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I really have to explain this again? This is probably the fifth time. Whatever, here goes. First of all, the fact that this 'face' looks like a face is just a coincidence. If there truly is or was life of Mars, why would this massive rock be a sign of it? The earlies picture of the face is an extremely low quality and blurry image taken by a really old camera. Even in the picture from 1976, to me it just looks like a rock, which it is. Newer photos show the intricate cracks and molding on the landmass, there's even 3D models showing what it really is. There is absolutely no way this is something created by a living being. Just look at the size of it! Well, I guess you can't tell how big it is from the photos, but it's miles long. There is nothing that could exist with enough power to make something this huge, yet leave nothing behind to show us proof of foreign lifeforms. So many consistencies in this evidence has to convince anyone skeptical that the Face is just a rock. Got it? I hope you learned something today.
In the passage, many examples were given why Venus is so dangerous to study. Even though the neighboring planet may very dangerous to study, the author supports the idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit by describing the reasons why scientists would want to study the planet, and the different ideas that were created to help scientists gain more information. The author has given many examples of how Earth and Venus are alike. In paragraph 4, it stated, ¨Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported carious forms of life, just like Earth.¨ Scientists would want to study Venus because there may be forms of life on Venus that no one might know about. The paragraph also stated, ¨Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and icludes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.¨ Not only does Venus may have different forms of life, but the planet also has features that planet Earth has as well. Scientist would want to study more to see how those formed and how that might lead into more information about the planet. Paragraph 4 also mentioned, ¨Futhermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frams of space travel.¨ During different times, Mars and Venus can be closer to Earth. Scientists are already studying Mars, and with Venus being so close, they would also want to study it too. For the planet being so close, it would not take that much time to travel. The author of the excerpt has also given information of how the scientists could reach their destination, Venus. In paragraph 5, it said, ¨NASA´s possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray...Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hover Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way.¨ This is an idea of how scientists could study Venus. The author also compared the technology that people have down on earth can help create a solution to get up in space to study. With hovering over the planet, temperatures would ¨still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit¨ as stated in paragraph 5, the pressure would not be as bad. The pressure ¨would be close to that of sea level on Earth.¨ Even though the conditions are still not that great, the survival rate of humans going to Venus would be higher. The author also gave other examples of how people can study Venus. In paragraph 7, it said, ¨NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the choas of Venus´s surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions.¨ The author of the excerpt is explaining that NASA has tested an idea that may work out for research of the planet due to the conditions. With the silicon carbide electronics, they may be able to help gather information without burning up right when it reaches to Venus. The paragraph also mentioned, ¨Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers.¨ The reason that they would use old technology because it deals with older materials, levers and gears. Modern technology would be more delicate in space. The author also mentioned, ¨By comparison, systems that use machanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces.¨ The author explained why using older technology would help with the other project the scientists are working on rather than using modern technology. With the challenges of the pressure, heat, and other factors that Venus has, the planet is still worth studying. The author have put it into perspective that even though things may be challenging, there are ways to accomplish what the people want. By explaining how Venus is compared to Earth, it will put more determination of gathering information about Venus that no one has figured out before. The different ideas of how people can get up to Venus is another way to present why Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it has. With the dangerous factors that scientists face with Venus, it is still a planet in the sky that is worth studying.
Luke thought he couldn't give up this opportunity of going to the Europe on a cattle boat. It was only a opportunity of a lifetime but Luke couldn't say no. The story is kind of telling us if there's a only one lifetime opportunity then take it because it could go away and the chances of getting to go is probably in a couple of years or one year. Luke couldn't give it up, it was special to go. Luke wanted to go was because he knew it probably once in awhile and that his mom or dad or family member couldn't afford him to go to the Europe on a cattleboat. Luke instead went with his friend, Don, because it was nice of Don to let him come with him. That was so nice to Don. Not a lot of people is that nice to their friends, in fact a lot of friends are a lot mean to their best friends instead of caring for them. I know this because, " He knew it was an opportunity of a life time." Joining the program is very good news because not a lot of people gets to join the prgram because of A, they have a lot of things to do, or B, they can't afford anything. Luke probably thought it'll be interesting to go join the program they have. Joining the program is like helping out something, maybe helping animals, nature, the Earth, and the environment. To join the program I think it's going to be like doing hard work and helping with a lot of stuff and of coarse helping with other people with their work. Also the thing is that you got to be a hard worker to join the program other wise you probably couldn't get the thing. Of course the reasons Luke joined in was probably because he wanted to help even though it was kind of challenging but Luke knew he had it in him. I know this because in the text it states, "But he couldn't work for a couple of days because of cracked ribs." It's like telling us that Luke didn't know this was hard. Luke posibly thought it'll be easy for him to do. But it sucks to have a few cracked ribs and not going back to the job he had. In the text it states, " Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helped pass the time. Also I know, " To help these countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more, 44 nations joined together to form UNRRA (the Untited Nations Relief and Rehabililation Administartion)." Luke is or maybe a hard worker when it comes to things that includes hard things in a job. Luke knows what to do since it's like his job to do what he was asked to do right. Luke was strong about when he cracked his bones. He gotten more stronger. Luke went back to his job and did it more better. Luke is probably a nice man then anyone else there in the group. Luke deserves much better than this what happened to him on the job he was doing. In the text it states, "Caring for the animals during the crossings kept Luke busy." Also I know, " By the time he was discharged in 1947, Luke has made nine trips the most of any Seagoing Cowboy." Luke liked being the Seagoing Cowboy and he thought it was an amazing adventure for Luke Bomberger. It opened up the worled for him. He is grateful of the whole thing. In the text it states, " 'I'm grateful for the opportunity,' he says." Luke thought it was very aware to other people and thathe could do this whole Seagoing Cowboy thing and be very cool about it. Luke had more fun because it helped the people in other countries in need like he possibly did at first. Luke thought this was awareness stayed with him. I know this because, " And that awarreness stayed with him, leading his family to host a number of international students and echange visitors for many years. In the text it states, "Helping out on his aunt Katie's farm as a boy had prepared Luke for hard work, but not for the dangers at sea."
Luke Bomberger is a who had started working in a grocery story and a bank, just when he got out of high school. Once he went on this trip to Europe with his friend Don Reist. Luke started enjoying going to oversea trips, even though he knew it would take a long time. Have you ever wanted to take an oversea trip? If your answer is yes we would like you to come and sign up for The United Relief and Rehabilitation Adminstration. Its for SEagoing Cowboys that are willing to take care of horses, youngcows, and mules that are shipped overseas. When you go through the proccess of going on the trip, don't get nervous. Luke Bomberger was a confident man to go on his journey with his best friend and was never really afraid. Every time you ride on that boat you feel more a live, which is a good thing. All you have to do is believe in yourself and you can do anything! Taking care of animals is another thing to, if you absolutely love animals than of course you might want to join. Especially if you are a farmer boy. Going on the journey made Luke feel alive, and it should make you feel alive if you think you are going to join the club that takes you overseas. I know all the men loved to go on that trip to take care of many farm animals, especially if you do that your everyday life. When Luke was on that trip he loved it, he first(1st) went to New Orleans for the trip. They got there the day the Pacific war ended , on August 14th. On his first (1st) trip the crew he was with ended up with 335 horses on the cargo, and had enough to feed everyone including the men on the ship. The story of Luke Bomberger is probably not urging you yet, but when Luke was official 18 he knew that he could join military. Then he thought I still love seagoing trips, so I'm going to stick with it so he did. Do you see how motivated Luke was to join the Club of UNRRA. Luke already taken a total of nine(9) trips and he was proud of it. Luke couldnt imagine his life without the trips he wouldn't have gone on so he stayed on going with it and he was confident in his choice. Not just that but Luke got to visit other countries such as China and European countries, such as Venice, Italy. He also got to help people all over the world. He was so proud of what he did and so full of joy. Luke oncer got hurt on one (1) of his journeys. While Luke was checking on the anoimals on a very rainy night he slipped and fell but luckly there was a small piece of metal that protected Luke from flying off the deck into the Atlantic Ocean, but thanks to that small piece of metal he was saved. So ask yourself do you want to join the UNRRA club(united Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Adminstration). If you do make sure on your descions that you want to do it. Anything is possible for anyone! If it was possible for Luke Bomberger than its possible for you! So sign up now if you want to be a success like Luke Bomberger! Keep in mind that you can see animals , help people, and you can also visit places you have never visited in your whole life.
Have you ever wanted to travel the world, and help people? If you join Seagoing Cowboys Program you can do both. This program help the people who have been effected by World War II.We help them by sailing cattle boats across the sea. You should be a Seagoing Cowboy for these reasons in the following. The first reason you should be a Seagoing Cowboy is you can travel the world. Luke Bomberger said that " The cattle boat trips were an unbelievable oportunity for a small town boy". Luke also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China. He also said that "Besides helping people, I had the side benifit of seeing Europe and China. But to see the Acropolis in Greese was special." The last reason you should join is you can help a lot of people. What if you were one of the people that needed help? They would want you to join too! They would not get help if people did not join. Luke said that " It made me more aware of people of other countries in need." Would you want find that awareness too? Sight seeing and helping people are why you should be in the Seagoing Cowboys Program. Seagoing Cowboys are amazing ar'nt they? It would be really fun to be a Seagoing Cowboy. Would you like to be a Seagoing cowboy? It seems like a lot of fun does is'nt!
Cars are used used in everyday life but they may be used too much because of all the damage they do to the environment and the citizens must be informed on it. Cars are used to help get around easier unless if towns are developed so that people can walk or ride a bike everywhere. Cars cause pollution which causes smog and it can really hurt peoples health and the environment. A life without cars can make plenty of people happy due to the fact that people get injured or die in cars every day. To start off most towns do not build buildings close together because people have cars which takes up more time to get there and money for gas. If buildings were made closer together everyone could get to the stores quickly and back home in time for special events. If buildings were made closer gasoline would be less of a problem due to the prices being high. In a town called Vauban in Germany seventy percent of all families do not own an automobile."All of our development since World War two has been centered on the car,and that will have to change" said David Goldberg. Cars are known to cause pollution and some places have a partial ban on cars. Paris is well known for the Eiffel Tower and also its pollution problem so Paris allowed people with even and odd number license plates to only drive on certain days or else they will be fined. When cars cause pollution it makes smog and smog can kill crops and animals if it gets out of control. Currently heavily populated areas such as Newyork has a big pollution problem causing grey skies. A life without cars is a happy one according to some people. A place in Colombia calles Bogota made an event called "Car-free day" which is a day where everyone goes the entire day without driving "It's a good opportunity to take away streaa abd lower air pollution"."These people are generating a revolutionary change and it is crossing boarders"."The rain hasn't stopped anyone from participating". The reasons people should cut down on car usage is to lower pollution in the air. It just makes people happier without vehicles. Towns could be made with closer buildings to prevent using too much gas. Smog can really make an environment unhealthy by killing some of the plants that are there.
I am against the development of driverless cars. I don't think they should develope thesess cars becasue, They still need a driver, they cause an issue with the law and they are inconvient. The driverless cars this passage is referring to still require the drivers full attation and gidence. The passages states, "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skill, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." From this statementwe see that the car needs a human to do difficult task that teh drivers are trying to advoid. The smart cars are new to the world so there are not to many laws about them creating an unsafe enviorment. The artical states, " As a result, in many states it is illegal even to test-coputer driven cars." There are four states including the Distric of Columbia that allow smart cars. The text also states, " If the technology fails and smeone gets hurt who is at faul-t teh driver ot the manufacturer?" This brings up a new problem. There will be endless amounts of cases having to do with recks. Today with human driven cars the driver is to blame for an accident that leads to the injury of smeone eles. There is no confussions on the matter. The text states, "Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting there turn to drive?" If the driver is just having to wait for something to happen so they take over they will loose concertration. People to loose track of what tehy are doing while driving making it to where they dont have to is not such a good idea. The text also states, "The car can handele driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but specile touch sensors make sure teh driver keeps hold of teh wheel. If the driver must keep hold of the wheel the whole time it would be like they are driving the car themselves, giving no reason for the car to be ran by a computer. I dont think they should contiune with the development of the smart cars. They still need a driver, they cause issues with the law, and they are inconvient.
Driverless cars are coming. With all of the new technology, driverless cars are definetly a high requested divice. Both positive, and negitive features come along with a driverless car. I belive driverless cars is something we should not have, due to the loss of high quality attention, when driving a reugular car. IPhones, Galaxies, tablets, radios, are just a few reasons why drivers get so distracted in the driver seat. A regular car, is controled completely by the driver, but how can they do that well texting, and having the radio playing as loud as its able? As guessed, they cant. Thats where the smart car comes in, the only thing the drivers need to do is be ready when there control is needed. What if there is an accident ahead, and the lights are flashing to alert the driver, but the driver is looking out the window, and misses the light? who takes control when the seat is vibrating but the driver is bouncing up and down to the new song on the radio? Who turns the wheel, when there is contruction dead ahead, and the car is telling the driver to take control, but he cant hear over the person he is talking to on the cell phone? Even with the smartest car, you arent garrenteed to be the smartest driver. On that note, the driverless car doesnt seem like a very good idea. Even with the smartest car, you still have the everyday electronics distracting the drivers from doing their jobs. Wether its a regualar car, or a driverless car, its dangerous either way when trusting the driver behind the wheel.
The Electoral College gives certain states, based on their popularity, a number of how many of what I guess can be called "points" that will go to to the candidate that gets the most votes for themself out of that state. Now whether that is a good idea or not is completely based on your own opion which you can decide. But I disagree with the Electoral College, even though it did take me a while of thinking I came to the conclusion that an all out popular vote is more effecient when it comes to voting for a president than the electoral college, and there is three main reasons that swung me to side with popular vote, First of all, when you get right down to it the Electoral College just doesnt give perfect accuracy on who does actually get the exact most votes. Some people cant completely grasp this fact but imagine that there is Florida, Alaska, and Montana. The first candidate, which we shall call John and the second, Bill, are going for these three states. John beats Bill on Florida 5,000 to 4,999 and John gets all 29 electoral votes because of that, tough luck for Bill. Luckily for Bill he sweeps over John in Alaska 100 to 0 and Monatana 100 - 0 and gets 3 points from each state which gives him 6 points total. So now by popular vote Bill would win with 5,199 votes against John's 5,000. But since Bill only has 6 Electoral points because he still lost Florida, which was the state John won and got a whopping 29 points from, Bill will lose his campaign to John 29-6 because thats what the amazing "wonders" of the Electoral College are. Which beasically sums up how in 2000 Al Gore lost to Bill Gates even that Al Gore had more overall votes. The Electoral College also makes candidates have to strategically plan out their campaign so they can focus on big states and swing states only. If a candidate knows he will not win a certain state he wont even focus on it because it would be pointless, even if he changes maybe a couple thousand voters' minds, it wont get him a single point if he loses that state 5000 - 15000 whereas with popular vote changing the mind of people so that you get yourself from having 10% of California's overall votes for you to 30% means more votes than literally all of Alaska's eligible voting population. So that drives candidates away from states they wont win and they go to states known as "swing states" that dont have a specific party that they vote for every election, and they will attempt to win these states votes the most because those points will make the biggest difference. The final thing I'd like to touch on is that the Electoral College system takes so many peoples idea and erases it. We want our vote to mean something throughout the whole campaign, but it doesnt matter if you are one the few democrat supporters in an overall republican dominated state because when your state loses 5000 to 150, poof! There goes your vote floating off into oblivion because it doesnt matter now, your one vote doesnt stand a chance against 50 going against it according to the Electoral College. We want our vote to count for the candidate himself not be part of some majorly flawed point system that someone thought would help somehow when picking the right candidate to become the head honcho sitting in charge of The White House, Our Country, and be the overall leader of our military forces too. So we need our vote to be heard and for it to actually count, even if 5000 more people disagree with 2500 in the same state, those 2500 votes should actually count towards something instead of being overrun and erased by the 5000 which will earn some candidate a couple of points for their campaign. Now after all this not only has my own opinion strongly changed in favor of popular vote but I hope yours has too. Electoral College just doesnt provide that actual perfect accuracy of who wins that popular does, it forces presidents to only visit and campaign in certain states that they have a chance of winning, and it takes citizens votes and throws them down the drain if more people in the same state vote differently. It just makes you sit and wonder whos idea it was to accept this system.
Would you buy a self-driving car? Im going to be talking about the negitive things of self- driving cars about how a self driving car can be very dangerues, that what may cause the enviorment and that how much will the car cost if they ever come out in the future. The first thing Im going to be talking about is how dangerus driving a sellf- driving car can be. The fisrt thing that can be dangerus is that people may not pay attetion sometimes like they may be in the high way and there probably taking a nap in the car. But the car may tell that person to get back on the wheel because there may be a crontrution going on in the hightway and he wont notice because his taking a nap in the car so that person may casue an accident. Another thing that it can be dangerus is that the person may be letting the car drive it self but that person may forget to put there setbelt so if the car brakes really hard that person can get injurded or get really hurt. The second negitive thing I want to talk about is how is going to cause the enviroment. The cause is that theres going to be a lot of danger with there kids if there playing in the streets because if somebody has put the thing to self drive and children are playing out side that can be really dangerus. The communitty may that say that they dont need to ride does cars in out neiborhood bacause of causes that may happen. Another thing is that this communitty may not let crazy drivers drive these cars because like the authore said some cars can stay there without energy and so the goverment has to pay a lot of money to put charging poles for cars. The final most importan one is how much are these cars going to cost if they come out. Probably the rich people will buy these nice looking self driving cars, one reasson is that thses cars can cost up at least 20,000 or more if they start inventing sports cars. So not all people may buy these expesive cars so thats why is good because the goverment dosent have to spend that much money by putting lots of charging poles for the car. Thats why if rich people get this kind of cars than there pretty good with them. So now do you want that nice self-driving car? I dont think so, because in my opinion I would not buy these kinds of cars if they come out.
