SOMTimeS: Self Organizing Maps for Time Series Clustering and its Application to Serious Illness Conversations
There is an increasing demand for scalable algorithms capable of clustering and analyzing large time series datasets. The Kohonen self-organizing map (SOM) is a type of unsupervised artificial neural network for visualizing and clustering complex data, reducing the dimensionality of data, and selecting influential features. Like all clustering methods, the SOM requires a measure of similarity between input data (in this work time series). Dynamic time warping (DTW) is one such measure, and a top performer given that it accommodates the distortions when aligning time series. Despite its use in clustering, DTW is limited in practice because it is quadratic in runtime complexity with the length of the time series data. To address this, we present a new DTW-based clustering method, called SOMTimeS (a Self-Organizing Map for TIME Series), that scales better and runs faster than other DTW-based clustering algorithms, and has similar performance accuracy. The computational performance of SOMTimeS stems from its ability to prune unnecessary DTW computations during the SOM's training phase. We also implemented a similar pruning strategy for K-means for comparison with one of the top performing clustering algorithms. We evaluated the pruning effectiveness, accuracy, execution time and scalability on 112 benchmark time series datasets from the University of California, Riverside classification archive. We showed that for similar accuracy, the speed-up achieved for SOMTimeS and K-means was 1.8x on average; however, rates varied between 1x and 18x depending on the dataset. SOMTimeS and K-means pruned 43% and 50% of the total DTW computations, respectively. We applied SOMtimeS to natural language conversation data collected as part of a large healthcare cohort study of patient-clinician serious illness conversations to demonstrate the algorithm's utility with complex, temporally sequenced phenomena.
Large Dimensional Analysis and Improvement of Multi Task Learning
Multi Task Learning (MTL) efficiently leverages useful information contained in multiple related tasks to help improve the generalization performance of all tasks. This article conducts a large dimensional analysis of a simple but, as we shall see, extremely powerful when carefully tuned, Least Square Support Vector Machine (LSSVM) version of MTL, in the regime where the dimension $p$ of the data and their number $n$ grow large at the same rate. Under mild assumptions on the input data, the theoretical analysis of the MTL-LSSVM algorithm first reveals the "sufficient statistics" exploited by the algorithm and their interaction at work. These results demonstrate, as a striking consequence, that the standard approach to MTL-LSSVM is largely suboptimal, can lead to severe effects of negative transfer but that these impairments are easily corrected. These corrections are turned into an improved MTL-LSSVM algorithm which can only benefit from additional data, and the theoretical performance of which is also analyzed. As evidenced and theoretically sustained in numerous recent works, these large dimensional results are robust to broad ranges of data distributions, which our present experiments corroborate. Specifically, the article reports a systematically close behavior between theoretical and empirical performances on popular datasets, which is strongly suggestive of the applicability of the proposed carefully tuned MTL-LSSVM method to real data. This fine-tuning is fully based on the theoretical analysis and does not in particular require any cross validation procedure. Besides, the reported performances on real datasets almost systematically outperform much more elaborate and less intuitive state-of-the-art multi-task and transfer learning methods.
Low-Dimensional Manifolds Support Multiplexed Integrations in Recurrent Neural Networks
We study the learning dynamics and the representations emerging in Recurrent Neural Networks trained to integrate one or multiple temporal signals. Combining analytical and numerical investigations, we characterize the conditions under which a RNN with n neurons learns to integrate D(n) scalar signals of arbitrary duration. We show, both for linear and ReLU neurons, that its internal state lives close to a D-dimensional manifold, whose shape is related to the activation function. Each neuron therefore carries, to various degrees, information about the value of all integrals. We discuss the deep analogy between our results and the concept of mixed selectivity forged by computational neuroscientists to interpret cortical recordings.
Semi-supervised deep learning by metric embedding
Deep networks are successfully used as classification models yielding state-of-the-art results when trained on a large number of labeled samples. These models, however, are usually much less suited for semi-supervised problems because of their tendency to overfit easily when trained on small amounts of data. In this work we will explore a new training objective that is targeting a semi-supervised regime with only a small subset of labeled data. This criterion is based on a deep metric embedding over distance relations within the set of labeled samples, together with constraints over the embeddings of the unlabeled set. The final learned representations are discriminative in euclidean space, and hence can be used with subsequent nearest-neighbor classification using the labeled samples.
Student-Teacher Learning from Clean Inputs to Noisy Inputs
Feature-based student-teacher learning, a training method that encourages the student's hidden features to mimic those of the teacher network, is empirically successful in transferring the knowledge from a pre-trained teacher network to the student network. Furthermore, recent empirical results demonstrate that, the teacher's features can boost the student network's generalization even when the student's input sample is corrupted by noise. However, there is a lack of theoretical insights into why and when this method of transferring knowledge can be successful between such heterogeneous tasks. We analyze this method theoretically using deep linear networks, and experimentally using nonlinear networks. We identify three vital factors to the success of the method: (1) whether the student is trained to zero training loss; (2) how knowledgeable the teacher is on the clean-input problem; (3) how the teacher decomposes its knowledge in its hidden features. Lack of proper control in any of the three factors leads to failure of the student-teacher learning method.
HIST: A Graph-based Framework for Stock Trend Forecasting via Mining Concept-Oriented Shared Information
Stock trend forecasting, which forecasts stock prices' future trends, plays an essential role in investment. The stocks in a market can share information so that their stock prices are highly correlated. Several methods were recently proposed to mine the shared information through stock concepts (e.g., technology, Internet Retail) extracted from the Web to improve the forecasting results. However, previous work assumes the connections between stocks and concepts are stationary, and neglects the dynamic relevance between stocks and concepts, limiting the forecasting results. Moreover, existing methods overlook the invaluable shared information carried by hidden concepts, which measure stocks' commonness beyond the manually defined stock concepts. To overcome the shortcomings of previous work, we proposed a novel stock trend forecasting framework that can adequately mine the concept-oriented shared information from predefined concepts and hidden concepts. The proposed framework simultaneously utilize the stock's shared information and individual information to improve the stock trend forecasting performance. Experimental results on the real-world tasks demonstrate the efficiency of our framework on stock trend forecasting. The investment simulation shows that our framework can achieve a higher investment return than the baselines.
$q$-Munchausen Reinforcement Learning
The recently successful Munchausen Reinforcement Learning (M-RL) features implicit Kullback-Leibler (KL) regularization by augmenting the reward function with logarithm of the current stochastic policy. Though significant improvement has been shown with the Boltzmann softmax policy, when the Tsallis sparsemax policy is considered, the augmentation leads to a flat learning curve for almost every problem considered. We show that it is due to the mismatch between the conventional logarithm and the non-logarithmic (generalized) nature of Tsallis entropy. Drawing inspiration from the Tsallis statistics literature, we propose to correct the mismatch of M-RL with the help of $q$-logarithm/exponential functions. The proposed formulation leads to implicit Tsallis KL regularization under the maximum Tsallis entropy framework. We show such formulation of M-RL again achieves superior performance on benchmark problems and sheds light on more general M-RL with various entropic indices $q$.
A contextual analysis of multi-layer perceptron models in classifying hand-written digits and letters: limited resources
Classifying hand-written digits and letters has taken a big leap with the introduction of ConvNets. However, on very constrained hardware the time necessary to train such models would be high. Our main contribution is twofold. First, we extensively test an end-to-end vanilla neural network (MLP) approach in pure numpy without any pre-processing or feature extraction done beforehand. Second, we show that basic data mining operations can significantly improve the performance of the models in terms of computational time, without sacrificing much accuracy. We illustrate our claims on a simpler variant of the Extended MNIST dataset, called Balanced EMNIST dataset. Our experiments show that, without any data mining, we get increased generalization performance when using more hidden layers and regularization techniques, the best model achieving 84.83% accuracy on a test dataset. Using dimensionality reduction done by PCA we were able to increase that figure to 85.08% with only 10% of the original feature space, reducing the memory size needed by 64%. Finally, adding methods to remove possibly harmful training samples like deviation from the mean helped us to still achieve over 84% test accuracy but with only 32.8% of the original memory size for the training set. This compares favorably to the majority of literature results obtained through similar architectures. Although this approach gets outshined by state-of-the-art models, it does scale to some (AlexNet, VGGNet) trained on 50% of the same dataset.
Convolutional Neural Network for emotion recognition to assist psychiatrists and psychologists during the COVID-19 pandemic: experts opinion
A web application with real-time emotion recognition for psychologists and psychiatrists is presented. Mental health effects during COVID-19 quarantine need to be handled because society is being emotionally impacted. The human micro-expressions can describe genuine emotions that can be captured by Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) models. But the challenge is to implement it under the poor performance of a part of society computers and the low speed of internet connection, i.e., improve the computational efficiency and reduce the data transfer. To validate the computational efficiency premise, we compare CNN architectures results, collecting the floating-point operations per second (FLOPS), the Number of Parameters (NP) and accuracy from the MobileNet, PeleeNet, Extended Deep Neural Network (EDNN), Inception- Based Deep Neural Network (IDNN) and our proposed Residual mobile-based Network model (ResmoNet). Also, we compare the trained models results in terms of Main Memory Utilization (MMU) and Response Time to complete the Emotion (RTE) recognition. Besides, we design a data transfer that includes the raw data of emotions and the basic patient information. The web application was evaluated with the System Usability Scale (SUS) and a utility questionnaire by psychologists and psychiatrists. ResmoNet model generated the most reduced NP, FLOPS, and MMU results, only EDNN overcomes ResmoNet in 0.01sec in RTE. The optimizations to our model impacted the accuracy, therefore IDNN and EDNN are 0.02 and 0.05 more accurate than our model respectively. Finally, according to psychologists and psychiatrists, the web application has good usability (73.8 of 100) and utility (3.94 of 5).
Using Deep Neural Networks to Predict and Improve the Performance of Polar Codes
Polar codes can theoretically achieve very competitive Frame Error Rates. In practice, their performance may depend on the chosen decoding procedure, as well as other parameters of the communication system they are deployed upon. As a consequence, designing efficient polar codes for a specific context can quickly become challenging. In this paper, we introduce a methodology that consists in training deep neural networks to predict the frame error rate of polar codes based on their frozen bit construction sequence. We introduce an algorithm based on Projected Gradient Descent that leverages the gradient of the neural network function to generate promising frozen bit sequences. We showcase on generated datasets the ability of the proposed methodology to produce codes more efficient than those used to train the neural networks, even when the latter are selected among the most efficient ones.
Interactive Refinement of Cross-Lingual Word Embeddings
Cross-lingual word embeddings transfer knowledge between languages: models trained on high-resource languages can predict in low-resource languages. We introduce CLIME, an interactive system to quickly refine cross-lingual word embeddings for a given classification problem. First, CLIME ranks words by their salience to the downstream task. Then, users mark similarity between keywords and their nearest neighbors in the embedding space. Finally, CLIME updates the embeddings using the annotations. We evaluate CLIME on identifying health-related text in four low-resource languages: Ilocano, Sinhalese, Tigrinya, and Uyghur. Embeddings refined by CLIME capture more nuanced word semantics and have higher test accuracy than the original embeddings. CLIME often improves accuracy faster than an active learning baseline and can be easily combined with active learning to improve results.
Space Meets Time: Local Spacetime Neural Network For Traffic Flow Forecasting
Traffic flow forecasting is a crucial task in urban computing. The challenge arises as traffic flows often exhibit intrinsic and latent spatio-temporal correlations that cannot be identified by extracting the spatial and temporal patterns of traffic data separately. We argue that such correlations are universal and play a pivotal role in traffic flow. We put forward {spacetime interval learning} as a paradigm to explicitly capture these correlations through a unified analysis of both spatial and temporal features. Unlike the state-of-the-art methods, which are restricted to a particular road network, we model the universal spatio-temporal correlations that are transferable from cities to cities. To this end, we propose a new spacetime interval learning framework that constructs a local-spacetime context of a traffic sensor comprising the data from its neighbors within close time points. Based on this idea, we introduce local spacetime neural network (STNN), which employs novel spacetime convolution and attention mechanism to learn the universal spatio-temporal correlations. The proposed STNN captures local traffic patterns, which does not depend on a specific network structure. As a result, a trained STNN model can be applied on any unseen traffic networks. We evaluate the proposed STNN on two public real-world traffic datasets and a simulated dataset on dynamic networks. The experiment results show that STNN not only improves prediction accuracy by 4% over state-of-the-art methods, but is also effective in handling the case when the traffic network undergoes dynamic changes as well as the superior generalization capability.
