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Over the years the amount of cars that have been manufactured have increased immensly. Cars help us get to place quicker by making less effort to get there. We no longer need to walk to go to the park or the mall which can take a long time. Although cars are very useful and fun to drive, it also has its risk like anything else on Earth. Which is why i think limiting car usage would be a great idea. Most cars use gasoline or diesel as there fuel to get them going. This causes problems because the fuel that is burned pollutes the atmosphere and creates smog. Paris had this problem before. In the article "Paris bans driving due to smog", Robert Duffer says that Paris had "days of near-record pollution" and they attempted to reduce it by applying a 22-euro fine ($31). As a result congestion in Paris was down 60 percent and the smog, as stated in the article, "cleared enough for the French party to rescind the ban of odd-numbered plates" Getting rid of the smog and having less air pollution would help not only the environment but i can also help us breathe oxygen easier. Limiting car usage can help us decrease pollution and increase breathable oxygen. Limiting car usage can benfit us in many ways. It can reduce air pollution which not only helps us breathe better but it also helps the environment. It can also relieve stress. Everyone that drives a car knows how stressful it can be sometimes. Any traffic jam can turn a regular day to a stressful day. Hearing someone honking their horn, yelling "Come on! Move already!" and adding some unnecesary profanity can be very irritating. In the article "Car-free day is spinning into big hit in Bogota" Andrew Selsky says that for the third straight year the city of Bogota have a car-free day called Day Without Cars. "The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog" states the article. A lot of people actually participated in this event even thought it rained that day. The Mayor of Bogota Antanas Mockus said that even though it is raining it "hasn't stopped people from participating". It was a great idea to have a day like this to relax and not be stuck in traffic which is one reason why one businessman was happy. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" said Carlos Arturo Plaza. It's a great event that should spread to the world. It will be very helpful to us and the environment. In conclusion, limiting car usage is very beneficial. It can relieve stress and reduce air pollution. It can also reduce car accidents which can decrease the number of deaths that occur in a car accident. If you're on a budget, limiting the the amount of time you use your car can help you save gas money. It can also help you excercise a little. Since you aren't using a car you have to use a different form of transportation like walking or riding a bike. These are just a few advantages that limiting car usage have. Limit your car usage, it can help you and the environment.
Is the Face just a natural landform? Yes, the Face on Mars is just a gigantic rock formed by shawdows. In paragraph 5, it say it's a rock that resembled a head. It shows an illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth making it look like something it actually is not. NASA has all the evidence to prove that their isn't a face on the planet Mars, but just a regular landform. Some people were unsatisfied and some was with the conclusion NASA came up with involving the Face on Mars. Others thought perhaps the alien markings were hidden by haze. In paragraph 9, Garvin stated, " it's not that easy to target Cydonia." He also said, "In fact, it's hard work." People were so ungrateful with the answers that were given to them, so NASA had to go through too much trouble to hit them with more evidence again. In Conclusion, I would like to say that Nasa was 100 percent right when they said it was only a landform. There was three pictures taken from years 1976-2001. With the years 1976 and 1998, people absolutely believed that their was a face on our planet Mars, but by 2001, more people was convinced there was no face on Mars, but a landform like NASA have been telling them. In paragraph 7, its says there was no alien monument after all. The picture shows the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. A butte/mesa is landforms common around the American West. As much as people may think Mars have a face on it, we all know that it does not. the question everyone wanted to know is, Is the Face just a natural landform? It took citizens 25 years to finally say yes to the question. Even though Unmasking the Face on Mars was very disappointing, people eventually got over it.
Driveless cars are basically rusty cars. The reason is because, of all the things that can hit the car and damage it. Sometimes it depends on the car if it will get really rusty or not. Box Chevy, for example, those things will rust up so quick if you don't drive them. That's why I think cars should be driven. Cars originally, many futurists believed the key to developing self-driving cars someday wasn't so much smarter cars as smarter roads. For example, in the late 1950s, General Motors created a concept car that could run on a special test track. Those track would give a positive or negative messages in a binary code. The reason for that is so they know that the car is good for the roadmor not. Let's not make driveless cars rusty ones, because you are just wasting money, but I have a feeling that we will do something big in these next couple of years. Our technology is getting better and better everyday, if we just keep improving on it, we will have some of the best cars to be ever made on planet earth.
We as a people should get rid of the Electoral College, and change it to popularity vote to elect the president. People dont vote for the president but instead vote for state electors, And all together the Electoral College is just not fair for the voters. When people vote they should vote directly to whom they want president instead of letting state electores vote for whom they want without our vote counting. "Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect th president." (Bradford Plumer, Mother Jones) Which is stating that we only vote for representatives of our state, at which vote for they want for president. "Because each state cast only one vote, the single representative from Wyoming, representing 500,000 voters, would have as much to say as the 55 represatives from California, who represent 35 million voters. Given that many voters vote one party for president and another for Congress, the House's selection can hardly be expected to reflect the will of the people." (Bradford Plumer, Mother Jones) So the voters really don't get to vote who they want, it's the representatives who vote for the president they want. "It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational... It's hard to say this but Bob Dole was right: Abolish the electoral college!" (Bradford Plumer, Mother Jones) The electoral college is unfair to the voters and should be taken out of the voting process all together. Most people would agree and say that the electoral college is unfair to the voters because your vote really dosn't matter it's all up to the state represetative to vote who is president, and thats why the electoral college should not exist.
Students should be able to use technology to show their emotions; because in the real word when you dont have anyone to talk to or no one is there for you. You could get on the computer and type your emotions out because sometimes it can help you out with alot of your feelings. In paragraph 2 it states that "Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at develping better ways for humans and computers to communicate." This shows that you could have better commuantion by just typing; its a better way to talk or show your emotions. Like when anyone is feelinf down, somewtimes people dont want to show there feelings or dont wont to talk about it to others so if you use your techonlogy to show you expressions; it will get better hopefully. Just like in paragraph 6 it said "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotuonal communication," notes Dr. Huang. "So computers need to understand that,too". It might seem a little weird for you to show a computer your emotions but to me thats a great thing to you. its better way to use techonlogy. Some hate talking to people or even telling people whats going on because most of the time perople hate opening up in front of people or to a person period so typing could be an easier way to show their feelings or emotions. And letting it out by easily grabbing a computer and typing no matter if your happy, sad, mad, irrataited. what ever the case may be using technology is a great way to show your expressions.
It isn't fair to let someoe vote for someoe and then for said someone that that they voted for swing and vote for someone else that the person didn't lean to vote for. In my own opinion, we should get rid of the Electoral College, because we sometimes do not get what we voted for. Why have electoral votes that may not get the president you want? In paragraph nine of Source Two it states how over sixty percent would prefer a direct election. So the question is, why not do it? Sixty out of one hudred percent would prefer it, so why not atleast give it a try? Having a whole state have to decide what party to choose from doesn't seem fair. Ifwe had a direct election, then the President with the most votes out of the whole country would be the rightful President. It seems as if the Electoral College isn't quite acurate. Getting rid of the Electoral College would change the U.S. a lot. It hopefully would be a good change. If it was gone, we could all hope that we would get whom we wated in office by a direct election. In paragrapgh four-teen, Source Two, it says that "The Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational." The outdated part of that sentence is true. The electoral College was enforced in 1888 and has since been used by voters today. It's time for a change and a direct election should be that change. What is so bad that could happen? The Winner-Take-All method would be gone. Voting in an Electoral College is like voting for your vote to have the most votes, like in school, you want to pick what game you play so you vote and whatever has the most, you play. Except in voting for Presidency your vote goes to whatever your state has the most of. Which seems unfair. You basically just vote to vote, so It's only a big win for you if what party you voted for is what your state goes with. The staes determine who is the President during an election. The electoral votes have an effect on the state. 538 electors throughout the whole country. A majority of 270 electoral votes are required to elect the president. According to Source One, your state is entilted to how many members in cogress you have, plus two for each senator. So you the voter have no say on what party they all decide to lean towards. But in a direct election, your vote counts. To conclude, we should all consider to try and make direct election happen. It would help your chance of the candidate the you vote for become President.    
Dear senator we know that there been many changes in the united states of america voter increase there equal right to vote for the president of the united sate. but does the electrol college work? yes becuase if there was not a electral college to vote we wouldnt have a president in the united state. We just need to follow the goverment  step to consider there vote. but the electral college consists of 583 electors that means that everyone had the right to vote. We all have the right to vote because many people dont have the chance to vote for the united sates president so do you think we would have the chance to vote. n and can imagrats vote to thier part of the state we have a big population of imagrant in the united sate they are hispanic, lations. we had save the imagrant because we all vored to come to the united state to serve a better life taht they coulnt have in there counrty. so we all have the right to vote in the congress constitution Do we all to serve the right in the united even if they are not from the united sate .the population grows even more with the imagrants the reason we have to vote for them was becuase they need a better future to help there family. senator i would say not to change any of the decided thing you would want to do to the voter in the united states.
Driverless cars are still in the development stage because companies need to figure out all of the details they need. Some cars in the past aren't driverless, but they were smart cars. Smart cars had extra features that were specially made for them. Automakers are still in the progress of making their driverless cars for the future. Some companies have already started their ideas and are planning to release them in 2016 or 2020. My position on driverless cars is that it's a good and bad idea. Driverless cars have amazing features that can help a driver in need. Smart cars also helped out drivers, but not with everything they needed. Driverless cars can be dangerous in some ways, because of the way they're made or the features that are included with them. Automakers have many ideas to include with their driverless cars, but they need to make sure they're safe. None of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. Driverless cars need to include human skills if they want to pass as a safe car to use. There are many good ideas that driverless cars can include. Some good ideas are: they drive themselves, use half the fuel of today's taxis, give alerts to the driver during dangerous situations, sensors, and other amazing ideas. The main idea that is included with the driverless car is that it drives itself. Drivers won't have to worry about having both hands on the wheel because the car will take that over for them. Another good idea is using less fuel so that means less pollution and less money coming out of people's pockets. Driverless cars will also give alerts and sensors dangerous situations that are approaching the car. Automakers are adding and developing new ideas to add to the driverless cars to improve them better. Safer and smarter cars will help the driverless cars become more popular to use. There are many bad ideas that driverless cars can include. Some bad ideas are: dangerous situations, lose control of the car, technology failing, or manufacturing errors. An accident can occur in front of a driverless car and it may not react fast enough to get out of the way. A driverless car makes the driver lose control of where they want to go or what they want to do. Technology can fail on the road and other drivers can get injured, including the driver inside of the driverless car. Before someone purchases a driverless car, there can be a manufacturing error included in it. A driverless car can be very dangerous to use and can cause problems. In conclusion, driverless cars are good and bad for people. Driverless cars can also help the environment, but they can also ruin it with dangerous situations. People should look closely into buying a driverless car because many things can go wrong. In my opinion, I wouldn't buy a driverless car because of manufacturing errors or environmental issues. I would rather drive a car in my control so I know what to look out for and keep my attention on the road. Driverless cars would be a cool thing to have, but I'm not into the things that they include.
Dear state senator, the people of the state want to choose the president by a popular vote of qualified for what president they want. The electoral vote college is more like a process that mean it's of 538 electors , if more than the half vote for the president he is elected, but the people of the state want the popular vote because they want to choose their president. Each candidate going for president has hes own group and the people of the states choose want side they want to be in, and what candidate they want to choose to be the next president, every 4 years they choose new candidates and presidents, in the electoral college the citizens dont vote for their president they vote for the ones who going to be the electors. The electoral college is outdated, unfair,and is not democratic, thats why the people of the state want the popular vote. thank you for your time to read this letter.
The Facial Action Coding System is very valuable in many ways like here a example,like Dr.Huang predicts "A classroom computer could recognize when a studnet is becoming confused and bored" the computer system could help with students gardes and help them tell the teachers what they dont understand instead of sitting there in class trying to catch on when its to late.The computer will let the teacher as soon as its sees the students face and regonized that the student is struggling and needs help. The system could aslo help with all emotions even in a relationship because it could read your face expressions and if your dont like sharing your feelings your boyfriend/girlfriend could find out what your feeling by the computer just reading your face.The system could help with problems in shcool and find out whats wrong with students and see why there upset and maybe help them out by showing the teachers care and they would problem have a good day all becuase the computer system shown that the student was upset. Dr.Huang says "most human communication is nonverbal,including emotional communication",meaning that most human talk to each other through phones and dont really share emotions because you cant really show emotions through the phone so he saying that the system could bring human communication more useful now these day sinstead of just pulling out your phone to talk to someone. If Dr.Huang is right the system could help children with depression by having one just in your house it could read your face as you walked by,your parents could look at and see that your upset amd come talk because there worried.The system sounds helpful to kids that are quit and kids that dont like sharing there feelings becuase the computer could do it for them. The system is very valuable in many ways and it will help alot of people with their emotions.It can save lives with depression and keep people stronger by telling there feelings to loved ones and bring you closer to loved ones.
The driverless car movement is a absolutly great idea. Everyday tasks would be completed faster and easier than ever before. This movement could change the world as we know it. Wouldn't it be so much better if no one had to worry about drivers being under the influence of drugs or alcohol? It will take a while for this to catch on, but once it does, every thing will move in a positive direction. It would even be better for the environment. If Sergey Brin says that he can cut the fuel consumption in half, that would save the environment AND money. Also, if there were more semi-autonomous cars than there were regular automobiles, there would be significant difference in crashing rates. There would be some disadvantages though. Let's admit it, when people are late to an event, they tend to go over the speed limit in order to make it on time. It's a natural thing to do. Also, there will be times when the self driving cars act up. Although it would a rough start for the driverless car, eventually, all the bugs and screw ups will be fixed. No ones saying that we need to abolish regular cars, buses, taxis, etc., people just want something new and safe. So why not give the driverless car a chance?
Many people may argue about the advantages of limited car usage. "When i had a car, i was always tense, im much happier this way" (Source 1). Many countries including France, Colombia, and Germany seem to have no problem with limited car usuage. Germany is one of the greatest countries that is against low car life. 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars. 57 percent sold a car to move Germany. (Source 1). In total their is approximatly 5,500 residents and has a low car life because their are less space for parking. One of the most populated city in France is Paris. Paris enforced a driving ban to clear up the polution. A 22-euro fine was given if one failed to corespond with the rules. Around 4,000 drivers were fined and 27 people had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine . After 5 days of almost car free roads (not including bus and taxis) the traffic went down by 60 percent.(Source 2). The biggest problem of the smog was Diesel fuel. Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in France compared to the rest of Western Europe that has 53.3 percent average on Diesel. For 3 straight years, Bogota has been doing "Day Without Cars" that limites transportation only allowing buses and taxis. the goal for this day is to reduce smog in the capital city. Violators who failed to corespond was faced with a $25 fines. " Millons of colombians hiked,biked,skated, or took the buses to work during this car-free day" (Source 3). The whole family went to parks and sports centers to occupy their day. Even two others Colombian cities, Cali and Valledupar joined in on this event. What both countries are trying to do is limited cars so less polution. Their are other transportation besides cars that we can use.                     
I believe that we should be using this technology in classrooms around the world. By using this tech it can help teachers modify their lessons to their students needs. This technology could help kids understand the subjects they are working on better because of how the teacher modified it. Teachers could learn how their students truly feel about the subject. By learning the students emotions it could help the teacher better their lessons. For example, a student could be bored in a class and the teacher can see that so he or she can make it more enjoyable for the class. it could change everyones attitude towards any given subject. This technology could change everyones emotions towards school. By using this technology it could improve the teachers themselves. By knowing what their students need the teacher could provide for them by modifying their lessons a little bit to be more exciting.This technology could help the teachers improve the students testing scores. This technology could change the futures for these young adults or kids. The teachers could better understand each and every students emotions towards literally anything. by understanding the students emotions it could help the teacher learn what he or she needs to do for the betterment of the class he or she is teaching. For example, a student is sad in a class and its affecting his or her grade so now the teacher can find out why the student is sad. This could help the students understand better if the teacher knows how their feeling. In conclusion, I truly believe that we need this technology in our school systems. By Dr. Huang predicting that a classroom computer could recognize when a student is bored or confused could lead to many discoveries in modern technology. This could help the teachers understand how their students are truly feeling. This is why we need this technology in our schools around the world.
The evolution of cars have mostly been focussed towards design and fuel efficientcy for many years, rather than a way to have a car that helps the driver drive. Cars are a big part of Many people's lives so it would make sense to improve on the machine thats most people use daily. The safty of this technology may scare some people at first nomous but the car compnay will assure the safety of the consumers. This innovative technology may not be accepted at first, but many experts already projected a time when this will be seen as common. These cars can help with accedent prevention because the LIDAR tecnology can react quicker than humans can. Another example of this car showing more safety is that it will stay to the regulate speed instead of going over it. Not only does this work for safety but it can also be more efficient by going on the fastest route with its built in GPS. Although the benefits are there, people will continue to be scared of this technology. This technology was not possible in the past, so many people weren't aware of it. This could be the reason why some are against the idea of autonomous cars. Most people do not like change and this could be the reason why some are against this idea of a self driving car. Even though some people are resistant to change at first, many time they will give in and in turn, like the change. People may be scared of deciding who is at fault for an accedent, but the technology malfunctioning is just unlikely. Google has shown this by sending their own autonomous car that had gotton into only one accedent. That one accedent may sound scarey, but it wasn't the autonomous car's fault. Human error is many times more likely than the technology failing and the law will insure that the companies include safety features with the car Although this new idea may be frightening at first, many experts already project a time when this technology will be common. Many people may not like this concept and many will simply not have it. Having this available for public use does not mean that everyone has to get one of these cars, it is just better for people who do want them. Once the safety measure are shown to be profficient enough, there will be no reason to not have this technology on the streets.
