<START_QUESTION> what question can someone ask all day long, always get completely different answers, and yet all the answers could be correct? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> what time is it <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> toms mom has 3 kids the first ones name is known the second name was juicy, but what was the third ones name <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> tom <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> you speak to me, but you are talking to someone else, what am i? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> microphone <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> what has a face, no ears, mouth, nose, eyes, or hair <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> cube <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> how did the dog get so hot <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> he ate a hot dog <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> I have 45 legs, 16 arms, 80 hands and 16 heads. what am i? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> liar <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> a detective walked up to a door. before he went inside, he heard: " no bob! dont! " then there was a large bang! well, the detective ran inside the door, to find a plumber, an electrician, and a traveling salesman. there was also a dead woman on the floor with a gun beside her. the detective immediately arrested the traveling salesman. how did he know it was the traveling salesman that killed the woman? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> plumber and electrician were girls <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> where do fish keep their cash? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> in the river bank <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> what body part is a " mug "? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> face <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> which tree you can eat? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> pastree <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> I am a square people by me at the store they wash dishes with me <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> sponge <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> what never asks questions but is always answered. what am it? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> doorbell <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> I was hungry what did I eat or did i was it a rat no <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> it was a rat <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> I have four legs in the morning i have two legs in the mid - day i have and three legs in the evening what am i? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> human being <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> what is the best part about being a surfer? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> you are never board <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> there was a person named square. what do you think his dance is called? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> square dance <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> controlled by your hands and feet it would be nothing without a street what is it? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> car <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> billy went on today, but left on ready. how is this possible? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> horses name was tuesday <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> what has a mouth, but cannot speak, has a bed, but cannot sleep, can run, but cannot walk, can have a fall, and not get hurt? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> river <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> with my pair i should be, but i am usually alone you see, for a monster always eats me. do you know what i must be? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> socks <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> what has a head and a tail but no body? there are two possible answers and one you know from science <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> sperm and a quarter <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> this food is a chop of pork cut perpendicularly to the spine of the pig and usually containing a rib or part of a vertebra, served as an individual portion <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> porkchops <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> if you have 3 oranges and you take away 2, how many will you have? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> two you took two <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> what is spelled the same as it is frontwards as it is backwards and is type of car? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> racecar <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> 1 11 21 1211 111221 312211 13112221 1113213211 what number comes next? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> 31131211131221 <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> what has three eyes six legs and a tail? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> norse god odin <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> a taxi man goes up a one way street the wrong way and a police officer she's him and doesn't say any thing why? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> taxi man is walking <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> little lily lost her dolly in the pram or trolley when she went to buy a lolly would it be in pram or trolley? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> trolly <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> imagine you are in a box, it is sealed and made out of metal. there is no locks windows or small holes in the box. youbrought nothing and it is hardly able to get out. but how can you get out? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> stop imaginating <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> where does a car swim? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> in a car pool <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> it has no voice, it has no mouth, yet soundlessly it cries - it strikes down trees and spits tons of ice, yet living it is not. <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> thunderhead cloud <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> this is the common vehicle both george a jetson and until a hamstring drove to work <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> spaceship <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> what red, and green, and goes 100mph? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> frog in blender <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> I sting people badly until they die. i have a long tail and have claws. what can i? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> scorpion <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> if you are allergic to pineapples, are you allergic to pineneedles? are you allergic to pines, and are you allergic to apples? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> nope just pineapples <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> I always follow my brother but you cannot see me, only him. you cannot hear him but you can hear me. what are we? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> thunder lightning <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> there is a 4 - way intersection with a shop in each corner with 5 stores how is that possible? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> it isnt <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> where do old bowling balls end up? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> in the gutter <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> a mother with 3 children has one potato. she wants to feed all her children equally how does she do it without using fractions? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> she makes mashed potatos <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> if you think you got it answer this i at the end and then i am ever thing what am i? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> god <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> what do you sit in, sleep on and, brush your teeth with? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> chair bed and toothbrush <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> whats blue and is in the air it is not a cloud nor the sky. what am i <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> blue airplane <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> pete repeat was on a boat. pete repeat fell off. who is left? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> pete pete repete <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> what do you do with a dead chemist? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> barium <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> 9 + 9 = 9 how can that be? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> 9918 189 <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> poke your fingers in my eyes and i will open wide my jaws. linen cloth, quills, or paper, my greedy lust devours them all. what am i? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> shears or scissors <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> skin and bones flying high. <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> kyte <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> here is ducky. ( ~ ) < ( ) he eats 12 pieces of food a day & he eats breakfast, lunch, & dinner. how much does he eat in breakfast, lunch and dinner? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> 4 <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> I ran 6 tochdonw who am i <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> tory roberson <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> why are webkinz stuffed animals. <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> because their cute <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> find the name of animals in the given acronyms: - qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> all the animals <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> your go into the forest and get me you sit down to find me and you leave because you cant find me. what am i? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> sliver <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> a candy whose name is reminiscent of a small laugh <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> snickers <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> a life or death skill for firefighters <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> quickdraw <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> I am large as a castle, yet lighter than air. 100 men and their horses cannot move me. what am i? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> castles shadow <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> this father and son were driving down a road and got hit. the dad died instantly, but the kid was buried alive when the paramedics got there. the boy was rushed into surgery immediately. when the surgeon came out and said " i can't operate on this boy, he is my son! " how is this possible? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> surgeon is boys mother <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> what happens whenyouthrow a rock in water? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> it sinks <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> why didnt the skeleton cross the road? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> becuase it had no guts <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> I am the center of gravity and the start of all views. i am in lives but not in deaths. i am similar to see even though i am less than three <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> v <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> a man is naked in a concrete room, he has no supplies or nothing. his concrete ceiling, concrete ground concrete walls. theres no windows no doors nothing. he gets out how? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> through the door frame <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> a spent round or a slimy critter <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> slug <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> a man and his son were driving and had an accident. the father died. the son was taken to a hospital for treatment of injuries. the surgeon said " I cant operate on this boy, he's my son! " how is this possible? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> surgeon was boys mother <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> what is the difference between a new 20 dollar bill and an old one? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> 19 dollars <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> I can run constantly without ever getting tired. when i run, i frustrate people and drive them crazy, yet i don't even have to move to irritate you. what am i? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> runny nose <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> what do sea otters use for money? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> sand dollars <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> a man, exhausted from his long journey decides to go to sleep. he shuts off all the lights and goes to sleep. when he wakes up he has already killed 365 people. he does not sleep walk and sleep all night like a baby. how is this possible? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> he lives in a lighthouse <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> with the numbers 123456789, make them add up to 100. they must stay in the same order. you can use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. remember, they have to stay in the same order. <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> 12345678x9100 <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> a pair of monkeys sit in each corner of a square cage. they are all looking at each other. how many monkeys can say they are looking at another monkey? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> none monkeys cant talk <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> in the forest, this blends in just right, but every december it is covered with lights what is it? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> evergreen <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> a woman is pushing a a wheelbarrow around in a square, and getting paid how does this work? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> she is playing monopoly <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> what you're looking for. I'll hide it from you. however if you ask, i'll lead you right through. you're tempted to cross me, an act i won't prevent. if chosen too soon, may come with regret. if i'm not there you're mad, you ask for me to be. this time for a change, i'll be right behind me. <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> spoiler tag <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> which is the longest way? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> norway <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> when asked how old she was, suzie replied, " in two years I will be twice as old as I was five years ago. " how old is she? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> shes 12 <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> there is a very good looking 18 year old girl. she goes down a one way street the wrong way with cops everywhere. why doesn't she get a ticket? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> shes walking <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> although it sounds like i work on a transportation device, i actually work in a restaurant. what am i? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> busboy <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> I go where you go! but i don't make a sound. i'm loud when i need to be. and silent when you put me down. on any given day you can have up to ten those can be your enemy can also be your friend what i'm i? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> cell phone <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> what's white when it's clean but black when it's used or being used? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> white board <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> what problem does occur in a nuclear robot? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> atomicache <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> if you were sitting in an upside down room with a right side up chair would you be rightside up or upside down? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> rightside up <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> I am the heart that does not beat. if cut, i bleed without blood. i can fly, but have no wings. i can float, but have no fins. i can sing, but have no mouth. <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> wood <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> who was the most famous cat in the wild west? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> kitty carson <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> what is heartbroken's favorite fruit? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> banannana <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> title: the world's hardest riddle " body: i turn polar bears white and i will make you cry. i make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. i make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities. i turn pancakes brown and make your champagne bubble. if you squeeze me, i'll pop. if you look at me, you'll pop. can you guess the riddle? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> grease <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> which person dresses the same way like the batsman without the bat in all cricket matches. <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> wicketkeeper <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> there are 6 copy cats on a boat. 1 jump off. how many copy cats are left? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> none their copy cats <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> why did the boy put his computer in the tree trunk? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> he wanted to log on <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> there is a green monster and a red monster in your town and you have to kill them. the red monster will die after being shot 1 time and the green will die after being shot 2 times. you only have 2 bullets. how do you kill them both? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> buy more bullets <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> large as a mountain, small as a pea, endlessly swimming in a waterless sea. what am i? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> asteroids <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> a boy and his dad are driving in the car, then they crash, the dad dies's and the son is rushed to hospital, then a person come's in and says'' thats my son!'' who is that person? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> boys mum <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> a very pretty thing in i, fluttering in the pale - blue sky. delicate, fragile on the wing, indeed i am a pretty thing. what am i? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> butterfly delicate and unique <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> I am currently drying though i've never been wet i keep on signing but keep still drying yet if i get wet a terrible site being so close to what would do understand why i feel a threat? what am i? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> blow dryer <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> a kind of game with love and service played by singles and pairs <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> tennis <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> how did rich people get their money? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> they were calm and collected <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> a mother has children. all of them are green eyed but 2, all of them are blue eyed but 2 and all of them are brown eyed but 2. how many children does she have? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> 3 <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> I sound a color, but that's the old me; i grow near the water; i'm what your doing. what am i? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> readreed <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> im big as a whale and i roll like the sea. my cousin is even bigger than me. what am i? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> hills <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> what is it that even the most careful person always overlooks? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> their nose <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> imagine that your in a box, how do you get out? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> stop imaging <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> I am like day, you can find me near the river any day, and you can make almost anything out of me. who am i? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> clay <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>
<START_QUESTION> what is media's favorite cheese? <END_QUESTION> <ANSWER> gorgonzola <END_ANSWER><|endoftext|>