<|crime|>After a rumble between New York City street gangs , the Hornets and Dukes , a youth is taken captive and threatened with a zip gun by Lenny Daniels , one of the Hornets . The act is witnessed by a neighbor , McAllister , who tells the cops . Lenny is arrested and sentenced to a year in jail . Hornets leader Frankie Dane decides to get even . Seemingly incorrigible , 18 year old Frankie resists all efforts to get through to him by social worker Ben Wagner or his worried mother , who was abandoned by Frankie s father when he was eight . Frankie threatens McAllister , who isn t afraid of Frankie . McAllister even slaps him , then walks away . An angry Frankie then enlists friends Lou Macklin and Angelo Baby Gioia to assist in killing McAllister , which frightens Frankie s 10 year old brother Richie , who overhears the plotting . Baby s dad slaps Baby and orders , then pleads with him to stop hanging out with the no good Frankie . An effort is made by Wagner to understand the boys rather than be angry with them , and Richie tells him of Frankie s plans to commit a murder . Wagner talks to Frankie , seemingly to no avail . The three conspirators fake going to bed , to later use as their alibi to wait until the agreed upon time to act . McAllister is trapped in an alley at 1 30 in the morning by the three . Richie stops his brother just in time , but ends up with a knife held to his throat by angry Frankie , while McAllister and other two run off , as the intended victim yells for help . Wagner appears due to the commotion , and watches as Frankie finally comes to his senses and lets his brother go . He is then accompanied by Wagner to the approaching police .
<|crime|>On his way to California a doctor , John Brighton , decides to stay in Oklahoma territory after his wife dies in childbirth . He takes a room at the home of elderly Mrs . Fitzgerald , who helps raise his new daughter Louise . Five years later , as he becomes acquainted with attractive widow Anne Barnes and her mother , Mrs . Waynebrook , the doctor treats the ill child of an Indian named Charlie . He also meets Charlie s teen daughter , Maria , who is so good with children that he puts Louise in her care after Mrs . Fitzgerald s death . Wealthy rancher Cass Dobie and brother Mel are gobbling up land in the territory . When they determine that there is oil on Charlie s property , they scheme to get it . Mel even tries to shoot Charlie , but is killed in self defense . John testifies on Charlie s behalf . While awaiting a legal decision on the shooting , Maria professes her love for John . The angry Cass has a confrontation with John , who prevails , after which Maria realizes that John is actually in love with Anne .
<|horror|>The story of Danny Rose Woody Allen is told in flashback , an anecdote shared amongst a group of comedians over lunch at New York s Carnegie Deli . Rose s one man talent agency represents countless unorthodox , unsuccessful entertainers , including washed up lounge lizard Lou Canova Nick Apollo Forte , whose career is on the rebound . On those rare occasions any of Danny s acts do succeed , they invariably leave him for better representation . Lou , who has a wife and three kids , is having an affair with a woman , Tina Mia Farrow , who had previously dated a gangster . Lou wants her to accompany him to a big gig Danny has landed for him at the Waldorf Astoria , where he will perform in front of Milton Berle , who could potentially hire him for even bigger things . At the singer s insistence , Danny acts as a beard , masquerading as Tina s boyfriend to divert attention from the affair . Tina s ex boyfriend is extremely jealous , and believing Tina s relationship with Danny to be real , he orders a hit on Danny , who finds himself in danger of losing both his client and his life . Danny and Tina narrowly escape , as Danny at gunpoint says Tina s real boyfriend is one of Danny s clients who Danny believes is on a cruise for a few weeks . Danny and Tina escape and show up at the Waldorf to find Lou drunk and unprepared to perform . Danny sobers Lou with a unique concoction that he has come up with over the years Lou sobers up , and gives a command performance . With a new prestigious talent manager in attendance at the performance , Lou , in front of Tina and with her encouragement , fires Danny and hires the new manager . Danny , feeling cheated , goes to the Carnegie Deli where he hears that the client he ratted on to save himself was beaten up by the hit men and is now in the hospital . Danny goes to the hospital to console his client and pays his hospital bills . Lou , who has left his wife and kids to marry Tina , becomes a success . Tina , feeling guilty for not sticking up for Danny , is depressed and they eventually split up . It is now Thanksgiving and Danny is hosting a party with all of his clients there . Tina shows up to the door and apologizes , asking Danny to remember his uncle Sidney s motto , acceptance , forgiveness , and love . At first Danny turns Tina away , but later catches up with her and they appear to make up . During this closing shot , the voiceover of the group of comedians talking about the story is heard . They praise Danny , and say that he was eventually awarded Broadway s highest honor a sandwich at Broadway s best known deli was named after him .
<|romance|>The film takes place mostly in the waterfront bar of César , Marius s father . Marius works in the bar and his good friend since childhood , Fanny , works outside the bar selling cockles . Marius has a hidden desire to travel to exotic places with the ship crews that depart from the docks of Marseille . This desire becomes exposed when a rich older man Panisse proposes to Fanny and Marius gets jealous . Marius jealousy of Panisse is the first indication of the secret feelings that he has for her , but much to his surprise , the feelings are reciprocated by Fanny . She confesses that she loves Marius prompting him to reveal his plans of traveling the world to her , noting that being the wife of a man at sea is not a desirable life . After a few nights , it is discovered that they have slept together and Marius s father and Fanny s mother convince him to marry her . Marius becomes noticeably melancholy after proposing to Fanny until a few days later , the date of departure of a boat on which Marius was supposed to crew . Fanny , realizing that Marius is not truly happy being with her , decides to encourage him to leave . She helps distract his father while Marius sneaks onto the boat .
<|comedy|>When his ex wife Ann goes to Africa to help out following a natural disaster , Jimmy Venables , a handyman , has to move back into the marital home to look after his two children , Molly and Alex . Jimmy s opinionated widowed former mother in law Diana Neal , a teacher , who has always disliked Jimmy , decides to help him out . Diana s husband , Patrick Neal OBE , died in 1996 . Fashion obsessed Molly is an intelligent girl who sees herself as the only adult in the family , while cheerful Alex is bright but has constantly changing ideas . Jimmy had a girlfriend , Siobhan Casey , a hairdresser , who often feels he does not pay her enough attention . Jimmy s assistant is Kev , while the landlord of his local pub , The Leek and Shepherd , is the pessimistic Bobby . In Series Two , Siobhan is the barmaid at the pub and goes back to college to study Business Studies . She appears less often in Series Three , having been partially written out by having her split with Jimmy . The actress playing the character , Amanda Abbington , was pregnant at time of filming and so it was decided to make things easier for her by reducing her sizeable role . Bobby and Kev , meanwhile , have been developing a tendency to team up and do things which annoy Jimmy such as kidnapping him and locking him in Kev s flat or taking legal action against him . Often compared to My Family , After You ve Gone is a light comedy which pulled in good viewing figures despite often being broadcast at the same time as Coronation Street . It was often broadcast on Friday evenings on BBC One and followed by the heavier comedy of Have I Got News for You .
<|horror|>The film revolves on Maria Kate Brios a loving and dutiful life wife to her husband , Ermin , a police officer Jestoni Alarcon with whom she has two children named Pablo Miggs Cuaderno and Rosalinda Lenlen Frial . Facing financial problems , Maria was convinced to become an Overseas Filipino Worker after she learned that her high school friend Emily Sam Pinto applied to become an overseas worker . Ermin was hesitant with his wife s plans initially but eventually gave his consent . Maria then went to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates to work as a domestic worker . In Dubai , Maria befriends Nanay Leng a fellow Filipino who is also working in the emirate . In one instance in the streets after buying groceries for her employer she was raped on a van and was later found wandering . Maria was brought to a hospital by people who found her loitering around and at the hospital she was recommended to be brought back to the Philippines . While hospitalized , her Filipino friend passes a curse to Maria . The cursed turned to Maria into an aswang . In the Philippines , she was transferred to her province s provincial hospital , where the medical personnel found something wrong with her . They conclude that she has amnesia and took note of her aggressive behavior . Ermin came to bring her back to their home , but a hospital employee discouraged him due to their findings and said that his spouse might not even recognize him . Ermin eventually convinced the hospital to take her back to their home saying that it might bring her memories back . Back at the Maria s family residence , Maria seemingly is back to normal . This is until Maria threatened her children with a knife who were running around their house before she pointed the knife . Shortly , Ermin became aware of the incident with Maria claiming that the action was not within her control . Alone , her aswang persona begins to take control over her and one day she killed her children and cooked them . When Ermin found out what she did , Maria was shot repeatedly by her husband but escaped outside their home . Ermin then buries the remains of her children . Shortly , he witnessed a remorseful Maria crying nearby whose aswang persona then takes over once again . Maria receives a wound on her face after her husband hacked her face with a bolo knife and escapes once again . Then rumors of an aswang causing terror throughout the town spread . Ermin tried to consult an albularyo who said that there is nothing that can be done to return Maria back to normal . The police then pursues the aswang that is said to have been causing problems to the town . After some encounters , Maria was killed . The film ends with an embalmer who is working on Maria s body . The embalmer then founds out that Maria s supposed corpse was nowhere to be found , only to find her to be still alive .
<|romance|>Teenage gang leader Tommy Banning is preparing for the Summer vacation by telling his members about the importance of doing their share to help out during the war . The best way to do this , according to Tommy s advice , is to end the gang activities and instead take legitimate useful jobs . But this seems to be a greater task than they could imagine , since most gang members have criminal records for juvenile delinquency , and they fail getting regular jobs . When Tommy s sister Sheila asks her boss , Frank Moulton , at the Carruthers department store where she works , he agrees to hire Tommy only if she goes on a date with him . Sheila has a boyfriend and won t do that , but her boyfriend Jerry Brady instead gets Tommy the job at the department store . Upon starting his new job , Tommy is smitten by a slaes girl , Suzanne Booker , and they go on a movie date together . At the cinema , some of Tommy s gang , Albert Pig Gum , String and Ape , turn up and ruin the date . Soon enough Pig , String and Ape all have jobs , the latter two in the same store as Tommy . What Tommy and the gang are unaware of is that Moulton is in cahoots with a gangster , Duke Redman , and meet with him to discuss their dealing . It turns out Redman is disappointed in Moulton for not giving him enough business , and to remedy this Moulton give him the names of Tommy and his gang . After using the sexy singer Lola Laverne as bait , Tommy meets with Redman , but refuses to come work for him stealing goods from the department store . Because of this , Tommy is framed for stealing a piece of jewelry and sent to jail . In protest , Sheila quits her job , and it turns out her boyfriend Jerry is the son of the owner . Jerry gets Tommy out of prison , but his family still think he is guilty of the theft . Tommy decides to act against Moulton and Redman , and meets with his gang . After following Moulton to Redman s headquarters , the gang learsn that Redman plans to rob a silk shipment to the department store . Tommy and the gang manage to hold the Redman gangsters enclosed in a room using a fire hose , until the police arrives . As a reward for catching the gang and stopping the robbery , Tommy gets Moulton s job at the store , the rest of the gang start working in the shipping department and Jerry and Sheila reconcile . Thus the gang is disbanded and the members all go legitimate .
<|romance|>Teddy Johnathon Schaech is a New York bird smuggler who goes to Australia to replace a flock of escaped birds after a deal goes awry . While there , he has a wild liaison with a quirky , sexually ravenous girl , Angie Susie Porter , who after a brief courtship knocks him unconscious and kidnaps him . When he awakes he finds himself married to her not legally and stranded in Woop Woop , a desolate , dilapidated town hidden within a crater like rock formation in Aboriginal territory . The residents are people who lived there at an asbestos mining camp before the land was handed over to the Aborigines following a tragedy in 1979 , Woop Woop was abandoned and literally erased from the Australian map . Not content with the deal given to them by the mining company from Fremantle , they opted to return to their old lives in Woop Woop . At first they repopulated themselves incestuously , which caused wide mental instability . A rule was then enacted Rule 3 which bans residents from sleeping with their relatives . Since then , outsiders like Teddy have been occasionally kidnapped to keep Woop Woop populated . Their only export is dog food made from road killed kangaroos . The town is run by Angie s father , Daddy O Rod Taylor , in an authoritarian manner that he disguises as communal he and the other town elders keep the best luxuries for themselves in secret while doling out only the usual canned pineapple and sub par tobacco to the others . The only entertainment available to the residents are old Rodgers Hammerstein films and soundtracks , the latter of which they play constantly . These are presumably left over from the town s last official contact with the civilised world . After witnessing another kidnapping , Midget the local hairdresser , gets shot to death by Daddy O during an attempted escape , Teddy soon realizes he will be trapped in Woop Woop for life unless he finds a way out for himself . Initially , he repairs his VW van which had been vandalized by the locals , only to have it vandalised again by Daddy O . The Australian Cattle Dog that he adopts is shot as part of Dog Day . He befriends a couple of locals , including the scruffy , affable Duffy , and Krystal , Angie s sister , who help him to confront Daddy O s iron fisted reign , and to arrange an escape plan . Duffy , reprimanded by Daddy O for breaking Rule 3 , nonetheless elects to stay in Woop Woop , while Teddy , Krystal , and Krystal s pet cockatoo escape .
<|comedy|>Megan is unemployed and single , and one day she joins a dating website . Her roommates , who just want her to move out , invite her to a party at a club . After a bouncer refuses to let her into the club on the grounds that she looks too young and she is without ID , she sees her ex fiancé , Chris , and later decides to have a one night stand with one of the men she saw on the website , Alec . The next morning , they are less than cordial to each other , but Megan can t leave because of a blizzard . Forced to spend more time together , the two end up telling each other what they did wrong the previous night , convinced that they will never see each other again , and Megan suggests that they try again . The two make love again , with far better results . Afterwards , Megan discovers a closet full of women s clothes , and pictures of Alec with a girl . She finds out that Alec s girlfriend , Daisy , had written a note to him , saying that she wanted to break up , but hadn t given it to him , but he had found it accidentally . Alec wanted to have something to rub in her face when she broke up with him , and so he had joined the dating website . Angry , Megan leaves . When Daisy returns , she finds a note that Megan had scribbled , and she and Alec exchange the notes that they had found , and they break up . At a New Year s Eve party , Megan is arrested because the same note was found in Alec s neighbor s apartment , which the two had broken into earlier . Alec arrives to the prison with flowers and balloons . He pays bail , but Megan refuses to see him or even leave the holding cell . Later , when her roommates come to pay bail , Alec apologizes , saying that he didn t know her last name and that this was the only way he thought he could see her again . He says that it might be something that the two of them would laugh about years later , but Megan is still angry because she had to spend time in jail . She makes him a deal , asking for his number and promising to call him the moment she laughed about it . She takes a closer look at the presents he gave her . Minutes later , she starts laughing upon seeing the balloon read I m sorry , I m an asshole and calls Alec . He meets her outside the police station and they kiss in the middle of the road , when it starts snowing again .
<|mystery|>Following a grueling day of work , firefighter Jeremy Thomas Coleman and his co workers contemplate ending the day with a case of 35 year old Scotch . When Jeremy enters a convenience store to buy snacks , he witnesses the clerk and his son being brutally murdered at the hands of Hagan , an Aryan Brotherhood crime boss . After Jeremy narrowly escapes with his life , police detective Mike Cella , whose old partner was murdered by Hagan while they pursued him in a different case , sees an opportunity to bring justice . Hagan is arrested and Jeremy identifies him in a line up however , Hagan demonstrates that he knows full well that Jeremy is behind the two way mirror by reciting Jeremy s full name , address and social security number . Prior to the trial , Jeremy is forced to change his last name to Douglas and surrender his entire career as he is placed into the witness protection program . Although Jeremy finds it difficult to cope with the loss of his career , he finds consolation in his budding romance with Talia Durham , a Deputy United States Marshal assigned to his case . Later , Hagan s attorney arranges for him to be released from prison in the weeks leading up to the trial . As a result , Jeremy and Talia find their lives in jeopardy . Talia is wounded by one of Hagan s hit men , and Hagan calls Jeremy , threatening to kill everyone he loves whether he testifies or not . Jeremy vows to kill Hagan first and abandons the witness protection program . Jeremy travels home to Long Beach , California , where he seeks out an Eastside Crips leader to exact revenge . The Crips decline to help but give him a gun . Jeremy stakes out one of Hagan s hiding places and kills three of his men while in pursuit of Hagan . However , he leaves behind forensic evidence that can not be traced back to him due to his WITSEC status . The evidence , though , leads detective Cella to believe Jeremy is behind the killings . Jeremy grows bolder in his actions , torturing one of Hagan s men and confronting Hagan s attorney to find out where Hagan will be one night . Talia arrives at Long Beach and tries to convince Jeremy to abandon his plan . Jeremy locks Talia in the bathroom and gets away , but Hagan s hit man arrives soon after and kidnaps Talia . That night , Jeremy , using his firefighting knowledge , sets ablaze the building where Hagan and his men are meeting . When Jeremy realizes Talia is also in the building , he puts on his fireman s suit and enters the building to rescue her . Jeremy runs into Hagan inside the burning building and , after a struggle , Talia kills Hagan . Jeremy leaves the building with Talia . At the wrap , detective Cella , while conversing with the DA , states that no evidence was left behind at the burnt building to charge anyone with the deaths of Hagan and his men . Cella is seen putting away a photo of him and his old partner .
<|romance|>Fandry is a story set in the background of caste discrimination depicting the love of a 13 year old boy . Jambhuvant Kachru Mane nickname Jabya Somnath Awghade , a pre teen lives in a makeshift house on the outskirts of a caste segregated village with his parents and 2 sisters one a widow with a toddler . The family belongs to a low caste community Kaikadi and earns its living by doing menial jobs . Owing to the caste ridden power structure of the village society , the boy s father has a fearful and submissive personality which is exploited by the upper caste villagers . Jabya is disillusioned by the predicament of his family and shows interest in school where he has also fallen in one sided love with a forward caste girl named Shalini nickname Shalu Rajeshwari Kharat who he has never talked to but tries desperately to get her to notice him . The plot opens with Jabya and his school friend Pirya Suraj Pawar armed with a slingshot trying to catch a bird the Black Sparrow in the wilderness . However , the bird call that punctuates the film is that of the Red Wattled Lapwing Titawi , which is supposed to bring bad luck . The black sparrow , with its distinctive forked tail , and the call of the red wattled lapwing occur repeatedly throughout the film . The duo keep trying to catch the bird in the entire film for an unknown reason which is later explained in the film . According to a local legend , it is believed that when the ash obtained by burning the black sparrow is sprinkled on someone , it hypnotizes them to fall in love with the person sprinkling it . Jabya also befriends a bicycle mechanic named Chankya Nagraj Manjule who sees his young self in the boy . Chankya had once gotten married to a girl but she was soon forcefully taken away by her brother and left him beaten very badly . Since then he has renounced family life and taken up refuge in spirituality , mysticism and liquor . Jabya seeks support from Chankya in his quest to obtain his love , which Chankya readily extends . Perhaps the idea of sprinkling the ash of black sparrow on Shalu is suggested to Jabya by Chankya himself . The idea , however , is executed only in Jabya s dream . Back in the village , a face of social politics is displayed over and over again as members of the segregated village exploit and ruthlessly dehumanize Jabya and his family who co operate in the act due to poverty , fear and social hierarchies . The film reaches its climax in one such exploitation where Jabya finally reaches his tipping point and explodes in an impulse driven intense backlash against the oppressors . He hurls a stone at one of the high caste boys , who were teasing Jabya and his family by calling them Fandry pig . The stone is seen fast approaching towards the audience and the film ends . The closing scene deliberately aims the stone at the audience , which is not only a victim but also a carrier of the exploitative caste based social system .
<|comedy|>Oliver Pease Burgess Meredith has deceived his bride Martha Paulette Goddard into believing he s an inquiring reporter for the Los Angeles Daily Banner when , in fact , he is employed there as a classified ads clerk . When Martha suggests Oliver ask people on the street , What influence has a baby had on your life ? , he submits the question to the real reporter , who dismisses it outright . Oliver approaches the editor and introduces himself as a representative of the publisher , who he claims wants to improve the feature by having Oliver roam the city and ask the question suggested by his wife . Jazz musicians Slim and Lank James Stewart and Henry Fonda mistake the word baby for babe and reminisce about a female trumpeter they met when their tour bus broke down in a rundown California seaside resort , where they tried to fix a talent contest so the mayor s son would win . Hollywood film star Gloria Manners Dorothy Lamour recalls the time she was hired to work with precocious child star Peggy Thorndyke Eileen Janssen , who unintentionally triggered her big break in the movies , transforming her from a drab Iowa secretary into a Polynesian goddess . In a story similar to the O . Henry short story The Ransom of Red Chief , successful stage magician Al Fred MacMurray relates how he and his buddy Floyd William Demarest once were con artists who stumbled upon young runaway and practical joker Edgar Hobbs in the woods . Upon learning he lived with his wealthy banker uncle , they conspired to return the boy and claim a reward , only to discover his uncle did not want him back . All ended well when Al married Edgar s sister and made the two siblings part of his magic act . At the end of the day , Oliver returns to the newspaper only to discover he s been fired from his real job for being AWOL . When he tells his wife what has happened , she surprises him by telling him she has known all along about his job and does not mind in the least . The paper s editor , impressed by the notes Oliver made while talking to his various subjects , arrives to tell him he likes his column and plans to print it , and asks how he thought of the question in the first place . Martha confesses it came to her because she s going to have a baby .
