Blending Pruning Criteria for Convolutional Neural Networks
The advancement of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on various vision applications has attracted lots of attention. Yet the majority of CNNs are unable to satisfy the strict requirement for real-world deployment. To overcome this, the recent popular network pruning is an effective method to reduce the redundancy of the models. However, the ranking of filters according to their "importance" on different pruning criteria may be inconsistent. One filter could be important according to a certain criterion, while it is unnecessary according to another one, which indicates that each criterion is only a partial view of the comprehensive "importance". From this motivation, we propose a novel framework to integrate the existing filter pruning criteria by exploring the criteria diversity. The proposed framework contains two stages: Criteria Clustering and Filters Importance Calibration. First, we condense the pruning criteria via layerwise clustering based on the rank of "importance" score. Second, within each cluster, we propose a calibration factor to adjust their significance for each selected blending candidates and search for the optimal blending criterion via Evolutionary Algorithm. Quantitative results on the CIFAR-100 and ImageNet benchmarks show that our framework outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines, regrading to the compact model performance after pruning.
A Novel Video Salient Object Detection Method via Semi-supervised Motion Quality Perception
Previous video salient object detection (VSOD) approaches have mainly focused on designing fancy networks to achieve their performance improvements. However, with the slow-down in development of deep learning techniques recently, it may become more and more difficult to anticipate another breakthrough via fancy networks solely. To this end, this paper proposes a universal learning scheme to get a further 3\% performance improvement for all state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods. The major highlight of our method is that we resort the "motion quality"---a brand new concept, to select a sub-group of video frames from the original testing set to construct a new training set. The selected frames in this new training set should all contain high-quality motions, in which the salient objects will have large probability to be successfully detected by the "target SOTA method"---the one we want to improve. Consequently, we can achieve a significant performance improvement by using this new training set to start a new round of network training. During this new round training, the VSOD results of the target SOTA method will be applied as the pseudo training objectives. Our novel learning scheme is simple yet effective, and its semi-supervised methodology may have large potential to inspire the VSOD community in the future.
Contrastive Graph Neural Network Explanation
Graph Neural Networks achieve remarkable results on problems with structured data but come as black-box predictors. Transferring existing explanation techniques, such as occlusion, fails as even removing a single node or edge can lead to drastic changes in the graph. The resulting graphs can differ from all training examples, causing model confusion and wrong explanations. Thus, we argue that explicability must use graphs compliant with the distribution underlying the training data. We coin this property Distribution Compliant Explanation (DCE) and present a novel Contrastive GNN Explanation (CoGE) technique following this paradigm. An experimental study supports the efficacy of CoGE.
Stochastic Neural Networks with Infinite Width are Deterministic
This work theoretically studies stochastic neural networks, a main type of neural network in use. We prove that as the width of an optimized stochastic neural network tends to infinity, its predictive variance on the training set decreases to zero. Our theory justifies the common intuition that adding stochasticity to the model can help regularize the model by introducing an averaging effect. Two common examples that our theory can be relevant to are neural networks with dropout and Bayesian latent variable models in a special limit. Our result thus helps better understand how stochasticity affects the learning of neural networks and potentially design better architectures for practical problems.
Freezing Sub-Models During Incremental Process Discovery: Extended Version
Process discovery aims to learn a process model from observed process behavior. From a user's perspective, most discovery algorithms work like a black box. Besides parameter tuning, there is no interaction between the user and the algorithm. Interactive process discovery allows the user to exploit domain knowledge and to guide the discovery process. Previously, an incremental discovery approach has been introduced where a model, considered to be under construction, gets incrementally extended by user-selected process behavior. This paper introduces a novel approach that additionally allows the user to freeze model parts within the model under construction. Frozen sub-models are not altered by the incremental approach when new behavior is added to the model. The user can thus steer the discovery algorithm. Our experiments show that freezing sub-models can lead to higher quality models.
A writer-independent approach for offline signature verification using deep convolutional neural networks features
The use of features extracted using a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) combined with a writer-dependent (WD) SVM classifier resulted in significant improvement in performance of handwritten signature verification (HSV) when compared to the previous state-of-the-art methods. In this work it is investigated whether the use of these CNN features provide good results in a writer-independent (WI) HSV context, based on the dichotomy transformation combined with the use of an SVM writer-independent classifier. The experiments performed in the Brazilian and GPDS datasets show that (i) the proposed approach outperformed other WI-HSV methods from the literature, (ii) in the global threshold scenario, the proposed approach was able to outperform the writer-dependent method with CNN features in the Brazilian dataset, (iii) in an user threshold scenario, the results are similar to those obtained by the writer-dependent method with CNN features.
Teaching Uncertainty Quantification in Machine Learning through Use Cases
Uncertainty in machine learning is not generally taught as general knowledge in Machine Learning course curricula. In this paper we propose a short curriculum for a course about uncertainty in machine learning, and complement the course with a selection of use cases, aimed to trigger discussion and let students play with the concepts of uncertainty in a programming setting. Our use cases cover the concept of output uncertainty, Bayesian neural networks and weight distributions, sources of uncertainty, and out of distribution detection. We expect that this curriculum and set of use cases motivates the community to adopt these important concepts into courses for safety in AI.
Towards an Interpretable Data-driven Trigger System for High-throughput Physics Facilities
Data-intensive science is increasingly reliant on real-time processing capabilities and machine learning workflows, in order to filter and analyze the extreme volumes of data being collected. This is especially true at the energy and intensity frontiers of particle physics where bandwidths of raw data can exceed 100 Tb/s of heterogeneous, high-dimensional data sourced from hundreds of millions of individual sensors. In this paper, we introduce a new data-driven approach for designing and optimizing high-throughput data filtering and trigger systems such as those in use at physics facilities like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Concretely, our goal is to design a data-driven filtering system with a minimal run-time cost for determining which data event to keep, while preserving (and potentially improving upon) the distribution of the output as generated by the hand-designed trigger system. We introduce key insights from interpretable predictive modeling and cost-sensitive learning in order to account for non-local inefficiencies in the current paradigm and construct a cost-effective data filtering and trigger model that does not compromise physics coverage.
EarthMapper: A Tool Box for the Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Imagery
Deep learning continues to push state-of-the-art performance for the semantic segmentation of color (i.e., RGB) imagery; however, the lack of annotated data for many remote sensing sensors (i.e. hyperspectral imagery (HSI)) prevents researchers from taking advantage of this recent success. Since generating sensor specific datasets is time intensive and cost prohibitive, remote sensing researchers have embraced deep unsupervised feature extraction. Although these methods have pushed state-of-the-art performance on current HSI benchmarks, many of these tools are not readily accessible to many researchers. In this letter, we introduce a software pipeline, which we call EarthMapper, for the semantic segmentation of non-RGB remote sensing imagery. It includes self-taught spatial-spectral feature extraction, various standard and deep learning classifiers, and undirected graphical models for post-processing. We evaluated EarthMapper on the Indian Pines and Pavia University datasets and have released this code for public use.
Federated Learning in Adversarial Settings
Federated Learning enables entities to collaboratively learn a shared prediction model while keeping their training data locally. It prevents data collection and aggregation and, therefore, mitigates the associated privacy risks. However, it still remains vulnerable to various security attacks where malicious participants aim at degrading the generated model, inserting backdoors, or inferring other participants' training data. This paper presents a new federated learning scheme that provides different trade-offs between robustness, privacy, bandwidth efficiency, and model accuracy. Our scheme uses biased quantization of model updates and hence is bandwidth efficient. It is also robust against state-of-the-art backdoor as well as model degradation attacks even when a large proportion of the participant nodes are malicious. We propose a practical differentially private extension of this scheme which protects the whole dataset of participating entities. We show that this extension performs as efficiently as the non-private but robust scheme, even with stringent privacy requirements but are less robust against model degradation and backdoor attacks. This suggests a possible fundamental trade-off between Differential Privacy and robustness.
Formant Tracking Using Quasi-Closed Phase Forward-Backward Linear Prediction Analysis and Deep Neural Networks
Formant tracking is investigated in this study by using trackers based on dynamic programming (DP) and deep neural nets (DNNs). Using the DP approach, six formant estimation methods were first compared. The six methods include linear prediction (LP) algorithms, weighted LP algorithms and the recently developed quasi-closed phase forward-backward (QCP-FB) method. QCP-FB gave the best performance in the comparison. Therefore, a novel formant tracking approach, which combines benefits of deep learning and signal processing based on QCP-FB, was proposed. In this approach, the formants predicted by a DNN-based tracker from a speech frame are refined using the peaks of the all-pole spectrum computed by QCP-FB from the same frame. Results show that the proposed DNN-based tracker performed better both in detection rate and estimation error for the lowest three formants compared to reference formant trackers. Compared to the popular Wavesurfer, for example, the proposed tracker gave a reduction of 29%, 48% and 35% in the estimation error for the lowest three formants, respectively.
Enhancing the Spatio-temporal Observability of Grid-Edge Resources in Distribution Grids
Enhancing the spatio-temporal observability of distributed energy resources (DERs) is crucial for achieving secure and efficient operations in distribution grids. This paper puts forth a joint recovery framework for residential loads by leveraging the complimentary strengths of heterogeneous measurements in real time. The proposed framework integrates low-resolution smart meter data collected at every load node with fast-sampled feeder-level measurements from limited number of distribution phasor measurement units. To address the lack of data, we exploit two key characteristics for the loads and DERs, namely the sparse changes due to infrequent activities of appliances and electric vehicles (EVs) and the locational dependence of solar photovoltaic (PV) generation. Accordingly, meaningful regularization terms are introduced to cast a convex load recovery problem, which will be further simplified to reduce the computational complexity. The load recovery solutions can be utilized to identify the EV charging events at each load node and to infer the total behind-the-meter PV output. Numerical tests using real-world data have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approaches in enhancing the visibility of grid-edge DERs.
DEMAND: Deep Matrix Approximately Nonlinear Decomposition to Identify Meta, Canonical, and Sub-Spatial Pattern of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Human Brain
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have already become a crucial computational approach to revealing the spatial patterns in the human brain; however, there are three major shortcomings in utilizing DNNs to detect the spatial patterns in functional Magnetic Resonance Signals: 1). It is a fully connected architecture that increases the complexity of network structures that is difficult to optimize and vulnerable to overfitting; 2). The requirement of large training samples results in erasing the individual/minor patterns in feature extraction; 3). The hyperparameters are required to be tuned manually, which is time-consuming. Therefore, we propose a novel deep nonlinear matrix factorization named Deep Matrix Approximately Nonlinear Decomposition (DEMAND) in this work to take advantage of the shallow linear model, e.g., Sparse Dictionary Learning (SDL) and DNNs. At first, the proposed DEMAND employs a non-fully connected and multilayer-stacked architecture that is easier to be optimized compared with canonical DNNs; furthermore, due to the efficient architecture, training DEMAND can avoid overfitting and enables the recognition of individual/minor features based on a small dataset such as an individual data; finally, a novel rank estimator technique is introduced to tune all hyperparameters of DEMAND automatically. Moreover, the proposed DEMAND is validated by four other peer methodologies via real functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging data in the human brain. In short, the validation results demonstrate that DEMAND can reveal the reproducible meta, canonical, and sub-spatial features of the human brain more efficiently than other peer methodologies.
