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Dear State Senator, In this letter I would like to explame the importants of Electoral College. This'll explain what it is,its defenses to the attacks on getting rid of it,and finally why it was created in the first place. The Electoral College was a process created by the four fathers in the Constitution to established the election of the "President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens."- Source 1: What Is the Electrol College,paragraph 1. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. Majority electorcal votes for President is 270. "Congressional delegtion: On for each member in the House of Representatives plus two for your Senators."- Paragrah 2,What Is the Electoral College. Yes this involves in the 23rd Amendment of the Contitution that Washington D.C or District or Columbia is allocated 3 electors and is treated like a state in the Electoral College. The electors for a candidate running for President has a group of electors generally by his/her's political party. Many believe there is something wrong with the Eledtoral College. Even some like "Richard Nixon,Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S Chamber of Commerce, And the AFL-CIO"- Source 2: The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong. They all have in common is that they want to abolish the Electoral College. However the party will get to "select a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee."- Source 3 paragraph 2. However rarely do you actually see it's possible for the winner to get eletoral vote but not popular vote. in 2000, when Gore had more popular votes then Bush. But the agurement falls apart since it happens rarely. It was the frist time since 1888 that's about 112 years that this has happened. It's even highly unlikely it will end in a tie-as 538 is an even number it is divied to the states. It was started by the founding fathers in order to have a informed government. It is rumored that they believed that the common person the person who votes for popularity is to uninformed to choose who will be President. So in the Constitution they put it as a "pompromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress by popular vote of qulified citizens.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author suggest that studying Venus is worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Venus is the second planet from the sun and is known as the evening star. It's a plant that is easy to see far away but hard and dangeorus to see up close. The authors gives a lot of reasons why Venus is important and different why to learn more about it. Some reasons Venus is worth sudying is it's the closest planet to Earth by size and density. Not one single spaceship was been able to land on Venus for more then three decades. And some people belivie this is because no one has survived on Vanus more then a few hours. The artice said it is dangerous because clouds od highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. The temperature on Venus is averaged around 800 degrees fahrenheit. And the atmospheric pressure is 90 times what we experince here on Earth. A lot of scientist feel that venus is the plant that is the most Earth-like. Becuase the Plant has a rocky surfaces and have similar features like mountains, valleys, and craters. So this is the details I found to support the idea of studying Venus is worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. And I feel in a couple of years it's not going to be dangerous anymore. I feel this way becuase NASA is working on other approaches to study Venus. These are simplified electrons made of silicon carbide and mechanical computers. And this are going to help becuase they are going to last longer on the surface and you won't have to get out to sample the rocks, gas and everything else. And they are going to be more powerful, flexible, and quick.
In our world today, having the biggest fanciest car on the street is important to some people. But think to yourself for a minute. What is the point? Cars mow down your wallet, Cars are harmful to the enviorment, And lastly cars take up way to much room. In Freiburg Car ownership is allowed but there are only two places to park your car, Both are on the edges of the development. In order to own one of those spots the car-owner " buys a space for $40,000, along with the cost of the home. " This is an Outrageous price just to park a car. If you didnt have that car You would be saving $40,000 dollars alone. You could use this for your childrens college or even house renovations. As a result of this, " 70% of families do not own cars, and 57% sold there car to move here. " In addititon, we all know that cars are harmful to the enviorment. But why do we still use them? Well i can tell you the answer to theat question, Because we are just to lazy. " Passenger cars are responsible for 12% of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. And up to 50% in some car- intensive areas around the united states. " Lastly, even though cars have reduced in size from many years ago, they still take up way to much room in our garages. " Precepts are being adopted around the world in attempts to make suburbs more compact and accesible to public transportation, with less space for parking. "  What is the point of having a car in an area where you cant even park it. If you dont have a car you have more starage in a garage. Then you wont have to spend even more money on a storage unit. To sum everything up, There are just to many downsides io having a car in your Life. Cars are way to expensive, Cars are harmfyul to our our already fragile enviorment, and cars take up valuble space. " All of our development since World War II has been centered on the car, And that will have to change. " The real question is, Will you make the change?   
I will have to say no because you can't use technology to see someone emotional. what if you try to see if someone is happy but it come up with an erorr on your computer. like ib the text said that some comupter can't do it. so i say why can't some comupter can do it. so what i think is that technology can't tell show how we feel. how we feel can't be calculat by technology. in some people may say that it is not right to think that technology can so how we feel. sometime technology can like stop working what are we going to do now that it's not working know more. what i think is that this is not smart todo because what if technology chage what they are feeling like lying to them like that are really happy but it change to say that they are sad but they are not. so tell me this what do you think we should do keep on leting technology teel us how we feel or go deep down in your heart in tell yourself how you really feel. but i don't thing that the people that say yes we should let technolgy tell us what we should feel. they are never goingto give up on leting technology tell them how they are going to feel.
Hi my name is luke Bomberger and after you read this passage you are going to want to be a seagoing cowboy. There are many reasons why you should be a seagoing cowboy. Seagoing cowboys are the best and you will find out why in the next couple paragraphs. Now let me talk to you about things we do as a seagoing cowboy. As a seagowing cowboy you get to travel around the world to help other places and countries from disasters. You dont just help places you help people and even animals which is the best part in my opionon. There are other things to do as a seagoing cowboy then just helping places, people, and animals. You can make friends really easily, because everyone that work in the program are friendly and super nice. You can even play games on the trip to the places you are going to. Some of the games are whittiling, baseball, volleyball, fencing, boxing, and even table tennis tournaments does'nt that sound fun. Once you join the program it really is a lot of fun. like I told you in the paragraphs above all the stuff we do as a seagoing cowboy is amazingly super. So now you know the reason why it is fun to be a seagoing cowboy and why peope love being in this program. Also being a seagoing cowboy is more than just an adventure it opens up the world to you.
Dear Senator, I would like to argue in favor of keeping the Electoral College. I believe that having an Elecotral college vote helps the President have a greater chance of becoming elected. This process also makes it a fair game of becoming elected for President.It's not only about the President though. When you vote for a presidential candidate you're actually voting for a slate of electors. As I mentioned before, having and electoral votes makes it fair game for everyone. It states that the Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal. This means that the presidential candidate cannot get votes based on the region they are from. No region has enough electoral votes to elect a President. He gains no votes by increasing pluraity in states that he knows he will win. This results with unlikely success of the President. The Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the Senate decreed in the Constitution. The Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate recieves a majority of the votes cast. When no candidate wins a majority of the vast cast, it causes complications in the presidential election process. That's when the Electoral College steps in and prodices a clear winner. Sure it can be argued that the Electoral College method of selecting the president may not be the best way of geting potential voters for a candidate, but the way they do things makes it fair game. It keeps the system balanced. The Electoral College is an established compromise in the Constitution brought on by the Founding Fathers. It's something original that I think should live on instead of being taken away. The Electoral College should stay. Signed, PROPER_NAME
Going on a seagoing cowboy trip sounds like fun according to Luke Bomberger. There are many places you can go to have fun like the beach, a waterpark , or even the city. But what if I told you that you can have twice as fun around the world? Well, what if I told you there is a way that you can go around the world and have fun and do good for other people. Well if youre interested just keep on reading. On all of the amzing voyages that you've had there is nothing like riding the waves as seagoing cowboy. The UNRRA is an organization that is in need of people around the world to help take care of the refugees and survivors of World War II . They need our help and we can help. The trips around the world are fun yet laborous jobs. Talk to luke and hell tell you why he joined. He like many others joined the walk because he loved to help others and it was a fun ride. You could have the chance to pet, feed, and take care of animals that have been lost. It is a very fun and human like exprience! Now you see that the seagoing cowboys are a generous multitude of people that give their time to help others in need. So join the group and become a member now to help in the caring for others. These people need us and we need them. You might see this as boring but its a really bonding experience and at the end it's all worth it. And thats why we need peopole in the UNRRA now . So get going and make a difference in the lives of others!
Electoral college should be banned. Many people say that over 60% of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. This year voters can expect another close elction in which the popular vote winner could again lose the presidency. So let me give you some facs about why electoral college should be banned. Furthermore,Another reason why electoral college should be banned is because under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. If you live in Texas, for instance, and wanted to vote for John Kerry, you'd vote for a slate of 34 Democratic electors pledged to kery. For Instance,Another reason why electoral college should be banned is because legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people back in 1960,.Perhaps most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote. In that case, the election be thrown to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president. In Conclusion,I think electoral college should be banned because its unfair to voters because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing on the tight races in the "swing" states. So this is why electoral college should be banned.                                                                                                                                                                                                      
If you would like to be a Seagoing Cowboy please read this article. You may not know what a Seagoing Cowboy is but that is why I'm hear to explain. Seagoing Cowboys get to experience what it's like to tavel to different countries, learn respinsibility, and learn about cultures they might never even heard of. We would like you to be our newest Seagoing Cowboy. After your first trip you might even want to invite your friends to become a Cowboy too. Seagoing Cowboys see new places, because of the work that they do. They must take food, animals, and supplies to countries who can not grow and thrive after tragic accidents. In the passage Luke Bomberger and his friend Don Reist become Seagoing Cowboys and work together on a boat traveling to Europe. In Europe the people had just fought in World War II and had no food or supplies, not even animals. So the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration sent supplies and animals on a ship to help the people in Europe. Seagoing Cowboys learn responsiblity by taking care of the animals and crew members on board their ship. In the article Luke must take care of horses, young cows, and mules by giving them water and food, cleaning the pens, and pulling hay and supplies from the lower decks. Seagoing Cowboys not only take care of animals they have to watch out for one another. In the passage Luke was almost knocked overvoard but thankfully a strip of metal caught him and his crewmates pulled him back aboard. The people who do sign up to become Seagoing Cowboys get to travel around the world and learn about new cultures, eat new and interesting foods, and even get to see amazing landscapes and structures. In the passage Luke got to see the Panama Canal, a castle in Crete, and even spend time in China and Europe. Luke took nine trips from one place and back again-that's the most of any Seagoing Cowboy. Seagoing Cowboys have great experiences. They learn new thingss and see new places. Plus who doesn't love working with animals. It would be a great experience and lots of fun to be a boy or man to travel to new countries and learn new things. We hope to see you on our next trip and have a great time.
The Facial Action Coding System would not be very useful in the classroom because most teachers do not change their lesson just because one of their students is confused or bored, the FACS is not even able to read past the basic six emotions so it will not know when a student is bored or confused, and most teachers do not use computers all the time or even at all in class. Teachers do not change their lesson when one of their students is bored or confused. Everyone that has been in school is well aware of this. Most teachers do try to make it less boring and more fun if multiple students are feeling the same and they do try to explain things better for those that are confused. A computer that "senses" when a student is becoming bored or confused, will not be able to do the same and have the same result. The FACS could help the computer see that a student is becoming bored and modify the lesson, but how much help would that be? People learn better when other people are there to explain things. A computer cannot provide the same effect. According to the fourth sentence in paragraph three, the FACS only knows how to read the six basic emotions-- happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. Meaning that the FACS would not actually be able to tell if the user or student is bored or confused. If the program cannot actually sense those two emotions, how will it be able to modify lessons for students to learn a little better without being confused? In paragraph four, it does mention how the software can identify "mixed emotions" but it would ot be very helpful for those two considering that they are harder to tell by just looking at someone's face when it is better to ask. Most teachers do not use computers in class often. Sometimes, they do not use them at all. Unless the students are in a typing class or a program coding class, teachers for other subjects rarely use computers outside of taking tests or doing projects. They rarely ever trust a computer to teach their lessons for them. That is why they are called "teachers". So the FACS software program would merely go to waste. The Facial Action Coding System would not best suit being in classrooms since the teachers do not change their lessons so the computers should not either, humans express way more than just six emotions and a computer would not be able to detect them all, and very few teachers actually have full computers in their classrooms to help them teach instead of small laptops or just very little technology altogether.
I think driverless cars will be a good idea for the world. Driverless cars would help younger people on driving. Also, It would be better for the economy. Last it would be better on gas as it shows in the text. I have more reasons, but these are my best reason. Driverless cars would help youngers people on driving because younger people have a higher ricks in getting in an accidents. By them being on their phone to much. For example, if a younger driver gets a text while driving. Nine out of ten of them would read the message and send one back while driving. which could lead to a accident. Also, younger drivers are not prone to their surroundings. Having driverless cars would be better for the economy. By the price of the cars being more than a regular car now of days. Parents of children would buy the cars so, their children will be safe getting place to place. Every parents wants their child safe at all times. Also, it could help the USA from being in dept with other countries. Last it would help the economy by having a increase in the market. The driverless cars would be better on gas. In the story "Driverless Cars Are Coming'', it talks about how the price of the driverless cars would be half the price of it now. The driverless cars would run longer without having to be refilled. The cars would get places that are far faster than a regular car because a regular car would have to stop more to fill up their tanks. Leading to them having to spend more time to get to their locations. That is why I think driverless cars would be better than regular cars. They would be better for younger drivers. It would help the economy better, too. Also, it would be better on gas. There are many more reasons why driverless cars are better than regular cars. These are my most important reason why driverless cars are better. I hope you agree.
My opinion on driverless cars is a good start for the new "future". As seen in movies people have created amazing things to the world today that no one could think it could be created do to the fact of our resources. Also in todays world poeple are gonna develope these cars do too the fact of creating something different to the human mind and nature. The reason behind making driverless cars is a good idea to the delievering company. I think the first driverless anything should be semi's due to the fact people get paid over a 1000$ a week. In this way people will start being able to transport stuff a lot cheaper and more effactive then what it is today. If they make the driverless car its good for the use of traveling due to the fact of you can sleep while your car is drivering and show up to a place a lot faster than you should. It takes 24 hours to get across the USA without stopping. If a human is driving it willl take most likely 2-3 days to complete this trip. Due to the fact of driverless semi's delivering goods and supplies if that make it possible to where a driver doesnt even have to be in the car or truck there will still be a question asked. How will you fill the gas tank? Like they said in the passage of driverless taxis.(Pargraph 1) How would a taxi be able to fill the tank up if a driver is not presant. You cant ask the passenger too. There are some problems with driverless cars but most of them will be fixed in the next few years due to more and more smarter people and more technology being made.
The use of this techonolgy so called Facial Action Coding,is not valuable at all. As technology may be advancing that doesn't mean it can't fail us. Reading a persons facial expression will not determine their mood. Like the author said, " The facial expressions for each emoton are unversial." It could also have to do with their body language. Weither the person is slouching or always hiding their hands, also how their voice level is. Sure it could be easier by going at a painting, but in your point of view it's a whole different story. Body language can determine many different things in someone. It could be weither you have a back problem, trying to grab your back because of the pain. Slouching could be not because you are tired, but maybe a syptom of depression. Since the computer is only recognizing your emotion(s). I personally do not think a computer could read or tell you that. Voice level could be one of many signs of emotion. If one is scared or frightend, your voice can let out a shriek. One can be happy and still have either that low or a more louder voice. Computers can't figure this out and we are trying to depend on some code that was invented. In the text it says, "muscles called orbicularis oculi pars palpabraeus make crow's-feet around your eyes." How can a muscle determine your emotion. One could be confuesd or trying to see more clearly because of the vision. Your point of view is better than a computers understanding. Seeing a person face to face can maybe change something. They could be happy and here you come with that sad face. Then the seeing the persons emotion makes you suddenly feel better. A computer can't see what just happend between you and the person. Computers are smart but not that smart.
Does technology make you useful? reguardless of that question you have gone to school and you might haved had some problems and had to talk to an adult at school or a guidance counselor. What if the question was given to a teacher of the future, lets say around 20 years from now that this FACS technology might be qite advanced then. How useful with teachers and therapist be in school if they want to help out kids in school and not have a robot do a humans job. Using the technology to read students emotional expression in classrooms is just not important becuase there is already an adult that the student can talk to about their issues when it is neede emotionaly. There can many things that go wrong with the computers and maybe misunderstand a student that is unique or a student that was born with a mis-shaped face. what would the cost of this software and could it really be avalable and valuable to our education? I know that it may be fasinating to be able to tell anyones emotion by just using technology; t is it personal information if someone is trying to conseal being worried or mad and not have a computer tell them their emotion. "in fact, we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day.", i used this quote from the text to show you that yes we are capable of telling emotions as well. This technology in my opinion is not useful whatsoever because it does not show any real-world values. There may be some science in this FACS (Facial Action Coding System) but this tech can be used somewhere else that someone may find it useful like if someone want to know if the president is making a fake emotion pretending that he is happy. This may be one of those trends that has just recently come up because the year is 2018 right now and litteraly tons upon tons of new things are coming up. It is not like nothing new has come up there has always been fasinating things that have come up in the past. I have not ever even heard of the Facial Action Coding System untill i had just now read about it in this article so you know that it is not even close to becoming an essential in classrooms. Could this technology be more than just decoding the facial expressions of humans or could this technology be used in Artificial Intelegence? This can be a step closer to the future but people like myself think that this is useless. Some students can have a bad day and the computer may be able to pick up on the student's emotion, i feel like the computer does not have the ability to comfort the student. I can probably tell that some students may be ofended when a computer just " Dumbs things down" students may feel bad about themselves and the lesson that the computer modifies can make the student feel diferent in school especially in highschool because everything can be told apart on the social scale in the hallways to the lunch room. No, there is some value to this technology but not enough to be used in schools and help students learn better that traditional public schools. This technology is not essential for the education of students i feel that teachers should be paid just as much as doctors and psycologist because they are a part of bringings ones future brighter either physicaly or emotionaly.