<|crime|>Checkpoint is shot in cinéma vérité style with no narration and very little context . Shamir himself is absent from the film except for one scene in which a border guard asks him to try to make him look good , and Shamir asks how he should do that . The camera films people trying to cross at various checkpoints . At some , such as the high tech fortress like that at the Gaza Strip crossing there are hundreds of people crowded , waiting to get through . At others such as at South Jenin there is just a truck blocking the road while Palestinians trickle by . Interactions vary , ranging from mundane to mildly frustrating to maddening in their unfairness . Sometimes people show their identification cards without incident but much of what Shamir has chosen to include are the messier incidences . A school bus full of kids averaging around eight years old the viewer sees several times and passes at South Jenin quite regularly the bus driver says everyday is emptied and told that it cannot proceed . A family is separated because a border guard does not see the need for the father to accompany his family to the doctor because he is not sick . A woman sends her crying children back home on their own because their papers are not in order . Hundreds ignore soldiers at one place and walk through to town , many carrying nothing but groceries . On the way to Nablus an ambulance is stopped and each passenger is forced to explain what their need for treatment is . A soldier calls Palestinians animals while they wait at Kalandia checkpoint in the snow . Sometimes the soldiers are obviously playing around with the people they are monitoring but often it seems that they are following arbitrary orders outside their control . The situation is only worsened by the fact that rarely does either party speak the same language The entire film is spoken in patches of Arabic , Hebrew and English .
<|crime|>In 1843 roguish gambler Paul Regret Stuart Whitman escapes a death penalty after killing in a duel Emil Bouvier Gregg Palmer , the son of a Louisiana judge . Regret claimed that he would have only wounded Bouvier if he hadn t sidestepped . He is captured by Texas Ranger Jake Cutter John Wayne after a tryst with a mysterious lady , Pilar Graile Ina Balin . Regret manages to escape , but is subsequently recaptured after a chance encounter with Cutter in a saloon . In the process of returning Regret to Louisiana , Cutter is forced to join forces with the condemned to fight the Comancheros , a large criminal gang headed by a former officer that smuggles guns and whiskey to the Comanche Indians to make money and keep the frontier in a state of violence . Cutter stops at a ranch owned by a friend when there is a sudden Comanche attack . During the attack Regret jumps on a horse and flees , but instead of making a clean getaway he soon returns with a unit of Texas Rangers and the attack is repulsed . Eventually they infiltrate the self sufficient Comanchero community at the bottom of a valley in the desert . Pilar reappears as the daughter of the wheelchair bound but ruthless leader Graile Nehemiah Persoff . After Cutter and the other Texas Rangers defeat both the Comanches and Comancheros , Regret and Pilar leave together for Mexico and Jake rides off into the sunset .
<|crime|>The prologue takes place in the year 2062 , 15 years after the Tiberium Wars which led to the invasion and defeat of the Scrin , and 10 years after the end of Kane s Wrath where Kane regained possession of the Tacitus . Tiberium has evolved and is spreading at such a rate that the whole planet is expected to become uninhabitable by 2068 . Humanity is on the brink of extinction . At this time , the leader of the Brotherhood of Nod , Kane , heads directly to the headquarters of the Global Defense Initiative , in hopes of using the Tacitus and GDI s resources to construct a worldwide Tiberium Control Network . This network will allow the spread of Tiberium to be controlled and turn Tiberium into an inexpensive power source . Even though the idea of alliance has been met with hostility which has sparked the brief Incursion War , the two factions have nevertheless united . The campaign itself starts 15 years after the formation of the alliance , as the Tiberium Control Network nears completion . The spread of Tiberium is finally stopped , bringing optimism to the world s remaining population . However , extremists from both factions start to cause unrest , which sparks the Fourth Tiberium War . The player takes the role of Commander Parker , a GDI military officer who receives an optical implant after his battle wounds have caused him to lose his eyesight . The player is presented with the possibility to aid either Colonel Louise James s GDI extremists or Kane s Nod Loyalist forces in the Fourth Tiberium War . The game s missions chronicle Kane s attempt to activate the Threshold 19 , a tower constructed by Scrin aliens during the Third Tiberium War that functions like an interstellar portal . He claims to have used the Tacitus to help create both the Tiberium Control Network and the optical implants these are , in fact , the keys to the activation of the tower . While the GDI and the Nod finally form an alliance , two groups of separatists desperately try to spark a war to stop or punish Kane . The madman Gideon leads the Nod separatists , while Colonel Louise James commands the GDI . After the final battle for the Threshold 19 , Kane is about to leave Earth using the Scrin tower . He convinces Commander Parker the player to activate it for him with the optical implant . The player is shot by Colonel James but nonetheless succeeds in activating the portal . In both campaigns , Kane enters the portal . In the GDI campaign , Kane promptly thanks the player before entering it . In the ending cut scene , news channels announce that the Tiberium growth has receded following the complete activation of Tiberium Control Network and all the Nod followers have entered the Scrin tower and disappeared .
<|crime|>Clay Tallant is on his way to Silver City , Arizona to meet up with his brother , Orin . As he approaches the town , he stops a stagecoach robbery being attempted by Frank McCloskey and his gang . In intervening , Clay saves Kitty Rivers , a singer in the town s saloon , who is engaged to Orin . In town , the marshal accuses McCloskey of the robbery , after which he is killed by McCloskey , who works for the sheriff , Jake Mannen . Clay is offered the job of marshal by Mayor Ed Comstoc , and accepts . As he attempts to clean up the town , he runs afoul of Mannen . Clay arrests Shot gun Keeler and the rest of McCloskey s gang , but they are released by the judge , who is on Mannen s payroll . Mannen hires gunman Tex Randolph to come in and dispose of Clay , but this backfires when Randolph instead joins Clay and Orin . Mannen sets up several ambushes in which to kill Clay , but one of them leads to Clay killing McCloskey . However , eventually Mannen traps Clay , Orin , Tex , and Pompey their servant in a burning building . When Pompey makes a break for it to get help , he is gunned down . As the three lawmen begin to battle back against Mannen and his henchmen , Clay is saved by a mysterious woman , who shoots and kills Mannen just as he was taking aim on Clay . Having cleaned up the town , Clay leaves Silver City , taking Kitty with him , who has changed her romantic interest from Orin to his brother .
<|horror|>The film opens with a news montage explaining that it is set in a dystopic near future in which George W . Bush has been elected to a fourth term . The United States Congress has been disbanded public nudity is banned the United States is embroiled in wars with France , Iraq , Afghanistan , Iran , Pakistan , Syria , Venezuela , Canada , and Alaska . With more wars than there are soldiers to fight them , a secret laboratory run by Dr . Chushfeld in fictional Sartre , Nebraska , has developed a virus to re animate dead Marines and send them back into battle . However , this virus has broken containment and infected test subjects and scientists , and they are at risk of escaping from the lab . A team of Marines code named the Z Squad is sent in to destroy the zombies . One of the Marines named Byrdflough Zak Kilberg is bitten but escapes . He ends up in an alley outside an underground strip club named Rhino . The Marine dies and awakens as a zombie who goes into the strip club . Rhino is run by Ian Essko . A new stripper named Jessy has arrived at the club to save up enough money for her grandmother s operation . She is introduced to the club s star dancer , Kat . Kat begins her dance on the stage , but is attacked by Byrdflough . Essko is concerned about losing his best dancer , so he lets her go back on stage as a zombie . To everyone s surprise , Kat is a better and more popular dancer as a zombie than she was as a human . The other strippers now find themselves faced with the prospect of losing their customers , as the customers prefer zombie strippers to human strippers . One by one , the human strippers become zombies , some by choice in order to compete or in the case of Gothic rock stripper , Lillith for fun . During private dances , the zombie strippers bite and kill their customers . Essko tries to keep the zombies hidden in a cage in the club s cellar , but eventually , the zombies escape and overrun the club . Kat and the underrated stripper Jeannie fight for supremacy . The remaining humans in the club struggle to survive until the Z Squad burst in to destroy the zombies . But they discover that the zombies were allowed to escape by the Bush Administration , in the hopes that the ensuing zombie plague would distract Americans from their gross mishandling of the war effort and the economy .
<|crime|>Based on the book Disco Bloodbath , by James St . James , the film opens with Michael Alig as a small town outcast who lived with his mom before moving to New York . Michael learns the New York party scene from James St . James , who teaches him the rules of fabulousness , which mostly revolve around attracting as much attention to oneself as possible . Despite James warning , Alig hosts a party at The Limelight , a local club owned by Peter Gatien . With Alig as its main attraction , The Limelight soon becomes the hottest club in New York . Alig is named King of the Club Kids and goes on a cross country journey in search of more club kids . Alig and James pick up Angel Melendez , Gitsie , and Brooke . Gitsie becomes Michael s latest sidekick although the movie implies the relationship was a little more than platonic . However , after Michael descends further into drug abuse , his life starts to spiral out of control , eventually culminating in his involvement in the murder of Angel . Gitsie and Michael decide to go to rehab but ultimately return to NY with the same drug problems as before causing Michael to lose his job and end up in a motel in New Jersey . James then begins to write his Great American Novel published as Disco Bloodbath and later as Party Monster . Michael Alig nightlife legend , party monster , convicted murderer was released from prison last week after 17 years . In the Nineties , Alig was ringleader of New York City s Club Kids , and the majordomo for Peter Gatien s nightclub empire which included Limelight , the Palladium , and the Tunnel . But in 1996 , Alig and his friend Robert Freeze Riggs argued with a drug dealer named Angel Melendez , killed him and dismembered his body in gruesome fashion before disposing of the corpse in the Hudson River . The events were dramatized in the 2003 film Party Monster , which starred Macaulay Culkin as Alig . Post prison , Alig has returned to New York City to find that the world had changed , but that he was still the subject of media attention and tabloid headlines .
<|romance|>Sikandar Raza Parzan Dastur is a 14 year old schoolboy in the Kashmir valley . Ever since his parents were killed by jihadis from Azad Kashmir militants 10 years ago , he has lived with his aunt and uncle , in a small town called Kupwara in Kashmir valley . All Sikandar s desires revolve around the happiness of his foster parents and getting the ball into the goal on the football field . One day , on his way to a school football match , Sikandar finds a gun lying on the path . Despite admonishments by his newly made school friend , 14 year old Nasreen Ayesha Kapoor , Sikandar picks up the gun and begins a journey into the darker side of his nature . The quiet yet strong Nasreen becomes Sikandar s conscience keeper . She tries to dissuade him from giving in to the lure of the gun . Sikandar gets embroiled further and further in situations beyond his control , and people get killed . At first it seems that the happenings occurring alongside Sikandar s predicament are not connected . But , as layer upon layer is revealed , it becomes clear that Sikandar is the innocent victim in a game being played out between the militants , the army , the peace bartering politicians and the religious heads of the little Kashmiri town . The pieces of the puzzle come together at the very end , leading to a shocking revelation . The movie is a portrayal of how child psychologies can be moulded , how terrorists are made . Bholi bhaali rahne do by Prasoon Joshi wonderfully sums up the movie .
<|horror|>In his hidden laboratory deep in Russia , Dr . Karl Zimmer Symonds has invented the Mandroid , a humanoid robot which follows the motions of a man in a special control suit . He has offered the invention to the United States , which has sent Agent Joe Smith and Dr . Wade from the CIA for inspection . However Zimmer s partner Drago Lowens has different plans , and wants to sell Mandroid to the military . The night he tries to steal Mandroid , he becomes exposed to the highly toxic Superconn and is terribly disfigured . During the struggle Zimmer s assistant Ben Knight also becomes exposed however he begins to turn invisible . Drago enslaves a homeless mute and partially fixes his face . But the mute has to make him a metal mask . Using the Mandroid , Drago kidnaps Smith . Drago demands that Zimmer give him the Superconn in exchange for Smith . Zimmer , Zana and Wade retrieve the Superconn . Meanwhile Smith is revealed to be in cahoots with Drago . The chief of police arrives at the trade with a squad of police officers . Through Mandroid , Drago reveals Smith s duplicity and fatally shoots Zimmer , then shoots Smith . As Zana mourns her father , the rest of them go after Drago and the Mandroid . Mandroid kills all of the police . Smith atones by killing the mute but dies from his injuries . Wade destroys the Mandroid . Drago shoots Wades legs crippling him . Wade causes the building to collapse on him . Wade and Zana start a relationship . Drago is revealed to be alive .
<|comedy|>Unemployed 28 year old cartoonist Gordon Gord Brody leaves his parents home in Portland , Oregon , to pursue his lifelong ambition of obtaining a contract for an animated television series . His parents give him a car in which he drives to Los Angeles and starts work at a cheese sandwich factory . Gord shows his drawings to Dave Davidson , the CEO of a major animation studio Davidson tells him that the artwork is not bad , but that the concepts depicted , including a vigilante X Ray Cat , are nonsensical . Disheartened , Gord quits his job and returns to his parents . Gord s father Jim constantly insults and belittles him following his return , telling him to forget about being an animator and get a job . When Gord pressures his friend Darren into skating on a wooden half pipe he has built outside the Brody home , Darren falls and breaks his leg . At the hospital Gord impersonates a doctor , delivers a baby , and meets an attractive wheelchair bound nurse Betty , who has an obsessive penchant for fellatio and an ambition to create a rocket powered wheelchair . Jim also disparages Betty . After a heated display , Jim smashes Gord s half pipe , and Gord and his parents go to a family therapy session . There , Gord falsely accuses Jim of fingering Gord s younger brother , Freddy . The 25 year old Freddy is sent to a home for sexually molested children while Gord s mother Julie leaves Jim , and ends up dating the basketball player Shaquille O Neal . While in a drunken stupor , Jim tells Gord how much of a disappointment he is to him . Affected by Jim s words , Gord decides to abandon his aspirations to be a cartoonist and gets a job at a local sandwich shop . After seeing a television news report on Betty s successful rocket powered wheelchair , Gord is inspired to pursue his dreams once again . He returns to Hollywood with a concept based on his relationship with his father an animated series called Zebras in America . While Gord is pitching this to Davidson , Jim bursts in and trashes Davidson s office . Thinking Jim s actions are part of Gord s pitch , Davidson greenlights Zebras in America and gives Gord a million dollar check . Gord spends a quarter of that money to thank Betty elaborately for inspiring him , and the remainder to relocate the Brody house to Pakistan with his father inside , unconscious a response to Jim s earlier put down that If this were Pakistan , you would have been sewing soccer balls when you were four years old ! Gord and Jim soon come to terms , but are then abducted and held hostage . The kidnapping becomes a news item , as Gord s series has already become popular . After 18 months in captivity , Gord and Jim return to America , where a huge crowd welcomes them home .
<|horror|>Dr . Williams played by Martin Freeman is hired by Governor Bentley Simon Griffiths to work as a prison psychiatrist after The War in the East has produced a doctor shortage . Williams is informed about the Voorman problem a prisoner named Voorman Tom Hollander is convinced that he is a god and has convinced the rest of the prisoners who spend all day chanting in worship . It is unclear what Voorman s crime is due to a computer malfunction . Williams interviews a straitjacketed Voorman in a locked room in the prison . Voorman calmly explains that he is a god , and that he created the world exactly nine days ago . When the Doctor objects , Voorman suggests a test of his powers . He will eliminate Belgium as proof he is a god . At home a frustrated Wiliams tells his wife about the case . He laughingly brings the claim that Voorman will eliminate Belgium . His wife is confused , having no idea what Belgium is . Williams attempts to show her Belgium in an atlas but finds it is gone and replaced with a body of water called Walloon Lagoon . Back at the prison , Williams is baffled by the lack of any evidence of Belgium , but refuses to believe in Voorman s divinity . Voorman expresses his exhaustion with being a god and suggests the two switch places . In a flash the two have switched places , Voorman dressed as the well dressed doctor , and Williams disheveled and in a straitjacket . Williams calls for the guards and Voorman starts to leave stating that it is no use . As he leaves , Voorman advises Williams to keep an eye on North Korea . Voorman leaves the room as the sounds of the prisoners chanting get louder .
<|fantasy|>Motivated by the success in syndication of the cult 1974 series Land of the Lost , Sid and Marty Krofft created a new version of it . The new Land of the Lost had advanced special effects and a lighter , less survivalist oriented tone . Frequent writers Len Janson and Chuck Menville had previously crafted numerous scripts for assorted Filmation series , while producer Jerry Golod had earlier collaborated with George A . Romero on Tales from the Darkside . The series ran for 26 episodes spread over two seasons , with each season consisting of thirteen episodes . It featured the Porter family father Tom , son Kevin and daughter Annie trapped in a parallel universe after their Jeep Cherokee fell through a time portal while exploring the back country . They soon meet another human , a beautiful jungle girl named Christa who came from 1960s San Francisco . Christa became trapped in the Land of the Lost when she was very young and grew up alone . An earlier concept would have featured an adult Holly Marshall as the mystery girl along with Cha Ka but due to casting the characters were revisualized as Christa and Stink . The Porters live in a large treehouse although it is actually built between a series of large logs and not rooted trees that the family built after they realized their tents provided little safety from dangerous predators . After their first encounter with Scarface , they devised an alarm system by stringing up a series of empty tin cans surrounding the treehouse perimeter that would shake and make noise if Scarface were to show up again . Intelligent natives of the Land of the Lost include chimpanzee like Pakuni and the lizard like Sleestaks , and there are many species of dinosaurs filling the jungle . A Paku named Stink and a baby dinosaur named Tasha were befriended by the Porters . Acting as antagonists were a trio of exiled Sleestak criminals named Shung , Keeg and Nim . Shung is their leader and possesses a powerful crystal sword . Another major obstacle faced by the Porters was a one eyed Tyrannosaurus named Scarface , who lived near the area where the family made their home and frequently chased after them in an attempt to eat them . A sorceress named Keela with genuine magical powers was introduced in the second season and appeared in two episodes . Another character added in the second season was Namaki , a strange fish like humanoid who befriended Christa when she was just a little girl . Twelve episodes of Season 1 were released onto videocassette at two episodes per video . As of 2016 the series has yet to be released on DVD or Blu ray .
<|romance|>Traude Krueger Bleibtreu is working as a piano teacher in a women s prison . While selecting new students , she meets Jenny Von Loeben Herzsprung . When she tells her she can t take any lessons because her hands are too rough and she is uncooperative , Jenny becomes enraged and almost kills the prison guard , Mütze Pippig , also one of Krueger s students . Then she starts playing the piano . Krueger listens from the hallway and , impressed by her talent , later offers Jenny lessons , but requires absolute obedience , including eating a sheet of paper . She tells Jenny never to play that kind of negro music again . Jenny s adoptive father wanted to turn her into a Mozart like child prodigy when she was young , but when she resisted going to further contests , he molested her . Krueger plans to have her compete again . While practicing , some inmates become jealous of Jenny , who doesn t seem to get punished for beating up the guard . Some of the prison personnel oppose giving her the freedom to play the piano . However , the prison director wants positive media attention for his prison . Jenny reaches the finals of a piano competition for players of 21 and under . Mütze transfers her to the cell of her rival inmates . They strap her hands to the bed with some cloth and set them on fire . Jenny severely wounds one of the culprits , and she is forbidden to enter the competition . Krueger learns that Mütze deliberately set up the conflict and she confronts him . Krueger resigns , and takes her piano . Mütze aids Jenny escaping from prison with the piano so she can play at the competition . Jenny learns that Krueger has had contact with her adoptive father . Thinking he arranged all of it , and that Krueger was just being bribed into teaching her , she rages violently . Krueger tells her about her own past , how she lost her great love , another woman , during the second world war , because she was a communist , and how she also taught her to play the piano . Krueger convinces Jenny to play at the competition where , because the police have come to take her back to jail , she has only four minutes to convince the crowd . She diverts from the original plan of playing a piece by Schumann , and plays a unique piece of her beloved negro music , including percussion , foot stomping and reaching under the lid to pound the strings . When she is finished , the crowd erupts in a standing ovation .
<|horror|>The movie opens with Ruth Stoops and a man apparently an ex boyfriend having intercourse on a bed in a flophouse , after which he disrespectfully throws her out of the apartment . She later goes to a hardware store to buy patio sealant and huffs it in a paper bag in an alley to get high . Ruth is portrayed as a dumb , inebriated addict , capable of doing nearly anything to get money or drugs . Ruth has 4 kids , all of whom have been taken from her custody by the state because of her inability to care for them or even for herself . Her kids are scattered among three different homes . Ruth goes to the home of her brother and sister in law to sneak a look at two of her kids and to beg her brother for money . After Ruth is arrested for her continuing drug use , she learns that she is pregnant again . At her arraignment , she learns to her horror that she is facing felony charges her many earlier arrests had all been on misdemeanor charges . The judge , who knows of the situation with Ruth s other offspring , suggests to her after the hearing that he will deal with her less harshly if she has an abortion . Through a chance encounter with a group of jailed abortion protesters , Ruth soon finds herself at the center of an escalating battle between people on both sides of the abortion issue . Both sides engage in deceitful tactics to influence Ruth s decision . The pro life people run a fake abortion clinic , where they actually seek to dissuade patients from receiving the advertised service . The pro choice people have spies in the pro life group who spirit Ruth away . Both sides offer incentives into the thousands of dollars to the hapless and exhilarated woman to secure her promise that she keep or abort the child . Dollar conscious Ruth rampantly encourages the bidding . She becomes the object of a local news and political obsession a figure of the media who all want to know Will she or won t she have an abortion ? On the day Ruth is to receive her abortion , she suffers a miscarriage . Going along with the pretense of having the abortion , she proceeds to the clinic to collect 15 , 000 that has been left there for her by one of the security guards of the clinic who believes in personal freedom . He has personally given her the money , free of organizational sponsorship , to match the bid given by the Pro Life group , so that she can make her decision without the influence of money . She then breaks out of the clinic by dropping a toilet tank cover on a guard s head and walks by oblivious protesters on both sides . Even though she d been on the TV news for weeks , none of the picketers on either side pay any attention to her actual presence . Finally standing up , she runs away down the street . A running joke in the movie is a Success in Finance type tape produced by an Amway type company . Ruth takes the tape and studies it to determine what to do with her newfound money .