Make Sure You're Unsure: A Framework for Verifying Probabilistic Specifications
Most real world applications require dealing with stochasticity like sensor noise or predictive uncertainty, where formal specifications of desired behavior are inherently probabilistic. Despite the promise of formal verification in ensuring the reliability of neural networks, progress in the direction of probabilistic specifications has been limited. In this direction, we first introduce a general formulation of probabilistic specifications for neural networks, which captures both probabilistic networks (e.g., Bayesian neural networks, MC-Dropout networks) and uncertain inputs (distributions over inputs arising from sensor noise or other perturbations). We then propose a general technique to verify such specifications by generalizing the notion of Lagrangian duality, replacing standard Lagrangian multipliers with "functional multipliers" that can be arbitrary functions of the activations at a given layer. We show that an optimal choice of functional multipliers leads to exact verification (i.e., sound and complete verification), and for specific forms of multipliers, we develop tractable practical verification algorithms. We empirically validate our algorithms by applying them to Bayesian Neural Networks (BNNs) and MC Dropout Networks, and certifying properties such as adversarial robustness and robust detection of out-of-distribution (OOD) data. On these tasks we are able to provide significantly stronger guarantees when compared to prior work -- for instance, for a VGG-64 MC-Dropout CNN trained on CIFAR-10, we improve the certified AUC (a verified lower bound on the true AUC) for robust OOD detection (on CIFAR-100) from $0\% \rightarrow 29\%$. Similarly, for a BNN trained on MNIST, we improve on the robust accuracy from $60.2\% \rightarrow 74.6\%$. Further, on a novel specification -- distributionally robust OOD detection -- we improve the certified AUC from $5\% \rightarrow 23\%$.
Designing Decision Support Systems for Emergency Response: Challenges and Opportunities
Designing effective emergency response management (ERM) systems to respond to incidents such as road accidents is a major problem faced by communities. In addition to responding to frequent incidents each day (about 240 million emergency medical services calls and over 5 million road accidents in the US each year), these systems also support response during natural hazards. Recently, there has been a consistent interest in building decision support and optimization tools that can help emergency responders provide more efficient and effective response. This includes a number of principled subsystems that implement early incident detection, incident likelihood forecasting and strategic resource allocation and dispatch policies. In this paper, we highlight the key challenges and provide an overview of the approach developed by our team in collaboration with our community partners.
Autonomous Management of Energy-Harvesting IoT Nodes Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning (RL) is capable of managing wireless, energy-harvesting IoT nodes by solving the problem of autonomous management in non-stationary, resource-constrained settings. We show that the state-of-the-art policy-gradient approaches to RL are appropriate for the IoT domain and that they outperform previous approaches. Due to the ability to model continuous observation and action spaces, as well as improved function approximation capability, the new approaches are able to solve harder problems, permitting reward functions that are better aligned with the actual application goals. We show such a reward function and use policy-gradient approaches to learn capable policies, leading to behavior more appropriate for IoT nodes with less manual design effort, increasing the level of autonomy in IoT.
Residual Networks: Lyapunov Stability and Convex Decomposition
While training error of most deep neural networks degrades as the depth of the network increases, residual networks appear to be an exception. We show that the main reason for this is the Lyapunov stability of the gradient descent algorithm: for an arbitrarily chosen step size, the equilibria of the gradient descent are most likely to remain stable for the parametrization of residual networks. We then present an architecture with a pair of residual networks to approximate a large class of functions by decomposing them into a convex and a concave part. Some parameters of this model are shown to change little during training, and this imperfect optimization prevents overfitting the data and leads to solutions with small Lipschitz constants, while providing clues about the generalization of other deep networks.
Machine Learning for Mars Exploration
Risk to human astronauts and interplanetary distance causing slow and limited communication drives scientists to pursue an autonomous approach to exploring distant planets, such as Mars. A portion of exploration of Mars has been conducted through the autonomous collection and analysis of Martian data by spacecraft such as the Mars rovers and the Mars Express Orbiter. The autonomy used on these Mars exploration spacecraft and on Earth to analyze data collected by these vehicles mainly consist of machine learning, a field of artificial intelligence where algorithms collect data and self-improve with the data. Additional applications of machine learning techniques for Mars exploration have potential to resolve communication limitations and human risks of interplanetary exploration. In addition, analyzing Mars data with machine learning has the potential to provide a greater understanding of Mars in numerous domains such as its climate, atmosphere, and potential future habitation. To explore further utilizations of machine learning techniques for Mars exploration, this paper will first summarize the general features and phenomena of Mars to provide a general overview of the planet, elaborate upon uncertainties of Mars that would be beneficial to explore and understand, summarize every current or previous usage of machine learning techniques in the exploration of Mars, explore implementations of machine learning that will be utilized in future Mars exploration missions, and explore machine learning techniques used in Earthly domains to provide solutions to the previously described uncertainties of Mars.
Discrete minimax estimation with trees
We propose a simple recursive data-based partitioning scheme which produces piecewise-constant or piecewise-linear density estimates on intervals, and show how this scheme can determine the optimal $L_1$ minimax rate for some discrete nonparametric classes.
Surprises in adversarially-trained linear regression
State-of-the-art machine learning models can be vulnerable to very small input perturbations that are adversarially constructed. Adversarial training is one of the most effective approaches to defend against such examples. We show that for linear regression problems, adversarial training can be formulated as a convex problem. This fact is then used to show that $\ell_\infty$-adversarial training produces sparse solutions and has many similarities to the lasso method. Similarly, $\ell_2$-adversarial training has similarities with ridge regression. We use a robust regression framework to analyze and understand these similarities and also point to some differences. Finally, we show how adversarial training behaves differently from other regularization methods when estimating overparameterized models (i.e., models with more parameters than datapoints). It minimizes a sum of three terms which regularizes the solution, but unlike lasso and ridge regression, it can sharply transition into an interpolation mode. We show that for sufficiently many features or sufficiently small regularization parameters, the learned model perfectly interpolates the training data while still exhibiting good out-of-sample performance.
Adversarial Immunization for Certifiable Robustness on Graphs
Despite achieving strong performance in semi-supervised node classification task, graph neural networks (GNNs) are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, similar to other deep learning models. Existing researches focus on developing either robust GNN models or attack detection methods against adversarial attacks on graphs. However, little research attention is paid to the potential and practice of immunization to adversarial attacks on graphs. In this paper, we propose and formulate the graph adversarial immunization problem, i.e., vaccinating an affordable fraction of node pairs, connected or unconnected, to improve the certifiable robustness of graph against any admissible adversarial attack. We further propose an effective algorithm, called AdvImmune, which optimizes with meta-gradient in a discrete way to circumvent the computationally expensive combinatorial optimization when solving the adversarial immunization problem. Experiments are conducted on two citation networks and one social network. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed AdvImmune method remarkably improves the ratio of robust nodes by 12%, 42%, 65%, with an affordable immune budget of only 5% edges.
DisTop: Discovering a Topological representation to learn diverse and rewarding skills
The optimal way for a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) agent to explore is to learn a set of skills that achieves a uniform distribution of states. Following this,we introduce DisTop, a new model that simultaneously learns diverse skills and focuses on improving rewarding skills. DisTop progressively builds a discrete topology of the environment using an unsupervised contrastive loss, a growing network and a goal-conditioned policy. Using this topology, a state-independent hierarchical policy can select where the agent has to keep discovering skills in the state space. In turn, the newly visited states allows an improved learnt representation and the learning loop continues. Our experiments emphasize that DisTop is agnostic to the ground state representation and that the agent can discover the topology of its environment whether the states are high-dimensional binary data, images, or proprioceptive inputs. We demonstrate that this paradigm is competitiveon MuJoCo benchmarks with state-of-the-art algorithms on both single-task dense rewards and diverse skill discovery. By combining these two aspects, we showthat DisTop achieves state-of-the-art performance in comparison with hierarchical reinforcement learning (HRL) when rewards are sparse. We believe DisTop opens new perspectives by showing that bottom-up skill discovery combined with representation learning can unlock the exploration challenge in DRL.
Deceiving Google's Perspective API Built for Detecting Toxic Comments
Social media platforms provide an environment where people can freely engage in discussions. Unfortunately, they also enable several problems, such as online harassment. Recently, Google and Jigsaw started a project called Perspective, which uses machine learning to automatically detect toxic language. A demonstration website has been also launched, which allows anyone to type a phrase in the interface and instantaneously see the toxicity score [1]. In this paper, we propose an attack on the Perspective toxic detection system based on the adversarial examples. We show that an adversary can subtly modify a highly toxic phrase in a way that the system assigns significantly lower toxicity score to it. We apply the attack on the sample phrases provided in the Perspective website and show that we can consistently reduce the toxicity scores to the level of the non-toxic phrases. The existence of such adversarial examples is very harmful for toxic detection systems and seriously undermines their usability.
Obfuscation via Information Density Estimation
Identifying features that leak information about sensitive attributes is a key challenge in the design of information obfuscation mechanisms. In this paper, we propose a framework to identify information-leaking features via information density estimation. Here, features whose information densities exceed a pre-defined threshold are deemed information-leaking features. Once these features are identified, we sequentially pass them through a targeted obfuscation mechanism with a provable leakage guarantee in terms of $\mathsf{E}_\gamma$-divergence. The core of this mechanism relies on a data-driven estimate of the trimmed information density for which we propose a novel estimator, named the trimmed information density estimator (TIDE). We then use TIDE to implement our mechanism on three real-world datasets. Our approach can be used as a data-driven pipeline for designing obfuscation mechanisms targeting specific features.
LogicNets: Co-Designed Neural Networks and Circuits for Extreme-Throughput Applications
Deployment of deep neural networks for applications that require very high throughput or extremely low latency is a severe computational challenge, further exacerbated by inefficiencies in mapping the computation to hardware. We present a novel method for designing neural network topologies that directly map to a highly efficient FPGA implementation. By exploiting the equivalence of artificial neurons with quantized inputs/outputs and truth tables, we can train quantized neural networks that can be directly converted to a netlist of truth tables, and subsequently deployed as a highly pipelinable, massively parallel FPGA circuit. However, the neural network topology requires careful consideration since the hardware cost of truth tables grows exponentially with neuron fan-in. To obtain smaller networks where the whole netlist can be placed-and-routed onto a single FPGA, we derive a fan-in driven hardware cost model to guide topology design, and combine high sparsity with low-bit activation quantization to limit the neuron fan-in. We evaluate our approach on two tasks with very high intrinsic throughput requirements in high-energy physics and network intrusion detection. We show that the combination of sparsity and low-bit activation quantization results in high-speed circuits with small logic depth and low LUT cost, demonstrating competitive accuracy with less than 15 ns of inference latency and throughput in the hundreds of millions of inferences per second.
