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Dear Senator, I believe that we should keep Electoral Colleges but massive changes to the system.  These changes would help prevent ties, avoid a large number of "swing" state, and also make elections easier.  For one to prevent ties, that is a hard thing to prevent cosidering we have no control over who someone votes for but it can be solved. If, in case of a tie, we due a tie braker as you will.  There will be a revotation process with 499 voters, these voters are picked at random in the city data base.  "...for example, Obama recieved 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him." Number 2 is to solve swing states, again this is something it is hard to prevent but can be solved.  There needs to be an equal number over information distributed among the states and so forth.  For the conclusion of making elections easier, we need to make the more convenient. It takes a long time to vote for you and could be faster.  Although the electoral system is slightly flawed we still need to keep the "peoples" president, and there are not manyn other ways to do this than to due the system we have now.  The only major problem is the the system is out of date.
Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us. On the planet's surface tempertures average over 800 degrees Faherenheit, and the atomospheric pressure is 90 times greater then what we experience on our own planet. Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained in the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. It tells us that if anyone went to venus the pressure will probably be hot as an oven like as heat and Other forces, and it can cause danger to people who goes there Venus's surface only lasted for three weeks in such conditions. But should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. A thick atomsphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atomsphere. Venus is the second planet from our sun Venus is like erupting volcanoes, powerful, earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking land on its surface. Radiation of venus would not exceed earth levels.
The reason we have not got to Venus yet is because all of the dangers that are stopping us from getting there there are many reasons but the main reasons is because it is to hot to land on the surface even tho is is not the closest to then sun it is the hottest planet. So since it is the hottest planest we cant get close to it with out us burning to death. So we cant land there so we willhave to find a way to grt as close as possible without dieing. Another reason it the amount of pressure on the planet is so strong that it would crsuh a submarine that is made for going and being able to stay at a high pressurer and not crush or break but if it where to go to venus it wiuld be crudh like a person crushing a peice of paper. We think we have found a way to get close to it we could use a blimb type of system and stay 30 miles above the planet. The temputrue would still be 170 degrees and thats still hot but if used solor power from the sun it should stay nice and cool inside the blimb. The last reason is our tecnology is not strong enugh to stand the heat it would melt and then there was no point of going to take like pictures and it would kinda be a waste of money so we need tecnology that would help then stay cool and not melt because if we were to go now the temputre is so hot that it would melt ten adn melt just like butter or ice on a hot summer day. So there are meany reasosns that we cant go there yet but if the tecnology gets better and better evry year like it has been we will be able to not just go look at the planet byt to get to go on it.
I think that this technology would be valuable. The Facial Action Coding System was created by Dr. Paul Eckman. It is a computer software that can detect 6 simply emotions depending on your facial expression. The software uses video imagery and then weighs different units to identify emotions. I believe it is something that would be valuable. I believe it would be valuable because according to Dr. Huang, depending on how a student is feeling during a lesson, the software could modify the lesson almost like an actual teacher. Most humans tend to not stay engaged in something if they aren't having fun. The software would be able to make the lesson more engaging and would want students to learn more. The Facial Action Coding system is a tool can also detect painting emotions as well. But mainly could help communicate to a teacher when students aren't engaged. I think that it would be a very valuable tool if used correctly.
Who would want a driverless car that will still need a driver? These so called "driverless cars" can be very harmful to anybody in the car. For one, the technology could fail, the driver would still have to pay attention as if they were dirving, and the car doesn't take care of all the gears or know all the new routes or old ones that have been shut down. So a driverless car sound like a good idea doesn't it. It probably is, but lets not forget about all of the faults that could take place. The car could have technology difficuly and could just flip for all we know. "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?" Now, does that sound like a risk to take? If someone is injured you could be at risk of getting in trouble. The article says "If the technology fails" which does not sound like someone who is sure of what they are doing. Think about this. Get this, the driverless car will still need a driver. For everyone who was thinking about getting one of these cars, think again. As stated in the article, "This means the driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires." Isn't the good in a driverless car the fact that you would not have to drive it? This does not give you that option. Why not just stick with Ubering where you dont actaully have to pay attention; the driver does that for you. What a great idea, a car that is driverless, needs a driver remaining alert. These cars do not take care of all the gears. They only take care of the steering, acceleration, and braking. The driver will have to stay alert and take care of the roads that are being worked on and around accidents. Why not just stick with normal driving then? These new cars are nothing good. It will take all the fun out of driving and your freedom. Okay, have to give props to the founders of the driverless car. It is a good idea, but also we have to keep in mind of all the faults it can and will have. The car is not actaully driverless, a driver will still have to be present and paying attention, the technology could fail, and the cars do not even take care of all the gears. These cars are mostly ran off of sensor and motion, so what happens if someone accidentally touches something they were not supposed to. Crash right there. Just think this over and make the right choice that driverless cars are no good for us.
In the article "The Challenge of Eploring Venus" it talks about the second planet from our sun (Venus) often referred to as Earth's "twin". Becuase Venus is sometimes very close to Earth, humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on the planet. The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it represents. Considering that no spaceship survived the landing for more than a few hours, it explains how dangerous it could be to explore it. However, the author still seems to think that Venus is worth studying. Even though Venus is so inhospitable, the author claims that scientists still discuss further visits to its surface. Reason being is becuase Venus may have been once like Earth at one point. The Author states that Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various froms of life, just like Earth. Even until this day Venus still has some features that are similar to Earth. Venus has familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. It even sometimes can be our nearest option for a planetary visit which is crucial considering the long time frames of space travel the author states. The NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has a possible solution for sending humans to study Venus after three decades. It would allow scientists to float above the fray and avoid the unfreindly ground conditons. Instead of the temperature being 800, it would be lowered to 170 if they used a blimp-like vehicle that would hover 30 or more miles over Venus. This would make Venus's conditions a little more bearable. Putting this idea to action wouldn't provide enough insight of Venus and its conditions. Scientists couldn't even take sampls of rock, gas, or anything else if they did it that way. Therefore, the author claims that scientists are working on a new idea to get up close and personal to Venus, despite the risks. Furthermore, the Author supports in many different ways how pursuing venus is worth the dangers. He provides examples of how sicentists are working to make something that would allow astronomers to visit and explore Venus, how they are fascinated by the planet, and how Venus has value not only becuase of the insight to be gained but also becuase of human curiousity will most likely lead us into many intimidating endevors and that dangers and doubts should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. Therefore, the author supports the idea that studying Venus is worthy of pursuit depite the dangers very well,
I think that this image of this face is very neat. Although I think that the face is real, but I dont think that the aliens did it though. I think that it was just nature made. Just like how if we are outside sometimes in the woods or just out in the yard you see like a heart shape or any shape on and object. You think its really neat and all but it doesnt go through your head that a strange living person made it. I know that it is on a diferant planet, and that we are looking for life some where else, but personaly I do not think that it is made by aliens. Just because they think that there is some other life out there doesnt mean that that life made this. If there was other life out there they would have been able to see the life moving around. Like us in the city or something we have monuments and statutes and they are all in or very close to the city. We dont just build somethng and have it we out where no one will go. There all in the city. So dont you think that the aliens would be out around admireing it, and looking at it. This is what I think.
Have you ever wanted to be a seagoing cowboy. Well you should be a seagoing cowboy because you get to travel the world and you get to work with animals. I think that you should be a seagoing cowboy like me because you get to travel the world with some of you friends and you can be with animals see some stuff on the way there and help the animals. I also think that you should be a seagoing cowboy because you can help the people that need the animals thatyou are taking to them. The text states that luke got to go al around the world and he did it with his best friend. The text aslo states you can be with other peope and you get to be with animals for most of the trip. Other people would think that you shouldnt because you uhave to be on a boat for over a month and the boat might sink, Because there are 335 horses on the boat. The text also states that you will with people that you dont know will be on the boat with you and you have to get to know the. The text also states that you can fall off the boat and into the sea if your not carfull.
There are alot of rumors going around about "Unmasking the face on Mars." Many say that it is a face that was created by the aliens in Mars. However, this is not true. Scientists in NASA have background information that states that it is a Martian mesa. The rumor of " Unmasking the Face on Mars" is false because scientists have background research proving it isn't, authors influenced readers to think that it was, and the scientists used higher quality cameras. Scientist have done so much background research on this topic of the "face" to prove that their statement is true. The scientists statement was that it was another Martian mesa. Martian mesa's are very common in the Cydonia area. Only that this one had unusual shadows that made it look like a face. Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Only to reveal that they were correct, it was just a natural landform. What the picture actually showed was butte or mesa, which are landforms that are common around the American West. Authors influenced many readers to think that it was a face so they could engage them. When NASA unvieled the image for the public to see the caption quoted, " huge rock formation... which resembles a human head, formed by shadows giving the illusions of eyes, nose, and a mouth." Many authors thought this would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars. To their suprise it did catch many readers attention. The " Face on Mars" starred in a hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows. and even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years. People thought the face was a bona fide evidence of life on Mars, evidence that NASA would prefer to hide. However, defenders on the NASA budget wish there was an acient civilization on Mars. Scientists took several pictures to prove their point. Another thing scientists did was take several pictures to see different points of views and from different angles. The first picture taken of the "face" was on the NASA Viking 1. The second picture taken was on the Mars orbiter Camera which snapped a picture that was ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. These pictures clearly proved that it was a natural land formation, a mesa, which were very common in that area. The rumor of " Unmasking the Face on Mars" is false because scientists have background research proving it isn't, authors influenced readers, and the scientists used higher quality cameras. These are the reasons how the "face" on Mars was never true.
My position on the driverless cars is that they would be good to have. A big reason for this is because if they had driverless cars recks would decrease and people wouldnt get hit crossing the road.the reason I think this is because the cars would have computers that would be smarter and more observent about there surroundings. They would be able to respond to situations better than what humans can. This would also make distracted driving a thing of the past because humans would not be controling the caar but instead it would be a computer with sensorse. A big problem we have now is destracted driving. It causes alot of accedents and caused deaths. a good way to have no distracted driving would be to have diverless cars. Not only would it stop accednts from acurring but also would minumize the deaths due to car crashes. The car would have a laser beam that forms a 3-D model of the cars surroundings. Having a car that drives it self would also make parents less afraid of there kids being behind the wheel. If thes cars can drive themself then ther will be no reason parents should be afraid of there teen getting hurt. most car crashs are caused by teen drivers. if cars drive them selfs then teens wont get into car crashs and maybe saving there lives. The only big problem of having driverless cars would be the price. if not every one can afford a driverless car it wont make crashs go aaway. yes it will make then less likly to happen but if not everyone can afford there will still be crashs. there will still be people driving and not just driverless cars. if they make driverless cars they should make it to where every one can afford them. In conclusion i think that they should have driverless cars.It would help in many ways and make travleing safer for would also reduce the number of car crashs. Also it could save lives of people. thats why i think we should have driverless cars.
Have you ever wanted to travel around the world and help people and animals at the same time? Well you can if you join the Seagoing Cowboys program. The Seagoing Cowboys program is an excellent program to join because of the experience, jobs you could do, and the cost. Most people have a great time on this trip because they can visit many places and sight-see while they are helping others and animals near you. I have visited places like Greece and Italy. I got to ride a gondola in Venice and visit an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal when I was on my way to China. When we were dropping off animals, we had time to play games like baseball, volleyball, table-tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling. One night, I was on the boat and I got the job of being a night watchman for the boat and the crew. Since the boat was full of animals, I had to check up on them every hour for the entire night. To be in this program, there aren't many requirements to get accepted. The requirements are that you have to have a diploma from the high school you went to and you have to be devoted to helping animals and humans around you. You also have to show respect to the captain and our crew members and you must show good character toward many others. Luckily, there isn't any cost to be included in this amazing program. I was working two part-time jobs which were a grocer and a banker before my friend, Don Reist, invited me to travel the world with him in a cattle boat. The boat I got boarded on was the SS Charles W. Wooster and we were heading to Greece and 335 horses and hay were on board. It was obviously an interesting and marvelous experience. To sum up my thoughts, boarding the SS Charles W. Wooster and signing up for the Seagoing Cowboys program was the best decision I have ever made and it was the best thing that has happened to me in my entire life. With the experience, cost, and job options you have on the cargo ship, it is an excellent choice to make. I'd suggest that you sign up for the Seagoing Cowboys program in the future.
The author of this passage supports his idea of the worthiness and challenging exploration of Venus throughout the passage. The author states that Venus is referred as our "twin" or "sister planet" and explains the surface terrain and atmosphere of Venus. The author also explains why there has not been any spacecrafts sent to the planet in such a long time. In the pasage it also states that "Venus could have been like our earth a long time ago and that it has similar features relating to Earth. the author Also explains why scientist are still fasinated and are still trying to figure out how to productivly examine Venus. Venus is our "twin" when it comes to different types of features he planet has. Venus is occasionally the closest planet to Earth. Since Earth, Venus, and Mars have different sizes and mass they orbit the sun and different speeds. This means that sometimes Mars is closer to us than Venus at the right time of year. Scientist examine and still want to study our neighboring planet Venus because they belive life couldve been supported on the planet at one point in time and want to know if the planet has had such capabilties. In the passage it states that there has not been a rover or a unmanned spacecraft sent to Venus in more than three decades. The reason that there hasnt been a manned mission before is that no spacecraft or rover has survived more than a few hours. Venus has a thick atmosphere that blankets the planet that contains 97 percent carbon dioxide. The planet also has a even more challenge to overcome,the clouds of highly corrosive acid hovering Venus has destroyed spacecrafts that have gone through them. The surface tempature of Venus is 800 degree Farenheit, and the extreme pressure on the planet is 90 greater than Earths. Venus has the hottest surface temperture in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to the sun the additional forces on the planets surface and atmosphere such as; volcanoes, lighting storms, and very powerful earthquakes has the planet at the extreme tempertures it has. Scientist are stil fasinated by the challeges ad risk venus has to offer. There sare many risk that scientist cant take or overcome ,yet. Scientist are discussing new ideas on how to safely and efficently study our Sister planet. An idea that NASA has come up with is to build a blimp-like vechical that could hover 30 miles about Venuss surface to avoid the harsh terrain and extreme temperture. The author states that the tempertures would still be more than we would normally experience on earth at 170 degrees farenhiet. The amount of pressure on the vechical at that height would almost be equvialent to earths sea level, these conditions are not easy but a human could survive with the right equipment and spacecraft. However this idea has its downside. Since the clouds are so thick and the atmosphere isnt clear from that height humans or cameras would not be able to observe from the ship or collect surface samples to bring back with them. The author writes this passage with convincing facts throughout the passage and explains the tough challenges that scientist have to overcome , which they will in our near future. In conclusion the author explains;the worth of overcoming these challenges , the harsh conditions of observing Venus, the details of the atmosphere and the challenges and risk and a likley solution to solve the problems of the planet Venus.
i think it is very valuable because it knows if youre happy or or sad which helps in a lot of ways. another intresting example would be "a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored."and the technology is so good it can make computer animated faces more expressive accroding to the text and can too for surgery videos. and the computer may not detect your emotional communication but noted dr. huang said "so computers need to understand that too. "The proccess begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face" and all 44 important muscles in the model must move like human muscles."it also says that we may some times not really know what is wrong with our friends and sometimes we can becaus of there facial expresion. or just behavior in general but sometimes they dont want to show that emotion or what is in them the computer can detect all of that. so i personally think it would be great because some people are usually shy and wouldnt really express there selfs to the class as if they were with there friends. so all we would have to do is just by a sinlge glimpes on the computer we can tell what is going on maybe something happend. and she doesnt really know what to do so she seeks help from a counceler and she just checks what is going on with her and just by that maybe her whole life could change by checking the computer. tech is advancing a lot and is helping the sociatey positivley and yet negativlily but hopefully one day it will all come down to nothing but potive stuff.
