69 values
Looking for 80s bands that sound like Joy Division, Bauhaus, Depeche Mode, New Order, Modern English, The Sound, Echo and the Bunny Men, The Cure, For Against, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Killing Joke, The Fall, Wire, Gang of Four etc. - but less famous than these examples That gloomy-but-dancy post-punk/new wave sound. Bands I like but that aren't what I'm currently looking for, for varying reasons: INXS, Duran Duran, Talk Talk, Talking Heads, The Smiths, The Clash, XTC, Spandau Ballet, Kraftwerk, Yello, Roxy Music
clan of xymox, cocteau twins, cabaret voltaire
Check out Solid Space - Space Museum
How many backpacks? How many backpacks do you own? I already have a really nice frameless UL pack. But I do feel like having options wouldn’t be a bad thing. If say, I needed to carry a bear can, or more days of food, I’d like the option of just using a bigger pack with a frame - like the Arc Blast. Do any of you have multiple options as far as backpacks are concerned? I would love to hear from you all! Thanks! This sub is a huge help. RB
As someone who started firmly in the non-UL camp and is slowly reaching UL, I have 4 overnight packs: * Osprey Atmos AG 65L - I never use this anymore. I only have it because I haven't tried to sell it. * Osprey Talon 44L - This is the pack I lend to friends if they need one. Small size gives me an opportunity to explain why they don't need their 3rd jacket like a true UL fanboy. * HMG Southwest 2400 - My go-to for longer trips or when I need a bear can * MYOG \~33L frameless made by a buddy - pack for shorter trips where I don't need a bear can, although I'm starting to make it work on some bear can trips now that my BPW has gotten sufficiently low I only really need 2 *primary* packs: the longer trip pack, currently HMG Southwest 2400, and a 30-35L frameless. These two are versatile enough to handle all of my backpacking use cases. I will always have more 2 packs so I can outfit friends.
I have three going on four. Each one smaller than the last.
Who is your preferred VAR and why? Curious which partners do you all prefer and why? Is it the sales reps personality, their aptitude, or maybe their internal resource teams they connect you with? Does any of that really matter or is it about finding someone you just "like"? Full disclosure: I work at one as a software specialist for a specific manufacturer. I can't seem to understand what makes someone switch partners or decide to stick with one. I'm not using this to generate new leads and will not be DMing anyone, really just trying to understand through a nonbiased and anonymous channel. Mods feel free to delete if this isn't allowed.
There's one big requirement. Be a problem solver, not a problem creator. Unplanned phone calls or marketing to myself or my team are annoying, and waste time but a single unplanned message to a c-suite or general upper management and your attempts to contact us will never escape a tarpit again. Be available to solve problems when we reach out, and be realistic about costs and timeline. Really the environment out there is scummy enough that just being a decent person is a huge leg up.
I won't name them, but I'll tell you why I've stuck with them, and moved with them when they switched companies: They don't bug me with constant sales calls. That's it, that's all it takes to win my loyalty. Well, not entirely - they respond quickly when I reach out to them, I guess that part is important too. If I don't need anything, the most I'll hear from them is maybe a once a year invitation to lunch or something. When I do need something, usually I already know exactly what I want and need pricing. Once in awhile it'll be "we need a thing that does X...what should we get?". I always hear back from them quickly. The VARs that lost our business were the ones where I'd get at least monthly calls and emails from a never ending stream of new account managers trying to drum up sales. I don't have time for that.
I just gave blood today and it got me there a benefit to giving blood and creating "new blood" periodically? Is the "newer" blood any better or significantly different? Pretty much what the question asked. I know the idea of bleeding someone for medical purposes (through the use of leeches, etc.) is considered barbaric and not necessarily beneficial in any way, but is there some benefit to giving blood and creating new blood sporadically?
Various studies have suggested that donating blood can extend lifespan, mainly by apparently reducing the risk of cardiac events and stroke. The mechanism is as of yet unclear and theories about iron stores and atherosclerosis, decreased viscosity, decreased cholesterol oxidation, etc. are largely supported by outcome rather than observed mechanism. The people who objectively *do* benefit from regular transfusions (known as therapeutic phlebotomy) are those who have a disease that affect the production or maintenance of red blood cells, chiefly hemochromatosis (too much iron absorption), polycythemia vera (too many RBC) and the various porphyrias (defective heme synthesis). **In Short:** There is correlation between donating blood regularly and increased life span/decreased risk of thrombotic events (and maybe even cancer) but the mechanism is far from established. In addition, confounding factors (for example, healthier people tend to donate blood more often anyway) are always difficult to accommodate for in multifactorial disease processes and treatments, especially when the studies this far have mainly been retrospective (seeing an outcome then going back and looking at what the people did differently than their peers).
Very short answer: no. Slightly longer answer: still no. Your body makes new blood all the time. The constituents of blood have a finite life cycle so you body gets rid of them when they are of no use. Poop has a lot of dead blood cells in it.
Why do strings and headphone cables spontaneously wrap around each other when placed in proximity? It seem as if some invisible force pulls them together but I know that gravity is too weak to be the answer. I've always wondered this but today when my ear bud cables twisted around each other it annoyed me enough to finally ask. Of course I've asked the search engines, phrasing the query in many different ways, but can't seem to find the answer to this exact phenomenon. It's like some malicious magical force that exists solely to bedevil us (no, I don't believe in magic, but I like the song).
As others have said, yes it's due to entropy. But I want to get to the "why" a little more. It's probability. There are thousands, millions, maybe infinite different tangled states a cord can be in, and exactly one non tangled state. Being tangled is the "natural state" simply because it's by far the most likely state. Every time you put the cord in your pocket and scrunch it around, you're picking another random configuration. Since "untangled" is vanishingly unlikely when picking randomly from all possible configurations, it "spontaneously" comes out tangled \~every time. The exact phenomenon you're looking for is Spontaneous Knotting of an Agitated String by the way. Here's the landmark paper on it: Spontaneous knotting of an agitated string \- Raymer and Smith 2007 Math blog explaining the above paper. Video of Raymer doing a talk on the topic.
I had always heard this referenced as a case for entropy. Their natural state is to be tangled. We impose order on them by making them straight. Left unattended though they will always move towards disorder. I understand your question was more about the physical forces at work. But I always thought this was interesting! Edit: autocorrect
Why is Latin used in Modern Western Philosophy? To potentially avoid confusion, when I say, "Modern," I'm referring to when Descartes starting publishing his work, which I is considered historically Modern in the Western canon from what I'm told (this might already be obvious to most). Anyhow, this anomaly stood out to me when first seeing how *I Think, Therefore I Am* is popularly refered to in it's Latin translation *Cogito, Ergo Sum* since Descartes also needed to appeal to scholastic norms at the time. But why was Latin still in use at all by the 17th Century? The only other example I can think of where a philosopher uses Latin in the wake of the Modern Era is Wittgentein's *Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.* Did European academics still appeal to Latin at the time, or was it just out of tradition and verbal elegance? I can understand the latter, but today it just seems pretentious and redundant.
Are you asking about the 17th century or the early 20th century here? Because the condition of the use of latin in Philosophy were not at all similar in the first case compared to the second.
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Excess Ground Beef I pulled a pound of ground beef out of my freezer to defrost and use for hamburgers tonight. The only problem is, I always have excess ground beef after making the amount of patties I need. I feel bad just throwing the excess away, but I’m not too sure what to do with it if I can’t refreeze raw beef.
Make biscuits and gravey the next morning for breakfast. .
Make a chilli. Then eat it with some baked potatoes and a kilo of cheese
[Archie Comics] Why is Veronica Lodge studying in a public school? She rich. Why no go private school?
There was a story where Mr. Lodge was going to send Veronica to an elite private school because he wanted the best for her until a talk with Archie convinced him otherwise. Archie asked how Mr. Lodge got all his trophies and Mr. Lodge bragged about how his old high school team beat every one of the preppy private schools because they could ever measure up to his teammates and friends because were simply the best. Archie asked then isn't that what he wants for Veronica? That made Mr. Lodge realize what a mistake he almost made and let her stay at Riverdale High.
Private schools arent always better then public schools
Best feminist book— can be of any genre! Hi all! I am part of a book club and am wondering what your suggestions would be for the best feminist book/story. It can be of ANY genre. Thank you so much for your help! So far I have handmaidens tale by Margaret Atwood and the Lefthand of Darkness by Ursula K Le Guin. Any suggestions are welcome 🙏🏻
I really enjoyed Where the Wild Ladies Are by Aoko Matsuda. It’s a collection of short stories which are feminist retelling of traditional Japanese folklore. It was a very fun read.
A lot of serious replies among these comments. I'd suggest "Equal Rites" by Terry Pratchett if you want something more lighthearted!
Explain like I'm five years old: Why won't gas prices go back to pre-9/11 prices if we are producing as much if not more oil?
Increased demand from a growing middle class in China, and to a lesser extent, India.
Combination of speculation and OPEC controlling their production to keep prices inflated.
Slow psychedelic songs like black sabbath - planet caravan/solitude
Was chilling to “Planet Caravan” tonite and was thinking the same thing. No song comes close to that vibe for so many reasons. But, Kyuss’ original drummer was Brant Bjork. He had a string of solo albums. The one with the most chill vibe was Jalamanta. Notable tunes close to the vibe you are looking for are “Waiting for a Coconut To Drop”, Sun Brother”, and “Defender of the Oleander”
Vincent Gallo - My Beautiful White Dog
Explain like I'm five years old: Why are some programming languages better for certain types of projects than other programming languages, when they can all essentially do the same thing and they all seem to work the same way?
In general if a language ends up being used for something it will get into a feedback loop where: 1) That language has a lot of reference material for doing that thing, so people who want to do that thing will end up drawn to that language 2) The language will get developed with better support for doing that thing (e.g. more developers doing that thing means more libraries and frameworks will be developed around doing that thing) This only sort of overlaps with the language itself being "good" at that thing. For example, javascript was not a good language for backend development, but it was such a popular language (mostly because a lot of people get into coding by doing front end work), that people eventually made node.js so that JS developers could write backend code as well. Eventually the language evolved and a lot more backend frameworks got developed. JS became popular for backend development even though the language itself started off exceptionally terrible for it. Another example would be Ruby vs Python. They're (generally) similar languages, so early on there was a lot of debate as to which was better. Python had Django and Ruby had Rails (backend framworks). We never really got a clear answer, but python got adopted by the data science community with pandas and numpy, and now python is incredibly popular. Ruby only really had Rails which wasn't enough to carry the popularity of the language, so python won. Now it's just sort of a given that python is good for data science.
Bottom line is that RUST has the best paradigms and safety and will make you the most money as a developer in the next 5 years. No point in learning any other language!
[The Jungle Book 1967] Why didn't Bagheera and the wolves take Mowgli to the Man Village as soon as he was old enough to enter it by himself? I understand why he wasn't taken there immediately, since that would require Bagheera, Rama or Raksha to enter the village with him and that would be extremely dangerous for them. But why wait 10 years? Couldn't they just have waited until Mowgli was about 3 or 4? Bagheera even states that they always meant for Mowgli to return to his own kind one day.
He was old enough the day they met him. They saw him as a weapon, and released him into the village to protect themselves. Very Dumbledorian, really.
**Reminders for Commenters:** * All responses must be A) sincere, B) polite, and C) strictly watsonian in nature. If "watsonian" or "doylist" is new to you, please review the full rules here. * No edition wars or gripings about creators/owners of works. Doylist griping about Star Wars in particular is subject to **permanent ban on first offense**. * We are not here to discuss or complain about the real world. * Questions about who would prevail in a conflict/competition (not just combat) fit better on r/whowouldwin. Questions about very open-ended hypotheticals fit better on r/whatiffiction. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskScienceFiction) if you have any questions or concerns.*
Change my view that If school children were treated like adults by teachers, overall behaviour and performance would improve. I think it’s counter intuitive to give children freedom at school, because everyone’s first thought initially goes to taking the reigns off and facilitating chaos. But I think being respected as an equal is an important part of the learning process for a young person. It helps with encouraging them to discuss their views, improves their confidence in saying wrong answers and their confidence overall as the grow into adults. Even being given the freedom to go to the bathroom whenever they want, or not have to get a planner signed by a parent, in the long-run helps children respect and enjoy the school system more. Obviously some control and restrictions are necessary.
