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Well I do believe in supernatural life form, but i don't think that aliens would do things like this. Personally based on my opinion is that it could've been just the way it looks. Like how it resembles a human face, has eyes, a nose, the head shape, could be just the way it devoloped over decades and centuries over time. This does'nt mean that it work of an unknown species. Its just a natural landform that has developed the shape of a human face over time. But i can also see how other would think that. yes, I admit it is an odd thing to see, but theres a million different stories of how this particular piece became known to all the human race. So us scientists, at NASA are going to find the real story behind this unfounded clue. Also do promise that the story that we get will be the truth, and also be shared to the public people of the United States. This clue has a million questions, and a million accusations. But what i think over my years of research is that there was no alien lifeform that created the face of mars. Just alot of great odd things happen. It just seems to be that this is one of them. But us scientists at NASA promise to find the real truth, tell the real truth, and plan to make it known to the human race.
The cars are coming, the cars are coming! The future of cars is said to be driveless cars. The future of cars in every kid's eyes were supposed to be flying cars or cars that travel back in time; however, our technology is nowhere near those vast advancements. Our next biggest step, to say blatantly, would be driverless cars. Imagine a long day on the road and the driver needs a break; however, everyone else that's able to drive is asleep. So, the driver uses his driverless car so that he can sleep. Since no car has been proven to be one-hundred-percent driverless, the car notifies the driver that he needs to take the wheel. He doesn't catch the notice and they crash. According to the article, "Driverless Cars Are Coming,' "..their cars have driven half a million miles without a crash, but so far, Google cars aren't truly driverless." This makes the cars dangerous. Using the example above, someone may see that driverless cars are unsafe. In fact, the article even states, "the in-car system is actually a safety feature, and safety is a big concern." In the article it also says that some scientists are said to believe that cars driven by humans are safer than these driverless cars. A lot of good things come with the car, unfortuantely one of those goods things is not safety. In conclusion, my stance on driverless cars remains unbudged. I myself oppose driverless cars, deeming them to be too unsafe. These cars could cause so much damage in such little time. If safety is our number one priority then sticking to human driven cars is our best bet.
The use of the facial emotion recognizing things can help when kids are stuck on a problem or don't understand it. It may even help explain to a level they understand. It can help with how to teach someone and to read if they are understanding it, not just saying they do. They could even be more helpful outside of the classroom. When police take somene in for questioning they could have to computer read their face to see if they are nervous or lying. Instead of having a human give their opinion on what they think the person is feeling and giving the job to a computer, that was built to understand and read those things. It can help a lot with kids who lie and kids who need help and to get their own special level of understanding in thier education. To get things to be understood on a level for them. Not everyone learns the same and doesn't understand things the same way as others. Building this may help kids learn a lot better and give their teachers a better undertanding on how to teach them and what they need. What pace to take it at for that individual childs mind. To help understand better why certain kids are grasping at the subject they struggle in and help them. Maybe they understand it but it doesn't get their attention. The computer could possibly even help on that. It could help so many kids with grades. Could possibly slow the struggle with kids learning. Kids could learn in their own way at their own pace. Maybe not make them feel so scared and confused. The article stated that it read basic emotions, even a paintings emotions. They think it could help when kids get confused looks on their faces and give them help when needed instead of having to wait for a teacher who has to take care of more than one kid. Could change the way of explaining it to help them, sometimes they just don't understand the way it's explain as others might. The use of this technology could go far, even then could be able to be better with more work done. It may help a lot, in or out of the classroom.
Dear Florida state senator, I highly suggest we keep the Electoral College for many reasons, I believe to be the most valued being, with Electoral College, we can insure the certainty  and fariness of the outcome. Majority of states award electoral votes with a winner takes all, type of deal. For instance, when no candidate has majority of vote, it becomes a bit of a hectic presidential election, but by using Electoral College, the result is a clear winner. Also, it is insured that there is no region that has enough electoral votes to elect a president alone. Which is great! If a candidate was elligable to be elected by a single regions appeal, that president is extreamly unlikely to be a successful president. Many people believe that Electoral college is unfair, they claim that the candidates feel they dont have to spend much time in the states that they feel they have no chance of winning in, but in reality, instead of avoid the states the candidates feel they wont get votes from, they should probably campaign there, and try to win some votes. It's about making the people like you, making them want to vote for you, not feel avoided by you, and if the candidates still dont see it that way, Electoral College has solved this problem by incorpurating "Swing States." Voters in these toss-up states listen extermely closely to the competing candidates. These voting are often the most thoughtful because they know they are going to be the deciding factor in the election. Becuase no region of voters can decide the election, and there is even a deciding factor of thoughful people who are listening cloesly to the election, Electoral College becomes not only the fairest, but also the most succuessfull way to elect a president.
"Are driverless cars coming?" I'm against driverless cars because of saftey, cost, and law. To begin, i'm against the driverless car because of the saftey issues. In the article it says that "if the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacture". Also in the article it points out, driverless cars have light signals to indicate traffic jams and other saftey issues.(What if a person is on a phone or is not paying attention and a car comes out in front of them and the signals dont show in time and someone is hurt).Another saftey problem is the antilock breaks. As you can see their are many things that can go wrong with this car showing that it's not yet saftey to be on the road. Secondly, the driverless car is a long way from being perfect because of the cost. The cars need smart roads to function. So the cost will fly up because of the updates to support the car. An supporting detail from the article is, "These smart roads systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical." People that is less fortunate that wants to by the "eco saving" car would have to pay a enormous amount of money to get this brain car. Another detail from the passage is, Without the option of smarter roads, manufactures turned to smarter cars..." If the manufactures didn't upgrade the roads they had to upgrade the car but it's still a major amount of money going in these cars. So this means what they paid to upgrade the car is going to double when someone wnats to buy it. The expens of this so called smart car is not worth buying. Next, laws are prohibiting the use of smartcars in some staes. Some laws for the smart car staes that, "...a human driver in control at all time". This law shows that even if the driverless car is developed complety it must have someone controling it, not it controling the driver. This shows that some states believe this law is good because they think a human driver is more safe then being driven around by a robot car. A supporting detail is, " states will follw as soon as the cars are proven reliably safe". This quote shows that the states that have these laws don't trust the driverless car ideal yet. As you can see some laws will never trust the smart car because of the problems and safetey issues it might cause. Laslty, I was against the driverless car because of safety, cost, and laws. Why would someone get a car coslty car that thats not yet proven to be ready to hurt themsleves? Or are people today just getting lazy?
Citizens of the united states should participate in the "Seagoing Cowboys" program. First off they are sending animals such as horses, young cows, and mules to the coutries that were debistated from world war 2. Also they get the benfit of seeing Europe and China. Last they are serving for the orginazation of UNRRA. And this people is why you should join the "Seagoing Cowboys" program. To support the reason that they get the benifit of seeing Europe and China. They see most of Europe. They see most of China too. And they see what most ordinary people don't get to. This shows why people should join the "Seagoing Cowboys" program. And to support the reason that your serving for the orginazation of UNRRA. They are part of the UNRRA . The UNRRA stands for (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration). And so they are helping the debistated countries of Europe and China from world war 2. Last to support the reason that they are helping others in need of animals from the debistation of world war 2. They are giving people animals. They are also giving people their needs. And from those animals they are getting people the products they need. And I see why people do not want to join the program. maybe they want to stay with their families, or they get sea sick, or the fact that they just don't like animals. In conclusion this is why people need to join the "Seagoing Cowboys" program. Like I said, they are sending animals to the countries that were debistated from world war 2. They also get the benifet of seeing Europe and China. They are also serving for the orginazation of the UNRRA. Now I recomend you should join the "Seagoing Cowboys" program.
Dear mister senator, The Electoral College is a very organized way of handling the Presidential election. It makes certain that tthere is usually a landslide victory. The locations of the states help the canidates and the Electoral Colloege states that you have to have transregional appeal. The swing states such as Florida, are the states presidental canidates pay attention to. The votes there are the ones thats can decide the election. The lager states, due to there large population, also get more Electoral votes. The Electoral Colloege has helped avioded run-off elections by reducing the complication of it all. The Electoral College is made up of five-hundred thirty-eight electors and all that is need to elect a president is two-hundred seventy electoral votes. The electoral College is the easier and less complicated way of electing a president. Though whether the Electoral College is democratic, it is not true in a modern sense. It is still very practical and less complicated. The people instead would vote for slates of electors but, they still would be voting towards you canidate. The Electoral College is the method that we should keep.
We should keep the Electoral College because it helps the people choose a president easily then just by popular votes. The process that helps the people choose a president is easy thanks to the Electorl College. According to the source 1 "The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens." (source 1). The process for Electoral College is very simple for our Nation. The process as stated is "The Electoral College process consits of selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress." (Source 1). That is why we should keep the Electoral College because the process is that simple. The reason we shouldn't get rid of the Electoral College because just electing a President on popular votes is not far to the states that don't get to many votes. As stated in the article " The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor." (Source 1). The disaster that comes with the electoral college can be catastrophic.    
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author talks and describes to us this new technology that can detect how you feel and can tell you about your emotions just by looking at your facial traits. It identifies six basic emotions-hapiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. This kind of a technology has many good and positive effects attached to it. This technology allows us to know how a person is feeling or allows us to know how a person was feeling when a picture was taken. For example,"She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent happy." This evaluation of emotion is from the painting of Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo Da Vinci. Even though it was just a picture or a painting, this technology identified all sorts of emotion. There could be several other instances when this new emotion-recognition sofware could come in handy. For instance, we could tell if our friend is happy or sad, if they are lying or not, if they are disgusted or not. This could either strenghten our friendship or maybe break our friendship and so with this, we can detect/identify a lot of things. This can be very useful for the media to detect when someone is lying. This new invention tells us that faces never lie. For example,"these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when when a smiling politician or celebrity isn't being thruthful." This can help the media or the news channel's to give the most accurate information and all the bias can stop. This on the other hand has many other benefits to it. This new technology can solve a lot of historic and present questions. It just uses your facial traits to recognize your emotions. This in turn leads to the finding of answers to several other questions that have not been answered or have unsure answers to them.
When you are a seagoing cowboy you have an amazing time playing games and you also get to help people in need. Plus you get to go to see placesyou dreama bout at night saying that "im going to go there when i grow up." Some details from the text that support this statement are Luke also found time to have a grate time on the boat especially on the return trips after the animlas have been unloaded they played baesball, volleyball, table-tennis, ect. In empty holds where they kept the horses and animals to pass the time. "Besides helping people I have had the side benifit of seeing Europe also China. But seeing Aeropolis in Greece was special" he saids. "So was taking a gondola ride in Venice Italy, a city with streets of water." It opened up the world to him. " I'm grateful for the opportunity." he said "It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs." In conclusion when you are a seagoing cowboy you have fun help people and go places it is the most ultimite job there is.
Not one human has ever seen a living species in Mars or in any planet. In 1976 an odd feature appeared on Mars. Many people think that it looks like a human face. These people believe that the odd feature could be an alien living on Mars. The news has been spreading around that the "face on Mars" is a creature living in space. I don't believe that aliens are real. Aliens are a figure that someone made up a long time ago hoping that their were more people in the Universe. I know this because if there were aliens in the Universe, someone probably would have already found one. A lot of odd objects float around in space. The face that people are seeing could just be a meteor. Meteors float around the Universe just trying to make problems. The meteor could have blasted into Mars and created the face like feature. Things like this are not very rare. Meteors have rocketed into Earth a great number of times. I also believe in Jesus. I believe in every single detail the Bible says. The face could be Jesus showing people that he is watching us. Everything in the Bible has either already happend or will happen in the future. Aliens are not in the Bible, therefore, I don't believe they exist. If aliens really do exist we would have already found one. Humans have thought aliens are real for hundreds of years. The object could be a natural object like a meteor. Meteors pass through the Universe every single day. What makes this object different? Nothing make the object different. Jesus Christ has all of the creatures we need to know about in the Bible. Aliens are just not one of them.
This new software could be very good to our schools and teachers could really tell what their students are feeling just by looking at the students. Facial Action Coding System could be good for a classroom setting. It can be used for lots of things but the things that are important are, that the system could be used to see if a student is really retaining the lesson that they are being taught. The other use it can be used for is that the system can be used to see if a student is upset or mad when first walking into school. The last use for this system is if the student is getting frustrated by the work that their teacher has assigned to them. The part of seeing if a student can really understand a lesson. The given student might not want to tell the teacher that he doesn't understand a lesson so that the student doesn't feel embarrased. This way using the technology the teacher can make that student feel comfortable, and try to see where the student is getting confused at. The teacher can help the student. Hopefully they understand the lesson a little more after a one on one. The other use of this FACS is that the teachers or staff of the school could possibly see if a student comes into school upset or angry. If so the adult could try and see why the student is upset or angry. This would really help the student feel more positive in school. If the adult would comfort the student and see where their problems are coming from then it would help the student feel more safe inside the school. The final use of the technology is that while a student is doing their work. Their teacher can see if their student is getting frustrated by it or if they are just completely lost in the lesson. This could result into the student getting help from their teachers and not getting low test scores. And most teachers wouldn't have to worry about their student failing the class. The teacher could assign tutoring to the student and they could get some extra help with what they continue to struggle on. The ending result is that this technology should most definetly be in schools. This technology could literally change the ways certain people view the idea of school and the work that it comes with. The number of kids failing classes each year would most likely decrease since they could be getting a better understanding on the lesson. FACS should be in our school system.
Car usage accounts for the largest emission of greenhouse gases right behind power plants. it has put a chokehold on highly urbanized areas like New York City and London by creating smog that hangs in the air. This undesirable substance can cause many complications with health and can make the impressive cities we live in look like dystopian communities. A better world is a world with no smog or greenhouse gases and rather one with cleaner public transit. One example of increased smog production was observable in Paris, France. After days of record pollution Paris enforced a temporary driving ban on cars with even numbered license plates and continued to swithc between odd and even in hopes of elminating the build up of anymore pollution. It eventually worked and the driving ban was ended. The reason for this sudden pollution was a series of warm days and cold nights that trapped the smog in the low city air. Places such as Vauban, Germany are car free communities were owning a car is more of a hastle than a benefit. The construction of this town is more focused on being able to walk to your destination than have to rely on some other sort of transit. They have a main street which is the center of commute and is accesible by everyone in entire rectangularly shaped  square mile community. This town is an example of a trend occuring in many european countries and is being pushed by many organizations in the U.S. Another way that pollution is being adressed by is called car free day. It is basically a day that car use is banned. It hit its third year of use in Bogota, Columbia and is very popular with columbians living there. It is a very easy and inexpensive way to combat pollution and is finding its way to many other areas. In any case pollution is a serious problem that is being dealt with on many fronts and is hopefully not a problem in the later future.     
Driverless Cars Are Coming? Maybe so driverless cars may sound like an awesome concept, but this can cuase issues in the long run. for example a driver needs to be aware and has to keep his/her eyes on the road ahead. My position on driverless cars my sound interging at first. I feel like the developement can turn out to be the best invention in the history of car manufactures. WIth driverless cars we will not have to worry about so many crashes as we have been having ln the last couple of years. The concept is already invented we just have to make sure it stayes safe and meets all the standereds. Driverless cars can casue a big chaos for some states many arguements will break loose. Sure we will hvae to keep the passenger aware of his/her surroundings at all times by keeping thier hands on the wheel at all times. As stated in paragraph 7. With the technology advancing we coulf have driverless cars on the road by the year 2020. Google has been working on the google car since 2009 it has been 7 years the car has drivin millions of miles without a crash as stated in paragraph 2. That is saying something big. Cars are now becoming more smarter then ever with technology added into them we can now have a car drive by itself up to 25 miles as staetd in paragraph 7 with BMW's Traffic Jam Assistance. Already car manufacturers are having thoughts about haveing cars drive themselfs by the year 2020 with Tesla projeccted to release a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time as stated in paragraph 10. Lawmakers are not to happy with the idea of putting driverless cars on the streets. I understand they are trying to keep pedestrians safe also the passengers. If and injury happens who will take the blame the passener or the manufacturer? I strongly feel if the driver is in the drivers seat and has his/her hands on the wheel then the driver will be taken the blam they also have to be aware at all times. Driverless cars are not so far from becoming a reality we are not so far from seeing driverless cars on the streets or on our own drveway. With technology we can make the roads a safer place with less injuries and less deathes would you not agree?