Question Answering Survey: Directions, Challenges, Datasets, Evaluation Matrices
The usage and amount of information available on the internet increase over the past decade. This digitization leads to the need for automated answering system to extract fruitful information from redundant and transitional knowledge sources. Such systems are designed to cater the most prominent answer from this giant knowledge source to the user query using natural language understanding (NLU) and thus eminently depends on the Question-answering(QA) field. Question answering involves but not limited to the steps like mapping of user question to pertinent query, retrieval of relevant information, finding the best suitable answer from the retrieved information etc. The current improvement of deep learning models evince compelling performance improvement in all these tasks. In this review work, the research directions of QA field are analyzed based on the type of question, answer type, source of evidence-answer, and modeling approach. This detailing followed by open challenges of the field like automatic question generation, similarity detection and, low resource availability for a language. In the end, a survey of available datasets and evaluation measures is presented.
Unsupervised Deep Learning Methods for Biological Image Reconstruction and Enhancement
Recently, deep learning approaches have become the main research frontier for biological image reconstruction and enhancement problems thanks to their high performance, along with their ultra-fast inference times. However, due to the difficulty of obtaining matched reference data for supervised learning, there has been increasing interest in unsupervised learning approaches that do not need paired reference data. In particular, self-supervised learning and generative models have been successfully used for various biological imaging applications. In this paper, we overview these approaches from a coherent perspective in the context of classical inverse problems, and discuss their applications to biological imaging, including electron, fluorescence and deconvolution microscopy, optical diffraction tomography and functional neuroimaging.
Machine learning discovery of new phases in programmable quantum simulator snapshots
Machine learning has recently emerged as a promising approach for studying complex phenomena characterized by rich datasets. In particular, data-centric approaches lend to the possibility of automatically discovering structures in experimental datasets that manual inspection may miss. Here, we introduce an interpretable unsupervised-supervised hybrid machine learning approach, the hybrid-correlation convolutional neural network (Hybrid-CCNN), and apply it to experimental data generated using a programmable quantum simulator based on Rydberg atom arrays. Specifically, we apply Hybrid-CCNN to analyze new quantum phases on square lattices with programmable interactions. The initial unsupervised dimensionality reduction and clustering stage first reveals five distinct quantum phase regions. In a second supervised stage, we refine these phase boundaries and characterize each phase by training fully interpretable CCNNs and extracting the relevant correlations for each phase. The characteristic spatial weightings and snippets of correlations specifically recognized in each phase capture quantum fluctuations in the striated phase and identify two previously undetected phases, the rhombic and boundary-ordered phases. These observations demonstrate that a combination of programmable quantum simulators with machine learning can be used as a powerful tool for detailed exploration of correlated quantum states of matter.
Provable Guarantees for Sparsity Recovery with Deterministic Missing Data Patterns
We study the problem of consistently recovering the sparsity pattern of a regression parameter vector from correlated observations governed by deterministic missing data patterns using Lasso. We consider the case in which the observed dataset is censored by a deterministic, non-uniform filter. Recovering the sparsity pattern in datasets with deterministic missing structure can be arguably more challenging than recovering in a uniformly-at-random scenario. In this paper, we propose an efficient algorithm for missing value imputation by utilizing the topological property of the censorship filter. We then provide novel theoretical results for exact recovery of the sparsity pattern using the proposed imputation strategy. Our analysis shows that, under certain statistical and topological conditions, the hidden sparsity pattern can be recovered consistently with high probability in polynomial time and logarithmic sample complexity.
EGAD: Evolving Graph Representation Learning with Self-Attention and Knowledge Distillation for Live Video Streaming Events
In this study, we present a dynamic graph representation learning model on weighted graphs to accurately predict the network capacity of connections between viewers in a live video streaming event. We propose EGAD, a neural network architecture to capture the graph evolution by introducing a self-attention mechanism on the weights between consecutive graph convolutional networks. In addition, we account for the fact that neural architectures require a huge amount of parameters to train, thus increasing the online inference latency and negatively influencing the user experience in a live video streaming event. To address the problem of the high online inference of a vast number of parameters, we propose a knowledge distillation strategy. In particular, we design a distillation loss function, aiming to first pretrain a teacher model on offline data, and then transfer the knowledge from the teacher to a smaller student model with less parameters. We evaluate our proposed model on the link prediction task on three real-world datasets, generated by live video streaming events. The events lasted 80 minutes and each viewer exploited the distribution solution provided by the company Hive Streaming AB. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model in terms of link prediction accuracy and number of required parameters, when evaluated against state-of-the-art approaches. In addition, we study the distillation performance of the proposed model in terms of compression ratio for different distillation strategies, where we show that the proposed model can achieve a compression ratio up to 15:100, preserving high link prediction accuracy. For reproduction purposes, our evaluation datasets and implementation are publicly available at https://stefanosantaris.github.io/EGAD.
The Complexity of Gradient Descent: CLS = PPAD $\cap$ PLS
We study search problems that can be solved by performing Gradient Descent on a bounded convex polytopal domain and show that this class is equal to the intersection of two well-known classes: PPAD and PLS. As our main underlying technical contribution, we show that computing a Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) point of a continuously differentiable function over the domain $[0,1]^2$ is PPAD $\cap$ PLS-complete. This is the first natural problem to be shown complete for this class. Our results also imply that the class CLS (Continuous Local Search) - which was defined by Daskalakis and Papadimitriou as a more "natural" counterpart to PPAD $\cap$ PLS and contains many interesting problems - is itself equal to PPAD $\cap$ PLS.
Predicting Legal Proceedings Status: Approaches Based on Sequential Text Data
The objective of this paper is to develop predictive models to classify Brazilian legal proceedings in three possible classes of status: (i) archived proceedings, (ii) active proceedings, and (iii) suspended proceedings. This problem's resolution is intended to assist public and private institutions in managing large portfolios of legal proceedings, providing gains in scale and efficiency. In this paper, legal proceedings are made up of sequences of short texts called "motions." We combined several natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to solve the problem. Although working with Portuguese NLP, which can be challenging due to lack of resources, our approaches performed remarkably well in the classification task, achieving maximum accuracy of .93 and top average F1 Scores of .89 (macro) and .93 (weighted). Furthermore, we could extract and interpret the patterns learned by one of our models besides quantifying how those patterns relate to the classification task. The interpretability step is important among machine learning legal applications and gives us an exciting insight into how black-box models make decisions.
Sub-GMN: The Subgraph Matching Network Model
As one of the most fundamental tasks in graph theory, subgraph matching is a crucial task in many fields, ranging from information retrieval, computer vision, biology, chemistry and natural language processing. Yet subgraph matching problem remains to be an NP-complete problem. This study proposes an end-to-end learning-based approximate method for subgraph matching task, called subgraph matching network (Sub-GMN). The proposed Sub-GMN firstly uses graph representation learning to map nodes to node-level embedding. It then combines metric learning and attention mechanisms to model the relationship between matched nodes in the data graph and query graph. To test the performance of the proposed method, we applied our method on two databases. We used two existing methods, GNN and FGNN as baseline for comparison. Our experiment shows that, on dataset 1, on average the accuracy of Sub-GMN are 12.21\% and 3.2\% higher than that of GNN and FGNN respectively. On average running time Sub-GMN runs 20-40 times faster than FGNN. In addition, the average F1-score of Sub-GMN on all experiments with dataset 2 reached 0.95, which demonstrates that Sub-GMN outputs more correct node-to-node matches. Comparing with the previous GNNs-based methods for subgraph matching task, our proposed Sub-GMN allows varying query and data graphes in the test/application stage, while most previous GNNs-based methods can only find a matched subgraph in the data graph during the test/application for the same query graph used in the training stage. Another advantage of our proposed Sub-GMN is that it can output a list of node-to-node matches, while most existing end-to-end GNNs based methods cannot provide the matched node pairs.
Being Friends Instead of Adversaries: Deep Networks Learn from Data Simplified by Other Networks
Amongst a variety of approaches aimed at making the learning procedure of neural networks more effective, the scientific community developed strategies to order the examples according to their estimated complexity, to distil knowledge from larger networks, or to exploit the principles behind adversarial machine learning. A different idea has been recently proposed, named Friendly Training, which consists in altering the input data by adding an automatically estimated perturbation, with the goal of facilitating the learning process of a neural classifier. The transformation progressively fades-out as long as training proceeds, until it completely vanishes. In this work we revisit and extend this idea, introducing a radically different and novel approach inspired by the effectiveness of neural generators in the context of Adversarial Machine Learning. We propose an auxiliary multi-layer network that is responsible of altering the input data to make them easier to be handled by the classifier at the current stage of the training procedure. The auxiliary network is trained jointly with the neural classifier, thus intrinsically increasing the 'depth' of the classifier, and it is expected to spot general regularities in the data alteration process. The effect of the auxiliary network is progressively reduced up to the end of training, when it is fully dropped and the classifier is deployed for applications. We refer to this approach as Neural Friendly Training. An extended experimental procedure involving several datasets and different neural architectures shows that Neural Friendly Training overcomes the originally proposed Friendly Training technique, improving the generalization of the classifier, especially in the case of noisy data.
Genetic Programming Hyper-Heuristics with Vehicle Collaboration for Uncertain Capacitated Arc Routing Problems
Due to its direct relevance to post-disaster operations, meter reading and civil refuse collection, the Uncertain Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (UCARP) is an important optimisation problem. Stochastic models are critical to study as they more accurately represent the real-world than their deterministic counterparts. Although there have been extensive studies in solving routing problems under uncertainty, very few have considered UCARP, and none consider collaboration between vehicles to handle the negative effects of uncertainty. This paper proposes a novel Solution Construction Procedure (SCP) that generates solutions to UCARP within a collaborative, multi-vehicle framework. It consists of two types of collaborative activities: one when a vehicle unexpectedly expends capacity (\emph{route failure}), and the other during the refill process. Then, we propose a Genetic Programming Hyper-Heuristic (GPHH) algorithm to evolve the routing policy used within the collaborative framework. The experimental studies show that the new heuristic with vehicle collaboration and GP-evolved routing policy significantly outperforms the compared state-of-the-art algorithms on commonly studied test problems. This is shown to be especially true on instances with larger numbers of tasks and vehicles. This clearly shows the advantage of vehicle collaboration in handling the uncertain environment, and the effectiveness of the newly proposed algorithm.
Temporal Abstractions-Augmented Temporally Contrastive Learning: An Alternative to the Laplacian in RL
In reinforcement learning, the graph Laplacian has proved to be a valuable tool in the task-agnostic setting, with applications ranging from skill discovery to reward shaping. Recently, learning the Laplacian representation has been framed as the optimization of a temporally-contrastive objective to overcome its computational limitations in large (or continuous) state spaces. However, this approach requires uniform access to all states in the state space, overlooking the exploration problem that emerges during the representation learning process. In this work, we propose an alternative method that is able to recover, in a non-uniform-prior setting, the expressiveness and the desired properties of the Laplacian representation. We do so by combining the representation learning with a skill-based covering policy, which provides a better training distribution to extend and refine the representation. We also show that a simple augmentation of the representation objective with the learned temporal abstractions improves dynamics-awareness and helps exploration. We find that our method succeeds as an alternative to the Laplacian in the non-uniform setting and scales to challenging continuous control environments. Finally, even if our method is not optimized for skill discovery, the learned skills can successfully solve difficult continuous navigation tasks with sparse rewards, where standard skill discovery approaches are no so effective.