It is a good technology to have. People can lie about how they feel. In the painting of Mona do u really know she was happy. No a comupter can say that but it a painting of the person that is not around. So you don't know it just he face everyday. She has no eyebrows so how can you so she is suprised. In the text it says your eyebrows Well you cant have that if there isn't any. So thing that it is a good technology to have but it just not proven to work on paint. The students don't realy need to know how to use a computer to see how people are feeling. People most of the time you can tell by looking on there faces. Why is it important to know picture or a painting is feeling when you look at it should do it for you. How do you say she is 83 percent happy you can't put that like it a math problem. Because you don't know how see really feels because it could just be a face for all we know. That is why I think is would be worthless for students to use it. They cant use a comupter to see how someone is feeling inside them. It is a good advancement and can be use but in another way. People can hide how they are feeling just by there face. It also not something students need to learn to go far in life.
Nick D'Alto, the author of Making Mona Lisa Smile, explains how new and advanced technology can read and translate facial expressions down to percentages of emotion. He uses credible sources like college professors and creators of this new technology to further this thought and out them into benefitial environments like classrooms. Putting Facial Action Coding Systems (FACS) in classrooms would be valuable because it will be reliable when solving issues of students, understanding their thought process, and forces teachers to break down lessons to confused students. Knowing the FACS can identify human emotion, it can understand students thought process trough out the lesson they are given. Due to personal experiences, everyone has once in their lives misunderstood what was said to them in class. With the FACS system present the teacher can simply slow down the pace of their teaching to where each and every student can understand. The FACS system can prevent common problems in a classroom environment happen before it even occurs. If there were to be conflict between two sudents, before a fight occurs, the teacher can simply call the student up to their desk so the computer can scan their face in order to find out how and why one student is acting towards another. Lastly, the FACS system will force teachers or professors to break down lesson in their simplist forms. Understanding the FACS system can be used like a translator, translating nonverbal communication, the teacher can quickly switch up teh style of their teaching. In conclusion the FACS system would be helpful in more environments than a classroom. It would be very helpful in environments like a psychiatrist or counseling. In a community where emotion is more relevant to the occupation.
I do not agree with the whole driverless car thing. To start off it is dangerous. The idea that the person has to always be alert defeats the purpose of it being driverless. Also the alerts to get the drivers attention should not be needed. I mean if someone creates a driverless car they should actually make it so it is, in fact, driverless. On long road trips I get that one person has to drive the whole time, and yes the driver could get tired and want to take a nap. This would be good for them but even if the driver were to go to sleep and be awaken to an accident in front of them. You cannot expect a human that has been sleeping to be completely in control of what is going on at the time. Who knows, they might freak out and run into something else. There are so many possibilities that something could go horribly wrong with driverless car. Yes, I know almost everyone expects to have all this new technology in the future. All I think about is the movie Wall-E and how they had their own floating chairs and everyone was fat and lazy. Is that really how we want the world to end up. America is already one of the most obese countries. Making it so people do not have to drive is taking away from at least some of the excercise they could have. Overall I think the driverless cars are a bad idea. Not only will there be more accidents because people are not always going to be watching the road and they will not have to rely on a machine, if they just drove themselves. Whoever makes a car that could go driverless will almost never make it completely driverless. There will always be something else to add on to it.
The author thinks, that exploring venus could be a dangerous thing to do because what he says about how other spacecraft landed there and how they didnt live for a few hour that , that is why spacecraft now have not gone to venus in over more than three decades. In paragraph two in the last sentence, it shows how he talked about spacecrafts. The author also states how the tempeture is in venus in the third paragph, third sentence ,he talks about how hot it is in venus he said it is about over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and it also say¨beyond high pressure and heat,venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes,powerful earthquaks,and frequen lighting.....¨ nasa is putting other lives at risk to go study venus, in paragraph five, frst two sentence it tell how nasa might have people go and discover more about venus. My opinion on all of this that the author was talking about. It feels like a movie like,maybe in the future who knows when, we might have to go to venus because of something that happen in earth. we are going to leave homes and everything we worked on and live a new life in another planet. It kinda reminds me of that movie ¨Wall-e¨ they left earth nasty and a lot of poultion and went to live in a spacecraft in space. I would not want to live like that because what if somthing happened in the spacecraft. Back to what i was talking about, yea it would be cool to live in another planet, but those people that nasa is going to send out ton explore venus, have to explore it really carefully. I find it really interesting how there is a similar planet to earth.
According to the article venus is dangerous, But scientist dont care. they are fascinated by Venus because it may once have been the most earth like planet in our solar system. Scientist has been sending spacecrafts on Venus but no spacecraft has survived the landing. Thats one of the many reasons why Venus is dangerous to mankind. But are them reasons going to stop Scientist ? "The clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere." doesn't that sound cool? Yea it surely does but that is dangerous to mankind, Who would want to breath in acid? Venus has harmful sections that Astronomers are going to try and over come, they are going to expand their limits and try to learn more about whats in the atmosphere. According to the passage scientist has been testing a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surfce. It have lasted for 3 weeks in such a condition according to the passage. There has been many more projects. Astronomers are not going to give up. there going to try and fight/fix the differences and let nothing get in there way. Astronomers curiosty is whats going to help us learn about things and planets besides earth. Woudn't you want to learn more about our world even though theres going to be a little difficutly during the way? Maybe one day scientist can overcome these small problems and learn more about the Atmosphere. I think Astronomers are going to take on that challenge. Remember anythings possible if you put your mind to it, and thats what Astronomers are doing.
A lot of people don't know that this techonolgy nowadays could determine the way you feel, it could determine the emotions that peope feel. It also shows the emotions or feelings of others. People probably think that this some type of joke or laugher kind of way when its not there really is techonology nowadays that could detect it. There's probably many ways people can detect to read the emotional expressions of students. Some ways that you probably didn't even know of. A lot of people wonder how this works they don't really know that one easy way to show emotion or to show how you feel is by looking at them and looking at their actions. Once you have already seen them and that they are feeling some kind of way that's when you realize that there is something going on or that their sad or happy or that they are just going through stuff. People know that by the facial expressions on their face. They say that us as humans perform the same impressive "calculation". Some people struggle or have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried,sad,etc. This would be one easy way students can detect emotions. Parents probably disagree about using technology when showing their emotions. Not just parents but maybe some students wouldn't like it either but if they think about it instead of waisting your time just guessing what their emotions are you would know if they use the proper techonology. They had made a process that began when the computer constructed a 3-D computer model of the face and it showed that all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. Another interesting thing that they discovered was that Dr. Paul Eckman was the creator of FACS (Facial Action Coding System). He had classified six basic emotions- happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. It also associated each with characterestic movements of the facial muscles. They invented somethIng else called video imagery, the new emotion software is that they track facial movement. As you can see its so easy to see their emotions or how they feel. They even show different weighting of units. The author says that the Mona Lisa demonstrates is really to bring a smile to peoples face while it shows how much the computer can do. It would be really strange if a computer can tell you if your happy or sad. In my opinion parents and students should get the idea of using techonology its way easier to detect peoples emotions instead of just guessing or thinking you know how they feel. They shouldn't have a problem trying to make the place better.
Residents in Vauban, Germany dont own a car and thats about of 70%. There would be 57% of people who would sell their car to just move there. People arnt allowed to street park there cars, put them in driveways and garages "near the French and Swiss borders. People who have and drive cars make the air have pollution. In Paris people were told to abbandon their cars or have to face a $31 fine. There were at least 4,000 people who got fined and 27 people got their car impounded from the reaction of the fine. There was congestion that was down 60 percent in the capital of France. When they had cold nights and warm days it was due to to the warmer layer of air that can trap the car emmisions. It would be easier to think  than a car free. In Bogota Columbia they have banned cars for 3 straight years. It would be a good time for the people to take away their stress and lower the air pollution that is being caused by this. Alot of people from different cities came to join the event. Because of this the day without cars made a huge improvement capaign that started in Bogota. Now the parks and sport centers that grew with bad uneven sidewalks have been replaced by new smooth sidewalks. Plus rush hour laws have made resturants and shopping places came up. With all of this happening it has made a change for everyone to enjoy what they didnt have before. Authorites from othere contries came from Bogota to take a look at the event. It made a revolutionary change and has been crossing Borders. From pollution in the air that people cant stand to nice weather where people can go outside to enjoy. It has shown there has been a drop in the percentage of people that are 16 to 39 are getting there license. It has shown that people would organize summer jobs of their own or use the public transportationo or organize a car pool with friends. A study has shown that driving by young went down 23 percent in 2001 and 2009. People would be parterning with telecommunications industry to make cities so that pedestrians, bicyles, private cars are connected to a network to save time to conserve resources and to lower emissions and most important to improve safety.    
I would type the more thorough answer, but being timed prevents me from doing that, so I'll make it quick. The main advantage I noticed is the decrease in air pollution. Being able to produce smog across an entire city like Paris is impressive alone, but...after reading Paragraph 17 in Source 2 ("Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals..."), I'm not all too surprised. Another thing I'm not surprised about are French delivery companies whining about not getting paid enough during the ban ( Paragraph 18, Source 2 ). Guess what: It's just money, green sheets of decorated paper. Deal with it! Also, I noticed that Bogota holds a "Car-Free Day" once a year. Honestly, I say "Well played." Treating it as an annual tradition is the right move to get a group of people, regardless of amount, to do something. It's been getting positive comments ( Paragraph 24, Source 3 ), as well, which is a sign that it will last a long time. To sum it up, the second advantage is that it gives people the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. That's basically the most brief explanation I can give that makes sense.
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author presents both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. After reviewing this article, I have formed an opinion of being for the development of these cars. They will create a more efficient traffic system, the cars are safe therefore creating safer roads, and even though the car is doing most of the work, humans still have full control over the vehicle. Many car companies have discovered different ways to improve traffic efficiency. For example, "In 2013, BMW announced the development of "Traffic Jam Assistant." The car can handle driving functions at speeds up tp 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." This creation was designed to imrpove traffic drastically. Driverless cars are proven to be safe by many research programs. With it's motion dection sensors and human-brain-like technology, self-driven cars could not be more cautionary. A lot of the technology is very advanced, for example from Google, "it [the car's feature] uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings." Creating a full view of anything the car should be aware of in it's surroudings. The thought of eventually having no control over today's advanced techology scares many people, however, with the self-driving driverless cars that is not something to be worried about. Although the car does do a lot of the work, incase of an emergency or in any case where only the skills a human mind can surpass, the people in the car have full control over the vehicle. "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents," says BMW. To conclude, I believe that supporting self-driving driverless cars will improve our future for the better. Whether its because of increasing traffic efficiency or creating safer roads. Also, knowing that humans will still have access to all controls having to do with the car, why wouldn't the human race want to acquire driverless cars?
I say that the auther did do really good supporties his idea .Somethings he says about venus being a worthy persuit despite the dangers is that venius is the closest plannet to the earth in the terms of its density and the size of venus.Venus iand mars orbit the sun a diffrent speeds witch means that we are either closer to mars at times ands closer to venus were not always just closest to one of them.It says that " humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world".So that shows that we have sent thing up there.But each of the missions have been unmanned ,and they say it was for good reasons. They put into detail that "Venus's reputation as a challenging planet fir humans to study,despite its proximity to us". They state that it is challenging to study venus but they have been trying there best and they are getting there.Slowly but there getting there.They know that the atmosphere of almost 97 percent of carbion dioxide is over venus.What dosent help with sending spacecraft up there is the thick clouds that vinus has.and that is is 800 degrees up there also.The auther alos states that the pressuer on venus is 90 times greatee that what we have experience on out plannet. The author also states that "that the conditions are far more exstreme than anything humans have encounter on earth on earth". Venus is the hottest surface tempature out of any of the plannets i the universe.(NASA) wants to send a humans up there to study venus.They thimk if they can get them to just float above the fray they should be fine.And be able to study venus without getting hurt.
Dear Senator In the year 2000 there was a presidental election. The two canadate runnning were Bush and Gore. In that election there was a problem, Gore had won the votes of the people but Bush had won the votes of the the Electoral votes. Now the question is asked who should win, should the person who had the most votes from the people win or the person who had the most votes from the Electoral College win? This is something that has been going on for a long time, does the Electoral College over rule the people? This is an importain question that we the people should be asking, do we realy pick the persendent or does the Electoral College pick it and we are just there for show? The Electoral College is an out dated sistem that we keep because the goverment wants there to be a clear winner, but we know that is not what the people the people want the right to dicide. The Electoral College was established by the founding fathers and made as a "compromise between election of the president by a vote in congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualifies citizens." The Electoral College vote on the President and the Vice President. It has 538 members and for there to be a winner a canadate, has to get a majority of 270 electoral votes. Your states allotment of electors is equal to the number of members in its Congressional degation. The problem here is that there is 300 million people in this contery and only 538 people get to vote on who is going to be president. Also most states have a Winner takes all system were the winner of the majority gets all of the votes. For example florida has 29 electoral votes so if one canadate get 15 which is the magority he will get all 29. Because of this there is not an acurate repisentaion of what the state thinks. The last reason it is not a good system is because the people's votes do not matter. In the 2000 election Gore had won the peoples votes and Bush had on the Eletoral votes. now Bush became president even tho Gore had won with the people. The biggest problem with the Electoral College is the fact that it over rules the people. If the Eletoral College wins it does not matter how many people vote for the other person running it will not matter. Now the question is acked, What is the point of voting if it does not matter who we vote for only the Electoral College votes matter?®    
Abolishing the Electoral College Every four years a new president is elected to run the United states of America. Which is caried out by a process called Electoral College Process. It is a meeting of various electors,in where they vote for President and Vice President. I firmly believe that this process should be abolished, and the President and Vice President should be chosen by popular votes. For starters, the leader of the free world should be choosen directly by the American citizens. It must bruise like a birthday punch to know those who waited in lenghty lines for hours upon end, didn't obtain the President they bargined for because of electoral votes rather than popular. It is stated that "over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now" Source 2 Paragraph 9. More than half of America's citizens would prefer direct election. So why aren't the officials giving America what they want? Possiblity to hold us captive in the "free world". Another reason why the Electoral College process should be abolished, is the fact that we the people have to trust a complete stranger. Trusting a complete stranger with hands of your future is a difficult task to do. Seeing that most people in possession of power got there using propaganda. Posner believes that "each party selcts a sdlate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee (and that trust is rarely betrayed)..." Source 3 Paragraph 16 . How is he completly sure about this? Hitler decieved his people and promised them "better days", and we all know how that went. The Elctoral College process is just not trustworthy. All in all the Electoral College should be abolished and replaced with direct elections. This gives citizens more control over who they elect (which is supposed to happen in a Democracy). The people now freedom of choice, and the majority would be happy with the new leader of the free world.                                                                                     
You should become a Seagoing Cowboy. One of the reasons is that you get to see amazing historical places that you otherwise wouldn't get to see. I loved that you got to take care of the animals. You also should know of the dangers of being a Seagoing Cowboy. You should become a Seagoing Cowboy. As a Seagoing Cowboy I got to travel and see many different places. I got to see Europe and China. I even got to see the Acropolis in Greece! I also got to take a gondola ride in Venice, Italy. I even got to tour an excavated castle in Crete, and I had the oppurtunity to marvel the Panama Canal on my way to China. The sights were amazing! I loved caring for the animals. It kept me busy during the crossings. They all had to be fed and watered three times a day. My job also required me to drag the bales of hay and the bags of oats up from the lower holds. I also had to clean the stalls, which isn't as bad as it sounds. I loved taking care of the animals. You must beware though of what the dangers are of being a Seagoing Cowboy. Once I was making my hourly report to the captain when I slid down a slippery ladder. My heart began to race as I looked down and saw the dark blue sea. I was only saved by a small strip of metal. I would have flown overboard! I mean what would you expect when you are out at see. You shoud become a Seagoing Cowboy. There may be dangers, but there is also great fun. You could go to places you have always wanted to go and see things you have always wanted to see. You would probably also love forming a bond and taking care of the animals. It is an amazing way to help people to recover after this terrible tragedy that destroyed everything they owned. You should become a Seagoing Cowboy.
The negative things about driverless cars: onr thing about drivless cars is that they can drive them self during construction work. They also take alot of parts to make them. such as sensors these sensors make that the car realize what it's finn to run in and is can also let the driver know to. It can let the driver know by alerting the drive to stop when the car is to close to something and when to turn its wheels. even tho that smart cars can read positive and negative polarity as messages in binary code these smart roads system still require massive upgrades to existing road. Now for the positive and negative things about driverless cars: some positive things are that the drive most of the time on their own, they are way less polutated, they also are not truly driverless, drove over a million miles without crashing, and ect. Okay now lets talk about the positive and negatives. These driverless cars are very non-poluting because, they use half the fuel of a modern day taxi and they are far more flexibil than a bus.They might not be driverless all the the time but for the mostn of the time they can proceed to watch the driver while the driver watches the road.Not only do these car drive themselves they have drover a million miles without any car crashes nor accidents. some states limited these cars but they only did so until they can be proven safe. This because they still need to make laws in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. if the technology fails in these cars and some outside and side gets hurt, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer. But still automakers are still working on the assumption that these problems would be resolved. In 2016 telsa projected that a car would be able to drive on autopilot 90 percent of the time. But still i think that we should give the cars a chance to save the fuel in these cars and to have a good ecomony. I hope that by the end of 2020 that Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan will develope these cars to.