COLAM: Co-Learning of Deep Neural Networks and Soft Labels via Alternating Minimization
Softening labels of training datasets with respect to data representations has been frequently used to improve the training of deep neural networks (DNNs). While such a practice has been studied as a way to leverage privileged information about the distribution of the data, a well-trained learner with soft classification outputs should be first obtained as a prior to generate such privileged information. To solve such chicken-egg problem, we propose COLAM framework that Co-Learns DNNs and soft labels through Alternating Minimization of two objectives - (a) the training loss subject to soft labels and (b) the objective to learn improved soft labels - in one end-to-end training procedure. We performed extensive experiments to compare our proposed method with a series of baselines. The experiment results show that COLAM achieves improved performance on many tasks with better testing classification accuracy. We also provide both qualitative and quantitative analyses that explain why COLAM works well.
Online Deep Learning for Improved Trajectory Tracking of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using Expert Knowledge
This work presents an online learning-based control method for improved trajectory tracking of unmanned aerial vehicles using both deep learning and expert knowledge. The proposed method does not require the exact model of the system to be controlled, and it is robust against variations in system dynamics as well as operational uncertainties. The learning is divided into two phases: offline (pre-)training and online (post-)training. In the former, a conventional controller performs a set of trajectories and, based on the input-output dataset, the deep neural network (DNN)-based controller is trained. In the latter, the trained DNN, which mimics the conventional controller, controls the system. Unlike the existing papers in the literature, the network is still being trained for different sets of trajectories which are not used in the training phase of DNN. Thanks to the rule-base, which contains the expert knowledge, the proposed framework learns the system dynamics and operational uncertainties in real-time. The experimental results show that the proposed online learning-based approach gives better trajectory tracking performance when compared to the only offline trained network.
Graph Neural Networks for Temperature-Dependent Activity Coefficient Prediction of Solutes in Ionic Liquids
Ionic liquids (ILs) are important solvents for sustainable processes and predicting activity coefficients (ACs) of solutes in ILs is needed. Recently, matrix completion methods (MCMs), transformers, and graph neural networks (GNNs) have shown high accuracy in predicting ACs of binary mixtures, superior to well-established models, e.g., COSMO-RS and UNIFAC. GNNs are particularly promising here as they learn a molecular graph-to-property relationship without pretraining, typically required for transformers, and are, unlike MCMs, applicable to molecules not included in training. For ILs, however, GNN applications are currently missing. Herein, we present a GNN to predict temperature-dependent infinite dilution ACs of solutes in ILs. We train the GNN on a database including more than 40,000 AC values and compare it to a state-of-the-art MCM. The GNN and MCM achieve similar high prediction performance, with the GNN additionally enabling high-quality predictions for ACs of solutions that contain ILs and solutes not considered during training.
Deep Learning Based Equalizer for MIMO-OFDM Systems with Insufficient Cyclic Prefix
In this paper, we study the equalization design for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems with insufficient cyclic prefix (CP). In particular, the signal detection performance is severely impaired by inter-carrier interference (ICI) and inter-symbol interference (ISI) when the multipath delay spread exceeding the length of CP. To tackle this problem, a deep learning-based equalizer is proposed for approximating the maximum likelihood detection. Inspired by the dependency between the adjacent subcarriers, a computationally efficient joint detection scheme is developed. Employing the proposed equalizer, an iterative receiver is also constructed and the detection performance is evaluated through simulations over measured multipath channels. Our results reveal that the proposed receiver can achieve significant performance improvement compared to two traditional baseline schemes.
HEVC Inter Coding Using Deep Recurrent Neural Networks and Artificial Reference Pictures
The efficiency of motion compensated prediction in modern video codecs highly depends on the available reference pictures. Occlusions and non-linear motion pose challenges for the motion compensation and often result in high bit rates for the prediction error. We propose the generation of artificial reference pictures using deep recurrent neural networks. Conceptually, a reference picture at the time instance of the currently coded picture is generated from previously reconstructed conventional reference pictures. Based on these artificial reference pictures, we propose a complete coding pipeline based on HEVC. By using the artificial reference pictures for motion compensated prediction, average BD-rate gains of 1.5% over HEVC are achieved.
Incorporating Transformer and LSTM to Kalman Filter with EM algorithm for state estimation
Kalman Filter requires the true parameters of the model and solves optimal state estimation recursively. Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm is applicable for estimating the parameters of the model that are not available before Kalman filtering, which is EM-KF algorithm. To improve the preciseness of EM-KF algorithm, the author presents a state estimation method by combining the Long-Short Term Memory network (LSTM), Transformer and EM-KF algorithm in the framework of Encoder-Decoder in Sequence to Sequence (seq2seq). Simulation on a linear mobile robot model demonstrates that the new method is more accurate. Source code of this paper is available at https://github.com/zshicode/Deep-Learning-Based-State-Estimation.
Probabilistic Linear Solvers for Machine Learning
Linear systems are the bedrock of virtually all numerical computation. Machine learning poses specific challenges for the solution of such systems due to their scale, characteristic structure, stochasticity and the central role of uncertainty in the field. Unifying earlier work we propose a class of probabilistic linear solvers which jointly infer the matrix, its inverse and the solution from matrix-vector product observations. This class emerges from a fundamental set of desiderata which constrains the space of possible algorithms and recovers the method of conjugate gradients under certain conditions. We demonstrate how to incorporate prior spectral information in order to calibrate uncertainty and experimentally showcase the potential of such solvers for machine learning.
Automated GI tract segmentation using deep learning
The job of Radiation oncologists is to deliver x-ray beams pointed toward the tumor and at the same time avoid the stomach and intestines. With MR-Linacs (magnetic resonance imaging and linear accelerator systems), oncologists can visualize the position of the tumor and allow for precise dose according to tumor cell presence which can vary from day to day. The current job of outlining the position of the stomach and intestines to adjust the X-ray beams direction for the dose delivery to the tumor while avoiding the organs. This is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process that can easily prolong treatments from 15 minutes to an hour a day unless deep learning methods can automate the segmentation process. This paper discusses an automated segmentation process using deep learning to make this process faster and allow more patients to get effective treatment.
Contrastive Conditional Neural Processes
Conditional Neural Processes~(CNPs) bridge neural networks with probabilistic inference to approximate functions of Stochastic Processes under meta-learning settings. Given a batch of non-{\it i.i.d} function instantiations, CNPs are jointly optimized for in-instantiation observation prediction and cross-instantiation meta-representation adaptation within a generative reconstruction pipeline. There can be a challenge in tying together such two targets when the distribution of function observations scales to high-dimensional and noisy spaces. Instead, noise contrastive estimation might be able to provide more robust representations by learning distributional matching objectives to combat such inherent limitation of generative models. In light of this, we propose to equip CNPs by 1) aligning prediction with encoded ground-truth observation, and 2) decoupling meta-representation adaptation from generative reconstruction. Specifically, two auxiliary contrastive branches are set up hierarchically, namely in-instantiation temporal contrastive learning~({\tt TCL}) and cross-instantiation function contrastive learning~({\tt FCL}), to facilitate local predictive alignment and global function consistency, respectively. We empirically show that {\tt TCL} captures high-level abstraction of observations, whereas {\tt FCL} helps identify underlying functions, which in turn provides more efficient representations. Our model outperforms other CNPs variants when evaluating function distribution reconstruction and parameter identification across 1D, 2D and high-dimensional time-series.
Watts: Infrastructure for Open-Ended Learning
This paper proposes a framework called Watts for implementing, comparing, and recombining open-ended learning (OEL) algorithms. Motivated by modularity and algorithmic flexibility, Watts atomizes the components of OEL systems to promote the study of and direct comparisons between approaches. Examining implementations of three OEL algorithms, the paper introduces the modules of the framework. The hope is for Watts to enable benchmarking and to explore new types of OEL algorithms. The repo is available at \url{https://github.com/aadharna/watts}
Learning Improvised Chatbots from Adversarial Modifications of Natural Language Feedback
The ubiquitous nature of chatbots and their interaction with users generate an enormous amount of data. Can we improve chatbots using this data? A self-feeding chatbot improves itself by asking natural language feedback when a user is dissatisfied with its response and uses this feedback as an additional training sample. However, user feedback in most cases contains extraneous sequences hindering their usefulness as a training sample. In this work, we propose a generative adversarial model that converts noisy feedback into a plausible natural response in a conversation. The generator's goal is to convert the feedback into a response that answers the user's previous utterance and to fool the discriminator which distinguishes feedback from natural responses. We show that augmenting original training data with these modified feedback responses improves the original chatbot performance from 69.94% to 75.96% in ranking correct responses on the Personachat dataset, a large improvement given that the original model is already trained on 131k samples.
Fully Automatic Page Turning on Real Scores
We present a prototype of an automatic page turning system that works directly on real scores, i.e., sheet images, without any symbolic representation. Our system is based on a multi-modal neural network architecture that observes a complete sheet image page as input, listens to an incoming musical performance, and predicts the corresponding position in the image. Using the position estimation of our system, we use a simple heuristic to trigger a page turning event once a certain location within the sheet image is reached. As a proof of concept we further combine our system with an actual machine that will physically turn the page on command.
Neural Estimators for Conditional Mutual Information Using Nearest Neighbors Sampling
The estimation of mutual information (MI) or conditional mutual information (CMI) from a set of samples is a long-standing problem. A recent line of work in this area has leveraged the approximation power of artificial neural networks and has shown improvements over conventional methods. One important challenge in this new approach is the need to obtain, given the original dataset, a different set where the samples are distributed according to a specific product density function. This is particularly challenging when estimating CMI. In this paper, we introduce a new technique, based on k nearest neighbors (k-NN), to perform the resampling and derive high-confidence concentration bounds for the sample average. Then the technique is employed to train a neural network classifier and the CMI is estimated accordingly. We propose three estimators using this technique and prove their consistency, make a comparison between them and similar approaches in the literature, and experimentally show improvements in estimating the CMI in terms of accuracy and variance of the estimators.
One Single Deep Bidirectional LSTM Network for Word Sense Disambiguation of Text Data
Due to recent technical and scientific advances, we have a wealth of information hidden in unstructured text data such as offline/online narratives, research articles, and clinical reports. To mine these data properly, attributable to their innate ambiguity, a Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) algorithm can avoid numbers of difficulties in Natural Language Processing (NLP) pipeline. However, considering a large number of ambiguous words in one language or technical domain, we may encounter limiting constraints for proper deployment of existing WSD models. This paper attempts to address the problem of one-classifier-per-one-word WSD algorithms by proposing a single Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BLSTM) network which by considering senses and context sequences works on all ambiguous words collectively. Evaluated on SensEval-3 benchmark, we show the result of our model is comparable with top-performing WSD algorithms. We also discuss how applying additional modifications alleviates the model fault and the need for more training data.