LSH methods for data deduplication in a Wikipedia artificial dataset
This paper illustrates locality sensitive hasing (LSH) models for the identification and removal of nearly redundant data in a text dataset. To evaluate the different models, we create an artificial dataset for data deduplication using English Wikipedia articles. Area-Under-Curve (AUC) over 0.9 were observed for most models, with the best model reaching 0.96. Deduplication enables more effective model training by preventing the model from learning a distribution that differs from the real one as a result of the repeated data.
Blended Multi-Modal Deep ConvNet Features for Diabetic Retinopathy Severity Prediction
Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is one of the major causes of visual impairment and blindness across the world. It is usually found in patients who suffer from diabetes for a long period. The major focus of this work is to derive optimal representation of retinal images that further helps to improve the performance of DR recognition models. To extract optimal representation, features extracted from multiple pre-trained ConvNet models are blended using proposed multi-modal fusion module. These final representations are used to train a Deep Neural Network (DNN) used for DR identification and severity level prediction. As each ConvNet extracts different features, fusing them using 1D pooling and cross pooling leads to better representation than using features extracted from a single ConvNet. Experimental studies on benchmark Kaggle APTOS 2019 contest dataset reveals that the model trained on proposed blended feature representations is superior to the existing methods. In addition, we notice that cross average pooling based fusion of features from Xception and VGG16 is the most appropriate for DR recognition. With the proposed model, we achieve an accuracy of 97.41%, and a kappa statistic of 94.82 for DR identification and an accuracy of 81.7% and a kappa statistic of 71.1% for severity level prediction. Another interesting observation is that DNN with dropout at input layer converges more quickly when trained using blended features, compared to the same model trained using uni-modal deep features.
SurvLatent ODE : A Neural ODE based time-to-event model with competing risks for longitudinal data improves cancer-associated Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) prediction
Effective learning from electronic health records (EHR) data for prediction of clinical outcomes is often challenging because of features recorded at irregular timesteps and loss to follow-up as well as competing events such as death or disease progression. To that end, we propose a generative time-to-event model, SurvLatent ODE, which adopts an Ordinary Differential Equation-based Recurrent Neural Networks (ODE-RNN) as an encoder to effectively parameterize a latent representation under irregularly sampled data. Our model then utilizes the latent representation to flexibly estimate survival times for multiple competing events without specifying shapes of event-specific hazard function. We demonstrate competitive performance of our model on MIMIC-III, a freely-available longitudinal dataset collected from critical care units, on predicting hospital mortality as well as the data from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) on predicting onset of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), a life-threatening complication for patients with cancer, with death as a competing event. SurvLatent ODE outperforms the current clinical standard Khorana Risk scores for stratifying DVT risk groups.
What is Wrong with One-Class Anomaly Detection?
From a safety perspective, a machine learning method embedded in real-world applications is required to distinguish irregular situations. For this reason, there has been a growing interest in the anomaly detection (AD) task. Since we cannot observe abnormal samples for most of the cases, recent AD methods attempt to formulate it as a task of classifying whether the sample is normal or not. However, they potentially fail when the given normal samples are inherited from diverse semantic labels. To tackle this problem, we introduce a latent class-condition-based AD scenario. In addition, we propose a confidence-based self-labeling AD framework tailored to our proposed scenario. Since our method leverages the hidden class information, it successfully avoids generating the undesirable loose decision region that one-class methods suffer. Our proposed framework outperforms the recent one-class AD methods in the latent multi-class scenarios.
Zero-Resource Cross-Domain Named Entity Recognition
Existing models for cross-domain named entity recognition (NER) rely on numerous unlabeled corpus or labeled NER training data in target domains. However, collecting data for low-resource target domains is not only expensive but also time-consuming. Hence, we propose a cross-domain NER model that does not use any external resources. We first introduce a Multi-Task Learning (MTL) by adding a new objective function to detect whether tokens are named entities or not. We then introduce a framework called Mixture of Entity Experts (MoEE) to improve the robustness for zero-resource domain adaptation. Finally, experimental results show that our model outperforms strong unsupervised cross-domain sequence labeling models, and the performance of our model is close to that of the state-of-the-art model which leverages extensive resources.
Machine learning algorithms to infer trait-matching and predict species interactions in ecological networks
Ecologists have long suspected that species are more likely to interact if their traits match in a particular way. For example, a pollination interaction may be more likely if the proportions of a bee's tongue fit a plant's flower shape. Empirical estimates of the importance of trait-matching for determining species interactions, however, vary significantly among different types of ecological networks. Here, we show that ambiguity among empirical trait-matching studies may have arisen at least in parts from using overly simple statistical models. Using simulated and real data, we contrast conventional generalized linear models (GLM) with more flexible Machine Learning (ML) models (Random Forest, Boosted Regression Trees, Deep Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, naive Bayes, and k-Nearest-Neighbor), testing their ability to predict species interactions based on traits, and infer trait combinations causally responsible for species interactions. We find that the best ML models can successfully predict species interactions in plant-pollinator networks, outperforming GLMs by a substantial margin. Our results also demonstrate that ML models can better identify the causally responsible trait-matching combinations than GLMs. In two case studies, the best ML models successfully predicted species interactions in a global plant-pollinator database and inferred ecologically plausible trait-matching rules for a plant-hummingbird network, without any prior assumptions. We conclude that flexible ML models offer many advantages over traditional regression models for understanding interaction networks. We anticipate that these results extrapolate to other ecological network types. More generally, our results highlight the potential of machine learning and artificial intelligence for inference in ecology, beyond standard tasks such as image or pattern recognition.
Ensembles of Kernel Predictors
This paper examines the problem of learning with a finite and possibly large set of p base kernels. It presents a theoretical and empirical analysis of an approach addressing this problem based on ensembles of kernel predictors. This includes novel theoretical guarantees based on the Rademacher complexity of the corresponding hypothesis sets, the introduction and analysis of a learning algorithm based on these hypothesis sets, and a series of experiments using ensembles of kernel predictors with several data sets. Both convex combinations of kernel-based hypotheses and more general Lq-regularized nonnegative combinations are analyzed. These theoretical, algorithmic, and empirical results are compared with those achieved by using learning kernel techniques, which can be viewed as another approach for solving the same problem.
VC Dimension and Distribution-Free Sample-Based Testing
We consider the problem of determining which classes of functions can be tested more efficiently than they can be learned, in the distribution-free sample-based model that corresponds to the standard PAC learning setting. Our main result shows that while VC dimension by itself does not always provide tight bounds on the number of samples required to test a class of functions in this model, it can be combined with a closely-related variant that we call "lower VC" (or LVC) dimension to obtain strong lower bounds on this sample complexity. We use this result to obtain strong and in many cases nearly optimal lower bounds on the sample complexity for testing unions of intervals, halfspaces, intersections of halfspaces, polynomial threshold functions, and decision trees. Conversely, we show that two natural classes of functions, juntas and monotone functions, can be tested with a number of samples that is polynomially smaller than the number of samples required for PAC learning. Finally, we also use the connection between VC dimension and property testing to establish new lower bounds for testing radius clusterability and testing feasibility of linear constraint systems.
Harnessing the Power of Serverless Runtimes for Large-Scale Optimization
The event-driven and elastic nature of serverless runtimes makes them a very efficient and cost-effective alternative for scaling up computations. So far, they have mostly been used for stateless, data parallel and ephemeral computations. In this work, we propose using serverless runtimes to solve generic, large-scale optimization problems. Specifically, we build a master-worker setup using AWS Lambda as the source of our workers, implement a parallel optimization algorithm to solve a regularized logistic regression problem, and show that relative speedups up to 256 workers and efficiencies above 70% up to 64 workers can be expected. We also identify possible algorithmic and system-level bottlenecks, propose improvements, and discuss the limitations and challenges in realizing these improvements.
Smart Augmentation - Learning an Optimal Data Augmentation Strategy
A recurring problem faced when training neural networks is that there is typically not enough data to maximize the generalization capability of deep neural networks(DNN). There are many techniques to address this, including data augmentation, dropout, and transfer learning. In this paper, we introduce an additional method which we call Smart Augmentation and we show how to use it to increase the accuracy and reduce overfitting on a target network. Smart Augmentation works by creating a network that learns how to generate augmented data during the training process of a target network in a way that reduces that networks loss. This allows us to learn augmentations that minimize the error of that network. Smart Augmentation has shown the potential to increase accuracy by demonstrably significant measures on all datasets tested. In addition, it has shown potential to achieve similar or improved performance levels with significantly smaller network sizes in a number of tested cases.
Adma: A Flexible Loss Function for Neural Networks
Highly increased interest in Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have resulted in impressively wide-ranging improvements in its structure. In this work, we come up with the idea that instead of static plugins that the currently available loss functions are, they should by default be flexible in nature. A flexible loss function can be a more insightful navigator for neural networks leading to higher convergence rates and therefore reaching the optimum accuracy more quickly. The insights to help decide the degree of flexibility can be derived from the complexity of ANNs, the data distribution, selection of hyper-parameters and so on. In the wake of this, we introduce a novel flexible loss function for neural networks. The function is shown to characterize a range of fundamentally unique properties from which, much of the properties of other loss functions are only a subset and varying the flexibility parameter in the function allows it to emulate the loss curves and the learning behavior of prevalent static loss functions. The extensive experimentation performed with the loss function demonstrates that it is able to give state-of-the-art performance on selected data sets. Thus, in all the idea of flexibility itself and the proposed function built upon it carry the potential to open to a new interesting chapter in deep learning research.
Shedding some light on Light Up with Artificial Intelligence
The Light-Up puzzle, also known as the AKARI puzzle, has never been solved using modern artificial intelligence (AI) methods. Currently, the most widely used computational technique to autonomously develop solutions involve evolution theory algorithms. This project is an effort to apply new AI techniques for solving the Light-up puzzle faster and more computationally efficient. The algorithms explored for producing optimal solutions include hill climbing, simulated annealing, feed-forward neural network (FNN), and convolutional neural network (CNN). Two algorithms were developed for hill climbing and simulated annealing using 2 actions (add and remove light bulb) versus 3 actions(add, remove, or move light-bulb to a different cell). Both hill climbing and simulated annealing algorithms showed a higher accuracy for the case of 3 actions. The simulated annealing showed to significantly outperform hill climbing, FNN, CNN, and an evolutionary theory algorithm achieving 100% accuracy in 30 unique board configurations. Lastly, while FNN and CNN algorithms showed low accuracies, computational times were significantly faster compared to the remaining algorithms. The GitHub repository for this project can be found at https://github.com/rperera12/AKARI-LightUp-GameSolver-with-DeepNeuralNetworks-and-HillClimb-or-SimulatedAnnealing.
Learning Solution Manifolds for Control Problems via Energy Minimization
A variety of control tasks such as inverse kinematics (IK), trajectory optimization (TO), and model predictive control (MPC) are commonly formulated as energy minimization problems. Numerical solutions to such problems are well-established. However, these are often too slow to be used directly in real-time applications. The alternative is to learn solution manifolds for control problems in an offline stage. Although this distillation process can be trivially formulated as a behavioral cloning (BC) problem in an imitation learning setting, our experiments highlight a number of significant shortcomings arising due to incompatible local minima, interpolation artifacts, and insufficient coverage of the state space. In this paper, we propose an alternative to BC that is efficient and numerically robust. We formulate the learning of solution manifolds as a minimization of the energy terms of a control objective integrated over the space of problems of interest. We minimize this energy integral with a novel method that combines Monte Carlo-inspired adaptive sampling strategies with the derivatives used to solve individual instances of the control task. We evaluate the performance of our formulation on a series of robotic control problems of increasing complexity, and we highlight its benefits through comparisons against traditional methods such as behavioral cloning and Dataset aggregation (Dagger).
