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ajunge ! that 's enough ! 0-2 1-3 ajunge ! that 's enough !
de Cornel Nistorescu by Cornel Nistorescu 0-0 2-2 1-1 de Cornel Nistorescu by Cornel Nistorescu
luni , 4 Februarie 2002 Monday , 04 February 2002 3-3 4-4 0-0 2-2 1-1 luni , 4 Februarie 2002 Monday , 04 February 2002
nu cred ca Laura Andrisan merita prea multa atentie . i don't think Laura Andrisan is worth being paid much attention . 3-3 5-5 7-9 4-4 9-11 0-1 1-2 5-6 8-10 nu cred ca Laura Andrisan merita prea multa atentie . i don't think Laura Andrisan is worth being paid much attention .
e vorba despre o fatuca exmatriculata , in clasa a XI - a , dintr - un liceu din Gherla care a umplut de zoaie destula lume . she 's a young woman , expelled from the high school in Gherla commune at the time she was an eleventh grader , who has smeared lots of people . 25-26 4-3 8-21 8-19 20-23 4-4 21-24 8-14 27-29 16-8 26-28 7-15 18-11 7-21 5-6 13-22 8-16 3-2 8-15 8-18 7-19 14-7 7-16 10-20 24-25 17-10 23-25 22-25 8-17 12-20 9-20 6-5 7-14 19-12 17-9 7-17 7-18 25-27 e vorba despre o fatuca exmatriculata , in clasa a XI - a , dintr - un liceu din Gherla care a umplut de zoaie destula lume . she 's a young woman , expelled from the high school in Gherla commune at the time she was an eleventh grader , who has smeared lots of people .
dar un asemenea lucru s - a putut intimpla din multiple cauze . but such a thing could happen for lots of reasons . 8-5 9-6 3-3 4-3 12-10 11-9 0-0 10-7 2-1 1-2 6-4 7-4 10-8 dar un asemenea lucru s - a putut intimpla din multiple cauze . but such a thing could happen for lots of reasons .
ea a lasat impresia ca avind un pic de tupeu , sute de fete de aceeasi conditie pot ajunge in situatia de a umple de mizerie chiar si oameni nevinovati . she gave the impression that , provided they had some nerve , hundreds of girls of the same condition could get in the situation of being able to tarnish even innocent people . 10-11 25-28 23-28 26-29 12-13 20-23 4-4 21-24 2-1 5-8 24-28 20-22 6-9 14-15 27-29 8-9 16-16 13-14 11-12 3-3 3-2 18-20 30-32 9-10 22-27 19-21 17-19 16-18 7-9 0-0 1-1 28-31 15-17 29-30 ea a lasat impresia ca avind un pic de tupeu , sute de fete de aceeasi conditie pot ajunge in situatia de a umple de mizerie chiar si oameni nevinovati . she gave the impression that , provided they had some nerve , hundreds of girls of the same condition could get in the situation of being able to tarnish even innocent people .
basca aerul de balacareala ordinara promovat in societate . not to mention the atmosphere of vulgar scandal promoted in the society . 1-4 8-12 0-2 2-5 1-3 0-1 0-0 3-7 4-6 5-8 7-10 7-11 6-9 basca aerul de balacareala ordinara promovat in societate . not to mention the atmosphere of vulgar scandal promoted in the society .
despre ce este vorba ? what 's the story about ? 3-3 4-5 3-2 0-4 1-0 2-1 despre ce este vorba ? what 's the story about ?
fara a avea inca diploma de bacalaureat , Laura Andrisan a trecut pe la doua - trei publicatii din Cluj . before having gotten her high school graduation degree , Laura Andrisan worked for two or three publications in Cluj city . 10-11 15-14 16-15 2-1 5-5 20-20 8-9 1-2 5-6 6-6 13-12 11-11 5-4 9-10 18-17 7-8 2-2 17-16 14-13 19-18 4-7 12-12 6-5 0-0 1-1 6-4 fara a avea inca diploma de bacalaureat , Laura Andrisan a trecut pe la doua - trei publicatii din Cluj . before having gotten her high school graduation degree , Laura Andrisan worked for two or three publications in Cluj city .
dupa ce a obtinut diploma , a mai imbirligat si vreo trei publicatii din Bucuresti . after getting her degree , she managed to make her way to three publications in Bucharest . 6-11 4-3 12-13 2-1 14-15 6-8 6-10 6-6 13-14 11-12 8-11 6-7 5-4 1-0 8-7 3-1 15-16 8-8 0-0 8-6 8-10 dupa ce a obtinut diploma , a mai imbirligat si vreo trei publicatii din Bucuresti . after getting her degree , she managed to make her way to three publications in Bucharest .
in noiembrie , a fost si la Casa Alba in grupul de ziaristi care l - a insotit pe Adrian Nastase . in November she was part of the group of journalists who accompanied Adrian Nastase on his official visit to the White House . 18-13 20-13 4-3 20-15 18-12 11-8 13-10 10-6 14-12 9-4 12-9 7-21 3-3 17-11 19-15 7-19 14-13 9-5 16-11 21-22 0-0 10-7 19-12 1-1 6-18 8-20 in noiembrie , a fost si la Casa Alba in grupul de ziaristi care l - a insotit pe Adrian Nastase . in November she was part of the group of journalists who accompanied Adrian Nastase on his official visit to the White House .
noroc ca la Casa Alba si la Departamentul de Stat Laura Andrisan nu s - a dat in stamba cum a facut - o insa la Londra , unde a fost luata pe sus de bodyguarzi si aruncata in strada , cu interdictia de a mai calca prin respectiva cladire . lucky for her , at the White House and the State Department she didn't show her real colours , but she did that in London where she was grabbed by bodyguards , thrown out on the street and banned from ever entering the building again . 29-27 33-28 49-43 10-12 3-5 30-27 40-37 50-45 8-10 12-13 15-14 18-16 36-31 5-8 16-17 26-24 46-41 13-15 37-32 39-35 38-34 4-6 16-14 49-42 16-16 11-20 28-25 32-28 24-19 42-38 44-41 11-12 43-39 34-29 35-30 9-10 23-22 1-0 10-20 18-17 3-7 45-44 17-17 17-16 7-11 17-14 39-36 10-26 20-21 11-26 15-16 21-21 41-38 45-40 7-9 0-0 18-14 31-28 6-4 15-17 25-23 2-4 noroc ca la Casa Alba si la Departamentul de Stat Laura Andrisan nu s - a dat in stamba cum a facut - o insa la Londra , unde a fost luata pe sus de bodyguarzi si aruncata in strada , cu interdictia de a mai calca prin respectiva cladire . lucky for her , at the White House and the State Department she didn't show her real colours , but she did that in London where she was grabbed by bodyguards , thrown out on the street and banned from ever entering the building again .
pentru ca aceasta domnisoara sa poata provoca scandalul de un enorm penibil de la OTV a fost nevoie ca multi politicieni romani sa se traga de sireturi cu ea . many Romanian politicians must have been hobnobbing with this demoiselle if she could generate such a low - down scandal on OTV station . 15-3 24-5 10-16 26-6 28-11 20-2 22-6 9-18 3-9 27-7 19-0 2-8 17-3 23-5 6-13 7-15 10-18 11-18 1-10 25-6 23-4 11-16 13-20 24-4 8-18 7-19 25-5 5-12 21-1 22-5 9-16 14-21 23-6 0-10 25-4 4-12 22-4 12-20 24-6 16-3 26-5 8-16 29-23 26-4 pentru ca aceasta domnisoara sa poata provoca scandalul de un enorm penibil de la OTV a fost nevoie ca multi politicieni romani sa se traga de sireturi cu ea . many Romanian politicians must have been hobnobbing with this demoiselle if she could generate such a low - down scandal on OTV station .
nu e o cinste nici pentru ziare . this is no honour to newspapers either . 3-3 0-2 6-5 2-3 7-7 5-4 1-1 4-6 nu e o cinste nici pentru ziare . this is no honour to newspapers either .
destule giste si destui insi fara capatii au ajuns sa se ascunda sub o legitimatie de ziarist . there are lots of geese and loafers hiding behind a journalist ID . 1-4 3-3 0-2 13-9 3-2 2-5 14-11 0-3 17-12 11-7 12-8 10-7 4-6 9-7 5-6 15-10 16-10 6-6 destule giste si destui insi fara capatii au ajuns sa se ascunda sub o legitimatie de ziarist . there are lots of geese and loafers hiding behind a journalist ID .
( spre regretul meu , intr - o vreme , un asemenea lucru s - a intimplat si la " Evenimentul zilei " . ) ( much to my regret , there was a time when such a thing happened at " Evenimentul zilei " too ) . 10-12 18-15 12-13 15-14 20-17 24-21 21-18 8-9 1-2 16-14 5-6 3-3 5-7 17-20 4-5 22-19 11-11 23-22 7-8 13-13 0-0 2-4 19-16 ( spre regretul meu , intr - o vreme , un asemenea lucru s - a intimplat si la " Evenimentul zilei " . ) ( much to my regret , there was a time when such a thing happened at " Evenimentul zilei " too ) .
dar n - a gresit doar Laura Andrisan ( ea este asa cum este ) , n - au gresit doar ziarele ( unde adeseori criteriile de selectie la angajare sint sarace ) , a sfeclit - o si OTV . but it wasn't only Laura Andrisan 's fault ( she 's the way she is ) , or the newspapers ' fault ( where selection criteria when hiring someone are often poor ) , it was also OTV 's fault . 29-27 20-3 31-31 12-11 26-24 14-15 39-37 27-24 21-18 38-36 16-2 39-38 1-2 22-22 10-10 7-6 6-6 13-14 24-30 9-13 35-39 28-26 32-32 23-23 18-21 25-25 33-33 3-7 7-5 19-21 30-29 5-3 4-7 40-40 12-12 21-20 15-16 37-39 9-9 8-8 0-0 34-39 21-19 6-4 dar n - a gresit doar Laura Andrisan ( ea este asa cum este ) , n - au gresit doar ziarele ( unde adeseori criteriile de selectie la angajare sint sarace ) , a sfeclit - o si OTV . but it wasn't only Laura Andrisan 's fault ( she 's the way she is ) , or the newspapers ' fault ( where selection criteria when hiring someone are often poor ) , it was also OTV 's fault .