Spatially Encoding Temporal Correlations to Classify Temporal Data Using Convolutional Neural Networks
We propose an off-line approach to explicitly encode temporal patterns spatially as different types of images, namely, Gramian Angular Fields and Markov Transition Fields. This enables the use of techniques from computer vision for feature learning and classification. We used Tiled Convolutional Neural Networks to learn high-level features from individual GAF, MTF, and GAF-MTF images on 12 benchmark time series datasets and two real spatial-temporal trajectory datasets. The classification results of our approach are competitive with state-of-the-art approaches on both types of data. An analysis of the features and weights learned by the CNNs explains why the approach works.
Fast and Furious Convergence: Stochastic Second Order Methods under Interpolation
We consider stochastic second-order methods for minimizing smooth and strongly-convex functions under an interpolation condition satisfied by over-parameterized models. Under this condition, we show that the regularized subsampled Newton method (R-SSN) achieves global linear convergence with an adaptive step-size and a constant batch-size. By growing the batch size for both the subsampled gradient and Hessian, we show that R-SSN can converge at a quadratic rate in a local neighbourhood of the solution. We also show that R-SSN attains local linear convergence for the family of self-concordant functions. Furthermore, we analyze stochastic BFGS algorithms in the interpolation setting and prove their global linear convergence. We empirically evaluate stochastic L-BFGS and a "Hessian-free" implementation of R-SSN for binary classification on synthetic, linearly-separable datasets and real datasets under a kernel mapping. Our experimental results demonstrate the fast convergence of these methods, both in terms of the number of iterations and wall-clock time.
Large Neural Networks Learning from Scratch with Very Few Data and without Regularization
Recent findings have shown that Neural Networks generalize also in over-parametrized regimes with zero training error. This is surprising, since it is completely against traditional machine learning wisdom. In our empirical study we fortify these findings in the domain of fine-grained image classification. We show that very large Convolutional Neural Networks with millions of weights do learn with only a handful of training samples and without image augmentation, explicit regularization or pretraining. We train the architectures ResNet018, ResNet101 and VGG19 on subsets of the difficult benchmark datasets Caltech101, CUB_200_2011, FGVCAircraft, Flowers102 and StanfordCars with 100 classes and more, perform a comprehensive comparative study and draw implications for the practical application of CNNs. Finally, we show that VGG19 with 140 million weights learns to distinguish airplanes and motorbikes up to 95% accuracy with only 20 samples per class.
Understanding Generalization in Deep Learning via Tensor Methods
Deep neural networks generalize well on unseen data though the number of parameters often far exceeds the number of training examples. Recently proposed complexity measures have provided insights to understanding the generalizability in neural networks from perspectives of PAC-Bayes, robustness, overparametrization, compression and so on. In this work, we advance the understanding of the relations between the network's architecture and its generalizability from the compression perspective. Using tensor analysis, we propose a series of intuitive, data-dependent and easily-measurable properties that tightly characterize the compressibility and generalizability of neural networks; thus, in practice, our generalization bound outperforms the previous compression-based ones, especially for neural networks using tensors as their weight kernels (e.g. CNNs). Moreover, these intuitive measurements provide further insights into designing neural network architectures with properties favorable for better/guaranteed generalizability. Our experimental results demonstrate that through the proposed measurable properties, our generalization error bound matches the trend of the test error well. Our theoretical analysis further provides justifications for the empirical success and limitations of some widely-used tensor-based compression approaches. We also discover the improvements to the compressibility and robustness of current neural networks when incorporating tensor operations via our proposed layer-wise structure.
Trustworthy Convolutional Neural Networks: A Gradient Penalized-based Approach
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are commonly used for image classification. Saliency methods are examples of approaches that can be used to interpret CNNs post hoc, identifying the most relevant pixels for a prediction following the gradients flow. Even though CNNs can correctly classify images, the underlying saliency maps could be erroneous in many cases. This can result in skepticism as to the validity of the model or its interpretation. We propose a novel approach for training trustworthy CNNs by penalizing parameter choices that result in inaccurate saliency maps generated during training. We add a penalty term for inaccurate saliency maps produced when the predicted label is correct, a penalty term for accurate saliency maps produced when the predicted label is incorrect, and a regularization term penalizing overly confident saliency maps. Experiments show increased classification performance, user engagement, and trust.
Signal Decomposition Using Masked Proximal Operators
We consider the well-studied problem of decomposing a vector time series signal into components with different characteristics, such as smooth, periodic, nonnegative, or sparse. We propose a simple and general framework in which the components are defined by loss functions (which include constraints), and the signal decomposition is carried out by minimizing the sum of losses of the components (subject to the constraints). When each loss function is the negative log-likelihood of a density for the signal component, our method coincides with maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) estimation; but it also includes many other interesting cases. We give two distributed optimization methods for computing the decomposition, which find the optimal decomposition when the component class loss functions are convex, and are good heuristics when they are not. Both methods require only the masked proximal operator of each of the component loss functions, a generalization of the well-known proximal operator that handles missing entries in its argument. Both methods are distributed, i.e., handle each component separately. We derive tractable methods for evaluating the masked proximal operators of some loss functions that, to our knowledge, have not appeared in the literature.
Distance and Equivalence between Finite State Machines and Recurrent Neural Networks: Computational results
The need of interpreting Deep Learning (DL) models has led, during the past years, to a proliferation of works concerned by this issue. Among strategies which aim at shedding some light on how information is represented internally in DL models, one consists in extracting symbolic rule-based machines from connectionist models that are supposed to approximate well their behaviour. In order to better understand how reasonable these approximation strategies are, we need to know the computational complexity of measuring the quality of approximation. In this article, we will prove some computational results related to the problem of extracting Finite State Machine (FSM) based models from trained RNN Language models. More precisely, we'll show the following: (a) For general weighted RNN-LMs with a single hidden layer and a ReLu activation: - The equivalence problem of a PDFA/PFA/WFA and a weighted first-order RNN-LM is undecidable; - As a corollary, the distance problem between languages generated by PDFA/PFA/WFA and that of a weighted RNN-LM is not recursive; -The intersection between a DFA and the cut language of a weighted RNN-LM is undecidable; - The equivalence of a PDFA/PFA/WFA and weighted RNN-LM in a finite support is EXP-Hard; (b) For consistent weight RNN-LMs with any computable activation function: - The Tcheybechev distance approximation is decidable; - The Tcheybechev distance approximation in a finite support is NP-Hard. Moreover, our reduction technique from 3-SAT makes this latter fact easily generalizable to other RNN architectures (e.g. LSTMs/RNNs), and RNNs with finite precision.
Time Shifts to Reduce the Size of Reservoir Computers
A reservoir computer is a type of dynamical system arranged to do computation. Typically, a reservoir computer is constructed by connecting a large number of nonlinear nodes in a network that includes recurrent connections. In order to achieve accurate results, the reservoir usually contains hundreds to thousands of nodes. This high dimensionality makes it difficult to analyze the reservoir computer using tools from dynamical systems theory. Additionally, the need to create and connect large numbers of nonlinear nodes makes it difficult to design and build analog reservoir computers that can be faster and consume less power than digital reservoir computers. We demonstrate here that a reservoir computer may be divided into two parts; a small set of nonlinear nodes (the reservoir), and a separate set of time-shifted reservoir output signals. The time-shifted output signals serve to increase the rank and memory of the reservoir computer, and the set of nonlinear nodes may create an embedding of the input dynamical system. We use this time-shifting technique to obtain excellent performance from an opto-electronic delay-based reservoir computer with only a small number of virtual nodes. Because only a few nonlinear nodes are required, construction of a reservoir computer becomes much easier, and delay-based reservoir computers can operate at much higher speeds.
Bunched LPCNet : Vocoder for Low-cost Neural Text-To-Speech Systems
LPCNet is an efficient vocoder that combines linear prediction and deep neural network modules to keep the computational complexity low. In this work, we present two techniques to further reduce it's complexity, aiming for a low-cost LPCNet vocoder-based neural Text-to-Speech (TTS) System. These techniques are: 1) Sample-bunching, which allows LPCNet to generate more than one audio sample per inference; and 2) Bit-bunching, which reduces the computations in the final layer of LPCNet. With the proposed bunching techniques, LPCNet, in conjunction with a Deep Convolutional TTS (DCTTS) acoustic model, shows a 2.19x improvement over the baseline run-time when running on a mobile device, with a less than 0.1 decrease in TTS mean opinion score (MOS).
Mod\`ele \`a processus latent et algorithme EM pour la r\'egression non lin\'eaire
A non linear regression approach which consists of a specific regression model incorporating a latent process, allowing various polynomial regression models to be activated preferentially and smoothly, is introduced in this paper. The model parameters are estimated by maximum likelihood performed via a dedicated expecation-maximization (EM) algorithm. An experimental study using simulated and real data sets reveals good performances of the proposed approach.
Walsh-Hadamard Variational Inference for Bayesian Deep Learning
Over-parameterized models, such as DeepNets and ConvNets, form a class of models that are routinely adopted in a wide variety of applications, and for which Bayesian inference is desirable but extremely challenging. Variational inference offers the tools to tackle this challenge in a scalable way and with some degree of flexibility on the approximation, but for over-parameterized models this is challenging due to the over-regularization property of the variational objective. Inspired by the literature on kernel methods, and in particular on structured approximations of distributions of random matrices, this paper proposes Walsh-Hadamard Variational Inference (WHVI), which uses Walsh-Hadamard-based factorization strategies to reduce the parameterization and accelerate computations, thus avoiding over-regularization issues with the variational objective. Extensive theoretical and empirical analyses demonstrate that WHVI yields considerable speedups and model reductions compared to other techniques to carry out approximate inference for over-parameterized models, and ultimately show how advances in kernel methods can be translated into advances in approximate Bayesian inference.
Deep Tensor Factorization for Spatially-Aware Scene Decomposition
We propose a completely unsupervised method to understand audio scenes observed with random microphone arrangements by decomposing the scene into its constituent sources and their relative presence in each microphone. To this end, we formulate a neural network architecture that can be interpreted as a nonnegative tensor factorization of a multi-channel audio recording. By clustering on the learned network parameters corresponding to channel content, we can learn sources' individual spectral dictionaries and their activation patterns over time. Our method allows us to leverage deep learning advances like end-to-end training, while also allowing stochastic minibatch training so that we can feasibly decompose realistic audio scenes that are intractable to decompose using standard methods. This neural network architecture is easily extensible to other kinds of tensor factorizations.
Online Learning in Kernelized Markov Decision Processes
We consider online learning for minimizing regret in unknown, episodic Markov decision processes (MDPs) with continuous states and actions. We develop variants of the UCRL and posterior sampling algorithms that employ nonparametric Gaussian process priors to generalize across the state and action spaces. When the transition and reward functions of the true MDP are members of the associated Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces of functions induced by symmetric psd kernels (frequentist setting), we show that the algorithms enjoy sublinear regret bounds. The bounds are in terms of explicit structural parameters of the kernels, namely a novel generalization of the information gain metric from kernelized bandit, and highlight the influence of transition and reward function structure on the learning performance. Our results are applicable to multidimensional state and action spaces with composite kernel structures, and generalize results from the literature on kernelized bandits, and the adaptive control of parametric linear dynamical systems with quadratic costs.
