Doubly Robust Off-Policy Actor-Critic Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning
We study the problem of off-policy critic evaluation in several variants of value-based off-policy actor-critic algorithms. Off-policy actor-critic algorithms require an off-policy critic evaluation step, to estimate the value of the new policy after every policy gradient update. Despite enormous success of off-policy policy gradients on control tasks, existing general methods suffer from high variance and instability, partly because the policy improvement depends on gradient of the estimated value function. In this work, we present a new way of off-policy policy evaluation in actor-critic, based on the doubly robust estimators. We extend the doubly robust estimator from off-policy policy evaluation (OPE) to actor-critic algorithms that consist of a reward estimator performance model. We find that doubly robust estimation of the critic can significantly improve performance in continuous control tasks. Furthermore, in cases where the reward function is stochastic that can lead to high variance, doubly robust critic estimation can improve performance under corrupted, stochastic reward signals, indicating its usefulness for robust and safe reinforcement learning.
Federated Learning: Balancing the Thin Line Between Data Intelligence and Privacy
Federated learning holds great promise in learning from fragmented sensitive data and has revolutionized how machine learning models are trained. This article provides a systematic overview and detailed taxonomy of federated learning. We investigate the existing security challenges in federated learning and provide a comprehensive overview of established defense techniques for data poisoning, inference attacks, and model poisoning attacks. The work also presents an overview of current training challenges for federated learning, focusing on handling non-i.i.d. data, high dimensionality issues, and heterogeneous architecture, and discusses several solutions for the associated challenges. Finally, we discuss the remaining challenges in managing federated learning training and suggest focused research directions to address the open questions. Potential candidate areas for federated learning, including IoT ecosystem, healthcare applications, are discussed with a particular focus on banking and financial domains.
Model-Agnostic Interpretability of Machine Learning
Understanding why machine learning models behave the way they do empowers both system designers and end-users in many ways: in model selection, feature engineering, in order to trust and act upon the predictions, and in more intuitive user interfaces. Thus, interpretability has become a vital concern in machine learning, and work in the area of interpretable models has found renewed interest. In some applications, such models are as accurate as non-interpretable ones, and thus are preferred for their transparency. Even when they are not accurate, they may still be preferred when interpretability is of paramount importance. However, restricting machine learning to interpretable models is often a severe limitation. In this paper we argue for explaining machine learning predictions using model-agnostic approaches. By treating the machine learning models as black-box functions, these approaches provide crucial flexibility in the choice of models, explanations, and representations, improving debugging, comparison, and interfaces for a variety of users and models. We also outline the main challenges for such methods, and review a recently-introduced model-agnostic explanation approach (LIME) that addresses these challenges.
BayesSimIG: Scalable Parameter Inference for Adaptive Domain Randomization with IsaacGym
BayesSim is a statistical technique for domain randomization in reinforcement learning based on likelihood-free inference of simulation parameters. This paper outlines BayesSimIG: a library that provides an implementation of BayesSim integrated with the recently released NVIDIA IsaacGym. This combination allows large-scale parameter inference with end-to-end GPU acceleration. Both inference and simulation get GPU speedup, with support for running more than 10K parallel simulation environments for complex robotics tasks that can have more than 100 simulation parameters to estimate. BayesSimIG provides an integration with TensorBoard to easily visualize slices of high-dimensional posteriors. The library is built in a modular way to support research experiments with novel ways to collect and process the trajectories from the parallel IsaacGym environments.
Dynamics, behaviours, and anomaly persistence in cryptocurrencies and equities surrounding COVID-19
This paper uses new and recently introduced methodologies to study the similarity in the dynamics and behaviours of cryptocurrencies and equities surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. We study two collections; 45 cryptocurrencies and 72 equities, both independently and in conjunction. First, we examine the evolution of cryptocurrency and equity market dynamics, with a particular focus on their change during the COVID-19 pandemic. We demonstrate markedly more similar dynamics during times of crisis. Next, we apply recently introduced methods to contrast trajectories, erratic behaviours, and extreme values among the two multivariate time series. Finally, we introduce a new framework for determining the persistence of market anomalies over time. Surprisingly, we find that although cryptocurrencies exhibit stronger collective dynamics and correlation in all market conditions, equities behave more similarly in their trajectories, extremes, and show greater persistence in anomalies over time.
Data Augmentation for Enhancing EEG-based Emotion Recognition with Deep Generative Models
The data scarcity problem in emotion recognition from electroencephalography (EEG) leads to difficulty in building an affective model with high accuracy using machine learning algorithms or deep neural networks. Inspired by emerging deep generative models, we propose three methods for augmenting EEG training data to enhance the performance of emotion recognition models. Our proposed methods are based on two deep generative models, variational autoencoder (VAE) and generative adversarial network (GAN), and two data augmentation strategies. For the full usage strategy, all of the generated data are augmented to the training dataset without judging the quality of the generated data, while for partial usage, only high-quality data are selected and appended to the training dataset. These three methods are called conditional Wasserstein GAN (cWGAN), selective VAE (sVAE), and selective WGAN (sWGAN). To evaluate the effectiveness of these methods, we perform a systematic experimental study on two public EEG datasets for emotion recognition, namely, SEED and DEAP. We first generate realistic-like EEG training data in two forms: power spectral density and differential entropy. Then, we augment the original training datasets with a different number of generated realistic-like EEG data. Finally, we train support vector machines and deep neural networks with shortcut layers to build affective models using the original and augmented training datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that the augmented training datasets produced by our methods enhance the performance of EEG-based emotion recognition models and outperform the existing data augmentation methods such as conditional VAE, Gaussian noise, and rotational data augmentation.
On Adversarial Bias and the Robustness of Fair Machine Learning
Optimizing prediction accuracy can come at the expense of fairness. Towards minimizing discrimination against a group, fair machine learning algorithms strive to equalize the behavior of a model across different groups, by imposing a fairness constraint on models. However, we show that giving the same importance to groups of different sizes and distributions, to counteract the effect of bias in training data, can be in conflict with robustness. We analyze data poisoning attacks against group-based fair machine learning, with the focus on equalized odds. An adversary who can control sampling or labeling for a fraction of training data, can reduce the test accuracy significantly beyond what he can achieve on unconstrained models. Adversarial sampling and adversarial labeling attacks can also worsen the model's fairness gap on test data, even though the model satisfies the fairness constraint on training data. We analyze the robustness of fair machine learning through an empirical evaluation of attacks on multiple algorithms and benchmark datasets.
Unsupervised Learning using Pretrained CNN and Associative Memory Bank
Deep Convolutional features extracted from a comprehensive labeled dataset, contain substantial representations which could be effectively used in a new domain. Despite the fact that generic features achieved good results in many visual tasks, fine-tuning is required for pretrained deep CNN models to be more effective and provide state-of-the-art performance. Fine tuning using the backpropagation algorithm in a supervised setting, is a time and resource consuming process. In this paper, we present a new architecture and an approach for unsupervised object recognition that addresses the above mentioned problem with fine tuning associated with pretrained CNN-based supervised deep learning approaches while allowing automated feature extraction. Unlike existing works, our approach is applicable to general object recognition tasks. It uses a pretrained (on a related domain) CNN model for automated feature extraction pipelined with a Hopfield network based associative memory bank for storing patterns for classification purposes. The use of associative memory bank in our framework allows eliminating backpropagation while providing competitive performance on an unseen dataset.
Deep Learning for Detecting Building Defects Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Clients are increasingly looking for fast and effective means to quickly and frequently survey and communicate the condition of their buildings so that essential repairs and maintenance work can be done in a proactive and timely manner before it becomes too dangerous and expensive. Traditional methods for this type of work commonly comprise of engaging building surveyors to undertake a condition assessment which involves a lengthy site inspection to produce a systematic recording of the physical condition of the building elements, including cost estimates of immediate and projected long-term costs of renewal, repair and maintenance of the building. Current asset condition assessment procedures are extensively time consuming, laborious, and expensive and pose health and safety threats to surveyors, particularly at height and roof levels which are difficult to access. This paper aims at evaluating the application of convolutional neural networks (CNN) towards an automated detection and localisation of key building defects, e.g., mould, deterioration, and stain, from images. The proposed model is based on pre-trained CNN classifier of VGG-16 (later compaired with ResNet-50, and Inception models), with class activation mapping (CAM) for object localisation. The challenges and limitations of the model in real-life applications have been identified. The proposed model has proven to be robust and able to accurately detect and localise building defects. The approach is being developed with the potential to scale-up and further advance to support automated detection of defects and deterioration of buildings in real-time using mobile devices and drones.
Graph Representation Learning: A Survey
Research on graph representation learning has received a lot of attention in recent years since many data in real-world applications come in form of graphs. High-dimensional graph data are often in irregular form, which makes them more difficult to analyze than image/video/audio data defined on regular lattices. Various graph embedding techniques have been developed to convert the raw graph data into a low-dimensional vector representation while preserving the intrinsic graph properties. In this review, we first explain the graph embedding task and its challenges. Next, we review a wide range of graph embedding techniques with insights. Then, we evaluate several state-of-the-art methods against small and large datasets and compare their performance. Finally, potential applications and future directions are presented.
Adaptive Three Operator Splitting
We propose and analyze an adaptive step-size variant of the Davis-Yin three operator splitting. This method can solve optimization problems composed by a sum of a smooth term for which we have access to its gradient and an arbitrary number of potentially non-smooth terms for which we have access to their proximal operator. The proposed method sets the step-size based on local information of the objective --hence allowing for larger step-sizes--, only requires two extra function evaluations per iteration and does not depend on any step-size hyperparameter besides an initial estimate. We provide an iteration complexity analysis that matches the best known results for the non-adaptive variant: sublinear convergence for general convex functions and linear convergence under strong convexity of the smooth term and smoothness of one of the proximal terms. Finally, an empirical comparison with related methods on 6 different problems illustrates the computational advantage of the proposed method.
Theoretic Analysis and Extremely Easy Algorithms for Domain Adaptive Feature Learning
Domain adaptation problems arise in a variety of applications, where a training dataset from the \textit{source} domain and a test dataset from the \textit{target} domain typically follow different distributions. The primary difficulty in designing effective learning models to solve such problems lies in how to bridge the gap between the source and target distributions. In this paper, we provide comprehensive analysis of feature learning algorithms used in conjunction with linear classifiers for domain adaptation. Our analysis shows that in order to achieve good adaptation performance, the second moments of the source domain distribution and target domain distribution should be similar. Based on our new analysis, a novel extremely easy feature learning algorithm for domain adaptation is proposed. Furthermore, our algorithm is extended by leveraging multiple layers, leading to a deep linear model. We evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms in terms of domain adaptation tasks on the Amazon review dataset and the spam dataset from the ECML/PKDD 2006 discovery challenge.