Around the world we are seeing drastic drops of limiting car usage. In VAUBAN, Germany cars, street parking, driveways, and home garages are forbidden in this new district. In Paris after days of near-record pollution, Paris decided to ban driving to clear the air of the global city. In BOGOTA, Colombia it has been the third straight year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis. The United States of America has even passed their peak of driving in 2005 and dropped steadily since. Giving up your car may seem very hard to you, but for the people in VAUBAN, Germany seem to like it much better. In fact street parking, driveways, and home garages are forbidden in this experimental new district. Car ownership is allowed, but there are only two places to park-large garages at the edge of the development, where a car-owner buys space, for $40,000, along with a home. Nearly 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars they seem to be much happier this way. After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air. On monday people with even-numbered liscence plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a fine of 22-euro. The same would apply for odd-numbered plates the next day. Nearly 4000 drivers were fined and 27 drivers cars were impounded for their reaction to the fine. In BOGOTA, Colombia they were in a program to spread to oher countries. They were on their third straight year that cars have been banned. Although buses and taxis were permitted for the Day Without Cars in this capital city of 7 million. The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. Violaters faced a $25 fine. I think this is a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air pollution. And this is a revolutionary change.
The author wants to suggest that studying Venus is worthy because in the article it talks about how Venus is a curios planet as we know Venus is the closest in the distance of the erath. venus is the "twin" of or planet because is the same density and size. Venus is sometimes arounf the coner really close to Earth. Humans have sent numerous spacecratf to land on this cloud-draped world to a mission to see Venus but all this "previous mission was unmanned ands for a good reason" the article says. numerous factors contributre to Venu's reputation as a challenging planet for human to study, despite its proximity to us. Venus is 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets. Even more changelling are the clouds of hugly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. on the planet surface, temperatures are over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. in conclusion i think that authors shows a lot of details to suggests taht studying Venus is wortly. Strivinv to meet the chanllenge presented by venus has value,not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally.
Is it a good idea to let teachers use technology to describe students emotional expressions? To me I say that it is wrong to examine kids emotional expressions because teacher should worry about their ow feelings. They shouldn't be worrying about other students. Technolgy can be wrong in many ways but this type of technolgy invades students personal space. They feel emotional in lots of different ways because of different reason. The technolgy we use to describe student emotional expressions is smart, but it is wrong to do. We should not use technology to describe emotional expressions. There is aonther way to describe someones emotional expression by mimicking their facial expressions. All you need to do is try to to make your face look just exactly like your friend then tell what he might be feeling. There are many ways to describe someones emotional expression just by not using technology. In conclusion, I say that using technology to describe emotional expressions of a students is wrong. It mainly invades their personal space. The technology we use is smart but completely wrong.
Seagoing Coyboys. That's the name of the tremendous program I joined. I think a lot of people should join the Seagoind Coyboys program. The reason I think this is because it is a great way to sight-see, you're helping a large amount of people by giving them more of what they need, you can have fun playing all sorts of games and more, and you get the chance to go to new places. The first reason I should convince others to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program is because it is a great way to sight-see. In the story it says,"Luke also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China." It also states,"It was special taking a gondala ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water." I think this enables the reader to realizeone of the reasons that the Seagoing Coybows is a program you should join is an great opportunity for people of all ages to sight see. The second reason I think I should convince you to join the Seagoing Cowboys is because you're helping a large amount of people by giving them more of what they need. I can tell this by when the passage states,"It was 1945, World War II was over in Europe, and many countries were left in ruins. To help these countries recover their food supplies,a nimals, and more, 44 nations joined together to form UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administartion). UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas." That is the program that Don and I signed up for. This shows why I think you should join the Seagoing Coyboys program because you're helping a large amount of people by giving them what they need. The third reason I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys is because you can have fun by playing all sorts of games and more. In the text it states,"Luke also found time to have fun on board , especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the emty holds where animals had been housed." After it states that it says,"Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, bowing, reading whittling and games also helped pass the time. This shows why I think you should join the Seagoing Coyboyws program because you can by playing all sorts of games and more. The fourth reason think you should join the Seagoing Coyboys program is because you get the chance to go to new places. In the text it explains,"Besides helping people, I had the benefit of seeing Europe and China." See, when you join the Seagoing Coyboys program you get to go to many places because you have to deliver the suplies and animals to the different places. So this shows, and explains, why I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program because you get the chance to go to new places. All in all this passage I have written for you shows why I think that you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program, because it is a great way to sight-see, you're helping a large amount of people by giving them what they need,you can have fun playing all sorts of games and more, and you get the chance to go to new places.
I think it would be a good idea if they come out with cars that can drive by its self. It could help people while they are busy or something like that. If they come out with cars that can drive by there selfs that would help a lot of people out. If some on it busy and all they would have to do is get the car to do or go what ever they wanted to go. Another thing is that if the car gets into a accident and there would be no one in the car so it would be safer. Smater cars would have sensors on they that could tell the car to stop right away. The car would be smarter than the human brain. So there for the car would be more safer that someone driving it. Sensors have been out for a long time since the 1980s so the sensors work really good. Sensors makes the brake stop fater that what a human could. The sensors become more advanced as the years go by. Comeputers would run the cars and computers are really smart. The cars can be turned of instantly. The car would have safety featurs installed in it. The lwa thins that it is saver to have these cars. They test these cars out alot to find places that need hlep on. I think it is a good idea of making cars that can drive by there selfs. It is safer than a person driving the car. Because the car is a computer and the compurter is smater. The law thins that it is a good idea so it could be more safer. So that is why i think it is a good idea. Less people would get hurt.
Dear Senator, My friends father always complains about how the voting systems work here in the U.S. He believes that the electoral votes should not really matter. He strongly leans on the idea that candidates should win an election by the popular votes. Although the Electoral College has helped with many situations before, like the 2000 election, when Al Gore had the more popular votes then Bush yet, fewer electoral votes. I'm started to believe that changing the electoral votes to popular votes would be better for elections of presidents. Replacing the electoral college with popular votes would be better for elections of presidents because, it's the peoples choice. For examlpe, people vote for the candidates that they more relate too and their choices. Having the electoral college around can make an impact to their choice. Say if a majority of a state vote for a candidate, but the state doesn't have enough electoral votes for that canididate to take a lead or win the election. How can they get there favorite candidate to win the election? The electoral college is blocking that way for that particular state. In brief, people need their say for their favorite candidate instead of the electoral college giving them points. However, the electoral college has some pros for the candidate and also the states. For instance, the states of california has many electoral points for candidate to win an election. I believe there are fifty-three for that states because they have many representatives. If the majority of the people in the state vote for a democrat or a republicin the electoral points goes to either one of them. Giving that candidate big points to even take a lead in the election. To wrap it up, the electoral college do have pros and cons in a election. The electoral college can give a candidate the election. But the popularity vote are for the people and by the people. I stiil stay towards to the idea that the popularity vote is a greater way for voting. Remember it does say We The People in the Declaration of Independence which was sighn by our founding fathes.
Driving cars that could drive you anywhere as in a taxi or your own car are finally coming to our furture and comig fast. There are many people out there who disagree on the idea Google has came out with. There are many different reson why you should and should buy this car they can be seen in positives and negatives. My reason when it comes to buying a driveless car is that you should or try to get a driveless car, but on the other had there are some bad reason why you shouldnt. First few positive reasons I think you should buy this car is because its a proven fact that it can lower the risk of texting a driving. Since the 2000s the rate of texting and rving drivng has went up a massive of numbers. And plus they made a few models of the google car back in 2000 for a special track and it proved that its safe and could lower the stakes of a accident. They took one to the street and drove it 1 million miles and havent even crashed yet. But when it comes to parking and coming in a drive way its up to the driver to do that. Then when it comes down to the gas its very conservant. For an example when the driver is sleepy or had a long day at work they can take a little nap whe its in driveless mode. If there are any roadblocks or construction problems the car will alert the driver that it is time to take action and drive. And if there is any misconveince the car will knock down the speed to about 25 mph. This furture car can turn, accelerate and even brake. Is this what we been waiting for all of our lifes? Finaly when it comes down to buying this car do it!! Who would ever imagine a car driving itself when ever the driver needs it to. Like a friendly robot that is always there for you when you need them. In this few positives and barely any negatives my addvice is add the new car to your collection or garage.
The three reasons that I have will make anyone want to join in the program, Seagoing Cowboys. First of all there are a lot of really cool and fun experiences. Also, you'll get to help people and make there lifes better. Lastly, it's a once in a life opportunity. Its going to be exciting. You're going to having lots of fun here. If you like animals well this is the trip for you; you're going to be spending most of your time with animals. While you are on the way to your destination you'll get to see or visit places you've only dreamed of, like Japan. Lastly, if you ever wanted to see the pasific ocean,well you're going to sailing on it. Your in luck because your going to help out too. Also you get to help people. I'm really sure everybody would be happy to help people out there. You may even feel like a super hero afterwards. Also you can even save lifes in need. It's only offered once. It's a once in a life time chance for you and others. This chance is the only time you'll get so don't regret it latter that you didn't join. It will be an honor to serve in the Seagoing Cowboys program. You can join with a friend if you want. Now lets reasume it all. Make sure you join us because, you'll get to have really fun experiences. You'll get to help people. Lastly, it's a once in a life time opportunity. So join now and you'll never reget it. I garante that if you join you'll love it.
It would be unfair to disregard this opportunity from civilians as the right to vote and not give them the chance to prove themselves on whats right for them. This actually improves presidential votes,meaning that electors are recommended to do the responsibilities that the state laws vary. It improves the presidential election and taking it away will cause chaos among electors and presidential candidates. As stated in source three, paragraph one ,"The advocates of this position are correct in arguing that the Electoral college method is not democratic in a modern sense ... it is the electors who elect the president, not the people." The meaning in this is that people vote for the people who vote people. I see no reason to take away this oppportunity though people are still voting in favor of getting the presidential candidate oneself voted for. In my point of view i see no reason why you would cancel something without a reason in mind. The states depend on the electors to help out the president during president elections. Civilians demand to take charge on whats right for them or what will be in charge of them throughout the next four years. "Voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a political preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election....", said richard A. posner in source three. Though the senator may be right about one thing, some electors become opponents to the presidential candidates and oppose or defy the will of people. The electors will refuse to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote or whomever they please, as stated in source two paragraph 11. I on the other hand depend on electoral college to proceed and do as they please because they have the right to vote for whomever they please.
A "car free" community has many advantages. They will reduce the amount of greenhouse gases. They will also help you save more money by not having to pay for a car, and if you do, you can park it in a garage for $40,000. This will also expand other transportation and will have a new six-year federal transportation bill. There is no disadvantages for having a "car-free" community. Many countries and cities are participating in limiting car usage to make the air better and cleaner. First, and most important, is that reducing cars also reduces the greenhouse gas emmision. People that participate in this are most likely doing it to make the air we breath better. In some over-populated cities, the amount of smog is crazy. After just one day without some cars, the amount of smog dissapeared. London had the idea for even-numbered license plates to be banned to drive one day, even though some people still used their cars. So more than half the cars are still on the road, and it reduced smog so much, they didn't even need to ban the odd numbered cars. This is the most important reason why people are limiting car usage. Next, if you live in a car free community, you will never have to pay for your car. You can sell it to make more money becuase you will never have to use it. This is much better than owning a car and having to park it in a garage for $40,000. If you ever need to take the bus, you will have the money. With the extra money you can buy a bike also. The stores will be walking distances, so there is no need for a car. I think this is a great idea for not only a better community, but it would help people socialize with neighbors and it saves money while doing it. After World War II, the cities would start reconstructing around the car, but now that is beggining to change in Vauban, Germany. Last, the cities are trying to expand public transportation, such as taxis and buses. It would promote these and play a much larger role in a new six-year federal transportation bill. In previous bills, 80 percent of appropriations have gone to highways by law and 20 percent have gone to other transportation. If the city bans cars, you can either walk, skate, bike, or ride the bus or taxi. In America, the amount of cars being bought and license plates being bought are decreasing since 1995. President Obama has an ambitious goal on which he unvieled last week and he wants to get rid of green house gas emmisions. In conclusion, I think you would agree that limiting car usage has its advantages. It reduces greenhouse gases and also smog. After one day, Paris was clear of gas and smog in the air. The gas gets caught under the atmosphere and is dangerous. Limiting car usage also will help you save money because you no longer will have a car to pay for. Also, it would boost other forms of transportation, such as buses and taxis. This is a great idea to limit cars.  
Dear senator, I belive that we should change the election to a popular vote for the president of the united states. We should have this for two reasons, one we should make the choice ourselfs so it matters more in the long run and two it will make more potental voters. We as americans should have more power when it comes to chooseing our president. Some people may argue that the electorial college avoids the problem of run-off elections as stated in source two. I think if there is a tie then there should have the previouse presedent of the united states vote to brek the tie. I dont believe any vote should count more than a citizens vote. If we are suppose to have a goverment run by the people why cant the peoples vote matter. I feel that people would vote more if their vote could be that single vote that decides who`s president. In the electorial college only their vote matters the popular vote doesn`t make a difference in the long run. The reason people vote is so that the person they want as president will win the race not so the person the electorial college wants to will win. The popular vote is simply deciding electors who can vote however they please which means the citizens vote doesnt make a difference wich unfair. In conclusion america should have a popular vote not an electorial college because the peoples vote should matter. If you want a fair and honest goverment everyones vote should matter equaly and there should be no electorial college. If you care about what the american citizens opinions and what they have to say get rid of the electorial college.
Machines get smarter everyday. It's something most of us see, but may not take into consideration. Think about it. Your search history, your GPS destinations, even your Wifi hotspots. The machines gather information about us to make our lives easier. Most of the times, it's a good thing. They help us by reminding us of things and let us connect to the rest of the world with just a few keystrokes. However, this FACS, would have a major impact in the school system. It would be a terrible decision to implement FACS into the school system. Don't get me wrong, I love technology. It's improved and become what many consider just a dream. It always us to do many things that we could not do physically. I'd go as far to say that they're smarter than us in a few ways. They give results and they learn more and more about us. To some, that's concerning. To think that machines are secretly learning about human behavior and plotting plans to take care of the world. Most don't care or don't mind. Either way, people have different views on this. Which brings me to my new point, implimentation of the Facial Action Coding System in schools. The Facial Action Coding System, or FACS, is a profiler. Profilers monitor how a subject works, thinks, acts, and even feels. Scary, huh? Put that into a school system and you may just have found treasure trove of blackmail. Now, I know what some will say. "This system will help us help the students", or "FACS will help decrease school shootings". Those individuals make good points, but there's one thing you have to consider. Human behavior. People don't just cough up how they feel most of the time. To have an eye watching them and judging them will only make them hate it more. It may make people feel worse off than they originally were. I'll end with this. Yes, the system could be beneficial, as long as it's in the right hands. Privacy is a critical part of people's lives and most like it not to be broken into. To have this system in the school system would be a bad call. Especially high schools. Those are some seriously tough times for some, and pushing those people could result in an event. A very bad event.
