* ```kotlin * try { * RESULT_EXPRESSION * } catch (e: ExceptionType) { * CATCH_EXPRESSION * } * ``` * * Is translated into: * * ```wat * block $catch_block (BLOCK_TYPE)
* block $try_block (EXCEPTION_TYPE) * try_table (EXCEPTION_TYPE) catch IDX $try_block * TRANSLATED_RESULT_EXPRESSION * br $catch_block * end * end * TRANSLATED_CATCH_EXPRESSION * end * ``` *<|endoftext|>
@JsName("internal_baz") internal fun internal_baz(a: String) { } private fun private_baz(i: Int) { } @JsName("private_baz") private fun private_baz(a: String) { } val call_private_baz = { private_baz(0) }
val call_private_native_baz = { private_baz("native") } } internal open class OpenInternalClass { public fun public_baz(i: Int) { } @JsName("public_baz") public fun public_baz(a: String) { } internal fun internal_baz(i: Int) { }<|endoftext|>
val changes = computeClasspathChanges(currentClasspathSnapshot, previousClasspathSnapshot) Changes( lookupSymbols = setOf( LookupSymbol(name = "CoarseGrainedFirstBuild_CoarseGrainedSecondBuild_Class", scope = "com.example"),
LookupSymbol(name = "CoarseGrainedFirstBuild_FineGrainedSecondBuild_Class", scope = "com.example"), LookupSymbol(name = "FineGrainedFirstBuild_CoarseGrainedSecondBuild_Class", scope = "com.example"), LookupSymbol(name = "modifiedProperty", scope = "com.example.FineGrainedFirstBuild_FineGrainedSecondBuild_Class"),<|endoftext|>
is ExpectActualAnnotationsIncompatibilityType.MissingOnActual -> { sb.append("is missing on actual declaration") } is ExpectActualAnnotationsIncompatibilityType.DifferentOnActual -> { sb.append("has different arguments on actual declaration: `") .append(renderAnnotation(incompatibilityType.actualAnnotation)) .append("`") } }
sb.toString() } private fun renderAnnotation(ann: FirAnnotation): String { return FirRenderer( typeRenderer = ConeTypeRenderer(), idRenderer = ConeIdShortRenderer(), referencedSymbolRenderer = FirIdRendererBasedSymbolRenderer(),<|endoftext|>
attributes.setAttribute(Usage.USAGE_ATTRIBUTE, objects.named(KotlinUsages.KOTLIN_CINTEROP)) attributes.setAttribute(Category.CATEGORY_ATTRIBUTE, project.categoryByName(Category.LIBRARY)) attributes.setAttribute(artifactTypeAttribute, NativeArtifactFormat.KLIB) /* Expose api dependencies */
target.compilations.findByName(MAIN_COMPILATION_NAME)?.let { compilation -> extendsFrom(compilation.internal.configurations.apiConfiguration) } } } } private fun cInteropApiElementsConfigurationName(target: KotlinTarget): String { return + "CInteropApiElements" }<|endoftext|>
is IrCall -> expression.symbol is IrConstructorCall -> expression.symbol else -> return expression } val actualCallee = inlineFunctionResolver.getFunctionDeclaration(calleeSymbol) if (actualCallee?.body == null) { return expression } withinScope(actualCallee) {
actualCallee.body?.transformChildrenVoid() } val parent = { it.irElement }.filterIsInstance<IrDeclarationParent>().lastOrNull() ?: { it.irElement }.filterIsInstance<IrDeclaration>().lastOrNull()?.parent ?: containerScope?.irElement as? IrDeclarationParent<|endoftext|>
// test 1: PTV is in consuming position (yield-case) fun testYield() { fun testBasicCase() { val arg: UserKlass.Inner<T> = UserKlass().Inner() val buildee = build { yield(arg) } checkExactType<Buildee<UserKlass.Inner<T>>>(buildee) }
fun testThisExpression() { val buildee = build { yield(this@Inner) } checkExactType<Buildee<UserKlass.Inner<T>>>(buildee) } testBasicCase() testThisExpression() } // test 2: PTV is in producing position (materialize-case)<|endoftext|>
compilationName = kotlinCompilation.compilationName ) } fun store(kotlinCompilation: KotlinCompilation<*>, task: TaskProvider<out AbstractArchiveTask>) { require(kotlinCompilation.project in currentBuild) { "Compilation $kotlinCompilation is not from current project" } tasksMap[Key(kotlinCompilation)] = task
} override fun getArchiveTaskOrNull(kotlinCompilation: KotlinCompilation<*>): TaskProvider<out AbstractArchiveTask>? { if (kotlinCompilation.project !in currentBuild) return null return tasksMap[Key(kotlinCompilation)] } } internal val KotlinCreateCompilationArchivesTask = KotlinCompilationSideEffect { compilation -><|endoftext|>
} // Binary operators private fun FirLiteralExpression<*>.evaluate( function: FirSimpleFunction, other: FirLiteralExpression<*> ): FirLiteralExpression<*>? { if (value == null || other.value == null) return null
// NB: some utils accept very general types, and due to the way operation map works, we should up-cast rhs type. val rightType = when { function.symbol.callableId.isStringEquals -> CompileTimeType.ANY function.symbol.callableId.isStringPlus -> CompileTimeType.ANY else -> other.kind.toCompileTimeType() }<|endoftext|>
@RequiresOptIn @OptionalExpectation expect annotation class MyOptIn // MODULE: m1-jvm()()(m1-common) // FILE: jvm.kt @RequiresOptIn <!EXPECT_ACTUAL_OPT_IN_ANNOTATION!>actual<!> annotation class ActualOnly @RequiresOptIn
<!EXPECT_ACTUAL_OPT_IN_ANNOTATION!>actual<!> annotation class Both @RequiresOptIn actual annotation class MyOptIn<|endoftext|>
testCopyMaybeFailsWith<IllegalFileNameException>(aDir, aDirTarget, setOf(aDirTarget)) // No file is copied outside the target testWalkSucceeds(root, root.resolve("", "", "UnzipArchive-aDir")) } } @Test fun deleteZipRootDirectory() {
withZip("", emptyList()) { _, zipRoot -> // Deleting the root directory of a zip archive throws NullPointerException. assertFailsWith<NullPointerException> { zipRoot.deleteIfExists() } } } // KT-63103 @Test fun zipDoubleDotsFileName() {<|endoftext|>
<!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("T & Any & T?"), DEBUG_INFO_SMARTCAST!>x<!>.propAny <!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("T & Any & T?")!>x<!>.propNullableT <!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("T & Any & T?")!>x<!>.propNullableAny<|endoftext|>
context.log { "Removed ${numberOfRemovedGlobalInitializerCalls * 100.0 / numberOfFunctionsWithGlobalInitializerCall}% global initializers" } context.log { "Removed ${numberOfRemovedThreadLocalInitializerCalls * 100.0 / numberOfFunctionsWithThreadLocalInitializerCall}% thread local initializers" }