Machine Learning Detection Algorithm for Large Barkhausen Jumps in Cluttered Environment
Modern magnetic sensor arrays conventionally utilize state of the art low power magnetometers such as parallel and orthogonal fluxgates. Low power fluxgates tend to have large Barkhausen jumps that appear as a dc jump in the fluxgate output. This phenomenon deteriorates the signal fidelity and effectively increases the internal sensor noise. Even if sensors that are more prone to dc jumps can be screened during production, the conventional noise measurement does not always catch the dc jump because of its sparsity. Moreover, dc jumps persist in almost all the sensor cores although at a slower but still intolerable rate. Even if dc jumps can be easily detected in a shielded environment, when deployed in presence of natural noise and clutter, it can be hard to positively detect them. This work fills this gap and presents algorithms that distinguish dc jumps embedded in natural magnetic field data. To improve robustness to noise, we developed two machine learning algorithms that employ temporal and statistical physical-based features of a pre-acquired and well-known experimental data set. The first algorithm employs a support vector machine classifier, while the second is based on a neural network architecture. We compare these new approaches to a more classical kernel-based method. To that purpose, the receiver operating characteristic curve is generated, which allows diagnosis ability of the different classifiers by comparing their performances across various operation points. The accuracy of the machine learning-based algorithms over the classic method is highly emphasized. In addition, high generalization and robustness of the neural network can be concluded, based on the rapid convergence of the corresponding receiver operating characteristic curves.
Revisiting k-means: New Algorithms via Bayesian Nonparametrics
Bayesian models offer great flexibility for clustering applications---Bayesian nonparametrics can be used for modeling infinite mixtures, and hierarchical Bayesian models can be utilized for sharing clusters across multiple data sets. For the most part, such flexibility is lacking in classical clustering methods such as k-means. In this paper, we revisit the k-means clustering algorithm from a Bayesian nonparametric viewpoint. Inspired by the asymptotic connection between k-means and mixtures of Gaussians, we show that a Gibbs sampling algorithm for the Dirichlet process mixture approaches a hard clustering algorithm in the limit, and further that the resulting algorithm monotonically minimizes an elegant underlying k-means-like clustering objective that includes a penalty for the number of clusters. We generalize this analysis to the case of clustering multiple data sets through a similar asymptotic argument with the hierarchical Dirichlet process. We also discuss further extensions that highlight the benefits of our analysis: i) a spectral relaxation involving thresholded eigenvectors, and ii) a normalized cut graph clustering algorithm that does not fix the number of clusters in the graph.
KGAN: How to Break The Minimax Game in GAN
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) were intuitively and attractively explained under the perspective of game theory, wherein two involving parties are a discriminator and a generator. In this game, the task of the discriminator is to discriminate the real and generated (i.e., fake) data, whilst the task of the generator is to generate the fake data that maximally confuses the discriminator. In this paper, we propose a new viewpoint for GANs, which is termed as the minimizing general loss viewpoint. This viewpoint shows a connection between the general loss of a classification problem regarding a convex loss function and a f-divergence between the true and fake data distributions. Mathematically, we proposed a setting for the classification problem of the true and fake data, wherein we can prove that the general loss of this classification problem is exactly the negative f-divergence for a certain convex function f. This allows us to interpret the problem of learning the generator for dismissing the f-divergence between the true and fake data distributions as that of maximizing the general loss which is equivalent to the min-max problem in GAN if the Logistic loss is used in the classification problem. However, this viewpoint strengthens GANs in two ways. First, it allows us to employ any convex loss function for the discriminator. Second, it suggests that rather than limiting ourselves in NN-based discriminators, we can alternatively utilize other powerful families. Bearing this viewpoint, we then propose using the kernel-based family for discriminators. This family has two appealing features: i) a powerful capacity in classifying non-linear nature data and ii) being convex in the feature space. Using the convexity of this family, we can further develop Fenchel duality to equivalently transform the max-min problem to the max-max dual problem.
The Responsibility Weighted Mahalanobis Kernel for Semi-Supervised Training of Support Vector Machines for Classification
Kernel functions in support vector machines (SVM) are needed to assess the similarity of input samples in order to classify these samples, for instance. Besides standard kernels such as Gaussian (i.e., radial basis function, RBF) or polynomial kernels, there are also specific kernels tailored to consider structure in the data for similarity assessment. In this article, we will capture structure in data by means of probabilistic mixture density models, for example Gaussian mixtures in the case of real-valued input spaces. From the distance measures that are inherently contained in these models, e.g., Mahalanobis distances in the case of Gaussian mixtures, we derive a new kernel, the responsibility weighted Mahalanobis (RWM) kernel. Basically, this kernel emphasizes the influence of model components from which any two samples that are compared are assumed to originate (that is, the "responsible" model components). We will see that this kernel outperforms the RBF kernel and other kernels capturing structure in data (such as the LAP kernel in Laplacian SVM) in many applications where partially labeled data are available, i.e., for semi-supervised training of SVM. Other key advantages are that the RWM kernel can easily be used with standard SVM implementations and training algorithms such as sequential minimal optimization, and heuristics known for the parametrization of RBF kernels in a C-SVM can easily be transferred to this new kernel. Properties of the RWM kernel are demonstrated with 20 benchmark data sets and an increasing percentage of labeled samples in the training data.
Learning-based Model Predictive Control for Safe Exploration
Learning-based methods have been successful in solving complex control tasks without significant prior knowledge about the system. However, these methods typically do not provide any safety guarantees, which prevents their use in safety-critical, real-world applications. In this paper, we present a learning-based model predictive control scheme that can provide provable high-probability safety guarantees. To this end, we exploit regularity assumptions on the dynamics in terms of a Gaussian process prior to construct provably accurate confidence intervals on predicted trajectories. Unlike previous approaches, we do not assume that model uncertainties are independent. Based on these predictions, we guarantee that trajectories satisfy safety constraints. Moreover, we use a terminal set constraint to recursively guarantee the existence of safe control actions at every iteration. In our experiments, we show that the resulting algorithm can be used to safely and efficiently explore and learn about dynamic systems.
Submodular Bandit Problem Under Multiple Constraints
The linear submodular bandit problem was proposed to simultaneously address diversified retrieval and online learning in a recommender system. If there is no uncertainty, this problem is equivalent to a submodular maximization problem under a cardinality constraint. However, in some situations, recommendation lists should satisfy additional constraints such as budget constraints, other than a cardinality constraint. Thus, motivated by diversified retrieval considering budget constraints, we introduce a submodular bandit problem under the intersection of $l$ knapsacks and a $k$-system constraint. Here $k$-system constraints form a very general class of constraints including cardinality constraints and the intersection of $k$ matroid constraints. To solve this problem, we propose a non-greedy algorithm that adaptively focuses on a standard or modified upper-confidence bound. We provide a high-probability upper bound of an approximation regret, where the approximation ratio matches that of a fast offline algorithm. Moreover, we perform experiments under various combinations of constraints using a synthetic and two real-world datasets and demonstrate that our proposed methods outperform the existing baselines.
White-box Audio VST Effect Programming
Learning to program an audio production VST plugin is a time consuming process, usually obtained through inefficient trial and error and only mastered after extensive user experience. We propose a white-box, iterative system that provides step-by-step instructions for applying audio effects to change a user's audio signal towards a desired sound. We apply our system to Xfer Records Serum: currently one of the most popular and complex VST synthesizers used by the audio production community. Our results indicate that our system is consistently able to provide useful feedback for a variety of different audio effects and synthesizer presets.
CSAL: Self-adaptive Labeling based Clustering Integrating Supervised Learning on Unlabeled Data
Supervised classification approaches can predict labels for unknown data because of the supervised training process. The success of classification is heavily dependent on the labeled training data. Differently, clustering is effective in revealing the aggregation property of unlabeled data, but the performance of most clustering methods is limited by the absence of labeled data. In real applications, however, it is time-consuming and sometimes impossible to obtain labeled data. The combination of clustering and classification is a promising and active approach which can largely improve the performance. In this paper, we propose an innovative and effective clustering framework based on self-adaptive labeling (CSAL) which integrates clustering and classification on unlabeled data. Clustering is first employed to partition data and a certain proportion of clustered data are selected by our proposed labeling approach for training classifiers. In order to refine the trained classifiers, an iterative process of Expectation-Maximization algorithm is devised into the proposed clustering framework CSAL. Experiments are conducted on publicly data sets to test different combinations of clustering algorithms and classification models as well as various training data labeling methods. The experimental results show that our approach along with the self-adaptive method outperforms other methods.
Design and Development of an Expert System to Help Head of University Departments
One of the basic tasks which is responded for head of each university department, is employing lecturers based on some default factors such as experience, evidences, qualifies and etc. In this respect, to help the heads, some automatic systems have been proposed until now using machine learning methods, decision support systems (DSS) and etc. According to advantages and disadvantages of the previous methods, a full automatic system is designed in this paper using expert systems. The proposed system is included two main steps. In the first one, the human expert's knowledge is designed as decision trees. The second step is included an expert system which is evaluated using extracted rules of these decision trees. Also, to improve the quality of the proposed system, a majority voting algorithm is proposed as post processing step to choose the best lecturer which satisfied more expert's decision trees for each course. The results are shown that the designed system average accuracy is 78.88. Low computational complexity, simplicity to program and are some of other advantages of the proposed system.
LAGC: Lazily Aggregated Gradient Coding for Straggler-Tolerant and Communication-Efficient Distributed Learning
Gradient-based distributed learning in Parameter Server (PS) computing architectures is subject to random delays due to straggling worker nodes, as well as to possible communication bottlenecks between PS and workers. Solutions have been recently proposed to separately address these impairments based on the ideas of gradient coding, worker grouping, and adaptive worker selection. This paper provides a unified analysis of these techniques in terms of wall-clock time, communication, and computation complexity measures. Furthermore, in order to combine the benefits of gradient coding and grouping in terms of robustness to stragglers with the communication and computation load gains of adaptive selection, novel strategies, named Lazily Aggregated Gradient Coding (LAGC) and Grouped-LAG (G-LAG), are introduced. Analysis and results show that G-LAG provides the best wall-clock time and communication performance, while maintaining a low computational cost, for two representative distributions of the computing times of the worker nodes.
Efficient Subsampled Gauss-Newton and Natural Gradient Methods for Training Neural Networks
We present practical Levenberg-Marquardt variants of Gauss-Newton and natural gradient methods for solving non-convex optimization problems that arise in training deep neural networks involving enormous numbers of variables and huge data sets. Our methods use subsampled Gauss-Newton or Fisher information matrices and either subsampled gradient estimates (fully stochastic) or full gradients (semi-stochastic), which, in the latter case, we prove convergent to a stationary point. By using the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula with automatic differentiation (backpropagation) we show how our methods can be implemented to perform efficiently. Finally, numerical results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed methods.
Unsupervised Skill-Discovery and Skill-Learning in Minecraft
Pre-training Reinforcement Learning agents in a task-agnostic manner has shown promising results. However, previous works still struggle in learning and discovering meaningful skills in high-dimensional state-spaces, such as pixel-spaces. We approach the problem by leveraging unsupervised skill discovery and self-supervised learning of state representations. In our work, we learn a compact latent representation by making use of variational and contrastive techniques. We demonstrate that both enable RL agents to learn a set of basic navigation skills by maximizing an information theoretic objective. We assess our method in Minecraft 3D pixel maps with different complexities. Our results show that representations and conditioned policies learned from pixels are enough for toy examples, but do not scale to realistic and complex maps. To overcome these limitations, we explore alternative input observations such as the relative position of the agent along with the raw pixels.
