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Driverless car should not be aloud to be driven on the roads. They could mess up then the person that is sittind in the car might not be paying attention to what is going on. If that was to happen then something bad could happen to the people that are driving around that car. If the person in the car reacts to late to the cars problem it could also get them injured. The sensors in the car might not work right which could also not tell the person in the car when something back is coming on the road. Then they wouldnt have enough time to try and save themselfs from crashing into something. They could hit something will driving and stop all the electronic stuff from working. While they are sitting in the car and it sensors the person in it to take over might not work when they attemept to control what the car needs help with. The car might be to close to the danger that is in the road and it would be to late for them to try and control where the problem is and what the problem is. So the person in the smarter car could be put in danger for what the car didn't tell them. The sensors might not stop the car in time itself. If the person in the smarter car was to get in a wreck while they wasn't driving the car then who would be to blame for all the damage to the cars. Would the insurance that the person is paying on the car pay for it even if the driver wasn't physically in control of the car or they could sue the company for alot of money. The company wouldn't like for someone to sue their company for something that wasn't physically their fault. Thats why the driverless cars should not be aloud to be driven on the road. The car being on the road and getting into crashes could be a big problem for the poeople and the company. So the company should not put the cars the they have built onto the roads for saftey reasons. They need to think of more stuff to help with the car on the road.
I think knowing if students are either happen or sad in a class is a very important thing because that lets you know as a teacher if you are doing a good job at teaching or not. As teachers your suppose to make your students feel happen and excited to be able to learn. If you (the teacher) comes to class sad or in any negative way the class will feel the same and will not want to work because of how they are feeling. Then there can always be that one student in the back of the class all alone because he doesn't know nobody or because something is wong with him you should make him feel happy or even ask him what's wrong because no matter what you do not know what is wrong with a person unless you talk to that person and actually listen to what they are saying. You also have to understand wha they are feeling to be able to know how to handle that situation because if you don't and don't know what to do, you will make the other person feel even more bad about their self.
I think we should change to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. I have a couple reasons for saying that. First, under the electoral college system, voters don't vote for the president, they vote for a slate of electors who ends up voting for the president. Second, you have to worry about the ties in the electoral vote. First off, under the electoral college system, voters don't vote for the president, they vote for a slate of electors who ends up voting for the president. So that means you actually don't get to vote for the president you want, the electors get to vote for the  president they want and their choice might not be the same as yours. Here's an example that was in Source 1, "If you lived in Texas, for instance, and wanted to vote for [John] Kerry, you'd vote for a slate of 34 Democratic electors pledged to Kerry." So you don't actually get to vote for a president. Also, in source 2, it states that the electoral college is unfair to voters because of how each state has the winner-take-all system, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance in winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states. Second, you have to worry about the ties in electoral vote. Source 2 states that if a tie happens, the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president. The senate would choose the vice-president. The state delegations may not vote for the president you want and the senate may not vote for the vice-president you want either. I think the Electoral College process is a bad idea and it should be changed to popular vote for the president of the United States. Electoral college is unfair to voters and I think it should be gotten rid of.
It might be valuable, because it would be easy to see if a student is bored or confused. That might help around the class a bit, especially if a student lies if they know a certain subject everyone just learned, but that certain student either didn't pay attention because they were bored, or they were just confused about the subject. With this technology, you can help them out and maybe it would be efficient. In the article it says, "You can use the technology to see if a student is bored or confused." Since that was said, I think it would be a good idea to use that in a classroom. Like I said in my claim, a student might be lying, so using this technology might help out you and your student. In conclusion,the technology is helpful and can probably help out other people too, not just students. People can lie about their mood and can feel down, but if you use this technology, you might see that something is wrong with the person because of how they feel, and you might be able to help them out. This technology is helping the world become a better world.
The Face on Mars may look like a alien artifact, but in reality, it is just another natural landform. NASA's Viking 1 found a "human face" twenty-five years ago on Mars. It was said to be nearly two miles from end to end. Most scientists just thought it was another common Martian mesa. A few days later, NASA put out the image for the world to see. The authors said it was a huge rock formation that resembled a human head. They also mentioned that the shadows gave the illusion of eyes, a nose, and a mouth. It was believed to be just another rock. Since the story, the "Face on Mars" starred in films, books, magazines, and radio talk shows. Many people thought the Face is evidence of life on Mars, but would soon realize it was just a rock formation. Even a few scientists actually believed that the Face was an alien artifact. After these rumors, photographing Mars became a priority. On April 5, 1998, the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia and snapped ten pictures. Many anxious people waited for an image to appear on a JPL web site. The image did not reveal a alien monument, but a natual landform. On April 8, 2001, the Mars Global Surveyor was taken out for another look at the Face. The picture shows a buttle or mesa; which are landforms common around the American West. Although the Face was believed to be some type of alien artifact, after three times of exploring, it was still proven to be just another natural landform.
Driveless cars. You see them in movies, you joke around about them and some people even see them as an actual thing in the future. Cars that drive by themselves all they need is a human to be alert in case something happens. It has everything from comfortable seats and entertainment systems. Its uncertain to be entirely safe, its most likely going to be very expensive and lastly, its just lazy. Having driverless cars is absolutely NOT a good idea. I know it sounds awesome, a car that can drive itself?! That seems IMOSSIBLE. I mean who wouldn't want to just sit in a car and just wait to get to your destination? But I disgaree with the idea even though its genious. The idea of the car isn't entirely safe. Studies show that its been driven about half a million times, without a crash. Well thats most likely just a few people on the road, but driveless cars will be ALL OVER THE WORLD if approved by the law. There absolutely no way that you're not going to get in an accident. What if the car suddenly breaks down out of nowhere? Technology does seem to do that very often. And a car breaking down in the middle of where ever you're at isn't only dangerous for you, but for everyone around you. Can you imagine how much money it costs to build those cars? Now imagine how much they'll be when you buy them, ecspecially when companies like Mercedes-Benz, Audi and BMW are making them, normal cars alone are very expensive. We shouldn't be spending on money on building stuff we can already do ourselves, drive. Also, when it breaks dwn, which it will eventually, it will be extremly expensive to repair. It might even take a long period of time to fix and not everyone has that time, not everyone has that money either. Laziness. I'm not saying its entirely a bad thing, lazy people invented most of the stuff we use today. Think about it, lazy people made washing machines because they were tired of washing clothes, and then on top of that they made a dryer. The laziest people even built cars! They were tired of walking so they invented them for faster and easier transportation. Theres a specific amount of lazy you can get and driverless cars is the absolute laziest. I mean just sitting in the car waiting for your turn to drive while the CAR drives you? Thats crazy! If you can drive your own self then why expect a car to do it for you, it was built for YOU driving it. Also, entertainment systems in the car while you wait for your turn to drive? Not only is it distracting but the driver will be so focused on whatever they're doing they're not going to want to drive. So they'll be more focused on the show while driving becausse they think "oh well its driveless, so it will keep me from getting to an accident if I get way too distracted" then they end up in an life or death situation because they thought was ok to be on the entertainment divces in the car while they're lives and everybody elses life are at risk. Theres so many things wrong with this idea. It doesn't matter how many people approve it, its still very unsafe, expensive and is an extremely lazy act. They built cars to take YOU places, where YOU control the wheel, where YOU'RE responsible for whatever is to happen, now who is there going to be to blame when something does go wrong? You or the car? You can't expect everything to be done for you. I really hope this doesn't become legal, I hope they change their minds and just drop the entire idea. Driveless cars should definately NOT be the future it should be just a bad decsion in the past.
I think that we dont need to keep the Electoral College because it is not a good way for people to vote. I think how we should vote is by a majority vote where whoever wins the popular vote from all states will win the election and become are president. So whoever gets the most votes per every state that is who will win. One reason why i dont think we need to keep the electoral college is because in the second sorce in paragragh 14 where it says "It's official:The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational." It tells you that the electoral college makes it to where no matter who wins the popular vote the canidate will not win if the electoral college wants something different to happen. "The Louisiaa legislature early succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. (So that a popular vote for Kennedy would not have actually gone to Kennedy.)" i wanted to bring this up because if the Electoral Colege did what they were trying to do then Kennedy never would have been the president and who knows what the history of that presidency would be today. The electoral college is good at some times but i think that who ever wins th popular vote should automatically be the president. In the second sorce paragraph 2 it says "What have Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the AFL-CIO all, in their time, agreed on? Answer: Abolishing the electoral college!" According to Al Gore--thanks to the quirks of the electoral college--won the popular vote but did not win the presidency because of the electoral college. Over 60 percent of the people that vote for the president would rather have a direct election than have the electoral college becuse the electoral college does what they want and they do not listen to the people. I just think we need to no longer use the electoral college and just go by what the people of America think will be best for this country.
Even though it has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide and the clouds are high of corrosive sulfuric acid Astronomers are still studying it or trying to. They are fascinated by it because it may well once have been like Earth. In some ways it's a lot like earth such as erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, frequent lightning strikes, and maybe long ago was covered largely with oceans. In other ways it's not such as an average of 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atomosheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience here on Earth. Venus can sometimes be our neasrest option for a planetary visit, this is crucial considering tha long time frames of space travel. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. This getting in the way of spacecraft being able to get around NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions would allow scientists to floar above the fray. Just as our jets and airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earths levels. Since we can't be on Venus reseachers can't take samples of rock, gas, or anything else from a distance. Therefore, they who are seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close despite the risks. They have come up with many ideas such as simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and they have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. Also mechanical computers that make calucaltion by using gears and levers and don't require electronics at all. By comparison, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resisant to pressure, heat, and other forces.
In the atricle "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto, He tells us that new facial emotion technology is being developed. Technology like this would be valuable in the classroom because technology like this would tell us what a person's emotional expression. Technology like this can stop bad things that are caused by hate and sadness, like suicide. The technology will create a 3-D computer model of the face being scanned. It will can the 44 major muscles in the human face. Muscles such as the frontalis pars lateralis muscle convays the emotion of being surprised, by raising the eyebrows. The human will convey many emotions at once, so by using video imagery, the software will be able to track the facial movements. The units created by the facial expressions will be compared to a face that show no emotions. But, humans can do the same emotions calculations on a regular basis by looking at a friend that is sad or mad, but it'd be difficult to explain the facial features being conveyed at certain time. A classroom computer will be able to scan a childs face and see if the student is bored or confused, then the computer would act like a human instructor and modify the lessons to make it easier or less-boring to the student. Technology like this would be benefical to the classroom, because the computer can make certain school lessons less boring and more helpful to students that don't understand. Some students won't understand a certain subject on the first time. The student will need more involvment to further explain a subject to a confused student. So technology would be useful to the classroom.
The author of this article demonstrates and tells us a variety of factors that contribute to the fact that although Venus has several dangers surrounding it, the idea of studying Venus is worth the persuit well. Throughout the passage the author tells us the pros and the cons Venus has, but he somehow continues to try to persuade the reader that if more research and studying is done, it will all be worth it in the long run. Not only does he tried to persuade us, the reader, with his writing, but he also includes several facts proven nationwide by professional companies and sources. The author solely begins to reference NASA and how they play a role in advancing the knowledge of Venus throughout the course of studies. He uses evidence such as, "Venus would allow scientist to float above the fray. Just as our jet panes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground condtions by staying up and out of their way." The text also states," Temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans." The author includes this to give the reader a reasonable idea of what one of the largest space companies has come up with to begin to send humans to Venus. Furthering his persuasion, he continues to include details in the text about some of the innovations many researchers are working on that could contribute to expanding our knowledge of Venus. Following the details of NASA and their idea to visit Venus, the author includes evidence about some of the many innovations researchers are working on, along with how NASA is contributing to help better these innovations. The author does a very good job at describing some of the innovations created, and how they will help contribute meaningfully to our discoveries of Venus. The text states," Some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the choas of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." The text also states," Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computer. Systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces." Although the author does a very well job at trying to persuade the reader that studying for Venus is a worthy pursuit, I completely oppose his idea and what he is trying to do. My claim of this article is that all the research of Venus and trying to pursuit the idea that it will all be worth it is false. It will not be worth it, and I can support my answer with several different ideas from the text. First, the text states, " No spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." This is a major reason because if something like a spacecraft made out of hard metal, with a weight of a couple tons can not survive for more than a few hours, imagine what could happen with the human body. Secondly, Venus provides a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets and contains clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid which if the human body is exposed to, can deteriate and die at an instant. Lastly, on Venus's surface, the temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what us humans currently experience on Earth. These conditions also have the capability to liquefy many metals. With these kind of statistics from the planet Venus, there is no realistic survival chance for any human body, which is why I completely oppose what the author in this article is trying to do. The author of this article supported his claim that studying Venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers. Although he properly demonstrated why he supports furthering studies, I oppose his idea as I read the statistics from Venus and why furthering investigation of this planet would be in reality pointless. This concludes his reasoning behind wanting to continue studies, along with why I chose to oppose his idea of Venus.
It would be an amazing oppurtunity to be able to go and be a Seagoing Cowboy, I mean imagine all the things you could see, and places you could go. You may never have this kind of oppurtunity again, so why not take it. All you have to do is feed some cattle a couple times a day, clean some stalls, and if your the night watchman, all you do is check on the cattle once every hour then report back to the captain. After you drop off the cattle or shipment at its desired location you can go look around and do some sight seeing. No matter where you are i bet you can see some amazing things, even if your not much of a sightseer i bet you'll end up seeing something that you've never seen before. Then on your way back home on the ship, you and your crew mates can play games and sports where the cattle or shipment used to be to pass the time. Being a Seagoing Cowboy may not seem very fun, but it can be if you make the most out of it.
This is from the NASA facility er do not have fool proof on what made the crator in mars we don't have full evidence on what happend on mars. The face on mars is a mystery and very intersting phnominon and leads to very meracisly things in the future but for futher notice we cant say it was aliens. NASA scientist dont believe that this was alien trying to send a signal or a message to us for all we know a astroid may hit mars and we didnt know. On the flip side people and scientis have belived and wondered if aliens are real and there is many cases to make people believe there are alien living amungst human along with movies, games, and toys. We are all fasinated by space and still think aliens are real and some think that aliens are not real. We may never know what amde the face on mars if it was aliens or just rocks making shadows and if we ever find out why there was a face it will be a sight to see in the near future.
After World War II cars began to become more and more popular, and ever since then they (cars) have done more harm than good, air polution, traffic and just harming health are a few things cars have harmed citizens with. Many cities are doing things to help cut down the "smog" in their area by creating driving bans for a day or even a week (Paris bans driving due to smog 10 PBDS). It starts with one and grows into something much larger, and hopefully that shows in this situation. This essay is going to go into detail on why it is needed to cut back on car usage and maybe one day cars will not be needed. People began pointing the finger at diesels for the air polution in France after it was made obvious that they make up 67% of the vehicles in this area, compared to around 50% in the other parts of Western Europe (PBDS 16). Greenhouse gasses are harming our atmosphere by trapping the warm air in. If the habits of this generation continue than Earth will not be here much longer. A very popular vehicle, passenger cars, make up to 50% of the greenhouse gasses in some of the busy areas in the US. People are all about convieniency, and cars do much of that; instead of riding a bike for 30 minutes we can drive there in five without breaking a sweat. But it is time to break those running shoes out because our planet is dying. If everyone realized the reality behind greenhouse gassesand the polution we are putting into the air, we would not be in this situation. In Paris they needed to cut back on the polution, so they took action by having a day where motorists with even numbered license plates could drive and the next day, odd-numbers. After almost a week the smog had cleared and everyone was back on the road again. But during this time period it was recorded that the congestion was down 60% in the capital of France alone (PBDS 14). If everyday was like this, traveling to and from places would be easier and less time consuming. Although it was not much it starts with a little and grows to a lot. New York has a new bike program which adds up to much less if you count in the amount of tolls and gas they (motorists) do from day to day (The End of Car Culture 37 ECC). People are begginning to notice the benefits of riding your bike to work rather than driving, you are saving money and the Earth. Health is important to us and the future. This Earth is running out of clean air between polution and deforistation when will it stop. The chairman for Ford Motor Company is creating a plan in which "pedestirans, bicycles, private cars, commercialand public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety" (ECC 43). If all car producers were as aware as Bill Ford they could join together to make this world healthier and cleanier. But will it be enough, but by limiting cars usage all together our atmosphere could grow back to the potential it should be at, not trapping the warm air in. After Bogota had their car free day, sidewalks were replaced and parks were packed. Almost everyone participated with either hiking, biking, skating or taking the bus. The goal, which they succeeded with was to reduce their smog (Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota 28). What if all the countries did as so, it could start as a day, and grow into a week, a month, maybe forever. It would help us, our health and the future that has yet to come. After reading this essay it is obvious to why limiting car usage is essential to life. It has grown into something no one could have imagined and now that it is here, when will it be enough.  
Be able to detect your friends emotions is not that hard but what about someone you dont know very well? Being abble to hide emotions from onthers is not that hard, you van put on a smile and act happy around others and be different be yourself happenes all the time with teens and young adults. Will the machine be able to detect that? Or will it show the outer emotions rather than inner. This may help a lot of schools witth kids who dont like sharing their feelings, but at what cost will it take fot them to make kids go out and do this? Will it be something thats mandatory or will it be a choice? Thats the question we need to be asking, will it help teens and kids overcome feelings they dont like sharing or will it hurt them even more knowing they felt something that they have been denying all along. Also how do we know if thats correct? In the article it only used an example thats not even a person who is breathing, they used a painting so why spend an upwards of 5,000 dollars on something that may or may not work depending on the situation. Students get told all the time by teachers, parents, and a lot of other people that expressing their feelings is very important and to do it to someone they trust. Will this take that away the connection between two people sharing feelings, will we turn intoa society that relies on a machine to tell us our emotions? In mu opinion schools shouldnt make or even give this option to students it is giving them an "escape" to talking about their feelings, will it be worth it in the end? To turn our next generation that its okay not to tell how we feel. isnt that the same as being sort of "robotic". My parents stress the improtance of showing and talking about emotions and how it makes people closer, now they want to trow that away for a machine. I also see it being sort of like an alternative counsilier because you go see your counsilier about how your feeling and isnt that technically what this machine is doing? We need to stick with human interactions, having that is what makes us a society of poeple who care about one another. Once you introduce something with more machinerey yo introduce more kids who are antiscoical and dont want to go outside or play sports. There is a time when technology gets to be too muchand this is one of those times. Lets stop it before we even begin.