Computers are becoming more similar to humans over time, as new technologies are developed. One such technology allows a computer to recognize a person's emotions based on the movement of muscles in their face. Some say this technology can be used in the classroom to slow down a lesson for a confused student, or make it more interesting for a bored one. However, the truth is that while this technology certainly has its merits, it may not be reliable in the classroom because it cannot accurately determine a person's emotions, understand their cause, or properly respond to them. Although fairly accurate at times, this software that detects emotions may not be always accurate. For example, according to the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile", the software calculates that the woman in the famous painting "Mona Lisa" is "2 percent angry." This is likely untrue, and Leonardo da Vinci probably never intended this. She does not appear angry, and if anything, da Vinci simply could not recognize facial expressions well enough to accurately depict the emotions that he intended the subject of the painting to have. Additionally, the article states that there are six basic emotions the software can detect: happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise. These emotions are useful, but this also means the computer cannot detect emotions like guilt and confusion. These are very important emotions in the classroom, and the computer must be able to detect if a student cheats on a test or does not understand a concept. The software is very limited in detecting emotions, and this could lead to adverse consequenses. Sometimes, not only are a person's emotions unclear, but the cause of a person's emotions may not be obvious given the current context, because people often live in the past. A student may appear to be confused, but only because the student does not understand a joke they heard before the lesson. The article says that the computer could recognize this confusion and modify the lesson, despite the fact that the student's confusion has nothing to do with the lesson in the first place. Also, if a student does not understand a certain part of the lesson material, the computer will not be able to detect the exact part; the student will be confused no matter what part it is. The computer will be forced to explain and clarify everything, when the student may only need a small part clarified. In a similar way, the student may still not understand the material afterwards, but the computer cannot ask the student why this is so, because it only detects the student's confusion. While detecting emotions and their causes are important in the classroom, the most important thing is responding to them appropriately. For example, if a student is feeling sad, this will likely affect their retention of the material being taught. However, the computer likely cannot alleviate or eradicate this sadness, because it is most likely caused by an outside source. The computer may try to comfort the student, but the student will know that the computer does not actually feel any emotions and will not be comforted whatsoever. Additionally, the student may feel bored, but the computer may not be able to change this if the student feels that the material being taught is boring, because the computer has no choice but to teach this material to the student. As a result, even if the computer can detect a student's emotions, it may not be able to do much about them. No matter how useful this emotion-reading software is, it should not be used in the classroom. It may falsely detect an emotion and change the lesson when unnecessary. It could also assume the wrong cause for an emotion, leading it to make a lesson longer or more thorough when the student understands it already. Additionally, the computer may detect emotions well, but it may not be able to fix them or change them, making the software pointless. Technology may have great benefits, but detecting emotions in the classroom is not one of them.
The author suggests that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present."vening star is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, making it simple for even an anmateur stargazer to spot". this quote is telling us that the eveing star is really bright and its the most beautyfull star of all stars in the sky. "often referred to as earths twin venus is the closest plant to Earth in terms of density and size and occasionally the closest in distance too". this quote is showing us the closest planets to the Earth. venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar sysrem, even though mercury is closer to our sun. The national aeronautice and space administration NASA has one particularry compelling idea for sending humans to study venus. NASA possible solution to the hodtile conditions on the surface of venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. imagine a blimp like vehile hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling venusain landscape. At 30 plus miles above the surface temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees fahrenheit but the air pressure would be close to that sea level on earth. Solar power would be plentiful and radition would not exceed earth levels not easy condition but survivable. in conclution this story is all about eart and the venus .
In the world of technology there is a new FACS. This is where computers can identify human emotions. Although this could be in away very use full, people take there emotions serious and isnt something to use as a learning tool. Schools having the ablity to read us is a push to far into more personal area. I do not think that this technology is valuable for school. Yes true that understanding how someone feels can better help you understand the situtation and what to do in such a situtation. "imagine being able to detect exacly how other people are feeling, even when they are trying to hide their emotions." The best way to understand is privacy. There should be things that we keep to are selves. Money could be a facter in this as well. IN schools all around the country, there are schools with more money then others. This new program take into consideration "a home pc cant handle the complex algorithms used" could the school aford to have the reqierments needed to have this exessable? Faces dont lie. You can tell alot for someones face. Anything that you do could express something about yourself. Having myself known at any given time is unusaul to prosess. One that I couldnt see taking place. How people feel have a big impact on others, people imitate others expressions and emotions. Not everyone feels the same but having your own feelings is improtant and people should have a choice to keep that to themselves.
Obvously the aurthor must be a fan of scientific and that's great because I am to! The aurthor feels as if, there is multiple things you can do in life and thats means if going out your comfort zone to do it then so be it. In the story and as I was reading it, he really wants to find out more about earth and its "neighbors", as I should say. Venus and Mars are close to earth, but venus is closer, and the reason I say that is because of size and density. In the text, it says that we as humas, we have sent numerous spacecrafts to land on this cloud-draped world and the reason being is because we and he also, wanted to find out more about venus and how it works and many diffrent features. Venus has a thick type of surface to it. It has a thick atmosphere of 97 percent of carbon dioxide blankets. In the atmosphere of venus, there is a type of acid called "Sulfuric Acid" and this acid is basically the determination of the temperture for this planet. The average temperture for venus is 800 degrees Fahrenhiet, and the atmosphere pressure is 90 times greater than what it would be on earth by its-self. Venus also has the hottest surface temperture of any planet in our solar system even though we have mercury closer to the sun venus is still hotter. The reason people and scientist are so fasinated with venus and how it works is because it was one of the closest to being more like earth and it has some features like it to. This planet has more like valleys, mountains, and craters and as a author he wants to find out about more of the festure and how this will benifit him more in life if he were to continue searching about venus and earth and how they are diffrent and similar to each other. By the 1800's the" mechanical computer" that was made for visual insight of venus and other planets around and near earth. These devices made caculations by using gears, and tool like things that hepled scientist in the 1800's up and somewhat past the 1940's. So in this passage, the author gave me some information about the earth, venus, mars, life, merchury, and etc. The author basically is saying at the end of the passage, that if you were to go out your comfort zone to go explore things like earth and scientific material things, that it would'nt hurt and now that I know I feel as if the author will end up exploring more about venus and that is has some good feature and bad features and the same with earth but in reality it isnt bad.
In this article, the author is telling it's readers that traveling to Venus can be risky. In the article it says ''Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system''. Venus was once covered with oceans and could have had life. Venus still has some features that are similar to Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment, and has similar features such as, valleys, mountains , and craters. Venus now has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide. The average surface temperature is over 800 degrees in Venus. The atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than Earth. Even though Mercury is closer to the sun, Venus is still hotter because of the atmosphere. These conditions are far more extreme than any weather on Earth. Even with these harsh conditions, scientists still want to visit this planet because of human curiosity. NASA is working on approaches to study Venus. NASA is sending humans to study Venus, so we can have for knowlege of our sister planet. Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus. NASA is using devices that we used in the past here on Earth for studying Venus. Human curiosity is leading us to find more knowledge of our sister planet.
People go through many emotions in a day an hour or even a minute. Our emotions are changing constanly and we don't even realize. Some people try to fake their emotions to others and some people let their emotions out into the world. Emotions come in many varities mad, sad, happy, confused, etc. As people look at us they can tell wether or not were happy, mad, or sad. They could tell by looking at our facial expressions, the way we talk, the way our body moves, and many more. As technology keeps taking over our daily lives as the years go on, a computer has been made to tell the emotions of an individual. It can tell the emotions of people in pictures, painting, or even right on the spot. The computer is thought to eventually end up in the classroom to tell the emotions of students. It would tell teachers if the students were bored or excited so they could fix their emotions on the subject they might be talking about. This has brought up the arguement as to whether the emotion telling computer should be brought into the classroom or not. Their are many different opinions on this topic. The emotion telling computer should be brought into the classroom. It would be a huge achievement for every school around the world to have this device. The emotion computer should be the next best thing in the classroom. The computer could tell if the students were bored or not on a certain subject. If classrooms did have the computer teachers could look at it in the beginning and the end of class. It gives the teacher the advantage to see which method of teaching bores or excites them more. If many students were bored one day change it up the next. Once students begin to be more happy as the teacher goes on the more the students will want to learn. Students who are bored will not learn a thing, but students who are excited will be interested in learning and will get better grades. The article states, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,"Dr.Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor."(Huang) The emotion telling could change the way the lesson is being taught to make it more exciting. The more students are happy and excited about learning the better the test scores and grades. Some may argue that a computer would not be able to change the way a kid is feeling, however, it could make the teacher change the way his or her students are feeling. The computer should be used in the highschool classroom to tell the emotions of students. The computer could make students feel better and interact more in the classroom. The could computer could analyze the patterns of emotion in students each day. If a student has been mad or sad, the teacher could ask them whats wrong and try to fix the situation. "For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc." The computer would be accurately precise on each students emotions. If a student was shown to be stressed or worried for a certain amount of days, a teacher could tell the parents so they could help him or her. The computer would help make many students feel better each day. Some may argue that anyone could tell the emotions of another, however, the computer could get down every single emotion in a percentage. The FACS computer needs to be in the classroom for everyone to use. The emotion telling computer should be the next best thing in the classroom. The computer could do many things for students, parents, teachers, faculty, and many others, It can enlighten others to do better and want to learn more. Grades of students would be better, tests would be higher. Everyone would be in a lot better mood if we all had the computer. The Facial Action Coding System could do things no other would think was possible until now. The computer should be in every classroom; and you should urge others to consider making the computer the face of the future for every school.
According to the article there has been a new technology invented called the Facial Action Coding System. The new technology was made to be able to reconzie a facial expression od how someone is feeling. My prompt is to explain weather this new piece of technology would be useful in a classroom, and i think that it coyuld be useful in a classroom. I believe that i would keep many fights from happening because would be abe to stop it befor it happens even though the technology dosnt tell what your thinking it could extress your emothions and someone could just atlk to you about what going on before it was the go any farther. Also i think it would be a good idea to use ina classromm setting because wha if a studen thereats to be a school shooter and as a techer you jus let those words go over your head and a studen be serious that tehnology will determant the student emotions and i think you wouuld be able to base the feelings on their actions they said the would take. This would save student teachers etc from bring weapons into a school setting to protect themselves. Also this would be a goood idea because in school some studen are just to shy to raise their hand in class to ask a question they would ofect express being confused through facial expressions and the teacher would be able to tell their confused, it would seperate the confused ones from the ones who understand. It also could work out well for the students you could be able to see how your teacher is feeling. Half the times some student just go to class not ac ting like a student but alos not knowing how their teacher is feeling, and I think if more people knew they would be more conciderent.
I think Luke should convince people to join because you will be on a boat with other people. Plus, helping countries recover after world war 2. Help them recover food supplies, animals, and more". In the artical it says "44 nations joined together to form UNRRA to care of animals shiped over seas". SO, they hire people called "Seagoing Cowboys." They were people who had help feed and protect animals such as horses, young cows, and mules. Also, if you join not only will you help the animals but, you would have lots of fun. Thats why Luke should convince people. He got to see cool places like the Acroplis in Greece and he also Took a ride on the gondola ride in venice, Italy. Witch is a streets filled wth water. He also, went to a "excavated castle in crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China". He got to view beautiful places on his way to China and still cared for the animals. Luke has done fun things and been very helpful with the animals. So, to him feeding animals he also did more then you would imagine thats why people might not want to go because of they think you would only be on a ship for months with fifthy animals. But, he did so much more then clean, feed, and watch or guard the animals. I mean he went on trips to places people who could never afford, or who always dreamed to go! Luke got to see all that for Free only price he had to pay was to love and take care of the animals for countries that need them. All creatures are valueable and should never be treated in a way it dosn't diserve. Who cares if you think siting on a boat with mutiple other people and animals for a month is a waste of time. LUke was on a boat that had about 335 horses. I mean imagine if something had happen to the ship and it sunk! All those deaths of the people and animals that could have saved Millions gone in a flash. This is why I think its a good idea for Luke to convince others to join. It says that it was a " opportunity of a lifetime." It's not normal everyday that you would get a chance to go on ship and see places you never seen before. It's rare to happen but, thats why you should jump up and take it it's one opportuity you will probly never get again. So, don't take the chance thinking this kind of event would ever occur again so do what you want to do and what you think is right. He had visited nine trips on his trip on a boat in a certain amount of days. Maybe others could visit more places like ten. Even, see things on your journey see animals you have never seen before. Smell odd things you have never had smell before ever in your lifetime. Sure you might get home sick but, you will go back home wants it is over. Think of all the people you saved. Also, the countries too would recover and get stronger. So, let the others know what you have seen on this trip. Join and you too will start your quest to China. Today now start helping others. In conclusion, this is why Luke should convince others to join because all of these reasons to join for fun, and for helping animals get to were they need to go to help even more people. Theres no way he shoudn't convince others. Just tell them it's for a good cause. You even get to wonder places on way to your destination. This is why I think he should convice others to join.
"A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus with even more challenging clouds that are highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere". Venus is very dangerous for humans to step foot on and could not have spacecrafts to last more than a few hours due to the temperatures and atmospheric pressure. In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author implies that exploring Venus is worth the risk by explaining the dangers and the motivation of human curiosity. To understand Venus clearly, NASA wants to explore Venus on their own. They can either consider the exploration as a risk, or the exploration can be thought out as a challenge that people are willing to take despite the dangers. "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet". Humans cannot undergo, let alone survive stepping foot on Venus with these extreme conditions. Earth's "twin" planet also has "the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system". Although there are many dangers to explore Venus, astronomers are fascinated by the idea that Venus has been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Human curiosity has motivated NASA to send other humans to study Venus. One way of doing so is by "allowing scientists to float above the fray". Floating above the fray would allow humans to avoid the harsh ground conditions. Miles away from the surface will still be "170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth". These conditions will not be easy, but will be survivable for humans. To contribute to the knowledge of Venus, researchers are are working on different task that will allow the machines to last long enough on Venus. In conclusion, Venus presents a great amount of reasons that can be dangerous for humans to explore. Since Venus is the most Earth-like planet in our solar system, Venus was probably covered with large oceans and could have supported many forms of life. Predictions like these cause people to want to meet the very end of imagination and innovation to finally see the true value of Venus to make the exploration a worthy pursuit.
Since the finding of the face on Mars in 1976 many people have been saying that it must have been made from aliens on Mars. However this is not true. If there was life on Mars NASA would have found it by now because it would benefit them. "Some people think the Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars-- evidence that NASA would rather hide, say conspiracy theorists. Meanwhile, defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars." (Pg 5) So therefor the Face on Mars is just a natural landform because of the amount of pictures taken of Mars and the face, the amount of time taken to research the Face and all of the NASA people saying it resembles natural landforms that are on Earth. First off we know that the Face on Mars is just a natural landform because of all the pictures that were taken. If there was any alien life of any kind on Mars, NASA would have caught it. In the article it says, "'Malin's team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution.' Each pixel in the 2001image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo." (Pg 10) The author of the article went into even more detail and said, "So, if there were objects in this picture like airplans on the ground or Egytian- style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!'"(pg 11) This explains how good the camera quality is and how they wouldn't be able to miss anything. Including the amount of picture evidence against life on Mars and the fact that the Face was not made by extraterrestrials, the amount of time spent researching the face by NASA clearly shows they know what they're talking about. The first picture of the face was taken in 1976 and then it was a major hit and they took another picture 12 years later in 1998. Then again after that in 2001. Also in the article it says, "And so on April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camer (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos" (pg 7) This quote from the article shows to what extent NASA researchers went to to find out more about the Face. As if there is not already a bunch of reasons why the face on Mars is just a landform, a group of people are agreeing with NASA's decision that the face is just a natural landform. According to the article it says, "Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh." (Pg 2) Also stated in the article, "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivelant of a butte or mesa-- landforms common around the American West. 'It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of idaho,' says Garvin." Those quotes in the article are proof that those same types of landforms happened here on Earth as well and the ones here were not made by aliens. In conclusion the Face on Mars is just a natural landform. If there was aliens on Mars making landforms then NASA would definetely use that for publicity and to make the taxpayers happy. However there are no aliens on Mars making landforms and NASA knows this because of the time they have taken to research this along with the amount of pictures taken with high quality cameras and the resemblance of the landform to landforms on Earth.
Dear state senator, Many people do not think that the Electoral College is not fair, or exact. In fact, people wanted to boycott it in 2000. I suggest that we change it to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. It is fair to the candidates and to the people of our country, and we should be able to choose our president, not the electors. Also, if we keep the Electoral College, voting will be unfair and it only makes people want to stop voting. I will explain to you the details of these reasons why we should change it in the rest of my letter. To begin with, we should change to popular voting because it is fair to everyone. The people want a fair election. Presidents can be chosen wisely by the people, and candidates will be chosen fairly. People want a safe election, so that they can feel safe and protected with the president that we all chose together. It is only unfair to not let us have the advantage of expressing our own opinions. That is a reason why we should change the Electoral College to election by popular voting for the president . The second reason why we should change to popular voting is because we, as in the people of the United States, should have the advantage of voting for our own president, not the electors. The people know what they want and need to vote for the candidate based on their own opinions. Electors have different opinions, which is not fair at all since we are not really voting. They are only changing our votes and not agreeing with the votes of the people. That is the second reason why the government should change the Electoral College to election by popular voting for the president. A disadvantage of keeping the Electoral College is that it is unfair and it makes less people want to vote for a president. In 2012, only half of the whole United States voted for a president. They did not think voting was really necessary anymore, since we are not really voting. It also makes the people feel worthless since their votes do not really count anymore. We basically do not have a say in our own country, and that is not fair to us or the government. That is why keeping the Electoral College is a bad idea, and we should change it. This is why you should reconsider changing to popular vote, for the good of our country. It is honestly a much better process for our country , the citizens, and especially for the candidates that want to make a great difference in the place we live in. Popular voting is fair to candidates and people, we should choose our president, not electors, and the Electoral College is unfair and makes less people want to vote. Thank you for reading and listening to my letter. Have a great day.
Is the Face just a natural landform? Yes, the Face on Mars is just a gigantic rock formed by shawdows. In paragraph 5, it say it's a rock that resembled a head. It shows an illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth making it look like something it actually is not. NASA has all the evidence to prove that their isn't a face on the planet Mars, but just a regular landform. Some people were unsatisfied and some was with the conclusion NASA came up with involving the Face on Mars. Others thought perhaps the alien markings were hidden by haze. In paragraph 9, Garvin stated, " it's not that easy to target Cydonia." He also said, "In fact, it's hard work." People were so ungrateful with the answers that were given to them, so NASA had to go through too much trouble to hit them with more evidence again. In Conclusion, I would like to say that Nasa was 100 percent right when they said it was only a landform. There was three pictures taken from years 1976-2001. With the years 1976 and 1998, people absolutely believed that their was a face on our planet Mars, but by 2001, more people was convinced there was no face on Mars, but a landform like NASA have been telling them. In paragraph 7, its says there was no alien monument after all. The picture shows the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. A butte/mesa is landforms common around the American West. As much as people may think Mars have a face on it, we all know that it does not. the question everyone wanted to know is, Is the Face just a natural landform? It took citizens 25 years to finally say yes to the question. Even though Unmasking the Face on Mars was very disappointing, people eventually got over it.