On the histories of Venus they thought t it was a star,And gave it a neakname "Evening star".Ten people got creouse and start studing it,and when they learned that it was the secound planet on our solar system they wanted to land on it. But it was different than any planet .The surface of the planet was hot even thou venus was the second planet it was hotter than the first plant mercury. it was over eight hundred dgrees fahrenhieit,But even thou it was that hot scientes did'say it was imposeble,insted they they said it was a challenge that is stoping them to not land on venus. even thou they could not land on the planet they are trying to make some machines that's strong to land on the planet.Like the item that made the 1800s computers it was strong metal,And they said that maybe that will help them make it to thier goal. And espesioly because it's the twin of the Earth they have to study about it. what if we found any criture that live deap in side that unic planet.And like they said "human curiosity will likly lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors". And yes it is worthy pursiut despite the dangers it presents.if one day they landed. it would be easyer to study the planet more and learn about it's spesial place,and if it was like Earth it will tell us more about our planet and learn more our home Earth.
For me it can go either way because there are some good and bad outcomes on this subject.First, the good thing about having driverless cars is that we wouldn't have to be scared of driving or crashing since the have sensors, but at the same time we never know if something could go wrong with the car for example what if some type of electricity wire hits the car and makes it do weird things and for all we know it can lead up to the car crashing into someone or taking the wrong turn.In addition, there are many people out there who don't really trust in our technology or even would trust driving a car like this.Next, what I feel negative about these 'driverless cars' is that how lazy it could make us feel to just take a car and lay back the whole time; for me I'am scared for the future to be so advanced what I fear is that we all end up like the humans in Disney's movie, Walle.Also, what would be the point of buying a car if we cant even drive it, I admit it could be really cool, but there are millions of people who love to drive and do it themselves. For me I feel like this project of driverless cars should focus on more things like traveling because there are people who have to drive all night to head to some place for vacation.This article should also tell the readers that you can switch to auto drive whenever you want because the article is more telling the readers how it will drive automatically for you,but they should mention how you can drive it yourself if you wanted to.I will admit that I do find this very intresting for the future of driving cars knowing that we can lay back every now and than and let the cars drive for us, but I feel that it will take more years for cars to drive themselves for me I'd say a couple more 50 years until our technology can actually be smart enough to drive cars for themselves. The positive outcomes of driverless cars are endless, but at the same time the negative outcomes for driverless cars are at a tie with the positive outcomes, but i do feel that in time the tie of these two outcomes will come out with positive being in the lead. Finally, I do know that there is people that will completely deny this from happening and at the same time there will be people who would love driverless cars to happen,but in time we will let fate decide the decission for driverless cars because it is true for some things to happen like in paragraph 9, 'Waiting on the Law', what would happen if the car just had a type of accident, would the owner of the car be blamed for this or would the company be blamed?There is many turn outs for driverless cars where we arent certain if it will be 100% safe or not,but I think it is clear to say that it will never be 100% safe until maybe 2080,but that is just for me.
Driverless cars seem like an amazing jump into the future. They would be a great addition to public transporation or maybe even personal use. Google has already made some effort to making this dream a reality. Although, these cars are not fully independent to be driving by themselves. I believe that driverless cars would not only be better for our means of public transportation, but better for our environment as well. Googles invisions would highly support my position. The company is making efforts to have a public transportation system of driverless taxis. With this improvement, today's taxis fuel usage would be halfed. Ultimatly, the less fuel used is almost always better for our environment. Although, it seems with every advance in technology, there is often a down side. The driverless cars are not exactly safe with modern technology. It is said that the cars can only do so much, needing a human to do some work at times. The cars would need help with complicated traffic, work zones, and accidents. Some accidents could even come from the cars themselves. With the good and bad, driverless cars have much improvement to reach better safety requirements. They wil help with minimizing the usage of fuel and public transportation trafic. These cars have a ways to go, but thats nothing automakers can't solve.
Facial codeing is it useful? Technology is it really advanced enough to know whether or not someone is happy? Is the way we are suppose to look when angry the way to judge somebody, what if it's there natural face? would somebody take offense if they drew a drawling that was suppose to be happy but the computer said it was only 64 percent happy?i know i would now let me tell you what i think. Technology is really cool don't get me wrong i think technology is the greatest invention in this world. But i believe we all know the fact that technology can get really expensive and for really stupid reasons So, i am going against this and here's why. How this works is the computer takes a face into a 3-D model and there are suppose to be 44 muscles that move. In paragraph three there's is a part that says "For example, your frontails pars lateralis muscle (above your eye) raises your eyebrows when you're surprised; your orbicularis oris (around your mouth) tightens your lips to show anger". Now your probably saying ok why are you against it, because not everyones eybrows move when they're surprised. Personally my eyebrows also move when im really tired, nervouse buzzed out on nicotine or simply when i have the jitter bugs becaus im scared and shaking. "she's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disguisted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry". This is where the role play of me not aggree with this comes in, i honestly feel like the computer is throwing numbers at you we cant be accurate. and even if we were there doing this on scientifically how the muscle should look which is a lot of bull crap to me. "Yet Dr. Huang observes that artist such as da Vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions". So, right there we can see yeah he may be able to get pretty damn close but im sorry da Vinci just being close isn't enough for me you would have to be right on the dot. I get it's not going to be a perfect 100 pecent happy but how do we know it's 83 percent. Why cant't it be a 73 percent or a 65 yeah i get all of there percents add up to 100% but how do we not know the computer is just not being lazy and picking the easiest numbers to add. For examp they could do 75 percent happy, 12 percent disgusted, 10 percetn fearful and 3 percent that's how i see mona lisa in the picture. or it could even be something along the lines of 75 percent happy, 12 percent disgusted, 6 percent angry, and then 7 percent angry. I dont know if any of this made my point come across but here's my point. everyone will look at this picture or anyother picture and everyone will think differently of it you wont have a right or wrong answer. just like everyone will have a right or wrong answer about this form of technology. we could look at grandpa joe and say damn he looks very upset and angry he doesnt want to be here. but maybe in all reality thats just his face. Grandpa could be happier then you although you probably arn't happy grading all of these test. So, my final answer is im against this technology i think it would be a waste of money thank you.
Citizens of German, As you may know that you have to own a car to get around in some cases you may think to your-self that you dont have the money to get a car or the job to keep a roof over your head. Well in French and Swiss borders, Friburg runs a few streets on the adge of the community. More or less Friburg has you paying for a $40,000 car-ownership with space along with a home. 70 percent dont own a car, everyone should have a car and park where ever they want to its not right for them to have to have a $40,000 car-onwer-ship with a house just to have space. Vaubran homes are $5,500 within a rectangular square mile, 80 percent of laws have been gone to highways and the 20 percent have went to another transports. Paris has band driving due to smog they know the amound of license plats that were order to leave their cars at home or fined a $32 fine. It shouldn't matter if ther were to leave their cars at home or park it somewhere they are grown people and if something was to happen to them or the car then thats on them. It's not right to have all of these rules because, if someone was to vist a loved one and they didnt know or understand what was going on or they had gottan a fine then their going to get mad. Diesel fule makes up at least 67 percent of vehicles in France, 53.3 percent of diesle engines in Western Europe. in the mid-1990s cars without improvement campaign in Bogota. People all over wants to be safe and have nothing to worry about so why on earth would you put out there tha you have to have a car to buy a house or to have more space?. Children that are now coming out to the world that are driving is going to look at the world a different way. Between 2001-09 found that driving by young poeple decreased about 23 percent. America's love affair with its vehiclse population growth the number that had been driven in the U.S. peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily. April 2013 the number of miles drien is 9 percent below the pea an equal to where the country was in Janurary 1995.         
Driverless cars can still be dagerous because it still needs to be more advance in technogly. It still needs more to be safe. Theres a lot more to be checked for the car to drive itself. Cars are not yet ready to perform to drive itself or you being in the car controlling it. The cars should have more sensors to be safer in the roads. And lot more smarter, it has to have a lot of control when driving in the high speed roads. Driverless cars has to have immedantly brakes and if it doesnt it may cause some serious damage to the car. May cause an accident. Why you have to be in the car if you are not driving. If your going away for a long trip you should be driving instead of the car itself driving. Driverless car can miss under stand signals or stop working. The sensors can cause problems to it. It can be risky for the car driving you where you want to go. If your in the car by your self and going for a long trip it would be boring. You would fall asleep easily and when your not paying attention and the car driving itself can cause some serious problems. Think about you falling asleep and up ahead a sign says constructions workers up ahead and the car alerts you and you still asleep you may cause a accident. Waiting on the law should be another 5 to 10 years to check all driverless cars can do great in the roads. And all states should agree take more time. Driverless cars technogly is risky because you so use to driving youself and now they think that their company of their cars are ready. And when passengers and pedestrians get in an accident cause of the technogly who fault is it?
Mesa on Mars Who or what created this "face" on Mars? Was it aliens, or just nature doing its thing? The answer has been debated ever since it was discovered and the truth has been found. Although there's proof out there like the picture that was taken ten times better than the Viking's pictures, skilled scientist themselves don't even think it could be made by aliens, and there are similar landforms on Earth some people still find ways to argue. These people might say "the markings were hidden under the haze, but just as much as that could be true it could also be wrong. This "face" was created by none other than Mother Nature herself. To start, the pictures taken in 1998 and 2001 were much clearer than the original Viking pictures and unmask the face for what it really is. In "Unmasking the Face on Mars" it states, "...Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten time sharper than the original Viking photos." To illistrate, the article is saying that this new picture was so much better and much more revealing. The day this picture was taken (April 5, 1998) was completely cloudless. This means that there couldn't have been any alien markings hidden somewhere. Garvin said, "As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size..." He's hinting that even small things that show us there was civilization there could've been seen in this picture. To conclude, the new picture was proof to the world that this was just a landform. Not only did a picture tell us this was no sign of alien life on Mars, but so did skilled scientists. When the picture was first taken, "scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh." We all know that scientists know their stuff so why doubt them? Their first intsinct was that it was just another landform, so why can't we all just agree with them and get on with our lives to worry about something more important? Even the caption for the picture (when it was released for everyone to see) noted that it was just a huge rock formation. So why can't we just see this "face" for what it is? Lastly, there are landforms on Earth just like it. They're called mesas or buttes. Garvin says that " It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the face of Mars." If these landforms can naturally occur on Earth can't they also occur on Mars? Garvin sees that this landform is just like something we have at our own home. Some people might say that when the picture was taken of the "face" in 1998 that it was probably cloudy that day and some alien markings were probably just covered up by the clouds. They must have done a lot of research because normally April is a cloudy time on the Red Planet, but that day was completely clear and "sunny". These people might just be the kind who believe in the supernatural and say that they've been "obducted by aliens". There is much more proof to this face being a natural landform compared to it being a alien made landmark. Where one side would say that "scientists don't believe there is a chance of this" the other side would say it was cloudy the day that picture was taken. Overall, there is no excuse for the fact that this is naturally occuring. All in all, this face is a natural landform that has nothing to do with extra terrestrial life on Mars. There is proof behind it like the picture taken in 1998, the fact that actual scientists don't think there's any chance of it being alien related, and there are landforms like this one on Earth called a butte or mesa. All of these things proove that not only was "the Face of Mars" just a natural forming landform. Will you know the real cause of something like "The Face of Mars" next time you see one?
I think it will be good in a couple years because some people can't really drive without help because the sensors will be more advance. It can really do wonders to peoples lives in the future such as going out easier being safe and more efficient. But you still need a driver's license if you want to drive a smart car because when there is a something major going on the car can't sense what other people are going to do. I really think it can do good in the future with the more advance sensors on the cars and we may have better technology. I think it can do real good in this world like herlping people that can be hurt or in pain. In paragraph 5 and 7 they have great detail of how it will help advance more in the future. In paragraph 7 they said,"None of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." They are not fully there yet on the selfless driving subject but they will be soon because in paragraph 5 has detail on that because it said,"Within 10 years, those sensors had become more advanced to detect amd respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers. The information from thr sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a humman driver could manage alone. Further improvements in sensors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer are also leading to cars that can handle more and more driving tasks on their own." It will be advanced in the future. I really hope one day it will happen because we are damaging the plant by using the cars we are using now. It will damage the future for our children and future generations by doing what we are doing we need stop it because we don't want to have future generation clean up what we already can clean up now. So I do hope and dream the smart car can help with this problem in a couple years. Just help save the plant and leave it clean for generatons to come.
I believe that there are many advantages when it comes to limiting car usage. Using cars for transportation has been around for nearly a decade, starting with the very first car to run on gas ever made. Many believe that having a car makes life more convenient. But there are many more cons that justify the right to limit car usage. The first advantage to limiting car usage would be the most obvious one, which is economical purposes. Buying a car usually means spending thousands of dollars all at once or having to pay a bill every month until the full price of the car is payed. This does not include the price for gas or other needs the car could have. Things like oil changes, transmission failure, or even something as simple as a flat tire could cost well over a hundred dollars just to fix all depending on the situation. This is not even considering the chance that your car could just stop functioning and you would need to buy a new car, which would lead to the ugly circle of life you just went through with your old car. Not only is limiting car use good economically, but also enviromentally friendly as well. Studys shown that cars and other vehicles like this are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. This could be very dangerous in a place where many people live. Another advantage would be that if there are less cars, there would be less accidents as well. Many deaths that have been occuring over the pass year are all car related. Things like natural storms that destroy cars or drinking and driving could be prevented if car usage is limited. If car usage was limited, the death toll would definitly get smaller. One last advantage limiting car usage would bring is the gift of excersise. Many believe a car is very convenient due to the fact that it can get you where you want to go in a small amount of time which, in fact, could be very useful for special occasions. However, when it comes to using a car limits to driving to a gas station 4 blocks away from where you live just for snacks, that's when things get out of hand. If you want to get somewhere, there are other ways besides cars that are safe and healthy for you. You could ride a bike, or even walk to where you want to go and still get the excersise you wouldn't get from using a car. In conclusion, there are many reasons why car usage should be limited. However, that does not mean i don't beileve in the usage of cars. Cars are a advancement in technology for people to get to where they need to go without a hassle. A gift like that should not be taken advantage of. People can still use cars, but in moderation. And if we take the time to walk or ride a bike, you will be healthy, happy, and have a pocket full of money left over.       
The article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" is presumably very true. Today making things run by itself seems to pull humans in by the collar and maintain their attention. Driverless cars are inevitable due to all of the technology we have surrounding us. In the future driverless cars will be a regular thing, and it is making life easier. An easier life is what everyone wants, and a driverless car fits right into that aspect. In paragraph 2 it states that Google has had driverless cars since 2009, that could drive under certain conditions. However, the car still lets the driver know when to take control of the vechicle and it's a great way to make sure that people are alert, while on the road, because unpredictable traffic conditions can happen at any time. Before, driverless cars were an idea, many believed that smarter roads could do the job, but it would have been very expensive to upgrade all of the roads to accomadate these cars, that had radio signals in them. Driverless cars, would be an asset to people, as long as the technology aspect of it right. In paragraph 3 it states that in the late 1950's, at General Motors there was a car made that drove on special track, instead of making the entire car driverless the signals in the car coinsided with the track. At Berkeley a similar concept was produced; this time the car read binary code, which is a system that uses 0's and 1's to represent different characters. With the very expensive idea of upgrading roads, engineers and manufacturers had to go in a different direction. That direction was changing the car, by making it smarter. As time has passed, just like a cellphone cars have gotten better and better. Google's Toyota Prius has alot of different software and technology in the car and on the outside. Some of that technology on the Toyota Prius can be located in paragraph 4. With the plethora of technology everything seems as if it is reaqdy to go. However, with a driverless car there is the issue of safety. Such, as what if the software malfunctions or stops working all together. Sensors have been used since, the 1980's and because of that we now have antilock brakes. Just to be sure, we need more than that to make sure that we are completely safe, if we were to get behind the wheel. There are self-driving cars already out today, just not avaible to be sold yet. With all of the technology in these driverless cars they are still not completely driverless. The Google car announces when human assistance will be needed. Also, in paragraph 7 it states that BMW, in 2013, announced that they have developed 'Traffic Jam Assistance' which lets the car handle driving at up to 25 mph(miles per hour), and the drivers hands must remain on the wheel. GM, General Motors, has developed vibrating driver's seats that are there to alert, when the vehicle is about to back into something. Since, there will always need to be human assistance for now. There arrises another problem. Will the driver be able to take over if the want to and how much control does the actual driver has. However, since, nothing has been release we shall not know. But, a smart car seems safer than most cars, with all of the accident-preventing technology that comes with it. Since, smart cars are fairly new, new laws need to be out in place. These laws need to determine whom is at fault for an accident, and set regulations so there is no panic when these cars finally are driving on the road. It is legal in 3 states and 1 district, found in paragraph 9, to use these driverless cars. However, it is very realistic that more states will follow suit; after, they see how fantastic these smart cars are. Driverless cars could be very helpful to the elderly, people with disabilities that make it harder for them to drive, and even teen drivers who are a little afraid to take full control of the wheel. Also, with all of the technology that is being created on a daily basis, driverless will happen, no matter what. As humans we should make the best of it because they are coming whether we like it or not. Getting to the true driverless, is not a bumpy as it seems and the destination is close, with car manufacturers planning to have this type of vehicle out on the road very soon. So, driverless cars are already a thing of the present, and will only get better in the near future.
