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[Music][If I like]Piano pop/rock music and really emotional, thoughtful lyrics (examples inside)[what else would I like]? My favorite artist and the one that combines both is Tori Amos. I love her piano playing and she is probably my favorite lyricist. Other piano rockers I love are Ben Folds/Five, Andrew McMahon/Jack's Mannequin/Something Corporate, Jukebox the Ghost, and The Dresden Dolls. Some of my favorite lyricists are Ben Gibbard of Death Cab For Cutie, Conor Oberst of Bright Eyes, Fiona Apple, and Jesse Lacey of Brand New. I have 1319 different artists in my iTunes, but I'm always looking for some new suggestions.
Check out the song Wild Sage by The Mountain Goats. They have a ton of albums that sort of span all genres, but I think that song in particular may be up your alley. If you like that, then check out the albums "The Life of the World To Come" and "Get Lonely."
Check out Keri Noble. She never really made it big. I saw her live years ago opening for cyndi lauper. She is now a morning DJ on the radio in Minneapolis.
mystery/detective/thriller that we can actually see the discovering along the drive I think most of detective movie is like that, where everything is still in the dark at the very end, then protagonist just suddenly knew everything and explain everything perfectly. I grow bored of this type, and we can't not really see and relate to how the super smart detective think. is looking for movie that the detective actually normal, grounded smart. Where follow the protagonist, know every detail he know and learn the process of the discover at the same time as him. Few axemple: \-*Searching. This is the define of the above. The father searching any clue to find his missing dauther* \-Gone Girl \-Get Out: more of horror movie, with just one secret, but it do fit the bill in the sense \-*12 Angry man*, While not really detective movie, the jurors discus and discover the holes of the evidence is what make it is the prime example of what i looking for. \-Knifes out, while we get a big reveal very early, at this point we swtich to a different character POV, so we do learn thing from this new POV.
The BBC Sherlock series does this probably the best. Its a little more detailed in season 1 and not as much in later seasons. It gives you a lot of information like floating text for "worn" "polished" "wet" that kind of thing, but usually not enough to come to the same conclusions that Sherlock concludes based on the same information. Its also a series but each episode is like an hour and a half long so more or less a short movie.
gone girl is one of my fave! flight plan if you haven't seen it.
Which book/author do you hate that most people tend to like? Well, hate is a strong word here. But which book/author could you never enjoy, no matter how much you tried, that other people did? For me it's Charles Dickens, particularly A Tale of Two Cities.
I cannot get through more than a chapter of anything written by Haruki Murakami. It’s a real pity because people love his books and I find his writing and characters off-putting. There are others, but this is a notable one.
gabriel garcía márquez and paolo coelho
Explain like I'm five years old: Why is it so difficult for many people to argue effectively? So many people I see arguing don't control themselves and get angry, whether or not they show it in their body language or expressions. This seems to make it difficult for them to come up with arguments and counters quickly. Why is that?
I get into a lot of arguments and I can tell you that there are a lot of answers to this question. The first answer, probably the biggest driving force, is that often people argue to achieve an objective as opposed to have a discussion. Argument, at its most basic level, involves an attempt to find the truth or correct outcome in a given situation and if someone is engaging in the argument to get what they want as opposed to figure out who should have it, they often get angry when the conversation turns against them. For example. I want you to pay me $3,000. Your excuse for wanting that money is that I bumped into your car. But that really isn't what it's about, for you this is just about you wanting $3,000 and the argument is your chosen path to achieve that objective. When I point out that your car isn't worth 3,000, that I didn't damage it at all, and that I might be willing to pay for a car wash so any smudge I left on it is removed, you get angry because you might actually agree with my logic but it is going against you getting the result you want. This is really arguing in bad-faith and it happens A LOT. Second, the argument can touch on a deeply held belief that you start to feel is being threatened. If you believe in God and I start to raise questions about god's existence or lack thereof that are convincing and trigger something in your core to go "shit... what if he is right?" your reaction could be to be afraid, "and fear leads to anger, anger to hate". Third, an argument is a contest of sorts. Now its a contest where the facts matter more than anything else, but presentation, whit, rhetorical ability do have a big influence and if you feel like you are losing because you don't have a mastery of the facts or debate skills it can be frustrating. Ever lose a basketball game? It is frustrating as hell to feel like your body isn't doing what you tell it to do as well as the other person's body is. There is this innate frustration when we can't perform the way we want. Again this can lead to anger. Fourth, an argument is inherently competitive and no one likes to lose. This is different from point 3 which is a thing about skill, and just focuses on our natural desire to win contests of every kind. Fifth... And this is the really hard one and is going to make me sound like a jerk. Intelligence is on a bell curve. Statistically you are smarter than half of everyone, and dumber than half of everyone. That means your opinions, thoughts, and a lot of pride that you take in yourself and your opinions/beliefs have been arrived at with an average amount of consideration and intelligence brought to the task. When you run into someone smarter than you who has given these topics more thought, used better reasoning, done more researched and better understood the research in question, you are going to find that the argument is revealing not only that you are wrong, but that you are dumber than the person you are arguing against. There are certain faux pas in our society and being shown to be dumber than someone else is one of them. Which again leads to getting angry.
It can be a variety of things. Part of it can be how passionate they are about the subject. It gets then so fired up that they become irrational. Most commonly, I have seen that people who get angry when arguing do so because they are arguing belief moreso than fact. Not saying that what they are arguing isn't true but they usually don't have facts to back up what they are saying so when challenged, they get frustrated because you can't see things from their perspective. It makes so much sense to then that they don't get why you just don't get it.
Hiking wih Hokas I have had a tough time to find tail runners that fits my feet. I have tried La Sportiva Bushido, Altra Lone Peak & mt King and different options of Salomon but have not yet found a winner. A combo I now am looking at is Hoka Speedgoat 4 (306 gram) in combination with Speedgoat mid Gore-tex (374 gram) alt md Kaha Gore-tex (508 gram) Thinking is to use the Speedgoat 4 for my longer hikes and off-trail hikes. But also combine it with a mid gore-tex shoe for shorter hikes and on trail hikes where the gore-tex can still work to keep me dry. Also for colder hikes. I am currently using a pair of Meindl Island Pro so all of them are a huge weight improvement. Does any of you have any experiences with these shoes or their predecessors? When I search the forum I mostly find feedback in the Altra, La Spirtiva or Salomons. Not so much on the Hokas. Speedgoat 4 Speedgoat mid Gtx 2 Kaha
This is simply the experience of one person. Did an off trail hike and scramble in the Grand Canyon last year with a long time hiking partner. He was wearing Hokas and I had on my Salomon Speedcross. While on the main corridor trails he loved the Hokas. Once we headed off trail and had to do a bit of scrambling up some class 3 terrain, what took me a minute to climb up took him 5 minutes to do because he couldn't get any footing. Our overall hiking and scrambling abilities are pretty evenly matched, so it wasn't an issue of skills. This past GC hike he switched back to La Sportiva and no issues with the scrambles. Good shoes, I've heard positive feedback on them in certain applications. From what I've seen though, once you have to navigate off trail or up class 3 or class 4 climbs Hokas may not be the best choice.
I destroyed a pair of hokas in a week trip to the whites. They do not stand up to rocks well. They are very comfortable to me, but shoes arent comfortable when they are falling apart, which they were.
suggestions for "comfort movies" to watch when blue? My comfort movies are airplane! and clue, but I've been trying to think of others or try ones I've never seen that are easy to watch, funny overall, don't require a lot of explaining, and just sort of leave you feeling good, or at least not like life is really serious
Murder in the Nile and Murder in the Orient Express by Agatha Christie , Sherlock Holmes, also While you were sleeping is a very "happily ever after" movie with a Christmas touch but definitely a comfort movie.
I just watch the office until my brain melts.
Uhaul rented us a “stolen” van and we ended up handcuffed in the back of a police car Today, I reserved a uhaul van for 2 hours to pick up some furniture. My daughter (14) and I picked it up in person, at the counter. I signed the agreement electronically, swiped my card, and the employee gave me the keys. A copy of the agreement was sent to my email immediately thereafter. Fast forward about 1.5 hours. On the way to return the van, my daughter and I noticed a police car following us really closely. We were a couple blocks from the uhaul store when the lights lit up and 3-4 more police cars surrounded us. Cops got out with guns drawn, yelling at us from a distance. I was ordered to turn the van off and throw the keys out the window. I kept asking (yelling out my window) what was going on and they finally tell me the van is reported stolen. I told them I picked up the van less than two hours ago and can show them the agreement on my phone but they don’t want to see it. At no point am I asked for identification. After being made to get out of the van and walk backwards with our hands on our heads (in the middle of a busy street in broad daylight no less) I was put in cuffs and they put us both in back of a police car. “You’re just being detained” they say as we’re both sobbing and hyperventilating by this point. They speak with uhaul and confirm we’ve done nothing wrong; the van apparently was reported stolen from a different uhaul location yesterday but never reported as recovered. They let us go but followed us to the uhaul store. At the store, no apologies from the employee that rented the van to me but he did try to….hug me. I got my $38 rental charge back after asking for it. After this, those two cops still wouldn’t leave us alone. They were standing in front of the exit doors with one going on and on about their justifications for the excessive reaction and how they understand I’m upset and, oh by the way, I need your name and DOB for my report then we’ll leave you alone. What can we do to feel a sense of justice in this? Getting the rental charges refunded just doesn’t seem to be enough as this experience will likely haunt us forever. Uhaul obviously screwed up. Did the police screw up at any point? I just feel so violated.
The officers who pulled you over probably didn't screw up. When they pull over a car reported as stolen, they do it at gunpoint, i.e. a "felony stop." U-Haul may have screwed up and you may be able to sue them for that. But we'd need to know more about why it was reported stolen and why it wasn't reported recovered and whether they violated any internal protocols or standard of care by renting it to you without confirming the status of the car. It's also possible that someone in the police department screwed up earlier by not changing the flag in the system to show that the truck was recovered. I don't think you'd be able to sue for that.
In general, it doesn't sound like you have any actual damages at this point, so there is nothing to sue for. The police handled this the way they are taught. You could try to go after U-Haul, but you are going to run into some sticky situations based on whether this was a franchise or a corporate location. Both have tons of legal protection and muddy the waters. Additionally, each separate group of U-Hauls in an area are part of a particular marketing district that is typically formed as a separate company, so untangling that can be a legal nightmare, in and of itself.
Suggest a book, but dont tell me anything about it. Last week I suggested to my wife that she read The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, but I insisted that she should not read anything about it prior to reading it. No reviews, no synopsis, no summaries, nothing. Do you have a book that you would suggest to someone, and ask them not to spoil it by reading up on it prior?
Flowers for algernon
Peace by Gene Wolfe
Murder mystery Hi I’m looking for some good murder mysteries . Something like knives out or the girl with the dragon tattoo . Something interesting with amazing characters that keeps you guessing till the end who the killer is ?
hot fuzz murder on the orient express
Night Moves Klute Deathtrap
Explain like I'm five years old: Why do we usually see norse/egyptian/greek gods as characters in videogames but we never see God nor Jesus in them?
Gods in the Nordic, Egyptian and Greek pantheons are interesting characters, each with their own set of special powers and weaknesses. They're actually less like deities, and more like dysfunctional superheroes and supervillains -- in fact, Thor has now found his place alongside Superman and Batman as a modern superhero. As such, they lend themselves well to narrative fiction (including video games, which are basically interactive narrative fiction). God, however, is a supreme being who knows everything and can do anything. There's nothing you can do with a character like that: he is literally unbeatable. Jesus is either a wandering preacher or, well, actually God. If they were to appear in a video game, then whichever side they're on will win.
My guess is those are "dead" religions. Like they are not the big three so people don't get as offended. Also they are really colorful with a rich back story. God and Jesus are just too boring for a video game. The Greek gods alone could fill a few games.
Unhinged Main Character Looking for a book with an absolutely unhinged, maybe even feral, main character. Man or woman, I don't mind either. Any genre except YA or Romance. I especially love horror, science fiction, and domestic thrillers. Any length. Examples of what I'm talking about that I loved: 1. Mary: An Awakening of Terror by Nat Cassidy 2. Slewfoot by Brom 3. The Push by Ashley Audrain 4. The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson 5. Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys 6. Misery by Stephen King Thank you.
American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis.
The Haunting of Hill House Edit: HAHAHA wow I deserve whatever I get for skim reading and replying while watching tv. Literally listed as one of your examples 🤦🏼‍♂️
I have a constantly moving and shifting 24 hour work schedule. What foods would you reccomend? I work in live events and my schedule changes every day. I can be gone out of the house from 4 a.m. to 1 a.m. What tips do you have so I don't fall into the fast food diet so many others do in my line of work?
You may want to consider looking into Soylent, Huel or some other nutritionally complete food substitute
Lots of great tips here already! Definitely recommend a thermos for hot soups/chilis/curries and a large insulated lunch bag that can hold plenty of prepped meals and snacks for throughout the day. I highly recommend r/mealprepsunday and r/meatlessmealprep for inspiration and info on meals that will last a long time in the fridge or freezer. Veggies and hummus (or whatever dip you like), homemade granola/protein bars, easy fruits (think apples, bananas, pears, etc.), and nuts all make great snacks that will keep you full and your energy up.
What major cities do you NOT recommend for solo travel? Was in London for a bit by myself over summer and realized it wasn't great if you are by yourself. Kinda have the same vibes from Paris. Just curious what other cities aren't if you're going solo?