There are many reasons that people should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. By joining with the others, you can help people who need it after World War ll. Many countries were left in ruins. If you look in paragraph 2, it says that UNRRA, which is formed by 44 nations, helped these countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more. That paragraph also says that UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. It says in paragraph 5, that beside helping people, he had the side benefit of seeing Europe, China, Greece, Italy, Crete, and the Panama Canal. Not only do you get to help people, but you also are able to tour places that could be all the way around the world from where you may live. So as you can see, there are many different benefits of being one of the Seagoing Cowboys.
l personally do not agree with driverless cars. l think that they they are not as safe as a human driving a car could be. l think that people are being to lazy drive your car and go on with life. l think that the driverless cars would cause alot more accidents then a regular car would. the driverless cars would nit be as responsive to certain citustions as a human would be such as, a drtiver runs a red light the driverless car would not be able to notice that car as fast as a human would ther fore causing an accident. i think that the idea of notifing the driver when there is a construction zone or something like that is a good idea but, if the driver is asleep and does not respond fast enough what will happen then. Will the car be able to notify the driver fast enough if a car cuts you off or runs a redlight? Will the car be able to see the blindspot? l think that the driverless car is cool and all but l dont think that are safe at all. lf they can make the driverless cars safer and more responsive l think they could be a good idea but for now they are not safe enough. Why fix something thats not broken?
How do you see life with driverless cars? Safe or unsafe? In my opinion I chose unsafe. I am against driverless cars for these reasons. In paragraph 9, lawmakers even say that safety is best achieved with alert drivers, In some states it is even already illegal just to test drive computer driven cars, and last whos really at fault in an accident? How do we judge whos at fault if no ones really driving and could people use these cars as an exuse to drink and drive sinse there not really driving? There are many questions and reasons I have against driveless cars. In paragraph 9 of the article, "Driveless Cars Are Coming," it states, "lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers." We as Americans should trust in the people who propose all of our laws especially to keep us safe. Why wouldnt you trust someone who sets the boundaries of your life? if they say regular cars will be safer shouldnt we all strive to keep our country and the people in it and surrounding us safe? In some states it is already illegal to even just test drive computer driven cars. If it is illegal to test drive them, that just shows how dangerous they really must be. Also if they are illegal in some states would they have to continue to drive regular cars while the other staes drove driveless cars? I think that would be more dangerous to mix the two types of cars on the roads. I could see even more accidents happening because of that. Last, this is probally something about everyone could agree with, whos fault would accidents be? Police and other people would have to put in alot more effort into deciding whos fault the accident would be and sometimes they probally could be more likely to be false. If no ones driving the car then that means the manufacturers could always be at fault. Could you really rely your life on a car? I dont think I could. And even if you chose to not drive a driveless car, some people might still be in fear because they will still be driving on the same roads as them. These our my reasons for being against driveless cars. Some people will disagree but i strongly do believe the roads will be safer as we continue to drive with regular self driven vehicles. Again with lawmakers knowing that safety is best achieved with alert drivers, in some states it is already illegal to even test drive them, and who's fault it would be in the accident, we will all be safer with self driven cars.
Would you like to have help at school with out even having to ask for it. A resorce that could read emotions would and is voluable in school today so kids can get the best out of learning. Technology is getting so good that it can now read emotions. In the artical "Making Mona Lisa Smile.'' Nick D'Alto talks about how computer solfware can help people with problems just by sencing there face emotions. Technology that is able to, identify mixed emotions, scietificly proven and tested to work, and helps in school, Should be put in all schools. First off, technology that can identify mixed emotions is a great tool in school and every ware. For exampel it could help stop peolpe in court rooms or when you are talking to a offeser. It can tell what persont of feelings you have. It said that the Mona Lisa "... 83 percent happy, 9 percent, disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." (Pg.1) This would help with identifying mixed emotions. Secondly, It has been scientificly proven to work because Thomas Huang,and Nicu Sebe both from high colloges working on ways that humans and computers can communicate. They stared of with a "cumputer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles."(Pg 3) They created "FACS" this classifies six basic emotions. "...happiness, surprise, anger disgust, fear, and sadness..." (Pg. 3) These are all emotions that students have and that could us help from a computer that cares. Lastly, it would help with school. Kids could see a problem on the computer and give a confused look at it and it could pop up a screan with a help page or it could inform the teacher that you are haveing truble. Nick D'Alto stated " for example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." This would help at school so there could be less bad ad to pop up. This will help kids stay safe. If you have a problem and the computer could read your face it could modify that problem. This would be a fantastic improvment in schools. It would help kid learn better and it could give teachers a break. It could even help istep graders. Computers in schools and all over the world should have face software because it knows unknow emotions, sceintest Thomas Huang and Nicu are proving it works, and it will help make kids life easyer in school.
Why author suggests that studing Venus a worthy.I think author wanted to say, If people could not live Earth anymore, We could live Venus. Because referred to as Earth's "twin," Venus is the clotest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the clotest in destance too. But Venus's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees, it is 90 times greater than what we experience on the Earth. I don't think we could live there.But NASA has one particulary compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus, not easy comditions, but survivale for humans. Author saids strining to meet challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also becaus human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet te vary edges of imagination and innovation. So this article was author explain Venus's good points and bad points. If we need move another planet, In my opinion Venus is better than any planet. Venus is close and similar to Earth.
Does Facial Action Coding System really help, understand kids emotions in the classroom and is it helpful? I would say yes, because it would give help to teachers better understanding kids more in a classroom setting because there some kids in the classroom that arent ok with telling the teacher that they are confused or, that they need help. Which this would very much be helpful to kids and teacher because that would stop kids from leaving the classroom if they dont understand something, and that saves the teacher time and trouble from having to chase the student down to come get extra help or explain to them why the student did so bad on their test or quiz and teacher not having to call the students parents and tell them why their child isnt doing so well. (FACS) adress the problem head on. Then some might say that this is bad because, it takes away the teacher from being able to teach and have a one on one talk with the student but no it doesn't, in the passage it says "A classroom computer can recognize when a student is becoming bored or confused" Dr. haung says so then it would change the situation for the student to better understand it then maybe the teacher after can come and help. In conclusion I think Facial Action Coding System it a great tool for teachers to use in a classroom setting Because the student can get a better understanding of the situation, and they can get help from the teacher or the student.
Venus is the closest planet to Earth. The planet Venus is known as Earth's twin because its the close to earth density and size, and is also sometimes called the "Evening Star," In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus." The author claims that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. The aurthour says in paragraph 4 that Venus can be our nearest option for a planetary vist. The author also says that Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have many forms of like, like Earth. The author also says in paragraph 8 that our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts, but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. I think that we should not waste our time to explore Venus. Even though the planet is somewhat identical to Earth, the planet is very chaotic and dangerous. In paragraph 3, the author tells the readers the many dangers of Venus. The planet is covered in a thick atmosphere of about 97 carbon dioxide, and the atmosphere has clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid. The planet's surface temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what Earth is. Venus also has the hottest surface temperature in our solar system, considering that Mercury is the closet planet to the sun. The weather on Venus also has erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes. Yes we can look and take samples, but the spacecraft we sent to Venus has not survived the landing for more than a couple of hours. We could vist Venus, but it could be nearly impossible with Venus conditions. Venus, Earth's "twin," is similar to Earth in size and density. But the clouds and temperatures make it nearly impossible to live on Venus. We sent many spacecraft to Venus, but none could survive for a couple of hours. The conditions of the planet is chaotic, and the atmosphere is as toxic as it could get. Astronomers think that Venus was probably covered with oceans and had life on the planet. Venus today, has a rocky surface, which includes valleys, mountains, and craters. We should study the chaotic planet, but living conditions are nearly impossible.
In the story " The challenge of exploring venus" the author suggests that studying venus is a worthy pursuit. venus its proved to be the most challenging place to examine. In paragrah 1 they said that "venus is the second planet from the sun", which makes it harder to see up close .venus is one of the plants that that havent been search yet sp that whats make venus one of the plants that need to be search and worthy to do so. In my opinion i think they should study venus more because its a lot of thiings they can discover and they can know more about the planet. Venus in my words is a more secretive plant because no one has ever successfully sent a spacecraft up to venus and it came back. In paragraph 2 it said that "venus has a reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study", which means that venus is still left unknown and has no research on venus. Another fact about venus is that it is the mist earth like planet in our solar system. In conclusion, i think that venus is so special because we dont really know too much about venus as we do to the other plants that's why it makes venus so important and worthy to figure out because we dont have too much proven facts about it.
Automobiles are the key essential to people's everyday life. It allows them to get from point A to point B. But the outcome from the rise of these machines, are the amount of pollution they had cause. Limiting there usage seems the right action to do. Our specimen has been living for thousands of year without automobilies. What's the point of using them if their risking the life of our enviroment. An advantage of limiting cars could be that it lowers the amount of air pollution, which causes global warming. From Beijing to France, being as the most polluted cities in the world. Imagine the amount of smog and intensity that the people have to face, having gasoline being spewed on you. On the contrary, the city of Vauban being built in 2006. It has been a prime example of a glorious city without the needs of automobiles. Kids to adults living an prosperic life, riding bicycles or just taking a stroll down the sidewalk. The store is only a few blocks away, basically all you need is a pair of legs. The whole fault in our system is due to our lack of judgement. Having our malls or stores being built nearly miles away from homes, on paved roadways or highways. Obviously an automobile is needed, but this will only cause the major destruction of our enviroment. Limited transportation is when we really can tell if were able to stop this rapid growth of pollution. Our generation of kids and adults, thinks that a car is mandatory. But in reality, not every individual should own a car. From 2001 to 2009, the decrease of teens from the age sixteen to twenty one obtaining driver's license. Has dramatically declined, due to the realization of the amount of money they could save. From taking public transportation or car-pooling with friends. It could help them save money, rather than spending money on gas. Which could range from $1.50 to $4.20, depending on the circumstances. These kids or adults could use that amount of money saved for future plans. Their are more pros than cons when limiting the usage of cars. The people of Bogota, Colombia celebrate a day without any vehicles. All you can see, is the broad smiles of the people's faces and utterly shocking the most, is that the streets are busy with people rather than automobiles. Imagine if were able to do such a thing, the amount of stress that would vanish. Dealing with traffic or pondering your mind to the amount of gas you need. It would simply just vanish in a blink of an eye. If we were able to create vast systems of high tech highways to subways. Then we can manage to build programs or new forms of transportation. Without the hassle of using a vehicle, to spawning industrial factories where they are made from.  An prime example is New York's recent bike-sharing programs and its skyrocketing tunnel tolls. The main priority of this creation is to lower the usage of cars. Being one of the America's highly populated and dense cities. The scale or outcome of this program of limiting cars, could decide the factor if changes are possible. Then if so, then this new system can be an advantage or an example of what we can do to lower our usage of cars. That creates the majority of air pollution across the entire face of this planet. In the end, the advantages of limiting cars or any form of transportation. Could lower the amount of air pollution, and the oncoming production of resources that affects our enviroment. But mainly create an atmosphere that will all humans alike to every single organism, to be able to live a prosperic life. Without the haze of dense smog, and stress of traffic jams. Thus, we can make or generate of new era of internal happiness.
The sea going Cowboys is a good program! It's adventurous and fun. You can do a lot of fun things in the sea going cowboy program . If you join you will have a blast ! You can learn things , and also see alot of cool things while traveling and experience unique things. Maybe I can even show you around the boat a little. One reason to join the sea going cowboy clubs is you can see cool places while traveling. Maybe even collect some cool items you find on the ship or even souvenirs from other states , countries and villages . You can also see cool statue like Statue of Liberty if we ever go to New York again . Once I got to tour an excavated castle in Crete . Second reason you should join cowboys club is you can meet new people , and make new friends . In many countries,states and villages there are different people like in age , race , and language. While rest stoping in villages some families don't have as much so you should give respect and show them you come with peace . While your in certain places you can learn different cultures , religions , tradition . According to the story our boat carrys animals because UNRRA hired us too . Taking care of animals isn't hard at all , feed them , clean them , clean there pens , and that's it three easy steps . Some animals might be pregnant so we will have to double feed them and watch them for signs of birth. The baby's will be easy to take care of most of the time because they will stay with there mothers for 4 weeks then separate them . Joinging the sea going Cowboys will be the best choice you make . You can go on fun trips learn stuff culturals from countries,city and states . Maybe learn some different languages along the way . You can get souvenirs and maybe even tells some stories to kids about all your trips , best of luck hope ou join our program .
The Facial Action Coding System is a major benefit to the psychology community. This program could be as, if not more beneficial to public schooling systems worldwide. Using this program in public school systems would help all teachers, especially psychology teachers, and school counselers alike while also helping to prevent potential tragedies. Based off the information presented in the article, this program is a useful learning tool benefiting both students and teachers be more productive. Using technology to bolister class productivity is a no brainer on whether or not this program should be inserted into public school systems. Teachers are constantly put in a position where they have to guess whether students are understanding their lesson or not. Everyone learns in different ways and it can be trying on a teacher to know wether or not they reached the whole class or not. In the article, Making Mona Lise Smile, it is said that Dr. Huang believes "A classroom computer could recognize when when a student is becoming confused or bored." He then continues to say how this program could help a teacher modify his or her lesson to meet the needs of as many students as possible. This makes the program very helpful to teachers striving to keep students both engaged and learning. A student may be engaged by a teachers presentation, yet not understand what the material being presented means. It could also tell if the teaching stategy is working for select students but not reaching out to many other students. If the prgram was used to see what teaching method keeps students productive and reaches the largest portion of the class, the teacher could adjust their teaching strategy accordingly to meet the needs of the student. Using this program could make class more insightful and more entertaning, which is a win for both students and teachers alike. This program would be very useful in specific classes that require face to face interaction to help teach students. One such class this particular program would be useful in would be a psychology class. If young psychologists could learn from this device when people are faking a smile or if a person is sad it would be very beneficial to their future careers. The article states the program can identify a fake smile by the rasing of the zygomatic major, which begins at the cheekbones, to tell if a celebrity or politician is faking their attitude. Using the program to study what is real and what is fake could help psychologists treat patients correctly. Learning how to do this at a younger age in school would be a tremendous help rather than learning on the job by opinion. It is impossible to predict when tragedy could strike, but it is possible to limit its frequency. In the year 2018 there have been a reported eighteen school shootings thus far in the first two months. Many of these were performed by misunderstood students who needed help but didn't recieve the help they needed or people were blind to it. If this program was implimented into school systems it might be able to catch depression and treat it before it got out of hand. The author states the program can detect both sadness and anger in an individual. If students are required to use the program before and after school everyday in order to gather data on how a student is feeling, the school could see if a student is frequently depressed. It's normal for a student to be sad or angry on occasion, but if a student has been recorded as sad or angry for muliple weeks this program could get them the help and couseling they need. The article states just forcing a smile can make people happier and that the program can detect fake smiles. Even if a depressed student is faking a smile to try to avoid detection these features could tell who is faking smiles and thus making the individual a little bit happier in the process by trying to smile. School shootings are a terrible tragedy, but if this program could help stop these horrific occasions it should be used in school systems. Based off information presented in the article along with my key arguments this program should be installed in every public schooling institution in America. Any device that can benifit a students learning experience while making teachers lives easier should be available to schools systems for educational use. This device can prepare future psychologists to be better at their proffesion while also helping students get the help they need. A device that not only helps students learn and prepare for the future, but also could potentionally save lives should be necccesary in public school systems across the United States.
In different cities like Germany cars are really not needed as much as there are needed in America. A city such as Vauban, where cars are rarely even used. Most places have area's for cars to be parked "Forbidden", Around the French, Freiburg, and swiss borders. Vauban's streets are completely "Car-free", except for main thoroughfare. There are places that allow cars , like Freiburg's Downtown and a few streets on one edge of the community. There only two places to park-large garages at the edge of the development, by this car-owners space where he bought for $40,000, along with a home. only 70 percent of Vauban's families don't own cars , and 57 percent sold one just to move there. Cars are rarely needed in Vauban that people are immune to it. Some people say they are Healthier and Happier than most with cars. Media Trainer, Heidrun Walter A mother of two says "im much happier this way". As she enjoys and loves to walk the verdant streets where the chatter of wandering children and the swish of bicycles just drown out the occasional distant motor. Vauban completed in 2006 , is an example of a growing trend in Europe. The U.S and elsewhere to sepreate suburban life from auto use, as a componet of movement called"smart planning". Automobiles are the linchpin of surburbs, where middle class families from chicago to shanghai tend to make their homes. If you prefer a car instead of walking all over the place, there may be slight changes you will have to make towards your car. Like passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and up to 50 percent in some car instensive areas in United States. No matter if they have cars or not, Vauban home to 5,500 residents within rectangular square mile, may be the most advanced experiment in low-car suburban life. David Goldberg, an official of Transportation for America, a fast-growing coalition of hundreds of groups in the U.S. More and more countries and cities are banning cars due to some of the cons that they do have , like pollution , leakings, car wrecks and many of congestions on streets and highways. There having more car-free days than anything else , cars are just not that important anymore in Europe. The end of the car culture is literally coming to an end. Even in the United States, Americans are buying fewer cars, Driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by. Cars are just not that important anymore.
