<|horror|>Andrzej Leon Niemczyk and Krystyna Jolanta Umecka are driving to a lake to go sailing when they come upon a young man Zygmunt Malanowicz hitchhiking in the middle of the road . After nearly hitting him , Andrzej invites the young man along . When they arrive at the lake , instead of leaving the young man behind , Andrzej invites him to go sailing with them . The young man accepts the offer , and , not knowing much about sailing , must learn many hard lessons from Andrzej . Meanwhile , tension gradually builds between Andrzej and the hitchhiker as they vie for the attentions of Krystyna . The title refers to the major turning point in the film when Andrzej taunts the young man with the latter s treasured pocket knife , which is accidentally lost overboard . A fight ensues between Andrzej and the hitchhiker and the latter falls into the water . Andrzej and his wife search for him , but cannot find him and assume that he has drowned , since earlier he said that he could not swim . Andrzej and his wife quarrel about what to do , and Andrzej swims to shore to fetch the police . When the young man realizes that Andrzej has gone he comes out from hiding behind a buoy on the lake and swims to the yacht . There he sees Krystyna naked drying off . He boards the yacht and Krystyna tells him he is as bad as Andrzej but sexual attraction wins out and they have sex , off screen . Krystyna sails back to the dock , the man jumps off and goes on his way before Andrzej appears and takes charge again . He wants to go to the police to report the young man missing . Krystyna tells him that the young man returned and she was unfaithful . Andrzej does not know what to believe and at the road junction the car does not move .
<|crime|>Mr . McFarland driving erratically down a residential street on the way to drop off his son John . John notices damage to the car and realizes that his father is drunk , so John instructs him to move to the passenger seat and let him drive . Alex and Eric are bullied at school by the so called jocks , one of whom diverts a teacher and throws a spitball at Alex during science class . Later , Alex and Eric are shown at home ordering weapons from a website and receiving a rifle in the mail . While Alex is taking a shower , Eric gets in with him . He claims that he has never kissed anyone before , and the two kiss . The two formulate an attack plan . The next day , Alex and Eric prepare for the shooting , then make their way to school in silence in Alex s car . After arriving at school , Alex and Eric encounter John outside and tell him to leave , as some heavy shit s about to go down . Realizing what is about to happen , John attempts to warn others not to enter the school , to little effect . The two gunmen then enter the school , and after their plans to blow up parts of the school with propane bombs fail , begin shooting indiscriminately . Elias photographs them entering the library where they open fire , shooting several students , including Michelle and presumably Elias . Realizing that the gunfire is real , students now begin to panic , while teachers attempt to quickly evacuate the building . The two boys separate , continuing their killing spree . Alex enters the bathroom where Brittany , Jordan and Nicole are , presumably shooting all three . Mr . Luce , cornered by Eric in a hallway , begs Eric to lower his weapon and talk to him , but Eric yells , I ain t putting shit down ! and fires at him . He does speak to Mr . Luce , however while he is doing so , he turns around suddenly to see Benny approaching him . Eric shoots and presumably kills Benny . Eric turns back to Luce and warns him not to bully kids like Alex and himself . He then agrees to let the man go , only to gun him down seconds later . Alex enters the cafeteria , which is strewn with overturned chairs , backpacks , several dead bodies , and numerous abandoned half eaten lunches , and sits down . Alex picks up a cup from an abandoned lunch and casually drinks from it . Eric meets up with him , and they have a brief conversation , which ends when Alex shoots Eric in mid sentence . Alex leaves the cafeteria , showing no emotion over shooting Eric , and discovers Carrie and Nathan in a freezer . He tauntingly recites Eeny , meeny , miny , moe to them to decide whom he should kill first . The film then cuts to credits leaving the ending ambiguous .
<|romance|>Richard Branagh , an unsuccessful artist who builds primitive flying machines , attempts to fly from the roof of a London office building wearing homemade wings but fails , instead crash landing and only being saved by a rescue squad . As a result of his actions Richard is sentenced to community service , in the form of caring for Jane Bonham Carter , an ill tempered , wheelchair bound woman who suffers from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and has run off her previous caretakers . Over time , Richard and Jane become friends , and eventually Jane asks Richard to help her find someone to lose her virginity to , explaining that she doesn t wish to die a virgin . Reluctantly Richard helps her search for an appropriate partner , while spending his free time building yet another experimental flying machine . Eventually the two settle on a high priced male gigolo Ray Stevenson for Jane , who agrees to sleep with her for two thousand pounds . As neither of them have that amount of money , they conclude that Richard must rob a bank to secure the needed cash . Richard books a hotel suite for Jane and pays the gigolo five hundred pounds , promising the rest later . As Richard leaves for the bank job , the gigolo lays a very nervous Jane on the bed , but she begins panicking and decides she no longer wants to go through with it . Meanwhile , Richard likewise changes his mind , drawing his gun in the bank but then fleeing immediately , calling Jane s name . He returns to the room and drives off the unhappy gigolo . Richard and Jane are seen successfully taking a flight in Richard s flying machine , although it breaks apart on landing . The pair are then seen in bed , implying that Richard has taken Jane s virginity . Jane dies soon after , and the film ends with Richard placing a commemorative sign honoring Jane s memory on the wreckage of his flying machine .
<|romance|>Akash Akki John Abraham and his wife Maya Tara Sharma are doctors . When malaria strikes India on the Burmese border , pregnant Maya rushes over to help , despite Akki s disapproval . Akash soon receives the news of her death caused by a bus crash . The bus crashed into water at heavy rains . Akash cannot accept Maya s passing away and believes strongly that she did not die . Akash himself has paranormal experiences where he feels that Maya s ghost is trying to communicate with him . He tries to communicate with her through the hospital patients who have suffered a near death experience . Every patient draws a strange symbol , and one corpse starts talking to Akash when he is alone . Tanya Mahima Chaudhry , a close friend of Maya , tries to console Akash , because when her lover died in an accident it was Akash who treated her . Now , she believes it is her turn , and she believes he is hallucinating . With the help of a nun called Sister Martha and clues , Akash decides to go back to where it all began the border . There , with the help of a guide , he tries to find out about Maya but is not very successful , following which Akash jumps off a waterfall near the crash site and finds the sunken bus . He sees Maya s spirit beckoning him , and she shows him her accident and the incidents that followed . He goes to the nearby village tribe and asks if they saved Maya . They say she died , but they saved her soul . They take Akash inside and show him a surprise though Maya died , she gave birth to their daughter . Akash thus realises that Maya was teaching him to trust , because their baby survived among the tribe without any medical attention despite being premature . He also realizes that Maya s spirit was trying to reach him so that he could meet their daughter . He takes their child home and lives happily ever after .
<|horror|>The cartoon starts with an owl named Owl Kott satirizing Woolcott s Town Crier radio program giving an introduction to the festivities . This is followed by a Ben Bernie caricature called Ben Birdie , feuding with Walter Finchell . The same spoof was used in the cartoon The Coo Coo Nut Grove 1936 . Walter Winchell had a well publicized feud with Bernie at the time , which , like Jack Benny s feud with Fred Allen , was faked for publicity purposes Bernie and Winchell were actually good friends . Next is Milton Squirrel Milton Berle , emcee of Gillette Community Sing introducing Wendell Howl Wendell Hall and an audience trying to figure out which page to go to in their songbooks , which results in Wendell getting pelted by the audience s songbooks . Then , Billy Goat and Ernie Bear Billy Jones and Ernie Hare and everyone else sings a song with the lyrics The Woods are full of cuckoos , Cuckoos , cuckoos , The Woods are full of cuckoos and my heart is full of love . During the song , a fox a caricature of Fred Allen called Mr . Allen is told that he s singing Swanee River instead of the actual song . Then the song is sung by Eddie Gander Eddie Cantor , Sophie Turkey Sophie Tucker , W . C . Fieldmouse W . C . Fields , Dick Fowl Dick Powell , Fats Swallow Fats Waller , Deanna Terrapin Deanna Durbin , Irvin S . Frog Irvin S . Cobb , Fred McFurry Fred MacMurray , Bing Crowsby Bing Crosby , Al Goatson Al Jolson , Ruby Squealer Ruby Keeler , Jolson s wife at the time , and Lanny Hoss Lanny Ross . Then Grace Moose Grace Moore and Lily Swans Lily Pons sing notes , each note higher than the other . Comedian and jazz singer Martha Raye caricatured here as a mule named Moutha Bray makes an appearance in a scatting jazz take . More caricatures appear , including movie critic and gossip columnist Louella Possums Louella Parsons , Raven McQuandry Haven McQuarrie , emcee of Do You Want To Be An Actor ? , Joe Penguin Joe Penner , Tizzie Fish Tizzie Lish , a character on Al Pearce s radio show , Jack Bunny Jack Benny , Mary Livingstone , and Andy Devine a regular on Benny s radio program . Finally Owl Kott finishes the cartoon by bidding the audience goodnight , and saying All is well , all is well . . .
<|romance|>Larry Dittmeyer , an unscrupulous real estate developer , explains to his supervisor that almost all the families in his neighborhood have agreed to sell their property as part of a plan to turn the area into a shopping mall , except for the Brady family . At the Bradys house , Mike and Carol are having breakfast prepared by their housekeeper , Alice , while the six children prepare for school . Jan is jealous of her elder , popular sister Marcia . Cindy is tattling about everything she s hearing . Greg is dreaming of becoming a singer but sings folk songs more appropriate to the seventies . Peter is nervous that his voice is breaking . Bobby is excited about his new role as hall monitor at school . Cindy gives Mike and Carol a tax delinquency notice which was earlier mistakenly delivered to the Dittmeyers stating that they face foreclosure on their house if they do not pay 20 , 000 in back taxes . The two initially ignore the crisis , but when Mike s architectural design which is exactly the same as their house is turned down by two potential clients , he tells Carol that they may have to sell the house . Cindy overhears this and tells her siblings and they look for work to raise money to save the house , but their earnings are nowhere near enough to reach the required sum . Mike manages to sell a Japanese company on one of his dated designs , thereby securing the money , only for Larry to sabotage it by claiming that Mike s last building collapsed . On the night before the Bradys have to move out , Marcia suggests that they enter a Search for the Stars contest , the prize of which is exactly 20 , 000 . Jan , having originally suggested this and been rejected , runs away from home . Cindy sees her leave and tattles , and the whole family goes on a search for her . They use their car s citizens band radio , and their transmission is heard by Schultzy , a driver who picks up Jan and convinces her to return home . The next day , the children join the Search for the Stars contest with a dated performance that receives poor audience response compared to the more modern performances of other bands . However , the judges Davy Jones , Micky Dolenz , and Peter Tork of The Monkees vote for them , and they win the contest as a result . The tax bill is paid and their neighbors withdraw their homes from the market , foiling Larry s plan and securing the neighborhood . Later , Carol s mother arrives and finally convinces Jan to stop being jealous of Marcia , only for Cindy to start feeling jealous of Jan .
<|crime|>Mild mannered reporter Clark Kent and Lois Lane are sent to the small town of Silsby for the inauguration of the world s deepest oil well . The drill shaft has penetrated the deep underground home of the Mole Men , a race of small , furry , though bald headed humanoids . The Mole Men come up through the shaft at night , and when the creatures first emerge on the surface , their sudden appearance scares to death the elderly night watchman . Lois Lane and Clark Kent arrive at the oil well and find the dead watchman . Subsequently , help arrives . Clark Kent and the foreman are exploring the surrounding area for signs of intruders when Lois sees one of the creatures and screams . But no one believes her when she tells them what she saw . The medical examiner is summoned , and he later leaves with Lois . Clark stays behind to confront the foreman , who confesses that the well was closed for fear that they had struck radium and not oil . The foreman proceeds to show Clark ore samples that were collected during different stages of drilling all of them glow brightly . The townspeople become afraid of the Mole Men because of their peculiar appearance and because everything that they touch glows in the dark due to simple phosphorescence . They form an angry mob in order to kill the monsters , directed by the violent Luke Benson . Superman is the only one able to resolve the conflict , stopping Benson and the mob . He saves one of the creatures after it has been shot by taking it to the hospital . The second creature returns to the well head and disappears down its shaft . Later , a doctor reveals that the injured creature will die unless he has surgery to remove the bullet . Clark Kent is forced to assist when the nurse refuses to do so out of fear . Soon afterward , Benson s mob arrives at the hospital demanding that the creature be given to them , causing Superman to stand guard outside the hospital . Lois Lane stands at Superman s side , until a shot is fired from the mob , narrowly missing her . Superman sends Lois inside and begins to relieve the mob of their rifles and pistols , sending them away . Later , three more Mole Men emerge from the drill shaft , this time bearing a strange weapon . They make their way to the hospital . Benson and his mob see the creatures , and Benson goes after them alone . When the creatures see him , they fire their laser like weapon at him . Superman sees this and jumps quickly in front of the pulsating ray , saving Benson s life , which Superman says is more than you deserve ! . He fetches the wounded creature from the hospital and returns him and his companions to the well head . Soon after , from deep underground , the Mole Men destroy the drill shaft , making certain that no one can come up or go down it ever again . Lois observes , It s almost as if they were saying , You live your lives . . . and we ll live ours .
<|crime|>In a fictional outcome for the Canadian federal election , 2015 , a political party comes to power and establishes a law called S 14 , allowing parents of troubled children and limited finances to place their children in hospitals , without regard for fundamental justice . After the law is passed , Diane Die Després , a widowed mother and 46 year old journalist , picks up her son Steve , who has ADHD with violent tendencies , from an institution . Steve has started a fire at the institution , in which another youth was injured . Die brings Steve home , and struggles to care for him under financial distress . He gives her jewelry reading Mommy , which she suspects he has stolen . Enraged by the accusation , Steve begins choking her , and she defends herself by hitting him with a glass frame . Kyla , a neighbour and teacher on sabbatical , shows up to tend to their wounds . Kyla , who is dealing with a stuttering problem , begins to tutor Steve , and Steve indicates he is glad to know her and respects her wishes not to call her babe . Although the three have bonded , Die is served papers indicating she and Steve are being sued for the injuries caused by his fire . Die finds a lawyer willing to help them , but Steve drives him away due to what he perceives as the lawyer s sexual interest in Die . While at a store , Steve stabs himself , but survives . Overwhelmed , Die attempts to commit Steve to a hospital . She regrets the decision when she sees the officials use violence and tasers to subdue Steve , but there is nothing she can legally do . Kyla moves to Toronto , with Die encouraging her and expressing hope for her son . Immediately after being unstrapped by hospital officials , Steve flees .
<|mystery|>The film opens in the Rocky Mountains on the Colorado ranch of Dr . Hunter S . Thompson , a journalist furiously trying to finish a story about his former attorney and friend , Carl Lazlo , Esq . Thompson then flashes back to a series of exploits involving the author and his attorney . In 1968 , Lazlo is fighting to stop a group of San Francisco youngsters from receiving harsh prison sentences for possession of marijuana . He convinces Thompson to write an article about it for Blast Magazine . Thompson s editor , Marty Lewis , reminds Thompson that he has 19 hours to deadline . The judge hands out stiff sentences to everyone , and the last client is a young man who was caught with a pound of marijuana and receives a five year sentence . Lazlo reacts by attacking the prosecuting attorney and is then jailed for contempt of court . The magazine story about the trial is a sensation , but Thompson does not hear from Lazlo until four years later , when Thompson is on assignment covering Super Bowl VI in Los Angeles . Lazlo appears at Thompson s hotel and convinces him to abandon the Super Bowl story and join his band of freedom fighters , which involves smuggling weapons to an unnamed Latin American country . Thompson goes along with Lazlo and the revolutionaries to a remote airstrip where a small airplane is to be loaded with weapons , but when a police helicopter finds them , Lazlo and his henchmen escape on the plane while Thompson refuses to follow . Thompson s fame and fortune continues . He is a hit on the college lecture circuit and covers the 1972 presidential election campaign . After being thrown off the journalist plane by The Candidate s press secretary , Thompson takes the crew plane and gives straight laced journalist Harris from the Post a strong hallucinogenic drug and steals his clothes and press credentials . At the next campaign stop , in the airport bathroom , Thompson is able to use his disguise to engage The Candidate in a conversation about the Screwheads and the Doomed . Thompson , still posing as Harris , returns to the journalist plane . Lazlo then appears , striding across the airport tarmac in a white suit . He boards the plane and tries to convince his old friend to join his socialist paradise somewhere in the desert . After causing a disturbance , Thompson and Lazlo are thrown off the plane and Lazlo s papers that describe the community are blown across the airport runway . Lazlo , presumably , is not heard from again . The action then returns to Thompson s cabin , just as the writer puts the finishing touches on his story , explaining that he didn t go along with Lazlo or Nixon because it still hasn t gotten weird enough for me .
<|mystery|>Tom Scott Speedman and Dan James Marsden meet in a bar and then proceed to Tom s apartment together . While there , Dan realizes that he had been in that same apartment before . Five years earlier , Dan and Tom had a one night stand there . According to Tom , that encounter with Dan was his first and only homosexual experience . Some years later , Tom s wife is found to be HIV positive . Despondent after receiving this diagnosis from her doctor , Tom s wife drives through a red traffic light and is killed in an ensuing collision . Subsequent to these events , medical tests reveal that Tom is also HIV positive . Tom blames himself for passing HIV on to his wife and , in turn , he blames Dan for passing the virus on to him . Reasoning that Dan , ultimately , is to blame for his wife s death , Tom devises a plan to exact revenge . He holds Dan hostage , keeping him bound and gagged to a chair in his apartment . He draws blood from Dan in order to conduct a test to determine Dan s HIV status . If Dan s test results are positive for HIV , Tom vows to kill Dan . If the results are negative , Tom agrees to release Dan unharmed . In the end , Tom returns to the apartment and lets Dan go . As Dan is leaving , Tom asks him when he had last been tested . A few moments later , he reveals that Dan s test was , in fact , positive . He decided to let Dan go because he realized that his positive status was the result of his choices which he couldn t blame on anyone else . The screen fades with Dan standing in Tom s doorway in shock .
<|mystery|>Sean Dre and Dee Loc Snoop are roommates who have not paid their rent , and their landlord s given them a 3 day eviction notice . To make matters worse , Sean has just lost his job at Foot Locker due to Dee Loc s interference , so Dee Loc suggests his roommate stop by the same carwash where he works and apply for work there . Sean is immediately hired as assistant manager , with Chris Eminem having been fired the day before . Though Dee Loc has the full amount for the rent from dealing drugs on the side , he refuses to pay , insisting Sean needs to be responsible , and come up with his half . Sean does his best to impress Mr . Washington George Wallace , the owner of the car wash , so he can hold his job long enough to come up with his half of the rent . At first , things go fine , but then Dee Loc is caught on tape stealing , Mr . Washington tells Sean he must decide what to do , including firing his roommate . Sean tries to help Dee Loc act more responsible , but this creates friction between them . Mr . Washington is kidnapped at gunpoint by two clueless and angry local thugs one of whom is played by DJ Pooh , who call the carwash with their demands , unaware of caller ID , which reveals their location . Instead of calling police , Sean and Dee Loc put aside their differences long enough to rescue their boss . The crisis worsens , when former assistant manager , Chris , shows up , wanting revenge on Mr . Washington for firing him . Chris shoots one of the kidnappers then shoots up the car wash , and runs out of ammunition . Sean attacks Chris , but loses the battle , and falls down . When all is over , Sean and Dee Loc walk off together .
<|crime|>Guy Hamilton Mel Gibson , a neophyte foreign correspondent for an Australian network , arrives in Jakarta on assignment . He meets the close knit members of the foreign correspondent community including journalists from the United Kingdom , the United States , and New Zealand , diplomatic personnel , and a Chinese Australian dwarf of high intelligence and moral seriousness , Billy Kwan Linda Hunt . Hamilton is initially unsuccessful because his predecessor , tired of life in Indonesia , had departed without introducing Hamilton to his contacts . He receives limited sympathy from the journalist community , which competes for scraps of information from Sukarno s Mike Emperio government , the Communist Party of Indonesia PKI , and the conservative Muslim military . However , Kwan takes a liking to Hamilton and arranges interviews for him with key political figures . Kwan introduces Hamilton to Jill Bryant Sigourney Weaver , a beautiful young assistant at the British embassy . Kwan and Bryant are close friends , and he subtly manipulates her encounters with Hamilton . After resisting Hamilton because she s returning to the United Kingdom , Bryant falls in love with him . Discovering that the Communist Chinese are arming the PKI , Bryant passes this information to Hamilton to save his life , but he wants to cover the Communist rebellion that will occur when the arms shipment reaches Jakarta . Shocked , Kwan and Bryant withdraw their friendship from Hamilton , and he is left with the American journalist Pete Curtis Michael Murphy , and his own assistant and driver Kumar Bembol Roco , who is secretly PKI . Kumar , however , remains loyal to Hamilton and tries to open his eyes to all that is going on . Kwan , outraged by Sukarno s failure to meet the needs of most Indonesians , decides to hang a sign saying Sukarno feed your people from the Hotel Indonesia expressing his outrage but is thrown from the window by security men , and dies in Hamilton s arms . His death is also witnessed by Jill . Still in search of the big story , Hamilton visits the Presidential palace after the army generals have taken over and unleashed executions , after they learned of the Communist shipment . Struck down by an Army officer , Hamilton suffers a detached retina . Resting alone in Kwan s bungalow , Hamilton recalls a passage from the Bhagavad Gita all is clouded by desire which Billy told him . Kumar visits him and tells him about the failed coup attempt . Risking permanent damage to his eye , a heavily bandaged Hamilton implores Kumar to drive him to the airport , where he boards the last plane out of Jakarta and is reunited with Bryant .