Fellow citizens all over the world. Cars are not nessisary. There are a bunch of great reasons why limiting car usage has its advantages. A couple of reasond are that it's good for the environment, you will save a bunch of money, more exersize and less acidents. If citizens limited their car usage, it would be a whole lot better for the environment. Driving everywhere in your car wastes gas and that goes into the air that we breathe. It is not good what cars are doing to the air. They are poluting our air, trees cannot convert it to oxygen. We are stuck with the gas that come from the cars in the air. You will save a great amount of money by not spending it on gas to drive everywhere. Gas is not cheap and wont last forever. Its about $3.00 a gallon sometimes even more than that. If you save your money and not spend it on gas and just walk, you can save it and spend it on something useful. When you think about limiting your car usage, you  can think about getting more exersize. imangine a nice day and you walk  down a strees to go to the store to pick up something small; you can smell the beautiful flowers. Fell the breeze that hits you just right and the sun shinning down on you just the way you like it. You would not be able to experince any of that if you were in your car driving to the store. The best part of car limiting is that there would be less acidents on the road. A great amount of people get injured or killed because of cars. If we did limited our cars usage, people would not die or get injured from cars. Limited car usage for our fellow citizens has its great advanteages. A hand full of reasons why we should, but if we compare the facts of a car free place. It would be a nicer, safer, and a better place to live.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The text states many facts and statistics; therefore, the author supports this idea well, for he/she describes why astronomers are amazed by Venus, what NASA is planning on approaching the planet, and explaining the type of challenge it is to explore this dangerous "Evening Star." Reading the passage, the author is convincing about the subject that he/she has chosen. The planet, Venus, is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents, as the author suggests. Supporting this idea, the author shows many examples, facts, and ideas why he/she thinks Venus is a worthy planet to keep studying, for the text states, "Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us." The writer describes that important studies come out of exploring Venus's reputation, even though it is the hottest planet in our solar system. The author supports the claim that Venus has many thrilling factors in Paragraph 3. Paragraph 3, Line 6 states, "Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like eruping volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to porbes seeking to land on its surface." The author demonstrates his knowledge telling the readers that Venus cause many disasterous events that happen all around the world. As the author claims that Venus is worth studying for, Paragraphs 4 through 7 shows evidence about scientists still studying Venus as of today and why geologists and atronomers are so fascinated with the blazing planet. In Paragraph 4, Line 2 states, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." Scientists state that even today, Venus has features that look like mountains, as read in the passage. Testing his knowledge in the prompt, the author demonstrates that NASA wants to make visiting Venus possible. Throughout Paragraphs 5 through 7, it states what NASA's (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) plan is to successfully observing Venus from a up-close point of view. In Paragraph 5, Line 2 and 3 state, "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape." As being stated as a "possible solution," the author shows NASA's solution is not an effecient plan, for Paragraph 6, Lines 1 through 4 state, "However, peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective. More importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance. Therefore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks. Or maybe we should think of them as challenges." In the authors statement, NASA need samples of rocks, gas, and other types of samples to have a full discovery of Venus. Because of the obstacle in NASA's way, they decide to make other approaches to studying Venus, for they understand that meeting to Venus' standards will take years. Lastly, as the author's final example on why Venus is a worth pursuit despite the dangers it presents is in Paragraph 8, which states, "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Or travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." The narrator claims that exploring all of our options that have dangers should not limit us as human beings to give up and quit. He/she states that we should move along all of the doubts and dangers and increase our imagination on all levels. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. As the author states many facts on why scientists should continue their research on Venus, he/she supports their claim well. The passage describes why astronomers study Venus as well as what NASA is planning to do to approach the Evening Star. The writer believes that although Venus has many dangers to humans, we should take the challenge exploring Venus offers to us and go beyond our limits to achieve the goal that geologists, astronomers, and scientists want to acquire.
In A COWBOY WHO RODE THE WAVE there was a boy named Luke, he was invited to go to a ones in a lifetime opportunity .He was invited by his friend Don Reist to go on the trip. they were going to go on a cattle boat ,and help the mules,horses,and young cow. On the trip they would cross the big seas. In the story it says they where called to go to New Orleans on august 1945 and arrived on august,14 right before the war ended. When they got thier seaman papers they were sent to go on the SS Charles W.Woosterand. They headed to greece with a load of 335 horses and enough food to keep the horses alive. Ones luke was discharged from the trips he already made 9 journeys threw the sea. In the story it says that luke was the most segoing cowboy. On his many trips he also saw many places like Europe,China,but luke thought the most speacial one was when he saw the Acropolis in Greece. The whole story was about the adventure of a lifetime that he got to go on. How would you fell if you went on a phenomina journey like luke did?
First announced in 2009, as the article stated "google has had cars that could drive independently under sprcific conditions. Many car factories to make this dream come true. Many used different methods. General motors from the article that create a test track for a car to run on. the track uses an electric cable and send radio signals. The track is way too expensice to make. Fot that, manufacturers turned to smart cars. Its need a lot of sensor to GPS to mak it work. Sebastian Thrun, formal of google car project, believe that the technology has finally begun to catch up to the dream in the articl driceless car are coming. In 2013, BMW announce the creation of a smart car that can go up to 25mhp. So far, non of the cars devekoped so far are completly driver less. Dr.Werner Huber a BMW project manager driver stated "won't driver get bored waiting for their turn to drive. Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrian safe. These safery are best achieved my alart drivers. In most states, it is illegal even to test computer-drivven cars. if the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer, stated the article.tesla has a project that will be released soon. A can that can drive auto 90% of the time.Nissan plan to have a cars that can drive themselves by 2020. The road to driverless is near and we are getting sloser to it every day.
In the article that we read it told you about cars being able to drive themselves, that alone tells you how much technology is changing around us everyday. It's scary to think that not that long ago we didn't have cars at all. Even when they were finally invented they are nothing compared to the outstanding machines we have today. But as time goes on there eventually needs to be a point that we say no to some advances such as this one. The idea of cars driving themselves is unique but I personally don't think they should be used in our day to day lives. I also feel as if the public wouldnt feel to safe on the roads knowing that some people aren't even putting a single eye on the road but rather on there Iphone. To continue on my last point many people would probably find it very worry some that the person is off in there own little world since the car would be doing all the work. Yes in the article it said that the human driving could take control at anytime, and that the driver must pay attention to the road for things the computer cant pick up yet. In reality most people arent going to be looking at the road if they dont have to since something else is doing it for them. Safetly to yourself and everyone around you while on the road is key, thats why we take permit tests and drivers license tests. They take these test to prepare themselves and other young people on how to drive well and safely, this gets way more complicated when you start adding things. With new cars that can drive themselves, that would mean that the governement would have to start creating more laws to protect everyone on the road. It would also mean that not all teens would learn affectivly learn how to drive if they keep turning that fucntion on in there car. At the end of the day though no matter how many laws you put up there are always gonna be people that break them. There's a high chance that the amount of accidents will increase with more and more teens thinking that they are invicible using the car and that the car will do everything. But in reality when they need to manually drive the car themselves it will be to late and there will have been an accident. Yes there would be smart individuals that would always pay attention and follow the laws but a few rotten apple are going to ruin everything for everyone else. The article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" was an intresting read and I enjoed it, if you couldn't have already guess but I am against the idea of such things. I like the idea of something like that finally coming out of the books you read as a kid becoming a reality and I know some people will buy it. I had my personal choice and I clearly stated the bad part but that doesnt mean there aren't any good ones. I believe that everything must be used in moderation but this one there is no easy middle really, you either have it or you don't. If this is eventually added into what we deal with in our daily lives then i hope people use it responisbly.
The Challenge of Exploring Venus Nowdays exploring new planets is not such a crazy idea as it was 100 or 1000 years ago. Exploring new planets can be our new, huge step in science. What planet should we visit first? Maybe Venuse? Venus, sometimes called the "Evening Star" and Mars are the closest planets to Earth. It is logical to see them as planets to visit.Earth is located between Venus and Mars. There are no common climate, temperature, content of atmosphere, its thickness and etc. We need technologies, resourses and a lot of money to sponsor this project. It would be hard to visit another planet. Hard, but possible. Should we visit "Evening star? Is this hardship worthy the result? Woud our sister planet be hospitable for us? There questions that author answers are very actual. Would The National Aerounautics and Space Administrarion actually sent humans to study Venus? Are we able to participate such a big challenge? Authors absolutelly, possitively agree that we are. Venus or the "Evening Star" absolutely worthy to visite despice the hardship.
Dear Florida's Senator, I disagree with the fact of having a Electoral College. I don't think it would help with the elections. I think it should go the most popular votes. The Electoral College is not giving Florida's cizitens, like myself, a oppurnity to vote for who would be right for our state. As you may know some people call the Electoral College, a "disaster factor" because of the way they handle and deal with the voting. More people would want to for is right and who would do good for the state. Someone who would listen to what is needed. Not someone who just wants to make everything worst. But, in a way it is more helpful to organize it. Make the state better, also it let's each party select a slate a electors, who are trusted to vote for the party's nomine. Think about it... do you really think the electors would vote for who they are suppose to vote for? No ! They are independent, they can do whatever they want. But, the trust is rarely betrayed. The Electoral College lacks of democratic pedigree. Why is that? Because of cerainty of outcome, everyone's president, swing states, big states, and avoid run off elections. They all are practical reasons, not liberal or conservative reasons. My point is, is that I truly disagree with the fact of having a Electoral College. You do have some good reasons for it. But, will it help the cizitens as a whole? You have to think out us out here in the real world, not yourselves. Help make the state better by, cutting off the Electoral College and going by the most popular votes that a canidate gets. It will Florida be a sun shine again. Sinceraly, A Proud Florida citizen    
Do you think driverless car should be made?.They should because one reason wil be that it help people get more relax. Another reason is that if a person is drunk and he or she is not good to drive home the driverless car can just drive them home with less accidents. One last reason why they should develop this kind of cars is that it tell you when you need to stop when backing up and tell you when you need to take over driving. First,People will be more relax if they don't have to be the one driving. They are having both arm free and they can do more stuff. People can watch more around them without having to only focus on what infront. Second,It will help drunking driving percent go lower. It will help drunk people who is not good to drive get home safely. Driverless cars will bring more less of drunk accidents. It just take them home with them driving. Third,It help you what coming and what behind you that you can't sometime see. It announces you when you are about to take off and it viber when their is a danger object behind when backing. In conclusion that reason why they should be developing a driverless cars. It help drunk people get home safely and it help you more free hand in the car.
There are many efforts from different countries to reduce car usage.  Countries like Germany, France, Colombia, and the United States are trying to raise awareness and get people to not use their car as much.  These countries are raising awareness for example by having car-free days, banning driving for a day, turning suburbs into car-free communities, and rasing awareness about how cars affect the enviroment.  These counrties are making the efforts to reduce car usage because they know that there are great advantages if citizens limit their car usage. In Vauban,Germany, low-car suburban life is their motto.  Car ownership is allowed , but with a price.  As a result, 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars and 57 percent sold a car to move to Vauban.  Heidrun Walter says that she is happier without a car and when she did have a car, she says she was always tense.  Vauban is an example of the efforts and new idea that Europe, United States, and elsewhere have to reduce car usuage.  Some advantages of this low-car concept is that now stores are being placed in walking distance and malls and resturants are also within walking distance and close to each other. Because of air pollution and smog due to cars, Paris had to start banning people from driving certain days.  If you  were caught driving when you weren't suppose to, a fine was inforced.  Almost 4,000 drivers were fined according to Reuters.  Diesel fuel was the blame of the smog because France perfers diesel over gas.  Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in France according to Reuters.  Paris has more smog than most European capitals.  This is really hurting the enviroment.  While Paris was banning cars, congestion was down 60 percent.  Besides car congestion being down 60 percent, other advatages to this car banning was that non-hybrid car companies lost revenue while hybrid and plug in cars were not.  This shows how people are aware of the pollution of cars.  Also, because of the reduced driving, the smog in Paris was cleared enough to stop banning certain vehicles from driving. A big event in Bogota, Colombia is their car-free day.  Only buses and taxis were permitted.  Violators of the car-free day faced a fine.  The turnout was large even though there was rain.  "The rain hasn't stopped people from participating", said the Bogota Mayor Antanas Mockus.  Citizens of Colombia were happy participating in the car-free day. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution", said buisnessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode his bike.  Municipal authorities from all over the world came to see this event. The city's mayor also says that the day without cars is part of an improvement campaign that began in Bogota in the mid- 1990's.  The advantage of the car-free day has made parks and sports centers more popular to go to and other advatages is that the old sidewalks are being replaced with new paved ones.  The traffic has also reduced. In the United States, President Obama goals are to curb the United States greenhouse gas emissions.  The Enviromental Protection Agency is promoting "car reduced" communities.  The efforts to reduce driving is paying off.  A study found that driving by young people has decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009.  Mr. Sivak's research shows a large drop in the percentage of 16- to 39 year olds getting a liscense.  In New York, there is a new bike sharing program and that can help people to choose to take bike instead of riding in a car. All these efforts are helping people make the decision to limit their car usage and based on the facts, there are alot of advantages if you limit car usage.  This is only a start to raise efforts to reduce car usage, but I feel in the future we will be seeing a lot more people walking and biking than riding their car.   
Why do scientists want to persue going to Venus? Is it the curiosity? Is it that they think they have found a possible substitute to Earth? In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author claims that even thoug it may be dangerous to do, visiting venus is a worthy persuit. The reasons that the author states in the article are: Astronomers are fascinated by the planet, human curiosity, and because NASA is already planning it. The first reason why the author said that the mission to Venus should be looked at is because astronomers are fascinated by Venus. They are fascinated because they believe that Venus is the closes thing to Earth, not only by distance but also because they are very similar. In paragraph 4 it is stated that "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth". So they want to discover and see if Venus still has the Earth like qualities to it. Furthermore, the other reason the author gave as to why scientists are so interested in persuing the visiting to Venus is because humans are ery curious and because they think that the curiosity will lead to many things. On paragraph 8, the author explains that "human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally untimidating endeavors" meaning that might as well trying it since we are going to try far worse stuff in the future. Lastly, NASA already is planning to send people to research Venus, of course, they are taking many precautions and they are simulating the things that astronauts might face when they get there or near there. "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow to float abov the fray" as stated on paragraph 5, it would still be hot but they would be able to handle it. As they describe it "Not easy conditions, but survuvable for humans" In conclusion, the author gave some strong points as to why they think that the studying of Venus should be persuaded. They also gave a lot of information and supporting details to their claims.
