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Driverless cars can indead be a scary, or harmful thing. When you are in a car, you would want all the control you can get not little, half or none. Or it can be relaxing and intersting.. if nothing goes wrong. Driverless cars offer very little control from a human, which can also be an issue, or a nervous thing with some people or many people. Even newer cars today require less of a human handling type deal. Driverless cars can be a dangerous thing, when you have none of the control of what your car may do next it could be a scary thing."They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves..". A driverless car that can "brake itself" could be very dangerous. For instance what happens if you come to a stop light\sign and the car doesnt break, something goes wrong in the sensors and it keeps going. "if technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?". This is one burning question that manufactuers have to face when dealing with driverless cars.If the senors or the automatic brakes, accelerate system decides one day it just does not want to drive itself any more, and the human driver is not able to get back in control, who is at fault, the human driver, or the manufacturer?. The driver should not have to be worried about this happening, especially if they are new drivers, new teenage drivers not to mention the nervous cautious drivers.(heads up display) "Such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over- something not available to dirvers trying to text with a cell phone". This is where danger comes in. If you are in your driverless car and some people might think that the car is in control i do not need to steer or break anytime soon, or at all i will just check my messages.If this happens and the " heads up display" does not give any type of heads up and the sensors or the automatic driving system instantly stops.. it is an accident waiting to happen. Although driverless cars may sound new and exciting to be able to have. There is always downsides of it that dealerhsips fail to explain, which is a recipe for something bad. Driverless cars need alot more work, and saftey hazards checked out before any one sets foot inside it. Saftey is key on the roads of a city, there should always be a car to match that saftey.
Some people think that this face had been created by an alien, but it's just a natural landform that was made there. No one made it. If probably just formed there during a bad time at some point. If it were created by aliens it would be very nice because we now know that aliens could be realistic or non realistic, but NASA can't prove that aliens made it. NASA'S probably still trying to figure it out. This piece is only a natural landform from Mars. Don't believe that aliens made it or think it's a sign of anything important. I know this is true because of the research I found out. If you carefully read the article you see that NASA says they think an alien might have made it. They said "might", so they don't really know if it was created by an alien. Plus, alien's aren't real, NASA just wants you or try and convince you to believe that they think an alien made that Face on Mars. You also notice that it has took them 3 or more years to figure it out in the pictures with the Faces on Mars. People could really tell by then that it isn't an alien that made the faces. It should'nt take that long to try and find evidence of an alien, it's just propostorous. Now, you can try and see that these faces that some people think are aliens, aren't real. I gave some of the world a good description of how I know it is just an natural landform on Mars, and not an alien. If you citizens still want to believe that it was produced by an alien, then so be it. I can't change your opinion, and I can't force you to believe me. My opinion to this Face on Mars, to me is that it is just a natural landform piece on Mars. If NASA'S department ends up going back up to Mars and they find an alien, then they were right, but if they were also to go back in future reverance and didn't find anything that changed since 2001 then I told you so that aliens aren't real, and that it is just an NATURAL LANDFORM PIECE.
Authors that present a well-developed, convincing argument can have a large influence on their reader's thoughts. In the passage, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author explains the different reasons as to why Earth, as a whole, should further study the planet of Venus, alotting all its difficulties. While the kinks of being able to go to Venus are still being worked out, this author gives insight as to why this barren planet is still important. The first idea the author had was related to the atmosphere of Venus. "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the coulds of higly corrosive sufuric acid in Venus's atmosphere." In Paragraph 3, the author does not give a higly convincing argument. Humans need oxygen to live, so how is it expected for them to survive on a planet that has little to no oxygen? It is not possible to change the chemical makeup of an entire planet. The argument displayed by the author is not credible in any way and does not give any reason as to why one would want to continure research in this area. The next problem that Earth faces in studying Venus is that temperatures on this planet exceed 800 degrees Fahrenheit, a temperature found nowhere on Earth. This temperature is beyond the maximun limit that human can edure, which leaves behind the compelling factor of wanting to study more of this sister planet. The author also states, ". . . and the atmospheric pressure is 9 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme that anything humans encounter on Earth." If the conditions of Venus are so bad, why should we be expected to study more of this planet. Similar to the carbon dioxide in the air, there is no way to change the temperature and pressure of an entire planet. Once again, the argument given by this author is not convincing. The author uses an idea proposed by NASA for humans to study Venus. They say that they could use hovering vehcles such as a blimp to fly over the planet, somewhere around 30 miles high. While 30 miles is a long way abover the planet, the temperature would still be around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, which is not ideal for reseachers. "Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans." If studying a planet is as difficult as the author is saying here, then Venus should be abandoned because even if NASA was able to study it, there is obviously no way that the planet will ever be suitable to live on. The author's arguments so far have all been a lost cause. The author does explain that Venus may have been previously similar to Earth-like conditions, including oceans to support forms of life. He states that it has similar features to Earth such as valleys, mountains, and craters. While this may be too, Venus has come a long way in that it is no longer able to sustain life. Even if it previously was similar to Earth, that means that it has gotten worse over time, which says that from here on, it will continue to grow worse. Proven by the author, Venus's conditions are far too extreme for the technology we have today. This planet is increasingly too dangerous to be explored, therefore the research toward it should be abandoned, and pushed more toward studying other plants, or even other solar systems in order to find another sutiable planet for humans to comfortably live on.
Venus is worth studying because when they study it they called it an "Evening Star" also a "twin" of earth. It's the closest planet to earth, It is the closest in distence as well. Venus also has a 97% carbon diocide blanket, but on the surface its 800 degrees Fahrenheight. Since the conditions of the planet are like that its way to extreme for humans to live there. Venus is also has the hottest suface temperature in our solar system, even thou Mercury is closest to the sun Venus is till hotter. It has eruputing volcanoes, powerful earthquakes and frequesnt lightning strikes that happen on the surface of the planet. Scientist think that long ago Venus was like Earth, but even now it still has some of the features that Earth has. It has the rocky sediment, valleys, mountains, craters. NASA is working to keep studying Venus. They have done fom silicon carbide tests that are simulations of the chaos of Venus's surface. One of the things is that they are still striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus. So if there is a way that they are able to go there and get more samples from Venus, then maybe that might tell the scientist what might have been there before and help them out with the previous clues as what happened. They also didn't think about how fast the computers we have today would be. But they also said that just imagine exposing a cell phone, tablet to acid, or heat compatible of a metling tin, that must be what the heat is like on Venus. And since they can't be on Venus just orbiting or hovering safely they can't get the samples that they want from that distance.
The face that was discoverd by NASA was just a natural landform ,it was not made by alliens.There's many explainnations that people made about this natural landform.Scientist used Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. MGS arrived at the Red Planet in Sept. 1997 .It seems like every year the natural landform starts to wear off.Many people was excited that this could mean that there's life in space but the study proved that this is just a natural landform and he compared it to the Snake Plain of Idaho because its like the same thing it was formed in Idaho "a natural landform". What i think is that it's just a natural landform but people still to this day still believes that ,that wasn't formed by a natural landform even after the reseach by NASA and other researchers.I think people just want to put the thought in our head that alliens are real. The natural landform on space is going to fade away real soon so when that happens people who thought it was made by alliens are going to know the truth.
The Electoral College, its something that can change the amount of votes someone has rapidly depending on how many he or she has recieved. For some it is something that can help you, and for others its a nightmare. Most people would say it is something to be aware about and the rest dont care about it. To start off, The Electoral College is not a physical builiding or place, its a process that the founding fathers established in the Constitution as a compromise between elections of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. Most people belive that this process should be eliminated, some of those protesters are or were very important people, for example Bob Dole, he once said " The Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational. " Secondly, If someone is in the Electoral College and vote for who they want for President, really they dont vote for them, according to "The Indefensible Electoral College" by Bradford Plumer, the people on the Electoral College actually "vote not for the President, but for a slate of electors, who in return elect the president." Thats messed up! They barley have any control on who they vote for. What if the electors dont vote for who the voters expect to win? Actually, this incedent has happend before in Hawaii in 1960 with two electors, "faithless" electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please. Next, The Elecotral College is widley regarded as an anachronism. According to "In Defense of The Electoral College" by Richard A. Posner, " the advocates of this position are correct in arguing that the Electoral College method is not democratic in a modern sense... ". It is the electors who elect the president, not the people. When people are voting for a presidential candidate, they're actually voting for a slate of electors. Its is truley unfair for that to happen because the electors can betray the presidential nominee and cast their vote for the opposing nominee. Finally, It is entirely possible for the winner of the electoral vote will not win the national popular vote. It is very rare for something like that to occur. According to "In Defense of The Electoral College" by Richard A. Posner, " It happend in 2000, when Gore had more popular votes than Bush, yet fewer electoral votes..." .A tie in the nationwide electoral votes is possible because the total number of votes, which is 538, is an even number, but it is highly unlikely. Overall, The Electoral College should be removed, because when the electors cast their vote, they dont really take part in the vote, it really is the slate. Sure, it can add more votes than the nominee actually has, but it is an unfair, outdated, and irrational procces that should no longer be in the Constisution.
Venus is the second plan next to the sun. The closes to even being like Earth. But Venus isn't what it look like when you land or try to sent anything there. This could also be harmfull to us humans. In the article, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus",The author suggests that studying Venus is worthy pursuit depite the danger to humans, the personal risks and approaching it presents. People have try to get to Venus by senting humans and object there. But the danger to humans can be dangerouse to them. In the article, " The Ceallenge of Exploring Venus",these quote saids that, " A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus." ( pargraphe 3,The Challenge of Exploring Venus.). " Even mor challenging are the clouds of highly crorrosive sulfuric acid in the Venus's atmosphere." ( paragraphe 3,The chanllege of Exploring Venus).These quote shows that Venus is too dangers to sent humans there. The air is thick for humans and the clouds have high corrosive sulfuric acid. These things can harm humans breathing by senting them to Venus. Nasa might have try senting humans and object to Venus. But none of them were about to get samples from Venus. In the article,"The Challenge of Exploring Venus", it has said that," More importantly,researcher cannot take samples of rock,gas or anything else from a distance." ( paragraph 6,The Challenge of Exploring Venus)."Therefore,scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks." (paragraph 6,The challenge of Exploring Venus).These quote said that even if they try to get closer,the coditions of the ground won't allow it to land. it would only flow around it. Not just that but it they do get close then they will have to take the risk for it. Nasa have been working on geting to venus. Even if they don't made it there,they are still trying to approach it. In the article,"The Challenge of Exploring Venus". They have said,"NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For examples,some simlified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such coditions." ( paragraph 7,The Challenge of Exploring Venus)."Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers." ( paragraph 7,The Challenge of Exploring Venus).they have found new and old ways to approach Venus. And some even have lasted longer then they expected. Venus is a plant that everyone have Challeng. But some ever close to getting there. The author haved suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers for humans,the risk and approaching it's presents. Never stopping them from doing so.
Computers have come a long way in the past few decades. Coming from computers that filled up an entire room—only having so much as 2 gigabytes (GB) or smaller for memory—to having a computer that is smaller than your torso and can contain as much as 128 GB (or more) of memory. However, we have only started scratching the surface on the technology of facial recognition. Believe it or not, there is now software that can—for the most part—read your emotions! The software is the latest creation made by Prof. Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, who works in collaboration with Prof. Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam. (1) Dr. Huang relies on the work of psychologist Dr. Paul Eckman who is "the creator of FACS (Facial Action Coding System)" (3). How the computer works is that it creates a 3-D computer model of the face that incorporates all 44 major muscles of the human face into the model. Eckman has classfied these six basic emotions into the software: happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. (3) Each emotion is associated with characteristic action units to differentiate between emotions. (3) Video imagery (4) is used to capture these action units. For example the text says: "frontalis pars lateralis muscle (above your eyes) raises your eyebrows when you’re surprised;..." (3). The computer captures all of that. This advancement of technology is truly fascinating, however it can be harshly criticised by the public if it comes out to classrooms now. It's new and can only capture so much; they only considered using emotional features from six basic and distinct emotions that Eckman ensued into this innovation. (3) It can also be compatible with one computer, so it wouldn't be practical or create a state of financial stability if a school had to buy one for each student. Even if it were software it could probably slow down a less-compatible device and could hinder the work process in a school for a machine whose sole purpose is to capture how a student scorns during a math lesson. If the tech were to be efficient in speed and usage in a classroom or any other setting, then it should be a necessity in school. However, with programs such as Google, the computer just would not be necessary. In the text it says: "Imagine a computer that knows when you’re happy or sad. For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." (6) Google does that by taking information you search publicly in your own Google accounts. As for identifying how students feel during class, as said in the text in paragraph six: " 'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr Huang predicts." (6) Teachers are able to get a public opinion by using a program by Google Classroom to send a poll out to their students, or just by being amicable and approachable enough to let students ask questions about confusing material. If the previous information can be proved wrong, then it would be good to have in a classroom. But how can a computer capture someone's emotions if they have their hand over their face or their head down? They simply can't help that type of situation. Also, humans are very complex creatures. People can act like they seem happy outwardly, even if they aren't. Some people can be born with facial deformities. Deformities in people's faces can be very unitelligable to the eyes of society, in some cases, or just stoic due to a chronic disease that causes muscle tissue to be stiff. The program would not be able to read people's emotions if they can't express it like most people can due to their conditions. Again, the program was designed for an average human face and only 6 emotions as a base. (3) As a civilization, we are moving forward. It would not be a surprise if in a decade or two, every classroom has an emotion-reading computer that works efficiently for everyone. However, as of now, we are only merely scraping what is FACS tech and how to modify it into our everyday lives. Releasing this innovation to the public mow wouldn't be practical due to how new it is. But it would be cool to have something that works that way with little error.
The Face of Mars was discovered by one of NASA's Viking spacecraft in 1976. It has been discused that it was created by living organims, called aliens, or that it is just a natural landform of the planet. Although both answer could be true, the reasonable one is the fact that the Face of Mars is just a landform. In 1998, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team took a picture of what is called the Face of Mars. According to the text, "Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Later on in the text it is stated that, "When the image first appeared on JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all". This passage shows that when the first picture was taken, the technology was not as develloped as it is now. The scientific world has taken a big step toward technology and this new science has given scientists more information toward the solar system that were unknown before. Nevertheless, after this research people were still not satiesfied with the fact that the Face of Mars is just a landform. They believed that the picture was not taken at the right place. Scientists were determied to prove them wrong. So, they engage into a new study. It is stated that on April 8, 2001, Mars Global Suveyor took another look to the planet Mars. According to the text, "We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the Field of view," said Garvin. "Malin's team captured an extraorinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution." Each pixels in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo.", this quote shows that the scientists of this research took careful attention to their research to make sure they would obtain correct facts. Later on in the texts, it is explain that what came out of the picture was just a landform like the ones we can find on Earth. For instance, the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. In conclusion, even though it might be hard for some people to believe the Face of Mars is just a landforms, all the studies scientists have done shows that it is just a landform.
The "Face on Mars" is a landform seen in photographs of the surface of Mars. Some people believe that this landform is proof that alien life exists and that this landform was created by said aliens. However, there is plenty of information to disprove this. This information is found in the article, "Unmasking the Face on Mars." The article, "Unmasking the Face on Mars," states, "Some people think that the Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars- evidence that NASA would rather hide, say some conspiracy theorists. Meanwhile, defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars." This statement suggests that NASA would have no reason to hide evidence of alien life, as this would benefit NASA greatly. If NASA had discovered evidence of alien life, NASA would have presented it as such. Later on, photographs were taken of the landform once again. However, the camera had to "peer through whispy clouds to see the Face." Because of this, some skeptics believed that alien markings were hidden by the haze, which is shown in the quote, "Perhaps, said skeptics, alien markings were hidden by the haze." In response to this, another picture was taken on a cloudless day, showing that the Face was nothing more than a natural land form. This landform is similar to some of the landforms on Earth, as shown by the quote, "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West." Another quote to prove that the Face is similar to formations on Earth is, "It reminds me most of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho...That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." This suggests that the Face could have been formed much in the same way as the Earth formation mentioned in the quote. The fact that, in the photographs of the fornation, there is no evidence to prove alien life is also a factor to consider. A quote by Garvin shows why this is an important peice of information to consider. "As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size...So, if there were any objets in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" This proves that because no evidence of alien life can be seen in the pictures, means that there is none. In these pictures, claims Garvin, you could discern objects easily and tell what they are. If so, NASA can easily confirm that this land formation is natural and that there is no evidence of alien life. Thus, the Face on Mars is a natural land formation. If it was evidence of alien life, NASA would have presented the information as such. NASA would have then pursued the lead that proved alien life exsisted by attempting to find this alien life or more evidence to prove that alien life exsisted. NASA would have beneiftted greatly if the Face had been created by alien life forms. This formation is also very similar to some land formations found on Earth. If such formations are found natrually on Earth, could they not also be found naturally on other planets? This land formation on Mars is natrual, as similar land formations are found naturally on Earth and NASA finding proof of alien life would have benefitted them greatly. If these things are true, then the Face on Mars is a land form that occurred naturally, and we, the people of Earth, have yet to find evidence that alien life exsists in our univserse.