<|horror|>Monday A man comes home , phones his boss to resign from his job , writes mysterious letters , cleans his apartment and swallows poison in his bathtub . His death is simultaneous with the death of his fish , the only being that was close to him . Tuesday A man rents a film in a video store , a Nazisploitation movie in which Nazi soldiers are torturing a prisoner in a concentration camp , castrating him and painting a swastika on his breast . When the young man s girlfriend comes home , she yells at him until he shoots her . He then places a picture frame over the place on the wall where her brain matter was splattered . This whole episode is revealed as being shown on a TV screen in a room where somebody else committed suicide by hanging . Wednesday A man and a girl meet in a park in the pouring rain . The man tells the girl about his disastrous sex life with his wife which led to him killing her . The girl pulls out a gun to kill him , but the man takes it from her and shoots himself . Thursday A motorway bridge somewhere in Germany , superimposed by the names , ages , and occupations of the people who have jumped from it . Friday A woman , alone in her apartment , is observing a young , seemingly happy couple in the neighbourhood . She spies on them and finds a chain letter in front of her door , urging her to kill herself . Obviously everybody in the house got the letter . She ignores it , eats chocolates and falls asleep , dreaming of surprising her parents when they make love . The camera shows the young couple , dead on their bed . Saturday A young woman , equipped with a camera and a gun , kills several people in the audience of a rock concert the frontman is played by Die Ärzte drummer Bela B . and records it on film , until someone kills her . Sunday A man , alone on his bed , is crying and banging his head over and over , violently against the wall , until he succumbs to brain damage .
<|horror|>Scooby Doo , Shaggy , and Scrappy Doo are on their way to a Miss Grimwood s Finishing School for Girls , where they have been hired as gym teachers . Once there , however , they find that it is actually a school for girl ghouls . The pupils include Sibella , the daughter of Count Dracula Elsa Frankenteen , the daughter of Frankenstein s monster , Winnie , the daughter of The Wolfman Phantasma usually called Phanty for short , the daughter of a phantom , possibly The Phantom of the Opera and Tanis , the daughter of The Mummy all parodies tributes to the Universal Monsters of the 1930s 40s . Other residents of the school are a floating white hand an octopus , who is the school s butler Legs , a spider that helps with the upcoming volleyball match Miss Grimwood , the headmistress and her pet dragon Matches who dislikes Scooby at first , but later becomes friends , and has a strong friendship with Scrappy . Shaggy and Scooby want no part of this at first , but eventually they agree to stay as teachers . The following morning begins with the class and the new teachers taking ballet lessons . Gym class soon starts , to train the girls for their upcoming volleyball match against the boys of the neighboring Calloway Military Academy . The boys rig the volleyball with a remote control , but because of an accidental squirt of ketchup , the boys lose the remote , Scooby accidentally swallows the remote and it allows the girls to win instead . The girls fathers come for Open House , but as they leave , they warn Shaggy and Scooby not to let any harm come to their daughters or they ll be in big trouble . As an additional plot twist , Revolta , the self styled Witch of the Web , and her minion , the Grim Creeper , plan to kidnap the girls and make them her slaves , by hypnotizing Shaggy into taking the girls on a field trip to the Barren Bog . That same day the Calloway Cadets are at the bog . With the help of Revolta s spider bats , Revolta and the Grim Creeper capture the girls and Revolta makes a potion that will make them evil forever at the stroke of midnight . Scooby , Scrappy , Shaggy , and Matches , along with the Calloway cadets manage to save the girls and Revolta s plan is foiled . Despite being well liked by all their students , Shaggy and Scooby have enough of this and run away when monsters such as an alien , the Creature from the Black Lagoon , and Godzilla enroll their daughters at the school for the following year screaming Like , meet us in St . Louis . As they leave , they see the girls and Matches wave them goodbye . Shaggy , Scooby , and Scrappy then give them a last werewolf howl before driving off into the night .
<|horror|>In 1886 during the Indian wars , Bugs Bunny is hired by the USA Cavalry as a Sergeant . Sergeant Bugs is told to watch an American army base in Utah s desert as the cavalry battles an Indian army . Bugs patrols the fort , but an Indian army led by Yosemite Sam want to take it . Sam orders an attack on the fort and they fire arrows at it . Sam tries to stop the men from approaching , but they are crushed against the door . Sam calls for Bugs to surrender but Bugs shoots Sam . Bugs uses tally marks to keep track of how many Indians he has killed or scared off singing Ten Little Indians . An Indian tries to fire arrows at the fort , Bugs replaces the arrow with a stick of triggered dynamite causing Sam to decide to kill Bugs himself . Sam tries to fire his pistol but it remains stuck yet fires a bullet whenever Bugs is holding it toward Sam . Sam orders his toughest biggest but stupid Indian thug , Geronimo , to break into the Fort s gate . Geronimo tries to use a giant tree tube as a battering ram but when he hits the gate he ends up squashing Sam . Sam tries to arrow himself into the Fort . When he flies down towards the fort , he tries to shoot Bugs but Bugs simply puts a wooden board in front of Sam s landing so that Sam ends up sliding out of the fort . When the chief misses his shots , Sam decides to shoot it himself . When he fires his shot , Bugs , hiding behind rocks , fires a bullet by slingshot into the chief s head and the chief scolds Sam . When Sam fires , Bugs does the same thing and the chief tells Sam he will be dead meat if he does it again . Sam is suspicious that someone else is firing at them and to prove it he fakes a shot , looks behind him and sees Bugs launch another bullet into chief s head . When Sam screams at Bugs , this provokes the chief into punching his boss , believing Sam shot him on purpose . Later at an Indian party Sam sees Bugs spying on them . Sam orders an attack but the cavalry comes to the rescue and Sam tries to call for his Indians to stop as the cavalry charges . While Bugs hides underground to avoid being killed , Sam and his horse are unable to call off the attacks and end up in the middle between the two forces . Bugs looks up from his hole and sees nothing but feathers . Sam and his horse , both of whom have been trampled from the cavalry , confront Bugs as Sam says I hate you ! with the same cramped voice that he used in Knighty Knight Bugs while his horse tells him And I hate you ! . Bugs remarks And me ? I love everybody !
<|crime|>Former soldier Frank Prior arrives in London to visit a wartime girlfriend , whom he hasn t seen in six years . His plane s landing at the airport coincides with a fellow passenger being killed by a sniper . Scotland Yard inspector Braddock and detective Cameron are assigned to investigate . The dead man , identified as Kendal Brown , is carrying forged documents as well as a photograph that leads them to Pauline French , an actress . Pauline is the woman Frank has come to see . She also happens to be an expert marksman with a rifle . After they kiss , Pauline tells Frank that she had tried unsuccessfully to notify him to delay his visit . An autographed picture of another actress , Helene Castle , is found in Kendal Brown s flat . The detectives learn that Helene is the victim s ex wife . In the meantime , Frank spends a few hours with Pauline on her boat . When they later go to a pub , a limping man seems to menace and unnerve Pauline , who runs away . Pauline confesses to Frank that she once let Kendal Brown use her boat for a smuggling operation . He began blackmailing her with letters she wrote , which Helene now possesses . At the theater , the limping man turns out to be George , the stage manager . But to everyone s shock , the late Kendal Brown turns up very much alive . The victim on the plane was a man he d hired to impersonate him . After knocking the limping man unconscious , Kendal Brown ends up in a fistfight with Frank in the theater s balcony . But as these events reach their climax , a huge surprise is revealed , one involving Frank and his fellow passengers from the plane .
<|horror|>At the construction of a new capital of Japan , Heian , a ceremony is performed to prevent the attacks of the vengeful spirit of Prince Sawara , who had been wrongfully accused of committing treason and put to death . An official announces the construction of a holy barrier that will trap Prince Sawara s spirit and prevent it from haunting the capital . 150 years later , the Onmyoji are responsible for controlling the supernatural phenomena within the city . Court onmyoji Abe no Seimei is a talented onmyoji with skills that surpass the head court onmyoji Doson , who schemes to overthrow the emperor and claim the throne for himself . Seimei meets and takes a liking into Minamoto no Hiromasa , a court swordsman who has little understanding but is mesmerized by the onmyojis and their work . The current emperor is anxious for an heir . One of his wives gives birth to a prince , resulting in his other wife , Lady Ayako , losing his favor . Doson takes advantage of this situation and curses the newborn prince with a demon and casts a spell to turn Lady Ayako into a demon . Seimei combats these spells with the help of the immortal Lady Aone , who was Prince Sawara s lover . Doson summons Sawara and absorbs his spirit to conquer the capital . During his invasion of the capital , Doson kills Hiromasa . Aone offers to sacrifice her immortality and revive Hiromasa by exchanging their lives . She does so because Hiromasa and Seimei are foretold in the stars to be the protectors of the city . Later , Aone s spirit quells Sawara s angered spirit , and Seimei subsequently defeats Doson with an act of wit .
<|horror|>A friendship develops between Bill Denny George Segal and Charlie Waters Elliott Gould over their mutual love of gambling . Charlie is a wisecracking joker and experienced gambler constantly looking for the next score . Initially , Bill is not as committed a gambler he works at a magazine during the day , but he is well on his way . The two bond when they are wrongfully accused of colluding at a casino s poker table by an irate fellow player . As the two men hang out more , Bill becomes more addicted to the gambling lifestyle . He goes into debt to Sparkie Joseph Walsh , his bookie . Bill hocks possessions to fund a trip to Reno , where he and Charlie pool their money to stake Bill in a poker game where one of the players is former world champion Amarillo Slim , portraying himself . Bill wins 18 , 000 and becomes convinced he is on a hot streak . He plays blackjack , then roulette and finally craps , winning more and more money . But something happens at the craps table . When he finally stops , Bill is drained , almost apathetic . After they split their winnings 82 , 000 , he tells Charlie he is quitting and going home . Charlie does not understand it , but sees that his friend means what he says , so they go their separate ways .
<|crime|>Elaan is a declaration of war against the reign of terror unleashed by the ganglords . The story revolves around an upright and principled Police Officer , A . C . P . Ramakant Chaudhary whose eldest son Vikas is killed in a pre planned accident . But the A . C . P . is unable to nab the culprits for want of valid evidence . Consequently , the A . C . P . , his wife Revati and younger son Vishal are griefstricken over the loss of young Vikas . While the atmosphere in the city is already vitiated by the atrocities of ganglords Baba Khan and Manna Shetty who enjoy the support of some unscrupulous police personnel , the A . C . P . vows to make the ruthless gangsters bite the dust , without taking the law in his own hands . On the other hand , Vishal an angry young man , cannot stand this injustice since the police had failed to arrest his brother s killers , and he silently resents his A . C . P father s inaction in dealing with the culprits . The ideologies of the father and son clash which lead to a conflict between a dutiful father and a reckless son . The only one who understands the agony of Vishal is Mohini , the daughter of head constable Devkinandan Sharma . The day comes when Vishal confronts Baba Khan and Manna Shetty which leads to tension and gory situation for the A . C . P . , as the ganglords threaten to eliminate the A . C . P . as well as his wife Revati and son Vishal .
<|mystery|>Mahendra Bhoopathi and Marthandan are rival kings . When Bhoopathi s wife gives birth to conjoined twins , Dr . Nanjappa separates them skillfully . In a surprise attack , Marthandan and his men set fire to Bhoopathi s fort thinking that the entire Bhoopathi clan perishes . But the good doctor has taken the babies to the safety of his house . And thereafter the elder twin Vijayan grows up in the city , while the younger twin Vikraman is brought up in the forest by the loyal Marudhu . When they are 25 years old , the doctor sends for them and introduces them to each other and makes them aware of their history . The twins swear to avenge the dastardly killing of their father and restore the glory of their kingdom . Meanwhile , Vijayan saves the beautiful Kanchana from the aging yet lust filled Marthandan and his men . Vijayan and Kanchana fall in love in due course . Problems arise between the brothers in the forest , as Vikraman too falls for Kanchana . And being the younger of the conjoined twins , Vikraman aches with frustrating feelings of physical desire whenever Vijayan and Kanchana are together . Not wanting to be the cause for the brothers turning against each other and in order to enable them to reach their avowed objective without further distraction , Kanchana leaves Vijayan in the forest , only to fall straight into the clutches of Marthandan . The rescue of Kanchana , and Marthandan getting his retribution form rest of the exciting tale .
<|crime|>Two desperate and young filmmakers stumble upon the ultimate subject , a 33 year old cannibalistic serial killer named Anthony McAllister , who has agreed to let them document every aspect of his horrifically violent life style . Initially terrified , the filmmakers get to know Anthony as a person . They even begin to identify with his ecological and philosophical justifications for his cannibalistic lifestyle . It s only when they investigate further that the filmmakers begin to doubt Anthony s accounts of his past . Tensions noticeably rise as the filmmakers continue to confront Anthony on his conflicting stories and ever changing philosophies . During an awkward interview , the filmmakers interview Merle , the father of a young girl who was abducted and never found . This abduction was Anthony s first child victim . Merle welcomes them into his home and gives them a heart felt experience that even Anthony is touched by . As the documentary reaches its conclusion , Anthony begins to become uncomfortably aware of the how much of his life he has revealed to these filmmakers . In a final interview with Anthony , a deadly confrontation erupts and all that remains is a broken camera and this footage . This film challenges the audience to view a horrific side of humanity and delivers a social commentary that leaves the audience thinking about the world they live in and the power and effect of all media .
<|crime|>It s Christmas Eve and John David Arquette is asleep in a Los Angeles park . He awakens as someone is stealing his shoes , in which he keeps his money . He chases the thief but can t catch him . John is angered not only because those are his lucky sneakers but because he s trying to accumulate enough money for an overnight stay in a fancy hotel to celebrate his birthday , which is also Christmas . Each time John puts any money together , either by turning a trick , robbing the house of one of his regular dates or stealing from potential clients , it s taken from him either by robbery or in payback for a drug deal where he burned the dealer . Meanwhile , Donner Lukas Haas , a fellow hustler who s new to the streets and has fallen for John , tries to convince John to go with him to Branson , Missouri . Donner has a relative who runs a theme park there who can get them jobs . John is initially resistant to the idea but , after some particularly bad experiences , agrees to go . John and Donner have enough money for two bus tickets to Branson but John takes one last date to earn money for expenses . After their sexual encounter at a motel , however , John s date turns violent , beating John unmercifully . Donner goes in search of John and finds him at the motel . Donner drags John s lifeless body from the bathroom to the bed and tearfully confesses that he s the one who stole John s sneakers and money in a desperate attempt to persuade John to leave town with him .
<|mystery|>Santa Diabla is the story of Santa Martínez Gaby Espino , a woman who seeks revenge for the murder of her husband Willy Delgado Lincoln Palomeque . Santa s revenge includes marrying Humberto Cano Carlos Ponce , a powerful attorney in Marrero . Humberto hired Willy Delgado to give piano lessons to Humberto s niece Daniela Milan Ana Osorio at the Cano family s home , until Bárbara Cano Wanda D Isidoro , Daniela s mother and Humberto s sister , accused Willy of harassment and attempted rape of her daughter . Blaming the Canos for the unjust death of her husband , Santa intends to destroy the Cano family , but as she tries to complete her mission , she meets and falls in love with Santiago Cano Aarón Díaz , Humberto and Bárbara s brother . Although Humberto portrays the evil brother throughout much of the story , toward the end it is uncovered that he was doing things to help hide the fact that Santiago Cano was really the evil brother . Santiago s mental disease dissociative identity disorder causes him to kill people at will and he exhibits strong psychopathy . He wishes to make Santa his wife by force and the truth finally comes out when people find out it is Santiago who is behind the many murders in Marrero County . Santiago had planned to make his way into Santa s life when he and Willy crossed paths in prison and he found a picture of Santa . Flashbacks recall that everything Santiago ever did was calculating and caniving . In the end Santa chooses Humberto despite the fact that people think he is evil she knows he has been the good guy the entire time . Humberto is killed by Santiago and Santa never tells him that she becomes pregnant with his child . Barbara Cano and her mother live as prisoners in the family mansion for the rest of their days since Barbara cannot go anywhere since her face becomes scarred by Alicia La Diabla Cano , the daughter given up by the Canos several years earlier . Alicia goes to prison for killing Barbara s husband , George , and it is unclear if Willy is willing to wait for Alicia although he really loves her . Santiago is placed in a mental asylum and it is left unclear if he escapes .
<|comedy|>A story about a troubled young businessman , Prakash Saif Ali Khan . He is married to Sapna Sonali Bendre , who is the daughter of famous rich businessman , Rajiv Chopra Dalip Tahil . Rajiv Chopra totally hates Prakash , and troubles him all the time . Prakash , who is fed up of being troubled by Chopra , then makes a plan to get Sapna kidnapped to make Rajiv Chopra feel the way he does . He hires two broke strugglers , Rahul Fardeen Khan and Harry Aftab Shivdasani who are to be fake kidnappers and kidnap Sapna . The plan rides successfully , and Chopra believes every bit of it . Rahul and Harry demand Rs . 1 crores as the ransom money , and the fooled Chopra agrees to pay . As the ransom money has been paid , Rahul and Harry set Sapna free and leave her in a forest , which is also part of Prakash s plan . Prakash arrives at the forest to pick up Sapna , however he realizes that she has been kidnapped again but this time by real kidnappers . This crime caper soon turns into one hilarious joy ride !
<|crime|>Harry Morgan John Garfield , is a sport fishing boat captain whose business is on the skids and whose family is feeling the economic pinch . He begins to work with a shady lawyer , Duncan Wallace Ford , who persuades him to run illegal immigrants into California . Harry also begins a flirtation with Leona Charles Patricia Neal . When his plan with Duncan goes wrong , Harry comes even more under the influence of the lawyer , who blackmails him into helping the escape of a gang of crooks , who pull a racetrack heist , by using his fishing boat to get away from authorities . Harry convinces himself that his illegal activities will financially help his family . His wife , Lucy Phyllis Thaxter , suspects Harry is breaking the law and urges him to stop for the sake of the family . Harry refuses and walks out . As Harry waits for Duncan and the crooks on his boat , Harry s partner , Wesley Park Juano Hernandez , arrives . Not wanting Wesley around when the crooks arrive , Harry tries to send him on an errand . The crooks arrive before Wesley leaves , and kill him . Harry is horrified , but is forced at gunpoint to transport the crooks out to open sea without drawing the attention of the Coast Guard . Harry also learns that Duncan was killed during the escape from the heist . Wesley s body is dumped overboard along with Harry s only firearm . Harry uses a ploy to access a gun and kills all the crooks in a dramatic shoot out . Harry , however , is critically wounded . Authorities find his boat the next day and tow it to port . Lucy rushes to Harry s side and tries to convince Harry to allow his arm to be amputated to save his life . Harry reaffirms his love for Lucy and is taken to the hospital . In the final scene , Wesley s son , who was briefly introduced earlier in the film , stands alone on the dock looking around for his father .
<|romance|>In 1997 , Sarah Huttinger , an obituary and wedding announcement writer for The New York Times , travels to Pasadena , California , for her sister Annie s wedding , accompanied by her fiancé Jeff Daly . At a pre wedding party , Sarah learns from her grandmother Katharine that her mother Jocelyn ran off to Cabo San Lucas to spend time with her prep school classmate Beau Burroughs the week before her wedding to Sarah s father Earl . Jeff points out Sarah s parents were married just short of nine months before her birth , leading her to wonder if Beau might really be her biological father . Sarah also discovers her grandmother might have been the inspiration for Mrs . Robinson , an infamous character in the novel The Graduate . After the wedding , determined to find out more about Beau and her mother s past , Sarah decides to fly to San Francisco , where Beau , now a highly successful and very wealthy Silicon Valley Internet wizard , is addressing a seminar . She meets him and he admits to the affair but assures Sarah he couldn t be her father because he suffered blunt testicular trauma while playing in a high school soccer game and , as a result , is sterile . The two go out for drinks , and the following morning Sarah wakes up in Beau s bed in his Half Moon Bay home . Although guilt stricken by her behavior , Sarah allows Beau to convince her to be his date at a charity ball , where she meets Beau s son Blake . Beau explains his wife wanted a biological child and was artificially inseminated to become pregnant . Mollified , Sarah kisses Beau and is caught by Jeff , who has returned to California to find her . Following an ensuing argument , Jeff leaves her . Dejected , Sarah returns to visit Katharine , who flies into a rage when she learns Beau has slept with her granddaughter . The two learn Annie suffered an anxiety attack while flying to her honeymoon and wants to talk to Sarah . Sarah tells her sister about the relationship three generations of Richelieu women have had with Beau . She reassures Annie she truly is in love with her husband , Scott , and in doing so realizes she s ready to marry Jeff . It is also revealed that Earl was the one who accidentally caused Beau s testicular trauma . This makes Beau somewhat nervous to be around Earl , though Katherine is quite pleased by the revelation . Earl reveals to Sarah he always knew about Jocelyn and Beau s affair . Despite Beau being a fling for her , Jocelyn returned to Earl because she loved him and he was someone with whom she could build a life . On the night she returned , Sarah was conceived . This explained the date difference between her birthday and her parents wedding . Determined to win Jeff back , Sarah returns to New York City and tells her fiancé about her feelings . They reconcile on the condition , if they ever have a daughter , she would not be allowed anywhere near Beau . The film ends with Sarah and Jeff s wedding .