Training Structured Neural Networks Through Manifold Identification and Variance Reduction
This paper proposes an algorithm (RMDA) for training neural networks (NNs) with a regularization term for promoting desired structures. RMDA does not incur computation additional to proximal SGD with momentum, and achieves variance reduction without requiring the objective function to be of the finite-sum form. Through the tool of manifold identification from nonlinear optimization, we prove that after a finite number of iterations, all iterates of RMDA possess a desired structure identical to that induced by the regularizer at the stationary point of asymptotic convergence, even in the presence of engineering tricks like data augmentation and dropout that complicate the training process. Experiments on training NNs with structured sparsity confirm that variance reduction is necessary for such an identification, and show that RMDA thus significantly outperforms existing methods for this task. For unstructured sparsity, RMDA also outperforms a state-of-the-art pruning method, validating the benefits of training structured NNs through regularization.
ShapeFormer: Transformer-based Shape Completion via Sparse Representation
We present ShapeFormer, a transformer-based network that produces a distribution of object completions, conditioned on incomplete, and possibly noisy, point clouds. The resultant distribution can then be sampled to generate likely completions, each exhibiting plausible shape details while being faithful to the input. To facilitate the use of transformers for 3D, we introduce a compact 3D representation, vector quantized deep implicit function, that utilizes spatial sparsity to represent a close approximation of a 3D shape by a short sequence of discrete variables. Experiments demonstrate that ShapeFormer outperforms prior art for shape completion from ambiguous partial inputs in terms of both completion quality and diversity. We also show that our approach effectively handles a variety of shape types, incomplete patterns, and real-world scans.
Toward Metrics for Differentiating Out-of-Distribution Sets
Vanilla CNNs, as uncalibrated classifiers, suffer from classifying out-of-distribution (OOD) samples nearly as confidently as in-distribution samples. To tackle this challenge, some recent works have demonstrated the gains of leveraging available OOD sets for training end-to-end calibrated CNNs. However, a critical question remains unanswered in these works: how to differentiate OOD sets for selecting the most effective one(s) that induce training such CNNs with high detection rates on unseen OOD sets? To address this pivotal question, we provide a criterion based on generalization errors of Augmented-CNN, a vanilla CNN with an added extra class employed for rejection, on in-distribution and unseen OOD sets. However, selecting the most effective OOD set by directly optimizing this criterion incurs a huge computational cost. Instead, we propose three novel computationally-efficient metrics for differentiating between OOD sets according to their "protection" level of in-distribution sub-manifolds. We empirically verify that the most protective OOD sets -- selected according to our metrics -- lead to A-CNNs with significantly lower generalization errors than the A-CNNs trained on the least protective ones. We also empirically show the effectiveness of a protective OOD set for training well-generalized confidence-calibrated vanilla CNNs. These results confirm that 1) all OOD sets are not equally effective for training well-performing end-to-end models (i.e., A-CNNs and calibrated CNNs) for OOD detection tasks and 2) the protection level of OOD sets is a viable factor for recognizing the most effective one. Finally, across the image classification tasks, we exhibit A-CNN trained on the most protective OOD set can also detect black-box FGS adversarial examples as their distance (measured by our metrics) is becoming larger from the protected sub-manifolds.
Large-Scale Adversarial Training for Vision-and-Language Representation Learning
We present VILLA, the first known effort on large-scale adversarial training for vision-and-language (V+L) representation learning. VILLA consists of two training stages: (i) task-agnostic adversarial pre-training; followed by (ii) task-specific adversarial finetuning. Instead of adding adversarial perturbations on image pixels and textual tokens, we propose to perform adversarial training in the embedding space of each modality. To enable large-scale training, we adopt the "free" adversarial training strategy, and combine it with KL-divergence-based regularization to promote higher invariance in the embedding space. We apply VILLA to current best-performing V+L models, and achieve new state of the art on a wide range of tasks, including Visual Question Answering, Visual Commonsense Reasoning, Image-Text Retrieval, Referring Expression Comprehension, Visual Entailment, and NLVR2.
Realistic face animation generation from videos
3D face reconstruction and face alignment are two fundamental and highly related topics in computer vision. Recently, some works start to use deep learning models to estimate the 3DMM coefficients to reconstruct 3D face geometry. However, the performance is restricted due to the limitation of the pre-defined face templates. To address this problem, some end-to-end methods, which can completely bypass the calculation of 3DMM coefficients, are proposed and attract much attention. In this report, we introduce and analyse three state-of-the-art methods in 3D face reconstruction and face alignment. Some potential improvement on PRN are proposed to further enhance its accuracy and speed.
THORS: An Efficient Approach for Making Classifiers Cost-sensitive
In this paper, we propose an effective THresholding method based on ORder Statistic, called THORS, to convert an arbitrary scoring-type classifier, which can induce a continuous cumulative distribution function of the score, into a cost-sensitive one. The procedure, uses order statistic to find an optimal threshold for classification, requiring almost no knowledge of classifiers itself. Unlike common data-driven methods, we analytically show that THORS has theoretical guaranteed performance, theoretical bounds for the costs and lower time complexity. Coupled with empirical results on several real-world data sets, we argue that THORS is the preferred cost-sensitive technique.
Frame-based Sparse Analysis and Synthesis Signal Representations and Parseval K-SVD
Frames are the foundation of the linear operators used in the decomposition and reconstruction of signals, such as the discrete Fourier transform, Gabor, wavelets, and curvelet transforms. The emergence of sparse representation models has shifted of the emphasis in frame theory toward sparse l1-minimization problems. In this paper, we apply frame theory to the sparse representation of signals in which a synthesis dictionary is used for a frame and an analysis dictionary is used for a dual frame. We sought to formulate a novel dual frame design in which the sparse vector obtained through the decomposition of any signal is also the sparse solution representing signals based on a reconstruction frame. Our findings demonstrate that this type of dual frame cannot be constructed for over-complete frames, thereby precluding the use of any linear analysis operator in driving the sparse synthesis coefficient for signal representation. Nonetheless, the best approximation to the sparse synthesis solution can be derived from the analysis coefficient using the canonical dual frame. In this study, we developed a novel dictionary learning algorithm (called Parseval K-SVD) to learn a tight-frame dictionary. We then leveraged the analysis and synthesis perspectives of signal representation with frames to derive optimization formulations for problems pertaining to image recovery. Our preliminary, results demonstrate that the images recovered using this approach are correlated to the frame bounds of dictionaries, thereby demonstrating the importance of using different dictionaries for different applications.
Learning nonlinear dynamical systems from a single trajectory
We introduce algorithms for learning nonlinear dynamical systems of the form $x_{t+1}=\sigma(\Theta^{\star}x_t)+\varepsilon_t$, where $\Theta^{\star}$ is a weight matrix, $\sigma$ is a nonlinear link function, and $\varepsilon_t$ is a mean-zero noise process. We give an algorithm that recovers the weight matrix $\Theta^{\star}$ from a single trajectory with optimal sample complexity and linear running time. The algorithm succeeds under weaker statistical assumptions than in previous work, and in particular i) does not require a bound on the spectral norm of the weight matrix $\Theta^{\star}$ (rather, it depends on a generalization of the spectral radius) and ii) enjoys guarantees for non-strictly-increasing link functions such as the ReLU. Our analysis has two key components: i) we give a general recipe whereby global stability for nonlinear dynamical systems can be used to certify that the state-vector covariance is well-conditioned, and ii) using these tools, we extend well-known algorithms for efficiently learning generalized linear models to the dependent setting.
Diabetic Foot Ulcer Grand Challenge 2021: Evaluation and Summary
Diabetic foot ulcer classification systems use the presence of wound infection (bacteria present within the wound) and ischaemia (restricted blood supply) as vital clinical indicators for treatment and prediction of wound healing. Studies investigating the use of automated computerised methods of classifying infection and ischaemia within diabetic foot wounds are limited due to a paucity of publicly available datasets and severe data imbalance in those few that exist. The Diabetic Foot Ulcer Challenge 2021 provided participants with a more substantial dataset comprising a total of 15,683 diabetic foot ulcer patches, with 5,955 used for training, 5,734 used for testing and an additional 3,994 unlabelled patches to promote the development of semi-supervised and weakly-supervised deep learning techniques. This paper provides an evaluation of the methods used in the Diabetic Foot Ulcer Challenge 2021, and summarises the results obtained from each network. The best performing network was an ensemble of the results of the top 3 models, with a macro-average F1-score of 0.6307.
Bayesian Nonparametric View to Spawning
In tracking multiple objects, it is often assumed that each observation (measurement) is originated from one and only one object. However, we may encounter a situation that each measurement may or may not be associated with multiple objects at each time step --spawning. Therefore, the association of each measurement to multiple objects is a crucial task to perform in order to track multiple objects with birth and death. In this paper, we introduce a novel Bayesian nonparametric approach that models a scenario where each observation may be drawn from an unknown number of objects for which it provides a tractable Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach to sample from the posterior distribution. The number of objects at each time step, itself, is also assumed to be unknown. We, then, show through experiments the advantage of nonparametric modeling to scenarios with spawning events. Our experiment results also demonstrate the advantages of our framework over the existing methods.
Notes on Generalizing the Maximum Entropy Principle to Uncertain Data
The principle of maximum entropy is a broadly applicable technique for computing a distribution with the least amount of information possible constrained to match empirical data, for instance, feature expectations. We seek to generalize this principle to scenarios where the empirical feature expectations cannot be computed because the model variables are only partially observed, which introduces a dependency on the learned model. Generalizing the principle of latent maximum entropy, we introduce uncertain maximum entropy and describe an expectation-maximization based solution to approximately solve these problems. We show that our technique additionally generalizes the principle of maximum entropy. We additionally discuss the use of black box classifiers with our technique, which simplifies the process of utilizing sparse, large data sets.
Time Series Deconfounder: Estimating Treatment Effects over Time in the Presence of Hidden Confounders
The estimation of treatment effects is a pervasive problem in medicine. Existing methods for estimating treatment effects from longitudinal observational data assume that there are no hidden confounders, an assumption that is not testable in practice and, if it does not hold, leads to biased estimates. In this paper, we develop the Time Series Deconfounder, a method that leverages the assignment of multiple treatments over time to enable the estimation of treatment effects in the presence of multi-cause hidden confounders. The Time Series Deconfounder uses a novel recurrent neural network architecture with multitask output to build a factor model over time and infer latent variables that render the assigned treatments conditionally independent; then, it performs causal inference using these latent variables that act as substitutes for the multi-cause unobserved confounders. We provide a theoretical analysis for obtaining unbiased causal effects of time-varying exposures using the Time Series Deconfounder. Using both simulated and real data we show the effectiveness of our method in deconfounding the estimation of treatment responses over time.
On the Impact of Partial Sums on Interconnect Bandwidth and Memory Accesses in a DNN Accelerator
Dedicated accelerators are being designed to address the huge resource requirement of the deep neural network (DNN) applications. The power, performance and area (PPA) constraints limit the number of MACs available in these accelerators. The convolution layers which require huge number of MACs are often partitioned into multiple iterative sub-tasks. This puts huge pressure on the available system resources such as interconnect and memory bandwidth. The optimal partitioning of the feature maps for these sub-tasks can reduce the bandwidth requirement substantially. Some accelerators avoid off-chip or interconnect transfers by implementing local memories; however, the memory accesses are still performed and a reduced bandwidth can help in saving power in such architectures. In this paper, we propose a first order analytical method to partition the feature maps for optimal bandwidth and evaluate the impact of such partitioning on the bandwidth. This bandwidth can be saved by designing an active memory controller which can perform basic arithmetic operations. It is shown that the optimal partitioning and active memory controller can achieve up to 40% bandwidth reduction.