I think theat limiting car usage in some cities and towns can be a good thing. It can be helpful because with less cars on the road that means less trafic on the roads. It is also helpul because if your need to get somewhere, now you can walk, run, or bike ride there. Limiting cars on the road can help public transportation get to their destination faster because there is less trafic. With less cars on the road in helps the Planet by comsuming fuel. By driving your car around the citie, it causes pollution to be in the air, the same air we breathe. According to the article, in some cities like Paris and Bejing, they baned driving your own car due to the pollution it releases in the the atmosphere. If you are caught driving your own car out in pulic you can get finned and even towed away. In addition to limiting car usage, it can benefit you getting some exercise. To get to places, you would either have to ride a bike or walk there. It can help you loose weight or to get your cardio vascular system going and ready for the day. Even if your destination is far away, you would have to walk to the bus stop, even just a short little walk everyday for many days can help your fitness, and can keep you healthy. In conclusion, Limiting usage of cars is helpful to the environment and also to your fitness, keeping cars off the road for public transportation the get to destionations quicker.
Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth. Therefore, scientist seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks. Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts, but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. A vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditios by staying up and out of their way. At thirty plus miles above the surface, temperature would still be toasty at around 170 degrees, but the iar pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit. The value of returning to Venus seems indisputable. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various form of life. Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on earth. Astronomers fascinated by venus because it may well once have been the most Earth like planet in our solar system. Venusiam geology and weather presents additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent ligtning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even to Mercury is closer to our sun.
Whether you are someone who believes conspiracy theories, or are just plain stupid and think that somehow the Face is evidence of alien life, you are still wrong. It's just a rock, a plain, thousands of years old, heap of rock. The End, no "Ifs, ands, or buts", there is evidence saying that this is just a mesa, a landform, we have picture proof of it. However, considering that I must write this for Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, I still have to argue about it pointlessly with an imaginary person who might or might not exist. So, I will cover two major points to prove to you that it's a landform, common sense, and the facts that we here at NASA have proven to be true. First off, this argument is over whether Face was created by aliens, or whether it is just a natural landform. This is a pretty strange argumental topic, as people who believe this stuff anyway will hardly be convinced by a random scientist at NASA. Anyway, there is proof we have that face is just a natural landform, we have taken multiple pictues of it, and have concluded that, as shown with this cite of evidence, "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the America West." We can even say that it was not obscured by any clouds or haze because it was clear day on Mars the day the picture was taken. That should be the end of the discussion, but yet you say, "But Mister science man, what if the pictures that you took couldn't see it because it was too small?" Well, that point can actually be rebuted as well, because of what Jim Garvin, the chief scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program, said, "As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixer size," he added. "So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!". Factually that should be the end of it, it was a clear picture, that was enhanced for farther detail, on a clear day, with a high resolution camera. Don't think I don't see you thinking, "But will a only a photo actually be able to properly discern whether this is natural.", it won't. Actually, you have me entirely beat on the fact that it simply could be a landform, made by aliens. Yes, there I admit it, sit at home and laugh at the fact that I could be wrong. Look, Mister Whoever reads this for a job, I argue for a living with my friend, and there is simply not enough evidence to actually say that there is no way that this is not alien made. There is actually a chance, somewhere, somehow, a superficially small chance that aliens might have had someplay in this. I know that all sounds crazy, but seriously, think about it. All we have is some lously picture that, while it shows us the exteriror, it doesn't show us anything about the interior of the landform. Here is the other side to the point I just made, think about this rationally for a second, could aliens really have made a monument or some strange thing on Mars, only for it to be found by humans? Probably not, and all of this is so improbable that I really don't even need to write an argumentative essay about it anyway. There is an extremely small and slim chance that aliens had any part in making a mesa on Mars. So all in all, there is factual proof we have, cited from the text I was given to say that aliens had no part in the making of Face, and that it is a natural landform. However, it isn't concrete proof, so for all we now it could be an alien itself. I have no idea, and neither will you. Again though, rationally, it has no relation to aliens. So that's all I got, the end.
After World War 2 was over in Europ, many countries were in ruin and everything they had was gone. They needed to get their things back, so to help the other countries, Luke and Don sighned up to be a "Seagoing Cowboy". These, Seagoing Cowboys, were hired to take care of horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped over seas. Not only would you be helping other people you would be doing the right thing. You would also be able to travel over seas and be able to visit some locations you might have never been to before. You would have an opurtunity to get to help out a WHOLE country! In paragraph 6 it says, "It took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the easter coast of the United States and a month to get to China." This shows that it would take a long time to get to other places, and they did travel around the world to help out other people. In paragraph 8 it says, "Luke also found time to have fun on board, especiallly on return trips after the animals have been unloaded. The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where the animals had been housed. Table-tennis tournaments,fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helped pass by the time." This shows that it wasn't boring when they were on their way back from letting animals off of the boat. They would do many things to help pass the time on their long journeys at sea.
In America, presidents are voted in by the electoral college. The electoral college is a process of electors from all the states that vote for the president and vice president. There are 538 electors, and you need 270 votes of that 538 to be elected. The electoral college is how we have been electing all of the presidents in America, but the president ought to be elected by a mjority vote of the people, not by some fascist in a room voting for us. Furthermore, the office of the federal register gladly explins the process of the electoral college and it has some holes. Bradsord Plumer explains in his article ''The Indefensible Electoral College: Why Even The best laid defenses are wrong'' says ''at the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters.'' He goes on and exemplifies the fact that the way the votes are cast and counted could be in fact more individually based. Maybe Mr. Plumer is wrong and the electoral college is the best thing for us, but, most people would agree that if we could all vote and have every individual vote counted, we would have a fair election and the true winner would be voted in. Perhaps in ''Five Reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the president'' by Richard A. Posner, an electoral college would be good to have because of run off and big states and so forth. But plainly put, if we could just count voters as people of one nation, not individual states, we could have an efficient running election. For example: say there is 300 million people in America and the president needed 150,000,001 votes to win, then the majority rules factor can be initiated and there will be no run off, no problems with big states, no problem with swing states, and the certainty of outcome of everyone's president will be decided by majority. Last but not least, all of the authors of the articles have great arguments and have concluded as so. ''what have Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S. Chamber of commerce, and the AFL-CIO all, in their time, agreed on? Answer: Abolishing the electoral college!'' Bradford Plumer couldnt have summarized it better. If former presidents and other powerful organizations can can agree on abolishing the outdated electoral college then why cant we just get rid of it. Finally, the electoral college is an old and untrustworthy system of lection currently used in the united states. perhaps if we could try the majority rules and have every legal voter counted as an individual, the election process would be more faithful. All in all, with time comes changes, and with chnges comes broad new spectrums of possibilities. But for the time being we should all be proactive in staying in motion with modernization, and every little change counts. Abolishing the electoral college is an innocent and small step in the right direction.                                        
Dear fellow citizens. Having a car could sometimes be great, whenever you want to go somewhere really fast a car can be really convenient, or sometimes your work can be really far and you need that car to go there sometimes quickly, but then theres that traffic and the aggresive drivers who want to kick your butt because your honking the horn at them to move faster, then they come at you with a baseball bat and their waiting for you outside of your car for you to get out, then they start hitting your car with the baseball bat cause you didn't come out, then you start driving off as fast as you can away from that crazy person when you see a cop car in the corner and they turn on their sirens for you to stop the car they come up to you and tell you to give them your licence and registration. You convince the officer that your gonna be late for work, you tell him about the aggresive driver story but he doesnt believe you cause he's one of those curropted cops and gives you not only a speeding ticket but also a ticket for having the lights brokn that the aggresive driver broke with the baseball bat. Then you go rushing to your work when you see your boss looking at you all disapointed, he tells you to go to his office. When your in his office he tells you to pack your stuff cause your out. Then you go home really depreased cause you don"t know how your gonna pay the tickets not only that but you have no work and you have to pay the rent next week or else your out. Then you have nothing to pay the rent and your out of your house homeless with nothing and you go to jail for not paying the tickets. See how much problems someone can make for having a car. Driving can cause a lot of stress with the traffic or it can be really "tense" like it said in the article. Automobiles can be really dependent for people and it can sometimes cause trouble. reducing car usage can also effect your health in a possitive way, just like vauban's city, 70% of people do not own a car, most walk or use bicycles which is really healthy you could be more social and can hear the "chatter of wandering children" said in the article by Heidrun Walter, and according to her, life could be more happier without a car. cars causes polution, it makes the air much dirtier and creates smogs. And it affects peoples health, we shouldn't be using cars as much as we do today, Im not saying we should ban cars forever but we need to do something about this, there should be a rule or a program like the "car-free day" thats in bogota according to the text. Or have a day in which the government announces numbers in a cars plates and those cars that have those numbers in the plate can't drive or else they'll be fined. something like this have worked in Colombia, and other countries were amazed. With modern technology, I find cars unnecessary If you want to go to a friends house just to talk to him, when with the technology you could just text them or call them with your cellphone, theres already social media for that. In the article it says that , theres also virtual jobs where peoples work are in their own house and they don't even have to go outside, maybe if we increase those types of jobs people wouldn't have to drive that much and cause that much polution and smug.
Limiting the amount of driving allowed and having car-free cities can have several benefits by reducing the amount of air pollution and traffic jams. Some disadvantages of having car-free cities are time management and paying fines to drive. Greenhouse gasses can be reduced by limiting driving in cities and having car free cities. About 50 percent of greenhouse gasses are from passenger cars in some cities in the United States and 12 percent in Europe. There were about 80 micrograms of particulate per cubic meter in London and 114 in Brussels. Paris has the most air pollution with 147 micrograms per cubic meter. Paris has 67 percent of its vehicles run on diesel fuel, which is blamed for most of the air pollution. The rest of Western Europe has an average of 53.3 percent of vehcicles fueled by diesel. Car emissions are traped from the warm air caused by cold nights and warm days. A partial ban was created in Paris for driving to reducce the amount of pollution. Drivers with even number license plates could drive on certain days and odd number plates would drive on other days. After only five days the air pollution was down by 60 percent. In Bogota there are car free days and 118 miles of bicycle paths were constructed and the amount of traffic jams during rush hour were down by almost half. Limiting driving will lower the amount of traffic and it made several people happier. Most public transportation was free on weekends. When driving was not allowed, people would be walking and riding bikes. Most people in car free cities enjoyed the sound of children instead of hearing the sound of motors all of the time. Public transportation was allowed every day and it reduced the amount of traffic with having fewer cars on the streets and roads. When driving on days then it's not allowed the drivers have to pay fines. In Paris drivers with even number license plates would drive on certain days andodd numbers drive on the other days. If someone is driving on the wrong day there is a fine of 22 euors or 31 dollars for each day that they drive when they can't. In bogota there is a 25 dollar fine for driving on car free days. Time management is another problem when someone can't drive their car. Going to work would take longer when walking, riding a bike or using the public transportation. having car free cities and limitin driving can be good for reducing the amount of air pollution and the amount of traffic out on the roads. Some people feel happier when they live in a car free city because they feel like they have less stress but some people dont like paying fines when they are driving their car on certain days.     
In society techolgy is almost every thing to people. People around the world hundred, thousands worth of technology, lots of people spend more money on technology than they clothes. So to me I think having technology makes people happy. Having technology to see if it makes them happy is kinda of point less to me. There is nothing the Facial Action Coding could do for people in the world if you ask me. Putting up Ads that is based off your emotion is not a smart idea to me. So if im angry im most likely will have a negative vibe and if you put something up that is close to be negative its not going to make me happy. If I am in a good mood more than likely I would not want to see no Ad. Then there expression is compared against a neutral face, some people just look naturally mad. If some one regular face looks mad then how would it read ther face then, that person could be happy. I think the Facial Action Coding System is a waste of time.
The face on mars is just a natural landform. Only facts of it show that its just a mesa. And yet conspiracy theorist think that NASA is still covering up alien life. The natural landform on mars is located in the Cydonia region of mars is proven to be a mesa by NASA scientist. The first picture of the face made everyone believe it was a face due to unusual shadows. another picture of it made it clear that it was a mesa like on Earth. Conspiracy theorist belive that the face is evidence of alien civillation that nasa would rather hide. The "Face on Mars" became a pop icon. The Face starred in a hollywood film and apeared in other media wich may of led to people beliving that the Face was from aliens. In 2001 many people where disapointed when NASA uploaded new photos of the Face proving that it was a mesa or butte. Every photo was different but with each new photo the Face was still proven to be a mesa much to everyones disapointment. Not everyone should make acusations without the facts.
The face that appers on mars is just a rock. I want to convience you that it's just a weird shape on mars. The shadows on the "Face" that shows the eyes, mouth, and nose is just plain shadows. According to the text "huge rock formation...which resembles a human head...formed by shodows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." This explains how the face is really but from a far distance it's not what you think. Even on websites, it shows just a normal landform. Something could look different from far away, then up close. Like in the story a group of people went in 1997, and they said it looked like it was an alien artifact. But a year later in1998, it was sharper then that passed year when they took the first picture. This explains that the "Face" is really not a face, and that it wasn't created by aliens. It was just a simple rock with some shadows reflecting or illusions on the rock to make it look like a face. It was just a regular landform.
The Face on Mars is just a natural landform. It, when originally pictured, may have looked like some sort of face or alien artifact, but with new high-resolution imaging and 3D altimetry, we can see that this "Face" is just a mesa. This type of mesa is commonly found in the region of Mars where the Face is located, called Cydonia. These mesas are also commonly found here on Earth, in the American Southwest. The fact that these types of landforms are commonplace means that the Face is nothing special. One piece of evidence that supports my claim is the new photos. Back in 1976, when the Face was first pictured, the pixel size on photos of Mars was 43 meters per pixel! That makes for a very blurry picture with not many details. When the Face was photographed in 1998, and again in 2001, the pixel size was much smaller, at 1.56 meters per pixel. This means that objects on the Martian surface bigger than 5 meters would be picked up in detail by the photo. This proves that the new picture shows it all: a common, everyday mesa. A second piece of evidence that supports my claim is that NASA would not try to hide alien artifacts in their pictures from the public. This is because if NASA found life on Mars through one of their studies, they would become very popular for the fact and would draw a lot of attention. They may have even won a Nobel Prize, so NASA would definitely not hide it. Conspiracy theorists who claim the Face is alien would be completely wrong because of this fact. NASA isn't hiding anything. The Face on Mars is just a mesa. A third piece of evidence that supports my claim is that NASA was excited about displaying this photo and wanted to learn more just like the public. They wouldn't have given all this trouble to the Face just to lie about it to the general citizens. NASA was probably disappointed when they found out that the Face was a mesa, but they had to tell the truth. Mesas are common around Cydonia, and also common on Earth, so there is no reason for NASA to lie. In conclusion, the Face on Mars is a completely false object. This "Face" is just a common mesa, found all the time where the Face is and on Earth. NASA did not lie about the Face because they had no reason to. The new, high-resolution imaging says it all. The Face on Mars is a mesa. No doubt about it. Case closed.
In our modern age, cars have become one of the most widespread means of transportation in our world. They can provide reliable transportation from one place to another, but we could benefit greatly from limiting our drastic use of motorized vehicles. While cars maintain their status as one of the largest transportation mediums, they are also beginning to rival powerplants in their emissions of greenhouse gases. For example, in America and many EU countries, Motorized vehicles are second in to powerplants in greenhouse gas emissions. Now, since greenhouse gases are contributing to global warming, and cars are a major contributor to those emissions, it would be beneficial to cut down on our usage of them. In Paris, smog levels had reached such a dramatic level that the government placed a partial ban on motorized vehicles to cut down car emissions. In the suburbs of an experimental community of Vauban, Germany, 70% of residents do not own cars as a result of there being no roadways save on the outskirts that lead to the downtown area.
The Face from Mars is just a natural landform and not something an alien created because there's is no life in Mars that we know of. NASA also used a camera's absolute maximum resolution to see if it was created by someone or something. In the article, in paragraph 10, says "On April 8, 2001- a cloudless summer day in Cydonia- Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look." That is when they used the camera's absolute maximum resolution to capture photographs of the Face. The camera could see airplanes on the ground or even pyramids made my Egyptian from Earth. Also, On April 5, 1998 when MGS flew over Cydonia for the first time, ten pictures were taken. These ten pictures showed no signs of alien activity. They were just landforms. Then, the day had finally came. The day of true, so the true was that the Face was just a landform. This landform looked like landforms from the American West. In the last paragraph it states "That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." This is why the Face in Mars can't be something created by aliens. It was just a landform created by nature. There is no doubt about it NASA as prove it by supporting their cliam. Thier no life in Mars that we know of so till then. The face is just a landform.
