<|crime|>During the Korean War , Joe Moran , a U . S . Army sergeant , was convicted for striking a colonel . He was imprisoned in Germany . In the military prison he encountered his former company commander Captain Ross , and a fellow soldier who served under Joe called Vermont . They had been imprisoned for black marketeering and hijacking army vehicles . Joe agrees to escape with them . The escape is organised by a former French Foreign Legionnaire named Katanga . Things go according to plan until Katanga kills a curious German police officer . Frightened and disgusted by the murder , Joe escapes by himself , abandoning his friends and Katanga , who are recaptured . Years later , Joe is known as Joe Martin . He makes a legitimate living renting boats in the South of France . He lives with his wife , Fabienne , and 12 year old daughter . Things are going fine for Joe . When Joe s picture appears in a local news story , Ross , Vermont and Katanga appear . Now wanted drug smugglers , they want revenge on Joe and use of his rental operation to move contraband . To ensure Joe s cooperation , they kidnap his wife and daughter and hold them hostage .
<|comedy|>On an alien planet named Pluton , an alien garbage disposal converts a monstrous mutant called a Hungry Beast into energy and beams it into space . Meanwhile , on Earth , the Putterman family is getting satellite television , courtesy of a temperamental DIY antenna . The reception is poor at first , but suddenly strengthens when a bolt of the alien energy hits the dish . Sherman Putterman and his ex military , survivalist grandfather set out to enjoy a night of horror films hosted by the buxom Medusa . Meanwhile Sherman s parents go out to meet some swingers and his sister Suzy goes out with her rocker boyfriend O . D . . Sherman and his grandfather eventually fall asleep , but are awakened when the Hungry Beast materializes out of the TV and eats the grandfather . Sherman s parents later arrive along with swingers Cherry and Spiro . Despite Sherman s plea , his mother locks him in the fallout shelter so he will not ruin their evening . Sherman tries calling the police , but they take him to be a prank caller . He also calls Medusa , but she dismisses him as a psychotic . Later , the Beast travels through the television into the house s sex themed Pleasure Dome , eats Cherry , and imitates her to lure Spiro . Sherman s parents also get eaten after they discover the remains of the swingers . Sherman uses some plastic explosive to break out of the bunker as O . D . and his sister arrive . Sherman s sister doesn t believe his story about a monster , and when they check their parents room , they find imitations of them , their grandfather and the swingers . Soon after though , they encounter the Beast in another room . It chases after them , but relents at the sight of O . D . s heavy metal paraphernelia , which he finds appealing due to its resemblance of his caretaker s gloves . They then discover that they can subdue the Beast with food and television , and teach it a few words such as TV , music and their names . They consider using the Beast for profit , and call Medusa in the hope of securing a TV appearance . She is initially dismissive , but shows interest when they promise to hold a party . However , the Beast becomes enraged and eats O . D . when its alien captor appears on the TV to warn the earthlings that they must destroy their television equipment to prevent the Beast from spreading . A police officer arrives to arrest Sherman for the prank calls only to be eaten by the Beast . Sherman breaks all the TVs he can find , and eventually the Pluthon alien captor appears through the television to exterminate the Beast . Medusa arrives at the house and kills the Pluthon Alien , mistakenly believing that he is in fact the Beast that Sherman and Suzy have described to her . When the real monster arrives , it sucks the group of three into its mouth with a powerful gust of air . The next morning , Medusa s chauffeur is woken up by a crude imitation of his employer hiding in the back seat of his car , demanding to be taken to the TV station .
<|horror|>The brash and ambitious Fong Sai yuk meets the beautiful Ting ting during a track and field competition and falls in love with her . Ting ting is the daughter of Tiger Lui , a hot headed hooligan . Lui stages a martial arts competition for interested men to participate and win his daughter s hand in marriage . The contestant must defeat Lui s wife , Siu wan , in order to win . Fong joins the contest at his friends urging and defeats Siu wan . He catches a glimpse of his future bride , who is actually a servant maid to replace Ting ting , who went missing during the contest . Fong decides to forfeit the match and leaves . Fong s mother , Miu Tsui fa , enters the contest in disguise as a man to help her son win back his lost pride . She defeats Siu wan by knocking her off the scaffold , but catches her as she falls and they land safely on the ground . After that intimate moment together , Siu wan becomes romantically attracted to Miu without knowing that Miu is actually a woman in disguise . Lui then forces Miu to marry his daughter . To save his mother from embarrassment , Fong marries Ting ting on behalf of his brother his mother in disguise as a man , and is confined in his father in law s house . He is unaware that his bride is actually his love interest and they fight in the dark . They discover each other s identities eventually . Miu manages to persuade Lui to let her son return home . Just then , Fong s father , Fong Tak , returns home from a trip . Fong discovers that his father is a member of the Red Flower Society , an underground resistance movement that aims to overthrow the ruling Manchu led Qing dynasty . While Fong Tak is having a conversation with fellow members , they are ambushed by the Governor of Nine Gates and his soldiers . The Governor demands that Fong Tak hand over the name list of the society s members , but he refuses . Just then , Fong Sai yuk and his mother show up , and Fong fights with the Governor and holds him off until his parents have escaped . Fong and his parents hide in their in laws house to evade the authorities , but the Governor visits Lui s house and recognises them . In the ensuing fight , Fong Tak is captured while Siu wan dies from a gunshot wound . Fong lies to his mother that his father has been rescued and decides to save his father alone without letting her know . He attempts to storm the execution ground and fights with the Governor to save his father . At the critical moment , Miu appears with the Red Flower Society s members and their leader , Chan Ka lok . They defeat the Governor and his men and succeed in freeing Fong Tak . Before the film ends , Fong Sai yuk becomes Chan s godson and joins his godfather on their quest as they ride towards the far horizon .
<|comedy|>The film begins with Captain Rajveer Singh Sharman Joshi and Captain Quereshi Javed Jaffrey are captains of India and Pakistan playing cards with their partners at Indo Pak border . Suddenly bomb explodes . Then the film flashback into 17 hours before . At that time the Defense minister of India calls Rut Dutta Soha Ali Khan , the reporter of GBC news to talk some important top secret . He reveals that after 2 days war will be declare between India and Pakistan . At 14 hours before , Defense minister of Pakistan with Pakistani General contacts with Defense minister of China for some help . Defense minister of China tells that he will attack nuclear bomb in New Delhi . At Indo Pak border Pakistan armies are becoming very lazy . Then don t want to pay attention to commander Khan Sanjai Mishra . In In Captain Rajveer Singh Sharman Joshi and Captain Quereshi Javed Jaffery are battalion captains of India and Pakistan two countries forever embroiled in conflict and turmoil with each other . However , on the actual battle field , Raj and Quereshi and his troops form an unlikely friendship and camaraderie , reared on a love for conversations and playing antakshari a game of Hindi film songs and non veg food . Midst them , arrives Ruth Dutta Soha Ali Khan , an ambitious TV reporter , assigned to make a documentary on the lives of the soldiers of these two sides , as reported from on ground . But when war is announced between these two countries , the easy friendship between the two sides is tested and conspiracy theories are hatched all with hilarious results . In the end , the question which haunts everybody is why the war and to what end ?
<|horror|>Totò and his son Ninetto roam the neighbourhood and the countryside of Rome . During the walk they observe a body being removed from a house following a murder . They next encounter a talking crow , who is described in the intertitles thus For the benefit of those who were not paying attention or are in doubt , we remind you that the Crow is as you say a left wing intellectual of the kind found living before Palmiro Togliatti s death . The Crow subsequently recounts the tale of Fra Ciccillo and Fra Ninetto still played by Totò and Ninetto , two Franciscan friars , who are bid by St . Francis to preach the Gospel to the hawks and the sparrows . After many months , they succeeded in preaching the commandment of love unto the species separately , but are not able to get them to love each other . The sparrow hawks continue to kill and eat the sparrows , as it is in their nature . After the tale , the journey of Totò and Ninetto carries on , the Crow still accompanying them . They encounter other individuals land owners who order them out off their land when they are caught defecating a family living in absolute poverty with no food and who Totò threatens to drive out of the house if the rent is not paid a group of travelling actors representing figures marginalised from society such as women , those that are gay , the elderly , racial minorities , and the disabled and who persuade the pair to push the group s Cadillac car for them and a rich man who is waiting for Totò to give him the money he owes him in contrast to the earlier episode where Toto had demanded rent . After that , a brief extract of news footage of the funeral of Palmiro Togliatti , the long time leader of the Italian Communist Party . Then , after having met a prostitute , they end up killing and eating the Crow , whom they found to be unconscionably boring . Pasolini declared that Uccellacci e uccellini was his favourite film , as it was the only one that did not disappoint his expectations . Ennio Morricone s opening theme music features Domenico Modugno singing the movie s credits .
<|crime|>In the opening , Kolchak is sitting on the bed of a sleazy hotel room , listening to a replay of his dictation on his portable tape recorder . The notes are about a series of murders that have plagued the Las Vegas Strip , and a cover up of those events by the authorities . All of the victims had their bodies drained of blood . When a meeting is conducted with the sheriff s department , the DEA , the police and others , they discover the suspect s true identity is Janos Skorzeny , who is the prime suspect in multiple homicides involving massive loss of blood extending back years . When Skorzeny attempts to rob a hospital , the police are called to stop him . Skorzeny is shot multiple times without effect , and manages to escape by outrunning a police car and motorcycle . Kolchak has a girlfriend named Gail Foster Carol Lynley who earns her living as a dancer , which Kolchak attempts to get her to give up . At Gail s urging , Kolchak looks into vampire lore . The evidence persuades Kolchak to suspect that Skorzeny is a vampire , much to the disbelief of his boss Anthony Vincenzo Simon Oakland . Kolchak is able to convince the police that they are fighting a vampire , as the suspect possesses incredible strength and cannot be harmed by gunfire . Kolchak ultimately destroys the vampire , and unlike subsequent productions , he does so with the help of his friend in the FBI a credible eyewitness . Kolchak writes his version of the story for the newspaper , and proposes to his girlfriend , telling her that they will both move to New York City . However , in quick succession , the authorities print a false version of the newspaper story with his byline , and threaten to charge Kolchak with first degree murder unless he quietly leaves Las Vegas . Kolchak is told that his girlfriend Gail has already been forced to leave the city for engaging in unsavory activities . Carl exhausts his savings placing personal advertisements across the country in a futile attempt to find her . The final scene is of Kolchak in the sleazy hotel room , finishing his book . He explains that if anyone tries to verify the events in the book , they will find that everyone involved in the incident in even the slightest way has either left town , is not talking , or is dead , there is no file on the suspect , all of the evidence has been destroyed by the authorities , and all of the bodies were cremated .
<|horror|>A German high school student , Sonja Lena Stolze as a fictionalized version of Anna Rosmus wins an essay contest and goes on a trip to Paris . Martin Wegmus begins teaching physics at Sonja s school and one of Sonja s classmates falls in love with him . Almost by luck , Mr . Wegmus and Sonja kiss . The teacher promises to return for her . The next year , she enters the contest again . She chooses My Town During the Third Reich from the possible topics . Her research leads her to discover that her picture perfect town had been intimately involved in the Third Reich and that nearly all of the city s prominent families were members of the Nazi party long before it came to power . As she digs further , local authorities stonewall her efforts . Sonja persists and learns that there had been eight concentration camps in the area and that all the Jews were forced out of the town and had their property confiscated . Sonja marries Martin , and the townsfolk think Sonja has dropped the issue of Nazi involvement . Sonja bears two daughters and studies history at the University . She resumes her research into the town s Nazi past , and wins court cases granting her access to archives . She still has to employ trickery to get the information she wants , however . In response , her town s hostility grows from verbal abuse , to death threats to physical assaults as they attempt to silence her with increasing desperation , but nothing deters her . Meanwhile , her husband feels emasculated as he s forced to take care of the children . The family survives a bomb from the angry townsfolk , but Sonja keeps up her research . At the end , the townspeople change their tune , even putting a bust of Sonja at the town hall . Sonja sees this as a means to silence her and rejects the honor .
<|crime|>In 2020 , ecological disaster has driven the wealthy to an underground city . Jason Storm is part of an elite security force called the Tracker Communicators who protect the city against the surface world survivors who could not afford to escape . Zoey Kinsella , the deceased founder s daughter , joins him as his rookie partner . After a raid by starving surface world survivors breaches the city s force field , Zoey comes to believe they have inside help . Storm acknowledges the possibility but is more concerned with his clashes against the Controller , the leader of the city s security , and his enforcer , Bigalow . The Controller wants to use a cybernetic project to replace the Tracker Communicators , but he can not find any volunteers Niki Picasso and his gang penetrate the underground city s force field and head directly to a disused area of the city . There , in a hidden cache , they find ammunition and an automatic rifle , a weapon that has become extremely rare . While Picasso pins down Storm and Kinsella , an unseen adversary shoots Kinsella dead . Convinced of a coverup , Storm angrily resigns , only to have the Controller send Bigalow to kill him . When Storm escapes the city , the Controller frames him for Kinsella s death and sets the security forces after him . Unknown to Storm , the Controller has Kinsella resurrected as a cyborg and programs her to be his personal assassin . Her first mission is to seduce Picasso and recruit him to take over a research facility guarded by the Lifers , a powerful gang . On the surface world , Storm encounters a martial arts master , Sumai , and his daughter . Sumai helps Storm infiltrate Picasso s lair , but the cybernetic Kinsella easily defeats Storm . As Storm recovers , Sumai trains him . Sumai , former head of security at the research facility , tells Storm that Kinsella s father was the person who founded it . The facility was originally meant to counter the ecological damage but was converted into a chemical weapons factory . Suspecting that the Controller seeks the biological weapons to take over the surface world , Storm and Sumai recruit fighters who are willing to stand up to Picasso . As Picasso overpowers the Lifers with his rifle , the Controller murders the city s leader , the Overlord , and joins him . After launching the chemical weapons , the Controller double crosses Picasso . As the Controller flees the facility , Picasso confronts and kills him , though he left trapped in a silo . The chemicals , though currently inert , will kill every surface dweller unless a countdown is aborted . After defeating Bigalow and his men , Storm and Sumai break into the control room , where the Controller has left Kinsella . Storm helps her to remember her true self , and she guesses several passwords . Finally , with time running out , Sumai guesses the correct password and saves the surface world . Picasso calls for help when they ignore him , he vows revenge .
<|crime|>With much of the rest of the world at war , a number of bored British aristocrats live dissolute and hedonistic lives in a region of the Kenya Colony known as Happy Valley , drinking , drugging and indulging in decadent sexual affairs to pass the time . On 24 January 1941 , Josslyn Hay , the philandering Earl of Erroll , is found dead in his car in a remote location . The Earl has a noble pedigree but a somewhat sordid past and a well deserved reputation for having affairs with married women . Diana Delves Broughton is one such woman . She is the beautiful wife of Sir John Henry Delves Broughton , known to most as Jock , a man 30 years her senior . Diana has a pre nuptial understanding with her husband that should either of them fall in love with someone else , the other will do nothing to impede the romance . Diana has indeed succumbed to the charms of the roguish Earl of Erroll , whose other lovers also include the drug addicted American heiress Alice de Janze and the somewhat more reserved Nina Soames . The Earl is more serious about this affair than any of his earlier dalliances , and wants Diana to marry him . She is reluctant to leave what she thinks is the financial security of her marriage to formalise her relationship with Erroll who has no funds or prospects , unaware that Delves Broughton is deep in debt . Privately humiliated but appearing to honour their agreement , Delves Broughton publicly toasts the couple s affair at the club in Nairobi , asking Erroll to bring Diana home at a specified time . Delves Broughton appears to be extremely intoxicated for the rest of the evening once he is alone it is clear he was feigning drunkenness . After dropping off Diana , Erroll is shot to death in his car not far from the home of Delves Broughton who is soon charged with Errol s murder . Diana is distraught over losing her lover , as is Alice , who openly masturbates next to his corpse at the mortuary . A local plantation owner , Gilbert Colvile , whose only friend is Delves Broughton , quietly offers Diana advice and solace and ultimately shocks her by proposing marriage . Delves Broughton stands trial . There are no witnesses to the crime and the physical evidence that appears incriminating is also circumstantial . He obviously had the motive and means , but is found innocent and the scandal comes to an end . De Janze is dying of a drug overdose , and Diana discovering further evidence that implicates her husband in her lover s death . After menacing her with a shotgun , Broughton shoots himself in front of her . The film ends with a fleeing , bloodstained Diana discovering the remaining Happy Valley set partying around de Janze s grave .
