wspalign_few_ft_data / enfr_few.json
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{"version": "v2.0", "data": [{"paragraphs": [{"context": "3 .", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_15_f_0_0", "question": " ¶ 3 ¶ .", "answers": [{"text": "3", "answer_start": 0}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_15_f_1_1", "question": "3 ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 2}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "fr"}, {"context": "oh , oh !", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_2_f_0_0", "question": " ¶ oh ¶ , oh !", "answers": [{"text": "oh", "answer_start": 0}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_2_f_1_1", "question": "oh ¶ , ¶ oh !", "answers": [{"text": ",", "answer_start": 3}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_2_f_2_2", "question": "oh , ¶ oh ¶ !", "answers": [{"text": "oh", "answer_start": 5}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_2_f_3_3", "question": "oh , oh ¶ ! ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": "!", "answer_start": 8}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "fr"}, {"context": "2 .", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_0_f_0_0", "question": " ¶ 2 ¶ .", "answers": [{"text": "2", "answer_start": 0}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_0_f_1_1", "question": "2 ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 2}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "fr"}, {"context": "where is the AIB ? ", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_98_e_0_0", "question": " ¶ où ¶ est la CAI ?", "answers": [{"text": "where", "answer_start": 0}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_98_e_1_1", "question": "où ¶ est ¶ la CAI ?", "answers": [{"text": "is", "answer_start": 6}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_98_e_2_2", "question": "où est ¶ la ¶ CAI ?", "answers": [{"text": "the", "answer_start": 9}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_98_e_3_3", "question": "où est la ¶ CAI ¶ ?", "answers": [{"text": "AIB", "answer_start": 13}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_98_e_4_4", "question": "où est la CAI ¶ ? ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": "?", "answer_start": 17}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "en"}, {"context": "12 .", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_78_f_0_0", "question": " ¶ 12 ¶ .", "answers": [{"text": "12", "answer_start": 0}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_78_f_1_1", "question": "12 ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 3}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "fr"}, {"context": "2 .", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_1_f_0_0", "question": " ¶ 2 ¶ .", "answers": [{"text": "2", "answer_start": 0}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_1_f_1_1", "question": "2 ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 2}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "fr"}, {"context": "nous acceptons votre opinion .", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_76_f_0_0", "question": " ¶ we ¶ accept your view .", "answers": [{"text": "nous", "answer_start": 0}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_76_f_1_1", "question": "we ¶ accept ¶ your view .", "answers": [{"text": "acceptons", "answer_start": 5}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_76_f_2_2", "question": "we accept ¶ your ¶ view .", "answers": [{"text": "votre", "answer_start": 15}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_76_f_3_3", "question": "we accept your ¶ view ¶ .", "answers": [{"text": "opinion", "answer_start": 21}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_76_f_4_4", "question": "we accept your view ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 29}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "fr"}, {"context": "dans le rapport de le ministère de les Transports sur le accident , il est dit :", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_104_f_0_0", "question": " ¶ in ¶ the MOT accident report it is stated :", "answers": [{"text": "dans", "answer_start": 0}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_104_f_1_1", "question": "in ¶ the ¶ MOT accident report it is stated :", "answers": [{"text": "le", "answer_start": 5}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_104_f_2_5", "question": "in the ¶ MOT ¶ accident report it is stated :", "answers": [{"text": "ministère de les Transports", "answer_start": 22}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_104_f_3_11", "question": "in the MOT ¶ accident ¶ report it is stated :", "answers": [{"text": "accident", "answer_start": 57}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_104_f_4_2", "question": "in the MOT accident ¶ report ¶ it is stated :", "answers": [{"text": "rapport", "answer_start": 8}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_104_f_5_13", "question": "in the MOT accident report ¶ it ¶ is stated :", "answers": [{"text": "il", "answer_start": 68}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_104_f_6_14", "question": "in the MOT accident report it ¶ is ¶ stated :", "answers": [{"text": "est", "answer_start": 71}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_104_f_7_15", "question": "in the MOT accident report it is ¶ stated ¶ :", "answers": [{"text": "dit", "answer_start": 75}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_104_f_8_16", "question": "in the MOT accident report it is stated ¶ : ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ":", "answer_start": 79}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "fr"}, {"context": "où est la CAI ?", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_98_f_0_0", "question": " ¶ where ¶ is the AIB ?", "answers": [{"text": "où", "answer_start": 0}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_98_f_1_1", "question": "where ¶ is ¶ the AIB ?", "answers": [{"text": "est", "answer_start": 3}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_98_f_2_2", "question": "where is ¶ the ¶ AIB ?", "answers": [{"text": "la", "answer_start": 7}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_98_f_3_3", "question": "where is the ¶ AIB ¶ ?", "answers": [{"text": "CAI", "answer_start": 10}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_98_f_4_4", "question": "where is the AIB ¶ ? 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", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_3_e_0_0", "question": " ¶ oh ¶ , oh !", "answers": [{"text": "oh", "answer_start": 0}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_3_e_1_1", "question": "oh ¶ , ¶ oh !", "answers": [{"text": ",", "answer_start": 3}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_3_e_2_2", "question": "oh , ¶ oh ¶ !", "answers": [{"text": "oh", "answer_start": 5}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_3_e_3_3", "question": "oh , oh ¶ ! ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": "!", "answer_start": 8}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "en"}, {"context": "a le ordre .", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_23_f_0_2", "question": " ¶ order ¶ .", "answers": [{"text": "ordre", "answer_start": 5}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_23_f_1_3", "question": "order ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 11}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "fr"}, {"context": "oh , oh ! 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", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_190_e_0_0", "question": " ¶ elles ¶ travaillent avec eux .", "answers": [{"text": "they", "answer_start": 0}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_190_e_1_1", "question": "elles ¶ travaillent ¶ avec eux .", "answers": [{"text": "work", "answer_start": 5}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_190_e_2_2", "question": "elles travaillent ¶ avec ¶ eux .", "answers": [{"text": "with", "answer_start": 10}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_190_e_3_3", "question": "elles travaillent avec ¶ eux ¶ .", "answers": [{"text": "them", "answer_start": 15}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_190_e_4_4", "question": "elles travaillent avec eux ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 20}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "en"}, {"context": "ils demandent à les députés de le Parlement de mettre fin à toute réduction de personnel dans ces ateliers .", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_219_f_0_0", "question": " ¶ they ¶ ask the Members of this 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false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_f_5_X", "question": "they ask the Members of ¶ this ¶ House to put an end to all cuts in personnel at these shops .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_f_6_X", "question": "they ask the Members of this ¶ House ¶ to put an end to all cuts in personnel at these shops .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_f_7_8", "question": "they ask the Members of this House ¶ to ¶ put an end to all cuts in personnel at these shops .", "answers": [{"text": "de", "answer_start": 44}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_f_8_9", "question": "they ask the Members of this House to ¶ put ¶ an end to all cuts in personnel at these shops .", "answers": [{"text": "mettre", "answer_start": 47}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_f_9_X", "question": "they ask the Members of this House to put ¶ an ¶ end to all cuts in personnel at these shops .