class CompatibilityWarning(val candidate: CallableDescriptor) : KotlinCallDiagnostic(RESOLVED) { override fun report(reporter: DiagnosticReporter) { reporter.onCall(this) } } class CompatibilityWarningOnArgument( val argument: KotlinCallArgument, val candidate: CallableDescriptor
) : KotlinCallDiagnostic(RESOLVED) { override fun report(reporter: DiagnosticReporter) { reporter.onCallArgument(argument, this) } } class NoContextReceiver(val receiverDescriptor: ReceiverParameterDescriptor) : KotlinCallDiagnostic(INAPPLICABLE) {<|endoftext|>
if (element != <!DEBUG_INFO_CONSTANT!>implicitNullableNothingProperty<!> && true && true && true) else { break } <!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("kotlin.Int & kotlin.Int?")!>element<!>
<!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("kotlin.Int & kotlin.Int?"), DEBUG_INFO_SMARTCAST!>element<!>.inv() } } // TESTCASE NUMBER: 10 fun case_10(x: Float?) { while (false) { if (true && true && true && x !== null) else break<|endoftext|>
fun testMaterialize() { fun testLocalClassOutsideBuilderArgument() { class Local<T> reference = Local<UserKlass>() fun consume(arg: Local<UserKlass>) {} val buildee = build { consume(materialize()) } checkExactType<Buildee<Local<UserKlass>>>(buildee) }
fun testLocalClassInsideBuilderArgument() { val buildee = build { class Local<T> { fun localOnlyFunc(): T = UserKlass() as T } reference = Local<UserKlass>() fun consume(arg: Local<UserKlass>) {} consume(materialize()) } val result = buildee.typeArgumentValue.localOnlyFunc()<|endoftext|>
suspend fun useSuspendFunStringString(fn: suspend (String, String) -> String) = fn("O", "K") open class Test : () -> String, (Int) -> String { override fun invoke(): String = "OKEmpty" override fun invoke(p: Int) = "OK$p" } class Sub : Test(), (String, String) -> String {
override fun invoke(p1: String, p2: String) = p1 + p2 } fun box(): String { var test = "Failed" builder { test = useSuspendFun(Test()) } if (test != "OKEmpty") return "failed 1" builder { test = useSuspendFunInt(Sub()) }<|endoftext|>
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.error.ErrorUtils import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.model.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.typeUtil.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.SmartList
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addToStdlib.compactIfPossible internal object CheckVisibility : ResolutionPart() { override fun ResolutionCandidate.process(workIndex: Int) { val containingDescriptor = scopeTower.lexicalScope.ownerDescriptor val dispatchReceiverArgument = resolvedCall.dispatchReceiverArgument<|endoftext|>
return KotlinScriptDefinitionFromAnnotatedTemplate(cls.kotlin, emptyMap()) } private val scriptDef = makeScriptDefinition(templateClasspath, templateClassName) val replCompiler : GenericReplCompiler by lazy {
GenericReplCompiler(disposable, scriptDef, configuration, PrintingMessageCollector(System.out, MessageRenderer.WITHOUT_PATHS, false)) } val compiledEvaluator: ReplEvaluator by lazy { GenericReplEvaluator(baseClasspath, Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader, emptyScriptArgs, repeatingMode) }<|endoftext|>
var min = this[0] for (i in 1..lastIndex) { val e = this[i] if (min > e) min = e } return min } /** * Returns the smallest element. * * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty. */ @SinceKotlin("1.7")
@kotlin.jvm.JvmName("minOrThrow-U") @ExperimentalUnsignedTypes @Suppress("CONFLICTING_OVERLOADS") public fun UByteArray.min(): UByte { if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException() var min = this[0] for (i in 1..lastIndex) { val e = this[i]<|endoftext|>
// CHECK_NOT_CALLED_IN_SCOPE: function=invoke_dqglrj$ scope=test TARGET_BACKENDS=JS class A { inline operator fun plus(a: Int) = a + 10 } class B inline operator fun Int) = b + 20 object O { inline operator fun invoke() = 42<|endoftext|>
1f <!CAST_NEVER_SUCCEEDS!>as<!> Short 1f <!CAST_NEVER_SUCCEEDS!>as<!> Long 1f <!CAST_NEVER_SUCCEEDS!>as<!> Char 1f <!CAST_NEVER_SUCCEEDS!>as<!> Double
1f <!USELESS_CAST!>as Float<!> } fun asSafe() { 1 <!USELESS_CAST!>as? Int<!> 1 <!CAST_NEVER_SUCCEEDS!>as?<!> Byte 1 <!CAST_NEVER_SUCCEEDS!>as?<!> Short<|endoftext|>
@file:JvmName("MyFacadeKt") @file:JvmMultifileClass package mypack expect fun intermediateFunctionWithActualization( commonActualization: MyCommonClassWithActualization, intermediateActualization: IntermediateClassWithActualization, common: MyCommonClass, intermediate: MyIntermediateClass, )
expect var intermediateVariableWithActualization: IntermediateClassWithActualization fun intermediateFunction1( commonActualization: MyCommonClassWithActualization, intermediateActualization: IntermediateClassWithActualization, common: MyCommonClass, intermediate: MyIntermediateClass, ) { } expect class IntermediateClassWithActualization class MyIntermediateClass<|endoftext|>
// fun <ADAPTER_FUN>(function: <FUN_TYPE>): <FUN_INTERFACE_TYPE> = // <FUN_INTERFACE_TYPE>(function!!) // ::<ADAPTER_FUN> // } val startOffset = ktCallableReference.startOffsetSkippingComments val endOffset = ktCallableReference.endOffset
val irReferenceType = callableReferenceType.toIrType() val irAdapterFun = createFunInterfaceConstructorAdapter(startOffset, endOffset, descriptor) val irAdapterRef = IrFunctionReferenceImpl( startOffset, endOffset, type = irReferenceType, symbol = irAdapterFun.symbol, typeArgumentsCount = irAdapterFun.typeParameters.size,<|endoftext|>
if (this.d != null) <!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("kotlin.String? & kotlin.String")!>d<!>.propAny if (this.d != null) <!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("kotlin.String? & kotlin.String")!>d<!>.propNullableT
