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In this article the author is supporting his idea about the studies of Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. In the article the author gives reason and evidence why. There is a posiblity to live on Venus, but still too dangerous. Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because it may well once been the most Earth- like planet in our solar system. In paragraph 4 it says "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familar features such as valleys, mountains,and craters." There is even a posibility that Venus was largely covered with oceans and could have supported various form of life just like Earth. Venus can be a possibility of Earth travels. The dangers of Venus is the 97% carbon dioxide on the planet. In paragraph 3 it says " Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere." Venus atmosphere is more dangerous than ours, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience in our on planet. Can Venus be a planet we live on? To get an understandment of Venus NASA need to get close and personal despite the risk. In paragraph 6 it says " Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus. " NASA is working on different approaches. One example they gave in the article is some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide. This have been tested in a chamber simulating on Venus surface, and lasted three weeks. Our travels shouldn't be limited by the dangers and doubts, but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation, like the author says in paragraph 8. At least try if there is a possiblity.
Exploring venus sounds like a great idea, in despite of all the dangerous things that are out there. venus can be very dangerous but it has so much thing s that we can learn about and just makes us want it more. Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because venus is the most Earth-like planet in our solar system and because even if it's dangerous we still wanna know whats out there. Venus is sometimes called Earths "twin." Our planet earth and venus are very alike, Earth its actually pretty close to it, sometimes we're closer to Venus and sometimes we're closer to Mars. In the article " The Challange of Exploring Venus" it says "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." this quote shows how Venus was like Earth before, it had large amounts of oceans just like our planet Earth does. Oceans have a lot of living creatures in them which means that Venus maybe had all of those creatures too." Today Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth.... has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such a valleys, mountains, and craters." This quote shows how Venus and Earth are alike in many features, if Venus has mountains there might be animals that live in there which means that just like the oceans may have living creatures maybe Humans could live in there too. But we still don't know what is in Venus somethings that we do know it's that Venus can be very dangerous. Venus can be like Earth except Venus can be dangerous and Earth is not dangerous . In the article the author argues that Venus can be very dangerous to explore, many of us have tried but the article argues that " Humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world.Each mission was spacecraft survided the landing for more than a few hours." this quote is showing us how humans have tried to send spacecratfs but not one has come survived, venus can really be that dangerous. The author states "Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system...Venusian geology and weather present additional inpediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes." Venus can be really dangerous for humans to actually go in there and explore it, theres too much risk but we keep on trying because we really wanna know what's out there. in conclusion we know that Venus is dangerous but we still want to know about it. Venus is a worthy pusuit in despite of all the danger because it's like our planet Earth, and we really wanna know whats out there. We should keep on trying to study it, is worth it because maybe and just maybe there could be a possibility that there might be life in Venus.
"Driverless Cars Are Comming". Really?, driverless cars? That just sounds bad by its name alone. Just by hearing the name I could only imagine the unnecesary tragedy's that will take place if this foolish expiriment continues. Driverless Cars are not at all what we need in this world, I dissagree with the Google cofounder, Sergey Brin, who invisions this. In my opinion I dont like the idea of it at all but I actually have several facts and resons why this "vision" of Brin's should not be continued, and will show you what mess this could all really become. First of all lets say they do make the driverless car, but when it comes out and some people dont want to buy it how will the mechanical cars act around those undecisive people who dont know where they are goingor turning? Also how will they know what to do with those drunk drivers or those people who fall asleep on the wheel of regular cars? People now these days have accidents because of those reasons. When the other driver not drunk or not tired is fully aware of whats going on but is just to slow to react. So do we really think a machine will "allert the driver" when its there time to drive on time when that drunk driver is going fifty miles down the main road?, dont think so. There are so many inevitable things that are bound to happen if there is no driver in the car. Secondly the cost of all these tests, sensors, and brakes are all a waist of money and time. they talk about the car being able to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids but it took ten years! Yes I said ten, outrageous huh? Instead of fantasizing over "a car he forsees to use half the fuel of today's taxis" he could've been finding ways to make the car today use half the feul it does within those ten years, no blueprints for a whole new model or anything like that. Lastly the law doesnt even think its safe for the crazy driverless cars to be driving around endangering the citizens of America like you and me. The only places in the U.S that allows Brin and his team to use thier dangerous cars are in California, Nevada, Flordia, and the District of Columbia. Isnt it the law thats keeping us safe? Then why is it that only four places in the U.S lets them test the cars? Four out of fifty states...seems to me like the law is telling us that they dont want these dangerous driverless hunks of metal on our road hurting us citizens. This whole driverless car thing is a total waist of money, time, and work. They could be working on a way to make better adjustments on the car we have today that took so long for us to make (and still perfecting till this day). Its obvious that these driverless cars are just to big of a dream to make reality, next thing you know driverless bikes will be made or mailboxes that shoot leaders to the post office for you, or how about groceries that fly to your house! This is just an effort to make driving easier but driving is already helping us get to places faster then walking is,A lazy tactic I would say. The law says no, science says no, and I say no. Driverless cars are just not practical ,I would rather drive, and I bet most of America does to.
I'm against this technology that reads your emotions because I mean who really cares what other people are feeling, unless you're close to them. Some people might not want there feelings to be read because its a matter or privacy. It's also just plain dumb like instead of focusing on this technology, that reads peoples emotions work on something more important like finding a better source of fuel, for the world thats good for us but also for nature or how to stop deforestation stuff like that. But I slighlty do think this is somewhat a good idea like its says in paragraph 6 "Imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad". For example if you smile when a web ad appears on your screen a similar ad might follow. But if you frown the next ad will be different "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored "Most human communication is nonverbal including emotional communication" noted Dr. Huang "So computers need to understand that too. The only part I agree with is that it would be good for school computers to see if you had gotten confused with a certain problem that has happened and it could offer help or request help for you. There for I support and don't support this technology because we could use this technology for good things or just use them for dumb things like recognizing The Mona Lisas emotions like who really cares.
Limmiting car usage could be benificial to our scociety. Cars poulute our atmosphere and cause alot of deaths and damage. Furthermore cars cost a lot of money. Limmiting car usage would cause less car crashes, give us more exersise, and ease up on polution. Cars cause alot of deaths in america. People get in car crashes all the time and most of the time they wind up dead. Cars also cause also cause infrastucture damage. Cars cause alot of polution. Cars put out monoxide which is bad for the enviorement. Monoxide is the cause of global warming. plus cars use oil wich drainds our natural resources. And if the car crashes that oil leaks out into the envirorment. Limmiting car usage could be benificial to our scociety. Cars poulute our atmosphere and cause alot of deaths and damage. Furthermore cars cost a lot of money. Limmiting car usage would cause less car crashes, give us more exersise, and ease up on polution. Cars cause alot of deaths in america. People get in car crashes all the time and most of the time they wind up dead. Cars also cause also cause infrastucture damage. Cars cause alot of polution. Cars put out monoxide which is bad for the enviorement. Monoxide is the cause of global warming. plus cars use oil wich drainds our natural resources. And if the car crashes that oil leaks out into the envirorment
Dear State Senator , The idea of a Electoral College sounds great at first. In all reality you have to look at the facts. People of the United States should choose who they want to for president. Only having a few hundered out of the billions of people doesnt really seem fair to everyone's opinion, I agree that not everyone's opinion is satisfactory to others. Each candidate running for President in a certain state has their own group of electors. These electors are chosen by the political party of those candidates running. The state laws get involved by only selecting electors by their responsiblilities. So this means not every elector is involved with the process. We voters help choose our state's electors when we vote for President. When we vote for the person of our choice we are really choosing the electors in that candidate's political party. The "winner-take-all" system used in most states, gives the electors to the winning presidential candidate. this system is used in all states except Nebraska and Maine which have the variation of "proportional repesentation." The number of electors chosen for your vote will representing your chosen candidate. Again with the fact of having a Electoral College, the people are not really voting for the President, they are voting for a slate of electors. Then they in turn elect president. If you lived in Texas, for instance, and wanted to vote for John Kerry, you'd vote for 34 Democratic electors for Kerry. Off chance that those 34 electors won statewide, they would go to Congress and Kerry would in return get 34 electoral votes. These electors can be anyone not holding publice office. Electors have their own opinion rights as well. Our votes dont always control who the elctors vote for. This causes confusion and arguements that it is unfair in the Electoral College's ways that the people are not always voting for their president because they are giving a slight chance for electors to change that vote. Popular vote allows the people of the United States to choose what out of the majority is best for the United State's Presidential candidate. Unlike the rules and rights of the Electoral College, the popular vote allows the voters a absolute vote. Everyone's thoughts are put in concideration instead only 270 people out of like I said billions(and growing) population. The facts show that popular vote in the long-run will be better for the United State's state of government than Electoral College. Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational. We should abolish the electoral college. With Concideration, A United State's citizen
Driverless cars can be undeniably dangerous, but they have the ability to be safe as well. With the developement of autonomous vehicles there are less drunk driving accidents and less reckless driving accidents. With more and more teenagers learning to drive and getting their license the number of reckless driving accidents from teens have skyrocketed over the last five years. As well as the increased risk of drunk drivers, which is always a problem but even with those risks taken care of; the car itself has some serious safety issues and economic issues. With the American economy always fluctuating from good to bad this new developement could end up causing a huge disadvantage in some of our lower class citizen workers. "...a future with a public transportation system where fleets of driverless cars form a public-transport taxi system"(1). However with that in mind the ammount of low income jobs, such as the taxi drivers, would end up erraticated would be to large to count and more americans could quite possibly fall below the poverty line once again. Also the article states that right now there is no such thing as a driverless car but a driver assitence car. These cars can drive by themselves 90% of the time, except in special circumstances like road construction and accidents. With cars like this they still require an aware driver at all times and the car needs a way a communicating with the driver when to take over. "GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in daanger of backing into an object. Other options under consideration are flashing lights on the windshield and other heads-up displays"(7). However with these warning systems in place they should help the driver but instead these warnings could scare the driver. What if a drunk man was in the drivers seat because his car can drive on its own so he believed it was safe, but he is told to take over by his vibrating chair. WIth that man not being in his right state of mind in a special situation, such as a cinstruction zone or accident where you are suppose to be extra careful can cause more harm then good. Finally there is the problem of eventually if there is an accident with a driverless car because the systems failed, who would be at fault the passenger in the car or the manufacturers. That is the question everyone is asking for when these autonomous cars are used in our everyday lives. Now autonomous cars have both their advantages and their disadvantages but they are the future wether we like it or not. The future is full of improvement adn failures; and however this one comes out, and improvement or failure, it is still being aimed for to improve our future. The autonomous car is ineveitable for our future, however don't be afraid but instead be prepared for the outcome whether it be good or bad.
Go outside and take a deep breath, as it is right now you may feel refreshed and may even feel twinge of joy as you just took in a breath of the wonderful natural and clean air. But, as it so happens with the increase of greenhouse gases in the world, in just a few years this may not be the same situation. Instead of enjoying your breath, you may be coughing or choking on the polluted air. In the past few decades, our air pollution has gone up drastically and most of that comes from our cars. According to Source 1, written by Elisabeth Rosenthal, cars in Europe make up 12 percent of its greenhouse gases and up to 50 percent in areas in the United States! That's a whole lot! Rest assured though, there is an easy and crutial way we can begin to cut down those numbers- we must begin to limit our car usage. Already, you may question this and begin to wonder if it is even a possible or logical request. Well, it is; in many places throughout the world, communities have begun to forget about their cars and use bikes, walking, and more public transportation options instead of their cars. It can happen, in In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars , by Elisabeth Rosenthal, she informs us about an upscale community in Vauban, Germany where its residents have given up their reliance on cars. It's streets have no cars, except for the tram that runs to its downtown areas. While everyone is still allowed to own a car, and some do, they must park it at one of the only two areas to park- in large garages where an owner must buy a space for up to $40,000! You may think that it's crazy but in reality it is not. The structure of the city allows almost everything to be in close proximity to one another reducing the need for a car. Many citizens have reported to be feeling better and happier as they feel more carefree and have the stress that cars bring removed from their lives. This helps to reduce the emission produced by cars and Vauban is one of the most successful cities and have been an influence in many areas. Now, if you are not up to the idea of completely giving up your car then, there are several alternatives that you can do to help and will still reduce and limit your car usage. In Source 3, by Andrew Selsky, Mr. Selsky brings to us a fairly new tradition that started about 3 years ago in Bogota, Colombia. Bogota is Colombia's capital and one of the most populated cities. Bogota has a city-wide day called, "Day Without Cars." It is simple enough, buses and taxis are only permitted while cars are banned. Millions of people walked, biked, skated, or found other ways of getting to work and frankly enjoyed it. Other citizens reported it as a fun day to take away stress while helping our endangered enviroment. This day that started only 3 days ago has now spread to other areas such as Cali and Valledupar, and Asuncion, Paraguay. Not only do these days help the enviroment but it also helps the citizens. All throughout Bogota, new parks and sports centers have been built, old and cracked sidewalks have been replaced with smooth ones, and new areas for income- such as restaurants and upscale shopes- have popped up around the city as well. The reason for the building and new employment of jobs is so that people will have reasons to walk around and allow for it to be more convient for others who work near by the areas. We also notice a similar idea arise in the lovely city of Paris, France. For those who don't know while Paris is known for it's impressive architecture and beautiful sights, it also has a bad reputation of being very polluted. This pollution comes from the amount of tourists it recieves as well as the different and populous amounts of motor transportation. In Source 2 by Robert Duffer, we see he examines several days in which the city of Paris bans driving due to the record amounts of pollution in the air. For those who were driving when they weren't supposed to be were fined and a few even had their car impounded for their reactions to the fine. Unfortunately, the government established in Paris realized that they had to do this after 5 full days of intensifying smog. At first, many were scared, confused, and even upset as to why this was happening but they began to see that it was neccessary. Once their levels of smog began to normalize, congestion is Paris was down about 60 percent! All in all, we need to begin limiting our usage of cars, from the examples provided it shows that in the end, it isn't such a bad thing after all. It increases, activities to do, work opportunities for people, and reduces air pollution. While, they were able to save Paris this time, next time they may not be so lucky. In the United States, according to Source 4 which is very reliable, we actually see a decrease in car usage overall. These rates have dropped for several reasons, and have about the same results and benefits. People have begun getting healthier, emission rates have decreased. While the idea of limiting car usage may scare some people, it is proved to be extremely helpful. Limiting car usage helps reduce emissions, and increases job opportunities and everything.        
In this prompt I will be writing an argumentive essay about comparing the two ideas from the story i read ''Un masking the face on mars". The two two sides of this argument is wether the face isthink it is alien remains or natural landform. I personly think it is just an natural landform. Why i think it is a natural landform is because there is no other sins of life so if there was aliens on mars why would they left a big face carved on a rick insted of something more alien like. Also like Garvin said the face also is very simular to a butte or mesa and the hase details are probly just weird shaperd errosion patterns that over time have come to look like the modern human face. The face could also posibley be an alien artifact for more specsece to find. Much resuch has been done on mars to see if other human life is on it due to its closeness to the goldy locks zone withc is a obital zone that human life could potetionly live in like earth for example. The NASA teams have even found frozen water on Mars and that is one of the basic needs for animals considering we are over 70 percent water. It is much more likly the face is just a natural land form though because of how much the size and shape resemple a butte or mesa from the mid west. Plus they're is more then one formation lik this this happens to be the only one is the shape of a htman face. You also have to consider they're is many natural formations who look like other thingd on earth. In conclution It is a likly chance that the face is nothing more or less then a natural land form who happens to look like the modern humsn face, but we should not dought becuase no one knows for certain.
On May 24,2001, something very interesting happened on Mars. About twenty five years ago a space craft took a photo of the land, that looked like a human face. This picutre was take by NASA's Viking one spaceship. It happened to be taking these photos to find places for the Viking two spacecraft to safely land. When it came arcross this uncommon sight it snapped a picture. When the image appeared on the monitor most of NASA were surprised at the image that lied before them. Scientist soon figured out that it was just a Matian mesa. Which happened to be very common around Cydonia. Most people argue saying that this could be a sign that there use to be life on Mars. When NASA revealed the image for everyone to see, people started to think it wasn't just another rock or land marking. People saw the face and thought aliens were found on Mars. Although, that wasn't the case. Only a few scientist thought the Face was an alien artifact. The other scientist thought it was just something like a rock that happened to look like a face, because of the shadows. After a lot of research another spacecraft was sent to Mars on September ninteen ninty-seven. Eighteen years after the photo of the Face was taken by the Viking one. The Face was then photograph again, so that it could be examined more closely. "On April 5,1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time,Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture tentimes sharper that the original Viking photos." Thousands of excited people were waiting for the image. "It first appeared on the JPL wedsite,revealing... a natural landform." There was no sign of anything Alien about the photo. Therefore, it was not an alien aftifact after all. Many people were unsatisfied. They claimed that since the picture of the Face was taken in a cloudy area it might explain why no one saw life in the first place. Scientist took this theory into thought. Mission controllers stated another spacecraft to send again. On April 8,2001, it happened to be a cloudless day in Cydonia. Scientist took action. The Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look. What the picture actually showed "is the Martian equivalant of a butte or mesa- landforms common aroung the American West. Garvin a man who was leading this expedition says, "'That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated messa about the smae height as the Face on Mars." There fore the face on Mars was not a sign of Alien life.