context.log { "Removed ${(numberOfCallSitesWithExtractedGlobalInitializerCall) * 100.0 / numberOfCallSitesToFunctionsWithGlobalInitializerCall}% global initializer calls" }<|endoftext|>
internal object LLFirAnnotationArgumentsLazyResolver : LLFirLazyResolver(FirResolvePhase.ANNOTATION_ARGUMENTS) { override fun createTargetResolver(target: LLFirResolveTarget): LLFirTargetResolver = LLFirAnnotationArgumentsTargetResolver(target)
override fun phaseSpecificCheckIsResolved(target: FirElementWithResolveState) { if (target !is FirAnnotationContainer) return checkAnnotationsAreResolved(target) when (target) { is FirCallableDeclaration -> { checkAnnotationsAreResolved(target, target.returnTypeRef) val receiverParameter = target.receiverParameter<|endoftext|>
ktElement = null, FirErrorTypeRef::class, FirResolvedTypeRef::class ) } } private fun getSymbolsForResolvedQualifier( fir: FirResolvedQualifier, expression: KtSimpleNameExpression, session: FirSession, symbolBuilder: KtSymbolByFirBuilder
): Collection<KtSymbol> { val referencedSymbol = if (fir.resolvedToCompanionObject) { (fir.symbol?.fir as? FirRegularClass)?.companionObjectSymbol } else { fir.symbol } if (referencedSymbol == null) {<|endoftext|> { it.cType }, variadic = false )) override fun IrBuilderWithScope.kotlinToBridged(expression: IrExpression): IrExpression = irCall(symbols.interopCreateKotlinObjectHolder.owner).apply { putValueArgument(0, expression) }
override fun IrBuilderWithScope.bridgedToKotlin(expression: IrExpression, symbols: KonanSymbols): IrExpression = irLetS(expression) { blockPointerVarSymbol -> val blockPointerVar = blockPointerVarSymbol.owner irIfThenElse( functionType.makeNullable(),<|endoftext|>
val value_5 = <!ILLEGAL_UNDERSCORE, INT_LITERAL_OUT_OF_RANGE!>0B______________<!> // TESTCASE NUMBER: 6 val value_6 = <!ILLEGAL_UNDERSCORE!>0B0_<!> // TESTCASE NUMBER: 7<|endoftext|>
<!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("kotlin.Number? & kotlin.Comparable<kotlin.Nothing>? & kotlin.Number & kotlin.Comparable<kotlin.Nothing>")!>it<!>.funNullableAny() } } } /* * TESTCASE NUMBER: 4 * ISSUES: KT-28670 */
fun case_4(a: Interface1?, b: Interface2?, c: Boolean) { a as Interface2? b as Interface1? val x = when (c) { true -> a false -> b } x.apply { <!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("Interface2? & Interface1?")!>this<!><|endoftext|>
ProtoBuf.MemberKind.FAKE_OVERRIDE -> CallableMemberDescriptor.Kind.FAKE_OVERRIDE ProtoBuf.MemberKind.DELEGATION -> CallableMemberDescriptor.Kind.DELEGATION ProtoBuf.MemberKind.SYNTHESIZED -> CallableMemberDescriptor.Kind.SYNTHESIZED
else -> CallableMemberDescriptor.Kind.DECLARATION } @Suppress("unused") fun ProtoEnumFlags.memberKind(kind: CallableMemberDescriptor.Kind): ProtoBuf.MemberKind = when (kind) { CallableMemberDescriptor.Kind.DECLARATION -> ProtoBuf.MemberKind.DECLARATION<|endoftext|>
* The result is either zero or has the same sign as the _dividend_ and has the absolute value less than the absolute value of the divisor. */ @SinceKotlin("1.1") @kotlin.internal.IntrinsicConstEvaluation public inline operator fun rem(other: Byte): Int = this.toInt() % other.toInt() /**
* Calculates the remainder of truncating division of this value (dividend) by the other value (divisor). * * The result is either zero or has the same sign as the _dividend_ and has the absolute value less than the absolute value of the divisor. */ @SinceKotlin("1.1") @kotlin.internal.IntrinsicConstEvaluation<|endoftext|>
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.fir.symbols.pointers import org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.KtAnalysisSession import org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.fir.KtFirAnalysisSession import org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.fir.utils.firSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.symbols.KtKotlinPropertySymbol import org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.symbols.KtScriptSymbol import org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.symbols.KtSymbol<|endoftext|>
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.scripting.ide_common.idea.util.CallTypeAndReceiver import org.jetbrains.kotlin.scripting.ide_common.idea.util.IdeDescriptorRenderersScripting import org.jetbrains.kotlin.scripting.ide_common.idea.util.getResolutionScope
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.scripting.ide_services.compiler.completion import org.jetbrains.kotlin.scripting.ide_services.compiler.filterOutShadowedDescriptors import org.jetbrains.kotlin.scripting.ide_services.compiler.impl.KJvmReplCompleter.ResultGetter<|endoftext|>
accept<String>(<!NULLABILITY_MISMATCH_BASED_ON_JAVA_ANNOTATIONS!>NullMarkedType.TargetType.TYPE_ARGUMENT().produce()<!>) // jspecify_nullness_mismatch
accept<Any>(<!NULLABILITY_MISMATCH_BASED_ON_JAVA_ANNOTATIONS!>NullMarkedType.TargetType.UNBOUNDED_WILDCARD().produce()<!>) // jspecify_nullness_mismatch<|endoftext|>
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.commonizer.mergedtree import org.jetbrains.kotlin.commonizer.core.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.commonizer.CommonizerSettings import org.jetbrains.kotlin.commonizer.cir.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.commonizer.utils.CommonizedGroup
import import internal fun buildRootNode( storageManager: StorageManager, commonDependencies: CirProvidedClassifiers, size: Int ): CirRootNode = buildNode( storageManager = storageManager, size = size, nodeRelationship = null,<|endoftext|>
map.put(OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION_AMBIGUITY, "Overload resolution ambiguity between candidates:{0}", SYMBOLS_ON_NEXT_LINES) map.put(ASSIGN_OPERATOR_AMBIGUITY, "Ambiguity between assign operator candidates:{0}", SYMBOLS_ON_NEXT_LINES)
map.put(HAS_NEXT_MISSING, "'hasNext()' cannot be called on 'iterator()'.") map.put(HAS_NEXT_FUNCTION_AMBIGUITY, "Method ''hasNext()'' is ambiguous for this expression. Applicable candidates:{0}", SYMBOLS_ON_NEXT_LINES)<|endoftext|>