So I'm a teacher and I generally agree with this philosophy, however I feel like it needs a lot of qualifiers. First, I think this becomes more true the higher up you go the grade ladder. I treat 10th and up like adults for the most part, unless they act like children in which case I'll treat them like children. But 8th and 9th grade gets a bit tricky. They're not developed enough (especially the guys) to really understand that you're giving them respect. Most of them just see you as a pushover or as someone they can take advantage of. So instead of appreciating your treatment, they try and pull a fast one on you and fail because they're stupid. Try this in 6th, 7th, or anything lower, and you're probably going to be eaten alive. It also falls apart because NOBODY else is doing this for the most part. Most teachers in my experience are condescending power-hungry individuals who lack control over their own lives and use the children around them as a way to maintain a semblance of power. So while you tell your students "Hey guys it's cool just go up and go to the bathroom" other teachers aren't doing this. Then your kids are confused, and it tends to complicate things more than it does help them. So yeah, give your sophomores and up plenty of adult treatment. They'll appreciate it, and generally respond well. But below that it has to be in doses and you have to consider your context. It becomes far more individualized. I give that treatment to people who show they can handle it.
What age are you talking about?
Mechanics and car tinkerers of Reddit, what is your favourite tool that’s not a tool that you have in your arsenal?
Big old can of deodorant that I tell the other techs to use in the middle of summer
Induction heater.
Best way to use frozen veggies? My SO's parents bulk bought a ton of frozen veggie mixes and gave us a few bags of it (consists of cauliflower broccoli and carrots). I handle most of the cooking in our house. I'm extremely grateful for free food, but looking for some new ways to prepare them. (Particularly because I'm used to working with fresh broccoli and cauliflower) So, what's your favorite way to prepare frozen veggies?
I add frozen veggies to ramen or mac n cheese to get the veggie nutrients and to better balance out my meal. It's nice because I can just throw them in with the noodles as they're cooking. I'll also throw in some diced ham or frozen meatballs for protein content. But I also don't generally like spending more than 15 mins cooking and I despise the food prep process, so take my laziness into consideration.
I put them in rice! Microwave them for easy side dishes. Throw them in soups or pasta!
Something like Knives Out? (doesn’t have to be a whodunit) I love the cold, fuzzy sweater, old ornate house vibes. Like the title says it doesn’t have to be a whodunit as long it has the vibe of the movie. Thanks in advance
The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle Might not be quite in the right lane
I really enjoy the Shady Hollow books, their setting gives them an extra cozy feel.
Roommate switched my desktop background to a weird anime picture when I was out of the room. Deleted the picture from downloads but it's still "saved" under previous desktop backgrounds in the windows options. How do I delete this for good? I can't seem to find the file it is stored under. Picture of what I'm talking about: Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Why did Microsoft make this so complicated??
this might help
Is a title IX report worth it? Looking for thoughts and experiences from those who have gone through title IX investigations. Did it bring you justice, safety, closure? Or was it more painful then helpful? Mine would be grad student/assistant versus non tenure track faculty member, who was my instructor and supervisor, and whose university affiliation is hanging by a thread as is. He engaged in a amorous relationship with me that became abusive, that I now realize was manipulative and abusive the entire time. They’ve shown me that they will continue to abuse their power and be predatory to other young women, so I guess I feel like I should file a report in the hopes that they can’t be in that position of power anymore. He is not currently in a position of power over me, but I am nervous that he still has access to campus and will start applying to faculty jobs elsewhere. I don’t know if it will be worth it- if other universities will check for title IX violations when they hire. If it will be worth reliving it all in a report, or dealing with backlash from the faculty member as he has threatened my career. I expect to be judged by some as the vindictive grad student, but I just don’t want him to be able to hurt anyone else.
Hi. I am sorry you are harassed. We had an issue at CMU that turned into a title ix investigation of a tenured professor. Outcome was the professor was made to resign to avoid publicity of being fired. The Professor on was H. Scott Matthews. The background was that he has a Long history of complaints both of racist behavior, sexual harassment, and abuse of TAs by being hostile to them and overworking them. Then he had an affair with another professors wife and it ended badly with him abusing her. The title ix investigation was opened up on Scott Matthews. Adding complexity to it was the fact his wife was a non-tenured professor there but she was also associate department head and she made things difficult for the witnesses. Her name is Deanna Hart Matthews and she is still at Carnegie melon university. Many professors ,TAs and students all gave testimony about abuse in the title IX hearing of what they suffered under scott Matthews. Some people even had evidence of screenshots and emails. Wow it looks like nothings gonna be done because the University wanted to keep it quiet but then the Diversity, Equality and Inclusion group at CMU Not involve to organize the students to demand action. Scott Matthews ended up resigning During the investigation and just does his connected vehicles and data driven decision analysis independently and is not a tenured professor anymore. But we still have Deanna Matthews in her same teaching position and associate department head role so it’s not fair on the students. But everyone is glad that something was finally done about Scott Matthews at Carnegie Mellon. There have been complaints for years. Many people thought they were the only person having trouble and then they learned that it was part of the greater issue when things became public with the title ix investigation. And at least new students don’t have to deal with his abuse anymore. I don’t know what the right thing for you is. The university pressured students to keep quiet at CMU but students have been looking for ways to speak out so other victims will know and get closure. You are likely not the only person who has suffered abuse from this faculty member you were having trouble with. And you won’t be the last. Good luck
Has anyone bought glasses from Zenni and Polette? Which one is better? I'm thinking of buying a pair of prescription sunglasses on Polette, around 80€ with shipping. I didn't consider Zenni because a few months ago i saw they didn't ship to my country, but now they do and a pair of sunglasses on Zenni will cost me like 60€. So i wanted to know if there is a difference in quality between them? These are going to be my only pair of sunglasses
I've purchased 4 pair of glasses on polette. Quality is ok, never had issues.
I've used Zenni before, no problems at all
So what happens after I've waited 2+ decades? Currently 18, I was always interested in stocks and the number one thing I've heard across all these subreddits/youtube/tik tok/ boards is to "Buy VOO/blue chips and then wait. Just wait decades and you'll see the results". And I wholeheartedly believe and understand that. I have like $900 in VOO alone and like $500 split among some big tech companies (NVDA/AAPL/GOOG/MSFT). It's not much but I figure I would start now. But what happens after I've waited, and kept putting money into my portfolio? Like when I'm 40 and I see what my patience has given me, what do I do then? Do I sell it all? Some of it? When do I actually get to use this accumulated money? And what should I use it for?
Society might have collapsed but if it didn’t you will have money
You have the wonderful problem of deciding what to do with your sizable nest egg
Are you allowed to omit any notes in diminished 7th chords? Hi, I'm doing a harmonic analysis on the first line in Schumann's Papillons Op 2 no 11 and I'm not sure what the chords in the first bar would be. This unit is focused on common tone diminished 7th chords, so I'm not sure if this would count as one because it's only a diminished triad and not a complete seventh. Shouldn't there be an F# if it's a diminished 7th?? Thanks in advance!
My professor was pretty clear that the 5th is *usually* the one you want to omit, but you can sometimes “imply” the 1 and thus omit it with certain voice leading.
Yes. 5 is by far the most common but 1 is acceptable as well if it helps make a good voice-leading. 7 or 3 would require a pretty serious justification. This sounds like a homework question, so I won't answer directly, but try to think about each sonority in context instead of individually.
Explain like I'm five years old:Why haven't dominant genes completely replaced recessive genes through evolution? Taking light/dark colored eyes in humans as an example: I understand dark is dominant and light is recessive, so if a light eyed person and a dark eyed person have a child it's statistically more likely for the child to have dark eyes. Why then, over the course of human evolution are light eyes still so common? Why doesn't everyone have dark eyes by now? Will it happen eventually?
In the specific case of blue eyes, the quantity of people with that eye color are diminishing, and it's somewhat likely that it will completely die out at some point in the not to distant future. A recessive trait doesn't have to die out though. If it created an evolutionary advantage then the benefit (through survival and reproduction) can outweigh the detriment of being a recessive gene. For something like blue eyes it's possible that as it becomes rarer it confers a sexual selection advantage (as people are often attracted to the exotic) allowing it to survive.
Genes and traits are only weeded out through evolution if there is some reproductive pressure that selects against them. In fact, since recessive genes aren't expressed when in the presence of a dominant gene, it's *more* likely that they will persist over time because they aren't affecting the survival capability of the organism that has them.
Any classic books that are easy to read / follow I'm not much of a reader, but recently I've made time for it and have really enjoyed reading a couple of books. I wanted to have a go at a classic. I've tried reading Tolstoy, but I've never been able to stick through it and I feel it may be a bit too much of a step up. Are there any old famous books that are quite enjoyable, but also relatively easy to follow and read? Something which doesn't have TOO much description. I'd be grateful for any suggestions.
I personally loved Oscar Wild’s The picture of Dorian Grey, but its not for everyone. Also anything by Kurt Vonnegut, not necessarily a classic but very entertaining. Definitely Orwell’s Animal farm and 1984, Animal farm’s an easier read, but 1984 has more substance. And if you’re into scifi than Bradbury’s Martian Chronicles is amazing in my opinion.
Classic fantasy is another way to go. Bridge to Terabithia and Narnia Chronicles are very known classics. I believe they're a good kick start. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings if you want to step up a little bit. Doyle's Sherlock is a given if you want to play smart and mysterious. Stange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde for the hype that's worth it. Pride and Prejudice for smooth romance without too much drama. Wuthering Heights for THE drama. Love at the Time of Cholera for that sweet love you'd enjoy on rainy days (though the purple prose on this one is almost unbearable). Mark Twain's books are common entertainments. Robinson Crusoe is one epic tale I hope to read again even if I grow cataracts. As You Like It and Taming the Shrew if you want comedy and a nose bleed. Enjoy!
Dark Adult fairytales for a fan of Guillermo Del Toro’s movies, like Pans Labyrinth, Shape of Water, etc. Guillermo Del Toro is one of my favorite visionary movie directors out there, and his movies like Shape of Water, Pans labyrinth, and Hellboy are some of my all time favorite movies! The mysticism, imagery, and beautiful yet dark worlds he crafts are some of the most imaginative and fascinating things I’ve ever had the joy of experiencing. I was wondering what books y’all could suggest that are Dark fairy tales, or anything that has that Guillermo Del Toro feel to them. Thanks in advance!
Technically not a "book" but the manga Berserk is some of the best dark fantasy ever written. M-rated though
Ludmilla Petrushevskaya wrote a few collections of short stories that are fairy-tale-esque in their setup and grisly resolutions. They are: There Once Lived a Woman Who Tried To Kill Her Neighbor’s Baby: Scary Fairy Tales There Once Lived a Girl Who Seduced Her Sister’s Husband, and He Hanged Himself: Love Stories There Once Lived a Mother Who Loved Her Children, Until They Moved Back In: Three Novellas About Family
Investing for the long term. SPY, QQQ, VTI, VXUS. If you’re trying to keep things simple, do you really need anything else? Could your entire portfolio just be these 4, and just set it and forget it? And is there anything I should keep in mind about portfolio % with these stocks?