My name is PROPER_NAME, I'm a scientist at the NASA, I research and deal with science matters. I've been researching the Faces on Mars, I have so much research and I've been working on this for awhile now. So right now I'm going to be talking about me trying to convince someone that the Faces on Mars is just a landform. Today, I'm meeting with a guy who wants to know more about these face/landforms on Mars, so today I'm going to sit with the guy and talk with him. Well the guy comes in and he's wanting to know all these things about the faces on Mars, and then I interuppted him and said, "did you know those are landforms" and he replaid, "no those are faces." So then i was like can you give me any information explain why you think those are faces and he said because I've say people saying that on the interent. I said, "Well that's what people are saying on the internet, so it might not always be true. So here is some information that I've researched about the landforms on Mars that might make you think diffrently. There has been pictures taken of the landforms from 1976,1998 and 2001, and yes they kind of look like faces but they are landforms. NASA defends what people are saying about the faces on Mars. Yes, peple think that there is life on Mars,but how would the faces on Mars prove that? The guy then says yeah I understand were your coming from. The guy then says yes, I guess your right about them being landform. It really didn't take much convincing. Before the guy left he said Thanks. After doing all that I went ahead and did more research just so if I found more about the landforms, then I could call the guy and let him know what's going on.
From what I understand, people are starting to use cars less and less. Limited car usage has been seen in many different areas of the world recently and will continue to be seen in the near future. The green house gasses released from passenger cars is a tremendous harm to the ozone layer of our Earth. If one day a year we had a "No Car Day" then there would be a huge impact on the ozone layers. Now I'm not suggesting that we just get rid of cars altogether, I love driving my car around, not just to get from point A to point B, but because of the freedom. Aside from that, cars are an essential for some people, like point A to point B for example. But, people that don't need to drive on a regular basis could get rid of their car and take the bus, or carpool. So there is always another option for transportation, I like to call it AT (Alternate Transportation). If for one day of the year we had a "No Car Day" the ozone impact would be positively tremendous. Then people would also realize, "Hey, I have other ways of transportation like a bike, walking, or something else.", then there would be no problem with green house gasses guarenteed. Now I know I haven't said a whole lot to make this sound good and all, but I do believe the percentage of people getting their drivers license is declining. My cousins in Texas feel they have no need for their license, when they always have someone to carpool them, or their parents just take them, or the city bus. Me on the other hand, I have a job, go to school, and I'm an active Boy Scout that helps with transportation on campouts throughout the year, it all depends on your circumstances on whether driving is appropriate for you. Driving is an activity that many people do on a daily basis, but do they need to drive on that daily basis? Could they help towards a cleaner environment by finding alternate transportation? Or is a "No Car Day" in need? All of the above in my opinion. It all depends on your circumstance. 
Dear senator, I belive that Electoral college is unfair in many ways, and maybe it would be good to keep the election by popular vote for the United States. The reasons why changing the election to Electoral college would be; smaller states would not see the candates because they would go to the bigger states like California, Texas and other states that are bigger then ohio or south carolina some of this states didn't even see a campaing ad how sad is that because this country is know for the equalness off every one but yet the electoral college forgets about seventeen states that are small because their vote doesn't matter.? Keeping the election by popular vote would be the best. The fact that the people of the United States are able to see and vote for whom they perfer not the electors who elect the president. You might think that keeping the electoral college election is not as bad or unfair because it can help elect a president when the one of the presidents vote are majotite of vote it can help a run off election but I beive the best way to select the president of the U.S would be by letting the people chosse what they think is the best so the people know they are noticed in this contry.      
The role of driverless cars have become bigger and more accessable to the public and companies. There are pros and cons to these new developments but ultimately I believe they are for the best. Although there are downsides to having driverless cars at the moment, such as not being comletely automatic, that will probably change in the future. The problem now is that the cars only automate themselves in certain situations so the driver has to be alert and ready to take over the wheel. So what's the point of having a driverless car where you have to be alert at every moment? That is only a problem of the present. If more time and research is put into this project than eventually we will get cars that can drive automaticaly on the road full time without the need of being alert at all times. Human drivers make mistakes and that can cause harm to themselves and to others. Without the variable to human mistake, and if we could perfect the driverless car, there would be virtually no car crashes or car related injuries. Driverless cars have sensors and that let them take the right course of action or brake at the right time which could otherwise lead to accidents. Driverless cars are getting smarter. With new developments in the technology and a few years down the road, driving could get a lot safer for everyone on the road. If we keep research and testing going than I believe that it will be a big step towards road safety.
Deer Senator: They should keep the Electoral college, Because its where people vote to choose who's going to be the president and the vice president. If they have 538 electors they have to count them all not 270/538 because its not fair. I am Agree with the "Certificate of Ascertainment" they can have a certificate even if they did not won. The State conventions, the presidential candidates, the state party's central committee they all should vote or choose at the same time. Voters get confused because the state convention, presidential candidates and the state central committee don't make up their minds....Why American people should considere themselves lucky if that was Back in 1960's, what makes them so sure that American people are going to be lucky again? well they might get lucky this time but not always they're going to be lucky every year its difficult and we are in 2015 now. People should STOP thinking about what happen in the 1960's it might happen again okay but that was 45 years ago. Why A catastrophe? why cant they live in peace and stop hatting or whatever's going on. If they keep doing that it might be a fight or a war between them, and we dont want any fights or wars this year. The electoral college have to change for good if they dont they wont see any votes when its time to vote..Segregationists they have to stop being rasists because people from all over the world are voting for them and they are all from different races. .  
It's 50/50 because sometimes doing things like reading peoples emotions with some tech device that someone made could make. The person they doing to they could get angry or not trust them if it was a friend thta did that to them or. Then some people could like it they could like how they feel how there emotions really do apper on a device that can read emotions or show. The percent you got for each one and there is other things thta could read your emotion muscles and many other things like going to a mirror and try something that could show youn that emotion you have by making faces that could reveal your emotion. Thers many ways you could show your emotions but if a some tech device does that for you and gets that wrong could get people mad or just beleave it. There dosn't have to be no tech device to show your emotion you can find that out yourself your yourself there isnt any one other you be yourself don't a device do that be great and show the emotions you want to other see that your happy.
The technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable because it is a waste of time. I think it's a waste of time because studies show that you can be able to tell when someone is down. Not by the face but by their actions. You will start to see a change in them, they wont act the same even if they try so hard to,ect. The Facial Action Coding System is a waste of money, time, and space. Why do all this just to see if someone is hiding their emotions, when you can just observe them. A true friend, mother, father ect; will know if something is wrong with their loved ones. In the article the very first sentence says " she's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted , 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." Why does it matter how fearful,disgusted,or angry she is if it clearly states she happy 83 percent. We are not computers, robots or none of that we are human beings and we all have different emotions running at the same time. Thats what makes us, us! In the article it also states " For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, ect." My point here is that you dont observe a persons feelings by looking at their face. You observe the way they act and compare it to how they usually act when mad, sad, or happy, ect. People sometimes hide their emotions by putting on a fake smile, hiding their true emotions thats why you observe actions. I just feel as if its easy to tell the difference between different emotions. It's common sense to me, but it may not be to you. When you really think about it, they make it seem like its really complicated. But if you would just pay close attention to your loved ones, and stop thinking that everyone has to always be happy. Then you will see that its easy to tell the difference of each emotion we humans have. This is why i think the technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable. Hopefully you will understand where i'm coming from. The Facial Action Coding System is unnessacary, and a waste of time. It's easy to tell when someone is acting strange or different. All you have to do is observe.
This will be about my opinions and what I think on the matter of driverless cars. I will explain why I think like I do too. I think you will agree with me. I think driverless cars would be good and nice. Some computers can detect danger faster than the human eye can catch, or the human mind to comprehend. For example if a small animal runs in front of your car you may hit it due to you driving so fast, and the sudden relization that an animal just ran out in front of your car. Another plus of driverless cars are you are less likely to get injured due to the computer inside your car. For example, say you are driving and you are extremely tired from a long days work. If you fall aslepp at the wheel, the car will stop due to your hands no longer on the wheel of the car, resulting in a safe stop. This is my opinion on why driverless cars would be safer. There are many dangers as well, but I belive the pros outweigh the cons in this situation. I hope the reader of this will belive the same way after reading what I just typed.
I am against this new technolgy called the Facial Action Coding System. It seems like it doesn't really work and they just make things up. I don't see how it could actually work like that. You can almost never what a person is feeling based on their facial expressions because some people have masks. You just can't say "Oh this person looks really happy all the time" Well maybe their not happy all the time. Maybe their not happy at all. The text states "She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." Maybe that's her happy face or maybe it's her "I'm going to kill you face". Who knows. All we know is that she looks happy. Somewhat happy. It's not like she's around to tell you what she was feeling then. Maybe she was just trying to looks ugly for da Vinci because maybe he had a thing for her and she wasn't interested in an artist. The text also states " In fact, we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day." Okay, I can probably agree to that. But still, computers that can calculate expressions seems a little futuristic to me. Maybe in 15-20 years that would be the coolest thing ever but right now, it just seems like people are trying too hard for a big new invention. So there you have it, I am against this whole calculating expressions computer for now. It again seems a little futuristic. Maybe someday in the future, if it's still an idea I might buy me one.
Limiting car-usage would mean eliminating pollution to the air that we need to breathe. Without the millions or cars we have the in world, the air we need to breathe would be way cleaner. Eliminating cars would give people the opportunity to walk and get the excerise that they probably need.  Which is more important, your car or your health? The pollution to the air is put there by the cars we drive everyday. If we limit the usage of cars, the world would probably be a cleaner place than it is now. Take Paris, France for an example. They banned the driving of cars because the car had almost a "near-record pollution". What if we, the people of the United States, drove our cars so much that there was smog everywhere and the government had no choice but to ban driving priviledges from everyone? No one would like that. But it doesn't have to come down to that. We can change that, today! If the people in Paris refused to leave their cars at home, they were fined 22-euros ($31), and if they reacted a certain way, their cars were impounded. Imagine if that was you. What if you had to pay $31 because you didn't want to leave your car at home and have your car impounded if you got an attitude about it? How would you feel? Most of us don't like to ride the bus, but what if we had no choice? In Bogota, Colombia, they have the "Day Without Cars" event, where only buses and taxis were allowed to use to roadways. THe "Day Without Cars" event has been going on since the mid-1990s, and it's part of an improvemenet campaign. If every cities in the entire world had a "Day Without Cars" event, that would generate a change to everyone at one time. Just imagine, one a year, to go a day without driving your car. The world would be a much cleaner and safer place without cars. People die everyday because of car accidents. We could change that with just one event each year. In America, people are buying fewer cars, driving less, and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by, according to Elisabeth Rosenthal. Rosenthal also says that "America''s love affair for its vehicles seems to be cooling.", meaning that we are starting to realize what our precious cars are doing the the environment. In April of 2013, the number of miles each person drives was almost as low as it was back in January of 1995. Imagine if you were to live back in 1700s. There were no cars, people had to walk were they need to go. Yes, it took forever to get there, but it was the only transporation that they had. If we keep going at the rate that we're going with these cars, there won't be any good air left to keep us alive.         
There isn't any aliens on the surface of mars at all but rather what you think is a fact. If aliens made this object or face than why does it look like the other pictures but as a landform or other type of thing. So let's break it down to why aliens didn't make this but is rather a landform or a sandstorm made this. So first off let's start with the pictues seen above in the passage. The passage shows 3 pictures one in 1978 which does look like a face in a way, 1998 still looks a face however whe see more landform features making it seem like a hill or a nose. If your still convice that the aliens made then jump to 2001 and we cracks going over some kind of plateau and if we squint it does look like a face but still looks can be decieving. Now if your truly convince that aliens still made this then let say something else. In paragraph 12 this was said, "The picture actually is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West." This being said this means that just like on Earth there are landforms almost like the Martian face. Lasly, if you think the pictures captured it wrong and should have more evidence then let's get a little science in this. In the paragraph the face from far away still does look like it however things like this is cause by sandstorms which sweeps up dust or makes in a way new landforms. The dust cause by this can even devour even one of our latest spaces suits and wait for it... land. So all this being said means that this was cause by erosion, sandstorms, or just a regular landform. So what you thought was aliens trying to get some attention is just a peace of museum or map of a landform. So next if you want to think that aliens made something, remeber that you need more proof than just something that looks like a face or something. If we stll have to go on about this then we have some more talking and the next planet to be put in the conversation is Venus and more of Earth.
The article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" tells us that an author wants Venus to be explored more. Venus does seem like a very interesting place to explore even though it has really harsh measure conditions such as the temperature can be 800 degrees Fahrenheit and a atmosphere with 97% carbon dioxide. The author wants scientists to explore and find out more about out neighbor Venus. Even with the harsh weather conditions it is still highly recomended to explore Venus. If we do fly a spaceship or a rover there Venus is pretty close to us so the trip wont be that long. Venus is also almost the same size as Earth and is "the most Eath-like plane in our solar system". It also could of had life on it with Venus could of had large oceans like what we see in Earth. Even the surface some what remebles Earth with rocky sedimets and features like valleys, mountians, and craters. Visting Venus could also tell us important facts or dates that we dont know like if there was any life on there and if so what happened to them. Even though Venus seems like a vey dangerous place to travel to it can really help us for upcoming space exploration. Or to get some sample so we know what happned to Venus or what Venus is made out of. With Venus atomoshper being 97% carbon dioxide, temperatues on average are over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the stomospheric pressure is 90 times greater than Earth it still seems like a very interesting planet to explore and could help us reach other planets.
Do you like to travel around the world? Well if you do you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. Even if you dont like to travel your demeanor will change when you join this program. We have table-tennis tournaments,fencing,boxing,reading,whitting,and games to pass the time by. You will be so exuberant that you joined. You will be like a kid on Christmas morning. You will get to see new places ,and you get to say you have been there before when other people have not been there. You will never be melancholy on this trip beacause there is things to do all the time. You get free breakfeast every morning. There will be eggs,panacakes,bacon,sausage and more. If you join this month you will get a free trip to the next place we go. On the boat there is a pool,and there is a hot tub. The pool and hot tub closes at 10:00. I cracked my ribs but that did not stop me from having fun. I only had to stop working for a couple days,and then I was better than ever. When joining in this month you get you dont have to pay for a class abought the safeteys of being on a boat. You will be more exuberant than Christmas morning. My freind Don Reist got me into this program,so I hope I can get you to join this program like he did to me. Lets reacap why you should join this program. We have table-tennis tournaments,fencing,boxing,reading,whitting,and games. These help take up time while going to are destination. You get to see new places,and get to tell people abought it so mabey they will join to. If you join in this month you dont have to pay for a class abought safety of being on a boat,and you dont have to pay for the next place we go. You get free breakfeast every morning. When I joined I did not know abought if I would like the program but I did,and im still it and I like it even more every day. I hope your demeanor will change like mine did when I joined the Seagoing Cowboys program. That is why I think you should join this amazing program.
In the article '' The Challenge of Exploring Venus '' the author suggestes that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Studying Venus is worthy even with the dangers it could have it's worth it because of it's weather , how it probably was just like Earth decades ago , and it would a challenge for us to explore. First , studying Venus is worthy because of it's weather. It be having the same type of weather as Earth. In paragrah 3 the author was explaining how Venus has a thick atmosphere and that the conditions are far more extreme than anything us humans have experienced on Earth so far. They was also saying '' Beyond high pressure and heat , Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes , poweful earthquakes , and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on it's surface ''. The weather on Venus such as earthquakes and erupting volcanoes happen on Earth to only that Venus has higher temperatures which makes us want to explore even more even with the dangers it has to it. Secondly , another reason why Venus is worthy to study is because it has the same features as Earth. On paragraph 2 they referred Earth as Venus '' twin '' because it's the '' closest planet to Earth's in terms of density and size ''. They also said in paragraph 4 that '' Long ago , Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life , just like Earth. Today , Venus still has some features that are analogous to hose on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys , moutains , and craters ''. Venus be having the same type of features that Earth be having which makes it more worthy to study since it could've been just like Earth a long time ago. Lastly , Venus is also worthy to explore because it's also a challenge for us to explore. The author started explaining how researches can't take samples of anything because of the distance from Earth to Venus. Which then explains why it's a challenge for us. In paragraph 6 they said '' Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks. Or maybe we should think of them as challenges. Many reseachers are working on innovationd that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfullyto our knowledge of Venus ''.Exploring Venus is a challenge for us but makes it more worthy on why we should study the planet even with the dangers it presents. " The Challenge of Exploring Venus '' shows us that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it presents. It's worthy to explore because of it's familiar weather , how it probably was just like Earth decades ago , and it would be a challenge for us to explore. Why not? It has the same features as Earth. Wouldn't you want to go visit another planet? Or even move there?
Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. One advantage people would have of limiting car usage is keep people from getting tickets out there on the road. On Monday motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffers a 22-euro fine ($31). The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day. (Excerpt from "Paris bans driving due to smog"/ Robert Duffer, from the Chicago Tribune ) . Almost 4,000 drivers were fined, accorfding to Reuters.. [Twenty-seven] people had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine. Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog... [The smog] rivaled Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world. (Excerpt from "Paris bans driving due to smog"/ Robert Duffer, from Chicago Tribune ) . Fellow citizens will have the advantage of limiting car usage because it will save you plenty of money, on gas, car note, car insurance, and etc. Diesel fuel was blamed,since France has ... [a] tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline. Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in France., compared to 53.3 percent average of diesel engines in the rest of Western Europe, according ro Reuters. (Excerpt from "Paris bans driving due to smog"/ Robert Duffer, from the Chicago Tribune ) . President Obama's ambitious goals to curb the United States' greenhouse gas emissiond, unveiled last week, will get a fortuitous assist from an incipient shift in American behavior: recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by. (Excerpt from "The End of Car Culture"/ Elizabeth Rosenthal, from the New York Times) . A study last year found driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009.... Whether members of the millennial generation will start buying more cars once they have kids to take to soccer practice and school plays remains an open question. But such projections have important business implications, even if car buyers are merely older or buying fewer cars in a lifetime rather than rejecting car culture outright. (Excerpt from "The End of Car Culture"/ Elizabeth Rosenthal, from New York Times).
You people could really do good with your life. You should join the SeaGoing program for sightseeing, a good expirence, and helping others recover what they have lost. Sightseeing is great becaue you get to see things that wil probably be a once in a life expirence. Getting a good expirence from all of this would be positive for your mind and your body. Helping others is the main reason that you should do this whole SeaGoing program! It woud be great for you to get out and see the world! It would be great for you to go out and see the world, and it is pretty amazing. The trip to Europe is pretty educational, and humbling. You can learn about tides, and seafare, as well as swells and knots. These are all things I have learned over my "nine trips---the most of any SeaGoing Cowboy." It is also great for getting to know others, and learning about different cultures. Another very interesting topic that is brought up when you sign up for the Seagoing Cowboys is the sightseeing. Sightseeing is a great part of these trips. You see, when you get to wherever you are delivering you don't have to do the drop off as well. All you have to do is wait for the sailors but until then you get to look at the attractions. For instance, I saw "the Acropolis in Greece" which normally you have to buy plane tickets or boat tickets to get to Greece but when you join you get see these attractions virtually free! I also got to "take a gondalo ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water!" But the most important part is helping others. Helping others is the whole reason you should sign-up. You are doing somethining good, not for your self, but for the world, or a specific part of the world anyway. You are also stepping out of your way to help others, you will be rewarded for what you did on Earth in heaven. You will probably, unknowingly save lives while doing this. Helping people is actually good for our brains, it makes us more satisfied with ourselves and we become happier, healthier, and more fun to be around! You may be thinking we shouldn't go because we like our lives here. Well step outside your comfort zone, stand up for those people who need us, and be the man that says "I will go and help these people!" So, in conclusion you should come and join SeaGoing Cowboys and help us help others, see amazing things, and just have a good time! Come and let us save people, have a good time ourselves, and see wonders beyond our home!
Driveless cars are the next step in the future, but are they the safest step? Google has been working on these cars for a long time and have had cars that work properly since 2009. With all the technology in the world today it is possible to make these cars, but like cellphones and other devices cars can make mistakes or malfunctions causing the car and person inside to be in danger. If the car were to go wrong, the makers of that car could get in a lot of trouble. Instead of driverless cars to save fuel, there should just be regular cars that are more fuel efficiant. This will keep car companies in buisness, people safer, and driverless car companies out of trouble. If driverless cars were made, not every company could keep up with these cars. Everyone would want the newest thing and it would cause the smaller car companies to go out of buisness. Making cars that save more fuel would be easier for the smaller comanies to supply than making driverless cars. Driverless cars could also go wrong and put people in danger. If the person was seriously injured, people would see that and not want to buy the cars. This makes all the money the companies spent on cars go to waste because the driverless cars went out of style. Lets say a person was to get injured off a driverless car. That person could then sue the company because they were not the ones driving, the car was. Driverless cars are a bad idea. Driverless cars should not be made but instead cars saving more fuel should. Cars like a Prius are getting around 50-55 miles every gallon which is amazing. If car manufactions made other models of cars getting the same or close to the mileage that a Prius gets, traveling would be a lot easier. Even though google has been working on these cars for so long, nothing is perfect. There will always be some glitch in a system that could cause the car to go wrong. Driverless cars should not be used and people should stick to regular cars that we use today.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author describes why putting a man on the moon seems like a walk in the park compared to the horrendous obstacles preventing humans from pushing the frontier with visiting one of Earth's neighbors, Venus. The thick atmosphere is toxic to us. The clouds of sulfuric acid, the incredibly high temperatures on the planet's surface, and pressure would present challenges to mankind and its technology. Yet, the author sees that mankind cannot be afraid of the risks when the rewards are so great. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents is supported through Venus' vast similarities to Earth, Venus' proximity to Earth, and the innovation in machines by researchers that could make them work long enough to expand mankind's knowledge on Venus. The idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers is supported through Venus' vast similarites to Earth, which is why humans have such interest in this particular planet. The author explains points in Venus' history that have intrigued astronomers, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largelyt with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, " (4). Besides having been closer to Earth's "twin" many years ago, Venus may be more similar than humans thought, shown through "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters," (4). Studying Venus could lead to us knowing why this planet is such a far cry from Earth now, and this could provide valuable with how humans interact with their environment. If Venus has such similar features to Earth, like valleys, then there is probably more to discover on Venus' surface. This peculiar connection between this planet and Venus shows how valuable exploration could prove, just as Venus' proximity further supports how worthy of a pursuit Venus is. The idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the presented dangers is supported through Venus' proximity. The author conveys the usefulness of having Venus so close, "Because Venus is sometimes right around the corner-in space terms-humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world," (2). Time and distance can be very influential in making groundbreaking decisions, like pursuing the exploration of Venus, as can be seen through, "...Venus can be sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel," (4). Humans love to have everything near by, like schools, work, and more, because of the convenience; the same benefit is seen with Venus. When the planet is close, the fuel needed would not be the same if humans were trying to get to Jupiter. There would be less of a chance of losing them. Time is essential in space, given humans' limited control out there, so proximity makes it that much easier for us to make the bold move. Venus's proximity gives reason to continue working towards exploring Venus, just as the innovations in machines have. The idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it brings is supported through the innovation in machines that could make the close-up exploration of Venus possible. NASA's advancements for Venus exploration are promising, "For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such chaos," (7). Humans would not be able to use the most advanced technology, but durability is the goal, "By comparison, systems (mechanical computers that use gears and levers to calculate) that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces," (7). If humans were to only hover over Venus, the possibilites are limited. Humans and technology have to be as close as possible. Technology that could last for a few weeks is enough to vastly expand our knowledge. Mechanical computers are now obsolete, but in Venus would be a valuable tool, just like the other electonics being made. Researchers have worked tirelessly to continue making Venus exploration a reasonable reality. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents is supported through Venus' vast similarities to Earth, Venus' proximity to Earth, and the innovation in machines by researchers that could make them work long enough to expand mankind's knowledge on Venus. The idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers is supported through Venus' vast similarites to Earth, which is why humans have such interest in this particular planet. The idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the presented dangers is conveyed through Venus' proximity. The idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite its hostile environment is supported through the innovation in machines that could make the close-up exploration of Venus possible. The author believes that sometimes humans cannot let curiosity, imagination, and innovation be trampled by the dangers and doubts. Humans cannot live in fear all the time. The human spirit always demands that humans continue striving towards knowing more.
Can you imagine a world filled with cars that doesn't need any human assitance? Well that world is in the near future ; driveless car have been created. The postive apects of having a drivless car it is more safe and driverless cars will allow humans to be more alert. With more stafety than an average car today this can be a huge factor in making the switch to having driveless cars. When many buy cars today the safety of the car is the determining point when purchasing it.In the article it states,"Further improvements in sensors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer are also leading cars that can handle more and more driving tasks on their own." The quote supports that a positive aspect of the self driving cars is the safety of it. Moreover, the quote supports that the self driving car is safer because it can handle more task then an average car today. In the article it also states, " The cars he forsees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offers far more fexibility than an bus." It can be inffered from the pervious quote that drivieless cars are more safe and better for the enivironment becuase it will comsume less fuel. As a result of drivless cars being safer their is less room fro human errors. Driveless cars will make humans more aware, therefore eliminating many human errors. In the passage it states," This means the human driver must be remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires. This necessitates car being ready to quickly get the driver's attention whenever a problem occurs."This quotes supports my pervious statement in the first paragraph that the positive aspect of driveless cars will allow humans to be alerts. The pervious quote supports this by stating that the human driver must be alert incause a problem occurs. I can also infer by humans being alert tha less human promatic things will happen; such as accidents and traffic.In the article it also states," allowing far better reponse and control than a human driver could manage alone." This quote supports that the car elminates human error by managing far more superior than a human. The drivless car can shape the world by sloving the problems we have today. In conclusion the self driving car is in the near future. The optomestic benefits of the self driving car are that there is less room for human e rror and the drivless car is more safe. By eliminating human error and reducing gases comsuption the world will be better.
No Driverless Cars! Driverless cars could considerably mess up the way everday life works, and how anything is done. It would be extremely pricey, not everyone could afford it. It would get rid of jobs, and make certain places like gas stations completely useless. If everyone was on the same road, and they had to follow a certain path, traffic would be an extreme issue. We need to take a step back and look at things. Not having a driver in your car would change everything. However, if everyone needs to own there own driverless car, than it would be way to exspencive. People with not enough money would be completely screwed over. There would be no way for them to get anywhere because thier current car is not capable of being driverless. Then instead of using cars like they have done for years, they would need to pay for a taxi, that they shouldn't be needing. If they got rid of all cars in general, the only way for it to work would be free public transport from the driverless cars. This would cause problems for people wanting to go back and forth, and eventually traffic would be a huge problem. You could also make "smart roads" and not smart cars. This would be extremely exspencive to do. Almost illogical. "But they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply to expensive to be practical." Then, it would also get rid of jobs. If every car was driverless gas stations would be completely out of buisness. There goes a lot of companys and jobs available. Police officers would also lack on things to do, as a lot of officers jobs are to maintain the roads and make sure nothing bad happens, like speeding, reckless driving, etc. "None of the cars made yet are completely driverless." The technology we currently have isn't safe enough yet. Traffic, a huge problem. WIth all the cars driving at the same speed it would be easier to go places. However, with everyone going the same speed and you say having to turn right, could mess up the cars way of doing things. If there is traffic you would have to take the wheel, which would be a nuissance. And if you did not take the wheel and drive in time, you would crash. If everything still requires a driver then the drivers themselves overtime would forget/not need to know how to drive and lose the ability. It has a traffic jam assistant but "The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but speacial touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." How could kids get to school? This is another thing they have seemed to skip over. Cars should not be driverless, it would cause to many problems. Humans need to remain in control. Having a driverless car would mean to much for daily commute, jobs, money, etc. Cars can get smarter, and they can prevent accidents, but going completely driverless is insane!
The Seagoing Cowboys program is a great way to explore the world and have a great time. Joining this program makes you a hero. You help cattle that are shipped overseas. This is an opportunity of a lifetime to explore different countries and meet new people. You have an opportunity to travel across the Atlantic and Pacific ocean. You also get to go to different countrys that you have never seen before. If you are up for a challenge and you want to change the world, join the Seagoing Cowboys program. Tons of people have join this program and it has changed their lives. For example, Luke Bomberger and his friend Don Reist joined this program right after World War ll was over. They joined because they wanted to make a difference and help people that were in need. They had a lifetime experience. They got to travel across the Alantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific Ocean twice to help people that were affected by World War ll. This progam brings fun into life as well as challenge. In this progam you get to have tons of fun. There are sports you can play in the empty holds that the animals. These games are played when you return on trips after the animlas have been unloaded. They also have tournaments like table-tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, whitling, and other games that heled pass time. In the empty holds they would have big baseball and volleyball games. This job is fun but you also nhave to look at the dangerous side. Luke Bomberger, on his second trip, served as a night watchman. His job was to check on all the animas every hour. One rainy night, after making his hourly report to the captain, he slid down a slippery ladder on his backside. His heart raced as he shot feet first toward an opening on the side of the ship. A small strip of metal along the edge stopped his slide. This program is very dangerous but very fun at the same time. You have to be aware on this job but still have fun at the same time. This job is a lifetime opportunity that you would not want to pass up. It helps change the world by helping the animals that are in need. It also helps the people in different countries that need someone to help them with their life. This job as dagerous setting but is also really challegeing and fun at the same time. Luke Bomberger said "It opened the world up to me. I'm grateful for the opportunity and it made me aware of people of other countries and their needs." That awareness stayed with him, leading his family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years. This program is a great way to interact with other people. Are you up for a challenge?
Elisabeth Rosenthal once asked, "Has America passed peak driving?", (30) having people go out of their way to think about the inquirable question. There are plenty of advantages of limiting car usage. America, nor any other country on this planet, really need cars. Sure, cars help us to get to a location faster than walking or biking. But it also smogs up the environment we live in and creates a stressful tension within you. In Source 2, Paris, one of the world's most famous sightseeing locations on this planet, was days of near-record pollution. Paris strictly enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. (10) For almost a week, there was an intensified amount of smog roaming the streets of Paris. Congestion was down 60% in the capital of France. (14) This smog was causing frigid nights and warm days the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions. (15) Not only was there smog in Paris, but also rivaled one of the most polluted cities in the world, Beijing, China. Paris decided to particially cut down motorists chances of driving and leave their cars at home or would have had to suffer a fine. This well-known city was car-free for almost an entire week. In line with Source 2, Source 3 explains multiple ways of transportation. Why drive cars and pollute the air, if there are plenty of other ways to getting to your destination. Bogota, Colombia has set up a program that is set to spread to other countries. This program consist of having a car-free day once a year for the last 3 years, Day Without Cars day. More than 6 million of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses and taxis to work, Bogota's streets were traffic-jam-free.(20) "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said Carlos Arturo Plaza, a businessman. (24) No stress was within the city of Bogota that day. Their goal is to promote better transportation and reduce smog. (21) Enrique Riera, the mayor of Asunción, Paraguay, noticed the enthusiastic changes being made and said, "These people are generating a revolutionary change, and this is crossing borders." (26) Fellow citizens, their are several advantages of limiting car usage. Maybe the next time you think about going somwhere, try taking a bike or walking. It's easier and reliefs stress among yourself. Plus, when not driving a car, you're able to decrease the amount of pollution being put into the air.       
Yes, many people do think that the "Face on Mars" was a monument created by aliens, possibly creating a sign of some sort. However, this is not true. What you think is the "face" is actually a natural landform. This natural landform may appear to look like a face, but why? The landform looks like a face becuase of the shadows that hit the landform in certain areas. "... this... had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh (2)." It makes it look somewhat like a face. "...a huge rock formation... which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth (3)." Another reason why the landform looks like a face is becuase our eyes, that play tricks on us, may make it seem real that it is a face. Such as illusion that make it appear that the landform looks like a face that is staring up at the camera on Mars. Many poeple, however will still ask for more evidence that the landform is not alien artifact. "...Mars Oribiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the origional... photos... when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform. There was no monument at all (7)." "What the picture actually shows in the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West... That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars (12)." So the landforms that you are seeing are actually common along the American West. They don't just pop up out of nowhere. They have been seen before. It's not like it is a first thing that scientists are just discovering. This evidence proves that there is no alien monument on Mars, it may appear to look like it. But scientists have proved that it is only a natural landform, created naturally, on Mars. Not an alien monument that was created as a sign by aliens on Mars.
The advantages of limiting car usage is starting to become a lot more common. People are starting to realize that their happier when not riding their car, in fact Heudrun Walter mother of 2 said "when i had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." Walter now can walk the streets and enjoy the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children. Us humans rely to much on our cars for transportation, We should learn how to get to places on our own. Before we had cars we walked on our own 2 feet and didnt complain, its time for us to get back part of our humanity. "All of our development since World War II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change",said David Goldenberg, an official of Transportation for America. If cars were to all of a sudden disappear would you be capable of getting around without a vechicle of transportation? In Bogota, Colombia a program was set to have a car free day. The only way of transportation was through buses and taxis, and violators would have to pay a $25 fine. "It was a good opportunity to take away stress and lower pollution" said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife. Not only does not riding your car lower pollution but it can also help lower emissions, conserve resources, and improve safety. The goal is to limit car usage and to start noticing the advantages of a car free life, like walking the streets and enjoying another beautiful day. Fellow citizens I advice you to put down you car keys and go outside to smell the clean air, see the sun shining on your face and get a breeze of how life would be from outside the windows of your car. We can help make our environment be a better place all you have to do is start taking action and realize their are more advantages to limiting car use then car usage its self.
