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"Title": "Prerequisite, Mata Kuliah Prasyarat",
4 |
"Text": [
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6 |
"COPS000-Keterampilan Komputer Dasar/Basic Computer Skill(3)",
7 |
"WEDU001-Pendidikan Keterampilan/Work Education(1)",
8 |
"BIU000-Bahasa Inggris Pemula/Basic English(3)",
9 |
"LMTR999-Mata Kuliah Pembatas/Limiter Subject(1)"
10 |
11 |
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13 |
"Title": "Semester 1, Pengenalan",
14 |
"Text": [
15 |
"FILG181-Teladan Kehidupan I/The Exemplary Living I(2)",
16 |
"GEN001-Bahasa Inggris Dasar I/Elementary English I(3)",
17 |
"IF1111-Pengantar Komputer/Introduction to Computing(3)",
18 |
"IS1113-Pemrograman Komputer/Computer Programming(6)",
19 |
"IF1112-Dasar Aljabar Linear/Algebra Linear Fundamental(3)",
20 |
"BIU101-Bahasa Inggris Pra Dasar/Pre-Elementary English(3)",
21 |
"GEN001-Bahasa Inggris Dasar I/Elementary English I(3), Prerequisite: LMTR999-Mata Kuliah Pembatas/Limiter Subject(1)",
22 |
"BIU101-Bahasa Inggris Pra Dasar/Pre-Elementary English(3), Prerequisite: BIU000-Bahasa Inggris Pemula/Basic English(3)"
23 |
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"Title": "Semester 2, Dasar",
27 |
"Text": [
28 |
"FILG182-Teladan Kehidupan II/The Exemplary Living II(2)",
29 |
"IS1221-Matematika Diskrit/Discrete Mathematics(3), Prerequisite: MATH000-Matematika/Mathematics(2)",
30 |
"IF1222-Kalkulus/Calculus(3), Prerequisite: MATH000-Matematika/Mathematics(2)",
31 |
"IF1223-Logika Informatika/Informatics Logic(3), Prerequisite: IF1111-Pengantar Komputer/Introduction to Computing(3)",
32 |
"IS1224-Struktur Data dan Algoritma/Data Structure and Algorithms(3), Prerequisite: IS1113-Pemrograman Komputer/Computer Programming(6)",
33 |
"BIU102-Bahasa Inggris Dasar/Elementary English(3), Prerequisite: BIU101-Bahasa Inggris Pra Dasar/Pre-Elementary English(3)",
34 |
"EDU112-Filsafat Pendidikan Kristen/Philosophy of Christian Education(2)"
35 |
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38 |
"Title": "Semester 3, Pengembangan",
39 |
"Text": [
40 |
"GEN101-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah I/Pre-Intermediate English I(3), Prerequisites: GEN002-Bahasa Inggris Dasar II/Elementary English II(3), LMTR999-Mata Kuliah Pembatas/Limiter Subject(1)",
41 |
"FILG283-Prinsip-Prinsip Nilai Kristiani/The Principles of Christian Values(2), Prerequisite: FILG182-Teladan Kehidupan II/The Exemplary Living II(2)",
42 |
"PPKN101-Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan/Indonesian Civics(3)",
43 |
"IF2131-Organisasi dan Arsitektur Komputer/Computer Organization and Architecture(3), Prerequisites: IF1223-Logika Informatika/Informatics Logic(3), IF1111-Pengantar Komputer/Introduction to Computing(3)",
44 |
"IS2133-Pengantar Basisdata/Introduction to Database(3), Prerequisite: IF1111-Pengantar Komputer/Introduction to Computing(3)",
45 |
"IS2134-Statistik dan Probabilitas/Statistics and Probability(3), Prerequisite: MATH000-Matematika/Mathematics(2)",
46 |
"IS2132-Perancangan Web/Web Design(3), Prerequisite: IS1224-Struktur Data dan Algoritma/Data Structure and Algorithms(3)",
47 |
"BIU203-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah I/Pre-Intermediate English I(3), Prerequisites: BIU102-Bahasa Inggris Dasar/Elementary English(3), GEN002-Bahasa Inggris Dasar II/Elementary English II(3)"
48 |
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51 |
"Title": "Semester 4, Lanjutan",
52 |
"Text": [
53 |
"GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Intermediate English II(3), Prerequisites: GEN101-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah I/Pre-Intermediate English I(3), LMTR999-Mata Kuliah Pembatas/Limiter Subject(1)",
54 |
"FILG284-Orang Muda dan Dunia/Youth and the World(2), Prerequisite: FILG283-Prinsip-Prinsip Nilai Kristiani/The Principles of Christian Values(2)",
55 |
"IF2243-Jaringan Komputer I/Computer Network I(3), Prerequisite: IF2131-Organisasi dan Arsitektur Komputer/Computer Organization and Architecture(3)",
56 |
"IF2244-Sistem Cerdas/Expert System(3), Prerequisites: MATH000-Matematika/Mathematics(2), IS1221-Matematika Diskrit/Discrete Mathematics(3)",
57 |
"IF2245-Teori Bahasa dan Automata/Language and Automata Theory(3), Prerequisite: IS1221-Matematika Diskrit/Discrete Mathematics(3)",