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_f_10_10", "question": "they ask the Members of this House to put an ¶ end ¶ to all cuts in personnel at these shops .", "answers": [{"text": "fin", "answer_start": 54}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_f_11_11", "question": "they ask the Members of this House to put an end ¶ to ¶ all cuts in personnel at these shops .", "answers": [{"text": "à", "answer_start": 58}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_f_12_12", "question": "they ask the Members of this House to put an end to ¶ all ¶ cuts in personnel at these shops .", "answers": [{"text": "toute", "answer_start": 60}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_f_13_X", "question": "they ask the Members of this House to put an end to all ¶ cuts ¶ in personnel at these shops .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_f_14_X", "question": "they ask the Members of this House to put an end to all cuts ¶ in ¶ personnel at these shops .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_f_15_15", "question": "they ask the Members of this House to put an end to all cuts in ¶ personnel ¶ at these shops .", "answers": [{"text": "personnel", "answer_start": 79}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_f_16_16", "question": "they ask the Members of this House to put an end to all cuts in personnel ¶ at ¶ these shops .", "answers": [{"text": "dans", "answer_start": 89}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_f_17_17", "question": "they ask the Members of this House to put an end to all cuts in personnel at ¶ these ¶ shops .", "answers": [{"text": "ces", "answer_start": 94}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_f_18_X", "question": "they ask the Members of this House to put an end to all cuts in personnel at these ¶ shops ¶ .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_f_19_19", "question": "they ask the Members of this House to put an end to all cuts in personnel at these shops ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 107}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "fr"}, {"context": "continually we get the message from across the way that this program will cost the government something . ", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_128_e_0_X", "question": " ¶ le ¶ opposition nous chante toujours la même rengaine : ce programme coûtera de le argent à le gouvernement .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_128_e_1_X", "question": "le ¶ opposition ¶ nous chante toujours la même rengaine : ce programme coûtera de le argent à le gouvernement .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_128_e_2_X", "question": "le opposition ¶ nous ¶ chante toujours la même rengaine : ce programme coûtera de le argent à le gouvernement .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_128_e_3_X", "question": "le opposition nous ¶ chante ¶ toujours la même rengaine : ce programme coûtera de le argent à le gouvernement .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_128_e_4_X", "question": "le opposition nous chante ¶ toujours ¶ la même rengaine : ce programme coûtera de le argent à le gouvernement .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_128_e_5_X", "question": "le opposition nous chante toujours ¶ la ¶ même rengaine : ce programme coûtera de le argent à le gouvernement .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_128_e_6_X", "question": "le opposition nous chante toujours la ¶ même ¶ rengaine : ce programme coûtera de le argent à le gouvernement .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_128_e_7_X", "question": "le opposition nous chante toujours la même ¶ rengaine ¶ : ce programme coûtera de le argent à le gouvernement .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_128_e_8_X", "question": "le opposition nous chante toujours la même rengaine ¶ : ¶ ce programme coûtera de le argent à le gouvernement .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_128_e_9_10", "question": "le opposition nous chante toujours la même rengaine : ¶ ce ¶ programme coûtera de le argent à le gouvernement .", "answers": [{"text": "this", "answer_start": 56}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_128_e_10_11", "question": "le opposition nous chante toujours la même rengaine : ce ¶ programme ¶ coûtera de le argent à le gouvernement .", "answers": [{"text": "program", "answer_start": 61}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_128_e_11_X", "question": "le opposition nous chante toujours la même rengaine : ce programme ¶ coûtera ¶ de le argent à le gouvernement .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_128_e_12_X", "question": "le opposition nous chante toujours la même rengaine : ce programme coûtera ¶ de ¶ le argent à le gouvernement .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_128_e_13_X", "question": "le opposition nous chante toujours la même rengaine : ce programme coûtera de ¶ le ¶ argent à le gouvernement .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_128_e_14_X", "question": "le opposition nous chante toujours la même rengaine : ce programme coûtera de le ¶ argent ¶ à le gouvernement .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_128_e_15_X", "question": "le opposition nous chante toujours la même rengaine : ce programme coûtera de le argent ¶ à ¶ le gouvernement .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_128_e_16_14", "question": "le opposition nous chante toujours la même rengaine : ce programme coûtera de le argent à ¶ le ¶ gouvernement .", "answers": [{"text": "the", "answer_start": 79}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_128_e_17_15", "question": "le opposition nous chante toujours la même rengaine : ce programme coûtera de le argent à le ¶ gouvernement ¶ .", "answers": [{"text": "government", "answer_start": 83}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_128_e_18_17", "question": "le opposition nous chante toujours la même rengaine : ce programme coûtera de le argent à le gouvernement ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 104}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "en"}, {"context": "but oh how their popularity soared and they coasted through on that . ", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_48_e_0_3", "question": " ¶ leur ¶ popularité a monté en flèche et ils ont traversé la crise avec facilité grâce à cela .", "answers": [{"text": "their", "answer_start": 11}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_48_e_1_4", "question": "leur ¶ popularité ¶ a monté en flèche et ils ont traversé la crise avec facilité grâce à cela .", "answers": [{"text": "popularity", "answer_start": 17}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_48_e_2_X", "question": "leur popularité ¶ a ¶ monté en flèche et ils ont traversé la crise avec facilité grâce à cela .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_48_e_3_X", "question": "leur popularité a ¶ monté ¶ en flèche et ils ont traversé la crise avec facilité grâce à cela .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_48_e_4_X", "question": "leur popularité a monté ¶ en ¶ flèche et ils ont traversé la crise avec facilité grâce à cela .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_48_e_5_X", "question": "leur popularité a monté en ¶ flèche ¶ et ils ont traversé la crise avec facilité grâce à cela .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_48_e_6_6", "question": "leur popularité a monté en flèche ¶ et ¶ ils ont traversé la crise avec facilité grâce à cela .", "answers": [{"text": "and", "answer_start": 35}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_48_e_7_7", "question": "leur popularité a monté en flèche et ¶ ils ¶ ont traversé la crise avec facilité grâce à cela .", "answers": [{"text": "they", "answer_start": 39}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_48_e_8_X", "question": "leur popularité a monté en flèche et ils ¶ ont ¶ traversé la crise avec facilité grâce à cela .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_48_e_9_X", "question": "leur popularité a monté en flèche et ils ont ¶ traversé ¶ la crise avec facilité grâce à cela .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_48_e_10_X", "question": "leur popularité a monté en flèche et ils ont traversé ¶ la ¶ crise avec facilité grâce à cela .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_48_e_11_X", "question": "leur popularité a monté en flèche et ils ont traversé la ¶ crise ¶ avec facilité grâce à cela .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_48_e_12_X", "question": "leur popularité a monté en flèche et ils ont traversé la crise ¶ avec ¶ facilité grâce à cela .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_48_e_13_X", "question": "leur popularité a monté en flèche et ils ont traversé la crise avec ¶ facilité ¶ grâce à cela .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_48_e_14_X", "question": "leur popularité a monté en flèche et ils ont traversé la crise avec facilité ¶ grâce ¶ à cela .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_48_e_15_X", "question": "leur popularité a monté en flèche et ils ont traversé la crise avec facilité grâce ¶ à ¶ cela .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_48_e_16_11", "question": "leur popularité a monté en flèche et ils ont traversé la crise avec facilité grâce à ¶ cela ¶ .", "answers": [{"text": "that", "answer_start": 63}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_48_e_17_12", "question": "leur popularité a monté en flèche et ils ont traversé la crise avec facilité grâce à cela ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 68}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "en"}, {"context": "je vous remercie , monsieur le Orateur , et je remercie les députés de me permettre de poursuivre .", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_32_f_0_X", "question": " ¶ thank ¶ you very much , Mr. Speaker , and I thank hon. members for allowing me the privilege to continue .