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This is for the facial recination i say yes to it becuse it can modify the students lesson so that the student is not bored with the lesson. Sure it might cost a little to make this happen for the students but they are this nation future. The program that they are using will let the help out the students to get better grades with other thing . To help in thir life when they are in math class and they do not understand what is going on the computer will send them a little message to ask them to see what they need help with in the lesson. The program that they were using reconized a 600 year old painting that is all kinds of other things wrong with the painting . they were able to get the stats from the old painting they were 83% happy 9% distigusted 6% fearful 2% angery . The computer will scan all 44 mucle's in ure face that make the emotins that you feel every day. The emotions that you feel in ure day are happy,sad,cheerful,mad, these are some of the emotions that you feel in a normal day in ure life. The thery of emotions are when you make a face it helps tell how ever that you are feeling. World renowned drama coach Constantin Stanislavsky. He tells his actors to reproduce faces to help them out better with all of there things that they are doing to help them be better actors. In one part of the story it says imagin a computer that imagins when you are sad or happy when and add pops on ure screan and it can tell that you are not interested in the add so it finds better adds when it is time for one to pop up. Most humans have a nonverble type of way when they see each other. When leaonardo devinchi painted the mono lisa he had information the human body. That he had found out when he was diesecting peapole so that he could find out more. The Computers that he dose with all of these things . The devise all have all of the soft ware on these little electronic codes that help if distiguise between which faces that the person makes when they are happy fear and other. With having this kind of tech we can do amazing things like figger out who is going to freak out and kill somone or somthing elses that is crazy when peapole go crazy for som odd reasone. This will prpobly save somone life in the long run with this kind of tech that is avalible that we are able to use. With it will give you facial feedback when ever you are using the device that has this program on it that you are able to use with it . these are my reasone for all of theses things.
In this article i'm against the development of these driverless cars because like it said in the article, "If technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufracturer" that quote in the article shows that there could be some accident or something that goes wrong with the cars. There are a lot of pros to the driverless cars, but also some cons. Some of the cons to the cars can get you thinking about if you really want it or not, and if its worth the money. Some cons to the cars are the cars are not completely driveless. You need to remain alert and be ready to take the wheel at any given time. If you are thinking about buying a driverless car, you need to think back on the pros and cons. I listed one con about it, but theres more than that like the article states that they are big on safety concerns but if that was true there wouldn't be some downfall to the driverless cars. If you are still wanting the car how about if the technology of the car fails and gets you into a accident? You would be blamed for the accident and would have to pay for your car to get fixed and also the other people involved. As there are cons there's also pros that we could be focusing on too. The features in these cars are unbelieveable that's why most people want the car. Some features of the new Prius are rotating sensor on the roof, video camera on the rearview mirror for more drivng percautions, and much more. The more safety these cars have the more people will want to buy them thats why they are starting to work on the safety hazards now so the car will be done by 2020. If the hazards are all worked out by 2020 I would change my mind and views on these driverless cars. The reason why I would change my mind if the car was safe is because there would be nothing that would risk losing my life to. I would think more about buying these cars before I actually did. Would you want to spend money on a car now and have a risk of taking your life if you got into a troubling accident? Or wait until the problems are fixed and you have no disregards about the car you will be driving? That's why you should think before you want to spend your money on a car that has poblems. So for my argument of the aspect of driverless cars i vote against it until everything is fixed and okay to drive. In the tenth paragraph in the article it states that "Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot ninety percent of the time" so if you are looking for a car now that will drive itself most of the time you can get some of these cars now.
Driverless cars are a thing of the future. There is no doubt that they are comming and comming fast, but I do not believe that there will be totaly driverless in my lifetime. There would be many required updates to the curent roads. Along with the roads, laws would have to be updated as well. I do not believe that driverless cars are the best kind of cars for these reasons. Although there have been many good improvements on the modern car, such as seat belts and air bags, I do not think that driverlessness will be one of them. They have created many improvements to the driverless cars, but they are still not totaly driverless. A machine can not take place of a human. Even though driverless cars have all the technology needed to drive on the average road, they still need help to get in or out of driveways or dealing with traffic issues. The car cannot stear itself thorugh roadwork or accidents. What is the point of a driverless car if it cannot drive itself? Another reason the driverless cars are a thing of the future and not of the now is because there would require far too many updates to the current road system. I do not think that it would be safe if there was a mixture of driverless and non-driverless cars on the same road. What if a driverless "'driver'' did not the warning to take over soon enough and ran into an non-driverless car. Whos fault would it be? The "driver'' or the manufacturer. I do not think that driverless cars are in our best intrest because of all the updates they would require. Another update required would be law updates. I think that if we went to driverless cars we would have to make everyone switch to driverless cars. If they work how the article clames, like a public-transport taxi system, than it would put a lot of public transportation workers out of buisness. I live in Indiana, on of the many states that do not allow test computer-driven cars. If our state won't even test them, then how are we suppost to know if we can trust them. I do not think that driverless cars would work for us because we do not live in a city. This would not be practical because in my town we do not use taxis, so why would we have access to driverless cars? I do not think that driverless cars are in our best intrest because they are not totaly driverless. They would also require too many updates to our roads and our laws. Driverless cars may be a think of the future, but not the near future.
Is getting emotional facial recognization the best way to go with technology? Computers are getting smarter and it doesn't sound like it will be slowing down any time soon. When scientests and computer programers combine it can be a beautiful thing. Scientests are developing better ways for humans and computers to comunicate. With new encoding and development of software scientests have now created a way for a computer to tell how someone is feeling by using their facial muscles. The new programing will be a positive thing, muscles in the face just act naturally, the encoding is complex, and the new technology could be coming to local classrooms. The Scientests have a whole process. The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D model of the face and has all 44 major muscles that must move like human muscles (D'Alto 3). All of the muscle units that work together as one is called an "action unit." Since all facial emotions are universal the technology could go worldwide once improved. The software could also identify mixed emotions. The technology reads how major muscles move and show emotion. With each emotion that is showed they compare it to a neutral face. Every day humans do the same thing. Humans read the face of other humans to try and tell how they are feeling. If they are sad or happy. There are six major emotions within the technology right now, there maybe more encoded at a later date. With the new technology comes new computers. A home PC could not take the proper encoding right now. The scientests are working on something much better to try and get the home PC's to where they can encode them. The scientests new computer software stores similar anatomical information as an electric code (D'Alto 5). Although the home PC couldn't handle the encoding, they can give simple encoding to your home PC. The encdoing that can be given is simple instructions for differnent emotions. The simple encoding would not be able to read mixed emotions. The emotional facial reading could be coming to a local schools. The new technology would be able to tell if a student was bored, or if they got confused. Then the computer could modify the lesson for the student to help them learn better. The technology could act like an effective human instructor. Must human communication is nonverbal. Emotional communication is also nonverbal. The studesnts could improve with one on one lesson plans. The studensts could also work at their own pace and have their own personal plans. All the technology needs to understand how to read and comunicate with a human through facial features. The anatomy of a human is complex and hard to understand and encode into computers. The new programing will be a positive thing, muscles in the face just act naturally, the encoding is complex, and the new technology could be coming to local classrooms. Scientests are hard at work trying to make the new technology common and natural for everyone to use.
I think driveless cars are kind of a issue but again i don't think it is becuase it would kinda be difficult or weird for a car to be driving by itself with you in you wouldnt be that used to it as if you were driving it your self. It would be difficult for me because im not used to it at all. I think it would be awkward to drive without steering or driving car yourself. What if you fall asleep while the car is going by itself it would be so weird because you will feel so awkward for it to be going by itself. It would be awesome because its somehting new in the world so everyone will want to test it out around the world. I bet most people are tired of driving by there selves anyway. I would most definetly try it out if it were to happen in Anderson, IN or somewhere near close by. I hope it does happen soon so i can get new car. Whoever get this car in the future please be safe becuase you never know what could happen in this world with a car like that.
In the future they're going to present a driverless car, which in my opinion is unsafe because of computers have gone down before and can have problems. Having someone else drive the car in unsafe you have no control of it if you get in accident, it is very unsafe for teens and adults to drive a driverless car. The good things about theie car is in the article that says, "Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash." Also it says, that they still aler the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or aciddents. So that is safe that they alarm before they shut down and you take over.Also it says in the text is that Google modified the toyota prius using sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotationg sensor on the roof, a video camera near the rearview mirror, four radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and intertial motion senser. The negative effects is that the car can cost a lot because in the paragraph 6 it says, a Radar was a device on a hiltop that cost two hundred million dollars, nobody wouold be able to afford it and they wouldn't get a lot of business. this car is suppose to be driverless but it says in the text that, the drivers keeps his/her hands on the wheels at all time, also it says when navigating through work zones and around accidents the humans have to take over so the drivers must stay alert at all times. what happens if the driver can't hear the alert then the person would get in a crash.People are illegalizing because the don't want to test computer driven cars at all. My sayin g on this driverless car is very dangerous and shouldn't be on the road because something could go wrong and the person will get injuried. Driverless cars should be banned from the U.S. and Canada.
Have ever seen the cowboys on tv and wanted to be one. Have you watched a movie that takes play in the ocean and wanted to be there. Did you know you could be both at the same time. You can be a seagoing cowboy. pack your valubles and grab Grab your cow boy hat and this is why you should join. You yes you, you can be a seagoing coboy. Why should you you ask. You should join because you no longer haft to sit and watch other people enjoy the fun of being on the ocean, you get to see amazing things while traveling."i had the side benifit of seeing Europe and China." Being a sea going cowboy also gives you the benifit of working with animals,"to take care of the horses and mules that were shiped over seas" the last benifit you could get out of being a sea going cowboy is the memories you would have from the good times," luke also found time to have fun on bored. the cowboys played baseball,volleyball, table tenis fencing, boxing, reading, and wittling."On the way to your destination you can meet new people and mabey help them. learn more about peoplel and their needs,"it made me more aware of people of other countrys and their needs." You could become a hero, if you want to. You dont haft to be any one extrodanary to be a seagoing cowboy. You dont need to be chosen by a group of people who only pick the best. All you haft to do is be you and sigh up and you will travel the world and help people. Have you ever seen the cowboys on tv and wanted to be one, seen the people in movies on the ocean and wanted to be there, you can as a seagoing cowboy.
The NASA was very happy to find out something. It is about time they found something there. It wouldn't have a shocked that they found it. They have problaby found other things but they just don't talk about it. NASA is apart of everything that is how we have a earth. They usely don't find stuff like this. They always have someone go up there to check one everything for about a year. It is every hard to look after asternots. They get sick and hurt or killed all the time. Sometime people just want to go up their just to be a fun exsperament. It would be evry hard to do that. I know I could go up to NASA. Some people don't care about anything about the atmosphere.You would have to have alot of guts to go up there. I would be a hard thing to do because you have life and death seasions. I wouldn't have guts to go up their because it would be to much to handle. I wouldn't be able to take it. I would be afaid of dying or something. I have a long life ahead of me so why do something stupid like that. I would be risking my whole future. It is hard to believe that someone would be that stupid to do that. I would want to leave life in the earth not in the outer space because you don't know what could happen. It would take a lot of training to be able to go up their. I would have a hardatake if I went up their. Peope are kinda smart that go up their. I wouldn't be that smart to go up their.
Having a day where driving cars is banned instead of having traffic on the roads. Many countries including the United States are banning cars for a day or forever is becoming a new trend. The reasons that countries are doing this is so they clean up the air because the greenhouse gases have been a problem for the past couple years. In Vauban, Germany the advantages of limiting car usage has been great for the suburban community. In souce 1 one of the residents said "when i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way." So having only walking and using bicycles as transport the residents are better off without cars. Even in Paris they started the new trend after a near record pollution the enforced a no driving ban to clean the air. France had blamed diesel fuel since they favor diesel over gasoline and paris has more smog than any other European capitals. Bogota, Colombia millions of the people during a car free day hike, bike, skate, or use the bus to get to work. They wanted to promote alternative transportation to reduce smog. "It's a good a opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said carlos Arturo. Even Colombia's two other cities, Cali and Valledupar joined the car free day event. In the U.S president Obama has goals to curb the greenhouse gases. The shift in bahavior is because in a recent studies Americans are buying fewer cars.  
I favor in to changing election by popular vote because it would be more fair to the people who are running and it would be quicker to decide who is president. I think its better to be elected by popular votes because people actually like the person for a reason and actually listening to what that person is saying and actually agrees what he saying and they see something in that person instead of just having congress vote count mostly instead of the citizens. And its not really fair that a person wins just because of his or hers own group of electors gets him to win it should just be based on popularity because its fair as i said before for example what if their was some person running for president and he was not really good to run the United States and yeah some people voted for him but he wasnt as popular but he won the election because of his group itb wouldnt really be fair because  the people perferd the other guy better in office. Why because ethier people liked what he had for the states n what he would offer to the people and actually help us live good and thats what is important for the state its all about the people wants because thats how we will live right. Also the person running for office might not have any electorial votes because theie campaigning wasnt heavy in a certain part of the state so they would oviously vote for the other person because they really havent seen what that person has to offer to them and he will have less succes in winning the election. It can be argued that the Electoral College method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a canidate witch means that they can relie on  their state as much so they really wouldnt pay attention to the campaign than they would have if the president were picked by a popular vote but of course no voters vote swings a national election. And thats why I favor in popularity votes because its more fair for the canidates and its a better system in electing a president.  
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the Facial Action Coding System, also known as FACS, may be a good thing to have in a classroom. If a child is acting up constantly, the teacher will be able to read his emotions and talk to that student. Teachers would be able to tell if their students are doing okay. FACS could help teachers understand their students better. FACS would be a good way to tell a child's emotions if they are acting up at school. This would help teachers understand why this student is always having a bad time. Teachers could ask why this student feels the way they do. Maybe its something at home or something to do with bullying. The child could then be able to express their thoughts because the teacher will know why they are always misbehaving. Teachers and students should have a close bond. You are around eachother all of the time until you are out of school. Teachers should get to understand their students feelings. If a student is having a rough day the teacher could maybe cheer them up. Most teachers let things slide even though they can read some of their students expressions. Expressions tell it all. FACS could help kids have a better time in school if they were able to have their expressions read so they could talk about why they are feeling a certain way. Students can sometimes be in a bad mood becuase of things that happen throughout their day. If teachers showed concern with how a student is feeling it may create better respect for a teacher that shows concern. It could help that student know that the teacher understands them. FACS could maybe help kids that struggle in school because they think no one cares about how they feel. If FACS scans their expressions it could better help them know that teachers are paying attention to how they feel. FACS could be a great way for schools to take the time to help students. Students go through so much during their time in school. This could make students have the desire to go to school because they will know that someone at school will be concerned about them. Some kids have parents that do not care. It could make these types of kids care about school. If teachers do something kind and thoughtful for them then they may have the desire to do the same for the teacher and maybe others.
Before I get into whether or not FACS is a valuable tool in the classroom I ask you, is this valuable? Depending on how you're looking at it and who you are you could have many different opinions on this. FACS stands for Facial Action Coding System. If you think about what this software is about, it is about reading a students facial expression to determine what it is. It's not impossible to do without this software. In what situation would you not be able to read a students expression that you needed to use a software to determine it for you? It says in paragraph 5 of the passage "In fact, we humans perform this same impressive 'calculation' every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." It says in the passage that humans can still calculate their emotions without this software. I believe that this type of technology is completely useless and a waste of money if this were to be implemented into a classroom, that would be many uses and practical situational use for this software. The classroom is not one. If you were to implement it at a high college level course then it might be effective and worth the money but only if it effects that major that they are going into. If FACS implementation was thought about between kindergarten through 12th grade then there is a problem. There is no practical use for this software anywhere between that grade level. You would never need to use this software for practical use in the school day. There is no gain from having student learn it before college because they most likely won't retain the informatio and even if they do it is most likely useless to them. In conclusion, why implement this software that can change a photo or painings facial expression? It's complete and utterly useless for K-12th grade to learn about this software or even have hands on time with it. There is no practical field to go down with this. I see this FACS software as just a gimic that people who are interested will use for their own fun. So to answer the question, no. I think that this software is valuable but not in the classroom. This software would only be useful at a college level course or in a professional career like in a hospital.
eletoral college can be a very good thing cause it can mean also picking other electors. this can help us and our state alot. But it would depend on witch state we are located in. Electoral Collge gives a chances for people in the Republican or Demicrat party to also vote. You would have to let your state elctors also have the chance to let them pick a canidate chance on who they would want as president. According to the Office of the federal register they qoute "The Electoral Collge consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to electoral votes is required to elect the president" (source 1). Each canidates electors are chosen threw witch partys they are in and are also chosen to give a chance to vote. I do think we should keep the Electoral college because it gives a chance for even electors to vote. when we vote we are also voteing for electors to work with the presidents and help him make desions. Accoriding to bradford plumer he qoutes that " The single  best argument against the electoral colloge is what we might call the disatser factor" (source 2). Even though electors votes it can lead to more of an unoraginized distaster. it can mainly lead to a lot of confusion and miss counts. a lot of people do not like the fact of electors being one just like the presidnet of untied states. what a lot of people dont know when they vote they are also voteing for other electors. A lot of americans do not trust the Electoral College because they feel its not right to also be chooseing electors at the same time. they feel it is unfair and not nesscary. They should have sepreate elections for electors. Richard A. posner qoutes that "When you vote for a presidential canidate you're actaully voting for a slate of electors" (source 3). Alot of people do not like the sound of that because they think its kinda like a secret.    
