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There is an advantage in limiting car usage. There are three articles that will show you the advantage in limiting car usage. In article, In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars by Elisabeth Rosenthal, it says, "VAUBAN, Germany-Residents of this upscale community are suburban pioneers, going where few soccer moms or commuting executives have ever gone before: they have given up their cars." In this article you can tell that in Germany people have explored many places and they explored without the use of cars. Then, how do they get from one place to another? In the article it talks about Heidrun Walter, a media trianer and mother of two, walking through verant streets where the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor. Heidrun Walter says, "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." As you can see, when people drive it causes them to be tense. May be because they are afraid they will crash. While on the other hand, when they are walking they feel happy because they don't worry about someone hitting them, plus when they walk they enjoy the beauty of nature. In article, Paris bans driving due to smog by Robert Duffer, talks about banning the use of cars because cars are polluting the environment. It says, "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city." As you can imagine many people didn't like the idea. The reactions of the people caused a big change. In the article it says, "The smog cleared enough Monday for the ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd-numbered on Tuesday." So the advantage Paris is doing is trying to make sure the environment doesn't get more polluted. Paris is trying to keep the environment clean. Other article that gives an advantage in limiting the use of cars is, Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota by Andrew Selsky says, "BOGOTA, Colombia-In a program that's set to spread to other countries, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams." As you can see, people in colombia are doing many things that does not involve the use of a car. They have a car-free day. The rection of the people having a car-free day is way different from the reaction of the people in Paris banning the use of cars. Bogota Mayor Antanas Mockus says, "The rain hasn't stopped people from participating." Bussinessman Carlos Arturo Plaza says, "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." Enrique Riera, the mayor of Asuncion, Paragauy says, "These people are generating a revolotionary change, and this is crossing borders." As you can tell from this article people are very happy in having a car-free day and they are making a huge difference in the environment. These three articles show many advantages in limiting the use of cars. One they reduce the pollution cars are making when driving. Two it takes stress away from people. In the three articles it talks about people being stress or tense when driving. Having a day without a car relaxes them. Other advantage is that they enjoy walking around and seeing the beauty of nature. Which nature is another way to relax and not be stressed or tense. Would you take a day without a driving a car? Would you like to have a car-free day?
BOOM! Boom! Bang! As they played that table tennis, we sure do have fun! I Think you should come to the Seagoing Cowboys Program! I've not been here for long but I love it! Making those trips, playing games, traveling the High Seas. There is alot around you should come check it out. SEAGOING COWBOYS PROGRAM!! You have lots of fun aboard after animals have been unloaded you can go play fun games such as, table tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games that just let that time pass. You can also play baseball & volleyball if you wish. You can also help out in Katie's Farm. Serve as a night watchman, Wouldn't that be fun & scary!! " A small strip of metal along the edge stopped his slide, keeping him from flying overboard into the dark Alantic, He was of so happy to be alive, but he couldn't work for a couple days because the cracked ribs." A Seagoing Cowboy is an adventure though, It opens up a new world out there. New opportunity. It makes yoyu more aware of other people in countries and their needs. Fighting for there life back then for food., because of those nazi soldiers that will eat everything think of those little kids even starving till this day, they may not have shoes a house. Homeless but they are kids think of them and there little broken hearts. Scared and fighting! And also if you get an opportunity to go to a nursing room go, see those people if your talent is singing, sing your little heart out and make there sad day something great! Make there rainy sad day a rainbow in the sky cause you just made there day! You'll figure out when you get older be nice. Live everyday like its your last! So I request go be a SEAGOING COWBOY!!
On May 24, 2001 a Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet Mars and had took a pitcure of a huge rock forming a human face new high resolution images and 3d altimerty from NASA's Mars Global Survey spacecraft reveal the face on Mars of what it really is which is a mesa. Evidence from the text shows that when NASA first seen this picture that they thought nothing of it for the simple fact that it has been seen in areas in West America thats natural and so they thought it was a Martain mesa. This is making them believe that is was just another Martain mesa. When the NASA revelaed the pictures they made a caption that said "huge rock fromation. . . which resembles to a human head . . . formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes,nose, and mouth" later on this image was talked about alot because many believe that there used to be alien life form on Mars. On April 8, 2001 Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look at this huge rock froming a human head. They noticed that this was just another rock and that there was no sign of alien life form on Mars. In the text NASA said that they revealed this photo to the world to engage the public and attract attetion to Mars. But not everyone was satisfied the camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the face. Prehaps, said skeptics alien marking were hidden by haze but there were no real evidence to prove it were alien marks made. Nevertheless on April 5, 1998 when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a pitcure ten times sharper then the original photo the new pitcure revealed that is was just a natural landfrom and that there were no alien monument on Mars after all. NASA says that the face looks like a Egyptian Pharaoh. What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West."That's a lava dome that takes the from of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars. With evidence from the text there were no sign's of real alien life form and that the face was just a huge rock formed to look like a face. Therefore NASA has published the photos to gain attetion to them and to Mars as well. When NASA said that the face on Mars looked like common landforms around the American West.
The day-to-day need of your own cars may not be as needed as you think. Cars aren't as nice as they seem to be. First of all they cause smog and pollution. But people say that not driving themselves is a stress reliever. Although can be handy people just don't see a drivers license a priority. Paris is one of the most polluted capital in Europe. They decide to cut the smog and ban some cars of being on the road. "On Monday even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day." You can imagine people weren't happy about it because around 4,000 people were fined; and 27 people denied the fines and their cars were impounded. "The smog cleared enough Monday for the ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday." Although some people were not friends without their cars others thought it was a stress reliever. In Bogota they have a car-free day where no one is allowed to drive their cars; they are only allowed to bike, walk, skate, bus, or take taxi. Anyway to get around with out useing your car. "It's a good opportunity to atke away stress and lower pollution,". Young people in America have lost a prority in getting their drivers license. "He and I have similar observations about our childeren. Mine (19 and 21) have not bothered to get a drivers license, even though they both live in places where one might come in handy. They are intrested, but it's not a priority. They orginize their summer jobs and social life around where they can walk or take public transportation or car-pool with friends." A study has found between 2001 and 2009 23% of young drivers decreased. In conclusion we are all better off with out cars. To decrease pollution, to relive our daily stress and we just dont need them.
The "Face" on mars was not created bye Alians. The face on mars is just a natural landingform, and was not reayed by Alians. April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Sureveyor flew over cydonia for the first time Michael Malin and is MOC tean snaped a picture ten times sharper than the original viking photo. After that thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting for the image to appere, when finally when the first image appeared on a JPL web site, revealing a natrual landing form. There was no Alian monument after all. If the "face" was created by an Alian/Anlians there would be trakings of them and all that and it was really hard to see because it was winter at the time. They dont pass the unknown figure very offten, but when they did they payed really close attintion to the figure. They took more pictures to discover them. They still found know tracings or sighs that alians made this. What the picture really showes is the Martiam equivalent of a butte or mesa- landingforms common around American West. "Its a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same hight and the Face on Mars."
Driverless cars could go both ways. They can be useful or just a waste of time. I think there should not be driverless cars. There should not be driverless cars because driving is a huge responsiblity. I feel that even if the car has an in-car enterainment the driver will not be paying attention to the road and when the car signals for the driver to take control, the driver won't know what is going on and could even cause an accident. Leading to the conflict of who is at fault, "the driver or the manufacturer?" If we just keep our cars how they are now people will have to pay attention to the road. You could be paying really good attention to road but you have no idea how the other cars are. A lot of car accidents could be prevented if the driver of the car is in control at all times. People trying to invent a safe driverless car are just wasting their time. Even if the car has a lot of safe reasons in why we should have them there will still be reasons why we shouldn't. We have had total control of our cars for the lonest time now and I feel like it is better to just play it safe and keep doing what we have been doing. It's better to play it safe than to be sorry.
The author of 'The Challenge of Exploring Venus" definietly leans towards giving it all we got and pushing to find a way to land on Venus. In paragraph 3, the author describes the different dangers of even being on Venus, like the atmosphere being to thick and made out of carbon dioxide, and the tempatures being extremely high. Even so, the author writes about how it's the cloesest thing to earth beside Mars, and even says it could have been covered by large oceans and mountains and could even support LIFE on it at some point or another. paragraph 3 and 4 both talk about both of these points, along with paragraph 5, which includes NASA scheming up ideas for how avoid Venus's dangerous conditions. Such ideas include a blimp like vehicle 30 or so feet above the ground. Although it'd give much better insight than staying on the very edge of the planet's atmosphere, such an idea wouldn't be able to recover samples of any kind since i'd be too high up. The author gives off even more ideas that NASA is thinking up, which lets the reader know that he's very headstrong about this situation and generally loves the idea of exploering Earth's neighbour. The author ends his passage by telling the reader that dangers and set backs shouldn't hold us back from exploring not just Venus, but everything else in life. while there'll be way more set backs and problems, the author is confident that the human race can achieve everything and "expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation". All in all, the author supports his claim greatly. He goes over why Venus should even be explored, his and NASA's ideas for exploering said planet, and the challenges it presents along the way. By the end of the story, the reader can tell that the author is very passionate about exploering this foreign planet that we all know of as Earth's relative, and he's very excited about what will come about these challenges and ideas NASA has came up with. We shouldn't be limited or set back by doubts and set backs, the author's right about that. We should reach for the stars and go in as headstrong about anything we face, just as the author did.
My position on driverless cars is that they shouldn't exist. I think this because technology can have so many issues and it could cause so many accidents. Even though technology gets better and better every year they always have problems and people are always having to fix it. In paragraph nine the passage states that the law is trying to make things safe and the safest way to things like this is that a human is alert at all times, taking charge of the road. That already tells you we shouldn't have these type of cars because with something not going right or working with the google in the car, you never know what can happen. Sensors don't always see everything or feel everything so it could always lose its signal or something. Lastly what if one day the google isn't connecting again, and the antilock brakes aren't working. You aren't paying attention and boom you run into something and for all we know you could lose your life. The point that i'm trying to get across here is that making these google cars is very pointless. If you want things to be safer and better, than they shouldn't be created. Sure humans driving isn't the safest, but the way i look at it verse google cars humans make it safer.
I personally think that there shouldnt be a facial expression reader if some one isnt genuinly smiling ok thats them. Its just to personal an i dont want to be monitored. The paragraghs states evidence that it might inprove certain things such as gaging when a person is bored or getting cofused i think that is graet an could help the world. My personal feelings differ thou we shoud strive to understand eachother more with out technology. Face it almost every human can tell how someone feels just by looking at there facial expression so why do we need computers to monitor or faces as we do activities. I think people wont approve of being monitored also . Emotions are not to be caculated anyway so i think we should not use this technology. The article states that i could help the student in the long run but maybe teachers should try harder to prepare the future of this world. Also lets say the machine malfunctions an we get a wrong reading an someone is forced to do extra classes an have someone help him because the monitor read him as confused. This is a great technological discovery but i dont think it shoud be part of the school system. Iam against using it in any educatinal faciliy. My conclusion is that we shouldnt use it.
I vow against the value of using technology to read student's emotional expressions. My reasoning is big data companies will configure this to their advantage and bordeom in a classroom can guide someone toward something higher. To begin,"Big Brother" will exploit this in order to make money off of it unsuspectedly. The text gives an example of what the technology can do in terms of personalizing ads. It does not matter who someone is big data companies, will find clever ways of gathering anyones data in exchange making life more simple no matter if that person is student or not. Once the data is stockpiled, it is on the internet and avaliable to anyone that pays for it. Secondly, bordeom as terrible as it sounds is good for the brain. Bordeom in the text is mentioned as something that looms in the learning environment and this new technology can help create a more effective lesson. The second society lets such algorithms coexist with AI that is when the people lose control of their lives; because, it will let robotic minds make decisions for society. Boredom is misunderstood, it can allow society to have think beyond the surface and allows someone to excel as they then understand the joy of a subject has detierated, now looking anew. To conclude, "Big Brother" would manipulate this technology to profit and boredom is beneficial. Not everything is what it presents itself as on the surface.
Based on this article, this new technology is to read how a person is feeling.this new machine seems like an good idea why because you get to see how people really are on the inside. but at the same time that can be a violate of people's privacy.some peope don't like sharing their emotional feeling for a reason. in the article it states mona lisa was"83% happy, 9% disgusted , 6% fearful, 2% angry. with that being she might've didnt want people to know she was angry. In this case i don think it should be use on students. If they don't want to share they don't have too. But it is a pretty good new technology it would have better use in a diffferent case.Being able to have a computer that can tell you if your happy or sad its one of the greatest things to be invented. A person facial expression tells alot about that person. You can have the biggest smile on your face but on the inside you can be pouring your eyes out. It's all based on emotiotions and how you're feeling. With all this being said and evidence comig from the text this machine is to read emotions, and tell weather or not your hapy,sad,fustrated etc...
"Boom!", was the the first thing I saw when I looked up from the passengers seat.Two cars had crached into each other.We were on route 33 going to Fort Wayne.The speed limit there is about 55 mph or 60 mph. Both of the cars were destroyed.On the road there were so many pieces of each car.The crash was extremely bad.The people inside were in a dangorous situation.We called 911 then the police arrived and a helicopter had to get a person and took them. since then the only thing that I think about is driverless cars.Driverless cars development would be be much safer because they would stop before you crashed,they would accelerate alone, and people wouldn't have to worry about drunk drivers. Driverless cars would help so many people out.The best thing is that they will stop before you crash into something.The article said that there are cars that can brake themselves.But the driver has to remain alert for when a situation requires it so they are still not that safe.With driverless cars you wouldn't have to be so scared because you would never know when you needed to stop the car.That would help teens out so much.In the TV I always see commercials on teens getting into car accidents and sending there last message to their father or mother.And that does happen because thousands of teens die from car accidents.I also read in an article that every person will get in a car accident sometime in their lifetime.It's really frightning.That's why driverless cars will save alot of people. Driverless cars would be able to accelerate by themselves and that would be of much help.In the place I live their are alot of deer and there are alot of car accidents due to deer crossing the roads. And if the car could accelerate by itself then we would be able to have less deer accidents.the firt instinct that I have when we saw a deer when we were driving was to tell my dad to hit the break.He ignored me because he read an article that the best thing to do when your going to hit something is to accelerate not stop.But to many of us we only think on hitting the break not accelerating.Driverless cars are just the best way to go. There are many times when families die because the person that crashed into them was drunk.So driverless cars would make it safer for us and for them because if a person is drunk they wouldn't have to drive.That would make roads alot safer.The article said that maybe by 2020 some car brands like Nissan will have driveless cars which will be better for all of us.That way no one is in harms way becasue of drunk people.An example could be my cousin he was in a really bad car accident because the friend that was driving was drunk.He was in comma for 2 weeks and the had to do a brain surgey because he was in a very critical condition.The driver only broke a hand but my cousin got the worst.That happens so much these days becasue people are not responsible.I know that with driverless cars those type of accidents will be a thing of the past. That is why driverless car development would be a better way to go becasue they would stop on there own,accelerate alone and people wouldn't have to worry about drunk drivers.It is something that every country should consider becasue all the gadgets people create are for a better future and I know that driverless cars are going to be the best thing created for the future.That way we will all be safer.
Safetey is first, that is one thing that everyone want sespecilly in cars. Many people don't get that the idea of industries or companies making these smart cars is to help the enviorment by reducing the fuel use. Reducing fuel makes the enviorment more clean. There would be less cars and many of those cars are going to save the enviorment. I'am with the making of smart cars because the safety the car is going to have, saves money, and the smart car can save the enviorment. Car safety is one of the most impartante things. When a person buys a car safety is one of the things that people want more. The smart car has advianced technology that can indicate that a probleam is going to happen. Sensores are being involved with this smart cars, sensors can help do something that you can not do because you are doing something else. Sensors can help you to decress the chances that someone has. The smart car would have more protection to stellers or accidnts acure, these cars heve camras that can help incase of an accidents. And last smart cars would have a computer that has all the rules of driving that would allow it not to speed or do a wrong turn and even more. Many people have jobs far away from their homes. People want cars that can waste less oil for more miles. Smart cars reduce helf of what a normal car does. If fuel is wasted less then many products will reduce their price and many people would have to waste less money. People would save money and would have smart cars instede of normal cars. The economy would grow and people would be less poor then they are. The enviorment is getting to bad from the worlds global warminng that is incressung thanks to all the pollution humans do. Smart cars have the capabillity to use oil. There would be less oil wells in the whole world. Oceans would be less contimanated then they are know., ocean animals would die less. Many small towns or places would have less water probleams then they do know. Smart cars would do a big change in the world thanks to the oil reduce of the cars. The world would have a better way of life. I agree with smart cars because these cars would make a diffrence for everbody and for the world.