Have you ever seen a smog cloud before? Or even been a city that has a really high level of it? It's typically caused by the vehicles, and how much that they're used in the area that you happened to be in. There are some places that have days where your not aloud to drive. There are some places that people don't even own cars, and places where people only go by bus, bike, car pooling, or train. But there is one thing we notice about all of these people, and the places that they live in when they have people consistently going by other means, and not using their car. It's been a problem that has been up in the air for the longest time, and people are starting to do something about it, and probably without even knowing it. The city of Vauban, Germany is pretty normal. it consist of normal homes, normal people, and just normal everyday life. Except for two things. "Vauban's streets are completely "car-free"-except the main throughfare" (Parragraph 2, Source 1). Even if you owned a car, "there are only two places to park-large garages at the edge of teh development, where a car-owner buys a space, for fourty-thousand dollars, along with a home" (Parragraph 2, Source 1). The other crazy thing about this town is that Vauban is "home to five thousand-five hundred residents within a rectangular square mile " (Parragraph 6, Source 1). Their town is free of the green house emissions that are caused by passanger cars. It's there way of smart planning, and other cities are starting to try to find ways to become cleaner, and better at being somehow like Vauban. People here say that it reduces the stress of driving, and traffic jams, and makes life simply easier by not driving. But imagine if you were banned from driving in a place where you were used to driving everyday. Paris decided that "after days of near-record pollution, they would enforce a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city" (Parragraph 10, Source 2). some 4,000 drivers were given a fine of thirty-one dollars, and there were twenty-seven cars impounded due to disobeying the ban. however, after 5 days of this ban going in to effect, "Congestion was down sixty percent in the capital of france" (Parragraph 14, Source 2). The people driving isn't really the problem, it's the fact that "France has a tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline" (Parragraph 16, Source 2) and they're saying that becuase it makes up such a higher percentage of vehicles in France compared to the rest of Western Europe that it's causing their smog levels to go up higher as well. Gradually the smog lifted off of the city of paris, and they were finally able to start letting certain amounts of cars back on the road without fines. There are some places that they have days that are car free? In the Latin-American city of Bogota, they have a day that's car-free. "Millions of columbians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work" (Parragraph 20, Source 3). They only face a small fine of twenty-five bucks if they decide to drive, but msot people don't have to worry if they don't have a bike or don't want to walk. Buses and taxis are still aloud on the roads. Even on the days where "gray clouds dumped occasional rain showers on Bogota, the rain hasn't stopped people from participating" Parragraph 22-23, Source 3). It's not just 5,500 people who don't do it, there are seven million people in the capital city who don't drive. It's been going on since the 1990s. The city has planned, and made efforts to have these days so that they can also take part in the reductin of the emiisions of green house gases. "The city has seen the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths; and uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth ones" (Parragraph 27-28, Source 3). Many places are trying to encorporate designs in to their cities to do these things, and to become better at traveling in means other than your personal vehicle. but even without our knowledge, people are starting to limit car usage without being told to, it's just inch by inch. People are beggingin to drive less, and "America's love affair with its vehicles seems to be cooling" (Parragraph 32, Source 4. however in the past few years, americans have bught fewer cars, and "the number of miles driven in the United States peaked in 2005 and has dropped steadily therafter" (Parragraph 32, Source 4). reseachers are intrigued that car ownership per household had gone down,  three to four years before they noticed this. This pattern continuing, which they believe it will, would "have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the enviroment" (Parragraph 34, Source 4). Other odd things have changed too. "There has been a large drop in the percentage of sixteen to thirty-nine year olds gettign a license. "A study last year found that driving by young people decreased twenty-three percent between 2001-2009" (Parragraph 41, Source 4). Plans are being put in action to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, and to put more ways into cities for people to travel alternatively to their normal going by car. The way that we're building cities, new suburbs, and things like that are beginning to incorporate other ideas from around the world to help not just everyone including yourself, but also the enviroment itself. Meeting new people really isn't all that bad, and traveling by bus, train, transit, taxi, car pooling, bicycling, tram, trolley, walking, skating or even the interesting inventions we see by people all the time. There are many different ways that you can avoid having to drive your own car. It isn't a hassle. It's also a stress reliever, and helps you not get worried about how your going to avoid that five o'clock rush hour traffic jam that you have to sit and yell at people in. Not only does it probably save you money not having to buy gas every couple of days, it also helps you and the enviroment. Breathing cleaner air helps you to live longer than breathing air that has all that smog, and nastiness in the air. Your city is only a step in a new direction, and it's only a matter of how you want to do it. There's optoins, like you hear in the insruance commercials, that you can take and be just fine. There's a lot of advantages to the limiting of car uses, and the car-free days. It's just on you whether or not you want to take that route, make a change in your daily habit, and find that simple way to limit your car usage.
"The Face" on Mars has brought up alot of attention. People are debating whether or not it is real or fake. There are two sides to the argument. Is it a sign of aliens or civilization, or is it just a natural landform on Mars? Some people even say is it even a face at all. Let's find out what it really is. The face can be argued as a landform or something that an ancient civilation made. We as a whole, NASA, have confirmed it is a natural landform found on Mars, a mesa. Mesas are actually quite common in the American West according to the article. There has been no signs that an ancient civilization has lived on Mars, so it is highly unlikely that the face could've been built by aliens. Although it is possible, it is highly unlikely. If there was alien life on Mars, we (NASA) wouldn't deny it, because all it would do is bring us more money and more exploration to do. If there would be one sign of ancient civilization on Mars, then that might just mean that it could or once did support life. We have checked to make sure that there is signs of life on and near the face by taking multiple pictures like the pictures in 1976, 1998, and in 2001. Some said that alien markings were hidden by haze but we have proven them wrong as seen from the pictures. In conclusion, "The Face" that has been argued about is just a natural landform called a mesa. It is not alien made, it is natural. Although it is possible for aliens to have created something on Mars, we have not found any signs of alien life capable of making such things. So for now, there is no signs of aliens that we know of yet. But once we do find a sign, you better bet that we, NASA, will tell as soon as possible.
I believe that there are many advantages when it comes to limiting car usage. Using cars for transportation has been around for nearly a decade, starting with the very first car to run on gas ever made. Many believe that having a car makes life more convenient. But there are many more cons that justify the right to limit car usage. The first advantage to limiting car usage would be the most obvious one, which is economical purposes. Buying a car usually means spending thousands of dollars all at once or having to pay a bill every month until the full price of the car is payed. This does not include the price for gas or other needs the car could have. Things like oil changes, transmission failure, or even something as simple as a flat tire could cost well over a hundred dollars just to fix all depending on the situation. This is not even considering the chance that your car could just stop functioning and you would need to buy a new car, which would lead to the ugly circle of life you just went through with your old car. Not only is limiting car use good economically, but also enviromentally friendly as well. Studys shown that cars and other vehicles like this are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. This could be very dangerous in a place where many people live. Another advantage would be that if there are less cars, there would be less accidents as well. Many deaths that have been occuring over the pass year are all car related. Things like natural storms that destroy cars or drinking and driving could be prevented if car usage is limited. If car usage was limited, the death toll would definitly get smaller. One last advantage limiting car usage would bring is the gift of excersise. Many believe a car is very convenient due to the fact that it can get you where you want to go in a small amount of time which, in fact, could be very useful for special occasions. However, when it comes to using a car limits to driving to a gas station 4 blocks away from where you live just for snacks, that's when things get out of hand. If you want to get somewhere, there are other ways besides cars that are safe and healthy for you. You could ride a bike, or even walk to where you want to go and still get the excersise you wouldn't get from using a car. In conclusion, there are many reasons why car usage should be limited. However, that does not mean i don't beileve in the usage of cars. Cars are a advancement in technology for people to get to where they need to go without a hassle. A gift like that should not be taken advantage of. People can still use cars, but in moderation. And if we take the time to walk or ride a bike, you will be healthy, happy, and have a pocket full of money left over.       
The human face that was founded on mars by NASA's Viking 1 sapcecraft. They believe it was created by aliens,but are aliens real? How can they say it was created by aliens when we dont know that aliens are real. In my opinion it has to be the normal land formation, Mars has a lot of rocks and i know there is a lot of stuff in Mars that look like things in our planet. I do believe that it looks like a human face but Mars has sand storms and gets hit by craters all the time and that may be the reason why there is a face on mars. As we can see in the pictures in 1976, the face looks better then the other pictures. In 2001, the face is gone because of the snadstorm that they had and covered the face. They have no proof that aliens had something to deal withit. They had no foot prints , no sign of an alien, and It looks like to me that t was created by it self. NASA's has no right to say that the face was created by aliens if they have no sign or proof that it was. They don't have proof that aliens are real. That only leads to one conclusion which is that the face on Mars is a land formation. Therefore, Is the face on Mars created by aliens or is a land formation? The pivtures explain nothing but that it is a land formation. Why? Their is no evidence that it was created by aliens nor anything else. The only way that it would've been created by aliens if NASA's had proof that there were some type of tracks of aliens. They didn't have anything so it leads to one solution. IT has to be created by sand storms and craters.
In the passage "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author claims that though Venus's conditions are to extream for that of a human it is still good to study and explore the planet! and says the "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well oce have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." The author says the Venus has many geological Earth like structures such as Valleys, Moutans, craters ect... and that Venus can sometimes be the nearest option for a planetary visit. which is very true and may provide insite to what may oneday happen to our own planet known as Earth, NASA is even looking into it and has already figured out that staying a little over 30 miles above the surface of Venus a human given the right equitment may be survivable though it will not be easy! So in conclusion yes I do think that it is reasonable to resurch Venus and continue to study it would be a worthy persute dispite the dangers it brings because we will never see infinity, but we can choose to dream byond.
I feel that driverless cars could be both a harm and a help to people. What happens if one of those cars goes under a super malfunction or some of its safety units stop working for whatever reason and there is someone or multiple people in that certain car. But, then again they could prone some serious accidents and save a lot of lives. For example, the passage stated that the car is smart enough to know its limits on what it can and can't do. It also gives off certain signals to the driver such as vibrating seats to notify the driver that the vehicle is about to back into to something and flashing lights on the windshield. It even uses a camera to see that the driver is still alert and focused on the road. So me personally, I wouldn't use a driverless car as an everyday get around car. I'd probably use it to go around the block or make a quick grocery run.
I think driverless cars could be very helpful and useful at times. There is many different positives and negatives on this subject and they are worth looking in to. I honestly dont think this is the safest way to go because computers can easily malfunction. In paragraph 7, they mention that the driver needs to stay alert in traffic jams and scenerios that need human skill. I feel like people wouldn't be as alert if the car was doing all of the work. If people were in full control at all times, then i think there would never be a need to slack. Driverless cars could be easier but I just can't see it being safe anytime soon. I personally feel like this invention would be more fun than safe and a part of me feels like way more accidents will occur with driverless vehicles. If they do release this car, I will just stick to a regular honda or something simple.
In the article " Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author starts off by saying the percentage of the different effects Mona Lisa has in her smile. He states that she's 83 percent happy , 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. The use of the new technology called " The facial action Coding System'' in my opinion does not tell you how your honestly feelings. There is no way the computer can see the way you are feeling , just by smiling at the screen does not mean that you are happy. People smile at the screen all the time and has different feelings. Weather the computer can determain how you feel the only person how actually knows how you feel is you and yourself only. A computer can not recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express how we feel. There is no way the computer will let you know how you feel , the article is basically saying that just be smiling or looking at the computer it can determine how you are feeling. Once getting to paragraph 3 it starts saying how the facial Action Coding System works they start off by telling us how the process begings, " the process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face: all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles." From that sentance in the article it is basacilly saying how the computer has a 3-D sensor on it, and when placing your head infront of it it will scan your muscles and from there determine the way you are feeling. As humans we perform this same impressive "calculation" everyday. It is hard for a person to determine how ypu are feeling with just facial expressions , for example I could have a smile on my face but inside I could be feeling sad or mad and only I would know no one else. So the 3-D sensor they have on the computer to determine the way you are feeling is not true , a computer can never determine the way you are feeling it can never say that you are 5 percent happy and 90 percent sad , it does not work like that. Only you and you only know the way you are feeling and thats it. So no a computer can not determine the way you are feeling it can not determine the percent of nothing only you know how you feel and nothing else knows how you feel.
First things first, I cannot actually picture this type of technology in schools, let alone actualy working. People including me can easliy be feeling happy or sad or any other emotion without showing signs of it in their face. Not that I do it on purpose but it is hard to crack a smile unless I'm laughing which is rarely. Most of the time I will just have a blank face untouched by emotions so how would a computer be able to read how I'm feeling? Half the time I don't even know how I'm feeling myself. I can see this technology being installed in schools and other places only for it to wrongly tell me or others such as teachers how I'm feeling. I can picture it now, I'm sitting in silence writing an essay over something stupid such as the one I'm doing now and all of a sudden my teacher is alerted that I'm confused or bored maybe even sad a little only to have to argue that I'm in fact all right and fine. Sounds like a pain to me. Chapter 6, line 6-8 states that "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." I see a point here and it would be very interesting to see if this worked on a class but I'm still unfazed. What if the computer did do just that but unknowingly to it the kids were in fact not bored or confused in the slightest? Then the lesson once taught would be changed making it harder for the kids to learn and get the knowlede they need. Another example is in chapter 6, line 10-12 said by Dr. Huang "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication," "So computers need to understand that, too." I'm no doctor but Huang is so he probably does have a point here. Most human communication is nonverbal and that might be true to a lot of people but do computers really need to understand our emotions because of it? I for one do communicate verbally I don't understand how else you could communicate. If i'm feeling a certain way I'll speak it if approprate. Computers don't need to know your emotions for any reason it is a computer not your significent other. If someone is on a computer they are probably working on something or killing time and goofing around none of which call for the device to read how you are feeling. In conclusion I find the new technology quite useless and not worth the time. As interesting as it is and I would like to see it in person and test it myself, I think computers are computers and don't need to know how I am feeling. Why should it know? It's my emotions not its and I can't see it actually being able to read how I am feeling when I don't even know how I am feeling. Therefore I am against it.
On May 24, 2001, Mars was the topic of conversation with those at NASA and other space stations who were included on the Viking 1 and Viking 2 space mission. On that day, the Viking 1 spacecraft was circling Mars. On the other hand, its sister ship, Viking 2, spotted a shadowy likeness of a human face. According to Jim Garvin, chief scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program, the face on Mars resembles Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. But one argument leaves many citizens guessing: Is the face on Mars a true natural landform? Most at the NASA space station argue that the face is in fact a true natural landform. The face would be considered a natural landform because there isn't actual proof that aliens had created the landform. This statement meaning that there isn't, for example, video footage proof of the landform being created by aliens, which could have been something that could prove that the face is either natural or unnatural. Another reason why this face could be a natural landform is that no one has actually lived on Mars, so no one could stand up and say whether or not it's natural. For the face to be natural, Mars itself would've had to go through natural causes such as erosion or a quake for the face to be created. On the other hand, it's easy to see why people would think that the face was created by aliens. In the history of the world, many peculiar events have happened where nobody knew how they happened. For example, all over the Earth, there have been cases of weird patterns appearing in corn fields and mazes. People would say that the patterns were created by aliens, so many just say that weird occurences are due to weird, foreign beings: Aliens. Furthermore, another reason why people would think that the face was created by aliens that ties into the other side of the argument is that since no human being has lived on Mars, there is no factual evidence that states that the face was created by natural causes or by aliens; but since aliens live on Mars and other planets in space, people are forced to make the conclusion that aliens made them. In conclusion, some people don't even have an opinion and they just believe the scientific evidence over the belief that aliens had created them. People might believe this evidence because some people, in fact, don't even believe in aliens at all. But the face could very well be a natural landform due to natural causes such as erosion of the planet or quakes in Mars that formed the face. Or if there are aliens on Mars, the face-according to some people- could've also been created by aliens that lived on Mars. But according to the scientists and chiefs at NASA, the Mars Exploration Program, and other space stations involved in the Viking 1 and Viking 2 space mission, the face on Mars was only created by natural occurrences and they try to get people to believe it by plastering it all over Hollywood movies, books, magazines, radio talk shows, and even haunted grocery store checkout lines.
The concept of a driverless car seems very interesting and even mind-blowing. There could be many ways that the world could benefit from the development of these cars, but thinking deeper into it, these cars could also be quite a problem. Technology is not always the most reliable source. Having a self-driving car based on technology will not always be reliable either. Sometimes, things malfunction, and if these cars are self-driving becasue of technology, these cars will most likely malfunction as well. Therefore, I do not support the manufacturing of driverless cars. Regardless of still being able to take control of the car, drivers may still find it hazzardly to be sitting in a piece of metal and technology and just rely on that to get them where they want to be. If the car malfunctions, and the person inside the car gets injured, it would not be their fault, nor the other people driving on the road with them. Most likely, it would the be the manufacturer's fault because of faulty design or poor assembly. Example of a malfuntion of these cars could include simply losing its directions. Sitting in a car that has no idea where it is going could be scary. Though the driver could take control if need be, this would still be concering if the driver was not paying attention, and therefore arriving at a place they did not want to visit. Even if the car could be perfected, there is always the thought of bad weather and icy roads, or roadblocks and accidents. Again, taking control could be an easy solution, though one not might have the time to do so. Driverless cars still would need a lot of work. They would need to be tested over and over again, even if nothing is wrong with the car to enusre safety. It would have to be tested in different weather conditions and different roads with accidents and roadblocks on them to test the feature of letting the driver take back control of the car. There very well could be fewer accidents with these cars, but problems can come with solutions. While self-driving cars is a wonderous idea, I believe there are still too many risks. Today's technology is getting to the point where it is very possible, but technology will always be technology; there will always be some kinks that need to be fixed.
I thinks all of you should come on the seagoing cowboy project. I have expericed many cool things and have learned to take care of animals. The sea going trip was the best time of my life. There were many dangers at sea but I had trained for all of them. There were also some fun times were we played baseball, table-tennis, boxing, reading, and whittling in empty holds where there were no animals. I got to wake up every morning and go out and watch the sea and feel the cool mist on my face it felt wonderful. I had much fun on this trip. The seagoing cowboy trip has many things to offer if you are a cowboy it is great for you if you are a sailor you can do this trip as well. Going on this trip you will learn many resposibilites. You can also learn to take care of the animals. The travaling took some time but if you traviling you will love this program. I saw many amazing things that without this trip I would not of seen. I saw iconec land marks and met some pretty cool people. This trip was the best. Taking care of the animals was much fun. The animals kept me busy that is for sure. If you are into animal care-taking this is the trip for you. It was also much fun going to new places and getting called sea cowboy. The reasons above prove why you should join the sea cowboys. The cowboy teaches how to be a cowboy, how to be a sailor, and teaches you resposibilites.