if (this.d != null) <!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("kotlin.String? & kotlin.String")!>d<!>.propNullableAny if (this.d != null) <!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("kotlin.String? & kotlin.String")!>d<!>.funT()<|endoftext|>
@kotlinx.cinterop.ObjCMethod("ofpn:s:", "", false) fun overloadedFunctionByParameterNames(i: Int, s: String) { } @kotlinx.cinterop.ObjCMethod("ofpn:xs:", "", false) fun overloadedFunctionByParameterNames(xi: Int, xs: String) { }
fun functionMismatchedParameterCount1(i: Int, s: String, l: List<Double>) {} fun functionMismatchedParameterCount2(i: Int, s: String) {} fun functionMismatchedParameterTypes1(i: Short, s: String) {} fun functionMismatchedParameterTypes2(i: Int, s: CharSequence) {}<|endoftext|>
log += "6" } catch (e: Throwable) { log += "7" "OK2" } finally { log += "8" "FINALLY2" } } var throw1 = false var throw2 = false fun mightThrow() { if (throw1) throw Exception() } fun mightThrow2() {
if (throw2) throw Exception() } fun box(): String { log += "a" foo() throw2 = true log += " b" foo() throw1 = true log += " c" foo() if (log != "a124568 b124578 c134578") return "Failed: $log" return "OK"<|endoftext|>
import import import kotlin.script.experimental.impl.internalScriptingRunSuspend import kotlin.script.experimental.jvm.* import kotlin.script.experimental.jvm.compat.mapLegacyDiagnosticSeverity
import kotlin.script.experimental.jvm.compat.mapLegacyScriptPosition import kotlin.script.experimental.jvmhost.CompiledScriptJarsCache import kotlin.script.experimental.jvmhost.jsr223.configureProvidedPropertiesFromJsr223Context import kotlin.script.experimental.jvmhost.jsr223.importAllBindings<|endoftext|>
// Groups are Lower, Upper, ASCII, Alpha, Digit, XDigit, Alnum, Punct, // Graph, Print, Blank, Space, Cntrl // Test \p{Lower} /* * FIXME: Requires complex range processing p = Regex("<\\p{Lower}\\d\\P{Lower}:[\\p{Lower}Z]\\s[^\\P{Lower}]>");
* m = p.matcher("<a4P:g x>"); assertTrue(m.matches()); m = p.matcher("<p4%:Z\tq>"); * assertTrue(m.matches()); m = p.matcher("<A6#:e e>"); * assertFalse(m.matches()); */ regex = Regex("\\p{Lower}+")<|endoftext|>
// EXPECTED_REACHABLE_NODES: 1291 package foo open class A { private val a = 1 private val b = 2 get() { return field + 10 + 100 * a } fun getBInA(): Int { return b } } class B : A() { val a = 13 val b = 42 }
fun box(): String { val b = B() if (b.getBInA() != 112) return "b.getBInA() != 112, it: ${b.getBInA()}" if (b.a != 13) return "b.a != 13, it: ${b.a}"<|endoftext|>
val major: Int = numbers.getOrNull(0) ?: UNKNOWN val minor: Int = numbers.getOrNull(1) ?: UNKNOWN val patch: Int = numbers.getOrNull(2) ?: UNKNOWN val rest: List<Int> = if (numbers.size > 3) { if (numbers.size > MAX_LENGTH)
throw IllegalArgumentException("BinaryVersion with length more than $MAX_LENGTH are not supported. Provided length ${numbers.size}.") else numbers.asList().subList(3, numbers.size).toList() } else emptyList() @Deprecated("Please use isCompatibleWithCurrentCompilerVersion()", ReplaceWith("isCompatibleWithCurrentCompilerVersion()"))<|endoftext|>
// test.kt:7 id: obj:java.lang.Object=java.lang.Integer
// test.kt:35 box: $completion:kotlin.coroutines.Continuation=Generated_Box_MainKt$main$1, $continuation:kotlin.coroutines.Continuation=TestKt$box$1, $result:java.lang.Object=null, $i$f$baz:int=0:int, $i$f$bar:int=0:int,<|endoftext|>
X().foo(y, <!ARGUMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH!>t<!>) } fun testOut(y: X.Y<out Any>, t: Any) { X().foo(y, <!ARGUMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH!>t<!>) } fun testIn(y: X.Y<in Any>, t: Any) {
X().foo(y, t) } fun <T : Any> testWithParameter(y: X.Y<T>, t: Any) { X().foo(y, <!ARGUMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH!>t<!>) } fun <T : Any> testWithCapturedParameter(y: X.Y<out T>, t: Any) {<|endoftext|>
object JavaAnnotationMapper { internal val DEPRECATED_ANNOTATION_MESSAGE = Name.identifier("message") internal val TARGET_ANNOTATION_ALLOWED_TARGETS = Name.identifier("allowedTargets") internal val RETENTION_ANNOTATION_VALUE = Name.identifier("value") fun mapOrResolveJavaAnnotation(
annotation: JavaAnnotation, c: LazyJavaResolverContext, isFreshlySupportedAnnotation: Boolean = false ): AnnotationDescriptor? = when (annotation.classId) { ClassId.topLevel(TARGET_ANNOTATION) -> JavaTargetAnnotationDescriptor(annotation, c)<|endoftext|>
internal val descImplType = Type.getObjectType("kotlinx/serialization/internal/$SERIAL_DESCRIPTOR_CLASS_IMPL") internal val descriptorForEnumsType = Type.getObjectType("kotlinx/serialization/internal/$SERIAL_DESCRIPTOR_FOR_ENUM")
internal val generatedSerializerType = Type.getObjectType("kotlinx/serialization/internal/${SerialEntityNames.GENERATED_SERIALIZER_CLASS}") internal val kOutputType = Type.getObjectType("kotlinx/serialization/encoding/$STRUCTURE_ENCODER_CLASS")<|endoftext|>
val result = doCreateSerializerProperty( thisDescriptor, SerialEntityNames.SERIAL_DESC_FIELD_NAME, propertyFromSerializer.type, propertyFromSerializer.typeParameters, DescriptorVisibilities.PUBLIC, Modality.OPEN // TODO: it was historically OPEN, but I do not see the reasons not to change to FINAL )
result.overriddenDescriptors = listOf(propertyFromSerializer) return result } private fun doCreateSerializerProperty( thisDescriptor: ClassDescriptor, name: Name, type: KotlinType, typeParameters: List<TypeParameterDescriptor> = emptyList(), visibility: DescriptorVisibility = DescriptorVisibilities.PRIVATE,<|endoftext|>
public inline fun DOMPointInit(x: Double? = 0.0, y: Double? = 0.0, z: Double? = 0.0, w: Double? = 1.0): DOMPointInit { val o = js("({})") o["x"] = x o["y"] = y o["z"] = z o["w"] = w return o } /**
* Exposes the JavaScript [DOMRect]( to Kotlin */ public external open class DOMRect(x: Double = definedExternally, y: Double = definedExternally, width: Double = definedExternally, height: Double = definedExternally) : DOMRectReadOnly { override var x: Double override var y: Double<|endoftext|>