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_32_f_1_1", "question": "thank ¶ you ¶ very much , Mr. Speaker , and I thank hon. members for allowing me the privilege to continue .", "answers": [{"text": "vous", "answer_start": 3}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_32_f_2_X", "question": "thank you ¶ very ¶ much , Mr. Speaker , and I thank hon. members for allowing me the privilege to continue .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_32_f_3_X", "question": "thank you very ¶ much ¶ , Mr. Speaker , and I thank hon. members for allowing me the privilege to continue .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_32_f_4_3", "question": "thank you very much ¶ , ¶ Mr. Speaker , and I thank hon. members for allowing me the privilege to continue .", "answers": [{"text": ",", "answer_start": 17}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_32_f_5_4", "question": "thank you very much , ¶ Mr. ¶ Speaker , and I thank hon. members for allowing me the privilege to continue .", "answers": [{"text": "monsieur", "answer_start": 19}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_32_f_6_6", "question": "thank you very much , Mr. ¶ Speaker ¶ , and I thank hon. members for allowing me the privilege to continue .", "answers": [{"text": "Orateur", "answer_start": 31}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_32_f_7_7", "question": "thank you very much , Mr. Speaker ¶ , ¶ and I thank hon. members for allowing me the privilege to continue .", "answers": [{"text": ",", "answer_start": 39}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_32_f_8_8", "question": "thank you very much , Mr. Speaker , ¶ and ¶ I thank hon. members for allowing me the privilege to continue .", "answers": [{"text": "et", "answer_start": 41}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_32_f_9_9", "question": "thank you very much , Mr. Speaker , and ¶ I ¶ thank hon. members for allowing me the privilege to continue .", "answers": [{"text": "je", "answer_start": 44}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_32_f_10_10", "question": "thank you very much , Mr. Speaker , and I ¶ thank ¶ hon. members for allowing me the privilege to continue .", "answers": [{"text": "remercie", "answer_start": 47}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_32_f_11_12", "question": "thank you very much , Mr. Speaker , and I thank ¶ hon. ¶ members for allowing me the privilege to continue .", "answers": [{"text": "députés", "answer_start": 60}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_32_f_12_12", "question": "thank you very much , Mr. Speaker , and I thank hon. ¶ members ¶ for allowing me the privilege to continue .", "answers": [{"text": "députés", "answer_start": 60}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_32_f_13_13", "question": "thank you very much , Mr. Speaker , and I thank hon. members ¶ for ¶ allowing me the privilege to continue .", "answers": [{"text": "de", "answer_start": 68}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_32_f_14_15", "question": "thank you very much , Mr. Speaker , and I thank hon. members for ¶ allowing ¶ me the privilege to continue .", "answers": [{"text": "permettre", "answer_start": 74}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_32_f_15_14", "question": "thank you very much , Mr. Speaker , and I thank hon. members for allowing ¶ me ¶ the privilege to continue .", "answers": [{"text": "me", "answer_start": 71}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_32_f_16_X", "question": "thank you very much , Mr. Speaker , and I thank hon. members for allowing me ¶ the ¶ privilege to continue .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_32_f_17_X", "question": "thank you very much , Mr. Speaker , and I thank hon. members for allowing me the ¶ privilege ¶ to continue .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_32_f_18_16", "question": "thank you very much , Mr. Speaker , and I thank hon. members for allowing me the privilege ¶ to ¶ continue .", "answers": [{"text": "de", "answer_start": 84}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_32_f_19_17", "question": "thank you very much , Mr. Speaker , and I thank hon. members for allowing me the privilege to ¶ continue ¶ .", "answers": [{"text": "poursuivre", "answer_start": 87}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_32_f_20_18", "question": "thank you very much , Mr. Speaker , and I thank hon. members for allowing me the privilege to continue ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 98}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "fr"}, {"context": "monsieur le Orateur , comme je le ai signalé à le chef de le opposition , je espère faire une déclaration à ce sujet le1er novembre .", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_0_0", "question": " ¶ Mr. ¶ Speaker , as I indicated to the Leader of the Opposition , I would hope to make an announcement on this question on November 1 .", "answers": [{"text": "monsieur", "answer_start": 0}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_1_2", "question": "Mr. ¶ Speaker ¶ , as I indicated to the Leader of the Opposition , I would hope to make an announcement on this question on November 1 .", "answers": [{"text": "Orateur", "answer_start": 12}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_2_3", "question": "Mr. Speaker ¶ , ¶ as I indicated to the Leader of the Opposition , I would hope to make an announcement on this question on November 1 .", "answers": [{"text": ",", "answer_start": 20}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_3_4", "question": "Mr. Speaker , ¶ as ¶ I indicated to the Leader of the Opposition , I would hope to make an announcement on this question on November 1 .", "answers": [{"text": "comme", "answer_start": 22}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_4_5", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as ¶ I ¶ indicated to the Leader of the Opposition , I would hope to make an announcement on this question on November 1 .", "answers": [{"text": "je", "answer_start": 28}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_5_X", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as I ¶ indicated ¶ to the Leader of the Opposition , I would hope to make an announcement on this question on November 1 .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_6_9", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as I indicated ¶ to ¶ the Leader of the Opposition , I would hope to make an announcement on this question on November 1 .", "answers": [{"text": "à", "answer_start": 45}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_7_10", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as I indicated to ¶ the ¶ Leader of the Opposition , I would hope to make an announcement on this question on November 1 .", "answers": [{"text": "le", "answer_start": 47}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_8_11", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as I indicated to the ¶ Leader ¶ of the Opposition , I would hope to make an announcement on this question on November 1 .", "answers": [{"text": "chef", "answer_start": 50}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_9_12", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as I indicated to the Leader ¶ of ¶ the Opposition , I would hope to make an announcement on this question on November 1 .", "answers": [{"text": "de", "answer_start": 55}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_10_13", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as I indicated to the Leader of ¶ the ¶ Opposition , I would hope to make an announcement on this question on November 1 .", "answers": [{"text": "le", "answer_start": 58}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_11_14", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as I indicated to the Leader of the ¶ Opposition ¶ , I would hope to make an announcement on this question on November 1 .", "answers": [{"text": "opposition", "answer_start": 61}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_12_15", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as I indicated to the Leader of the Opposition ¶ , ¶ I would hope to make an announcement on this question on November 1 .", "answers": [{"text": ",", "answer_start": 72}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_13_16", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as I indicated to the Leader of the Opposition , ¶ I ¶ would hope to make an announcement on this question on November 1 .", "answers": [{"text": "je", "answer_start": 74}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_14_X", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as I indicated to the Leader of the Opposition , I ¶ would ¶ hope to make an announcement on this question on November 1 .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_15_17", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as I indicated to the Leader of the Opposition , I would ¶ hope ¶ to make an announcement on this question on November 1 .", "answers": [{"text": "espère", "answer_start": 77}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_16_X", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as I indicated to the Leader of the Opposition , I would hope ¶ to ¶ make an announcement on this question on November 1 .