Dear Mr. Senator, Freedom to vote for authority figures in America had been an ideal image of government all across the world. However, is our priviledge to vote really honest and are the results of elections really in our hands like we think they are? The Electoral College System undoubtedly should be abolished because Americans have the right to have full control over who is elected President and, although some may believe that Electoral Colleges avoid the occurance of a run-off election, run-off elections may be avoided with much more reasonable methods. Clearly, election should be determined by popular vote, and not the Electoral College because Americans earned their right to have full control over the representatives in their government. According to Source 2, "state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and... those electors could always defy the will of the people." The defenders could be completely indifferent about the voters choices, or situations where swing states are borderline one party or another, and the Electoral College allows a limited selelction of people to make the final decision of millions (Source 1). The ballots that we vote in don't even effect the results of the election. It is as if these elections are trying to illude citizens from the fact that the only votes that contribute to the adoption of a new president are the electoral votes. Why bother letting us vote for a president, if only the defenders get to make the decisions? Unquestionably, the Electoral College is not a sound system for presidential election in the United States. In Source 3, Posner states that when there is an unclear plurality in the results of an election, the Electoral College makes it much simpler and more efficient by reducing the number of voters, eliminating the inconvenience factor. This statement appears as a faulty reasoning to have an Electoral College because it is obsurd to remove Americans' right to vote. Maybe, rather than restricting our rights, the result of a run-off election could be resolved by an Electoral College, but the initial vote should be made only by the citizens, fairly. Depending on the defenders to make the final decision of the leaders of our great country is an overly-cautious effort to avoid a tie, which could be easily resolved. You cannot deny, changing to election by popular vote for the president of the United States would be extremely beneficial for our country. Citizens would regain their Constitutional-right to vote for the leaders who make major decisions for the entire country. The Electoral College is useful to produce a clear winner in elections, but is evidently not completely necessary and is unfair to voters who want and deserve a say in the outcome(Plumer 13, 14). Abolishing this system would cause for a drastically more fair election and greater citizen satisfaction for multitudinous reasons. Please consider. Thank you. Sincerely, John Doe
In that work we gonna explain, give ideas and talk a little bit about the problems at the study of Venus because that planet is very dangers to survival Though Venus is a "sister" of the Earth Planet is not the same, Venus is not safetly to people live in their because doesn't have the sufficient oxygen to survival. Thoughthe austronomers are fascined with Venus because is the most similar planet to the Earth. But this planet obviusly have a differents to Earth like, the surface on Venus temperatures average over 800 degrees that is crazy and impossible to survival and in venus are present Volcanos eruptions. A idea for the NASA from me to send people to study the planet, is implement a new jetplane more security for thr austronomers for they can survival and can study the planet. And a new uniform most special for the can have the capacity to survival that dangers problems at Venus. With that work we can explain and understand better about the problems with that planet and have ideas to a better study.
Space travel is not new to humanity nor is it something that has not already been accomplished. With the breach of Mars's soil having already occured scientist and space explorers have set their sights on the next challenge, Venus. Venus is sometimes closer to Earth than Mars and at other times Mars is the one closer to Earth, but of the two Venus is the closest match to Earth "in terms of density and size" and thus has been named Earth's "twin" making it a place of great interest for scientist, and those interested in space exploration because no other planet comes as close to matching Earth's conditions. Studying Venus could give hints about the future of Earth. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author gives strong support to the idea that the pursuit of studying Venus is a worthy cause despite the dangers presented by the task. Knowledge of Venus would be extremely beneficial because Venus is one of the most interesting planets in Earth's solar system because of it's similarity to Earth. With the large number of similarities that Venus currently shares with Earth it wouldn't be terribly surprising or strange if Venus was once a planet "covered largely with oceans and" that "could support various forms of life". There is no way to tell if any of this is true, however without being able to travel to Venus and explore the planet. Only by exploring the planet and studying pieces of the planet such as small bits of land can noteworthy discoveries about Venus be made. Confirming or disproving the Earth-like Venus idea is not the only reason why studying Venus is a worthy pursuit. Another reason is that "human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors" and the curiousity of humans and their travels on Earth "should not be limited by dangers and doubts" according to paragraph 8. This statements shows that gaining the ability to study the planet Venus is about more than just the planet and also expands to include the breaking of the limitations that stop exploration due to "dangers". By expanding to meet the challenge that Venus presents humans as whole will prove that they have the ability to explore and learn about nearly everything removing some of the limits of human exploration. In conclusion the author's support of the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers is extremely strong because the author gives noteworthy reasons as to how the pursuit would be beneficial to exploration and humans in general. The author states that the pursuit of studying Venus will open doors into the pursuit of studying other dangerous places, or areas of interest such as animals, and others. The author also sites the idea that more knowledge of the Earth's "twin" could in fact help give insight on Earth as well by giving humans an idea of what Earth could become in the future and perhaps by studying Venus scientist could find a way to prevent Earth from becoming Venus-like. The author's reasonings are strong and prove to be thought invoking and the author avoids the idea of risks that are not needed.
If someone invited you to become a Seagoing Cowboy would you go or not? I know for a fact that I would take the invitation and go. I mean there are pros to this. There also cons. There are so many opportunities to go explore the world. These are one of them. You would get to visit China, Europe, Greece, and many other places too. This is a chance for you to communicate with the rest of the world that you haven't seen or probably heard of yet. Now to the cons, this is also the end of this because I know you WILL go. The one and only con there is that I know of is that you would miss your friends and family. I mean, to you there are probably other cons. To me, I only have one con. So, would you take the invitation to become a Seagoing Cowboy?
The Electoral College should be removed as a way of depicting who the President should be. The idea of the Electoral College is almost great but its just not the way the President should be elected. The popular vote is simple, and it makes the presedential campaigns almost mean something. The Electoral College is still a system that is effective, however, the United States government gets its power from the people, so the popular vote would be logical thing to use in depicting who the US President should be. In source two it tells us that Al Gore had won more than 60 percent of the populkar vote, but still lost the presidency because of the flaws in the Electoral system. From the knowledge that I have gained through all three of these articles, it makes no logical sense that Al Gore won the popular vote with 60 percent and still lost the presidency. All of these sources include something along the lines of, "popular vote elects slate electors to choose president". And with that being said, it proves a flaw in the system we use to elect the most powerful man in the world. Now, yes, there is a good thing or two about the Electoral College way of doing things. For instance, as stated in source three, "Nixon in 1968 and Clinton in 1992 both ahd a 43 percent plurality of the popular votes." In a situation like this, it doesn't even matter what the popular vote results are becasue the College still gets their unique say in the presidency. However, if we got rid of the Electoral College it wouldn't matter if there was a tie in the popular votes because it could just be disputed in Congress, the same way it would be handled if there were to be a tie in the current Electoral College. In conclusion, I would just like to say that the articles given did not give me enough information for me to form an educated opinion on the prompt. However, I did my best with the articles given. I would like to also say that it would be best for the nation if the Electoral College was either revised and edited, or removed completely and replaced with popular vote in determining our nation's future leaders.
You should come and help with transporting animals and relief supplies. To people who need them overseas. It will be fun and you will meet a lot of different people with different cultures. It will also count toward your time in the army if you are drafted. You will also get to feed animals and just generaly have fun onboard one of the ships. If you are lucky though you might get to eat dinner with the captain. You will also be able to see the happy faces as you drop off the relief supplies. All you have to do to join is sign up when you get drafted or sign up in general. It is also a good way to express your love of animals and the sea. Also it is a good way to show that you care and that you wont forget about the people in need. It is also a good way to experience the world. This is because you might go everywhere and see everything if you are coming with us on a ship. this is because there are people in need all over the world so you might go to Greece, Italy, or even England. It is also good if you have a big heart and want to express your apprieciation this is a good thing to be able to do because it can prove that you are caring.
Limiting car usages will cause a drop in the amount of pollution there is.  In source 2: Paris bans driving due to smog, on mondays, motorist with an even numbered license plate will have to leave their car home or have a 22 euro fine. The odd numbered plates would be the next day and so on.  Using this way of driving, it reduced the number of congestion in the capital city of France by 60 percent. Some places in Germany are catching on and making a comunity free of cars.  Residents of VAUBAN, Germany like the way this community is set up. "When I had a car I was always tense.  I'm much happier this way," said Heidrun Walter.  All they hear is the swish of bicycles and the talk of children drowns out the occasioal distant motor.  Many places around this world is adopting this act. In BOGOTA, Colombia a program started for a car-free-day.  Only buses and taxis are allowed to be driven.  "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife.  People who didn't participate suffered a 25 dollar fine.  Bogota made 118 miles of bike paths since the car-free-day. By driving cars everywhere we are polluting mother earth.  We all need to get together and stop driving so much and this will help protect our Earth.
venus is the closetst planet to the earth in terms of density and size and occasionally.i think that studying in venus is a worthy pursuit despte the danger because venus is the second planet in our solar systerm that is mean that the sun is really cose to that planet is is really haot in this planet ."each previous mission was unmanned ,and for good reason ,sin no spacecraft survivedthe landing for more than a few the article"a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blanckets venus." the national aeronautics and space administration has on particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study venus.NASSApossible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of venus would allow scientists to float above the fray.the planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys,mountains and craters. The author supports the idea that studying venu is a worthy pursuits despite the danger it because on the planet surface temparature average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we esperience on our own planet."studying in venus is worthy pursuit despite the danger ike the say in the article that imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roilling venusian landscape for an exemple some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of venu surface." More importantly resaech cannot take samples of rock ,gas or anything else from a distance .many reaseach are working on innovation that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of venus.striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value ,not only because of insight to be gained on the planet itself but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. However peering at venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmospher rendering standard forms and photography and videography ineffective .
I read the article ''A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves." This article is about the Seagoing Cowboys program. The Seagoing Cowboys program is people that help recover food supplies for places that just got done with war and to take care of horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. I think it's good to help people in need. There are three rerasons why people should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. Those reasons are that your helping people in need, to expeariance other countries culture, and to for the adventure and amazing views. The first reason why I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys is that because your helping people in need. It is good to help people in need because it shows other people that they are loved. It is also good to help people in need because they just been through a lot. They just been through war, and war is not pretty. It is also good to help people in need because it shows that you care. The second reason why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys is that its good to expeariance other countries culture. It is good to expeariance other countries culture because it is good to know what they do in there country. It is also good to expeaeriance other peoples cultures because it is goood to know how they live or if the countries poor. The last reason why you should expeariance other peoples culture is that it is fun to learn new things about other countries. The third reason why people should join the Seagoing Cowboys is for the adventure and the amazing things you get to see and expeariance. You get to go to China, Greece, Europe, Crete, italy, and many more countries. It would be fun to see The Great Wall of China, or the Panthenon in Greece, or other amazing sites in other countries. It is a honor to see an amazing site that most people don't see everyday. In conclusion, I think it would be really fun to be a Seagoing Cowboy. It would be fun to help people, expeariance other peoples culture, and see amazing sights. People should really consider being an Seagoing Cowboy.
Since I have been there before and traveled many of times I could tell you it was a great opportunity to help other people and see famous structures,buildings, and cities. I think that more people should help because it is for a good cause and we need more people. Another reason as to why I say that is because it can be better pay than most jobs and believe it or not can be fun. You may be thinking how is it fun to be in a ship for months and weeks at a time, well on the way back when there are no animals in the storage area that we keep them in we can play games like Baseball,Volleyball,Table Tennis,Fencing,and Boxing. Also, you get a great opportunity to see famous buildings,cities,structures,and landmarks like for example I have seen the Acropolis in Greece, I have taken a Gondola ride in Venice, Italy (which was like a city with streets full of water), and the Panama Canal and many more. If you decide to join i would be very glad and hope to meet you there just rember all of the opportunity you may have there and you may be saving peoples lives. Also, are you working at a place that doesn't pay good thsi would be better because you can be away at sea for awhile and have no bills you would have food provided and water. I hope to see you there and I hope you make a difference.
The Facial Action Coding System,can read peoples expressions. Should this technology be used in classrooms to detect the emotins of the students? This technology should not be used to detect the emotions of students. The article stated that this tech, could be used to detect when a student is getting tired or bored of the lesson. This would then allow the computer to liven the lesson up, as the text states directly, "Then it could modify the lesson,like an effective human instructor." This line makes it seem like it(the FACS technology) would replace teachers in the classroom. Teaches do not need technology to tell if their students are bored, as the text says, people just know what the emotions of others are. The teacher would know when, and how to modify the lesson to keep their students interested, and engaged. Would we know what the technology would do to modify the lesson? Would the students just be able to be angry at the lessons until the computer just stops giving the student lessons? Using this tech is not an alternative to having a real person tell how you feel. The teacher can help you feel better because they know how you really feel, because they have empathy. The computer can tell how you feel, but it does not what it is like to feel, so in the end it can't really help. Should the FACS tech be used in the classroom? No, because the students need a teacher to help them feel better when they are frustrated or sad, not a computer that can only try and make them happy. It also seem sthat they want this tech, to replace our teachers,which would hurt the students more than it would help them.
I am against driveless cars becuase so much time and technology will be put into theses smart cars, when we could just drive them ourselves. I think people could invest there time in making something more safer for the enviroment and safer for humans, safer just by warning you when you need to stop and when you are in danger. Some of these vehicles could even have an automatic stop to help prevent a crash or could alert you when almost hitting something. Alot of money would also be spent on these cars making it harder for people economically.With so many wiring and technology put into these cars, You would have to spent a great amount of money for them to be fixed. These cars could also fail to give you a response when you need to take over or could just fail to work safely, as stated in the article "If the technoloy fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacture?", This is also a good point because if these cars were to fail who would get blamed and if the manufacture was to, They would also have a great hit economically. They would not only have to pay for the cars but would also have to pay for the person who was injured. If one of theses cars was to fail, you also wouldn't have the benefit of knowing you're safe becuase if it happended to a car similar to yours might also fail. These might also make the jobs of other people why harder because it would affect a variety of people, Not only that but new laws would have to be passed for these cars to be able to be driveable on many streets. I think we should keep our cars how we have them now and we should just invest some time in making them safer and better for the enviroment and for us as well, this will not olny prevent many incedents but it will also give us time to imporve other things that could use it. Finally i think the technology on cars has improved over the years alot and i think we could get further thanwere we are right now but we should do that when neccessary.
"the challenge of exploring venus" i will talk about the challenge of exploring venus and whats the importance about this article. venus is sometimes called evening star and is actually a planet is the second planet from our sun and is closest in distance to he earth and he author said that venus is a challenge for humans and said that for some reason no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. on the venus surface temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet and these conditions are extreme for the humans venus includes familiar features such as valleys mountains and craters like the earth for this facts venus is a important reason to the humans study the planet and also have not easy conditions , but survivable for humans and another proyect about this is looking back to an technology called mechanical computer. i think that this article is so intersting because the author explain some important fact about the venus planet and i think that is a good investigation from the venus palnet.
Going to Venus sounds like an amazing things to do. In ways it is very similar to Earth. Even though both planets are similar they are vastly different. Even if we could go to Venus it doesn't seem like it would ve worth the trip. From the information we would gain, extreme conditions, and the cost of all of it, the pursuit of studying Venus doesn't seem like its worth it. I don't believe we would learn very much from going to Venus. In paragraph 6 the author mentions that, "most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, Rendering standard forms of photography and videography inffective." So even before going we already know that we wouldn't be able to see what the surface of Venus very well. This makes studying Venus harder because most of us would want a see what they are studying. The author also says, "scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus we need to get up close and personal despite the risks." The surface of Venus has an average temperature of over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, so get up close and personal isn't very likely to be successful. Even if it was successful there is a lot of risk involved to just find out what the surface of it is made out of, but if we foind out what it was made up of what could we with knowledge. Venus is also a very dangerous place to be because of the harsh conditions. Dangerous like the previously mentioned average temperature of over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure that is over 90 times greater than Earth's. Venus also has erupting volcanoes, strong earthquakes, and a lot of lightning. It would be hard to survive there let alone gather information about it. Even machines would have a hard time surviving this harsh conditions. The author tries to counter this by saying that we use "a blimp-like vechile hovering over 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape, but even then we would learn almost nothing because it would be hard to get samples from that height. One thing I am sure the author left out on purpose is the cost how much would all cost. I'm no expert of space exploration, but I am sure of one thing it isn't cheap. How much would all the research and technology to even get a to Venus cost. I'm sure it would cost billions of dollars because there is a reason we stop sending rockets into space, and its because it costs too much. This project seems like it would cost a lot of tax payer money,and for the possibility of learning what Venus's surface is made of. Even with the author's persuasive article, I still not convinced that studying Venus is worth the trouble. It would provide little information that would actually be useful for us. Venus's conditons are to extreme for us to get information about it. The trip to Venus would cost a lot of money. The author while making it seem possible and makes it seem impossible to learn about Venus.