58 |
"IS2241-Sistem Manajemen Basisdata/Database Management System(3), Prerequisite: IS2133-Pengantar Basisdata/Introduction to Database(3)",
59 |
"IS2243-Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek/Object Oriented Programming(3), Prerequisite: IS1113-Pemrograman Komputer/Computer Programming(6)",
60 |
"BIU204-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Intermediate English II(3), Prerequisites: BIU203-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah I/Pre-Intermediate English I(3), GEN101-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah I/Pre-Intermediate English I(3)"
61 |
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64 |
"Title": "Semester 5, Spesialisasi",
65 |
"Text": [
66 |
"FILG385-Kehidupan Keluarga/Family Living(2), Prerequisite: FILG284-Orang Muda dan Dunia/Youth and the World(2)",
67 |
"IF3156-Jaringan Komputer II/Computer Network II(3), Prerequisite: IF2243-Jaringan Komputer I/Computer Network I(3)",
68 |
"IF3155-Pemrograman Visual/Visual Programming(3), Prerequisite: IS2243-Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek/Object Oriented Programming(3)",
69 |
"IS3151-Pengembangan Web Front-End/Front-End Web Development(3), Prerequisite: IS2243-Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek/Object Oriented Programming(3)",
70 |
"IS3152-Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem/System Analysis and Design(3), Prerequisite: IS1113-Pemrograman Komputer/Computer Programming(6)",
71 |
"IF3153-Konsep Sistem Operasi/Operating System Concept(3), Prerequisite: IF2131-Organisasi dan Arsitektur Komputer/Computer Organization and Architecture(3)",
72 |
"IS3262-Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer/Human and Computer Interaction(3), Prerequisite: IS2243-Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek/Object Oriented Programming(3)"
73 |
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"Title": "Semester 6, Aplikasi",
77 |
"Text": [
78 |
"FILG386-Kehidupan di Akhir Zaman/End Time Living(2), Prerequisite: FILG385-Kehidupan Keluarga/Family Living(2)",
79 |
"IF3266-Grafika Komputer/Computer Graphics(3), Prerequisite: IS2243-Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek/Object Oriented Programming(3)",
80 |
"IF3262-Pengembangan Web Back-End/Back-End Web Development(3), Prerequisite: IS3151-Pengembangan Web Front-End/Front-End Web Development(3)",
81 |
"IF3263-Kecerdasan Buatan/Artificial Intelligence(3), Prerequisites: IF2244-Sistem Cerdas/Expert System(3), IS1224-Struktur Data dan Algoritma/Data Structure and Algorithms(3)",
82 |
"IF3264-Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak/Software Engineering(3), Prerequisites: IS3152-Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem/System Analysis and Design(3), IS3262-Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer/Human and Computer Interaction(3)",
83 |
"IS3261-Pengembangan Perangkat Bergerak/Mobile Application Development(3), Prerequisite: IS3262-Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer/Human and Computer Interaction(3)",
84 |
"IS3265-Metodologi Penelitian/Research Method(3), Prerequisites: IS3152-Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem/System Analysis and Design(3), IS2134-Statistik dan Probabilitas/Statistics and Probability(3)"
85 |
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"Title": "Semester 7, Penelitian",
89 |
"Text": [
90 |
"IS4171-Skripsi I/Research Project I(3), Prerequisites: IS3265-Metodologi Penelitian/Research Method(3), IF3264-Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak/Software Engineering(3)",
91 |
"IS2245-Penulisan Ilmiah/Scientific Writing(2), Prerequisite: IS2133-Pengantar Basisdata/Introduction to Database(3)",
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"IF4172-Pengantar Pengembangan Game/Introduction to Game Development(3), Prerequisite: IF3155-Pemrograman Visual/Visual Programming(3)",
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"IF4173-Pemrograman Sistem/System Programming(3), Prerequisites: IF1223-Logika Informatika/Informatics Logic(3), IF2131-Organisasi dan Arsitektur Komputer/Computer Organization and Architecture(3)"
94 |
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"Title": "Semester 8, Proyek Akhir",
98 |