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.test.directives.ConfigurationDirectives.WITH_STDLIB import org.jetbrains.kotlin.test.directives.JvmEnvironmentConfigurationDirectives.FULL_JDK import org.jetbrains.kotlin.test.directives.model.DirectivesContainer import org.jetbrains.kotlin.test.directives.model.RegisteredDirectives
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.test.model.TestFile import org.jetbrains.kotlin.test.model.TestModule import org.jetbrains.kotlin.test.runners.codegen.AbstractFirLightTreeBlackBoxCodegenTest import org.jetbrains.kotlin.test.runners.codegen.AbstractIrBlackBoxCodegenTest<|endoftext|>
// FIR_IDENTICAL // !DIAGNOSTICS: -UNUSED_PARAMETER // FILE: foo/ package foo; public class A { private static void foo(int s) {} static void bar(double s) {} } // FILE: K.kt import foo.A open class K : A() { fun foo(i: Int) {}
fun bar(d: Double) {} fun baz(i: Int) {} companion object { fun foo(i: Int) {} fun bar(d: Double) {} } }<|endoftext|>
+irReturn(irCall(irFunction).also { for (i in irFunction.typeParameters.indices) { it.putTypeArgument(i, typeParameters[i].defaultType) } val capturedThisValue = capturedThisField?.let { irField -> irGetField(irGet(function.dispatchReceiverParameter!!), irField) }
if (irFunction.dispatchReceiverParameter != null) { it.dispatchReceiver = capturedThisValue } irFunction.extensionReceiverParameter?.let { extensionReceiverParameter -> it.extensionReceiver = extensionReceiverParameter.type.defaultValue( UNDEFINED_OFFSET, UNDEFINED_OFFSET, backendContext ) }<|endoftext|>
import import import /** * Generated from: [] */
abstract class IrProperty : IrDeclarationBase(), IrPossiblyExternalDeclaration, IrOverridableDeclaration<IrPropertySymbol>, IrMetadataSourceOwner, IrAttributeContainer, IrMemberWithContainerSource { @ObsoleteDescriptorBasedAPI abstract override val descriptor: PropertyDescriptor abstract override val symbol: IrPropertySymbol<|endoftext|>
expect(1) { data.indexOfLast { it.length == 3 } } expect(-1) { empty.indexOfLast { it.startsWith('f') } } } @Test fun mutableList() { val items = listOf("beverage", "location", "name") var list = listOf<String>() for (item in items) {
list += item } assertEquals(3, list.size) assertEquals("beverage,location,name", list.joinToString(",")) } @Test fun testNullToString() { assertEquals("[null]", listOf<String?>(null).toString()) } }<|endoftext|>
assertEquals(one, c.nonNullBoundRef().call()) assertEquals(one, c.nonNullBoundRef() assertEquals(Unit, c.nullableUnboundRef(), zero)) assertEquals(zero, c.nullableUnboundRef().call(c))
assertEquals(zero, c.nullableUnboundRef() assertEquals(Unit, c.nullableBoundRef() assertEquals(one, c.nullableBoundRef().call()) assertEquals(one, c.nullableBoundRef()<|endoftext|>
get() = lowerCamelCaseName(disambiguateName(INTRANSITIVE), METADATA_CONFIGURATION_NAME_SUFFIX) override val kotlin: SourceDirectorySet = createDefaultSourceDirectorySet(project, "$name Kotlin source") override val languageSettings: LanguageSettingsBuilder = DefaultLanguageSettingsBuilder(project)
internal var actualResources: SourceDirectorySet = createDefaultSourceDirectorySet(project, "$name resources") override val resources: SourceDirectorySet get() = actualResources override fun kotlin(configure: SourceDirectorySet.() -> Unit): SourceDirectorySet = kotlin.apply { configure(this) }<|endoftext|>
public operator fun kotlin.ranges.ClosedRange<kotlin.Float>.contains(value: kotlin.Short): kotlin.Boolean @kotlin.jvm.JvmName(name = "intRangeContains") public operator fun kotlin.ranges.ClosedRange<kotlin.Int>.contains(value: kotlin.Byte): kotlin.Boolean
@kotlin.Deprecated(message = "This `contains` operation mixing integer and floating point arguments has ambiguous semantics and is going to be removed.") @kotlin.DeprecatedSinceKotlin(errorSince = "1.4", hiddenSince = "1.5", warningSince = "1.3") @kotlin.jvm.JvmName(name = "intRangeContains")<|endoftext|>
// TARGET_BACKEND: JVM // FILE: public class Box<T> { private final T value; public Box(T value) { this.value = value; } public static <T> Box<T> create(T defaultValue) { return new Box(defaultValue); } public T getValue() { return value;
} } // FILE: test.kt // See KT-10313: ClassCastException with Generics fun box(): String { val sub = Box<Long>(-1) return if (sub.value == -1L) "OK" else "fail" }<|endoftext|>
fun consumeInt(arg: Int) {} fun main() { outerLambda { lambda = { consume(this@outerLambda) } } outerLambda { lambda = innerLambda@{ consumeInt(this@innerLambda) } } lateinit var c: Int.() -> Unit
val a = "hello".apply { val b: Int.() -> Unit = { this@apply.hello() } c = { this@apply.hello() } } } fun String.hello() = this<|endoftext|>
const val V16 = 16 const val V17 = 17 const val V18 = 18 const val V19 = 19 const val V20 = 20 } var VV1 = 1 var VV2 = 2 var VV3 = 3 var VV4 = 4 var VV5 = 5 var VV6 = 6 var VV7 = 7 var VV8 = 8
var VV9 = 9 var VV10 = 10 var VV11 = 11 var VV12 = 12 var VV13 = 13 var VV14 = 14 var VV15 = 15 var VV16 = 16 var VV17 = 17 var VV18 = 18 var VV19 = 19 var VV20 = 20 open class SwitchBenchmark {<|endoftext|>
val componentResolvedCall = getOrFail(BindingContext.COMPONENT_RESOLVED_CALL, ktEntry) val componentSubstitutedCall = pregenerateCall(componentResolvedCall) componentSubstitutedCall.setExplicitReceiverValue(containerValue) containerValue = restContainerValue val (componentCallStartOffset, componentCallEndOffset) =
if (context.extensions.debugInfoOnlyOnVariablesInDestructuringDeclarations) { SYNTHETIC_OFFSET to SYNTHETIC_OFFSET } else { ktEntry.startOffsetSkippingComments to ktEntry.endOffset } val irComponentCall = callGenerator.generateCall( componentCallStartOffset, componentCallEndOffset,<|endoftext|>
// TODO: Cover all cases with frontend and disable error declarations class ErrorDeclaration(val message: String) : ExportedDeclaration() sealed class ExportedClass : ExportedDeclaration() { abstract val name: String abstract val ir: IrClass abstract val members: List<ExportedDeclaration> abstract val superClasses: List<ExportedType>