Imagine it's 1976 and Nasa reveals an interesting photo looking down upon Martian landscape. The photo catches your eye as it contains what apears to be a giaint face made of rock coming out of the sand. Nasa states that the "face" is a huge rock formation that resembles a human head formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth. But you also hear other people saying that the face is an ancient alien artifact! What do you believe? Pop culture quickly jumps on the idea of aliens because that view point is exciting. Meanwhile NASA is a government backed and very credible source. I say that the educated person would listeto NASA. I believe that the "face on Mars" is just another natural landform becasue the face looks just like a butte or mesa does on Earth, NASA's powerful cameras haven't captured anything alien looking on near the face, and becasue the majority of NASA and other creidble scientists don't believe that the face is alien. According to the article Martian mesas are common around Cydonia, the area where the famous picture of the face was taken. There is nothinig unusal or different about this specific mesa exept the shadows on top of it. These shadows give the illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth. Mesas and buttes are landforms that are also very common on Earth around the American West. The Middle Butte in Idaho is a an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars. I'm sure if pyramids started being discovered on the surface of mars thats one thing, but just a single mesa that looks a bit like a face is no reason to immediatly blame aliens. Another reason why the face is just a natural landform is because we have seen proof that is nothing but a landform.. On April 8, 2001 which was a cloudless day in Cydonia, another picture of the face was taken with a very powerful camera that used its maximum resolution for the picture. When you look at this picture it is almost hard to immgine a face even being there! The illusion of a nose, eyes, and a mouth is gone. All that remains in this picture are some cracks and rough edges on the rock structure. To many seeing is believing and this picture has allowed many to see the truth that the "face on mars" is nothing but a myth. Some suporters of the idea that the structure was created by aliens argue that NASA is hiding more evidence and mabey even distorting images that point to the face being built by aliens. This is wrong because alien civilizations would increase NASA's funds and popularity. Also it would be almost immpossible to keep an alien secret from the public with so many immployees knowing. These examples show why the "face on mars" is just another natural land formation.
I am for the devlopment of these cars . Why , because in the articele it says that the cars a being created to be more smarter . Such as having senors to tell people and when not to stop and go . Or when they turn at the wrong time it sensors them to stop . They are becoming more safer , as a car . Also for the people driving the car . Aslo . it says that Google has had cars that could drive independently , under specific conditions since the year 2009 . Cars have driven mopre than half a million miles , without crashing as it states in parapgraph two . The google cars aren't techinally driverless . But, they still alert the driver when to pull out the drive way or dealing with any trafic issues , like roadworks or other car accients or accidents periods . Since they had no option for smarter roads , they turned to smarter cars as it states in paragraph two . In paragraph two it also says that they used sensors and other technology such as : sensors on the left rear wheel , a roatatinf sensor on the roof , a video camera mounted near the rerview , and etc . With all of those pieces of technology the driverless car can mimic the skill of a human at the wheel . Senors are nothing new to the world of course . In the 80s it states in paragraph 5 that , " auntomakers used speed sensors at the wheels in the creation on antilock brakes " . Over the years the sensors for cars just got more ,and more advanced . As they got more advanced within the 10 years , they have been used to dectect and respond to the danger and out on control skids and rollovers . In paragraph 5 it says that if they're futher more improvements in the sensors and computer hardware and software for making driving safer then there will be leading cars that can handle more and more driving task on their own . In conclusion , i agree with the devolpment for cars . There is so much information that I've seen in the article .It tells me how safe cars have been and will be in the future if they make any more improvents for the sensors on the cars and etc . They have more techinally other than the senosor , for the car to be more safe . It says in the article that their have been fewer accidents since the senor has been improved .
Do you think a world with driverless cars would be safe? Well, if you ask me, my answer is no. Let's look at my reasoning as to why. In the article we read, the author says that some car manufacturers are "bringing in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays". I, for one, don't think "heads up displays" are a great idea. I mean, we may as well put mini televisions in the steering wheels while we're at it! In addition, GM's new vibrating seem less than lovely. Do you want your designated driver's seat massaging them to sleep? I most certainly do not. It just does not seem safe! Are we gonna start showering with the help of robots? I think taking away the privilege of driving is not good. It makes it seem like such a chore. What will teenagers look forward to? Where is the responsibility? Imagine how you felt when you finally turned and sixteen and got to get your hands on a wheel. It must be a feeling like no other! While it is a cool thought, we must really think these thing through, people! Think of the people who have jobs in public transportation. What will they do to support their families when they lose their job to a robot? Driverless can potentially ruin the lives of many. All in all, I think the negatives outweigh the positives in this situation. Say NO to driverless cars! In a world where everything operates itself, it's nice to have a little responsibility.
Driverless cars are they really a good idea or just an accident waiting to happen? Some people may believe in the driverless car, but others like me see the true danger it brings to the table. These people who are so ready for the future to be here have forgot to look at the possiblities that come along with it. The idea of such a car is not a bad idea it just needs to be more thought out and processed. There are many reasons i believe we should wait to produce such a car, but one of the most concerning is legal reasons. The text states a question that needs to be answered before an accident happens. The question I am refuring to is, " If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault - the driver or the manufacturer?" This question alone will cause so many problems if it is not solved before the release of the car. Another concer I have for the car is its safety features. An example of one of my concerns is weather or not the car will be able to tell when school hours are active or when work zones are near by. The text states, "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." This example makes one flaw with the designe of the car, and thats the fact that what if the car doesn't get the update that the danger zone is near and never alerts the driver. Many computers day by day fail to work properly, so who is to say that our self diving cars will not fail as well to do their jobs. If our cars dive and control themselves what will keep the man behind the wheel alert or even awake. This could cause health risks to anyone who happens to be driving near a unmaned car. I agree with the states that do not allow the testing of the cars in their respected areas. While states such as California, Nevada, and Florida all allow the cars to be tested. These states are putting their people at risk just so they can find all the flaws of the car. Most people will agree when I say that is it really worth the risk of a human life just for a car that can drive itself but not really control itself. All of these risks that I have listed are all for what reward. A car that can drive itself does not have the human capablitiy to keep is passengers safe. All of what I have said is to prevent the lose of a life or even just a law suit. I feel that all my concers raise some major red flags that should be covered before the risk of a life or someone's property.
It's a once in a lifetime oppurtunity like I knew for people to help others and explore around the world. When you join the Seagoing Cowboys program you will get to take care on not just animals, but also people in need. As I said "Besides helping people, I had the side benifit of seeing Europe and China," I said. Also in Venice,Italy it was "A city with streets of water." As you travel to theese far away places you also haft to take care of animals along the way. Caring for theese animals willl sure keep you busy, but it is quite easy all you do is feed them, water them, and clean stalls. This experience is also good with connecting with people on the ship. I had fun on board with games such as baseball,volleyball,tabel-tennis,fenncing,boxing,reading,and other games past the time. With this journey it made me aware of people of countries and there needs. So join not only the Seagoing Cowboys for helping people, but also the exsperience. Even though on the Seagoing Cowboys program you get to see cities and have fun, but it is also a tremendus amount of work. As you said taking animals is actually hard dependig on what animal. You need to clean,feed,and give water to animals every single day. Sure you have breaks but it is still a lot of work for one person. Not to metion this exsperince is on a boat. Most people either have sea sickness on boats as well you have a extreme chance of crashing,sinking,drowning,and also falling off board into endless ocean. While travilling all over the word you haft to deal with climate and time change. It will take some getting use to constantly changing weather and sleep schedules. Also its very hard to even sleep on a boat with sailing on dangerous waters in the dark every night. While caring for people is a great deed to do it is aslo hard watching people suffer everyday even though your helping them you can still think of other people in that situation as well.
Many people dream of buying a new car by the time the reach the age of sixteen once they finally obtain their liscense. However, in recent years, a large population of people have stopped feeling the need for private transportation and have sold their cars and trucks or moved to areas where things such as public transportation, biking, and walking are cheaper and more efficient alternaives. Choosing not to own a passenger car can lead to less emissions, save space, and improve the quality of life for citizens in a city. Transportation is the second largest contributor to greenhouse gases, behind only power generation. "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emmisions in Europe . . . and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." (Source 1) Limiting the use of private transportation will bring about cleaner skies, greatly reduce the amount and effects of acid rain, and impede upon the progression of the destruction of our ozone layer in the atmosphere that helps to protect us from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. If more and more people in not only developed but also developing countries choose to become car- and truck-free, "where emissions from an increasing number of private cars owned by the burgeoning middle class are choking cities," (Source 1) our Earth will become a much cleaner and healthier place for young and old alike. There have been many previous efforts to make cities denser and more walking- and biking-friendly, but most of these advances have been limited by or even been put to a stop because of the need for an excessive amount of large roads and space for parking for the huge amount of private passenger cars found in cities and suburbs today. Reducing the amount of cars on the road can free up space for more important things such as housing, shops, financial districts, and even parks or other recreational areas that can be more inviting to citizens rather than the loud hustle and bustle of high-density roadways. "'All of our development since World War II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change,' said David Goldberg, and official of Transportation for America, a fast-growing coalition of hundreds of groups in the United States . . . who are promoting new communities that are less dependent on cars." (Source 1) Removing the problem of private transportation from city planning and development can greatly increase the quality and efficiency of our city's layouts. Many people consider New York City to be the "city that never sleeps," because of the loud and constant noise of outside motors revving and angry drivers honking their car horns. New York City, along with many other large cities, face this problem which has been growing since the late 1940's. With the rise of reduced dependency on private means of transportation, places such as the more populated areas of New York may finally be able to take a nap. "BOGOTA, Colombia- . . . millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams." (Source 3) Noise isn't the only quality of life improvement that citizens of large cities can experience with a drop of the amount of cars on streets and boulevards. Levels of smog, a mixture of smoke a fog caused by excessive amounts of greenhouse gases being pumped into the air, would also start to fall down to a point where they would barely be noticable. "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city . . . Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog . . . The fog cleared enough Monday for the ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday." (Source 2) Limiting car use can be extremely beneficial if executed correctly. These benefits include a cleaner city, more efficient uses of space, and an increase in the desirability of larger cities and towns. Overall, a reduction to the amount of private vehicles on the road would be a great improvement for a multitude or reasons.
Dear Senator of Florida, Recently I have begun to research the difference in effect on the people of Ameirca, between the Electoral College and the result of popular cote for President. I have found out that our founding fathers created the Electoral College in the Constitution, so that while the votes between Congress and the people may be different, ther could be a compromise. Our country; well our world, is evolving with the changes in generation. 2015 has come upon us, and with this year brings a whole new change in cutural diversity and tehcnology. So while I believe sticking to our coutry's Constitution is vital for some reasons, I also believe it is outdated in others. Today, people are slowly coming out of the shells of the past and embracing the change of the future. Every year, children grow older, new children are born, and people pass away from our fine Earth. Though this new generation we have built is going to, one day, become the generation that decides who leads our country and who doesn't. I believe that the Electoral College puts a restraint on the freedom our people, new and old, should possess. Our people have to vote for a party, a group of people that don't show either their faces or their true personalities, to trust well enough with their vote to go for the President they think is right for the Country. Although that is very rarely ever betrayed- as noted by my recent research -I do believe that it is against our certain rights as a United States citizen not to know who exactly we are putting our faith in. Also, even if we do put our full faith in these mysterious political parties, like we have for years and years, who's to say that our vote will even matter? Al Gore, in the year 2000, had more popular votes from the people than Bush, yet he received fewer electoral votes, which decided the winner of the election. Why have us put in our vote at all, if it means nothing to 538 politicians? Our country is made up of millions, upon millions of strong women, men, and children and they should be the deciding factor in the  elections. It's our country just as much as it is the men that make up the Electoral College. A requirement of 270 electoral votes must be made in favor for one presidential candidate over the, though why should such a small number mean more against the millions from the citizens of this great country, the same people that make up the great state of Florida. I understand the need for the Electoral College, when it comes to some decisions. Like avoiding a national catastrophe when it comes to the nuber of swing-votes. While I am a woman of passion, I do allow myself to see both sides of the story and I think while the Electoral College can do good, it can also do bad for this country. It is outdated, overused, and wrong. Our founding fathers built the Constitution and this country we call home, and while that is a great thing...times are changing and the power of the House, and the Senate, should now be moved on to the people. Some states, like North Carolina and Rhode Island were even unable to know close to anything about the current eection between Gore and Bush in 200. I say every state deserves to know the news circling around their country and how it may affect them. The power should now be given to the people, allow them to decide and make decisions. Let the people know they are heard, they have the freedom that our founding fathers gave them in the Constitution. They can speak and let their minds roam for the good of this country. The Electoral College should be taken down and gicen too the hands of the people, for the good of our future. Sincerely, A woman who cares both for her state and her country. PROPER_NAME  
Dear Senator of the United States, I am a student in Miami Senior High School and I've been learning a lot about the Electoral College Vote. I know that the Electoral College is a process in the system and it consists of the selection of the electors and you don't want to get rid of it but I've got some reasons why you should remove it. I've been reading about the Electoral College Vote and I found a passage that is full of details about how the Electoral College is affecting us, the citizens of the United States. The passage, "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong", states that, "-thanks to the quirks of the electoral college-won the popular vote but lost the presidency, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now." This is trying to say that the citizens don't like the fact that we don't even vote for a president anymore, we just vote for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. The electoral college vote isn't giving us the opportunity to pick a president we want to win and we sometimes even get confused about the electors and the candidate we decide to choose. This makes it really hard for all of us to have the rights of voting. Also, I found another quote that supports our thoughts, it says, "At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states." What we're trying to say is that we need a chance in choosing who we want to win in an election. In my opinion, the electoral college vote is unfair to all the voters. Most citizens do agree with what Bob Dole said one day: "Abolish the electoral college!" To sum it all up, there are some positive things about the electoral college. In the passage I found called "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" says that, "Obama received 61. 7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and Romney..". However, we just want the electoral college vote to be abolished because the citizens would appreacite to have a chance in voting for a president by our opinion. I think that the popular vote is a better way to let us do this because it depends on the voters and who they chose for. This way, it will be equal for all of us. I would like to thank you for taking your time to read this letter and to think about the thoughts that some of the citizens in the United States have in mind. Your service is appreacited by all of us. Sincerely, A Student in Miami Senior High School  
As technology advances through modern times, previously impossible technologoies and processes become feasible. One such technology that fits this description is the driverless car. While the driverless car in the past seemed nothing more than a popular topic in science fiction, the technology of driverless cars has become very real in recent years, with companies such as Google and Tesla developing their own driverless cars. Driverless cars should be developed and used as they are extremely convenient and provide greater levels of safety for humans. The convenience of driverless cars are clear to see. A driverless car would be able to take over the control of the car during the mundane activities of everyday driving, such as being stuck in slow traffic or a monotonous drive down the interstate. In 2013, BMW began development on a "Traffic Jam Assistant" which would allow a car to take over control from the driver during slow driving situations when there is little skill required from a driver. Imagine that the next time a person was stuck in traffic, they could just let the car take over while he or she relaxed, unfrustrated by the stop and go movement of cars in a traffic jam. Another positive feature of driverless cars is that, according to Google cofounder Sergey Brin, they would consume about half as much gas as standard cars do today. This would be better for both the driver, as he or she would spend less on gas, and the environment, as there would be less consumption of fossil fuels and less emission into the atmosphere. The convenience of a driverless car is undeniable. Another key reason as to why driverless cars should be developed is that they could provide greater safety for passengers. In the current state of driving, the majority of accidents are caused by human error. These errors can come in various forms, whether it be a person not braking soon enough, driving through a red light, or operating his or her vehicle recklessly. These prevalent problems that continually cause accidents for humans could be stopped completely if autonomous cars were used. Autonomous cars would be programmed so that they wouldn't go dangerously fast, and their sensors would warn them when to brake and how much pressure to apply to the brake. The issue of drunk driving would also become less of a problem as the car would have control of the wheel and wouldn't make the same judgement errors than an intoxicted driver might. Driverless cars can only become safer. Some might argue that driverless cars aren't truly autonomous yet, and that issues could appear if there is a system error with the car. While it is true that competely driverless cars aren't available yet, companies such as Google and Tesla are continually developing driverless cars to handle more and more driving situations, and the only time that a driver is required to take over control of the wheel is in complex situations such as maneuvering through roadwork or a car accident. While system errors could occur, these issues would become increasingly uncommon the further that the technology of autonomous cars is developed, and legislature would not allow the legalization of completely driverless cars until it is shown that the likelihood of an error is either extremely unlikely or non-existent. As time goes on, driverless cars can only improve and become safer and more convenient for drivers. Driverless cars will continually be developed to create the safest and most convenient riding experience for passengers. While some flaws exist today and there are still some instances which require human skill at the wheel, these instances are becoming less and less common due to improving software and the use of sensors in these vehicles. Driverless cars are the future of the driving experience.
Are you the kind of person that is really interested in political stuff? Politics can be a subject that will start fights, but not everyone is so interested. You must know what the electoral college is. It is a system where when you vote for your president you are actually voting for a group of electors that will then vote for the president(Source 1). This means that even if there is a majority in the popularity vote from the people. The electoral college can over rule that and vote for the other. Some say the electoral college is good because it prevents ties or because it will make sure there is a winner. But if they can over rule your vote are you really voting for your president? I say the electoral college is a bad system and it needs to be extinguished. There is no doubt that you should get to decide who your leader will be. And if the electoral college can over rule your vote do you really feel like it's your decision? In the 2000 presidential race, Al Gore lost because he recieved the most popularity votes from the people but the electoral college voted for Bush instead(Source 2). This means that the people thought Al Gore should be the president but instead they didn't get what they wanted because the electoral college thought otherwise. Do you think this is in anyway fair? The majority of the country ended up unhappy with the election because of ther electoral college. I say that alone is enough reason to abolish the electoral college. If it happens once it can happen again. Do you want to feel cheated and betrayed again? Let's get rid of the electoral college! Some others may say that they support the electoral college because it can't have a tie. "Because almost all states award electoral votes on a winner-take-all basis, even a very slight plurality ina state creates a landslide electoral-vote victory in that state."(Source 3). It is still possible to have a tie though because there are 538 total votes and since that is an even number then it can happen. And if there is just a stlight difference and instead the electoral college creates a landslide then that isn't representing the actuall number of the votes by the people. Once again you are being cheated out of your sya it the election. The hardest thing to understand is why people would still support something that doesn't support them. The electoral college basically throws away your votes and replaces them with theirs. And once again, it is possible for ties in the electoral college due to the even number of votes. "Because each state casts only one vote, the single representative from Wyoming, representing 500,000 voters, would have as much to say as the 55 representatives from California, who represent 35 million voters."(Source 2). This alone shows that your votes are being represented equally. It is saying that 500,000 votes are equal to 35 million votes. Isn't it obvious that those two numbers are very different and they could have a very large effect on the popularity of each canidate that they are voting for? but instead they have they same effect and the 34.5 million voters that don't get their fair say could very possibly be unhappy with the turnout of the president. The people are supposed to be the ones that vote for their leader, not a group of 538 "qualified" polititians that can over rule the entire country's vote. It's ridiculous how the system works and you are crazy if you support it. I know i want my fair share of input and the electoral college won't allow that. There are supporters who say that they support the electoral college because it avoids run-off elections. Because even if there is a tie in the majority votes from the people it is unlikey for there to be a tie in the votes from the electoral college. "For example, Nixon in 1968 and Clinton in 1992 both had 43 percent plurality of the popular votes, while winning a majority in the electoral College..."(Source 3). In my opinion if there is a tie in the popularity votes then they should revote, it may take longer but it will still be a decision by the people. Just because it makes the procces faster doesnt mean it makes the procces better. They can create a better system in the event of a tie instead of electors over ruling the people and picking whoever they think is best. That isnt government for the people, by the people. In conclusion, the electoral college needs to be extinguished for many reasons. those reasons are because it doesn't let the people vote for who they want and it over rules a notions votes. And because it doesnt show the number of votes as equall. Some may say that it is good because it prevents a tie but if there is a tie then I'm sure htere are better ways to revote. we need government for the people, by the people and that isn't what the electoral college is.