<|crime|>Fifteen year old Billy Casper has little hope in life . He is picked on , both at home by his physically and verbally abusive older half brother , Jud , and at school , by his schoolmates and by abusive teachers . Although he insists that his earlier petty criminal behavior is behind him , he occasionally steals eggs and milk from milk floats . He has difficulty paying attention in school and is often provoked into tussles with classmates . Billy s father has left the family some time ago , and his mother refers to him at one point , while somberly speaking to her friends about her children and their chances in life , as a hopeless case . One day , Billy takes a kestrel from a nest on a farm . His interest in learning falconry prompts him to steal a book on the subject from a secondhand book shop , as he is underage and needs but lies about the reasons he cannot obtain adult authorization for a borrower s card from the public library . As the relationship between Billy and Kes , the kestrel , improves during the training , so does Billy s outlook and horizons . For the first time in the film , Billy receives praise , from his English teacher after delivering an impromptu talk about training Kes . Jud leaves money and instructions for Billy to place a bet on two horses , but , after consulting a bettor who tells him the horses are unlikely to win , Billy spends the money on fish and chips and intends to purchase meat for his bird instead the butcher gives him scrap meat free of charge . However , the horses do win . Outraged at losing a payout of more than 10 , Jud takes revenge by killing Billy s kestrel . Grief stricken , Billy retrieves the bird s broken body from the waste bin and , after showing it to Jud and his mother , buries the bird on the hillside overlooking the field where he d flown .
<|romance|>The film follows Kaspar Jørgensen , a Danish poet in the 1940s who is seeking inspiration . At the suggestion of his psychiatrist , Dr . Mørk , he travels to Norway to meet the famous author Sigrid Undset . However , after arriving in Norway , he meets Ingeborg , a farmer s daughter , and they fall in love . He proposes to her , but discovers that she is already engaged , at her father s wish . She promises not to cut her hair until they are reunited , and Kaspar returns to Denmark . Later , Ingeborg s husband dies in an accident , and Ingeborg sends a letter to Kaspar . However , it is accidentally dropped by the postman , and never arrives . When Sigrid Undset dies , both Kaspar and Ingeborg travel to the funeral they are reunited , and later marry and live in Copenhagen . As Kaspar tells Ingeborg that he loves her long hair , she does not cut it , but when Kaspar trips over it and breaks his thumb , she sends for her hairdresser from Norway . On the way , the hairdresser meets a young man on the train , who was also travelling to Copenhagen to meet Kaspar , his favourite poet . The two fall in love , and are revealed to be the narrator s parents .
<|mystery|>Three escaped convicts led by Lednov kill three cowboys in Nevada and steal their clothes . They ride on looking for revenge against a rancher , Clay Phillips , who is warned by friend Jed Graham to get out of town . Clay and younger brother Steve head toward Sonora , California with a herd of horses . They come across four stranded saloon girls , Mary , Marcia , Elaine and Helen , with a broken wagon wheel . Helen s fiance turns up to take her home . Elaine , who is depressed and ill , flees . Steve saves her and they end up at the Wyatt ranch , where it turns out Elaine is a long missing daughter . Back on the trail , Helen decides to stay with an Irishman named Fowler who has struck gold . An argument later leads Mary to steal Clay s wagon , which act is quickly discovered by Clay and Steve . During the short chase , the wagon becomes detached from the horses and plummets into the adjacent creek . Clay dashes into the water and retrieves a semi conscious and soaking wet Mary , who quickly comes to . Clay s concern for her well being suddenly returns to anger as Mary , seeing the rest of her clothing floating away downstream , is concerned about that instead of Clay s wagon that she just destroyed . This only solidifies Clay s resolve that she not continue with him and Steve onto Sonora and so puts her on a passing stagecoach to the next town . In the meanwhile , Lednov , in pursuit , comes upon the camp of Helen and Fowler and so roughs up Helen and kills Fowler to make her reveal where the Phillips brothers have gone . Upon finding them , a gunfight ensues , in which Clay and Steve are victorious , though Steve is wounded . Needing medical attention , Clay takes him to the town doctor where Mary appears and returns to Clay s arms .
<|action|>In the 1940s , Leon Bernzy Bernstein is a freelance crime and street photographer for the New York City tabloids , dedicated to his vivid and realistic work and his unique ability to capture shots that nobody else can . He is very confident of his skills , declaring at one point , Nobody does what I do . Nobody . With a police radio under the dashboard of his car and a makeshift darkroom in his trunk , he quickly races to the scene of horrific crimes and accidents in order to snap exclusive photographs . He is so good at his job that he becomes known affectionately as the Great Bernzini . Bernzy meets a sultry widow , Kay Levitz Barbara Hershey , who owns a fancy nightclub . It seems the mob is muscling in on her due to some arrangement with her late husband . Kay asks if Bernzy could investigate an individual she considers troublesome . Generally unsuccessful with women , Bernzy agrees to help Kay , and he slowly begins to fall in love with her . After talking to his contacts , including journalist friend Arthur Nabler Jerry Adler , he tracks down Kay s man , only to find him murdered . But when he calls the police , he becomes a suspect in the man s death . The police and the FBI are also very interested in this case . Bernstein makes a connection with a local gangster , Sal Stanley Tucci , uncovering a conspiracy involving a mob turf war about illegal gas rationing , and the Federal government . His activities get Sal killed and place Bernzy s life in great danger as he waits in hiding at an Italian restaurant where a mob hit is about to take place .
<|mystery|>Michael Strogoff , a 30 year old native of Omsk , is a courier for Tsar Alexander II of Russia . The Tartar Khan prince , Feofar Khan , incites a rebellion and separates the Russian Far East from the mainland , severing telegraph lines . Rebels encircle Irkutsk , where the local governor , a brother of the Tsar , is making a last stand . Strogoff is sent to Irkutsk to warn the governor about the traitor Ivan Ogareff , a former colonel , who was once demoted and exiled and now seeks revenge against the imperial family . He intends to destroy Irkutsk by setting fire to the huge oil storage tanks on the banks of the Angara River . On his way to Irkutsk , Strogoff meets Nadia Fedor , daughter of an exiled political prisoner , Basil Fedor , who has been granted permission to join her father at his exile in Irkutsk , the English war correspondent Harry Blount of the Daily Telegraph and Alcide Jolivet , a Frenchman reporting for his cousin Madeleine . Blount and Jolivet tend to follow the same route as Michael , separating and meeting again all the way through Siberia . He is supposed to travel under a false identity , posing as the pacific merchant Nicolas Korpanoff but he is discovered by the Tartars when he meets his mother in their home city of Omsk . Michael , his mother and Nadia are eventually captured by the Tartar forces , along with thousands of other Russians , during the storming of a city in the Ob basin . The tartars do not know Strogoff by sight , but Ogareff is aware of the courier s mission and when he is told that Strogoff s mother spotted her son in the crowd and called his name , but received no reply , he understands that Strogoff is among the captured and devises a scheme to force the mother to indicate him . Strogoff is indeed caught and handed over to the Tartars , and Ogareff alleges that Michael is a spy , hoping to have him put to death in some cruel way . After opening the Koran at random , Feofar decides that Michael will be blinded as punishment in the Tartar fashion , with a gleaming hot blade . For several chapters the reader is led to believe that Michael was indeed blinded , but it transpires in fact that he was saved from this fate his tears at his mother evaporated and saved his corneas and was only pretending . Eventually , Michael and Nadia escape , and travel to Irkutsk with a friendly peasant . They are delayed by fire and the frozen river . However , they eventually reach Irkutsk , and warn the Tsar s brother in time of Ivan Ogareff . Nadia s father , who has been appointed commander of a suicide battalion , and later pardoned , joins them and Michael and Nadia are married .
<|comedy|>Nick Rivers , a highly successful United States rock star Skeet Surfing , travels to East Germany to perform at a cultural festival , which secretly serves the East German government as a diversion for an illegal military operation with the intent of reuniting Germany under their rule . At a dinner , Nick encounters Hillary Flammond , a member of the local resistance movement , attempting to avoid the authorities . He pretends to be her date to get to know her , and performs an impromptu song and dance Tutti Frutti mistakenly thinking that he was asked to do so , to the delight of Hillary and the crowd but to the annoyance of General Streck , the mastermind of the reunification plot . Nick later sees Hillary at a ballet , where she is trying to meet with a resistance contact , but is met by the police instead . Nick saves her and they try to escape , but Nick turns himself in so that Hillary can get away . He is taken to a prison where he is questioned and tortured , but he knows nothing and does not break . In an escape attempt , he ends up in the secret lab of Dr . Paul Flammond , a brilliant scientist developing the Polaris naval mine , a device that can destroy the entire NATO submarine fleet as part of the government s plot the Germans force him to work by threatening to kill his daughter Hillary . Nick is recaptured and scheduled for execution . The East Germans decide that Nick must perform to avoid an international incident , and he does so to the rapturous joy of the local girls How Silly Can You Get Spend This Night with Me . He is rescued by Hillary at the end of his performance , after which they spend the night in the loft of a Swedish bookstore . Nick plays for her Are You Lonesome Tonight ? and they make love . The next morning , they are moved to the Potato Farm where they meet members of the French Resistance , led by Nigel The Torch , who was a lover of Hillary from when they were stranded on an island as youths . Nick is upset by Hillary s residual love for Nigel , but accepts that they must work together for the cause . After fighting off an attack by the Germans , who were tipped off by the secret traitor , they move to a pizza restaurant , where Nick proves that he s not the traitor by performing for the locals Straighten Out the Rug . The resistance group stages a rescue of Dr . Flammond , where Nigel and Du Quois , a resistance leader , dress up in a fake cow outfit to disable the prison s defenses . While the other members successfully infiltrate the prison , Nigel reveals himself as the traitor . Dr . Flammond is rescued , but Nigel makes off with Hillary , and Nick is forced to rescue her in an underwater bar room fight . With their flight about to leave , Hillary chooses to go with Nick and her father to America .
<|crime|>Mrs . Bramson Dame May Whitty is an irascible elderly woman who holds court in a small English village . She pretends to need a wheelchair , and impulsively threatens to fire her maid , Dora Merle Tottenham , for allegedly stealing and breaking china . Meanwhile , the household learns that the police have searched a nearby river looking for the missing villager , Mrs . Shellbrook . Dora then introduces her Irish boyfriend , Danny Robert Montgomery , who works for Mrs . Shellbrook . Perceiving that Mrs . Bramson is a hypochondriac who only affects her need for a wheelchair , Danny is charming toward her and says that she reminds him of his mother . He tells Mrs . Bramson that he loves Dora and would marry her if he had a better job . Mrs . Bramson obliges and he becomes her servant . Mrs . Bramson s niece and companion , Olivia Grayne Rosalind Russell , is suspicious of Danny , but Mrs . Bramson dismisses her concerns . When Mrs . Bramson s attorney , Justin Laurie Alan Marshal , arrives to give his client money , he warns her not to keep so much cash in her possession but she dismisses his concerns , as well . Meanwhile , Justin , who is in love with Olivia , asks her to marry him , but she refuses because their relationship lacks any true romance . Justin leaves feeling dejected , and Danny sees Mrs . Bramson putting the cash into her safe . Olivia s concerns are heightened when she catches Danny lying to Mrs . Bramson about a shawl that allegedly belonged to his mother , noticing that the price tag is still on the shawl . Still , Olivia cannot help being attracted to Danny . Dora discovers Mrs . Shellbrook s decapitated body in the forest . Though Olivia accuses Danny of the murder , he denies it . Again , Mrs . Bramson dismisses her niece s concerns because she has grown very fond of Danny . The rest of the household does not feel comfortable being in the house while a killer is at large , but Mrs . Bramson feels safe enough to stay with Danny . Later that night , Mrs . Bramson hears noises and becomes frightened . When she screams for Danny , he comes in and calms her down by giving her something to drink and lulling her to sleep . Danny then suffocates her to death and empties the safe . Olivia arrives unexpectedly and admits to Danny that she was attracted to him in the past , but no longer . He references his poor childhood and being looked down upon being a servant , and threatens to kill her , too , so that no one can incriminate him in Mrs . Bramson s murder . Olivia said she understands if he kills her , but she wanted him to know that she is no longer drawn to him . But just then the police arrive , called by Justin when he could not reach Olivia by phone , and arrest Danny . As he leaves , Danny says , I ll hang in the end , but they ll get their money s worth at the trial . Finally , Justin and Olivia embrace .
<|comedy|>The story is about two friends and cops , Javed Jackie Shroff and Arun Shahrukh Khan , who are both Special Task Force officers and partners . Javed is a widower who is bringing up his 4 children with a lot of love and effort while Arun is his carefree , hotheaded , trigger happy albeit well meaning subordinate and brother like friend . In a routine raid and bust operation , Javed and Arun lay their hands on the notorious drug lord , KKV Nirmal Pandey with the help of Inspector Sawant Raj Zutshi . Later in court , KKV walks away using his powerful connections . While on a subsequent drug raid , Javed is shot down by an unknown assailant shortly after revealed to possibly be a rogue officer within the Special Forces department . According to the evidence , it s obvious that his killer s actually Sawant . Arun s devastated and realizes that Javed left his four kids behind in his care in his will . The kids , though , all dislike him at first but then grow to like him a lot . Arun then meets a housekeeper Geeta Juhi Chawla who develops a close relationship with the kids on account of also having had a close almost brother sister like personal rapport with Javed when he was alive . Meanwhile , Arun continues the case to hunt down the killer who took his best friends life along with Sawant . Things take a dramatic turn when Arun sees a girl resembling Geeta dancing in a nightclub with the prime suspect in Javed s murder . At first unable to come to terms with what he has stumbled on . . He loses his temper at the children and creates a furore . A few days later , it is revealed Geeta was an undercover agent for the secret police , who testifies against Arun in court and makes the judge believe he is a drug dealer . Geeta gets him suspended . With no hope left , Arun uses his own skills to find Javed s murderer . Arun realizes that JD s corrupted . When Arun goes to JD s residence , JD was already murdered . KKV , Chief , JD are partners in crime . KKV kills the Chief . The police destroys KKV s henchmen . KKV s about to reveal that Javed s killer s name , but Sawant shoots KKV Sawant lies to Arun that KKV killed Javed . Arun , Geeta , Javed s kids mistakenly believe that KKV killed Javed . KKV reveals that Sawant killed Javed . Sawant finally kills KKV . Sawant also killed JD . Sawant killed Javed , so he could take his post a Senior Task Force officer . Sawant shoots Arun , but Arun s still alive . Javed s children manages to pull a rope , so a hard object can fall onto Sawant s head Arun manages to beat up Sawant in a funny way . Arun kills Sawant . The film ends with Arun and Geeta together looking after Javed s children .
<|crime|>Taking place in Quebec City , the film tells the story of a lawyer and a patron of the arts , Albert Frédéric , who , earlier in life , caused a murder and made it look like an accident for financial gain . Later in life , a dying woman tells a reporter the tale of how she thinks the accident was actually murder . The young American reporter , Mary Roberts , begins investigating the case , unaware that the charming lawyer may be behind it all . Meanwhile , Michel Lacoste , a classical composer , who is supported by Frédéric , is having marriage troubles . Finally his wife kills herself and leaves the husband a note . Frédéric sneaks into the apartment , takes the note and convinces the man that he killed her in a drunken rage . Michel , whose night was indeed blacked out by drink , can t remember anything . The lawyer then offers the composer a deal kill reporter Mary Roberts in exchange for legal representation that will guarantee to get the younger man off the hook . The man , seeing no other choice , agrees reluctantly . The man and woman meet but he does not have the heart to kill her . The two begin to fall in love , gradually figure out that the lawyer is the real killer and set about a scheme to drive the lawyer into confessing to the crime .
<|horror|>Robert is a hotel doorman who is obsessed with science fiction . He plans to write an SF novel about three alien androids Andra and children Targo and Ulu who land on Earth coming from an advanced civilisation from the galaxy of Arkana . He is constantly disrupted by his girlfriend Biba and his neighbour Tino , a photographer . One of his colleagues at work tells him he should add a monster to his story , saying it is the only way to attract the readers attention . Robert decides to partially follow his advice , adding the character of Mumu , a huge alien pet . One night , Robert hears a woman s voice on a tape recorder , telling him to go to a nearby island . He borrows a boat from his friend Toni and arrives at the island , where he is surprised to find the aliens from his own story . After he returns home , he talks about the events with his psychiatrist . He adds that he discovered he has tellurgia , an ability to make his thoughts come true he learned about it when he was a baby wishing for milk , and his father grew breasts in order to feed him . Biba does not believe Robert , so he takes her to the island the following night . There they find again the three aliens . The aliens are in their spaceship , which resembles a blue glowing sphere . They observe a sleeping guard and remove his heart . Biba is frightened by the events , so they turn her into a cube . Once back home , she turns back into a human in a state of shock . As the city finds out about the aliens , a group of scuba divers goes to the island armed with harpoons , but are attacked by Targo , who shoots laser rays from his eyes . This greatly increases the public interest in the aliens tourists flock en masse to the island , arriving naked to convince the aliens they mean no harm . However , they find the island empty . Toni also stalks the aliens with a camera to no avail . Robert is fired from his job . Coming home , he finds the aliens nested there . He is fascinated by Andra , and touches her skin , but a jealous Biba bursts into the room , swearing at Andra . This provokes Mumu , who grows in size to more than 2 metres 6 ft 7 in in height . Mumu breathes fire at guests in the house , killing several . In the end , Robert leaves Earth with the aliens .
<|crime|>X Men Legends is not set in any particular Marvel Comics universe . It is played from the perspective of a teenage girl named Alison Crestmere , a mutant with the ability to control volcanic activity . At the start of the game Alison is abducted by the Genetic Research and Security Organization GRSO . As GRSO soldiers take her away , Mystique arrives with Blob and takes Alison from the soldiers . She is in turn rescued from Mystique and Blob by the X Men Wolverine and Cyclops , who take her to the Xavier Institute to explore her powers . As Alison trains , the X Men investigate an Alaskan research facility controlled by the Brotherhood of Mutants , then rescue Gambit from the Morlocks . They then try to stop the Brotherhood from rescuing Magneto from captivity aboard the U . S . S . Arbiter . Mystique is able to penetrate the defenses and free Magneto , and the ensuing damage caused by the Brotherhood leaves the X Men to rescue several Arbiter crew members . With Alison s training complete , she takes the codename Magma and the X Men travel to Russia to help Colossus prevent the Brotherhood from obtaining weapons grade plutonium . After accomplishing this mission , they discover that Colossus s sister , Illyana , is in a coma from a psychic hold placed on her by the Shadow King . Professor Xavier , Emma Frost , and Jean Grey enter the astral plane to save her . They succeed , but in the process Xavier is captured by the Shadow King . After Xavier s capture the X Men learn that General William Kincaid , a leader in the anti mutant movement , is building mutant hunting Sentinels . Magneto travels to his base on Asteroid M , where he reveals his plan to cover the Earth in darkness . Meanwhile , the X Men free Xavier who defeats the Shadow King in a psychic battle . The X Men travel to Asteroid M , where they discover that the asteroid is on a collision course with Earth . After defeating Magneto they search for the Gravitron , a device used to pilot the asteroid . They encounter General Kincaid , who pilots Master Mold , a prototype sentinel larger and more powerful than other sentinels . After defeating General Kincaid , the X Men locate the Gravitron and Magma uses her powers to steer the asteroid back into space . The X Men s victory on Asteroid M is watched by Apocalypse who makes his upcoming plot from his base . In the game s epilogue , a television news anchor reports that Magneto is still at large and General Kincaid has been arrested for crimes against humanity . The game ends with the President of the United States thanking the X Men for their service . Characters a Only playable during sections of the Astral Plane missions .