I think having driverless cars is a great idea. I support it alot because it will make road trips very easier and more exciting for the driver. If taking a long road trip, the driver will be able to sleep as well as the passengers. But the con about that, is that the driver might have issues trusting the driverless car. If the driver dont trust the car, he/she might stay awake as the car have a long trip to where ever the destination is located. Another con will be how might the driverless car react upon other driverless cars. Will the sensors be too hype from every car causing a traffic jam, slow traffic, or maybe an accident. Thats why i also support the driverless cars to let the driver take control at certain points while driving. Eventhough the driver would have to still keep watch of the rode, thats what he or she have to do anyway. So as of right now, ill just say that driverless cars would be good for drivers who like to text while driving and maybe talking on the phone while driving. That is what i think about driverless cars untill they can approve the use of the cars to sleep in while driving.
How Dangerous can be Exploring Venus In the text "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author suggest that studyng Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author mentions in the text the reasons why he thinks that. First of all, the author start giving us details about Venus. He mentions how is it called, what is its position on the solar sistem. At the end of the first paragraph the author uses a sentence so he can grab the attention of the readers by saying that Venus is simple to see from Earth, but that it has proved that venus is a challenging place to examine more closely. Which means the author has the enough evidence to prove that is not a good idea to go to venus. Secondly, on paragraph three the author gives us more specific details. The author mentions the thik atmosphere in carbon dioxide, how clouds are highly corrosivesulfuric acid, the temperatures average, and that the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than we experience on our own planet. This shows the reasons why humans can risk their lifes if they go to Venus so they can explore more about that planet. Lastly, the author don't just describe bad things about Venus. On paragraph four the author tell us that Venus wasn't different from Earth and that's why astronomers are fascinated by Venus. The text says that Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and because of that it could have supported various forms of life just like earth. However, Venus is not like that anymore, it is still can be dangerous for human to explore there, not just because of the problems humans will face in the planet but the obstacles they have to face during the trip. In conclusion, the author tries to persuade the readers to believe that studying Venus closer can be dangerous. It has many changes from what you see, how people think it is or how it was from how it really is now. The author supports this idea well, by using information of Venus.
It is reasonable that the mask shown up on Mars' surface is not an alien. In order for a creature to live somewhere it has to be the right environment. As the artice "Unmasking the Face on Mars" said the creature or "alien mask " was very large. Planet Mars is not nearly big enough to have creatures with the head size of a whole mile to fit. Just think your body is much more bigger than your head. A head that steratches two miles ear to ear in a very large head, just imagine how large the body would be! Over time land can begin to crak or break. Something could have been going on inside Mars' crust ,for instece here on Earth we have earthquakes, that could have happened on Mars. It has been said that it is common for figures to start to appear from a region in Mars called Cydonia. Not all of the figures have the apperace of a human face but dont you think if it were an alien it woukd have looked very differant than a human? It has been scintifictly proven that aleins don't exsist. For Things to apperar on Mars' surface is normal as it was stated in the article "Unmasking the Face on Mars". Therefore I do not know what makes people think an alien has just magicaly apperared on the face of Mars. For thousandes of years scientist have invented ways to look at planets, take pictures of them, even get a little sample of the planet. With that being said scientist have checked Mars inside and out up and down and after many years of reaserch and testing they have still never spotted a alien. If the figure would be an alien Mars would'nt be fit to provide a home for a whole community of them the planet would be much to small.
The challenge of exploring venus essay. How many stars are in the sky? Well there is to many to count and there is about 5,000 every night when you go to to sleep. First, Every planet of something different and one of the best one there is earth because it has stars and it's pieceful but some crazy people in the earth. In our solar system, Venus is the second planet from our the sun. The sun is prob the hottest place there will ever be and You won't be able to get to close and if you try you will get very HOT and may die. Next, how do you think people learn about the planets and walk on some planets ? Do you know who they are called and what they do for us the people in the earth? Well they are called special people that have to wear gear to let them fly in the air and they help tell us about what is going on up there what everybody don't see everyday. Then, they have special equinment they use to help them and learn about every little thing. There are too much gear they use and I don't know what is called. Finally, The earth will be the best planet there is ever and we will learn more things when they find new things to tell us and we will find how many stars there are actaully is becuase there is more then 5 thousand but im not sure how many there are. Earth is in terms of density and size and occasioally the closest in distance too.
Do you think a world with driverless cars would be safe? Well, if you ask me, my answer is no. Let's look at my reasoning as to why. In the article we read, the author says that some car manufacturers are "bringing in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays". I, for one, don't think "heads up displays" are a great idea. I mean, we may as well put mini televisions in the steering wheels while we're at it! In addition, GM's new vibrating seem less than lovely. Do you want your designated driver's seat massaging them to sleep? I most certainly do not. It just does not seem safe! Are we gonna start showering with the help of robots? I think taking away the privilege of driving is not good. It makes it seem like such a chore. What will teenagers look forward to? Where is the responsibility? Imagine how you felt when you finally turned and sixteen and got to get your hands on a wheel. It must be a feeling like no other! While it is a cool thought, we must really think these thing through, people! Think of the people who have jobs in public transportation. What will they do to support their families when they lose their job to a robot? Driverless can potentially ruin the lives of many. All in all, I think the negatives outweigh the positives in this situation. Say NO to driverless cars! In a world where everything operates itself, it's nice to have a little responsibility.
The author does not do the best job of explaining why it is a good idea to explore Venus. This is due to the fact that he has more reasons of why scientists shouldn't go to Venus, instead of reasons they should go to Venus.The author has multiple paragraphs that could be considered rebuttals, but only a few that support his argument. There are eight paragraphs total in the article. Six of them talk about why one might say no to the idea.The authour also gives really scary examples such as "These conditions are for more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an enviroment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquify man metals." The author also states, "Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere." If you are trying to get people to agree with you, it would be a better idea to not frighten them. If Venus has that high of a atmospheric pressure, how would a scientist study venus? The author says the atmospheric pressure can crush submarines, but he never says how one can study the planet if nobody can even get on it. The author needs to put himself in the readers shoes more often, and answer questions an inexperianced person may have. He can not assume people know if there is technology capable of sending people to unreachable destinations. Many people in the world do not know if there is technology of this capability.
Im more on the side of the cars driving for us. With that theirs more of a chance of less happening. Also can reduce accedents that can kill or severly harm the person operating the vehical. With this, The future is comming slowly but surly with outstanding things. But, Theirs going to be problems with it. Which will be listed below in the next few paragraphs. With the driver not operating the vehical can save lifes. Like if your under the influence, the car can get you home, or if your hurt the car can take you to help. Another reason is that the car can help you get place to place safely by following the law and watching everything. The bad side is that the cars cost is going to be Out of the world. Not many people are going to buy a 400 thousand dollar car for a daily driver. Including that if damages were taken when vehical is in operation, will be out standing. Not all insurance companies can replace it or parts for a lower in sum. So what leads to my Point that the car is Basically just a plan, nothing to seroius yet but will have a small or large change in the world. Help multiple ways or devistate.
In this article called,"Making Mona Lisa Smile" it explains an advanced technology that can identify what humans are feeling on the inside. This technology is attention grabbing and seems so futuristic. The Facial Action Coding System claims to have lots of uses. I think that this new technology could be very useful in a learning environment. The Facial Action Coding System could benefit a classroom setting by being able to tell if the student is completely understanding the material, being able to tell if a student if bored and zoning out, and by seeing if you are enjoying the lesson. A lot of times students do not understand the information that is being pushed on them and are too afraid to ask questions. Teachers can't read a students mind, and teachers aren't a computerized system to identify if a student is understanding the concepts in class. Students are often too afraid and embarrassed to ask questions in class and for that sake, they just don't do it. From personal experience as a student, this can be frustrating and doesn't benefit my education. The new Facial Action Coding System could change the way people learn on a whole new level by being able to identify confusion, and then breaking down the concepts more. Having a system that can identify if students are confused could be extremely beneficial on lots of different levels. Students sit through classes for up to 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. That makes me bored just thinking about it. A student is bound to zone out and not to mention get bored throughout the day. It's not wrong to be teaching the material that needs to be taught, but making it a little more interesting could benefit everyone. A system that can detect if a student is getting bored and incorperating more interesting topics into the lesson would be beneficial to everyone. That could make a students life a lot less stressful, and a teachers life a lot easier. Some students think other topics are more interesting than others. Which is just a matter of opinion, but I found in my years of schooling that it will be a lot easier to learn material if you are enjoying it. I believe that every student has the ability to enjoy learning about something during their years of school. The Facial Coding System could speed up the process of finding interesting topics for a student a lot easier. Sometimes it takes years to find a topic in school that you enjoy, but if we had this new technology available to us, it could help students enjoy what they are learning a lot more. The Facial Action Coding System has many ways to benefit how we learn. Understanding the material completely, being engaged in the topics, and even enjoying to learn in school. I believe that if we had to ability to do those things, and had that technology in front of us. That there is no reason students wouldn't benefit from it. It could change learning in a whole new way for students. So why wouldn't we give the Facial Action Coding System a try in the classroom?
The way technology has changed through out the years amazes many. However, a car that can do the jobs of a human? Now that is just terrifying. The development of driverless cars enforces dependence, not safe, and is not fully developed to be driving without a human behind the wheel. Nowadays, people are already frustrated by having to drive the car themselves but if you throw in a driverless car in to the mix? That is not safe for the people inside and/or outside the car. As the passage states, "Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." Also, what if the car is in "driverless mode" and begins to glitch, what is going to happen then? Or, the aftermath of a car accident and someone gets hurt, who is to blame then? Usually, when people in their adolescence get a car they are thrilled because it is their responsibility to drive that car safely and to be independent. However, with buying a driverless car, all the independence and responsibilty just flies away. In the future, what is going to happen when people feel that way since the car is driving, they do not have to do anything behind the wheel. Or, if someone falls asleep and does not hear, see, or feel the warnings and signals from the car to take control, For example, when the driver's seat starts to vibrate or the flashing lights on the windshield. A car that is driverless is quite impressive, but then what is the point of having a human behind the wheel. People who are for the development of these types of cars do not get the whole idea behind the problem with these cars. The passage states, "-the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires." Big whoop, throughout the years a human's attention spand has sky rocketed downwards. So, even if there was a warning, there would not be a big chance if the driver even saw or heard it. In conclusion, the development of driverless cars enforces independece, not safe, and is not fully developed to be driving without a human behind the wheel. If we stop this development now, we can stop the risks of what is yet to come in the future on the road.
Technology Getting Smarter As humans, some of us may not realize how smart technology is really getting. The Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify different types human emotions. Think about how this new kind of technology could change the world. This Facial Action Coding System could be incredibly valuable by reading the emotional expressions of students in a classroom. In the article D'Alto states, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson.." With this technology students may be able to understand lessons more quickly and easily. This coding system could also help more troubling students excel in the classroom while saving the teachers time. By modifying the lesson, the Facial Coding System would also keep the attention of learners. This could train students to become exception learners as they grow. In paragraph eight of "Making Mona Lisa Smile" the author describes how the muscles in the face change according to your mood. It also states "But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major muscle..and the risorius." This tells the reader that this facial coding system is accurate on its reading by reading every single muscle on the face and correlating it to different moods. Because this technology is accurate, there may be little to no mistakes in reading a student's face in the classroom. The Facial Action Coding System could change how students would learn. This technology would help students excel and grow to become more intelligent individuals. This could help the following generations behind us smarter and more understanding. This facial coding system can help students achieve their learning goals in the classroom. This new technology would be valuable in the classroom for students.
DO YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH THE PRESIDENTIAL VOTE? At long on the History, There's strange and curios case in the story of the political, especialy in United State of America (U.S.A) The political allways had serius problems, like corruption, the confusion of what president choose, the bad counting vote, etc. But with all those problems that happens in the world.. How United States choose good presidents? First, we are going to talk about the curius case in the U.S.A talking about the political and how U.S.A choose the future president. There's alot of curios case in the U.S.A. For example, it's said clearly in the article that for first time in the story of U.S.A there's 2 represents to be president that came from the state of Hawaii in 1960, and those represent was against Jhon F. Kennedy. Or the other case that the Electoral system in those times it was very confused and for each state it represents 1 vote so The legendary John Kerry wins 34 democratics votes. There was alot of controversy. But with all those problems, how those U.S.A choose good there presidents? The goverment like there citizen have clearly 5 things (according the article wrote by Richard A. Posner) That are: ''Certainty of Outcome'' That is selecting a president that ougth to be who most votes receives is the winner. ''Everyone's President'' Means that is a resulr by a candidate with only regional appeal is unlikely to be a successful president.''Swing State'' Is a method of awarding electoral votes induces the candidates.''Big States'' Is a large state that gets more attention from presidentail candidates in a campaign than small state does.. And the last one is ''Avoid Run'off Elections'' That it could be argued method selecting the president may turn off by potential voters. In my opinion, i'm pro with. Is a very nice Goverment and Can helps every country in the world becouse there potential economic that they have.      
The claim that "Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents" is not well supported by the passage. Throughout the passage the author explains why Venus is exceptionally hard to explore, why it hasn't explored it in 3 years, and even the intrigue that it causes. It doesn't explain the benefits of exploring Venus and it doesn't explain the benefits of our curiosities. The passage explains more of the dangers of exploring Venus than why it is worthy to be pursued by any reason other than curiousity. The first paragraph introduces the reader to the planet Venus describing it as an "Evening Star" that is easy to view from afar, but challenging to view up close. The author starts with these statements, leading the reader to the question "Why is it challenging?". Through the second and third paragraph it explains why it was explored and why those missions failed. This gives the reader knowledge on what Venus is and a picture of what Venus looks like, while also explaining some of the many reasons that Venus can't be explored. In the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh paragraphs we see a shift in view point, where instead of focusing on the expected "Why should or shouldn't Venus be explored?" the author then moves to the topic of "Why are scientists wanting to explore Venus?". The answer? The author explains that the reason behind all of the searching for ways to explore Venus is merely curiousity. The author also explians the approaches to explore Venus, that NASA is taking, because scientists are curious. In the paragraphs it doesn't suggest that exploring Venus is worthy, as it only explains why exploring Venus has failed, how any missions now would fail, and what NASA is doing to approach their curiousity. In the conclusion paragraph, the author explains that the challenge that Venus presents is what fuels the curiousity of many scientists. It also states that "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts..." proving that the author was not focused on proving that it is a worthy cause but more of saying, we should not be grounded because it's dangerous. The author's suggestion is not well supported by the claim, as it has been shown that the author only focused their attention on how dangerous and scary Venus is and not on how exploration of Venus could be beneficial to understanding and history. The author's claim would have been better supported had they focused on the benefits of exploration and why the attempts to explore Venus are important, other than the filling the questions that are asked about the hardly known planet.
In the article Making Mona Lisa Smile by "Nick D'Alto" the author gives differnt claims from different scientst on how a computer can detect emotion by our facial muscles. Computers can detect emotion because it can no the difference from fake and real feelings, for example in the article " Its all about those muscilar action units. They even indicate the differnce between a genuine smile and a forced one." Another reason how computers can detect emotion is because just how a friend can look at you and can see rather your sad, happy, mad ect. a computer can program those emotion into styem. another example " The new emotion-recognition sotfware tracks these facial movements-in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa". Than in paragraph three "Dr.Paul Eckam" has classitied six basic emotions and he use those emotions " associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles" . Fianally, in pargraph four Dr.huang said " Even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression". (meaning that just because someone isnt smilling as broadly doesnt mean they arent has happy or excited as they appear) And thats where video imagery can recognize facial movements in a real face or in a painted of "Mona Lisa". Computers can detect emotions because its about the muscles in your face that can determine rather you are being geuin or not.
The use of driverless cars is something very controversial in todays times. Years ago there wasn't enough technological advances to have cars that can be driven by a computer. I believe that the use of computer driven cars is a bad thing. When one of these cars are on the road there is a chance that there could be a wreck but if that did happen who would be at fault? A person could have been driving and caused a wreck but they could say the computer was at fault. This would let people get by easier when they cause car accidents. There could be obstacles that the car misses when driven by the computer. The computer may not have seen a car in front of it and kept driving. There would be no way of knowing what happened and who would be at fault. Most states dont have laws concerning the cars and some dont even allow you to test drive them. "In most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars." This means that states have made it illegal to even test the cars. This shows that they would be dangerous because if there are laws against it there is no way that they are safe. Yes there is no way of telling if normal cars are comepletly safe but, there is no one but the human driver at fault in a normal car. The owners of niormal cars can't say that a computer was driving the car at the time because if wouldn't be possible. "Even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the technology fails and some one is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?" This means that the cars, if legalized would have to have another law just for them to say hwo would be at fault if an accident happened and someone was injured. It could be the manufacturer or the driver but there would be no completely positive reason for one or the other to be at fault. If there ever was an accident and somebody was killed by the car. For any other person there would be an investigation. Say the human in the car was drunk. The person could say the computer was driving at the time and there would be no way of knowing if the person was telling the truth or not. What if the law said the manufacturer was at fault? They could have let someone who was guilty of a crime go and charged the company that made the car. How would that be fair to the family that lost someone? It wouldn't be that is why the driverless cars are a bad idea. There are many reasons for one to say they would be good, but do the good outweigh the bad? If there is a reasonable doubt that the cars would be unsafe, or that they are illegal in most states, they should not be allowed out on the roads because nobody knows what could happen until it does happen. There would be laws for this specific type of vehicle but how accurate would the punishments be if something bad happened because of the car. It wouldn't be equal to that of a driver of a normal car because the smart cars have two options for who to blame. There would never be any way to be sure that the person blamed was the one at fault. That is why the new smart cars being invented should not be allowed on the streets, they are just not safe enough yet.