<|horror|>House Un American Activities Committee investigators Jim McLain John Wayne and Mal Baxter James Arness come to Hawaii to track American Communist Party activities . They are interested in everything from insurance fraud to the sabotage of a U . S . naval vessel . After receiving useful information from reporter Phil Briggs Vernon Red McQueen , the agents begin searching for Willie Nomaka , a former party treasurer , who has allegedly experienced a nervous breakdown and attends the clinic of psychiatrist Dr . Gelster Gayne Whitman . The doctor s secretary , Nancy Vallon Nancy Olson , is helpful as well . McLain asks her on a date and a romance develops . Nomaka s landlady , Madge Veda Ann Borg , assists in the investigation , flirting with McLain . Nomaka s ex wife Madame Soo Yong also helps McLain . Nomaka is eventually found to be staying in a sanitorium , heavily drugged and unable to speak . Party leader Sturak Alan Napier gives orders to Dr . Gelster to get rid of him . Gelster also kills McLain s partner Baxter , by mistake , when he succumbs to an injection of truth serum . As the investigators close in , Sturak attempts to make Gelster confess to his Party membership so the case can be closed and so others can continue their nefarious work . Their meeting is interrupted by McLain , who instigates a brawl . Police arrive to place Party leaders under arrest , but ultimately he and Nancy Vallon see them plead the Fifth Amendment and go free .
<|action|>Jayarajan Mohanlal , an over enthusiastic assistant manager at a tea plantation plans to loot a huge amount . He lures two debt ridden subordinates , Chandran Rahman and Johnny Nedumudi Venu , into his conspiracy . Though unwillingly , both agree . But during their attempt , A . K . Menon Janardhanan , the manager of the company catches them red handed . To keep matters under wraps , Jayarajan enters Menon s house at night along with Johnny and Chandran . Jayarajan kills Menon and escapes from the house . He acts normal the next day and provides help to the police . But both Johnny and Chandran feel guilty . Jayarajan threatens both to keep silent and act as if nothing happened . Soon , however , Jayarajan is elevated as the new Manager of the company . Devi Kajal Kiran , the virgin young widow of Menon arrives at the plantation for future financial formalities . Jayarajan , who already was having an affair with Padma , a nurse , now eyes Devi . He succeeds in taking her to bed and plans to take up all the financial benefits that she may get as Menon s bereavement benefits . But a cop , Ravi Ratheesh , becomes suspicious of Jayarajan although he finds himself no match for the flawless and naturally responsive demeanour of Jayarajan . However , neither is he shunning his illicit relationship with Padma , an occasional prostitute and a nurse by profession . In a strange turn of events , for fear of a faint hearted Chandran spilling out the beans of the Manager s murder and to satiate his avarice and taste of the fresher flesh , Jayarajan finishes off Johnny and Padma . His impeccable yet vile and strong character raises no suspicions of the two new deaths of anybody except Chandran , whose silence Jayarajan buys with scare tactics . Meanwhile , the elderly owner of the estate K . P . Ummer visits the plantation . Knowing that his young daughter Vasanthi is set to inherit the company , Jayarajan tries to woo her too . But Devi becomes a hindrance in his plans and her insistence for a marriage pushes him to plot killing her too . But before he can kill Devi , Chandran informs Vasanthi the truth about the death of Menon and both succeed in calling up cops . But before getting arrested by Ravi , Jayarajan jumps down and commits suicide .
<|comedy|>The film is set in a near future chaotic Japan . A mad scientist known as Key Man Itsuji Itao has created a virus that mutates humans into monstrous creatures called Engineers that sprout bizarre weapons from any injury . The Tokyo Police Force has been privatized to deal with this new threat of engineers , so a special squad of officers called Engineer Hunters are created to deal with them . However , unlike the average police force , the Engineer Hunters are a private quasi military force that utilize violence , sadism , and streetside executions to maintain law and order . Helping the police force is Ruka Eihi Shiina , a troubled loner who is very skilled in dispatching the Engineers . Along with helping the police , she is looking for the killer of her father , an old fashioned officer who was murdered in broad daylight by a mysterious assassin . Ruka soon receives a new case to hunt down Key Man , but once she encounters him , he infects her by inserting a key shaped tumor into her scar riddled left forearm before disappearing . Meanwhile , after an infected police officer massacres the main precinct , the Tokyo police chief Yukihide Benny orders a city wide crackdown on Engineers indiscriminately executing anyone suspected of being one . While continuing her investigation , Ruka visits Key Man s home , where he reveals the truth about their past . His father was a police sniper who resigned after a sniping operation gone wrong . Desperate to keep his family out of poverty , he was paid to assassinate Ruka s father , who was leading a rally against the privatization of the police force . But shortly after gunning down Ruka s father before her eyes , he was murdered by the police chief the real mastermind of the assassination in front of Key Man . Swearing to avenge his father s death , he injected himself with the DNA of several infamous criminals , mutating him into his present form . After realizing that she and Key Man are seeking vengeance on the same man , Ruka slices him in half with her katana before heading back to the precinct . On her way , she witnesses the police force brutalizing civilians accused of being Engineers . When her bar owner friend Ikuko Sawada is drawn and quartered , Ruka s left arm mutates into an alien like head with razor sharp claws before she beheads the officers behind the execution . During her rampage , she is shot in the right eye , but her body quickly replaces it with a cybernetic eye . She confronts the police chief , who admits to her father s assassination , but explains that he raised her to become the perfect Engineer Hunter as atonement . Following a grueling sword fight , Ruka dismembers and eventually decapitates the police chief effectively bringing down his reign on the police force . During the end credits , it is revealed that Key Man is still alive , having mended himself back into one piece with the help of one of his test subjects .
<|mystery|>Thrown naked in a desolate room with thirteen strangers , Tonya Mane discovers she is playing a deadly game . She must figure out the reason for her abduction . In the room , Tonya finds a tape recorder that explains the rules , one of the which state Only those without collars can break the rules . One of the strangers cross a forbidden zone , and the electric collar that he wears kills him instantly . A box marked Pieces catches Tonya s interest , but none of the strangers tell her what is inside . Another stranger finds a piece of paper in his pocket written on it is , Hint piece the pieces . Another rule is shown that players may not adjust their collars . As the game progresses , they become mad and frantically try to find a way out . The host explains that there can be only one winner , and the prize is that person s life . The strangers get to know each other . One is a recovering alcoholic , another is a teacher who teaches sixth grade English , and another works in sales Tonya says she is a psychology student . One of the strangers is kidnapped by an unknown entity however , another person finds her dead in the toilet . The game progresses once again , and another person finds a paper in a closed drawer . The note reads , Hint fourteen is the key , which seems to refer to Tonya , as she is the fourteenth contestant . A bespeckled man finds a paper in his pocket with the words Hint Jumble . Later on , another person is killed , and one of the strangers accuses the others of murder . Enraged , the same person screams to break one of the cameras . The prisoners find a mirror cabinet and use a hammer to break it . Inside , there is a black box , with serial written on it and containing flakes and a sealed paper . They open it and find the words , hint What is your favorite type of serial ? In this game there are three . One rapist , one pedophile and one killer , find the killer , find the reason . The people ask each other more questions , and the host tells them they have a minute before someone is eliminated . One of them commits suicide by shooting himself in the mouth . Tonya pieces together a key . Amid further eliminations , the others learn that these killings are called curfews . Tonya discovers that the key could unlock one of the collars . Two people get into a fight that causes one of them to start frothing and die . Another person finds himself inside with the others . The new contestant name is Robert Tanner . Tanner later finds a black box containing bullets with another paper with the words Hint Bite the bullet .
<|crime|>During World War II , with shipping being sunk by submarines and with an American scientist working on radio technology killed by Nazi spies , FBI agent G . B . Fleming Roger Pryor comes up with a plan to catch the Nazis . He believes that radio signals are alerting the Germans about ship movements . His plan is to fire all the local radio specialists , who likely will seek any employment , including working with the enemy . Tailing the jobless radio men will help the FBI find the Nazis . Engineer Lewis J . Lew Deerhold Richard Arlen thinks he lost his job because he is a Canadian citizen . Lew looks after his niece Tina Patsy Nash , a war orphan requiring a brain operation . Needing money , he applies for work at a radio repair shop , where he meets Ann Patterson Wendy Barrie , the victim of a purse snatching . Lew recovers her purse and asks Ann out on a date . After coming back to his apartment , his new boss is there with Dr . Arthur Huneker Nils Asther and his assistant Vincent Bela Marc Lawrence . Lew is offered a job by Huneker , a Nazi spy commander who needs someone to repair a top secret stolen radio transmitter . Ann is an FBI agent who has been assigned to follow Lew . She finds blueprints to the transmitter in Lew s possession . When FBI agent Freddie Grayson Ralph Sanford searches Lew s apartment , he is shot but is able to tell Lew that the doctor has the stolen transmitter and shot him . Lew confronts Huneker , who is meeting with Japanese Commander Toyo Abner Biberman . The pair try to convince Lew to join the Nazi party he pretends to go along . When they begin to torture the owner of the Bambridge shipping company John Miljan , their new recruit is ordered to kill Bambridge , who is actually Captain Hargas , an American agent . Instead , Lew escapes , taking with him the codes for the transmitter . At the doctor s hot springs resort , Lew and Ann join forces , but are captured and locked in a steam room by Huneker . Before they are killed by the steam , Lew devises a transmitter and sends an SOS that is picked up by a young boy whose father calls the FBI . FBI agents rush to save Lew and Ann , and arrest Huneker and his men . Agent Fleming also contacts a bomber squadron that destroys the Japanese submarine laying in wait off the California coast . With his niece Tina recovered from her operation , and Ann in attendance , Lew , now a private in the US Army , is granted American citizenship .
<|horror|>A ruthless superintendent of a prison , Amelia van Zandt , makes life hell for the female inmates . Her rules are rigid and she makes no exceptions . The newcomer Helene Jensen is not a hardened criminal by any means , but a woman convicted of vehicular homicide after she accidentally killed a child . Out of place here , Helene is so distraught that Van Zandt has her placed in solitary confinement , making it even worse . Helene nearly dies . The prison has two wings , one for women , one for men . One of the inmates , Joan Burton , has been illicitly having conjugal relations late at night with her husband , Glen , a convict in the other wing . Now she is expecting a baby , and brutal men s warden Brock issues a stern warning to Van Zandt that she d better find out how the two prisoners have been arranging these meetings . Joan has the sympathy of the decent Dr . Crane who s in charge of the infirmary and disapproves of the cruel treatment of prisoners he sees . But the heartless Van Zandt goes into a literally homicidal rage while interrogating Joan , beating the pregnant prisoner to death . A protest erupts in the women s cell block , beginning with a hunger strike organized by Joan s cell mate , Brenda Martin , then turning into a full scale riot . Naive or timid inmates are swept up along with the vicious , veteran ones , and there is much bloodshed before the uprising is quelled . Dr . Crane intends to go to the prison board and accuse Van Zandt of murder .
<|crime|>Businessman John Earl observes a piece of artwork in a museum , gazing at it reverently . He asks the museum curator how much it costs , and the curator says that it is not for sale . The artist , James Harlan Corbin Lederer , does not wish to sell the painting . Nonplussed , Earl returns to his office and phones Corbin with his proposal to sell . Again , Corbin refuses . Earl continues his pursuit to find out who the model for the painting was . He learns it is Helen North , a young woman who looks nothing like the woman in the painting . He visits with her to learn his location , but she refuses , telling him that she will be singing at a local nightclub , where Corbin frequents . Earl finds both of them in the museum , and again confronts Corbin . Becoming clearly annoyed , Corbin invites the singer out for a night in his yacht . She agrees , but is later found washed ashore . Although Police Lt . Roberts initially questions Helen s suitor Hunt Mason , Mason implicates Corbin as the last person who saw Helen North . John Earl works with the police department to arrange for Helen s sister Linda to apply for modeling , in order to spy on Corbin . The two return to Corbin s boathouse . While there , Linda calls for Earl and tells his chef that she is in danger and to notify the police . There , she learns that Corbin did not murder her sister . Thereafter , she falls in love with Corbin and agrees to support him against the district attorney s allegations he killed both Helen and another model , Madonna . Although Corbin has visions that he did so , Linda tells him to make sure he is telling the truth before confessing such heinous crimes . Linda returns home with Corbin s mother , who poisons her tea and tries to inject her with a lethal substance before police shoot . Corbin had suddenly recognized who it was that had planted evidence at the boathouse to implicate him . Police arrive just in time to save Linda from death but not Mrs . Corbin , who dies in her son s arms .
<|crime|>The film opens in the small town of Liberty , where a vicious group of neo Nazis have been terrorizing the populace , most recently having murdered an African American pastor and set fire to his church . While visiting his sister and brother in law in Liberty , Tommy Lee Phillip Rhee crosses paths with the group s leader Donnie Hansen Mark Rolston , and is drawn into the conflict when his sister is attacked in their car . Later , the group attempts to harass a schoolteacher named Margo Gina Gershon at the local 4 H fair , but Tommy intervenes and fends them off . Ungrateful at first , she eventually warms up to Tommy when they are set up on a blind date , and they start a relationship . Meanwhile , the town of Liberty is holding hearings on whether to sell a parcel of land on the outskirts of town to the neo Nazis , who have set up their headquarters on the land . Margo and Tommy join with the town s residents and convince the town council to reject the land sale , which means the neo Nazis will soon have to vacate the premises . After this defeat , the neo Nazis arm themselves and launch an assault on Tommy s family . After saving Margo from an attempted rape , Tommy returns home to find his sister badly beaten . He and his brother in law , the local sheriff Jack Banning Christopher McDonald , decide to take matters into their own hands and invade the group s heavily guarded compound , where Jack s children have been taken hostage . After a long , climactic fight , the children are rescued and Tommy defeats Hansen in single combat , but refuses to kill him , knowing that it would only further his message of hatred . As Tommy turns away , Hansen takes aim at him with a rifle , prompting a local teenager named Owen Tucker Peter Simmons to shoot and kill Hansen himself , thus brokering a new peace in the town . The ending scene shows the pastor s child reading from the Bible and the church being rebuilt .
<|crime|>The story begins in 1857 , when a large part of India was under the control of the British East India Company . Mangal Pandey Aamir Khan is a sepoy , a soldier of Indian origin , in the army of the East India Company . While fighting in the Anglo Afghan Wars , he saves the life of his British commanding officer , William Gordon Toby Stephens . Gordon is indebted to Pandey and a strong friendship develops between them , transcending rank and race . Gordon rescues a young widow , Jwala Ameesha Patel , from committing sati the act of following her deceased husband on to the funeral pyre and afterwards , he falls in love with her . Meanwhile , Heera Rani Mukerji has been sold into prostitution , to work for Lol Bibi Kirron Kher . There is a spark of attraction between her and Pandey and a liaison follows . Gordon and Pandey s friendship is challenged following the introduction of a new rifle the Enfield rifled musket . Rumours spread among the sepoys that the paper cartridges , which hold the powder and ball for the rifle , are greased with either pig fat or beef tallow . The process of loading the rifle requires the soldier to bite the down on the cartridge , and the soldiers believe that this would cause them to consume pork or beef acts abhorrent to Muslim and Hindu soldiers for religious reasons . Gordon investigates this claim , and is told by his superiors to assure Pandey and his men that the cartridges are free from animal contamination . Demonstrating his trust in Gordon , Pandey bites the cartridge , but soon afterwards discovers the truth . This seemingly trivial matter becomes the spark that lights the fire of rebellion among the sepoys . Mutiny breaks out , led by Pandey , and the situation escalates , fueled by the frustration of years of colonialism and subjugation . At one point , Pandey and Gordon engage involved in hand to hand combat as the latter tries to dissuade his friend from what he believes to be a futile exercise that will only lead to certain death . The Company moves to quickly stop the uprising by bringing in army units from Myanmar Burma . Pandey is captured and set to be exectuted , despite the protestations of Gordon , who reasons that Pandey will be revered as a martyr and that his legacy will cause more protests . This turns out to be correct , and Pandey marries Heera in his jail cell before his execution as scenes of nationwide revolt against British rule are shown . In the aftermath , Gordon is listed as having joined the rebellion against the British Raj . The film ends with a montage of drawings of the historical rebellion and the narrator describes the progress of the Indian independence movement over the next century . The montage ends with documentary footage of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi leading the Indian National Congress during peaceful protests against British rule in the 1940s , eventually forcing an end to colonialism in the subcontinent .