Bioformers: Embedding Transformers for Ultra-Low Power sEMG-based Gesture Recognition
Human-machine interaction is gaining traction in rehabilitation tasks, such as controlling prosthetic hands or robotic arms. Gesture recognition exploiting surface electromyographic (sEMG) signals is one of the most promising approaches, given that sEMG signal acquisition is non-invasive and is directly related to muscle contraction. However, the analysis of these signals still presents many challenges since similar gestures result in similar muscle contractions. Thus the resulting signal shapes are almost identical, leading to low classification accuracy. To tackle this challenge, complex neural networks are employed, which require large memory footprints, consume relatively high energy and limit the maximum battery life of devices used for classification. This work addresses this problem with the introduction of the Bioformers. This new family of ultra-small attention-based architectures approaches state-of-the-art performance while reducing the number of parameters and operations of 4.9X. Additionally, by introducing a new inter-subjects pre-training, we improve the accuracy of our best Bioformer by 3.39%, matching state-of-the-art accuracy without any additional inference cost. Deploying our best performing Bioformer on a Parallel, Ultra-Low Power (PULP) microcontroller unit (MCU), the GreenWaves GAP8, we achieve an inference latency and energy of 2.72 ms and 0.14 mJ, respectively, 8.0X lower than the previous state-of-the-art neural network, while occupying just 94.2 kB of memory.
Risk-Aware High-level Decisions for Automated Driving at Occluded Intersections with Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning is nowadays a popular framework for solving different decision making problems in automated driving. However, there are still some remaining crucial challenges that need to be addressed for providing more reliable policies. In this paper, we propose a generic risk-aware DQN approach in order to learn high level actions for driving through unsignalized occluded intersections. The proposed state representation provides lane based information which allows to be used for multi-lane scenarios. Moreover, we propose a risk based reward function which punishes risky situations instead of only collision failures. Such rewarding approach helps to incorporate risk prediction into our deep Q network and learn more reliable policies which are safer in challenging situations. The efficiency of the proposed approach is compared with a DQN learned with conventional collision based rewarding scheme and also with a rule-based intersection navigation policy. Evaluation results show that the proposed approach outperforms both of these methods. It provides safer actions than collision-aware DQN approach and is less overcautious than the rule-based policy.
A comparative study of in-air trajectories at short and long distances in online handwriting
Introduction Existing literature about online handwriting analysis to support pathology diagnosis has taken advantage of in-air trajectories. A similar situation occurred in biometric security applications where the goal is to identify or verify an individual using his signature or handwriting. These studies do not consider the distance of the pen tip to the writing surface. This is due to the fact that current acquisition devices do not provide height formation. However, it is quite straightforward to differentiate movements at two different heights: a) short distance: height lower or equal to 1 cm above a surface of digitizer, the digitizer provides x and y coordinates. b) long distance: height exceeding 1 cm, the only information available is a time stamp that indicates the time that a specific stroke has spent at long distance. Although short distance has been used in several papers, long distances have been ignored and will be investigated in this paper. Methods In this paper, we will analyze a large set of databases (BIOSECURID, EMOTHAW, PaHaW, Oxygen-Therapy and SALT), which contain a total amount of 663 users and 17951 files. We have specifically studied: a) the percentage of time spent on-surface, in-air at short distance, and in-air at long distance for different user profiles (pathological and healthy users) and different tasks; b) The potential use of these signals to improve classification rates. Results and conclusions Our experimental results reveal that long-distance movements represent a very small portion of the total execution time (0.5 % in the case of signatures and 10.4% for uppercase words of BIOSECUR-ID, which is the largest database). In addition, significant differences have been found in the comparison of pathological versus control group for letter l in PaHaW database (p=0.0157) and crossed pentagons in SALT database (p=0.0122)
Bayesian Strategies for Likelihood Ratio Computation in Forensic Voice Comparison with Automatic Systems
This paper explores several strategies for Forensic Voice Comparison (FVC), aimed at improving the performance of the LRs when using generative Gaussian score-to-LR models. First, different anchoring strategies are proposed, with the objective of adapting the LR computation process to the case at hand, always respecting the propositions defined for the particular case. Second, a fully-Bayesian Gaussian model is used to tackle the sparsity in the training scores that is often present when the proposed anchoring strategies are used. Experiments are performed using the 2014 i-Vector challenge set-up, which presents high variability in a telephone speech context. The results show that the proposed fully-Bayesian model clearly outperforms a more common Maximum-Likelihood approach, leading to high robustness when the scores to train the model become sparse.
Towards Benchmarking the Utility of Explanations for Model Debugging
Post-hoc explanation methods are an important class of approaches that help understand the rationale underlying a trained model's decision. But how useful are they for an end-user towards accomplishing a given task? In this vision paper, we argue the need for a benchmark to facilitate evaluations of the utility of post-hoc explanation methods. As a first step to this end, we enumerate desirable properties that such a benchmark should possess for the task of debugging text classifiers. Additionally, we highlight that such a benchmark facilitates not only assessing the effectiveness of explanations but also their efficiency.
Faster DBSCAN via subsampled similarity queries
DBSCAN is a popular density-based clustering algorithm. It computes the $\epsilon$-neighborhood graph of a dataset and uses the connected components of the high-degree nodes to decide the clusters. However, the full neighborhood graph may be too costly to compute with a worst-case complexity of $O(n^2)$. In this paper, we propose a simple variant called SNG-DBSCAN, which clusters based on a subsampled $\epsilon$-neighborhood graph, only requires access to similarity queries for pairs of points and in particular avoids any complex data structures which need the embeddings of the data points themselves. The runtime of the procedure is $O(sn^2)$, where $s$ is the sampling rate. We show under some natural theoretical assumptions that $s \approx \log n/n$ is sufficient for statistical cluster recovery guarantees leading to an $O(n\log n)$ complexity. We provide an extensive experimental analysis showing that on large datasets, one can subsample as little as $0.1\%$ of the neighborhood graph, leading to as much as over 200x speedup and 250x reduction in RAM consumption compared to scikit-learn's implementation of DBSCAN, while still maintaining competitive clustering performance.
Improving Scalability of Contrast Pattern Mining for Network Traffic Using Closed Patterns
Contrast pattern mining (CPM) aims to discover patterns whose support increases significantly from a background dataset compared to a target dataset. CPM is particularly useful for characterising changes in evolving systems, e.g., in network traffic analysis to detect unusual activity. While most existing techniques focus on extracting either the whole set of contrast patterns (CPs) or minimal sets, the problem of efficiently finding a relevant subset of CPs, especially in high dimensional datasets, is an open challenge. In this paper, we focus on extracting the most specific set of CPs to discover significant changes between two datasets. Our approach to this problem uses closed patterns to substantially reduce redundant patterns. Our experimental results on several real and emulated network traffic datasets demonstrate that our proposed unsupervised algorithm is up to 100 times faster than an existing approach for CPM on network traffic data [2]. In addition, as an application of CPs, we demonstrate that CPM is a highly effective method for detection of meaningful changes in network traffic.
Deep Architectures for Modulation Recognition
We survey the latest advances in machine learning with deep neural networks by applying them to the task of radio modulation recognition. Results show that radio modulation recognition is not limited by network depth and further work should focus on improving learned synchronization and equalization. Advances in these areas will likely come from novel architectures designed for these tasks or through novel training methods.
JaQuAD: Japanese Question Answering Dataset for Machine Reading Comprehension
Question Answering (QA) is a task in which a machine understands a given document and a question to find an answer. Despite impressive progress in the NLP area, QA is still a challenging problem, especially for non-English languages due to the lack of annotated datasets. In this paper, we present the Japanese Question Answering Dataset, JaQuAD, which is annotated by humans. JaQuAD consists of 39,696 extractive question-answer pairs on Japanese Wikipedia articles. We finetuned a baseline model which achieves 78.92% for F1 score and 63.38% for EM on test set. The dataset and our experiments are available at https://github.com/SkelterLabsInc/JaQuAD.
Sparse Methods for Automatic Relevance Determination
This work considers methods for imposing sparsity in Bayesian regression with applications in nonlinear system identification. We first review automatic relevance determination (ARD) and analytically demonstrate the need to additional regularization or thresholding to achieve sparse models. We then discuss two classes of methods, regularization based and thresholding based, which build on ARD to learn parsimonious solutions to linear problems. In the case of orthogonal covariates, we analytically demonstrate favorable performance with regards to learning a small set of active terms in a linear system with a sparse solution. Several example problems are presented to compare the set of proposed methods in terms of advantages and limitations to ARD in bases with hundreds of elements. The aim of this paper is to analyze and understand the assumptions that lead to several algorithms and to provide theoretical and empirical results so that the reader may gain insight and make more informed choices regarding sparse Bayesian regression.
Benign Overfitting in Adversarially Robust Linear Classification
"Benign overfitting", where classifiers memorize noisy training data yet still achieve a good generalization performance, has drawn great attention in the machine learning community. To explain this surprising phenomenon, a series of works have provided theoretical justification in over-parameterized linear regression, classification, and kernel methods. However, it is not clear if benign overfitting still occurs in the presence of adversarial examples, i.e., examples with tiny and intentional perturbations to fool the classifiers. In this paper, we show that benign overfitting indeed occurs in adversarial training, a principled approach to defend against adversarial examples. In detail, we prove the risk bounds of the adversarially trained linear classifier on the mixture of sub-Gaussian data under $\ell_p$ adversarial perturbations. Our result suggests that under moderate perturbations, adversarially trained linear classifiers can achieve the near-optimal standard and adversarial risks, despite overfitting the noisy training data. Numerical experiments validate our theoretical findings.
Efficient Characterization of Dynamic Response Variation Using Multi-Fidelity Data Fusion through Composite Neural Network
Uncertainties in a structure is inevitable, which generally lead to variation in dynamic response predictions. For a complex structure, brute force Monte Carlo simulation for response variation analysis is infeasible since one single run may already be computationally costly. Data driven meta-modeling approaches have thus been explored to facilitate efficient emulation and statistical inference. The performance of a meta-model hinges upon both the quality and quantity of training dataset. In actual practice, however, high-fidelity data acquired from high-dimensional finite element simulation or experiment are generally scarce, which poses significant challenge to meta-model establishment. In this research, we take advantage of the multi-level response prediction opportunity in structural dynamic analysis, i.e., acquiring rapidly a large amount of low-fidelity data from reduced-order modeling, and acquiring accurately a small amount of high-fidelity data from full-scale finite element analysis. Specifically, we formulate a composite neural network fusion approach that can fully utilize the multi-level, heterogeneous datasets obtained. It implicitly identifies the correlation of the low- and high-fidelity datasets, which yields improved accuracy when compared with the state-of-the-art. Comprehensive investigations using frequency response variation characterization as case example are carried out to demonstrate the performance.
Semantically Constrained Memory Allocation (SCMA) for Embedding in Efficient Recommendation Systems
Deep learning-based models are utilized to achieve state-of-the-art performance for recommendation systems. A key challenge for these models is to work with millions of categorical classes or tokens. The standard approach is to learn end-to-end, dense latent representations or embeddings for each token. The resulting embeddings require large amounts of memory that blow up with the number of tokens. Training and inference with these models create storage, and memory bandwidth bottlenecks leading to significant computing and energy consumption when deployed in practice. To this end, we present the problem of \textit{Memory Allocation} under budget for embeddings and propose a novel formulation of memory shared embedding, where memory is shared in proportion to the overlap in semantic information. Our formulation admits a practical and efficient randomized solution with Locality sensitive hashing based Memory Allocation (LMA). We demonstrate a significant reduction in the memory footprint while maintaining performance. In particular, our LMA embeddings achieve the same performance compared to standard embeddings with a 16$\times$ reduction in memory footprint. Moreover, LMA achieves an average improvement of over 0.003 AUC across different memory regimes than standard DLRM models on Criteo and Avazu datasets
Circuit encapsulation for efficient quantum computing based on controlled many-body dynamics
Controlling the time evolution of interacting spin systems is an important approach of implementing quantum computing. Different from the approaches by compiling the circuits into the product of multiple elementary gates, we here propose the quantum circuit encapsulation (QCE), where we encapsulate the circuits into different parts, and optimize the magnetic fields to realize the unitary transformation of each part by the time evolution. The QCE is demonstrated to possess well-controlled error and time cost, which avoids the error accumulations by aiming at finding the shortest path directly to the target unitary. We test four different encapsulation ways to realize the multi-qubit quantum Fourier transformations by controlling the time evolution of the quantum Ising chain. The scaling behaviors of the time costs and errors against the number of two-qubit controlled gates are demonstrated. The QCE provides an alternative compiling scheme that translates the circuits into a physically-executable form based on the quantum many-body dynamics, where the key issue becomes the encapsulation way to balance between the efficiency and flexibility.