Some people think that the Face on Mars was created by aliens, which is anaccurate. Mars obviously has alot of natural disasters on its planet almost daily. These natural disasters could've made the surface into a face like shape by how much damage was caused to the enviroment. Mars is full of red bolders that could of been tossed around by the storms and left marks or craters in the surface. I have a little more detail to my theory. First, there is no sign of alien life on Mars. I'm not saying there's no sign of life on Mars period, there is sign of water being on that planet and possibaly plants as well. It's just that there is no sign of a species on that planet, not even fossils of the so called "aliens". If there was any aliens on Mars what material would they have to make any form in the ground. Aliens probably wont have any exsplosives on their planet with no material to make it with. Next, if there were any aliens why would they make a face on the ground. It has no meaning to it, it might just be a ruler/king or something to their people. I dont think aliens would want to put a face on the ground that barely looks like a face. The enviroment made the form because the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho was made by our enviroment, so it can be a caquensadence. That's a compairason that leads me to believe the enviroment of Mars made that face on the surface. Then, there are scientific facts and quotes from NASA that supports lots of evidence. Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter revealed that the Face was a natural landform. And added that "there was no alien monument after all.". The team snapped ten photos of the lanform that was sharper then the first camera of Viking 1. This team gives more evidence than the conspiracy theories by the public. In conclusion, I think that my theory is both accurate and logical. I took edvice from people who did their research on this topic. The evidence that i took were both believable and not crazy theories from ordinary citizens. These are my reasonings on why i think that the Face was made by Mars enviroment.
In the passage "The Challenge if Exploring Venus" the author suggests that the studying of Venus is a worthy pursuit dispite the dangers it presents by explaining the fact that scientist can not of study if that Venus is like Earth because it is studied from a far distance and that they need to get closer and get rock samples. For example the passage states ," More importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance. Therefore, scientits seeking to conduct a thorough mission to nderstand Venus would need to get close up and pesonal dispite the risks." This piece of evidence proves that they would have to go through with a mission to Venus to get rock, gas, and other samples for scientists to study to compare Venus to earth. Therfore, in the passage " The Challenge of Eploring Venus" the authors suggestion to study Venus should entirely be accepted with the evidence they provided but also dispite the risks so that we have stand point on how close Venus is to the Earth comparing rocks,gases, and other pieces of evidence.
the way the face is a natural landform and not created by a alien. in pargraph 7 give me the information to tell me that its a natural land say thousand of anxious web surfers were wating when the image first appeared on a jpl website, revealing a natural landform.there was no alien monument after all. next another way is i know its not created by alien is the picture actually show is the martian equivalent of a butte or mesa landform common around the american west the man say it remind him most of the middle butte in the snake river plain of idaho says garvin. its a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same heght as the face on mars. the martin meas is a term used for to use land forms and it no prove that there is the face on mars is created by mars.
When we use facial expressions it lets the person you are directing the expressions to know how we are feeling. We smile because we are happy, we frown because we are sad, we raise our eyebrows because we are shocked or surprised. We use usually identify those pretty well, but a computer can identify them better. I am for the value of using techology to read student's emotional expressions because teachers need to know what bores them or what excites them. When I first began to read this, I thought how can technology read our emotions? Then it states in paragraph 3 that the process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face. With all 44 major muscles in the model that must move like human muscles. This computer can identify 6 basic emotion: happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. With that type of skill, teachers can know what students like and don't like. Students get easily bored when it comes to school. When they come into the classroom, they don't want to do the homework or the classwork that was given to them. They want something that will entertain them and help them learn at the same time. With this new technology, student's facial expression will be identified when they like or don't like something. Teachers then can change the way the lesson is taught without changing the lesson at all as told in paragraph 6. This is a new way to change how schools teach. More students would want to come to school and teachers would have an increase in successful students. Knowing what we didn't know is creating more ideas to the future.
my reasons to think that the face or rock formation on mars that looks like a face is just a natural formation because many scientists figured it was just another martian mesa whiich was common around cydonia. also many conspiracy theorsts say that they are hiding something when actually defenders of the nasa budget wish they were an ancient civilization on mars also few scientists believed it was an alien artifact also when they took another picture 10 times sharper it revealed thatt it in fact was a natural formation. but not everyone was satisfied so they took another picture with MGS but it was not easy because It was hard to to find the exact position of it and they had to look throught wispy clouds. they also took a 2nd photo which was extrodinary because they used the cameras maximum resoulution which would show anything such shacks pyramids or planes you could see what the were what the picture actually showed was butte or mesa landforms common around the american west. therfore this evidence proves that the "face" on mars is just a natural landform common n the american west on our planet.
There are so many new techinologies in the world, such as diverless cars and many more technologies. Science and technology have advanced so the cars can sense and drive by themseleves. In the article "Driverless cars are coming," there are some postive and negative aspects of the diverless cars such as Sensing the world, Driving and assisting the driver, but beside that should we or not have driverless cars. We should have driverless cars. Diverless cars are easy to use and any age group can use them. The cars can sense and warn the driver about the dangers and that will increase the safety of the drivers. In the article it states that " Futher improvements in sensors and computer hardware and software to make drving safer are also leading to cars that ca handle more and more drving tasks on their own." In this line it tells us that these cars will handle more than just driving. In fact it will also take care of the safety of the driver. Do we really need driverless cars. Is technology taking over. If we really think about it do we even need driverless cars. If we have cars that don't need drivers to drive them that means some peoples will be out of there jobs. So does it mean in the future the cars will make humans more lazy and jobless. No, we don't need driverless cars, because we are making people more careless. In the article it states " The combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel." In this line it tells us that the car will mimic the skill of a human. Who will asure us about our safety in the car. Who will we blame for the technology. In the article it states " laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident." In this line it tells us that we still need laws that will cover the liability in case of a accident and one more thing to think about who will take in charge of the accident the car company or the driver if an accident happens. In conclusion, there are some negative and postive aspects of driverless cars such as who will take in charge of an accident. An negative aspects of driverless cars is that if those cars come in the market, what will happen to the drivers who drive the cars and earn from driving an car such as taxi drivers. An postive aspect will be that the new driverless cars will insure the safety of the passengers and they will not be distracted. So there are many good and bad aspects of driverless cars.
Hello, I'm PROPER_NAME and I will show you why you should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. if you want to go to many unique places around the world and help people in need while doing it, this is the program for you. Bonuses of joining the Seagoing Cowboys program from the article is,'' Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China, but seeing Acropolis in Greece was special.'' Other reasons to participate is after the animals have unloaded, the cowboys would play baseball and volleyball in the stables where the animals were. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, writing, and games will also help pass the time. You will be opened up to a whole new world. While your onboard you will have to work hard keeping the animals healthy and clean up the stables every day. You will have to know that you will have to take risks and possibly get hurt, but wouldn't you rather die or get injured helping someone than not helping them at all. Join the Seagoing Cowboys program today, and help somebody who has lost everything in their life. You will see that this is an opportunity of a lifetime.
The Face "The Face." Is "The Face" a natural Martian mesa with unusual shadow? Is this proof that there is life on mars? Are the scientists at NASA keeping life on Mars a secret? Well lets look at some evidence to prove or disprove these theroies. "The Face" is a nartual Martian mesa with unusual shadows,and the technology used in 1976 to take the picture was not as reliable to give a detailed picture. As u can see in 2001 the picture looks different because it it zoomed in, it gives better detail of the picture. You can see some of the hills and moutains in it,and its twists and turns. "On April5,1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Vikings photos." "The image appeared on a JPL web site,revealing a natural landform.There was no alien monument after all." "As the rule of thumb, you can discern things in digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size," Garvin added. So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" Some skeptics still think that the Martian mesa with unusual shadows still was made by aliens.Some skeptics say that the camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see "THE Face."
We discovered the face on mars twenty-five years ago and since then we have not uncovered anything that tells us there are alien life forms living on the planet. Is it still possible for there to be aliens on the planet, maybe. We could go back to the planet and see if there is any evidence of alien life forms now. The face on Mars is formed from wind blowing dirt and sand around, pileing it up and packing it together. Now it just so happened that it managed to form a face with eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Now is this a strnge thing to have happen, yes it is indeed but it still happened all on its own. If we were to go and look at the photots you would see that there are no footprints or anything aroun the face, there is just the face. Unless the alien life forms are living beneath the planet there are no aliens. Is it possible for aliens to be living underneath the ground of the planet, yes it is possible. For all we know there could be aliens living underneath the crust of our planet. We do have yet to discover everything but for now we will assume that there are no alien life forms living in this galaxy, maybe in another galaxy but not this one.
Imagine if there was a technology were you could read a person's emotional state just by the look on their face. You could see the percentage of how happy, sad, or angry a person is by their facial expression. This seems like a technology that would take years to create, but it has already been created. This technology is already being used and perfected as we speak. While creating this technology it was suggested that we should put this into classrooms around the country to read the emotions of the students. I believe that this would be nonbeneficial and a major invasion of privacy for the students. Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institue for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate. Thomas and his colleagues have created a technology that can calculate your emotional state. This would be expressed by a percentage of the six basic emotions; happiness, suprise, anger, digust, fear, and sadness. However, according to the article in order for this to work,"the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face." Therefore this would mean that the students would be watched by a computer or camera at all time for this technology to work. There can be arguements made that students are already watched by a camera or a computer at all times. While this is true, students are only watched to monitor their actions in the school environment to ensure the safety of the students. However, this would be watching more than just the actions of the students. It would be monitoring their body language, facial expressions, and emotional state. This would be a complete invasion of privacy for the students in our schools. This article also shows how this technology can benefit the learning of the students. The article states, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This would be a great thing for the students if we already have a human instructer. It is a teachers job to do the tasks that has been stated above. The article supports this by saying, "In fact, we humans perform the same impressive "calculation" every day." If humans already have the capability to perform this task, then why do we need a machine to do it for us. Therefore I believe that this technology would not be beneficial to students. As stated above, humans already have the capability to read emotional expressions on a day to day basis. This would also be a complete invasion of privacy seeing how the students would have to be monitored constantly in order for this technology to work. When someone asks you if you would want this to be put in the classroom environment. Think to yourself, would I want my child to be watched constantly and envade their privacy to read how they are feeling?
Although the school system has advanced quite far in recent history, there are still plenty of clear problems with the way children receive their education. Many students are constantly stressed out and are not truly learning the material because of it. Additionally, each student may have a different learning style, so it is not helpful to teach them in large groups with the same methods. The recent innovation of FACS (Facial Action Coding System) can be utilized by schools to vastly improve the way children are educated. Many issues with the education system could be improved upon, if not completely eradicated, with the use of facial recognition technology within classrooms. As mentioned in paragraph 6 in the article, FACS can be used to recognize when a student is confused. Schools could take advantage of this technology to notify teachers when a student is struggling with material, and help them get back on track. This would allow teachers to adapt their teaching style to best suit each student. Furthermore, all different ages of students today are constantly stressed out with the massive workload that is forced upon them each day. One of the many consequences of this is that the students may not actually be learning the material beceause of how focused they are on the responsibilities they have for other classes. A facial recognition system such as FACS could be programmed to detect when a student's facial expression demonstrates stress, and notify the school so they can proactively help the student cope with this stress before the situation worsens. This will help the student relax and focus better. The potential of this technology is huge, as it could be used to improve every student's life, both inside and outside of school. If schools were to have the ability to help students with any material they don't understand the first time and asist them in coping with or eliminating stress, it would make the experience of going to school much more enjoyable. This would motivate students to do their best to be successful in school, which would drastically improve their life, as well as society in general. If all schools manage to overcome the technical and monetary difficulties of implementing FACS in teaching, it would benefit everybody in many ways.
I am against the development of driverless cars. I am against them because they are not safe, they take away our abilities, and they are expensive. Everyone thinks theses cars are cool and will be better for everyone, but they are not better. They will destroy humainity. One reason I am against the development of driverless cars is because theyare not safe. The cars can not be reliable at all times and the driver must always be alert. I think the car should be relibale and not need the driver to be alert. The driver could be waiting for a long time before it must take over, or it could all of a suden have a disfunction and need the driver to jump in right away. These cars are very hazardous and not sfae for anyone. Another reason I am against the development of of driverless cars is because they take away are abilities. If we have driverless cars people will not drive. The cars will take over and we will forget how to drive and lose our abilities. Also, poeple will get more lazier because they do not have to drive, so they will not. The last reason I am against the development of these cras is bacuse thay are expensive. Thses cars cost a lot to produce and take a lot of time. The cars must have sensors and cameras and many other functions to be known as eligible and those are very expensive items. Why waste money on these pointless cars, when we can just stick to the original amd safer cars with drivers. Driverless cars are very dangerous and have much more work that needs to be done . I have many reason why I am against the development of driverles cars. These cars are really expensive and the price will keep increasing, they also need a lot of work to become safer, and they are making people laizier and losing their abilities to drive. I think they should stop trying to make driverless cars into something that will never be safe or cheap enough ,and just make the originla cars we have now better advanced.
Driverless Cars pose many possitives and negatives. Between saftey, saving gas, and overall practicallity there are many benitfits to this new form or transportation. Driverless cars are the future of transportation and will do many great things for the comunity and the people driving them. Driverless cars are the future. People are attracted to the idea of getting in a car and having it take you somewhere without ever touching the wheel. The cars pose many possitves for our society today. For example, driverless cars use almost half the gas that the average car uses today. This can solve many world problems like global warming and keep the demand for gas low which will keep the gas prices low. Another possitive is saftey. If computer drove every car people would be much safer than they are today. Computers are smater and more consitante than humans. This is why computers and robots have taken many peoples jobs, because they do it better. If the computers are well made then they will never make mistakes, therefore decreasing the ammout of crashes. BMW has made the car safer by providing in car entertainment on a heads up display that doesnt work if the driver is texting or on there cell phone, once again making the car safer. However for some people the concept of driverless cars is scary. For driverless cars to become a part of peoples everyday lives than many things will have to change. First many states will have to allow people and companies to test thier cars in their states. The cars will never be made if they cant be tested and profected in different states. Also there are mant question with the laws behind whos fault it is if a driverless cars technology fails and someone is injured, the driver or the manufacturer? These questions will be answered with time and once every car is a self driving car then that question will be irellivent. Driverless cars are the future for the automobiel industry. They provide a safer more fuel efficent mode of traspertation that will benfit america and its citizens.
Dr. Paul Eckman has classified six basic emotions happiness,surprise,anger,disgust ,fear and sadness. they are controlled by facial muscles above your eyes. People can tell when u are fake smiling or making a fake facial exspression. There is a new technology called the facial Action coding system enables computers to identify humans emotions. They also exsplain how people can tell what your emotion is by your facial exspressions. They can tell if you are happy or sad just by looking at you also when u fake smile specialist can tell because it streches your mouth sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle. A muscle called orbicularis oculi pars palpabraesus makes crow's feet around your eyes which is also a sign that u have a fake smile. They also explain the steps you can do to show what they are talking about with having "crows feet" when you are fake smiling. moving your facial muscles not only exspressses emotion, but also helps produce them and putting on a happy face eventaully works. some actors have to use these emotions and facial expressions when they are on stage. its crazy how making faces could show so much about emotions.
The Author describe how you can see emotions in the image of Monalisa. Many peaple can to think that the Monalisa is happy because she's smile but she can have fews emotions in the same moment. Leonardo Da Vinci's try to speak in this image that the emotions is how a mirror. Is for this the Author speak in the article that Lonardo Da Vinci probably knows study the emotion of person. I think you can see the emotios the other peaple because the face is how a mirror. you can look how you feeling in the moment. Is you are tired, sick, sad, happy, disgusted... But sometimes we can't see all the emotions, because Monalisa looks that she is happy but she can feel others emotions that you can't see maybe. My conclusion is you can see the emotions in the face but NO all the emotions. This happen with the expressions of my classmate they look very serious for the exam, others look tired but they maybe can be others emotions that I don't know.