So I've had an IRA since I was 19 (currently 31), and I've kept that account super simple: max it out every fucking year, and put $2 to VTSAX, and $1 to VSMAX. That's it. Fortunately, when I opened my account, the market was just about near the lowest it had been in forever, so I've comfortably reaped the rewards of a decade long bull market to the point where I just keep everything in VTSAX and have over $2 million by the time I'm 60 if the market returns 8% annually for the next 30 years. My brokerage account is where I consider investing in individual stocks, but even in that account, half my holdings are in VOO and VGT, with the rest in MSFT/NIO/TTD. To me, all I'm looking to do is continue performing well at my high-paying job to put away $40k-$50k each year into index funds across my 401k/IRA/brokerage so that I hit my chubbyFIRE number as soon as 45 or as late as 55. That's all I want out of my investing. I also have 2 coins of a coin that starts with an 'E' and ends with '-ium', but I don't plan to get more. If those become multi-baggers by 2030, great, but I don't really care what happens with that investment.
Vanguard Admiral Shares. Instead of ETFs like VTI, they're bonds with lower fees. I believe it's either a 3k or $10k minimum buy in, but it's worth it.
I accidentally googled “fairlife milf” on my company laptop. See title. Our organization allows “incidental use” of company computers so sometimes I Google a quick thing I’m curious about. Well I was curious about Fairlife Milk and I accidentally typed “fairlife milf” instead. Now I’m fucking scared that they’re gonna think I was trying to look at porn. What should I do?
Muscle memory, eh?
Chill. We give zero shits about something like this.
Anyone ever get pulled off a race for being too slow? I’ve been getting back into shape after a few years of neglecting my health, I should be fine to finish an upcoming half marathon in 2 hours, but you never know if something could go wrong. This race is somewhat strict and it says they will pull you off the course and take your bib if you aren’t on pace to finish in 2.5 hours, which sounds embarrassing as hell, ever happen to anyone?
Yes. I didn't meet cut off at the final aid station. However this was for an ultra, it's not uncommon for someone to be pulled for not meeting cut off. Obviously the longer the race and the more factors that impact your pace, the more common it is going to be to not make cut off. My situation wasn't embarrassing. The race that year took on a different course because of COVID, and as a result there was a mistake in the marking of the course making it 4.5 miles longer than it should have been. Had the course been marked correctly I would have finished in time. So not my fault lol. Sometimes it can happen because of weather, injury, etc. it's a safety issue so to me shit happens, it's not embarrassing.
Nope, but it is a fear of mine.
Latte Cups What is everyone using for latte cups? I am newer to the espresso game and slowly experimenting with milk steaming/latte art but I’d like a nice aesthetic latte cup, preferably something more traditional and round looking. I really like the ones Morgan Drinks Coffee uses but maybe in black? I also don’t want to go over the 12oz mark.
Loveramics for example I really like these and they have different designs and sizes
is it possible to find fantasy novels where the writing standard is high brow? I mean, I am a lover of the classics, a total book snob. I never read fantasy because any time I have tried, I find the writing style childish or amateur. But I am hoping I am mistaken, as I love mythology and I really enjoy some magical realism. Are there any fantasy books out there where the writing is poetic, like the same standard as a pulitzer prize winner or nobel winner. Can the two worlds meet?
Guy Gavriel Kay writes beautifully. Also, he takes a lot of medieval European political events and weaves them into his world, so it almost has a historical fiction feel.
I thought Vita Nostra was excellent.
MS Teams - are we doomed to per user installs in AppData? The Bulk installer is just a setup that installs a copy of Teams in AppData, fo each user. This is a pain to manage, requires exceptions in SRP, and eats up disk space. Does anyone know of a way to do a single instance install in C:\Program Files? This is the way. It's impossible to setup firewall rules for an application in app data. You can package all of this stuff in your go to deployment software like MDT, SCCM, PDQ, etc. I've been using this for months without problems on both Windows 10 and Windows 11.
Machine-wide installer. But no auto updates
If I like In search of ambient, dreamy, psychedelic music Hey, I recently watched the new Netflix documentary on psychedelics, and there are these very interesting music tracks. And I'd like to find some similar semi-ambient dreamy music tracks, any ideas where to look? Here is a sample:\_3tc
> A: S🌞nny California
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For home use, is the difference between a charcoal and a glass grill huge? Everyone in r/BBQ swears by charcoal. I imagine that most of the worlds best steakhouses use gas. Is it that restaurants have vastly better gas grills than what someone will have in his back yard?
I don't currently own a grill but have used both extensively in the past and can say that charcoal definitely adds flavor to the food. But what you gain in flavor, you lose in convenience. I live in NYC so wish I had a gas grill for the times when it's bad weather out and don't want to deal with the fuss of lighting up the charcoal grill.
Yes, restaurants have way better gas grills. But, many also run charcoal grills or hibachi.
Engineering career as a creative who is only sort of OK at math? So I'm researching a career change and I'm basically just trying to find out what it's like to work in engineering. I've always known I want to create things, but when I was in school all the math involved in engineering scared me away, and I ended up in architecture. I really enjoyed studying that in school, but so far in my jobs in this field, I've felt much more like an administrator of the construction process than a designer of buildings. The thing that surprised me in school was that I actually kind of enjoyed the math classes required for architecture. (Calc especially) And I was better at it than I thought I'd be. Not great, (everyone knows architects don't really use it in practice so my motivation was a bit meh) but it cured me of my mathphobia at least. I'd really love a job that's hands on and doesn't have me sitting at a computer for 99% of the day, but something where I am creating things and solving problems related to the creating of things is what I'm really looking for. Hands on work would just be a major bonus. I know structural engineering would probably make the most sense for me right now, but I've always loved aviation so aerospace/aeronautical is what I'm heavily leaning towards. I also know mechanical and electrical engineering degrees are much more versatile and can also lead to jobs in those industries, so I'm looking into those as well. Sorry if this got a bit rambly. I'd really appreciate hearing your thoughts.
Have you considered a role as a Product Engineer? I have found it to be a very rewarding career path. We design products from concept all the way through production... design, prototyping, testing, manufacturing, even installs on our new product lines. Yes there are boring spreadsheets, budget meetings, writing manuals, but no crazy amounts of math to be done. Most of that is done through CAD or other analysis programs. Creativity is key in this game and is valued highly in our engineering department. We are always trying to find new and creative ways to make our products better and are given a lot of leeway in that regard. I personally have saved my company close to half a million dollars this year alone on new and better ways to do what we do and I've had a good time doing it. This is important in this economy because that means if things take a turn for the worst, I've saved 5-6 peoples salaries from disappearing. Check it out.
I don't think you should consider engineering if you seek creativity in your job. Maybe an activity you can consider is the production of informative material for the public or education on the subject (marketing?) that require knowledge of the field. A college friend decided after the degree to become a science journalist and now he sometimes writes for VICE/Motherboard.
The Song of Achilles Has anyone here read the Song of Achilles and if so, would u recommend it?
Loved it! And loved Circe!
Yes, I read it, and yes, I would recommend it, but with reservations. The ending was something of a letdown for me, for various reasons which I won't go into so I don't spoil it for you.
Non-Fiction MUST READS Looking for suggestions for non-fictional books that have made a significant impact in your daily lives as well as leaving an impression that you learned something new. Thanks!
{{Salt: A World History}}
{{H is for Hawk}}
I need to use melted chocolate. Does it make any difference using chocolate chips rather than chocolate bars made for baking? Looking at the two I'm rather perplexed as to why for a couple cents extra I can get 10 oz bag of chocolate chips compared to a 4 oz bar of chocolate from the same brand using the same ingredients. Is there some kind of difference in quality and/or taste I should be aware of?
Yes, the texture will bake up differently enough that they're not interchangeable. Use chips where called for, and bar stuff where called for.
What are you wanting to make with it?
If I like kind/gentle/weak men who suddenly acquire power and have to deal with their newfound responsibility (e.g. King David, King Arthur, Peter Parker, Shinichi Izumi), what else would I like? The similarities between Parasyte and Spider-Man, particularly the arcs of the main characters, interest me and I wondered what other fictional characters would fit in a category with them. King David and King Arthur would be a bit different, because one is a historical figure and the other is legendary, and they acquired political power instead of superpowers, but I still think they're of the same cloth because of how they began and the journey they went through. Are there any other figures in history, myth, legend, or fiction that you think belong to this group? I especially like science-fiction and fantasy, and comic books in particular, but I'm interested in anything you can come up with.
One punch man is satire of this
Breaking Bad
Looking for books similar to the Anne of Green Gables series (and Harry Potter, in a certain regard) that span years in the life of the protagonist, starting in their childhood, where the reader basically grows up with the protagonist. Can be in the real world or a fantasy world. Preferably a "slice of life" story but it can also have higher stakes. Thanks!
It's a single book, not a series, but I loved A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I read it once in high school and bought a copy so I could read it over and over again.
I'm loving A Little Life, by Hanya Yanagihara. Starts in College with 4 friends, but progresses to middle age, with frequent looks back. A very unusual approach and sometimes confusing, but I really like it. EDIT: I should stress that this is not a series, but is the size of a series, for sure!!
What anime movies are must watch? So, I've got sometime in my hand and thought about watching some anime movies. But, there are so many choices and I'm confused now.
As someone who just started watching anime movies having never seen one before- spirited away and my neighbor Totoro are a must. Enjoy!
Ayumu Watanabe’s ‘Children of the Sea’ (2019) is one of the most stunning films I’ve ever seen. I can also recommend Tomomi Mochizuki’s ‘Ocean Waves.’ (1993) It gets a lot of hate, but I feel that it’s a really nice, feel good film, and is one of my favourite anime films.
Is it possible to make a birthday cake with minimal ingredients? I turn 14 next week and want to make a cake for myself but the recipes I found online call for buttermilk and heavy cream and I don’t have those. Can I still make a cake that still taste alright? We have butter and dry milk, I might use these instead?
Powder milk cake flour - 2 cups powdered dry milk - 1 packet yogurt - 4/5 cup (200 g) you can also use coconutmilk eggs - 2 oil - 5 tbsp sugar - 1 cup baking powder - 1/2 packet baking soda - 1 tsp salt - 1 pinch oranges - 2 measures HOW TO COOK Beat the eggs with sugar and oil. First add the yogurt mixed with the baking soda, then premixed flour, powdered dry milk, baking powder and a pinch of salt. Homogenize the mixture and add the grated rind and juice of 1 orange. Pour mixture into a form with baking paper. Put it to bake in a 356°F (180 °C) preheated oven for about 50 minutes, check if it is ready with a toothpick. If it starts to burn, cover with a sheet of aluminum foil. Pierce the finished cake with powdered milk with a skewer and pour the squeezed out juice from the second orange over it.
I think the Nana's Devil Food Cake might be right up your alley! it's very similar to this cake ( if you want to watch the steps! I hope it helps and good luck!
I broke up with my GF 29f] of 5 years. She won't move out of my house. What can I do? If anybody cares for the context I posted on r/relationship_advice and got some good advice but several people told me to ask about the hosing here in r/legaladvice. **Original Post:** [\_advice/comments/nz6m9e/my\_girlfriend\_29f\_is\_refusing\_to\_move\_out\_after\_i/ **The tldr:** * I owned a duplex outright, no mortgage. She lived with me there for 3 years. * We've been in couples counseling for years. We were going to work on trust. I now know that I'll never be able to trust her. Continuing this relationship will result in wasting our 30s. * When things were going well, we had a serious talk about starting a family. I sold my duplex and bought a single-family home. We've referred to it as 'Our House' but my name is on the deed and mortgage and hers isn't. I've always refused to put her name on the deed, I was going to reconsider if we got married. * I paid the down payment, and the renovation expenses, as well as the ongoing maintenance expenses that come with homeownership. * Her and I split the mortgage 50/50 (as if she paid rent) at this new house but not my old house. * She lived rent-free at my previous house for years. * I broke up with her yesterday and she is refusing to move out. She claims that she needs at least 6 months to potentially find an apartment. * She also claims that she refuses to leave because it's "her house" (it's not) * I offered her $6k and even $10k to move out. She refused and countered at $30k just because she knows it's so absurd. Honestly, $6k is absurd too. * She made a comment about "Squatters Rights" which makes me think that she has done some research in advance. * I just bought her a car a few weeks ago so she could continue to get to work without borrowing my car. This is the second car I bought her, she wrecked the first one and then used my car as her own for a full year. * We're both in recovery. We're recovering drug addicts. She told me that if I leave her, she's going to relapse, and claims that I know this. I genuinely wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, let alone someone who I genuinely care about. I don't know if I can evict her. I don't know the process. I don't know if there are different rules new because of COVID. I'd really appreciate any walkthroughs of how to handle this from a legal perspective. I'm sure I need an attorney but I want to prepare however I can and get an idea of what that looks like.
