down : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved June 14 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( June 21 , 2018 ) . `` ' Masterchef ' adjusts up : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved June 21 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( June 28 , 2018 ) . `` ' Masterchef ' and ' Reverie ' adjust up , ' The Originals ' adjusts down : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved June 28 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( July 6 , 2018 ) . `` ' Big Brother , ' ' Code Black ' and NBC 's fireworks hold : Wednesday final ratings '' . Retrieved July 6 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Welch , Alex ( July 12 , 2018 ) . `` ' The Originals ' adjusts up : Wednesday final ratings '' . TV By The Numbers . Retrieved July 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Shows A-Z - code black on cbs '' . The Futon Critic . Retrieved June 8 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` Code Black : Season One Ratings '' . TV Series Finale . February 25 , 2016 . Retrieved May 18 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` Code Black : Season Two Ratings '' . TV Series Finale . May 14 , 2017 . Retrieved May 18 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` Code Black : Season Three Ratings '' . TV Series Finale . May 17 , 2018 . Retrieved April 18 , 2018 . External links ( edit ) Official website List of Code Black episodes on IMDb Code Black at Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Lists of American drama television series episodes Lists of medical television series episodes Hidden categories : Pages using Timeline Articles containing potentially dated statements from July 2018 All articles containing potentially dated statements Official website not in Wikidata Talk Contents About Wikipedia Polski 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 13 July 2018 , at 06 : 09 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
when did the last episode of code black air
Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 18 September 30 , 2015 ( 2015 - 09 - 30 ) February 24 , 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 24 ) 16 September 28 , 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 28 ) February 8 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 08 ) 13 April 25 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 25 ) July 18 , 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 18 )
Bring It On Again - wikipedia Bring It On Again Jump to : navigation , search This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( December 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Bring It On Again DVD cover Directed by Damon Santostefano Produced by Marc Abraham Thomas Bliss Kelli Konop Screenplay by Claudia Grazioso Brian Gunn Mark Gunn Story by Claudia Grazioso Starring Anne Judson - Yager Bree Turner Kevin Cooney Faune A. Chambers Bryce Johnson Richard Lee Jackson Bethany Joy Lenz Music by Paul Haslinger Cinematography Richard Crudo Edited by Tony Lombardo Production company Beacon Pictures Strike Entertainment Distributed by Universal Studios Home Entertainment Release date January 13 , 2004 ( 2004 - 01 - 13 ) Running time 90 minutes Country United States Language English Bring It On Again is a 2004 direct - to - video cheerleading comedy film directed by Damon Santostefano and starring Anne Judson - Yager and Bree Turner . This film , which is a sequel to Bring It On , has a tenuous link to its predecessor , featuring only a similar plot of competing cheerleading teams that have to try something different in order to win . There are no recurring cast members or canonical references to the previous film . Bring It On Again is also the only straight to video sequel of the four that followed Bring It On that shared the same producers . No one else involved in the original film participated in the creation of this film , nor in any of the following . The film does stylistically refer to its predecessor during the end credits , both of which feature outtakes and clips of the cast having fun dancing and singing . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 References 4 External links Plot ( edit ) Whittier arrives at the fictional California State College hoping to join the national champion varsity cheerleading team . She meets up with her friend from cheerleading camp , Monica , and they 're both impressive at the tryouts . Head cheerleader Tina is ready to ask them to join the team , but Greg goes a step further , telling Tina that Whittier will be the next head cheerleader . This angers Tina 's pal Marni who had the position staked out , but at the urging of Dean Sebastian , Tina goes along with the plan , taking Whittier under her wing . Whittier meets Derek , a campus D.J. who immediately takes an interest in her . Tina is very demanding and controlling and warns Whittier that Derek is not the type of boy she should be dating . Monica is bothered by Tina 's meddling , but Whittier momentarily lets her cheerleading ambition get the better of her , and betrays Derek . Then , Tina , upset with Monica 's sassy attitude , punishes her which leads to an injury and she forces Whittier to choose between her friendship and the squad . Whittier and Monica get fed up and quit Tina 's tyranny , but Whittier 's school spirit can not be suppressed . With Monica 's help , she gathers up the outcasts from the drama club , the dance club , and other groups that have lost their funding because of the squad and forms a ragtag squad of her own , determined to battle the varsity squad for a spot at the national championship . The two teams end up competing for the spot at nationals , with Whittier 's squad ultimately winning . Afterward , Whittier offers Tina a spot on her squad , a position that Tina initially refuses but ends up wanting . The film ends with Tina sucking up to Whittier and Monica , deciding she wants to be on their squad after all , while Marni comically throws a fit . Cast ( edit ) Anne Judson - Yager as Whittier Smith Bree Turner as Tina Hammersmith Kevin Cooney as Dean Sebastian Faune A. Chambers as Monica Bryce Johnson as Greg Richard Lee Jackson as Derek Bethany Joy Lenz as Marni Potts Holly Towne as Janice Dennis Hemphill Jr. as Francis Felicia Day as Penelope Hope Katherine Bailess as Colleen Lipman Joshua Gomez as Sammy Stinger Kelly Stables as Tiny Blonde Brian Wade as Fatneck Darren Geare as Croquet Teammate Jerry Trainor as Smug Guy References ( edit ) Jump up ^ DVD Talk External links ( edit ) Bring It On Again on IMDb Bring It On Again at AllMovie Bring It On Films Bring It On ( 2000 ) Again ( 2004 ) All or Nothing ( 2006 ) In It to Win It ( 2007 ) Fight to the Finish ( 2009 ) Worldwide # Cheersmack ( 2017 ) Musical Bring It On : The Musical Films directed by Damon Santostefano Fright Show ( 1985 ) Severed Ties ( 1992 ) Three to Tango ( 1999 ) Last Man Running ( 2003 ) Bring It On Again ( 2004 ) Another Cinderella Story ( 2008 ) Best Player ( 2011 ) A Cinderella Story : Once Upon a Song ( 2011 ) Pure Country : Pure Heart ( 2017 ) Marc Abraham Producer A Thousand Acres ( 1997 ) Playing God ( 1997 ) Trippin ' ( 1999 ) The Family Man ( 2000 ) Bring It On ( 2000 ) Spy Game ( 2001 ) The Emperor 's Club ( 2002 ) Tuck Everlasting ( 2002 ) The Rundown ( 2003 ) Bring It On Again ( 2004 ) Dawn of the Dead ( 2004 ) Children of Men ( 2006 ) Let 's Go to Prison ( 2006 ) Flash of Genius ( 2008 ) The Last Exorcism ( 2010 ) In Time ( 2011 ) The Thing ( 2011 ) The Man with the Iron Fists ( 2012 ) The Last Exorcism Part II ( 2013 ) RoboCop ( 2014 ) The Man with the Iron Fists 2 ( 2014 ) Director Flash of Genius ( 2008 ) I Saw the Light ( 2015 ) Related Eric Newman Strike Entertainment Beacon Pictures Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2004 films English - language films 2000s sequel films 2000s sports films 2000s teen comedy films 2004 direct - to - video films American direct - to - video films American films American sequel films American sports comedy films American teen comedy films Beacon Pictures films Bring It On ( film series ) Cheerleading films Direct - to - video comedy films Direct - to - video sequel films Films directed by Damon Santostefano Films produced by Marc Abraham Films shot in Los Angeles Teen sports films Universal Pictures direct - to - video films Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from December 2015 All articles needing additional references Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Català Deutsch Español Français Bahasa Indonesia Italiano Polski Português Русский Suomi Українська 4 more Edit links This page was last edited on 14 May 2018 , at 05 : 54 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
who plays marnie in bring it on again
Bethany Joy Lenz as Marni Potts
Brain - to - body mass ratio - wikipedia Brain - to - body mass ratio Jump to : navigation , search Brain - body mass ratio diagram Brain - to - body mass ratio , also known as the brain - to - body weight ratio , is the ratio of brain mass to body mass , which is hypothesised to be a rough estimate of the intelligence of an animal , although fairly inaccurate in many cases . A more complex measurement , encephalization quotient , takes into account allometric effects of widely divergent body sizes across several taxa . The raw brain - to - body mass ratio is however simpler to come by , and is still a useful tool for comparing encephalization within species or between fairly closely related species . Contents ( hide ) 1 Brain - body size relationship 2 Comparisons between groups 3 Critical comment 4 See also 5 References 6 External links Brain - body size relationship ( edit ) Shrews have among the highest brain - to - body mass ratio of all mammals The bony - eared assfish has the smallest known brain - to - body mass ratio of all vertebrates Brain size usually increases with body size in animals ( i.e. large animals usually have larger brains than smaller animals ) ; the relationship is not , however , linear . Small mammals such as mice may have a brain / body ratio similar to humans , while elephants have a comparatively lower brain / body ratio . In animals , it is thought that the larger the brain , the more brain weight will be available for more complex cognitive tasks . However , large animals need more neurons to represent their own bodies and control specific muscles ; thus , relative rather than absolute brain size makes for a ranking of animals that better coincides with the observed complexity of animal behaviour . The relationship between brain - to - body mass ratio and complexity of behaviour is not perfect as other factors also influence intelligence , like the evolution of the recent cerebral cortex and different degrees of brain folding , which increase the surface of the cortex , which is positively correlated in humans to intelligence . The noted exception to this , of course , are those suffering from swelling of the brain which , while resulting in greater surface area , does not alter intelligence . Comparisons between groups ( edit ) Species Brain : body mass ratio ( E : S ) small ants 1 : 7 tree shrew 1 : 10 small birds 1 : 14 mouse 1 : 40 human 1 : 50 cat 1 : 110 dog 1 : 125 squirrel 1 : 150 frog 1 : 172 lion 1 : 550 elephant 1 : 560 horse 1 : 600 shark 1 : 2496 hippopotamus 1 : 2789 See also : Cetacean intelligence § Brain size Dolphins have the highest brain - to - body weight ratio of all cetaceans . Monitor lizards , tegus and anoles and some tortoise species have the largest among reptiles . Among birds , the highest brain - to - body ratios are found among parrots , crows , magpies , jays and ravens . Among amphibians , the studies are still limited . Either octopuses or jumping spiders have some of the highest for an invertebrate , although some ant species have 14 % - 15 % of their mass in their brains , the highest value known for any animal . Sharks have one of the highest for fish alongside manta rays ( although the electrogenic elephantfish has a ratio nearly 80 times higher - about 1 / 32 , which is slightly higher than that for humans ) . The tiny shrew , which holds about 10 % of its body mass in its brain , has one of the highest brain - to - body mass ratios of any vertebrate . It is a trend that the larger the animal gets , the smaller the brain - to - body mass ratio is . Large whales have very small brains compared to their weight , and small rodents like mice have a relatively large brain , giving the same brain - to - body mass ratio as a human . One explanation could be that as an animal 's brain gets larger , the size of the neural cells remains the same , and more nerve cells will cause the brain to increase in size to a lesser degree than the rest of the body . This phenomenon can be described by an equation of the form E = CS , where E and S are brain and body weights , r a constant that depends on animal family ( but close to 2 / 3 in many vertebrates ) , and C is the cephalization factor . It has been argued that the animal 's ecological niche , rather than its evolutionary family , is the main determinant of its encephalization factor C . In the essay `` Bligh 's Bounty '' , Stephen Jay Gould noted that if one looks at vertebrates with very low encephalization quotient , their brains are slightly less massive than their spinal cords . Theoretically , intelligence might correlate with the absolute amount of brain an animal has after subtracting the weight of the spinal cord from the brain . This formula is useless for invertebrates because they do not have spinal cords , or in some cases , central nervous systems . Critical comment ( edit ) Recent research indicates that , in non-human primates , whole brain size is a better measure of cognitive abilities than brain - to - body mass ratio . The total weight of the species is greater than the predicted sample only if the frontal lobe is adjusted for spatial relation . The brain - to - body mass ratio was however found to be an excellent predictor of variation in problem solving abilities among carnivoran mammals . In humans , the brain to body weight ratio can vary greatly from person to person ; it would be much higher in an underweight person than an overweight person , and higher in infants than adults . The same problem is encountered when dealing with marine mammals , which may have considerable body fat masses . Some researchers therefore prefer lean body weight to brain mass as a better predictor . See also ( edit ) Cranial capacity Encephalization List of animals by number of neurons References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Development of Intelligence '' . . Retrieved 2011 - 05 - 12 . Jump up ^ Cairό , O. `` External measures of cognition '' . Front Hum Neurosci. 5 : 108 . PMC 3207484 . PMID 22065955 . doi : 10.3389 / fnhum. 2011.00108 . Jump up ^ Fine , M.L. ; Horn , M.H. ; Cox , B. ( 1987 - 03 - 23 ) . `` Acanthonus armatus , a Deep - Sea Teleost Fish with a Minute Brain and Large Ears '' . Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B : Biological Sciences . 230 ( 1259 ) : 257 -- 265 . ISSN 0962 - 8452 . PMID 2884671 . doi : 10.1098 / rspb. 1987.0018 . ^ Jump up to : `` Brain and Body Size ... and Intelligence '' . 2003 - 03 - 07 . Retrieved 2011 - 05 - 12 . Jump up ^ Hart , B.L. ; Hart , L.A. ; McCoy , M. ; Sarath , C.R. ( November 2001 ) . `` Cognitive behaviour in Asian elephants : use and modification of branches for fly switching '' . Animal Behaviour . Academic Press . 62 ( 5 ) : 839 -- 847 . doi : 10.1006 / anbe. 2001.1815 . Retrieved 2007 - 10 - 30 . Jump up ^ `` Cortical Folding and Intelligence '' . Retrieved 2008 - 09 - 15 . Jump up ^ Haier , R.J. ; Jung , R.E. ; Yeo , R.C. ; Head , K. ; Alkired , M.T. ( 2004 ) . `` Structural brain variation and general intelligence '' . NeuroImage. 23 ( 1 ) : 425 -- 433 . PMID 15325390 . doi : 10.1016 / j. neuroimage. 2004.04. 025 . Jump up ^ Seid , M.A. ; Castillo , A. ; Wcislo , W.T. ( 2011 ) . `` The Allometry of Brain Miniaturization in Ants '' . Brain , Behavior and Evolution. 77 ( 1 ) : 5 -- 13 . PMID 21252471 . doi : 10.1159 / 000322530 . Jump up ^ Marino , L. ; Sol , D. ; Toren , K. & Lefebvre , L. ( 2006 ) . `` Does diving limit brain size in cetaceans ? '' ( PDF ) . Marine Mammal Science . 22 ( 2 ) : 413 -- 425 . doi : 10.1111 / j. 1748 - 7692.2006. 00042. x . ^ Jump up to : Gould ( 1977 ) Ever since Darwin , c7s1 Jump up ^ `` Jumping Spider Vision '' . Retrieved 2009 - 10 - 28 . Jump up ^ Nilsson , Göran E. ( 1996 ) . `` Brain And Body Oxygen Requirements Of Gnathonemus Petersii , A Fish With An Exceptionally Large Brain '' ( PDF ) . The Journal of Experimental Biology . 199 ( 3 ) : 603 -- 607 . ^ Jump up to : Pagel M.D. , Harvey P.H. ( 1989 ) . `` Taxonomic differences in the scaling of brain on body weight among mammals '' . Science . 244 : 1589 -- 93 . Jump up ^ `` Bligh 's Bounty '' . Archived from the original on 2001 - 07 - 09 . Retrieved 2011 - 05 - 12 . Jump up ^ `` Overall Brain Size , and Not Encephalization Quotient , Best Predicts Cognitive Ability across Non-Human Primates '' . Brain Behav Evol. 70 : 115 -- 124 . 2007 . doi : 10.1159 / 000102973 . Jump up ^ Benson - Amram , S. ; Dantzer , B. ; Stricker , G. ; Swanson , E.M. ; Holekamp , K.E. ( 25 January 2016 ) . `` Brain size predicts problem - solving ability in mammalian carnivores '' ( PDF ) . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . 113 : 201505913 . PMC 4780594 . PMID 26811470 . doi : 10.1073 / pnas. 1505913113 . Retrieved 29 January 2016 . External links ( edit ) ( DEAD LINK ) A graph of body mass vs. brain mass `` Bligh 's Bounty '' -- Stephen Jay Gould Suzana Herculano Houzel : What is so special about the human brain TED talk , June 2013 . ( hide ) Animal cognition Cognition Animal communication Animal consciousness Animal language Cognitive bias in animals Cognitive ethology Comparative cognition Elephant cognition Emotion in animals Mirror test Neuroethology Observational learning Primate cognition Tool use by animals Vocal learning Intelligence Bird talking Cat Cephalopod Cetacean Dinosaur Dog Fish Hominid Swarm Pain Pain in amphibians Pain in animals Pain in cephalopods Pain in crustaceans Pain in fish Pain in invertebrates Relation to brain Brain size Brain - to - body mass ratio Encephalization quotient Neuroscience and intelligence Number of neurons Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Animal cognition Mass Animal intelligence Talk Contents About Wikipedia Català Dansk Español فارسی Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Edit links This page was last edited on 15 September 2017 , at 17 : 07 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
list of animals by brain to body ratio
Species Brain : body mass ratio ( E : S ) small ants 1 : 7 tree shrew 1 : 10 small birds 1 : 14 mouse 1 : 40 human 1 : 50 cat 1 : 110 dog 1 : 125 squirrel 1 : 150 frog 1 : 172 lion 1 : 550 elephant 1 : 560 horse 1 : 600 shark 1 : 2496 hippopotamus 1 : 2789
Holy War ( Utah vs. BYU ) - wikipedia Holy War ( Utah vs. BYU ) Jump to : navigation , search Holy War ( Utah vs BYU ) Utah Utes BYU Cougars Sport American college football First meeting April 6 , 1896 Utah 12 , BYU 4 Latest meeting September 9 , 2017 LaVell Edwards Stadium Provo , Utah Utah 19 , BYU 13 Next meeting November 24 , 2018 Rice - Eccles Stadium Salt Lake City Trophy Beehive Boot Statistics Meetings total 98 All - time series Utah leads , 60 -- 34 -- 4 Largest victory Utah : 49 -- 0 ( 1922 ) BYU : 56 -- 6 ( 1980 ) Longest win streak Utah : 9 ( 1929 -- 1937 ) BYU : 9 ( 1979 -- 1987 ) Current win streak Utah , 7 ( 2010 -- present ) The Holy War is an American college football rivalry game played by the University of Utah Utes and Brigham Young University Cougars . The game is part of the larger Utah -- BYU rivalry . In this rivalry context , the term `` Holy War '' refers to the fact that BYU is owned and administered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints ( LDS ) and the University of Utah is a public university owned and administered by the State of Utah . Although many Utah fans are LDS members , the term `` Holy War '' also refers to the stark cultural differences of the respective fan bases . The proximity of the two schools , the athletic successes of the two teams , and the longevity of the series also contribute to the rivalry . Both teams played in the same conference from 1922 to 2010 and the Holy War game often decided the conference title . Despite Utah moving to the Pac - 12 Conference in 2011 and BYU becoming an independent that same year , the two universities agreed to play between 2011 and 2013 prior to a brief interruption in the series for 2014 and 2015 -- the first since 1943 to 1945 , when BYU did not field a team due to World War II . Games between 2016 and 2020 were also subsequently booked , which might precede another break in the series . The two - year hiatus of 2014 -- 2015 was unexpectedly cut short when the 2015 Las Vegas Bowl pitted BYU against Utah , creating the `` Holy War in Sin City '' in the postseason . Contents ( hide ) 1 Rivalry components 1.1 Religion 1.2 Longevity 1.3 Proximity 1.4 Successful teams 1.5 Fan base comparisons 2 Series history 2.1 The Brigham Young Academy years 2.2 Utah 's early dominance 2.3 The LaVell Edwards era 2.3. 1 1977 -- 1981 : Edwards versus Howard 2.3. 1.1 Wayne Howard 's Crusade 2.3. 1.2 Jim McMahon says , `` Scoreboard . '' 2.3. 2 1982 -- 1984 : Edwards versus Stobart 2.3. 2.1 National Champions 2.3. 3 1985 -- 1989 : Edwards versus Fassel 2.3. 3.1 The Rice Bowl 2.3. 3.2 Revenge 2.4 The modern rivalry 2.4. 1 1990 -- 2000 : Edwards versus McBride 2.4. 1.1 The Kaneshiro Doink 2.4. 1.2 Utah cheerleader pummels an aggressive fan 2.4. 1.3 Edwards ' last game 2.4. 2 2001 and 2002 : Crowton versus McBride 2.4. 3 2003 and 2004 : Crowton versus Meyer 2.4. 3.1 Scoring streak ends 2.4. 3.2 BCS busters 2.4. 4 2005 -- 2015 : Mendenhall versus Whittingham 2.4. 4.1 First overtime game 2.4. 4.2 Beck to Harline 2.4. 4.3 Magic happens . 2.4. 4.4 BCS busting ... again 2.4. 4.5 Second overtime game 2.4. 4.6 Burton 's block 2.4. 4.7 Shock and awe 2.4. 4.8 Fandemonium 2.4. 4.9 Twenty - Thirteen in 2013 2.4. 4.10 2015 Las Vegas Bowl 2.4. 5 2016 -- present : Whittingham versus Sitake 2.4. 5.1 2016 : Hindsight is 20 -- 20 2.4. 5.2 2017 3 Future games 4 Game results 5 See also 6 References Rivalry components ( edit ) There are a number of components that make the Holy War particularly fierce . The University of Utah and Brigham Young University are the two biggest colleges in the state of Utah . There is a stark contrast between the campuses and student bodies , as one is a religious institution while the other is a public university . As the name of the rivalry implies , religion is a large component to the rivalry . Brigham Young University is owned by the LDS church , and thus imposes religious restrictions upon its students . Although both are dry campuses , variation between the religious student body at BYU and more lax , traditional university student body of Utah creates further animosity between the two schools . The long length of rivalry is also a major element . Religion ( edit ) There 's too much religion involved . I did not like that . I really did n't . -- Former Utah head coach Wayne Howard The University of Utah is the flagship university of the state of Utah , while Brigham Young University is the flagship university of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints ( LDS Church ) . The matchup has been described as taking on religious , or `` church vs. state '' undertones . Utah fans may drink alcohol or swear around BYU fans , both of which are known to be forbidden by the Church Educational System Honor Code , which all BYU students and faculty are required to maintain . In 2013 , two Utah football players videotaped a mock baptism in their practice facility tub that some BYU fans believed was mocking the LDS ordinance of baptism . Longevity ( edit ) The two schools disagree on when the first game was played . Utah claims that the first game was played in 1896 against Brigham Young Academy . BYU 's athletic website shows their schedule dating back to 1922 , but no earlier . Utah claims a lead of 58 -- 34 -- 4 , while BYU claims Utah leads 55 -- 31 -- 4 . BYU does not count the six games between Utah and Brigham Young Academy in its records . Utah has a large lead in the overall series and has dominated the rivalry both prior to 1972 ( 41 -- 8 -- 4 ) and after 1992 ( 18 -- 7 ) . In stark contrast , from 1972 to 1992 BYU dominated the series with a record of 19 -- 2 versus Utah . Since 1983 , when BYU won 55 -- 7 , the largest point spread is 44 points , which occurred in 2011 when Utah won 54 -- 10 in Provo . Utah 's average margin of victory in the games it has won since 2000 is 14 points , while BYU 's is four points . The Cougars have n't had a dominating victory over Utah since 1996 ( 37 -- 17 ) , while the Utes have notched three blowout wins ( 2004 , 2008 , 2011 ) in the series ' most recent 10 games . Proximity ( edit ) When Brigham Young came into the valley , he pointed to where the University of Utah would be and said , `` This is the place . '' Provo was just an afterthought . -- Former Utah Head Coach Ron McBride BYU , which is in Provo , Utah , and the University of Utah , which is in Salt Lake City , are about 50 miles ( 80 km ) apart and approximately an hour 's drive away on Interstate 15 . Consequently , the two teams compete for recruits and fan support . It is not uncommon for friends , neighbors , and even family members to have opposite allegiances . Successful teams ( edit ) While the two teams have not necessarily been strong at the same time , the two teams had the most conference championships in the Mountain West Conference ( MW ) before both left the MW in 2011 . Each team has had four conference championships since the creation of the MW in 1999 . Including championships of other conferences , Utah has 24 conference championships in its history , while BYU has 23 . Both of these numbers are well ahead of the current MW member with the most conference championships , Colorado State , who has 15 . Other than the 2011 meeting , the recent games in the Holy War have tended to be close , with the final score of fifteen of the last nineteen games being within a touchdown ( seven points , including a successful conversion kick ) or less . BYU lays claim to a consensus national championship for going undefeated in 1984 and beating Michigan in the 1984 Holiday Bowl . During the era of the now - defunct Bowl Championship Series ( 1998 -- 2013 ) , Utah played in two BCS bowls : the 2005 Fiesta Bowl ( a 35 -- 7 victory over Pitt ) and the 2009 Sugar Bowl ( a 31 -- 17 victory over Alabama ) . For these BCS bowl victories , Utah finished ranked in the AP Poll # 4 and # 2 , respectively . Many sports media members and observers , including ESPN 's Rick Reilly , argued that Utah ( the nation 's lone undefeated FBS team ) should have been awarded the AP National Championship and should have been selected to play Florida in the BCS title game . Fan base comparisons ( edit ) In 2011 the New York Times polled fans of all current FBS schools to rank them according to the size of their respective fan bases . BYU was ranked # 43 nationally with 709,864 people self - identifying as BYU fans while Utah was ranked # 67 with 351,939 people self - identifying as fans . In 2016 Utah saw an average of 46,506 fans attend home games and 41,303 fans on the road ( including a bowl game ) . Rice - Eccles Stadium holds a maximum of 45,807 meaning that the stadium was typically over capacity and utilized standing - room - only areas . BYU averaged 58,569 fans at home and 44,296 at away games . LaVell Edwards Stadium has a capacity of 63,470 . Series history ( edit ) The Brigham Young Academy years ( edit ) Before 1903 , BYU was known as Brigham Young Academy ( BYA ) . During the 1890s , Utah and BYA played six times in football . The two schools split the series 3 -- 3 . The first meeting was an unusual April contest that Utah won 12 -- 4 . BYA stopped playing football in 1900 , following a player death , and did not start again until 1922 , after it had become Brigham Young University ( BYU ) . BYU does not recognize these first six meetings as it only recognizes football games played from 1922 onward . Utah 's early dominance ( edit ) After twenty - three years of not having a team , BYU resumed play for the 1922 season . Utah began its early dominance over BYU with a 49 -- 0 victory on October 14 , 1922 . BYU would not get another win in the series until 1942 , when the Cougars shocked the Utes 12 -- 7 at Utah . The rivalry then took a hiatus from 1943 to 1945 because BYU did not field a team due to World War II . When the rivalry continued in 1946 , the Utes continued their domination over the Cougars , winning or tying the next twelve contests . Save for a three - year BYU winning streak from 1965 -- 1967 , the rivalry continued this trend through the 1971 season , at which point Utah had amassed a 41 -- 8 -- 4 (. 811 ) record against BYU . The LaVell Edwards era ( edit ) In 1972 , the rivalry shifted in favor of BYU . The Cougars had hired LaVell Edwards and in his first season , BYU beat Utah 16 -- 7 for BYU 's first victory over Utah in four years . The win signaled the beginning of BYU 's dominance against Utah . From 1972 to 1992 , BYU went 19 -- 2 (. 905 ) against Utah . During those years , Utah went through a series of coaches that all ended with losing records against LaVell Edwards and BYU . Bill Meek 's Utes went 0 -- 2 against Edwards during Meek 's last two years ( 1972 -- 1973 ) . Tom Lovat ( 1974 -- 1976 ) was 0 -- 3 . Wayne Howard ( 1977 -- 1981 ) was 1 -- 4 . Chuck Stobart ( 1982 -- 1984 ) was 0 -- 3 . Jim Fassel was 1 -- 4 . Finally , Utah found some success when it hired Ron McBride in 1990 . McBride would finish with a 5 -- 6 record against LaVell Edwards , but he started with three consecutive losses to Edwards . 1977 -- 1981 : Edwards versus Howard ( edit ) Wayne Howard 's crusade ( edit ) The hatred between BYU and Utah is nothing compared to what it will be . It will be a crusade to beat BYU from now on . -- Utah coach Wayne Howard , 1977 During the 1977 meeting , BYU was on the way to winning in a 38 -- 8 blowout . Nonetheless , LaVell Edwards put starting quarterback Marc Wilson back into the game so Wilson could set an NCAA record for passing yards . Wilson succeeded in setting the record ( subsequently broken ) and finished the game with 571 passing yards . The incident infuriated Utah head coach Wayne Howard . After the game , he said , `` This today will be inspiring . The hatred between BYU and Utah is nothing compared to what it will be . It will be a crusade to beat BYU from now on . This is a prediction : in the next two years Utah will drill BYU someday , but we wo n't run up the score even if we could set an NCAA record against them . '' The next year , Wayne Howard made good on his promise . The Utes came from behind to upset the Cougars 23 -- 22 . The 1978 win was Utah 's first against a LaVell Edwards coached BYU team . Jim McMahon says , `` scoreboard . '' ( edit ) What I hated the most about BYU was getting trounced . -- Former Utah tight end Steve Folsom During the 1980 Holy War , BYU quarterback Jim McMahon helped engineer a blowout . Most of the game he was heckled by a contingent of Utah fans at Rice Stadium . After throwing for another touchdown late in the 56 -- 6 win , he simply pointed at the scoreboard to quiet the hecklers . The game was in the midst of a 12 -- 1 BYU season . It was also their second consecutive win against Utah and their eighth win out of the last nine games against Utah . The fifty point margin of victory is the largest for either team in the series . 1982 -- 1984 : Edwards versus Stobart ( edit ) National champions ( edit ) On November 17 , 1984 , BYU entered the Holy War 10 -- 0 and ranked # 3 in the AP Poll . BYU overcame several turnovers to win 24 -- 14 . BYU would finish the season 13 -- 0 and the only undefeated team in Division I-A ( now the Football Bowl Subdivision ) . They were voted number one in the final AP Poll as well as the Coaches ' Poll to become consensus national champions . This was the last time a team outside the current Power Five conferences won a national championship ; the next most recent was Army in 1945 . 1985 -- 1989 : Edwards versus Fassel ( edit ) The Rice Bowl ( edit ) In 1988 , Utah had not beaten BYU since 1978 and entered the Holy War as 11 - point underdogs . Utah had a mediocre 5 -- 5 record while BYU was 8 -- 2 and had already accepted an invitation to the Freedom Bowl . BYU looked ready to humiliate the Utes again . Instead Utah and quarterback Scott Mitchell jumped on BYU early and took a 21 -- 0 lead on the way to winning 57 -- 28 . The 1988 team set a series record for points scored against BYU -- a record that stands today . The game came to be known locally as `` the Rice Bowl '' because the game was played at Utah 's Rice Stadium . Revenge ( edit ) It was just as easy as it looked . It was like we were running against air . It was easy to break tackles and find holes . Their defense did n't seem to be there . -- BYU running back Fred Whittingham The next year , in 1989 , BYU got their revenge . They set a series record by scoring 70 against Utah . BYU jumped to a 49 -- 0 lead before Utah scored its first touchdown just before halftime . Behind quarterback Ty Detmer , BYU would score eight touchdowns on its first eight possessions and amass over 750 yards of total offense during the 70 -- 31 win . Utah would score three touchdowns in the fourth quarter against BYU 's reserves . The 101 points the two teams scored is still a series record . The modern rivalry ( edit ) By the mid-1990s , the Cougars ' success leveled off from the years of the 1970s and ' 80s . Around this time , the Utes also improved significantly , and the rivalry became much more competitive . 1990 -- 2000 : Edwards versus McBride ( edit ) The rivalry began to change in 1993 , during Ron McBride 's fourth season as head coach , the Utes won their first game in Provo in twenty - two seasons and their first since LaVell Edwards became BYU head coach . Late in the fourth quarter , Utah 's kicker Chris Yergensen , who had already missed two out of three field goals on the day , attempted to break the 31 -- 31 tie . This time , Yergensen did not miss and kicked the game - winning 55 - yard field goal , the longest of his career , with less than a minute remaining . All those guys think that 's all there is to life . But when I 'm making $50 -- 60,000 a year , they 'll be pumping my gas . They 're low - class losers . -- BYU nose guard Lenny Gomes on Utah and its fans , 1993 After the win , Utah fans and players attempted to tear down the north end zone goalpost at what was then Cougar Stadium . Cougar players returned to the field to protect the goalpost from being torn down . About the incident , Lenny Gomes , a BYU nose guard , said , `` Typical Utah bullshit . All those guys think that 's all there is to life . But when I 'm making $50 -- 60,000 a year , they 'll be pumping my gas . They 're low - class losers . '' The remark is still remembered in rivalry history today . The 1994 season was McBride 's best , as he led the Utes to a 10 -- 2 record and a top - 10 finish in national rankings . The Utes and Cougars also staged one of the best matchups in the rivalry 's history , meeting for the first time as top - 25 ranked teams . The Utes won the game 34 -- 31 , which was coincidentally the same score of their meeting a year before . Utah ran its rivalry winning streak up to three games a year later , with a 34 -- 17 win at BYU . The Utes and Cougars would trade wins and losses the next couple of years , before the 2000 season . The Kaneshiro doink ( edit ) In 1998 , the first Holy War was played at the newly renovated Rice - Eccles Stadium . BYU entered the game with an 8 -- 3 ( 6 -- 1 WAC ) record and was playing for a berth in the WAC Championship game . Utah entered the game with a 7 -- 3 ( 5 -- 2 WAC ) record and was hoping to land a bowl game and spoil BYU 's WAC Championship hopes . BYU took a 26 -- 17 lead when Owen Pochman connected on a 47 - yard field goal with 2 : 41 left to play in the game . On the ensuing kickoff , Utah 's Daniel Jones returned the ball 95 yards to cut the lead to 26 -- 24 . Utah 's defense held BYU and forced them to punt . Utah moved the ball to the 15 - yard line where Ryan Kaneshiro attempted a 32 - yard field goal . The attempt bounced off the right upright , which preserved the win for BYU and caused the goalpost to shake from the `` doink '' . Utah cheerleader pummels an aggressive fan ( edit ) Even our cheerleaders are kicking your butt . -- Utah wide receiver Steve Smith , 1999 During the 1999 edition of the Holy War , Utah recorded its fourth consecutive win in Provo . Early in the fourth quarter , Utah scored a touchdown when quarterback T.D. Crowshaw completed a four - yard - pass to Donny Utu to put Utah up 20 -- 10 . In celebration , Utah cheerleader Billy Priddis ran along the visitor 's sideline with a large `` U '' flag . A BYU fan who was later banned from the BYU campus , ran onto the sideline and tackled Priddis from behind . Priddis turned around and started punching the fan . He landed seven or eight punches before security separated them . About the incident , Priddis said , `` '' There 's 65,000 fans here , does he think I 'm not going to retaliate ? '' From now on we 're going to leave our flags at home and they should do the same . -- BYU Athletic Director Val Hale , 1999 From the Utah sideline , receiver Steve Smith taunted BYU fans and yelled , `` Even our cheerleaders are kicking your butt . '' BYU 's athletic director Val Hale purported to have chastised Priddis and the rest of the Utah cheerleaders . After the game , he said , `` I told them from now on we 're going to leave our flags at home and they should do the same . All it does is initiate the fans to throw things out of the stands . '' Edwards ' last game ( edit ) Entering the 2000 season , legendary head coach LaVell Edwards announced that he was retiring . His final game as Cougars head coach came against the Utes in Salt Lake City , where BYU won 34 -- 27 with an exciting last - minute drive that ended on a touchdown with little time remaining on the clock . 2001 and 2002 : Crowton versus McBride ( edit ) In 2001 , under new head coach Gary Crowton , BYU entered their game against Utah undefeated and looking to become the first team from outside the BCS to play in a BCS bowl game . A tight game ended with a comeback by BYU . BYU running back Luke Staley raced down the sideline with 1 : 16 left to play to make it 24 -- 21 and BYU DB Jenaro Gilford intercepted a pass on the ensuing Ute drive to seal the victory . The win gave the Cougars consecutive wins against the Utes for the first time in nearly ten years . The Cougs , however , failed to bust the BCS , losing to Hawai ʻi in their final game . McBride , who had guided Utah to six bowl games and three bowl wins , entered the 2002 rivalry game in danger of being fired . The Utes had struggled all season long and even with their 13 -- 6 victory against BYU , Utah finished with their second losing season in three years . The 5 -- 6 finish sealed McBride 's fate and he was fired in 2002 ; Weber State University hired him in December 2004 . 2003 and 2004 : Crowton versus Meyer ( edit ) Urban Meyer was hired to replace Ron McBride . Under Meyer , Utah players were not allowed to use the name BYU and began referring rather to the Team Down South or TDS ( BYU being about 50 miles south of the University of Utah ) , imitating Ohio State coach Woody Hayes practice of referring to Michigan as `` that team up north . '' This reference has become a tradition among some Utah fans . Scoring streak ends ( edit ) See also : List of most consecutive games scoring in NCAA football In Meyer 's first season , the Utes won the Mountain West Conference and finished 10 -- 2 , which was their best record since the 1994 season . The last game of the regular season , Utah beat BYU for the second straight year with a 3 -- 0 victory . The victory snapped BYU 's NCAA record for scoring in 361 straight games -- BYU 's first shutout since a 20 -- 0 loss to Arizona State on September 25 , 1975 . BCS busters ( edit ) Utah fans carry the goalpost after the Utes defeated the Cougars to complete a perfect regular season I really hate them . Playing in the game helped me understand . They are the most arrogant people . It 's the whole church and state thing . They 're the `` good kids . '' We 're the `` bad kids . '' I did n't feel it in my gut last year like I do now . -- Utah quarterback Alex Smith , 2004 In 2004 Utah would have its best season up to that point , going 12 -- 0 and becoming the first team from outside the BCS to play in a BCS bowl game . They went on to win their matchup against Pittsburgh in the 2005 Fiesta Bowl . The Utes final regular season game , a 52 -- 21 victory over BYU , clinched the invitation to a BCS bowl . Urban Meyer then left Utah for Florida . After the 2004 season , Gary Crowton resigned after finishing with his third consecutive losing season . 