Think of this, "car-free cities". To about 90 percent of Americans this idea may sound outrageously retarded. why? well, for those who own a car their car is extremely important to them because it's their form of transportation, but also think of the harm that cars have done in just the past decades. Our global warming levels have rose dramatically and cars are one of the so many reasons. Not just that, think of all the deaths that have been involved with car accidents. All this can be stopped if we learn how to manage our car usage. I'm not saying that cars should be banned or not used at all in our country, but we most definitely do need to be less dependent on our cars. Some places have already started the movement of car-free cities like in VAUBAN, Germany. They have given up their cars and have adjusted to a whole new life style. In the article "car-free cities" paragraph 3, a women named Heidrun Walter shares her opinion. "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." Not only can it be beneficial, but some people actually like the idea. Now lets think of air pollution that has rose our global warming levels. If you were to ask someone "what's the biggest reason for global warming"? The first thing that would come to mind to almost everyone would be air pollution caused by cars. This isn't just in the US, this is going on everywhere in the world, but some places are finding solutions for this problem. For example, in the article "Paris bans driving due to smog" paragraph 1, it says "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city". That's a perfect example of limiting car usage that can be extremely beneficial to us and our earth. Some people may ask, "how can you limit your car usage" Well, you can ride your bike to work, take public transportation, and also walk. Riding your bike to work or walking to where you need to go can be an advantage to yourself. Many Americans are so inactive due to their cars because it can take you anywhere, but if you go out and walk or ride a bike to where you're going you're helping yourself out, and no it's not like you have to do it every day, but its just a way that we can manage our car usage and it would be more helpful than you think. If we all take that big step and want to make a difference to our earth and its air pollution, we can achieve it. We don't necessarily have to be "car-free" we just all have to learn how to manage our car usage to make the big help. There would be less air pollution, our global warming levels would drop, there could be less car accidents, and less deaths. These advantages of limiting our car usage could just about save our lives and our earth. 
The Face on Mars is a natural landform because it as made by the events that are happening around the plant. Alien could not do have not done this because they would have been on the picture to.On the article 8 it said"The Face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was winter in April '98-a cloudy time of year on the Red Planet", maybe it had somthing to do with the cloudys that where in the sky. Maybe it was the Planet it self that created the Face on the Mars because of the heat. Like our planet it have different larys like the cruse, mantle, outer core, and the inner core. Like other planet it must of have lava to because it was created like our planet. It is more likly that it was created by heat and cooling, Article 12"That's a lava dome that takes the from of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars."
Reading the emotional expressions of students in a classroom can be valuable. In the text it states "a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becmoing confused or bored,' Dr, Huang predicts. 'then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." Also it could help you know when your friend is feeling down so you could help them. So all in all you are getting a great classroom expercience. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored' Dr. Huang predicts. 'Then it could modify the lesson, like a effective human instructor" So this could be the begging of a new era where everyone would be really happy to get back to class and learn because they never get tired of it. And we would get better grades and more interseting classroom studies. Well lets draw out a classroom problem that the computer would know when to change your lesson. So lets say that your in math class (everyone pretty much doesnt like this class anyways) and you have just came up on a really diffullct problem, (like this hasnt happemed? Right?) and you get stuck. What would you do in this situtation? You would probably give up? Right? Well by know the laptop would have deticted that your getting really confused and mad , and by know would give you a new problem or help you out. Am i correct. Maybe, maybe not. I dont know. But people around the worl would probably want this computer by know because it would help a lot. But there might be problems with this new toy, because not everyone shows there emotions the same. So how would you know what there feeling? That is a question that might have come up already and I know I probably want that answer. So how would they know what other people may be feeling? And will this product even be allowed in school?
Well when we 1st hear about the Electoral College we think it's some college where students go who drive BMW's, Audi's, Nissian GTR's, Nissan Skylines,Honda Civic SI's,Toyota Supras,Chevy HHR SS,Ford Focus RS,Subaru STI's,etc. But is it really a college like that? No unfortunately not as a matter a fact it's not even a college to physical go to if you thought it was a college you can physical go to then you are the biggest chunk that ever stepped foot on this earth. According to paragraph 1 it says " The Electoral College is a Process not a place the founding fathers established it in the constitution as a compromise between election of the president by a vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens." So when you hear that it's not a place and its a process yay! we're learning. But let me stop you right there happy readers who are learning, that's not the question so wait heres the part when you feel like the biggest chunk again... the question is Does The Electoral College Work? Aha see you thought you won the 4v4 but really it's just getting started. Like how can you win if you don't know anything about the process college well thank godness im here because im gonna educate you goats. According to paragraph 2 "The Electoral college process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for president and vice president,and the counting of the electoral votes by congress". So what i think it's saying is that this is how like our wonderful presidents get elected. this is the voting system that elects vice pres,pres,meeting the to runners and electors thats the electoral college in a nut shell. But you guys are still scrubs you need to know a little more before we can answer this question. Actually no we don't need to learn a little bit more you guys aren't chunks you are Pros at this we all are you know why? So let me tell you why our founding fathers started this in 1769's or something like that but ever since they made this system it's been going on until 2015! so the answer to that question would be yes it does work because it gives the people a right to choose who they want and the president doesn't get to much power and without this system we wouldn't have any presidents you know what i mean. -  Clown  
The electoral college is viewed by the populace as a greedy snake who is suffocating the voters freedom and placing it in a slate of electors. According to a Gallup poll in 2000, taken shortly after Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the election over 60% of the voters would abolish the electoral college and put in a direct election. The system is set up to where you may recieve the most votes yet lose the election so much for a "democracy". Yet some people still argue that the electoral college isnt flawed and fairly represents everyone. When one votes you are voting not for a president but for a slate of electors who then elect the president. These electors are not forced to vote for the cantidate you picked and in the past have not. Not only that but also the fact that the electoral college has the possibility for a tie (at that point the senate would elect the vice president) (state delegation would elect the president) this would completely abolish and not reflect the will of the voters. At its core the electroal college is unfair to the people it is a rigged winner-take-all system in each state since most candidates dont even take the time in the states they know they are going to win forsure or have no chance on winning. In the 2000 campaign 17 states didnt see the cantidates at all. Some of the ludicrous claimes made by supporters of the electral college are that you avoid run off elections, the so called "certainty of outcome", and many other outlandish claims which always avoid all the bad the electoral college does and only focus on the so called "good". It is a fact the people prefer a direct vote, the electoral college is unfair, outdated and is holding us back from expressing our full right to vote.
You should come and participate in the Seagoing Cowboys Program. There is alot of intresting stuff to do there. So just read a few facts that will make you want to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys Program. We get to take care of stuff like " The horses, young cows, and mulces that were shipped overseas." You get to go to many diffrent places. We get to go to an " excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal." We get to help lots of people that need it. It takes a long time to go over the Oceans. " It took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern cost of United States and a month to get to China. You have alot of stuff to do to keep you busy. If you get hurt you will still get to do some fun stuff. " Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helped pass by the time." So you should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys Program. It is a lot fun and there is a lot to do. We need you. Now do you want to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys Program?
The challenge of exploring venus is very risky because the dangers at the planets surface and around the planets atmosphere. Even though the planet shows lots of risks for us to explore it is still worth exploring our twin planet. The risks of exploring venus are the thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blanketing venuse. The clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus's atmosphere. The surface temperature averages over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than what we experience on earth such an environment would crush even a submarine accustormed to diving to the deepest parts of the ocean and would liquefy many metals. The planet also has additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. But dispite the risky conditions NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface would be to float above the fray. A blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape . At 30 pluse miles above the surface temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees fahrenheit but the air pressure would be more like the air pressure at sea level on earth. These arent easy conditions but survivable for humans.
Venus also called Evening Star is the second planet on the Solar System and is more similar to earth than any other planet. the scientist believe that at some point of time Venus might have been covered in oceans just like Earth and might have supported life forms that was able to live in venus. it is also the closest in terms of size and density. Venus has hot surface on the ground that make it impossible for the life orm to exist in venus. Venus surface is so hot that it can even melt down a sub marine that is designed to be in a harsh environment undernearth the ocean. thats the reason that no human has ever touched the Venus surface before. Scientist have tried many times to research the Venus surface but all they can do is to reasearch from Earth because every atempt to land on Venus has been unmanned and for reasons since on spacecraft has survived the landing for more than few hours. that is the reason why no spaceship has touced down on Venus surface for more than three decades. Venus is covered by 97 percent of Carbondioxide blankets. there is also Sulfuric acid that cover the Venus atmosphere. Venus surface is 800 degrees fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times more that on Earth. Thats is way too hot and dangerous for a human to live in. They also have similar features as Earth like volcanoes erruption, powerfull Earthquakes and frequent lightning. it also have Valley, Mountain and craters. Nasa came with a idea for a vehicle that can go upto 30 mph and is like a fighter jet that never touches the ground. Taking pictures of Venus from a ship that is orbiting or hovering safely above the planet is providing limited insight on ground condition because light cannot penetrate the thick atmosphere that covers the planet. Scientist are working on inventing mechanical computers like the ones they used in World War 2. Nasa is also working on equipment that they can use on Venus. they are testing those equipment or materials on harsh enivironment similar to on Venus but the longest they have survived is 3 weeks. Dangerous and challenging it is Scientist believe it is worth it because we can gain knowledge about the planet. Venus has harsh environment but if we can figure out a way to travel between planet it will open many opportunities and space travel will be posible and humans might be able to live not only on Venus but on other planets too.
Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers? The author of the ''The Challenge for Exploring Venus'' supporting his idea very detail and well by descriping and comparing with others planet and how challenging it is. First,he talked about how the Venus looks interesting and challenging, in the text its state that, "Venus is simple to see from the distance but safe vantage point on Earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely", also said its not an easy condition but survivable for human and also Venus is the closest planet to earth. But even though he said that he also state how, is state '' NASA is working and finding the best machanical and computer for to last longer in Venus and helpful to use. Second, the author also state which is very well to support his idea it said, '' A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more Challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venuss atmosphere''. which means that the Venus temperature and atmospheric is grater compare to our planet. He even state '' beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on its suface". And at the third, the author questioning to support his suggestion; ''why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface?'' also he answer '' Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system''. The statement prove that,he support his idea with details and well. The challenge must be not easy but as he said there's some people who is finding the solution and how to get better to prevent our world.
The author does a really good job with explaining in great detail as to why studying Venus is a worthy pursuit. There are many dangers to this such as how hot and how unearth-like Venus really is today, but Venus used to be just like earth with many oceans and sea like creatures that we have on earth as well. "Often referred to as Earth's "twin", Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occassionally the closest in distance too." (paragraph 2) He then goes on to explain how Earth is sometimes "right around the corner" from Venus and because of this we have sent numerous spacecrafts to land on Venus. Since no aircraft would be able to last over a few hours, no man has ever been in these spacecrafts that get sent there. Scientists are discussing further visits to Venus because they are fascinated with how much Venus used to be like Earth. "Long-ago Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth" *(paragraph 4). Scientists have discovered that to this day Venus still has many of thsoe earth-like features and are wondering if there is any form of life on this planet. Venus has valleys, mountains, and craters which makes the scientists think that man could probably try to take a trip to Venus in the years to come. Venus is so hot that it is one of the brightest points of the night sky which gives it the nickname "Evening Star" and it is really easy for stargazers to spot. NASA is working on other ways of studing Venus such as silicon electronics that could withstand the 800 degree and 90 times greater atmospheric pressure that is on Venus. Studying Venus is very much so beneficial because it seems like there could be a great deal of life-like creatures on this planet within years to come.
I am for the value of using this technology to read students emotional expressions. I feel like its a good way because it uses a 3-D comuter model. It will show you the different ads depending on your muscles in your face. The reason why I am for it is because" the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face;all 44 major muscles in the model must move like a human muscles." The second reason is because "...if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen,a similar ad might follow. But if you frown,the next ad will be different." This proves that the ads will change because of your face expresstion. I feel like this is a good way to know other peoples face expresstion so that way if you don't know if your friend or family member is mad,sad,happy,surprise,etc. Then they can use the Facial Action Coding Stystem so it will tell you if they are okay or not and if they need to talk to you than they can. Its also a great way for them to tell the difference between different expresstion. So when they get older they can know exactly what face expresstion they are using.
Many people in the world today are quite desperate to see change in their life. They are seeking a better life, something new and fun, and to do it for cheap. Walking or riding bike is the cleanest way to do all these things at once. The more people that are not using cars, the more accidents will be prevented. And there is no limit to how many people you can walk with. There's no cost to walk, you just do it. It's something the whole family can do together and enjoy the journey somewhere rather than being on their devices. In addition, fuel is not emmiting from your body into the atmosphere rupturing the Ozone creating all this Global Warming. Creating a world where transportation vehicles are obsolete will nt only benefit the people of this world, but the planet itself, and for the future generations. Accidents would be almost non-exsistent if we were to gert rid of motherized vehicles. In the article, "in German suburb, life goes on without cars" the author talks about how there are already cities in the world that have not banned cars, but choose not to use them. The people in those areas are close to no accidents at all. If there are no cars in the road then how can there be a car accident? The way the Germans started to remove cars from the road is by removing parkig lots. There are only two anywhere in that suburb and they are so inconvient. Any doctor in the world no matter how young, or where they live will tell their patients that exercise is the only way to stay healthy, energized, and feeling young throughout their life. Without cars getting from one place to another will require another means fr transportation. Now either wait for the bus and be late or wake up a little earlier and walk or ride your bike. It's cheap and effective not only for you but the enviorment. Fuel creates a gas that later rips open holes in the Ozone layer. Creating Global Warming which then in turn leads to higher taxes to allow for more money to be used in research to save it. Or you can take action now and save up for a bike rather than a car. It takes less management and doesnt take fuel. Just good old man power. It's tradgic in "Paris bans driving due to smog", "Delivery companies complained of lost revenue." this world is what we are leaving our children and their children to live in. Make sure you leave it better than when you came. In the four articles they all talk about the negative in driving rather than the positive. The reason is because there are more negatives to the industrialiaztion of a car rather than just going back to the way our ancestors used to be. Even our young as our vary own parents are amazed at how much damage this generation is doing to themselves and everything around them. It is the result of inventions like the automobile. Vehicles are efficient in some way, but you might prefer to take a bit more time here and there to allow that you can be there when your children have children.      
Do you wanna take care of horses,young cows,and mules? Well if you do,Join the Seagoing Cowboys in taking our adventure ot help people anad places bombed in World War ll. When Luke and Don were traveling over seas in the Seagoing Cowboys,They got their seaman's papers and boarded the SS Charles W. Wooster, Headed for Greece. The cargo was 335 horses and enough oats to feed all the horses. Before arrivingt in Greece,Luke turned 18, Which back then meant that Luke could be drafted for military service. A couple years later he was discharged,Luke had made nine trips,The most of any Seagoing Cowboy ever. The cattle boat trips were an unbelieveable experience for Luke being a small town boy. Before helping anyone he had the benefit of seeing Europe and China. But Luke also got to see the Acropolis in Greece and taking a gondola ride in Venice,Itlay. Luke also toured at the evacuated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China. It took two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern United States and a month to China. Caring for the animals during the crossings kept Luke busy. They had to eat and give the animals water three times a day. Bales of hay and oats had to be pulled from the lower ship. The stalls had to be cleaned.
"So you really think that was created by aliens?" says I to the man who thinks aliens created the "Unmasking Face". "Yes i really believe aliens made that". "How would an alien have made that ? ALIENS AREN'T REAL" I shout. I think to myself , this man is nuts how would a freaking alien make that if they never existed? Maybe he's just playing he doesn't really think that he just thinks its funny to play. "U HAVE NO PROOF ALIENS AREN'T REAL , IN FACT THE PROOF THAT THEY WE'RE ONCE ALIVE IS THE UNMASKING FACE DUUUUH" said the guy. "YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT PROOF BUT YOU HAVE NO PROOF THAT THE ALIENS MADE THAT , How about this neither one of us are correct until we get proven facts , Okay? Okay" I said to the man trying to stop arguing with him. "Nooo Nooo aliens were as real as ever they made this" he said ,"Actually i believe a natural landform created it , maybe time after time it starts to look more and more like a face but in reality it's just something that natural landform created , not aliens man." I said to the man who thought he knew it all . The man still seemed to want to argue with me "Now now now , you got a good point but nothing can make me believe that aliens didn't do this , I just CAN'T AND WON'T BELIEVE IT , my grandfather told me aliens created it as I was a kid so I believe that's how it was made."I no longer wanted to argue with the man so I said "Okay believe what you want" and that was the end of the discussion.