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_17_18", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as I indicated to the Leader of the Opposition , I would hope to ¶ make ¶ an announcement on this question on November 1 .", "answers": [{"text": "faire", "answer_start": 84}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_18_19", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as I indicated to the Leader of the Opposition , I would hope to make ¶ an ¶ announcement on this question on November 1 .", "answers": [{"text": "une", "answer_start": 90}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_19_20", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as I indicated to the Leader of the Opposition , I would hope to make an ¶ announcement ¶ on this question on November 1 .", "answers": [{"text": "déclaration", "answer_start": 94}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_20_21", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as I indicated to the Leader of the Opposition , I would hope to make an announcement ¶ on ¶ this question on November 1 .", "answers": [{"text": "à", "answer_start": 106}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_21_22", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as I indicated to the Leader of the Opposition , I would hope to make an announcement on ¶ this ¶ question on November 1 .", "answers": [{"text": "ce", "answer_start": 108}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_22_23", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as I indicated to the Leader of the Opposition , I would hope to make an announcement on this ¶ question ¶ on November 1 .", "answers": [{"text": "sujet", "answer_start": 111}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_23_X", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as I indicated to the Leader of the Opposition , I would hope to make an announcement on this question ¶ on ¶ November 1 .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_24_25", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as I indicated to the Leader of the Opposition , I would hope to make an announcement on this question on ¶ November ¶ 1 .", "answers": [{"text": "novembre", "answer_start": 123}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_25_X", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as I indicated to the Leader of the Opposition , I would hope to make an announcement on this question on November ¶ 1 ¶ .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_24_f_26_26", "question": "Mr. Speaker , as I indicated to the Leader of the Opposition , I would hope to make an announcement on this question on November 1 ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 132}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "fr"}, {"context": "il y a bien de les choses que je pourrais dire à propos de le bill C - 19 .", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_70_f_0_X", "question": " ¶ there ¶ are many things I could say about Bill C - 19 .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_70_f_1_X", "question": "there ¶ are ¶ many things I could say about Bill C - 19 .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_70_f_2_X", "question": "there are ¶ many ¶ things I could say about Bill C - 19 .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_70_f_3_6", "question": "there are many ¶ things ¶ I could say about Bill C - 19 .", "answers": [{"text": "choses", "answer_start": 19}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_70_f_4_8", "question": "there are many things ¶ I ¶ could say about Bill C - 19 .", "answers": [{"text": "je", "answer_start": 30}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_70_f_5_9", "question": "there are many things I ¶ could ¶ say about Bill C - 19 .", "answers": [{"text": "pourrais", "answer_start": 33}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_70_f_6_10", "question": "there are many things I could ¶ say ¶ about Bill C - 19 .", "answers": [{"text": "dire", "answer_start": 42}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_70_f_7_X", "question": "there are many things I could say ¶ about ¶ Bill C - 19 .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_70_f_8_15", "question": "there are many things I could say about ¶ Bill ¶ C - 19 .", "answers": [{"text": "bill", "answer_start": 62}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_70_f_9_16", "question": "there are many things I could say about Bill ¶ C ¶ - 19 .", "answers": [{"text": "C", "answer_start": 67}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_70_f_10_17", "question": "there are many things I could say about Bill C ¶ - ¶ 19 .", "answers": [{"text": "-", "answer_start": 69}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_70_f_11_18", "question": "there are many things I could say about Bill C - ¶ 19 ¶ .", "answers": [{"text": "19", "answer_start": 71}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_70_f_12_19", "question": "there are many things I could say about Bill C - 19 ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 74}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "fr"}, {"context": "retired December 30 , 1975 following completion of 34 years of public service . ", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_87_e_0_X", "question": " ¶ cette ¶ personne a pris sa retraite le 30 décembre 1975 après avoir complété 34 années à le service de le public .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_87_e_1_X", "question": "cette ¶ personne ¶ a pris sa retraite le 30 décembre 1975 après avoir complété 34 années à le service de le public .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_87_e_2_X", "question": "cette personne ¶ a ¶ pris sa retraite le 30 décembre 1975 après avoir complété 34 années à le service de le public .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_87_e_3_X", "question": "cette personne a ¶ pris ¶ sa retraite le 30 décembre 1975 après avoir complété 34 années à le service de le public .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_87_e_4_X", "question": "cette personne a pris ¶ sa ¶ retraite le 30 décembre 1975 après avoir complété 34 années à le service de le public .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_87_e_5_X", "question": "cette personne a pris sa ¶ retraite ¶ le 30 décembre 1975 après avoir complété 34 années à le service de le public .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_87_e_6_X", "question": "cette personne a pris sa retraite ¶ le ¶ 30 décembre 1975 après avoir complété 34 années à le service de le public .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_87_e_7_2", "question": "cette personne a pris sa retraite le ¶ 30 ¶ décembre 1975 après avoir complété 34 années à le service de le public .", "answers": [{"text": "30", "answer_start": 17}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_87_e_8_1", "question": "cette personne a pris sa retraite le 30 ¶ décembre ¶ 1975 après avoir complété 34 années à le service de le public .", "answers": [{"text": "December", "answer_start": 8}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_87_e_9_4", "question": "cette personne a pris sa retraite le 30 décembre ¶ 1975 ¶ après avoir complété 34 années à le service de le public .", "answers": [{"text": "1975", "answer_start": 22}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_87_e_10_X", "question": "cette personne a pris sa retraite le 30 décembre 1975 ¶ après ¶ avoir complété 34 années à le service de le public .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_87_e_11_X", "question": "cette personne a pris sa retraite le 30 décembre 1975 après ¶ avoir ¶ complété 34 années à le service de le public .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_87_e_12_X", "question": "cette personne a pris sa retraite le 30 décembre 1975 après avoir ¶ complété ¶ 34 années à le service de le public .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_87_e_13_8", "question": "cette personne a pris sa retraite le 30 décembre 1975 après avoir complété ¶ 34 ¶ années à le service de le public .", "answers": [{"text": "34", "answer_start": 51}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_87_e_14_9", "question": "cette personne a pris sa retraite le 30 décembre 1975 après avoir complété 34 ¶ années ¶ à le service de le public .", "answers": [{"text": "years", "answer_start": 54}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_87_e_15_10", "question": "cette personne a pris sa retraite le 30 décembre 1975 après avoir complété 34 années ¶ à ¶ le service de le public .", "answers": [{"text": "of", "answer_start": 60}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_87_e_16_X", "question": "cette personne a pris sa retraite le 30 décembre 1975 après avoir complété 34 années à ¶ le ¶ service de le public .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_87_e_17_12", "question": "cette personne a pris sa retraite le 30 décembre 1975 après avoir complété 34 années à le ¶ service ¶ de le public .", "answers": [{"text": "service", "answer_start": 70}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_87_e_18_X", "question": "cette personne a pris sa retraite le 30 décembre 1975 après avoir complété 34 années à le service ¶ de ¶ le public .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_87_e_19_X", "question": "cette personne a pris sa retraite le 30 décembre 1975 après avoir complété 34 années à le service de ¶ le ¶ public .