2005 -- 2015 : Mendenhall versus Whittingham ( edit ) In 2005 , Bronco Mendenhall and Kyle Whittingham started as head coaches at their respective programs . Whittingham was offered the job at BYU before turning it down and accepting the position at Utah . This has added to the rivalry between the two coaches . Whittingham won the overall series against Mendenhall with a tally of 7 -- 3 . Eight of the ten games were decided by a touchdown or less . In a December 17 , 2009 column , writer Stewart Mandel called the coaching rivalry the best coaching rivalry of that decade . First overtime game ( edit ) The 2005 season saw some striking parallels between the two programs . Both had replaced their former head coaches , struggled through parts of their seasons , and would finish the regular season with 6 -- 5 records . When the two met in Provo in November 2005 , BYU was looking for its first win against the Utes in three seasons . Utah was looking for a winning record and a shot at a bowl game . BYU entered as the favorite because Utah would be playing without its starting quarterback and its best wide receiver , who had been injured in their previous game . The Utes were starting JC transfer Brett Ratliff who had taken just three snaps the week before . Ratliff surprised the Cougars by completing 17 of 32 passes for 240 yards and four touchdowns , and rushing for 112 yards on 19 carries and a touchdown . He was responsible for all five Utah touchdowns . The Utes won 41 -- 34 . Beck to Harline ( edit ) When the two teams met again in November 2006 , this time in Salt Lake City , BYU jumped out to an early lead , then fell behind and trailed for much of the game , but finally won it 33 -- 31 with an impressive last - minute drive , capped by a touchdown pass from John Beck to Jonny Harline with no time on the clock . The win gave BYU an undefeated record of 8 -- 0 in Mountain West Conference play . Harline caught the pass on his knees in the end zone with no Utah defender near him . The play led to BYU fans creating and wearing T - shirts reading `` Harline 's still open . '' Magic happens ( edit ) Obviously , when you 're doing what 's right on and off the field , I think the Lord steps in and plays a part in it . Magic happens . -- BYU wide receiver Austin Collie , 2007 In 2007 , the teams clashed on November 24 , in what was a mostly defensive game . The game 's first 12 points were only field goals , BYU 's Mitch Payne scoring 9 points . Utah then scored the first touchdown , taking the lead 10 -- 9 . In the fourth quarter , BYU came back with a late - game drive that included a 4th and 18 from its own 12 - yard line . Four plays later , freshman running back Harvey Unga bulled into the endzone to win it 17 -- 10 . Austin Collie , who caught the Max Hall pass to convert the 4th and 18 to a first down said about the play , `` I would n't say it was lucky . We executed the play well . We should have had another one . Obviously , when you 're doing what 's right on and off the field , I think the Lord steps in and plays a part in it . Magic happens . '' The comment further fueled the religious animosity between the two teams . BCS busting ... again ( edit ) Only four years removed from shocking the college football world in 2004 and becoming the first team from outside the BCS to bust into the BCS , Utah returned to the national stage by going undefeated throughout the year . The game was fairly even until Utah scored a touchdown with 15 seconds left in the half to put the Utes up by 10 . In the second half , BYU cut the lead to three by the end of the third quarter but could n't keep Utah out of the endzone in the fourth quarter . Utah would score three times in the final quarter to win 48 -- 24 . Utah was then invited to the Allstate Sugar Bowl to play against Alabama . Utah once again shocked the world by beating the Crimson Tide 31 -- 17 after Utah jumped out to a 21 -- 0 lead in the first quarter . Second overtime game ( edit ) File : Utah Utes vs. BYU Cougars , 2009 -- Flickr image 4158421474. jpg BYU fans storm the field after the overtime win of the Cougars in the 2009 game I do n't like Utah . In fact , I hate them . I hate everything about them . I hate their program , their fans . I hate everything . It felt really good to send those guys home . -- BYU quarterback Max Hall , 2009 In 2009 , in the second overtime game in series history , BYU defeated Utah 26 -- 23 . BYU held a 20 -- 6 lead entering the fourth quarter . Utah scored 14 fourth - quarter points to force overtime , but their comeback fell short . Utah managed a field goal in overtime to take a 23 -- 20 lead , but on BYU 's possession , Max Hall connected to tight end Andrew George for a 25 - yard touchdown reception and the victory . The game was dubbed `` George is still running '' by BYU fans . During the postgame press conference , Hall was asked if he felt he had redeemed himself for his performance in the previous year 's game in which he had five interceptions and one fumble . Hall responded , `` A little bit , yeah . I do n't like Utah . In fact , I hate them . I hate everything about them . I hate their program . I hate their fans . I hate everything . So , it feels good to send those guys home . They did n't deserve it . It was our time and it was our time to win . We deserved it . We played as hard as we could tonight , and it felt really good to send them home and to get them out of here , so it is a game I 'll always remember . '' When asked for a clarification and whether he really hated Utah , Hall said , `` I think the whole university and their fans and organization is classless . They threw beer on my family and stuff last year , and did a whole bunch of nasty things . I do n't respect them , and they deserve to lose . '' The next day , Hall issued an apology for his `` remarks '' . He alleged that his `` family was spit on , had beer dumped on them and were physically assaulted on several occasions '' during the previous year 's game at Rice - Eccles Stadium . Burton 's block ( edit ) For 2010 , the game was played at Rice - Eccles Stadium in Salt Lake City . It was the last game for the two teams as conference rivals . BYU entered the game with a 6 -- 5 while Utah came in at 9 -- 2 . In a low scoring affair , BYU scored two field goals , one in each of the first two quarters , to lead 6 -- 0 at halftime . In the third quarter , the Cougars got a touchdown on a 21 - yard pass play from Jake Heaps to McKay Jacobson , to take a 13 -- 0 lead . The fourth quarter began with Utah scoring a 40 - yard field goal , cutting the lead to 13 -- 3 , and then after Utah recovered a BYU fumble , Utah capitalized with a 37 - yard touchdown pass from Jordan Wynn to DeVonte Christopher to make the score 13 -- 10 . The Cougars responded with a field goal , to make it 16 -- 10 . Utah responded to a series of turnovers with a Matt Asiata touchdown on a 3 - yard run to make it 17 -- 16 with 4 : 24 remaining . BYU then drove down the field to Utah 's 22 - yard line , to set up Mitch Payne for a game - winning field goal with 4 seconds remaining . However , Utah cornerback Brandon Burton raced from the outside to block the kick and secure a 17 -- 16 Utah victory . Rivalry tensions were heightened in the play 's aftermath , as several Utah players taunted the Cougars trying to leave the field . Matt Martinez , a Utah linebacker , was seen shoving senior BYU kicker Mitch Payne . Shock and awe ( edit ) With Utah having left for the Pac - 12 and BYU declaring conference independence , the 2011 BYU home game against Utah was the rivalry 's first non-conference game since 1898 . BYU suffered a rough start on its opening drive , when on its third play , the ball was snapped over quarterback Jake Heaps ' head and recovered for a touchdown by Utah DE Derrick Shelby . The remainder of the 1st quarter held similar luck for BYU , with Running back JJ Di'Luigi fumbling on 1st and Goal from the Utah 6 - yard line . The 2nd quarter proved more competitive with BYU completing a 32 - yard TD pass to WR Ross Apo . Utah answered with 30 - yard TD pass from QB Jordan Wynn to freshman TE Jake Murphy , just two minutes before the half . Utah led at halftime 14 -- 10 . After a first half that seemed to promise the typical nail - biter game that the last decade of the rivalry had shown , it was anything but . The Utes scored 40 unanswered points in the 2nd half ( a total of 47 unanswered ) . Turnovers continued to plague BYU , who would finish with 7 , including JD Falslev 's mishandled kickoff return at their own 6 - yard line , QB Jake Heaps fumble at their own 6 - yard line , and QB Riley Nelson 's ( substituted in for Heaps in the 4th quarter ) fumble after being sacked , returned 57 yards for a TD by freshman LB V.J Fehoko . The final result of 54 -- 10 was the largest margin of victory for either team in the Holy War since a 55 -- 7 BYU victory in 1983 , and Utah 's second - largest margin of victory ever in the Holy War . Utah 's 54 points were the second most the Utes had ever scored against BYU . Fandemonium ( edit ) The 2012 incarnation of the Holy War ended in dramatic and odd fashion . Utah went into the 4th quarter up 17 points , but the BYU offense brought it within 3 . With less than 30 seconds remaining , BYU quarterback Riley Nelson successfully drove into Utah territory on 4th and long with a 40 - yard pass to wide receiver , Cody Hoffman . On what was thought to be the final play of the game , Nelson 's deflected pass fell incomplete as time seemingly expired and the Utah fans rushed the field . The pass , however , was shown to hit the ground with one second left , giving BYU an opportunity to kick a field goal from 51 yards ( once the fans had been cleared from the field of play ) . On the attempt , the kick was blocked , the ball recovered by BYU , and the runner subsequently tackled . However , Utah fans again rushed the field , this time before the play was over , thus earning a penalty that gave BYU another chance at a field goal , this one from only 36 yards . That attempt was unsuccessful , however , when the kick hit the left upright and went awry , leading Utah fans to rush the field for a third and final time . Utah won the game 24 -- 21 . Twenty - thirteen in 2013 ( edit ) Not conference mates any longer , Utah and BYU played the 2013 game with the understanding it would be the final contest until 2016 -- a fact that served as motivation for both teams to avoid having to endure a defeat for three calendar years . Utah dominated the first half 13 -- 0 and quieted the raucous crowd at LaVell Edwards Stadium . BYU did n't score their first points , a field goal , until 11 : 39 remaining in the third quarter and the Cougars tacked on another exactly six minutes later . Utah , though , responded with a 79 - yard touchdown drive to extend its lead to 20 -- 6 with 12 : 44 remaining in regulation . BYU did n't score its first touchdown , a one - yard run by running back Michael Alisa , until 5 : 44 left in the game to close the gap to seven points . After holding and false start penalties forced a three - and - out on Utah 's next possession , BYU quarterback Taysom Hill was intercepted on the Cougars ' next drive with a little more than 90 seconds remaining -- appearing to seal the win for Utah . After another three - and - out for Utah , though , BYU received the ball near midfield with 39 seconds left and one final chance to tie the game . However , four straight incomplete passes by Hill -- including a Hail Mary attempt to receiver Mitch Mathews as time expired , during which he committed offensive pass interference by pulling a Utah defensive back to the ground -- punctuated Utah 's fourth straight win over BYU and sent the Utes into the three - year hiatus on a resounding high . 2015 Las Vegas Bowl ( edit ) I 'm lucky enough to be one of the many players on the football team that actually has never lost to these bastards , which leads me to end and say , this is Utah 's world and BYU 's living in it . -- Utah punter Tom Hackett , 2015 The planned hiatus for 2014 -- 2015 was unexpectedly cut short . On December 6 , 2015 , it was announced that BYU would play Utah on December 19 , 2015 in the Las Vegas Bowl . It was the first time the teams met in the postseason and the first Holy War game to be played at a neutral site . During the build - up to the game , the pot was stirred by Utah 's two - time Ray Guy Award - winning Australian punter Tom Hackett . At a pregame event , Hackett called the Cougars `` bastards '' , and finished by saying `` this is Utah 's world and BYU 's living in it . '' Less than eight minutes had passed before Utah took a 35 -- 0 lead in the game . The Utes set a Las Vegas Bowl record for points in the first quarter , scoring five touchdowns off of five BYU turnovers . The Utes did not play as well over the remainder of the game , allowing BYU to score 28 unanswered points before holding on for a 35 -- 28 win , ending Bronco Mendenhall 's last game as BYU 's head coach with a loss . 2016 -- present : Whittingham versus Sitake ( edit ) 2016 : hindsight is 20 -- 20 ( edit ) The first offensive play from scrimmage in the 2016 game resulted in a Utah pick - six . However , Utah turned the ball over several times , which led to two BYU fields goals and a touchdown late in the 2nd Quarter . Utah answered with a touchdown of their own and held a slim 14 -- 13 lead as the teams headed into the locker rooms for halftime . After a field goal in the third quarter , Utah led 17 -- 13 as it used most of the time in the fourth on a 19 - play drive that eventually stalled inside the ten yard line of BYU . The choice to kick the field goal left BYU with one chance to overcome the 20 -- 13 deficit with 2 : 47 to go . BYU drove for a touchdown with 18 seconds to play . Rather than kick the PAT to make it 20 -- 20 , BYU first year coach Kalani Sitake decided to go for the two point conversion and the win . Quarterback Taysom Hill ran the ball up the middle on a draw , but got nowhere as Utah defenders stuffed him at the three - yard line and preserved the Utah victory , 20 -- 19 . 2017 ( edit ) On September 9 , 2017 , Utah headed to Provo looking to defeat BYU for the 7th consecutive time . Neither team was able to get into the endzone in the first half which ended with Utah leading 9 -- 0 . In the third quarter , Utah quarterback Tyler Huntley scored on a 5 - yard touchdown run , but BYU answered with a touchdown of their own 3 minutes later only to fail on the 2 - point conversion . The Utes tacked on another field goal before the quarter ended to lead 19 -- 6 going into the fourth quarter . There was no scoring in the fourth quarter until BYU quarterback Tanner Mangum put together a 11 play , 76 yard touchdown drive capped off by a 7 - yard passing touchdown to Trey Dye with 2 : 38 remaining in the game . BYU 's defense was able to come up with a stop and they took over the ball on their own 8 - yard line with 1 : 38 remaining and one timeout . Utah 's defense stood strong and BYU was unable to move the ball . Utah went on to beat BYU 19 -- 13 , marking the 7th straight win for the Utes over the Cougars . Future games ( edit ) BYU and Utah have agreed to continue the series between 2017 and 2022 , but no games have been scheduled beyond that . The 2018 contest is set for November 24 -- both teams ' final game of the year -- despite the game being a non-conference matchup . Utah typically plays Colorado in the final week , but a scheduling anomaly in the Pac - 12 facilitated the rivalry game being played the final week instead of September . In 2019 and 2020 , the game will be the first of each season . The interruption of the series in 2014 and 2015 sparked discontent in both fan bases -- particularly among BYU fans , some of whom felt that the break was nothing more than a boastful dig at the Cougars ' program . Utah AD Chris Hill acknowledged the topic in August 2015 and said a large number of Utah fans had expressed to him a desire to take a break from the rivalry . `` The message I have received loud and clear from Utah season ticket holders is that they support our decision to take a two - year hiatus from the BYU rivalry '' , Hill said . Another break in the series may follow in the 2020s , as Utah has a scheduled series with the Baylor Bears in 2023 and 2024 , filling the `` tier 1 team '' slot on the schedule , as Michigan did during the hiatus of 2014 -- 2015 . Game results ( edit ) BYU victories Utah victories Tie games No . Date Location Winner Score April 6 , 1896 Salt Lake City Utah 12 -- 4 November 14 , 1896 Salt Lake City Utah 6 -- 0 December 5 , 1896 Provo BYA 8 -- 6 December 4 , 1897 Salt Lake City BYA 14 -- 0 5 December 18 , 1897 Provo BYA 22 -- 0 6 November 24 , 1898 Salt Lake City Utah 5 -- 0 7 October 14 , 1922 Cummings Field , Salt Lake City Utah 49 -- 0 8 October 27 , 1923 Y Field , Provo Utah 15 -- 0 9 October 25 , 1924 Cummings Field , Salt Lake City Utah 35 -- 6 10 October 31 , 1925 Y Stadium , Provo Utah 27 -- 0 11 November 13 , 1926 Cummings Field , Salt Lake City Utah 40 -- 7 12 November 12 , 1927 Y Stadium , Provo Utah 20 -- 0 13 November 17 , 1928 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Tie 0 -- 0 14 November 2 , 1929 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 45 -- 13 15 October 18 , 1930 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 34 -- 7 16 October 17 , 1931 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 43 -- 0 17 October 15 , 1932 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 29 -- 0 18 October 14 , 1933 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 21 -- 6 19 October 13 , 1934 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 43 -- 0 20 November 2 , 1935 Y Stadium , Provo Utah 32 -- 0 21 October 31 , 1936 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 18 -- 0 22 October 2 , 1937 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 14 -- 0 23 October 15 , 1938 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Tie 7 -- 7 24 October 14 , 1939 Y Stadium , Provo Utah 35 -- 13 25 October 5 , 1940 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 12 -- 6 26 October 18 , 1941 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Tie 6 -- 6 27 October 10 , 1942 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City BYU 12 -- 7 28 October 12 , 1946 Y Stadium , Provo Utah 35 -- 6 29 October 11 , 1947 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 28 -- 6 30 October 9 , 1948 Y Stadium , Provo Utah 30 -- 0 31 October 8 , 1949 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 38 -- 0 32 October 7 , 1950 Y Stadium , Provo Tie 28 -- 28 33 October 6 , 1951 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 7 -- 6 34 October 11 , 1952 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 34 -- 6 35 November 26 , 1953 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 33 -- 32 36 October 9 , 1954 Y Stadium , Provo Utah 12 -- 7 37 October 8 , 1955 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 41 -- 9 38 October 5 , 1956 Y Stadium , Provo Utah 41 -- 6 39 October 12 , 1957 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 27 -- 0 40 September 27 , 1958 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City BYU 41 -- 6 41 October 9 , 1959 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 20 -- 8 42 October 7 , 1960 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 17 -- 0 43 October 14 , 1961 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 21 -- 20 44 October 13 , 1962 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 35 -- 20 45 October 12 , 1963 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 15 -- 6 46 November 7 , 1964 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 47 -- 13 47 November 6 , 1965 Cougar Stadium , Provo BYU 25 -- 20 48 November 12 , 1966 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City BYU 35 -- 13 49 October 28 , 1967 Cougar Stadium , Provo BYU 17 -- 13 50 November 2 , 1968 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 30 -- 21 No . Date Location Winner Score 51 November 22 , 1969 Cougar Stadium , Provo Utah 16 -- 6 52 November 21 , 1970 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 14 -- 13 53 November 20 , 1971 Cougar Stadium , Provo Utah 17 -- 15 54 November 18 , 1972 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City BYU 16 -- 7 55 November 24 , 1973 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City BYU 46 -- 22 56 November 23 , 1974 Cougar Stadium , Provo BYU 48 -- 20 57 November 15 , 1975 Cougar Stadium , Provo BYU 51 -- 20 58 November 20 , 1976 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City BYU 34 -- 12 59 November 5 , 1977 Cougar Stadium , Provo # 14 BYU 38 -- 8 60 November 18 , 1978 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 23 -- 22 61 November 17 , 1979 Cougar Stadium , Provo # 10 BYU 27 -- 0 62 November 22 , 1980 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City # 13 BYU 56 -- 6 63 November 21 , 1981 Cougar Stadium , Provo # 18 BYU 56 -- 28 64 November 20 , 1982 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City BYU 17 -- 12 65 November 19 , 1983 Cougar Stadium , Provo # 9 BYU 55 -- 7 66 November 17 , 1984 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City # 3 BYU 24 -- 14 67 November 23 , 1985 Cougar Stadium , Provo # 11 BYU 38 -- 28 68 November 22 , 1986 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City BYU 35 -- 21 69 November 21 , 1987 Cougar Stadium , Provo BYU 21 -- 18 70 November 19 , 1988 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 57 -- 28 71 November 18 , 1989 Cougar Stadium , Provo # 21 BYU 70 -- 31 72 November 17 , 1990 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City # 5 BYU 45 -- 22 73 November 23 , 1991 Cougar Stadium , Provo BYU 48 -- 17 74 November 21 , 1992 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City BYU 31 -- 22 75 November 20 , 1993 Cougar Stadium , Provo Utah 34 -- 31 76 November 19 , 1994 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City # 21 Utah 34 -- 31 77 November 18 , 1995 Cougar Stadium , Provo Utah 34 -- 17 78 November 23 , 1996 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City # 8 BYU 37 -- 17 79 November 22 , 1997 Cougar Stadium , Provo Utah 20 -- 14 80 November 21 , 1998 Rice - Eccles Stadium , Salt Lake City BYU 26 -- 24 81 November 20 , 1999 Cougar Stadium , Provo Utah 20 -- 17 82 November 24 , 2000 Rice - Eccles Stadium , Salt Lake City BYU 34 -- 27 83 November 17 , 2001 LaVell Edwards Stadium , Provo # 8 BYU 24 -- 21 84 November 23 , 2002 Rice - Eccles Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 13 -- 6 85 November 22 , 2003 LaVell Edwards Stadium , Provo Utah 3 -- 0 86 November 20 , 2004 Rice - Eccles Stadium , Salt Lake City # 5 Utah 52 -- 21 87 November 19 , 2005 LaVell Edwards Stadium , Provo Utah 41 -- 34 88 November 25 , 2006 Rice - Eccles Stadium , Salt Lake City # 21 BYU 33 -- 31 89 November 24 , 2007 LaVell Edwards Stadium , Provo # 23 BYU 17 -- 10 90 November 22 , 2008 Rice - Eccles Stadium , Salt Lake City # 8 Utah 48 -- 24 91 November 28 , 2009 LaVell Edwards Stadium , Provo # 18 BYU 26 -- 23 92 November 27 , 2010 Rice - Eccles Stadium , Salt Lake City # 23 Utah 17 -- 16 93 September 17 , 2011 LaVell Edwards Stadium , Provo Utah 54 -- 10 94 September 15 , 2012 Rice - Eccles Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 24 -- 21 95 September 21 , 2013 LaVell Edwards Stadium , Provo Utah 20 -- 13 96 December 19 , 2015 Sam Boyd Stadium , Las Vegas , Nevada # 20 Utah 35 -- 28 97 September 10 , 2016 Rice - Eccles Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 20 -- 19 98 September 9 , 2017 LaVell Edwards Stadium , Provo Utah 19 -- 13 Series : Utah leads 60 -- 34 -- 4 Series record sources : College Football Data Warehouse . * BYU was known as Brigham Young Academy ( BYA ) until 1903 See also ( edit ) Utah -- BYU rivalry Beehive Boot References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Jeff Call . `` Is Rivalry Healthy or Harmful ? '' . Deseret News . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 17 . Jump up ^ Lee Benson . `` Wayne Howard Leaves ' em Wondering '' . Deseret News . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 20 . Jump up ^ Doug Robinson . `` Collie Was Right , Even When Wrong '' . Deseret News . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 20 . Jump up ^ `` Baptism video wo n't draw punishment '' . ESPN . 2017 - 09 - 13 . Retrieved 2017 - 04 - 13 . Jump up ^ `` BYU Football All - Time Results '' . The Official Site of Brigham Young Athletics . Archived from the original on 2007 - 12 - 27 . Retrieved 2010 - 02 - 14 . ^ Jump up to : `` Brigham Young vs Utah '' . Retrieved 2011 - 12 - 01 . ^ Jump up to : John Fackler . `` '' . Continuum : the Magazine of the University of Utah . Archived from the original on 2007 - 05 - 05 . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 18 . Jump up ^ Doug Robinson . `` Utah , BYU Football : Rivalry Always Big , but This Year it 's Even Bigger '' . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 19 . Jump up ^ Dirk Facer . `` Orem Star Picks Utah After ' Holy War ' '' . Deseret News . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 20 . Jump up ^ Brad Rock . `` Rock On ... '' Deseret News . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 20 . Jump up ^ `` Conference Championships : Mountain West Conference '' . College Football Data Warehouse . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 20 . Jump up ^ `` Utah Conference Championships '' . College Football Data Warehouse . Archived from the original on 2009 - 08 - 25 . Retrieved 2010 - 07 - 07 . Jump up ^ `` BYU Football All - Time Results '' . The Official Site of BYU Athletics . Archived from the original on 2007 - 12 - 27 . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 21 . Jump up ^ `` Colorado Aggies.Com : Football '' . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 20 . Jump up ^ Silver , Nate . `` The Geography of College Football Fans ( and Realignment Chaos ) '' . The Quad . Retrieved 2017 - 10 - 10 . Jump up ^ Jones , Anjanette . `` Historical Brigham Young Academy '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 10 - 10 . ^ Jump up to : `` Utah vs Brigham Young Academy '' . College Football Data Warehouse . Archived from the original on 2007 - 11 - 04 . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 16 . Jump up ^ Harmon , Dick , and Steve Cameron . Wild Blue Yonder : The High Flying Story of BYU Football . Lenexa , Kan. : Addax Pub . Group , 1997 . Print . Jump up ^ `` BYU vs. Utah : The history of the rivalry '' . . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 18 . Jump up ^ `` Clean , Sober And Insufferable '' . Sports Illustrated . August 31 , 1992 . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 20 . Jump up ^ Brad Rock . `` The Day Jimmy Mac Went Scoreboard '' . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 20 . Jump up ^ Brad Rock . `` Utah Takes Out Frustrations on Y. , 57 -- 28 : Utes Rewrite Record Books with Blowout '' . Deseret News . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 18 . Jump up ^ Doug Robinson . `` BYU vs. Utah : It 's Payback Time for Cougs ; Utes Hope to Spring Even Bigger Upset '' . Deseret News . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 18 . ^ Jump up to : `` Rivalry Week Fact Sheet '' . Deseret News . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 29 . Jump up ^ Doug Robinson . `` Revenge Minded BYU Blasts Utah 70 -- 31 '' . Deseret News . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 18 . Jump up ^ Brad Rock . `` Gomes ' Famous Remark Will Never Be Forgotten '' . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 18 . Jump up ^ Dirk Facer . `` Saved by the Post '' . Deseret News . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 30 . ^ Jump up to : James Edward ( November 21 , 1999 ) . `` Despite Ailing Heart , Arceneaux Helps Out U. Cheerleader Lets Y . Fan Have it in Altercation '' . Deseret News . Retrieved 2011 - 04 - 04 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` -- Meyer puts Utah on fast track '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 10 - 03 . Jump up ^ Jeff Call . `` Cougars Left to Live with Another Setback '' . Deseret News . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 16 . Jump up ^ `` Smith pays the price for knowledge '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 01 - 07 . Jump up ^ Stewart Mandel ( December 17 , 2009 ) . `` College football : Highlights and lowlights of the decade '' . . Retrieved 2009 - 12 - 18 . ^ Jump up to : Strong , Sam ( December 18 , 2015 ) . `` Memorable moments from the Utah - BYU rivalry '' . . Retrieved December 19 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : John Henderson . `` Holy War rages on ... in Utah '' . The Denver Post . Retrieved 2009 - 11 - 03 . Jump up ^ Dick Harmon . `` Collie Calls Reaction to his Post-game Comments ' Ridiculous ' '' . Retrieved 2009 - 08 - 16 . Jump up ^ `` Hall connects with George to lift BYU in OT ; disparages Utes '' . . Retrieved 2009 - 11 - 29 . Jump up ^ Deseret News . `` BYU , Utah Utes football : Too many field goals , penalties doomed Utes '' . Retrieved 2009 - 12 - 27 . Jump up ^ Dirk Facer . `` Utah , BYU football : Utes celebrate block party , beat Cougars 17 -- 16 in rivalry thriller '' . Deseret News . Retrieved 2010 - 11 - 28 . Jump up ^ Jeff Call . `` BYU football : Max Hall apologizes for tirade '' . Deseret News . Retrieved 2009 - 12 - 27 . Jump up ^ Williams , Carter ( 2010 - 11 - 17 ) . `` Burton saves the day ; Martinez is Max Hall 's Un-Classy Award winner '' . SUU News . Retrieved 2012 - 09 - 14 . Jump up ^ ESPN . `` BYU vs. Utah -- Game Recap '' . ESPN . Retrieved 2012 - 09 - 22 . ^ Jump up to : `` WATCH : Punter Tom Hackett calls BYU ' bastards , ' says Cougars living in Utah 's world '' . Fox Sports . December 19 , 2015 . Retrieved January 22 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Piper , Matthew ( 2015 - 12 - 19 ) . `` Las Vegas Bowl : Utah escapes with 35 -- 28 win '' . Salt Lake Tribune . Retrieved 2015 - 12 - 19 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` BYU , Utah Extend Future Football Series through 2020 '' . . Retrieved 18 December 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Utah Athletics on Twitter '' . Twitter . Retrieved 18 December 2015 . BYU Cougars football Venues LaVell Edwards Stadium ( 1964 -- present ) Bowls & rivalries Bowl games Utah : Holy War ( Beehive Boot ) Utah State ( Beehive Boot , The Old Wagon Wheel ) Culture & lore Cosmo the Cougar `` The Cougar Song '' BYU Cougar Marching Band Miami Beach Brawl People Head coaches NFL draftees Statistical leaders Seasons 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 National championship seasons in bold Utah Utes football Venues Rice Stadium ( 1927 -- 97 ) Rice - Eccles Stadium ( 1998 -- present ) Bowls & rivalries Bowl games BYU : Holy War ( Beehive Boot ) Colorado : Rumble in the Rockies New Mexico Utah State : Battle of the Brothers ( Beehive Boot ) Culture & lore Swoop `` Utah Man '' Pride of Utah Utah pass People Head coaches NFL draftees Statistical leaders Seasons 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 NCAA Division I FBS independents football rivalries Army -- Navy Game ( Army -- Navy ) Army -- Notre Dame Beehive Boot ( BYU -- Utah -- Utah State ) Boston College -- Massachusetts BYU -- Utah State Colonial Clash ( Massachusetts -- New Hampshire ) Commander - in - Chief 's Trophy ( Air Force -- Army -- Navy ) Connecticut -- Massachusetts Holy War ( Boston College -- Notre Dame ) Holy War ( BYU -- Utah ) Michigan -- Notre Dame Michigan State -- Notre Dame Navy -- Notre Dame Northwestern -- Notre Dame Notre Dame -- Purdue Notre Dame -- Stanford Notre Dame -- USC Pac - 12 football rivalries Conference Apple Cup ( Washington -- Washington State ) Arizona -- Arizona State Big Game ( California -- Stanford ) California -- UCLA Civil War ( Oregon -- Oregon State ) Oregon -- Washington Rumble in the Rockies ( Colorado -- Utah ) Stanford -- USC UCLA -- USC Non-conference Arizona -- New Mexico Battle of the Brothers ( Utah -- Utah State ) Battle of the Palouse ( Idaho -- Washington State ) Beehive Boot ( BYU -- Utah -- Utah State ) Bill Walsh Legacy Game ( San Jose State -- Stanford ) Colorado -- Nebraska Holy War ( Utah -- BYU ) New Mexico -- Utah Notre Dame -- USC Notre Dame -- Stanford Rocky Mountain Showdown ( Colorado -- Colorado State ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : College football rivalries in the United States BYU Cougars football Utah Utes football 1896 establishments in Utah Hidden categories : Articles with missing files Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 15 December 2017 , at 03 : 37 . 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when was the last time byu won utah
No . Date Location Winner Score 51 November 22 , 1969 Cougar Stadium , Provo Utah 16 -- 6 52 November 21 , 1970 Ute Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 14 -- 13 53 November 20 , 1971 Cougar Stadium , Provo Utah 17 -- 15 54 November 18 , 1972 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City BYU 16 -- 7 55 November 24 , 1973 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City BYU 46 -- 22 56 November 23 , 1974 Cougar Stadium , Provo BYU 48 -- 20 57 November 15 , 1975 Cougar Stadium , Provo BYU 51 -- 20 58 November 20 , 1976 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City BYU 34 -- 12 59 November 5 , 1977 Cougar Stadium , Provo # 14 BYU 38 -- 8 60 November 18 , 1978 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 23 -- 22 61 November 17 , 1979 Cougar Stadium , Provo # 10 BYU 27 -- 0 62 November 22 , 1980 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City # 13 BYU 56 -- 6 63 November 21 , 1981 Cougar Stadium , Provo # 18 BYU 56 -- 28 64 November 20 , 1982 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City BYU 17 -- 12 65 November 19 , 1983 Cougar Stadium , Provo # 9 BYU 55 -- 7 66 November 17 , 1984 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City # 3 BYU 24 -- 14 67 November 23 , 1985 Cougar Stadium , Provo # 11 BYU 38 -- 28 68 November 22 , 1986 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City BYU 35 -- 21 69 November 21 , 1987 Cougar Stadium , Provo BYU 21 -- 18 70 November 19 , 1988 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 57 -- 28 71 November 18 , 1989 Cougar Stadium , Provo # 21 BYU 70 -- 31 72 November 17 , 1990 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City # 5 BYU 45 -- 22 73 November 23 , 1991 Cougar Stadium , Provo BYU 48 -- 17 74 November 21 , 1992 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City BYU 31 -- 22 75 November 20 , 1993 Cougar Stadium , Provo Utah 34 -- 31 76 November 19 , 1994 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City # 21 Utah 34 -- 31 77 November 18 , 1995 Cougar Stadium , Provo Utah 34 -- 17 78 November 23 , 1996 Rice Stadium , Salt Lake City # 8 BYU 37 -- 17 79 November 22 , 1997 Cougar Stadium , Provo Utah 20 -- 14 80 November 21 , 1998 Rice - Eccles Stadium , Salt Lake City BYU 26 -- 24 81 November 20 , 1999 Cougar Stadium , Provo Utah 20 -- 17 82 November 24 , 2000 Rice - Eccles Stadium , Salt Lake City BYU 34 -- 27 83 November 17 , 2001 LaVell Edwards Stadium , Provo # 8 BYU 24 -- 21 84 November 23 , 2002 Rice - Eccles Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 13 -- 6 85 November 22 , 2003 LaVell Edwards Stadium , Provo Utah 3 -- 0 86 November 20 , 2004 Rice - Eccles Stadium , Salt Lake City # 5 Utah 52 -- 21 87 November 19 , 2005 LaVell Edwards Stadium , Provo Utah 41 -- 34 88 November 25 , 2006 Rice - Eccles Stadium , Salt Lake City # 21 BYU 33 -- 31 89 November 24 , 2007 LaVell Edwards Stadium , Provo # 23 BYU 17 -- 10 90 November 22 , 2008 Rice - Eccles Stadium , Salt Lake City # 8 Utah 48 -- 24 91 November 28 , 2009 LaVell Edwards Stadium , Provo # 18 BYU 26 -- 23 92 November 27 , 2010 Rice - Eccles Stadium , Salt Lake City # 23 Utah 17 -- 16 93 September 17 , 2011 LaVell Edwards Stadium , Provo Utah 54 -- 10 94 September 15 , 2012 Rice - Eccles Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 24 -- 21 95 September 21 , 2013 LaVell Edwards Stadium , Provo Utah 20 -- 13 96 December 19 , 2015 Sam Boyd Stadium , Las Vegas , Nevada # 20 Utah 35 -- 28 97 September 10 , 2016 Rice - Eccles Stadium , Salt Lake City Utah 20 -- 19 98 September 9 , 2017 LaVell Edwards Stadium , Provo Utah 19 -- 13 Series : Utah leads 60 -- 34 -- 4
Icarus - wikipedia Icarus For other uses , see Icarus ( disambiguation ) . Jacob Peter Gowy 's The Flight of Icarus . Icarus and Daedalus ancient red relief plastic pottery beaker , Roman - Greece In Greek mythology , Icarus ( the Latin spelling , conventionally adopted in English ; Ancient Greek : Ἴκαρος , Íkaros , Etruscan : Vikare ) is the son of the master craftsman Daedalus , the creator of the Labyrinth . Icarus and his father attempt to escape from Crete by means of wings that his father constructed from feathers and wax . Icarus ' father warns him first of complacency and then of hubris , asking that he fly neither too low nor too high , so the sea 's dampness would not clog his wings or the sun 's heat melt them . Icarus ignored his father 's instructions not to fly too close to the sun ; when the wax in his wings melted he tumbled out of the sky and fell into the sea where he drowned , sparking the idiom `` do n't fly too close to the sun '' . This tragic theme of failure at the hands of hubris contains similarities to that of Phaëthon . Contents 1 The legend 2 Classical literature 3 Medieval and Renaissance literature 4 Interpretation 5 See also 6 References 7 Further reading The legend ( edit ) The Lament for Icarus by H.J. Draper Icarus ' father Daedalus , a very talented and remarkable Athenian craftsman , built the Labyrinth for King Minos of Crete near his palace at Knossos to imprison the Minotaur , a half - man , half - bull monster born of his wife and the Cretan bull . Minos imprisoned Daedalus himself in the labyrinth because he gave Minos 's daughter , Ariadne , a clew ( or ball of string ) in order to help Theseus , the enemy of Minos , to survive the Labyrinth and defeat the Minotaur . Modern graffiti of Icaria island and falling Icarus just outside the village of Evdilos in Icaria - Greece Daedalus fashioned two pairs of wings out of wax and feathers for himself and his son . Daedalus tried his wings first , but before trying to escape the island , he warned his son not to fly too close to the sun , nor too close to the sea , but to follow his path of flight . Overcome by the giddiness that flying lent him , Icarus soared into the sky , but in the process he came too close to the sun , which due to the heat melted the wax . Icarus kept flapping his wings but soon realized that he had no feathers left and that he was only flapping his bare arms , and so Icarus fell into the sea and drowned in the area which today bears his name , the Icarian Sea near Icaria , an island southwest of Samos . Hellenistic writers give euhemerising variants in which the escape from Crete was actually by boat , provided by Pasiphaë , for which Daedalus invented the first sails , to outstrip Minos ' pursuing galleys , and that Icarus fell overboard en route to Sicily and drowned . Heracles erected a tomb for him . Classical literature ( edit ) The Sun , or the Fall of Icarus ( 1819 ) by Merry - Joseph Blondel , in the Rotunda of Apollo at the Louvre Icarus ' flight was often alluded to by Greek poets in passing , but the story was told briefly in Pseudo-Apollodorus . In the literature of ancient Rome , the myth was of interest to Augustan writers . Hyginus narrates it in Fabula 40 , beginning with the bovine love affair of Pasiphaë , daughter of the Sun , resulting in the birth of the Minotaur . Ovid narrates the story of Icarus at some length in the Metamorphoses ( viii. 183 -- 235 ) , and refers to it elsewhere . Medieval and Renaissance literature ( edit ) This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( January 2011 ) Ovid 's treatment of the Icarus myth and its connection with that of Phaëthon influenced the mythological tradition in English literature as received and interpreted by major writers such as Chaucer , Marlowe , Shakespeare , Milton , and Joyce . Bruegel 's Landscape with the Fall of Icarus ( ca . 1558 ) , famous for relegating the fall to a scarcely noticed event in the background In Renaissance iconography , the significance of Icarus depends on context : in the Orion Fountain at Messina , he is one of many figures associated with water ; but he is also shown on the Bankruptcy Court of the Amsterdam Town Hall - where he symbolizes high - flying ambition . The 16th - century painting Landscape with the Fall of Icarus , traditionally but perhaps erroneously attributed to Pieter Bruegel the Elder , was the inspiration for two of the 20th century 's most notable ecphrastic English - language poems , `` Musée des Beaux Arts '' by W.H. Auden and `` Landscape with the Fall of Icarus '' by William Carlos Williams . Other English language poems referencing the Icarus myth are `` To a Friend Whose Work Has Come to Triumph '' by Anne Sexton , `` Icarus Again '' by Alan Devenish , `` Mrs Icarus '' by Carol Ann Duffy , `` Failing and Flying '' by Jack Gilbert , and `` Icarus Burning '' and `` Icarus Redux '' by Hiromi Yoshida . Interpretation ( edit ) 17th - century relief with a Cretan labyrinth bottom right ( Musée Antoine Vivenel ) Literary interpretation has found in the myth the structure and consequence of personal over-ambition . An Icarus - related study of the Daedalus myth was published by the French hellenist Françoise Frontisi - Ducroux . In psychology there have been synthetic studies of the Icarus complex with respect to the alleged relationship between fascination for fire , enuresis , high ambition , and ascensionism . In the psychiatric mind features of disease were perceived in the shape of the pendulous emotional ecstatic - high and depressive - low of bipolar disorder . Henry Murray having proposed the term Icarus complex , apparently found symptoms particularly in mania where a person is fond of heights , fascinated by both fire and water , narcissistic and observed with fantastical or far - fetched imaginary cognition . See also ( edit ) Icarus imagery in contemporary music Kua Fu , a Chinese myth about a giant who chased the sun and died while getting too close Bladud , a legendary king of the Britons , purported to have met his death when his constructed wings failed Etana , a sort of `` Babylonian Icarus '' Sampati , an Indian myth about a bird which lost its wings while trying to save its younger brother from the sun References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Larissa Bonfante , Judith Swaddling , Etruscan Myths , p. 43 Jump up ^ clew -- a ball of yarn or thread . The etymology of the word `` clue '' is a direct reference to this story of the Labyrinth . Jump up ^ Graves , Robert ( 1955 ) . `` 92 -- Daedalus and Talus '' . The Greek Myths . ISBN 0 - 14 - 007602 - 6 . Jump up ^ Thomas Bullfinch - The Age of Fable Stories of Gods and Heroes & The Internet Classics Archive by Daniel C. Stevenson : Ovid - Metamorphoses - Book VIII + Translated by Rolfe Humphries - KET Distance Learning 2012 - 01 - 24 . Jump up ^ Translated by A.S. Kline - University of Virginia Retrieved 2005 - 07 - 03 . Jump up ^ Smith , William ( ed . ) . A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology . Jump up ^ Pinsent , J. ( 1982 ) . Greek Mythology . New York : Peter Bedrick Books . ISBN 0 - 600 - 55023 - 0 . Jump up ^ Epitome of the Biblioteca i. 11 and ii. 6.3 . Jump up ^ Gareth D. Williams , Banished voices : readings in Ovid 's Exile Poetry ( Cambridge University Press , 1994 ) , p. 132 online . Jump up ^ Peter Knox , A Companion to Ovid ( Blackwell , 2009 ) , p. 424 online . Jump up ^ Jane Chance , The Mythographic Chaucer ( University of Michigan Press , 1995 ) , p. 65 online . Jump up ^ Troni Y . Grande , Marlovian Tragedy ( Associated University Presses , 1990 ) , pp. 14 online , 40 -- 42 et passim ; Frederic B. Tromly , Playing with Desire : Christopher Marlowe and the Art of Tantalization ( University of Toronto Press , 1998 ) , p. 181 . Jump up ^ Coppélia Kahn , Man 's estate : Masculine Identity in Shakespeare ( University of California Press , 1981 ) , p. 53 online . Jump up ^ Su Fang Nu , Literature and the Politics of Family in Seventeenth - Century England ( Cambridge University Press , 2007 ) , p. 154 online ; R.J. Zwi Werblowsky , Lucifer and Prometheus ( Routledge , 2001 , reprinted from 1952 ) , p. 32 online . Jump up ^ R.J. Schork , Latin and Roman Culture in Joyce ( University Press of Florida , 1997 ) , p. 160 online . Jump up ^ E.H. Gombrich , Symbolic Images ; Studies in the Art of the Renaissance ( London , 1972 ) ; p. 8 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jacob E. Nyenhuis - Myth and the creative process : Michael Ayrton and the myth of Daedalus , the maze maker - 345 pages Wayne State University Press , 2003 Retrieved 2012 - 01 - 24 ISBN 0 - 8143 - 3002 - 9 See also Harry Levin , The Overreacher , Harvard University Press , 1952 ( 1 ) Jump up ^ Frontisi - Ducroux , Françoise ( 1975 ) . Dédale : Mythologie de l'artisan en Grèce Ancienne . Paris : François Maspero . p. 227 . Jump up ^ Wiklund , Nils ( 1978 ) . The icarus complex . Lund : Doxa . ISBN 91 - 578 - 0064 - 2 . Jump up ^ Michael Sperber 2010 - Dostoyevsky 's Stalker and Other Essays on Psychopathology and the Arts , University Press of America , 2010 , p. 166 ff , ( 2 ) ISBN 0 - 7618 - 4993 - 9 Jump up ^ Pendulum - The BiPolar Organisation 's quarterly journal Bipolar UK Retrieved 2012 - 01 - 24 . Jump up ^ Comparion noted by W.H. Ph . Römer , `` Religion of Ancient Mesopotamia , '' in Historia Religionum : Religions of the Past ( Brill , 1969 ) , vol. 1 , p. 163 . Further reading ( edit ) Graves , Robert , ( 1955 ) 1960 . The Greek Myths , section 92 passim Smith , William , ed . A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology Pinsent , J. ( 1982 ) . Greek Mythology . 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who flew to close to the sun and his wings melted
In Greek mythology , Icarus ( the Latin spelling , conventionally adopted in English ; Ancient Greek : Ἴκαρος , Íkaros , Etruscan : Vikare ) is the son of the master craftsman Daedalus , the creator of the Labyrinth . Icarus and his father attempt to escape from Crete by means of wings that his father constructed from feathers and wax . Icarus ' father warns him first of complacency and then of hubris , asking that he fly neither too low nor too high , so the sea 's dampness would not clog his wings or the sun 's heat melt them . Icarus ignored his father 's instructions not to fly too close to the sun ; when the wax in his wings melted he tumbled out of the sky and fell into the sea where he drowned , sparking the idiom `` do n't fly too close to the sun '' .