<|romance|>Gregory Underwood John Gordon Sinclair is an awkward teenager who plays in his school football team . They are not doing very well , so the coach Jake D Arcy holds a trial to find new players . Dorothy Dee Hepburn , turns up and , despite the coach s sexist misgivings , proves to be a very good player . She subsequently takes Gregory s place as centre forward , and Gregory in turn replaces his friend Andy Robert Buchanan as goalkeeper . Gregory is all for her making the team , as he finds her very attractive . However , he has to compete for her attention with all the other boys who share the same opinion . Gregory initially confides in his best friend Steve William Greenlees , the most mature of Gregory s circle of friends , and asks him for help in attracting Dorothy . Steve , however , is unable to assist him . Acting on the advice of his precocious 10 year old sister , Madeleine Allison Forster , he awkwardly asks Dorothy out on a date . She accepts , but Dorothy s friend , Carol Caroline Guthrie , shows up at the rendezvous instead and informs Gregory that something had come up Dorothy will not be able to make it . He is disappointed , but Carol talks him into taking her to the chip shop . When they arrive , she hands him off to another friend , Margo Carol Macartney , and leaves . By then , Gregory is rather confused , but goes for a walk with the new girl . On their stroll , they encounter a waiting Susan Clare Grogan , another of Dorothy s friends , and Margo leaves . Susan confesses that it was all arranged by her friends , including Dorothy . She explains , It s just the way girls work . They help each other . They go to the park and talk . At the date s end , Gregory is more than pleased with Susan , and the two kiss numerous times on his doorstep before calling it a night and arranging a second date . Madeleine , who had been watching from the window , quizzes him on his date and calls him a liar when he claims he did not kiss Susan . Gregory s friends , Andy and Charlie Graham Thompson , are even more inept with girls but see Gregory at various times with three apparent dates , and are envious of his new success . They try to hitchhike to Caracas , where Andy has heard the women greatly outnumber the men , but fail at that as well .
<|mystery|>In December 1941 , a squadron of PT Boats under the command of Lt . John Brick Brickley Robert Montgomery is sent to Manila to help defend the Philippines against a potential Japanese invasion . However , upon their arrival , instead of a welcome , they are ridiculed by the local military commanders . One of Brick s men , Lt . , J . G . Rusty Ryan John Wayne becomes disgusted when his superiors refuse to see the small boats as viable naval craft and is in the process of writing his request for a transfer to destroyers when news arrives of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor , which makes transfer at that time impossible . Ryan and Brickley s demands for combat assignments for their squadron are frustrated for a time as they are assigned to messenger duty , but when the Japanese launch a surprise attack with warplanes , they are hastily pressed into combat duty . They are again subjected to messenger duty , infuriating Ryan who continually requests transfer to a destroyer . Eventually , the local command recognizes the effectiveness of the small boats and use them for intercepting and sinking larger Japanese boats . As they are about to leave on a mission to sink a Japanese cruiser , Brick orders Rusty to the hospital , where it is discovered that he has blood poisoning . While in the hospital , Rusty begins a romance with Army nurse Sandy Davyss Donna Reed . Brick s boats sink the cruiser , after which the squadron meets with more and more success , even as they suffer the loss of both boats and men . However , the American forces are vastly outgunned and outnumbered by the Japanese forces , and it is only a matter of time before the islands are lost . With the mounting Japanese onslaught against the doomed American garrisons at Bataan and Corregidor , the squadron is sent to evacuate General Douglas MacArthur , his family , and a party of VIPs . This done , they resume their attacks against the Japanese , who gradually whittle down the squadron . As boats are lost , their crews are sent to fight as infantry . Finally , the last boat is turned over to the Army for messenger duty . Brickley , Ryan and two ensigns are airlifted out on one of the last planes because the PT boats have proved their worth and they are needed stateside to train replacement PT boat officers and crews . The remaining enlisted men , led by Chief Mulcahey , are left behind to continue the fight with remnants of the U . S . Army and Filipino guerrillas .
<|crime|>Two years after the Fourth Ninja World War and Kakashi Hatake becomes the Sixth Hokage , the moon is falling towards onto Earth and will soon collide . The crisis is caused by Toneri Ōtsutsuki , a descendant of Hamura Ōtsutsuki of the Branch House , who is determined to fulfill his legacy and punish mankind for abusing chakra over a millennia . During the Rinne Festival , as Hinata Hyuga knits a red scarf that Naruto Uzumaki used to wear since childhood , Sakura offers to help her , but Hinata becomes doubtful while Naruto receive various gifts from everyone , including another scarf . Toneri infiltrates the Leaf Village but fails to kidnap Hinata due to Naruto s intervention , though Toneri successfully kidnaps Hanabi , Hinata s younger sister . Naruto , Hinata , Sakura , Sai and Shikamaru Nara are assigned to rescue Hanabi , after Kakashi gives a special clock to Shikamaru that counts down to doomsday . Traveling in an abandoned village of the Ōtsutsuki Clan , Naruto recognizes the concept of romantic love from Hinata s memory while being caught in a genjutsu and from spending more time with her . Toneri transplants Hanabi s eyes in himself to awaken the Tenseigan that his ancestors sealed over the last millennium and proposes to Hinata . To have a chance at saving Hanabi , Hinata accepts his offer after rejecting Naruto s confession , causing Naruto to fall into depression . Back on Earth , the villagers defend themselves and intercept the moon s meteorites , evacuating the civilians from Toneri s genocidal assault , while Sasuke Uchiha returns to protect the village . After recovering for three days , Naruto is reassured that Hinata truly loves him and the group approaches Toneri s castle . Earlier , the spirit of Hamura contacts Hinata as the Byakugan Princess explaining that Toneri has misinterpreted his decree . Toneri refuses to listen to Hamura , ruins the scarf and brainwashes Hinata . Invading Toneri s castle , Sakura and Sai secure Hanabi , while Shikamaru holds off Toneri s puppets . Naruto saves Hinata from the ceremony and destroys the Tenseigan altar . Toneri uses the remains to strengthen his power and slices the moon in half , as Naruto engages him in the Nine Tails chakra mode . Naruto grasps a shred of the scarf and overpowers Toneri having the moon return to orbit . Taking back Hanabi s eyes , Toneri realizes the truth about Hamura s decree and decides to stay on the moon to atone his sins . After Naruto tells Hinata that the scarf he had earlier belonged to his late mother , the two confess their mutual love and return home . During the end credits , Naruto and Hinata get married , while his friends attend the wedding . In a post credits scene before the series epilogue , the couple have two children , Boruto and Himawari .
<|mystery|>Chicago mob boss Rocca manages to get Lester Gillis sprung from jail in Joliet . His motive is to have Gillis kill a labor organizer , but Gillis refuses , preferring to work with Rocca s gang on robberies instead . He meets mob moll Sue Nelson and they start a relationship . He is relaxing , alone in his hotel room , when cops burst in , finding a gun Rocca has planted to frame Gillis for the labor leader s murder . Gillis vows revenge , escapes from the cops with Sue s help , then guns down Rocca and two henchmen . He adopts Sue s surname as an alias . In a holdup at a pharmacy , Gillis is winged by a gunshot . He goes to Doc Saunders , whose patients include America s most wanted criminal , John Dillinger portrayed by Leo Gordon . Acquiring a nickname , Baby Face Nelson , a grateful Gillis joins up with Dillinger and quickly becomes the FBI s second most wanted man . The ruthless Baby Face goes on a shooting spree , even killing innocent motorists just to steal a car . He doesn t like playing second fiddle to Dillinger , but after the arch criminal is shot in Chicago , it becomes Baby Face s turn to be public enemy number one . He commits multiple murders , even killing Doc in a fit of anger , and frightens Sue by placing a rifle sight on children . Trapped by a roadblock , Baby Face flees on foot and is shot several times . Stumbling to a graveyard , he pleads with Sue at first , then taunts her , to put him out of his misery , and she does .
<|comedy|>Three unique women embark on a cross country road trip Jane Whoopi Goldberg , a lesbian lounge singer in search of a new life after breaking up with her girlfriend and getting fired Holly Drew Barrymore , a pregnant girl who just wants to escape her brutal boyfriend and Robin Mary Louise Parker , an uptight real estate agent who has her own secrets namely being infected with HIV . Robin puts an ad in the newspaper that she is looking for a traveling companion to accompany her on a cross country trip to California . Jane answers the ad and agrees to join Robin after her car gets towed during their meeting . Jane and Robin leave New York City and travel through Pittsburgh to take Jane s friend Holly to lunch . They stumble across a knock out fight between Holly and her abusive boyfriend , Nick , over some missing drugs . They leave him there bound to a chair with tape after Holly hits him in the head with a bat to stop him from attacking Jane . Later , he frees himself from the chair , stumbles across the floor , falls and hits his head on the bat and dies . The three unlikely travelers then form a special friendship on their journey which sees them through ultimately tragic times . After discovering that Nick is dead and that Holly is pregnant , the three women decide to continue across country and end up in Tucson , Arizona when Robin has to be hospitalized . They decide to stay in Tucson , hoping to start a new life . However , Jane has a secret crush on Robin , Holly falls in love with and eventually confesses to a local police officer named Abe Lincoln Matthew McConaughey , and Robin finds the courage to face her impending death . Shortly after Jane and Robin have a falling out over Jane telling a friendly bartender James Remar who was interested in Robin that she has HIV , Holly is arrested by Abe . She is taken back to Pittsburgh to face the consequences of her actions . The return to Pittsburgh involves Robin and Jane making peace with each other on the courthouse s Bridge of Sighs while the Pittsburgh Police process Holly . A few months pass , in Tucson , Holly is free and with Abe and her daughter , which is celebration to all family and friends . Robin is now farther along with AIDS and is not expected to live much longer . The party asks Robin to sing the Roy Orbison song You Got It as she performed that song in a Star Search contest though weak , she manages to sing with Jane backing her singing . In the final scene , Robin has died from AIDS as her wheelchair is now empty , Holly and Abe plan to stay in Arizona and become a family , while Jane hits the road to finally seek a life of her own .
<|crime|>Maasilamani Raghuvaran , a dreaded don , spreads terror around him triggering riots , smuggling illicit liquor and drugs . The police are exasperated by Maasilamani and send Abhimanyu R Parthiepan to cope with Maasilamani . Abhimanyu is an incorruptible and strict Assistant Commissioner of Police who has been suspended seven times for challenging his superiors . Abhimanyu first reforms the corrupt constables and befriends with the police officer Deraviyam Chandrasekhar . In the meantime , Manju Ravali fall in love with Abhimanyu . Then , Abhimanyu intercepts Maasilamani s illicit drugs shipments . At this point , Abhimanyu becomes Maasilamani s worst enemy in a very short time . Maasilamani cannot kills him directly for fear of having the police behind him . So he triggers a riot in a college to kill smoothly Abhimanyu but Abhimanyu stops the riot just in time . Maasilamani s right hand Somu turns approver , Maasilamani henchmen manage to kill him and Deraviyam at the court . In anger , Abhimanyu wants to punish Maasilamani but he sees a familiar face in Maasilamani s house . Abhimanyu is in fact an orphan . In the past , Abhimanyu s father Anandaraj was a heartless corrupt police inspector and Abhimanyu s mother Kausalya killed him . So Abhimanyu s sister was sent in an orphanage and the pregnant Kausalya in jail . Abhimanyu was born in jail . The person that Abhimanyu saw in Maasilamani s house is actually Ranjitha his long lost elder sister and Maasilamani s wife . What transpires later forms the crux of the story .
<|crime|>Navy Lieutenant Greg Winters Alan Hale is found guilty by a court martial for pausing briefly to prepare to rescue survivors of the Alatania , a torpedoed ship , rather than attacking immediately the submarine responsible . As a result , he is sidelined for the rest of World War I . In 1925 New Orleans , lawyer Henry Sykes Clarence Wilson hires now civilian Captain Winters for a salvage job on behalf of Evelyn Inchcape Laura La Plante . Sykes insists on using his own deep sea diver to retrieve something from none other than the Alatania . After a box is brought up , Winters confronts the diver , who turns out to be Karl Ludwig , the commander of the submarine for whom Winters has been searching . He puts Ludwig in the brig , though he soon escapes . Then Winters goes to see Sykes and Inchcape . Inchcape s wealthy uncle and cousin lost their lives aboard the Alatania . Winters reports he has recovered two wills , one leaving a million dollar estate to Inchcape , the other to the cousin , whom Sykes implies is still alive . Now , after seven years , the uncle can be declared legally dead . Winters is willing to split the money with either party . Despite his professed indifference to Inchcape s beauty and her loathing of men in general , when they are alone , he gives her the first option . She despises him , but he tears the will in her favor in two and gives her half . Later , he sees Sykes at his office and , while pretending to bargain , learns that the cousin is actually dead Sykes intended to produce an imposter . Sykes bribes Winters first mate and some men to betray him . When Winters goes to settle accounts with Ludwig , he is ambushed and knocked out though Ludwig has no part in it . Sykes kidnaps Inchcape and sets sail on Winters ship . In a cabin , Sykes attempts to force himself on Inchcape , but she is rescued by Ludwig . They have a talk . Meanwhile , Winters , accompanied by his friend , ineffectual upper class lawyer Percy Atwater Claud Allister , boards the ship and subdues the crew . Then he gets his long awaited bout with Ludwig . Just as Winters is about to choke the life out of his hated foe , Inchcape shows him a letter in which Ludwig s sweetheart informs him that she will be sailing on the Alatania . Ludwig received it after the sinking . Winters acknowledges that Ludwig has suffered enough and lets him go . Afterward , Winters forces Sykes to marry him and Inchcape , before having the lawyer tossed overboard .
<|crime|>Season One As 75 of the world s most dangerous super villains are mysteriously freed en masse from the Vault , the Cube , the Big House , and the Raft , five of Earth s mightiest heroes assemble a crime fighting alliance called the Avengers . The Avengers team is composed of Iron Man Tony Stark as de facto team leader , Ant Man Giant Man Hank Pym , the Hulk Bruce Banner , Thor , and the Wasp Janet Van Dyne Captain America Steve Rogers joins the team later after being found frozen in ice while the team is looking for a missing Hulk . Although other characters feature in the Avengers , these are the original and main avengers . Future members of team for season one include Black Panther T Challa and Hawkeye Clint Barton . In the season finale , it is revealed that Thor s adopted brother Loki was responsible for the breakouts and that he had the Enchantress and her servant under his control . Season Two Season Two uses cold openings , and remixes opening theme song Fight As One , replacing the lyrics with Nick Fury , voiced by Phil LaMarr , introducing the show s concept and main characters . Season Two depicts the Avengers as they track down the remaining members of the Masters of Evil and end up facing the invasions of the Skrulls in the first half of the season and the Kree in the second half . The Avengers are unaware that Captain America had been replaced at the end of the first season finale by a Skrull operative as part of their systematic infiltration of Earth . This season also alludes to a developing storyline that Surtur , now free of his imprisonment in Muspelheim , is slowly gathering his strength to oppose the Avengers as a prelude to Ragnarök . Ms . Marvel joins the team this season , followed by the Vision . Many other characters from the Marvel Comics universe , such as Spider Man , Wolverine , Scott Lang the second Ant Man and his daughter Cassandra , Heroes for Hire , Doctor Doom , Crossfire , Thaddeus E . Thunderbolt Ross in both his human form and his Red Hulk form , the Guardians of the Galaxy composed of Star Lord , Rocket Raccoon , Groot , Quasar and Adam Warlock , Quake , Beta Ray Bill , the Falcon , the Winter Soldier , and Galactus and his heralds , make appearances . Series producers Joshua Fine and Christopher Yost have revealed that certain returning characters will adapt their Ultimate Universe counterpart costumes for the second season , such as Nick Fury appearing more like Ultimate Nick Fury with a shaven head and goatee , and the Skrull operative posing as Captain America wearing the costume directly adapted from Ultimate Captain America and wielding an energy shield . The second season premiere , titled the The Private War of Dr . Doom featuring Dr . Doom and the Fantastic Four , was shown to audiences at both the 2011 San Diego and New York Comic Cons , as well as the 2012 WonderCon in Anaheim . It premiered with the two part Ultimate Spider Man pilot on April 1 , 2012 .
<|crime|>The background of the movie is student politics in the University of Allahabad and the dirty turn it takes . When Anirudh Jimmy Shergill meets Niharika Hrishitaa Bhatt at university , they quickly become romantically involved . Unfortunately , their relationship can t escape the political battles between two rival gangs of students headed by Gaurishankar Pandey Ashutosh Rana and Ranvijay Singh Irrfan Khan . When Anirudh meets Ranvijay Irfan Khan , who has eliminated Gaurishankar Pandey , the former believes that he is merely helping his fellow student . Anirudh gets involved in violent politics and shoots Niharika s cousin accidentally . Ranvijay Singh helps him escape to Mumbai with the help of his aide Rajpal Yadav . Anirudh later learns the truth of Ranvijay Singh whose ultimate aim is to marry Niharika . Badrishankar Pandey Murad Ali , the brother of slain Gaurishankar Pandey , helps Anirudh kill Ranvijay in order to avenge the loss of his brother . A fierce gun battle takes place at the Kumbh Mela between the gangs of Ranvijay and Badrishankar Pandey before Anirudh kills Ranvijay . The Chief Minister , Kabanlal Pandey Sudhir Pandey helps them escape the crime scene and gets Aniruddha discharged from all the cases as he was also blackmailed by Ranvijay .
<|romance|>Shiv Charan Sharma , a farmer , moves to the city to make a life with his son Rohan , daughter Radha Seth and his wife . He meets Munna , an orphan . Shiv and Munna work hard in the underbelly of the city outside the law and go on to lead a syndicate of gangsters . Years pass by and Shiv Charan Sharma is shown to have become an untouchable ganglord . Aslam Pathan and Billa Singh Thakur , rival crime bosses , try to kill Shiv in hopes of overtaking his territory and get rid of the opposition he was proving to be in their plans to increase drug traffic within the city . Munna meanwhile falls in love with Razia , who is the daughter of Aslam Pathan . She elopes with Munna and gets married . Aslam Pathan attempts to get back at the father of the groom , by sending Gogia Advani to Shiv Charan Sharma with a drug proposition as he thinks that Shiv s acceptance of Gogia s offer would create dissent amongst the crime cirlces . Shiv Charan Sharma refuses , but Munna seems interested . Shiv Charan Sharma gets shot by goons hired by Pathan and Thakur . They think that Munna will follow up on the drug deal if the father is out of the picture . The father survives though . At this point Rohan enters the picture with girlfriend Neha . He has kept away from the family business till this point . Rohan then avenges his father s shooting by taking out Gogia Advani with Munna s help . Following the shooting , Rohan is on the run where he meets Ganga whom he falls for too . Four years later , Rohan becomes the crime boss . In the end , Sharad Joshi takes a killing contact from Aslam Pathan and Billa Singh Thakur to kill Shiv Charan Sharma and Munna . It is to be seen how Rohan protects his brother and his father .
<|mystery|>Australian cop Phillip Patrick Thompson works as a Cybercrime investigator for Interpol . Phillip finds himself shaken after investigating a case in Hamburg , Germany , in which a man consents to have his penis cut off and eaten by his lover . Phillip s own relationship is troubled due to his frequent travel and difficulties with romantic intimacy , and he finds himself unable to respond positively to his beautiful girlfriend s sexual overtures . The two have rough sex that gets out of hand , and she leaves him after writing pig on his chest with lipstick . Meanwhile , Phillip has been working with his partner , Nigel Matthew Le Nevez , to investigate a fetish website that features morbidly obese women being held captive and fed fattening food . The website s intricate encryption suggests that the webmaster is concealing a deeper perversion , and , despite the objections of his superiors , Phillip travels to Toledo , Ohio , to investigate the webmaster and determine the whereabouts of Lucy , a former site favorite . In Ohio , the site s sadistic webmaster , Michael Carter Alex O Loughlin , holds Deidre Gabby Millgate captive in a ramshackle cottage in the woods . After questioning a local priest , Michael s adoptive sister , and his thin , attractive wife , Phillip manages to track Michael to the cottage , where the latter is preparing to feed Deidre a thick slurry of eggs and weight gain powder . Phillip learns that Michael developed a sexual fascination with obese women due to his troubled relationship with his overweight , immobile mother , who died when he was a child . He also uncovers the twist in Michael s fetish website not only are paying site members able to watch him feed and fornicate with obese women , but they can place bets on when each woman will die , using posted statistics on their body proportions , blood pressure , and other medical indicators . In the cottage , Phillip finds Lucy s decaying remains and then confronts Michael Michael reveals that he killed his mother and fed Lucy until she died . The slurry like preparation he was attempting to feed Deidre through a tube contains some of the fat he had carved from Lucy s body . After a struggle , Phillip shoots Deidre , who maintains her love for Michael even as Philip tells her about his deceptions , and two shots can be heard off screen . The final scene reveals Phillip living in suburban bliss with Michael s overweight adoptive sister . He takes some sandwiches she has packed for him and drives to the cottage in the woods , where he eats them with gusto , pausing to tantalize a wheelchair bound Michael with one . Michael , starving and emaciated , begs Phillip to Feed me .