High-Dimensional Multi-Task Averaging and Application to Kernel Mean Embedding
We propose an improved estimator for the multi-task averaging problem, whose goal is the joint estimation of the means of multiple distributions using separate, independent data sets. The naive approach is to take the empirical mean of each data set individually, whereas the proposed method exploits similarities between tasks, without any related information being known in advance. First, for each data set, similar or neighboring means are determined from the data by multiple testing. Then each naive estimator is shrunk towards the local average of its neighbors. We prove theoretically that this approach provides a reduction in mean squared error. This improvement can be significant when the dimension of the input space is large, demonstrating a "blessing of dimensionality" phenomenon. An application of this approach is the estimation of multiple kernel mean embeddings, which plays an important role in many modern applications. The theoretical results are verified on artificial and real world data.
Supervised Classification Performance of Multispectral Images
Nowadays government and private agencies use remote sensing imagery for a wide range of applications from military applications to farm development. The images may be a panchromatic, multispectral, hyperspectral or even ultraspectral of terra bytes. Remote sensing image classification is one amongst the most significant application worlds for remote sensing. A few number of image classification algorithms have proved good precision in classifying remote sensing data. But, of late, due to the increasing spatiotemporal dimensions of the remote sensing data, traditional classification algorithms have exposed weaknesses necessitating further research in the field of remote sensing image classification. So an efficient classifier is needed to classify the remote sensing images to extract information. We are experimenting with both supervised and unsupervised classification. Here we compare the different classification methods and their performances. It is found that Mahalanobis classifier performed the best in our classification.
Improving Robustness of Deep-Learning-Based Image Reconstruction
Deep-learning-based methods for different applications have been shown vulnerable to adversarial examples. These examples make deployment of such models in safety-critical tasks questionable. Use of deep neural networks as inverse problem solvers has generated much excitement for medical imaging including CT and MRI, but recently a similar vulnerability has also been demonstrated for these tasks. We show that for such inverse problem solvers, one should analyze and study the effect of adversaries in the measurement-space, instead of the signal-space as in previous work. In this paper, we propose to modify the training strategy of end-to-end deep-learning-based inverse problem solvers to improve robustness. We introduce an auxiliary network to generate adversarial examples, which is used in a min-max formulation to build robust image reconstruction networks. Theoretically, we show for a linear reconstruction scheme the min-max formulation results in a singular-value(s) filter regularized solution, which suppresses the effect of adversarial examples occurring because of ill-conditioning in the measurement matrix. We find that a linear network using the proposed min-max learning scheme indeed converges to the same solution. In addition, for non-linear Compressed Sensing (CS) reconstruction using deep networks, we show significant improvement in robustness using the proposed approach over other methods. We complement the theory by experiments for CS on two different datasets and evaluate the effect of increasing perturbations on trained networks. We find the behavior for ill-conditioned and well-conditioned measurement matrices to be qualitatively different.
Saec: Similarity-Aware Embedding Compression in Recommendation Systems
Production recommendation systems rely on embedding methods to represent various features. An impeding challenge in practice is that the large embedding matrix incurs substantial memory footprint in serving as the number of features grows over time. We propose a similarity-aware embedding matrix compression method called Saec to address this challenge. Saec clusters similar features within a field to reduce the embedding matrix size. Saec also adopts a fast clustering optimization based on feature frequency to drastically improve clustering time. We implement and evaluate Saec on Numerous, the production distributed machine learning system in Tencent, with 10-day worth of feature data from QQ mobile browser. Testbed experiments show that Saec reduces the number of embedding vectors by two orders of magnitude, compresses the embedding size by ~27x, and delivers the same AUC and log loss performance.
MPF6D: Masked Pyramid Fusion 6D Pose Estimation
Object pose estimation has multiple important applications, such as robotic grasping and augmented reality. We present a new method to estimate the 6D pose of objects that improves upon the accuracy of current proposals and can still be used in real-time. Our method uses RGB-D data as input to segment objects and estimate their pose. It uses a neural network with multiple heads to identify the objects in the scene, generate the appropriate masks and estimate the values of the translation vectors and the quaternion that represents the objects' rotation. These heads leverage a pyramid architecture used during feature extraction and feature fusion. We conduct an empirical evaluation using the two most common datasets in the area, and compare against state-of-the-art approaches, illustrating the capabilities of MPF6D. Our method can be used in real-time with its low inference time and high accuracy.
CAESynth: Real-Time Timbre Interpolation and Pitch Control with Conditional Autoencoders
In this paper, we present a novel audio synthesizer, CAESynth, based on a conditional autoencoder. CAESynth synthesizes timbre in real-time by interpolating the reference sounds in their shared latent feature space, while controlling a pitch independently. We show that training a conditional autoencoder based on accuracy in timbre classification together with adversarial regularization of pitch content allows timbre distribution in latent space to be more effective and stable for timbre interpolation and pitch conditioning. The proposed method is applicable not only to creation of musical cues but also to exploration of audio affordance in mixed reality based on novel timbre mixtures with environmental sounds. We demonstrate by experiments that CAESynth achieves smooth and high-fidelity audio synthesis in real-time through timbre interpolation and independent yet accurate pitch control for musical cues as well as for audio affordance with environmental sound. A Python implementation along with some generated samples are shared online.
GLAD: Learning Sparse Graph Recovery
Recovering sparse conditional independence graphs from data is a fundamental problem in machine learning with wide applications. A popular formulation of the problem is an $\ell_1$ regularized maximum likelihood estimation. Many convex optimization algorithms have been designed to solve this formulation to recover the graph structure. Recently, there is a surge of interest to learn algorithms directly based on data, and in this case, learn to map empirical covariance to the sparse precision matrix. However, it is a challenging task in this case, since the symmetric positive definiteness (SPD) and sparsity of the matrix are not easy to enforce in learned algorithms, and a direct mapping from data to precision matrix may contain many parameters. We propose a deep learning architecture, GLAD, which uses an Alternating Minimization (AM) algorithm as our model inductive bias, and learns the model parameters via supervised learning. We show that GLAD learns a very compact and effective model for recovering sparse graphs from data.
Wasserstein-Wasserstein Auto-Encoders
To address the challenges in learning deep generative models (e.g.,the blurriness of variational auto-encoder and the instability of training generative adversarial networks, we propose a novel deep generative model, named Wasserstein-Wasserstein auto-encoders (WWAE). We formulate WWAE as minimization of the penalized optimal transport between the target distribution and the generated distribution. By noticing that both the prior $P_Z$ and the aggregated posterior $Q_Z$ of the latent code Z can be well captured by Gaussians, the proposed WWAE utilizes the closed-form of the squared Wasserstein-2 distance for two Gaussians in the optimization process. As a result, WWAE does not suffer from the sampling burden and it is computationally efficient by leveraging the reparameterization trick. Numerical results evaluated on multiple benchmark datasets including MNIST, fashion- MNIST and CelebA show that WWAE learns better latent structures than VAEs and generates samples of better visual quality and higher FID scores than VAEs and GANs.
Assessing the trade-off between prediction accuracy and interpretability for topic modeling on energetic materials corpora
As the amount and variety of energetics research increases, machine aware topic identification is necessary to streamline future research pipelines. The makeup of an automatic topic identification process consists of creating document representations and performing classification. However, the implementation of these processes on energetics research imposes new challenges. Energetics datasets contain many scientific terms that are necessary to understand the context of a document but may require more complex document representations. Secondly, the predictions from classification must be understandable and trusted by the chemists within the pipeline. In this work, we study the trade-off between prediction accuracy and interpretability by implementing three document embedding methods that vary in computational complexity. With our accuracy results, we also introduce local interpretability model-agnostic explanations (LIME) of each prediction to provide a localized understanding of each prediction and to validate classifier decisions with our team of energetics experts. This study was carried out on a novel labeled energetics dataset created and validated by our team of energetics experts.
HEBO Pushing The Limits of Sample-Efficient Hyperparameter Optimisation
In this work we rigorously analyse assumptions inherent to black-box optimisation hyper-parameter tuning tasks. Our results on the Bayesmark benchmark indicate that heteroscedasticity and non-stationarity pose significant challenges for black-box optimisers. Based on these findings, we propose a Heteroscedastic and Evolutionary Bayesian Optimisation solver (HEBO). HEBO performs non-linear input and output warping, admits exact marginal log-likelihood optimisation and is robust to the values of learned parameters. We demonstrate HEBO's empirical efficacy on the NeurIPS 2020 Black-Box Optimisation challenge, where HEBO placed first. Upon further analysis, we observe that HEBO significantly outperforms existing black-box optimisers on 108 machine learning hyperparameter tuning tasks comprising the Bayesmark benchmark. Our findings indicate that the majority of hyper-parameter tuning tasks exhibit heteroscedasticity and non-stationarity, multi-objective acquisition ensembles with Pareto front solutions improve queried configurations, and robust acquisition maximisers afford empirical advantages relative to their non-robust counterparts. We hope these findings may serve as guiding principles for practitioners of Bayesian optimisation. All code is made available at https://github.com/huawei-noah/HEBO.
End-to-End Learning for Structured Prediction Energy Networks
Structured Prediction Energy Networks (SPENs) are a simple, yet expressive family of structured prediction models (Belanger and McCallum, 2016). An energy function over candidate structured outputs is given by a deep network, and predictions are formed by gradient-based optimization. This paper presents end-to-end learning for SPENs, where the energy function is discriminatively trained by back-propagating through gradient-based prediction. In our experience, the approach is substantially more accurate than the structured SVM method of Belanger and McCallum (2016), as it allows us to use more sophisticated non-convex energies. We provide a collection of techniques for improving the speed, accuracy, and memory requirements of end-to-end SPENs, and demonstrate the power of our method on 7-Scenes image denoising and CoNLL-2005 semantic role labeling tasks. In both, inexact minimization of non-convex SPEN energies is superior to baseline methods that use simplistic energy functions that can be minimized exactly.
Transfer learning in hybrid classical-quantum neural networks
We extend the concept of transfer learning, widely applied in modern machine learning algorithms, to the emerging context of hybrid neural networks composed of classical and quantum elements. We propose different implementations of hybrid transfer learning, but we focus mainly on the paradigm in which a pre-trained classical network is modified and augmented by a final variational quantum circuit. This approach is particularly attractive in the current era of intermediate-scale quantum technology since it allows to optimally pre-process high dimensional data (e.g., images) with any state-of-the-art classical network and to embed a select set of highly informative features into a quantum processor. We present several proof-of-concept examples of the convenient application of quantum transfer learning for image recognition and quantum state classification. We use the cross-platform software library PennyLane to experimentally test a high-resolution image classifier with two different quantum computers, respectively provided by IBM and Rigetti.