We (NASA) have recently discovered the "face" on Mars which has been a big thing since we gave the information out to the world. A lot of people think it's an actual face created by aliens because the time before we discovered it it was foggy up on Mars so they think aliens must have did it then. Do you think it's a real face created by aliens or just something natural that happened? Since you said yes your wrong and now I'm going to give factoral information to support my answer. First we did think that it could have been a real face too but that didn't last very long because every happening has to have an explanation. We figured it was just another Martian mesa but it did turn out to have unusual shadows making it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. But that's all it was just unusual shadows that appeared on the "face". We then later revealed the image for everyone to see and it sure did give a lot of attraction to Mars. The "face" appeared in movies, books, magazines, radio talk shows, and even in a haunted grocery store check out line for 25 years! Then everyone thought that that was actual evidence of life on Mars! NASA kind of did wish that there was ancient civilization on Mars. It was our priority to take bunch of pictures of this controversy to come up with an explanation for all this for everyone to understand what it really is. So in 1998 when the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, the (MOC) team shot a picture ten times that was even more clearer than the originals. Everyone was exited, waiting for the picture to come out on the internet to figure out what it really was. The picture then finally came out and it turned out to be a natural landform! Not very exiting, huh? But still a lot people didn't believe us because in the winter of 1998 it was very cloudy up there and some beleive the aliens were hidden by the fog. So in April 2001, we went to get a second look and this time we used the best camera we could find that picked out every detail. Do you think they found alien evidence? Nope we didn't, it turned out to be a butte or a mesa. So now you know the real answer. Even though it does look like a face and is very unusual we found the facts. But could maybe someday we find weird alien evidence up in space on a planet? We'll see!
No I think that the Electoral College does not work, and it has no meaning. One reason is each running canidate for president has its own has his or her own group of electors. The electors are usually picked by the canidate's political party. Which is good that they have there own because then the votes would just be a landslide on the outcome of it. Then the citizens votes come in and thats when the votes start to seperate in total, because theres more citizens voting for the other runner than there are electors of those running presidents and vice presidents. Now every state has there own amount of electoral votes. Now there are some bad things about the electoral colleges, for instance under this system you vote for the electors, who in turn vote for the president. And for instance you lived in Texas and wanted to vote for someone, you'd vote for a slate of 34 democratic electors that pledged to that person, then he would get all those electoral votes for the state of Texas. And voters can't always control who there electors vote for but they can sometimes, if they know who there electors are voting for. And they also sometimes get confused about the electors and sometimes vote for the wrong canidate. So pretty much at the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state. Canidates dont spend time in states thet know they dont have no chance of winning. And it doesnt really give them a chance to vote for who they want to vote for the electors do that part. The most worried outcome of the votes is a tie in the electoral vote part. If that happens the election would be decided by the House Of Representatives, where they will vote on the president. And the senate would choose the vice-president. Because each state gives out only one vote. But the House's selection will most likely not reflect on the peoples choice. Well thats what i think of the electoral college, its unfair, and outdated. I think we should get rid of this system because its reallly bad towards voters, and it  would make voting have more freedom other than leaving your voting up to the electors,  instead of yourself. And the winner-take-all system is dumb also because you have really no control over who wins if that system is available.
Acording to the artical an advantage of limiting car usage is less usage of diesel gasoline, Because Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. Diesel fuel was blamed for the reasoning of the ban to clear air since france tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline. Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in France, Compared to a 53.3 percent average of diesel engines in the rest of Western Europe, according to Reuters. Also another advantage of limiting car usage that the article talked about was that there has been a large drop in the percentage of 16 - 39 years olds getting there license. We dont want anyone on the road that has not been approved to be a safe driver or even approved to be able to drive. Also just think about how the precentage is just going to keep dropping over the years. The artical also stated other advantages like, that being telecommuted allows people to feel more connected without driving, And included a citizin of BOGOTA, Colombia oppinion who stated "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution".
Dear, Senator I think the president should be elected by popular vote not electors. Heres some reasons why i think the president should be voted by popular vote and not electors. One reason is when you vote for your president your acually voting for the presidents elector. So basically your not voting fot a president your votng for a elector that votes for you. After the election the government prepares a "certificate of ascertainment" a certificate of ascertainment is a listing of all the candidates who ran for president along with the names of there electors. The certificate of ascertainment also declares the winning president and which electors will represent your state at the meeting of the elector in december of election year. Another reason is more people would rather abolish electoral college. Electoral college is dumb because there was a gallup poll in 2000 taken shortly afte Al Gore. In the poll Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the presidency because of the electoral college. (In the 2000 U.S. presidential race, Al Gore received more indiviual votes than George W. Bush nationwide, but Bush won the election, Bush received 271 electoral votes and Gore received 266.) Under the electoral college system voters vote not for the president but for slate electors. Who can be electors? It can be anyone not holding public office. Who picks the electors in the first place? It depends on the state, sometimes state conventions, sometimes state partys central committee, and sometimes the presidential candidates. Last but not least the disaster factor. Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people. In 1960 segregationnists in the louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. In the same vein, "faithless" electors have occasionally refused to vote for their partys candidate and cast a deciding vote for whoever they please. What happens if a state sends two slates of electors to congress? It happened in Hawaii in 1960. Luckily Vice President Richard Nixon, who was presiding over the senate, validated only his opponents electors. The most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote in that case the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president and The Senate would choose the vice-president. Each state only casts one vote that means the single representatives from Wyoming representing 500,000 voters would have as much say as California who represents 35 million voters. An electoral tie seems unlikely think of this: In 1968, a shift of just 41,971 votes would have deadlocked the election; In 1976 a tie would have occured if 5,559 voters in Ohio and 3,687 voters in Hawaii had voted diffrently. The election is only a few swing voters away from catastrophe. What im trying to say is the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning. During 2000 campaign, seventeen states didnt see the candidates at all including Rhode island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didnt get to see a single campaigh ad. The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrartional. The best arguements in favor of it are mostly assertions. Bob Dole was right: Abolish the electoral college.
Driverless cars should not be in our future nor should it even be a choice. I dont think driverless cars should be a thing we start to do because this will only cause problems in the law, letting people think that its okay to drive while texting or talking on the phone. My side of the argument comes with many reasons on why i think we should be allowed to have driverless cars. Driverless cars are an excuse to be able to be on our phones while in the drivers seat. This will not show teenagers that they need to get off their phones and actully pay attention on what they are doing. In the article it states that the car will need to have a special touch sensor to make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel, this clearly states that driver shouldnt even be allowed to be doing anything but paying attention to the road because while driving anything can happen or even pop up and if you were on the phone it would have been too late. Secondly, these cars are making the law change or add new laws. The cars will only create many problems becasue someone decide to check their phone, and then all of a sudden something okay, not too good, or something really bad. The article about this topic syas that they only want to keep helping the money and use it all for ourselves. Thirdly, the cars are only wasting money on trying to firgure out how to or making it. Driverless cars will redcue jobs for many people, There will be no more taxis or Uber. The processs of the driverless car is that they have to buy new parts somene who they know how cooler or worth the look. In conculsion i think that the driverless care is not safe becausee it shows that the teeacher, it will cause my entire life, and it waste money and time on something so dumb and wating money. These reason why i think that its bad is because it bothers you that me and isaav sare really close!
Dear, Florida Senator I believe that we should get rid of the electoral college system because it has so many flaws. The electoral college has robbed prsidental canidates like (Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob dole, & Al Gore) of their chance of becoming president, even after they won the popular vote, but their not the only ones who wants a change to the way we elect our presidents, recent studies show that over 60 percent of voters would like a change to the way we elect our president. The second thing that is wrong with the electoral college is that your not voting for the president your voting for the electors who pledged to that person. Also people from larger states are complaining about what happens with a tie because if their is a tie the house of representives decide,but the thing that is crazy is that 1) representative from Wyoming would have a much say a the 55) representatives from California. The third and final thing that is wrong with the electoral college is that the electoral college is unfair to the voters, because the winner take all system canidates don't spend a lot of time in states they know they will not win. Canidates will only focus on the areas that they know or have a strong chance of winning. Like the year 2000 campaign seventeen states did not see the Canidates such like Rhode Island, & South Carolina, so how do they think they feel not knowing the person running this country? I strongly feel like you guys should really consider a change to the way we select our president. Sincerly, PROPER_NAME SCHOOL_NAME
My position on driverless cars is that they should be used when needed not all the time. They are not as safe as people think they are for the fact that they cannot think for themselves. They will have to have way to many sencersto be able to try to keep every one safe. Safty is a big concern because of all the sencers that are there and one of them go out the othere sencers cant see that spot so if something were in that spot then they would have died. Some people think smart cars are going to be the next big thing but i dont hink so safty and money are way out of the safty range at the moment and i dont think it is a very good idea because where are you going to get all the money to buy a smart car, I know i would not have enough money for that because i dont have money for a regular car at the moment because wll i just got my job. Just take a minute and think would you want your child playing on the street and this driverless car comes through that same street and the sencer on that part of the car is not working and it does't see your child and runs he\she over? So in conclusion, Smart cars are not as smart as they seem. They will not be cheep cars to have and if they get themselfs into an accident think of all the money that you would have to put into it to fix all of the damage that it would have caused itsself. Think about the insurence bill if it accidentaly kills someone because one of the sencers were out. I think that they would bee good to have if you are sick but not any other time i think it would be stupid to even try to have them but that is my opionion on the matter i just wouldn't buy one because i do not wat to be responsible for something tragic happening to anythingor anyone.
today i will be writing an essay on this machine called FACS which stands for Facial Action Coding System it can read emotions from people in paintings and people that actually move it can tell you their emotions which i think is incredible in all but you can't just look at people's emotions without them knowing what your doing. Most humans can already tell how our friends, family and other people are feeling just because we can look at them and tell how their feeling its as if we already knew hoow they felt just by the look on their face. Everybody has an expression that shows how the feel each day a couple of genious's made an invention that changed the world it can tell you how a person is feeling in many different ways but they do it so everybody knows what they are feeling even though they might or might not know. Everybody feels different emotions some might even be depressed because of maybe a loss of a family member or a best friend so might be angry because of many different things everybody have different emotions me i had depression for a long time and it took me a little bit to realize theres more to life than just sorrow or depression just move on and just try and find someone who makes me happy theres this girl that makes me happy we aren't dating but she gives me hope for the future as i said everybody is different. So for my conclusion i think they should keep using the machine to study are feelings it may be helpful in the future so we know how to deal with it thank you for reading my essay.
Driverless cars are not the future. The fact that some people are willing to just hand their life to a pre-programmed car is upsurd. Driverless cars have several issues including cyber attack and cost. It is also important for young adults to learn the responsibility of driving and it's benefits. I would also like to point out that the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" is incorrect on the notion that gas usage will be reduced First, any competent hacker would be able to easily rewrite the cars programs and commit mass murder. These cars could be hacked for assassinations or just acts of terrorism. These cars would also be under attack from computer virus almost all the time, this would require a costly antivirus software for almost everycar. Driverless cars could easily become weapons against the innocent citizens during a war and are unsafe to mass produce The article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" states that gas usage would drop dramatically but currently Bill Gates and several other of the worlds richest people are funding billions of dollars to find a relevant source of renewable energy. Synthetic photosynthesis is being developed, this source of energy allows the turning of gaseous carbon into liquid fuel similar to gasoline. With these predicted advancements fuel will no longer be an issue thus can't be a valid argument in an article predicting advancements in the future. Another reason driverless cars should not be developed is that there is a certain level of responsibility required to drive a car. This responsibilty helps mature young adults and also gives them a sense of accomplishment. We as humans already rely on technology way to much we don't need to further increase our reliance. Another reason driverless cars should not be developed is the cost. The cost of developing these driverless cars would be in the trillions for each country that participates, to create these cars almost all major roads in the world would have to be heavily analyzed and improved. All the major roads would have to be fit with sensors and other technology to keep the cars on the road. All the major companies in the world together could not purchase these advancements. For driverless cars to develope the governments of the world and the world bank would have to invest large sums of money, of which most of them don't have. Crippiling debt could be caused by the developement . As you can see driverless cars are an awful idea that could lead to crippling debt, mass murder, and even more reliance on technology. This technology is not neccesary for the everyday life as a human being and should thus be forgotten.
The face of Mars has been Mystery for many years. Ever sience the first picture of the face came out in 1976. Some people say it was made by aliens. While other say it is a natural rock formation. I am here to tell you that it is a nautral rock formation, by picture and other edivence. The first pieace of edivence are the picture that were taken by Viking 1 and MGS, Mars Global Survey. In 1976 it looks like a face, but we didn't have the technology that we have. The first picture was 43 meters per pixel, which is a lot. Now if this technology advance we now get 1.56 meters per pixel, so if the face on Mars was really set up by aliens we would see their huts or anything else they built. The second piece of edivence is shadows, as you can see in the pictures it is just how the sun is position and how the statlite is postion to make it look like a face. The last reason is other natural sites that have the same size and looks like the face on Mars. The face on Mars reminds the Auroth of a place in Idaho. It is a Butte in the Snake river Plain. It is almost the same size and shape. In conclusion the face of Mars is a natural site, and not made by aliens. I know because of the picture of the face of Mars. The new technology we used to get a better look at it. Lastly how other natural sites look like the face of Mars.
If people started to reduce the usage of cars, there would be a decrease in accadents in the world.  Their would be fresher air to breath, less polution, no more gas prices, and less fat people.  But the down fall is that you can't travel as much or as far as you wanted to.  Millions of people would be out of jods.  Planes, trains, and busses will become overcrowded.  If people stop using cars there would be some improvements on the earth and some disproements. In large cities without cars you could fit 5,500 residents in a square mile.  It may be what most coutries will change in the next 20 years.  "Due to over population, people with cars could not get to were they wanted to go."  "Stores would be on a main street, (a short walk) thourgh out the city.  Car lanes would be made into bike lanes. In previous bills (80 percent of appropriations have gone to highways and only 20 percent to other transport.  People would not have to spend so much money on buying a new car.  Polution would start to drop in days due to no gas polution.  humans would start getting stronger by the week by walk or riding bikes to a destination. Cars would become something of the past.  Inventers can consentrate on other things like finding ways to explore other planets and to discover new life.  The ice in the South Pole would stop melting and might reduce flooding.  Even if we just get rid of gas and start using electric cars the polution would fall as well.  Gasoline then could be used for rockets to go up in space.
Most people are with the fact that we vote for Electoral College but unfortuntley , im not. I am in favor to change to Election by popular vote for the President of the United States. voting for Electoral College dosent make sense and its completly unfair to the people voting and their is a certainty of outcome..The reason why i am against the Electoral College Vote Is cause we think were voting for the president , when were not and its confusing and it dosent make sense. For example , In the article " Does the Electoral College Work?" source 1 ,pharagrapgh 15 , it states that "Electoral College method is not democratic in a modern sense,"when the people vote , their voting for a slate of electors. So when we vote , its actually were voting for the electors who get to vote for the president , not the people and its really unfair .Each party selects a slatetrusted to vote for the partys nominee. In addition to my previous point , the second reason why i am against the Electoral College Vote is because its not for to the people who are voting for it .As it states in pharagraph 3 , because of the winner-take all system in each state, candidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning in. For example , "During the 2000 campaign , seventeen states didnt see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didnt get to see a single campaign ad." A dispute over the outcome of Electoral College Vote is possible- it happened in 2000- but its less likely than a dispute over the popular vote. in pharagrapgh 18, it states that the reason is that the winning candidates share of the Electoral Collge is invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote. To conclude , I am against the Electoral College vote because its unfair, confusing and makes no sense ." Its hard to say this, but Bob Dole was right: Abolish the Electoral College!  