Limiting car usage is a very good idea. With limiting car ussage there are many advantages such as no pollution, decreasing stress and excercise. First of all, with not much car use you wont have pollution. There won't be any sickness from air pollution. If there arent as many cars then pollution will decrease. According to "Paris bans driving due to smog" by Robert Duffer, Paris stopped car usuage due to record high amount of pollution. With this policy it decreased congestion by 60%. Secondly, with limiting car usage means decreasing the amount of traffic. I know that everyone gets stressed by the amount of traffic there is on roads. I hear everyone talking about it. According to "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota." by Andrew Selsky, decreasing the car usage increases improvements in the community such as new sidewalks, and a big change in traffic times for the better of course. Lastly, excercise is very important and could be a major reason why we also stop usign cars. In a car you dont get to enjoy outside or even relax. With a car there is a higher percentage for a crash and most crashes are deadly. But if you start walking to school or work or church, you can get your excercise and also get some fresh air which includes Vitamin D. According to Mr. Sivak in "The End of Car Culture" by Elisabeth Rosenthal, he says that his kids "can walk or take public transportation or car-pool with friends." Just by giving up a car does not mean that you have to give up having fun. In conclusion, a decrease in car usage would be a very good thing. We could all get more excercise, decrease pollution, and decreasing stress. What's better than decreasing more stress than you already have? Nothing!          
Studying a planet called Venus is worthy pursuit but it is dengrous. As we have seen in the paragraph exploring Venus can teach us alot of things and there is alot of things that we can learn in Venus like if there is a life in there or if we can grow something there but no man have put his foot on it because it is too dengrous and too hard to go over there. As we seen in the first paragraph Venus, sometimes called the "Evening Star" because it is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky. Venus is also known as Earth's "twin" since it is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size. Venus is sometimes right around the corner and humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. Each pervious mission is no man which mean just airplane or robot because no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours, that is the reason the no man have ever step on it. For others reason it is too hot even though Mercury is closer to our sun. The averange on the planet surface is 800 degrees which can kill us and it has greater pressuer than earth. It is 90 times greater than earth. The others reason is that it has powerful earthquakes,erupting, and frequent lightning steikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. To get over there NASA is trying to make thing that can land on the planet and stay for a very long time, so that they can explore. So alot of our people are trying to go to Venus but it is challenging. They are trying and become stronger. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited b dangers and adoubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.
in the "challenge of exploring venus" the author says that venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. He supports all his claims further in to the article. he says that it is one of the hottest planets even though its not directly next to the sun the pressure holds the heat in, its hot enough to melt certain metals but he says that scientists ar taking the risk because its so far the only planet that could have been just like earth in the past. he brings up some of the characteristics that venus has that earth has too and he also brings up some of the physical features that makes them think there was living life on it at some point and time in the past. Our sister planet could have been covered in many oceans and held many kinds of life. just those little two facts bring the scientists in and make them wanna learn more about it. venus has rocky sediment, mountains and craters which earth all has. in order to explore venus they would have to be very careful because how deadly and dangerous it could be they bring up a spacecraft very relative to a blimp that they would be able to use and study and explore venus from a very safe area without causing any harm to the scientists on board they would be about 30 or so miles above the surface area it would still be very hot around 170 degrees farenheight but do able because the blimps outer layer would keep the scientists from burning up or getting too hot . they are coming up with other ideas other than the blimp like spacecraft they havee also come up with the idea to send a roverthat is made out of silicon carbide that has lasted 3 weeks in venus like conditions. the scientists only want to learn more about venus mostly for its path and what it could have looked like and to make a breakthrough with some big news that venus was almost identical to the place we live on called earth. as the author says in his last paragraph "striving to explore venus has value not only because of the insight that will be gained but out of your normal human curiosity" for the last point he says " our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." which in total supports his whole statement of is venus a worthy pursuit despite the dangers.
Many people think that the Face on Mars was created by aliens. It really isn't considering the fact that aliens do not exist. The Face was actually found by NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft, while it was circling the planet. It was on the red palnet caled Cydonia. Now at first all they saw was just a shadowy shape. It took about 25 years as you can see in the pictures, that they ould process out of how the shadowy figure actually looked. The scientists figured that it was just another Martian mesa 25 years ago."The autthors reasoned that it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars, when they unveiled the image for all to see." The face has starred in alot of films, and alll sorts of types of media. "The Face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north martian latitude. M ost people aven some scientists from NASA wanted there to be an alien life form of some sort. There was no alien monument after all and after all skeptics say that perhaps alien markings were hidden by haze. Neverthless, The rock formation on the planet, was a natural landform. This proves that aliens are not real and that the rock was naturally transformed.
In this article the author did a great job at explaining why we should still try to study Venus. Although there are many challenges NASA is trying to overcome, the author inlcuded details about the geology, weather, and what kind of technology we could use on Venus. As stated in this article Venus is the most "Earth like" planet, meaning that Earth and Venus are ver similar. They both that a rocky sediment that eventually forms valleys, mountains, and even craters. Scientists assume that long ago Venus was actually mostly covered in water too, which would have made it possible for organisms to grow there. Venus is also one of the closest planets to us - besides Mars, that would make it easy to send things such as rovers to explore it. But there are some things about Venus that aren't so Earth like and would make it difficult to explore. The author also explained in paragraph 3 that if NASA were to send something to Venus there is no way it would survive the trecherous weather conditions. There is a thick atmosphere made up of blankets of carbon dioxide and under are currosive sulfuric acid clouds. Since the atmosphere and clouds are so thick it makes it hard to even see in the first place. Not to mention all of the volcanoes, earthquakes, and lightining that would destroy anything we sent up there. It is also said that Venus has the hottest temperature of all the planets in our solar system resting at a whopping 800 degrees, which would melt almost any piece of technology we sent there. In paragraph 7 the author talks about how NASA is looking at different approaches to visiting Venus, or sending technology out there. NASA has tested simplified electronics made of silicon carbide in a chamber that simulates what it would be like on Venus and they lasted up to three weeks. But some think that if they were to use an old piece of technology from the 1800's that it could possibly work as well. That piece of techology is called the mechianical computer, which actually uses no technology at all, it uses gears and levers to calculate things. But overall NASA would need to be careful due to the fact that it is 800 degrees on Venus and that could melt several different things. In short, the author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" did a great job supporting why people should not give up studying Venus. They provided solid evidence of why our two planets are similar, weather conditions that would hold us back, and technology we could potentially use to explore Venus.
Based on the information read we should change to election by popular vote. You can understand this by reading scource three paragraph fifteen. "When you vote for the presidential candidate yuo are actually voting for a slate of electors". This means you are voting for someone to vote for you. In addition, the elctoral college should not remain active. You can better understand this in scource two paragraph eleven. "the single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the desaster factor.", and goes on to state, "the 2000 fiasco was the biggest crisis in the century; the system alows for much worse." which also means that it could happen again and twice as bad. Secondly, contrary to some belief, the electoral college can vote against you. One can find this information in scource two paragraph eleven. "Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those elctors could always defy the will of the people. Which simply means that the elctor could vote completly oposite of you. In conclusion, the elction by popular vote is the best way to go. this is because the voters choice then does really count. 
Have you ever seen Europe? What about China, or the Acropolis in Greece? Have you seen Venice, Italy, or the Panama Canal? If you've ever wanted to do those things, and help a lot of people while doing it, you're Seagoing Cowboy material. You should become a Seagoing Cowboy because of the hard work it teaches, the experience, and because you're supporting other countries, as well as your own! First of all, we have the grueling hard work to speak of. Some may say that grueling hard work is not a reason to volunteer for something, but I disagree. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is nothing like a normal, boring life. Yes, you have hard work, but you get the greatest sense of satisfaction once you're done. You get to know that all your hard work has gone to helping people in need, and that you've really made a mark on this world. I think hard work is also the path to knowledge, and you may just learn some life lessons along the way. Secondly, the fantastic experience is what we will cover. Some people may argue that the experience isn't worth risking your life over, but in reality, it's quite the contrary. If you're a Seagoing Cowboy, you get to travel the world, like I mentioned. You can see places like Greece, Italy, and China. Also, don't forget their unforgetable landmarks that you will see! Not only do you get to travel the world, but this is a once in a lifetime experience! We won't be around forever! Plus, I bet it will make one heck of a story to tell your grandchildren, am I right? Finally, we have the service you are providing. Some may say you are better off in the military. This may be so, but would you rather be taking lives, or saving them? Plus, us Seagoing Cowboys were only created because of World War II to clean up the mess. Wouldn't it be counterproductive to start a World War III? Here, you get to help people, improve lives, and do good for your country, and the country you're in. I think that with more of us Seagoing Cowboys, we can make the world a better place. Us Seagoing Cowboys know how to work hard, experienced a once in a lifetime chance, and supported our and many other countries. We've seen Europe, China, Greece, Italy, and even Panama! We've traveled the world, crossing oceans to and fro, for the good of mankind. So, what are you waiting for? Sign up today!
Twenty-five years ago NASA had found something on thr planet Mars. Many people for twenty-five years have wondered if the "Unmasking the Face on Mars' was really made by aliens and if could be a accient artifact left behind by aliens. "The Unmasking the Face on Mars" had probably lead lots of people to thinking that their could be a really big chance of aliens being real. Ever since the face on Mars was discoverd lots of people thought that their really could be alien life it could be just a natural piece of landform on the planet Mars. If you look closley at the 1976 picture its a low quality picture since its from 1976 than twenty-three years later in 1998 it was taken again lots of people who had seen it were not sastisfed it was a winter april in 1998 it was also a cloudy time of year on Mars. Even though the cameras took the picture ten times sharper it had been really cloudy so you could barley see the picture to have real proof if it was created by aliens. Later in 2001 they had gave it a other shot making it the most recent. The 2001 picture had still been some what the same as the 1976 picture. To me its just a normal natural landform that was created itself by the planet. lots of things on earth look like other things it is just the way the landfrom is created into.
Would you ever dream of a taxi cab that has no driver and can drive you around? Google is making cars that require no drivers. Although this is a very neat idea, it is extremely expensive. This idea would work if all of America was urban land and not so many non urban areas. I think driverless cars are one of the biggest wastes of money we have came up with so far. Driverless cars seems like a good idea and all but i dont think it is necissary. All it does is cost more and more money that does not need to be spent. We would have to buy sensors for all highways across the world which would be extremely expinsive. This is money we do not have and we dont need to spend money on this anyways. Experts say that the will need roads that are embedded with electrical cables. We also thought of the idea of magnetic roads, but to have magnetic roads that make our cars work we would have to do massive upgrades to our highways. But this is too expensive, so we have to make the cars smarter rather than the roads. To do this we need tons of sensors, a rotating sensor on the roof, and a GPS reciever. All of these also costing a whole lot of money. Making driverless cars is a bad idea in my opinion, but if experts are set on making them then they probably will. Driverless cars will cost us an enourmous amount of money. They will need to heavily modify highways, cover the cars in all sorts of sensors and cameras, and test them thousands of times to make sure they are safe. If taking all this time and money is worth it to the experts, then let them do it. But we need to be smarter with our money rather than wasting it on senseless things such as, driverless cars.
The Face is just a natural landform. As the old photographs of it might have looked like as if it was made by aliens. The new photograph of the Face just shows a regular landform due to the higher resolution. The media is just trying to make you believe that it is an alien monument. At that time, they didn't' really what know what it was exactly. I am here to prove you that the Face is just a natural landform. If the Face is an alien monument, there could have been mysterious looking structures on the monument. The Face is just a butte or a mesa as it was said by scientist Garvin that it reminded him of a butte in Idaho. The 2001 image of the Face doesn't show anything phenomonal, it is just a simple landform. According to NASA, the shadows just give the landform a face. As for my last evidence, Michael Malin and his team took a sharp photo of the Face explicitly revealing that it is just a landform. As the old photographs suggests that it is something made by the aliens, it is not. It is just a landform based on the newer photograph. A scientist claimed that the Face is either a mesa or a butte which reminded him of a butte he saw before. As it is popular within the media, no one knows what it is. Later on, a group of scientists took a sharper photograph of the Face and confirmed that it is just a landform.
The world of driveless cars will come in the near future says Sergey Brin. Since the 1950s, the car companies have been thinking of self-driving cars. Some people may agree to these smarter cars but others may stick to just driving themselves everywhere. If I had to choose I would much rather be driven by the diverless cars, but I don't think I'd trust them to not get in any accidents. I have mixed feeling about these cars because I'd prefer one but have to choose the other choice. So my final choice would be that I'd drive myself. I would drive myself because I would feel safe knowing I had the wheel and not some AI that could malufunction or make a wrong choice. In other words I would know what's going on and know what to do in bad situtations, such as the article said in other car accidents, difficult traffic situtation, and bad divers. Also, the GPS that the car has could be out dated and not go the right way, so you would probably be late to where ever you are going. Which brins me to my next point, my mom always makes me late so if I leave a little late then I need to drive a little faster than the speed limit (but not enough to be pulled over) to make it on time. Another thing I wanted to bring up is if the car is diverless and all you need to do is tell the car where to go, then is would be easy for little kids to get in the car and make the car drive not knowing what they are doing and get in accidents easier. I could agree with some things on the driveless cars. The first thing I can agree on is that it has sensors so that it can sense other cars coming towards it. I also like how they might be different versions to the self-driving cars, like som might be sensored or some might beamagnetized. Finally, I like how if you were to get in a tight spot, then the car will force you to do all the heavy lifting so you don't get hurt. The driverless cars have their ups and downs but they will probably end up in our laps sooner than we know it. The driverless cars are in our future and that future is not far away. But I, like some people, will stick to the old way of drive a car.
it's mainly talking about how many percent of people do not own cars or people who old there cars. If I had a good car nothing wrong with it. I would make payments on it. It might not be the best car but hey long as i can get somewhere on time. I really don't know much about Vaubans but they are knid of nice. My dream car is V8 Titans Nessian i really love those trucks I hoping my mother will get me one but that all depends on my behavior at home and school plus grades those are more important. When the suburbs came out i thought it came from china but it said "Automobiles are the linchpin of suburbs, where middle-class familes from chicago to shanghai tend to make their homes. And that experts say, is a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes.... Passengers cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in europe and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." It also saids "Vauban home to 5,500 residents within a rectangular square mile, may be the most advanced experiment in low-car suburban life. In this new approach, stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway." I love cars well actually theres curtent cars that i like but hey you got to love them right V8 titan i love the most.
Using technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable because I don´t think we need social media to tell us how we feel in a classroom setting because as students we know what are facial expressions are like. For example, happiness is one of the expressions that people use everyday without this technology telling us if we are happy or not which I would argue is against this think it is unreliable. According to the text it states that ´´moving our facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them. Another reason why I think using this technology to read emotional expression to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable because I just don´t see it as helpful really and everybody has different emotions happy, sad, mad, or proud. So that is why I don´t think this technology can help figure out emotions in a classroom. The technology that we use to determine emotions in a classroom can be through social media and how I think that it is not helpful at all. For example, a lie detector is a tool to tell whether you are lying or telling the truth which I can see is helpful but really not that helpful at all that´s what we got courts to go to and if somebody did something in the classroom to attract facial expression we can tell by the look on their face and how they reacted to the situation which is why we got counselors to talk to when we are faced with personal issues or just having one of those days. Another reason why the the technology like FACS according to the text wouldn´t be helpful for students in a classroom setting is because all though technology can determine facial expressions when used in the reak world I don´t think it can determine emotional feelings students have in a classroom. According to the text it states that ´´a classroom computer could recognize´´ when a student is becoming confused or bored´´, Dr. Huang predicts´´. While that may sound good I just think it´s bias and would never be used because we can determine as humans if students are confused or bored by how the class is or questions on an assignment. In the classroom technology I don´t think could handle what we feel as students emotionally on the inside and outside in a classroom whether it be the whole day of school or the last day of school. This brings me back to my point about the students being confused or bored in a classroom really because if a classmate is bored their expression would be mad because a teacher would talk a lot or a student might take a lot of time with a presentation by talking for a lot of minutes, or another way might be yawning or sighing. Technology wouldn´t help the cause of emotional emotions when a studet loss a loved one and a student would have to miss a day because they had to go to a funeral for the person that died, and anytime students here that they grieve and start crying. That is another reason why technology would not be valuable to read certain emotions. Using this technology like FACS could not read certain emotions because number 1 it wouldn´t be able to tell what students are feeling in the classroom. Number two I don´t think it would be as resourceful when describing emotional feelings inside and outside of a particular student in a classroom environment. And the last one would be that it wouldn´t be able to tell if a person is confused or bored. I just don´t see the value of technology proving anything to us about how students feel in a classroom. That´s why technology wouldn´t be valued as a reliable tool. In conclusion, I am against the value of using this technology to read students emotional expressions in a classroom because it wouldn´t be helpful. It wouldn´t be valued as the greatest thing to help determine students facial expressions like happy, sad, bored, confused, or mad. It would be a waste of time just using the technology for that particular situation with students in a classroom. This technology would fail and not meet the requirements or standards of facial expression. I would advise people to go against the people that are for technology being valued as a way to read facial expressions.