State Senator, The Electoral College is not a fair way to vote. Instead of voting for who you would like to win, you are voting for an elector who says they will vote for the candidate you want to win. Voting for who we want is a part of our rights! The Electoral College system is not only out dated, but there has also been a few fiascos. This style of voting has been going on since the beggining, there are many flaws that need to be worked on. A major problem would be the electors; they are not reliable. "Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always." This right here proves that the electors don't always tell the truth. Who picks the electors anyways? "Sometimes state conventions, sometimes the state party's central committee, sometimes the presidential candidates themselves." We don't even get to select our electors, how are we supposed to rely on strangers to vote for who we would like? Would you trust a random stranger to take care of your child? It is the same as putting the fate of our country in the hands of someone some people have never even seen! "During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all," This information should prove to you that the Electoral College is unfair. The disaster factor should have been the end to the Electoral College. "Segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy." Is there anything left to say? These people tried to sabatoge the election. What is stopping more poeple from this? Some electors refused to vote for who they said they would. "'faithless' electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please." In 1960 Hawaii sent two slates of electors to Congress! Thanks goodness for Vice President Nixon who "validated only his opponent's electors, but made sure to do so 'without establishing a precedent.'" Also, many people stated that they prefer the direct election, "Over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now." With giving you this information, you should be able to infer that the Electoral College should be changed. In conclusion, more people are aginst the Electoral College than with it. We should be able to vote for which one we prefer. Less people would have a problem with the election process and it would go a lot smoother. Thank you for your time, PROPER_NAME            
Cars without drivers are the future. It will allow many things to become obsolete but for good cause. It may be because of the recreational aspect of there being too much stress in extended periods of driving. It could also be because of the added safety that these cars will create for the occupants and pedestrians. Either way, people will begin to see the wonders that is driverless cars. There are an abundance of people that dislike driving for extended periods of time. This will make road trips much more bearable so that the driver does not have to use all of his or her concentration solely on driving. Although, the driverless cars of the present are not truly driverless. They still rely on humans to do some of the work to go around speific things like accidents or complicated traffic issues. As such, it may not be perfect, but it does more work so that the driver does not have to. This was partially the goal of driverless cars. If these cars become a reality and the need of human drivers becomes obsolete, accidents will be greatly reduced. Perfected driverless cars can lead people into an era where people do not have have to rely on their cars to not let them die in an accident. Instead, we will rely on the vehicles to not cause an accident. It will also cause drunk driving to become a thing of the past because the car will do the driving in place of the drunken person. Rather than thinking solely of the recreational aspects, the safety that comes with these cars will cause them to become adopted into states more easily. As such, driverless cars should be sought after by companies and people so that they worry less on the road and its dangers and more on having a family friendly time in cars like sedans.
The author suggestes that we keep on exploring Venus. They want Venus to be another planet that humans can live on. Scientist believe that Venus was a livable planet back than. But the conditions are bad that even space ship can't even land there. Scientist have sent numerous spacecraft to land on Venus. None of the spacecraft have survived the landing for more than a few hours. Scientist have been saying it's been a difficult challenge to overcome. Every mission thyey have done has been unmanned. In the story it says, " Numerous factors contribute to Venu's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us. Venus has a lot of bad conditions for humans to handle. In the story it says, " such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oocean and would liquefy many metals." Humans can't handle a lot of heat temperature but in Venus it has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. There's a lot of lightning strikes and powerful earhtquakes.
Have you ever thought about why there are so many deaths in the world? Most leading deaths are from vehicles and the driver behind the wheel, wether they are texting, talking on the phone, or under the influence. I believe it is a great thing to live in a city where car usage is very limited. Living in a world where everyone has to walk or ride a bike to go from place to place also means that everyone gets their daily exercise. Today, in society people are usually sitting in a car, others they ride a bike or take a walk. While doing these activities you have to worry about anything hitting you, for this instance a car. What I am trying to say here is less people die as less people drive. Another reason to limit car usage is weather patterns. You never know what the weather is going to be like, therefore you will never know what you might run into. There have been some cases for pile-ups from smog. smog is a mixture of smoke and fog, making it impossible to see. Diesel fuel doesnt help the case for smog either. The diesel helps the smog by polluting the air around the area. In Bogota Colombia, a program that is set set to spread to other countries. This program is called "Car-free day", millions of Colombians hike, bike, skate, or take buses to work during this day. This day also brings avoidment to traffic jams. Some citizens say it is a good way to lower air pollution. Less car usage is helping to clean the air. This generation needs to understand that if we want a clean future for ouselves and our families. President Obama has a goal to curb the United States' greenhouse gas emissions. Recent studies shows that Americans are buying fewer cars and getting fewer licenses as the years progress. It is said that the number of miles driven in the U.S. peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily thereafter. Doug Short of Advisor Perspectives, an investment research company says "as of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly nine percent blow the peak and equal to where the country was in January of 1995". Some people have cars and the rarely use them, living in big cities where taking a bus or riding a bike would not be necessary if having a car. Some other things why limiting car usage is a good thing is gas prices, they are so overated now. Gas used to be .97 cent per 9/10 a gallon. Now, you cant find a gas station anywhere without the ranging prices of $2.45-$3.75. That price is ridiculous, who wants to pay $37 for 10 gallions of gas? I sure dont, that is another reason why some people find it easier to ride a bike. They save money! Yes, I understand that the economy is bad. Bad to the point where i do not feel like going anywhere anymore? Things are changing in this world and it needs to continue.    
the autor suggestds that we should explore venus, personally i think it not a good idea but the author really does not support it and gives great examples to why we shouldt go out a study this beautifle planet called venus. on paragraph 3 the author really gives us great exam-les of the problems of exploring this planet one great exaple that i think will convince people from not going is that the authomosphere of venus is really thick and it is 97 percent carbon dioxcide which is bad for us , and also the temprature on average is 800 degrees which is pretty hot. As i saw read this part i noticed that the author isnt really against studiyng this planet he supports it. On paragrapgh 4 he tells us that venus is simaller to earth becasue they have terrains just like ours, valleys,mountains ,and craters. The author also shares with us and writes that Nasa's possible solution to exploring or studying this amazing planet without having to touch the surface is float above the fray use an aircraft that is like blimp. This will only help them see the surface but they wont be able to collect rocks or soil which will be harder for them. One way Nasa is already working to be able to collect rocks is by using the computer used during World War 1 called mechanical computers. they can make calculation by usinf levers and gears. that way when they are up ther and send robots these can last longer and take data in, casue the modern computer tend to be fragile to heat. And in venus there is alot of heat. i believ the author really gave good details to why it is a good idea to studybthis amazing planet and really supported it now will see what time will show us. if we are the right thing like the aouthor writes "we should meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.
Venus is an intresting planet in our solar system. This soarching planet can reach extreamly high temperatures;and conditions of this planet are dangerous. That being said its hard to believe is reffered to as Earth's "twin?" Well, believe it or not Earth and Venus share more similarities than you may think. In the artical "The Challenege of exploring Venus," The author suggests that despite Venus's conditions, we should be trying to expore this planet and be more educated on it. The author of this artical did make a few valid arguements as to why we should be more willing to take a risks to find out more information about this firery hot planet. First, lets start with a run down of Venus's charaterisics that mimic Earths. Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of size and density. In some circumstances Venus is acutaly closest in distance too, depending on their differences in speed. Astronomers are fascinated in Venus because they think it may have been more of an "Earth-like plantet" long ago. They think Venus was probably covered with oceans. The planet surface itself has rocky sediment and includes similar features like valleys, mountains, and craters. As to why we havent gone to the planet before and the risks; for starters Venus has a thick atmosphere of 97 percernt carbon dioxide blankets. It has clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid. The temperatures can reach all the way up 800 dergrees farenheit, and the atmospheric peressure is 90 times greater than we experience on Earth. Venus also has been known to have erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes, and no spacecraft has survived the landing to Venus for mor than a few hours. In concusion to reading the artical, i think we should be furthering our research on Venus. Venus could have supported various life forms before, and we want to know how Venus got the way it is now. How could we do that? NASA has an idea that we could possibly float above Venus to avoid the hostil conditions, but even then it would still be 170 degrees fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be closer to sea levels, and the radtion wouldnt exceed the Earths's levels. Even then, there would still be limited reaserch on the ground conditions because most forms of light cant get through the thick atmoshere, which means we cant use stadard forms of phtography and videography, and we wouldnt be able to take samples of rock, gas or anything else. Nasa is however working on some simplified electronics made of silicon carbine, and have been tested in chambers simulated Venus's surface and have lasted up to three weeks in these conditions. I think we could learn more about our "twin" planet, and it would be nice to have the reasearch done and acutally be educated on Venus.
In this argumentitive essay I am going to prove to you that this "face" is not a face but is a natuaral landform. When Nasa had first sent the Viking 1 out to space to photograph the planets "face" it had not very good cameras. This led to people like conspiricay theorists to believe that nasa had covered up the "face" and its proof of aliens as said in this qoute. " evidence that Nasa would rather hide from the public, says conspiracy theorists. the truth is that nasa would have liked the proof of aliens because it would have made a huge boost in profit. The second ship that nasa sent had the picture take in the winter on a cloudy martian day. This made people skeptical t believe nasa when the said that the face is not a face. This made nasa take another ship to the red planet and take photographs in the summer on a clear day. The third and final ship sent was sent in 2001 had finaly proven to most people that this was indeed not a face. This did not shoot down the conspiricy theorists for they still believe that the face is a face not natural land form. This is proven in the last paragraph for the fact that they did not say if all people thought that it was a face or not a face. Also nasa could have changed the photos look with a bluring effect so that could have made it so that it did not look like a face. So in conclusion, all in all there is more evidence to discurage a face then there is to confirm it.
In a couple of years, cars completely controlled by humans will be outdated. There are positive arguments and negative arguments about driverless cars. I am for positive cars for multiple reasons. My first reason that driverless cars are a good idea involves drunk driving. If a preson is drunk and trys to drive somewhere but can not concentrate, he will not be able to drive the car. The text states, "In fact, none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road requires human skills, such as navigation through work zones and around accidents" (Driverless Cars are Coming 7). If a person is drunk and does not respond to the car's warnings, the car will not navigate through the work zone. This feature will elimate accidents caused by somebody who is drunk and is not able to properly function a car by himself. Another reason why I am for driverless cars is car awareness. According to the text, "Within 10 years, those sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers. The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone" (Driverless Cars Are Coming 5). These sensors will completely eliminate blind spots. There are sensors all around the car that will warn it of a different car that is close to it. Many accidents are caused because somebody was going to change lanes on a road, but they did could not see the person that was in their blind spot. My third reason that I am for driverless cars is that they have a gas milage that is twice as good as the cars that people drive today. One example from the text is, "The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus" (Driverless Cars Are Coming 1). Not only will these cars have a better gas milage, but they will also be able to get to more places than a city bus would be able to go. If driverless cars were used instead of regular cars, the world would use half as much gasoline as it already does. That would mean that the world will be able to us gasoline for twice as long and it will take the world twice as long to run out. In conclusion, I am for driverless cars. Driverless cars would be much safer on the roads than if humans were controlling cars. Many more lives would be saved if there were driverless cars, and much more gasoline would be saved for the future. Driverless cars will have a positive impact on the whole world.
Everywhere we go, we always see different types of cars from different compaines. Some car uses different type of gas that would coast more or less money on what they own.  Reading these four soures, all these country are trying to help there pollution and envoriment by cutting out days that they can use their cars. In Germany street parking,driveways and home garages are forbidden to the new disctict. People who have cars are only allowed to park into two places, such as the park and large garages at the edge. Owners has to buy spaces for $40,000, along with a home. Only 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold there car to move into."When i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way" said Heidrum Walter. There have been efforts in the two past decades to make cities denser, and better for them to walk but now people are taking the suburbs. Now stores has apporach for people to walk there by the walking distance instead of going to the malls along some higways. Autombiles are the linchpin of suburbs where middle class familes from Chicago to Shanghai tends to make their homes. While there have been efforts in the past two decades to make cities denser, and better for walking to places. Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air for global city. On every Mondays motorists with even and odds numbered license plates were order to leave thier cars at home or suffer $31 of fine. Diesl fuel was blamed, since France has a tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline. The congestion was doen 60 percent in the capital of France, after five days of investgion. Cold nights and even warm days the weather caused the layer of air to trap car emission. Comanies complained lost revenue while exceptions for plug in cars, such as Hybrids. The same thing happens on the Tuesday for the odds number, depending on the lisnces plate. In Bogota Colombia people hike, bike, and even skate to the places they needed to be at Carlos Arturo said ''It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution''. The days without cars is a part of an improvement campaign. If you can tell giving the enviorment a brake by not taking cars to random places and help save our commuties and envorment can be a huge change. Instead of driving why not bike or skate to the place you wanted to be at. To inprove this condiction people should read all these good ideas to think twice before something bad happens to our enviorment .        
Would you like to have a computer driving you everywhere all the time? Well that is exactly what most vehicle manufacturers are working on, anf the stide they are making in the tech are amazing. But is a fully automated vehicle really what the world needs? I agree that the idea of a car driving itself is really cool and would be benificial to humanity, but a fully automated car just won't do. A car that moves on its own all the time is bound to mess up, especially when there is something unforseen in the road like a car you have been tailing for awhile suddenly brakes to avoid hitting a deer anf you smash into the rear of his car because the computer couldn't react fast enough. That is why I propose we make cars that are half automatic and halfhuman controlled. That would be great, imagine that same scenario, but this time instead of trusting the car to brake on its own, you stomp your foot on that brake and the car stops. I'm not saying we shouldn't have self driving cars, i'm just saying adding the ability for the human in the front seat to take over couldn't hurt, might even help save lives.
"The Face of Mars" true or not? "The Face of Mars" is no face at all. Even though with the low resoution, it looks like an Egyptian pharaoh, it just rocks and lava. There are so many reason why its not. Just read on and you will find out why I think this way. "The Face of Mars", all it is is a martian mesa. these are very common around cydonia. All that this one had was a weird shadowing effect. Our eyes can change to what we know son that is make sense, that why everyone saw a face we also put what we know to something we have no clue on if it help explain it. The face is just a normal landform. This "Face of Mars" is just like landforms on earth. Some may just look like common things we see everyday. you can't just assume that since it look like someone made that it couldn't be is an natural made landform. The picture of "The Face of Mars" everyone says looks like a face is such a low resoution it's only 43 meters per pixel. The more resent picture is 1.56 meters per pixel. With the 1.56 meters per pixel you can see more of what's on the surface compared to the 43 meters per pixel. From the low resoultion to it just a normal landform. From the fact that it looks like other landforms when in a better picture to there's not enough information for it being a alien made object. Theres so many reasons why this not anything more.
The Face of Mars has proven to be one of NASA's most mystifying cases to ever be solved. Twenty five years ago, as NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was circling Mars, it snapped a photo of a startling image resembling a human face. After releasing the image to the public, many people became fascinated in the "face". This rolled the ball for many people to believe there was an ancient civilization on Mars. However, modern technology and expertise of numerous scientists have discovered the face is merely a natural landform. The use of more efficient cameras have diminished any hopes of alien life on Mars. NASA's Mars Exploration Program has already identified the area on which the face is found as Cydonia. When the face was first seen in the Jet Propulsion Lab, scientists figured it was a Martian mesa, which were common enough in Cydonia. Although it was abnormally figured in the shape of a human face, scientists already knew mesa's were prominent in the area of Cydonia. Also, modern technology, such as a Mars Global surveyor camera, has revealed the fact that the Face on Mars is nothing but a natural landform. The camera's absolute maximum resoultion picture ensures that no "alien markings" were hidden by haze, as some skeptics argued. In the 2001 image, each pixel spans 1.56 meters, whereas pixels in the 1976 image spanned 43 meters. Therefore, the better camera quality ensures the truth behind the Face on Mars: a natural landform. Some people argue that, due to the cloudiness on the planet, alien life could have been hidden by haze. However, NASA sent the Mars Global Surveyor on "a cloudless summer day in Cydonia" and captured another photo. Garvin explained "As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size." Garvin knew if there were any pyramids or shacks, the camera would have been able to capture it and he would have been able to see it. Thus, there is no chance haze could have hidden the aliens. People also argued that the Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars- evidence NASA would rather hide. This is not the case. Authors thought this would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars. Therefore, the belief of life on Mars is simply just for the public. It has been in Hollywood films, books, magazines, and radio talk shows. The Face on Mars was used to engage the public, not neccessariy to inform. Proven from better camera quality and scientific knowledge, people can know believe the Face on Mars is just a natural landform. If any civilization was there, the Mars Global Surveyor would have been able to seen it. Also, mesa's are common in the Cydonia area, where the face was found. In conclusion, better technology from 1976 proves the Face on Mars is a landfrom, and there is no chance any life on Mars exists based on the face.