You can feel comfortable that if she did any research on “Squatter’s Rights”, it was bad research. Most of those laws revolve around adverse possession, which doesn’t apply at all here. She does have tenant rights, which others have explained already. The money you offered her is commonly called “Cash for keys”, and is a legitimate way of getting her out that bypasses the eviction process. Though she declined your first offers, keep it in mind. When she sees you’re actually going through with eviction and her lack of legal recourse, cash is going to start looking mighty good, and it would save you the bother of going to court. If your subsequent offers are far less generous, that would be pretty reasonable too.
Hi there! I’m the LegalFAQ bot. It looks like you may be experiencing housing issues related to housing or eviction. Come to to find legal resources for renters in each state. You can also find links to local groups that can help you with legal, financial, or other problems at Help us provide accurate advice to fellow redditors: if your post was related to housing or eviction, please like this comment; otherwise, please dislike this comment.
Looking for good books with mindfucking twists Self-explanatory title
Rant by Chuck Palanuick
Tue Summer of Katya by Trevanian
What is your favorite solotravel city? and why? This question has probably been asked before , but I'm curious what opinion people has. I'm 22 M , and my personal favorite city is Seoul. I feel like the city was personally designed for me. The gaming culture there is so unique , and everyone has at least some knowledge of it. Even if they 0 interest of gaming , they know about the most popular games. So much food culture , so many coffee shops. Many places open 24. I remember I went to a normal restaurant in the middle of week , and there were a lot of people there. Always a lot of people eating alone in all restaurants , so I always felt comfortable eating alone in restaurants. Also beautiful women there and beautiful language spoken. The city is also so safe and people there are generally very civilized. Stealing is the lowest of the low in the city. I forgot my phone on the seat in the subway , and I walked out. Suddenly some guy runs after before the doors closes and gives me the phone. I'm just in love with Seoul and Korea.
Too many choices and, as a traveler, I don't have the habit of returning to the same city, but I would go with Abu Dhabi. The reasons are simple: a break from Western culture, it's ultra-safe, not too large of a place, nice beach, I really liked visiting the Sheikh Zayed Mosque, and most of all, if you go out of season (end of summer) you can get 5 star hotels for extremely cheap. I basically pretended to live as an Arabic prince.
Explain like I'm five years old: Why is there almost no dangerous fauna in (Central) Europe? I love watching nature docs and came upon the "72 dangerous animals" series. I've been wondering why our wildlife is so vanilla. I do understand that predators like the bear or the wolf have been largely exterminated. But why, for example, do we have barely any venomous animals in Central Europe compared to the rest of the world? I'm thinking of the lack of dangerous spiders, snakes, bugs / mosquitos transmitting dangerous disease / deadly sea creatures compared to places like Asis, Australia, North America, Africa.
You’ve clearly never been to a UK seaside with an open bag of chips. You take your life into your own hands doing that around the seagulls.
The lack of many dangerous animals in Europe is largely due to human activity, in combination with climate. For small animals like reptiles, amphibians, insects and arachnids, Europe is simply at the very edge of where most of the them can survive due to the cold winters, so the number of species is really low compared to in hotter climates. Still, there are a few venomous snakes that can be dangerous. Toads and salamanders are poisonous as well, and can be dangerous for pets and small children. Among the smallest animals, ticks can be extremely dangerous with the diseases they carry. There are also malaria mosquitoes still in Europe. Malaria used to kill lots of people in Europe even into the early 20th century, but thanks to human efforts, malaria mosquitoes in Europe now no longer carries the malaria parasite and are now as harmless as other mosquitoes. Europe also used to have lots of large animals and megafauna – for example mammoths, woolly rhinos, giant deer, lions and hyenas – but they went extinct during the Ice Age due to a combination of excessive human hunting and stress from climate change and habitat change. Lions actually survived in southeastern Europe even into Antiquity. The aurochs – the huge and highly aggressive ancestor of domestic cattle – survived in Europe until only a few hundred years ago before going extinct due to hunting. As did the European wild horse, which although perhaps not that dangerous, was still of course a large and powerful animal that you did best to keep your distance to. And the European bison used to be common as well, before being driven almost to extinction. And even though it has now been reintroduced in several places, its numbers are still of course very small and isolated compared to in the past.
Anyone else make labels for their Homebrew? I make labels for my taps when I have a new homebrew. I'm wondering if anyone else gets a kick out of doing the same thing?
r/hbl shares some great art too.
Nope, but maybe I should. Happy cake day, here’s some silver.
I work as an ME in Automotive, today I had to open a bottle of Coke, a moisturizer and a Sun Screen for chemical testing. What are some unusual things you never thought you'd have to do while you were studying for Engineering?
Related to "substance testing", I'm a software engineer and while working on touch screen drivers I got to run on a treadmill (or up and down the halls, or around the block) until covered in sweat so I could test the touch screen under adverse conditions. We also used saline solution, but human sweat was the gold standard. (Eventually we got a separate touch screen driver development team and I got to watch them run around :-D) Oh and for heart rate algorithm testing, finding people with super hairy arms. We had a list of what coworkers were the most hirsute. For the sake of the product, all bets were off, so there were a couple members of senior management who would get pulled out of their offices randomly to have a new algorithm tested on them. ME's also had to test sunscreen of course, and all sorts of skincare products. Since we were making a personal fitness devices, it had to be resistant against all sorts of chemicals. (There is a rather long list of skincare products that ruin any and all materials they get in contact with...) The most fun I had as a software engineer was getting to play with the electrostatic discharge gun when it came time to test out my software component for recover-ability. We had to recover and go back to "usable" within a few seconds. (Internal company quality guidelines told me I had a very small window of time to get things back up and running![1]). After having worked in embedded I can now recognize watchdog resets, and how often I see them sort of scares me. I get terrified when I see auto components watchdog. A rental Fiat's AV system watch dogging almost caused me to crash, it watchdog right in the middle of my phone's nav telling me what exit to take, 2 off ramps with a divider in the middle, "get off a the next exit and stay in the *watchdog*" The best 3rd party story I heard was two engineers arguing over what is safer to have in the cabin during turbulence on-board an airplane: A serrated edge or a straight edge. In regards to cutting paper for the in flight printer. From what I was told, someone made the claim that a serrated edge couldn't cut flesh. So they proceeded to run the serrated edge over their finger. One workplace incident report later, nothing much was learned.
Never thought I would be a part of building and operating a canon that shoots drones at a crash test dummies head. Then again, I never really considered working in aerospace crash testing, the job just kinda fell in my lap. Also, I always thought I would have to pay more attention to factors of safety than we do. For our fixtures though, once we get them stiff enough to not excessively flex during testing and able to be reused indefinitely, the FoS is almost always greater than 30.
Plumbing Advice - Leaky Kitchen Drain I'm having some leaky troubles with my drain pipe set up. Everything drains fine except for a few slow drip leaks on a couple of the gaskets. I have buckets under them and can probably get by just fine by emptying the buckets whenever it starts to get full. It's a very slow leak, so I imagine it would take a month or more before I'd have to empty it, but it's still a leak and I'd like to take care of it. The worse problem is that whenever I run water on high for more than about 3-4 minutes, the water backs up in the drain and starts to leak out of the disposal gasket under the sink. So my setup isn't draining water into the sewer fast enough to keep up with the higher input of water, but is fine with just regular use. caption caption caption I annotated the first image because I'm not 100% sure what to call all of these pieces. Important notes: A - metal wall pipe. B - glued into A and won't budge. My guess is that either there's buildup in the metal wall pipe slowing down the water draining into the sewer, or the bend up from the p-trap is too great for the water to climb back up and down into the wall pipe. Maybe both. I suspect the fix would be to remove part B and flip it so that would would drain down into the wall pipe instead of climbing up. If I do that then I may not have enough room to attach to my disposal. Since part B is glued into A, I want to make absolutely sure that this is the correct solution before I go cutting it off. I'd also have to move my p trap over to the disposal end and water would have to climb instead of fall... Actually this may not be a solution after all. Any advice on getting this sorted out would really be appreciated! Thanks.
15 year plumber here. B and D are both “ j bends.” Having two is costing you height. Furthermore, the j bend is beveled differently where it attached to the rest of the p trap—no washer should be inside, just pipe dope. C needs to be on the black pipe coming out of your garbage disposal—stick it on as high as it will go (cut some of the black pipe off if you need to) so the j bend is higher than your drain coming out of your wall. From there use that E piece and that elbow to pipe back to the wall. I can’t tell what material the pipe coming out of your wall is, but a fernco may help to get a sound seal, as it looks old. It’s also coming out of the wall at a funny angle, so a trip to the hardware store may be in order to get some angular fittings. And I’m sure there will be an old timer there to share some more tips. Edit: Also sounds like you need to get plumbers putty and re set your disposal flange. Those are tricky. All of this is a little finicky. If it’s stressing you out too bad, calling a pro is a good idea. But I bet if you watch some videos like “how to assemble a kitchen sink P trap” or “how to install a garbage disposal” you’d be in fine shape to try yourself
Can you raise the drain line from the dishwasher? I like to raise it above the bottom of the sink so when the sink is full it doesn't drain into the dishwasher. Why isn't ABS pipe being used? The tailpipe from the garburator should be able to rotate which would give you more vertical space to play with. I would look at raising that trap, as everything from A to F essentially acts as a trap with water sitting in it 24x7. I'd then just build it all with ABS pipe.
Running and my 6 year to keep him motivated? I've been a runner most of my adult life, but was fairly inactive as a child/teen. My son just turned six and is very athletic. He has been running with me for about a year, adding more milage as he's gotten older. He has completed 2 5k (races) and numerous 5k "fun runs" with me. We also run 2-3 miles for fun at least twice a week ( sometimes more). He loves running, but loses interest quickly when we aren't in a race setting. What are some things I can do to encourage him on runs to keep him motivated? Also, since he has increased his weekly milage ( usually between 8-15 miles a week) should I be giving him recovery type anything after our runs? Thanks!
Damn. No advice here, but I'm pretty impressed that a 6 yo kid does 10+ miles of just running. I was probably doing 5+miles during soccer at that age, but if you asked me to run a mile I probably would have asked "why?"
What is the pace you're running your fun miles for the week? Since your son seems to like going fast, include more strides than most plans prescribe and maybe that will keep him interested.
Struggling to write because I never feel good enough Hello everyone! I'm 23 ( yes I know I'm young) and I've been trying to start a screenwriting career since I was 19. When I first started people were harsh and occasionally rude to me after reading my work. Had an executive say I write like a child and the nicest thing I was told about my work was that maybe in ten or 15 years I can write something decent. So I already knew as a writer I didn't have any talent. Two years later I was suddenly doing pretty well. ( Kept trying, never gave up) I got script requests, my very first two considers on a screenplay, I was even supposed to get a interview on Hollywood reporter but unfortunately it was never uploaded. But in short I was doing well. I was finally making some progress. I've even took a break for a year just to study the craft. But unfortunately now I have no confidence in myself or my work. Every time I try to write something I tell myself it's going to suck, you have no talent, this is trash, you'll never be successful, why do you even try? There are better writers than you. I can't write anything because I feel like I'm a terrible writer and I'm not as good as everyone else. And the thing is I can't believe I'm going through this even though I used to get script requests. I mean, my work can't be that bad since I got a consider.. :/ I just don't know what to do anymore. I can't write anything without insulting myself and comparing myself to more talented people. It hurts to show anyone my stuff now.. I miss the time when I was younger and happily showed people my stuff even when it sucked.. I just don't know what to do anymore.