<|horror|>Vacationing in a small seaside village , Aochi , a professor of German , runs into Nakasago , a former colleague turned nomad . Nakasago is being pursued by an angry mob for allegedly seducing and killing a fisherman s wife . Police intervene and Aochi vouches for his friend , preventing his arrest . The two catch up over dinner where they are entertained by and become smitten with the mourning geisha Koine . Six months later , Aochi visits his friend and is shocked to find that he has settled down and is having a child with Sono , a woman who bears a remarkable resemblance to Koine . Nakasago plays him a recording of Zigeunerweisen and they discuss inaudible mumbling on the record . Nakasago suddenly takes to the road again with Koine , leaving Sono to birth their child alone . Both men enter affairs with the other s wife . Sono later dies of the flu and is replaced by Koine as a surrogate mother . Nakasago takes to the road yet again . Aochi learns of Nakasago s death in a landslide . Koine visits Aochi and requests the return of the Zigeunerweisen record but he is sure he never borrowed it .
<|horror|>The story takes place in and around a seventeenth century Polish convent . A priest , Father Józef Suryn Mieczyslaw Voit , arrives at a small inn for a night s rest . He has been sent to investigate a case of demonic possession at the nearby convent after the local priest , Father Garniec , was burnt at the stake for sexually tempting the nuns . The next day , Father Suryn sets out for the convent , where he meets the abbess , Mother Joan Lucyna Winnicka , said to be the most possessed of all the nuns . Already four priests before Father Suryn have tried to exorcise Mother Joan , but without success . The villagers at the inn are curious about the convent s troubled past and do everything to keep track of its developing story , with the stableman , Kaziuk Jerzy Kaczmarek , leading Father Suryn around and asking the only non possessed nun Sister Malgorzata Anna Ciepielewska for stories when she makes her nightly visits to the inn . After Father Suryn learns that Mother Joan is possessed by eight demons , he and several other priests , during an exorcism , manage to exorcise the abbess . She and the other nuns appear cured . Soon after , however , the demonic possession increases . Mother Joan tries to seduce Father Suryn , begging him to make her a saint . In the mean time Sister Malgorzata leaves the convent and becomes Margareth after falling in love with Chrząszczewski Stanisław Jasiukiewicz , a squire who visits the inn . After a failed meeting takes place between Father Suryn and the local rabbi also played by Voit , the priest re enters the convent and receives Mother Joan s demons through his love for her . At night , reasoning that the only way to save the abbess is by doing Satan s bidding , Father Suryn grabs an axe and kills Kaziuk and Juraj , another stableman . The next morning , Margareth is abandoned by the squire , and finds Father Suryn holding the bloodied axe . The priest instructs her to go to Mother Joanna and tell her of the sacrifice he made for her salvation in the name of love . Margareth runs back to the convent and cries with Mother Joan , neither saying a word .
<|comedy|>Francesca Frankie Sutton is a Los Angeles bank teller who witnesses a robbery . Although she had no prior knowledge of the robbery , the bank fires Frankie after the police uncover a connection between her and one of the three robbers . Frankie goes to work at Luther s Janitorial Services with her three best friends , Lida Stoney Newsome , Cleopatra Cleo Sims , and Tisean T . T . Williams . Luther treats them with disrespect and pays them paltry wages . Cleo states they should rob a bank themselves . Frankie agrees , but Stoney and T . T . are reluctant . However , when Stoney s younger brother is gunned down by the police in a case of mistaken identity and T . T . s son is taken away from her by Child Protective Services because she cannot afford to take care of him , they too now have the motivation to join the robbery . The four women embark on a series of bank robberies , which are investigated by LAPD detective Strode . He suspects that Cleo because of her prior convictions , Frankie because of her inadvertent connection to the earlier robbery and Stoney because of her brother s death are involved . But his superior refuses to allow him to bring them in for questioning because he doesn t feel the evidence is sufficient . The four women stash the money in an air vent at one of their work sites . However , Cleo , Frankie , and T . T . show up for work one day and realize that their boss , Luther has discovered the money and fled . While Stoney attends a banking event with her lover Keith , the three women track Luther to a motel where he is sleeping with a prostitute . When Luther pulls a gun on Cleo , T . T . kills him . The next day Detective Strode takes Cleo to the police station to participate in a lineup . A glare from Cleo intimidates the prostitute into silence . Frankie and Cleo persuade T . T . and Stoney that they need to rob another bank and leave town the next day . The women rob the bank where Keith , Stoney s lover , works . Strode and his partner try to prevent the robbery , but a bank security guard shoots T . T . The women flee but T . T . dies in Stoney s arms en route to the hospital . The three remaining women decide to split up and meet up later . The police find Cleo who proceeds leads them on a high speed chase . After her car is shot up by police , Cleo leaps from her car in one final battle for her dignity , firing her gun , and is shot down by the police . Frankie is found a short time later . Strode tries to get her to surrender , but when she runs away , she is shot in the back and killed . Stoney tearfully watches this from a passing bus . Strode sees her from a distance but lets her go , realizing he was the reason she and her friends did what they did . In Mexico , Stoney calls Keith to assure him that she is all right and thanks him . Keith hangs up the phone and smiles . Stoney is seen driving through the mountains with the stolen money from the robberies on tow .
<|crime|>Kaali Chiranjeevi is a small town goon who helps his neighbourhood with his earning . He is good at heart and is loved by everyone in town . He works for Kotayya Kota Srinivasa Rao whose rival is Gollapudi . Once , when he goes to warn Gollapudi , he meets and falls in love with Radha Radha , Gollapudi s daughter . When they decide to marry even without Gollapudi s consent , he gets Kaali killed in an accident and Kaali goes to hell . There he challenges Yama Kaikala Satyanarayana that he was brought wrongly and catches Chitragupta Allu Rama Lingaiah red handed for cheating . To correct the mistake Yama and Chitragupta leave for Earth to find Kaali s body so he can return to Earth . Unfortunately Kaali s body has been cremated and Kaali refuses to enter another body . However , Yama and Chitragupta convince him to enter into the body of a person that is identical to him . Kaali refuses taking heed to warning by Vichitragupta Velu . They then show him Balu Chiranjeevi in a village and tell him it is his last option . Kaali learns that Balu was a soft spoken and non confrontational man who was often ill treated by his family . Vijayashanti is his love interest . Balu s relatives plan to kill him on his 25th birthday as they have to hand over his property . This is when Kaali s soul is put into Balu s body and he plays black and blue with them . However , he remembers his once he sees Kotayya s photo in a newspaper and returns to the city . The rest of the plot is woven on how he balances the two lives and two girls until Yama sees his determination and willingness to save all the people he loves .
<|horror|>Tetsuya Phoenix Tetsu Hondo is a member of a recently deactivated Yakuza gang . His boss , to whom he holds absolute loyalty , Kurata , has given up the life of crime for himself and his syndicate . Otsuka , a rival gang boss , attempts to recruit Tetsu into his organization , but is turned down . After failing , Otsuka sends an assassin to neutralize Tetsu , fearing he will interfere with a real estate scam . Looking to profit from the scheme himself and fearing that his group is threatened by his presence , Kurata asks Tetsu to leave and live the life of a drifter . Otsuka and Kurata join forces , and assign the successful hitman , Viper Tatsuzo , to kill Tetsu . Tetsu evades Viper and his hit squad a number of times and arrives at the establishment of Umetani , an ally of boss Kurata . Tetsu returns to Tokyo , confronting his boss who betrayed him . He kills everyone in the room besides his boss and former girlfriend . At the end of the movie , Kurata kills himself , and Tetsu rejects his former girlfriend Chiharu s plea to allow her to accompany him on his travels . He exits down a pure white hallway , explaining that he has a new allegiance to the wanderer lifestyle , and cannot abandon it for the company of another .
<|romance|>In 1931 , the working class family Andersson of Ådalen are taking part in a massive sympathy strike for workers in the town Marma . Harald , the father of the family , catches fish and manages to support his family while maintaining a good mood . Kjell , the oldest son , works at the office of the local sawmill manager , and is taught about classical music , impressionism and French pronunciation by the manager s wife . He plays in a jazz band with his friend Nisse with whom he also discusses things like girls , erogenous zones and hypnosis . As spring commences , the manager s daughter Anna comes home for school holiday . She and Kjell fall in love , and she becomes pregnant with his child . When the sawmill is to deliver a big order to America , strikebreakers are called in from other towns . The local strikers become furious and police has to be called in to protect the strikebreakers . Still they are attacked by an angry crowd while working at the Sandviken wharf outside Kramfors . Some are thrown into the water , while others are beaten bloody . Harald takes care of an injured strikebreaker , but is confronted by a group of angry workers . He tries to argue for them to calm down and rely on discussion instead of violence , but they do not agree with his stance . Because of the turbulence , military troops arrive to ensure safety . It is also decided by the County Administrative Board that the strikebreakers should be prohibited from working , but this information doesn t reach the upset locals , who decide to march to the locality where the strikebreakers are staying to get rid of them . When the military troops fail in persuading the participants to stop , they open fire . Five people are killed and five more are injured . Among the dead are Harald Andersson , Nisse and a young girl who had only been a bystander . Around the same time , Anna returns from Stockholm where she has had an abortion arranged by her mother . When Kjell is told about the abortion by Anna s father , he interprets it as if he isn t accepted within the bourgeois idyll . A general strike is proclaimed . While Kjell is occupied as a strike guard , he meets the man who had previously argued with his father . The man claims that the father wasn t innocent , since he had helped to divide the workers . Not until now they were united . Kjell does not agree , instead claiming that education is the key to a better society . Slowly the Andersson family recover from the loss , and eventually the factories open again .
<|crime|>The film opens with a series of scenes in which local millionaire Sidney Lassiter Terry O Quinn has arguments with his son Albert whom he threatens to remove from his will , if Albert doesn t leave his current lover , his wife Martha who reveals that she knows that Sidney is unfaithful , and unsuccessfully tries to seduce him , and his secretary , Kate Faxton who wants him to reconcile with Albert . After the argument with Ms . Faxton , Mr . Lassiter meets with Carter , who is there to ask for a donation to the theater Mr . Lassiter responds with unreasonable demands in exchange for his donation , as well as a few subtly bigoted comments about the fact that Carter is a Jew . Carter , despite his own best interest , calls Mr . Lassiter an anti Semite and storms out of the office . That night , Mr . Lassiter is surprised in his car by a stranger who had hidden in the back seat the stranger fatally shoots Mr . Lassiter . The next day , the detective in charge of the case , Lieutenant Tony Baloney Rossini Mike Starr , informs Cash that Mr . Lassiter has been murdered , and that there is a long list of suspects , due to Mr . Lassiter s temper and penchant for making enemies . Cash agrees to accompany Tony when they go to meet Albert , Martha , and Kate , who are all beneficiaries of Mr . Lassiter s will , and thus at the top of the suspect list . While interviewing Mrs . Lassiter , Cash explains that his experience in theater has made him an expert on both observation and human psychology , both of which are helpful in police investigation he demonstrates this by noting that , due to the muscle tone in her legs , the scuff marks on the soles of her shoes , and the lack of calluses on her hands , Mrs . Lassiter is faking the need for a wheelchair . After interviewing all three top suspects , Cash and Tony conclude that they are all lying about something , but cannot conclude which , if any of them , is responsible for Mr . Lassiter s murder . Scenes of the investigation are intercut with scenes from Cash s personal life , as he dates Mimi Barnes Cherry Jones and copes with the fact that his daughter Sophie Elisabeth Rosen is leaving for college . We also learn how Cash and Tony met , when Tony was assigned to investigate the still unsolved murder of Cash s wife Cash and his wife had been accosted by two thieves who shot Cash s wife while trying to steal her necklace only one of the thieves was caught , although Tony has sworn to one day find the other . A scene in a restaurant , in which Cash mistakes a random man for the other thief , hints that Cash is still haunted by the murder .
<|romance|>Over a span of nearly 40 years , Gid and Johnny , a pair of Texas farm boys , compete for the affections of Molly Taylor , a free spirit who cares for both of them . The story is told by three consecutive segments which is narrated by one of the three lead roles . The first segment is set in 1925 and narrated by Gid , who introduces himself as well as his best friend Johnny and Johnny s girlfriend Molly Taylor with whom Gid becomes smitten with . Gid works part time as a ranch hand at Molly s farm and often competes against Johnny for Molly s affections . Despite their frequent feud and arguments , Gid and Johnny s friendship never ends during their excursions and errands for Molly s father to sell and buy cattle for the family farm . Molly eventually sleeps with Gid , as well as Johnny , but she eventually chooses neither one of them and instead marries school friend Eddie after the death of her father . Gid eventually marries Sarah , a local widow with several children , and Johnny leaves town for places unknown . The second segment is set in 1945 and is narrated by Molly . It was revealed that Molly had three sons from her three different suitors , and each one of them died in combat during World War II which is currently waging . Molly s husband Eddie also died from an illness several years before . Gid had divorced Sarah and began spending most of his free time with Molly , who withheld the news of their son s death in battle . When he finally did learn the news , Gid took it badly and became more depressed . Johnny re entered their lives after living away and , having had married and divorced his own wife , took a more active part in helping Molly run her late father s farm . The third and final segment is set in 1964 and is narrated by Johnny . He reveals that Gid is in a local hospital dying from cancer and Johnny has been keeping a bedside vigil over him . Wanting out of the place , Johnny takes Gid away from the hospital for a few days to visit Molly who is still living at her father s farm and is contemplating selling it . After working with Johnny around the farm to relive their good old days long gone by , Gid passes away as Johnny is taking him back to the hospital . After Gid s funeral , Johnny meets with Molly where they agree and despite they never got married or had a life in operating her family farm , they will always be soul mates before Johnny leaves Molly for the last time .
<|romance|>The plot begins with Shiv Abhishek Bachchan and Pooja Karisma Kapoor who are looking for a job . They happen to be interviewed the same day in the same company and both are equally qualified for the job . At the interview venue , when Pooja sees that it will be difficult for her to get the job , she fools Shiv and gets the job . But later on , when Shiv too gets a job in that company , he comes to know that Pooja fooled him . After a lot of pranks and fun they fall in love and happily get married to each other but sometimes they get into the most petty arguments coming from the way they approach life . Shiv takes each day as it comes whilst Pooja s imagination sometimes gets the best of her . Pooja gives up her career for him and settles down as a housewife . They go on their honeymoon to Switzerland and there they meet Meghna Simone Singh , who happens to be Shiv s college friend . One day when Shiv returns from a conference , he finds that Meghna is stuck on the road since her car is damaged . So Shiv decides to give a lift to Meghna since they happen to be staying in the same hotel . On account of the weather getting worse , they are unable to return to the hotel on time , so they have to stay in a hotel midway . The indifference between Shiv and Pooja gets worse when Shiv ends up spending the night with Meghna . Pooja overhears them talking about how they should put their one night stand behind them . Shocked and disturbed , she asks for a divorce straight away and leaves him . Pooja then moves to Mumbai where she gets a job as the secretary of Raj Akshay Kumar who is a film star . Raj has everything anyone could ask for money , fame , but not love . She happily works as his secretary and Raj falls in love with Pooja and she also likes him . One day they go for shooting in Naini Hills and Pooja finds that Shiv happens to be the manager of the hotel where they stay . Pooja tells Shiv that she can still not forgive Shiv for what happened in the past . Raj asks Shiv to be the best man at his wedding . So Shiv decides that he will not interfere in Pooja s life anymore . But on the day of the wedding , Pooja realizes that she is still in love with Shiv and should have forgiven him . Raj overhears this and decides to reunite Pooja and Shiv . They both get married again and live happily ever after .
<|comedy|>The U . S . government grows worried for the nation s avocado supply after some confrontations with the Piranha tribe of cannibal women , who live in the mysterious Avocado Jungle westernmost outpost San Bernardino and ritually sacrifice and eat men . The government recruits Margo Hunt Tweed , a professor of feminist studies at a local university Spritzer College , to travel into the Avocado Jungle and make contact with the women to attempt to convince them to move to a reservation condo in Malibu . Along the way , she and her travelling companions male chauvinist guide Jim Maher and ditzy undergraduate Bunny Karen Mistal meet a tribe of subservient men called the Donnahew a reference to talk show host Phil Donahue and face dangers in their path . Eventually , the trio Margo , Bunny and Jim meets the Piranha women , who have recently taken Dr . Kurtz played by Adrienne Barbeau as their empress . Kurtz is Dr . Hunt s former colleague in feminist studies the internationally famous author of Smart Women , Stupid Insensitive Men and now her nemesis she has joined the tribe of Piranha women with her own exploitative agenda . The two argue about the morality of sacrificing men and the exploitation of the Piranha women , and Bunny decides to join the tribe , her first sacrifice being Jim . Bunny cannot go through with the kill , however , and Dr . Hunt escapes , aided by the handsome , intelligent , and sensitive Jean Pierre Brett Stimely , who also was to be sacrificed . Dr . Margo Hunt finds in the jungle a rival tribe of cannibal women , the Barracuda Women , who are at war with the Piranha women due to differences over which condiment guacamole or clam dip most appropriately accompanies a meal of sacrificed man . Hunt returns to the Piranha stronghold with this other tribe and rescues Bunny and Jim as well as Jean Pierre . Margo Hunt challenges Kurtz to a duel for supremacy , and they argue while fighting with various weapons eventually , Margo impales Kurtz with a fencing sword . Kurtz explains her motives to Hunt in her last words After ruling the Piranha tribe , she cannot return to civilization and the talk show circuit . She then kills herself by plunging into a pit filled with water and piranha fish . Having discovered the government plot to domesticate the Piranha women by providing aerobics classes and frequent exposure to Cosmopolitan magazine , Hunt refuses to bring the Piranha women with her , and instead persuades the warring cannibal tribes to reunite , maintaining the peace by means of consciousness raising groups . The film ends happily for the trio of main characters Bunny and Jim are to be married , and Jean Pierre has enrolled at Dr . Hunt s university as a feminist studies major , becoming in the process the ideal companion for Hunt .
<|fantasy|>When Fella s Jerry Lewis father dies , he continues to live with his wicked stepmother , Emily Judith Anderson , and her two sons , Maximilian Henry Silva and Rupert Robert Hutton . His stepfamily takes over the family mansion , while Fella is reduced to living in an unfinished room at the end of a long hallway . He has in essence become their butler , catering to their every whim . Fella dreams nightly that his father is trying to relay a message to him about where he has hidden his fortune , but he always awakens before he learns the hiding place . His stepfamily knows of this secret fortune and some go to great lengths to discover its whereabouts , while others pretend to befriend him in order to wrangle Fella s fortune away once it is found . Princess Charming of the Grand Duchy of Morovia Anna Maria Alberghetti is in town , so the stepmother decides to throw her a lavish ball in order to get her to marry one of the sons . Fella is not allowed to go to the ball , but his fairy godfather Ed Wynn says he will not remain a people much longer , but will blossom into a person . Before the ball , Fella is turned into a handsome prince . Count Basie s orchestra is playing at the ball when Fella makes his grand entrance . The young man quickly gains the attention of the Princess and they dance . The night is cut short when midnight strikes and Fella flees , losing his shoe along the way . Back home , one of Fella s stepbrothers realizes that Fella is the supposed prince . They wind up in a struggle under a tree , in the process discovering that this is where Fella s father s fortune is hidden . Fella gives the money to his stepfamily , saying he never needed money to be happy , he only wanted a family . Shamed , his stepmother orders her sons to return the money to Fella . The Princess arrives with Fella s lost shoe , but Fella explains that they could never be together because she is a person and he is a people . She tells him that , underneath the fancy clothes , she is a people too .
<|crime|>At Friendship Field , Carman , Manitoba , aircraft restorer and self taught engineer Bob Diemert and his friend Chris Ball are working on an unusual project which had its origins in the late 1970s . Taking shape in one of the airfield hangars is a new type of close air support or COIN aircraft designed to take on Soviet Union tanks . Christened the Defender , the unusual design is a throwback to the heavily armoured Junkers Ju 87 Stuka and Ilyushin Il 2 Sturmovik close air support aircraft of the Second World War . In order to raise the funds for the Defender , Diemert began to restore one of the rare Japanese aircraft he retrieved from Balalae , Solomon Islands , a Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero fighter , one of very few of the type still in existence . In the past , he had made his mark in the ranks of aircraft restoration when he rebuilt a Hawker Hurricane XII and flew it in the 1969 Battle of Britain film . The sale of the Zero to the Confederate Air Force in Texas has to await the painstaking restoration of the Japanese fighter aircraft . As it is readied for a test flight , Diemert runs afoul of Canadian aviation authorities , who refuse to allow him to fly the aircraft . Trucking the restored aircraft to Midland , Texas is the solution and after successful test flights , the Zero is passed over to its new American owners . Completing the Defender becomes the sole preoccupation of Diemert and his friend . Trying to ensure that the aerodynamics are properly established leads to a curious use of a bathroom scale mounted on the back of a pickup truck , an example of the unorthodox engineering that is employed in the project . Another example of Diemert s out of the box thinking comes when his children ask him to build a swimming pool . His wife comes back from work to find a swimming pool in the living room , complete with wall to wall carpeting . When the Defender finally emerges from its hangar , Diemert prepares for the all important maiden flight , but things do not go as planned .