The suggestions of the auther studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers is well backed up by alot of inforamtion and knoweldge about Venus . Venus being so close to almost being the same as Earth is why studying the planet isn't a bad idea . Astronomers are eager to study or learn more about Venus is because the planet may be well once have been the most Earth like planet in the solar system . Scientist believe that long ago Venus was proably cover by some features that Earth has . The features from having surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys , mountains , and craters . Although Venus is intresting to study or learn about is pretty amazing , it is not as easy as you think it is . Venus can be really dangerous . Venus being so close to Earth sometimes , humans have sent numerous spacecraft to our sister planet known as Venus . Reportedly that even though many spacecrafts have been sent to Venus no spacecraft has survived the landing . This may be the reason why it is not very safe for humans. Venus atmophere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide . There is more dangerous elements in venus like atmophere .The cloud are highly of corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmophere . The temperture can be a danger in the fact that the planet's surface temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit . Also the atmosphere pressure is 90 times greater than what people experieance in Earth . Venus has teh hottest surface tempereture of any planet in our solar system . There has been many ideas of to get a spacecraft to Venus safely , one of those ideas is to float above the fray of Venus . However peering at Venus from a spaceship orbiting or huver the planet safely is only going to give scienttsit the the features of only limited insight on the groung or the surface of Venus . Scientist thinks hovering or floating around Venus fray is not really a good study is because they cannot get smaples of rocks , gas , or anything else from that far of a distance . There has been many approaches when it comes to visting our sister planet , one example is the mechanical computers . This device was fisrt envisioned in the 1800s and played an imporatant rle in the 1940s during the World War II . Although these ideas may not be proven to work the curiosity will continue later on. One day the knowledge and information scientist already have of Venus will be the the reason there is going to be a possible solution of getting to our sister planet safely . From the value of Venus not only because human curiosity will likely lead the human kind to many other intimindiating endeavors . Risks will be made for the human kind to visit our sister planet , Despite the danger , Venus is should be a worthy pursuit of studies .
Driverless cars are a great idea. The technology is finally here and it will only get better. Driverless cars will develop just like regular cars did when they first came out. Humans have single handedly changed the world for the better. We make great things and as time goes on, they only get better. Younger people might have the chance to drive sooner, it will be easier for them to drive. Our fantasy as the human race can become a reality. Hundreds of years from now when they all use smart cars, no one will think it is weird or different. Lots of people thought that when motor vehicles first came out. The text states, "The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus." We would be saving the planet by using less gas with these smart cars. It is a great idea. Drunk drivers will less likely get into wrecks. Think about it. If a person is drunk and they get into their smart car, they will not have to worry about driving, no need for the designated driver now. The smart car will save lives. Not only will less drunk drivers get into wrecks, but just regular car wrecks. The smart car is less likely to crash with all the software and sensors it has. The text states, " Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position- estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor." With this technology no one will have to drive, it is absolutely insane how far humanity has come. We do not have to wait that long either! It is already 2016 and the text states, " Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time." That is not all either. The text also states, " Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020." These big name car companies are investing in smart cars and they will make it work. In the near future smart cars will be a normal thing, although, the price of these smart cars will most likely be extremely high at first. Motor vehicles probably were not cheap when they first were invented, but as time passes by, it will become the normal and everyone will have a smart car. Some people think that smart cars will not work, they are probably older and less open about new things, they have lived with regular cars all their lives, they just can not seeing it working, mainly because they probably do not even understand the technology, not all elders are like this, but I feel like most are. Smart cars have the positives and the negatives but so does everything else. In the end, we will have smart cars and it will be a better world. A healthier and safer world. That is why smart cars are a great idea.
Switching Sides Have you ever heard of the man on the moon? Well Mars has a similar thing. They both ,at the time, had formations that looked like human faces. Some think it was made by aliens or some other superior being. However, the reality of it is that its just a natural formation that looks like a face. That part can be nocked out when you zoom up on it. The lines and basic formation of the mesa,the face, are too natural to be made by an intelligent species. Finally, if there was some marks or sign that it was created by aliens it would have shown up on the image due to the high resolution. We are looking farther then we should with this natural formation. At the moment the most recent picture from 2001 completly exterminates any facial recognition. You can see natural lines that run across the mesa and the higher elevation of certian areas. The eyes are just a steep hill that geos to the top. While the mouth seemingly isn't even there anymore. You can see the worn away parts indicating that its been there for quite awhile. The shadows aren't even there at the time which creates the distictive features. It bearly even looks like a face anymore. I was talking about the NATURAL lines that appear on the mesa. The lines on the mesa are to distictive to be created. If something made it they would have wanted smooth edges as well as an even ditch. If they tried to recreate the natural look it would have looked faulty and unbeliveable. The species would have completly deformed the hill exposing its true colors. Also what reason would they have for creating a random face with the possibility of no one ever seeing it. There is no point to it. Finally, the final reason for it not being alien-made is if there was marking on the mesa giving reason to believe it was created be aliens they would have been shown. If any wierd symbols showed up on the screen we would have seen it and still release the image. Why would we hide this from the world if it would increase the amount of funding we get from companies. You can study the image for hours, but not find a single symbol anywere on the image. The camera would have picked it up and we would have studied it. The mesa was not created by aliens if only looks that way to us because are minds are hardwired to find faces. Its much easier to remember a face rather than a name. Everything about the image is natural it wasn't put there for some unnoticable reason that we can't comprehend. It just existis thats all... nothing more nothing less. No aliens had anything to do with this mesa.
Venus is worth pursuiting despite the dangers it can present. Venus is the closets planet to earth in idensity and size and occasionally the closest in distance too. First, some people often referre Venus as Earth's twin."Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth."(paragraph 4). NASA and scientist would want to pursuit Venus. Venus could have been like Earth long ago. Second, Venus has some appereances like Earth."The planet has surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters."(paragraph 4). Venus could become like Earth again in the future. Lastly, Venus has the same elements but higher."A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere."(paragraph 3). Having the same elements would want scientist and NASA to explore Venus Venus is worth pursiuting despite the dangers. If Venus is similar to Earth, Scientist and NASA would do anything and come up with something to try and be able to explore Venus.
The planet venus is close to the sun which makes it impossible for humans too be on there, on paragraph 3 it states "on the planets surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. these cnditions are far more exreme than anything humans encounter on Earth." so the temperature is horrible and is not habitable for humans to raom there even in space suits, but scientists discovered or theorize that the planet Venus has similair features like planet Earth and they said it once had water on it on paragraph 4 it states,"Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. Furthermore, recall that venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel." there is likely that is could be like Earth but the planet is too close too the sun, Nasa is approaching other options too discover more of the surface of that planet as it refers on paragraph 7 it says,"NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions" their confidence and surennes about this project is so challenging for them but its not impossible for them because they said on paragraph 8,"striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has Value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiousity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." and there not scared to exapnd their limits, one day they'll achieve that dream.
In this story the author talks about the many diffcultes we would have on studying Venus. The Author also has some good points on what we could do to study venus even though it may be hard to accomplish for the reasearchers. Now venus has a thick atmosphere that is 97 percent carbon and has clouds that are highly corrosive of sulfuric acid. And on the surfuce of venus the temperature averages above 800 degrees. The environment could crush a submarine and liquefy many metals. Venus would be worth studing because it's the most like earth. Now with studying venus we would need a ship that could hover over the plant but it wouldn't give us much insight. Reasearchers cannot take the samples that they need. Reasearchers are working to make innovations to are machines so they can last longer on venus and gain the knowledge of Venus. The need to make are Mechanical parts more resistant to pressure,heat and other forces. So it would be great if we could study Venus it would be worth it even with the dangers. If we can make are systems more reliable in dangerous situations. and we sould be able to explore on eartha nd beyond without worring about the dangers we can face our the doubts we may have we should try to meet the edges of innovation and imagination.
Have you ever wanted to visit alot of unique places aruond the world and see animals like horses or sheep. Well I want to go to Barcelona in Spain. Well if you do then you would want to join the Seagoing Cowboys club because the club has animals, and takes you around the world to see unique places like Eroupe or Greece, and takes you on a cattle boat mayby you can also see dalphins or even sharks (if you could see the sharks.) First, the club has animals. You can feed the animals and pet them a little I infer that animals are nice. Second. For example the trip takes you to China, or Europe, you can aslo mayby buy a suvenire from those places. I infer that travling is fun. Thirdley, the trip is on a cattle boat witch means you may be able to see a dolphin or mayby even a shark. You can also learn how to mayby fish. You can feed the animals, and go to uniqe places, or go for the first time on a cattle boat. Inifer that there are a lot of dolphins. This trip is well for me sounds exiting and I acually want to pet a goat again. This trip can make you have the expirience of a lifetime, so if you like all theese things the you got to sign in to the club!
Why the face on Mars is just a Natural land form. 1976, Mars Global surveyer took an image on mars and it looked like shadowy likeness of a human face. So you can say that, but i think your wrong. The Jet Propulsion Lab when the face appeared on their monitors it was short lived, and scientists think it was just another Martian esa. Nasa says that it was probably a Lava dome that maybe made it look like a face. Scientists kept telling people that it was just Martian Mesa. In April 5th 1998, Micheal Malihn and his Mars Orbiter camera team snap the human like face 10 times to see if they could get another good look at the face. Thousand of web surfers were waiting for the picture could be on the jpl site. Then they had revealed that is was just a regular artifact. It couldnt have been an created by aliens. Scientist said it was just the shadow giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. Authors thought it would be a good way to to engage public and attract attention to Mars. And Mars got its Attention? The face on mars had basically become something that everyone was talking about. It had appeared in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, radio talk shows, and magazines. It had Haunted the Checkout lines of grocery stores for years. So They tried it again. April 8, 2001 it was a cloudy day in Cydonia. Malin's team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution, and it still didnt work. The information a gave shows you that the human face figure was not true. Overall it had to have been a Lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.
Driverless cars were a thing of the future, but now they are a thing of reality. There is a population against driverless cars. Driverless cars are good for the whole population. With driverless cars, the the person occupying the driver-seat could relax while tired. Decreasing the amount of accidents caused by falling asleep at the wheel. Stated in paragraph 1 of the article, Google cofounder Sergey Brin has envisioned these cars will use half of the fuel of a taxi. With using less fuel it will cause less pollution. Say there is a man named Dan who takes the bus everyday to work; he has caught some kind of disease. This could be prevented with the driverless car. Say Dan drives himself to work everymorning in his Jeep. One day, Dan stays up until 6 in the morning to finish his work; he has to be to work by 8 AM. Dan rushes in the morning; he starts speeding. Dan closes his eyes for a second because he is exhausted. He hits a child walking to school. The pain of the child's parents and the gulit of Dan could have been prevented with the driverless car. However, it is to be believed that this car would malfunction is some way shape or form. Road work is always occuring. How will the car get through that? Some person on the road does not know how to drive. How will you avoid that? Some kind of thing that could potentially be unavoidable arises. How are you going to deal with that? I assure the buyer no worries. In paragraph 7 it explains how the car is designed to let the driver-seat occupant take control of the car if the situation is needed of a person instead of a robot. The car is designed with sensors and cameras. If roadwork is ahead the car with notify the driver to take action. Same for any other situation. The driver can take control at anytime if needed. The driverless car is a good thing for the population right now. It gives more of a chance for driver's to bond with passengers. It is also a safety feature we need on roads. Remember, you do not want to be like Dan. Getting diseases, hitting pedestrians, and what not.
The Face that is on Mars, is just a natural landform. I am here to prove that it is just a natural landform. All of my reasons will come from the passage named "Unmasking the Face on Mars." I know that the Face on Mars is just a natural landform because, in the passage it is stated that when the spacecraft Viking 1 was circling it was snapping photos when it spotted a shawdowy figure like a human face on a region on the planet named Cydonia. After that though, scientisits figured out it was just another Martian mesa common around Cydonia. Next, on April 5, 1998, Mars Global Surveyor Camera snapped pictures better than the ones that Viking took. Thousands of peole waited for when the image would first appear on a JPL web site. The website revealed that it was just a natural landform after all. Finally, in the very last paragraph it said, what the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. They are similar to landforms common around the American West. A scientist named Jim Garvin said "it reminds him of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho." Gavin also stated "that's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa around the same height as the Face on Mars. So therefore, all of the reasons stated above prove that the Face on Mars is just a natural landform. It formed a long time ago and that is something to figure out in the future.
Facial Action Coding System, a program that can determin the emotion of a person. This new program will surely help in the feild of phycology. The use of this program can be almost limitless when used corectly. Now that this program is real how should it be used. Should it be used to help the police find potental victums or used to see how people are feeling at work or school. In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto he talked about its potential use at schools and how it could benefit schools by determinig if a studient is not learning or not happy. The use of this program has pros and cons, but in todays world it might be best to use it. Anyone who keeps up with the news should be able to say that the world is getting more messed up every day. In the last few weeks there has been another school shooting. To think about what would make a kid go and shoot people at a school or anywhere is hard to imagine. This is where this program should be implented at schools. The program could be used to anylise the daily emmotion level of students. If a studient is always unhappy, scared, or anything that shows a bad emmotion for a period of time the school can then act an see what the studients problem is. Nick D'Alto said that it could be used to help students be more ingaged and enjoy school more. This should not be used, unless the kid is being home schooled or using some form of an online class. This is because there is no way for a teacher to consantly moniter their students wheil teaching and there is not a good way for them to adapt when nessasary in the time that they have. Also kids are already unhappy to be at school and not too mention how teired they are. For this program to be used at school it should only be used to monater their happyness levels to prevent studients from doing bad things like commiting suiside or doing a school shooting. Any other use would be hard to anylize and or use in the way that Nick D'Alto mentioned.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile", the author very well explains on how a future technology innovation called Facial Action Coding System will be able to indicate the emotions of a human being sitting in front of a computer screen. I say this is a pretty outrageous but innovative system but here is some evidence to back that up. First of all, the FACS (Facial Action Coding System) is able to detect the 6 basic emotions of a human being such as happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. In the article, Author Nick D'Alto says,"the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles". Meaning, that the computer can recognize the movements of your facial muscles to be able to determine your emotions. Examples of muscle movements to indicate your emotions are like raising your eyebrows. That can indicate that you're surprised. Or how around your mouth can tighten up, that can mean you're angry. On the other hand, I feel like this system of being able to determine a human beings' emotions by facial expressions may seem a little faulty. Due to the fact that there will always be more than one person in this planet who has the ability to hack into the system of an adult or even a child and potentially put that person at a risk of danger. Referring back to Paragraph 6, I feel like if this Facial Action Coding System was to come into play of our daily activities through technology, it should stay in an educational public environment such as a library or a school. Even then, I still feel like we need to receive some sort of permission to access this type of computer software due to the fact it seems like some high quality program. Back to my claim, I feel like this software program would actually be pretty unique not only to test it out but to really know that the system itself does function properly. You can only imagine how chidren are going to react seeing that type of technology around them. Even without using the system, humans perform the same type of "impressive calculations" everyday. For instance, if you're really close with a person it's like you can immediately tell how that person is feeling by looking at their facial expression. For example, if you walk into a room and see your friend with their head down and eyebrows lowered, you can kind of get a hint that your friend isn't feeling too well. In the article, it speaks about how about if you look in the mirror and make a particular facial expression referring to a basic human emotion, you can potentially start to feel that emotion. Like if you were to just stand in front of the mirror smiling, you would start to feeling happy or boost your mood a little bit. Overall, I feel like the Facial Action Coding System is a pretty unique program in helping humans interact more with computers. Although I also feel like there are some major concerns about the software, it can help us understand more and more of the technology that us humans have around us.
40 years ago, on mars, NASA caught a picture of a huge rock formation that looked like a face! Many thought it was evidence of life on mars while scientist thought it was just another a natural landform. After all it was just a natural landform that was shaped like a face and shadows that made the eyes, nose, and mouth. First, Scientist just figured that it was just another Martian mesa, common around cydonia, but the only thing that was unusual was that the shadows made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. But, beside the shadows they still believe it is a natural land form. So they reveiled they photo for the world to see how cool it is. But, It was taken the wrong way. Even though the said it was natural landforms, others believed it was life on mars. It became popular quickly. It was in books, magazines and even Hollywood films. Since everyone thought it was life on Mars scientist had to prove them selfs and take it one step closer. Next, scientist had to go up in Space with Mars Global Surveyor to photograph Cydonia. On April 5, 1998 the Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time. Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Carmera snapped a picture the best they could. Jim Garvin said" We photographed the Face as soon as we could get a shot." After looking at the photo, JPL website revealed was just a natural landform. However, that did not stop the people who believed that it was a sign of life on Mars. They said " the Face of Mars is located at 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was winter in April '98." Since it was cloudy around that time of year maybe you couldn't see all the alien markings because they were hidden by the clouds. Then, Scientist decided to take a better picture with no interuptions or anything in the way. So, on a cloudless summer day in Cydonia in 2001,The Surveyor captured an amazing photo. "Malin"s team captured an extradorinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution." said Garvin. "Each pixle in the 2001 image spans to 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meter per pixle in the best 1976 Viking photo."(Unmasking the Face on Mars) In conculsion, The face on Mars is a natural landform. Scientist took 3 photos to prove it. Others may still believe that the face is life on Mars, but scientist have proven it is just another natural landform on Mars.