Operationalizing Individual Fairness with Pairwise Fair Representations
We revisit the notion of individual fairness proposed by Dwork et al. A central challenge in operationalizing their approach is the difficulty in eliciting a human specification of a similarity metric. In this paper, we propose an operationalization of individual fairness that does not rely on a human specification of a distance metric. Instead, we propose novel approaches to elicit and leverage side-information on equally deserving individuals to counter subordination between social groups. We model this knowledge as a fairness graph, and learn a unified Pairwise Fair Representation (PFR) of the data that captures both data-driven similarity between individuals and the pairwise side-information in fairness graph. We elicit fairness judgments from a variety of sources, including human judgments for two real-world datasets on recidivism prediction (COMPAS) and violent neighborhood prediction (Crime & Communities). Our experiments show that the PFR model for operationalizing individual fairness is practically viable.
Structure-Level Knowledge Distillation For Multilingual Sequence Labeling
Multilingual sequence labeling is a task of predicting label sequences using a single unified model for multiple languages. Compared with relying on multiple monolingual models, using a multilingual model has the benefit of a smaller model size, easier in online serving, and generalizability to low-resource languages. However, current multilingual models still underperform individual monolingual models significantly due to model capacity limitations. In this paper, we propose to reduce the gap between monolingual models and the unified multilingual model by distilling the structural knowledge of several monolingual models (teachers) to the unified multilingual model (student). We propose two novel KD methods based on structure-level information: (1) approximately minimizes the distance between the student's and the teachers' structure level probability distributions, (2) aggregates the structure-level knowledge to local distributions and minimizes the distance between two local probability distributions. Our experiments on 4 multilingual tasks with 25 datasets show that our approaches outperform several strong baselines and have stronger zero-shot generalizability than both the baseline model and teacher models.
Adaptive Gaussian Copula ABC
Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) is a set of techniques for Bayesian inference when the likelihood is intractable but sampling from the model is possible. This work presents a simple yet effective ABC algorithm based on the combination of two classical ABC approaches --- regression ABC and sequential ABC. The key idea is that rather than learning the posterior directly, we first target another auxiliary distribution that can be learned accurately by existing methods, through which we then subsequently learn the desired posterior with the help of a Gaussian copula. During this process, the complexity of the model changes adaptively according to the data at hand. Experiments on a synthetic dataset as well as three real-world inference tasks demonstrates that the proposed method is fast, accurate, and easy to use.
Sparse Coding by Spiking Neural Networks: Convergence Theory and Computational Results
In a spiking neural network (SNN), individual neurons operate autonomously and only communicate with other neurons sparingly and asynchronously via spike signals. These characteristics render a massively parallel hardware implementation of SNN a potentially powerful computer, albeit a non von Neumann one. But can one guarantee that a SNN computer solves some important problems reliably? In this paper, we formulate a mathematical model of one SNN that can be configured for a sparse coding problem for feature extraction. With a moderate but well-defined assumption, we prove that the SNN indeed solves sparse coding. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first rigorous result of this kind.
Arm order recognition in multi-armed bandit problem with laser chaos time series
By exploiting ultrafast and irregular time series generated by lasers with delayed feedback, we have previously demonstrated a scalable algorithm to solve multi-armed bandit (MAB) problems utilizing the time-division multiplexing of laser chaos time series. Although the algorithm detects the arm with the highest reward expectation, the correct recognition of the order of arms in terms of reward expectations is not achievable. Here, we present an algorithm where the degree of exploration is adaptively controlled based on confidence intervals that represent the estimation accuracy of reward expectations. We have demonstrated numerically that our approach did improve arm order recognition accuracy significantly, along with reduced dependence on reward environments, and the total reward is almost maintained compared with conventional MAB methods. This study applies to sectors where the order information is critical, such as efficient allocation of resources in information and communications technology.
ReDecode Framework for Iterative Improvement in Paraphrase Generation
Generating paraphrases, that is, different variations of a sentence conveying the same meaning, is an important yet challenging task in NLP. Automatically generating paraphrases has its utility in many NLP tasks like question answering, information retrieval, conversational systems to name a few. In this paper, we introduce iterative refinement of generated paraphrases within VAE based generation framework. Current sequence generation models lack the capability to (1) make improvements once the sentence is generated; (2) rectify errors made while decoding. We propose a technique to iteratively refine the output using multiple decoders, each one attending on the output sentence generated by the previous decoder. We improve current state of the art results significantly - with over 9% and 28% absolute increase in METEOR scores on Quora question pairs and MSCOCO datasets respectively. We also show qualitatively through examples that our re-decoding approach generates better paraphrases compared to a single decoder by rectifying errors and making improvements in paraphrase structure, inducing variations and introducing new but semantically coherent information.
Holistic Multi-View Building Analysis in the Wild with Projection Pooling
We address six different classification tasks related to fine-grained building attributes: construction type, number of floors, pitch and geometry of the roof, facade material, and occupancy class. Tackling such a remote building analysis problem became possible only recently due to growing large-scale datasets of urban scenes. To this end, we introduce a new benchmarking dataset, consisting of 49426 images (top-view and street-view) of 9674 buildings. These photos are further assembled, together with the geometric metadata. The dataset showcases various real-world challenges, such as occlusions, blur, partially visible objects, and a broad spectrum of buildings. We propose a new projection pooling layer, creating a unified, top-view representation of the top-view and the side views in a high-dimensional space. It allows us to utilize the building and imagery metadata seamlessly. Introducing this layer improves classification accuracy -- compared to highly tuned baseline models -- indicating its suitability for building analysis.
A framework for information extraction from tables in biomedical literature
The scientific literature is growing exponentially, and professionals are no more able to cope with the current amount of publications. Text mining provided in the past methods to retrieve and extract information from text; however, most of these approaches ignored tables and figures. The research done in mining table data still does not have an integrated approach for mining that would consider all complexities and challenges of a table. Our research is examining the methods for extracting numerical (number of patients, age, gender distribution) and textual (adverse reactions) information from tables in the clinical literature. We present a requirement analysis template and an integral methodology for information extraction from tables in clinical domain that contains 7 steps: (1) table detection, (2) functional processing, (3) structural processing, (4) semantic tagging, (5) pragmatic processing, (6) cell selection and (7) syntactic processing and extraction. Our approach performed with the F-measure ranged between 82 and 92%, depending on the variable, task and its complexity.
Byzantine-Robust Online and Offline Distributed Reinforcement Learning
We consider a distributed reinforcement learning setting where multiple agents separately explore the environment and communicate their experiences through a central server. However, $\alpha$-fraction of agents are adversarial and can report arbitrary fake information. Critically, these adversarial agents can collude and their fake data can be of any sizes. We desire to robustly identify a near-optimal policy for the underlying Markov decision process in the presence of these adversarial agents. Our main technical contribution is Weighted-Clique, a novel algorithm for the robust mean estimation from batches problem, that can handle arbitrary batch sizes. Building upon this new estimator, in the offline setting, we design a Byzantine-robust distributed pessimistic value iteration algorithm; in the online setting, we design a Byzantine-robust distributed optimistic value iteration algorithm. Both algorithms obtain near-optimal sample complexities and achieve superior robustness guarantee than prior works.
RST-MODNet: Real-time Spatio-temporal Moving Object Detection for Autonomous Driving
Moving Object Detection (MOD) is a critical task for autonomous vehicles as moving objects represent higher collision risk than static ones. The trajectory of the ego-vehicle is planned based on the future states of detected moving objects. It is quite challenging as the ego-motion has to be modelled and compensated to be able to understand the motion of the surrounding objects. In this work, we propose a real-time end-to-end CNN architecture for MOD utilizing spatio-temporal context to improve robustness. We construct a novel time-aware architecture exploiting temporal motion information embedded within sequential images in addition to explicit motion maps using optical flow images.We demonstrate the impact of our algorithm on KITTI dataset where we obtain an improvement of 8% relative to the baselines. We compare our algorithm with state-of-the-art methods and achieve competitive results on KITTI-Motion dataset in terms of accuracy at three times better run-time. The proposed algorithm runs at 23 fps on a standard desktop GPU targeting deployment on embedded platforms.
Unsupervised Supervised Learning II: Training Margin Based Classifiers without Labels
Many popular linear classifiers, such as logistic regression, boosting, or SVM, are trained by optimizing a margin-based risk function. Traditionally, these risk functions are computed based on a labeled dataset. We develop a novel technique for estimating such risks using only unlabeled data and the marginal label distribution. We prove that the proposed risk estimator is consistent on high-dimensional datasets and demonstrate it on synthetic and real-world data. In particular, we show how the estimate is used for evaluating classifiers in transfer learning, and for training classifiers with no labeled data whatsoever.
Are Generative Classifiers More Robust to Adversarial Attacks?
There is a rising interest in studying the robustness of deep neural network classifiers against adversaries, with both advanced attack and defence techniques being actively developed. However, most recent work focuses on discriminative classifiers, which only model the conditional distribution of the labels given the inputs. In this paper, we propose and investigate the deep Bayes classifier, which improves classical naive Bayes with conditional deep generative models. We further develop detection methods for adversarial examples, which reject inputs with low likelihood under the generative model. Experimental results suggest that deep Bayes classifiers are more robust than deep discriminative classifiers, and that the proposed detection methods are effective against many recently proposed attacks.
Coded Computing for Federated Learning at the Edge
Federated Learning (FL) is an exciting new paradigm that enables training a global model from data generated locally at the client nodes, without moving client data to a centralized server. Performance of FL in a multi-access edge computing (MEC) network suffers from slow convergence due to heterogeneity and stochastic fluctuations in compute power and communication link qualities across clients. A recent work, Coded Federated Learning (CFL), proposes to mitigate stragglers and speed up training for linear regression tasks by assigning redundant computations at the MEC server. Coding redundancy in CFL is computed by exploiting statistical properties of compute and communication delays. We develop CodedFedL that addresses the difficult task of extending CFL to distributed non-linear regression and classification problems with multioutput labels. The key innovation of our work is to exploit distributed kernel embedding using random Fourier features that transforms the training task into distributed linear regression. We provide an analytical solution for load allocation, and demonstrate significant performance gains for CodedFedL through experiments over benchmark datasets using practical network parameters.
Angular Visual Hardness
Recent convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have led to impressive performance but often suffer from poor calibration. They tend to be overconfident, with the model confidence not always reflecting the underlying true ambiguity and hardness. In this paper, we propose angular visual hardness (AVH), a score given by the normalized angular distance between the sample feature embedding and the target classifier to measure sample hardness. We validate this score with an in-depth and extensive scientific study, and observe that CNN models with the highest accuracy also have the best AVH scores. This agrees with an earlier finding that state-of-art models improve on the classification of harder examples. We observe that the training dynamics of AVH is vastly different compared to the training loss. Specifically, AVH quickly reaches a plateau for all samples even though the training loss keeps improving. This suggests the need for designing better loss functions that can target harder examples more effectively. We also find that AVH has a statistically significant correlation with human visual hardness. Finally, we demonstrate the benefit of AVH to a variety of applications such as self-training for domain adaptation and domain generalization.