The Seagoing Cowboy program is hard work but it is pretty fun. You get to help people that endured the 1945 World War 2 restock on food, animals, and more. All of us together make 44 nations that have joined together to help the people in need. The Seagoing Cowboys were part of the UNRRA ( the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) organization. A Seagoing Cowboy will take care of the animals including the horses, young cows, and mules that are on board. You get to see amazing monuments and you get to sight see and have fun. This is an opportunity of a lifetime so you should join this amazing program. One of the reasons that you should join the program is because while you are working, you get to enjoy the wonderful views that the ocean gives you and you get to see building that you would have to pay a lot of money for. I got to see Europe, China, and the Acropolis in Greece. When you are having a bad day you can just look out and see the beautiful sunset and marvel the sights that you can look upon. Another reason is once the animals are unloaded, you are able to find some time to yourself and have fun on the ship. You are able to play baseball, volleyball, and tennis. The Cowboys also did fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and other games to pass time. You would find an empty stable and gather a few people to play with you. You should join the Seagoing Cowboy program to help the UNRRA. You will enjoy having lots of fun with us but not only that, you can see marvelous evenings and daylights. You can also admire the beautiful buildings the you will see on the trips that you take.
I think people should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program, because you can have a lot of fun. You will have lots of fun and get to do rodeo on some cows yeha. You can ride those big horses and go really fast. I went to a program kinda like this before and rode big horses and fished and rode boats. I got to playin the mud and it was funny and felt really weird. I went in swamps and saw some gators but nun in bad. I even got to see my uncle John deer is cow out of the farm. Haha it was so funny . You guys do should go to camps like these there very fun. You have the best food out there too. Fish, crab, spaghetti , gators, rabbits, squarles, and shrimp. That food is the best food in the world. You can eat anywhere you like. Bring your friends family anyone and enjoy that great food. Oh almost forgot you can bring your sleeping bags, tint, pillows, blanking, or whatever, because you gone be sleepin in cabin. Don't worry though because it be extra warm in there. I enjoyed the last time I slept in a cabin. I slept a few nights and then one night I heard monster creeping on me and I peed down my leg. I really think you will want to go to that camp with the Cowboys. It will be really great and you get to ride horses and eat amazing food and sleep in a cabin. If you love to camp and go crazy then this is where you need to come. The Seagoing Cowboys. I gerinte you will have fun. There al;so pools and ponds and stuff that you can have fun in. These people travel for long time at time sol you'll be there for awhile.
Dear State Sentor, First off, I disagree with the Electoral College. I have a strong hope that we need to change to election by popular vote for president. The Electoral College is a process of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress (office of the federal Register 2). In source two it announces that the electoral college is an unfair way to votes. In my opinion I agree strongly with that statement because not everyone would get a fair oppurtunity. Secondly, everyone has the right to voice their opinion on who they want to elect as president. With the Electoral College we wouldn't be able to voice our opinion as because as Source 2 explains that if you have Electoral College system the voters would vote for a slate of electors, but not for president. The state of electors would be the ones to elect the president. Therefore the people wouldnt get a voice to vote only the 29 people in Florida-shown on the map in source 3-not the whole state which makes it not an equal oppurtinuty to everyone who lives in that state. Next, when having Electoral College instead of population vote the picked voters could pick someone wrong. In source two it mentions that sometimes the senator could vote for the wrong person sometimes and not always can they control their vote. To add on to that the electoral college is the "disaster factor". The reason that it is the diaster factor is because the state legislatures are responsible for picking the electors and they could pick everyone thats agasinst a certain president and that the "better" president isn't picked and has a chance of our state being ruined. Finally, my fellow friends of the State Senator I persuade you in choosing to change electing the president to popular vote instead of continuing on with the Electoral College method. In the United States we need to have a fair way of allowing everyone to vote therefore please help me in choosing to change the electon to popular vote. Sincerely, PROPER_NAME
Driverless Cars The article "Driverless Cars Are Coming, makes great statements for and against the full time use and developments of the driverless cars. They say if these cars are developed, we will be saving half the fuel that today's cars use. These cars will be like a public-transport system that would offer far more felxability than a us. The cars they are developing at Google have been driven for more than half a million miles and none have had a crash yet, as stated in paragraph 2. Although the develpment of these cars will lead to many future costs, they may also lead, in the long run, to saving more money and making a cleaner Earth. The stance that I take with these cars, is that they could potentially be very succsessful in making our Earth greener and safer. I agree towards the development of driverless cars; If they are developed, they will be safer, cleaner, and impove everyday life. The first argument for why these cars should countinue to be developed is because they will create a more safter way of travel. These cars are full of sensors, as told in paragraph 5. They have been around since the 1980's and they have become far more advanced; also responding to respose and control than a human could offer which makes theses cars a lot less likley to crash, making them safer. If these cars have the tecnology to stay on a one track line because of the way they are sensored, that could lead to far less collisions and accidents, making a much safter way to travel. Secondly, the reason why I agree with smart cars is the fact that they have the biggest oppurtuinity to be a new, cleaner way of travel. As stated in the first paragraph, these cars have the chance of using half of the amount of fuel that we use today with public-transport. If we create a sysytem of these cars to replace taxis and buses, then we can reduce an impacting amount of pollution from the world, making it far more cleaner. Lastly, the reason why I am for the development of these cars is becuse they will help improce everyday life. These cars will create a much easier and personal way to get around, than the public transportation that we have today. In paragraph 1, Sergey Brin envisions the cleaner and easier way we can travel in the future. He believes, like me, these cars would fundamentally change the world. From fuel to flexability, they can create a much more simple way to travel in the approaching years. The reasons why I believe these cars should have countinued development is: they will be safer, cleaner, and life changing. This article makes great statements for why and how these cars can be positivley and negativly impacting. We have been facinated as human with cars that could drive themselves in TV and movies, in reality we do have this but imagine how much we could help the earth and the people on it by cutting back fuel and the pollution of all the trvael we use today. There will probobly be a lot more trials and errors that come from attmepting to incorperate these cars into everyday life but in the end they will prove to be reliable, clean, and safer.
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" the author states both positive and negative aspects for driverless cars. It tell you about tells you about all the grater thing that they can do and even the not so greater outcomes that can come from a driverless car. My position with driverless cars is that I think they will be a great idea because it gives humans a better chance at looking out for thing that might potically can get them into a car accident. " The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on idividual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better repsonse and control than a human driver could manage alone." The driverless cars can protect you than you can protect yourself and anyone else in the car with you. The driverless car can even handle any driving functions up to the speeds of 25mph. The cars are designed to let the driver know when there is accident ahead of when there is road constrution going on so it tells the humans to take control because the car knows that it can't do it by itself. " They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves,but all are esigned to notify the driver when the road ahead requries human skills,... navigating through work zones and aroung accidents." The car can a geart thing that happens to the world. The driveless car has been around for as couple of years. Even in 2016 we have cars that brakes if you get to close to a car and that won't turn on the radio if seatbelt in not buckled up. " Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of dring on autopilot 90 percent of the time." I know it might not seem like a lot but it is in 2016 alone humans have made " MercedesBenz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselces by 2020." That to me a big improvment from just the little things that we have right know. To me cars braking if you get to close to another car is pretty good . In conclusion, the driverless car can be very helpful to humans because it helps us stay safer on the roads. Also, the car knows when it's not good enough to help you anymore so it has you take control of it so that it won't get you or anyone else hurt if it can stop or anything else.
The future is almost here. But it is not going to be a good one. Those driveless cars are going to be a harm. It is going to destroy this world. The cars of of the futre are going to look cool and all that but are not good for people to frive.The driveless cars that are coming are going to be to expensive, not safe, and complicated. First, these driveless cars are going to be very expensive because they're going to be to advanced and the people are who made tthem are going to want to charge alot. Those people inventing them going to spend alot of money trying to fix the roads and the cars so they are going to hope to get that money all back by making these cars. Like in the article it states that "...General Motors created a concept car that could run on a special test track." So what the qoute says is that if they make a car that is advanced and cant run on a regular concrete road, then they will have to build a road that the car can be on. For that to happen the people who built the car will have to pay extra to make a road that is good for the car and they will have to test it. So going through all that will cost alot of money. These cars they talk about will also need alot of upgrades which will also cost money. so if a peerson wants to buy the car will pay extra just because the car has extra things like upgrades on the motor, sensors and other stuff. Also in the article it says "Google's modified Toyota Pruis uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror,..." So here in this qoute it says some things that they put in or updated in the car. So with all this construction of road and updating things in the car is all going to cost for the person who will buy the car. So thats why these cars will not make it because they will be ti expensive. Then, anoher reason why im against these cars is because they are not going to be safe for the people. If they get this car it is like still driving because they still have to be ready incase of something happens. Like if there a accident they have to take control or if theres traffic they have to take control. In the article it says that "The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." So if the driver has to keep a hand on the wheel they mine as well just drive it. Because what they are saying there is that the car could lose its function and drive of the road. So this car is not safe. Finally, the driveless cars are going to be to complicated. Becuase the car is going to have to much on it and the people are not going to know how to work it. Also people when they are in a driveless car they dont want to do anything because its supposed to drive itself but the person has to keep a a hand on the wheel and be alert and be ready to take over at anytime. And all the sensors and GPS and other gadgets is going to be alot to control. If the sensors break what are they going to do nothing because they did not build the car and they will have to go to like a certain car shop cause not anyone will be able to fix a sensor like a break or any other thing in a regular car. In the article it says that it has "four automotive radar sensor, a GPS reciever ..." So for all that to work the oerson will have to learn to work it and learn to fix incase of it being damaged. So with all these reason of why im against the driveless cars i should of changed your mind maybe. thes cars are not going to be successful because they will be to expensive, not safe, and complicated, So with these three reasons people will not buy these cars. Because they are all reasonable.
Dear Senator; the electoral voting system should be abolished it is unfair and un-democratic electoral votes are not the votes f the people and thats all that should matter but there are countercaims that I will address. when aperson votes they do not actually vote for their candidate they vote for a group of electors for that candidate electors who may not even vote for the candidate they are sworn to. the electoral voting system is extremly unstable there are an even number of electoral voters in the united states making a tied vote a possibility which is very bad. Even though electoral votes are suposedly based on which candidates people vote for it does not at all mean that the candidate who most of the people voted for wil also be voted for by the electoral college. The electoral voters are seperated by state and each state has its own number of electoral voters proportional to their population. because of this candidates change their campaigns to only focus on stateswith more electoral voters while this makes sense from a competitive perspective it makes it extremley unfair to states with smaller populations. This is wrong in many ways but the worst of all is that the electoral voting system encourages this kind of copetition The electoral voting system is un-democratic the united states prides itself on being for the people and freedom but the electoral college represents the exact opposite of that. the electoral college votes not the people. the people are not voting and that is the exact opposite of what the united states supossedly stands for. Anyone who learns about the united states and sees the electoral colege will think that the united states. is not all its cracked up to be and that is not what the united states wants is it? in conlcusion the senator you should definetly try to work toward abolishing the electoral college as it is un-democratic because it does not allow the people to have a direct say in who they are voting for. it is a very volatile voting system that could cause crashes and severities in the united states by aving tied votes and such. the electoral voting system uncourages some states to be left out by unfair competition because of the unstable way the number of electoral voters are balanced between states. And the electoral college essentially goes against everything the united states stands for and is supposed to believe in.
The technology to read the emotional exspressions of student is a classroom is valuable because the computer can express how we feel, it can tell if your bored or not, some think the computers need to learn nonverbal communication. The computer can tell your emotion. Dr. Paul Eckman the creator of FACS ( Facial Action Coding System) has classified six basic emotions they are happiness,surprise,anger,disgust,fear,and sadness. They each associate with the characteristic movement of the facial muscles. The computer can tell if your bored or not. they have indicated the difference between a genuine smile and a forced smile. A real smile or in other words the Ztgomatic major ( muscles that begain at your cheek bones) lift the corners of your mouth. In a false smile the mouth is stretched sideways using the Zygomatic major and a different muscle called the risorius. Some think the computers need to learn non verbal communication. In the article it says imagine a computer that knows your happy or sad. for example, if you smile when the web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might fallow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different. A classroom computer can tell if the students are becoming confused or bored. Dr. Huang thinks he can modify the lesson, like an effective human instructer. " Most humans Communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication." Notes Dr. Huang " So Computers Need to Understand that, too." Yes this is valuable in a classroom. this is because computers express how we feel, they can tell if your bored or not, and some people think they need to learn nonverbale communication.
The computer software can recognize the subtle facial movements we human's use to express how we feel? The software is compare to the woman named "Mona Lisa" for her description how her feeling. We the humans have different feelings. Dr. Eckman are the creator of Facial Action Coding System has classified six basic emotions: happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. We use the emotions in our everyday in the real life and in the web life. For recreate some emotions Dr. Huang observes that artists such as da Vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions. The new computer software stores similar anatomical informetion as electronic code, but Perphaps Dr. Huang's emotions algorithms are a different sort of Da Vinci Code. The Mona lisa demostration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do.
Dear senator, the way we elect this countries president is flawed and un-effective. We technically don't directly vote for the president, we vote for some person who then chooses the president. Since this contry is democratic it think that the popular vote is definitly the way to elect the future presidents. To start off,the electoral college isnt fair to voters because candidates only go to states where they know they will get the vote. In the article "The indefensible Electoral College:Why even the best-laid defenses of the systemare wrong" it says "The electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in the states they know they have no chance at winning". People vote for the person who they want to be in office not for someone who might vote for the person who you want. I guess you could say voters in swing states are going to know more about the election. But you never know that does not always happen. Secondly the eclectors could be anyone and could be chosen by anybody,there are no kind of qualifications. On the other hand the regular voters actuaully have to meet some sort of standards like you aren't allowed to vote if you have commited some sort of crime a certain amount times. And most of the time the American people dont see adds or commercials about the electorates. Howdo we know we can trust these random people with our vote? In my eyes and probably most peoples eyes, see this system as a non-democratic way to vote for our president. To conclude our country should switch to the popular vote system strictly because the elctoral college is an unfair, un-democratic way of choosing our nations future leader.
In my opinion i am againest the driverless cars. Why because to me the cars aren't safe yet. I think if we use dirverless cars there would be so many accidents. The cars won't know what to do. Even in the article it says the cars that they have devolpoed aren't even completely driverless. It says that the cars can steer,accelerate and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills. Other reasons why i am againest the driverless cars is because all the cars the world has made what are they going to do with them. If they keep making driverless cars all the regular cars are no longer going to be in use. That's going to be a lot of money people have wasted on a car that no one is using anymore. Another reason why i am againest the driverless cars is because people might not feel safe to ride in them. Honestly would you want a car to be driving for you on the highway late at night. No the driverless cars aren't safe yet .They can cause a lot of accidents and problems for you and the company that makes them. So this is it my final thoughts on the driverless cars. I say they should not make these cars because they are going to be a waste on money. Instead of using the driverless cars we can use the money on many more important things that the world needs. Like in the passage it says that only a safe car has a human driver in control at all times. So that's all i have to say about driverless cars. We should not make them but use that technology and money on something else.
Have you ever though about being a seaging coyboy? I have and I think everyone should be a seagoing coyboy. There are many resons I think everyone should be a seagoing coyboy. I am going to tell you about how this program will let you experience many amazing adventures. I am also going to tell you about how you get to visit many unique places. The SeaGoing Coyboys program will let you experience many amazing adventures. In August 1995, we recived our orders to report to New Orleans. We arrived August 14. The day the Pacific war ended. We got our seaman's papers and boarded the SS Charles W.Wooster, headed for Greece-with cargo of three hundred thirty-five horses plus enough hay and oats to feed them. The Seagoing Coyboys program also lets you visit many unique places. Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Eroupe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special. So was taking a gondola ride in Vinice, Italy, a city of streets and water. I also toured an exavated castle in Crete and marvled at the Panama Canal on my way to china. Those the reasons I think you should be a seagoing coyboy. This program will let you exerience many amazing adventures. You get to visit many unique adventures. You should consiter being a seagoing coyboy.
I disagree with the idea of driverless cars. They may seem like a good idea to some people but i say it is just more of a hazard. People now a days text and drive all the time and do not pay attention to yield signs or even the speed limit. Being in a car that you do not have to drive will give people the bad habit of not paying any attention to the road or things around them. With a car driving on its own they wont think it is neccessary. I say it is not a good idea at all to start such a bad habit. Although people may think it is a good idea to have driverless cars on the roads, I disagree. They say that the car can steer itself and ecelerate and slow down but what about all of the other things. There are multiple different things a car must do on the road that technology can not take over. Such as getting onto a highway or passing another car. How would a car know how to move left the back over right or if a car was coming from another direction. Technology may be upgrading but i think that it is not smart enough yet to control a car and get a passenger safely to their destination. Lastly, driving a car is a huge task and priveledge. Their are many different rules in driving such as no texting while driving and you must wear a seatbelt at all times. A driverless car is way too dangerous for teeneagers or even adults for that matter. I feel that being in a car that somehow drives itself will make people think that they have no responsibility anymore and they will think its okay to text and drive or not pay attention to their surroundings. Driverless cars were a good idea but i do not thing they would be safe for our generation.