2018 NCAA Division I men 's basketball tournament - wikipedia 2018 NCAA Division I men 's basketball tournament 2018 NCAA Division I Men 's Basketball Tournament Season 2017 -- 18 Teams 68 Finals site Alamodome San Antonio , Texas Champions Villanova Wildcats ( 3rd title , 4th title game , 6th Final Four ) Runner - up Michigan Wolverines ( 7th title game , 8th Final Four ) Semifinalists Kansas Jayhawks ( 15th Final Four ) Loyola - Chicago Ramblers ( 2nd Final Four ) Winning coach Jay Wright ( 2nd title ) MOP Donte DiVincenzo ( Villanova ) NCAA Division I Men 's Tournaments `` 2017 2019 '' The 2018 NCAA Division I Men 's Basketball Tournament was a 68 - team single - elimination tournament to determine the men 's National Collegiate Athletic Association ( NCAA ) Division I college basketball national champion for the 2017 -- 18 season . The 80th edition of the tournament began on March 13 , 2018 , and concluded with the championship game on April 2 at the Alamodome in San Antonio , Texas . During the first round , UMBC became the first 16 - seed to defeat a 1 - seed in the men 's tournament by defeating Virginia 74 -- 54 . For the first time in tournament history , none of the four top seeded teams in a single region ( the South ) advanced to the Sweet 16 . Also , the tournament featured the first regional final matchup of a 9 - seed ( Kansas State ) and an 11 - seed ( Loyola - Chicago ) . Villanova , Michigan , Kansas , and Loyola - Chicago , the `` Cinderella team '' of the tournament , reached the Final Four . Villanova defeated Michigan in the championship game , 79 -- 62 . Atlantic Sun Conference champion Lipscomb made its NCAA tournament debut . Contents ( hide ) 1 Tournament procedure 2 2018 NCAA Tournament schedule and venues 3 Qualification and selection 3.1 Automatic qualifiers 3.2 Tournament seeds 4 Regional brackets 4.1 First Four -- Dayton , Ohio 4.2 South Regional -- Atlanta , Georgia 4.2. 1 South Regional Final 4.2. 2 South Regional all tournament team 4.3 West Regional -- Los Angeles , California 4.3. 1 West Regional Final 4.3. 2 West Regional all tournament team 4.4 East Regional -- Boston , Massachusetts 4.4. 1 East Regional Final 4.4. 2 East Regional all tournament team 4.5 Midwest Regional -- Omaha , Nebraska 4.5. 1 Midwest Regional Final 4.5. 2 Midwest Regional all tournament team 5 Final Four 5.1 Alamodome -- San Antonio , Texas 5.1. 1 National Semifinals 5.1. 2 National Championship 5.1. 3 Final Four all - tournament team 6 Record by conference 7 Media coverage 7.1 Television 7.1. 1 Television channels 7.1. 2 Studio hosts 7.1. 3 Studio analysts 7.1. 4 Commentary teams 7.1. 4.1 Team Stream broadcasts 7.2 Radio 7.2. 1 First Four 7.2. 2 First and Second rounds 7.2. 3 Regionals 7.2. 4 Final four 7.3 Internet 7.3. 1 Video 7.3. 2 Audio 8 See also 9 References Tournament procedure ( edit ) Further information : NCAA Division I Men 's Basketball Tournament § Current tournament format A total of 68 teams entered the 2018 tournament . 32 automatic bids were awarded , one to each program that won their conference tournament . The remaining 36 bids were `` at - large '' , with selections extended by the NCAA Selection Committee . Eight teams ( the four lowest - seeded automatic qualifiers and the four lowest - seeded at - large teams ) played in the First Four ( the successor to what had been popularly known as `` play - in games '' through the 2010 tournament ) . The winners of these games advanced to the main draw of the tournament . The Selection Committee seeded the entire field from 1 to 68 . 2018 NCAA tournament schedule and venues ( edit ) Dayton Pittsburgh Charlotte Wichita Boise Detroit Nashville San Diego Dallas 2018 First Four ( orange ) and first and second rounds ( green ) Atlanta Los Angeles Boston Omaha San Antonio 2018 Regionals ( blue ) and Final Four ( red ) The following sites were selected to host each round of the 2018 tournament : First Four March 13 and 14 University of Dayton Arena , Dayton , Ohio ( Host : University of Dayton ) First and Second Rounds March 15 and 17 PPG Paints Arena , Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania ( Host : Duquesne University ) Intrust Bank Arena , Wichita , Kansas ( Host : Wichita State University ) American Airlines Center , Dallas , Texas ( Host : Big 12 Conference ) Taco Bell Arena , Boise , Idaho ( Host : Boise State University ) March 16 and 18 Spectrum Center , Charlotte , North Carolina ( Host : University of North Carolina at Charlotte ) Little Caesars Arena , Detroit , Michigan ( Host : University of Detroit Mercy ) Bridgestone Arena , Nashville , Tennessee ( Host : Ohio Valley Conference ) Viejas Arena , San Diego , California ( Host : San Diego State University ) Regional Semifinals and Finals ( Sweet Sixteen and Elite Eight ) March 22 and 24 West Regional , Staples Center , Los Angeles , California ( Host : Pepperdine University ) South Regional , Philips Arena , Atlanta , Georgia ( Host : Georgia Institute of Technology ) March 23 and 25 East Regional , TD Garden , Boston , Massachusetts ( Host : Boston College ) Midwest Regional , CenturyLink Center Omaha , Omaha , Nebraska ( Host : Creighton University ) National Semifinals and Championship ( Final Four and Championship ) March 31 and April 2 Alamodome , San Antonio , Texas ( Host : University of Texas at San Antonio ) For the fourth time , the Alamodome and city of San Antonio are hosting the Final Four . This is the first tournament since 1994 in which no games were played in an NFL stadium , as the Alamodome is a college football stadium , although the Alamodome hosted some home games for the New Orleans Saints during their 2005 season . The 2018 tournament featured three new arenas in previous host cities . Philips Arena , the home of the Atlanta Hawks and replacement for the previously used Omni Coliseum , hosted the South regional games , and the new Little Caesars Arena , home of the Detroit Pistons and Detroit Red Wings , hosted games . And for the first time since 1994 , the tournament returned to Wichita and the state of Kansas where Intrust Bank Arena hosted first round games . The state of North Carolina was threatened with a 2018 - 2022 championship venue boycott by the NCAA , due to the HB2 law passed in 2016 . However , the law was repealed ( but with provisos ) days before the NCAA met to make decisions on venues in April 2017 . At that time , the NCAA board of governors `` reluctantly voted to allow consideration of championship bids in North Carolina by our committees that are presently meeting '' . Therefore , Charlotte was eligible and served as a first weekend venue for the 2018 tournament . Qualification and Selection ( edit ) Further information : 2018 NCAA Division I Men 's Basketball Tournament : qualifying teams Four teams , out of 351 in Division I , were ineligible to participate in the 2018 tournament due to failing to meet APR requirements : Alabama A&M , Grambling State , Savannah State , and Southeast Missouri State . However , the NCAA granted the Savannah State Tigers a waiver which would have allowed the team to participate in the tournament , but the team failed to qualify . Automatic qualifiers ( edit ) The following 32 teams were automatic qualifiers for the 2018 NCAA field by virtue of winning their conference 's automatic bid . Conference Team Record Appearance Last bid America East UMBC 24 -- 10 2nd 2008 American Cincinnati 30 -- 4 32nd 2017 Atlantic 10 Davidson 21 -- 11 14th 2015 ACC Virginia 31 -- 2 22nd 2017 Atlantic Sun Lipscomb 23 -- 9 1st Never Big 12 Kansas 27 -- 7 47th 2017 Big East Villanova 30 -- 4 38th 2017 Big Sky Montana 26 -- 7 11th 2013 Big South Radford 22 -- 12 3rd 2009 Big Ten Michigan 28 -- 7 28th 2017 Big West Cal State Fullerton 20 -- 11 3rd 2008 CAA College of Charleston 26 -- 7 5th 1999 Conference USA Marshall 24 -- 10 6th Horizon League Wright State 25 -- 9 3rd 2007 Ivy League Penn 24 -- 8 24th 2007 MAAC Iona 20 -- 13 13th 2017 MAC Buffalo 25 -- 8 3rd 2016 MEAC North Carolina Central 19 -- 15 3rd 2017 Missouri Valley Loyola -- Chicago 28 -- 5 6th 1985 Mountain West San Diego State 22 -- 10 12th 2015 Northeast LIU Brooklyn 18 -- 16 7th 2013 Ohio Valley Murray State 26 -- 5 16th 2012 Pac - 12 Arizona 27 -- 7 35th 2017 Patriot League Bucknell 25 -- 9 8th 2017 SEC Kentucky 24 -- 10 58th 2017 Southern UNC Greensboro 27 -- 7 3rd 2001 Southland Stephen F. Austin 28 -- 6 5th 2016 SWAC Texas Southern 15 -- 19 8th 2017 Summit League South Dakota State 28 -- 6 5th 2017 Sun Belt Georgia State 24 -- 10 4th 2015 West Coast Gonzaga 30 -- 4 21st 2017 WAC New Mexico State 28 -- 5 24th 2017 Tournament seeds ( edit ) The tournament seeds were determined through the NCAA basketball tournament selection process . The seeds and regions were determined as follows : South Regional , Philips Arena , Atlanta , Georgia Seed School Conference Record Berth type Overall rank Virginia ACC 31 -- 2 Auto Cincinnati American 30 -- 4 Auto 8 Tennessee SEC 25 -- 8 At - large 10 Arizona Pac - 12 27 -- 7 Auto 16 5 Kentucky SEC 24 -- 10 Auto 17 6 Miami ( FL ) ACC 22 -- 9 At - large 22 7 Nevada Mountain West 27 -- 7 At - large 27 8 Creighton Big East 21 -- 11 At - large 30 9 Kansas State Big 12 22 -- 11 At - large 34 10 Texas Big 12 19 -- 14 At - large 39 11 Loyola -- Chicago Missouri Valley 28 -- 5 Auto 46 12 Davidson Atlantic 10 21 -- 11 Auto 48 13 Buffalo MAC 26 -- 8 Auto 51 14 Wright State Horizon 25 -- 9 Auto 57 15 Georgia State Sun Belt 24 -- 10 Auto 60 16 UMBC America East 24 -- 10 Auto 63 West Regional , Staples Center , Los Angeles , California Seed School Conference Record Berth type Overall rank Xavier Big East 28 -- 5 At - large North Carolina ACC 25 -- 10 At - large 5 Michigan Big Ten 28 -- 7 Auto 11 Gonzaga WCC 30 -- 4 Auto 15 5 Ohio State Big Ten 24 -- 8 At - large 20 6 Houston American 26 -- 7 At - large 23 7 Texas A&M SEC 20 -- 12 At - large 25 8 Missouri SEC 20 -- 12 At - large 32 9 Florida State ACC 20 -- 11 At - large 33 10 Providence Big East 21 -- 13 At - large 37 11 San Diego State Mountain West 22 -- 10 Auto 45 12 South Dakota State Summit League 28 -- 6 Auto 49 13 UNC Greensboro Southern 27 -- 7 Auto 52 14 Montana Big Sky 26 -- 7 Auto 56 15 Lipscomb Atlantic Sun 23 -- 9 Auto 59 16 * North Carolina Central MEAC 19 -- 15 Auto 67 Texas Southern SWAC 15 -- 19 Auto 68 East Regional , TD Garden , Boston , Massachusetts Seed School Conference Record Berth type Overall rank Villanova Big East 30 -- 4 Auto Purdue Big Ten 28 -- 6 At - large 7 Texas Tech Big 12 24 -- 9 At - large 12 Wichita State American 25 -- 7 At - large 14 5 West Virginia Big 12 24 -- 10 At - large 18 6 Florida SEC 20 -- 12 At - large 21 7 Arkansas SEC 23 -- 11 At - large 26 8 Virginia Tech ACC 21 -- 11 At - large 31 9 Alabama SEC 19 -- 15 At - large 36 10 Butler Big East 20 -- 13 At - large 38 11 * St. Bonaventure Atlantic 10 25 -- 7 At - large 42 UCLA Pac - 12 21 -- 11 At - large 41 12 Murray State Ohio Valley 26 -- 5 Auto 50 13 Marshall Conference USA 24 -- 10 Auto 54 14 Stephen F. Austin Southland 28 -- 6 Auto 58 15 Cal State Fullerton Big West 20 -- 11 Auto 61 16 * LIU Brooklyn NEC 18 -- 16 Auto 66 Radford Big South 22 -- 12 Auto 65 Midwest Regional , CenturyLink Center Omaha , Omaha , Nebraska Seed School Conference Record Berth type Overall rank Kansas Big 12 27 -- 7 Auto Duke ACC 26 -- 7 At - large 6 Michigan State Big Ten 29 -- 4 At - large 9 Auburn SEC 25 -- 7 At - large 13 5 Clemson ACC 23 -- 9 At - large 19 6 TCU Big 12 21 -- 11 At - large 24 7 Rhode Island Atlantic 10 25 -- 7 At - large 28 8 Seton Hall Big East 21 -- 11 At - large 29 9 NC State ACC 21 -- 11 At - large 35 10 Oklahoma Big 12 18 -- 13 At - large 40 11 * Arizona State Pac - 12 20 -- 11 At - large 43 Syracuse ACC 20 -- 13 At - large 44 12 New Mexico State WAC 28 -- 5 Auto 47 13 College of Charleston CAA 26 -- 7 Auto 53 14 Bucknell Patriot 25 -- 9 Auto 55 15 Iona MAAC 20 -- 13 Auto 62 16 Penn Ivy League 24 -- 8 Auto 64 * See First Four The 2018 tournament was the first time since the 1978 tournament that the six Division I college basketball - playing schools based in the Washington , DC metropolitan area -- American , Georgetown , George Mason , George Washington , Howard , and Maryland -- were collectively shut out of the NCAA Tournament . Regional brackets ( edit ) All times are listed as Eastern Daylight Time ( UTC − 4 ) * -- Denotes overtime period First Four -- Dayton , Ohio ( edit ) March 13 -- East Region 16 LIU Brooklyn 61 16 Radford 71 March 13 -- East Region 11 St. Bonaventure 65 11 UCLA 58 March 14 -- West Region 16 Texas Southern 64 16 North Carolina Central 46 March 14 -- Midwest Region 11 Syracuse 60 11 Arizona State 56 South Regional -- Atlanta , Georgia ( edit ) First Round Round of 64 March 15 -- 16 Second Round Round of 32 March 17 -- 18 Regional Semifinals Sweet 16 March 22 Regional Final Elite 8 March 24 Virginia 54 16 UMBC 74 16 UMBC 43 Charlotte -- Fri / Sun 9 Kansas State 50 8 Creighton 59 9 Kansas State 69 9 Kansas State 61 5 Kentucky 58 5 Kentucky 78 12 Davidson 73 5 Kentucky 95 Boise -- Thu / Sat 13 Buffalo 75 Arizona 68 13 Buffalo 89 9 Kansas State 62 11 Loyola -- Chicago 78 6 Miami ( FL ) 62 11 Loyola -- Chicago 64 11 Loyola -- Chicago 63 Dallas -- Thu / Sat Tennessee 62 Tennessee 73 14 Wright State 47 11 Loyola -- Chicago 69 7 Nevada 68 7 Nevada 87 * 10 Texas 83 7 Nevada 75 Nashville -- Fri / Sun Cincinnati 73 Cincinnati 68 15 Georgia State 53 South Regional Final ( edit ) TBS March 24 6 : 09 pm EDT Box score # 11 Loyola -- Chicago Ramblers 78 , # 9 Kansas State Wildcats 62 Scoring by half : 36 -- 24 , 42 -- 38 Pts : B. Richardson -- 23 Rebs : D. Ingram -- 8 Asts : C. Custer -- 5 Pts : X . Sneed -- 16 Rebs : X . Sneed -- 6 Asts : K. Stokes -- 4 Philips Arena -- Atlanta , GA Attendance : 15,477 Referees : Gerry Pollard , Terry Wymer , Bert Smith South Regional all tournament team ( edit ) Ben Richardson ( Sr , Loyola - Chicago ) -- South Regional most outstanding player Clayton Custer ( Jr , Loyola - Chicago ) Donte Ingram ( Sr , Loyola - Chicago ) Xavier Sneed ( So , Kansas State ) Barry Brown Jr . ( Jr , Kansas State ) West Regional -- Los Angeles , California ( edit ) First Round Round of 64 March 15 -- 16 Second Round Round of 32 March 17 -- 18 Regional Semifinals Sweet 16 March 22 Regional Final Elite 8 March 24 Xavier 102 16 Texas Southern 83 Xavier 70 Nashville -- Fri / Sun 9 Florida State 75 8 Missouri 54 9 Florida State 67 9 Florida State 75 Gonzaga 60 5 Ohio State 81 12 South Dakota State 73 5 Ohio State 84 Boise -- Thu / Sat Gonzaga 90 Gonzaga 68 13 UNC Greensboro 64 9 Florida State 54 Michigan 58 6 Houston 67 11 San Diego State 65 6 Houston 63 Wichita -- Thu / Sat Michigan 64 Michigan 61 14 Montana 47 Michigan 99 7 Texas A&M 72 7 Texas A&M 73 10 Providence 69 7 Texas A&M 86 Charlotte -- Fri / Sun North Carolina 65 North Carolina 84 15 Lipscomb 66 West Regional Final ( edit ) TBS March 24 5 : 49 pm PDT Box score # 9 Florida State Seminoles 54 , # 3 Michigan Wolverines 58 Scoring by half : 26 -- 27 , 28 -- 31 Pts : P. Cofer - 16 Rebs : P. Cofer - 11 Asts : B. Angola , T. Mann , T. Forrest - 2 Pts : C. Matthews -- 17 Rebs : C. Matthews -- 8 Asts : Z . Simpson -- 5 Staples Center -- Los Angeles , CA Attendance : 19,665 Referees : Randy McCall , Keith Kimble , John Gaffney West Regional all tournament team ( edit ) Charles Matthews ( So , Michigan ) -- West Regional most outstanding player Moritz Wagner ( Jr , Michigan ) Muhammad - Ali Abdur - Rahkman ( Sr , Michigan ) Phil Cofer ( Sr , Florida State ) Terance Mann ( Jr , Florida State ) East Regional -- Boston , Massachusetts ( edit ) First Round Round of 64 March 15 -- 16 Second Round Round of 32 March 17 -- 18 Regional Semifinals Sweet 16 March 23 Regional Final Elite 8 March 25 Villanova 87 16 Radford 61 Villanova 81 Pittsburgh -- Thu / Sat 9 Alabama 58 8 Virginia Tech 83 9 Alabama 86 Villanova 90 5 West Virginia 78 5 West Virginia 85 12 Murray State 68 5 West Virginia 94 San Diego -- Fri / Sun 13 Marshall 71 Wichita State 75 13 Marshall 81 Villanova 71 Texas Tech 59 6 Florida 77 11 St. Bonaventure 62 6 Florida 66 Dallas -- Thu / Sat Texas Tech 69 Texas Tech 70 14 Stephen F. Austin 60 Texas Tech 78 Purdue 65 7 Arkansas 62 10 Butler 79 10 Butler 73 Detroit -- Fri / Sun Purdue 76 Purdue 74 15 Cal State Fullerton 48 East Regional Final ( edit ) CBS March 25 2 : 20 pm EDT Box score # 3 Texas Tech Red Raiders 59 , # 1 Villanova Wildcats 71 Scoring by half : 23 -- 36 , 36 -- 35 Pts : K. Evans -- 12 Rebs : J. Gray -- 9 Asts : K. Evans - 4 Pts : J. Brunson -- 15 Rebs : E. Paschall -- 14 Asts : J. Brunson -- 4 TD Garden -- Boston , MA Attendance : 19,169 Referees : Terry Oglesby , Mike Reed , Michael Stephens East Regional all tournament team ( edit ) Jalen Brunson ( Jr , Villanova ) -- East Regional most outstanding player Omari Spellman ( Fr , Villanova ) Eric Paschall ( Jr , Villanova ) Carsen Edwards ( So , Purdue ) Keenan Evans ( Sr , Texas Tech ) Midwest Regional -- Omaha , Nebraska ( edit ) First Round Round of 64 March 15 -- 16 Second Round Round of 32 March 17 -- 18 Regional Semifinals Sweet 16 March 23 Regional Final Elite 8 March 25 Kansas 76 16 Penn 60 Kansas 83 Wichita -- Thu / Sat 8 Seton Hall 79 8 Seton Hall 94 9 NC State 83 Kansas 80 5 Clemson 76 5 Clemson 79 12 New Mexico State 68 5 Clemson 84 San Diego -- Fri / Sun Auburn 53 Auburn 62 13 College of Charleston 58 Kansas 85 * Duke 81 6 TCU 52 11 Syracuse 57 11 Syracuse 55 Detroit -- Fri / Sun Michigan State 53 Michigan State 82 14 Bucknell 78 11 Syracuse 65 Duke 69 7 Rhode Island 83 * 10 Oklahoma 78 7 Rhode Island 62 Pittsburgh -- Thu / Sat Duke 87 Duke 89 15 Iona 67 Midwest Regional Final ( edit ) CBS March 25 4 : 05 pm CDT Box score # 2 Duke Blue Devils 81 , # 1 Kansas Jayhawks 85 ( OT ) Scoring by half : 36 -- 33 , 36 -- 39 Overtime : 9 -- 13 Pts : T. Duval -- 20 Rebs : M. Bagley III -- 10 Asts : T. Duval -- 6 Pts : M. Newman -- 32 Rebs : S. Mykhailiuk , S. De Sousa -- 10 Asts : D. Graham - 6 CenturyLink Center Omaha -- Omaha , NE Attendance : 17,579 Referees : Roger Ayers , Doug Sirmons , Jeffrey Anderson Midwest Regional all tournament team ( edit ) Malik Newman ( So , Kansas ) -- Midwest Regional most outstanding player Trevon Duval ( Fr , Duke ) Gabe DeVoe ( Sr , Clemson ) Marvin Bagley III ( Fr , Duke ) Devonte ' Graham ( Sr , Kansas ) Gary Trent Jr . ( Fr , Duke ) Final Four ( edit ) During the Final Four round , regardless of the seeds of the participating teams , the champion of the top overall top seed 's region ( Virginia 's South Region ) plays against the champion of the fourth - ranked top seed 's region ( Xavier 's West Region ) , and the champion of the second overall top seed 's region ( Villanova 's East Region ) plays against the champion of the third - ranked top seed 's region ( Kansas 's Midwest Region ) . Alamodome -- San Antonio , Texas ( edit ) National Semifinals March 31 National Championship Game April 2 S11 Loyola -- Chicago 57 W3 Michigan 69 W3 Michigan 62 E1 Villanova 79 E1 Villanova 95 MW1 Kansas 79 National Semifinals ( edit ) TBS March 31 5 : 09 pm CDT Box score # 11 Loyola - Chicago Ramblers 57 , # 3 Michigan Wolverines 69 Scoring by half : 29 -- 22 , 28 -- 47 Pts : C. Krutwig -- 17 Rebs : D. Ingram -- 9 Asts : D. Ingram -- 2 Pts : M. Wagner -- 24 Rebs : M. Wagner -- 15 Asts : Z . Simpson -- 3 Alamodome -- San Antonio Attendance : 68,257 Referees : Roger Ayers , Mike Roberts , Terry Oglesby TBS March 31 7 : 49 pm CDT Box score # 1 Kansas Jayhawks 79 , # 1 Villanova Wildcats 95 Scoring by half : 32 -- 47 , 47 -- 48 Pts : D. Graham -- 23 Rebs : M. Newman -- 8 Asts : D. Graham , S. Mykhailiuk -- 3 Pts : E. Paschall -- 24 Rebs : O. Spellman -- 13 Asts : P. Booth , J. Brunson -- 6 Alamodome -- San Antonio Attendance : 68,257 Referees : Randy McCall , Michael Stephens , Kipp Kissinger National Championship ( edit ) Main article : 2018 NCAA Division I Men 's Basketball Championship Game TBS April 2 8 : 20 pm CDT Box score # 3 Michigan Wolverines 62 , # 1 Villanova Wildcats 79 Scoring by half : 28 -- 37 , 34 -- 42 Pts : M. Abdur - Rahkman -- 23 Rebs : M. Wagner -- 7 Asts : Z . Simpson -- 2 Pts : D. DiVincenzo -- 31 Rebs : O. Spellman -- 11 Asts : D. DiVincenzo -- 3 Alamodome -- San Antonio Attendance : 67,831 Referees : Doug Sirmons , Terry Wymer , Jeffrey Anderson Final Four all - tournament team ( edit ) Donte DiVincenzo ( So , Villanova ) -- Final Four Most Outstanding Player Mikal Bridges ( Jr , Villanova ) Jalen Brunson ( Jr , Villanova ) Eric Paschall ( Jr , Villanova ) Moritz Wagner ( Jr , Michigan ) Record by conference ( edit ) Conference Bids Record Win % R64 R32 S16 E8 F4 CG NC Big East 6 9 -- 5 . 643 6 Big Ten 9 -- 4 . 692 - 1 ! -- Big 12 7 12 -- 7 . 632 7 - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- Missouri Valley 4 -- 1 . 800 - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- ACC 9 12 -- 9 . 571 9 5 - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- WCC 2 -- 1 . 667 - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- SEC 8 8 -- 8 . 500 8 6 - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- Mountain West 2 -- 2 . 500 - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- American 2 -- 3 . 400 - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- Atlantic 10 2 -- 3 . 400 - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- America East 1 -- 1 . 500 - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- C - USA 1 -- 1 . 500 - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- MAC 1 -- 1 . 500 - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- Big South 1 -- 1 . 500 - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- SWAC 1 -- 1 . 500 - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- Pac - 12 0 -- 3 . 000 - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- - 1 ! -- The R64 , R32 , S16 , E8 , F4 , CG , and NC columns indicate how many teams from each conference were in the round of 64 ( first round ) , round of 32 ( second round ) , Sweet 16 , Elite Eight , Final Four , championship game , and national champion , respectively . The `` Record '' column includes wins in the First Four for the ACC , Atlantic 10 , Big South , and SWAC conferences and two losses in the First Four for the Pac - 12 conference . The MEAC and NEC conferences each had one representative , eliminated in the First Four with a record of 0 -- 1 . The Atlantic Sun , Big Sky , Big West , CAA , Horizon , Ivy League , MAAC , Ohio Valley , Patriot , Southern , Southland , Summit , Sun Belt and WAC conferences each had one representative , eliminated in the First Round with a record of 0 -- 1 . The Pac - 12 lost all of its teams after the first day of the main tournament draw , marking the first time since the Big 12 began play in 1996 that one of the six major conferences -- defined as the ACC , Big Ten , Big 12 , Pac - 12 , SEC , and both versions of the Big East -- failed to have a team advance to the tournament 's round of 32 . Media coverage ( edit ) Television ( edit ) CBS Sports and Turner Sports had U.S. television rights to the Tournament under the NCAA March Madness brand . As part of a cycle beginning in 2016 , TBS held the rights to the Final Four and to the championship game . Additionally , TBS held the rights to the 2018 Selection Show , which returned to a two - hour format , was presented in front of a studio audience , and promoted that the entire field of the tournament would be unveiled within the first ten minutes of the broadcast . The broadcast was heavily criticized for its quality ( including technical problems and an embedded product placement segment for Pizza Hut ) , as well as initially unveiling the 68 - team field in alphabetical order ( beginning with automatic qualifiers , followed by the at - large teams ) rather than unveiling the matchups region - by - region ( which was criticized for having less suspense than the traditional format ) . Television channels ( edit ) First Four -- TruTV First and Second Rounds -- CBS , TBS , TNT , and TruTV Regional Semifinals and Finals ( Sweet Sixteen and Elite Eight ) -- CBS and TBS National Semifinals ( Final Four ) -- TBS National Championship -- TBS Studio hosts ( edit ) Greg Gumbel ( New York City and San Antonio ) -- First Round , Second Round , Regionals , Final Four and National Championship Game Ernie Johnson Jr . ( New York City , Atlanta , and San Antonio ) -- First Round , Second Round , Regional Semi-Finals , Final Four and National Championship Game Casey Stern ( Atlanta ) -- First Four , First Round and Second Round Studio analysts ( edit ) Charles Barkley ( New York City and San Antonio ) -- First Round , Second Round , Regionals , Final Four and National Championship Game Seth Davis ( Atlanta and San Antonio ) -- First Four , First Round , Second Round , Regional Semi-Finals , Final Four and National Championship Game Brendan Haywood ( Atlanta ) -- First Four , First Round , Second Round , Regional Semi-Finals and Final Four Clark Kellogg ( New York City and San Antonio ) -- First Round , Second Round , Regionals , Final Four and National Championship Game Gregg Marshall ( Atlanta ) -- Regional Semi-Finals Frank Martin ( Atlanta ) -- Second Round Candace Parker ( Atlanta ) -- First Four , First Round , Second Round , Regional Semi-Finals and Final Four Kenny Smith ( New York City and San Antonio ) -- First Round , Second Round , Regionals , Final Four and National Championship Game Wally Szczerbiak ( New York City ) -- Second Round Brad Underwood ( Atlanta ) -- First Round Christian Laettner ( San Antonio ) -- Final Four Danny Manning ( San Antonio ) -- Final Four Kris Jenkins ( San Antonio ) -- Final Four Commentary teams ( edit ) Jim Nantz / Bill Raftery / Grant Hill / Tracy Wolfson -- First and Second Rounds at Charlotte , North Carolina ; Midwest Regional at Omaha , Nebraska ; Final Four and National Championship at San Antonio , Texas Brian Anderson / Chris Webber / Lisa Byington -- First and Second Rounds at Boise , Idaho ; South Regional at Atlanta , Georgia Ian Eagle / Jim Spanarkel / Allie LaForce -- First Four at Dayton , Ohio ( Wednesday ) ; First and Second Rounds at Detroit , Michigan ; East Regional at Boston , Massachusetts Kevin Harlan / Reggie Miller / Dan Bonner / Dana Jacobson -- First and Second Rounds at Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania ; West Regional at Los Angeles , California Brad Nessler / Steve Lavin / Evan Washburn -- First and Second Rounds at Wichita , Kansas Spero Dedes / Steve Smith / Len Elmore / Rosalyn Gold - Onwude -- First Four at Dayton , Ohio ( Tuesday ) ; First and Second Rounds at Dallas , Texas Andrew Catalon / Steve Lappas / Jamie Erdahl -- First and Second Rounds at Nashville , Tennessee Carter Blackburn / Debbie Antonelli / John Schriffen -- First and Second Rounds at San Diego , California Team Stream broadcasts ( edit ) Final Four Matt Park / Jay Feely / Dr. Sanjay Gupta -- Michigan Team Stream on TNT Jeff Hagedorn / Jerry Harkness / Shams Charania -- Loyola -- Chicago Team Stream on truTV Dave Armstrong / Scot Pollard / Rob Riggle -- Kansas Team Stream on TNT Scott Graham / Randy Foye / Kacie McDonnell -- Villanova Team Stream on truTV National Championship Game Matt Park / Jay Feely / Dr. Sanjay Gupta -- Michigan Team Stream on TNT Scott Graham / Randy Foye / Kacie McDonnell -- Villanova Team Stream on truTV Radio ( edit ) Westwood One had exclusive radio rights to the entire tournament . First Four ( edit ) Ted Emrich and Austin Croshere -- at Dayton , Ohio First and Second rounds ( edit ) Scott Graham and Kelly Tripucka -- Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania Brandon Gaudin and Donny Marshall -- Wichita , Kansas Ryan Radtke and Jim Jackson -- Dallas , Texas Jason Benetti and Dan Dickau -- Boise , Idaho Kevin Kugler and Eric Montross / John Thompson -- Charlotte , North Carolina ( Montross -- Friday night ; Thompson -- Friday Afternoon & Sunday ) Chris Carrino and P.J. Carlesimo -- Detroit , Michigan Ted Emrich -- Friday Afternoon / Craig Way -- Friday Night & Sunday and Will Perdue -- Nashville , Tennessee John Sadak and Mike Montgomery -- San Diego , California Regionals ( edit ) Gary Cohen and P.J. Carlesimo -- East Regional at Boston , Massachusetts Kevin Kugler and Donny Marshall -- Midwest Regional at Omaha , Nebraska Brandon Gaudin and John Thompson -- South Regional at Atlanta , Georgia Tom McCarthy and Jim Jackson -- West Regional at Los Angeles , California Final four ( edit ) Kevin Kugler , John Thompson , Clark Kellogg , and Jim Gray -- San Antonio , Texas Internet ( edit ) Video ( edit ) Live video of games was available for streaming through the following means : NCAA March Madness Live ( website and app , no CBS games on digital media players ; access to games on Turner channels requires TV Everywhere authentication through provider ; 3 hour preview for Turner games is provided before authentication is required ) CBS All Access ( only CBS games , service subscription required ) CBS Sports website and app ( only CBS games ) Bleacher Report website and Team Stream app ( only Turner games , access requires subscription ) Watch TBS website and app ( only TBS games , requires TV Everywhere authentication ) Watch TNT website and app ( only TNT games , requires TV Everywhere authentication ) Watch truTV website and app ( only truTV games , requires TV Everywhere authentication ) Websites and apps of cable , satellite , and OTT providers of CBS & Turner ( access requires subscription ) Audio ( edit ) Live audio of games was available for streaming through the following means : NCAA March Madness Live ( website and app ) Westwood One Sports website TuneIn ( website and app ) Websites and apps of Westwood One Sports affiliates See also ( edit ) College basketball portal 2018 NCAA Division II Men 's Basketball Tournament 2018 NCAA Division III Men 's Basketball Tournament 2018 NCAA Division I Women 's Basketball Tournament 2018 NCAA Division II Women 's Basketball Tournament 2018 National Invitation Tournament 2018 Women 's National Invitation Tournament 2018 Women 's Basketball Invitational 2018 College Basketball Invitational 2018 Postseason Tournament 2018 NAIA Division I Men 's Basketball Tournament 2018 U Sports Men 's Basketball Championship 2018 UMBC vs. Virginia men 's basketball game References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Wilco , Daniel ( March 17 , 2018 ) . `` Last perfect bracket busts after UMBC pulls off biggest upset in NCAA tournament history '' . . National Collegiate Athletic Association . Retrieved March 17 , 2018 . UMBC ( The University of Maryland Baltimore County ) scored the biggest upset in the history of the NCAA tournament , beating top overall seed Virginia 74 - 54 Friday night , and becoming the first 16 seed to win a game in 136 tries . Jump up ^ Bushnell , Henry ( March 17 , 2018 ) . `` UMBC shocks Virginia , first 16 - seed ever to beat a 1 '' . Yahoo Sports . Retrieved March 17 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` 2016 - 18 preliminary rounds '' . NCAA . November 14 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` NCAA gives North Carolina a deadline to repeal HB2 or lose events until 2022 '' . newsobserver . Retrieved March 18 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` N.C. gets NCAA tourney sites after HB2 repeal '' . . Retrieved March 18 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Division I teams face penalties , lose postseason '' . NCAA . May 10 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` NCAA conference tournament schedule : Tracking March Madness automatic bids '' . NCAA . Retrieved March 4 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` DC colleges will have a season without March Madness for the first time since 1978 '' . Washington Post . March 10 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : @ marchmadness ( March 25 , 2018 ) . `` South Region All - Tournament Team '' ( Tweet ) -- via Twitter . ^ Jump up to : @ marchmadness ( March 25 , 2018 ) . `` West Region All - Tournament Team '' ( Tweet ) -- via Twitter . ^ Jump up to : @ marchmadness ( March 25 , 2018 ) . `` East Region All - Tournament Team '' ( Tweet ) -- via Twitter . ^ Jump up to : @ marchmadness ( March 25 , 2018 ) . `` Midwest Region All - Tournament Team '' ( Tweet ) -- via Twitter . ^ Jump up to : `` Villanova Wins National Championship For Second Time in Three Years '' . April 3 , 2018 . Retrieved April 3 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Medcalf , Myron ( March 16 , 2018 ) . `` The fast and unprecedented fall of the Pac - 12 '' . . Retrieved March 16 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` 2018 NCAA Division I Men 's Basketball Championship commentator teams announced '' . NCAA . February 7 , 2018 . Retrieved March 5 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Russo , Ralph D. ( March 6 , 2018 ) . `` Selection show : Tournament teams revealed in 1st 10 minutes '' . Washington Post . Associated Press . ISSN 0190 - 8286 . Retrieved March 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` TBS really made a mess of the NCAA selection show '' . . March 12 , 2018 . Retrieved March 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` 6 ways the NCAA bracket selection show was pretty odd '' . . Retrieved March 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Caesar , Dan . `` Media Views : NCAA tourney ' Selection Show ' loses suspense , adds immediacy '' . . Retrieved March 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Maiman , Beth ( March 8 , 2017 ) . `` March Madness TV schedule : How to watch and live stream every game in the NCAA men 's basketball tournament '' . NCAA . Retrieved March 9 , 2017 . NCAA Division I Men 's Basketball Tournament Tournaments 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1994 1995 2001 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Structure Selection process Venues # 1 seeds Opening Round Elite Eight Final Four National Championship Game Champions & awards Champions Most Outstanding Player Media & culture Bracketology Broadcasting Tournament Final Four March Madness pools `` One Shining Moment '' Records & statistics All - time team records Bids by school Bids by school and conference Consecutive appearances Final Four appearances by school Final Four participants Final Four appearances by coach Upsets 2018 NCAA Division I men 's basketball tournaments Conference ACC America East American Atlantic 10 Atlantic Sun Big 12 Big East Big Sky Big South Big Ten Big West CAA Conference USA Horizon Ivy MAAC MEAC Mid-American Missouri Valley Mountain West Northeast Ohio Valley Pac - 12 Patriot SEC Southern Southland Summit Sun Belt SWAC WAC West Coast Postseason NCAA NIT CBI CIT 2017 -- 18 NCAA Division I championships Baseball Men 's basketball Women 's basketball Beach volleyball Bowling Cross country Fencing Field hockey Football ( FBS ) † Football ( FCS ) Men 's golf Women 's golf Men 's gymnastics Women 's gymnastics Men 's ice hockey Women 's ice hockey Indoor track and field Men 's lacrosse Women 's lacrosse Outdoor track and field Rifle Rowing Skiing Men 's soccer Women 's soccer Softball Men 's swimming and diving Women 's swimming and diving Tennis Men 's volleyball Women 's volleyball Men 's water polo Women 's water polo Wrestling † Not an officially sanctioned NCAA championship Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2017 -- 18 NCAA Division I men 's basketball season NCAA Division I Men 's Basketball Tournament Basketball in San Antonio 2018 in sports in Texas 21st century in San Antonio Hidden categories : Use mdy dates from March 2018 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from April 2018 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Español Français Русский Edit links This page was last edited on 15 June 2018 , at 18 : 20 . 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where are the sweet 16 games being played in 2018
March 22 and 24 West Regional , Staples Center , Los Angeles , California ( Host : Pepperdine University ) South Regional , Philips Arena , Atlanta , Georgia ( Host : Georgia Institute of Technology ) March 23 and 25 East Regional , TD Garden , Boston , Massachusetts ( Host : Boston College ) Midwest Regional , CenturyLink Center Omaha , Omaha , Nebraska ( Host : Creighton University )