<|romance|>The film begins with a tank battle where blonde haired Captain Holland Anthony Steel is sprawled unconscious beside his tank on the sand . When he comes to , he walks over the dunes until collapsing near a Bedouin encampment at an oasis . He is found by the sheik s daughter , Mabrouka Anna Maria Sandri , who takes him to the camp which consists of several black tents . The film skips forward to a point after the war when Captain Holland s brother , Colonel Sir Charles Holland Donald Sinden , is guided into the desert by Ali Donald Pleasence in search of his brother . They were drawn by a promissory note that had been given by Captain Holland to the Bedouin for their help and eventually taken to the British embassy for payment . Sir Charles sets off to discover the fate of his brother and eventually reaches the Bedouin camp . He is entertained by the camp s chief , Sheik Salem ben Yussef André Morrel and sees a young blonde boy in the camp . Later , the Sheik becomes angry at Sir Charles s line of questioning about his brother , the boy , and note and asks them to leave . Before they leave , Mabrouka gives Ali a sock containing Captain Holland s diary which he gives Sir Charles . The film skips back in time to recount the story within the diary . Captain Holland , having been tended by Mabrouka , recovers . He learns that Mabrouka is the sheik s daughter and is betrothed to Sheik Faris Michael Craig from another tribe . When a German reconnaissance vehicle arrives at the camp , Captain Holland hides in some Roman ruins . The senior German officer then finds Holland s service revolver in a tent . Mabrouka and Captain Holland become romantically involved to the obvious annoyance of Sheik Faris . He colludes with the Germans who return to the ruins where Holland and Sheik Yussef kills them and Faris . The romance between Captain Holland and Mabrouka deepens and they marry . Learning of the British victory at El Alamein , Captain Holland seeks to return to the British lines but finds that his wife is pregnant . A group led by the Sheik and Captain Holland travel toward the British lines but came across a column of retreating Italian vehicles . Captain Holland sustains a fatal injury rescuing the Sheik . The film returns to the present day with the Sheik handing Sir Charles a letter with his brother s will bequeathing his estate to his son . Sir Charles discusses this with his nephew but the boy decides to remain with the tribe and burns the letter .
<|comedy|>Ford Fairlane Andrew Dice Clay is seen sitting on a beach smoking as the film opens . A flashback initiates , showing a roaring crowd at a concert given by fictional popular heavy metal band The Black Plague . Lead singer Bobby Black Vince Neil makes an eccentric entrance down a zip line onto the stage and begins performing . Shortly into one of the band s songs , Bobby Black collapses on stage and dies . After the lead singer of The Black Plague is murdered onstage , shock jock Johnny Crunch Gilbert Gottfried , an old friend who came west with Fairlane , hires Ford to track down a mysterious teenage groupie named Zuzu Petals , who may have a connection to Black s death . Soon after hiring Fairlane , Crunch is electrocuted on the air . The world s hippest detective soon finds himself trading insults with ruthless record executive Julian Grendel Wayne Newton , a clueless cop and former disco star Ed O Neill , a merciless hit man Robert Englund and countless ex girlfriends out for his blood . Aiding and abetting Fairlane is loyal assistant Jazz Lauren Holly and a hip record producer Morris Day at the head of a bizarre lineup of suspects , victims , beautiful women and a koala as he finds himself hip deep in the case of his life . The Macguffin of the film is three data CDs which , when read simultaneously , detail the illegal dealings of Julian Grendel , who was getting rich bootlegging his record company s music and murdered Bobby Black when he found out Black had acquired the CDs with the incriminating evidence . The first disc was with Colleen Sutton , the second with Zuzu Petals , and the third disc was hidden under the star for Art Mooney on the Hollywood Walk of Fame .
<|crime|>Aging town constable Bob Valdez Burt Lancaster is tricked into killing an innocent man by powerful rancher Frank Tanner Jon Cypher , whose hired gun R . L . Davis Richard Jordan shot up the hovel where the wrongly accused man and his Indian wife were trapped . Valdez believes it would be a fair gesture to raise 200 for the widow , 100 from Tanner and the rest from others in town . Tanner is livid at the old man s suggestion . He orders ranch hand El Segundo Barton Heyman and his men to tie Valdez to a heavy wooden cross and drive him into the desert . The central pole is so long that Valdez must walk bent over . He finds an oasis blocked by two trees that he repeatedly tries to ram with the ends of the cross . When it finally breaks , the jagged ends are driven into Valdez s back . Davis finds him and cuts the ropes , freeing the unconscious man . The badly injured Valdez is able to crawl to the ranch of his friend Diego Frank Silvera , where he is nursed back to health . Unfortunately for Tanner , he has picked on the wrong man Valdez is a wily , experienced Indian fighter and a marksman with a rifle . He dons his old cavalry uniform and sends Tanner a message via one of the rancher s wounded men Hector Elizondo Valdez is coming . Valdez sneaks into the compound and , during the ensuing gun battle and his escape , kidnaps Tanner s woman , Gay Erin Susan Clark , for whose favors it is rumored that Tanner had her husband killed . With her in restraints , Valdez proceeds to systematically do away with the men Tanner sends after him with his long range Sharps rifle . The only one he shows mercy to is Davis , after the gunman screams , I cut you loose ! I cut you loose ! and reveals that the cut on the left wrist of Valdez concealed under his glove came when his knife slipped as he cut the ropes off . Now he has two hostages . While hiding from Tanner s posse , Valdez realizes that Gay Erin knows who killed her husband . Valdez confronts her and she admits that it was she who killed her own husband in order to be with Tanner , not the other way around . He sets her free , but by now Tanner s woman is sympathetic to his cause , feeling guilty because she was the cause of all the deaths so far . Despite Gay Erin s help , Valdez is finally surrounded and captured . Tanner and his men ride up . The men are ordered to shoot , but R . L . Davis backs off , showing he has no gun , and El Segundo calls his men aside , refusing to obey orders . That leaves Tanner to do his own dirty work if he can . Tanner turns out to be a coward one on one . Valdez tells him he should have paid the 100 .
<|romance|>Marcus Boyd Lance Gross , a young African American , has recently graduated from Columbia Medical School and is headed to Laos for a year to work with Doctors Without Borders . Unbeknownst to their respective parents , Marcus and his fiancee Lucia Ramirez America Ferrera , who is Mexican American , have been living together and would like to get married before they both head off to Laos together . Meanwhile , in Los Angeles , Marcus father Brad Forest Whitaker is coming out of a meeting when he sees his car being towed by Miguel Carlos Mencia , who happens to be Lucia s father . Brad tries unsuccessfully to halt the tow by holding on to the door of his car . Both Miguel and Brad hurl various racially based insults at one another . Brad and Miguel meet later that evening and discover that they will soon be in laws . Both Marcus and Lucia s family try to out do one another to make the wedding more African American or Mexican American , with comedic results . Lucia has also not told her parents that she recently dropped out of Columbia Law School to volunteer teach at a charter school catering to recent immigrants . This leads Miguel to believe that she will be supporting Marcus as he volunteers as a doctor without pay . When Miguel tells Marcus that he disapproves of him living off his daughter , Lucia says nothing . Marcus feels abandoned , leading to an argument with Lucia about her commitment to their relationship . When Lucia asks Marcus if he no longer wants to get married , he replies he doesn t know , leading her to call off the wedding . She then angrily reveals to her parents the truth about dropping out of law school and living with Marcus for the past few months when Miguel offers to toss the ball and Lucia s mother Sonia refers to it as our wedding . Lucia s sister Isabel Anjelah Johnson , who disapproved of her sister getting married , makes Lucia and the rest of the family realize that Marcus makes Lucia happy and that race should not matter . Lucia goes to Marcus , they reconcile , and they end up having a wedding that embraces both African and Mexican customs . During the end credits , several pictures of the two families are shown depicting family events , including Isabel s engagement to Harry Harry Shum Jr . , who is Asian American .
<|horror|>Gabrielle Gaby Van Der Mal Audrey Hepburn , whose father Hubert Dean Jagger is a famous surgeon in Belgium , enters a convent of nursing sisters in the late 1920s in the hopes of eventually becoming a missionary nursing sister in the Belgian Congo . After being given the name of Sister Luke and undergoing a postulancy and novitiate which foreshadow her future difficulties with the vow of obedience , she takes her first vows and is sent to a school of tropical medicine . After passing high in her class but not without some spiritual conflict , after struggling with a request by Mother Superior to purposely fail her exam as a proof of her humility , she discovers to her disappointment that she has been assigned to go not to the Congo but instead to a mental hospital , where she assists with the most difficult and violent cases though resenting her tropical medicine knowledge going to waste there . One of these patients , a particularly violent schizophrenic Colleen Dewhurst who believes herself to be the Archangel Gabriel , tricks her into opening the cell door in violation of the rules and warnings given , and Sister Luke barely escapes from her to face the shame of her disobedience once again . Nevertheless , she is eventually permitted to take her final vows and sent to her wished for post of the Congo . Once there she s disappointed to learn that she will not be nursing the natives , but instead will be the operating nurse for the segregated whites European patient hospital . She develops a strained but professional relationship with the brilliant but atheistic surgeon there , Dr . Fortunati Peter Finch . Eventually , the strains of her work and spiritual struggle cause her to succumb to tuberculosis . Fortunati , not wanting to lose the ideal nurse that Sister Luke is and sympathetic with her desire to stay in the Congo , engineers an amazing cure for the TB , a condition which otherwise always requires being sent to medical care in Sister Luke s case back to convalesce in Europe . Some time after Sister Luke s return to health and work , Fortunati is forced to nevertheless send her back to Belgium as the only nurse qualified to accompany a VIP who has become mentally unstable . She spends an outwardly quiet but inwardly restless period of time at the motherhouse in Brussels before the superior general finally gives her a new assignment . Because it is clear that there is going to be a war , she cannot go back to the Congo , but instead becomes a surgical nurse at a local hospital . There Sister Luke s long struggle with obedience becomes impossible for her to sustain , as she is forced into repeated compromises to deal with the reality of the Nazi occupation , including the fact that they have killed her father . She asks for and with difficulty is granted a dispensation from her vows , and is last seen changing into lay garb and quietly leaving the convent by a back door .
<|crime|>Charles Spotswoode s son Jimmy became involved with the Canary , a conniving star showgirl . Fortunately , Jimmy has regained his senses and reconciled with Alyce LaFosse . However , the Canary is determined to force Jimmy to marry her so she can join the social elite , threatening to reveal that Jimmy was embezzling from his father . She turns down the elder Spotswoode s offer of money to leave Jimmy alone . She also telephones two men she has been blackmailing , Cleaver and Mannix , and demands one final generous gift from each of them by the next day . She also informs creepy admirer Dr . Lindquist . Her ex husband Tony Sheel eavesdrops and wants half , but she refuses to give him anything , even after he hits her . Cleaver , Mannix and Lindquist are all shown lurking about her apartment building late that night . Spotswoode visits her at her apartment around midnight , but cannot get her to change her mind . After he reaches the lobby of her building , he and another person hear screams from her place . They knock on the door , but she assures them that she is fine . The next day , she is found strangled to death . The coroner places the time of death around midnight . District Attorney Markham investigates , aided by Philo Vance a close friend of Charles Spotswoode and Police Sergeant Heath . After all the prime suspects are questioned , Vance asks Markham to keep them waiting for a few hours . Markham agrees , as Vance has helped solve another case . Vance subtly maneuvers Cleaver , Mannix , Lindquist and the two Spotswoodes into playing poker to pass the time so he can observe their personality traits . Only one shows the daring , imagination and discipline required for the crime that man bluffs Vance , betting everything with just a pair of deuces . The suspects are then released . Sheel , who was hiding the closet and witnessed the murder , sends the killer several blackmail letters . For his trouble , he too is strangled . A pen found at the scene has Jimmy s name on it , so Heath arrests him for the murder . Jimmy then confesses to both murders , but Vance knows better . He telephones Charles Spotswoode with the news and suggests they meet in an hour . Spotswoode speeds to the city from his country estate to confess , but his chauffeur makes a fatal mistake by trying to beat a train to a crossing , and Spotswoode is killed . Now Vance has to show how he murdered the Canary in order to free Jimmy . Fortunately , he is able to figure out that the Canary was dead before Spotswoode left her apartment that night . Spotswoode had made a recording Vance speculates it was Spotswoode himself pretending to be the woman to fool a stuttering witness into believing she was alive and well . The record is still in the apartment , so Jimmy is released .
<|crime|>In the Arizona Territory 1868 , the Apaches , led by Cochise Michael Keep , are on the warpath . Army Captain Bruce Coburn Audie Murphy is tasked with escorting homesteaders to Apache Wells where they can concentrate their defense against the Apache . But there is dissension in the ranks as some of the men under Coburn s command feel they are being driven too hard . Coburn has to discipline corporal Bodine Kenneth Tobey for stealing rationed water . In an attack at Apache Wells , one of the homesteaders , Harry Malone Kenneth MacDonald , is killed . His two sons , Mike Michael Blodgett and Doug Michael Burns , then join the Army . In order to defend themselves at Apache Wells , they need guns . Coburn is sent to bring in a consignment of repeating rifles that is on its way , or least prevent them getting into the hands of the Apache . En route , Coburn and his men are attacked . The inexperienced Malone brothers are left to guard the horses , but Mike disobeys orders and goes off to fight the Indians . He is last seen alive screaming for his brother s help , but Doug is a coward who lets his brother die . The survivors of the patrol manage to rendezvous with the consignment of guns . On the way back to Apache Wells , Bodine and four other soldiers decide to take the guns and desert to Mexico , leaving Coburn and the wounded First Sergeant Walker Robert Brubaker tied up . In a moment of indecision , Doug throws his lot in with Bodine . Coburn and Walker manage to make it back to Apache Wells . He wants to go back and retrieve the rifles , but the commander says he cannot spare any men and orders Coburn to stay . He disobeys and sets off after Bodine . Meanwhile , Bodine has decided to try to sell the rifles to Cochise . Under a flag of truce , Bodine meets Cochise and takes him to where the rifles were hidden . But Coburn , with the help of Doug , has killed the other deserters . Coburn welcomes Doug back , and the two of them take the rifles . Cochise and Bodine pursue and catch up with Coburn . In a delaying tactic , Coburn distributes five repeating rifles in positions where he can fight off a number of Apache while he orders Doug to get the rifles back to Apache Wells . At Apache Wells , the soldiers are issued with the rifles , and Doug leads them to rescue Coburn , arriving just as he runs out of ammunition . The Apache are chased off and Bodine flees . In a final shootout , Coburn kills Bodine . Doug arrives on the scene and escorts Coburn to Apache Wells , where he is welcomed by the commander and Doug by his family .
<|crime|>The book opens with Bone relating the details of her birth . Bone s 15 year old mother Anney gives birth to her after being seriously injured in a car accident . Anney , who is comatose during the delivery , is unable to lie about being married . Her mother and older sister Ruth attempt to give a false name and are caught in their deception . This results in Bone being declared a bastard an illegitimate child born out of wedlock . Anney , who hated to be called trash , then spends the next two years unsuccessfully petitioning to get a new birth certificate issued without the word bastard stamped on it . This opens her up to the ridicule of the customers in the diner in which she works . At age 17 , Anney marries Lyle Parsons and gives birth to another daughter , Reese , in short order . Lyle is killed in a car accident , leaving Anney all bitter grief and hunger . After remaining single for a few years she begins to date Glen Waddell , the son of a socially prominent dairy owner . Two years later , as a result of her becoming pregnant , they get married . Anney gives birth to a stillborn boy and becomes unable to have more children . During labor , Glen masturbates while touching Bone in the car . The family s fortunes plummet , with Glen losing job after job due to his anger management problems . It is then that Glen , who had been loving and gentle with Bone , begins sexually molesting her . The abuse culminates in beatings and whippings that leave Bone nursing bruises and broken bones . When Anney discovers the abuse , she leaves Glen , who promptly promises never to do it again . Anney takes him back and the abuse resumes . Anney leaves Glen again after her tough , hard drinking brothers severely beat Glen upon discovering that he has beaten Bone once again . Bone then announces to her mother that she will never live in the same house with Glen again . Bone tells her mother that she loves her and will forgive her if she decides to go back to Glen , reiterating that she will not return to the house with Glen . Her mother then vows not to go back to Glen unless Bone comes with her . When Glen discovers this , he attacks Bone at her Aunt Alma s house , breaking her arm and raping her on the kitchen floor . Anney walks in on him and fights him off . Glen follows the two out to the car , begging Anney to kill him rather than abandon him . To Bone s disgust and amazement , Anney ends up crying and throwing her arms around Glen . Bone s aunt Raylene visits her at the hospital and takes custody of Bone , as Anney has disappeared . While Bone is recuperating at her aunt s house , Anney shows up with a new birth certificate for Bone , this time without the word illegitimate stamped on the bottom . She asks Bone s forgiveness and leaves without telling Bone where she is going .
<|romance|>This is the story of music , love and hate between Bella and her three meticulous and not so . . . sons , and Benny his three thoughtless and not so . . . daughters . She is a ballerina , he is a rock musician . Even though they don t like it , they end up directing a Music and Dance School together . Bella s sons are excellent orchestra musicians . Benny s daughters studied music with their father . They are more spontaneous musicians . Together they have pop rock band , where Benny takes the lead . Thus , joined by music , Benny and Bella , together with their children , will star one of the funniest stories ever . There are fights , alliances , dance , rock , classical music and a lot of fun . Bella Yan is a neat woman , obsessive , well educated , structured and always tries to follow the rules . She blames Benny for all her misfortunes . . . Generally , she is right about blaming him . He is the last man on the Earth she would like to fall in love with . Benny de Santo , on the other hand , is complete opposite . He is vulgar , seizes the day , and laugh at everything . He hates responsibilities and does everything he can to avoid him . He can not stand Bella and does not like how organized she is , her controlled life and her meticulous routines . They meet in an accident , where Benny ruins Bella s career forever . He twists her ankle right before the show that could make her famous forever , as a main ballerina . From that moment on , she hates him , and she swears to kill him if she ever sees him again . And she will try to , once she finds out that he is her new neighbour . But , it is said that destiny always know what to do . And this is how , in spite of their constant efforts to destroy each other , destiny gets its way and hate is superseded by a big love . A love is so strong that , even against themselves and their own craziness , against their children and all their obstacles , in the end , will join them forever within a framework of music , love and craziness .
<|horror|>Though the film is presumed lost , a synopsis survives in The Moving Picture World from December 31 , 1910 . It states , May Smalley is a simple little country girl with whom Jack , a youth whom she has known since childhood , is very much in love . When a traveling show , consisting of a hypnotist and a Hindu magician comes to the opera house in her little town , the two young people are among the other interested spectators who flock to see the performance . May s youth and beauty attract the hypnotist , who plans to lure her away from her home . He sends May a message that he has a communication for her from the spirit world . Against the protest of Jack , her escort , May goes behind the scenes after the performance to meet with the great hypnotist , who fascinates her with his wiles . The hypnotist is an unscrupulous villain , and seeing that May is thoroughly impressed with his few tricks and considers him quite superhuman , he induces her to follow him when he leaves the town . How Jack proves himself to be a youth of resource as well as courage , the important part he played in May s deliverance by the Hindu fakir , is well told by the picture . Finally the hypnotist is shown in his true light . May is disillusioned , and comes to decide that Jack is just about the kind of protection she needs in a world of uncertainty . According to a reviewer , Jack comes up to the stage where the Hindu magician is and knocks him down . Jack takes his costume and follows the hypnotist and May to the hotel where he rescues her .
<|horror|>Distinguished Professor Gordon John Hoyt explains that Earth is being tormented by periodic sex rays which send people into a sexual frenzy . When one of the rays hits the Ford Tri Motor passenger aircraft carrying Flesh Gordon Jason Williams and Dale Ardor Suzanne Fields , the pilots abandon the controls and everyone aboard has manic sex . When they finish , Flesh and Dale escape the imminent crash by parachute . They land near the workshop of Flexi Jerkoff Joseph Hudgins , who has a plan to stop the sex rays at their source . They then travel to the planet Porno in Jerkoff s phallic rocket ship , and are briefly hit by a sex ray , resulting in a frantic three way orgy . They crash land after being shot by the minions of Emperor Wang William Dennis Hunt , and are attacked by several one eyed Penisauruses before being taken prisoner by Wang s soldiers . They are brought before Wang , who is presiding over an orgy of more than a dozen men and women . Jerkoff is sent to work in Wang s laboratory , while Wang announces his intention to marry Dale , and Flesh is sentenced to death , but is saved when Queen Amora Nora Wieternik takes him to be her sex slave . Wang shoots down Amora s ship , and Flesh is the only survivor . He is reunited with Jerkoff , and they resume their efforts to defeat Wang , now with Amora s Power Pasties . Wang and Dale s wedding is interrupted when Dale is kidnapped by Amazonian lesbians , whose leader , Chief Nellie Candy Samples , attempts to initiate Dale into their cult . Flesh and Jerkoff save her , unexpectedly aided by Prince Precious Mycle Brandy of the Forest Kingdom . With help from their new ally , Jerkoff builds a weapon to destroy the sex ray . They confront Wang and trick his rapist robots into turning on him , but Wang escapes , seeking the aid of the towering idol of the Great God Porno . Porno comes to life and captures Dale as they flee , blandly commenting on his actions . Jerkoff shoots the living idol , freeing Dale and causing the god to fall on Wang and the sex ray . Flesh , Dale , and Jerkoff are celebrated as heroes , and return to Earth .