This is hard. I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. I think what I would try is this: “It’s going to suck.” So I’m going to write what I want, what makes me happy. “Talent” be damned. Good luck 👍🍀💐💕🥰.
In my opinion, you can only get better by continuing to hone your craft. Remind yourself that, and keep writing!
Explain like I'm five years old: How can casinos tell if you're counting cards playing blackjack? Unless you were actively illegally cheating aren't they just banning players based on a hunch?
Because otherwise the house would be winning. They don't care about anything except making money. If you are counting cards and winning money off them, they don't want you there. If you are counting cards but doing it badly and losing, that's fine. If you're not counting cards and just getting lucky, congratulations, you are a unicorn (and also banned).
There are tips, sure, but the answer is, if you end up winning enough, you will earn suspicion. And they'll boot you out or simply flat bet you. It's a private establishment, they can do what they want. In plenty of places it isn't even illegal, but the casino can still kick you out.
Single female in early 30s, just fired from job and have no place to live as of September 1. Thinking about taking all my savings and heading to SE Asia for a while. Should I do it? 1. Fired from my job two weeks ago, feeling shitty/happy about it at the same time. I had been hating it for a while but the uncertainty/instability of the situation sucks. 2. I reflected on the fact that I've spent so many years sitting on my ass behind a desk and it was really depressing to think about. 3. I discovered the travel and solotravel subreddits and I was inspired. 4. I know it's the irresponsible choice because I won't have income, and I am just running away for a while, but reddit, I really, really, want to run away for while. Do you think I can find any temporary work while traveling? I'm an American citizen. 5. Thoughts? Tips? Suggestions? Ever go through something similar? SE Asia seems to be the most economical choice from the research that I've done so far and I've always wanted to take a long solo trip. I've done a few short ones but never bought a one way ticket somewhere far away. I have been to Thailand but never to Cambodia, Vietnam or Laos. I also thought about South America but it seems like the SE Asia backpacker's route is more well traveled, and like I said, this is my first attempt at a long-term solo trip, it's a little intimidating. I would be going with about 6k and still paying a few minor bills at home. Should I do it? Will I be completely fucked when I have to come home?
You can do South America on 6k, I did lots of cool things over 3 months for under 5k. Where ever you go, it is good to get out! A kinda, "How Stella Got Her Groove Back" I find I am ready to get back to the grind after some travel, plus life is meant to be lived, if you hate what you are doing, it is time for change, or a break! Peru, and Bolivia are wonderful and CHEAP! I did Peru, Bolivia, Columbia, Brazil for less then 5k in three months. Places-Lima-Cuzco-Macchu Picchu-Puno-Lake Titicaca-Bolivia-La Paz-Salt Flats-Atacama-Peru-along the coast-Lima-Iquitos-Amazon River-tri-border region-Columbia- Brazil- Manaus-Rio-HOME
Maybe try something a little less ambitious.. go to the Virgin Islands. It will feed your sense of adventure but a little less risk. I lived there for 2 yrs, great place for people to lay low for a while.
Home Invasion movies that can emulate a similar level or fear/anxiety to The Strangers. Recently remembered about The Strangers and the movies is pretty good at making you feel the desperation of the two characters. The apathetic antagonists toying with their prey is done really well. The second one The Strangers Prey At Night is okay, but doesn't live up to the first one. Some other examples include You're Next, Wolves At The Door, Ready Or Not (kinda).
Vacancy (2007) Becky (2020) Intruders (2015)
Evil at the door, there’s another good one if I remember the name of it I’ll comment again later
Films that make you fall in love with film and want to see more I want to get back into enjoying finding new movies and really loving the medium again. I really slowed down a while ago for whatever reason and I want to get excited about movies as an art form again I've never been big on crime dramas, everything else is on the table though. Sci Fi, horror, comedy, fantasy, foreign, animation, black and white, etc.
An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge Memento Wit
The Iron Giant
what distro did you start your linux journey with? I started with freebsd dont ask why I did not learn linux in any conventional way lol
Slackware. Installed via 1.44mb floppies.
Mandrake Linux 7.2
Do ozone holes (like the one above NZ) make solar power in that area more effective? If so, by how much? If not, why? Obviously, the health costs would outweigh any benefit here, but I'm just curious.
In short, not really. Some thermal systems might see tiny gains, but most solar cells either cannot use the uv wavelength or extract only a tiny amount of the energy from a UV spectrum photon. Glass also absorbs a good bit of the UV radiation, preventing it from reaching the panels. Furthermore, UV causes degradation of the photovoltaic substrate, especially in thin film cells..... Shortening panel life and reducing output (but probably not by very much hole vs no-hole). So, no. No bonus energy from current solar infrastructure. Just cancer, poisoned beaches (from sunscreen), fading paint, and blisters.
Basically, the UV part of the spectrum won't help because the solar cells that we have are made to start the process of energy production only when a certain energy threshold is met, UV radiation have energy higher than this threshold by a considerable amount and that energy is lost unless we make a cell that converts the specific wavelength of UV entering that region into electricity, and even then I believe it won't be changing much. The important question for solar energy production is how much light falls on the panel (i.e. the number of photons) than the energy of the light. Of course, the photons have to meet the threshold requirement
Any trippy weird fiction or non fiction books that will help distract me from the state of the world?
Just about anything by Carlton Mellick III
In Watermelon Sugar + Naked Lunch
Impossible vs real beef Can I cook with impossible beef exactly as i would with real beef? If not, what should I do differently for impossible?
More fat- instead of releasing fat as it is cooked, it will absorb fat from a pan. Adjust accordingly!
All the fake meats have an issue with going dry, especially if you overcook them. Impossible seems to be the least likely to go dry of the ones I've had. Whether it tastes salty or not, all the fake meats have high sodium levels, so be aware of that for your general health concerns.
Why don’t UL hikers use bladders? I used to hike with water bottles but switched over a few years ago to using a 3L Osprey bladder (7oz). I have recently been wanting to go more ultralight, and noticed that ultralight hikers seem to rarely use bladders. Wondering if someone can explain that to me. The difference in weight between a bladder and something like a Smart bottle are just like 6oz, so there are plenty of better ways to reduce your base weight if that’s the reason for it. Am I wrong that ULers look down on bladders, or what is the reason for it? Thanks.
Im one of the ultra rare that do prefer a bladder but Haters gonna hate (shrug) The reasons that all these guys gave you for not using a bag arent “wrong” but theres more than one kind of bladder and more than one way of using it *No dirty bag + clean bag *No trying to fill through a tiny 1” opening *Inside-out-able for easy cleaning *Repairable with gorilla tape *Doesnt slosh *Easy to know how much water is left - just reach back and ‘cop a feel’ LOL *Easy to refill without fussing with the hose *Protected from pointy things but not taking up space inside your pack *No fears of leaks wetting inside your pack *Not getting heated by your body and much less affected by sunlight than you might think *Inline filter offers no perceptible resistance to drinking until it starts to clog then just backflush and youre good to go again *Works like a gravity filter kit if you hold the bitevalve below the bladder *No more ‘off balance’ than carrying two bottles in a side pocket *Doesnt need to be filled to capacity - fill what you need, squeeze out the air, no sloshing *$28 for this 2L bladder + drink tube, it weighs 4.8oz *bring a second 2L bag without the hose for just 2.8oz if you need to carry a lot of water Its faster, simpler, and just 2.2oz heavier than two 1L smartwater bottles HydraPak Shape-Shift Low-Profile Water Bladder/Reservoir for Hydration Backpacks (2 or 3 Liter) High Flow Bite Valve, Safe & Reliable
I’m definitely not ultralight at all, I use bladders as well as bringing a water bottle *shrugs* my whole pack is still sub 20 lbs so I haven’t really needed to worry about cutting weight that aggressively.
What are some good courtroom dramas? Judgment at Nuremberg or twelve angry men and the like preferred.
The Verdict.
A few good men (1992) Watched it a few days ago and what a movie it was...
[If I like] songs with a big climax/guitar solo like There There (Radiohead) [what else would I like]? Huge Radiohead fan so probably not looking for songs by them, thinking of a big instrumental climax/guitar solo, other songs that pop into my head: Lane Boy - twenty one pilots, Hotel California - Eagles, Late Night - Foals, Adeline - Alt-J, Ruby Falls - Guster, Dance Yrself Clean - LCD Soundsystem, I'll Still Destroy You - The National
You heard much of The War on Drugs friend? Soaring, climactic, Building guitar solos. Awesome stuff. A few to try: -Ocean in between the waves -Strangest Thing - Pain
Weights by everything everything
I have just finished Eleanor Oliphant and I need to feel the void Upon multiple occasions where I saw the book suggested here, I decided I simply HAD TO read it too. I just finished my copy and I do not know what to do with myself. I don’t know what to read and I just want to go back into a time where I still had some pages left of the book.
I'd recommend Where'd You Go, Bernadette? For a similarly lost, middle-aged female protagonist.
I really enjoyed that book too. I remember reading The Marriage Plot by Eugenides and The Great Believers by Makki around the same time, they are not related content wise, but were good books about people's lives that seemed to fit well together. So not a total jump, but not trying to be the same thing, if that makes sense? I also had a friend recommend the Elegance of the Hedgehog after I told them I read Eleanor Oliphant, I have not read it yet so cannot vouch for myself but may be worth looking into.
what is Your most favorite Quotes As a Engineer ? what is Your most favorite Quotes As a Engineer ?
"God fucking damn it"
If it looks stupid and it works, it's not stupid.
Something like Lemony Snicket’s the Reptile Room. Not looking for something in particularly young adult, I’m 25, but not opposed to young adult either. Eccentric people who love their animals could be another way to look at it the suggestion. Thanks.
My memories of this book is faint. I read it too long ago. Do you want something akin to Lemony Snicket's writing style, or something that features animals, or people who like animals?
I really liked East of Eden.
[If I like] eccentric artists/bands such as David Bowie, Arthur Brown, Ween [what else would I like?]
Kendrick Lamar King Crimson Pink Floyd Frank Zappa Primus
Gary Wilson
Good PG/PG13 (family friendly) movie I can watch with my family? I have my cousins over and we wanna watch a movie but one of them is only 11 years old. Any movies that are mostly family friendly (minor cursing doesn’t hurt) we could watch?
Any John Hughes movie - win win
Gleaming the cube Tag Encino man Teenage mutant ninja turtles (90s movies series) Surf ninjas 3 ninjas (90s movies-series) Last action hero Fern gully The princess bride Robin Hood prince of thieves Ghostbusters (originals or remakes)
[X-Men films] What is Professor Charles Xavier a professor of, exactly? After my kid blew up the public school's science lab for the third time (don't ask) I pulled him out and sent him to Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters, hoping that they would be able to set him straight. She's a good kid, but accidents happen... Anyway, I got the first report card back, and apparently this Xavier guy is teaching both Physics AND Literature, at least. I know it's a private school, don't they at least have enough teachers for every subject? Plus, I did a little googling on Xavier, apparently he got his degree in biology. Something about genetic mutation. Is he really qualified to be teaching Physics or English at a high-school level? And don't even get me started on their art teacher.