Dear, Florida Senator I believe that we should get rid of the electoral college system because it has so many flaws. The electoral college has robbed prsidental canidates like (Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob dole, & Al Gore) of their chance of becoming president, even after they won the popular vote, but their not the only ones who wants a change to the way we elect our presidents, recent studies show that over 60 percent of voters would like a change to the way we elect our president. The second thing that is wrong with the electoral college is that your not voting for the president your voting for the electors who pledged to that person. Also people from larger states are complaining about what happens with a tie because if their is a tie the house of representives decide,but the thing that is crazy is that 1) representative from Wyoming would have a much say a the 55) representatives from California. The third and final thing that is wrong with the electoral college is that the electoral college is unfair to the voters, because the winner take all system canidates don't spend a lot of time in states they know they will not win. Canidates will only focus on the areas that they know or have a strong chance of winning. Like the year 2000 campaign seventeen states did not see the Canidates such like Rhode Island, & South Carolina, so how do they think they feel not knowing the person running this country? I strongly feel like you guys should really consider a change to the way we select our president. Sincerly, PROPER_NAME SCHOOL_NAME
Driverless cars seem like they would be a good idea and could very so work, under the right condidtions. Like the author said, "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault--the driver or the manufacturer?" That is a very good question considering people that drive with children or just starting out. I personally think that a driverless car could work if everyone would still be alert and aware or their surroundings. Some Companies such as Tesla, have aleady projected dates to when they plan to release a driverless car. These cars have sensors on them almost everywhere on the car that alert you when you are about to hit something or tell you when you need to start taking control, such as in a traffic jam or if there was an accident on the road. Televison and movies have long been fascinated with cars that could drive themselves. And now that we finally have that technology, we are taking the next step to better safety, more quick and effecient driving in some cases, and probably more money in the pockets of these creators as well. The people at Google making these cars seem to be very confident and sure about what they are doing. These cars would almost be used as a texi service or bus transportaion. But, they would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus. So as far as I am concerned, driverless cars would be a great idea.
So the main question of this essay is if technology that can read emotional expressions from students valuable or not valueble. Im going to say why its valuable to this student cause I personaly think it is a good idea then give my overall conclusion over this. I think that this new technology they are talking about that can read a students emotion or expreassion could be very useful in a couple of ways. It could help teachers help a student or students if the are doiung well and might be going through something very emotional or hard. It can also help the teachers see what they like and what they don't like or if they are having trouble understanding something that they are reading or seeing on the internet. More reasons why I think this would be a useful thing is because if teachers ask students how thier day or how was your weekend was because if some teachers ask them they migh tlie and change their action or expression of how they use to have it and with this technology, they can just tell the teacher or an adult of the expression of the student the teacher or adult can go talk to that specific student. In conclusion, I think this would be very helpful to many schools if not teachers or even possibly parents.This could help students get through what they are going through. But in my opinion, this is a valuable resources.
Mona Lisa's facial expressions were "determined" by the Facial Action Coding System. It determined that she was "83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angery" (D'Alto). This super high-tech machine can identify your emotions based on analyzing the muscles in your face. But is the technology really needed in classrooms? The knowledge of emotional expressions to teachers can be very beneficial. Everyone knows that kids don't learn the same and keep up at the same pace. Teachers could use this for kids to know how comfortbale they are with the lesson. In the text it states, "'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr. Huang predicts. 'Then it could modify the lesson like an effective human instructor'" (D'Alto). This shows that FACS can help students who don't understand the lesson, by looking at their facial expressions, and changing the lesson to fit them. Others would argue that facial expressions for every person and emotion are different. As the author pointed out in the text, "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal" (D'Alto), people will disbelieve because not every person shows the same emotion the same way. Some oppossers would argue that the addition of the system to education would drastically bring up the cost. Making schools more expensive and put schools at an advantage. Although I agree with the fact that not every face makes the same expression, FACS can identify the way the muscles move to indicate the emotion. In the text it states, "This process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles" (D'Alto). This quote shows how the system works and to identify the muscle movement in your face. While, yes the cost of education will increase due to the addition of FACS, the benefits will outway the costs. Like any technological addition to schools, they use funds and sponsors to help pay for that stuff. Helping kids find a new way to learn and helping them succeed, seems a lot more important than costs. In conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System will help teachers and students world wide succeed. When teachers know how to fix their lessons based on how their students learn, it makes the job easier for them and they get to see their students grow. Although the FACS was able to identify Mona Lisa's facial expressions, they can be used for so much more in the real world.
I am for the value of using this technology in students reading emotional experssions because it helps understand more what the paintings are trying to show, for example when the atricle said in paragraph 1 ( she is 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful , and 2 percent angry) A software is the latest innovation and it developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate. Other reasons why im for the technology because the process begins when the computer constructs 3-D computers model of the face: all 44 majors muscles in the model must move like human muscles. The movement of one or more msucles is callled an " action unit" A professor Eckman has classfied six basic emotions- happiness, surprise, anger,disgust,fear, and sadness then this would associated each with characteristic movements of the facial movements. ( paragraph 2) My conclusion is that techonlogy is helping us better undertand cultral and seeing the true beauty of it that even in person we can see the diffrences of peoples experssions and their meaning. Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication.. notes Dr. Huang.
Technology is evolving at an exceptional rate. We are now creating a driverless car. I think that driverless cars would be great. The car will not be fully driverless but for the most part it will. It needs your hands on the wheel at all times just incase the car cant handle the situation. The car has sensors all around it. It has it on the top of the car, the sides, and the back. This car will create driving to be safer. The car has sensors all around the car. It has a position-estimating sensor on the left rear wheel, a roating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor. All these sensor mimic the skill of a human but better. These sensors have a far better response and control that a human driver could manage alone. Making driving safer and allowing the car to handle more and more driving taks on their own. For example the antilock brake system. The sensors in the brakes detects and responds to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers. The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better respones and control than a human. Another reason why driverless cars are great it because it still keeps your attention on the road. What I mean is that even though its driving on their own it still makes sure you have your eyes on the road. The car lets your know if the driver has to take over. For example, if the cars happens to run into a road block or work zones it vibrates the seat to get the drivers attention or it announces when the driver should be prepared to take over. So instead of dozing off and not paying attention the car has a special touch feature that makes sure you have your hands on the wheel at all time. So driverless cars are the next big thing. It brings safety and responses faster that a human driver can handle. It has many sensors to detect problems on the road and it has special features that makes sure your eyes is on the road. These options all the car to handle more things and more driving tasks on its own.
Who would want a driverless car that still needs a driver? Wouldn't you feel bored waiting for your turn to drive. If by chance, you got in an accident, who would you blame? The driver which will be you or the manufacture? I were in your shoes, I would rather drive around myself. I would rather drvier around myself, because I trust myself more than their driverless car. I believe any company should not try to developed driverless car. First of all, I believe that any company should not try to developed a driverless car because it cause more accident. I believe it will cause more accident because the driverless car they develope is not 100 percent safe. Imagine a 50 cars driving it self in high way. You don't know who they are going to break or stop working. Even tho "GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object" I still would not trust it. Will you be ready when it's vibrate? Second of all, I believe that any company should not try to developed a driverless car because it can lead to serious trouble. For example, If you get in an accident, who will you blame while driving driverless car? Will you blame yourself or the company. I can tell you this. No one won't want to lose their money. You won't want to lose your money nor the manufacturer. When this happen, someone will fill lawsuit. The company and the people will hate each other. Another reason I believe that any company should not try to developed a driverless car because anyone won't like a driverless car who need assit. What is the different between you driving the car and you have to be ready when ever the car need assit. I can tell you that many people hate to wait. Also you can trust 100 percent that when the car need your assit. You don't know for sure that it will alert you. It is man mad car. Anything can happen. If I were you I will not trust them because they can lead you to death. Finally, I believe that any company should not try to developed a driverless car because you can drive as you please. Pretend you are late for something. And you need to get there fast. You need to go faster and driverless car has certain speed. This are the reason I believe manufacturing should not develope a carless car.
Venus, along with Mars are the closest planets to Earth, they also at one point or another might have been similar to our planet. Yet, we have explored Mars much more than we have Venus. Venus has left us mind-boggled on how to study it with it's dangerous conditions, such as the thick acid rain, the average temperature of over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure that is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. Though the exploation is worth these risks for we can explore a planet that scienctists believe could have been once similar our own. Nasa has developed many ideas and solutions to hopefully find new ways to study one of the closest planets to us. The first way that NASA has created to help us observe Venus is a blimp-like plane to fly over Venus. This idea of the vehicle is stated in paragraph 5, "Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly gorund conditions by staying up and out of their way." Also later on in this paragraph where it states, "At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels." Now these conditions would most defintely be harsh, but would be capable of living through, escpecially astronauts who are/would be trained for these conditions. This would at least give us an above look of Venus and be able to study some of it's physical features. The problem that NASA would now have is figuring out a way to study up close and on the surface of Venus. They have a solution for this issue as well in the form of old World War 2 computers, the solution to this problem is explained in paragraph 7 as it says,"Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers..." Also further on in the paragraph it reads," The thought of computers existing in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all. Modern computers are enormously powerful, flexible, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions." And even later in paragraph seven it states, "By comparsion, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat and other forces." These older computers would be able to be dropped down onto the surface of Venus and take samples of the terrain and it's geological features allowing NASA and it's scientists to study the information gather and create better models to study more of Venus and understand the planet. Another way NASA is thinking to study Venus on it's surface is simple electronics, the ideas and princples of these machines are stated in the beginning of paragraph where it states, "For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." The simplified electronics would be used the same way as the mechancial computers, in which to study the terrain of Venus and collect data from Venus and to send it back to NASA allowing them to study the data. Venus is a very interesting planet with many disadvantages and conflicts like the difficulty of being able to study the planet's terrain or even to be able to observe the planet in a hover-like state from above. If the challenges that NASA faces can be solved with solutions stated above, then Venus could be a very worhty pursuit, so that we may discover the secrets of one of the closest planets to us.
The "face" on Mars wasn't created by martians. Because through disoveries in technology we have discovered that the "face" on mars is not a structure made to look like a human it is simply just a mesa. The evidence in the passage supports my thesis because it states that since the original photo was taken in 1976 when they were looking for the Viking 1's sister ship Viking 2 places to land they saw the "face" "NASA’s Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet, snapping photos of possible landing sites for its sister ship Viking 2, when it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face." NASA have been taking pictures and researching the "face". Their research has helped them come to the conclusion that it is a mesa and not a martian creation to look like a human face. Also they state here that new technology has helped them take better pictures "New high-resolution images and 3D altimetry from NASA’s Mars Global Survey spacecraft reveal the Face on Mars for what it really is: A mesa.". NASA shortly after discovering the "face" realized that it was just another martian mesa and the facial features that it had were just shadows as stated here "the sensation was short lived. Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh.". As I stated in the introduction the face on Mars is simply a mesa and not a martian creation and through the data in the passage I supported my answer that there is not an actual face on Mars.
Driverless cars could be a nice use for transportation but personally I would not purchase a driverless car. There are many reason why I would not purchase a driverless car. For me driving is fun and is time consuming. In my opionon the driverless idea had to be made from a lazy person. In all actuallity, even though the car might drive itself , you will still have to be alert and watch the road for your own safety. Drivers have this thing called a blindspot and to think the car is going to be its own driver has to mean its going to have a blindspot also. You the driver might see things the car might not. Also when driving you dont just drive for drive for the person in fornt , back and side of you. For example, say your in the driverless car and your on the highway. A young reckless driver comes along doing 95 mph and your doing 75mph. The highway is busy and you doze off beacuse the car drives itself and your thinking your going to be alright. So this driver comes along and decides to cut lanes even though its not enough space. Its a car right behind you and in frotn of you but in the next lane. The young driver cuts lanes and you driverless car first response could be to brake. Once your car brakes the other car that is directly behind did not see the young driver and is not being cautious so once the driverless car brakes they were not alert enough to brake immediatly and slams into the back of your driverless car. Now this whole time your almost sleep so your no where near alert and now your in an accident because you put your safety in the hands of a driverless car. With this same scenario the driverless car could avoid the accident. Say the driver in the driverless car is alert and watching the road even though the car drives itself. The driver sees the young driver doing 95 mph and sees he wants to get in the same lane as the driverless car but there is not enough space to switch lanes so the driver takes over and starts to drive the car manually. The first thing to come to the driverless car drivers mind is to gently brake to let the other cars know to slow down. That way the accident is avoided but all drivers are not the same so the driverless car idea is still not good to me. Cars were made to have a driver. The idea of a driverless car is obserde to me. Like in the passage it asks who would be responsible for the driving laws being broken. That could cause alot of confusion and kaos. So the driverless car thing should have just been left alone.
I am for the value of this technology to read students' emotions. I have a reason to support this opinion. To begin with, this could be used to ditermine the hidden human emotions. For instance, when I am having a presentation about a specefic topic, but I cannot know the audence's true feelings against me because people usually flatter and do not show their real thoughts. However, by using this technology, I can figure out if mine was good enough or not from the data. In other hand, I believe this has to be limited to protect individual human rights. For example, what if I could read emotions that are shown by folks, they would be bewildered because they have their own private feelings. This might become a big and grave issue later. As a conclusion, technology is much smarter and more intellegent, but does not have abilities to control human rights. Just because that can decearn the emotion rate, does not mean that can know the real problem beyond this technology.
The automobile has been around for decades but it's only now that we can see the devastating effects car emissions have on the ozone layer. With the obvious change in the environment, people are starting to use cars less. If people would limit their car usuage there would be less polution and happier people. Car pollution is probably the number one disadvantage to car usage. In 2014, Paris had to ban people from using their cars because the smog was too bad. "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial drving ban to clear the air of the global city." Limiting car usuage in Paris would be very benficial for their people and enviornment. In sources one and three though they had the right idea about the advantages of limiting car usuage. In Germany, one suburb is car free and residents reported to be happier than when they did have cars. In Bogota, there was a large turn out of people to particpate in their car free day. A business man says " It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution". The automoblie maybe out the door anyway. In source four, "driving by young people decreased twenty-three percent between 2001 and 2009." Less and less people are getting their licenses and more people are starting to take the public transportation and carpool. This is really significant because itt's the young people that are gonna live with decisionn that are mad today. Car limting advantages out weigh the disadvantages. More care free cities and days and more people riding bikes and taking public transportation and carpooling can lead to many great advantages. Some of the advantages would be less air pollution and happier people.
Since 2009, google has been developing driverless cars. Cofounder of google, Sergey Brin, believes that with these cars it would "fundamentally change the world". More than a million people have droven the cars without any accidents but that driverless car isnt fully driverless it still requires the driver to take over at some points. I agree that driverless cars are the best new cars of the future that should be accepted. Google should work to make this car available to the public around the world because this new generation depends on technology. This new technology also makes people feel safer while driving on the road. In the passage it says", Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors....The combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel(5)." The cars are programmed to go by human actions which may guarantee fewer accidents and crahes. Regardless,humans should still pay attention because the driveless car cant do everything. "....navigating through work zones and around accidents. This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires"(7).DRiverless cars are still very dependable it makes driving alot easier. Googles new creation of driverless cars is a gold mind. It's a great way to get consumers attention and more money for the company. Although the car cant do certain things, it can do most things that cars todya cant do." Sebastian Thrun, founder of the Google Car project, believes that technology has finally begun to catch up to the dream(6)." The new driveless car may change the future of cars.