Dear state senator, There has been some conterversy between whether we should keep the Electoral College or changing the election to popular vote for the president. There are pros and cons to each method of voting. The Electoral College has been around since the beginning of our country. Most of the time it is successful (there have been a few times problems have occured but rarely it happens). As time has passed and we enter a more modern age, people have started to feel that the Electoral College does not work and we should all switch to just a regular popular vote. However, even though there have been a few problems in the past about this system, the Electoral College is still the best method of voting. It is hard to argue that there are some problems with the Electoral College. "Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president." (Bradford Plumer). The public is starting to not like that their vote is not directly going toward the presidential vote but towards a group of electors that decide the fate of the presidency. "the Electoral College method is not emocratic in a modern sense." (Richard A Posner). The public is also starting to feel that this is not a true Democracy with this system. "Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people." (Bradford Plumer). The public is starting to not like that feeling that the electors can just turn on the public and not vote for what some people want (and it has happened a few times in the past). "'faithless' electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please." (Bradford Plumer). That is another worry of the public, no matter what party the elector belongs to, they can vote for anyone they want. "Perhaps most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote. In that case, the elcetion would be thrown to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president."(Bradford Plumer). The people are also not liking the fact that an elector representing a small amount of people has as much to say as an elector representing millions of people. All and all, it is hard to deny that there are a few problems with the electoral college and that this causes the public to worry come election time. However, despite the worries and concerns that some people may have, the Electoral College is still the best method for voting. "The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote." (the Office of the Federal Register). People must remember that this system is a compromise for the election and that any change could lead to problems among the government again. The public must also remember that "each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee".(Richard A. Posner). This system also can often prevent disputes. "A dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible...but it's less likely than a dispute over the popular vote. The reason is that the winning candidate's share of the Electoral College invariably exceeds his share or the popular vote." (Richard A. Posner). Along with the fewer disputes, it also creates standards for the candidate. " The Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal...This is a desirable result because a candidate with only regional appeal is unlikely to be a successful president." (Richard A. Posner). Another benefit to this system is that it causes voters to pay closer attention to the election. "Voter in toss-up states are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign." (Richard A. Posner). Along with the more aware voters, the Electoral College is also very beneficial to the big states. "The Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states (by population) lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the Senate decreed in the Constitution." (Richard A. Posner). And lastly, the Electoral Collee helps avoid run-off elections. "There is pressure for run-off elections when no candidate wins a majority of the votes cast; that pressure, which would greatly complicate the presidential election process, is reduced by the Electoral College, which invariably produces a clear winner." (Richard A. Posner). To sum it all up, there are many benefits to the Electoral College. All and all, the Electoral College is the best way for voting. With this system, there are many benefits to the election process that people may not realize. With benefits like it avoids run-off elections and it makes the voters more aware, some people still beleive that a popular vote is still the best way. It is important to remember that there is a reason that we have certain methods, to benefit our country. And that is what the Electoral College is, a benefit to our country. So senator, and based on the evidence given, it is important to keep the Electoral College for all the benefits it brings and for the sake of our great nation that we live in.             
case of how intersting this planet is. this planet has so many things that is so cool aboiut it. This planert can almost melt any metel case its surface tempiture is about 800 digreese farenhight. and the atmosphere is mainly carbondioxide. Scintist are saying that is is the most like earth. It has so many diffent things that earth could have. It is the most the most intersting planet in out solar system. Scintist are saying that there could have even been life on this planet at one point. Sciantist are even wanting humans to go and visite it. If they were to do this it would be a vary dangrous mission if they wereto do this case so many things could go wrong so easy. but striving to meat the chalanges that Venus will bring but insite to be gaind from studing this planet its self but becase human curosity will most likley lead us into equaly intimidating endeavor.
My position on driverless cars is, I believe they are very dangerous and should not be used by anybody. Although they may be nice when you don't want to drive somewhere but need to go, I do not believe this is something Americans should be taking up for various reasons. First off, I do not think self-driving cars are very safe. If I were to be in a self driving car, I would not be able to relax and trust the car to do the driving, because i'd fear it hitting something causing an accident or just stopping in the middle of the road. Even if the car had automatic stop and auto break systems, I would still have to be very causious and keep my eyes on the road, which is similar to driving a car, so why not save the anxiousness and drive? I believe Americans are getting more and more lazy, therefore they want a self driving car instead of just driving themselves. I think that driving yourself and making sure you are safe, is much better of an idea than putting you're trust in a computerized car. Many questions come to mind when I think about self driving cars. A question that comes to mind while thinking of driverless cars is, whose fault is it if an accident is caused? Would you blame yourself for the accident or the cars since it was driving? Many problems would arise when dealing with this. For example, if the car industry blames the accident on the person, the person could sue the car company stating that it was the car in control, therefore not being the persons fault, it would be the cars. On the other hand, car industries could argue that the person should've been paying attention to the road, and not putting in their full trust with the car. In conclusion, there is a lot to think about when dealing with driverless cars, whoses fault accidents would be, what the new age limit for driving would be, and also whether or not to put you're trust into these cars. Many problems and conflicts would occur, therefore I believe the people should stick to driving the cars. How hard is it to drive a car by ourselves, do we really need the help, or are we just too lazy to want to drive places? Although I admit it would be nice to not have to drive when going on long distance trips, I dont think i'd be able to trust the car to drive for me, and I wouldn't be able to relax when dealing with a self-driving car, even if it had been tested multiple times. I don't think i'll ever be switching to a self-driving car.
This face landform stucture found on Mars was not made by any living source. I belive nature took its course and it so happened to look like a face. Eyes, nose mouth it looks like a face no doubt about it, but it cannot be stuctured by living substances. Most scientists have been saying that this face was made by aliens, but I have to disagree. It just simply can not. I belive that the face on mars is just a natural landform because we do not even know if aliens exist in the first place. There is no prove that aliens exist so why are we jumping into the conclusion, assuming that aliens made this landform. Prove to me aliens exist then we can start thinking if they had anything to do with this. If not then I do not even think that aliens should be in this conversation. Also even If aliens made this landform that looks like a face, how can they make it like that. It is kind of a perfect face, and I belive that you need some technology to build a structure like that. I don't know how they could do all that by hand. Another topic about this landface I want to point out is the three photos. Have you not have noticed how the face changed every couple of years? Well I do. It makes me belive that nature has built that landface throughout the years withe the wind and rain and the planet shaking at times. There is basically no evidence that aliens have built this landface. Well If you still do not belive me and still think aliens have built this landface than I think you are insane because I gave you a bunch of reasons why there is no way and there is no evidence that aliens have built this landface. Everybody should be on my side and say mother nature has built this face, but untill there is prove aliens exist I don't think aliens should be in the topic about this.
Electoral College,are you against it or not? I would perfer that we keep this "despised method" for choosing our president. A dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College is possible but it's less likely than a dispute over the popular vote. For example, in 2012 Obama received 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and Romney. The electoral college requires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal. This is a desierable result because a candidate with only regional appeal is unlikely to be a successful prsident. The residents of the other regions are likely to feel disenfranchised-to feel that their votes don't count,that the new president will have no regard for their interests, that he really isn't their president. The winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes induces the candidates to focus their campaign efforts on the toss-up states. Voters in toss-up states are more likely to pay attention to the campaign, knowing that they are going to decide the election. the Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the Senate decreed in the Constitution. A large state gets more attention form presidential candidates in a campaign than a small state does. The Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast. There is no pressure for the run-off elections when no candidate wins a majority of the votes cast. It can be argued that the Electoral College method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state.       
Imagine driving to work, but catching up on the latest news at the same time. Imagine commuting no longer being a hassle, but an enjoyable experience. That is the world that the driverless car is able to bring our society. Driverless cars should be developed because they are safer, more affordable, and more relaxing to the passengers than the cars of today. On the roads, safety is a top priority, and driverless cars are being made with this in mind. Since 2009, driverless cars have been nagivating roadways with little issue. The author states, "Their [Google's] cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash." That is an extremely long distance to drive, and most humans can not drive that far without a crash. This shows that the technology in driverless cars is even better than a human's brain. If technologically advanced cars such as these were to come into the market, one would expect them to be expensive. However, this is not the case. The author writes that Sergey Brin, cofounder of Google, believes, "The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis..." While it is true that driverless cars might cost more at first, the money saved on fuel would make them a worthwhile investment for everyone after a few years. Contemporary cars create a stressful environment on today's roads that can be difficult for humans to manage. On the contrary, driverless cars would reduce stress while also providing an important source of entertainment. Cars typically require the driver to always be paying attention to the road, which can be mentally taxing. According to the author, manufacturers of driverless cars are developing "in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays." With driverless cars, people can relax while the car pays attention for them. Additionally, the removal of stress from driving would drastically reduce road-rage incidents stemming from the stress. Driverless cars are safer, more affordable, and more relaxing to the passengers, and so should continue to be developed. They offer a new transportation experience that will improve our opinions on cars for decades to come. These marvels of modern technology will, in the words of Sergey Brin, "fundamentally change the world," and companies such as Google and BMW are proving his words to be more accurate with every passing day.
Plan My claim would have to be that computers who identify human emotions would be a valubale thinkg because many students come to class felling down or sad sometimes and instead of them keeping i to them selves. Somebody would hopefully be kind enough and ask if there doing okay or if they need somebody to talk to instead of just having to go thruogh it them selves, just like a child going thru depresion at the end of the day you want to look for those children and help them. But another think would be why would we need this in class instead of using money for this technology they should fix the schools and bring more learning experiences around the country instead of wasting money to see how somebody is feeling youll make somebody happy by just saying have a wonderful day today like the person grading this test i hope you have a wonderful day and i hope at the end of the day i pass this because its a big part of high school and im clearly not the smartest student but at the end of the day i get what i have to do done and dont complain but this invension would be a good project to go around at the airport or banks just to see peoples reaction when they walk in and as there going out to see the diffrence of there face reactions. the mona lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile while it shows how much this computer can do,imagine a computer that knows when youre happy or sad, thatll be really creapy once it knows how you're feeling. LIke example "if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen a similar ad might follow. but if you frown the next ad will be different." this sounds good so when you want certain kind of apps to pop up but once the system knows how youre feeling is another thing instead of seeing how im feeling they should help out people in need who need the help to help them keep there emotions better, Also crazy how theis technology would make it easy for a computer to recongnize when a student is becoming confused or bored. My claim would have to be that I would wan this in my class or around my school beacuse i personaly feel like many students will come into school with a diffrent mood if they knew there expresions or feelings are all being detected, instead of them coming sad theyll probabaly chear up a bit since they maybe dont want anybody to know how there feeling and itll try to hid it and change there mood from what it was at first. This process all beigins with a computer that constructs a 3-D computer model of the face, all 44 major muscles in the model unit must move like a human muscles. Some coding system facial expressions that its going to be able to read is six basic emotions like happiness,surprise, anger, disgust, fear ,and sadness, many people are not gonna like the idea of this beause people don want to let everbody know what they are feeling or what there thinking of.
My argument for the driverless cars would be against them. I feel like it would be alot that comes with having one of those cars. There are alot of things you would have to do and know in order to stay more cautious then a car you would normally drive yourself.The driverless could also be dangerous in the most simplest ways. There are also alot of things you have to watch out for. All easy ways to get out of somethings are not always the safest. I feel as if alot would come with the cars because you have to really make sure you know what your doing and keep your eyes on the rode at all times although you should already do that. I also feel like parts for the car would be way more expensive considering it drives on its on. It will eventually become a headache to some who thought it would be easier to just hop in a car that goes on its on , not knowing everything that comes along with the car. Sometimes you have to think about what you really getting before you just hop in it and go. Thats why i said i feel like its alot to come with those cars. When buying a car like that there are alot of things you need to understand. You will have to have patience and structure. I say that because even though it drives on its own it still needs a human hands on the wheel at certain points and times of the day. Even though the driverless car drives on its own most the time , a human still has to take over when coming upon a construction zone or coming upon a pedestrian maybe even alot of traffic. Its only so much a car can do automatically. The car could be dangerous because by it not being able to go through certain things it can lead into yourself or somebody else getting hurt. It also can lead into somethings even getting damaged. When driving a automated car you have to be more catious then what you would be driving a regular car. Not all easy ways are the safest ways out of situations especially when dealing with a car. Cars can be a dangerous thing to choose , thats why when you do get a car you should choose wisely and make sure its good for future refferences. So once again i am against driverless cars. I feel they are not say for people to just drive as an everyday car. I feel as if somebody get one it should only be used for fun in like an empty parking lot or brung out at night when there is really nothing going on. I only say that because not only do i want the person that has one to be safe i want everyone around them to be safe as well. So no driveless cars should not come.
"What most intrigues me is that rates of car ownership per household and per person started to come down two or three years before the downturn,"said Michael Sivak. When people hear this they automaticly think "oh no!"or "this is not good news". In reality its the complete opposite ;that's fantsic news .Less people buying cars are not just better for the Earth but better for the person their self too. Less car uses could reduce three major things,one being a person's health ."When I had a car I was always tense .I'm much happier this way ,"said Heidurn Walter. When it comes to car most people worry about the most simplist things like when should they go to get their cars checked or it breaking down the road who should they call or what should they do .If you don't own a car or take the bus or even car pool more you would'nt have to worry about that. less car uses takes stress out your life. Not only stress but it could give you the oppertunity to be healthier. If you chose walking or rideing a bike every once in a while it gives you the opertunity to be healthier and more active. Not using cars as much not only takes stress off your life and gives you the opertunity to be healthier ; it saves you money too. Each year the gas prices go up and everyday citizens find it hard to pay for it .Transportion is the second largest source of America's emissions. Also ,using less cars can save you up to a million in money each year. In Bogota,Colombia every year they have a car free day where they either hike,bike,or take the buss to where ever they need to go and this alone helps communtiy and it's enviorment. helping it clear the air of the global city. Futhermore,speaking on the enviorment cars are one of the biggest reason for air pollution today. This makes it hard for people to see also for people to drive in .In Beijing ,China it is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world. Beijing traffic 60 percent was downfor five days due to the intensifying smog they had .This showes how just by driving cars can ruine the enivorment by not only ruining the air but also stop people from seeing  what is going on around them also. One should not give up driving a car completly ,but should reduce its uses. This can help you save money,be in better health ,and also help the enviorment by keeping the air clean. Also,there are many ways to do so ,and you still have the chance to get to where you need to be ;examples are busses,walking,car pooling,or even rideing a bike. Reducing car uses saves you money, but also keeps you heathly. So next time you get in your car think about a new way you could get from point A to point B.
Long ago, Vikings spotted a shadowy figure that resembled a human face. It was about two miles long and was located on a region of the Red Planet called Cydonia. Some people are convinced that aliens on the Red Planet, but others would beg to differ. Most scientists agree that aliens are just a myth and they did not build the "face. Technology has also improved the findings of scientists about he "face." For the most part, scientists are convinced that the theory of aliens building the "face" is just a myth. They figure it is just another Martian mesa. The only unusual thing thing about this "face" is that there were shadow that give people the illusion that there are eyes, nose, and a mouth. Very few scientists fall for the myth that aliens built the ''face." Most scientists, including myself, would agree that there is no alien life after all. Still not satisfied with my argument? If not, listen to this. With all of the new technology these days, there is even more proof as to why there was no aliens who built the "face." A camera took photos of the "face" with maximum resolution. With the high technology cameras, scientists could look at the photo three times as large as the origianl snapshot. Becasue the scientists can zoom in so much, they would have been able to see if there were any aliens on the planet. The picture actually shows Martian equivalent of a buttle or mesa, which are llandforms commonly located around American West. Most scientists would agree that there never was alien life on Cydonia. Thanks to technology, this point can be proven even further. Obviously, aliens did not build the "face" that is on the Red Planet.
Thinking that alien's exist on Mars is crazy. The so called "Face on Mars" is a huge rock formation that resembles a human head.... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. If aliens did live on Mars, why would they want us to know? The survey NASA took on April 5, 1998 revealed a natural land formation. It found that there was really no alien monument at all. "As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digitool image three times bigger than pixel size. "So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were." After all the research, and different theories scientists finally realized what the picture actually shows. The picture shows the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. So in conculsion, with lot's of research and experimentation you can find out what things really are.
Should the electoral college process be demolished? Many would say no way PROPER_NAME, but I strongly consider the electoral college process should be demolished. I believe this because I think the citizens of the U.S. should be able to vote for their favored presidential candidate directly. In reality, voters are not really voting for their presidential candidate, they are voting for a slate of voters. Below are my main reasons for why I am in favor of demolishing this electoral college First off, let's get something straight, citizens who regularly vote in the presidential election are not really voting for their desired presidential candidate. All fifty of the U.S. states are given a certain amount of electoral votes. As the electoral college is widely regarded as a anachronism, it's not fit for the present anymore. According to the third source, the electoral college is a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be overruled by declaing that the candidate who recieves the most popular votes the winn er. There are five reasons why the electoral college has not been demolished yet, Certainty of outcome Everyone's President Swing States Big States Avoid Run-Off Elections these are the reasons ehy the electoral college has not been demolished even though it is highly resented in the U.S.A. In continuation, people who vote should be able to directly vote for who they are in favor of winnning the presidency. That basically means whoever's name was checked off on their voting card should have been their pick to win the election, not for another sllate of voters who do the voting for them, that's not having a voice. The electoral college method of selecting the president may turn of potential voters for a candidatr who has no hope of carrying their state. For example, Democrats in Texas, or Republicans in California. Knowing their vote will have no effect. In closing, I urge that the electoral college process should be outruled. Because people who don't support their state, their vote won't matter until this electoral college process is outruled. It is important that all Americans vote count in a election of any kind. They should be able to vote for whoever they want directly, not for electoral, but for the popular vote. Not to vote for a slate of voters who elect the president themselves. Now, again, should the electoral college process really be demolished?
many of peolpe own and drive cars, everyday. For some people having a car is very impotant to their lifestyle. when buying a car peopl tell you that having aa car is great , but do they tell you the other effects it can have on your physically. having a car not only affects your daily life but allso affects your environment. have you ever heard of the greenhouse affect, global warming and air pollution? the abundant usage of cars have a large affect on those vital things in our environment . In cities like paris , because of the air pollution caused by cars, there is very dense smog ( source2 ). Air pollution is very important because the toxins in burnig fuel can be harmful to the healthof citizens. smog is not only a problem in paris , but all over the world . places like paris and Bogato have created things like car day , to discourage th e use of cars, because of that the air polluston on these places have reduced dramatically .(source 2 and 3). due to the efforts to reduce car usage , the smog and othe pollutions clearded up uthe air which showed that not using your car for one day can be tramindasly helpful to your environment. In the United states the automoblie industry is huge, and having a car is one of the things that many citizens hold dear to their daily life. recently things have started to chang in the U.S .  government is starting to realize the affects of having millons of cars in our country is gaving on our environment(source 4 ). since the expansion od suburbs th       
Venus has the hottest surface temperture out of all the plantets; even though, Mercury is close to the sun . Did you know that ? Well if not maybe you should read "The Challege of Eploring Venus". The article pours out information about this evening star;however, you obtain more then just knowngle from this article. To contuie, the article expresses emotions and the author's feelings about the dangerous pursit to explore this marvlous planet. So, did you know planet could have babies? Well I don't know if that entriley true, but Venus is the Earth's twin. Which I don't think should be taken littralle, because they're own twins thanks to looks. Which is pretty segrgated, but oh well. So back on topic Venus is classified as Earth's twin, because Venus is the closest plant in density, size, and distance. Also did you know astromers have theory that Venus couldv'e been Earth-like. They're fascinated that Venus couldv'e been covered with ocean and couldv'e even supported life. The astrometer only belive this, beacues the features that are analogous to those on Earth. Venus has valleys, mountains, craters, and even a rocky surface. This really helped support why Venus is worth the risk, because look at all this inforamation we know. Yet, how are we suppose to belive it's true. You see humans are very heavy headed, which means we are not very open minded to knew idea. To contuie, people are going to fight weather it's true or not. Humans need to see it in order to believe it. Consquently, you may not think that humans need to see it to believe it. So, to get into our next topic some of the things I'm telling you about Venus may not even be true. We need to head into this challnge head first and hope for the best. We need to stop being scared of the what if's and be more scared of that nots. Many reseachers are working on innovtion that can help us obtain the knowlege of Venus, which is such a succes. For example, NASA is working on an invention to help reseacher fload above the heated surface. On the other hand, forms of light can't penetrate dense atmosphere, which would be tough since Venus atmosphere 97% carbon dioxide. To contuie reseacher can't get rock,gas,or any kind of phyical samples, but that why we need to keep pushing. If we wanna find out Venus's secerets we need to get up close and personal despite the risks. To wrap things up, Venus is a strange planet that we don't quite understand, but it we just stay strong we can find a way to discover the truth. Also who know what the knowlede from Venus could help us do. Venus has value weather you see it or not. The author shows his feeling swithout being so in your face about it. The pursit to Venus means alot to his as shown in the text. The author even talks about how the values of Venus are needed. They even bring why it's has value, innovation that make it possible, and pours tons of instersting facts about Venus to presrated you into seeing his point of view.