<|mystery|>Jimmy The Saint Tosnia is an ex gangster living in Denver . Jimmy left the criminal world , to go straight with his Afterlife Advice business , where dying people videotape messages for their loved ones . His business isn t doing well and his former boss , a local crime lord known as The Man With The Plan , has bought up his debt in order to command a favor involving the crime lord s son , Bernard , who has been arrested for child molestation . The Man With The Plan , who was left a quadriplegic after an attempt on his life , wants Jimmy to persuade Bernard s ex girlfriend Meg to come back to him The Man With the Plan believes this will cure Bernard of his pedophilia . A reluctant Jimmy recruits his friends Easy Wind , Pieces , Big Bear Franchise and the rage prone Critical Bill . The plan is to have Pieces and Critical Bill pose as police officers , intercept Meg s current boyfriend , Bruce , and intimidate him until he agrees to break up with Meg . Things go wrong when Bruce grows suspicious of the two men s identities and mocks them , whereupon Critical Bill stabs Bruce in the throat . The commotion wakes up Meg , sleeping in the back of Bruce s van . Meg s appearance startles Pieces , who accidentally shoots her dead . The Man With The Plan is furious at the outcome of their botched mission . He informs Jimmy that he will allow him to live , as long as he leaves Denver , but his crew have been sentenced to buckwheats , to be assassinated in a gruesome and painful manner . Jimmy s friends come to terms with their impending deaths as they are stalked by a hit man , Mr . Shhh , who never fails . Pieces accepts his fate , Mr . Shhh providing a quick death . Easy Wind goes into hiding with a gang lord called Baby Sinister , but is given up after Mr . Shhh infiltrates and kills most of Sinister s entourage . Because Franchise has a family to raise , Jimmy pleads with The Man With The Plan to spare his life . The Man With The Plan agrees to do so , then betrays Jimmy , having Franchise killed while attempting to flee with his family . The betrayal makes Jimmy vengeful in turn , Jimmy is also sentenced to buckwheats . Mr . Shhh finally locates Critical Bill holed up in his apartment , but is ambushed by Bill and the two end up killing each other . In the wake of Mr . Shhh s death , the contract on Jimmy falls to a trio of Mexican brothers . In his final hours , Jimmy says goodbye to a young woman he had fallen in love with , Dagney . Knowing that he will most likely be killed , Jimmy murders Bernard for all the misery he indirectly brought upon the group . He also impregnates Lucinda , a prostitute , in order to fulfill her wish of becoming a mother . As he narrates an Afterlife Advice video , Jimmy gives advice to his unborn child . The trio of killers catch up to Jimmy and he takes his death with grace . Jimmy and his friends are then seen together having drinks in the afterlife .
<|comedy|>Near the completion of his sentence in Sing Sing prison , Paul Vitti s life is threatened by assassins and corrupt guards while incarcerated . He starts singing showtunes from West Side Story to get the attention of Ben Sobel , who previously hung up on him while attending his father s funeral . The FBI calls in Ben to see if Vitti is really insane . This appears to be the case , and the FBI approves Ben taking Vitti out of prison , into his own custody , for further therapy . On their way out in Sobel s car , Vitti reveals that he faked it . Needing some therapy himself after his father s death , a grieving Sobel talks Vitti into finding a regular job as requested by the FBI . Vitti attempts to find a legitimate job he tries a car dealer , a restaurant , and a jewelry store , but his rude manners and paranoia only complicate things further which end up in him getting fired each time . At the same time , Vitti is told by de facto boss Patti LoPresti that the Rigazzi family wants him dead . He responds to this by telling the Rigazzis that he is out and seeking a new line of employment . He eventually finds employment working as a technical advisor on the set of a Sopranos like mafia TV series . Meanwhile , FBI agents inform Sobel that Vitti has his former crew back together , and may be planning something major . This rouses Sobel s suspicion , and he visits Vitti . Both get caught up in a car chase with Rigazzi hitmen , which ends up with Vitti escaping . The FBI blames Sobel , and gives him 24 hours to locate Vitti . After locating Vitti through Sobel s son Michael , who is now working as Vitti s chauffeur , Sobel discovers Vitti is planning a big armored car heist with LoPresti as a partner . He attempts to intervene and talk Vitti out of it but Vitti proceeds and Sobel is forced to go along as well . The crew ambushes the armored car with smoke grenades , and lift it over a fence in the midst of the confusion . They extract 20 million of gold bullion , but LoPresti s thugs take over , revealing themselves to actually have been working for Rigazzi . Sobel , in a fit of anger , beats one of them and Vitti s men take care of the rest . They use the gold bullion to frame the Rigazzi family , leaving three Rigazzi goons locked in the armored truck suspended from the crane . This leads to the arrest of the entire Rigazzi family , and in turn , prevents a mob war . Sobel meets with Vitti and Jelly near bridges on the New York waterfront , and they part ways again as friends , singing another West Side Story showtune together .
<|horror|>Lothar Schramm is a polite , neighborly cab driver who makes an honest living and invites callers in for cognac . Later on , he might slit their throats and assemble their bodies in suggestive poses . He lives next door to a young , beautiful prostitute named Marianne , with whom he is smitten . Schramm is lonely . His sex life is seriously deranged and his social life is nonexistent . He makes love to inflatable plastic dolls , fantasizes about vaginas with teeth , nails his foreskin to tables and dreams of a visit to the dentist who extracts him an eyeball . He has constant flashbacks and paranoid delusions of his knee getting amputated . He whitewashes bloodstains off the walls of his flat . When Marianne is invited by some affluent gentlemen clients to a villa outside of town , she asks Schramm to chauffeur her so she ll be safe . He accepts and he invites her to a friendly dinner , ignoring his desire for her . He takes her back to his flat , where he drugs her and strips her . He snaps photos and masturbates spitefully over her naked body . The next day Marianne rings at his door for a lift , but Schramm does not answer . He has fallen from a ladder while painting over the blood on his walls . His head has cracked on the floor . The next thing we see is Marianne in the villa outside of town , attired like a Hitler Youth , bound and gagged on a chair , helpless victim to her eccentric clients . Papers declare the Lonesome Death of Lipstick Killer .
<|mystery|>Detective Jang Do joon Kim Suk hoon who does not know the meaning of giving up , is hot on the trail of Kang Gi taek , a deadly terrorist . Kang Gi taek Park Sang min was an elite secret agent for the government s intelligence agency before getting tossed out for assassinating a key figure . On the day of the new mayor s official visit to the subway , Kang Gi taek hijacks the train and begins a full scale act of terror . Pickpocket girl Song Yin gyung Bae Doona , who senses what is going on , quickly contacts Detective Jang Do joon . The greatest act of terrorism in history , with the lives of 13 million citizens held hostage the showdown begins between an out of control terrorist and a determined detective who is on the verge of life and death . As the passengers face their deaths , Detective Jang Do joon disconnects the first car . He has made the decision to sacrifice himself to save the others . His love was only too happy to be rid of the terrorist and it is only after he handcuffs her to the train that she realizes what he is about to do . Detective Jang Do joon holds onto the controls of the first car and asks her to pull the lever to disconnect the two cars . The heroine must send the most cherished person in her life to fate . She must watch with the survivors in sorrow as the man who gave his life to save theirs , meets his end .
<|horror|>Comic Screw On Head is an agent for President Abraham Lincoln . He is summoned by Lincoln to track down Emperor Zombie , an undead occultist and originally a groundskeeper at Hyde Park . Zombie and his henchmen , the vampire Madam and scientist Dr . Snap , have stolen an ancient manuscript . This will allow him access to the temple of Gung , a warlord who nearly conquered the world over ten thousand years ago with supernatural power gained from a fabulous melon sized jewel , which Zombie obviously plans to use for himself . With the aid of his manservant , Mr . Groin , and dog Mr . Dog , Screw On Head manages to track down Zombie , but not before the villain and his henchmen find the treasure instead of a jewel , the tomb contains a turnip with a small parallel universe inside . Zombie unleashes the Demigod within , but Screw On Head manages to defeat it in combat . TV pilot The 22 minute pilot differs from the comic mainly in that the characters are fleshed out with backstories . Rather than a master of languages , Emperor Zombie David Hyde Pierce is the first of Screw On Head s Paul Giamatti manservants , who has turned to evil despite Screw On Head s advice . Out of revenge for his first defeat , Zombie developed what he refers to as a petty vengeance fetish , killing the seven replacement servants after him , and before Mr . Groin Patton Oswalt , in gruesome ways . On July 12 , 2006 , The Amazing Screw On Head TV pilot was aired online at scifi . com with a survey to decide whether or not the show went to series . According to Mike Mignola on the November 29 , 2006 Fanboy Radio podcast , the series was not picked up by the Sci Fi Channel . The pilot was released on DVD on February 6 , 2007 .
<|crime|>A number of stagecoach holdups has taken place in Arizona Territory . One of them occurs when Mike Ryan , an undercover agent for the stage line , is on board posing as a paying customer . Another passenger on that trip is the sheriff s daughter , Molly Jones . During the robbery , one of the bandits lets his bandana slip , revealing his face . Because the gunman s identity is now known , he is killed by Velvet Clark , the gang s leader . Once in town , Clark assumes the role of a respectable member of the community . When the townspeople become fed up with the crime spree , they call for the resignation of the Sheriff , Tom Jones . He asks to be given one more chance and , once granted , deputizes Ryan . Jones finds evidence that implicates Clark . When confronted , Clark kills the sheriff and escapes . It is left for Ryan to track down Clark . The two have a showdown at Gunsight Ridge . During the ensuing gunfight , Clark is killed . Ryan returns to the Jones Ranch and expresses regret to Molly for being unable to prevent her father s murder . At the same time , he reveals that he has been offered the job of sheriff and asks her opinion . When she approves , he announces that he will accept the position , implying the two will marry and settle down .
<|horror|>Krish Ram is a happy go lucky guy who lives with his brother and sister in law . He was in love with a girl named Manju Sheela . Manju happens to be the daughter of Simhachalam Mukesh Rishi . Krish s only intention is to become rich by marrying her and doesn t have any feelings whatsoever towards her . He weaves a love story between him and a girl called Meenakshi aka Meenu Hansika Motwani to make Manju fall for him . He also meets Meenu and he starts to like her for real and falls in love with her . Meanwhile , Simhachalam and Shinde Pradeep Rawat run against each other in a presidential election in Delhi . Shinde is a man of misdeeds . Shinde tries to find faults in Simhachalam s personal life so that he can expose him in front of the high command of the party , so that his route will be clear to get the party ticket . Shinde comes to learn that Simhachalam has another wife Sita and a daughter who live in Hyderabad . He sends his men to find them . The story takes a twist when we learn that Meenu is the unofficial daughter of Simhachalam . With whom will Krish tie the knot ? Who will win the election ? What happens next forms the suspense of the movie .
<|romance|>Three friends who work on the Coney Island boardwalk , Skeets O Reilly , Baltimore Clark , and Dutch Herman are all in love with the same woman , Sally . At the outbreak of World War I , the three men enlist in the US Navy . Before they leave for active duty , both Skeets and Baltimore meet with Sally , with the intention of letting her know how they feel about her . Baltimore can t bear the thought of Sally rejecting him , so he never discloses the depths of his feelings towards her . Skeets does propose to her , which she gently declines , being secretly in love with Baltimore . The three are assigned to a US Naval destroyer , Dutch and Skeets subordinate to Baltimore , who is promoted to a chief petty officer , because he has served in the navy before . A German U boat intercepts a sailing ship flying Norwegian colors , and when the German officer boards the ship , the Norwegian captain shares information with him regarding the movements of allied shipping , thus showing us that the Norwegian ship is an undercover message ship for the Germans . Shortly after this encounter , the destroyer carrying the three friends also intercepts the sailing ship . In an attempt to destroy incriminating evidence , the Norwegian captain sets the ship afire . The three sailors are part of the boarding party , and Baltimore manages to take possession of coded dispatches prior to the ship s sinking . After the messages are decoded , it enables the US Navy to equip a fake message ship , and O Reilly , Clark and Herman are part of the crew assigned to man the vessel . The message ship cruises the Atlantic , hoping to be approached by a German submarine . Eventually they are , and during the encounter , they learn of the German plans to ambush and sink a fleet of American destroyers . As the Germans are about to leave , one of their officers becomes suspicious of the crew of the phony message ship . He exposes the American subterfuge , and the Germans return to their submarine and ready to sink the sailing ship . Before they can , Dutch manages to get a warning off to the American fleet . The US destroyers arrive , and the three German U boats are sunk , two by American destroyers , and the third by the sailing ship . The three men return as heroes to the United States , and Baltimore marries Sally .
<|mystery|>The quiet life of the young Elena Ninón Sevilla , changes dramatically when her mother runs off with her lover , causing the suicide of her father . Alone and without resources , she immigrates to Ciudad Juárez , where she unsuccessfully looks for work . On the verge of starvation , Elena agrees to work with Lucio Tito Junco , suspecting that his offer is a trap for prostitution . She ends up dancing in the cabaret of Rosaura Andrea Palma , a woman who leads a double life six months a year she oversees her brothel in Juarez , and the other six months she is a respectable society lady of Guadalajara . Rosaura abused and deeply humiliated Elena , who ends up running away from her with the help of Lucio , only to have to flee the city when Lucio gets involved in an assault and ends up in prison . Elena decides to start a new life working as a showgirl in Guadalajara . There she meets Mario Ruben Rojo , a handsome young man who falls for her . Elena accepts his marriage proposal , only to discover , through a bitter twist of fate , that Rosaura is the mother of Mario . Elena decides to continue with her plans as a way of torturing Rosaura and avenge all the evil that caused her . But Lucio escape from prison , complicating the Elena riot situation .
<|mystery|>In London in the year 1907 , a British aristocrat named Sir Anthony Ross Donald Sinden hastily arranges an expedition to the Arctic to search for his lost son Donald . Donald had become lost on a whaling expedition to find the fabled island where whales go to die . Sir Anthony employs the talents of a Scandinavian American archaeologist Professor John Ivarsson David Hartman and Captain Brieux Jacques Marin , a French inventor aeronaut who pilots the expedition in a French dirigible named the Hyperion , which Captain Brieux invented . Upon reaching the Arctic , they meet Oomiak Mako Iwamatsu , a comically cowardly brave Eskimo friend of Donald s , and trick him into helping them join in the search . Ultimately , the expedition becomes temporarily separated from Captain Brieux , and discovers an uncharted island named Astragard , occupied by a lost civilization of Vikings , cut off from the rest of the world for centuries . The Vikings capture Sir Anthony and Ivarsson , but Oomiak escapes . Shortly thereafter they find Donald , but are nearly put to death by the fanatic Godi pronounced Go dah , a sort of Lawspeaker Soothsayer authority figure . The three men Sir Anthony , Ivarsson and Donald are saved from being burned alive by a brave and beautiful Viking girl named Freyja , with whom Donald is deeply and mutually in love . They escape , and are rejoined by Oomiak and eventually find the Whales Graveyard , but are attacked by Killer Whales . Here they are saved by the sudden reappearance of Captain Brieux , but they are still being pursued by the angry Godi and his rather unwilling warriors . Finally , Godi is killed by the explosion when he shoots a fiery arrow at the Hyperion , but the Vikings will not let the expedition return to their world unless one of them remains behind as a hostage . Ivarsson however , willingly volunteers to stay , because this is a chance to live history . Ivarsson also points out that if someday Mankind is ever foolish enough to destroy itself , places like Astragard may become humanity s final refuge . Sir Anthony , Donald , Freyja , Captain Brieux and Oomiak , are allowed to depart in peace , promising not to tell the Outside World about Astragard . As Ivarsson heads back to Astragard , he turns to look back just in time to see his four friends move further and further away until they vanish into the Arctic mist .
<|comedy|>Polly Parrish Ginger Rogers is a salesgirl at the department store John B . Merlin and Son in New York City . Hired as temporary help for the Christmas season , she receives her dismissal notice as the season comes to a close . During her lunch break , she sees a stranger leaving a baby on the steps of an orphanage . Fearing the baby will roll down the steps , Polly picks it up . An attendant opens the door and mistakenly believes that Polly is the baby s mother . David Merlin David Niven , the playboy son of the store s owner J . B . Merlin Charles Coburn , is sympathetic to the unwed mother and arranges for her to get her job back . Mrs . Weiss Ferike Boros , Polly s landlady , offers to take care of the boy when Polly is at work . Unable to convince anyone that she is not the mother , and threatened by David with loss of her job if she doesn t assume that role , Polly gives up and starts raising the child . David s involvement with Polly gradually turns into love , but he keeps the relationship a secret from his father , fearing his reaction . When he finds that New Year s Eve has arrived and he has no date , David turns to Polly . He orders clothes to be sent from the store and takes her to a party . Although David is falling for Polly , he does not relish the idea of a ready made family . When J . B . learns about the child , he assumes that David is the father . His suspicions are reinforced when , in a bit of bad timing , Polly and David each produce a different man whom they claim is the father . To his son s surprise , J . B . is delighted he had been impatiently waiting for David to settle down and provide him with a grandson . In the end , David decides that he is in love with Polly and baby John . He tells his father that he is the father of the child and plans to marry Polly , all the while believing Polly is the child s mother .
<|crime|>The film begins with the surrender of Capt . Miguel Sebastian Dobkin to Capt . McKane Davis from the U . S . Army at the end of Mexican American War . Three years later , McKane was taking lands from their owners by intimidation and treachery . Words reach Judge Ward Young Heydt and his son Marshal Faron Young Young . After a talk with Pardee Van Cleef , they investigate with Diego Colmans , a farmer and an old veteran with Sebastian , and then they investigate with McKane , and learned about a witness in the deal named Johnson Lauter . Pardee tries to threaten Johnson to keep him from saying anything . Johnson tells Judge Young about the deal and agrees to testify in court . McKane s men ambush the lawmen and Johnson receives a dangerous wound , but tells them to look for Sebastian , who is still alive . They were overheard by Pardee , who went to interrogate with Diego and kill him . McKane s men follow Marshal Young and watch him survive an attack from the Comanches . They try to kill him but he manages to shoot them first . He mortally wounds Boyle and takes him to the town priest . Dying Boyle identifies the priest as Miguel Sebastian himself . Pardee arrives in town and inquires about Sebastian from a drunk named Pepe Diamond . He tries to kill Sebastian but he was gunned down by Young . Upon this new finding McKane was ordered to be in court . He sends his men to kill Sebastian , but he dodges them through underground passage . McKane plans a cattle stampede through town . In the trial , Sebastian testified that he was forced to give his land to McKane under death threat , and that Johnson refused to sign as a witness because it was extortion and collaboration with the enemy , but he was forced to sign . Sebastian was permitted to leave for Mexico , but Pardee tracks him and pushes him off a cliff and left him for dead . Judge Young ruled that the grant was illegal because McKane bargained with the enemy at war time , and that McKane will be sent to be court martialed . The court abrupts by the coming of the stampede , and McKane is caught in the stampede and was killed , along with the sheriff . Father Sebastian agrees to give the his lands to the farmers .
<|horror|>Mike is obsessed with his new six wheel drive car , and insists on showing it off to Sulley . Unfortunately for Mike , anything that can go wrong does go wrong . Sulley plays with the adjustable power seat until an annoyed Mike asks him to stop . Mike starts the engine and hears the seatbelt reminder tone sound off . Although Sulley manages to get his seatbelt on easily , Mike finds his seatbelt stuck and accidentally locks himself out of the car while trying to unstick it . Mike tells Sulley to push a button , but confused by the massive amount of buttons on the dashboard , he pushes a button that pops the hood open . When Mike goes over to close it , he is unable to reach it . Sulley helps Mike close the hood but accidentally closes on Mike s fingers , causing Mike to scream , Sulley helps Mike get free but ends up trapping him in the engine compartment . Sulley opens the hood , Mike manages to escape , re enters the car , and is exasperated by the continuous seatbelt reminder tone . Mike manages to put his seat belt on , but the windshield wipers get turned on , much to his frustration . As Sulley tries to help , Mike tells him not to touch anything and decides to do it himself . Mike pushes a button that launches the entire car into chaotic malfunction , including Latin conga music playing loudly on the car s stereo system . Mike finally ends the chaos by pulling the key out of the ignition , but then Sulley accidentally breaks the rearview mirror in an attempt to realign it . Mike gets angry , forces Sulley out of the car , and speeds away , wrecking the car completely . Sulley mutters , Huh , that s weird , the airbag didn t go off . Right on cue , the airbag inflates , and its force sends Mike flying back up the street . Sulley catches Mike , who mourns for his old car before agreeing to walk to work while the credits roll .