postul acesta pentru care Sorin Rosca Stanescu s - a batut cu disperare ( ? ) e ca un tomberon care goleste zilnic , pe calea undelor , mizerie si amatorism . this TV station for which " Ziua " daily 's manager Sorin Rosca Stanescu fought tooth and nail is like a garbage tin daily dumping filth and amateurism over the ether . 19-22 25-28 25-30 30-27 24-29 25-29 26-29 12-15 12-16 26-30 21-24 4-11 31-31 22-23 20-22 3-4 11-17 12-17 26-28 2-3 6-13 10-14 7-13 28-25 11-16 7-12 11-15 24-30 0-2 18-20 29-26 5-12 1-0 19-21 7-11 17-19 16-18 20-21 9-14 0-1 24-28 postul acesta pentru care Sorin Rosca Stanescu s - a batut cu disperare ( ? ) e ca un tomberon care goleste zilnic , pe calea undelor , mizerie si amatorism . this TV station for which " Ziua " daily 's manager Sorin Rosca Stanescu fought tooth and nail is like a garbage tin daily dumping filth and amateurism over the ether .
ceea ce a facut Dan Diaconescu in emisiunile sale de la TELE 7abc continua aici , dar inzecit . Dan Diaconescu is carrying on here tenfold what he did on Tele 7 abc station . 4-0 13-2 2-9 12-12 13-3 5-1 11-11 9-10 17-6 3-9 1-7 4-8 18-14 10-10 13-4 14-5 5-8 0-7 ceea ce a facut Dan Diaconescu in emisiunile sale de la TELE 7abc continua aici , dar inzecit . Dan Diaconescu is carrying on here tenfold what he did on Tele 7 abc station .
pe scaunul de linga el ( un fel de scaun al infractorilor ) poti sa vezi tot felul de politicieni . on the chair next to him ( sort of a chair for felons ) , you can see all sorts of politicians . 10-11 12-13 14-17 20-22 3-4 6-9 2-3 1-2 5-6 3-3 11-12 4-5 18-20 7-7 9-10 19-21 17-19 16-18 8-8 0-0 1-1 15-17 2-4 13-16 pe scaunul de linga el ( un fel de scaun al infractorilor ) poti sa vezi tot felul de politicieni . on the chair next to him ( sort of a chair for felons ) , you can see all sorts of politicians .
si dintre cei mari , si dintre cei marunti , gigiiti la minte , inghesuiti ca viteii la taiere ca sa - i vada lumea , ca sa acuze sau din cine stie ce alte ratiuni . both top politicians and small politicians , slow - witted and cramming like calves driven to the slaughter house just to be seen by TV viewers , or bring accusations against some people or for who knows what other reasons . 8-4 23-21 10-9 25-26 31-35 12-7 14-11 34-38 13-10 2-1 28-29 22-13 9-6 26-20 11-9 12-9 20-20 17-15 7-4 24-24 30-34 28-28 32-36 35-39 27-20 33-37 23-22 18-17 3-1 24-25 24-23 16-13 5-3 15-12 11-7 29-33 0-0 10-7 19-20 36-40 si dintre cei mari , si dintre cei marunti , gigiiti la minte , inghesuiti ca viteii la taiere ca sa - i vada lumea , ca sa acuze sau din cine stie ce alte ratiuni . both top politicians and small politicians , slow - witted and cramming like calves driven to the slaughter house just to be seen by TV viewers , or bring accusations against some people or for who knows what other reasons .
lipsa oricaror criterii , apetitul pentru vulgar si birfa , pentru aventurieri si trompetisti fac din amintitul post de televiziune un fel de canal de scurgere pe calea undelor . the lack of any criteria , the appetite for vulgarity and gossip , adventurers and rumour spreaders have turned the above - mentioned TV station into an over - the - ether sewer . 26-27 18-23 3-5 26-29 1-3 27-27 14-17 10-8 28-29 5-8 7-10 6-9 27-29 16-22 13-15 17-24 16-20 4-6 9-12 27-31 15-24 8-11 20-26 25-32 2-2 12-14 23-32 11-13 28-27 17-19 24-32 4-7 26-31 0-1 29-33 0-0 28-31 14-18 15-19 2-4 13-16 19-23 lipsa oricaror criterii , apetitul pentru vulgar si birfa , pentru aventurieri si trompetisti fac din amintitul post de televiziune un fel de canal de scurgere pe calea undelor . the lack of any criteria , the appetite for vulgarity and gossip , adventurers and rumour spreaders have turned the above - mentioned TV station into an over - the - ether sewer .
CNA , invins in incercarea initiala de a opri functionarea OTV ( de cine altcineva decit de politicieni si mafioti care au tribuna libera la respectiva televiziune ) , e acum neputincios . the National Audio / Visual Board , defeated in its initial attempt to shut down OTV ( by whom else if not by politicians and mobsters who have free access to speak on the TV station ) , is now helpless . 1-4 11-14 18-22 12-15 31-38 30-37 17-21 14-17 5-8 27-34 8-12 0-3 16-20 32-39 4-9 29-36 20-24 9-12 6-10 7-12 0-7 21-25 23-26 0-2 22-29 24-30 2-5 8-11 26-32 9-11 22-27 28-35 3-6 10-13 7-11 26-33 22-28 26-31 0-1 0-0 15-19 15-18 13-16 19-23 CNA , invins in incercarea initiala de a opri functionarea OTV ( de cine altcineva decit de politicieni si mafioti care au tribuna libera la respectiva televiziune ) , e acum neputincios . the National Audio / Visual Board , defeated in its initial attempt to shut down OTV ( by whom else if not by politicians and mobsters who have free access to speak on the TV station ) , is now helpless .
scandalul oripilant lansat de o domnisoara , ajunsa prin ziare , prin institutiile statului si printre politicienii de vaza , e un semn care ar trebui sa ne puna pe ginduri . the appalling scandal launched by a demoiselle who has made her way among newspapers , state institutions and top politicians is a sign that should set us thinking . 29-27 26-27 30-27 29-25 12-16 14-17 5-10 3-4 8-12 13-15 2-3 10-14 20-20 22-22 5-6 18-18 28-25 5-7 11-12 24-24 4-5 0-2 9-13 23-23 28-27 16-19 15-12 27-26 30-25 21-21 25-24 26-25 0-0 1-1 31-28 17-18 scandalul oripilant lansat de o domnisoara , ajunsa prin ziare , prin institutiile statului si printre politicienii de vaza , e un semn care ar trebui sa ne puna pe ginduri . the appalling scandal launched by a demoiselle who has made her way among newspapers , state institutions and top politicians is a sign that should set us thinking .
chiar nu este permis orice . not quite anything can be allowed . 3-5 0-1 1-0 4-2 5-6 2-4 chiar nu este permis orice . not quite anything can be allowed .
or , noi , romanii , am intrecut masura . and we Romanians have crossed the line . 8-5 8-4 6-5 8-3 0-0 6-3 2-1 4-2 9-7 6-4 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 8-6 6-6 or , noi , romanii , am intrecut masura . and we Romanians have crossed the line .
am facut ziariste si din niste " parasute " care trebuiau strecurate in patul unor ambasadori , si din niste semianalfabete care insotesc delegatii oficiale , apoi traficheaza dosare cu informatii , trag de limba si de curea politicieni si functionari , se otarasc pe canalele de televiziune si lasa impresia ca toata tara e la fel ca ele . we made journalists some bed - hoppers and some half - illiterate young women who first accompany official delegations , then traffic intelligence files , fish secrets out of and hobnob with politicians and civil servants , flip on TV and give the impression the whole country is like them . 36-30 23-18 33-28 22-16 32-25 4-4 24-17 36-31 21-14 30-22 53-44 34-26 34-28 26-20 35-29 59-50 32-26 32-27 32-31 39-33 27-21 18-11 42-37 37-31 40-34 7-6 4-6 19-8 25-19 38-32 52-45 31-24 32-28 49-41 44-38 7-4 33-27 41-36 57-48 56-48 47-39 33-25 45-39 58-49 2-2 18-9 34-27 29-22 50-43 33-26 46-39 5-3 40-35 53-46 55-48 17-7 48-40 37-30 34-25 0-1 54-47 1-1 20-9 28-23 43-37 50-42 32-30 20-11 am facut ziariste si din niste " parasute " care trebuiau strecurate in patul unor ambasadori , si din niste semianalfabete care insotesc delegatii oficiale , apoi traficheaza dosare cu informatii , trag de limba si de curea politicieni si functionari , se otarasc pe canalele de televiziune si lasa impresia ca toata tara e la fel ca ele . we made journalists some bed - hoppers and some half - illiterate young women who first accompany official delegations , then traffic intelligence files , fish secrets out of and hobnob with politicians and civil servants , flip on TV and give the impression the whole country is like them .
poti pleca si de pe Soseaua de Centura a Capitalei si varsa zoaie pe toata piramida statului . you can smear the entire state pyramid even if you are of Bucharest belt way descent . 15-3 4-11 14-4 13-6 3-11 8-12 6-14 12-2 6-13 5-13 7-13 9-12 16-5 13-3 17-16 5-14 7-14 0-1 15-6 11-2 poti pleca si de pe Soseaua de Centura a Capitalei si varsa zoaie pe toata piramida statului . you can smear the entire state pyramid even if you are of Bucharest belt way descent .
si , daca te enervezi , iti mai faci si ziar , si post de televiziune . and if you get angry you can set up your own newspaper or TV station . 15-13 13-14 10-11 4-3 3-2 12-12 6-5 4-4 16-15 8-8 0-0 8-7 2-1 14-13 6-9 si , daca te enervezi , iti mai faci si ziar , si post de televiziune . and if you get angry you can set up your own newspaper or TV station .
e prea mult ! that 's way too much . 0-1 2-4 3-5 1-3 e prea mult ! that 's way too much .
e chiar semnul ca groapa de gunoi , in loc sa fie ecologizata , se intinde spre centru , spre partide si parlament , spre ministere si mass - media . that 's the sign that the garbage dump , instead of being turned environment - friendly , is advancing on the heart of the society , political parties and parliament , ministries and mass - media . 10-11 29-35 12-13 12-15 17-21 14-17 19-19 17-23 3-4 17-24 2-3 27-33 8-9 18-25 21-28 5-6 24-19 6-6 17-20 4-5 22-29 11-11 26-32 9-10 7-8 2-2 20-27 16-19 23-30 4-7 25-31 12-12 28-34 0-1 9-9 14-18 15-17 8-10 15-18 13-16 17-22 e chiar semnul ca groapa de gunoi , in loc sa fie ecologizata , se intinde spre centru , spre partide si parlament , spre ministere si mass - media . that 's the sign that the garbage dump , instead of being turned environment - friendly , is advancing on the heart of the society , political parties and parliament , ministries and mass - media .