Dear State Senator, I am here to inform you that you should change election to a popular vote for the president of the United States. This is due to the fact that as of now Americans vote to elect their president, but what good is that if they don't even recieve what they want? What is even the point of voting? Saying this, I agree with source two on its point, "It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. This is backed up with data from the same article stating that voters can't even control whom their electors vote for. This is clearly why "60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now." Without a doubt if you cared for your people, the people who support you and give you your job opportunity, you would see that you should abolish this electoral college. Even a blind man could see that. You may be wondering if your people think this is such a bad idea, why would our founding fathers impliment something so horindess? As you see "electoral college was established in the constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens", says source 1. Although that sounded great at the time, today electoral college is frowned upon because majorly because of its "winnr-take-all" system that awards all electors to the winning presidential candidate. As if that wasn't unfair enough, the electors don't even necessarily have to vote for their states choice. This would be similar to if I was infatuated with a color, I then asked my team what our team color should be and after taking a vote, I chose the color I preferred because I was bias even though my whole team disliked it. This is obviously the wrong way to run our election ecspecially the most important in our country. On the other hand I do understand that there are some advantages to an electoral college. These include, mentioned in source 3, a large state gets more attention from presidential candidates in a campaignthan a small state does. This is fair because there are more people in big states then small therefore big states should get more of a voice. Although in popular vote big states would still get the bigger vote because there are more people voting therefore they have more votes. This is why I think the middle man should just be cut out leaving us with a popular vote. According to the facts it is clear to me that the electoral college should be siezed. I think it is unnecessary as well as unfair. When we think of voting for our president, that is what we want to do. Voting for our president does not include voting for someone who may or may not choose our choice. Also if we chose our President by popular vote all the votes that weren't majority would add up and possibly make the difference between the vote results. This is why it is unfair to simply use majority rule for each state and practically erase the other votes off the table. As you can see State Senator your people vote to elect their ruler. Why deny them of this oppurtunity. It is clear to me that the electoral college may have been a good concept to our founding father but when applyed is not the best decision. This is why I think you should change to an election by popular vote for president of the United States.
I think that the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. How does someone knows others feelings? Well the new technology can notice how someone is feeling. Dr. Huang new computer software stores similiar anatomical information as electronic code. The article states, " Dr. Huang observes that artists studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely to convey specific emotions." I personally think that it should be valuable to use this technology to read student emotions in a classroom. I think it is valuable because you should worry about how your classmates are feeling, you should recognize when a teacher is becoming upset with the class, and also should know when someone is getting confused with the assignment. In life today more than over thousands of students would want to use Dr. Huang new software. In the article it say, "the computer software can know your mixed emotions." Alot of students today are worried about their surrounding and others' emotions in school. Most student would like to argue that it is not valuable to use this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom. Some people might disagree because they'll probably think like, " worry about yourself and your own emotions." People wouldn't want others to know how they are feeling. " Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication," Dr. Haung predicts. In a classroom you should always worry about how your classmates feeling. The article predicts, " to notice when someone is happy they indicates the difference between a genuine smile and a forced one." So when your classmates smile like they are forced to they are unhappy. In an unhappy smile the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatiz major and a different muscle. This tells me to look closely to classmates reactions and smiles. If you look closely to a classmates smile you can recognize how they are feeling. Refering back to the text it states, " faces don't lie." Secondly, you should recognize when a teacher is becoming upset with the class. Noticing when a teacher is getting upset because the class is to loud and disrespectful, just look at his/her face expression. You should have to use Dr. Huang new computer software to notice when someone is upset. If the teacher is frowning and began to stop teaching they are disappointed. To notice someone emotions it's all about those muscular action units. How do you know when someone is getting confused, bored, or irritated with an class assignment? By wondering when someone is confused, bored, or irritated look t their reactions. Are they huffing and puffing? Are they sighing? If someone is sighing or huffing and puffing that means that they are either irritated or bored by the assignment. Usually when a student is bored by the assignment they'll just fall asleep. This essay explains why I agree that the use of this technology to read students emotions is valuable and why others think it is not valuable.
In the generation of 2016, many things are updated. Chordless phones are more of an antique than a necessity. People no longer write letters, but rather send a quick email or text. Cars are becoming, and will continue to become, more and more updated as the years progress. As handy as it is to have a car with bluetooth and heated seats, is it a benefit to the lives of 2016 to have a car with no driver? Due to all the challenges the government will face and many of technical difficulties this world faces today, the obvious answer is no. It is always nice to be able to do less. Sitting back and relaxing is something everyone enjoys. However, when a woman gets into a taxi and imputs her destination, she is entrusting her life in technology. Teenagers like the thrill of roller coasters, until one gets stuck at the peak of the ride. This woman liked the car until the steering wheel got stuck, sending her into a ditch. She liked it before the brakes stopped working because of a wire snapping. Many things could go wrong technilogically, that would make the car ride seem a little bit scary. "If the technology fails..." (paragraph 9). Even the author of "Driverless Cars Are Coming" didn't deny that many things could in fact go wrong technilogically. Even if this woman did get to her destination safely, many factors had to take roll in making driverless cars possible. For starters, the law would have to be set. "New laws will be needed in order to cover liability in case of an accident." (paragraph 9). It takes 75% of congress to be able to take a law to the president. When it makes its way there, the president can still deny that law; furthermore, it has to go back to the congress and get revoted. Laws put in this position do not normally pass. "In most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars." (paragraph 9). It would take many months or even years to be able to pass this law, considering they have all this information about driverless cars and only a few places are allowed to even test them. Questions are raised such as "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?" (paragraph 9). Too much time is put into trying to pass the law, and in a society that is looking for ways to save time, it isn't worth the effort. Furthermore, America has other problems to fix. The government does not need to put this country into more debt by spending its time and money on cars that are even less safe for its citizens. When smarter roads became too high of costs to be practical, people turned to developing smarter cars. "In the late 1950's, General Motors created a concept car that could run on a special test track....something that was simply too expensive to be practical." (Paragraph 3). For 76 years people have been putting time, money, and energy into making these cars more practical. Cars aren't a neccessity to everyone. Certain religions (such as the Amish) are without cars. Mackinac Island runs by horse and buggy. True, that isn't efficient for this huge country, but being billions of dollars in debt, that time and money could be used to help America pay what it owes. In the mean time, Americans can put up with what they have been using for many years. In the generation of 2016, many things are updated. Phones don't have chords anymore. Americans don't send letters by mail as much as they used to. The citizens of this countru have been very efficient on many things. They have learned how to save time and money; furthermor, they have encorperated those ideas into everyday life. However, one item America doesn't need, due to limited safety; the time it takes for laws to pass; and the debt this country is in, is driverless cars.
Imagine you are a teacher, you are in the classroom with your students and you just keep wondering what are they feeling, what are they thinking. With the FACS (Facial Action Coding System) you can. With the Facial Action Coding System you could know how your students feel about projects, assignments, and assignments on computers and laptops. With this you can have their face scanned to find out their emotions and know how they feel about the things you are doing in class. The FACS can even scan people faces from pictures. The FACS was created by Dr. Paul Eckman. Dr. Paul Eckman coded the Facial Action Coding System with six basic emotions, happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. The FACS was used to scan the Mona Lisa and it was said that she was eighty-three percent happy, nine percent distgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. The FACS uses a 3-D computer model of the face which has all 44 major muscles in the model. People observe these muscles to be able to tell whether or not somone is being truthful or isn't being truthful. These muscle clues are used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful. The FACS would be very valuable to students in the classroom mainly because if a student were getting bored or unamused on an online assignment then there could be a program that will change the lesson up and go about teaching it a different way that is more interesting, fun, and how the students will like it.
Our home called Earth will not last forever. In thousands of years to come we will need a new home if we want humans to survive. The author in the passage, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" has given us a possibility of a new home. Venus is known to be Earth's twin. Earth and Venus has similarities but also differences. Scientist and inventors can help make us adapt to Venus's enviroment. Venus has many harsh living enviroments like average temperatures being over eight hundard degrees fahrenheit, atmospheric pressure is ninty times greater than Earth, hottest surface temperature, and even intense weather. None of these dangers can stop us entirely. Venus may have some harsh conditions but us humans can survive if we put effort into it. The author has provided information about how we can adapt to Venus's lifestyle. He has done research about past inventions from world war II that could help us with inventions that could survive the intense heat and also many other ideas. Not only do scientists believe this could happen but even NASA. NASA has came up with a solution to be able to create hostile conditions, so us humans can survive on the hot surfaces on Venus. If scientist and NASA continue to do their job and commit to Venus then humans will never have to be scared of us humans loosing our home. It may not be our generations but many generations to come will thank these people who have put thier time, effort, and brains to help make Venus our second home. Dedication and Imagination can lead us to the Evening Star. All we need is to be brave and try new things. The author has shown us a new way to live and proved to the readers we can make it happen. I'll be hoping to see you on the spaceship to Venus, our new home.
Studying a planet called Venus is worthy pursuit but it is dengrous. As we have seen in the paragraph exploring Venus can teach us alot of things and there is alot of things that we can learn in Venus like if there is a life in there or if we can grow something there but no man have put his foot on it because it is too dengrous and too hard to go over there. As we seen in the first paragraph Venus, sometimes called the "Evening Star" because it is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky. Venus is also known as Earth's "twin" since it is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size. Venus is sometimes right around the corner and humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. Each pervious mission is no man which mean just airplane or robot because no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours, that is the reason the no man have ever step on it. For others reason it is too hot even though Mercury is closer to our sun. The averange on the planet surface is 800 degrees which can kill us and it has greater pressuer than earth. It is 90 times greater than earth. The others reason is that it has powerful earthquakes,erupting, and frequent lightning steikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. To get over there NASA is trying to make thing that can land on the planet and stay for a very long time, so that they can explore. So alot of our people are trying to go to Venus but it is challenging. They are trying and become stronger. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited b dangers and adoubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents, extreme actions on Venus. Venus, is sometimes called the "Evening Star" this is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot. The nickname is misleading since Venus is acually a planet. Venus is the second planet from the sun. Even thought Earth, Venus, and Mars, planetart neighbor, orbits the sun at different speeds, Venus is the most dangerous planet. Spacecrafts have been sent to land on Venus, but every mission has failed. Another detail that explaines why Venus is a pursuit despite the dangers because not a single spacecraft has landed on Venus, it hasn't touched the ground more then three decades. Venus' air is 97% carbon dioxide, the planet's surface temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we expericence on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such as environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy mant matels. Venus also has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun. Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could havr supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Today, Venus has still some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and creatures. Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel. On our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.
Have you ever seen Europe? What about China, or the Acropolis in Greece? Have you seen Venice, Italy, or the Panama Canal? If you've ever wanted to do those things, and help a lot of people while doing it, you're Seagoing Cowboy material. You should become a Seagoing Cowboy because of the hard work it teaches, the experience, and because you're supporting other countries, as well as your own! First of all, we have the grueling hard work to speak of. Some may say that grueling hard work is not a reason to volunteer for something, but I disagree. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is nothing like a normal, boring life. Yes, you have hard work, but you get the greatest sense of satisfaction once you're done. You get to know that all your hard work has gone to helping people in need, and that you've really made a mark on this world. I think hard work is also the path to knowledge, and you may just learn some life lessons along the way. Secondly, the fantastic experience is what we will cover. Some people may argue that the experience isn't worth risking your life over, but in reality, it's quite the contrary. If you're a Seagoing Cowboy, you get to travel the world, like I mentioned. You can see places like Greece, Italy, and China. Also, don't forget their unforgetable landmarks that you will see! Not only do you get to travel the world, but this is a once in a lifetime experience! We won't be around forever! Plus, I bet it will make one heck of a story to tell your grandchildren, am I right? Finally, we have the service you are providing. Some may say you are better off in the military. This may be so, but would you rather be taking lives, or saving them? Plus, us Seagoing Cowboys were only created because of World War II to clean up the mess. Wouldn't it be counterproductive to start a World War III? Here, you get to help people, improve lives, and do good for your country, and the country you're in. I think that with more of us Seagoing Cowboys, we can make the world a better place. Us Seagoing Cowboys know how to work hard, experienced a once in a lifetime chance, and supported our and many other countries. We've seen Europe, China, Greece, Italy, and even Panama! We've traveled the world, crossing oceans to and fro, for the good of mankind. So, what are you waiting for? Sign up today!
On the driveless car I think that they should full test them out before they make more. Like to see what's safe or what's not & they should have rules for the cars like don't go to sleep while in driveless mode cause that mode may turn off it self. Someone should have likea training car place for driveless cars so when they actually get on the road they'll know what to do. Like if they had got tired or something the person teaching them would tell them or show the what will happen. Driveless cars should be more worked on because we don't know if they fully are safe. Enginers should have a full experince if the driveless car stops working or something is wrong with it so they know that the driver & the driveless car are safe and fully sucure. Google makes cars that drives on it's own but needs help parking it so it ain't all the way driveles. The brakes on the driveless car should be checked every month cause if It's not it can have crashed into something and camera's should be checked and other things that are important to car should be checked and made sure it's working the way it should be .
Now we have so many school was used the computer ''teacher'' to teach the students. It was pretty cool to see, now in the world we already have this kind new technology. But is we can make sure the computer ''teacher'' they can same with humen teacher, or even they can better than human teacher? Is the computer can like the human to read students' emotional? I think the answer will be: yes, the computer they can read students' emotional. People usully have six basic emotions- happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. So for this six basic emotions, people awasy can look the others face to read they are emotion. But is the we can make sure we read was all right? People make the emotions was used face muscles made. Yes, if a person don't want show they realy emotion to peolpe, they can make a emotions by theyslve. So when they do that, is we can still just look they're face to read they are realy emotion? That will be very hard, and was very eazy to read wrong emotion. People was eazy to read wrong emotional, so what about the new technology the ''Facial Action Coding System''. The Facial Action Coding System can help the computers teacher to identify human emotions. They have all 44 major muscles in the computer 3-D model, and when they move the muscles was like human muscles. So they are can just like human to read human emotional. And maybe they will better than human. They read the emotional like doing the math homework. They will check all you muscles to read you emotional, even you try to make a not really emotional. Because the face muscles was do not lie. So the computer teacher, will better than human teacher to read the students' emotions. They can find out students emotions and do right things to help the students. The new technology the Facial Action Coding System was very useful and they can more help the teacher find out students emotions.
Dear Senator, The process of voting through the Electoral College was established in the Constitution by our founding fathers.  While some say that the Electoral College goes against America's democratic ideals and it increases the probability for a disastrous vote, the Electoral College still gives Ameican citizens some sway in the election and with a completely democratic system of voting there is a good chance that the outcome could be even more disastrous.  The Electoral college is a compromise of voting between citizens and the government, it represents the people as evenly as it can, and it still gives voters a collective chance to change the outcome of an election. One reason that the Electoral college works so well is that it is not completely run by the people or run by the government.  Rather both are part of the voting process, having equal representation.  While democracy is highly regarded in America, it would be unwise to have a vote completely run by the people.  The government needs to have some system in place that gives citizens a vote, but not complete free reign.  If the people of America voted and the election outcome was disastrous, then the government needs to have a scapegoat in place.  The founding fathers understood this which is why the Electoral College is still in place today. The Electoral College does not give a single voter a chance to sway an election, however America's population as a whole is represented.  Not one region or state has enough electoral votes to elect a president (Par 19 and 21).  This is a good thing because canidates pay equal attention to all of America's people.  Also, in the Electoral College, not every state has the same amount of electoral votes because every state has a different population size.  This might seem like unequal representation of that states, but the election is not meant to give each state an equalized vote, it is meant to give the population of america an even representation. Swing states give America's people a chance to decide an elections outcome.  In swing states the voters are very thoughtful about their canidates because they know that in the their case, that their vote really does count (par 20).  It is good to have voters who are very thoughtful and catious about their vote.  The Electoral Colleges encourages this type of behavior among citizens by giving voters a chance to sway an  election in swing states.  Swing states can impact an election.  They are an example of how the Electoral College, while still not completely democtratic, still gives the people a vote. Through the Electoral College America's population is represented, the government and it's citizens have equal representation, and American people can still impact the outcome of an election.  The founding fathers of America thought of this while they created the foundation that our country proudly stands on.  The Electoral College should stay as it is.  It still works effectively to decide on who will become president.  As long as the College works effectively, then ther should be no issue with it.
The world of driveless cars will come in the near future says Sergey Brin. Since the 1950s, the car companies have been thinking of self-driving cars. Some people may agree to these smarter cars but others may stick to just driving themselves everywhere. If I had to choose I would much rather be driven by the diverless cars, but I don't think I'd trust them to not get in any accidents. I have mixed feeling about these cars because I'd prefer one but have to choose the other choice. So my final choice would be that I'd drive myself. I would drive myself because I would feel safe knowing I had the wheel and not some AI that could malufunction or make a wrong choice. In other words I would know what's going on and know what to do in bad situtations, such as the article said in other car accidents, difficult traffic situtation, and bad divers. Also, the GPS that the car has could be out dated and not go the right way, so you would probably be late to where ever you are going. Which brins me to my next point, my mom always makes me late so if I leave a little late then I need to drive a little faster than the speed limit (but not enough to be pulled over) to make it on time. Another thing I wanted to bring up is if the car is diverless and all you need to do is tell the car where to go, then is would be easy for little kids to get in the car and make the car drive not knowing what they are doing and get in accidents easier. I could agree with some things on the driveless cars. The first thing I can agree on is that it has sensors so that it can sense other cars coming towards it. I also like how they might be different versions to the self-driving cars, like som might be sensored or some might beamagnetized. Finally, I like how if you were to get in a tight spot, then the car will force you to do all the heavy lifting so you don't get hurt. The driverless cars have their ups and downs but they will probably end up in our laps sooner than we know it. The driverless cars are in our future and that future is not far away. But I, like some people, will stick to the old way of drive a car.