There are some undeniable advantages of not driving a car. There is the obvious advantage that it cuts down on gas emmisions that harm the enviorment during a time when the enviroment needs all the help it can get. But there is also the advantage of getting fresh air and getting excersize which is beneficial in a country like the united ststaes which leads the world in obesity. Driving less also cuts down on money spent on gas, leaving room for more disposable income it also cuts down on traffic and could lead to peope being less frustrated or tired during their day to day work week if you spend an hour less in traffic and spend that hour at home relxing, you'll most likely tend to be less tired. The benifits of not driving a car as much are undeniable. These benfits have led cities like Paris to have days that alternate when specified drivers can drive and in Bogota, Columbia they have an entire day where the captial cities does not drive and one will be fined if they do drive. while you may never be able to replace the convenience of cars, the alternate forms of transportation such as biking, bus, or subway have things that personal vehicles simply can not offere  
To whomever it may concern, The process of the Electoral College has been a problem for many years and deserves to be abolished at its roots. The Electoral College should not be kept due to the fact that not many Americans comprehend this legal process, swing vote catastrophies and other problems, and its lack of democratic pedigree. You may wonder why someone like me is even writing about this or why I even care, but I care about what happens in my country's economy and government, and others should too. First thing's first: knowledge. From personal experiences and research, you may realize that the majority of Americans in 2014 couldn't describe to you what the process of the Electoral College even is. Each state is different in this process, just like each opinion is different about this topic. This is an immensely confusing subject to read about, especially when you're just an average person watching the news or reading an article online. Although, let's be real for a minute: its really difficult. The process consists of selecting the electors, and the meeting of the electors where they vote for our President and Vice President. Also, in school curriculum across the country, you never really go into depth about the Electoral College unless you're taking a hardcore government class. In this case, the students are yet to be informed about the causes and effects of the Electoral College and the disasters it can cause in our economy. Let's continue, shall we? The swing vote catastrophies, the worrying about who will be elected and whether or not they'll do a good job controlling our government, it's just not worth it. Over sixty percent of voters would prefer a direct election rather than the system that we use now. When citizens vote, they're basically voting for slates of electors, who then eventually vote to elect the President as well as the Vice President. The question is: Who are the electors? Who picks them? Are they responsible with the task at hand? The fact of the matter is that you really have no control over who the electors vote for. A "faithless" elector can vote for whomever they please, even if it isn't their party's candidate. This process is extremely unfair to voters across the country, and I doubt the phrase "Life isn't fair", a quote by my grandmother, would even apply to this discussion. As previously stated, the process of the Electoral College isn't the greatest of them all, nor is it fair to voters. I asked who the electors were, and who picks them... but where is the abundant democratic pedigree? To remind you, a democratic pedigree is the origin and history of something, especially when it is good or impressive to others. The Electoral College is outdated and irrational for our modern day concepts. This extensive process lacks alot of opinions, evidence, and background knowledge that is necessary when voting for candidates. On the other hand, there is usually a certainty of outcome in the election, and it avoids run-off elections which is pleasant to citizens who are for the Electoral College. What about the swing votes? What about the values? To wrap things up, the Electoral College is not needed in the United States government because of lack of understanding, disasters that may be caused, and the democratic pedigree and honesty that is nowhere to be found. I hope you consider my decisions and grow very fond of my reasonings. With great appreciation, PROPER_NAME
Earlier studies show that there are no alien lightforces on any planet whatsoever. Most people think that aliens hide in the shadows and they will abduct us in our sleep, no. Aliens are another term for forigners or people from other countries, but this was in 1976-2001 when almost everyone believed in aliens. The National Areonautics Space Administration wasn't created to see if aliens are real or not, is was created to study something in space other than just Earth. Aliens do not excist so there is no possible way that they can make a face of a human from Mars, it is just a natural landform that so happens to look like a face. The thing about people's imagination is that they'll believe anything that someone tells them. Most people are like brainwashed monkeys about to be tested on. I myself used to believe in "alien lightforces" when I was young. People in the late 1900s were very childish and had creative minds. Why would someone even doubt that the image that was taken isn't just a natural landforce, it would be almost stupid if someone would doubt. In late June last year some man took a picture of something that looks like a UFO, I can now see how people would thing that aliens are real. However this new age of technology has been so equipped with the use of photoshop. People that can photoshop can control almost half of the worlds' minds. The fact is that since aliens aren't real, there is no possible way that they can make a human face from the Mars dirt. It has to be just a natural landform.
For decades, society has put a major emphasis on transportation in order to center themselves around cars and ways to upgrade them. However, it is this frame of that mind that has created issues for modern society. If there were limitations put on the usage of cars, then those rules would help maintain the environment, save car owners money, and create a feeling of bliss and serenity that has disappeared since the mass production of cars. So unless change is brought upon society, then people will be passing up on benefits that would better the whole world. Scientist have long realized that cars are a major cause to the pollution brought into society. From the waste produced while turning precious oil into gasoline, to the engines in millions of cars simultaneously burning gas. It is for this reason that limiting the use of cars would assist in saving and maintaining the environment. According to Robert Duffer, the author of the article "Paris Bans Driving Due to Somg", "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intesifying smog." What is also noteworthy is that this experiment by France officials was only in place for a matter of days. So after having smog that repotedly rivaled Beijing, China, the smog capital of the world, the smog that inhabited France was more than cut in half. If this can work in such a large scale like France, then it isn't unreasonable to believe that this same process can be done in other major regions. Saving the environment has become a priority around the world in recent years, and the idea of limiting the usage of cars could help to achieve that goal. Aside from the fact that the limitation of cars can save the environment, it can also save car owners money. When a person stops at a gas station to fill up their car, they can expect to spend between twenty and fifty dollars. However, if cars were to become less relevant, then this money can be used to fund other important aspects of a persons life. While this might seem far-fetched, according to Doug Short of Advisor Perspectives, "the number of miles driven in the United States peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily thereafter." This analysis helps to justify the fact that cars can eventually become less relevant and thus save people money. Also, money would be saved on not having to repair and maintain a car, or having to buy a car in general. This alone can save a car-owning household thousands of dollars each year. Saving the environment and money are always an obvious choice when explaining the benefits of limiting car usage, but another benefit would be obtaining bliss and serenity around the globe. Since the mass producion of cars, cities are always filled with the irritating sounds of a lively road. This has left many people to enjoy their walks, not to the sounds of children laughing and people conversing, but to the beeping and screeching of cars. However, in a city in Germany called Vauban, officials have successfully created a peaceful city that relies on walking and public transportation instead of cars. According to Heiden Walter, a media trainer and citizen in Vauban, "When I had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way." This quote goes to show that the citizens don't feeled resticted, but released from their reliance on cars. So although it may seem difficult, putting limitations on cars can create a happier populants. Putting a limitation on the use of cars would not be a punishment like some would see it, but a way to better society. This limitation would help save and maintain the environment, save car owners money, and create bliss and serenity amongst people. As modern society continues to push forward and develop the next wave of advancements, putting limitations on the use of cars should be seen as a serious inquiry to leaders around the world.
The Electoral College has been well working for many year and think that we shouldn`t change it because it been an well know process for elections for the pasted years of our country`s history. The Electoral College is a process, consider a place. Our founding fathers established it in the our country`s Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by voting in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The process of the Electoral College consists of the selection of the electors. They vote for th President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress. The Electoral college consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President. Your state`s entitled allotment of electors equals the number of members in its Congressional delegation, one for each member in the House of Representives plus two for your Senators. Under the 23rd Amendment of the Constitution, the District of Columbia(DC) is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purposes of the Electoral College. Every candidate running for President in your state has his or her own electors group. The electors generally are chosen by the candidate`s political party, but the states laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are. The presidential election is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November, you help help choose your state`s electors when you vote for President because when you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidate`s electors. Than after the presidential election, your governor prepared a " Certificate of Ascertainment" listing all of the candidates who ran for President in your state along with the names of their respective electors. The Certificate of Ascetainment also declares the winning presidential candidate in your state and shows which electors will resprent your state at the meeting of the electors in December of the election year. Under the Electoral College system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor. The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century, the system allows for much worse. Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people. That is why we should keep the Electoral College, because it to is party of what make our country`s history.                                                
The way the author supported his claims were ways of providing examples. He defined his examples in a way to make worth of pursuiting Venus despite its dangers. He did this by comparing them to the actual project of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus." First off, he explains that Venus is our neighboring planet. Despite of Venus being close to Earth; we don't know much about it. However, later in the article he mentions something interesting that catches most people's eye. He mentions, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." This caught my eye, especially, because it goes with the idea of Venus being an interesting and worthy pursuit to discover and learn from. Despite of Venus having no life and probably not worth to look at. But all of that changes when he states how the conditions actually are. Furthermore, as said in the question, despite all of the dangers, it will be worth to study Venus. Since we'll be able to know what actually happened long ago. In paragraph three the author states, "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus," also he states, "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit." These are the dangers of Venus. When considering to send some sort of probe or satellite to investigate this planet these are the circumstances we must consider. The way he incoorperates this idea fully just shows how incredible and extreme these conditions are, to even try and land a rover on Venus. Lastly, in paragraph five the author starts explaining ways to study and investigate Venus without having to worry about its weather extremes. The author explains, "A vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way." He shows us that it has even more worth to study Venus. We are now able to study Venus but at a different angle. This ties in with his idea of pursuiting Venus because we have the chance to find out more about it. Even though it is not the best insight of Venus, gives a perfect example that every little detail we learn about Venus is important and nteresting. Tying all his claims together, he shows us that Venus is worth the danger to pursuit the planet. The way he compared and contrasted with each detail supports his claim strongly. As the author states, "Not easy conditions, but survivable for humas." Meaning it is not going to be easy, but it is definitely possible.
Do We Need Driverless Cars? A driverless car is exactly what it sounds like. It has a nice ring to it, right? Some people may think it sounds super dangerous, some people might find it quite amusing. Others feel like we are okay with the cars that we have. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. What's yours? Humans introduce new technology constantly. From phones to computers, from house appliances to buildings, even cars. What's wrong with cars going through a manufacturer for an upgrade? How many people will by the iPhone 7 when it releases? A Lot. How many of those people have an iPhone 6s Plus already? A Lot. Why can't cars be the same way. I mean, maybe it's a waste of hard earned money, but it's yours. My personal opinion doesn't really make a difference. Although, I do think they should release them. I think they should release them because they literally have no reason not to. Plus, if they decide not to release them, how's that fair to the people that can afford them who've been waiting? Lots of people are cautious about driving with those cars out on the road. Some are scared, some are outrageously mad. Everyone has in the technology business has to come up with something new before long. Another reason I believe they should be released is because of the research. Driverless cars have driven more than half of a million miles without a crash. If you ask me, that's safer than cars WITH people driving them. In conclusion, everyone deserves to buy what their money can afford and if they can afford it then, why not?
Have you ever thought about how hard it would be to explore the the planet Venus? It will be very hard due to the conditions on the planet. It might be worth to study since it is the most Earth like planet and the most similar planet to us. There are some technology that could help us reach the planet even though it has harsh conditions. The author of "The Challenges of Exploring Venus" supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents in a very well and detailed article. First of all, the author includes the challenges we would have to face to explore and study the planet Venus. Even though Venus is similar in size and density, as stated in the second paragraph of the article, any space craft we sent to Venus is not able to land. In paragraph 3 of the article, it states, "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus." This line states that Venus has a very deadly atmosphere. The planet has clouds of corrosive acid and really high temperatures that we could never imagine on Earth. It is so hot on Venus that metals that exsit on earth would literally melt. "The atmospheric pressure is 90 time greater than what we feel experience on our own planet." This may sound very dangerous and challenging. However, we should study it since we never know what forms of life and what discoveries we could make. Second of all, Venus is the planet that is most similar to us than any other planet. Despite the harsh conditions, we should study it. The article claims that scientist believe it was once the most Earth like planet in our solar system as stated in sentence 2 of paragraph 4. "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." This line suggest that scientists thinks life may have existed on Venus before we even knew about it. Venus still has mounatins and valleys that is similar to Earth's geography. We may even be able to visit the planet ourselves someday with the help of technology. The National Aeronautics of Space Administration or NASA has been trying to find ways on how to land their space craft onto this harsh environmental planet. "Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the rolling Venusian landscape." The scientists believe that we will be someday be able to study the planet personally instead of using space crafts. It may still be harsh but we may be able to study with the help of modern technonlogy. In paragraph 7, it states, "For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." The study and inventions may help us reach the planet someday so there is hope of seeing the planet Venus up close. In conclusion, The author gives very briefs points on his idea of pursuing the study Venus even though it's dangerous. The challenges we would face are listed. The reason why we should continue to study this planet is listed. The author even included solutions to the challenges we would face trying to study the planet, Venus. Who knows, maybe someday we will even be able to set foot on the planet ourselves with the right equipement and inventions. So to pursue the study of the planet may be worth it. New discoveries can be made on the planet and we might even find things we never imagine. But for now we may take the effort to study the planet like the author stated depsite the dangers it brings.
I would say that the Facial Action Coding System is a big jump. Humans have several emotions! There isn't just happy, sad, angry, surprised, fearful; there's tons more. Confusion, shocked, discrete, mesmerized, broken, depressed. Depression is a far leap from sad. Confusion is something most people commonly have. What if this computer doesn't have all of the emotions. Half of the emoji's you see on IPhones and Androids are the feelings we have, that's why we use them so frequently. I would believe that reading emotions could turn out to be a magnificent thing, but in other ways I feel it could make things worse. I would definitely agree with the "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor. What would our teachers do then? There would be no reason to have a job as a teacher if a computer is teaching the students to learn their lessons. I do NOT agree with how our world is coming to be. There's too much technology around. Do you think children can handle times without phones? They'd be outside more, communicating more. Now we've got Facial Action Coding Systems around, to read someone's emotion! What if someone doesn't want their emotions seen, so many kids hide their emotions so that they don't have to talk about how they feel. I feel ashamed of the United States of America. I'm growing up in a cruel undeciteful world of criminals, thieves, politicians who believe they rule my life, laws that are unreasonable, tecnology that could in all reality mess up the world in more cases? I do not support the Facial Action Coding System. I believe that if this was true and around myself and others. I would never use a phone or computer again. There are ways for people to hack these things, can you imagine? If a computer is constantly watching you every second that it can to feel and help your emotions, could you think about who else might be watching? If you look at it in that point of you, this world is decieving and awful. What if you allow a computer to watch your emotions and then a few days later, you find out someone is watching you. A week later, you're laying on your kitchen flood with a gun shot wound, all because you let a computer read your emotions. "Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements--in a real face or in the painted face Mona Lisa. I would believe that our world is unsafe, someone constantly watching you and your emotions, what a thing we've come up with. They should stop partaking in activities that could get someone seriously injured or killed for that matter. If you have a Facial Action Coding System, what will you do when you've got your laptop out and it's open because you're listening to that new ACDC song that just released and there's men staring at you get dressed because they hacked the system? They find out where you life, your profiles on facebook and snapchat, then what? They find where you live, who you're related to, friends, children, and you get raped or captured and kidnapped. I think these people need to realize that the cons of the Facial Action Coding System, outweigh the pros.
Space travel is not new to humanity nor is it something that has not already been accomplished. With the breach of Mars's soil having already occured scientist and space explorers have set their sights on the next challenge, Venus. Venus is sometimes closer to Earth than Mars and at other times Mars is the one closer to Earth, but of the two Venus is the closest match to Earth "in terms of density and size" and thus has been named Earth's "twin" making it a place of great interest for scientist, and those interested in space exploration because no other planet comes as close to matching Earth's conditions. Studying Venus could give hints about the future of Earth. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author gives strong support to the idea that the pursuit of studying Venus is a worthy cause despite the dangers presented by the task. Knowledge of Venus would be extremely beneficial because Venus is one of the most interesting planets in Earth's solar system because of it's similarity to Earth. With the large number of similarities that Venus currently shares with Earth it wouldn't be terribly surprising or strange if Venus was once a planet "covered largely with oceans and" that "could support various forms of life". There is no way to tell if any of this is true, however without being able to travel to Venus and explore the planet. Only by exploring the planet and studying pieces of the planet such as small bits of land can noteworthy discoveries about Venus be made. Confirming or disproving the Earth-like Venus idea is not the only reason why studying Venus is a worthy pursuit. Another reason is that "human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors" and the curiousity of humans and their travels on Earth "should not be limited by dangers and doubts" according to paragraph 8. This statements shows that gaining the ability to study the planet Venus is about more than just the planet and also expands to include the breaking of the limitations that stop exploration due to "dangers". By expanding to meet the challenge that Venus presents humans as whole will prove that they have the ability to explore and learn about nearly everything removing some of the limits of human exploration. In conclusion the author's support of the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers is extremely strong because the author gives noteworthy reasons as to how the pursuit would be beneficial to exploration and humans in general. The author states that the pursuit of studying Venus will open doors into the pursuit of studying other dangerous places, or areas of interest such as animals, and others. The author also sites the idea that more knowledge of the Earth's "twin" could in fact help give insight on Earth as well by giving humans an idea of what Earth could become in the future and perhaps by studying Venus scientist could find a way to prevent Earth from becoming Venus-like. The author's reasonings are strong and prove to be thought invoking and the author avoids the idea of risks that are not needed.