The author has sort of a dream of going to Venus. He claims that it is possible because they're both epual in size and similar in some areas. Besides the point Venus can reach up to extreme levels of heat from how close it is to the sun and all the fumes or carbon dioxide. Speakin of carbon dioxide majority of Venus think atmosphere is almost 97percent carbon dioxide. Reaching over 800 degrees on average, and the atmaspheris pressure is 90 times greater that what we experience on Earth, it can get pretty hot. It makes since to try to go to Venus, because we want to know if there is anymore life out there besides Earth, it makes since, but Venus would almost be impossible for a while until we get more/better technology to travel to any other planets. We might try to go to other planets before that on because it would be impossibly to try to live or stay there. We are more likely to go to Mars before any other planet, because it is also similar to earth, but atleast it not super hot like either Venus, or Mercury. We want to see if there are any other life out there so we want to try to go to other planets to try to see whatelse is out there, and as the author wants us to try to go to Venus, might not be possible for a while, but I think it will be possible soon.
The author supports studying Venus despite the danger it brings in many ways. Venus is the closest planet to earth that us humans could posibilty go and explore. But, there are many enviroumental issues in Venus that we could not with stand. So an alternative was given to us. We could go far above the surface of Venus but we still would'nt get the full discription of Venus. Venus is just like earth is some ways, but we would never be able to go there due to the conditions Venus has. If a human went to Venus even taking every safty percauton there ever was they would still die. " A thick atomshpere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atomshpere. On the planet's surface, tempatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what er expirence on our own planet. These conditions are far extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an enviroument would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many meatals". But maybe there is a different way we could "explore" Venus. An alternative was given to us by NASA most likely the only way humans would ever be able to encounter Venus is any way. Going above Venus's surface where the conditions would be bareable and looking at Venus from that perspetive. " NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. Just as our jet air planes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 Degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would no exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivavle for humans". This idea seems to be the only way to ever be able ot see Venus. If humans did successfully did go to Venus we may could discover amazing things that we would of never could even to begin to think existed ever. Venus is a mystery to humans and we want to know what that mystery is. Going to Venus would expand our knowelage we know about planets in our solar system today. We could possiblty discover many new species, rocks, life, and many other extranorady things. " Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us to many equally intimidating endeavors. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. Saying that going to Venus would be a huge pro for humans. Finding new discoveries could possibly change the world. Venus is an extranorty place that humans have no idea about. Going to venus would improve the world today in many ways. Exploring other planets and what we could possibly find would end all the curiosity and being new inventions for the world today. The author for sure supported the idea about going to Venus and studying it despite the dangers its presents. The author provided many details and explaination to prove he supported this idea.
Driving is one of the most dangerous everyday things that we do, and we dont need computors to help make it anymore dangerous. In this article they bring up the possibility of having hands free driving. This is a subject that has been tested and fantasized by humans for quite awhile now. Google has had this technology since around 2009, and has allowed them to test it. However in these tests the cars have not been truely fully aoutmated my a computer. There has been a driver behind the seat everytime. The tests that have taken place have proven that the computors have the capability of driving under the circuiumstances that they were presented with, but if they still require the driver to be alert whats the point? The time that the car has spent driving still required the driver to remain alert behind the wheel once it ran into issues. I belive that this is just a tool that is asking for trouble. Most people dont have trouble driving by themselves, and this tool is just another peice of technology that is going to make us more lazy. I feel like there are far more chances for the computors to calculate wrong or malfunction and possibly hard or kill the passengers and drivers behind the wheel as well as others on the road. I feel like people might also be misinformed if this was ever released into the public, and feel like the computor is to be doing all the work, but as of right now thats not the case. This can ultamitly lead to more accidents and deaths behind the wheel. As The article states if this were to happen who's really to blame the driver or the manufacurer? This leads to more issues than conveniences in my opinion, and could do far more damge to large companies that would be relasing this hardware into the world. There would need to be a total redesign of safety laws and additions to the laws that are already in place. In conclusion i dont feel like cars need an autopilot feature because it has more cons than pros at this point, and is a danger to the public until tested on for a longer period. Im not against it in the future possibly, but at this point in time its far too dangerous and adds to the chaos that is already in place on the roads. Hopefully by the time that tesla releases their vehicle they have done enough testing to make sure that its as safe as possible.
Dear Senator, The president of the United States of America should be chosen by popular vote rather than the Electoral College because is allows citizens of the U.S. to have more power. The Electoral College takes away some opinions of the states which is unfair; we as citizens should have all the say in who we want leading us. I'm not alone, either; "Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the AFL-CIO want to abolish the electoral college" [ Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong by Bradford Plumer]. People don't get enough power with the Electoral College; Al Gore lost the presidency thanks to the electoral college but he had won the popular vote. So we should let someone else have all the power? I don't think so; we deserve better than this and over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. There are about 538 electors in the Electoral College and a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect a President [ What is the Electoral College ? by the Office of the Federal Register] but there are millions of American voters. Also the text [ What is the Electoral College? ] states that when you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidate's electors. Americans aren't even voting for president anymore, just the electors?! That is completely unfair to the country. The Electoral College does have its perks, though. It helps with a certainty of outcome and it helps avoid run-off elections [ In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President by Richard A. Posner]. The United States is supposed to be the land of the free; we're supposed to thrive off of our independence and therefore we should abolish the Electoral College process and give the power to the people. We deserve a say, not what others suggest. Best Regards, PROPER_NAME
There has been a lot of debate circling wether or not the infamous "Face on Mars" is an actual alien made structure of a face or just a natural landform. In my professional opinion its safe for me to assume it is just a natural landform. Although it resembled a face in the first picture it doesn't necesarrily mean it was created by life forms to look like a face. The only features you can make out on the so-called "Face" are deep holes for eyes, a pointed part for the nose, and a line for the mouth. It doesn't have any distinct features. If if was made my martians they most likely wouldn't want a monument of a human's face so what is it supposed to be? I'll you what it is butte or mesa, a natural landform that is common on Earth. Another reason you know it isn't a face is the camera quality of the first image. The camera quality in 1976 wasn't as advanved as today's technology is. The pictures in both 1998 and 2001 were both much more clear than the original photograph. Although you can make out somewhat of a face it doesn't mean thats what it was. It could have just been a blurry picture. Conspriacy theorists say it actually was aliens and they made the face but NASA would greatly benefit from finding actual life on Mars. If NASA found legitimate alien lifeforms it could benefit the whole world. If they were non-hostile they could teach us how to make and use their technology. We could learn a lot from them, like why the landforms on their planet resemble faces. NASA has been trying to find alien life for years, if they found it they woudln't deny them and say they don't exist. There are a lot of people that think it has to be a face. And the pictures are from 25 years apart, so anything could have happened to the landform in that long. Natural wear and tear could have washed across the surface of it and rendered it a natural landform. In all seriousness they could be right but it would take a lot more than 25 years to ruin solid rock. The "Face on Mars" had a good 25 year run. It was mostly scaring people and giving conspiracy theorists ammunition to shoot at the government to try to get us to admit there is other life out there, but its time to face reality. It is not a face. It really is a landform. If there was life on Mars you could see it with the cameras we have today, but sadly, no such luck. It's not a face on Mars, we just have imaginations that run wild with wonder.
The use of this technology to read students' emotional expressions is a good idea. I think this is a good idea because say a student was having a bad day at school, the computer can tell if you are having a bad day and so the teacher wouldnt ask any questions, try to make you stand infront of the class reading a book or doing a math problem on the board. This technology will help both the student and the teacher have a better and more understanding relationship. This article "Making Mona Lisa Smile." shows many examples or evidence that support my claim like; " The facial expressions for each emotion are universal," observes Dr. Huang, "even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression" (like not smiling as broadly). Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements--in a real face or in the paited face of the Mona Lisa. Another example supporting my claim is " A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. " Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This is a great and fun way to use technology, it will help teachers modify their lessons to fit not only the schools need of teaching but the students way of learning. The students will no longer be confused about an assignment instead, they will be able to learn and grow better than if they was in a regular classroom. This is why I think we should have Facial Action Coding System in our classrooms.
Car usage has impacted the earth in numerous ways; both for good and for bad. Ever since the production of the car during the industrial revolution, transportation from place to place was easier for everone to be able to go to work, school or on a vacation to a distant place. This invention has changed American life as well as the lives of many others in the world. Although, the creation of the car did have some downfalls. Passenger cars are responsible for the 12% of greenhouse gasses that are emitted into the earths atmosphere. Limitting car usage would be beneficial to the earth because it would help to lessen the damaging gasses being submerged into the atmosphere. Reducing the use of your car would make navigation on the street much easier. For example, "in this new approach, stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway. With the reduction of cars being enacted store are able to be in street for easy access. This allows for stock to be brought up because many of the stores wont be a long, stressful drive away. not only stores but work would be much closer and wont involve long hours in a car every morning. Since there will be no car usage involved, the streets will be much safer to roam. The accident rate in decrease drastically. lessening the use of cars will allow for traffic to be cut in half. This would help to decrease the death rates that are caused every year. No driving would be beneficial for many. There will be no drunk drivers making the streets an unsafe place to be. the world will be a much better place to live in once cars are limitted. Decressing the use of a car would make life less stressful. People wont have to worry about driving long hours, paying off their cars or worrying about car maintainence. This will make life easier to focus on much important tasks such as school an his of her career. Thats less payments and more money for something else. Removing this machinery would allow for the debt rate to drop as well. Less people will be bankrupt and have money in their bank accounts to save. Lessening car usage would allow for a cultural shift occur, and change the way people live their life all over the world. Car usage should be reduced because this will allow for people to be more productive and less tranportation time because stores will be much closer than ever before. The reduction of cars will result in less accidents and property damage among many cities.  
Dear State Senator , I recommand you to keep the Electoral College because , The Electoral College consists of 538 electors ,The Electoral College process consists of selection of the electors ,And each canidate running for president in your state has his or her own group of electors . To begin with , i think the state senator should keep the Electoral College because it a fantastic college . Majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President .The District of Columbia Is Allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purposes of the Electoral College. The Electoral College is a process , not a place. The Electoral College is widely regared as an anachronism, a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be overruled by declaring the candidate who recieves the most popular votes the winter . The Electoral College process consists of selection of the electors , the meeting of the electors where they vote for presisdent and Vice president , and the counting of the electoral votes by congress .The presidential election is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday In November. Most states have a winner-take-all system that awards all electors to the winning presidential candidate. The Certificate of Ascertainment also declares the winning presidential candidate in your state and shows which electors will represent your state at the meeting of the electors in December of the election year . Last but not least , Let me remind you that each candidate running for president in you state has his or her own group of electors .There Usually selected by the candidates political party , but state laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are. Your states certificates of Ascertainments are sent tot he Congress and the National Archives as part of the offcial records of the presidential election . After the presidential election , your governor prepares a ' Certificate of Ascertainment' listing all of the candidates who ranfor president in your state along with the names of their respective  electors .
I believe that the use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is extremly valuable. The Facial Action Coding System could help detect when a student is bored or confused. It can help the teacher to decide how to help the students. The system can make things easier for the students to understand. The Facil Action Coding System could help most likely help all students. When students aren't understanding the lesson that is being taught on the computer,the system can recongize the students facil expressions and see that the student is confused and the system can notify the teacher to help the student. Also when students are bored or falling asleep it can notify the teacher to get the students attention or wake the student up. The Facil Action Coding System can see certain things that the teacher can't see. If a teacher asks the class if they understand a topic and a student says yes ,but they really don't understand the teacher would most likely not see that the student doesn't understand. The Facil Action Coding would see it though and notify the teacher. In conclusion the Facil Action Coding would be very helpful to the students and teachers. It can help students if they are confused or bored. The system can help teachers understand what the students are struggling with . It can help tell if students are lying about if they underdstand the topic or not. The Facil Action Coding Systems can be benefit everyone in a school.
There are many advantages to limiting car usage in America, and all around the world. As the future grows near, gas prices are skyrocketing and frankley, gas is being all used up. Cities and communities are building subburbs that dont allow cars and passing laws that ban driving. Many people may read this and view it as unfair or irrelevant, but we should be applauding it and considering these ideas in our own communities. Vuban, Gerrmany is one of the pioneer subburbs to try the following idea. In this Subburb: Street parking, driveways, and home garages are all not allowed. Instead, when you buy a house, you buy a parking space at a large garage for 40,000$. You keep your car there while you live in the homes. Some statistics back up this movement as well. In Europe, cars are responsible for 12% of gas emissions, and in the some parts of the US, cars are responsible for up to 50%. Cutting down on driving helps the enviroment and lowers accidents and fatal driving deaths each year. Paris, France is having some conflict with automobiles as well. The smog caused by the surplus of cars was filling the city and harming residents. As a result, Paris had to ban driving that day and fine those who drove anyway. This was all in effort to reduce smog and pollution from the city. Once the smog cleared they lifted the ban. Many counties along with Bogota, Columbia have participated in banning cars for a day or week to reduce it bad effects on nature. Even the United States is getting in on the action. Over the last few years, citizens are buying fewer and fewer cars each year, suggesting Americans best car days are behind us. If this pattern persists it will have major implications on carbon emmision and the enviroment. People taking the bus or biking to work have played a huge role in car sales dropping. There has also been a drop in 16 - 39 year olds obtaining drivers licences. Instead, they prefer getting rides and car-pooling with friends. As you can see limiting car usage has global effects on safety and the enviroment. America and many other cities and communities around the world realize car's effects and are moving on from them, and from what I see, im very excited.
''the challange of exploring venus '' in the number four the author says Astonomers are facinated by venus because it may wee once have been the most earth-like planet in our solar system.long ago, venus was probably covered largely with ocean and could have supported various form of like earth, the author seggest that studing the venus is a worthy because to learn all about the planet because our solar system is the most important in the world it's worthy to know about the planet the planet exist for us to give us sun and cold for our good to be fine and nathing happened to us the world is our all the people live in the world have to worry for the atmosphere the venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system even thought mercury is closer to our sun.beyond high preasure. venus is actually a planet ,in our solar system venus is the second planet from our sun while venus is simple to see from the distant but safe ventage point of earth,it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely in conclusion, is about the planet and aur solar system ,to study about the planet all about the planet is important to know because is important for all the people in the world and the venus to because is the second planet from our sun in the world so venus and mars is our other planetary neigbor,orbit the sun a different speeds the is my conclusion
I disagree, this machine is not valueable in a students classroom. You don't need a machine to tell if a student is sad or happy or mad. You can just ask them "What's the matter?" You don't need million dollar tech to do simple reading. That type of tech should be used against terrorist or enemy threats. Not classroms full of harmless studetns. You don't need a machine to tell a students' emotions. In paragraph 5 it says "You can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." You don't need that type of technology to look a person face and tell them what they are feeling. You could make more friends just by going up and speaking and finding out instead scanning their face with a machine. You should be able to just talk to them and ask them what is the matter if they are feeling some type of way. Putting this type of technology in a classrom takes away from the socializing in all schools. It takes away from kids or teens from speaking to one another. Using this technology for student in a classroom is a overall bad idea. The things you can do with this million dollar tool shouldn't be used for educational purpose. it should be used to help in government purposes. This type of technology is not meant to be in the hands of careless teens and children so many would be broke in probably the next few months and it would be wasted money down the trash.
You should join the Seagoing Cowboys. It is a very fun program that helps the people of Europe. It is an nice adventure. This is about helping the people who were affected by World War ll and having an adventure. It is sponsered by the UNRRA ( the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Admistration). Luke's experience was the best one. I feel that Luke did get the point of this program, because he talked a lot about traveling and helping. Of course it's alot of work, but it is also fun and you can see new places. Here is one statement that luke stated, " I had the side benifit of seeing China. Luke was the one Seagoing Cowboy that had made nine trips. That was because he had such a great experience, and you would too if you join this program. If you join the Seagoing Cowboy program you won't regret it. Here are some of the benifits that you get, if you are an animal lover you get to work with animals like horses and cows. If you like adventures you can go to places you've never been before. There is a lot of work, but that's not all afterwards the Seagoing Cowboys get together and do fun activites like table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling. They also play baseball and vollyball. Come and join the Seagoing Cowbays you would love it there!
In this article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" the author talks about Facial Action Coding System, this enables computers to identify human emotion. This would be very valuable in the classroom because it can help us understand if a kid is confused and needs help or if they are doing good. It can also identify mixed emotions. This article says that showing emotion is good for you and this would enable kids to show more emotion. Having these technologies in the classroom would be valuable. "A cumputer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, Dr Huand predicts." If they had the Facial Action Coding System it would help the teacher to know if he had to change his way of teaching or slow down and go back if students are confused. This could help them as teachers to help their students really understand what they are learning and make it stick. Not all people learn the same and having this kind of technology could help us figure out better in which way we learn. The Facial Action Coding System can even show mixed emotions, so it can get the best identification of our feelings. "By weighting the different ubits, the software can even identify mixed emotions." This could help our computer to but the adds up that apply to our mood. Such as if we are sad put something that makes minds think of happines. Or if we are anrgy put something up there that makes us laugh. This technology can really help us change our bad moods into good moods everyday. Showing emotions like putting on a happy face can actually work according to this article. The article says "Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotion, but also may even help produce them." If we put these in our classrooms it will help kids want to show good emotion. This would overall help the mood of the classroom feel a lot happier. If kids feel more happier in the classroom the more they are going to want to work hard. Having these in classrooms sounds like an amazing idea! The world is becoming more and more reliant on technology, the more we show our kids technology and teach them how to use it the better they are in the future. If we get our kids to show their emotions more and get computers that help to changes their emotions to better ones would only help. This system is so smart that it can even read mixed emotions. These things can helpt teachers truly understand how to teach in a way that is positive fore their students and the way that they best learn. The Facial Action Coding System is a truly wonderful thing and we should have them in the classroom.