Cars have been a part of our culture and society for a very long time now, but this might need to change as limiting the useage of care would lead to substancle benifets to our society. these benifets are a lowared carbon footprint, not having to spend as much on upkeep and lowared public transportation costs, and more closely knit communites with healtier people. To begin, limiting car usage would greatly reduce our carbon footprint thus help the enviorment. This is because emissions from cars produce around 12 precent of the greenhouse gasses in Europe and could be up to 50 percent in certain car-intensive areas in the United Sates. If we where to cut down on driving there would be a significant reduction in the pollution in the enviorment. Paris is already enacting laws around this where only people with odd license plates where able to drive one day and even plate numbered cars the other. This has lead to less congested roads and lower amount of smog in the city. Another draw to limiting car usage lies in lowered cost of public transportation and less money having to be spent on car upkeep and insurance. If people where to use more public transportaiton insted of personal cars people not have to worry about needing a car and insted keep the money that would normaly go to upkeep and insurance to use on other things. Furthermore if public transportation became more nessisary, then public transportaion will be cheaper such as in Paris where public transportaion became free for the week when they where testing the new law. Lastly with a reduction in car usage there would be better suburban planning like in Vauban, Germany and people getting more exsersize. Over in Vauban driving cars is severly limited so locations like shopping centers are a walk away from houses and the city is more closly knit with more bike and pedestrian paths. With people walking more that would help with the growing obesity problem Amarica is currently facing and could lead people to live healtier lifestyles In conclusion limiting car usage would be a very fruitful endevear because of the reduction of our carbon footprint, not having to pay car insurance and lowared cost of public tranportation, and more closly knit communities away from the roar of an engine the world would be much better off.
There are several advantages when you limit car usage. One, you will reduce greenhouse gases. Two, you will lower the stress level of people when they thinking about driving. Three, young people will decrease their amount of driving. Overall, limiting car usage can help fellow citizens. Limiting car usage wil reduce greenhouse gases. In Source 1 the passage states that passaenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and up to 50 percent in some car intensive areas in the United States. While we limit car usage you will not only help reduce greenhouse gases,but you will help reduce air pollution. When theres no air pollution there will be a clean atmosphere. Furthermore, limiting car usage can benefit the enviorment. Limiting car usage will lower the stress level of people when they are thinking about driving. Everyday people have to plan before they drive. Sometimes when people plan for driving they get stressed thinking about if theirs traffic or what if the road is closed. In Source 3 the passage states that rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic. Furthermore, limiting car usage will limit the stress level of people thinking about driving. Limiting car usage will decrease young people's amount of driving. In Source 4 the passage states that there has been a large drop in the percentage of 16- to 39-year-olds getting a license. Another study in Source 4 was found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. If their's less young people driving then there will be less accidents occuring. Overall, limiting car usage will keep young drivers from injurying themselves. Either way limiting car usage will help our fellow citizens in general. This will reduce greenhouse gases. This will lower the stress level of people when they are thinking about driving. Also, limiting car usage will decrease the amount of young people driving. Futhermore limiting car usage will help us citizens.
In "The Challeneges of Exploring Venus", the author claims that the obstacles that stand on the way of studying Venus should not be the reason why scientists don't explore it. The author is not consistent throughout the article and does not present solid information or evidence that convinces the reader that exploring Venus is worth risking lives. The author begins the article by comparing Venus to Earth and says that both of them are similar both in density and in size, but then moves on to stating that "not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decadaes" (paragraph 2). After that statement the author lists all of the dangers that would come with exploring Venus: "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus’s atmosphere. On the planet’s surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet" (paragraph 3). By that point the author has made clear that Venus is incredibly dangerous and that studying it means sending researchers to an highly risky zone, and may result in devastating failure. The contraditiction begins as soon as the author begins to explain the reasoning behind even considering visits to the planet's surface. By that point, the author was using real data and solid information to explain the dangers of the planet's surface, however, as soon as the author started reasoning on why the expedition should happen, his arguments were not as solid and were based on assumptions: "It may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth"(paragraph 4). The use of terms such as "it may well once have been" or "was probably" do not give the reader the confidence that they need to believe in the author's claims, that is based on "probably" and "most likely" expressions. By the end of paragraph 6 the author even writes about his own contradiction: "Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks. Or maybe we should think of them as challenges." Such passage shows the reader that even the writer doesn't seem to believe in this mission and that the author needs to keep telling himself that the risks of sending someone to Venus are, in reality, simply "challenges" that need to be overcome. After explaining NASA's work on other approaches to studying Venus, the author actually refers to Venus's surface as chaos, and then concludes the article by claiming that "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation" (paragraph 8), a claim that contradicts previous statements made by the author himself. In conclusion, the author contradicts himself a series of times and does not present nearly enough evidence to support his main claim. By using expression such as "was probably" to explain the history of Venus and why NASA should explore it, the author creates a statement based on assumptions and not based on real data. Claims that Venus is a very challenging place to examine closely are consistent throughout the article and the author never discredits them, on the contrary, he reinforces them. With that being said, the author is not consistent and does not make valid claims or statements that make the reader feel the need to support explorations and studies on Venus.
limiting car usage if we all limited car usage life would be a whole lot safer for eveyone. we have lots of issues just because of  car usage. if car usage had a limit there wouldnt be as many problems such as pollution. paris had a new fecord of polluion . pollution can cause many problems for us from having clean water to drink to not having clean air to breath. car usage. as a results 70 percent of vaubans have cars  and 57pervent sold them to have money for a new home. lots of people said they are happier not having a car. they perfered to walk it was healthier anyway. it wasnt worth having to pollute the air and having to find clean water because the cars messed there drinking water up .they all baicsally decided to go green vauban ,germany residents of this upscale community are suburban pioneers going where few soccer moms had never gone before  they have given up their cars. they have fotrbidden areas so that they can try and see wht life without cars because the president of the united states mr barak obamab doesnt want there to be cars in the future so they are tyring to start now                
Today i am going to be telling you why you should be a seagoing cowboy These are some ways you should be a seagoing cowboy. You git to ride the ships free . You can learn how to take care of animals. You can have fun when you are done unloading the animals like boxing,reading,and fencing there are lots more ways but these are the most common. It will be fun just like the guy luke said in the article. You will be working . You will have to be careful . You will get to know how to take care of horses. It might make you like horses and might make you want to buy a horse. You git free trips and when you are done you can have some free time to git to know the place more . You will git to ride on a ship if its your first time riding on one . this is some resones you might want to go be a seagoing cowboy there is lots more stuff but this is the most importent stuff that gives you more facts and that gives you more details but if you want more resones you can go to the article so you can read it for your self and see how like it.
I am going to be telling you what i think of technology being able to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom and if i think it is valueable. I think technology reading people emotional expressions is valuable but then again i don't think is is valuable because being able to know how people feel can actually help the enviornment but then it can't because peoples reactions emotional expressions are different and people are different some people can have bad emotional expressions and it could be harmful, and it could be painful for others. People can have really great emotional expressions, like being happy all the time. It says in paragraph 1 that Mona Lisa is 83 percent happy, 9 percent discusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. People can be the complete oppisate of that and it couldn't be good on other people, But people can also be like Mono Lisa and it makes the inviornment a better place knowing people are happy and not sad, discusted and angry. I would have to agree and disagree because it basically goes both ways.
I think that the author supports the idea because its good to find out about a new planet when we need to move form ours. I think taking risks for mankind is good because what will happen when our would is almost gone and we need a place to stay. I think we need to explor to because it will also help with knowing things and see if there are living things there as well. I think this because lots of sientits are looking at the planet and studying it and making all the obserations that they can make from just looking at it. I feel like when we do send things to that planet we are not finging anything else i think they ned to send people to that planet but be 30 miles away so nothing happens to anyone and nobody gets hurt or dies. Despite the dangers i think it is a very good cause.
I think we should keep the electoral college because it at least gives people a say on weather or not the person they vote for gets elected or not, people always say that you can't complain if you don't vote, so I'm sure people wouldn't want to not be able to vote. I'll explain in more detail my reasonings in the next couple of paragraphs. The first reason for keeping electoral colleges is because people want a say on who's president. America was made to give people freedom, so people being able to pick the pesident is a big part of our freedom, and taking that away leaves us with not as much say in big desions such as a presidental election. The people that would probably complain the most is older people because they are use to being able to vote, and taking that away would get them angry I'm sure, and the people complain louder than they do praise. Another reason why they shouldn't take away electoral colleges is because of the amount of complant they would get from everyone if they do decide to take electoral college away. It might even make some people turn against their country, but that only goes for the people who are really into politics and voting and things of that nature. People say you can't complain if you don't vote, but if they take that perivlage away, I'm sure you'll be hearing even more complaining than if people have the right to vote, but even so, this up and coming generation isn't really into voting anyways, but it should be avalable regardless. Those are basically the two big reasons why voting should be avalable to everyone, and not just left up to sentators and stuff. People want a say on who's running their country and because there will be tons of complaining if voting is taken away from them. So, think before you make a drastic desison like that.
You should really join the Seagoing Cowboys because they have lots of fun even though it might seem scary to be on a boat with horses then yes but it is actually pretty safe. Luke may have broke a few ribs and other stuff but he had fun and if you live on a farm then you would be good for it because you have to clean out stalls and feed them and put out bals of hay for them to munch on. You could be on the next boat to be a Seagoing Cowboy of Cowgirl. You may have to do night patroll but it don't matter as long as youhave fun. Maybe even bring a friend so you don't feel so lonely if you don't know anyone. If you don't like boats then don't do it if you like boats and horses then your the one to apply and we will send you a ticket to get on the boat and be on your way. If you want to see the world or some parts of it then sign up and come join us because we go everywhere you can imagine like China, New Zealand, and Crete. These are just a few of the places that we go to so the horses can get where they need to be. We will go way across the world just to deliver horses. Luke had no friends when he came other than the friend that asked him to go with him to be a Seagoing Cowboy. Luke made many new friends on the boat. He made 9 (nine) trips all together from that whole career that he had with that job. He had fun and learned new things about boats and horses. He thought it was going to be a chance of a life time but he changed his mind it being completely amazing better than what he thought it would be for someone like him. His journeys were amazing and he loved it and his family was very proud of him and his friend. He said he is grateful for the opportunity. He also said it made him more aware of people of other countries and there needs. The awareness stayed with him and it lead his family to host many of international students and exchange visiters and students for many years. This is Lukes story and this is why you should join.
Having driverless cars can vitally affect the world. Athough there are upsides to having them, there is also a lot of negative things that can result. I personaly think it is a bad idea to have driverless cars. The reasons for that being, if there is a software malfunction who is to blame, it takes away the fun and personal experiance of learning to drive, and there is not a way to prevent the car from malfunctioning. Who is to blame for a crash when the cars are self driving? That question would be asked by anyone who experiances a crash with these cars. The government could make the civilian pay for the damages, or they could hold the manufacturer responsible. But, who would stop the manufacturers from sueing the civilian in the car and trying to make them pay for damages. Without any law to decide who is to blame there would be people sueing and blaming eachother to avoid paying. Having driverless cars would also take away the experiance of learning to drive a car. Driving has always been something teenagers look forward to doing because it makes them feel free and like they have control over something. Without this, what would they look forward too? Learning to drive is also a great bonding experiance between parent and child and a wonderful way to pass on knowledge. How would we be able to prevent the car from malfunctioning and causing a crash, or what if someone hacks the system to cause a car to crash? Having a computerized car with no way of letting humans take control would just be leeting in people to cause issues. If the president is in a car and someone hacks they syatem they can easily make the car crash killing the president. Unless they find a way to prevent this then there would be no order, and even id they put a one of a kind security system in it there is still no garentee that it wont get hacked. There are some good things to having driverless cars though. Like how it would be safer without the risk of drunk drivers. Another good thing stated in the text is how they plan on making them use less gas than cars today, but couldnt they just make normal cars use less gas instead of making driverless cars? There is just so many small things that could cause big issues that the good from this is out weighed by the bad. Having these self driving cars is just opening the door for issues to come through. Without clear laws on who is to blame for a crash, there is an opening for instability. There is no way for us to prevent people from hacking into a car's system and causing it to malfunction, killing those inside. Taking away the experiance from teenagers of feeling free to go where you want and destroying the chances of bonding with them through teaching to drive is just wrong. although it could be safer at some times there are also so many problems that can occur. Do we really want to take such big risks, just for a few small rewards?
I believe that we should leave the world of driverless cars alone. I think there will be too many problems with the cars in the future. For example, what if there's a glitch or other problem with the car while someone is driving the car and injures somebody. Whose at fault for the accident? If we move forward in the process of creating driverless cars it's going to cost a lot of money for the project. They would have to come up with the money to buy the car, the cameras, the computers, the GPS, etc. It would cost a ton of money. Not to mention all the labor costs, and what about the roads? They would have to find a way for the car to drive on the road. Doing anything to the roads would be bad enough. How much money do people want to spend just trying to make a car that drives itself. We would spend all that money and then the car would have too many problems. Roads are being made and taken up all the time. to make this car they would have to find a way to make the roads to where the car could drive on them and then find a way for the car to recognize where those roads are. What are they going to use so the car can find the correct roads that are safe to drive on? That is definetly something that they would need to figure out. Another problem is what are they going to do with all the other peoples' cars that don't drive themselves after they do all this work just to make a driverless car? Are the roads still going to be able to be driven on by old cars that aren't driverless? I think that there are too many questions that need to be answered before we even consider making a car that drives itself. If we do create a completely driverless car, how much will it cost? They would've spent propably thousands if not millions on the car, so how much would it cost? If they make the car, I think it would be one of those things where only certain people could get it because it would cost so much. Just for them to break even on the car they would propably have to sell it for a ton of money. I believe that we should not move forward in the project to build a driverless car. There are too many quesions that need to be answered. They would have to find many different way for the car to work, like the roads, GPS's, the computers in the cars. There is to many things for them to work out. I don't think the world is ready yet for driverless cars. Maybe in the next fifty to a hundered years or so, but not yet. The world just isn't ready for it yet in my opinion.
Are dreiverless cars a good idea for the future? There are many pros and cons to these cars. One down side to these cars are the price. Making the driverless cost more due to the amount of gadgets that they need to perfect it. Although, it cost less for gas because it does not use as much. Because there is not an owner of these cars, the gas prices do not benefit anybody. The only benefit is that gas is reserved for a longer period and slows the use of it tremendously. There are many car accidents that are caused by human error and these type of cars may reduce the number of injuries or deaths for some period of time. However, technology is yet to prove that it can last forever without malfunctioning. This may cause accidents that could have been prevented. Another down side is the time of travel. If these cars are used as taxis, then they may not take you wherever it is you need to go right away. It may make several stops before you are at your own destination. There are other resolutions to the problems of modern day transpirtation. These are less expensive resolutions. If the reasoning for driverless cars is due to the amount of gass it uses, then that can be resolved by electric cars. If the issue is safety, then people need to be more careful. It is acceptable to add new features to a modern day car for safety purposes, but there is no need to re-make cars to be automatic. In conclusion, driverless cars are not needed and are unessicary. The only aspect of transpirtaion that needs majorly improved is the intellegence of modern day drivers. There are more cons than there are pros for the driverless cars, therefore they should be prevented.