In the article " The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author suggustion that Venus is worth studying has many thoughts in our heads. Is it really worth it? Should we consider it or focus on our planet? Well, the author has many reasons to why we should continue researching it. A supported reason to the author belief is that it could be a back up plan for us if something were to happen to earth. in the text it says," Often referred to as Earth's "twin," Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest distance too" ( paragraph 2). Venus and Earth are very alike, which is a good things. IT would help us humans alot if the popluation kept on growing. Another reason is it could help us with futuristic things. Better things than what he whave right now. In the article it stated," Venus and Earth are very alike, which is a good things. It would help us humans alot if the popluation kept on growing" ( paragraph 5). We can find and build different tools to help us reach Venus and to study more about what could be our future planet. While i see the authors mindset on this article, there are many con's to the "twin" planet. Its not very survivable land for us to stay and live in. In the text it says," Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to porbes seeking to land on its surface. ( paragraph 3). This can cause alot of damage and lots of fear within people if we were to ever live here The article over had good reasons to back up the authors reasons to why we should continue looking into this planet. We need to consider the pro's and co's to everything. And i think the author is headins a good way bu wanting another planet for us to live in.
I am totally for the development of driverless smart cars in every way. Of course their are multiple reasons why someone would not like the idea of smart cars but their are so many pros to match the cons such as possibly less accidents, less energy wasted on driving, less gas used from driving, more civilized and smoother driving. The development of smart cars is a great step forward in civilization. Many people would be scared that theire would be a malfunction of sorrts or a possible miscalculation in the car that would result in a crash or a possible death of a person. My response to that is that people crash and are killed due to the human error of drivers everyday. As long as the car is built properly and that all safety issues and regulations are met I think that smart cars may well be safer than any human behind the wheel. People use so much gas and cause so much pollution while driving. I think that if smart cars do become a reality they would drive straighter and steadier therefore reducing the amount of gas used and reducing the amount of pollution caused by human drivers. So many acciddents are caused from someone falling asleep at the wheel. With the reality of smart cars becoming so prevalent the amount of accidents caused by sleepy drivers are sure to fall. As shown in the passage a driver will be alerted when the car is ready to become human driven.Therefore the driver may wait or sleep until their vehicle alarms them to wake up and take the wheel. How many times a day does an average person get mad at another person for poor driving. Someone may have not waited their turn at a four way stop or maybe someone was driving ten or so under the speed limit. Well with the revolutionary self driven smart car those anger issues will become a thing of the past. People will no longer be upset about the poor driving of another human being due to the self driven smart cars natural instinct to drive well and civilized under most situations. Those were the reasons why I am fully in support of the creation of self driven cars and that is why I believe that the development of driverless smart cars are a huge step forward in civilization.
the reason why their is the techonoly of people to know how to understand on how the reason the potrites are in this world today. By showing on how the way the pictures in the text is showing how she is smileing. I think we should leave her face the way is orginally on the way it is from the way the arginol person painted it. It is being very respectful on how the painting is being displaied in different musemes here around the world. the reason why I think this is because lets say that we painted something and someone goes in and paint it completely different. Than what you made it to be in the first place. So I feel like we all should leave things they were when they were created. The respect we give we get in return from the same reson y we gave it to others because the more you give the more it looks good on you in the long run. So just remember that the next time you see someone changing someone else's painting or others works. They work so hard on because why would they work so hard on somthing that someone else is just gonna go back in and change it.
If I were a scienctist I would tell people its not a face, its a landform and that its a shadow that makes it look like a face. When the photographers took a picture of it, it was as soon as possible. Plus the camera was at its absolute maximum and so u can obviously tell it is a shadow that makes a face. What the picture really shows is the Maritan the same as a butte or mesa land form which is common around the American West. If there were a peron on Cydonia we would be rich finding the greatest discovery of all time. why not have more then just a man lets have a whole colony right? When Michael Malin flew over it the team got a picture Ten times sharper then the first picture and when people on the internet who just couldnt wait to see what it was guess what they found out it was? A natural landform there is no alien monument after all. There is absolutly no aliens at all at least not that we have found.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers it presents. Venus is an interesting planet to learn about. The author states "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because its Earth-like." However, Venus has a thicker atmosphere than earth. The fahrenheit of Venus is extremely hot. It's possible that any NASA person could visit this planet and understand Venus. Scientists will figure out a way to travel to Venus and get more information than they already have. For example, somebody from NASA could reach the planet and get to know so much such as; what it looks like and the temperature. They would report back to the boss with every piece of information they've received. The temperature could affect the traveler because its possible to have a heat stroke if they are not careful enough. The scientists and NASA are being limited by the dangerous travel to Venus. A life could be lost so they are being doubted. Reseachers are not able to research any minerals from Venus unless the rocks, or what not, are brought back to earth by a traveler. Studying Venus is a worthyy pursuit despite the dangers that might come with.
The driverless car is the whole new way for the public transport .The car that can drive it self you won't have drunk or sleeping problem while they are driving. If you have a driverless car that have bben control with the computer you will have less accident than what we have right now but what will happen if you get hack by the terrorist or that kind of people what can you do they can steal your car away really easy or they can kidnap you while you are riding the bus or they can do a car bomb without any chance to get hurt imagine what can the terrorist can hack to the main control system of the driverless car they can destroy every thing i will be a mess countless people will die the building and everything will get destroy and right now we don't have a way to protect the server from the hacker yet i want to know how can you prevent this thing from happening but if yo u can't you shouldn't do this at all don't put people live in to this kind of risk for your profit. I didn't mention about people that will lose their job to these driverless car what can you do about this the money that they get and feed their family are you going to snatch their job away and let them starve to dead just so you can sell your driverlesss car. By the way what will happen if your main computer that command your driverless car error or overheated is that mean all the traffic will be shutdown and you cannot do any thing until you fix that The last thing i will mention about is the signal that you sent back and forth from the car to the gps or the controller how can you control the car when there is a place that got a bad signal right now some place you can't even get a good signal with wifi then how can you do that with all this driverless car system I think their is to many problem to fix before you start this system you need to think about the people that work for the public trasnport and all the bad thing that will happen.
Imagine a world where people no longer control their vehicles, the machines they used to buy for the pleasure of driving and not just to get around while playing on their phones. Terrifying right? With the idea of driverless cars coming into view in this modern day and age we must pause from imagining the cool idea of these automated automobiles, and imagine the scary possibilities that very likely could come along too. Many of the people who push for driverless cars only see the idea of a car coming to them withouth them even having to move a muscle. However, these people most likely haven't conscidered the dangers and downfalls of the self driving cars. With these driverless cars comes the possibility that we as a people will become lazy, forget the enjoyment that can come from driving, and most importantly create many new risks and dangers in the driving world. These days many people are already too lazy to even walk, but imagine if people no longer even have to drive. With automated cars becoming a possibility many are losing their minds over the idea of being able to get around without having to put forth any effort. These people may have learned to drive at one point, but with automated cars they may forget how to drive causing huge problems if they ever need to drive a car that can't drive itself. If we create these self driving cars we will end up with an entirely new breed of lazy people who most likely won't drive their car, let alone walk. The possibility of these lazy folks may be tragic, but is easily moved aside by the fact that self driving cars will take away the enjoyment driving can bring. Many years ago an idea was fromed that would bring the demise of horseback travel and this idea was the car. Since the day the first car was produced driving has brought many people an immense pleasure that is unrivaled. For years people would save their hard earned cash for the newest car just to feal the power or gentleness it had while they crused the open roads for hours just their car and them. Now that pleasure is being threatened by the idea of self driving cars. With these new cars we will no longer have this pleasure. These self driving cars take away the enjoyment of showing off how nice your car handles or how fast you can drive it as the car does the driving and controls the speed taking away the freedom and pleasure we once had. Although losing the enjoyment of driving is robbery, the dangers of these new cars heavily out weighs our loss of pleasure. Today's dangers of driving are things such as speeding and lack of awareness; however the dangers of self driving vehicles are much worse. When in a current vehical the dangers of driving are mostly things we can prevent such as rekless driving and lack of attention. With self driving cars they could malfunction leaving no time to correct the vehical meaning an accident or even worse such as death. If a self driving car is having issues the driver may not even be away and seconds later could lose their life. With human controlled cars we have time to correct ourself and most of the time are aware of problems with the vehicle, but not with cars we don't control. These possibilities brought on by self driving cars should be seen before we make the leap to the next generation of travel. When lazy people, no enjoyment of driving, and new dangers are the risk of self driving cars we should stop and take a moment to think. When I see the risks of these new vehicles I already know that they outweigh the non existant need for self driving cars. These self driving cars bring much more negative than positivie and I disagree with the idea entirely. Take a look at people driving in this day and age and the answer of yes and no for self driving cars is obviously no.
The use of a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because the teachers can recoginze what is happening to the students or what they need. it will also be helpful for the students when they don't dare to ask or somthing that they can't explain. The matchine are exact and they are able to detect exactly how other people are feeling even when they are trying to hide their emotions. This new technology is the latest innovation from Prof. Eckman, creator of FACS has classified six basic emations. They are happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. All of the emotions associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles. Movement of one or more muscles is called an "action unit". The software read people's face and tell what is happening to them. Dr. Huang observes that,"The facial expressions for each emotions are universal". For example, our frontalis pars lateralis muscle raises our eyebrows when we are surprised. Using a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Imagine a computer knows when we are happy or sad. Dr. Huang predicts that it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructors. sometimes, it is hard for the teachers to guess the students. Human may know 50% of what they need acording to face emtions but the Face Action Coding System might know about 90% of human,s emotions by scanning their faces. Therefore, the use of the latest software is good to express the emotions of students in a classroom is very valuable because it saves time and also can offer the students what they really want. Whoever thought that making faces could reveal so much about the science of emotions.
The ideas of driverless cars a good but what would be better is a car that can drive without out a human helping at times. in the alt 1950's the idea began with general motors created a self friving car made for a smart road. the track had a eletric cable tht sent signals to a reciever on the front of the car. in the 1980's about 10 years after the sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out of control skids or rollovers. i think that these ideas are great and can be do with hard work. before 2000 none of these ideas would have worked because the technology was not advanced enough. it would cost 2 two hundred million dollars to put a radio divice on a hilltop and thats just to much to pay for. in 2013, BMW announced the development of "traffic jam assitant." The car can handle the driving fuctions at speed up to 25 mph, but special tuch sensors make sure the driver keeps ahold of the wheel. in my opinion these ideas really changed the way we think about car and how we drive them. we are not qite there yet but we are getting there soon.
Dear Senator, My name is PROPER_NAME from LOCATION_NAME. I wanted to adress the positivity in keeping the Electoral College. The Electoral College has a small chance of winning with a Electoral College vote than a popular vote. Every state is important because everyone's a president. Also, there are swing states which is a winner-takes-all method. The Electoral College has a small chance of winning with a Electoral College vote than a popular vote. Although in 2000 the Electoral College vote happened it is very unlikely to occur. Reason is that the Electoral College exceeds the share of the popular vote. Even a slight chance of a state plurality could cause a landslide electoral-vote-victory. In the Electoral College no region has enough Electoral votes to elect a president. This means that a region needs to influence another to have atleast a elected president. For example, Romney was a solid regional(South) which means he focused in one region not the others, concluding his lost. So, it was very likely that Romney would not win because of his appeal to one region. In the winner-takes-all method in the Electoral College induces the candidates. This was seen in 2012's election. The ost thoughtful voteers would have to decide the election, making Electoral College very fair.
The author suggests the idea of studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.To begin, the author has some ideas on how we should study Venus but doesn't say how going out and exploring it will affect humans.According to the article,"On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet " This means that the heat in Venus isn't very safe for humans or any object to stay in and the pressure is 90 times greater.Those who disagree might claim , there are more to explore in Venus and their coud be some kind of creature living in the planet even though it is very hot for someone to live that long in Venus.Despite these claims even though Venus has it's similarites to earth the high pressure and heat,Venusiaan geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking land on it's surface.Furthermore,the author gives some reasoning towards why studying Venus is a good idea, he/she says that if we can find a way to live in venus then we should since Venus is the most Earth-like planet and we should have no problem living there since their so alike. In Conclusion,The author's suggestion has some good evidence supporting his idea but putting those who will go out to visit Venus are risking there life due to it's high temperture and pressure knowing they won't find anything and it being to dangerous to have the human society living there and not taking the problems that Venus has and to know that Venus isn't similar to Earth at all.
The Facial Action Coding System is a new software that developes the improves accuracy in perceiving the emotions of others. The system has six basic emotions-happiness, surpise, anger, disgust fear, and sadness- and then associated each with characeteristic movements of the facial muscles. The software can even identify mixed emotions. Each expression is compared againest a neutral face (showing no emotion. How does it work? The process begines when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face, all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. The argument talks about if the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable or not. The technology will idnetify what the students behavior is like. If a student doesn't want to show what they are feeling, the technology will solve it out. Empathy (feeling someone else's emotional state) may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person's facial expressions. Whoever thought that making faces could reveal so much about the science of emotions. I think this technology is not valuable in a student's classroom. The student's emotional expressions will be easy to find out what they are feeling because it's in person. Mona Lisa painting needed the technolgy because no one knows what she is feeling like. This technology will be good use for paintings, pictures, etc, that it can't be expressed. The technology should only be used for educational purposes, not to find out what the student is feeling in daily. It is easy to see a genunie smile and a fake one. In the real smile, the zygomatic major (muscles that begin at your cheek bones) lift the corners of your mouth.
Everyone remembers mars the planet that Nasa was trying to get on to see if it's possible to live on? Well now they changed into a diffrent planet called Venus. The author of the article "The challenge of exploring Venus" is stating his choice on what Nasa is doing. He is making it very clear that he wants people to explore Venus. He gave a hint in one part of his story. For example he says "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has valuse, not only becuase og insite to be gained on the planet its self." He's is giving his full suport on Nasa's choice to go and study Venus. He also is saying to keep trying even though it is dangerous. In the text it says that "A thick atmoshpere of almost 97% carbon dioxide blankets Venus." This Is saying that its very dangerousover there on Venus and the pressure could destroy everything there. In Conclusion he gives his full support no matter what. He is hoping that they keep striving to find a way to successsfuly accomplish whatever they need to do.
This story is about Luke Bomberger a boy who rode the waves had no idea that his life would change soon after his graduation. He was working two part-time jobs in a grocery store and at a bank when his friend invited him to go to Europe on a cattle boat. He couldn't say no he knew it would be an opportunity for him. It was 1945,world war 2 was over in Europe and countries were left in ruins. To help these countries recover 44 nations came together and started UNRRA {The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration}. UNRRA hired seagoimg cowboys to take care of the horses,young cows, and the mules. The first reason to join the program is because they came together and started a group of 44 nations to help Europe. They hired ''Seagoing Cowboys'' to help the animals. They are trying to get the nation back together. Luke and Don signed up for it to. Heading over seas in August 1945, they recieved their orders to report to New Orleans. They arrived ''August 14,'' Luke sayed,the day the Pacific war ended.'' The second reason you should join the group is because '' The cattle-boat trips were an unbelievable opportunity for a small-town boy,'' he said.''Besides helping people, had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special,'' he says. ''So was taking a Gondola ride in Venice,Italy,a city with streets of water.'' Luke also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to china. The third reason why you should join the group is cause caring for the animals during the crossings kept luke busy. They had to be fed and watered two or three times a day. Bales of hayand bags of oats had to be pulled up from the lower holds of the ship. Stalls had to be cleaned. Helping out on his aunt Katie's farm as a boy had prepared luke for hard work. In conclusion I think you can still help with or without an reward. He did that from heart to help and sign up for that, also he liked watching the animals every hour and taking care of them so did his friend. He really liked the trips around the world too, just help to be nice somtimes for other people.