<|comedy|>Theatrical agent Al Stewart Bud Abbott has successfully booked his client , Dorothy McCoy Dorothy Shay , The Manhattan Hillbilly , at a New York nightclub . Unfortunately , he has also booked an inept escape artist , The Great Wilbert Lou Costello , at the same location . During his performance , Wilbert cannot escape from his shackles and screams for help . Dorothy recognizes Wilbert s shrill scream as the McCoy clan yell . More evidence of Wilbert s heritage , namely a photograph and concertina , are found in his dressing room , and prove that he is the long lost grandson of Squeeze Box McCoy , leader of the McCoy clan . Granny McCoy Ida Moore has been looking for Wilbert , as she will reveal where Squeeze Box hid his gold to kinfolk only . Al , Dorothy and Wilbert head to Kentucky , and Granny recounts the story of the McCoy Winfield feud that began over 60 years ago . The McCoys choose Wilbert to represent them against Devil Dan Winfield Glenn Strange in a turkey shoot . Wilbert has never even seen a gun before , and his carelessness leads to a revival of the feud . Granny informs Wilbert that even though he is Squeeze Box s kin , he must get married before the location of the gold can be revealed . Wilbert proposes to Dorothy , who declines because she is in love with Clark Winfield Kirby Grant . Wilbert then goes to Aunt Huddy Margaret Hamilton to obtain a love potion to use on Dorothy . While obtaining the potion , Huddy and Wilbert make voodoo dolls of each other and proceed to stick pins in them , which inflicts pain in the other person . After finally obtaining the potion , Wilbert gets on Huddy s broom complete with windshield and wipers , flies through the door and crashes into a tree . The potion initially works well , as Dorothy does fall for Wilbert , but unfortunately everyone gets a sip of the concoction and falls in love . The potion s effects eventually fade , and Clark and Dorothy prepare to marry . The Winfield clan soon arrives ready for a fight , during which a stray bullet breaks the love potion jar , leading Devil Dan to taste it and fall for Wilbert . Soon afterwards , a map leading to the treasure is found in Wilbert s concertina . Devil Dan helps them enter the mine , where they eventually break through the rock , finding themselves in a vault filled with gold . Armed guards arrive to arrest the hapless treasure seekers , who have just broken into Fort Knox .
<|comedy|>Taking place in the early 1980s and set in the context of the Vietnam War POW MIA issue , retired Marine Colonel Jason Rhodes Gene Hackman is obsessed with finding his son Frank , listed as missing in action MIA since 1972 . After 10 years of searching Southeast Asia and turning up several leads , Rhodes believes that Frank is still alive and being kept in Laos as a prisoner of war . After petitioning the United States government for help , but receiving none , Colonel Rhodes brings together a disparate group of Vietnam War veterans , including some who were a part of Frank s platoon Wilkes Fred Ward , a tunnel rat who suffers from PTSD Blaster , a demolitions expert Reb Brown and Sailor , a mental case with a heart of gold Randall Cobb . Additionally , two helicopter pilots , Distinguished Flying Cross recipient Johnson Harold Sylvester and Charts Tim Thomerson , join the group . Former Force Recon Marine Kevin Scott Patrick Swayze joins the team and later turns out to be the son of a pilot who was blown up with a grenade in Vietnam and listed as MIA . With the financial backing of rich oil businessman McGregor Robert Stack , whose son served in Frank s platoon and is also listed among the missing , the men train near Galveston , Texas , before embarking on their trip to the Laos camp in an attempt to bring back the POWs . However , the CIA , fearing an international crisis from Rhodes actions , intercepts him in Bangkok and confiscates his weapons and equipment . Still determined to rescue their comrades , the team members put together their expense money given to them by McGregor , and Rhodes contacts an acquaintance of his , deposed local drug baron Jiang Kwan Hi Lim , who joins the expedition with his two daughters Lai Fun and Mai Lin and manages to supply them with outdated but capable World War II weapons . In the course of the expedition , Charts gradually forms a relationship with Lai Fun . Near the Laotian border , the group is attacked by a border patrol and Mai Lin is killed . Later , the group divides Rhodes leads Charts , Sailor , Johnson , and Lai Fun to a helicopter compound to secure escape transportation , while the rest of the team scouts out the prison camp . They find four Americans among the prisoners , but are unable to ascertain Frank s presence among them . The teams spend the night with preparations , and the next morning they commence the attack . In a heated battle , they manage to spring the prisoners , among them McGregor s son , but Frank is not among them , and Blaster , Sailor , and Jiang are killed in the process . From McGregor , Rhodes has to learn that his son became ill soon after his capture and died , despite McGregor s best efforts . The returners are joyously welcomed by their families , and Rhodes finds that in learning the fate of his son , he has gained some closure for his wife and himself .
<|horror|>Set against the backdrop of the days preceding Britain declaring war on Germany , the main character is George Harvey Bone , a lonely borderline alcoholic who suffers from a split personality . He is obsessed with gaining the affections of Netta , a failed actress and one of George s circle of friends with whom he drinks . Netta is repelled by George but , being greedy and manipulative , she and a mutual acquaintance , Peter , shamelessly exploit George s advances to extract money and drink from him . George suffers from dead moods in which he is convinced he must kill Netta for the way she treats him . Upon recovering from these interludes , he cannot remember them . However outside these he embarks on several adventures , trying in vain to win Netta s affections , including a romantic trip to Brighton which goes horribly wrong Netta brings Peter and a previously unknown man with whom she has sex in the hotel room next to George s . Apart from being a source of money and alcohol , Netta s other reason for continuing to associate with George is because of Johnnie . He is one of George s long time friends who works for a theatrical agent , and Netta hopes that through him she will get to meet Eddie Carstairs , a powerful figure in the theatre . However , in a final reversal of fortune it is George , not Netta , who ends up attending a party amongst the theatrical great and good whilst Netta is cast aside by Eddie who unlike George has immediately seen her for the unpleasant person she is . George suddenly realises what it is like to be surrounded by kind people who are interested in him as a person rather than what he can provide . This potentially promising turn of events in George s life is , however , dashed , when he suddenly clicks into a dead mood and resumes his murder plans . He executes his murder of Netta and also of Peter , whom the narrative describes as a fascist moments before he is murdered before escaping to Maidenhead . Throughout the novel , Maidenhead represents for George a semi mythical new beginning , and representing a picture of traditional Englishness in contrast to the seaminess of Earl s Court . However , in the closing pages of the novel the stark fallacy of that dream becomes apparent to George . It is the same as everywhere else . Now penniless , he gasses himself in a dingy Maidenhead boarding house .
<|mystery|>During a Buzkashi competition with a neighbouring tribe in Afghanistan , Badshah Khan Amitabh Bachchan falls in love with Benazir Sridevi and wants to marry her . Benazir agrees to marry him , on the condition that he must bring her the head of Habibullah , who killed her father . Badshah Khan goes to India to search for Habibullah . He finds Habibullah in a prison and breaks him out to take him back . He has the jailer Ranveer Singh Vikram Gokhale on his trail . He chops off Habibullah s head . When confronted by Ranveer , he tells him that he would be back in a month to receive punishment for taking Habibullah . Badshah goes back to Afghanistan and marries Benazir after the time limit , he comes back to India and surrenders himself to Ranveer Singh , who he addresses as Rajput Khan and is jailed for five years . While Badshah Khan is away , his childhood friend Khuda Baksh Danny Denzongpa assumes the role of a guardian for Benazir . To avenge Habibullah s death , his brother Pasha Kiran Kumar kidnaps the daughter of jailor Ranveer , Heena , in return for Badshah . Badshah finds out about this and escapes from jail he confronts Pasha , only to have Inspector Aziz Mirza Bharat Kapoor kill Ranveer Singh . With Ranveer Singh s daughter as a pawn in Pasha s hands , Badshah admits to killing Ranveer Singh and is sentenced to 15 years . When Aziz s wife who thinks of Badshah as her brother visits him , she ends up killing her husband to protect Badshah , but Badshah takes the blame for that murder as well since he believes that her son Raja needs her . At that time , Benazir sends Khuda Baksh to check on Badshah . Due to his very long stay in prison , Badshah makes Khuda Baksh promise to take care of his daughter Mehndi and tell his wife Benazir that he is now dead so that she can move on rather than wait for him . Benazir goes mad when she hears the news that her husband is dead . On coming out of prison , Badshah meets with his now grown daughter , Mehndi also Sridevi , who has found out that her father is still alive and has come to India to look for her father the daughter of Ranveer Singh , Heena Shilpa Shirodkar , who is also in the police force and knows all about Badshah s past and respects him as her uncle and the son of Inspector Aziz Mirza , Inspector Raja Mirza Nagarjuna , who has found out that it was Badshah who had killed his father and is out for vengeance . In a twist of fate , Raja is in love with Mehndi , even though he wants to kill her father . In this are added old enemies and rivalries when Pasha , now a major crime lord , gets involved . Benazir and Khuda Baksh are kidnapped by him . The truth is eventually revealed to Raja about his father , and he joins of hands with Badshah and Heena to beat their mutual enemy .
<|crime|>A young woman Sameena Jabeen Ahmed has run away from her Pakistani family and is living with her Scottish boyfriend . Living in a caravan , the couple get along on minimal resources with Laila working as an assistant at a local hairdresser while Aaron looks for work . Laila s brother , a gang of friends and two hired thugs track her down . When Aaron is out at a local shop , the Asian men track Laila down to the caravan . Laila s brother enters alone , and , after a struggle , he is accidentally wounded and dies , allowing Laila to escape through a window . When Aaron receives a photograph on his phone showing his mother tied up and gagged , he and Laila decide to give themselves up . As they walk towards both cars the Pakistani group walk forward and one man repeatedly hits Aaron with an axe . The elder man of the other party , Tony , runs out of his car with a pistol , furious at the men and tells Laila to get in the car . They drive off , Laila is returned to her distressed father and the man is paid and drives away . The film ends with Laila forced to place a noose around her neck and stand on a chair . She begs her father to let her take it off but , in a state of confusion and anger over his son s death , he sits on the floor , head in hands . The film ends leaving the audience to speculate upon Laila s fate .
<|mystery|>John Vickers has spent eight years hunting for the three men who murdered the woman he loved . He finds one , Woodson , and kills him in a gunfight , but not before learning that the other two men have joined the U . S . Cavalry . En route to North Dakota , where Vickers plans to join the men under the command of George Armstrong Custer to continue his search , he sees a sergeant named O Hara physically manhandling a woman . Molly Quade is grateful for his intervention , but O Hara gets even when Vickers ends up serving under him at the fort , giving him the most unpleasant duties . Molly has come to the fort to help her father Sam Quade run a general store . He is opposed to her attraction to Vickers . On an assignment , soldiers are badly outnumbered by a band of Sioux until being rescued by Custer and his troops . Vickers is recognized by Custer as a former Union officer and is promoted to first sergeant . O Hara realizes that Vickers suspects him to be one of the killers of his fiancee . An ambush attempt fails , so he deserts the Army and flees . A wagon train is formed to evacuate civilians while Custer prepares to do battle at Little Big Horn , but along the way , Molly , her father and Vickers are taken captive . O Hara is a prisoner , too , and when he learns Custer s men will be hopelessly outnumbered and slaughtered , he tries to go warn the general and sacrifices his own life , distracting the Sioux until the others can escape . Molly becomes aware that Sam , her father , is the third killer Vickers has been seeking . Before she can persuade Vickers not to kill him , Sam rides off to warn Custer , which will certainly lead to his own death .
<|horror|>Three men Dr . Ken Tashiro , Dr . Jules Masson , and Perry Lawton are trapped in a bathysphere due to seismic activity . They are rescued by the crew of the supersubmarine Alpha , captained by Craig Mackenzie Cotten , who they learn is over 200 years old and that the Alpha was launched in the early 19th century . Mackenzie takes them to Latitude Zero to deal with the serious injuries of Dr Masson . While returning to Latitude Zero , they are attacked by a rival supersubmarine , the Black Shark , captained by Kuroi Hikaru Kuroki , who works for a rival of Mackenzie , Dr . Malic Romero , who is also over 200 years old and has a base at Blood Rock . Latitude Zero is a paradise hidden fifteen miles below the surface at the intersection of the Equator and the International Date Line . Gold is plentiful there and is used for protective clothing by the island s newcomers , while those who arrived in the 19th century prefer to dress as they are accustomed , as no one ages or dies . Diamonds are very common and used only in industrial use . Dr . Malic , however , wishes to destroy the paradise of Latitude Zero , and uses giant rats and anthropomorphic bats in addition to James Bond style devices against the undersea kingdom . Worst of all , after a cruel experiment grafting the wings of an eagle to a lion , he removes the brain of the unsuccessful Kuroi and places her brain in the creature . This proves to be his undoing when , at a critical moment , Kuroi turns against Malic as he prepares to fire an energy cannon at the escaping visitors , causing their destruction . Of all the visitors to Latitude Zero , only Perry Lawton Jaeckel , a journalist , wishes to return home . He is picked up by a US Navy vessel and meets a Commander Glenn Mackenzie Cotten again , and is put in the care of Lt . Hastings Romero again . Horrified at whom he sees , Lawton discovers his film is ruined and when he opens the pouch where he placed his complimentary diamonds , he finds tobacco . Just as he is about to resign himself to the fact that his adventure never occurred , the ship is wired a message stating that a cache of diamonds has been deposited in his name in a safe deposit box in New York City .
<|horror|>Agnes White is a waitress at a gay bar living in a run down motel in rural Oklahoma . Unable to move on from the disappearance of her son some years previously , she engages in drug and alcohol binges with her lesbian friend , R . C . Lately , she has been plagued by silent telephone calls that she believes are being made by her abusive ex husband , Jerry Goss , who has recently been released from prison . One night , R . C . introduces Agnes to Peter Evans , a drifter who says he is a recently discharged soldier . Agnes and Peter reach out to each other out of loneliness , and start a relationship . He convinces her that he was the subject of biological testing by the U . S . government while he was in the military , and says the anonymous phone calls she has been receiving were made by government agents in anticipation of his arrival . After they have sex , Peter tells Agnes that their room has become infested by bugs sent there by the government as part of their experiments . Peter s movements and behavior become more erratic as he fights the bugs , invisible to the audience , that he claims are infesting his body . Agnes soon joins in this behavior . Over time , they isolate themselves from the outside world , sealing themselves in their room and covering it with flypaper and aluminum foil and lighting it with the glow from bug zappers . Peter , believing that a colony of microscopic bugs was implanted in one of his teeth , tears it out of his head . Using a child s microscope , he says he sees the bugs in the remains of the crushed tooth , as does Agnes . A Dr . Sweet arrives , and tells Agnes that Peter has escaped while under treatment at a mental institution and that delusions about insects are a known symptom of Peter s mental illness . Peter kills Sweet , telling Agnes that he was a robot sent by the government . Together , Peter and Agnes elaborate upon Peter s beliefs in a conspiracy , including that Agnes son was kidnapped by the government to lead her and Peter to meeting and that each of them is infected with bugs that are meant to mate with one another and take over the world . In order to prevent this , Agnes and Peter douse each other in gasoline and set themselves on fire . In the end credits , the audience sees shots of the toys in Agnes and Peter s room completely intact , with no sign of the aluminium foil , and the body of Dr . Sweet , in the room covered with foil but undamaged by fire . Which shot , if any , shows reality is left unclear .
<|crime|>Harris Wagner Huston frames Jay Wagner Duvall . In order to keep him silent , Jay is incarcerated in a Mexican prison . Jay s wife Ann Ireland is unhappy at this turn of events and hires a Texas bush pilot in Brownsville , Texas , Nick Colton Bronson and his partner Hawk Quaid , to fly into the prison and rescue her husband . The first attempts don t work , so Colton quickly learns how to pilot a helicopter . While Hawk and accomplice Myrna North feign a rape to distract the prison guards , Colton pilots a helicopter into the prison complex , Wagner boards the helicopter , and they escape . The group Colton , Hawk , Myrna , Wagner return to Texas in a four passenger light aircraft . Alerted to the escape , Harris Wagner orders his agent Cable Mantee to Texas to intercept the group . Cable , driving a Citroën SM with Washington , D . C . license plates , locates Ann Wagner and follows her Chevrolet Impala convertible , knowing she will lead him to Jay Wagner . Cable uses false identification to lure Jay Wagner away from the group when they land . Cable nearly succeeds in kidnapping Wagner , but Colton becomes suspicious and pursues them . The film ends with a runway incursion as Cable and Colton fight among departing airplanes at Brownsville Airport .
<|crime|>Set in the mid 1950s , the story is about the Wormsley Common Gang , a boys gang named after the place where they live . The protagonist Trevor , or T . , devises a plan to destroy a beautiful two hundred year old house that survived The Blitz . The gang accepts the plan by T . , their new leader , and executes it when the owner of the house , Mr . Thomas whom the gang call Old Misery , is away during a bank holiday weekend . Their plan is to destroy the house from inside , then tear down the remaining outer structure . Mr . Thomas returns home early , however , and the gang locks him in the outhouse . T . refuses to stop until the destruction job is complete , because even the facade is valuable and could be reused . Inside , they find a mattress filled with money which they burn . The final destruction of the house occurs when a lorry pulls away a support pole from the side of the house . Mr . Thomas is released from the outhouse by the lorry driver to see the rubble of what once was his home . When the driver finds the situation funny Mr . Thomas is incensed , but he is still unable to stop laughing .