Sometimes there are authors that don't ever support there facts evoght. But this author did a great job at supporting thier essay. This author put at lease ones fact or detail in each paragraph. He kepet tell us as readeers that venus can be very dagerous. Also that Venus is like a second sun in the solar system. In venus it is supper hot. That it is 90 time hotter than on earth. On venus it is over than 800 degerees fahrenheit. Even if you ar in a vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling venusian landscapre the it is still has a temepture at around 170 degrees fahreeit. If I have to give the aouthor a score I would give him a A bcause he did good of expain venus. He aslo gave facts on diferent sorcous. He also gave good example. He did good decribing it that i can even panit my self a picture in my head. If I was doing an essay about tvenus I would highly use this article.
The author supports his idea by studying the comparing and contrats what the differnece between "Evening Star" (Venus ) by earth and many other planets, author says "atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus atmosphere, 90 times greater than what we experience."Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. Author also says " Venus has vaule, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because curiosity will likely lead us into mant equally intimidating endeavors."Minding that Venus has a great vaule and cool experince but very dangerous. Venus provide only limited insight on ground condition because most forms of photography and videography ineffective. Long ago was covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life. Author gives really good edivence as supporting his thoughts and why such a great experience. The author say "Importantly researchers cannot take sample of rocks or anything else from a distance, Therefore seeking to conduct a through mission to understand." Simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in chamber simultaing the chaos and Venus surface but while they were studying that also a Modern computer which does calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all. Help them learn a little more about Venus Venus also referred as Earth "twin " planetary neighbor with Earth , Mars. Author had took alot of time to study and learn so much about Venus, had learn the speed, temperature, location, the things that would be on Venus, has very good evdience why would be worthy pursuit even if leads to many intimidating endeavous.
Soccer mom gave up there cars in a upscale suburban community. On the outskirts street parking,driveways,and home garages are forbidden near the french and swiss borders. But caar ownership is allowed,but there is only two places in the park,where a car owner buys a home and garage for 40,000$.Also 70% of Vauban's families don't own a car,and 57% sold there car to move here. some people with even number cars where to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine (31$).After five day 60%of congestion was shut down in the capital of france. Diesal was the blame,since France has a taxes that favors diesel.67%of vehicled in France are made up of diesel,compared to 53.3%of diesel engines in western Europe. In the thrird straight year cars was banned only buses and taxis for the day without cars in the capital of 7 million. Violatirs got a 25$ fine. the day without cars began in 1900s. there are 118 miles of bike paths. Obama's goals was to curb the united states' greenhouse gas and it suggest americans will buy fewer cars. the unites states was the birth place of mustang sally and wilson pickett. As of apirl 2013, the number of miles driven is 9% under the peak ,and it is were we where in january 1995. things are different which that suggest we are a long term culture shift. the percentage of 16-39 year olds getting a licese has droped. young people driving has decreased by 23% between 2001-2009. pedestrain,bicycle,private cars, are woven into a connected network. it would be ok to have a no car day.
Luke's point of view convincing others to participate in the Seagoing Comboys program is that it helped people and animals. It made Luke more aware of people in other countries and their needs. He was grateful for the opportunity. It opened up the world to him. The awareness stayed with him. His family was able to take care of a number of exchange visitors and international students for many years. The Seagoing Cowboys program recovered food supplies. Luke knew that if he joined it would change his life soon afterwards, and he knew that it would be a huge oppportunity of a lifetime to him. The Seagoing Cowboys helped take care of the animals that were sent overseas. He knew that alot of countries were destroyed and ruined from World War ll so, he wanted to help. Being a Seagoing Cowboy was a good expierence for Luke and he liked how he got to help many animals and people.
Driverless cars are one of the world's most interesting transportation systems yet to come. Even though the cars are not truly driverless they still can have many benifits that are better than transportation today. The driverless cars are expected to come in the near future. The first company that is expected to have the first model of the driveless car is Google. Google has been working on this project for years to find a way to make the perfect model. Many companies will follow after google once they hear the pros about the newest google invention for transportation. Companies such as "Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have that car that can drive themselves by the year of 2020,"(paragraph 10). This is an example on how companies are going to follow after google makes the new system and they see how much their marketing has increased by. This car is not only popular for it's look and ability to go the perfect speed, But this car will also be good for safety reasons. If the car is in a troubled situtation, it will alert the driver that they need to take control of the car until they are able to regain stability and are out of the troubled area. The cars are able to steer, accelerate and brake themselves, but the cares are designed to notify when the driver needs to take control. All these cars are creating special small little parts to add on to their car to give their customers a little bit of a feel of how it feels to have something done for you that you usually have to do. They add a new gadget everytime they create a new model. Cars in the future are going to be nothing like the cars we use today. In conclusion driverless cars are a huge invetion that will change life in the future different than how it is today. Driverless cars are going to make life a whole lot easier once they make the perfect model. These new and improved super cars will make life better and safer. Driverless cares may be fun but what is really important, is how the amount of safety will increase with this design
'The development of the smart car" It probaly seems like a terrific idea of a car that can drive it self i mean who wouldnt want a car that can drive it self when you can just relax in the driver seat? All though it seems like a great idea for a car to drive it self there are some down falls with the idea it seems perfect but perfect can go all wrong. The idea of a car that can have a autopilot or can drive it self isnt a bad idea why? because lets say your driving to another state an you dont want to drive for number of hours all you have to do is just switch to autopilot an have the car drive it self seems like a good idea doesnt it? Though it seems like a great idea from google...Did google ever stop an think about the saftey of others? Did google stop an think about safety period? I feel that the smart car idea an development is a bad idea an kind of a waste of time because all that work of selling cars an making cars is going down the drain I say that because almost 90% of the world population have dreamed about driving a car an getting a car. I dont know about you guys but the story said that the smart car is going to have a camera in the car while its driving it self to watch the driver to see if he or she is prepared to take the wheel at any moment. When I think about that statement I think to myself if theres gonna be a camera in the car watching me to see if im prepared or not shouldnt I just drive the car myself 24/7 365? The whole smart car idea yes its a great idea but what about getting your permit an you licsense? Im sure on a driving test we wouldnt be able to use our autopilot to park the car. The idea of the car driving it self its actually taking the fun out of learning how to drive learning how to park an other things. The smart car is a great idea by google but personally I feel that they should just keep that idea to themself because anybody can get in a smart car not knowing how to drive an just turn on the autopilot then when its time for the driver to actuallly try an drive it might end up in a conflict with another pedestrian. Sources say it self that an alert or deffensive driver is the best driver because the driver is aware of traffic. Did google stop an ask if the computers were aware? Probaly not they think that the car is so perfect they probaly didnt stop an think safety. Google came up with the idea that when the driver should be prepared to take over the car flashing lights on the windshield and other heads-up displays will appear thats a bad idea I say that because what if the lights appear on the dashboard an the driver begans to take over an soon as the lights go away the driver hits another car or a pedestrian? Dr. Werner Huber said "why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver?" Wouldnt drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive?" The story also said "Even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault the driver or the manufacturer? Thats a good question an I say that because what if the car does get in a accident who can the other person blame? The driver or the car it self? Im sure that the other person is going to blame the driver because the driver should of been paying attention despite if the car was in autopilot or not. Another point of mine is what if the sensors of the car go out an you have no idea that the car autopilot doesnt work? Lets say that the smart car is the number one car in the world that is getting sold so is everyone going to have one? What if other people feel the same way as I do? That the idea of the smart car is a great idea but I want to stick with driving on my own. Is the world going to stop sellingg cars that drivers can malfuction on their own? If so thats a bad idea because not everyone is going to like the idea of the car it takes the fun an the expererince away from driving an learning how to drive. The smart car might be a great idea for old people because what if they drop something in the car or they might need some type of assistance. Ive came to the conclusion that the smart car is a great idea but I dont agree with it because it just takes the fun out of learning how to drive it seems safe but wouldnt you want a driver behind the wheel that is alert?
My positoin for driverless cars. Hmm its got me thinking like it would and will be a great idea but for all those uber, taxi drivers who depend on those jobs. But if theyr'e where driverless car the place I would need to sit will be a question. Becuase I will be insured if they are full driverless because due to sueing issues for google atemtpting this. Also that in paragraph nine it talks about the laws as in the term here. new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident . If technology fail and someone is injured. The question was who is at fault the driver or the Manufacturer. Some negative aspects from driverless car are overheating or crashes. These big problems can casue huge affects to peoples lifes. Another negative would be what kind of fuel will it use gas or oil maybe some random flued. Another could be that people who try to break into them and steel stuff and will there be alert systems for these situations Maybe if the car breaks or starts to smoke what will the car do?, open all the doors turn of alert the passenger to get out. Also if these driverless car get to boring and dozed off and cant be awake to see what they are doing then what is gonna happen when they cant be up for it. If there is a car crash or a collision and the car cantt stop its self. Some possitive things I think about this car could be the fuel it could replace. As if they where ran by electricity and the roads where replaaced localy that electrical roads can charge the cars or repower it. Another is on better brakes for the car torward the road to fix the issues for dead cars and crashes. Like in the articles it talks about how in the 1950's they used radio signels to send out to the google indistrie. Also if the cars did have entertainment would it shut off during warnings. My last is if the car breaks how could the car get help and is there a gps within it. Also to make sure the driver is ready and always have the hand on the wheel as such they do have in here. In 2013 BMW announced the development of Traffic jam assistant. The car can handle driving functions up to 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sore the driver keeps a hold of the wheel. Thats what caught my attention knowing that the car would need some sort of human control. There for those are my thoughts on this driverless car. maybe they could just add more things or add these driverless design to semi trucks due to the high dangers for the people who are risking there lives through horrible winters strors and other natural disasters. Even tho how far its gonna go if we finish this driverless car whats gonna be next?
Theres lots of reasons why you should join the program but i'm going to give you the best reasons. As you can see from the artical/passage you can tell that Luke was helping animalsover seas from WWII. The text states, "UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of: The horses, young cows and mules that were shipped overseas. Luke and Don signed up." That was just the first reason and if you don't understand it i was trying to say you could help ship and save many animals lives. Now the next reason that might change your mind and help you began to slowly realise that you should join is going to different places. In the artical is states that Luke actually went to greece when he turned the age of 18. Which he even had free time on his hand and had fun doing his job There is also fun on the ship when the animals get off and you have a little bit of time to play around. The author states, "Luke also found time to have fun on board (When the animals got off the ship of course) the cowboys played baseball and volleyball and such." Now this job is not as easy as it seems and it can be dangerous, as you can clearly see that the text states, "Luke was on night watch and slide on something, luckily he did not fall in to the atlantic but he still could not work do to the broken ribs." As you can see its not that easy and can be dangerous if you're not careful and check your surroundings. But by the end its all worth is, im sure luke felt good about himself once the job was finished and done. Touring around different citys, helping feed animals. Its amazing and something new and those are just some of the reasons why you should join the program and if you do good luck and have fun seeing different parts of the world
In 1976 NASA released a photo of a landform on Mars resembling a human face. Not everyone was easily convinced that it was only just a landmass though. Conspiracy theorists believed that it was, "Bona fide evidence of life on Mars." In the article "Unmasking the Face on Mars," the author, Garvin, believed that it was only a mesa. I agree with Garvin that this landmass was not an alien or proof of aliens whatsoever. There is a large amount of proof in the article that was confirmed by NASA that this face is only a landmass, nothing more. In paragraph two of the article the author claimed that mesa's were ordinary in Cydonia, area the mesa was located, according to scientists. The only difference between this mesa and other mesa's found on Mars is that it had uncommon shadows over it illustrating eyes and a mouth. Since mesa's are common in this area it is very unlikely that this, "face," was anything different than just an average mesa taken at an odd angle with a low quality camera. The author also stated in paragraph seven that in 1998 that the photo was retaken with a higher quality camera. NASA released the photo onto a JPL website once the photo was confirmed and the only thing found was not an alien monument, but a natural landform. Many people still doubted that it was a mesa after this photo due to wispy clouds bluring the picture of the monument. According to paragraph ten in the article, the picture was taken one last time of the landmass revealing the same thing, an average mesa. Mesa's also are found commonly in the american west as said in paragraph eleven. The mesa resembles the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain in Idaho. The two mesa's share a similiar height, appearence, and were not alien monuments. People argue that the mesa in Ohio doesn't have a face appearing on the top, but the only reason the mesa on Mars has a face is due to the angle at which the picture was taken as I said earlier in my piece. The two oppsing sides in this argument have evidence to argue their opinion. The belief that the mesa is actually a face is inncorect due to evidence in the article and my essay. Mesa's are common in the area the picture was taken and the face was caused by shadows along with a low quality camera. Whichever side you are on I believe I have brought forth enough evidence to change your opinion or strengthen your opionion that there was no alien lifeforms yet found on Mars.
I will be sharing three reasons with you why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. For one, if you are an animal lover you get a chance to help the animals on the cattle boat. As it says in the text, "On his second trip, Luke seved as a night watchman. His job was to check on all the animals every hour." The second reason is that even though you are serving around the world you still get to go sight seeing. In paragraph five it says, " Luke also toured an exavated castle in Crete and maveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China." The third reason is that you get to be of sevice around the world to help countries after World War II. In the story it says, "To help these countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more, forty-four nations joined together to form UNRRA (The United Stations Relief and Rehabilitation Administation)." So in conclusion why you should join the Seagoing Cowbows program is because you can have fun and be of sevice at the same time.
Driverless cars are the future of us. They are coming and are better than human opperated cars. Google has come up with a simi-driverless car and they are making improvements for it too. They plan to cut down the use of gas for these cars. People will be spending less on gas and therefore not causing as much polution coming from the car. According to Google cofounder Sergey Brin, "The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus." This results in less polution, which in another result will make the planet happier. We see driverless cars as something that is going to make the world a cleaner place.This also causes us to be able to go more places other than where a bus could take us. The text also states, "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigation through work zones and around accidents." They have been able to get these driverless cars to drive thousands of miles without a crash and if that was us driving, we may have caused an accident. They are, so far, more safe than a human opperated car and when they need human assistance it is for something moderate which the human can handle. The car needs the driver to stay awake so that if something does happen the driver can take over. In the text, "The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." Another example says, "Manufacturers are also considering using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road." This may be used so that we know that the driver is still awake and will be able to take over. More ways to alert the driver are the seat vibrating, the car talking and telling you that it needs your assistance, flashing lights or other heads-up displays. One downfall is that some states have made it illegal to drive or even test computer-driven cars. Second, "...even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident." That poses the question, "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault--the driver or the manufacturer?" Automakes are continuing their work on these problems and will solve as many as possible. There are still many issues with this car but they are being improved and soon will be driving on the roads with everyone. Driverless cars are in our future. They have so much to offer to us and are safer than regular human driven cars. For the people who ride buses they can go more places than they could before because the driverless car allows you to go more places than a bus would be able to go. They are going to cut down polution numbers and may even make global warming start to dissappear if everyone in the future has one of these cars.
Just Straight FACS Anybody can read a room. Whether it's at a party, an important meeting, a funeral, or a Pre-Calculus lesson at 8 a.m., it's easy to look around and see how the people around you are feeling due to body language and facial expression. Others don't think so, though. Prof. Thomas Huang and his team of experts have come up with new tech that can recognize all 44 muscles in the human face, and create a diagnostic on how a person is feeling. This is interesting, yes, but some may think that this technology could be used in classrooms to get a general feel on what each student is feeling about a lesson. I believe that using the FACS (Facial Action Coding System) in a classroom setting would have no merit and would just be a waste of time and money in public schools across America, because of how weak the technology in the FACS actually is. In the text, Dr. Huang says that "facial expressions for each emotion are universal," and that "varying degrees of expression" can still be used to recognize the feelings and emotions of any human being. When applying this to a classroom enviroment, this can't be correct. That is due to many natural factors in humans. For example, the world has progressed a lot, and more children with mental disabilities and special needs are being allowed to be involved in regular classes. For a student with a form of autism, it may be hard for them to convey certain emotions on a regular basis. The technology wouldn't be able to read their face correctly. Another example is for a student with a physical disability whose face couldn't be read properly by the FACS. There are too many outliers for the technology to be accurate, unless you had a room of children who all express their emotions like an open book. The text also says that "most human communications are nonverbal." I agree with this statement, actually. It proves that one can never tell what a person is thinking just by what they say, or their facial expressions. The only true place you can know how somebody really feels is in their mind. I, for one, never really say or express how I feel about school infront of any sort of teacher or staff. It's a general rule among students at my school to onlt talk about teachers or lessons outside of the classroom. Now, this may not be how it is in other public school settings. If it happened to, though, then the FACS technology would be obsolete in its purpose. Lastly, in paragraph 9, the text says that according to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, "putting on a face", or a poker face, actually trains your body to be in a better mood. This means that literally anyone could trick the FACS into thinking that they were in a happy mood when need be. Students could easily "beat the system" by manipulating the FACS into giving off a false diagnostic every time, and therefore ruining the FACS's credability. Until the FACS can tell when a group of teenagers are faking their emotions, it can't perform its main task. In conclusion, Dr.Huang's FACS technology cannot work due to how baseless it's ethics are, how difficult it really is to understand emtions just by facial expression, and how easy it is to manipulate it's process.