poate ca intimplarea de vineri seara de la OTV ii va determina pe cei mai multi sa exclame exasperati : ajunge ! maybe what happened on OTV on Friday night will make most people exclaim in exasperation : that 's enough ! 18-13 8-4 3-5 20-17 13-10 2-1 10-8 12-11 17-12 11-9 4-6 7-3 16-12 5-7 20-18 19-15 9-11 1-0 2-2 6-3 15-10 14-10 0-0 18-14 21-19 poate ca intimplarea de vineri seara de la OTV ii va determina pe cei mai multi sa exclame exasperati : ajunge ! maybe what happened on OTV on Friday night will make most people exclaim in exasperation : that 's enough !
chinuita arestare a lui Treptow Treptow 's lame arrest 4-0 0-2 1-3 3-1 2-1 chinuita arestare a lui Treptow Treptow 's lame arrest
Cornel Nistorescu by Cornel Nistorescu 0-1 1-2 Cornel Nistorescu by Cornel Nistorescu
luni , 21 Octombrie 2002 Monday , 21 Octomber 2002 3-3 4-4 0-0 2-2 1-1 luni , 21 Octombrie 2002 Monday , 21 Octomber 2002
in sfirsit , istoricul american si complicea sa au fost arestati . the American historian and his female accomplice have finally been arrested . 3-2 6-5 11-11 0-8 9-9 5-3 6-6 8-7 7-4 10-10 3-0 4-1 1-8 in sfirsit , istoricul american si complicea sa au fost arestati . the American historian and his female accomplice have finally been arrested .
dupa o luna de galagie facuta de presa romaneasca , istoricul - pedofil a fost luat pe sus . after a month - long noise made by the Romanian press , the pedophile - historian was busted . 11-14 10-12 12-13 16-17 7-10 8-9 5-6 18-18 4-5 14-16 6-7 9-11 7-8 2-2 10-15 17-17 0-0 1-1 15-17 13-16 dupa o luna de galagie facuta de presa romaneasca , istoricul - pedofil a fost luat pe sus . after a month - long noise made by the Romanian press , the pedophile - historian was busted .
intre timp , au mai fost arestati si alti pedofili , prezentati de indata presei ca posibili autori ai unor fapte asemanatoare . meanwhile , other pedophiles were arrested as well and immediately presented to the press as potential authors of similar crimes . 8-2 14-11 15-14 16-15 20-19 2-1 9-3 10-8 3-4 14-12 22-20 21-18 12-9 7-6 13-9 7-7 5-4 11-10 1-0 18-17 17-16 14-13 6-5 0-0 intre timp , au mai fost arestati si alti pedofili , prezentati de indata presei ca posibili autori ai unor fapte asemanatoare . meanwhile , other pedophiles were arrested as well and immediately presented to the press as potential authors of similar crimes .
Aglomerarea acestor evenimente nefericite i - a smuls primului - ministru Adrian Nastase o reactie energica . the high number of such unfortunate events triggered a firm reaction from prime minister Adrian Nastase . 1-4 10-11 11-14 3-5 4-13 12-15 8-12 2-3 15-9 2-6 16-16 0-2 8-11 6-7 7-7 10-13 14-10 4-12 0-1 0-0 13-8 Aglomerarea acestor evenimente nefericite i - a smuls primului - ministru Adrian Nastase o reactie energica . the high number of such unfortunate events triggered a firm reaction from prime minister Adrian Nastase .
el a declarat ca pedofilii merita pedeapsa cu moartea . he said pedophiles deserve to be sentenced to death . 6-5 7-7 9-9 6-6 0-0 1-1 2-1 4-2 6-4 8-8 5-3 el a declarat ca pedofilii merita pedeapsa cu moartea . he said pedophiles deserve to be sentenced to death .
dar , pentru ca nu se poate asta , ei " trebuie sa inteleaga ca vor ramine pina la capatul zilelor in inchisorile de aici " . but as this is not possible , they " must understand they will spend the rest of their life in Romanian prisons " . 20-15 18-15 4-4 25-22 13-10 9-7 18-16 2-1 10-8 24-20 5-5 23-20 11-9 19-14 22-21 17-15 18-18 20-18 19-15 20-16 9-11 7-2 3-1 6-3 17-16 26-23 16-13 17-14 5-3 15-12 19-18 6-5 12-10 0-0 18-14 21-19 9-17 8-6 17-18 20-14 19-16 dar , pentru ca nu se poate asta , ei " trebuie sa inteleaga ca vor ramine pina la capatul zilelor in inchisorile de aici " . but as this is not possible , they " must understand they will spend the rest of their life in Romanian prisons " .
evident , mesajul se adresa in special strainilor amatori de turism sexual cu minori in Romania , dar si celor care au incercat sa o scalde in cazul istoricului de la Iasi . obviously , the message was addressed especially to foreigners fond of sexual tourism with underage individuals in Romania , but also to those who tried to beat about the bush in the case of historian from Iasi town . 19-22 25-26 25-28 10-12 3-5 27-32 24-29 25-29 29-35 12-13 20-23 26-30 21-24 4-4 32-38 22-24 24-28 3-4 24-26 13-15 24-27 2-3 8-9 5-6 27-31 6-6 13-14 4-5 14-16 18-20 11-11 7-7 9-10 7-8 28-33 2-2 31-36 19-21 30-35 17-19 23-25 16-18 28-34 0-0 1-1 15-17 25-27 evident , mesajul se adresa in special strainilor amatori de turism sexual cu minori in Romania , dar si celor care au incercat sa o scalde in cazul istoricului de la Iasi . obviously , the message was addressed especially to foreigners fond of sexual tourism with underage individuals in Romania , but also to those who tried to beat about the bush in the case of historian from Iasi town .
or , in ce - l priveste pe Kurt Treptow , nimeni n - a cerut pedeapsa cu moartea . but nobody asked for the death penalty as far as Kurt Treptow was concerned . 15-3 15-2 11-1 3-9 8-10 2-12 2-8 5-10 7-10 6-9 3-13 14-2 6-12 6-13 14-3 19-14 5-11 2-7 2-9 6-7 18-5 9-11 3-7 2-13 16-4 7-11 17-5 16-6 3-12 0-0 3-8 6-8 or , in ce - l priveste pe Kurt Treptow , nimeni n - a cerut pedeapsa cu moartea . but nobody asked for the death penalty as far as Kurt Treptow was concerned .
ziarele si parintii celor agresati n - au pomenit nici o secunda de pedeapsa capitala . the newspapers and the parents of sexually abused children didn't speak for one second about the capital punishment . 13-17 13-15 14-16 4-7 10-12 2-3 3-5 7-10 8-10 0-1 0-0 12-14 1-2 11-13 5-9 2-4 15-18 3-8 ziarele si parintii celor agresati n - au pomenit nici o secunda de pedeapsa capitala . the newspapers and the parents of sexually abused children didn't speak for one second about the capital punishment .
opinia publica s - ar fi multumit cu mult mai putin . the public would have been satisfied with much less than that . 4-3 5-2 6-5 9-8 11-11 5-4 2-0 4-4 0-1 1-0 0-0 1-1 2-1 4-2 7-6 8-7 10-8 5-3 opinia publica s - ar fi multumit cu mult mai putin . the public would have been satisfied with much less than that .
sa vada ca , in cazul oricarui pedofil - fie el si istoric , si american - se aplica legea . to see that the law was enforced on every pedophile , whether a historian or an American citizen . 8-10 12-13 15-15 5-7 19-4 14-14 20-18 11-11 17-6 18-5 2-2 19-3 4-7 17-5 12-12 15-16 7-9 18-6 0-0 1-1 6-8 sa vada ca , in cazul oricarui pedofil - fie el si istoric , si american - se aplica legea . to see that the law was enforced on every pedophile , whether a historian or an American citizen .
nici un paragraf in plus si nici unul in minus . not a paragraph more or less . 8-5 3-3 4-3 6-0 5-4 1-1 0-0 2-2 7-1 10-6 9-5 nici un paragraf in plus si nici unul in minus . not a paragraph more or less .
dar Kurt Treptow a beneficiat de un tratament aparte . but Kurt Treptow was extended special treatment . 8-5 3-3 4-3 4-4 2-2 0-0 1-1 9-7 7-6 5-6 3-4 6-6 dar Kurt Treptow a beneficiat de un tratament aparte . but Kurt Treptow was extended special treatment .
domiciliul i - a fost perchezitionat peste noapte , intr - un desant judiciar , secundat de un general . his home was searched overnight in a judiciary raid seconded by a general . 17-11 3-2 19-13 18-12 12-8 0-1 1-0 5-3 6-4 4-2 13-7 7-4 15-9 11-6 16-10 9-5 domiciliul i - a fost perchezitionat peste noapte , intr - un desant judiciar , secundat de un general . his home was searched overnight in a judiciary raid seconded by a general .
si , de atunci , personajul a disparut . and since then the character has vanished . 3-2 6-5 5-4 0-0 7-6 2-1 8-7 5-3 si , de atunci , personajul a disparut . and since then the character has vanished .
n - a fost aratat presei , nu s - a emis nici un comunicat . he wasn't shown to the press , no communiqu é was issued . 10-9 12-7 5-5 5-4 11-10 0-1 6-6 8-8 15-11 3-1 2-1 4-2 13-7 14-8 5-3 n - a fost aratat presei , nu s - a emis nici un comunicat . he wasn't shown to the press , no communiqu é was issued .
parchetul a scaldat - o , politia asijderea , insinuindu - se mereu ca e vorba de o persoana speciala , care a facut servicii de nu stiu ce fel . the Prosecutor 's Office beat about the bush , so did the police , always hinting that the historian was a special person who had rendered I don't know what services to Romania . 1-4 6-11 8-13 26-27 18-22 25-29 4-4 1-7 29-29 9-15 22-24 28-29 5-8 2-10 1-5 6-12 0-3 1-6 4-6 2-7 1-10 2-6 11-15 17-20 24-30 0-2 4-5 2-5 12-14 19-21 21-23 27-28 30-33 23-25 4-7 7-9 0-1 0-0 4-10 2-4 13-16 parchetul a scaldat - o , politia asijderea , insinuindu - se mereu ca e vorba de o persoana speciala , care a facut servicii de nu stiu ce fel . the Prosecutor 's Office beat about the bush , so did the police , always hinting that the historian was a special person who had rendered I don't know what services to Romania .