fun interface IFooIntArray { fun foo(x: IntArray): IntArray } fun interface IFooMix0 : IFooT<IntArray>, IFooIntArray fun interface IFooMix1 : IFooT<IntArray>, IFooIntArray { override fun foo(x: IntArray): IntArray } fun box(): String { var t0 = "Failed 0"
val f0 = IFooMix0 { t0 = "O" + it[0].toChar() it }'K'.toInt())) if (t0 != "OK") return "Failed: t0=$t0" var t1 = "Failed 1" val f1 = IFooMix1 {<|endoftext|>
expectFailure(linkage("Class initialization error: Constructor 'Local.<init>' should call a constructor of direct super class 'InterfaceToAbstractClass' but calls 'Any.<init>' instead")) { getInterfaceToAbstractClassAsAny2() }
expectFailure(linkage("Anonymous object initialization error: Constructor '<init>' should call a constructor of direct super class 'InterfaceToOpenClass' but calls 'Any.<init>' instead")) { getInterfaceToOpenClass() }<|endoftext|>
parcel.setDataPosition(0) val first2 = readFromParcel<Test>(parcel) assert(first == first2) assert((first.c as HashMap<*, *>).size == 1) assert((first2.e as TreeMap<*, *>).size == 1) assert(first2.f is SortedMap<*, *>)
assert(first2.g is NavigableMap<*, *>) }<|endoftext|>
fun test1(int: Int, any: Any) { val a0 : MyList<Any> = getMyList(int) val a1 : MyList<Int> = <!TYPE_MISMATCH, TYPE_MISMATCH!>getMyList(any)<!> val a2 : MyList<out Any> = getMyList(int)
val a3 : MyList<out Any> = getMyListToReadFrom(int) val a4 : MyList<in Int> = getMyList(any) val a5 : MyList<in Int> = getMyListToWriteTo(any)<|endoftext|>
backingContainer: DomainObjectSet<NativeBinary> ) : AbstractKotlinNativeBinaryContainer(), DomainObjectSet<NativeBinary> by backingContainer { final override val project: Project get() = target.project private val defaultCompilation: KotlinNativeCompilation
get() = target.compilations.getByName(KotlinCompilation.MAIN_COMPILATION_NAME) private val defaultTestCompilation: KotlinNativeCompilation get() = target.compilations.getByName(KotlinCompilation.TEST_COMPILATION_NAME) private val nameToBinary = mutableMapOf<String, NativeBinary>()<|endoftext|>
ExpectedData(0x43c6252411ee3beUL, 0x2247a4b2058d1c50UL, 0x1b3fa184b1d7bcc0UL, 0xdeb85613995c06edUL, 0xcbe1d957485a3ccdUL),
ExpectedData(0xce38a9a54fad6599UL, 0xe8b9ee96efa2d0eUL, 0x90122905c4ab5358UL, 0x84f80c832d71979cUL, 0x229310f3ffbbf4c6UL),<|endoftext|>
val DELEGATE_SPECIAL_FUNCTION_RETURN_TYPE_MISMATCH: KtDiagnosticFactory3<String, ConeKotlinType, ConeKotlinType> by error3<KtExpression, String, ConeKotlinType, ConeKotlinType>()
val UNDERSCORE_IS_RESERVED: KtDiagnosticFactory0 by error0<PsiElement>(SourceElementPositioningStrategies.NAME_IDENTIFIER) val UNDERSCORE_USAGE_WITHOUT_BACKTICKS: KtDiagnosticFactory0 by error0<PsiElement>(SourceElementPositioningStrategies.NAME_IDENTIFIER)<|endoftext|>
// !LANGUAGE: +ExpectedTypeFromCast fun foo() = 1 fun <T> foo() = foo() <!UNCHECKED_CAST!>as T<!> fun <T> foo2(): T = TODO()
val test = <!NEW_INFERENCE_NO_INFORMATION_FOR_PARAMETER!>foo2<!>().<!DEBUG_INFO_MISSING_UNRESOLVED!>plus<!>("") as String fun <T> = this val barTest = "".bar() <!CAST_NEVER_SUCCEEDS!>as<!> Number<|endoftext|>
require(setterVisibility == null) { "isVar = false but setterVisibility is specified. Did you forget to set isVar = true?" } } if (hasBackingField) { backingField = FirDefaultPropertyBackingField( session.moduleData, key.origin, source = null, mutableListOf(), returnTypeRef, isVar,
symbol, status, resolvePhase = FirResolvePhase.BODY_RESOLVE, ) } isLocal = false bodyResolveState = FirPropertyBodyResolveState.ALL_BODIES_RESOLVED } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a member property for [owner] class with [returnType] return type<|endoftext|>
fun <V : Value> Frame<V>.peekWords(size1: Int, size2: Int): List<V>? { val result = ArrayList<V>(size1 + size2) val offset = peekWordsTo(result, size1) if (offset < 0) return null if (peekWordsTo(result, size2, offset) < 0) return null return result }
class SavedStackDescriptor( val savedValues: List<FixStackValue>, val firstLocalVarIndex: Int ) { private val savedValuesSize = savedValues.fold(0) { size, value -> size + value.size } val firstUnusedLocalVarIndex = firstLocalVarIndex + savedValuesSize override fun toString(): String =<|endoftext|>
private fun removeUselessDeclarationsFromCapturedConstructors(irClass: IrClass, data: Data) { irClass.parents.first { it !is IrFunction || it.origin != JvmLoweredDeclarationOrigin.INLINE_LAMBDA } .accept(this, data.copy(classDeclaredOnCallSiteOrIsDefaultLambda = false, modifyTree = false)) }
override fun visitCall(expression: IrCall, data: Data): IrElement { if (expression.symbol == return expression return super.visitCall(expression, data) } override fun visitBlock(expression: IrBlock, data: Data): IrExpression { if (expression is IrInlinedFunctionBlock) {<|endoftext|>
is SirInit -> initKind.print() is SirFunction -> kind.print() is SirGetter -> print("get") is SirSetter -> print("set") } private fun SirCallable.printName() = print( when (this) { is SirInit -> "init" is SirFunction -> "func $name" is SirGetter,
is SirSetter -> "" } ) private fun SirCallable.printPostNameKeywords() = when (this) { is SirInit -> "?".takeIf { isFailable }?.let { print(it) } is SirFunction, is SirGetter, is SirSetter -> print("") }<|endoftext|>
// test.kt:20 baz: param:int=6:int, b:int=2:int, $i$f$inlineCall:int=0:int, e$iv:int=5:int, $i$a$-inlineCall-TestKt$bar$1$baz$1:int=0:int, g:int=7:int
// test.kt:27 baz: param:int=6:int, b:int=2:int, $i$f$inlineCall:int=0:int, e$iv:int=5:int // test.kt:28 baz: param:int=6:int, b:int=2:int, $i$f$inlineCall:int=0:int, e$iv:int=5:int<|endoftext|>
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.annotations import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.annotations.AnnotationUseSiteTarget import import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtCallElement /** * A lightweight implementation of [KtAnnotationApplication].