Venus the closest planet to earth in terms of size and density sometimes called "Evening Star " because it is "the brightest point of ligth in the sky"(para. 1). Venus is known to be very challenging planet to study for the scientists and NASA. The reason why it is very diffecult planet to study is because its temperatrure is 800 fahrenheit and spacecrafts aren't able to survive. NASA has been sending unmanned spacecraft, for a good reason the space crafts have not been able to survive alone. The author suggests that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it presents because NASA sees it as challenge, its earth-like and wants to know its past. Venus is challenging planet to NASA and many scientists because of how deffecult it is to study it.Venus has a very bad atmosphere with 97 percent of carbon dioxiode which makes it hard for spacecraft to see around. According to the article of "The Challenge of Exploring" it said the "Even more challenging are trhe clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus's atmosphere"(para. 3) What quoter is trying to say is that the NASA has to build very strong spacecraft strong enough it won't melt and a flying one. The spacecraft has to be ableto fly because if it touchs the ground it will be destroyed. Some people migth say that if it is dangerous planet why bother studying it, NASA needs to know what kind of planet Venus is for safty of earth and the people. Venus very much earth like it was said in the article that venuis was filled withoceans long ago. The size of venus is also simialar to earth, earth and venus also travell around the sun at the different speed including Mars. Meaning that eartyh is sometimes closer to venus and sometimes closer to Mars. "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been trhe most earth-like planet in our solar system"(para.4). The want to me progress in exploring Venus because they want to find more similarty between earth and Venus. In Venus's past it was said that there were oceans. The scientists and NASA teams are trying to figure out how Venus has ended up the way it is now. Looking at the past of Venus shows that is was filled with water like earth. studys have found that Venus most likely supported varios forms of life in the past. In present it very hot and no form of living thing cansupprted by it. Overall Venus can be studied safely by NASA and many scientists. It is worth studying for since it is so much like earth. It is always good to stay ahead anything can happen to earth anytime. So its best to study every earth-like planet .Even if Venus is dangerous NASA can change that and learn more.
If you had a choice to join this event , would you or would you not. If you like helping people this is the program for you. In this program you will be able to travel the world to help people in the other countries. For example , A war is going on and they need medical or food help than you can go over and help those people in need of those things. If your going to travel by ship Luke found the time to have some fun on board so maybe you can too. The ship will feed you and give you a bed to sleep-in. Luke said``It made me more aware of people of other contries and thier needs``.There are lots of reasons to be a part of this program. Also you have jobs on the ship like cleaning up the ship or getting the food ready for the other people on board to eat. Also on the ship you may run into a storm so the crew will determan how bad the storm is , and if the storm is to bad you will have to go inside till the storm clears. Then when you arive in the country that is in need you do what they need like getting a water suply or getting food for the people or getting the medical care the people need need and if you dont believe me than just ask Luke. Then when you are don with what that contry needs then you can get back in/on the ship or waggon you came on than you can leave and return home and wait for the next country that needs. So you really should join this program, but im not going to force you. So it`s your decistion.
"When I had a car, I was always tense," Heidrun Walter said in the article, 'In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars', in the New York Times, "I'm much happier this way." In Vauban, Germany, people do not use cars. They find other means of transportation, such as biking and walking. In Bogota, the construction of bicycle paths has made 118 miles of passages for residents. According to David Goldberg, "All our development since World War II has been centered around the car." While that is not entirely true, it does have a good point. We should move on from the all-powerful box with wheels. One major reason for not using cars is pollution. As most of us know, pollution is bad for the environment, and for most life on Earth. Unfortunately, our use of cars and power plants is generating pollution faster then plants can take it out of the atmosphere. "Transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions", Elisabeth Rosenthal said. In the article, "Paris bans driving due to smog", 60% of drivers in Paris stopped after five days of intensifying smog. That means that the smog was dense enough to where it was dangerous for drivers to go anywhere. The article "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota" mentions that: "The turnout [for car-free day] was large, despite gray clouds that dumped occasional rain showers on Bogota." Why would people continue to participate in car-free day if they hated it so much? Despite the fine of $25, it really isn't a big deal. One of the participants, Carlos Arturo Plaza, said, "It's a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." Now, how can you simply stop driving? You need to get to your job! Nobody is telling you to move to Vauban. However, biking or walking to the park could help. You don't need a car to go to your neighbor's house. They're right next door. Of course, not using cars is not going to stop the pollution from power plants, but it will certainly slow down how fast it is going into the atmosphere. We simply can't allow pollution to go where it is going. If we all stop relying on cars to get us to places, we will have enough time to think of an easier solution. Bill Ford laid out a business plan for a world in which personal vehicle ownership is impractical or undesirable. There is a chance that being car-free won't be as bad as everyone thinks. It might even be enjoyable. There is also a chance that it will despised. We'll only know if we try it, now won't we?
Have you ever seen a face on Mars? A landform has been found on a region of Mars called Cydonia. Many argue that the the Face is either a natural landform or a landform created by aliens. Many information from the article "Unmasking the Face on Mars" can help come to a conclusion. The "Face on Mars" is just a natural landform. The first supporting evidence to the claim is that the face would benefit NASA if the Face was made by aliens like people said. Real evidence of aliens would be an informational outbreak. NASA would be credited for an outstanding discovery, so why would they hide a true theory from arguing skeptics? Second, several other natural landforms are just like the Face on Mars. The picture shows its reseblence to landforms common around western America. Mars Global Surveyor, Garvin, stated, "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho." Also, The resemblence was "formed by shadows giving the illusion of" a face showing it is just a mesa. Lastly, supporters of the alien theory believed the Face has alien markings that are hidden. They thought this because of wispy clouds in front of the camera taking the picture appeared. Because "you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size" anyone could see the alien markings they speaked of. The alien conspirancy of the Face located on the Red Planet can be proven false. Details from "Unmasking the Face on Mars" can support it is just a natural landform, a mesa. These unknown, mysterious aliens people speak of did not build the Face on Mars.
Unidentified Object Scientific observations at NASA leads us to belive that the theory of an alien face on mars is fake. The idea that the object is anything more than a natural mesa on the planet is not backed up by proven facts. Theories of the mesa on mars actually being some sort of alien face or object have no proof. NASA has refrenses from our own planet to compare the object to, and high-resolution camers to photograph the object. While skeptics on the other hand, have nothing more than thier own personal beliefs. Unfortuianly the rest of NASA and other people in general belive otherwise. After researching the landform it saows resemblence of a mesa. The "face" actually had the researchers think of formations in the American West that would become a type of dome shape that would form from lava. That theory has a decent amount of real life facts compared to the alien theory. So far that is the best theory NASA has on what the object is. In the article "Unmasking the Face on Mars" whilst reading throught the fifth paragraph, they quote that defenders of NASA's budget wish there was an ancient civilation on Mars. This made me wonder why they would think that. It's because it would be more than just a landform like a mesa. They would have more to look into than just a face looking terrain. But being scientists they realized it was not as much as they'd hoped for. Therefore having no reason to lie about the mesa. However putting myself in the shoes of a person who wouldn't know about all these facts or opinions, I could see why these beliefs are taken seriously. But that's why we have researchers like NASA. To look into theories with more knowledge behind them and see how they turn out afterwords. After all the pictures, refrenses, and comparisons, the face of Mars should be known as a mesa, and not an alien artifact. However there are always more people that will belive it is alien. But that's just a theory.
FACS Telling somebody their emotions is cool, but it is also useful. The online classroom and classroom is a good setting to have the technology in. It can detect if a students emotions about the subject they are learning. Having FACS is valuable in the classroom. Being confused in the classroom sucks. Being too shy to ask questions is very common among young people. Having FACS will make it so kids won't have to ask for help directly. The technology will recognize if the student is confused and could modify the lesson. Also students may not like or understand the way a teacher is teaching. With FACS the technology will recognize the facial expressions a student is making and will alter the way the computer is teaching the lesson to a better liking of the student. Having this technology will improve grades in the classroom. Having Facial Action Coding System in the classroom will greatly improve student's attidude towards school. With no longer having to embarass yourself by asking a "dumb question" and getting taught at your liking is very valuable. FACS is the next big technology to be in the classroom.
The Mona Lisa Smile is a intresting article about this new upcoming production of technology. It says that in the future they could have students computers have a facial reconzation deviece in it to tell what mood there in to adjust the to whatever there feeling. I feel as if it is not needed for it to be in a learning enviroment. I think its inpratical and would be very expensive for the school to have. That could cause multiple problems just with that problem alone. What if the student wasn't even paying attention to the lesson and it causes it to register there mood but there mood isnt based off the lesson because there not paying attention so it would be invaild infomation. He states in the article it can only find out a couple emotions and boredom isnt one of them. It also poses a security threat to the students or surrounding family because if it can see faces what else would it see or even not mean to capture but does. Over all I just don't see this fit for a students use and would be to expensive anyways. It could work in a perfect world though but we don't have one of those.
The Fatial Acting Coding System would actually make a valuable impact not just for the students sake, but also for the teachers as well. Since the teacher would be able to to view the students expressions the students would be more interested in attending school and would have better knowledge of what they are learning. These days students are bored in schools so I think if the teachers could actually know what the students are thinking they woud be able to make school more interesting for them. By using the Fatial Acting Coding System it could actually make the students more interested in what the teachers are trying to teach them. I feel like if classrooms actually used this kind of technology it would transform the students to actually want them to come to school and be more intersted in learning. The only way that students tend to learn is threw technology and I believe that if this technology is shown to the students then they would be more interesting in school. There is new technology being released every single day and I think that if the students actually got hands on experience with this technology then they would actualy like to attend school because this new technology is their future. Not only could the system make school more interesting but it can also help the student obtain knowledge the right way instead of the wrong way. If the teachers actually got to use the FACS I would feel that the teacher could actually substitute their way of teaching for another way that the students would actually obtain the knowledge. Most of the time students have no clue on what the teacher is trying to teach them because they don''t just like teachers talking the whole period and the teachers just don''t get that, but by using the Fatial Coding System the teachers could actually know what they students are feeling and teach a different way. If the teacher teaches a different way than the students will obtain the knowledge a better and possibly faster way than before. For example if the teacher always talked the whole time and the teacher knew the students were not getting any knowledge from that then the teacher could take a different aproach. The author stated that when the classroom could recognize the students emotions and they got confused or bored then the computer would modify the lesson so the student would better understand the information. In conclusion I think that by using this type of technology it would enhance the students to obtain knowledge that they may need for the future. Overall I think that this system can make school more interesting as well as that the students will be able to get more inforation than ever before. I was always told that knowledge is key and I believe that his system is the key therfore this system is knowledge.
The advantages in limiting car use is very important.  we would have towrroy as much as we do about drunk drivers or someone dying becasue of car crashes.  We alwys hear on te news about how someone was killed by drunk driving if we limit car usage the deaths of people would be at an all time low.  Also limiting car usage would also mean not as much polution.  we breath in a lot of polution through the day because when trucks drive by all that black smoke goes up into the air that we breath in, that can't be good for our bodies. Anoter example would be gas, we always complain about how much gas is if we limited cars then we wouldnt have to pay for gas anymore.  To have cars we pay insurance every month if we didnt have cars imagine on how much money we would be saving, on not paying for insurances or gas and other things we need for our cars to be in good shape and safe for us to drive.  Another thing is walking or riding bikes t get to point A to poin B would decrease the chance for obeasty. I think less crime would happen if we limited cars. For example less peope would be hit, it wouldnt promote drunck driving, it would help the population, and we would have less money problems.  Amerca is in debt so if we limit car usage we could pay off that debt and we would be helping te world at the same time.  By not poluting the air, Our bodies would be in better shape because we would have to walk or ride ikes to get somewhere. In conclusion, I think if we limit car usage America would be a better lace to live in.  Not as many deaths, money problems, or polution.  In my essay I listed examples of how it would help the economy and people around the world. The world would be a better place with no cars to worry about.  money would not be an issue for most of us wwe would have one less thing to worry about.  
The use of technology suchas, Facial Action Coding system, is totally uneccessary in the classroom setting. Claiming that " 'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.' " is an ineffective way to to really, truly get through to the students. Instead of focusing on adding more technology to the classroom, maybe giving teachers a better salary and better education would help the teachers teach better, then the students would understand the material better. In the article, it says " we humans perform the same impressive 'calculation' every day". If humans already have this natural ability, then adding more technology into the classroom that teacher could already be doing, is uneccessary and distracting. I am sure there are some upsides to this, but it really just feels like an invasion of the students privacy. In the article is says " ' Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instrucor' " The teacher can not just modify an entire lesson because one student is confused, that is unfair to the students that understand the lesson already. Instead, the teacher could work with the student individually and help them with what they are having trouble with. All in all, adding more uneccessary technology into the classroom would be distracting to the students and an invaison of their privacy. The "Facial Action Coding system" could be useful somewhere else, just not the classroom.
It first starts out by saying that we said it was an landform.......We went back to takew another picture where it wasent so cloudy adn foggy to prove to you guys there was no alien involed with this. It was all the landform making this face.we hade rolled the spacecraft 25 degress to center the face in the field viewso we could get an really good look at this.we took another picture in 2001, we hade the image spand 1.56 meters comparerd to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. What the pictuer actuallu shows is the martian equivalent of a buttel or mesa landfroms common arounf the American West. Which this shows that landforms are often made.We stil think that this is made up of landfrom today. There may still be people out there still thinking that it is made up by aliens but it is trully not. we have anlot of proff leading up to the the theory that it was an landform that made this face. I would just like to end this on an postive note that we have done a lot of sutdy of this and have taken a lot of pictures so just to say this was made by an landformn. I hope i have changed your mind over this becasue i tried my bes. Just remiber that we have taken alot od pictures and study this a lot to finf the rite answr just for you.
Reading emotions is done on a day to day bases in the minds of people. That is how we can tell is our friends are upset or happy about something. The author of "Making Mona Lisa Smile", Nick D'Alto, talks about new technology called the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), which enables computers to identify human emotions. The use of this technology in a classroom to read the emotional expressions of students would be valuable so the teacher can see how well they have to students attention and what they can do to change things if they need to. If teachers had the ability to use the FACS, they would be able to see how many students enjoy the class and that they are focused on the class. Also they would be able to see how many kids aren't happy to be in class and no paying attention. The FACS can read the emotions happiness, surpise, anger, disgust, fear, and saddness. A teacher wants to have all the attention of their students but, it doesn't always happen, teachers knowing when students start to fade out of the topic can help them change how they are teacher to help the student want to learn and stay on task. All around students need to learn and teachers need to teach, it would be very useful to have teachers be able to access the FACS to be able to teach to the best of their abilities so that the students car and will learn. Reading others emotions easily would make everyone's lives easier beacause they know how they really feel about something. So, people can change what they are doing to help other people want to do things.
Using technology to read the emotional expressions of students is valuable. We now have technology that can prove what we are feeling. In the article it states the steps of how we can find out our emotions. Also Dr.Haung said that a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. If they know what the students are feeling then the teachers know what do . First it begins with a 3-D computer model of the face. It say's in the artical that all 44 major muscles in the model must move like a human muscles. After all of that , they can determine the emotion of the student. Also by just looking at there faces we can determine there emotions. If we use this type of technology we can help students out. If students have probelms, the computer can help out. If the teacher's know what the studetn's are feeling then they can help out. The teacher's could sit down with them and talk to them. Also the computer can give the teacher new ways to teach in class. Finally the computer's can be helpful to find out other things , besides emotions. By doing this, scientest can find out what other things ccomputer's can do for us. Finding what peope are feeling is very helpful . It gives us a llittle bit of information of what the person is thinking. From that information we can do something about there emotions. Using this type of technology is very helpful. It helps us find out about our emotions. Also other's emotions . This help's scientest know what, other things we can do with this type of technology. This technology can help us in many ways , besides find out what people are feeling. It's great that we know that computer's can help us out , not just by using the internet but in many other ways.
Driverless Cars are coming" Here near the future we will be having more Driverless cars in the streets. It would be a good idea to have them for many reasons. "A driverless car is not truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when your in a complicatd traffic iusses" it would keep us away from a lot of wrecks, benifit the older people, and much more. "in 2013, BMW annoucedthe development of" "Trafic Jam. They can steer,ccelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the drivr when the road ahead requiers human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents" In other words the driver would have to be aware of taking over the sterring weel when the situation requiers. "as a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars. california, nevada, florida, and the District of culumbia have led the coutry in allowing limited use of semi-autonomous cars." 'even if trafic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liabilty in the case of an accident; if the technology fails and someone is injured who would the blame go against- the driver or the manuacturer?" this would be a great change for the world and would save more life's, they would also have to make it fun to. "some amnufacturers hope to do that by bringing in-car entertaiment systems tat use heads-up displays. such dispays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over- something not available to drivers tryig to text ith a ell phone. in this way, the in-car system is actually a safety feature, and safety is a big concer."
Would you owe a "Driverless cars." if possable? Driverless cars should be stopped from being created. Driverless cars sensors can suddently stop working and can cause an acsedent. They can also are not fully in control someone always have to be in alert and ready to take over. The also mentions 'safety is best enforce within alert drivers."Driverless cars" should stop being funded because it can cause an accident, a human will still have to be aware and ready to take over, and the law also states that. Driverless cars sensors are nothing new of course, but they may also fail at occations. When sensors fail at anytime it may cause an accident. If the person in the vihcle dose not know what is going on it may lead to a extream unfortinit case. It may leave the passengers extreamly hurt, or even worst it may lose a life. In which case we do not want to occure. Technollogy may fail. They are also not fully controlled on it is own. Someone always has to remain ready to take over when ever is needed. Why will someone want to do that when not having fully controlled or no controlled at all. People would offten lose sight of the road. People may also get annoyed. They also say that they may place cameras on vhicle to watch the driver stay foucesed on the road. If the car cannot do that on it's own i belive it should not be a car to be able to use. Lastly the law it's own belives that 'safety is best reenforceed with drivers alert. When only people think that it is not quite a big deal but when the law belives the same way it is something major. As that have been said most states it is illegar to even test a driverless car. Some of those states are The distric of Columbia, California, Nevada, and also Florida. Whitch i agree and it is a great idea to enforce. That is why Driverless cars should not be funded nor try to be created. Driverless car sensors may fail and can cause a tragic. They are also not self conntrolled on it's own. The law also said 'safety is best reenforce with alert drivers.' Would you still want to own a car like thing? I hope this changed your mind if so.