mai mult , cind presa a inceput sa sape si sa afle tot felul de detalii , consilierul prezidential Ioan Talpes a inceput sa tina umbrela pentru a - si proteja prietenul ( sau colaboratorul , sau ce Dumnezeu i - o fi fiind ) . further more , when the press started to dig into the case and expose all sorts of details , presidential adviser Ioan Talpes held the umbrella to protect his friend ( or co - worker or God knows what Treptow had been to him ) . 42-41 30-27 4-4 27-27 41-41 20-22 18-19 13-15 43-40 38-36 39-43 42-40 45-45 5-6 9-12 26-26 29-28 6-6 31-29 3-3 17-20 4-5 14-16 44-44 43-41 7-7 23-23 1-0 25-25 2-2 12-14 19-21 11-13 34-32 24-23 10-13 34-34 36-35 16-18 25-24 0-1 39-42 8-8 0-0 1-1 37-38 15-17 32-30 33-31 41-40 mai mult , cind presa a inceput sa sape si sa afle tot felul de detalii , consilierul prezidential Ioan Talpes a inceput sa tina umbrela pentru a - si proteja prietenul ( sau colaboratorul , sau ce Dumnezeu i - o fi fiind ) . further more , when the press started to dig into the case and expose all sorts of details , presidential adviser Ioan Talpes held the umbrella to protect his friend ( or co - worker or God knows what Treptow had been to him ) .
a recomandat jurnalistilor sa - l protejeze pe american pentru ca e o problema de confidentialitate . he recommended that the journalists protect the American because it was about a matter of confidentiality . 3-5 10-8 2-3 15-15 7-6 5-6 16-16 5-7 14-14 9-8 7-7 11-10 8-7 13-13 12-12 6-5 0-1 1-1 8-6 2-4 a recomandat jurnalistilor sa - l protejeze pe american pentru ca e o problema de confidentialitate . he recommended that the journalists protect the American because it was about a matter of confidentiality .
un inalt demnitar roman , in loc sa ceara , la rindul lui , respectarea legilor tarii , a incercat sa acuze mass - media . a Romanian top official , instead of asking in his turn that the country 's laws be observed , tried to accuse the mass media . 4-4 14-17 10-8 19-19 22-23 18-19 2-3 5-5 20-20 12-9 15-15 1-2 16-14 5-6 6-6 24-24 14-16 7-7 11-10 25-25 8-7 3-1 16-13 15-12 6-5 21-21 0-0 17-18 un inalt demnitar roman , in loc sa ceara , la rindul lui , respectarea legilor tarii , a incercat sa acuze mass - media . a Romanian top official , instead of asking in his turn that the country 's laws be observed , tried to accuse the mass media .
vezi Doamne , faptele lui Treptow palesc pe linga alte " lucruri ce apar in ziare " . he said that Treptow 's doings were " overshadowed " by other " things published in the press " . 14-15 17-19 13-14 16-18 10-12 3-5 15-16 8-10 4-4 9-11 6-6 15-17 11-13 6-8 7-10 5-3 vezi Doamne , faptele lui Treptow palesc pe linga alte " lucruri ce apar in ziare " . he said that Treptow 's doings were " overshadowed " by other " things published in the press " .
suspect din partea consilierului prezidential a fost si faptul ca a emis public o judecata periculoasa . suspicious was also the fact that the presidential adviser made public a dangerous judgement . 8-4 10-9 15-12 4-7 14-13 5-1 12-10 8-3 6-1 11-9 7-2 0-0 16-14 3-8 3-6 13-11 9-5 suspect din partea consilierului prezidential a fost si faptul ca a emis public o judecata periculoasa . suspicious was also the fact that the presidential adviser made public a dangerous judgement .
in plin scandal de pedofilie , el a pretins ca " sint lucruri cu o anumita sensibilitate " . at the height of the pedophilia scandal , he claimed that " there are things of a certain delicate nature " . 10-11 3-5 13-15 8-9 1-2 6-8 2-6 5-7 11-12 17-20 4-5 14-16 9-10 18-21 12-14 11-13 16-19 16-18 7-9 0-0 1-1 15-17 2-4 in plin scandal de pedofilie , el a pretins ca " sint lucruri cu o anumita sensibilitate " . at the height of the pedophilia scandal , he claimed that " there are things of a certain delicate nature " .
care ar fi acelea ? what would those things be ? 3-3 4-5 3-2 0-0 1-1 2-4 care ar fi acelea ? what would those things be ?
de exemplu , ca istoricul Treptow este american . that historian Treptow is an American , for example . 0-7 5-2 6-3 7-4 7-5 8-9 3-0 2-6 4-1 1-8 de exemplu , ca istoricul Treptow este american . that historian Treptow is an American , for example .
de unde omul simplu a fost impins sa creada ca aplicarea legii in cazul unui cetatean american e o chestiune extrem de sensibila . which planted into the ordinary people 's minds the idea that enforcing the law on an American citizen is a very delicate matter . 19-22 10-11 18-19 3-4 14-15 2-3 20-20 22-21 2-6 16-16 11-12 2-5 9-10 23-23 11-13 21-21 15-17 17-18 14-14 de unde omul simplu a fost impins sa creada ca aplicarea legii in cazul unui cetatean american e o chestiune extrem de sensibila . which planted into the ordinary people 's minds the idea that enforcing the law on an American citizen is a very delicate matter .
mai rau ! and things are even worse . 1-4 2-5 0-4 mai rau ! and things are even worse .
cu declaratia sa stupida , Ioan Talpes a pus o picatura de apa la radacina sentimentelor nationaliste de tip Vadim . Ioan Talpes ' stupid statement was like a drop of water to the root of Vadim - style nationalist feelings . 1-4 15-14 9-7 10-8 14-12 5-0 11-9 20-20 13-11 3-3 19-15 18-17 2-2 17-17 14-13 16-18 12-10 15-19 6-1 cu declaratia sa stupida , Ioan Talpes a pus o picatura de apa la radacina sentimentelor nationaliste de tip Vadim . Ioan Talpes ' stupid statement was like a drop of water to the root of Vadim - style nationalist feelings .
unii romani au si sarit : de - aia o scalda , ca e american ! some Romanians winced as if lashed : they 're beating about the bush because he is an American . 10-9 10-11 10-12 12-13 9-7 14-17 10-8 13-15 10-10 5-6 9-12 14-16 9-8 9-10 9-11 2-2 4-2 9-9 0-0 10-7 1-1 15-18 unii romani au si sarit : de - aia o scalda , ca e american ! some Romanians winced as if lashed : they 're beating about the bush because he is an American .
a fost necesara interventia ambasadorului SUA in Romania , Michael Guest , pentru a mai risipi din zvonuri . American ambassador to Romania Michael Guest had to intervene to dispel some of the rumours . 6-2 4-1 14-11 5-0 9-4 10-5 18-15 12-9 16-12 13-10 7-3 2-7 3-8 2-6 15-10 17-13 17-14 a fost necesara interventia ambasadorului SUA in Romania , Michael Guest , pentru a mai risipi din zvonuri . American ambassador to Romania Michael Guest had to intervene to dispel some of the rumours .
el a anuntat ca " Ambasada SUA nu cere nici un fel de protectie pentru Treptow " . he announced that " US Embassy asks no protection for Treptow " . 4-3 16-11 3-2 5-5 17-12 0-0 10-7 1-1 9-7 2-1 6-4 8-6 13-8 15-10 14-9 el a anuntat ca " Ambasada SUA nu cere nici un fel de protectie pentru Treptow " . he announced that " US Embassy asks no protection for Treptow " .
in ciuda pozitiei lui Michael Guest , cazul Treptow n - a devenit mai transparent . despite Michael Guest 's stand , the Treptow case hasn't gained in transparency . 15-13 3-3 5-2 6-5 12-10 14-12 11-10 1-0 9-9 7-8 0-0 7-6 8-7 2-4 4-1 in ciuda pozitiei lui Michael Guest , cazul Treptow n - a devenit mai transparent . despite Michael Guest 's stand , the Treptow case hasn't gained in transparency .
institutiile statului au ramas tot mute , de parca ar fi cercetat un martian prins de armata romana . the state 's institutions continued to keep silent , as if they were investigating a Martian caught by the Romanian military . 10-12 8-10 7-10 3-4 13-15 0-3 16-20 8-9 1-2 6-8 9-12 5-7 14-16 18-21 12-14 11-13 17-19 16-18 7-9 0-0 1-1 15-17 2-4 institutiile statului au ramas tot mute , de parca ar fi cercetat un martian prins de armata romana . the state 's institutions continued to keep silent , as if they were investigating a Martian caught by the Romanian military .
in acest timp , parintii si rudele copiilor abuzati de Kurt Treptow au fost " cu delicatete " avertizati ca ar face mai bine sa - si tina gura . meanwhile , the parents and the relatives of children sexually abused by Kurt Treptow were " delicately " warned they ' d better keep their mouths shut . 29-27 4-3 10-12 27-23 26-24 14-15 22-22 18-18 16-16 28-25 6-6 13-14 7-7 5-4 23-22 2-0 9-11 1-0 7-8 3-1 12-14 4-2 17-17 11-13 24-23 6-5 20-21 21-21 15-16 0-0 8-10 in acest timp , parintii si rudele copiilor abuzati de Kurt Treptow au fost " cu delicatete " avertizati ca ar face mai bine sa - si tina gura . meanwhile , the parents and the relatives of children sexually abused by Kurt Treptow were " delicately " warned they ' d better keep their mouths shut .
i - o fi apucat pe politisti si pe procurori dragul de Treptow de au adoptat o asemenea atitudine ? could it be that the police and the prosecutors adopted that attitude as they grew fond of Treptow ? 4-14 9-7 14-9 12-17 3-14 5-5 18-11 7-6 15-9 11-16 9-8 5-4 8-7 10-15 0-13 17-10 19-18 16-11 6-5 8-8 2-14 6-4 i - o fi apucat pe politisti si pe procurori dragul de Treptow de au adoptat o asemenea atitudine ? could it be that the police and the prosecutors adopted that attitude as they grew fond of Treptow ?
eu , unul , ma indoiesc ! i very much doubt that . 6-5 0-0 4-3 5-3 eu , unul , ma indoiesc ! i very much doubt that .