An information-geometric approach to feature extraction and moment reconstruction in dynamical systems
We propose a dimension reduction framework for feature extraction and moment reconstruction in dynamical systems that operates on spaces of probability measures induced by observables of the system rather than directly in the original data space of the observables themselves as in more conventional methods. Our approach is based on the fact that orbits of a dynamical system induce probability measures over the measurable space defined by (partial) observations of the system. We equip the space of these probability measures with a divergence, i.e., a distance between probability distributions, and use this divergence to define a kernel integral operator. The eigenfunctions of this operator create an orthonormal basis of functions that capture different timescales of the dynamical system. One of our main results shows that the evolution of the moments of the dynamics-dependent probability measures can be related to a time-averaging operator on the original dynamical system. Using this result, we show that the moments can be expanded in the eigenfunction basis, thus opening up the avenue for nonparametric forecasting of the moments. If the collection of probability measures is itself a manifold, we can in addition equip the statistical manifold with the Riemannian metric and use techniques from information geometry. We present applications to ergodic dynamical systems on the 2-torus and the Lorenz 63 system, and show on a real-world example that a small number of eigenvectors is sufficient to reconstruct the moments (here the first four moments) of an atmospheric time series, i.e., the realtime multivariate Madden-Julian oscillation index.
Optimize Cash Collection: Use Machine learning to Predicting Invoice Payment
Predicting invoice payment is valuable in multiple industries and supports decision-making processes in most financial workflows. However, the challenge in this realm involves dealing with complex data and the lack of data related to decisions-making processes not registered in the accounts receivable system. This work presents a prototype developed as a solution devised during a partnership with a multinational bank to support collectors in predicting invoices payment. The proposed prototype reached up to 77\% of accuracy, which improved the prioritization of customers and supported the daily work of collectors. With the presented results, one expects to support researchers dealing with the problem of invoice payment prediction to get insights and examples of how to tackle issues present in real data.
Don't Use English Dev: On the Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Evaluation of Contextual Embeddings
Multilingual contextual embeddings have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in zero-shot cross-lingual transfer learning, where multilingual BERT is fine-tuned on one source language and evaluated on a different target language. However, published results for mBERT zero-shot accuracy vary as much as 17 points on the MLDoc classification task across four papers. We show that the standard practice of using English dev accuracy for model selection in the zero-shot setting makes it difficult to obtain reproducible results on the MLDoc and XNLI tasks. English dev accuracy is often uncorrelated (or even anti-correlated) with target language accuracy, and zero-shot performance varies greatly at different points in the same fine-tuning run and between different fine-tuning runs. These reproducibility issues are also present for other tasks with different pre-trained embeddings (e.g., MLQA with XLM-R). We recommend providing oracle scores alongside zero-shot results: still fine-tune using English data, but choose a checkpoint with the target dev set. Reporting this upper bound makes results more consistent by avoiding arbitrarily bad checkpoints.
Measuring Compositionality in Representation Learning
Many machine learning algorithms represent input data with vector embeddings or discrete codes. When inputs exhibit compositional structure (e.g. objects built from parts or procedures from subroutines), it is natural to ask whether this compositional structure is reflected in the the inputs' learned representations. While the assessment of compositionality in languages has received significant attention in linguistics and adjacent fields, the machine learning literature lacks general-purpose tools for producing graded measurements of compositional structure in more general (e.g. vector-valued) representation spaces. We describe a procedure for evaluating compositionality by measuring how well the true representation-producing model can be approximated by a model that explicitly composes a collection of inferred representational primitives. We use the procedure to provide formal and empirical characterizations of compositional structure in a variety of settings, exploring the relationship between compositionality and learning dynamics, human judgments, representational similarity, and generalization.
Asymptotics of Reinforcement Learning with Neural Networks
We prove that a single-layer neural network trained with the Q-learning algorithm converges in distribution to a random ordinary differential equation as the size of the model and the number of training steps become large. Analysis of the limit differential equation shows that it has a unique stationary solution which is the solution of the Bellman equation, thus giving the optimal control for the problem. In addition, we study the convergence of the limit differential equation to the stationary solution. As a by-product of our analysis, we obtain the limiting behavior of single-layer neural networks when trained on i.i.d. data with stochastic gradient descent under the widely-used Xavier initialization.
Improving Performance of Self-Organising Maps with Distance Metric Learning Method
Self-Organising Maps (SOM) are Artificial Neural Networks used in Pattern Recognition tasks. Their major advantage over other architectures is human readability of a model. However, they often gain poorer accuracy. Mostly used metric in SOM is the Euclidean distance, which is not the best approach to some problems. In this paper, we study an impact of the metric change on the SOM's performance in classification problems. In order to change the metric of the SOM we applied a distance metric learning method, so-called 'Large Margin Nearest Neighbour'. It computes the Mahalanobis matrix, which assures small distance between nearest neighbour points from the same class and separation of points belonging to different classes by large margin. Results are presented on several real data sets, containing for example recognition of written digits, spoken letters or faces.
Minimax Optimization: The Case of Convex-Submodular
Minimax optimization has been central in addressing various applications in machine learning, game theory, and control theory. Prior literature has thus far mainly focused on studying such problems in the continuous domain, e.g., convex-concave minimax optimization is now understood to a significant extent. Nevertheless, minimax problems extend far beyond the continuous domain to mixed continuous-discrete domains or even fully discrete domains. In this paper, we study mixed continuous-discrete minimax problems where the minimization is over a continuous variable belonging to Euclidean space and the maximization is over subsets of a given ground set. We introduce the class of convex-submodular minimax problems, where the objective is convex with respect to the continuous variable and submodular with respect to the discrete variable. Even though such problems appear frequently in machine learning applications, little is known about how to address them from algorithmic and theoretical perspectives. For such problems, we first show that obtaining saddle points are hard up to any approximation, and thus introduce new notions of (near-) optimality. We then provide several algorithmic procedures for solving convex and monotone-submodular minimax problems and characterize their convergence rates, computational complexity, and quality of the final solution according to our notions of optimally. Our proposed algorithms are iterative and combine tools from both discrete and continuous optimization. Finally, we provide numerical experiments to showcase the effectiveness of our purposed methods.
Constructing Multilayer Perceptrons as Piecewise Low-Order Polynomial Approximators: A Signal Processing Approach
The construction of a multilayer perceptron (MLP) as a piecewise low-order polynomial approximator using a signal processing approach is presented in this work. The constructed MLP contains one input, one intermediate and one output layers. Its construction includes the specification of neuron numbers and all filter weights. Through the construction, a one-to-one correspondence between the approximation of an MLP and that of a piecewise low-order polynomial is established. Comparison between piecewise polynomial and MLP approximations is made. Since the approximation capability of piecewise low-order polynomials is well understood, our findings shed light on the universal approximation capability of an MLP.
Gradient penalty from a maximum margin perspective
A popular heuristic for improved performance in Generative adversarial networks (GANs) is to use some form of gradient penalty on the discriminator. This gradient penalty was originally motivated by a Wasserstein distance formulation. However, the use of gradient penalty in other GAN formulations is not well motivated. We present a unifying framework of expected margin maximization and show that a wide range of gradient-penalized GANs (e.g., Wasserstein, Standard, Least-Squares, and Hinge GANs) can be derived from this framework. Our results imply that employing gradient penalties induces a large-margin classifier (thus, a large-margin discriminator in GANs). We describe how expected margin maximization helps reduce vanishing gradients at fake (generated) samples, a known problem in GANs. From this framework, we derive a new $L^\infty$ gradient norm penalty with Hinge loss which generally produces equally good (or better) generated output in GANs than $L^2$-norm penalties (based on the Fr\'echet Inception Distance).
Scalable Variational Quantum Circuits for Autoencoder-based Drug Discovery
The de novo design of drug molecules is recognized as a time-consuming and costly process, and computational approaches have been applied in each stage of the drug discovery pipeline. Variational autoencoder is one of the computer-aided design methods which explores the chemical space based on existing molecular dataset. Quantum machine learning has emerged as an atypical learning method that may speed up some classical learning tasks because of its strong expressive power. However, near-term quantum computers suffer from limited number of qubits which hinders the representation learning in high dimensional spaces. We present a scalable quantum generative autoencoder (SQ-VAE) for simultaneously reconstructing and sampling drug molecules, and a corresponding vanilla variant (SQ-AE) for better reconstruction. The architectural strategies in hybrid quantum classical networks such as, adjustable quantum layer depth, heterogeneous learning rates, and patched quantum circuits are proposed to learn high dimensional dataset such as, ligand-targeted drugs. Extensive experimental results are reported for different dimensions including 8x8 and 32x32 after choosing suitable architectural strategies. The performance of quantum generative autoencoder is compared with the corresponding classical counterpart throughout all experiments. The results show that quantum computing advantages can be achieved for normalized low-dimension molecules, and that high-dimension molecules generated from quantum generative autoencoders have better drug properties within the same learning period.
Quantum machine learning with adaptive linear optics
We study supervised learning algorithms in which a quantum device is used to perform a computational subroutine - either for prediction via probability estimation, or to compute a kernel via estimation of quantum states overlap. We design implementations of these quantum subroutines using Boson Sampling architectures in linear optics, supplemented by adaptive measurements. We then challenge these quantum algorithms by deriving classical simulation algorithms for the tasks of output probability estimation and overlap estimation. We obtain different classical simulability regimes for these two computational tasks in terms of the number of adaptive measurements and input photons. In both cases, our results set explicit limits to the range of parameters for which a quantum advantage can be envisaged with adaptive linear optics compared to classical machine learning algorithms: we show that the number of input photons and the number of adaptive measurements cannot be simultaneously small compared to the number of modes. Interestingly, our analysis leaves open the possibility of a near-term quantum advantage with a single adaptive measurement.
Flat-topped Probability Density Functions for Mixture Models
This paper investigates probability density functions (PDFs) that are continuous everywhere, nearly uniform around the mode of distribution, and adaptable to a variety of distribution shapes ranging from bell-shaped to rectangular. From the viewpoint of computational tractability, the PDF based on the Fermi-Dirac or logistic function is advantageous in estimating its shape parameters. The most appropriate PDF for $n$-variate distribution is of the form: $p\left(\mathbf{x}\right)\propto\left[\cosh\left(\left[\left(\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{m}\right)^{\mathsf{T}}\boldsymbol{\Sigma}^{-1}\left(\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{m}\right)\right]^{n/2}\right)+\cosh\left(r^{n}\right)\right]^{-1}$ where $\mathbf{x},\mathbf{m}\in\mathbb{R}^{n}$, $\boldsymbol{\Sigma}$ is an $n\times n$ positive definite matrix, and $r>0$ is a shape parameter. The flat-topped PDFs can be used as a component of mixture models in machine learning to improve goodness of fit and make a model as simple as possible.
A Spiking Neural Learning Classifier System
Learning Classifier Systems (LCS) are population-based reinforcement learners used in a wide variety of applications. This paper presents a LCS where each traditional rule is represented by a spiking neural network, a type of network with dynamic internal state. We employ a constructivist model of growth of both neurons and dendrites that realise flexible learning by evolving structures of sufficient complexity to solve a well-known problem involving continuous, real-valued inputs. Additionally, we extend the system to enable temporal state decomposition. By allowing our LCS to chain together sequences of heterogeneous actions into macro-actions, it is shown to perform optimally in a problem where traditional methods can fail to find a solution in a reasonable amount of time. Our final system is tested on a simulated robotics platform.