Driverless cars have facinated the mind of many, old and young alike. Whether one like it or not, a future with driverless cars seems inevitable. In truth, many car companies and even Google, have started projects on driverless car. Then, what about the people, the customers? Can everyone accept the idea of driverless car? I for one, am rooting for the developments of driverless cars. I believe that driverless cars can be and will be safer than traditional cars. Google's car for example, even though it can only run under specific conditions, have gone more then half a million miles without a crash. Even though the car still need human control under certain circumstances, half amillion miles with out a crash is impressive. For normal human, I believe it will be hard. Moreover, we have been using machines to help us in everyday life. Too much in fact, that it has become our lifestyle. Be it Micro-wave oven in the kitchen to our computers, we rely heavily on machines. And these machines perform better than ourselves. The driverless car will also be like these machines. In fact, the advancement in sensors have allowed cars to be braked on individual wheels and engines with far better response and control. This show that machines perform better than humans. There is also the economic factor. Google co founder Sergey Brin envisions fleets of driverless cars forming a public-transport system. He believe these would use half the fuel today's taxis uses and have far more flexibility than a bus. When the world is struggling for natural oil, these cars only need half of the fuel modern cars need. That is a huge econimical advantage for everyone. Although driverless cars will offer many benefits, making one is a hard task. Driverless cars today still need human's attention. Still, automakers are thriving towards the goal of making a self-driven car. This goal may seems far away, but we are moving towards it everyday.
Do you want to know every big choice our country makes? Don't you want help deside that choice? But with Electoral collage we as american citizen do not get to do that. The reason why I belive we should change Electoral collage is because citizen should controll any big desition, we have the right to vote for what we want,and we most know whats goes on in the goverment. First and foremost why I aruge that we should change Electoral collage is that citizen should be in controll of our conutry. We should be able to vote for what happens in this conutry. It not fair that people in higher leves gets to say what right for our conutry. Every one should have say in this. Its unfair to voter to be treated like this. This is why I belive that we should change Eletoral collage. secondly why we need to change is that citizen should dircetly vote  for candidates. we most know who were voting for but if we don't what the ponit of of voting then. If we can get to know each candidate we can be able to see which one do we want to help run the conutry. This is why I disagrue to this qutoe by Bradfrod plumer that ''voter sometimes get confoused about electors and vote for the wrong candidates? sametimes.'' No that amercia should have the right to vote for candidates because its our conutry. The final reason I argue that we should change Electoral collage is that we most know what goes on in th goverment. We most be able to know is help rumming the conutry. that why I argue with Richard A. posner that ''its unfair for the voter.'' We need see and hear our candidates so we know the right choice for america. By doing this I know that america can will have less problems if the goverment and citizen worked togther more. This is why we need to change Electoral collage. In conclsion we most change this system of voting. If we do america will be able to do bigger and better things. This is why if we I belive the Electoral collage wil be send america in the right dicetion.                                                                                           
I think that they should use this technology to read teenagers faces because if they do it would make school more interesting and actually make us want to go to school. I also think that it would be a great idea to do so because if it see's that you are feeling down, it can inform the techer and the techer can see if something is wrong of if they are having trouble. For example, when I am at school i get frustrated and mad becuase some of the work is not easy. If we had the facial expression monitor, it would let the teacher know that i am struggling and that I need some help. Also, if someone doesn't know how to ask for help and gets nervous, it can inform the techer. There are many possibilities and outcomes of this. In the passage, it says that Mona Lisa was 83 percent happy. When I first saw that I thought "WOW! technology is really advancing but at the same time I thought no one really knows what Mona Lisa was really feeling. In conclusion, I think that this might work in many ways and might not. Many people are going to dislike and like this invention but to find out if it really works, they should put in in schools and work places to prove everyone who thought it wasn't going to work wrong.
In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author is suggesting that, despite its dangers, the planet Venus is worth putting time and resources towards learning more about the planet itself. The auothor brings up many points on why it is so difficult to explore the planet. As the author stated in paragraph two, "no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours". This can already be discouraging to some people, but others might think something is wrong with the technology we put there. In paragraph three we really start to see why the planet is so dangerous, "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we eperience on our own planet. [...] Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface". At this point it sounds impossible to even be able to study Venus. Really, why would we want to study Venus? In paragraph four the author explains this, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. [...] The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters". So we know that the surface of the planet has some of the harshest conditions and that the atmosphere is filled with acid, but the planet is similar to earth in structure. How would we be able to get to it and study it? In paragraph five the author begins to explain some ideas NASA has for being able to study Venus, "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. [...] At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans". The important thing about this quote is that humans could survive in this blimp-like vehicle. However, if this were to happen scientists still would not be able to collect samples from Venus, they would just be able to observe it. The author also explains some electronics and machines NASA is looking into in paragraph seven, "some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. [...] mechanical computers [...] these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all." These two ideas could be very useful for learning about Venus. The first one made of silicon carbide has already been able to survive for three weeks in similar conditions to Venus, and could be very important for landing on Venus. The author also brought up mechanical computers. The computers don't require electronics, as they said, and can much less fragile than modern computers. These could allow for some intersting ways to learn about Venus. The author explained the dangers of Venus and why no mission has been very succesful. They also explained ideas for future missions that could possibly involves sending humans. I like the ideas they have, but I do not think the solutions are quite ready for humans to go to Venus. I am very excited to see where this goes and what new ideas scientists come up with.
The author suppourts his idea of exploring venus. By showing lots of compeling info information that why we should do futer exploration. Like the big strids that NASA has made and, how it can teacher us more about earth , and how we ca further expand our knolege on Venus. The auther tells us about NASA and its great strids to do further expoloration of venus. By telling us how NASA has made like making a slilcon carbide electronics that can last for three week in a chamber that simulats Venuse surface as stated in paragrah 7. The auother also tell us about NASA solution to Venuses bad conditions in paragahr 5 it states "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conitions on the surface of venus woulud allow scientists to float above the fray. Imaine a blimp-like vehical hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian lannd scape." The author gives us this information to show us how NASA has made a great stride to further explore venus. The author tell us about why exploring Venus would be benifital to resurchers. In understanding more about earth because , Venus being earths twin may have looked like earth long ago with it may have had having oceans and various forms of life as stated in paragrah 4 . Also stated in paragrah 4 is that " Venus somtimes be our nearust option for a planitary visit, a crucial consideation given the long time frames of the space travel. " The author is consitantly giveing us information to why. Space travil to venus is beniftal to resurchers trying to learn more about the earth The author tell us lots of information that we know about Venus already. But how also we can expand our information about venus with further space tarvil to the plant. He or she tells us about how venus has has many valles and land form close to earth. but in paraghf 6 say resurches cant take sampels of rock,gas or anything eles. But if we could it can "contribute to meanfully to our knolege of Venus . I conclusion the supports the idea space travil veray well by giving us lots of information on venus. And how we can expand on our knolege of venuse and earth and,how NASA has made great strinds to further explor the plant.
Cars; our main source for travel, what we depend on. But consider how things were before cars, and can going back to those times make a positive impact? How can limiting car usage be advantagous to people, the environment, and just everything in general? In In German Suberb, Life Goes On Without Cars by Elisabeth Rosenthal, a city has already adapted to the idea of a car free, or a non-car dependant city. They did so by having "only two places to park- large garages at the edge of the development, where a car-owner buys a space, for $40,000, along with a home." This limit of parking space can cause drivers to just stop trying to drive, becauuse why bother if there is limited to no places to put the car? This change allows for people to be less stressed, and when one doesn't have a car, there's less of a rush to get somewhere because the ability to rush is gone. There's also the need of less polution that causes car usage to go down. "And that, experts say, is a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes . . . . Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe . . . and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." The above quote by Elisabeth Rosenthal proves that something must be done to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions, and reducing car usage can do so. Vauban finds is useful, why doesn't everyone? In Paris bans driving due to smog by Robert Duffer, cars were slowly banned in order to clear the air, sort of like when one puts their body through a detox. When that ended up helping, more cars were banned, and this led to the realization that cars were bad, more or less. The enviropnment needs less cars, which means we need to be less dependant on cars for everything, because soon this so- called need for cars is going to leave us gasping for breath, and that is not a good thing. "Cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions. Diesel fuel was blamed, since France has . . . tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline. Diesel makes up 67 percent of vehicles in France, compared to a 53.3 percent average of diesel engines in the rest of Western Europe, according to Reuters." The usage of diesel, which is ultimately the usage of cars, is leading to a "blanket" of air trapping the car emissions, causing pollution. The pollution is so dangerous to have just sitting there, waiting to be breathed in and choked on. After realizing that the ban of cars has been helpful for the environment, shouldn't everyone else realize it is advantagous too? The sooner the human race stops depending on cars, the sooner the human race will be able to breath and think carefully and safely again. Everyone is aware pollution is a problem, will continue to complain about it, but then will also continue to fuel the problem, which is quite ironic isn't it? Cars are not worth losing our ability to breath, and if we realize that, then maybe we will be able to breath and see clearly again.             
Future Cars with Advantage Can you imagine a time in the future when no one buys cars because no one needs them anymore? So of course, the future cars going to be way more better than the cars today. The cars that Sergey Brin will makes would use half of the fuel of today's taxis and will be far more flexibility than a bus. Even though it's too expensive it's worth it. How much smarter can the cars be? It have postion-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a video camera near the rearview mirror, four atomotive radar sensors, A GPS receriver, and inertial motion sensor. But the most important one out of all that is the spinning senor on the roof. It's safe and fun. People can use video camera when they on a trip, use GPS when they lost or needed to go somewhere that they don't know. This is what we call good life. Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver? Because it more fun and safer, and safety is a big concern. Most driving law focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe. " Further improvements in sensors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer are also leading to cars that can handle more and more driving tasks on their own." No worry about safety anymore. Future's cars have way more advantage than the cars now by not needed as much as need today, flexibility than a bus, having a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror. It's also provides more safety which is big concern. Less accident, fun, and GPS, what do we need more?
Venus is often called the "Evening Star" for being the brighest points of light. It's also the second planet close to the sun. And as it's simple to see from distant, it proved a very challenging place for examining closely. It's very worthy even though Venus's thick atmosphere is 97% carbon dioxide. But getting through the clouds are worse with them being sulfuric acid as a high danger sign for spaceships to only be there for a few hours. The temperature has scortching heat of 800 degrees fahrenheit and 90 times more pressure than our planet. Venus has impediments of erupting volcanoes, earthquakes, and lightning strikes to anything landing on it's surface. Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may once of been like Earth with oceans and various forms of life. The Astronomers think it's a good idea to kepp trying to land on Venus even though their spaceships never last more than a few hours and believe there might be various life forms like Earth and some oceans. But Venus is to deadly with acid, scortching heat, and 90 times our pressure that could crush a submarine. Also Venus has some lighting that strikes anything landing on it's surface and erupting volcanoes with frequent earthquakes. Venus also has a surface of rocky sediments with valley's, mountains, and craters under the clouds and atmosphere. People have tried sending multiple spaceships to Venus but they never came back. It was the brightest "Evening Star" but the most dangerous planet with sulfuric acid atmosphere. Astronomers know the dangers of going to Venus but want think theres life form and oceans like Earth. If anything was to land on it's surface, lightning would strike it and the spacecraft could only last a few hours if lucky. My conclusion to this is that Venus is a dangerous place but I would like to see whats on that planet, and know if there really is any life form or oceans. If so the astronomers might take some life from there adn water to bring and test what it actually is. But they can't send people into acid atmospheres and scortching heat just to land on Venus.
Driverless cars. Look at that word. Does that sound right to you? I wouldn't say so. Sounds just a bit scary if I would say so myself. I dont know, maybe i just dont understand how you could have the audacity to let no one drive a car. That just sounds so wrong. I understand its monitored but its still a huge risk. It says the car is actually being controlled but not by any sort of human. So who takes blame for a wreck. The non driver. Its just dangerous. What happens when it has a glitch and hits someone or something? WHat if measurements are off? Or there was a mistake and the wasn't completely finished? So many different problems could come from 'Driverless Cars.' There is still a human in the drivers seat but what if the humans to late to react? Or there is nothing the human can do? Another problem would be laws. So many would have to be changed. From street signs, speed limits, to railroads or streetlights. Or consquences of car crashs, or wrecks. If the car is doing something wrong and gets stopped by a cop, is the cop going to talk to the car and ask it for its license and regestration? Its just a silly idea and i cannot believe its probably actually going to happen. The world is losing it. I strongly disagree with the idea of a car being driven with out.. being driven. Im sure there are pros to this idea but in my eyes the cons out weigh pros by a ton. Its just dangerous.
The author suggestes studying Venus because it is a very interresting planet because it could also be dangerous and we will be able to study it. Venus is also know as the "Evening Star", but they also say that the name Evening Star is mis leading because Venus is actually a planet. Venus is the second planet from the sun which can probably be a reason why it can be so hot. we can see Venus from a distance because its safe, but scienstes say that it can be really dangerous up close. Its so dangerous that a spacecaft hasn't landed on Venus in over 30 decades. Venus has many things to discover about it but, some have been discovered about the planet. Venus is referred to as Earth's "twin,"because its the closet to planet Earth in terms of size,density and distance to other planetary neighbor but, orbits the sun at different speeds. Earth is sometimes closer to Mars and sometimes Venus is closer. Venus has the highest surface temperture even through Mercury is closer to the sun. The planet Venus has a thick atomsphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets. The average temperatures of Venus is over 800 degress. The mission was to send out rovers to get dirt samples and bring it back to study and learn more.
''The Challenge of Exploring Venus'' is a informative text, Venus called the ''Evening Star''is one of the brightest point of light in the night sky,In the solar systen Venus is the secont from our sun; Earth's twin Venus is teh close planet to Earth, and occasionally the closest in distance too Earth, Venus, and Mars. First, Venus is a hot planet, Venus has somre persent of carbon dioxide,Venus is so closer to the sumfor that reason Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in iur solar system. The temoperature is the over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmosphere presure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet, people can't survive. Secondly, The scientifict However, peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can povide only limited insight on ground conditions because about However the light cannot penetrate th eatmosphere and it's from photography an dvideography ineffective. Lastly, The NASA is working about proyects electronics made silicon and this proyects they can send this things to visit Venus and this things starts doo do about 1800's and played a important role in the 1940's during World War ll, they can move this things fon computer. in conclution, ''The Challenge of Exploring Venus'' is a lot investigation fron interestings scientificts, showing to the people interestings things in the space,, the scientuifics lookk Venus interesting.
Driverless Cars Driverless cars could change the world for the better. They could make our lives easier and less stressful. Driverless cars could save lives, save time, and save money. These cars would be a great replacement for the manual cars used today. Driverless cars could benefit our society greatly. This new invention of cars without drivers could save many lives. Each year thousands of citizens die, or are injured due to car accidents. These accidents are caused mainly by drivers. If cars continue to need drivers, many more deaths will result from this horrible choice. The drivers of these vehicles could be drunk, driving illegally without a valid license, texting, or distracted, resulting in car crashes. The possibilities as to why a person driving a car could get into an accident are endless! However, with no unsuitable driver at the wheel, roads all over the world will become much safer. If ,instead of a driver, the car is automated and drives by itself, people could rid the world of unsafe drivers. With these driverless cars, thousands of lives all over the world could be spared. Driverless cars could save people time. According to paragraph two in the article, Google's driverless cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash. Less crashes would result in less traffic jams. Without traffic jams, citizens would be able to get to their destination quicker and easier. Driverless cars could also save time by not having to constantly run into blocked roads. Due to the driverless cars being automated and controlled by an automated system, the system will most likely be able to detect the quickest route to the preferred destination. Therefore, driverless cars could be an advantage to us by saving us time. With the invention of the driverless car, homo sapiens (humans) would be able to save money. The first product of the driverless car is not bound to be cheap, but as time progresses, the cost of this new car will eventually go down. According to paragraph one in the provided article, the driverless cars would use half the fuel of today's cars and would offer far more flexibility than a bus. Gas is a very expensive fuel. However, if citizens were to only need to pay for half of the money they pay for gas today, then they could save a lot of money that could be used for more important investments. Also, the driverless cars could result in less car crashes, which would result in not having to pay for damage repair. Overall, the driverless cars would not only your save life, but your money too. The driverless cars could benefit our lives. They would be able to not only improve the way people live today, but they would also have the power to save lives, save time, and save money. This new car design could be the exact replacement, for the manual car used today, our society has been looking for. With these cars, students would also be able to focus on their schoolwork more, rather than on passing their driving exam. They could change life as people know it. The driverless cars would fundamentally change the world for the better.
I think that the idea of driverless cars is an awful idea because, "None of the cars developed so far are completely driverless." This ruins the whole point of taking away human error and letting something else drive you. Plus I think that the transition between the car driving and the driver driving would cause more crashes. I could also foresee unprepared drivers to try to use these new "driverless" cars. Overall, driverless cars seem to be a waste of time and money to me because they would bore the driver and cause more accidents. First of all, I think that driverless cars are a waste of time and money because you still need a driver to pay attenton. For me, this would just ruin the whole experience of not having to drive. Even Dr. Werner Huber from BMW agreed that drivers would get bored when he admitted that, "The psychological aspects of automation are really a challenge." This was in response to the question, "Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive." Secondly, I think that not having to focus on the road will lead the driver to lose focus so that when they are called upon to drive, they are not ready. The transition from the car drving to the human driving would likely lead to more wrecks because when you are not focusing on driving, you don't really care about focusing on the road. Driverless cars seem to present the same distraction that texting has, and texting while driving is illegal in most states. I also know that some people do not drive because they are not very good at it, and the idea of a "driverless car" might tempt them to drive one. These same unprepared drivers would still have to, "take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues," if they were driving a google car which would lead to yet again, more accidents. Driverless cars are a big hoax. They are not even truly driverless because, " they still alert the driver to take over." This would just be boring waiting for your turn to drive. These would also cause more accidents with the rough transition of taking over the wheel especially when unprepared drivers try to use this new technology. I don't think that anyone wants worse drivers on the road, more accidents, more expensive cars, and an even more boring experience with the new and not so impressive driverless cars.