abstract val superInterfaces: List<ExportedType> abstract val nestedClasses: List<ExportedClass> } data class ExportedRegularClass( override val name: String, val isInterface: Boolean = false, val isAbstract: Boolean = false, override val superClasses: List<ExportedType> = emptyList(),<|endoftext|>
private fun IrClass.requiredToHaveBoxParameter(): Boolean { return needsOfBoxParameter == true } } class ES6CollectConstructorsWhichNeedBoxParameters(private val context: JsIrBackendContext) : DeclarationTransformer { private var IrClass.needsOfBoxParameter by context.mapping.esClassWhichNeedBoxParameters
override fun transformFlat(declaration: IrDeclaration): List<IrDeclaration>? { if (!context.es6mode || declaration !is IrClass) return null val hasSuperClass = declaration.superClass != null if (hasSuperClass && declaration.isInner) { declaration.addToClassListWhichNeedBoxParameter() }<|endoftext|>
interface Ann { fun foo() } interface KC<T> { val x: T } fun <T> id(x: KC<T>): KC<T> = x fun <T> KC<T>.idR(): KC<T> = this val <T> KC<T>.idP: KC<T> get() = this
private fun getSetterInfos(kc: KC<out Ann>) { id(kc) kc.idR() val x1 = id(kc) val x2 = kc.idR() val x3 = kc.idP }<|endoftext|>
public abstract val variance: Variance public abstract val isReified: Boolean } public sealed class KtClassLikeSymbol : KtClassifierSymbol(), KtSymbolWithKind, KtPossibleMemberSymbol, KtPossibleMultiplatformSymbol { public abstract val classIdIfNonLocal: ClassId?
abstract override fun createPointer(): KtSymbolPointer<KtClassLikeSymbol> } public abstract class KtTypeAliasSymbol : KtClassLikeSymbol(), KtSymbolWithVisibility, KtNamedSymbol { /** * Returns type from right-hand site of type alias<|endoftext|>
// NO_CHECK_LAMBDA_INLINING // IGNORE_INLINER_K2: IR // FILE: 1.kt package test inline fun <R> doWork(crossinline job: ()-> R) : R { return notInline({job()}) } fun <R> notInline(job: ()-> R) : R { return job() }
// FILE: 2.kt import test.* val s = doWork({11}) fun box(): String { if (s != 11) return "test1: ${s}" return "OK" }<|endoftext|>
// SKIP_KT_DUMP // TARGET_BACKEND: JVM // WITH_STDLIB // FILE: public class Java1 { public <T> void foo(T a) { } public <T> T bar() { return null; } } // FILE: public interface Java2 extends KotlinInterface { }
// FILE: public class Java3 extends Java1 { @Override public <T> void foo(T a) { } @Override public <T> T bar() { return null; } } // FILE: public class Java4 extends KotlinClass { } // FILE: 1.kt<|endoftext|>
var x: Class? = <!CONSTANT_EXPECTED_TYPE_MISMATCH!>10<!> x!!
<!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("Class & Class?"), DEBUG_INFO_SMARTCAST!>x<!>(if (true) {x=null;0} else 0, <!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("Class & Class?"), DEBUG_INFO_SMARTCAST!>x<!>)<|endoftext|>
val xx = A[logged("1;"), logged("2;"), logged("3;")]++ if (xx != "start;") return "Failed xx: $xx" if (A.x != "start;inc;") return "Failed A.x: ${A.x}" if (A.gets != "1;2;3;") return "Failed A.gets: ${A.gets}"
if (A.sets != "1;2;3;") return "Failed A.sets: ${A.sets}" if (log != "1;2;3;get;inc;set;") return "Failed log: $log" return "OK" }<|endoftext|>
val ALLOW_DANGEROUS_LANGUAGE_VERSION_TESTING by directive( description = """ Allows the use of the LANGUAGE_VERSION directive. However, before you use it, please make sure that you actually do need to pin language versions. The LANGUAGE_VERSION directive is prone to limiting test to a specific language version,
which will become obsolete at some point and the test won't check things like feature intersection with newer releases. For language feature testing, use `// !LANGUAGE: [+-]FeatureName` directive instead, where FeatureName is an entry of the enum `LanguageFeature` """.trimIndent() ) // --------------------- Analysis Flags ---------------------<|endoftext|>
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.PlatformSpecificCastChecker import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.PlatformToKotlinClassMapper import org.jetbrains.kotlin.container.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.checkers.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.results.TypeSpecificityComparator import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.checkers.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.lazy.AbsentDescriptorHandler import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.lazy.DelegationFilter<|endoftext|>
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.checkers.syntax import com.intellij.lang.LighterASTNode import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement import com.intellij.psi.tree.TokenSet import com.intellij.util.diff.FlyweightCapableTreeStructure
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ElementTypeUtils.getOperationSymbol import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ElementTypeUtils.isExpression import org.jetbrains.kotlin.KtLightSourceElement import org.jetbrains.kotlin.KtNodeTypes.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.KtPsiSourceElement<|endoftext|>
// Issues: KT-33542, KT-33544 // WITH_STDLIB import kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference interface In<in E> { suspend fun send(element: E) } class InImpl<E>(val block: suspend In<E>.() -> Unit) : In<E> { override suspend fun send(element: E) {} }
@OptIn(ExperimentalTypeInference::class) public fun <T> builder(block: suspend In<T>.() -> Unit) { InImpl(block) } fun test33542() { builder { send(run { 15 }) } } fun test33544(){ builder { send(run { let { 0 } ?: 1 0<|endoftext|>
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirRegularClass import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirResolvePhase import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.utils.classId import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.ScopeSession
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.providers.symbolProvider import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.scopes.FirContainingNamesAwareScope import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.scopes.jvm.JvmMappedScope import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.scopes.unsubstitutedScope<|endoftext|>
package import import import import
import import import import<|endoftext|>