Amen - wikipedia Amen Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the interjection . For other uses , see Amen ( disambiguation ) . The word amen ( / ˌɑːˈmɛn / or / ˌeɪˈmɛn / ) is a declaration of affirmation found in the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament . It is found in Jewish , Christian , and in Sunni Muslim worship as a concluding word or response to prayers . Common English translations of the word amen include `` verily '' and `` truly '' . It can also be used colloquially to express strong agreement , as in , for instance , amen to that . Contents ( hide ) 1 Pronunciation 2 Etymology 2.1 Hebrew Bible 2.2 New Testament 3 Religious use 3.1 Judaism 3.2 Christianity 3.3 Islam 4 See also 5 Notes 6 References 7 Further reading 8 External links Pronunciation ( edit ) This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( May 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) In English , the word amen has two primary pronunciations , ah - men ( / ɑːˈmɛn / ) or ay - men ( / eɪˈmɛn / ) , with minor additional variation in emphasis ( the two syllables may be equally stressed instead of placing primary stress on the second ) . In anglophone North America the ah - men pronunciation is used in performances of classical music , in churches with more formalized rituals and liturgy and in liberal to mainline Protestant denominations , as well as almost every Jewish congregation , in line with modern Hebrew pronunciation . The ay - men pronunciation , a product of the Great Vowel Shift dating to the 15th century , is associated with Irish Protestantism and conservative Evangelical denominations generally , and is the pronunciation typically used in gospel music . In Arabic the pronunciation ah - meen ( ʾĀmīn ) is used upon completing a supplication to God or when concluding recitation of the first surah Al Fatiha in prayer . Etymology ( edit ) `` Amen '' in contemporary ( Madnhāyā ) Syriac script . The usage of Amen , meaning `` so be it '' , as found in the early scriptures of the Bible is said to be of Hebrew origin ; however , the basic triconsonantal root from which the word was derived is common to a number of languages , such as Aramaic , in the Semitic branch of the Afrasian languages . The word was imported into the Greek of the early Church from Judaism . From Greek , amen entered the other Western languages . According to a standard dictionary etymology , amen passed from Greek into Late Latin , and thence into English . Rabbinic scholars from medieval France believed the standard Hebrew word for faith emuna comes from the root amen . Although in English transliteration they look different , they are both from the root aleph - mem - nun . That is , the Hebrew word amen derives from the same ancient triliteral Hebrew root as does the verb ʾāmán . Grammarians frequently list ʾāmán under its three consonants ( aleph - mem - nun ) , which are identical to those of ʾāmēn ( note that the Hebrew letter א aleph represents a glottal stop sound , which functions as a consonant in the morphology of Hebrew ) . This triliteral root means to be firm , confirmed , reliable , faithful , have faith , believe . In Arabic , the word is derived from its triliteral common root word ʾĀmana ( Arabic : آمن ‎ ) , which has the same meanings as the Hebrew root word . Popular among some theosophists , proponents of Afrocentric theories of history , and adherents of esoteric Christianity is the conjecture that amen is a derivative of the name of the Egyptian god Amun ( which is sometimes also spelled Amen ) . Some adherents of Eastern religions believe that amen shares roots with the Hindu Sanskrit word , Aum . Such external etymologies are not included in standard etymological reference works . The Hebrew word , as noted above , starts with aleph , while the Egyptian name begins with a yodh . The Armenian word ամեն ( amen ) means `` every '' ; however it is also used in the same form at the conclusion of prayers , much as in English . In French , the Hebrew word amen is sometimes translated as Ainsi soit - il , which means `` So be it . '' Hebrew Bible ( edit ) The word first occurs in the Hebrew Bible in Numbers 5 : 22 when the Priest addresses a suspected adulteress and she responds `` Amen , Amen '' . Overall , the word appears in the Hebrew Bible 30 times . Three distinct Biblical usages of amen may be noted : Initial amen , referring back to words of another speaker and introducing an affirmative sentence , e.g. 1 Kings 1 : 36 . Detached amen , again referring to the words of another speaker but without a complementary affirmative sentence , e.g. Nehemiah 5 : 13 . Final amen , with no change of speaker , as in the subscription to the first three divisions of Psalms . New Testament ( edit ) There are 52 amens in the Synoptic Gospels and 25 in John . The five final amens ( Matthew 6 : 13 , 28 : 20 , Mark 16 : 20 , Luke 24 : 53 and John 21 : 25 ) , which are wanting in certain manuscripts , simulate the effect of final amen in the Hebrew Psalms . All initial amens occur in the sayings of Jesus . These initial amens are unparalleled in Hebrew literature , according to Friedrich Delitzsch , because they do not refer to the words of a previous speaker but instead introduce a new thought . The uses of amen ( `` verily '' or `` I tell you the truth '' , depending on the translation ) in the Gospels form a peculiar class ; they are initial , but often lack any backward reference . Jesus used the word to affirm his own utterances , not those of another person , and this usage was adopted by the church . The use of the initial amen , single or double in form , to introduce solemn statements of Jesus in the Gospels had no parallel in Jewish practice . In the King James Bible , the word amen is preserved in a number of contexts . Notable ones include : The catechism of curses of the Law found in Deuteronomy 27 . A double amen ( `` amen and amen '' ) occurs in Psalm 89 ( Psalm 41 : 13 ; 72 : 19 ; 89 : 52 ) , to confirm the words and invoke the fulfillment of them . Amen occurs in several doxology formulas in Romans 1 : 25 , 9 : 5 , 11 : 36 , 15 : 33 , and several times in Chapter 16 . It also appears in doxologies in the Psalms ( 41 : 14 ; 72 : 19 ; 89 : 53 ; 106 : 48 ) . This liturgical form from Judaism . It concludes all of Paul 's general epistles . In Revelation 3 : 14 , Jesus is referred to as , `` the Amen , the faithful and true witness , the beginning of God 's creation . '' The whole passage reads as `` And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write ; These things saith the Amen , the faithful and true witness , the beginning of the creation of God ; '' . Amen concludes the New Testament at Rev. 22 : 21 . Religious use ( edit ) Judaism ( edit ) See also : Reciting amen Although amen , in Judaism , is commonly stated as a response to a blessing , it is also often used as an affirmation of any declaration . Jewish rabbinical law requires an individual to say amen in a variety of contexts . With the rise of the synagogue during the Second Temple period , amen became a common response , especially to benedictions . It is recited communally to affirm a blessing made by the prayer reader . It is also mandated as a response during the kaddish doxology . The congregation is sometimes prompted to answer ' amen ' by the terms ve - ' imru ( Hebrew : ואמרו ‎ ) = `` and ( now ) say ( pl . ) , '' or , ve - nomar ( ונאמר ) = `` and let us say . '' Contemporary usage reflects ancient practice : As early as the 4th century BCE , Jews assembled in the Temple responded ' amen ' at the close of a doxology or other prayer uttered by a priest . This Jewish liturgical use of amen was adopted by the Christians . But Jewish law also requires individuals to answer amen whenever they hear a blessing recited , even in a non-liturgical setting . The Talmud teaches homiletically that the word amen is an acronym for אל מלך נאמן ( ʾEl melekh neʾeman , `` God , trustworthy King '' ) , the phrase recited silently by an individual before reciting the Shma . Jews usually approximate the Hebrew pronunciation of the word : / ɑː ˈmɛn / ah - MEN ( Israeli - Ashkenazi and Sephardi ) or / ɔː ˈmeɪn / aw - MAYN ( non-Israeli Ashkenazi ) . Christianity ( edit ) The use of `` amen '' has been generally adopted in Christian worship as a concluding word for prayers and hymns and an expression of strong agreement . The liturgical use of the word in apostolic times is attested by the passage from 1 Corinthians cited above , and Justin Martyr ( c. 150 ) describes the congregation as responding `` amen '' to the benediction after the celebration of the Eucharist . Its introduction into the baptismal formula ( in the Eastern Orthodox Church it is pronounced after the name of each person of the Trinity ) was probably later . In Isaiah 65 : 16 , the authorized version has `` the God of truth '' ( `` the God of amen '' in Hebrew ) . Jesus often used amen to put emphasis to his own words ( translated : `` verily '' ) . In John 's Gospel , it is repeated , `` Verily , verily '' . Amen is also used in oaths ( Numbers 5 : 22 ; Deuteronomy 27 : 15 -- 26 ; Nehemiah 5 : 13 ; 8 : 6 ; 1 Chronicles 16 : 36 ) and is further found at the end of the prayer of primitive churches ( 1 Corinthians 14 : 16 ) . In some Christian churches , the `` amen corner '' or `` amen section '' is any subset of the congregation likely to call out `` Amen ! '' in response to points in a preacher 's sermon . Metaphorically , the term can refer to any group of heartfelt traditionalists or supporters of an authority figure . Amen is also used in standard , international French , but in Cajun French Ainsi soit - il ( `` so be it '' ) is used instead . Amen is used at the end of the Lord 's Prayer , which is also called the Our Father or the Pater Noster . Islam ( edit ) ʾĀmīn in Arabic . ʾĀmīn ( Arabic : آمين ‎ ) is the Arabic form of Amen . In Islam , it is used with the same meaning as in Judaism and Christianity ; when concluding a prayer , especially after a supplication ( du'a ) or reciting the first surah Al Fatiha of the Qur'an ( salat ) , and as an assent to the prayers of others . See also ( edit ) Selah So mote it be Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Hebrew : אָמֵן ‬ , Modern amen , Tiberian ʾāmēn ; Greek : ἀμήν ; Arabic : آمِينَ ‎ , ʾāmīna ; `` So be it ; truly '' References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` Amen '' . Catholic Encyclopedia . 1912 . Archived from the original on 5 September 2007 . ^ Jump up to : Harper , Douglas . `` amen '' . Online Etymology Dictionary . Retrieved 2007 - 08 - 20 . Jump up ^ Microsoft Encarta Dictionary Tools . Retrieved 20 August 2007 Jump up ^ `` amen - definition of amen in English from the Oxford dictionary '' . . Retrieved 2 September 2015 . Jump up ^ Paul Joüon , SJ , A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew , trans . and revised by T. Muraoka , vol . I , Rome : Editrice Pontificio Instituto Biblico , 2000 . Jump up ^ `` Amen '' . Jewish Encyclopedia . Archived from the original on 16 February 2008 . Retrieved 2008 - 02 - 19 . ^ Jump up to : `` Amen '' . American Heritage Dictionary . Archived from the original on 21 April 2008 . Retrieved 2008 - 02 - 26 . Jump up ^ `` King James Bible Strong 's Hebrew Dictionary '' . Archived from the original on 13 February 2008 . Retrieved 2008 - 02 - 26 . Jump up ^ `` COLLATION OF THEOSOPHICAL GLOSSARIES -- Amen '' . Archived from the original on 15 March 2008 . Retrieved 2008 - 03 - 12 . Jump up ^ The Origin of the Word Amen , Ed. by Issa & Faraji , Amen Ra Theological Seminary Press . `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on 3 February 2010 . Retrieved 2010 - 02 - 16 . as quoted in the Lexington Herald - Leader , `` Scholar traces origins of ' Amen ' He says word is of African , not Hebrew , origin '' , December 2007 , ( 1 ) Jump up ^ `` Assembly of Yahweh , Cascade ( an Assembly of True Israel , of the Diaspora ) -- Words and Definitions critical to the correct understanding of the Scriptures and Christianity '' . Archived from the original on 26 February 2008 . Retrieved 2008 - 03 - 12 . Jump up ^ `` Amen '' . The Assembly of IaHUShUA MaShIaChaH. 15 December 2005 . Archived from the original on 6 February 2008 . Retrieved 2008 - 03 - 13 . Jump up ^ Yogananda , Paramahansa . Autobiography of a Yoga , 1946 , chapter 26 . Jump up ^ Sri H.W.L Poonja , ' The Truth is ' , Published by Samuel Weiser , 2000 , ISBN 1 - 57863 - 175 - 0 Jump up ^ Mandala Yoga Archived 22 December 2015 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` Hindu Culture - Omkar and Swastika '' . . Retrieved 2 September 2015 . Jump up ^ Erman , Adolf & Grapow , Hermann : Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache , Im Auftrage der Deutschen Akademien , Berlin : Akademie Verlag ( 1971 ) , p. 85 Jump up ^ `` Amen '' , Encyclopedia Biblica Jump up ^ `` Amen '' . Jewish Encyclopedia . Archived from the original on 16 February 2008 . Retrieved 2008 - 02 - 22 . ^ Jump up to : `` Amen '' . Encyclopædia Britannica . Encyclopædia Britannica Online . 2008 . Retrieved 2008 - 03 - 17 . ^ Jump up to : `` Bible Dictionary : Amen '' . . Retrieved 2 September 2015 . Jump up ^ cf . John L. McKenzie , SJ , `` Dictionary of the Bible '' , New York : MacMillan Publ. Co. , Inc. , 1965 . Entry : `` Amen , '' p. 25 ) Jump up ^ Orach Chaim 56 ( amen in kaddish ) ; O.C. 124 ( amen in response to blessings recited by the prayer reader ) ; O.C. 215 ( amen in response to blessings made by any individual outside of the liturgy ) . Jump up ^ Tractate Shabbat 119b and Tractate Sanhedrin 111a Jump up ^ To Pray as a Jew : A Guide to the Prayer Book and the Synagogue Service , Hayim Halevy Donin Jump up ^ Among certain Gnostic sects , Amen became the name of an angel . Jump up ^ Hovda , Robert W. ( 1983 ) . `` The amen corner '' . Worship. 57 ( 2 ) : 150 -- 156 . access - date = requires url = ( help ) Jump up ^ Wycliffe . `` Matthew 6 : 9 -- 15 '' . Wycliffe Bible . Jump up ^ Hastings , James ( 2004 ) ( 1901 ) . A Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels : Volume I . The Minerva Group , Inc. p. 52 . Jump up ^ Glassé , Cyril ( 2003 ) . The New Encyclopedia of Islam . Stacey International . p. 48 . Further reading ( edit ) Schnitker , Thaddeus A. `` Amen . '' In The Encyclopedia of Christianity , edited by Erwin Fahlbusch and Geoffrey William Bromiley , 43 -- 44 . Vol. 1 . Grand Rapids : Wm . B. Eerdmans , 1999 . ISBN 0802824137 External links ( edit ) This article 's use of external links may not follow Wikipedia 's policies or guidelines . Please improve this article by removing excessive or inappropriate external links , and converting useful links where appropriate into footnote references . ( September 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Look up amen in Wiktionary , the free dictionary . Wikiquote has quotations related to : Amen Saying Amen Catholic Encyclopedia : Amen Jewish Encyclopedia : Amen Encyclopædia Britannica : Amen The Laws of Responding Amen in Judaism Strong 's Concordance H543 Strong 's Concordance G281 Tutankhamen -- Amenism , Atenism and Egyptian Monotheism Britannica Student Encyclopedia The Catechism of the Catholic Church on Amen ( hide ) Halakha ( Jewish religious law ) Ethics Chillul Hashem ( Desecration of God 's name ) Geneivat da'at ( Theft of the mind ) Gezel sheina ( Theft of sleep ) Kiddush Hashem ( Sanctification of God 's name ) Lashon hara ( Derogatory information ) Lifnei iver ( Stumbling block in front of the blind ) Noahide laws You shall not murder Yetzer hara Ritual purity Mikveh Niddah Ritual washing in Judaism Handwashing in Judaism Tumah and taharah Modesty Negiah Yichud Mechitza Judaism and sexuality Forbidden relationships in Judaism Gender separation in Judaism Homosexuality and Judaism Agrarian laws Tithes in Judaism Terumah First tithe Second tithe Poor man 's tithe Terumat hamaaser Demai Orlah Bikkurim ( First - fruits ) Sicaricon ( Jewish law ) Hallah Halakhic principles Aveira Bemeizid , beshogeg , and beones B'rov am hadrat melech Chumra Dina d'malkhuta dina D'Oraita and D'Rabbanan One commandment leads to another Ikar v'tafel Marit ayin Neder Osek b'mitzvah patur min hamitzvah Pikuach nefesh Positive commandment Sfeka d'yoma Self - sacrifice in Jewish law Shinuy Shomea k'oneh Testimony Toch k'dei dibur Yad soledet bo Zmanim Relative hour ( Jewish law ) Punishment Capital punishment in Judaism Kareth Related boxes High Holidays Passover Shabbat Sukkot Kashrut Retrieved from `` '' Categories : New Testament Hebrew words and phrases Hebrew words and phrases in the Hebrew Bible Christian prayer Interjections Hebrew words and phrases Jewish prayer and ritual texts Judeo - Christian topics Islamic terminology Religious terminology Hidden categories : Articles containing Arabic - language text Webarchive template wayback links Pages using citations with accessdate and no URL Use dmy dates from July 2013 Articles needing additional references from May 2017 All articles needing additional references All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from March 2017 Articles with unsourced statements from February 2008 Articles containing Hebrew - language text Wikipedia external links cleanup from September 2015 Wikipedia spam cleanup from September 2015 All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from June 2017 Articles with permanently dead external links Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Alemannisch Bân - lâm - gú Беларуская Български Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Gàidhlig Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית ქართული Lietuvių Lingála Magyar Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Polski Português Română Русиньскый Русский Scots سنڌي Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски / srpski Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt Wolof 中文 46 more Edit links This page was last edited on 1 March 2018 , at 10 : 41 . 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when was amen first used in the bible
The word first occurs in the Hebrew Bible in Numbers 5 : 22 when the Priest addresses a suspected adulteress and she responds `` Amen , Amen '' . Overall , the word appears in the Hebrew Bible 30 times .
Do n't Get Around Much Anymore - wikipedia Do n't Get Around Much Anymore Jump to : navigation , search `` Do n't Get Around Much Anymore '' Song by Duke Ellington Published 1940 Songwriter ( s ) Duke Ellington , Bob Russell `` Do n't Get Around Much Anymore '' is a jazz standard with music by Duke Ellington and lyrics by Bob Russell . The tune was originally called `` Never No Lament '' and was first recorded by Ellington in 1940 as a big - band instrumental . Russell 's lyrics and the new title were added in 1942 . Two different recordings of `` Do n't Get Around Much Anymore '' , one by The Ink Spots and the other by Ellington 's own band , reached # 1 on the R&B chart in the US in 1943 . Both were top - ten pop records , along with a version by Glen Gray . The Duke Ellington version reached # 8 on the pop chart . Versions ( edit ) 1943 : The Ink Spots reached number 1 on the R&B chart for two non-consecutive weeks and number 2 on the pop chart 1953 : Harry James recorded several live versions of the tune during the 1950s , including one from 1953 featuring Buddy Rich on drums on the album Live ! ( Sunbeam SB - 230 , 1979 ) 1956 : Patti Page on Music for Two in Love 1957 : Tab Hunter on Dot Records . The b - side to Ninety - Nine Ways , which was a # 11 hit in March ' 57 . `` Do n't Get Around Much Anymore '' itself charted at # 74 in March 1957 . 1957 : Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Duke Ellington Songbook for Verve Records In September 1957 Eydie Gorme released a version on her album Eydie Swings the Blues Hallmark Records 1957 : Nat King Cole on Just One of Those Things 1958 : Bill Doggett included a cover on his album Salute To Duke Ellington , King Records 533 . 1958 : Mose Allison recorded it for his album Young Man Mose , Prestige PRLP 7137 . 1959 : June Christy recorded the song for her album Ballads for Night People and also on the album Spotlight on June Christy ( 1995 ) 1959 : Ed Townsend released a version of the song on his album , Glad to Be Here . 1960 : The Coasters on their album One by One 1961 : Mel Tormé on The Duke Ellington and Count Basie Songbooks for Verve Records 1961 : Sam Cooke on My Kind of Blues 1961 : Etta James on The Second Time Around for Argo Records 1965 : Hank Crawford on Dig These Blues for Atlantic Records 1967 : The Radars on Zodiac Z45 - 1318 1975 : Title track of live recording of jam session with Rolf Ericsson , Tommy Körberg , Dick Morrissey , Terry Smith , and others on Do n't Get Around Much Anymore -- Live at Bullerbyn 1975 : Mose Allison on Creek Bank for Prestige 1978 : Willie Nelson recorded the song for his album Stardust 1987 : Paul McCartney for his album Снова в СССР 1989 : Harry Connick , Jr. on the soundtrack of When Harry Met Sally 1990 : Grace Knight on the soundtrack of Come in Spinner , ABC TV ( Australia ) 1991 : B.B. King on the King of the Blues compilation 1991 : Joan Cartwright with Dr. Lonnie Smith ( p ) , Bill Peeples ( d ) , Bobby Tynes ( s ) , Phil McArthur ( b ) , recorded at Miamiway Theatre in Miami , included on her album In Pursuit of a Melody 1991 : Natalie Cole on her album Unforgettable ... with Love 1995 : Chicago on their album Night & Day Big Band 1996 : Michael Bublé on his album BaBalu 2003 : Rod Stewart had also covered this song on his As Time Goes By : the Great American Songbook 2 cover album of pop standards 2004 : Anne Murray on her album I 'll Be Seeing You 2006 : Brooks Williams on his album Blues and Ballads 2009 : Mark Isham & Kate Ceberano recorded a version for their Bittersweet album . 2010 : Cliff Richard on his album Bold as Brass 2011 : Tony Bennett and Michael Bublé on the album Duets II 2012 : Tony Bennett and Miguel Bosé on the album Viva Duets 2015 : Lowell Oakley on the eighth season of the American reality talent show The Voice References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Whitburn , Joel ( 2004 ) . Top R&B / Hip - Hop Singles : 1942 - 2004 . Record Research . p. 185 . Jump up ^ Whitburn , Joel ( 2004 ) . Top R&B / Hip - Hop Singles : 1942 - 2004 . Record Research . p. 275 . Jump up ^ `` Harry James , Willie Smith , Buddy Rich -- Live ! Hollywood Palladium - Freedomland , N.Y. 1953 - 54 '' . Discogs . Retrieved 2017 - 01 - 29 . Jump up ^ `` Music for Two in Love by Patti Page : Reviews and Ratings - Rate Your Music '' . . Retrieved 18 May 2011 . Jump up ^ Ed Townsend , Glad to Be Here Retrieved August 16 , 2016 . Jump up ^ The Coasters , One by One Retrieved February 10 , 2012 . Preceded by `` Do n't Stop Now '' by the Bunny Banks Trio with vocal chorus by Bonnie Davis `` I Ca n't Stand Losing You '' by the Ink Spots The Billboard Harlem Hit Parade number - one single ( The Ink Spots version ) March 27 , 1943 ( one week ) May 8 , 1943 ( one week ) Succeeded by `` Do n't Stop Now '' by the Bunny Banks Trio with vocal chorus by Bonnie Davis `` I Ca n't Stand Losing You '' by the Ink Spots Preceded by `` See See Rider Blues '' by Bea Booze `` I Ca n't Stand Losing You '' by the Ink Spots `` I Ca n't Stand Losing You '' by the Ink Spots The Billboard Harlem Hit Parade number - one single ( Duke Ellington and His Famous Orchestra version ) May 29 , 1943 ( one week ) June 12 , 1943 ( one week ) July 10 , 1943 ( one week ) Succeeded by `` I Ca n't Stand Losing You '' by the Ink Spots `` I Ca n't Stand Losing You '' by the Ink Spots `` You 'll Never Know '' by Dick Haymes and the Song Spinners Duke Ellington Studio albums The Blanton -- Webster Band Never No Lament : The Blanton - Webster Band Braggin ' in Brass : The Immortal 1938 Year Liberian Suite Great Times ! Masterpieces by Ellington Ellington Uptown The Duke Plays Ellington Ellington ' 55 Dance to the Duke ! Ellington Showcase Historically Speaking Duke Ellington Presents ... The Complete Porgy and Bess A Drum Is a Woman Studio Sessions , Chicago 1956 Such Sweet Thunder Ellington Indigos Black , Brown and Beige Duke Ellington at the Bal Masque The Cosmic Scene Happy Reunion Jazz Party Back to Back Side by Side Anatomy of a Murder Festival Session Blues in Orbit The Nutcracker Suite Piano in the Background Swinging Suites by Edward E. and Edward G . Unknown Session Piano in the Foreground The Great Summit : The Master Takes Paris Blues First Time ! The Count Meets the Duke Duke Ellington & John Coltrane Featuring Paul Gonsalves Studio Sessions 1957 & 1962 Midnight in Paris Duke Ellington Meets Coleman Hawkins Studio Sessions , New York 1962 Money Jungle Afro - Bossa The Symphonic Ellington Duke Ellington 's Jazz Violin Session Studio Sessions New York 1963 My People Ellington ' 65 Duke Ellington Plays Mary Poppins Ellington ' 66 Concert in the Virgin Islands The Popular Duke Ellington The Far East Suite The Jaywalker Studio Sessions , 1957 , 1965 , 1966 , 1967 , San Francisco , Chicago , New York ... And His Mother Called Him Bill Second Sacred Concert Studio Sessions New York , 1968 Latin American Suite The Pianist New Orleans Suite Orchestral Works The Suites , New York 1968 & 1970 The Intimacy of the Blues The Afro - Eurasian Eclipse Studio Sessions New York & Chicago , 1965 , 1966 & 1971 The Intimate Ellington The Ellington Suites This One 's for Blanton ! Up in Duke 's Workshop Duke 's Big 4 Mood Ellington Live albums Duke Ellington at Fargo , 1940 Live The Carnegie Hall Concerts : January 1943 The Carnegie Hall Concerts : December 1944 The Carnegie Hall Concerts : January 1946 The Carnegie Hall Concerts : December 1947 Ellington at Newport Dance Concerts , California 1958 Dance Dates , California 1958 Newport 1958 Jazz at the Plaza Vol. II Duke Ellington at the Alhambra Live at the Blue Note The Great Paris Concert A Concert of Sacred Music In the Uncommon Market Soul Call Yale Concert 70th Birthday Concert Togo Brava Suite Live at the Whitney Third Sacred Concert Eastbourne Performance Collaborations with Alice Babs Serenade to Sweden with Count Basie First Time ! The Count Meets the Duke with Teresa Brewer It Do n't Mean a Thing If It Ai n't Got That Swing with Rosemary Clooney Blue Rose with John Coltrane Duke Ellington & John Coltrane with Ella Fitzgerald Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Duke Ellington Songbook Ella at Duke 's Place The Stockholm Concert , 1966 Ella and Duke at the Cote D'Azur with Coleman Hawkins Duke Ellington Meets Coleman Hawkins with Frank Sinatra Francis A. & Edward K . Compositions `` African Flower '' `` All Too Soon '' `` Azure '' `` Black and Tan Fantasy '' `` Black , Brown and Beige '' `` C Jam Blues '' `` Cotton Tail '' `` Day Dream '' `` Diminuendo and Crescendo in Blue '' `` Do Nothing Till You Hear from Me '' `` Do n't Get Around Much Anymore '' `` Drop Me Off in Harlem '' `` Echoes of Harlem '' `` Everything But You '' `` I Ai n't Got Nothin ' But the Blues '' `` I Did n't Know About You '' `` I Got It Bad ( and That Ai n't Good ) '' `` I Let a Song Go Out of My Heart '' `` I 'm Beginning to See the Light '' `` I 'm Just a Lucky So - and - So '' `` In a Mellow Tone '' `` In a Sentimental Mood '' `` It Do n't Mean a Thing ( If It Ai n't Got That Swing ) '' `` Just A-Sittin ' and A-Rockin ' '' `` Just Squeeze Me ( But Please Do n't Tease Me ) '' `` The Mooche '' `` Mood Indigo '' `` Prelude to a Kiss '' `` Rocks in My Bed '' `` ( In My ) Solitude '' `` Sophisticated Lady '' Billy Strayhorn compositions associated with Ellington `` Take the `` A '' Train '' `` Lush Life '' `` Chelsea Bridge '' `` Something to Live For '' `` Satin Doll '' `` Blood Count '' Juan Tizol compositions associated with Ellington `` Caravan '' `` Perdido '' Orchestra members Hayes Alvis Cat Anderson Ivie Anderson Harold Ashby Alice Babs Shorty Baker Butch Ballard Art Baron Aaron Bell Louie Bellson Joe Benjamin Barney Bigard Lou Blackburn Jimmy Blanton Wellman Braud Lawrence Brown Harry Carney Johnny Coles Willie Cook Buster Cooper Kay Davis Wild Bill Davis Wilbur De Paris Bobby Durham Mercer Ellington Rolf Ericson Jimmy Forrest Victor Gaskin Peter Giger Tyree Glenn Paul Gonsalves Sonny Greer Fred Guy Jimmy Hamilton Otto Hardwick Rick Henderson Al Hibbler Johnny Hodges Major Holley Charlie Irvis Quentin Jackson Hilton Jefferson Herb Jeffries Freddie Jenkins Money Johnson Herbie Jones Taft Jordan Al Killian Queen Esther Marrow Wendell Marshall Murray McEachern Louis Metcalf James `` Bubber '' Miley Harold `` Geezil '' Minerve Ray Nance Tricky Sam Nanton Oscar Pettiford Eddie Preston Russell Procope Junior Raglin Betty Roché Ernie Royal Al Sears Joya Sherrill Willie Smith Elmer Snowden Rex Stewart Billy Strayhorn Billy Taylor Clark Terry Juan Tizol Norris Turney Ben Webster Arthur Whetsol Cootie Williams Nelson Williams Skippy Williams Booty Wood Jimmy Woode Britt Woodman Sam Woodyard Filmography Black and Tan Check and Double Check Belle of the Nineties Murder at the Vanities Cabin in the Sky Anatomy of a Murder Paris Blues Assault on a Queen Change of Mind Related Duke Ellington Bridge Duke Ellington House Duke Ellington School of the Arts Luther Henderson Irving Mills Sophisticated Ladies Play On ! Sacred Concerts Discography The Ink Spots Bill Kenny Charlie Fuqua Deek Watson Hoppy Jones Jerry Daniels Bernie Mackey Cliff Givens Billy Bowen Huey Long Herb Kenny Singles `` If I Did n't Care '' `` My Prayer '' `` Memories of You '' `` I 'm Gettin ' Sentimental Over You '' `` When the Swallows Come Back to Capistrano '' `` Whispering Grass ( Do n't Tell the Trees ) '' `` Maybe '' `` We Three ( My Echo , My Shadow , and Me ) '' `` Java Jive '' `` Until the Real Thing Comes Along '' `` Do n't Get Around Much Anymore '' `` I Ca n't Stand Losing You '' `` Cow Cow Boogie ( Cuma - Ti - Yi - Yi - Ay ) '' `` A Lovely Way to Spend an Evening '' `` I 'll Get By ( As Long as I Have You ) '' `` Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall '' `` I 'm Beginning to See the Light '' `` The Gypsy '' `` Prisoner of Love '' `` To Each His Own '' `` The Best Things in Life Are Free '' `` You 're Breaking My Heart '' `` Echoes '' `` If '' `` It Is No Secret '' ( Bill Kenny solo ) Related topics The Great American Broadcast Pardon My Sarong The Brown Dots The Four Tunes The Bill Kenny Show Book : The Ink Spots Michael Bublé Discography Studio albums BaBalu ( 2001 ) Dream ( 2002 ) Michael Bublé ( 2003 ) It 's Time ( 2005 ) Call Me Irresponsible ( 2007 ) Crazy Love ( 2009 ) Christmas ( 2011 ) To Be Loved ( 2013 ) Nobody but Me ( 2016 ) Live albums Come Fly with Me ( 2004 ) Caught in the Act ( 2005 ) Michael Bublé Meets Madison Square Garden ( 2009 ) Extended plays First Dance ( 1995 ) Totally Bublé ( 2003 ) Let It Snow ( 2003 ) More ( 2005 ) With Love ( 2006 ) A Taste of Bublé ( 2008 ) Special Delivery ( 2010 ) A Holiday Gift for You ( 2010 ) Singles `` How Can You Mend a Broken Heart '' `` Kissing a Fool '' `` Sway '' `` Spider - Man Theme '' `` Feeling Good '' `` Home '' `` Save the Last Dance for Me '' `` Everything '' `` Me and Mrs. Jones '' `` Lost '' `` It Had Better Be Tonight '' `` Comin ' Home Baby '' `` Have n't Met You Yet '' `` Hold On '' `` Baby ( You 've Got What It Takes ) '' `` Cry Me a River '' `` Crazy Love '' `` Hollywood '' `` Georgia on My Mind '' `` Do n't Get Around Much Anymore '' `` All I Want for Christmas Is You '' `` It 's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas '' / `` Jingle Bells '' `` White Christmas '' `` Nobody but Me '' Concert tours Crazy Love Tour ( 2010 -- 12 ) To Be Loved Tour ( 2013 -- 14 ) Tony Bennett Studio albums Because of You Cloud 7 Alone at Last with Tony Bennett Tony The Beat of My Heart Long Ago and Far Away Strike Up the Band Hometown , My Town To My Wonderful One Tony Sings for Two Alone Together Sings a String of Harold Arlen My Heart Sings I Left My Heart in San Francisco I Wanna Be Around ... This Is All I Ask The Many Moods of Tony When Lights Are Low Who Can I Turn To If I Ruled the World : Songs for the Jet Set The Movie Song Album Tony Makes It Happen For Once in My Life Snowfall : The Tony Bennett Christmas Album I 've Gotta Be Me Tony Sings the Great Hits of Today ! Tony Bennett 's `` Something '' Love Story Summer of ' 42 With Love The Good Things in Life The Tony Bennett / Bill Evans Album Life Is Beautiful Together Again The Art of Excellence Bennett / Berlin Astoria : Portrait of the Artist Perfectly Frank Steppin ' Out Here 's to the Ladies Tony Bennett on Holiday Tony Bennett : The Playground Bennett Sings Ellington : Hot & Cool Playin ' with My Friends : Bennett Sings the Blues A Wonderful World The Art of Romance Duets : An American Classic A Swingin ' Christmas ( Featuring The Count Basie Big Band ) Duets II Viva Duets Cheek to Cheek The Silver Lining : The Songs of Jerome Kern Live albums Tony Bennett at Carnegie Hall MTV Unplugged Compilation albums Mr. Broadway : Tony 's Greatest Broadway Hits A Time for Love The Essential Tony Bennett Singles `` Because of You '' `` Rags to Riches '' `` I Left My Heart in San Francisco '' `` Body and Soul '' `` Just in Time '' `` Living Together , Growing Together '' `` The Lady Is a Tramp '' `` Do n't Get Around Much Anymore '' `` Anything Goes '' `` I Ca n't Give You Anything but Love , Baby '' Related Discography The Zen of Bennett Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga : Cheek to Cheek Live ! Cheek to Cheek Tour Tony Bennett Celebrates 90 Tony Bennett Celebrates 90 : The Best Is Yet to Come Willie Nelson singles discography 1950s and 1960s 1957 `` No Place For Me '' / `` Lumberjack '' 1959 `` Man With the Blues '' / `` The Storm Has Just Begun '' 1960 `` What a Way to Live '' / `` Misery Mansion '' `` Nite Life '' / `` Rainy Day Blues '' 1961 `` The Part Where I Cry '' / `` Mr. Record Man '' 1962 `` Willingly '' / `` Chain of Love '' `` Touch Me '' / `` Where My House Lives '' `` Wake Me When It 's Over '' / `` There 's Gonna Be Love In My House '' `` You Dream About Me '' / `` Is This My Destiny '' 1963 `` Half a Man '' / `` The Last Letter '' `` Take My Word '' / `` Feed it a Memory '' 1964 `` How Long is Forever '' / `` You Took My Happy Away '' `` Am I Blue '' / `` There 'll Be No Teardrops Tonight '' `` River Boy '' / `` Opportunity to Cry '' `` I Never Cared For You '' / `` You Left Me ( A Long Time Ago ) '' `` Pretty Paper '' / `` What A Merry Christmas This Could Be '' 1965 `` She 's Not For You '' / `` Permanently Lonely '' `` Healing Hands of Time '' / `` One Day at the Time '' `` I Just Ca n't Let You Say Goodbye '' / `` And So Will You , My Love '' 1966 `` One In A Row '' / `` San Antonio Rose '' `` Colombus Stockade Blues '' / `` He Sits at my Table '' `` I 'm Still Not Over You '' / `` I Love You Because '' 1967 `` The Party 's Over '' / `` Make Way for a Better Man '' `` Blackjack County Chain '' / `` Some Other World '' `` San Antonio '' / `` To Make a Long Story Short '' 1968 `` Little Things '' / `` Sweet Memories '' `` Good Times '' / `` Where Do You Stand '' `` Johnny One Time '' / `` She 's Still Gone '' 1969 `` Bring Me Sunshine '' / `` Do n't Say Love or Nothing '' `` I Hope So '' / `` Right or Wrong '' 1970s 1970 `` Once More With Feeling '' / `` Who Do I Know in Dallas '' `` Laying My Burdens Down '' / `` Truth Number One '' 1971 `` I 'm a Memory '' / `` Fire and Rain '' `` Yesterday 's Wine '' / `` Me and Paul '' 1972 `` Words Do n't Fit the Picture '' / `` A Moment '' 1973 `` Shotgun Willie '' ( mono ) / `` Sad Songs and Waltzes '' `` Stay All Night ( Stay a Little Longer ) '' / `` Devil in a Sleepin ' Bag '' `` I Still Ca n't Believe You 're Gone '' / `` Heaven and Hell '' `` Bloody Mary Morning '' / `` After the Fire is Gone '' ( with Tracy Nelson ) `` Sister 's Comin ' Home '' ( mono ) / `` Pick Up The Tempo '' `` Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain '' / `` Bandera '' 1976 `` Remember Me ( When the Candle Lights Are Gleaming ) '' / `` Time of the Preacher '' `` I 'd Have to Be Crazy '' ( mono ) / `` Amazing Grace '' `` If You 've Got the Money I 've Got the Time '' / `` The Sound in Your Mind '' 1977 `` Uncloudy Day '' / `` Precious Memories '' `` I Love You A Thousand Ways '' / `` Mom and Dad 's Waltz '' 1978 `` Georgia on My Mind '' / `` On The Sunny Side Of The Street '' `` Blue Skies '' / `` Moonlight in Vermont '' `` All of Me '' / `` Unchained Melody '' 1979 `` Whiskey River '' / `` Under the Double Eagle '' `` September Song '' / `` Do n't Get Around Much Anymore '' `` White Christmas '' / `` Blue Christmas '' 1980s 1980 `` Help Me Make It Through the Night '' / `` The Pilgrim , Chapter 33 '' `` My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys '' / `` Rising Stars '' `` Midnight Rider '' / `` So You Think You 're A Cowboy '' `` On the Road Again '' / `` Jumpin ' Cotton Eyed Joe '' ( performed by Johnny Gimble ) 1981 `` Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground '' / `` I Guess I 've Come to Live Here in Your Eyes '' `` Mona Lisa '' / `` Twinkle , Twinkle Little Star '' `` I 'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter '' / `` Over the Rainbow '' `` Heartaches of a Fool '' / `` Uncloudy Day '' 1982 `` Always on My Mind '' / `` The Party 's Over '' `` Let It Be Me '' / `` Permanently Lonely '' `` Last Thing I Needed First Thing This Morning '' / `` Old Fords and a Natural Stone '' `` Little Old Fashioned Karma '' / `` Beer Barrel Polka '' `` Why Do I Have to Choose '' / `` Would You Lay with Me ( In a Field of Stone ) '' `` Take It to the Limit '' / `` Till I Gain Control Again '' `` Without a Song '' 1984 `` City of New Orleans ( Unedited version ) '' / `` Why Are You Pickin ' On Me '' 1985 `` Forgiving You Was Easy '' / `` You Would n't Cross the Street '' `` Me and Paul '' / `` I Let My Mind Wander '' 1986 `` Living in the Promiseland '' / `` Bach Minuet in G '' `` I 'm Not Trying to Forget You '' / `` I 've Got the Craziest Feeling '' `` Partners After All '' / `` Home Away From Home '' `` Heart of Gold '' / `` So Much Like My Dad '' `` Island in the Sea '' / `` There Is No Easy Way '' `` Nobody There But Me '' / `` Wake Me When It 's Over '' `` Spanish Eyes '' ( with Julio Iglesias ) / `` Ole Buttermilk Sky '' `` Twilight Time '' / `` Ac - Cent - Tchu - Ate the Positive '' `` Nothing I Can Do About It Now '' / `` If I Were a Painting '' `` There You Are '' / `` Spirit '' `` Is The Better Part Over '' / `` Mr. Record Man '' 1990s `` The Highway '' / `` Spirit '' `` Ai n't Necessarily So '' / `` I Never Cared For You '' ( `` Ai n't Necessarily So '' also on CD Single ) 1991 `` The Piper Came Today '' / `` ( I Do n't Have a Reason ) To Go To California Anymore '' ( `` The Piper Came Today '' also on CD Single ) `` Ten With a Two '' / `` You Decide '' `` Graceland '' `` Still is Still Moving to Me '' / `` Valentine '' 1995 `` Turn Me Loose and Let Me Swing '' 1998 `` I Never Cared for You '' 2000s and 2010s 2002 `` Mendocino County Line '' ( with Lee Ann Womack ) / `` Maria ( Shut Up and Kiss Me ) '' ( Both single tracks released on CD and 7 '' record ) 2003 `` Wurlitzer Prize '' ( with Norah Jones ) `` Beer for My Horses '' ( with Toby Keith ) 2005 `` I 'm a Worried Man '' ( with Toots Hibbert ) `` The Harder They Come '' 2006 `` You Do n't Know Me '' `` Cowboys Are Frequently , Secretly Fond of Each Other '' 2008 `` Gravedigger '' `` You Do n't Think I 'm Funny Anymore '' 2011 `` The Scientist '' 2012 `` Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die '' `` Just Breathe '' `` Come On Back Jesus '' 2013 `` From Here to the Moon and Back '' ( with Dolly Parton ) `` Grandma 's Hands '' ( with Mavis Staples ) `` It Wo n't Be Long '' ( with The Secret Sisters ) `` Somewhere Between '' ( with Loretta Lynn ) 2014 `` The Wall '' `` Bring It On '' `` Laws of Nature '' `` Who 'll Buy My Memories '' 2015 `` It 's All Going to Pot '' Book : Willie Nelson Category : Willie Nelson Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1940 songs 1940s jazz standards Songs with lyrics by Bob Russell ( songwriter ) Songs with music by Duke Ellington The Coasters songs Sam Cooke songs Willie Nelson songs Paul McCartney songs Chicago ( band ) songs Rod Stewart songs Cliff Richard songs Ed Townsend songs Billboard Hot R&B / Hip - Hop Songs number - one singles Swing jazz standards Talk More About Wikipedia Deutsch Français Norsk nynorsk Edit links This page was last edited on 25 May 2017 , at 09 : 01 . 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who sings don't get around much anymore
`` Do n't Get Around Much Anymore '' is a jazz standard with music by Duke Ellington and lyrics by Bob Russell . The tune was originally called `` Never No Lament '' and was first recorded by Ellington in 1940 as a big - band instrumental . Russell 's lyrics and the new title were added in 1942 .