<|crime|>Luftwaffe fighter pilot Franz von Werra Hardy Krüger is shot down during the Battle of Britain and captured . He wagers with his RAF interrogator Michael Goodliffe at the POW reception centre , Air Defence Intelligence , located at Trent Park in Cockfosters , near Barnet in Hertfordshire , that he will escape within six months . Initially , von Werra is sent to No 1 prisoner of war POW camp Grizedale Hall in the Furness area of Lancashire . His first escape attempt results in his recapture after an intense manhunt . Subsequently , von Werra is sent to a more secure POW camp based on the Hayes Conference Centre near Swanwick , Derbyshire . He and four others escape through a tunnel . The others pair up , but von Werra continues alone . Reaching Codnor Park railway station , he impersonates a Dutch pilot and claims his Wellington bomber had crashed while on a secret mission . He telephones the nearest airfield , RAF Hucknall , and tricks the duty officer into sending a car . When his story starts to fray , von Werra creeps away and tries to steal an experimental Hawker Hurricane , only to be caught at the last moment . Along with many other POWs , von Werra is sent by ship to Canada . On the train ride across the country , while the guards are distracted , he escapes near Smith s Falls , Ontario , by jumping from a window . Making his way south , von Werra crosses the nearly frozen St Lawrence River in a stolen rowboat and reaches Ogdensburg , New York , in the then still neutral United States to claim asylum . The RAF interrogator receives a postcard from von Werra featuring a photograph of the Statue of Liberty , informing him that he has lost his bet . The epilogue states Despite the efforts of the Canadian Government to obtain his return , and of the United States Authorities to hold him , von Werra crossed the border into Mexico . Travelling by way of Peru , Bolivia , Brazil and Spain , he reached Berlin on 18 April 1941 . On 25 October of the same year , while on patrol , his plane was seen to dive into the sea . No trace of von Werra was found .
<|crime|>The film opens with Alexander Rip Torn stealing a chemical weapon from a military base . The weapon causes an enemy s troops to lose the will to fight , thereby making conquest in battle far easier . This is part of Alexander s dual goal to conquer the world in the manner of Alexander the Great and to break each of the major moral codes in so doing which essentially means the ten commandments as detailed throughout the movie . U . N . C . L . E . becomes involved after the theft of the weapon and agents Napoleon Solo Vaughn and Illya Kuryakin McCallum are assigned . Also searching for Alexander is his estranged wife Tracey Dorothy Provine , although her motive is to serve him with divorce papers . Through a series of coincidences and Tracey s focused efforts to trail the U . N . C . L . E agents to find her husband , Solo , Kuryakin , and Tracey end up joining forces . As a result , they are at various times captured , tortured , left to die in an elaborate way in an Egyptian tomb , and otherwise thwarted by Alexander throughout the film . Alexander believes that if he is able to assist a military junta in the takeover of a small country implied to be Vietnam that he can use that country as a base for world conquest . By careful planning , he combines his final violation of a commandment killing the country s leader with the takeover of the country and the start of his march toward global domination . Intervention by U . N . C . L . E . prevents the assassination , and during his escape Alexander is killed by his own accomplice Kavon David Opatoshu .
<|horror|>Following from the previous film , it shows Eastland walking freely on the streets of New York , without any hint that his dual identity was compromised . He meets up with another old army buddy , Be Gee Faison , who owns a garbage truck . As seen at the beginning of the film , Eastland wears a welders mask and wields a flame thrower , while listening to a police scanner for possible crimes to stop . Slaying the brother of a gang leader named X Van Peebles , the Exterminator gains the gang s enmity . Coincidentally , his army buddy happens to see the gang during a robbery of an armoured car , and scares them away with his truck . However , they get the truck s plate numbers , and vow revenge . Following the truck one night when the buddy loans it to Eastland , they follow Eastland to his home , and , not having seen who the driver of the truck was the night it scared them away , they presume Eastland was the man behind the wheel that night . They attack Eastland s girlfriend in the park , crippling her . Later , they break into her apartment and kill her . Then Eastland and his buddy interrupt a drug deal between X s gang and the mob , stealing the narcotics in the process , though the army buddy dies . Having earlier captured one of the gang members , Eastland allows him to escape to draw X into a confrontation , with the drugs as bait , in a closed up industrial site . Curiously , X seems to be aware of the Exterminator s real name in this final battle . Eastland triumphs , but was shot when last seen , and is seen walking away .
<|mystery|>Robert Rath Sylvester Stallone is a paid assassin who wants nothing more than to get out of the business , haunted by the memory of murdering his own mentor Nicolai years ago . Rath is a quiet , morose professional who is on an assignment to kill someone when someone else gets to the mark the target before he does . That person turns out to be Miguel Bain Antonio Banderas , a fellow assassin and a competitive sociopath . As Rath tries to figure out who sent Bain , the contractor offers him one last job that could financially allow him to retire killing a computer hacker named Electra Julianne Moore and the four Dutch buyers of a disk that contains sensitive information and Rath has to retrieve . However , Electra has set up cameras in all the rooms of the apartment block where she lives and watches them like watching television . Bain first kills the four Dutch buyers who turn out to be Interpol agents , but when Rath comes to kill Electra , for the first time he has a change of heart . His pay for the job is given to him in a briefcase in exchange for the disk . But the briefcase actually contains a bomb placed by his own contractor in an attempt to kill him . Luckily , Electra had swapped the disk , not sure if Rath was coming back or not . The contractor takes the chance and hires Bain to terminate him now having become a target along with Electra he must try and extract enough money out of his contractor so he can disappear for good , while avoiding the bloodthirsty Bain . Rath s contractor turns out to be none other than Nicolai himself who also hired Bain to track down Electra and the disk . Nicolai revealed he had a vest on when Rath shot him years ago and faked his death ever since . Knowing that Nicolai would kill him too , Bain , along with Rath , shot him dead . Bain plans to kill Rath to be the number one assassin . But Electra puts on her sunglasses to allow Rath to see Bain . Rath shot Bain through his jacket killing him .
<|romance|>Dinanath Ashok Kumar is a labourer , who has determined to educate his son Kishore Satyendra Kapoor and make him a doctor and marry Kishore with his friend s Shanu Indrani Mukherjee as promised to his friend on the death bed . Kishore promises to marry Shanu and makes her pregnant . But unfortunately , he has other plans of making quick money . He marries Lata Bindu who is very rich unknowingly . They neglect and insult their parents . Shanu gives birth to a girl , Parvathi again Indrani Mukherjee . Geeta gives birth to a boy , Ravi Jeetendra . Dinanath becomes blind his wife Thulasi Nirupa Roy works as a housemaid in her son s house only without giving her identity . Ravi grows up in her hands , develops lot of affection on Dinanath , Thulasi Parvathi . After 20 years Thulasi reveals the truth while leaving her last breadth , Kishore will not attend to her funeral , because of his status in the society and Dinanath also dies in car accident . Now Ravi decides to teach his parents a lesson for illtreating his grandparents with the help of Advocate Baldev Raj Utpal Dutt and his daughter Sarita Rekha .
<|crime|>After the New Alcatraz massacre , long time inmate Twitch Kurupt gets himself transferred to another . He claims it s to be closer to his lady but his real motives are a bit more grandiose than that . There he crosses paths with Burke Bill Goldberg a bulky prisoner who is unfriendly and doesn t want to talk about anyone . Twitch , despite being less muscular , is just as mouthy and is pretty much the same . But there is a gang war brewing between the Black and Hispanic inmates that explodes into a hostile takeover of the prison when the Blacks gang leader is shot dead and the finger points at Burke . But the situations worsen when the real killer and leader of the Hispanics , Cortez Robert Madrid takes Twitch s girlfriend Angell Conwell and Burke s daughter Alona Tal hostage as well , betraying his comrades to escape . Eventually things get more complicated as Twitch s real reason for his transfer is to find the gold from the heist , organized from the fellow New Alcatraz inmate Lester McKena . Cortez demands a helicopter out of state or otherwise the hostages are dead . Burke and Twitch eventually catch up to Cortez and after a long fight with Burke ending up wounded , Cortez is knocked out and transferred to another prison . Twitch is given parole after his actions that could have seen him wait even longer before he actually gets out , with Burke having to serve only a few more weeks rather than years . Twitch and his girlfriend find the gold and , as a favor for Burke , set up his account with 80 million dollars along with a plan to help Burke s daughter for college , surprising Burke himself .
<|romance|>Policeman Jon Davis Richard Arlen informs Foxy Pattis Chester Morris at his shooting gallery , that his criminal father has died . Foxy blames all policemen , feeling they harassed him all his life and were responsible for his death . John Davis enlists and Foxy Pattis is drafted into the United States Army Air Forces where Foxy becomes the instructor at an aerial gunnery school . He makes life miserable for Jon , now a Flying Sergeant student , trying to force the former policeman to resign . Despite Foxy s hostility , Jon is able to pass the course . He later befriends a young Texas boy , Sandy Jimmy Lydon , whose father was an airman killed at Hickam Field during the attack on Pearl Harbor . Sandy invites Jon and Foxy to his family s ranch , where both men fall for Sandy s sister Peggy Amelita Ward . After graduation , Jon is commissioned as a Lieutenant and is assigned as a pilot of a light bomber , with many of his classmates now his crew . A belligerent Foxy serves as his gunner and is not accepted as a team player by the others . During a bombing mission against the Japanese , however , he makes the ultimate sacrifice in trying to protect the other crew members when the bomber is shot down behind enemy lines .
<|horror|>Dark Moon Rising , commonly known as Wolf Moon , is a horror film about a girl named Amy , who falls in love with the new boy in town . Dan is the drifter from out of town who carries a dark secret with him . In the beginning , Amy s friends , tell her to go talk to Dan , who is working in an auto shop . He treats Amy with disinterest until he realizes that he has hurt her feelings . He asks to give her a ride home . Amy s father doesn t trust Dan from the beginning . Dan s a drifter , so people automatically don t trust him . But , the reason people don t trust him is because of the vibes he gives off . Amy and Dan get to know each other as the movie progresses . Meanwhile , Dan s father , Bender , is out killing people only a few states over . Dan s dad eventually shows up and kills a dog along with a horse . Sam , the local sheriff , and Amy s dad investigate the murders and eventually connect them to the killings from other states . The two eventually discover Charles Thibodeaux . Charles tells them that he knows Bender from a while ago and Bender is a werewolf . Charles put Bender in jail a while back , and he escaped seeking revenge . Bender killed Charles wife brutally and Charles never got over it .
<|crime|>The story of two brothers who lose track of each other after an unstable childhood until they meet up again in prison is the focus of former Dogme director Thomas Vinterberg s film based on a book by Jonas T . Bengtsson , a Danish novelist celebrated for his unflinching realism . The film s title refers to a method of torture known as submarino in which the target s head is held under water to just before the point of drowning . Nick and his younger brother have grown up in terrible circumstances their childhood was marked by poverty , abuse and an alcoholic mother until the family was torn apart by tragedy . Nick is now thirty three and has just been released from prison . He s a man who knows what he wants to train hard and drink hard in order to stand up against a hard world . A bodybuilder , he lives in a dilapidated hostel on the outskirts of Copenhagen . His brother is a junkie and a single father for whom only two things count in life his daily fix and a better life for his six year old son , Martin . Reason enough for him to deal in heroin . The brothers may live separate lives in grim Copenhagen , yet they are somehow searching for each other . What binds them is their mutual struggle for a life worth living . Occasionally their paths cross , but they only really find each other in prison . And that s almost too late for them . Berlinale
<|horror|>Curry is the Rev . Ray Porter , who runs a Pentecostal faith healing and televangelism empire based in Arkansas . A small group of stereotypical rednecks , one of whom was bilked out of her inheritance by Rev . Porter s ministry and another of whom just got out of prison , try to rob Porter s ministry . A series of wrong turns inside the church during the robbery leads the robbers onstage right in the middle of a broadcast , and the three robbers turn what was supposed to have been just a robbery into a hostage situation . During the hostage negotiations , a series of snowballing scandals involving the ministry come to light . The robbery , hostage taking , and scandal revelations are all broadcast live over satellite television as locals gather in bars to watch . Rev . Porter and the robbers develop a rapport during the hostage situation that resembles shop talk among thieves , as they discuss the best ways of investing stolen money . One comic subplot involves the Christian network s producer , a drug addled electronics wizard named Stonewall who decorates his workspace with Pink Floyd posters , but was hired by the network because he has found the Lord . . . he told us so himself . Another subplot involves a local sheriff , himself also an archetypal redneck whose duck hunting trip was interrupted by the incident , who seems to sympathize with the would be robbers . The film is partly about his moral struggle in trying to enforce the law when his sympathies lie elsewhere . He just wants to see the situation end with nobody getting hurt , and butts heads with the network s owner and federal agents who demand harsher action . The owner of the satellite network , whose character is based on Jerry Falwell , demands that the National Guard be called in leading to a siege and climactic ending .
<|crime|>In Key West , Florida in October 1962 , boys Gene Loomis Fenton and his brother Dennis Lee live on a military base N . A . S . Key West their father is away on a nearby submarine . After hearing the announcement of an exclusive engagement of Lawrence Woolsey s Goodman new sensational horror film Mant ! Half man ! Half ant ! in Atomo Vision and Rumble Rama ! , including Woolsey s appearance in person , they arrive home to President Kennedy s television interruption , stating the presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba . Woolsey finds this atmosphere of fear to be the perfect environment in which to open his atomic radiation themed film . Woolsey brings along Herb Denning Miller and Bob Sayles to stir up the yokels by protesting the film , but Howard , the theatre manager Picardo , assures him that the people of Key West are not yokels . Indeed , the progressive Jack and Rhonda Clennon and Butler make a strong free speech argument for allowing the film to proceed . New to the local high school , and not getting along with the similarly aged Andy Nick Bronson on the base , Gene ends up associating with Stan Katz , and becomes infatuated with Jack and Rhonda s daughter , Sandra Jakub , after she takes a detention for protesting the uselessness of an air raid drill and yelling the truth of the false protection at the students in the hall . In attempting to get a date to the dance , Stan goes for Sherry Martin , who was seeing a prison poet , Harvey Starkweather Villemaire , who regularly bothers Stan about his interest in her and hers in him . The film is structured in halves the first half leading up to the screening , and the second half depicting the screening and what goes on at and around it . The film also showed the differences in two young women who eventually become the girlfriends of the two boys . The girlfriend of Gene had progressive ideas of what a woman might become , whereas the eventual girlfriend of Stan was very much in line with what society at the time of the film s setting thought a young lady should be .
<|comedy|>Charlie Castle , a very successful Hollywood actor , lives in a huge home . But his wife Marion is on the verge of leaving him , which he refuses to confirm to influential gossip columnist Patty Benedict . On his wife s advice , Castle is adamantly refusing to renew his contract , which enrages Stanley Shriner Hoff , his powerful studio boss . Castle wants to be free from the studio s grip on his life and career . Hoff and his right hand man Smiley Coy have knowledge of a hit and run accident in which Castle was involved and threaten to use this information against him . Hoff is willing to do anything to make the actor sign a seven year renewal . Castle s soul is tortured . He wants to win back his idealistic wife , who has been proposed to by Hank Teagle , a writer . And he longs to do more inspiring work than the schlock films Hoff makes him do , pleading with his needy agent Nat to help him be free . But the studio chief s blackmail works and Charlie signs the new contract . Feeling sorry for himself , the darker side of his nature causes Castle to have a fling with Connie , the flirtatious wife of his friend Buddy Bliss , who had taken the blame for Charlie s car accident . When a struggling starlet named Dixie Evans threatens to reveal what she knows about the crash , Hoff and Smiley decide to have her silenced permanently . They try to involve Castle in their sinister plot and even extort Charlie s wife , secretly recording her conversations with the new man in her life . That is the last straw for Castle , who finally defies the ruthless men who employ him . However , having betrayed a friend , lost the woman he loves and sacrificed his integrity , Charlie can no longer live with himself . He has a hot bath drawn , gets into it and ends his own life .
<|crime|>One of the most obvious changes to the plot of the video game is the absence of the villainous organisation SPECTRE , who played a vital role in the film . Due to legal issues that have plagued the James Bond film series since 1963 , the organisation was renamed OCTOPUS and appears to lack a central leader in the same vein as Ernst Stavro Blofeld . The SPECTRE name was tied up in a long running dispute over the film rights to Thunderball , between United Artists MGM and the now deceased writer Kevin McClory . The game begins with a standard pre title sequence in which Elizabeth Stark , the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom s daughter , is kidnapped by OCTOPUS while attending a party . Fortunately , Bond was assigned to attend the party for just such an event , and he defeats OCTOPUS and rescues Miss Stark . Similar to the film , OCTOPUS has conceived a plan to embarrass British secret service agent 007 for the death of Dr . Julius No from the film Dr . No , in which No was an agent of SPECTRE . The plan involves the theft of a Soviet encoding machine known as the Lektor with the help of a defecting Soviet agent , Tatiana Romanova . However , Romanova is being used by OCTOPUS to lure James Bond into a trap their ultimate goal is to let him obtain the Lektor and then ambush him for it , killing him in humiliating fashion as well . Romanova is sent by Rosa Klebb , an agent of the KGB in both the novel and film , an agent of SMERSH who has secretly defected to OCTOPUS . Her immediate subordinate , Donald Red Grant , protects Bond through the first half of the game and attacks him in the second . The game ends with a final assault on OCTOPUS headquarters , during which Grant is fatally shot by Bond .