WOOSH!WOOSH as the waves were slamming into the ship we were falling from how wet the ship was. It all started when I was getting into my house and then I heard a knock on my door and then I opened. Don Reist was inviting me to go to Europe on cattle boat. I coulden't say no. It was 1945 world war two was going on in Europe many countries were ruined from the war. How they needed to recover was to have some suplies and food from me and other people. Fourty-four nations joined together to form the UNRRA. The hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses and young cows and mules that were shipped oveseas. Don and I had sighned up for this job as a Seagoing. We arrived August fourteen the day that the Pacific war had ended. Don and I got our seaman's papers and boarded the SS Charles W.Wooster headed for Greece. We had cargo of 335 horses and enough food to feed them. It was a bad time to bee 18 because they could of sent me to the military service. By the time that I was discharged in 1947 I had made nine trips the most of any Seagoing Cowboy. The cattle trips were unbelievable. It took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic ocean from the eastorn coast of the United States pluss caring animals and we fead them three times a day. Help my aunt Katie's farm really helps me while all these thing but not as much for all the dangers that you face during this. I also had a fun time on board with everybody on there. We played baseball volly bal and many more activities. While I was there it made me more aware of people and there needs the awareness stayed with me all my life because people from all around the world needed things that I had. That it helped them more than it did to me and I had learned a lot from that trip. That trip was mostly about being with my friend because he was the one who had invited me to Europe.
The effects of greenhouse gas emission began to take their toll on the earth's atmosphere simply by its own natural output. As time has gone on though, and humans and their ways of transportation have evolved, greenhouse gas emission is becoming more of a problem. Automobiles, mainly cars, play a huge role in the production of nasty fumes and gases that become trapped in the atmosphere. For example, in Europe passenger cars make up twelve percent of total greenhouse gas emission, and in heavily congested areas such as the United States-it can skyrocket up to fifty percent! Some nations/countries are beginning to take a new approach to battle the "War of Greenhouse Gases". As studies have shown that national driving levels and the amount of people purchasing cars and earning their licenses are dropping after their peak in 2005, people are more and more willing to put down the car keys and put on their running shoes. One of these places in particular is the city of Vauban and is located in Germany. It is a middle-class to upper class community and its citizens can be considered pioneers of suburbia. Vauban does not permit driving in it's limits, besides the main thoroughfare, and a few side streets. Car owners buy a space for their car for $40,000 alongside a home. While some might argue about the practicality of not driving your car if you have one, it's shown to be extremely beneficial not only for the environment, but for people as well. When you go outside, whether you're headed somewhere or just on a casual stroll, you may reach Nirvana as you enjoy the true sounds of nature. In places where cars are permitted to drive, you might hear the sound of birds chirping outside your window, or the calm rustle of leaves rustling in the wind, but the rumbles, roars, and honks of a car are not far behind. In areas such as Vauban, the beautiful sounds of the world won't be drowned out by a greasy hunk of steel. Besides feeling at peace, a life without a car is a healthier life! Now, when you want to go somewhere, you must rely on your own two feet. Those two feet, bicycle, skateboard, etc. will be all you need to get where you're going! Unlike many places though, everything is within walking distance for convenience and to encourage you to take these steps. Notice the physical and emotional changes in yourself once in a place with no cars-you'll feel more relaxed, less rushed, and your body will thank you.  
I agree with the author suggesting that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present, because traveling to a different planet such as Venus we can explore and find out the history of this planet and look at clues of what Venus used to be million of years ago and see if there was once life on this planet or even water. The authors supports his idea of studying Venus despite its danger by saying "The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. NASA possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray." We need to make machines that would resist heat and the pressure so that we can have more time to explore Venus. Venus surface is really hot and the pressure on this planet is also really high that it can melt and crush metals. According to the article it says,"Such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metal." Since Venus surface is really hot NASA tested this machine that is made of silicon carbide. In the passage it says,"For, example some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." In conclusion, the authors idea of going to Venus may actually come true in the near future thanks to the idea of NASA of building these special type of vehicles that can last long in the really high temperature and pressure of Venus.
Have you heard of the Seagoing Cowboys Program? Well, It is a program that you will be able to take care of mules, young cows, and horses that were shipped over seas. You should join because it is helping Europe and Asia take care of animals and supplies. One reason to join is that you help animals travel from one place to another. You will be helping European and Asian countries recover their animals, food supplies, and more. You will visit many countries helping them recover and saving animal's lives as well. And I was happy with what I was doing. As I said in the first paragraph you will travel to many places. You will able to have some free time when you are at a country because I got to travel to Crete and see an excavated castle and also marveled at the Panama Canal. It was fun to travel all over the world to help people. On this trip I learned my way around a few countries and how it feels to help people just because you want to. You might get hurt along the way but at least you are doing what is right. By doing this I was drafted into the military when I turned 18 and when they learned that I was on a cattle-boat trip, they told me to just keep doing that for my service. So as I did I saw how much distruction wars could do. By that I became aware of what people need. To sum up my thoughts, I think you should join The Seagoing Cowboys Program because you are helping animals and people, you visit many places, and you learn things along the way. And I have exprience of getting hurt during these trips but that should not stop you from helping your world go through horrifying events. So, in future reference I advice you to do what is right no matter what.
The way the author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite is by , giving facts about the good and bad thingds venus has . The author talks about NASA'S possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus . He also gives examples like , Imagining a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling venusian landscape . just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms . The author support's the idea by saying ," Each previous mission was unmanned , and for good reason , since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours . Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on venus in more than three decades . Numerous factors contribute to venus"s reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study , despite its proximity to us ". Also the author talk's about venius having no value . The author say's that Venus has no value because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors . The author talks about the NASA working on other approaches to studyng venus. Some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of venus's surface and have lasted for three weels in such conditions . Another thing that the author is also talking about is another project , looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers . These devicers were fisrt envisioned in the 1800s and plaed an important role in the 1940s during world war II . I Venus at thirty - plus miles above the surface , tempetures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit , but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on the earth . solar power would be plentiful , and radiation would not exeed Earth levels . Not easy conditions , but survivable for humans .
Anytime someone goes out in public they are more than likely on camera. Technology is becoming more and more advance every day and it has a lot of good benefits. This article talks about a new technology called the Facial Action Coding system. The use of this technology reading the students expressions in a classroom is valuabe because it can adjust lessons to their need, can tell if something is wrong, and can read almost all emotions they are feeling. The use of Facial Action Coding is valuable in the classroom because it can adjust lessons to the students needs. In the article the author says " 'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored...then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.' " This show that this technology would help all students learn in a way that benefits them and not be confused in class, but afraid to say anything. Each student learns at their own pace and by sitting infront of these computers they can learn and actually enjoy learning. Having this type of technoloy in the classroom is really beneficial because it can tell if something is wrong. In the article it states "They even indicate the difference between a genuine smile and a forced one." This show that if a student in the classroom is being bullied or going through bad things at home the computer can read that and send some type of alert out to the teacher. This benefits the student because they teacher would be able to sit down with them and help figure out a way to solve his/her problems or how to seek help. Using the Facial Action Coding technology in the classroom is very valuable because it can read more than one emotion they are feeling. In the article the author states "She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." This shows that when a student sits infront of the computer it will analyze every part of their face to find how much they are feeling of each emotion. Reading all their emotions is quite beneficial because if they suddenly get very angry or sad they teacher could be notified and they could be pulled out of class to ask what is wrong instead of causing a big scene. Finally, the Facial Action Coding may have its flaws, but it comes out on top with pretty good benefits especially for students. Putting this in classrooms could save a lot of bad things from happening and help our sociecty grow stronger and more intelligent. Giving this a try could be the beginning to a new and better future for kids all over.
The use of FACS should not be prohibited on the use of just students. It can not just be experienced on students. Adults have their own facial expressions that could be test to. The students have to be able to talk to someone about their mode not by a machine. That could be wrong and probably cause probelms. FACS in other words is the facial action coding system which detects facial movements. There are 6 basic emotions it detects.They are happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. FACS is a 3-D model that tracks facial movements. The model stores similar anatomical information as electronic code. The model uses algorithms to now the your ficial expressions. The FACS is being use for students to know how they feel. To know if they are saying the truth. Which is should not be used because some kids just do not want other people bothering when they have probelms. In other cases, kids are to scared to confront an adult with their worries, problems, or troubles. Certain kids prefer to be left alone; however, students should not feel alone. They need people to communicate; however the kids now they are just rude or do not feel like having a relationship with any human they just want to be left alone. The kids instead should have a friend to talk to that could comprehend how they are feeling in that moment. Some kids are not gonna want to make friends, but at least whenever they need some one to talk to they should have that fellow friend or any person. They should also have a relationship with their parents and not with a 3-D model. The computer can have many algorithms but it can never really detect how you are feeling and how long that person could have that feeling. Any one could change their feelings in the matter of seconds. Having this kind of technology could help everyone out; however it can also have its disadvatages. The technology can be expensive. The parts for the machine is also expensive. With all that money that is being for the technolgy it could bring shortage to the anyone who does not have enough money to support their family or just themselves. People could just use a friend to talk to or anyone who is close to them.
There is diffren't arguments about the Face spotted on Mars. Some believe it is an alien artifact, and some believe it is just rocks. I'm here to tell you it it just rocks. So, there is nothing to worry about. If you don't believe me, just keep reading... and you will soon learn it is just your imagination. But some people probably never will learn. Till then, just read this... Maybe I will change your mind if you really believe it is a face. Or maybe I won't. Let's see what you choose. First, it just your eyes messing with you! Your eyes can play tricks on you and make you see things that are not really there. This is just rocks oddly placed and the rocks have shadows. That it all your seeing. If it were really a so called "face" on Mars, that would mean there would have to be life on Mars before. Have they proven life on Mars? They only found traces of water in the past. So, there could have been life on mars, but we haven't found anything besides this Face. Yes, if we found more ''faces'' we could consider it. But, we haven't, and there isnt enough evidence to support it. Also, over the past 25 years... we've seen the Face everywhere in papers. This could all be a scam, people are just trying to get people intrested in Mars more. There is always false advertisment in commercials, news articles, ect. This is just another one of those! We would have found something out in 25 years. And what do you know? Nothing. All there is, is a picture. They even took a picture a second time and still found nothing,said it was just a natural landform. So, there is NOTHING to worry about. Say this is a alien artifact... Do you have anything else besides the Face that they've? Are aliens even REAL?? Nobody really knows because there is only skepitics. Let's be honest about this, it's NASA. There are very intelligent people there. I'm sure the best of the best. They wouldn't lie about some rocks would they? No... but people believe what they choose. People's eyes see what they want to see. Hear what they want to hear, no matter what the truth is. If you were to ask anyone about the face being an alien artifact or it just being a natural landform, not everyone would agree. All of the rocks could have moved over time and made the Face. Honestly, your eyes are just playing tricks with you. They are showing you something that isnt there. It is only shadows. Nothing else. Is it odd it is shaped to look like a face? Of course yes. This is all like ''Big Foot'' people are just making up stories. And seeing a tree but they think it is Big Foot's shadow. Your going to soon grow out of it and come to your senses. That it is just a natural landform. Not a face or alien artifact. IF they actually find evidence... more then just some pictures. Actual proof... maybe, things will be differen't sure. Till then, just use your logic. Do you really think it is something more then rocks? I hope I've at least made you consider that the face is a landform. If I didn't... well maybe no one will. But I know what I believe is true. IT IS JUST A LANDFORM. And until you give ME evidence to your side of the story. You can't change my mind either. Fair enough, right? I rest my case.
You should be a seagoing cowboy because it is an adventure because you, get to go to diffrent places.Another reason why you should be a seagoing cowboy is because you get to see diffrent people and diffrent countries.In the text it states that being a seagoing cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke Bomberger.The text also states that the cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling,and games also helped pass the time.That is why you should become a seagoing cowboy that rides the waves. The other reasons why you should be a seagoing cowboy is because you get to see new oceans.You also get to se other islands that you never seen before.Being a seagoing cowboy helps you get more aware of how other people need help to. The text states it made me more aware of people of other countries and his family to host a numbeer of international students and ,exchange visitors for many years. When you are a seagoing cowboy you get sail on a boat alote.The other reason why you should become a seagoing cowboy is because when you are a seagoing cowboy,you can make people lives better by helping them.Getting to be a seagoing cowboy helps you change it makes, you want to do better things for other people.The text states he knew it was an opportunity of a life time.
People in this day in age rely on using cars to get around. Some people dont have cars to get around so they use other resources like cars or buses .but truth be told not using a car is really effective way to save our natural resources . In vauban,germany only the upscale suburban pioneers , soccer moms and commuting executives had cars and so have a car to a lower classmen was just stressful to them." 70 percent of vaubans's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to here." when i had a car i was always tense . I'm much happier this way ," said heidrm walter , a media trainer and mother of two " (rosenthal pargraph 3). In 2006 vauban completed a growing trend,the united states to separate suburban auto use .that was called "smart planning". smart planning became effective and it started to happen . The upper class had a advantage the upper class got to have a nice cars because they had more money thena middle calss so this was good because that meant less wealth and so less cars then less polution and save natural resources . " all of our development since wolrd war 2 has been centered on the car, and that will have to change,"said david goldberg, an official of transportation for america "(Rosenthal paragraph 7). american government is trying to make cars now so safe and afficient . there making cars that are electric to try not to use so much gas and start saving energy#the2k15resolution. " Diesel fuel was blamed, since france has... a tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline. diesels make up 67% of vehicles in france, compared to a 53.3 % avereage  of diesels engines in the rest of the western europe, according to reuters ." (duffer 16) diesel fuels arre less used than gasoline so people really have no use in trying to turn  big trucks electric because there is on alternative for diesel gas . In conclusion,cars are less effiective to earth . so by wlaking or using gass less there is less polution and a good natural resource that we have .using diesuel gas is another efective way to use gas and cars wisely.
A new technology to read the emotional expressions. Do you every wonder what if a computer can detected if you are happy or sad? I think that Facial Action Coding System to read the emontional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. Not even for everybody around you to know, but for yourself. It sounds pretty cool. Prof. Thomas Huang and Prof. Nicu Sebe helped developed a way for you to know. It would be awesome just for your everyday life, but for your classroom would be more valuable. Not only for students, but for the teachers and administrators. In paragraph 6 it states,"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." Now say your having a bad day and you have this 5 page essay to do. You know that your mad and you dont want to do it but your teacher has no clue. The new technology will help the teacher know how your feeling about the whole situation. The teacher might push the assignment back for you because he/she knows your not feeling the day and they know it will only stress you out. I think the technology is a good advantage to have in classrooms. Teachers can know how the students feel about an activity or a project. The teachers might think its fun but the students might feel like its boring. If a student does not like a project, they dont put in as much effort. In paragraph 6 it states,"a Web ad appears do your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." In classrooms we do a lot with computers and IPAD's. Ads pop up on the screens all time. There mostly annoying and we click out of it after we see the first one. But if its one that we like then were going to want to see another one. A new technology to read the emontional expressions. Do you ever wonder what if a computer can detected if you are happy or sad? I think that Facial Action Coding System to read the emontional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. Not even for everybody around to know, but yourself. It sounds pretty cool.
You should join this program. You are helping others. This program needs you and others to help the countries recover from World War II. Many countries were runined. 44 nations will help us. The UNRRA ( the United States Relief and RehabilitionAdministration), hired The seagoing Cowboys to take care of the animals that were shipped overseas. There is many games you can play where the animals had been housed such as, baseball, vollyball, boxing, and table-tennis. All of the games helps pass the time. Luke aslo found games you can play on board too. Now you know why you should join this program. You are helping people and are helping yourself. You are helping yourself not to only care about yourself. You should be more aware of people and the other countries and their needs. This program should inspire lots of other people to help help in case this ever happen again. The number of visitors should expand.