"Text": [
99 |
"IS4281-Skripsi II/Research Project II(3), Prerequisite: IS4171-Skripsi I/Research Project I(3)",
100 |
"IF4282-Robotika/Robotics(3), Prerequisites: IF2131-Organisasi dan Arsitektur Komputer/Computer Organization and Architecture(3), IF1223-Logika Informatika/Informatics Logic(3)",
101 |
"IS2242-Kewirausahaan/Entrepreneur - Project Capstone(3), Prerequisite: IF3264-Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak/Software Engineering(3)",
102 |
"IF4174-Etika Komputer/Computer Ethics(2), Prerequisites: IF1111-Pengantar Komputer/Introduction to Computing(3), IF2244-Sistem Cerdas/Expert System(3)"
103 |
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106 |
"Title": "Semester 9, Mata Kuliah Pilihan dan Pengalaman Industri",
107 |
"Text": [
108 |
"IF4291-Desain untuk Visualisasi dan Komputer/Design for Visualization and Communication(3), Prerequisite: IF4172-Pengantar Pengembangan Game/Introduction to Game Development(3)",
109 |
"IF4292-Pemrograman Game/Game Programming(3), Prerequisite: IF4172-Pengantar Pengembangan Game/Introduction to Game Development(3)",
110 |
"IF4191-Pengantar Animasi/Introduction to Animation(3), Prerequisite: IF3266-Grafika Komputer/Computer Graphics(3)",
111 |
"IF4192-Prinsip-Prinsip Desain Kreatif/Principles of Creative Design(3), Prerequisite: IF3266-Grafika Komputer/Computer Graphics(3)",
112 |
"IF4294-Pemrosesan Bahasa Alami/Natural Language Processing(3), Prerequisite: IS3154-Penambangan dan Pergudangan Data/Data Mining and Warehousing(3)",
113 |
"IS3154-Penambangan dan Pergudangan Data/Data Mining and Warehousing(3), Prerequisite: IS2241-Sistem Manajemen Basisdata/Database Management System(3)",
114 |
"IF4293-Pembelajaran Mesin/Machine Learning(3), Prerequisite: IF3263-Kecerdasan Buatan/Artificial Intelligence(3)",
115 |
"IF4194-Pencarian Informasi/Information Retrieval(3), Prerequisite: IS3154-Penambangan dan Pergudangan Data/Data Mining and Warehousing(3)",
116 |
"IF4195-Manajemen Proyek/Project Management(3), Prerequisite: IF3262-Pengembangan Web Back-End/Back-End Web Development(3)",
117 |
"IF4196-Internet untuk Segala/Internet of Things(3), Prerequisite: IF3262-Pengembangan Web Back-End/Back-End Web Development(3)",
118 |
"IF4295-Teknik Cloud/Cloud Engineering(3), Prerequisite: IF3262-Pengembangan Web Back-End/Back-End Web Development(3)",
119 |
"IF4296-Rekayasa DevOps/DevOps Engineering(3), Prerequisite: IF3262-Pengembangan Web Back-End/Back-End Web Development(3)",
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"CNET402-Jaringan Nirkabel dan Perangkat Bergerak/Wireless and Mobile Networks(3), Elective",
121 |
"BENG310-Bahasa Inggris Bisnis Membaca dan Kosakata/Business English Reading and Vocabulary(3), Prerequisite: GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Inter English II(3)",
122 |
"BENG330-Komunikasi Bisnis Bahasa Inggris/Business English Communication(3), Prerequisite: GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Inter English II(3)",
123 |
"BBEN320-Korespondensi Bisnis Bahasa Inggris/Business English Correspondence(3), Prerequisite: GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Inter English II(3)",
124 |
"ELIT271-Studi Literatur I/Literature Studies I(3), Prerequisite: GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Inter English II(3)",
125 |
"BIU305-Bahasa Inggris Menengah I/Intermediate English I(3), Prerequisite: BIU204-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Intermediate English II(3), GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Inter English II(3)",
126 |
"BIU306-Bahasa Inggris Menengah II/Intermediate English II(3), Prerequisite: BIU204-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Intermediate English II(3), GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Inter English II(3)",
127 |
"GEN306-Bahasa Inggris Menengah Atas II/Upper-Inter English II(3), Prerequisites: GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Inter English II(3), LMTR999-Mata Kuliah Pembatas/Limiter Subject(1)",
128 |
"ESP401-Bahasa Inggris Bisnis Membaca dan Kosakata/Business English Reading and Vocabulary(3), Prerequisite: BIU204-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Intermediate English II(3), GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Inter English II(3)",
129 |