<|romance|>The film is an ensemble piece in which the five protagonists plan , enjoy and come down from a weekend out in Cardiff all motivated at least in part by the need for a weekend escape from the difficulties and contradictions of their daily lives . Jip is suffering from sexual anxiety brought on by a series of unsuccessful liaisons . Koop , Jip s best friend , is jealous of his girlfriend Nina s popular and happy go lucky nature . Nina is being sexually harassed in a job she had no choice but to take after having failed a college interview . Lulu , Jip s best female friend and dropping partner , has suffered infidelity in her last 3 relationships . Moff , the newest member of the group having met Jip at a warehouse party after moving from London to Cardiff , is an unemployed slacker who scrapes a living as a small time dealer , despite his father being a senior policeman . The five friends become very close , take drugs such as cannabis , ecstasy and cocaine , and live for the weekend . The film follows the exploits of the five friends as well as various characters they meet along the way . They go to pubs and clubs on Friday , taking along Nina s 17 year old brother Lee whose waning enthusiasm for his first drugs experience is played out in a cameo debate between Jip and a doctor . Jip gives up his ticket to Lulu , whom he has talked into coming out and is forced to talk his way into the club as the group are a ticket short . The club scene is then examined through a series of cameos including two attempts by older journalists to understand the club scene . The ensemble then joins a house party , where Lulu and Jip finally kiss and attempt unsuccessfully to make love whereas the established couple , Koop and Nina , argue over Koop s perceptions about her behaviour . Later , as expected by the group , what goes up must come down sets in as the effects of their drug use begin to hit home leaving them coping with feelings of illness and paranoia . They recover Lee from a group of younger partygoers he has spent the night with and make their way home . On returning home , some of the group s issues are resolved whilst some are thrown into sharper relief . Jip makes love to Lulu , overcoming his sexual paranoia . Koop and Nina s issues are set aside . Lee has made it through the weekend without any of his concerns being realised . Moff , however , is still caught up in the paranoia caused by his extensive drug use . He argues with his parents again and is seen walking alone around Cardiff looking disheartened . However , Moff joins his friends for an end of the weekend drink and having raged about his difficulties with drugs is soon joking about his excesses with his friends . The film finishes with Jip and Lulu kissing in the street in the manner of classic Hollywood films .
<|romance|>Roop Rathore Shahrukh Khan is a singer in Rajasthan just like his father Anupam Kher , who is now sick and needs immediate medical care in Bombay . One day , while he is singing at Ajay Narang s Naseeruddin Shah hotel , Ajay s sister Reshma Ramya Krishnan falls in love with Roop . Reshma is a spoiled girl and Ajay looks through all of her wishes . Unfortunately , Roop is in love with a doctor named Pooja Pooja Bhatt . Meanwhile , Reshma is obsessed with Roop , and asks her brother to call him again to sing in their hotel . But when she sees that all the girls are flattered over Roop , she gets very angry , and asks him to sing only for her now onwards . However Roop prefers to work for the rival , Patel Shri Vallabh Vyas than take this offer . Ajay s obsession with keeping his sister happy at all costs comes into play and Patel is brutally beaten by him until he agrees to throw Roop out of his hotel . Desperately in need of money for his father s operation , Roop has no option but to agree with Reshma . Roop breaks up with Pooja . The operation of his father is successful , but his father is saddened by his situation and decides to leave Bombay . Roop later tries to leave Bombay himself , along with his father and Pooja , but his plans are interrupted when Reshma tries to commit suicide . Nevertheless , Pooja and Roop get married . Frustrated with such turn of events , Reshma and her brother Ajay devise many plans to make their life miserable . he puts Roop s father on gallows with Roop on his feet and leaves with pooja and asks Roop to save Pooja or his father . Roop s father kicks Roop , sacrificing himself so that he could save Pooja . Roops crashes into Ajay s Party where Pooja is also held strapped . While on fight Reshma brings Pooja and threatens to kill Pooja if Roop won t stop fighting with her brother . Ajay tries to shoot Roop but Pooja who just see him pushes Roop and Reshma gets shot , getting killed . Narang is left with shock and catatonic state while Roop and Pooja escapes .
<|crime|>In the early 19th century , Jim Bowie leaves his home in the bayou to sell lumber in New Orleans . He inadvertently offends Narcisse de Bornay by defending the artist James Audubon and is challenged to a duel , but charms his way out of it , and Narcisse becomes his friend . Narcisse notices that his sister Judalon has caught Jim s eye and is concerned , knowing how haughty and spoiled she is . Henri Contrecourt , a man who has been courting her , kills Narcisse and challenges Jim to a fight , his sword versus Bowie s knife . To the surprise of everyone watching , Jim kills him . Later on , a blacksmith creates a special new knife for Bowie , partly made from the remains of a meteor . Judalon rejects his proposal to marry wealthy Philippe de Cabanal instead . A disappointed Jim returns home and gets into the cotton business , upsetting Juan Moreno , a wealthy Mississippi cotton grower . He soon encounters Judalon , who says she wants to divorce Philippe and hints she would then marry Jim , if only he could help them erase a huge gambling debt Philippe has incurred to dangerous Bloody Jack Sturdevant . Jim learns he has been betrayed by her again , that Judalon actually intends to wed Moreno for his money . In a fight , he kills Moreno , upsetting her . Jim is wounded and nursed to health by Ursula Veramendi , daughter of the Texas territorial governor . And when both Philippe and Sturdevant come to kill him , they accidentally end up murdering each other . Realizing once and for all that Judalon only wants money , not love , Jim begins a new life with Ursula .
<|crime|>Sixteen year old Ethan Wate lives in Gatlin , South Carolina , with his widowed father . Lena Duchannes is a mysterious girl with magical powers who appears in Ethan s recurring nightmares . Though she initially rebuffs his attempts at interacting with her , they eventually become friends despite harassment from other classmates that almost gets her expelled . Lena s uncle Macon Ravenwood also attempts to keep Ethan and Lena apart to protect them . Every member of Lena s family is a Caster with magical powers . On Lena s sixteenth birthday , she will be claimed as either a Light or Dark Caster , but she is terrified of becoming an evil Dark Caster . Meanwhile , Ethan discovers a locket at Ravenwood Manor , Lena s home , that induces visions of Lena s ancestor Genevieve Duchannes and Ethan s ancestor Ethan Carter Wate , who were engaged during the Civil War . Through the locket , they discover that Genevieve tried to resurrect Ethan Carter Wate using the magical Book of Moons . Due to Genevieve s use of the spell , the Book has the ability to determine which of the Duchannes will be Light or Dark . Ethan and Lena find the Book of Moons in Genevieve s grave and study it for ways to prevent Lena from becoming Dark . Furthermore , Lena is continuously spiritually attacked by a Dark Caster named Sarafine , whom is actually her mother . While the Duchannes cannot prevent the attacks , Ethan s presence seems to stop them . Lena s sixteenth birthday is celebrated by Ethan , the Duchannes , and her classmates . Macon forbids Lena to attend the party set up by her classmates , but Lena sneaks out anyway and confesses her love to Ethan , who reciprocates . Sarafine reveals herself at the party , accompanied by incubus Hunting Ravenwood . Sarafine tells Lena that she will be able to Claim herself for the Dark or Light at midnight . If she chooses to go Dark , all the Light Casters in her family will die , but she would be able to have a previously impossible physical relationship with Ethan . If she chooses to go Light , all the Dark Casters in her family will die , including Macon . A fight occurs , culminating in Sarafine escaping and Hunting nearly killing Macon . After Ethan gathers the other Duchannes for help , Ethan searches for Lena , but instead meets Sarafine , who kills him . At midnight , Lena uses her power over nature to block out the moonlight , preventing her from being claimed . She recites a spell from the Book of Moons to resurrect Ethan . The spell works , but as payment , the Book kills Macon .
<|crime|>Frank T . Wells Mickey Rourke is released from prison after a 10 year sentence that resulted from a bar fight . An ex rodeo champion , he then goes back to his life , meeting with old acquaintances and getting his old truck back . He lives as a cowboy , riding his newly found horse Angel , living in the country in his van and making a living from rodeo events . His story is intertwined with the story of Scarlett Stuart Lori Singer , amateur auto repair mechanist who lives with her sexually abusive brother Clem Peter Berg . The two of them including Joe Palmieri John Enos III decide to rob a bank . The job goes through and 8 policemen are killed in the process . Trying to hide in a motel , they are then found by the police , who kill Clem and Joe during a shootout , while Scarlett manages to escape . On his way to his van , Frank meets Scarlett who , startled and afraid at first , agrees to help him by fixing his broken truck . In return , he offers the emotionally disturbed woman to escape her problems with him . Scarlett has a tattoo F . T . W . , standing for Fuck The World , and because these are the same initials of Frank s name , she believes that they are meant to be together , and they begin to have a relationship . Living together , they try to make ends meet while laying low from the authorities , but it is more easily said than done , as Scarlett tries to support herself by means of armed robbery .
<|comedy|>Michael Tremayne is booted out of Sandhurst . He and his brother David want to do something big . They decide to do a crime as a grand gesture . The brothers take Inge , David s new inamorata , on a tour of London , including the Tower of London . At a dinner party they learn that you cannot be charged with theft unless you intend to permanently deprive the owner of their property . David proposes stealing the crown jewels and sending letters out beforehand , showing they aren t intending to permanently deprive . Michael is somewhat jealous of David , as David is considered the good son and him the bad son . They write and deliver the letters . They plant a bomb at the Albert Memorial and observe the police procedure . Next they put a bomb at the lion cage at the London zoo . Then they blow up a ladies lavatory . David gets a laser . They put a bomb at the stock exchange and David goes to the army base , and using a tape recorder records the procedures . Finally the day comes . Michael goes to the jewel room in the Tower and hides a bomb there . David and Michael go to the base and tie up the duty officer . They take the place of the bomb disposal expert and his assistant . They ride with the army to the Tower . The pair go into the bomb room and knock out the rather silly Colonel who went in with them and who commands the army base . David and Michael have had the alarms turned off , due to the danger of vibration , and use the laser to cut into the cabinets and steal the Crown Jewels . The pair set off a small bomb and a smoke bomb . They stagger out pretending to be hurt , then escape from the ambulance taking them to hospital along with the jewels . A worldwide search is undertaken for the robbers . David and Michael enjoy the media frenzy . One week after the robbery on 23 June 1967 , the letters are opened and delivered to the police . When they go to get the jewels from their hiding place they are not there . The police arrive to arrest David . Michael says he doesn t know anything about the robbery . Michael never delivered his letter . David is identified as the bomb expert , but the witnesses can t identify Michael . The police investigate , but can t break down Michael s alibi of being at a party . Michael is released . David is indicted and bail is refused . The police set up a plan to make Michael think his alibi is breaking down , but Michael evades police surveillance . We then see him digging up the jewels from where he buried them at Stonehenge . Michael calls on a telephone he knows is tapped to say he s returning the jewels at Trafalgar Square at 4 a . m . The police set up a cordon , but Michael uses their concentration on the square to put the jewels in the scales of justice on top of the Old Bailey . We close with both brothers imprisoned in the Tower , plotting their escape .
<|crime|>A group of friends , including Matt , his fiancée Lily , his sister Molly , along with Joe and June , embark on a trip to Las Vegas , NV in an RV . After getting lost on a shortcut , they notice lights in the sky that appear to be following the RV . While entranced by them , they crash while swerving to miss a stranded motorist called Richard . Joe is injured by a knife in the crash . Unfortunately , the knife is dangerously close to an artery , forcing them to leave it in . While searching for assistance , Molly becomes acquainted with Richard , who was a POW who was tortured by the Iraqis in the Gulf War . When they return , Matt witnesses strange shapes and noises in the brush . Joe s condition deteriorates , due to damage to his artery , forcing the group to search for additional assistance . They find a house with a working phone . The group realize Matt has disappeared , when aliens surround them . Richard shoots at them , killing Matt in the process . Richard returns to the RV and tells the others of the aliens , while not mentioning Matt s fate . Molly forces her way out of the RV to find Matt , but is sucked up by a green light . As Joe s breathing stops , June is pulled out of the RV . The RV shakes violently and the windows burst inward , prompting the survivors to flee , eventually ending up in an abandoned shack , where Richard props a heavy table against the door . The aliens break in and overrun the building . Lily and Richard are subsequently captured Richard regains consciousness inside an organic chamber . He finds Lily having her three month old fetus removed by the aliens . In an act of mercy , he kills her . The aliens restrain Richard and begin operating on him . Some time later , a police officer patrols a deserted area , where he finds Richard . The end credits state that Richard was found about one hundred miles away from his broken down car and that no trace of anything else was ever found .
<|crime|>The documentary chronicles General William Tecumseh Sherman s historic March to the Sea through Georgia , South Carolina and North Carolina during the fall of 1864 . It shows Sherman marching 62 , 000 Union troops over 650 miles in less than 100 days , and losing only 600 men along the way . The march introduces a new concept to the already brutal Civil War total war , where the distinctions between combatants and civilians is blurred . While hated by white Southerners as a destroyer , Sherman is hailed by black Southerners as a liberator . It ends with Union victory and closes with Sherman as an old man living in New York and fondly remembering how his nephews and their uncle Billy would make ten miles a day . The documentary utilizes state of the art production techniques including CGI , special effects and historical re creations . It relies on historical reenactors to play Sherman s soldiers and all dialogue is in fact quotes from historical sources letters , Sherman s memoirs , diaries , etc . The documentary features a psychological profile on Sherman , stating that in the months leading up to the Civil War he was accused of being insane and that he contemplated suicide . Bill Oberst , the actor playing Sherman , states in a behind the scenes featurette that while the general will always be a controversial figure , he hopes that the documentary will shed light on why the man did what he did . It emphasizes that Sherman was loved by the enslaved blacks whom he freed and that while he did not see himself as fighting to destroy slavery , he nevertheless made a point of treating blacks whom he met with courtesy and respect . The documentary also shows the reactions of his soldiers as they met blacks along the March . Many had never seen a black person and were surprised to learn that blacks were ordinary people . The documentary also mentions that Sherman killed far fewer Confederate soldiers and civilians than did Ulysses S . Grant , his friend and fellow general , yet Sherman was the one vilified . The scholars interviewed postulate that the South had need for a scapegoat in the wake of the Civil War and that Sherman was the easiest target . For his part , Sherman is stated to have seen himself as only doing his duty and that he did not care what people said about him one way or the other .
<|horror|>Buck O Brien Mike White is a 27 year old amateur playwright with the maturity level of an adolescent . When Buck s mother dies unexpectedly , he invites his close childhood friend Chuck Chris Weitz to the funeral . Chuck who is now calling himself Charlie is a successful music industry exec with a fiancée , Carlyn Beth Colt . He and Buck experimented sexually with each other when they were 11 , but Charlie has repressed these memories and acts as if they had not occurred . Chuck had moved away while they were still children , and Buck has pined after him ever since . During their awkward reunion , Buck makes a sexual advance on Charlie in the bathroom . Charlie rebuffs him , and returns to Los Angeles with Carlyn , but not before extending an obligatory invitation for Buck to visit him there . Buck then withdraws 10 , 000 from his bank account , packs up his car , and takes up residence in a motel in Los Angeles . He also begins scripting a play on a yellow legal pad titled Hank and Frank and the Witch , it is an obvious plea for Charlie s love . Too shy to announce his presence right away , Buck starts trying to see Charlie at his office at Trimorph Entertainment . Buck also surreptitiously follows Charlie to find out where he lives . While standing in front of the playhouse across the street from Charlie s job , he strikes up a conversation with Beverly Lupe Ontiveros , the house manager . Buck hires Beverly to produce his play , and casts Sam Paul Weitz , a talentless actor who bears a strong resemblance to Charlie , in the lead . Buck then works up the nerve to approach Charlie and his girlfriend . After being invited to a party that Charlie and Carlyn host , Buck becomes aware of just how far apart he and Chuck have grown he feels rejected by Charlie s new friends . He also becomes resentful of Carlyn , who he erroneously believes is interfering with their friendship . As a result of this mind set , Buck s behavior becomes increasingly erratic and obsessive . The end of the film deals with both Chuck and Buck confronting each other over their past . The two have sex , and Buck wants Charlie to stay afterward , but Charlie says they must part ways . Buck is distraught afterward , but eventually realizes he has found a new life at the playhouse . When discussing a play over dinner with Beverly , Buck notices Charlie has arrived with Carlyn . Charlie and Buck exchange glances across the room , but Buck ultimately disregards them and goes back to his conversation . Buck comes to the theater to find an invitation to the wedding . Buck arrives at the wedding party and offers the couple his blessing with his presence . Buck and Carlyn make peace as Buck effectively moves on from his obsession with Charlie and keeping their sexual encounter a secret from Carlyn .