filterHeadersByPredefined(filter, index, translationUnit, ownTranslationUnits, ownHeaders, allHeaders, unitsHolder) } ownHeaders.removeAll { library.headerExclusionPolicy.excludeAll(getHeaderId(library, it)) } return NativeLibraryHeadersAndUnits(NativeLibraryHeaders(ownHeaders, allHeaders - ownHeaders), ownTranslationUnits)
} class UnitsHolder(val index: CXIndex) : Disposable { private val unitByBinaryFile = mutableMapOf<String, CXTranslationUnit>() internal fun load(info: CXIdxImportedASTFileInfo): CXTranslationUnit { val canonicalPath: String = info.file!!.canonicalPath<|endoftext|>
private const val DEFAULT_BUILD_METHOD_NAME = "build" private const val DEFAULT_BUILDER_METHOD_NAME = "builder" private const val DEFAULT_REQUIRES_TO_BUILDER = false override fun extract(annotation: AnnotationDescriptor?, config: LombokConfig): Builder { return Builder(
builderClassName = annotation?.getStringArgument("builderClassName") ?: config.getString("lombok.builder.className") ?: DEFAULT_BUILDER_CLASS_NAME, buildMethodName = annotation?.getStringArgument("buildMethodName") ?: DEFAULT_BUILD_METHOD_NAME,<|endoftext|>
org.gradle.jvmargs = -Xmx758m -Xms128m kotlin.daemon.jvmargs = -Xmx486m -Xms256m """.trimIndent() ) //language=Groovy buildGradle.append( """
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.CompileUsingKotlinDaemon tasks .matching { == "compileTestKotlin" && it instanceof CompileUsingKotlinDaemon } .configureEach {<|endoftext|>
endOffset: Int, tree: FlyweightCapableTreeStructure<LighterASTNode> ): List<TextRange> { val newNodes = tree.valueParameters(node).filter { tree.defaultValue(it) != null }.takeIf(List<*>::isNotEmpty) ?: tree.valueParameterList(node)?.let(::listOf)
?: tree.nameIdentifier(node)?.let(::listOf) ?: listOf(node) return newNodes.flatMap { markElement(it, startOffset, endOffset, tree, node) } } } val PARAMETER_VARARG_MODIFIER: LightTreePositioningStrategy = object : LightTreePositioningStrategy() { override fun mark(<|endoftext|>
reporter: DiagnosticReporter, supportsJvmStaticInInterface: Boolean, targetSource: KtSourceElement?, ) { val properDiagnostic = if (supportsJvmStaticInInterface) { FirJvmErrors.JVM_STATIC_NOT_IN_OBJECT_OR_COMPANION } else {
FirJvmErrors.JVM_STATIC_NOT_IN_OBJECT_OR_CLASS_COMPANION } reporter.reportOn(targetSource, properDiagnostic, context) } private fun checkForInterface( declaration: FirDeclaration, context: CheckerContext, reporter: DiagnosticReporter,<|endoftext|>
public void noBoundsNullable(A<? extends @Nullable Object, ? extends @Nullable Object, ? extends @Nullable Object> a) {} } // FILE: import org.jspecify.annotations.*; public class A <T extends Object, E extends @Nullable Object, F extends @NullnessUnspecified Object> {} // FILE: main.kt fun main(
aNotNullNotNullNotNull: A<Any, Any, Any>, aNotNullNotNullNull: A<Any, Any, Any?>, aNotNullNullNotNull: A<Any, Any?, Any>, aNotNullNullNull: A<Any, Any?, Any?>, b: WildcardsWithDefault ): Unit { b.noBoundsNotNull(aNotNullNotNullNotNull)<|endoftext|>
// NO_CHECK_LAMBDA_INLINING // FILE: 1.kt package test inline fun linearLayout2(init: X.() -> Unit) { return X().init() } var result = "fail" class X { fun calc() { result = "OK" } } // FILE: 2.kt import test.* class A {
fun test() { linearLayout2 { { apply2 { this@linearLayout2::calc }() }.let { it() } } } public fun <T, Z> T.apply2(block: T.() -> Z): Z { return block() } } fun box(): String { A().test()<|endoftext|>
fun plusK(s: String) = s + "K" fun box(): String { val sam1 = roundtrip(Sam1(::plusK)) if (sam1 !is Sam1) return "Failed: $sam1 !is Sam1" val t1 = sam1.get("O") if (t1 != "OK") return "Failed: $t1='$t1'"
val sam2 = roundtrip(Sam2(::plusK)) if (sam2 !is Sam2) return "Failed: $sam2 !is Sam2" val t2 = sam2.get("O") if (t2 != "OK") return "Failed: $t2='$t2'" return "OK" } fun <T> roundtrip(x: T): T {<|endoftext|>
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.caches.FirCache import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.caches.createCache import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.caches.firCachesFactory import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.caches.getValue
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirCallableDeclaration import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirClassLikeDeclaration import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirDeclaration import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirFile<|endoftext|>
""".trimMargin() ) build("assemble") } } @DisplayName("Cross modules work correctly with compose dependency ('KT60852')") @GradleTest fun crossModulesWorkCorrectlyWithComposeDependencyKT60852(gradleVersion: GradleVersion) {
project("kotlin-js-compose-dependency", gradleVersion) { build("compileDevelopmentExecutableKotlinJs") { assertTasksExecuted(":compileDevelopmentExecutableKotlinJs") } } } @DisplayName("test package.json skipped with main package.json was up-to-date") @GradleTest<|endoftext|>
/** * Calculates the set of package names which contain callables and can be provided by this declaration provider. * * The set may contain false positives. `null` may be returned if the package set is too expensive or impossible to compute. */ public open fun computePackageNamesWithTopLevelCallables(): Set<String>? = computePackageNames() } public abstract class KotlinDeclarationProviderFactory {
public abstract fun createDeclarationProvider(scope: GlobalSearchScope, contextualModule: KtModule?): KotlinDeclarationProvider public companion object { public fun getInstance(project: Project): KotlinDeclarationProviderFactory = project.getService( } } /**<|endoftext|>
checkSubtype<Any>({}) val z: Any = { x: Any -> println(x) } funWithAnyArg {} } // TESTCASE NUMBER: 7 fun case_7() { checkSubtype<Any>(object {}) val z: Any = { x: Any -> object { val y = x } }(10)
funWithAnyArg(object : Comparable<Any> { override fun compareTo(other: Any) = TODO() }) } // TESTCASE NUMBER: 8 fun case_8() { checkSubtype<Any>(object {}::class) val z: Any = {}::class funWithAnyArg(0E0::class) }<|endoftext|>