Do you really thing a land form could make a face ? To me that seems something is very unlikely. A planet that we do not look alike can make a face as a organism on earth? Well i don't think so and here is why. The photo isn't clearly shown as a face it just looks like a planets land form. It may aslo be a feture that is only unique to this palnet like the moon has thousands of craders. I just feel as if Earth has all the water and green grass on it mayb Mars has these land forms instead. Also it might be like how people gaze at the stars or the clouds to see if they make an object or a human face. If you look closley you can see that the "face" has ridges or canyon. So maybe the ridegs/canyons made the land form that way. NASA on the other hand and says there is likelyness of a human face. They also believe it is an alien artifac. According to the picture they say because of the shadows it portraies eyes, nose and mouth. They say that in the years that they took the picture it has developed more and more over the spands of years. In conclusion the "face'' to me is still just a land form. Just because it looks as if it is something could not just be made out of a human face. If they had more evidence then it would be believeable but until then my opnion is still that it is a land form.
the author suggests that studying venus is worthy pursuit despite the danger. i think he did good on support the story abouts why it worthy but it might not be worthy it might just be that all the spaceship they was using or the stuff on the ship making it not able to make it all the way up there they could be making the spaceship to havey or they need to study somewhere else first just to see if the ship the reason why the cant make it there and back. i think they should try a new ship or try to make it to somewhere else before trying to make it over there try somewhere closer so than maybe you find out how to get there or mybad get close to get to there that just how i see it if you say it worthy than try a diffent plant just to see if it easy to find out how to get to that plant you been talking about that why when u pull up all the reseach you can say as i was reach i find two way to get to the plant and they gone say how u find all of that to go with that and say when u find stuff you can get stuff from it.
Have you ever though about what I'd be like if you and your fellow friends, neighbors, peers, and family members had a limit on the amount of car usage, and how much that could possibly benefit you later on in life? Think about what type of advantages of limiting something like this. Throughout world today, people have been wondering what is best for their country? Should it be alright to limited on car usage? Ever since the first car was created all those years ago, many people in countries throughout the world have had a strong love affair with cars. But has that love for vechiles stopped? For the most part, cars have always been a major cultural popularity in America, and a large variety of other divrse countries throughout the world, but has that love affair with cars, cooliing down? It's been said time and time again throughout that it has been. If we were to convert into a "car free" world would that benefit us in the future years to come? For the most part, cars have had many positive effects on the enviroment. It has also, had major effects on people throughout the world. Some countries such as Colombia have began to take vital action by banning cars from the road for onwe day out of the year. With only having taxis and buses permitted on all roads. Doing so would promote "alternative transportation and reduce smog." During this particular day many of the Colombians decide to hike, bike, skate, and do a variety of other fun activities as well. In the article,"Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota" -by Andrew Selsky Bogota it states, "The rain hasn't stopped people from paricipating," says Carlos Arturo Plaza stated,"It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollutin, " as he stated while rolling down the street on his two seat, two wheel bicycle with his wife. For the most part, this day has benefitted Colombias enviroment and people darastically throughout the past couple of years, this day has even had more countries join this event. Countries such as Cali and Valledupar have also joined this event. Many believe that doing so has benefitted the Colombians tremendiously, and for the most part, it has. Sports centers, parks, sidewalks, and cities have started to boost up and bloom throughout the cities. For the most part, the culture of America has shifted shifted time, and time again. But through the past recent years the driving population of american citizens driving cars has decreased darastically. The question has been raised: Will american citizens continue to drive cars, and if so, will this be a positive outcome? In the past years the worlds most common cars that were in usage are known as the Model Tand the Detroit. But over the past couple of years these cars as well as many others have deminished in popularity of ranking.  In the article "The End of Car Culture"-by Elisabeth Rosenthal, it states, " Different things are conversing which suggest that we are witnessing a long-term cultural shift," said Mimi Sheller, who is a sociology professor at Drexel University and theDirector of Moblities Research and Polcy Center. she also states, "The Internet makes telecommunting possible and allos people to feel more connected without driving to meet friends." Changes like this could have a darasticallly great effect on people later on. Likewise with all of these changes about car commuting would be decreed darastically. Overall, throughout the world their has been many changes that have brought on many positive effects. The advantages given to us throughout the years has allowed us to communicate, socialize, and do many other things more then ever before. We have been given many modern conviences that has been a priviledge to all of us. Limiting car usuage would even iumpact us more in the future. I we were to limit ourseleves in the near future on car usage the effects would be of freat influence in the years to come upon us.               
Do you think driverless cars are really necessary? Car manufactures and Google are trying to create cars that are fully operational by themselves. They would require no driver and operate based on computer technology, sensors, and self operating mechanisms. But would this be a good idea? Would it require changes to everyday life? What if the technology that goes into one of these cars fail? I do not think driverless cars should be manufactured. It would rquire several changes including laws. Acording to the article Driverless Cars Are Coming, "traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." As a result of this laws would need to be changed if driverless cars were mass produced. The article also states "California, Nevada, Flordia, and the District of Columbia have led the country in allowing limited use of semi-autonomous cars." Driverless cars could also lead to conflict over the owner of a driverless car and the producer. The article states, "if technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault - the driver of the manufacture?" Cars should continue to be manufactured how they are. Adding more safety mechanisms would be better but allowing the car driverless would be dangerous. Laws and regulations should remain how they are without changes from a driverless car.
Computer Cars Would want a computer driving your car with your five month baby in the car? I strongly dissagree, I wouldn't let a computer drive my car! I personal think that the Driverless Cars are too risky. Therefore I dissagree with the Driverless Cars because its dangerous, laziness and expensive. The Driveless Cars ways are way too dangerous . What happens if the sensors doesn't go back to driver? The car will crash at some put of the place you going. The driveless Cars gets its battery ran down way too fast and that can be very dangerous, because the car can shut down. The car won't be able to you it's contact any emergancy savers becuase it wouldn't have any battery. Secondly , getting a Driverless car is being lazy. It's already unhealthly that we drive cars, and now it's going to be an computer driving the car. Some scientisits belive that the Driverless Car can cause the world to have everything done by any computer . That mean the world wouldn't be healthly because, everything would be done for us. Thirdly I think the Driveless Car is too expensive. The driverless car cost millions of dollars and that is bad. If the car breaks down it would be even more expensive. I think you shouldn't waste you live savings on that junk ! Inconclusion Driverless Cars are stupid! The car is dangerous and expensive . Driving the car will be
The author says that exploring and studing venus is worth because it ould represnet another plate where humans coud live but the conditions to go there are very dangeuous. Venus is actually one of the cloest to earth because it had everything earth does such as mounaisnand stiff . Bujt thre are several challenges to go there first of all the weather is 800 degress farenhight . We in earth are closer to mars in distitance . A spaceship hasn't toucehd venus in more than threee decates and scientist are working on ways to get our robots to go there and do some reachers and for the robots to actually last there since the temperatues arevery high . Venus has the hottest surface than any other lanet in our solar system. Venus has errupting volcanos and earthquakes and has lighting strickers frequently . My concution is that they should at least wait until they have really good technology andactually send a space shift of something similar so they can take studyines on venus and see if humans could last there of wha tother ersources they might have .
Luke Bomberger is in the Seagoing Cowboys program.Luke is telling the other people that are praticapateing in the program one of the men are tying to argu with luke becauce he didn't want to be in the Seagoing Cowboys program.Then I asked than whats the reason your here for.The man told luke i'm here for my family sir. Now whats the reason why you don't what to be here I asked.The man told me(Luke) because i'm scared for my family sir. Than the man tried to argu with me than my friend Don Reist walks over and says is there a problem here. We both just stood there. Don asked again they both said. NO SIR! Than it became night the man snuck to my room than the man woke me up with fear. The man and I stared to argu then there Sargit heard them and he woke from the sound of screaming and yelling final the Sargit got up and walk out to what was the mater then he saw me and the man arguing. The Sargit said WHATS THE PROBLEM HERE!!! I told him nothing sir. The Sargit told me and the man to go back to our rooms and we'll talk about this in the morning. Than by the time I fell asleep it was morning then we had to go to the Sargits office to talk about what happened last night. The Sargit asked me so what happened last night I told him were disagreeing on something. The Sargit ask and what was that how Seagoing Cowboys are not stupid.Sargit told me well thats his oppinun...
Some people may think that it is a valuable thing to have an emotional regontion in a classroom but i dont think it is valuable because then you would be invading someones feelings and thatts not fair. I also think that just because we have all this new and improved technolgy shouldn't mean to use it. One reason I say it woulldn't be important to to have a facial regontion in a class for students is because maybe the kid is angery or sad and if you find that out then talk to them about it it could bring up bad memories so the kid would eventualy just shut down and not talk at all. Another reason is that you could trigger some built up anger and then they could cause a bunch of unneeded choas or potentiely they could judt have enough of the bull crap and take matters into their own hands and i'm just saying but it could also cause more school shootings and this point in the U.S we don't need that on our hands. the final reason is that anymore technology is getting to out of hand in eyes like whatever happend to going outside and having fun instead sitting in frount of a screen play your life away to video games when we could do something to make this world a better place. Thats why i say that we don't need a facial regonition system to read a kids emotions because it would be more of a big mess then it would be doing anygood.
Most people might get sea sick, But I tell anyone who will listen that it is worth it. Being a sea cowboy is an amazing exspereance. There are many reason to be one such as not be put in the war, sight seeing, and sports with other people on board. Also you get payed watch and feed animals which is not that bad. When I was on the boat was saeled to Greece. By the I turned 18 which ment that I would be drafted. Sence I was a sea cowboy I was told to continue me work on board. This is only the lest exieting part of my jurny. On my trip I saw many different monumaets and struckchers. For example the Acropolis in Greece. I also saw the parts of Italy and china. Seeing places like the Panama Canal is one plasure of being a sea cowboy, but what would I do on the waters. On the waters I played games. Even with the boat rocking we played games like table-tennis tournaments. We also played other games such as fenceing, boxing, and baseball in some of the empty holds. If you are not a sports person the you could also read. Over all being a sea cowboy is a great job with may plasures of game, sightseeing, and no war. Even though it might be hard and tiering work it is worth the try.
"Vauban's streets are completely 'car-free'--except the main thoroughfare, where the tram to downtown Freiburg runs, and a few streets on one edge of the community." WHAT? I would never want to give up my car for anything. Yes maybe there are some advantages to living in a virtually car free zone but there are some downfalls as well. Many kids play sports and neeed a car to get the to their practice or game because the walk is just to far. I drive to Clearwater, Fl every week to get to practice and I know i would not be able to walk that far with all my equipment in time. My life, as of many others, revolve around cars and count on them to get them to where they need to go. It's crazy to me how it says that "70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars..." I guess it is possible to live without a car. Yet it is a good thing that more communities and cities are starting to do this to try and help the environment. Cars produce so much green house gases and that's why the environment is having such a hard time right now. All the gases that we produce such as cars, just get thrown up into the solar system and destroy our solar system. One woman that lives in this community stated "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." It proves that you don't need your own personalo vehicle as it just causes stress. If it's working for these people, it will begin to work for more communities that are changing to be like this and possibly, all communities will be like this. Imagine your life without a car. See the good things about it and the bad things. That's why I was so shocked to read this article since they just gave up cars. It wouldn't hurt to try it.
In the article called "Making Mona Lisa Smile", the author talks about a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System. This system allows computers to identify human emotions by studying the facial features of that person. This is a very valuable piece of technology to have in the classroom. In Paragraph 6, it says "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored" "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor". This could easily make test scores go up in many of our schools. In Paragraph 1, when describing Mona Lisa, it says "She is 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry". If it can truly see emotions that specifically, we would be able to find out if a kid is feeling depressed, which would definitely drop the suicide rate thats spiked over the years. We could also identify if a kid is feeling angry, and find a way to calm him/her before there are any fights, or even worse, shootings. Also, if we can see how a student feels about a particular lesson, we could adjust it accordingly. In conclusion, this new emotion-recognition-technology described in "Making Mona Lisa Smile" could be very valuable to the classrooms.
Imagine being able to know the exact emotions people are expressing through the use of technology. All over the world teachers wonder what is going through the minds of their students, and are often unsure. However, technology from the Beckham Institute for Advanced Science at the Univerity of Illinois, is being designed that can detect and determine facial expressions, giving teachers and students an advantge in the classroom.The use of Facial Action Coding System is valuable because it helps students stay engaged, and understand the material, while also helping teachers to run the classroom more effectivly. The use of the FACS in classroom helps students who are confused about their course work. The system can help with this, "A classroom computer could recongnize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts.The system can then change the method being applied, to one the student will understand. The system will remember which method helped the student more and use the same method in the future. This helps the student to learn in the way that make the most sense to them. Another advantage of FACS is it helps student to continue to be engaged. FACS can detect when a student is bored and modify the acitvity so the student is once again engaged. FACS can detect certain emotions and bored is one of the emotions. Certain facials muscles move when a sutdent is bored with the activtity assigned, the system recongizes these movements and, according to Dr. Huang, "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This helps the student to continue with the coursework, and stay engaged. A value aspect of FACS, it is can help teacher run classrooms more effectivly. Many classrooms are overcroweded, but teachers feel the pressure of giving each student personal attention. However many can not due to disengaged student who distrupt class. With the FACS system helping to resolve this number of students, teachers will once again be able to help student individually, enabling them to be more effective, and put their efforts where it is most valuable. Using the Facial Actions Coding System is beneficial in many areas, but is especially valuable in a classroom setting. FACS can detect six basic emotions, and modify assignment to keep student engaged, and help with confusion. With this technology from the Beckham Institute for Advanced Science at the Univerity of Illinois, teacher will have a better idea of what students are thinking and more able to help them more effectivly, giving individual attention to students who need it, as well as lower the number of class interuptions from disengaged students.
The Robot car era has begin, and trying to come strong as well. The car industry is ah huge industry , racking up billions every year but now there to start something new that will take the world by storm and the car industry will changed as we know it . The driveless car. People beileve this is what america and the world needs, but is it really? In the late 1950s, General motors created a concept car that could run on a special test track. the track was embedded with an electrical cable that send radio signals to receiver on the front of the car. engineerd at berkeley tried something with magnets with alternating polarity. This lead to the all luxury , well balcned , and smarter cars of today ,but can they get even smarter ? Srbastian thrun , founder of the Google car project , believes that the technology has finally caught up to began his dream. But before 2000, "there was no way" said thrun , to make something interesting . but now he is on his way to his dream , but is that dream reallt needed and was it safe as well. In 2013, BMW announced the development of "traffic Jam assistant". The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch srnsors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel. n fact, none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. they can steer , accelerate , and brake themselves, but allare deigned to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills , such as navigating through work zones and around accidents .
This essay is going to talk about the "Facial Action Coding System." This article is called " Making Mona Lisa Smile." And is written by Nick D'Alto. The (FACS) would be good in classrooms. This coding could be good for students and teachers. So lets say we do get this in classrooms, then the robot could tell if someone is having a bad day, or needs more help on something, just by reading their faces. Then the teacher would maybe help the student more or ask whats wrong, and get the student some kinda help. If someone has an IEP the robot could tell the teacher that the student needs more help on this on subject. The robot could possible help the student understand it. If the student stil doesnt understand the problem or the subject, the robot could go and get him/her and say to them " So and so needs your help on this problem or on this subject." And the teacher would go help them. Well the robot could malfunction in the middle of class and and go roge and start herting people. Well if that happended then their would be someone on stand by to turn off the robot and start working on him. So the robot could get back as fast as he could. Well what if that person is sick one day and the robot goes beserk. Then we will have a second person on stand by. The robot would be good in the classromms. This Coding could be good for students and teachers. If someone has an IEP, the robot could tell the teacher that the studnet needs more help than the other students. Well the robot could malfunction in the middle of class and go roge and start herting perople. This could be very good for the class room.