The develpoement of driverless cars is unrealistic to me in many different ways. Due to the fact that just one car will need an incredible amount of technology to keep the car itself as safe as possible means that the car will be overly priced. Not only will It be over priced, but the fact that people are going through so much money to make a car that is able to be on "auto pilot" shows laziness. A brand new, average car could cost to about 20,000 dollars. When they add on technology to ensure the saftey of the driver and everyone in the car, the prices of cars will become too expensive for most people, "For starters, they need a whole lot of sensors. Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mountes near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an interial motion sensor." People will begin to realize that it would only be avaliabe to wealthier people who can pay for an extremly expensive car that will only benifit them in one way. Them being able to have transportation of their own that they do not have to control means that they would more than likely not be paying attention to the road. The idea of having a vehicle that you do not have to manage while on the roads sounds amazing to everyone. What happens when one or two of the sensors corrupt and the car steers off into the other lane? What if the motion sensor malfunctions while backing out of a driveway and a pedestrian is taking a jog and doesn't see the car backing out? There is no way that the driverless car could be 100% safe at all times. It dangerous to even think about how the car could have a mind of its own while on the highway,"If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault--- the driver or the manufacturer?" Transporting from place to place withought having to put your foot on the gas or making sure you remember to put on your turning signals sounds like a great and easy way to go places. Once the driverless car has been out for years and people begin to start using them often, the commubity will get lazy and irresponsible. No one will ever think they will have to drive themselves because they think that the cars will last forever and that they will just get better from the start, Theyre, wrong. The car could end having difficulties after a few years and they will shut down the production of the cars and people will be too lazy to drive themselces around. People will end up being dependent on the cars to do all of the "hard work" for them. In essence, the develpomement of driverless cars is unreliable and should not be procceded with. The technology will raise the prices of the cars and make it impossible to purchase without a problem, it's too much of a risk for wrecks to happen due to failing sensors, and people will begin to rely on the car after awhile. Put an end to driverless cars and lets just stick with the ones we have now.
If it was possible for people to get driven around, majority of the people will ask how. With advanced technoloy and the development of driverless cars people would only need to drive if they wanted to. Driverless cars are being tested to drive safely with the help of all kinds of sensors. Driverless cars can help prevent a lot of accidents and dangers on ther road. Most accident happen because adults and young adults are constanly texting and driving or they are checking things on social media. Most of the time when people hear a sound notifying them of nonification they are quick to respond to it. With help of driverless cars you will be able to do that and won't have to worry about watching the roads much. Since the cars will be driverless automobile companies are testing out diferent types of sensor and how they are going to work for the car. Toyota Pruis is using sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera attached close to the rearview mirror,four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an intertial motion sensor. Even though sensors are already used for car, they are being developed better so they can do more specific things. Companies are testing the driverless cars with the new advance sensors to help improve our road systems. Although the driverless cars are going through diferent tesing to avoid dangers on the road, companies realized that people will have to be ready to take over at any time. Most of these cases would happen if there was a car accident and the car would need help to safely get around the accident or when pulling in and out of drive ways. Eventually people will think about getting a driverless car. Driverless cars sounds great and all but people will still have to pay attention at times. Car companies are trying to advance the driverless so much that when driven the car is not to much to hande. With the alerts from the the different sensors people when know when things are about to get bad. The sensors will also warn people when they are too close or if they are going to hit something. Soon everybody would be safe and happy in their driveress cars.
If car usage is limited like it is in Vauban we would have malls on a walk away off a main street and not by distant highways. New communities that are less dependent on cars are being developed. The EPA in the US is promoting "car reduced" communities and legislators are starting to act cautiously. In Paris they have such a high population which is near record they enforced a partial driving ban to let the air clear up. On Monday people with even numbered license plates were ordered to leave their car at home or suffer a 22 euro fine in American currency $31 and the next it applied for the odd numbered license plates. 4,000 drivers suffered the fine and 27 had their vehicals impounded for the way they reacted to getting the fine. Because so many people live in Beijing China and use vehicals it became known as one of the worlds most polluted cities would you want that happening to your city. Due to the warm days and cold nights the car emmisions were trapped in the air. Diesel fuel was blamed for the pollution. In Colombia a program was set that one day was to be car free and they would use other modes of transportation such as buses, bikes, etc... it was the 3rd straight year in a row they did it and people who refused faced $25 fines. A businessman named Carlos Arturo Plazza states that "it`s a good opportunity to take stress away and lower air pillution." and for the first time  ever 2 more citties in Colombia joined the event. Municipal authorities from other countries came to Bogota and were enthusiastic to see the event. This campign began in Bogota in the mid 1990s. Which has lead to the developement of 118 miles of bike paths in Bogota. Also parks and sports centers bloomed throughout the city and new upscale shopping districts as well. Finally in the US president Obama had goals to curb the US` greenhouse gas emissions were unveild. Recent studies in America show that fewer Americans are buying cars and get fewer licenses as each year goes by. The US having broad expanses and suburban ideals had long been on of the world`s prime car cultures. It`s the birth place of the first ever model T in Detroit. The rate of car ownerships per household and per person slowly began to decrease withing 3 years. If the patteren persists and many beleve it will it will have benificial implications for the US` carbon emissions and the environment. transportation is the 2nd largest source behind power plants. It would have a negative implication for the car industry. ther has been a large drop in percentage of 16-39 years old getting their licenses. These are some reasons why people should limit their car usage so we can keep the positive trend in the car for our enviroment and make breathing healthier to people and lower our pollution. So keep it up and our enviroment will start to recover from the years of pollution we have caused.
Most people wonder will technology come in handy to read emotions? I believe it could one day. Look at it this way what if we were able to use glasses that had a computers chip in it like spy movies but instead of it being high tech it could read expressions. For instance the article Also states "Using video imagery, the new emotion- recognition software tracks these facial movements- in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa. By weighting the different units, software can even identify mixed emotions (as in da Vinci's masterpiece)." One could possibly imagine how useful it could be for those who are in relationships most guys would know what im talking about because its hard to read ones girlfriends expressions weither they say they're fine when in reality they're not. Just imagine how easy it would be for people to talk about how they really feel when someone that is willing to listen to them about whats on their mind. In conclusion the world even people will get revolutionized with technology that can read facial expressions.
What would it be like to have a driverless car? If cars could drive on their own many of the mistakes that humans make on the roads would be eliminated, causing less accients and less injuries from car crashes. Driverless cars would make the roads a safe place and cause less stress on the person controlling the car. Driverless cars are built to allow the car to steer, accelerate, and brake on its own. With these features it would cause less people trying to speed passed each other for going to slow, or cause the driver to not have to take a sharp stop because they we going to quick for a yellow light. The car are also built with a laser beam the would show a 3-D model of the surrounding of the driver, which allows it to know everything that is happening and how to react. If there is some construstion going on ahead or a crash the car also alarms the driver to take control. Not only are the different types of cars that can cause accidents, but the person behind the wheel too. With there being so many different types of people driving everyday such as: new drivers, elderly, and careless drivers, it would be great to have a car that would control all the different gears that the driver would usually have to do. Since so many teen drivers think that they can text while driving or goof around, an accident is bound to happen, some worse than others, but still they then have to pay for the damage, but with the driverless car it allows the vieicle to take control of the wheel and cause the crash to never happen. Also when it comes to elderly or drunk drivers they never fully have an eye out for what can happen and are not quick enough to react to it, so if the car can pull the brakes on its own then that would save another situation to never happen. Since the road is such a dangerous place there is no room for texting or making a mistake. It seems like driverless cars are the right thing to do since so many people get in crashes, or cause death from an accident. Driverless cars seem to be the safe choice, and can save many lives.
In the artical "Making Mona Lisa Smile" explans how there is a new type of technoligy that uses a coumputer system that lets people detect peoples emotions. To get the caculated expressions of someones human emotion the computer system uses a 3D model scan of the persons face then uses mats to detect the presons facal muscles then depending on the position they are will depend on there emotion. I think in a classroom or school situation this form of a computer system shouldent be used for schools for a number of reasons. In the artical the University says the softare couldent run on home computers and mostly all schools dont have amped up computers thet are bulit to run things like this. So if schools want to start using things like this they would need to get the money for the computers and the software if the founders of it are gonna put a price on it. Another reason is why would schools need such a system like this when they could just do this type of thing on paper with simple question to answer to see the students emotion in class. Or the school could send papers home to the parentes asking how the student is doing home and if the school should be worried about anything for the kids safety. Befor papagraph 8 the artical does give a pretty reason to use this type of system. They show the steps of how to smile or what it does to get the right type of smile to read the emotion of happiness. In the 8th paragraph it shows that in a real smile the muscles called the "prbicuarlis oculi pars palpabraeus" make the crow's-feet around your eyes. But when someone does a fake smile the mouth is stretches sideways using the "zygomatic major" and a different muscle, the "risorius". So when people smile they can be decteced if they are faking it or not. But in paragraph 9 "according to the Facal Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresse emotions, but also may even help produce them." So both paragraph 8 and 9 shows that there is a flaw in this computer system because if someone has never had a "real smile" and always used a "fake smile" the system will detect no happiness but the oppisite or something else. And thet person will always live with a "fake smile" and never a "real smile" beacuse the fake one will develop as a real smile if the person keeps doing it because of the facial muscles getting use to it. So in conclusion I dont think this technology that can read emotional expressions should be used because there are better ways of finding out a kids emotion. And becasue of the big flaw within the system, that being the human body actualy going aganst the facal scan by getting use to express a certan expression that reads differntly on the computer.
When you want to do something new ,you go for it. That is what Luke did ,right. The Seagoing cowboy is when you or someone else that helps take care of the animals on a boat , while they are crossing oceans. That is kind of like joining the milatary or the army. You are basically risking your life for other people, some peope you probably don't even know. It can be a lifetime experience. It also can be a huge opprtunity. Like Luke couldn't say no to for trying something new after he was done with school. He was also at a young age. Starting early. After you are done with trying something new, you will realise that you have done something wonderful. While you are working , you also realise that you are having fun while doing it. You could be working hard and having fun at the same time . Some people think ,if you do something that can take your life, isn't fun. I'm just saying if you like to do something then work hard to acomplish it. And I'm not just saying that you have to do that ,but once you do it, you could have fun by doing it. Just like Luke did. Before finishing school , you should make plans for what you want to do. Dont wait to the last minute to think. Making differences is a good thing, not a bad thing. It seemed like Luke didn't know what Seagoing was, but it was something new so he went on and did it. Seagoing can also give you a opprtunity to have fun with animals , if you like them. Luke grew up in farms, so I guess he liked them. He was prepared to work that job. I wouldn't want to do that, because I'm not a big fan about animals. But you like animals, you should try being a Seagoing Cowboy or Cowgirl.
The author supports this idea by throwing in little things like proof and trying to convince you to study Venus is a worthyu pursuit despite the dangers .He also used NASA the text says " NASA is working on other approaches to studing venus." thernhe gives us an example ssome simplifed electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the condtions. the text says. the text also states "Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contibute meanninhfully to our knowledge of venus" Thats so when can have the infomation for anybody eals that wants to know about it. and they are working on simpifed electoronics so we can acess venus alot easyer and the stuff to make it wont be hard to find. And the texts states NASA's possible soution to the hostiile conditing on the sufface of venus would allow scientists to flot above the fray. So they are thinking about sending humans to venus also but they tell us the ups and downs to that how they would the flot to the face of it and how they have to convies people to go up there. Over all The Author did very good at supporting his idea by throwing in NASA facts and telling us about the things there working to get up to venus and hoe they plan on sending humans uo there to. Any why we should keep on studying venus.
Is there really a new kind of life on mars. No! We are the only life in this universe. Plus if people lived on mars, how could they build such a huge amount of rock into a face so perfectly. What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa--landforms. Also back then they did not have that great of cameras but now they do. With the new cameras, we could acually see that it was just a landform with cracks in it. The only reason people think it is a sign, is because of the shadows. It makes up its eyes, nose, and mouth. What, do you think they could make that with their bare hands? I don't think that there is people on mars, if there was , we would have probably found them all ready. I beleive that the [face] is not really a face. If you you beleive that there is, than thats fine but the real truth is that its not a face.
Dear Mr. Senator, there is a huge concern over who's vote is the real vote, Americas, or the Electoral College "Your vote counts" is what the citizens of America always hear when it is finally time to vote. But does it really count the way that it should? The tuesday after the first monday in November, everyone is going crazy lining up outside of the voting polls and waiting to make their vote count for who they want their new president to be. But are they really voting for a President or a state of electors? Whats the point of even putting in our vote if the Electoral College is gonna take over and vote for who they want. It makes no sense at all. It is completely understood that they use the peoples votes  for who they pledged on but that really has no purpose. Instead of having the people of America vote then why don't we just have the Electoral College be the only people to vote? So basically when the people of America go and vote they are not voting for any president at all. Instead they are voting for Democratic and Republican electors. That completely overrides the whole purpose for the Presidential election. In 2002, Al Gore lost the election due to the Electoral College. He had more individual votes but George Bush had more electoral votes. That proves that many peoples vote doesnt count. If more people voted for Gore thats what the people of America wanted and there was proof. So it was very unfair how Bush won because of electoral votes. Why do the people of America even vote if things like that may happen, how come they encourage us to vote, why not just let the Electoral College do all the voting for who they preffer? If the people cant get what they want then why do we even vote for it? The only real reason that the people are to vote is to be played. America is being fooled by thinking that their vote does something when really it does nothing at all. If Bush won because of the Electoral College and not individual votes why did the people even vote?  If noone were to vote then we would still have a president because, the Electoral College would just vote for who they wanted instead right? So why must America vote? If our votes count then why would we need an Electoral College to assist in the presidential election? America should be able to get who they want not who the Electoral College wants. So the question usually asked should not be, "Did you vote" but instead, "Did the Electoral College vote"? Sincerely, PROPER_NAME                                                                
Imagine this, you're driving, but your hands aren't on the steering wheel. Cars have always been a main focal point to what the future will look like, most picturing them flying. Even though this possible new breed of cars will remain on the ground, they still are innovative and can help further the world of technology and how we use it. Development of this car should continue because it is safe and could possibly be helpful to new drivers. Safety is one of the big issues people have with the car, most thinking that driver will no longer have power of the car. Driving takes insticts and observation, if a car is suddenly swerving the driver will respond accordingly. The BMW has created the "Traffic Jam Assistant", which contains special touch sensors to insure that the driver keeps hold of the wheel. At anytime while in that car, the driver can take over, if the situation calls for it. New drivers will always be somewhat of a hazard, possible talks of raising the age requirement for getting a license, afraid that at the current one teenagers remain immature. If we were to have the driverless car, those issues would decrease, seeing as it will feel as though a parent is always on the road with them. These cars are never really driverless, the driver can still steer, accelerate, and brake if need be. GM has ever created a way for the seats to vibrate when the vehicle is in danger, keeping the driver alert to their surroundings.This car will decrease the amount of accidents created by teens, due to the car being able to see things that maybe they can't. In conclusion, driverless cars are a good and safe invention. They will be able to drive correctly and safely. The driver of the vehicle will always be in charge, never losing the control they once had. New drivers will always have a backup, but still continuing to drive themselves. Cars will still require a knowing of how to drive, seeing as it can't do everything, one has to while traveling. The world is constantly evolving, and that includes technology. Driverless cars will just add on to the constantly multiplying number of things we have created. We still have a long way to go when it come to this invention, the question is, when the time comes, what car will you be driving?
The author supports this idea well and its about studying is Venus is a worthy pursuit. Even if there are some dangers to it they are not as big as to the reasons we should and without fixing the problems on why we can't. There are many reasons to studying Venus and visiting and its because there are possibilities that it could happen. Venus is the most like planet to earth but it'll just take time to get there. And we could go to Venus because it is the planet next to us and closer to the sun but then sometimes we do get closer to Mars depending on how it rotates but Vensu does have the most similarities to Earth. The only thing is that we need to have the right spacecraft to make it to Venus and have it last because some don't last that long or they break. No spacraft has ever survived the landing longer than a few hours. But they want to know if the air in that planet is accessible to us to the point where there could possibly be life, or discover new things. Before Venus had was covered with ocean and could support life, but Venus today has some of those features, but are mostly a surface of a rocky sediment. But when wanting to go to Venus comes challenges because not everything is easy to do because the temperature there goes up to 800 degress fahrenhiet and the the atmosphere pressure is 90 times greater than what we expirience and the stuff in Venus are things that our body couldn't handle because we don't handle those type of things in Earth. But the author still wants to believe there could be away and will make sure there will be. So i think there could be a chance to go to venus and i thik there should because it would be a good idea to discover new things and make new changes. If it's not now I know it will be later on in the future. The author made good points to why Venus is a worthy persuit dispite of the dangers that come with it. It is also a human curiosity to see what is really inside of Venus. the author says," Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limitted by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to me the very edges of imagination and innovation", and that's why he would want to do things out of his way even if it seems impossible.