"ESP402-Korespondensi Bisnis Bahasa Inggris/Business English Correspondence(3), Prerequisite: BIU204-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Intermediate English II(3), GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Inter English II(3)",
130 |
"ESP403-Komunikasi Bisnis Bahasa Inggris/Business English Communication(3), Prerequisite: BIU204-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Intermediate English II(3), GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Inter English II(3)",
131 |
"ENG433-Penulisan Akademik Bahasa Inggris III/Academic English Writing III(3), Prerequisite: BIU204-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Intermediate English II(3), GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Inter English II(3)",
132 |
"MG4191-Pengalaman Kerja di Industri Teknologi Informasi/Industrial Experience in Information Technology(8), Elective",
133 |
"MG4192-Pengalaman Praktek di Bidang Teknologi Informasi/Information Technology Practice in Industrial Experience(8), Elective",
134 |
"MG4193-Pengembangan profesional di Industri Teknologi Informasi/Professional Development in Information Technology Industry(4), Elective",
135 |
"SI42901-Mata Kuliah Pilihan untuk Studi Independen 1/Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 1(8), Elective",
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"SI42902-Mata Kuliah Pilihan untuk Studi Independen 2/Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 2(8), Elective",
137 |
"SI42903-Mata Kuliah Pilihan untuk Studi Independen 3/Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 3(4), Elective",
138 |
"SI42904-Mata Kuliah Pilihan untuk Studi Independen 4/Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 4(4), Elective",
139 |
"SI42905-Mata Kuliah Pilihan untuk Studi Independen 5/Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 5(3), Elective",
140 |
"IF4291-Desain untuk Visualisasi dan Komputer/Design for Visualization and Communication(3) - Prerequisite: IF4172-Pengantar Pengembangan Game/Introduction to Game Development(3)",
141 |
"IF4292-Pemrograman Game/Game Programming(3) - Prerequisite: IF4172-Pengantar Pengembangan Game/Introduction to Game Development(3)",
142 |
"IF4191-Pengantar Animasi/Introduction to Animation(3) - Prerequisite: IF3266-Grafika Komputer/Computer Graphics(3)",
143 |
"IF4192-Prinsip-Prinsip Desain Kreatif/Principles of Creative Design(3) - Prerequisite: IF3266-Grafika Komputer/Computer Graphics(3)",
144 |
"IF4294-Pemrosesan Bahasa Alami/Natural Language Processing(3) - Prerequisite: IS3154-Penambangan dan Pergudangan Data/Data Mining and Warehousing(3)",
145 |
"IS3154-Penambangan dan Pergudangan Data/Data Mining and Warehousing(3) - Prerequisite: IS2241-Sistem Manajemen Basisdata/Database Management System(3)",
146 |
"IF4293-Pembelajaran Mesin/Machine Learning(3) - Prerequisite: IF3263-Kecerdasan Buatan/Artificial Intelligence(3)",
147 |
"IF4194-Pencarian Informasi/Information Retrieval(3) - Prerequisite: IS3154-Penambangan dan Pergudangan Data/Data Mining and Warehousing(3)",
148 |
"IF4195-Manajemen Proyek/Project Management(3) - Prerequisite: IF3262-Pengembangan Web Back-End/Back-End Web Development(3)",
149 |
"IF4196-Internet untuk Segala/Internet of Things(3) - Prerequisite: IF3262-Pengembangan Web Back-End/Back-End Web Development(3)",
150 |
"IF4295-Teknik Cloud/Cloud Engineering(3) - Prerequisite: IF3262-Pengembangan Web Back-End/Back-End Web Development(3)",
151 |
"IF4296-Rekayasa DevOps/DevOps Engineering(3) - Prerequisite: IF3262-Pengembangan Web Back-End/Back-End Web Development(3)",
152 |
"CNET402-Jaringan Nirkabel dan Perangkat Bergerak/Wireless and Mobile Networks(3) - Elective",
153 |
"BENG310-Bahasa Inggris Bisnis Membaca dan Kosakata/Business English Reading and Vocabulary(3) - Prerequisite: GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Inter English II(3)",
154 |
"BENG330-Komunikasi Bisnis Bahasa Inggris/Business English Communication(3) - Prerequisite: GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Inter English II(3)",
155 |
"BBEN320-Korespondensi Bisnis Bahasa Inggris/Business English Correspondence(3) - Prerequisite: GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Inter English II(3)",
156 |