* Should be used instead of [KtAnnotationApplicationWithArgumentsInfo] where possible to avoid redundant resolve. * * Example: * ``` * @Anno1(1) @Anno2 * class Foo * ``` * In this case if you don't want to process [KtAnnotationApplicationWithArgumentsInfo.arguments]<|endoftext|>
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.sir.providers.impl import org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.project.structure.KtModule import org.jetbrains.kotlin.sir.SirModule import org.jetbrains.kotlin.sir.builder.buildImport import org.jetbrains.kotlin.sir.builder.buildModule
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.sir.providers.SirModuleProvider import org.jetbrains.kotlin.sir.util.addChild /** * An implementation of [SirModuleProvider] that stores all declarations under a single module */ public class SirSingleModuleProvider( private val swiftModuleName: String, private val bridgeModuleName: String, ) : SirModuleProvider {<|endoftext|>
out.println(" * whereas the ${msb(type.bitSize - otherType.bitSize)} are filled with the sign bit of this value.") } otherType == type -> { out.println(" * If this value is positive, the resulting `$className` value represents the same numerical value as this `$otherSigned`.") out.println(" *")
out.println(" * The resulting `$className` value has the same binary representation as this `$otherSigned` value.") } else -> { out.println(" * If this value is positive and less than or equals to [$className.MAX_VALUE], the resulting `$className` value represents") out.println(" * the same numerical value as this `$otherSigned`.")<|endoftext|>
insertBefore(capturedVar.newInsn, VarInsnNode(storeOpcode, capturedVar.localVarIndex)) } for (insn in localVar.findCleanInstructions()) { // after visiting block codegen tries to delete all allocated references: // see ExpressionCodegen.addLeaveTaskToRemoveLocalVariableFromFrameMap if (storeOpcode == Opcodes.ASTORE) {
set(insn.previous, InsnNode(AsmUtil.defaultValueOpcode(capturedVar.valueType))) } else { remove(insn.previous) remove(insn) } } localVar.index = capturedVar.localVarIndex localVar.desc = capturedVar.valueType.descriptor localVar.signature = null<|endoftext|>
return if (expressions.size == 1) expressions.single() else expressions.reduce { lhs, rhs -> irOrOr(lhs, rhs) } } override fun irCopyToTemporary( nameHint: String?, isVar: Boolean, exactName: Boolean ): IrChangedBitMaskVariable { used = true
val temps = params.mapIndexed { index, param -> IrVariableImpl( UNDEFINED_OFFSET, UNDEFINED_OFFSET, // We label "dirty" as a defined variable instead of a temporary, so that it // is properly stored in the locals table and discoverable by debuggers. The // dirty variable encodes information that could be useful for tooling to<|endoftext|>
assertFalse(eqByteQByte(undefined, 1.toByte())) assertTrue(eqByteQByteQ(0.toByte(), 0.toByte())) assertFalse(eqByteQByteQ(0.toByte(), 1.toByte())) assertFalse(eqByteQByteQ(0.toByte(), null)) assertFalse(eqByteQByteQ(0.toByte(), undefined))
assertFalse(eqByteQByteQ(1.toByte(), 0.toByte())) assertTrue(eqByteQByteQ(1.toByte(), 1.toByte())) assertFalse(eqByteQByteQ(1.toByte(), null)) assertFalse(eqByteQByteQ(1.toByte(), undefined)) assertFalse(eqByteQByteQ(null, 0.toByte()))<|endoftext|>
for (x in 0..1) { f(x) } } // EXPECTATIONS JVM_IR // test.kt:10 box: $completion:kotlin.coroutines.Continuation=Generated_Box_MainKt$main$1
// test.kt:12 box: $completion:kotlin.coroutines.Continuation=Generated_Box_MainKt$main$1, $continuation:kotlin.coroutines.Continuation=TestKt$box$1, $result:java.lang.Object=null<|endoftext|>
fun I.canBeApply(): Boolean = true fun I.getDescriptor(): CallableDescriptor fun I.getArgs(): List<JsExpression> fun intrinsic(callInfo: I, context: TranslationContext): JsExpression? = if (callInfo.canBeApply()) callInfo.getIntrinsic(context) else null
private fun I.getIntrinsic(context: TranslationContext): JsExpression? { val descriptor = getDescriptor() // Now intrinsic support only FunctionDescriptor. See DelegatePropertyAccessIntrinsic.getDescriptor() if (descriptor is FunctionDescriptor) { val intrinsic = context.intrinsics().getFunctionIntrinsic(descriptor, context)<|endoftext|>
val errorAnonymousObjectExn = <!INNER_CLASS_OF_GENERIC_THROWABLE_SUBCLASS_WARNING!>object<!> : Exception() {} fun foo() { <!INNER_CLASS_OF_GENERIC_THROWABLE_SUBCLASS_WARNING!>class OkLocalExn<!> : Exception()
val errorAnonymousObjectExn = <!INNER_CLASS_OF_GENERIC_THROWABLE_SUBCLASS_WARNING!>object<!> : Exception() {} } fun <X> genericFoo() { <!INNER_CLASS_OF_GENERIC_THROWABLE_SUBCLASS_WARNING!>class OkLocalExn<!> : Exception()<|endoftext|> } } } override fun visitBinaryExpression(expression: KtBinaryExpression) { val operationReference = expression.operationReference val operationType = operationReference.getReferencedNameElementType() val left = expression.left val right = expression.right
if (operationType === ANDAND || operationType === OROR) { generateBooleanOperation(expression) } else if (operationType === EQ) { visitAssignment(left, getDeferredValue(right), expression) } else if (OperatorConventions.ASSIGNMENT_OPERATIONS.containsKey(operationType)) {<|endoftext|>
@kotlin.internal.IntrinsicConstEvaluation public operator fun plus(other: Short): Int /** Adds the other value to this value. */ @kotlin.internal.IntrinsicConstEvaluation public operator fun plus(other: Int): Int /** Adds the other value to this value. */
@kotlin.internal.IntrinsicConstEvaluation public operator fun plus(other: Long): Long /** Adds the other value to this value. */ @kotlin.internal.IntrinsicConstEvaluation public operator fun plus(other: Float): Float /** Adds the other value to this value. */<|endoftext|>
@GradleTest fun testHostSpecificBuildWithPublishedDependency( gradleVersion: GradleVersion, @TempDir localRepo: Path ) { testBuildWithDependency(gradleVersion, localRepo) { publishProjectDepAndAddDependency(validateHostSpecificPublication = true) } }