Senator of Florida, the electoral college should continue and not change. The electoral college has helped America vote evenly on politics. This helps avoid any conflicts with candidates. Without the electoral college, we would have to try and use a new method. Using a new method is not only time consuming but, nobody is sure it can have a certain outcome. The electoral college dismisses the problem of run-off elections. Candidates wouldn't have to worry about not receiving a majority vote. "For example, Nixon in 1968 and Cliton in 1992 both had only a 43 percent plurality of the popular votes, while winning a majority in the Electoral College (301 and 370 electoral votes, respectively)." (Posner, 22) Using the electoral college will give you certanity of the outcome. Since most states go off a certain basis, it is very likely that the state will have a win based on their electoral votes. "In [2012's] election, for example, Obama received 61.7 percent of the electoral votes compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and Romney.... Because almost all states award electoral votes on a winner-take all basis, even a very slight plurality in a state creates a landslide electoral-vote victory in that state." (Posner, 18) Conversly, it can lead to another disaster. People do have the possibility of rearranging votes so a certain candidate wins. "Back in 1960, segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. (So that a popular vote for Kennedy would not have actually gone to Kennedy.)" (Plumer, 11) Although there were problems and disasters in the past, we have grown from them. Electoral College gives us certainty. This avoids run-off elections as well. Keeping the electoral college would maintain the political balance in America.
I feel like we should change the votes and make it into a popular vote for the president of the United States. In a electoral vote is most worrying of a tie. Its also unfair to most people. Also electoral college systems voters don't vote for the president. People always get confused with the voting which makes electoral voting a struggle. One of the main reasons is that people worry about electoral votes ending in a tie. In the article it states that if it does end in a tie, then the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives. This is where state delegations vote on the president. Also the Senate would choose the vice-president. Another reason, it is unfair to most people. Now it all counts as to one vote for the whole state. If most people vote for the president the like its only going to get one vote for the state. In the article it states that this type of vote the currently have is a "winner takes all' vote. Which in the thoughts of most people is unreasonable and also unfair. Also, in the electoral college system, people don't vote for the president. A very few of it elects the president. The problem with this is who are the electors, who picks them and it states that it can be anyone that is not holding the office. So most of the voters get confused about the electors and they may vote the wrong candidate. In conclusion, those are the reason why the electoral system are wrong. It's unfair to most people, it might end in a tie and the voting is confusing. This should be a contest of who gets more votes, not by the states vote.
In our world, air pollution is a huge problem. Most air pollution stems from motor vehicles. People don't usually tend to think that driving is hurting the Earth, but that is exactly what it is doing. Smog is a big issue in cities like New York and Paris. Not only is it unsafe for the environment, but it is also unhealthy for humans. Big cities have recently started doing "Car-Free" days where no one is allowed to drive. If a person does drive, they will get fined. City officials are doing this in an attempt to cut back on the air pollution and smog that cars cause. In a sense, they are saving the world that we live in. In the third article, Carlos Arturo Plaza said "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." Another wonderful thing about limiting car use is this: It saves money. Gasoline is so expensive today. It is stressful to have to pay so much money for it. The prices constantly fluctuate and it's hard to keep up with. Yes, public transportation costs money. But it doesn't cost nearly as much as it would to fill up your whole gas tank. A big problem in America is obesity. I think that this is partially because nobody ever needs to get up and really walk anywhere. Our car keys are at our fingertips and since we can so easily drive, we see no reason in travelling anywhere close in any other way. I believe that obesity in America would be greatly reduced if car use was limited. People would be out walking more and they would be engaging in more physical activity than ever before. It can do nothing but good for all of us. I understand that some people label limiting car usage as "unnatural", but I don't think those people really consider all of the goodness in it. There are many advantages in not being so reliant on cars. In conclusion, limiting car usage is not just the latest fad, but a new way of protecting the Earth and it's people. It is a way to keep the environment clean and functioning properly, as it should be. It is a way to make humans healthier and happier. I honestly believe that being less reliant on cars is a great thing, and I believe that it is the direction in which we need to go.
I beileve the tecnology of "Driverless" cars is necessary in todays society, and should be used for its worth. One of the few big ideas i saw in the article was the newer use of sensors in the vehicles we use today. Many of the sensors today are used to warn and stop the driver from any collisions or accidents that may accure, at any moment. I beileve that this technology is needed now more than ever for everyone, and not just unexperienced or handicaped drivers. I am currently still learning how to drive and will get my license very, and i am very cautious of my peers driving too. I would feel more comfortable that the car could stop itself wiith out the drivers noticing, and possibly stoping to stop a collision or save my very own life. I would very much like to see this technology come to fruition, and let the world harness it's abilities to further mankind towards a safer and better future. The laws aginst the use of these "Driverless" cars are very reasonable too, and need to adjust for further research towards the safety of the people they aim to protect with these laws. I beileve they dont realize that testing and researching these new methods is a step foward, for safety, and not for just the sake of testing variables on somethings. They don't seem to understand that these technologies are being invented to help save people today. If you searched on the internet for just one second you could find all sorts of stories, about their own cars saving the drivers from creating a terrible mistake and saving their lives. These laws make me question us, as a society, more than ever, and as a society how are we allowed to grow in knowledge and sciences, if we cannot test our ideas? We must further sucome to the new technologies we have available, at this time, but we must not lose ourselves in context. We have to push towards breaking these laws aginst testing and accept the new technology, for the future. As a child i watched cartoons with flying cars and cities in space, and in todays age we have the ability to strive for this dream of the future. One day I hope to be sitting in a cab that s driving itself perfectly fine and not releasing large amounts of toxins into the air that we all breath, to survive. This is yet another thing to admire of these "driverless" cars, and that is the ability to use much less amounts of fuel, rather than traditional vehicles. As you may already know cars pushout lots of burned fossil fuels, but with the new technology that has been presented, these cars can use less fossil fuels. The burning of less fossil fuels is a "thumbs up", and has a lesser impact on the world, rather than a world without them. I gladly accept the new technologies that "Driverless" cars have presented to me today, and feel safer knowing a computer system can save me from human errors. I can guarentee that this technology is safe and efficient for the world, and should be further studied to further the new technology to more suit society. The further interest or study in new sensor technology is to thank, just as much as the fuel concerns we have today with our own vehicles. The technology of the future is here, and we need it to help save the lives of many people. We as the society of the future should not stand back and watch the possibilities of our future be restricted by laws, that just dont understand the purpose of this technology.
Advantages of Limiting Car Usage Imagine walking out into a world of smoke, dust, and fog; finding oranisms exstinct or hiding. This is a glimspe of our future. If we do not conrol car usage in our days today this is what it will come to. Limiting car usage has a plethora of advantages. In Vauban, Germany, past car owners have given up their veihicles for a better life. "'When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,' sad Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two, as she walked verdant streets where the swish of bicycles and the clatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor."( "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars" by Elizabeth Rosenthal Paragraph 3 Lines 20 through 25). Many people have given up their cars and homes to move to this upscale communtity. It is an example of a trend to separate suburban life and auto use. There are efforts going on right now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. Twelve percent of those emissions are from passenger cars and up to fifty percent in car-intensive areas in the United States. According to the article "Paris Bans Driving Due to Smog" , Paris, France has enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city after days of a near-record pollution. People who were motorists or drove licensed cars were ordered to not drive or they were to pay a fine of $31(22-euro fine). This did not stop most of the people however, because four thousand drivers were find, and 27 of them had their cars impounded for how they reacted upon this. Paris typically has more smog. Having limited car usage enabled the congestion(car traffic) to go down 60 percent in Paris. Even though after this enforcement of the driving ban made delivery companies coplain of lost revenue, there were agreements for hybrids and cars carrying three or more passangers. Imagine walking outside to the fresh air while feeling a rose petal on a near-by bush and watching a squirell and blue jay up in the trees. The neighbors are getting on their bike to the lake across town. All is happy and clean. This was due to limiting car usage in not just Paris and Vauban, but everywhere.    
Venus also sometimes called "the evening star" is consider one of the brightest points of light in the night sky. Venus is considered a "twin" to Earth because it is the second planet from sun and becuse it is the closest to Earth in size and density and also the closest in distance. Venus also neighbors other planets an example is in paragraph 2 "Earth, Venus, and Mars, our other planetary neighbor, orbit the sun at different speeds. These diferences in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to mars and other times to Venus. because Venus is sometimes right around the corner-in space terms-humans have sent numerous spacecrafts to land on this cloud-draped world." Venus has surface temperatures that are up to "800 degrees Fahrenheit" and the atmosphere is "90%" stronger than what we experience on earth. Venus also makes up "97% of carbon dioxide" so we would not be able to breath with also the planet being to hot to step on. they have also had unmanned missions on Venus for example in paragraph 2 "Each previous mission was unmanned, and for a good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." NASA is also working on some other approaches to study Venus for example in paragraph 7 "some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamer simulating the chaos of Venus's surface aand have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." NASA has also planned to take a look at technology called mechanical computers, how they were developed? An example would be in paragraph 7 "These devices were first envisioned in 1800's and played an important role in the 1940's during World War 2." NASA is hoping in the future to make a sucessful test launch to Venus.
Drivless cars has its cons and pros to it, but i would say it's a bad idea. Drivers have already enough on their plate when driving because not only do they have to keep themselves safe but also the people in the car and other cars that share the same road. Also the coast of this car would be outrageous. Most Americans would not be able to afford that luxery. The "driverless" car is also not something that represnts its name. When I think about "driverless" car I think about cars that have no need for divers even in the passaenger seat. These cars are not what they say they are, they only can drive when its easy and they alerat you when they could not be able to drive anymore. If companies are going to makes a driverless car they should go all out and not excite the consumers with hopes and lies. In America it will always come down to one thing, money. How much time and research will it take to produce this car? "In the late 1950s, General motors created a concept car that could run on a special test track ... track was embedded with an electrical vale that sent radio signals to a reciever on the front end of the car" also "Engneers at Berkeley tried soemthing similar, but they used magnets with alternating polarity.. in binary code". While both of these test and ideas were a great invention the article stated it was just too expensive. Is this centurys technology different or more advance. America is 19 trillion dollars in debt this past year and the debt is only rising. If these cars would undergo production that would be a lot of money to produce and they would sell them for a lot more to the buyers, a luxery many americans can't afford. Then they would be left with no buyers and a ton of un-used cars, it would truely be a waste of money. Thats even saying if they can compose the car correctly. There are also many other factors when it comes to testing and trying to produce these driverless cars. "In most states it is iligal to test computer-driven cars" so where do the comanies like GMC, BMW, and other companies that produce cars will test their cars. Testing the cars in safety and how it works is a must but what are the car companies going to do if they ever do get approved with their car. Laws in every state would have to shift and new laws would have to be created. Also new insurance policys would have to be created. All of this adds up to be a lot of money, something most amercians do not have. In ever case of an acident, who's fualt woudl it be, driver or manufactuer? With the new laws that would have to be passes with this driverless car new libility coverages would have to be passes and bought by the consumers. Many question will arrise fromt he consumers. Their car insurance will defiantly go up just in cae of an accident. If an accident ever did occur in the hand of the driverless car, that never alerted the driver to take control, insurance would have to cover it of course but its not the drivers fualt for a malfunction in the car. The manufacture should be the one the pay the accident. Another con would be if the manufactur should on take the responsiblity and a even bigger accident happend like a death and the driver blammed it on the driverless car, who would go to jail then. These are many the factors one should think about before putting the driverless car in the market. "Tesla has projected release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 precent of the time. Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020". The driverless cars are already an undergo in production. No laws have been passed yet that could be able to drive this driverless car except California,Nevada,Florida, and the District of Columbia have allowed to only test cars. If these big car comapies decide to start working on and producucing thses cars they are going to have a while until they can start selling them due to no state allows american to drive. Thats more money they spent in pruduction that they will not see back right away. They will cuase Amercia to be more in debt.
Dear Senator, The debate regarding the necessity of the Electoral College and it's validity has aroused some tension among the citizens of America, and the government as well. This process is not only used to decide the President of our nation, but to ensure the equality of the voting. By establishing our county as a democracy, we made a promise to maintain a systematic balance between the government and it's people. Without the existence of the Electoral College, where would this balace be? The Electoral College is the basis upon which our country is built, and is vital to uphold the balance and equality between government and people. The Electoral College has many benefits towards the nation that many people are unaware of. For example, in order to do well, a candidate must have connections nation-wide. In source 3, line 19, it states "The Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal." This means that no candidate is guaranteed a win if they only appeal to one area or region. This creates an overall balance throughout the nation, and makes sure only a portion of the country doesn't have all the power. Also, this allows the people to have a clear understanding of who they're voting for, and what this means. Equality is key, and without this equality, where would our nation be? By continuing the use of the Electoral College, we have decided to be the best we can be. It says in Source 1, line 1 "The Electoral College is a process, not a place. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and the election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens." This provides valid information to support the necessary balance of people and government. The Electoral College also produces a winner inarguably qualified due to the amount of votes received. This is clearly described in Source 3, line 22, "The Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast." Due to the use of this process, the election of a President can be efficient and simple. The President can now be Some may argue that this process does not clearly represent the people or their votes. This is because some may vote for a "slate of electors" as opposed to the president. However, this belief can be decidedly rejected due to the lack of valid evidence to support the claim. How are voters expected to vote fairly if they are not given the support to do so? Overall, it can be declared that the Electoral College plays a vital role in maintaining the internal balance of our nation that the citizens inhabiting it are so reliant on. Choosing to reject this process would be deciding to injure our nation, its future, and its people.
dear state senator, im writting this letter to you so you consider changing to election by popular vote for the prsident of the united states instead of electoral college. i belive like branford plumer, that the electoral college is very wrong not only because under the electoral college system, voters dont vote for the president but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. but also because it is very unfair to voters, candidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states. the electoral college is outdated, unfair, and irrational and its time for a change. nevertheless the electoral colleges dispute over its outcome is possible, it also nrequires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal, its winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes does induce the candidates, the electoral college also restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states lose by virtue of the mal-appotionment of the senate decreed on the constition, and it avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate recieves a majority of the votes cast. the electoral college method of selecting the president is and will turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state. according to the gallup poll in 2000, 60 precent of voters would prefer a direct election the electoral college is losing the little defenders it has and due to the spurious arguments the electoral college should be abolished.
The idea of technology being able to read peoples emotional expressions is actually kinda cool. This idea can be actually kinda wierd too because you can be on the computer just minding your own buisness but also knowing the computer is watching your every move to detect your emotional expressions. One thing I do like about this facial action coding system is how they use science to make this work. Proffessor Thomas Haung says that the computer constructs 3-D model of the face and it scans all 44 muscles of the human face and can tell what your emotional expressions are. Another good thing about this technology has that is pretty good is that when your on the computer and the technology is scanning your emotion , that can determine the ads that pop up , so if an ad pops up that you dont like and the technology can detect that you dont like it the next ad will be something that you like or will be even better. I think this is pretty good for advertising because advertisers are always trying to figure out what people are interested in , want or need and what puts a smile on their face. Overall I think this technology is pretty good to me so far based on the information I am given. Other people may disagree with this technology and may not like it because not everyone wants there expressions to be known or used because some people may want to keep there feelings to there self. At the end of the day this technology hasn't been realeased to the public yet and people haven't had a chance to use it yet, but until then this is just an idea.
In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worth-while task. Although Venus poses many risks to humans and technology, the information and resources that can be taken from Venus are overwhelming. In the beginning of the article, the author explains the many complications that come along with trying to study Venus. Previously, more than three decades ago, there were numerous attempts to study Venus, but shorty after landing spacecrafts, they were destroyed due to the conditions. This is because of the daunting environment Venus possesses, the atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide, temperatures can acceed 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the pressure is 90 times greater than the pressure on Earth. Although these environmental factors seem to be disasterous for almost anything that would dare set foot on the planet, the author decribes two possible ways to get around this delima. First the author describes an idea posed by NASA. NASA says that sending people to Venus is possible, as long as they're above the intense conditions of the planet. They say that hovering at around the height airplains fly in hot airbaloons, humans could uncomfortably survive. Second, simple systems that use mechanical parts, have been proven to last up to three weeks in a simulated recreation of Venus. Theses "rovers" could prove useful for grathering test samples that the balloons above the atmosphere would not be able to, also they would be able to take greater quality pictures and study the land more effectively. Scientists say that Venus could have supported life long ago; as well as have similiar aspects to Earth such as: large oceans, valleys, mountains, and craters. According to the author this would prove usefull if similar conditons arose on Earth, and would give us insite about the rest of the universe. The reward of knowledge that would be yeilded from the daunting exploration of Venus out weighs the risks and complications that would arise. The author supports his argument well and makes a convencing claim.
dear state senator, i believe that you should get rif of the electrical collage because the votes are biased and with the citizens voteing you can get better results. first of all,even though the electoral collage consists of 538 electors i think it would be better if all of citizens from across the globe can help more due to more people and more relibilty then with 570 people. secend of all,if "the popular vote"was gone and was taken seriesly then we would have better quality presidents like al gore even though he was popular he still lost the presidency. according to bradford plumer over 60 precent of voters would perfer a direct election also,how are we sure to trust the electors anyway? is texians vote on john kerry they might not lisin and vote on whoever they want out of spite. also we don't want to repeat the 2000 fiasco agein and the system allows much worse and they occasionally refuse to vote for the party canidate. and disaster will happen is two slates of electors to congress like when it happend in hawaii in 1960 when richard nixion only wanted elector voters but luckly he did it "without establishing a precedent". and what would happen if theirs a tie in the electoral vote? then the electorals would be thrown to the house of represenitives and they vote on the president there. incluclosion,we should get rid of the electoral collage because it's unfair,outdated and irrational.