The 'Face' on Mars is just a hoax. It seems as though the mound on this planet is just a mesa. If you don't believe me, then listen to me very closely. The very similar face on the side of Mars can be very defining but not a single astronout have researched at the Mesa up close and personal. But even if it was made by aliens, it still wouldn't tally up right? The 'Face' was first noticed in 1976 by Viking 1 spacecraft, circling around Mars, after trying to find its sistership, Viking 2. As Viking 1 was circling around, it spotted a likeness to the human face. And the mound was found in Cydonia, a very well-know area on the Red Planet to house mesas. As the years went by, they looked more into the mound and Scientists concluded that it was just another mesa, but this moutain-like hill had shadows that resemble the human face. As you review this very peculiar picture, you can see that it just resembles Earth, mostly in Western America. That certain part of America are very popular for its mesas and buttles (which are the same as mesas). There may be more out in the solar system, mnaybe even more in the whole universe itself, but in the end of all the discoveries, they all end up being coincidences. Maybe one day, we'll find extre terrestrial life, but for now, we will just make more and more discoveries until we don't have anything else to find.
Dear, state senator I think changing elections by popular vote for the president of the United States would be better. Each candidate had his or her group of electors. Mostly the political party like Democratic and Republican. he Electoral college is the established Constitution as a compromise between electionof the presdident by vote in congress. Popular votes for the election of the president is more meaningful then having 538 electors and 270 electoral votes. I think the electoral college doesn't work. In the electoral college system,voters just vote for the president, but along with that your voting for more electors in their political party. This is a very big deal for the people voting in elections. They have no control of whom their electors votr for. The electoral college is also unfair to the canidates because the winner-take-all system in each state. The best arguments in favor is the popular vote, but some canidates still lose from the presidency. Looking at the breakdown of the number of electoral votes given to each state-California has the most votes. No region has enough electoral votes to elect a president. or instance, as Romney was in the South he had no campaign heavily in those states. He gained no electoral votes. In toss-up states are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign-to really take notice inthe competing canidates. Those voters sre the ones to decide the election. Run-Off elections should be avoided, it would greatly complicate the presidential election process. My advice to you;as the state senator is to not keep the Electoral College. The election of the populae vote would be more precised. It's maybe 1% unfair because in states like california they have like 55,000 republicans voting for 1 canidate. And if there's a tie in the electoral vote, the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president.              
State Senator, The Electoral College is outdated, and is commonly viewed as anachronism. In this system voters, instead of voting for a president, vote for a slate of electors. The slate of electors if chosen for the statewide election, would go to Congress. At Congress, they would then vote for the President. For many people, it seems understandably unfair. First off, voters cannot control who their electors vote for. At this point in time, voters have no more of a say in which President is elected - they can only hope that the elected candidate shares the same views they do. Most of the times, this is the wrong case. Second off, many times voters will get confused in who they're voting for. They'll pick out a candidate without knowing much information about them, or what their views are. A random candidate will be chosen for their vote, and most times this tends to come to an unhappy ending. Many times, voters will be disappointed and frustrated with how the election turns out. People claim this tends to be due to the Electoral College. It would, in terms, be much simpler to change the election to go by popular vote. This would have many benefits on the difficulty of the systems selecting a President, to how people react. By choosing a popular vote, time of the election would be cut slimmer. People wouldn't have to focus on choosing an elector, or their worries that their state electors didn't share their views. It would give our people the chance to vote for the President they want. In the end, the Electoral College should be abolished and thrown out. It doesn't make sense to keep continuing on this way, when the votes should be up to the people - not random electors.    
This argument is based on if you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program or if you should not. I will give you the pros and the cons aout this program. I will also give you information on my experiences on the Seagoning Cowboys program. Lets just hope that you will be impressed. First, you should join this program because it provides ways to experience adventures and visit many unique places. For example, being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure, "it opened up the world for me". Another example is that the cowboys played many enjoying games to pass by the time. These two example both show how joining the Seagoing Cowboys program would be a wonderful experience. In addition, I feel that the Seagoing Cowboys program could have its bad times. It could be unsafe sometimes like the time I fell off of the ladder and cracked my ribs. Courage is a word to describe this Seagoing Cowboy program, because thats what it takes to be a cowboy. Both of these text examples are giving information on how the Seagoing Cowboy program could be difficult at times. To conclude this argument, we have talked about the reasons to join the program and reasons on why it could be bad to join the program. You can join the program based on the information that i gave you. I hope that you will consider joining the program.
In this passage the author talked a lot about the importanced of studying Venus. Their is a lot of similarities of Earth on Venus. By studying Venus we could learn things that could help prevent our earth from getting the same way that Venus is. What if Venus used to be home to life and was just like earth, but they did not take care of their planet and it ended getting too bad for life to survive? The author made a valid point to the reasons that we should study Venus. Venus is often refered to as earths twin. When viewing venus from far away they can tell that it has a lot similar land forms as we have here on earth. " The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." This statement shows that Venus is very similiar to us here on Earth. Although Venus has a lot of similiar landmarks to earth, its climate is very different and is very dangerous to humans. Its atmoshphere is made up of 97 percent carbon dioxide. Their clouds are made up of highly corrosive sulfuric acids. On Venus's surface the temperature is 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmoshpheric pressure is 90 times greater than we face on earth. These conditions make it impossible for a space shuttle to make it to Venus. NASA is exploring ways that we can get space shuttles closer to Venus so that we can find out more about it. They have figured out that if the space shuttle floats above the hazardous conditions it will be about 30 miles from the surface of Venus. It would still be around 170 degrees fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. It still would not be easy conditions, but it would be survivable for humans. Exploring Venus is very important to us here on Earth, although it poses many challenges the benefits and things that we could learn outweigh them. Venus could have been just like earth millions of years ago, but the planet was not taken care of. The things that we learn on Venus could be vital to the sucess of our planet and our future.
The Author suggest that studying venus is a worthy pursuit dispite its dangers in this article. In paragraph 3 it states, "On the planet surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." These coditions seem to make the task of traveling to venus sound difficult almost impossible but the author talks about another way we can observe venus man probed. "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of venus would allow scientist to float above the fray." The scientist at NASA want to fly above these clouds that venus has like the planes here on earth today when there is a storm. This blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling venusian landscape. "NASA is working on other approaches to study Venus. For example, some simplified electronic made of silicon carbide have been tested in chambers simulating the chaos of Venus surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." One other way nasa is looking for a way to look at venus is using silicon carbide which were tested in chambers in NASA with a simulating like condition of Venus surface and have lasted for three weeks. The author of this article supports the idea, the challenge of exploring Venus very well with many supports from the text. The author talk about the conditions on Venus are nothing compared to earth and the importance of getting to venus. In paragraph 4 the article states, "Long ago, Venus was probably coverws largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life,just like Earth." The article explains that Venus long ago may have been sum what like earth with oceans and various life forms, but we will not know for sure if we never get to Venus and last there for only a few hours. The article is well explained and has more than enough details to support his claim.
In the challenge of exploring Venus, some times called the evening star is one of the brightest points of the light in the night sky, making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot. Exploring Venus it can be dangerous because of it's temperature and because of what can happen to you. Exploring Venus can be worthy bacuse scientist say that it well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have suppported various formsof life, just like Earth." Venus it can also be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel. But it can be a little dangerous because Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any other planet in our solar system. One of the challenges Venus has are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. The average of the temperature is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric preassure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. Venus has some features that are analogous to those on Earth, it has rocky sediment and inludes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. Scientis belive that Venus could have been once a planet where people could live. Scientist also say that Venus could be dangerous in some ways because of it's temperatures. In the chalange of exploring Venus, sometimes called the "Evening Star" it can be nother planet where humans can live. But venaus can be dangerous, but it also has alot of features like Earth. The temperatures for venus are a little dangerous, because venus is one of the hottest planets in our solar system. NASA it's also working on other approaches to studying Venus. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by danger and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.
I think we should change the electoral college to the popular vote for many reasons. I think that the electoral college causes alot of disgreements and agruements. I think we should do this for every election not just the election of the United States of Americas President. I dont think its fair that some states get more votes than another states. We should all be equal like the George washington wanted us to be as he and many others signed the US Constition and The Declartion of Independence. Like Cali. has 55 electrolal votes and wyoming has like 4 how does that make them feel. If one President is like by the whole nation then he should become president no doubt. Just because someone else get more elctoral votes but isnt the popular why should he be President. Like one candiate could get 10 states that are voting for him but their only states with 4 votes then the other candidate gets californa even the other half of californa doesnt want him. He wins because winner takes all and that 55 to his 10 sates which equals 40.
In "The Challenge of exploring Venus," the author informs the reader about how it would be very compenstating to study Venus because of it's close distance and to Earth and how much of simialraties is has to Earth. He also describes how because of the many challenges Venus has to study it it's even more important to study the planet. As stated in paragraph 8, "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus had value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." This statement supports the idea that Venus is worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents, because it expains the challenges Venus has to study it will be worth it because we will gain more knowledge on it and it will probably lead us to many more challenging planet studying. In the article it also explains how similair the Earth and Venus are and how close they are. The author explains this in the statement, "Often referred to as Earth's "twin", Venus is the closest planet to Eath in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest on distance too."This statements informs the reader on why the Earth and Venus are alike by giving facts to why. The author also states, "Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys,mountains, and craters." By this staement the author is trying to further inform the reader about how other features are Earth-like. In conclusion, the author supports the ideas that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers .The author does this by informing the reader about the challenges of studying Venus but how it's worth it because is will strengthen human curiosity to study other challenging planets further. The author is persuading the reader to not be fearful of the dangers because it increases imagination and innovation. The author states how it's in our best convience to study a planet like Venus because of its high similarites to Earth and it would be ideal because of their distance apart.
I believe that the technology, Facial Action Coding System, to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable because the Facial Action Coding System only works on photos and/or artworks with a detailed face on it like the Mona LIsa artwork in the article. The technology can not read a persons face expressions right away, it needs to be generated in a computor thats constructs a 3-D model of the face(paragraph 3) which is completely rubbish because for this big of an invention to only determine emotions on a photo is quite strange and unecessary of an invention. "The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 muscles in the model must moce like human muscles" (paragragh 3). This quote indicates that they use a 3-D technology resource to find the emotions of a photo, and if you really think about it, it is very unecessary because a person could be feeling sad in an photo but happy right after being taken, and to go through all the trouble to find a person emotional expression for that emotion to only last only an hour or so, waste of energy, money and time as I would say. Therefore I believe the technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable at all because the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto does indicate that the technology is made specifically for photos and it sounds unecessary and a waste of energy to be used in real life.
The truth of the face on Mars. The face on Mars is not a real face in fact it is a land form that strangly looks like a face. Scientest don't think at it is a alien artifact. some say that there are aliens and they are hideing the truth. That would be a great think if there were aliens on Mars it would be N.A.S.A biggest achevment to date but their are no aliens on Mars. N.A.S.A has also sent other spacecrafts to Mars to get a better look. On April 5, 1998, Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia (The Face on Mars) an took a picture. The close of a picture they get it just looks more like a landform. Scientest have also pointed out that their are landforms on Earth that look stange. like Middle Butte in Snack River Plain of Idaho. That is the truth of the The Face on Mars.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the authors describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. It begins by the computer constructing a 3-D computer model of the face. If more than one muscle moves, then it is called an "action unit." I think this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in the classroom is valuable. There are times that in the classroom, students do not want to do their work and the teacher does not know how are they feeling about the work she is giving. That is when the teachers can find out what the students are feeling. The teacher can also use this program for assignments for the students. The program is also useful for researching projects or assignments. Maybe the teacher wants the students to see if a picture of a certain person is happy or mad. The program is helpful because when you try it on yourself when you are mad or sad, it might actually make you day better.
The emotional expressions in a classrooom is valuable because many people have many different expressions. Using technology would be a good idea to tell the different types of expresions because imagine someone being really mad and you did not know. I think technology would be a good idea because they could have many different options to choose from. For example on paragraph 3 it gives really good reasons on why technology would be good. It show that a computer can construct a 3-Dmodel face showing all 44 mucles in our face and it would move like actual human muscles. The movement of our muscles are called action units. We have would have six emotions to tell to someone and a computer could do it all by its self. We humans may have the same expression on a daily day basis because most of the time we are not happy consedering the fact that most of our facial expressions are angry, sad , happy , surpris fear, and disgust, so this means that with just a computer you can do anything when it comes to facial expresions. Also on paragraph 4 it says that '' using video imagery'' would be really good to tell the emotions through facial movements or on a painting like Mona Lisa. A new software would be good to tell the facila emotions for example like on the masterpice of da Vinci that the expressions are compared to the natural face of a person. This idea of computer emotional expressions would be a good one because with just a scan or a picture would be great because they wouldn't have to be asking the person what is wrong with them. I think this would be way much easy to tell wheather the person is mad, sad, or surprised this idea would work also on pictures that may not show no expressions In my opinion i think this would cause good controversials because your emotions would simply be easy to reach like in Mona Lisa picture. Your expression can change real quick as to when your standing in the mirror or when you are really happy , sad, or mad. This would help for when a person is showing a fake smile or when a celebrity is being truthful with the camras. This would be a great idea in the future because it would help alot of photographers and scientist that want to look over a picture and tell your facial emotions such as anger, sadness, surprised , disgust, and fear. These would be part of improtant and many more facial emotions.
Driveless cars can be a positive thing and also a negative thing in some ways.One positive thing that its says in the passage is the sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or negastive thing about the driveless cars that its says in the passage is that if the tecnology stops working is it your fault or the manufacturer.I think the cars or more on the positive sides The passage says"further improvements in sensors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer are also leading to cars that can handle more and more driving tasks on their on".The manufacturer had made it easier on the drivers to be way more safer.The passage also says that "the car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph,but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel".GM has developed driver`s seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object.The only negative thing if the technology fails and someone is injured,who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer. My opinion about the driveless car is positive for many positive thig that it says in the passage is the sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers.Another positive thing that it says in the passage is that further improvements in the sensors and computer hardware and softwareto make driving safer are also leading to cars that can handle more driving taskon their own.The only bad trhing about the car is if the tehcnology stops working who`s fault is it?Driveless cars can be a positive thing and a negative thing.
This object on Mars has been theorized to be a face, but there is no way this could represent life on Mars. There are many pictures of Mars and nothing else showed that there could be life. There are many reasons why this is not a factor that shows that there is life on Mars. There is not enough resources, it was shown to be a natural landform after better technology was used, and it is similar to the Middle Butte in Idaho as mentioned in the article. My first reason, is that there is not enough resources to be able to have life on Mars. There is barely any water except for ice on Mars. There are no plants to create oxygen. There have been no signs of any thing to provide life other than the frozen water as previously mentioned. Most of all Mars is too cold to be able to have life on it. The only way for something to live on Mars is if something somehow adapted to that type of enviroment. Another reason, is that it was shown to be a mesa type lanform. The first picture was similar to a face because technology was not advanced enough to take a clearer picture. After we made better technology we were able to get a better and clearer picture that shows it was just a landform. My third and final reason, is that it is very similar to landforms on our planet. We have mesas amd buttes all over our planet. The one that is most similar is in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. Many pictures shown that the "face on Mars" is not real. All of these reasons show that there is no way that this is a sign of life on Mars. As I mentioned there is not enough resources, it was shown to be a landform, and that it is similar to landforms here on Earth. So there is no way that this is a sign of another form of life other than the life on our planet.
In the booming world today, transportaion is essential. Trying to imagine life without cars for some people is like trying to imagine life without food or water, but cars arent ass essential as we think. But even if you drive a smart car or hybrid, emissions from these cars still affect the world around us. Lowered car use would help this improve. Using less cars would also have more benefits for all of us. People in a samll town of VAUBAN, Germany have already stopped use of cars. People report to be "Happier without them." Lowering the use of cars would also prevent so much smog in the air. In Paris, France, the warm days and cold night would trap the smog in the air. in order to reduce the amount of smog in the air, on monday drivers with even-numbered liscense plates had to leave their cars at home or face a $31 fine. Then on tuesday, motorists with odd numbered lisence plates had to do the same. This led to decreases in the amount of smog in the air. The warm days and cold night would trap the smog in the air. Another instance is in Bogota, Comlubia, where there was a car-free day. According to buisnessman Carlos Arturo Plaze, "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and to lower the air pollution." This has led to newer sidewalks being paved, and new restraunts and upscale shopping districts to pop up all over the city. Less cars mean less greenhouse gas emissions, which inturn help our environment. It also leads to less stress and deaths among the people in the city. Less cars are the future of our world, and its not too late to start to help our environment and to help better ourselves.  