<|horror|>American foreign news correspondent Larry Stanford Dyneley has been working out of Japan for the last few years , to the detriment of his marriage . His last assignment before returning to his wife in the United States is an interview with the renowned but reclusive scientist Dr . Robert Suzuki Tetsu Nakamura , who lives atop a volcanic mountain . During the brief interview , Dr . Suzuki amiably discusses his work on evolution caused by sporadic cosmic rays in the atmosphere , and professes that he has discovered a method for producing evolutionary change by chemical means . Suzuki serves Larry a drugged libation , causing him to fall into a deep sleep . Announcing to Tara Terri Zimmern , his voluptuous assistant , that Larry is the perfect candidate for his latest evolutionary experiments , he injects an unknown substance into Larry s shoulder . Upon waking , Larry is oblivious to the true situation and accepts Suzuki s invitation to spend the next week vacationing with him around Japan . Over the next few days , Suzuki uses Tara as a beguiling distraction while conditioning Larry with mineral baths and copious amounts of alcohol , exacerbating the pain in Larry s shoulder . Meanwhile , Larry s estranged wife played by Dyneley s actual spouse , Jane Hylton has traveled to Japan to bring him back home with her . When confronted , Larry refuses to leave his new life of women and carousing . After a few drinks that night , Larry examines his painful shoulder to discover that a large eyeball has grown at the spot of Dr . Suzuki s injection . Becoming aloof and solitary , Larry wanders Tokyo late at night . He murders a woman on the street , a Buddhist monk and a psychiatrist , while slowly changing form , culminating in his growing a second head . Seeking a cure , Larry climbs the volcano to Dr . Suzuki s laboratory where Suzuki has just informed Tara that Larry has become an entirely new species and beyond remedy . Entering the lab , Larry kills Suzuki and sets the building on fire as Tara flees . Larry splits into two completely separate bodies , bringing himself back to normal . The monstrous second body grabs Tara , and throws her into the volcano . As Larry s wife and the police arrive , he pushes the second body into the volcano . Larry , now cured , is taken away by the police , although it remains unclear how much moral or legal responsibility he has for his violent actions . The movie ends as Larry s wife and his friend discuss the good that remains in Larry .
<|comedy|>Rachel Kathryn Hahn is a mother living in an unhappy life , frustrated by the roles of being a stay at home mom and not having had sex with her husband Jeff Josh Radnor for months . She visits her therapist , Lenore Jane Lynch but is unable to find any help in her advice . Looking to spice up their relationship , they go to a strip club , where Rachel sees McKenna Juno Temple . Jeff buys her a private lap dance from McKenna Rachel finds out that McKenna is only 19 . But afterwards , Rachel and Jeff continue not having sex . Rachel follows a mobile coffee hut on Twitter , where she goes to buy a drink . At the hut , she sees McKenna and they start talking . She introduces herself and they become friends , having coffee together regularly . One day , Rachel finds McKenna thrown out of her residence , and now homeless , so she invites her to stay at her large house . While Jeff is less than happy , Rachel does not feel that she can kick her out , as she feels she can help McKenna get out of being a stripper . She finds out that McKenna is a sex worker , who has clients she sees regularly . Rachel starts teaching McKenna to nanny her young son Logan . When Rachel is frustrated at a school event , she asks McKenna if she can go with her to see her client , Jack . When there , she watches the two of them have sex , and is horrified by what she sees . When asked by a friend if McKenna can babysit , Rachel changes her mind and says she doesn t want her to . McKenna is upset by this , as she went through a lot of effort buying things for the girls party . While the women are out , and all the men are at Jeff and Rachel s house , McKenna comes in and starts acting provocatively . She ends up sleeping with one of Jeff s friends , but his wife and Rachel walk in on them . McKenna is thrown out of their house . Rachel tells Jeff that she wants out of this life , and out of her head , which he takes to mean he should leave . At a visit to Lenore , Rachel comforts Lenore when she starts crying and telling her how her partner had left , saying I don t want to start all over again . That night , Rachel goes to Jeff he is staying in the garage of one of his friends and they reconcile , being happier than ever . One day while driving , Rachel sees McKenna on the street , and starts to stop but changes her mind . She tells her friend that she had nothing to say to her . The film ends with Rachel and Jeff being happy together , and Rachel playing with her son Logan .
<|crime|>Dr . Philip Ritter , a plastic surgeon Paul Henreid , falls in love with a gifted and beautiful concert pianist , Alice Brent Lizabeth Scott . They meet by chance at a country inn , and romance soon develops . However , Alice is already engaged to be married and , afraid to tell Ritter , runs away . Ritter is devastated . Back at his London surgery , Ritter receives a phone call from Alice , who informs him she is to marry David André Morell . Meanwhile , Ritter s new patient is Lily Conover Mary Mackenzie , a female convict whose face is disfigured . The love struck surgeon believes he can change her criminal ways by constructing her new face to resemble that of Alice . He does so , and they marry . Now identical to Alice , she is played by Scott . However , Lily has not changed her ways . She soon grows bored of Ritter s sedate lifestyle , and returns to a life of crime and partying . She is reckless in her behaviour , and unabashedly flirtatious with other men , and he comes to despise her . As Alice completes her latest concert tour , David knows there is something wrong with her . He guesses she is in love with someone else , and calls off the engagement . Alice goes to see Ritter , who confesses what he has done . Later , an upset Ritter leaves London for Plymouth , believing that the situation can never be reversed . Lily follows him , however , and takes the same train , where she becomes drunk and aggressive towards Ritter . Alice believes Ritter is so upset he may harm Lily , or even kill her if provoked , and she too joins the train . She arrives just as the two are arguing , and engaged in a physical struggle as Ritter tries to prevent the intoxicated Lily from falling out of the carriage . As Alice enters , Lily accidentally falls against the loose carriage door , and falls out of the train . The film ends as Lily is discovered dead at the side of the tracks , and Ritter and Alice are reunited .
<|crime|>Sergeant Nico Toscani , a native of Palermo , is a detective in the Chicago Police Department s vice squad . At an early age he became interested in martial arts , and moved to Japan to study . In 1969 , Nico was recruited into the CIA by Special Agent Nelson Fox and was involved in covert operations on the Vietnamese Cambodian border during the Vietnam War . There , he became disgusted with station chief Kurt Zagon , who tortured prisoners . A stand off occurred when Nico tried to stop a torture session , and he left the CIA . Nico returned to Chicago , joined the CPD , and got married . Nico and his new partner Detective Delores Jacks Jackson , are now investigating a drug ring , and after busting two of the dealers , including Salvadorian drug dealer Tony Salvano , Nico finds C4 explosives . Shortly afterward , the men that Nico and Jacks arrested are released at the request of Federal officials , and Nico is asked to stand down . Later , the priest of Nico s parish is killed in an explosion during Mass . Fox calls Nico and tells him to move his family to a safer location , saying that Nico is in danger . Under pressure from the Feds , Nico is asked to turn in his badge . Nico eventually finds that the dealers he busted are linked to Zagon , who is still with the CIA , and who is accused of human rights violations by a Central American priest who was being sheltered by Nico s priest . While Zagon is torturing the priest , Nico bursts in and a gun battle ensues . Detective Lukich and Jacks are wounded during the shoot out , and Nico has to flee . Senator Ernest Harrison is investigating Zagon s group to reveal their covert operations and drug dealing . When Nico finds out that Zagon killed the priest and is planning to kill Harrison , he goes after Zagon . Nico confronts Fox , but they are interrupted by Zagon s men . Fox is killed and Nico is captured . Nico is held in the kitchen of a hotel during a Harrison campaign rally . Before Zagon can kill Harrison , Nico breaks free and kills Zagon and all of his remaining men . After , Nico meets Sen . Harrison , who has been informed of everything . Harrison promises justice for what they did and Nico says he is now willing to testify on his experiences with Zagon and covert operations in the CIA .
<|crime|>This film focuses on Claude Alison Folland , a teenage girl who lives in Hell s Kitchen , New York City , and is the story of her sexual discovery and budding lesbianism . Claude s best friend is Ellen Tara Subkoff . Her plan to start a band with Ellen is subverted when Ellen begins dating Mark Cole Hauser . Claude discovers that Luke Pat Briggs , a gay musician who has just moved into her apartment building , has been stabbed to death in what might have been a hate crime . Ellen hints at the fact that she was there when Luke was killed , but Claude keeps her mouth shut in order to protect her . Claude then goes to a gay bar and meets Lucy Leisha Hailey , a pink haired guitarist who is playing in the house band . Claude goes to Lucy s apartment , but freaks out and leaves , returning to her apartment to find Ellen waiting for her . They have a fight which ends with Claude screaming that she would die without Ellen . Claude goes out along with Ellen and Mark on one of their dates Mark gives Ellen downers which make her violently ill . Claude brings her to the bathroom and forces her to vomit , and Ellen refers to Claude as her Knight in Shining Armor . Mark is visibly furious but manages to contain himself . Claude leaves and goes to Lucy s apartment again , but leaves after a brief make out session . On the way home , Claude is ambushed in the street by Mark , who questions her relationship with Ellen . Claude threatens to tell the police about Mark s possible involvement in Luke s death . Claude goes home to find Ellen waiting for her . Claude tells her that they need to tell the police about Mark , but Ellen says she would go to jail if they knew about her involvement . Claude says she would never let that happen . Claude kisses Ellen and tells her that she loves her . Ellen tells Claude not to say that , and Claude leaves . The next day , Claude cleans out her room , removing all traces of Ellen . She goes to the police before work . Later , the police comes into her workplace and takes Mark away for questioning . Ellen tells Claude that she hates her . Claude says that she knows , and that she s sorry . Claude then starts seeing Lucy .
<|crime|>Isabel Dowling Margaret Lindsay , Fay Reynolds Ann Sheridan , and Connie Todd Marie Wilson are three women who grew up together in an orphanage , and who meet again later in life . Each woman s life has taken a very different path Isabel is married with a young daughter , Connie is an office secretary , and Fay performs in nightclubs . The three are reunited when Fay is arrested and Isabel and Connie arrive to bail her out . They make plans to keep in touch . Isabel is bored and unhappy in her marriage . When she and Connie go to a nightclub to watch Fay sing , she meets gambler Phil Peyton Richard Bond and they soon begin an affair . Stanley Dowling John Litel discovers the affair he divorces Isabel and retains custody of their daughter Judy Janet Chapman . Isabel goes to live with Phil whose gambling soon ruins them . Fay and Stanley fall in love and marry . Isabel has been separated from her daughter for some time when Fay takes pity on her and one day allows her to take Judy however , Phil puts the child up as security against his debts . The gangsters to whom Phil owes money discover he has deceived them and that Judy was kidnapped from her father they kill Phil in retribution . Trapped with Judy , Isabel overhears the gangsters deciding to kill the two of them to cover their crime . In a bid to save her daughter , Isabel throws herself from a window with a newspaper clipping about the kidnapping in her hand , trading her life to clue police in to Judy s whereabouts . Judy is rescued and thereafter symbolically takes her mother s place in the trio s ritual birthday meeting .
<|romance|>Texas Ranger Dusty Rivers Gary Cooper is sent to Canada during the 1880s in pursuit of outlaw Jacques Corbeau George Bancroft , arriving in the midst of the Riel Rebellion . Dusty meets nurse April Logan Madeleine Carroll and quickly falls in love with her . However , she is already involved with Canadian Mountie Sergeant Jim Britt Preston Foster . Dusty and April have become involved with one another , which becomes evident to Jim , to whom April wishes to remain loyal . Meanwhile , April s brother , Ronnie Logan Robert Preston , who also is a Mountie , is in love with Corbeau s daughter , Louvette Paulette Goddard . Louvette loves Ronnie intensely and is determined to protect Ronnie in the coming fight at all costs , using Ronnie s feelings for her father s benefit at times . Corbeau is eventually tracked down to his hideout . When the showdown between Dusty , the Mounties , and the supporters of Corbeau finally arrives , Louvette tricks Ronnie , and ties him to a chair to keep him safe , after he had given her information vital to the Mounties planned attack on the outlaws . Ronnie is unable to warn his fellow Mounties and Rivers that they are riding into a trap . The lawmen are ambushed and think Ronnie is a deserter . Dusty Rivers helps to turn the tide of the battle and Sergeant Jim arrests Corbeau . Rivers tracks down Ronnie at Louvette s hideout and convinces him to turn himself in , however , he is killed in a case of mistaken identity . Afterwards , Dusty Rivers is set to return to Texas , but first gives April and Jim his blessing .
<|horror|>One after another of a company of carrier pigeons fall prey to the seductive wiles of Queen of the Spies Hatta Mari . The alarm is raised at pigeon headquarters when Pigeon 13 a Mortimer Snerd esque yokel similar to Beaky Buzzard goes AWOL with the female Nazi spy bird . He reveals all his secrets after she slipped him a mickey . In shame , Pigeon 13 departs to commit suicide , although after an off screen gunshot is heard , he briefly returns to note I missed . Later , self described woman hater Daffy Duck volunteers for the next mission . Hatta tries to seduce him by hiking up her skirt to reveal her shapely leg and kissing him full on the lips twice . The first kiss electrocutes Daffy and melts him like butter , but the second kiss electrocutes Hatta Mari having the same effect on her . Daffy ultimately resists her charms , but swallows his secret message when the temptress corners him . After a frenetic battle , she x rays Daffy and broadcasts the supposed secret Hitler is a stinker to Hitler himself . Outraged , Hitler declares Dat ist no military secret ! Goebbels and Göring concur Ja . Everybody knows dat ! then shoot themselves in the heads after receiving Hitler s angry glare . Daffy Duck then concludes the cartoon by saying They lose more darn Nutzis that way , and then going into one of his famous bouncing fits whooping .
<|horror|>The cartoon begins with Porky Pig lighting candles on a birthday cake while singing and stuttering , Happy Birthday to himself . Porky receives a package from his uncle Pinkus . Inside is a tiny silkworm . The silkworm knits garments whenever the word sew is spoken . Porky commands the worm to sew and it sews a sock as Porky and Black Fury look on in awe . Porky gives the command again . The worm sews a brassiere , which Porky disposes of bashfully . Porky and his dog Black Fury enter the bathroom , where Porky applies hair growth formula on his own head , producing no results . Then , needing to get ready , Porky hurriedly leaves the bathroom . Black Fury takes the formula and seeing that it contains 99 alcohol , begins to drink it . He becomes shaggy after ingesting the formula . He becomes severely intoxicated , loudly shouting Happy Birthday ! Meanwhile , Porky hears a knock at the door . It is his friend Penguin , who rushes in and begins wolfing down ice cream . Goosey saunters in and holds out his hand for Porky to shake . The hand is a prop , adorned with a sign reading Happy Birthday , Fat Boy ! . Porky chuckles at Goosey , stating He s so silly . Porky repeatedly stutters the word so , and the silkworm in Porky s pocket begins sewing garment after garment . As garments come from underneath Porky s jacket , he notices they are women s underwear and brassieres he hides them guiltily . He tosses the silkworm away . The silkworm lands on Penguin s ice cream , and continues sewing garments , which end up in the ice cream . Disgusted , Penguin pulls a sock out of his mouth . As he has difficulty swallowing , a top hat forms in his mouth . The hat pops up , and Penguin s head assumes the shape of it . Failing to quell the hat , Penguin shouts for Goosey s help , who rams Penguin s head into the wall , hits him with a mallet , and slams a washtub over his head , to no avail . Black Fury , looking shaggy , attempts to shave . After putting on the shaving cream , he starts the electric razor . The razor takes on the qualities of a snake , and attacks Black Fury . Porky mistakes Black Fury for a mad dog , and the party guests run around the house with Black Fury , not realizing that the rabid dog is actually Porky s pet . After several more antics , the shaving cream is removed , and Porky sees that it is just Black Fury . Penguin , angrily rolls up his sleeve and stares Black Fury down , uttering so . . . in anticipation of a fight . This sets off the silkworm , who wraps Penguin up into a state of mummification .