In 1976 NASA released a photo of a landform on Mars resembling a human face. Not everyone was easily convinced that it was only just a landmass though. Conspiracy theorists believed that it was, "Bona fide evidence of life on Mars." In the article "Unmasking the Face on Mars," the author, Garvin, believed that it was only a mesa. I agree with Garvin that this landmass was not an alien or proof of aliens whatsoever. There is a large amount of proof in the article that was confirmed by NASA that this face is only a landmass, nothing more. In paragraph two of the article the author claimed that mesa's were ordinary in Cydonia, area the mesa was located, according to scientists. The only difference between this mesa and other mesa's found on Mars is that it had uncommon shadows over it illustrating eyes and a mouth. Since mesa's are common in this area it is very unlikely that this, "face," was anything different than just an average mesa taken at an odd angle with a low quality camera. The author also stated in paragraph seven that in 1998 that the photo was retaken with a higher quality camera. NASA released the photo onto a JPL website once the photo was confirmed and the only thing found was not an alien monument, but a natural landform. Many people still doubted that it was a mesa after this photo due to wispy clouds bluring the picture of the monument. According to paragraph ten in the article, the picture was taken one last time of the landmass revealing the same thing, an average mesa. Mesa's also are found commonly in the american west as said in paragraph eleven. The mesa resembles the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain in Idaho. The two mesa's share a similiar height, appearence, and were not alien monuments. People argue that the mesa in Ohio doesn't have a face appearing on the top, but the only reason the mesa on Mars has a face is due to the angle at which the picture was taken as I said earlier in my piece. The two oppsing sides in this argument have evidence to argue their opinion. The belief that the mesa is actually a face is inncorect due to evidence in the article and my essay. Mesa's are common in the area the picture was taken and the face was caused by shadows along with a low quality camera. Whichever side you are on I believe I have brought forth enough evidence to change your opinion or strengthen your opionion that there was no alien lifeforms yet found on Mars.
Landform or alien? The face on Mars looks pretty cool right. This face of Mars made it to hollywood and radio talks and books. People were egar to see this face, once they saw it then there was alien talk. We all know its cool to think there might be life out there, but it's just a natural landform. Even though this face is so detailed with the mouth and the eyes and nose, it's just a natural landform. NASA even said it for themselves. " Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform. There was NO alien monument after all." So, If a professional NASA team says it's a landform, i'm not going to argue on the debate. However if your still not conviced I have more to prove. I haven't heard any information about aliens being true or alive. So, why would we still believe and hold on to the fact that there may not be life out there. NASA hasn't said anything about aliens but they have said that things happen. Such as the face on mars. Although there are many, many facts about the face on Mars, I would get if you came up to me and said "Aliens did this to Mras because its so detail and how could that be if no one has been to Mars, so there are aliens." Only because we don't actually know if there are aliens ,but in the end its just lava that created this dome like face. "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa" “That’s a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.” In conclusion there are no aliens and its just a landform. NASA said it's just a landform and there isn't really information about aliens so im going to say that it just happened to be a lucky landform that just happened to show up as a face.
Car Free Cities Many people use cars for different reasons, some to get to work, some for their jobs but i bet these people don't know what they are really causing when they step into their car. Some people throughout the world have been reducing cars in their cities, and the changes they are making have huge advantages on the city. "Automobiles are the linchpin of suburbs" says Elizabeth Rosenthal. Stating that automobiles, or cars, have made and astronomical change in the suburbs, or small neighborhoods on the outskirts of big cities. Some pros about not having cars are that more people are exercising and losing weight, and reducing the pollution in the air. Some even say you can get where you're going faster when not using a automobile. "It's a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air pollution", says businessman Carlos Arturo. Implying, you dont have to stress over being late for work by filling you gas tank up, its a sign of relief knowing you can get places without your car. Redusing car yuse also helps you save your money, by spending money on gas, or even waiting on taxis to get you where you're going can also be tough. In colclusion, there are many advantages on why you should limit car use in big cities. Even though some might not agree, its still a risk to take and make your city a cleaner, more happy place. Even though this might be a incipent to car limiting, it might be able to grow througout the next coulple of years if people work together to stop automobile transportation.    
Driverless car`s In my opinion are a pretty smart idea for the people who lke to be on there phone while driving and risk theres and others life . Or a person who drinking and can get home safely cause he dont have to drive because the smart car will drive for him to get home. The smart car`s can lower the rate of deaths because of drunk drivers and people who text and drive . The smart car can also help with drives who slowly fall asleep at the wheel so they can take it easy but not fall asleep while driving because if the smart car is driving, but the human driver still has to be alert at all times because they may come across a road that takes human skill driving to go through like work site`s, accident`s,etc . In a negative way they can be a bad idea because what if there is a mechanical malfunction with the car itself like a problem that the owner of the car couldnt fix by hand because it had to be done by machines or experts then you wouldnt have a car for the time being . A driverless car still has to have human supervision because basically the human drivier still has to watch the road and watch for pedestrians , animals , and other objects or things going into the road . The smart car has positive and negative things towards it we dont know for sure if we should bring them into the world until the technology becomes even to where they can fix the negative things about them
The first time NASA first spotted the Face on Mars was in 1976 during the Viking 1 mission. At first the scientists back at NASA were surprised, but it did not last long. After some research was done scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa. What made the mesa look like a face were just shadows. When the image was revealed to the public it got a lot of attention. Although some believed the face was a sign of alien life, others were not as easily convinced. The first picture was taken in 1976 when technology was not very great. So in 1997 NASA 's Mars Exploration Program chief scientist, Jim Garvin decided he'd try to get another photo. On April 8, 1998 Mars Global Surveyor flew over the site again. Michael Malin and his MOC team took a picture that was, "Ten times sharper than the original Viking photos," the article says. But other conspiricy theorists think otherwise. The article mentions that the Face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north martian latitude. It was apparently winter there in April of '98. Skeptics say, "Perhaps alien markings were hidden by the haze." Garvin says, "Targeting Cydonia was not fact it is hard to work." Mars Global Surveyor noramally looks straight down but in order to get a good picture, they would have to actually move the camera 2.5 km. They also do not pass over the face very often. On April 8, 2001 they attempted another picture. This time the picture was perfect. It was a cloudless day in Cyndonia. "The team had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view." Garvin said. Not easy work. The article also mentions that each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to the 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photos. I think that this picture did really prove that the Face was only a landform and not some kind of martian marking. In the end people came to relize that the Face on Mars was really on a butte or a mesa of some sort. Garvin says, "So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the could have seen what they were." I personally do not think the Face is part of ancient Martian life but as Garvin says, "It reminds me of most of the Middle Butte in the Snake River of Idaho." I hope now that the others that once believed in the face now relize it really was only their imagination.
Limiting car usage would be a wise thing to do for the world, and places around the word have already started. In German suburbs there are fewer cars, Paris banned driving due to smog, there is a car free day in Bogota, and car culture is coming to an end in the United States. To begin, in Germany people have given up their cars! This is a product of some of the new laws that they are enforcing on the outskirts of Freiburg. For example, street parking is generally forbidden. But car ownership is still allowed, if neccasary they can only park in large garages at the end of the development were you buy a space for $40,000! I deffanitly dont ever want to pay that much just for a parking space, and they dont either; 70 percent of Vaubans families do not own cars. On the plus side people feel more involved in their community when taking a bus or walking to were ever they need to go. "When i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way," said Heidrun Walter. Moreover, air pollution is getting out of control. To help, Bogota has a car free day. Millions of Columbians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid to traffic jams. "These people are generating a revolutionary change, and this is crossing borders," said Enrique Piera, the mayor of Asuncion, Paraguay. The goal is to promote alternative transpertation and reduce smog. Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals. [last] Week Paris had 147 micgrograms of particutate matter per cubic meter compared with 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in Lonon, Reuters found. Adittionaly, greenhouse gas emissions are crazy.  Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer drivers licenses as each year goes by. But America's love afair with its vehicles seems to be cooling. If the pattern persists-and many sociologists believe it will- it will have benificial implications forr carbon emissions and the enviroment, since transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions, just behind power plants. There has been a large drop in the percentage of 16-39 year olds getting license.        
Have you ever heard of the process of electoral college? As stated in paragraph two of the article  source one ''does the electoral college work?'' by the office of the federal register it is a process in which the selection of the electors,the meeting of the electors where they vote for the new upcoming president and vice president, and the counting of the electoral votes by congress. Many citizens or congress men are for and against the electoral college process. I am in favor of keeping the electoral college because they are chose, not just how much the voters like them but their cababilities so more modern. Also more reliable. To begin with, I am in favor of keeping the electoral college because it is more reliable than election by popular vote. When you vote for the presidential election you help select your state's electors when you vote for president of your choice because when you vote for your candidate your actually voting for your candidates electors. As stated in paragraph six in source one. Also these electors aren't just every day people they are carryfully selected to take place in these events. For example, you walk into your local precint to vote on the fourth year on the tuesday after the first monday in november. You enter your voting booth and vote for the president of your choice, so you think. You are actually voting for your states electors. so thats one of the reasons why we should keep the electoral college. In addition, I am in favor of keeping the electoral college because it is more modern,accurate and reliable. Most people vote for the president of there choice becuase of what they say theyll while in presidency, or how good they look, rescent experince, and how much they like that perticular president. Do you really want some one who knows nothing about the president of thier choice but how good they look,to vote for the the next leader of our country. As stated in paragraph eight in source one it states that the electors represnt our vote and choosse president accordingley. For example, a women walks into her local pricent and decides to vote for the president that looks better that isnt an ancurate vote cause she just voted for the president she likes and what if want to run this country into the ground. so thats why I am in favor of keeping the electoral college. To conclude, because the electoral college is more reliable and more accuerate is why i am in favor of keeping the electoral college. So on that fourth year on the tuesday after the first monday of november you go into to make your vote make a wise choice and remeber your voting for your state's electors.  
Did you know that Venus is lose to the eatth and its also close to the sun. Venus is one of the most brightest poionts of the light sky making it simple even for an amateur stargazer spot. Ill will be wrting about how venus is a worthy pursuit despite and the how its danger to is present. Venus is the closet plant to the earth bu the size and the density , ven mars and eath are the plantary neighbohr roe to e to orbut the sub at different, and since venus is right there at the corner by the earth and the sum people often will land spacecrafts on this because it will be so close . Venus is made up of 97 percent carbon dixide venus tempertures id an average of 800 degress and the atmos[heric pressure is 90 times greather in fahrenheight. Venus had the hottest surface temperture of any plant in the solor system , even theough mercury is closer to our sun. Beyond high pressure and heat , venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes and powerful earthquakes and frquent lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface . Venus mas became one of the most earth like plant in the solor system , venus still has some feature that are analogous to these on earth , the plant has a rocky surface that includes valleys and mountains and crates. These three topic shows how venus is a worthy pusuit despite the deanger present because its mostly hot and that its closer to the sun and it has the same feature as the earth so most people will sent spacecraft here because venus and earth has the same feauth as one of another.
A president election is great but, there are some difficulties along the way of deciding who will be able to vote. People are asking themselves whether or not they should keep the electorial vote or get rid of it and have a popular voting method. To me, the popular voting method is reasonable. I believe that you shiould get rid of the electorial collage method and change it to the popular voting method because its fair to the voters, YOU are able to vote for the president of your choice, and because of the winner-take-all system. You need to think about everyone in the all the states not just electing your president. Your people need to agree with the choice that has been made. The electorial collage should be changed to the popular voting method because it is unfair to the voters. Eeveryone should have a say in what goes on where ever it is that they live. We the people make up the government. Who draws the line that states whether or not you are allowed to vote. We do! Therefore we should be able to decied ourselves who can be our president to the United States of America. It is niot fair that we need to elect others to have our submission be made. Even when we tell our electors who we choose, they might turn arouhd and vote for the other person. In Source 2 "The indefensible electorial college : why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong by Bradford Plumer" backs up my response when stating,"In the same vein, 'faithless' electors have ocasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please...". That to me my friend, is not fair at all. With the popular voting method you are able to choose the president of your choice, not the president's electors. In doing this you are having a fair vote in the election with everyone who is eligable to vote, voting whomever they please. If you vote for your own president of your choice there will not be any elector deciding for you if they do not like what you have elected. We need to have a say in what we want. I mean if we want someone to be watching over us, and deciding what to do, we want someone who everyine agrees on. Just a few hundred poeoplpe choosing for you is nothing compared to approximatley more than a million people choosing for themselves. In Source 2 "The indefensible electorial college : why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong by Bradford Plumer" it says that the electors can always defy the will of the people. In my case I believe that no one would want that. I mean, would you want that? Another thing that is unfair in the election is the winner-take-all system in each state. People don't usually spend time in states they know the don't have a chance at winning. Who would? these states only focus on the tight races in the "swing" states. Sometime around the 2000 campaign, apporximately 17 states didn't at all see those candidates. Even when there were voters in states that had 25 of the largest media markets, they were not able to see not even one ad from the campaign. This is being said in Source 2 "The indefensible electorial college : why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong by Bradford Plumer" For my conclusion this proves that there are many difficulties along the way of an election, regarding the votes and voters. With this letter being written, people should not wonder whether or not the electoral college should be abolished, and go with the popluar voting method. You shouldn't be thinking about just a couple of people, but of a whole nation and deciding who is worthy enough in our eyes to lead us to more victories with the popular voting method.
Hello, I'm Luke Bomberger and I work for the "Seagoing Cowboys". We are a group of people who bring animals in boats to countries who are in need and have suffered from the war called "World War 2". We work for a group called the U.N.R.R.A. (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration). They are a society that gives to those who have suffered from the war. You should join me and the other Seagoing Cowboys so we can do an even better job of helping people! On return trips, we play games in empty animal holds such as baseball,volleyball,fencing,table tennis, and more! We have so much fun all the way home! We have gone all over the world, we have gone to Greece, Venice,Europe, China, and other places around the globe! We even see things that countries are known for, such as the Acropolis in Greece, and the Panama Canal in China! Even though we work hard to help people, we get to see the amazings sites that just wow us! We even get to do things in the countries besides our job, like the time we took a gondola ride in Venice, Italy! We bring the animals to countries all over the world so people can live better and healthier lives. The animals give them food, and a way to get around (on horses). The people can even get money if they sell the animals. The animals help people in need every day! The animals help the countries prosper and regain wealth from the loss of the war! You can help people around the world if you become a Seagoing Cowboy!
I would say that planning a trip to Venus is a worthy idea and pursuit because scientists can go there and collect samples of rocks and gases. They could be able to see things and stuff they have never seen before. The problem would be that scientists and explorers would probably not be able to return back to Earth to examine the samples because Venus's Surface is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and they won't be able to survive on the surface for a long period of time. Inseead of using electronics, we can use mechanical computers which are more ridgid and less fragile in extreme weather and environment conditions. These mechanical computers are worthy because they were used in World War II. These mechnical computers were made to withstand the extreme of weather and environmental conditions. . Some examples include the following, " A thick atmosphere of almost 97% carbon dioxide covers Venus". "Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere". "On the planet's surface temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet".
People are arguing about keeping the Electoral College or changing to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. People saying its a bad idea for keeping the electoral college and they want the popular voting for the president. The passage "Does The Electoral College Work?" is about keeping the electoral college or changing the system by popular voting. Its showing the negatives and postives about the two agreements. My two sources shows why not to keep the electoral colleges. "Source 2: The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer is about wrongs about electoral colleges such as the winner-take-all method and more. "Source 3: In Defense Of The Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" by Richard A. Posner is about how Electoral Colleges votes are good and how its hard to use electoral votes by citizens. Im against Electoral Colleges because its unfair and worthless. Im aganist Electoral Colleges because its unfair. Its unfair because your not voting for the president, your voting for a slate of electors and thats not fair at all. Its not guranteed that the person you wanted to become president will be president. The quote i have shows how electoral colleges are unfair. this quote states that "At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races inthe "swing" states." The candidates does not know the states because they havent been there for awhile to understand the states problems. They cannot fix it if the candidates doesn't know. Electoral college is outdated and irrational to the voters and not fair towards them either. This other quote I have can show how electoral colleges are unfair also. This quote states that "The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor." The disaster factor is that the state legislatures are responsible for picking electors, and that those electors always defy the will of the people. The system contain worse for the people and its truley unfair. Im against Electoral colleges because its worthless. Its worthless because the electoral college dosen"t care about the people. Its lacking on everything in the system such as responsiblities and fairness. This quote states that "There are five reasons for retaining the Electoral college despite its lack of democratic pedigree; all are practical reasons, not liberal or conservative reasons." This shows that the electoral college is lacking in things concerning the system to the electors and president. Its worthless to the voters if its not helpful. My other quote that shows how its worthless is that "It can be argued that the Electoral College method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrrying their state." Democrats in Texas are one of the reasons about Electoral Colleges. Their votes will will have no effect, they have less incentive to pay attentionto the campaign. Im against Electoral Colleges because its unfair and worthless. Its unfair to the voters and worthless if its not involve with the voters too. People can like the Electoral Colleges, but I think its not good for the United States of America.