You're drivng down the street feeling amazing as the ind hits you in the face adn blows your hair everywhere,but suddenly you wake up and see that all around you is covered by black smoke pollution and dirt. The fresh air that you were breathing in a moment ago is now gone and all you can smell is gas and fuel being burned be cars and trucks along side you. Cars today are causing too much pollution and oover the years its building up. Many things are outside fo walking distance but a bike ride can do just the same for you as a car can plus some. Bikes are cost effective and good for your body. It doesnt cost you fifty dollars to fill up a bike,all you do is hop on and pedal. In places like paris smog is starting to build up and take a toll. The amouint of smog is rising,with the constant use of diesel engines in paris smog is rising quickly. Within one week paris had a totall of one hundred and forty seven micrograms of particulate matter. Along with smog,green house emssions are starting to build and twelve percent of emissions in europe are from cars You can stop green house emissions and smog build by using your car less and riding a bike. Maybe even sellingf your car or truck for a nice bike. Riding bikes will save you a major amount of money in the end and is a great way to stay in shape and not have to worry about paying machanics for bills and fees for fixing your vehicle
Cars are an integral part of many peoples' lives around the world: they provide transportation to work and home, they cater to social lives, and for some they even provide a home. However, it's becoming a trend to limit car usage, particularly in Europe. Residents in Vauban, Germany have given up cars almost completely, with the exception of a $40,000 parking garage fee that over half of the residents have elected not to use. While it may make getting places harder, the effects of cutting down on car usage are mostly good ones. First and foremost on this list is global warming. In Europe, cars produce around twelve percent of greenhouse emmissions, while in the US, the number can be as high as fifty percent in cities. This is not good. Global warming is destroying the ice caps and the ozone layer of Earth, leading to a temperature increase that is damaging many enviornments around the world. This, in addition to pollution released by cars and the oil industry, could permanantly cripple our planet. Any way that we can cut the effects of global warming should be implemented. Secondly, crowded cities benefit in many ways from a lessening of driving. Some cities, like Paris, have already had to enact a partial ban on driving due to a heavy smog layer. Other cities, like Beijing, is even more polluted, and cities in this country suffer as well. If less people drove, the air would be clearer, as was the case in Paris. Also, there is less crowding when less people are driving. Anyone who has driven through or lived in a large city knows just how bad congestion and traffic jams can be. Less driving would mean less congestion, making it easier for people to get to work, school, or other locations on time. When Paris enacted its driving ban of those with even-numbered liscence plates, congestion went down sixty percent. Finally, using an alternative to cars can save money. Public transportation could be expensive and, frankly, overcrowded, but it provi  
The "Face on Mars" was just a natural landforms. All of the planets have natural land forms. If there really was civilization on mars we would probably already know about it. But contrary to what NASA believes there are were other people who said that maybe the alien markings were hidden by haze. NASA thinks that it would have been important to tell tax-payers if it were to have been a true alien land mark, but since you did not recieve any information; you can assume it was just a natural landform. If there were to have been a sign of life on that planet (Mars) it would benefit NASA and the whole world would probably know. "The face" is located on the part if Mars called "Cydonia" which according to Jim Garvin "Is not easy to target (paragraph 9)." Mission controllers are preparing to go back and look again so they can try to prove that NASA is not trying to hide any evidence. It will not be easy. Mostly because we don't pass over the face very often. What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. In conclusion, NASA is very sure that "The Face on Mars" is just an illusion and not bona fide evidence of life on Mars. In the future we hope to discover that it really is just a natural landform and not bona fide evidence on Mars. And if it is evidence maybe we can try to find an acient alien civilation.
In the article provided called "Making Mona Lisa Smile" the author describes to us how there is new technology being developed that can identify human emotions. This technolofy called the Facial Action Coding System, like us will be able to make the same "calculation' we do to tell if our friends are happy, sad mad, etc. Now this computer software stores anatomical informationn as if it were a electronic code. Many have thought that since this technonology enables computers to read human emotions; why not put it in a classroom setting where it can teach a whole group instuction and modify the lesson once theres a sign of confussion in a child's facial expression. I personally beleive that this software should be included in clasrooms for various reasons. For starters the Facial Action Coding System is very valuable for the classroom setting because like I stated before if there is even a slight sign of confusion the new technology will be able to pick it up and improve to find a way for the student to coprehend the material. While the system uses video imagery the emotion-recognition software tracks all these facial movements in a real time face or in any image. Just imagine a computer being able to tell when you smile at a lesson plan because it's easy to coperhend; futhermore, the system will tr to find similar lessons plans like the one you were sown for next time.Now if you dislike it and frown the computer will take notice and the lesson plan will be diffrent next time. Another reason we should have the Facial Action Coding System in classrooms is because many children in this generation are either to shy to ask questions to the instuctors or just scared that they will e made fun of. SInce the student is to scared or just simply to shy to ask a question he or she will not be able to understand the topic; however, with the system in the computer the student wouldnt even need to raise their hand in doubt because the technology already detected his or her confussion and is finding a solution as soon as possible. Last but not least most human communication is nonverbal, dont you agree? I think its time for computers to understand that to. Since the computer can detect emotions without hearing anything spoken it will be able to detect if the students are happy with the lesson plan, confused with it, or just not like it. All with one look at the students faces. This hencing adapting and improving more quickly so students can learn the material and suceed. So can you imagine not having those long boring talks teachers give or actually understanding what they are trying to get you to comperhend? All your classroom problem will be solved with the Facial Action Coding System which will help you learn much faster and efficently; therefor, setting you on the path to sucesses.
Venus often reffered to as the Earth's twin is a close panet like Earth. It has about the same density and and size of Earth too. So Venus should be a worthy pursuit to explore. If anything ever happens to Earth the closest planets to explore and possibly populate are Mars and Venus. But there are some dangers to exploring these planets. For example on Venus a single rover has only lasted a couple of hours on the planet. So we dont know much about the planet. But that does not mean we cant explore and gain new information about the planet that mey help us out in the future. But the reason scientist and astronomers are looking more into the planet is because in paragraph 4. It states that Venus was probally a planet like Earth that had oceans and could have supported life. Another plus to explore Venus is the chance to figure out what happened to the planet. In the articel it says it used to be just like Earth in a way. So our natural assumption is to asume that our planet will end up just like Venus. But if we take some time and continue exploring the planet we might find some new information and could possiblly save all of humanity in the future. In conclusion the option to explore Venus still remains untuched but the positives and possibilities that could come out of this exploration are vast compared to the dangers it represents.
Technology is seeming to make a break through almost every day as we can now use a computer to tell us how we're feeling. This could help us in many ways as to avoid miscommunicatiom often seen in classrooms and help teachers understand their students better. Let me show my thought process on why this new technology should be used in schools. As said in the passage "Most human communication is nonverbal, ,including emotional communcation." This shows that having another source to either confirm or challenge your preception of what a student is feeling can help when dealing with situations that need clear communication. Many problems occur through miscommunication and this new technology can help us disyper what a student is feeling. This will allow for us to create a better atmoshpere in which students will feel understood and supported. While people may say this could be an intrustion of their privacy as many students don't want people to know thier feelings and may feel exposed and as if they wouldn't have any privacy. " We humans perform this same impressive "calculation" everyday" this new technolgy is only helping us prove what we may already know as we can tell by looking at a face what feeling they're most likley feeling. Studies have shown that adults and teenagers use differnt parts of the brain to figure out what a person is feeling and casues huge miscommunication as they both may precieve a different emotion on eachothers face. These are the reason why I believe that this new technology can be useful in schools by clearing up a lot of nonverbal communcation.
Venus is a place that is close to the sun. Scientists say that it is the twins with earth. The thick atmosphere is 3% shy from being all carbon dioxide, as stated in paragrahp 3. Yes, it is every hot in the plant. It is the hottest plant in our solar system. It averages just over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The atomspheric pressure is 90 times greater than plant earth. If scientists say that's are twin planet. Why do they discuss further visits to its surface. Venus looks like a rocky mountainy place. Venus probably was covered largely with oceans and could have supported carious forms of life! Venus would not be easy place to live, but it is survivable. Yes, it would be hotter. Way hotter. NASA claims that its working on other appriaches to study Venus. Last time Venus was looked at was during the 1940's. When World War ll was happening. Scientists stay that Venus is first place to look at when in look for a new home. I don't how that's possible if the surface is so hot in the plant.
Dear State Senator, I think we should keep the Electoral College. It's been with us for a very long time, passed down from our founding fathers. They establish the Electoral College in the Constitution for a reason. There is no need for us to get rid of it. It's been helping us choose the right president for this country for decades. Sure the popular vote is important too but I think the Electoral College is more helpful and here is why. The electoral votes know more about who and what they are voting for. Because they pay more attention to the campaign than the people. It also helps with close or an even amount of the popular votes so it could break the tie even though it is unlikely we can always have the Electoral College to decide. Sometimes when people vote they don't even know who to vote for and could just check the box they see a name for. They don't know what the elective could do for the future of America. Some also vote for certain electives because someone told them too or because someone else voted for that elective. Some candidates go and try to win increase his or her plurality and presuade the people of certian states that they know they'll win to become president instead of trying to get all the states too vote for him or her. Which won't be that sucessful of a president as stated in paragraph 19. Candidates focus their campaign on the toss-up states because they know what they are voting for. Which adwards electoral votes to the candidate. Popular votes helps by letting the candidate get more electoral votes because of the winner take all basis as said in paragraph 18. That is why I think we should keep the Electoral College. It helps out with a lot of things. It has helped us for many years and have gave us great presidents for America. It makes the method of choosing a president easier too. Hopefully the Electoral College will stay with America for a long time.                                  
Driverless cars are a huge step in technology and may workout to be very useful, but there is always that percent chance that it will fail. For example if I were to own one of these Driverless cars I would Be worried about one thing, and that is running into other cars. I wouldnt want to own one of these because I personally do not trust them. A huge problem for me would be liability. For example, If I am in one of these driverless cars and a surrounding car near me runs a red light and I go head on with them because this driverless car could not react in time because it doesn't have the senses of a human. If my life was not taken would it be my fault that I got into a wreck or would it be the manufacture's fault? Just like the article said new traffic laws will certaintly be needed in order to make this possible. There is a reason why only 3 out of our 50 states are currently allowing limited use of semi-autonomous cars and that is because people do not trust these things. If these companies are releasing these cars in 2020 then they better change the law to make it safe for the driver and the companies by four years. I also do not think that they can make these cars as aware as some human drivers are. For example if the car gets hit it has nothing to lose, but the human inside the car is trying to protect their life. I personally believe that they should prohibit these cars from coming out in the United States. They could possibly release them in another country and then bring them to the U.S. if they workout in other countries. The reason for that is because our liability laws are not where they need to be yet in my opinion.
In the article the author greatly supports the idea of studying Venus and that it will be worthy despite the dangers. In paragraph 8 the author says that striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself. Another example is that in paragragh 4 it says that astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most-earth like planet in our solar system. There are also many dangers that come when visiting Venus and they are that a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide covers Venus. Something that is even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. NASA is working on other approaches to studying venus. One example is using old technology called mechanical computers. Human curiosity wil likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. It is probably good to at least try our best and give it all we got to achieve what we want.
My opinion on driverless cars is that they would be cool and very neat. The downfall is what if this car the car malfuctions? What if the car if now whats its cracked up to be? I would say for the driveless cars is a job idea. I say this because it will cause less accidents based off of people letting going of the wheel. Or simply becuase of people not paying attention to the road. This way people would have the lead way to tlk and text while on the road for long periods of time. Also the road would know the road so you could just lay back and relax. Lastly, the downfall of this is the first driveless car could be very expensive, so not many people are going to have a first. In the end, others companies will learn how make the car and better and better. The future is holding in this invention.
Making computers understand human emotions and feelings, sounds like a great thing to have personally I thinnk that it could be. Having a computer or your phone basically know you and what you like can really make things easier when it comes to looking for things, shopping online and like in the article school work and understanding lessions. This is a resouce that is very valuable to all students in the classroom, I feel that it is useful because like in the reading it states " A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." Meaning that the computer will automatically change its way of teaching to find way that is fit for you, something like this in schools could completely change the way of school all together, and a great way for easy teaching. Now some might think other wise because of alot of problems that could possibly go wrong with it such as the cost of that software, If the software makes any mistakes, and weather or not the software would work for every student I also can see kids becoming lazy being a big problem too. why I still feel that this is a great idea and should actually be in school I also think for the fight of it that the parent should have to choose weather they would want there kids to experiment with it. Overall this software should be out there for every child to use if they so please.
In the article ''Making Mona Lisa Smile,'' the author describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify humans emotions. Have you every thought of a computer that can tell if you're happy, disgusted, angry, or anything you're thinking about? Well it already exists and so far good things have been heard from it. It would be a geat idea to have that technology that reads the emotional expressions of students in classrooms and help them achieve goals. It would benefit students if they were to have the technology to read their emotional expressions. In paragraph 6, ''A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instuctor.'' This would help students because if you get stuck on a problem, the new technology would see your face expression and will notice that something is going on. It would slow down and try easier problems so you can understand the concept, As you start to get it more the problems will get harder and it's like a teacher trying to challenge you. Technology being able to read the emotional expressions of students in class is valuabe because students would be able to have more communication with the new technology. In paragragh 1, ''Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate.'' This is helpful for all students because their future will consist of new technology and if they start using it now, it will benefit all students and help them succeed in the future. It is a good idea to know how technology works and have communication with computers because that is what you will be using in classes or college. New technology is good for all students and it will benefit them in class because it could tell if you like a subject or not and move on teach you something you could like or even something you will do in you're future. In paragraph 4, ''By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions. Each expression is compared against a neutral face (showing no emotion).'' So if you don't like what the new technology is teaching you, it will notice because of your emotions and try teaching you something new that is also important. This would help students not to stress and help them understand more. In conclusion, the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is very valuable. It would help multiple students on what they are working on, each differently according to their knowledge. The new technology is called the Facial Action Coding System that enables computers to identify human eomtions. There is also a high chance that the technology can teach students better than most teachers because it could tell what you are thinking according to your emotional expression, something that not all teachers can do. The new technology will help students academically and emotionally which would motivate them to choose a career they would be interesting in trying.
Throughout history, mankind has depended on hands-on work for critical purposes. However, technology has evolved as a tool to assist us to do labor more efficiently and quickly. It is an important decision whether or not to support driverless cars because it can affect the conflicts due to this choice. Human error has been a common factor for automobile accidents across the nation, which has claimed many lives. Driverless cars can be another tool for the human population that could save lives. To begin with, manufacturers have tinkered on this project for many years by several strategies such as General Motors and their concept car that ran on a unique test track. It began in the 1950s, using binary code to alert the car system. Unfortunately, upgrades in that period of time were too expensive to be used widespread. This began the alternative option of smarter cars, rather than intellegent roads to assist drivers. Likewise, the government is obstinant on testing for every single liability smarter cars can be held for. It is above all priorities for the smarter cars to ensure complete saftey from dangerous hazard conditions on the road. To prevent such conditions, developers considered the use of driverless cars to assist drivers instead of total control at all times. Furthermore, scientists and engineers have added ideas from each other, enabling cars to even sensor dangerous obstacles. For example, the BMW "Traffic Jam Assistant," is one of the many cars that can preform driverless to a certain extent, allowing for a human driver to access the controls if necessary. This evidence concludes that driverless cars are potential as a wonderful tool to help in the saftey of others in a vehicle. Driverless cars could be the next common technology among the human population like computers or phones. From this, humanity will continue evolving and strive through conflicts similar to this subject. However, another choice for us, individually is whether or not to accept change.
Why should technology be able to read emotional expressions? Some people probaley thing it's a good thing others probley don't. With the technology we have today they have been able to figure out how to read emotions on the computer. It's a bad thing because people should be able to open up to you, they shouldn't be afraid that they feel a way that they didn't want you to know, and it's not right. People should be able to open up without a computer telling them how they feel. According to the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile", "According to the facial Feedback Theory of Emooion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them." In this quote it shows that it can read your emotions but that some people can't open up, but ones that can might be hiding something. But what if they didn't want them to know and that computer just told them. Also, people shouldn't be afraid to open us but with the computes they might be afraid to open up. According to the article,"Eckman has classified six bacis emotions happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness and then associated each with characteristics movements of the facial muscles." In this guote it shows that The computer can tell those emotions but if someone is afraid to show they are sad but the computer can tell you are faking. Then you will have to open up but what is you don't feel safe and that's why you haven't opened up. Finally, the computers reading your emotions making you open up even if you didn't want to is not right. Yes, if the computer can tell your sad and upset about something and you are not okay that could save you life but you are scared. According to this article, "For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." A friend will open up to you don't need a computer to tell you how you feel. What happens if the computer is wrong? Then your family and friend might think you are sad but you really aren't then what happens. The computer can be wrong not everyone is the same. It's a bad thing because people should be able to open up to you, they shouldn't be afraid that they feel a way that they didn't want you to know, and it's not right. People don't need a compute to tell people the way they feel and their family. You might not feel safe to open up to a family member but the computer tells them then they know. The computer can be wrong and tell you feel sad but you really don't. Open up to the people you can don't let a computer tell you how you feel.