"ELIT271-Studi Literatur I/Literature Studies I(3) - Prerequisite: GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Inter English II(3)",
157 |
"BIU305-Bahasa Inggris Menengah I/Intermediate English I(3) - Prerequisite: BIU204-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Intermediate English II(3), GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Inter English II(3)",
158 |
"BIU306-Bahasa Inggris Menengah II/Intermediate English II(3) - Prerequisite: BIU204-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Intermediate English II(3), GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Inter English II(3)",
159 |
"GEN306-Bahasa Inggris Menengah Atas II/Upper-Inter English II(3) - Prerequisites: GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Inter English II(3), LMTR999-Mata Kuliah Pembatas/Limiter Subject(1)",
160 |
"ESP401-Bahasa Inggris Bisnis Membaca dan Kosakata/Business English Reading and Vocabulary(3) - Prerequisite: BIU204-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Intermediate English II(3), GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Inter English II(3)",
161 |
"ESP402-Korespondensi Bisnis Bahasa Inggris/Business English Correspondence(3) - Prerequisite: BIU204-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Intermediate English II(3), GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Inter English II(3)",
162 |
"ESP403-Komunikasi Bisnis Bahasa Inggris/Business English Communication(3) - Prerequisite: BIU204-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Intermediate English II(3), GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Inter English II(3)",
163 |
"ENG433-Penulisan Akademik Bahasa Inggris III/Academic English Writing III(3) - Prerequisite: BIU204-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Intermediate English II(3), GEN102-Bahasa Inggris Pra Menengah II/Pre-Inter English II(3)",
164 |
"MG4191-Pengalaman Kerja di Industri Teknologi Informasi/Industrial Experience in Information Technology(8) - Elective",
165 |
"MG4192-Pengalaman Praktek di Bidang Teknologi Informasi/Information Technology Practice in Industrial Experience(8) - Elective",
166 |
"MG4193-Pengembangan profesional di Industri Teknologi Informasi/Professional Development in Information Technology Industry(4) - Elective",
167 |
"SI42901-Mata Kuliah Pilihan untuk Studi Independen 1/Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 1(8) - Elective",
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"SI42902-Mata Kuliah Pilihan untuk Studi Independen 2/Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 2(8) - Elective",
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"SI42903-Mata Kuliah Pilihan untuk Studi Independen 3/Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 3(4) - Elective",
170 |
"SI42904-Mata Kuliah Pilihan untuk Studi Independen 4/Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 4(4) - Elective",
171 |
"SI42905-Mata Kuliah Pilihan untuk Studi Independen 5/Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 5(3) - Elective",
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"SI42906-Mata Kuliah Pilihan untuk Studi Independen 6/Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 6(3) - Elective",
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"SI42907-Mata Kuliah Pilihan untuk Studi Independen 7/Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 7(3) - Elective",
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"SI42908-Mata Kuliah Pilihan untuk Studi Independen 8/Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 8(2) - Elective",
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"SI42909-Mata Kuliah Pilihan untuk Studi Independen 9/Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 9(2) - Elective",
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"SI42910-Mata Kuliah Pilihan untuk Studi Independen 10/Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 10(1) - Elective",
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"SI42911-Mata Kuliah Pilihan untuk Studi Independen 11/Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 11(1) - Elective",
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"SI42912-Mata Kuliah Pilihan untuk Studi Independen 12/Elective Course for Specific Independent Study 12(20) - Elective"
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