<|crime|>Johnny Barrows played by Fred The Hammer Williamson is dishonorably discharged from the army for punching out a fellow officer . Shipped back home to Spiddal , Johnny promptly gets mugged and hauled in by some racist cops for being drunk . Unable to secure gainful employment , Johnny finds himself on the soup line with a cameo from Elliott Gould and down on his luck . Walking into an Italian restaurant hoping for a handout , he s offered a job by Mafiosi Mario Racconi Stuart Whitman and his girlfriend Nancy Jenny Sherman but Johnny turns him down . It seems that he s not slipped so far as to start doing odd jobs for the Mob . Eventually , Johnny lands a job at a gas station cleaning toilets and scrubbing floors for the mean penny pinching Richard R . G . Armstrong , who receives a beating for ripping off Barrows . Meanwhile , a Mafia war starts brewing between the Racconi family and the Da Vincis the family , not the painter . Seems the Da Vinci family wants to bring in all kinds of dope and start peddling it to black kids . The Racconis , being an upstanding Mob family , wants no part of that on their streets . And so it goes , with the Racconi family wiped out in a treacherous double cross , with only Mario left standing . Nancy is kidnapped by the Da Vinci family and gets a message to Johnny claiming that she was made to do terrible things . Brought to the brink by poverty , the Man constantly screwing him and his love for Nancy , Johnny agrees to become a hired killer for Mario to avenge the Racconis . And so the body count starts going up as Johnny in all his white suited glory gets mean and starts killing his way through the Da Vinci family .
<|crime|>On a riverboat , gambler Chris Mooney loses heavily to Prudence Webb , borrows another 30 , 000 and loses that to her , too . He offers her a partnership . Prudence declines , informing him that her father embezzled funds to gamble with Chris , then committed suicide after he lost . Prudence has her revenge and the money to pay back her late father s employer . She rides to Fort Ralston , Texas to claim her inheritance , the Clarion newspaper , which her dad won in a card game . Stringer Winfield , the postal carrier , warns her that town founder Micah Ralston and ranch partner Sturdy own practically everything and everybody . Clarion editor Clay Ballard tries to get Prudence s ownership overturned , but drunken lawyer Cass Gower sobers up and wins her case , even though Judge Herzog is in Ralston s pocket . A hired gun , Jess Foley , acting as a deputy , kills Gantz , a rival rancher . Foley then makes a play for Prudence , asking her to dance and to teach him to read . Chris shows up . Foley objects to his romantic interest in Prudence , who warns Chris to beware of Foley s jealousy and gun . Chris manages to hold off Foley , who also has Gantz s widow after him . The crooked sheriff , Herndon , on orders from Ralston , gives 24 hour notice to Prudence to repay 6 , 000 in back taxes or forfeit her property . Prudence concedes defeat and intends to ride out of town with Chris , who gambled and failed to raise the money . Her new neighbors collect the 6 , 000 on her behalf , also naming Chris as the new mayor , Cass as the new judge and saloon owner Moore as the new sheriff . Stringer rides for the Texas Rangers as soon as Ralston s men come with guns blazing , Cass getting killed . Law and order arrive in town , with Ralston Sturdy finally relenting .
<|romance|>High school girl Kanzaki Mitsuki inherits an older brother when her mother remarries a fellow divorcée with a son . Soon after , her new stepdad is transferred overseas and her mother follows him there , leaving Mitsuki to live alone with her new stepbrother , Yuya . Feeling abandoned by her mother , she stays distant from Yuya , never really getting along very well with him nor even keeping a conversation with him . One day , Mitsuki is visited by an angel ghost named Hiyori , who takes over her body and makes sexual advances towards Yuya . Hiyori is the lost spirit of a girl who in life loved Yuya deeply , however she died before she could confess her feelings and thus can not reach the gates of heaven and obtain eternal peace . In order to reach heaven , Hiyori puts a chastity belt on Mitsuki that fills up every time Mitsuki has sexual feelings from Yuya , whether it be from simply going on a date with him to kissing and sex . For every time it fills up a little , Hiyori gains a step on a bridge that connects her current situation and the literal gates of heaven . If Mitsuki doesn t help her then it will result in both their deaths . If she wants to get rid of the annoying Hiyori , Mitsuki has to make some bold and sexy moves against her own brother , even if he is just a stepbrother . As the series progresses Mitsuki questions if the feelings towards her brother are of true love that goes beyond just brother and sister or if they are a result of Hiyori s feelings towards him .
<|fantasy|>Within an uninhabited citadel the Keep of the title in World War II era Romania lies entrapped a dangerous demonic entity named Radu Molasar Michael Carter . The inner walls of the citadel contain 108 T shaped icons , supposedly made of nickel . When the German Army under the command of Capt . Klaus Woermann Jürgen Prochnow occupies the castle to control the Dinu Mountain Pass following the commencement of Operation Barbarossa , Molasar is unleashed by a pair of looting soldiers who identify one glowing icon as being made of silver . In the ensuing days , Molasar kills several soldiers . A detachment of Einsatzkommandos under the command of sadistic SD Sturmbannführer Eric Kaempffer Gabriel Byrne then arrives to deal with what is thought to be partisan activity , executing villagers as collective punishment . At the instigation of the local priest , the Germans retrieve a Jewish historian , Prof . Theodore Cuza Ian McKellen , from a concentration camp . He deciphers a mysterious message emblazoned on a wall of the citadel . Molasar saves the professor s daughter , Eva Alberta Watson , from sexual assault by two Einsatzkommandos by feeding on their essence , and then enlists the aid of her grateful father to escape . Cuza is also cured of his debilitating scleroderma by the touch of Molasar and therefore becomes doubly indebted to the entity , who is taking on a solid form . However , a mysterious stranger named Glaeken Scott Glenn suddenly arrives to foil this plan . After an unsuccessful attempt by the professor to have the stranger stopped , the two supernatural beings confront each other . Molasar , who is not perturbed by Christian crosses , is weakened and drawn back into the innermost recesses . Glaeken is transfixed , taking the place of the seal that was broken by the German looters .
<|crime|>Retired gunslinger and former Confederate soldier Steve Sinclair Robert Taylor is living as a rancher in a small western community . He collaborates with the main landowner Dennis Deneen Donald Crisp , from whom he rents the ranch , to preserve communal stability . His quiet life is disrupted by the appearance of his emotionally unstable younger brother Tony John Cassavetes and Tony s beautiful girlfriend Joan Julie London . An old rival of Steve s , gunman Larry Venables Charles McGraw , also arrives on the scene looking for Steve . Tony confronts Venables and kills him in a shootout . His success goes to his head and he gets drunk , ignoring Joan . A new problem arises with the arrival of Clay Ellison Royal Dano , a farmer who plans to fence off a strip of land currently grazed by cattle . Tony attempts to drive off Ellison , but Steve intervenes . Ellison appeals to Deneen , who agrees to defend Ellison s legal rights to the land . However Tony murders Ellison when he attempts to buy provisions in town . Deneen breaks his ties with the Sinclairs . Steve intends to leave the ranch , but Tony tries to take over . Steve drives him off , but Tony confronts Deneen and attempts to kill him . Both are wounded in the gunfight . Deneen s men recruit Steve to find Tony , who has fled into the hills . When Steve finds him , Tony shoots himself . Steve tells the wounded Deneen , who persuades him to stay on at the ranch with Joan .
<|crime|>Two police detectives in Lyon , both single and childless , are investigating the murder of a young man called Vince , whose body is found strangled in the river Rhône . It emerges that Vince was a high end male prostitute , finding clients on the internet and meeting them in hotels . His girlfriend was a student Reb , who he recruited to join him in threesomes , so increasing his range of clients and his earnings . One encounter went wrong when the client started to get rough with Reb , upon which Vince beat him up and the two fled . Furious at the way Reb had been treated , Vince decided to blackmail the man and arranged a rendezvous on the top floor of a multi storey car park . After handing over the money , the client then attacked Vince with a golf club , upon which Reb waded in with her motorbike helmet . Her blows killed the man , so the two hid his body in his car and fled . Vince s pimp then met him to claim his share of Vince s takings and a fight developed , in which the pimp strangled Vince and then dumped his body in the river . The detectives charge the pimp with murder but not Reb . As she is young , was in love with Vince , is pregnant with his child and her mother is standing by her , they doctor her statement to exonerate her .
<|crime|>In Utah , Nancy Breyers Kelly Lynch is a defense lawyer who is inexplicably in love with client Michael Bosworth Mickey Rourke , a sociopathic convict . During a break from a courtroom hearing , Nancy sneaks a gun to Bosworth . After Bosworth snaps a guard s neck , Bosworth and Nancy slip away . Bosworth tears at Nancy s clothing and leaves her behind , where she will tell authorities Bosworth held her at gunpoint during his escape . He speeds off in a car with his brother Wally Elias Koteas , and their partner , the hulking , half witted Albert David Morse , then changes cars with one Nancy has left for him in a remote location . In the meantime , decorated Vietnam veteran Tim Cornell Anthony Hopkins arrives at his former home with his ex wife Nora Mimi Rogers , who have two kids 15 year old May Shawnee Smith and her 8 year old brother Zack Danny Gerard . Tim and Nora separated due to his infidelity with a younger woman , and Tim shows up trying to reconcile with Nora , with whom he is still in love . Needing a hideout until Nancy can catch up with them , the Bosworth brothers and Albert settle on the Cornells home with a For Sale sign which is seemingly picked by Bosworth at random . Somehow , Bosworth picks up intimate details of the Cornells , and one by one all of them find themselves the prisoners of the Bosworth brothers and Albert . Nancy s innocent act does not fool FBI agent Brenda Chandler Lindsay Crouse , who puts surveillance on her every move . Nancy eventually cuts a deal with Chandler to have charges against her reduced by betraying Bosworth . As young Zack tries to escape through a window , a friend of the Cornells who visits the house by chance meets him . Bosworth makes the family friend enter inside by force , and as they discuss , Bosworth shoots him , then makes Albert dispose of the body as Albert gets anxiety ridden and decides to go off on his own . As Albert leaves while covered in blood , he intercepts two beautiful college girls , who then denounce him with a small gas station owner . The owner calls the authorities who chase after Albert . Albert ignores their order to surrender and is killed by police agents on a river bank . Nancy begs Agent Chandler to give her a gun , but unbeknownst to Nancy , Chandler removes the bullets . As she goes to the Cornells house , the house gets surrounded , and as a shootout starts by Bosworth , Wally is fatally wounded in a barrage of FBI bullets and falls on top of a shocked Nancy . Wally s gun is taken away by Tim . Bosworth holds a gun on Nora and is prepared to use it if Tim interferes . He is unaware that Tim has removed the bullets . Tim then drags the criminal outside , where Bosworth ignores the FBI s order to surrender , and is fatally shot .
<|crime|>Tum is a secretary working for a bank when the company is forced to shed staff . As the boss could not bear to select which staff to fire , he uses the Kau Cim to determine who must leave . Tum draws one of the unlucky numbers and is laid off . Back at her apartment building , she finds the elevator is out of order , and is somewhat bothered by a young man who is a little too helpful . She is nonetheless accommodating and friendly . Once alone , though , she envisions all kinds of suicidal scenarios , including drinking household cleaning chemicals or blowing her head off with a handgun . Her luck changes for the weirder the next morning when she discovers an instant noodle box in front of her door . It is filled with 500 baht bills . Apparently it s been left there because the number on her apartment door , 6 , is missing a nail , so flips upside down , making it appear she lives in apartment 9 , which is actually down the hall . Soon after , a couple of thugs from a Muay Thai camp ask her if she has seen the box . They force their way into her flat , only to be killed , accidentally . Tum decides to get rid of their bodies , get a plane ticket , obtain a fake passport and visa , take the noodle box with her and go spend the rest of her life somewhere else . But the gangster , Kanjit , who makes fake passports happens to be the very guy she must stay away from . More men sent by a Muay Thai promoter appears at Tum s apartment , where one quickly hid in her wardrobe when she returned home . A young policeman , who is the lover of her nosy neighbor , Pen , suddenly calls on her and discovers the bodies . The hidden man attracts the policeman s attention when he cocks his gun , and the subsequent firefight kills them both . As Tum tries to hide the two bodies , Pen comes to visit , believing the policeman was still in her home . Another man arrives at the apartment later to seek out the missing men , and mistakenly thought he has killed the policeman after firing into the cop s body which was hidden behind a door . As Tum tried to clean up the mess and hide the cop s body later , Pen and other neighbours spies on her through the keyhole and mistakenly believe she was having an affair with the policeman . Pen contemplates on ways to figure out what Tum is doing , and ends up speculating the worst about her . Also , there s Tum s friend , Jim , who s distraught over her boyfriend cheating on her . Tum takes Jim with her to get her passport , and Jim accidentally gets caught in the crossfire . Jim , now dead , has been compromised and Tum makes off with the money . Tum remembers the reference of Pen when Pen was telling her about how the bodies were dumped down the lake and whatever goes down there disappears , and therefore dumps the money , escaping with just guilt .
<|mystery|>In 1921 , an archaeological expedition led by Sir Joseph Whemple Arthur Byron finds the mummy of ancient Egyptian priest called Imhotep Boris Karloff . When an inspection of the mummy by Whemple s friend Dr . Muller Edward Van Sloan reveals that the viscera were not removed , Muller deduces that Imhotep was buried alive for sacrilege . Imhotep had been mummified alive for attempting to resurrect his forbidden lover , the princess Ankh es en amon . Despite Muller s warning , Sir Joseph s assistant Ralph Norton Bramwell Fletcher reads aloud an ancient life giving scroll the Scroll of Thoth . Imhotep escapes from the archaeologists , taking the Scroll of Thoth , and prowls Cairo seeking the modern reincarnation of Ankh es en amon . 10 years later , Imhotep is masquerading as a modern Egyptian named Ardath Bey . He calls upon Sir Joseph s son , Frank David Manners and Prof . Pearson Leonard Mudie . He shows them where to dig to find Ankh es en amon s tomb . The archaeologists find the tomb , give the mummy and the treasures to the Cairo Museum , and thank Ardath Bey for the information . Imhotep encounters Helen Grosvenor Zita Johann , a woman bearing a striking resemblance to the Princess . Believing her to be Ankh es en amon s reincarnation , he attempts to kill her , with the intention of mummifying her , resurrecting her , and making her his bride . She is saved when she remembers her past life and prays to the goddess Isis to save her . The statue of Isis raises its arm and emits a beam of light that sets the Scroll of Thoth on fire . This breaks the spell that had given Imhotep his immortality , causing him to age rapidly and then crumble to dust . At the urging of Dr . Muller , Frank calls Helen back to the world of the living while the Scroll of Thoth continues to burn .
<|horror|>An old artisan in a Middle Eastern town finds himself the brunt of abuse from the townspeople , due to his hunch back . The children , who call him wicked , chase him and corner him in his shop . He locks them in and tells them they can only leave once they have listened to his story . It turns out the old man used to be called Little Muck in his youth . As a boy , Muck is kind and benevolent , despite being discriminated against by everyone . When his caring father dies , his greedy relatives ransack his house and threaten Muck . Muck escapes and sets out in search of a merchant who can supposedly sell happiness . He wanders across the desert , only to find the house of a wicked woman who traps him . Before escaping he takes her magical boots and staff . These boots allow Muck to run faster than anyone else in the land . He immediately seeks out the Sultan , and with the help of his boots , he becomes the Sultan s chief runner , delivering messages . His staff also has the power to find buried treasure . His employment with the Sultan leads to the youth encountering some ethical problems . Eventually , he is framed for thievery and thrown out . Despite these circumstances , Muck returns and helps his virtuous friend , Hassan , win the heart of the lovely Princess Amarza . Once Muck has finished his retrospective , the children display a newfound respect for him , and they help him with his work .
<|mystery|>Sheriff Bull Harper George Mathews is taking Comanche Todd Richard Widmark , a white man who has lived most of his life among the Indians , to be tried for the murder of Harper s three brothers . The pair join a wagon train led by Colonel Normand Douglas Kennedy . Harper s brutal treatment of Todd causes friction with some members of the wagon train . When the sheriff beats a lad for giving Todd a pipe to smoke , Todd takes advantage of the distraction to kill his tormentor with a dropped axe . Then , while some of the young people sneak away for a late night swim , the Apaches kill everyone else . Todd miraculously survives a fall when the wagon to which he is tied is thrown off a cliff . The Apaches are gathering to avenge the massacre of their own women and children by the whites . It is up to Todd to lead the six other survivors to safety , despite the distrust of some of them . Along the way , he and Jenny Felicia Farr fall in love . Despite saving a small U . S . cavalry detachment from an ambush , Todd is recognized and brought to trial . He reveals that all four Harpers raped and murdered his Comanche wife and killed his two young boys . General Howard takes pity5 on him and places him in the permanent custody of Jenny .