I am doing a essay about technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. I dont think technology can tell someone in emotes by scanning their face. It cant go thou are mind and say they are feeling sad. Us humans can tell if they are sad or happy because we have been thou the same things they are going thou. If it is true I would not use because if they are using it as a govement weapon to find if some one is hinding some well needed things and they start to used this and if it gives them wrong information that person might be in some trouble. And the other way around if they have some need information and the FACS or Facial Action Coding System just lost it. If it can do this. This thing will be ahead in technology and clear a path for us in the near furture. But I dont blieve this computer can tell people feelings. First how big is it? Is it the size of a gym or is it as small as a Iphone 4? This computer is just a big fake. Second how much does it cost? Is it the same to build it as much as a lamborigini or as much as a pencil? Third, how long does it take to build it. And how long does it last for. 1 minites or 3 hours. How long does it scan for.
Do you think the Face on Mars is a natural landform or it was created by aliens? I am almost completely positive that the Face on Mars is a natural landform. There are scientifically proven facts that the Face is a natural landform. The Face was first spotted and taken a picture of by NASA's spacecraft Viking 1 in 1976. Ever since then people have been curious to find out more and more about this discovery. It is proven that the Face is a mesa. The Face only looks like a face because shadows creates the appearance of facial features. The Face is proven by NASA that it is only a mesa. The article states "Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia..." This shows how there are other mesas and they are known for being in the same area as the Face. This is not the only example that the Face is a natural landform, the Face doesnt even have actual feautures of a human face. There is also proof that the Face does not have the structure of a human face. The article states NASA captioned a image of the Face stating "huge rock formation...which resembles a human head...formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes,nose,and mouth." This proves that shadows make the appearance of eyes, a nose, and a mouth, the Face does not have the structure of these facial features. NASA has proved and showed many reasons of why the Face was not created by aliens. The Face was not created by aliens and NASA has proved it. The Face has shadows that makes it appeare like it has an actual facial structure. The face is just another mesa that is common is its area. I believe people should except the fact and believe the Face was not created by aliens.
In today's modern world, new inventions are shaping our daily lifestyle. Cellphones took over meeting personally, calculators took over long divison, and cars took over walking from point A to point B. No one really thought how dependant our world would be on this new-age technologies. Our ancestors certainly didn't have the latest smartphone or a brand new Mercedes in their driveway. So what made our generation so materialistic? The necessity of a brand new car, (or any car for that matter) is slowly diminishing, and more people are getting back to using other forms of transportation. The limiting use of cars is super beneficial to the environment, your family's budget, and can bring better social opportunities. The use of cars has both positive and negative effects. Car usage has a massive impact on the environment, not just in your community, but worldwide. As we all know, global warming is an international phenomenon that is nipping at our toes. It is (mostly) caused by pollution and the dissolvement of the ozone layer, which protects our atmosphere. Gas emissions from tailpipes cause a great amount of greenhouse gases to disperse. In Europe, "cars are responsible for 12% of greenhouse gas emissions" (Elizabeth Rosenthal: Source 1). In the United States, the grenhouse gas emissions are 50% caused by passenger cars (Rosenthal; Source 1). That means everytime you get into your car for a "cruise", you are harming our environment. Trapped car emmisions combine with the warm weather layers in the air to form smog, which is greatly affecting the French capital, and Beijing (source 2: Duffer). To help prevent these emissions from getting worse, or causing greater harm to our environment, some cities have started a "car-free zone", in which no one is allowed to own cars or use them and even park them in their driveway! (source 1: Rosenthal). By creating or participating in a limiting use of cars you can help preserve our beloved Mother Earth. Every 16-year old dreams of waking up to their brand-new car waiting for them in the driveway. But demographic studies recently show that "there has been a large drop in the percentage of 16-39 year olds getting licenses." (source 4: Rosenthal). This decrease is proof that less and less people are interested in owning cars, and even worse, driving them. This doesn't seem like a bad idea, due to the fact that the limited use of cars can save you and your family a great deal of money. New cars are approximately ranging from $25,000 to $50,000, with a monthly payment of about $350. A gallon of gas usually lasts about a week and a half and costs an average of $40 to fill up. In a month, a typical family spends approximately $400 a month solely on car expenses. By choosing to involove yourself in "smart planning", which is the seperation of suburban life from auto use (Source 1: Rosenthal) or by using other means of transportation like public buses, trains, bikes, and the sharing of taxis, your household can save a good amount of money. In modern families, not only has the over-use of technology/social media taken over the traditional family interaction, but also the over-use of cars. In most households, where the teenager has a vehicle, he/she mobilizes themselves away and out with friends. Everyone ends up in different parts of the town, the mall, a restaurant, or at home. If the use of cars is limited, either in a town like Vauban (Germany), where no one uses cars, or in a city like Bogota (Colombia), where families use multiple seat bicycles to visit parks and spend time together (source 3:Selsky), your family can make up for lost time and completely forget about going off on their own. Not only will the days without cars benefit your family but also your social life! A date to bike-tour the city at night is much more enticing and luring then a plain date to the movies. If you need a car, for any reason, whether it be work, or vacation, rental car services are a much better and cheaper option then using your own car. The innovative programs like "Smart Planning", discussed in "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars" , and the "Day without cars" celebrated in many Colombian cities like Bogota and Cali, discussed in Andrew Selsky's "Car-Free Day is Spinning into a Big Hit in Bogota" can provide a interactive and enjoyable lifestyle without the hassle and stress of cars. Not only will your family's social life benefit but also your household's economy! The limiting use of cars can help you or anyone save money without paying those hefty monthly bills, as implied in Source 4: "The End of Car Culture" . Last but certainly not least, by reducing your car dependancy, you can help protect the environment by stopping the greenhouse gas emissions from your vehicle, as explained in Source 2: "Paris Bans Driving Due to Smog" . Overall, the limited use of cars is beneficial in numerous ways, and hopefully will be exercised much more.
Why does everybody suspect that their is life on Mars when they see a wierd form of rock on it when really it´s nothing like that? Well thats how a lot of people were thinking when NASA revealed the picture of the Face on Mars. However thats not true. NASA has proven in so many ways that it´s just a natural landform, but of course some people think that it´s not natural at all. First, NASA was very suprised to see something like that on the camera of Viking 1 spacecraft. But that went away really fast. ¨Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa,common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows made it like an Egyptian Pharaoh.¨(2) This tells you that it´s just a natural landform. Not a alien artifact . Also, NASA wanted to go see if it´s a artifact or just a natural lanform. ¨Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing ... a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all.¨(7) This tells you that they never found an alien artifact on April 5,1998. All they found was a natural landform on Mars. Finally, since not everyone was convinced that it was a natural landform, NASA decided to go back and get an even clearer picture of the Martian mesa. This time they used an even stronger camera to show the world that NASA is right."As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size,¨ he added. ¨So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!¨(11) This can tell you that NASA was trying to tell everyone that their cameras are good enough to spot and see if it´s just a natural landform, so now you shouldn´t be complaning about the pictures. All of this evidence can tell you that the Face of Mars is just a natural landform, not a alien artifact. Their are still a lot of people who think that martians do exist and they will think anything that is not normal on Mars is martian. However there is no martians on Mars. What do you think?
The world of Venus is very rough, and there are lots of hazards we must overcome if we plan on visiting the planet. The whole planet is filled with danger around every corner, and we would need alot of protection if we planed to visit this unknown world. It is a planet very close to Earth, but it is also extremely close to the sun, making it 800 degrees fahrenheit on the planets surface. There is also clouds of corrosive sulfuric acid, and powerfull volcanoes. Which makes the idea of actually stepping foot on the planet impossible. If we founded research to go near the planet, and studied Venus from a blimp like aircraft it would help us with reseach of how the world looked up close, but we will never be able to actually take samples of the world, no ground samples or gass samples because its too risky. The idea of a aircraft hovering 30 miles above the planet sounds amazing, and makes u imagine what it would be like, but there would not be much progress due to not being able to take pictures of the planet. The atmosphere of Venus is so thick that light does not travel through it making prictures and videos completely inefective. Even after we get there and see the planet, what then the gass would not let us continue to explore the planet, and without any photos or evidence the public might not even beleave that it took place. Nasa is working on many approaches to study and find ways to reach venus. They have tested the material silicon carbon, in a chamber simulating the conditions we may face on the planets surface. The materials lasted three weeks in the condition, but what if the world of Venus is even worse then the chamber Nasa has built, would humans only have a certain amount of time to study the planet before before there ship and them get dissolved by the planet? The author is very smart and knows his facts, but he does not know how dangerouse the planet will be, Nasa should focas on Mars and not a planet so hard for us to travel and discover. We have sent rovers to mars and they have landed and some still work to this day, but every thing Nasa has sent to venus has failed, this is why we should choose the red planet.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" the author describes the new technology facial Action Coding System or FACS which allows a computer to pick up on what you feel like and how you are feeling. I claim that the use of FACS in a class room enviroment could have used but mostly believe it is not a valuable resource in class. One reason why It is not a vaulable resource is it only programed to read six basic human emotions which are Happieness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness. The human body has way more than just six emotions so getting a high accuracy reading on how you are really feeling is out of the question because FACS uses the a process of a 3-D model Dr. Huang states "The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles." This quote explains that it has to use a way of making a model which can sometimes take some time depending on the processing power of the computer not only that but human emotions can change quite quickly and if the pc doesnt make the model fast enough the computer can easly fail at getting and accuarate reading. Another reason why it is invaulable is that a human is already prepared to read another persons emotions because it is a task that is already done each and everyday. Dr. Huang is talking about the device using video images to pick up the emotions of each person. Dr. H states "using video imagery, The new emotion recognition software tracks these facial movments in a real face or on a painted face." This quote brings to light that the machine can read emotions but one could say since it is still in new development that not all of the bugs or glitches have been worked out not only that but you also have to devote more resources to keep the machine working which can average to be a heafty hit to your wallet. Another person could say it is vaulable to help students and keep them entertained in a lesson and switch it up a bit. Dr. Huang is talking about how it can change the ads you see and veiw if you dont look happy when you look at them. Dr. Huang states "For example when a web ad appears on your screen and you smile a similar ad may follow, But if you frown the next ad will be different. A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. This Quote and prediction of Dr. Huang states that is has potential to keep students intrestred into work but the problem being is that a program so complex like that requires so much code and algorithms that it requires a beffy computer to run so you would need to make multiple servers capable of holding that much information not only that but the school would have to divert much more of their budget toward stronger computers because Dr. Huang states Your home Pc cant handle the complex algorithms used to decode smiles" This saying from Dr. Huang proves that a PC for home use is not strong enough for this program so what makes you average home pc different from a school one other than filters put on the pc which reduces preformance but the worse thing that could happen is what if the power happens to shut down or go out do to a surge that program requires power to run so that is also a big problem. In conclusion, The use of FACS in a classroom enviroment sounds like a great idea but when you put it in different catagories it fails in almost every one of them you dont need a computer to read emotions when a human is perfectly capable of know how you feel even if it is just a little bit. The schools will need more funding diverted to even run the program and keep it working when schools already have a budget that they have to work on and they will need to be prepared to do something if the power goes out because that system will not run if it has incffecient power.
A new technology, known as the Facial Action Coding System, was developed by Doctor Paul Eckman. This system attempts to decipher human emotions, which is simply unneeded. The technology detects movement of the 44 muscles in a human face and uses this to label the emotion the person is feeling. In a classroom, this technology is not valuable because humans already calculate emotions more accurately and quickly than the Facial Action Coding System, because common comptuers cannot use the software, and because the system would needlessly waste class time. First, this technology is completely pointless because humans already calculate emotions quicker and more accurately than the Facial Action Coding System. The only thing the system does it add an extra step to calculating emotions. In the article, it says "you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." With the new technology, the computer creates a model of the face, detects movement of muscles on the face, then compares the expression on the face to a neutral face, then after all of that, it finally tells you how the person is feeling. Why would a person look at a computer to learn what another person is feeling when he or she could do it? This can be applied to the classroom because teachers can tell how their students are responding to a particular lesson. For example, teachers call on students who are not paying attention just to get their attention. Teachers do not need this new technology because they are already great at sensing when a student is confused or bored. In addition, this technology would be hard to put in classrooms around the United States because it cannot work on a common computer. In the article, it states "your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile." This means that in order to put the Facial Action Coding System into schools nationwide, new computers would be needed which would cost a great amount of money that simply is not worth is. As it is, schools already run tight budgets so the money that is needed for the new technology would take away from other neccessities that schools need. The teachers of schools that have the system would have to be trained on how to use it, not to mention the Technology Department employees. Frankly, the ends do not justify the means in this situation. Finally, the technology would waste a great amount of class time, for no good reason at all. Multiple times throughout my day at school, teachers cannot figure out how to turn on the Smartboard or projector to teach a lesson. How would the Facial Action Coding System be any different? Teachers struggle to use simple technology like Smartboards or projectors, so using the Facial Action Coding System would just be asking for more problems. The amount of class time that would be wasted trying to set up the system would be ridiculous. As is, my teacher teach until the bell rings, and any wasted time would be time wasted that could be used for teaching. Although the Facial Action Coding System is a cool new technology, it would not be valuable to classrooms. This technology is pointless because humans already can calculate emotions base on facial expressions. In addition, the system would be hard to implement into classrooms nationwide because the system cannot work on a common computer. Finally, class time would be needlessly wasted. Simply put, the classroom is better off without the Facial Action Coding System.
Driverless Cars are a major form of transportation that will hopefully arrive in the near future. These cars will be able to drive on their own on the roadways. So far, there are cars that are semi-autonomous, where the driver still needs to retain some control. Driverless cars will have a better impact on drivers in the future, such as an increase in advanced technology, an increase in safety, and the ability to assist drivers. One major aspect of the driverless cars would be the increased advanced technology. This technology will be able to mimic a human driver. Sensors will play a big role in this, and Google's Toyota Prius includes sensors on the left rear wheel, on the roof, radar sensors, an inertial motion sensor, a video camera on the rearview mirror, and a GPS receiver. Also, a spinning sensor on the roof of the car allows laser beams to create a 3-D model of the car's surroundings, which will enable the car to have more control. Another benefit of driverless cars would be the improvement in safety. Sensors will become more advanced and will be able to detect and avoid dangerous situations. The information from the sensors can allow the car to apply brakes to individual wheels and reduce the power from the engine. This will provide more control over the car and can even have a better response than a human can. As technology increases and becomes more advanced, sensors and computer software and hardware will provide more safety to drivers and passengers and also allow cars to handle tougher situations on their own. Along with the improved technology of driverless cars, these cars will be able to assist drivers on the roadways. Drivers don't have to completely go hands-off while driving, but the car can make driving easier and safer. So far, none of the developed cars is completely driverless, but they can perform most of the basic roadway tasks. Humans only need to take over in dangerous situations, such as an accident or while driving through work zones. The cars will be able to get the driver's attention when a problem arises, so that the driver doesn't necessarily have to pay attention to the road the whole time. They will only have to pay attention during certain situations that the car cannot handle. Driverless cars have not fully been developed yet, but manufacturers have been working to create fully-functioning driverless cars, and will hopefully be on the roadways sometime in the near future. There are many more benefits of these cars than there are limitations, and they will make driving much easier and safer for drivers and passengers in the future.
Vauban,Germany where the trees grow ,The suburban pioneers and soccer moms live in but wheres the cars near the city of freiburg just across the french and swiss borders the streets of Vauban are car free . Car free? but wait at the the main throughfare tram downtown is where all the cars park well a few cars park there. Vroom Vroom if your going to buy a car you need a garage and a house dont you you need a house to store all your belongings and your family inside and you need agarage to put your fancy new car in all the cost comes up to about $40,00 thousand dollers. About 70% of the people who live in Vauban,Germany do not own a cars and the other 57% sold there to move here. but once you come here all youll see if bicycles and people having good convosations and children just wondering about the streets of gemany. The  city of Vauban finished in 2006 growing a trend in Europe the suban city of Germany isnow called smart planning. Other suburbs in other countrys have to have to pay gas its about 12 percent of the greenhouse gas in Europe . While in  the city the government is trying to make the city denser and for people and kids to walk around in a health enviornment about 5,500 within a mile have a low- car actually live in a low car suburban life. In the new life thats going on now its goinf to be easier for people to walkin in and out of malls they can finally walk in the main street rsther than walk a long distance way to get to their destionation. Around the world where they have tight spaces like New York and maybe Georgia are starting to look like these little surban cities in Germany and France . In the cities that we have talked about about 80% of people have gone to law highways and the other 20% use the transportantion that there to bring them around. In Paris they have banned the clear air globe city people who ride on motorcycles were orderd to leave their transportant at home or they wouold have to suffer a 22 euro finr the the united states that means about $31 dollars (hey thats not bad at all ) about 4,000 drivers were fined and 27 people had their car impounded. In Bogota,Colombia large grey clouds are caused by cars and people not giving a care ( you know what i was about to say) about their country its like they dont even care this is like the third year that the city of Bogota has been banned of cars the only thing they have right now are buses and taxies i guess they dont want cars anymore just tell them (the government of bogota that they dont want it ).  