Efficient Algorithms and Lower Bounds for Robust Linear Regression
We study the problem of high-dimensional linear regression in a robust model where an $\epsilon$-fraction of the samples can be adversarially corrupted. We focus on the fundamental setting where the covariates of the uncorrupted samples are drawn from a Gaussian distribution $\mathcal{N}(0, \Sigma)$ on $\mathbb{R}^d$. We give nearly tight upper bounds and computational lower bounds for this problem. Specifically, our main contributions are as follows: For the case that the covariance matrix is known to be the identity, we give a sample near-optimal and computationally efficient algorithm that outputs a candidate hypothesis vector $\widehat{\beta}$ which approximates the unknown regression vector $\beta$ within $\ell_2$-norm $O(\epsilon \log(1/\epsilon) \sigma)$, where $\sigma$ is the standard deviation of the random observation noise. An error of $\Omega (\epsilon \sigma)$ is information-theoretically necessary, even with infinite sample size. Prior work gave an algorithm for this problem with sample complexity $\tilde{\Omega}(d^2/\epsilon^2)$ whose error guarantee scales with the $\ell_2$-norm of $\beta$. For the case of unknown covariance, we show that we can efficiently achieve the same error guarantee as in the known covariance case using an additional $\tilde{O}(d^2/\epsilon^2)$ unlabeled examples. On the other hand, an error of $O(\epsilon \sigma)$ can be information-theoretically attained with $O(d/\epsilon^2)$ samples. We prove a Statistical Query (SQ) lower bound providing evidence that this quadratic tradeoff in the sample size is inherent. More specifically, we show that any polynomial time SQ learning algorithm for robust linear regression (in Huber's contamination model) with estimation complexity $O(d^{2-c})$, where $c>0$ is an arbitrarily small constant, must incur an error of $\Omega(\sqrt{\epsilon} \sigma)$.
Learning Robust Policy against Disturbance in Transition Dynamics via State-Conservative Policy Optimization
Deep reinforcement learning algorithms can perform poorly in real-world tasks due to the discrepancy between source and target environments. This discrepancy is commonly viewed as the disturbance in transition dynamics. Many existing algorithms learn robust policies by modeling the disturbance and applying it to source environments during training, which usually requires prior knowledge about the disturbance and control of simulators. However, these algorithms can fail in scenarios where the disturbance from target environments is unknown or is intractable to model in simulators. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel model-free actor-critic algorithm -- namely, state-conservative policy optimization (SCPO) -- to learn robust policies without modeling the disturbance in advance. Specifically, SCPO reduces the disturbance in transition dynamics to that in state space and then approximates it by a simple gradient-based regularizer. The appealing features of SCPO include that it is simple to implement and does not require additional knowledge about the disturbance or specially designed simulators. Experiments in several robot control tasks demonstrate that SCPO learns robust policies against the disturbance in transition dynamics.
Virtual Battery Parameter Identification using Transfer Learning based Stacked Autoencoder
Recent studies have shown that the aggregated dynamic flexibility of an ensemble of thermostatic loads can be modeled in the form of a virtual battery. The existing methods for computing the virtual battery parameters require the knowledge of the first-principle models and parameter values of the loads in the ensemble. In real-world applications, however, it is likely that the only available information are end-use measurements such as power consumption, room temperature, device on/off status, etc., while very little about the individual load models and parameters are known. We propose a transfer learning based deep network framework for calculating virtual battery state of a given ensemble of flexible thermostatic loads, from the available end-use measurements. This proposed framework extracts first order virtual battery model parameters for the given ensemble. We illustrate the effectiveness of this novel framework on different ensembles of ACs and WHs.
Gossip Dual Averaging for Decentralized Optimization of Pairwise Functions
In decentralized networks (of sensors, connected objects, etc.), there is an important need for efficient algorithms to optimize a global cost function, for instance to learn a global model from the local data collected by each computing unit. In this paper, we address the problem of decentralized minimization of pairwise functions of the data points, where these points are distributed over the nodes of a graph defining the communication topology of the network. This general problem finds applications in ranking, distance metric learning and graph inference, among others. We propose new gossip algorithms based on dual averaging which aims at solving such problems both in synchronous and asynchronous settings. The proposed framework is flexible enough to deal with constrained and regularized variants of the optimization problem. Our theoretical analysis reveals that the proposed algorithms preserve the convergence rate of centralized dual averaging up to an additive bias term. We present numerical simulations on Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) maximization and metric learning problems which illustrate the practical interest of our approach.
Sentiment Classification using Images and Label Embeddings
In this project we analysed how much semantic information images carry, and how much value image data can add to sentiment analysis of the text associated with the images. To better understand the contribution from images, we compared models which only made use of image data, models which only made use of text data, and models which combined both data types. We also analysed if this approach could help sentiment classifiers generalize to unknown sentiments.
GRNN: Generative Regression Neural Network -- A Data Leakage Attack for Federated Learning
Data privacy has become an increasingly important issue in Machine Learning (ML), where many approaches have been developed to tackle this challenge, e.g. cryptography (Homomorphic Encryption (HE), Differential Privacy (DP), etc.) and collaborative training (Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC), Distributed Learning and Federated Learning (FL)). These techniques have a particular focus on data encryption or secure local computation. They transfer the intermediate information to the third party to compute the final result. Gradient exchanging is commonly considered to be a secure way of training a robust model collaboratively in Deep Learning (DL). However, recent researches have demonstrated that sensitive information can be recovered from the shared gradient. Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), in particular, has shown to be effective in recovering such information. However, GAN based techniques require additional information, such as class labels which are generally unavailable for privacy-preserved learning. In this paper, we show that, in the FL system, image-based privacy data can be easily recovered in full from the shared gradient only via our proposed Generative Regression Neural Network (GRNN). We formulate the attack to be a regression problem and optimize two branches of the generative model by minimizing the distance between gradients. We evaluate our method on several image classification tasks. The results illustrate that our proposed GRNN outperforms state-of-the-art methods with better stability, stronger robustness, and higher accuracy. It also has no convergence requirement to the global FL model. Moreover, we demonstrate information leakage using face re-identification. Some defense strategies are also discussed in this work.
GenLabel: Mixup Relabeling using Generative Models
Mixup is a data augmentation method that generates new data points by mixing a pair of input data. While mixup generally improves the prediction performance, it sometimes degrades the performance. In this paper, we first identify the main causes of this phenomenon by theoretically and empirically analyzing the mixup algorithm. To resolve this, we propose GenLabel, a simple yet effective relabeling algorithm designed for mixup. In particular, GenLabel helps the mixup algorithm correctly label mixup samples by learning the class-conditional data distribution using generative models. Via extensive theoretical and empirical analysis, we show that mixup, when used together with GenLabel, can effectively resolve the aforementioned phenomenon, improving the generalization performance and the adversarial robustness.
Scalable Graph Neural Networks for Heterogeneous Graphs
Graph neural networks (GNNs) are a popular class of parametric model for learning over graph-structured data. Recent work has argued that GNNs primarily use the graph for feature smoothing, and have shown competitive results on benchmark tasks by simply operating on graph-smoothed node features, rather than using end-to-end learned feature hierarchies that are challenging to scale to large graphs. In this work, we ask whether these results can be extended to heterogeneous graphs, which encode multiple types of relationship between different entities. We propose Neighbor Averaging over Relation Subgraphs (NARS), which trains a classifier on neighbor-averaged features for randomly-sampled subgraphs of the "metagraph" of relations. We describe optimizations to allow these sets of node features to be computed in a memory-efficient way, both at training and inference time. NARS achieves a new state of the art accuracy on several benchmark datasets, outperforming more expensive GNN-based methods
Attention is Not All You Need: Pure Attention Loses Rank Doubly Exponentially with Depth
Attention-based architectures have become ubiquitous in machine learning, yet our understanding of the reasons for their effectiveness remains limited. This work proposes a new way to understand self-attention networks: we show that their output can be decomposed into a sum of smaller terms, each involving the operation of a sequence of attention heads across layers. Using this decomposition, we prove that self-attention possesses a strong inductive bias towards "token uniformity". Specifically, without skip connections or multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs), the output converges doubly exponentially to a rank-1 matrix. On the other hand, skip connections and MLPs stop the output from degeneration. Our experiments verify the identified convergence phenomena on different variants of standard transformer architectures.
Hierarchical Prosody Modeling for Non-Autoregressive Speech Synthesis
Prosody modeling is an essential component in modern text-to-speech (TTS) frameworks. By explicitly providing prosody features to the TTS model, the style of synthesized utterances can thus be controlled. However, predicting natural and reasonable prosody at inference time is challenging. In this work, we analyzed the behavior of non-autoregressive TTS models under different prosody-modeling settings and proposed a hierarchical architecture, in which the prediction of phoneme-level prosody features are conditioned on the word-level prosody features. The proposed method outperforms other competitors in terms of audio quality and prosody naturalness in our objective and subjective evaluation.
From abstract items to latent spaces to observed data and back: Compositional Variational Auto-Encoder
Conditional Generative Models are now acknowledged an essential tool in Machine Learning. This paper focuses on their control. While many approaches aim at disentangling the data through the coordinate-wise control of their latent representations, another direction is explored in this paper. The proposed CompVAE handles data with a natural multi-ensemblist structure (i.e. that can naturally be decomposed into elements). Derived from Bayesian variational principles, CompVAE learns a latent representation leveraging both observational and symbolic information. A first contribution of the approach is that this latent representation supports a compositional generative model, amenable to multi-ensemblist operations (addition or subtraction of elements in the composition). This compositional ability is enabled by the invariance and generality of the whole framework w.r.t. respectively, the order and number of the elements. The second contribution of the paper is a proof of concept on synthetic 1D and 2D problems, demonstrating the efficiency of the proposed approach.
An Interpretable Graph-based Mapping of Trustworthy Machine Learning Research
There is an increasing interest in ensuring machine learning (ML) frameworks behave in a socially responsible manner and are deemed trustworthy. Although considerable progress has been made in the field of Trustworthy ML (TwML) in the recent past, much of the current characterization of this progress is qualitative. Consequently, decisions about how to address issues of trustworthiness and future research goals are often left to the interested researcher. In this paper, we present the first quantitative approach to characterize the comprehension of TwML research. We build a co-occurrence network of words using a web-scraped corpus of more than 7,000 peer-reviewed recent ML papers -- consisting of papers both related and unrelated to TwML. We use community detection to obtain semantic clusters of words in this network that can infer relative positions of TwML topics. We propose an innovative fingerprinting algorithm to obtain probabilistic similarity scores for individual words, then combine them to give a paper-level relevance score. The outcomes of our analysis inform a number of interesting insights on advancing the field of TwML research.
On Recovering Latent Factors From Sampling And Firing Graph
Consider a set of latent factors whose observable effect of activation is caught on a measure space that appears as a grid of bits tacking value in $\{0, 1 \}$. This paper intend to deliver a theoretical and practical answer to the question: Given that we have access to a perfect indicator of the activation of latent factors that label a finite dataset of grid's activity, can we imagine a procedure to build a generic identificator of factor's activations ?