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_87_e_20_11", "question": "cette personne a pris sa retraite le 30 décembre 1975 après avoir complété 34 années à le service de le ¶ public ¶ .", "answers": [{"text": "public", "answer_start": 63}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_87_e_21_13", "question": "cette personne a pris sa retraite le 30 décembre 1975 après avoir complété 34 années à le service de le public ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 78}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "en"}, {"context": "on a tout à fait tenu compte de leur avis sur le état de la réserve de poisson .", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_31_f_0_8", "question": " ¶ their ¶ evidence on the state of each stock was taken fully into account .", "answers": [{"text": "leur", "answer_start": 32}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_31_f_1_X", "question": "their ¶ evidence ¶ on the state of each stock was taken fully into account .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_31_f_2_10", "question": "their evidence ¶ on ¶ the state of each stock was taken fully into account .", "answers": [{"text": "sur", "answer_start": 42}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_31_f_3_11", "question": "their evidence on ¶ the ¶ state of each stock was taken fully into account .", "answers": [{"text": "le", "answer_start": 46}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_31_f_4_12", "question": "their evidence on the ¶ state ¶ of each stock was taken fully into account .", "answers": [{"text": "état", "answer_start": 49}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_31_f_5_13", "question": "their evidence on the state ¶ of ¶ each stock was taken fully into account .", "answers": [{"text": "de", "answer_start": 54}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_31_f_6_X", "question": "their evidence on the state of ¶ each ¶ stock was taken fully into account .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_31_f_7_15", "question": "their evidence on the state of each ¶ stock ¶ was taken fully into account .", "answers": [{"text": "réserve", "answer_start": 60}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_31_f_8_X", "question": "their evidence on the state of each stock ¶ was ¶ taken fully into account .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_31_f_9_X", "question": "their evidence on the state of each stock was ¶ taken ¶ fully into account .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_31_f_10_X", "question": "their evidence on the state of each stock was taken ¶ fully ¶ into account .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_31_f_11_X", "question": "their evidence on the state of each stock was taken fully ¶ into ¶ account .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_31_f_12_X", "question": "their evidence on the state of each stock was taken fully into ¶ account ¶ .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_31_f_13_18", "question": "their evidence on the state of each stock was taken fully into account ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 79}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "fr"}, {"context": "the Government refuses to believe it . ", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_206_e_0_0", "question": " ¶ le ¶ gouvernement ne veut pas le croire .", "answers": [{"text": "the", "answer_start": 0}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_206_e_1_1", "question": "le ¶ gouvernement ¶ ne veut pas le croire .", "answers": [{"text": "Government", "answer_start": 4}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_206_e_2_X", "question": "le gouvernement ¶ ne ¶ veut pas le croire .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_206_e_3_X", "question": "le gouvernement ne ¶ veut ¶ pas le croire .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_206_e_4_X", "question": "le gouvernement ne veut ¶ pas ¶ le croire .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_206_e_5_X", "question": "le gouvernement ne veut pas ¶ le ¶ croire .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_206_e_6_4", "question": "le gouvernement ne veut pas le ¶ croire ¶ .", "answers": [{"text": "believe", "answer_start": 26}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_206_e_7_6", "question": "le gouvernement ne veut pas le croire ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 37}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "en"}, {"context": "madam Speaker , I would like to hear from the hon. member before I move my motion . ", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_140_e_0_0", "question": " ¶ madame ¶ le Président , je aimerais entendre ce que va dire le député avant de proposer ma motion .", "answers": [{"text": "madam", "answer_start": 0}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_140_e_1_X", "question": "madame ¶ le ¶ Président , je aimerais entendre ce que va dire le député avant de proposer ma motion .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_140_e_2_X", "question": "madame le ¶ Président ¶ , je aimerais entendre ce que va dire le député avant de proposer ma motion .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_140_e_3_2", "question": "madame le Président ¶ , ¶ je aimerais entendre ce que va dire le député avant de proposer ma motion .", "answers": [{"text": ",", "answer_start": 14}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_140_e_4_3", "question": "madame le Président , ¶ je ¶ aimerais entendre ce que va dire le député avant de proposer ma motion .", "answers": [{"text": "I", "answer_start": 16}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_140_e_5_X", "question": "madame le Président , je ¶ aimerais ¶ entendre ce que va dire le député avant de proposer ma motion .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_140_e_6_7", "question": "madame le Président , je aimerais ¶ entendre ¶ ce que va dire le député avant de proposer ma motion .", "answers": [{"text": "hear", "answer_start": 32}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_140_e_7_X", "question": "madame le Président , je aimerais entendre ¶ ce ¶ que va dire le député avant de proposer ma motion .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_140_e_8_X", "question": "madame le Président , je aimerais entendre ce ¶ que ¶ va dire le député avant de proposer ma motion .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_140_e_9_X", "question": "madame le Président , je aimerais entendre ce que ¶ va ¶ dire le député avant de proposer ma motion .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_140_e_10_X", "question": "madame le Président , je aimerais entendre ce que va ¶ dire ¶ le député avant de proposer ma motion .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_140_e_11_9", "question": "madame le Président , je aimerais entendre ce que va dire ¶ le ¶ député avant de proposer ma motion .", "answers": [{"text": "the", "answer_start": 42}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_140_e_12_10", "question": "madame le Président , je aimerais entendre ce que va dire le ¶ député ¶ avant de proposer ma motion .", "answers": [{"text": "hon. member", "answer_start": 46}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_140_e_13_12", "question": "madame le Président , je aimerais entendre ce que va dire le député ¶ avant ¶ de proposer ma motion .", "answers": [{"text": "before", "answer_start": 58}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_140_e_14_X", "question": "madame le Président , je aimerais entendre ce que va dire le député avant ¶ de ¶ proposer ma motion .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_140_e_15_X", "question": "madame le Président , je aimerais entendre ce que va dire le député avant de ¶ proposer ¶ ma motion .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_140_e_16_15", "question": "madame le Président , je aimerais entendre ce que va dire le député avant de proposer ¶ ma ¶ motion .", "answers": [{"text": "my", "answer_start": 72}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_140_e_17_16", "question": "madame le Président , je aimerais entendre ce que va dire le député avant de proposer ma ¶ motion ¶ .", "answers": [{"text": "motion", "answer_start": 75}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_140_e_18_17", "question": "madame le Président , je aimerais entendre ce que va dire le député avant de proposer ma motion ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 82}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "en"}, {"context": "deuxièmement , monsieur le Président , ce que nous avons fait depuis novembre dernier , ce est une amélioration de le climat de confiance .", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_0_X", "question": " ¶ and ¶ , second , Mr. Speaker , what we have been doing since last November is building up a climate of confidence .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_1_X", "question": "and ¶ , ¶ second , Mr. Speaker , what we have been doing since last November is building up a climate of confidence .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_2_0", "question": "and , ¶ second ¶ , Mr. Speaker , what we have been doing since last November is building up a climate of confidence .", "answers": [{"text": "deuxièmement", "answer_start": 0}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_3_1", "question": "and , second ¶ , ¶ Mr. Speaker , what we have been doing since last November is building up a climate of confidence .", "answers": [{"text": ",", "answer_start": 13}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_4_2", "question": "and , second , ¶ Mr. ¶ Speaker , what we have been doing since last November is building up a climate of confidence .", "answers": [{"text": "monsieur", "answer_start": 15}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_5_X", "question": "and , second , Mr. ¶ Speaker ¶ , what we have been doing since last November is building up a climate of confidence .