I believe there should not be driverless cars. I think it should not because the driver would not be in full controll of the car, a mistake can happen where the driverless car could mess up and something happen. As of now in our world people have full controll of ther cars and can manuver within their cars. With driverless cars they say a humans would still need to pay attention because of traffic situations, accidents, and more. If that's the case than their might as well not be any driverless cars because the driver technicallly still needs to be alert. However if their is to be driverless cars than the driverless car should be able to do everything it self; like get though traffic jams, drive into drive ways, and back up, but all by it's self. That would be a driverless car. If a driverless car can't do that than they should just stick to manual cars for humans can do everything. Mistakes are common. One little thing could be missing in anything and a mistake can occur. For driverless cars to happen that involves a lot of work with machinery, and electricity. If a driverless car is in a situation and something happens where the wrong wire or anything is missing it could all go bad there. Humans basically have full controll over the regular car such as steering, braking, and if anything goes wrong it will likely be the human who does the mistake. Driverless cars sond cool, but to be safer i think the human should be in full controll of the vehicle to stay safe on the road. Driverless cars should not be on the roads for the future, because the human will not have full controll.
"The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is an article about the exploration of Venus. The article says mainly about how difficult, but worth it, is to explore and learn more about this planet. The author of this article makes clear that Venus is one important planet to be researched, most because of its supposed past. As mentioned in the article Venus has harzadous conditions. For instance, the atmosphere is mainly carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid which makes the planet extreamelly hot and, because of the acid, corrosive. Another point is that this planet is the hottest of all solar system, with average of 800 fahrenheit. As we can see, this planet is hard to study and learn about it, however, studies proved that Venus might had life before. On the article, he also presents the composition of the planet, which is similar to Earth, even being called as sisters. Also is the closest planet to Earth, and in the "life belt" a safe part of the solar system that life is habitable, making even more attemptable to research it. Because of that scientists are trying to find solutions to overcome the harsh weather and atmosphere. The planet have series of similar disasters as Earth, such as vulcano eruptions, earthquakes, lightning strikes, showing even more the similarities of the planets, the way that it behaves is similar to Earth, which again, might show profs that before something happened, this planet had life, and abundant water. With that in the mind of hundreds of confused scientists trying to find a way to actually know what happened or if this is really true, researches for making these researches in Venus are getting better and better. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) already found some possible ways to get some evidence in this harsh planet. They are working in simple eletronic with silicon that survived three weeks in the same conditions as Venus. Human is getting closer and closer to find a safe way to research and find a conclusion in this misterious planet. In conclusion, this article have really good points, showing the importance of researching this planet, even though the difficulties. Researchers are finding better ways to finally might make a robot that can survive and get materials for studing, and hereafter find the real past of this fenomenal planet,
Many people in todays society tend to travel by car, but there is advantages to limiting car usage. Limiting car usage can stop pollution, and puts people in general in a more active environment. So, there are many other ways of transportation. In the article, 'Car-Free Cities' it talks a lot about the advantanges of not driving a car. For example, according to the passage "Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two, as she walked verdant streets where the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occaional distant motor." This being said, you can conclude that more people are being more active. Furthermore, the passage says "Passenger cars are respondible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car intensive areas in the United States." This meaning that some places in the United states gases are half of the areas pollution. There are many more advantages to limiting car usages, and if other people do it so will the world. For example, according to the passage "Vauban, home to 5,500 residents within a rectangle square mile, may be the most advanced experiment in low-car suburban life." Moreover, in the passage it also says "But its basic precepts are being adopted around the world in attempts to make suburbs more compact and more accessible to public transportation, with less space for parking." Furthermore, "In this new approach, store are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distance highway." This meaning the world has a solution to solve the usage of cars. By making suburbs you will be walking distance away from your destination. This also saves so much money, if you were to drive you would have to waste gas. It is also more of a benefit for one who walks, rides their bike, or runs by giving them the benefit of exercise. By limiting the usage of cars, bike trails, parks, and sports centers have been a big hit. For example, according to the passage, "The day without cars is part of an improvement campaign that began in Bogota in the mid-1990s." Moreover, "It has seen the construction of 118 miles of bicylce paths." This being said, the need to make such a long bike path means that more people are joining in on the limiting usage of cars, which is a benefit for us humans, and the fresh air that we breathe. People are also becoming more active, for example according to the passage "Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaces by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic;" Since the parks and sports centers have been blooming people are being more active. New side walks are being replaced so people can actually walk on them, the cut of traffic means less people are driving. In big cities, it just might be faster to get to your destination by riding a bike. In conclusion, there are so many advantages to limiting car usage. It helps by lowering the percent of pollution, on top of that it also helps save money. By walking or riding your bike to your destination can benefit you in many ways. It also helps by making the world a better place. People seem to be happier when they see other being active, so the next time one thinks to drive a walking distance, rethink your decision.
I think the author did a great job explaining venus and it's many complications. Venus has been a sister panet to us for a long time but we still have yet to properly explore it because of its harsh conditions. Venus is very hot, on average it is over 800 degrees fahrenheit, so it makes it almost impossible to have anything land on it. The author explains how NASA is planning on approaching the heat. Many people believe that Venus may have used to have been able to support life. Venus was known to have bodies of water at some point in time and has other forms of landscape like valleys, mountains, and craters. If we could just get to Venus to check out whats going on, it could help us in the future, and i'm interested in knowing now if we ever will, i like how much information the author provided in this text
Some people might think that the Face photograph taken from 1976 is an alien artifact, an alien monument, or an Egyptian Pharaoh. However the Face is in fact a natural landform or a Martian Mesa. A Martian mesa is common around Cydonia or the Red Planet. The evidence that the Face is a natural landform is because the Face was found around Red Planet or the Cydonia that commonly have Martian mesa . Even though the Martian mesa looks like a face, it is actually a giant rock formation "which resembles a human head...formed by shawdows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." Also, when the Face was taken again on April 5,1998, by Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team with a ten times sharper camara compared to the origional Viking photos, it reveals that the Face was "no alien monument after all." Still, some doubt the picture of the Face because it was not in the right weather or angle. However, when Mars Global Surveyor took the picture of the face again at the right angle and weather, it revealed that the face was actually a Martian which is equivalent to a butte or mesa. Some people might still think that the Face is an alien artifact, alien monument, or an Egyptian Pharaoh. However, the Mars Global Surveyor showed and provide evidence that the Face was a natural landform or a Martian Mesa that is common around the Red Planet. To sum it all up, the Face is a natural landform according to the evidence that the Mars Global Surveyor provided.
Dear senator, What are the chances in favor of keeping the electoral college or changing to election by popular vote for the president of the united states? Does the Electoral College work? First of all, What is the electoral college? The Electoral College is a process, not a place. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the president by a vote in Congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the selectors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for president and vice president,and the counting of the electoral votes by congress. What's wrong with the electoral college? Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn the president. At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all systemin each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing on the tight races in the "swing"states. It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best  arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality. And the arguments against direct elactions are spurious at best. It's hard to say this, but Bob Dole was right: Abolish the electoral college.
Are you up tight and tense?  Well this may be do to your car.  In counties such as Germany, Paris, and Colombia they are trying to make cars a thing of the past.  Cars are polluting our air and causing harm to our environment.  And what do we do?  we continue to drive without a care in the world.  So allow me to shed some light on the topic, and show you the advantages of limiting car usage. First of all, cars are bad for the environment.  They pollute our atmosphere everyday and we never notice it.  Well the certainly noticed it in Paris when they had near-record pollution after several days.  So Paris put a ban on driving to reduce smog.  This was a great idea with an even better result.  They reduced congestion by 60 percent.  What the French did was allow cars with an odd numbered license plate to drive one day, and the even numbered license plate cars on another.  Also, in Bogota, Colombia they have a program that bans cars for one day.  Only allowing buses and taxis being permitted for the day.  It is also a good way to relieve stress as shown in this quote from the third source.  "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,".  This ban on cars is apart of a improvement campaign that started in the 1990s.  It has worked well for Bogota and is now beging to spread to other cities in Clombia.  This campaign has resulted in the construction of many miles of bike path and parks.  This campaign has a very bright futurer and hopefully will spread to other countries and allow us to lower pollution in our atmosphere. In addition,  Their are places thta have already done away with cars in their communities.  Such as Vauban, Germany.  The streets of Vauban are completly car free. And people are even selling their cars to move to this quant little town.  As shown in this quote from Source one "70 percent of Vaubans families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here."  Can you believe that? People are willing to sell their cars to live a town.  Well they have good reason too.  People who moved to this town have said with cars they were tense.  But now that they have sold their car they are much happeir.  This is one of the more appealing advantages of limiting car usage, your own happiness. Finally,  America is also trying to play a role in cutting down on car usage.  Trying to promote car reduced communities throughout America.  These communities will help very much to reduce polluntion and strengthen our atmoshere. In conclusion, Their are many advantages to limiting car usage.  But it all depends on what we do ourselves to help.  So next time you are going some where just remeber, their is always anothe way to get to your destination.           
Being a person of politics yourself, you of all people should know that many compromises have been made over the course of the establishment of the United States. However, some of the compromises, like the electoral college, were made because of factors in the past and are now not needed in today's modern democracy. While the electoral college once worked as a compromise in the past, it is an archaic system that unfairly represents the votes of citizens all across the nation. A popular vote should instead be utilized to fairly choose the people of power in this country and would better represent voters' opinions. In implementing the electoral college, most states' votes either go to one candidate or the other, leading to candidates to only campaign in swing states (Bradford Plumer 13). This may not seem like much of a problem, but consider this: a swing state such as Florida with over 20 electoral votes could go to a candidate who could have won by a 51 to 49 percent margin. This means that all the voters who voted for the other candidate no longer count, making the electoral college ineffective at voicing the opinions of the populous. Also, many states may not even see the future president at all, like in the 2000 election where the candidates did not even go once and talk in seventeen states. This leads to a poor democracy because voters in these states will surmise that if the president will not bother to visit their state, they shouldn't bother on making an educated decision when voting, or may choose to not vote at all. In a election by popular vote, presidents will have to make greater strides in getting the people's votes and citizens will then have more of an impetus in learning more about their country's government and politics. With the Electoral College, there is also the risk that electors may not necessarily vote for the candidate the people want as president. In the Electoral College, "voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president" (Bradford 10). These electors may not necessarily vote for what candidate voters want most as president, and could do what they might feel is the best decision; however, this is not always what the majority of voters want in a president and could end up with a poor president. In addition, most voters know very little about how these electors are chosen and are not in control of who their state's electors are. In a way this system is a bit corrupt, because the voters don't have the final say of the president. In addition, a tie is likely in an electoral vote because of swing states, which has the potential to lead to a disaster. If two candidates receive the same number of electoral votes and tie in an election, the House of Representatives then chooses the president, while the Senate choose the vice president, but their votes may not show who voters want as president, seeing that voters often vote one party for president while the other for their representatives (Plumer 12). The vote for president is distributed unevenly, and states with many voters will only be represented by one vote. this could lead to the House of Representatives choosing a president that is only liked by a small population and this cannot easily be undone. Swing states are the only thing that can cause or prevent a tie in elections, and a tie has almost occured in 1976 in Hawaii and in 1968 in Ohio. Those in favor of the electoral college argue that because candidates will focus on swing states in order to win voters in those states will pay closer attention to the election and make a more educated decision (Richard A. Posner 20). However, this is not necessarily the case, and there are plenty of other well-educated voters in other states who have opinions that will never be counted because of the electoral college. If the popular vote becomes the new method in choosing the president, voters all across the nation will pay more attention to elections because they feel that their vote can make a difference, and it will. This will in turn increase the number of voters actively paying attention to their country's decisions. Because of the Electoral College, "about one-half the eligible American population did vote in [2012's] election" (Posner 23). Although this number is mentioned as a success in Posner's arguement, this means that there is one-half of American voices left unheard. Democracy only works if all citizens vote, but they will only take the time to vote if they know that they can make a difference. Change needs to happen and it has to soon. If not, a poor president could be elected and then who knows what bad things could happen? With the popular vote, more people will be heard, and they will better take part in their country's government, leading to a better nation.  
In 1976, scientists were surprised to see a rock formation, somewhat resembling a human face, on Mars. When NASA showed the picture of the interesting formation to the public with a caption describing it as a "huge rock formation...which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose and mouth," however, many people considered this a definite sign that there was life on mars, maybe even an ancient civilization that had once unhabited the red planet, but this is not true. First off, while some skeptics and conspirac theorists believe NASA would like to hide any evidence, defenders of the NASA budget say that they wish there was an ancient civilation. More than that, NASA would have no logical reason not to inform the public of major discoveries, such as discovering life on another planet and there is no evidence to prove or explain why they would want to hide such important information. Secondly, while some people consider the formation to be some sort of alien structure, NASA considers the "face" to be nothing more than a mesa, which is a logical thing to think considering the fact that mesas aren't uncommon on Earth either. Jim Gavin, the chief scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program, even compared the mesa on Mars to one here on Earth saying "It reminds me most of Middle Butte ine hte Snake River Plain of Idaho. That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." In conclusion, the "Face on Mars" may be interesting to look at, but the fact that some consider it to look like a human face is mere coincidence. If NASA were to discover somethhing so ground-breaking, they would probably inform the public, but the "Face on Mars" is nothing more than a mesa that could have just as easily been on Earth.
Most people think that limiting car usaging is bad, but it's actually good for the environment. In Paris, they were day's of near record pollution and has more smog then other European capitals, so they desided to ban driving to clear the air. It was successful and the smog cleared. In Bogota, Colombia, the Colombians have a day where they are not allowed to drive. The main goal is to reduce polluton and to promote alternative transportation. In a way, it is good that the Columbians have a car free day, but when a person has to visit somebody or go to work in another city, then its gonna get difficult to go to their destination. Even though Buses and taxis can be used for transportation, citizens have to spend more money then what they usually spend when they use their own car, or if they have to use a bike to make it to there destination, it will lead them to exhaustion and will take longer to get where they need to be. In the United States, it was said that Americans are buying fewer cars since 2005. Between the years 2001 to 2009, the percentage of young people driving decreased 23 percent. At New York, they have a bike sharing program and has increased on tunnel and bridge tolls that reflected those new priorities. Honestly, this is actually great what this country is doing. The reason for that is because with fewer drivers and the percntage of fewer drivers, it will also reduce the percentage of car crashes and reduce the amount of pollution. With the bike sharing program that they have in New York, it also help people have a better lifestyle.
Transportation has become one of the largest emissions throughout the world, and many do not seem to wonder how beneficial limiting car usage can be.  Not only does the release of fossil fuels harm the world, but the stress that comes with having a vehicle is immense. When considering ownership of a vehicle, one must think about the pros and cons of owning one, and realize that the limited pros... are not worth the cons. Cars, trucks, and buses have many factors in common, but one in particular is hazardous to mother nature... fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are harming our territory, the place where life has been made possible, Earth. At the streak we are going, soon enough us humans, the domain species won't have a home due to the pollutants vehicles release killing the O-zone Layer. We have become accustomed to the abuse of transportation. Even when we are capable of walking or using a bike to a nearby location, we choose to use a vehicle instead of avoiding the damage that is caused. Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the city, "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intesifying smog..." Source #2 states. Their are many ways to distinguish transportation, but one very adequate discription is "a death wish". The stress that comes with the ownership of any transporting vehicle surpasses what anyone can bare! The economic standards one needs to posses is difficult. In, Vauban, Germany, one can have a car under the circumstances of paying $40,000 for a parking space, along with your home, source #1 explains. Your car needs to be fed in order to function, and it's food is quite pricey, especially when it hoards gallons of the substance! In addition, one needs to pay for insurance aswell! Dangers in streets are not abnormal what-so-ever, so the stressfulness that one has behind their back while driving is not enjoyable. The benefits that come with limiting the usage of cars is grand                             
I do not see how you would think that it would be created by aliens I mean we have rocks, hills, and mountains. So there really is not different sure it may be weird that there is a structure on a planet that looks like a face. But we have weird structures that look like crosses and or objects. If you think it is made by aliens than I guess almost the whole earth is made by aliens. It's an object that is on a planet in our solar system. For all we know there could be water and all sorts of things on Mars. There could be a whole nother life form on that planet. If so are you going to say they are aliens too. They may lok at us and say that we're aliens because they have never saw us before. For all we know that could have been a mound that people or animals lived in. If you look carefully at the picture it looks like there are more than just that one mound. So there very well could be a whole nother life form we will never know. My opinion they're could be people on Mars. I mean there was another planet that a while back that we found out had some type of water type substance on it. So I think there are people on Mars. Because if we can live on a planet that means there must be another one somewhere. Earth cannot be the only planet with water, trees, grass, sand, dirt, humans, and animals. This means we should look farther into this and maybe we wll find out if there really is any other life form. It very well could be an odd shaped mound or it could be a home. Think of it this way we have weird looking houses, hills, trees, and clouds. So why don't you think that there is life on Mars. If we saw any weird looking space crafts or any type of alien equipment we would have let you know. So if you think that it is an alien creation explain why it would look like that. If I was to show you a odd shaped rock would you say it was created by aliens. So just think to yourself "is this thing really made by aliens or am I just over thinking things". After you think about that does it really seem like it's created by aliens. But out of all seriousness there is no way that its made by aliens. The thing about it being made by aliens is why would they make it a human face on Mars. Don't you think that if they were trying to say something they would put it on the moon or something. I mean just think logically if they were wanting us to see something they would put it closer. This is just an object on a planet. There are many objects on many different planets and I do not think they're made by aliens. If they were like I said they would be closer to us. But they are not close enough. Have you ever heard about the man in the moon. So you are going to try and tell me that the man in the moon is an alien creation. No it is just a natural landform, nothing any different than what we have on earth. the moon has craters from asteroids, are the asteroids from aliens no they are just boulders that fall out of orbit. For all we know it could have been hit by multiple asteroids.