List of Breaking Bad episodes - wikipedia List of Breaking Bad episodes Jump to : navigation , search Breaking Bad is an American television drama series created by Vince Gilligan , which premiered in 2008 on the cable network AMC . It revolves around Walter White ( Bryan Cranston ) , a 50 - year - old high school chemistry teacher in Albuquerque , New Mexico . After White is diagnosed with lung cancer , he uses his chemistry knowledge to `` cook '' crystal meth with his former student Jesse Pinkman ( Aaron Paul ) , in order to secure his family 's ( played by Anna Gunn and RJ Mitte ) financial future before he dies from the disease . Over the course of its broadcast , Breaking Bad aired 62 episodes over five seasons . The pilot episode was first aired on January 20 , 2008 , and the series finale was broadcast on September 29 , 2013 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Series overview 2 Episodes 2.1 Season 1 ( 2008 ) 2.2 Season 2 ( 2009 ) 2.3 Season 3 ( 2010 ) 2.4 Season 4 ( 2011 ) 2.5 Season 5 ( 2012 -- 13 ) 3 Minisodes 4 See also 5 References 6 External links Series overview ( edit ) Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 7 January 20 , 2008 ( 2008 - 01 - 20 ) March 9 , 2008 ( 2008 - 03 - 09 ) 13 March 8 , 2009 ( 2009 - 03 - 08 ) May 31 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 31 ) 13 March 21 , 2010 ( 2010 - 03 - 21 ) June 13 , 2010 ( 2010 - 06 - 13 ) 13 July 17 , 2011 ( 2011 - 07 - 17 ) October 9 , 2011 ( 2011 - 10 - 09 ) 5 16 8 July 15 , 2012 ( 2012 - 07 - 15 ) September 2 , 2012 ( 2012 - 09 - 02 ) 8 August 11 , 2013 ( 2013 - 08 - 11 ) September 29 , 2013 ( 2013 - 09 - 29 ) Episodes ( edit ) Season 1 ( 2008 ) ( edit ) Main article : Breaking Bad ( season 1 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date U.S. viewers ( millions ) `` Pilot '' Vince Gilligan Vince Gilligan January 20 , 2008 ( 2008 - 01 - 20 ) 1.41 `` Cat 's in the Bag ... '' Adam Bernstein Vince Gilligan January 27 , 2008 ( 2008 - 01 - 27 ) 1.49 `` ... And the Bag 's in the River '' Adam Bernstein Vince Gilligan February 10 , 2008 ( 2008 - 02 - 10 ) 1.08 `` Cancer Man '' Jim McKay Vince Gilligan February 17 , 2008 ( 2008 - 02 - 17 ) 1.09 5 5 `` Gray Matter '' Tricia Brock Patty Lin February 24 , 2008 ( 2008 - 02 - 24 ) N / A 6 6 `` Crazy Handful of Nothin ' '' Bronwen Hughes George Mastras March 2 , 2008 ( 2008 - 03 - 02 ) 1.07 7 7 `` A No - Rough - Stuff - Type Deal '' Tim Hunter Peter Gould March 9 , 2008 ( 2008 - 03 - 09 ) 1.50 Season 2 ( 2009 ) ( edit ) Main article : Breaking Bad ( season 2 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date U.S. viewers ( millions ) 8 `` Seven Thirty - Seven '' Bryan Cranston J. Roberts March 8 , 2009 ( 2009 - 03 - 08 ) 1.66 9 `` Grilled '' Charles Haid George Mastras March 15 , 2009 ( 2009 - 03 - 15 ) 1.60 10 `` Bit by a Dead Bee '' Terry McDonough Peter Gould March 22 , 2009 ( 2009 - 03 - 22 ) 1.13 11 `` Down '' John Dahl Sam Catlin March 29 , 2009 ( 2009 - 03 - 29 ) 1.29 12 5 `` Breakage '' Johan Renck Moira Walley - Beckett April 5 , 2009 ( 2009 - 04 - 05 ) 1.21 13 6 `` Peekaboo '' Peter Medak J. Roberts & Vince Gilligan April 12 , 2009 ( 2009 - 04 - 12 ) 1.41 14 7 `` Negro y Azul '' Felix Alcala John Shiban April 19 , 2009 ( 2009 - 04 - 19 ) N / A 15 8 `` Better Call Saul '' Terry McDonough Peter Gould April 26 , 2009 ( 2009 - 04 - 26 ) 1.04 16 9 `` 4 Days Out '' Michelle MacLaren Sam Catlin May 3 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 03 ) N / A 17 10 `` Over '' Phil Abraham Moira Walley - Beckett May 10 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 10 ) N / A 18 11 `` Mandala '' Adam Bernstein George Mastras May 17 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 17 ) N / A 19 12 `` Phoenix '' Colin Bucksey John Shiban May 24 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 24 ) N / A 20 13 `` ABQ '' Adam Bernstein Vince Gilligan May 31 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 31 ) 1.50 Season 3 ( 2010 ) ( edit ) Main article : Breaking Bad ( season 3 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date U.S. viewers ( millions ) 21 `` No Más '' Bryan Cranston Vince Gilligan March 21 , 2010 ( 2010 - 03 - 21 ) 1.95 22 `` Caballo Sin Nombre '' Adam Bernstein Peter Gould March 28 , 2010 ( 2010 - 03 - 28 ) 1.55 23 `` I.F.T. '' Michelle MacLaren George Mastras April 4 , 2010 ( 2010 - 04 - 04 ) 1.33 24 `` Green Light '' Scott Winant Sam Catlin April 11 , 2010 ( 2010 - 04 - 11 ) 1.46 25 5 `` Más '' Johan Renck Moira Walley - Beckett April 18 , 2010 ( 2010 - 04 - 18 ) 1.61 26 6 `` Sunset '' John Shiban John Shiban April 25 , 2010 ( 2010 - 04 - 25 ) 1.64 27 7 `` One Minute '' Michelle MacLaren Thomas Schnauz May 2 , 2010 ( 2010 - 05 - 02 ) 1.52 28 8 `` I See You '' Colin Bucksey Gennifer Hutchison May 9 , 2010 ( 2010 - 05 - 09 ) 1.78 29 9 `` Kafkaesque '' Michael Slovis Peter Gould & George Mastras May 16 , 2010 ( 2010 - 05 - 16 ) 1.61 30 10 `` Fly '' Rian Johnson Sam Catlin & Moira Walley - Beckett May 23 , 2010 ( 2010 - 05 - 23 ) 1.20 31 11 `` Abiquiu '' Michelle MacLaren John Shiban & Thomas Schnauz May 30 , 2010 ( 2010 - 05 - 30 ) 1.32 32 12 `` Half Measures '' Adam Bernstein Sam Catlin & Peter Gould June 6 , 2010 ( 2010 - 06 - 06 ) 1.19 33 13 `` Full Measure '' Vince Gilligan Vince Gilligan June 13 , 2010 ( 2010 - 06 - 13 ) 1.56 Season 4 ( 2011 ) ( edit ) Main article : Breaking Bad ( season 4 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date U.S. viewers ( millions ) 34 `` Box Cutter '' Adam Bernstein Vince Gilligan July 17 , 2011 ( 2011 - 07 - 17 ) 2.58 35 `` Thirty - Eight Snub '' Michelle MacLaren George Mastras July 24 , 2011 ( 2011 - 07 - 24 ) 1.97 36 `` Open House '' David Slade Sam Catlin July 31 , 2011 ( 2011 - 07 - 31 ) 1.71 37 `` Bullet Points '' Colin Bucksey Moira Walley - Beckett August 7 , 2011 ( 2011 - 08 - 07 ) 1.83 38 5 `` Shotgun '' Michelle MacLaren Thomas Schnauz August 14 , 2011 ( 2011 - 08 - 14 ) 1.75 39 6 `` Cornered '' Michael Slovis Gennifer Hutchison August 21 , 2011 ( 2011 - 08 - 21 ) 1.67 40 7 `` Problem Dog '' Peter Gould Peter Gould August 28 , 2011 ( 2011 - 08 - 28 ) 1.91 41 8 `` Hermanos '' Johan Renck Sam Catlin & George Mastras September 4 , 2011 ( 2011 - 09 - 04 ) 1.98 42 9 `` Bug '' Terry McDonough Moira Walley - Beckett & Thomas Schnauz September 11 , 2011 ( 2011 - 09 - 11 ) 1.89 43 10 `` Salud '' Michelle MacLaren Peter Gould & Gennifer Hutchison September 18 , 2011 ( 2011 - 09 - 18 ) 1.80 44 11 `` Crawl Space '' Scott Winant George Mastras & Sam Catlin September 25 , 2011 ( 2011 - 09 - 25 ) 1.55 45 12 `` End Times '' Vince Gilligan Thomas Schnauz & Moira Walley - Beckett October 2 , 2011 ( 2011 - 10 - 02 ) 1.73 46 13 `` Face Off '' Vince Gilligan Vince Gilligan October 9 , 2011 ( 2011 - 10 - 09 ) 1.90 Season 5 ( 2012 -- 13 ) ( edit ) Main article : Breaking Bad ( season 5 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date U.S. viewers ( millions ) Part 1 47 `` Live Free or Die '' Michael Slovis Vince Gilligan July 15 , 2012 ( 2012 - 07 - 15 ) 2.93 48 `` Madrigal '' Michelle MacLaren Vince Gilligan July 22 , 2012 ( 2012 - 07 - 22 ) 2.29 49 `` Hazard Pay '' Adam Bernstein Peter Gould July 29 , 2012 ( 2012 - 07 - 29 ) 2.20 50 `` Fifty - One '' Rian Johnson Sam Catlin August 5 , 2012 ( 2012 - 08 - 05 ) 2.29 51 5 `` Dead Freight '' George Mastras George Mastras August 12 , 2012 ( 2012 - 08 - 12 ) 2.48 52 6 `` Buyout '' Colin Bucksey Gennifer Hutchison August 19 , 2012 ( 2012 - 08 - 19 ) 2.81 53 7 `` Say My Name '' Thomas Schnauz Thomas Schnauz August 26 , 2012 ( 2012 - 08 - 26 ) 2.98 54 8 `` Gliding Over All '' Michelle MacLaren Moira Walley - Beckett September 2 , 2012 ( 2012 - 09 - 02 ) 2.78 Part 2 55 9 `` Blood Money '' Bryan Cranston Peter Gould August 11 , 2013 ( 2013 - 08 - 11 ) 5.92 56 10 `` Buried '' Michelle MacLaren Thomas Schnauz August 18 , 2013 ( 2013 - 08 - 18 ) 4.77 57 11 `` Confessions '' Michael Slovis Gennifer Hutchison August 25 , 2013 ( 2013 - 08 - 25 ) 4.85 58 12 `` Rabid Dog '' Sam Catlin Sam Catlin September 1 , 2013 ( 2013 - 09 - 01 ) 4.41 59 13 `` To'hajiilee '' Michelle MacLaren George Mastras September 8 , 2013 ( 2013 - 09 - 08 ) 5.11 60 14 `` Ozymandias '' Rian Johnson Moira Walley - Beckett September 15 , 2013 ( 2013 - 09 - 15 ) 6.37 61 15 `` Granite State '' Peter Gould Peter Gould September 22 , 2013 ( 2013 - 09 - 22 ) 6.58 62 16 `` Felina '' Vince Gilligan Vince Gilligan September 29 , 2013 ( 2013 - 09 - 29 ) 10.28 Minisodes ( edit ) Breaking Bad : Original Minisodes is a web series based on the television series Breaking Bad . On February 17 , 2009 , five `` mini-episodes , '' which were more comedy - oriented than most full episodes , were made available online before the premiere of the show 's second season . Additional minisodes were to be produced before the premiere of the fourth season , but these did not come to fruition . The first six were included with Breaking Bad : The Complete Second Season . No . Title Directed by Written by Original release date Running time `` Good Cop / Bad Cop '' John Shiban Suzanne Potts February 17 , 2009 ( 2009 - 02 - 17 ) 2 : 53 `` Wedding Day '' John Shiban Kate Powers February 17 , 2009 ( 2009 - 02 - 17 ) 4 : 50 `` TwaüghtHammër '' John Shiban Gennifer Hutchison February 17 , 2009 ( 2009 - 02 - 17 ) 4 : 13 `` Marie 's Confession '' John Shiban Vince Gilligan February 17 , 2009 ( 2009 - 02 - 17 ) 2 : 47 5 `` The Break - In '' John Shiban Gennifer Hutchison February 17 , 2009 ( 2009 - 02 - 17 ) 4 : 49 See also ( edit ) List of Better Call Saul episodes References ( edit ) Jump up ^ O'Connell , Michael ( September 30 , 2013 ) . `` TV Ratings : ' Breaking Bad ' Finale Smashes Records With 10.3 Million Viewers '' . Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved July 6 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Yanan , Travis ( January 29 , 2008 ) . `` Sunday original finals : 1 / 27 / 08 '' . The Programming Insider . Archived from the original on February 1 , 2008 . Retrieved January 28 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Yanan , Travis ( February 13 , 2008 ) . `` Sunday original finals : 2 / 10 / 08 '' . The Programming Insider . Archived from the original on February 15 , 2008 . Retrieved January 28 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Yanan , Travis ( February 20 , 2008 ) . `` Sunday original finals : 2 / 17 / 08 '' . The Programming Insider . Archived from the original on February 27 , 2008 . Retrieved January 28 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Berman , Marc ( January 31 , 2010 ) . `` Breaking Bad Ratings '' . Mediaweek . Archived from the original on April 18 , 2010 . Retrieved July 2 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Levin , Gary ( March 11 , 2008 ) . `` Nielsens : ' Runway ' finale rules on cable '' . USA Today . Retrieved November 19 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( March 10 , 2009 ) . `` iCarly , Burn Notice and WWE RAW top cable charts '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved June 20 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Crupi , Anthony ( April 2 , 2009 ) . `` AMC Renews Breaking Bad '' . Mediaweek . Archived from the original on April 4 , 2009 . Retrieved July 12 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Gorman , Bill ( March 30 , 2009 ) . `` Sunday Ratings : NCAA Tourney Lifts CBS To Victory , Fox Captures Youth Demo '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved June 20 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( April 1 , 2009 ) . `` My Wednesday viewing dwindles with finales of Life on Mars , Damages and Life '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April 1 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( April 7 , 2009 ) . `` Damages season finale draws few , WWE RAW , NCIS lead cable viewing '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April 1 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( April 14 , 2009 ) . `` WWE RAW and Nora Roberts Tribute bookend cable top 20 , Rescue Me premieres '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April 1 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( April 28 , 2009 ) . `` Updated : WWE RAW , NFL Draft and Yankees / Red Sox Lead Weekly Cable Viewing '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April 1 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Levin , Gary ( June 5 , 2009 ) . `` Nielsens : ' Jon & Kate ' plus big ratings '' . USA Today . Archived from the original on September 21 , 2013 . Retrieved July 3 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Julia ( April 7 , 2010 ) . `` Breaking Bad Season 3 Ratings '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved November 10 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Gorman , Bill ( June 15 , 2010 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : True Blood , Breaking Bad , Army Wives , Drop Dead Diva & Much More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved November 8 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( July 19 , 2011 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : ' True Blood ' Slips , ' Falling Skies ' Steady + ' Breaking Bad , ' ' Leverage , ' ' In Plain Sight , ' ' The Glades ' & More '' . TV by the Numbers . Archived from the original on July 19 , 2011 . Retrieved July 19 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( July 26 , 2011 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : ' True Blood ' Rises , ' Falling Skies ' Steady + Kardashians , ' Entourage , ' ' Breaking Bad , ' ' Leverage , ' ' The Glades ' & Much More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved July 26 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( August 2 , 2011 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : ' True Blood , ' Shark Week , ' Falling Skies , ' ' In Plain Sight , ' ' Breaking Bad , ' ' Leverage , ' & Much More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved August 2 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( August 9 , 2011 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : ' True Blood , ' Kardashians , ' Falling Skies , ' ' In Plain Sight , ' ' Breaking Bad , ' & Much More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved August 9 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( August 16 , 2011 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : ' True Blood ' Rises , Leads Night + Kardashians , ' Entourage , ' ' Leverage , ' ' Breaking Bad , ' & Much More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved August 16 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( August 23 , 2011 ) . `` Sunday Cable : ' True Blood , ' ' Kardashians , ' ' Entourage ' Lead + ' Breaking Bad , ' ' Glee Project ' & Much More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved August 23 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Gorman , Bill ( August 30 , 2011 ) . `` Sunday Cable : ' Video Music Awards , ' ' True Blood , ' ' Kardashians , ' ' Entourage , ' ' Breaking Bad , ' ' Leverage ' & Much More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved August 31 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Gorman , Bill ( September 7 , 2011 ) . `` Sunday Cable : ' True Blood ' Drops , ' Kardashians ' Finale Jumps , ' Entourage , ' ' Breaking Bad , ' ' Curb ' & Much More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved September 7 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Gorman , Bill ( September 13 , 2011 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : ' True Blood ' Rises , Leads Night + Kardashians , ' Entourage , ' ' Leverage , ' ' Breaking Bad , ' & Much More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved September 13 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( September 20 , 2011 ) . `` Sunday Cable : ' Real Housewives of New Jersey ' Up , ' Breaking Bad ' Down + ' Teen Dads , ' ' Ice Road Truckers ' & More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved September 20 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Gorman , Bill ( September 27 , 2011 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : ' Jeff Dunham ' Tops Night , As ' Boardwalk Empire ' Premiere Drops ; + ' Breaking Bad , ' ' Sister Wives , ' ' Ice Road Truckers ' & More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved September 27 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( October 4 , 2011 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : Cards / Phillies , New Jersey ' Housewives ' Top Night + ' Boardwalk Empire , ' ' Hung , ' ' Breaking Bad ' & Much More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved October 5 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Gorman , Bill ( October 11 , 2011 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : Nothing Keeps Up With Kardashians ; Plus ' Housewives NJ ' Finale , ' Boardwalk Empire , ' ' Breaking Bad , ' ' Dexter ' & More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved October 11 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Kondolojy , Amanda ( July 17 , 2012 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : ' True Blood ' Beats ' Breaking Bad ' Premiere , + ' Keeping Up With the Kardashians ' , ' Very Funny News ' , ' Real Housewives of New Jersey ' , ' Falling Skies ' & More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved July 17 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Bibel , Sara ( July 24 , 2012 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : ' True Blood ' Wins Night , ' Breaking Bad ' , ' Falling Skies ' , ' Army Wives ' , ' The Newsroom ' , ' Longmire ' & More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved July 24 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Bibel , Sara ( July 31 , 2012 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : ' True Blood ' Wins Night , ' Keeping Up With the Kardashians ' , ' Breaking Bad ' , ' The Newsroom ' , ' Political Animals ' , ' Longmire ' & More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved July 31 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Bibel , Sara ( August 7 , 2012 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : ' True Blood ' Wins Night , ' Keeping Up With the Kardashians ' , ' Falling Skies ' , ' Breaking Bad ' , ' Army Wives ' , ' Leverage ' & More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved August 7 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Kondolojy , Amanda ( August 14 , 2012 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : ' True Blood ' Beats ' Comedy Central Roast of Roseanne ' + ' Falling Skies ' , NASCAR , ' Army Wives ' & More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved August 14 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Bibel , Sara ( August 21 , 2012 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : ' True Blood ' Wins Night , ' Fallling Skies ' , ' Breaking Bad ' , ' Army Wives ' , ' The Newsroom ' , ' Leverage ' & More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved August 21 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Kondolojy , Amanda ( August 28 , 2012 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : ' True Blood ' Finale Dominates , + ' Keeping Up with the Kardashians ' , ' Breaking Bad ' , ' Real Housewives of NJ ' , ' Army Wives ' & More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved August 28 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Bibel , Sara ( September 5 , 2012 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : NASCAR Wins Night , ' Breaking Bad ' , ' Keeping Up With the Kardashians ' , ' Leverage ' , ' Hell on Wheels ' , ' Married to Jonas ' , & More '' . TV by the Numbers . Archived from the original on September 8 , 2012 . Retrieved September 5 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Bibel , Sara ( August 13 , 2013 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : ' Breaking Bad ' Wins Night , ' True Blood ' , ' Low Winter Sun ' , ' Devious Maids ' , ' Dexter ' , ' The Newsroom ' & More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved August 13 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Kondolojy , Amanda ( August 20 , 2013 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : ' Breaking Bad ' Wins Night + ' True Blood ' , ' Keeping Up With the Kardashians ' , NASCAR , ' Real Housewives of New Jersey ' & More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved August 20 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Kondolojy , Amanda ( August 27 , 2013 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : ' MTV Video Music Awards ' Dominates + ' Breaking Bad ' , ' Real Housewives of NJ ' , ' Catfish ' , ' Dexter ' & More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved August 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Bibel , Sara ( September 4 , 2013 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : ' Breaking Bad ' Wins Night , NASCAR , ' Keeping Up With the Kardashians ' , ' Total Divas ' , ' Sister Wives ' & More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved September 4 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Kondolojy , Amanda ( September 10 , 2013 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : ' Breaking Bad ' Wins Night + NFL Countdown ' Dexter ' , ' Real Housewives of New Jersey ' & More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved September 10 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Bibel , Sara ( September 17 , 2013 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : ' Breaking Bad ' Wins Night , ' Real Housewives ' , ' Dexter , ' Devious Maids ' , ' Boardwalk Empire ' , ' The Newsroom ' & More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved September 17 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Kondolojy , Amanda ( September 24 , 2013 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : ' Breaking Bad ' Wins Night + ' Dexter ' Series Finale , ' Devious Maids ' , ' Real Housewives of New Jersey ' & More '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved September 24 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Bibel , Sara ( October 1 , 2013 ) . `` Sunday Cable Ratings : ' Breaking Bad ' Wins Big , ' Talking Bad ' , ' Homeland ' , ' Boardwalk Empire ' , ' Masters of Sex ' & More '' . TV by the Numbers . Archived from the original on October 24 , 2013 . Retrieved October 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Neuman , Clayton ( February 17 , 2009 ) . `` Watch Five Original Breaking Bad Minisodes '' . AMC Blog . Archived from the original on May 31 , 2012 . Retrieved May 2 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` ' Breaking Bad ' Wo n't Be Back Until July 2011 : Plans For Mini-Episodes Online '' . Deadline Hollywood . August 4 , 2010 . Retrieved February 23 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Exclusive : Bryan Cranston Talks Breaking Bad Season 3 and 4 , Total Recall , Drive , Rock of Ages , Larry Crowne & Lincoln Lawyer '' . Collider . June 1 , 2011 . Retrieved June 14 , 2011 . External links ( edit ) Official website List of Breaking Bad episodes on IMDb List of Breaking Bad episodes at Breaking Bad Characters Walter White Skyler White Jesse Pinkman Hank Schrader Saul Goodman Gustavo Fring Episodes Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Related shows Talking Bad Metástasis Better Call Saul Related articles Awards and nominations Breaking Bad episodes Season 1 `` Pilot '' `` Cat 's in the Bag ... '' `` ... And the Bag 's in the River '' `` Cancer Man '' `` Gray Matter '' `` Crazy Handful of Nothin ' '' `` A No - Rough - Stuff - Type Deal '' Season 2 `` Seven Thirty - Seven '' `` Grilled '' `` Bit by a Dead Bee '' `` Down '' `` Breakage '' `` Peekaboo '' `` Negro y Azul '' `` Better Call Saul '' `` 4 Days Out '' `` Over '' `` Mandala '' `` Phoenix '' `` ABQ '' Season 3 `` No Más '' `` Caballo Sin Nombre '' `` I.F.T. '' `` Green Light '' `` Más '' `` Sunset '' `` One Minute '' `` I See You '' `` Kafkaesque '' `` Fly '' `` Abiquiu '' `` Half Measures '' `` Full Measure '' Season 4 `` Box Cutter '' `` Thirty - Eight Snub '' `` Open House '' `` Bullet Points '' `` Shotgun '' `` Cornered '' `` Problem Dog '' `` Hermanos '' `` Bug '' `` Salud '' `` Crawl Space '' `` End Times '' `` Face Off '' Season 5 Part I `` Live Free or Die '' `` Madrigal '' `` Hazard Pay '' `` Fifty - One '' `` Dead Freight '' `` Buyout '' `` Say My Name '' `` Gliding Over All '' Part II `` Blood Money '' `` Buried '' `` Confessions '' `` Rabid Dog '' `` To'hajiilee '' `` Ozymandias '' `` Granite State '' `` Felina '' Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Breaking Bad episodes Lists of American crime drama television series episodes Hidden categories : Episode list using the default LineColor Official website not in Wikidata Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikidata Български Català Čeština Deutsch Español فارسی Français Magyar Nederlands Polski Português Română Русский Slovenčina Suomi Türkçe Українська 中文 10 more Edit links This page was last edited on 30 March 2018 , at 12 : 26 . 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how many episodes per series in breaking bad
Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 7 January 20 , 2008 ( 2008 - 01 - 20 ) March 9 , 2008 ( 2008 - 03 - 09 ) 13 March 8 , 2009 ( 2009 - 03 - 08 ) May 31 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 31 ) 13 March 21 , 2010 ( 2010 - 03 - 21 ) June 13 , 2010 ( 2010 - 06 - 13 ) 13 July 17 , 2011 ( 2011 - 07 - 17 ) October 9 , 2011 ( 2011 - 10 - 09 ) 5 16 8 July 15 , 2012 ( 2012 - 07 - 15 ) September 2 , 2012 ( 2012 - 09 - 02 ) 8 August 11 , 2013 ( 2013 - 08 - 11 ) September 29 , 2013 ( 2013 - 09 - 29 )
Battle of Fort Sumter - wikipedia Battle of Fort Sumter Battle of Fort Sumter Part of the American Civil War Bombardment of Fort Sumter by Currier & Ives Date April 12 -- 13 , 1861 Location Charleston , South Carolina 32 ° 45 ′ 8 '' N 79 ° 52 ′ 29 '' W  /  32.75222 ° N 79.87472 ° W  / 32.75222 ; - 79.87472 Coordinates : 32 ° 45 ′ 8 '' N 79 ° 52 ′ 29 '' W  /  32.75222 ° N 79.87472 ° W  / 32.75222 ; - 79.87472 Result Confederate victory Confederacy captures Fort Sumter Beginning of the American Civil War Belligerents United States ( Union ) Confederate States ( Confederacy ) Commanders and leaders Robert Anderson P.G.T. Beauregard Units involved 1st United States Artillery Provisional Forces of the Confederate States Strength 85 500 -- 6,000 ( estimated ) Casualties and losses 0 0 Operations in Charleston Harbor ( April 1861 ) Fort Sumter Lower Seaboard Theater Fort Sumter USS St. Lawrence Head of Passes Santa Rosa Island Port Royal Fort Pulaski Forts Jackson and St. Philip New Orleans 1st Pocotaligo Secessionville Simmon 's Bluff Tampa Baton Rouge 1st Donaldsonville St. Johns Bluff 2nd Pocotaligo Georgia Landing 1st Fort McAllister Fort Bisland Irish Bend Vermillion Bayou 1st Charleston Harbor Wassaw Sound 1st Fort Wagner Grimball 's Landing 2nd Fort Wagner 2nd Charleston Harbor 2nd Fort Sumter Plains Store Port Hudson LaFourche Crossing 2nd Donaldsonville Kock 's Plantation Stirling 's Plantation USS New Ironsides Fort Brooke Gainesville Olustee USS Housatonic Vernon Grimball 's Causeway Natural Bridge Events leading to the American Civil War Slavery Northwest Ordinance Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions Battle of Negro Fort Missouri Compromise Tariff of 1828 Nat Turner 's slave rebellion Nullification Crisis The Amistad Prigg v. Pennsylvania Texas annexation Mexican -- American War Wilmot Proviso Manifest destiny Underground Railroad Nashville Convention Compromise of 1850 Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 Uncle Tom 's Cabin Kansas -- Nebraska Act Ostend Manifesto Bleeding Kansas Caning of Charles Sumner Dred Scott v. Sandford The Impending Crisis of the South Brown 's raid on Harpers Ferry 1860 presidential election Crittenden Compromise Secession of Southern States Star of the West Corwin Amendment Morrill Tariff Battle of Fort Sumter The Battle of Fort Sumter ( April 12 -- 13 , 1861 ) was the bombardment of Fort Sumter near Charleston , South Carolina by the Confederate States Army , and the return gunfire and subsequent surrender by the United States Army , that started the American Civil War . Following the declaration of secession by South Carolina on December 20 , 1860 , its authorities demanded that the U.S. Army abandon its facilities in Charleston Harbor . On December 26 , Major Robert Anderson of the U.S. Army surreptitiously moved his small command from the vulnerable Fort Moultrie on Sullivan 's Island to Fort Sumter , a substantial fortress built on an island controlling the entrance of Charleston Harbor . An attempt by U.S. President James Buchanan to reinforce and resupply Anderson using the unarmed merchant ship Star of the West failed when it was fired upon by shore batteries on January 9 , 1861 . South Carolina authorities then seized all Federal property in the Charleston area except for Fort Sumter . During the early months of 1861 , the situation around Fort Sumter increasingly began to resemble a siege . In March , Brigadier General P.G.T. Beauregard , the first general officer of the newly formed Confederate States Army , was placed in command of Confederate forces in Charleston . Beauregard energetically directed the strengthening of batteries around Charleston harbor aimed at Fort Sumter . Conditions in the fort , growing increasingly dire due to shortages of men , food , and supplies , deteriorated as the Union soldiers rushed to complete the installation of additional guns . The resupply of Fort Sumter became the first crisis of the administration of the newly inaugurated U.S. President Abraham Lincoln following his victory in the election of November 6 , 1860 . He notified the Governor of South Carolina , Francis W. Pickens that he was sending supply ships , which resulted in an ultimatum from the Confederate government for the immediate evacuation of Fort Sumter , which Major Anderson refused . Beginning at 4 : 30 a.m. on April 12 , the Confederates bombarded the fort from artillery batteries surrounding the harbor . Although the Union garrison returned fire , they were significantly outgunned and , after 34 hours , Major Anderson agreed to evacuate . There were no deaths on either side as a direct result of this engagement , although a gun explosion during the surrender ceremonies on April 14 caused two Union deaths . Following the battle , there was widespread support from both North and South for further military action . Lincoln 's immediate call for 75,000 volunteers to suppress the rebellion resulted in an additional four southern states also declaring their secession and joining the Confederacy . The battle is usually recognized as the first battle that opened the American Civil War . Contents 1 Background 1.1 Secession 1.2 Forts of Charleston 1.3 President Buchanan and the Star of the West 1.4 Preparations for war 1.5 Decisions for war 2 Bombardment 3 Surrender 4 Aftermath 4.1 Tributes 5 Footnotes 5.1 Citations 5.2 Notes 6 References 7 Further reading 8 External links Background Secession On December 20 , 1860 , shortly after Abraham Lincoln 's victory in the presidential election of 1860 , South Carolina adopted an ordinance declaring its secession from the United States of America and , by February 1861 , six more Southern states had adopted similar ordinances of secession . On February 7 , the seven states adopted a provisional constitution for the Confederate States of America and established their temporary capital at Montgomery , Alabama . A February peace conference met in Washington , D.C. , but failed to resolve the crisis . The remaining eight states declined pleas to join the Confederacy . The seceding states seized numerous Federal properties within their boundaries , including buildings , arsenals , and fortifications . President James Buchanan protested but took no military action in response . Buchanan was concerned that an overt action could cause the remaining slave states to leave the Union , and while he acknowledged there was no constitutional authority for a state to secede , he could find no constitutional authority for him to act to prevent it . Forts of Charleston Several forts had been constructed in Charleston 's harbor , including Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie , which were not among the sites seized initially . Fort Moultrie on Sullivan Island was the oldest -- it was the site of fortifications since 1776 -- and was the headquarters of the U.S. Army garrison . However , it had been designed as a gun platform for defending the harbor , and its defenses against land - based attacks were feeble ; during the crisis , the Charleston newspapers commented that sand dunes had piled up against the walls in such a way that the wall could easily be scaled . When the garrison began clearing away the dunes , the papers objected . Major Robert Anderson of the 1st U.S. Artillery regiment had been appointed to command the Charleston garrison that fall because of rising tensions . A native of Kentucky , he was a protégé of Winfield Scott , the general in chief of the Army , and was thought more capable of handling a crisis than the garrison 's previous commander , Col. John L. Gardner , who was nearing retirement . Anderson had served an earlier tour of duty at Fort Moultrie and his father had been a defender of the fort ( then called Fort Sullivan ) during the American Revolutionary War . Throughout the fall , South Carolina authorities considered both secession and the expropriation of federal property in the harbor to be inevitable . As tensions mounted , the environment around the fort increasingly resembled a siege , to the point that the South Carolina authorities placed picket ships to observe the movements of the troops and threatened to attack when forty rifles were transferred to one of the harbor forts from the U.S. arsenal in the city . In contrast to Moultrie , Fort Sumter dominated the entrance to Charleston Harbor and , though unfinished , was designed to be one of the strongest fortresses in the world . In the fall of 1860 work on the fort was nearly completed , but the fortress was thus far garrisoned by a single soldier , who functioned as a lighthouse keeper , and a small party of civilian construction workers . Under the cover of darkness on December 26 , six days after South Carolina declared its secession , Anderson abandoned the indefensible Fort Moultrie , ordering its guns spiked and its gun carriages burned , and surreptitiously relocated his command by small boats to Sumter . President Buchanan and the Star of the West Maj . Robert Anderson South Carolina authorities considered Anderson 's move to be a breach of faith . Governor Francis W. Pickens believed that President Buchanan had made implicit promises to him to keep Sumter unoccupied and suffered political embarrassment as a result of his trust in those promises . Buchanan , a former U.S. Secretary of State and diplomat , had used carefully crafted ambiguous language to Pickens , promising that he would not `` immediately '' occupy it . From Major Anderson 's standpoint , he was merely moving his existing garrison troops from one of the locations under his command to another . He had received instructions from the War Department on December 11 , written by Major General Don Carlos Buell , Assistant Adjutant General of the Army , approved by Secretary of War John B. Floyd : ... you are to hold possession of the forts in this harbor , and if attacked you are to defend yourself to the last extremity . The smallness of your force will not permit you , perhaps , to occupy more than one of the three forts , but an attack on or attempt to take possession of any one of them will be regarded as an act of hostility , and you may then put your command into either of them which you may deem most proper to increase its power of resistance . You are also authorized to take similar steps whenever you have tangible evidence of a design to proceed to a hostile act . Governor Pickens therefore ordered that all remaining Federal positions except Fort Sumter were to be seized . State troops quickly occupied Fort Moultrie ( capturing 56 guns ) , Fort Johnson on James Island , and the battery on Morris Island . On December 27 , an assault force of 150 men seized the Union - occupied Castle Pinckney fortification , in the harbor close to downtown Charleston , capturing 24 guns and mortars without bloodshed . On December 30 , the Federal arsenal in Charleston was captured , resulting in the acquisition of more than 22,000 weapons by the militia . The Confederates promptly made repairs at Fort Moultrie and dozens of new batteries and defense positions were constructed throughout the Charleston harbor area , including an unusual floating battery , and armed with weapons captured from the arsenal . President Buchanan was surprised and dismayed at Anderson 's move to Sumter , unaware of the authorization Anderson had received . Nevertheless , he refused Pickens 's demand to evacuate Charleston harbor . Since the garrison 's supplies were limited , Buchanan authorized a relief expedition of supplies , small arms , and 200 soldiers . The original intent was to send the Navy sloop - of - war USS Brooklyn , but it was discovered that Confederates had sunk some derelict ships to block the shipping channel into Charleston and there was concern that Brooklyn had too deep a draft to negotiate the obstacles . Instead , it seemed prudent to send an unarmed civilian merchant ship , Star of the West , which might be perceived as less provocative to the Confederates . As Star of the West approached the harbor entrance on January 9 , 1861 , it was fired upon by a battery on Morris Island , which was staffed by cadets from The Citadel , among them William Stewart Simkins , who were the only trained artillerymen in the service of South Carolina at the time . Batteries from Fort Moultrie joined in and Star of the West was forced to withdraw . Major Anderson prepared his guns at Sumter when he heard the Confederate fire , but the secrecy of the operation had kept him unaware that a relief expedition was in progress and he chose not to start a general engagement . In a letter delivered January 31 , 1861 , Governor Pickens demanded of President Buchanan that he surrender Fort Sumter because , `` I regard that possession is not consistent with the dignity or safety of the State of South Carolina . '' Preparations for War Fort Sumter before the battle Conditions at the fort were difficult during the winter of 1860 -- 61 . Rations were short and fuel for heat was limited . The garrison scrambled to complete the defenses as best they could . Fort Sumter was designed to mount 135 guns , operated by 650 officers and men , but construction had met with numerous delays for decades and budget cuts had left it only about 90 percent finished in early 1861 . Anderson 's garrison consisted of just 85 men , primarily made up of two small artillery companies : Company E , 1st U.S. Artillery , commanded by Capt . Abner Doubleday , and Company H , commanded by Capt . Truman Seymour . There were six other officers present : Surgeon Samuel W. Crawford , First Lt. Theodore Talbot of Company H , First Lt. Jefferson C. Davis of the 1st U.S. Artillery , and Second Lt. Norman J. Hall of Company H. Capt . John G. Foster and First Lt. George W. Snyder of the Corps of Engineers were responsible for construction of the Charleston forts , but they reported to their headquarters in Washington , not directly to Anderson . The remaining personnel were 68 noncommissioned officers and privates , eight musicians , and 43 noncombatant workmen . By April the Union troops had positioned 60 guns , but they had insufficient men to operate them all . The fort consisted of three levels of enclosed gun positions , or casemates . The second level of casemates was unoccupied . The majority of the guns were on the first level of casemates , on the upper level ( the parapet or barbette positions ) , and on the center parade field . Unfortunately for the defenders , the original mission of the fort -- harbor defense -- meant that it was designed so that the guns were primarily aimed at the Atlantic , with little capability of protecting from artillery fire from the surrounding land or from infantry conducting an amphibious assault . Brig. Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard In March , Brig. Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard took command of South Carolina forces in Charleston ; on March 1 , President Jefferson Davis had appointed him the first general officer in the armed forces of the new Confederacy , specifically to take command of the siege . Beauregard made repeated demands that the Union force either surrender or withdraw and took steps to ensure that no supplies from the city were available to the defenders , whose food was running low . He also increased drills amongst the South Carolina militia , training them to operate the guns they manned . Major Anderson had been Beauregard 's artillery instructor at West Point ; the two had been especially close , and Beauregard had become Anderson 's assistant after graduation . Both sides spent March drilling and improving their fortifications to the best of their abilities . Beauregard , a trained military engineer , built - up overwhelming strength to challenge Fort Sumter . Fort Moultrie had three 8 - inch Columbiads , two 8 - inch howitzers , five 32 - pound smoothbores , and four 24 - pounders . Outside of Moultrie were five 10 - inch mortars , two 32 - pounders , two 24 - pounders , and a 9 - inch Dahlgren smoothbore . The floating battery next to Fort Moultrie had two 42 - pounders and two 32 - pounders on a raft protected by iron shielding . Fort Johnson on James Island had one 24 - pounder and four 10 - inch mortars . At Cummings Point on Morris Island , the Confederates had emplaced seven 10 - inch mortars , two 42 - pounders , an English Blakely rifled cannon , and three 8 - inch Columbiads , the latter in the so - called Iron Battery , protected by a wooden shield faced with iron bars . About 6,000 men were available to man the artillery and to assault the fort , if necessary , including the local militia , young boys and older men . Decisions for War On March 4 , 1861 , Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated as president . He was almost immediately confronted with the surprise information that Major Anderson was reporting that only six weeks of rations remained at Fort Sumter . A crisis similar to the one at Fort Sumter had emerged at Pensacola , Florida , where Confederates threatened another U.S. fortification -- Fort Pickens . Lincoln and his new cabinet struggled with the decisions of whether to reinforce the forts , and how . They were also concerned about whether to take actions that might start open hostilities and which side would be perceived as the aggressor as a result . Similar discussions and concerns were occurring in the Confederacy . After the formation of the Confederate States of America in early February , there was some debate among the secessionists whether the capture of the fort was rightly a matter for South Carolina or for the newly declared national government in Montgomery , Alabama . South Carolina governor Pickens was among the states ' rights advocates who thought that all property in Charleston harbor had reverted to South Carolina upon that state 's secession as an independent commonwealth . This debate ran alongside another discussion about how aggressively the installations -- including Forts Sumter and Pickens -- should be obtained . President Davis , like his counterpart in Washington , preferred that his side not be seen as the aggressor . Both sides believed that the first side to use force would lose precious political support in the border states , whose allegiance was undetermined ; before Lincoln 's inauguration on March 4 , five states had voted against secession , including Virginia , and Lincoln openly offered to evacuate Fort Sumter if it would guarantee Virginia 's loyalty . The South sent delegations to Washington , D.C. , and offered to pay for the Federal properties and enter into a peace treaty with the United States . Lincoln rejected any negotiations with the Confederate agents because he did not consider the Confederacy a legitimate nation and making any treaty with it would be tantamount to recognition of it as a sovereign government . However , Secretary of State William H. Seward , who wished to give up Sumter for political reasons -- as a gesture of good will -- engaged in unauthorized and indirect negotiations that failed . On April 4 , as the supply situation on Sumter became critical , President Lincoln ordered a relief expedition , to be commanded by former naval captain ( and future Assistant Secretary of the Navy ) Gustavus V. Fox , who had proposed a plan for nighttime landings of smaller vessels than the Star of the West . Fox 's orders were to land at Sumter with supplies only , and if he was opposed by the Confederates , to respond with the U.S. Navy vessels following and to then land both supplies and men . This time , Maj . Anderson was informed of the impending expedition , although the arrival date was not revealed to him . On April 6 , Lincoln notified Governor Pickens that `` an attempt will be made to supply Fort Sumter with provisions only , and that if such attempt be not resisted , no effort to throw in men , arms , or ammunition will be made without further notice , ( except ) in case of an attack on the fort . '' Lincoln 's notification had been made to the governor of South Carolina , not the new Confederate government , which Lincoln did not recognize . Pickens consulted with Beauregard , the local Confederate commander . Soon President Davis ordered Beauregard to repeat the demand for Sumter 's surrender , and if it did not , to reduce the fort before the relief expedition arrived . The Confederate cabinet , meeting in Montgomery , endorsed Davis 's order on April 9 . Only Secretary of State Robert Toombs opposed this decision : he reportedly told Jefferson Davis the attack `` will lose us every friend at the North . You will only strike a hornet 's nest ... Legions now quiet will swarm out and sting us to death . It is unnecessary . It puts us in the wrong . It is fatal . '' Beauregard dispatched aides -- Col. James Chesnut , Col. James A. Chisholm , and Capt . Stephen D. Lee -- to Fort Sumter on April 11 to issue the ultimatum . Anderson refused , although he reportedly commented , `` I shall await the first shot , and if you do not batter us to pieces , we shall be starved out in a few days . '' The aides returned to Charleston and reported this comment to Beauregard . At 1 a.m. on April 12 , the aides brought Anderson a message from Beauregard : `` If you will state the time which you will evacuate Fort Sumter , and agree in the meantime that you will not use your guns against us unless ours shall be employed against Fort Sumter , we will abstain from opening fire upon you . '' After consulting with his senior officers , Maj . Anderson replied that he would evacuate Sumter by noon , April 15 , unless he received new orders from his government or additional supplies . Col. Chesnut considered this reply to be too conditional and wrote a reply , which he handed to Anderson at 3 : 20 a.m. : `` Sir : by authority of Brigadier General Beauregard , commanding the Provisional Forces of the Confederate States , we have the honor to notify you that he will open fire of his batteries on Fort Sumter in one hour from this time . '' Anderson escorted the officers back to their boat , shook hands with each one , and said `` If we never meet in this world again , God grant that we may meet in the next . '' Bombardment Bombardment of the Fort by the Confederates At 4 : 30 a.m. on April 12 , 1861 , Lt. Henry S. Farley , acting upon the command of Capt . George S. James , fired a single 10 - inch mortar round from Fort Johnson . ( James had offered the first shot to Roger Pryor , a noted Virginia secessionist , who declined , saying , `` I could not fire the first gun of the war . '' ) The shell exploded over Fort Sumter as a signal to open the general bombardment from 43 guns and mortars at Fort Moultrie , Fort Johnson , the floating battery , and Cummings Point . Under orders from Beauregard , the guns fired in a counterclockwise sequence around the harbor , with 2 minutes between each shot ; Beauregard wanted to conserve ammunition , which he calculated would last for only 48 hours . Edmund Ruffin , another noted Virginia secessionist , had traveled to Charleston to be present for the beginning of the war , and fired one of the first shots at Sumter after the signal round , a 64 - pound shell from the Iron Battery at Cummings Point . The shelling of Fort Sumter from the batteries ringing the harbor awakened Charleston 's residents ( including diarist Mary Chesnut ) , who rushed out into the predawn darkness to watch the shells arc over the water and burst inside the fort . Major Anderson held his fire , awaiting daylight . His troops reported for a call at 6 a.m. and then had breakfast . At 7 a.m. , Capt . Abner Doubleday fired a shot at the Ironclad Battery at Cummings Point . He missed . Given the available manpower , Anderson could not take advantage of all of his 60 guns . He deliberately avoided using guns that were situated in the fort where casualties were most likely . The fort 's best cannons were mounted on the uppermost of its three tiers -- the barbette tier -- where his troops were most exposed to incoming fire from overhead . The fort had been designed to withstand a naval assault , and naval warships of the time did not mount guns capable of elevating to shoot over the walls of the fort . However , the land - based cannons manned by the Confederates were capable of high - arcing ballistic trajectories and could therefore fire at parts of the fort that would have been out of naval guns ' reach . Fort Sumter 's garrison could only safely fire the 21 working guns on the lowest level , which themselves , because of the limited elevation allowed by their embrasures , were largely incapable of delivering fire with trajectories high enough to seriously threaten Fort Moultrie . Moreover , although the Federals had moved as many of their supplies to Fort Sumter as they could manage , the fort was quite low on ammunition , and was nearly out at the end of the 34 - hour bombardment . A more immediate problem was the scarcity of cloth gunpowder cartridges or bags ; only 700 were available at the beginning of the battle and workmen sewed frantically to create more , in some cases using socks from Anderson 's personal wardrobe . Because of the shortages , Anderson reduced his firing to only six guns : two aimed at Cummings Point , two at Fort Moultrie , and two at the Sullivan 's Island batteries . Ships from Fox 's relief expedition began to arrive on April 12 . Although Fox himself arrived at 3 a.m. on his steamer Baltic , most of the rest of his fleet was delayed until 6 p.m. , and one of the two warships , USS Powhatan , never did arrive . Unbeknownst to Fox , it had been ordered to the relief of Fort Pickens in Florida . As landing craft were sent toward the fort with supplies , the artillery fire deterred them and they pulled back . Fox decided to wait until after dark and for the arrival of his warships . The next day , heavy seas made it difficult to load the small boats with men and supplies and Fox was left with the hope that Anderson and his men could hold out until dark on April 13 . Although Sumter was a masonry fort , there were wooden buildings inside for barracks and officer quarters . The Confederates targeted these with Heated shot ( cannonballs heated red hot in a furnace ) , starting fires that could prove more dangerous to the men than explosive artillery shells . At 7 p.m. on April 12 , a rain shower extinguished the flames and at the same time the Union gunners stopped firing for the night . They slept fitfully , concerned about a potential infantry assault against the fort . During the darkness , the Confederates reduced their fire to four shots each hour . The following morning , the full bombardment resumed and the Confederates continued firing hot shot against the wooden buildings . By noon most of the wooden buildings in the fort and the main gate were on fire . The flames moved toward the main ammunition magazine , where 300 barrels of gunpowder were stored . The Union soldiers frantically tried to move the barrels to safety , but two - thirds were left when Anderson judged it was too dangerous and ordered the magazine doors closed . He ordered the remaining barrels thrown into the sea , but the tide kept floating them back together into groups , some of which were ignited by incoming artillery rounds . He also ordered his crews to redouble their efforts at firing , but the Confederates did the same , firing the hot shots almost exclusively . Many of the Confederate soldiers admired the courage and determination of the Yankees . When the fort had to pause its firing , the Confederates often cheered and applauded after the firing resumed and they shouted epithets at some of the nearby Union ships for failing to come to the fort 's aid . Surrender Fort Sumter Flag Wikisource has original text related to this article : Major Anderson 's telegram announcing the surrender The fort 's central flagpole was knocked down at 1 p.m. on April 13 , raising doubts among the Confederates about whether the fort was ready to surrender . Col. Louis Wigfall , a former U.S. senator , had been observing the battle and decided that this indicated the fort had had enough punishment . He commandeered a small boat and proceeded from Morris Island , waving a white handkerchief from his sword , dodging incoming rounds from Sullivan 's Island . Meeting with Major Anderson , he said , `` You have defended your flag nobly , Sir . You have done all that it is possible to do , and General Beauregard wants to stop this fight . On what terms , Major Anderson , will you evacuate this fort ? '' Anderson was encouraged that Wigfall had said `` evacuate , '' not `` surrender . '' He was low on ammunition , fires were burning out of control , and his men were hungry and exhausted . Satisfied that they had defended their post with honor , enduring over 3,000 Confederate rounds without losing a man , Anderson agreed to a truce at 2 : 00 p.m. Fort Sumter raised Wigfall 's white handkerchief on its flagpole as Wigfall departed in his small boat back to Morris Island , where he was hailed as a hero . The handkerchief was spotted in Charleston and a delegation of officers representing Beauregard -- Stephen D. Lee , Porcher Miles , a former mayor of Charleston , and Roger Pryor -- sailed to Sumter , unaware of Wigfall 's visit . Anderson was outraged when these officers disavowed Wigfall 's authority , telling him that the former senator had not spoken with Beauregard for two days , and he threatened to resume firing . Meanwhile , General Beauregard himself had finally seen the handkerchief and sent a second set of officers , offering essentially the same terms that Wigfall had presented , so the agreement was reinstated . The Union garrison formally surrendered the fort to Confederate personnel at 2 : 30 p.m. , April 13 . No one from either side was killed during the bombardment . During the 100 - gun salute to the U.S. flag -- Anderson 's one condition for withdrawal -- a pile of cartridges blew up from a spark , mortally wounding privates Daniel Hough and Edward Galloway , and seriously wounding the other four members of the gun crew ; these were the first military fatalities of the war . The salute was stopped at fifty shots . Hough was buried in the Fort Sumter parade ground within two hours after the explosion . Galloway and Private George Fielding were sent to the hospital in Charleston , where Galloway died a few days later ; Fielding was released after six weeks . The other wounded men and the remaining Union troops were placed aboard a Confederate steamer , the Isabel , where they spent the night and were transported the next morning to Fox 's relief ship Baltic , resting outside the harbor bar . Our Banner in the Sky ( 1861 ) by Frederic Edwin Church Anderson carried the Fort Sumter Flag with him North , where it became a widely known symbol of the battle , and rallying point for supporters of the Union . This inspired Frederic Edwin Church to paint Our Banner in the Sky , described as a `` symbolic landscape embodying the stars and stripes . '' A chromolithograph was then created and sold to benefit the families of Union soldiers . Confederate Flag flying in Fort Sumter after the 1861 surrender Aftermath The bombardment of Fort Sumter was the first military action of the American Civil War . Following the surrender , Northerners rallied behind Lincoln 's call for all states to send troops to recapture the forts and preserve the Union . With the scale of the rebellion apparently small so far , Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers for 90 days . Some Northern states filled their quotas quickly . There were so many volunteers in Ohio that within 16 days they could have met the full call for 75,000 men by themselves . Other governors from border states were undiplomatic in their responses . For example , Gov. Claiborne Jackson wrote , `` Not one man will the state of Missouri furnish to carry on any such unholy crusade '' , and Gov. Beriah Magoffin wrote , `` Kentucky will furnish no troops for the wicked purpose of subduing her sister Southern states . '' The governors of other states still in the Union were equally unsupportive . The call for 75,000 troops triggered four additional slave states to declare their secession from the Union and join the Confederacy . The ensuing war lasted four years , effectively ending in April 1865 with the surrender of General Robert E. Lee 's Army of Northern Virginia at Appomatox Courthouse . Charleston Harbor was completely in Confederate hands for almost the entire four - year duration of the war , leaving a hole in the Union naval blockade . Union forces conducted major operations in 1862 and 1863 to capture Charleston , first overland on James Island ( the Battle of Secessionville , June 1862 ) , then by naval assault against Fort Sumter ( the First Battle of Charleston Harbor , April 1863 ) , then by seizing the Confederate artillery positions on Morris Island ( beginning with the Second Battle of Fort Wagner , July 1863 , and followed by a siege until September ) . After pounding Sumter to rubble with artillery fire , a final amphibious operation attempted to occupy it ( the Second Battle of Fort Sumter , September 1863 ) , but was repulsed and no further attempts were made . The Confederates evacuated Fort Sumter and Charleston in February 1865 as Union Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman outflanked the city in the Carolinas Campaign . On April 14 , 1865 , four years to the day after lowering the Fort Sumter Flag in surrender , Robert Anderson ( by then a major general , although ill and in retired status ) returned to the ruined fort to raise the flag he had lowered in 1861 . Two of the cannons used at Fort Sumter were later presented to Louisiana State University by General William Tecumseh Sherman , who was president of the university before the war began . Tributes Civil War Centennial Issue of 1961 The U.S. Post Office Department released the Fort Sumter Centennial issue as the first in the series of five stamps marking the Civil War Centennial on April 12 , 1961 , at the Charleston post office . The stamp was designed by Charles R. Chickering . It illustrates a seacoast gun from Fort Sumter aimed by an officer in a typical uniform of the time . The background features palmetto leaves akin to bursting shells . The state tree of South Carolina , the palmettos suggest the geopolitical area opening Civil War hostilities . This stamp was produced by an engraving and printed by the rotary process in panes of fifty stamps each . The Postal Department authorized an initial printing of 120 million stamps . Footnotes Citations ^ Jump up to : Welcher , p. 699 . Jump up ^ Kennedy , p. 1 . Jump up ^ `` Fort Sumter Battle Summary '' . National Park Service . Retrieved March 10 , 2011 . ^ Jump up to : `` FORT SUMPTER FALLEN '' . April 15 , 1861 . Jump up ^ McPherson , pp. 235 -- 35 . Jump up ^ Davis , pp. 25 , 127 -- 29 . Jump up ^ Detzer , pp. 67 -- 69 . Jump up ^ McPherson , pp. 246 -- 48 . Jump up ^ Burton , pp. 4 -- 5 . Jump up ^ Detzer , pp. 29 -- 31 . ^ Jump up to : Davis , p. 120 . Jump up ^ Burton , pp. 6 , 8 . Jump up ^ Detzer , pp. 1 -- 2 , 82 -- 83 . Jump up ^ Detzer , pp. 110 -- 20 . Jump up ^ Davis , pp. 121 -- 22 . ^ Jump up to : Detzer , p. 78 . Jump up ^ Burton , p. 7 . Jump up ^ `` Fort Sumter National Monument '' . National Park Service . Archived from the original on May 4 , 2011 . Retrieved 10 March 2011 . Jump up ^ Detzer , pp. 131 -- 36 . Jump up ^ Eicher , p. 35 . Jump up ^ Burton , pp. 12 -- 16 . Jump up ^ McPherson , pp. 264 -- 66 . Jump up ^ Burton , pp. 17 -- 20 . Jump up ^ Detzer , pp. 155 -- 61 . Jump up ^ Buchanan , p. 178 . Jump up ^ Detzer , pp. 124 -- 25 . Jump up ^ Burton , pp. 29 -- 30 . Jump up ^ `` Fort Sumter National Monument '' . National Park Service . Archived from the original on June 28 , 2011 . Retrieved March 10 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Eicher & Eicher , p. 810 . Jump up ^ Eicher , p. 36 . Jump up ^ Davis , pp. 136 -- 37 . Jump up ^ McPherson , pp. 261 -- 63 . Jump up ^ Detzer , pp. 212 -- 14 . Jump up ^ Detzer , p. 212 . Jump up ^ McPherson , pp. 268 -- 71 . Jump up ^ Detzer , pp. 225 -- 31 , 249 . Jump up ^ Burton , p. 33 -- 35 . Jump up ^ McPherson , p. 272 . Jump up ^ Davis , pp. 133 -- 36 . Jump up ^ Ward , Burns & Burns 1990 , p. 38 . Jump up ^ Davis , pp. 139 -- 41 . Jump up ^ Burton , pp. 39 -- 42 . Jump up ^ Detzer , pp. 256 -- 67 . Jump up ^ Eicher , p. 37 . Jump up ^ Daily Globe October 20 , 1884 p. 4 Jump up ^ The Princeton Union 9 September 1897 p. 8 ^ Jump up to : Davis , p. 146 . Jump up ^ Detzer , pp. 268 -- 71 . Jump up ^ Davis , pp. 147 -- 53 . Jump up ^ Burton , pp. 46 -- 49 . Jump up ^ Davis , pp. 152 -- 54 . Jump up ^ Davis , pp. 152 -- 57 . Jump up ^ Burton , pp. 49 -- 51 . ^ Jump up to : Detzer , pp. 292 -- 300 . Jump up ^ Burton , pp. 51 -- 55 . Jump up ^ Davis , pp. 157 -- 60 . Jump up ^ Burton , pp. 53 -- 55 . Jump up ^ Eicher , p. 41 . Jump up ^ Detzer , pp. 308 -- 309 . Jump up ^ Ripley , p. 20 . Jump up ^ Detzer , pp. 311 -- 13 . Jump up ^ `` Our Banner in the Sky '' . Olana State Historic Site . Retrieved January 12 , 2013 . Jump up ^ McPherson , p. 274 . Jump up ^ `` Fight for the Colors , the Ohio Battle Flags Collection , Civil War Room '' . Ohio Historical Society . Archived from the original on December 11 , 2013 . Retrieved October 17 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Widmer , Todd . `` Lincoln Declares War '' . . Opinionator . Retrieved April 14 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Eicher , pp. 52 -- 53 , 72 -- 73 . Jump up ^ Eicher , pp. 820 , 841 . Jump up ^ Eicher , p. 834 . Jump up ^ `` Louisiana State University Army ROTC Unit History '' . Louisiana State University . Retrieved January 24 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Civil War Centennial Issue '' . Smithsonian National Postal Museum . Retrieved Oct 1 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` Civil War Centennial Issue '' , Arago : people , postage & the post , National Postal Museum online , viewed March 16 , 2014 . Notes Jump up ^ The weapons in the arsenal consisted of about 18,000 muskets , 3,400 rifles , over 1,000 pistols , and a few artillery pieces including five 24 - pound field howitzers . Jump up ^ When asked about that offer , Abraham Lincoln commented , `` A state for a fort is no bad business . '' Jump up ^ Detzer comments that Ruffin claimed he fired the first shot , when Ruffin did not actually do so . References Buchanan , James ( 1911 ) . The Works of James Buchanan : Comprising His Speeches , State Papers , and Private Correspondence . Burton , E. Milby ( 1970 ) . The Siege of Charleston 1861 -- 1865 . Columbia , SC : University of South Carolina Press . ISBN 0 - 87249 - 345 - 8 . Cooper , William J. ( September 11 , 2012 ) . We Have the War Upon Us : The Onset of the Civil War , November 1860 - April 1861 . New York City , NY : Vintage . ISBN 9780307960887 . Davis , William C. ( 1983 ) . Brother against Brother : The War Begins . Alexandria , VA : Time - Life Books . ISBN 0 - 8094 - 4700 - 2 . Detzer , David ( 2001 ) . Allegiance : Fort Sumter , Charleston , and the Beginning of the Civil War . New York City , NY : Harcourt . ISBN 0 - 15 - 100641 - 5 . Eicher , David J. ( 2001 ) . The Longest Night : A Military History of the Civil War . New York City , NY : Simon & Schuster . ISBN 0 - 684 - 84944 - 5 . Eicher , John H. ; Eicher , David J ( 2001 ) . Civil War High Commands . Stanford , CA , California : Stanford University Press . ISBN 0 - 8047 - 3641 - 3 . Kennedy , Frances H. ( 1998 ) . The Civil War Battlefield Guide ( 2 ed . ) . Boston , MA : Houghton Mifflin Co . ISBN 0 - 395 - 74012 - 6 . McPherson , James M. ( 1988 ) . Battle Cry of Freedom : The Civil War Era . Oxford History of the United States . New York City , NY : Oxford University Press . ISBN 0 - 19 - 503863 - 0 . Ripley , Warren ( 1992 ) . Wilcox , Arthur M. , ed . War 's First Death Accidental . The Civil War at Charleston ( 16th ed . ) . Charleston , SC : Evening - Post Publishing Co . OCLC 636046368 . Ward , Geoffrey ; Burns , Ken ; Burns , Ric ( 1990 ) . The Civil War , an Illustrated History . New York City , NY : Knopf . ISBN 978 - 0 - 394 - 56285 - 8 . Welcher , Frank J. ( 1989 ) . The Union Army , 1861 -- 1865 Organization and Operations . 1 , The Eastern Theater . Bloomington , ID : Indiana University Press . ISBN 0 - 253 - 36453 - 1 . Online resources National Park Service battle description Further reading Further information : Bibliography of the American Civil War Chesnut , Mary , Diary of Mary Chesnut . Fairfax , VA : D. Appleton and Company , 1905 . OCLC 287696932 . Doubleday , Abner . Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie in 1860 -- 61 . New York : Harper and Brothers , 1876 . OCLC 1320168 , E'book Harris , W.A. ( 1862 ) . The record of Fort Sumter , from its occupation by Major Anderson , to its reduction by South Carolina troops during the administration of Governor Pickens . South Carolinian Steam Job Printing Office . , E'book Hatcher , Richard W . `` The Problem in Charleston Harbor : Fort Sumter and the Opening Shots of the Civil War . '' Hallowed Ground Magazine ( Civil War Trust ) , Winter 2010 . Hendrickson , Robert . Sumter : The First Day of the Civil War . New York : Promontory Press , 1996 . ISBN 0 - 88394 - 095 - 7 . Klein , Maury . Days of Defiance : Sumter , Secession , and the Coming of the Civil War : New York : Alfred A. Knopf , 1997 . ISBN 0 - 679 - 44747 - 4 . External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to Fort Sumter . Fort Sumter National Monument National Park Service Historical Handbook Battle of Fort Sumter : Maps , histories , photos , and preservation news ( CWPT ) Crisis at Fort Sumter Details of requests for surrender prior to the battle Discussion of transfer of federal property within state boundaries Newspaper coverage of the Battle of Fort Sumter The Battle of Fort Sumter and First Victory of the Southern troops 1861 summary from Charleston Press Listen to this article ( info / dl ) This audio file was created from a revision of the article `` Battle of Fort Sumter '' dated 2017 - 11 - 21 , and does not reflect subsequent edits to the article . ( Audio help ) More spoken articles South Carolina in the American Civil War 1861 Battle of Fort Sumter Battle of Port Royal 1862 First Battle of Pocotaligo Battle of Secessionville Battle of Simmon 's Bluff Second Battle of Pocotaligo 1863 First Battle of Charleston Harbor First Battle of Fort Wagner Battle of Grimball 's Landing Second Battle of Fort Wagner Second Battle of Charleston Harbor Second Battle of Fort Sumter Atttack on USS New Ironsides 1864 Sinking of USS Housatonic by Hunley Battle of Honey Hill Battle of Tulifinny 1865 Battle of Rivers ' Bridge Grimball 's Causeway / Surrender of Charleston Capture of Columbia Units Confederate Units Places Charleston Columbia American Civil War Origins Origins Issues Timeline leading to the War Antebellum era Bleeding Kansas Border states Compromise of 1850 Fire - Eaters Lincoln - Douglas debates Missouri Compromise Popular sovereignty Secession States ' rights President Lincoln 's 75,000 volunteers Slavery African Americans Cornerstone Speech Dred Scott v. Sandford Emancipation Proclamation Fugitive slave laws Plantations in the American South Slave Power Slavery in the United States Treatment of slaves in the United States Uncle Tom 's Cabin Abolitionism Susan B. Anthony John Brown Frederick Douglass William Lloyd Garrison Elijah Parish Lovejoy J. Sella Martin Lysander Spooner George Luther Stearns Thaddeus Stevens Charles Sumner Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Combatants Theaters Campaigns Battles States Combatants Union ( USA ) Army Navy Marine Corps Revenue Cutter Service Confederacy ( CSA ) Army Navy Marine Corps Theaters Eastern Western Lower Seaboard Trans - Mississippi Pacific Coast Union naval blockade Major Campaigns Anaconda Plan Blockade runners New Mexico Jackson 's Valley Peninsula Northern Virginia Maryland Stones River Vicksburg Tullahoma Gettysburg Morgan 's Raid Bristoe Knoxville Red River Overland Atlanta Valley 1864 Bermuda Hundred Richmond - Petersburg Franklin -- Nashville Price 's Raid Sherman 's March Carolinas Appomattox Major battles Fort Sumter 1st Bull Run Wilson 's Creek Fort Donelson Pea Ridge Hampton Roads Shiloh New Orleans Corinth Seven Pines Seven Days 2nd Bull Run Antietam Perryville Fredericksburg Stones River Chancellorsville Gettysburg Vicksburg Chickamauga Chattanooga Wilderness Fort Pillow Spotsylvania Cold Harbor Atlanta Mobile Bay Franklin Nashville Five Forks Involvement ( by state or territory ) AL AR AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VA WA WV WI WY Leaders Confederate Military R.H. Anderson Beauregard Bragg Buchanan Cooper Early Ewell Forrest Gorgas Hill Hood Jackson A.S. Johnston J.E. Johnston Lee Longstreet Morgan Mosby Polk Price Semmes E.K. Smith Stuart Taylor Wheeler Civilian Benjamin Bocock Breckinridge Davis Hunter Mallory Memminger Seddon Stephens Union Military Anderson Buell Burnside Butler Du Pont Farragut Foote Frémont Grant Halleck Hooker Hunt McClellan McDowell Meade Meigs Ord Pope D.D. Porter Rosecrans Scott Sheridan Sherman Thomas Civilian Adams Chase Ericsson Hamlin Lincoln Pinkerton Seward Stanton Stevens Wade Welles Aftermath U.S. Constitution Reconstruction amendments 13th Amendment 14th Amendment 15th Amendment Reconstruction Alabama Claims Brooks -- Baxter War Carpetbaggers Colfax Riot of 1873 Eufaula Riot of 1874 Freedmen 's Bureau Freedman 's Savings Bank Impeachment of Andrew Johnson Kirk - Holden War Knights of the White Camelia Ku Klux Klan Racial violence Memphis Riot of 1866 Meridian Riot of 1871 New Orleans Riot of 1866 Pulaski ( Tennessee ) Riot of 1867 Reconstruction acts Habeas Corpus Act 1867 Enforcement Act of 1870 Enforcement Act of February 1871 Enforcement Act of April 1871 Reconstruction treaties Indian Council at Fort Smith Red Shirts Redeemers Confederate refugees Confederados Scalawags South Carolina riots of 1876 Southern Claims Commission Homestead acts Southern Homestead Act of 1866 Timber Culture Act of 1873 White League post-Reconstruction Commemoration Centennial Civil War Discovery Trail Civil War Roundtables Civil War Trails Program Civil War Trust Confederate History Month Confederate monuments and memorials Historical reenactment Robert E. 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Lee Monument Cemeteries Confederate Memorial Day Ladies ' memorial associations U.S. Memorial Day U.S. national cemeteries Veterans 1913 Gettysburg Reunion Confederate Veteran Grand Army of the Republic Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the U.S. Old soldiers ' homes Southern Cross of Honor United Confederate Veterans Related topics Related topics Military Arms Campaign Medal Cavalry Confederate Home Guard Confederate railroads Confederate Revolving Cannon Field artillery Medal of Honor recipients Medicine Leadership Naval battles Official Records Partisan rangers POW camps Rations Signal Corps Turning point Union corps badges U.S. Balloon Corps U.S. Home Guard U.S. Military Railroad Political Committee on the Conduct of the War Confederate States Presidential Election of 1861 Confiscation Act of 1861 Confiscation Act of 1862 Copperheads Emancipation Proclamation Habeas Corpus Act of 1863 Hampton Roads Conference National Union Party Radical Republicans Trent Affair Union leagues U.S. Presidential Election of 1864 War Democrats Music Battle Hymn of the Republic Dixie John Brown 's Body A Lincoln Portrait Marching through Georgia Maryland , My Maryland When Johnny Comes Marching Home Other topics Bibliography Confederate war finance Confederate States dollar Espionage Confederate Secret Service Great Revival of 1863 Naming the war Native Americans Cherokee Choctaw New York City Gold Hoax of 1864 New York City Riot of 1863 Photographers Richmond Riot of 1863 Sexuality Supreme Court cases Tokens U.S. Sanitary Commission United States Coast Guard Portal : United States Coast Guard Category : United States Coast Guard Leadership Secretary of Homeland Security Commandant of the Coast Guard Vice Commandant of the United States Coast Guard Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard Organization Missions Reserve Intelligence Investigative Service Legal Division Police Deployable Operations Group Areas Districts Sectors Stations Air Stations Radio stations Shipbuilding Yard National Ice Center Research & Development Center Coast Guard Auxiliary Personnel and training Personnel Officer ranks Enlisted rates Ratings Coast Guard Academy Training Center Cape May Training Center Petaluma Training Center Yorktown Maritime Law Enforcement Academy Joint Maritime Training Center Ancient Order of the Pterodactyl Chaplain of the Coast Guard Uniforms and equipment Uniforms Awards Badges Cutters List of cutters Ship commissioning Ship decommissioning Equipment History and traditions History Coast Guard Act Coast Guard City Life - Saving Service Revenue Cutter Service Lighthouse Service Steamboat Inspection Service Bureau of Navigation `` Semper Paratus '' Flag Ensign Racing Stripe United States Coast Guard Band United States Coast Guard Ceremonial Honor Guard United States Coast Guard Pipe Band Fleet Week Coast Guard service numbers Coast Guardsman 's Creed United States Coast Guard Cutters Coast Guard Bears Battles and operations Quasi-War War of 1812 West Indies Anti-Piracy Operations Capture of the Bravo Ingham Incident Amistad Incident Great Lakes Patrol Mexican -- American War American Civil War Battle of Fort Sumter Battle of Pig Point Battle of Galveston Harbor Battle of Portland Harbor Overland Relief Expedition Spanish -- American War Battle of Manila Bay Battle of Cárdenas Ice Patrol World War I 1st Battle of the Atlantic Great Mississippi Flood Rum Patrol World War II 2nd Battle of the Atlantic Battle of Guam Operation Overlord Korean War Vietnam War Coast Guard Squadron One Operation Market Time Operation Sealords Action of 1 March 1968 Persian Gulf War War on Terrorism Afghanistan War Iraq War Operation Enduring Freedom HOA Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Secession crisis of 1860 -- 61 Battles of the Lower Seaboard Theater and Gulf Approach of the American Civil War Confederate victories of the American Civil War Sieges of the American Civil War Battles of the American Civil War in South Carolina History of Charleston , South Carolina 1861 in the American Civil War 1861 in South Carolina April 1861 events Hidden categories : CS1 : Julian -- Gregorian uncertainty Wikipedia pages semi-protected against vandalism Use mdy dates from April 2018 Pages using deprecated image syntax Coordinates on Wikidata All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from October 2016 Articles with permanently dead external links Spoken articles Articles with hAudio microformats Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Aragonés Asturianu Brezhoneg Català Deutsch Ελληνικά Español فارسی Français Galego 한국어 Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Къарачай - малкъар Latina Magyar Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Occitan Polski Português Română Русский Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 26 more Edit links This page was last edited on 10 August 2018 , at 19 : 35 ( UTC ) . 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when did the battle of fort sumter happen
The Battle of Fort Sumter ( April 12 -- 13 , 1861 ) was the bombardment of Fort Sumter near Charleston , South Carolina by the Confederate States Army , and the return gunfire and subsequent surrender by the United States Army , that started the American Civil War . Following the declaration of secession by South Carolina on December 20 , 1860 , its authorities demanded that the U.S. Army abandon its facilities in Charleston Harbor . On December 26 , Major Robert Anderson of the U.S. Army surreptitiously moved his small command from the vulnerable Fort Moultrie on Sullivan 's Island to Fort Sumter , a substantial fortress built on an island controlling the entrance of Charleston Harbor . An attempt by U.S. President James Buchanan to reinforce and resupply Anderson using the unarmed merchant ship Star of the West failed when it was fired upon by shore batteries on January 9 , 1861 . South Carolina authorities then seized all Federal property in the Charleston area except for Fort Sumter .