Driverless cars should not be used on the road yet, or anytime soon. Driverless cars are way to damngerous, and could take up a lot of money. The main thing most people would be worried about is the fact there not really in control of what goes on with the vehicle they purchased. There could be many costly bills, many law suits, for something you didn't do, but what your driverless vehicle did. This could lead to too much then we neen when we could all do what the vehicle is made for, which is for us to drive not to drive by itself. Even though many people have already started investing in the idea for driverless cars, they could be putting themselves in a bigger hole then they thought. The money there putting up could go to waste cause more then likely people would want to drive there own car. This meaning there investing in something that nobody would probleby not want. The big name companies such as Toyata, and Chevy could lose alot of money, when they was making more doing it the normal way. If your in the car driving what you bought you would feel better about your car. The driverless cars could come with maufunctions that could lead to law suits. Things like your brakes, your steering wheel and even wheels could mess up and you're not there to see who did it or not, cause the car is driverless. Such as if someone was to his your car and the car was messed up, how would you know who did it. Little things like that could change someones whole perspective on the vehicle. Which could make the people take back the car and get a normal one, which means the big name companies would lose money. Not only would we have to wait to even get the car, you would have to be careful with the laws too. Laws such as keeping people focused on the road. Such as if someone hit the car your not driving who would be respansible. If no one was there in either of the cars no one would win the law suit. Many states its already illegal such as California, Nevada, Florida, and Columbia. Once other states realize the damages, they'll change there minds too, and make new laws for cars, Which will make them fustrated and ban cars from many places. In that case if that happens the big name companies will lose a lot of customers and long time assumers, then eventually lose all there money they invested. This could lead to too much then we neen when we could all do what the vehicle is made for, which is for us to drive not to drive itself. The driverless vehicle is not safe enough to be on streets yet. Nobody would know who's responsible for the mistake of a (driverless car) nondriver. There will be lots of laws banning them and running car buissness down the drain. There would be many things wrong with the routes, such as if there was a car acctident, and the car had to reroute it couldn't. Meaning we should stick to what we have been doing since cars have been first invented, which is driving them ourselves.
It is in the best interest of the people that you do away with the Electoral College. When people vote, they want it to be a direct vote to the election, not a vote for their chosen candidate's electors. The Electoral College should be abolished because it doesn't guarantee your vote, the House's selection can't be expected to reflect the will of the people, and swing voters could cause a catastrophe. To begin, the Electoral College should be abolished because it doesn't guarantee your vote. As stated before, when you vote, there is no say in who actually wins the election. You are voting for electors who then vote for the President. While it is a rare occurance, those Electors may betray you and vote for the other party, cancelling your vote totally out. If a candidate gets the most popular votes, that doesn't guarantee them as President, because they still have to get the Electoral College's votes. In the third source titled, "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" by Richard A. Posner, it reads, "It happened in 2000, when Gore had more popular votes than Bush yet fewer electoral votes, but that was the first time since 1888." This sentence means that President Bush won with fewer popular votes and more electoral votes. If their was no Electoral College, Al Gore would've won the election. The people would've thought that Al Gore was going to win, and they were probably in for a surprise when they saw that Bush had won with fewer popular votes. It just goes to show that an election can go either way, and there is no closure for a candidate until it is actually announced who won. Next, the House's selection can't be expected to reflect the will of the people. Say a Republican candidate gets a majority of the popular votes, but the Democratic candidate wins because he is chosen by the Electoral College. The people of the United States might actually feel betrayed because they felt that the Republican party could benefit the economy and society best, and that President might not be up-to-par and disappoint the people. Also in the third article, it reads " feel that their votes do not count, that the new president will have no regard for their interests, that he really isn't their president." The statement really says a lot about both sides of the argument. If there is an Electoral College and if their isn't an Electoral College, people could still feel this way. If a candidate who has less popular votes wins, then those states that voted for him/her might feel as if they "will have no regard for their interests". Lastly, swing voters could cause a catastrophe. Swing states could be considered manipulative because they all know that the popular vote rests in their hands. Will it be Democratic or Republican? You never know. The candidates focus mainly on campaigning in these states because these are the ones that are half and half, states such as Ohio. While there are thoughtful voters, there are also ones who could care less about who the President is and just want to keep America on the edge of her seat while they decide who they want to vote for. In the second source, "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" is says "In 1976, a tie would have occured if a mere 5,559 voters in Ohio and 3,687 voters in Hawaii had voted the other way." The states are swing states and they truly determine the fate of the election. As said before, those states get the most attention from the candidates, who try to make themselves as appealing as possible. In the second source as well, the author says "During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign ad." Rhode Island and South Carolina are states that are almost entirely for one party so there is no use in the opposite party going there to try and persaude them to change their minds because it is most likely not going to happen. While they may feel neglected, it's just how it is. To conclude, the Electoral College should be banished because it doesn't guarantee your vote, the House's selection cannot be expected to reflect the will of the people, and swing voters could cause a catastrophe.
the aurtor gives a strong reson why we should study venus dispite the dangers if venius. by giving the resons why studing venus will give us a more knowladge of how the world works, and how it will helps us with scientific advancements that are made for the need of using towads studing venus and with thoese advancements will help us learn more about earth itself. As he states in his writing that NASA is using electronics made from silicon carbide in a chamber simulatng the chaos of venus's surface and he talked about the envision of a computer that made calculations by useing gears and leavels and do not use electronics at all. so do to the tech they would develope do to needing to help them study venus's surface. would infact help us advance in science as well as technology. which gives us more of an understandment of how the world works.
World War ll was over and alot of damage was done to many countries. Some countries didn't have any food, animals, or supplies. So, Seagoing Cowboys, which are a part of the UNRRA, travel back and forth on a boat that carries a cargo of about 300 horses and enough food to feed them. This is a tough job for just a few guys becasue the animals need food, water, and their stalls had to be cleaned. If you were a Seagoing Cowboy you would have alot of amazing opportunitys. In the story Luke states in paragraph five " Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing China and Europe. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special." You would also get to help people. You would get to take things that families need to them. Lastly, you could also have fun! On the way back when you don't have any cargo, you play or do fun activites. You could play baseball or volleyball where all of the animals where at on the way to your destination. Also you could box, fence, read, and have table-tennis tournaments. Some people say they would not want to be a Seagoing Cowboy because of the long trip, but if you were doing fun activites such as reading, boxing, fencing, playing baseball, and taking care of the animals time would pass by. You also have the opportunity to see many new things. You could see China and Greece and lots of other countries. They also don't want to be a Seagoing Cowboy because they think you don't do much, but you get to take care of the animals and play games. In conclusion, being a Seagoing Cowboy would be fun. You can help others and serve your country also. You would see many new sights and do many fun daily activites.
To the fellow citizens using cars, its very easy to go somewhere with a ride because you dont have to walk, But if i were you i wouldve choosen to walk because it very good for you because its like if you were doing exersice. A lot of people perfere to drve a car because there probably too lazy or something lol, th reason they like driving because its the fastest thing to go somewere quick, but you know its that big advantage about a car but the thing that sucks about a car you have to put gas in it, and thats oretty expensive for some people but thtas why some rich people are the only ones to be able to put gas in it. Sometimes its kinda bad driving because the percentage of transportation is getting too high, also theres a whole bunch of drivers that are starting to find according to reuters so that caused to tthe people cars had their cars impounded for their own reaction due to the fine
venus is a worthy pursuit because there are many things that could be on there and many other thnigd that we have yet to explore. Like the author says in the article 'venus is a challenging planet to explore". we could explore the planet in many other ways that would work. nasa has a idea about having the blimp about 30 milesabove the surface which would help the studying of the planet venus and help promote exploration and pioneering of the planet. Also the planet venus is much like earth othe than the high levels of carbon dioxide and tempertures, but us humans have many methods as the author says summerized which would help humans survive on t he planet and possiblt becom habitably. more information to support the other is that we havent sent any probe or anyting to venus in 50 years and now in the age that we are living in now we have significance amout of better and highl advanced technology and computers that could help with this motive. The author has many claims to help pursuade humans to explore mars and he or she does a very well job of doing it. BUt therefore humans must go to venus ans the author claims it would help people and all of the people
Car usage is very popular in this world we have come to know. It used for many means of transportation like going to work, school, social events, or just simply going shopping or hanging out with friends. Those are some up sides to having  and using a car. But they are some down sides as well. I will be explaining the down sides of using a car as well as the advantages of limiting car usage. My first reason in this topic that i have chosen to tell you about are "Car-free" cities. what are Car-free cities? well the name says it all is a new project they are working on in europe of this city who is car free. This new city has no cars, no street parking, no driveways or or home garages. Why do they exist? well the obvious answer is to minimize car pollution that are creating green house gases and are polluting the air and more places can adopt this idea and have more "car-free" cities so we can save the planet and ultimately save our selves from extinction because we did not know how to maintain our planet clean. Also a thing a like about this new "Car-free" city is that  theres a main street where theres all the stores at a walking distance like how great is that? u can just take a ten to twenty minute walk and go shopping for anything like grocerys, shoes, clothe, restaurants instead of driving to a mall along some distant highway and ultimately that is where everybody is so hanging out with your friends and meeting all up in one place is at a walking distance and if you dont have any friends well you make new friends at this main street because that is where everybody is. Another great reason for considering less car usage is less traffic. Who does not like less traffic? everybody hates traffic is slow, boring, and annoying. Now if we have less traffic that means we have less commute time when trying to get to work if you have a job that is far from your home and that means you get to work sooner and on time and hopefully get a raise because you feel like you dont get paid anough to do what you do. Also if we have less traffic we have less commute time and what does that mean? well it can mean multiple things like having more time to sleep because you dont have to worry about waking up early to beat the morning traffic like my mom and plenty of other people do. At the end of the day you will be able to get home quicker so you can spend more time with your family and do stuff you usually cant because of the time you spend at traffic. My last reason is a very important reason and it is simply "safety". Think about it, it is simply just common sense. if they are less cars in the road at one time then the chances of car accidents decreases. Now i dont know about you but that sounds like a win win to me. One theres less accidents so theres less people in the hospital so they dont have hospital bills to worry about and less accidents means less traffic as well. And also if you ban the cars for a day or have one of them "car-free" cities you have less drunk drivers; one because they dont have a car so they will probably just drink at home and two if the bar or where ever is that there going to drink is close enough then they can just "walk" there sober and "walk" back to the house drunk instead of being in a car a causing a fatal accident. Ultimately i feel that the usage of cars should be limmited because of many reasons. This reasons are as follows. Less car pollution. living in a car-free city so you are able to walk everywhere. Less traffic, less commute time, having more time to do stuff. and last but not least the safety of drivers. personally i think we should supervise the usage of automobiles and have more "car-free" cities and have days where car usage is baned or restricted by some amount.
I think the technologhy to read students emotional spreeions is a great idea because it can tell you if you sad happy angery disgusted or fear. On the Mona Lisa smile it tells you how are you felling when you are looking at it. That ehy people and student go look at the Mona Lisa smile panting to go see how are they filling. In the pragh 1 it says that shes 83 percent happy 9 percent disgusred 6 percent fearful. Dr Huang asked if they can calculate emotions like math homework and how can a computer recongnize the subtle facial. In this process it begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model on the face. Dr huang relies on the work of the pyschologists as Dr Paul Eckman creator of FACS the did the test on Eckman and he had happiness surprise anger disgust fear and sadness. The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intened to bring a smile to eveybody face when you go and see the painting. Making a happy face was a great idea because its bring people happyniess to you becacuse its does not making you angery or sad. that why it was a grat idea about this painting.
In the article usage of FACS is shown by telling us The Mona Lisa's true emotions after using the program. I believe that the technology used can be important in schools and classrooms to show wether students are bored, sad, or angry. This technology can be used to help students with different emotions learn lessons better. The technology can also help teachers further understand how a student's emotions affects their learning. When the program gets implemented into schools it may actually help students learn better. In the text it is explained that "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal", meaning that it can be used on almost any one. This would make it easier to use the program in other areas and different kinds of people. In conclusion I believe the use of this technology is valuable in learning environments, to read people's emotions better, and helping them out in the long run.
Driverless cars are beingcoming more and more common with each day that the technology is evolving. I believe that in the next 30 years we will have driverless cars all over the place. Many car companies today are well on their way to developing driverless cars, simple autonomous cars have been tested since 2009, with many car companies rushing to learn what they can about it. The reason it wasn't happening before then was because they lacked the technology. Back then, a radar was an object on a hill that cost over 200 million dollars, not something you could put on a car and use to help it on the roadways. Driverless cars are not a bad idea, they can improve safety because they are more precise and can respond quicker to any situation thrown at them by todays everchanging road ways and transportation infrastructure. If we can improve driver and passeneger safety, why not take the chance to develop something for the future. So far, many of the tests on these cars have proven successful 90% of the time. Volvo hopes to have their first driverless car publicly available in 2020. I believe driverless cars are going to happen somewhere in my lifetime, I won't use them because I prefer to drive myself, but I can see many using them because of their saftey.
Many countries are wanting or deciding to reduce car usage due to the pollution of gasoline and diesel engines and the space and population. These countries believe that these machines are harmful to their country and their enviroment. How they choose to reduce the use of cars is by banning or making it a holiday to use other needs of transportation and not use these harmful vehicles or maybe result in hybrids. Residents of Vauban,Germany have many people giving up the use of their vehicles because of the community. "70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here" they believe they do not need vehicles to travel and harm the envirment. "When I had a car I was always tense,I'm much happier this way," said Heidran Walter, as she walks to get to her destination enjoying the unpolluted air and the screming of children."Automobiles are the linchpin of suburbs, where middle-clas families from Chicago to Shanghai tend to make their homes". Since the countries have gotten or are getting worse many cities try to make it better for walking and are still trying just like many of the suburbs. Other than thise country many more have actually passed or started a law for driving such as Paris. Due to the pollution of the enviroment in Paris they have enforced a law to partially ban driving. Paris has enviromental issues to the use gasolines and diesel vehicles, these vehicles polluted the air with smog. "Cold nights and warm days caused to the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions". Paris had alot of enviromental problems with smog any other European capitals, it was proven that "Paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter compared with 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in London, Reuters found". Paris will always do this due to the pollution in the enviroment of gasoline or diesel powered vehicles. This issue I agree is poroblem to the enviroment so I like the way they dealt with gasoline and diesel powered vehicles and we should use more hybrid vehicles to help our expenses and our enviroment.                     
The Automobile Industry has done nothing but grow since World War II. The Car has begun to implement itself into our culture, becoming a part of sporting events, TV shows, and even video games. Recently, however, the automobile industry has been experiencing a shift in interest. Countries around the world are implementing "Car Free Days," or even car-free cities into their laws and cultures. The new laws and ideas are seen by some as irrelevant, or pointless, and some have even resisted these laws. While car lovers and enthusiasts may not enjoy the laws very much, when implemented on their daily lives, studies have shown that the new ideas are extremely important, maybe even revolutionary. The car free environment begins in the German suburbia, where residents of a large community called Vauban live their daily lives Car-Free. Vauban is free of street parking and driveways, and full of cyclists, skateboarders, roller bladers, and any other emmision free means of transportation you can imagine. Because of this, nearly 3 out of 4 families in Vauban do not own cars. "When I had a car, I was always tense. I'm much happier this way," said Heidrun Walter, mother of 2 and resident of Vauban, Germany, mentioned in source 1. Car owners in Vauban park the vehicles in garages at the edge of town, to make commutes to nearby developments. Car free cities like Vauban are believed to be the next step to a greener, better world. More efforts like Vauban are being made in large cities like Paris, France and Bogota, Columbia. According to source 2, Paris recently enforced a law to reduce emmisions, where even number plated cars may drive on Monday, and odd number plated cars my drive on Tuesday, and so on. The laws soon proved ineffective after a short time, for Paris to recind them. Paris, being one of the most polluted European cities, will certainly be making more efforts against pollution. An improvement campaign in Bogota, Columbia calls for one whole day without cars, according to source 3. Citizens are urged to take other means of transportation, like bikes or busses. Violators faced a $25 fine. The dark gray rainclouds didn't stop the citizens of Bogota from taking away stress and air pollution. This year, for the first time, two other cities, Cali and Valledupar, joined Bogota in the event. Cities around the world like Paris and Bogota are making efforts to reduce air pollution and leading better lives in cleaner cities. Driving in America hit it's peak in 2005, when the number of miles driven in relationship to population was largest, according to source 4. Since then, the stats have dropped steadily, now sitting 9% below what it was in 1995. Many sociologists believe that the biggest decrease in milage is shown in young people between 16 and 39. Studies show that driving by these people decreased 23% between 2001 and 2009. Many experts now believe that America's car culture has hit its peak, and is now on the decline. There are many advantages of limiting car usage. The people of Bogota, Vauban, and Paris know that in most cases, cars cause stress, and that even a day without it can refresh your mind. The citizens of Vauban, who do not use cars in their daily lives, are living comfortably, and happily, without producing carbon emmisions into the environment. Even Americans are jumping on the band wagon, where young people are now using cars only when public transport is unavailable. Cars make moving easy, there is no doubt in that. But can the emmisions of the vehicles be avoided, without sacrificing the quality of our daily life? According to Vauban, Bogota, and Paris, it can be done, and it will be done.  
Why would you want to join the program Seagoing Cowboy? One reason is it's a one in the lifetime opportunity. You also help countries recover the countries' belongings. The fun part is you get to travel around the world, and visit a variety of places! Wouldn't you like to travel around the world and help countries? I know I would enjoy being in the program. Luke Bomberger helped recover food supplies,animals and much more. 44 other nations joined a group called UNRRA. The Seagoing Cowboys were taking care of animals. Luke had made nine trips in1947, it was the most of any Seagoing Cowboy! Luke thought it was unbelievable for a small-town boy! He felt special helping people and animals, an seeing countries. How would you feel? It must have been busy for Luke caring for animals! Taking care of animals is hard work ,imagine taking care of 15 or more! Would you enjoy taking care of many animals? When Lukewatchman duty and it had been rainy so it was slippery Luke had slipped and fell he had cracked his ribs and couldnt work for a few days. When they unboarded they played many games and sports. Luke was more aware of other countries and needs. I think it would be fun to be a Seagoing Cowboy and help countries. would you want to? Helping Countries is very special and i would do it.