Entropic Regularization of Markov Decision Processes
An optimal feedback controller for a given Markov decision process (MDP) can in principle be synthesized by value or policy iteration. However, if the system dynamics and the reward function are unknown, a learning agent must discover an optimal controller via direct interaction with the environment. Such interactive data gathering commonly leads to divergence towards dangerous or uninformative regions of the state space unless additional regularization measures are taken. Prior works proposed bounding the information loss measured by the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence at every policy improvement step to eliminate instability in the learning dynamics. In this paper, we consider a broader family of $f$-divergences, and more concretely $\alpha$-divergences, which inherit the beneficial property of providing the policy improvement step in closed form at the same time yielding a corresponding dual objective for policy evaluation. Such entropic proximal policy optimization view gives a unified perspective on compatible actor-critic architectures. In particular, common least-squares value function estimation coupled with advantage-weighted maximum likelihood policy improvement is shown to correspond to the Pearson $\chi^2$-divergence penalty. Other actor-critic pairs arise for various choices of the penalty-generating function $f$. On a concrete instantiation of our framework with the $\alpha$-divergence, we carry out asymptotic analysis of the solutions for different values of $\alpha$ and demonstrate the effects of the divergence function choice on common standard reinforcement learning problems.
U(1) Symmetry-breaking Observed in Generic CNN Bottleneck Layers
We report on a significant discovery linking deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) to biological vision and fundamental particle physics. A model of information propagation in a CNN is proposed via an analogy to an optical system, where bosonic particles (i.e. photons) are concentrated as the 2D spatial resolution of the image collapses to a focal point $1\times 1=1$. A 3D space $(x,y,t)$ is defined by $(x,y)$ coordinates in the image plane and CNN layer $t$, where a principal ray $(0,0,t)$ runs in the direction of information propagation through both the optical axis and the image center pixel located at $(x,y)=(0,0)$, about which the sharpest possible spatial focus is limited to a circle of confusion in the image plane. Our novel insight is to model the principal optical ray $(0,0,t)$ as geometrically equivalent to the medial vector in the positive orthant $I(x,y) \in R^{N+}$ of a $N$-channel activation space, e.g. along the greyscale (or luminance) vector $(t,t,t)$ in $RGB$ colour space. Information is thus concentrated into an energy potential $E(x,y,t)=\|I(x,y,t)\|^2$, which, particularly for bottleneck layers $t$ of generic CNNs, is highly concentrated and symmetric about the spatial origin $(0,0,t)$ and exhibits the well-known "Sombrero" potential of the boson particle. This symmetry is broken in classification, where bottleneck layers of generic pre-trained CNN models exhibit a consistent class-specific bias towards an angle $\theta \in U(1)$ defined simultaneously in the image plane and in activation feature space. Initial observations validate our hypothesis from generic pre-trained CNN activation maps and a bare-bones memory-based classification scheme, with no training or tuning. Training from scratch using a random $U(1)$ class label the leads to improved classification in all cases.
Parallel Algorithm for Non-Monotone DR-Submodular Maximization
In this work, we give a new parallel algorithm for the problem of maximizing a non-monotone diminishing returns submodular function subject to a cardinality constraint. For any desired accuracy $\epsilon$, our algorithm achieves a $1/e - \epsilon$ approximation using $O(\log{n} \log(1/\epsilon) / \epsilon^3)$ parallel rounds of function evaluations. The approximation guarantee nearly matches the best approximation guarantee known for the problem in the sequential setting and the number of parallel rounds is nearly-optimal for any constant $\epsilon$. Previous algorithms achieve worse approximation guarantees using $\Omega(\log^2{n})$ parallel rounds. Our experimental evaluation suggests that our algorithm obtains solutions whose objective value nearly matches the value obtained by the state of the art sequential algorithms, and it outperforms previous parallel algorithms in number of parallel rounds, iterations, and solution quality.
Pervasive Hand Gesture Recognition for Smartphones using Non-audible Sound and Deep Learning
Due to the mass advancement in ubiquitous technologies nowadays, new pervasive methods have come into the practice to provide new innovative features and stimulate the research on new human-computer interactions. This paper presents a hand gesture recognition method that utilizes the smartphone's built-in speakers and microphones. The proposed system emits an ultrasonic sonar-based signal (inaudible sound) from the smartphone's stereo speakers, which is then received by the smartphone's microphone and processed via a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for Hand Gesture Recognition. Data augmentation techniques are proposed to improve the detection accuracy and three dual-channel input fusion methods are compared. The first method merges the dual-channel audio as a single input spectrogram image. The second method adopts early fusion by concatenating the dual-channel spectrograms. The third method adopts late fusion by having two convectional input branches processing each of the dual-channel spectrograms and then the outputs are merged by the last layers. Our experimental results demonstrate a promising detection accuracy for the six gestures presented in our publicly available dataset with an accuracy of 93.58\% as a baseline.
Neural MMO: A Massively Multiagent Game Environment for Training and Evaluating Intelligent Agents
The emergence of complex life on Earth is often attributed to the arms race that ensued from a huge number of organisms all competing for finite resources. We present an artificial intelligence research environment, inspired by the human game genre of MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games, a.k.a. MMOs), that aims to simulate this setting in microcosm. As with MMORPGs and the real world alike, our environment is persistent and supports a large and variable number of agents. Our environment is well suited to the study of large-scale multiagent interaction: it requires that agents learn robust combat and navigation policies in the presence of large populations attempting to do the same. Baseline experiments reveal that population size magnifies and incentivizes the development of skillful behaviors and results in agents that outcompete agents trained in smaller populations. We further show that the policies of agents with unshared weights naturally diverge to fill different niches in order to avoid competition.
Disentangling Neural Architectures and Weights: A Case Study in Supervised Classification
The history of deep learning has shown that human-designed problem-specific networks can greatly improve the classification performance of general neural models. In most practical cases, however, choosing the optimal architecture for a given task remains a challenging problem. Recent architecture-search methods are able to automatically build neural models with strong performance but fail to fully appreciate the interaction between neural architecture and weights. This work investigates the problem of disentangling the role of the neural structure and its edge weights, by showing that well-trained architectures may not need any link-specific fine-tuning of the weights. We compare the performance of such weight-free networks (in our case these are binary networks with {0, 1}-valued weights) with random, weight-agnostic, pruned and standard fully connected networks. To find the optimal weight-agnostic network, we use a novel and computationally efficient method that translates the hard architecture-search problem into a feasible optimization problem.More specifically, we look at the optimal task-specific architectures as the optimal configuration of binary networks with {0, 1}-valued weights, which can be found through an approximate gradient descent strategy. Theoretical convergence guarantees of the proposed algorithm are obtained by bounding the error in the gradient approximation and its practical performance is evaluated on two real-world data sets. For measuring the structural similarities between different architectures, we use a novel spectral approach that allows us to underline the intrinsic differences between real-valued networks and weight-free architectures.
Mutual Information for Explainable Deep Learning of Multiscale Systems
Timely completion of design cycles for complex systems ranging from consumer electronics to hypersonic vehicles relies on rapid simulation-based prototyping. The latter typically involves high-dimensional spaces of possibly correlated control variables (CVs) and quantities of interest (QoIs) with non-Gaussian and possibly multimodal distributions. We develop a model-agnostic, moment-independent global sensitivity analysis (GSA) that relies on differential mutual information to rank the effects of CVs on QoIs. The data requirements of this information-theoretic approach to GSA are met by replacing computationally intensive components of the physics-based model with a deep neural network surrogate. Subsequently, the GSA is used to explain the network predictions, and the surrogate is deployed to close design loops. Viewed as an uncertainty quantification method for interrogating the surrogate, this framework is compatible with a wide variety of black-box models. We demonstrate that the surrogate-driven mutual information GSA provides useful and distinguishable rankings on two applications of interest in energy storage. Consequently, our information-theoretic GSA provides an "outer loop" for accelerated product design by identifying the most and least sensitive input directions and performing subsequent optimization over appropriately reduced parameter subspaces.
Robust Deep Learning with Active Noise Cancellation for Spatial Computing
This paper proposes CANC, a Co-teaching Active Noise Cancellation method, applied in spatial computing to address deep learning trained with extreme noisy labels. Deep learning algorithms have been successful in spatial computing for land or building footprint recognition. However a lot of noise exists in ground truth labels due to how labels are collected in spatial computing and satellite imagery. Existing methods to deal with extreme label noise conduct clean sample selection and do not utilize the remaining samples. Such techniques can be wasteful due to the cost of data retrieval. Our proposed CANC algorithm not only conserves high-cost training samples but also provides active label correction to better improve robust deep learning with extreme noisy labels. We demonstrate the effectiveness of CANC for building footprint recognition for spatial computing.
Towards a Theoretical Understanding of Hashing-Based Neural Nets
Parameter reduction has been an important topic in deep learning due to the ever-increasing size of deep neural network models and the need to train and run them on resource limited machines. Despite many efforts in this area, there were no rigorous theoretical guarantees on why existing neural net compression methods should work. In this paper, we provide provable guarantees on some hashing-based parameter reduction methods in neural nets. First, we introduce a neural net compression scheme based on random linear sketching (which is usually implemented efficiently via hashing), and show that the sketched (smaller) network is able to approximate the original network on all input data coming from any smooth and well-conditioned low-dimensional manifold. The sketched network can also be trained directly via back-propagation. Next, we study the previously proposed HashedNets architecture and show that the optimization landscape of one-hidden-layer HashedNets has a local strong convexity property similar to a normal fully connected neural network. We complement our theoretical results with empirical verifications.
DeepFlow: History Matching in the Space of Deep Generative Models
The calibration of a reservoir model with observed transient data of fluid pressures and rates is a key task in obtaining a predictive model of the flow and transport behaviour of the earth's subsurface. The model calibration task, commonly referred to as "history matching", can be formalised as an ill-posed inverse problem where we aim to find the underlying spatial distribution of petrophysical properties that explain the observed dynamic data. We use a generative adversarial network pretrained on geostatistical object-based models to represent the distribution of rock properties for a synthetic model of a hydrocarbon reservoir. The dynamic behaviour of the reservoir fluids is modelled using a transient two-phase incompressible Darcy formulation. We invert for the underlying reservoir properties by first modeling property distributions using the pre-trained generative model then using the adjoint equations of the forward problem to perform gradient descent on the latent variables that control the output of the generative model. In addition to the dynamic observation data, we include well rock-type constraints by introducing an additional objective function. Our contribution shows that for a synthetic test case, we are able to obtain solutions to the inverse problem by optimising in the latent variable space of a deep generative model, given a set of transient observations of a non-linear forward problem.