<|horror|>Timber the Tiger s parents go on holiday and leave their son in charge of the island they live on , leaving him and his friends to organise a race . Their enjoyment is derailed when an evil intergalactic pig wizard named Wizpig arrives at Timber s Island and attempts to take it over after having conquered his own planet s racetracks . He turns the island s four guardians Tricky the Triceratops , Bubbler the Octopus , Bluey the Walrus and Smokey the Dragon into his henchmen . The only solution available to the island s inhabitants is to defeat Wizpig in an elaborate series of races that involve cars , hovercrafts , and aeroplanes . Drumstick the Rooster , the best racer on the island , failed this challenge and was transformed into a frog by Wizpig s black magic . Timber recruits a team of eight racers Diddy Kong , the first recruit Conker the Squirrel and Banjo the Bear , recruited by Diddy Krunch the Kremling , Diddy s enemy who follows after him and Tiptup the Turtle , T . T . the Stopwatch , Pipsy the Mouse , and Bumper the Badger , inhabitants of Timber s island . Aided by Taj , an Indian elephant genie residing on the island , they eventually complete all of Wizpig s challenges and confront Wizpig himself to a race and defeat him . Shortly afterwards , Drumstick is turned back into a rooster , and Wizpig leaves for his home planet , Future Fun Land . Fearing that Wizpig would again attempt to invade Timber s Island , the islanders travel to Future Fun Land for a second challenge . When Wizpig loses the second race , the rocket he rides on malfunctions and launches him to the moon . However , an additional cutscene reveals Wizpig s spaceship flying through the sky , unscathed .
<|romance|>Gopal Rajendra Kumar is a skiing champion . He meets Usha Sadhana on his holidays at Jammu and Kashmir with the fake name Sarju . Then they both fall in love . One day , Usha tells Gopal that she does not like the disabled . According to her instead of living a life of disabled , it is better to die . After spending his holidays in Kashmir and promising Usha that he will marry her , he heads back to Delhi , where his parents and a sister , Sarla , live . Along the way , he loses his a leg in a car accident . Gopal becomes worried . Since he remembers the words of Usha , he tries to avoid her to go away from her life . He thinks Usha will not accept him as he is now disabled . Then he goes back to Delhi and he does not tell anything about Usha . In the meantime , Usha tries a lot to find him , but after having no sign of him , she begins to think that Gopal is in some trouble and hence unable to contact her . Gopal s best friend , Ramesh Feroz Khan , unknowing about his friend s love story , wants to marry Usha . After saying no several times , at Usha s father accepts on her behalf and Usha dutifully agrees to the marriage as well . But on the day of her wedding , one miracle happens in the form of Kashmir Houseboat owner Mangloo Mehmood and initially Ramesh and then Usha find out that Gopal and Sarju are not two persons , but one . Then this situation forms the climax of the movie .
<|crime|>Sergeant David Waters and his boss friend Lieutenant Jim Stone both work in the Evidence Management unit of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department . Disillusioned and bored with their jobs , they also find it hard to make ends meet . While going through case files , Jim comes to know of a drug dealer who has access to large amounts of money , as indicated by his bail receipt , which was paid in 200 , 000 cash . Using his vacation days , Jim engages in a stint of undercover work at the same hotel as the drug dealer is employed and comes to discover that all of the merchandise the dealer and his gang move is taken to one building , and never moved again . David , after acquiring blueprints from the local planning office , discovers the dealer and his gang have built a large safe in the back of an industrial freezer in the building . Realising it is an easy hit , Jim and David scour items required for the heist , including a diamond tipped drill and unlicensed firearms , paying for them with illegally acquired cash from a corrupt colleague . They break into the apartment above the freezer building and muffle its two occupants , but Jim ends up shooting and killing one after he attempts to escape . After drilling and the use of improvised explosives , they are able to unlock and access the vault . David , who has become attached to the surviving female hostage , allows her to call her 3 year old son s father to assure him that she is okay . Jim and David search the safe , which contains vast quantities of diamonds , cash and gold coins . Despite Jim being elated , David becomes concerned that stealing so much valuable property from the gang will get them killed , and subsequently relocks the safe so Jim can t access it . Enraged , Jim threatens David at gunpoint , forcing him to reluctantly open the safe and unload all of the valuables . As they are packing up the drill , David kills Jim in a brief shootout and returns the contents to the safe . He then drives off with the hostage to drop her up north , assuring her of her freedom . Later , David sees two vans following him and he notices the phone number advertised on the back of one of them as the same number the hostage called earlier . Despite identifying himself as a police officer , David is shot dead by men in the vans , who rescue the woman implied to have been a member of the same gang responsible for watching over the safe . The movie ends with David s badge and the drill being catalogued in the Evidence Management building where he and Jim used to work .
<|crime|>The criminal Willis Trent wants to rob the safety deposit box of a crooked Los Angeles businessman , Paul De Camp . He has lawyer Earl Farraday smooth talk the guy s girlfriend , the two timing Flo Randall , into revealing the bank box s number . Now they need a locksmith . A henchman called Herbie is sent to find one . He settles on Tommy Dancer , who works in a bowling alley . Tommy is quickly smitten with Earl s girl Betty Turner but is a law abiding citizen and rejects an offer of 5 , 000 . Tommy falls for Betty , taking her to the Hollywood Bowl and learning she comes from a wealthy family . Tommy s attentions to her get him a beating from Louie , another big thug . He is told Betty s face will be disfigured if he refuses to cooperate . Breaking into the box is no problem , but Tommy thinks he s been double crossed by Betty and decides to keep the 200 , 000 . He stashes the cash in a locker at the bowling alley . Flo confesses her part in the scheme to De Camp , who goes after Tommy , even hurling bowling balls at him before the cops show up . Tommy races to save Betty , realizing she s on the level . Trent ends up dead , and Tommy s future is a lock .
<|crime|>Crime is at its highest peak in Mumbai with it split in three ways . Walia Jackie Shroff has one third , Manik Rao Manoj Joshi has one third and Yusuf Pathan Irrfan Khan has a third of the territory . The crime rate rises with more smuggling , trading and illegal activities soaring . Meanwhile , the Detection Unit cops of the Mumbai Crime Branch work constantly to stop this . Inspector Vikram Singh Shatrughan Sinha is a disgrace to the police force and tends to handle the easy jobs . Appa Kadam Sunil Shetty is an encounter specialist who goes after the henchmen instead of the bosses he is married to Janki Preeti Jhangiani and they have a son . Constable Khaled Ansari Paresh Rawal is a happy go lucky cop . The three men s and the whole CBI s fate changes with the arrival of their new boss . DCP Hari Om Patnaik Akshay Kumar arrives and realises that the other cops are not serious and that no one is following the rules and regulations . Hari has a girlfriend , Kiran Lara Dutta , whom he promises to marry . He is hesitant about his promotion but learns to accept it . He witnesses the way the others treat the henchmen and orders them to be released . But during an encounter the henchmen kill Khaled , making Vikram seek revenge . He decides to join Hari and help him clear the city starting with Yusuf Pathan . Appa joins them and they soon plan to take on Walia and his gang . During the climax Appa dies in a trap set by a corrupt officer Kelkar Ajinkya Dev . Vikram and Hari manage to capture Walia , Manik and Roshni for their crimes , and Mumbai is crime free .
<|horror|>Hard drinking family man Egbert Sousé s strained relations with his family is shown by wife mother in law giving him lip about his drinking , smoking , and taking money out of his younger daughter s bank . When he tries to brain his younger daughter with a concrete urn , he is interrupted by his older daughter introducing him to her fiance , Og Oggilby . He makes a crack about Og s name . Egbert Sousé talks his way into a temporary job directing a movie shoot . While on his lunch break , he accidentally thwarts an attempted bank robbery from the bank where his prospective son in law , Og , has a job as a teller . The grateful bank president gives Sousé a job as a bank detective . Sousé convinces Og to steal five hundred dollars from the bank to invest in stock in a questionable mining company . Og hopes to return the money to the bank four days later , when he expects to receive his annual bonus , but the bank examiner , One J . Pinkerton Snoopington , shows up the day Og steals the money , and says he intends to audit the bank immediately . Sousé invites him to a saloon and nobbles him with knockout drops . However , although Snoopington is very ill , he is nonetheless determined to proceed with the audit . As Snoopington is about to discover the missing funds , Sousé learns that the questionable mining company has struck it rich , and he and Og are now wealthy and no longer have to worry about Snoopington . However , the escaped bank robber from the first hold up , with a new comrade , robs the bank a second time , and escapes , taking Sousé hostage . The robbers force him to drive their getaway car in a spectacular chase , during which parts of the getaway car keep falling off . Sousé thwarts the second robbery attempt , and is rewarded again by the bank . Now that he is rich , his family treats him with more respect .
<|romance|>On the Italian front during World War I , Frederic Henry Gary Cooper , an American serving as an ambulance driver in the Italian Army , delivers some wounded soldiers to a hospital . There he meets his friend , Italian Major Rinaldi Adolphe Menjou , a doctor . They go out carousing , but are interrupted by a bombing raid . Frederic and English Red Cross nurse Catherine Barkley Helen Hayes take shelter in the same place . The somewhat drunk Frederic makes a poor first impression . Rinaldi persuades Frederic to go on a double romantic date with him and two nurses , Catherine and her friend Helen Ferguson Mary Philips . However , Rinaldi becomes annoyed when Frederic prefers Catherine , the woman the major had chosen for himself . Away by themselves , Frederic learns that she was engaged to a soldier who was killed in battle . In the darkness , he romantically seduces her , over her half hearted resistance , and is surprised to discover she is a virgin . Their romantic relationship forbidden by army regulation is discovered . At Rinaldi s suggestion , Catherine is transferred to Milan . When Frederick is wounded by artillery , he finds himself in the hospital where Catherine now works . They continue their affair until he is sent back to the war . Now pregnant , Catherine runs away to Switzerland , but her many letters to her beloved sweetheart lover are intercepted by Rinaldi , who feels he needs to rescue his friend from the romantic entanglement . Meanwhile , Frederic s letters to her are sent to the hospital which she has abandoned . After a time , Frederic cannot stand being away from Catherine any longer . He deserts his post and heads out in search of her . Returning first to the hospital in Milan , he attempts to convince the reluctant Ferguson to reveal Catherine s whereabouts to him . Displaying animosity toward Frederic , all she reveals finally is that Catherine has left and is pregnant with Frederic s child . Rinaldi visits him at the hotel where he is hiding , and , upon hearing of Catherine s pregnancy , out of remorse for having interfered with their correspondence , tells Frederic where she is living . He rows across a lake to her . Meanwhile , Catherine is delighted when she is told she has finally received some mail , but faints when she is given all of her romantic love letters , marked Return to Sender . She is taken to the hospital , where her child is delivered stillborn . She herself is in grave danger . Frederic arrives , and just as an armistice between Italy and Austria Hungary is announced , Catherine tragically dies , with him at her side .
<|comedy|>The film s main character is a 15 year old girl named Dinky Bossetti Ryder . Dinky was adopted as a baby . She appears to have little acceptance in her social circle , although it is not obvious which came first her antisocial attitude or her being rejected by her peers . Her adoptive mother is disappointed that the daughter she chose has no interest in feminine things , such as makeup and nice clothing . Her classmates ostracize , taunt , and throw things at her regularly . Dinky finds solace in her Ark , a small cabin boat beached on a lake shore . In and around the boat , Dinky has collected a menagerie of abandoned animals . As the story begins , Dinky is befriended by a new school guidance counselor , who recognizes her intelligence and spirit . Dinky becomes convinced that she is the abandoned daughter of Roxy Carmichael , a minor film star who left town for Hollywood 15 years ago after giving birth to a baby girl out of wedlock . Miss Carmichael has been invited to return to town to assist in the dedication of a new municipal building , and she has accepted . The news of her return stirs up old jealousies and insecurities old schoolmates start acting in irrational ways , while Denton Webb Jeff Daniels , the husband she abandoned when she left town , becomes so obsessed by the idea of her return that his wife moves out . As the date for Roxy s return draws nearer , Dinky becomes more and more desperate to prove that she is Roxy s daughter , visiting the star s childhood home which is maintained as a museum , and obsessively questioning Denton about what happened the night she left , believing that Roxy will take her away to a new life . On the day that Roxy is due to arrive , Dinky packs her suitcase and arrives at the welcoming ceremony in a beautiful dress . Her adoptive mother has invited representatives from a foster home so she can send Dinky away , but her husband who has been silent around his strident , unloving spouse leaves in disgust and angrily tells her I m going find Dinky . I m going to FIND OUR DAUGHTER . A limousine draws up , but a man gets out with a note of explanation Roxy has not come back . Before the limousine can drive away , Dinky runs after it . Denton catches up with her and tells her the whole story having realized the reason for Dinky s obsession with Roxy although Roxy did have a baby , and did leave it with him , the baby died . Roxy is not Dinky s mother . Left with nothing , Dinky is rescued by Gerald Howells , a popular boy who has become increasingly interested in her . At first , Dinky is suspicious of his interest , but the end of the film shows them together in a relationship where she finally holds the upper hand as things return to normal in the town .
<|crime|>During a martial arts tournament , the American finalist Drew Carson Reese Madigan is humiliated by his opponent , ruthless and sadistic kickboxer Trevor Gottitall Trent Bushey who pantses him during the match . To add to the insult , Drew s teacher Master Kwan Kim Chan confesses that he is not as he had claimed a Shaolin monk , and therefore he had not passed on the actual knowledge of Shaolin kung fu to Drew . Determined to learn the actual art to prevent another such situation , Drew departs for China and arrives at the Shaolin Temple . At first , the monks do not let him enter , but with the help of a pretty tea shop waitress , Ashena Alice Zhang Hung , and an old monk Henry O who gives him a decisive advise , he waits outside of the temple for a week , after which he manages to be admitted . The old monk also turns out to be the abbot of the temple , Master San De , and he and his stern taskmaster train Drew and a number of other young apprentices in the ways of the Shaolin . At first Drew causes much trouble as his American teenage temperament clashes with the tranquility within the temple and with his fellow student , Gao Daniel Dae Kim , but under the rigorous physical and mental training he both improves his fighting skills and learns the meaning of discipline , humility , and patience . He makes friends with Gao and also manages to pass the two final tests the Test of Spirituality , and the Test of the Chamber . Accepted as a full fledged member of the Shaolin Monastery , he accompanies along with Ashena a delegation of his fellow students and the abbot to a martial arts tournament in Shanghai . At the tournament , Drew encounters Trevor once again . Trevor taunts Drew before proceeding with this match against Gao . Gao initially gains the upper hand , but Trevor resorts to his dirty fighting techniques and injures Gao . With Gao pinned against the ropes , Trevor demands a match against the American Shaolin . Drew rises , but sits down again , refusing to fight Trevor on the principle of non violence and selflessness . Infuriated , Trevor continues to beat up Gao and hurls him out of the ring . Encouraged by Master San De , Drew finally enters the ring to fight Trevor . Trevor immediately used dirty tricks again , but Drew prevails and even offers his hand to the defeated Trevor . The crowd voices their support for Shaolin , and Master San De declares that this is the future of Shaolin .
<|romance|>The first scene shows the life of the Nomura family , a typical American family of Japanese descent in 1941 , composed of Japanese born parents and American born children in this case , two sons , Lane and Lyle . They are forced to leave their home in Los Angeles following the infamous Executive Order 9066 , signed by Franklin Delano Roosevelt . Order 9066 permitted the exclusion of Japanese Americans from the West Coast of the United States , and actual historic footage shows the rounding up of these families , most of whom were like the Nomura sons born as American citizens . The Nomuras find themselves in a dusty , windblown desert camp . The viewer sees some actual footage of Topaz War Relocation Center , shot by Dave Tatsuno , using a camera which had been smuggled into the camp . The elder Nomura had been a professional baseball player , and he rapidly forms an in camp league . One of the guards , Billy Burrell Gary Cole is a minor league baseball player , bitter about having been passed over by a recruiter from the New York Yankees . Many of the major leagues top players were off to war , perhaps giving Burrell another opportunity with the Yankees . Lane Nomura , the oldest son enlists in the Army , as a member of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team , the famed Purple Heart Battalion . One guard , originally condemning the very idea of letting Japanese Americans into our Army , changes his mind as he sees a list of men from Topaz who had been killed while rescuing a Texas battalion . Lyle , the younger son , originally angry and rebellious over the internment , eventually finds motivation to succeed when the Topaz team challenges Burrell and the local minor league team , several of whose members are openly bigoted and hateful against the internees .
<|crime|>Five prisoners Teapot Sammo Hung , Curly John Sham , Exhaust Pipe Richard Ng , Vaseline Charlie Chin , and Rookie Stanley Fung meet in their cell to form a friendship . Rookie assumes the leadership of the group , whilst Teapot is bullied by the others in the later films , Roundhead , played by Eric Tsang , is the group s victim and Hung s character is the leader . Following their release , they team up with Curly s beautiful sister , Shirley Cherie Chung , and form a company called the Five Stars Cleaning Co . While most of the group attempt to vie for Shirley s affection , Teapot ultimately forms a relationship with her . A sixth convict , the wealthy Jack Tar James Tien , is released on the same day . Upon his release , he commences work on his next criminal project trading counterfeit US and Hong Kong currency with an American crime boss . Jack sends his chauffeur to do the exchange at a skating competition , but the chauffeur s insecure attitude attracts the attention of two muggers . The muggers steal the briefcase containing the counterfeit US money and take off . Police officer CID 07 Jackie Chan attempts to recover the briefcase containing the phony money , but the case accidentally ends up in the Five Stars Cleaning Co . van . CID 07 continues his pursuit of the muggers , which results in a massive freeway pile up . Teapot and his friends are unaware of the mishap , and drive away with the case . The chauffeur informs Jack , who orders his men to search for them . Later , Jack hosts a party at his mansion . Teapot and his friends decide to gatecrash , hoping to expand their business with the wealthy guests . They successfully enter the mansion undetected , and while socializing with the other guests , Jack privately meets a Triad boss to discuss a new deal for the counterfeit plates . A bodyguard then realizes the Five Stars Cleaning Co . are there , and alerts Jack , who interrogates Curly . Curly insists he has no knowledge about the case , and the ensuing ruckus causes a physical confrontation between the friends and Jack s bodyguards . The friends narrowly escape , only to be kidnapped by the Triad boss , who secretly wants to cut off the deal with Jack and obtain the plates himself . He orders the friends to give up the case , and holds Shirley hostage . The friends return home and finally discover the case . When they leave to make the dropoff , however , Jack s men arrives . Teapot , Exhaust Pipe , and Vaseline engage them in battle , while Curly leaves to fetch the Triad boss and Rookie goes for help . The Triad boss and his bodyguards arrive , where Jack learns of his motives and turns the fight against him instead . The police arrive , led by Rookie , who reveals himself to be undercover . They arrest Jack and the Triad boss and their men and rewards the friends for their assistance .
<|romance|>In World War II London , fire wardens Josephine Jody Norris Olivia de Havilland and Lord Desham Roland Culver keep a lonely vigil . When Jody saves Desham s life , they become better acquainted . With a bit of coaxing , the ageing spinster tells the story of her life , leading to a flashback . Jody is the belle of her small American hometown of Piersen Falls . Both Alex Piersen Phillip Terry and traveling salesman Mac Tilton Bill Goodwin propose to her . However , she turns them both down . A disappointed Alex marries Corinne Mary Anderson . When handsome US Army Air Service fighter pilot Captain Bart Cosgrove John Lund flies in to promote a World War I bond drive , he and Jody quickly fall in love , though they have only one night together . A pregnant Jody is advised out of town that her life is in danger and she needs an operation . She agrees , though she would lose her unborn child . However , when she learns that Bart has been killed in action , she changes her mind . She secretly gives birth to their son in 1919 . She tries to arrange it so that she can adopt the boy without scandal by having him left on the doorstep of a family with too many children already , but the scheme backfires . Corinne loses her own newborn that same day , but is consoled by Jody s . Jody has to love her son , named Gregory or Griggsy , from afar . Jody s father dies , forcing her to sell the family drug store . When Jody asks to become Griggsy s nurse , Corinne turns her down she has suspected all along that Jody is the boy s real mother . Knowing that her husband never loved her , Corinne is determined to keep the one person who does . Jody moves to New York City to work for Mac . She discovers to her surprise that he is a bootlegger , using a cosmetics business as a front . The same day , the place is raided by the police , leaving Mac with nothing but the cosmetics equipment . Jody persuades him to make cold cream with her drive and determination , she builds up a thriving business , and they become rich . In 1924 , she forces Corinne to give her Griggsy by threatening to block a desperately needed bank loan for Alex s failing business . After two months , however , the four year old played by Billy Ward is still so miserably homesick , Jody gives up and sends the boy back . Heartbroken , Jody leaves the US to immerse herself in work , setting up and running the English branch of her Lady Vyvyan Cosmetics Company . During World War II , her son also played by John Lund becomes a pilot in the 8th Air Force . When he gets a leave in London , Jody meets his train and fusses over him . He only knows her as a family friend . Lord Desham , who is attracted to Jody , uses his influence to arrange for the young man to marry his WREN fiancée without the customary delay . After some broad hints from Desham , Lieutenant Pierson finally realizes why Jody has been so helpful and asks his mother by that title for a dance .