<|mystery|>Television writer and director Elliott Nash Glenn Ford is being blackmailed by Dan Shelby voice of Stanley Adams over nude photographs of his wife Nell Debbie Reynolds , taken when she was 18 years old . Elliott does not inform Nell , the star of a Broadway musical , what is going on , but works feverishly to make enough money to pay off the ever increasing demands . Finally , Elliott decides that murder is the only way out . He makes preparations , incorporating some advice from a friend , District Attorney Harlow Edison Carl Reiner . When the blackmailer shows up at the Nashes suburban home as arranged to collect his latest payment , Elliott shoots him , then hides the body in the concrete foundation being poured for the antique gazebo his wife has bought . He has to keep Sam Thorpe John McGiver , the contractor hired to install the structure , and Miss Chandler Mabel Albertson , the real estate agent trying to sell the Nashes house , from stumbling across his scheme . Then , Harlow brings news that Shelby has been shot and killed . . . in his hotel room , leaving Elliott wondering who he murdered . Nell s name is on a list of blackmail victims belonging to Shelby , so both Elliott and she are suspects . As it turns out , Shelby approached Nell first , but was rejected the publicity would have greatly boosted the musical s audience . They are cleared when the murder weapon is found to belong to Joe the Black , an associate of Shelby s . It is clear to Lieutenant Jenkins Bert Freed that Joe decided not to split the money . Elliott is relieved to discover his victim was a criminal . However , two others were in the gang . The Duke Martin Landau and Louis the Louse Dick Wessel kidnap Nell and take her to her home . They followed Joe the Black to the Nash house , and know he did not come out . They want the briefcase containing 100 , 000 with which he was planning to disappear . They eventually figure out that the body is in the gazebo s foundation , now crumbling due to unexpected rain . They find the briefcase and leave . When Elliott gets home , he unties his wife and confesses what he has done . While they are trying to figure out what to do next , Lieutenant Jenkins shows up with his prisoners , the Duke and Louis . From what they have told him , Jenkins is sure that Elliott is a murderer . Just as Elliott is about to confess , he sees that the bullet he fired missed Joe and ended up lodged in a book . A doctor confirms that Joe actually died of a pre existing heart problem , and Elliott s pet pigeon Herman flies off with the bullet , so no evidence ties him to the death .
<|romance|>Nine years have passed since Before Sunset . Jesse and Céline have become a couple and parents to twin girls . Jesse struggles to maintain his relationship with his teenage son , Hank , who lives in Chicago with Jesse s ex wife . After Hank spends the summer with Jesse and Céline on the Greek Peloponnese peninsula , Jesse drops him off at the airport to fly home . Jesse is a successful novelist , while Céline is at a career crossroads , considering a job with the French government . The couple discuss their concerns about Hank , and then about Céline s choices for her career . Over dinner they talk more about love and life . Friends staying with them pay for a hotel room so they can have a night alone . While walking to the hotel , the couple reminisce about coming together . After reaching the hotel , they have a fierce argument , expressing fears about their present and future together . Among other issues , Jesse wants them to move to Chicago so he can be closer to Hank , which Céline thinks will cost her any chance of a life outside her family . In the heat of the argument , Céline tells Jesse she no longer loves him . Céline leaves their room and sits alone in the hotel s outdoor restaurant . Jesse joins her and jokes that he is a time traveler bringing her a letter from her 82 year old self , describing this night as one of the best of their lives . Unamused , Céline says their fantasies will never match the imperfect reality . Jesse proclaims his love , saying he does not know what else she could want . After a moment , Céline joins in Jesse s joke , and the two seem to reconcile .
<|romance|>Captain Gibby Gibson Richard Dix and his close friend Red Joel McCrea spend the last hours of World War I in the air , shooting down more of the enemy . They then return to America with fellow pilot and comrade Woody Curwood Robert Armstrong and their mechanic Fritz Hugh Herbert to an uncertain future . Gibby finds his ambitious actress girlfriend Follette Marsh Mary Astor with a new boyfriend , one who can do more for her career . Good natured braggart Red decides not to take back his old job , as it would mean the firing of a married man with a new baby . Woody learns that he is penniless , swindled by his embezzling business partner . Years later Gibby , Red and Fritz ride a boxcar to Hollywood to look for Woody and find work in lean times . At a movie premiere , they spot a prosperous Woody , who is working as a stunt flier . He offers them well paying jobs working for disreputable and tyrannical director Arthur von Furst Erich von Stroheim . Gibby is reluctant , as Follette is now married to von Furst , but finally gives in . Woody introduces his two comrades in arms to his sister , the Pest Dorothy Jordan . She worries constantly about him , as von Furst utilizes dangerously worn out aircraft and Woody drinks a lot . Both Gibby and Red are attracted to her . Gibby misinterprets her concern for him when he barely survives a crash caused by parts of his aircraft falling off as love . When Red impulsively asks the Pest to marry him , she agrees , and Gibby accepts the situation with grace . Meanwhile , von Furst is aware that his wife still has strong feelings for Gibby . He sabotages the aircraft Gibby is to fly for a dangerous stunt , secretly applying acid to a control wire , not only out of jealousy , but also to add to the realism of his film with a real crash . However , unbeknownst to him , Woody decides to do the stunt in Gibby s place . Red sees von Furst tampering with the wires and alerts Gibby . Gibby takes off in another aircraft and catches up to Woody , but cannot make himself understood over the roar of their engines . The cable breaks , and Woody crashes and is killed . Red takes von Furst captive at gunpoint , determined to apply vigilante justice . Gibby and Fritz find out . Gibby starts to telephone the police to report a murder over Red s objections . While they are arguing , von Furst tries to escape , and is shot and killed by Red . When police detective Jettick Ralph Ince shows up in answer to Gibby s interrupted call , the men hide the body . Sensing something wrong , Jettick insists on searching for von Furst . When he leaves , Gibby loads the corpse into an aircraft and takes off . He then deliberately crashes , killing himself and taking the blame for the crime .
<|horror|>Petey Wheatstraw Rudy Ray Moore is born during a great Miami hurricane , and after a difficult labor by his mother , emerges as a talking , diaper wearing six year old boy who promptly attacks the doctor , and then his father for disturbing me in my sleep every night . His mother puts him in his place , and names him Petey Wheatstraw . While a teenager , Petey meets a mentor Bantu who teaches him the philosophy of Kung Fu , and self respect vowing to bow before no man . Petey grows up to become a successful nightclub comedian , who books a series of shows at a club in Los Angeles called Steve s Den much to the dismay of comedy rivals Leroy and Skillet , who have just borrowed a large sum of money from the Mob to finance their own opening at another club . Realizing that their show is likely to fail with Petey in town and therefore default on the loan , they beg Petey to delay his act . When Petey refuses to do so , Leroy and Skillet send out their henchmen to convince Petey otherwise . Leroy and Skillet s henchmen gun down Petey s business partner Ted s little brother Larry , and then attempt to wipe out Petey himself at the boy s funeral by machine gunning the entire party . Mortally wounded , Petey is visited by Lou Cipher the Devil himself who tells him that his death was a mistake . He is willing to undo Petey s death on one condition that Petey marry the Devil s daughter and provide him with a grandson . Petey nearly quashes the deal when he sees the picture of the Devil s ugly daughter , but hears the words of Bantu and decides to make a deal . Petey and his friends are brought back to life , and Petey tells them of the Devil s deal and his plans to gain revenge on Leroy and Skillet and trick the Devil by not marrying his daughter . Armed with the Devil s own magic Pimp Cane , Petey sets out to exact his revenge .
<|mystery|>During the early 1970s , FBI agent Ray Levoi is assigned to aid in the investigation of a political murder , that of tribal council member Leo Fast Elk Allan R . J . Joseph , on a Native American reservation in South Dakota . Agent William Dawes , Ray s superior , has chosen him for the task due to his mixed Sioux heritage , which might assist in the inquiry as they interview local townspeople . Ray is partnered with agent Frank Cooch Coutelle , who has diligently worked on the probe looking to apprehend a prime suspect Aboriginal Rights Movement radical Jimmy Looks Twice . While helping Cooch track down the suspect , Ray gradually becomes sensitized to Indian issues , partially from his attraction to Maggie Eagle Bear , a Native American political activist and schoolteacher . Mocked and ridiculed by the locals being called a Washington Redskin , including tribal police officer Walter Crow Horse , Ray finds that he has an unaccountable standing with some of the tribal elders such as Grandpa Sam Reaches . The natives recognize Ray as Thunderheart , a Native American hero slain at the Wounded Knee Massacre in the past , and now reincarnated to deliver them from their current troubles . Much to Cooch s anger , Ray comes to suspect there is a conspiracy and cover up involving the small town . He and Crow Horse later discover that a local government sponsored plan to strip mine uranium on the reservation is at the root of the killings . The mining is polluting the water supply and fueling a bloody conflict between the reservation s anti government ruling council and the pro government natives who , led by tribal council president Jack Milton , are not above using violence to further their aims . Milton does not own the land where the mining occurs , but gets kickbacks from the leases . Cooch is later revealed to be part of the scandal to silence the opposition and help broker the land deal . Soon after finding Maggie Eagle Bear and former convict Richard Yellow Hawk murdered , a showdown ensues between Cooch and pro government collaborators against Ray , Crow Horse and the anti government activists . Cooch becomes outnumbered by the armed resistance and is later investigated on charges of corruption .
<|action|>On his deathbed , the king of Ruritania announces to his two twin sons , Rudolph and Michael , that he must choose one of them to be the future king of Ruritania following their father s death . The king believes that his youngest son Rudolph is more fit to be king than Michael , and so chooses him for the throne . Rudolph is shocked with his father s decision and Michael is outraged and angry . Following his father s death , Black Michael , as he is known to some of the villagers , gathers his minions and expresses his anger at his father s decision , which he believes to be foolish . He recalls that his father had mentioned that he , Michael , should be king , if and when his brother died thus , he begins to devise a plan to cause Rudolph s death . Michael s wife , Princess Antoinette , is shocked after hearing her beloved husband speak ill of his dead father , and even more after hearing of his plot to murder Rudolph . When she confronts him , Michael sends Antoinette away and tells her that if he can t count on her loyalty , she is no longer his wife . Antoinette runs to Rudolph and informs him of Michael s plots thought at first Rudolph refuses to believe her , Antoinette insists . Following one of Rudolph s plans to ensure his own safety , Princess Antoinette travels to London , where he meets another young man , by the name of Rudolph , who looks remarkably and exactly like the king to be of Ruritania . Princess Antoinette brings the new Rudolph to Ruritania , hoping that he may help her and Rudolph to be safe from Michael . Rudolph , who still trusts his brother , accepts an invitation from Michael , who offers him a drink . Pretending that his intentions were to congratulate Rudolph stepping up to the throne , Michael drugs his brother causing him to enter a deep coma , only a few days prior to his coronation . The new Rudolph proposes to accept the crown himself , so that Prince Rudolph will step up to the throne as soon as he comes out from his state of unconsciousness . When Michael learns of this , he kidnapps the prince and takes him away to the Castle Zenda , where he intends to murder him . Antoinette and Rudolph come up with a plan to surprise Michael and his minions at Zenda and thus rescue the prince . When they defeat Michael , the young prince Rudolph becomes the king of Ruritania and takes his father s place at last .
<|romance|>Opera singer Mary Barrett Grace Moore leaves to study music in Milan , Italy to the disappointment of her family in New York City . Mary gets a job at the Cafe Roma , where Giulio Monteverdi Tullio Carminati , a famous vocal coach , hears her sing . Giulio promises to make Mary a star if she will allow him to control her life . He also tells her that there cannot be any romance between the two of them , as that would distract from the process of growing her talent . Mary discovers she has stagefright as she prepares for a tour of provincial opera houses , however Giulio helps her overcome it . Years later , still under Giulio s tutelage , Mary begins to tire of his dominance and discipline . The two meet one of Giulio s old pupils , Lally Mona Barrie , while in Vienna . Lally once tried to be romantic with Giulio , but was rejected . This past history renders Mary jealous and she pretends to have laryngitis . Mary thinks Giulio has gone to Lally to rekindle a romance , and so visits Bill Houston Lyle Talbot , a longtime friend who has proposed marriage . In a jealous huff , Mary decides not to sing that night in order to punish Giulio . Giulio realizes what is going on and tells Mary that Lally will replace her on stage , but then proposes to Mary . She decides to go on , and Mary s performance of Bizet s Carmen wins her an invitation to the Metropolitan Opera , her dream venue . Giulio , however , still does not believe that she is ready for such a venue . Later at dinner , Lally lies to Mary by telling her that she is still involved with Bill , who has actually returned to New York . On the night of her debut in Madame Butterfly , Mary is too nervous to go on stage until she sees Giulio in his usual place in the prompter s box .
<|comedy|>In 1988 Russ Richards John Travolta , the weatherman for a Harrisburg , Pennsylvania television station , is revered as a local celebrity by his viewers , and fame affords him such perks as a reserved parking spot and his own booth at Denny s , where an omelet bears his name . His eternally optimistic demeanor conceals the fact his snowmobile dealership is on the verge of bankruptcy due to an unusually warm winter . His friend Gig Tim Roth , a shady strip club owner , suggests an insurance scam will free Russ of his financial problems , but when the scheme fails to pay off , Russ finds himself even deeper in debt and the target of a hitman named Dale Michael Rapaport . Gig then proposes Russ rig the Pennsylvania Lottery with the help of his amoral girlfriend Crystal Latroy Lisa Kudrow , a ditzy model who pulls and announces the winning numbers on television , and her oddball cousin Walter Michael Moore , who will pose as the owner of the lucky ticket . Their plan works , but before the 6 . 4 million jackpot can be claimed , everything begins to unravel . First , Walter gets greedy , refuses to hand the winning ticket over to his cousin and Crystal s physical confrontation triggers Walter s ultimately fatal asthma attack . Sleazy station manager Dick Simmons Ed O Neill , who also is sleeping with Crystal , tries to blackmail her and Russ when he discovers what they have done , and others who have uncovered what appears to be the worst kept secret in town demand their share as well . Mayhem and murder ensue , prompting lazy detectives Lakewood Bill Pullman and Chambers Daryl Mitchell to initiate an investigation they hope will not be too taxing . Russ decides to sell the ticket to Dick for 100 , 000 to get clear of the debt he owes to Dale . Crystal is irate , and she immediately seduces Dick to get back into her share of the winnings . Dale breaks into Dick s house and tries to rob the ticket from him , but the police arrive , and Lakewood ends up killing him . On his way home , Lakewood comes across Russ who has jackknifed and overturned an 18 wheeler as he tries to unload his snowmobile inventory on another dealer . Fearing Lakewood has come to arrest him , Russ flees with his 100 , 000 on a snowmobile but crashes into a tree . At the hospital , Lakewood gives him a ticket for operating the snowmobile without a license and explains what happened to Dick and Dale . Russ goes to Dick s hospital room and steals the lottery ticket back . He gives it to Wendy the waitress from Denny s Maria Bamford and moves to Florida where he becomes a successful host of a gameshow called Lucky Numbers .
<|crime|>Steven Kenet catches his unfaithful wife in the apartment of Willard I . Whitcombe , her boss , and apparently strangles her . Believing he killed her , he attempts to commit suicide by driving his car into the river , even though they have a 6 year old son . Kenet survives but is sent to the county psychiatric hospital for evaluation to determine if he is sane enough to be charged with murder . He has no memory of what happened , likely due to a pre existing brain injury from the war . Dr . Ann Lorrison takes an interest in his case , and him . Surgery could cure his brain injury , but he refuses to consent to it , preferring a life in an insane asylum to a probable murder conviction . However , when Lorrison informs him that because his mother has died , his son will be sent to an orphanage , he changes his mind . In fact , Lorrison has obtained temporary custody of the six year old . Henry Cronner , janitor of the apartment building , attempts to blackmail Whitcombe . After being rebuffed , Cronner goes to see Kenet , hinting he can save him but withholding details until Kenet can pay . Whitcombe then sends Cronner plummeting to his death down the building s elevator shaft . Kenet undergoes narcosynthesis a light dose of sodium pentathol to help him remember what happened . He recalls blacking out just as his hands were around the unfaithful woman s neck and later regaining consciousness to find her dead body nearby . Kenet escapes from the hospital and , taking a reluctant Lorrison along , breaks into Whitcombe s apartment . He recreates the scene , in hopes of jogging his memory , then returns to the hospital before he is missed . Whitcombe visits the hospital and provokes Kenet by confessing to the two murders as he had hoped , he is attacked by Kenet , making the latter look like a homicidal lunatic . Whitcombe had tried to break up with Helen Kenet after finding her husband unconscious in his apartment , but she threatened to cause a scandal , ruining his chances of becoming a partner in his publishing firm . In desperation , Kenet breaks out of the hospital again . This time , despite a police manhunt , he manages to get to Whitcombe and subdues him . With the help of sodium pentathol administered by Lorrison , the murderer confesses everything to them and the police .