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_6_5", "question": "and , second , Mr. Speaker ¶ , ¶ what we have been doing since last November is building up a climate of confidence .", "answers": [{"text": ",", "answer_start": 37}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_7_6", "question": "and , second , Mr. Speaker , ¶ what ¶ we have been doing since last November is building up a climate of confidence .", "answers": [{"text": "ce que", "answer_start": 39}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_8_8", "question": "and , second , Mr. Speaker , what ¶ we ¶ have been doing since last November is building up a climate of confidence .", "answers": [{"text": "nous", "answer_start": 46}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_9_X", "question": "and , second , Mr. Speaker , what we ¶ have ¶ been doing since last November is building up a climate of confidence .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_10_X", "question": "and , second , Mr. Speaker , what we have ¶ been ¶ doing since last November is building up a climate of confidence .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_11_X", "question": "and , second , Mr. Speaker , what we have been ¶ doing ¶ since last November is building up a climate of confidence .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_12_11", "question": "and , second , Mr. Speaker , what we have been doing ¶ since ¶ last November is building up a climate of confidence .", "answers": [{"text": "depuis", "answer_start": 62}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_13_13", "question": "and , second , Mr. Speaker , what we have been doing since ¶ last ¶ November is building up a climate of confidence .", "answers": [{"text": "dernier", "answer_start": 78}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_14_12", "question": "and , second , Mr. Speaker , what we have been doing since last ¶ November ¶ is building up a climate of confidence .", "answers": [{"text": "novembre", "answer_start": 69}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_15_16", "question": "and , second , Mr. Speaker , what we have been doing since last November ¶ is ¶ building up a climate of confidence .", "answers": [{"text": "est", "answer_start": 91}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_16_X", "question": "and , second , Mr. Speaker , what we have been doing since last November is ¶ building ¶ up a climate of confidence .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_17_X", "question": "and , second , Mr. Speaker , what we have been doing since last November is building ¶ up ¶ a climate of confidence .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_18_X", "question": "and , second , Mr. Speaker , what we have been doing since last November is building up ¶ a ¶ climate of confidence .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_19_21", "question": "and , second , Mr. Speaker , what we have been doing since last November is building up a ¶ climate ¶ of confidence .", "answers": [{"text": "climat", "answer_start": 118}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_20_22", "question": "and , second , Mr. Speaker , what we have been doing since last November is building up a climate ¶ of ¶ confidence .", "answers": [{"text": "de", "answer_start": 125}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_21_23", "question": "and , second , Mr. Speaker , what we have been doing since last November is building up a climate of ¶ confidence ¶ .", "answers": [{"text": "confiance", "answer_start": 128}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_214_f_22_24", "question": "and , second , Mr. Speaker , what we have been doing since last November is building up a climate of confidence ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 138}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "fr"}, {"context": "that is to say , at the request of the person who may be going to declare his refugee claim . ", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_0_0", "question": " ¶ ce ¶ est - à - dire à la demande de la personne qui va peut - être prétendre à le statut de réfugié .", "answers": [{"text": "that", "answer_start": 0}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_1_1", "question": "ce ¶ est ¶ - à - dire à la demande de la personne qui va peut - être prétendre à le statut de réfugié .", "answers": [{"text": "is", "answer_start": 5}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_2_X", "question": "ce est ¶ - ¶ à - dire à la demande de la personne qui va peut - être prétendre à le statut de réfugié .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_3_2", "question": "ce est - ¶ à ¶ - dire à la demande de la personne qui va peut - être prétendre à le statut de réfugié .", "answers": [{"text": "to", "answer_start": 8}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_4_X", "question": "ce est - à ¶ - ¶ dire à la demande de la personne qui va peut - être prétendre à le statut de réfugié .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_5_3", "question": "ce est - à - ¶ dire ¶ à la demande de la personne qui va peut - être prétendre à le statut de réfugié .", "answers": [{"text": "say", "answer_start": 11}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_6_5", "question": "ce est - à - dire ¶ à ¶ la demande de la personne qui va peut - être prétendre à le statut de réfugié .", "answers": [{"text": "at", "answer_start": 17}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_7_6", "question": "ce est - à - dire à ¶ la ¶ demande de la personne qui va peut - être prétendre à le statut de réfugié .", "answers": [{"text": "the", "answer_start": 20}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_8_7", "question": "ce est - à - dire à la ¶ demande ¶ de la personne qui va peut - être prétendre à le statut de réfugié .", "answers": [{"text": "request", "answer_start": 24}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_9_8", "question": "ce est - à - dire à la demande ¶ de ¶ la personne qui va peut - être prétendre à le statut de réfugié .", "answers": [{"text": "of", "answer_start": 32}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_10_9", "question": "ce est - à - dire à la demande de ¶ la ¶ personne qui va peut - être prétendre à le statut de réfugié .", "answers": [{"text": "the", "answer_start": 35}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_11_10", "question": "ce est - à - dire à la demande de la ¶ personne ¶ qui va peut - être prétendre à le statut de réfugié .", "answers": [{"text": "person", "answer_start": 39}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_12_11", "question": "ce est - à - dire à la demande de la personne ¶ qui ¶ va peut - être prétendre à le statut de réfugié .", "answers": [{"text": "who", "answer_start": 46}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_13_X", "question": "ce est - à - dire à la demande de la personne qui ¶ va ¶ peut - être prétendre à le statut de réfugié .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_14_X", "question": "ce est - à - dire à la demande de la personne qui va ¶ peut ¶ - être prétendre à le statut de réfugié .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_15_X", "question": "ce est - à - dire à la demande de la personne qui va peut ¶ - ¶ être prétendre à le statut de réfugié .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_16_X", "question": "ce est - à - dire à la demande de la personne qui va peut - ¶ être ¶ prétendre à le statut de réfugié .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_17_X", "question": "ce est - à - dire à la demande de la personne qui va peut - être ¶ prétendre ¶ à le statut de réfugié .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_18_X", "question": "ce est - à - dire à la demande de la personne qui va peut - être prétendre ¶ à ¶ le statut de réfugié .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_19_X", "question": "ce est - à - dire à la demande de la personne qui va peut - être prétendre à ¶ le ¶ statut de réfugié .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_20_X", "question": "ce est - à - dire à la demande de la personne qui va peut - être prétendre à le ¶ statut ¶ de réfugié .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_21_X", "question": "ce est - à - dire à la demande de la personne qui va peut - être prétendre à le statut ¶ de ¶ réfugié .