Hi my name is Luck Bomberger and as you may know i have crossed the Altantic Ocean 16 time. Why? You might ask because i wanted to help people recover from War World ll. And i could also trave the world. While helping so many people i was able to see Europe and China. While in Italy I took a ride in a Venice, Italy a city with streets of watere. It was amazing not only did i see amazing places but I was able to work with a lot of amazing animals. It took to weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean for the east coast of the United States and a mouth to get to China. But carry for the aniamls took a lot of work. I had to feed them and clean up there mess. But working in my Aunt Katie's farm when i was younger helped me a lot. We also had a lot of fun off the boat to. When we let the aniamls of the ship we woiuld us the empty holds to play games like Vollyball and Baseball. but i have also got hurt in the ship where i have broke my rips. So in conclusion, there where good times and bad times while on board and being able to help people but there homes and towen back together was a opportunity of a liftime and im clad I was able to do it with my Friend Don.
using this technology to read the emotions of students in a class room is valuable because you can tell a lot if a student is confused or even to angry or to sad to learn. plus you can tell if the teacher is doing her job right or if the student feels confortable in the class room you can also learn if the student feels bullied or not safe in the class room. We could also tell if the student is acutally happy in the class because of the facial action coding system that even allows you to figure out if the student has a genuine or false smile stated in paragraph 8 of the text. This technology could help students to learn better, students that come from other country's and dont know how to speak for thereself or are just to shy to speak out. At last is the communication that the teacher and student can have through this device would be better since the device can read emotions the teacher can learn from all of her students on how they like to learn and how they dont like to learn.
The use of technology to read students' emotions and expressions would not be valuable in a classroom. As a student living in a generation that is becoming dependent on technology, the ability for computers to read our emotions would not only be a waste of our resources but also a detriment to our education systems. There are many consequences of using technology to read our facial expressions at school. Distractions are prevalent in a classroom and adding the emotional recognition would only be adding a game for students to play with while the lesson was being taught. According to the article if the student was paying attention, their lesson could be modified based on their facial expression. This may confuse the child or present them with material in a way that has never been taught before. They then would have different information from their peers and teacher. Not only would the customized lesson confuse the student, but it would also promote the selfish lifestyle that other technology is by giving the student exactly what they want when they want it. Our students are growing up in a world where technology is providing them with everything they want, and that has made them needy, spoiled, and reliant. If the emotional recognition technology were implemented, then in the future the child may not be able to sit through a job interview or meeting because it would not be modified for their enjoyment. If we were to use technology that reads expressions, we would continue to create people who are not satisfied until everything is catered exactly they way they would like it. The use of technology to read humans' expressions would not be beneficial in a classroom.
in germany people dont have cars like they do in america. in germans people have to have a big place to park there car like a large garage. but i it costs 40,000 dollars to buy the garage. so 70 percent of germany doesnt have a car. on monday motorists are told to leave there car at home or there is a 31 dollar fine. almost 4,000 drivers where fined one day.27 people had there car impounded because of ther reaction to the fine. cars have been baned for 3 years. only buses and taxies are permited for the day. there goal is to promote alternative transport. violators faced a 25 dollar fine. parks and sprots cneters have bloomed since they have scut traffic. presdient obama has ambitious goals to curb america. studdies show that fewer americans are buying cars and getting less licenses as  the years go by. in america as of april 2013 the number of miles driven was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in january 1995. new yorks new bike sharing program and its skyrocketing  bridge and tunnel tolls reflect the new priortiy.
Have you ever wanted to save a life? You can save a life while you are apart of the Seagoing Cowboys program. You might be wondering what in the world is Seagoing Cowboys, but you can find out what it is if you continue to read this essay. The program called Seagoing Cowboys is a program that helps contries after a natural disater, or a war, which is the reason Seagoing Cowboys was created. Seagoing Cowboys is the program for you to join because saving lives can be so rewarding to yourself, to others, and make others want to be just like you. Even if your the type of person thats always negative, that will encourage others not be like you, but to be the person that is the better version of that you. You might be thinking, why in the world would I want to help someone I don't even know? I can answer that, because you should care about what the others think of you. Think about it, if you help someone you don't know, they might see what a good person you are and would want to join the group that you are in. Helping others is a service everyone needs, even after a war or a natural disaster. You need to save a life, and help a family some day, do it with the Seagoing Cowboys program to be the person to help and possiblry even help them from dieing from starvation and other dark reasons because you didn't help them. Do you like travling? Do you like the ocean? Want to be on a boat for a couple of weeks? Then Seagoing Cowboys is the perfect program for you! You might argue that there is nothing on a boat to do, well your wrong, on Lukes way back to his mainland, he claimed that there was a lot of extra time to pass by because after dropping off the cargo at the destination, there is nothing else to look over so you have the rest of that time to yourself. After hearing the reasons in this passage, do you now feel like helping people or would you like to just sit on your couch just eating chips off your stomach. There is only one right choice, its the first option, saving people is so rewarding in your mind and heart. Seagoing Cowboys is the program that will make you feel better as a person, and as a human knowing that you're making history with helping other human beings live a long lived life by helping them live another day in there home and helping still have food.
In my opinion i think that using the technology to read emotional expression is a cool, fun, and exiting thing to do, when the author explained the instructions and how everything workes it wouldnt be something i would go against because if the technology detect that someone is sad or someone is acting like they are happy but really are upset it has a way to make people feel like they are truly appy so if somone puts on a fake smile it will make the person actually feel joyful. The author explained it in the story where he is telling the readers the instrustions in paragraph 9. Also it would awesome if we would be able to detect excactly how people are feeling even though they are showing something they really dont feel because that way we know if someone needs a laugh we could help or if someone is feeling grumpy we would know to not even bother that human.
Growing up in the more modern times I see many things that would seem almost impossible to someone not born in this time. Cars are becoming more advanced than ever. Although they have their advantages, the use of cars also has many disadvantages. They polute the air and they can be very dangerous. The pros of cars are by far outweighed by the cons, if you look at them in the long run. Limiting car use could preserve the earth, relieve stress, and reduce the amount of overweight people in America . Although cars make everyday life easier, lessening the use of them could potentially "save the world." Polution is at an all time high and car emissions are largely to blame. In paragraph five it states that, "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Euope... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." This is saying that the emissions from cars are destroying the earth. Though going to the grocery store that is two miles away may seem easier by just hoping in the car and arriving in less than five minutes, walking or biking would be better for you and the environment. Many cities are even focusing on becoming more "pedestrian friendly" to help boost the enthusiasm of cutting the use of cars. Walking is not the only option either, using hybrid cars, carpooling, or public transportation is also an option. Though still involving the use of cars, emissions would be reduced greatly. Also, emissions can cause sickness. In large cities where cars are depended on there is Smog. Smog is a thick black cloud of pollution that hangs in the air over large ciies. Smog can make you very sick if you injest it. Many people in cities that do have smog have to wear face masks when walking outside. I do not think that face masks are a new trend that everyone would like to start wearing. Lessening the use of cars around us would be a healthy step towards restoring our environment and could start a trend for others to do so aswell. Another advantage of cutting the use of cars would be less accidents. Thousands of car related accidents happen every minute around the world in automobiles. If everyone started walking, biking, or using pubilc transportation less cars would be on the road leading to less accidents. Families lose loved ones everyday just because the driver of the car isnt paying attention. Drivers have many extra responisbilities when opperating the vehicle. They have to watch everything around them, including being responsible for everyone else in the car. Many people have reported being "less stressed" after they lowered the use of cars. Heidrun Walter said "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way," when talking about moving to a car free community. Thousands are converting to the trend of using the car less and others are cutting the use completely! Following this trend would be a large benefit to yourself and the enviornment around you. Lastly, America is known for being obese and cars support this idea. Cars make it easy for someone to get places without putting any physical work into it. Cars encourage people to be lazy. Lowering the use of cars and walking more would help reduce the percent of people that are overweight in our country. Instead of wanting to get in the car and drive to do something they could walk and get some excercise or even take a bike if they wanted to get there faster. Walking and biking are low intensity excercises making it easy for everyone to participate. Many overweight people always feel lathargic, getting out and walking or biking would also help them to feel better. Doing this would help our people and environtment become more heatlhy. Cars are a great invention but it is not necessary for every individual to have one. Walking and biking are better alternatives. The use of cars has gone through the roof creating problems around the world. A healthy environment for our children and grandchildren is what we imagine. One does not think of using a car as damaging to the enviornment until after they have done it. Limiting car usage would turn the world into a healthier, stress reduced place. For these reasons I think it would be of best interest to try and find other alternatives to driving as much.       
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to . Not drive cars everywhere but to just walk or ride bikes . Well in this eassy thats what i'm going to be talking about . I am going to be telling you about the advantages of limiting your cars uses . And maybe even make you want to even not use a car anymore . For example its better for the enviroment , you won't have to wait on traffic , and you dont have to worry about having to get a licensess or renewing it every few years , and also you wont have to worry about you car breaking down . To start off you wont have to worry about getting a licensess or getting it renewed . If you dont drive a car then you dont have to worry . About having to pay for anything for you car like your licensess .Or if your car breaks down having to worry about paying for the expensise .And  if you dont drive you wont have to pay for gas . You wont have to worry about getting stuck in traffic .Or  having to watch for drunk drivers or bad drivers . Stopping at red lights constantly . If you dont drive cars then you wouldnt have to always do this stuff . In paris after days of near-record pollution they enforced a parical driving ban to clear the air of the global city . On mondays people with even numbetred liceness were ordered to leave there cars at home . Or they will get fined for  22 euros . And the same for the odd number liceness . And because of this the smog cleared up . And there was not as much pollution in the air as there was . And because of this in Bogota its turnning into a big hit  . There is this porgram to have a car free day where all you do is . You leave your cars at home and you either skate , hike , walk , or take the bus . And because of this there was no traffic jams . And because of this programit making people less stressed . In conclusion , its better to just walk  or to ride bikes everywhere  . Because you wont have to worry about driving a car places .You wont have to worry about if your car will break down or not . And wont be polluting the air .
Dear Senator, In my opinion we should change the presidency election to be based on popular vote. I can speak for a lot of citizens here when I say that it is a way of representing our country as a democracy, and is more efficiant. The electoral college is a better representation of a democracy. Instead of voting for your president, you're instead voting for electors. That's not what we're trying to do. The political parties of Florida are trying to get their candidate to be elected. The electoral college is a bit unfair to the other parties that aren't gettin represented. Since most states have a "winner-take-all" system, not all voices are being heard. With popular vote everyone's voice is being heard! We are a democracy right? Democracy means that all citizens have a say in the government. Which plays into the voting topic. We vote because we have a say in what goes on in the government, and what the decisions they make. With the electoral college, we vote for electors that vote for the president, even though the title of the event is called the presidential election! Not the electoral election! Another reason many people prefer the popular voting system is because it is more efficiant. This is because we can't always count on the electors we vote for to reperesent us correctly. Electors might change their mind at the very last minute and decide that they like the opposing candidate's view, discarding their loyalty to us. Now the opposing candidate has more electoral votes casted their way. Voters can't always control who their electors vote for. That's not what I would call a trustworthy system. With the electoral college, it is a slighter chance that a tie could happen. With the popular votes, there is more votes being casted to almost prevent this from happening. The popular voting sysem is a better way represent this country as a democracy, as well as being more efficiant. This sounds like a better America to me already. SO please keep all this in mind next time you go to work. Sincerely, PROPER_NAME
Most people are with the fact that we vote for Electoral College but unfortuntley , im not. I am in favor to change to Election by popular vote for the President of the United States. voting for Electoral College dosent make sense and its completly unfair to the people voting and their is a certainty of outcome..The reason why i am against the Electoral College Vote Is cause we think were voting for the president , when were not and its confusing and it dosent make sense. For example , In the article " Does the Electoral College Work?" source 1 ,pharagrapgh 15 , it states that "Electoral College method is not democratic in a modern sense,"when the people vote , their voting for a slate of electors. So when we vote , its actually were voting for the electors who get to vote for the president , not the people and its really unfair .Each party selects a slatetrusted to vote for the partys nominee. In addition to my previous point , the second reason why i am against the Electoral College Vote is because its not for to the people who are voting for it .As it states in pharagraph 3 , because of the winner-take all system in each state, candidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning in. For example , "During the 2000 campaign , seventeen states didnt see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didnt get to see a single campaign ad." A dispute over the outcome of Electoral College Vote is possible- it happened in 2000- but its less likely than a dispute over the popular vote. in pharagrapgh 18, it states that the reason is that the winning candidates share of the Electoral Collge is invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote. To conclude , I am against the Electoral College vote because its unfair, confusing and makes no sense ." Its hard to say this, but Bob Dole was right: Abolish the Electoral College!  
Dear State Senator In my opinion we should abolish the electoral college because it's not fair to the people who vote, they vote on the president they want but aren't actually voting for them? Thats crazy we should be able to vote on who we want and it should be counted for. it makes everything much more complicated than it is. As it shows in these documents what would happen if a president won not because of popular vote but the amount of electoral votes. Is it that their scared of having a tie of votes? If that were to happen the election could go to the House of Reprsentatives, where state delegations vote on the president. What if the people dont like their elector? What if the elector chose one president because they wanted to? There are alot of questions to answer whenit comes to the Electota College,it makes everything easier and fair if we vote directly and the candidate with the most popular vote wins. from: Emily
The Author for the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" gave both good key points on why we should have driverless cars as well as key points on why we shouldn't have driverless cars. My position on this specific topic is that i believe that having a driverless car would be proficient to the human life because then you wouldn't have to wrooy about if your tired or not and you don't have to worry about taking those harmful energy drinks when you drive because you need to stay awake. Because since you have a driverless car you are capable of practically doing anything you have to do within the time period you have from your starting destination the your final destination. You could finish up work you didn't get done, you could actually eat your breakfast, you could actually look into some important things while your car gets you to your destination. although there are cons to driverless cars there is always room for improvement and this generation has plenty of time to improve on that situation. concluding this I believe having driverless cars would be a tremendous achievement for man kind knowing that we are advancing in the technology that we started off creating and that the driverles car would help millions and contribute to all good beings.
The statement that has been gooing around stating "the face on Mars was created by aliens." The statement is false, the face you have seen on mars is a natural landform. The photos you have seen was a hill developing in the process over time. We have taken a photo of the strange spot on the planet Mars and it has been reported,that it is a natural landform. We did not have the same technology as what we have had in the past. When we first took the picture we did not have the same technology so we had a blurry picture. But when we have our technology now, we have better cameras so that we can get a better image of the big red planet called Mars. We have no proof that aliens have built this face in the surface on mars. This face you see on the planet is just a landform. The face you might see in the photograph is just a mind illusion that you might see a face. the face you see is a hill that has been formed by the ways of the planet its self. It might have been molding from the dust and the wind dragging the red sand and dirt off of the hill its self. We have no way or knowledge to know that aliens have built this face on the hill. The face has been forming for probably thousands and thousands of years. We think the forming on mars, like craters and hole in the ground, plus the face is just a natural landform forming on the crust of mars its self. How would we know if other forms of life built this face?...We dont know because we do not have that much knowledge about the space. There are infifnity of space out their that we have not explored yet so how would we know if the aliens have built this. The thought of this statement that aliens have built this face in the crust of mars is ludicris. The face on mars has been formed by natural landformings in the crust of Mars. The theory of aliens made the face is as dumb as a bump on a log.
I think that everyone should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program because it gives you a chance to see amazing things like different places and land forms that you may never be able to see unless you join. You also get to help other people and give them food and animals and shelters to help rebuild their homes and country. The program teaches you about other countries and their needs and going to expirence that in person helps you understand it more. You get to meet new people and have fun with them and do something great for their country at the same time. knowing that you are saving peoples lives is a great feeling and it lets you know that you have done something good in the world. The Seagoing Cowboy trip is a once in a life time chance to see amazing places and help people rebuild their countries and you get to help people and save lifes. I think that everyone should join the Seagoing Cowboys program.