Driving cars can be a danger to humans, but also a threat to the Earth. The usage of cars has plummented since recent topics of smog, and safety. Using a car to get from point A to point B is getting out of hand and unnecissary. Limiting car usage can help save money, it can also help prevent smog or other pollution, and can make humans live a healthier life style. By limiting car usage, you are changing your life style for the better. Less car usage can play a major role in the way you live your life. One big part of your life it could change is financial issues. Without a car you wouldnt have to spend thousands of dollars on an overpriced vehical. Also you could save money from not having to buy overly priced gas, or having to fix any car issues, such as an oil leak. In the passage, Paris bans driving due to smog , the author states," Almost 4,000 drivers were fined, according to Reuters." Without all of your money going down the drain, you could spend your money in a more helpful way. With the money that you don't have to spend with car trouble, someone could by a gym membership, or they could go and renovate their house the way that they have always wanted. Without spending loads of money on a car, gas, and car problems, you could spend your money on more important things such as paying of loans. Less car usage could also help the envirnment dramtically. Because of the ussage of cars the envinment has been hugely effected. Since the envirnment has been greatly affected, so has the people. Smog has been becoming a result of the pollution that cars cause. In the passage, Paris bans driving due to smog, they state,"Delivery companies complained of lost revenue, while excepltions were made for plug-in cars." Not only is pollution affecting the envirnment, but it is also affecting the way that we live our lives, and the way that we make our livings. Without the use of cars income will increse rather than decrease. Also the smog is creating a hazard to everyone who has to work, or go to school. Without the use of cars there will be no more smog, or hazardess envinments to worry about. Besides money, and pollution, there are other important reasons why less car usage would be ideal. A main point of less car usage would be for health. The world has grown to be lazy, and as a result obesity is becoming a huge issue. Walking to work, or to school can not only help the envirnment, but also help your immune system, and weight loss. Instead of walking, another great form of exercise that will help the envirnment is riding your bike. Using these tips there will be less obesity, and less pollution, and grrenhouse gas in the world. Even though that driving has decreased 23% in the last 8 years, it is our duty to insure that the world will once again be a safe envirnment for everyone to live in. To insure a safe envirnment, the usage of cars must decrease. If the usage of cars does not decrease our money will. Money won't be the only problem though, obesity, and also smog will increase. To help save the Earth humans must cut back on using their cars. The results will be life changing. 
Dear, Senator There are many ways in keeping the change to election by popular vote for the president of the United States instead of keeping the Electoral College.  The Electoral College is a difficult process to go through.  The Electoral College consists of the electors, where they vote for the President and the Vice President and also the counting of the elctoral votes by Congress.  Electoral College is unfair, outdated to the voters, by using the election by popular votes for the president of the United States is fair to voters because they get to choose the person to run the office for four years. To begin with, in favor keeping the change to election by popular vote for the president of the United States is very helpful for the voters to vote easily to choose and listen to the candidates to see who will be great to the world.  In source 3: "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" by Richard A. Posner in paragragh 20 states, "Voters in toss-up states are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign-to really listen to the competing candidates-knowing that they are going to decided the election".  What this quote is trying to say that letting the voters choose and listen to the candidtes very carefully to decide on the election, who will be helpful.  Letting voters vote are likely to be the most thoughtful voters, on average and that they will recieved the most information and attetion from the candidates.  By aruging keeping the popular votes for the president of the united States is very fair to the voters. Furthermore, the people such as the voters help choose the state's elsctors when you are voting for the President.  For example, in soruce 1: "What Is the Electoral College?" by the Office of the Fedral Register in paragragh 6 say, "You help choose your state's electors when you vote for Presidnet because when you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidate's electors."  This quote explains that the voters get to choose the President but it's actually voting for the candidate's electors.  It's more easier keeping the popular vote for the Presidnet of Unites States instead of keeping the Electoral College because its a difficult process to go through. Its true that election by popular vote for the president of United States is a good argument for the voters to choose wisley.  As this can be seen as in source 2: "The Indfensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer in paragragh 9 states, "This year voters can expect another close election in which the popular vote winner could again lose the presidency."  For example, in the 2000 U.S presidential race, Al Gore received more individual votes than George W. Bush nationwide, but Bush won the election by receiving 271 electoral votes to Gore's 226.  By keeping the popular vote for the President of the United States is more easier for the society instead of using the Electoral College. In Conclusion, why keep the Electoral College, when you can you use the popular vote. So by keeping the popular votes is useful to let these people vote on who they want to choose.  So by other people perspective, you should keep the popular votes. Sincerly, anonymous, hopefully your satisfied. 
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto, he defines how the new Facial Action Coding System allows technology to this day determine emotions of humans. The author uses the famous painting of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci as an example of emotion(s) the computer can detect. However, the new technology is a valuable advantage because it can express all emotions one could feel that could create a positive impact for greater educational opportunites in the future. The 3-D model of the Facial Action Coding System is described to have a human-like appearance with joints like the human muscle. "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal, even though individulas often show varying degrees of expression"(Huang). The future of technology is rapidly changing and adapting to become smarter and more like a human mind set. Like humans, the computer can detect if someone may be feeling one way through facial expressions. For example, "We humans perform this same impressive 'caculation' everyday. For instance, you could probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." Logically, if a close friend claim to say they might feel one way but you might feel they aren't expressing themselves like that. "Yet Dr. Huang observes that artists such as da Vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions...Perhaps Dr. Huang's emotion algorithms are a different sort of 'Da Vinci Code'!" From the evidence of Da Vinci's studies of human anatomy, the "code" could be used on the FACS to determine a facial expression. "To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a 'smiling' politician or celebrity isn't being truthful." The use of FACS can be a valuable source in the future to involve computers in communication. "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication," notes dr. Huang. 'So computers need to understand that too." From a scientific and professional point of view, Dr. Huang indicates that computers should be involved with emotions. It is valuable to say that technology to read emotional expressions of students in classrooms is indeed an advantage that can greatly impact their learning envoirnments. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. 'Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." From this quote, it is foreshadowing that future education is likely to be involved of more computer activity. The medical and political field could receive a positive impact from this as well. "The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive- for video games or video surgery." Overall, the technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is indeed a valuable statement and can be used in further educational, political, and medical positive opportunites.
The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because the planet itself is dangerous. Venus is the same as the Earth, I mean it is reffered to as Earth's "twin", but there both the same only because of the density and size. Both planets do have the same shape and density, but planet Earth is much more safer than Venus. Venus has a thick atmoshpere, so it makes it harder to breathe. For example, in the text it says," a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere." It's impossible for somoene to even live on Venus because of it's own atmosphere. Exploring and studying the planet Venus is actually challenging when you think about it. People tried to study about the planet, people have tried to explore, but in the end, it ends up failing. For example, in the text it states, " since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades. Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us." This is explaining how bad the planet really is. No spacecraft can even touch the ground on planet Venus. The reason why no spacecraft has touched down on planet Venus is because of the clouds itself. For example, in the text it explains," the clouds are highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmoshpheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." Venus has a temperature of 800 degrees fahrenheit, while Earth's highest temperature is at least 110 to 120 degrees. So planet Venus is very hot, that probably explains why no spacecraft can land on the planet because it's so hot in the planet that the clouds trap all that heat inside. In conclusion, these are the reasons why the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.
What is The Electoral College? It is a process the founding fathers established in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified cirizens. The process consists of the selection of the electors. Most states use a ''winner-take-all'' method that awards all electors to the winning presidential candidate. The Electoral College is the method we use for voting and selecting our president's. Thanks to the quirks of the electoral college-won the popular vote but lost the presidency. Over 60 percent of voters prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. Therefore I think that we should change to a popular vote. Over 50 percent of the people agreee, and I think that should be enough proof. This year voters can expect another close election in which the popular vote winner could again lose the presidency. The problem with the electoral college is that you voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, wwho in turn elect the president. For instance, if you lived in Texas and wanted to vote for John Kerry, you would vote for a slate. The slate containing 34 Democratic electors pleged to Kerry. Most likely those voters would probably win the election because Texas is a big state and a high percentage of the people voted Kerry. The Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal. No region has enough electoral votes to elect a president. Just as Romney was a solid regional in the South, has no incentive to campaign heavily in those states. This causes the method to be difficult to chose a for sure winner. Usually elections are always close. The Electoral College restores some of that weight in the pollitical balance that large states lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the Senate decreed in the Constitution. The method may turn off potential voters. Especially for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state. Democrats in Texas and Republicans in California. I think that we should changeb to a popular vote method. Either way, people should be encouraged to vote because every vote counts.
In our Galaxy(Milky Way)there are many stars and as we know we have 8 planets but I am going to talk about one planet in special,Venus. Venus,sometimes is called the ''Evening star''.This nickname is misleading since Venus is actually a planet. It is one of the brightest point of light in the night sky,also you can see it from the earth by looking at the North side. While Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe ventage point of earth,it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. Venus is the closest planet to earth. Venus orbits the sun at different speeds,this means that some times we are closer to venus and sometimes not. Because Venus is somtimes right around the corner in space terms humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloudly world. Everytime a human sent a spacecaft to Venus,the mission was a failure because the spacecraft they sent culd not last more than few hours. Venus has a atmosphere of almost 97% of carbon dioxide blankets Venus. The clouds are highly corrosive of sulfuric acid in Venu's atmosphere. Its temperature has an average of 800 degrees fahrenheit,ans the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than Earth's atmosphere. Also,Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth like planet in our solar system. as in this passage says that long ago Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported life. Today,Venus still has some features that are analogous to thoose on Earth. Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA) Is working on other aproaches to studting Venus. For example,some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have benn tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venu's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such a condition. Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value,not only because of the insight to be gained on the panet itself,but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Venus could be a fierce planet with its very hot temperatures,its atmosphere's pressure etc,but if once a humans find the way to survive there,it might be our next planet to live on.
Most people would say that driveless cars are a pretty good idea. But I don't believe it is. Most people would get in accidents more often. The reason why I say dirveless cars are not the smartest idea is because if you have driveless cars everywhere there would be a higher chance of getting into an acccident than just you driving the car. This would likely happen because what happens if the system malfunctions on you and you are just there driving not knowing that the system isn't working, and then before you know BANG you hit another car. Now, some people are saying "well in the article it says that you need to be aware of you enviroment" which in other words you need to know what is going on outside of your car. But, lets be real most people now and days don't really look at the road. They are texting or doing something while not looking on the road. So, what I am trying to say is driveless cars are not woth the wait nor the money. Most people in this world will probably be doing the same exact thing when you are the one drive the car. So, some of us can be clear to most of you guys. That driverless cars are not woth it and that most if not all of us will be doing the samething as before and nothing will change.
"The Seagoing Cowboys program is an adventure," stated Luke. We go all over the place, for example we have been to China and Greece. The Seagoing Cowboys program made me more aware of people's needs in other countries. When we had nothing to do we would waste time by playing games in empty holds where animals had been housed. When I was in the Seagoing Cowboys program we helped baby cows, mules, and horses that were shipped overseas. We arrived August 14 when the Pacific war ended. Don and I headed for Greece with horses and hay and oats to feed them. You should be apart of the program because it is fun to go on adventures and take care of the animals. Even if you don't like animals you get to have freetime and play games and visit places like China. When you unload the animals you can play tennis, boxing, reading, and whittiling. The program opened up the world for me. When I took care of the animals they had to be fed and watered two or three times a day. Also you had to pull up bales of hay and bags of oats. Next then you had to clean the stalls out. When I worked at a farm for my aunt Katie, it prepared me for the Seagoing Cowboys program. I was greatful for the opportuniy to help the program. You should join the program because you help people by bring the animals and you have fun at the same time. I want to go back and join the program because it was the best thing ever and it opened up the world to me by exploring and seeing other countries. When I saw the family's in need my family hosted a number of exchanged students for many years.
I disagree with this technology. you can make all kinds of facial expressions it doesnt mean there is a certain face for one facial expression. We are all human but we arent same that is what makes all unique we have different faces for different expression. This technology that is being used is not going to tell you everyone is mad or sad, happy, angry. I dont have the same mad as someone else would so what i make one face and im mad? it could just be my face and the way i look and your gonna tell me that i am mad when you really dont have a clue. We cant tell if someone is mad or sad, depressed or even happy they have those feelings themself and sometimes people dont want others to know if there upset so then your just invading there privacy. That could just make things ten times worse than what it already is. There are things we want people to know and that we dont want people to know and its our decsion on whether we want them to know. So yes i disagree with this facial expression technology i dont think we should be invading others privacy that way i think we need to have way more respect for others than what we do now.
Do you think that Venus is worth exploring? Well in the story, " The Challenge of Exploring Venus," it tells you how scientists are trying to explore Venus. Venus is called the,"Evening Star," because of how we can see it as the brightest point in the night. Venus is also, a planet that no human can survive on; the planet is hot, and has high pressure. The conditions far more dangerous than any human has done on earth. However, the challenge of finding what this planet has and, how it can help us on earth. Has made scientists want to find out about this more. Imagine someone has finally, found something on Venus; everyone would be amazed by it. That is why they want to find out about Venus even if it dangerous. Although, Venus is a planet that we can not land on without burning. Scientist have reason on trying to find out about this planet. For example, Venus is referred to Earth's "twin," because it has the same density, size, and closest to earth,even if something we are closer to Mars, because of the speed of the earth. However, because Venus is more like earth scientist think that their is a posibility that is we might need to move to another planet. Venus might be the better option than any other planet. That is why scientist want to know. All in all, even if scientist think it's impossible to find something about Venus, they will try and figure out. It might be hard but, I believe that people like challenges. Even if we can not there might something they can do, like make a robot that can stand hot and high pressure.
electoral college is a process not a place. the Electoral college work on the selection of the electors where they vote for president and vice president couting each voter by congress. large populations in states lose by virtue in the mal-apportionment in Senate decreed in the Constitution. popular votes were mostly in florida but in the year 2012 when obama was just beginning to be president, he got 29 eectoral votes it was a success in the same margin in wyoming would net the winner only 3 electoral votes. other things being the same alot of large states get more attention from the presidential candidates in a campaign than some small states do. the electoral college is supossed to be a procces for the electors to vote for president and vice president and every 4 years theres gonna be someone new thats facing the president to be voted for the new president of the united states but when the electors come and vote if the president will still stay the president then he,ll become it for another 4 years but if the guy facing his way to be our new president mr. obama will have to stay as vice president. in columbia the district is allocated 3 electors and something like a state for purposes because of the electoral college. the reason in the following discussion the word "state" is also refered as the district of columbia. each person who is running for president your state has his or her own group of electors they are generally chosen to the candidates political party but the state laws vary on how there electors get selected on what there
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author attempts persauding the audience that it's worth exploring Venus. The author gives us reasons why Venus is dangerous, but also gives reasons as to why it'll be a good choice to explore Venus. The author convinces us that Venus is a worthy planet of being explored, despite its dangers. The author makes it clear that Venus is a dangerous planet. There's been numerous spacecrafts thats landed on Venus, but "no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." Venus' atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide, and the clouds are made of "highly corrosive sulfuric acid." The temperature averages over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, unsuitable for humans. The atomospheric pressure is also 90 times greater than what we're used to, which could "crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals." Venus also has the hottest surface temperature. With high pressure and heat, there's no doubt that there are erupting volcanoes, frequent lightning that strikes down, and very powerful earthquakes. The author makes it clear that Venus is very dangerous and has extreme living conditions. An average human wouldn't last a day. However, the author continues on and tries to persuade the readers that Venus is still a worthy planet of exploring. In paragraph four, the author writes, "If our sister planet is so inhosspitable, why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface? Astronomres are fascinated by Venus because it may well have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." The author then informs us of NASA's possible solution. The solution is to hover over Venus. Hovering over Venus keeps humans out of danger and the atmospheric pressure would be just enough for a human to handle. The author ends the passage with revealing why we really should explore Venus - "...Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gianed on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavours." The author convinces us Venus is a planet we should explore despite its extreme living conditions. Throughout the passage, the author gave us every reason why we shouldn't go, and then ended it with a reason why we should. Exploring Venus would allow us to gain insight on the planet, and the knowledge from Venus could help us explore other areas safely. It would be a gateway for us exploring other dangerous, intimidating areas.
I don't think that the idea of a driverless car is a good idea. I feel as if driverless cars are just the fact of people being lazy. I don't understand what's hard about driving a car just for a short amount of time. Driverless cars might be a good idea for long road trips, but just think about how much work those cars would need if they broke down. On the positive side these driverless car might be a good idea for someone that's always is on the go & they get tired of driving. It may also be good for the mothers of young children. Only when the child is crying the can have the car driving it's self while they get the baby in order. They should really make that a feature of the car. Other than that the car seems worthless & is just another car problem that us Americans would have. Then we have the negative & I could go on & on about this one. Now having a driverless is just insane & lazy. First off what is the point of having a car if it's just going to drive it's self? I think it would cause more accident & like the article said; who's fault would it be the would the accident be on? Then insurance would be at an all time high, because the makers of these cars are going to find everyway to make these more advanced then the next, like I said in the first paragraph how much EXACTLY would it cost to buy A car like this or even fix a car like this ? Literally us as people only make enough to support our families & pay the bill. Having to buy these cars would be another thing to break us. To wrap things up, in my opinion i think this car is something that they should second guess. It might benefit some people & others it might put a steep hole in their pocket. Once again i feel as if there is no purpose of having a car if you're not going to drive it.