List of tallest people - wikipedia List of tallest people Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the tallest verified individuals . For a list of tallest ethnic groups , see Human height § Average height around the world . `` Tall men '' redirects here . For other uses , see The Tall Men . This article contains one or more incomplete lists which may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness . You can help by expanding it / them with entries that are reliably sourced . This article contains embedded lists that may be poorly defined , unverified or indiscriminate . Please help to clean it up to meet Wikipedia 's quality standards . Where appropriate , incorporate items into the main body of the article . ( June 2015 ) This is a list of the tallest people to be measured and verified , living and dead , from 1835 to the present . See also List of humans with gigantism . Contents ( hide ) 1 Men 2 Women 3 Disputed and unverified claims 4 Tallest in varied fields or endeavors 4.1 Tallest in various sports 4.2 Tallest actors 5 Tallest people presently living in varied nations 6 See also 7 References 8 External links Men ( edit ) Living Deceased Height disputed Country Metric Imperial Name Note Lifespan ( Age at death ) United States 272 cm 8 ft 11.1 in Robert Wadlow Tallest human in recorded history confirmed by Guinness World Records . 1918 -- 1940 ( 22 ) United States 267 cm 8 ft 9 in John Rogan Second - tallest male in recorded history . Weighed only 92.5 kg ( 204 lb ) . Unable to stand due to ankylosis . 1865 -- 1905 ( 40 ) United States 263.5 cm 8 ft 73⁄4in John F. Carroll 244 cm ( 8 ft 0 in ) standing height , 264 cm ( 8 ft 73⁄4 in ) assuming normal spinal curvature . 1932 -- 1969 ( 37 ) Ukraine 257 cm 8 ft 5 in Leonid Stadnyk Not officially recognized by Guinness World Records because he refused to be measured according to their standards . 1970 -- 2014 ( 44 ) Finland 251 cm 8 ft 3 in Väinö Myllyrinne Recognized as the tallest living person from 1940 to his death in 1963 . Said to have been 251 cm in his thirties . 1909 -- 1963 ( 54 ) Canada 251 cm 8 ft 3 in Édouard Beaupré Tallest strongman as well as tallest wrestler in history . His death certificate described him as being 8 ft 3 in ( 2.51 m ) tall and still growing . 1881 -- 1904 ( 23 ) Turkey 251 cm 8 ft 3 in Sultan Kösen The tallest living person since September 17 , 2009 , as determined by Guinness World Records . He has 36.5 - cm - long ( 1 ft 2 in ) feet -- the second - largest feet on a living person and 27.5 cm ( 11.2 in ) hand -- the longest on a living person . 1982 -- India 249 cm 8 ft 2 in Vikas Uppal Was not officially measured by Guinness . 1986 -- 2007 ( 21 ) United States 249 cm 8 ft 2 in Don Koehler Tallest in world for most of the 1970s . 1925 -- 1981 ( 56 ) United States 249 cm 8 ft 2 in Bernard Coyne Coyne 's World War I draft registration card , dated 29 August his height as 8 feet , although he had reached a height of 8 feet 2 inches ( 249 cm ) by the time of his death . Possibly reached up to 8 ft 4 in ( 254 cm ) . 1897 -- 1921 ( 24 ) Ireland 246 cm 8 ft 1 in Patrick Cotter O'Brien Tallest person recorded at the time and the first in medical history to stand at a verified height of eight feet ( 244 cm ) . Remains examined in 1972 and height verified . 1760 -- 1806 ( 46 ) Morocco 246 cm 8 ft 1 in Brahim Takioullah Possesses the world 's largest feet at 1 ft 3 in ( 38 cm ) . 1982 -- Iran 246 cm 8 ft 1 in Morteza Mehrzad Tallest man in Iran . Gold medalist of Iran sitting volleyball national team in Summer Paralympic games Rio 2016 1987 -- Germany 246 cm 8 ft 1 in Julius Koch Probably never the world 's tallest person due to his life coinciding with that of John Rogan . Skeleton preserved in the Museum of Natural History in Mons , Belgium . 1872 -- 1902 ( 30 ) Mozambique 246 cm 8 ft 1 in Gabriel Estêvão Monjane Guinness World Records listed him as tallest man from 1988 to 1990 . 1944 -- 1990 ( 46 ) India 246 cm 8 ft 1 in Dharmendra Pratap Singh Tallest living Indian . 1983 -- Libya 246 cm 8 ft 1 in Suleiman Ali Nashnush Libyan who may have been the tallest basketball player . 1943 -- 1991 ( 47 ) France 245 cm 8 ft 1⁄2 in Jean - Joseph Brice Le Géant des Vosges Ramonchamp - France -- Height controversy 1835 -- ? Germany 244 cm 8 ft 0 in Anton de Franckenpoint ( Langer Anton ) Lived during Thirty Years ' War ; skeleton later measured at 8 ft 0 in ( 244 cm ) . Unknown People 's Republic of China 242 cm 7 ft 111⁄4 in Zhang Juncai Tallest living Chinese person . 1966 -- Indonesia 242 cm 7 ft 111⁄4 in Suparwono Tallest Indonesian claimed to be 8 ft 10.5 in . Officially measured ( lying down and in the standing position ) by the Indonesian Record Museum ( MURI ) in December 2009 . 1985 -- 2012 ( 26 ) Netherlands 242 cm 7 ft 111⁄4 in Albert Johan Kramer Probably the tallest man in The Netherlands ever ; His brother - in - law was suffering from dwarfism and did not exceed 69 cm ( 27.16 in ) . Together they formed a variety act , with performances around the world . 1897 -- 1976 ( 79 ) Puerto Rico 241 cm 7 ft 11 in Felipe Birriel Tallest Puerto Rican recorded . 1916 -- 1994 ( 78 ) India 241 cm 7 ft 11 in Asadulla Khan Tallest man in India . 1988 -- Soviet Union 240 cm 7 ft 10 in Alexander Sizonenko Soviet Union basketball player . 1959 -- 2012 ( 53 ) Egypt 240 cm 7 ft 10 in Sa'id Muhammad Ghazi He was billed as 10 ft in his life . 1909 -- 1941 ( 32 ) Belarus 239 cm 7 ft 10 in Feodor Machnow Billed as 9 ft 3 in his life . 1878 -- 1912 ( 34 ) Austria - Hungary 238 cm 7 ft 10 in Grgo Kusić Tallest Croat recorded . Tallest citizen of Austria - Hungary of his time . 1892 -- 1918 ( 26 ) Pakistan 238 cm 7 ft 10 in Naseer Soomro Tallest confirmed man living in Pakistan . 1975 -- Netherlands 238 cm 7 ft 10 in Rigardus Rijnhout Second - tallest man in The Netherlands ever ; he was known as the giant of Rotterdam . Early June 2011 , a life - size statue of Rijnhout was unveiled in the Oude Westen district in Rotterdam . 1922 -- 1959 ( 36 ) Japan 237 cm 7 ft 9.3 in Yoshimitsu Matsuzaka Tallest man in Japan ; no color images of him exist even though he died in the 1960s . 1930 -- 1962 ( 32 ) Mongolia 236 cm 7 ft 9 in Öndör Gongor Very tall man in early - 20th - century Mongolia . Some other sources even give 245 cm ( 8 feet ) 1880 / 85 -- 1925 / 30 United States 236 cm 7 ft 9 in Louis Moilanen Tallest person in Michigan history and one of the tallest men in the world during his lifetime . He may have been 8 ft 1 in tall . 1885 -- 1913 ( 28 ) United Kingdom 236 cm 7 ft 9 in Angus MacAskill Tallest `` true '' giant ( not due to a pathological condition ) . Tallest Scottish or British man recorded . 1825 -- 1863 ( 38 ) United Kingdom 236 cm 7 ft 9 in Frederick Kempster Tall Englishman , height disputed between 7 ft 8.5 in and 8 ft 4.5 in 1889 -- 1918 ( 29 ) United States 236 cm 7 ft 9 in Martin Van Buren Bates Known as the Kentucky Giant or The Giant of the Hills . He and Anna Haining Bates were the tallest married couple ever . 1837 -- 1919 People 's Republic of China 236 cm 7 ft 9 in Bao Xishun Considered the tallest living person by Guinness World Records until September 2009 when he was replaced by Sultan Kösen . 1951 -- People 's Republic of China 236 cm 7 ft 9 in Sun Mingming Chinese basketball player . Formerly second - tallest living person . 1983 -- Tunisia 236 cm 7 ft 9 in Radhouane Charbib Listed by Guinness World Records as tallest man until January 15 , 2005 , before Bao Xishun and Sun Mingming . 1968 -- Germany 236 cm 7 ft 9 in Walter Straub Tallest man in Germany while he was alive . 1925 -- 1986 ( 61 ) Algeria 236 cm 7 ft 9 in Rachid Bara Tallest man in Algeria while he was alive . 1974 -- 2009 ( 35 ) Brazil 235 cm 7 ft 81⁄2 in Rafael França do Nascimento Tallest man in Brazil . 1987 -- Russia 235 cm 7 ft 81⁄2 in Nikolai Pankratov Tallest man in Russia . 1990 -- North Korea 235 cm 7 ft 81⁄2 in Ri Myung Hun Former basketball player with the North Korean national team . 1967 -- United States / Ukraine 235 cm 7 ft 81⁄3 in Igor Vovkovinskiy Currently the tallest person living in the United States . Originally from Ukraine , moved to Rochester , Minnesota to be treated at the Mayo Clinic . Most recently has been acting in commercials and movies . Became well known by wearing a T - shirt that read `` Obama 's Biggest Supporter '' . Took part in the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 in Malmö , Sweden , as one of the performers on the stage representing Ukraine . 1982 -- United States 235 cm 7 ft 8 in Broc Brown Former tallest teenager in the United States . 1998 - United States 235 cm 7 ft 8 in Cecil Boling Was 7'8 '' but shrank to 7'0 '' since his legs were replaced with artificial legs 8.5 '' shorter . 1920 -- 2000 ( 79 ) United States 235 cm 7 ft 8 in Brenden Adams Former tallest teenager in the world . 1995 -- India 234 cm 7 ft 8 in Polipaka Gattaiah Tallest Indian . 1975 -- 2015 Ivory Coast 234 cm 7 ft 8 in Abdramane Dembele Tallest man in Ivory Coast . 1985 -- United States 234 cm 7 ft 8 in George Bell Former Tallest living American . 1957 -- Fiji 234 cm 7 ft 8 in Kaliova Seleiwau Tallest living Fijian . 1981 -- Austria 234 cm 7 ft 8 in Adam Rainer Only person known to have been both a dwarf and giant . He was 118 cm ( 3 ft 10 in ) tall at age 21 and peaked at 234 cm ( 7 ft 8 in ) when he died , having doubled his height as an adult . 1899 -- 1950 ( 51 ) Pakistan 234 cm 7 ft 8 in Alam Channa Pakistani , considered to be the tallest living man when he died in 1998 . 1953 -- 1998 ( 46 ) Iceland 234 cm 7 ft 8 in Jóhann K. Pétursson Was the tallest person in Iceland . 1913 -- 1984 ( 71 ) Japan 234 cm 7 ft 8 in Yasutaka Okayama Tallest living Japanese . Tallest basketball player drafted in NBA history . 1954 -- United States 234 cm 7 ft 8 in Bob Wegner Tallest basketball player plays for the Lake Michigan Admirals . Austria - Hungary 233.7 cm 7 ft 8 in Franz Winkelmeier One of the tallest people in his time . 1860 -- 1887 Spain 233.5 cm 7 ft 8 in Miguel Joaquín de Eleicegui Tallest man recorded in Spain . 1818 -- 1861 ( 43 ) Spain 233 cm 7 ft 7.7 in Jaime Clemente Izquierdo Spain 's tallest man in his lifetime . 1961 -- 2005 ( 44 ) Spain 233 cm 7 ft 71⁄2 in Agustín Luengo Capilla Circus performer . Tallest man in Spain at the time of his death . 1849 -- 1875 ( 26 ) United States 232 cm 7 ft 71⁄2 in Jack Earle Jacob Rheuben Ehrlich . American silent film actor and sideshow performer . 1906 -- 1952 ( 46 ) Somalia 233 cm 7 ft 7.4 in Hussain Bisad Somalia , considered to be one of the tallest living men . 1975 -- United Kingdom 233 cm 7 ft 7.4 in Neil Fingleton Tallest division 1 basketball player . Known for his role Mag the Mighty in the HBO TV series Game of Thrones 1980 -- 2017 ( 36 ) China 233 cm 7 ft 7 in Wang Feng - Jun Asia 's tallest man in 2004 . 1976 -- 2015 ( 39 ) Malta - Italy 233 cm 7 ft 7 in Samuel Deguara Malta and Italy 's tallest man . 1991 - Argentina 231 cm 7 ft 7 in Jorge González Tallest wrestler in WWE history . 1966 -- 2010 ( 44 ) United Kingdom 231 cm 7 ft 7 in Paul Sturgess Tied for the tallest player ever to play college basketball in the U.S. 1987 -- United States 231 cm 7 ft 7 in Kenny George Second - tallest Division I basketball player ( Neil Fingleton ) . 1987 -- United States 231 cm 7 ft 7 in Lock Martin He played the robot in the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still . 1916 -- 1959 Ireland 231 cm 7 ft 7 in Charles Byrne Skeleton now resides in the Hunterian Museum . 1761 -- 1783 ( 22 ) United States 231 cm 7 ft 7 in Max Palmer Actor and pro wrestler . Listed by Guinness World Records at 7 ft 7 in , claimed 8 ft 1 in . Film Bio - Killer Apes , Invaders From Mars . 1927 -- 1984 ( 57 ) Romania 231 cm 7 ft 7 in Gheorghe Mureșan Tied for tallest in NBA history . 1971 -- Sudan 231 cm 7 ft 7 in Manute Bol Tied for tallest in NBA history . 1962 -- 2010 ( 48 ) Belgium 230 cm 7 ft 6.75 in Alain Delaunois Tallest living Belgian . 1971 -- Azerbaijan 230 cm 7 ft 7 in Aleksandar Rindin Tallest man in Azerbaijan . 1985 -- Armenia 230 cm 7 ft 7 in Arshavir Grigoryan Tallest man in Armenia . 1990 -- Brazil 230 cm 7 ft 6.6 in Joélisson Fernandes da Silva Tallest living Brazilian . 1991 -- Montenegro 230 cm 7 ft 6.5 in Slavko Vraneš Tallest Montenegrin basketball player in the national basketball team , former player in the NBA 1983 -- Romania 230 cm 7 ft 6.55 in Robert Bobroczky Romanian basketball player that was 2.30 m ( 7 ft 7 in ) in late 2014 , aged 14 . 2000 Vietnam 229 cm 7 ft 6.25 in Trần Thành Phố Was the tallest man in Southeast Asia when he died in 2010 1947 -- 2010 ( 63 ) Senegal 229 cm 7 ft 6.25 in Malik Sidibe Tallest basketball player in Senegal . 1985 -- United Kingdom 229 cm 7 ft 61⁄4 in Christopher Greener Formerly Britain 's tallest man 1943 -- 2015 ( 71 ) Algeria 229 cm 7 ft 61⁄5 in Saad Kaiche Former basketball player of Club Baloncesto Breogán of Lugo . 1985 -- United States 229 cm 7 ft 6 in Ralph Madsen Billed as 7 ft 6in . 1897 -- 1948 People 's Republic of China 229 cm 7 ft 6 in Yao Ming Was the tallest player in the NBA during his playing years until his retirement in 2011 . 1980 -- United States / Germany 229 cm 7 ft 6 in Shawn Bradley Former player in the NBA , 1993 -- 2005 , tallest living German ( holding dual citizenship ) . 1972 -- Senegal 229 cm 7 ft 6 in Moussa Seck Tallest basketball player in Senegal . 1986 -- United States 229 cm 7 ft 6 in Matthew McGrory Was the world 's tallest actor when he died in 2005 . 1973 -- 2005 Senegal 229 cm 7 ft 6 in Mamadou N'Diaye Was the tallest in high school and college basketball while playing in the US . 1993 -- United States 229 cm 7 ft 6 in Conrad Furrows He was listed in the Bernard L. Kobel Catalogue of Human Oddities of Circus Sideshows . 1922 -- 1967 Senegal 229 cm 7 ft 6 in Tacko Fall Is the tallest high school basketball player in the US as of 2014 . 1995 -- Russia 229 cm 7 ft 5.8 in Sergey Ilin Tallest basketball player in Russia . 1988 -- Spain 229 cm 7 ft 5.8 in ( ? ) Fermín Arrudi Urieta Tallest man in Spain at the time of his death . 1870 -- 1913 ( 42 ) Democratic Republic of Congo 228 cm 7 ft 52⁄3 in Bienvenu Letuni Tallest basketball player in DRC 1994 -- Poland 228 cm 7 ft 52⁄3 in Eugeniusz Taraciński Tallest man in Poland while he was alive . 1928 -- 1978 ( 50 ) Colombia 228 cm 7 ft 52⁄3 in Asdrúbal Herrera Mora Tallest living Colombian . Tied for tallest South American man with Margarito Machacuay 1986 -- Slovak Republic 228 cm 7 ft 52⁄3 in Martin Miklosik Tallest basketball player in the Slovak Republic . 1986 -- Peru 228 cm 7 ft 52⁄3 in Margarito Machacuay Tied for the tallest South American person with Asdrúbal Herrera and is the fifth - tallest in the Americas . 1965 -- Women ( edit ) Country Metric Imperial Name Note Lifespan ( age of death ) People 's Republic of China 248 cm 8 ft 1 3⁄4 in Zeng Jinlian Confirmed by Guinness World Records as tallest female ever . Suffered from spine curvature and could not stand at full height . Tallest recorded Chinese person and world 's tallest person shortly before her death . 1964 -- 1982 ( 17 ) Canada 243 cm 7 ft 11 in Anna Haining Bates Second tallest woman and tallest woman in her lifetime . She and Martin Van Buren Bates were the tallest married couple ever . 1846 -- 1888 ( 41 ) United Kingdom 241 cm 7 ft 11 in Jane Bunford Tallest recorded English person and possibly the world 's tallest person at the time of her death . Given height is adjusted for spinal curvature ; peak standing height was 7 ft 10 in ( 239 cm ) . 1895 -- 1922 ( 27 ) People 's Republic of China 234 cm 7 ft 8 in Yao Defen Listed as tallest living female by Guinness World Records , until her death on November 13 , 2012 . 1972 -- 2012 ( 40 ) United States 231.78 cm 7 ft 7 1⁄4 in Sandy Allen Listed as tallest living female by Guinness World Records , until her death on August 13 , 2008 . 1955 -- 2008 ( 53 ) Greece 229.87 cm 7 ft 6.5 in Wassiliki Calliandji Tallest woman in Greece . 1882 -- 1904 ( 22 ) People 's Republic of China 221 cm 7 ft 3 in Sun Fang Tallest living woman . 1987 - Disputed and unverified claims ( edit ) Country Metric Imperial Name Note Lifespan ( age at death ) France 350 cm 11 ft 6 in Giant of Castelnau Height estimate based on bone fragments found at the Neolithic cemetery of Castelnau - le - Lez , excavated in 1890 by Georges Vacher de Lapouge and published in the journal La Nature , Vol. 18 , 1890 . Unknown - Neolithic France Russia / Belarus 283 cm 9 ft 3 in Feodor Machnow Height not confirmed . 1878 -- 1912 ( 34 ) England 282 cm 9 ft 3 in John Middleton The Childe of Hale Written on his grave is Here lyeth the bodie of John Middleton , the Childe of Hale , nine feet three . Height not officially confirmed . 1578 -- 1623 ( 45 ) United States 274 cm 8 ft 11.5 in John Aasen American silent film actor , height is not officially confirmed . His skeleton was measured at 7 ft 2.4 in 1890 -- 1938 ( 48 ) Thailand 269 cm 8 ft 10 in Pornchai Sawsri Claimed to measure 269 cm ( 8'10 ) at age 26 in September 2015 . He was measured at 257 cm ( 8'5 `` ) by Thai authorities for his ID card renewal in October 2013 . 1990 ? -- 2015 Egypt 269 cm 8 ft 10 in Sa'id Muhammad Ghazi Claimed 8'10 `` , but was later measured at 7'11 '' ( 242 cm ) . 1909 -- 1941 ( 32 ) Ireland 269 cm 8 ft 10 in Patrick Murphy Claimed 8'10 `` , but was later measured at 7'3.4 '' ( 222 cm ) . Height is not officially confirmed . 1834 -- 1862 ( 28 ) Italy 259 cm 8 ft 6 in Maximinus Thrax Emperor of Rome , first ever recorded person with gigantism . 173 -- 238 Iran 259 cm 8 ft 5.9 in Siah Khan Ibn Kashmir Khan When he was admitted to hospital in 1933 he turned out to be ' only ' 7'2.6 '' ( 220 cm ) tall . 1912 -- 1938 Ukraine 257 cm 8 ft 5.5 in Leonid Stadnyk Refused to undergo independent testing under Guinness World Records rules , so his claim is not recognized by Guinness World Records . 1970 -- 2014 ( 44 ) Pakistan 254 cm 8 ft 4 in Ajaz Ahmed Claims actually to be 8 feet 4 inches , but this is unverified by Guinness World Records . He claims that he is still growing . 1976 -- Netherlands 254 cm 8 ft 4 in Trijntje Keever Tallest recorded woman . Not confirmed by Guinness World Records . 1616 -- 1633 ( 17 ) United States 254 cm 8 ft 4 in Ella Ewing Claims 8 feet 4 inches , however measured at 7 feet 4.5 inches . Her mother describes her full height at 8 feet 4 inches . 1872 -- 1913 ( 41 ) Bangladesh 251 cm 8 ft 3 in Parimal Barman Claims of being 8 feet 3 inches , not confirmed . 1962 -- 1991 ( 29 ) United States 248 cm 8 ft 2 in Henry Hite Claims of being 8 feet 2 inches , not confirmed . 1915 -- 1978 ( 63 ) India 248 cm 8 ft 2 in Jitendra Singh Claims of being 8 feet 2 inches , but was later measured at 7'7 '' ( 231 cm ) 1971 -- Finland 247 cm 8 ft 1.4 in Daniel Cajanus Height not officially confirmed . He was only 7 ft 8 in ( 234 cm ) according to the London Annual Register . 1703 -- 1749 ( 46 ) People 's Republic of China 246 cm 8 ft 1 in Zhao Liang Height not officially confirmed . A circus performer . 1982 -- Finland 246 cm 8 ft 1 in Louis Moilanen Big Louie Height not officially confirmed . 1886 -- 1913 ( 27 ) China 244 cm 8 ft 0 in Zhan Shichai Height not officially confirmed . 1841 -- 1893 ( 52 ) Turkey 244.4 cm 8 ft 0 in Barth 's Giant Skeleton of reputed Giant `` Hayduk '' , Turkish soldier displayed at Vienna 's Anatomical museum in 1904 . Height estimated from Femur and Tibia at 235.2 to 244.4 cm tall . c. 1683 Algeria 244 cm 8 ft 0 in Mounir Fourar Height not officially confirmed . 1972 -- 2012 ( 40 ) Indonesia 242 cm 7 ft 11 in Musutaman Height not officially confirmed . 1962 -- ? Sweden 242 cm 7 ft 11 in Gustaf Edman Height not officially confirmed . 1882 -- 1912 ( 30 ) Mongolia 236 cm 7 ft 9 in Öndör Gongor Tall Gongor Was measured by Roy Chapman Andrews , but some other sources even give 245 cm ( 8 feet ) 1879 -- 1931 ( 52 ) United Kingdom 236 cm 7 ft 9 in Frederick Kempster Claimed to be 8 ft 4.5 in . Height not officially confirmed . 1889 -- 1918 ( 29 ) Ireland 234 cm 7 ft 8 in Cornelius McGrath Measurement according to the London Annual Register . 1737 -- 1759 ( 22 ) Spain 222 -- 234 cm 7 ft 3 in - 7 ft 7 in Sancho VII of Navarre Height estimated by Luis del Campo in 1952 , from a measurement of his femur recorded in 1622 . 1170 - 1234 ( 64 ) Tallest in varied fields or endeavors ( edit ) Tallest in various Sports ( edit ) See also : List of tallest players in National Basketball Association history Country Height Name Note Lifespan Photo Libya 246 cm ( 8 ft 1 in ) Suleiman Ali Nashnush Tallest basketball player . 1943 -- 1991 Iran 246 cm ( 8 ft 1 in ) Morteza Mehrzad Tallest Paralympian . 1987 -- Romania 242 cm ( 7 ft 11 in ) Gogea Mitu Tallest professional boxer . 1914 -- 1936 People 's Republic of China 236 cm ( 7 ft 9 in ) Sun Mingming Tallest active professional basketball player . 1983 -- Canada 233 cm ( 7 ft 8 in ) Édouard Beaupré Tallest strongman and tallest wrestler . 1881 -- 1904 Romania 231 cm ( 7 ft 7 in ) Gheorghe Mureșan Retired professional basketball player . Tied as tallest player in National Basketball Association ( NBA ) history . 1971 -- Sudan 231 cm ( 7 ft 7 in ) Manute Bol Retired professional basketball player . Tied as tallest player in National Basketball Association ( NBA ) history . 1962 -- 2010 Argentina 231 cm ( 7 ft 7 in ) Jorge González Tallest wrestler in WWE history 1966 -- 2010 Latvia 221 cm ( 7 ft 3 in ) Kristaps Porziņģis Tied for tallest active NBA player . 1995 -- Serbia 221 cm ( 7 ft 3 in ) Boban Marjanović Tied for tallest active NBA player . 1988 -- Brazil 218 cm ( 7 ft 2 in ) Giant Silva Tallest kickboxer and mixed martial artist . 1963 -- Poland 218 cm ( 7 ft 2 in ) Małgorzata `` Margo '' Dydek Tallest player in WNBA history . 1974 -- 2011 Russia 218 cm ( 7 ft 2 in ) Dmitriy Muserskiy Tallest volleyball player . 1988 -- India 216 cm ( 7 ft 1 in ) Dalip Singh Rana Tallest active wrestler . 1972 -- Pakistan 216 cm ( 7 ft 1 in ) Mohammad Irfan Tallest international cricketer 1982 -- Philippines 216 cm ( 7 ft 1 in ) E.J. Feihl Tallest basketball player in PBA history . ( tied with Greg Slaughter ) 1970 -- Philippines 216 cm ( 7 ft 1 in ) Greg Slaughter Tallest basketball player in PBA history . ( tied with E.J. Feihl ) 1988 -- Netherlands 215 cm ( 7 ft 1 in ) Loek van Mil Tallest baseball player . 1984 -- United Kingdom 213 cm ( 7 ft 0 in ) Richard Metcalfe Tallest rugby union player . 1973 -- Netherlands 213 cm ( 7 ft 0 in ) Ted van der Parre Tallest World 's Strongest Man . 1955 -- United States 213 cm ( 7 ft 0 in ) Richard Sligh Tallest American football player in NFL history . 1944 -- 2008 Russia 213 cm ( 7 ft 0 in ) Nikolai Valuev Tallest boxing world champion . 1973 -- Netherlands 212 cm ( 6 ft 11 in ) Semmy Schilt Tallest kickboxing world champion . 1973 -- Netherlands 212 cm ( 6 ft 11 in ) Stefan Struve Tallest fighter in the UFC . 1988 -- United States 211 cm ( 6 ft 11 in ) Jon Rauch Tallest baseball player in Major League Baseball history . 1978 -- Australia 211 cm ( 6 ft 11 in ) Aaron Sandilands Tied as tallest player in Australian Football League history . 1982 -- Australia 211 cm ( 6 ft 11 in ) Peter Street Tied as tallest player in Australian Football League history . 1980 -- America 211 cm ( 6 ft 11 in ) Mason Cox Tied as tallest player in Australian Football League history . 1991 -- United States 211 cm ( 6 ft 11 in ) Reilly Opelka Tied as tallest tennis player on the ATP Tour . 1997 -- Croatia 211 cm ( 6 ft 11 in ) Ivo Karlović Tied as tallest tennis player on the ATP Tour . 1979 -- United Kingdom 211 cm ( 6 ft 11 in ) Will Carrick - Smith Tallest active professional rugby union player . 1992 -- Lithuania 209 cm ( 6 ft 10 in ) Rolandas Gimbutis Tallest Olympic swimmer . 1981 -- Belgium 208 cm ( 6 ft 10 in ) Kristof Van Hout Tallest association football player . 1987 -- Slovakia 206 cm ( 6 ft 9 in ) Zdeno Chára Tallest player in National Hockey League history . 1977 -- United States 206 cm ( 6 ft 9 in ) Jared Gaither Tallest active American football player in the NFL 1986 -- Russia 204 cm ( 6 ft 8 in ) Nelly Alisheva Tallest female volleyball player . 1983 -- Bulgaria 203 cm ( 6 ft 8 in ) Kotooshu Katsunori sumo wrestler . 1983 -- Germany 201 cm ( 6 ft 7 in ) Ingo Schultz Tallest sprinter . 1975 -- Bulgaria 201 cm ( 6 ft 7 in ) Velichko Cholakov Tallest Olympic weightlifter . 1982 -- United States 201 cm ( 6 ft 7 in ) Phil Blackmar Tallest golfer on the PGA Tour . 1957 -- Switzerland 200 cm ( 6 ft 7 in ) Ramon Zenhäusern Tallest World Cup competitor in alpine skiing . 1992 -- United States 198 cm ( 6 ft 6 in ) Buddy Baker Tallest driver in NASCAR history . 1941 -- 2015 Netherlands 197 cm ( 6 ft 6 in ) Jens Mouris Tallest professional cyclist . 1980 -- United States 195 cm ( 6 ft 5 in ) Michael Waltrip Tallest active driver in NASCAR . 1963 -- Croatia 193 cm ( 6 ft 4 in ) Blanka Vlašić Tallest female high jumper . 1983 -- Tallest actors ( edit ) Country Height Name Note Lifespan United Kingdom 7 ft 71⁄2 in ( 233 cm ) Neil Fingleton Tallest actor at 233 cm ( 7 ft 71⁄2 in ) . 1980 -- 2017 France 7 ft 6 in ( 233 cm ) Andre The Giant Tallest French actor and professional wrestler . Tallest wrestler during the 1980s and the Eighth Wonder of the World . 1946 - 1993 Canada 6 ft 9 in ( 206 cm ) John De Santis Tallest Canadian actor at 206 cm ( 6 ft 9 in ) . 1977 -- 2017 United States 6 ft 8 1 / 2 in ( 204 cm ) Brad Garrett Tallest Emmy Award winning actor at 204 cm ( 6 ft 8 1 / 2 in ) . 1960 -- United States 6 ft 8.25 in ( 203.84 cm ) Lindsay Kay Hayward Tallest actress in a leading role 1987 -- United Kingdom 6 ft 7 in ( 201 cm ) Stephen Merchant Tallest British Academy Film Awards winner 1974 - United States 6 ft 7 in ( 201 cm ) James Cromwell Tallest Academy Award nominated actor at 201 cm ( 6 ft 7 in ) . 1940 -- United States 6 ft 5 in ( 195 cm ) Tim Robbins Tallest Academy Award - winning actor at 195 cm ( 6 ft 5 in ) . 1958 -- Tallest people presently living in varied nations ( edit ) Pakistan 8 ft 4 in ( 254 cm ) Ajaz Ahmed Tallest living in Pakistan at 254 cm ( 8 ft 4 in ) . Height unverified . He claims that he is still growing . 1975 -- Turkey 8 ft 3 in ( 251 cm ) Sultan Kösen Tallest Turkish at 251 cm ( 8 ft 3 in ) . 1982 -- Morocco 8 ft 1 in ( 247 cm ) Brahim Takioullah Tallest Moroccan at 246 cm and second tallest person ( 8 ft 1 in ) 1982 -- Iran 8 ft 1 in ( 246 cm ) Morteza Mehrzad Tallest live in Iran at 246 cm ( 8 ft 1 in ) . 1987 -- People 's Republic of China 7 ft 11 in ( 242 cm ) Zhang Juncai Tallest living Chinese at 242 cm ( 7 ft 11 in ) . 1983 -- Tunisia 7 ft 8.5 in ( 235 cm ) Radhouane Charbib Tallest Tunisian and the tallest living person in Africa 1968 -- Somalia 7 ft 81⁄2 in ( 236 cm ) Hussain Bisad Tallest Somali at 236 cm ( 7 ft 8.5 in ) . 1975 -- North Korea 7 ft 8.5 in ( 235 cm ) Ri Myung Hun Tallest North Korean at 235 cm ( 7 ft 8.5 in ) . 1967 -- United Kingdom 7 ft 81⁄3 in ( 235 cm ) Paul Sturgess Tallest British at 235 cm ( 7 ft 81⁄3 in ) . 1987 -- United States 7 ft 81⁄3 in ( 235 cm ) Igor Vovkovinskiy Tallest American at 235 cm ( 7 ft 81⁄3 in ) . 1982 -- Myanmar 7 ft 7.5 in ( 233 cm ) Win Zaw Oo Also known as ' Big Zaw ' , who is currently seeking medical treatment from 2013 in Singapore . Tallest man in Burma 1977 - Romania 7 ft 7 in ( 231 cm ) Gheorghe Mureșan Tallest Romanian at 231 cm ( 7 ft 7 in ) . 1971 -- Brazil 7 ft 6.6 in ( 230 cm ) Joelisson Fernandes da Silva Tallest Brazilian at 230 cm ( 7 ft 6.6 in ) 1991 -- Montenegro 7 ft 6 in ( 230 cm ) Slavko Vranes Tallest basketball player in Montenegro 1983 -- Malta 7 ft 6 in ( 230 cm ) Samuel Deguara Tallest basketball player in Malta 1991 -- Japan 7 ft 6 in ( 228 cm ) Yasutaka Okayama Tallest Japanese to be drafted into the NBA at 228 cm ( 7 ft 6 in ) . 1954 -- Canada 7 ft 6 in ( 228 cm ) Jerry Sokoloski Tallest Canadian at 228 cm ( 7 ft 6 in ) . 1983 -- New Zealand 7 ft 4.5 in ( 225 cm ) Jonty Butterfield Tallest New Zealander at 229 cm ( 7 ft 6.15 in ) . 1994 -- Ireland 7 ft 4.5 in ( 225 cm ) Shaun Aisbitt Tallest Man in Ireland 1962 -- Puerto Rico 7 ft 3.5 in ( 222 cm ) Peter John Ramos Tallest Puerto Rican at 222 cm ( 7 ft 3.5 in ) . 1985 -- Australia 7 ft 3 in ( 221 cm ) Sam Harris Tallest Australian at 221 cm ( 7 ft 3 in ) . 1984 -- Philippines 7 ft 3 in ( 221 cm ) Raul Dillo Said to be the tallest Filipino at 221 cm ( 7 ft 4 in ) when he was measured at age 17 . 1991 -- Spain 7 ft 3 in ( 221 cm ) Roberto Dueñas Hernández Tallest Spanish basketball player ever ( now retired ) . Currently the tallest man alive in Spain . 1975 -- See also ( edit ) Giant ( mythology ) Gigantism Goliath Human height List of the heaviest people List of humans with gigantism List of shortest people List of tallest players in National Basketball Association history References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Robert Wadlow '' . . Archived from the original on 2010 - 03 - 19 . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 11 . Jump up ^ New rules make China 's Bao world 's tallest again . Reuters . August 20 , 2000 . ^ Jump up to : `` Tallest man - living '' . . Retrieved 2012 - 04 - 29 . Jump up ^ Glenday , Craig ( 2010 ) . Guinnes World Records 2011 . ISBN 9781904994572 . Jump up ^ `` Confirmed : Brahim Takioullah sets world record for largest feet '' . Guinness World Records News . 12 October 2011 . Retrieved 15 February 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Confirmed : Brahim Takioullah sets world record for largest feet - October 2011 - - Latest news '' . Guinness World Records . 2011 - 10 - 12 . Retrieved 2012 - 04 - 29 . 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tallest person in the world guinness world record