As the author mention that there is different risks to live in Venus. The author uses explicit evidence to support that "Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it represent. No spacecraft has touch venus and will be difficult for the resistence of the spacecraft. The inner surface of venus and the tempeture will be tough. It will be a difficult task to live in venus. As a spacecraft aproches to the land in Venus will be difficult and also the resistence of the spacecraft won't be good as aproching to land in Venus. The author show us that there hasn't land a spacecraft in decades, "since no spacecraft survided the landing for more than a few hours." This tell us that when the spacecraft is aproching to the surface of Venus it will destroy trying to decend to the atmosphere, because of the tempeture of Venus. Also this could happen because there is no space fo the aircraft to land. This is why "not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades." The scientist can't find a solution for this spacecraft land of Venus. But NASA is working on a experiment to have better electronics in the spacecrafts. The surface of Venus and tempeture are to high and it can't be a good idea to have people in this conditions. The conditions of Venus are to high because, it has a high tempeture and it has a high high percent of carbon dioxide. "A thick atmosphere almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus" This make a humen live in Venus more difficult and also it won't be able to survive in this conditions. Also the tempeture that Venus has it doesn't have it any other planet "tempeture average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit." While the scientist are trying to find a way to get the radiation of the solar to have more energy. It will be difficult to make a new home in Venus because of its not easy conditions. They have differerent contions in Venus, "erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface." The tenesion of living in Venus is really high because, if you made a hiome close to a volcanoe and it erupt; there will be a lot of lifes dead. Also when you trying to make a new home it will be more difficult becuase of the hottest surface tempetures. But there are some parts of Venus that can help you. "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters," this tell us that Venus can be good place to live. In conclusion the studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the darger it represent. Because of the spacecraft aproching the surface of venus can have an impact and also it can have a dangerly caused. Also, because of the tempeture and conditions that Venus has. The high percentage of Carbon dioxide and also the high tempeture and being the only planet that has the highest tempeture. And the last is Living in Venus it will be difficult life. Scientist will make something to be able to start a new life in Venus.
Venus is a planet that is impositble to discover the planet. Venus was also called the "Evening Star" in the brightest light in the night sky. Venus is the size of Earth but it also called Earth twin sister, and Earth neighbor is Mars. Venus is a powerful planet becaues, it had 97% of carbon dioxide, the temperatures is average to 800 degrees, had erupting volcanos, powerful earthquakes, and a frequent of lightning strikes. Scientist are willing want to discover planet Venus because they want to know how dose it form thourgh out light years. No man could survive this planet because the temperatures is very high that can burn you like your falling iinto a volcano. Venus could be a dangerios planet because it have so many bad disaster that could kill a person of 30 or 40 seconds. What if they made made a ship that could go around the planet insted land in the plant that coud be a easy way. Also they can't not study the rock, gas or anything else from the planet because, Venus is a challenge planet. Venus could be a challenge planet but it could also not.
Are you on a long trip and brought snacks but cant reach them because there in the backseat? If you reach back there with a human driven car you're very likely to crash. I have a suggestion why not try a driverless car. Driverles cars can provide you with a way to get to things you need without worrying about crashing. My position on driverless cars is their a great invention and need for society. I say this because it will cause less accidents from people trying to reach in the backseat to grab something they want.''Google cars have driven a million miles without a crash. Have you ever dosed off while driving the smart car will allow you to catch a few z's and will alert you when something goes wrong on the road.''Google cars alert you when pulling in and out of driveways,navigating through roadwork,and dealing with road accidents. With the driverless car this will allow people to be more rested but still be alert when necassery. Have you ever texted while driving or thought about texting while driving? Having a driverless car wil allow you to be hands free while in open road which will allow you to do the things you need to do.''In car system is actually a safety feature,and safety is a big concern. For my conclusion I say you should pick up a driverless car because it can allow more things to be took care of. Also it would prevent texting and driving due to the in car sysem which displays things you need or messages you want to see.
First off I want to let you know that Electoral College is a process and not a place. It was established by the founding fathers. Process consists of the selection of the electors, the metings of the electors where they vote for president and Vice President. The electoral college consists of 538 electors and the majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. The amount of members in its congressional delegation, "one for each member in the House of Representatives plus two of your Senators". The candidate that's running for president in your state has it's own group of electors. They're generally chosen by the candidate's political party but that state law varys on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are. One of the best things about the Electoral College is that it's widely regarded as an anachronism and a non-democratic method of the selecting of a president that ought to be overruled by declaring the candidate who receives the most popular votes wins. it also requires a president candidate to have transregional appeal. Always remember "voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a political preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election.
Do aliens live on Mars? Some people belive that the face found on Mars was created by aliens. This information is unaccurate. The face on Mars was not created by aliens, it is actually a natural landform. The Face of Mars is a natural landform which can be proven by research conducted by NASA. NASA claims that the face seen by the Viking 1 photo in 1976 is mearly a natural landform. This can be proven by information found on April 8, 2001 when Garvin's team captured an image at 1.56 meters, compared to the 43 meters per pixel in 1976. With this amount of precision, other things created by aliens would have been able to have been witnessed as well. NASA is also the most trusted and deserving space agency because of past information that is trusted by most of the world. NASA has also released a statement saying that the Martian butte or mesa are landforms common around the American West. Garvin says," It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho." In this article, there is evidence that proves that the Face on Mars is a natural landform. This information can be shown in paragraph 3 where it says," huge rock formation...which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." This information shows that NASA knows that this was made by shadows and not aliens. Also, in paragraph 11 where it states," As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger that the pixel size," he added. " So if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" This statement proves that since there was no other evidence pointing toward the fact of aliens creating this Face, there is only one explanation which is that the Face is a natural landform just as we have here on Earth. Furtermore, in paragraph 12, the author mentions that the the picture," is the Martian equvalent of a butte or mesa." Humans have buttes and mesa down on Earth which are natural landforms. This proves that the landforms there could have been created the same way on Mars as they were on Earth. In conclusion, the Face on Mars is actually just a natural landform that happened to have the perfect shadowing at the perfect time. The theory that aliens created this landform is outragous compared to the facts given by NASA to prove that this is a landform.
The artical called "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is about scintest wanting to know more abour the planet called venius. The artical gets in to facts and other things that talk abou not only venus but also space. They get in to detail ans tell the reader that some refurr to it as earths twin. This passages give us a little more in tell iabout space and more. Although the passage tralks about space the main purpose of the whole thing is to inform people about the intersting planet called venus. When reading more into the passege readers can find that it is giving us more information on space and on the planet venus. It tells readers about what the planet is made up of and how it is on the planet we know was venus. Some cool things that are mentioned are that on the planet there are erupting valcanoes as well as powerful earthquakes and very frequent lighting strikes. even though scinentists know how dangours the planet can be they still want to find out more about it. their drive to do is because they are fascinated by how venus might have been like earth at one point. Leading on from that topic it is belived that venus was covered with oceans and could have living creatures on it. The passege goes on and compairs many things that venus and earth have in commen. This is verey intersing because it is kind hard to belive that venus once had living things and was just like earth. it could be posible that at one point in was like that but because now its full of horried things like the valcanos and powerful earthquakes. It would be very fasanating to see if venus was at one point like earth but then again thats what they also say about mars . All in all the passege is a great and informtive read. It gives readers very good point on the topic of venus and space. The last couple of topics that it brings up is nasa sending a device to go up there and see whats going on. the artical ends with the drive to meet the challege presented by Venus. Not only because of the isight on the gain of the plant but because people need to know what is or what was once on there.
From reading the article, Driverless Cars Are Coming, it is a good idea to have driverless cars. They can really help with the world. It is a great idea to use these new cars because they use less fuel than today's cars, it allows betters response and control than a human, and if there is a problem the car can notify the driver. Everyday humans use up a lot of gas. The gas that is being use harms the earth and makes it dirty. Using the Driverless car would help the enviorment more in terms of keeping it a clean place to live. In the article it states," The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus." We can save more gas and the enviorment would be cleaner. Everyone wants to live in a clean and healthy enviorment so the driverless car would be a step in the right direction. It will also help with car accidents. Another way that the smart cars would help out is by causing less accidents. There are far too many car accidents in the world from people who either cannot drive or they dont push the brakes in time. The driverless car controls that. In the article the authors says,"The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine,allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone." If the driverless car could respond faster than a person than we should have the driverless cars. It would cause less accidents and more people would survive. The driver would still be in control of the car though. Lastly, another reason there should be driverless cars is beacuse even if some of the stuff cannot be done by the car, the person driving it can do something too. For example lets saythe driver is driving in a work or school zone and they have to slow down, they can do that without the car doing it. In the article it says,"They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills,such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." The driver would not have to let the car do all the work. In some cases the driver is going to have to do something and actually drive. The articles says that the car can run 90% on its own. Therefore the other 10% is the driver. The driver is going to have to stay alert and be ready when problems arise. The driverless car is a fantastic idea and invention to have. The world needs more cars like them so that the world could be a better and more safe place to drive. Having a driverless car that can use less gas, have better response and control,and notify the driver in case of an emergency is a great car to have. The world could do a lot by having it.
Some people complain that by not having a car they aren't allowed to complete certain tasks or it limits their chances for actually "doing better" in life. If only those people knew how bad having a car could be sometimes. I myself is a person without a car, and I already am stressed out. When having a car you have to deal with the constant prices of gas, the troubles of if your car breaks down or not, and being a relaible taxi as they like to call it for those people who are car-free. I do believe there should be some car limitations enorced. You just read that last sentences of that paragraph and probably thought man this girl is crazy, but no I'm serious. There are actually a great amount of advantages for limitations on car usage. For example the constant worrying about gas. How much is it going to cost? Can I afford it this week? Will I make it to work with only half a tank? as stated here "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way", said Heidrun Walter from In German Suburb, Lies Goes Without Cars . Think about it this way a giant weight has just been lifted off your shoulders. Being without a car isn't as bad as it may seem. There's no more having to deposit your life savings when your car breaks down or better yet having to constantly think about that nasty smog that comes out of the back muffler when you need a tune-up.  
You should really join the Seagoing Cowboys progrom it will alow u to experience alot of things that you never did or been.You van experience that when you are in Seagoing Cowboys program u going to be going on alot a boat trips. Also u are going to be having a lot of fun with the others playing alot of fun games and sports while u on board.You not always going to working but when there nothing to do the Seasgoing Cowboys find ways to have fun.Also you are going to help other all around the world. If you are in the Seagoing Cowboys Program you will be more aware of people of other countries and their needs.While you're in the Seagoing Cowboys Program you are going to be the most brave and helpful people around the world.Aslo , when you are in the program sometimes you will have to be served as night watchman.But being a watch man on a rainy day is very harmful. You have to be very careful going down the ladder. It is a very important job of being in the Seagoing Cowboys Program. You will have to help countries and people all the time.
Luke is trying to get other people/friends to join the Seagoing Cowboys program. He asks his brother John to join. "It's a lot of fun," I said. "You get to explore and go around the world to see places that you've never seen before. The best part is that you get to go and help others who don't have a lot of supplies." "I don't know." says John quietly. "I just don't want to be away from home, and something bad could happen to Mom and Dad. I'm just not sure about this one," says John. "You're right," I said. "You're just not willing enough to help others in need. Who am I kidding. You would never want to actually go exploring with your brother. You would never want to leave your job for awhile. You juat can't handle it." "Hey, who said that I couldn't handle it? I just don't want something bad to happen while I'm gone. You never know what could happen. Mom and Dad are getting older you know. They don't know what's best for themselves." "Hey Luke, John,"says Mom. "Why are you kids fighting? You could have just asked me what you wanted, instead of fighting all the time." "It's nothing, Mom." says John. "We can handle this one." "Come on, John. Just tell me. I can give you an answer." John is silent. "Ok fine." He says quietly. "You know that Seagoing Cowboys program Luke goes to?" "Ya I've heard of that wonderful program," replies Mom. "Well, Luke wants me to go with him on his next trip. I'm just not ready to leave you guys yet. You will need help around the house, and you'll probably miss me." "John, your 18. You can leave your dad and I, I promise you that we will be okay. We have eachother, and we have our wonderful neighbors to help us with any task." Replies Mom. "I told John that it is a trip of a lifetime," I exclaimed. You will never forget the moments that we have together. If you come with me, it will make me feel stronger. I'll have you by my side the whole time. We can help others in need together. John, just please agree and come join me for this one. We will never forget the experience." "Well, I suppose so." said John, trying to hide his grin. Mom clapped her hands together. "I've never seen you two actually come to an agreement. I'm very proud of you John, and I'm also very proud of you too, Luke." "Thanks Mom," We said in unison. We both gave her a big hug. "I'm going to miss you Mom," said John. "I'm going to miss you more!" said Mom in reply.
Of course, many people from all over the world are using cars for everywhere they go, however Elisabeth Rosenthal, Robert Duffer, and Andrew Selsky agree that the reduction of the usage of cars will benifit us an abundant amount. Therefore, if we all used our cars less, it will benifit our health, benifit our financial problems, and benifit our environment. Duffer and Rosenthal tells us about how using less cars will benifit our health. It would make us healthier by cleaning the up the pollution and smog in the air. "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog.." (14) This is saying that people in France were becoming significantly healthier in just 5 days without the use of cars. Not only only does it make you less sick, but it reduces stress. It reduces stress because you dont have to worry about maintaining a car. "When i had a care i was always tense. im much happier this way" (3) This is saying that its less stressful not having car, and makes people happier. Health is a primary factor in our lifes and taking cars away puts us in a better position. Rosenthal and Selsky tell us about how using less cars will benifit our financial problems. It would make us more money because they are not spending so much on gas, and components to keep the car in condition to drive. "recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less, and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by" (29) This is saying that people are not on the road alot, and if people arent on the road alot, they are not spending money. Not only does it save money on cars, but it helps you use other ways to get to places that arent expensive. It isnt expensive because people can find alternatives that dont need gas, and so much maintance. "In a program that's set to spread to other countires, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday.." (20) This is saying that because they dont need to use cars and there are differerent routes to take, the need to spend money on transportation decreases. Money is important to gets the necessities we humans need, so saving is a big deal. Rosenthal and Selsky tells us about how using less cars will benifit our environment. It would better the environment because people will learn to communicate better. "Likewise the rise in cell phones and car-pooling apps has facilitated more flexible commuting arrangements, including the evolution of share can services for getting to work." (35) This is saying that people learn how to share and to help one another out. Not only does it help communication, but it also helps helps people get outside and be active. It helps people get active because is they dont have cars, they have to keep themselves occupied or if they want to get to places, they have to walk, bike, etc. "Parks and sports centers have also bloomed throughout the city: uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks.." (28) This is saying that that the city is working with the people to help make the environment a better place with no cars. The environment is an important factor as well because we have to take care of the place we live in. In conclusion, Rosenthal, Selsky, and Duffer have shown that the reduction of the usage of cars will help us tremendously, and that having a healthier life, a greater amount of money, and a better environment will change the world.            
Could the Face on Mars be made by aliens? Sorry to say but no the Face on Mars wasn't made by aliens. Back when it first was foundby NASA's Viking, in 1976, I bet a lot of people thought that it could be made be aliens. Since then, NASA has confurmed it as a natural landform. The picture from the Viking in 1976 was not clear and had 43 meters per pixal. Now in 2016 43 meters per pixal is like anchent to us. In 1998, NASA's Mars Global surveyor (MGS) took another photogragh of the Face. The picture was a little more clear but NASA still couldn't tell forsure that the Face was a natural landform. In 2001, NASA's MGS took another photogragh of the Face on Mars. The picture from 2001 as the most clear picture of the Face and the latest image of the Face. Each pixel in the 2001 photogragh spans 1.56 meters. That is much better quality then in 1976 with 43 meters per pixal. Since 1976 NASA has had two other oportunities to get a picture of the Face. NASA confurmed that the Face is a natural landform on the planet of Mars. The picture really shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. These landforms are common around the American West. The Face reminds Garvin of the " Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." The Face on Mars is not made by aliens. NASA has confurmed that the Face on Mars is a natural landform.
In todays society, technology is widely used and practiced just about everywhere. People are constantly creating and improving technology to make life go more smoothly and feel more luxurious for human kind. We now have machines that can easily make our food and drinks, we have automatic vaccumms and dishwashers. We have just about everything we need because of technology and soon we can even have driverless cars. But is that taking it over the line? Driverless cars have been a practiced idea dating all the way back to 2009. It wasn't that much of a topic then because it was again, just an idea that no one expected to go anywhere. Now, seven years later, the first driverless car will become available sometime this year. So what's so good about driverless cars? The first great thing about driverless cars is that theyre driverless. You wont need to go out of your way to drive youself somewhere if youre not up to it and you wont have to get rides from risky drivers. another important factor is that driverless cars use a lesser ammount of fuel than regular cars which means less money out of you pockets. the driverless cars can also drive you more than half a million miles. Also, it's supposed to be a lot safer than regular cars. But with positives comes negatives. I think the most important negative factor is that it runs on a computer like system. Computer systems arent the sturdiest and often break or go into over drive.This could cause your car to lose control. I think driverless cars is a very bad idea. Humans were made to rely on the planet, not machines and were already doing enough of that without driverless cars. There's too much of an unknown risk and driverless cars is just another excuse to become more lazy.