public external abstract class HTMLImageElement : HTMLElement, HTMLOrSVGImageElement, TexImageSource, JsAny { open var alt: String open var src: String open var srcset: String open var sizes: String open var crossOrigin: String? open var useMap: String open var isMap: Boolean open var width: Int open var height: Int
open val naturalWidth: Int open val naturalHeight: Int open val complete: Boolean open val currentSrc: String open var referrerPolicy: String open var name: String open var lowsrc: String open var align: String open var hspace: Int open var vspace: Int open var longDesc: String open var border: String<|endoftext|>
val lastLineNumber = codegen.lastLineNumber val callSite = SourcePosition(lastLineNumber, sourceInfo.sourceFileName!!, sourceInfo.pathOrCleanFQN) info.inlineScopesGenerator?.apply { currentCallSiteLineNumber = lastLineNumber } val inliner = MethodInliner(
node, parameters, info, FieldRemapper(null, null, parameters), sourceCompiler.isCallInsideSameModuleAsCallee, { "Method inlining " + sourceCompiler.callElementText }, SourceMapCopier(sourceMapper, nodeAndSmap.classSMAP, callSite), info.callSiteInfo, isInlineOnlyMethod = isInlineOnly,<|endoftext|>
KonanPrimitiveType.VECTOR128 -> emptyList() } }, ifReference = { return emptyList() }, ) } } } sealed class ExtendOnCalleeSideTargetAbiInfo(private val shouldZeroExtBoolean: Boolean) : TargetAbiInfo {
private val typeAttributesCache = mutableMapOf<IrType, List<LlvmParameterAttribute>>() override fun defaultParameterAttributesForIrType(irType: IrType): List<LlvmParameterAttribute> { return typeAttributesCache.getOrPut(irType) {<|endoftext|>
val list = a.<!UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE_WRONG_RECEIVER!>filterNotNull<!>()
public inline fun <T, K, M : kotlin.collections.MutableMap<in K, in T>> kotlin.collections.Iterable<T>.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (T) -> K): M
public inline fun <T, K, V, M : kotlin.collections.MutableMap<in K, in V>> kotlin.collections.Iterable<T>.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (T) -> K, valueTransform: (T) -> V): M<|endoftext|>
subProject("withconfig").buildGradle ).forEach { buildGradle -> buildGradle.modify { val freefairLombokVersion = if (gradleVersion < GradleVersion.version(TestVersions.Gradle.G_8_0)) { "5.3.0" } else { "8.4" }
it.replace("<freefair_lombok_version>", freefairLombokVersion) } } build("build") } } @OtherGradlePluginTests @DisplayName("KT-51378: Using 'kotlin-dsl' with latest plugin version in buildSrc module") @GradleTestVersions(<|endoftext|>
/** Creates a range from this value to the specified [other] value. */ @kotlin.internal.InlineOnly public inline operator fun rangeTo(other: ULong): ULongRange = ULongRange(this, other) /** * Creates a range from this value up to but excluding the specified [other] value. *
* If the [other] value is less than or equal to `this` value, then the returned range is empty. */ @SinceKotlin("1.9") @WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class) @kotlin.internal.InlineOnly public inline operator fun rangeUntil(other: ULong): ULongRange = this until other /**<|endoftext|>
// WITH_STDLIB class Out<out T> class Final open class Open @JvmField val NO_WILDCARDS: Out<Open> = Out() // field: FieldsKt::NO_WILDCARDS // generic signature: LOut<LOpen;>; @JvmField var HAS_WILDCARDS: Out<Open> = Out()
// field: FieldsKt::HAS_WILDCARDS // generic signature: LOut<+LOpen;>; @JvmField var NO_WILDCARDS_VAR: Out<Final> = Out() // field: FieldsKt::NO_WILDCARDS_VAR // generic signature: LOut<LFinal;>; @JvmSuppressWildcards @JvmField<|endoftext|>
public inline fun <K, V> kotlin.ByteArray.associate(transform: (kotlin.Byte) -> kotlin.Pair<K, V>): kotlin.collections.Map<K, V>
public inline fun <K, V> kotlin.CharArray.associate(transform: (kotlin.Char) -> kotlin.Pair<K, V>): kotlin.collections.Map<K, V><|endoftext|>
public inline fun IntArray.filter(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): List<Int> { return filterTo(ArrayList<Int>(), predicate) } /** * Returns a list containing only elements matching the given [predicate]. * * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter */
public inline fun LongArray.filter(predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): List<Long> { return filterTo(ArrayList<Long>(), predicate) } /** * Returns a list containing only elements matching the given [predicate]. * * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter */<|endoftext|>
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.UnresolvedExpressionTypeAccess import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.ConeKotlinType import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.constructClassType import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.toLookupTag
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.visitors.FirTransformer import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.visitors.FirVisitor import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.visitors.transformInplace import import<|endoftext|>
class ClassAnnotationsChecker(annotationsProperty: KProperty1<ClassNode, List<Any?>?>) : AnnotationsChecker<ClassNode>("class.${}", annotationsProperty), ClassChecker { override fun check(class1: ClassNode, class2: ClassNode, report: ClassReport) { val anns1 = getAnnotations(class1)
val anns2 = getAnnotations(class2) report.addAnnotationDiffs(this, compareAnnotations(anns1, anns2) ?: return) } }<|endoftext|>
testDecode(Base64.Mime, "Zm9vYg==\uD800\uDC00", "foob".encodeToByteArray()) // inserts line separator, but not to the end of the output val expected = "Zm9vYmFy".repeat(76).chunked(76).joinToString(separator = "\r\n")
testEncode(Base64.Mime, "foobar".repeat(76).encodeToByteArray(), expected) } }<|endoftext|>
// FIR_IDENTICAL // !DIAGNOSTICS: -UNUSED_PARAMETER @DslMarker annotation class Ann @Ann class A { fun a() = 1 } @Ann class B { fun b() = 2 } fun bar(x: B.() -> Unit) {} fun A.test() { bar {
<!DSL_SCOPE_VIOLATION!>a<!>() this@test.a() b() } }<|endoftext|>