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_22_18", "question": "ce est - à - dire à la demande de la personne qui va peut - être prétendre à le statut de ¶ réfugié ¶ .", "answers": [{"text": "refugee", "answer_start": 78}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_249_e_23_20", "question": "ce est - à - dire à la demande de la personne qui va peut - être prétendre à le statut de réfugié ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 92}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "en"}, {"context": "if we proceed on that basis in this or in any other direction in public life , we will always be able to find excuses . ", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_0_0", "question": " ¶ si ¶ nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou de autres de le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [{"text": "if", "answer_start": 0}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_1_1", "question": "si ¶ nous ¶ adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou de autres de le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [{"text": "we", "answer_start": 3}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_2_X", "question": "si nous ¶ adoptons ¶ pareille attitude pour cette question ou de autres de le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_3_X", "question": "si nous adoptons ¶ pareille ¶ attitude pour cette question ou de autres de le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_4_X", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille ¶ attitude ¶ pour cette question ou de autres de le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_5_X", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude ¶ pour ¶ cette question ou de autres de le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_6_7", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour ¶ cette ¶ question ou de autres de le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [{"text": "this", "answer_start": 31}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_7_X", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette ¶ question ¶ ou de autres de le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_8_8", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ¶ ou ¶ de autres de le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [{"text": "or", "answer_start": 36}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_9_X", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou ¶ de ¶ autres de le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_10_X", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou de ¶ autres ¶ de le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_11_X", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou de autres ¶ de ¶ le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_12_X", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou de autres de ¶ le ¶ domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_13_X", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou de autres de le ¶ domaine ¶ public , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_14_14", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou de autres de le domaine ¶ public ¶ , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [{"text": "public", "answer_start": 65}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_15_16", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou de autres de le domaine public ¶ , ¶ nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [{"text": ",", "answer_start": 77}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_16_17", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou de autres de le domaine public , ¶ nous ¶ trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [{"text": "we", "answer_start": 79}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_17_X", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou de autres de le domaine public , nous ¶ trouverons ¶ toujours de les excuses pour éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_18_19", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou de autres de le domaine public , nous trouverons ¶ toujours ¶ de les excuses pour éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [{"text": "always", "answer_start": 87}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_19_X", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou de autres de le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours ¶ de ¶ les excuses pour éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_20_X", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou de autres de le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de ¶ les ¶ excuses pour éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_21_24", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou de autres de le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de les ¶ excuses ¶ pour éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [{"text": "excuses", "answer_start": 110}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_22_X", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou de autres de le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses ¶ pour ¶ éviter de passer à le action .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_23_X", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou de autres de le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour ¶ éviter ¶ de passer à le action .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_24_X", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou de autres de le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter ¶ de ¶ passer à le action .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_25_X", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou de autres de le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter de ¶ passer ¶ à le action .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_26_X", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou de autres de le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter de passer ¶ à ¶ le action .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_27_X", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou de autres de le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter de passer à ¶ le ¶ action .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_28_X", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou de autres de le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter de passer à le ¶ action ¶ .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_234_e_29_25", "question": "si nous adoptons pareille attitude pour cette question ou de autres de le domaine public , nous trouverons toujours de les excuses pour éviter de passer à le action ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 118}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "en"}, {"context": "monsieur le Président , je regrette , mais je ne ai pas vu ce communiqué de la société britannique .", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_188_f_0_0", "question": " ¶ Mr. ¶ Speaker , I am sorry , I have not seen the statement by a British firm .", "answers": [{"text": "monsieur", "answer_start": 0}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_188_f_1_X", "question": "Mr. ¶ Speaker ¶ , I am sorry , I have not seen the statement by a British firm .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_188_f_2_3", "question": "Mr. Speaker ¶ , ¶ I am sorry , I have not seen the statement by a British firm .", "answers": [{"text": ",", "answer_start": 22}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_188_f_3_4", "question": "Mr. Speaker , ¶ I ¶ am sorry , I have not seen the statement by a British firm .", "answers": [{"text": "je", "answer_start": 24}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_188_f_4_X", "question": "Mr. Speaker , I ¶ am ¶ sorry , I have not seen the statement by a British firm .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_188_f_5_X", "question": "Mr. Speaker , I am ¶ sorry ¶ , I have not seen the statement by a British firm .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_188_f_6_6", "question": "Mr. Speaker , I am sorry ¶ , ¶ I have not seen the statement by a British firm .", "answers": [{"text": ",", "answer_start": 36}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_188_f_7_8", "question": "Mr. Speaker , I am sorry , ¶ I ¶ have not seen the statement by a British firm .", "answers": [{"text": "je", "answer_start": 43}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_188_f_8_10", "question": "Mr. Speaker , I am sorry , I ¶ have ¶ not seen the statement by a British firm .", "answers": [{"text": "ai", "answer_start": 49}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_188_f_9_9", "question": "Mr. Speaker , I am sorry , I have ¶ not ¶ seen the statement by a British firm .", "answers": [{"text": "ne", "answer_start": 46}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_188_f_9_11", "question": "Mr. Speaker , I am sorry , I have ¶ not ¶ seen the statement by a British firm .", "answers": [{"text": "pas", "answer_start": 52}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_188_f_10_12", "question": "Mr. Speaker , I am sorry , I have not ¶ seen ¶ the statement by a British firm .", "answers": [{"text": "vu", "answer_start": 56}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_188_f_11_X", "question": "Mr. Speaker , I am sorry , I have not seen ¶ the ¶ statement by a British firm .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_188_f_12_14", "question": "Mr. Speaker , I am sorry , I have not seen the ¶ statement ¶ by a British firm .", "answers": [{"text": "communiqué", "answer_start": 62}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_188_f_13_15", "question": "Mr. Speaker , I am sorry , I have not seen the statement ¶ by ¶ a British firm .", "answers": [{"text": "de", "answer_start": 73}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_188_f_14_X", "question": "Mr. Speaker , I am sorry , I have not seen the statement by ¶ a ¶ British firm .