Toronto. I live here, there's nothing special and everything is extremely expensive.
I felt verly lonely in Moscow, despite being there with someone else. Can't imagine what it would have been like otherwise. While that's my answer I don't think that the question is a very good or helpful one given how much it depends on the person and the circumstances. I can totally see how others would have had a blast in Moscow.
What books helped you out of depression big time? Currently reading the Disney Villain Saga but i am still having the blues from Dostojewski for years. Edit: Genre doesnt really matter I am an almost thirty year old man feeling down if that makes any difference
When I'm feeling down, my tendency is to read Agatha Christie's books because they help me get out of my head, they're entertaining, and well written. I think any of Christie's books can help, but "Hallowe'en party" and "Crooked House" were there with me during some hard times in my life.
Ready Player One- it’s just so funny and escapist.
Scifi/Fantasy with strong female main characters, please! I'm feeling the need to read something that celebrates how bad ass women can be. Please suggest science fiction, fantasy or even horror with strong, take no crap, get stuff done women in it! Thanks
The Broken Earth trilogy by N.K Jemisin Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas Mexican Gothic by Sylvia Morena Garcia A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
I really like Tanya Huff’s Valor series, with space marine Torin Kerr. Also, Ilona Andrew’s Kate Daniels series is another favorite.
Keto way of eating and children Hi, I am a 36 year old male, SW: 122kg, GW: 85kg, CW: 87kg. I have been doing for quite a while now and is almost at my goal weight. For me keto has been a lifesaver, with a lot of health improvements other than weight loss. My wife has since I started keto been counting her calories with minor results. Our meals have been prepared keto, but she adds in potatoes, rice, bread etc. for herself. We have 2 boys, a 2 year old, and a 4 year old, and I would like to know your guys opinion about kids being on keto. What do you do in your family? Our children have always been given "the standard diet", also while I have been doing keto, but I am wondering if they will benefit from a keto way of eating? My children have never been overweight, so that is not the question here. So bottom line, do you have any experience feeding your children the keto way, maybe not all the time, but for most parts? I thank you for any response! 😀
Doc here - generally it’s fine and safe. However there does appear to be a slight height difference in studies of the epilepsy kids on keto.
do not eliminate an entire food group from your children's diet except on the advice of their Doctor. There is nothing wrong with limiting sugar and processed carbs like white bread though.
What do you use for bug protection? Last weekend I got eaten alive. I want to go nuclear. A tiny bottle of bug spray (<1 oz) didn't cut it. I still got eaten alive. I want to go nuclear on these beasts. Please help.
People are gonna hate on me, and rightly so, but I end up going with heavier clothes for this. I like lighter nylon/cotton blends, hot environment military stuff. It’s heavy, it doesn’t breathe great, but bugs can’t bite through it. That plus a head net. You’re going to be uncomfortable one way or another. But I’d rather be too hot than covered in chemicals or covered in bites. I’ve tried it a bunch of ways, and I finally paid up for a fancy NYCO shirt because it works the best of anything I’ve tried, has mesh underarms, is not camo, is light-coloured enough to be somewhat sun-reflective, and has a ton of pockets. Besides the weight (worn weight!), the other downside is that it dries very slowly. But practically for the portion of the year I use the shirt, it’s warm enough that this isn’t really a problem. And the other half of the year it’s so cold that there aren’t any bugs.
In my experience, while unconventional, the best piece of clothing to counteract bugs is a shawl. Like a yogi might use while meditating. I.e. a large, thin piece of cloth (the options range from cotton, linen, wool, to silk. Never seen a synthetic one that was worthwhile... also prescribed against in yogic science, if anyone cares...) I pack one while backpacking sometimes. It is highly versatile. I can fold it up for a seat, add a little warmth to my sleep kit, wear it as a scarf, hat, insulator for top or bottom; if sitting, as all of those at once. Anecdotally, in addition to providing another physical layer of protection between you and the bugs, there's something to be said for how it contains the gasses and heat from your body. These are how mosquitos and most other bugs find you- by smell, CO2, then heat. (don't cite me on that). By wrapping up your whole organism, you not only very efficiently retain heat (making it a great layer) you also fool the honing senses of the bugs. Finally, when a shawl is stretched around your body, there's plenty of space where it is not touching your skin/next layer, meaning less real estate for biting. I've yet to weigh any of my shawls, but I have gone out with a light wool shawl instead of, or as an insulating layer, potentially qualifying this a a multipurpose UL item. I aim to live a poison free lifestyle, hence avoid DEET. While effective, I know it destroys my nervous system as it messes with theirs. I've spent two full summers in AK Backcountry with nothing but essential oils and willpower, outside my tent, and I will do so again. But go nuclear if it suits you!
The most atmospheric city you've visited? Really looking for inspiration for future travel, I love soaking up my surroundings, walking around and getting lost or just sitting down somewhere and watching the world drift by. I remember sitting in Old Town Square in Prague at 11pm on a hot summer night and it's still super busy - all the seats are taken so people are just sat on the floor everywhere in little groups eating Trdelník. Everything is lit up and there's a buzz in the air - it felt magical.
Ljubljana, Slovenia! There's something magical about that city.
A lot of cities have their own pockets of atmospheric street scenes. The smaller ones -- Edinburgh, Amsterdam, Florence, Dubrovnik -- tend to do it well. London's West End, particularly Soho and Covent Garden, with its historic alleyways and hidden courtyards are good as well.
Books that change perspectives on life? Some examples: * Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl * The Stranger by Albert Camus * The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh * The Brothers Karmazov by Dostoevsky What would be some more examples? Not looking for something as long as Dostoevsky's novels. Shorter books are preferable. What are some books you can think that fit the criteria?
The Birth of Tragedy (Nietzsche), The Bell Jar (Plath), To the Lighthouse (Woolf)
Planning on reading a Stephen King novel I read his newest book Billy Summers and I was not a fan. What is one book someone reccomends I’ve been told The Stand, and IT are excellent! I was wondering if there are any others that I should read?
The Dead Zone.
I thought Billy Summers was very good. Try 11.22.63. It is about a guy who goes back in time to try stop the Kennedy Assassination. Very good book! Also the Mr. Mercedes trilogy was excellent reading as well.
As physicist, how do deal with people believing in stuff like "quantum medecine" or "stone energy" ? I am a physicist (PhD student), it happens sometimes that I meet someone who is asking question about quantum stuff and energy. Usually, the questions are basics, and i manage to explain them the concepts in simple words and people are fine and often open-minded. They are often happy that I answered their questions. But recently I ran up onto another kind of people, who believes that stones have "resonance energy" which can heal you. I started to explain kindly that the concept of energy is not what he thinks it is and then he told me that it was a quantum effect and noone can understand. I replied that I studied quantum mechanics and that it is not what he thinks it is. Then he started to be insulting and telling me that my diplomas are fake... I gave up at that moment. Any physicist here who already experienced this situation ?
>I am a physicist (PhD student), it happens sometimes that I meet someone who is asking question about quantum stuff and energy. happened to me recently i told him that's pseudoscience and not backed by actual quantum theory. he asked me multiple times (i guess that's a theme with these people, they ask multiple times in hope of heading an answer that suits them better). that guy was civil. when people insult you I'd end the conversation.
You deal with people like that by walking away. They're not worth your time.
[Watchmen] Could Dr Manhattan have prevented 9/11 Or would it have been like with JFK where he saw what happened but didn’t change it because it already happened or like Before Watchmen where he saw two different realities? What do you think the fallout would have been if he saw it but failed to prevent it?
He has the power to, but his ability to see the predestined future has removed all free will from him. So since he didn't, he couldn't.
Dr Manhattan is, in practical sense, a god. There's nothing beyond his abilities once he decides to put an effort to that. So yeah, he could prevent, no sweat.
Looking for books where the narrator is NOT the main character. Just read my first Sherlock Holmes story and really loved that it was from Watson's point of view. Thought I would see if there were any other stories out there using this technique. Thanks in advance!
In the Lovely Bones, the narrator is the girl, but it's really the father who is the protagonist l.
One my argue Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress
Stories where the characters are trying to solve a mystery while their lives are in in danger, aka death games meets locked room mystery combo pack? Hello friends- thank you in advance for your recommendations. I really love books/stories that exist at a nebulous intersection of a few different tropes- any combination of locked room mystery, death games/battle royale, ontological mysteries (where are we and how do we get out?), characters being picked off one by one, and isolation/survival horror. I’ll elaborate below but here are some choice examples. Book examples I have enjoyed: Gideon the Ninth, And Then There Were None, Red Rising, Hunger Games, Lord of the Flies, The Terror, Ship of Fools, Project Hail Mary, The Ruins, Sphere, The Silent Companions, The Seven and 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle Some film examples: Battle Royale, Cube, the first Saw movie, Knives Out, Pandorum, Squid Game, Alice in Borderland, and the video game series Danganronpa. I hope these examples sort of give you the gist but ideally- I want to be invested in multiple characters who are trying to both solve form of a mystery while their lives are in danger. I need the stakes to be high, and I don’t necessarily need happy endings - I’d actually prefer my feelings to hurt alongside my head from trying to put it together. It doesn’t have to fall strictly in these genres but needs to have this general spirit. Some books I already have on my to-read list include All of Us Villains, The Inheritance Games, Six Wakes, The Running Man, The Long Walk. Thanks so much!!
Decagon House Murders sounds right up your alley {The Decagon House Murders}
Would you mind visual novel recommendations as well, given that a lot of those are reading?
Are Dri Ducks still a popular low-budget rain gear? I bought my Dri Ducks suit I think for $30 in 2004. It's been on perhaps 20 trips since then, most of them 12-35 miles, so very short trips. Most of the time it's been in my pack, in a stuff sack. I love how it is *so light* for a full suit that I never have to think twice about whether or not to bring it. There has been maybe 2-3 trips where I just knew the whether would be fine and I left it at home. After 14 years, my suit is pretty shredded. The outer layer is just so dang fragile. But I haven't cared much, as it still keeps me dry. The zipper still works on the jacket. The pants are too short, but my feet never stay dry when it's wet out, so no big deal. They breathe extremely well, as do my much heavier original FroggToggs. Way way better than any other "waterproof-breathable" gear I've ever used. I just looked them up on Amazon and they're still cheap, about $25 for a suit, shipped. For such a low-use item, I'm leaning toward just another pair. The function + lightweight + price just seems hard to beat. Can anyone convince me that there is truly something better that's worth a few extra dollars for? FYI, I also hike with an umbrella as part of my rain gear setup. I love it more than anything and will always bring the umbrella on any and all trips, either for rain or sun. The only trips it isn't in use is when the entire trip is overcast without rain.
I love frogg toggs. They are not perfect, but no rain gear is really. Unless you are super bothered to have fancy 'breathable' goretex (that will wet out), or absolutely must have adjustable cuffs (frog toggs have elastic) or armpit zippers (which get in the way of pack straps anyways and ive never understood) then save 100 dollars (or 200) on the fancy rain gear and just get another frog toggs. Absolutely cannot beat the price:weight:functionality ratio. Works great as a wind shell too. My only real complains about the frog toggs are the hood drips rain in your face, but if you have a hat its not that big a deal, and the material is pretty fragile and rips. The oversize is great for layering and longer sleeves mean you can tuck you hands in if you dont hike with poles
Is there better rain gear out there - yes. Is there lighter rain gear out there - yes but not by much. There is nothing near that price, however, and I would just get another pair if they met your needs the past 14 years. I found the jacket to be just fine on on-trail trips. My pants ripped so I went to something a little more durable.
Lighthearted TV Suggestions? I'm looking for a new show to start. I just finished Insecure, Ramy, Sex Education, and Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and I loved how they were lighthearted but had depth. I love great character development. Does anyone have suggestions?
Community. Psych
The Marvelous Mrs maisel
I want to learn how to talk very little in conversations but say things that get them to talk a lot I’m not a very talkative person, but I really enjoy conversations and interactions with others. I’d like to be someone that people open up to and can share what’s on their mind. Maybe it’s asking the right questions, or saying the right things that get people to talk. Whatever it is, I was hoping I’d learn more about it in this sub. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated, even if it’s recommending a book or anything else
Ask questions (active listening) and if you don't knw/understand something, say so. "i'm not familair with/understand that" and let them expound from there. Don't cut people off (tends to be hard when u want to share a story/info of you own and just...listen
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I want to learn How to not HATE Mondays
Realize that it is 1/7 of your life. Do you intend to go on hating 1/7 of your life? Be glad you are alive, and keep moving. Perhaps mindfulness training would help.
Change my view that Someone having a moderately bad view does not make them a bad person. I see a lot of things like "X person is racist/sexist/homophobic for this one comment!" And while these things may be true, I don't believe that holding a certain belief (to an extent) makes you a bad person. Say someone says "Fuck the Jews. They control everything, hold all the money, and fuck things up. They should die." That person is a bad person, because that belief is indication of further bigoted views. But someone saying "Yeah, I think being gay is a choice. I don't support it." Is very different, obviously. One person says people should die, the other says they don't like a facet of a person's character or personality (that's not the best wording, but you know what I mean.) Obviously there's a line where things get really bad, like once anyone advocates for violence that's a good sign they're not a great person. But someone saying something like "I don't like gay people," while a shitty belief, isn't necessarily an indicator of that person being a bad person.
honestly, this is insanely subjective depending on what your limits of what constitutes morally "bad" behavior. to someone who identifies within the overarching LGBT demographic, having someone question the veracity of your very identity and reject you for this constant part of you can feel comparable to the discrimination perpetuated by racism. to someone who doesn't understand the complexities or implications of one's sexual identity, this may seem like a minor offense. I think it gets tricky when you consider nature vs. nurture and that some people simply believe certain things based on how they were raised; in a different environment, they would likely think differently.