Cars are very useful in an everyday life. Cars are a source of transportation to people and most of the world uses them. Although, now there has been new technologies out that may allow cars to be driven by themselves. These cars could certainly be helpful to many people around the world, but are they really needed? Driverless cars might make it easier to travel from place-to-place without a worry, but there are many negative apsects from using them First off, driverless cars can be expensive to build and upgrade. In order to come out with this techonogy all around the world, someone has to be responsible to build them. Normal human driven cars are expensive as is but imagine having even more equipment added in order for this driverless car to be safe and useful. These cars need sensors all around in order to detect its surroundings. Also the car needs video cameras, a GPS receiver, and most importantly a sensor that uses laser beams to build a 3-D model of the car's surroundings at all times. These equipments can cost a great deal of money when there are thousands of these car manufactured. Without these the car would not be capable of mimicing the skills of a human driving the car. Not only do the cars need newer equipment but the roads also need upgrades in order for these cars to connect and understant what the road ahead will be like. All of these upgrades and equipments can cost people a huge amount of money. Adding on, owning a driverless car calls for more responsibility from the owner and more alertness as well. Driverless cars could certainly help a driver along the road, but there is a great deal of responsibilities the driver has to take. The driver can not rely on the driverless car one hundred percent of the time due to any mistake it could make. These cars may be smart and pack a lot of new technology but cars and software can make mistakes and in a car they could cause a great deal of accidents. Being a driver means having resposibility of the car, the passengers, the road, and any other car on the road along with their passangers. Even if the car is able to function without a driver, the driver should be alert on the road for when the car needs help. Laws would have to be inforced in order for drivers to make a commitment with these smart cars. Driverless cars may be dangerous without an alert and responsible driver on board. Lastly, driverless cars could have a chance of backfiring on the owner. If these cars are not bult or manufactured and tested correctly they could cause accidents. Relying on the manufacturer is a great part of buying these cars. Tests that are not run correctly could ruin the reputation of the cars and cause them to not be bought or even built anymore. Technology fails all the time but some times it does not. Perhaps during a test the car works fine but in a real world experience it does not, this could be a negative impact on the manufacturer. Even if a car were to fail would it be the fault of the owner or the manufacturer? This could be a big problem for the driverless cars. All in all, driverless cars could make life a bit easier to people around the world but there could also be lots of negative things that come with them. Driverless cars can be expensive to manufactur. Some people would not be willing to pay so the cars could be useless to build. The driverless cars also need upgraded roads to assist them as well as responsible and alert drivers. This could cause trouble on the roads if the drivers rely too much on the car and its technology. Driverless cars are a huge advance in technology but could cause lots of trouble along the way.
The essay is about car polution and getting ride of car polution. People have been selling their cars to have a "car free town" and other countries wanted to try this "experiment out" in their countries. Getting rid of cars can help the Economy with polution. It also could help people save money on gas and use that money for something else. And getting rid of cars can help countries with polution problems. Could also put a stop to the Polution comeing out of a cars exshuast pipe. And alot of the european countries has polution named " Smog ". Could also stop crashes and Traffic jams. And many other countries are going to have a week or a day without cars just too reduce the polution of the world. Could help save us and plant life  for us to survive and breath healthy. Could also Help people get more inspired to go out and ride a bike more or walk to be a bit more healthier. And people arnt driveing as much in "2005" People are rideing bikes going outside and walking. They want people rideing bikes more. They started to create alot of bike paths to place people work or stores to go too. Driving went down by 23 percent in 2001 and 2009  that is good to help stop polutin in our world... Well its a start to it. With out cars we probably be more safer in the world. The world will be a lot healthier instead of takeing the car everywhere you go.
On May 24, 2001, NASA discovered a large, shadowy figure that resembled the shape of a human face on the surface of Mars. Some are to believe this figure was created by "aliens". Was it? Or is this mysterious likeness just something as normal as a natural landform? Viking 1 photograph of the Face on Mars was taken in 1976. The camera's absolute maximum was 43 meters per pixel. By looking at the photograph, you wouldn't be able to make a definate conclusion about what exactly the figure was and how it got on the surface of Mars. Later, on April 8, 2001, Mars Global Surveyor was able to capture a photograph with an absolute maximum of 1.56 meters instead of 43 meters per pixel like in the 1976 Viking photo. The picture was ten times sharper than the original Viking photo. Jim Garvin even said, "You can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size. So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" Garvin also mentioned that they don't pass over the figure as a face very often and that what the image actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-- landforms common around the American West. Like I mentioned in the first paragraph; some are to belive this figure was created by aliens. Was it? Well, after receiveing all of NASA's evidental information, I would have to say it was not. The Face on Mars is just a natural landform created by natural causes; not aliens or even previous human life that may have once exhisted on the mysterious planet. People may have been hoping this was the time in history where aliens could've been discovered, but as we can tell, that moment in history is certainly and obviously not now.
Driverless cars are the future of safety while driving across the world. These cars have the technology to predict and protect against complex life-threatening issues that a human does not possess the power to handle themselves. Although the change to semi-driverless or driverless cars may be expensive; it is a change that can change the future of driving on roads for the better. An issue that comes with having fully human controlled vehicles is not all cars have safety measures that the driver can control, such as sensors in the brakes. These sensors contain information that the human driving could not possess alone, showing that we need driverless cars to help make the upcoming generation of drivers more protected on the dangerous roads. In paragraph five the author states: "antilock brakes can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone," which shows the true power of these sensors inside of driverless cars. Legalizing driverless cars can bring the power of antilock brakes to every car in the world which would drastically reduce the amount of accidents related to skidding on ice or flipping cars. One of the reasons that these driverless cars are not legalized in all states is as of right now traffic laws are under the assumption that "the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times," as the author states in paragraph nine. Although these cars are not driven by humans one hundred percent of the time, they can still be taken over by humans whenever a situation such as an accident in the middle of the road needs to be navigated around, this is proven in the seventh paragraph. In paragraph seven the author says: "GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate whenever a vehicle is in danger of backing into an object," and "The Google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over," proving that when the driver is in danger, the driver can take over the controls. These innovations heighten the safety of the driver in one of these vehicles. Driverless cars and sensors aren't anything new to the roads, either. In paragraph three the author states that General Motors has been working on driverless cars since the late 1950s. As technology rapidly advances the sensors and computer needed to make driverless cars can become less expensive and more powerful. In only ten years advancements such as antilock brakes and the ability to drive seventy-five percent of the time have surfaced, and there are many more advancements to come. The first generation of driverless cars are expected throughout 2016-2020, with many more generations and advancements to improve upon the original models. In 1980, the dream of having a fully autonomous vehicle would be something to see in a science-fiction magazine. Little did the people know that these cars would be available in only 36-40 years away and could dramatically increase safety on roads. Driverless cars provide heightened safety for the next generations of drivers and should not be taken as something small. Now that the technology is here to stay we need to be able to put it to proper use. Driverless cars have many generations to come and more safety to benefit the future generation of drivers.
Throughout this article, we learn a new technology called "The Facial Action Coding System." This system is used to identify human emotions. Now, the real question is if this technology is valuable to the students in a classroom. Is the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students valuable in the classroom. To begin with, a classroom computer could recognize the students emotions. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." On the otherhand, the software might not be so great. Throughout the text, the scientists state that the emotions are universal, and that everyone has the same few emotions. "Eckman has classified six basic emotions- happiness, surprise,anger, disgust, fear, and sadness..." "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal," observes Dr. Haung. What if the machine predicts, or reads the expression wrong, than what? Not everybody's expressions are the same, some may vary, and with only six basic emotions, the machine may not be able to properly read what a person is feeling. In summary, I have come to the conclusion that the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students is very valuable. Not other can it read their emotions, but it can improve their learning experience. Their are a few things that the machine may not be able to do, and a small chance of error whilst reading an emotion. But, overall, the technology is valuable to students of the classroom.
"Venus, somtimes called the 'Evening Star,' is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot." Venus is one of the planets close to earth. Venus is a plant that most often has the same weather as the Earth. The geology and weather present like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning that strikes on the surface. The author of this passage, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Venus is a good place to study. Many astronomers were fascinated by Venus of how it may once have been the most Earth-like in our planet solar system. In the passage the author states that "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could of had formed any various forms of life." Also at this time Venus still has some features of earth. Some of the features Venus has is that the surface are rocky sediment, they also include valleys, mountains,and craters. Another point for how Venus is a good planet to discover. Some impressive things that could happen on Venus are "exposing a cell phone or tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin. by comparison, systemsthat use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat,and other forces." Also "modern computers are powerful, flexable, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions." At the end Venus is our sister planet. NASA has been working and planning other ways to aproach Venus. Most of their electronics had been tested and had lasted for at least three weeks. As the author has stated in the beginning that studying Venus is a wothy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Worth the dangers that could happen at Venus there are other impressing things to find and discover.
Have you wanted a vacation from work but couldn't find a great place to go spend your time. Are you are looking for a great place to hang out with buds. Or, are you in need of a job. You should come on down to be a Seagoing cowboy. It is a great place of family fun. And is a good place for relaxation. Come down if your looking to have the time of your life. The clock is ticking down for this great time of fun. First of all, comming to be a Seagoing cowboy is a once in a life time event. Just think of Luke in the story. Luke had two jobs without no break. He worked at a bank and, Luke also worked at a local grocery store. It was just another day at work for luke until his friend stoopped by. Luke's friend "Don Riest" invited him to go on the Seagoing cowboy trip. Luke couldn't pass an opprotunity like that. So Luke decided to take the spot to go. When Luke left he was just looking for vacation. But instead Luke got a job as a Seagoing cowboy. Luke, again, could not pass up an opprotunity like that. So because Luke couldn't pass a job like that he accepted the offer of a life time. Luke felt very happy that day of an amazing job for himself. Because Luke knew he was in a great deal for himself and a great help for the Seagoing Cowboys on the boat. He was also a great help for animals. If you are looking for a place you and the whole family could enjoy. You should come on down to be a Seagoing Cowboy. On the ship we are very popular for fun. On board we have so much activities. We have activities such as volley ball, table tennis, boxing, fencing and many more. So are you going to pass up this once in a life time event you need to get tickets and come down. Are you looking for a good spot to relax and hang out with friends. You and whoever you want can come down. On this cruiz, you will have a blast. This boat is good for many celebrations. It's good for celebrations such as birthdays, New Year, Christmas and more holidays. So don't blow your only shot of having fun. You should get a ticket "NOW"! And, do you want your family to be sad. Or, do you want you family to have the biggest smile on their faces. Don't worry about space because we have tons of space for you and loved ones. And space for all of your family. Now do whatever you can for you not to not miss this event for you and your family. I hope after reading you have concidered making a great decision. No not a great decision. you can make the best decision of your LIFE! please consider making a family fun choice. Thank yoou for you kind hearted people for reading out there. And I hope you make the right decision. The decision for you and your family.
Dear Senator, I believe that voting for the President of the United States should be based on the present idea of the Electoral College. There are many elements that play into the reasoning for this. The Electoral College is a process developed by the makers of the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. It consists of 538 electors with each state holding a certain amout of these electors based on the population of that state. Candidates try to gain the vote of electors focusing on larger states with more electors. It was something created by the makers and founding fathers of the Constitution and something so important should not be changed. Presidential candidates focus on gaining the majority vote of large states in order to obtain more electors. A large state such as California containing over 35 million voters should have as much of a say in electing a president as a small state like Wyoming only containing 500,000 voters. The Electoral College makes sure that the "majority" of voters doesn't decide an election and everyone has a say. The "winner takes all" system evens out the playing field for all those little states who want just as much of a say in determining a new president as a large one does. The idea of a Electoral College adds a sense of competition persuading a candidate to influence states with a high number of electoral votes making the race for interesting. Swing states are a huge deal in this process for they mainly decide the election with the ability to change an election in a heartbeat. If a majority voting system was incorporated into the election system instead of the Electoral College the process would become much more complicated than it already is. Voters should be able to vote not just for a new president but for a slate of electors who aid in electing the president.. These electors are appointed to represent the people in choosing the candidate of their choice who they feel is best suited for the position. Many people against the Electoral College argue that the system is not acceptable because of the possibility of a tie due to the even number of electoral votes. This reasoning is highly probably and has never happened before.          
The "Face of Mars" was not created by aliens. The "face" is a mesa, an elevated piece of land similar to a plateau. The mesa is about 2 miles long, and the face is created by the shadows from protruding rock. The features of this landform could have been created by aliens if they had the ability to carve a two mile long mesa to look like a face, not knowing what it looked like while they were carving it. Since they were on the ground they we we carving, they would have had to either cut into the rock blindly, or have a method to see what the face looked like. That method, be it mechanical or optical should still be visible. The aliens might not be humanoid, and might not know what a human face looked like. They wouldn't be able to cut out an image of something if they don't know what it looks like. Even if aliens could cut a face into the rock, there would be fragments of that rock lying all around the base of the landform. Most of the debris might be swept away over time, but there would still be some. If the carving was done by aliens, they would have to have some way to get on top of the mesa, and that might be visible. It could be stairs, or a ladder, or a rope, but it should be visible to the satellite pictures. If the aliens did cut the face into the mesa, then it they would have gone about it in a different way. Assuming that the aliens created the face is assuming that they are intelligent beings. Intelligent beings would most likely have created finer details or carved a symbol or word to show who created the face. If they are unintelligent beings, how did they get on top of the mesa and how did they cut out the face.
"The Face on Mars" Could not be an alien creation becuase, it most likely would be more high tech because "Aliens" are lightyears ahead of our technology. Also NASA said it was just a huge rock formation that was formed by shadows to create "The Face on Mars." Also Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia and snapped a really good picture which first appeared on a JPL website that was confirmed that the face was not an Alien monument. Also if aliens were to create this "Face" why didnt people in space see them do it. The Mars Global Surveyor's took at picture at maxium pixel to show that this "momument" was accually a little bigger then a buttle or a mesa. "The Face on Mars" is not an alien monument reason being they confirmed ot was in fact a rock formation that had shadows make it look like a face.
The war has affected the lives of hundreds maybe even thousands of people. I think we should help those people in need if you are with me sign up to be a seagoing cowboy. A seagoing cowboy is someone who takes care of animals that are shipped over sea. Then brings them to the people that need help since the war ruined their food supply or cattle. It is kinda hard to care for the animals but its not to much of a challenge. I used to help out on my aunts farm all the time and that gave me some experience. It also is a little disgusting to clean the stalls the first time but I pulled through it and eventually I got used to it. My favorite part has to be traveling when i get some free time its fun to go sight seeing. As a seagoing cowboy you go all around the world and visit amazing places but there are sad moments aswell. When I found out that people other than me are being affected by the war and some are suffering worse, that opened up my eyes. I thought to myself thats why I joined the seagoing cowboys after all not just because I wanted to see the world but also to help people in need. Lastly being a seagoing cowboy isnt just an adventure its much more. Its part of our future. We need to help everyone in the world through this hard time. Being a seagoing cowboy will help do that. Please consider the offer and sign up.
Dear senator, I strongly believe that we should demolish the electoral college system. It is highly unfair and can cause the wrong person to win. The system also has and will continue to cause controversy and rightfully so. To begin with, the electoral college system is extremely unfair. With this system in play it is fairly easy for the wrong canidate to be elected it has happened before where the person with the most popular votes meaning they had the majority rule has lost because of the way the opposing system is run. This occasion may occur from time to time because when voting you are voting for the electors not the actual president that you want to win. The system is very faulty and there is no guarantee that the electors will vote for whom they are saying they will. To continue, the system has caused and will continue to cause great amounts of controversy. Some people may refer to it as undemocratic, outdated or even irrational. Even though all people may not agree with it there are reasons it is still in action. It is highly unlikely for there to be a tie, the swing states play a huge role in being the deciding factor of who wins and it allows all states to be equal in the amount of electoral votes they put in in ratio to the population of the states. So there are some good things about the electorlal college but some will surely argue that they are not enough to outway the bad. Maybe we should just get rid of the college and take the easy way out by using majority rule. It really does make the most sense. Lastly, the system makes some people feel as if their votes are worthless. In states such as texas that is made up 0f mostly republicans the democrats do not feel it necessary to vote because of the system. If most of the people are republican then the democrats already know that the opposite side will get the most electoral votes therefore it is pointless for them to vote. Another state in which this occurs is california where the majority of people are democratic therefore the republicans dont feel the need to vote. In my opinion everyones vote matters so we should run the elections that way. To conclude. the electoral college should be done away with. It makes people feel like their opinions on the matter of who runs this country dont actually mattter. It is highly faulty meaning the candidate with the most votes does not always win and lastly the system causes loads of contraversy and will continue to until the problem is solved.                          