Their history teacher keeps blabbering on about events after 1973 that are completely different
I got a 2lb block of feta cheese. Hi peeps! This is such a great subreddit and I have learned alot from everyone. I have a friend that gave me a two pound block of feta cheese. I like feta crumbles on my salads occasionally is all I know about it. Does anyone have an good ideas so I don't waiste it? (other than the obligatory pizza...which I will probably do anyways)
My secret ingredient in the guacamole I make is feta. Avocado, onion, lime juice, cilantro, salt and pepper, maybe a pinch of cumin, and a healthy dose of feta. It adds a briny tangyness to it that is delicious. Sure sure, some might call me a heathen for messing with guac, but just trust me on this one.
My SO buys feta by the ridiculous amount. She recommends feta and beet salad, Israeli foods like falafel, with crackers and jam, on green salads, with bread, by itself late at night, etc.
Books that just feels eerie and creepy without being too direct about it. I recently played on old horror game and its execution of horror genre was interesting. Opposed to being explicitly horror with gore and jump scares, everything in the game just felt off putting. The dialogue and interaction with the villagers made seem like everyone was hiding something. The populated town felt creepily empty while an abandoned castle loomed in the distance. I would really like to read a book like this, but unfortunately don't know any. Any and all recommendations are greatly appreciated!
I thought Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier had this vibe. The main character moves into a big estate with a dark, hidden history. The book feels off-putting without being overtly scary, and the narrator’s name is never used, which gives you a sense of her feelings of inferiority and anxiety.
{{The shadow over innsmouth}}Does fit the bill for most of the story Also recommend {{The Case of Charles Dexter Ward}} both by HP lovecraft
Upbeat, happy sounding songs with sad, dark, depressing or any non-happy lyrics? Here's some examples I can think of from the top of my head The Beatles - Maxwell's Silver Hammer J. Geils Band - Centerfold Wham - Heartbeat
Gloria and Cleopatra - The Lumineers All Alone - FUN Ode to Sleep - Twenty One Pilots
The band streetlight manifesto
Asking a chef about their technique/ recipe Would it be inappropriate to tell a restaurant chef that they made the best Italian food I’ve ever had (including in Italy) and then ask if there are any specific cookbooks they recommend to hone in on the techniques they use? I know that techniques/recipes are a “secret sauce” per se and don’t know if that is an appropriate question. For what it’s worth I am an average joe, not in the restaurant industry and live on the other side of the country. But after having it I just want to learn to cook like that.
Any chef worth their salt will give you a basic recipe. That’s why they write cookbooks. A chef should know it’s not the recipe it’s the customers inability, technique, laziness, access to the same produce that makes it. Aaron Franklin has been giving away brisket cooking instructions for a decade but his place still gets lines out the door because he knows 99% of the people aren’t going to do what he does every time they want smoked meats.
No, it wouldn't be rude to do so.
Any Comedy-Horror recommendations? Not huge on horror but love this comedy-horror niche. It's like watching an action-comedy but the humor seems to be a little more tongue and cheek. Anyways, was looking for more movies like Cabin in the Woods. Seems to be the only real example out there. There was the movie The Babysitter on Netflix which I thought was pretty funny, they made a sequel and ruined it though, turned way too cringe for me. Any recommendations?
Shaun of the Dead Vampires Vs The Bronx Attack The Block Ready or Not
Scream (1996) Shaun Of The Dead (2004) Zombieland (2009) Fright Night (2011) Happy Death Day (2017)
[Pokemon] Team Rocket Goon here. Why can't we just beat up these kids who keep ruining our plans? So, I'm guarding our headwaters, and this 12 year old walks up and challenges me to a duel to enter. I send out my pokemon. His beat them. My pal sends out her pokemon. His beat them. So that's it, he's allowed in. But can't we just, like...punch him? We're two hardened criminals and grown adults. He's twelve. He's put his pokemon away after the fight. I feel we could knock him the fuck out before he can get out a garydos. At the very least, could we not send out all our pokemon at once? Have out pokemon attack him? Shoot his pokemon? What's the Pokemon League gonna do, dock us points? I dunno, boss, I feel we'd stop blasting off again if we were more willing to attack children. We're all evil here, after all. Why are we so committed to fair play and not hurting children?
For starters most Pokemon only willingly allow themselves to be captured because they really enjoy fighting each other and only listen to a worthy trainer. Without enough badges to prove themselves worthy, higher level Pokemon don't listen to their trainers. Ordering them to attack humans, weak and otherwise defenseless opponents, would probably cause them to disobey, especially since they would already be somewhat rebellious listening to someone without badges(you're a criminal, don't expect gym leaders to allow you into gyms). Ditto for sending out more Pokemon at once, since they probably also want a fair fight.Not all Pokemon cares about a good fight, considering horde battles and the like, but those are rare occurrences. Some Pokemon would listen if you share a deep enough bond, but considering you're working for Team Rocket, caring for Pokemon isn't your strong suite. Secondly, considering the amount of damage Pokemon can take, what makes you think a gun would work? Try using a pistol on an elephant, see how long you take to kill it, then scale it up to Pokemon durability, and figure how quickly said Pokemon kills you in rage instead. Thirdly, the Pokemon League have the strongest trainers in the region working for them. The only reason they don't step in is because they're not technically law enforcement, but break their rules and they get to step in on your ass, since they dictate how Pokemon battles are done. Lastly, Pokemon battles are held in a certain range(you really don't want to get to close to battles involving a lot of fire and energy beams being thrown around), so I find it very unlikely you can rush across and punch said 12 year old before he can press a button on a ball he hold on his belt.
>What's the Pokemon League gonna do, dock us points? How about come down on your sorry ass with such an unholy reckoning you will regret ever having born? Your boss might have what you are doing obfuscated as of now, but if you start hurting kids? A twelve year old won't sic his Gyarados on you. But Lance will.
Give me your best tearjerkers Just been in the sad movie mood lately. So just looking for something that’ll actually break me haha. Don’t remember the last time I cried at a movie (probably moonlight) so hit me with your best shot ;)
*Brian's Song* *Terms of Endearment* And the most sad of the sad: *Old Yeller*
Johnny got his Gun
Do you tell family/friends you are traveling by yourself? I find myself wanting to tell them that I'm visiting a friend in the area. When in reality I know nobody there lol. I just want to avoid the judgmental questions that I feel will inevitably follow after saying: "i don't know anyone there. I'm just going." or something like that. Am I overthinking this?
I used to feel bad about telling my mom I was going places alone… she would get upset and worry. But after a few years of this she really enjoys keeping up with me and checking in regularly to see when and where I’m going next. My advice would be to include your family as much as possible. Especially if you’re someone who’s constantly not around to talk to them in person.
I am always telling my mom it isn't as bad as she thinks . Like "there are other travelers in the hostel. XY was there a year ago and it was not dangerous at all." I don't lie but try to calm her, because she is really worrying about me. After some solo camping trips it got a little better. But besides my parents I am absolutely honest, telling my friends even if I am a little afraid my self...
Something Witchy to Read This Fall With fall coming up, I’ve been thinking about reading books with a fall mood and I just realized how few witchy books I have. I’ve read the Half Bad trilogy, The Girl Who Drank the Moon, Uprooted, and am working my way through the Winternight trilogy. That’s about the extent of books I own with witches in them. More specifically, I’m looking for: * Horror or fantasy, either is perfect * Darker/creepier stories OR fun family/friendship reads (thinking along the lines of the ladies at 300 Fox Way in TRC) * I prefer female authors—books by women and about women—although obviously all the characters don’t need to be female Thanks in advance!
PUMPKINHEAD by Cullen Bunn. DARK HARVEST by Norman Partridge.
You could always go dark and read Frankenstein. Poe is really dark too. I usually read him at Halloween.
SOFI. Your opinions, plans, plays, ideas and thoughts. I'm very heavily considering putting some serious cash into this company at this stage in the dip. There balance sheet, ideas, future, and pretty much all around everything seem to point to great success in the future especially with the coming generations. One things I've not heard mentioned is when they completely and wholly get there bank charter I would see that being a HUGE catalyst for a serious rip in price but all I can find is preliminary approval and other tit tats with no real concrete information but it seems to be in the works. Does anyone know anything about that? If so please elaborate and if you wanna talk about this play please do.
The Rams stadium looks sweet. Seems bullish
I don’t think their platform or execution is as good as I believed it was and it’s also not unqiue. Lots of people are doing what they do.
Change my view that There is no word that exists that is the opposite of 'moment' Moment: a particular point at which an event takes place Online antonyms listed for 'moment': * insignificance, * littleness, * puniness, * slightness, * smallness, * triviality None of these antonym are the opposite of a particular point in time. There is no english word for a "non-moment". The idea of a non-moment is beyond what humans are able to understand at the current stage of our science and technology. One day, our science may be able to take a look into the realm of the non-moment.
Nor is there an opposite for "Elephant"
> The idea of a non-moment is beyond what humans are able to understand at the current stage of our science and technology. I don't understand what you mean by this. Isn't any non-infinitessimal unit of time a "non-moment"? Is a minute or an hour a moment? If anything, I'd argue the opposite. A *moment* is actually pretty hard to comprehend. A non-moment seems much easier. Beyond that, plenty of words don't have antonyms. What's the word for a non-rectangle? There is none, but that doesn't mean it's hard to imagine a triangle, pentagon, or circle.
Which music players do you like on your Linux?? VLC comes to mind but other choices?
No one mentioned DeaDBeeF.
I struggle to eat breakfast but even more so because I get bored of what I eat, what are some interesting meals for breakfast? I either eat cereal, toast or oatmeal. I struggle to eat in the morning and it puts me off even more when what I'm going to eat seems uninteresting. What do you guys eat for breakfast? What are some interesting meals and how can I keep it varied?
So, I also struggle with eating in the AM. So let me start with this idea: * Breakfast is a lie. Yes, you can eat traditional breakfast foods. Those are delicious. But if you want cold pizza, a tuna sandwich, or pot roast, there's nothing to say you can't have it. You're a grown up which means you can eat what you want. That said, half the battle is making breakfast not a chore. One of the easy ways to do that is to prep ahead. If you like bacon, there's no reason you have to cook three slices of bacon every morning. You can cook up that whole package when you get home from the store and reheat three slices at a time all week. You can have peppers and onions pre-cut, ready to go in eggs. You can shred your cheese well in advance. You can make muffins on a Sunday afternoon that you can either eat throughout the week or freeze and pull out as it pleases you. My go-to breakfast favorites are: 1. Tube biscuits (Grand's style) with a fried egg and a sausage patty. * A fried egg sandwich. Two fried eggs with a slice of cheese melted on them, on toast with optional condiments (I like mayo and mustard) * Eggs scrambled with (lean on your pre-chopping here....bacon, onions, peppers, spinach, sharp cheddar, can add anything you've got handy that sounds tasty) * French toast * Breakfast burritos (make these ahead, freeze them, then microwave): scrambled egg, sausage, peppers and onions, shredded cheese wrapped in a tortilla. Serve with salsa. * Toaster-friendly hash browns * Fruit smoothy * Granola and yogurt
I love eggs, so I'll make a lot of egg dishes like omelets, breakfast burritos, bagel sandwichs, scrambled eggs with lots of mix ins. If I'm lazy I'll just fry an egg, put it on toast and add some maple syrup or sriracha + chopped green onions.
Ways to thank my vet's office for everything they've done for my dog? I apologize if this isn't the right place for this. My Boston Terrier recently went through a week of being quite ill with constant regurgitation and lack of appetite. MANY trips to the vet's office and emergency clinic over the course of that time as his symptoms got worse and we were absolutely panicked. Yesterday, they did an endoscopy to look for a hiatal hernia and realized it was a blockage that just wasn't showing up on the X-Rays that they'd done. He had surgery and is now recovering. Long story short, they spent A LOT of time on the phone with us and working with our dog even though they are extremely busy due to a vet shortage and COVID issues. On top of that, our usually easy-going boy is an anxious mess at the vet's office and is difficult to work with. I'm SO grateful to the staff for being so kind and taking such good care of our pup and I want to express my appreciation. A thank you card is a given -- but I was also thinking about sending along a $50 gift card to a popular local pizza restaurant so that the office can buy themselves lunch (I figure $50 can buy a lot of pizza and it's not a big office). Thoughts on this? What kinds of gifts have you received from clients that you really loved? Thanks!