Unconstrained Fashion Landmark Detection via Hierarchical Recurrent Transformer Networks
Fashion landmarks are functional key points defined on clothes, such as corners of neckline, hemline, and cuff. They have been recently introduced as an effective visual representation for fashion image understanding. However, detecting fashion landmarks are challenging due to background clutters, human poses, and scales. To remove the above variations, previous works usually assumed bounding boxes of clothes are provided in training and test as additional annotations, which are expensive to obtain and inapplicable in practice. This work addresses unconstrained fashion landmark detection, where clothing bounding boxes are not provided in both training and test. To this end, we present a novel Deep LAndmark Network (DLAN), where bounding boxes and landmarks are jointly estimated and trained iteratively in an end-to-end manner. DLAN contains two dedicated modules, including a Selective Dilated Convolution for handling scale discrepancies, and a Hierarchical Recurrent Spatial Transformer for handling background clutters. To evaluate DLAN, we present a large-scale fashion landmark dataset, namely Unconstrained Landmark Database (ULD), consisting of 30K images. Statistics show that ULD is more challenging than existing datasets in terms of image scales, background clutters, and human poses. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of DLAN over the state-of-the-art methods. DLAN also exhibits excellent generalization across different clothing categories and modalities, making it extremely suitable for real-world fashion analysis.
AMR Quality Rating with a Lightweight CNN
Structured semantic sentence representations such as Abstract Meaning Representations (AMRs) are potentially useful in various NLP tasks. However, the quality of automatic parses can vary greatly and jeopardizes their usefulness. This can be mitigated by models that can accurately rate AMR quality in the absence of costly gold data, allowing us to inform downstream systems about an incorporated parse's trustworthiness or select among different candidate parses. In this work, we propose to transfer the AMR graph to the domain of images. This allows us to create a simple convolutional neural network (CNN) that imitates a human judge tasked with rating graph quality. Our experiments show that the method can rate quality more accurately than strong baselines, in several quality dimensions. Moreover, the method proves to be efficient and reduces the incurred energy consumption.
Deep Learning for Power System Security Assessment
Security assessment is among the most fundamental functions of power system operator. The sheer complexity of power systems exceeding a few buses, however, makes it an extremely computationally demanding task. The emergence of deep learning methods that are able to handle immense amounts of data, and infer valuable information appears as a promising alternative. This paper has two main contributions. First, inspired by the remarkable performance of convolutional neural networks for image processing, we represent for the first time power system snapshots as 2-dimensional images, thus taking advantage of the wide range of deep learning methods available for image processing. Second, we train deep neural networks on a large database for the NESTA 162-bus system to assess both N-1 security and small-signal stability. We find that our approach is over 255 times faster than a standard small-signal stability assessment, and it can correctly determine unsafe points with over 99% accuracy.
Filter Grafting for Deep Neural Networks: Reason, Method, and Cultivation
Filter is the key component in modern convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, since CNNs are usually over-parameterized, a pre-trained network always contain some invalid (unimportant) filters. These filters have relatively small $l_{1}$ norm and contribute little to the output (\textbf{Reason}). While filter pruning removes these invalid filters for efficiency consideration, we tend to reactivate them to improve the representation capability of CNNs. In this paper, we introduce filter grafting (\textbf{Method}) to achieve this goal. The activation is processed by grafting external information (weights) into invalid filters. To better perform the grafting, we develop a novel criterion to measure the information of filters and an adaptive weighting strategy to balance the grafted information among networks. After the grafting operation, the network has fewer invalid filters compared with its initial state, enpowering the model with more representation capacity. Meanwhile, since grafting is operated reciprocally on all networks involved, we find that grafting may lose the information of valid filters when improving invalid filters. To gain a universal improvement on both valid and invalid filters, we compensate grafting with distillation (\textbf{Cultivation}) to overcome the drawback of grafting . Extensive experiments are performed on the classification and recognition tasks to show the superiority of our method. Code is available at \textcolor{black}{\emph{https://github.com/fxmeng/filter-grafting}}.
AutoMC: Automated Model Compression based on Domain Knowledge and Progressive search strategy
Model compression methods can reduce model complexity on the premise of maintaining acceptable performance, and thus promote the application of deep neural networks under resource constrained environments. Despite their great success, the selection of suitable compression methods and design of details of the compression scheme are difficult, requiring lots of domain knowledge as support, which is not friendly to non-expert users. To make more users easily access to the model compression scheme that best meet their needs, in this paper, we propose AutoMC, an effective automatic tool for model compression. AutoMC builds the domain knowledge on model compression to deeply understand the characteristics and advantages of each compression method under different settings. In addition, it presents a progressive search strategy to efficiently explore pareto optimal compression scheme according to the learned prior knowledge combined with the historical evaluation information. Extensive experimental results show that AutoMC can provide satisfying compression schemes within short time, demonstrating the effectiveness of AutoMC.
Reinforcement Learning with Sparse Rewards using Guidance from Offline Demonstration
A major challenge in real-world reinforcement learning (RL) is the sparsity of reward feedback. Often, what is available is an intuitive but sparse reward function that only indicates whether the task is completed partially or fully. However, the lack of carefully designed, fine grain feedback implies that most existing RL algorithms fail to learn an acceptable policy in a reasonable time frame. This is because of the large number of exploration actions that the policy has to perform before it gets any useful feedback that it can learn from. In this work, we address this challenging problem by developing an algorithm that exploits the offline demonstration data generated by a sub-optimal behavior policy for faster and efficient online RL in such sparse reward settings. The proposed algorithm, which we call the Learning Online with Guidance Offline (LOGO) algorithm, merges a policy improvement step with an additional policy guidance step by using the offline demonstration data. The key idea is that by obtaining guidance from - not imitating - the offline data, LOGO orients its policy in the manner of the sub-optimal policy, while yet being able to learn beyond and approach optimality. We provide a theoretical analysis of our algorithm, and provide a lower bound on the performance improvement in each learning episode. We also extend our algorithm to the even more challenging incomplete observation setting, where the demonstration data contains only a censored version of the true state observation. We demonstrate the superior performance of our algorithm over state-of-the-art approaches on a number of benchmark environments with sparse rewards and censored state. Further, we demonstrate the value of our approach via implementing LOGO on a mobile robot for trajectory tracking and obstacle avoidance, where it shows excellent performance.
High-Resolution Daytime Translation Without Domain Labels
Modeling daytime changes in high resolution photographs, e.g., re-rendering the same scene under different illuminations typical for day, night, or dawn, is a challenging image manipulation task. We present the high-resolution daytime translation (HiDT) model for this task. HiDT combines a generative image-to-image model and a new upsampling scheme that allows to apply image translation at high resolution. The model demonstrates competitive results in terms of both commonly used GAN metrics and human evaluation. Importantly, this good performance comes as a result of training on a dataset of still landscape images with no daytime labels available. Our results are available at https://saic-mdal.github.io/HiDT/.
Image deblurring based on lightweight multi-information fusion network
Recently, deep learning based image deblurring has been well developed. However, exploiting the detailed image features in a deep learning framework always requires a mass of parameters, which inevitably makes the network suffer from high computational burden. To solve this problem, we propose a lightweight multiinformation fusion network (LMFN) for image deblurring. The proposed LMFN is designed as an encoder-decoder architecture. In the encoding stage, the image feature is reduced to various smallscale spaces for multi-scale information extraction and fusion without a large amount of information loss. Then, a distillation network is used in the decoding stage, which allows the network benefit the most from residual learning while remaining sufficiently lightweight. Meanwhile, an information fusion strategy between distillation modules and feature channels is also carried out by attention mechanism. Through fusing different information in the proposed approach, our network can achieve state-of-the-art image deblurring result with smaller number of parameters and outperforms existing methods in model complexity.
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Constrained Field Development Optimization in Subsurface Two-phase Flow
We present a deep reinforcement learning-based artificial intelligence agent that could provide optimized development plans given a basic description of the reservoir and rock/fluid properties with minimal computational cost. This artificial intelligence agent, comprising of a convolutional neural network, provides a mapping from a given state of the reservoir model, constraints, and economic condition to the optimal decision (drill/do not drill and well location) to be taken in the next stage of the defined sequential field development planning process. The state of the reservoir model is defined using parameters that appear in the governing equations of the two-phase flow. A feedback loop training process referred to as deep reinforcement learning is used to train an artificial intelligence agent with such a capability. The training entails millions of flow simulations with varying reservoir model descriptions (structural, rock and fluid properties), operational constraints, and economic conditions. The parameters that define the reservoir model, operational constraints, and economic conditions are randomly sampled from a defined range of applicability. Several algorithmic treatments are introduced to enhance the training of the artificial intelligence agent. After appropriate training, the artificial intelligence agent provides an optimized field development plan instantly for new scenarios within the defined range of applicability. This approach has advantages over traditional optimization algorithms (e.g., particle swarm optimization, genetic algorithm) that are generally used to find a solution for a specific field development scenario and typically not generalizable to different scenarios.
On the Hardness of PAC-learning Stabilizer States with Noise
We consider the problem of learning stabilizer states with noise in the Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) framework of Aaronson (2007) for learning quantum states. In the noiseless setting, an algorithm for this problem was recently given by Rocchetto (2018), but the noisy case was left open. Motivated by approaches to noise tolerance from classical learning theory, we introduce the Statistical Query (SQ) model for PAC-learning quantum states, and prove that algorithms in this model are indeed resilient to common forms of noise, including classification and depolarizing noise. We prove an exponential lower bound on learning stabilizer states in the SQ model. Even outside the SQ model, we prove that learning stabilizer states with noise is in general as hard as Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) using classical examples. Our results position the problem of learning stabilizer states as a natural quantum analogue of the classical problem of learning parities: easy in the noiseless setting, but seemingly intractable even with simple forms of noise.
ExpertMatcher: Automating ML Model Selection for Users in Resource Constrained Countries
In this work we introduce ExpertMatcher, a method for automating deep learning model selection using autoencoders. Specifically, we are interested in performing inference on data sources that are distributed across many clients using pretrained expert ML networks on a centralized server. The ExpertMatcher assigns the most relevant model(s) in the central server given the client's data representation. This allows resource-constrained clients in developing countries to utilize the most relevant ML models for their given task without having to evaluate the performance of each ML model. The method is generic and can be beneficial in any setup where there are local clients and numerous centralized expert ML models.
MobileViT: Light-weight, General-purpose, and Mobile-friendly Vision Transformer
Light-weight convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are the de-facto for mobile vision tasks. Their spatial inductive biases allow them to learn representations with fewer parameters across different vision tasks. However, these networks are spatially local. To learn global representations, self-attention-based vision trans-formers (ViTs) have been adopted. Unlike CNNs, ViTs are heavy-weight. In this paper, we ask the following question: is it possible to combine the strengths of CNNs and ViTs to build a light-weight and low latency network for mobile vision tasks? Towards this end, we introduce MobileViT, a light-weight and general-purpose vision transformer for mobile devices. MobileViT presents a different perspective for the global processing of information with transformers, i.e., transformers as convolutions. Our results show that MobileViT significantly outperforms CNN- and ViT-based networks across different tasks and datasets. On the ImageNet-1k dataset, MobileViT achieves top-1 accuracy of 78.4% with about 6 million parameters, which is 3.2% and 6.2% more accurate than MobileNetv3 (CNN-based) and DeIT (ViT-based) for a similar number of parameters. On the MS-COCO object detection task, MobileViT is 5.7% more accurate than MobileNetv3 for a similar number of parameters. Our source code is open-source and available at: https://github.com/apple/ml-cvnets