I think that this story is interesting about how they thought that driverless was a good idea. But people thought thay it wasn't safe and dangerous on how they would be without a driver in the car. The main idea of this story is basically telling us on how the world would be in the future and how they would achieve thay goal to make. Automakers thought that it would be easy for people so that they wouldn't have to be the one driving but the thing is you never know if there will ever be a problem. In my opinion about having driverless cars is not a good idea for our future. The reason for that is because basically automakers are making a robotic car that drives itself for the person to get to places. But when you make a robot, you can never be sure if it will ever have a problem. So say your driving to work and then something happens to the robotic car. Then it's the automakers fault for not making models to see if the driverless car would be find on its own. How the automakers say how they can make the car easy for you to not chech your phone while driving and making it do everything by itself so you don't have to do anything is not so smart. What if something doesn't work and then your stuck not figuring out what to do. To me, I'd rather be old fashion and to be able to do everything myself because then I would know that there wouldn't be able problems because I did it. It doesn't make sense though to why they would even think about having driverless cars with no one in them. Your basically just getting no where with that. This article is very interesting and can make people either like the idea of driverless cars or don't like it. Everyone has their own opinion and no one has to agree with each other. I just don't like the idea of driverless cars becasue they basically robots driving you and a lot can go wrong unless u make early models to test them first. But you also never know if the car would last either. Like if the automakers make the car be run on gas or make be a batter you have to charge. My opinion on all of this is basically welled explained and there's is no reason to change what is now and make thing seem different. You just never know what the future holds for us.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author explains how new technologies are allowing compters to read facial expressions. The use the Facial Action Coding System in classrooms is valuable, because it will benefit both students and teachers. This technology will help teachers identify if their students are understadning the lesson and if their students are enjoying the lesson and staying engaged. The Facial Action Coding System will help teachers identify if their students are understanding the lesson they are teacher. In paragraph 6 the author states,"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huange predicts." Teachers could use this technology to monitor their student's facial expression when watching a video or an online lesson. Teachers could ensure that all their students are understanding the content they are teaching. Teachers will be able to modify their lessons and how they are taught based on their students' reactions. They could also insturct their students to take notes on these computers, so that the teacher can identify if their students are fully engaged or not. Teachers will be able to understand if their students are enjoying the lesson or not with the Facial Action Coding System. The author states, " The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive--for video or video surgrey." This technology will not only help students and teachers understand each other better, but will help students have more fun as well. Teachers will have the ability to show more interesting and engaging videos and online simulations to their students, so that they will stay engaged and focused on the lesson. It will give teachers the ability to monitor the enjoyment of their students, so that they will be able to modify their lessons t o help keep their students happy and focused. This will also help teachers make their future lessons more enjoyable or less depending on the reactions of their students. In conclusion, I believe that the use of the Facial Action Coding System in classrooms is valuable, because it will benefit both teachers and students in the classroom. The use of this new techology will help teachers know if their students are understanding the lesson, and it will help students stay engaged and focused on the lesson.
Air polution, no money, and death, Oh my! Everywhere you go there are going to be cars. One of the most helpful and loving inventions of our time, it gets us from place to place in a short amount of time. But is getting to where you need to go faster really worth it? Money, safety, and protection to our environment all play huge roles when it comes to cars. The population of our world grows every year, which means more cars... Which means more air polution, more deaths, more of spending your money. Owning a car also comes a lot of things. Money for gas, money for parts that stop working, etc. With gas prices up and down all the time, we find ourselves spending way too much money just to fill up our vehicle. You would be amazed at how much more money you would have if you weren't spending on gas and other things your car needs. It also requires no excercise at all, which is really a disadvantage to our health. Imagine what a simple difference can make. If we all walked or biked to where we needed to go, we're doing something great for our bodies and our environment. Not only is it jeopordizing our health, but our own environment's, too! Every single car and every single drive is polluting our air. Do we really want to end up like Beijing, China? As of now, they are known to be one of the most polluted cities in the world. What about safety? Car crashes are one of the most common deaths. Such as two major factors, texting while drving and driving under the influence. No matter what state you're in, when you get behind that wheel you hold a big responsibility. So is putting your life on the line really worth it? By limiting car usage, we can make a difference throughout the world. We can lower stress, death rate, air pollution, spendings, and so much more. If ONE day of the Day Without Cars in Columbia made a difference, imagine what a whole year, or years, could make. There are so many better options to get to where you need to go other than cars, such as bikes. So what if you don't get there as fast as you would in a car? The point is, you're still getting there. You're also not putting you and other's lives on the line. Better for the environment, better for others, better for you!                        
The world is facing incredibly drastic climate change due to car emissions and power plants, both are burning fossil fuels. Things may look bad, almost irreversable but the sun has not yet set, there's hope and it comes in the shape of a shifting world wide attitude towards vehicles. Governments are focusing on making green zones designed to limit car use. There are a plethura of positive effects that this may have on society. Reducing the temperature of a rapidly heating planet will allow us to savour our oceans rather than running from them as they grow to envelop our costal cities. It will relieve stress from those who had been trapped in a car all day and last, but not least, it's not difficult and one wont be alone in their endeveors. To begin, cars emit green house gasses which will acumulate in our atmosphere trapping heat underneath it as it tries to leave our planet. This leads to a cumilative effect that causes the earth's average temperature to rise. In Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars Elizabeth Rosenthal says "Green house gas emitions from cars in America make up fifty percent of all greenhouse gas emitions in the country." America barely has any regulations in relation to greenhouse gas emitions to start with but this is crazy. This problem could be easily solved with a few regulations  and some smart city planning. The benifits of this includes but is not limited to, more temperate climate, less airborne carcinogens and of course no crazy drivers. Another good reason to switch is riding a bike or travelling on a train or bus is much more relaxing than rapidly driving down the highway being cut off by rude drivers and endangering yourself simply by merging. instead you can lesiurely wait to arrive at your destination. In German Suburb Elisabeth Rosenthal writes a quote from an interview which says "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm so much happier now." This media trainer said this as she walked the streets of Verdant "where the swish of bicycles and chatter of wandering children drown{ed} out the occasional distant motor." This is beautiful, borderline serene, only a crazy person would dissagre with such an environment. Now traveling all the way across the world, from Germany to Columbia. These countries are both spearheading the experiments with pollution reduction and in Bogata -The capital of Columbia, they actually organize "Car free days" seven million people in Bogota alone participated in the event, violaters would even have to pay a $25 fine. According to Andrew Selsky, the author of Car Free Day Is Spinning Into A Big Hit In Bogoto, "[Even] the rain hasn't stopped people from participating." It seems that, rightfully, this event is treated as a celebration and it has great effects on the environment. In conclusion these every one should follow suit with this beautiful and healthy way of tackling environmental issues. If people stay on track it will be easy, fun, relaxing and the Earth will be admired for many years to come.              
The topic of driverless cars is highly debabated today, and will continue to be in the near future. Each side has many pros and cons that they can bring to the table but I believe that there is one argument that is bettere than the other. I believe that driverless cars would not serve a significant purpose in our society today for many reasons. The name driverless goes to tell that a human would not need to operate the vehicle. This is not true, in fact driverless cars can not yet function without a human behind the wheel. These cars cannot handle driving in things like road construction or avoiding an accident. These cars can drive on the roads if traffic is not a big issue, or if there is not any construction or detours that need to be taken, but if you live in an area where these things are common, it would simply not be wroth your money to purchase one of these vehicles. Another reason that i do not support driverless cars is that driving one of these cars could cause more accidents than there are right now. if the operator of the car is not paying attention to their surroundings, and the car cannot handle a certain situation an accident is almost certain to happen. Also, in the case of an accident that is caused by the technology, who is at fault, the driver or the car manufacturer? New laws wouold have to be implemented to solve daunting issues like these. Things like insurance companies would have to also adapt to these new cars hitting the road by devising new policies for the people that own a technologically advanced car like these. Another reason that i am against driverless cars is that these cars could potentially take away thousands of jobs. If driverless cars can replace taxi drivers, thousands of people will be put out of work. These cars may be good for long road trips, but they are not as good as navigating big city traffic as a human is. Humans can make quick decsions and may be able to avoid these accidents. Plus, there is often road work being done, and can stretch on for miles, and humans can handle route changes and detours better than technology. These are many reasons that humans are better suited to drive cars. Technology will continue to advance, and will get smarter, but will it be safe enough to use without someone overseeing it to make sure that no mistakes happen? This is why I believe that humans should continue to drive cars, and not technology.
Studying Venus would be a worhty pursuit despite the dangers because it would provide great information and it is very unique. Venus is like no other planet; but if it is so dangerous, why do scientists want to find out more about it? Astronomers are interested in Venus because there is a possibility that Venus was the most Earth-like planet in the solar system years ago. To start off, even though Venus is very dangerous, exploring it would provide a lot of intreging information. With an atmosphere of nearly 97 percent carbon dioxide and 800 degrees Fahrenheit, scientists are already trying to find out more, but they are not sure how, without having to be on the rocky yet toxic surface. "Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape"(5). If NASA can put the blimp tactic in motion, scientists can start getting a much more magnified look at the mysterious planet. Even if the danger is extremely high, one scientist one of these days eventually is going to try to explore and find out more amazing facts and imformation about Venus. So why wait now? In addition, exploring Venus would be worth it because of it's uniqueness. If any group of scientists were to go on a safe trip to observe the Evening Star it will probably be the most memorable day of their lives. Because there is nothing like Venus. "Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us"(2). This shows that scientits have already attempted to learn more about the mystery planet, but haven't been very succesful. These scientists need to take flight. The only way that they will be able to get as close as possible and get the most accurate and approximate information is by being inside an aircraft hovering above the gasous planet. If the practices are completely correctly and safely and all of the precautions are met, there shouldn't be a problem with trained professionals to take on the unique ball of gas. In conclusion, Venus is a mysterious planet that needs some research to figure out all of the different functions it has. And it's purpose for our world and solar system, because if it didn't have a purpose, it would't be in our galaxy. Studying Venus is definetly worth the risk because there is so much information that scientists could use to their advantage and to truly see how unique this planet really is.
My position on this situation is that it would help a lot of people out. In my opinion, I believe driverless cars would be a great idea. They could help with the flow of traffic, help people who are not the best at driving, and help prevent crashes form occuring. According to the article, the evolution of cars has come a long way. In paragraph 3, General Motors was trying to create the concept of a car that would run on a special test track. It worked surprisingly well but it would turn out to be too expensive. In 2013, BMW developed "Traffic Jam Assistant" which a car would travel up to 25 mph. The only problem was that they weren't completely driverless. It could steer, acceleerate and brake, which is an amazing concept and could help with elderly people who can stop in time or go fast enough to go with the flow of traffic. It states in paragraph 7 that, if a car happens to be in a dangerous situation, GM has created a system that will vibrate the seats when the driver needs to take over. While the Google car simply announces that the driver must take over. In paragraph 9, it says that in most states it is illegal to even test drive computer operated vehicles. If a new law is created and passed it will allow driveless car to be legal, I believe that they will become very popular. Although the thought of this driverless car idea, the drivers need to be aware and still watch for any signs that something bad might occur. Drivers must always stay focus and with the right people driving them, it would be a fantastic idea. If the system were to malfunction and the car no longer can drive itself, then the driver must be ready and still know how to drive a car normally. With more testing taken place to see if that would ever be the case, people would be more willing to try it out and see if its a good idea. Who knows, it might be the next big thing. With technology always changing and new ideas occuring, the future is bright and holds so much potential.
This is an essay about Venus. In this essay I am going to tell you about the Venus an is it worth pursuit despite all the dangers. Venus is to me is yes it is worth pursuiting despite all of its dangers to the human life form. I belive this cause how are we ever going to know the truth if we don't go and find it out for ourselfs. We have to go out there an look for ourself so that we know what is out there. What really extist was there once life form on Venus. If so whendid they die or are they still there. See we will never uncover the truth if we dont break out of our shell and go exporing to the unknown we have to do it. Nobody esle is going to go out into space and find out what is really up in space. We have our theory about other life out in space, of the once vallys, mountains and the carter on the surface of Venus so that we have our theory that once a long long time ago there once were a form of life on Venus. Now we have to think about how they lived, how they got their food, how they did all the thing sthat we as humans do but on a planet that has low gravit pulling you down. On Earth we have a greater about of gravit pull us down to the ground than Venus does. Earth has also more water than Venus does now, but what if that was to change . What if the planet Venus had more water than Earth. What if Venus and better things than Earth does. Then why did Venus died what had to happen to whipe out and whgole plant that had maybe life form of some sort and that we know had water and enough oxygen to have the livingh life form of some kind to kive there. So what did happen to the planet Venus. How did this onbce living planet now become with no life form of any kinds. The only danger of this idea of going to the planet Venus is that what if they don't make it home. Whatif ther are other life form living on Venus still but we just dont know what they are or how they came about there are hunders of thing that we as human we have not yet discover. An maybe will never discover about how we got to where we are today. How we have got what we have today. These are thing that we may never truthy understand about where we came from. How we got to this day in time and how are we going to live these thing are unknown, till the end of time.
Lots of people in the world use vehicles in their daily lives but do they know what they are responsible for twelve percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and fifty percent in some car intensive areas in the United States. Thats one of the reasons why limiting car usage would be so great for us. Another great advantage we would have by limiting car usage would be lowering stress and lowering air polution as well,"said Carlos Arturo Plaza." Also limiting car usage would make cities denser, and better for walking, those are the advantages of limiting car usage. First off, limiting car usage would reduce greenhouse gases. Our cars are responsible for twelve percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and fifty percent in car areas in the United States. That is an unbelievable percentage of greenhouse gases in Europe and an unreal percentage here in the United States. Lowering that percent would be great and alot of people would be thankful, and that would be an advantage of limiting car usage around the world. Another advantage of limiting car usage would be lowering stress and at the same time lowering pollution. If you limit car usage and just stop driving a car, grab your bike and go for a nice bike ride, it would be a good thing if you are stressed out, it will take your mind off of things and allow you to ease the stress and just relax, and while your not even thinking about it, you wouldn't be polluting the air because your on a bicycle. That is another great advantage towards limiting car usage. Also limiting car usage would make cities denser, and allow more walking room for people to walk around instead of having to dodge vehicles. If we limit car usage, we could probably build and make more parks where people could walk and exercise, but if we have alot of vehicles driving around, how could we do that. So therefore, limiting car usage would allow us to do that and there's another advantage of vehicles being limited. Now do you understand how limiting car usage has its advantages? Here i'll let you know again. One it will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by alot. Two it can even lower stress as well as when your not even thinking about it, lowering pollution. Not driving a car and lets just say you go for a nice bike ride, that will lower your stress, it takes your mind off of things and allows you to relax, and at the same time your lowering pollution. And finally, it will makes cities denser and allow more walking room for people. Those are the advantages of limiting car usage.  
Have you ever had a job in high school when it was a huge deal. Well if you did not i'm going to inform you about a teenager who has one. If you have a bet it is nothing like this one! So, now I am going to give you some deatials about this passage. Which side would you pick. First who would want to miss out a job of a life time! In the passage it states , "Luke could not say no." If Luke could not say no then why would you. Also the text states, "He knew it was an opportunity of an life time." That should be another reason why you should be apart of the Seagoing Cowboys program. All the things that Luke was saying I would want to sign up myself. Next ,but on the other hand it is a terrible idea to go to the prgram. One reason is it is a long way to travel . In the text it states, "It took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from eastern coast of the U.S.A and a mouth to get to China. also you will miss all of your loved ones. These are some reasons why you should not join the program. In conclusion I think it was a good Idea to join the prgram.I have stated why and why not to join. Also they exsplain them to to give you more deatials. This job is a great opportunity . Luke side of this essay is right.