<|fantasy|>In the aftermath of a global war , guns have been outlawed but people still fight , using blades and fists . Nicola the Woodcutter Ron Perlman is the most powerful man east of the Atlantic , a shadowy crime boss who rules with an iron fist and nine assassins called the Killers . His right hand man is Killer No . 2 Kevin McKidd , a cold hearted , smooth talking murderer with a red hat and a deadly blade . Along with his killers is Nicola s love , Alexandra Demi Moore , a femme fatale with a secret past . The citizens live in fear of Nicola s gang and wait for the hero who can overthrow them . One night , a mysterious Drifter Josh Hartnett enters the Horseless Horseman Saloon and talks to the Bartender Woody Harrelson . He wants two things a shot of whisky and a game of cards , but the only place in town , the russian roulette , controlled by Nicola , only accepts very rich players . Later , another stranger enters a samurai named Yoshi Gackt . Yoshi wants to fulfill his dying father s wish by recovering a medallion that was stolen from their village . Armed with crossed destinies and incredible fighting skills and guided by the Bartender s wisdom , the two eventually join forces to bring down the corrupt reign of Nicola . After a string of altercations leading the Drifter and Yoshi to injure police officers and Nicola s goons , Killer No . 2 slays Yoshi s uncle Shun Sugata and kidnaps his cousin Momoko Emily Kaiho to send her to Nicola s brothel . In retaliation , the Drifter , Yoshi , the Bartender and an army of freedom fighters invade Nicola s palace . As the Bartender rescues Momoko , he sees his long lost love Alexandra , but she disappears amidst the debris of the burning brothel . Meanwhile , after defeating Nicola s top killers , Yoshi faces Killer No . 2 and fatally stabs him while the Drifter advances toward Nicola , who injures him in the chest with a thrown axehead . Despite his injury , the Drifter slashes Nicola s throat with an arrowhead taken from Yoshi while revealing his true motive of avenging his father s death . With Nicola s reign brought to an end and Yoshi recovering his clan s medallion , the heroes part ways , hoping to meet each other again .
<|horror|>Howard Gordon Jennison Noice is the meanest nastiest thug in town , a Harley riding criminal with a hot wife Loretta Jacqueline Lovell . Loretta s problem is she s having an affair with Lance Blake Adams , owner of the town diner and Howard s getting suspicious . Driving back from one of their nightly flings , Lance witnesses the local family of weirdos , the Stackpools , dragging a man from his truck and into their house . Seeing this as an opportunity , Lance discovers the Stackpools terrible secret . They are quintuplets but instead of being born as a normal human , they each have one of the traits of one human being One is extremely strong one has extremely well developed senses one is extremely attractive Alexandria Quinn and , one is extremely intelligent . The whole family is run by the one who has super intelligence , the head of the family from the title , Myron J . W . Perra . Little more than a giant head with hands in a wheelchair , Myron psychically controls his other siblings , but seeks more . When idiotic locals fall for his trap , he experiments on their brains , trying to find a normal body to house his superior intellect . Lance blackmails the Stackpools with their secret , getting them to kill Howard and demanding 2 , 000 a week in cash . The Stackpools are rich in oil and coal among other things Eventually Myron tires of Lance s bottom feeding , and captures him and Loretta , to get them to destroy the evidence of their secret . To force Lance s hand , he puts Loretta in a mock play of Joan of Arc in the basement , complete with a burning at the stake . The dumb strong one , seeing the pretty girl in trouble , carries her off before she can be hurt , and burns the house down . With the Stackpools and Lance dead , the ever scheming Loretta realizes that the big dumb one is the heir to the family riches . She marries him inheriting all the Stackpool fortunes . The ending , however , suggests that Myron is still alive and is controlling the dumb one again . . . .
<|mystery|>Carlo Cofield , a tourist visiting California s west coast , has not even arranged lodging when his car is smashed by a reckless driver . She is carefree , attractive Laura Califatti , who offers him to sleep that night on her couch . This displeases Rod Prescott , a wealthy swimming pool builder , because Laura is his mistress . After being kicked out , Carlo tries to sleep on the beach and nearly drowns . He is rescued by mouth to mouth resuscitation from a gorgeous surfer who goes by the name Malibu . Carlo begins a romantic pursuit of the much younger woman . After renting a house near the ocean , Carlo cons a sweet but naive bodybuilder , Harry , who is Malibu s boyfriend , that having sex is harmful to his body . He also bribes a phony psychic , Madame Lavinia , who is actually a man , to discourage Harry from seeing Malibu anymore . Rod decides to give the persistent Carlo a job as a pool salesman . The affair with Laura is discovered by Rod s wife , Diane , who demands a divorce . As a quarrel develops with everyone present , a mudslide caused by a sudden storm makes Carlo s house slide down a cliff . By the time everyone is saved , they pair off with the romantic partners they deserve .
<|horror|>Bugs is spring cleaning until he notices a whole stampede of animals running away in fear . He manages to stop a turtle , who states that a Tasmanian Devil is on the loose . Not knowing what a Tasmanian Devil is , Bugs goes back into his hole and looks in his encyclopedia . It describes Taz as a strong , moiderous beast , with a ravenous appetite for eating several animals , though not including rabbits . Taz then appears next to him and interjects by writing rabbits in the book , getting Bugs attention . Bugs uses his charm to convince Taz to work together with him to look for groundhogs , before unsuccessfully attempting to bury the devil . Taz then attacks him , but Bugs feigns smelling chicken to escape . Bugs makes liquid chicken from bubble gum and bicarbonate of soda which Taz immediately devours and then starts hiccuping . He creates a giant bubble which Bugs blows into the air , and Taz begins to drift away . Bugs then shoots Taz down with a slingshot , causing him to become entangled in a tree branch . Bugs then makes a pig out of an inflatable raft and lures Taz . Taz swallows it and Bugs pulls the string , causing Taz to inflate into a raft . Bugs then creates a deer out of wood as Taz then chases him up a tree . After Taz chomps down the tree , Bugs diverts his attention to the crudely made deer and tells him to knock it out with a slingshot in Bugs tree . As Taz pulls down on the slingshot , Bugs saws the tree down , causing Taz to fly off and crash . As Bugs laughs at Taz s misfortune , a fawn appears next to him . Bugs warns the fawn of the devil , not knowing that Taz is right behind him . Bugs attempts to convince him that the fawn is made of straw , but Taz replies But you re not ! and starts to chase him . Bugs hides in a tree hole and calls a newspaper company for a single Female Tasmanian Devil . Taz immediately falls in love with her and Bugs pretends to be a minister , pronouncing them Devil and Devilish . The couple then ride off in the airplane that the She Devil came on as Bugs bids them farewell .
<|comedy|>The play s protagonists are Al Lewis and Willie Clark . Lewis and Clark were once a successful vaudevillian comedy duo known as the Sunshine Boys . During the later years of their 43 year run , animosity between the partners grew to the point where they ceased to speak with each other . Eleven years prior to the events of the play , Al retired from show business , leaving Willie struggling to keep his career afloat . Willie , now an old man struggling with memory loss , reluctantly accepts an offer from his nephew Ben , a talent agent , to reunite with Al for a CBS special on the history of comedy . Willie and Al meet in Willie s apartment to rehearse their classic doctor and tax collector sketch . The reunion gets off to a bad start , with the two getting into heated arguments over various aspects of the performance . However , thanks to the urging of Al s daughter , the two decide to go through with the performance . Willie and Al s dress rehearsal at CBS studio ends badly . Willie is enraged when Al repeats his old habits of poking his chest and accidentally spitting on his face . Al walks off the stage in regret , while Willie has a heart attack as a result of his agitated state . Two weeks later , Willie is under the care of a nurse as he recovers from his heart attack . Upon Ben s recommendation , he decides to move into an actors home in New Jersey . Al , concerned about Willie s well being , comes over to visit . When the two talk , it is revealed that Al will be moving into the same home as Willie . Neil Simon was inspired by two venerable vaudeville teams . The longevity of Lewis and Clark was inspired by Smith and Dale who , unlike their theatrical counterparts , were inseparable lifelong friends . The undercurrent of backstage hostility between Lewis and Clark was inspired by the team of Gallagher and Shean , who were successful professionally but argumentative personally . Other sources say this is based on Weber and Fields .
<|horror|>The story follows Casey , a normal boy whose life is constantly influenced by his intense fear of clowns . His two older brothers , Geoffrey and Randy , are mostly disobliging . One night , the three boys are left alone when their mother visits relatives , so they decide to visit a local circus for a night of amusement , despite Casey s uncontrollable coulrophobia . Meanwhile , the local state insane asylum has sent a majority of the hospital s inmates to the carnival for therapy , but three psychotic mental patients break away from the group and kill three clowns , taking their makeup and costumes . While at the circus , Casey innocently visits a fortune teller despite Randy s better judgment . The fortune teller reveals to Casey that his life line has been cut short , and says to him Beware , beware , in the darkest of dark though the flesh is young and the hearts are strong precious life cannot be long when darkest death has left its mark . As the boys return from the circus , a shaken Casey thinks his nightmare is over , but it has only just begun . When the clowns target their home , Casey is forced to face his fears once and for all . Casey and his brothers are locked inside their isolated farmhouse and the power is turned off . Casey attempts to call the police , but because Casey says that the clowns from the circus are trying to get him , the police officers assume that Casey s fear of clowns caused him to have a realistic nightmare . The officers tell Casey that everything will be fine if he goes back to sleep , and hangs up . Randy mockingly dresses up as a clown , disbelieving of Casey s claims that clowns are inside the house . His plan to jump out at Geoffrey and Casey is cut short after he is stabbed by one of the clowns . Geoffrey manages to kill the first clown by hitting him with a wooden plank , knocking him down a flight of stairs and breaking his neck . Later on , after tricking the clown , Casey and Geoffrey push another clown out a window to his death . Casey and Geoffrey find Randy unconscious in a closet and drag him into another room . Geoffrey is then attacked and presumably killed by the final clown , who chases Casey into the upstairs game room . Casey manages to hide for the time being , but after the clown leaves , Casey accidentally steps on a noise making toy , alerting the clown of his presence . The enraged clown attempts to break Casey s neck , but he is then killed by Geoffrey who survived the clown s attack , slamming a hatchet into the killer s back , and the two exhausted and traumatized brothers hug each other as the police finally arrive to help them . The film ends with this narration No man can hide from his fears as they are a part of him , they will always know where he is hiding .
<|horror|>After defeating the Tiktiks in Pulupandan , Makoy returns to Manila , along with Sonia , Nestor , and other survivors of the fight . But along the way , Kubots hairy bat like creatures ambush their jeep and kill Sonia , an act of retribution to avenge the death of the Tiktiks . Makoy also loses an arm in the accident . 2 years later , Makoy with a prosthetic arm and has a son and Nestor , nowhere to go and no one to live with , lives in Manila with the now hopeless Makoy . But hope is still there . An American grown Aswang uses his hotdog business as a front to multiply his minions , kills elder Aswangs after the elders disagree to the former s offering of merger . The Kubots have no choice but to seek Makoy s help . The victims became minions by eating the hotdogs , infected by a virus that transforms them into Aswang . The Aswangs attacks the police station , killing policemen and prisoners alike , leaving Makoy , Nestor and 2 policemen Bogart the Explorer and Ramon Bautista . The policemen repels the attack , imprisoning an Aswang Jun Sabayton in the process . The policemen duo investigates by themselves , while Makoy and Nestor , along with the other Aswangs , Kubots and Ghouls try to fight the cause of the plague . Makoy kills the leader when he cuts the Aswang leader s tongue and impaling him with a stake . Moments later , Makoy and Nestor brings a puppy for his son but revealed to be an Aswang when the puppy they gave whimpers and eaten by his son . In the wake of the leader , a grieving mother is being consoled by an Aswang Marian Rivera , promising revenge on her by killing Makoy .
<|mystery|>Martin Raikes is an American bank investigator who is sent to Monaco to check up on the suspicious financial dealings of a movie production . After the business trip , Martin , who is divorced , will fly to London to visit his daughter . Martin is met by the film company s CFO , Lela Forin , who introduces him to the movie s leading man , washed up action star Jake Mellows . Something is rotten with the production , though , and Martin senses it . Unfortunately , he sticks his nose in a little too deep for the corrupt bankrollers tastes , and is soon deemed a threat . Martin is first offered a mega bribe , but he rejects it . As it turns out , the bankrollers are Russian mafia , led by Oleg Butraskaya . Martin suddenly finds himself framed for an assassination attempt , and the hostile authorities on the payroll of the mob want to kill him . American authorities are also hot on his trail , investigating him for money laundering , among other false charges . As Martin sifts through the mystery , he reveals the nefarious nature of Oleg s rackets , which include illegal pornography , kidnapping and money laundering . Not knowing whom to trust , he turns to Lela , but soon , she , too , is marked for death . Jake , who has gambling debts , is persuaded by Oleg to speak lines for the film that are actually used to make Martin believe the actor is holding Martin s daughter captive . After a fight between them , Martin and Jake join forces with Lela to stage an illusion during which Oleg incriminates himself to the law . Lela develops a new film project for Jake and a personal interest in Martin .
<|romance|>The film begins on the ship bearing Alice Coral Browne and Lucy from England to New York City . As she and Lucy Nicola Cowper disembark , they are set upon by several journalists , all trying to get a story or quote from her . Clearly bewildered by all the excitement , she is befriended by an ex reporter , Jack Dolan Peter Gallagher , who helps her and Lucy through the legions of the press . Dolan quickly becomes her agent and finds endorsement opportunities for her . Throughout it all , a romance develops between Jack and Lucy . But all is not well with Alice . Being so advanced in age , she needs Lucy , of whom she can be very demanding , to be her constant companion . When left alone in their hotel room , she begins to hallucinate and sees Mr . Dodgson Ian Holm in their room , and then , later , the Mad Hatter voiced by Tony Haygarth and March Hare voiced by Ken Campbell . Joining them for their insane tea party , they berate her for being so old and forgetful . She remembers also the lazy boating party of 4 July 1862 , when the young Reverend Charles Dodgson , Lecturer in Mathematics at Christ Church , Oxford , where her father was the Dean , had attempted to entertain her and her sisters by spinning the nonsense tale that grew to be Alice s Adventures in Wonderland . Via flashbacks , it is insinuated that Dodgson had an infatuation with the young Alice Liddell Amelia Shankley . Was it an innocent admiration he had for the girl or something inappropriate ? Alice is clearly troubled by her recollections of Dodgson . The parameters of her relationship with him were somewhat tortured . Dodgson was unwaveringly adoring of Alice , and while she was usually kind , she could sometimes be cruel and mocking of him , especially of his occasional stutter as on the day of the boating party when she was on the verge of her teens and trying to impress a couple of young students one of whom she eventually marries . Alice tries to rectify her feelings and past relationship with the author in her mind . By the time she delivers her acceptance speech at Columbia University , she comes to terms with Dodgson and the way she treated him . In another fantasy sequence with the Mock Turtle , the viewers see them finally reconciled together in a way that can be interpreted as all encompassing , as both mutual apology and forgiveness .
<|crime|>CSI NY follows a group of investigators who work for the New York City crime lab . The series mixes gritty subject matter and deduction in the same manner as its predecessors , yet also places a great deal of emphasis on criminal profiling . The team is led by Detective Mac Taylor , a former Marine from Chicago . Mac is a veteran of the NYPD who lost his wife on 9 11 , and as such must work to rebuild his personal life while supervising his team . He is organized , efficient , dedicated , and very proper in his management style . Mac s partner is originally Stella Bonasera . Stella is half Greek , half Italian , and entirely New York City . She helped Mac through the impact of his wife s death and has been by his side ever since . She is a savvy investigator , yet she often speaks before she thinks . Stella leaves New York to head a crime lab in New Orleans and is replaced by Detective Jo Danville . Jo is a former FBI criminalist and an experienced psychological profiler . Mac and she quickly form a strong friendship and an even stronger working rapport . Jo is still haunted by her ousting from the FBI after pulling the plug on improper lab procedure , so works to regain her professional reputation . Together , Mac , Stella , and Jo head an elite team of detectives including Danny Messer , Aiden Burn , and Lindsay Monroe . The team also works alongside CSI Sheldon Hawkes , Detective Don Flack , Medical Examiner Sid Hammerback , and CSI trainee Adam Ross .
<|romance|>Yi Yi depicts the trials and tribulations of the Jian family of Taipei . The narrative shifts between three perspectives the middle aged father NJ Wu Nien jen , the young son Yang Yang Jonathan Chang , and the teenage daughter , Ting Ting Kelly Lee . The film starts with a wedding , concludes with a funeral , and contemplates areas of human life in between . The father , NJ , is dissatisfied with his work and the desire of his business partners to enter into a deal with a well known Japanese videogame company . While his partners are only concerned about making money , NJ finds that his honest nature is unappreciated in the commercial realm . To his surprise , he connects with the Japanese software mogul , Ota . Meanwhile , an old flame , Sherry , tries to come back into his life following a chance reunion . Yang Yang , NJ s son , is having troubles at school . He is picked on by both his female classmates and one of his teachers . However , he develops an interest in photography that buoys him through these hardships . Finally , Ting Ting , NJ s daughter in law , gets involved in a love triangle that includes her friend next door and the neighbor s troubled boyfriend . All three characters have to deal with their problems while caring for NJ s comatose mother in law , as NJ s wife has left for a Buddhist retreat in order to cope with a midlife crisis . In addition , A Di , NJ s overweight brother in law who marries a starlet at the start of the film , balances relationships with his demanding wife and a former love , complicating matters within his extended family . The other Taiwanese cast members include Elaine Jin as NJ s wife , Min Min , Su Yun Ko as NJ s former love Sherry , Hsi Sheng Chen as A Di , and Pang Chang Yu as Fatty . The film also stars Japanese comedian Issey Ogata as a Japanese software mogul , Ota .
<|mystery|>Angela and Anna s mother , Stella Dimples Romana , was a seamstress while their father , Manuel James Blanco Mark Gil , went to Milan to work . While in Milan , Manuel met and fell in love with a wealthy model and a fashion designer named Vera Cruz Alessandra De Rossi Angel Aquino . When Manuel went back to the Philippines , Stella got very angry at him because he never replied to her letters . Manuel explained the situation and Stella just set him free to his new woman . Soon , Manuel decided to leave his wife and children to live with Vera . Angela and Anna witnessed Manuel and Vera hugging this led to a confrontation between Anna and Vera where Vera pushed and injured Anna . In tears , Anna returned home and showed her wounded arm to her mother and later , Stella went to Vera s house to confront her but Vera avoided her . As Vera drove away , Stella was accidentally hit and killed by an oncoming vehicle Anna was there to witness the tragedy unfold . Anna confronted Vera that resulted in her miscarriage leaving her unable to have children . This cemented the feud between the two . Orphaned and on the run from people trying to place them into an orphanage , Angela and Anna lived on streets . Angela soon gets sick from eating garbage and was rushed to the hospital by her older sister , Anna . To earn money , the 15 year old Anna worked as a prostitute . One day , she returned to the hospital only to see that it was on fire , with her sister nowhere to be found and most likely dead . As it turns out , Angela was actually kidnapped by men who made children work as beggars on the streets . This is where Angela became friends with a little boy , Dos the future Louie , who was also a captive . Devastated and alone , Anna was adopted by Ronaldo Valera , a famous fashion designer Robert Arevalo . She was renamed Victoria Valera and was sent abroad , studied fashion design and became a supermodel . Angela was adopted by a couple in the textile district of Manila , Divisoria and renamed her Gelai Agustin . She continues both her and her sister s dreams of becoming top Philippine designers . Since she doesn t remember much about her childhood she aspires to be a junior designer at Vera Couture , Vera Cruz s fashion house . Victoria Valera arrives back from Paris to start her revenge . She wants to steal Vera s place as the Queen of Philippine Fashion and tries to take over Vera s company all in the name of keeping her and her sister s dreams alive . But what will happen if the budding designer , Gelai and the new queen of fashion , Victoria , clash ? Vera will use this opportunity to topple down the sisters by using the man they both love , Louie and her business schemes to place herself again as the fashion queen but in the end , the sisters will prove that blood is always thicker than water and only forgiveness could heal all the wounds of the past .
<|crime|>In the final events of Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance , Raiden s warriors , who were meant to protect the six fictional universes named realms , are killed by the Deadly Alliance Shang Tsung and Quan Chi , who attempted to conquer the realms . With Raiden defeated , the Deadly Alliance dissolves as the two sorcerers turn on each other for Shinnok s amulet . When Quan Chi wins , the Dragon King Onaga , the former emperor of the realm of Outworld , appears to regain his power . Raiden awakes and then unleashes all his powers in a colossal explosion that , apart from destroying both members of the Deadly Alliance , the surrounding palace and himself , has little effect on Onaga . Onaga now seeks to use six artifacts called Kamidogu literally Tool of God or divine clay , which are able to destroy the realms . Those fighters who survive the battle against the Deadly Alliance now stand against Onaga and his supporters . The latter include the forces of Edenia , now led by Mileena in the titular theme of deception as she masquerades as her sister , Princess Kitana . Other enemies include the former defenders from the realms , who were resurrected by Onaga and are under his control . In the story explored in Konquest mode , a young man named Shujinko is deceived into spending his life collecting the Kamidogu for Onaga , who uses the guise of an emissary of the Elder Gods , the beings who created the realms , named Damashi . Onaga reveals his identity and intentions after Shujinko has gathered all the Kamidogu . Shujinko , led to believe he was working for the greater good , decides to continue training to defeat Onaga .