Driverless cars are soon to be coming out all over the world but they have some positives and negative side effects to it, such as a positive being it is driverless and it saves a lot of gas, or that it is safer and easier, but then there are negatives such as it being boring for the driver, the price that it takes for it to be able to drive all over the world by itself, or the fact that it breaks some laws. But in the end they all make up for it because it really is worth the trouble. The negative side effects aren't that big of problems that make it so we won't make the cars because they really are worth it because in the long run after you pay off the car you will be saving so much money on gas and time beacause they work with a gps so you dont have to worry about getting lost or taking a wrong turn. But then the side effects include, how boring it is for the driver to just sit there the whole time and just has to watch the road and be ready to take the wheel due to a car accident or road construction, the cars are also breaking laws while they are being tested because it is illegal to have a operating car that is driving without someone in the car driving it, but eventually the laws will change and make it easier. These cars will take a lot of work to get them street safe and able to actually drive on its own. These cars really are worth the time and money that google is putting into them because they will make up for it in the long run by keeping the streets save and making and saving money that could be used again to make this world right again.
Some people believe that the Face was created by aliens but some say the Face is just another landform, if you read this essay you will find out why and if the Face is a landform or not. Some scientists believe that the Face was just another landform because they had the same thing happened with the Martian mesa. A few days later people had the chance to see the picture. NASA let the people see it so people would be attracted to Mars. The Face haunted the media for 25 years. People thinks the Face is a landform because the face was located at a cloudy place. They didn't stop with the picture. They increased the size by three so they could get a good look at it. The picture actually shows the Martian of butte or mesa. They waited until summer to take another look at the landform and NASA told the world that the Face was just a natural landform.
The Case of the Driveless Cars How many movies have you seen that depict the future with advanced technology such as holograms or even driveless cars? How much of a reality could that be? The case of driveless cars has been something that has been going on for awhile. Even around 2009 Google came out with their first almost driveless car. Although driveless cars are depicted as futuristic and magical, really driveless cars seem like more of an endangerment to our economy, our safety and our time. To begin, the manufacturing of driveless cars is insanely expensive. Where would all this money even come from? We would have to fund it to provide research for a car that doesn't know how to back out of a driveway yet. There has already been 200 million dollars spent on radar a device on a hiltop. So why waste money on something that only goes up to 25 mph and won't even drive if you don't have your hands on the wheel? It seems like driveless really just means assissting. But assissting to who? Obviously not the wallets of the buyers. Secondly, the driveless cars are supposed to help for the better of the people, they say it would be "safer". But where is the proof that it is safer? Many states have already banned the use of any self-autonomous cars, just leaving out four states who have left them limited use to test out the cars. How can the world just expect for these cars to be safe when we already have superstition over these cars and those who don't will barely let them use the cars too? They also suggest since the driver will probably be bored that they should put in some entertainment in the car. But what happens when, the car stops and has the driver do what they're supposed to, but they aren't prepared because they were entertained by something else? It's unsafe to assume that having all these distracting things around people who are supposed to be driving won't effect how they do in a sudden situation. There is also the hastle of having to reconstruct the roads, which goes back to the point of money and also safety. It is never safe when there is construction going around, especially when they have to reconstruct the whole road in order to make the driveless cars work. This also leads to the third point. Time is very limited in this day and age. We barely have time to do anything, we have so many errands to run, so many things to do, but it's like we never have enough time. If the expansion of driveless cars would continue we would have to reconstruct the roads, delaying many people with getting to work or going to school, or just everyday things. Then we have to go to the government too, to repeal the ban put over on many states. So, naturally, that will take forever too, because when does the government ever get such controversial things solved super quick? Why waste the time of millions for something we aren't sure of yet? All in all, the manufacturing of driveless cars is pointless when the car isn't even really driveless. It seems more of a hazard to the economy, the safety of many, and the time of others than it does as an ensuring safe way to get around. In the case of the driveless car, the driveless car lost. There are too many negative effects for it to ever succeed.
Contrary to popular belief, the Face on Mars is not a face, but a natural landform on the surface of Mars. Now, this may be hard to agree with, but the Face is actualy a structure similar to a butte or a mesa, a semi-flat landform common in the American west. It should also be noted that the area around Cydonia (a region on Mars on which the Face is located on,) is extremely cloudy around the time the pictures were taken by the Viking 1 in 1976. Also, Cydonia has many other mesa-like structures that are quite common in the area. The manner in which the Face was formed is unknown, but many scientists belive that shadows formed from outcrops in the area created the illusion of the eyes, the nose, and the mouth on the structure, giving it it's facelike apperence. There were three diffrent gruops of photographs taken of this structure. The first was taken by the aformentioned Viking 1, in 1976. The second was taken on April First, 1998, by The Mars Global Surveyer. The last one was taken in April of 2001, again by the Mars Global Surveyer. If this was a face, would'nt all three pictures be the same, insted of the last two being clear eveidence that the Face isen't a face at all, but rather a naturaly forming landmass? So, in conclusion, there is a scientific explanation to just why and how this strange and peculuar structure came to be. Even though this unusual sight looks just like a face, it's just a rock structure on the face of a red planet we call mars, not an ancient Martian temple.
Fake Face In 1976, in the mission control room, the scientists founded something eerie on Mars, there was a human face on it! Many scientists said that it was just a Martian mesa, but many people still stuck to their primal thoughts instead of the scientists' well-educated minds. Scientists stated that the face was just founded out that it's just a mesa. Also, Earth have a similar structure as the "Face". And finally, if scientists discovered extraterrestrial life on Mars, what will prevent them from talking about the upcoming major event in scientific history. Many conspiracy theorists may state that this "Face" is a clear evidence that there are life on Mars. But how could there be life on Mars just judging that there is a landform that looks like a face? Therefore, this states that Mars don't hold life. In Mars, there are many landmarks, canyon, mountains, and, of course, mesa. Life on Mars would be impossible due to harsh weather going down below freezing, and absence of liquid form of water. Then how could a creature make a monument that is two miles long without getting burned, frozen, or starve? With these harsh environment we can conclude that nothing can create this except that it got created naturally. With these reasons, we can conclude that this "Face" cannot get created by extraterrestrial lives. Furthermore, Earth also have similar landforms as Mars. In the Western America, there are hundreds of butte or mesa. Mesa is a structrue that consists of elevated area with a flat top. Scientists say that the "Face" is just a mesa. In fact, a lava dome mesa that have similar quality with the "Face" that is located on Mars. Also, human brain is linked to analyzing faces. When you go to a sightseeing area, you may see some rocks that are shaped interesting, or during your way to work, you may see many non-human objects that looks like a face. So how could a structure that is present on Earth be a proof that life exists on Mars? In conclusion, Mars cannot hold life that many peoples believe. And finally, scientist would not keep a vital discovery as a secret. Many space-related articles state that discovering life outside of Earth would be recorded as a major event in history. And if a scientist discover an alien, then he or she would be rewarded tremendously. Will anybody tries to prevent this "once in a lifetime opportunity" probably not. Also, scientists would be delighted for an advance in technology, they would not leave the aliens alone, they would attempt a communication to the aliens and try to learn many things about their life. Consequently, this shows that aliens don't exist in Mars. Some may say that the "Face" is a clear example to show the life on Mars, and that these creatures created this landform as a sign or as an art. However, with art or sign, they would live near the structure, but there are no sign of a life around the area. Also, it is not reasonable to believe what the conspiracy theorists are stating. They do not have clear evidence, they are just following their primal thoughts like a primitive life. Clearly, it is not wise to believe the conspiracy theorists over the scientists in NASA. All in all, this proves that life cannot survive on Mars. The "Face" is proven to be a mesa that is common on Mars. Also, there are similar landforms in Earth called as the lava dome mesa that have very similar properties with the "Face. And finally, scientists would not attempt to keep this amazing discovery as a secret on their own but share with the world instead. It is unwise to trust yourself and not the others to make you well informed and educated. Should we spend our time, money, and our thoughts on the devious, sycophantic conspiracy theorists who don't know what they're saying?
Technology is a semi-new thing, therefore using it to benifit peoples learning is a major aspect of technology. Technology is used for entertainment, and creating ways of excitment in people. However technology is also used as a weapon in negative ways, like look at the internet for example; this form of technology is used for positive reasons and negative reason. However when used in positive ways the internet is and can be used a an amzing source of positivity and a benifital tool to those who use it. Classrooms in america are getting more strict and incressing in difficulty mainly, due to the amount of difficulty it takes to master areas in which people want to succeed; like the job field for example now days jobs are harder to access therefore schools are tying to give their students an upper hand in this field. Monotorying has always been a thing ever since it was possible, there are positive and negative sides to this phenominon. There are companies who use monotring as a negative thing; like say spying on an employs dailey activities besides work, however companies can use this form of monoturing on checking to see if there is something a employey has problems with a spesific thing at a job site. Overall I think that technology along with it negative aspects can be a positive tool twards benifiting peoples lives, just like educuation. Educational staff are only seeking healty lives and suitiable jobs for those they teach and support. So therefor teachers and staff using technology is postitive ways can be a benifical tool. Emotion tracking technology is a new advancement that could weave into a new direction and form of how our schooling sysetem works. this could be a very good thing for us a society as a whole. I personally thing that is a great idea for students that have near given up on schooling and the system itself. Technology is used for entertainment, and greative ways of exciting people. Therefore in conclusion i do belive that using positive forms of technology to help further students learning and productivity is a major step in the right direction. Collages nowadays are only accepting students that are determinded and not afriad to go that extra step for themselves and others, and if teachers use a form of technology can futher those skills, then this can be a very good topic of disscusstion. In conclusion i would like to see a new and improved form of technology that will help teachers and staff get the knowledge to kids and young adults in need for a better life than say not having the new and impoved technological advances we have as a society now.
PROPER_NAME 3433 SCHOOL_NAME Dear state senator Many people argue on weather or not of keeping the Electoral College or changing to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. U.S Citizens arguemented how the electoral college is unfair,outdated and irrational. On the other side of the arguement despite its lack of democratic,the electoral college has many reasons why we should keep it. the electoral college has all practical reasons,first thing first is it Certainty Of Outcome,second that Everyone's President,third the Swing States,fourth the Big States and Last Avoid Run-Off Elections. All of these reasons contribute into the Electoral College on why it should stay. The certainty of outcome is that the winning candidate's share of the Electoral College invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote,because almost all states award Electoral votes compared to popular votes. The swing states uses a method called winner-takes-all by awarding Electoral votes which induces the candidates. Voters in toss-up now that they will now recieve the most info and attention from the candidates so the most thoughtful voters should be the ones to decide the election. The electoral college stores the weight in the big states in the political balance. The large states gets more of the attention from presidential candidates in a campaign then a small state does because of population. In the electoral college they avoid the problem of elections in which no candidate recieves a majority of the votes cast. there is pressure for run-off elections when no canadidate wins a majority of the votes cast. the pressure will be reduced by the electoral college which in variably produces a clear winner. Many people argue that electoral college method of selectingthe president may lose potential voters knowing there vote will have no effect. voters in presidential rather than people who want express a political preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election. Now that I told you my reasoning I hope you will understand why we should keep Electoral College from going away. from PROPER_NAME
Here is my position on driver-less cars. I feel driver-less cars only work if you do. They should rename driver-less cars, to 2-driver cars because there's never going too be a moment in time when the car is driving by itself. You will always have too do your normal job, you'll just have extra help this time. You should never feel like you dont have too pay attention to the road because the car is not driving for you, it's driving with you. You should also never feel like you can focus on something else while in the car driving, you should always be alert but you should also always know the car has your back for anything else you cant see. For example, the car will warn you for traffic ahead, crashes, road blocks, ect. In alot of states it is illegal to even test computer-driven cars. For example, California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia have led the country in allowing limited use of semi-autonomous cars; manufacturers believe that more states will follow as soon as the cars are proved more reliably safe. Wich makes sense because all people want is too be safe. So if there is a car out there that keeps familys life out of danger lots of people will want it. In conclusion, i feel like once the manufactorers of driverless-cars proves too the people it is safe, it will become very big in alot of country's fast.
Become a Seagoin Cowboy Today Many people have different occupations and ways to earn currency around the world. One of the best occupations for you could be a Seagoing Cowboy. Working in this area can do many things for you, including helping to grow your cultural understandings as you would be working around the world meeting and working with new people. You would be taking care of animals that are aboard your ship, providing food and water for them. Becoming a Seagoing Cowboy will be a oppurtunity you can not pass up. As a Seagoing Cowboy your main job is to transfer animals around the world while tending to them aboard a boat. While stopping in a country you have the oppurtunity to go and see monuments, historical cities, and almost anything you can imagine! You will be assinged a task and given animals such as horses or mules to bring over to countries in need of them. You can start this job at a young age and work your way up through the system. This occupation will take extended periods of time while working day and night, wich means you would have to be away from your family. In conclusion A Seagoing Cowboy could be an amazing job for some who want to work in this sort of field. You get to travel the world to places you have only dreamed about visiting. You will be working with animals throughout the day, growing a tight bond with them. And you will have the chance to meet new people with different cultures and up-bringings. Become a Seagoing Cowboy today! You will not be disappointed.
Dear State Senator, I think that the Electoral College is important becase it is  a process. The founding fathers established the Eletoral College to the Constitution as a comromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualificatied citizens. The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors. The meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President. The counting of the electoral votes by Congress. The electoral College consists of 538 electors. The mjority of 270 electoral votes are required to elect the President. Under the 23rd Amendment of the Constitution, the District  of Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purposes of the Electoral College. For this reason, in the following discussion, the word ''state'' also refers to the District of Columbia. The presidential elction is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. One thing that I didn't know is that most states have a "winner-take-all."A "winner-take-all" is a system that awards all electors to the winning presidential canidate.
The Face on mars was a big controversy throughout the 1970's to 2001, and still is a popular topic of conversation. Many people believe NASA was trying to hide an alien artifact by saying it's a land form, and others believe thats all it is, a landformation. NASA has been photographing this for years, trying to figure out exactly what it is, and trying to satisfy the conspiracy theorists. In 1976, they were taking photos of a region of a planet, and discovered this strange formation with the look of a face. NASA continued to research and take photos. After years of photographing and talking, they finally figured it out. NASA discovered in 1998, that what many people thought was an alien artifact, was actually just a landformation. From the beginning, the NASA workers had two theories. Some scientists thought the Face was an alien artifact, and most thought it was a mesa, which is a natural land formation. The second theory was right, that all it was was a strange land formation and bad camera quality. There are photos that show the 3 pictures they took of the Face. One was in 1976. That was a time where most people thought it was an alien artifact, because it looked most like a face because of the blurry quality. In addition, the next picture from 1998 showed was it really was, just a land formtion. The third, from 2001, proved people who thought it was from aliens wrong. If you examine the photos closely, you can see that there are cracks in the land, that if angled the right way with clouds in the way, can show the illusion of normal face features, like eyes and a mouth. In comparison that to the photo taken in 2001, it is obvious it's nothing more then land. Before the photo in 2001, people still thought it was an alien artifact. An article stating that, "Meanwhile, defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars," proves a point. Why would NASA not want there to be aliens on other planets when it would benefit them so positively. If NASA really thought there were aliens, why would they show the photos to the whole world? When the first photo came out, NASA stated, "a huge rock formation . . . which resembles a human head . . . formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.” They put out the photo to attract attention to mars with that caption. It explains what the formation is and how it may be mistaken as something other than rocks. "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa—landforms common around the American West. “It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho,” says Garvin. “That’s a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.” The study was over and they stopped photographing the face once everybody understood what it was. In this paragraph, a scientist explains the mesa and compares it to a landform on earth. In the end, the Face ends up just being a landformation, though many people hoped it would be a discovery of alien life. The photos proved that it was nothing more then a rock formation. NASA researched to find the land formation and made it clear that they also wanted it to be an alien artifact. All of the conspiracy theorists have been proven wrong, and the mystery has been solved.