@DisplayName("Works with Kotlin native transitive dependencies") @GradleTest fun testKotlinNativeImplPublishedDeps( gradleVersion: GradleVersion, @TempDir localRepo: Path ) { testKotlinNativeImplementationDependencies(gradleVersion, localRepo) {<|endoftext|>
val classPath = classPathUrls.mapNotNullTo(mutableListOf(this)) { cpEntry -> File(URI(cpEntry)).takeIf { it.exists() } ?: File(cpEntry).takeIf { it.exists() } } if (!checkMissingDependencies || classPathUrls.size + 1 == classPath.size) {
return KJvmCompiledScriptLazilyLoadedFromClasspath(className, classPath) } else { // Assuming that some script dependencies are not accessible anymore so the script is not valid and should be recompiled to reresolve dependencies return null } } open class BasicJvmScriptJarGenerator(val outputJar: File) : ScriptEvaluator {<|endoftext|>
override fun testBad(x: Any) = reifiedSafeAsReturnsNull<Function4<*, *, *, *, *>>( x, "x as? Function4<*, *, *, *, *>") } object TestFn5 : TestFnBase { override fun testGood(x: Any) =
reifiedSafeAsReturnsNonNull<Function5<*, *, *, *, *, *>>( x, "x as? Function5<*, *, *, *, *, *>") override fun testBad(x: Any) = reifiedSafeAsReturnsNull<Function5<*, *, *, *, *, *>>(<|endoftext|>
if (y !is Int) throw Exception()
var z = select(select(select(select(<!DEBUG_INFO_SMARTCAST!>y<!>), select(<!DEBUG_INFO_SMARTCAST!>y<!>)), select(select(<!DEBUG_INFO_SMARTCAST!>y<!>), select(<!DEBUG_INFO_SMARTCAST!>y<!>))),<|endoftext|>
// WITH_STDLIB class OutPair<out T, out E> class Out<out F> class In<in H> class X fun simpleOut(x: Out<@JvmWildcard X>) {} // method: OnTypesKt::simpleOut // generic signature: (LOut<+LX;>;)V
fun simpleIn(x: In<@JvmWildcard Any?>) {} // method: OnTypesKt::simpleIn // generic signature: (LIn<-Ljava/lang/Object;>;)V<|endoftext|>
const val toString3 = <!CONST_VAL_WITH_NON_CONST_INITIALIZER!>intVal.toString()<!> const val toString4 = <!CONST_VAL_WITH_NON_CONST_INITIALIZER!>longVal.toString()<!>
const val equals1 = <!CONST_VAL_WITH_NON_CONST_INITIALIZER!>byteVal.equals(byteVal)<!> const val equals2 = <!CONST_VAL_WITH_NON_CONST_INITIALIZER!>byteVal.equals(shortVal)<!><|endoftext|>
buildMetrics[metric]?.let { printSizeMetric(metric, it) } } } } private fun Printer.printSizeMetric(sizeMetric: BuildPerformanceMetric, value: Long) { fun BuildPerformanceMetric.numberOfAncestors(): Int { var count = 0 var parent: BuildPerformanceMetric? = getParent()
while (parent != null) { count++ parent = parent.getParent() } return count } val indentLevel = sizeMetric.numberOfAncestors() repeat(indentLevel) { pushIndent() } when (sizeMetric.getType()) {<|endoftext|>
* If the [index] is out of bounds of this string, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS * where the behavior is unspecified. */ @kotlin.internal.IntrinsicConstEvaluation public override fun get(index: Int): Char { rangeCheck(index, this.length) return chars.get(index) }
internal fun foldChars() { val stringLength = this.length val newArray = WasmCharArray(stringLength) var currentStartIndex = stringLength var currentLeftString: String? = this while (currentLeftString != null) { val currentLeftStringChars = currentLeftString._chars val currentLeftStringLen = currentLeftStringChars.len()<|endoftext|>
// FILE: usage.kt package first import third.<!DEPRECATION!>JavaClass<!>.<!DEPRECATION!>NestedJavaClass<!> // FILE: KotlinAnnotation.kt package second class KotlinClass { fun foo(i: Int) {} annotation class KotlinAnnotation } // FILE: third/ package third;
import second.KotlinClass.*; import static second.KotlinClass.*; /** * @deprecated deprecated message */ @KotlinAnnotation public class JavaClass { /** * @deprecated deprecated message */ @KotlinAnnotation public static class NestedJavaClass { } }<|endoftext|>
open fun visitBinaryOrExitLeftOperandNode(node: BinaryOrExitLeftOperandNode, data: D): R { return visitNode(node, data) } open fun visitBinaryOrEnterRightOperandNode(node: BinaryOrEnterRightOperandNode, data: D): R { return visitNode(node, data) }
open fun visitBinaryOrExitNode(node: BinaryOrExitNode, data: D): R { return visitNode(node, data) } // ----------------------------------- Operator call ----------------------------------- open fun visitTypeOperatorCallNode(node: TypeOperatorCallNode, data: D): R { return visitNode(node, data) }<|endoftext|>
override val transformer: FirTransformer<Nothing?> = FirExpectActualMatcherTransformer(session, scopeSession) override fun processFile(file: FirFile) { if (!enabled) return super.processFile(file) } } /** * This transformer populates [expectForActual] mapping for actual declarations.
* Also, populates it [memberExpectForActual] mapping * * Should run before any kind of body resolution, since [expectForActual] is used there. * * See `/docs/fir/` */ open class FirExpectActualMatcherTransformer( final override val session: FirSession, private val actualScopeSession: ScopeSession,<|endoftext|>
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.jps.incremental import org.jetbrains.kotlin.load.kotlin.JvmBytecodeBinaryVersion import org.jetbrains.kotlin.metadata.jvm.deserialization.JvmMetadataVersion import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals import org.junit.Test class CacheVersionTest {
@Test fun testConstruct() { assertEquals( 3011001, CacheVersion( 3, JvmBytecodeBinaryVersion(1, 0, 3), JvmMetadataVersion(1, 1, 13) ).intValue ) } @Test fun testDeconstruct() { assertEquals(<|endoftext|>
* either throwing exception or returning some kind of implementation-specific default value. */ internal fun FloatArray.copyOfUninitializedElements(newSize: Int): FloatArray { return copyOfUninitializedElements(0, newSize) } /** * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array with new elements filled with **lateinit** _uninitialized_ values.