The author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit depite the dangers by giving us an idea of what NASA is working on to get around the danger, giving us reasons why Venus is a sister planet to the Earth, and by showing us some key items that we could research. Venus is the closest planet to Earth in density and size. It is often referred to as Earth's twin because of this. However, their are some dangers to eploring the planet more in depth. The author states, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth today." The author put this piece of information in to show that we should do more research to show that life once exsisted on Venus. This planet could hold forms of life ,but we don't have any research to prove it. Going to Venus, depite the dangers, would give us more evidence or materials to prove that Venus is even more or less similar to Earth, This would also help us understand our solar system more as a whole. The author states, "NASA has one particuraly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape." The author put this piece of infomation in to prove that NASA is trying to come up with possible solutions to explore Venus. However, they arent working out so well as a vehicle like this would prevent them from collecting any rocks or gases to bring back and research. Studying Venus could lead to an abundance of solar power and the radiation would be minimal. The vehicle NASA is planning will not allow researchers to take samples of rocks, gas, or anything else or that matter. The author states, "Peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmoshpere, renddering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective. More importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance." This is to explain that the dangers of going to Venus far outweigh the saftey. There is lots of research to still be done on Venus. The author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit depite the dangers by giving us an idea of what NASA is working on to get around the danger, giving us reason why Venus is a sister planet to the Earth, and by showing us some key items that we could research. The author states, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." The author put that piece of information in to explain that the dangers are worth it.
How accurate is a computer? Answer? As accurate as it is programmed. When it comes to facial expression the technology used is programmed by one psychologist Dr. Paul Eckman. How can one man be responsible for knowing and understanding every human emotion? How could recognizing the face of a student in school help them to learn better? Using the technology from "Making Mona Lisa Smile" for emtional scanning in school may not be as valuable as it seems. In my OTHER_PII experience you can never actually tell how a person is feeling just by looking at them. I am a pretty good example myself. I have some pretty bad "dead" face. People ask me all the time if I'm ok and I always say, "Yea I'm just tired", because I am just tired. I'm fine but others don't seem to think so because of the way my face is. Other kids and teenagers probably have this problem too. Having a computer try to cheer them up if they're ok isn't going to help. In the text they describe the situation as such, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." I find that line amazing. "Effective human instructor". That could mean many things. But how exactly could it modify the lesson to be more interesting and who is to say what an effective human instructor is? How exactly is the modified lesson even going to help interest the student? Pop up a short game for a break or show a funny piture and tell the student to cheer up? Each child learns differently so how can a computer detect that? If computers started becoming "effective human instructors" what would happen to future teaching jobs? All of these questions are left unasnwered. As respectful as Dr. Huang puts it in paragraph 6, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication," notes Dr. Huang. "So computers need to understand that, too.", I can agree with the computers learning about us but who would teach or program them? What about flaws in the computer system? What if it reads certain faces wrong such as those with disabilities or who have been in accidents where the face is not recognizable by the system? Those children would not get the full effective education as those around them and it also derives a sense of difference from other students and leaves them subject to outcasting and even bullying. There are times in a school system where the teachers and administrators need to think about the good of the students before their education sometimes. The cost to implement this new technology could also be an issue. To install the technology they would either have to go through every computer in the school system or get rid of them and buy whole new sets of computers to be able to use them effectively. How much would a school system be willing to pay to boost the education of a student and give them the best opportunity to thrive in school. As I have previously stated there are too many questions left unanswered. I see the potential it might have in the future. And how it could be used for the better but unless solutions to the questions I have asked are not answered then how can the system that recognizes facial emotions truly be trusted in schools?
Transportation will only advance throughout time. Today's so ciety has advanced from horse and buggy, to steam powered engines, to trains powered by a magnetic field. Cars have advanced from a gasoline powered engine, to an engine that can be charged up from an outlet. The next thing to do is to make transportation easier for the public by making it unnecessairy for them to do much work. The way to achieve this is to mass produce driverless cars. Driverless cars are very efficent. They don't cause the driver to have to waste time doing the work. Now, the drivers can make phone calls or eat lunch safer than ever. Driverless cars will still require the driver to be aware of its surroundings and be alert for a problem to occur. This causes maximim amounts of safety for the driver, and others on the road. The car is designed to notify the driver if there are any difficulties. Today's society is already halfway to driverless cars, so why not take that extra step? It couldn't do harm, besides many lawsuits, but those could be prevented by making laws for these cars before they're made for the public. Driverless cars could be very beneficial to society. It could cause so many improvements for other things to technologically advance, too. The work and studies are continuously being made for driverless cars. All transportation could be just as high-tech as driverless cars only if they are released to the public.
The technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable because it is a waste of time. I think it's a waste of time because studies show that you can be able to tell when someone is down. Not by the face but by their actions. You will start to see a change in them, they wont act the same even if they try so hard to,ect. The Facial Action Coding System is a waste of money, time, and space. Why do all this just to see if someone is hiding their emotions, when you can just observe them. A true friend, mother, father ect; will know if something is wrong with their loved ones. In the article the very first sentence says " she's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted , 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." Why does it matter how fearful,disgusted,or angry she is if it clearly states she happy 83 percent. We are not computers, robots or none of that we are human beings and we all have different emotions running at the same time. Thats what makes us, us! In the article it also states " For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, ect." My point here is that you dont observe a persons feelings by looking at their face. You observe the way they act and compare it to how they usually act when mad, sad, or happy, ect. People sometimes hide their emotions by putting on a fake smile, hiding their true emotions thats why you observe actions. I just feel as if its easy to tell the difference between different emotions. It's common sense to me, but it may not be to you. When you really think about it, they make it seem like its really complicated. But if you would just pay close attention to your loved ones, and stop thinking that everyone has to always be happy. Then you will see that its easy to tell the difference of each emotion we humans have. This is why i think the technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable. Hopefully you will understand where i'm coming from. The Facial Action Coding System is unnessacary, and a waste of time. It's easy to tell when someone is acting strange or different. All you have to do is observe.
All humans can express the way they are feeling. The feelings that are shown are one of the following, happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. Not all are truthful in the way they express it for others to see. Being a high school student, I see many kids who are happy on the outside but inside they are sad. When a person is sad and covers up their true feelings like a blanket, it is hard to understand how to help them. With this being said, we must do everything we can to truly figure out how students are feeling in the classroom. By understanding the way someone is feeling enables us to help them or accomodate them in some way. For example, a man may go through life appearing to be happy but inside he is truly sad. Since he was wearing a metaphorical mask of happiness, no one was able to understand his true feelings. Prof. Thomas Huang, of Beckman Institute of Advanced Science at the Universty of Illinois, has found a way to understand peoples emotion.There may just be a solution that could help change societal problems relating to schools such as school shootings. Recently our schools have been not such a safe enviroment due to the high activity of school shootings. Why exaclty do school shootings take place? In most cases, it is because that person was not understood emotionally by his or her peers. Now with the Facial Action Coding System we would be able to understand who throughout our school is feeling the angry, and sad emotions. Dr. Huang stated that, "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal." Since the facial expressions are universal, this statement only proves the accuracy of the FACS. After knowing who these students are allows the councelors in the school to go and talk to them. This breakthrough discovery may be over looked by some but could be beyond valuable and beneficial when it comes to helping students who are hiding their feelings. The aspects of enforcing safety comes into play with this Facial Action Coding System. But this could not only minimze school shootings, but can also be beneficial in the way students learn. If a student is angry in class, they are most likely not going to be listening to the teacher. They will be focused on whatever it is they are mad at. If we were able to scan such kids, we could sit down with them and help reduce their anger in attempts to put them back on track to learn. The students who show no emotion make it hard for teachers to understand them. When a teacher makes a student smile, or surpirse them they are doing their job correctly. Now for a student who is unable to convey his true emotions, the teacher may not know if the student understands the material being taught. By having the ability to tap into the emotions of a student is a paramount discovery. The benefits outweigh the negatives in every category. The implementation of the Facial Action Coding System within schools is going to be beyond valuable. This can be the turning point in the education system. By being able to understand how students are feeling, it can reduce violence, and ultimately allow for maximized learning.
I belive that others should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. For a reason we all know to help other countries. One reason that I belive that others should join the Seagoing Cowboys program is because while your helping our country you can be enjoying sight seeing at the same time. You can see Panama Canal, Acropolis in Greece, Venice, Italy a city with streets of water, a excavated castle in Crete, and so much more. You can still have fun after the animals have been unloaded. You and your crew can play baseball and volleyballl games in empty holds where animals have been housed. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, whittiling, games, and even reading can help pass time on your way back. People might say that if you slip you can fall out if doing midnight rounds. Well, with the technologhy we have today you won't be as likely to slip and fall out of the boat. People might aslo say the that what if people attack you on the boat while sailing. You would be able to protect the animals and you because the U.S. wouldn't send you without any protection. You would most likely have guns or othe ships following you. Also, most likely no one will attack you while you are trying to get animals or help a country. I belive that other people should join the Seagoing Cowboy programs because you can see historical sights, you can have fun after the animals get off, and a huge thing is that you are helping other countries.
My position on driveless cars is that I think it is a great thing for the future, but is it safe to be in. As I was reading this article, all I was thinking was is it safe. Some states won't even allow to test computer-driven cars. If the car crashed, whose fault would it be. I do think it is a great and fun technology to have in the future. The pros of a driveless cars is that it is a great technology for people to drive safer on the road. It may cause less accidents in the near future. It would be less distraction for the people in the car. More car manufacturers are building driveless cars which is great for their business. Driveless cars would be great for television shows and movies. The cons of driveless cars is you still have to drive the car if there is roadwork, an accident, complicated traffic issues, and even backing out of a driveway. They are not safe, you still need to keep your eyes out on the road and manufacturers are still testing out the cars to make them safer to be in. They should be making smarter roads instead of smarter cars. They need to put on sensors on the cars to make them safer. Car manufacturers need to add a lot more things to their cars to make them safer to be in. I think it is a good time now in 2016 to have driveless cars. There are a lot more technology that they didn't have in the future. They didn't have radars, computers, and they didn't even have mapping. Driveless cars would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer more flexibilty than a bus. Driveless cars are a wonderful thing for 2016 and for the future generations.
In todays society new inventions are constantly being produced. For example, driverless cars, a new model of car that no longer requires as much hands on driving. Some may agree that what the world needs are driverless cars, but in my opinion driverless cars aren't the safest technology to rely on for our transportation. Driverless cars can either benefit or negatively impact our world today. To begin, I worry that people will not take safety as serious as they currently do. If we have a car that drives itself, people may get too comfortable with not having to be alert on the roads. Studies have shown that driverless cars still need human assistance when, "naviagting through work zones and around accidents" (paragraph 7, line 7). If a driver is too busy on their phone because the car is doing all the driving, then they may miss what's ahead of them which can put them at risk of causing a wreck. In these situations legal standards may become a problem. If the car wrecks, "who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?" (paragraph 9, line 12). Drivers may become less aware of the fact that technology sometimes fails and you will always need to stay alert. Furthermore, how smart will these cars really be. For example, how will they know when the speed limit changes? If the speed limit is 40 and suddenly you are in a school-zone then it changes to 25, there is no way the car is able to read the street signs. The passage states that, "they can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves" (paragraph 7, line 5), informing me that the cars are smart enough but only in certain situations. This could cause major problems with traffic cops and wheather they should give you the speeding ticket or the car. Looking back on the legal issues, "who is at fault", (paragraph 9, line 12). In conclusion, there is always room for improvement when it comes to driverless cars. New technology still needs to be produced in order to get these cars working right. We need to keep in mind if these cars are safe enough to rely on. New technology isn't always the best option, driverless cars may impact our lives in ways we never thought they would.
I think these cars could be dangerous because they drive on their own. Anything could happen with a driverless car. It could mess up a turn or anything and could crash. It sounds like a good invention but having a car you have no control over driving sounds a bit scary. I mean what would you do if you couldnt stop the car? These driverless cars they are making are controlled by a computer. What would people with driverless cars do if the computer controlling their car just crashed , or stopped working. These cars could put someone in danger all because they have no control over it. In the text they talk about how the more smarter cars needed a lot of sensors for the startes to work. How would you feel about a car that starts itself? Think about it! Yes , it does sound nice but anything could happen to those sensors. If something were to happen to those sensors how would the car start? You'd pretty much be carless unless you took all that extra stuff out. There are alot of things that could come with having driverless car. If I were a person who sells and advertises people to buy cars I most defintiely would not recommend them to buy a driverless car, it sounds scary and dangerous to me. The things they are coming out with now and days are crazy. It just doesn't sound like something thats safe to me. What if parents had there kids in the car and something just went wrong with the car all because they had control and it cause an accident? Their would be nothing they could do. In paragraph 7 it says " All driverless cars are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills , if its a driverless car which should function on its own why would it need human skills. It must not be too good to drive its ownself. I would just reconsider it on a safety level, to be on the safe side. Some things don't sound right. Can't trust everything just because it looks and sounds nice, looks can be very deceiving. Just because they say the car is good doesn't mean it is. People always make things sound so good just to get you to buy them. That's just like the saying " everything that glitters isn't gold" meaning just because it looks good doesn't mean it is. It would be crazy riding in a driverless car if you were on the highway during rush-hour. How would the car know if you needed to get over or not? How would it know where to take you? I would feel more comfortable riding in a car where i can drive for myself. Maybe I'm just used to the normal driving , anything after that sounds crazy. In the beginning of paragraph 8 they asked the question " Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver?" "Wouldnt drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive?" I think many people would get bored sititng in a car they couldn't drive until it was needed. It just sounds pretty pointless to me. Your sitting behind a wheel and your not able to drive until it tells you to. If i had the chance I wouldn't ride in it. I wouldn't want a car telling me when I can and cannot drive. In paragraph 7 they say how if you were in danger the car would alert the driver to be ready to drive, but if the car is so good like they say why would the car need to alert the driver to drive when its a driverless car. When I think of the word driverless I think of a no-driving car where you have to do no driving , all you do is sit back and ride. Theres something that is not to good about the car if you have to drive it why its driverless.
People tend to use there cars so much, they basically can't live or get through the day with out their car. We use the car to go every where rather it's to the grocery store , work or just to go hang out with friends and family! Just traveling in general. Well imagine if we limited the usage of cars in our community! I strongly believe that doing this would have many advantages to our community for many reasons like it will make people less stressful all the time, there would be less accidents and it would definitly be better for the environment. OMG I ran out of gas or OH my i have to take my car to the shop to get it fixed is usually the two main things you hear people stay when the word "car" comes up. Having a car comes with alot of stress because it of expenses and having to take of its every need and usually when someone is stressed they are not the best person you wanna have a conversation with. I think that if we limit the usage of cars a lot of people in the community will be alot happier. According to the article "Car-free Cities" by Elisabeth Rosenthal in source 2 a lady name Heidrun Walter says " When i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way." and i think that is a perfect example of limited car usauage can make a person happier. In addition, I feel that if that if we limit the car usage in our community it will make this community a much safer environment. We hear and see about many car accidents in our country and community and cars can be very very dangerous. People often get injuried and/or die in car recks to. So limitting the car usage in the communitry will keep people more safe and most importantly alive . Kids will be able to run aroumd the neighborhood and play with their friends and also cross the street safely without the disruption of a car coming and stopping them from what they are doing  because they do not wants to get hurt from the car coming because they do not know who is driving the car. Last but not least limiting the use of car usage in the community because it would definitly be better for the environment. In science class we often talk about how cars polute the air and just mess up the waehter in the car and me my self i can also feel the car changing the more i see cars more cars in the streets. I think that it makes the days hotter and i also think that it makes the winters come around earlier and it makes it alot more colder. I live in the Sunshine florida and in the south. So all year round its usually hot extremly hot but has i realize more people are driving around the winers seem ALOT more cold then it usually is and the cold last for longer periods of time. In conclusion, I belive that if we limit the car usuage in our community it will make it a better place for many reasons. Like it will make people less stressful and  be happier, there will be less accidents on the road and it will also help the environment a lot.                    
The article " Driverless Cars Are Coming" poses both the positive and negative aspects of the developement of driverless cars. The developement of these cars does seem useful but it seems that they would cause more prolems than solutions. The public transportation system is fine as it is. The developement of these driverless cars poses a lot of potenetial issues. Some of these issues include safety and the law. Driverless cars could pose safety issues. The technology could fail and cause potential disasters. Driverless cars in regards to the law could cause trouble. The article gives the example " If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?" New laws would be needed to cover liability in case of an accident as such. A lot of the traffic laws would need to change to fit the new way of transportation as well. Although the negative aspects out-weigh the positives, there are still some good things about the developement of these cars. One thing the article mentions is that they would only use about half of the fuel today's cars do. While that is a good thing these cars still pose greater problems. They say they will be safer, but what if the technology fails? This type of technology puts people at risk. In conclusion, these driverless cars of the future are potentially dangerous. They would cause problems with the law and they pose safety concerns. Their developement poses little to no positive aspects. The world would be better off if they ceased the developement of these cars.