Computers are one of the best inventions ever made by humans because they have enabled everybody around the world to connect to the Internet. The Internet fuels most peoples lives because of the sheer amount of accessible information about anything and everything. However, should we let computers start making their own decisions? Thomas Huang is the creator of a computer software that allows computesr to read human emotions using 3-D modeling and analyzing muscle movements in the face. At first glance, this appears to be an interesting concept, but there could be several downsides to this type of invention such as overall practicality, implementation in today's society, and even safety and security issues. First of all, is a software that can read our emotions actually useful? There is potential for this type of software to be used on people for occasions such as a interrogation where the suspect could be lying and the software could detect a quivering lip. On the other hand, this type of software is most likely not going to make it into the homes of the people which presents a business problem. Their solution is to introduce the software into schools to be used for enhancing the learning experience. Dr Huang describes how computers in the classroom could "recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored...then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instuctor" resulting in a better learning environment for the student. The issue is, not every student needs this, and many will prbably disagree with having this software implemented in their school. So, this type of computer software has few areas that it will probably be used causing it to be less practical than it originally seems. Secondly, how will FACS (Facial Action Coding System) be implemented into a society that is normally unwilling to new changes regarding their technology? People want improvements, but they don't want change. For example, when an application has an update most people update it without giving it a second thought because the newer it is the more likely it will be "better" than the previous version. But, when a new phone comes out with plenty of changes people are skeptical and wait for their friend to buy it before they consider purchasing one themselves. So, as a result, people will most likely be skeptical of a software that is able to read emotions because it is something new and no one has any experiences with it yet. This causes FACS to seem like a software that won't be implemented or at least widespread for a long time. Lastly, will the common person feel like their privacy is being invaded with this new software? For FACS to work the user must have a camera or some kind of scanning device that is able to detect individual muscles. A highly accurate scanning device in the common home will most definitely scare some people out of having this type of software. For example, some people believe that they are already watched through their smartphone camera even though they don't have any form of evidence of such actions taking place. A natural fear of invasion of privacy is part of human nature and cannot be changed. In paragrpah seven D'Alto, the author, mentions that FACS can detect a fake and a real smile which only solidifies the softwares scanning precision. What if someone was talking with their boss using their computer and they lied to protect their job? Although this kind of action should result in that person being punished or fired FACS could use the camera on the computer to see that they were lying and report it to the person's boss or company. Now, this situation is impractical and hopefully it never happens, but the idea that FACS has the ability to use a camera in the home to do whatever they want is scary and will drive people away from using it. In conclusion, FACS will probably be used for specific tasks only, but it is interesting to ponder the potential for similar softwares in the future. The main problem that Dr. Huang will face is trying to show the people the trustworthiness of the product. If there is too much skepticism from the people it simply won't be found around the world and rather only in more secluded places such as labs or research facilities for testing purposes. In the future, other softwares will be created and maybe they will have the potential to impact the world in influential, innovative, and successful ways.
NASA noticed something unfimiliar on the Red Planet called Cydonia. Many people thought it was an old ancient civilization. There were many conspiracy theroies. Is there an actual head on Mars? Some people may disagree, but the face is just a rock formation. There has been no discovery of aliens yet to think this had something to do with aliens. Phototgraphs show that its a rock formation. In 1998 NASA took photograpghs of the "face" while orbiting Mars. They then posted the pictures online. When the image appeared on the website, the photo revealed a natural landform. There was no ancient civilization monument. So, Is there an actual head on Mars? No, it is just a rock formation, and when light hits it, it produces shadows that look like eyes, mouth, and nose. Many people were upset because it wasnt an alien monument. NASA will always keep a close eye on "the Face on Mars".
In the article " Driverless Cars Are Coming" the author presents both posistive and negative aspects of driverless cars, I for-one am all for the development 'smart cars'. I look forward to 'a time when no one buys cars becasue no one needs them anymore'. It is my belief that that the development of the smart car could help us a great deal in the forseen future. We are already on our way towards the idea of a driverless car not only becoming real but also helping our deteriating planet. You see i believe that since even though there are a few vehicles now that don't necessarily need gas to run there are far more that do than not. Our vehicles now adays do alot of damage to our ecosystem than most of us realize or seem to care for. Sooner or later that invisible wall that shields us of the sun's light which burns brighter than any fire known by man will instead of helping create life, will destroy it. there is so much polution in the air now because of our nonexcistent will to protect that in which we live instead of slowly killing it. Now to clear any misinterpretation i must state that I am in no way a "tree-hugger", but i do believe that we must do something about this pollution instead of sitting back and watch the dreaded show of death. That is one of the reason why i am all fro the development of driverless cars, for I believe that this idea will bring us a few steps closer to vehicles that have no need of gas or any other polluting resources in our desposition. This said i do believe driverless cars could also helpus in getting things faster. Already do most cars nowadays do cars have apps in stalled that allow us to not take our eyes of thwe road while at the same time do things that we feel we need time to do . Sadly it is a common thing these days for everyone to have some kind of bussy schedules since we are children. our kids now go to school for most of the day then get home and do their homework, go to school clubs or athletics they signed up for yet don't really want to do becasue their parents are the ones who dont want them out of the house all because they have to work late and won't be home 'till late or are so bussy doing other things that they can't take care of their children all day. So they send them of to be taken care of by someone else. This is the product of filled schedules which are made easier to handle now by smart cars. The technology installed in them making it possible to multitask while driving and able to not waste time making it easier to finish the list of things to be done. Now most driving laws -as presented in the article- are written in the assumptionthat the only safe car has a human driver in control of it although in my opinion that is not the case in most ocassions. I believe that most car accidents are caused because of a drunk driver or because of a driver losing control. All these accidents could be avoided by a smart car; the way i see it is that in the future the way we are going with technology will lead us to safer car's where if in a difficult sittuation you could be guided by your smart car. Completely driverless cars could be on a kind of 'auto-pilot' in certain situations, for instance a person decided to go out with a couple of friends and decides that -although it is a completely irrational idea- to drive home of course with a simple click of a button we could all avoid a could be horrific accident.
I think that the Facial Action Coding System used to read the emotion and expressions in students in a classroom is valuable because it can be used for many different things such as potentionaly making people feel better, helps tell when people are not being truthful and can tell when a student becomes confused of bored. First of all, this technology to read the emotions and expressions of a students in a classroom is valuable because, even know sometimes you fake emotions it many still be able to make you feel that way. For example the author stated in paragraph 9 that " Theory Of Emotion, moving you facial muscles not only expresses emotion, but may be able to produce them." What this is saying is that the muscles that you use in your face to fake an emotion can actually make you feel that emotion. Secoundly, this technolgy could also help and be valuable not just in a classroom but also outside such as the police department. The reason why is because your facial expressions can make other people tell if you are not being truthful and not telling the truth. The author states this in paragragh 8 saying " To an expert, faces don't lie: these muscle clues are somtimes used to spot when a "smiling" polaticion or celebrity isn't being truthful." What this is saying is this new technology could help tell when someone is lying about cheating on a test or homework. And this doesnt just go for inside school or classrooms this could go for the police to. To tell if someone isnt being truthful about something and which part they arent being truthful about. Finally, the last thing I have to support for this is could help teacher relize when a student is confused or bored in a classroom. How the author explains this is in paragragh 6. It states that " A classroom computer could reconize when a student is becoming confused or bored." What this means is that how the students facial expressions react to what pops up on the computer can show when the student is interested in what is happening or confuse, and bored. And the author also stated "Then it could modify the lesson, like and effective human instructor. The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive- for video games or video surgerys". What this is saying is a computer can tell when you are bored or confused and help to keep you fouced and intertained more by making the lesson more expressive and also making it more interesting for the student. In conclusion, I believe what I have stated above proves that this technolgy can help in many ways such as potentionaly making people feel better, helps tell when people are not being truthful and can tell when a student becomes confused of bored. And that this will help many students and teachers in a classroom.
Dear senator, I was meaning to ask you can you please leave the electoral college. In way many people were grateful for this kind art education in many ways people use this place for so long to know how many scarefices that many people choose this area than no other. There got to be a diffrent reason to come in mind for can stop this idea from elimanating this fine place to construct for all years of hard work. For so long many people still would like to choose this college as great example for their success. This my letter to you senator. But if you refuse this than i don't know what i would do,but  what I do know is you choose what it came from your mind I can not stop you from picking the good or bad  choices but I can help you pick the right choice. As well making a election area that only happens in four years is not really worth anything many would disagree for this nonsense build and just forget what just came in mind and pick the right choice.    
Many people around the world drive vehicles to get from point a to point b. Although this is a good source of personal transportation, it may not be as favorable as people imagine. Primarily, the decrease in vehicles being a source of personal transportation is fairly beneficial to the environment and ourselves. In fact, this new "phenomenon" is happening all over the world. As mentioned in the articles "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars", "Paris Bans Driving Due To Smog", "Car Free Day is Spinning Into A Big Hit In Bogota", and "The End of Car Culture", many citizens of many different cultures see that the lowered usage of vehicle transportation doesn't only decrease how many greenhouse gasses are getting in the atmosphere but also improves our wellbeing by reducing stress levels. Not only does it help us relieve stress and what ails us but it also makes the distance we have to travel to purchase food much shorter, as cited in "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars", giving us the opportunity to restock our supply over time instead of buying multiple cart loads at once. Secondarily, according to the article "The End of Car Culture", having access to busses and other public transportation can improve our safety. It is also seen in this article that "at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, Bill Ford came up with a business plan to create a world where personal vehicle ownership isn't needed or is undesirable. His company would partner up with the telecommunications industry to help create new cities and towns in which many ways such as using a bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation, and simply walking could be woven into a connected network." With this new plan, there would be improved safety by having official drivers providing the bus transportation and private car transportations. Both of these ways are liable to give us extra time in our days by decreasing the probability of traffic and will give us ultimate safety while getting from point a to point b. There are many cultures in our world today who go along with the plan of decreasing the amount of vehicle transportation. There are many different ways this is being achieved and every one of us can be a part of it.
The Face...something conspiarcy theorist have gripped on for forty years. It is just a rock with shadows, NASA uses a camera so good that it is possible to see an airplane from it, and if it was an alien construction NASA would publicize it just to be able to get more funds for the space program. Come on people, you have got to get over the possibility of life on mars, we have been searching for forty years now. First thing is, it is just a mesa on Mars. The shadows on it and the concaves give off the optical illusion that it is a face. There is no life on Mars, therefore there is no way it could be artificial. "There must have been a degree of surprise among mission controllers back at the Jet Propulsion Lab when the face appeared on their moniters. But the sensation was short lived. Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cynodia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharoh." (P. 2) This shows that no matter how people wanted to believe, there was just not life on Mars. NASA's camera spanned 1. 56 meters in 2001. "So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the gorund or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" (P. 11) This excerpt shows that with a camera as such a high grade as this one that there was barely anyhting on Mars surface that could be hidden. While there is the smallest chance of the consiracy theorist being correct about the structure being artificially constructed and such, NASA would let this out. Let's go ahead and assume the theorist are correct. Spot on. NASA has been cut off by the government and has to pay for all of their journeys. NASA would bring this to the public in the hopes of getting funds and people wanting to work there for the future that could be. "Some people think the Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars- evidence that NASA would rather hide, say conspiracy theorists. Meanwhile, defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars." (P. 5) This quote shows that NASA would quite appreciate the civilization on Mars, if there was any. People have got to get over the possibility of life on Mars, even if it was there it is probably as small as bacteria this moment. This hump of dirt and rocks is not a face, NASA's cameras are so enhanced we would see signs of artificial construction, and NASA would tell us that way they could get their hands on some money. Come on guys, it's been forty years, give it a rest.
The face that was discoverd by NASA was just a natural landform ,it was not made by alliens.There's many explainnations that people made about this natural landform.Scientist used Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. MGS arrived at the Red Planet in Sept. 1997 .It seems like every year the natural landform starts to wear off.Many people was excited that this could mean that there's life in space but the study proved that this is just a natural landform and he compared it to the Snake Plain of Idaho because its like the same thing it was formed in Idaho "a natural landform". What i think is that it's just a natural landform but people still to this day still believes that ,that wasn't formed by a natural landform even after the reseach by NASA and other researchers.I think people just want to put the thought in our head that alliens are real. The natural landform on space is going to fade away real soon so when that happens people who thought it was made by alliens are going to know the truth.
In my town getting your license is a huge deal. As soon as I turned fifteen I went streight to the DMV to take my test and get to driving as soon as possible. In countries and cities such as Germany, France, and Bogota, driving is ban pretty much where ever you go. After days of near-record pollution,paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city and as a result congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog. Smog flooded Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the entire world. Limiting car usage has numerous advantages from streets being safer than ever, to totally eliminating smog that drapes over the world today. Cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions and desil fuel was blamed. we the people want to stop the pollution and eliminate it once and for all so the People proposed " A day without cars". It's part of an improvement campaign that began in Bogota in the mid-1990s. This campaign has seen the construction of 188 miles of nicycle paths, the most of any Latin American city, according to the citys mayor. Parks and sports centers have beeen packed throughout the city, Sidewalks have been redone, rush-hour restrictions have cut traffic, new and more resturaunts have been built, and upscale shopping districts have cropped up. The end of car culture has hit everywhere and id just getting to the U.S. President Obama's goal to curb the United states' greenhouse gas emissions, unveiled last week, will get a fortuitous assist from an incipient  shift in American behavior. Recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewwer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by. the essential question is " Has America passed peak driving?" the United states had been long one of the worlds prime car cultures. But America's love affair with its vehicles seems to be cooling. when adjusted for population growth, the number of miles driven in the United States peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily after. As of april 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in january 1995. "different things are converging which suggests that we are witnessing a long-term cultural shift," said Mimi Sheller, a sociology professor at Drexel University and director of its Mobilities Research and policy center. She cites various factors about how the internet makes telecommuting possible and allows people to feel more connected without driving to meet your friends. the renewal of centercities has made the suburbs less appealing and has drawn empty nesters back in. The rise in cellphones and car-pooling apps has facilitated more flexable commuting arrangements, inncluding the evolution of shared va services for getting to work. a study last year found that driving by young peopple decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009 and even car buyers are merely older or buying fewer cars in a lifetime rather than rejecting car culture outright. "pedestrian, bycycle, private cars, commerical and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emmissions and improve safety."      
Hello my name is Luke. You might have heard of me but if you don't i'm a Seagoing Cowboy from the UNRRA (the United Nation Relief and Rehabilitation Administration).I do things like take care of younge cows,horses,and mules over the water. The UNRRA has been low on Seagoing Cowboys and we need help. I would like for you and other people to apply for the job. You need to be at least 16,or graduating from high school "like me"or older. And when you are 18 you will be able to draft for military survice. If you are wondering there is nothing to be afraid of be of we ride on big boats like the SS Charles W. Wooster There are flaws to this job too,because when I crossed the Atlantic Ocean it took us two weeks. The lucky thing about being on a ship for that long is that I had my friends onbord and I was having a good time. And a good thing about being a Seagoing Cowboy is that you know you are helping others because of the destruction of World War 2. So if you need a job that would be fun and one you would like become a Seagoing Cowboy.
The big debate is wether we should use automated cars that are operated without a use of a driver controling it. I believe that this may be the way to create driving easier and safer for everyone. Driverless cars are going to be a great thing if the big companies like Google and General Motors keep developing this concept of a car drving on its own. The whole idea of having a car drive on its own just seems like a dream. Well in today's world we already have driverless cars in use in states like California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia. I believe that this is a big long term plan. It isn't just going to change in a year or two, this process in going to take time to develop. In today's world there are car wrecks that happen every single day, but what if we could stop the amount of wrecks with automated cars that sense danger and bring down the percent of wrecks a day. If we would be able to do this, it would make it safer to be on the roads and the streets not having to worry about other cars crashing into you. Now there are a lot of people that are highly against this idea. They believe that it will take to long. That we should trust our instincts while driving. Another thing is this process would have to be allowed by the law and government. I have to argue that this going to take a long time to covert everything for automated cars, and yes it will be expensive for the starting years. Think about it long term, everyday we use up natural rescources of our planet. Scienctists say that there are only so many natural resources and that we need to start conserving these resources. Cars fill up for gas everyday and use up these resources. Google's Cofounder Sergey Brin envisions that these automated cars will use half the fuel of regular cars today. That is a big difference and it will save us in the long run.These car can keep a safer environment for people. The human's can't rely on one another while driving. Too many people die every year in car crashes because someone was drinking too much or had some impairment while driving. Just think, the automated cars can't get drunk and swerve into another car. When this discussion comes up later in life remember this. These cars can hold the key for more resources in the future, and make it safe to be on the roads again. Be on the side of this argument that can make a difference in today's world and society.
In this story the author is trying to claim that venus is worthy of to explore even tho venus is dangerous and it very close to earth venus is the second planet from the sun its safe enough . venus is 800 degrees fahrenheit its the hottest surface temputure of any planet in our solar system venus is largely coverd with oceans and rocky sediment it includes familiar . feature that venus can sometimes be an option venus is slowly hovering safely far abover the planet . venus has value not only beacuse its insight to be gained on the planet by itself humans will be curious enough to go check out venus our earth should not be limted beacuse venus can be dangerius annd have doubts but we should expand and to meet imagination and innovation the author thinks that we should explore venus beacuse we could find something great . venus is a great planet to explore we just have to be curious enough to explore it .and if you want to explore venus make sure u brings lots of water and food and bring something to cool you down. Nasa is working on the dangerous of venus so we have to read more about it.