Jamming Bandits
Can an intelligent jammer learn and adapt to unknown environments in an electronic warfare-type scenario? In this paper, we answer this question in the positive, by developing a cognitive jammer that adaptively and optimally disrupts the communication between a victim transmitter-receiver pair. We formalize the problem using a novel multi-armed bandit framework where the jammer can choose various physical layer parameters such as the signaling scheme, power level and the on-off/pulsing duration in an attempt to obtain power efficient jamming strategies. We first present novel online learning algorithms to maximize the jamming efficacy against static transmitter-receiver pairs and prove that our learning algorithm converges to the optimal (in terms of the error rate inflicted at the victim and the energy used) jamming strategy. Even more importantly, we prove that the rate of convergence to the optimal jamming strategy is sub-linear, i.e. the learning is fast in comparison to existing reinforcement learning algorithms, which is particularly important in dynamically changing wireless environments. Also, we characterize the performance of the proposed bandit-based learning algorithm against multiple static and adaptive transmitter-receiver pairs.
Image-based Treatment Effect Heterogeneity
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are considered the gold standard for estimating the effects of interventions. Recent work has studied effect heterogeneity in RCTs by conditioning estimates on tabular variables such as age and ethnicity. However, such variables are often only observed near the time of the experiment and may fail to capture historical or geographical reasons for effect variation. When experiment units are associated with a particular location, satellite imagery can provide such historical and geographical information, yet there is no method which incorporates it for describing effect heterogeneity. In this paper, we develop such a method which estimates, using a deep probabilistic modeling framework, the clusters of images having the same distribution over treatment effects. We compare the proposed methods against alternatives in simulation and in an application to estimating the effects of an anti-poverty intervention in Uganda. A causal regularization penalty is introduced to ensure reliability of the cluster model in recovering Average Treatment Effects (ATEs). Finally, we discuss feasibility, limitations, and the applicability of these methods to other domains, such as medicine and climate science, where image information is prevalent. We make code for all modeling strategies publicly available in an open-source software package.
Guidelines and Benchmarks for Deployment of Deep Learning Models on Smartphones as Real-Time Apps
Deep learning solutions are being increasingly used in mobile applications. Although there are many open-source software tools for the development of deep learning solutions, there are no guidelines in one place in a unified manner for using these tools towards real-time deployment of these solutions on smartphones. From the variety of available deep learning tools, the most suited ones are used in this paper to enable real-time deployment of deep learning inference networks on smartphones. A uniform flow of implementation is devised for both Android and iOS smartphones. The advantage of using multi-threading to achieve or improve real-time throughputs is also showcased. A benchmarking framework consisting of accuracy, CPU/GPU consumption and real-time throughput is considered for validation purposes. The developed deployment approach allows deep learning models to be turned into real-time smartphone apps with ease based on publicly available deep learning and smartphone software tools. This approach is applied to six popular or representative convolutional neural network models and the validation results based on the benchmarking metrics are reported.
Horizontally Fused Training Array: An Effective Hardware Utilization Squeezer for Training Novel Deep Learning Models
Driven by the tremendous effort in researching novel deep learning (DL) algorithms, the training cost of developing new models increases staggeringly in recent years. We analyze GPU cluster usage statistics from a top research institute for more insights into the hardware efficiency achieved by typical DL training jobs. Our study reveals that single-accelerator training jobs can dominate the cluster-wide resource consumption when launched repetitively (e.g., for hyper-parameter tuning) while severely under-utilizing the hardware. Fortunately, we observe that such workloads have the following unique characteristics: (i) the models among jobs often have the same types of operators with the same shapes, and (ii) the inter-model horizontal fusion of such operators is mathematically equivalent to other already well-optimized operators. Thus, to help DL researchers and practitioners effectively improve the hardware utilization of their novel DL training workloads, we propose Horizontally Fused Training Array (HFTA). HFTA is a new DL framework extension library that horizontally fuses the models from different repetitive jobs deeply down to operators and then trains them simultaneously on a shared accelerator. To show the generality of our solution, we apply HFTA to six DL models training on state-of-the-art accelerators (GPUs and TPUs). Our results indicate that HFTA is highly effective in improving hardware utilization and achieves up to $15.1 \times$ higher training throughput vs. the standard practice of running each job on a separate accelerator.
BlendTorch: A Real-Time, Adaptive Domain Randomization Library
Solving complex computer vision tasks by deep learning techniques relies on large amounts of (supervised) image data, typically unavailable in industrial environments. The lack of training data starts to impede the successful transfer of state-of-the-art methods in computer vision to industrial applications. We introduce BlendTorch, an adaptive Domain Randomization (DR) library, to help creating infinite streams of synthetic training data. BlendTorch generates data by massively randomizing low-fidelity simulations and takes care of distributing artificial training data for model learning in real-time. We show that models trained with BlendTorch repeatedly perform better in an industrial object detection task than those trained on real or photo-realistic datasets.
Distributed Networked Learning with Correlated Data
We consider a distributed estimation method in a setting with heterogeneous streams of correlated data distributed across nodes in a network. In the considered approach, linear models are estimated locally (i.e., with only local data) subject to a network regularization term that penalizes a local model that differs from neighboring models. We analyze computation dynamics (associated with stochastic gradient updates) and information exchange (associated with exchanging current models with neighboring nodes). We provide a finite-time characterization of convergence of the weighted ensemble average estimate and compare this result to federated learning, an alternative approach to estimation wherein a single model is updated by locally generated gradient updates. This comparison highlights the trade-off between speed vs precision: while model updates take place at a faster rate in federated learning, the proposed networked approach to estimation enables the identification of models with higher precision. We illustrate the method's general applicability in two examples: estimating a Markov random field using wireless sensor networks and modeling prey escape behavior of flocking birds based on a publicly available dataset.
Predicting Clinical Outcome of Stroke Patients with Tractographic Feature
The volume of stroke lesion is the gold standard for predicting the clinical outcome of stroke patients. However, the presence of stroke lesion may cause neural disruptions to other brain regions, and these potentially damaged regions may affect the clinical outcome of stroke patients. In this paper, we introduce the tractographic feature to capture these potentially damaged regions and predict the modified Rankin Scale (mRS), which is a widely used outcome measure in stroke clinical trials. The tractographic feature is built from the stroke lesion and average connectome information from a group of normal subjects. The tractographic feature takes into account different functional regions that may be affected by the stroke, thus complementing the commonly used stroke volume features. The proposed tractographic feature is tested on a public stroke benchmark Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation 2017 and achieves higher accuracy than the stroke volume and the state-of-the-art feature on predicting the mRS grades of stroke patients. In addition, the tractographic feature also yields a lower average absolute error than the commonly used stroke volume feature.
Learning Neural Network Classifiers with Low Model Complexity
Modern neural network architectures for large-scale learning tasks have substantially higher model complexities, which makes understanding, visualizing and training these architectures difficult. Recent contributions to deep learning techniques have focused on architectural modifications to improve parameter efficiency and performance. In this paper, we derive a continuous and differentiable error functional for a neural network that minimizes its empirical error as well as a measure of the model complexity. The latter measure is obtained by deriving a differentiable upper bound on the Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension of the classifier layer of a class of deep networks. Using standard backpropagation, we realize a training rule that tries to minimize the error on training samples, while improving generalization by keeping the model complexity low. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our formulation (the Low Complexity Neural Network - LCNN) across several deep learning algorithms, and a variety of large benchmark datasets. We show that hidden layer neurons in the resultant networks learn features that are crisp, and in the case of image datasets, quantitatively sharper. Our proposed approach yields benefits across a wide range of architectures, in comparison to and in conjunction with methods such as Dropout and Batch Normalization, and our results strongly suggest that deep learning techniques can benefit from model complexity control methods such as the LCNN learning rule.
Graph Neural Networks for Massive MIMO Detection
In this paper, we innovately use graph neural networks (GNNs) to learn a message-passing solution for the inference task of massive multiple multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) detection in wireless communication. We adopt a graphical model based on the Markov random field (MRF) where belief propagation (BP) yields poor results when it assumes a uniform prior over the transmitted symbols. Numerical simulations show that, under the uniform prior assumption, our GNN-based MIMO detection solution outperforms the minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) baseline detector, in contrast to BP. Furthermore, experiments demonstrate that the performance of the algorithm slightly improves by incorporating MMSE information into the prior.
Heterogeneous Representation Learning: A Review
The real-world data usually exhibits heterogeneous properties such as modalities, views, or resources, which brings some unique challenges wherein the key is Heterogeneous Representation Learning (HRL) termed in this paper. This brief survey covers the topic of HRL, centered around several major learning settings and real-world applications. First of all, from the mathematical perspective, we present a unified learning framework which is able to model most existing learning settings with the heterogeneous inputs. After that, we conduct a comprehensive discussion on the HRL framework by reviewing some selected learning problems along with the mathematics perspectives, including multi-view learning, heterogeneous transfer learning, Learning using privileged information and heterogeneous multi-task learning. For each learning task, we also discuss some applications under these learning problems and instantiates the terms in the mathematical framework. Finally, we highlight the challenges that are less-touched in HRL and present future research directions. To the best of our knowledge, there is no such framework to unify these heterogeneous problems, and this survey would benefit the community.
ADDS: Adaptive Differentiable Sampling for Robust Multi-Party Learning
Distributed multi-party learning provides an effective approach for training a joint model with scattered data under legal and practical constraints. However, due to the quagmire of a skewed distribution of data labels across participants and the computation bottleneck of local devices, how to build smaller customized models for clients in various scenarios while providing updates appliable to the central model remains a challenge. In this paper, we propose a novel adaptive differentiable sampling framework (ADDS) for robust and communication-efficient multi-party learning. Inspired by the idea of dropout in neural networks, we introduce a network sampling strategy in the multi-party setting, which distributes different subnets of the central model to clients for updating, and the differentiable sampling rates allow each client to extract optimal local architecture from the supernet according to its private data distribution. The approach requires minimal modifications to the existing multi-party learning structure, and it is capable of integrating local updates of all subnets into the supernet, improving the robustness of the central model. The proposed framework significantly reduces local computation and communication costs while speeding up the central model convergence, as we demonstrated through experiments on real-world datasets.
Incremental Learning of Event Definitions with Inductive Logic Programming
Event recognition systems rely on properly engineered knowledge bases of event definitions to infer occurrences of events in time. The manual development of such knowledge is a tedious and error-prone task, thus event-based applications may benefit from automated knowledge construction techniques, such as Inductive Logic Programming (ILP), which combines machine learning with the declarative and formal semantics of First-Order Logic. However, learning temporal logical formalisms, which are typically utilized by logic-based Event Recognition systems is a challenging task, which most ILP systems cannot fully undertake. In addition, event-based data is usually massive and collected at different times and under various circumstances. Ideally, systems that learn from temporal data should be able to operate in an incremental mode, that is, revise prior constructed knowledge in the face of new evidence. Most ILP systems are batch learners, in the sense that in order to account for new evidence they have no alternative but to forget past knowledge and learn from scratch. Given the increased inherent complexity of ILP and the volumes of real-life temporal data, this results to algorithms that scale poorly. In this work we present an incremental method for learning and revising event-based knowledge, in the form of Event Calculus programs. The proposed algorithm relies on abductive-inductive learning and comprises a scalable clause refinement methodology, based on a compressive summarization of clause coverage in a stream of examples. We present an empirical evaluation of our approach on real and synthetic data from activity recognition and city transport applications.