Well the Omna Lisa is a good paint but now that they are trying to know what was her expresion. I think it is good for 1 reason. Bad for 1 reason. The technology is going to know about the expresion that you have and the facial expresion if you are fakeing it or it is natural. It is a good reason because they can discover the expresion of the paints like Mona Lisa but the same time for the fake people who just are being fake. And it could be able to use for the president to see if they smile its natural or fake. To the special people if they are being honest because that can be seen by they face expresions that's what I read. However the bad reason is that they could use it to all the people and know that they are not feeling good or that type of stuf that is private in that way. But also they can had the or ask the permission for the people so if they can see their expresions because it is private for what are your feeling inside. In conclusion it is good and bad. Becuase we can discover from famous paints or photos that had expresions. But for the present it would be something that is private and cannot violate by they rights. But in conclusion I think it would be good but just to use ir in old and past things that would like to be discovered in the present.
The technology called the "Facial Action Coding System", or FACS, that enables computers to identify human emotions is a way to destroy the teacher's way of teaching because Dr. Huang quoted, "A Classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," and "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor". In this argument, if the computer can do such, then there is a high chances that the job to teach will be replaced. In an intellectual student's view, it is best to be taught directly from a human teacher since it has emotions, efforts, and its struggles. There is also another reason why this technology isn't the best to teach. The author states that, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication," notes Dr. Huang. "So computers need to understand that, too." It's only because then the teacher can't be that person who only teaches, it got their students as their great friends to talk, to trust, and to learn from them. Without teachers, then what do the computer teach? There is so many informations in a computer, yet the teacher teaches only one subjects. It's best to be taught by a teacher who can be your friend you trust and to learn, as well. Another reason why it is not best to have FACS is because of this text that the author states, "For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a smiliar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." This is what is not great in the classroom. The students might not be entirely happy, or frown. They would be bored most of the time, and if that happens, an ad will try to make the students smile, which means it can leads to inappropiate ad such as pornography, online games, etc. It's a valid reason that FACS shouldn't be in the classroom, and isn't worth to have it. Another reason that FACS shouldn't be accepted into the classroom is because the auther states this from the paragraph 6 about ads example. They can be a lot distracting if you're taking a test as well as quizzes. Ad changes based on your feelings, which means it would bring out games that makes you excited, and play that game, which will causes a huge amount of distractions in the classroom. In conclusion, it is best not to bring a FACS to a classroom. You'll only get distractions from it. It's also recommended to be taught by a teacher since it can teach you one subjects you choose, and possibly makes you better than before. The emotions may be important, but in a teaching matter, a computer technology that can identify emotions isn't important at all.
Problaby it will be one advance more than big for the world, "driveless car" it is another invent by google and other people more, it will help more people for stay more fast were they want. It is one of the best ideas the I ear before but id everybdy thing what they wiil do wuith the other car the we have right now? It is a lot trash and in this world we don't have more space for that. I don't think it is necesary for any one. the people nw just think it do more stof but the don't think what we will do with all the things what we don't need and maybe in this world we dont have pace jus for put all that. Why this people no think about the people who need help? why they need all time new cars but what about the people who don't have house or food? it is a better ide than just a new cars, for what? more cars if we have a lot. Now we have all forms for go contry by country but why the don't think in someting more special, more important like help other countrys. Not with just one little part I mean if we don't need something new why we use why we don't buy some clothes or seme shoes for wo need it? It is more easy and better for allthe people in the world. And what about the animals? why we have to eat all time animals? why everything is create by the animals now? The people know they hav fellings like us? Now the "human" is a animal, we kill everything what we see "everything. We don't have a lot time in this world, God is coming for us and we need something for make this world better, wecan try to help persons, animals, trees, ans a lot more, we don't need more cars just because the people who wave money think is better foe they. every body know if they will do those cars jus are for people with a lot mone and not for who really need cars. I know I don't talk about your "cars" like what you want but i don't think like you. I think if we have something and we can give that for someone who really need it we Have to do, it is better than use that for nothing immportant or special like people like you want.
Are driverless cars a good or bad thing? In my opinion driverless cars can be a bad thing. These next few paragraphs will explain why I think this and all the cons of the cars. If driverless cars ever do become a pratical thing one big problem we would have to worry about is the GPS or the LIDAR malfunctioning and the car doesn't know whats going on around it. If something like that did happen and the person in the car was not paying attention the car could seriosly indjure some one or it could total itself. A lot of these cars features rely on the fact that if something goes wrong then person behind the wheel is ready to take over but if some thing does go wrong and the the person is sleeping they could swerve into a semi-truck or a building. One of the biggest problems of this car is the fact that tech can stop working and cause accidents. Another con of these cars is the fact that they could get hacked by other people. Recently in 2015 two people (with permission) hacked a car that was not even driverless they could control speed,steering,door lockes,brakes,and so on. Imagine what could happen if criminals hacked into these cars they could potentialy kill lots of people by making the cars crash into buildings,cars,and other things. Another problem is human error. What if something does go wrong and the person is not ready to take over? I have touched on this a bit already but I'm going into a little more detail. Much like normal cars the driver has to be awake behind the wheel ,in the case of driverless cars, just in case they need to take over the wheel of the car. If someone is on a long drive and decide to let the car drive itself but as they are sleeping the cars malfunctions and the driver does not know they need to take over the car and the person could end up in in a ditch or end up crashing into another car or even worse a semi-truck. After these reasons and some others I think that these cars can be a bad thing on the road but only time can tell if thats the case. Are driverless cars a bad thing? In my opinion yes they can be after reading the artical and looking at the facts i conclude that these cars could be a hazerd on the road.
The invention of the automobile revolutionized the way humans traveled from place to place in the 20th century, but now since we have entered the 21st century, people are beginning to question why we implement the automobile so much into our lives. The automobile should not be so interconnected within our lives, in fact, limiting it's usage would have many advantages. These advantages include cutting down on our carbon footprint, and reducing the amount of stress and congestion within our streets. Restricting the usage of the automobile can benefit the enviroment immensly. After all, transportation is the second largest source of pollution in the US, so restricting automobiles can severly reduce the impact of carbon emissions on our enviroment (Rosenthal). If we don't take action now, and start cracking down on pollution from carbon emissions, our cities will develop smog problems similar to what Beijing experiences, which is one of the most polluted cities in the world (Duffer). Fortunetly for Paris, a week of partial driving bans helped clear the five days of near-record pollution it was experiencing, and it helped it return to normal (Duffer). If five days of reducing the number of drivers by half manages to clear the smog from Paris, it's possible to delay or even halt the risng of global warming across the planet if the globe decides to enact restrictions on car usage. Therefore, restricting car usage could have inumerable benefits for our enviroment. Another advantage of restricting car usage would be a reduction in the amount of stress and congestion crowding our city streets. For instance, when Paris enacted the weeklong half ban on automobile usage, congestion was down 60% in the city's streets (Duffer). Another instance of a city banning automobiles is Bogota, Columbia, which bans cars one day a year. The goal is intended to promote alternative transportation in the city, and this leaves the "streets of this capital city eeirly devoid of traffic Jams" (Selsky). Many citizens enjoy this day, and resident Carlos Arturo Plaza described the day as "a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" (selsky). A city called Vauban in Germany are pioneering a new type community where no cars are permitted within the city, and the only area they are permitted are the outskirts of the city. This orientation benefits the residents by elimating most of the noise and stress of car engines running, and instead replacing them with the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children (Rosenthal). A resident of the pioneer city, Heidrun Walter, said "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" (Rosenthal). Therefore, limiting car usage collosally reduces the pandomonium and congestion we experience everyday in our lives due to automobiles. All in all, restricting car usage poses numerous advantages for everyone. The advantages include reducing our impact on the enviroment by cutting down carbon emissions, as well as decreasing the amount of stress and congestion found in our city streets.
The article talks about a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System that can read your emotions, but would it really help in a classroom environment? That's what the minds behind this technology think. They believe it can be used in schools to show if the lesson is boring or not and if so it will switch it up, this technology can also be applied to ads on facebook for example, if you smile at the ad it will continue to show more ads like that one, but if not it will show other ads. This seems more creepy than helpful, some people cover cameras on computers because it's so easy to hack into them but to do this you'd have to uncover your camera and so you could easily be watched without you even knowing. Even if its not hacked, would you want a camera to continously watch your every move recording everything? Not many people would. This technology could be helpful to some people, as stated in the article "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored" but for most if you don't like a lesson and its boring or confusing, there should be a button to click to modify the lesson, or if you don't like a certain ad you can already click a button saying that on facebook. This technology would'nt do much other than making people lazier than they already are, it's a cool theory but in action it would never help much. In conclusion, I don't beleive this would help more than it would hurt. We don't need all of our info inside databases and we don't need more of a reason to be lazy.
Driverless cars seem very intriguing to have in the world. The thought of not having to drive when you do not feel like it. It would make our world much more luxurious, but it might not be the safest. Machines and computers mess up all the time. They malfunction and have to be fixed. Us, as humans, have a better perception of the world, because we can makeour own choices. Computers are programed to do a certain thing. They do not have that consciousness to decide right from wrong, and that could provide safety hazards. Driving is already dangerous with us controlling the car, but with a computer it might be worse. I believe that we should have computer assistance when we drive. Humans should drive still, but the computer, or car shoukd be there to assist us with driving safely. The computer to human ratio should be fifty to fifty. Even though this would helpful, we would have to consider the expenses. We would have to add sensors to most cars, which will put a pretty unique debt money-wise. We might even have to upgrade the roads to have sensors. This might be worth it though. We will never know until we experience it.
Do I think having a Facial Action Coding System in schools would benifit them? I believe having a Facial Action Coding System in the class room would be both a good idea and a bad idea and heres why. The upside to the system from my stand point, would be that you would be able to know the emotional satus of the student which could in turn help the student out greatly. Lets say a student is having trouble at home and they're experiencing depression because their parents are spliting up or whatever the reason may be. The teachers or school officials will be able to see that the student is depressed, and could then maybe ask the student whats going on and offer them the support if they want someone to talk to about whatever may be effecting them in their life. The teacher could take a huge amount of stress off the students back or help the student understand what to do or help the student with the heartache if they decided to talk. This could make the student feel better about the situation and keep the student from feeling lonely, like no one cares, or keep them from thinging that hurting themselves would be a way to solve the situation. Another upside would be if a student was getting angery and was going to do something like get in a fight then teachers or school officials would possibly have the chance to detect the anger and calm the stuation before it caused any type of problem. Teachers would also be able to detect fear which could possibly lead to being able to easily detect when a student is lying. Now lets move to the downsides, sure it would be great to be able to detect a students emotion but it could also present problems. Lets go back to the depressed student whos parents just split up or whatever the case might be, if the teacher detects that the student is depressed or sad and trys to talk to them, sure it could help but it coul also just make the matter worse. If the student is depressed and the teacher approaches them and brings up the question of why hes depressed and asked if he needs help, the student may then become embarrased and refuse help. If the student then refuses help and feels embarrassed it may lead to deeper depression and may cause him to take harmful steps or something of that nature to "feel better". The student could also tell his parents that the teacher was attempting to "pry" an answer out of them as to why they were feeling sad or depressed which could cause alot of problems between the family and the teacher and could in turn cause unneeded violance or drama. Not that this is really a negitive affect but it could get students in trouble for alot of diffrent reasons such as maybe a student dosent have their homework done and they tell the eacher they forgot it at home hoping maybe they would say just to make sure its here tomorrow. The machine may show the student being nurvious which could bring the teacher to asume maybe the student is lying even if they may not be. It may not be a bad thing since it would possibly catch a student lying but what if the student was being truthful and the teacher acused them of lying. The way i see it the system has many advantages but at the same time has many disadvantages but if I had to choose a side, honestly i might have to go with no it would not make a postive impact having the system in the classroom. From my personal stand point I just believe that it would cause more conflict then it would soultions.
Isn't it strange that cars are one of the most used transporting verhicles around? Well, of course besides busses, trains, airplanes, and all that. Almost everyone has a car, or adleast knows someone who does. Unfortunatley, in German Suburbs life goes on without cars. The Vauban's streets are completely "car-free" so the article says. They say car owner ship is allowed but there are only two places to park, large garages but that would take up to $40,000. Also, along with a home. 70% of people in the Vaubans family believe that life is better with out cars, of course they do not own cars. 57% sold a car to move here. In 2006 there was a growing trend in Europe, The United States, and else where to seperate suburban life from auto use. They call this "Smart Planning" Passanger cars are responsible for 12 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions in Europe, and up to 50 percent in car-intensive areas in the United States. Vauban. Home to 5,500 people within a rectaugular square mile, may be the most experimented place with low-car suburban life. Levittown and Scarsdale, New York suburbs spread-out homes and private places (such as garages, homes, etc) They were the dream towns of 1950s and still and exert a stong appeal. But some new suburbs look like the Vaubans. Not only in developed countries but also in the developing world. The United States, the Enviornmental Protection Agency is promoting "car reduced" communties. Meaning the lack of usage with cars. In previous bills, 80 percent or appropriations have by law gone to highways and only 20 percent go towards other transport. On Monday, motorists were ordered to leave there cars ar home or suffer a fine of $31. Amost 4,000 drivers were fined according to reuters. 27 people had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine. Down 60 percent Congestion in the capital of France, after five days of intensifying smog. Dieasel fuel was blamed. They make up 67 percent of vehicles in France compared to 53.3 percent average of diesel engines in Western Europe. The days without cars started in Bogota in the mid-1990s. President Obama's goals to curb the United States greenhouse gas emissions unvieled last week. The United States peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily after. As of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to the countrys rate in January 1995. Americans can not afford new cars and the unemployed wern't going to work anyway. The next few years will be telling.
Dear Senador I personally think that the electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The people around count of having a better life in the country but not giving they what they want will bring big problems the nation. Its overruled to decleared the candidate who receives the most popular votes the winner you have to be fair. It doesn't matter if you have more popular votes than others you have to win by having regular votes. The Electoral Colleges metod is not being democratic at all in modern sence. And it seems like is the electors who elect the president, not the people. The trust of the peole had been betrayed. It is the entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote will not win the natonal popular vote. There's five reason for retaining the Electoral College despite its democratic pedigree; all are practical reasons, not liberal or conservative reasons: 1) Certainty of Outcome 2)Everyone's President 3)Swing State 4)Big State and last but not less 5)Avoid Run-Off Elections. So why not do one of them. Why not? Because your scared that your democracy will fail or not win. But whats more important you or your nation?
I think the idea of driverless cars is a good idea at some points but it also can be dangerous because what if the cra messes up when its driving its self and you hit something and the person dies that was in the car who would be held responsible for that person loosing there lives over a silly mental mistake but i think its a good idea also because if you go on a trip and you feel like resting with outh pulling over to the side of the road you can just make your car drive for you. But i really like the idea of what google did when it said that the seat vibrate when you are in danger or you are about to hit something. Or maybe when you have an important text all you have to do is let your car drive its self while you text whoever back i think it would stop mostly all the wrecks from texting and driving. Or another positive fact is what if you had a baby in the back seat and it was crying you can let your car drive while you stop the baby from crying or ETC. Or if you were smoking or eating something your car would drive for you i think that would stop all the wrecks from people. But how does your car know where to go do you put a address or a destanation where you want to go. Also another good idea is if you had an disabled human being that cant walk or drive then that would be good for them cause they dont got to worry how to get places or depend on a ride from somebody. I like how some of these cars have sensors to alert the driver of something there about to hit or someone is about to hit them, another negative thing is what if a child gets in a car and they get the car starts to drive by there self and the child dies or something. And would this effect the age you have to get a liscence? But overall I think it should be up to the person that purchaes the car and it should be there responsibilty and there risks, I dont think that the dealer ship should be held accountable for there risks.