chiar oamenii din politie si din Parchet , revoltati de ce se intimpla , le - au susotit ziaristilor despre caz , semn ca si pe ei ii enerva discretia ordonata de la centru . it was police and Prosecutor 's Office sources outraged by what was going on that leaked details about the case to the press , which is a sign they too were annoyed because their bosses ordered them to be discrete . 33-34 4-3 25-28 19-17 18-22 24-29 28-30 1-7 16-15 20-19 34-40 12-11 29-39 22-26 26-28 5-5 14-22 17-15 10-10 5-6 6-6 11-12 3-2 18-20 20-18 11-11 5-4 18-21 22-27 26-36 2-2 30-35 21-23 27-28 14-21 26-33 12-12 6-5 9-9 8-8 28-31 6-4 14-20 chiar oamenii din politie si din Parchet , revoltati de ce se intimpla , le - au susotit ziaristilor despre caz , semn ca si pe ei ii enerva discretia ordonata de la centru . it was police and Prosecutor 's Office sources outraged by what was going on that leaked details about the case to the press , which is a sign they too were annoyed because their bosses ordered them to be discrete .
acum , cind aberatiile lui Kurt Treptow n - au mai putut fi cocolosite , el a fost arestat la fel ca si ceilalti pedofili deferiti justitiei si prezentati presei . now , when Kurt Treptow 's deviant acts can't be covered up anymore , he was arrested like all the other pedophiles turned in to the police and presented to the press . 10-12 19-17 11-8 20-17 15-14 16-15 29-29 25-22 27-27 13-10 18-16 26-24 24-21 23-20 12-9 17-15 26-26 13-11 23-19 4-5 28-28 30-32 9-8 21-17 7-8 2-2 3-7 3-6 14-13 5-3 29-31 26-25 0-0 1-1 6-4 29-30 25-23 acum , cind aberatiile lui Kurt Treptow n - au mai putut fi cocolosite , el a fost arestat la fel ca si ceilalti pedofili deferiti justitiei si prezentati presei . now , when Kurt Treptow 's deviant acts can't be covered up anymore , he was arrested like all the other pedophiles turned in to the police and presented to the press .
si tot acum , ca prin minune , consilierul Talpes face un pas inapoi si incearca sa se spele de rusine . and it is also now , that just like by magic , adviser Talpes is taking a step back trying to wash away the shame . 3-5 1-3 20-23 4-8 17-13 19-24 8-12 12-17 10-14 16-20 20-24 13-18 6-10 11-16 21-25 9-13 18-21 10-15 7-11 0-0 5-9 15-19 2-4 19-23 si tot acum , ca prin minune , consilierul Talpes face un pas inapoi si incearca sa se spele de rusine . and it is also now , that just like by magic , adviser Talpes is taking a step back trying to wash away the shame .
ne spune ca " eu nu l - am banuit niciodata " . he tells us " I have never suspected him " . 8-5 3-3 0-2 12-10 4-4 11-9 1-1 9-7 10-6 6-8 ne spune ca " eu nu l - am banuit niciodata " . he tells us " I have never suspected him " .
logic , sintem obligati sa - i punem o intrebare de bun simt . logically speaking , we have to ask him a common sensical question . 13-12 6-7 2-5 3-5 12-10 9-11 11-9 8-8 0-0 7-6 4-6 1-2 10-10 2-4 3-4 logic , sintem obligati sa - i punem o intrebare de bun simt . logically speaking , we have to ask him a common sensical question .
daca nu l - ati banuit , de ce v - ati bagat ? if you didn't suspect him why did you get involved in this ? 8-5 13-12 4-3 12-6 11-8 12-8 11-9 12-9 0-0 7-5 9-7 1-2 2-4 11-6 5-3 daca nu l - ati banuit , de ce v - ati bagat ? if you didn't suspect him why did you get involved in this ?
nu puteati sa stati cuminte in banca prezidentiala , fara sa va acoperiti de ridicol ? couldn't you stay quiet in your presidential adviser seat without bringing ridicule upon yourself ? 11-12 4-3 3-2 14-11 12-10 5-4 15-14 9-9 1-0 0-0 2-2 7-6 11-13 10-10 6-8 13-11 nu puteati sa stati cuminte in banca prezidentiala , fara sa va acoperiti de ridicol ? couldn't you stay quiet in your presidential adviser seat without bringing ridicule upon yourself ?
pe noi nu ne interesau serviciile facute de Treptow ! we were not interested in the services rendered by Treptow . 4-3 5-6 6-7 5-5 5-4 9-10 1-0 7-8 0-0 2-2 8-9 3-0 4-1 pe noi nu ne interesau serviciile facute de Treptow ! we were not interested in the services rendered by Treptow .
n - a vorbit nimeni nici despre introducerea pedepsei cu moartea . nobody spoke about the institution of death penalty . 8-5 4-0 9-6 6-2 11-8 8-7 3-1 2-1 7-3 7-4 10-6 n - a vorbit nimeni nici despre introducerea pedepsei cu moartea . nobody spoke about the institution of death penalty .
noi voiam un lucru simplu , banal si aproape imposibil . all we wanted was a simple , ordinary and almost impossible thing . 3-11 4-5 6-7 10-12 9-10 0-1 7-8 8-9 1-2 5-6 2-4 noi voiam un lucru simplu , banal si aproape imposibil . all we wanted was a simple , ordinary and almost impossible thing .
sa se aplice legea si in cazul unui apropiat al domnului Talpes , si al nu mai stiu cui ! that the law be also enforced in the case of a person close to Mr Talpes and to who knows who else . 19-22 1-3 4-4 14-17 0-5 7-10 8-12 1-5 2-3 0-3 10-14 5-6 11-15 3-2 9-13 18-20 2-5 6-7 3-1 17-19 7-9 6-8 13-16 sa se aplice legea si in cazul unui apropiat al domnului Talpes , si al nu mai stiu cui ! that the law be also enforced in the case of a person close to Mr Talpes and to who knows who else .
Topul lui tanda pe manda the top of sums that add up 0-1 0-0 1-2 Topul lui tanda pe manda the top of sums that add up
miercuri , 6 Noiembrie 2002 Wednesday , 06 November 2002 3-3 4-4 0-0 2-2 1-1 miercuri , 6 Noiembrie 2002 Wednesday , 06 November 2002
multa cerneala va mai curge pe seama celor mai bogati 100 de romani . a lot of ink will still flow to write about the richest 100 people in Romania . 0-2 8-11 10-12 3-5 9-10 1-3 12-15 9-11 0-1 8-10 0-0 4-6 11-13 2-4 7-10 13-16 7-11 multa cerneala va mai curge pe seama celor mai bogati 100 de romani . a lot of ink will still flow to write about the richest 100 people in Romania .
majoritatea cetatenilor se vor infuria . most of the citizens will get angry . 5-7 4-5 2-5 1-3 0-0 1-1 4-6 1-2 2-6 3-4 majoritatea cetatenilor se vor infuria . most of the citizens will get angry .
romanul pacalit cu cupoane , ramas tot asa cum s - a despartit de socialism , nu va inghiti usor un clasament al celor care au valorificat la maximum tranzitia . the Romanian , cheated with privatization vouchers , still in the same staten he was when he parted with socialism , will not accept easily a top of those who made the most of transition . 15-20 25-30 18-23 23-28 24-29 14-19 1-3 26-30 27-32 28-30 17-23 7-10 20-25 11-17 27-30 19-24 29-34 16-22 12-17 27-33 21-26 25-33 6-8 13-18 27-31 7-12 8-15 25-32 26-32 22-27 28-33 30-35 9-16 3-6 4-7 25-31 26-33 26-31 7-9 0-1 0-0 28-31 28-32 2-4 romanul pacalit cu cupoane , ramas tot asa cum s - a despartit de socialism , nu va inghiti usor un clasament al celor care au valorificat la maximum tranzitia . the Romanian , cheated with privatization vouchers , still in the same staten he was when he parted with socialism , will not accept easily a top of those who made the most of transition .
probabil ca printre cei 100 se afla citiva care , in urmatorii ani , vor duce pe umeri povara mitului bogatiei . among those 100 there are probably some who , in the following years , will carry on their shoulders , the burden of the myth of wealth . 19-22 10-9 0-5 20-25 19-24 15-15 7-6 16-16 18-20 20-26 21-27 9-8 11-11 5-4 2-0 11-10 18-21 8-7 3-1 6-3 4-2 13-13 5-3 12-12 6-4 17-18 14-14 19-23 probabil ca printre cei 100 se afla citiva care , in urmatorii ani , vor duce pe umeri povara mitului bogatiei . among those 100 there are probably some who , in the following years , will carry on their shoulders , the burden of the myth of wealth .
o societate democratica si cu economie de piata are nevoie de asemenea modele economice . a democratic society with a market economy needs such economic models . 4-3 13-9 6-5 14-11 12-10 5-4 11-8 0-0 10-7 2-1 9-7 1-2 7-5 5-6 8-7 o societate democratica si cu economie de piata are nevoie de asemenea modele economice . a democratic society with a market economy needs such economic models .
tot printre cei 100 se afla si marii " tunari " ai tranzitiei , niste facaturi de oameni de afaceri , chiar mai de plins decit miliardarii de carton . but among the 100 there are also the big schemers of transition , some sham businessmen , even more contemptible than the cardboard billionaires . 27-22 18-15 4-4 15-14 16-15 9-7 22-18 28-22 12-11 5-5 29-24 17-15 24-19 6-6 13-12 23-19 3-3 4-5 19-15 21-17 20-16 5-4 11-10 7-8 2-2 26-23 14-13 26-21 9-9 1-1 25-20 tot printre cei 100 se afla si marii " tunari " ai tranzitiei , niste facaturi de oameni de afaceri , chiar mai de plins decit miliardarii de carton . but among the 100 there are also the big schemers of transition , some sham businessmen , even more contemptible than the cardboard billionaires .
tot printre cei 100 trebuie cautati " acoperitii " . among the 100 there are also " the protected ones " . 3-2 7-7 7-9 9-11 1-0 7-8 2-1 8-10 6-6 tot printre cei 100 trebuie cautati " acoperitii " . among the 100 there are also " the protected ones " .
la o privire atenta si la o cercetare prin arhive , sigur vom descoperi citiva care nu sint decit prelungirea unor servicii secrete romanesti , foste si actuale . at a closer look and after a search through the archives , we will surely discover a few who are but an extension of the former and present Romanian secret services . 19-22 10-11 11-14 23-28 12-13 20-23 4-4 27-27 14-17 21-30 13-15 2-3 5-5 16-20 20-24 26-26 6-6 14-16 22-29 18-20 3-2 7-7 9-10 25-25 19-21 17-19 9-9 8-8 0-0 1-1 28-31 15-18 la o privire atenta si la o cercetare prin arhive , sigur vom descoperi citiva care nu sint decit prelungirea unor servicii secrete romanesti , foste si actuale . at a closer look and after a search through the archives , we will surely discover a few who are but an extension of the former and present Romanian secret services .
tot pe aceeasi lista se mai afla si prieteni ai partidelor politice . on the same list there are also friends of the political parties . 3-3 10-9 10-11 4-5 12-12 6-5 9-8 11-10 1-0 4-4 2-2 3-1 6-4 7-6 8-7 tot pe aceeasi lista se mai afla si prieteni ai partidelor politice . on the same list there are also friends of the political parties .
la o adica , e lesne de descifrat care pe vremea cui a facut avere . if necessary , it is easy to see who in who 's time made a fortune . 10-12 12-13 4-4 2-1 14-15 5-5 6-6 3-2 7-7 11-11 2-0 11-10 1-0 13-13 15-16 0-1 9-9 8-8 0-0 14-14 la o adica , e lesne de descifrat care pe vremea cui a facut avere . if necessary , it is easy to see who in who 's time made a fortune .
averea e una , banii sint altceva . fortune is one thing , money is another . 4-5 6-7 2-3 7-8 0-0 2-2 1-1 5-6 3-4 averea e una , banii sint altceva . fortune is one thing , money is another .