Learning to Recommend via Meta Parameter Partition
In this paper we propose to solve an important problem in recommendation -- user cold start, based on meta leaning method. Previous meta learning approaches finetune all parameters for each new user, which is both computing and storage expensive. In contrast, we divide model parameters into fixed and adaptive parts and develop a two-stage meta learning algorithm to learn them separately. The fixed part, capturing user invariant features, is shared by all users and is learned during offline meta learning stage. The adaptive part, capturing user specific features, is learned during online meta learning stage. By decoupling user invariant parameters from user dependent parameters, the proposed approach is more efficient and storage cheaper than previous methods. It also has potential to deal with catastrophic forgetting while continually adapting for streaming coming users. Experiments on production data demonstrates that the proposed method converges faster and to a better performance than baseline methods. Meta-training without online meta model finetuning increases the AUC from 72.24% to 74.72% (2.48% absolute improvement). Online meta training achieves a further gain of 2.46\% absolute improvement comparing with offline meta training.
Clustering on Multi-Layer Graphs via Subspace Analysis on Grassmann Manifolds
Relationships between entities in datasets are often of multiple nature, like geographical distance, social relationships, or common interests among people in a social network, for example. This information can naturally be modeled by a set of weighted and undirected graphs that form a global multilayer graph, where the common vertex set represents the entities and the edges on different layers capture the similarities of the entities in term of the different modalities. In this paper, we address the problem of analyzing multi-layer graphs and propose methods for clustering the vertices by efficiently merging the information provided by the multiple modalities. To this end, we propose to combine the characteristics of individual graph layers using tools from subspace analysis on a Grassmann manifold. The resulting combination can then be viewed as a low dimensional representation of the original data which preserves the most important information from diverse relationships between entities. We use this information in new clustering methods and test our algorithm on several synthetic and real world datasets where we demonstrate superior or competitive performances compared to baseline and state-of-the-art techniques. Our generic framework further extends to numerous analysis and learning problems that involve different types of information on graphs.
Forecasting the Success of Television Series using Machine Learning
Television is an ever-evolving multi billion dollar industry. The success of a television show in an increasingly technological society is a vast multi-variable formula. The art of success is not just something that happens, but is studied, replicated, and applied. Hollywood can be unpredictable regarding success, as many movies and sitcoms that are hyped up and promise to be a hit end up being box office failures and complete disappointments. In current studies, linguistic exploration is being performed on the relationship between Television series and target community of viewers. Having a decision support system that can display sound and predictable results would be needed to build confidence in the investment of a new TV series. The models presented in this study use data to study and determine what makes a sitcom successful. In this paper, we use descriptive and predictive modeling techniques to assess the continuing success of television comedies: The Office, Big Bang Theory, Arrested Development, Scrubs, and South Park. The factors that are tested for statistical significance on episode ratings are character presence, director, and writer. These statistics show that while characters are indeed crucial to the shows themselves, the creation and direction of the shows pose implication upon the ratings and therefore the success of the shows. We use machine learning based forecasting models to accurately predict the success of shows. The models represent a baseline to understanding the success of a television show and how producers can increase the success of current television shows or utilize this data in the creation of future shows. Due to the many factors that go into a series, the empirical analysis in this work shows that there is no one-fits-all model to forecast the rating or success of a television show.
Efficiency and Scalability of Multi-Lane Capsule Networks (MLCN)
Some Deep Neural Networks (DNN) have what we call lanes, or they can be reorganized as such. Lanes are paths in the network which are data-independent and typically learn different features or add resilience to the network. Given their data-independence, lanes are amenable for parallel processing. The Multi-lane CapsNet (MLCN) is a proposed reorganization of the Capsule Network which is shown to achieve better accuracy while bringing highly-parallel lanes. However, the efficiency and scalability of MLCN had not been systematically examined. In this work, we study the MLCN network with multiple GPUs finding that it is 2x more efficient than the original CapsNet when using model-parallelism. Further, we present the load balancing problem of distributing heterogeneous lanes in homogeneous or heterogeneous accelerators and show that a simple greedy heuristic can be almost 50% faster than a naive random approach.
Second-Order Kernel Online Convex Optimization with Adaptive Sketching
Kernel online convex optimization (KOCO) is a framework combining the expressiveness of non-parametric kernel models with the regret guarantees of online learning. First-order KOCO methods such as functional gradient descent require only $\mathcal{O}(t)$ time and space per iteration, and, when the only information on the losses is their convexity, achieve a minimax optimal $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T})$ regret. Nonetheless, many common losses in kernel problems, such as squared loss, logistic loss, and squared hinge loss posses stronger curvature that can be exploited. In this case, second-order KOCO methods achieve $\mathcal{O}(\log(\text{Det}(\boldsymbol{K})))$ regret, which we show scales as $\mathcal{O}(d_{\text{eff}}\log T)$, where $d_{\text{eff}}$ is the effective dimension of the problem and is usually much smaller than $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T})$. The main drawback of second-order methods is their much higher $\mathcal{O}(t^2)$ space and time complexity. In this paper, we introduce kernel online Newton step (KONS), a new second-order KOCO method that also achieves $\mathcal{O}(d_{\text{eff}}\log T)$ regret. To address the computational complexity of second-order methods, we introduce a new matrix sketching algorithm for the kernel matrix $\boldsymbol{K}_t$, and show that for a chosen parameter $\gamma \leq 1$ our Sketched-KONS reduces the space and time complexity by a factor of $\gamma^2$ to $\mathcal{O}(t^2\gamma^2)$ space and time per iteration, while incurring only $1/\gamma$ times more regret.
Predicting Out-of-Distribution Error with the Projection Norm
We propose a metric -- Projection Norm -- to predict a model's performance on out-of-distribution (OOD) data without access to ground truth labels. Projection Norm first uses model predictions to pseudo-label test samples and then trains a new model on the pseudo-labels. The more the new model's parameters differ from an in-distribution model, the greater the predicted OOD error. Empirically, our approach outperforms existing methods on both image and text classification tasks and across different network architectures. Theoretically, we connect our approach to a bound on the test error for overparameterized linear models. Furthermore, we find that Projection Norm is the only approach that achieves non-trivial detection performance on adversarial examples. Our code is available at https://github.com/yaodongyu/ProjNorm.
The Sampling-and-Learning Framework: A Statistical View of Evolutionary Algorithms
Evolutionary algorithms (EAs), a large class of general purpose optimization algorithms inspired from the natural phenomena, are widely used in various industrial optimizations and often show excellent performance. This paper presents an attempt towards revealing their general power from a statistical view of EAs. By summarizing a large range of EAs into the sampling-and-learning framework, we show that the framework directly admits a general analysis on the probable-absolute-approximate (PAA) query complexity. We particularly focus on the framework with the learning subroutine being restricted as a binary classification, which results in the sampling-and-classification (SAC) algorithms. With the help of the learning theory, we obtain a general upper bound on the PAA query complexity of SAC algorithms. We further compare SAC algorithms with the uniform search in different situations. Under the error-target independence condition, we show that SAC algorithms can achieve polynomial speedup to the uniform search, but not super-polynomial speedup. Under the one-side-error condition, we show that super-polynomial speedup can be achieved. This work only touches the surface of the framework. Its power under other conditions is still open.
Multiple Identifications in Multi-Armed Bandits
We study the problem of identifying the top $m$ arms in a multi-armed bandit game. Our proposed solution relies on a new algorithm based on successive rejects of the seemingly bad arms, and successive accepts of the good ones. This algorithmic contribution allows to tackle other multiple identifications settings that were previously out of reach. In particular we show that this idea of successive accepts and rejects applies to the multi-bandit best arm identification problem.
Nonparametric Weight Initialization of Neural Networks via Integral Representation
A new initialization method for hidden parameters in a neural network is proposed. Derived from the integral representation of the neural network, a nonparametric probability distribution of hidden parameters is introduced. In this proposal, hidden parameters are initialized by samples drawn from this distribution, and output parameters are fitted by ordinary linear regression. Numerical experiments show that backpropagation with proposed initialization converges faster than uniformly random initialization. Also it is shown that the proposed method achieves enough accuracy by itself without backpropagation in some cases.
Deep Content-User Embedding Model for Music Recommendation
Recently deep learning based recommendation systems have been actively explored to solve the cold-start problem using a hybrid approach. However, the majority of previous studies proposed a hybrid model where collaborative filtering and content-based filtering modules are independently trained. The end-to-end approach that takes different modality data as input and jointly trains the model can provide better optimization but it has not been fully explored yet. In this work, we propose deep content-user embedding model, a simple and intuitive architecture that combines the user-item interaction and music audio content. We evaluate the model on music recommendation and music auto-tagging tasks. The results show that the proposed model significantly outperforms the previous work. We also discuss various directions to improve the proposed model further.
Interpretable Categorization of Heterogeneous Time Series Data
Understanding heterogeneous multivariate time series data is important in many applications ranging from smart homes to aviation. Learning models of heterogeneous multivariate time series that are also human-interpretable is challenging and not adequately addressed by the existing literature. We propose grammar-based decision trees (GBDTs) and an algorithm for learning them. GBDTs extend decision trees with a grammar framework. Logical expressions derived from a context-free grammar are used for branching in place of simple thresholds on attributes. The added expressivity enables support for a wide range of data types while retaining the interpretability of decision trees. In particular, when a grammar based on temporal logic is used, we show that GBDTs can be used for the interpretable classi cation of high-dimensional and heterogeneous time series data. Furthermore, we show how GBDTs can also be used for categorization, which is a combination of clustering and generating interpretable explanations for each cluster. We apply GBDTs to analyze the classic Australian Sign Language dataset as well as data on near mid-air collisions (NMACs). The NMAC data comes from aircraft simulations used in the development of the next-generation Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS X).
A snapshot on nonstandard supervised learning problems: taxonomy, relationships and methods
Machine learning is a field which studies how machines can alter and adapt their behavior, improving their actions according to the information they are given. This field is subdivided into multiple areas, among which the best known are supervised learning (e.g. classification and regression) and unsupervised learning (e.g. clustering and association rules). Within supervised learning, most studies and research are focused on well known standard tasks, such as binary classification, multiclass classification and regression with one dependent variable. However, there are many other less known problems. These are what we generically call nonstandard supervised learning problems. The literature about them is much more sparse, and each study is directed to a specific task. Therefore, the definitions, relations and applications of this kind of learners are hard to find. The goal of this paper is to provide the reader with a broad view on the distinct variations of nonstandard supervised problems. A comprehensive taxonomy summarizing their traits is proposed. A review of the common approaches followed to accomplish them and their main applications is provided as well.