The new technology can catch how you feel. That for your moves how u expreess in the mirror. As Mona lisa if this was in that time maybe they knew how she feel. Also with your muscles he can show you how your emotion. The humans perfom this same impressive "calculation" every day. Probably your friends know when you are mad, sad, angry, happy ect. The computer 3D can just tell you your emotion and if you want to be more happy. For example "The facil expression for each emotion are universal" (par, 4). These can help people to be more happy and not being in other emotions. It say that happy face work. But sometimes we intimidate people so they change. This it can be math class you calculete the cumbers an that's what the computer do it, the computer say a porcent to knew how much emotions you have. Let's say you have 44%of sad, 33%happy, 12%hungry etc. The movement of one or more muscles is called an "action unit" The creator modificate correct the computer 3D so all the humans can see they emotions
"All of our development since World War ll has been centered on the car and that would have to change' said David Goldberg, an official of Transportation of America. It is imperative that our fellow citizens take the initiative to limit car usage for the whole purpose of saving time,conserving resources,lowering emissions and improving safety for ourselves and others . Limiting car usage is an effective way in reducing our air pollution(smog).Most of our greenhouses gases are the result from the use of car or fuel engineered automobiles. Source 1:In Geman Suburb,Life Goes On Without Cars states that "passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of the grennhouse gas emissions in Europe.. and up to 50 percent in some carintensive area in the United  States", this means that most of our greenhouse gases are resulting from the overusage of cars that emit an abundance of CO2 into the atmosphere which generally has a  negative effect on the enviroment. If car usage were to be limited that would mean the greenhouse  gas emissions would be reduced which will then lead to a reduction in air pollution. Implementing  the reduction of car usage would have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the enviroment,since transporatation is the second largest source of America's emissions,just behind power plants. Car usage has contributed to cities  low safety level. This is because cities are more denser with the use of more and more cars. If car usage were to be limited that would mean that these cities would be better to walk around in and other alternative transporatation methods such as bicycling and public transit have an easier way of getting around to save time according to Source 4: The End of Car Culture. This implication may have a negative result in lost revenue in the car industry,but which is more important the world we live in or money? There are many more alternatives than using cars that emit greenhouse gases such as plug-in cars,hybrids, and cars carrying three or more passengers as stated in Source 2: Paris Bans Driving due to Smog. With the reduction in car usage that would mean that the resources that were needed to support the vehicle would be conserved because there would only be a small amoun of it being used. With the reduction in the usage of the fuels then the the remaing amount would be for other purposes that would need it or be saved over time if the US were to need it in the future. To conclude if limiting car usage would be in then it would just have a positive efeect in the worl we live in. Not only will limiting car use would  reduce  the amount of smog being produced but it will also increase the United States safety level and conseverve the resources as well.  
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile", the author describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System (or FACS) enables computers to identify human emotions. In the paragraph below I will be explaining why I believe the technology presented in this article would be valuble by reading the emotional expressions of students in a classroom. First, I believe that the use of this technology is valuble to be used for reading the emotional expressions of students in a classroom because like the article states it could, if used correctly, determine when a student is becoming "confused or bored". This could lead to modified lessons that engage and more effectively teach students the material without the need for so much individual attention from the teacher. Also, connecting to my last statement this technology may not only aid in the students learning but also provide help to teachers. This is because with technology that can read the students emotions and possibly adapt lessons to the individual the teacher in the room won't have to worry about giving all the students their own individual attention to help them most effectively learn the same material with only a small amount of time to do it. This technology would almost be like having a dozen or so assistant teachers in the room leaving more time for the real teacher to attend to things like making lesson plans and grading. Last but not least I feel that this technology would be useful in the classrom is because if a child was sad, hurting, depressed, or any other negative emotion and the student was hiding all that through a smile the technology may be able to help see behind the smile so that teachers or therapists can better help students through their problems and understand them better without spending so much time reading a childs confusing signals. In conclusion, I believe that the Facial Action Coding System can be a valuable tool in the classroom for a variety of reasons including but not limited to the reasons I described in the above paragraphs.
Do you ever wonder how the states that fought in world war 2 recoer so fast well here it is. After world war 2 most country were left in ruins dasater had fell over states that fought in the war so they formed a progam that would help the states recover from world war two it was called unrra which stand The United Nations Relief And Rehabilition. The goverment put adds up so people would volentier to help other country in need of help here are some ways you could do to help you could donate food clothes and materials to help family who don't have food and clothing. You could also volentier to visit the country and help rebuild homes and farm so they could start farming again There is also another way you could help you could become a seagoing cowboy they help animals make across the sea on boat you could also see differnt kind of countrys like China,Greece andEurope so you could go to all difernt kind of countrys if you become a seagoing cowboy it could help a lot of people
Being able to know what your students are feeling in class may help a whole lot! Facial Action Coding is advance technology to show the scientist what people are feeling. Few scientist are wanting to put these in schools so teachers know what the students are feeling about there class if they sleepy or bored the teachers will be able to know because of the computer. First, to have this new technology in class is valuable. It's valuable because will be able to understand there student more and if they need help because with the new technology they will know that. If the students need help the computer acknowledge that the student is confused and teacher can go and help them even though they might say they dont need it the facial program will identitfy that they do. It is benefical to both teacher and student because they will be able to know if the person is down or sad depending on how their facial expression is and how they are in need of help of some sort. Second, the way this new technology works is it uses the way your face is constructed. It using your cheek bones they way you smile and the way you get your wrinkles when you do. But it takes a few scientist to figure it out like Dr. Paul Eckman is the creator of FACS. He has classified the six basic emotions happiness, surprise, anger, disgusted, fear, and sadness. They all have very basic but common features but not a whole lot. For example, when youre mad your mouth shrinks and your face tightens up. Which is called your orbicularis oris around your mouth. To wrap this up i am for this. I think teachers can use the help with this new technology.
I am mainly for the idea of driverless cars because of many reasosn that I will exolain in this open space. One of the reasons I am for it is because it will help the envirorment, like think of how much polluted air we can terminate with this product. Another reason I support this idea is because it will more than likely cause less wrecks. I mean we might be overpopulated in the future, but think of how many people were depressed of the loss of a loved on. I'm pretty sure car crashes are the number one cause of deaths in America. Think of how much manyt people would have given to see a loved one again, even if it's for just one last time; I know I would give up a lot. The only thing I dislike about this product is that they will follow the speed limit. I know this sounds like a crazy thing for me to be saying especially after I said that"I know I would give up a lot". However imagine if someone got out of their car and tried to hurt you, but you were at a red light and your car would not move because it follows all the safety rules that it should. Although that is great and all. Let's face it if that ever happend you would get seriously hurt, or maybe even murdered. That is the only thing I dislike about having driverless cars, every other idea I support and I am personally for driverless cars. Well there you have it. Thaat is my personal oppinio on driverless cars. That is truly and honestly how I feel about this product. I hoped this article helps you continue your work on driverless cars, but most of all I hope you enjoyed me rambling over a rather somewhat boring of a topic. Maybe my oppinion will help excite things, only time will reveal the mystery?!
Dear State Senator, Every four years, the time rolls around to elect a new president of the United States. Surprisingly, the president is actually not elected by popular vote. Instead we have something called the Electoral College. The Electoral College is a board of electors who vote directly for the President. In source 1, paragraph 1, the Office of the Federal Register informs us that "The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress." Seems unfair doesn't it? The Electoral College needs to be eliminated because of the risk of a tie and the unfairness to voters. Although a tie seems unlikely, we have had some very close calls in history. In source 3, paragraph 18, Posner reveals that "A tie in the nationwide electoral vote is possible because the total number of votes-538-is an even number..." If there was a tie, the election would be given to the House of Representatives to decide, in which each state gets one vote. In source 2, paragraph 12, Plumer shares that "Because each state casts only one vote, the single representative from Wyonming, representing 500,000 voters, would have as much say as the 55 representatives from California, who represent 35 million voters." So, in the case of a tie, the outcome would be largely favoring small states over big ones. The next reason why the Electoral College needs to be eliminated is because of the unfairness to voters. In source 2, paragraph 9, Plumer tells "...according to a Gallup poll in 2000, taken shortly after Al Gore-thanks to the quirks of the electoral college-won the popular vote but lost the presidency, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now." This is an example of why the electoral college is unfair. The majority of the people voted for Al Gore, but he still lost he election because of the votes in the electoral college. This is stated again in source 3, paragraph 16 by Posner-"...however, it is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote will not win the national popular vote." Nevertheless, I do recognize that the electoral college does have some benefits to it. For example, the electoral college prevents the problem of neither party recieving the majority of votes. In source 3, paragraph 22, Posner explains "...Nixon in 1968 and Clinton in 1992 both had only a 43 percent purality of the popular votes..." Another benefit of the electoral college is the winner-take-all method. This causes candidates to focus their efforts on the toss-up states; voters in these states are more likely to pay close attention and make the most thoughtful decisions about who is the best leader of our country. The best choice to ensure the future sucess of the United States is to get rid of the electoral college. Even though it does have some benefits, the cons out weigh the pros. This system is unfair and old, and the majority of the people have agreed that it needs to go. Sincerely, Maggie Lyons
Venus is like the non explorable planet. The technology we have in the world today is not good enough to wistand the envirnment of Venus with its extremely harsh conditions. One of the things the is keeping people so interested is that Venus at one time was supposedly the most Earth like planet in our solar system. We have tried to explore Venus multiple times but the explorations have been un named because after a few our the spacecrafts broke or quit on us. We think that this is because of Venuses harsh envirnement constisting of acid rain and clouds, the hottest surface temprature in our Milky Way, and the fact that it is so hard to catch the planet when it is close to our planet. "Also notteble Venus has the hottest surface temprature of any planet in the solar system, even though mercury is the closest to the Sun". Thats a reason why we cant land and stay there. One of the reasons we believe Venus used to be like Earth is because of its nottable past. "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth". We are working on more developed technology as the years go by, but we are still not able tpo land and stay on Venuses surface. We are getting closer but are not ready or prepared to try again yet.
Dear senator, MONTH_DAY_YEAR I am writing this letter to you today to let you know I stroungly believe that we should demolish the process of electoral college. Why you may ask? First, it is unfair, we are the votes they not. Second, it is outdated ( "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer ) Lastly, First, it is not fair. We the people are surposed to chose the president not some privite party that we never meet. According to "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer ;according to a Gallup poll in 2000, taken shortly after Al Gore-thanks to the quirks of the electoral college- wor the popular vote but lost the presidency, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to kind we have now." So we vote yes but he doesn't become president; do we even matter? It doesn't seem like it. Second of all, it is very outdated. According to "What Is the Electoral College?" by The Office of the Federal Register this process was founded in the days of the four founding fathers. That's old! Now in days we have found better and fair ways to do pretty much every thing. I hope this letter helps you decide on weather or not we should keep the process of electoral college. Sincerly, PROPER_NAME   
I beleive that we should change the Electoral College becuase even when one president wins the election from the people he can lose the election. For example one person running for president can get 154 more popular votes, but if the other person recieves 270 electoral votes or more then they would win foe example in the text it states "it is entirly possibe that the winner of the electoral vote will not win the national popular vote". Even though i think the electoral college is bad there are some good things about it, For example it states in the text "A dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible...but it's less likely than a disput over the popular vote". But despite that the Electoral college is an accident waiting to happen, and just because no one has fought or protested agaist the Electoral College over the years its been alive doesn't necessarally mean its not going to happen in the future. So to prevent the fighting and the unfair treatment all we have to do is get rid of the Electoral College.
The face was just made by the sand moving around. The face shouldn't be this big of a deal. Just because it looks like a face doesn't mean someone made it like that. But to others it may seem like aliens did do it. But they think what they want but aliens don't exist. The face is not that big of a deal. The face is a way for organizations to sell their products. As it says in the fifth paragraph, "The 'face on mars' has become a pop icon. It has starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years!". All the face is is sand that has been moved around by sand storms and now it looks like a face nothing fun about it. All I'm saying is the face is not as great as it once seemed. Even though the face really means nothing, some people thinkthat the face was made by life on mars. They say that they made it to show that they were there. "The face is bona fide evidence on mars". But we also know that sand storms are very common on Mars, how could it not just be one of those that did it? The face is not as amazing as everyone was making it out to be. It is just sand that happened to make a face when it blew together. In conclusion, I feel that the face is not as big of a deal as it was made out to be.
The electoral college is an institution that has always guided  the presidential elections. The electoral college is tradition and shouldn't be changed because it has balanced relegation of power within the states, there is almost always a definate winner, and it is able to hold a set timeline for the elections. The college has always been able to choose a president that is able to lead our country well, the electoral college is a representation of the people of the United States of America. As the president's constituents, we have the power to choose our leader, and they make it a little easier for us. The electoral college takes into account the populations of each state within its calculations. This is why Wyoming has only three votes and Florida has twenty nine. It's nothing to complain about, because it's the same number of people each state has in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, meaning each state has at least three votes, decided by its population. This is not a very bad system because the states with huge populations have a bit of their power curbed by the number of electors. So if Wyoming increases its population, and Florida has its population decreased, one of the electors could be removed from Florida and added to Wyoming, balancing the scale of power between them. It's only fair for a populous state like Florida to have more electors anyway, there are many opinions that are yearning to be heard within the ginormous population, and there must be enough electors who can take it upon themselves to voice them. The Electoral College protects us from the probability of voting just because the candidate is from the same state. A majority of people will vote because of a close association with a candidate if the electoral college is abolished. This is why the electoral college only contains 538 people, because nobody wants millions of voters in California voting for the same candidate just because they are the Governor of California. Due to the even amount of votes in the electoral college, there is a slight chance of a tie. However, with all but two states being part of the "winner-take-all" system, the chance of that happening are astronomically low. This is why swing states are so important to the canditates, they know that the chances of them winning the votes in the other party's states are almost impossible, so they must gather all of the votes they can from the states that are known for their swing-like tendencies. It also goes the other way, each candidate trusts that their own party's states will vote for them, so there is no need to waste the money and campaign. Unless its the primary elections, candidates don't typically campaign where they know that the votes are all but set in stone. It's like going grocery shopping, if you know that you are allergic to peanut butter and you already have all the jam you need, you will only go for the special bread that everybody fights for right? The candidates are the same, they don't go after what they already have and what they can't have, only what they might earn, or else it's just a waste of money, so nobody should be able to complain about a candidates campaigning. A president has always been inaugrated on either January 20th or March 4th, to change that would be blasphemous to both the people and to the United States of America. So it is imperitive that the decision is made early, so that tradition and will not be broken. Contrary to popular belief, there is a set timeline that the election process goes through, and without the electoral college, it is highly possible and probable that the timeline will be broken. The election process is guided by this timeline, for example, voting starts on the second Thursday of the month of November every single time. The Electoral College is a huge part of this process also, and to destroy that would be heartbreaking for the nuerotics that can't stand any change in routine. If the Electoral College were to be abolished, and popular vote was to be instigated throughout the country, any semblance of a schedule would be torn away. Problems would spring up all over the place, and everything would all go to hell. Instead of recounts for counties, whole states would need recounts. If a populous state like Texas were to need a recount, never mind a week, a month wouldn't be enough time to recount it all perfectly. The government would be stuck without a leader, and worst case scenario, the United States of America could be put in a state of anarchy by the end of the decade. Then, we wouldn't be United anymore. The Electoral College has been there from the beginning, and the without it the United States of America could be thrown into chaos. Traditions shouldn't be broken and the Electoral College represents the biggest one of them all, it balances power between each of the states, defines a true winner, and guides the U.S. on a set timeline. It wouldn't be a far stretch to say that the Electoral College helps keep the order of the country. Truthfully, everyone needs some semblance of order, and the Electoral College provides that and more.