Today in class I read a article on "Driveless Cars Are Cming. I will be writing to tell you if I am against the delevopmet of these Cars. Or I will also be writing to tell you if I am not against the delevopment of these cars. I am not against the delevopment of these cars because people get the change to see what is like to get in the car and not have to drive themselves around because the car do it for them. They also get the change to see what techonogly can do with a car. I am also not against the driverless car because the car have sensors on them and they are still able to do somethings with the car. Such as Pulling the car in or out the driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navgating through roadwork or accidents because the car will alert them to. I think this is a good thing because within in 10 years the sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger out-of-control skids or rollover. This is a good thing because no one will get hurt while being in the car. The sensors on the car can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine which is a good thing so the car stop at stop signs, red lights, and when someone is crossing the street. Reducing the power of the engine is a good thing because the car will slow down when it need to. In conclusion, In my writing I told you about why I am not against the development of thses cars. In my writing I give the detail why I am not against the development of these cars and why I think it was a good idea to make the cars.
Luke Bomberher had no idea that his life would change soon after his high school graduation. He was working a two part-time jobs in a grocwry store and a bank when his friend Don Reist invited him to go to Europe on a cattle boat. Luke couldn't say no. He knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime. When Luke and Don got there they were so happy. That is when Luke relized that he wanted to serve there. Lukealso wanted to help. He says that seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special. That is one of the reasons why he wants to serve and help. Helping out on Luke's aunt Katie's farm as a boy had prepared him for hard work, but not for the dangers at sea. On his second trip, Luke served as night watchman. His job was to check on all the animals every hour. One rainy night, after making his hourly report to the captain, he slid down a slipperu ladder on his backside. Likes heart raced as he shot feet first toward an opening on the side of the ship. He was safe. Luke is now a Seagoing Cowboy snd is much more adventurous. It opened the eorld to him, and now Luke Bomberger is reslly happy. These are some reasons from the story "A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves, " and why he wanted to join the program.
The "Unmasking the Face on Mars" is just a natural landform and not a face made by aliens. The reason for me saying this is because it states that it is a Mesa. According to the text it was formed by a huge rock that formed shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. I also say that each picture being taken could of had a better quality camera or maybe could've had a different angle that makes it look like a face is there. As it said in the text the camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds just to see that it was a face. The clouds could have given shadows that made it looked like there was a face imprint. The face could've been just another Martian mesa, in the text it says mesas are common around Cydonia. NASA decided to make this public which made more people believe this is real . All this was made so people could believe there is life on Mars, after scientist had believed there was life on Mars. Once they decide to take more pictures years later ,they found out it was just a natural landform.
The usage of cars has really changed the way our world works. These expensive vehicales are what make make our world what it is and peopel take advantage of it. With cars we get to places faster than on a bike or even walking. Many people forget how cars work though. It takes up about 2,000 dollars a month depending on which car they have on gas and maintnence. The advantages of limiting car usage is reducing the amount of fuel the we use, we would save thousands of dollars, and become more green in the world. People prefer walking or biking to school or on their way home. Driving starts at the age of 15. Imagine all the work parents do to drive their kids to school, then to work, and then pick up their kids from after school. Its crazy how much of gas an adult would be using every single day. Ofcourse picking up their kids from school is a guarantee but their are many other solutions to these type of things. If we started to use less fuel it would bring our economy out of debt. In the article by Elisabeth Rosenthal "The End of car culture" states that Americans have not been buying cars as often and driving less and fewer license being given over the years. The era of cars and driving could be coming to an end and creating a new way of getting to places. People would say that taking the bus might become the new strategy but who knows what the future holds for America, by the year 2030 we will be flying in cars or transportating to get to where we need to be. Transportation is the second largest source in America and vehicles are becoming something much different. In New York a bike-sharing program has started due to all the traffic and crowded streets their are people just take the subway and get to places faster than a car. Things like that save so much money. A change in the world would be very dramatic since everyone is so used to driving a car and getting to where they need to be. Studies shown by Elisabeth Rosenthal that even kids who live in urban areas that are 19-21 do not have license and are perfectly happy with out having one. With the amount of money people can save in motorvehicles is ridiculous. The money they save can be used for many other important things in life like food and house spendings all those things can get someone stressed could be fixed just by reducing the use of cars. Who says walking or biking isn't good for the soul. Technology has really changed our lives and made our generation of children a new perspective that other never saw. As a teenager we are so dependant on many thingas and get addicted very fast to whatever comes at us. A day with out a car is like a day with out a phone. We wouldnt be able to particapat in anything. A car will take us where we want to go. Unlike in those movies where all the kids just bike to places, it seems more fun and interesting in that way. With all the money being spent we could be more green in the world as well. Everything is so manufactured in the world that people wonder why our economy is awful. Being eco friendly is the best way to go if everyone particiaptes in the cause. The world would honestly be such a better place if we all particapated in making it better. Causes and actions have consequences in our world. The usage of cxars are very dependant on people and if we made a change people will be happier in life because they'll have more to recieve. Our world can become a much better place where people won't have to suffer with money because due to cars we pay alot of money that doesnt have to be spent. Cars can increase alot of positive things in everyones life and it will start out just by a casual walk on the street.
the face is just a natural landform. although few scientists believe the face was an alien artifact. malin's team captured an extraordinary photo using absolute resolution. it remain me most of middle butte in the snake river plain of idaho. that is a lava dome that take the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the face on mars. the face on mars is just a mesa. reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to mars. it certainly did. back to my statement i think the face is just a natural landform. The alien making was hidden by haze. the face is just a natural landform it remain me most of a lava dome that take the form of an isolated mesa abouit the same height. there was no alien monument after all. And they revealing a natural landform. the why i believe alien didn't make that it is just alandform that looklike a human face.
In today's world, technology is everywhere. Technology helps assist in everyday tasks and brings about new levels of creativity. In this new age of innovation, smart cars fit right in with all other aspects of our digitalized lives. Not only could driverless cars help in many other ways regular cars can't, but they also allow for an increase in safety potential. Overall, driverless cars will be beneficial for the modern world. The use of driverless cars can vary from ecofriendly transportation to customization for individual scheduals. By using driverless cars as a taxi system, gas consumption would majorly decrease. The taxi system idea could also lead to new ways of public transportation. These cars could take their passengers anywhere they needed to go through a direct route. Passengers would no longer have to wait for long periods of time on buses for their stops. These driverless systems would allow for greater flexibility overall. Driverless cars would also help communities everywhere with safety. Since these smart cars are loaded with sensor technology, they can help limit the amount of crashes that were regularly happening. The protypes of driverless cars have gone millions of miles without crashes and could help stunt the commonality of vehicular crashes and deaths. Driverless cars could also aide with the safety for learning and elderly drivers. Oftentimes, teenage drivers and drivers with slow reaction times are the causes of accidents that could have been avoided with easy assistance. Smart, semi-driverless cars could be the answer to these costly problems. Ultimately, driverless cars would have an extreme influence on today's society. The assistance from technology has changed the world we live in and will continue to do so. Driverless cars are the step in the right direction for driving innovations all across the world.
Dear State Senator, I think that we should not keep the Electoral College and change to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. One main reason why i think we shouldnt keep the Electoral College is because the congress men that vote are in replace of us as citizens and our votes. The Electoral College is what we might call the diaster factor. It is unfair to many citizens because democratic electors can easily oppose their vote and vote for a different president. For example, new electors opposed for John F. Kennedy but in reality the vote didnt go to him. Another issue with Electoral College is that voters vote not for the president but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. If we change the system to electing by popular vote everybody will have the right to vote for whom they desire too without having to worry about that their vote may change. Dearly, A citizen.
Citizens are often using cars to get from work and back, however if citizens were to stop using cars there could be some advantages like traffic can be reduced, new buildings can be built, and habits of car use can be stopped. If citizens were to cut down on using cars traffic would be reduced. According to Robert Duffer a person from the Chicago Tribune he states that "congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France after five-days of intensifying smog" (Robert Duffer, paragraph 14). With that being stated by Robert Duffer it should be clear to people that with reduced traffic people are able to get to places where they need to be in just a short matter of time, citizens won't have to worry about being late for whatever it is citizens have to do. Robert Duffer also states that almost 4,000 drivers were fined according to Reuters (12) Citizens should realize that with almost 4,000 people being fined it should tell citizens that they should cut down on car usage to help prevent smog and to also save them money. Along with citizens cutting down on car usage to reduce traffic if they were to cut car usage new building can be built. According to Andrew Selsky from the Seattle Times he states that "parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city uneven, pitty sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up" (Andrew Selsky, paragraph 28). When citizens cut down on car usage many new things can be built and explored by citizens but if citizens were to not stop car usage then new things wouldn't be built and old things couldn't be replaced or fixed. Andrew Selsky also states that it has seen the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths (27). There is many citizens out in the world that would rather ride bikes than to use a car just to prevent pollution, with 118 miles of bicycle paths there shouldn't really be any car use. Using bicycles could help change the world so much more and less pollution could be created. Not only with citizens cutting down on car use for new buildings to be built, citizens can stop their habits of car usage if they give it a try. According to Elisabeth Rosenthal a lady from the New York Times she states that "with all these changes, people who stopped car commuting as a result of recession may find less reason to resume the habit" (Elisabeth Rosenthal, paragraph 36).Citizens stopping car commuting could really help those citizens with habits of not being able to stop car commuting  which could result in saving the earth and air pollution. Elisabeth also states that a chairman of the Ford Motor Company proposed a partnering with the telecommunications industry to create cities in which pedstrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety (43). While the chairman of the Ford Motor Company is stating this information maybe citizens will change their minds about car usage just to improve safety or to even safe time. All in all this why citizens should car usage to reduce traffic, new buildings can be built, and to try and stop habits of car use by giving it a try. Citizens trying to do these could help stop air pollution and they could also save themselves money.
In this short story the authoer is sayiing thet it is not woth you time to study venus. it not with the time but it is a star that shines bright inthe sky at nigh time. The author said "the value of returning to venus seems indisputable, but what are the opitions for making such a mission both safe and scientifically productive". it not safe to send to someone int to space to venus becasue they do not know if they will be able to get them back to earth safely. for other reason, " NASA's possible solution to the hostile condititons on the surface of venus would allow scientists to float above the roiling venusian landscape. with means that venus landscape it not good for people to be up ther on it surface, scientist do jnot know if there is right oxygen on that planet for humans to breath. With that "NASA is working on other approaches to study venus", because they are now thinking that it not safe for them to send humans upp to space to get data for them because they don't know what it like on that planet or how the weather , the surface is for humans to be on it. NASA is goimg to be useing technology with they call " mechanical computers" to studdy the planet here on earth. but venus is now called" the evening star brightest points of light in the night sky".
The Seagoing Cowboy program is a program where you help people in destress who don't have food. This program is a great program helping people is what you do. Not only helping but somtimes you get to check out the place where you were sent so it is also like a vacation. I think you or someone you know should join this program. I think it would be fun because in the text Luke Bomberger who was a former Sea Cowboy he got to go site seeing and check out some pretty cool places. One of those cool places is the Acropolis in Greece. Another reason you or a person you know should join is because in the text luke says that after you are done delivering the resources you get to play games and tournements on the boat. Also it is a good way to use time while on sea. The Seagoing Cowboys are a huge help when there is a big crisis and the real thing that matters is that you are helping people out that is a good thing to remeber. Those are my reason to join the Seagoing Cowboys program and you will not regret it.
I believe that the use of technology in the classroom that allows computers to read the facial expressions of students and understand their emotions is extremely valuable. I think this becuase, it could recognize when a student may need more help, it would make learning online much more effective, and could help a variety of ways all through different grades. The text talks about how a computer could tell how a student is feeling about the material. Paragraph six states "A classroom computer could predict when a student is becoming confused or bored" (D'Alto). By predicting when students have become confused, or bored by the matieral, it could allow the teacher to know who needs more help. After seeing this the teacher could possibly pull these students asside and try re teaching the lesson in a different way that they would undertsand better or would keep them more engaged. This type of technology could also be extremely valuable to somebody doing online schooling. The text states, "Most human communication is computers need to understand that too" (D'alto). This example shows that as of now a computer is unable to comprehend a lot of the communication a human puts out. If, for example, a kid taking an online math lesson understood everything to begin with, but then became confused after a certain new topic was brought up, the computer with this new technology could easily recognize this and expand more on this new part and make sure the student displayed signs of understanding before moving on. Another big advantage to this type of technology is that it can be used effectively to help in classrooms from Pre school, all the way through college. For example if in an early grade, a student was playing a learning game and displayed a frown, the computer could quickly recognize that this student is not enjoying the particular game, and could maybe shift to another game that would be more suited for this childs learning preferences. Paragraph 6 also states, "the same technology can make computer animated faces more expressive- for video games or video surgery" (D'Alto). By making faces more realistic in video surgery it could even be useful to a student whom is in medical school, or by allowing for a wider range of creativity in someone who is in to designing animated video games or movies. To conclude, i believe this technology could be a great addition to all kinds of classrooms for a number of reasons. This could be a huge advancement in today's education system.
Today in the recent years car usages rates has been sky rocketing. "All of our developement since World war II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change", said David Goldberg. Ever since the gas emissions has been causing problems and polluting the air, and causing smogs. Like in Beijing, China, and other European capitals. It is also almost 50% of the green house gas emissions in Europe in car-intensive area in like the United states! There can be a solution to this situation..... Car free days! While of the exception of plug-in cars. This helps promote alternative transportation and reduce Smog and a polluted atmosphere. "Public transportation was free of charge from Friday to Monday", "The smog cleared enough on Monday" said BBC. Or automobiles can be banned completely. Like in the Suburbs Vauban families do not own cars and 57% of families sold their car to move in Vauban. Drive ways and home garages are forbidden generally. By this action stores are placed walking distances rather than a long distance like a highway. Cars can be allowed but only can park in only to places, large parking garages and where a car owner buys a space of $40,000 with there payment of a house! Thats a lot of money. It is your choice would you rather be fine $40,000 for a parking space along with your house. Be fined every time you decide not to take part in the car free day to help pollution from car emissions. Or do the right thing for you,your family,your kids and your world. To help decrease the usage of automobiles. Lower the stress and air emissions.
One of the highest paying movie catagories is Science fiction, but it's just that fiction, it's fake. When you watch these movies about aliens you can never take them as one hundred percent fact. The CGI can look amazing and the props outstanding, but it's not real. Now NASA has photographed an image of what liiks like a face created by aliens, but that is not a face, and it can be proven with facts. There is a point in the article that says, it was just a messa, only this one had unusall shadows. That right there tells us that it is not anything created by aliens, but in fact just something that we even have on earth, the only difrence is that mars had lots of cloudes, wich gave it shadows, wich made the rock look like a face. The face on mars is just another hoax, another what if statment, another theroy, one that has been disproved by evidence. MYTH BUSTED. Now of course scientest didn't stop there, and they kept researching the face, trying to prove that it's alien, but they never did, because it's not alien, just another rock. Aliens have been part of our world for a long time now, but the aliens we have grown acustom too are fake, just coustumes. That is one of the reasons they have become so famous, because they're not real. yoou cant take everything you see in movies or on tv as one hundred percent fact, you need to know whare fake ends and relaty begins. The famous Face on Mars, is not created by aliens, but by clouds.
By limiting the use of car usage the world can become a better place. The environment is cleaner, and people can become more healthy. The gasses that are emmited from cars are very harmful to the environment and can cause serious problems. these gasses get stuck in the in the amostphere, which causes problems like smog in cities. in paris one day they enforced a partial ban on driving because of record breaking pollution the day before. This ban was 2 days and they finned all people with even number license plates. the next day they did the same to odd number license plates. Not only did pollution go down but also "congestion went down 60 percent,"(Duffer). People are also effected in diferent ways if there was less car usage. People could get more exercise because they are walking more than they are driving. People are also more healthy because of the reduced aamount of pollution. One day a year in Bagota, Colombia people do not drive unless its a buisness or taxi. They say that this has helped people to become more active in outdoor activities. "Parks and sport centers have bloomed" (Selsky), in the city since this started 3 years ago. the world could become a better place in the near future if the usage of cars is limmited. The environment could be cleaner, and everyone could become more healthy.