* Attempts to read _uninitialized_ values from this array work in implementation-dependent manner, * either throwing exception or returning some kind of implementation-specific default value. */ internal fun DoubleArray.copyOfUninitializedElements(newSize: Int): DoubleArray { return copyOfUninitializedElements(0, newSize) } /**<|endoftext|>
).also { it.files = files it.codegenFactory = codegenFactory } } abstract class GenerateClassFilter { abstract fun shouldAnnotateClass(processingClassOrObject: KtClassOrObject): Boolean abstract fun shouldGenerateClass(processingClassOrObject: KtClassOrObject): Boolean
abstract fun shouldGeneratePackagePart(ktFile: KtFile): Boolean abstract fun shouldGenerateScript(script: KtScript): Boolean abstract fun shouldGenerateCodeFragment(script: KtCodeFragment): Boolean open fun shouldGenerateClassMembers(processingClassOrObject: KtClassOrObject) = shouldGenerateClass(processingClassOrObject) companion object {<|endoftext|>
val updatedFilesWithStubbedSignatures = hashMapOf<KotlinSourceFile, Set<IdSignature>>() val fileArtifacts = { srcFile -> val signatureMapping = signatureToIndexMapping[srcFile] ?: emptyMap() val artifact = commitSourceFileMetadata(srcFile, signatureMapping)
val fileStubbedSignatures = when (artifact) { is SourceFileCacheArtifact.CommitMetadata -> signatureMapping.keys.filterTo(hashSetOf()) { it in stubbedSignatures } else -> filesWithStubbedSignatures[srcFile] ?: emptySet() } if (fileStubbedSignatures.isNotEmpty()) {<|endoftext|>
class G<E : <!FINAL_UPPER_BOUND!>Double<!>>(val balue: E) : F<E>(balue) { override fun rest(): E = balue }
class H<E : <!FINAL_UPPER_BOUND!>String<!>>(val balue: E) : F<<!UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED!>E<!>>(<!ARGUMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH!>balue<!>) { override fun rest(): E = balue // no report because of INAPPLICABLE_CANDIDATE }<|endoftext|>
irScript.constructor = with(IrFunctionBuilder().apply { isPrimary = true returnType = irScript.thisReceiver!!.type as IrSimpleType }) { irScript.factory.createConstructor( startOffset = startOffset, endOffset = endOffset, origin = origin, name = SpecialNames.INIT, visibility = visibility,
isInline = isInline, isExpect = isExpect, returnType = returnType, symbol = context.symbolTable.descriptorExtension.referenceConstructor(descriptor.unsubstitutedPrimaryConstructor), isPrimary = isPrimary, isExternal = isExternal, containerSource = containerSource ) }.also { irConstructor -><|endoftext|>
, ) = Pair(1, 2) } class A< T1: Number, T2: Iterable<Iterable<Iterable<Number>>>, T3: Comparable<Comparable<Comparable<Number>>>, > { } fun < T1: Comparable<Comparable<Number>>, T2: Iterable<Iterable<Number>> ,
> foo() {} fun main() { foo<Comparable<Comparable<Number>>, Iterable<Iterable<Number>>,>() } fun main() { val x: ( y: Comparable<Comparable<Number>>, z: Iterable<Iterable<Number>>, ) -> Int = { 10 } val y = foo(1,) {}<|endoftext|>
val sourceSetNamesByVariantName: Map<String, Set<String>>, @Input val sourceSetsDependsOnRelation: Map<String, Set<String>>, @Nested val sourceSetBinaryLayout: Map<String, SourceSetMetadataLayout>, @Internal val sourceSetModuleDependencies: Map<String, Set<ModuleDependencyIdentifier>>,
@Input val sourceSetCInteropMetadataDirectory: Map<String, String>, @Input val hostSpecificSourceSets: Set<String>, @get:Input val isPublishedAsRoot: Boolean, @get:Input val sourceSetNames: Set<String>, @Input val formatVersion: String = FORMAT_VERSION_0_3_3,<|endoftext|>
fun f(a : Boolean) : Unit { 1 a 2.toLong() foo(a, 3) genfun<Any>() flfun {1} 3.equals(4) 3 equals 4 1 + 2 a && true a || false } fun foo(a : Boolean, b : Int) : Unit {}
fun <T> genfun() : Unit {} fun flfun(f : () -> Any) : Unit {}<|endoftext|>
val c1Typed: MFVC = MFVC(3, 4) val a1Untyped: I = a1Typed val b1Untyped: I = b1Typed val c1Untyped: I = c1Typed require(a1Typed == a1Typed && a1Untyped == a1Untyped)
require(a1Typed == b1Typed && a1Untyped == b1Untyped) require(a1Typed != c1Typed && a1Untyped != c1Untyped) require(b1Typed == a1Typed && b1Untyped == a1Untyped)<|endoftext|>
@kotlin.contracts.ExperimentalContracts fun varInitializationOrReassignment() { var x: Int callsInPlaceAtLeastOnceContract { x = 10 } assertEquals(10, x) } @Sample @kotlin.contracts.ExperimentalContracts fun valInitialization() { val x: Int
callsInPlaceExactlyOnceContract { x = 10 } assertEquals(10, x) } @Sample @kotlin.contracts.ExperimentalContracts fun varPossibleInitialization() { var x: Int callsInPlaceUnknownContract { x = 10 assertEquals(10, x) } }<|endoftext|>
// LANGUAGE: +ErrorAboutDataClassCopyVisibilityChange, -DataClassCopyRespectsConstructorVisibility data class Data protected constructor(val x: Int) { fun member() { copy() this.copy() } companion object { fun of(): Data { return Data(1).copy() } } } fun topLevel(data: Data) {
data.copy() } fun Data.topLevelExtension() { copy() } fun local() { data class Local private constructor(val x: Int) fun { copy() } }<|endoftext|>
override val languageVersion: org.gradle.api.provider.Property<org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinVersion> =
override val optIn: org.gradle.api.provider.ListProperty<kotlin.String> = objectFactory.listProperty(<String>()) override val progressiveMode: org.gradle.api.provider.Property<kotlin.Boolean> =<|endoftext|>
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.ConeCapturedType import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.coneType import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.contains import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.toRegularClassSymbol
object FirConstructorCallChecker : FirFunctionCallChecker(MppCheckerKind.Common) { override fun check(expression: FirFunctionCall, context: CheckerContext, reporter: DiagnosticReporter) { val constructorSymbol = expression.calleeReference.toResolvedConstructorSymbol() ?: return val coneType = constructorSymbol.resolvedReturnTypeRef.coneType<|endoftext|>