Estimating crop yields with remote sensing and deep learning
Increasing the accuracy of crop yield estimates may allow improvements in the whole crop production chain, allowing farmers to better plan for harvest, and for insurers to better understand risks of production, to name a few advantages. To perform their predictions, most current machine learning models use NDVI data, which can be hard to use, due to the presence of clouds and their shadows in acquired images, and due to the absence of reliable crop masks for large areas, especially in developing countries. In this paper, we present a deep learning model able to perform pre-season and in-season predictions for five different crops. Our model uses crop calendars, easy-to-obtain remote sensing data and weather forecast information to provide accurate yield estimates.
Tensorial Neural Networks: Generalization of Neural Networks and Application to Model Compression
We propose tensorial neural networks (TNNs), a generalization of existing neural networks by extending tensor operations on low order operands to those on high order ones. The problem of parameter learning is challenging, as it corresponds to hierarchical nonlinear tensor decomposition. We propose to solve the learning problem using stochastic gradient descent by deriving nontrivial backpropagation rules in generalized tensor algebra we introduce. Our proposed TNNs has three advantages over existing neural networks: (1) TNNs naturally apply to high order input object and thus preserve the multi-dimensional structure in the input, as there is no need to flatten the data. (2) TNNs interpret designs of existing neural network architectures. (3) Mapping a neural network to TNNs with the same expressive power results in a TNN of fewer parameters. TNN based compression of neural network improves existing low-rank approximation based compression methods as TNNs exploit two other types of invariant structures, periodicity and modulation, in addition to the low rankness. Experiments on LeNet-5 (MNIST), ResNet-32 (CIFAR10) and ResNet-50 (ImageNet) demonstrate that our TNN based compression outperforms (5% test accuracy improvement universally on CIFAR10) the state-of-the-art low-rank approximation based compression methods under the same compression rate, besides achieving orders of magnitude faster convergence rates due to the efficiency of TNNs.
Measuring similarity between geo-tagged videos using largest common view
This paper presents a novel problem for discovering the similar trajectories based on the field of view (FoV) of the video data. The problem is important for many societal applications such as grouping moving objects, classifying geo-images, and identifying the interesting trajectory patterns. Prior work consider only either spatial locations or spatial relationship between two line-segments. However, these approaches show a limitation to find the similar moving objects with common views. In this paper, we propose new algorithm that can group both spatial locations and points of view to identify similar trajectories. We also propose novel methods that reduce the computational cost for the proposed work. Experimental results using real-world datasets demonstrates that the proposed approach outperforms prior work and reduces the computational cost.
Improving Longer-range Dialogue State Tracking
Dialogue state tracking (DST) is a pivotal component in task-oriented dialogue systems. While it is relatively easy for a DST model to capture belief states in short conversations, the task of DST becomes more challenging as the length of a dialogue increases due to the injection of more distracting contexts. In this paper, we aim to improve the overall performance of DST with a special focus on handling longer dialogues. We tackle this problem from three perspectives: 1) A model designed to enable hierarchical slot status prediction; 2) Balanced training procedure for generic and task-specific language understanding; 3) Data perturbation which enhances the model's ability in handling longer conversations. We conduct experiments on the MultiWOZ benchmark, and demonstrate the effectiveness of each component via a set of ablation tests, especially on longer conversations.
Explore or exploit? A generic model and an exactly solvable case
Finding a good compromise between the exploitation of known resources and the exploration of unknown, but potentially more profitable choices, is a general problem, which arises in many different scientific disciplines. We propose a stylized model for these exploration-exploitation situations, including population or economic growth, portfolio optimisation, evolutionary dynamics, or the problem of optimal pinning of vortices or dislocations in disordered materials. We find the exact growth rate of this model for tree-like geometries and prove the existence of an optimal migration rate in this case. Numerical simulations in the one-dimensional case confirm the generic existence of an optimum.
KaoKore: A Pre-modern Japanese Art Facial Expression Dataset
From classifying handwritten digits to generating strings of text, the datasets which have received long-time focus from the machine learning community vary greatly in their subject matter. This has motivated a renewed interest in building datasets which are socially and culturally relevant, so that algorithmic research may have a more direct and immediate impact on society. One such area is in history and the humanities, where better and relevant machine learning models can accelerate research across various fields. To this end, newly released benchmarks and models have been proposed for transcribing historical Japanese cursive writing, yet for the field as a whole using machine learning for historical Japanese artworks still remains largely uncharted. To bridge this gap, in this work we propose a new dataset KaoKore which consists of faces extracted from pre-modern Japanese artwork. We demonstrate its value as both a dataset for image classification as well as a creative and artistic dataset, which we explore using generative models. Dataset available at https://github.com/rois-codh/kaokore
Underwater Multi-Robot Convoying using Visual Tracking by Detection
We present a robust multi-robot convoying approach that relies on visual detection of the leading agent, thus enabling target following in unstructured 3-D environments. Our method is based on the idea of tracking-by-detection, which interleaves efficient model-based object detection with temporal filtering of image-based bounding box estimation. This approach has the important advantage of mitigating tracking drift (i.e. drifting away from the target object), which is a common symptom of model-free trackers and is detrimental to sustained convoying in practice. To illustrate our solution, we collected extensive footage of an underwater robot in ocean settings, and hand-annotated its location in each frame. Based on this dataset, we present an empirical comparison of multiple tracker variants, including the use of several convolutional neural networks, both with and without recurrent connections, as well as frequency-based model-free trackers. We also demonstrate the practicality of this tracking-by-detection strategy in real-world scenarios by successfully controlling a legged underwater robot in five degrees of freedom to follow another robot's independent motion.
Zermelo's problem: Optimal point-to-point navigation in 2D turbulent flows using Reinforcement Learning
To find the path that minimizes the time to navigate between two given points in a fluid flow is known as Zermelo's problem. Here, we investigate it by using a Reinforcement Learning (RL) approach for the case of a vessel which has a slip velocity with fixed intensity, Vs , but variable direction and navigating in a 2D turbulent sea. We show that an Actor-Critic RL algorithm is able to find quasi-optimal solutions for both time-independent and chaotically evolving flow configurations. For the frozen case, we also compared the results with strategies obtained analytically from continuous Optimal Navigation (ON) protocols. We show that for our application, ON solutions are unstable for the typical duration of the navigation process, and are therefore not useful in practice. On the other hand, RL solutions are much more robust with respect to small changes in the initial conditions and to external noise, even when V s is much smaller than the maximum flow velocity. Furthermore, we show how the RL approach is able to take advantage of the flow properties in order to reach the target, especially when the steering speed is small.
Differential equations as models of deep neural networks
In this work we systematically analyze general properties of differential equations used as machine learning models. We demonstrate that the gradient of the loss function with respect to to the hidden state can be considered as a generalized momentum conjugate to the hidden state, allowing application of the tools of classical mechanics. In addition, we show that not only residual networks, but also feedforward neural networks with small nonlinearities and the weights matrices deviating only slightly from identity matrices can be related to the differential equations. We propose a differential equation describing such networks and investigate its properties.
Asking Complex Questions with Multi-hop Answer-focused Reasoning
Asking questions from natural language text has attracted increasing attention recently, and several schemes have been proposed with promising results by asking the right question words and copy relevant words from the input to the question. However, most state-of-the-art methods focus on asking simple questions involving single-hop relations. In this paper, we propose a new task called multihop question generation that asks complex and semantically relevant questions by additionally discovering and modeling the multiple entities and their semantic relations given a collection of documents and the corresponding answer 1. To solve the problem, we propose multi-hop answer-focused reasoning on the grounded answer-centric entity graph to include different granularity levels of semantic information including the word-level and document-level semantics of the entities and their semantic relations. Through extensive experiments on the HOTPOTQA dataset, we demonstrate the superiority and effectiveness of our proposed model that serves as a baseline to motivate future work.
Automated Circuit Sizing with Multi-objective Optimization based on Differential Evolution and Bayesian Inference
With the ever increasing complexity of specifications, manual sizing for analog circuits recently became very challenging. Especially for innovative, large-scale circuits designs, with tens of design variables, operating conditions and conflicting objectives to be optimized, design engineers spend many weeks, running time-consuming simulations, in their attempt at finding the right configuration. Recent years brought machine learning and optimization techniques to the field of analog circuits design, with evolutionary algorithms and Bayesian models showing good results for circuit sizing. In this context, we introduce a design optimization method based on Generalized Differential Evolution 3 (GDE3) and Gaussian Processes (GPs). The proposed method is able to perform sizing for complex circuits with a large number of design variables and many conflicting objectives to be optimized. While state-of-the-art methods reduce multi-objective problems to single-objective optimization and potentially induce a prior bias, we search directly over the multi-objective space using Pareto dominance and ensure that diverse solutions are provided to the designers to choose from. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed method is the first to specifically address the diversity of the solutions, while also focusing on minimizing the number of simulations required to reach feasible configurations. We evaluate the introduced method on two voltage regulators showing different levels of complexity and we highlight that the proposed innovative candidate selection method and survival policy leads to obtaining feasible solutions, with a high degree of diversity, much faster than with GDE3 or Bayesian Optimization-based algorithms.
An Error-Oriented Approach to Word Embedding Pre-Training
We propose a novel word embedding pre-training approach that exploits writing errors in learners' scripts. We compare our method to previous models that tune the embeddings based on script scores and the discrimination between correct and corrupt word contexts in addition to the generic commonly-used embeddings pre-trained on large corpora. The comparison is achieved by using the aforementioned models to bootstrap a neural network that learns to predict a holistic score for scripts. Furthermore, we investigate augmenting our model with error corrections and monitor the impact on performance. Our results show that our error-oriented approach outperforms other comparable ones which is further demonstrated when training on more data. Additionally, extending the model with corrections provides further performance gains when data sparsity is an issue.
Language-Independent Sentiment Analysis Using Subjectivity and Positional Information
We describe a novel language-independent approach to the task of determining the polarity, positive or negative, of the author's opinion on a specific topic in natural language text. In particular, weights are assigned to attributes, individual words or word bi-grams, based on their position and on their likelihood of being subjective. The subjectivity of each attribute is estimated in a two-step process, where first the probability of being subjective is calculated for each sentence containing the attribute, and then these probabilities are used to alter the attribute's weights for polarity classification. The evaluation results on a standard dataset of movie reviews shows 89.85% classification accuracy, which rivals the best previously published results for this dataset for systems that use no additional linguistic information nor external resources.
Offline Decentralized Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
In many real-world multi-agent cooperative tasks, due to high cost and risk, agents cannot interact with the environment and collect experiences during learning, but have to learn from offline datasets. However, the transition probabilities calculated from the dataset can be much different from the transition probabilities induced by the learned policies of other agents, creating large errors in value estimates. Moreover, the experience distributions of agents' datasets may vary wildly due to diverse behavior policies, causing large difference in value estimates between agents. Consequently, agents will learn uncoordinated suboptimal policies. In this paper, we propose MABCQ, which exploits value deviation and transition normalization to modify the transition probabilities. Value deviation optimistically increases the transition probabilities of high-value next states, and transition normalization normalizes the biased transition probabilities of next states. They together encourage agents to discover potential optimal and coordinated policies. Mathematically, we prove the convergence of Q-learning under the non-stationary transition probabilities after modification. Empirically, we show that MABCQ greatly outperforms baselines and reduces the difference in value estimates between agents.