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.checkers.MppCheckerKind import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.checkers.context.CheckerContext import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.checkers.declaration.FirBasicDeclarationChecker
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.diagnostics.js.FirJsErrors import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.js.checkers.FirJsStableName import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.js.checkers.getJsName<|endoftext|>
fun CallableMemberDescriptor.isDefinitelyNotDefaultImplsMethod() = this is JavaCallableMemberDescriptor || this.annotations.hasAnnotation(PLATFORM_DEPENDENT_ANNOTATION_FQ_NAME) fun ClassBuilder.generateMethod( debugString: String, access: Int, method: Method, element: PsiElement?,
origin: JvmDeclarationOrigin, state: GenerationState, generate: InstructionAdapter.() -> Unit ) { val mv = this.newMethod(origin, access,, method.descriptor, null, null) if (state.classBuilderMode.generateBodies) { val iv = InstructionAdapter(mv) iv.visitCode()<|endoftext|>
override val pathPartRegex = SpecTestLinkedType.NOT_LINKED.testDataPath + ps + sectionsInPathRegex override val testPathPattern: Pattern = Pattern.compile(testPathRegexTemplate.format(pathPartRegex, FILENAME_REGEX)) override val testInfoPattern: Pattern =
Pattern.compile(MULTILINE_COMMENT_REGEX.format(""" $ASTERISK_REGEX KOTLIN $testAreaRegex NOT LINKED SPEC TEST \($testTypeRegex\)\n(?<infoElements>[\s\S]*?\n)""")) } object LinkedSpecTestPatterns : BasePatterns {<|endoftext|>
private inline fun <R> CallableSymbolMarker.processIr( onFunction: (IrFunction) -> R, onProperty: (IrProperty) -> R, onField: (IrField) -> R, onValueParameter: (IrValueParameter) -> R, onEnumEntry: (IrEnumEntry) -> R, ): R { return when (this) {
is IrFunctionSymbol -> onFunction(owner) is IrPropertySymbol -> onProperty(owner) is IrFieldSymbol -> onField(owner) is IrValueParameterSymbol -> onValueParameter(owner) is IrEnumEntrySymbol -> onEnumEntry(owner) else -> error("Unsupported declaration: $this") } }<|endoftext|>
} fun writeUInt64(v: ULong) { writeByte(v.toByte()) writeByte((v shr 8).toByte()) writeByte((v shr 16).toByte()) writeByte((v shr 24).toByte()) writeByte((v shr 32).toByte()) writeByte((v shr 40).toByte()) writeByte((v shr 48).toByte())
writeByte((v shr 56).toByte()) } fun writeVarInt7(v: Byte) { writeSignedLeb128(v.toLong()) } fun writeVarInt32(v: Int) { writeSignedLeb128(v.toLong()) } fun writeVarInt64(v: Long) {<|endoftext|>
if (aLong[0] != bLong) return "Failed post-decrement Long: ${aLong[0]} != $bLong" aFloat[0]++ bFloat++ if (aFloat[0] != bFloat) return "Failed post-increment Float: ${aFloat[0]} != $bFloat" aFloat[0]-- bFloat--
if (aFloat[0] != bFloat) return "Failed post-decrement Float: ${aFloat[0]} != $bFloat" aDouble[0]++ bDouble++ if (aDouble[0] != bDouble) return "Failed post-increment Double: ${aDouble[0]} != $bDouble" aDouble[0]-- bDouble--<|endoftext|>
binaryOperation(STRING, STRING, "compareTo", { a, b -> a.compareTo(b) }, emptyBinaryFun) ) //from library class BigInteger(val value: String) { fun add(o: BigInteger): BigInteger = o fun divide(o: BigInteger): BigInteger = o fun rem(o: BigInteger): BigInteger = o
fun multiply(o: BigInteger): BigInteger = o fun subtract(o: BigInteger): BigInteger = o fun or(o: BigInteger): BigInteger = o fun and(o: BigInteger): BigInteger = o fun xor(o: BigInteger): BigInteger = o }<|endoftext|>
} assertEquals("Foo", foo.value) } @Test fun testArranger() { class Foo(var value: String) val keeper: StateKeeper<Foo, Unit> = stateKeeper { _, _ -> add(Foo::value::get, Foo::value::set) { "Baz" } }
val foo = Foo("Foo") keeper.withRestoration(foo) { assertEquals("Baz", foo.value) foo.value = "Bar" assertEquals("Bar", foo.value) } assertEquals("Foo", foo.value) } @Test fun testInclusion() { open class Foo(var one: String)<|endoftext|>
* ISSUES: KT-19446 */ fun case_1() { run { var unit: Unit? = Unit while (unit != null) { <!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("kotlin.Unit? & kotlin.Unit")!>unit<!> <!UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE!>consume<!>(unit)
unit = null } } run { var unit: Unit? = Unit while (unit != null) { <!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("kotlin.Unit? & kotlin.Unit")!>unit<!> <!UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE!>consume<!>(unit) unit = null } }<|endoftext|>
if (targetExistsAndNotSymlink && this.isSameFileAs(target)) { // TODO: KT-38678 // source and target files are the same entry, continue recursive copy operation } else { val isSubdirectory = when { this.fileSystem != target.fileSystem -> false targetExistsAndNotSymlink ->
target.toRealPath().startsWith(this.toRealPath()) else -> target.parent?.let { it.exists() && it.toRealPath().startsWith(this.toRealPath()) } ?: false } if (isSubdirectory) throw FileSystemException( this.toString(), target.toString(),<|endoftext|>
val fixedQualifiedAccessSegments = qualifiedAccessSegments.drop(1) assert(referencedClassIdAndQualifiedAccessMatch(fixedQualifiedAccessSegments)) { "Referenced classId $referencedClassId should end with qualifiedAccess expression ${qualifiedAccess.text} " } }
// In the code below, we always maintain the contract that `classId` and `qualifiedAccess` should stay "in-sync", i.e. they // refer to the same class and classId should be null if `qualifiedAccess` references to a package. var classId: ClassId? = referencedClassId // Handle nested classes. while (classId != null) {<|endoftext|>
// !JVM_DEFAULT_MODE: all-compatibility // TARGET_BACKEND: JVM // JVM_TARGET: 1.8 // WITH_STDLIB // MODULE: lib // FILE: 1.kt interface Test { fun test(): String = "Fail" } class Delegate : Test { override fun test(): String = "OK" }
// MODULE: main(lib) // FILE: 2.kt class TestClass(val foo: Test) : Test by foo fun box(): String { val testClass = TestClass(Delegate()) return testClass.test() }<|endoftext|>
// org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.caches.lightClasses.annotations.KOTLINX_SERIALIZABLE_FQ_NAME and // org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.caches.lightClasses.annotations.KOTLINX_SERIALIZER_FQ_NAME accordingly.