Probabilistic Spatial Analysis in Quantitative Microscopy with Uncertainty-Aware Cell Detection using Deep Bayesian Regression of Density Maps
3D microscopy is key in the investigation of diverse biological systems, and the ever increasing availability of large datasets demands automatic cell identification methods that not only are accurate, but also can imply the uncertainty in their predictions to inform about potential errors and hence confidence in conclusions using them. While conventional deep learning methods often yield deterministic results, advances in deep Bayesian learning allow for accurate predictions with a probabilistic interpretation in numerous image classification and segmentation tasks. It is however nontrivial to extend such Bayesian methods to cell detection, which requires specialized learning frameworks. In particular, regression of density maps is a popular successful approach for extracting cell coordinates from local peaks in a postprocessing step, which hinders any meaningful probabilistic output. We herein propose a deep learning-based cell detection framework that can operate on large microscopy images and outputs desired probabilistic predictions by (i) integrating Bayesian techniques for the regression of uncertainty-aware density maps, where peak detection can be applied to generate cell proposals, and (ii) learning a mapping from the numerous proposals to a probabilistic space that is calibrated, i.e. accurately represents the chances of a successful prediction. Utilizing such calibrated predictions, we propose a probabilistic spatial analysis with Monte-Carlo sampling. We demonstrate this in revising an existing description of the distribution of a mesenchymal stromal cell type within the bone marrow, where our proposed methods allow us to reveal spatial patterns that are otherwise undetectable. Introducing such probabilistic analysis in quantitative microscopy pipelines will allow for reporting confidence intervals for testing biological hypotheses of spatial distributions.
A Single Iterative Step for Anytime Causal Discovery
We present a sound and complete algorithm for recovering causal graphs from observed, non-interventional data, in the possible presence of latent confounders and selection bias. We rely on the causal Markov and faithfulness assumptions and recover the equivalence class of the underlying causal graph by performing a series of conditional independence (CI) tests between observed variables. We propose a single step that is applied iteratively, such that the independence and causal relations entailed from the resulting graph, after any iteration, is correct and becomes more informative with successive iteration. Essentially, we tie the size of the CI condition set to its distance from the tested nodes on the resulting graph. Each iteration refines the skeleton and orientation by performing CI tests having condition sets that are larger than in the preceding iteration. In an iteration, condition sets of CI tests are constructed from nodes that are within a specified search distance, and the sizes of these condition sets is equal to this search distance. The algorithm then iteratively increases the search distance along with the condition set sizes. Thus, each iteration refines a graph, that was recovered by previous iterations having smaller condition sets -- having a higher statistical power. We demonstrate that our algorithm requires significantly fewer CI tests and smaller condition sets compared to the FCI algorithm. This is evident for both recovering the true underlying graph using a perfect CI oracle, and accurately estimating the graph using limited observed data.
Competing Mutual Information Constraints with Stochastic Competition-based Activations for Learning Diversified Representations
This work aims to address the long-established problem of learning diversified representations. To this end, we combine information-theoretic arguments with stochastic competition-based activations, namely Stochastic Local Winner-Takes-All (LWTA) units. In this context, we ditch the conventional deep architectures commonly used in Representation Learning, that rely on non-linear activations; instead, we replace them with sets of locally and stochastically competing linear units. In this setting, each network layer yields sparse outputs, determined by the outcome of the competition between units that are organized into blocks of competitors. We adopt stochastic arguments for the competition mechanism, which perform posterior sampling to determine the winner of each block. We further endow the considered networks with the ability to infer the sub-part of the network that is essential for modeling the data at hand; we impose appropriate stick-breaking priors to this end. To further enrich the information of the emerging representations, we resort to information-theoretic principles, namely the Information Competing Process (ICP). Then, all the components are tied together under the stochastic Variational Bayes framework for inference. We perform a thorough experimental investigation for our approach using benchmark datasets on image classification. As we experimentally show, the resulting networks yield significant discriminative representation learning abilities. In addition, the introduced paradigm allows for a principled investigation mechanism of the emerging intermediate network representations.
Adaptive Synthetic Characters for Military Training
Behaviors of the synthetic characters in current military simulations are limited since they are generally generated by rule-based and reactive computational models with minimal intelligence. Such computational models cannot adapt to reflect the experience of the characters, resulting in brittle intelligence for even the most effective behavior models devised via costly and labor-intensive processes. Observation-based behavior model adaptation that leverages machine learning and the experience of synthetic entities in combination with appropriate prior knowledge can address the issues in the existing computational behavior models to create a better training experience in military training simulations. In this paper, we introduce a framework that aims to create autonomous synthetic characters that can perform coherent sequences of believable behavior while being aware of human trainees and their needs within a training simulation. This framework brings together three mutually complementary components. The first component is a Unity-based simulation environment - Rapid Integration and Development Environment (RIDE) - supporting One World Terrain (OWT) models and capable of running and supporting machine learning experiments. The second is Shiva, a novel multi-agent reinforcement and imitation learning framework that can interface with a variety of simulation environments, and that can additionally utilize a variety of learning algorithms. The final component is the Sigma Cognitive Architecture that will augment the behavior models with symbolic and probabilistic reasoning capabilities. We have successfully created proof-of-concept behavior models leveraging this framework on realistic terrain as an essential step towards bringing machine learning into military simulations.
Efficient Training on Very Large Corpora via Gramian Estimation
We study the problem of learning similarity functions over very large corpora using neural network embedding models. These models are typically trained using SGD with sampling of random observed and unobserved pairs, with a number of samples that grows quadratically with the corpus size, making it expensive to scale to very large corpora. We propose new efficient methods to train these models without having to sample unobserved pairs. Inspired by matrix factorization, our approach relies on adding a global quadratic penalty to all pairs of examples and expressing this term as the matrix-inner-product of two generalized Gramians. We show that the gradient of this term can be efficiently computed by maintaining estimates of the Gramians, and develop variance reduction schemes to improve the quality of the estimates. We conduct large-scale experiments that show a significant improvement in training time and generalization quality compared to traditional sampling methods.
Proximal Policy Optimization Smoothed Algorithm
Proximal policy optimization (PPO) has yielded state-of-the-art results in policy search, a subfield of reinforcement learning, with one of its key points being the use of a surrogate objective function to restrict the step size at each policy update. Although such restriction is helpful, the algorithm still suffers from performance instability and optimization inefficiency from the sudden flattening of the curve. To address this issue we present a PPO variant, named Proximal Policy Optimization Smooth Algorithm (PPOS), and its critical improvement is the use of a functional clipping method instead of a flat clipping method. We compare our method with PPO and PPORB, which adopts a rollback clipping method, and prove that our method can conduct more accurate updates at each time step than other PPO methods. Moreover, we show that it outperforms the latest PPO variants on both performance and stability in challenging continuous control tasks.
A Meta-Method for Portfolio Management Using Machine Learning for Adaptive Strategy Selection
This work proposes a novel portfolio management technique, the Meta Portfolio Method (MPM), inspired by the successes of meta approaches in the field of bioinformatics and elsewhere. The MPM uses XGBoost to learn how to switch between two risk-based portfolio allocation strategies, the Hierarchical Risk Parity (HRP) and more classical Na\"ive Risk Parity (NRP). It is demonstrated that the MPM is able to successfully take advantage of the best characteristics of each strategy (the NRP's fast growth during market uptrends, and the HRP's protection against drawdowns during market turmoil). As a result, the MPM is shown to possess an excellent out-of-sample risk-reward profile, as measured by the Sharpe ratio, and in addition offers a high degree of interpretability of its asset allocation decisions.
One Policy is Enough: Parallel Exploration with a Single Policy is Minimax Optimal for Reward-Free Reinforcement Learning
While parallelism has been extensively used in Reinforcement Learning (RL), the quantitative effects of parallel exploration are not well understood theoretically. We study the benefits of simple parallel exploration for reward-free RL for linear Markov decision processes (MDPs) and two-player zero-sum Markov games (MGs). In contrast to the existing literature focused on approaches that encourage agents to explore over a diverse set of policies, we show that using a single policy to guide exploration across all agents is sufficient to obtain an almost-linear speedup in all cases compared to their fully sequential counterpart. Further, we show that this simple procedure is minimax optimal up to logarithmic factors in the reward-free setting for both linear MDPs and two-player zero-sum MGs. From a practical perspective, our paper shows that a single policy is sufficient and provably optimal for incorporating parallelism during the exploration phase.
A Machine Learning Approach to Modeling Human Migration
Human migration is a type of human mobility, where a trip involves a person moving with the intention of changing their home location. Predicting human migration as accurately as possible is important in city planning applications, international trade, spread of infectious diseases, conservation planning, and public policy development. Traditional human mobility models, such as gravity models or the more recent radiation model, predict human mobility flows based on population and distance features only. These models have been validated on commuting flows, a different type of human mobility, and are mainly used in modeling scenarios where large amounts of prior ground truth mobility data are not available. One downside of these models is that they have a fixed form and are therefore not able to capture more complicated migration dynamics. We propose machine learning models that are able to incorporate any number of exogenous features, to predict origin/destination human migration flows. Our machine learning models outperform traditional human mobility models on a variety of evaluation metrics, both in the task of predicting migrations between US counties as well as international migrations. In general, predictive machine learning models of human migration will provide a flexible base with which to model human migration under different what-if conditions, such as potential sea level rise or population growth scenarios.
A Converged Algorithm for Tikhonov Regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Automatic Regularization Parameters Determination
We present a converged algorithm for Tikhonov regularized nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF). We specially choose this regularization because it is known that Tikhonov regularized least square (LS) is the more preferable form in solving linear inverse problems than the conventional LS. Because an NMF problem can be decomposed into LS subproblems, it can be expected that Tikhonov regularized NMF will be the more appropriate approach in solving NMF problems. The algorithm is derived using additive update rules which have been shown to have convergence guarantee. We equip the algorithm with a mechanism to automatically determine the regularization parameters based on the L-curve, a well-known concept in the inverse problems community, but is rather unknown in the NMF research. The introduction of this algorithm thus solves two inherent problems in Tikhonov regularized NMF algorithm research, i.e., convergence guarantee and regularization parameters determination.
Convolutional Neural Networks for User Identificationbased on Motion Sensors Represented as Image
In this paper, we propose a deep learning approach for smartphone user identification based on analyzing motion signals recorded by the accelerometer and the gyroscope, during a single tap gesture performed by the user on the screen. We transform the discrete 3-axis signals from the motion sensors into a gray-scale image representation which is provided as input to a convolutional neural network (CNN) that is pre-trained for multi-class user classification. In the pre-training stage, we benefit from different users and multiple samples per user. After pre-training, we use our CNN as feature extractor, generating an embedding associated to each single tap on the screen. The resulting embeddings are used to train a Support Vector Machines (SVM) model in a few-shot user identification setting, i.e. requiring only 20 taps on the screen during the registration phase. We compare our identification system based on CNN features with two baseline systems, one that employs handcrafted features and another that employs recurrent neural network (RNN) features. All systems are based on the same classifier, namely SVM. To pre-train the CNN and the RNN models for multi-class user classification, we use a different set of users than the set used for few-shot user identification, ensuring a realistic scenario. The empirical results demonstrate that our CNN model yields a top accuracy of 89.75% in multi-class user classification and a top accuracy of 96.72% in few-shot user identification. In conclusion, we believe that our system is ready for practical use, having a better generalization capacity than both baselines.
Efficient Path Algorithms for Clustered Lasso and OSCAR
In high dimensional regression, feature clustering by their effects on outcomes is often as important as feature selection. For that purpose, clustered Lasso and octagonal shrinkage and clustering algorithm for regression (OSCAR) are used to make feature groups automatically by pairwise $L_1$ norm and pairwise $L_\infty$ norm, respectively. This paper proposes efficient path algorithms for clustered Lasso and OSCAR to construct solution paths with respect to their regularization parameters. Despite too many terms in exhaustive pairwise regularization, their computational costs are reduced by using symmetry of those terms. Simple equivalent conditions to check subgradient equations in each feature group are derived by some graph theories. The proposed algorithms are shown to be more efficient than existing algorithms in numerical experiments.