In my option I think we shouldn't have driveless cars becasuese a moufunction can happen in the vhelic and make the person crash, What if something happens to on of the sensors? I can't imagine a time in the future when no one needs them anymore becasuse I'm sure no one wants to wait until one of the Taxis are free. I'm the type of person thart doesn't have the patients to wait until a taxi to come pick me up. What if you want to have a latenight drive and taxis drivers don't allow that? What if someone ges irrritated because the taxi driver has a very monotone voice? What if hacker hacks into someone driveless car and kidnaps them by driving their smart car to a whole new destination. In the passage in paragraph 3 it says, "These smart-road systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical." That means it would cost a lot of money to fix every single road just so a driveless car could go. And that means it has to be a debate on if everyone argrees with it. Im sure everyone does want to keep spending their money on a taxi and they have bills to pay. That's like annihilating all of the vehicles in that area. In paragraph 5 it say " In the 1980s, automakers used speed senors at the wheels in the creation of anitlock brakes." So it took them 10 years just so they can make a more advance senors for thr speed. I'm sure its going to take longer for manufacters to make roads, just so driveless cars can ride on. It also say," Further improvements in sensors and computers hardware and software to make dricing safer are also leading to cars that can handle more and more drving tasks on theur own." The future cars are going to be incorrigible. They're going to have more control then humans would. In conclusion, these are some reason why we shouldn't have driveless cars. Like why would someone want to abandon a brand new car they just bought or a very old car that could be worth a lot of money? Remember the future is not the answer.
I belive that the FACS (Facial Action Coding System) would be good to use in school because like it says in the article a teacher would know when a student is bored, and they could change the lesson up a little bit, to make it more interseting. It seems like it would be a good tool to use in school. The Facs could help students who dont normally ask the teacher for help get help. The system could recognize if a student was lost or confused on the thing they're working on. The teacher could then go to that student and help them with that problem they are on, and it might lead to them asking questions in the future because they might feel comfortable asking that teacher for help. It could also help guidance counsolers find the depressed or mad kids, and help them with their problems. The machine knows your mixed emotions which is great because a student might look like they get the problem they're working on, but really they need help and the teacher can recognize that , and get the tudent the help they need on it. It's pretty cool that a computer can consturct a 3-D model of your face, and to get all 44 facial muscles to move along with it. In conclusion the FACS would be very helpful to schools but it's probally very expensive, but i'm sure if someone were to make a claim to a school board committe, the committe would find funding for it if enough people were on board with it. This machine would help in school by knowing how the students feel while they're at school, and knowing what students understand, and don't understand can help the teachers change up the lessons for their future students they teach.
Dear, state senator I think changing elections by popular vote for the president of the United States would be better. Each candidate had his or her group of electors. Mostly the political party like Democratic and Republican. he Electoral college is the established Constitution as a compromise between electionof the presdident by vote in congress. Popular votes for the election of the president is more meaningful then having 538 electors and 270 electoral votes. I think the electoral college doesn't work. In the electoral college system,voters just vote for the president, but along with that your voting for more electors in their political party. This is a very big deal for the people voting in elections. They have no control of whom their electors votr for. The electoral college is also unfair to the canidates because the winner-take-all system in each state. The best arguments in favor is the popular vote, but some canidates still lose from the presidency. Looking at the breakdown of the number of electoral votes given to each state-California has the most votes. No region has enough electoral votes to elect a president. or instance, as Romney was in the South he had no campaign heavily in those states. He gained no electoral votes. In toss-up states are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign-to really take notice inthe competing canidates. Those voters sre the ones to decide the election. Run-Off elections should be avoided, it would greatly complicate the presidential election process. My advice to you;as the state senator is to not keep the Electoral College. The election of the populae vote would be more precised. It's maybe 1% unfair because in states like california they have like 55,000 republicans voting for 1 canidate. And if there's a tie in the electoral vote, the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president.              
The topic of driverless cars will be argued until there arent any humans left. But to simply have a driverless car woud be like having an irresponsible parent. Cars were formally made for us to have an easier way of transportation; and now we want cars tha can dive themselves. Taking the taxi away from taxi drivers would put them out of business; As well as Uber Drivers and other assistants. How would the generations after us know what to do in an emergency if the driverless car werent able to function on its own? What would happen to the data base of a company if its system crashed, how would signals get out from the cars routers? Having driverless cars would be a bad idea, for one it would take the place of a taxi driver which would take away jobs. Googles cofounder Sergey Brin says "...a future with a public transportation system where fleets of driverless cars form a public-transportation taxi system. The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of todays taxis and offer far more flexibility that a bus. He believes such cars would fundamentally change the world." Another reason I wouldnt condone in the submitting of driverless cars would be to save the generation after me. Letting fresh young adults use driverless cars wouldnt teach them how to drive. Which means they wouldnt know what to do in case of an emergency. Yes there would be a manual that you'd have to read. But when it comes to fixing technology and mechanics, humans need a hands on experience which would help them in case they dont know what to do if the car becomes driverless. Finally, what would happen in a storm if the connection didnt go through or the companys system crashed? Would that mean the car isnt driverless? "...For starters, they needed a whole lot of sensors. Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive rardr sensors, a GPS receiver,a nd an inertial motion sensor." With all of this technology needed to properly produce a smart/ driverless car, would it be necessary? having this much technology, there would be too many technical difficulties. Which would lead into the owners of the car paying for more that what was even expected. The world of technology today has help us for the better or worse. With smartphones being able to locate people, cars, and places around the world. ToSending a typed papre to your teacher just in time before grades come in. Technology has been tremendously heplful. but to have a 18 year old behind thw wheel of a driverless car not knowing what what to do in case of an emergency or the car having a mal-function would be pointless to buying your first car.
Many citizens in the United States rely on cars as a way of transportation. What they don't realize is that there are multiple options to consider instead of a car. "Why consider a new method of transportation?," you may ask. If we limited the car usage we would have great amouts of adavantages as a result. One important result that would come if we limited car usage is having nearby store locations near by. " In this new approach stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in a malls along some distant highway."(Source one: In german Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars; paragraph six) Limiting car usage will result in new buildings, stores, houses to become at a fair enough distance to walk. If we had stores nearby enough to walk, there's no need of a car. If car usages reduces, the amount of walking, or riding a bike would increase. This will lead to a better life style. Recent studies has showed that walking daily can improve a persons mind. "When I had car i was always tense, I'm much happier this way."( Source one: In German Suburb, Life goes on Without Cars; paragraph three.) Another major positive affect that will result in reducing car usage is improving our atmosphere. One disadvantage cars cause, is air pollution. One example would be smog. The smog that we breath in is not good for our health."It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution."(Source three;paragrpah twenty-four). Not only if we reduce car usage we would gain positives outcomes but  we would reduce  pollution. "Passenger cars are responsible for twelve percent of greenhouse gas emmisons in Europe...and up to fifty percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." (Source one; paragraph five.)  We would be doing positive thing for ourself but a positive thing for the enviroment. Our generation does not need to rely on a piece of mechanic to take them to their destination. We have the ability to get to our route, and have other options that are helpful for us and for our enviroment. We have multiple advantages if we would consider to reduce car usage. So the question would be, why dont we stop using cars, and start helping ourself and our enviroment knowing the  advantages we could be recieving in return.                                           
Dear senator, Every one has a voice and they all want to be heard. The Electoral College is an unfair method of calculating votes for the population while voting for a president of the United States. States begin to feel like it is not worth it to vote because their vote could be neglected or it would not hardly count. Electing presidents by using popular vote gives states a better advantage at choosing their president because they know their vote is in and someone else will not be able to change their choice. Popular vote is when all the people are allowed to vote for the president and every vote counts because based on the amount of votes the president recieves from the people is who wins the election. Electoral Colleges are when the people vote for the person they want to govern them and that vote goes to a person that could either decided to vote as the people choose, or vote for whom ever he feel should run. It lowers the peoples voices, they are unable to directly choose what they want because their choices could be changed. Electors don't have to vote infavor of the person you would like. The diffrence between the Electoral College and popular vote is that in the Electoral College their are electorrs that can choose to vote in favor of what we -the people- want if they agree with it. The elector doesn't have to choose what the people want. In popular voting, the whole population gets to choose who they want as president without worrying that their vote will be put aside. It makes sure that we -the people- get what we want. They could just change the vote and choose who they want to run as presidency. The Electoral College doe shelp the counting of the votes because there are only 538 voters; however, we are in a diffrent time where electrical machines can help calculate the total number of votes for a large population. Citizens with the right to vote feel like it is not needed for them to vote because the have a low number of electors, while having a large number of population. It would benifit them if instead of having a certain number of electors that you have to "trust" and hope they vote for the candidate you are going for, they will be able to directly vote for them using the method of popular votes to chose the president. The citizens will know that their vote counts and that it can't be changed because they wont have electors voting for them. Popular vote gives the citizens freedom and it helps to better calculate what the people want. The United States is a nation that is governed by the people and is runned based on what we want. It wouldnt make sense to deprive us from our voting rights. The constitution states that this goverment was created by the people, from the people, for the people and allowing us to vote by popular will help reinforce this because it will give us the freedom and liberty to choose as we -the people- want.
I agree with the use of a machine to express emotion. Like how the machine was able to decifer thye face of a famous painting called, " Mona Lisa." This machine might be able to produce some benefits in real life. Reasons why, is not that many people can tell if a person is sad or happy. Like if a person was crying, some would presume it was sadness. When in reality it could be tears of joy, And even the slightest face expression like a light smirk, can be explained by this machine for the use of its comparison to a straight face. It could explain to us how much emotion the person is feeling by percentages, which could give us a better understanding on how they truly feel. Using this type of technology could help the society know more on emotions, and be able to help us have a better understanding on what others may feel. Which makes this thechnology valuable to other students in classrooms.
Driverless cars have been in production for a number of years now. However, because of some technical issuses they haven't been able to be on the road yet. Driverless cars should be on the road because they are very safe,limit accidents, and drivers can still be in control. Driverless cars have proven to be very safe. The car has advanced senors that can detect when it will hit something or someone. The driver and passangers would be warned and they would be safer. For instance, sensors can cause the car to apply breaks on an individuals wheels and reduce power from the engine allowing a far better response than any human driver can manage. As a result of there being more safety there would be less accidents. Since the cars can practically drive themselves humans won't have to worry about hitting anything. For example, the car can navigate work zones and other things that may seem like an obsticle. With the car in control people would worry less about getting into accidents and there would be a less likely hood of any getting injured. However, if individuals still aren't comfortable of letting the cars drive in certain areas like a work zone they still have the option of driving the car. The car can also warn people when and if they should take over. For example, GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the car is and danger and that provides as warning for the driver to take over. People still have the option of being in control of the wheel. In conclusion, driverless cars would be very valueable in this day in age. The people in the car and outside of the car would be save, less people to get injured in accidents , and there would be more control. Humankind would benefit from have cars smart enough to drive themselves.
The driverless car is the whole new way for the public transport .The car that can drive it self you won't have drunk or sleeping problem while they are driving. If you have a driverless car that have bben control with the computer you will have less accident than what we have right now but what will happen if you get hack by the terrorist or that kind of people what can you do they can steal your car away really easy or they can kidnap you while you are riding the bus or they can do a car bomb without any chance to get hurt imagine what can the terrorist can hack to the main control system of the driverless car they can destroy every thing i will be a mess countless people will die the building and everything will get destroy and right now we don't have a way to protect the server from the hacker yet i want to know how can you prevent this thing from happening but if yo u can't you shouldn't do this at all don't put people live in to this kind of risk for your profit. I didn't mention about people that will lose their job to these driverless car what can you do about this the money that they get and feed their family are you going to snatch their job away and let them starve to dead just so you can sell your driverlesss car. By the way what will happen if your main computer that command your driverless car error or overheated is that mean all the traffic will be shutdown and you cannot do any thing until you fix that The last thing i will mention about is the signal that you sent back and forth from the car to the gps or the controller how can you control the car when there is a place that got a bad signal right now some place you can't even get a good signal with wifi then how can you do that with all this driverless car system I think their is to many problem to fix before you start this system you need to think about the people that work for the public trasnport and all the bad thing that will happen.
Hi, my name is Decaon. And I work for NASA. I am here to discuss the face on mars. Many people think that it was created by aliens. But I am here to explain why it wasn't created by aliens. The first photo was taken in 1976 by the Viking 1 Spacecraft. The craft was circleing Mars trying to find a spot for its sister ship to land. The Viking 2 Spacecraft. The first reason to why people think it is alien. Is the quality of the pictures that were taken. The first picture was taken in 1976 so the resolution of the picture wasnt very good. Which caused it to look like there was a nose, eyes and a mouth. But pictures that were taken years after show that it could have been the quality. There is another reasonable explanation. During july 1976 it would have been winter on mars at the time. So that means the storms on mars could have casted a shadow. But many still believe that it is alien. Even though this some of the best evidence to peove the face on mars isnt alien but a mistake. But the most compelling reason is. It is simialr to some of the rock formations that we have on Earth. Scientist have found that in the western United States there are rock formations that are very similar. They are simailasr to the snake river palin in Idaho. After a lengthy expalnation. I hoope i have provided enough facts to prove to you that. The face on Mars was not created by aliens. but created by an optical illusion. That are found on Earth as well as On Mars. And i hope This has been very informative for you.
Imagine being in a warzone either a soldier or civilian and all you can here is screaming, gunshots, bombs going off, and the smell of gun powder. This is what many people had to here and go through during World War 11. People lost there homes, are going without food and water, and are injured, sick, or dead. Now luckily the war is over but people still don't have what they need to survive. This is the reason why people should join the Seagoing Cowboys program to help those in need. My first reason is, the reasons why you are needed to help these people. World War 11 was a terrible war between almost every army in the world. It left hundreds of thousands of people homeless, injured, dead, sick, and without any food and war like i said before. This is why after the war the UNRRA ( The United Nations Relief and Rehab. Administration ) started the Seagoing Cowoys program and is another reason why you should join to help these people. Not to mention how if your under the age of 18 or recently turned 18 the program counts as your military service. You need to join so you could also save lives. Imagine it being a relative of yours in need that was in need after the war you would probably help but those people have families to and they need you and thats why u should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. Another reason is, all the benefits of helping in the Seagoing Cowboys program. one reason is you wouldn't have to endure the danger of the military as for the program counts as military service which I have also told you before. This is not all because on the way back from your trips you enjoy the marvelous once in a lifetime chance to sightsee the places you've always dreamed of seeing in Europe. The last benefit is being able to enjoy and savor the moment of helping people in need as they thank and as you know you have done good for not only your country but the whole planet. Lastly, I think before you accept the job you should know more about it. For this job you will be asked to use go on a ship for long periods of time with crewmen and animals to care for. You will have to feed and give water to the animals two to tthree times a day, clean their stalls, and trasport the safely to the destination. You may also have the responsibility of night duty where you protect and guid the ship and warn of storms and check on the animals every hor. You will then transfer this info. to the captain. You will also engage in many fun activities.
"Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too." The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" supports their claim with factual evidence. The author states both pros and cons about the article. The author does support their idea. "Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." There may be material on Venus that will better the lifes of people on earth. Though traveling to venus can be very dangerous or even fatal with temperatures average of eight hundred degrees Fahrenheit. "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." The author informs the readers with factual evidence but also puts in their own opinion. The author seems to have done research before creating this article. In conclusion the author does have enough factual evidence to support their own claim. "Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel." Noticing that the autor has done their reasearch on NASA and space helps the article. Not only does the the author give pros on why we should risk going to Venus, the author also gives cons about going to Venus. The author well supported the idea with factual evidence in the article.
I can remember countless times when I needed to be somewhere, but I had nobody to take me. The future is here, and an era where driveless cars is upon us. As a nondriver, I think this invention would be very useful, it would help busy parents do their duties for them, like picking up a child from school. It also feeds those lazy teenagers as they rarely want to move or do anything that requires activity. I am deffinetly for driverless cars Driverless cars are not exactly ready to be manufactered because there are some things cars cannot do that the driver would have to do for them. In paragraph 2 it says that cars that exsist today aren fully driverless because they alert you in tricky situations, like pulling in and out of driveways, or dealing with complicated traffic issues. Certainly this is just a minor problem compared to the actual driving part, and is planned to be figured out in the near future. BMW made an outbreak in 2013 when they announced the deleopment of their ¨Traffic Jam Assistant¨. This vehicle can drive at speeds up to 25 mph, but there are special sensors that make it mandatory for the driver to keep both hands on the wheel at all time. Human drivers must remain alert, which makes it safer for those around them if something were to go wrong. Cars are alerting the drivers by vibrating seats, and light sflashing on the windsheild, catching the attention of the driver. Although it would be very helpful and easier for everyone to have a driverless car, it could also be more dangerous. Of course the cars would alert us when we need to take the wheel, but most of the population is involved in their cell phones, what if someone ignores it, or misses the alert of signal? This is why as of now, most states have a law against being able to even test computer-driven cars. Why is everyone slowly relying on technology to do all our work? Car companies have big plans for the future. In parapgraph 10 it states that Tesla has projected a 2016 reliese for a car capable of driving on autopiolet 90 percent if the time. Other companies such as Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and NIssan plan to have driverless cars in the year 2020. As of now there are litlle glitches in the plans and laws would have to be figured out, as well as the safetly and reliance of the people in the car. The future is upon us and we better be buckled up and ready for the ride, driver or not.
The Facial Action Coding System is a system that enables computers to identify the human emotions. I think this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because in the article it says "The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles" Which means they can tell what your emotionals is by the movement of the muscles or by the look on your face. Eckman has classified six basic emotions which are happy, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness and then associated each with your characteristic movement of the facial muscle. If you're mad your orbicularis oris tightens your lips to show anger, your muscles on your face shows the computer what you're feeling. Dr.Huand new system can even identify mixed emotions because each expression is compared against a neutral face. That's why I think Facial Action Coding System is valuble becuase the computer constructs on a 3-D computer model of the face and it can tell mixed emotions and it has six basic emotions, If it can tell a dead person mood it can tell an alive person mood.