"Why Driveless Cars Are Not Safe?" I believe that driveless cars should not be developed because these cars are not safe, they're not developed completely, and if the driver is not taking caution it can cause harm to other. My first reason why I believe that driveless cars should not be developed is that they are not safe because sometimes it requires human skills when going through work zones or accidents. If the driver is not alert and is sleeping and the driveless cars notices a work zone or accident the driver is not going to know. Right now the traffic laws have written that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. Driveless cars are illegal in most states because of safety precautions. Even if they were legal the trafic laws would have to make new laws to cover liability in care of accidents. My second reason why I believe that driveless cars should not be developed is that driveless cars are not developed completely. The car driveless car can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but alll driveless cars are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead of them requires human skills. Since they arent not developed completely the driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when they there is a situation that requires human skills. The cars can be driven more than half a million miles without crashing, but the Google cars are really driveless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or with complicated traffic issues. Finally, my third reason why I believe that driveless cars should not be developed is that if the driver is not taking caution they could cause harm to other people. If the driver sleeping and not paying attention to the road even though it is a driveless car it could cause harm to the driver and other people. Since the driveless cars are not fully developed the driver has to make sure that they are staying alert. Even though it might have a sensor in the car what if it sensor fails then how will the driver be alert that a traffic situation is ahead. Right now the traffic laws say the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. Also driveless cars are illegal in most states and its also illegal even to test computer driven cars. These are the reason why I believe that driveless cars are not to developed because they are not safe, they are not developed completely, and if the driver is not taking caution they could cause harm to other people.
I believe that the Facial Action Coding Sydtem could work. From what I read, it is pretty high tech and they know what they are doing. If they ad these to classrooms to tell how boring or fun they are and how to make them better I think some kids would actually want to go to class. There are three things I think really make this possible,and they are muscle scanning, used for interigation, and making class better. This first reason is very good. The muscles in faces can really tell the actual expression of an individual or even an entire class. In paragraph 3, line 2, the author says, "All 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles." This means it uses 44 different muscles in the face to figure out someones emotions. This can be very accurate it seems like, if you have an investigation and you have 44 pieces of evidence, how likely are you going to be right? Very likely. That brings me to my next example, interigation. imagine you have 8 people who have been caught and there was a murder. If you ask all 8 of them I garantee you will figure out who murdered the person. In paragraph 7, line 12, the text states, "They even indicate the difference between a genuine smile and a forced one." This can tell you if a person is lying or not, along with a couple other factors. Lets say someone is being asked a couple questions, if they asked the person if he broke into a house recently they can tell if his stress levels are high. Then we can also make class better with this facial scan. If they put this into a classroom more kids would want to go to class because it can make class better. But it can also have some down sides. Some teachers might use it to be more serious and less fun. Then kids wouldn't want to go to school and just stay home. But if the classroom is more fun and less stressful the kids won't learn as much. In paragraph 6 line, the texts says, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored" this means they can have the computer tell them what they are doing wrong and change it to where the classroom is fun but you also get alot of learning in. This is why I think it could work. this is a very smart idea for the future and I think that most people would like this idea too. It can really change the future and these are three ways I think its a good idea.
First,The face NASA found in Mars is just a landform and I can prove it. On the picture on 1976 it actaully looked like a human face, but a human face cant be that big. On 1998 the eyes and mouth started fading away like it was disapearing. On 2001, you can't even see the face anymore. Next, It looked like it cracked, also scientists 'figured it was just another Martian Mesa, comman enough around Cydonia.' But, also scientists believed the face was an alien artifact but, they can't prove that it is just what they believe. Then,On April 5, 1998 it said that Mars Global Surveyor flew over to Cydonia to see if it was real. When they got there they took some pictures of it for JPL web site, but it revealed that it was just a natural landform and it wasn't a alien monument. Finally , just to make sure on April 8, 2001 it said in the article that "Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look.""They rolled the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view," said Garvin. What the picture actaully shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landform common around the American West. In conclusion, there was no alien or face in Mars. It was just a landform making it look like there was a human face. This is my essay telling it was just a landform.
The arthor is saying that it can be possible to physcially travel to Venus as a exploration resort because of how much it's related to Earth. Venus is the second planet cloest to the sun and the third planet closest to Venus is Earth. Venus has mountains, valleys and etc. similar to Earth's terrain. Venus is a dangerous place to be at because it's exposed to heat a lot more than what earth is exposed. So for that reason, Venus would be an inhabitable place but scientists are working hard to figure out a way to be able to explore areas with such high amount of heat exposure. scientists has lauched machineries over to Venus to explore the varity of stuff over at Venus but all of the machines only lasted a few hours and then broke down because of how unsafe it is. NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus because they are curious to see why Venus is such a similar planet to Earth. The idea they had to help NASA explore more over at Venus was to use old mechanical technology because they thought that it would withstand the heat and pressure over at Venus. NASA is working hard to figure out Venus because in the near future they want to travel over there as another planet to attend on. NASA is curious to see how the near future would turn out with all of these expierements because they are curious to travel beyond their imaginations. NASA also hopes that in the near future, flying cars and better technology are there because they would like to travel to other planets over my using cars and vehecials. So the arthor may be right about being able to travel to other planets with how NASA is going so far with technology.
As in the article author says that Venus is like an evening star as one of the brightest pioint of light in the sky.As Venus is the second planed in our solar system and humans have proved also that it is very simple to see but when the earth is safe and though it is proved that it is closely to our earth.As the author said that humans who had gone by spacecraft werent that sucessful so the issue explains that thats why no spaceship cansurvive for long time.As VENUS is a challenigng planet for humans because the atmosphere is really bad like almost of 97 percent of carbon dioxide and we humans need greenery atmosphere and also good clmate then only we can survive,as high temperatures around 800 fahrenheit and many things too that can damage the deepest oceans to.The authors says that if VENUS is such an inhospitable planet then why are astronomers trying to figure it out,so then the scientists took out an idea that if we are sending humans then we have to study about venus .As then author gave an example that blimpy vehicles can hover over 30 miles then why not jet airplanes and also jet airplanes can still work in such bad atmoshpere too but the air pressure will be closest to the sea level of earth and also solar poower can work but can hel survive humans.So the scientists were looking up for technologies but they last till 3 weeks that in such conditions,so then scientists came up with the old technologies like the mechanical technology as first humans were shocket but then the scientists said that it may help us with calculations and all and also it does not require electricity to.So, from my side thanks for working so hard our scientists and astrnomers who gets good information from the space and then it is being spread all over the wolrd and how it works and everything.So the more you study the more your mind gets knowledged and thats what i read about venus.As special thanks to author also for sharing a great article.
I'm trying to convincing you to be a Seagoing Cowboys program, because one reason, why you should be in the Seagoing Cowboys, is that you can take care of the animals, if you like animals a lot. Other reason why you should be in the Seagoing Cowboys program, is that you will go other part of the world, or even making new friends there. But, it will take about two weeks to get to the place your going to get the animals, or getting back your home. Other reason why you should be in the program because you will get pay, and you are helping people to get more animals, or food. When you become a Saegoing Cowboys you will take care of the animals almost every hour. You got to feed the animals, clean the animals, and give the aniamls to the people you were going to help them get animals. When you get the animals you will be them in a room, and you will go to a small ship, but not that small. At night you need to check the animals every hour, even if it raining, or when the sea is dangers. Well I hope that I convince you to become a Seagoing Cowboys program.
Some people think that the crater in Mars, is an alien face, but how could it? There is not enough evidence to conclude that the stucture is an alien face. And besides, weird shapes always form. Its just nature. Conspiracy theorists think its an alien and that we are hiding something from the people, but we have nothing to hide. Around the face, you can clearly see there are other crater like forms on the planet. But those do not resemble any body forms? Thats because that is just how they were formed. The face is just another one of mother natures masterpieces. We shouldn't take it for granted and start asuming things that are not true. In the story, it states that Garvin said, "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho". This means that it isnt the first time nature made a weird but amazing shape in the earth. Have you ever seen a tree, thats bark makes a shape, and it looks like its staring right back at you? Well, if you have, you understand that it is just nature and its a happy surprise with no actual meaning. Its the same for the face on Mars. If aliens are in the universe somewhere, and want to interact with us, I think they would find a better way to do it. They would most likly do something way more incredable and unforgetable. Not just stick one of their faces in the ground of the planet and see if anyone notices. If that was their plan, well, you have been notice. Now what? If they meant to put that in the planet, why didn't they respond when we figured out? Why didn't they land on our planet and say they magic words,"take me to your leader"? Well, they couldve if they wanted to, if they really wanted us to notice them. In conclusion, I do not think that the face on Mars, is an actual face. Sure, there can possibly be aliens in the universe somewhere, there probably is! But I doubt they would make a face print in a planet to get our attention. Plus, there are other weird, yet amazing, artifacts in the universe that no one can forget. That's why I think that the "face on Mars" isn' t really a face, bu t in fact,is just one of nature's masterpieces once again.
There are several advantages in limiting car usage. It helps the environment, lowers the chance of crashing, removes stress, and also congestion. A reason why limiting car usage is beneficial is that it helps the environment. In source 2, France reached several days of "near-record pollution". This is mainly because of the substantial numbers of cars in France. Since France is dependent more on Diesel rather than gasoline, it emits more pollution causing smog to be more evident. In paragraph 14, it states, "...[The smog] rivaled Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world.". China has far more than triple the population of France. Yet, France is able to reach the same level of smog as China. If an abundant amount of people continue to drive cars as the way they do, every country is going to have the smog problem Beijing and France are having. Also possessing so much smog is a safety hazard being that it limits your ability to see from a distance. In addition, limiting car usage can reduce stress. In source 1, Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two, said " When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way.". In source 3, Carlos Artuto Plaza quotes " its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution". It is not only one person who can vouch on the reduction of stress by limiting car usage. A woman in Germany and a man in Colombia can both agree on the idea that limting car usage reduces stress. When you dont drive a car as much you have less things to worry about. Like, Fearing the possibilty of crashing, running out of gas, dealing with traffic, and several more problems. If someone drives less you would have less stress (in theory). The idea of stress reduction is an amazing advantage someone recieves if they limit their car usage. Reducing car usage can also lower congestion. In source 2, "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of france, after 5 days of intensyfying smog...". The implication of limited car usage brought the congestion down 60 percent. That is a major advantage since there is a decrease in the number of cars on the streets. This reduces traffic and allows people to reach their destination sooner than they would if it was more congested. The drop in congestion means that there are less cars on the streets so there would be a lesser chance of crashing. This is a factor that can reduce stress. The reduction of congestion is a positive product of the limitation of car use. In closing, the limitation of car usage gives the advantage of aiding the environment, reducing the likelihood of crashing, stress, and congestion.
In the world we live in today, cars are used by people nearly everyday. To some they are looked at as a need such as water, food, or shelter rather something we want to improve our life. Although, it may improve our lives in the particular moment to some degree, we fail to see the greater and more long-term effects from everyday car usage. The following sources reviews these effects and reveals the problems and solutions we may have to fix them. One of the more serious and more recognized problems from car usage is the steady increase of greenhouse gas emissions produced from vehicles all over the world. Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. Vauban, Germany is an example of the effort being made to reduce these greenhouse gas emissions, this experimental city is trying to remain "car-free" and in doing so the city itself has to make its own changes. This basic precept is being adopted around the world by trying to compact suburbs and make them more accessible by public transportation."When i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way" said by heidrun walter(source 1). With this new experiment, people are finding ways to adapt and live the changed life while others actually feel better off. Another serious and impacting issue from car usage is the increase in smog over big named cities. In paris, after days of a near record breaking pollution, paris bans driving throughout the city in attempt to clear up the skies. Diesel fuel is looked at as main problem paris faced in cleaning out the intesifying smog, since a france tax act favors diesel over gasoline it displays an issue the france government must correct in their own wrong doings. A different look towards car usage is that recent studies show americans buying fewer cars, getting fewer and fewer licenses, and also driving less overall. If this pattern continues there will be positive reinforcements for carbon emissions and the environment, since its the 2nd largest emission producer in America. The internet brings a whole other chess piece to the game allowing kids to feel more connected with people without driving anywhere. "pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety." said by Bill Ford excutive chairman of the Ford Motor Company(source 4). A program set up in bogota, colombia is a program developed to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. "its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." said businessman carlos arturo(source 3). Sports centers and parks have also increased throughout the city;bad conditioned sidewalks have been replaced with smooth ones;rush hour restictions have been cut largely; and high class shopping districts have also been created. This program is already looked at by many countries and is being observed by the world like an exciting experiment. There are many advantages to limiting car use and these are just few of them. Overall, the advantages observed are just from the few examples of less car use that we have, if more people look towards this problem of over used cars.
I think the author is doing a pretty good job suppoting the idea of if studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despiting the dangers. Venus is the second planet from our sun and it is challenging to examine Venus more closely the more challinging the more it is to do. Why it makes it challenging it is because we have sent numerous of spacecraft to land on Venus and each previous mission was unmanned, since no spacecraft survived the landing. Mybe this issue explains why not a single spacecrft has touched down on Venus in more than three decades. Most people say that Venus is a challenging plant to study. Venus is also very hot in temperature it is over 800 degrees fahrenheit. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. STrriving to meet the challeng presented by Venus has value, not onky because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. It would be a blast if we studied Venus but we cannot because it is way hotter than one hundred degrees.
Driverless car should not be aloud to be driven on the roads. They could mess up then the person that is sittind in the car might not be paying attention to what is going on. If that was to happen then something bad could happen to the people that are driving around that car. If the person in the car reacts to late to the cars problem it could also get them injured. The sensors in the car might not work right which could also not tell the person in the car when something back is coming on the road. Then they wouldnt have enough time to try and save themselfs from crashing into something. They could hit something will driving and stop all the electronic stuff from working. While they are sitting in the car and it sensors the person in it to take over might not work when they attemept to control what the car needs help with. The car might be to close to the danger that is in the road and it would be to late for them to try and control where the problem is and what the problem is. So the person in the smarter car could be put in danger for what the car didn't tell them. The sensors might not stop the car in time itself. If the person in the smarter car was to get in a wreck while they wasn't driving the car then who would be to blame for all the damage to the cars. Would the insurance that the person is paying on the car pay for it even if the driver wasn't physically in control of the car or they could sue the company for alot of money. The company wouldn't like for someone to sue their company for something that wasn't physically their fault. Thats why the driverless cars should not be aloud to be driven on the road. The car being on the road and getting into crashes could be a big problem for the poeople and the company. So the company should not put the cars the they have built onto the roads for saftey reasons. They need to think of more stuff to help with the car on the road.
There has been a breakthrough in the science of emotion. The Facial Action Coding System or FACS, developed by Prof. Thomas Huang, is a new technology that can read and judge your emotions. Though this technology is outstanding, it is not practical for use in schools. The machine is more than likely to expensive to have for each kid in a school. If the machine only cost $100 it would still take $200,000 to buy one machine for a high school that only has 2,000 students. Another reason the machine is impractical is because of the fact that it is just simply not needed. Schools opperate perfectly fine without the machines today. Humans have learned to read emotions very well. One can tell when their friend is upset just by reading their body language. Schools do not need expensive machines to do what humans can already do. Instead of spending so much money on machines that do something humans already know how to do, schools could sped their money on other things that are needed like textbooks, paper, and other school supplies. One could argue that the machines are very cool and should be put in schools to help teachers better understand how students are fealing, it is not needed in schools. It would not help get any kearning done in the classroom or make it easier for students to get through the lesson. Although Prof. Huang says that the machine could detect when a student was getting bored and changfe the lesson to get students more involed, it would mean that the lesson would not be the same for each student and they could learn something a little different from the rest of the class which could damage homework or test grades. Though the FACS is very cool it is totally impractical. It is a machine that just replaces another thing that humans can alredy do. It is not woth the money for something that does what humans do for free. It would not help students learn anything any better than they already do either. As demonstrated through all of the reasons above, the FACS machine is not needed in schools.
For many decades scientists have tried to land spacecrafts on Venus but any of them had succeded. One the reason is because of Venus extreme temperatures which there average is 800 degrees Fahrenheit, making it really hard to land because it will even melt submarines who are used to dive in the deepest part of our oceans. Another reason is he's thick atmophere of 97% carbon dioxide that will make things even more harder but that is not all; Venus also have highly corrosive clouds of sulfuric acid. Then why try to visit Venus by such extreme conditions? This is because astronomers are amazed by the similarities that once had with the Earth. Long ago Venus once was covered by with oceans. Imagine that a living hell once had water that could have supported forms of life, just like Earth. Scientist also says that the Earth have a future of were it can get to amazingly high temperatures in which no human can't live no more and they are considering moving to another neighboor planets. In conclusion Venus sounds not a option but the fact that once had water it make us this a option to. By this the NASA have a idea to hover 30 miles or so above the ground to have a sight on Venus, doing this can have a limited insight of the ambient and scientist cannot make experiments with Venus's rock, gas, or anything else, by such a distance. NASA is also making other approachment to study Venus. They are trying some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide which has been tested and can last around three weeks in the conditions of Venus.