What makes a bad person then?
What are your best “just add ___ to the recipe” to make it go farther with either quantity or quality? Lately, when I make tacos, I add a can of black beans to the pound of ground beef. It goes a lot farther in my house and is more filling. Since squash is in season and cheap, I’ve added some peeled and cubed butternut squash to my chili recipe. One squash takes up a lot of space and adds a nice sweetness to the recipe! What other recipes can I add something cheap in order to change it up?
Oatmeal. I know.. sounds strange, but it's thickening in thin sauces. It doesn't change the flavor profile, and they're a complex carb and full of fiber, so helps keep you fuller longer. I personally prefer to add old fashioned oats instead of rice or pasta to stews. I find steel cut is just a bit too much, and they can quickly overwhelm a dish, and make it too thick too quickly, and dilute the flavor profile too much, whereas old fashioned doesn't seem to do that. There is also a marked difference in texture and steel cut can be a bit gritty to me, but old fashioned gives a nice chewy mouth feel, IMO. I have also added oatmeal to chili/"ground beef base" which is this base I make out of ground beef, obviously, lol, and then I portion it out, and season it for chili, season it for sloppy joes, season it for burrito night.. You get the picture. I make it in a big ole crockpot and then portion and freeze. Also.. I can do no frills in just about anything, but when it comes to my old fashioned rolled oats, it HAS to be Quaker, lol. That is my food splurge.
Quinoa. It takes on a whatever flavors are there and adds nutrition and volume
Looking for books with trickster main characters Looking for other main characters like Artemis Fowl and Locke Lamora, they don’t necessarily have to be heist books. Thanks!
The Lost Gate by Orson Scott Card
Much lighter but the night side series with John taylor you might like
Change my view that People supporting Roman Polanski should be condemned as supporters of child rape Christoph Waltz, Kate Winslet, Jude Foster, Quentin Tarantino, Johnny Depp and many other very influential and famous people in the acting industry to this day still defend Polanski and work with him, despite his rape against a drugged 13-year old which conviction he fled the country from, receiving Oscars with standing ovations a couple decades later. I find this behavior so disgusting and truly believe these people should be treated not differently than the ones who defend rape, because that's exactly what they do. They also act like the law should not effect people deemed "talented" in their artistic work, which is such a corrupt form of thinking that I really have a hard time finding any sympathy for these celebrities and have a hard time watching their roles in movies knowing this. They are just as bad as the man they support . CMV
Honestly I agree. People can get up in arms about "different societies" being okay with adult/child relations, but the fact is that he committed an unforgivable crime. That should very well put him past redemption no matter how much time has passed, and anyone supporting him as a person supports what he did. I'm sure those who support him would feel much different if it were their 13 year old sister/daughter/self having gone through that
No thanks, I don't want to see Roman Polanski defenders suddenly propelled into the ranks of Republican Senator or Republican Speaker of the House. Let's keep them out of politics where they belong; publicizing them as supporters of child rape is just going to get them nominated on (R) tickets in the confederate states.
For a girl in her early twenties living alone Hi! I used to read a lot more than I do, books that I would hide under my desk and read through class. I’m looking to find that feeling again of being really invested in a book so I turn to it instead of my phone when I have downtime. Some things I like (generally) - strong female leads - tame romance like room with a view - fantasy that’s not too heavy (think like the show gravity falls) - fairies, gnomes, sylvan spirits, etc - I love Japanese books - I loved lord of the rings, mainly for the cuteness of it (little dwarves going to pubs and finding ponies) - books about being alone in an empowering way (think Wild by Cheryl strayed) - outdoor adventure (like Jon krakauer books) Thanks in advance 💗
Earth's Children by Jean M Auel. Though later in the series the romance is not tame at all, it's easy enough to flick a page. It's a series about a strong female character 'Ayla' who was forced to live alone, how she overcomes problems, invents stuff etc...set in caveman times,
For a fantasy romance, try {{The Midnight Bargain}}. You might also check out Kate Clayborn and {{The Flatshare{{
Documentaries that take you on a wild ride My two favourite docs are Imposter and Deep Water, and while they're almost entirely different, they both take the viewer on a crazy journey. I'm looking for more movies like that.
Dear Zachary, its like a truck of sadness running over you.
Earthlings (2005)
If I like artists like Bon Iver, Iron & Wine what else would I like? Really feeling that folksy indie kinda music. Another example would be these guys.
Angus and Julia stone
The Civil Wars, the album Sea Change by Beck
movies with protagonist who tries to change but can't escape their previous life Some thing like red dead series where the protagonist tried to change but their way of life doesn't allow them to or godfather where Micheal doesn't want to be like his father but eventually goes into it but I want opposite, in but wants out
Kevin Bacon in the Woodsman maybe?
The whole John wick series
Am I the only one that is annoyed by travel content creators? In the past few years Travel Bloggers became increasingly popular on Instagram. People like Doyoutravel aka Jack Morris, Sam Kolder, Lostleblanc and many more. So what exactly is annoying me about them? Their ignorance for instance. Always speaking about the beauty of the world and human rights and values. And where do they go? Dubai LMAO Or how they keep spamming adds. Like crypto advertising which is hella annoying. „Hey guys I wanna show you this new crypto currency“, „Hey guys have you seen this NFT“. Gosh give me a break nobody gives a fuck… Their biggest scam tho is how they sell programs in which they want to teach you how to become as successful on Insta and make a living with traveling. The market is already full and these guys always get the relevant jobs. They sell you classes to make more money well knowing their whole job is based on networking. If you don’t know a guy you basically stand no chance
Stop following then. Why are you following something that makes you mad.
That's why I watch people on Youtube with much better content like (Copy and paste from a previous thread about this, Asterisks= highly recommended.) .... **Older guys doing low-key travel in odd places:** Jason Smart Travel Vic Stefanu- Amazing World Videos* Gabriel Traveller Sabbatical .... **Food-focused:** Strictly Dumpling The Food Ranger Max McFarlin Mark Wiens Best Ever Food Review Show Chasing a Plate* Luke Martin Davidsbeenhere Maria and Nabol- Kimchi and Beans .... **Couples/siblings:** Samuel and Audrey* 2natravel * (Africa focused) Flying the Nest The Endless Adventure Danaher and Stacey Lifetime Travelmates Vagabrothers The Mamuchos Delightful Travellers Jumping Places Eamon and Bec Kara and Nate Jetlag Warriors ... **Solo female:** Eva zu Beck Miss Trudy * (Africa focused- She does a lot of non-travel superficial junk to be honest, but her raw travel blogs around her home continent are fantastic) Eileen Aldis Syifa Adriana* Itchy Boots Backpacking Bananas Farhana Oberson Travel with Mansoureh World Wanderista Avelovinit Rosie Gabrielle Haley Takes On The World Katherine's Journey to the East (China focused) ...... **Solo male:** Dale Philip* (India and Sri Lanka focused) Riri Travels* (Caribbean and SEA focused) Wode Maya* (Africa focused- he does a lot of non-travel superficial junk to be honest, but his travel blogs around his home continent are fantastic) Jay Palfrey (Middle Eastern focused) Jason Billam Travel An Adventurous World Aaron Explores Indigo Travel Karl Rock Peter Santanello Karl Watson The Life of Jord PPPeter Minority Nomad LukeLifeCharms Kurt Caz Volpe Where Are You Travel With Luke Damant .... **Hindi/Urdu language amateur videos (but with English subtitles)** Visa2explore* Mountain Trekker* Tanya Khanijow Kritika Goel Mahzaib Vlogs (China focused) Travels with Paint (no subtitles but she's one the most intrepid travellers I've seen)
Feeling awful after accidentally eating meat I ate a prepacked bean mix with some scrambled eggs for breakfast today, made by my partner. When I went into the kitchen later on I noticed the bean packet states 'with chorizo' on it, and sure enough it does contain chorizo in the ingredients. I've been vegetarian for over 3 years. I feel really upset that this has happened and really just needed a place to say it. I'm feeling quite ill knowing that I've just eaten meat.
Having been a veg over 44 years, I'll say, it happens.
That sucks, but it's an understandable accident so I hope you don't take it too hard 🙂. As a tangent, sometimes in my dreams I'll accidentally eat some meat and it freaks me out, both in the dream and if I wake up. It's not a good feeling so I empathise with you.
Explain like I'm five years old: What exactly causes thirst and why do humans feel instantly better after drinking liquids when thirsty, even though not enough time has passed to rehydrate the body?
You lose **a lot** of moisture through your airway. When you get dehydrated it is the first thing your body tries to shut down to conserve water. The mucus and tissue in your mouth and throat dry up, among all the other symptoms. When you drink water it does immediately refresh the tissues and the mucus (like pouring water on a booger), making it easier to breathe and swallow, and relieving some of the pain associated with those dry tissues. Also, we have evolved to associate those feelings with the urge to drink water, so just like eating when you're very hungry provides an instant reward, so does drinking water when you're thirsty. If you have other effects from severe dehydration, those take a long time, but everyday thirst primarily manifests just in the mouth throat and lungs.
What causes thirst? That is your body telling you it needs some water. After you have had a drink, it doesn't rehydrate instantly, but thanks to the brain, your body knows it's comin'
Here's some career advice for recent grads TLDR: Stop complaining. For most of you if you hate your job it's your own fault. Be a better person and figure out how to be happy on your own instead of blaming it on your employer for the job not living up to your dream job expectations. I've seen a ***LOT*** of posts on various subs where people are either unsure whether or not to accept a job offer, or they're miserable in their first job within 6mo or so of graduating. I just wanted to point out that working in industry is most definitely not college. In college you had tons of short (comparatively) assignments, very limited scope, frequent and recurring deliverables, a syllabus, and classes that ranged a wide variety of topics. In industry you'll likely end up only being exposed to a small subset of engineering technologies in your role but will get extremely deep in those topics, people may be looking to you to derive your own requirements, and the task duration can often be measured in months before you actually deliver your finished work product to your superiors. Much of the difficulty, as I see it anyway, is centered around unmet expectations. The key to overcoming this is in understanding that your employer is not responsible for your are. Stop imposing this fairytale vision of your career on your current role. I hear lots of kids that want to work somewhere that solves global warming, invents the new Mars lander, invents cold fusion, or lets you design the next fighter jet and also be the test pilot. Guys, for real. Tony Stark is a comic book character and most of the time awesome things are developed by teams of people doing mostly menial work with a handful of innovative spurts. Your first job out of school will have you doing paperwork tasks, or stress/strain calculations on a single bolted flange within a massive system of systems. That's what engineering IS for the vast majority of engineers. Over the course of your career you'll be in a bunch of different roles and you'll have glimpses and sprints of amazingly awesome work, but the majority of it is powerpoint charts, excel files, managing schedule/budget, and then the regular tasking for your job (be it software/firmware, PWB, mechanical, mfg, etc). Your happiness is not some external thing that you go out into the world and acquire through landing sweet jobs and solving global problems. Your happiness comes from the relationships you establish at work, and from within. If you're unhappy it's because you need better relationships at work and/or a personal attitude adjustment in life. If you work at an honest and ethical company, with decent coworkers, your bills are getting paid, and you still are somehow miserable, then it's your own fault. Stop whining. Make enormous efforts to be a wonderful human being. Be a friend to your coworkers. Go out of your way to be grateful when others help you. Give your leadership unsolicited positive feedback on your coworkers. Never speak poorly of anyone, to anyone. Stay occupied when you're on company time and after your work is complete, find other things to do without being asked. Always be willing to help those that need it, especially younger engineers. If you're a great person, people will treat you like it and this will feed most of what people are lacking in job fulfilment. For some reason the younger generations are graduating with these huge expectations about going out into the world and crushing it at some cutting edge development that changes life for all of us. To be sure, a tiny handful of you may do that very thing. But the reason so many kids are unsatisfied is because they aren't that good. Lots of kids played basketball in high school and few of them were good enough to play in college, and even fewer were good enough to play in the NBA after that. Engineers are the academic equivalent to 19yr old kids that are miffed the NBA passed them up. Most of you simply aren't good enough, aren't well connected enough, and weren't presented with the right opportunities. Does that mean you shouldn't be happy in life? No, of course not. So why are so many of you miserable? Most of us will never be famous, never solve global warming, and never be Elon Musk. Who cares though? Elon works more hours than anybody I know personally but his family life sucks compared to mine. What you kids need to be focusing on is learning. Every job/role has a handful of golden nuggets of information that you'll learn. Those things will make you a better person and a better engineer. Gather what you can from each job and try your darndest to share it with others in the process. While you're doing that, continue trawling the waters in the engineering job market and be ready to pounce when better opportunities arise. If you want to be a NASA JPL Engineer, do the research and see what it takes to get there. But if you apply 50 times and never get the job, you're in your early 20's and still have 30-40 years of career life ahead of you. Pick something else and get to work. Stop chasing your passions and dreams professionally. I'm not saying don't have them, or completely disregard them. I'm saying temper them. People that give career advice like "follow your dreams" are complete idiots. Find a job you don't hate, that also pays well for the skills you have to offer, take it, and then learn to love it as you go. If after 6 months you're still not loving it, try harder. I've worked 26 different programs across 3 different companies in my professional career and I've only hated 2 roles. One of them I left the company over, because we had ineffective management. But I lasted 2 years there. The other one I'm still currently in but I have such great friendships with my coworkers that we all end up being happy still, despite getting creamed by schedule and a particularly abrasive program lead. You need a good job, and you need to constantly be working towards improving your career. I am by no means advocating complacency or giving up. I'm saying that you need to stop trying to make your dreams and your career be the same thing. My career is in aerospace and I work on some cool stuff. But my dreams are in old school trucks. So I spend my nights and weekends teaching my daughter how to turn wrenches and build motors in our garage. That's my dream. That's were I'm most fulfilled. During the week I spend 40-50 hours doing something I tolerate, with some people I've grown close to, and get paid a stupid good wage to do it. Please...and I mean PLEASE stop expecting to love your jobs. You need to work on yourself to become a better person, and to make your jobs better. If everyone you work with is miserable, you be the one to bring the light back into the office. Your happiness comes from within and if you can't figure that out you're going to hate being an engineer. My whole job is hard. If I can't be intrinsically happy, designing aerospace hardware is never gonna get me there because it's just too damn difficult to make a sane person happy.…_11.33.38_AM.jpg
This!... this is why I browse Reddit.