" What have Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S Chamber of Commerce, and the AFL-CIO all, in their time, agreed on? Answer: Abolishing the electoral college! Well i think otherwise. Electoral College is a process, not a place , which the election of the President is by a vote in Congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The Electoral College do consists of choosing the electors, reasons to keep the Electoral College method of choosing the president. The start of the Electoral College is well handingly choosing the electors, which consists of 538 electors each of course must be qualified. Most of 270 electoral votes are required to elect the president. The number of members in its Congressional delegation is equal to the entitled allotment of electors in your state, one is for each member in the house of Representatives plus two for the Senators. For the purposes of Electoral College, Columbia District is allowed 3 electors and is treat like a state. and when i say "state" for this topic i mean the District of Columbia. Well backed up reasons to keep the Electoral College method of choosing the president, A outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible, just look back at the year 2000 it was less likely then a come over the popular vote the Reason for that is the winning candidate's share of the Electioral College expanded his share of the popular vote. For example, Obama received 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and Romney. "Electoral College is a process, not a place " each and every step of the Electoral college method comes out to be a well handed system. Its more then enough fairness included when choosing the Presisent and Vice President. Popular vote is more based on "winner-take-all" System thats awards all electors to the winning presidential candidate, unlike the Electoral College which is a process that consists of choosing the electors, reasons to keep the Electoral College method of choosing the president.
Seagoing cowboys are very helpful to animals and to people, and that is why it is important to sign up to be a seagoing cowboy. It was an awesome trip for Luke and it can be your awesome trip too, without Luke going he would still be working 2 jobs and trying to figure out what to do for his career. And Luke thought it himself " He couldnt say no, he knew it would be an opportunity of a lifetime." Going to Europe is very exciting but, doing the work is important. Once Luke and his friend went to Europe they had to get to work right away. They had to take care of the animals so, they had to clean the stalls and they had all the hay and oats they needed so they had to feed the animals with water of course, 2 or 3 times a day. But, Europe didnt have much supplies so they had to help and get all the supplies they needed to survive and so thaey can work. Without working for the country you signed up for, there is really no point to be there. Why helping out and working is good. Europe needed desprite help with all the stuff they needed. And of course, You have to help them. Luke and his friend did all the work they could to help people survive and so they can work. In August they recieved new orders to new Orleans "We arrived August 14" Luke says. With a cargo of 335 horses plus feeding them it was alot of work. That is why working is good. Finally, you did it and you are glad. Luke and his friend made it all over the Atlantic ocean and helped the people and animals in Europe and they did a succesful job working. So when you become a seagoing cowboy you can everyone that you did it and you are happy because Luke had a great time and so did you. So, sign up to be a seagoing cowboy!
Do you know about the Seagoing Cowboys program? If you don't that's okay, because I'm going to talk about that today. Oh yeah, I'm Luke by the way, anyways let's get the program. The Seagoing Cowboys program is amazing you get to go to all of these beautiful places. The whole point of it is too help take care of animals, people, and even help built their houses (In Europe for know). The reason for that is, because the World War II just got done in Europe and everything is ruined there and we can help them. That's why we have the Seagoing Cowboys program to help what has been ruined in countrys. This is a good experience to help and see knew things. We're traveling on sea (I hope know one is sea sick) and the cattle boats are unbelievble. While we are going to help people you get to go past China, Italy and more places. This is a very amazing opportunity and I hope you do the right thing and sign up. In this program you can save peoples lives and make them happy. Also you can see some pretty amazing things, and you can learn new things. I really hope you join. Thanks for reading! Bye!
Being a Seagoing Cowboy is lots of fun. If you like animals you get to spend hours and hours with them. You get to play games to pass the time when your going back home. There is things to see so go sightseeing. You will be overseas so don't go if you get seasick. When you are a Seagoing Cowboy you get to see things you might have never seen before. In paragraph 5 it says Luke got to tour a ecavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to china. He also saw the Acropolis in Greece. You get to see these things maybe once in a life time. Seagoing Cowboys get to spend a lot of time with animals. The animals are mules, horses, and etc. You have to care for them all the time. You have to take them to the places they need to be. It says in paragraph 3 that you get plenty of oats and hay. When you have free time you can play games to pass the time. In paragragh 8 it says that the crew men play baseball, volleyball, table-tennis tournamnets, fencing, and boxing. They play these games in empty holds where animals have been housed. The fun things to do are thoses. So being a Seagoing Cowboy is fun to. That is why being a Seagoing Cowboy is fun and cool. When your a Seagoing Cowboy you get todo all this cool stuff like sightseeing, games, animals, and you get to be overseas. People might not like this job but I personaly think it sounds fun. So come be a Seagoing Cowboy today.
Fellow citizens, cars are starting to become a great issue in todays society. The gases they give off are very harmful to our community. Cars are also making more people overweight. This is because its much easier to drive 2 miles to work rather than walk and get hot and sweaty. In the article, it provides information about cars hurting our planet. Basically the issues are greenhouse gases. These gases that our vehicles give off are polluting our air to the point where its harmful to live here. Because of this, I feel that we need to limit car use throughout the United States. In doing this, I honestly feel like we can stop the pollution, or at least slow it down. Eventually there will be technological advancements that will help us solve problems such as this. But until then, we need to come up with a plan to slow down car usage and air pollution. Our people are also becoming more lazy as the progression of cars continues. What im saying is people would rather ride around in a car over getting outside and walking and enjoying our surroundings. This effects the world more than you think. The more lazy and out of shape people are, the less jobs can be filled because theres not someone in shape enough to handle it. Overall, our car usage either needs to come to a hault or at least slow down a great amount. All the US has focused on since world war 2 is the advancement of cars. I strongly belive that now is the time to change that and end this pollution problem.
Is studying Venus worthy despiting the dangerous it presents? Studies are doing whatever it takes to land a spacecraft on Venus despiting the downfall they had for more then 3 decades.I believe that studying Venus can lead us to something more about Venus.Three reason why I believe studying Venus is worthy are it's a planet that we know was once covered with water, we need to learned more about the others planet surrouding our planet, and more knowledge will developed. First reason studying Venus should continued on is because it was once surrounded by water. Which mean plants could possibly grow in that plant."Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Today, Venus still has some features that are analougous to those on earth." This reasons showes that studies should take they're time and go deep into their studying of Venus and find more reason to see if it's possible for humans to started their life in Venus. Second reason is we need to learned about the planets that are closer to our planet because dangers can occur to our planet if we don't study about the surrouding of where we are."Venus is sometimes right around the corner-in space terms- humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world."This showes that Venus is very close to Earth and anythig can happened if something was to happened in Venus. The last reason is more knowledge will developed."Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge." This showes that researchers and coming up with different type of machines to be place on Venus. In conclusion I believe that studying Venus is worthy of our time because Venus can be the next planet for our next generation to live on. We also need to learned more about the surrounding of where we live on in despite of any dangers thing we don't know where they come from.
Driverless cars should be a thing of the furture because our technology isnt advanced enough. Our cars aren't fully driverless yet but they are on their way. If the car still needs a human driver then their is still more work to be done. The driverless cars are a good idea but if we continue production instead we will have semi-autonomous cars instead of fully autonomous cars. The positive side of having these cars is that it will cut down on accidents by a good amount. Although if the car malfunctions or has a fail or fault then it could lead to an accident. Not to mention that what if its not even the car's fault, what if it is another drivers fault. The other thing is that it could cut down on human distractions such as being tired or something else of that nature. It could eliminate law violations such as speeding or reckless driving. The negative side is the thought in the back of your mind going "I hope this car doesnt malfunction" or instead the car may have a feature to if you want to drive you can turn the self driven option off and just drive normally. The cars do have a lot of safety feature already such as automatic braking, automatic steering and automatic acceleration. Will the car know what to do if a deer suddenly jumps out in the road, or if an accident happens in front of them will the car stop in time or will it become part of the incident? Manufacturers claim the cars have automatic steering and braking and acceleration. What if the unexpected happens. You cant program a car how to react for the unexpected if you dont even know what the unexpected is yourself. Driverless cars are a invention that is nearly complete but manufacturers still have some innovating to do. The cars have their ups and downs, but the question is will they be able to stand the test of time, wear and tear? A lot of factor play in on a driverless car and the manufacturers have to know everything about these cars before they send them out for consumer use. It is kind of hard trusting my life with a car that doesnt have a driver.
The Face on Mars was not made by aliens because, Earth has land formations as well that have unusual forms because of the way our techtonic plates move. Also if there are any aliens on the planet that could have made the Face form on the planet don't you think they would still be there after all they made the Face form there so they should have been able to survive on the planet. The strange land form, commenly remind people of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho because it have the same height of the Face on Mars. Plus, if it were made by aliens we wouldn't have found out about it NASA is really good at hiding things from us because they work for the government. Plus it is scientifically proven that nothng can survive in space because of the lack of oxygen and the coldness in space. Scientist have also found out that some planets have many features of the Earths inner layers, Plus in space there are many things such as metiorites thst could have hit the planet mars and amde that strange land form. The conspiracy theore is not true.
The author does not support his idea well. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus." the author never really gives us a good reason to explore and investigate Venus. The author mainly supports his idea with the fact that Venus may have been like Earth a long time ago, but it is not really necessary to learn about Venus. In the article, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus." the author supports his idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents by comparing it to Earth and how it has many Earth-like features, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth" paragraph 4. And even though this may have been true this is not nessacary. If we do somehow figure out a way to study Venus, what would we do with that information, it's just useless information. The author gives us some information about Venus in paragraph 3, "temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." from this description we know that Venus has extreme conditions, and that it is inhospitable for humans, paragraph 4, "our sister planet is so inhospitable". If human cannot inhabit Venus what would be the purpose of spending a lot of money in order to obtain information for our curiosity. In the article the author spends more time talking about how we would be able to explore Venus than why we should explore Venus. Out of 8 paragraphs the author gives us 2 paragraphs on why we should explore Venus, in paragrpah 2 he tells us that it is one of the closest planets to us. In paragraph 4 he tells us that astronomers are curious about Venus because it is so alike to Earth. Then in paragraphs 5, 6, and 7 he talks about NASA how they will go about exploring Venus, "Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the rolling Venusian landscape." instead of just giving us more than 2 reasons on why we should spend our money and time to do something pointless. The author did not support his ideas well. In the article he wrote more on how we would get to explore Venus rather than giving us more than two reasons on why we should explore Venus. In the article he gives us one big reason why we shouldn't try to explore, we can't inhabit Venus because of the extreme environment. And if we can't really do anything with that planet why bother trying to explore it.
Although there are many challenges to face in exploring Venus, the biggest one is ourselves. We have let our imagination overtake what we want. we can imagine crazy, bizard things; but that does not mean we can have them. And once we let our imagination take control, we lose. We lose what we actually want and trade it in for what we can imagine and know we cannot have. But our imagination is not the only thing getting in the way. Exploring Venus is a very risky task. With temperatures higher than 800 degrees Fahrenheit and atmospheric pressure ninety times greater than anything we can ever experience on Earth. The real question is, "Is exploring Venus worth the risks?" Well of course it is! Every single thign we do has its risks, but that does not stop us from doing things. We should not turn down an opportunity to explore the great universe we live in simply based of hardships. Just becasue it is hard does not mean is it impossible. Venus is the closest planet we have to ourselves. In paragraph two, Venus is reffered to as '"Earth's 'twin'." Venus is the closest thing we have to know what our Earth may or may not turn into. It is the only thing we can compare ourselves to. If the conditions on Earth turn into those of Venus, exploring Venus only brings us life. We can not take away life just because it gets hard! The fact that it is hard is what should be pushing us to keep exploring. There is so much we can learn from Venus that we do not even know and probably will not be able to comprehend. So that is why we need to explore Venus. We need to explore so that we can learn more about the place we live and the places around us. Venus is our neighbor, we need to know that our neighbor is safe. If we do not protect Venus, we are not protecting ourselves. Through all of the hardships and dangers, we need to keep pursuing to get to Venus. The more we learn about Venus, the more we can compare and contrast and see if the conditions on Earth are anything like those of Venus. If we give up on our neighbor, we give up on ourselves. Venus deserves to be explored and we, as a nation, deserve the chance to explore it. Not just for the bettering of Venus, but also for the future of Earth. We need to let our imagination run wild, as well as our spirit!
Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth. Therefore, scientist seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks. Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts, but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. A vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditios by staying up and out of their way. At thirty plus miles above the surface, temperature would still be toasty at around 170 degrees, but the iar pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit. The value of returning to Venus seems indisputable. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various form of life. Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on earth. Astronomers fascinated by venus because it may well once have been the most Earth like planet in our solar system. Venusiam geology and weather presents additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent ligtning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even to Mercury is closer to our sun.
When i heard about driverless cars i was shocked that they really were coming up with such a thing , yeah its cool but at the same time it is extremely dangerous. As you can see the automobiles are still having to alert the drivers ! How can it be a driverless car an still need assistance to get out of certain situations? I feel they shouldn't be realesed on the car lots, they can put many adults and children at risk. The pasage states ''wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive." The main concern is would the driver actually be alerted by the methods they have,when it's their turn to take control of the automobile. Also in the passage it states the car will look for any road trouble but will the car or driver be prepared for any kids darting across streets or any citizens on bikes . I believe thats another reason why this car should not be realesed is because in the passage it says ''and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers.'',''Presently traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." There are to many flaws in these Driverless cars for them to get on the main roads just yet. I feel if the public is concered about the safety of themselfes an their loved ones they would want to really postpone this driverless car situation, because a accident can occur in just a blink of an eye, you would basically be putting your life in danger by trusting technology that still has many problems and flaws . This is why I believe that these Driverless cars should not be realeased .
The Face on Mars is a mystery of how it was created. Know one knows how it was made, if it was created by aliens or just a natural landform. People may think that since it is in space it has to do with aliens in some possible way. Scientist Jim Garvin discovered a landform similar to the Face on Mars. The Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. It is a lava dome that takes the shape of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars. They also have discovered that the surveyor has labeled it a natural landform. The Face on Mars is catergorized as a mesa which is around the American West. Could the Face on Mars be a natural landform? The similar land form in Idaho has the same height as the Face on Mars. The pictures that they have captured shows the martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. If this was a alien type of act the MGS would have seen the alien's shelters, airplanes, and pyramids. The Face on Mars is not a alien' s sculpture. NASA's surveyor had labeled the face as a natural landform. The surveyor catergorized it as a natural landform because it didn't pick up any traces of alien activity. Also, if NASA wasn't forsure about their discovery they woudn't have posted it on websites or annonced it to the world. They said that they would have rathered kept this information classified. Why would you put a false statement on the internet, expecially if it involved aliens, because then the world would be going crazy. They would be preparing for them to attack and abduct people. I could understand why some people could believe that aliens made up this rock like object. One of the most obvious reasons is that it is space. On the day when they wanted to take another picture it was very cloudy and you couldn't see the face, which some believe that aliens had hid the face by a haze. But, we haven't had any discoveries or theroies of there being aliens in this galaxy. In conclusion, the Face on Mars is a natural landform that was not created by aliens.
Do you think this would be a good idea? In the reading Making Mona Lisa Smile by Nick D'Alto, Mona Lisa is mostly happy a little disgusted and a little fearful and a little angry this is about mixed emotions and coming up with a new technology about reading yoiur emotions and calculating them for you to see whos really happy or faking happiness. This is about calculating emotions on a three D computer. First off, Mona Lisa is mostly always happy and she wanted to come up with a way to see if a lot of school students are happy or just faking there happiniss and hiding there real emotions. there is this three D computer that can take calculations on your emotions and tell you if you are truly happy or hiding your real emotions. secendly, theres ba computer that contructs a three-D model of the face and all 44 major muscles in the model must move around like the human muscles. there are six basic emotions happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness the three-D computer can detect all six of these emotions and calculate the emotions and tell you how you really feel. you can tell when someone is truly smiling because there muscles in there face move a serten way and if it is a fake smile your muscles move a different way therefore you can tell if the smile is fake or not. Therefore, yes i think this new technology would work because the three-D model can detect the true feelings you have and calculate it i think you shoukd try this if you ever get a chance.
Studying Venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers because in the article it says that numerous spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours, maybe thiss issue explains why nit a single spaceship has touched down on Venus more than three decades, Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to studydespite its proximity to us. Also, the temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our planet. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun. Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking land on surface. However, peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere,rendering standard forms of photography the dense videography ineffective. Venus is so hot that it can melt metal.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author suggests stuydying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. NASA is working to try to get as much data and informaton about venus as possible, only because soon we could all have a space trasvling place to go to thats nearlry the same as earth one day farther in studying and knioowing about venus, it is called eaths twin. In the pasage it states "Thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus even more challengeing are the clouds of higghly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus in venuss atmosphere. On the planets surface, temperatures avaerage over 800 degrees fahrenheit". This shows why they was considering cars that hover over the land 30 miles up because us as humans wouldnt be able to be on the ground that long survivable level's but still dangerous levels of toxic to breath. They think venus may have life likely such as ours because at a point of time venus was half percent water and could have living things on it and alsohave closly matching looking vallys and mountains like ours, they are rally trying to take a closer look into studying and possibably making there way up to finally seeing it. In the passage it states."Venus was probablyciovered largley with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth..... The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familar features such as valleys , mountain,and craters". Basically these is all information i have givejn you for to telll you alll of what theey are trying to do wit venus and for us as good resoultes.