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_188_f_15_18", "question": "Mr. Speaker , I am sorry , I have not seen the statement by a ¶ British ¶ firm .", "answers": [{"text": "britannique", "answer_start": 87}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_188_f_16_17", "question": "Mr. Speaker , I am sorry , I have not seen the statement by a British ¶ firm ¶ .", "answers": [{"text": "société", "answer_start": 79}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_188_f_17_19", "question": "Mr. Speaker , I am sorry , I have not seen the statement by a British firm ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 99}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "fr"}, {"context": "they ask the Members of this House to put an end to all cuts in personnel at these shops . ", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_219_e_0_0", "question": " ¶ ils ¶ demandent à les députés de le Parlement de mettre fin à toute réduction de personnel dans ces ateliers .", "answers": [{"text": "they", "answer_start": 0}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_e_1_1", "question": "ils ¶ demandent ¶ à les députés de le Parlement de mettre fin à toute réduction de personnel dans ces ateliers .", "answers": [{"text": "ask", "answer_start": 5}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_e_2_X", "question": "ils demandent ¶ à ¶ les députés de le Parlement de mettre fin à toute réduction de personnel dans ces ateliers .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_e_3_2", "question": "ils demandent à ¶ les ¶ députés de le Parlement de mettre fin à toute réduction de personnel dans ces ateliers .", "answers": [{"text": "the", "answer_start": 9}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_e_4_3", "question": "ils demandent à les ¶ députés ¶ de le Parlement de mettre fin à toute réduction de personnel dans ces ateliers .", "answers": [{"text": "Members", "answer_start": 13}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_e_5_4", "question": "ils demandent à les députés ¶ de ¶ le Parlement de mettre fin à toute réduction de personnel dans ces ateliers .", "answers": [{"text": "of", "answer_start": 21}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_e_6_X", "question": "ils demandent à les députés de ¶ le ¶ Parlement de mettre fin à toute réduction de personnel dans ces ateliers .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_e_7_X", "question": "ils demandent à les députés de le ¶ Parlement ¶ de mettre fin à toute réduction de personnel dans ces ateliers .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_e_8_7", "question": "ils demandent à les députés de le Parlement ¶ de ¶ mettre fin à toute réduction de personnel dans ces ateliers .", "answers": [{"text": "to", "answer_start": 35}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_e_9_8", "question": "ils demandent à les députés de le Parlement de ¶ mettre ¶ fin à toute réduction de personnel dans ces ateliers .", "answers": [{"text": "put", "answer_start": 38}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_e_10_10", "question": "ils demandent à les députés de le Parlement de mettre ¶ fin ¶ à toute réduction de personnel dans ces ateliers .", "answers": [{"text": "end", "answer_start": 45}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_e_11_11", "question": "ils demandent à les députés de le Parlement de mettre fin ¶ à ¶ toute réduction de personnel dans ces ateliers .", "answers": [{"text": "to", "answer_start": 49}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_e_12_12", "question": "ils demandent à les députés de le Parlement de mettre fin à ¶ toute ¶ réduction de personnel dans ces ateliers .", "answers": [{"text": "all", "answer_start": 52}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_e_13_X", "question": "ils demandent à les députés de le Parlement de mettre fin à toute ¶ réduction ¶ de personnel dans ces ateliers .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_e_14_X", "question": "ils demandent à les députés de le Parlement de mettre fin à toute réduction ¶ de ¶ personnel dans ces ateliers .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_e_15_15", "question": "ils demandent à les députés de le Parlement de mettre fin à toute réduction de ¶ personnel ¶ dans ces ateliers .", "answers": [{"text": "personnel", "answer_start": 64}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_e_16_16", "question": "ils demandent à les députés de le Parlement de mettre fin à toute réduction de personnel ¶ dans ¶ ces ateliers .", "answers": [{"text": "at", "answer_start": 74}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_e_17_17", "question": "ils demandent à les députés de le Parlement de mettre fin à toute réduction de personnel dans ¶ ces ¶ ateliers .", "answers": [{"text": "these", "answer_start": 77}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_e_18_X", "question": "ils demandent à les députés de le Parlement de mettre fin à toute réduction de personnel dans ces ¶ ateliers ¶ .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_219_e_19_19", "question": "ils demandent à les députés de le Parlement de mettre fin à toute réduction de personnel dans ces ateliers ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 89}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "en"}, {"context": "je voudrais aussi parler de le droit de le fournisseur de choisir ses clients à son gré .", "qas": [{"id": "enfr_dev_11_f_0_X", "question": " ¶ another ¶ point I should like to discuss is the right of the supplier to choose his customers as he sees fit .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_11_f_1_X", "question": "another ¶ point ¶ I should like to discuss is the right of the supplier to choose his customers as he sees fit .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_11_f_2_0", "question": "another point ¶ I ¶ should like to discuss is the right of the supplier to choose his customers as he sees fit .", "answers": [{"text": "je", "answer_start": 0}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_11_f_3_X", "question": "another point I ¶ should ¶ like to discuss is the right of the supplier to choose his customers as he sees fit .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_11_f_4_X", "question": "another point I should ¶ like ¶ to discuss is the right of the supplier to choose his customers as he sees fit .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_11_f_5_X", "question": "another point I should like ¶ to ¶ discuss is the right of the supplier to choose his customers as he sees fit .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_11_f_6_X", "question": "another point I should like to ¶ discuss ¶ is the right of the supplier to choose his customers as he sees fit .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_11_f_7_X", "question": "another point I should like to discuss ¶ is ¶ the right of the supplier to choose his customers as he sees fit .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_11_f_8_5", "question": "another point I should like to discuss is ¶ the ¶ right of the supplier to choose his customers as he sees fit .", "answers": [{"text": "le", "answer_start": 28}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_11_f_9_6", "question": "another point I should like to discuss is the ¶ right ¶ of the supplier to choose his customers as he sees fit .", "answers": [{"text": "droit", "answer_start": 31}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_11_f_10_7", "question": "another point I should like to discuss is the right ¶ of ¶ the supplier to choose his customers as he sees fit .", "answers": [{"text": "de", "answer_start": 37}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_11_f_11_8", "question": "another point I should like to discuss is the right of ¶ the ¶ supplier to choose his customers as he sees fit .", "answers": [{"text": "le", "answer_start": 40}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_11_f_12_9", "question": "another point I should like to discuss is the right of the ¶ supplier ¶ to choose his customers as he sees fit .", "answers": [{"text": "fournisseur", "answer_start": 43}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_11_f_13_10", "question": "another point I should like to discuss is the right of the supplier ¶ to ¶ choose his customers as he sees fit .", "answers": [{"text": "de", "answer_start": 55}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_11_f_14_11", "question": "another point I should like to discuss is the right of the supplier to ¶ choose ¶ his customers as he sees fit .", "answers": [{"text": "choisir", "answer_start": 58}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_11_f_15_12", "question": "another point I should like to discuss is the right of the supplier to choose ¶ his ¶ customers as he sees fit .", "answers": [{"text": "ses", "answer_start": 66}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_11_f_16_13", "question": "another point I should like to discuss is the right of the supplier to choose his ¶ customers ¶ as he sees fit .", "answers": [{"text": "clients", "answer_start": 70}], "is_impossible": false}, {"id": "enfr_dev_11_f_17_X", "question": "another point I should like to discuss is the right of the supplier to choose his customers ¶ as ¶ he sees fit .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_11_f_18_X", "question": "another point I should like to discuss is the right of the supplier to choose his customers as ¶ he ¶ sees fit .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_11_f_19_X", "question": "another point I should like to discuss is the right of the supplier to choose his customers as he ¶ sees ¶ fit .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_11_f_20_X", "question": "another point I should like to discuss is the right of the supplier to choose his customers as he sees ¶ fit ¶ .", "answers": [], "is_impossible": true}, {"id": "enfr_dev_11_f_21_17", "question": "another point I should like to discuss is the right of the supplier to choose his customers as he sees fit ¶ . ¶ ", "answers": [{"text": ".", "answer_start": 88}], "is_impossible": false}], "lang": "fr"}]}]}