<|comedy|>Charlie Snow Stephen Baldwin was a highly decorated war hero , a sniper who never placed emotion before the mission . Except once . Providing cover for an undercover arms dealer sting operation , he was forced into a predicament , as through his scope he saw a hostage crisis unfold . The decision he made cost his fellow soldiers their lives . But he also managed to ventilate the hostage taker , arms dealer Lendl Bodnar Mio Deckala . Back in the USA , Charlie is now a shell of the man he used to be . He has been ostracized from the government , and his family is falling apart . His wife Maggie Deborah Worthing is close to finalizing their split . He is an empty soul , as conveyed by the look in his eyes . But Charlie s world is about to get rocked . Lendl Bodnar has a brother named Yevon Bodnar Yorgo Constantine , an arms dealer who wants revenge on Charlie for Lendl s death . Charlie s existence gets body slammed when he learns that Maggie has been kidnapped , his daughter Lisa Steffani Brass and son Sam Rory Thost are in danger , and everywhere he turns , he s being attacked by Yevon s men . Charlie must summon all the tactics that made him such an effective killer and reconnect with his secret ops government links to rescue Maggie and take Yevon down .
<|fantasy|>The film begins with five children Robert , Cyril , Jane , Anthea and The Lamb , that let their father go to the fight in World War I . That s in 1914 , but the children are asked to stay at their uncle s house with his son , Horace . While exploring the house , Robert finds a locked door in the Greenhouse and brings the other children . They manage to open the door and discover a creature called It , a sand fairy . They wish to make the house tidy without having to do the work . When they come back , they see dozens of copies of themselves doing the chores and wrecking the house in the attempt . Suddenly , everything disappears in clouds of golden dust . They are then forced to tidy up the mess and learn that wishes only last till sunset . The children blame It for the mess . They need money to fix all the broken items , so they wish for buckets of gold and go off to buy some items . Meanwhile , Horace becomes suspicious . The children aren t able to buy anything because the owners will not accept gold , believing it is fake . They purchase a car , having nothing else to do with the gold , and end up crashing it . Robert goes to It and wishes for wings so they can go off to France and find their father . While flying , they are almost killed , managing to escape in time . When sunset comes , they have no choice but to go home . They lose their wings and are about to fall into the sea but are blown back by It . When the children s mother returns , the children learn that their father has gone missing . Robert falls asleep next to It on the beach . Horace follows Robert and captures It . The next morning , Robert confronts Horace but is unwilling to act , as Horace has his father s compass . Robert suggests Horace wish for something rather than dissect It , as he wanted to do . Horace wishes for his Dinosaur to hatch . The children arrive in time to see Horace s dinosaur standing high above them . After trying to calm it down , It makes the dinosaur vanish . Shocked , Horace passes out , and Robert takes him to their mother , while the other children wish for their father to come home . The children go to Horace , settle their differences , and agree to share the secret of Its existence together . On It s birthday , the children wish it a good future and prepare to return home . When their car breaks down , they are forced to stay in the house and Horace suggests a game of hide and seek . As Robert counts , his father appears . When Robert realizes that its really their father , he and the children are overjoyed , joined by their mother . Finally reunited with their father , the children prepare to go home .
<|crime|>Slaughter Jim Brown , a fierce Vietnam veteran and ex Green Beret , had avenged the death of his parents by killing the gangster who was responsible for their death in Mexico . He is now relocated in Los Angeles , California , a place that Slaughter sought to escape the past events and begin his attempt to have a tranquil life . Slaughter goes to a friend s house for a lavish outdoor picnic and celebration . Meanwhile , a new crime boss , Duncan Ed McMahon , is now after Slaughter , for having killed ex Mafia boss Dominic Hoffo earlier . An old World War I biplane is seen flying by the outdoor celebration and then opening fire on the guests at the picnic . It results in the graphic death by headshot of Slaughter s friend , which reignites the old spark of fury and rage that Slaughter had when told of the death of his parents . Duncan s first assassination attempt in essence is a failure and only succeeds in waking a sleeping beast . Duncan hires a new hit man named Kirk Don Stroud to bring Slaughter to his demise . Rather than being in protective custody under the supervision of Duncan s crooked cops , Slaughter remains on the streets . Slaughter s new friend is a police official , Det . Reynolds , who warns that his life is in peril . Slaughter also has a girlfriend , Marcia Gloria Hendry , who is also being targeted by the mob , under Duncan s orders , to further provoke Slaughter . Slaughter makes an agreement with Reynolds to obtain confidential documents of the Mafia s operations . He coaxes a drug addicted pimp to assist him in breaking into Duncan s safe house and successfully escape with the documents . After gun fights , Slaughter and his pimp sidekick kill several of Duncan s guards and associates . In response , Duncan sends Kirk to kidnap Slaughter s girlfriend , a fatal mistake on Duncan s part .
<|romance|>Simon Joel Edgerton is a decent fellow , married to a lovely woman Pam Danielle Cormack , living comfortably with two children . He has grown tired of the lack of sex and is attracted to a cellist friend of his wife , Katrien Rhona Mitra . Katrien travels to New Zealand to follow her husband Klaus Thomas Kretschmann in an attempt to rekindle their marriage . However , she catches him in bed with a young arts student and so their marriage collapses . Katrien , now available and lonely from the breakdown of her marriage , is susceptible to Simon s attraction . The two become fascinated with each other , but don t immediately start an affair . She doesn t want to destroy his greatest appeal , which is that he is upright and reliable . They eventually attempt some meetings , but something always goes wrong . Either he arrives late and the children are coming , or he ejaculates prematurely . Opportunity comes when they discover that they are both going to be in Germany the same week . Simon books a hotel room in Berlin , where he and his boss are attending a convention . Katrien comes to his room , but before they manage to have sex , his wife surprises him by showing up . Katrien escapes to an adjacent room through an interconnecting door and Simon and his wife make violent love , which Katrien hears through the wall . She gets upset because they were just about to have sex and he is having sex with his wife . Pam sees Simon sneak into the hallway during a speech and hears Katrien s voice on the other end of his phone , figures out what they are doing , and flies back to Wellington angry . She soon asks for a separation . Simon professes his love to Katrien , but she says she doesn t love him , so he goes back to Wellington to live near to his wife and children , whom he sees often his wife slept with Katrien s husband and wants a divorce . His wife eventually forgives him and as the movie ends , we find that Katrien has accepted a job with an orchestra and lives blocks away from her ex husband who now takes care of the kids . Early on in the film the five or six wives suggest that the men form an encounter group that meets regularly . At least one of the wives makes it a condition that her husband would be allowed back in the house . The discussions are amusing , but the group disbands after a session that turns into a free for all fist fight .
<|horror|>Rajesh Bauji Sanjay Mishra is a man in his late 50s , living a dreary but eventful life in a small house in old Delhi with his extended family . The movie starts with Babuji narrating his dream where he sees himself flying like a bird free from all the worldly affairs . A random incident is going to change his life in a dramatic way , though he does not realise it at the moment . Bauji s daughter has been seeing a boy of ill repute . When that fact is revealed to the family , after much deliberation they decide to lock up the girl and go beat the willful boy . When they confront the boy , to Babuji he seems like a very nice person . This event radically changes his life he decides that he will believe only what he can see , hence the title Ankhon Dekhi . After a while he refuses to worship god and treats prasad as just another sweet . He is working as a travel agent and refuses to book tickets to Amsterdam as he has notever seen Amsterdam . To uphold his ideals , he quits his job . He resorts to a very idealistic mode and takes things to extreme levels to explore his theory . At first his neighbours consider him a lunatic old man , but over time they start admiring his logical reasoning and start following him . Once while intervening a petty loan issue with a loan shark he refuses to believe the bad reputation of the shark . He concludes that he is a good person , based on his observation . He forms a rapport with the loan shark and is recruited by him in his illegal gambling den . His followers join . He gives consent to his daughter s marriage to the boy she loves and almost sorts out the emotional issues with his estranged brother . Now free from all responsibility , he leads a life where there are almost no blind spots and a lot of clarity . He takes his wife for a vacation . While chatting he narrates to his wife that he feels very light , like a bird flying in free skies . His wife jokes about his experience , inadvertently challenging his own theory that he doesn t know how a bird actually flies . In the middle of the night he walks towards a cliff . Babuji narrates his dream as in the beginning of the story . He has yet to experience flying . As the film ends , Bauji is seen flying down a cliff .
<|mystery|>After three hippie drug dealers are murdered by the assassin in a house in Los Angeles , the U . S . government sends special agent Paul Sherman to track down the Dutch source of heroin that is causing the drug war . On arriving at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport , Sherman witnesses an agent , Jimmy Duclos , who was there to meet him , shot dead by the assassin . Sherman is originally from the Netherlands , but it is clear that Amsterdam s chief of police , Colonel De Graaf is unhappy with having the Americans interfere in Dutch affairs . However , Sherman s direct contact , Inspector Van Gelder is more cooperative , since his niece , Trudi , suffers from severe brain damage caused by a heroin overdose eight years earlier . Sherman makes contact with a deep cover agent from Washington named Maggie . Sherman is then followed around Amsterdam by the assassin , indicating that the drug dealers have someone on the inside . Sherman gets away from him and later tracks him down in a hotel room , where Sherman kills him . Sherman meets Duclos girlfriend Astrid Lemay and her drug addicted brother George . Soon after , George dies of an overdose and she is murdered . Sherman is attacked by a man on a boat and shoots him dead . Drug lord Meegeren , who had killed Astrid , then kills Maggie and holds Sherman prisoner . Meegeren leaves on a speedboat . Sherman escapes and follows him on another speedboat . The chase ends with Meegeren accidentally crashing his boat and it being destroyed by fire . Sherman and a colleague arrive at a warehouse where the drugs are being distributed . There he meets Van Gelder and his niece . He finds out that they are part of the trafficking gang and that Trudi had been faking her mental disability . A shootout leaves Trudi dead and Sherman wounded . Van Gelder tries to escape , but is killed by Sherman .
<|horror|>When poor old widow Berlingot asks Tyltyl and Mytyl , the young son and daughter of her more prosperous neighbors , for the loan of their pet bird to cheer up her ill daughter , Mytyl selfishly refuses . That night , when the children are asleep , the fairy Bérylune enters their home in the semblance of Berlingot , before transforming into her true beautiful appearance . She insists that the children search for the bluebird of happiness . She gives Tyltyl a magical hat which has the power to show him the insides of things . As a result , the souls of fire , water , light , bread , sugar and milk becoming personified , and their pet dog and cat can now speak with their masters . Before they all set out , Bérylune warns the children that their new companions will all perish once their quest is achieved . The fairy then takes them to various places to search . At the Palace of Night , the traitorous cat forewarns the Mother of Night , having heard the fairy s prediction . The dog saves Tyltyl from one of the dangers of the palace . In a graveyard , the dead come alive at midnight , and Tyltyl and Mytyl are reunited with their grandmother , grandfather and siblings . They receive a blue bird , but when they leave , it disappears . Next , they visit the Palace of Happiness . After seeing various lesser joys and happinesses , they are shown the greatest of them all maternal love in the form of their own mother . Finally , they are transported to the Kingdom of the Future , where children wait to be born , including their brother . Nowhere do they find the bluebird . Returning home empty handed , the children see that the bird has been in a cage in their home the whole time . Mytyl gives the bird to Berlingot . She returns shortly afterward with her daughter , now well . However , the bird escapes from the daughter s grasp and flies away . Tyltyl comforts the upset neighbor girl , then turns to the audience and asks the viewers to search for the bluebird where they are most likely to find it in their own homes .
<|crime|>George Fowler Steve McQueen , a diffident former collegiate football star , is recruited for a bank robbery gang by Gino , the cold hearted and unstable ex convict brother of George s estranged flame , Ann . George , initially insisting the limit of his involvement is strictly as get away driver , is coerced deeper into the plot by John Eagen , the calculating plot leader . Gino also succeeds in pressuring the reluctant George George being burdened with responsibility for the expulsion of both Ann and himself from college to reconnect with Ann to beg for a subsistence stake to tide them over pending the anticipated robbery booty . Tensions of dislike and distrust seethe within the gang . Ann , happening to spot Gino leaving the gang s bank surveillance activity , soon extracts from George enough information to deduce that a bank robbery is about to occur . Dismayed , Ann attempts to derail the plot in hopes of saving George with a lipstick scribbled warning on the bank s window . The warning is however detected by the 4th gang member , Willy John s bullied but sneering minion from prison . John and Willy burst into George s and Gino s lodgings to extract the facts behind the betrayal . Gino , financially desperate to consummate the plot to avoid his own pending reincarceration , reveals Ann s identity and past relationship with George . George is forced to take the gang to Ann s apartment but is sent away , dubiously hopeful that Ann is being flown off to Chicago to silence her . Gino also abandons Ann on John s orders . John , recalling his hatred for his abusive alcoholic mother , hurls Ann to her demise off the fire escape . Unaware of this murder , George is instructed that Willy is now the wheelman , forcing the inexperienced George to a role inside the bank , but he meekly declines one final opportunity to withdraw from the plot . The next day , the robbers commence execution of the heist , having neglected to bring a police frequency scanner and unaware the bank relocated a switchboard from the lobby , foiling key aspects of the plan . The silent alarm is triggered and police swarm the bank exterior . John is shot down attempting escape behind a female hostage . Gino , failing to find an escape route and hemmed in by prison like bars , commits suicide in the basement vault . After momentarily considering to battle the police Willy flees , abandoning his partners , although identified and pursued . George , hobbled by a gashed leg , initiates a panicky escape behind another female hostage , but his spirit fails when the newly wed hostage s husband summons the courage to offer himself in her stead . Having realized that Ann s death was due to his own cowardly and naïve actions , he tries to surrender his pistol to a bank customer who disgustedly rejects the gun back to the sobbing and broken George . George is dragged away into a paddy wagon and the film concludes with his view of the world receding behind metal bars .
<|mystery|>With a million dollars cash in the vault , Jim Osborne Joseph Cotten , an assistant bank manager in Los Angeles , is tempted to steal from his own bank and flee the country . Doing research at the library , he learns that Brazil has no extradition treaty with the United States . If he steals the money at close of business on a Friday , he will have time to travel to Brazil before the theft is even discovered . But the season when the bank opens on Saturdays is about to begin , so he must take action the same week or else wait for months . He tells his wife Laurie Teresa Wright that the bank is sending him to Rio de Janeiro on business and he wants her and their daughter to travel with him . It is a great opportunity for his career , he says , and he has been given it in preference to the person who would normally be sent , so he cautions her not to talk to anyone about it . Laurie is delighted with the news , but insists their daughter stay at home with Laurie s mother . Jim decides he can send for her after Laurie knows they are staying in Rio . With his inside knowledge and trusted position , the theft from the bank vault is simple enough , but the travel logistics are difficult . Flights are full , passports and visas are needed on a rush basis , and the Osbornes face a series of delays and miss a connection at New Orleans . At this point an airline employee , made suspicious by Jim s urgent manner and very heavy baggage , tips off a customs officer to check whether he is illegally exporting gold , and the money is revealed . Unreported large cash transactions are legal in 1952 , but the customs man knows it is not at all normal for a bank to send only a single employee with so much cash . Though he suspects some wrongdoing , he cannot reach Jim s boss by telephone before the Osbornes flight is called , and there is no customs violation , so he lets them go . However , they are on standby and the flight is already full . They will not be able to reach Rio on Sunday . Now fearing arrest , Jim checks into a hotel using a false name . Laurie overhears this , realizes the truth , and confronts him . When he admits what he has done , she wants no part in it she flies back to Los Angeles . Within hours Jim realizes that his wife and daughter are far more important to him than his dreams of wealth . Fortunately , it may still be possible to save the situation . Laurie was too upset to tell anyone why she had suddenly returned , and Jim has used his own money for their travel expenses , so the bank s money is intact . After phoning his wife , Jim flies back and just manages to replace the money before it is missed .
<|romance|>Act I Otto s rather shabby studio in Paris , 1932 Gilda is an interior designer who lives with the painter Otto , who was previously attached to Leo , an author . She is visited by Ernest Friedman , an art dealer and friend of all three . He is excited about his newly acquired Matisse and wants to show it to Otto . Gilda says that Otto is in bed , ill , and cannot be disturbed . Ernest tells her that Leo is back in Paris after making a success in New York . Otto enters from the street , carrying luggage , and very clearly not bedridden as Gilda has told Ernest . Ernest prudently takes his leave . After he and Otto have gone out to find Leo , supposedly at the George V Hotel , Leo enters from Gilda s bedroom where he has spent the night with her . They discuss what they should say to Otto , whom they both love . On his return they tell him that they have slept together in his absence , and after a furious row he renounces both of them and storms out of the room . Act II Leo s flat in London eighteen months later Scene 1 Leo and Gilda are now living together . His plays are now immensely successful . A journalist and press photographer call to do a feature on him . During the interview Leo makes several remarks that show how shallow he finds success . Scene 2 A few days later , Leo is away , and Otto turns up . He too has now become successful . Otto and Gilda dine together and their old love is rekindled . They embrace passionately . Scene 3 The next morning , Otto is still asleep when Ernest calls on Gilda . She tells him she is leaving Leo , and they exit together . Leo returns to discover Otto , who at once acknowledges that he has spent the night with Gilda . Before the ensuing row develops too far they spot the notes Gilda has left for them both . They are both horrified that she has gone , and they drown their sorrows in brandy and then sherry . They embrace , sobbing helplessly . Act III Ernest s penthouse in New York , two years later . Scene 1 Gilda has married Ernest and become a commercially successful designer . Ernest is away , and Gilda is giving a reception for some important clients . It is gatecrashed by Otto and Leo , in impeccable evening dress , determined to reclaim her . They frighten her guests into leaving , and Gilda pretends to bid them goodnight along with her other guests , but secretly gives them a key and tells them to return later . Scene 2 Ernest returns the next morning to find Otto and Leo in his apartment , wearing his pyjamas . Gilda , however , has not been there . She has been to a hotel overnight to allow herself time to think . When she returns Otto and Leo explain to an incredulous and incandescent Ernest that Gilda s formal status as his wife is irrelevant . She slowly realises that the attraction the two exert for her is irresistible . As Ernest rushes out denouncing their disgusting three sided erotic hotch potch , Gilda , Otto and Leo fall together on a sofa in gales of laughter .
<|action|>Set in 1948 , in the Watts area of Los Angeles , the story begins with Easy out of work and unable to pay his mortgage . He is sitting in a bar run by Joppy , a friend from Texas , when a man named DeWitt Albright walks into the bar and offers him a job finding a young woman named Daphne Monet . Monet , a young white woman , is rumored to be hanging out in bars frequented mostly by African Americans , although white women are allowed inside . At the bar Easy meets two old friends , Coretta and Dupree from Texas , among many other people that he knew from his former life in the South . Coretta says that she knows Daphne , but gives an incorrect address to Easy . He goes home with them and has sex with Coretta , although Dupree is asleep next room , and then leaves her in the early morning only to be arrested by the LAPD shortly thereafter and , after some questioning , he is told that Coretta is dead and that he is a suspect in Coretta s murder . When he finally does find Monet , he figures out that she has stolen a large amount of money from a man named Todd Carter , who is a local wealthy businessman . Albright wanted to claim it for himself . Eventually , Albright finds Monet through Easy , who is trying to shield the thieving woman . With the help of his friend Mouse who shows up mid way through the story , due to a half hearted invitation from Easy and domestic strife back home in Texas he finds Monet with Albright and Joppy . They rescue her , kill Joppy and Albright , and then Mouse reveals that Monet is actually Ruby , an African American woman passing as white , and the sister of a local gangster named Green . Mouse and Easy blackmail Ruby , taking her money and dividing it into thirds for each of them . Daphne Ruby leaves shortly thereafter and Easy has to clean up the mess with the police and Todd Carter , who had initially hired Albright to find her as he really did love her and not his money . Easy approaches Carter and requests his help with the police . He blackmails him by saying that he will leak the information about his love for a black woman unless he is protected from the law . Carter does so . At the conclusion , Mouse goes back to Texas , Easy takes up detective work , and Ruby disappears .
<|horror|>High school sweethearts David Woody Harrelson and Diana Murphy Demi Moore are a married couple who travel to Las Vegas , hoping they can win enough money to finance David s fantasy real estate project . They place their money on red in roulette and lose . After gambling away all of their savings , they encounter billionaire John Gage Robert Redford . Gage is attracted to Diana and offers them one million dollars to spend a night with her . After a difficult night , David and Diana decide to accept the offer , and a contract is signed the next day . Gage flies Diana to a private yacht where he offers her a chance to void the deal and return to her husband if he loses a toss of his lucky coin . Gage calls it correctly and she spends the night with him . Although he had hoped to forget the whole incident , David grows increasingly insecure about his relationship with Diana , consumed with a fear that she remains involved with Gage this insecurity is heightened by the fact that Diana discovers that Gage has bought their home property while it was going into foreclosure . As tension between them builds , David and Diana separate . Gage renews his advances on Diana . Although she initially resists , Diana eventually consents to spending time with him and a relationship develops . David , meanwhile , hits rock bottom and then slowly pulls his life back together . When Diana files for divorce , David signs the divorce papers and gives the million dollars away . Diana tells Gage I think we should talk . Gage , perhaps sensing what s coming , recognizes that , even if Diana stayed with him , their relationship would never achieve the intensity she had with David . Realizing that she longs to return to her husband , Gage makes up a story that she was only the latest in a long line of million dollar girls . Diana understands that Gage is doing this to make it easy for her to leave . Gage gives her his lucky coin , which is revealed to be double sided . She returns to the pier where David is waiting and he proposes . They join hands .