Have you always dreamed of a world with driverless cars? Your dream may become a reality. Google and automakers like Audi, Mercedes Benz, and Nissan have already started the process. Driverless cars have been discussed and shown in television and movies, and this may become an everyday thing outside of Hollywood. This could change the world and our future drastically, however, is this a positive or a negative change? In this situation, the outcomes turn out to be more negative. One example of negative change is that the cars would not be completely driverless. What is the point of a driverless car that is not ALWAYS driverless? Drivers would always have to be anticipating their turn to drive, which could cause stress and anxiety. During this time of waiting, drivers could get bored and find something to distract themselves with, such as a cell phone. By the time the car needs the driver to take control, they may not be fully attentive or ready. This could result in a crash or unsafe driving. Next, safety is key when it comes to automobiles. Right now, in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driver cars. Only California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia have legalized testing driverless cars. Although more states may follow, traffic laws are very strict, and even if they change, new laws will be made in order to cover liability in case of an accident. Technology can fail, and if that were to happen, who would be responsible? The driver or the automaker? This could result in disagreements and chaos. Finally, this could be expensive. Google has a modified Toyota Prius that contains position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camers mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an intertial motion sensor. This technology all works together to produce a 3-D model of the cars surroundings. If this car is not even driverless, how much technology would be needed for a driverless car? It could get very pricey. Driverless cars are a new and upcoming idea. The results turn out to be more negative because of them not being completely driverless, the safety, and the price. This could change the future if they end up being produced. Technology leads to new discoveries every single day, and in a few years, we may be accustomed to not driving anymore.
Cars polut the environment so a couple governments banned them. the bennifits of banning cars are actually better than some one would think. An advantage to banning cars is less polution, less clutter in the street and a happier life. Less polution is great especially with all of the machines running now adays. polution causes holes to from in the atmosphere, the atmosphere is what hoilds in the air we breath. The atmosphere also plays a much larger role in our way of life. Ever heard of the word global warmming? Well itws because the earths outside temerature is hotter then what it should be, because there are holes in the ozone layer. The ozone layer is like insulation in your house it keep cold air in on hot summer days. most polution comes from cars alone just because they are used so much byt everyone. Having less clutter in the streets is always a good thing. Having less cars will lead to less accidentrs and less fatalities. People will not worry as much and it'll cause less stress. with having less cluttered streets that means more people will be walking by stores and resteruants, which leads to more buisness for store owners. living a happy life in very important. I believe that if your not happy then your not living right. Banning cars reducess stress and stress mAKES PEOPLE UN HAPPY AND NOT LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST.
In "The challenge of Exploring Venus" the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author gives alot of examples and support on why venus should be explored. Although the dangers might be to dangerous for anyone to physically be on it, the author shows how we can avoid making contact on the planet and how we could gather information of the planet. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author gives us many examples on how NASA can study Venus without being harmed. The author mentions all of the dangers Venus comes with. For example, the author mentions the atmosphere being 97 percent carbon dioxide. (paragragh 3 line 1). In this case the crew on the ship will have to be very careful because if they are exposed to the carbon dioxide in the atomosphere, they will suffocate to death. Another danger the author mentions is the planets surface tempeture and the atmospheric pressure. The surface is 800 degree's Fahrenheit and the stmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on Earth. These dangers are very serious and will be very harmful if any human comes in contact with it. After naming all of the dangers Venus presents, the author gives many examples on how to solve the issues. In the story, the author supports his idea of studying venus by listing examples on how to avoid the dangers. For example, he mentions how NASA is compelling an idea for humans to study Venus. NASA's compromise is to allow scientists to float above the planet. The author gives us readers a mental picture by having us imagine the scientists floating about the surface of Venus studying the atmosphere and the surface itself. The author lists how the scientists would feel in the blimp like vehicle icluding the tempeture and pressure level but states they would be able to survive the climate. NASA is also working on some electronics to withstand the pressure and heat of Venus. For example, NASA has made elctronics out of silicon carbide, which has been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface, that can withstand the climate for three weeks. That would be enough time to gather the information the scientists need and return the gadgets home safely. Another project is looking back at old technology called mechanical computers. These computers were used in the 1940's during World War II. These computors are ran by gears and levers and does not require any other electronics. This importanat computer can be very helpful because it can withstand the heat and pressure in the atmospher of Venus. These examples can help persude other scientists to want to do research on Venus and not be effected by the other dangers. In conclusion, the author showed me that studying Venus is worthy enough to study. The author lists many percautions on how to prepare for the rough climate the scientists will face. The examples the author gives on how NASA is working on getting scientists on venus with new technology is phenaminal. The author gives us a life lesson by stating that dangers in the world should not hold anyone back and that people need to get out and explore. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author gives the readers many examples on how NASA can study Venus without being harmed.
Students may have probelms and can be mad or sad in sometimes but some people don't like when someone comes to them and start asking then about how they feel, some studens could prefer woek on their problemas by themselves. First of all, using a system that shows how you fell could be a little bit too far, it's ok to care about other but knowing how they fell could disrespect their privacy "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored", what about is sad because he is having family problems? it would be rude to ask him why are you feeling sad in front of a class. People actually feel bad a lot of times, and some people don't like others to stay on their bussiness. I would be really wierd to see how someone feel wtith helpa from a compute, if you are trying to help somebody, it not honest to know how someone else feels with a computer system, if you really care about someone, whn you are about someone, you should ask them how they feel and if they don't anything is because he don't want other people to knwo about it, people shoul respects the other's feelings. Using a system that shows how someone feels in students is disrespectful, because you are not respecting their privacy, they should never use those systems at school. -
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author supports his idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers by stating that Venus once had a ocean cover on it. Also that Venus once maybe had a kind of life form on it. In the article it says that "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray" what that means is that we can build a blimp like vechicle to move ontop of Venus to gather rocks, or even dirt to take back and study. In the article it says that Venus and Mars are our sister planets. Venus also has a tempature of 800 degrees Fahrenheit which makes it really difficult to get to. but scientist think that Venus is worth the risks. Venus being called the "Evening Star" is misleading because Venus is actually a planet. Its just really bright that even amature stargazers can spot it. Also scientists want to study Venus becuase its the cloest planet to Earths density, and size. And they want to know if it is abke to hold life on its surface again. Venus is worth the pursuit because theyre so many benefits to finding out what Venus brings to us. Making Venus livable will make an huge stamp on the histoy of space science.
The technology to read the emotional expression of students in a classroom is valuable because there it can show when someone is getting bored in a class. There are plenty of reasons for why to use this technology. One reason could be that it will detect when a student is bored or is becoming confused. Another reason that it should be used is that it would help inprove the lesson or what is being taught. Also most human communication is non verbal, so then the computers need to understand that. One example on why the technology should used is how it will be able to detect when someone feels a certain way in a class or a lesson. The text states, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,"(D'Alto). This would help students and teachers because from the students prespective the teacher would know how he/she felt. A way that this would help teachers would be that it would give the teachers some feedback so that maybe if their student is bored to make their lesson a little energetic. Then the students and the teachers may have more understanding of eachother. Another reason that would make this technology valuable would be that it would help improve a lesson for the students when needed. The text states, "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor"(D'Alto). This is refering to the last point. So if a student is bored, the computer would recognize the problem and change the lesson for the student so they could be more enthusiastic about the lesson. For example if a student is borred about learning about geography, and the student is bored then the computer could change up their lesson by watching a movie that follows what the person is learning about. Also another reason for using the technology in a classroom about how a lot of human communication is not even talking to someone it is more body language than anything. The text says, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication"(D'Alto). This means that not everything is about just talking to someone but there is also a lot that goes on with their body, facial expressios, the list goes on. For example a person can a have a converstion with someone and not even mean what they are saying, and the computers would be able to tell using their facial expressions and body language. Whether a person think that this new technology is completely useless or not, this could help for students to learn more, and have interest in learning. This could help students by actually learning and doing better in school, because they would be able to fully understand each concept. For example if a student is confused with something and the teacher doesn't notice it the computer will, and it will change the lesson so that the student can get a grasp of the subject. maybe this new technology shouldn't be introduced into a classroom, but it would be of much help.
The face, is it martian made or a natural landform? The face is not a alien artifact it is a land form that is formed with facial features like eyes and a nose. The Viking 1 captured a mesa land formation that resembled a face not a martian made artifact. In 1998 a MOC team captured a picture that proved the "Face" was a mesa land form. Then agian in 2001 another team captured a picture of the mesa with a Mars Global Surveyor agian NASA came to the conclusion it was a mesa. In 1976 a Viking 1 camera captured a bone chilling picture of what looks like a face. As scientists studyed the picture they came to the conclusion that it was an oddly formed mesa that resembled a human face. After they let the picture out to the public the popularity of this mesa sky rocketed it haunted the world for twenty five years before NASA did another expadition to prove it was a mesa. In 1998 a GOC team captured a picture of this so called face. After further exsamination NASA found the face to be a land form commonly known as a mesa. After studying the mesa the group of scientists compaired the face to mesas in Cydonia, the area the face was found, they came to the conclusion the face was really a mesa that had a peculiar formation. Then agian in 2001 skeptics lead NASA to do another expadition to capture another picture of the phonomanon. After finding the same evidince as they had the past two times NASA ruled it a mesa. Skeptics had no way of saying the face was anything but a mesa. NASA had proven it three times there was no denying it, the face was a land formation that was rather common were the pictures were taken. Now NASA could be wrong the pictures could have been edited to contain the secret that there was life on mars. NASA could have tampered with the photographs to mislead the public. But life on mars would be good for NASA, the fact that we are not alone would get NASA the funding to start all kinds of expaditions that would help the United States in the Space race to mars. If there was life on mars NASA would have trillions of dollars to fund there research on the planet. This proves that NASA's findings were correct that the face is a mesa that looks oddly like a human face. After reading this you should realise the face is nothing more than a mesa land formation that was blown out of preportion. The media took a simple fact and turned it into a alien artifact this concludes the fact that the face was a naturally formed mesa nothing less nothing more. The face is a mesa that looks strangly like a human face that became a pop icon for twenty five years.
As I read this article about Driverless Cars, my mind wonders to a whole lot of problems. Although right now I am not directly affected by this because I have yet to get my license, I dont find the driverless car project as a good idea. The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of a Driverless car taxi system is a limited budget which means a limited amount of driverless cars. Also, how much would these cars cost? In paragraph 10 it states the vehicle makers "Tesla, Mercades- Benz, Audi, and Nissan". These car companies already sell higher end regular cars at high prices, let alone a so called Driverless Car. A big position on my behalf of Driverless Cars would also be safety. As stated in paragraph 9, "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault - the driver or the manufacturer?". Everyday technology fails in some way, shape or form and people in turn get hurt, injured and sometimes killed. My question to myself that I am pondering would be, "how safe is it to step into these Driverless cars and be able to trust that something won't go wrong?" For decades now, people have had to learn how to drive. Some would even say that there is a thrill that comes from driving and that it keeps your mind alert. So what is the point of a Driverless Car? In paragraph 8 it says "wouldnt drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive?" This statement tells me that humans like to drive and that in a car where we wouldn't need to be alert or wouldn't need to do anything, we would get bored. So when I asked "What is the point of a Driverless Car?" I believe the answer would be that the human species is lazy and a Driverless Car would mean less work and more relaxation. In the end, I do not see a time in the future where there is no need to buy a car anymore. Driverless Cars and our roads would need a lot of work before it could be anywhere near possible to have a car drive itself by 2020.
I do not beleive that the author justifies their statement of "Venus has value" in paragraph 8. The author does not explain the pros of exploring Venus as well as they explain the cons of why we should explore Venus. Why do I think this? Well the autor describes the deadly, hot and thick atmosphere of Venus, stating that the reason exploring Venus is worth the risk is because "Venus still has some features that are analigous to those on Earth." Well, does that justify spending millions or hundreds of millions of dollars on a rover or a spacecraft to explore it? I don't beleive so. It's quite simple to explain why Venus does not need to be explored or closly examined from high up in it's atmosphere. The pros do outweigh the cons in this aticle, here is a quote from the author: "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." That temperature is obviously deadly to humans, and that is a major risk when it comes to spending millions on making a rover that will only last up to a couple hours just to get a glimps on the planet. Or maybe just to get a couple pictures. The author does not go on to say how exploring Venus with genuinley benifit the human race. The author simply explains how scientists are curious about the planet and what is on it, I do not beleive that satisfying our curiosity will help anyone. This is a quote from paragraph 8 of the article that states: "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likley lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." Now, to add on to the last quote I stated from the article, the author does not state what the human race would do with that "insight" that we would gain about Venus, they just state that we would have insight. well then I would ask the author, what is the point in the insight if we wouldn't be able to do anything with the insight that we have gained from the exploration? All that we would gain from spending millions on sending a spacecraft to Venus would be meaningless insight and the feeding of our curiosity. When there are many bigger issues to be solved here on Earth. For example, the crisis that is curently happening in Venesuala, their government is shut down and millions are starving, some familys have resorted in digging through the trash for food and we could help them, but instead we want to spend money on gaining "insight" about Venus? Which the article states that Venus is too dangerous to go to anyway. It angers me that half of New York could be underwater in the next thirty years from global warming but we are worried about getting a small peek into the world of Venus. I do understand why Scientists would like to go to Venus, it would be a great acheivement for humanity. But I am a firm beleiver that our planet should come first, after all, we do only get one Earth, that means we must take care of it. Maybe one day when Our problems down here are solved and we have the ability to really gain benifits from Venus then I will want us to explore more. But for now I'm sticking to the thought that our planet comes first. In conclusion, no, I do not beleive that the author of this article did a good job at explaining why studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers of it. Because in the end it's not just the dangers of going to Venus that keeps me from beleiving that we should. It's the problems that we are facing here on Earth that are far more important.
This use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. As stated on paragraph number six towards the end, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored". We can always detect on the way a perdon is feeling just by looking at their facil expression that they are giving .This new computer technology thing would turn out to be somehting very succesful to a way that the teachers would now be concerned to where exactly it is that the students might just need help. This proves that we can not always prove how a person is feeling to help them out because they don't speak up even though it just might be because them may be feeling scared to ask a simple question. Teachers would feel a relief on even aswering a simple question that would turn out to help out and improve on something for as simple as it may be.
The authors claim supports the idea that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despites the danger becase their are conditions that they have to be careful with. My first reason is that not many people survive for hours. My second reason is that the conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on earth. My third reason is that technology tends to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions. " Each previos mission was un manned, and for good reasons, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." When they are flying and trying to land carefully, and they are in the ground the spaceship might end up exploting. " Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on venus in more than three decades." So they can tell why it didn't land safely to venus. " ... such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals." If you go way to deep in the ocean you would liquefy many metals." ... weather presents additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface." This can couse many different weathers. " Modern computers are enormously powerful, flexible, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions." If you do a physical condition something can happen to you. " By comparison, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces." If you have something mechanical part around you it can melt in your body and it will burn yor skin. In conclusion, all of the conditions that they said that can happen to you can couse you to die. When you are in a spaceship try to land carefully so nothing bad happens to you.