Have you ever wondered what will happen to earth once it becomes over populated? Well one soultion might be going to Venus. The reason why we could go to Venus is because its like earth and in the article in paragraph 2 it says "often referred to as Earth's twin, Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too". Now it is hot on Venus yes as the average temperatures are over 800 degrees and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on earth, we could still use venus as a back up planet for when our own planet gets overpopulated and we run out of room. Or we could also discover some new life who knows but we would still need a way to grow crops there and raise live stock if we wanted to survive or even grow crops on Earth and fly them over to the people who lives on Venus. Now some people could wonder if we cant even get spacecraft on the planet how are we gonna know if there is anywhere to live or if anything already lives there. Well if we send a human there floating 30 miles or so above the roiling Venusian landscape they would be above the storms and the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. But it would still be hot there so we could maybe give that person a special aircraft or suit that would not get so hot on the inside. We should try to explore Venus because you never know what could be there But also that could be a backup planet for when our Earth gets over populated or maybe even something worse but i guess we will just have to wait and see what NASA does. Hopefully they find out a way to explore Venus in a safe way because at the end of the day we all just want to be safe and never stop exploring.
I think Venus not is a worthy pursuit because of the dangers. Venus is too hot for human to live on it's too close to the sun. The atmosphere of Venus it too thin it lets too much heat into the planet. We wont be able to survive. How do you now we will have enogh oxygen on venus to live. First, the planet Venus it toohot for human life to survive. Venus is the second plantes from the sun it's too close to the sun for us to even try to make it there. Also no one knows how long it will take us to get to Venus wonder if the spacecraft run's out of oxygen. If it run's out of oxygen everyone will die before theyy make it to Venus, but wonder if they do make it to Venus it might not be a lot of oxygen to breathe in because the planet is so hot. Then wonder if there no water you need water to survive ecause Earth is a liquid based planet,but Venus is not. Secondly, how do we no if the spacecraft will be able to take that type of heat. The palnet surface temperatures on Venus average over 800 degrees fahrenheit I know that's way too hot. That type of temperature is beyond of what I can imagine I know Earth's surface is hot, but not that hot. Venus atmosphere is 97 percent carbon dioxide I think it's like that, because it's so close the sun. The closer you get to the sun the more radiant energy it gives off and too much radiant energy can be bad. Like how do we know that the spacecraft will still be getting singnal from Earth, because wonder if the eletronic gadgets over heat and just give out because the planet is so hot. Lastly, they say that venus is our twin planet. I don't see how it can be our twin planet because it so hot and it's very radiant. The planet Venus has a rocky sediment and icludes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. Earth and Venus can be twins because Earth is not rocky it's a liquid based planet. Venus has a thin atmosphere because the heat keeps it's so hot and thin it can't get a break to even expand. But Earthis not as close, so Earth's atmosphere is a little bit thicker the Venus's atmosphere. Venus might also have some harmful chemicals. I say this because how do we know what's on the planet its could be all types of harmful gases from the sun. We never know what's there on Venus or what could happen if we go. In conclusion, I think Venus not is a worthy pursuit because of the dangers. Venus is too hot for human to live on it's too close to the sun. The atmosphere of Venus it too thin it lets too much heat into the planet. We wont be able to survive. How do you now we will have enogh oxygen on venus to live. We don't know how long it will take to get there and how much supplies we will need to take and what supplies to even take. It's al ot to think about before we could eventhink about living on Venus. We would need to figure a lot of things off first before we go.
Driveless cars shouldnt be allowed there a bad sign of bad luck to anyone who drives them at all. They are also not safe even though some people think they are. Think about it why would you want a car if your not really driving it??? What type of sense does that make thats the whole point of having a car and your license is to drive your car. If your not driving it then you should have it its really a waste of money if you buy it. Driveless cars are a bad idea and there not safe. First of all they can cause a wreck and as it said in the article if somebody gets into a wreck who can they blame it on. The driver, or the car who knows who acually did it. And what if its the cars fault what if it catchs a glicth or something. What if the car has a glicth and blows up who's fault is that the person who made it right??? Who's gonna pay for the persons funneral if they so happen to die. No one knows you see regular cars dont catch glitch. Regular cars dont drive there selfs because the person behind the wheel drives the car not the other way around. Thats the whole point of them making a car is for transportation but what is the point of having a machine drive you around and thats the whole point of you buyin it. Is for you to have fun driving it if you make driveless cars then teenagers are going to think that they dont need a license to drive a car. There going to get in the car and let the car drive them around. Theres no fun in buying the car if you cant drive it thats why you bought the car. Whats the point in getting your license if your not the one driving. And also if you havent noticed your putting your life in the hands of a machine. Also 90 mph is fast if you didnt know 90 mph can kill somebody in a mature of seconds if that car gets a glicth. This whole idea should just go out the window because it cost alot of money to build a car. And now by them trying to build a car that can drive itself is going to cost even more money. Also what if a old person is driving the car and they see the windsheild wipers blink. That could cause and accident real quick who knows whats going or in there head when they see that they could get scared and start swerving. And these are some reasons why they shouldnt make driveless cars.
I know that people are saying that this is proof that aliens inhabit Mars, but trust me, this is not proof. I wish this was proof. It's exactly what we need to hear right now. It's exactly what we've been needing to hear for years. We wan't to find evidence of life on Mars, so why would be hide any signs from you? If you still don't belive me, look closer at it. Some images the face is more clear than others. That means that the eyes and nose that you see are just shadows. Aliens wouldn't make an artifact that only looks like a face from certain angles. They would want it to stand out. Some of you say that the alien markings are hidden behind the wispy clouds. Well, we checked again at a time when it was clear and you could see everything fine. There were no alien markings. Like I said, if there were we would have been extatic. The whole world would have known about it within a few days. I know it has become a huge pop icon, and I'm sorry yo ruin this for you, but it has to be done. It's just a landform. It's very common around the American West. It resembles the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. If you still want to think that it's a face created by aliens then be my guest. Nobody can stop you. For those of you who now believe that it's a natural land mark, Nasa is just as disapointed as you. We wanted it to be created by aliens too. It would be pretty nice to finally have actual proof in the existence in aliens. Hopefully our trip to Mars will help us find proof in their existence.
Some people believe that the electoral college should be abolished and some people believe that the electoral college has helped us throughout the years. But I believe that electoral college should be abolished. The reason I believe that the electoral college should be abolished is because I don't believe it is benefiting any elections at all. And a lot of people do not believe in it either. In source two Bradford Plumer said ''what have Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, and the Chamber of Commerce been trying to do, abolish electoral voting.'' I think that the electoral college makes the president elections to close to tie, and that could be a catastrophe. However source three has made some pretty good points on the electoral college. Saying that '' if there was no electoral college there would be no winner-take-all system.'' this would a terrible problem for the canidates and the voters, and would ruin the whole election. Therefore sources two and three makes some pretty valuable and good points, but I still think source two makes more sense to me. In source three Richard A. Posner wrote '' it is the electors who elect the president not the voters. When your voting for a president canidate your actually voting for a slate of electors. I dont agree that electors decide what we voted for, because then whats the point of voting for a canidate if your not even choosing at all. America is a democracy and having someone choose your president for you is not showing that we live in a democratic nation. We need to choose so we can learn from our own mistakes and then we won't make them again. This just shows that the House Of Represenatives and the government don't trust us at all and that we cant make good decisions. Source one doesnt say anything about being against or with it but it did point out some interesting facts about the electoral college. The office of the federal register wrote '' the electoral college is a process, not a place. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the president by a vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens.'' What their saying is that we might not have huge say on the election but we do have a pretty big say on it. I don't that we have any say on it what so ever, and that is because of the slate of electors. In conclusion, I agree with what source two had to say because of the great points they made and the facts that led me to belive that the electoral college does not work at all. Read the sources and then tell me if you think i'm right or wrong.
The future for cars is expanding over the course of the years. Driveless cars should not be delevoped in modern day society. This is because one, it does not make any sense, two, you would have to make too many changes in society for the cars to work properly. Driveless cars would cause many problems in modern society. For instance, " Presently, traffic laws are written with assumption that the...liability in the case of an accident" (9). In other words, the laws for driving were made under the cricumstances that a human would be behind the wheel at all times so in order for a computer to be in charge of a car the government would need to shift the laws around to make that possible. The government should not change the law around for a computer that is not liable because techniqualities can happen at anytime on the road. Also, " Why would anyone want a driveless car that still needs a driver?" (8). This is to say that, the car that the manufacturers make is supposed to be "driveless" but it still needs a driver behind the wheel to guide it. Specifically, what is the whole point of making a car that is supposed to be controled by a computer but still needs human help, its like making a purposless car. There is no need for a drivless car if does not neccessarily drive itself. Driveless cars should not be created in today's world because it will cause serious confusion. Depending on a computer to take the wheel of a car is a bad idea and then making it a "driveless" car that still needs assistants from humans does not pursuit the purpose of making the invention. Therefore, this creation needs a little bit more work to be a life changing experiment.
FREEDOM! We are all americans here so we should have the freedom we were ment to have. I understand that we do in fact have a lot more freedom than other countries but I am talking more on voting freedom. The electoral college is, in my opinion and many others, a bad way to decide the president of the United States of America. I beleive that for americans we should have a better say in things and agree that we rather have popular voting than what we have now. Others beleive the electoral college helps with Big States issues. But in the end popular vote is a good way to help people who deserver presidency to get it. The article The Indefensible Electoral College, many have agreed on abolishing the electoral colleg. The article (The Indefensible Electoral College...) states "...according to a Gallup poll in 2000... over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to what we are doing now." If we the people do not get final say into things than we are'nt really as free as we are told we are. If the people want a different voting system it should be granted to us. A good example to people who had been effected by this was Al Gore. The articel states. "Al Gore who had won by popular vote but still lost the presidency to the electoral college." This goes to show that he was someone that many wanted as a president but where cheated out by the electoral college. Others may believe that the electoral college helps not let bigger and more populated states get more attention than a smaller state would. But even by popular vote this would be the same. If a populated state votes then they will get basically the same say as they would with the electoral college but it would give them more say. Whilst other low population states get less votes and attention just like with the electoral college. So even though it would make a great change with other things, this matter is no problem. Few have lost presidency due to the quirks in the electoral college. A good example is Al Gore who I talked about earlier. But still in the future changing to popular vote will help people who earned presidency actually get it. Instead of being scammed out of their votes by the electoral college. If someone has earned the presidencty then they should have the right to it, but with the electoral college in the way some are unable to actually do this. If we the people want someone to be the president than we want them! Al Gore won popular vote but since we do not get the only say he had lost presidency. If popular demand was the only voting system than we would probably be in a better place right now. In conclusion, we the people of the united states deserve to actually have our own and only say in to who is going to lead us. If we say we want them, we want them... I understand that we our the ones that get the say, but we are being evened out by state percentage, so basically popular voting is ruled out. Popular voting is a better way to vote mainly because it is straight forward and to the point. If someone receives more individual votes than they should be the president... It is a easy straight forward process...             
There has been a new breakthrough in computer facial recognition software. This breakthrough is called the Facial Action Coding System, also known as the FACS. The FACS is a facial recongnition software that is used to determine someone or something's emotions. In the article, this software is used on the Mona Lisa, to determine that she is eighty-three percent happy, nine percent disgusted, six percent fearful, and two percent angry. Some people beleive that this software could be useful in classroms, and i agree to an extent. This software would not be as useful to students in a traditional brick and mortar school as it would to somebody taking an online schooling program. I am an online school sudent and the FACS could be helpful in several ways. The first way that this software could be helpful to a student would be detecting if they are bored. Much like a teacher would, if this software noticed that a student was bored during class, it could take action to engage the student more. An example of this could be if a student was simply reading through a lesson, and became disinterested. The computer could then suggest that the student watch a video on the subject instead. This would bring the student a different type of lesson, and slightly change up their day to engage them more. Another way that this software could be useful in an online schooling program is it could detect when its students were feeling frustrated. If a student is feeling frustrated, then the software could take action against that, having the student either take a break, or putting the student in contact with a teacher so that they could work through the subject together. This would help the program have a better graduation rate, as it would help struggling students. The final way that the FACS could be useful is to detect if a given student was sad. There is a rising problem among students, and that problem is mental illness. The most common mental illness is depression, and this program could help with that on some cases. The FACS could help by detecting that the student is sad, and alerting the student's parents, or possibly even a teacher to get in contact with the student, and talk with them about their emotions. This system is obviously not perfect, but it could help detecting early signs of depression among students. Overall, the FACS could be very useful to an online schooling program. The software could be used to detect if a student is bored, if a student is frustrated, or even if a student was sad. These are all of the reasons that the FACS would be helpful in an online schooling program.
He is going to jion becusae he is 18 know and he has to go to the military service. He seling the Atlantic Ocean ti takes teo weeks they are going to China. He helps out on his Katie's farm as a boy had prepared .Luke for hard work but no not for the dangers at sea. Luke also toured an excavated castle in crete and marveled at Panama Canal on his way to China. Bales of hay and bags of oats had to be pulled up from the lower holdsof the ship. Stalls had to be cleaned. One rainy night after makeing his hourly report to. The captain the slid down a slippery ladder on his backside. Table-tennis tournaments ,fencing,boxing,reading,whittling, and games also helped pass the time. But being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an abventure for Luke Bomberger. It opened up tho world to him. he is grateful for the opportunity. It made him more aware of people of other countries and their needs. And that awareness stayed with him leading his family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years.
The use of this new technology will be very helpful for many things. It will allow people such as police to tell how a certain suspect is feeling so that you may realise if they are lying or being deceitful. It will be able to determine how you feel when you are in certain situations as well as when in the eigth paragraph it states that the clues the technology will use can spot when a politician or celebrity isn't being truthful about their current situation. This new technology will also be able to revolutionize security by having you make a face to unlock a certain door or area. In my opinion this technology can be the foundations for creating fully functional AI(Artificial Intelligence). If it is used in a restaraunt where it servers people or is a waiter, it will be able to detect if a customer is unhappy and can offer them something so that they can cheer up, or in areas such as military, it will be able to detect a war criminals face to show if a certain interogation is being efficient or not. In fields such as a medical field, it can detect if a patient is truly in pain or lying in an attempt to get a certain medication, or if a patient is feeling pain during a surgery while they are unconcious. There have been thousands of reports of people undergoing a surgey where they are supposed to be unconcious but the medicine used doesn't fully work and it paralyzes them for the remainder of the surgery, this could be used to see smaller muscle movents that the human eye wouldn't be able to recognize. The use of this new technology would be able to revolutionize our current standing and position with the creation of fully functional artificial intelligence. To conclude the use of this new technology can be used in all fields, commercial, military or medical. This is truly the next step into having AI that can be used for multi-purpose across many fields. We are just a few years to a few decades of research away from having the technology to have a AI just roaming around a town to check on certain people or to watch and make sure a area is safe and if it needs to mark down a certain suspect by memorizing the subject or person face for it to be analyzed in a crime lab.
The author supports his idea in many ways. He says there are many dangers in the exploration of Venus. He also says that the exploration of Venus is worth it despite the dangers. In paragraph 4 the author says astronomers are fascinated by Venus. Venus may well once have been the most Earth like planet in our solar system. Venus can sometiomes be our nearest option for planetary visit. In paragraph 5 the author states that NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. The tempature would still be around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of the sea level on Earth. The radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Those are not easy conditions but they are still survivable for humans. There is more evidence of supporting his ideas in the exploration of Venus but those are some that i included in the essay. The author did a good job supporting his idea. In my opinion I think we should at least try to figure out a way to observe the planet Venus.
"It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational." Three reasons right there on why we should switch over to election by popular vote. Unfair, outdated, and irrational. Let's help you better understand; "At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all-system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the 'swing' states." stated in What's wrong with the electoral college (source 2). The electoral college is also unfair because there's always one person, in this case candidates, trying harder than the other person. Also stated in source 2 "During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign ad." Which is completely unfair, foolish even. Way past outdated, "In 1968," decades ago. There is no reason as to why we still actually have this around, many people stopped voting, maybe not because of how old this act is, but definetly because we need a new way. Election by popular vote could be one of those new ways. This electoral college has to have an experation date on it someday. Irrational. Irrational because it doesn't make sense, if you think about it, it's basically an easy way to get out of cheating, and no one likes cheaters. If we were to change the election by popular vote, think about how much more worth it would be, think about how there wouldn't be as many problems if people voted for the right candidate. What if they actually won? What about all the world changes? It just makes more sense, it's more reasonable. There could be so many things different today if we changed the way election worked years ago. It's never too late, we still have time. Time to stop the unfair, outdated, and irrational ways. All's you need is a little motivation.