// Otherwise, there it might lead to exceptions from light classes when building them for serializer/serializable classes val serializableAnnotationFqName = FqName("kotlinx.serialization.Serializable") val serializerAnnotationFqName = FqName("kotlinx.serialization.Serializer")<|endoftext|>
v.invokevirtual(PARCEL_TYPE.internalName, "readValue", "(Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)Ljava/lang/Object;", false) v.castIfNeeded(asmType) } } internal class TypeParcelerParcelSerializer( override val asmType: Type, private val parcelerType: KotlinType,
private val typeMapper: KotlinTypeMapper ) : ParcelSerializer { private val parcelerAsmType = typeMapper.mapType(parcelerType) override fun writeValue(v: InstructionAdapter) { // -> parcel, value(?) boxTypeIfNeeded(v) // -> parcel, (boxed)value v.swap() // -> value, parcel<|endoftext|>
public inline fun kotlin.UIntArray.lastIndexOf(element: kotlin.UInt): kotlin.Int @kotlin.SinceKotlin(version = "1.3") @kotlin.ExperimentalUnsignedTypes @kotlin.internal.InlineOnly
public inline fun kotlin.ULongArray.lastIndexOf(element: kotlin.ULong): kotlin.Int @kotlin.SinceKotlin(version = "1.3") @kotlin.ExperimentalUnsignedTypes @kotlin.internal.InlineOnly<|endoftext|>
fun fn21(x0: Any, x1: Any, x2: Any, x3: Any, x4: Any, x5: Any, x6: Any, x7: Any, x8: Any, x9: Any, x10: Any, x11: Any, x12: Any, x13: Any, x14: Any, x15: Any, x16: Any, x17: Any, x18: Any,
x19: Any, x20: Any) {<|endoftext|>
if (!(element18 in 1L..3L) != !range0.contains(element18)) throw AssertionError() if (!(element18 !in 1L..3L) != range0.contains(element18)) throw AssertionError() } fun testR0xE19() { // with possible local optimizations
if (3L in 1L..3L != range0.contains(3L)) throw AssertionError() if (3L !in 1L..3L != !range0.contains(3L)) throw AssertionError() if (!(3L in 1L..3L) != !range0.contains(3L)) throw AssertionError()<|endoftext|>
is ConeKotlinTypeProjectionOut -> ConeKotlinTypeProjectionOut(newType) is ConeKotlinTypeConflictingProjection -> ConeKotlinTypeConflictingProjection(newType) } } val ConeTypeProjection.variance: Variance get() = when (this.kind) {
ProjectionKind.STAR -> Variance.OUT_VARIANCE ProjectionKind.IN -> Variance.IN_VARIANCE ProjectionKind.OUT -> Variance.OUT_VARIANCE ProjectionKind.INVARIANT -> Variance.INVARIANT }<|endoftext|>
if (element1 !in '3' until '1' != !range1.contains(element1)) throw AssertionError() if (!(element1 in '3' until '1') != !range1.contains(element1)) throw AssertionError() if (!(element1 !in '3' until '1') != range1.contains(element1)) throw AssertionError() }
fun testR1xE2() { // with possible local optimizations if ('2' in '3' until '1' != range1.contains('2')) throw AssertionError() if ('2' !in '3' until '1' != !range1.contains('2')) throw AssertionError()<|endoftext|>
if (u != null) <!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("kotlin.String & kotlin.String?"), DEBUG_INFO_SMARTCAST!>u<!>.propT if (u != null) <!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("kotlin.String & kotlin.String?"), DEBUG_INFO_SMARTCAST!>u<!>.propAny
if (u != null) <!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("kotlin.String & kotlin.String?")!>u<!>.propNullableT if (u != null) <!DEBUG_INFO_EXPRESSION_TYPE("kotlin.String & kotlin.String?")!>u<!>.propNullableAny<|endoftext|>
object DummyLogger : Logger { override fun log(message: String) = println(message) override fun warning(message: String) = println("w: $message") override fun error(message: String) = println("e: $message")
@Deprecated(Logger.FATAL_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE, ReplaceWith(Logger.FATAL_REPLACEMENT)) override fun fatal(message: String): Nothing { error(message) exitProcess(1) // WARNING: This would stop the JVM process! } }<|endoftext|>
assertTasksExecuted(":kaptGenerateStubsKotlin", ":kaptKotlin", ":compileKotlin", ":compileJava") // generated sources assertFileExists(projectPath.resolve("$generatedSrc/foo/bar/"))
assertFileInProjectNotExists("$generatedSrc/bar/") // classes assertFileExists(kotlinClassesDir().resolve("foo/bar/UseBar.class")) assertFileNotExists(kotlinClassesDir().resolve("bar/UseBar.class"))<|endoftext|>
// TARGET_BACKEND: JVM // FILE: stringVsTXString.kt fun <T> useTX(x: T, fn: () -> T) = fn() fun checkNull(x: Any?) { if (x != null) throw AssertionError("null expected") } fun box(): String { checkNull(useTX("") { J.string() }) return "OK" }
// FILE: import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; public class J { public static String string() { return null; } public static @NotNull String notNullString() { return null; } }<|endoftext|>