Estimarea averii contine destul folclor , destula birfa , chiar si o mare doza de amatorism . there is much gossip , many stories , and even a certain amount of amateurishness in the assessment of one 's fortune . 13-12 6-2 16-22 3-5 5-4 11-10 15-14 9-9 1-18 1-21 8-7 4-6 0-17 7-3 10-8 14-13 12-11 0-16 Estimarea averii contine destul folclor , destula birfa , chiar si o mare doza de amatorism . there is much gossip , many stories , and even a certain amount of amateurishness in the assessment of one 's fortune .
cu toata stima pentru truda autorilor acestui supliment , el contine destule naivitati de inceput . with all due respect for the authors of this top , it contains enough naiveties , typical of beginners . 13-17 5-6 6-7 10-12 2-3 5-5 7-9 8-10 9-11 0-0 1-1 12-14 14-18 11-13 15-19 6-8 3-4 cu toata stima pentru truda autorilor acestui supliment , el contine destule naivitati de inceput . with all due respect for the authors of this top , it contains enough naiveties , typical of beginners .
nu poti sa evaluezi averea unui personaj la cincizeci de milioane de dolari cind datoriile sale sint de saizeci de milioane . you cannot assess someone 's fortune at fifty million dollars when he has debts of sixty million dollars . 18-15 15-11 13-10 10-8 11-9 12-9 21-18 7-6 4-5 3-2 9-8 5-4 2-2 6-3 8-7 14-13 5-3 17-14 0-1 1-1 6-4 19-16 nu poti sa evaluezi averea unui personaj la cincizeci de milioane de dolari cind datoriile sale sint de saizeci de milioane . you cannot assess someone 's fortune at fifty million dollars when he has debts of sixty million dollars .
daca statul ar purcede la recuperarea banilor , chiar din a doua zi citiva dintre cei 100 ar zbura din top . if the state began to recoup the money , the next day some of the 100 would certainly be removed from the top . 10-9 4-4 15-14 16-15 20-22 18-19 12-11 2-3 5-5 11-9 1-2 10-10 18-18 6-6 13-12 3-3 6-7 11-10 9-11 7-8 21-23 17-16 14-13 20-21 0-0 1-1 19-20 daca statul ar purcede la recuperarea banilor , chiar din a doua zi citiva dintre cei 100 ar zbura din top . if the state began to recoup the money , the next day some of the 100 would certainly be removed from the top .
apoi apar multi milionari cu averi de 10 - 20 de milioane sau cu un nivel ceva mai ridicat , 20 - 30 . then there are many millionaires with fortunes estimated at 10 - 20 million dollars or even more , 20 - 30 million dollars . 4-5 10-12 2-3 7-9 9-10 8-10 15-14 0-0 1-1 17-15 18-16 16-14 1-2 5-6 19-19 3-4 apoi apar multi milionari cu averi de 10 - 20 de milioane sau cu un nivel ceva mai ridicat , 20 - 30 . then there are many millionaires with fortunes estimated at 10 - 20 million dollars or even more , 20 - 30 million dollars .
zece milioane de dolari , oricit ar fi Romania de nebuna , nu - s de colo . no matter how crazy Romania may be , ten million dollars is quite something . 8-4 14-11 10-3 12-13 15-11 9-3 2-10 12-11 5-1 14-12 5-0 0-8 7-6 16-12 1-9 3-10 14-13 16-13 17-14 15-13 15-12 16-11 4-7 12-12 5-2 6-5 zece milioane de dolari , oricit ar fi Romania de nebuna , nu - s de colo . no matter how crazy Romania may be , ten million dollars is quite something .
Aproximatia ca metoda e mai degraba buna pentru un banc decit pentru un clasament . Approximation as a method is rather good for a joke than for a top . 4-5 12-12 2-3 11-11 5-5 7-7 9-9 8-8 0-0 1-1 2-2 10-10 14-14 13-13 3-4 6-6 Aproximatia ca metoda e mai degraba buna pentru un banc decit pentru un clasament . Approximation as a method is rather good for a joke than for a top .
la urma urmelor , care este valoarea unei averi ? after all , what is the value of a fortune ? 4-3 3-2 6-5 7-7 5-4 9-10 2-0 0-1 1-0 7-8 1-1 0-0 2-1 8-9 6-6 la urma urmelor , care este valoarea unei averi ? after all , what is the value of a fortune ?
autorii spun ca au folosit tot felul de surse , inclusiv interviurile . the authors of the top say that they used all sorts of sources , including interviews . 11-15 8-12 9-13 1-5 10-14 0-1 12-16 0-0 4-8 5-9 3-8 2-6 6-10 7-11 autorii spun ca au folosit tot felul de surse , inclusiv interviurile . the authors of the top say that they used all sorts of sources , including interviews .
bursa nu joaca nici un rol in stabilirea acestor cifre . the stock exchange does not play any part in the making of these figures . 1-4 5-7 8-12 0-2 9-13 2-3 2-5 7-9 7-10 10-14 9-11 0-1 0-0 4-6 6-8 3-6 bursa nu joaca nici un rol in stabilirea acestor cifre . the stock exchange does not play any part in the making of these figures .
fiscul , asijderea ; bilanturile contabile , nici atit . nor does the tax authority or the balance sheets . 5-7 4-7 0-2 0-4 0-3 2-0 9-9 4-8 7-5 4-6 5-6 5-8 fiscul , asijderea ; bilanturile contabile , nici atit . nor does the tax authority or the balance sheets .
or , valoarea unei averi e data de piata . the value of a fortune is given by the market . 3-3 3-2 5-5 7-7 9-10 2-0 4-4 8-8 2-1 8-9 6-6 or , valoarea unei averi e data de piata . the value of a fortune is given by the market .
nu poti trece o suma in dreptul cuiva care a luat , sa nu zic cu cit , o fabrica de la stat , a evaluat - o dupa mintea lui ( sau a ziaristilor ) si apoi a zis ca are o avere de atit . you cannot attach a sum of money to the name of someone , who bought , I won't say for how much , a factory from the state and assessed it in his ( or the journalists ' ) own way and then he said his fortune amounted to a certain figure . 13-17 8-45 45-49 8-13 18-23 23-28 24-29 25-29 4-4 16-21 37-42 7-10 20-25 27-30 6-9 19-24 36-41 12-17 22-26 46-52 10-14 16-20 45-50 29-40 34-36 11-15 3-3 21-25 5-7 30-32 33-37 38-44 39-44 22-27 2-2 35-38 31-33 7-11 32-34 43-46 45-51 9-14 42-46 8-43 0-1 1-1 28-31 14-18 15-19 6-8 34-35 17-22 nu poti trece o suma in dreptul cuiva care a luat , sa nu zic cu cit , o fabrica de la stat , a evaluat - o dupa mintea lui ( sau a ziaristilor ) si apoi a zis ca are o avere de atit . you cannot attach a sum of money to the name of someone , who bought , I won't say for how much , a factory from the state and assessed it in his ( or the journalists ' ) own way and then he said his fortune amounted to a certain figure .
la o adica , acesti milionari in dolari , cel mai adesea chinuiti de lipsa de lichiditati , ar fi extrem de bucurosi sa scape de tot ce au pentru 3 - 5 - 8 milioane de dolari . if necessary , these millionaires in dollars , most often in need of liquidities , would be extremely happy to get rid of everything they have in exchange for 3 - 5 - 8 million dollars . 29-27 23-21 4-3 31-30 14-11 18-15 20-17 25-22 2-1 22-18 10-8 24-20 24-21 32-31 23-20 11-9 21-18 7-6 25-19 29-28 28-25 24-19 23-19 3-2 29-26 9-8 5-4 23-22 2-0 1-0 8-7 25-21 34-32 26-23 30-29 16-13 17-14 15-12 24-22 6-5 0-1 0-0 1-1 25-20 19-16 33-31 la o adica , acesti milionari in dolari , cel mai adesea chinuiti de lipsa de lichiditati , ar fi extrem de bucurosi sa scape de tot ce au pentru 3 - 5 - 8 milioane de dolari . if necessary , these millionaires in dollars , most often in need of liquidities , would be extremely happy to get rid of everything they have in exchange for 3 - 5 - 8 million dollars .
din nefericire , strategia lor de a cumpara cu putin de la stat si de a vinde scump strainilor nu prea functioneaza . unfortunately , their strategy to buy for little money from the state and to sell it for higher price to the foreigners does not really work . 10-9 2-1 9-7 18-19 12-11 22-26 11-9 16-14 20-24 13-12 3-3 21-25 18-20 1-0 18-21 7-5 4-2 17-17 17-16 15-13 12-10 21-22 0-0 6-4 8-6 17-18 19-23 din nefericire , strategia lor de a cumpara cu putin de la stat si de a vinde scump strainilor nu prea functioneaza . unfortunately , their strategy to buy for little money from the state and to sell it for higher price to the foreigners does not really work .
averile adunate de multi dintre cei 100 nu fac mare brinza . the wealth amassed by many of the 100 is not such a big deal . 11-14 4-5 6-7 2-3 3-4 7-9 0-1 8-8 0-0 1-2 5-6 9-12 10-13 averile adunate de multi dintre cei 100 nu fac mare brinza . the wealth amassed by many of the 100 is not such a big deal .