// FIR_IDENTICAL // !DIAGNOSTICS: -UNUSED_PARAMETER import kotlin.reflect.KProperty interface A { val prop: Int } class AImpl: A { override val prop by Delegate() } fun foo() { AImpl().prop } class Delegate {
operator fun getValue(t: Any?, p: KProperty<*>): Int { return 1 } }<|endoftext|>
abstract override fun replaceExtensionReceiver(newExtensionReceiver: FirExpression?) @FirImplementationDetail abstract override fun replaceSource(newSource: KtSourceElement?) abstract override fun replaceNonFatalDiagnostics(newNonFatalDiagnostics: List<ConeDiagnostic>)
abstract override fun replaceArgumentList(newArgumentList: FirArgumentList) abstract override fun replaceCalleeReference(newCalleeReference: FirNamedReference) abstract override fun replaceCalleeReference(newCalleeReference: FirReference) abstract override fun replaceExplicitReceiver(newExplicitReceiver: FirExpression?)<|endoftext|>
} checkWhen(emptyArray(), null, packageClasses("kotlinProject", "src/test1.kt", "Test1Kt")) } @WorkingDir("KotlinProject") fun testModuleRebuildOnJvmTargetChange() { initProject(JVM_MOCK_RUNTIME) myProject.modules.forEach {
val facet = KotlinFacetSettings() facet.useProjectSettings = false facet.compilerArguments = K2JVMCompilerArguments() (facet.compilerArguments as K2JVMCompilerArguments).jvmTarget = "1.8" it.container.setChild( JpsKotlinFacetModuleExtension.KIND,<|endoftext|>
override fun getSource(): SourceElement = SourceElement.NO_SOURCE override fun getOriginal(): ClassDescriptor = this } private class FakeActualPropertyDescriptor(original: PropertyDescriptor) : PropertyDescriptor by original { override fun isActual(): Boolean = true override fun isExpect(): Boolean = false
override fun getSource(): SourceElement = SourceElement.NO_SOURCE override fun getOriginal(): PropertyDescriptor = this } private class FakeActualClassConstructorDescriptor(original: ClassConstructorDescriptor) : ClassConstructorDescriptor by original { override fun isActual(): Boolean = true override fun isExpect(): Boolean = false<|endoftext|>
operator fun minus(x: Long): Unit = TODO() //(1.2) operator fun minus(x: Short): Unit = TODO() //(1.3) operator fun minus(x: Byte): Unit = TODO() //(1.4) } fun case4(case: Case4) { case.apply { //to (1.1)
<!DEBUG_INFO_CALL("fqName: Case4.minus; typeCall: operator function")!>minus(1)<!> //(1.1) return type is String <!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("kotlin.String")!>minus(1)<!> //to (1.1)<|endoftext|>
// FIR_IDENTICAL // !DIAGNOSTICS: +RUNTIME_ANNOTATION_NOT_SUPPORTED @Retention(AnnotationRetention.BINARY) annotation class X @Retention(AnnotationRetention.RUNTIME) annotation class Y @X external class A { @X fun f() @X val p: Int
@get:X val r: Int } <!RUNTIME_ANNOTATION_ON_EXTERNAL_DECLARATION!>@Y<!> external class B { <!RUNTIME_ANNOTATION_ON_EXTERNAL_DECLARATION!>@Y<!> fun f()<|endoftext|>
*/ @SinceKotlin("2.0") @Suppress("ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS") public actual fun String.toCharArray( destination: CharArray, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = length ): CharArray {
AbstractList.checkBoundsIndexes(startIndex, endIndex, length) val rangeSize = endIndex - startIndex AbstractList.checkBoundsIndexes(destinationOffset, destinationOffset + rangeSize, destination.size) return toCharArray(this, destination, destinationOffset, startIndex, rangeSize) } /** * Decodes a string from the bytes in UTF-8 encoding in this array. *<|endoftext|>
StateMachineChecker.suspendHere() StateMachineChecker.suspendHere() } // FILE: box.kt import helpers.* import kotlin.coroutines.* fun builder(c: suspend () -> Unit) { c.startCoroutine(CheckStateMachineContinuation) } fun box(): String { StateMachineChecker.reset()
val r = inlineMe2 { StateMachineChecker.suspendHere() StateMachineChecker.suspendHere() } builder { } StateMachineChecker.check(numberOfSuspensions = 2) StateMachineChecker.reset() builder { r.run2() }<|endoftext|>
String[] stra() default {"bu", "zz"}; Class<?>[] ka() default {double.class, String.class, long[].class, Integer[][][].class, void.class}; // E[] ea() default {E.E2, E.E3}; // TODO: A[] aa() default {@A("2"), @A("3")}; }
// FILE: anno.kt actual typealias Anno = Jnno // MODULE: main(lib) // FILE: main.kt annotation class A(val value: String) @Anno fun test() {} fun box(): String { // We don't need to check the contents, just check that there are no anomalities in the bytecode by loading annotations<|endoftext|>
"OROR" -> when (typeA) { "kotlin.Boolean" -> if (typeB == "kotlin.Boolean") return (a as Boolean) || (b as Boolean) } "mod" -> when (typeA) { "kotlin.Byte" -> when (typeB) {
"kotlin.Byte" -> return (a as Byte).mod(b as Byte) "kotlin.Short" -> return (a as Byte).mod(b as Short) "kotlin.Int" -> return (a as Byte).mod(b as Int) "kotlin.Long" -> return (a as Byte).mod(b as Long) }<|endoftext|>
val moduleFile = File(tmpdir.absolutePath, "META-INF/main.kotlin_module").readBytes() val versionNumber = ModuleMapping.readVersionNumber(DataInputStream(ByteArrayInputStream(moduleFile)))!! val moduleVersion = JvmMetadataVersion(*versionNumber) if (languageVersion == LanguageVersion.KOTLIN_2_0) {
assertEquals("Actual version: $moduleVersion", JvmMetadataVersion(1, 9, 9999), moduleVersion) } else { assertEquals("Actual version: $moduleVersion", expectedMajor, moduleVersion.major) assertEquals("Actual version: $moduleVersion", expectedMinor, moduleVersion.minor) } } }<|endoftext|>
// IMPORTANT! // Please, when your changes cause failures in bytecodeText tests for 'for' loops, // examine the resulting bytecode shape carefully. // Range and progression-based loops generated with Kotlin compiler should be // as close as possible to Java counter loops ('for (int i = a; i < b; ++i) { ... }'). // Otherwise it may result in performance regression due to missing HotSpot optimizations.