If people limited the use of cars the earth would be able to have enough time to clean its atmosphere, but the only downside to this is that in cities buildings are farther away then they are like in passage 1 where as everything is in walking distance, but in cities that are meant for walking to different locations would cause a major problem with older adults. I do see this happening in small towns but cities would be more difficult to travel to unless they rebuilt everything within walking distance. Now if America's citizens are driving less each year then let it happen and in a few years come back to the data that is presented in passage 4. So basically let it all happen on its own and not have to force it like Paris has done with giving out fines for whoever is driving a car with odd numbered license plates on mondays and even on tuesdays. I hig
Do you feel safe in your cars hands? The article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" states various positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. Why are the manufacturers waisting there time on something that might not be possible with the technology we have now, and be more productive with something that needs improved. I believe that car manufacturers should stop the developments for these cars. first off, what if the technology isn't their? What if it's something that can never be their ? I believe that manufacturers of anything should be using there time to work on something that they know can be done, not something thats a fanticy. Even though some people may think that the technology is right around the corner, thats what they've been saying for the past 5 years, i think it is time to try something else. secondly, Even if the technology was there it can be modified, hacked, ect. What is stoping someone from hacking into this technology while your driving and causing you to crash ? No matter how many firewalls, roadblocks, or obsticles you put in technology it can be easily broken. For example, there have been cases of people hacking into peoples private files and bank acounts . If someone is capable of taking over any car they want, how would you feel if it was your car taken over. Last but not least, what happens if the technology fails? Like it says in the article whos fault would it be. Why open the possibility for a huge law suit that could cause someone thousands of dollars. I belive it would be a much safer world without "driverless cars" . In conclusion, how do you feel about these driverless cars? Would you rather have the manufactures work on something that is possible and not a life time fanticy, or Do you want to put your life at risk with the possibility of not being able to control your car, And do you want to possibly be in a lawsuit that could cost you thousands of dolars ? I didn't think you wanted to either.
The idea of the computer monitering your facial expressions is not the best thing. There could be people who do not want their facial expressions to be read. Some people may want to keep their emotions to themselves. It can go both ways if there is someone who is feeling sad then the computer can tell and your teacher can get to see what the best option is to cheer you up. People can be very hard to read so the idea of the computer being able to tell how you are feeling is really neat because that way humans do not have to do so. People can be able to tell if you are feeling happy,sad,mad and even confused or sick. In the passage the author states that people have trouble telling emotions apart. In the article it said "Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions". The article specifically stated that people are unsure of what to look for when to see how someone is feeling. I think it would be a good idea to make computers see hoe you feel, but some people might not want their facial expressions to be read by a computer. That is like someone taking a look at you when you are in the shower nobody wants it to happen but if it does they do not feel that great. There is many different ways you can look at this claim. An individual who is feeling sad will get noticed and problably be sent to talk to someone. When it comes to talking to people i know i do not like to do so. some of the things that would go into this would be not as easy as they imagine it would be. Some people might not like to talk about their feelings. I know i sure as heck do not like to talk about my feelings. Then again there might be a whole lot of people that would like this to happen to computers. It could be valuable because if a teacher is teaching she or he might be too busy to notice how someone is feeling. normally a teacher can tell what type of day someone is having by the way they walk into the classroom. Nobody wants to feel sad but if they are a person might be able to make them happy by cheering them up. I do not know if someone would want this to happen or not. The right aproach would be is to have a survey to see how many people would find this useful. People could do a lot of good by having this in schools to tell what type of day a student is having. Everybody should have an opertunity to talk to someone and make another person feel good if they are not having a good day.
Cars can change the universe Fellow citizens there should be a limit on car usage . If there's limits with our car usage then we would have a better community, there would be less pollution,less drugs passing through other citizens cars. If there isn't a limit on car usage us citizens would be the ones suffering from chemicals getting into our  lungs from all the pollution our own cars let out, two we would be affecting our community because everyone wouldn't walk anywhere they'd just spend money on gas going to somewhere or visting there friends and family . Better to save the earth, then to damage the earth. First, why not just have limits on car usage saves our community just by a little step like that. We wouldnt have to worry about just walking down the street and a drunk driver just coming out of no where and hitting us. In source 1, by Elisabeth Rosenthal in interview a mother of two and she said, "When I had a car I was always tense." why be tense when you can be stress-free just by not using your cars all the time and having limits on them. If we actually do help our community by having limits on our car usage then we could make cities denser,and healthier community to walk around in. Second, pollution sucks, these chemicals we're observing are eventually going to hurt us in the long run we are either going to die of the gas our cars are releasing or we're either going to get really sick from it. Who wants to get sick because a stupid decision of driving a car? most definetly not me. These limits are for the best for us citizens . Like source 3, by Andrew Selsky States ,"It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air ."of course its better to just take a nice walk than to just be lazy and drive a car. Bike rides with friends sound better than a car ride, in a car people usually blast the music and don't communicate with one another, but while you bike ride you can communicate with one another and actually have fun racing eachother on these bike rides healthier than a car ride. Last, with the limits of car usage smoggling can be prevented because it won't be easy for people from other countries trying to pass by in cars with drugs because the state would have certain transportations they can only use which they might not want to use because it's so public. Source 2 states, last week, Paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter(pm) per cubic meter compared with 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in London,his only means someone from another country brought it to Paris and its ended up at London who knows how. It's better of just having car usage limits to prevent drug passing, also to help our community, and have a healthier earth without pulluting the eart.
Did you know venus surface,tempertures average over eight hundred degrees fahrenheit,and the atmospheric pressure is ninety times greater than what we experience on our own planet. The author supports the idea that studying the planet venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because earth should not be limited by the dangers of exploring and expanding the human eye. As the curiosity of the human's eye wanting to figure out what new discoverys they can go to and end up in. The authors explanation of trying to make this challenge a reality and striving to see whats on the other side because human curiosity will likely lead us into many other explorations that are imagination can hold. In the article of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" they state that atronomers are fascinated by venus because it may well once have been the most earth-like planet in our solar system. In paragraph 4 their theory of venus was that it was covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life'just like earth. Also showing that today venus has various features that are similar to earth like the rocky sediment,valleys,mountains,and even craters. furthermore explaining that our closest option to visiting another planet similar to earth would most likely be venus. In the article of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the National Aeronaustics and Space Administration which is NASA is working on approaches of studying venus with electronics made of silicon carbide and have them tested in a chamber simualting the chaos of Venus's surface. In paragraph 7 they talk about how using old technolgy that was being used in World war two would be better to discover venus than using are previous technolgy because the shocking part about old technology was that they make calculations by using gears and levers and would not require any electricity. They also state that even if modern computars are enormously powerful,flexable,and quick they can not with stand the physical conditions of venus. Explaining the authors idea of them wanting to discover and expand their curosity and many more adventures that it can lead too. The authors idea is explained threw out the article how astronomers and pioneers should continue to explore and continue to strive on thinking what's on the other side. As they show and represent that they are using there old technolgy to try to reach the impossable to make it possable but also using venus as a place if needed to be used as a nearest option for a planetary visit. This is what striving and hunger of human curiosity can lead us too an could lead human's to many more adventures.
In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" Venus somestimes called the "Evening Star" is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, Making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot.While Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. The reason the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers is The atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus atmosphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth. Another reason studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers Such an environment would crush a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of the oceans and would liquefy many metals. Also notable, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun. Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. The final reason the idea that studying Venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans In the article " The Challenge of Exploring Venus" Venus, sometimes called the "Evening Star," is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot. While Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely.
For me this would be really useful in my math class, I tend to not be truthful when the teacher askes me if I understand what she had just said manily because I don't like to rase my hand. If we had this in school, in the classrooms the teachers could just go back and look at the computer and see if we are really understanding what she is explaining. I feel as if everyone could pass if the teacher knew what everyone was understanding and if she needed to stay on a topic a little while longer. Not only would this come in handly for school related things but if a teenager or kid was smiling all the time but really felt down the teachers would know and could talk to the person on the side. It could help prevent school shooting, suicide, self-harm, being afread of not passing and more. This could really take mankind to the next leavel and push us further, mentaly. This could save milloins of lifes if we brought this into schools. people could fix there grades and not be ashmed of not knowing the answers to the questions. " The proces begins when the computer constructs a 3-D compurer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. Movment of on or more muscles is called an action unit." "Eckman has classified six basic emotions- happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness, and then associated each with characteristic movments of the facial muscles. For exaple, your frontalis muscle." therefore teachers could tell if we dont understand a topic, pulling us aside later on before moving on and letting us get extra help. They could pull us aside and ask us if everything was going alright at home if we look really upsed or sad, anger, or even disgust. We could change lifes if we get this, there wont be school shootings and it could be more safe for kids to go to school and we wouldn't feel like it could be our last day. We as students have the right to feel safe, to feel like we can acomplish what we need to acomplish without feeling ashamed. This could be a new start to a new begining.
"So, if you're a NASA scientist, you should be able to tell me the whole story about the Face On Mars, which obviously is evidence that there is life on Mars, and that the face was created by aliens, correct?" No, twenty five years ago, our Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet, snapping photos, when it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face. Us scientists figured out that it was just another Martian mesa, common around Cydonia, only this one had shadows that made it look like an Egyption Pharaoh. Very few days later, we revealed the image for all to see, and we made sure to note that it was a huge rock formation that just resembled a human head and face, but all of it was formed by shadows. We only announced it because we thought it would be a good way to engage the public with NASA's findings, and atrract attention to Mars-- and it did. The face on Mars soon became a pop icon; shot in movies, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows, and haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years. Some people thought the natural landform was evidence of life on Mars, and that us scientists wanted to hide it, but really, the defenders of the NASA budget wish there was ancient civilization on Mars. We decided to take another shot just to make sure we weren't wrong, on April 5, 1998. Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter camera team took a picture that was ten times sharper than the original Viking photos, revealing a natural landform, which meant no alien monument. "But that picture wasn't very clear at all, which could mean alien markings were hidden by haze" Well no, yes that rumor started, but to prove them wrong on April 8, 2001 we decided to take another picture, making sure it was a cloudless summer day. Malin's team captured an amazing photo using the camera's absolute maximum revolution. With this camera you can discern things in a digital image, 3 times bigger than the pixel size which means if there were any signs of life, you could easily see what they were. What the picture showed was the butte or mesa, which are landforms common around the American West. "But how do we know you're not just hiding things from us?" You should know NASA isn't hiding anything from the people because if there was evidence of life it would benefit us, so why hide it? If you still don't believe the evidence the pictures are out for you to see, which obviously shows a natural landform. The reason to not believe these movies and magazines is because they ignore the research. They make up things to get the people going, but what they actually should do is pay attention to us, because we have very important findings every single day.
Do you honestly believe that aliens created the Face ? Twenty five years ago spacecraft was snapping photos of landsites and spotted a shadowy likeness of a humans face. A Mesa. First, they saw an enormous head which seemed to be staring back at the cameras from the Red Planet called Cydonia. When seen by Mission Controllers, they let off shockness. Shortly after the surprise the sensation was long gone. Few days later, the Nasa invielded the image. The caption said " huge rock formation". This resembled a human head formed by shadows with the illison of eyes, mouth, and a nose. Next, Authors reasoned these images would be a great way to engage Mars and the other people; it did. The "face of mars' became a huge icon for twenty five years. Soon it dtarred in films, was seen in books and magizines and most favored in grocery store lines. Photographing Cydonia beame a priorty for Nasa when MGS, Mars Global Surveyor arrived agian in September of 1997 which was a long eighteen years after. Then, April 5, 1998, MGS traveled over Cydonia for the first time. They met Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camer team (MOC) snapped a picture ten times better the the original Viking picture tooking. There were thousands of anxios and very curious web surfers waiting to see tghe amazing phoyo revealing a natural landform , there was no alien monument. Aliens didn't create the image illison. As rule thumb, you can discern things in a digital image three times bigger the the origianl size so if there were other objects, you would be able to see them. In conclusion, what the pcture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or a messa which are landforms around the American West.
The author of this artical wants us to expand our research of venus even knowing the danger that comes with trying to go more in dept about this research.Nasa has already tried to study this planet even considering to send people up there to study it first hand but due to terrible terrian can not send rovers or any tpye of equipment. Nasa knows that neptune is like the earths twin in a way these two planets are extremely close and we think its just that easy to study the planet but its not if we were to send people to venus it would go so good because venus temputure averages to 800 degrees fahrebheit and the human body can not handle that.Also not metion that venus has a thick atmosphereof 97 percent carbon dioxidblankets venus. We do have supicion that there might some kind of life form living there due to the fact the venus is coverd largely with ocean which can suppot some kind of life form.But there is a reansonable way we might be able to study the planet whith having to land on it or send rovers Nasa has found a new way by sending a "blimp" hover 30 or so miles above venus a comparason is like a jet flying high altitude. If this plan does go through it wont be as bad but still pretty hot at a wopping 170 degrees fahrenhiet.But researchers can not take samples of rocks or gas or anything else.Recently Nasa has conducted an expierment they have made a chamber simulation the chaos of venus's surface and have lasteed a week so it might be posible after all . Venus has a lot of value not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself.The author is a outgoing person wanting to discovery new life study a planet that is very difficult to study based on it radition and temputure.In conclusion the author has a good reason why he wantrs to study venus but its going to take a lot of technoligy and stratagy.
Dear senator, Many say that the Electoral College so not be used anymore, but some will come back and argue that it should be used. Many people dislike the Electoral College because the say it is unfair or irrational. The Electoral College is way different than popular vote. Popular votes are actually done by the people and they pick who they want for president, but the Electoral College is done by a person picking someone of their state's goverment and then leaves it to them to pick their president. Te electorial votes are unfair because it deoends on how big a state's population is. Some states only have 3 Electoral votes, but if that state used its popular votes it would A LOT more than just three votes to one president. Many people on the other hand do like the Electoral College. They like the Electoral College because the stae will have voted and not leave it to the people to. In 2012 only about one-half of elgible voters did vote. The Electoral College is said to be the most effecient way of voting by some people. People like the Electoral College more than popular voting is because in popular voting you will have certain people ote for cerain people not the best candidate, but in Electoral voting the person has nothing to do with the outcame so there will be no arguing on whos fault it is. The Electoral College NEEDS to stay. If we get rid of the Electoral College the amount of votes in popular voting would be low to determine who they should pick. The Electoal College is the biggest reason we do so well on presidental winners. From, The People         
How i feel about this article talking about having a piece of technology that could show and tell you what people are feeling is pretty crazy. Ok with starting this off i would say that i am against this because yeah it would be cool to see peoples emotions and see how people are feeling but i think it is bad because teachers for example would use it whenever and espically when a student is mad or acting strange or if the teacher and student got in an argument. The teacher would use it to see how they where feeling and with one other thing if a student is texting under his lap or something is smiling or showing some type of motion a teacher could have the machine read what they are feeling about during that time to even hundred percent know kids where on there phones that could be a good thing for teachers but bad for students and that would make students even more mad or anything towards school or teachers and i think something to let you see emotion would be bad to have in school because you don't need to no how people are feeling its not your buisness to know. And to sum this all up in my conclusion to the essay of the article is that it would be cool to see something like that but not in school and they should have it set up in places where people could go in public. And try not in schools or places that need it like hospitals or places for crazy people just not school the end.
Dear State Senator, 1/23/15 I have a very strongly worded, persuavive letter written for you today of why our united nation, must abolish the electoral college. I am aware that the electoral college is one of the main ways president's become elected, but it's serving an unjustice to our nations people. You must do something of the crisis that our country is facing with the Electoral College.I have two compelling reasons of why the electoral college should be abolished. My first reason of why we should abolish the electoral college is because of the method it is done in. What I mean by this is, according to Source 1:What is the Electoral College?, it says, "Most states have a "winner- take all" system that awards electors to the winning presidential canididate." The winner- take all system is not a fair way to elect a president becuase of its biases. The candidates running for the presidency only visit the largly populated states in order to get their electoral points, for instance, most candidates go to Californa or Texas becuase those are the states that have for electoral points. But, by doing this all the smaller states that have less electoral points are never visited by the candidates, the voters then may have never seen an ad or campiagn for a certain candidates . According to Source 2: "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best laid defenses of the system are wrong", by Bradford Plummer, it states, "During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didnt see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and votes in 25 of the media markets didn't get to see a single campiagn ad". On the contrary, it is stated by Source 3: In defense of the Electoral College, it states," No reigon has enough electoral votes to elect a president." This is true, but candiadtes focus on larger states that will supply them with more electoral votes, and don't even visit or pay any attention the smaller states. I strongly negate the Electoral College. My second reason of why our country must abolish the Electoral College is becuase it is a "disaster factor", as stated by Source 2. I agree with this for two reasons. First, becuase it does allow the people to vote for the president or canididate they prefer. Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but slate of electors, who turn elect the president, as stated by "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best- laid defenses of the system are wrong". I strongly agree with that except from the article I have stated. Another reason, why the Electoral college is a disaster factor is becuase most of the United States citizens prefer a direct election to the kind we have now, Electoral College. More presiciely 60 percent of voters to dont want the electoral college, that's majority of our population! If majority of our nation is against the electoral college why haven't we abolished it? In conculsion, "It's offical: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are mostly aserations without much basis in reality", according to Source 2. I would like you to consider all the problems our nation is facing due to the Electoral College. I have stated two contentions of why you should abolish the Electoral College; First,the method of how its done is very bias and unfair and secondly, because the Electoral College is a "Disaster Factor" or causes many disruptions in our country. Sincerly, a very patriotic citizen, PROPER_NAME
Car accidents are one of the leading causes of death in America. With driverless cars, these accidents would be far less frequent. They have faster reflexes than any human. Also, once they are fully developed, accidents resulting from texing and consumption of alcohol will be a thing of the past. In 1980, speed sensors were put on the wheels of cars to create antilock brakes. Since then, they have been further developed to sense dangerous situations and react to them. They can apply brakes and reduce engine power in a much faster manner than any human could. As this technology develops, cars will become much safer and more capable of handling situations on their own. Most car accidents are caused by human fault. People consume alcohol, use drugs, are distracted by their phones, eat, and sometimes simply don't pay attention. With driverless cars, these things wouldn't be an issue. When driverless cars become fully developed, people can endeavor in whatever mindless activity they choose and not hurt anyone on the road. Road rage will become less of a problem. Speeding will be a thing of the past as well as many other traffic violations. Driverless cars are a great idea. They will make the road a safer place and will be more convenient for people who like to multitask. The judicial system won't have to waste time and money dealing with traffic violations. All around, these would be benficial and I can't wait for them to be a part of our everyday lives.