" A study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009". Limiting the use of cars from people is a great thing to consider. Cutting down the use of cars would reduce harmful toxins in the air that hurt our enviroment and help people save money. Reduceing the car use of people today would help out our enviroment. To illistrate, smog is a seriosu problem, "cold nights and warm days caused the warm layer of air to trap car emissions"(Duffer, 15). The smog is not good for our enviroment, therefore we should cut down the use of cars to cut down the amouhnt of smog produced. If we maintain our Earth the way it needs to stay healthy then it wouldnt have lots of issues. Keeping up with the no car use "sociologist believe it will-it will have benifical implications for carbon emissions and the enviroment"( Rosenthal ,34). America's second largest cause for emissions is transportation. We should completely stop or dirastically reduce the amount of car use. These new changes will help our enviroment stay clean and save our Earth. Another example of why we should controll the car use is because it will save people money. Now that "118 miles of bicycle paths" (Selsky, 27) have been made people wont have to drive cars. Cars cost a lot more money than a simple bicycle does. You also dont have to maintain a bicycle as much as you do a car.
The author suggests that studying on venus is worth persuit despite the dangers it presents in many ways like Venus being one of the brightest points of light in the night sky , it states in the First paragraph,"Venus is sometimes called the "evening Star" because Venous is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky making it simple for even an amaterur to spot." In paragraph 2 it explaplains how venus is like earths twin and how it is close to earth because "Venus is sometimes right around the cornor. ", it sates in paragraph 2. It also states that Venous is like Earths twin in terms of desnsity in paragraph 2 stated by the author. And because Venus is not Farr from Earth Landing is no more than a few hours Explained in paragraph 2. In paragraph 4 the author states " Long Ago , venus was probaly coverd largerly with oceans and could have supportwed various forms of life , just like Earth" the author compares venus to Earth because paragraph 4 describes how venus also has things that earth has like a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys , moutains , and creatures .
Have you ever wanted to be a cowboy who crosses the sea? Now you can, if you join the seagoing cowboys program! I think you should join the program because you get to help nations recover their supplies and explore the world as you travel which I thought was really fun to do. One reason I think you should be a seagoing cowboy is to help the nations by giving them more things they need such as food, animals, and more. I think helping the nations by doing this in the war will contribute to them so they could win if I give them the things they need to win the war. Another reason I think people should join is to have fun. I say that because while you are at sea you could explore different places around the world. While being a seagoing cowboy, I visited places like Europe and China while i was working as a seagoing cowboy. I also went to Greece to see an Acropolis, and I even went to an excavated castle in Crete. When the animals are unloaded you could play many things such as Table-tennis, baseball, volleyball, and many more in the empty holds where the animals were. In conclusion, i think people should join the seagoing cowboys program because you get to help the nations regain their supplies, and you get to have fun by exploring around the world. You should join because the seagoing cowboys program is fun and helpful to many people.
Venus is worthy to pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Venus is refered as the to the "Evening Star. The nickanme is misleading since Venus is really a plant in our solar system, Venus is the second planet from our Sun."Astronomers are fascinated by venus because it may have beem the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Venus is often referred as Earth's twin. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." Venus seems to be a fairly interesting planet to look into when put into the consideration that it was earth like with its rocky sediment surface, valleys, mountains and craters. "Solar power would be plentiful and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but sirvivable for humans." If the people on Earth were in a end of the World crisis colonizing Venus would not be bad idea. Since the evidence of past life on Venus is right under the noses of the people of Earth it would be tough but not impossible. Although the risks for exploring will be tough the real challenge will be to land on venus."Peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions. Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks." NASA is working on studying some appoarchs on how to get to venus. "For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulation the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. Just imagine exposing a cell phone or tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin. By comparison, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces." Developing new technology is coming soon and as more time passes the more advanced it going to become and the goal to reach Venu's surface grows closer than ever before. In conclusion aiming for landing of Venus is worth it, because of the invidence given on the planet. But there is also this hidden curiosity about Venus that can be off putting. Just because Earth may not have the technology right now doesn't mean humans should give up on the thought of exploring Venus. Life, new technology, and new discovery's are waiting on Venus so it is worth all the trouble for one little planet bigger than Earth. It could the people of Earth's future home if something happened with a huge effect on Earth all to together their would be a back plan.
If you join the program you can see alot of stuff that not that many people get to see at all the text states,"Luke also toured an excavated castle in crete and marveled at the panama canal on his way to china." if you do you get to help people and help animals. It is cool because you go around at sea alot. The text states," Luke had made nine trips --the most of any Seagoing cowboy." you get to do fun stuff to like play games and outdoor activites. most of the time if oyu are not careful and don't look oyu could get hurt and the fall off the ship. you go to alot of cities and countries. oyu have to be ready though cause if you are not you might not know what is going on for every body. that is why you should go and do that program because it is really fun and you do alot of cool stuff and do alot of cool stuff so you should do it and go around the world and have fun doning it.
The face is a natural landform for many reasons. I am going to tell you those three reasons. The first reason is that all this time from when they first took the picture to the last time they took the picture it has never been touched or even looked like it was messed by anyone. Proving that the so called "human face made by aliens" was not only unrealistic but also doubting Nasa, who has been in work since the first time the United states landed on the moon. Reason two, why would you be doubting a group when they have been working on new technoligy for modern space traveling for a long time. Now your doubting Nasa again and saying that the aliens made the "human Face". Doubting Nasa on there work they are trained to do. Nasa even had qualified scientists to make sure it was't an alien face and even confirmed it. The third reason is because on April 5, 1998 when Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter camera team snapped pictures ten times sharper and confirmed it was just a natural landform. Once again in April 8, 2001 Nasa proved that it was not a an alien sculpture once again. Garvins said " it reminded him the most of the middle butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho." Once again proving that it was not a alien made sculpture. People still might believe that it was an alien made sculpture. But multiple times it has been checked and everytime it was checked with a better camera. Multiple Nasa teams went through checking this out and still proved it to be a landform.
Imagine the ability to percieve every single emotion of another person, recieved in short and direct percentiles. This will now be possible thanks to the latest innovation in software development by Prof. Thomas Huang and Prof. Nicu Sebe. This new computer software will be able to contruct a 3-D model of one's face and analyize major facial muscules and the emotions that they convey. This is used along with FACS, Facial Action Coding System, which codifies the facial features into the six basic emotions of happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. All of this information is complied and then you reviece results. This techonology has been predicted to assist students in classrooms who struggle with a certain lesson. Doctor Huang says, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This does seem promising, but I propose that this techonology would not be as beneifical as it seems and will only further alienate our society, end up being only used to make profit, and exasterbate stimatization of mental disorders and 'wrong emotions'. Today we are blessed with technologies science fiction of the past could not even dream of and yet we are still faced with the same psychological neurosis of the past. On a large scale technology has seemed to exasturbate this problem, we are lonely, we are guilty about the past and anxious about the future. Before we would do anything to be liked by our peers, but now we will do anything to be liked by the thousands of blank profiles on social media. This does not diminish the adcances in science, computers, and the now easy access to information we have but technology always brings with it amazing powers but also terrible consequences and we must use it responsibly, In the artile "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto, it says "In face, we humans perform this same impressive calulation every day. For instance you can tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." Our human brains are just as powerful as the machines we create. We do not need artificial software to bring us together we only need to encourage and foster a society of empathy and compassion. The use of this emotion-recognition technology in classrooms would not be effective if teachers and instuctors are not already avaliable to address such issues as demotivation, boredom, and more extreme cases of mental disorders. We can make genuine connections in the real world to solve these problems instead of expensive new technology. Schools may not be able to even afford them, but others might. Others might use this techonology for less admirable means than classroom disinterest. The article states other uses, "For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." This does not seem as nefarious if you do not think of the further consequenses. Privacy is becoming a scarce commodity in the twenty-first century, as I type this companies and corporations are making money selling my (and your) personal information to thrid-parties. In today's society, money is the sole drive for success. This type of emotion-recognition software would be less likely to be used in classrooms and more likely to be used to sell more stuff. In conclusion, this techonology could only be used in a regulated and safe environment in order for it to be effective. The consequenses of this technology would be an increased of alienation and the malpractice of this technology. One day this technology might become widespread but before than happens it is even more important for one to address the societal impact technology has already had on us and foster a society of compassion where this technolohy would thrive.
The driverless car seems like it would be a really cool invention, but seems like it could have some issues. The car would be moving somewhat out of your control especially if used as a public transportation vehicle. This would make the older generations worry about their kids and grandkids since they realize it could break down anytime anywhere. The vehicle could easily be labled as dangerous since the text states, "Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009. Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash" 500,000 miles is good but you have to be under certain conditions. How good would the car work if you can't or live to far away to drive under these special conditions? The car might malfunction or go crazy, it could just simply blow up. Due to these statements this car could be labled dangerous. The car could also be labled dangerous for its inability to pull in and out of driveways. This could be a hazard for the young kids who are just learning how to drive and think the car can do everything for them like Google makes it look like it can. Backing out of a driveway can be a very dangerous action to accomplish because if there are obstacles blocking the view of the road you can not see cars going past you. The car can also be a dangerous vehicle because if you are driving and get drowsy or something with nobody else in the car with you, you could run right through a construction site. This is obviously a big concern for a lot of people because a construction site can have many hazardous tools that could kill you instantly even with protection of a car. Its a dangerous car for you and also the people around yo. If someone else on the road wasn't in an automatic driverless car and made a mistake you wouldnt have the chance to dodge the other driver to save yourself you guys would both just crash. Driverless cars can be very helpful, but overall i see them as death traps. They could take peoples lives over a simple mistake like a malfunction. I would not drive a driverless car or allow my kids to drive one due to safety concerns and lack of control. Afterall those movies with driverless cars often end bad any way.
intro this story is about people making a robot and how it could be used today in the world like in classes this robot could tell how you are felling and it could make you happy if your sad the robot has 6 emotions nad it has muchels. 1. I think people that are makiung these robots are good because sometime you cant tell what a person is thinking or felling and when you are in the class with studnts sometimes you cant tell whats wrong with the students so i think that is a good that thaat they are doing this because once you can see what the student is felling you could help them out. 2:the monalisa smile is going to have diffrent things like they are going to people just like a human they will have facial expressons they will have muschels like we do they can move there face and talk to you and they are going to be helping us out in the class room i think that is good because goning to the office and telling them whats wrong you can go to the robot and he can talk to you. 3:there is going to be a 3D print out of the robot of how you want it it could tell if you are bored and it could start making faces to make you happy and i think that is good because if you are not felling to well it could read your facial expressons and make you then you will be ok concluchionthis story is about robots going in schools and reading people facal expressons and how it is mad and what it could do to make someone that is sad happy i think that is good because some kids get bullied sum times and that robot could make you happy so you could not hurt your slef or anything or anyone.
The way Luke see's the trip is amazing, but there is more to than that. Joing the Seagoing Cowboys program is not only about seeing new places, but its about helping the people and doing as much as you possibly can to help. There is also many ways that this can benfit you. You can learn new languages and taste new foods. This isn't only about the amzing site that you see, but it can also be a nice learing experince. This also let you help people in need. Such as if there was a earthquake or flood. you can help them rebulid everything they had. It would be a good i dea for more people to join the Seagoing Cowboys program because not only do you get to help people rebulid there life, but you get to see amazing places such as Italy, Europe, China, and so many more beautiful sites. joining can also teach you how to speak different languages, live on boat, become closer to animals, see things you have never seen before. This could be an amazing adventure and you could have great stories to tell the family. Not only would this be a great adventure, but it has so many benefits that you probably haven't thought about. Joing the Seagoing Cowboys program would help you so much in ways that can change your life forever. In the passage Luke mainly talk about how this changed his life because of the amazing places he went to. When readers read this they would automatically think that that is all there is to it, but is isn't that it about helping people rebuild everything they lost and will never see again. Luke talks about how he he was so happy to be with animals on aboat seeing someof the most unforgetable places ever, but what he dosen't say is that these people need more Seagoing Cowboys. Without Seagoing Cowboys so many people would not have a home, fresh clothes, warm food, or food at all. Luke does although talk about the gorgeus sites. That is 100% true. You get to see some of the most amazing places in the whole world. Becoming a Seagoing Cowboys is so important. Many people wouldn't think that this is something that we need in the world, but it is. It is one of the most important jobs that we need. So many great benefits that you can get from it such as learing new langauges, tasting new foods, meeting wonderful people, or simply living alone on a boat with a few animals. This might not saound as fun as you would think, but it is defeintly something to think about. not only is a great oppurtinite, but it is a great learing experince.
The United States is a democratic country where the people decide on a leader through voting, or so it's supposed to be. We Americans use something called the Electoral College, where a state is worth a certain amount of points, and when you win that state for your party, you gain those points. I find this to be unfair, because you could win by popular vote, but lose because the opposing party won the states with the biggest number of points. I think that the Electoral College should be removed and replaced with popular vote only. It would make elections more fair, and it would make peoples' votes feel like they change something. When you go to vote, you don't actually vote for the candidate, you vote for a group of people who in turn vote for the candidate. I find this to be ineffective, because the people you are voting for are still able to switch there vote to the other party, and humans aren't the most honest things on Earth. Also, there is the feeling of being important that you get when you think that you could tip the scale, it makes you feel special, and in control of your own country. What's the point of voting if there's a chance it might not matter, because the other party just won California, the state with the most amount of points, 55, and you couldn't do anything because you live in Idaho or North Dakota, with only three little points. Popular vote would make you feel involved, and happy to help. As I stated before, each state has an amount of points based on the population, which in turn affect how much you help your desired party. Seems reasonable, right? You would think that the more the population, the more impact it has on the election. That's right, but it's also unfair because states that have noone living there could all vote for one party, but it wouldn't help that much, unless the points were close and that state tipped the scale. But big states, like California, Texas, and Florida have some of the most points, so if you were to win those, you already have more than one hundred points. Candidates would try to just seek out those jumbo prizes and systematicaly try to win the largest behind "the Big Four". If someone was reading this and wanted the Electoral College, they could say that the big states would still have an advantage with more voters, and that is right, but they wouldn't be as big of prizes. So the election turns from a voice of the people, speaking up for a new leader, and turns into a mad chase to get the biggest prizes before the other party, like a game of Monopoly. In Monopoly, you buy areas with your money, and when someone lands on that space you own, they have to pay you. The places ath the end of the board have the priciest cost, but the best outcome. You can also build property on spaces to make the enemy players pay more. If you were to buy those, you practically win the game. On the other hand, the spaces at the begining are basiclly worthless, costing about 100 dollars and giving you about 1000. Those are like the small states, that have almost no value to the election, and the big states are worth a lot. In America, the people should be able to feel responsible for their country's future, and not feel as if their state doesn't matter. My own words might not be able to change peoples' minds, but I'm sure the votes aren't tied.
why should we participate in being a Seagoing Cowboy? Some people ask but barley anyone knows. This might help us some times. But I think this will tough. We should do this, because it might help us, you sometimes get free time, and it is easy. This job might help us alot. We can earn money and get a new house. You are shipping things. Things like milk dairy and other things. You could get a new house or a new car it might be able to be big small or whatever size you want it to be. On this job you sometimes get freetime. You get freetime if you work hard on your job. The games we can play are like Poker, Cards, and more. If we don't want to play games we dont have to play any games. Therefore it is your choice if you want to play games or not. Lastly this job is very easy. Mostly because all you have to do is ship crates with animals in them. The story says Luke also found time to have fun on board, especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. The job is probaly the easiest job you can find. So if you want this job for any reason it is a great job. The job is great for all of these reasons. if you frogot what they were the reasons are that it might help us, you sometimes get free time, and it is easy. I think this job would be great for any of us. So if you want this job and if I were you then I would take it. Therefore I think this is a great job.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" there are many key points made about facial action coding systems. Calculating emotions can be difficault but it's not imposible. Also that this system can be used in classrooms to help students who don't understand something or is bored is outstanding. Sitting in class and not getting something but are to scared to ask about it will make students a lot more comfortable with what they're learning. Or take he same scenerio but the student is bored out of their mind, this system would make it a little more challenging for them so they didn't just sit there. Students may be sitting in class or taking a standerized test and are bored out of their mind cause either they understood it really fast or already knew it or just don't want to have to deal with doing or taking it. Either way the system created would help them.
Since some many years, scientists around the world are trying to expand their exploration projects. After the U.S. could send a man to the space and be able to walk in the Moon, it made other scientists to be facinated with this types of explorations and look for planets to explore. One of those planets is Venus, a planet that according to the author of "The Challenges of Exploring Venus", is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it represents. He supports this idea by giving the way that scientists see Venus comparing to us, coditions that are familiar to the Earth ones, and projects that can help humanity to be able to explore Venus. At the begining of the article, the author gave a way of how scientists see Venus to support his idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit. In paragraph 2, the authore says "Often referred to as Earth's 'twin', Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, ad occasionally to the closest in distance too". This evidence shows that most of the scientists that are related to the space exploration, think that Venus is the Earth's twin because of its shape. This clue shows that Venus has important similarities with our planet that cna hel Venus to support human life. Later on, the author gave examples of the natural conditions that are equal to the Earth ones. In paragraph 4, the author says "Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters". By showing this, the author explains that Venus has some factors that are the same ones that the Earth has. All of them are natural so it has a connection to where we are able to explore, and how its conditions can support human explorations. Lastly, the author gave more examples of projects that can help us to survive in Venu's environment. In paragraph 6, the author says "Many researches are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long nough to contribute meaningfully to our knoledge of venus". In this part, the author shows that many scientists are tryng to find a way to get more information about Venu's conditions, by doing this, they can be one hundred percent sure that Venus is like Earth's sister. In conlusion, the author supports his idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit depite the dangers that it represents by giving a lot of facts and examples of what the scientists and researches have found at this time. He made a great article by giving evidence and supporting them with facts.