<|comedy|>Shortly after the American Civil War , southern belle Elizabeth Lloyd Evelyn Venable marries a northerner , Jack Sherman John Lodge . Her father Colonel Lloyd Lionel Barrymore disowns her in anger and retaliation . Elizabeth and Jack move west where they become parents of a girl they name Lloyd Sherman Shirley Temple . Six years later , Lloyd Sherman is made an honorary colonel in the Army . Elizabeth returns to the south with little Lloyd and settles in a cottage near Colonel Lloyd s mansion while her husband Jack remains in the west prospecting for gold . When Colonel Lloyd discovers his daughter living in the neighborhood , he treats her with disdain . Little Lloyd learns of her parents past from housekeeper Mom Beck Hattie McDaniel , and , when she meets her grandfather for the first time , throws mud at him . The two eventually become contentious friends . Elizabeth s husband returns from the west with a fever . He has lost everything in his prospecting venture , but the family is saved from complete ruin when the Union Pacific Railroad requests right of way across Jack s western property . Jack s former prospecting partners have heard of the Railroad s offer and try to swindle Jack . They resort to holding the Sherman couple hostage until the deed to their valuable property is located . Little Lloyd runs through dark woods for her grandfather but he refuses to help . He changes his mind when little Lloyd says she never wants to see him again . They arrive at the cottage just in time to save Elizabeth and Jack . The film ends with a brief Technicolor sequence featuring a pink party for little Lloyd , her friends , and her reconciled family .
<|crime|>A young African American orphan Mario Van Peebles is taken in by the proprietor of a Los Angeles brothel in the 1940s . While working there as a towel boy , he loses his virginity at a young age to one of the prostitutes . The women name him Sweet Sweetback in honor of his sexual prowess and large penis . As an adult , Sweetback Melvin Van Peebles works as a performer in the whorehouse , entertaining customers by performing in a sex show . One night , a pair of LAPD officers come in to speak to Sweetback s boss , Beetle Simon Chuckster . A black man had been murdered , and there is pressure from the black community to bring in a suspect . The police ask permission to arrest Sweetback , blame him for the crime , and then release him a few days later for lack of evidence , in order to appease the black community . Beetle agrees , and the officers arrest Sweetback . On the way to the police station , the officers arrest a young Black Panther named Mu Mu Hubert Scales . They handcuff him to Sweetback , but when Mu Mu insults the officers , they take both men out of the car , undo the handcuff from Mu Mu s wrist , and beat him . In response , Sweetback uses the handcuffs , still hanging from his wrist , to beat the officers into unconsciousness . Sweetback makes a flight through South Central Los Angeles towards the United States Mexico border , but is captured by the police . Sweetback is violently interrogated about his previous assault on the arresting officers , but escapes when a riot breaks out . Sweetback then goes to a woman who cuts his handcuffs off in exchange for sex . With his handcuffs off , Sweetback continues onward , only to be captured by a chapter of the Hells Angels . The female leader of the gang is impressed by the size of Sweetback s penis , and agrees to help him and Mu Mu escape from the police in exchange for sex . The police find Sweetback and Mu Mu at the bikers hangout , but Sweetback escapes on foot while Mu Mu goes away with the bikers . Mu Mu and one of the bikers John Amos are killed . After his escape from the bikers hangout , a white man sympathetic to Sweetback s cause agrees to switch clothes with him , allowing the usually velour clad Sweetback to blend in . The police find Sweetback s former foster mother , who reveals that Sweetback s birth name is Leroy . The chase concludes in the desert , where L . A . Police send several hunting dogs after Sweetback , who fights them back and continues running . Sweetback makes it into the Tijuana River and escapes into Mexico , swearing to return to collect dues .
<|crime|>Arriving by seaplane to inspect an isolated , but thriving rubber plantation in the African jungle during World War II , Worthing Richard Ainley reminisces about the old days , when conditions were much harsher . The film then flashes back to 1910 . The only four white men within hundreds of miles eagerly await the arrival of the riverboat Congo Queen . Wilbur Ashley Bramwell Fletcher and his boss , Harry Witzel Pidgeon , have grown to hate each other . Ashley is finally going home , and the boat is also bringing his replacement , Langford Richard Carlson , for a four year stint . The other two white men are the alcoholic doctor Frank Morgan and missionary Reverend Dr . Roberts Henry O Neill . Harry and Langford get off to a bad start , and it only goes downhill from there . It takes all of the efforts of the doctor and Roberts to keep the two men from each other s throat . The situation becomes worse when Tondelayo Lamarr , a seductive native woman , returns . Harry , as resident magistrate , had already previously ordered her to leave his district as a disruptive , amoral influence . Tondelayo begins to work her wiles on Langford . Despite the warnings by all three of the other men and perhaps to spite Harry , he eventually succumbs to her charms . When Harry orders her expelled once more , Langford decides to marry her . Roberts reveals that she is not a native , but rather half Egyptian and half Arab , and in spite of his better judgment , reluctantly joins them in holy matrimony . After five months , Tondelayo has grown bored of her husband . However , when she tries to seduce Harry , he reminds her that she is Mrs . Langford until death do you part . That gives her an idea . When her husband becomes sick , the doctor gives her some medicine to give him periodically . She obtains poison and makes him drink some of it instead . However , Harry suspects what she is trying to do . He leaves , then returns just as she is about to give Langford another dose . Harry forces her to drink the rest of the poison . She runs away screaming and collapses on the jungle floor . The doctor takes Langford away on the Congo Queen for better medical treatment . From the boat comes Langford s replacement a younger Worthing . Harry grabs him and forcefully tells him that he will stick around . Returning to the present , Worthing observes that he did .
<|mystery|>Ruslan Drachev Steven Seagal is a former Russian diplomat and a current writer of hardboiled pulp fiction novels living in St . Petersburg when he gets a call from his ex wife Catherine Inna Korobkina that his daughter Lanie Laura Mennell is getting married . Not wanting to miss the wedding , Ruslan catches the red eye to New Jersey and heads into Trenton to see Lanie , who is an attorney in the D . A . s office in Trenton . Ruslan is somewhat concerned that Lanie is marrying Stephan Abramov Dmitry Chepovetsky , the son of Mikhail Abramov Igor Jijikine , the brutal boss of the local Russian mob outfit . Later on , Ruslan finds that Catherine is now married to wealthy local defense attorney Terry Goldstein Robert Wisden . Lanie tells Ruslan that Terry is a jerk . Ruslan pulls Stephen to the side , and Stephen assures Ruslan that he has no interest of joining the family business and just wants to love his new wife and start a new life . After everyone but Catherine and Lanie leaves to go to the church where the wedding will take place , A pair of men break in , stab Catherine to death , and then stab Lanie , leaving her in critical condition . Detective Norden Ingrid Torrance and Detective Lavastic Zak Santiago are heading the investigation . It was made to look like a robbery , but Ruslan knows full well that it was not a robbery . At East Lawn Hospital , Dr . Brown Linda Minard tells Ruslan that she expects Lanie to recover . Ruslan starts his own investigation and learns that Mikhail , who hates Ruslan , was behind the attack . Terry , who is Mikhail s attorney , is also in on it . Mikhail despised the thought of Stephan marrying a prosecuting attorney instead of following in Mikhail s footsteps , and Catherine was about to blow the whistle on some of Terry s corrupt activities . However , Ruslan is willing to do whatever it takes to make Mikhail and Terry pay for what they did .
<|crime|>In a police van , Afaaque Baaghran Anil Kapoor listens to the story narrated by a gangster , Manya Surve John Abraham , who is gravely injured with a bullet riddled body . Surve is a decent student at Kirti College , Dadar . He is in love with Vidya Joshi Kangana Ranaut and takes her to his mother to discuss their marriage . Manya has an older brother named Bhargav Surve , who is a gangster after an underworld don named Bhatkar Ranjeet . Soon enough , Bhargav is attacked and beaten up by Bhatkar s goons . Manya jumps in to save him . While Manya Surve clutches one of the goons , Bhargav stabs the goon and he dies on the spot . On the day of Manya s exam results , before he can discover his grades , Manya and his brother are arrested and publicly humiliated at college by Insp . Ambolkar Raju Kher and end up in Yerwada Prison . In prison , another convict named Munir Tusshar Kapoor saves Manya from being attacked by a goon named Potya Chetan Hansraj during lunch time . During this assault , Bhargav is killed . Munir befriends Manya and another convict named Veera . Veera trains Manya to become stronger . Manya trains and then eventually is challenged by Potya . Potya attacks him from behind and beats Manya up , to which Manya responds by stabbing Potya to death . Later on , both Manya and Munir escape from prison while they are working on a railway track and try to join hands with two brothers who rule Mumbai s deals . The first brother , Zubair Imtiaz Haksar Manoj Bajpayee , is cool and is impressed by Manya . However , the second brother , Dilawar Sonu Sood , disapproves of Manya and dislikes him . After this , Manya forms his own gang which consists of him , Munir , Veera , and Gyancho , a sharpshooter brought by Munir . Soon enough , Manya finishes off Bhatkar the gangster who had him and his brother arrested . Jamal , Bhatkar s bodyguard , also joins them . Next , Manya brings Ambolkar to his knees by beating him brutally in public . The story next shows the death of Sadiq , Arif Zakaria an unscrupulous news reporter , by Mastan . This breaks a fight between Haskar brothers and Mastan . Due to this , a truce is called by Haji Maqsood Akbar Khan . The truce is short lived as Mastan asks Manya Surve to finish Zubair . After Zubair s assassination , Dilawar kills Gyancho with the help of Jamal . He is about to kill Munir when Manya saves him . Later , Afaaque is asked to kill Manya by Dilawar . Even after his refusal , at first he agrees when police commissioner Jackie Shroff orders him to . The story comes to an end after the shootout and Manya s killing .
<|horror|>Nina , an interpreter , is beside herself with grief at the recent death of her boyfriend , Jamie , a cellist . When she is on the verge of despair , Jamie reappears as a ghost and the couple are reconciled . The screenplay never clarifies whether this occurs in reality , or merely in Nina s imagination . Nina is ecstatic , but Jamie s behaviour turning up the central heating to stifling levels , moving furniture around and inviting back ghost friends to watch videos gradually infuriates her , and their relationship deteriorates . She meets Mark , a psychologist , to whom she is attracted , but she is unwilling to become involved with him because of Jamie s continued presence . Nina continues to love Jamie but is conflicted by his self centred behaviour and ultimately wonders out loud , Was it always like this ? Over Nina s objections , Jamie decides to leave to allow her to move on . Towards the end of the film , Jamie watches Nina leave and one of his fellow ghosts asks , Well ? and Jamie responds , I think so . . . Yes . At this point the central conceit of the movie has become clear Jamie came back specifically to help Nina get over him by tarnishing her idealised memory of him .
<|horror|>Four friends who recently graduated from college live together in Houston , Texas . Coffee house guitarist Troy Dyer and budding filmmaker Lelaina Pierce are attracted to each other , although they have not acted on their feelings except for one brief , drunken encounter . Troy is floundering , having lost several minimum wage jobs the last of which he loses early in the film for stealing a candy bar from his employer . Lelaina was valedictorian of her university and has aspirations to become a documentarian , although initially having to settle for a position as production assistant to a rude and obnoxious TV host . Lelaina meets Michael Grates when she throws a cigarette into his convertible , causing him to crash into her car . The two soon begin to date . He works at an MTV like cable channel called In Your Face as an executive , and after learning about a documentary she s been working on , wants to get it aired on his network . Lelaina s roommate Vickie has a series of one night stands and short relationships with dozens of guys her promiscuity leads her to confront a very real risk of contracting HIV after a former fling tests positive for the virus . Vickie works as a sales associate for The Gap , and is later promoted to manager and seems content with her new job . Her friend Sammy Gray is gay he remains celibate , not because of a fear of AIDS , but because forming a relationship would force him to come out to his conservative parents . After an impulsive act of retribution , Lelaina loses her job , which causes some tension with her roommates . Eventually , Vickie s AIDS test comes back negative and Sammy comes out to his parents and he even starts dating and the two manage to resume their lives . Meanwhile , Lelaina s relationship with Michael dissolves after he helps her sell the documentary to his network , only to let them edit it into a stylized montage that she feels compromises her artistic vision . Lelaina and Troy then sleep together and confess their love . The morning after , he avoids her , and after a messy confrontation , leaves town . After Troy s father dies , he forces himself to reevaluate his life , deciding to attempt a relationship with Lelaina . Troy and Lelaina reunite and make amends after Troy returns from his father s funeral in Chicago . While we do not see what happens to Michael , during the credits there is an abrupt break where two characters , Laina and Roy , who are obvious parodies of Lelaina and Troy , have an argument about their relationship . As the show s credits roll , Michael s name is revealed as the producer , implying that he has turned the failed relationship into the subject of a new show on his network .
<|action|>Mark Sherwin Ayres is driving in the country when he notices a man lying at the side of the road . Assuming the man is the victim of a hit and run , he stops to offer assistance , only to be coshed and left stunned while his wallet and car are stolen . On recovering his senses , he staggers towards a nearby farmhouse where he collapses . He is found by the farm owner , who summons a doctor . Meanwhile , the car thief comes to grief while speeding round a corner on a clifftop road , the car plunges over the edge and explodes in flames . Sherwin regains consciousness , but is suffering from complete amnesia with no idea of his own identity or how he came to be found in such a remote location . The farm owner and his daughter agree to look after Sherwin while he recuperates . The police investigate missing persons reports but find no case to match Sherwin s age and physical description . Some days later Sherwin is on the mend , and happens to find in his overcoat pocket a ticket stub from a theatre in a town some 50 miles away . Hoping to find some clue as to his identity , he takes a train to the town and walks the streets to see whether anything will jog his memory . He comes across a house which he seems to recognise and walks in through the unlocked door . Inside he finds a flower covered coffin in the front room . A woman Norden enters and on seeing Sherwin , screams and faints . This jolts Sherwin s memory back into gear and he recognises the woman as his wife Christine , who has believed him dead since there was no reason for anybody to consider that the body found in the burned out car was not his . Sherwin is bothered by his wife s odd demeanour , particularly her excessive concern about whether or not anybody could have seen him in the street or arriving at the house . His suspicions aroused , he decides to continue to play the amnesiac . Saying he is going upstairs to rest , he eavesdrops on her telephone calls and soon realises that she is speaking to a lover of some time standing , the gist of the conversation being the need to dispose of Sherwin quickly before anyone else finds out that he was not the crash victim . Gradually , he finds out that Christine and her lover Anthony Forwood had been intending to sell the house and cash all his assets , and his inconvenient reappearance has derailed their plans . Aware now of Christine s true colours , he decides to play along with her schemes until he can engineer a suitable come uppance for the pair .
<|crime|>Lieutenant Barney Nolan Edmond O Brien , a 16 year veteran of the police force , has had enough . In a secluded alley late one night , he fatally shoots a bookmaker in the back and steals the 25 , 000 he was carrying . He then claims the man was killed trying to escape custody . Sergeant Mark Brewster John Agar , his friend and protégé , believes him , as does the Captain of Detectives , Captain Gunnarson Emile Meyer . However , newspaper reporter Cabot Herbert Butterfield suspects otherwise . Packy Reed Hugh Sanders , the dead man s boss , sends private investigators Fat Michaels Claude Akins and Laddie O Neil to tell Barney he wants to see him . Packy gives Barney one chance to return the money , but Barney is uncooperative . Barney takes his girlfriend , Patty Winters Marla English , to see a house for sale , then slips away to hide the money outside . When he asks Patty to marry him , she accepts . Deaf mute Ernst Sternmuller goes to the police station , but gives a note explaining he witnessed the crime to Barney , not recognizing him . Barney goes to his apartment to try to buy his silence , but when Sternmuller turns him down , angrily pushes the old man away . Sternmuller falls , strikes his head , and dies . Barney stages it to look like an accident , unaware the man had written down his account . Mark finds it and takes it to Gunnarson , who initiates a manhunt for Barney . Meanwhile , Barney runs into Michaels and O Neil at a restaurant . Furious that the pair had harassed Patty , he savagely beats them both into unconsciousness with the butt of his revolver . When Barney finds out he is a wanted man , he persuades Patty to pack up and start a new life with him without telling her he is on the run . Mark tries to take him in , but is knocked out . Barney changes into his old police uniform and goes into hiding . He arranges for passage to Buenos Aires , but when he goes to pick up the ticket at a crowded high school pool , finds he has been set up . He and a bandaged Michaels shoot it out , while panicked swimmers dive for cover . Barney manages to kill Michaels and heads to the house to retrieve the money . Mark learns from Patty now aware her boyfriend is a fugitive the only place the 25 , 000 could have been hidden . The police converge on the house . When Barney starts shooting , they have no choice but to kill him .
<|crime|>The city of Timbuktu is under the occupation of extremist Islamists bearing a jihadist black flag . Kidane is a cattle herder who lives outside of the city . One day , one of his cows accidentally damages the net of a fisherman . The enraged fisherman kills the cow . Kidane confronts the fisherman and accidentally shoots him dead . The jihadists arrest Kidane and , per sharia law , demand a blood money payment of 40 cattle to the fisherman s family . As Kidane has only seven cattle , he is sentenced to death . His wife shows up at his execution with a pistol , and as they run to each other the husband attempts to stop her . The executioners gun them both down . Throughout the film there are subsidiary scenes showing the reaction of the population to the jihadists rule , which are portrayed as absurd . A female fishmonger must wear gloves even when selling fish . Music is banned a woman is sentenced to 40 lashes for singing , and 40 lashes for being in the same room as a man not of her family . A couple are buried up to their necks in sand and stoned to death for adultery . Young men play football with an imaginary ball as sports are banned . A local imam tries to curb the jihadists excesses with sermons . The failure of the occupiers to live up to their own rules is hinted at , for instance when one of them is seen smoking a cigarette . Another group of jihadists from France spend their days talking about their favorite football teams . Characters speak in Tamasheq , Bambara , Arabic , French , and on a few occasions English . The mobile phone is an important means of communication .
<|mystery|>An American gambler , Forster Clark , aspires to find acceptance amongst the British nobility after falling in love with the aristocratic Lady Susan Willens Chance , a prominent blueblood who has actually been pursuing him . To start a relationship with her , he dumps his girlfriend Byron , a singer in one of his nightclubs who becomes murderously jealous . He must also deal with mobsters who try to take over his nightclubs . Swindled by an upper class con man Ireland into voluntarily selling out to the mobsters anyway all his valuable assets including the gambling casino nightclubs , a racehorse and a boxer , in order to invest in a gold mining scam that is eventually unmasked as a fraud . He finds himself broke and in a gunfight with the mobsters , who have been deceived by a gang member with a grudge against him into thinking that they need to kill him . Wounded in the gunfight , he is about to make an escape from his mobster pursuers when his jilted girlfriend tries to kill him by hitting him with her car . He is knocked down by a glancing blow , and she flees the scene . At that point , Lady Willens and Forster s butler arrive on the scene and come to his aid . Forster looks up from the gutter and says , Susan with relief and gratitude . Susan tells the butler , Let s bring him home .
<|crime|>A promiscuous and rather misogynistic man , Steve Perry King is murdered by one of his three ex lovers , and after death , the powers that be cannot decide whether to send him to heaven or to hell his life is full of good deeds , but he s been a shit to women , and that behavior is keeping him from going to heaven . The powers that be decide to give him a test he is reincarnated and given a limited amount of time to have at least one woman like him . To make the test more difficult , he is reincarnated as a beautiful woman Ellen Barkin , he calls himself Amanda as a joke . After the change , Amanda Steve encounters other people , and rankles at being treated the way he treated women . Steve s friend Walter , and lesbian perfume magnate Sheila both become attracted to Amanda , but Amanda rebuffs Sheila s advances , despite knowing that she is giving up an opportunity for a woman to love her , even though he had sex exclusively with women , as Steve , in the past . Later , Amanda and Walter get drunk together and he has sex with her while she is passed out . In the morning , Amanda has no memory of the sex and accuses Walter of raping her . Walter acts surprised and insists that Amanda was an enthusiastic participant . Steve realizes the sort of man that he used to be and the sort of man that Walter is . Amanda rejects Walter , but she learns shortly thereafter that she has become pregnant from the encounter . At the childbirth , the baby girl gazes at her mother with love , and Amanda dies , having earned his place in heaven .