The advantages of limitng car use can be a benefit to us. What matter now in days is not how much you drive but what type of car you are driving. Limiting car use can have a great impact on our planet we can protect it and our enviorments. The same enviorments that are currently falling apart. Another adavantage to limting car use is that it can relieve stress in a person and it can actually make a person happier. And last people wont have to worry about getting late to school or to work or even about accidents. i dont know about you but limiting car use can be of great benefit and does have its advantages. Our earth's enviorments are falling apart. And everyday we damage it more and more with all the polution and carbon emissions. 'It a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce green house gas emissions from tailpipes...Passenger car are responsible for 12 percent of green house gas emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States. Many cities have been forced to banned car because of the amount of smog was over wellming. For expamle Paris, after days of near record pollution Paris had to enforce a partial driving ban to clear the air of the harmful chemicals. 'Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five days of intesifying smog... the smog rivaled Beijing, China, which os known as one of the most populated cities in the world. So limting car use can have its advantages, it can protect our enviorments. And we dont have to worry about smogs are any other things. Who doesnt want to be stress free? And thats another advantage of limting car use. I always see how my mom stresses while she's driving which can cause accidents because people are always in a rush. 'When i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way' said Heidrun Walter. It woulld be safer you dont have to worry has much about crossing the street. The swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drowns out the occasional distant motor. There are many alternative transportation such as hiking, biking, skates, and busues. This cab be helpful for the body and mind. 'Its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air polluttion'. The rates of car owernship have gone down. And it continues to go down.'If this pattern persists and many sociolgists belive it will, it will have benefecial implcatiions of carbon emmisions nd the enviorment, since transportation is the second largest source of americans emissions, just behind power plants. But this can have a negavtive impact on the car industries such as the companies ike Ford and Audi. But limiting car usgae can prevent trafiic jams and even accidents. In, conclusion limiting car usgae does have its advantages. It can protect our Earth's envioremnts, it can relive stress and make a person happier, and it can result in less traffic jams and accidents. I think these things are more important than anything else. Its a great way to take away the stress and lower the air pollution. Limiting car usage does have its wonderful benefits and advantages.
Dear State Senator, The Electoral College is a process where voters select electors who then vote for the President of the United State. But is it really that reliable? Is it better than an election decided by that of popular vote. The election process should be changed to one decided by popular vote instead of using the process of the Electoral College. First of all source two states that voters can sometimes get confused on the candidate that they actually voted for since they're not direclty voting for the President. Another flaw of the Electoral College also stated in source two is that "... "faithless" electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please...." That is pure lying. That basically just made that voter vote for the candidate that they did not want. Another critical error is that in the process of the Electoral College is that not all states are equally represented. For example if there is a tie in the Electoral vote the election would be handed to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the presedent. This wouldnt be fair because since each state casts only one vote, then the single representativ from Wyoming would only represent 500,000 voters. However the single representative from California would represent 35 million voters. That hardly seems fair. With Popular vote every American would get their say in a democratic way. As source three states "... the Electoral College is not democratic in a modern sense. With popular vote everyone would be represented equally. I understand that "the winning candidate's share of the Electoral College invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote" causes less chance of a dispute over the Electoral college than of the popular vote, but not everyone really gets a say. Also i understand that the Electoral College avoids run off elections but that is still very rare. State Senator it's time to abolish the Electoral college, and switch to the use of popular vote for elections.
Dear Senator, The electoral college has existed for many years till now and has been used to elect the presidents of the United States of America, clearly this form of electing a president is outdated. Senator, You must change the electoral college and replace it with popular vote because the electoral college is unfair, and irrational. Senator you must change the electoral college and replace it with popular vote because it is unfair. This is true because under the elecoral college system voters vote not for the president but for a state senator who in turn elects the president. For example a person living in Texas that wanted to vote for John Kerry would have to vote for a slate of 34 democratic electors pledged to Kerry. On the off-chance that those elctors won the statewide election, they would go to congress and Kerry would then recieve his 34 electoral votes. Because of this system voters cant control who the electors vote for, and sometimes voters get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate. The electoral college isnt only unfair to the voters but also to the men and women who are competing in the elections, for example in the 2000 U.S presidential race Al Gore recieved more individual votes than George W. Bush nationwide, but Bush won the election, recieving 271 electoral votes to Gores 266 electoral votes. This is why you must replace the electoral college Mr. Senator. At the most basic level, the electoral college is irrational to voters. Because of the winner take all system in each state candidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on swing states. Seventeen states didnt see the candadates at all, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didnt get to see a single campaing add. the electoral college is irrational because given that many voters vote one party for president and another for congress, the house of representatives can hardly be expected to reflect the will of the people, and if an electoral tie seems unlikely, consider this senator in 1968 a shift of just 41,971 votes would have deadlocked the election, in 1976 a tie would have occured if a mere 5,559 voters in Ohio and 3,687 voters in Hawaii had voted the other way. The election is only a few swing voters away from a catastrophie. This is why you must replace the electoral college due to its irrationalism. Its quite clear State senator, the electoral college is unfair and irrational, the best arguements in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality. and the arguements against direct elections are spurious at best. This is why you must abolish the electoral college. Thank you       
Luke's point of view convincing others to participate in the seagoing cows program. Luke did not know that when he grauated from high school it will become hard. He has to work two part time job to get money to buy his own stuff. So one day his friend asked him to go to Europe with him he could not say no because it was a big opportunity of a lifetime. In 1945 world war two was over in Europe and many countries were left in ruins. To help these countries recover there food supplies animals and more 44 nations joined together to help these people get all the things they need and all they supplies they need to help the animals thats why Luke and Dan sign up to help the animals and peole to get better and get the stuff they need to survive. Thats why Luke and this friend Dan wants you to be in the seagoing cowboy group beacuse wants you to learn how to help other and do somethink nice just to do it and just to give because giving is nice beacause some people in that country like i said dont have food supplies now if you help them get that they will have enough to feed kids themselfs and others that dont have food.
Think about how many times a week we get in a car to drive somewhere. I know I drive to school, to lacrosse practice, and to spend time with friends on a weekly basis. Some people may claim that driving is a possitve aspect of our culture because it allows us to get from one place to another and accomplish tasks in a timley fasion, but driving in excess has some serious consequences. Although some may argue that it is impossible to completely cut out an action that is essential to our daily lives, and that cutting down on driving would not be adventageous, limiting the amount of time we spend driving has many advantages. Cutting down on automobile use will decrease pollution in our air, and make us healthier and happier, which is why many legeslators and cities are reducing automobile use. Beijing, China, is the most polluted city in the world according to Robert Duffer of the Chicago Tribune in 2014. (source 2 paragraph 14) This is due to the fact that Bejing's automobile use is extremly high. When the city of Paris was faced with a similar crisis, it issued a partial driving ban that allowed people to only drive on days that the government said they could in accordance to their lisence plate number, or they would face a fine. (source 2 paragraph 10-19). This revolutionary ban caused the air pollution in Paris to drop so much that the ban was lifted after only one day. The drop in air pollution clearly refutes the claim that cutting down on driving is not adventageous. Cutting down on automobile use is beneficial to the environment because, according to Elizabeth Rosenthal of the New York Times in 2009 (source 1 paragraph 5), "Passenger cars are responsible for 12% of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and up to 50% in some car-intensive areas in the United States." Limiting automobile use is crucial to cleaning our air and stopping the burning of fossil fuels, thus explains why is beneficial to limit our car use. Although some might argue that driving a car to work is easier, evidence shows that people who limit their car use are happier and healthier. Rosenthal writes about the city of Vauban, Germany, where "70% of Vauban's families do not own a car." (source 1 paragraph 3) Heidrum Walter, a carless citizen from Vauban, states that, "When I had a car, I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." (source 1 paragraph 3) The concept of people being happier and healthier without cars is further proved in Bogota, Columbia, where, according to Andrew Selsky of the Seattle Times in 2002, "For the third straight year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars in the capital city of 7 million." (source 3 paragraph 21) Carlos Arturo Plaza stated, "It's a good opprotunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,"as he rode his bike with his wife. The statements from Walter of Vauban and Plaza of Bogota show how limiting automobile use is advantageous to the overall well-being and happiness of people, thus we should limit our automotive use. Limiting automobile use is so beneficial, that many groups and legeslators are supporting a society with less cars. The EPA in the United States is promoting "car reduced" communities, and legislators are starting to act. (source 1 paragraph 9) David Goldberg, an official of Transportation for America, states that, "All of our development since World War II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change." Sociology proffesor at Drecel University, Mimi Sheller, further elaborates, stating, "Different things are converging which suggest that we are witnessing a long-term cultural shift." (source 4 paragraph 35) The support for a "car reduced" society by the US government and the EPA is the cherry on top to all of the benefits associated with driving less, thus we should limit our automobile use. Society is changing. A study last year found that driving by young people decreased by 23% between 2001 and 2009. (source 4 paragraph 41) Now is the time to turn off the engine, get out of the car, and take a bus, bike, or train to work. By limiting our automobile use, we keep our air clean by burning less fossil fuels, and we are happier and healthier, which is why organizations like the EPA support the reduction of car use. We need to act today to save the next generation of citizens from ecological destruction. The benefits of reducing car use are countless, which explains why we should limit our automobile use.            
Yes, the use of this technology is very valuable in many ways. The technology can detect how you are feeling, in the passage it tells you that the computer can tell if a human is mad, happy, sad, worried, etc. This technology can be very useful to techers as well as anyone else. If a student is feeling a lot of emotion and trying to do school work, they will be more focused on what they were feeling instead of the work the teacher has given him/her. It can also help the teacher to know how exactly to act twards a student. For example, if a student is feeling 75% sad they are most likely going to cry. If a student is about to cry and teacher starts yeling at them for not paying attention, because the student isn't feeling like themselves that day its going to trigger the students brain to make them cry. In conclusion, this tehcnology in my opinion should most defiently be used in schools. Not only to help the teachers out, but for the stundents themelves. I think that if we use this technology it will increase focuse on school work will improve moods, and increase better grades and testing scores.
Are cars necessary in today's society? Of course they are necessary. Now, are driverless cars necessary? I would argue that they are not. Cars have been around for about a hundred years, and not once has society put its foot down and demanded a car that drives itself. The driverless cars this article discusses are not actually driverless, they are not legal, and there is no telling what future problems may arise. Shouldn't a truly driverless car not require a human at all? I personally believe a driverless car should be able to navigate itself without human interferance. If it requires a human, then what is the point of calling it driverless? In fact, all the driverless cars being created right now are designed to notify the driver when it approaches a work zone or accident. So, in case the need to have a human take over arises, an individual would have to be sitting in the drivers seat, paying absolute attention to the road, and await the moment the car will allow the individual to take over. Wouldn't that take away the nejoyment of owning a driverless car? I believe it is even more of a hassle than driving ever would be. A person would have to fight boredom and remain alert while doing nothing other than sitting in the driver seat. To all driverless car companies: driving is paying attention to the road, but the driver is actually engaged, making driving more interesting. Not only are driverless cars not fully developed, but they are not even legal. Most states do not allow driverless cars. In fact, most states do not even allow driverlesss cars to be tested on their roads. The article only mentions four places that allow driverless cars, and they only allow limited use. If these cars are not even allowed by most states to out on the road for testing, imagine how long it would take to pass laws to get these cars approved. A myriad of problems could arise pertaining to driverless cars. The article mentioned a very real problem in driverless cars: if something goes awry and someone in injured, who is at fault? These cases would resort in major courtroom battles between average people and multi-million dollar companies. Another potential problem with driverless cars is the change off between driver and robot. If the car signals the driver and the driver does not respond, then what would the car do? A multitude of problems could appear, and all automakers can do is hope they will be abloe to find solutions to these probelms. To quote the article, "Automakers are continuing their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will be solved." Not only are the companies unsure of what issues will surface, but they are not completely sure they will be able to find solutions. Driving has been central to the American way of life for a large span of time, and if manually driving cars has been working, why change it? Driverless cars have been beiong tested since the 50's, so there clearly is no rush in getting these cars on the street. Also, once these cars are available to the public they will most likely only be accesable to the rich. In time the driverless cars would be more affordable, but the original prices would be high. Driverless cars are getting attention, but as soon as the public knows they will only be for wealthy hands for a bit of time, the excitment will die down. The system works, and it works well, so why change it? Driverless cars may sound high-end and futurisitc, but our cars now do the job well. Plus, there are hazads and roadblocks the driverless cars will have to overcome first. Should we really make state legislatures waste time debating the use of a driverless car that is not completely driverless? Driverless cars have benefits, but they are not street legal. I see no point in spending money for a car that cannot be driven in most streets and is not able to operate without a human there to takeover incase something goes wrong.
I do not agree with technology to read students emotional expressions should be used because it is just a waste of money. I honestly believe that teachers or former students should know when someone is upset angry or happy. I mean it would be irrelavent for a school to spend thouasands of dollars to know when someone is upset. Teachers should be able to see if their own students would be upset. Schools could spend the money on more important things like for textbooks gym equipment sports classrooms or even build another part to the school not some emotion detector. But hey it is 2018 anything could happen. In paragraph 5 it states "In fact, we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." DR. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." How could that even work.
I am for the development of smart/driverless cars. I have chosen to support these cars because they will use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer more flexibility than a bus, they can sense the road and dangers better, and the cars require little human attention. Firstly, the cars will potentially replace taxi services. I think this will be a great idea because while you would still have to pay for the service, there is no human element of error. If there is an element of error, however, you will be the one at fault because you are the only passenger and driver. I believe the replacement of the traditional taxi service is a good thing. The smart cars are good at sensing dangers on the road ahead. Because the cars have technology that can even start to turn on the brakes before the driver can, the driver will be safer and does not have to respond as quickly. The "Traffic Jam Assistant" is a good development because the driver must still remain alert but the car does most of the work. Lastly, I think the smart cars are a good idea to develop because they allow the driver to be safe in a vehicle that they are not in full control of. A project manager driver from BMW, Werner Huber states, "We have to interpret the driving in a fun new way." I think that if the developers of the smart car add a type of entertainment to help the passenger stay interested, then the driver will still be alert. I believe the development of the smart car is a good idea because people will not have to take a taxi anymore, the smart cars are more reliable, and the smart cars will require less attention from the driver. I believe that the smart cars will do a good job on the road and that there are very few risks if they are tested correctly.
Having a computer that can tell the emotions of an individual in the classroom would be a very valuable asset. The computer would be able to read the expressions on a students face, which ends up helping the entire class. It would help teachers know what they need to change or modify for the over all success and understanding of their students. It also allows for the teacher to know if his(her) students are understanding the work given to them. This also allows for the teachers to understand more of how the students feel throughout the lessons given. In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" the developers of this facial recognition tell how the computer is able to recognize the expressions of the individual sat in front of it. When the student becomes disinterested, bored, or confused the computer is able to modify the lesson like a true human instructor would. This engages the students and also helps relieve the stress of confusion. Having these computers creates a better and more engaged classroom. The teachers benefit as well, being able to use the information given from these computers to assess their teaching and then edit or tweak the lessons to better fit the learning styles of his(her) class. These computers will be able to change the environment of a class and the people inhabiting the class. Once a classroom that was boring and tense can change to a brighter and well-rounded classroom, due to the facial recognition. The lessons will become easier and many students that were once struggling could end up growing and learning more than they ever imagined they would. The students become more involved in the lessons and excitement for what is taught is most likely to occur. The teachers would also be relieved from some stress because they wouldnt have to worry about whether or not their students are engaged and understanding what is given to them. Giving computers that can recognize the emotions of the students and peers around it, would be extremely beneficial to the classroom.
The author suggest that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because.In the passage it talks about how no space craft has survived landings. on paragraph 2 it says "Each previous missions was unmanned, and for good reasons, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades."The author also explains how Venus's weather condition wouldnt cooporate with us humans needs. On paragraph 3 it states."On the planet's surface, temperatures avarage over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth".The author is trying to explain to the audience that Venus is a facinating place to do research on or exploar but very dangerous and Venus's conditions would kill a human because of its dangers.
Imagine you stuck on a math problem, you did not get a word the teacher just said. Dr. Huang has created new software that helps identify how you feeling. If you confused, your computer can read your emotions and try to break down the problem. It would be able to explain step by step on how to do it. This would be of great help for the students. Prof. Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Amsterdam, was able to create a new computer software that can recognize emotions. This process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like a human muscles. Movement of one or more muscles is called an " action unit." Dr. Paul Eckman, creator of FACS ( Facial Action Coding System), has classified six basic emotions happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. He was able to associated each characteristic movements of the facial muscles. Since facial expression for each emotion are universal, by weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions. Each expression is compared against a neutral face. This would help a lot students in their classes because if you have a computer that can read emotions and is able to identify if you are confused it would be able to break the problem down step by step like that you would not have to wait on the teacher who is helping two other students. The classes would be able to go faster because the teacher would not have to stop every 10 minutes to re-explained the same the problem like 20 times. A computer would be able to recognized if you getting bored and be able to modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor. Or maybe you just browsing on the web and an ad appears on your screen and you smile at it , a similir ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different. Prof. Thomas Huang lastest innovation could be of alot of help for student and teachers. Teachers would not have to stress about re-explaining the same chapter like 20 times. Student would not get behind during class because the computer would be able to identify their emotion. Be able to break it down step by step if they get confused. Or just make the subject more interesting if they bored. Dr. Huang and his colleagues are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate
The author did a very great job supporting his ideas it helps me understand the risks it can cause exploring Venus.The evidence that support my claim in the article is that the author stated many reasons and facts about Venus these are what the author said. The author stated on paragraph 3, that "Venus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide which blankets Venus",which in other words state that it's cover up or is protected by 97 percent of carbon dioxide. It's also sated that its 800 degrees fahrenheit and atmosphere pressure is 90 times greater than what we experiance on our planet. It also sated that the condition aren't meant for human,and its also the has the hottest surface temprature of any system which meams like has high preassure and heat,These are all stated on parangraph 3. The author stated on paragraph 5, that "Atmosphere say venus well was have been the most earth-like planet in our solar system" i think the reason it staed taht was do to the fact that it has same features that are anologous to those on earth,its predictions shows that it can be true do to the fact that its close to earth and sun and also it has same features. The author gave so many supporting details and it also stated on paragrah 6,that they cannot take samples pictues from far distance,inorder to get good sample pictures to support their thoughts and ideas about Venus they need to get up close,and personal despite risks,which means its risky to get close and get sample pictures to support their ideas and thoughts. In conclusion the author did a very great job stating the facts and ideas for the reader to gave the reader strong supporting ideas and facts of what others have said about venus inorder for the reader tounderstand the article.