<|mystery|>A former police detective in New Orleans and a recovering alcoholic , Dave Robicheaux , is living a quiet life in the swamplands of Louisiana with his wife Annie . The couple s tranquility is shattered one day when a drug smuggler s plane crashes in a lake , right before their eyes . Robicheaux succeeds in rescuing a lone survivor , a Salvadoran girl , whom he and Annie quickly adopt and name Alafair . With the arrival of a DEA officer named Dautrieve and an inherent connection to Bubba Rocque , the leading drug kingpin in the area and Robicheaux s childhood friend from New Iberia , Dave becomes involved in solving the case and consequently finds himself and his family in danger . Robicheaux is assaulted by two thugs as a warning . With help from his former girl friend Robin , an exotic dancer who still has feelings for him , he continues to investigate . His longtime acquaintance Bubba denies any involvement , but Dave warns him and Bubba s sultry wife Claudette that he is going to find out who is behind all this and do something about it . He tracks down one of the men who attacked him , Eddie Keats , and splits his head open with a pool cue in Keat s own bar . Killers come to the Robicheaux home late one night . Robicheaux is unable to prevent his wife Annie from being killed . He falls off the wagon and neglects the young girl they adopted . Robin comes to stay with them . Clearing his head , Robicheaux seeks vengeance against the three killers . He first goes after a large man called Toot , chasing him onto a streetcar and causing his death . Bubba and Claudette reassure a local mob boss named Giancano that they will not let this vendetta get out of hand , and Bubba gets into a fistfight with Robicheaux , falsely suspecting him of an affair with Claudette . Eddie Keats is found dead before Robicheaux can get to him . Going after the last and most dangerous of the killers , Victor Romero , he knows that someone else must be giving them orders . He finds Romero and kills him . Then , going to Bubba s home , Robicheaux discovers that it is Claudette who planned the hit . After overhearing Claudette confesing her plan to take over the drug business , Bubba appears and shoots Claudette , and Robicheaux calls in the crime . When he returns home , Robin has left forever , and all Robicheaux has left in his life is his daughter Alafair .
<|crime|>Snow White and Prince Charming s kingdom is under attack by Rumpelstiltskin s brainwashed army of thralls . After killing the prince , Rumple confronts Snow in the throne room he wants access to the Magic Mirror , which can act as a portal to a land without magic , where he can reign unchallenged . A fight ensues , resulting in them falling through the mirror s portal and into the other world . Later , Cinderella , Sleeping Beauty and Rapunzel arrive , noting the time that s passed since the battle , and how the other world s time moves much faster than theirs they are joined by Red Riding Hood , who is tracking down Rumpelstiltskin s right hand man , the Wolf . Having survived the battle , the Wolf attacks them he tackles Red into the mirror , shattering it and embedding a shard into her shoulder . The princesses follow after them . They arrive in L . A . , but find Red and the Wolf are nowhere to be found . They attempt to search for Snow White , only to be met with hostility at a bar they re quickly rescued by Snow , who has become a freedom fighter in the six months that have passed . She takes them to her hideout , explaining that Rumpelstiltskin has managed to gain some power by becoming mayor Heart he continues to brainwash the populace in secret , rebuilding his army of thralls . The princesses tell Snow about the Magic Mirror shard Red has , learning that it s the only way to get back home . Snow hands them fashion magazines , telling them to blend in . Red continues tracking the Wolf , but ends up incurring the wrath of local gang leader Iron John John believes in order , and doesn t tolerate chaos . Red , Wolf , and John are all arrested , though Red escapes and is eventually rescued in an ensuing battle by her friends . Mayor Heart pays John and Wolf a visit , freeing wolf and promising John order he transforms John into an iron being befitting his moniker . They manage to track down Snow s group , resulting in a fight in which Red and Snow are captured by Heart . He brainwashes Red into a thrall , as the princesses are immune , and tries seducing Snow into being his queen when he takes over the world . Rejected , Heart uses his magic to amplify the shard s power and opens a portal back to fairy tale land . Cinderella fights with Red , managing to get Red to remember her true self . Iron John sees that Heart lied to him and shatters the shard , sacrificing himself to shut the portal . Snow and Heart fight again . Heart dies , and Snow become frozen as a result of her powers , sparing her from otherwise certain death . The princesses and Red decide to find another way to get home and help with Snow s revival .
<|comedy|>Dr . Clitterhouse Edward G . Robinson is a wealthy society doctor in New York City who decides to research the medical aspects of the behavior of criminals directly by becoming one . He begins a series of daring jewel robberies , measuring his own blood pressure , temperature and pulse before , during and afterwards , but yearns for a larger sample for his study . From one of his patients , Police Inspector Lewis Lane Donald Crisp , he learns the name of the biggest fence in the city , Joe Keller . He goes to meet Keller to sell what he has stolen , only to find out that Joe is actually Jo Claire Trevor . The doctor impresses Jo and a gang of thieves headed by Rocks Valentine Humphrey Bogart with his exploits , so Jo invites him to join them , and he accepts . Dr . Clitterhouse pretends to take a six week vacation in Europe . As The Professor , he proceeds to wrest leadership of the gang and the admiration of Jo away from Rocks , making him extremely resentful . When they rob a fur warehouse , Rocks locks his rival in a cold storage vault , but Clitterhouse is freed by Butch Maxie Rosenbloom , a gang member that Jo had assigned to keep watch on him . Afterwards , Clitterhouse announces he is quitting he has enough data from studying the gang during their robberies , and his vacation time is up . He returns the gang to Rocks control . However , Rocks learns Dr . Clitterhouse s real identity and shows up at his Park Avenue office . Rocks tries to blackmail the doctor into using his office as a safehouse as they rob the doctor s own wealthy friends . Clitterhouse learns that Rocks will not let him publish his incriminating research , and also realizes that he has not studied the ultimate crime murder which will be the final chapter to his book . So , he gives a poisoned drink to Rocks , and he studies his symptoms as he dies . Jo helps dispose of the body in the river , but it is recovered and the poison is detected by the police . The doctor is ultimately caught by his friend Inspector Lane and placed on trial . He insists that he did everything for purely scientific reasons and claims that his book is a sane book and that it is impossible for an insane man to write a sane book . His determination to show that he is sane , and therefore willing to face the death penalty , convinces the jury to find him not guilty by reason of insanity .
<|crime|>The series begins in New Orleans with a man named George covered in blood running towards a police officer who subdues and begins to arrest him when George ignores his commands to stop . 2 days earlier , George is going to see Judith for one last job . George is a recovering addict and he is hoping to use the money from the job to leave New Orleans and start a new life with his girlfriend Jenny . He goes to meet Eddie behind a bar , collect a CD and deliver it to Pat . Yet , when he arrives , Eddie has been attacked and the disc destroyed . Eddie , barely alive , uses his bloody finger to scrawl some letters and numbers on George s forearm before he dies . In the background , a vampire runs past George , who flees into the bar Eddie had come from . However , indoors he runs into his old dealer who wants payment for the drugs . George is then water tortured in the bathroom until the vampire kills the dealer . Not wanting to stay long , George runs to Pat s apartment with the code . Pat sends the code to Cynthia in Los Angeles . Feeling that his job is done George heads back to his place . As Pat is about to hack into a website , he witnesses Cynthia on a webcam being beheaded by another vampire . George returns to his apartment to find Jenny upset and in withdrawal . George feels he has been followed and hides with Jenny in the closet . A vampire has followed George to his apartment and now is looking for him . George uses a nailbat to attack and escape the vampire . Confused , they both run to see Pat , only to find him bleeding to death . He asks George to deliver a message to Judith and begs George to kill him . When he hesitates , Pat becomes a vampire , only to have Jenny behead him with a katana . Wanting answers , they head for Judith who tells them to take the message to Chad . They arrive at Chad s with the message . Written in a hidden code , Chad needs time to crack it . While waiting outside , George and Jenny talk about what they will do after Cynthia pays him . Suddenly , Jenny is pulled backward into a below ground alley by a vampire . George follows and finds her bleeding and transforming into a vampire . She attacks him , and he is forced to kill Jenny with a length of pipe . He goes back into the building only to find a bloody stump of Chad s arm , clutching a piece of paper on which the decoded message is written . After reading the message , George runs into the street . We come back to when George is being arrested and discovers the message reveals the vampires plan a feeding in Barrow , Alaska , which will take place the following night . George s story continues in 30 Days of Night Dust to Dust .
<|mystery|>Bank teller Vince Grayson DeForest Kelley dreams that he stabs a man in an octagonal room of mirrors and locks the body in a closet . When he wakes up , he discovers marks on his throat , a strange key and a button in his pocket , and blood on his cuff . Cliff Herlihy Paul Kelly , his police officer brother in law , tries to convince him it was just a dream . A few days later , while trying to find cover from the rain , the pair finds themselves taking shelter in the strange house from Vince s dream . They discover that the police found two bodies in the house , one in the mirrored room and one run over in the driveway . Mrs . Belknap , who was run over by a car , gave the police a description matching Vince before she died . At first Vince is hopeful that he is innocent because he does not know how to drive , but he recognizes the victims from his dream . Overcome with remorse , he attempts suicide , but is rescued by Cliff . The detective uncovers clues that point to an evil hypnotist Robert Emmett Keane manipulating Vince . They realize that the hypnotist is actually Mr . Belknap in disguise and try to trap him by pretending that Vince wants hush money . Belknap puts Vince under hypnosis and tries to get him to drown himself . Cliff rescues him from the lake and Mr . Belknap is killed in a car accident as he is trying to evade the police . It is implied that Vince will be acquitted of all charges since he killed the man in the mirrored room in self defense .
<|horror|>The film opens in 1975 at a place called Headstone Manor , which is being used as a businessman s weekend retreat and girls summer camp . A few minutes into the film , a group of satanic monks enter the house and kill 18 of its occupants . In 1983 , Doctor Lucas Mandeville Kenny Everett and Doctor Barbara Coyle Pamela Stephenson are sent to investigate radioactive readings in the area that have been traced to Headstone Manor , now known by locals as the House of Death . Along with several other scientists , Mandeville and Coyle set up their equipment in the house , while the Sinister Man Vincent Price , a 700 year old Satanic priest , prepares a rite in the nearby woods to purge the house of its unwanted guests . During this time , Mandeville reveals that he was once a successful German surgeon named Ludwig Manheim , who was reduced to smart arse paranormal research crap after a humiliation in the past . Coyle also encounters a poltergeist , and the two engage in sexual intercourse . Several satanic clones of Mandeville , Coyle and the other scientists enter house , and begin killing off the originals and taking their place . When Coyle is about to be killed , she is rescued by the poltergeist and saved . The satanic monks then take off in a spaceship , revealing that these monks are aliens using the house for their activities on Earth . The film ends with the spaceship soaring into the skies , with an E . T . voice groaning Oh , shit ! Not again ! .
<|crime|>The Machine Empire defeats the Power Rangers in battle , destroying the Megazord . It is revealed that Earth s governments then negotiate a truce with the Machine Empire and the Power Rangers are disbanded . Years later , Rocky , the second , now prosthetic Red Ranger has defected to the Machine Empire , critical of Zordon s use of Power Rangers as child soldiers . He interrogates a restrained Kimberly , the former Pink Ranger , about the location of Tommy Oliver , the former Green Ranger . He details the tragic lives of Jason , Rocky s predecessor as Red Ranger , who was gunned down eight hours after marrying Kimberly , when Bulk and Skull revealed their location to a police force Zack , the former Black Ranger , was an insatiable action junkie who became a Machine Empire enforcer and was assassinated after a threesome with Divatox and Scorpina Billy Cranston , the former Blue Ranger , became an openly gay trillionaire weapons manufacturer who seemingly committed suicide . Kimberly rejects Rocky s claim that Tommy is hunting down the Rangers . She tells Rocky that she hasn t seen him since Trini s , the former Yellow Ranger , who died at the treaty negotiations , funeral . Rocky acknowledges that he already knew that she is really being held as bait . Tommy arrives and kills the guards , entering into single combat against Rocky in a sword duel . When Rocky gains the upper hand , Kimberly shoots and kills him . Tommy demands to know who she is , as the real Kimberly died in his arms during the final battle years earlier . It is revealed that she is Rita Repulsa , who killed all the others and wants to rule the world with Tommy . He denies her , attacking her as the film ends .
<|crime|>John Emmett , an American everyman , is on a fishing and hunting trip when his car breaks down . He is offered a ride by a stranger , Ann Nicholson , who is driving to Santa Fe and asks him to take turns behind the wheel . During a stopover a woman identifying herself as a nurse takes John aside in a diner and says she has been following them because Ann is an escaped mental patient of a Dr . Frederick Simmons . And although he isn t sure what to believe , John begins to doubt Ann when two policemen attempt to arrest them , claiming to be investigating a murder in Los Angeles . John and Ann manage to slip away . He demands the truth , whereupon Ann says she is an ex German citizen who stumbled upon a government plot and is in possession of valuable scientific transcripts embedded on a small cosmetic mirror . In order to prevent Simmons from having Ann committed to a mental institution against her will , John asks Ann to marry him , while also declaring his love for her . They wed in a small town and then continue their journey to find the scientist who wrote the transcripts . The chase ends in a confrontation between Simmons , who is actually a Soviet spy , and his accomplices versus FBI and CIA agents , who verify Ann s story . Ann and John enjoy their honeymoon on the fishing trip John had originally planned .
<|crime|>Judge Somnath lives with his wife , three sons , and a daughter . Two of his sons , Vikram and Mohan are married , while his daughter , Kaamna , and youngest son , Ravi , are of marriageable age . Somnath had wanted his sons to be a doctor , police officer , and a Judge . While Vikram is a surgeon , Mohan s a Police Inspector , Ravi is now studying law and on his way to become a lawyer and then a Judge like his dad . The family have a dark secret . Ravi is prone to losing his temper , so much so that he gets out of control , and has killed someone in his childhood . When Kaamna gets raped , the family are reluctant to tell Ravi . When they do , they convince him to control himself , while Mohan gets an arrest warrant for Vinod , Kaamna s molester . Things do not go smoothly in court as the matter is put off for several months and then Somnath and Kaamna are killed in a bomb explosion . Now Mohan and Vikram handcuff Ravi on their balcony while they finalize the funeral arrangements , and when they return Ravi is no longer there . And then the killings begin . . .
<|mystery|>Hopeless but eager would be private detective Cedric Gull Hulbert has just obtained a diploma from a backstreet School of Detection and is keen to put his new qualification to good use . Fortuitously , he happens to stumble across a crime scene at the office of a diamond merchant , who has just been robbed and assaulted and is being tended by his secretary Sylvia Brook . The police arrive on the scene , but despite Cedric s proud boasts about his sleuthing qualifications , they decline his kind offers of help . Striking out on his own , Cedric becomes convinced that the robbery was the work of a notorious gang of East End Chinese jewel thieves led by a mysterious and sinister individual known as The Vulture . He takes on board his ex con sidekick Stiffy Walters and the pair set off in pursuit of the criminals . Their plans come unstuck when their inept bungling lands them both in prison . However the police , aware of their interest in the case , agree to allow them out to act as decoys . Cedric learns that Sylvia has been abducted by the criminals . He decides to disguise himself as Chinese and try to infiltrate their hideout and rescue Sylvia . After a good deal of hapless buffoonery and narrow escapes from sticky situations , he and Stiffy finally succeed in freeing Sylvia , unmasking the thieves and uncovering the identity of the elusive Vulture .
<|horror|>The Grinch is a bitter , grouchy , cave dwelling creature with a heart two sizes too small who lives on snowy Mount Crumpit , a steep high mountain just north of the town of Whoville , home of the merry and warm hearted Whos . His only companion is his unloved , but loyal dog , Max . From his cave , the Grinch can hear the noisy Christmas festivities that take place in Whoville . Annoyed , he decides to stop Christmas from coming by stealing their presents , trees , and food for their Christmas feast . He crudely disguises himself as Santa Claus , and forces Max , disguised as a reindeer , to drag a sleigh to Whoville . Once there , the Grinch slides down the chimney and steals all of the Whos Christmas presents , the Christmas tree , and the log for their fire . He is briefly interrupted in his burglary by Cindy Lou , a little Who girl , but concocts a crafty lie to effect his escape from her home . The Grinch then takes his sleigh to the top of Mount Crumpit , and prepares to dump all of the presents into the abyss . As dawn breaks , he expects to hear the Whos bitter and sorrowful cries , but is confused to hear them singing a joyous Christmas song instead . He puzzles for a moment until it dawns on him that maybe Christmas , perhaps , means a little bit more than just presents and feasting . The Grinch s shrunken heart suddenly grows three sizes . The reformed Grinch returns all of the Whos presents and trimmings and is warmly invited to the Whos feast , where he has the honor of carving the Roast Beast .
<|crime|>James Wynnegate Dustin Farnum and his cousin , Henry Monroe Salisbury , are upper class Englishmen and have been made trustees for an orphans fund . Henry loses money in a bet at a derby and embezzles money from the fund to pay off his debts . When war office officials are informed of the money missing from the fund , they pursue James , but he successfully escapes to Wyoming . There , James rescues Nat U Ritch Lillian St . Cyr , daughter to the chief of the Utes tribe , from local outlaw Cash Hawkins William Elmer . Hawkins plans to exact his revenge on James , but has his plans thwarted by Nat U Ritch , who fatally shoots him . Later , James gets into an accident in the mountains and needs to be rescued . Nat U Ritch tracks him down and carries him back to safety . As she nurses him back to health , they fall in love and later have a child . Meanwhile , during an exploration of the Alps , Henry falls off a cliff . Before he succumbs to his injuries , Henry signs a letter of confession proclaiming James innocence in the embezzlement . Before Henry s widow , Lady Diana Winifred Kingston , and others arrive in Wyoming to tell James about the news , the Sheriff recovers the murder weapon that was used against Cash Hawkins inside of James and Nat U Ritch s home . Realizing their son was not safe , the couple sends him away , leaving them both distraught . Facing the possibilities of losing both her son and her freedom , Nat U Ritch decides to take her own life instead . The movie ends with both the chief of the Utes tribe and James embracing her body .
<|comedy|>Jeff Philips is working a dead end job at a call center . One day , an old man arrives at his apartment to tell him he is the last descendent of H . P . Lovecraft and must guard a relic to keep it from being reunited if the pieces of the relic are united while the stars are in alignment , the sunken city of R lyeh will rise from the sea and the demonic creature Cthulhu will be released upon an unsuspecting world . Shortly thereafter , squid like deep ones attack and Jeff flees with his friend Charlie , a comic book artist . Cult followers of Cthulhu pursue them to reunite the relic . They find an old high school acquaintance , Paul , and enlist him in their cause . The three flee to the desert to seek Captain Olaf , a sailor who has first hand experience with the cult . Eventually , the cult members attack them and Paul is taken by the cult , only to later escape and reunite at Olaf s RV . Cthulhu s general , Starspawn , and the deep ones corner them in the captain s RV . In their haste to flee , Jeff and Charlie leave the relic behind , and Starspawn re assembles it . This causes everyone but Jeff , as the last in the Lovecraft bloodline , excruciating pain . As Cthulhu prepares to escape his undersea prison , Jeff shoots some dynamite , destroying Star Spawn , separating the relic , and saving the world . Sometime later , we see Charlie doing a comic book signing for his new book based on his and Jeff s adventures . While telling a small disbelieving comic fan that the story is true , Jeff arrives with an ancient map of more artifacts they must safeguard . They quickly leave for the Antarctic and arrive at the Mountains of Madness .
<|comedy|>Frank Simm , a librarian in the United Kingdom , falls in love with a mysterious American dancer named Miranda Ricci . Frank appears naive , but his character is a complex as Miranda s . Graphic scenes of sex and seduction illustrate Frank s fantasy and unrealistic love for Miranda . She suddenly disappears , and he tracks her down in London , finding out that she is actually a con artist . He leaves her , returning to Northern England . Miranda and her boss Hurt , who not so secretly loves her , are in business selling buildings that they don t own to unwitting customers . These buildings are really being prepared for demolition . In one scene in which Miranda was negotiating the sale of a warehouse with Nailor MacLachlan , Nailor saw men putting down cable around the building . He asked Miranda what were they doing and she replied that they were putting in cable TV when , in fact , they were preparing the warehouse for demolition . After making a big score , by successfully conning Nailor to buy the warehouse , her boss leaves her , and Nailor seeks revenge against Miranda . Frank realizes that he should not have left her , and returns to London , with a very quirky friend who was instrumental in saving Miranda from a knife wielding Nailor . While Frank s friend distracted Nailor with fancy jiu jitsu manoeuvres , Frank slams a table over Nailor s head . The film ends in comic relief with Frank and Miranda living the good life off Miranda s ill begotten funds .