Synthetic vs. Real Reference Strings for Citation Parsing, and the Importance of Re-training and Out-Of-Sample Data for Meaningful Evaluations: Experiments with GROBID, GIANT and Cora
Citation parsing, particularly with deep neural networks, suffers from a lack of training data as available datasets typically contain only a few thousand training instances. Manually labelling citation strings is very time-consuming, hence synthetically created training data could be a solution. However, as of now, it is unknown if synthetically created reference-strings are suitable to train machine learning algorithms for citation parsing. To find out, we train Grobid, which uses Conditional Random Fields, with a) human-labelled reference strings from 'real' bibliographies and b) synthetically created reference strings from the GIANT dataset. We find that both synthetic and organic reference strings are equally suited for training Grobid (F1 = 0.74). We additionally find that retraining Grobid has a notable impact on its performance, for both synthetic and real data (+30% in F1). Having as many types of labelled fields as possible during training also improves effectiveness, even if these fields are not available in the evaluation data (+13.5% F1). We conclude that synthetic data is suitable for training (deep) citation parsing models. We further suggest that in future evaluations of reference parsers both evaluation data similar and dissimilar to the training data should be used for more meaningful evaluations.
GitRank: A Framework to Rank GitHub Repositories
Open-source repositories provide wealth of information and are increasingly being used to build artificial intelligence (AI) based systems to solve problems in software engineering. Open-source repositories could be of varying quality levels, and bad-quality repositories could degrade performance of these systems. Evaluating quality of open-source repositories, which is not available directly on code hosting sites such as GitHub, is thus important. In this hackathon, we utilize known code quality measures and GrimoireLab toolkit to implement a framework, named GitRank, to rank open-source repositories on three different criteria. We discuss our findings and preliminary evaluation in this hackathon report.
Physical Side-Channel Attacks on Embedded Neural Networks: A Survey
During the last decade, Deep Neural Networks (DNN) have progressively been integrated on all types of platforms, from data centers to embedded systems including low-power processors and, recently, FPGAs. Neural Networks (NN) are expected to become ubiquitous in IoT systems by transforming all sorts of real-world applications, including applications in the safety-critical and security-sensitive domains. However, the underlying hardware security vulnerabilities of embedded NN implementations remain unaddressed. In particular, embedded DNN implementations are vulnerable to Side-Channel Analysis (SCA) attacks, which are especially important in the IoT and edge computing contexts where an attacker can usually gain physical access to the targeted device. A research field has therefore emerged and is rapidly growing in terms of the use of SCA including timing, electromagnetic attacks and power attacks to target NN embedded implementations. Since 2018, research papers have shown that SCA enables an attacker to recover inference models architectures and parameters, to expose industrial IP and endangers data confidentiality and privacy. Without a complete review of this emerging field in the literature so far, this paper surveys state-of-the-art physical SCA attacks relative to the implementation of embedded DNNs on micro-controllers and FPGAs in order to provide a thorough analysis on the current landscape. It provides a taxonomy and a detailed classification of current attacks. It first discusses mitigation techniques and then provides insights for future research leads.
Identifying DNS-tunneled traffic with predictive models
DNS is a distributed, fault tolerant system that avoids a single point of failure. As such it is an integral part of the internet as we use it today and hence deemed a safe protocol which is let through firewalls and proxies with no or little checks. This can be exploited by malicious agents. Network forensics is effective but struggles due to size of data and manual labour. This paper explores to what extent predictive models can be used to predict network traffic, what protocols are tunneled in the DNS protocol and more specifically whether the predictive performance is enhanced when analyzing DNS-queries and responses together and which feature set that can be used for DNS-tunneled network prediction. The tested protocols are SSH, SFTP and Telnet and the machine learning models used are Multi Layered Perceptron and Random Forests. To train the models we extract the IP Packet length, Name length and Name entropy of both the queries and responses in the DNS traffic. With an experimental research strategy it is empirically shown that the performance of the models increases when training the models on the query and respose pairs rather than using only queries or responses. The accuracy of the models is >83% and reduction in data size when features are extracted is roughly 95%. Our results provides evidence that machine learning is a valuable tool in detecting network protocols in a DNS tunnel and that only an small subset of network traffic is needed to detect this anomaly.
Who is Real Bob? Adversarial Attacks on Speaker Recognition Systems
Speaker recognition (SR) is widely used in our daily life as a biometric authentication or identification mechanism. The popularity of SR brings in serious security concerns, as demonstrated by recent adversarial attacks. However, the impacts of such threats in the practical black-box setting are still open, since current attacks consider the white-box setting only. In this paper, we conduct the first comprehensive and systematic study of the adversarial attacks on SR systems (SRSs) to understand their security weakness in the practical blackbox setting. For this purpose, we propose an adversarial attack, named FAKEBOB, to craft adversarial samples. Specifically, we formulate the adversarial sample generation as an optimization problem, incorporated with the confidence of adversarial samples and maximal distortion to balance between the strength and imperceptibility of adversarial voices. One key contribution is to propose a novel algorithm to estimate the score threshold, a feature in SRSs, and use it in the optimization problem to solve the optimization problem. We demonstrate that FAKEBOB achieves 99% targeted attack success rate on both open-source and commercial systems. We further demonstrate that FAKEBOB is also effective on both open-source and commercial systems when playing over the air in the physical world. Moreover, we have conducted a human study which reveals that it is hard for human to differentiate the speakers of the original and adversarial voices. Last but not least, we show that four promising defense methods for adversarial attack from the speech recognition domain become ineffective on SRSs against FAKEBOB, which calls for more effective defense methods. We highlight that our study peeks into the security implications of adversarial attacks on SRSs, and realistically fosters to improve the security robustness of SRSs.
Co-Seg: An Image Segmentation Framework Against Label Corruption
Supervised deep learning performance is heavily tied to the availability of high-quality labels for training. Neural networks can gradually overfit corrupted labels if directly trained on noisy datasets, leading to severe performance degradation at test time. In this paper, we propose a novel deep learning framework, namely Co-Seg, to collaboratively train segmentation networks on datasets which include low-quality noisy labels. Our approach first trains two networks simultaneously to sift through all samples and obtain a subset with reliable labels. Then, an efficient yet easily-implemented label correction strategy is applied to enrich the reliable subset. Finally, using the updated dataset, we retrain the segmentation network to finalize its parameters. Experiments in two noisy labels scenarios demonstrate that our proposed model can achieve results comparable to those obtained from supervised learning trained on the noise-free labels. In addition, our framework can be easily implemented in any segmentation algorithm to increase its robustness to noisy labels.
The Cost of Privacy: Optimal Rates of Convergence for Parameter Estimation with Differential Privacy
Privacy-preserving data analysis is a rising challenge in contemporary statistics, as the privacy guarantees of statistical methods are often achieved at the expense of accuracy. In this paper, we investigate the tradeoff between statistical accuracy and privacy in mean estimation and linear regression, under both the classical low-dimensional and modern high-dimensional settings. A primary focus is to establish minimax optimality for statistical estimation with the $(\varepsilon,\delta)$-differential privacy constraint. To this end, we find that classical lower bound arguments fail to yield sharp results, and new technical tools are called for. By refining the "tracing adversary" technique for lower bounds in the theoretical computer science literature, we formulate a general lower bound argument for minimax risks with differential privacy constraints, and apply this argument to high-dimensional mean estimation and linear regression problems. We also design computationally efficient algorithms that attain the minimax lower bounds up to a logarithmic factor. In particular, for the high-dimensional linear regression, a novel private iterative hard thresholding pursuit algorithm is proposed, based on a privately truncated version of stochastic gradient descent. The numerical performance of these algorithms is demonstrated by simulation studies and applications to real data containing sensitive information, for which privacy-preserving statistical methods are necessary.
Dissimilarity-based Ensembles for Multiple Instance Learning
In multiple instance learning, objects are sets (bags) of feature vectors (instances) rather than individual feature vectors. In this paper we address the problem of how these bags can best be represented. Two standard approaches are to use (dis)similarities between bags and prototype bags, or between bags and prototype instances. The first approach results in a relatively low-dimensional representation determined by the number of training bags, while the second approach results in a relatively high-dimensional representation, determined by the total number of instances in the training set. In this paper a third, intermediate approach is proposed, which links the two approaches and combines their strengths. Our classifier is inspired by a random subspace ensemble, and considers subspaces of the dissimilarity space, defined by subsets of instances, as prototypes. We provide guidelines for using such an ensemble, and show state-of-the-art performances on a range of multiple instance learning problems.
Bilinear Classes: A Structural Framework for Provable Generalization in RL
This work introduces Bilinear Classes, a new structural framework, which permit generalization in reinforcement learning in a wide variety of settings through the use of function approximation. The framework incorporates nearly all existing models in which a polynomial sample complexity is achievable, and, notably, also includes new models, such as the Linear $Q^*/V^*$ model in which both the optimal $Q$-function and the optimal $V$-function are linear in some known feature space. Our main result provides an RL algorithm which has polynomial sample complexity for Bilinear Classes; notably, this sample complexity is stated in terms of a reduction to the generalization error of an underlying supervised learning sub-problem. These bounds nearly match the best known sample complexity bounds for existing models. Furthermore, this framework also extends to the infinite dimensional (RKHS) setting: for the the Linear $Q^*/V^*$ model, linear MDPs, and linear mixture MDPs, we provide sample complexities that have no explicit dependence on the explicit feature dimension (which could be infinite), but instead depends only on information theoretic quantities.
Infinite-Horizon Offline Reinforcement Learning with Linear Function Approximation: Curse of Dimensionality and Algorithm
In this paper, we investigate the sample complexity of policy evaluation in infinite-horizon offline reinforcement learning (also known as the off-policy evaluation problem) with linear function approximation. We identify a hard regime $d\gamma^{2}>1$, where $d$ is the dimension of the feature vector and $\gamma$ is the discount rate. In this regime, for any $q\in[\gamma^{2},1]$, we can construct a hard instance such that the smallest eigenvalue of its feature covariance matrix is $q/d$ and it requires $\Omega\left(\frac{d}{\gamma^{2}\left(q-\gamma^{2}\right)\varepsilon^{2}}\exp\left(\Theta\left(d\gamma^{2}\right)\right)\right)$ samples to approximate the value function up to an additive error $\varepsilon$. Note that the lower bound of the sample complexity is exponential in $d$. If $q=\gamma^{2}$, even infinite data cannot suffice. Under the low distribution shift assumption, we show that there is an algorithm that needs at most $O\left(\max\left\{ \frac{\left\Vert \theta^{\pi}\right\Vert _{2}^{4}}{\varepsilon^{4}}\log\frac{d}{\delta},\frac{1}{\varepsilon^{2}}\left(d+\log\frac{1}{\delta}\right)\right\} \right)$ samples ($\theta^{\pi}$ is the parameter of the policy in linear function approximation) and guarantees approximation to the value function up to an additive error of $\varepsilon$ with probability at least $1-\delta$.
Unfairness towards subjective opinions in Machine Learning
Despite the high interest for Machine Learning (ML) in academia and industry, many issues related to the application of ML to real-life problems are yet to be addressed. Here we put forward one limitation which arises from a lack of adaptation of ML models and datasets to specific applications. We formalise a new notion of unfairness as exclusion of opinions. We propose ways to quantify this unfairness, and aid understanding its causes through visualisation. These insights into the functioning of ML-based systems hint at methods to mitigate unfairness.