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" the author presents both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. I persoanlly am agianst the development of these cars. There's no need for them, they can be dangerous, and who is to blame for an accident the car or the driver? First off I believe theres no need for driverless cars, for we have cars now that can do the same things while in control. We have sensors and back up camras on cars now. These have worked perfectly fine. Have we really become that lazy that we cant drive our own cars? I feel there is no need for them. Just another piece of technology to waste money on. Another reason I believe we should not have drivesless cars is that they can be dangerous. With all of the technology something can easily mess up. You can lose controll of the car. Its just to much built into one car. There will need to be new laws and most likely other things will need to be placed. Lastly "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault.. the driver or the manufacturer? The driver can say its the cars fault but what if it was actully the driver. How are you to know? What if you lost a loved one because of this car. Sure you would sue the manufacturer but money will not bring that loved one back. These are the reasons i believe having driverless cars is a terrible idea. There simply no need for them. They can be dangerous to have and handle. Who would be to blame if there was to be an accident. Think about this before creating these new tehcnologys.
the author want to show you all the data he picked up good and bad. Howabout the fact that venus is one of the most challenging planets but on the pther hand venus has struck the curasidity of many people. venus is looked at and called the "evening star" for being very bright but it can also be refered to the "twin" for having simaller charchaterists like in terms of density and size. on the other hand venus goes a very differnet speed then the other planets. leaving the abillity to go venture very dangerous. venus can have an atmosphere of 97 percent carbon dioxide which can be very harmful to humans along with the fact that it is 800 degrees Fahrenheit. all in all its hard but worth it to find out what we can on venus. and be aus eof this NASA hasnt given up yet trying to figure out ways to safely travel there and back.
I know for a fact that the Face on mars is not an alien artifact. Instead i know that it is just a normal landform. One of my reason for saying that is simple,on paragraph two it states"Only this one had an unusual shadows that made it look like an egyptian pharaoh,"but that is not my only reason for saying it is just a mesa. I will be explaing why i think that this landform on mars is just a natural landform. First,i will continue to explain the shadows that gave this landform a face. On paragraph 3 the article states that the landform was given shape by shadows. the face parts the shadows gave were eyes,mouth and a nose. Also on paragraph two the article tells us that this landform was just another Martian mesa,which was common enough around another planet called Cydonia. Next,i will be explaining the three diffrent pitcures that were taken,and how the (moc) knew how it was just a regular landform and not an alien artifact. On paragraph seven it tells us how the second time they took another pitcure of it,but with a better camera. Many people were very anxious to see teh first image appear on a JPL web site,revealing that it was just a natural landform. That's not all,one paragraph eight,it states"but not everyone was satisfied". After that on paragraph nine mission controller looked at the face again,but it was not easy finding it,so they searched for the face until they found it again on April 8,2001. Then the Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look,they took the pitcures using a camera's absolute maximun resolution. If there were any objects like Egyptian-style pyramids you could see what they were. Then on paragraph twevle it telles us that face was just a messa or landforms common around the American West.
Driveless car, we have talked about driveless car for years and now that there here people are spectical. Driveless car they car cool that are a good form of public transportataion. Why you may ask brcause drunken drivers now dont have to spend money on a cab so instead they just drive drunk and some times kill people in carwrecks with the new technology this will be no problem you might say but on the oher hand these car are going to be expensive for the adverage human to buy. Some other issues are the computers so people are scared that he computer in the car will be abel to get hacked or it will shut off when your driving and you could wreck there is many ways that he computer could mess up so that is also a dangerous part of having a car that drives its self. There are some other great featurs that the car will have such as the traffic jam feature that will have heads up displays around he car telling you when your going to have to take over the car and drive it your self . The car also watches you and he road so that the car always knows if your ready to take the wheel or not. Although it is illegal to drive a computer opperated cars or even test them states like California, Nevada, Flordia and the District of Columbia are leading the United states in est self driving car manufactures such as Bmw, Tesla and gm have tested self driving car, also Google is testing self driving car. Also in 2016 Tesla released a driving car that can drive on auopilot 90% of the time. This is a huge step in making the roads safer it could help with drunken driviers it can make where there is less wrecks it is a all around better way to drive on the road. There is the other side of things people who arwe afriad of the computer controlling where they wreck or not and there is also people who just enjo to drive and go on thoese sunday crusies and be incontroll of there car not having the car drive them but them drive the car. Im more on there side of that is makes the roads safer so we should mass build them and make them at a cheap price where every one can get one.
Have you ever walked to work or have you rode a bike to work? Many people dont,then again many people do. For example in New York there is a new bike-sharing program for people who perfer to ride a bicycle to get to poing A to point B. There are many other alternitives to getting to point B from point A like Mr. Sivak has said "A car is just a means of getting from A to B when BART doesen't work.". In Paris the usage of cars has lead to days of near-record pollution rivaled by Beijing,China. Paris has worked to fix this problem by banning the usage of cars on certain days acording to their license plates. For example on mondays motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars,if one did not listen they would be fined 22-euros. That day almost 4,000 drivers were fined. Due to this new ban congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France. In another part of the world in Vauban, Germany there is a suburb that has had Street parking, driveways and home garages forbiden. This german suburb is completly car free with an exception of thoroughfare. Car ownership is allowed, but it is highly inconviniant for the owners. As a result, 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars. Vauban is an example of a growing trend in Europe. In conclusion, there are many alternitives to getting around place to place. Such as riding bicycles and taking publick transportation in New York, Paris, Germany.
I would tell them its just a natural landform and, its no aliens there must have been a degree surprise among mission we phototgraphed the face as soon as we could get a good shot at it. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL revealing a natural landform there was no alien monument after all. Not everybody was satisified but it was the truth after all the the research all the the pictures. It was not true but mission controllers prepared to look again it was hard work. They still kept saying lets prepare to look again Mars Global Surveyor its a mapping they says its a mapping spacecraft that normally look straight down and scans the planet like a fax machine thats why people still think aliens are true on Mars. We was on are second look the Maliens team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution. Although a few scientists believed the Face was an alien artifact photographing Cydonia became a priority for NASA when Mars Global surveyors arrived at the Red Planet in Sept.1997. That was the first time when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia to tell them aliens are not real. They say the Face on Mars has since become a pop icon it has starred in a hollywood film, it even haunted grocery store checkout lines 25 years ago. We have evidence Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos we done The situation is done aliens are not real and it will never be its a landform we had Mars Global Surveyor fly over to Cydonia to tell us the truth.
Have you ever lose a live one to a car crash before.The future in cars is here with self driving cars that car carsh will not happen again because the make less polution then the cars of today the can sensor in the car and but not less the will save you hundrads from paying to get you car fix. The car make less polition then the cars today the burn less fiul and get around faster. The use less gas that means the air will be beater. The new car will travel farther then a car today with less gas and the means lower gas prices means more money in your pocket. The new car will save you handreds of dollers in repares.The new car will not crash that means more money for you and our family. The car stop before it gets into a crash. That will make it you will never need to repare your car ever again. The new driverliss car will be the only car you need becouse you will not have to replace.The are great for new drivers becaouse the will stop you teen son or duaghter from deading in a crash. The car haves sensers that can senes that something that is around it and stop or speed up to avoud it. The care can tell if your hand are on the will or not. The car will not move if both hand are not on the will. The be less death and less people who try to tex and drive. The new car also have a camrea that whaches you as you whach the road. If you are not the car will pull over and stop.They new car is heare to stay in this changeing world. The new car use less gas and save the world from being drilled for more oil. The new car is the only car you will ever need just need to up date the car ever other year.There be less death from car crashes and more happy familys out there in the world. The future in cars is here with self driving cars that car carsh will not happen again because the make less polution then the cars of today the can sensor in the car and but not less the will save you hundrads from paying to get you car fix.
This article show us many emotions that each person have, and how our face expressed emotions by any situation. Also explain the most common emotions that each person used more, they are happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness. One example of this article is the art of Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" that explain the Mona Lisa have many emotions this is comproved by a software that show the Mona Lisa has some differents emotions. Scientifics of the University os Illinois. They are working in collaboration with another scientifics and anothers Universitys about if we can calculate emotions and all this process begin about muscles. Movement of body and movement of all the muscles this means that we are sad or happy or actually fear we can note or show to someone else. IN this article the example the how we can calculate our emotions is about the face's muscles if you are suprised the most common movement is raises your eyebrows or a smile when you are happy or also tightens your lips when you are angry. We have a lot of expresions that helps us how we feel or how exprese our emotions. This is important because we should know each person it is different and show how many people expresed their emotions by differents ways.
Driverless Cars? Driverless cars? I am not so sure about this idea. Some people will instantly think that this is a fantastic idea. There are also the people that will think like me and say that this idea is not so good. Sure, there are some good things about this idea, but are you sure you want to be drove around by some type of car that uses an AI (Artificial Itelligence) unit? There are some good things about this. If your car can drive you to places by itself, that would be cool. This would mean that your arms would be free during the drive. This may also let you occupie yourself by being able to do other things while your car is driving for you. This idea may sell for a nice amount of money. You have to also realize that there are also a couple bad things about this idea too. Have you ever sat down and thought about things that could happen if technology went currupt? What I am about to say may not be likely to happen, but it is possible. What if the car found a way to take control of itself? This could be very bad because you won't have any type of control over your vehicle anymore. I bet that not to many people have sat down and thought of something like this happening with driverless cars. If the car lost control with you inside of it that could have lead you to a serious injury or even death! I am quite sure that no one wants to die because of a driverless car went currupt and crashed into something, that would be stupid if you ask me. Everyone should stick to driving their car themselves, this is how it should be. In conclusion, I am not so sure that this driverless car idea is a good one. This idea may have some good things in it, but there are some bad things in it also. I'm sure that not many people thought about what could happen if the car went currupt. The car may take over itself, leaving you with no control. I think people should continue to driving their own cars themselves, this is for the best.
The auther's support on the studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers are too dangerus. Venus is too harmful to humans and/or anything that touches the planet. Many people sent numerous spacecrafts to Venus but, were unsecessful and they didn't last for a few hours. The issue helps understand why nothing has touched Venus in over Three decades. The carbon dioxide that's like a blanket on Vense is almost 97% The planet's clouds are highly corrosive silfuric acid in it's atmosphere, temeratures are over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the pressure is 90 times greater then on Earth. NASA are manking idea's on sending humans to Venus to study it. Sending humans to the planet is too dangerus and harmful for them, even the spacecrafts that they send to Venus. Taking samples from the planet like rock, gas, would become a risk to their lives. NASA is looking back at old taht were used in the 1800s and played an important role in 1940s during World War ll.
In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author writes about the idea of exploring Venus. The author mentions many obstacles, that make the exploration of Venus hard, but he also talks about why it is important for us to explore the planet. One of the most important reasons, to explore Venus, is the fact that Venus could once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. The author writes "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life". The author also brings out the fact, that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit. In Paragraph 8 the author writes about how exploring the planet would not just be for the information, but to feed the curiosity that humans naturally have. According to the authors opinion, if we can defeat the problem that is exploring Venus, we will be more confident and innovative facing equally intimidating endeavors in the future. The author expresses his opinion about exploring by saying "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expnded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." So in Paragraph 4, when the author says "The value of returning to Venus seems indisputable" he means that the insight we would gain and the satisfaction of feeding our curiosity makes Venus a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. I truly hope,that the challenge of exploring Venus will be defeated, because it could possibly change the way we see our World.
"Facs's" or facial action coding should be allowed to read the emotional expressions of students in the classrom and it would be valuable. Having facial action coding could help to allow a teacher to see when a student may be bored or is confused and simply needs some help. Prof. Thomas huang of the beckman institute, and also prof. Nicu Sebe of the university of amesterdam have been working together to create and improve facial action coding for it would be extremely valuable for our classrooms. Having facial action coding would help teacher's be able to see all how the class is feeling and making sure they feel energized and happy in their working enviornment,yet also allows the teacher to see when a student needs help:"A classrom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,". In addition because of the facial actions coding capabilities to detect these emotions it could also modify a lesson to be more fit for any certain student;"Then it could modify the lesson, Like an effective human instructor". Evidently having facial action coding software in classrooms would be an extremely valuable thing, And although the opposing side may say that children should'nt have their emotions read that it's their personal buisness, it turns out most communication happens to be nonverbal anyways:"most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication." facial action coding system is an abosolute leap in technology advancements, for its ability to detect and analyze facial musclar movements. It would be extremely valuable for our modern day classrooms. Contrary to a common belief that it is wrong to read the emotions or expressions of younger kids just to make sure they are going to be paying attention in class it turns out we already do that as humans:" in fact we humans perform this same impressive 'calculation' everyday. for instance, you can probably tell how. friend is feeling simply by the the look on her face". Evidently if we are already doing this naturally as humans furthermore it would'nt develoup conflict. Overall having facial action coding in our modern day classrooms would be very valuable and they would be beneficial for their capabilities to detect what a student is paying attention to the teacer or lesson in class, and also be able to modify class lesson to better them for the students, and finally for their ability to analyze the facial muscular movement.
Have you ever wanted to own a car that does your driving for you? Well now you have that chance to own one. Now you may be thinking the same way I am thinking. How will the car sence a pedestrian? Or how will the car know that theere is a stop light or a top sign ahead? These are some things you might want to focusing on and focus less on, WOW a car can actually drive it's self? Now I on the other hand am against driverless cars because I don't think that it would be a good idea. What would be the point in being in the drivers seat if no one was actually driving the car? How more expessive is the driverless car than the original regular car? How is the driverless car exactly safer than regular cars? I personally think that there would be the same amout of aciedents happening than what there is today in society maybe for vary of reasons but there most likely would still be plenty of accidents. Another reason on why I do not think driverless cars would be a good idea would be because what if one of the cars has a misfunction or a error and doesn't stop while someone is crossing the street? What if the car doesn't stop at a stop light and you have a three car pile up because of it? Having a driverless car would make people that it would be okay to drink and drive because technically they are not the one doing the driving the car is doing the driving. There will probably a lot of people who try and sue the driverless car company because their car had a misfunction and caused them to wreck and now they have a hospital bill on their hands because they got ito that accident that was not their fault. Or maybe the car hit a pidestrian and now the car owner has someone elses hospital bill to pay for but don't have insurence or the finances to pay the bill even though it was not his/her fault. Again there are multiple reasons to rethink this driverless car reanactment. There are to much things to be worrying about if you owned one. You would be waisting your money buying something you absolutly do not need. You would be waisting money on a case you would most likely lose. These are just a few reasons on why I am against the "Driverless Cars Are Coming."
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. The article states lots of information on what the machine can do and how it does it. The Facial Action Coding System could be very helpful for not only students, but teachers too. Everyone that has been to school knows that, not everyhing you learn will be interesting and nor will some of your teachers. By having new teachnology that could change that and make future genarations more involved in their own learning, will be life changing. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts.(6) I personaly would like a teacher that knows when I need help or when I know what Im doing. Its even better if they know when we are bored, it could change lots of students mind sets towards public education. The FACS could help in many ways, one it could be helpful towards actors or just people that want to be more in touch with there emotions. "According to the Facial Feedback Thoery of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them." (9) When you sign up for a class that you have to act in and your grade depends on it, this machine would come real handy. I was in a speech class my first semester of 10th grade. The teacher made us memorize a monolge of a movie character. We had to say word for word while showing emotions, emotions that I had never felt before. With the FACS future students could be better at that class and it can go a long way. The Facial Action Coding System does help students in the classroom. It would be a whole new genaration of studnets if this machine went out to the schools. When students dont have to wait on real teachers to move on or help them with something they are stuck on, the makeup of theyre brain will totally change for the better. Students will be faster at thinking, solving and much more during school.
The car is a staple in modern day society by many standards, it represents wealth, sociatal rank however; on the more negative side of the matter cars are the result of a majority of deaths in the United States. Alongside the fatalities, cars also pollute the environment that is so very delicate. The benifits of becoming car-free are immense and far outweigh the "negatives" that come alongside living without cars. Cars as many people know see them are recognized for their glamour and attraction, but what is forgotten somewhere in the infatuation with cars is the true devastation they can cause. Cars in the United States and many other countries around the world account for a majority of the fatalities in total. Living without cars would completely irradicate the fatalities due to cars as well as reducing the stress that comes along with having such a hefty responsibility. Along with the potential danger to humans, in the United States cars are the second largest source of emmisions right behind power plants according to paragraph 34. Countries like India and China are among the top few most polluted cities on this planet; now imagine the imact of implimenting a car-free law. The amount of pollution would go down immensely and the effect that this would have on the lifespan of people living in those countries would be incredulous. Some will argue that this will negatively have a change on their life. And to that I would say, are you willing to sacrifice some of the comfort that a car supplies you for a better life for your children and grandchildren? Many people aknowledge that buying a car is arguably the second largest and expensive purchases that will be made in your life second to a house. The amount of money that would be saved from living a car-free life would be incredible. Without having to pay car payments, car insurance, and gas fees every month imagine what this money could be going towards. Removing such a monitary factor would reap such high rewards that so many would agree is completely worth some of the sacrifices that would have to be made. All in all cars are not completely necessary, and that implimenting such a thing would have such a benificial outcome for society as a whole. Think not about the present but about the future of the world, and by living a car-free life you are bettering the present community as well as the future world.