As we are growing up riding in the front seat of our parent's, friend's, brother or sister's car we desperately can't wait until it is our time to achieve our license and follow their footsteps. The thought of having the responsiblity of someone else's life while driving can scare some people, but not me. Even though there are many different types of laws enplaced in each state following driving, it is a priveldge to be able to drive, not a right. Some people are able to drive, some are not. My parents often say don't rush to get your license because driving isn't all it seems to be but I don't care to listen, I will see for myself. There are many different occassions in movies that take place in the future that include floating cars, driverless cars, all types of advancements in technology. We all have imagined that in the future that this would be an amazing invention that everyone would love but actually in reality, not everyone favors this. People speculate the consistency and safety that comes from techonology almost everyday, through their phones, laptops, and even their very own car. But me, I'm all in for trusting driverless cars and depending on technology to ensure the safety of my life. I feel that if these automakers can put together a car that can steer, accelerate, and even brake all on themselves, I'm sure going to try it because it would just make driving all less stressful. Even though I don't even have my license yet, I am surely optimistic in the success and excitement that these driverless cars are to become in the near future. Techonolgy advancements that have occured just in the past decade have already impacted the quality of life for the normal human being. Inventions such as the iPhone, have made billions upon billions of dollars to Apple because people love the advantages that come with them. This is just one of the many successful technological advancements that have taken place in the past 10 years. A phone really isn't a neccesity to some people but a car on the other hand is, depending on where you live and the status of your life is a need to the average person. So if a new inventions in a phone has affected billions of lives of people around the world, then why can't a advancement in a car making the lives of people less of a hassle succeed? We can only wait and see what type of new improvement in the quality of life is soon to come any day now.
As the author mention that there is different risks to live in Venus. The author uses explicit evidence to support that "Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it represent. No spacecraft has touch venus and will be difficult for the resistence of the spacecraft. The inner surface of venus and the tempeture will be tough. It will be a difficult task to live in venus. As a spacecraft aproches to the land in Venus will be difficult and also the resistence of the spacecraft won't be good as aproching to land in Venus. The author show us that there hasn't land a spacecraft in decades, "since no spacecraft survided the landing for more than a few hours." This tell us that when the spacecraft is aproching to the surface of Venus it will destroy trying to decend to the atmosphere, because of the tempeture of Venus. Also this could happen because there is no space fo the aircraft to land. This is why "not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades." The scientist can't find a solution for this spacecraft land of Venus. But NASA is working on a experiment to have better electronics in the spacecrafts. The surface of Venus and tempeture are to high and it can't be a good idea to have people in this conditions. The conditions of Venus are to high because, it has a high tempeture and it has a high high percent of carbon dioxide. "A thick atmosphere almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus" This make a humen live in Venus more difficult and also it won't be able to survive in this conditions. Also the tempeture that Venus has it doesn't have it any other planet "tempeture average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit." While the scientist are trying to find a way to get the radiation of the solar to have more energy. It will be difficult to make a new home in Venus because of its not easy conditions. They have differerent contions in Venus, "erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface." The tenesion of living in Venus is really high because, if you made a hiome close to a volcanoe and it erupt; there will be a lot of lifes dead. Also when you trying to make a new home it will be more difficult becuase of the hottest surface tempetures. But there are some parts of Venus that can help you. "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters," this tell us that Venus can be good place to live. In conclusion the studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the darger it represent. Because of the spacecraft aproching the surface of venus can have an impact and also it can have a dangerly caused. Also, because of the tempeture and conditions that Venus has. The high percentage of Carbon dioxide and also the high tempeture and being the only planet that has the highest tempeture. And the last is Living in Venus it will be difficult life. Scientist will make something to be able to start a new life in Venus.
The Face on Mars was not created by aliens. The "Face on Mars" isn't anything but a landform. We have scientific proof that it's just a landform. This essay is going to show 20th cetury tecnology wasn't what we have now, landforms around the area they were looking at are actually quite common and, you don't always need to buy into what others are selling. In this essay I'll give you the answers you need to believe the truth. In 1976 cameras didn't have good quality picture unlike now. Our technologies are changing and they're changing fast. The 1976 version of the Face was blurry and you could barely see what the picture was. Even the 1998 version was pretty bad, but you could make it out a little more than in 76. The 2001 clearly states that it was in no way a face or an ancient civilization on Mars. The scientists themselves even felt that what they were seeing was a Mesa. And the second paragraph of the story explains," Scienctists figured out it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh." Plus in paragraph 12 Garvin says," It remind me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plainof Idaho. That's a Lava dome that takes te form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." Scientists information is usually pretty credible, you can usually trust that what they are telling is the truth. Don't believe every news healine and story you see. Everyone has seen the magazines you find that pulls people in with hazardous rumors and lies, things that just aren't true. The '' Face on Mars '' happens to be a pretty big deal. Its been in movies, radio shows, magazines and a whole lot more. But is all of that really something that you can take full trust in. Not every writer, newspaper and magazine is right. They don't always get good information thats why you stick to someone you know who will tell you the truth like a scienctist. So in conclusion, " The Face on Mars'' isn't really a face at all nor a ancient alien artifact. It's simply a natual landform most likely a mesa or butte. Trust me its not a face its just weird shadows that make it seem to look like a face. If there was really something to see by now we would have seen it and the facts are not in favour of silly conspiracy theorists. Now you know " The Face on Mars'' is more like a mesa on mars.
Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because its the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, it has some fammiliar features, its close to Earth. One reason why Venus is a worthy pursuit is because of its density and size is so close to earths and the distance is close too. In the text it states "Often reffered to as Earth's "twin", Venus isw the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too." This shows that Venus is close to earth in size and its not that far from earth. Another reason why Venus is a worth pursuit is because it has some familiar features like valleys and mountains.In the text it states " The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and creaters. Furthermore, recall that venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit". This shows that Venus would be a great planet to visit because it has features that humans are used to and its the nearest option. Another reason why Venus is a worthy pursuit is because its the nearest planet for us to visit. In the text it states " ...sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus. Because Venus is sometimes right around the corner-- in space terms-- humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land this cloud-draped world. This shows that venus is the closest to Earth. In conclusion Venus is a worthy pursuit because its the closest planet to earth, it has the same density and size and it has familiar features to earth .
I am for the development of driver-less cars. Television and movies have long been fascinated with cars that could drive themselves. Google has made cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009. Having driver-less cars in the near future would make it a lot easier on adult drivers. The drivers would still have to be alert, but the cars would alert them at any time there is danger or at any time the drivers need to be extra careful. I agree with the development of having driver-less cars. The new driver-less cars have sensors. Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS reciever, and an inertial motion sensor. Automakers use speed sensors at the wheels in the creation of antilock brakes. The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone. The driver-less car still needs a driver no matter what technology they bring into the automotive systems. Dr. Werener Huber says that they have to interpret the driving fun in a new way. Some manufacturers suggested that they do that by bringing in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. The display could be turned off when the driver needs to take over. In this way, the in-car system is actually a safety feature and safety is a big concern when it comes to driving. Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe. Lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers. Traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. Driver-less cars wouldn't be breaking the laws by driving them around becuase driver-less cars have to have a human driver in the car at all times incase something were to go wrong. The human driver would be able to fix the problem. Automakers are continuing their work on solving all the problems that will need to be solved ahead of time before human drivers can start driving these cars. Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020. The road to the truly autonomous car stretches on ahead of us all, but we are growing closer to the destination every day. I personally agree with the making of driver-less cars.
The author have lots of facts and I think he needs to add his ideas so people can see what he thinks. I think Venus is cool but I didn't know that it was that close to the planet Earth. I also feel like people dont find facts fun because people dont want to know all the fact. And I can see this could happen in like in 2040 or longer and if I would be alive I would not because it would be alote of money to go to a planet and I would miss the planet Earth. Yes the author did support this idea but he could add more of his ideas because I dont really understand if you could live on it because how would you get food, water, pets and have fun on Venus. And people would also be mostlikey dupest and fat because people are not going to go outside to go play and you cant talk to enyone. And if the spacecraft was unmanned and for good reason then I dont think this is not going to happen eny time soon.
My position on driverless cars are that they are dangerous. Technology could fail you at any given time. The car could put the antilock brakes on when they are not needed and cause you to get rear ended. The sensor for when something is in front of you or behind you could go bad, which could result in hitting something or running a red light. If a new road is built or updated, and the map has not been updated in your car yet, the car could get you lost. People would become careless and not pay attention period, and know nothing about the driving rules and regulations. Finally, if you crashed who would be at fault the driver or the car company. Technology has failed many times in the past. Planes have crashed, ships have sank, and electricity has gone out for days at a time before. You would be trusting your life and your family and friends life completely with that piece of technology. Today, most things are technologically ran, but with some type of human control to it. Although, humans fail at times to, we can try to correct our errors when a car really does not know when it did something wrong. The car could put the antilock brakes on when they are not needed. When you are driving and randomly brakes in front of you, you tend to end up getting in a crash or almost crashing. If the brakes locked up for no apparent reason you would get hit, and many people die from accidents each year. You could also be driving close to another car at a normal speed and the car could brake, thinking you would crash and you could get slung from your seat, becoming injured. Sensors that see if the car will back into something or run something over could go out. They could go out while you were sleeping in your driverless car and you could potentionally run a red light, hit a person, or crash. Even if something went out when you were awake how could you control the car to get to the nearest car shop. If a new road was built in a small town, how long would it take for the map in the car to update, or how accurate are the maps actually. The new road could be the only way out of the town, and your car would not of gotten the update yet about the new road. Being lost, and having no control over your car is a pretty bad thing. Now, even Google Maps does not know where some things are and takes you the wrong way. Overtime, people are going to become careless with how they drive, they will not pay any attention to the road and not even know they ran a stop light till they get a ticket in the mail. Then, they could easily take it to court and blame the car manufacturer. People who drive normal cars could blame driverless cars when they get into an accident saying their sensor was not working or the car has a default to it. Lastly, if someone gets into a crash, whose fault is it? They say in the article they do not know who would be at fault for the crash. The car company could have a lawsuit against them if someone dies in the car, or because of the car. Would the company get sued, having to pay for injuries or anything else, or will it be the driver's fault for being careless and not paying attention. You do not know if the person even had any control over the car to begin with. Driverless cars are dangerous. If a car relies on technology 100% it is almost a definite things will go wrong with the driverless cars. Technology is not safe 100%, technology assistance is not a bad thing to have, but when it is in full control, it tends to not be the safest. How smart can a car actually be, because a person designed it, and we are prone to flaws and faults. All in all for the technology to be fully in control is dangerous.
I think having a "driverless cars" will be a good idea. Thats because I see more good in the things it can do than bad. Here i will list out a couple of why there should driverless cars. The first reason I see why its good because the manufacturers has test the driverless cars. The result of it was that the car drove more than half a million miles with out crashing. Which is said in pharagraph two. This clearly means it is capable of being a driverless car becasue it could travel so far with out an accident. Next the driverless cars also has a bunch of features that will help it to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel. The car features that the car will or more likely have is sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS reciever, and lastly a inertial motion sensor. Becasue of all of those the statement that says it can mimic a human at the wheel could be or is true. This information was found in pharagraph four. Lastly the senors can cause the car to apply the brakes and reduce power from the engine which allows a better responce and control compared to a human driver. Thats not the only thing the car can control. The car can also steer and accelerate by themselves. The catch the car will notify the driver when the road needs human skills. Meaning it will need a driver to actually take control when it is going through work zones and around accidents.Due to that program the driver still needs to stay alert, aware the surroundings, focus on the road and is ready to take over at any moment when a situation appears. To notify the driver the seats of the car will vibrate when it about to back up into an object. To announce the driver when to take over the driverless car will have flashing lights on the windshield or have a heads up display. Those are the reasons why i believe driverless cars is a good thing. Due to all the alarm systems telling the driver when to take over this might prevent texting a driving. Also that is a step forward to becoming more advanced. So as time goes on automakers or known as the manufacturers will continue to fix problems that the car might have making it better and safer. Sooner or later it will be a perfect highly advance car in the future. The first step is always the hardest because no one knows what it will do.
Hello, I am a scientist from NASA. I was asked about the aliens on Mars. I must say that the first picture in 1976 looks a lot like an alien, but we have gotten better technology and the newest pictures show it is just a monument. It resembles the butte or mesa landforms in the American West. They are naturally formed in nature. As my colleague said in his text they resemble eachother enormously. Also, we used the absolute maximum resolution in the latest picture we took in 2001. It was made very apparent that this was not aliens at work but again just a natural landform. The only reason that people aren't believing the truth with our technology is because these conspiracy theorists. Finally, the biggest piece of evidence that the face is a natural landform is that if NASA discovered this, we would benefit tremendously. We are not hiding this from anyone. We here at NASA would get more money, funding, and attention. We mainly would want the funding to perhaps interact with the aliens if they were there, but they are not. So that is why I, a scientist at NASA, can confirm that the picture from 1976 is just a bad picture of a natural landform. Also, I can confirm that we here at NASA aren't hiding the truth from you. If there is ever aliens we will make sure to tell you, the people, first.
"Facs's" or facial action coding should be allowed to read the emotional expressions of students in the classrom and it would be valuable. Having facial action coding could help to allow a teacher to see when a student may be bored or is confused and simply needs some help. Prof. Thomas huang of the beckman institute, and also prof. Nicu Sebe of the university of amesterdam have been working together to create and improve facial action coding for it would be extremely valuable for our classrooms. Having facial action coding would help teacher's be able to see all how the class is feeling and making sure they feel energized and happy in their working enviornment,yet also allows the teacher to see when a student needs help:"A classrom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,". In addition because of the facial actions coding capabilities to detect these emotions it could also modify a lesson to be more fit for any certain student;"Then it could modify the lesson, Like an effective human instructor". Evidently having facial action coding software in classrooms would be an extremely valuable thing, And although the opposing side may say that children should'nt have their emotions read that it's their personal buisness, it turns out most communication happens to be nonverbal anyways:"most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication." facial action coding system is an abosolute leap in technology advancements, for its ability to detect and analyze facial musclar movements. It would be extremely valuable for our modern day classrooms. Contrary to a common belief that it is wrong to read the emotions or expressions of younger kids just to make sure they are going to be paying attention in class it turns out we already do that as humans:" in fact we humans perform this same impressive 'calculation' everyday. for instance, you can probably tell how. friend is feeling simply by the the look on her face". Evidently if we are already doing this naturally as humans furthermore it would'nt develoup conflict. Overall having facial action coding in our modern day classrooms would be very valuable and they would be beneficial for their capabilities to detect what a student is paying attention to the teacer or lesson in class, and also be able to modify class lesson to better them for the students, and finally for their ability to analyze the facial muscular movement.
Dear State Senator People should make a better choice on who they pick as president. Some people choose wrong, and the electoral collage needs to vote for us so that they make the right choice. The only reason I think this is because the electoral collage has never let us down. I like that we have some one to vote for us. Senator take this to heart we need this process for the people and the government. The only reason I like the process is because I would choose somebody over what they say not over what they do. I belive that some one should be picked as of their history and manners and honesty not over popular vote. This process is the only process that they need to help us make the right choice. The right choice would be Obama or Kinnedy or some one like that. The wrong choice is that charlie chris who wants to be a governor, well for now he wants to be a governor next he will want to be a president. The process of electoral collage needs to be here. The only reason we need not to vote on the popular voting thing is because people vote wrong vote right for once huh. Come on the voting thing where we vote and the popular vote wins isn't right out of however many presidents we've had we've only got under a half of them right. We need this process for the same reason we need new presidents lately. Do you see why we need not to vote by popular vote now? We need to stick to the electoral collage process or we won't be in good hands with presidents that is. Don't make us go back to popular vote thing please. We don't need popular voting at all so thats all i have to say.                                                                                        
"The Challenge of Exploring Venus" ESSAY "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is an article about the planet Venus.The article talks about features that Venus has and how dangerous it could be to humans to explore. The author of the article supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit, despite the dangers that could happen. Why does the author support that idea? Why does the author support the idea of exploring Venus even with all the dangers that come when exploring it.The author does not say that exploring venus would be a worthy pursuit despite all the dangers that could come, but he shows in the article facts that prove that he supports the idea.For example in paragraph number seven he states , " NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions."This shows that he belives that there will be an exploraion on planet Venus. The Author of " The Challenge of Exploring Venus" belives that exploring venus is possible in the future.Technology is getting more advance everyday,He stated in the text with facts that he is right in what he belives.
Did you ever think in your wildest dreams that you can be in a car with no driver? Well that may become a reality very soon. I believe that the idea for a self driving car can cause a lot of problems from who is responsible in a crash to how can the manufactures make the cars as safe as possible. There are three main ideas that may have you thinking next time you get behind the wheel. Those are how the cars need someone inside when driving, how they might not need someone inside in the future and how they can signal a passanger to assest f something were to go wrong. The self-cars most likely need a driver today because of road blocks, construction, or any road problems that might cause the car to crash and not be able to manuver out of the way of the obsticals. The cars also need a driver because if the manufacures were to put the self driving car on the market then not a lot of people will buy it from it costing too much or they just think it's ridiculous. Also if a driver were to crash into a self-driving car and there was no-one in the driver seat then there would be some problems like how the driver would say that it was the cars fault just to get some extra money from the car company. There also might be a way to alert the driver on stand-by to assest the car. If the car has a DVD player or televison screen and if there is an accentident about to happen, then the car can either shut down the devise or flash on the screen about the danger. The driver might be able to gain control over the situation. Also, if the driver does not have a screen and is using a cell phone as entrainment, then there could be lights instaled under the rear-view mirror and can flash when sensors detect danger. Now lets say that it is a decade or two from the inital launch of the driving car and about everyone has one. then maybe there wil be no reason for a driver to be present when driving. There are some cars out there with sensors around it to tell the driver to move out of the way of an incoming car. Well I believe that it is possible to have it to where the sensors tell the computer on board the vechicule to move out of the way, eleminating the middle man. Also if there is road constuction then there might be a way to tell all of the cars about it so that they know about where to go and how to get around it. I believe that it is possible to have a self driving car but it will take a long time. There will be trail and error along side it. But I believe that it is possible, from all of the technical advancements that have been accomplished over the years, i dont see a problem with a self driving car.