I want to learn how to be resilient in every way. Grit, resilience, whatever you call it - emotionally, financially, mentally, physically. I always want to be able to rebound from pain in any shape and get back on track. Pure stability, so even when I’m not good, I’m still good. How can I go about this?
Start a martial art. A real one, with sparring. Boxing, Thai boxing, bjj. They all teach you to take abuse and keep going forward with a smile on your face.
Some have mentioned this in different words, but for me, its the concept of a center. A way to put it, or better yet a personal dialogue is: "I am calm, safe and capable. Things happen around me, but not to me, they will be dealt with in my own time. Nothing is too hard, nothing is beyond my capability." Something like that. If you notice you are starting to freak out. Unclench your jaw and return to that statement. See how it goes for you.
I'm Looking for excellent high quality tv shows I love when shows actually can amaze me with their quality, and blow me away at least once a season, leaving me to wonder how something this good was even created in the first place. Every time I finish a show like this, I'm genuinely concerned that this was the last time Ill ever feel this connection and love for a new Tv show. Here are the shows that I love: The Wire The Sopranos Breaking bad Succession Twin peaks Game of thrones Fargo Dekalog The night of Better Call Saul Barry Tv shows like these are gems and I'm looking for another one to enjoy
**The Leftovers**, **Mr Robot** and **The Americans** are on the same level of quality as The Wire, Breaking Bad and The Sopranos. They're 10/10 shows with 10/10 series finale. **Utopia UK** is also on the same tier as those shows above, but it was cancelled after two seasons. **Dark**, **Dickinson**, **Fleabag**, **Black Sails**, **Broadchurch** and **Orphan Black** are also very high quality shows. Not as amazing as The Wire, but they're also incredible. The best ongoing shows are **My Brilliant Friend**, **Succession** and **Severance** imo. I also highly recommend **Six Feet Under** if you haven't seen it yet. It has the best series finale of all time according to most people who watched the show. The top 3 miniseries are **Band of Brothers**, **Chernobyl** and **Veneno** imo.
Banshee Animal Kingdom Bates Motel 12 Monkeys Fringe
Here’s what I don’t get about transposing instruments. One justification I hear for justifying why transposing instruments are a thing is so that you can, say, switch from alto to tenor sax and not have to learn new fingering. But don’t people get distracted by HEARING different notes coming from the same fingering? As a former alto sax player, I know I’d constantly have to consciously thinking how to convert the notes if I were to pick up an alto sax, because an F would sound like a C— I mean a D would sound like an A, for example.
People can get used to anything. Recorders are all notated in C, but sopranos and tenors have C fingering and altos and basses have F fingering; players have to remember which one they're holding. And in Central Javanese gamelan, there are only approximate guarantees about pitches between different gamelan orchestras. The contours of the scales will be about the same, but the absolute starting pitch and the precise intervals are likely to be quite different. I learned on a gamelan here in the US; its tuning is so embedded in my ears that when I played other gamelans in Java it felt like I was transposing both in terms of pitch and of mode. Javanese musicians perceive the differences but aren't bothered by them (unless the gamelan is actually out of tune, which happens often enough!).
When I picked up the cor anglais I had to adjust, but eventually I didn't even think about it at all. Although it's worth noting that I already played treble and descant recorders at this point so I had all sorts of things going on in the keys of C and F lol
Anyone else having to deal with customers complaining their order is taking too long to arrive due to USPS? A bunch of orders that are mailed Priority Mail are taking longer and longer, all domestic btw. Some are stuck in a black hole somewhere and local post office doesnt even know where those packages are. One of the packages finally arrived 20 business days later. Post office say it's due to Covid19 but we all know it's more than just that....anybody else dealing with this too? How do you respond to your customers?
How do you respond to your customers? By informing them about Trump’s undermining of democracy and encouraging them to vote his ass out of office. Honestly. It’s what I do at both small businesses I work at (one I own, one I run).
Every day :)
Suggest me a fantasy book about a ragtag group of misfits going on a small scale adventure Epic fantasy is great, but it the scope and girth of it can get quite tiring, so I'm looking for something a little more small scale and personal.
Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman
If you don't mind lowbrow humor, I'd look at the Caverns and Creatures novels by Robert Bevan.
My lady with dementia loves to read… I have a lady with dementia who loves to read who we’ll name Sue. She doesn’t remember what she read the night before but it brings so much joy to my life to find a single book she actually just comments on the next morning. Sue never gives me more hints on books no matter how hard I try… the only books she recalls reading that she loved are Micky Spellaine. She also used to love sewing, knitting, baking, and house drafting (before it was popular for women as a career). Currently she is still into Cuba libre cocktails and gardening. Any suggestions would be appreciated!!!
I think it depends on the stage she is in. At some point, they lose the ability to differentiate between what is real and what is make believe and then stories about crime become very scary. There are books specifically for people with dementia, but they tend to be best suited for people in the later phases of dementia. These books are very descriptive with little plot. These can be found by searching for senior fiction by Stonebridge. Another option is a magazine focused on something that interests them. Dogster and Catster are good options for people who love animals. There are many options for gardening magazines. And if you google magazines about cocktails, there are several options. I think there are tons of magazines on baking. Aside from books, you might consider taking her to a one-session baking class or a nearby botanical garden. It's difficult to find the right balance, because at any point, a book can be too juvenile for them or too advanced for them. And this changes over time as the dementia progresses. When my family member was in the middle stages, she loved Pippi Longstocking books and children's biographies of famous people, like Jane Goodall. Now that she is in the final stage, she likes the Dogster magazine, but primarily focuses on the pictures rather than the stories.
Chicken Soup for the Soul books?
I don't know where to begin with space sci-fi. I was originally a fantasy read, then moved to standalone nonfiction work, and found a comfortable middle ground in standalone fiction. Now I'm crazy something more. I've been recommended Xenos by Dan Abnett, which is apparently a fantastic starting ground for anyone interested in Warhammer 40k. I've also been recommended Children of Time, which confuses me because I don't tend to find the concept of Spiders in space too interesting, but the praise is overwhelming for it. My issue lies with knowing what I'm in for. I'm going from 200-350 page books to what seems to average out at 600 page books, that are the first of 3-5 books. So can someone help me with this commitment issue I'm having and point in the direction of a good sci fi book, that takes place in space, and has consistent quality the whole way through, be it Xenos, Children of Time, or any other series.
Definitely The Expanse series!
I hear {{Thrawn by Timothy Zahn}} is pretty good (it's a trilogy iirc), even if you aren't a Star Wars fan. {{Dawn by Yoshiki Tanaka}} is the first book in the Legends of the Galactic Heroes series, which got an anime OVA adaptation in the 90s (a decade after its publication) and is stellar. Great space opera if you're interested in that. {{The Left Hand of Darkness}} is also an interesting novel that deals with philosophical themes, and is also a great piece of sci-fi feminist literature (or so I've heard; I haven't read it yet).
What so far underperforming stock in 2022 do you expect to soar the remainder of the year? If I had to pick 2 I would say **ROKU** (down 45% YTD) and **NVDA** (down 7%). Both of these I could see soaring over the next 9 months. I would write about ROKU but this person covers it much better than I could: NVDA I see going down over the next 2-3 months just due to the Ukraine/Russia conflict. However I see it adjusting over the next 9 months including all of the issues with supply.
Any stock that I sell Having said that, I'd say, out of the FAnG stocks, I'd say Google is the one that may have the highest trajectory
Teen/coming of age movies? I’m looking for recommendations for coming of age movies that involve hardship/ endurance of ups and downs. Similar to: - The perks of being a wallflower - The edge of seventeen - All the bright places Thanks!
paper towns and the kings of summer
Ginger & Rosa
I want to learn Weightlifting (Like the real noob basics of form/posture before going to public gym) Hey everyone, I’m kind of the scrawny nerd type of build but am looking to change that by going to the gym and lifting weights. However, it’s since I never learned the proper way to work out (basic things like squatting, arm positions on a bar, breathing), I’m so intimated to start the weight section at the gym. I own a basic squat rack/bar and have a full body mirror and wish to practice the real basics with a broom handle or bar without weights before going to the gym in public. How would I be able to learn this stuff on my own before overcoming the fear of doing it in a gym? I don’t have a lot of extra money to hire a private personal trainer and couldn’t find many YouTube videos explaining the level 1 basic stuff in starting out. Did anyone start out similarly and have any advice?
Look up Stronglifts 5x5 super basic for beginners and free
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[The Matrix] Would events have happened differently if instead of the username Neo, he called himself XxXDarkLordBonerfartzXxX? "You are the one...uh..." "Say it..." "I don't want to." "SAY IT." "Sigh. You are the one Dark Lord Boner Farts." "THAT'S FARTS WITH A Z I CAN SEE THE MATRIX AND YOU SPELLED IT WRONG."
"You hear that, Mr Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability. the sound of your death..." "My XxXDarkLordBonerFar-" * Gets hit by train *
Nope, because his name wouldn't be an anagram for 'ONE'
How to make a soft and fluffy whip cream that doesn’t melt? I live in a quite a hot country, and every time I uses whip creams, it melts before I can enjoy it or send it to others. Recently I have been trying to make a sandwich with whip cream filling, and I want to send it to my friends and family, but I need a substitute for whip cream which won’t melt, but is still soft and fluffy, please help me reddit.
What exactly is the full description of your sandwich?
You'll need to stabilize it. Can be done with pastry cream, gelatin, or something like versawhip. In all honesty, it doesn't sound like your pastry is something that would ship well. Maybe if you overnight it or ship it with insulation/ice packs. At that point it's probably cost prohibitive though
what is the worst red flag that has appeared in a company's 10k that you read? i imagine that most of the unusual red flags for a company would be under risk factor, have there been any for companies that you looked into which seemed absolutely insane or at least very alarming/strange?
Was it NKLA that had the ER with 100% of their income coming from paving a driveway for someone? That was a special kind of special. I remember it was right up there with the "gravity assist" on their semitruck demo.
I would be careful of any 10-K that mentions a deficiency in financial controls, which speaks lowly of the finance & accounting team not only on SEC reporting, but also their pedigree to help their teams with growing revenue & being profitable. Two examples of this are Peloton & Roblox, which played a role in me avoiding these stocks & a +90% loss.
I cant seem to keep the weight off I've been doing keto for about 2.5 weeks now, and have really been sticking to it. The problem is my weight keeps fluctuating back up for what feels like no reason. Every time I achieve a new low, the next day I find myself right back up despite keeping to diet approved foods and not overeating. Hell, I only eat once a day anyway so I'm essentially intermittent fasting aswell. I'm just not sure what I'm doing wrong. Like, I was 250lbs when I started. I've gotten down to 240, which is great and all, but just a few days ago I was 237 and excited about it. Now I'm back to 240 and I just dont know what I did wrong.
You're going to fluctuate a few pounds up and down. That's how the human body works. The important thing to notice is that you're hitting new lows.
One day? Wait at least one week buddy. Also, you may not be in a calories deficit so reduce it a bit
Stoner movies no one ever suggest or mentions but are just as good as the usual suspects. I’m looking for a good stoner movie no one really knows about or mentions, most of us know the usual suspects, I’m looking for something new.
Man, trying to figure out how "The Usual Suspects" was a stoner movie threw me for a loop... Anyway, I'd recommend Grandma's Boy.
If it has Pauley Shore it has the stoner vibes in the 90s (son in law, in the army now, encino man, biodome) Dogma
Question from someone who has never been abroad. Do you ever travel to places where you don't speak the native language at all? Hi /r/travel. I am from England in the UK and I have never been abroad. It is something that I would like to do at some point, however I find the entire travel process to be quite daunting. I have some idea of the fundamentals. I know you need a passport and plane tickets at a minimum. If I was to travel anywhere outside the UK, it would probably have to be to a destination country where English is either natively spoken, or very widely spoken. I am aware that there are a lot of places where it isn't. The truth is I don't really have the inclination to learn any other languages. I don't think I could even if I wanted to. I just wanted to ask, have you ever been to (or would you even consider visiting) a country where you didn't speak the language? Do you just wing it and try to get by with phrasebooks? I wouldn't feel comfortable at all doing that. I'm aware that things can go wrong anywhere, including English-speaking countries, but if I did find myself in such a situation, I'd prefer it to happen somewhere where I can actually communicate with the local population.