Country Metric Imperial Name Note Lifespan ( Age at death ) United States 272 cm 8 ft 11.1 in Robert Wadlow Tallest human in recorded history confirmed by Guinness World Records . 1918 -- 1940 ( 22 ) United States 267 cm 8 ft 9 in John Rogan Second - tallest male in recorded history . Weighed only 92.5 kg ( 204 lb ) . Unable to stand due to ankylosis . 1865 -- 1905 ( 40 ) United States 263.5 cm 8 ft 73⁄4in John F. Carroll 244 cm ( 8 ft 0 in ) standing height , 264 cm ( 8 ft 73⁄4 in ) assuming normal spinal curvature . 1932 -- 1969 ( 37 ) Ukraine 257 cm 8 ft 5 in Leonid Stadnyk Not officially recognized by Guinness World Records because he refused to be measured according to their standards . 1970 -- 2014 ( 44 ) Finland 251 cm 8 ft 3 in Väinö Myllyrinne Recognized as the tallest living person from 1940 to his death in 1963 . Said to have been 251 cm in his thirties . 1909 -- 1963 ( 54 ) Canada 251 cm 8 ft 3 in Édouard Beaupré Tallest strongman as well as tallest wrestler in history . His death certificate described him as being 8 ft 3 in ( 2.51 m ) tall and still growing . 1881 -- 1904 ( 23 ) Turkey 251 cm 8 ft 3 in Sultan Kösen The tallest living person since September 17 , 2009 , as determined by Guinness World Records . He has 36.5 - cm - long ( 1 ft 2 in ) feet -- the second - largest feet on a living person and 27.5 cm ( 11.2 in ) hand -- the longest on a living person . 1982 -- India 249 cm 8 ft 2 in Vikas Uppal Was not officially measured by Guinness . 1986 -- 2007 ( 21 ) United States 249 cm 8 ft 2 in Don Koehler Tallest in world for most of the 1970s . 1925 -- 1981 ( 56 ) United States 249 cm 8 ft 2 in Bernard Coyne Coyne 's World War I draft registration card , dated 29 August his height as 8 feet , although he had reached a height of 8 feet 2 inches ( 249 cm ) by the time of his death . Possibly reached up to 8 ft 4 in ( 254 cm ) . 1897 -- 1921 ( 24 ) Ireland 246 cm 8 ft 1 in Patrick Cotter O'Brien Tallest person recorded at the time and the first in medical history to stand at a verified height of eight feet ( 244 cm ) . Remains examined in 1972 and height verified . 1760 -- 1806 ( 46 ) Morocco 246 cm 8 ft 1 in Brahim Takioullah Possesses the world 's largest feet at 1 ft 3 in ( 38 cm ) . 1982 -- Iran 246 cm 8 ft 1 in Morteza Mehrzad Tallest man in Iran . Gold medalist of Iran sitting volleyball national team in Summer Paralympic games Rio 2016 1987 -- Germany 246 cm 8 ft 1 in Julius Koch Probably never the world 's tallest person due to his life coinciding with that of John Rogan . Skeleton preserved in the Museum of Natural History in Mons , Belgium . 1872 -- 1902 ( 30 ) Mozambique 246 cm 8 ft 1 in Gabriel Estêvão Monjane Guinness World Records listed him as tallest man from 1988 to 1990 . 1944 -- 1990 ( 46 ) India 246 cm 8 ft 1 in Dharmendra Pratap Singh Tallest living Indian . 1983 -- Libya 246 cm 8 ft 1 in Suleiman Ali Nashnush Libyan who may have been the tallest basketball player . 1943 -- 1991 ( 47 ) France 245 cm 8 ft 1⁄2 in Jean - Joseph Brice Le Géant des Vosges Ramonchamp - France -- Height controversy 1835 -- ? Germany 244 cm 8 ft 0 in Anton de Franckenpoint ( Langer Anton ) Lived during Thirty Years ' War ; skeleton later measured at 8 ft 0 in ( 244 cm ) . Unknown People 's Republic of China 242 cm 7 ft 111⁄4 in Zhang Juncai Tallest living Chinese person . 1966 -- Indonesia 242 cm 7 ft 111⁄4 in Suparwono Tallest Indonesian claimed to be 8 ft 10.5 in . Officially measured ( lying down and in the standing position ) by the Indonesian Record Museum ( MURI ) in December 2009 . 1985 -- 2012 ( 26 ) Netherlands 242 cm 7 ft 111⁄4 in Albert Johan Kramer Probably the tallest man in The Netherlands ever ; His brother - in - law was suffering from dwarfism and did not exceed 69 cm ( 27.16 in ) . Together they formed a variety act , with performances around the world . 1897 -- 1976 ( 79 ) Puerto Rico 241 cm 7 ft 11 in Felipe Birriel Tallest Puerto Rican recorded . 1916 -- 1994 ( 78 ) India 241 cm 7 ft 11 in Asadulla Khan Tallest man in India . 1988 -- Soviet Union 240 cm 7 ft 10 in Alexander Sizonenko Soviet Union basketball player . 1959 -- 2012 ( 53 ) Egypt 240 cm 7 ft 10 in Sa'id Muhammad Ghazi He was billed as 10 ft in his life . 1909 -- 1941 ( 32 ) Belarus 239 cm 7 ft 10 in Feodor Machnow Billed as 9 ft 3 in his life . 1878 -- 1912 ( 34 ) Austria - Hungary 238 cm 7 ft 10 in Grgo Kusić Tallest Croat recorded . Tallest citizen of Austria - Hungary of his time . 1892 -- 1918 ( 26 ) Pakistan 238 cm 7 ft 10 in Naseer Soomro Tallest confirmed man living in Pakistan . 1975 -- Netherlands 238 cm 7 ft 10 in Rigardus Rijnhout Second - tallest man in The Netherlands ever ; he was known as the giant of Rotterdam . Early June 2011 , a life - size statue of Rijnhout was unveiled in the Oude Westen district in Rotterdam . 1922 -- 1959 ( 36 ) Japan 237 cm 7 ft 9.3 in Yoshimitsu Matsuzaka Tallest man in Japan ; no color images of him exist even though he died in the 1960s . 1930 -- 1962 ( 32 ) Mongolia 236 cm 7 ft 9 in Öndör Gongor Very tall man in early - 20th - century Mongolia . Some other sources even give 245 cm ( 8 feet ) 1880 / 85 -- 1925 / 30 United States 236 cm 7 ft 9 in Louis Moilanen Tallest person in Michigan history and one of the tallest men in the world during his lifetime . He may have been 8 ft 1 in tall . 1885 -- 1913 ( 28 ) United Kingdom 236 cm 7 ft 9 in Angus MacAskill Tallest `` true '' giant ( not due to a pathological condition ) . Tallest Scottish or British man recorded . 1825 -- 1863 ( 38 ) United Kingdom 236 cm 7 ft 9 in Frederick Kempster Tall Englishman , height disputed between 7 ft 8.5 in and 8 ft 4.5 in 1889 -- 1918 ( 29 ) United States 236 cm 7 ft 9 in Martin Van Buren Bates Known as the Kentucky Giant or The Giant of the Hills . He and Anna Haining Bates were the tallest married couple ever . 1837 -- 1919 People 's Republic of China 236 cm 7 ft 9 in Bao Xishun Considered the tallest living person by Guinness World Records until September 2009 when he was replaced by Sultan Kösen . 1951 -- People 's Republic of China 236 cm 7 ft 9 in Sun Mingming Chinese basketball player . Formerly second - tallest living person . 1983 -- Tunisia 236 cm 7 ft 9 in Radhouane Charbib Listed by Guinness World Records as tallest man until January 15 , 2005 , before Bao Xishun and Sun Mingming . 1968 -- Germany 236 cm 7 ft 9 in Walter Straub Tallest man in Germany while he was alive . 1925 -- 1986 ( 61 ) Algeria 236 cm 7 ft 9 in Rachid Bara Tallest man in Algeria while he was alive . 1974 -- 2009 ( 35 ) Brazil 235 cm 7 ft 81⁄2 in Rafael França do Nascimento Tallest man in Brazil . 1987 -- Russia 235 cm 7 ft 81⁄2 in Nikolai Pankratov Tallest man in Russia . 1990 -- North Korea 235 cm 7 ft 81⁄2 in Ri Myung Hun Former basketball player with the North Korean national team . 1967 -- United States / Ukraine 235 cm 7 ft 81⁄3 in Igor Vovkovinskiy Currently the tallest person living in the United States . Originally from Ukraine , moved to Rochester , Minnesota to be treated at the Mayo Clinic . Most recently has been acting in commercials and movies . Became well known by wearing a T - shirt that read `` Obama 's Biggest Supporter '' . Took part in the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 in Malmö , Sweden , as one of the performers on the stage representing Ukraine . 1982 -- United States 235 cm 7 ft 8 in Broc Brown Former tallest teenager in the United States . 1998 - United States 235 cm 7 ft 8 in Cecil Boling Was 7'8 '' but shrank to 7'0 '' since his legs were replaced with artificial legs 8.5 '' shorter . 1920 -- 2000 ( 79 ) United States 235 cm 7 ft 8 in Brenden Adams Former tallest teenager in the world . 1995 -- India 234 cm 7 ft 8 in Polipaka Gattaiah Tallest Indian . 1975 -- 2015 Ivory Coast 234 cm 7 ft 8 in Abdramane Dembele Tallest man in Ivory Coast . 1985 -- United States 234 cm 7 ft 8 in George Bell Former Tallest living American . 1957 -- Fiji 234 cm 7 ft 8 in Kaliova Seleiwau Tallest living Fijian . 1981 -- Austria 234 cm 7 ft 8 in Adam Rainer Only person known to have been both a dwarf and giant . He was 118 cm ( 3 ft 10 in ) tall at age 21 and peaked at 234 cm ( 7 ft 8 in ) when he died , having doubled his height as an adult . 1899 -- 1950 ( 51 ) Pakistan 234 cm 7 ft 8 in Alam Channa Pakistani , considered to be the tallest living man when he died in 1998 . 1953 -- 1998 ( 46 ) Iceland 234 cm 7 ft 8 in Jóhann K. Pétursson Was the tallest person in Iceland . 1913 -- 1984 ( 71 ) Japan 234 cm 7 ft 8 in Yasutaka Okayama Tallest living Japanese . Tallest basketball player drafted in NBA history . 1954 -- United States 234 cm 7 ft 8 in Bob Wegner Tallest basketball player plays for the Lake Michigan Admirals . Austria - Hungary 233.7 cm 7 ft 8 in Franz Winkelmeier One of the tallest people in his time . 1860 -- 1887 Spain 233.5 cm 7 ft 8 in Miguel Joaquín de Eleicegui Tallest man recorded in Spain . 1818 -- 1861 ( 43 ) Spain 233 cm 7 ft 7.7 in Jaime Clemente Izquierdo Spain 's tallest man in his lifetime . 1961 -- 2005 ( 44 ) Spain 233 cm 7 ft 71⁄2 in Agustín Luengo Capilla Circus performer . Tallest man in Spain at the time of his death . 1849 -- 1875 ( 26 ) United States 232 cm 7 ft 71⁄2 in Jack Earle Jacob Rheuben Ehrlich . American silent film actor and sideshow performer . 1906 -- 1952 ( 46 ) Somalia 233 cm 7 ft 7.4 in Hussain Bisad Somalia , considered to be one of the tallest living men . 1975 -- United Kingdom 233 cm 7 ft 7.4 in Neil Fingleton Tallest division 1 basketball player . Known for his role Mag the Mighty in the HBO TV series Game of Thrones 1980 -- 2017 ( 36 ) China 233 cm 7 ft 7 in Wang Feng - Jun Asia 's tallest man in 2004 . 1976 -- 2015 ( 39 ) Malta - Italy 233 cm 7 ft 7 in Samuel Deguara Malta and Italy 's tallest man . 1991 - Argentina 231 cm 7 ft 7 in Jorge González Tallest wrestler in WWE history . 1966 -- 2010 ( 44 ) United Kingdom 231 cm 7 ft 7 in Paul Sturgess Tied for the tallest player ever to play college basketball in the U.S. 1987 -- United States 231 cm 7 ft 7 in Kenny George Second - tallest Division I basketball player ( Neil Fingleton ) . 1987 -- United States 231 cm 7 ft 7 in Lock Martin He played the robot in the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still . 1916 -- 1959 Ireland 231 cm 7 ft 7 in Charles Byrne Skeleton now resides in the Hunterian Museum . 1761 -- 1783 ( 22 ) United States 231 cm 7 ft 7 in Max Palmer Actor and pro wrestler . Listed by Guinness World Records at 7 ft 7 in , claimed 8 ft 1 in . Film Bio - Killer Apes , Invaders From Mars . 1927 -- 1984 ( 57 ) Romania 231 cm 7 ft 7 in Gheorghe Mureșan Tied for tallest in NBA history . 1971 -- Sudan 231 cm 7 ft 7 in Manute Bol Tied for tallest in NBA history . 1962 -- 2010 ( 48 ) Belgium 230 cm 7 ft 6.75 in Alain Delaunois Tallest living Belgian . 1971 -- Azerbaijan 230 cm 7 ft 7 in Aleksandar Rindin Tallest man in Azerbaijan . 1985 -- Armenia 230 cm 7 ft 7 in Arshavir Grigoryan Tallest man in Armenia . 1990 -- Brazil 230 cm 7 ft 6.6 in Joélisson Fernandes da Silva Tallest living Brazilian . 1991 -- Montenegro 230 cm 7 ft 6.5 in Slavko Vraneš Tallest Montenegrin basketball player in the national basketball team , former player in the NBA 1983 -- Romania 230 cm 7 ft 6.55 in Robert Bobroczky Romanian basketball player that was 2.30 m ( 7 ft 7 in ) in late 2014 , aged 14 . 2000 Vietnam 229 cm 7 ft 6.25 in Trần Thành Phố Was the tallest man in Southeast Asia when he died in 2010 1947 -- 2010 ( 63 ) Senegal 229 cm 7 ft 6.25 in Malik Sidibe Tallest basketball player in Senegal . 1985 -- United Kingdom 229 cm 7 ft 61⁄4 in Christopher Greener Formerly Britain 's tallest man 1943 -- 2015 ( 71 ) Algeria 229 cm 7 ft 61⁄5 in Saad Kaiche Former basketball player of Club Baloncesto Breogán of Lugo . 1985 -- United States 229 cm 7 ft 6 in Ralph Madsen Billed as 7 ft 6in . 1897 -- 1948 People 's Republic of China 229 cm 7 ft 6 in Yao Ming Was the tallest player in the NBA during his playing years until his retirement in 2011 . 1980 -- United States / Germany 229 cm 7 ft 6 in Shawn Bradley Former player in the NBA , 1993 -- 2005 , tallest living German ( holding dual citizenship ) . 1972 -- Senegal 229 cm 7 ft 6 in Moussa Seck Tallest basketball player in Senegal . 1986 -- United States 229 cm 7 ft 6 in Matthew McGrory Was the world 's tallest actor when he died in 2005 . 1973 -- 2005 Senegal 229 cm 7 ft 6 in Mamadou N'Diaye Was the tallest in high school and college basketball while playing in the US . 1993 -- United States 229 cm 7 ft 6 in Conrad Furrows He was listed in the Bernard L. Kobel Catalogue of Human Oddities of Circus Sideshows . 1922 -- 1967 Senegal 229 cm 7 ft 6 in Tacko Fall Is the tallest high school basketball player in the US as of 2014 . 1995 -- Russia 229 cm 7 ft 5.8 in Sergey Ilin Tallest basketball player in Russia . 1988 -- Spain 229 cm 7 ft 5.8 in ( ? ) Fermín Arrudi Urieta Tallest man in Spain at the time of his death . 1870 -- 1913 ( 42 ) Democratic Republic of Congo 228 cm 7 ft 52⁄3 in Bienvenu Letuni Tallest basketball player in DRC 1994 -- Poland 228 cm 7 ft 52⁄3 in Eugeniusz Taraciński Tallest man in Poland while he was alive . 1928 -- 1978 ( 50 ) Colombia 228 cm 7 ft 52⁄3 in Asdrúbal Herrera Mora Tallest living Colombian . Tied for tallest South American man with Margarito Machacuay 1986 -- Slovak Republic 228 cm 7 ft 52⁄3 in Martin Miklosik Tallest basketball player in the Slovak Republic . 1986 -- Peru 228 cm 7 ft 52⁄3 in Margarito Machacuay Tied for the tallest South American person with Asdrúbal Herrera and is the fifth - tallest in the Americas . 1965 --
Marginal product of labor - wikipedia Marginal product of labor Jump to : navigation , search In economics , the marginal product of labor ( MP ) is the change in output that results from employing an added unit of labor . Contents ( hide ) 1 Definition 2 Examples 3 Marginal costs 4 Relation between MP and AP 5 Diminishing marginal returns 6 MP , MRP and profit maximization 6.1 Example 7 Marginal productivity ethics 8 See also 9 Footnotes 10 References Definition ( edit ) The marginal product of a factor of production is generally defined as the change in output associated with a change in that factor , holding other inputs into production constant . The marginal product of labor is then the change in output ( Y ) per unit change in labor ( L ) . In discrete terms the marginal product of labor is : Δ Y Δ L . ( \ displaystyle ( \ frac ( \ Delta Y ) ( \ Delta L ) ) . ) In continuous terms , the MP is the first derivative of the production function : ∂ Y ∂ L . ( \ displaystyle ( \ frac ( \ partial Y ) ( \ partial L ) ) . ) Graphically , the MP is the slope of the production function . Examples ( edit ) Marginal product of labor table There is a factory which produces toys . When there are no workers in the factory , no toys are produced . When there is one worker in the factory , six toys are produced per hour . When there are two workers in the factory , eleven toys are produced per hour . There is a marginal product of labor of five when there are two workers in the factory compared to one . When the marginal product of labor is increasing , this is called increasing marginal returns . However , as the number of workers increases , the marginal product of labor may not increase indefinitely . When not scaled properly , the marginal product of labor may go down when the number of employees goes up , creating a situation known as diminishing marginal returns . When the marginal product of labor becomes negative , it is known as negative marginal returns . Marginal costs ( edit ) The marginal product of labor is directly related to costs of production . Costs are divided between fixed and variable costs . Fixed costs are costs that relate to the fixed input , capital , or rK , where r is the rental cost of capital and K is the quantity of capital . Variable costs ( VC ) are the costs of the variable input , labor , or wL , where w is the wage rate and L is the amount of labor employed . Thus , VC = wL . Marginal cost ( MC ) is the change in total cost per unit change in output or ∆ C / ∆ Q. In the short run , production can be varied only by changing the variable input . Thus only variable costs change as output increases : ∆ C = ∆ VC = ∆ ( wL ) . Marginal cost is ∆ ( Lw ) / ∆ Q. Now , ∆ L / ∆ Q is the reciprocal of the marginal product of labor ( ∆ Q / ∆ L ) . Therefore , marginal cost is simply the wage rate w divided by the marginal product of labor MC = ∆ VC ∕ ∆ Q ; ∆ VC = w ∆ L ; ∆ L ∕ ∆ Q ( the change in quantity of labor to effect a one unit change in output ) = 1 ∕ MP . Therefore MC = w ∕ MP Thus if the marginal product of labor is rising then marginal costs will be falling and if the marginal product of labor is falling marginal costs will be rising ( assuming a constant wage rate ) . Relation between MP and AP ( edit ) The average product of labor is the total product of labor divided by the number of units of labor employed , or Q / L. The average product of labor is a common measure of labor productivity . The AP curve is shaped like an inverted `` u '' . At low production levels the AP tends to increase as additional labor is added . The primary reason for the increase is specialization and division of labor . At the point the AP reaches its maximum value AP equals the MP . Beyond this point the AP falls . During the early stages of production MP is greater than AP . When the MP is above the AP the AP will increase . Eventually the MP reaches it maximum value at the point of diminishing returns . Beyond this point MP will decrease . However , at the point of diminishing returns the MP is still above the AP and AP will continue to increase until MP equals AP . When MP is below AP , AP will decrease . Graphically , the AP curve can be derived from the total product curve by drawing secants from the origin that intersect ( cut ) the total product curve . The slope of the secant line equals the average product of labor , where the slope = dQ / dL . The slope of the curve at each intersection marks a point on the average product curve . The slope increases until the line reaches a point of tangency with the total product curve . This point marks the maximum average product of labor . It also marks the point where MP ( which is the slope of the total product curve ) equals the AP ( the slope of the secant ) . Beyond this point the slope of the secants become progressively smaller as AP declines . The MP curve intersects the AP curve from above at the maximum point of the AP curve . Thereafter , the MP curve is below the AP curve . Diminishing marginal returns ( edit ) The falling MP is due to the law of diminishing marginal returns . The law states , `` as units of one input are added ( with all other inputs held constant ) a point will be reached where the resulting additions to output will begin to decrease ; that is marginal product will decline . '' The law of diminishing marginal returns applies regardless of whether the production function exhibits increasing , decreasing or constant returns to scale . The key factor is that the variable input is being changed while all other factors of production are being held constant . Under such circumstances diminishing marginal returns are inevitable at some level of production . Diminishing marginal returns differs from diminishing returns . Diminishing marginal returns means that the marginal product of the variable input is falling . Diminishing returns occur when the marginal product of the variable input is negative . That is when a unit increase in the variable input causes total product to fall . At the point that diminishing returns begin the MP is zero . MP , MRP and profit maximization ( edit ) The general rule is that a firm maximizes profit by producing that quantity of output where marginal revenue equals marginal costs . The profit maximization issue can also be approached from the input side . That is , what is the profit maximizing usage of the variable input ? To maximize profits the firm should increase usage `` up to the point where the input 's marginal revenue product equals its marginal costs '' . So , mathematically the profit maximizing rule is MRP = MC . The marginal profit per unit of labor equals the marginal revenue product of labor minus the marginal cost of labor or Mπ = MRP − MC A firm maximizes profits where Mπ = 0 . The marginal revenue product is the change in total revenue per unit change in the variable input assume labor . That is , MRP = ∆ TR / ∆ L. MRP is the product of marginal revenue and the marginal product of labor or MRP = MR × MP . Derivation : MR = ∆ TR / ∆ Q MP = ∆ Q / ∆ L MRP = MR × MP = ( ∆ TR / ∆ Q ) × ( ∆ Q / ∆ L ) = ∆ TR / ∆ L Example ( edit ) Assume that the production function is Q = 90 L − L 2 ( \ displaystyle Q = 90L - L ^ ( 2 ) ) M C L = 30 ( \ displaystyle MC_ ( L ) = 30 ) Output price is $40 per unit . M P L = 90 − 2 L ( \ displaystyle MP_ ( L ) = 90 - 2L ) M R P L = 40 ( 90 − 2 L ) ( \ displaystyle MRP_ ( L ) = 40 ( 90 - 2L ) ) M R P L = 3600 − 80 L ( \ displaystyle MRP_ ( L ) = 3600 - 80L ) M R P L = M C L ( \ displaystyle MRP_ ( L ) = MC_ ( L ) ) ( Profit Max Rule ) 3600 − 80 L = 30 ( \ displaystyle 3600 - 80L = 30 ) 3570 = 80 L ( \ displaystyle 3570 = 80L ) L = 44.625 ( \ displaystyle L = 44.625 ) 44.625 is the profit maximizing number of workers . Q = 90 L − L 2 ( \ displaystyle Q = 90L - L ^ ( 2 ) ) Q = 90 ( 44.625 ) − ( 44.625 ) 2 ( \ displaystyle Q = 90 ( 44.625 ) - ( 44.625 ) ^ ( 2 ) ) Q = 4016.25 − 1991.39 ( \ displaystyle Q = 4016.25 - 1991.39 ) Q = 2024.86 ( \ displaystyle Q = 2024.86 ) Thus , the profit maximizing output is 2025 units And the profit is T R − T C = Π ( \ displaystyle TR - TC = \ Pi ) Π = 40 ( 2025 ) − 30 ( 2025 ) ( \ displaystyle \ Pi = 40 ( 2025 ) - 30 ( 2025 ) ) Π = 81 , 000 − 60 , 750 ( \ displaystyle \ Pi = 81,000 - 60,750 ) Π = 20 , 250 ( \ displaystyle \ Pi = 20,250 ) Some might be confused by the fact that L = 44.625 ( \ displaystyle L = 44.625 ) as intuition would say that labor should be discrete . Remember , however , that labor is actually a time measure as well . Thus , it can be thought of as a worker not working the entire hour . Marginal productivity ethics ( edit ) In the aftermath of the marginal revolution in economics , a number of economists including John Bates Clark and Thomas Nixon Carver sought to derive an ethical theory of income distribution based on the idea that workers were morally entitled to receive a wage exactly equal to their marginal product . In the 20th century , marginal productivity ethics found few supporters among economists , being criticised not only by egalitarians but by economists associated with the Chicago school such as Frank Knight ( in The Ethics of Competition ) and the Austrian School , such as Leland Yeager . However , marginal productivity ethics were defended by George Stigler . See also ( edit ) Marginal product of capital Footnotes ( edit ) Jump up ^ O'Sullivan , Arthur ; Sheffrin , Steven M. ( 2003 ) . Economics : Principles in Action . Upper Saddle River , NJ : Pearson Prentice Hall . p. 108 . ISBN 0 - 13 - 063085 - 3 . ^ Jump up to : Perloff , J. , Microeconomics Theory and Applications with Calculus , Pearson 2008 . p. 173 . Jump up ^ Pindyck , R. and D. Rubinfeld , Microeconomics , 5th ed . Prentice - Hall 2001 . Jump up ^ Nicholson , W. and C. Snyder , Intermediate Microeconomics , Thomson 2007 , p. 215 . Jump up ^ Nicholson , W. , Microeconomic Theory , 9th ed . Thomson 2005 , p. 185 . ^ Jump up to : Perloff , J. , Microeconomics Theory and Applications with Calculus , Pearson 2008 , p. 176 . Jump up ^ Binger , B. and E. Hoffman , Microeconomics with Calculus , 2nd ed . Addison - Wesley 1998 , p. 253 . Jump up ^ Krugman , Paul ; Robin Wells ( 2010 ) . Microeconomics . Worth Publishers . p. 306 . ISBN 978 - 1429277914 . Jump up ^ Perloff , J : Microeconomics Theory & Applications with Calculus page 177 . Pearson 2008 . ^ Jump up to : Samuelson , W. and S. Marks , Managerial Economics , 4th ed . Wiley 2003 , p. 227 . Jump up ^ Hal Varian , Microeconomic Analysis , 3rd ed . Norton 1992 . Jump up ^ Perloff , J. , Microeconomics Theory and Applications with Calculus , Pearson 2008 , p. 178 . Jump up ^ `` Can a Liberal Be an Equalitarian ? Leland B. Yeager - Toward Liberty : Essays in Honor of Ludwig von Mises , vol. 2 '' . Online Library of Liberty . 1971 - 09 - 29 . Retrieved 2013 - 03 - 29 . References ( edit ) Business and economics portal Binger , B. and E. Hoffman , Microeconomics with Calculus , 2nd ed . Addison - Wesley 1998 , ISBN 0 - 321 - 01225 - 9 Krugman , Paul , and Robin Wells ( 2009 ) , Microeconomics 2d ed . Worth Publishers , ISBN 978 - 1429277914 Nicholson , W. , Microeconomic Theory , 9th ed . Thomson 2005 . Nicholson , W. and C. Snyder , Intermediate Microeconomics , Thomson 2007 , ISBN 0 - 324 - 31968 - 1 Perloff , J. , Microeconomics Theory and Applications with Calculus , Pearson 2008 , ISBN 978 - 0 - 321 - 27794 - 7 Pindyck , R. and D. Rubinfeld , Microeconomics , 5th ed . Prentice - Hall 2001 . ISBN 0 - 13 - 019673 - 8 Samuelson , W. and S. Marks , Managerial Economics , 4th ed . Wiley 2003 . Varian , Hal , Microeconomic Analysis , 3rd ed . Norton 1992 . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Production economics Marginal concepts Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Italiano Edit links This page was last edited on 30 August 2017 , at 20 : 54 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
at what output is marginal product of labour the highest
During the early stages of production MP is greater than AP . When the MP is above the AP the AP will increase . Eventually the MP reaches it maximum value at the point of diminishing returns . Beyond this point MP will decrease . However , at the point of diminishing returns the MP is still above the AP and AP will continue to increase until MP equals AP . When MP is below AP , AP will decrease .