I’ve been baking and cooking for my vet and her office for years. A few months ago I brought in individually bagged servings of kettle corn and everything bagel popcorn (pop the corn, melt some butter with a clove of minced garlic, drizzle over popcorn and sprinkle with everything seasoning) and they went NUTS for it! Makes sense - if I’m hungry for a snack because I’m too busy for lunch, I’d rather savory than sweet. That said, they’ve always been psyched for anything I bring. It seems like it can be a really hard and thankless job, so any way you choose to show your appreciation will certainly be well-received!
Everyone fought for the wine gift baskets heehee. Or just dropped off fancy hot coffees (french vanilla, lattes, a couple hot chocolate for those who don't drink coffee).
Explain like I'm five years old: Rh positive and negative and why it matters so much when it comes to having kids Yeah yeah I'm an idiot lol. I'm sure it's all so simple but I'm pregnant and honestly, lacking quite a few brain cells thanks to it. Can someone explain to me why Rh positive and negative matter when it comes to reproducing and even marriage?! I just read something that said Rh negative women should not be with Rh positive men and I don't understand any of it.
I am Rh negative and my.husband is positive. When I went to get my rhogam shot they it was too late and I was already making antibodies against the rh+ protein. I had to go for a stress test twice a week and a level 2 ultrasound once a week where they measured blood flow in his brain. At 38 weeks I had an induced VBAC because they said his lungs needed to experience labor to develop. They didn't think it was safe for him to remain in utero any longer. We were transferred to a hospital with a level 4 nicu where he ended up needing a blood transfusion at 7 days old. After 3+ weeks of care, he got to come home. He's now a healthy teenager. The red cross likes my blood because they can sell it to the makers of the rhogam shot to use my antibodies in making more.
You already have a couple really good answers, but I'm trying to get it to a five year old's level because I might actually be describing this to my kid someday. Mom has to get a couple extra shots before and after baby is born because if mom's blood and baby's blood mix, mom's blood would attack baby's blood and could kill baby. It's called the Rh factor after the Rhesus monkeys which were used by scientists to discover the red blood cell factor. Mom has Rh negative blood and dad has Rh positive blood. We don't know baby's blood type yet, but most likely it is Rh positive so Mom will get the shots just in case.
Fantasy books where the protagonist goes on a voyage. Something similar to LOTR, but preferably with a badass female protagonist. Bonus for sword fights, ships and dangerous beasts. Even better if it’s sapphic. Doesn’t have to be all the above, but I love books with strong female characters
Sabriel by Garth Nix is part of the old kingdom series. Badass chick with magic and is my all time favorite fantasy series!
Joe Abercrombie. Half a King series. But all of his fantasy items fit your description and he’s really good! Best served cold has a great female protagonist as well.
Change my view that No form of protest will ever be ‘acceptable’ No form of protest will ever be deemed ‘acceptable’ Between people blocking roads and throwing soup at paintings over climate change, there are a ton of posts on Reddit raging over protestors doing it the ‘wrong’ way. First, the road blocks. These are nominally nonviolent but very disruptive. They get a LOT of media attention whenever they do it (as compared to self immolating in front of the Supreme Court which no one seems to care about). The only people at risk are the protestors. And in theory it could draw attention to the lack of public transport available because people lack alternatives. This isn’t perfect though, while most people are just very inconvenienced by it, there was that one guy who missed his parole because of it. There is also the hypothetical ambulance criticism. What if they don’t let an ambulance through? Extinction Rebellion claims (or at the very least used to claim) they let EMS through. Other groups may or may not but ER is the most visible. Yet every time there’s a post people seem so worried about what if there was an ambulance (which there isn’t) and they didn’t let it through (which they say they would) and someone got hurt (which no one did because it didn’t happen). What if they ignored their own protocol for a hypothetical situation that isn’t happening but one day could? Needless to say, I find that criticism disingenuous at best. Because of these protests, some states passed or discussed passing laws making it legal to run over protestors who are in the streets. In the comments people always seem very in favor of this and don’t think about the consequences of such a law. Here’s a question for all you people who want to run over anyone standing in the street. Some states have passed laws making that legal (ie Florida), some states have stand your ground laws (ie Florida). Say this happens in a state with both. Someone is protesting for whatever cause. Someone sees it and decides it’s legal and they don’t want to be inconvenienced. They don’t slow down and run one of them over going 45. The protestor sees the driver trying to kill them with a 1 ton vehicle going 45 and defends themself. They have concealed carry license and are carrying their legally acquired firearm which they defend themself with. Who’s in the right. Are they just legally allowed to murder each other? The driver was mildly inconvenienced but people want to pass laws and some have already passed them letting them get away with killing the people inconveniencing them. The protestor definitely fears for their life since in this example they die of their injuries afterwards and both driver and protestor end up dead. Enough about road blocks. Let’s go on to the new hotness, throwing soup on paintings. Despite these being completely nonviolent, harming no one, and inconveniencing nearly no one, the response is nearly identical. Rage, saying it’s the ‘wrong’ way to protest, claiming they are hurting their own cause. For the record, no paintings are damaged. They chose targets that are protected, typically by a pane of glass. It just creates the appearance of defacing the painting. And this gets even more news coverage than the road blocks while harming/inconveniencing even fewer people. Their message is a bit vague admittedly. It is something along the lines of people are upset about us defacing paintings but not oil destroying the world or we put all this effort into protecting paintings but not the earth. Either way the message is we are valuing art over the earth when the earth is much more important and we wouldn’t have any art if not for it. Yet this is still the ‘wrong’ way. People claim they should be going after Pol companies directly instead of making symbolic gestures that get them millions of dollars of free publicity and liking a lot of revenue from donations. Incidentally, they do target oil companies. They block roads to refineries. This doesn’t get coverage because it can be easily hidden from public view by the media not reporting it unlike blocking a major street or defacing artwork in a museum. One of the only times those ‘legitimate targets’ got enough coverage for me to notice it was when they vandalized one of Rupert Murdoch’s buildings. Yet this too was told it was targeting the wrong people. If Murdoch and his right wing media empire that has spread climate denial for decades is not a fair target, nothing is. Let’s come up with what would be the hypothetical ‘right’ way to protest. It would have to be nonviolent obviously. But that’s not enough apparently. You can’t just not hurt anyone, you can’t even inconvenience them. So something peaceful that doesn’t disrupt anything. But you need an audience to get your message out. So something peaceful and not disruptive in front of a large crowd or better yet a national audience. Perhaps if you were a famous performer or athlete you could make a symbolic gesture in support of a cause before a game. Like for instance, refusing to stand for the national anthem. But some people may interpret that as disrespectful so to be on the safe side you should talk with a veteran about the plan and instead kneel during the anthem. That way you are respectful to the troops and still sending a message while being peaceful and not even inconveniencing them by delaying the game. Except no. Even Kapernick got massive amounts of hate in the media with even the president saying he should be fired and thrown out. Even things like boycotts get criticized and even made illegal. It seems pointless to care about criticism if the criticism for a riot is less harsh than for kneeling. Just to be clear to people who want to cmv, I’m not saying these forms of protests are good or effective or there aren’t better. I’m saying that no matter what protestors do, they will be criticized for it not being the ‘right’ way to protest.
Blocking roads is not a minor inconvenience in many cases. For some jobs, being a second late clocking can get you in trouble, especially for assembly line work where being on time is critical to the whole operation. Being late a few times within a whole year is a fireable offense. One daycare I know of charges $1 per minute for the first 10 minutes you are late, and $5 per minute after that. To many people, that is not a minor inconvenience. It’s not that you are stopping one person for maybe 30 minutes, it’s that you are stopping 1000 people for 30 minutes and even once it opens up it takes another 30 minutes for the people in the back to get clear. There are plenty of ways to protest without damaging someone. What’s the problem with big posters expressing your concerns in a public place? Protesting doesn’t have to hold someone captive to get a point across.
People have already commented on viewing protests as acceptable or not based on if you agree with them. I want to bring up one (small in the scope of this discussion) point. >First, the road blocks. These are nominally nonviolent but very disruptive. They get a LOT of media attention whenever they do it (as compared to self immolating in front of the Supreme Court which no one seems to care about). The only people at risk are the protestors. This is false. Drivers are also put at risk. The generally accepted sight stopping distance for traffic engineers for a vehicle traveling at 65 mph is 645 feet. at 75 mph, it's 820 feet. An American foot ball field 300 feet for reference. This doesn't account for curves and elevation changes. If a vehicle was to accidentally hit a pedestrian, occupants in the vehicle could be killed by the body coming into the passenger compartment. Also, traffic accident rates go up significantly in traffic jams. Blocking the freeway creates an increased risk of injury, property damage, and financial strain. Not to mention it risks the jobs of people who would be late to work. So the question is, what increase in the probability of harm is "acceptable"? Just my 2 cents, if the protest increases the risk for bystanders/non-related persons (i.e. drivers), it is unacceptable. Sit-ins, occupy wall street, picket a government facility, glue yourself to the wall of a police station, all fine. Block traffic, not fine.
What is your favorite time of day to run? Just curious, what is your favorite time of day to run? Since it's been getting warmer out I started to run during the sunset and I'm loving it!
I love my sunday runs because I can wake up around 7 and take some time to wake up, head out for my run at 8 before it's too hot. During the week, I run at lunch and struggle because it's usually busy and hot but it's the only time I can fit it in.
I used to be an evening runner, typically 5-7pm after I finished work. I would occasionally do a morning run at the weekend or before work in the summer. My work schedule has recently changed (partly due to Corona) so evening runs are no longer ideal for me. Over the last 6 months I have completely committed to early morning runs, 5.30am-7am! It feels GREAT. Nice and cool, the roads and pavements are empty, and on summer you get the fresh morning smells and sounds. Then, I feel so awake and on a running high for most of the day, I’m killing it at work! I’m also sleeping way better now. The WORST part by far is that alarm going off so early. It really does take discipline to get up when you know you can have an extra hour in bed. And not gonna lie, sometimes I do take that extra hour lol! But I find as soon as I’m up, had my pre-run banana and half a cup of caffeine I’m good to go! I’ll have to see how disciplined I can be over the cold dark winter months...
How to be a good talker. You know those people who can finesse their way out of a situation with their words? They have a silver tongue, or they're quick on their feet when it comes to thinking, or are just convincing and persuasive. I want to be like that; how would I start?
Pitch Perfect by Bill McGowan is a great guide to start improving your speech and conversation techniques. Here are his seven principles in summary: 1. **Headline** \-- The first sentence out of your mouth should be the best one. 2. **The Scorsese** \-- Be visual in how you describe things. Use anecdotes and rich detail. 3. **Pasta sauce** \-- Boil down your message to be as concise as possible. 4. **No tailgating** \-- Slow down as you speak. Always know the next word coming out of your mouth, and don't back up to edit an incorrect detail. 5. **Conviction** \-- Maintain eye contact and good posture, and don't apologize for taking their time. 6. **Show interest** \-- This involves practicing a small half-smile. A furrowed brow can be misread. 7. **The Draper** \-- As Don Draper teaches, if you don't like what's being said, change the conversation. In the book, McGowan's advice gets really specific with helpful anecdotes and advice (especially regarding physicality like posture). I also got an added layer of instruction by listening to the audiobook, since he exemplifies the principles in his narration. But once you're done with the book, the most important thing is to actively prepare and practice.
If you learn please tell me as well
How did you decide what you wanted to major in? Pretty much the title, I’m applying for a bachelor of engineering but have no clue what I want to major in so how did you decide?