Driverless cars may seem like a good idea now , but they really are not . Driverless cars could possibly be more dangerous than regular human driven cars . Or eventually grow to become more dangerous than human driven cars . Driverless cars should not become a thing in the near future because they could malfunction , and encourage innapropriate behavior in the car . Driverless cars should not become a thing in our near future because they could malfunction or have a technical difficulty which could lead to an injury or misunderstanding between the driver and the car manufacturer . For instance , in paragraph 9 , it says " If the technology fails and someone is injured , who is at fault-- the driver or the manufacturer ? " that quote is saying if there was to be an accident , they wouldnt know who to put the blame on ; The driver who bought the car or the manufacturer who encouraged the driver to buy the car . All of that could easily be avoided if we stick to regular human driven cars instead of driverless ones . Also , driverless cars could lead to an injury if the technology were to fail . As said in paragrpah 7 , while the driver watches the road , the car watches the driver . If the car is watching the driver instead of the road , it could lead to an accident . Secondly , driverless cars should not become relevant in the near future because they could encourage and or lead to innapropriate behavior . For example , if a group of the wrong teenagers got a driverless car they might feel encouraged to do something they arent supposed to be doing because the car is driving for them . They would feel like they could be laid back and relaxed in the car even though they really should be paying attention to the road ahead of them . In paragrpah 7 , it says " The Google car simple announces when the driver should be prepared to take over . " and that isnt necessarily a bad thing , but if the car will tell the driver when they need to take over , the driver would be doing his or her own thing , not paying attention to the road because the car is driving for them . Some may say that driverless cars should become popular in the near future because it is " actually a safety feauture , and safety is a big concern " ( as said in paragraph 8 ) but i would have to disagree . Its true that safety is a big concern , but having driverless cars couldnt guarantee a decrease in safety issues and i know that human driven cars arent decreasing accident rates but with human driven cars you would know for sure how the accident happened . With driverless cars you couldnt be sure if it was you or the car . Also , in paragraph 9 it says " Presently , traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times . As a result , in most states it is illegal to even test computer driven cars . " That quote is saying most states doesnt even think its safe to test the cars with a test dumby in it . And if they dont trust it enough to test the driverless cars with dumbies in it how could they trust it enough to let them take the place of human driven cars ? In conclusion , driverless cars shouldnt become a thing in the future because they encourage innapropriate behavior and they are a safety hazard . If a teenager has a driverless car , he or she would feel as if they could be laid back because someone is driving for them and they wouldnt have to actually drive anyway until the car told them they had to . Driverless cars are also a safety hazard . Technology has malfunctions all the time . What if one of the cars were to malfunction with a baby in the backseat ? Or with anybody in the backseat for that matter . You can never fully trust technology and thats why driverless cars shouldnt become something of importance in the near future . Almost anything could go wrong .
The face can speak more than words. Most communication is nonverbal, its emtional communication. Although we can fake a smile or fake an emotion some people might not catch on, well with new technology computers can now read our emotions. Dr. Huang, has come up with new software allowing computers to read and understand a person's facial expresions. This software allows a new connection to be made with humans and computers; and help each other communicate better. This new technology is a great idea for making our future with technology more enjoyable. With technology on the uprise in todays age, it is becoming more of a neccessity in our everyday lives. Most schools teach with electronics, many jobs rely on technology, and the average person spends half their day on their phone. This software can make our experiences more enjoyable on electronics, for example "if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different.". This makes the time spent on computers more enjoyable as we will see more things we like. Not only is it a good idea for consumers, its also a great way for bussinesses to advertise. In schools it can be hard for kids to enjoy lessons or subjects if they don't undertsand them. If we have computers that could detect the students emotion, then that would better the students learning experience. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." , understanding the students emotions could help their education. As this computer could read if a student is confused or bored, it can just as esaily make the lesson understanable or interactive. With this type of technology it could change the way education is handled all together. Today's mainstream media is all about faking it until you make it, but with this new technology it won't be as easy to get away with. This software can tell a real smile from a fake smile, it's all about the muscle movements. If it can tell a fake from a real emotion then the media will really crack down on today's mainstream stars and politicians. "To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebirty isn't being truthful.", this could be a turning point for the media. With technology becoming more interactive we are going to find new ways to make our everyday life a little easier. Spotting real and fake emotions can be really difficult these days as we have actors and actresses everywhere. It can also be difficult in learning environments, and even our everyday life. This technology can really help us start to understand each other more and make a more personal connection with technology. This great idea can sprout many more technological advances, who knows what else is instore?
Dear state Senator, I am in full favor of the Electoral College process. I think that this process is a great way to elect president because we rely on the electors vote. By relying on the electors vote, we don't have to worry about the popular votes messing up the election. I say messing up because a lot of people aren't paying attention to the election, so they vote out of a random pick. This could influence the presidential outcome of who becomes president. Also, the Electoral College process goes to a series of elections. This is better because when we vote for the president, we are actually voting for the electors. After that election, the electors vote for the president on a more serious note. The electors take charge of your your state, and vote for the most reasonable president. They discuss the bad and good qualities protraying to each president. Based on thier dussicion, America will have the best president there is. To add on, the election process by popular voting can be easily screwed up. This process can be messed up by none serious voters who choose the worse president. This election process can be messed up by people choosing a president and not even paying attention to the qualities that the president has. The president that they pick could have some awful characteristics, along with the presidents decisions. To conclude, we should keep the Electoral College process and not even think about the popular vote process. The Electoral College process, we rely on the electors to make the right decision for America. We don't want a bad president by going with the popular voting process. This is why we should keep the Electoral College process. From, concerning High School student
In the solar system, the earth is the only planet where life excists. We still are trying to figure out if there is any other planets where life is possible and also planets that are similar to the Earth. Venus is one of our nabor planets and one of the most similar planet to the Earth. Studying about Venus is very interesting and important but also dangerous. Venus is one of the most like planet to the earth for example in size and density but it is very dangerous and no human or a living thing has survived an landing the planet. The atmospher is mostly full of carbon dioxide and its really hot there. the author states " A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus... temperatures averages over 800 degrees Fahrenheit"(3). The planet is very dangerous for humans, its very hot and the air is full of carbon dioxide and they is bearly any oxygen and humans cannot survive without oxygen. The author also states that life was also a thing in Venus before because the scientists beleive that there was oceans, valleys, mountains that were similar to our Earth. There is still some features that are left over that are analogous to those on the Earth. The paragraph four says " Astronomer are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system... Venis was probaby covered largely with oceans and could havve supported various forms of like... inculdes familiar such as velleys, mountains, and creaters"(4). The planet have a lot of similarities to the Earth but it is dangerous. The author use the word "probably" which shows that he is not sure that it is safe for humans. NASA has bin doing a lot of great things over the year. They are also trying to send humans to study venus. They are inventing an vehicle that survive the conditions on Venus and making it safer for humans. NASA is working on other ways to approach Venus. They are looking back to an old techonology called mechanical computers. They are powerful, flexible, and quick. The aurthor states" NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditiions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Image a blimp-like vehical hovering 30 or so miles above the roling Venusain landscape... Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans"(5). It is very intresting that NASA is trying to approch Venus but it is dangerous. In conclusion, Exploring Venus is challenging and is very dangerous but possible and if we are able to land an human body on Venus, we would get to learn a lot of Venus and will help us in future.
- Change the Electoral College,These citizens deserve to have their voices heard!  Many citizens are not aware of the main objective of the Electoral college, and thus tend to debate in order to change how a president gets elected or leave it untouched with no mistakes fixed. For example, in "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" Bradford Plumer states that the Electoral College is unfair to voters, because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance in  winning. Bladford Plumer also stated that the Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational. In my firm belief, I am in favor of changing the Electoral College, I'm sure of the consequences this will impact on society and history itself, but we need a system that grants equality with the citizens and the government. And the states that candidates are most likely willingly putting their vote on is on countries with significance. - However, not everyone has the same view. In" In defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" Richard A. Posner stated that the winner-take-all method of awarding the electoral votes induces the candidates- as we saw in 2012's election- to focus their campaign efforts on the toss-up states. Posner also stated that the Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance that states by population lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the Senate decreed in the Constitution. Posner also said that the Electoral College avoids the problem in which no candidate recieves a majority of the votes cast. To back his claim, he states that Nixon in 1968 and Clinton in 1992 both had only a 43 precent plurality of the popular votes while winning a majority in the Electoral College (301 and 370 electoral votes, respectively). - Continuing, it is clear that the Electoral College does have it's advantages but also contains disadvantages as well. I'm fully aware of the consequences this may have upon the Constitution and the Senate. Now, I am not stating to get rid of the Electoral College itself, but try to adjust and fix some tideous and unfair treatments to make it all equal. Even though this could mean losing some interest from nominees, at least our system treats everyone with no difference. There are no superiors or inferiors in life. - In conclusion, I, not demand, but at least to try to have some concern for our population. Bad reputation may mean a high loss of income from other states, knowing that this country has done some very sinister deeds that are simply despicable. Listen to the complaints and hear their calling, after all, presidents always tend to drive their country to a better future, or am I wrong?
Cars that drive them selfs well that sounds a lot easier than having to drive everywhere youself. If cars could drive themselves there would be a lot of pressure lifted off of people. For the fact we dont want to crash or get pulled over, the simple stuff like that. After all there still would be areas were humans would have to handle depending on how smart they make the cars. It would be nice to just sit and be able to look around while the car drives itslef and im not the only one to think that. First, say you were going on a long road trip you could finally pay attention to the view for the fact your not the one whos driving so you could stare out the window and admire the view. Being able to see things you havent been able to see befor for the silly fact tha you were driving and had to pay attention to the road. There might be times were you have to take the wheel because of where you are and how many other vehicles are around, but you could always get back to admiring the view anytime. Say you had to wait in traffic you wouldnt be the one to have to do it because your not driving. There are a lot of good reasons to let the vehicle do the work for you. Second, if the wehicle is high tech enough were it could sense danger or out of control skids or rollovers then you could feel more safe knowing youll be safe. Driving safe is a huge part of driving period if the vehicle can do that on its own without fail then you can do what you need in the vehicle like maybe text or call and still feel safe. Eventually the vehicles will become smart enough were it can do almost anything a person could do so it could handle more driving tasks on its own. So far the cars arent fully developed to where the vehicle is completely driverless. The in car system is actually a safety feature and safety is a huge concern. Last, in the near future cars will be a lot more efficient and safer to get around in. There will be aguments about these vehicles. The point is the future is near and we are becoming a lot more advanced in technology. To move forward we need to create inventions tha no one has thought about weather they like it or not. Eventually everyone will get used to the idea. The fact is we have a long way to go before the cars can truly do what we want. It is ahead of us eventually we'll see things we never thought we would. We have to keep moving forward with ideas like this brilliant one. Every step we take we keep pushing toward the idea of driverless cars and we will get there.
The article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," by Nich D'Alto describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. I do think that the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of sudents in a classroom is valuable. It explains in the text the software can tell you how happy, sad, angry, etc.. the person is. In paragraph one it states,"She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." This explains that this software can tell exactly how you are feeling. The program will first take a 3D model of your face and then examine the movements of each muscle in your face. The computer needs to examine the muscles in your face because the muslces of a real smile and a fake smile move differently. Dr. Huang states,"The facial expressions for each emotion are universal." This means that when everyone is actually smiling and not faking it their muscles move the same way. This also means when a person is sad their muscles will move the same exact way of everyone else who is truly sad. I think the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is very valueable, becuase if that person is sad or depressed then we will know and we can help them get through whatever they are going through. Dr. Huang states, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication." This means that humans do not show thier emotions all the time, and computers have to understand that too. This means that humans can hide their emotions and when someone is smiling that does not always mean that they are nessasaraly happy, and when someone looks sad that does not mean that they are always sad. The computers have to understand more than the visual picture. The computer has to understand the muslce part of the face to examine if they are truly happy, sad, angry, etc.. An example of how this technology could benifit us in tremendous ways is if a student is in the classroom and they are very angry, we can talk to them or get them help so they will not hurt anyone or do something not appropriate. Another example on how the Facial Action Coding System could help schools out and benefit us is if someone is super depressed and they are planning on hurting themselves or hurting others around them then we will be able to notice that and try to find help. It will be safer for not just that person but everyone. Reading this text and really thinking about everything and all the facts, I am for using this technology to read students' emotional expresssions. I do not think the Facial Action Coding System could hurt any school, I think it would benifit schools is various ways.
After reading the article called, "Making Mona Lisa Smile". And about how there is a machine that can actually read peoples emotions and put their emotions into percentages. And how they used it to find out how the Mona Lisa was feling when she was painted i think that is truly amazing. i think that we should use this technology at school to read the students emotions. I think its a great idea to use for school, so teachers can tell how the student is feeling and can find a way to help them. In paragraph 6 the author uses the exmple of how we could use this new technology during school for example he wrote, "If you smile when a web ad appears on you screen a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, th next ad might be different." And instead of ads they could be explanations on how to do a problem. I think that that would inprove the students learning. In conclusion i think that we should use this new techonoly to our aventage and use it in the classrooms so we can tell which students need help and which one doesn't. That way we can help them. They might even learn even more.
In paragraph 2 it was stated that Google cars aren't truly driverless. Also in paragraph 7 it was said that none of the cars developed so far are completly driverless and humans need to stay alert to take over the wheel. Finally in paragraph 9 it asks who would be responsible if technology fails. I'm against driverless cars. Humans need to know how to drive a car for simple actions. In paragraph 2 it says divers sometimes need to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as roadwork or accidents. Stated in paragraph 7 none of the cars developed so far are completly driverless and humans need to stay alert. Human need to know how to drive a car incase technology fails or an emergency. If a human doesn't know how to drive a car and relies on the car and you're in a dangerous situation, then the driver and passengers are most likely to be killed. A human needs to know how to navigate through work zones and around accidents. The Google Car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over. Safety is the number one most important thing when being in a car. It's the drivers job to make sure everyone in the car and themself is safe. If someone is injured or technology fails, who is at fault- the driver or the manufactuer? Trafiic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. I'm against driverless cars because Google cars aren't truly driverless, humans need to stay alert to take over the wheel, and who would be responsible if technology fails.
Is technology to read emotional expressions valuable? Can it help our society? Is it useful? Is it worth your time, money, or thoughts? No, no, no, no. First of all, it's useless. Who has the time of the day to go and learn all 44 muscles of a persons face, for what? If you want to know someones emotions its going to be all over their face, or maybe just ask them. Don't go and waste your time on something that isn't either bettering your life or bettering the world. Second of all, it's a waste of money. The technology that's being used for this project is most likely a couple thousand dollars, that money could go towards many other things. Charity's, medical research, or towards the towns that are flooding and ruining peoples homes. What can we gain from learning peoples emotions? Those people already know how they feel and it is really nobody elses buisness how they feel. Lastly, it's a waste of time. This technology won't be bought by many people, as a student I know that I would not buy something like this. Whoever came up with this wasted money, and time, for something people wont be very interested in. In conclusion, dont waste your money, or time, or put your worth into something as useless as this technology. Its not worth it, everybody wants to know each others emotions, so just ask, let them open up to you. Dont try to study their feelings like a book. They arent a test, stop studying them.
In the matter of the electoral college, being either abolished or kept intact, i take the side of keeping it intact for the reason that even though you are technically not voting for the president, but for a slate of delegates that are loyal to the candidate, it is in fact very useful. First, the number of electoral votes are given by the population of each state, and second, there is a near certanty of a outcome because of the winner take all system. To begin with, the electoral college is based on the population of the state, meaning, that the bigger the state population, the more electoral college represantitives they get. So, if California has the biggest population in the U.S, and the district of Columbia has the smallest, then it isn't fair that they get the same number of votes, either small nor large, because there are more people in one state then the other. Although people say that the electoral college is a bad thing, and think that it is an anarchism, it is not, for it is one of the things that keep our counntry in near perfect shape. Another reason that the Electoral College should be kept, is that there is a near certainty of a outcome. Take the 2012 election between Obama and Romney, where Obama recieved 61.7% of the electoral vote compared to the 51.3% populatrity vote cast to him. People argue that the electora l college has a diaster factor, or that the system allows for much more to happen that doesn't. Thats the problem. It hasn't happened and most likely won't happen, because if were going to happen then it would've already happened and Congress wouldve revised it and made sure that it didnt happen or that it could be delayed so that a solution was made possible, and that the election went as continued. To conclude, even though the electoral college has many flaws that are yet to be shown and or fixed, it is the only way we have to elect presidents, and thats how it should be, because you can't have a perfect thing without flaws that have to be fixed
Driveless cars can be a positive thing and also a negative thing in some ways.One positive thing that its says in the passage is the sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or negastive thing about the driveless cars that its says in the passage is that if the tecnology stops working is it your fault or the manufacturer.I think the cars or more on the positive sides The passage says"further improvements in sensors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer are also leading to cars that can handle more and more driving tasks on their on".The manufacturer had made it easier on the drivers to be way more safer.The passage also says that "the car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph,but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel".GM has developed driver`s seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object.The only negative thing if the technology fails and someone is injured,who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer. My opinion about the driveless car is positive for many positive thig that it says in the passage is the sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers.Another positive thing that it says in the passage is that further improvements in the sensors and computer hardware and softwareto make driving safer are also leading to cars that can handle more driving taskon their own.The only bad trhing about the car is if the tehcnology stops working who`s fault is it?Driveless cars can be a positive thing and a negative thing.