Driverless cars are quite a new invention. They can be both helpful and non helpful. Driverless cars are a scince break through. They put in a lot of hard work to get the car done and ready for the road. It will change the way we drive. Driverlesss cars can only go about 25 miles per hour. They can only go that speed because that is a safe speed through neighborhoods and in school districts. The driverless car has to have a human in the driver's seat at all times. It has to because if their is a wreck or road consturuction you can set the pace and stay safe. The car can not detect those that is why you have to take over. Driverless cars are very safe to be in. They will get you from piont A to piont B in the safest way possible. As you see in paragrah 7 you have to be in the driver's seat and touching the wheel for it to work it is very good for people to use. It will really help with the elderly people for parking in hard conditions. The driverless car is a science break through and willchange the way we drive.
In the excerpt ¨The Challenge of Exploring Venus,¨ the author makes many claims as to why exploring Venus is important despite the risks. The author supports this idea by giving examples as to how this exploration will expand our knowledge of our own planet and how it will advance space technology. The first claim the author makes that supports the idea that studying Venus is worth it despite the risks is how alike Venus once was to Earth. In the second paragraph, it states, ¨Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too.¨ In the fourth paragraph it states ¨Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth...¨ Studying these features that are found on Venus could greatly benefit the human race and their knowledge about our own planet and the solar system around us. Furthermore, since Venus can ¨sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit,¨ it is important to explore the planet as a possible way to expand the footprint of mankind. The second claim made by the author that supports the suggestion is that exploring Venus will require an expansion of our technological capabilities when it comes to spacecrafts. In the fifth paragraph, the author states that since the conditons on Venus are so harsh, NASA wolud need to develop a new device that ¨would allow scientists to float above the fray.¨ Since something like this has yet to be developed, the exploration of Venus would require mankind to create new technology. In the sixth paragraph, it is stated that ¨many researchers are working on innovations that would allow machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus,¨ which further supports the point that the exploration of Venus will improve our technology. Through the claims that exploring Venus will advance our knowledge and astronomical technology, it is clear that the author believes studying Venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers it presents. After all, the author states that we should think of these risks as nothing more than just challenges.
Well what do you think? Aliens on Mars are as likey as th moon being made out of cheese meaning, that is not possible. The idea of of that can be struct down by facts. It is simply a natural landform because it looks to much like a human face and if aliens made it how would they know what we look like. Also, there are no signs of life on the planet, and lastly it is just a bunch of creators on a mountian. Lets look at some of the facts, while there is possible life on there it looks to much like a human face. If this was proof of aliens how would they know what we look like. It would have to many similarities to us. If it were an alien structure, they would have to be here living among us and they would stick out a little bit. Another fact to shutdown the theory is Mars is not inhabitable. While still being about the same size of Earth, it is not possible to live on it. Mars is not able to produce oxegen because it does not have any trees, and while you would probably say aliens woud not needed oxegen, but I say every living thing needs oxegen. Lasty, when you first look at it can be hard to see it is just a mountain. When you look at it, it does look it has a mouth, nose, eyes, and freckles. Though when you look at it closely, you can see the freckles are just creators. The mouth it is simply a dips between two mountains, the eyes are also just large creators. Also when you look at the nose, you can see an extention of one of the mountains. It can be hard to see the diffrences and think t is an actual face, with fact that is not possible for it to be a sign of alien life. It can not be a sign f aliens on Mars beccause, it looks to much like a human face, The planet is inhabitable, and it is just creators on a mountain.
Would'nt it feel amazing to walk down the sidewalks to go some where and know that you are helping save our planets ozone layer. Well you would be! Limmiting car usage is starting to become the next big focus and some people have found some benifical advantages to the limit of car usage. It would reduce the emission of green house gases greatly. Businesses would see a tremedious profit because of people walking. Although, some people would'nt like this at all because it would take more time to get to one place, they still could car pool or even get some exersice by walking or riding a bike. Green house gags has become a huge concern because it is destroying our atmosphere! In source 1, Elisabeth Rosental explains that passenger cars make up 50 percent of the green house gags in the United States and that just the cars! If we would limit our usage of car then we could reduce margin so muh all we have to do is find a more efficent way of transportation. In source 3, Andrew Selsky write about how Bogtoa had a car free day and Carlos Arturo says "it was a good opportunity to take away the stress and lower air pollution." So not only would we be helping save our atmosphere but we would be saving ourselves from stress of diving. Businesses strive on bring in customes so they can make profit. If we would reduce the the usage of cars then customers wouldnt be problem for business men because people would be walking or riding bike and usally will stop for something to eat or even stop to look inside a shop while on there way to their destination. It would help the communites economy boost. Some people might disagree on the idea of tring to cut the car usage rate because it will take a longer time to get some where. However, they could still car pool or even ride a bike and get some exerscie. Also, reducing car usage would help people become more social in their life. They could meet new people and get to know some one if they would ride the public bus. In source 4, Elisabet Rosenthal explains how accients from cars are a mjor cause of death but its so unsafe when you get out on the road. Reducing car usage has many advantages for our live to stress free and safe. Deminishing car usages has many positive changes to our lives and to our planet. for exapmle, with less cars we would have less pollution being emitted into the air which i killing the atmosphere as we speak, people would be happier with less cars because they dont have to stress over driving and paying full attention on the road and conditions. Less cars would have a more social effect on the live of humans. The positive advantages on reducing car usage are endless!
In the passage "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author suggests that studing Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents and I belive he proves that very well of being true. As it stated in paragragh one Venus is the brighest point in the night sky that even a amateur stargazer could spot out, but its not a star it is our sister planet. Venus "may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was proably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." (stated in paragraph four) Also said in paragraph four it says, "Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth." So in my opion I belive we should continue to explore Venus because like it says in paragraph five NASA is working on some new ways to make some of those dangers disapear. As of right now NASA is coming up with a way to "allow scientists to float above the fray" also stated in paragrah five. Yes the temputues will still be toasty but the air pressure wouldn't be as bad. Now with this type of tecgnology the scientists would only be able to provide limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cant penetrate the dense atmosphere, they also wouldnt be able to take rock samples or anything of the sort from a distance. (said in paragrapg six) NASA is now working on some more techology that will help us on all these setbacks. Now if the mission of exploring Venus was is so dangerous why are scientist even discussing further visits to its surface. Now i understand where some people are coming from because in paragraph two its says that "no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." Still all together i belive if we develop the right technology we could manage landing a man on this so called dangurous sister planet of ours just paragraph eight says "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has valuse, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into equally intimidating endeavors. Our traveks on Earht and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." So lets not let the feeling of fear strike us out of seeing what is outside of our comfert zone, but lets take the giant leap and see what else is out there because you never know untill you see for yourself.
Most of the people on Earths examinated that visiting a different planet such as Venus is endanger places to explore but the author from "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" denied what others thought was wrong. The author suggest that visiting is one of the greatest planet to visite, need to investigated, and how it impact the people who live on Earth and expecially the planet Earth it self. Venus is oftenly "reffered to as Earth's twin". The author included that Venus is one of the greatest place to visited. The text says,"Venus is the closets planets to Earth.." This texts show that it's not far from Earth, and making people should take their chance to visited. The other texts support that it's would be the greatest opportunity for the people who would be willing to put his life at risk for good and worst,"a crucial consideration gioven the long time frames of a space travel". "The value of returning to Venus seems indisputable but what are the options for making suh a mission both safe and scientically productive?". This both evidence from the texts exaplain that throught the worst part it would make things better. More people such as young adult, who studies about the Earths' revolution or who is a scientist, Venus is a great place to study about the enviromental as such, weather;climate, the population and the atmosphere. The author is making a comparison about Venus and Earth, how they alike. They could make a comparison about Earth and Venus; how they are alike and are different. "the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere." "and the atmospherc pressure is 90 times greater than what we experince on our own planet." This texts support the evidence about the comparison about Earth and Venus how are they different. "such as enviroment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals." This means that in our planet; Earth how it is difficult for people to survived due to such as hurricane and tornado. Venus would be the greatest helper for Earth it self in many goods. The contact is the insight of the condition it form lights and how it would impact magnificent the solar system that produced from Venus are because Venus is "the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system.." The author also described it as "powerful earthquakes" that form "lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface." This evidence means that Venus has a strong power that would form the bigger lighting than Earth and it would be the great helper for the humans to uses to make our solar system a better one. Venus is oftenly "reffered to as Earth's twin" . Many people on Earth should take a chance to visit Venus and learn about the magnifcent circumstand between both planet, Eath and Venus. The main reason is Venus one the greatest helper an impact the people who lives on Earth many way. One of them the people would learn many entity on Venus by exploring and investigate how things work. People could also make assuption or making comparison about Venus and Earth and they would learned to make the Earth a better place to live and give a credict to the Venus for helping the people live in Earth.
In the classroom, most students are very bored and tired. Many students are not happy with spending the day in school. Teachers all over the country are collaborating to find things that intrest students. Technology is hitting almost every school currently and it is bring kids to school more eager to learn. Now, there is a computer software system created by Thomas Huang and Nicu Sebe that can detect someones emotions. This program detects a persons emotions by looking at how the muscles work. An example of this progam is when the author describes Mona Lisa and says "She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry". Technology should be used to read the emotional expressions of students during class becasue it will help teachers find ways to make education exciting for students. Although sometimes people can read someones emotions, it is not possible every time. A student could act like they are enjoying school when they are really not. in some cases, students may not be sad because they are at school but becasue something is happeing to them outside of school. In paragraph eight, the author says "Meanwhile, muscles called orbicularis oculi pars palpabraeus make crow's-feet around your eyes . But in a false smile the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius." This is an example of how sometimes people can not read someones emotions. Also, the program would allow a teacher to change his or her lesson plans due to how students enjoy the teaching style. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or board, Dr Huang predicts. Then it could modify the lesson like an effective human instructor." Many students do not use words to express how they feel about something so this is a way to find out if they enjoy the teaching style or not. If schools are able to get technology that detects emotions, it will help with how they need to organize the day and how to make it more fun for students to learn. This will lead to an increase in passing and graduation rates. It is very imortant to educate students becasue the students today will be leaders in the future society.
Richard Nion, Jimmy Carter, and Bob Dole and other companies have all agreed to abolish the Electoral College and I to agree for many reasons. One of the major issue is that the voters don't know what really happens to thier vote. Another issue to add is that ''the electoral collage is unfair, outdated, and irrational". Do the citizens that go and vote for their candidate actually choose for the candidate's electors? In the text is states that not only do I vote for candidate's electors but also '' help choose the state's electors when you vote for the president''. This meaning that my vote counts for several things, but was I aware? Maybe not because I simply think I'm voting for a candidate running for presidenty not the candidate's elector. The Electoral College was ment for a compromise between Congress and Citizens not all these extra people. ''This year voters can expect another close election in which the popular vote winner could loose again''. Certainly this doesn't makes sence because how could the winner of the votes loose? Which is one of the reasons why the the Electoral College is unfair. Also in the beggining of the article it's said that '' A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President''. Meaning that the president already has an advance in the votes. I think that the Electoral College process should be gone for its unfairity and be replaced to a new way of election. In the new way of electing our president should be in a few steps and also not worrying about the candidate already having an advanced amount of votes. Instead of the votes going place to place they should just be in the state and counted for equaly no ajustments, then after the election send to Congress or the National Archives as part of the offical records of the presidential election. In conclusion the electoral College should be taken out permantly and be replaced by a new way or process when it comes to the citizens votes and the election of the cadidates.
When someone hears the words "driverless cars", they get excited at the thought of something so futuristic at one time that it seems like something out of a science fiction novel. However, now that dream is becoming a reality. Large companies such as Google or BMW are advancing in this highly experimental field, and Google has been since as early as 2009. But is letting the machine take over most of the time really the best option? Could it lead to even more problems than it hopes to fix? These questions have yet to be answered and need to be. In 2013, BMW began developing a project they dubbed the "Traffic Jam Assistant", allowing a car to handle all possible functions up to the speed of 25 mph. But even though the car drove itself, the driver still had to remain alert and keep both hands on the wheel where sensors were located. And in such situations as work zones or accidents, the driver had to take over. Moments like these should always be handled by the driver, because the only thing a vehicle needs is one single driver. If a pedestrian ever makes the mistake of crossing too late on a crosswalk in the middle of the street, the car is not going to be ablle to know if it is coming or not or whether the car can steer clear of causing an accident because of human error. There is also the consideration of laws. In our current era, whoever hits someone initially in a traffic collision, is the one to blame, and the one who helps pay off the other driver's bill. Human error is a natural thing, and we all make mistakes, but if there is ever an accident in which an autonomous car is made and is involved in an accident, who is responsible in the end? Is it the driver, or is it the car which is supposed to be incapable of making mistakes? Allowing a car to be responsible for one person's life is not the best decision, and should be thought out more accordingly, than just seeing it as a fun toy because our laziness is growing so much, that we can't even drive for ourselves. Then there is the cost, both on our wealth and our experience. If we allow cars to drive us around and take us anywhere we like, what will happen when it's our turn to drive. We will be less alert, paying attention to our surroundings instead of focusing on the road. Some may argue that cars come with warning signals that the driver must take control soon, but will they have enough time to completely survey the area and assess the situation? Or will the car be able to warn them in time? The answer is most likely to be answered, but is still a dangerous situation for a new driver. In 20 years these cars may be a new one of society's norms, and everyone might own a car that drives on its own. But before we can reach that day, we have to decide if we're willing to pay large amounts of dollars for a car that takes away all feeling of something belonging to us and seeming to be in our control. The "Cars of the Future" will cost extraneous amounts of dollars, just for the ability for us to drive only some of the time, and not all of it. Some people may argue that there are beneficial sides to an autonomous car, and of course there are. These cars would cut down our costs on gas, they could even be safer than some humans driving cars, and they could all be traced around on a track designed just for the cars. But it all comes back down to cost. The thought of replacing all roads with "Smart Roads" is not only seemingly impossible, but timewise it would take a lifetime. If every single road was taken apart and rebuilt all over America, the world even, it would take at least 10 years, and the cost would be enormous. And these cars are safe, but if that situation ever hits, no one is going to want their death or disability caused by a car driving on its own because of human error, yet again. The concept is definitely real, and they have continued to being developed. The only thing to see now is if they can pay the price, develop more solutions than problems, and see if laws can be passed in their favor. It will take years, or maybe even a decade before we see who will be driving behind the wheel in the end, the human, or the car itself.
Yes, there is a Face on Mars and some people say The Face was created by aliens, but that statement is not true aliens did not created The Face. In fact it is just a natural landform. This landform was actually a lava dome that just got shaped funny when the lava got hard enough to stay the same for the rest of time, unless something happened really bad on Mars. We can state the fact that aliens did not build The Face because we have used the best camera and seen that there is no evindence that aliens build The Face. It is just like something we would see on earth it just happened naturally like how the Grand Canyon got on earth no human or alien built the Grand Canyon. It is just a natural thing that had happened just like The Face on Mars. In the picture that NASA took has been zoomed into and the zoom would have picked up anything that was on the ground and there was not anything that showed that aliens or anything had build The Face there was absolutly nothing around the face that the aliens could have even used to build The Face out of. Therefore The Face was in fact not build by aliens. The Face is just a natural appering thing on Mars and there is no sign of anyone or anything building The Face on Mars excepcially not aliens.
The first thing im gonna talk about is in the store it sayed they took there right to drive away and fined them if they do drive that is stupid. If u pay for that car or truck and pay for the the gas that they sale you should be able to drive that car or truck wherever u want to. And if they new it was gonna cause harm to the environment then why did they do it i mean that's pretty dumb. They new that them hazardous gasses and fumes were gonna mess things up so why would they do it. But u have to have these vehicles and semis to be able to transport goods from place to place do i mean your really just gonna have to deal with it cause u have to have them cause whose gonna hall all that stuff by hand one by one nobody and its just a waste of time cause u would kill yourself trying to do it so why not just use a semi that uses left over stuff from gas that way there not dumping all that stuff out on the ground ans its not going down and pouluting our water let it puluote our air but if we don't have that water we couldnt go 3 days and we could were gas masks if it come down to it its really not that big of a deal. There making this how smog thing a big deal they can come up with something to help that or go away that is just so stupid that they do that cause they can prevent some of it with safe idle and emmisind but they dont want to hold to there laws ad people that are doing it they just let them go on like there doing and they do nothing about. Why would they do wat they are doing and not help us out and quit taking our rights away.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
In my opinion, I don't think that you should use technology to read emotions for classes. I think that because the students should know whether someone is sad, happy, or angry even if it's hard to tell. They should not use technology to tell someone emotions, that means that they're going to use that technology more and more and it could either damage the future or probably fix the future but I think that they shouldn't use it. For people that can't tell how someone is feeling, it can be harderfor them to tell because even though that technology is in one class, it could be in any class and people that don't know how to tell emotions, it can get harder for them because all they can remember is looking at the computer and not looking at an actual person face figuring out how they feel. It shouldn't be in classes because it'll most likely cause problems for people who have trouble seeing emotions and causing peopleto use it more insread of looking at someone's face and saying that it's hard to tell either if they're sad or angry. Technology is big nowadays, which mean more and more new inventions would come into the future. Yes, this invention can work pretty good but it can also cause problems. Just by looking at the muscles of the human face on a computer doesn't mean you can tell that one person is angry or happy, there's so many emotions in one person and you can guess angry but instead they're sad. I think that students in class that has this technology should look at people's faces and tell if they're sad or happy. The Mona Lisa is an amazing example, it's hard to tell if she's either mad or happy, and instead of using technology to figure that out, look at her face and see if she's either angry or happy. If this technology is in every class, then student's would just guess based on that technology to see if someone is happy or sad. Student's should use paintings or pictures to tell that person emotions. I think that the only time to use that technology is to look at the face muscles and not just telling if someone is happy or sad. If someone that I know is sad would I use that technology? Absolutely not, I'll just look at their and see if they're sad or not. So my opinion on this is don't use it for people's emotions, use it to just look at the face muscles and describe what they are.