Compromise with my parents. I wanted Philosophy. They wanted something more employable. I was originally set to go into ChemE then changed to ME during my last semester of HS cause I realized I preferred physics over chemistry. Ended up majoring and graduating in ME with a minor in philosophy. Those minor classes (along with some other electives) were the only thing that got me through my 4.5 years.
went for the one with the broadest number of industries/ job locations
Mind blowing movies suggestions I love mind blowing movies Can you please recommend movies like followings Predestination Coherence Triangle Inception Primer Inception Identity Memento Shutter island Lost highway Thank you
It's a bit different but...American Beauty.Road To Perdition is excellent too.
A question about engineering ethics So I've been following the trial of Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes. According to the testimony there was a culture of deception where there was pressure on the lab personnel to falsify readings, and apparently a number of people cooperated in the deception. Finally a couple of whistleblowers went to the FDA and soon the whole company collapsed, culminating in Holmes' trial and conviction. Listening to this, I can't help but wonder what I would have done in that situation. It's easy to think "oh jeez I'd never participate in this kind of deception" but I think that's too easy. In my experience things like this don't happen all at once, it's a slippery slope. I'll bet there was a lot of pressure on the people to keep the company moving, and who wants to see their team (full of their friends no doubt) fail? I'm retired now but in 45 years as an EE - including working with the FDA - I can't recall ever being pressured to falsify results. How about you guys - thoughts? Have you ever felt pressure like this?
Good thread OP, thanks for posting
" is possible to carry on this process for an indefinite time: the only check on it is that sooner or later a false belief bumps up against solid reality, usually on a battlefield."
Need help from Iran The internet blockage is getting worse and worse here in iran. I used to connect via a vpn i had and Open vpn but both are not working anymore. Can anyone help? An open vpn server? Some kind of proxy settings? We're desperate here pls help if you can, the more limited the internet becomes the more merciless they become against people.
My personal recommendations is you guys setup an intranet with secure texting/chat. That way it'll be secure, and only you guys will be able to control it.
Just use tor, they can’t block tor
Just started a Cocktail robot / dispenser renting business and want your thoughts on pricing Hello there! First of all, this is NOT a self promotion. I'm currently only offering my services in Copenhagen. Anyways. For the past 1.5 years i been working on making a Cocktail dispenser, it's basically like a coffee machine but where you choose a cocktail on an iPad and it makes it, fast. Around 5 seconds for a White Russian. I feel I'm at a point now that the machine is ready to rent/sell, as in it's been approved by the food and drink safety authorities and is legal to use. I also have patent pending (approved in Denmark and pending worldwide) So that i don't have to worry about that yet. The machine is not very user-friendly to maintain yet, so my thought have always been to rent machines to bars like coffee machines in offices etc So that only me or someone from my company will set up and maintain machines. The bar/hotel market is however extremely hard to come into as a new unknown company. So! My plan is to start of with something with much lower entry level: Renting it out to parties and events, like these "Hire a bartender" businesses. So that we will come with booze and all that except instead of a man, it's a machine. I wanted your thoughts on this plan, and pricing. It takes about a hour of labor to setup, and then it's self running the rest of the event. So i can place my prices below what it would cost to hire a bartender. Another view is that since it's "new" people would maybe pay more or equivalent to a bartender. What do you think? Any pricing strategies i'm missing or forgetting that could work?
Seams cool; I organized a bunch of parties before and I’d be interested; in SF tech now and this could be a hit for company happy hours out here
The best places to rent these to are places that don't depend on alcohol like bars. Eatery's like restaurants that do not have bars will like this kind of product. To start anyways.
underrated 80s movies I'm looking to find some underrated 80s movies I've missed,granted I've seen alot.I gravitate towards comedies mostly but I'm willing to check out almost anything you think is underrated.So what do you suggest? I'll let you know also if I've seen the movie.
* Parenthood (1989) * Ruthless People (1986) * Brewster’s Millions (1985) * Earth Girls are Easy (1988) * Moonstruck (1987) * Crimes of Passion (1984) * Liquid Sky (1982) * After Hours (1985) * Forbidden Zone (1980) * House of Games (1987) * Reds (1981) * Thief (1981)
One Crazy Summer Better off Dead The Whoopie Boys
Trail running shoes or regular hiking shoes. What do you prefer?
Depends on the terrain, your basic physical strength and how much weight you're carrying on your back. Don't ever let anybody tell you what kind of shoes *your* feet need!
Trail runners. They dry fastest and I don’t believe in waterproof. Darn tough socks and trail runners I can walk with wet feet they air dry like I said fast
If I like Adventure Time & Rick and Morty, what else would I like? I need more adventurous cartoons that are enjoyable to watch as an adult.
Aqua teen hunger force was great .. if u haven't seen
What are some practices you follow while running in cold weather? Hi, I wanted to know about some pointers to run in winter(around 8-10 degrees celsius). I use a windcheater jacket while running, which is ok, but after stopping, coming back and taking a shower, it almost always happens that I catch a cold or a running rose. Wanted to know if you guys follow some practices and get any help I can get. Thanks!
The only thing that I add once it drops below ~8°C are soft shell gloves because my hands get cold otherwise and a light casual vest. When it gets sub zero I add a hat and might wear long jogging pants from time to time.
I tend to run somewhat low on gear, but for the given temperature something like a Nike Therma shirt or undergarment of Merino wool is kinda sufficient, also have like a neck warmer. This seems sufficient for me. I do usually have a running nose during the run, but it goes away quite fast after I finish. I do get a cold though if I run too naked, so the trick is to have enough layers. Right now in winters they even go down as low as -15 celsius here.
At what point does garlic truly become burnt? On several occasions my garlic gave me the smell of "oh shit I burnt some of it!" but I continued the sauce anyways cause I couldn't be arsed to start from scratch (not coal burnt, but brown burnt). When I finish the dish, sometimes I can tell that the burnt garlic ruined it. But sometimes the burnt garlic gives the dish a smoky deep finish that I just adore. For example, I tend to overcook the garlic on my Pasta a Limone cause the burnt garlic with the acid makes it taste like fireplace cooked pasta (in a good way). When is garlic truly burnt, and when is it just "too overcooked for this specific dish, but otherwise not objectively burnt"?
It sounds stupid but it's burnt when it's burnt. How much you colour an ingredient dictates what kind of final taste it imparts on the dish. That's why you often brown meat before slow cooking it, it gives a different taste to how it would if you didn't brown it at all. Think about if you were making a chicken soup with drumsticks and veg. If you just put the chicken and veg into the pot with some water and cook it down, it'll be a clear and light tasting chicken broth whereas if you brown everything first, it will have more of a roast chicken flavour if you know what I mean. Also imagine the difference of flavour between a boiled clove of garlic versus a roasted clove of garlic. Both are garlicky but in very different ways so you just use the technique to achieve the outcome you're wanting. If you want to draw a lot of the flavour out of garlic without colouring it, cook it longer on a lower heat and the flavour will leach out into the oil. Like you say if you want the deep and smokey flavour, make sure you get a nice amount of colour on it.
Yes like what you said different cook times with garlic and what your making... It depends what you're making what the flavors are in the dish it all depends.... Pan can't to too hot when you're Sauteeing.
How long do you guys think oil stocks will run? Top White House economic adviser Brian Deese said Thursday that a U.S. ban on exports of gasoline and other refined petroleum products still was under consideration, as Biden administration officials continued to respond to the prior day’s news about a crude oil production cut by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies. -news on October 6th. Wonder if you guys think it’ll reach June highs or not.
Two thoughts … If you look at stocks technically…the charts look good. Pay attention…it’s a crowded space. The other thought….the day the Saudi’s announced the cuts the stocks underperformed…oil was only up a small amount. The next day oil went up five %…stocks still underperformed. I would look to buy on weakness.
At least until my deep OTM long puts expiring 10/22 expire worthless. 😭
Change my view that The term 'white' privilege shouldn't exist. Before I get flamed: I'm Southeast Asian and middle income. I'm willing to change this view if my inquiry is proven wrong or if the logic is proven shaky or fallible. I have two issues with 'white' in the context of race. The first being, there is no scientific evidence to suggest white people are genetically or biologically related. A person of West Slavic origin is genetically different from a person of Tunisian origin, a person of Finno-Ugric descent is genetically different from a person of Northern Germanic descent. Same with how you cannot lump black people together as a person of West African descent is entirely different genetically from a person of Ethiopian descent. Second, the term white is vague. What delineates white people from other races where their appearance is slightly different but not entirely? If this was the case then wouldn't Tunisians, Hungarians, Albanians, Finnish, Sicilians, Spaniards of moorish descent, be considered non-white or white? Racially classifying people is an asinine cause because each time you jump to the border of a country you'd see that races are usually mixed and blurs the lines on a specific race. Is the definition of white considered to be tied to imperialistic old world powers with racially white physical characteristics, further citing the historicity of the matter? If that was the case then, Irish, Welsh and Scottish natiobalist and independence movements throughout history are essentially anti-White which would mean that people who descend from those heritages are non-white. Unless the definition of white is formalized and has some sort of basis on hard sciences rather than being a social construct, then use of white (and any other racial term like black, yellow, asian) should be banned or discouraged in use. At the very least treading lightly on the subject matter. Privilege on the other hand, does exist especially in a number of countries where majority of the wealthy are concentrated on a minority. That being said, white privileges as a result of them being white is just furthering the narrative of white ultra nationalists that white people do have privileges over other races. At the same time, white privilege's historicity is often cited, where people blame white people on committing treacherous acts of exploitation and subjugation. In that regard, imperialism is not endemic to white people. The Aztecs practiced ritual mass human sacrifice from captured slaves. The highland head hunters (Igorot) of the Malayan archipelago practiced head hunting and raiding. The Arabs practiced slavery, furthering the practice into the Malayan Archipelago where the islands of Sulu became a slave trading and pirate hub. Native Africans procured slaves by way of conquest and ethnic cleansing, which they then sold to European merchants (see: African slave trade). The empire of Akkad in the middle east was the first empire in history. The old world European powers which colonized and subjugated native populations are just a scaled up version under a long line of conquerors and imperialists. Blaming it on racial privilege is nonsense.
Even if race is a social construct and may not have a biological basis, it is still a way of categorizing humans. Once there is a way to categorize something, you can start applying properties to it (e.g. X has privilege).
Shouldn't exist as in "not used", or shouldn't exist as a negative connotation?
I have $1.21 in my account until my first check comes on the 22nd (new job after 1+ month of being unemployed. How can I still give xmas gifts?? I don't really have any crafty skills either. I've told my immediate family that gifts will come later but there's 1-2 gift obligations that have to be sent ahead of time. Is there any way to remedy this??
My husband is a mechanic. He’s doing some free maintenance for the person he got in the gift exchange. I would love it if someone offered me a night of babysitting, cookies, a free haircut, etc. depending on their skills.
Also, you could print out bookmarks on cardstock or other paper for them. The Prudent Homemaker blog has several free things you can print to give out as gifts.
I want to learn How not to overthink or plan and just do it. Whenever I try to take up a something even like a meager task or an overly huge task , I usually overthink about it whole time that it just stick inside my head even if it's not required. For a huge task it seems justified but not for an meager or small one. Eventually for even a small task I put so much of my mental energy like creating plan a, b or several backups that it just cloud what I'm doing currently and it makes me feel exhausted mentally and it feels like a responsibility or burden over my head. Well that was the background , I want to focus all that energy in my studies and don't want to be distracted because of these things or feel tired.
Hi I don’t want to armchair diagnose but after reading your post as well as your responses, you may want to look into ADHD. I was recently diagnosed and I experience very similar things that you described. Even if you aren’t ADHD, there are a lot of tools ADHDers use that might work for you.
How would you scale this up to something much bigger, like starting a cafe? I wonder if someone has any tips..