My position on driverless cars is that we shouldnt have them. The excess money that their spending to make these car we could be spending on something more important. Driverless cars will be expenssive so many people coulnt afford them. We shoulnt have driverless cars because at any moment they could maulfunction and could wreck. Since their driverless who would be at blame when you wrecked the computer or the person in the car? We would have to put so much money into changing the roads so the cars would work. Road work would have to be minumised so that we wouldnt have to touch the wheel at any point. My final statement is that no we shoulnt make them because of all the money that will be wasted on making them and roadwork. We would be saving money and they wouldnt be losing money because only people that are rich could afford a car like this and people that cant would just be left out of the whole thing.
Luke think you should join the seagoing cowboys program because you can travel all around and see some pretty nice things like Luke it said in the passage that you take nine trips to things like Greece,China,you will past the Atlantic Ocean and also you can make the world a better place and you can be a hero for being nice. Also so if you want to you can help out animals in the passage it said, the animals had to drink two or three times a day also a way you can help you could clean the stalls on the ship and they will give you jobs and other stuff and so you won't think it is boring you can have fun onboard to they got a lot of things like baseball,and volleyball and the house it is table-tennis tournaments,fencing,boxing,reading,whittling,and the games make time go fast and that's why I think you should join the seagoing Cowboys program.
Driverless cares are the future. They are going to be great! With driverless cars we have to worry less about our safety and everyone else's safety. Safety is always key, and these cars are safe. In this articule it states, "In reality, Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009. Their cars have riven more than half a million miles without a crash" (Paragraph 2). These, driverless cars, have been proven to be safe. There are many people who have not had wrecks before, so yeah, those people are safe drivers. But, there are also people who have had one or multiple wrecks, and all of them may not be there fault but they still have been in a wreck. The driverless cars Google has been testing have not had a wreck yet! The though of driverless cars taking over the world and us not having to worry about losing anyone to a car wreck ever again is amazing. Another good attribute about driverless cars is that they follow the rules. The cars do not speed, or run red lights, or not stop at stopsigns, they follow the rules. Some of those rules are also leading cause of wrecks; people who are driving out of control way over the speeding limit, or someone running a red light in a rush and they pull out in front of someone and cause and accident, also if they just do not think they have to stop at a stop sign and someone going the other way does not have to stop or they already did stop and it was their turn to go. Also, the number one and two things that get most people in wrecks, texting and drinking. People do not have to worry about a driverless care texting someone back or on the phone looking at social media. Driverless cares do not get distracted. People also will not see a driverless car in a bar getting drunk. It just will not happen. The driverless cars will not be pulled over for being intoxicated or swerving because they will not be intoxicated and will be driving safely. Now some people are going to argue and say, "These really aren't driverless cars, you still have to drive them." Yes, they are true, as of now. But people should be fine with having to take the wheel sometimes. The text states, "Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents" (Paragraph 2). and it also says, "...none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents" (Paragraph 7). So they are correct when they say they are not truly driverless. But for now that is the technology we have we should accept it, and who would not want to feel as if they were in control during situations such as a wreck, or a work zone. And it we all ended up having driverless cares we would not have to worry about us having to take over the car through a wreck zone because these cars do not wreck. The one downside is that the next generation of kids will never get to really learn how to drive. That's most peoples favorite thing to do when they get to the age to drive. They all want to go out to their car and take it for a spin. The next generation will not have to learn with driverless cars. Now, since they do not know any better because they will not see their parents driving, they may not miss it as much, but they will be missing out on a privelage it has been for many generations of people all across the world. But on the other side as parents, we will be glad to know that we will not ever have to worry about our kids being in a wreck or dying in a wreck, and we will always know they will safely make it to where they are going. The future is coming and everyone needs to be ready! Driverless cars are a great things to come to this planet and everyone should be excited. Safety has always been something everyone in this whole world wants, and with driverless cars, we get that.
The author really supports the studying and future visitation of Venus, one of our neighboring planets. Below are some reasons why and facts on why the author supports the study of Venus. The author gives us facts about venus, such as how Venus is called Earth's twin, and "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit." The author also stated in the passage, "such an enviroment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals." The author claims that NASA is trying to send humans to studny Venus. To top all of this off the author later says in the passage "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers or doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. This is why I believe that the author supports the study of Venus and the future visitation of the deadly, carbon dioxide filled planet known as Venus or Earth's Twin planet..
"The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is an artical about how Venus an unhabitable planet thats very dangerious for human to go, dispite the bearing heat of the sun blazing down on Venus at over 800 degrees fahrenheit, atmospheric pressuses 90 times greater than earth's, with the planet also being the hottest planet in our solar system. The author suggest many reasons why a trip to Venus is not like anyother trips but also a worthy pursuit. My first reasons is how the author shows both Cons/Pros of exploring Venus, acording to to artical "Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and Weather present additional empediments kike erupting valcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface." (3) this show how dangerious Venus is for a humans. but the arthor also stated that " Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." (4) the author stated that Venus could be Earth long lost brother a planet that once support life, and many scientist want to study Venus to answers. My Secound reason is how the author claim humans should strive to new challenges for the curisoty to the answers. according to the last paragraph Venus "Our travels on Eath beyond should not be limited by danger and doubt and should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation" (8) the author that being cerious for answers it the expande to meet teh edge of imagination to it fullies. My thirth reason is how the arthor concluded different scientist working on new equitment and technology to better the trip to Venus. Although Venus is extremely dangerious with an unbearible heat and pressure enough to crush a submarine, it may be worth the danger to pursite studying Venus and it hold answers to many question with its history, while on extreme contition a nice trip to Venus might just be worth it.
The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers very effectively by discussing the dangers of Venus, comparing Earth and Venus, and bringing up innovative methods of getting past the obstacle of Venus' harsh conditions. The author brings up the dangers of exploration on Venus throughout the article. In Paragraph 3, he says, "These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of out oceans and would liquefy many metals." It is explained that the atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide, the temperature is over 800 degrees Farenheit, and the geology and weather make up a dangerous environment. The author's use of these specific details and descriptions informs the reader how dangerous Venus really is, and sparks their curiousity for the benefits of exploring Venus. The author explains in Paragraph 4 that Venus was likely much like how Earth is now, with oceans and a supportive environment for the growth of living things. Today, Venus is rocky, with similar geographical features to Earth. By providing the reader with this information, the author helps build the understanding of the importance of Venus to humans on Earth. This new insight teaches readers that because Venus is so similar to Earth, it would be important to gain more knowledge on it. In Paragraph 5, the author talks about NASA's solution of using a floating vehicle to study Venus in survivable conditions. He later encourages people to view the risks as challenges that inspire innovation. Innovation leads to improved technology and better, more effective ways to gain knowledge on Venus. One example of this innovation is "simplified electronics made of silicon carbide." Another example is more work on mechanical computers, that "can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces." The author supported his idea that studying Venus is worth the risks by explaining all of the ways that scientists are working to improve methods of exploring Venus. This support is useful because it can inspire the reader and provide important information. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author effectively supports his idea that studying Venus is worth the danger by listing those dangers, explaining benefits of gaining insight on Venus, and discussing the ways scientists are currently working towards better exploring technology.
The Electoral College has many flaws. One of the main ones is that it is unfair.  They should get rid of it because of the unfairness and go to popular voting. The reason this is unfair is becasue of the "winner-take-all system" and how people arent really voting for president but for the slate of electors. The first reason this is unfair is becasue of the "winner-take-all system". The system is where the electors that chose the winning president gets rewarded when really it was from popular vote. Then it picks who your state's representing candidate will be based on the preident that won.( Source 1: What is the electoral college?) Wouldnt you think that the reason we vote for president is to get a reward and satisfaction of your candidate winning? But no thats not how it works instead it's the electoral collge that gets an award instead. The second reason why it is unfair is beacause when we go every four years to vote for our new pesident we aren't really voting for them we are voting for the slate of electors. In Source two it mentions Bob Dole saying to abolish the electoral collge and most people will agree with that. It's unfair and not right to people that truly care. It also mentions how some states had most of their people voting for someone else that didnt win because the electoral college took over and voted the other way then popular vote." It's the elctors who elect the president not the people."( Sourse3: In Defense of the Electoral Collge: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President) To conclude this mess of being unfair these are the main reasons why people  would love to get rid of the electoral collge and go to poular vote because it is unfair dealing with the "winner-take-all system" and we aren't really voting for the president but instead the slate of electors.  
The reason you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program is because its an opportuntiy of a life time,as said by Luke. There isn't just one reason why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program there are thousands of reasons. The main things are the locations,the people, and the experiences. To start my reasoning, you could help thousands of people. You could also have fun on your adventures sailing to all these different contries and states. As you grow you will learn more about what you are doing. You could get really cool things when your traveling too. You could even help take care of animals. Secondly, you could do really cool things on board. You could get to watch animals, play baseball,volleyball,table-tennis touraments, fencing,boxing,reading,whitting,and games that could pass the time. All of those things Luke did on board. You can do all of those things in empty holds. In addition, for Luke it was much more than an adventure. You have someone to look off of and to see a ture experienceof being a Seagoing Cowboy. Now you should see why Luke said it was an opportunity of a lifetime. In concusion,I see why its so great to be a Seagoing Cowboys. The places you travel to,the people who you travel with, and the adventures. Just think of all the fun you could have on that very special boat just wondering what lies on the other side of that island and what you could learn the points are endles. So join the Seagoing Cowboys and then you could get in for sure. How you will react when you take that first step onto the next part of your life Some of the parts to make this possible are ,''Luke could't say no. He knew it was an opportiunity of a lifetime. Paragraph 7 tells you that he lives with his aunt Katie and paragraph 8 is where i got how many things he did while he was on board and why they thought theose activities were fun. The end about how it was more than just an adventure , I got that from paragaph 9.
The use of driveless cars can be defined as a statement of stupidity in your world today. They are not the way to the future as what this article say it is. All people need to have complete contorl of the wheel at all times. We learned that at a very young age and it needs to stick with us. My position on this blanketed idea is that we in America should not have this type of car. There are many reasons for this ordeal. In the use of a drivelss car, many people would think to not even have to worry about driving the car since it can do it by themselves. So what happens if the car malfuncitons and the driver is asleep, then what happens, a crash, a death. That is a one reason on why we should not have these cars. Another reason would be, the income and cost on these cars. The article doesn't state this material, but in order to make these cars so that they are drivelss, it would cost a lot more money than making an ordinary car. And the manufature has to sell it, so people are going to spend a lot more money than they have to on a car that they can drive by themselves. The money is not worth the risk. Also google has stated that the car is not in complete control, a driver in needed. So, by this statement if a driver is needed then why do we need drivless cars if a driver is needed. Do we need them so people can text and call when they please, we have bluetooth cars for those situations. Also GM has pointed that, that in order for a car to be in complete control of the wheel, it needs roads that can read it's binary code. The government will not settle for any smart-road system because of how much it would cost. The best reason out of all of them would be, who would be responsible for the crash, the car or the driver. If there were no such thing as driverless cars, then the situation would be taken care of right away, there would be no contraversy. Since now that we have these cars the quesiton is thrown up into the air, was the driver driving at the time of the crash, or was the car in it's automotive estate. In later days, this brings up court ruling and huge contraversy in which no one wants to be apart of. Just another good reason why we should't have driverless cars. These cars today, that the world is making, that are driveless are absolutly dangerous in lives of the people. Injuries could come way to often with malfuntions inside the vehicle. Also the cost of roads and the car itself is extremely high. No one wants to pay for that unless your rich. And also, contraversy between the car and the human involving a crash would bring up big headlines. The world needs to stay with a human driving a car. It is safer, less expensive, and also easier to handle by the law.
Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because it is one of the brightest points of light in the sky... That is a good point to start an investigation. It is called ''The Earth Twin'' because Venus is the most closest in density, size and distance too. Humans have sent a lot of spacecrafts to study a phenomenom related with the speed of the planets that are in our solar system, all of the times that humans have sent spacecrafts trying to stdy Venus they just got the destruction of them, that could be the reason of why Venus have not being touched in the past thirty years, that is why humans want to know new qualities, more than the ones that we already know. One of the factors that makes Venus one of the most challenging planets to study is its thick atmosphere, which is composed of almost 100 percent of a kind of ''blankets'', under those ''blankets'' are clouds containing sulfuric acid. Humans just cannot go and walk in Venus as we did in the Moon, and that is because Venus has a lot of extreme environments, which are too different to any environment we can find in the Earth, these conditions are the insane temperatures, Venus has the hottest surface than any other planet in our solar system, not even Mercury has a surface like that. The temperature in Venus could reach a level of 800 degrees Fahrenheit which is a totaly unknown temperature for humans. Another extreme fact of Venus's environment is its atmospheric pressure which is more than 90 times greater that the pressure we experience in the Earth. But that is not all about Venus, the geology and weather that Venus presents include erupting volcanoes, earthquakes and sometimes it gets some lightning strikes. Humans are completly surprised by Venus and its environment today, because there are astronomers who could be totally sure about Venus having oceans and a few forms of life a long time ago, those who can be sure about it say that Venus still has some features similar to the Earth, some of them are valleys, mountains and craters. NASA has an idea for sending humans to study Venus, it will be so complicated to do, but the astronomers say that is the only way to get more information of Venus, having humans in the surface of Venus they could take samples of rock, gas, or anything else. Astronomers say that if they really want to know more about Venus they have to be there and experience all its difficulties despite the risks. They take all of its difficulties as challenges. Many others astronomers are working in machines that could be send to Venus, maybe that is because they think that step the surface of Venus is completly impossible. Despite all the work required to go to Venus, people think we should not have any limit, they think we have to have curiosity in what we want to do, or in this case, what we want to know, that is why workers of the NASA, with their imagination, keep thinking in new forms to get the information that they want to get, and they are working using all their innovation, and of course... Their imagination.
You should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. The reason that you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program is because, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity, It's really fun, theres lots of games to play, and t you can make friends, also that you can see diffrent countrys! The first reason you should join the program is that it's a once in a life time opportunity. Just like Luke said, because if you got asked if you wanted to join and you said no chances are that their not going to ask you again. Manly because there not going go spend a long time looking for you to ask you again. Luke took the opportunity as soon as his best friend asked him. Another reason you should join the program is that it'll be really fun. You'll be able to make freinds and hang out with them when your not busy. Luke, more than likely, made a ton of friends. The third reason you should join the program is that theres fun games to play! After everyone is done doing what there suppose to and theres nothing left to do you can play games. The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helped pass the time. Luke loved playing these games! The last reason you should join the prgram is that you can go and see a lot of diffrent countrys, if your lucky enough. Such as China, Acropolis which is in Greece, and Europe. You might even be able to sail the Atlantic ocean, just like Luke did. So you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program so you can do all of these cool stuff like making friend, seeing Europe, And China. You never know this program could open the world to you, just like it did to Luke! All of these thing Luke did don't you want to do these things to?