State Senator, If the slogan of our nation is "We the people," why do we the people not actually get to vote for the president? How can a president win the popular vote but lose the presidency? None of that makes any sense. Our nation needs to abolish the Electoral College and change to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. The system of the Electoral College is irrational, unfair, and not for the citizens. To begin, the Electoral College is unfair to voters. "Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states." (Plumer, paragraph 13). "Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people." (Plumer, paragraph 11). If the United States is really all about the citizens, then they do not have a good way at showing it. We as citizens live here, and call this nation our home, but yet we can not even elect our own president. The Electoral College is unfair to us as voters. In addition, "The advocates of this position are correct in arguing that the Electoral College method is not democratic in a modern sense... it is the electors who elect the president, not the people. When you vote for a presidential candidate you're actually voting for a state of electors." (Posner, paragraph 15). That textual evidence came from a passage in defense of the Electoral College! We the people should have a say! This system is not for us as citizens of the United States, and it is wrong! This is our home so let US pick our president. Furthermore, "... and the most thoughful voters should be the ones to decide the election." (Posner, paragraph 20). This statement is very true because voters should be thorough when voting, but why should we be? It is not like we need to take our time and compare and contrast the presidential candidates. We are not voting for the president of our choice, so what is the point of being thorough? It is wrong to have this system, and it needs to be changed. To conclude, as I have said above, If the slogan of our nation is "We the people," why do we the people not actually get to vote for the president? The system of the Electoral College needs to be abolished. It is not letting us as citizens elect our choice of the president that we want. It is unfair and irrational. I am in favor of changing the system to election by popular vote for the president of the United States.
There have been many discussions whether or not having an electoral college as the system to decide the president is alright. Many people say this system is corrupted and that it must be thrown out to think of a new better government system, while many other people disagree and state that "yes", this system works perfectly well and that we should keep it this way for many years. Of course, most of the population of the country simply believe this system is best and we should keep it. This may be because certainty of the outcome, and because the system is made out well. Of course, there is also a downside to this such as when a person goes to vote, their not neccesarily voting for whom they believe to be voting for. To begin with, having the electoral college is great because of the fact that there is certainty of the outcome. As said in source 3 by Richard A. Posner, there is absolute certainty of the person you're voting for is going to win or lose. The reason is that the winning candidate's share of the Electoral College invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote. For example, in the 2012 election, Obama received 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and Romney. Useing this as an example explains that the electoral college, to win it, you must need the magority votes. Furthermore, the system it self is made out really well. As said in source 1, the electoral college process consists of the selection of the electors [ which consists of 538 and only takes 270 electoral votes to elect a president]. During this meeting they vote for who they want as president and vice president. Also, your state's entitiled allotment of electors equals the number of members in its congressional delegation. In a way you could say that, the electoral college is like a game, and many people just want it gone because they aren't good at it, or just don't understand it. Of course there is always a downside to everything. This flaw is that, when you're voting, you're not voting for who you believe you are voting for. As said in source 2, when you vote for your president, the vote doesn't go to the president, but for the slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. This may not sound so bad, but with something such as this, there could easily be some corruption in that and could change the outcome of the election. But even with this said, it's an unlikeble chance. when you vote, the elector you voted for is most likely going to be an elector which will vote for your president. So no worries. In conclusion, letting the electoral college stay is a good idea. It is a well thought out system, and the certainty of which president will be elected is completely accurate which doesnt make it a big guessing game. Don't pay attention to those conspiricies of the electoral college, that we have a great system.
Dear , State Senator I think that they should keep our despised method of choosing the president. The way we choose our president every 8 years is okay. Nothing is wrong with they way we change our presidents. The electoral votes has done a great job with no complaints. The way now has been going for a long time and they shouldn't change it. The electoral college consists of many electorals. They consist of 538 electorals. Majority of the electoral votesare 270, which is required to elect the President. Under the 23rd Admendment of the Constitution, the District of Cloumbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state on purposes of the Electoral College. Each canidate running for President in your state has his or her own group of electors. Afte the presidential election, your governor prepares a "Certificate of Ascertainment " listing all of the candidates who ran for President n your state along with the names of their respective electors. The Certificate of Ascertainment also declares the winning presidential canidate in your state and shows which electors will represent your state at the meeting of the electors in December of the election year. Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but forr aslate of electors, who in turn elect the president. If you lived in Texas, for instance, and wanted to vote for [John] Kerry,you'd vote for a slate of 34 Democtratic electors pledged to Kerry. On the off-chance that those electors won the statewide election,they would go to Congress and Kerry would get 34 electoral votes. It can be argues that the Electoral College method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candiate who has no hope of carrying their state-Democrats on Texas,for example, or Republicans in California. Knowing their vote will have no effect, they have less incentive to pay attention to the campaign than they would have if the president were picked up by popular vote. Sincerly, PROPER_NAME           
Senator of Florida Im sending you this letter to address you on that i am in favor for keeping the Electoral College. Having the reason being that, this process will be in a much acelerating rate of speed and less of a process to go thruogh. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. This entire process consits of the selection of thr electors, A meeting of electors sit and vote for the president and also vice president. This in my opinion is the best way on to vote for the president. The Electoral Eollege consits of 538 electors. Our state's entitled allotment of electors equals the number of memebers in its congressional delegation. One for each member in the House of Representatives and an additional two for the senators. This will allow better flow of votes around the House of Representatives. Under the 23rd amendment of the constitution, District of Columbia is further more allocated 3 of the electors and is to be treated as if they were one of the state. For the purposes of the Electoral College, the reason for the word "state" does refers to District of Columbia. Every candidate running for the president in the state does has his/hers own group of electors. These electors are generally chosen by the candidate's political parties. This gives the Electoral College a better way of choosing electors for the party. Just like every presidential election, they will all, take place every four years on the tuesday after the first monday of November. I my self as a well and loyal citizen and resident of Florida can also choose the states electors when i go and vote for president. Because when i do vote for my candidate i am voting for my candidate's electors. Almost every state has a "winner-take-all" system, this will reward all electors to the winning presidential candidate. This one of the main reasons i do take in favor the Electoral College as a way to vote for the president. And then after the presidential election is done, the governor prepares a "Certificate of Ascertainment". Then by it listing the ever single one of the candidates who has ran for president in the state of Florida. Along with the names of their respective electors who has been on their side during the whole process. Then here by saying all i needed to say about the Electoral College and what has been brought to my attention of details of the Electoral College. Hopefully, some others will take notice for what i have sated here before you. They will to soon realize what in great inportance this is to you and many others to come for. Hope you have good day and a very well sleep tonight and my sincearest thanks for you being able to take the time and read the letter. sincearly, fellow cittizen and resident of Florida                                                                                                                                             
Do you ever wonder how it would be if we lived in a car free enviroment where cars where limited. There would not be any traffic jams,or heavy smog,people wont have to worry about gas prices. Our enviroment would be cleaner and better for us to live in. There are so many advantages from limiting car usage. People with cars tend to worry about gas prices and how much money it takes to fill up their car. When limiting the usage of cars,and walk or bike it helps save your money for something other than gas. Just think of it the average person has to fill up their gas tank at least once every one to two weeks, and if they drive constantly then once every three to five days after they had just filled up their tank. Why even waste gas to go down the street to a store or to a friends when you can use a better and more conservitive type of transportation, its nonsensicle to even drive for a short amount of time if you can walk or bike to you destination. If we also limit car usage we wont have to worry much about bumper to bumper traffic or car accidents. Think of how much much time traffic on the highways wastes sometimes 20 minutes to an hour or two when we can be doing something better with our lives. Not to mention if we limited our usage our roads sidewalks and highways would all change. There would also be more outside attractions to do and be apart of, malls and stores would be different as well considering that if not much cars are around its not necassary to have shopping plaza because not much cars would be parked. Driving a car when only necessary would help people a whole lot and change and impact the way we live in a positive way. Think of our enviroment and ozone for a minute,and how bad the fules that power our cars effect it, not only does the fules effect our enviroment it also affects us too. When we have a high amount of smog in the air due to cars it makes people congested because our air is tainted and polluted. How much you drive is as important as whether you have a hybrid the EPA is promoting the act of reduced car communities. Its not just cars either you have motorcycles as well that harm us and the enviroment ion the same way. Not only will limiting your usage on your car will be better for your wallet it would be better for you as well considering the fact that some people if not using or having a car tend to walk or bike which is exercise and it helps to benifit you out as well as your money. Driving a car when only necessary would help people a whole lot. Considering that everyone is out of shape because of our advances in life a little walking or biking exercise will benifit us from being lazy, you can even make your walk fun with music to listen to. If we limit our usage it will help our enviroment and our health as people as well. Cars maybe needed if you have a job or a place that you need to go that is a far stretch from where you are. Cars are very handy i'll give it that,but sometimes they are unnecessary to use in certain situations. Peolpe like having a car for freedom and having their own transportation instead of relying on something else to get them around, but the thing is that we dont actually need cars that much for things. People are just lazy and depend on cars so they dont have to walk, take a bus ,or bike to their destination but its that mind set that most of us have and thats why our enviroment is getting killed slowly. We need to stop being lazy and think of better ways to get back and forth from certain areas. Cars can are good to have for self transportation, but there are much better ways to get from place to place without hurting your wallet and your enviroment. There are plenty of benifits from limiting car usage for everyone. When we limit car usage we dont have to worry about gas prices or smog in our enviroment or anything of that nature. Limiting gas makes us better and healthier because we are finding more physical alternative ways for transportation.
I think that we should change the electoral collage because is it not very organize and theirs slot of voters that dont like it also in the electoral college you just dont vote for the president that you want for your nation you sre also for slays that you might not even want or like it should just be that you vote for the president that you want to represent your nation. The electoral college has a major arguemnt against it electoral college. is what we might call the disaster. factor the american people should consider them selves lucky that the 200 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century. the system also allows the legislatures and they defy that shouldnt be like that they should let the people pick . In the eleltoral college they could be a a tie and thru popularity the presendent wins faster and theirs no tie and people dont have to worry about a tie also the electoral collage is unfair to voters because of the winner takes all the system in each state thats not  fair to the voters very unfair. The electoral college has been notice to be unfair also is outdated and irrational the best agrguemnt in favor of the electoral college are mostly assertions with out basis in reality and the arguments against direct election are spurious at best that y people dont whant the electoral collage no more it should  be abolish The electoral collage should be taken down it is not fair at all and voters dont want the electoral college. because it is being unfair to them and i agree with them . Also in the electoral collage theirs been many mistakes. like when vice president richard nixon.  who was presiding over the seanate validated only his opponents elelcectors thats not right or fair he made sure to do so with out establishing a precedent what if it happens again the nations doseant need that . Voters in the electoral college they get confuse and they canot control for whom their voting for and sometimes they get confused that they vote for the wrong candidate the electoral college is not organize and is no good.                                                                                                               
Driverless cars will bring great benefits to the human race. They can provide a level of safety that many people are unable to provide, and they can allow for new freedoms and options for those on the road. They can take people to the hospital if someone is injured, and they can also bring a person to his/her home, if needed. The possibility of driverless cars is slowly becoming a reality, thanks to the work done by various companies. Google has already created a modified car capable of maky of these things, and other auto makers have followed in Google's footsteps. Automated cars will be helpful in the future due to the safety brought by the introduction of promising technology, and the steady progress in the fields of robotics and cars. The technology used in driverless cars is very advanced, able to process information and respond in the time comparable to a human. They can respond generally better to dangerous situations than that of the human mind as well. "Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009. Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash"(2). These cars are trustworthy in a safety sense, and they know when it is neccessary to give control back to the driver."In fact, none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead repuires human skills"(7). This means that not all control is relinquished to the car. Truthfully, most of these driverless cars actually build from a driver assistance system, where the car helps the person drive rather that drive for the person. Automated cars can soon be possible for all of humanity. Humanity has already come a long way from the past, when people would dream of robotic cars. Car companies have developed technologies that can make those dreams a reality. "'There was no way, before 2000, to make something interesting. The sensors weren't there, the computers weren't there, and the mapping wasn't there. Radar was a device on a hilltop that cost two hundred million dollars.'" Nowadays, cars are now able to have their own radar systems. Google modified a car to have a motion sensor, GPS, and four radar sensors. In the future, many automotive companies plan to have their own driverless cars. Tesla plans to have a car by 2016. Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan will push to have automated cars by 2020. Progress is already happening in the car industry. Driverless cars are a possibility for humanity. In the past, people would dream of being able to sit in a automated car. Today, the world's first robotic cars are being produced. There are those who oppose the idea of having a robot drive, but there are results that speak for the effectiveness of driverless cars. In the future, there will be many more automated cars, and there will also be many less deaths and injuries on the roads.
In the artical, "Making Mono Lisa Smile," the author writes about a new technology known as Facial Action Coding System, abbreviated to FACS. This technology reads peoples expressions and put together pecentages of how a person is feeling. Others claim that this is an excelent idea to use this in a classroom, but I disagree. It is a skill that most humans have, could be used in a way that it should not be used, and is unnatural. Telling facial expression is a human skill that we recieve when we are born. The passage gave an example of a person and their friend. A person could easily tell how their friend is doing by looking and watching their facial expressions. Even if a baby was looking at another human being, the baby can tell hiw the ither person is feeling. Yes, it could be hard at times for they could easily have mixed emotions about something, but is that not what socilasing for? So why do we need a machine telling us how we feel in a classroom? A student can easily hide their feelings. Rather that be out of shame, of pride, or even jalousy. Humanity would be lying to one self if all of us said that we have never hid our feelings. Actors and actresses around the world are hiding their true feelings to get into a charactor. These people are convencing themselves that they are a different person, which is what makes the acting industry so great and interisting. There are some students that are worried about their grades and some that could careless. Carelessness could come from boredom, however, if the subject is not appealing to them, they will be bored either way. There are certin subjects that most students find no intrest in that they have to take no matter what because it is required by the law of the state for education. For example, if a student enjoys math more than language art, they will most likely be bored of almost everything that is taught in the language arts classroom. For an educator to make it more intresting and apealing to this student, they might think about adding some kind of math into the subject. This will most likely not work because the student is in the mind set of laungue arts. This machienery is unnatural to the Earth and to humanity. If we start using these in classrooms, it will most likely be taken farther and be sold to be at ones homes. it is said in the passage "your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms..." however, it was once imposible for a phone to fit in a pocket, it was imposible for an airplane to fly, and there are many othe "imposible" things that became posible. Now days with social media, people are more constricted in their "self buble" that they do not go and try to meet new people. If this machien was to enter our homes, the kids may never leave the house because "it knows exactly what I am feeling." Over all, I do not think that this machienery is a good place for a school because it is a skill that most humans have, could be used in a way that it should not be used, and is unnatural. Humans need the interaction with other humans, they can easily fake their facial expression, and could become a cause of lower social skills.
Luke in the story " A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves " went on a program called the Seagoing Cowboys program which took cowboys on a trip to places all over the world to take care of the animals. Luke could not pass this oppertunity and sighned up. After coming home repoters are asking him questions about his trip. The first reporter asked Luke " why did you go?" Luke replys with " Well it had so many experiences and, I thought I would have many oppertunities and showed me places I had nevver been to and Don and I had the time of our lives." The next reporter questioned me " What oppertunities were in the trip " I answer with " Well I thought if i traveled places I would at least get some gift or somthing remeber it but we just kept sailing, and get some jobs in the other contries which happened I am going to move Tokyo, China next month to be a worker for the main amazon. com factory. And I was happy doing Seacowboys program if you get the chance to do it. The thrid repoter asked me " Do you get the same food and shelter as the others" As I answer my mom calls but i ignore it and she thinks I am dead. "Yes, we were treated the same as the pilot even though we had to take care of the animals we were treated as humans." While my guard stands next to me and says it time to rape it up and I say " Sorry guy I have no more time to stay buy.
I am against the development of driverless cars because they are dependent on others, they could endanger others, and because they are still a project. Google is planning to create driverless cars to form a new transportation system, but it doesn't seem like it could ever happen. In paragraph 2 it states that, "Google cars aren't driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues." This statement shows that these so called driverless cars aren't really driveless yet. Drivers shouldn't have to be alert if the car is suppose to control itself and not be dependent on the driver. Another issue is that these cars could lead to the endangerment of others. Which is why I agree with the traffic laws that focus on keeping others safe. Traffic laws say that only a car that has a human driver is safe to drive, but manufacturers think that more states will follow when the car is safe. Even if they do many of the traffic laws will to be changed and new ones will come which seems like a hassle if these cars aren't even permitted to be on the roads yet. If the cars malfunction or fail on the road they could become harmful and dangerous. Especially if someone is injured in the process, there would fault against either the car or the driver. It would most likely be the cars fault if the driver was told it was driverless. More than one of these incidents could occur and people and properties could be harmed. Why go through all of that trouble to create something that could have many problems? Lastly, this driverless car is still non-existent. It is still only a project. All of these manufacturers are still planning and studying what could work to get the car to be driverless, but they are already stating that the car will work, and it will be a new form of transportation, but how would they know if they still don't know how make it driverless. At least with human drivers they are aware at all times on the road no matter what incident comes up on the road. With machines they aren't completely trustworthy to be driving on the road with others, and anything could happen to them. Even though accidents do happen with human drivers at least they know never to make the mistake again, but a machine will continue to do what it was programmed to do and will not change.