Machine Learning to Support Triage of Children at Risk for Epileptic Seizures in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Objective: Epileptic seizures are relatively common in critically-ill children admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) and thus serve as an important target for identification and treatment. Most of these seizures have no discernible clinical manifestation but still have a significant impact on morbidity and mortality. Children that are deemed at risk for seizures within the PICU are monitored using continuous-electroencephalogram (cEEG). cEEG monitoring cost is considerable and as the number of available machines is always limited, clinicians need to resort to triaging patients according to perceived risk in order to allocate resources. This research aims to develop a computer aided tool to improve seizures risk assessment in critically-ill children, using an ubiquitously recorded signal in the PICU, namely the electrocardiogram (ECG). Approach: A novel data-driven model was developed at a patient-level approach, based on features extracted from the first hour of ECG recording and the clinical data of the patient. Main results: The most predictive features were the age of the patient, the brain injury as coma etiology and the QRS area. For patients without any prior clinical data, using one hour of ECG recording, the classification performance of the random forest classifier reached an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) score of 0.84. When combining ECG features with the patients clinical history, the AUROC reached 0.87. Significance: Taking a real clinical scenario, we estimated that our clinical decision support triage tool can improve the positive predictive value by more than 59% over the clinical standard.
Randomized Stochastic Gradient Descent Ascent
An increasing number of machine learning problems, such as robust or adversarial variants of existing algorithms, require minimizing a loss function that is itself defined as a maximum. Carrying a loop of stochastic gradient ascent (SGA) steps on the (inner) maximization problem, followed by an SGD step on the (outer) minimization, is known as Epoch Stochastic Gradient \textit{Descent Ascent} (ESGDA). While successful in practice, the theoretical analysis of ESGDA remains challenging, with no clear guidance on choices for the inner loop size nor on the interplay between inner/outer step sizes. We propose RSGDA (Randomized SGDA), a variant of ESGDA with stochastic loop size with a simpler theoretical analysis. RSGDA comes with the first (among SGDA algorithms) almost sure convergence rates when used on nonconvex min/strongly-concave max settings. RSGDA can be parameterized using optimal loop sizes that guarantee the best convergence rates known to hold for SGDA. We test RSGDA on toy and larger scale problems, using distributionally robust optimization and single-cell data matching using optimal transport as a testbed.
Reinforcement Learning Approach for Mapping Applications to Dataflow-Based Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array
The Streaming Engine (SE) is a Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array which provides programming flexibility and high-performance with energy efficiency. An application program to be executed on the SE is represented as a combination of Synchronous Data Flow (SDF) graphs, where every instruction is represented as a node. Each node needs to be mapped to the right slot and array in the SE to ensure the correct execution of the program. This creates an optimization problem with a vast and sparse search space for which finding a mapping manually is impractical because it requires expertise and knowledge of the SE micro-architecture. In this work we propose a Reinforcement Learning framework with Global Graph Attention (GGA) module and output masking of invalid placements to find and optimize instruction schedules. We use Proximal Policy Optimization in order to train a model which places operations into the SE tiles based on a reward function that models the SE device and its constraints. The GGA module consists of a graph neural network and an attention module. The graph neural network creates embeddings of the SDFs and the attention block is used to model sequential operation placement. We show results on how certain workloads are mapped to the SE and the factors affecting mapping quality. We find that the addition of GGA, on average, finds 10% better instruction schedules in terms of total clock cycles taken and masking improves reward obtained by 20%.
Comparing two samples through stochastic dominance: a graphical approach
Non-deterministic measurements are common in real-world scenarios: the performance of a stochastic optimization algorithm or the total reward of a reinforcement learning agent in a chaotic environment are just two examples in which unpredictable outcomes are common. These measures can be modeled as random variables and compared among each other via their expected values or more sophisticated tools such as null hypothesis statistical tests. In this paper, we propose an alternative framework to visually compare two samples according to their estimated cumulative distribution functions. First, we introduce a dominance measure for two random variables that quantifies the proportion in which the cumulative distribution function of one of the random variables scholastically dominates the other one. Then, we present a graphical method that decomposes in quantiles i) the proposed dominance measure and ii) the probability that one of the random variables takes lower values than the other. With illustrative purposes, we re-evaluate the experimentation of an already published work with the proposed methodology and we show that additional conclusions (missed by the rest of the methods) can be inferred. Additionally, the software package RVCompare was created as a convenient way of applying and experimenting with the proposed framework.
Multi-wavelet residual dense convolutional neural network for image denoising
Networks with large receptive field (RF) have shown advanced fitting ability in recent years. In this work, we utilize the short-term residual learning method to improve the performance and robustness of networks for image denoising tasks. Here, we choose a multi-wavelet convolutional neural network (MWCNN), one of the state-of-art networks with large RF, as the backbone, and insert residual dense blocks (RDBs) in its each layer. We call this scheme multi-wavelet residual dense convolutional neural network (MWRDCNN). Compared with other RDB-based networks, it can extract more features of the object from adjacent layers, preserve the large RF, and boost the computing efficiency. Meanwhile, this approach also provides a possibility of absorbing advantages of multiple architectures in a single network without conflicts. The performance of the proposed method has been demonstrated in extensive experiments with a comparison with existing techniques.
A comparative study of physics-informed neural network models for learning unknown dynamics and constitutive relations
We investigate the use of discrete and continuous versions of physics-informed neural network methods for learning unknown dynamics or constitutive relations of a dynamical system. For the case of unknown dynamics, we represent all the dynamics with a deep neural network (DNN). When the dynamics of the system are known up to the specification of constitutive relations (that can depend on the state of the system), we represent these constitutive relations with a DNN. The discrete versions combine classical multistep discretization methods for dynamical systems with neural network based machine learning methods. On the other hand, the continuous versions utilize deep neural networks to minimize the residual function for the continuous governing equations. We use the case of a fedbatch bioreactor system to study the effectiveness of these approaches and discuss conditions for their applicability. Our results indicate that the accuracy of the trained neural network models is much higher for the cases where we only have to learn a constitutive relation instead of the whole dynamics. This finding corroborates the well-known fact from scientific computing that building as much structural information is available into an algorithm can enhance its efficiency and/or accuracy.
Dueling Decoders: Regularizing Variational Autoencoder Latent Spaces
Variational autoencoders learn unsupervised data representations, but these models frequently converge to minima that fail to preserve meaningful semantic information. For example, variational autoencoders with autoregressive decoders often collapse into autodecoders, where they learn to ignore the encoder input. In this work, we demonstrate that adding an auxiliary decoder to regularize the latent space can prevent this collapse, but successful auxiliary decoding tasks are domain dependent. Auxiliary decoders can increase the amount of semantic information encoded in the latent space and visible in the reconstructions. The semantic information in the variational autoencoder's representation is only weakly correlated with its rate, distortion, or evidence lower bound. Compared to other popular strategies that modify the training objective, our regularization of the latent space generally increased the semantic information content.
On Information Gain and Regret Bounds in Gaussian Process Bandits
Consider the sequential optimization of an expensive to evaluate and possibly non-convex objective function $f$ from noisy feedback, that can be considered as a continuum-armed bandit problem. Upper bounds on the regret performance of several learning algorithms (GP-UCB, GP-TS, and their variants) are known under both a Bayesian (when $f$ is a sample from a Gaussian process (GP)) and a frequentist (when $f$ lives in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space) setting. The regret bounds often rely on the maximal information gain $\gamma_T$ between $T$ observations and the underlying GP (surrogate) model. We provide general bounds on $\gamma_T$ based on the decay rate of the eigenvalues of the GP kernel, whose specialisation for commonly used kernels, improves the existing bounds on $\gamma_T$, and subsequently the regret bounds relying on $\gamma_T$ under numerous settings. For the Mat\'ern family of kernels, where the lower bounds on $\gamma_T$, and regret under the frequentist setting, are known, our results close a huge polynomial in $T$ gap between the upper and lower bounds (up to logarithmic in $T$ factors).
Generalized Dilated CNN Models for Depression Detection Using Inverted Vocal Tract Variables
Depression detection using vocal biomarkers is a highly researched area. Articulatory coordination features (ACFs) are developed based on the changes in neuromotor coordination due to psychomotor slowing, a key feature of Major Depressive Disorder. However findings of existing studies are mostly validated on a single database which limits the generalizability of results. Variability across different depression databases adversely affects the results in cross corpus evaluations (CCEs). We propose to develop a generalized classifier for depression detection using a dilated Convolutional Neural Network which is trained on ACFs extracted from two depression databases. We show that ACFs derived from Vocal Tract Variables (TVs) show promise as a robust set of features for depression detection. Our model achieves relative accuracy improvements of ~10% compared to CCEs performed on models trained on a single database. We extend the study to show that fusing TVs and Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients can further improve the performance of this classifier.
Highly comparative feature-based time-series classification
A highly comparative, feature-based approach to time series classification is introduced that uses an extensive database of algorithms to extract thousands of interpretable features from time series. These features are derived from across the scientific time-series analysis literature, and include summaries of time series in terms of their correlation structure, distribution, entropy, stationarity, scaling properties, and fits to a range of time-series models. After computing thousands of features for each time series in a training set, those that are most informative of the class structure are selected using greedy forward feature selection with a linear classifier. The resulting feature-based classifiers automatically learn the differences between classes using a reduced number of time-series properties, and circumvent the need to calculate distances between time series. Representing time series in this way results in orders of magnitude of dimensionality reduction, allowing the method to perform well on very large datasets containing long time series or time series of different lengths. For many of the datasets studied, classification performance exceeded that of conventional instance-based classifiers, including one nearest neighbor classifiers using Euclidean distances and dynamic time warping and, most importantly, the features selected provide an understanding of the properties of the dataset, insight that can guide further scientific investigation.
Domain-Specific Batch Normalization for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
We propose a novel unsupervised domain adaptation framework based on domain-specific batch normalization in deep neural networks. We aim to adapt to both domains by specializing batch normalization layers in convolutional neural networks while allowing them to share all other model parameters, which is realized by a two-stage algorithm. In the first stage, we estimate pseudo-labels for the examples in the target domain using an external unsupervised domain adaptation algorithm---for example, MSTN or CPUA---integrating the proposed domain-specific batch normalization. The second stage learns the final models using a multi-task classification loss for the source and target domains. Note that the two domains have separate batch normalization layers in both stages. Our framework can be easily incorporated into the domain adaptation techniques based on deep neural networks with batch normalization layers. We also present that our approach can be extended to the problem with multiple source domains. The proposed algorithm is evaluated on multiple benchmark datasets and achieves the state-of-the-art accuracy in the standard setting and the multi-source domain adaption scenario.
Gradient-based Novelty Detection Boosted by Self-supervised Binary Classification
Novelty detection aims to automatically identify out-of-distribution (OOD) data, without any prior knowledge of them. It is a critical step in data monitoring, behavior analysis and other applications, helping enable continual learning in the field. Conventional methods of OOD detection perform multi-variate analysis on an ensemble of data or features, and usually resort to the supervision with OOD data to improve the accuracy. In reality, such supervision is impractical as one cannot anticipate the anomalous data. In this paper, we propose a novel, self-supervised approach that does not rely on any pre-defined OOD data: (1) The new method evaluates the Mahalanobis distance of the gradients between the in-distribution and OOD data. (2) It is assisted by a self-supervised binary classifier to guide the label selection to generate the gradients, and maximize the Mahalanobis distance. In the evaluation with multiple datasets, such as CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, SVHN and TinyImageNet, the proposed approach consistently outperforms state-of-the-art supervised and unsupervised methods in the area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) and area under the precision-recall curve (AUPR) metrics. We further demonstrate that this detector is able to accurately learn one OOD class in continual learning.
Continuous-time Models for Stochastic Optimization Algorithms
We propose new continuous-time formulations for first-order stochastic optimization algorithms such as mini-batch gradient descent and variance-reduced methods. We exploit these continuous-time models, together with simple Lyapunov analysis as well as tools from stochastic calculus, in order to derive convergence bounds for various types of non-convex functions. Guided by such analysis, we show that the same Lyapunov arguments hold in discrete-time, leading to matching rates. In addition, we use these models and Ito calculus to infer novel insights on the dynamics of SGD, proving that a decreasing learning rate acts as time warping or, equivalently, as landscape stretching.