Yes, in fact I think I’ve only ever visited two countries where I do speak the native language. Google translate is awesome. English is a very powerful language - most people working in tourism speak it, and locals often know at least a handful of words. Many people are fluent depending where you are, the Netherlands actually has a higher English literacy level than my home country of Canada. Some of the funniest conversations I’ve ever had with local people had been from typing back and forth of Google translate!
Travel is mind expanding. My first trip abroad was after my sophomore year in college. I took a 54 day student tour to almost every country in Western Europe. It was amazing. I've been to 3 countries that no longer exist. For your first trip, you might do well with an organized group tour like that.
What broad distinction can be made in the fields of study between mathematical logic as practiced by mathematicians and philosophical logic as practiced by philosophers? I understand that they both rely on the same, or at least very similar, foundation, but when I look at mathematicians vs philosophers who work with logic at my university, they almost exclusively publish with other mathematicians or philosophers respectively? Are the differences stylistic or goal oriented? or more abstract?
Speaking more to the mathematics side of things (others have addressed the philosophical side) there are three main branches of mathematical logic in current research nathematics: - Set theory - Model theory - Computability theory The first of these is the one most befitting the name "foundations". Set theory is (very roughly) about investigating the formal properties of the background of the rest of mathematics. The cornerstone of modern set theory is the concept of forcing. This is the technique by which it was shown the axiom of choice and the continuum hypothesis are independent of ZF. Essentially forcing let's you see if a given formula is independent of some system of set theory. Modern set theory (so far as I can tell) is largely concerned with determining what things are independent of ZFC and the relationships between them. (Of course this is not the only things set theorists are interested in, but this is one of the biggest.) The next, model theory, has been called "anti-foundations" (although by who escapes me at the moment, I'll edit this when I can recall). Model theory takes logic and applies it to "normal mathematics." Very broadly and very roughly model theory explores what is definable where. The main overarching theme of model theory is to consider properties of structures (in terms of definablity) such that both having the property and not having the property is in some way "nice" and that what structures have this property is unaffected by forcing your underlying foundations. This is known as the "dividing line methodology," and John Baldwin has a very nice paper on the history and ideology of this program. The last, computability theory, is roughly the study of set and sequences of natural numbers. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the properties of interest in these sets is that of a "computational" nature. Computability theory divides up the totality of all these sets into hierarchies based on their computational difficulty. How levels of these hierarchies and different hierarchies interact are quite rich and interesting. I probably would be remiss if I did not measure proof theory. This is frequently listed as the fourth of the four branches of mathematical logic. However, at the moment almost all of proof theory lies in the CS side of logic. The most mathematical part of proof theory is ordinal analysis, which was about measuring the strength of various formal systems in terms of what could and could not be proved. This turns out to be incredibly hard though, so the mathematical side of this field has mostly died down. (Although perhaps I am wrong, I haven't gone out of my way lately to investigate the current state of proof theory.) Each of these fields of course has their own subfields and intersections with one another. For instance, computable structure theory lies at the intersection of computability and model theory whereas (somewhat confusingly) inner model theory is nigh exclusively a subfield of set theory. Perhaps this comment especially in contrast with the others will help provide some contrast between mathematical and philosophical logic. **Edit**: Two omissions have been pointed out to me. The first is that I have only described "pure" model theory. There is a rich world of "applied" model theory, where we focus on particular theories (such as that of algebraically closed fields) and study the properties and interactions of the models of these theories. This is a little beyond the scope of this question though, as we venture into more standard mathematics in this direction. The second omission is that of reverse mathematics. Reverse mathematics isn't so much a field of mathematics as a general program. I'm not super familiar with the topic, however, it is my understanding that reverse mathematics studies various theorems and looks at what assumptions we would have to make about arithmetic for these theorems to be true. This is in contrast to mathematics in the regular direction, which makes assumptions and sees what theorems follow.
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Suggest me classics that are beautifully written but still easy to read. Hi! I recently watched Emma and Carolyn’s video on guessing the book based on its first line and it made me want to start reading classics. I was captivated by The Picture of Dorian Gray’s first line and been looking for something similar. Tbh, I find classics intimidating and sometimes so dense they become so hard to understand. So please suggest some beginner-friendly books. Just wanna add here to help for giving recommendations. I do love a good romance. I’m okay with any point of view but prefer a first-person narration. I also enjoy reading books with vivid imagery. Thank you so much!
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas. One if the best books i have ever read, you won’t be able to put it down!
Check out a lot of the short stories major authors write. The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allen Poe The Dead by James Joyce John Steinbeck has a lot of short stories Margaret Atwood, Leo Tolstoy, Ursula K Le Guin,
Manager at Walmart said he could deny me service for having a dashcam in the car? I do oil changes myself but it’s been extremely cold lately to be out for too long. The only place that could accommodate me in short notice was Walmart and so I went with it for once. Arrive there and hand over the key. A guy pulls the car into the bay and then talks to his superior. He then comes over and complains that he has the right to deny me service. As confused as I was, I asked him why and he responded “for having a camera recording inside the car”. I told him that it was a dashcam and that it records when the key is in the ignition and turns off when the car is off. He said he would let it “slide” this time and next time (if I ever go there again), I have to have it removed. I am confused. Is this normal? Are we living in the 90’s? I even told him that he had permission to unplug the cable if he feels uncomfortable but he just walked away. Has anyone else ever been told that they cannot have a dashcam in their car for any kind of work done? It’s the first time I’ve taken my car to Walmart for an oil change and it’s definitely the last.
don't take your car to Walmart
I mean yeah he has a right, but it's not like it's a drone flying around watching him the whole time...? I would be a little suspicious tho.... Like why would he be so scared if he didn't have the best intentions... Just me tho, I would definitely make sure the did everything right
Would you rather do a 2 month internship in an international big company with no salary or a local company with a decent salary ? That’s pretty much it and I’m in that situation rn.
Unpaid engineering internships aren't a thing. Anyone who tells you otherwise is full of shit.
My food, mortgage, and fuel and such isn't free. Neither is my time
Should I get a kindle? I know this isn’t a book suggestion, but I think a kindle can be an exception. I was wondering if anyone who has the All-New Kindle think it’s worth it? Is the screen good quality? I read plenty of books so I was thinking of getting one. Let me know please!
I felt like I was selling out when I got my kindle. How can it replace the feel and smell of paper? Well it can't, but it's just so damn handy. It's instant to get and look for new books. It takes up no space. It's cheaper than buying paper. It saves the environment. And I got the paperwhite version. It has no glare, anywhere. It's textured a bit like paper. I'm totally in love with it. The battery life lasts for forever, weeks and weeks when I first got it. Mine is over 5 years and I'm still completely comfortable with how long the battery lasts and I've used mine a LOT. I have over 2000 books on my kindle. Imagine how many trees did not get cut down. It's great, You can change fonts, size, backlight to make it comfortable. It's still magic to curl up by the fireplace with a paperback, but that's what my old books are for. And honestly, I still think it's magic to curl up with my kindle. It's about the story, not the medium you use to experience it.
I have owned 2 Kindles. One regular, when they came out, and a Paperwhite, when the original died. I love them. I still like to read paper books, from time to time, but a Kindle provides the same level of immersion as paper, and is far more convenient (most of the time). My only gripe is once the battery starts dying, I often find myself going to read a book and charging my Kindle, instead. But that's after owning it for about 4 years. I replaced the battery with an after market part, and it's not as good as new, but it's pretty good.
I want to learn electronics, so I can take apart say laptops and make use of its components... like make an external monitor using the laptop monitor. here you go!
I find it funny that no one ever mentioned going to your local library and checking out some books covering Electronics
Cmv: Arguing opposing opinions is a complete waste of time, they will never agree with you Arguing a true opposite opinion that someone vehemently believes doesn't make any sense. For example, getting someone to change their mind on being pro life. They literally think that you are killing babies, there is no way you can change that viewpoint unless they don't actually believe it. Someone is not going to wakeup one day and just say, "hey I'm okay with killing babies now, because so and so made some good points". Changing people's view is not possible because if it is a strong enough view you are asking them to change who they are as a person which seems like an impossibility in a short argument given their perspective has been molded over years of experiences. (I recognize the irony in this post)
By my count, the OP of a post to this subreddit has changed their view 48 times in the last 24 hours because of conversations with people holding opposing views. It may not always work, but it's not a waste of time, either.
I don't see it as a complete waste of time. Even if you will never convince the person you are arguing with, you could still have an impact on a third party who witnesses the argument and is not as predisposed to favor one side or the other.
Why do you like linux? I am just generally curious about what the people here like about linux so much. I had used linux off and on as a casual user since 2006 or so. I didn't start learning the more involved stuff of linux until I started learning how to program about a year and a half ago. Linux became my daily driver because when I was programming I could make anything work on linux by googling my errors. I feel like a lot of the ease of troubleshooting with linux is owed to the fact that people know the source and are willing to talk about it. I would hit road blocks on windows and things seemed comparatively convoluted :(. I know there is a political aspect to it, I am not as into that, but I still think the history of it is neat. What do you think? Why do YOU like linux?
Speed. It’s ridiculously fast compared to Windows on the same hardware. I’m a Windows Admin by trade. I leave Windows at work and retreat to a non-Windows home at the end of the day.
For me it started with trying to get it working on a crappy netbook because I was sick of windows being slow on it. That and I didn’t have Windows install media and Linux was free. The satisfaction of getting it working then getting wireless to work back when wireless was hit or miss. I was hooked. Had a job out of college that used RHEL for its compute nodes for flight planning and dove right in. If a task can be done with Linux or open source I’m a huge advocate for it. Open source, scratches the tinkering itch, many different projects and flavours out there. Also some of the coolest technology is being made with Linux primarily in mind (docker, Kubernetes to name a couple). I’m hooked for life especially on the enterprise side.
What are your go-to foods out in the wild? The wild being your city, town, village, etc. I’m usually good about eating at home or bringing food with me, but occasionally I find myself away from the house and searching for good options from fast food restaurants, gas stations, or grocery stores. I know we’ve come a long way in the last few years, and I may be missing out on a solid option. Thanks!
I'm not gonna lie, I'm not classy. Taco Bell for the win every time. They do great vegetarian AND vegan, and for less than $10 and less than 10 minutes I can get food for myself and my daughter (she's 1 1/2). She loves it, I love it. Everything can be customized. Really the best. Faves: - Spicy potato soft taco - cheese quesadilla - fiesta veggie burrito - mango tea My daughter's faves: - cheesy roll up - black beans and rice - black bean qiesarito - cinnamon twists
One would think that a good college town would have veggie or vegan shops. But not here. There are shops with veggie options but only one is flat out no meat.
Anyone else feel weirdly proud when the vet says your dog's a perfect weight?
I recently had my vet tell me my cat was "anxious and overweight" to which I replied "JUST LIKE HIS MOMMY!"
Uncle gave me his old Linux laptop and I have no idea where to start. My uncle gave me his laptop because he's wanting me to learn HTML and build up from there. I have no knowledge of Linux. Does anyone have a good website where I can learn the basics of Linux? Also, when I boot up the computer it says it's running on Linux Mint 20.2 and cinnamon 64 bit, just curious if this is up to date. thanks.
I've just seen a post somewhere saying they gave their relative a laptop with linux on it and they keep hearing screams from the room, is that your uncle by any chance or is it now a regular thing to give your relatives linux laptops like that?
Some of this is Suse specific, but a great starting point.
Recommend a film that reminds you of autumn/fall To get ready for autumn, I’m looking for film suggestions that remind you of a warm cozy autumn. I wanna binge watch a bunch in the next 3 months aha Thanks xx
Are you into psychological thrillers? If so I highly recommend Hide and Seek(2005). Lots of blowing leaves and wind that add to the atmosphere.
Halloween 4
Fantasy books about dragons I would really appreciate suggestions on books that revolve around dragons or at least has them in some of the story, I'll even take books for young adults or teens. Thanks.
Check out the Age of Fire series by E.E. Knight. It's an awesome fantasy series that's actually from the viewpoint of dragons! It's between Eragon and LotR in terms of complexity but it's an absolutely fantastic read! I have read A LOT of dragon books and this series was something I had not encountered before 💙🐉 let me know what you think 😊
Battle Mage by Peter Flannery.
I eat too much pan fried food. How can I substitute? I discovered pan cooking a while ago when I started living on own. I'd mostly make well seasoned stews, chillies, stir-fries and try to keep a good ratio of veg and meat, and use various carbs. All that turned out so easy, tasty and cheap that I basically never learned any other types of cooking. The problem is that in the meantime, I discovered that my cholesterol is a bit high, so I'm trying to limit fried things. I already don't use loads of oil, but is there a way to limit it further? Oven? Pressure/slow cooker? Any quick, cheap and healthy tips?
So this sounds totally random and may be off-base, but since it seems like you may have a fairly healthy diet - do you drink coffee regularly? Do you use a French press? I had high cholesterol a few years back and learned that the French press I loved wasn’t filtering out a chemical that can increase your blood pressure. I made a few diet changes and switching to pour overs with paper filters was one. Not sure if that’s what made a difference but I do have healthy cholesterol level now.
here's a rabbit hole for you: look for Instant Pot "dump and go" recipes. >I'm trying to limit fried things. > I'd mostly make well seasoned stews, chillies, stir-fries and try to keep a good ratio of veg and meat, and use various carbs. mostly? ...where are the fried things coming from? stir "fry" shouldn't be the problem.. maybe the ingredients?