Are driverless cars safe? Majority of the world drives cars. Cars are used to get you from point a to point b. Cars are an example of moblie transportaion. Driverless cars shouldn't be on roads because they aren't safe, they seem too risky, and driverless cars are exspensive. Firstly, driverless cars aren't safe. Driverless cars sound like a good idea but what if they cause trouble? According to the passage it states," Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestirans safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers." If drivers aren't alert when driving driverless cars then it would cause a lot of accidents. In some states it's illegal to test computer driven cars. Secondly, driving driverless cars seems too risky. You have to be alert when operating a driverless car, and this means you can't drink and drive. When you drink and drive in a driverless car you're putting yourself and others around you in more danger. If your driverless car's technology fails you could get injured and so could your passengers with you. Driverless cars need to be proven safe before they actually hit the roads. Lastly, driverless cars are exspensive. The "smarter cars" would be really exspensive if they ever hit the market. If making the cars was so exspenive, imagine buying a driverless car. Cars that operate with a driver are also exspensive but they most likely cost less than driverless cars. Driverless cars shouldn't be worth your money. In conclusion, driverless cars should not be on roads because they aren't safe, they could cause trouble, and their exspense could be really high. Driving cars is a responsibilty. If you don't take driving seriously you could get yourself in trouble and you can hurt or injure others. According to the article it states,"Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." I agree with this sentence from the article because with a human driver it could help keep driving a little more safer.
In many cases there is two sides to an arguement. When there is two sides to an arguement it could go either way. In this case the arguement is about the electoral college. What is the electoral college,it is the the process, not a place. The founding fathers established it in the consitution as a compromise between election of president by a vote in congress and election of presidentby popular vote of qualilfied citizens.(stated in paragraph 1) I believe strongly that we should keep the electoral college, beacuse it keeps people from directly voting for a presdient,keeps everything even and mostlikely fair. Most people think that we should get rid of the electoral college,its clearly a state of opinion. When you really sit down and think about how most people vote in the Northeast and South they are not the thoughtful voters. (said in paragraph 19 line 2 paragraph 4) Take obama for an example, he was the first black presidental canidate and most of the darker skined group of people got excited because for the first time in history a black man could be president,many blacks thought that voting for the black president would mean that they would better respersatition in office,so many blacks and some whites voted for obama to win. Not really paying much attention to what or who they were voting for. Which you could probably figure out that obama won they had the bigger vote. If we are able to keep the electoal college it would mean that wouldnt happen agian because it could go through the electorals they would choose who is best. Dont get me wrong people actually voted for obama anyways ,because of what he  stood for but most didn't. In reality most people think that the voting is unfair, like what happened with Presidnet Kennedy. Kennedy was the stronger, better canidate to be president. I believe that the electors chose right, it may not have been who the people wanted. He was way better then Nixon could ever be. That may have made the people very mad,which led to the assination of President Kennedy. Kenndey changed the country and to this day in my mind, known as one of the best presdidents we ever had. Thanks to the electoral system we had Kennedy elected instead of Nixon,could you just imagine how the country would be today. If Kennedy didnt win,or if Nixon was president just one little thing could change everything. Everything happens for a reason and having the electoral college helps. I know that Nixon has the popular vote but kennedy needed to win for the better of our country,its my state of opinion. Most people think that having the electoral college is bad,why? because they believe that the people should be able to vote directly. I understand how and why they believe that. When you think about votin directly it would insure the people that whoever they are voting for they would be sure to get thier votes and for sure get the president that they wished to be president. I could truley undertsand why and this would work out, but i still strongly believe that this could be the cause to many problems. In conclusion,I beleive that we shoudl keep the electoral college becaue he keeps the people for choosing a president direlcetly. If they make a bad chose someone,who knows is the better canidate that they could over rule the peoples vote. So it would all fair in most turns and would possibably helping the country,and many people believe otherwise its truely a state of opinion. You choose who chooses the president.
Have you ever realized how driving everywhere isn't always the best way to get places? Well, there are a few advantages of limiting car usage for fellow citizens. Think about it, cars aren't all that great, yeah they get you to your destination much faster than, let's say walking or maybe even riding a bike, but that isn't always a good thing. Bikes and walking are so much easier than driving everywhere because in order to drive to your destination you must have gasoline in your vehicle. If you were to walk to your specific destination you will not only get excercise but you can also walk with a friend, it will give you time to hang out with others and be social! Limiting car usage will also limit the amount of accidents on the roads everyday. It will end the "texting and driving" situation throughout the streets. The less people driving the safer the ones that do drive will be. People don't realize what cars do that are bad, all of us only see the good in vehicles because we don't want to have to push ourselves to change for the better. Oh my! $2.56 for a gallon of gasoline will add up very quickly! That isn't the only gasoline that is affecting people either, there is also greenhouse gas from cars driving by. "And that, experts say, is a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emisions from tailpipes..." (Source 1: In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars (IGS) Paragraph 5 Line 3-4). The greenhouse gas percentage has gotten very high going from Europe to the United States, it is getting quite out of hand if you ask me. "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." (Source 1 (IGS) Paragraph 5 Lines 4-6). Prices on gasoline stand very high now a days and it is bringing people downhill because the higher the price the less money they begin to have until they can't go out anymore. In result to trying to solve the pollution of gasoline problem the fined who ever it was that was causing the situation. "Almost 4,000 drivers were fined, according to Reuters... [Twenty-seven] people had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine." (Source 2: Paris bans driving due to smog (PBDS) Paragraph 12 Lines 1-3). I believe that every country, state and city should take at least one day out of the year and make it a no driving day. "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city." (Source 2: (PBDS) Paragraph 10 Lines 1-2). If we do the same as Paris we can clear the air and not worry about the pollution as much but there are still other disadvantages for car usage. Lifting weights? Joining a gym? Those are all good ways to get your excercise but really you could just get in the habit of walking to wear you need to go and get more excercise than you would in the gym. "While there have been efforts in the past two decades to make cities denser, and better for walking, planners are now taking the concept to the suburbs." (Source 1 (IGS) Paragraph 6 Lines 1-3). Making the cities denser will mean that the citizens who live in them can walk to the stores and resturaunts down the street instead of driving. "In this new approach, stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway." (Source 1 (IGS) Paragraph 6 Lines 8-10). Not to mention the traffic while driving! Walking to your destination will make getting places so much more afficient because you won't have to be late to a meeting or even work at that matter if it is walking distance. "Congestion (car traffic) was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five days of intensifying smog..." (Source 2: (PBDS) Paragraph 14 Lines 1-2). If there are less cars on the street and more people on the sidewalks, the world wouldn't be so gloomy. No one is social anymore, they don't care for others they only care for themselves and that is very wrong. If the limit of car usage decreases, the more people will want to walk and be social with others. Watch out for that....! *crash!* Safety is so important when you are driving, accidents happen so quickly and if you aren't careful it could be you. This is another reason why limiting car usage is a rather good idea because it will cause accidents to happen less often than they do now. Car accidents happen everyday, maybe to a complete stranger or to someone you know, either way walking is safer. "In a program that's set to spread to other countries, millions of Columbians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams." (Source 3: Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota (CFDB) Paragraph 20 Lines 1-4). Walking to places is more, what's the word I'm looking for..? Oh! Walking is more social and safe, if you took one whole day without using your car, you could walk and as others catch on to why you are walking they will begin to walk along with you and you will develop the idea that walking is more fun and safe than driving. "Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaces by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new resturaunts and upscale shopping districts have cropped up." (Source 3: (PBDS) Paragraph 28 Lines 1-4). More people will begin to go out and walk for fun after getting in the habit of going with you and you can enjoy the world so much more knowing that the air isn't being as polluting and there won't be a many car accidents. You will save yourself and whoever follows through with you to limit the usage or cars and other vehicles. Get a few of your friends together and go for a bike ride to the mall! There are some advantages of limiting car usage. Being in your car, whether it be alone or with others, is quite boring. You get to places very quickly but also don't have the experience that you could if you try something different. Try walking to the mall or a resturaunt not so close to you and bring some of your friends, see if you have more of a good time walking than you would driving. Driving is too expensive, you need to pay insurance to drive as well as paying to get gasoline. "With all these changes, people who stopped car commuting as a result of the recession may find less reason to resume the habit." (Source 4: The End Of Car Culture (TEOC) Paragraph 36 Lines 1-2). People are beginning to realize that cars are not all that great and don't do good for the world, they pollute the air we breathe. The less people to drive the better our cities will be, they will start to have less pollution in the air, less car accidents and more excercise to walk and bike to where you need to be. Be the one to make the clear the air day, and be a role model, show others why you decided to limit car usage.
In our society today, limiting car usage would be the best way to go. There are plenty of advantages to limiting car usage, with a decrease in pollution just to name one of them. If we can capatalize on the downward shift of automobile users in the United States and around the world, then it would benefit all of us in more ways then one. Having a car can be handy to get from point A to point B, but what if you just do not need to use that car at all? What if you are just to lazy to walk or bike to your destination? I am not saying you should walk 80 miles to your aunt's house, but what if it was just to the store that was a half of a mile away. Not to mention that you would be saving good on gas money. There is a mostly car free suburb, for example, in Germany that focuses on a majority of the population of the neighborhood to not use cars. This town is named Vauban, and 70 percent of families do not own a car here. It may sound bad to those who live and die by their car, but with everything in walking distance it makes it easy and accesible to walk from point A to point B most of the time. The residents of this suburb are positive about this change, and they should be, because it is a positive change. One very large problem with the excessive use of cars in one area is air pollution. Lots of cars in the same area commuting can create a thick layer of smoke in the air called smog, and it is not pleasent to experience on the road. That being said, Paris had recently gotten so much smog in the air that it had to put down a partial ban, license plates with even numbers could not drive on Monday, while odd numbered plates could not drive on Tuesday. It sounds crazy, how could such a busy city like Paris realistically put down a travel ban on half of the commuters? Whether you thought it would or not, it worked. Sure there were a couple of motorists who could not take no for an answer and still commuted when they were not suppose to, but a large majority followed the rules of this ban. Apparently the French government underestimated the factor these cars had on the environment, as the ban was recinded early on Tuesday for the pollution almost completely cleared away. In support of those two points, the amount of drivers every year has been going down since its peak point in 2005. The gap is nearly nine percent, almost a tenth of the United States has stopped driving in the last 10 years. With this pattern taking place, scientists believe that it will only have postive benefits for the environment and the communities in the forseeable future. The United States is one of the most polluted countries in the world, which in large part is because of our advanced and highly populated culture. That doesnt mean we cant make a difference and help our community grow into a better place environmentally. One good example of that happening is the car free day in Bogota. In this city millions of people got around without using cars and have been since 1995 in this program. It has led to the blooming of brand new parks and repaved, smoother sidewalks. If millions of Colombians can make their community a better place in a heavily populated area, so should we. To summarize, plenty of places around the world are making good efforts to tone down on car usage. This helps bring down levels of air pollution, enhance the community that those people live in and help their financial situations by saving money on buying a car. If we in America can make these kind of efforts to decrease car usage, our whole country would be better for it in more ways than one.
Driverless cars are a great investment and idea for our country to encourage. Not only do the cut down on fuel usage, but also reduce the number of accidents. The futuristic automobiles could revolutionize the country. Drivereless cars are a fantastic idea, and could create several benifits for the country. Driverless cars have the potentiol to drastically reduce fuel usage. In the opening paragraph of the article, the author states, "the cars he forsees would use half the fuel of today's taxis." Less fuel used for automobiles would empower the United States to spend less money on oil and natural gas imports. Additionally, less fuel polution released by cars would help make the enviroment a safer place for current and future generations. In the article, the author talks about the use of GPS and sensors used in the cars. Relying on computers to transport us is a much safer alternative compared to the current option. The driverless cars, that are largely computer powered, leave very little room for human error, which would drastically reduce the number of automobile accidents. Oppontens of driverless cars may argue that these cars are not safe in the event of unforseen circumstances, such as accidents or road problems. However, driverless cars, as stated in the article, "are designed to to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skill." Thus, in an emergancy situation, the driver can take over the car can advance past the situation and continue to move along without any issue. In conclusion, driverless cars could be the best thing to happen to automobiles since automobiles were invented. They could reduce the amount of pollution, and save the United States millions on oil imports. Furthermore, self driving cars can make the roads a safer place to be. Although it may seem scary to some, and there may be a few bumps along the road, driverless cars could make the world a better place to be.
Do aliens live on Mars? Some people belive that the face found on Mars was created by aliens. This information is unaccurate. The face on Mars was not created by aliens, it is actually a natural landform. The Face of Mars is a natural landform which can be proven by research conducted by NASA. NASA claims that the face seen by the Viking 1 photo in 1976 is mearly a natural landform. This can be proven by information found on April 8, 2001 when Garvin's team captured an image at 1.56 meters, compared to the 43 meters per pixel in 1976. With this amount of precision, other things created by aliens would have been able to have been witnessed as well. NASA is also the most trusted and deserving space agency because of past information that is trusted by most of the world. NASA has also released a statement saying that the Martian butte or mesa are landforms common around the American West. Garvin says," It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho." In this article, there is evidence that proves that the Face on Mars is a natural landform. This information can be shown in paragraph 3 where it says," huge rock formation...which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." This information shows that NASA knows that this was made by shadows and not aliens. Also, in paragraph 11 where it states," As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger that the pixel size," he added. " So if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" This statement proves that since there was no other evidence pointing toward the fact of aliens creating this Face, there is only one explanation which is that the Face is a natural landform just as we have here on Earth. Furtermore, in paragraph 12, the author mentions that the the picture," is the Martian equvalent of a butte or mesa." Humans have buttes and mesa down on Earth which are natural landforms. This proves that the landforms there could have been created the same way on Mars as they were on Earth. In conclusion, the Face on Mars is actually just a natural landform that happened to have the perfect shadowing at the perfect time. The theory that aliens created this landform is outragous compared to the facts given by NASA to prove that this is a landform.
I vow against the value of using technology to read student's emotional expressions. My reasoning is big data companies will configure this to their advantage and bordeom in a classroom can guide someone toward something higher. To begin,"Big Brother" will exploit this in order to make money off of it unsuspectedly. The text gives an example of what the technology can do in terms of personalizing ads. It does not matter who someone is big data companies, will find clever ways of gathering anyones data in exchange making life more simple no matter if that person is student or not. Once the data is stockpiled, it is on the internet and avaliable to anyone that pays for it. Secondly, bordeom as terrible as it sounds is good for the brain. Bordeom in the text is mentioned as something that looms in the learning environment and this new technology can help create a more effective lesson. The second society lets such algorithms coexist with AI that is when the people lose control of their lives; because, it will let robotic minds make decisions for society. Boredom is misunderstood, it can allow society to have think beyond the surface and allows someone to excel as they then understand the joy of a subject has detierated, now looking anew. To conclude, "Big Brother" would manipulate this technology to profit and boredom is beneficial. Not everything is what it presents itself as on the surface.
"Congestionwas down 60% in the capital of france after five days of intensifying smog" (duffer par.14). have you ever thought how bad cars are for this planet? "Its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air polution"(plaza par.24). I think it is a good idea to banned cars for a few days. This  is my opinion because if we take cars away then people will see how much more clear the air is, how much easier it is to breath, what good excersie it is for you, it will open some peoples minds about how the enviroment works and how bad cars are for our economy. "These people are generating a revolutionary change and this is crossing borders"(riera par.26). It is good because there is so much fog and pollution in the air that it is bad for society and how it is bad for us and the planet that we live on. "amaeicas love affair with its vehicles seems to be cooling. when ajusting to the population growth" (rosenthal par.32).people are realizing that their love with their cars isnt as big as their love for their own life and for their friends and familys lives."as of april 2013, the number of  miles driven per person was nearly 9% below the peak and equal to where the country was in january 1995. Part of the explanation certainly lines in the recession, because cash-strapper amaericans could not afford new cars, and the unemployed werent going to work anyway"(rosenthal par.32). people now a days dont have enough money to by a car for themselves because there arent enough jobs for all the people becayuse of the big population growth of america. people are using technology to talk to people, and this means that people dont have to drive as often to go talk to someone. "demographic shifts in the driving population suggest that the trend may accelerste. there hasa been a large drop in the percentage of 16- to 39-year-olds gettin a license"(sivak par.38). younger people dont really want to drive to places if they can just talk to people on the phone. some people of this society are lazy because they dont want to get up and go places when they have their phones, but sometimes its for a good reason even if they dont know it they are not polluting the air as much as they would be if they drove to their friends/familys house. how do you feel about how cars are affecting this planet and the way it works. these ideas and actions people are taking are going around the globe and it is saving the earth one day at a time with one little idea.                                      
Car emmitons have been a real problem since the automobile indrustry has gone up. During the year of 2005 car use in the united states was at an all time high. There are a plethora of problems with how much and how often people use their cars for example, with the use of all those cars the air pollution levels in dencly populated areas are dangerously high due to all of the cars that are present,the air pollution is causing acid rain than can be very harmful to people and even stripping paint from cars at times,car acciedents due to the large number of cars killing thousands of people each year, and most of all the enviornment causing some some habitats of animals to now be unlivible for some animals. Some of these problems coulb be solved if the community starts to limit car usage and starts to do what they are told. Are pollution has started to become a giant problem among the entire world causing people to inhale fumes from cars unintentinally and after a while can cause many problems to your body such as cancer, teberculosis and among many others complications that can occur. Air pollution can also cuase places that are very nice start looking a bit gloomy because of all of the bad cloud cover Acid rain can cause massive destruction on a mass scale depending on the level of polluton in the rain. Right now its not as high but as more and more cars are being produced and driven more and more pollution is being emmited from the cars that are driven. if we as a community help  limmit the use of cars we can help the ammount of acid in the rain go down and therefor helping out the earth not just our community.