The author did not do a good job supporting the claim that studying Venus is a worthy pusuite despite the dangers it presents. Overall the text had little information about why we should explore Venus, the information given was not strong enough to support the claim, and with all of the dangers of exploring Venus it wouldn't be worth it. The text had little information about why Venus is a nessecary place to go, even with its dangerous climate. Pharagraph 4 and 8 are the only paragraphs that talked about why we need to go to Venus, the other 6 having nothing to do with it. The article stated, "If our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface?" After that statement it went into why Venus is similar to Earth, however it didn't give any strong indicators why space travel to this planet would ever by nessecary until pharagraph 8. In this pharagraph it stated, "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itslef, but also beacuse human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating factors." This statement explains why the author think it is nessecary, but the article needs more about this topic to give a solid opinion. That being said, even with the little information given about the claim, the information isn't very convincing to the claim. The article stated, "Futhermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel." Even though this statement is supposed to help support the claim, it doesn't give a strong straightforward, answer as to why its necessary to go to Venus. It talked about how it would effect the long time frames of space travel, but not how it would help it or what that has to do with going to Venus. The article also stated, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." This statement explains why the author thinks we should explore Venus, however the claim is not supported by facts and doesn't explain why we, the public, should want to explore Venus. Despite the little information given about the claim, the author added so many negatives about how dangerous Venus was stating things like, " highly corrosive sulfuric acid", "average temperatures over 800 degrees fahrenheit", "97 percent carbon dioxide blanket", and "atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." The author provided solutions to these problems that scientists are working on, however would the time and money be worth it if its not a positive fact the structures sent to Venus will even survive? I would say no. With all that being said, the author does not support that the pursuit to Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers present. As said earlier, with the lttle information about it given, the information not having facts to back it up, and all the dangers possible, the article does not support this idea well.
Emotion reading technology is on the rise in the electronic world. This new software was developed by Prof. Huang, of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, with help from Prof. Sebe of the University of Amsterdam. The purpose of this technology is to make computers able to read emotions by the movement of facial muscles. The software is currently able to define six basic emotions; happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. I am for having emotion-reading technology in the classroom, as long as it doesn't become a distraction. The article explains that if a student is taking online lessons or is learning from the computer and becomes confused or bored, the computer will be able to sense the students emotion and modify the lesson to catch the students interest or to help the student to not be confused. The article also says how most of human communication is nonverbal, which includes emotional communication. If a computer was able to sense these emotions, the student would be able to learn far more than with a regular lesson. In conclusion, I believe that having this new technology could benefit students tremendously, as long as students aren't exaggerating emotions to get desired effects of their lesson plans. Since the computer is adapting to the student, the student could also be less intimidated about their intellect, causing them to be more confident overall.
The "Face on Mars" is a famous landmark on, you guessed it, Mars! Many people believe that it is just a natural landform, but others believe it was created by aliens. Why do people believe that it's created by aliens? Well, they believe that the Face is bona fide proof that there is life on Mars, and NASA is hiding something from us. In my personal opinion, I believe that it's just a natural landform that just happens to look like a face. I think that because I think the odds of aliens creating a face on Mars out of no where is very illogical. So in this essay, I'm going to prove to you that the "Face of Mars" is actually a landform instead of an actual alien artifact! One of the main reasons I believe that it is just a natural landform is because according to the article, mesas are something that is common around a region of Mars called Cydonia. And since the face was located in Cydonia, it wouldn't be out of place for there to be a mesa there. So in the beginning, scientists told everyone what it really was, another Martian mesa, but it was shaped like a face. But many people noted something that was in the article in paragraph 2, where it said that the mesa had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. My explanation for this is maybe the mesa was formed a certain way that made it have these out of place shadows, because not every mesa is alike and some may have different shapes than another. Also according to the article, it notes that very few scientists believe that it is an alien artifact, which means there are someone skeptics among scientists, and sure, scientists may be smarter than the average person, but that does not mean they are always correct. Now we move along to even more important evidence, the pictures. The pictures are important because if you look at the picture of the "Face on Mars" taken in 1976, you could see that it really isn't that clear, but you can make out a face in it. But if you look at the better pictures in 1998 and 2001, you can see that they're a whole lot clearer than the ones in 1976. Right now I'm focusing on the one taken in 1998, which according to the article, it was posted on a JPL website where it was revealed as a natural landform. But skeptics again were skeptic as always, and said that since it was taken during the winter, which is a cloudy time on Mars, that the alien markings of the Face were hidden by haze. My reponse to this is, if there were alien markings, why couldn't you make a brief outline of them in the picture from 1976? And how do you know for sure that there are any alien markings? Many questions arose and taken pictures of the Face became a priority. 3 years later, on April 8, 2001, another picture of the Face was taken. This one was much clearer than the one in 1998 due to there being no clouds. According to the article, the pxiel size in the image was 1.56 meters, and as rule of thumb, if there were any alien markings or another of that sort, they would've been able to be seen in the picture because of the pixels. So the "Face on Mars" was got rid of its skeptics and now many scientists say it is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. According to the article, Garvin says it remind him of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho, because it is about the same height of the "Face on Mars". So in conclusion, the "Face on Mars" is a mesa plain and simple, and the main reasons are because of the pictures, and overall the really big reason many mesas are common around Cydonia, which is where the Face is located. Another reason why I don't think that you should believe that it is an alien artifact is, there is so much evidence to why it isn't whenever people just pointed out obvious things in the picture, like clouds of haze covered "markings" in the 1998 picture but there weren't ever markings on the mesa as revealed in the next picture taken in 2001. So to end this essay, the "Face on Mars" is a mesa, not an alien artifact as many skeptics believe.
The auther supports the idea of study venus more because the chance of find out the history about venus and if it was a earth-like plant that was once home to life. In pargah 4 they say that "venus still has some features that are analogous to those on earth," because of venus includes"familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." As NASA work on a way to study venus and how to reach it. They have work with "some simplified electronics made slilcon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of venus's surface"that has lasted for 3 weeks. As the auther states his last part by say thet "earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." To sum it all up is that we should stop because we fail we should learn from it and keep push on.
I don't think that this system should be allowed in schools, mostly beacuse some people don't want other people to know how they are feeling. Maybe some people do. Even with this technology we don't know if that is the feeling is what the person is truly feeling. We should maybe use this in criminal cases. The system would tell us if the defendent is getting scared and is lieing. If we could use this machine this was it would help get the bad people off the streets. Nobody should reject this idea, unless you are the bad guy around town. This system would help us in these cases. Maybe some theipist would like to have this machine so they can quickly tell what their clients are feeling. I know that it can be hard reading other people's feeling, this would deffinantly take less time in showing the problem with the client. The less time that it would take to see how they are feeling, and the more time how they should feel. Some places this would help, and maybe I dont see how this would help in schools. For most I dont think this should be here. No matter what I wouldn't use it. I rather have the face to face interactions with other humans and haveing them see how I feel. With the new technology coming out and learning how to read us could be bad. I'm not saying don't use it, but just be careful of how you use the technology.
What I think about driveless cars is that it could be benifitual to the everyday workaholic but not the someone who doesnt plan their day. There are positive things to having driveless cars and their are negitives things too. Some advantages to having driveless cars would be it would be less car accidents. That would reduct death by car accidents. Another thing would he would give you time in the vehicle to do the things you need to get done before you reach the destantion your going to, such as if your going to a meeting and you have a powerpoint to finish. They also would make roadtrips or long drives more safe because human errors would be gone if the human isn't driving. As the passage says the driveless taxi system would use less fuel and more flexable than taking a bus route. For bigger cities this would be a great way to keep emmissions down and keep this air cleaner. However, their are some negitive things too. Like would the driveless car have the sensor capability to slow down when on a bumpy road or driving in the direction of a large pothole. Then you would have to worry about a blow out or damage to the driveless vehicle's wheels. You would have to think about repair costs of the vehicle's wheel if it has a bunch of sensors too. I would think that the driveless vehicle would have trouble in a rural area or on farmland where there aren't streets, just dirt roads. I would also think what would the vehicle do in the event of a crash on a freeway? would it stop and shut down in the middle of the roadway, or would it need the human to take control during the accident? Also what if the vehicle was in the path of an emergency vehicle? Would the driveless car be aware? The idea of something going wrong is too great of a chance. With all the innovative ideas about driveless vehicles on the roadway, Im unsure if its a good idea or a bad one, but I do think it would be something to use for a big city and see how it would work out. It is a cool futuristic idea but are we effecient enough to trust vehicles to drive themselfs safer than a human? Im not sure but, its a good idea to try.
The Challenge of Exploring Venus In this story the author is writting a informativtie article to tell people how challenging the planet Venus is, and how worthy pursuit despite the dangers in its presents. First of all, the author makes he article so well and by giving such good ideas of how the planet that is closest to us which is Venus that when humans sent aircrafts up to Venus they have never survived more than a few hours. We know this information is true because the author states,"Nemerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite it's proximity to us". This piece of information that the author has gave us explain's how Venus is so challenging to explore to us humans. Secondly, In the article the author supports his ideas of how the planet Venus is challenging by giving us more information about Venus having such a bad enviorment. In the text the author states, "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus". This information helps us understand that venus has a harsh enviorment and has bad temperatures of 800 degrees fahrenheit and we know this by the author giving informations about Venus's bad enviorment in his article. lastly, the author wraps up his supporting ideas of how Venus is a dangerous planet by giving his last details about how techology can be the new way for Venus being explored more and how it play an important role and that soon one day will be able to get more information on it and soon will discover more of Venus that humans don't know about. In conclusion, the whole article that was about Venus and how challenging it is and how dangerous it is and the author did the most that he or she could on giving good examples and facts on how Venus is skechy by telling us what the enviorment is like there and the weather their and so much more. The whole idea that the author wanted us to know that the planet Venus is such an harsh place and a good thing to learn about and that's what the author wanted everyone to know.
I believe that going for a trip to Venus would be a very difficult challenge to face. Venus would have to be a very well round planned trip: it might take some tries that´s what I believe. It´s worthy enough to go to Venus but, despite the fact that the extreme temperatures, and high pressured atmosphere are it´s two biggest challenges to overcome to make it there. The average surface temperature is 800 degrees Fahrenheit. That´s overly extreme temperatures for any one on Earth if you´d ask me. It´s a fact that Venus temperature is about twice as hot as the food you cook in the oven. As said in paragraph five,¨At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit.¨ Temperatures would have to be quite lower than that for humans to survive on Venus. Venus atmosphere is still second on its biggest problems. The atmosphere of Venus is similar to Earth´s sea level only when your higher up though. When you hit rock bottom on Venus the pressure would be over the boards high. In paragraph 3 it says,¨ Atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experienced on our own planet. The atmosphere is pretty thick almost full of carbondioxide blankets. Venus probably can´t be live able, but there is always a bright side to everything. It´ll take years on top of years on top of years to make. It´s like a strategic plan using all smarts. NASA and other scientist are working to work past these challenges by innovating such devices as Mechanical computers, and a workable metal to substain these purposes. I believe that there is hope to this project overcome the exploring of Venus. So if you asked me living on Venus would be almost impossible even if these devices work.
Have you ever heard of the facial action coding system? The facial actions coding system enables computers to identify human emotions. "The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all fourty four major muscles in the model must move like human muscles". Pretty cool,right? But is this technology really valuable for students in a classroom? I'm going to give you three reasons as to why i think this technology is not valueable. Firstly, students have a right to keep their privacy. it might be very embarrasing for a student that wants to keep their emotions private to later find out that teachers know exactly how they feel. Even though by just looking at somebody you can whether someone is happy,sad,mad,and etc. If someone doesn't feel comfortable with their emotions they can seek the help they need. Students might not want to attend school anymore due to the fact that their privacy has been taken away, and at any second they might be questioned about their emotions. secondally, students attend school to learn. By cutting precious timeout of their day to try and read their emotions many students will not get the learning that is needed. Students will start to get bad grades and fail many classes if they are not learning the right way. Many parents might get upset, because they might not want the their kids to go through this process. If the teachers have the parents permission that would be a whole different story. Lastly, Many students already go through stress due to having many school assignments and trying to keep their grades in good shape. If teachers put another stress factor on kids it could be very hard on them, and also could lead to depression. This generation if very private with everything that goes on in their daily life activities. I know students will not like everyone knowing about how they all are feeling everyday. Students deserve to be happy or sad without everyone knowing. This are my three reasons as to why i feel that the facial action coding system is not valueable to students in a classroom. They need privacy, not having many stress in their lifes, and lastly they need their learning time.
Striving to meet challenges in life comes along with taking risks. Finding out answers to all your question can be impactful and have great value behind it. In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is about humans trying to study the insights of planet Venus because of it being the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Due to the hostile conditions is why it has been a cahllenge. Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", is a mission that is scientifically productive. Planet Venus had some features related to Earth today. Scienctist are currently trying to figure out a solution for humans to study Venus due to the uneasy survivable conditions. "Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus" (Paragraph 6). Using the past knowledge of technology its parts are more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. This is possible solutions that have been tested and many more ideas to come along. Why not take the risk? In conclusion, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. Nothing is impossible is you put your mind set us to test. Scientists want to figure out the why and how its the nearest planetary visit. Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present due to the similarities. In life we want to figure out the answers to the unexpected. Sometimes an advanture can be a terrifying worthwhile ride to take. So if studying Venus means getting on to that ride, so why not do it? At the end it would be a success so scientists wouldnt be so pressed. Possibly everyone else around the world would understand the curiousity of studying Venus because it has so much value ready to be exposed.
Think to yourself for a little bit. Would driverless cars be nice? Sure, a little break from here and there from driving would be nice. Would all of the extra things that come with it though be worth it? Think about it, if we had driverless cars how much money that would take to purchase the car. Anyone else not about to put their lives in control of a robot? What about the enviroment and society itself how would that change. I, myself am against it. First off, cost would pay a huge factor. I don't think people that are for this idea understand the finicial increase this would cause on things like, repairs, gas, even buying the car itself. It's easier to say in a car like a 2000 Dodge Ram if something goes wrong under the hood, you could say it might take at least $300-$500 dollars to replace whatever it is and you are good to go. Think about how much money it would take to fix a ROBOT. You're looking about $5,000 dollars to replace a driving robot. Well dang, I would rather take that 5 grand and buy myself a different car that won't cost an arm and a leg. Lets, not talk about the car cost itself. If a brand new car that you can drive on your own cost around $35,000-$55,000 think about how much a car that techinally drives you around would cost, an easy $100,00-$200,000. How much do you think insurance companies will charge you for your car?Does Google really think they will be flying out of the dealerships anytime soon? Maybe if the US government cut off taxes and raised everyones monthly salary 35%. Secondly, I don't know about you but I would NOT trust a robot that has the option of me living, or something going wrong and you know me dying, okay? I mean i'm no genius but we all know somehting is bound to go wrong one way or another. Everything breaks or goes wrong with it eventually. Think about how much people are going to use the self-driving feature. You think that robots circuits and computer can handle that much heat and pressure all the time? Theres also a feature about a vibration to alert the driver. If someone were to say fall asleep driving, would a vibration wake YOU up? Its like sleeping in one of those massage chairs at the mall. After a long day at work do you think a massage is going to wake you up? Yeah, no. Just also think what if you're in a really bad spot and the car DOESN'T let you take over what do you do now? I think safety plays a huge role in this too. Lastly enviormental change, if we had driverless cars dont you think there would be some changes to the roads or the buildings that surround it? The state is going to want to set up new ways around certian things for the driverless car. Thats going to cost the state a BOAT load of money. Is it really worth it though? Taking down your favorite store for a road? Having to move house because they want to build a road right through it. All of these negatives does not seem worth it to have driverless cars? I am totally against it. In conclusion, driverless cars are not a good idea. If we had driverless cars how much money that would take to purchase the car. I dont think anyone wants to put their lives in control of a robot. All the enviromental changes I am not for all of that. I think I'll stick to driving my car by myself. More fun that way.
Imagine yourself as a teacher and one of your students clearly skipped your class yesterday and is lying about where they were yesterday, and all you see is a smirk, well what if you could teel if they were lying by a device that could read their facial expression. Well i think it can and should be brought to teachers and schools to really crack doown on well, reckless teenagers. In paragraph three the passage states, "The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. Movement of one or more muscles is called an "action unit." Then Dr. Huang relies on the work of psychologists, such as Dr. Paul Eckman, creator of FACS (Facial Action Coding System). Eckman has classified six basic emotions- happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness-and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles." What this can prove is that the process of expression recognization requires no harm to the face or person and is created by the studies of not only technological professionals, but also psychological preoffesionals as well. To conclude, it would be a whole lot nicer if teachers and all educators knew what students were really thinking when being taught. And what would be neat is if students also new the real expression teachers made and what they really felt about the students.
Yes,the use of this techology is valuable beacuse maybe what you'er are upset and there is no one there to make you feel better. "That at least according to some new computer software that can recognize emotions. The person who is making the software is Thomas Huang,of the Beckman institute for advanced science at the university of illinois"(paragraph 1) .Huang is doing this by trying to recongnize other people facial expression. This computer software is a 3-D printer which can make a mode of the face."The process begin when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 4 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles"(paragraph3).A 3-D printer is way better then a normal printer. At least for a 3-D printer it gives you all the close up details of how they are feeing. The movement of the one is called action unit according to Dr. huang who relies on the work of psychologist,such as Dr. Pual Eckman,creator of FACS (paragraph 3).The computer will calculate this everyday "In fact, we human perform this same impressive "calculation" everyday amd for instance,you can probably tell how a friend feeling simply by the look on her face"(Paragraph5).This can calulate every single movement that you make. So here what the people who is making the software want you to do. This a partner they will like for you to take a mirror a genunie smile and forced one. The real smile is called a zygomatic major that lift the corner of your mouth."Meanwhile,muscles called orbicularis oculi pars palpabraeus make crow's-feet around your eyes"(paragraph8).I'm pretty sure is the muscle that are around your eyes.