What is your favorite thing to have when just completing a hike? I'm parking the car at the end of the trail for me and some friends. It'll be a 4 night 5 day trek. I'm thinking I'll stock it up with some goodies for everyone. What are your favorite things to have waiting for you?
Clean socks and Waffle House
A bidet. Honestly though, maybe book a nice hotel room with comfy beds, a shower and laundry service?
I don't have an oven nor a microwave oven. Can I boil chicken thighs and discard the water ? How will it taste ? I don't have proper cooking equipment: I have to avoid frying stuff as it might stain my small apartment's walls. Chicken thighs are difficult to cook on a stove because it's not properly in contact with all the meat. I was thinking about boiling them with a little onion or garlic and other flavorings. Any advice ?
Shredded Mexican style chicken is easy as heck and awesome. Put your chicken thighs in your pan and add 4 cups of water. Add 1 TBS. chili powder, 1 tsp. garlic powder, 1 tsp. onion powder, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. black pepper, 1 tsp. dried oregano, 1/2 tsp. cumin. I also add 1 tsp. smoked paprika. Bring the chicken with spices added up to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Turn down to a medium to slow simmer. Simmer for about 45 minutes or until almost all of the water is absorbed. About halfway through the cooking time break up the chicken a bit with two wooden spoons. At the halfway point the chicken will feel rubbery, don't worry it gets way better near the end. Near the end of the cooking time continue shredding the chicken with the spoons. You should have a nice pile of seasoned, shredded chicken that you can use in tacos, burritos, taquitoes, tostadas or add your favorite BBQ sauce and slop some on a hamburger bun. I like to add pickle chips and coleslaw.
bread them, boil them in bacon grease, they will be fried and delicious
It is commonly accepted that the original depiction of fairies is of human sized, wingless nature spirits (much like traditional fantasy elfs) and that the depiction of small, winged women is a later development. Well, when and how did this development come about then?
There is an excellent treatment of part of this question by Beachcomer (aka Simon Young). In essence, he found that there was evidence of artistic depictions of winged fairies at least as early as the late sixteenth century, but it was abnormal at the time. Wings became mainstream in art during the Victorian era, but they did not affect popular perception until the turn of the twentieth century. The famous Cottingley photographs of 1917, depicting small, winged fairies would have been incomprehensible in the mid nineteenth century - at least as far as the "folk"/believers at the time is concerned. By the twentieth century, wings were standard fair among believers - the art had seeped down to the folk. In the book, Seeing Fairies: From the Lost Archives of the Fairy Investigation Society, Authentic Reports of Fairies in Modern Times, which is an inventory of twentieth century sightings of fairies, wings are extremely common in the descriptions. The problem with the term "fairy" is that it is used - and has been used - by different people for different things. Various precisely catalogued "Handbooks of supernatural Beings" are published with precise definitions, but the folk of folklore are often vague about definitions. "Fairy" is often used in Ireland and Scotland as a translation for the Gaelic term that sounds like "shee" (as in banshee - literally, woman fairy). Fairy is also used generically in English language publications for any number of supernatural beings that might also be called elves, pixies, or by other terms. In fact, these are all part of a cultural complex of related entities that can be found from Ireland to Sweden and Brittany to Iceland. These entities figure in legends - many shared across the region. In these legends, the "fairies" often interact with people, who do not initially recognize that they are dealing with the supernatural/extraordinary. In other words, the "fairies" do not have wings or pointed ears, and they are not small. They seem like people, and only at the end do the humans recognize their peril, for dealing with the fae is usually a dangerous proposition! Some of these Northern European entities spend more time small than human sized, where others of the species are more often human-sized. All are capable of appearing human-sized. When did they become universally small? Again, it was a matter of the Victorian period, which transformed human-appearing entities into small, cute pixies with insect wings and a habit for fluttering about flowers. This transition was encouraged in part by Anna Eliza Kempe Bray (1790–1883). Most of Bray’s publications were novels, but her two antiquarian books affected the perception of supernatural beings in the English-speaking world: Traditions, Legends, Superstitions, and Sketches of Devonshire on the Borders of the Tamar and the Tavy (1838) and A Peep at the Pixies; or, Legends of the West (1854). Bray presents several legends with the elaboration of a novelist. Nevertheless, she was part of the beginning of the transition from the antiquarian gathering of random morsels to a more systematic recording and publishing of oral tradition. In addition, Bray played a pivotal role in affecting popular perception of fairies, and particularly in how artists and subsequent authors would depict them. It is important that Bray was collecting in the south West of Britain, where the indigenous pixies spend most of their time in small form. Even there, folk legends described them in human form interacting with unsuspecting people, but their smallness was something that would affect the genre throughout the English-speaking world. I have long contemplated writing something on the subject of fairy wings and diminutive size, but I have only got so far as the first two paragraphs. Perhaps they have some use here: >While boarding a plane to Reno just before the Labor Day Weekend of 2013, my fellow passengers were confronted with a fairy appearing in our midst. We could see that she was a fairy because she wore large butterfly wings. As she tried to take her seat, the wings proved to be anti-social since they poked her neighbors in the face and otherwise did not fit the confined space. Many probably understood that she was heading to the Burning Man Festival, a large carnivalesque gathering held annually north of Reno on the Black Rock playa. More importantly for our purposes here is the immediate recognition that she was a fairy because of those wings. >If we could transport our fairy of the twenty-first century back to, say, a sixteenth-century British or Irish village, what would people think of her? Would they recognize her as a fairy? It is easy to imagine that they would not know that she was a fairy. For believers of the sixteenth century, fairies (and their ilk, regardless of name) did not have wings. They figured in legends with people encountering the supernatural beings while not recognizing that there was anything extraordinary, at least at first. Wings, then or now, are an immediate clue that something is not normal: reference that flight in 2013! At some point between the sixteenth century and the present, an amazing shift in folk belief occurred, where wings were once not part of the package, and then they became a required attribute.
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Explain like I'm five years old: who actually "owns" the internet, who has the capability to totally disable it This is probably a stupid question
The internet has less and less "formal" ownership, by design. The US government has tried to have less and less control. There is no one head server. ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) are the people who ultimately decide what go to, and they are a private non-profit company. The US government recently seceded total control of domain names to them (though they'd been "rubber stamping" them for years and letting ICANN do it). However, as a ton of major datacenters and the like are based in the united states, the US government has the most capability to disable or block things if they really wanted to. However, that doesn't stop the internet entirely, just US coverage and services based in the US. Services based outside of the USA would be able to continue operating without major issue.
No stupid questions here. Nobody owns the Internet. The basic TCP/IP design standards are in the Public Domain, thanks to the US military. There is no single "off switch", though without the distributed domain name service (DNS) operated by ICANN you'd have to remember that was; and that's not going to happen. ICANN is an independent, non-profit corporation.
Backpacking while Lactating? How would a pumping Mom best go about backpacking? This is probably more a hypothetical question than a real likelihood, since I can’t see myself backpacking anytime soon neither taking my infant son nor leaving him behind. But once I started thinking about the logistics of what backpacking would look like while pumping, I started realizing more and more how complicated it would be. Have any of the women in this sub backpacked while pumping? Or the men encountered women who did? Or just feel free to speculate. The issues I see: - Weight of the pumping equipment - The smaller and more portable the pump, in general the less effective it is at emptying - How do you leave no trace? You’d likely have to pump and dump but how to do that safely? - How to wash pumping parts? - Hand expressing every three hours would take for freaking ever, and I think you’d still have emptying issues. At a glance, it kind of feels like backpacking is just off the table for lactating women unless you nurse on trail. But I don’t like that, and feel like it ought to be possible if carefully planned and considered? I’d love for you to go on this thought experiment with me.
I mean, Thats milk. Put it in your coffee or your oatmeal.
Quick take down before r/ultralight_jerk sees this Edit: Correct sub
Books with beautiful prose? Looking for books like Lolita, The Secret History, and The Goldfinch. I don’t care about genre other than it being fiction whether it’s a murder mystery or fantasy story. Just interesting with beautiful writing. Thank you so much!
<<All the Light We Cannot See>> was one that really stood out recently as having great prose.
*Little, Big* by John Crowley and *The Gormenghast Novels* by Mervyn Peake are two of my favorites for prose. Also, *Paradise Lost* is not my cup of tea because it's very heavy on the Christian dogma, but the language is absolutely incredible.
Explain like I'm five years old : Why do airplanes have such high operating costs?
Everything about airplanes is expensive. A new 4 seater Cessna 182 starts at over half a million dollars. 182s from the 1960s sell for 40-50 grand. That's for a non fancy, not fast, 4 seater piston engine airplane that is 60 years old. Want faster, bigger, or more fancy, and those numbers just get bigger. Insurance is expensive, generally about 1000 bucks per 100K in insured value. Hanger and tie down space is expensive. Fuel is expensive, and even something like the 182 burns through 10 gallons an hour. Depending on where you are, the 100 low lead gas can cost between 6 and 9 bucks a gallon. Maintenance is federally regulated. You have to do specific things to the plane at specific intervals. Many of those things either can't be done by the "average" joe, or have to be signed off by a special type of airplane mechanic (A&P). Further, the mandatory "annual" inspection of a 182 costs about a grand. Fly for 1000 hours and you have to overhaul the engine and that usually goes four about 8 grand. A hot section on may of the turbo prop planes (like a cessna 208 caravan) with the popular PT6 engine can run \~40 grand for every 2000 hours of engine time or so. Parts are regulated also. You can't go to home depot and replace a lost bolt with a 5 cent quarter/twenty bolt from the bin. 20 years ago an AMP friend of mine handed me a hald full of 1 inch washers for his airplane and asked me how much they cost. I knew I could get it within a few bucks, and guessed 4 dollars. It was over 500, because they had to be specific washers, made from a specific metal, and had to have xray photos to prove they were defect free and certified for that purpose. If you saved money on the used 182, you might imagine that finding a spare cowling for a 60 year old airplane isn't easy or cheap. There are parts you have to have, and are not interchangeable with parts from other airplanes, andy you can't make them yourself unless you get it approved (and likely tested with engineering prints and all that stuff) by the FAA. I knew a guy with a 182 who had removed the copilot yolk and post. THe feds decided that wasn't ok, and he had to replace it, and it took him months and thousands of dollars to find a yolk post for a 1950 something 182. I had another friend who had to replace seatbelts on his airplane and had a similar experience. These aren't things you can buy at autozone for 50 bucks. Aviation has become really safe and a lot of that is due to the heavy regulation and requirements. You have to maintain things properly, and use proper parts. This is for a relatively basic, and not sexy airplane. Don't get me wrong. A 182 is considered a great airplane, but we are not talking about a jet, or a fast twin. Imagine what those numbers above for an engine overhaul cost on a private or commercial jet? So...everything about aviation is expensive, thus the operating costs to fly around are generally pretty high compared to most other types of vehicles.
Simple answer, Government control. Regulated by the FAA. Ask ANY handy private pilot who would like to maintain their own airplane. Something as simple as Replacing A light bulb can require a “licensed tech” costing $1000. For a $2 part. It’s asinine
Page Turner Nonfiction Something that is strictly entertaining that I won't be able to put down. Accounts of crazy stuff happening, either first hand or well researched. Books I have read and enjoyed include, Into Thin Air, The Devil in the White City and Say Nothing. Preferably nothing politically charged or with the intent to change perspectives, just looking for a riveting story. (Involving politics is fine if it is unbiased.)
{{Under the Banner of Heaven}} by Jon Krakauer
{Deep Down Dark} which is about the rescue mission of those Chilean miners who were trapped in a mine collapse for an absurd amount of time. I'm also a huge fan of {Miracle in the Andes} which is a first person account of the rugby team that had a plane crash in the Andes mountain (they made the movie Alive! based on the book Alive! which apparently got some things wrong, so the author wrote his own account).
What are some of the best westerns? Please recommend me some good westerns. A few that I’ve seen and would recommend are The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Unforgiven, Tombstone, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, Django Unchained. I haven’t seen any of the old westerns so please recommend the ones worth watching.
Pale Rider
Duck You Sucker is a good one. Boss N-word Trilogy.
If I like Westworld, Black Mirror, Ex Machina, Orphan Black etc., what else would I like? I like movies/books/shows that are sci fi/speculative fiction, involve technology, but have a very human element to them. What other things would I like? Any medium!
Change my view that Term limits on the basis of age for United States elected federal representatives is not ageism, its practical and needed. The United States needs to set term limits on the basis of age for Congress and the President. 70+ year olds are frequently regarded as unemployable due to mental decline and disconnect with the current times, but a high number of them are serving as politicians in the United States. The oldest sitting Senator, Senator Feinstein is 88 and has served since 1992. Over twenty members of the Senate are in their 70s. President Biden is 78 years old, and his health and mental prowess are the subject of continuous scrutiny. The most extreme example, Senator Thurmond, served for just short of 50 years until he passed away at 100. Currently, the average age of House members is \~58 years old and that of the Senate is \~63 years old. Contrast this with the average age of the American citizen, \~38 years old. All too often members of Congress demonstrate their age and disconnect with the times when they must talk about social media, tech, the internet, etc. with tech giants during hearings on the Hill. Term limits would prevent leaders from turning holding office into a career, spending upwards of 30-40 years serving in office and hanging on until they can barely function in an official capacity. Term limits would bring new and fresh perspectives into Congress. Limiting time in office would also hinder the development of permanent relationships among politicians and interest groups/lobbyists. Yes, they would still occur, but they would come to an end once the official’s term expired. I recognize the increased turnover would lead to a larger number of politicians who are not as familiar with the legislative process as someone who has been in the office for over a decade. But wouldn’t this also provide a motivation to train their successors and offer apprenticeship/mentorship opportunities like that seen in other communities? We have minimum age requirements for someone to serve in the House, Senate, or presidency, so why shouldn’t we create a maximum? Mandatory retirement was ended for most professions with exceptions, such as the military, pilots, and law enforcement. But does representing the U.S. as a politician require less mental prowess than flying a plane? Any change would require a constitutional amendment, which I never see happening.