sint bune doar pentru fudulit si pentru navigat spre o economie veritabila , cind bunurile achizitionate vor putea fi vindute macar la jumatate din valoarea estimata in clasament . they are good only to show them off and to carry them on the way to a real economy , when the purchased goods could be sold for at least half of the value shown in the top . 27-37 20-29 16-24 20-28 5-8 7-10 3-4 6-9 11-17 17-24 28-38 2-3 23-31 10-18 18-25 1-2 13-20 15-22 4-5 8-15 26-35 21-27 19-26 24-33 9-16 14-21 22-30 24-32 4-7 12-19 0-1 25-34 14-23 27-36 sint bune doar pentru fudulit si pentru navigat spre o economie veritabila , cind bunurile achizitionate vor putea fi vindute macar la jumatate din valoarea estimata in clasament . they are good only to show them off and to carry them on the way to a real economy , when the purchased goods could be sold for at least half of the value shown in the top .
la ora asta , multe dintre fabricile evaluate la sume astronomice nu sint de cumparat nici pe un milion de dolari , bani lichizi . at the moment , many of the factories assessed for huge sums are not to be bought even for 1 million dollars in cash . 4-4 2-1 22-23 14-15 5-5 8-9 1-2 22-22 10-10 6-6 13-14 3-3 24-24 14-16 18-20 6-7 23-22 23-23 9-11 7-8 2-2 19-21 11-13 17-19 16-18 12-12 20-21 0-0 1-1 15-17 la ora asta , multe dintre fabricile evaluate la sume astronomice nu sint de cumparat nici pe un milion de dolari , bani lichizi . at the moment , many of the factories assessed for huge sums are not to be bought even for 1 million dollars in cash .
inca un lucru . one more thing . 0-1 3-3 2-2 1-0 inca un lucru . one more thing .
daca excludem citeva nume si citeva averi si adunam cifrele vom obtine un total care s - ar putea numi " capitalul romanesc " . if we remove some of the names and several fortunes and make a total we will get what we might call " the Romanian capital " . 8-13 3-5 21-24 14-17 5-8 22-23 7-10 18-19 24-26 6-9 8-12 2-3 1-2 11-16 8-11 10-15 3-6 17-19 23-25 4-7 20-21 21-22 0-0 15-17 19-20 daca excludem citeva nume si citeva averi si adunam cifrele vom obtine un total care s - ar putea numi " capitalul romanesc " . if we remove some of the names and several fortunes and make a total we will get what we might call " the Romanian capital " .
numai ca , luind la socotit sumele disparute din bancile care au dat faliment , vom observa cu surprindere ca se suprapun sau sint undeva pe aproape . but , if we start counting the sums of money that vanished from the banks which went bankrupt , we will notice with surprise that they are the same or are quite similar . 13-17 15-20 18-23 12-16 16-21 20-28 2-1 3-4 11-17 19-24 8-12 12-17 27-33 5-5 21-26 21-28 6-10 6-6 11-16 4-5 9-13 21-27 20-26 22-29 25-32 26-32 6-7 1-0 10-15 20-27 23-30 7-11 24-32 25-31 26-31 9-14 6-25 24-31 0-0 14-18 13-16 17-22 numai ca , luind la socotit sumele disparute din bancile care au dat faliment , vom observa cu surprindere ca se suprapun sau sint undeva pe aproape . but , if we start counting the sums of money that vanished from the banks which went bankrupt , we will notice with surprise that they are the same or are quite similar .
ceea ce demonstreaza ca o mare parte din averile romanesti sint egale cu " gaurile " din banci . this shows that a large part of the Romanian fortunes are equal to the " holes " in the banks . 4-3 2-1 16-17 14-15 7-6 8-9 10-10 13-14 3-2 18-20 9-8 11-11 5-4 1-0 8-7 14-13 17-19 12-12 6-5 15-16 0-0 17-18 ceea ce demonstreaza ca o mare parte din averile romanesti sint egale cu " gaurile " din banci . this shows that a large part of the Romanian fortunes are equal to the " holes " in the banks .
pentru a echilibra sumele ar trebui sa adaugam banii depusi prin strainatate , cotizatiile la partide , case , ifose si amante . in order to balance the sums we should add the money deposited in banks abroad , the donations made to the parties , the houses , the luxuries , and the lovers . 13-17 20-29 15-20 22-32 11-14 10-12 19-27 3-5 14-19 12-15 8-10 15-21 17-23 3-4 21-30 16-22 17-24 21-31 2-3 8-9 18-25 1-2 5-7 0-2 19-26 9-11 1-0 7-8 4-7 0-1 0-0 1-1 6-8 13-16 pentru a echilibra sumele ar trebui sa adaugam banii depusi prin strainatate , cotizatiile la partide , case , ifose si amante . in order to balance the sums we should add the money deposited in banks abroad , the donations made to the parties , the houses , the luxuries , and the lovers .
si iese tanda pe manda , adica socoteala dimboviteana a unui spectacol pentru gura - casca . and so sums add up , that is a typical Romanian counting worthy of a cheap show . 11-16 13-15 9-13 6-7 5-5 10-14 12-15 8-10 7-8 0-0 15-15 16-17 7-11 6-6 si iese tanda pe manda , adica socoteala dimboviteana a unui spectacol pentru gura - casca . and so sums add up , that is a typical Romanian counting worthy of a cheap show .
bani in adevaratul sens al cuvintului , mai usurel ! real money is not such an easy thing to find ! 4-0 5-0 9-10 2-0 0-1 1-0 3-0 bani in adevaratul sens al cuvintului , mai usurel ! real money is not such an easy thing to find !
stiu eu un superbogat si superfudul de averea sa care se roaga de prieteni sa - l imprumute cu 5.000 de dolari . i know a filthy rich guy very proud of his fortune who asks his friends to lend him 5,000 dollars . 10-12 3-5 20-19 16-17 7-10 18-19 3-4 14-15 22-20 8-9 5-6 13-14 11-12 3-3 5-7 9-11 1-0 2-2 12-14 17-16 19-18 0-1 21-19 6-8 stiu eu un superbogat si superfudul de averea sa care se roaga de prieteni sa - l imprumute cu 5.000 de dolari . i know a filthy rich guy very proud of his fortune who asks his friends to lend him 5,000 dollars .
si dupa ce - i insfaca , ii ocoleste cu lunile ! and once he grabs the money he avoids them for months ! 4-5 11-11 4-4 9-9 7-8 0-0 1-1 2-1 8-7 10-10 5-3 si dupa ce - i insfaca , ii ocoleste cu lunile ! and once he grabs the money he avoids them for months !
ce isca topul milionarilor ? what reactions does the millionaire top trigger ? 4-7 2-5 2-3 1-6 0-0 1-2 3-4 ce isca topul milionarilor ? what reactions does the millionaire top trigger ?
joi , 7 Noiembrie 2002 Thursday , 07 November 2002 3-3 4-4 0-0 2-2 1-1 joi , 7 Noiembrie 2002 Thursday , 07 November 2002
" 100 cei mai bogati romani " a devenit subiect de discutii , de contestare sau de chibitat . " top 100 wealthiest Romanians " has become a subject of discussion , dispute or kibitzing . 4-4 15-14 13-10 18-16 2-3 7-6 17-15 1-2 10-10 3-3 9-8 11-11 5-4 8-7 14-13 12-12 6-5 9-9 0-0 16-10 " 100 cei mai bogati romani " a devenit subiect de discutii , de contestare sau de chibitat . " top 100 wealthiest Romanians " has become a subject of discussion , dispute or kibitzing .
se discuta virtos despre bani si mai ales despre legatura lor cu politica . there is big talk about money and especially about its link to politics . 10-9 4-5 12-12 6-7 11-11 0-3 9-10 1-3 7-7 8-8 2-2 5-6 13-13 3-4 se discuta virtos despre bani si mai ales despre legatura lor cu politica . there is big talk about money and especially about its link to politics .
toti cititorii care au sunat la " Evenimentul zilei " au fost preocupati de un singur lucru . all readers who called " Evenimentul zilei " showed concerned about one single thing . 4-3 14-11 11-8 13-10 9-7 10-8 5-5 12-9 5-6 3-3 2-2 7-5 16-13 17-14 15-12 0-0 1-1 6-4 8-6 toti cititorii care au sunat la " Evenimentul zilei " au fost preocupati de un singur lucru . all readers who called " Evenimentul zilei " showed concerned about one single thing .
cit de legal au fost dobindite aceste averi ? to what extent have these fortunes been legally made ? 3-3 4-3 0-2 0-1 1-7 0-0 7-5 6-4 8-9 2-7 5-6 cit de legal au fost dobindite aceste averi ? to what extent have these fortunes been legally made ?
de ce in cazul multora , legile n - au functionat deloc ? why didn't the legislation work at all in the case of many persons ? 4-12 6-2 10-4 9-4 3-9 12-13 1-0 4-11 0-0 6-3 4-10 2-7 11-5 7-1 11-6 3-8 de ce in cazul multora , legile n - au functionat deloc ? why didn't the legislation work at all in the case of many persons ?
oamenii nu au ceva fatis impotriva bogatiei . average people have nothing against wealth . 3-3 6-5 5-4 1-3 0-1 2-2 7-6 oamenii nu au ceva fatis impotriva bogatiei . average people have nothing against wealth .
in schimb , dau semne ca refuza sa accepte o avere incropita pe cai ilegale . but they show signs that they refuse to accept a fortune made by illegal ways . 13-14 4-3 3-2 12-12 11-11 5-4 7-7 1-0 9-9 8-8 0-0 15-15 10-10 14-13 6-6 in schimb , dau semne ca refuza sa accepte o avere incropita pe cai ilegale . but they show signs that they refuse to accept a fortune made by illegal ways .
intocmirea unui astfel de clasament este deja un lucru obisnuit in alte tari . making such classifications is a common thing in other countries . 3-2 11-8 12-9 0-0 10-7 13-10 1-2 2-1 4-2 5-3 7-4 8-6 9-5 intocmirea unui astfel de clasament este deja un lucru obisnuit in alte tari . making such classifications is a common thing in other countries .
fiind realizat pentru prima oara si in Romania , acesta socheaza , dar , dincolo de conditiile grafice bune , ascunde un amatorism total . as it is a first for Romania , the top of millionaires caused a state of shock in people , but , leaving aside the high quality graphic , it hides a completely amateur approach . 10-16 10-12 24-35 22-34 16-24 3-4 11-19 17-24 22-33 21-31 14-22 7-6 18-25 13-21 15-22 9-8 8-7 23-32 17-27 12-20 6-5 9-29 9-9 0-0 18-26 19-28 16-27 15-23 14-23 20-30 fiind realizat pentru prima oara si in Romania , acesta socheaza , dar , dincolo de conditiile grafice bune , ascunde un amatorism total . as it is a first for Romania , the top of millionaires caused a state of shock in people , but , leaving aside the high quality graphic , it hides a completely amateur approach .