Many technological improvements in the field of education are being made every day. There are constantly new and exciting ways to educate and teach students each and every year. However, behind all of that technology there must still be a competent teacher/instructor there in order to fully teach the material. The use of the Facial Action Coding System in classrooms is not valuable because it lets teachers not engage as much with students, is not necessary for a successful learning environment, and would be too complicated and powerful for most computers to be realistically implemented throughout the country. While technology can definitely assist in giving students a worthwhile academic experience, there still must be a competent and engaged teacher past it in order for students to truly learn. With more and more advancements being made, it gives teachers and instructors less and less responsibility and obligation to teach properly and effectively. While some may argue that a human instructor is not necessary for students to learn, it is still more beneficial for a fellow human being to convey the lessons being taught alongside the technology than just the technology teaching. In the article, the doctor who helped develop the technology states "'' could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.'" This quote shows that this technology could essentially take over a lot of aspects of a teacher's job, giving the teacher less of an obligation to teach their students. Human instructors are important for people to learn material effectively, so they must be given a certain amount of responsibility in order for there to be a good learning environment. While this technology could theoretically be beneficial for students, it is not an essential aspect needed for a successful learning environment. The article talks about how this technology can assess people's emotions similarly to how people do in person everyday. In the article, the doctor who helped develop the software says "'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.'" This could be a helpful tool in certain scenarios, but as the article mentions, humans do this process naturally throughout the day and while we cannot assess as accurately as a computer could, we can still sense the general emotion of someone. This makes the face analyzing technology a possibly beneficial tool, but an unnecessary and unrealistic tool as well. Even if this technology were an absolutely essential part of every classroom, at this point in time it is not realistic to expect it to be implemented effectively. This software is relatively new and is powerful, so an expensive and powerful computer must be used in order to utilize it well. In the article, the author states that "Your home PC can’t handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa’s smile." This quote implies that most PC's currently available to people would not be capable of using the software. Even if most schools could acquire the powerful computers needed to run this software, it would take a serious and detrimental chunk of funding away from other more important school aspects such as lunches or libraries. Even though the techonology can be helpful in certain instances, it is not realistic to expect schools to be able to implement it anytime soon. The Facial Action Coding System is a promising new technology, and as such has it's fair share of issues. While seemingly impressive and futuristic at first glace, once one begins to take into account other factors the system starts to become more of an interesting novelty than a breaking new education tool to be used in classrooms across the globe. New developments often bring improvement with them, but before being implemented must be tweaked and carefully considered in order to be successful. In around a decade, this facial reading software could be a typical sight in many classrooms. But as it stands now, it has too many flaws and issues in order to be taken seriously.
This technology is unuseful. Teachers in school teaching students dont need technology to know how a child is feeling. If a child is bored, you can see it, if a child is happt or angry, you can see it. This techology is more of a for fun type of thing, like a game. This isnt useful for classrooms. This technology can only detect a few facial expressions, and there is more then 5 facial expressions. This technolgy would be a big waste of time for school and money. In the text it states that "... you can proabably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." To me this proves my point about just looking at someone you can know how they are feeling. If you are unsure about someones feelings or if they are not okay, then just ask. You don't need a computure to help you when you can be kind enough to ask and help the person with whaever theyre feeling, and just talk to them.
Can you imagine you not having to drive your own car? Well in the future driverless cars are coming to you. Many car brands are in on driverless cars. However, I am against driverless cars because of their many side affects. You may still want a driverless car because of the advantages but I do not want a driverless care due to it's many disadvantages. Driverless cars are coming in the future. Most people are excited about driverless cares because they blocked out the disadvantages. Other people feel how I feel, that driverless cars are dangerous and cause many problems to whomever may get in behind a driverless car. Driverless cars have advantages to a certain exctint but I feel they are unsafe to all humans no matter how they work. Driverless cars are expensive to make and would cause you to have to upgrade roads just so they can work which would cost millions and billions of unneeded dollars. Driverless cars are not so driverless, they still want you to take over the will as much as they neeed you to. Whenever their is an accident or something that the driverless car can't handle the human in the car has to take over and drive. This is very unsafe because humans may become unalert and unaware due to the fact that they are no longer in control of moving the vehicle they are in. Driverless cars are unsafe because if a human were to fall alseep they are unaware to their surroundings. Humans are unaware of the fact they have to still drive in oder to be safe and not cause damage to anything around them. A human has to pull in and out of the drive way in the driverless car. If the driverless car is so great, how come humans still have to drive? That is one reason why we should stick to humans driving their own cars. A driverless car the car will drive at a constant speed of 25 miles. In some cases that may be to slow. If their was an emergency the car would drive way to slow and could possibly put a humans life in danger due to the slow speed. In a driverless car, the point is to not have a human driving the car at all. In the driverless cars they still want humans to drive, humans tend to get bored and lack intrest waiting for a situation to happen. Safety is such a big concern in driverless cares. Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car as a human driver in control at all times. As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars. California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia have led the country in allowing liminted use of semi-autonomous cars; manufacturers believe that more states will follow as soon as the cars are proved more reliably safe. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault--- the driver or the manufacturer? On behalf on all humans I feel we need to stick to human driven cars. In driverless cars we would have to always worry about our safety. We would have to worry about the " what ifs" and all the possibilaties that could happen being in the driverless car. Many humans could be injuried or seriously hurt due to being in a driverless car. If anything were to happen in the driverless car who will the blame be put on, the person who made it or the person in it? In conclusion, drivers should go the safer route and drive themselves around instead of relying on a monitored car. You still have to worry about the possibilaty of something happening to you or anyone else in the car especially if you have any children. Drivers are much safer driving themselves around not having to worry about something happening to them or them putting their life in danger by entering the driverless car. Driverless cars may be cool but very unsafe until proven than can be safe and well organized all humans should stick to taking their self everywhere like we have over the last hundreds of decades.
In my personal oppinion I think it's best to keep the Electoral College. Don't get me wrong I think people should have a say in it too, but in all seriousness we the people we really can't make good decisions. For instance what they say may blind us from the hard on facts and we'll make a horrible decision just because they can manipulate us with words. The Electoral College can pick the person that is perfect for the job but we can't. "A candidate with only regional appeal is unlikely to be a successful president." (Richard A. Posner) It states there that if the person is popular in some sates and everybody likes him, that doesn't mean he would be fit to be president. The Electoral College doesn't pick them because of what they say and if they persuide you to like them, they look at the facts and see if that person is fit to be the president. Maybe it's best if they were to decide on the president but I'm also saying that we should have some say in it. We're the ones living here we all have a right too. It doesn't matter if we make poor decisions we're only human that's what we do, that doesn't mean we shouldn't have a say in it. "The Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational." (Bradford Plumer) Sure the Electoral College doesn't normally decide on what we have to say but they should take it in consideration. I think that we should keep the Electoral College and let the proffessionals do what they do best. As the people living with what the president has to say I still think it's highly important that we have some say on who the president is. Will we make the right decisions? probably not but we're only human can you blame us? No I didn't think so.
For many years, the automobile has become and remained a staple in the world as humanity's most popular choice of transportation. The number of cars manufactured by car companies has reached the hundreds of millions. Cars have been a trademark of American ingenuity and the evolution of technology. However, as we go into the great beyond that is the future, we must take into consideration the pains and risks of these vehicles, and if they are worth driving as the world population exceeds seven billion. Few people can recall a time where global warming wasn't the main conflict of scientists today. The Earth gets warmer as pollution levels rise as smog around cities like Paris and Mexico City reaches an all time high. The polar caps are melting at a rapid rate as hurricanes ravage the mainland harder and harder each year. What caused this stuff to happen? Why, look no further than our friends, the factories and automobiles! These two have been quoted time and time again as the catalyst of the global warming crisis. With such an adverse effect on the ozone layer, governments around the world have to do something to stop it from rising any further, with nothing short of success. Places like France have realized the extreme rise in smog levels in the city of Paris, that they had to do something. So, they made a ban on driving for people with even numbered license plates with only a few exceptions, and banned odd numbered licensed cars the next to try to curtail this occurance. After a few days, it worked. The smog cleared just enough for the French government to rescind its ban on license plates for the city. Such a huge difference in smog in only two days means that making a ban similar to this could be nothing short of beneficial for communities around the globe. So why don't more communities take up the hard task of making this ban a regular happening? It's a slow process, but it is happening, in unlikely places. Including over in our Western European ally Germany. Vauban, Germany is a small community town located near the border of France and Switzerland. This town is best known for it's extremely unorthodox method of removing greenhouse gases from the ozone layer. People have decided to give up their cars, just relying on other transportation like walking and taking a local tram. Street parking, driveways and home garages are just not allowed in the district, and this has caused a huge difference between non-car owners and car owners alike. Seventy percent of the population in Vauban does not own a motor vehicle, a large portion of them sold their cars to move out to this small, cozy little town. Busy sidewalks and the chatter of civilians outshines the faint murmurs of the few odd automobiles in the city. What started out as an odd social experiment has turned into a great community full of happy people. Although this type of community is generally unpopular, other countries around the world have come to like the idea Vauban came up with. The capital city of Colobia, Bogota, has a neat program they like to call the Day Without Cars. The title speaks for itself. Civilians would take one day out of the year to generally not use cars, to promote the likening of taking other modes of transportation to wherever you need to go. Countries in South America have noticed this day, and are looking to replicate it themselves, which ultimately signifies the success of the Day Without Cars. Countries around the world have all tried to curtail greenhouse gas emissions, whether by making a community built around the non-use of cars, making a day celebrating the use of other modes of transportation, or just banning the driving of automobiles outright. As just of a cause it may be, Americans are still hesitant to enact such henious laws. However, if more communities are built around this clean idea, more and more people will flock to it. It just takes preserverence, a strong plan, and a whole lot of sidewalks.
I believe that driveless cars are a bad idea . There are so many things that they still would have to improve before they would be safe. They arent totaly driveless anyway because you would have to stop and start driving when ever you come to construction or and accident on the road. Im going to tell you some reasons why i dont beleive they are a good idea. The first reason I dont believe that it is a good idea is because they dont know how to drive through construction or accidents that have happens on the road yet. You could be driving down the highway and as many accidents that happen you could just come around a turn aand then you would have to be watching very closley to know to start stearing the car. This could cause some mayjor issues as in causing other wrecks to happen. I know if I was driving down the road with a driveless car I would be kicked back an relacked. If you come apon a wreck though you could also be in a wreck because you were not ready. My second reason I don't think they are a good idea is because they wont have a clue who to blame if there was an accident. If you got in a wreck with someone would it be your fault or the other person or would it be the cars fault that you crashed? They wouldn't know who to blame for the wreck. If someone was to get killed in these cars the family and friends would blame it on the cars. They could have big problems with this because it may have been prevented if the car wasn't driveless. My third and final reason is what would be the price for these cars? I know that they most likley wont be affordable for some people. Yes, the rich could pay for this car because they have a lot of money and they dont have to worry about anything but thereselfs. What about the middle class and the poor? They already have to worry about there house payment and many other things. Will these cars be manditory for everyone to have so we don't have driveless cars and regular cars on the road at the same time? If so many people will have some serious trouble buying the vechile because they are short on money. This is why I believe that these driveless cars are not a good idea. Yes, some people may think they are the best thing ever. Some may just not care. I truley believe that we will be much safer and the other cars are more dependable if we just stayed with the old fashion you drive the care with a gas pedal and a brake. New technology is a good things but in this case I think that they are taking things a little too dar.
ON THE WATERS Have you ever thought about taking a ride in a cattle boat to europe? Well now you can have a chance to. This ride is to take care of horses, young cows, and mules that are shipped over seas. This is a great oppurtunity to go and help. In a different way called the Seagoing Cowboys. The people that go on this cattle boat are there to help countries that were left in ruins of World War II.This is a gruop to form the UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rebelion Administration). This group of people has 44 nations joined together to form UNRRA. This is how great it would be if you were to join this group. 44 nations is a lot and it shows you that the Seagoing Cowboys is a great group to help. You dont just go to help you can explore the places you pass through. Or you can go sight seeing and maybe see some animals, places, fivers, or maybe plants you've never seen before. That why we want you to join bacause it's a great group to join and it can get better starting with you. The UNRRA doesn't just help animals and allow you to go sight seeing. You may not no or realize, but you are helping a lot of people, because this is the main idea of the UNNRA. We would love for you to go and come with us it would be a great expierence for you and a great expeirence for other to know you. So what's your idea of the group how do you feel, would you like to come?
Scientists are debating whether the use of the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) to read the emotional exprestions of students in a classroom is valuable. The use of FACS to read expresions given off by students would be valuable because it is very advanced in technology, can scan a real face or a picture of a face, and can tell if a person is being truthful. the use of FACS to read expresions given off by students would be valuable because it is very advanced in technology. "For example, your frontalis pars lateralis muscle (above your eyes) raises your eyebrows when you're surprised; your orbicularis oris (around your mouth) tightens up to show anger." (paragraph 3, lines 27-29). FACS can read the smallest detail produced by the human face and connect that to an emotion. FACS isn't restricted to just natural faces, it can even read expressions off of pictures. The use of FACS to read expressions given off by students would be valuable because it can scane a real or a picture of a face. " Using video imagery The use of FACS to read expressions given off by students would be valuable because it can tell if you are lieing or being truthful. The use of FACS to read expressions given off by students would be valuable because it is very advanced in technology, can scan a real or a pictue of a face, and can tell of you are lieing or being truthful.
The arthor is saying that it can be possible to physcially travel to Venus as a exploration resort because of how much it's related to Earth. Venus is the second planet cloest to the sun and the third planet closest to Venus is Earth. Venus has mountains, valleys and etc. similar to Earth's terrain. Venus is a dangerous place to be at because it's exposed to heat a lot more than what earth is exposed. So for that reason, Venus would be an inhabitable place but scientists are working hard to figure out a way to be able to explore areas with such high amount of heat exposure. scientists has lauched machineries over to Venus to explore the varity of stuff over at Venus but all of the machines only lasted a few hours and then broke down because of how unsafe it is. NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus because they are curious to see why Venus is such a similar planet to Earth. The idea they had to help NASA explore more over at Venus was to use old mechanical technology because they thought that it would withstand the heat and pressure over at Venus. NASA is working hard to figure out Venus because in the near future they want to travel over there as another planet to attend on. NASA is curious to see how the near future would turn out with all of these expierements because they are curious to travel beyond their imaginations. NASA also hopes that in the near future, flying cars and better technology are there because they would like to travel to other planets over my using cars and vehecials. So the arthor may be right about being able to travel to other planets with how NASA is going so far with technology.
The author has sort of a dream of going to Venus. He claims that it is possible because they're both epual in size and similar in some areas. Besides the point Venus can reach up to extreme levels of heat from how close it is to the sun and all the fumes or carbon dioxide. Speakin of carbon dioxide majority of Venus think atmosphere is almost 97percent carbon dioxide. Reaching over 800 degrees on average, and the atmaspheris pressure is 90 times greater that what we experience on Earth, it can get pretty hot. It makes since to try to go to Venus, because we want to know if there is anymore life out there besides Earth, it makes since, but Venus would almost be impossible for a while until we get more/better technology to travel to any other planets. We might try to go to other planets before that on because it would be impossibly to try to live or stay there. We are more likely to go to Mars before any other planet, because it is also similar to earth, but atleast it not super hot like either Venus, or Mercury. We want to see if there are any other life out there so we want to try to go to other planets to try to see whatelse is out there, and as the author wants us to try to go to Venus, might not be possible for a while, but I think it will be possible soon.
Would a computer that can read you emotions be good for the class room? Facial Action Coding System allows technology to identify human emotions. Therefore it can tell weather someone is happy or sad. The machine can also tell if you are feeling mixed emotions by the muscle movement in your face. "'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr. Huang ptrdicts. 'then it could modify the lesson, like an efffective human instructor" (paragraph 6 "making mona lisa smile"). If the FACS systems was downloaded into the computers at school then students would learn better because the computer would know the best way to teach them based on there emotions. Second "'most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication,' notes Dr. huang. 'so computers need to understand that, too."(paragraph 6 "making mona lisa smile"). Since people can't always tell the emotions of another person in the class room or if a teacher can't tell if there students are understanding the contect they are teaching then the FACS would fix this because they would be able to tell if the student understands or still doesnt undersatnd the content being tought to him or her. FACS would be a good edition to the class room and to computers in the class room to help students learn and to help teachers teach to the best of there ability.