// Run Kotlin compiler benchmarks ( // with compiler built from your changes if you are not sure. fun <T : Collection<*>> test(c: T) { var sum = 0 for (i in c.indices) { sum += i } } // 0 iterator // 0 getStart // 0 getEnd<|endoftext|>
// TARGET_BACKEND: JVM // WITH_STDLIB enum class E { A; companion object { @JvmStatic fun values(): Array<String> = arrayOf("OK") @JvmStatic fun E.values(): Array<E> = arrayOf(A) @JvmStatic
fun values(x: Int): Array<E> = arrayOf(A) } } fun f(e: E) = when (e) { E.A -> "OK" } fun box(): String { return f(E.A) }<|endoftext|>
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.utils.named import kotlin.test.* class PublishJvmEnvironmentAttributeTest { @Test fun `test - default value`() = buildProjectWithMPP().runLifecycleAwareTest { val kotlin = multiplatformExtension kotlin.jvm() configurationResult.await()
assertTrue(kotlinPropertiesProvider.publishJvmEnvironmentAttribute) assertJvmEnvironmentAttributeEquals(kotlin.jvm(), STANDARD_JVM) } @Test fun `test - publishJvmEnvironmentAttribute disabled`() = buildProjectWithMPP().runLifecycleAwareTest { val kotlin = multiplatformExtension kotlin.jvm()<|endoftext|>
public constructor IntArray(size: kotlin.Int, init: (kotlin.Int) -> kotlin.Int) public final val size: kotlin.Int { get; } public final operator fun get(index: kotlin.Int): kotlin.Int public final operator fun iterator(): kotlin.collections.IntIterator
public final operator fun set(index: kotlin.Int, value: kotlin.Int): kotlin.Unit } @kotlin.SinceKotlin(version = "1.1") public final class KotlinVersion : kotlin.Comparable<kotlin.KotlinVersion> { public constructor KotlinVersion(major: kotlin.Int, minor: kotlin.Int)<|endoftext|>
// WITH_STDLIB /* * KOTLIN CODEGEN BOX SPEC TEST (POSITIVE) * * SPEC VERSION: 0.1-213 * MAIN LINK: expressions, built-in-types-and-their-semantics, kotlin.nothing-1 -> paragraph 1 -> sentence 1 * NUMBER: 10 * DESCRIPTION: ckeck a common type of String and Nothing is String */
fun box(): String { var name: Any? = null val men = arrayListOf(Man("Phill"), Man()) loop@ for (i in men) { name = ?: break@loop } if (name is String?) return "OK" return "NOK" } private class Man(var name: String? = null) {}<|endoftext|>
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.standalone.base.project.structure.LLFirStandaloneLibrarySymbolProviderFactory import org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.standalone.base.project.structure.StandaloneProjectFactory
import import<|endoftext|>
println(C().<!INVISIBLE_REFERENCE!>propAI<!>.x()) println(C().<!INVISIBLE_REFERENCE!>propG<!>.x()) println(C().<!INVISIBLE_REFERENCE!>propOI<!>.df()) println(C().<!INVISIBLE_REFERENCE!>propL<!>.l())
println(C().<!INVISIBLE_REFERENCE!>propL2<!>.l2()) }<|endoftext|>
addAll(arrayMap) add(attribute) } return ConeAttributes(newAttributes) } fun remove(attribute: ConeAttribute<*>): ConeAttributes { if (isEmpty()) return this val attributes = arrayMap.filter { it != attribute } if (attributes.size == arrayMap.size) return this return create(attributes) }
fun filterNecessaryToKeep(): ConeAttributes { return if (all { it.keepInInferredDeclarationType }) this else create(filter { it.keepInInferredDeclarationType }) } private inline fun perform(other: ConeAttributes, op: ConeAttribute<*>.(ConeAttribute<*>?) -> ConeAttribute<*>?): ConeAttributes {<|endoftext|>
for (element in list) { if (element != implicitNullableNothingProperty && true && true && true) else { break } <!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("kotlin.Int? & kotlin.Int")!>element<!> <!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("kotlin.Int? & kotlin.Int")!>element<!>.inv()
} } // TESTCASE NUMBER: 10 fun case_10(x: Float?) { while (false) { if (true && true && true && x !== null) else break <!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("kotlin.Float?")!>x<!><|endoftext|>
val List<MutableSet<Array<CharSequence>>>.l: Any get() = this fun box(): String { check("kotlin.Boolean", Boolean::x) check("kotlin.Char", Char::x) check("kotlin.Byte", Byte::x) check("kotlin.Short", Short::x) check("kotlin.Int", Int::x)
check("kotlin.Float", Float::x) check("kotlin.Long", Long::x) check("kotlin.Double", Double::x) check("kotlin.BooleanArray", BooleanArray::x) check("kotlin.CharArray", CharArray::x) check("kotlin.ByteArray", ByteArray::x)<|endoftext|>
val proxyFunBody = context.irFactory.createBlockBody(startOffset, endOffset).also { proxyFun.body = it } when { targetFun.returnType.isUnit() -> { proxyFunBody.statements.add(targetCall) } else -> { proxyFunBody.statements.add( IrReturnImpl( startOffset, endOffset,
context.irBuiltIns.nothingType, proxyFun.symbol, targetCall ) ) } } } val proxyFunRef = IrFunctionReferenceImpl( startOffset, endOffset, reference.type, proxyFun.symbol, 0, // TODO generic function reference? proxyFun.valueParameters.size )<|endoftext|>
@file:Suppress("UNUSED_VARIABLE", "UNUSED_PARAMETER") package usage import a.* fun baz(param: A, nested: A.Nested) { val constructor = A() val nested2 = A.Nested() val methodCall = param.method() val supertype = object : A() {} val x = foo()
val y = bar bar = 239 val z: TA = "" }<|endoftext|>
// WITH_STDLIB // WORKS_WHEN_VALUE_CLASS // LANGUAGE: +ValueClasses, +GenericInlineClassParameter class Foo { companion object { var a: Int = 42 private var d by Delegate(0) fun d() = d fun d(newValue: Int) { d = newValue } } }
var setterInvoked = 0 OPTIONAL_JVM_INLINE_ANNOTATION value class Delegate<T: Int>(val ignored: T) { operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, prop: Any?) = Foo.a operator fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, prop: Any?, newValue: Int) { setterInvoked++ Foo.a = newValue<|endoftext|>
// FIXME: There is a `functionN` factory in `IrBuiltIns`, but it currently produces unbound symbols. // We can switch to this and remove this function once KT-54230 is fixed. fun IrPluginContext.function(arity: Int): IrClassSymbol = referenceClass(ClassId(FqName("kotlin"), Name.identifier("Function$arity")))!!
@OptIn(ObsoleteDescriptorBasedAPI::class) fun IrAnnotationContainer.hasAnnotationSafe(fqName: FqName): Boolean = annotations.any { // compiler helper getAnnotation fails during remapping in [ComposableTypeRemapper], so we // use this impl fqName == it.annotationClass?.descriptor?.fqNameSafe }<|endoftext|>
val test5 = Outer val test6 = Outer.Nested val test7 = Outer.Inner val test8 = Outer.Obj<|endoftext|>