<|mystery|>John Gray Sean Patrick Flanery is an actor in a Far West time touristic attraction village , named Profit , near a small town . He lives an eventless life , with his on and off girlfriend Sharon Tanya Allen his friends and co workers Tim Tyler Labine and Pablo Alonso Oyarzun , and his mentor Gus Robert Forster . Until one night , when two bikers rob the town s bar and severely beat the barman down . After they left , John decides to call the police , against the advice of the thugs leader , Bart Lou Diamond Phillips . No one else present in the bar volunteers to help the police for fear of revenge . The next day at the village , John sees the two goons walking down the street and makes a citizen s arrest . They are then taken by the Sheriff who locks them in a cell . He allows Bart to make a phone call , allowing him to call upon the rest of the gang . The other bikers arrive to the town and kills the sheriff and his deputy , in order to free Bart from his cell . As the night comes , John comes back to his place after dropping Sharon at her house when the gang starts shooting him in his car . He escapes and goes to Gus isolated trailer and asks for help . A shooting occurs between the two and the bikers . All but two of the thugs are shot one of them escapes and warns the others , and Bart is captures and put in the trunk of John s pick up truck . They then go to the police station only to find the two bodies . Understanding the situation they are in , they split . Gus goes to town to phone the police , only to find that all the lines are dead . Meanwhile , John takes Bart inside a mine , ties him up to a shaft and waits for the authorities . While trying to drive out of town to get access to a working telephone , Gus gets trapped by the gang . They take him to the police station and starts torturing him to know where John and Bart are . Silent at first , he starts to talk when the new leader , King Hugh Dillon threaten to harm Sharon . Gus leads a group of four thugs on the way to the mine , when they are taken in an ambush by John . All of the goons die while Gus is shot in the leg . At the same time , the other inhabitants of Profit are rounded up in a large cell in the fake police station of the Far West village . John comes back to the Far West village to negotiate with King an exchange between Bart and Sharon . While the deal takes place , and John and Sharon escape in the pick up truck , Gus kills the few bikers who kept an eye on the villagers and frees everybody . When he asks for volunteers to fight when the others come back , only Tim and Pablo reluctantly agree . The rest of the gang comes back and a shootout occurs , culminating with a duel between John and Bart , during which John shoots Bart in the arm , disabling him . Some time after that , the Far West village still runs with some new additions John s story is loosely adapted as an Old West tale and acted out for tourists .
<|mystery|>Radhe Salman Khan , a gangster with a mysterious past , kills others for money . He meets Jhanvi Ayesha Takia while she s doing fitness training and instantly falls in love with her . Even though their first meeting leads Jhanvi to think negatively about Radhe , she later begins to reciprocate his feelings . However , Talpade Mahesh Manjrekar , a selfish and perverted Inspector , lusts after Jhanvi and tells her to marry him with the threat that he would rape Jhanvi s mother Prateeksha Lonkar if she decides to go against his decision . Talpade is tipped off about Radhe s existence by Jhanvi s landlord . Talpades tries to threaten Radhe but ends up getting frightened of Radhe after getting outsmarted by Radhe . Gani Bhai Prakash Raj , an international don , arrives in India for an assassination and hires Radhe . Two gangs , Datta Pawle s Raju Mavani and Gani Bhai s , fight for the biggest part of Mumbai . Due to this , Commissioner Ashraf Khan Govind Namdeo decides to make Mumbai free of crime . He arrests Gani Bhai , who makes various attempts to contact Radhe , however , in vain . Ashraf Khan is blackmailed to release Gani Bhai , after his men release an explicit video of his daughter online after kidnapping her . Under the influence of drugs , his daughter reveals a mission that involves an IPS officer , Rajveer Singh Shekhawat , murdering Gani Bhai . Since Rajveer Shekhawat s identity is difficult to decipher , Gani Bhai holds his father , Shrikant Shekhawat Vinod Khanna , captive . Shrikant proudly tells him about his son , without revealing his true identity . Gani Bhai mistakes Ajay Inder Kumar , Radhe s adopted brother , for Rajveer Shekhawat and kills him . Gani Bhai realises his mistake and pressures Shrikant to reveal Rajveer s identity . Shrikant is murdered by Gani Bhai after he refuses to tell him . His son , Rajveer Shekhawat , who is revealed to be Radhe , arrives at the place of his father s death . Radhe is infuriated and decides to avenge the deaths of his father and brother . Through threatening Talpade , he locates Gani Bhai . After an intense combat , Radhe finally manages to kill Gani Bhai and his co conspirator Talpade .
<|horror|>Penelope Townes , a 13 year old British girl , comes into possession of an opal pendant when she explores the dusty attic of her family s decaying mansion . The opal contains two Australian genies , Bruce and his son Baz . Typically , an episode revolved around the consequences of one of Penelope s flippant wishes , or the efforts of an outside party to steal the opal and thus , the genies . There is also a strong subplot involving Bruce s efforts to manipulate Penelope s wishes in order to become free from the opal something which Penelope , who is snobbish and sees the genies as her property , is too selfish to allow . When Penelope inherits a property in Australia Townes Downs , Bruce and Baz are very happy because it means that they can spend more time in their own country . When they go to inspect the property , they meet Otto von Meister , who runs tours of outback Australia . His family had once owned the opal , and according to Otto , Penelope s great grandfather had stolen it from his family years before . When he finds out that Penelope has the opal , he tries to steal it from her . He often enlists his nephew Conrad to help him . Penelope falls in love with Conrad , which gives Otto far more opportunity to steal the opal . Things are further complicated when Bruce the genie falls in love with Penelope s mother , Lady Diana Townes . She is already supposedly in love with Lord Bubbles Uppington Smythe , however , it is revealed that this is only because of his money , and she in turn falls in love with Bruce . In the end , Penelope accepts that Bruce and her mother are in love , and gives the opal to her mother , allowing Bruce to reveal his true identity . Bruce and Diana end up marrying .
<|horror|>In 1957 , the Soviet Union attacks the United States with nuclear weapons , rendering most of the nation uninhabitable . The American government has collapsed with the exception of the haven known as Lost Vegas , ruled by King Elvis . The Red Army has been besieging Lost Vegas , but the lack of supplies over the years has relegated them to a gang of thugs . Forty years after the Soviet invasion , King Elvis dies and radio disc jockey Keith Mortimer announces a call for all musicians to come to Lost Vegas to try to become the new King of Rock n Roll . Buddy , a lone guitarist and swordsman , saves an unnamed boy he simply calls Kid from a group of bandits consequently , as the Kid s mother was killed by the bandits , he tags along with Buddy . As the duo travel through the desert wasteland , the heavy metal playing Death stages several attempts to prevent Buddy from reaching Lost Vegas alive and claim the throne for himself . After enduring a host of opponents such as a bounty hunting bowling team , a cannibalistic suburban family , a band of underground mutants , and the Red Army , an injured Buddy squares off against Death in a sword fight . Death mortally wounds Buddy , but the Kid discovers water is Death s weakness after spitting at him . The Kid then melts Death away with a canteen full of water . Buddy s lifeless body disappears , but the Kid puts on his clothes and glasses before continuing his journey toward Lost Vegas .
<|romance|>The film begins with 5 year old Danny Jude Law and his military father visiting a family friend s , Grace s Brenda Blethyn , house at Thanksgiving . When Grace goes into labor , Danny s father asks him to unwrap the umbilical cord from the baby . After a successful birth , Danny decides to himself that the baby girl born , Anna Gretchen Mol , is meant to be with him forever , and states that he will marry her . Twenty five years later , Danny now 30 moves back to his hometown after his father dies . Homeless and jobless , Danny finds a cheap apartment owned by a bakery shop couple who offer him little jobs delivering cakes . During his first delivery , Danny gets lost and stops at Grace s for directions . Nina Jennifer Tilly , Anna s blind sister , opens the door and Danny sees Anna for the first time . Anna and Nina s family order a cake from the bakery and Danny immediately leaves to deliver it , hoping to see Anna , but crashes his bike into a car right outside the home , going unconscious . He awakes in Grace s house to meet Anna s entire family her brother Billy Jeremy Piven and Billy s mentally distraught wife , Irene Jane Adams , her father Richard Bruce Jarchow , her sister Karen Martha Plimpton , and boyfriend Eric Jon Tenney . He is invited to stay for dinner where he is given news of Anna s recent engagement to Eric . Danny later gets the job as a tiler mosaic artist in a local museum . Danny soon confesses his love for Anna , asking her to run away and marry him . Anna rejects him kindly and rides away , with Danny chasing her . At a bookstore , Danny tells Eric he is in love with Anna . Grace remains ill with a bed nurse . Anna later becomes jealous of the love between Nina and her new boyfriend Jesus , and rushes to Danny s home . The two then sleep together . At Billy s house , Irene screams at Billy and points a gun at him because she believes he is having an affair . She quickly shoots at Billy , hitting his foot , and laughs as he tumbles in pain . Nina and Jesus have an informal elopement during the night . After Nina returns home to tell her mother gleefully , Grace passes away in Richard s arms . Anna leaves Danny s apartment to tell her mother about her relationship with Danny only to find that she has died . At Grace s funeral , Anna says she already told Eric about their affair . Danny tells Anna he is leaving in a couple of days and says goodbye . That night , Eric announces he and Anna are going to Paris to get married . The next day , Nina tells Anna that she loves Danny , not Eric , and advises her to go after Danny . At the train station , Anna chases down Danny and begs him to take her with him . Danny says that it won t last . She holds up a regular coin and says if it lands heads , she may go with him . Without looking , he claims it is heads and the two kiss .
<|romance|>Neela Waheeda Rehman is in police custody for committing a murder . Believing that she did it , she confesses . When renowned lawyer Rajeshwar Dev Anand decides to represent her , he accepts her guilt , but as he goes deep into the details of her story and the circumstances , he is not sure whether or not she is guilty . What could have placed Neela at the scene of this heinous crime ? Eventually it is revealed that Neela s employer Beni Prasad is the mastermind behind Neela s imprisonment . He is after her property and devises a plan in which Ranjan , Neela s co actor , is to act as if he is in love with her and get her will signed . But on the night Ranjan has taken the papers to Neela and is just getting them signed , he changes his mind . He was about to surrender and tell the whole truth when Neela held him at gunpoint just before he could tell the name of his employer he was shot . Neela believes it s she who had killed him whereas it was Beni Prasad who was hiding and listening had shot Ranjan dead . Rajesh disguises himself and appears at the court on the final day and accuses Beni Prasad and tells the whole story . In the whole story CID Johnny Walker aids him as well as Kalu a street beggar who pretends to be blind acts as a witness . The final scene shows Rajesh driving his car and telling what do i get ? ? . . . money , fame and nothing else ! ! when he images Neela talking to him . . . answering his questions . At last Neela appears from the back of the car and the happy couple are reunited and are said to be really in love . The movie ends with Rajesh and Neela driving the car to the song Jo Ijaazat Ho To Ek Baat .
<|horror|>This psychological thriller tells the story of Jeff Cohalan Young . He is a successful architect who is tormented because his fiancée , Vivian Sheppard , was killed in a mysterious car accident on the night before their wedding . Blaming himself for her death , Cohalan spends his time alone , lamenting in the state of the art cliff top home he had designed for his bride to be . Cohalan also notices that ever since the accident , he seems to be followed by bad luck . His horse and dog turn up dead without explanation , leading him to wonder if he has been cursed . He meets a woman named Ellen Drake , and they are immediately attracted to each other . She soon learns about Jeff s past and begins to suspect that Jeff may be much more in danger than he himself realizes . Turns out his would have been father in law and partner in architecture , Ben Sheppard , was trying to destroy him . He held Jeff responsible for the death of his daughter . But the driver of the car was a married man , with whom Vivian was having an affair . Ben himself had a wife run away from him , and has a psychotic break when confronted with the truth behind why his daughter was in a car crash . Thinking Ellen is Vivian , and angry at his wife s running off , Ben shoots at Vivian Ellen . Jeff gets hit in the shoulder protecting Ellen . It all ends well , with Jeff and Ellen getting together .
<|horror|>Rupert Bear decides to head off for a walk on the hills . With his Mother s blessing he sets off for a jolly trip , encountering his friends Edward Elephant and Bill Badger along the way , who are too busy to join him . As Rupert reaches a hill he props himself up against the trunk of an oak tree and enjoys the glory of the countryside . Suddenly he finds himself enveloped by a rainbow cloud of butterflies previously masquerading as leaves on the oak tree , and all of them swarm away from the leafless tree towards a rocky outcrop Rupert cannot resist following them . As he leaves , a large white barn owl and two black cats decide to follow him . Upon the rocks , Rupert finds a large number of multicolored frogs . He walks into a cave behind a waterfall and sees three signs Frogs only beyond this point , Everything except frogs must be kept on a lead , and Guard frogs operating . He sneaks into the palace , trying to avoid getting caught by the frog guards . There , he witnesses the Frog Song , an event that occurs only once in a few hundred years in which various frogs of all shapes and sizes come together and sing We All Stand Together . Around the end , the frog King and Queen rise out of the water before the crowd to finish off the song . After a thunderous applause from the frogs , the owl , who had followed Rupert in order to find out where the frogs were hiding , launches itself for an attack on the royals , but Rupert manages to warn the frogs in time and they all quickly retreat , leaving the owl and the cats empty handed and the palace completely empty . After hearing his mother call him , Rupert excitedly rushes home to tell his family about what he saw .
<|crime|>The story commences in 1939 . Alex Schottland Jack Hawkins , a general in the German Army , is actually a British agent who was planted in Germany toward the end of the First World War . He is growing weary of being a spy , but is urged to continue by his friend and fellow British agent , Cornaz Felix Aylmer , who is posing as a watchmaker . Schottland passes on information that Germany is about to attack Russia . Capt . Reinisch Erik Schumann , Schottland s suspicious aide , discovers that Schottland has changed his name from Scotland and is of British ancestry . However , his superiors scoff at the possibility that Schottland is a spy . To deflect suspicion , Schottland says that defeatists in the high command have been leaking information to the enemy . Cornaz is arrested after their courier to the British is arrested . Schottland , as a customer at the watchmaker s shop , is summoned to headquarters for questioning . There Schottland is forced to watch impassively as Gestapo officer Müller Alexander Knox tortures Cornaz to death in a gruesome scene , in which a fire hose is used to force water into Cornaz s bowels . Schottland is arrested but soon released because of intervention by a high ranking Nazi , Ernst Kaltenbrunner . Cornaz s replacement is Lili Geyr Gia Scala , an attractive pianist . He pretends to be having an affair with Geyr while actually giving her information . That antagonizes Reinisch , who is in love with Geyr . Schottland is ordered to the front , and shoots a corporal who interrupts him broadcasting information to the Allies . Schottland returns to Berlin , and , now unable to transmit important information , has decided to resort to sabotage . He begins to cunningly trick Hitler into making strategic military blunders . Reinisch kills Geyr as she attempts to escape to the Allies . Schottland kills Reinisch , and subsequently casts suspicion on Müller as a traitor . Schottland is incriminated , and he crosses the lines to be captured by British troops .
<|comedy|>Set in 19th Century London , the story focuses on Sweeney Todd Ben Kingsley , a murderous barber whose business provides him with two profitable sidelines , the sale of his victims jewelry and the disposal of their bodies to his mistress Mrs . Lovett Joanna Lumley , who uses them to prepare meat pies for her unsuspecting clientele . American Ben Carlyle Campbell Scott arrives in the city to track down wealthy diamond merchant Alfred Mannheim and 50 , 000 worth of jewels he had sold to Carlyle s employer but failed to deliver . Mannheim s staff advises Carlyle their boss disappeared without a trace weeks earlier , and he posts notices offering a reward for information leading to his discovery . Charlie Sean Flanagan , a mute orphan who works as an assistant to Todd , recognizes Mannheim as a man the barber shaved just prior to his disappearance . Realizing his dastardly deeds are in danger of being revealed , Todd imprisons the boy in his basement . Meanwhile , Carlyle is seeking the assistance of the corrupt local police and an amiable serving wench named Alice , who happens to be Todd s ward , with his quest . When his suspicions about the ingredients of Mrs . Lovett s pies are all but confirmed by a chemist , he hides himself in a burlap sack and has himself deposited in her pie shop cellar with a delivery of meat . There he makes a gruesome discovery that spurs him to confront Todd , who overpowers and binds him . As he prepares his instruments to torture Carlyle to death , he explains what led him to a life of murder and cannibalism . Charlie , who has managed to free himself from his shackles , stabs Todd in the back , killing him . He then frees Carlyle , who sets the building on fire before escaping with the boy .
<|romance|>Two college students , Sam Maya Stange and Thea Kathleen Robertson , meet Coles Mark Ruffalo , an animator , at a party , and their mutual attraction leads to a passionate and awkward night together . They form an unstable friendship , and continue to push their sexual boundaries . Soon , their friendships are tested by Sam and Coles romance and Thea s increasingly reckless behavior . Inevitably , their relationships dissolve due to fear , resentment and mistrust on all sides . Eight years later , they reunite . Coles , now an animator for a high profile ad agency , lives with Claire Petra Wright , his girlfriend of five years . Thea , the former wild child is happily married to Miles David Thornton , with whom she shares ownership of a very successful and flourishing restaurant . Sam has returned to Manhattan from London after breaking off her engagement . Upon reconnecting , the three are drawn back into their old and complicated dynamic . They are soon forced to confront the true meaning of commitment and love , something they avoided as young adults .
<|romance|>Dex Logue is an unlikely Lothario an overweight , thirtysomething part time kindergarten teacher who has developed an effective method for seducing women . The Tao of Steve , Dex s own personal pseudophilosophy on seduction , combines a Taoist outlook with the qualities embodied by TV characters such as Steve Austin The Six Million Dollar Man and Steve McGarrett Hawaii Five O and , above all , by the actor Steve McQueen . He meets up with Syd , an old college conquest whom he can t remember , but to whom he is instantly attracted . However , she never forgot him , and is hurt that he got over her so easily . Slowly , Dex subjects Syd to the Tao of Steve , but Syd is immune to Dex s charms . Gradually , he develops genuine feelings for her . During a camping trip with Syd , Dex suffers chest pains and has to be taken to the hospital . A doctor informs Dex that what he thought was a heart attack was merely heartburn , but cautions him that his lifestyle is endangering his health . Later , at school , the husband of one of his conquests punches him in the face in front of his students . Syd comes to Dex s house to console him , and they end up sleeping together . The next day , however , she finds out about his philosophy , and leaves in disgust . Dex finally realizes that he needs to make changes in his life . Sometime later , Syd is in New York City , working as a set designer . She leaves a message on Dex s answering machine asking him to call her and talk about their relationship only to see Dex himself standing before her , ready to give her a chance .
<|comedy|>Val Waxman Allen is a once prestigious film director lately reduced to overseeing cheesy television commercials in order to pay his bills and support his current live in girlfriend , Lori Debra Messing . When he is thrown off his latest effort a deodorant commercial being filmed in the frozen north , he desperately seeks a real movie project . Out of the blue , Val receives an offer to direct a big budget blockbuster movie to be set in New York City . However , the offer comes from his former wife , Ellie Téa Leoni , and her current boyfriend , Hal Treat Williams , the studio head who stole Val s wife from him . Pushed by his agent Al Hack Mark Rydell , Val agrees to the project , but a psychosomatic ailment strikes him blind just before production is to begin . With Al s encouragement and aid , Val keeps his blindness a secret from the cast and studio head . The movie plays out with an aging director struggling to regain his vision , both literally and metaphorically . In the end , Val s project costs 60 million and flops . Nevertheless , Val enjoys a Hollywood ending of his own his movie is a hit in France . After winning Ellie back , he happily proclaims , Thank God the French exist .
<|horror|>In 1965 , a couple Sylvia Chang and James Wong are doting on their newborn twin boys . Meanwhile , a dangerous gang leader named Crazy Kung Kirk Wong is being transported as a captive in the same hospital . Crazy Kung escapes and attempts to take one of the twins hostage . In the ensuing chaos , the twins are permanently separated . One of them , named Ma Yau , is raised by his parents and grows up to be a concert pianist and conductor . The other , named Wan Ma , is raised by a woman named Tsui Mabel Cheung , and grows up to be a street racer and martial artist . Neither of them has ever thought that he has a twin brother . 26 years later , the twins Jackie Chan lives intersect in Hong Kong . Wan Ma and his best friend Tyson Teddy Robin get mixed up with a dangerous gang . Meanwhile , Ma Yau prepares to conduct a major concert . The twins accidentally switch places , causing confusion for both of them until they discover each other . The twins also have romantic interests named Barbara Maggie Cheung and Tong Sum Nina Li Chi . Eventually , the twins defeat the gang that has been threatening them , and marry their romantic interests .
<|horror|>Nickie Ferrante Cary Grant , a well known playboy and dilettante in the arts , meets Terry McKay Deborah Kerr aboard the Transatlantic ocean liner SS Constitution en route from Europe to New York . Each is involved with someone else . After a series of chance meetings aboard the ship , they establish a friendship . When Terry joins Nickie on a brief visit to his grandmother when the ship anchors near her home at Villefranche sur Mer on the Mediterranean coast , she sees Nickie with new eyes and their feelings blossom into love . During their visit , it is revealed that Nickie has had a talent for painting , but has dropped said trait due to his critical attitude towards his own art . As the ship returns to New York City , they agree to reunite at the top of the Empire State Building in six months time , if they have succeeded in ending their relationships and starting new careers . On the day of their rendezvous , Terry , in her haste to reach the Empire State Building , is struck down by a car while crossing a street . Gravely injured , she is rushed to the hospital . Meanwhile , Nickie , waiting for her at the observation deck at the top of the building , is unaware of the accident and , after many hours , finally concedes at midnight that she will not arrive , believing that she has rejected him . After the accident Terry , now unable to walk , refuses to contact Nickie , wanting to conceal her disability . Instead , she finds work as a music teacher . Nickie has pursued his talent as a painter and has his work displayed by an old friend , an art shop owner . Six months after the accident , she sees Nickie with his former fiancée at the ballet , which she herself is attending with her former boyfriend . Nickie does not notice her condition because she is seated and only says hello as he passes her . Nickie finally learns Terry s address and , on Christmas Eve , makes a surprise visit to her . Although he steers the conversation to make her explain her actions , Terry merely dodges the subject , never leaving the couch on which she sits . He gives her a shawl that his grandmother left for Terry after she died . As he is leaving , Nickie mentions a painting that he had been working on when they originally met , and that it was just given away at the art shop to a woman who liked it but had no money . He is about to say that the woman was in a wheelchair when he pauses , suddenly suspecting why Terry has been sitting unmoving on the couch . He walks into her bedroom and sees his painting hanging on the wall , and a wheelchair concealed there . He now knows why she did not keep their appointment . The film ends with the two in a tight embrace , each realizing that the other s love endures . In closing , Terry says , If you can paint , I can walk anything can happen , don t you think ?