PaperRobot: Incremental Draft Generation of Scientific Ideas
We present a PaperRobot who performs as an automatic research assistant by (1) conducting deep understanding of a large collection of human-written papers in a target domain and constructing comprehensive background knowledge graphs (KGs); (2) creating new ideas by predicting links from the background KGs, by combining graph attention and contextual text attention; (3) incrementally writing some key elements of a new paper based on memory-attention networks: from the input title along with predicted related entities to generate a paper abstract, from the abstract to generate conclusion and future work, and finally from future work to generate a title for a follow-on paper. Turing Tests, where a biomedical domain expert is asked to compare a system output and a human-authored string, show PaperRobot generated abstracts, conclusion and future work sections, and new titles are chosen over human-written ones up to 30%, 24% and 12% of the time, respectively.
On the Sample Complexity of Reinforcement Learning with Policy Space Generalization
We study the optimal sample complexity in large-scale Reinforcement Learning (RL) problems with policy space generalization, i.e. the agent has a prior knowledge that the optimal policy lies in a known policy space. Existing results show that without a generalization model, the sample complexity of an RL algorithm will inevitably depend on the cardinalities of state space and action space, which are intractably large in many practical problems. To avoid such undesirable dependence on the state and action space sizes, this paper proposes a new notion of eluder dimension for the policy space, which characterizes the intrinsic complexity of policy learning in an arbitrary Markov Decision Process (MDP). Using a simulator oracle, we prove a near-optimal sample complexity upper bound that only depends linearly on the eluder dimension. We further prove a similar regret bound in deterministic systems without the simulator.
Linear Contour Learning: A Method for Supervised Dimension Reduction
We propose a novel approach to sufficient dimension reduction in regression, based on estimating contour directions of negligible variation for the response surface. These directions span the orthogonal complement of the minimal space relevant for the regression, and can be extracted according to a measure of the variation in the response, leading to General Contour Regression(GCR). In comparison to exiisting sufficient dimension reduction techniques, this sontour-based mothology guarantees exhaustive estimation of the central space under ellipticity of the predictoor distribution and very mild additional assumptions, while maintaining vn-consisytency and somputational ease. Moreover, it proves to be robust to departures from ellipticity. We also establish some useful population properties for GCR. Simulations to compare performance with that of standard techniques such as ordinary least squares, sliced inverse regression, principal hessian directions, and sliced average variance estimation confirm the advntages anticipated by theoretical analyses. We also demonstrate the use of contour-based methods on a data set concerning grades of students from Massachusetts colleges.
DialogueGCN: A Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Emotion Recognition in Conversation
Emotion recognition in conversation (ERC) has received much attention, lately, from researchers due to its potential widespread applications in diverse areas, such as health-care, education, and human resources. In this paper, we present Dialogue Graph Convolutional Network (DialogueGCN), a graph neural network based approach to ERC. We leverage self and inter-speaker dependency of the interlocutors to model conversational context for emotion recognition. Through the graph network, DialogueGCN addresses context propagation issues present in the current RNN-based methods. We empirically show that this method alleviates such issues, while outperforming the current state of the art on a number of benchmark emotion classification datasets.
Unsupervised Temporal Video Grounding with Deep Semantic Clustering
Temporal video grounding (TVG) aims to localize a target segment in a video according to a given sentence query. Though respectable works have made decent achievements in this task, they severely rely on abundant video-query paired data, which is expensive and time-consuming to collect in real-world scenarios. In this paper, we explore whether a video grounding model can be learned without any paired annotations. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first work trying to address TVG in an unsupervised setting. Considering there is no paired supervision, we propose a novel Deep Semantic Clustering Network (DSCNet) to leverage all semantic information from the whole query set to compose the possible activity in each video for grounding. Specifically, we first develop a language semantic mining module, which extracts implicit semantic features from the whole query set. Then, these language semantic features serve as the guidance to compose the activity in video via a video-based semantic aggregation module. Finally, we utilize a foreground attention branch to filter out the redundant background activities and refine the grounding results. To validate the effectiveness of our DSCNet, we conduct experiments on both ActivityNet Captions and Charades-STA datasets. The results demonstrate that DSCNet achieves competitive performance, and even outperforms most weakly-supervised approaches.
Locally Private Bayesian Inference for Count Models
We present a general method for privacy-preserving Bayesian inference in Poisson factorization, a broad class of models that includes some of the most widely used models in the social sciences. Our method satisfies limited precision local privacy, a generalization of local differential privacy, which we introduce to formulate privacy guarantees appropriate for sparse count data. We develop an MCMC algorithm that approximates the locally private posterior over model parameters given data that has been locally privatized by the geometric mechanism (Ghosh et al., 2012). Our solution is based on two insights: 1) a novel reinterpretation of the geometric mechanism in terms of the Skellam distribution (Skellam, 1946) and 2) a general theorem that relates the Skellam to the Bessel distribution (Yuan & Kalbfleisch, 2000). We demonstrate our method in two case studies on real-world email data in which we show that our method consistently outperforms the commonly-used naive approach, obtaining higher quality topics in text and more accurate link prediction in networks. On some tasks, our privacy-preserving method even outperforms non-private inference which conditions on the true data.
Uncertainty Minimization for Personalized Federated Semi-Supervised Learning
Since federated learning (FL) has been introduced as a decentralized learning technique with privacy preservation, statistical heterogeneity of distributed data stays the main obstacle to achieve robust performance and stable convergence in FL applications. Model personalization methods have been studied to overcome this problem. However, existing approaches are mainly under the prerequisite of fully labeled data, which is unrealistic in practice due to the requirement of expertise. The primary issue caused by partial-labeled condition is that, clients with deficient labeled data can suffer from unfair performance gain because they lack adequate insights of local distribution to customize the global model. To tackle this problem, 1) we propose a novel personalized semi-supervised learning paradigm which allows partial-labeled or unlabeled clients to seek labeling assistance from data-related clients (helper agents), thus to enhance their perception of local data; 2) based on this paradigm, we design an uncertainty-based data-relation metric to ensure that selected helpers can provide trustworthy pseudo labels instead of misleading the local training; 3) to mitigate the network overload introduced by helper searching, we further develop a helper selection protocol to achieve efficient communication with negligible performance sacrifice. Experiments show that our proposed method can obtain superior performance and more stable convergence than other related works with partial labeled data, especially in highly heterogeneous setting.
GPT-too: A language-model-first approach for AMR-to-text generation
Meaning Representations (AMRs) are broad-coverage sentence-level semantic graphs. Existing approaches to generating text from AMR have focused on training sequence-to-sequence or graph-to-sequence models on AMR annotated data only. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach that combines a strong pre-trained language model with cycle consistency-based re-scoring. Despite the simplicity of the approach, our experimental results show these models outperform all previous techniques on the English LDC2017T10dataset, including the recent use of transformer architectures. In addition to the standard evaluation metrics, we provide human evaluation experiments that further substantiate the strength of our approach.
Soft-Robust Algorithms for Batch Reinforcement Learning
In reinforcement learning, robust policies for high-stakes decision-making problems with limited data are usually computed by optimizing the percentile criterion, which minimizes the probability of a catastrophic failure. Unfortunately, such policies are typically overly conservative as the percentile criterion is non-convex, difficult to optimize, and ignores the mean performance. To overcome these shortcomings, we study the soft-robust criterion, which uses risk measures to balance the mean and percentile criterion better. In this paper, we establish the soft-robust criterion's fundamental properties, show that it is NP-hard to optimize, and propose and analyze two algorithms to approximately optimize it. Our theoretical analyses and empirical evaluations demonstrate that our algorithms compute much less conservative solutions than the existing approximate methods for optimizing the percentile-criterion.
Tensor Relational Algebra for Machine Learning System Design
We consider the question: what is the abstraction that should be implemented by the computational engine of a machine learning system? Current machine learning systems typically push whole tensors through a series of compute kernels such as matrix multiplications or activation functions, where each kernel runs on an AI accelerator (ASIC) such as a GPU. This implementation abstraction provides little built-in support for ML systems to scale past a single machine, or for handling large models with matrices or tensors that do not easily fit into the RAM of an ASIC. In this paper, we present an alternative implementation abstraction called the tensor relational algebra (TRA). The TRA is a set-based algebra based on the relational algebra. Expressions in the TRA operate over binary tensor relations, where keys are multi-dimensional arrays and values are tensors. The TRA is easily executed with high efficiency in a parallel or distributed environment, and amenable to automatic optimization. Our empirical study shows that the optimized TRA-based back-end can significantly outperform alternatives for running ML workflows in distributed clusters.
Integer-Only Neural Network Quantization Scheme Based on Shift-Batch-Normalization
Neural networks are very popular in many areas, but great computing complexity makes it hard to run neural networks on devices with limited resources. To address this problem, quantization methods are used to reduce model size and computation cost, making it possible to use neural networks on embedded platforms or mobile devices. In this paper, an integer-only-quantization scheme is introduced. This scheme uses one layer that combines shift-based batch normalization and uniform quantization to implement 4-bit integer-only inference. Without big integer multiplication(which is used in previous integer-only-quantization methods), this scheme can achieve good power and latency efficiency, and is especially suitable to be deployed on co-designed hardware platforms. Tests have proved that this scheme works very well for easy tasks. And for tough tasks, performance loss can be tolerated for its inference efficiency. Our work is available on github: https://github.com/hguq/IntegerNet.
Multi-Armed Bandits for Correlated Markovian Environments with Smoothed Reward Feedback
We study a multi-armed bandit problem in a dynamic environment where arm rewards evolve in a correlated fashion according to a Markov chain. Different than much of the work on related problems, in our formulation a learning algorithm does not have access to either a priori information or observations of the state of the Markov chain and only observes smoothed reward feedback following time intervals we refer to as epochs. We demonstrate that existing methods such as UCB and $\varepsilon$-greedy can suffer linear regret in such an environment. Employing mixing-time bounds on Markov chains, we develop algorithms called EpochUCB and EpochGreedy that draw inspiration from the aforementioned methods, yet which admit sublinear regret guarantees for the problem formulation. Our proposed algorithms proceed in epochs in which an arm is played repeatedly for a number of iterations that grows linearly as a function of the number of times an arm has been played in the past. We analyze these algorithms under two types of smoothed reward feedback at the end of each epoch: a reward that is the discount-average of the discounted rewards within an epoch, and a reward that is the time-average of the rewards within an epoch.
Learning Privately over Distributed Features: An ADMM Sharing Approach
Distributed machine learning has been widely studied in order to handle exploding amount of data. In this paper, we study an important yet less visited distributed learning problem where features are inherently distributed or vertically partitioned among multiple parties, and sharing of raw data or model parameters among parties is prohibited due to privacy concerns. We propose an ADMM sharing framework to approach risk minimization over distributed features, where each party only needs to share a single value for each sample in the training process, thus minimizing the data leakage risk. We establish convergence and iteration complexity results for the proposed parallel ADMM algorithm under non-convex loss. We further introduce a novel differentially private ADMM sharing algorithm and bound the privacy guarantee with carefully designed noise perturbation. The experiments based on a prototype system shows that the proposed ADMM algorithms converge efficiently in a robust fashion, demonstrating advantage over gradient based methods especially for data set with high dimensional feature spaces.