Imagine living on a different planet than other humans. Venus once had very Earth like structures. It had very similar charecteristics which almost made it seem humane. NASA should continue to explore Venus because it has a lot of potential and was once similar to earth. Venus has a lot of potential because if we continue to explore it, we can figure out how to get around how hot it is. We can find a way to change that as long as we keep exploring. Venus once had oceans and was covered with structures like valleys and mountains that we have here on Earth. The risk is high, but the reward is even higher. Even though we know that this is a very dangerous plan, it could change rates of poverty and would increase jobs here on Earth because people here would leave their jobs. NASA says that they can find ways to do this but it will obviously take some time.
The challenge of Exploring Venus was an interesting essay about Venus and it explained the challenges for studying Venus. Such as "it's clouds being made of corrosive acid sufuric acid in Venus' atmosphere" but the author hardly explains why its worth stuyding Venus despite the dangers. Although this essay was great for informations about Venus and it's conditions it Barely explained why its worth stuyding Venus despite the dangers, it also got off topic for some time and the majority of the essay described the rough conditions and possible solutions for those conditions First, the author barely talked about why its worth studying Venus. The one time the author even brings up why its worth studying is in paragraph 4 lines 2 through 4 "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus becuase it may have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." Next it goes on describing what Venus could have looked a long time ago. After that though the author states "The Value of returning to Venus seems indisputable". After this statement the author never really comes close to explaining why Venus would be worth studying despide it's great dangers. Next, this piece was off the topic of Venus it self for a certain period of time. For instence, in paragraph 2 it talked about Earth and Mars and its distance due to the orbit of these planets in line 3,4 and 5 "Earth, Venus, and Mars, our other planetary neighbor, orbit the sun at different speeds. These differences in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars". In paragraph 2 lines 7.8 and 9 it states "humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world." now itis talking about the spacecrafts that has been sent to Venus instead of stating things like the dangers of Venus and why it's worth it despite it's dangers. Third, a good 2/3 of the essay is talking about the conditions and the solutions to those conditions that humans have came up with. the explanation of the condtions really start in paragrph 3 as it starts off by stating "Athick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets" that instantly lets the readers know how bad the conditions are in Venus and the of paragraph 3 continues to describe the harsh environment. After that about 1/3 or 1/2 of paragraph 4 is decribing why it's neccisary to study Venus dispite it's dangers. Then in paragraph 5, 6 and 7 it talkes about 2 different stratigies that NASA ( the National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has came up with. one was about a ballon that was 30 miles above the Venusain landscape to observe and the other was using computers that used greas and levers instead of the modern technology and both of those things are not talking about why Venus is worth studying what so ever. Finally, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" was quite informational it rarely specified the reason why Venus was worth studying despite the fact that it's very dangerous. Maybe the author can change this essay into an informational piece about Venus instead of an argumentery Piece. The fact that it includeds lots of information was a great.
The chance that computers would have the ability to fully communicate and understand humans or understansing facial expression has both positive and negative effects in different situations. Some people are unable to transfer their thoughts into the right words to explain how theyre feeling then it would be a positive effect on letting people know how to communicate with them in a way that suits their mood. There are some people that maybe dont want to be read and evaluated by a computer though this is where it would be a negative effect because people should have their own privacy and if they want to look happy but actually be sad then thats just them as who they are and how they handle their feelings how could an evaluation fully understand whats going on the inside someones brain anyway, i dont think peoples privacy should be taken from this new technology. So my claim on this article would be against the new technology to read students' emotional expression im not for it just because in the article it says how their facial expressions are that is how theyre feeling when possibly there's something completly opposite going on in their mind.
Unreal Theories & Magazine Believings I believe the face on mars is a natural landform. I believe this because, in a few paragraphs, they say that it can't be possible and that they took a picture and that wasn't the case. My three examples from the text are in paragraph 11, paragraph 7, and paragraph 9. The face on mars is a landform, and i could prove it to you. In paragraph 11 it shows that this so called "face" is actually not a real face. It says in paragraph 11, "As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size, so if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see wat they were". I think that this "fact" is actually kind of unreal. For example, if you take a picture of the sun, and you make the picture 3 times bigger than that size, you wont see how the real sun looks because the picture doesnt have all the good pixels you need to get a perfect picture. Its almost to never when someone has a perfect picture and you can see every detail of the picture. In paragraph 7 it states "Thousands of web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared in a JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all". Thats one of the best examples i have so far because, if they went up to mars to check out if this face was real or fake and it ended up to be fake, AND they have proof, of course its not going to be real. some people still believe that the face is still real as it says in paragraph 8. Some people were so anxious to have the answer, that they started to have theories about the planet. as it says in paragraph 8,"The camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the Face. Perhaps, said skeptics, alien markings were hidden by haze". If anyone has heard me, i have said SKEPTICS. They said that for a reason to let people know that answers is better than a hypoothesis. My last example is from paragraph 9. In paragraph 9, it says that " Mars Global Surveyor is a mapping spacecraft that normally looks straight down and scans the planet like a a fax machine in narrow 2.5 km-wide strips. "We just don't pass over the Face very often," he noted". They dont pass over the face very often because if you think about it, they just look straight down and scan the planet. The planet doesn't swirl on different sides. it stays in something that is called orbit. Orbit is something used for the plant to go in circles. it doesn't go everywhere like a regular sphere on earth, it has to stay in one place. I believe that the Face isnt a real face, but actually a landform. I have chosen Those few examples to change your mind about how you feel about the Face, when, in all reality, its a landform. I believe I can change your mind about the feeling of knowing that this Face is a natural landform, most likely made by a meteor hitting the planet.
To the Senator of Florida , I am in not favor of the Electoral College , because the Electoral College is made so the political people have the say so NOT the people. The last time I checked it was By the people, For the people. I believe that the American people have the right not a berucratt sitting on his butt all day doing Nothing other than voting with the Electoral Voting. Thanks to the Electoral College Mr. Barack Obama got a second term in office and now the country is suffering from it. Even us students thanks to Mrs. Obama we are not having nice lunches like we had before the Obamas got elected. The Electoral College joined the anachronism club after President Obama join his first term in office. Also the Electoral College gave Obama plurality. There are 538 people in the Electoral College(according to " What is The Electoral College? " by the Office of Federal Register) and there are at least more than 4 million people maybe 5 million in the United States of America. There are more of American people than Democratics and Republicans in the Senate. So actullally we out number all of you slick polictions. Yeah sure Florida is one of the top 4 states that give out the major electoral votes but it is only a number 29 its not that big of a deal unless the people you have counting votes cannot count over 538, then ok those are some pretty stupid people you should send them back to school. My grandpa at age 70 can count much better than that. Answer me this. Is America still for the People, or is it for the slick polictions with there Electoral College? Which one is it? Just face it the Electoral College is old school and for the polictions not for the people. Get Rid of the Electoral College and Let the actual living American people vote.
Venus is the second planet from the sun. Venus is also referred to as the Earths twin. The author of this article " The Challenge of Exploring Venus," has listed many ways that going to Venus could be good, but there are also reasons why it could be bad. Some of the things that the author list are, Venus is very hard to get to and land on, sometimes Venus is colser to Earth and in that case that is when the spacecrafts get send there, and that it is a hard planet to study no matter how close it is. the author list both good and bad things about Venus. Temperatures can be about 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the pressure is 90 times grater then on Earth, humans could not survive that. Astronomers like Venus becaus it used to be the most Earth like planet, Venus used to have large oceans. Venus may be a hard place to get too, it is not safe for people to be there long. if we could even land on Venus for more then a few minutes we could learn valuble thing about Venus and how it works. Venus has dangers but it would a big deal if we could learn more about the planet.
I dont really know why wold they need smarter cars then we already need that would just make everything diffrent more then its alrady is why cant they just make other things that the world really needs . for example bulldings for those that dont have an home,or are living under briges. why cant they make hospitals in other places were thy need them insted of cars that are smart how are they gonna help us we alredy have cars that can transport us why cant they use that technology to make the world better bye making smart cars is not gonna make it better some people are not even gonna be able to buy them because of how expensive they are going to be,how are the rest goona get them ,with what money are they going to buys them. people that are now going to know how to us them are gonna have trouble and even mabe cause a acsident because they dont know how to us them .
I believe the Face On Mars is just a natural landfrom because if there was life on Mars, why would we have yet to see the aliens on Mars? Years ago, on May 24,2001- Nasa sent Viking 1 to orbit around Mars looking for possible landing sites of its sister ship Viking 2 when i had seen something unusally on the surface of Mars, the landform form on Mars had the shadowy likeness of a human face. When the picture of the face had got sent to the lab back down the on Earth the sensation was short lived by scientist who figured it was just another Martian mesa. The face on Mars couldn't be created by aliens because we would've had contact with aliens a long time ago.Scientist figured it could've been the formation of mesa because Mars has no planet life nor water life for anything to live on it.With the the recent pictures studies has shown that there was no alien marking on the face to show that aliens are on Mars. The face on Mars had the resemblance of a human head formed by illusion showing the mouth,nose, and eyes. After showing the world one picture they wanted to see an up close picture they later toke another picture revealing it as a natural land form which there was no alien monument after all. It was stated in the article by an person that the land form" It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho," says the man by the name of Gavin. "That's a lava dome that the fotm of an isolayed mese about the same height as th Face On Mars. In conclusion, I believe that the face on mars is in all actuallity just a land formation because since discovering the face there has been no more reappearences of any other momuments. There has been no contact with alien life
Dear Senator, I feel like we should keep the Electoral College because, "A disput over the outcome of a electoral college vote is possible but, it is less likely than a dispute over the popular vote". This means that that people would argue over the electoral college vote and who they voted for but but people most likely would not argue over the popular vote. They have done this before in 2012's election prosses with Obama and Romney. The second reason is that everyone will have to put ads up because not just one region of votes will make them president they are going to need to advertise everywhere. The third reason is that "the winner-take-all method of awarding Electoral votes induces the canidates". This means to me that the method helps the canidates so they can win easily. The fourth and final reason is that the big staes get more votes because they have more people in there country so the automatically get more attention from the president. It is also easier for them to get what they want meaning they can reallly like choose any president they want and its a high percenatge that they will get that president. Those are only some of the reasons that i think we should keep the Electoral College. To me I feel it would be easier to just do this other than count all the votes frome every single voter. Besides what other brillant plan can you come up with that is easier than this?  
Venus is one the brightest points of light in the night. Venus is the closest to Earth. It's even referred to as Earth's twin. Astronaunts have traveled to planets, such as the moon. They've even studied the moon in various occasions. Venus is just as close to Earth than the moon, so why not study it? Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may have once looked like Earth. NASA has a compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. The solution to the extreme conditions on the surface would allow scientists to float above. Solar power would be enough and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. It would not be easy for humans, but it would be survivable. Venus is just like any other planet. It's not fully liveable, like Earth. Astronomers would have to be creative and work around conditions like these to try and study planets. NASA wanted to study Venus, so now all they have to do is work on some equipment that can handle these extreme conditions with humans. Modern technology can make studying Venus easy. This planet isn't as dangerous as it seems. Between the harsh conditions and hot weather, it's just like any other planet. It's even like Earth. Earth gets hot, too. Earth has harsh conditions, but we live here. Why do astronomers hesitate to study Venus, then? It's close to Earth, and it once was just like Earth. Sending the right technology to Venus could help it. Venus is sometimes called the, "Evening Star." Venus may seem very dangerous to some, but with some simplified electronics, studying it can be possible. Venus is just another planet. It may have hot weather and very extreme conditons, but so do other planets. Therefore, we shouldn't be limited to a few planets because of dangers.
Have you seen or heard about the Face on Mars. You probably have on its been starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazinesw, radio talk shows, even in grocery store checkouts lines for 25 years! NASA is researching this closely. The Face is just a natural landform because how would aliens make a face in the middle of Mars? Why would they? In Mars there's all sort of natural landforms so who knows? How would aliens make a face in Mars? Why? I don't know either its kind of seems impossible. Aliens might have step on it to make it look like a Face but they would have made it on purpose. To me it does look like an Egyptian Pharaoh but back then they were barely finding out what Mars was or didn't even know about Mars. On April 5, 1998 the Mars Global Surveyor flew over to Cydonia they took pictures then times sharper than the original pictures, then when the image first appeared on a JPL website, revealing it was a natural landform. There was no alien manument after all. In Mars theres all sort of natural landforms created by Mars weather that makes landforms look cool and interesting. When NASA send viking 1 it was circling the planet getting phtos of possible landing sites for its sister ship Viking 2, when it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face. Thats when NASA started reseaching it. In April 5, 1998, it was proven that it was just natural landform. Through the years the face starts cracking and fading away because of the weather. The weather of Mars is usually unpredictable, but usually cold. Also the wind in Mars is pretty commen and it makes the land look like a lot of weird things! So Mars makes all type of natural landforms and why would aliens make a face in Mars? How? I dont know either. Its all of about Mars weather that makes this natural landforms, but its mostly the wind. It looks like an Egyption Pharoah but later on it starts disappearing because of the conditions of Mars. So don't let those "unrealistic" aliens trick you.
I am Luke Bomberger and today I will attempt to convince you to participate in Seagoing Cowboys Program. I was around the age of 18 when I started and it was an incredible experience.I really hope that what I say today will influence you to join. One reason why you should join is you get to help people. The Seagoing Cowboys take care of animals that are shipped overseas to other countries because during the war many people lost their animals. You see, when World War 2 ended many nations formed an organization called UNRRA who hired the Seagoing Cowboys to perform this task. Another reason you should join is you get see many places and sometimes you get to explore them. I got to take a gondola ride in Venice,Italy. I also got to tour an excavated castle in Crete and I got to marvel at the Panama Canal which was an incredible experience. The final reason I will use to convince you is it can be very fun. On the return trip we Seagoing Cowboys would play many games where the animals had been held. We played baseball,volleyball,and many other games. I know that this is a big choice and that giving you a few reasons will not convince you right-off-the-bat but hopefully what I have said has planted seeds in your mind that will eventually grow and in time you will come around. If you are not entirely convinced that you should join go home and think hard about it because it is a huge decision but hopefully you will decide to join. It has been an honor to speak with you and goodbye.
There is a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System. It can be used to capture images of a person's face and decide if that person is happy, sad, etc. In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" the autor talks about how "A classroom computer could reconginze when a student is becomeing confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This could be valuable in some cases, but in most, it won't be of any help. The main reason that this new technoogy won't work is that there are multiple people in a class. Different students can have different emotions about a certain topic in school. For example, if a teacher is teaching math, 5 kids might think that what they are learing is really cool and interesting but, 10 other kids might think that math is dull and irritating. However, there may be times where there is only one kid in a classroom, like explained in paragraph 6. In this case you can change the lesson. When there is 30 to 50 kids in a class, how can you change a whole lesson just because a fraction of the students thinks it's boring? It would be really unfair to the majority of the kids who currently like the lesson plan. You also can't teach some kids one lesson, then the other kids a different lesson. It won't be the same and this can put a lot of stress on the teachers that have to teach and grade the lessons. There is a way that the FACS could work. Instead of worrying about the a kid being bored of a lesson, teachers should mainly look for kids that are confused and don't understand. This way the teacher could have a one-on-one talk with the confused student(s) to try and catch them up on the lesson. If a student is bored than there is no point of trying to talk to the kid because if a student is bored they aren't going to change. The teachers main worry should be wether or not the student is doing well and understanding the topic. The FACS is great. It's an advanced piece of technology that scientist can use to learn a lot about humans. However, the main flaw in this system is that it won't work on a group of students all learning the same thing. The FACS can still read an accurate image of everyone's emotions in the classroom but it won't be of any value. If a teacher wants to use this for one student to find out if he or she is confused then it would work perfectly fine. Changing the lesson plan for a group of students, not so fine. Like it says in paragraph 9, if a stuent is unhappy with a lesson, then just make them smile!