<|mystery|>A vicious stranger , the Man from Bodie Aldo Ray , terrorizes the small settlement of Hard Times . In Doctorow s book , the town is in the Dakota territory . In the movie , it is assumed to be in western Nevada . He kills the only men who stand up to him , town founder Mr . Fee Paul Birch and town undertaker Mr . Hanson Elisha Cook , Jr . , as well as raping and killing Fee s girlfriend Flo Ann McCrea . Before he leaves , he burns down the handful of buildings . Only a few people stay , among them Will Blue Henry Fonda . Blue takes in Fee s young orphaned son Jimmy Michael Shea and convinces his woman Molly Janice Rule to stay there with them . A few other people arrive . Zar Keenan Wynn and his four saloon girls settle in to serve the nearby miners . Isaac Maple John Anderson comes looking for his long gone storekeeper brother , so Blue persuades him to reopen the general store . A drifter , Leo Jenks Warren Oates , also lazes around town . Blue tries hard to build a family and a prosperous community , but Molly despises him for not standing up against the Man from Bodie and is obsessed with revenge against him for what he did . They both expect the Man will return in the spring . Molly works on Jenks , a fine shot , and even infects Jimmy with her consuming hatred , getting him a shotgun . Finally , the villain shows up and resumes his terrorizing ways . Molly persuades Jenks to go after him . Jenks ends up killing Zar by mistake and is gunned down . Blue is wounded in the shoulder , but then the Man runs out of bullets and Blue shoots him several times . Blue carries the body home to show Molly . When she gingerly approaches , the dying Man revives and grabs her hand . Her panicked yell for help brings Jimmy running with his shotgun . Blue tries to grab the weapon , but it goes off , hitting the Man in the face killing him , but also hitting Molly in the stomach . Just before she dies , she asks Blue to hold her . Later , from her gravesite , Blue and Jimmy see a growing town .
<|romance|>Valerie Plame is employed by the Central Intelligence Agency , a fact known outside the agency to no one except her husband and parents . She is an intelligence officer involved in a number of sensitive and sometimes dangerous covert operations overseas . Her husband , Joseph C . Wilson , is a diplomat who most recently has served as the U . S . ambassador to Gabon . Due to his earlier diplomatic background in Niger , Wilson is approached by Plame s CIA colleagues to travel there and glean information as to whether yellowcake uranium is being procured by Iraq for use in the construction of nuclear weapons . Wilson determines to his own satisfaction that it is not . After military action is taken by George W . Bush , who justifies it in a 2003 State of the Union address by alluding to the uranium s use in building weapons of mass destruction , Wilson submits an op ed piece to The New York Times , claiming these reports to be categorically untrue . Plame s status as a CIA operative is subsequently revealed in the media , the leak possibly coming from White House officials , including the Vice President s chief of staff and national security adviser , Scooter Libby , in part to discredit her husband s allegation that the Bush administration had manipulated intelligence to justify the invasion of Iraq . As a result , Plame is instantly dismissed from the agency , leaving several of her delicate operations in limbo and creating a rift in her marriage . Plame leaves her husband , further angered by his granting of television and print interviews , which expose them both to public condemnation and death threats . Wilson ultimately persuades her , however , that there is no other way to fight a power as great as that of the White House for citizens like them . Plame returns to him and testifies before a Congressional committee , while Libby is convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice and given a 30 month prison sentence , although President Bush commutes the jail time on Libby s behalf .
<|horror|>A pair of lost newlyweds stumble onto the site of a ritualistic murder , and are killed by Joe Vickers , a corrupt police officer who is also a Satanist . The next day , three couples travel to a secluded mansion that they have rented , and are given a tour by the property s caretaker , who is later murdered by Vickers . Upon noticing the caretaker s disappearance , the couples go looking for him , and encounter Vickers , who reassures them by claiming that the caretaker had an accident , and is now recovering in the hospital . That night , Zack leaves to get beer , and is slain by Vickers . Vickers proceeds to butcher Eric , Julie , and Sarah . Doug and Laura realize that Vickers is the culprit , and are chased into the forest , where they are found by a pair of policemen , Chris and Bradley . Before being killed by Vickers , the officers reveal that he is really Gary Henley , a discharged psychiatric patient who has somehow infiltrated the California Police Department . Laura is pursued by Vickers to a clearing containing the crucified bodies of Zack , Julie , Eric , and Sarah . Laura shoots Vickers with his own sidearm , but he is unaffected , only being felled when he has a sharp log thrown through him by Doug . Emergency services greet Laura and Doug at the mansion as Vickers recovers , and a newscast announces that further evidence indicates that he is actually an escaped psychopathic serial killer named Ted Warnicky .
<|horror|>Nazi German bombers are failing to make it to Moscow in World War II infuriated by his soldiers constant failure , Hitler announces his decision via a radio broadcast at a New Odor rally that he will personally fly a heavy bomber to attack the Russians . On the way to Moscow , Soviet gremlins sneak onto the plane in flight and without Hitler s being aware of what s going on , begin to dismantle it while singing We Are Gremlins from the Kremlin to the tunes of Ochi Chyornye Dark Eyes and Eh , uchnem Song of the Volga Boatmen , and the sabotage includes a termiteski busily devouring the plane s wing with loud burps and a microscopic gremlin smashing the control panel dials with an enormous wooden mallet and announcing I m only three and a half years old ! Hitler eventually discovers the gremlins after he s been stabbed in the buttocks and tries to retaliate . He fails , being severely frightened by several gremlins holding a mask of Joseph Stalin . The gremlins succeed in ejecting him from the bomber by cutting a hole in the fuselage beneath him . As he falls , Hitler comes to and realizes the plane is right behind him in a power dive . He tries to outrun the plane and to hide behind a small sapling upon landing , but the plane alters course as seen by its shadow . Both Hitler and the plane are driven into the ground . The plane s tail with its swastika insignia erupts from the ground as a headstone . The cartoon ends with the gremlins celebrating in victory as Hitler pops out of the ground , with his face grimacing into the one of comedian Lew Lehr , and paraphrasing his famous catch phrase Monkeys is the cwaziest craziest peoples ! only changing the word monkeys into Nazis . A gremlin pounds Hitler back into the ground with a sledgehammer , ending the film under Clampett s signature bee woop vocalization .
<|horror|>La Cérémonie tells the story of a young woman , Sophie Bonhomme Sandrine Bonnaire , who is hired as a maid by the Lelièvre family . The Lelièvres live in an isolated mansion in Brittany . The family consists of four members Catherine Jacqueline Bisset and Georges , the parents , who have no children together , but one each from previous marriages . Gilles is Catherine s and her ex husband s son . He is a lonely teenager who loves reading and has a passion for arts in general . Melinda is Georges and his late wife s daughter . She studies at a university and only spends the weekends at home , where she invites her boyfriend Jérémie . The household chores are excessive for Catherine who owns her own art gallery so she requires a maid s help and hires Sophie . Throughout the film Sophie avoids using the dishwasher , refuses to take driving lessons , buys fake eyeglasses , and has trouble giving a cashier the correct change . The viewer finds out later that Sophie is illiterate and has a history of violence since she is believed to have killed her handicapped father , or at least not to have rescued him from the fire she might have set in his house . Once in the small village , Sophie meets Jeanne Isabelle Huppert , the postmistress , who occasionally works in a charity and reads a lot . However , Jeanne proves to be a bad influence on the maid since she is jealous and aggressive towards a lot of people , including the Lelièvres , whose mail she vandalises . She also has a violent history . The two friends meet regularly either for a charity project that they end up ruining or for a film television being Sophie s main pastime . Sophie is treated rather nicely at the Lelièvres , who mean well towards her , but their patronizing attitude and the affection they have for each other create a feeling of jealousy and frustration both in Sophie and in Jeanne . This frustration reaches its climax when Georges fires Sophie for attempting to blackmail Melinda , who found out about her illiteracy . It is what triggers the climax of the film , which sees Sophie and Jeanne seize Georges shotguns and murder the family who were watching an opera on television . Jeanne leaves the crime scene and is killed in a car accident by the priest who had fired her from the charity she worked for . Sophie , for her part , walks away from the house after having wiped their fingerprints off the guns , making her way through the police squads at the accident . The end credits begin with the music of the opera that is being played back by a policeman on Melinda s tape recorder , which Jeanne stole and put in her car . At the end of the credits , the gunshots can be heard on the tape and then the voices of Jeanne and Sophie , constituting evidence against them . Chabrol presents an ambiguous view of culture and class conflict in this film , which he jokingly called the last Marxist film .
<|action|>Police Officer Alex Kearney Edwards is a patrolman in Bryn Mawr , a rich plush suburb of Philadelphia until he stops an important businessman and his story of the incident is not believed . He is sent to work Downtown , the most dangerous , crime filled precinct in the city . Everyone there is sure that this by the book suburb pampered cop is going to get himself and whoever is assigned as his partner , killed . Sergeant Dennis Curren Whitaker draws the unfortunate babysitting assignment but when Alex s best friend is killed investigating a stolen car , Alex throws the book out the window tracking down the killer . Though the plot of the movie references a Philadelphia suburb , Bryn Mawr , most of the exterior filming is done within the City of Philadelphia . The beginning of the film features Cresheim Valley Road , Stenton , and Germantown Avenues . This is in the Mount Airy and Chestnut Hill neighborhoods . However , there are a few early scenes that are filmed in and around Los Angeles . For example , the scene where Anthony Edwards pretends to pull over Penelope Ann Miller is filmed on Yale Street , in Claremont , CA . Later portions of the film are in the Fairhill and Norris Square neighborhoods which are now known as The Badlands circa 2000 . Diamond Street is within this area , but Philadelphia police districts are numbered , not named for streets or neighborhoods . Any Philadelphian would enjoy trying to catch their street in the fast paced filming .
<|comedy|>The story revolves around the life of Harvek Milos Krumpetzki , born in Poland in 1922 . As a child , he begins to collect pieces of information he calls fakts , which are presented throughout the film . At the outbreak of World War II , shortly after his parents death in a house fire , he migrates to Australia as a refugee , settling in Spotswood , Victoria , and changing his name to Harvie Krumpet . Despite a life filled with bad luck having Tourette syndrome , being struck by lightning , and losing one of his testicles to cancer Harvie remains optimistic , living out his own eccentric way of life . In one of the pivotal episodes of his life , Harvie sits in the park next to a statue of Horace while he hears the instructional Carpe diem , which inspires him to make many changes in his life , such as embracing nudism and embarking on daring rescue missions for animal rights . He marries Val , a nurse he meets in hospital , and they adopt a daughter , Ruby , who has deformed limbs due to the effects of thalidomide . After Ruby moves to America and Val dies of a stroke , Harvie develops Alzheimer s disease and is placed in a nursing home . Although he briefly considers suicide , he decides to continue living his life to the fullest . The final fakt presented reads Life is like a cigarette . Smoke it to the butt .
<|horror|>The film begins with Baron Victor Frankenstein obtaining a brain for his next experiment , but he s surprised by a thief when he returns to his lab . The Baron destroys most of the evidence and moves on , with a haughty Police Inspector on his trail . He obtains a room at a boarding house run by Anna , whose fiance Karl is a doctor at the local insane asylum where a former scientific collaborator of the Baron s , who has lost his mind , now resides . After discovering that Anna s fiance has been stealing narcotics in order to support her ailing mother , Frankenstein blackmails them into helping him kidnap the now insane Dr . Brandt so he can operate on his brain and cure him . Thereby allowing the Baron to obtain his knowledge of brain transplantation . Unfortunately Dr . Brandt suffers a heart attack during the escape , necessitating a transfer of his brain into another body . The Baron and Karl then kidnap the asylum s director Professor Richter and transplants Brandt s brain into the Professor s body . They bury Brandt s now worthless body in the garden , but a water main break almost gives up the game . The police also start searching every house in the area as well . Unfortunately Brandt s wife recognizes the Baron on the street , but he s able to convince her to give him time to heal her husband completely . After she leaves , Frankenstein forces Karl and Anna to help him escape with the Dr . Brandt Richter Creature . While the Creature recovers , Frankenstein and the lovers relocate to a deserted manor house as the police begin to close in . The Creature awakens and is horrified by his appearance . He scares Anna who stabs him with a scalpel , and then escapes . Finding the Creature gone , Frankenstein kills Anna in a rage . The Creature makes it to his former home , but his wife refuses to accept him as her husband . Wanting revenge on Frankenstein , and knowing the Baron will eventually track him there , he allows his wife to go free and pours paraffin around the house . Frankenstein soon arrives , followed by Karl , and they fight while the Creature sets the house alight , at one point stating You must choose between the flames and the police , Frankenstein . The fight between Karl and Frankenstein continues , until The Creature knocks out Karl and carries a screaming Frankenstein into the burning house , which quickly explodes into a raging inferno .
<|crime|>La Cérémonie tells the story of a young woman , Sophie Bonhomme Sandrine Bonnaire , who is hired as a maid by the Lelièvre family . The Lelièvres live in an isolated mansion in Brittany . The family consists of four members Catherine Jacqueline Bisset and Georges , the parents , who have no children together , but one each from previous marriages . Gilles is Catherine s and her ex husband s son . He is a lonely teenager who loves reading and has a passion for arts in general . Melinda is Georges and his late wife s daughter . She studies at a university and only spends the weekends at home , where she invites her boyfriend Jérémie . The household chores are excessive for Catherine who owns her own art gallery so she requires a maid s help and hires Sophie . Throughout the film Sophie avoids using the dishwasher , refuses to take driving lessons , buys fake eyeglasses , and has trouble giving a cashier the correct change . The viewer finds out later that Sophie is illiterate and has a history of violence since she is believed to have killed her handicapped father , or at least not to have rescued him from the fire she might have set in his house . Once in the small village , Sophie meets Jeanne Isabelle Huppert , the postmistress , who occasionally works in a charity and reads a lot . However , Jeanne proves to be a bad influence on the maid since she is jealous and aggressive towards a lot of people , including the Lelièvres , whose mail she vandalises . She also has a violent history . The two friends meet regularly either for a charity project that they end up ruining or for a film television being Sophie s main pastime . Sophie is treated rather nicely at the Lelièvres , who mean well towards her , but their patronizing attitude and the affection they have for each other create a feeling of jealousy and frustration both in Sophie and in Jeanne . This frustration reaches its climax when Georges fires Sophie for attempting to blackmail Melinda , who found out about her illiteracy . It is what triggers the climax of the film , which sees Sophie and Jeanne seize Georges shotguns and murder the family who were watching an opera on television . Jeanne leaves the crime scene and is killed in a car accident by the priest who had fired her from the charity she worked for . Sophie , for her part , walks away from the house after having wiped their fingerprints off the guns , making her way through the police squads at the accident . The end credits begin with the music of the opera that is being played back by a policeman on Melinda s tape recorder , which Jeanne stole and put in her car . At the end of the credits , the gunshots can be heard on the tape and then the voices of Jeanne and Sophie , constituting evidence against them . Chabrol presents an ambiguous view of culture and class conflict in this film , which he jokingly called the last Marxist film .
<|action|>In April 1905 a group of fashionable Parisian women arrive at an abattoir to drink the blood of an ox as a way to cure anemia . Nearby a man named Mark , a thief , escapes from four other thieves . He is planning on heading to London with a bag of gold coins , but for the time being must take refuge in a mansion , looked after by two bisexual chambermaids , Elizabeth and Eva , who are awaiting the arrival of the Marchioness and her servants . The women are not at all scared believing Mark is taking them hostage , in fact , they find him attractive . Elizabeth gets jealous when Eva sleeps with Mark . The thieves wait outside to kill Mark , so Eva goes out to hand over the gold , but while two of them count , the woman takes Eva s dress and the man sleeps with her in the stables , so Eva kills them all . The Marchioness later arrives with her servants and they hold a party in which Mark is the only male , so he gets all the attention . When midnight comes , it is revealed that the women habitually lure people into the castle and drink their blood . Elizabeth helps Mark escape , so they hide out in the stables and the servants eat Eva alive . Mark confesses that he loves Elizabeth , whereas she admits that she never loved him and kills him . Elizabeth and the Marchioness go into the sunrise together .
<|horror|>Jonathan Shale Berenger is a mercenary and a Vietnam veteran who returns home to Miami after a botched covert operation in Cuba in which three men from his platoon were killed . He surprises his girlfriend , Jane Hetzko Diane Venora at her apartment and is warmly welcomed . On the outside , Jane is a schoolteacher at inner city Columbus High School , an institution with a considerable gang problem . She is particularly disliked by Juan Lacas Anthony , leader of the KOD Kings of Destruction gang . While jogging one morning , Jane is attacked and has her leg broken . Jane and Shale believe this to be related to the KOD , which prompts the latter to go undercover as an Ivy League educated , government affiliated substitute teacher for his girlfriend s class . Shale arrives at Columbus High School and is , at first , taken back by the lowly conditions . He is unable to control his class of poorly educated students on the first day , but decides to use his street smarts and military tactics to gain the upper hand . Soon enough , he is able to take command of the students by displaying his combat self defence techniques when students attack him . He is warned not to use such methods by Principal Claude Rolle Hudson , but gains the respect of his students when he bonds with them over the similarities between his early gang and Vietnam War experiences and their involvement in petty crime and street gangs . During this time , he befriends fellow schoolteacher Darrell Sherman Plummer and also crosses paths with Lacas , one of his students . Suspicious of odd conditions within the high school , Shale sets up surveillance cameras throughout the building . He discovers that Lacas orchestrated the attack on Jane . He also discovers that Lacas is secretly working with Rolle to distribute cocaine around Miami for a major narcotics ring . Shale and his team raid a drug deal , using the stolen money to buy music and sports equipment in the form of a school donation . While Sherman initially denies Shale s discovery , Sherman and a female student inadvertently witness the drugs being loaded into one of the school buses later that day . Sherman tells the student to warn Shale and Hetzko , and sacrifices himself by creating a distraction . Rolle , who at this point is aware of Shale s interference orders a car accident for Shale , and sends Lacas after Hetzko . With the help of another student , Lacas is killed and Shale saves Hetzko , learning the full story from the female witness . Shale and his team garrison the school grounds to enter combat against the remaining K . O . D . members , a rival mercenary company led by Janus , and Rolle himself . Ultimately , Shale and Joey Six end up as the sole survivors of the battle , walking away from the school grounds discussing future operations as substitute teachers .
<|horror|>Sidney Stratton , a brilliant young research chemist and former Cambridge scholarship recipient , has been dismissed from jobs at several textile mills in the north of England because of his demands for expensive facilities and his obsession with inventing an everlasting fibre . Whilst working as a labourer at the Birnley Mill , he accidentally becomes an unpaid researcher and invents an incredibly strong fibre which repels dirt and never wears out . From this fabric , a suit is made which is brilliant white because it cannot absorb dye and slightly luminous because it includes radioactive elements . Stratton is lauded as a genius until both management and the trade unions realise the consequence of his invention once consumers have purchased enough cloth , demand will drop precipitously and put the textile industry out of business . The managers try to trick and bribe Stratton into signing away the rights to his invention but he refuses . Managers and workers each try to shut him away , but he escapes . The climax sees Stratton running through the streets at night in his glowing white suit , pursued by both the managers and the employees . As the crowd advances , his suit begins to fall apart as the chemical structure of the fibre breaks down with time . The mob , realising the flaw in the process , rip pieces off his suit in triumph , until he is left standing in his underwear . Only Daphne Birnley , the mill owner s daughter , and Bertha , a works labourer , have sympathy for his disappointment . The next day , Stratton is dismissed from his job . Departing , he consults his chemistry notes . A realisation hits and he exclaims , I see ! With that he strides off , perhaps to try again elsewhere .
<|mystery|>Ajay Chauhan lives with his parents and younger sister . He is in love with Pooja , and hopes to marry her someday . His father wants him to get a job and settle down , and then get married . Ajay applies for a job in Bombay , and soon receives a letter asking him to appear for an interview . He attends the interview , and is hired . Delighted to see all his dreams coming true , he goes to offer his thanks to God , and it is there a woman named Pratika Jetley sees him and notifies the police that he is indeed the one who had brutally raped three young women in a college campus . Ajay vehemently denies this , but is personally identified and criminally held responsible , convicted and sentenced to prison . Several years later he is released from prison , and finds out that his father and Pooja had committed suicide while his mother and sister are untraceable . He sets out to put his life together and meets with a ruthless police inspector , whose daughter was one of the rape victims . It is then Ajay finds out about the conspiracy behind this plot to frame him .