You are incorrectly tying age to mental acuity, which isn't always the same thing for everybody. For some people, mental decline never happens. For some, it happens way earlier. Age isn't enough of a guideline to determine when mental acuity is decreasing and how do you even evaluate it objectively. Sure, you can establish subjective guidelines, but then you run the risk of partisanship in those guidelines. Some parties naturally cater more to certain age groups, but saying that people aren't allowed to vote for individuals over a certain age, you are constraining the pool of available candidates for those parties, which is anti-democratic.
I believe the opposite they're shouldn't be anyway limt on who can go into office it a elected position why shouldn't anyone be eligible?
Frozen vegetables or fresh vegetables? I don't see a huge price difference between frozen vegetables and fresh vegetables and wonder when to buy which. I do have several things in my mind. \- Quality. For frozen veggies it's hard to know the quality until you open the bag. Sometimes I will get yellow broccolis which is very off-putting. \- Taste. I find frozen Brussel sprouts tend to be mussy after cooked. \- Season. I guess it's always the right decision to buy fresh seasonal produce. How do you make the decision of buying frozen or fresh vegetables?
Not answering your direct question but this will change your opinion on frozen Brussel sprouts But to answer your question - I decide on fresh or frozen depending on when I’ll use them! I try to do a grocery shop every 2 week, so second week will usually need some frozen veggies!
Frozen have preservatives. A friend of mine owns orchads and he told me they put them in cooler for off season sale which depletes its nutritional value because preservatives and chemicals are added. Edit: I did my own research about this and I was mislead. Mostly because in our culture (a semi rural background) we were often told to go for fresh than for frozen ones because well, the fresh ones were locally available. Also, to some extent I still believe there is some nutritional loss in vegetables after it is frozen.
Movies about people in a music band Folks, please suggest me a movie about people starting a band, or being in a band. Basically, a movie that has something to do with music. Even biopics about bands are welcomed! Thank you!
Sing Street Begin Again
Japanese literature I’m planning on buying the sailor who fell from grace today but i want some more Japanese literature, i don’t want some murakami i’ve read about his works and it’s not for me
There are several suggestions in these comments that I will have to look into. I would like to add a few stories from premodern Japan: The Tale of the Heike (transl. by Royall Tyler) \-- This is a medieval epic saga of the rise and fall of a great Japanese House. I would compare it to either The Iliad or maybe some of Shakespeare's historical plays. Japanese Tales (also transl. by Royall Tyler) \-- I love folklore! This is a collection of 220 such strange tales. The Tale of Genji (again transl. by Royall Tyler) \-- I'll admit I didn't exactly love this when I read it last year. Still, it's impossible to love literature and not at least respect it. It's the most celebrated literary work in Japan. Tales of Moonlight and Rain \-- I ran into this one when hunting for links and will have to read it soon. Here is its Good Reads page writeup: >First published in 1776, the nine gothic tales in this collection are Japan's finest and most celebrated examples of the literature of the occult. They subtly merge the world of reason with the realm of the uncanny and exemplify the period's fascination with the strange and the grotesque. They were also the inspiration for Mizoguchi Kenji's brilliant 1953 film Ugetsu.
I'm currently reading Breasts and Eggs by Mieko Kawakami and I like it so far.
How to host a personal website? Hey guys, I made a personal website, and I would be very happy if I could now host it. I would like to host if for free, if at all possible. Is it possible, and do I need to worry about domain name ownership? Basically can I go from having the source code of my simple website to hosting it publicly without any costs? Thank you! free to add custom domain too
Netlify has great free hosting!
Books about truly fucked-up relationships (a la Wuthering Heights) Hi all, Wuthering Heights has always been a favorite of mine because it deals with despicable characters with such humanity. What are some books that deals with equally toxic, harmful or “abnormal” love in a non-moralizing way? Thanks in advance!
Great Gatsby
Charles Dickens's Great Expectations. I want to say David Copperfield but there are things in that that are a bit messed up in other ways. Particularly father/son relationships as well as a few friends. Old Curiosity Shop has a fucked up relationship in a completely different way with between Quilp and his wife but probably not what you're looking for.
Looking for something heart wrenching Im in need of a book that is emotionally and morally heart wrenching. I loved the emotional distress in War and Peace and have been planning on reading Doctor Zhivago, so anything with a Russian Romantic (era, not genre) influence, but more modern, would be fantastic. However, I'm not looking for something quite as dark and hopeless as a Cormac McCarthy book. I'm also extremely fond of science fiction and fantasy. I am currently reading Dune and planning on reading 2001: A space odyssey following that. Also, the emotional distress doesn't have to be the main plot of the book. Subtlety is often far more powerful than making it the centerpoint, i.e. In War and Peace when Andrei's father seemingly doesn't care that his son is going to war and sings as Andrei breaks the news, then later he sings that same song at the dinner table solemnly, as though to show us that he was still thinking about what his son had told him despite ignoring him the whole night. Tolstoy never directly told us that he was thinking this, which made it incredibly powerful.
*The Time Traveller's Wife* - not as serious as the other ones you've listed, but it's got a neat fantasy angle and it made me cry like a baby.
I recently finished a book called Tell the Wolves I'm Home by Carol Rifka Blunt. It's set in the 1980s and centres on a young girl whose godfather had recently died. Very complex depiction of family relationships and quite emotionally draining at points. First time in awhile a book has made me cry.
Texas-if I am paying for legal service for another person, so I have a right to sit in on the meeting? I have been saving for several months to help my girlfriend get back custody of her son. We made a $400 first hour payment last week and the second one will be due when we go tomorrow. She is meeting with him for two hours and I had thought I would be able to go in the meeting since I love the kid and where he stays effects me obviously. She said today that she needs me to drive her but that I can’t go in the meeting and this is Texas law. I really feel like I should be able to go in but she says it i even ask the lawyer a question about this he will not be allowed to see her as a client. I guess my question is general than that. If I’m paying can I go in the meeting ?
I am an attorney. It is not your girlfriend’s decision. If you are present, there is no attorney-client privilege. The attorney HAS to meet with her alone.
If you are paying for legal services for another person, you don't get to snoop on their attorney-client conversations. However, you could hire an attorney to represent both you and your girlfriend (say, for example, you could hire the attorney to fight for custody on behalf of your girlfriend and to give you long term advice on how you could keep the doorway open for you to adopt in the future or to give you advice on how not to be the adult in your girlfriend's life who makes it harder for her to get custody, etc.). If you, your girlfriend, and the lawyer had agree to that in advance, then you could attend the attorney-client meetings.
I don’t understand why inflation is such a threat to stocks ??? I really don’t understand why inflation is such a threat to stock prices. Like why does inflation cause the price of everything to increase- groceries, fuel, housing, etc etc but yet the price of stocks are supposed to go down ???? I mean I understand that input cost for companies like labor, raw materials, etc go up which effects earnings but they also charge more for finished products (I mean has anyone been to the grocery store lately) so shouldn’t it even out as far as earnings are concerned ? I don’t get why I am supposed to be so worried about this
People will buy less discretionary items with less disposable income. Also will be buying less stocks as their personal cashflow goes towards necessities.
In addition to causing the Fed to hike rates, as others have mentioned, the companies are having to pay more to run their businesses. Think, raw goods, transportation, and higher wages. Also, with wage growth growing at a slower rate that goods, people will not be able to buy as much, which leads to lower sales.
Books that will leave me sobbing for days I just really need to cry all my frustrations out. Any genre will do but preferably not high fantasy :))
{Organic Chemistry}} by any author.
The Light Between Oceans.
Looking for books similar to Avatar: The Last Airbender I love the series and I wanted to find a similar story with similar characters like ATLA, but I would rather them be more mature and wanted to stray away from YA books.
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi. Elemental magic (+plus some non elements), weird creatures (a rideable lion with horns!), royal siblings, a quest, an adventure. Only it’s African inspired, not Asian inspired. It’s a really fun YA series!
{Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson}
Weather forecasting in the back country? Want to avoid a device and do it based on observations and knowledge, but need help I like to have an idea what the weather is going to look like when I hike. Obviously while I am still within civilization / cell range, I can get a weather forecast, and decide what gear I'm going to take. But once I'm on the trail, I would like to be able to have an idea what weather is going to do and make some decisions based on the forecast. I don't want to carry a device for obvious reasons. So, I'm looking for some relatively simple resources (maybe a pdf I can load on my phone?) or even sayings / words of wisdom that I can use to get some advance warnings on weather. For example, I have heard if you see the wind blow leaves on a tree so you see their underside, it means rain is imminent within the next hour. Are there other natural signs that I can watch for to get some insight into what is headed my way. For what it's worth, I read the weather chapter in Justin Lichter's book "Trail Tested" which seemed to try to cover the issue, but if I'm being honest, my take away from it was: "be wary of all clouds because a storm is a coming"
thought you might find these helpful (also check out this article on barometric pressure: Weather Lore Sayings: _“When the dew is on the grass,_ _Rain will never come to pass_ _When grass is dry at morning light,_ _Look for rain before the night”_ Again, if there is no dew on the grass, it means the sky is cloudy or the breeze is strong, both of which may mean rain. Corona“If a circle forms ‘round the moon,‘Twill rain soon.” The circle that forms around the sun or moon is called a halo. Halos are formed by the light from the sun or moon refracting (bending) as they pass through the ice crystals that form high-level cirrus and cirrostratus clouds. These clouds do not produce rain or snow, but they often precede an advancing low pressure system which may bring bad weather. Plants “When leaves turn their back ‘tis a sign it’s going to rain.” Some trees, such as oak and maple, have leaves that will curl when the humidity is very high and the wind is blowing strongly. Both these conditions indicate an approaching storm. _“I know ladies by the score_ _Whose hair foretells the storm;_ _Long before it begins to pour_ _Their curls take a drooping form.”_ Human hair, especially blond hair, has a tendency expand in length as the humidity rises. This may cause naturally-curly hair to droop. Or it may cause straight hair to curl up a little. The higher the humidity, the more likely it is to rain. _“If smoke hovers low near the ground it is likely to rain”_ Smoke particles tend to absorb moisture from the air. The more moisture present in the air, the more a particle of smoke will absorb, and the heavier it gets. Heavy, moisture-laden smoke particles do not disperse as easily as the lighter, dry ones do. _“When sounds travel far and wide,_ _A stormy day will betide”_ Sound travels at different speeds through different substances. It travels faster through a solid substance than it does through air, for instance. Sound travels better in air that is heavily laden with moisture than it does in dry air. _“If birds fly low_ _Expect rain and a blow”_ When the air pressure is high, it is easier for birds to fly at a higher altitude. If the air pressure is low, indicating bad weather, birds can’t fly as high because the air is less dense. _“Trace in the sky the painter’s brush,_ _The winds around you soon will rush"_ The “painter’s brush” are cirrus clouds. These are high-level ice clouds that often precede the approach of a storm system. _“Mares’ tails and mackerel scales_ _Make lofty ships carry low sails”_ Mares’ tails are cirrus clouds, called this because they sometimes resemble the flowing tail of a horse in the wind. Mackerel scales are altocumulus clouds. They appear broken and scaly. Neither of these cloud types will bring rain or snow themselves. They do, however, precede an approaching storm front by a day or two. _“Red sky in morning, sailors give warning. Red sky at night, sailors delight”_ The weather patterns in North America generally move from west to east, when clouds arrive overhead at sunrise the sky will appear red, signaling a storm "moving in". When the storm eventually passes, the sky will clear in the western sky. If sunset occurs simultaneously, the light will cast a red glow on the clouds above, now moving towards the east. _“Pale moon rains; Red moon blows”_ _White moon neither rains or snows”_ The more dust particles there are in the air, the greater the chance that moisture will have something on which to form raindrops. Drops of rain cannot form unless they can form around a “condensation nucleus,” which is a dust particle, ice crystal, or some similar tiny object suspended in the air. When moonlight passes through air laden with dust particles, it appears pale or reddish. When the air is very clear, it appears white. _“If clouds move against the wind, rain will follow”_ Clouds that are moving in a direction that differs from the way the wind is blowing indicates a condition known as wind shear. This sometimes indicates the arrival of a cold front. Weather fronts usually bring rain. _“You can tell the temperature by counting a cricket's chirps”_ Crickets - Crickets are accurate thermometers; they chirp faster when warm and slower when cold. They are extremely accurate. Count their chirps faster for fourteen seconds, then add forty, and you have the temperature (in Fahrenheit) of wherever the cricket is. _“Flies – Flies bite more before a rain.”_ This rule does not always apply, but insects do calling more during moist weather, as flying is more difficult. Heat causes human sweating, which makes you a more appetizing target. Theses two reasons, plus a release of more body odors when atmospheric pressure on your body lowers, will add up to the rule that flies and insects are more bothersome just before a rain than at any other time. _"The higher the clouds, the better the weather"_ Higher clouds indicate both dryness of air and higher atmospheric pressure. Both these qualities are present with fair weather.
if you're getting sunburned, it's a nice day. If you're getting wet, it's raining. If you have to hold your hat to keep it from flying off, it's windy. That's about as accurate as I get! If you're interested in more, though, there are several companies back in the 80s and 90s who made field guides for weather jut like you see for trees and birds and such. They're a really good place to start.