After reading the article " Unmastking the Face on Mars" the Face on Mars is not created by aliens it is just a natural landform. If the face on Mars was created by aliens that is "Evidence that NASA would father hide..." other wise "authors reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars." and "It certantly did!" after that they used the face everywhere it was a pop icon as the articale says. " it starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows--evern haunted grocery store checkout lines for twentyfive years." Mars Global Surveyor went and took another look at the face and got ten times better pictures than the Vikings did " Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meeters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1979 Viking photo. As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digiral image three times bigger than pixel size..." meaning " you could see what they were!" People were not satisfied so skeptics says that alien markings were hidden by haze but on the other hand "Thousands of anxiuos web surfers were waiting when the image fist appeared on a JPL web site, revealing...a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all. Therefore the face on Mars is and could not be created by aliens at any point if it was NASA would want to keep that evidence hidden and would not have let everyone see the face.
The use of Facial Action Coding System could be a good thing to use in school. It also can be used for help better how teacher do things. At can also help a pyschologist find students with problems or mental issues. Another good use for it is could help the students in there ability to act in acting classes. First reason why it could be a good thing for schools is that you can use the system to check if the students are bored or confused, so you can change how a teacher teaches in a different style. It also could change how the students learn. In the text I says this '' Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.'' It would be good to use to help students learn what are some of facial expression and learning what muscle cause that movement. Another reason why it would be good to use the system is to use in acting class. A lot of school have classes such as acting, drama, and threater. How this would benfit a student is it would help then try to get the facial expression that they would need for a certain part in acting or in play it also and help produce emotions. In paragraph 9 it says this '' according to the facial feedback theory emotion, moving your facial muscles not only express emotion but it aslo may even help produce them.'' Then it goes on to say ''constantin stanislavsky, had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way to createing these emtions on stage''. Finally another reason why it would be good to use the facial coding system is it would help the school psychologists if there is a student is having problems and they are hiding their problems . If would help alert the pyschologist if they are going threw depression or suicidal thoughts. it would help the pyschologist so they find a way to make them happy so they do good in school and keep track of what they are doing. In paragraph 5 it says this '' you van probably tell how a friend is felling simply by the look on her face. Of course most of us would have trouble describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried etc.'' So with conclusion these are some the reason why it would be good to use Facial Action Coding System. It would be for schools to think about these option and what it can do for students. Thank you for your taking your time to read this.
With the new driverless cars there are both negative and positive aspects. The technology is upon us, but it is unsure whether our society is quite ready for this new and dramatic change. Not only would driverless cars change our own habits, but it would also change how the world works around us. Driverless cars would positively influence the world around us. Common mistakes that are made daily while driving could be prevented when an individual is using their driverless car.The text states that drivers could engage in multitasking such as texting while driving until they are needed to take over. In today's world, cell phones and popular social media demand our undivided attention. With smart phones and other possible distractions, a smart car would allow the driving individual to focus on ohter things while they move onward to their destination. The text states that laws are very focused on keeping drivers, passengers and pedestrians safe. With safety being a main concern, driverless cares could greatly impact an extremely common cause of death. Car craches happen daily and with the help of advanced technology could easily be prevented. When a typical driver might go to fast on a dangerous road, a driverless car would be watching the driver and correct the speed, making sure that no person is at risk. Although, a driverless car may correct common mistakes, Since their was a demand for transportation, technology and the ability of man has come a long way. Where once unpredictable conditions were used such as horses, there was an advancement to Henry Ford's automobile that changed the way America and eventually the world went through everyday life. A driverless car would most effeciantly fit the needs and wants of the modern world. Although a driverless car may be deemed as a positive change, there are also negative alternatives. The text states that the expense of these cars are simply impractical, along with the idea of smarter roads. The text also states that although driverless cars would prevent many instances, a driver would still need to remain alert and ready to take control in the case of a car crash or road construction. Another example of an issue would be in the event of a car accident. The technology may fail and if an individual is injured, it might be difficult to know who is at fault. Driverless cars could be deemed as an idea that needs more advancment and control before being avaliable unto the public. In conclusion, driverless cars would have a positive impact on society, preventing accidents, transporting the distracted people of the modern world. Driverless cars are definately something to be considerd considering today's technology.
In this essay I will be writing a detailed argrument convincing enough for others to join the Seagoing Cowboys progam. Soon after his high school graduation, his friend invited him to join the program. Luke thought about it and decided to sign up with his friend after he realized it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Luke knew that it was hard work, but he learned about all hard work on his aunt Katie's farm. This all changed his life, but for the better. Luke has gone to his first trip for Greece. While he is there he finds beautiful landmarks such as when he saw the castle in Crete and the Panama Canal. He had explored Greece, and seen the Acropolis in Greece. Luke has also taken a gondola ride in Venice,Italy. Bomberger has also had much fun on these trips where he and the cowboys played games such as baseball and volleyball when there was empty holds from where the animals were housed. They would also have boxing, reading, fencing, whittling, and table-tennis tournaments. Luke and the other cowboys got a lot more expeirence working with animals, especially barnyard animals. The "Seagoing Cowboys" sure learned a lot from these trips. For Bomberger this has made him appreciate his life more. He has hosted many international students and exchange visitors for this reason. All of his overseas trips have taught him his value and how luck he is. The "Seagoing Cowboys" was more to him than an aventure. It was a life lesson.
I belive that it was not a alien. i Belive it was just a crater in the rock. Ther where many pictures taken and i think a alein wouldnt look as much like a human like the figure does. First,It is not easy to target the cydonia. It is kinda hard to find.There was no alein monument afterall. Many photgraphs where taken of this creater and it does look lke a human being.on april 8,2001 a couldness summer day appered in cydonia. they had to roll the space craft 25 degrees to the center of thr talkshows would talk about this topic often.nasa has many diffrent resaons to back up that it was not a alein figure. second, It was a big pop icon for a litttle while alot of poeple herd about this from all the publisicy from the whole picture after NASA sent out the picture.Mars is around the same temputer as earth. lastly, i think there is most likey life on mars. i think this is just a nother reason to prove there may be life on mars.Some sintest clain the figure look like a acent pharrow. photo graping cydonia became a priority for NASA. in cunclusion, Those are some reason why nasa has been making these pictures a priority to find out the big mistory. NASA has good edvidance to supprt why they belive the figure was not a alien subject up in mars. And also other sinintest thought it was a allien subject. The subject was proven to be a non-alein cydonia afterall. there is to much lava on mars for any wildlife on it. i beleve all animal life will get extinct from mars. 43 meter per pixel in the best photo takingh od cydonia.
It happens once every four years, when everyone goes to the polls and votes for whomever feels just right for them. What people dont know is that your vote doesnt matter as much as you think it does. What matters is the electoral colleges votes. Hearing that I take a firm standpoint on abolishing the electoral college. The reason i believe to take out the electoral college is because when you go to vote your not only voting for the prestdent your voting for his electoral college. In some case's if the person you voted for won then all of his electors get voted into congress as well, so your basically voting for 34 other people to make the right decision for you. Another problem with the electoral college was the catastrophe of 2000 when Gore and Bush went up against each other at the election. The problem was that Gore recieved more votes than Bush, but Gore recieved less electoral votes,so Bush won the presidency that term. I believe that is an unfair way to do the election i believe that whomever recieves the most indevidual votes should win, and everyones vote should matter not having an electoral colege decide for you. The electoral college is unfair, old, and not proper, we should change the way a new president is elected. In conclusion, the electoral colege should be taken out, and a new alternative method should be establishesd. Lets change this winner take all system. People lets do something to change the way we vote!
Driverless cars are they really a good idea or just an accident waiting to happen? Some people may believe in the driverless car, but others like me see the true danger it brings to the table. These people who are so ready for the future to be here have forgot to look at the possiblities that come along with it. The idea of such a car is not a bad idea it just needs to be more thought out and processed. There are many reasons i believe we should wait to produce such a car, but one of the most concerning is legal reasons. The text states a question that needs to be answered before an accident happens. The question I am refuring to is, " If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault - the driver or the manufacturer?" This question alone will cause so many problems if it is not solved before the release of the car. Another concer I have for the car is its safety features. An example of one of my concerns is weather or not the car will be able to tell when school hours are active or when work zones are near by. The text states, "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." This example makes one flaw with the designe of the car, and thats the fact that what if the car doesn't get the update that the danger zone is near and never alerts the driver. Many computers day by day fail to work properly, so who is to say that our self diving cars will not fail as well to do their jobs. If our cars dive and control themselves what will keep the man behind the wheel alert or even awake. This could cause health risks to anyone who happens to be driving near a unmaned car. I agree with the states that do not allow the testing of the cars in their respected areas. While states such as California, Nevada, and Florida all allow the cars to be tested. These states are putting their people at risk just so they can find all the flaws of the car. Most people will agree when I say that is it really worth the risk of a human life just for a car that can drive itself but not really control itself. All of these risks that I have listed are all for what reward. A car that can drive itself does not have the human capablitiy to keep is passengers safe. All of what I have said is to prevent the lose of a life or even just a law suit. I feel that all my concers raise some major red flags that should be covered before the risk of a life or someone's property.
Cars have been the main focus of developement for many years now. Engineers attempt to create sufficient cars every time a new model is planned. Many citizens of the United States are slightly aware of the environmental damage that is caused by the cars, yet still do no think twice when it comes to driving anywhere. Many countries around the world have set fines and laws against using cars and have seemed to produce a positive outcome. These countries offer many different alternatives to using cars, creating a well developed society. While cars are a huge advantage to modern day society, they take a big toll on our environment. According to Elisabeth Rosenthal, from the New York Times Company, cars are the "second largest source of America's emission" proving how much we rely on cars (source 4 paragraph 34).She also writes about numbers terrifying to the future generations. United States is responsible for 50 percent greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes while Europe is only responsible for 12(source 1 paragraph 5). 50 percent is proof that Americans are too reliable on transportation sources like streets, main roads, and highways. Paris was able to clear the air from pollution. According to Robert Duffer from the Chicago Tribune ,after enforcing a driving ban, the air cleared after an almost record setting pollution fog (source 2 paragraph 10). Places in Asia like Beijing, China are just filled with smog in the air. The citizens walk around with masks because of the heavy pollution. That is physically dangerous for not only the adults, but the children of the communities. There has to be some alternatives to using cars in excess. Almost anything can be an advantage but when it is used too much, it will always be dangerous. Even though cars are important to commerce within society, many alternatives can be taken to help lower the usage of cars. In places like the capital of Columbia, they have found a way to travel places and limit the car use. Andrew Selsky, from the Seattle Times , speaks of this matter. He claims that there has been "construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths" in the city of Bogota (source 3 paragraph 27). Not only does this allow the citizens to be environmentally friendly, but it gives them a chance to exercise, which leads to better health. It is noticable the the healthier people tend to be more lifting than the sluggish, corpulent citizens. In Barcelona, Spain, being a vehicle owner is simple undesired. Other means of transportation like walking or bycycling have been the desired means of getting places. Even Bill Ford, the chairman of Ford Motor Company, admits to the impractical use of cars in excess. There are some many different ways the we can reduce the use of Cars in the American nation. With the ability of using bikes to arrive at destinations, many places have seen the improvements in reduced traffic jams. What Americans hate the most are traffic jams. Think about those times when 10 minutes have slipped away in the morning and you are running late then there is a traffic jam. Millions in Columbia participated in hiking or biking and it left the street nearly empty (source 3 paragraph 20). The citizens were smart enough to recognize when they need a car. When going to work that is only 5 miles away, they take the extra time to reduce the usage of the streets. France experienced the same result, reducing traffic congestion by 60 percent, and then lowering the smog that had covered them (source 2 paragraph 14). This leaves the street safer for drivers and pedestrians. It also reduces the heavy noise from motored vehicles. Many nations have improved their societies by reducing the use of cars. In result, the air pollution is reduced, the health benefits improve, and the traffic congestion is heavily reduced. Not only can reducing our relience on cars benefit our genertaion, but it can benefit the generations to come.
Throughout the years, technology has improved greatly. It has gone from big bulky phones, to small compact phones, from giant room-sized computers, to computers that fit on your lap. So, why can it not go from cars the rely on people, to cars that literally drive themselves. The idea is really not that far out and it would help improve a lot of things. Cars that drive themselves would improve how convient cars are, how safe cars are, and technology in general. If cars were to be able to drive themselves, the world would be such a convient place to live. Just imagine getting in a car, turning it on, and just letting it drive itself through all the twists and turns the road may trow at it. A person would still have to pay attention while on the road, but it for sure would take some stress off the driver. Think about a car at a stoplight, the light is red and suddenly it turns green so the car takes off, at the last second a car runs the light that just turned red. In today's time, the car that ran the red light would drill into the car that had the green light, but if cars drove themselves, people would not have to worry about other people speeding and even if there was almost a wreck, if the car drives itself, it could apply the breaks before anything happened. This would intern take stress off of some drivers and allow them to relax while on the road. Some people say that a car that drives itself would make the world even lazier than it already is. This statement may be somewhat true, but no completely true because the driver would still have to pay some attention to the road. However; this is not the only thing driveless cars would help. If cars could drive themselves, the world would be a much safer place. There would no longer be worry of people speeding or doing something else stupid that endangers someone else. If cars could drive themselves, people would no longer have to worry about drunk drives or people texting as much because the driver would no longer be in complete control of the car. This would not take all the worry out of course because the driver still has to pay attention, but it would help greatly. People may say that having driveless cars would make the roads more dangerous because less people pay attention, but once again this is not comepletely true. One thing this passage states is that even though the cars drive themselves, they still make sure the driver is paying attention to the road by using cameras. Safety is very important these days, but it is not the only thing that driveless cars would help with. If people could make a car that could drive itself, where do the possiblities end. A driveless car would only open more pathways open up. If people in today's day and age have the intelligence to design a car that could drive itself what else could people do. They could find a cure for many diseases or even design a bike that could drive itself. The possiblities are endless. People have made great strides over the years towards making a car that drives itself. There would be many benefits to this if it were to be done. It would improve how convient cars are, it would help improve safety for people, and it would help technology in general take a step forward. No matter how many negative things people come up with for drivless cars, there is always a positive thing that out weighs it. Please, lets take the danger out of driving.
The Seagoing Cowboys, which included Luke Bomberger, had helped many people due to the effect of the Word War II. The Cowboys were known to help others, beat records from past Seagoing Cowboys, and meeting new people. The Cowboys were a huge help after Word War II. They joined with 43 other nations to form UNRRA (The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administratation), which was to help countries recover animals, food suplies, and more. The UNRRA also hired the "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the young cows, mules, and horses that were shipped overseas. When joining any club or, for example, the "Seagoing Cowboys", records are to be broken. When Luke was 18, he had made nine trips, which was the most any Cowboy has made. This was a big acomplishment for him, because it showed everybody what he could do. Entering a club is a chance to meet new people. For example, when all the animals were unloaded, it was time to bring out your game side. Luke and the cowboys would play baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where the animals had been housed. Joining the Seagoing Cowboys is a wonderful experience, because you have the oppertunity to see new places, help others in need, and of course meet new people. The cowboys are more than just Seagoing Cowboys, their people helping people.