provine din absenta traditiei , a unor criterii coerente de selectie si a unor informatii oficiale . it is triggered by the lack of tradition , the lack of coherent selection criteria and of official information . 1-3 12-16 4-8 2-10 8-12 6-14 5-11 13-18 11-15 2-9 0-2 9-13 2-5 3-7 3-6 16-19 10-13 7-14 0-1 14-18 15-17 2-4 provine din absenta traditiei , a unor criterii coerente de selectie si a unor informatii oficiale . it is triggered by the lack of tradition , the lack of coherent selection criteria and of official information .
asa se explica de ce multe personaje sint incluse pe lista avind alaturi cifre fara acoperire . that 's why many characters on the list have unjustifiable figures written next to them . 6-14 3-2 12-12 11-8 12-13 16-15 5-3 10-7 13-10 14-9 4-2 10-6 6-4 15-9 9-5 asa se explica de ce multe personaje sint incluse pe lista avind alaturi cifre fara acoperire . that 's why many characters on the list have unjustifiable figures written next to them .
am putea zice ca ele sint mai degraba rezultatul unor calcule facute cu mintea de miliardar de carton . we could say they are rather the result of some calculations made by the mind of a cardboard billionaire . 4-3 16-17 18-19 14-15 13-14 9-8 11-11 5-4 2-2 7-5 8-7 17-17 13-13 0-10 12-12 6-5 15-16 0-1 9-9 1-1 8-6 15-18 am putea zice ca ele sint mai degraba rezultatul unor calcule facute cu mintea de miliardar de carton . we could say they are rather the result of some calculations made by the mind of a cardboard billionaire .
pentru citiva , prezenta in aceasta ierarhizare e doar un prilej de fudulie , ceea ce ne - ar putea face sa credem ca s - au batut din rasputeri sa umfle cifrele pentru ca sa apara si ei pe un loc . to some people , their presence in the top is just an opportunity to show off , which could make us believe they strove hard to inflate the figures so that they can be included in the top . 1-4 10-12 3-5 27-23 12-15 8-10 20-19 35-33 14-17 28-24 2-3 32-27 29-24 16-20 22-21 4-6 33-29 18-18 32-28 42-38 6-7 34-29 9-11 38-31 12-14 11-13 35-34 26-23 33-30 31-26 36-34 34-30 19-18 24-22 30-25 21-21 7-9 0-0 1-1 15-17 6-8 36-33 13-16 pentru citiva , prezenta in aceasta ierarhizare e doar un prilej de fudulie , ceea ce ne - ar putea face sa credem ca s - au batut din rasputeri sa umfle cifrele pentru ca sa apara si ei pe un loc . to some people , their presence in the top is just an opportunity to show off , which could make us believe they strove hard to inflate the figures so that they can be included in the top .
beleaua cu acest top vine de la altceva . the problem with this top lies somewhere else . 4-5 2-3 7-7 0-1 8-8 0-0 7-6 1-2 3-4 beleaua cu acest top vine de la altceva . the problem with this top lies somewhere else .
e vorba de averile politicienilor , ramase inca necunoscute . it 's about the politicians ' wealth still not made public . 3-3 4-5 7-7 4-4 9-11 0-1 1-0 2-2 8-8 8-9 8-10 3-6 e vorba de averile politicienilor , ramase inca necunoscute . it 's about the politicians ' wealth still not made public .
abia peste citiva ani , cind ei vor fi iesit din joc ( sau cind , poate , il vor domina fara drept de apel ) , vom vedea cum ies marfare de bani din umbra culiselor . it is only in a few years from now on , when they are no longer in the game ( or maybe dominate it categorically ) that we will see the freight trains full of money coming out from the shadow of the backstage . 19-22 10-16 8-13 31-30 14-11 18-23 33-35 34-38 1-3 16-21 21-24 30-37 31-31 9-15 22-24 28-29 8-14 20-22 11-17 36-41 6-12 7-15 10-14 11-18 35-40 5-11 36-42 7-13 13-20 24-24 0-2 9-13 35-39 2-5 8-15 7-16 25-25 10-15 9-16 27-28 30-36 3-6 10-13 37-44 32-34 7-14 9-14 12-19 23-24 4-10 2-4 8-16 31-32 36-43 abia peste citiva ani , cind ei vor fi iesit din joc ( sau cind , poate , il vor domina fara drept de apel ) , vom vedea cum ies marfare de bani din umbra culiselor . it is only in a few years from now on , when they are no longer in the game ( or maybe dominate it categorically ) that we will see the freight trains full of money coming out from the shadow of the backstage .
insa acest clasament le este folositor din alt punct de vedere . but this top is useful to them from another point of view . 11-12 10-11 4-3 6-7 3-5 5-4 9-10 7-8 0-0 1-1 2-2 8-9 3-6 insa acest clasament le este folositor din alt punct de vedere . but this top is useful to them from another point of view .
indreapta atentia opiniei publice spre alti oameni care au creat afaceri serioase si spre cei care au creat imperii cu fundatii de mamaliga . it draws the general public 's attention to other people who set up serious businesses and to those who created empires with spineless foundations . 3-5 12-15 20-23 14-17 5-8 7-10 3-4 6-9 8-12 2-3 1-6 10-14 1-2 22-22 9-12 3-3 8-11 18-20 2-5 9-11 19-21 11-13 16-19 17-19 4-7 23-24 0-1 21-22 2-4 15-18 13-16 indreapta atentia opiniei publice spre alti oameni care au creat afaceri serioase si spre cei care au creat imperii cu fundatii de mamaliga . it draws the general public 's attention to other people who set up serious businesses and to those who created empires with spineless foundations .
cei mai multi dintre acestia sint deja cunoscuti pentru mismasurile izbutite . most of the latter are already known for the scams they managed to perform . 10-11 11-14 4-3 6-5 10-12 9-8 5-4 2-0 1-0 9-9 0-0 3-1 7-6 4-10 4-2 8-7 10-13 cei mai multi dintre acestia sint deja cunoscuti pentru mismasurile izbutite . most of the latter are already known for the scams they managed to perform .
pusi alaturi de cei care au reusit sa construiasca adevarate mecanisme economice , mai ca ar putea dobindi un strop de credibilitate , tirindu - i pe primii intr - un noroi pe care nu - l merita . placed next to those who managed to build real economic mechanisms , they could get a drop of credibility and drag the former through mud , though they do not deserve that . 30-24 26-22 18-15 20-17 27-22 4-4 25-22 36-31 12-11 37-28 5-5 27-21 23-20 11-9 21-18 7-6 10-10 38-32 31-24 3-3 22-19 34-29 9-8 2-2 8-7 25-21 16-13 17-14 15-13 26-21 6-5 37-30 0-0 1-1 28-23 19-16 pusi alaturi de cei care au reusit sa construiasca adevarate mecanisme economice , mai ca ar putea dobindi un strop de credibilitate , tirindu - i pe primii intr - un noroi pe care nu - l merita . placed next to those who managed to build real economic mechanisms , they could get a drop of credibility and drag the former through mud , though they do not deserve that .
dar cel mai interesant efect l - ar putea avea asupra cetateanului sarac . but the most interesting effect could be that on poor people . 8-5 9-6 3-3 5-4 11-10 4-4 12-9 0-0 1-1 2-1 1-2 2-2 7-5 10-8 13-11 dar cel mai interesant efect l - ar putea avea asupra cetateanului sarac . but the most interesting effect could be that on poor people .
acesta , de regula ostil imbogatitilor , va renunta la alte subiecte privitoare la coruptie si isi va indrepta atentia spre cei de pe lista . poor people , who , as a rule , are hostile to the newly rich , will give up other topics regarding corruption and focus on the people included in the list . 1-4 3-5 18-24 20-25 19-24 0-3 10-19 14-22 21-26 5-13 5-11 2-7 2-6 11-20 13-22 24-30 8-18 22-29 21-27 25-32 2-5 5-12 7-16 23-29 3-7 17-16 3-6 5-14 8-17 12-21 16-3 0-1 24-31 0-0 4-10 15-23 6-15 9-19 acesta , de regula ostil imbogatitilor , va renunta la alte subiecte privitoare la coruptie si isi va indrepta atentia spre cei de pe lista . poor people , who , as a rule , are hostile to the newly rich , will give up other topics regarding corruption and focus on the people included in the list .
daca indivizi cu nume sonore au trecut " la mustata " ( fiind ajutati sa scape ) de penitenciar si au poposit in acest clasament cu 300 sau 500 de milioane de dolari , cetateanul va spune , asta e coruptie ! if resounding names managed to make a hair breadth escape and not serve time in jail ( as they were helped to get away with their wrong doings ) and landed in this top with 300 or 500 million dollars associated with their names , needy people will say this is a corruption case . 28-37 8-4 8-5 10-9 16-28 35-47 18-15 34-46 38-49 9-7 10-6 10-8 39-50 5-8 36-48 6-9 21-30 9-6 10-4 19-29 12-17 5-5 9-4 10-5 31-39 7-6 32-39 6-8 33-44 7-4 5-6 8-9 41-54 6-6 11-16 13-20 5-7 15-22 40-52 3-2 26-35 22-31 6-7 13-19 9-8 5-4 29-38 7-7 7-8 8-7 7-5 23-32 24-23 14-21 9-5 6-5 4-1 30-38 7-9 9-9 8-8 0-0 10-7 6-4 5-9 25-34 8-6 15-23 20-30 27-36 daca indivizi cu nume sonore au trecut " la mustata " ( fiind ajutati sa scape ) de penitenciar si au poposit in acest clasament cu 300 sau 500 de milioane de dolari , cetateanul va spune , asta e coruptie ! if resounding names managed to make a hair breadth escape and not serve time in jail ( as they were helped to get away with their wrong doings ) and landed in this top with 300 or 500 million dollars associated with their names , needy people will say this is a corruption case .
si astia sint vinovati ! they too are guilty . 3-3 4-4 0-1 1-0 2-2 si astia sint vinovati ! they too are guilty .
ei au furat fabricile ! they stole the factories . 3-3 3-2 4-4 0-0 1-1 2-1 ei au furat fabricile ! they stole the factories .