What is the current consensus on the story behind the Codex Gigas, and why does an ostensibly Christian manuscript feature such a prominent depiction of the Devil? I'd never heard of the Codex Gigas before but I was reading up on the origin of the 'pact with the devil' trope and came across the story of how a monk who essentially wrote the Codex Gigas in one night after making a deal with the devil, and that this is why it contains a big illustration of the devil. I become pretty fascinated with this thing, and after doing some research I can't really see any straight up answers about what the original reason behind the creation of this manuscript was, and in particular why the devil seems to be depicted so prominently. Of course, for all I know, the depiction of the devil on manuscripts like this was commonplace, but everything I can read on the Codex seems to focus on this depiction, which makes me think it is notable for some reason or another. If such a prominent depiction is *not* that unusual, I'm interested in why there seems to be a satanic association with the document (conspiracy theories about missing pages etc). I guess in large part my question can be broken into: * Do we know why the codex was created? * Why is (or is it at all) this manuscript notable? Is it because of the depiction of the devil, its contents, its state of preservation or something else? * Assuming the depiction of the devil is notable, what is the going theory for its inclusion? * Why is there so much conspiracy around the Codex Gigas? For instance, there are some missing pages, which I've some some speculation being that they used to contain satanic prayers. When did this sinister mythos attach itself to the Codex Gigas' story and why? Anyway if anyone is familiar with this topic I'd be grateful for your insight.
The Codex Gigas ('big book') is in many respects not that interesting. Its main contents are the Vulgate bible, the _Etymologies_ of Saint Isidore and the _Antiquities of the Jews_ by Josephus, all of which were quite common texts in the Middle Ages. There's also some shorter miscellaneous text such as a calendar. It's a quality book with nice illuminations and illustrations, certainly more than average but far from being the most ornate text of the era. It really only has one completely unique aspect, which is its huge size. We don't know who had it made or why, so there's little clue as to _why_ it was so big (of course, _some_ codex has to be the biggest). It's known it was made at the Podlažice monastary in Bohemia, Czechia, and seems to have been for use there. It was created between 1204 and 1230 because it lists Procopius of Sázava as a saint (canonized in 1204) and among Bohemian kings, it does _not_ note the death of King Ottokar I in 1230. The famous devil image is immediately preceded by an idealized city. These two images are clearly related as they're not just adjacent, they have the same border. There's definitely a 'good-vs-evil' theme here. The city is typically interpreted as being the Kingdom of Heaven or the Heavenly Jerusalem. Thus the border surrounding the devil may represent Hell. The images are preceded by a five-page confession of sins by a clergyman for the sins he's committed (e.g. spending some of the alms he'd received on himself rather than the poor) and invoking a literal litany of saints. The images are followed by three conjurations against various ailments such as fever, and two magic spells concerning theft. Neither of those types of texts are uncommon, nor are the types of spells uncommon. Depicting the devil in medieval art was not uncommon or taboo and certainly not at odds with it being a Christian manuscript. (not least in the context that the image in, as a juxtaposition) For example, several miniatures (e.g. this one on f34r) in the near contemporary (~1240) De Braile Hours from England have a similar looking devil. (that particular one on f34r is Theophilus, the original 'selling his soul to the devil' story - one very popular in the 13th century) It's not surprising that the book's massive size would give rise to tall tales about its origin like that, but that's really all that is, a bit of folklore. I'm aware of there being a sensationalist National Geographic documentary about it, which I haven't really seen. I glanced at it but stopped watching when they made it out as if it was being secretly stored under a shroud in the deep-underground vaults where Kungliga Biblioteket keep their collections and access is strictly restricted, when I know that in reality it's in a purpose-built glass display case in a publicly accessible part of the library. I spend a lot of time at KB and see it all the time.I don't know what the internet is saying but it's certainly not a grimoire or black magic book. For starters those aren't bound together with the Bible, nor are they lavish expensive works like this. To answer in short: Why was it created? Well you've got the Bible, together with the most popular encyclopedia of the day, the most important non-Biblical history of Jesus's world, some medical texts, a calendar, some local history and some foreign alphabets.. Certainly a very useful all-around book for all your Medieval needs. (could perhaps also need Boëthius _Consolations of Philosophy_ to really hit all the Medieval bestsellers) It's mainly notable for its very big size, and yes, the striking large devil image. Apart from that, it's notable for the alphabets as they're quite old exmaples of Cyrillic and Glagolitic. Very little of the text is unique to the codex though, and much of that which is (e.g. confessions) isn't terribly interesting. As it comes immediately after the confession, one theory about the heaven-hell/good-evil images is that they represent the fate of those who repent and those who don't. (Lindberg) Why is there so much conspiracy around the Codex Gigas? I don't know. Maybe because of that documentary? When it comes to anything touching magic and paganism and romanticized subjects, there's a pretty big difference between what the internet says and what academics believe. There's nothing surprising that some pages are missing in an 800 year old manuscript. Most of them are within the Bible portion, perhaps unsurprisingly as that makes up most of the book. S.G. Lindberg, _Codex Gigas_, Biblis (1957), pp. 9-29
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If I like]Slow songs (non-rap/HipHop) that incorporate/sample older tunes[what else would I like] Tunes like [One Eskimo - Kandi borrows (heavily) from and samples Candi Staton's He Called Me Baby Primitive Radio Gods - Standing Outside A Broken Phone Booth With Money In My Hand samples BB King's How Blue Can You Get
Moby - Play is sample heavy
Washed out does some sampling.
Change my view that New nuclear reactors are not going to form a significant portion of US energy decarbonization between now and the mid-late 2030s. Because this is a topic with a lot of really fervent advocates whose attention I'm likely to draw, let me clarify some things about what I'm not saying: 1. I am espousing a PREDICTIVE view, not a normative view. I am not arguing whether nuclear power is good or bad, necessary or unnecessary. 2. I am not talking about existing reactors that face retirement. That's an interesting topic but outside this scope. 3. I'm not talking about the politics or economics of nuclear power in other countries. Again, interesting but not relevant. The critical timeframe for US grid decarbonization is the next 10-15 years. That's roughly the timeframe the Biden administration is talking about to hit emissions targets of ~50% below 2005 levels. To be a part of a decarbonization strategy that fits within this timeframe, nuclear power will have to overcome a number of key economic and political obstacles: It's slow. Any low-carbon energy generation is only as useful as the fossil-fuel generation it enables us to take off the grid. For any source, this means that it's only useful once it's finished and begins pumping megawatts onto the grid. In the case of nuclear, if we're to judge by previous examples--especially in the US--that's a very long time. The newest reactor in the US that I'm aware of, Watts Bar 2, took more than 30 years between construction beginning and the reactor actually going online. Even a global median has tended to be in the 5-10 year construction range. Part of this is because: The US has a very NIMBY-friendly planning and construction process. We don't have to like it, but we have to acknowledge it. We've made it very easy for people to halt construction on a whole host of processes due to a whole range of concerns. For nuclear power to move forward with new construction, the industry will have to figure out a way to either convince NIMBYs or directly oppose and overcome them. This is not an obstacle unique to nuclear power (as NIMBYs have successfully opposed wind and solar projects) but it is still one that the nuclear power industry cannot pretend is nonexistent. Additionally, it's a very difficult technology to work with, and a great deal of its current workforce is nearing retirement age without a real path forward to replacement, or even expansion, of that workforce. Lastly, nuclear is expensive. Last year's Lazard LCOE analysis suggests that nuclear has a levelized cost of energy range of 118-192 $ /MWh for nuclear power, while wind is $28-54 and utility-scale solar is $32-44. There's just not a good reason for financiers to fund new nuclear plants. If people want to argue that federal subsidies or investment could flip this picture, I'd ask that they make the case for those subsidies/investments to actually come into being. As a point of comparison, the federal government *could* fund a national-scale high speed rail network too, but the fact is that it isn't and likely won't in the immediate future. To pre-empt the people who will bring up SMRs, I'm aware of these and that there are some pilot projects in the planning stages. However, I do not expect these to be deployed at any kind of scale meaningful to the process of national energy-sector decarbonization within the timeframe of interest here, especially bearing in mind the industry's history of both cost and time overruns. The existence of a few pilot SMR deployments would not change my view.
> The newest reactor in the US that I'm aware of, Watts Bar 2, took more than 30 years &nbsp; So I fully agree with your view, but this one point doesn't seem fair to me. Watts bar 2 started, stoped, then restarted construction. It's not like there were 30 years of unplanned delays. I think 9 or 10 years is a more honest number. &nbsp; Here are a few recent ones: * **Watts Bar Unit 2**. The only nuclear reactor to come online in the US in the 21st century. Started construction 1973, stopped construction 1985. Started again 2007. Went online in 2016. So in the most generous of terms. 9 years. But really it was over 10 years. This was an existing plant, just a new reactor. * **Hinkley Point C** (UK) Prep work started as early as 2008. Land was purchased in 2012. Current estimated completion date is 2026. * **Virgil C. Summer Units 2 and 3** Existing plant, just two new reactors. Planning started in 2008. Construction started in 2013. Project abandoned in 2017. So 9 years total, but no plant. * **Vogtle 3 and 4** Existing plant, just two new reactors. Planning started in 2006. Construction started in 2009. Construction for unit 3 completed in 2020 (hasn't been turned on yet). So lets call that 15 years assuming they finish this year.
>Lastly, nuclear is expensive. Last year's Lazard LCOE analysis suggests that nuclear has a levelized cost of energy range of 118-192 $ /MWh for nuclear power, while wind is $28-54 and utility-scale solar is $32-44. I agree with your whole post in general, I would just caution the LCOE makes several assumptions that make nuclear seem significantly worse than other clean energy sources. Your renewable prices don't include energy storage, right? So renewables are probably more in $50-100/MWh including different forms of energy storage. And I believe the nuclear LCOE is based on a 40-year lifetime, while virtually every plant in the US still operating is either licensed to 60-80 years, and those that aren't are putting in their license renewals shortly. While nuclear is still more expensive than other forms of energy, it's not AS bas as Lazard says, especially if you want to put a price on carbon and account for energy-on-demand.
What are some of the best-acted movies you have ever seen? I'm talking about movies filled with strong performances from most of, if not all, the main actors. Here are a few examples: * The Irishman * Birdman * The Godfather * There Will Be Blood * Prisoners * The Silence of the Lambs * The Social Network * American Beauty * Hereditary * No Country for Old Men
If you don't mind older movies - Vertigo, Psycho, and Casablanca. If you don't mind quirky, then Swiss Army Man, and Frank (2014). You should really check these movies out because they're so good
Lots of good mentions on here, but we're missing *12 Years a Slave*. Also *A Fantastic Woman* and *A Separation* have great acting all around. Acting in *Three Billboards in Ebbing Missouri* is uniformly great, but Your mileage may vary with the actual movie. I prefer *In Bruges* by the same director. Also also in *Gett: The Trial of Vivane Amsalem* there're lots of great performances, although the main actress outshines the rest of the cast by just a little bit. And while the acting in *The Florida Project* is genius, the characters are a tad too realistic such that they're often infuriating to watch. Willem Defoe's goodass manager dude really holds that one together lol.
What is this chord progression and is it legit? D Am Bm7 Bbaug I just came up with this. It sounds very cool but i dont know what scale is it in and if this actually is legit? I presume D major scale but im not sure.
Can you provide an example of a chord progression that is *not* legit?
There is no such thing as legit, and a chord progression doesn't need a certain scale with it; each chord within it can have its own scale.
If I like Ethereal, dreamy soundscapes Artists like: -Beach house -Cocteau Twins -Melody’s echo chamber -Yeule -Weyes Blood -Sigur Ros -My bloody Valentine Basically ethereal, lush music that makes you feel like levitating. Doesn’t have to be dream pop
Boards of Canada, Tycho, Ratatat, RJD2, Eyeliner, and/or Nmesh might flip your switch.
Røyksopp - The Ladder Purity Ring - Obedear Ott - The Queen of All Everything Willow Beats - From Under the Ground
How do you not let other people's traveling make you feel FOMO or jealous? I'm sure social media doesn't help but I think people still feel jealous social media or not. I just hate that feeling where I hear people talk about where they traveled recently and it triggers a negative response. I know what other people do has nothing to do with me and everyone's experience is different but I still feel jealous. Maybe I haven't done much traveling recently and it makes me feel bad that others are and I'm not. I just need some help because I'm sick of feeling jealous. What advice would you have?
Delete social media and always be planning your next adventure.
Start planning your own adventure. Use others travel and stories as a way of figuring out what you definitely want to do and definitely do NOT want to do when you travel. Learn what things really cost so you can plan appropriately.
Guys, my dad passed away in Feb, is there a way to save his messages in Line? Same as post, cant bring myself to see the screenahot yet. Help...
You can download the chat history as a text file by going in to the chat pressing the cog on the top right and then export chat history on android. If on Iphone go into the chat press the three lines in the top right then scroll down to other settings then press export chat history.
What do you mean by messages in line?